March 22, 2018 | Author: Wendy Battle | Category: Human Resource Management, Employment, Industrial Relations, Motivation, Self-Improvement



CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION During the 20 th century there has been a phenomenal increase in the number, size and complexity of business organization and the roll in the society. The scope of the business activity has considerably widened with rapid improvement in the means of transport and communication. The methods and technique of production and distribution have become highly sophisticated on account of advancement in science and technology. ll these changes have made business management and administration a systematically organized field of activity requiring s!ill and intelligent. "rganizations menace the harmonious ad#ustment of specialized part for the accomplishment of some common purpose or purposes. The purpose of organizing a business $s mainly to earn profit. %ith this and in view, various factors required by a manufacturing concern are men, machines, materials premises and capital. %hen men, material, capital are combined with business enterprises or organizational abi&lity we have business organization. "ne of the important activities is managing. 'ver since people began forming groups to accomplish aims, they could not achieve as individuals, managing has been essential to ensure the coordination of individual efforts. s society has come to rely increasingly on group have become large, the tas! of mangers has been rising in importance. (anagement is the process of designing and maintaining and environment in which individual wor!ing together in group, efficiently accomplish selected aims. (anagement process includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. The success of every organization depends upon the effective management system. (anagement is a human activity underta!en to organize direct and control the efforts of the entire person involved in the wor! of an enterprise. )etter (anagement decides who will survive in the industry. "ne of the most important industries in (alabar region is textile manufacture industry. %ayanad power loom handloom and multipurpose co*operative society is a modern textile pro#ect commissioned in (arch 200+. $t is a pro#ect established under T',-'D for the welfare and industrial development of the Tribal. %ayanad is the one of the most economically bac!ward districts in .erala. The society was founded as co*operative society and /egistered under the .erala co*operative society ct, +002. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1uman resources are considered as the most important resource in any organization because it can function only through people. The success of an organization depends upon the ability of its human resources. ccording to 2.- 3rwic!, 4business houses are made or bro!en in the long run not by mar!ets or capital, patents or equipments but men5. "f all the resources, human resources are the only resource which does not depreciate with the passage of time. $n the broad sense human resources can be defined as !nowledge, s!ills creative abilities, talents, aptitudes obtained in the population. s an organization, human resources are !nown as 1uman /esource (anagement. 1uman /esource (anagement involves planning, procurement, and development of human resources. $t is not merely acquiring labor, exploiting it to exhaustion and discarding it according to one6s convenience. 1uman /esource (anagement is concerned with the people6s dimension in organizations. n organization consists of number of personnel. 7ompetent personnel are to be appointed at right place at right time. Their activities are to be coordinated and properly rewarded. good congenial atmosphere is to be created to maintain sound industrial and human relations. The various functions of human resource management can be grouped into a8 'mployment functions9 which involves recruitment, selection, induction and placement, training, promotion and transfer6s8 'mployee remuneration9 which involve wage fixation and other monetary benefits. c8 1uman relation functions9 This involves development of employee morale and the maintenance of discipline and union management relations. d8 %elfare functions9 This includes welfare activities and employee services. $n this present study, $ made an effort to analyse the performance of %:;D 1;D2""( <"%'/2""( ;D (32T$<3/<"=' $;D3=T/$2 7"* "<'/T$>' ="7$'T: 2td with special reference to the Human Resource Management. This study aims at generating the findings and suggestions to improve the efficiency of the organization. 2. STATEMENT OF PROBEM 1uman resource is the one and only living factor in the factors of production. =o it is necessary to ta!e care of while dealing with this factor of production. -or the smooth running of an organization the careful handing of human resource is necessary. -or this, a harmonious environment is important one. The present study aims at exploring the various aspects relating the the 1uman resource (anagement in %ayanad 1andloom <owerloom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td. !. IMPORTANCE OF STUD" 1uman resources are the integral part of every organization. The success of an organization depends upon the efficiency of the organizational structure. 'very industrial or commercial organization comes into existence when number of person6s #oint hands. This entire people wor! to achieve some organizational goals. The activities of various $ndividuals will be synchronized. $f somebody is there to underta!e this wor! management of every enterprise ta!es up the responsibility of assigning, supervising and controlling the activities of persons wor!ing there (anagement brings human and material resources together for attaining organizational goals. <roper human resource management will enhance efficiency and performance of people at wor!. The practice of 1/( must be viewed through the prism of overall strategic goals for the organization instead of a stand one tint that ta!es a unit based or a micro approach. The idea here is to adopt a holistic perspective towards 1/( that ensures that there are no piecemeal strategies and the 1/( policy enmeshes itself fully with those of the organizational goals. -or instance, if the training needs of the employees are simply met with perfunctory trainings on omnibus topics, the firm stands to lose not only from the time that the employees spend in training but also a loss of direction. 1ence, the organization that ta!es its 1/( policies seriously will ensure that training is based on focused and topical methods. The human resource management covers a wide range of activities. ll ma#or activities in the life of an employee right from the time of his appointment into an organization until he leaves come under the scope of a human resource management. This study is important because human resources are the integral part of every organization. The garment sector has emerged as the most globalize sector in the world today. This sector alone has about ?.@ million wor!ers. %ayanad 1andloom <owerloom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td ma!e some employment opportunities in %ayand District. $ prefer %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td is one and only textile manufacturing industry in the (alabar region.This study throw 2ight on the human resource management in the organization.The study is an evaluation of employee* employer relationship prevailing in the %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td. s a living factor, it is necessary to give more attention on this factor of production. This study diagnoses the wor! environment so as to ensure good environment for the wor!er. #. OB$ECTI%ES OF THE STUD" The main purpose of the present study is to ma!e a detailed analysis about the human /esource management in %ayanad 1andloom <owerloom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td, with the following sub ob#ectives. • To !now about the 'mployer*employee relationship in the organization. • To !now about employees satisfaction. • To !now about the quality of wor! life. • To !now about the incentive system prevailing in the organization. &. SCOPE OF THE STUD" The scope of this study is limited to %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td, Trissileri. This study aims to achieve accurate !nowledge about functions of the organization in respect of 1uman resource (anagement and offers an opportunity for an acquaintance with field of study. The duration of the study starting is from 20* +*20+? to 20*2*20+?. '. METHODOOG" To achieve the stated ob#ectives, %ayanad 1andloom <owerloom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td have been selected for a case study. To ma!e the study more realistic and to bring about the correct picture of %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o* operative =ociety 2td, several rounds of discussions were categories of employees such as manager, supervisors and wor!ers. =ome in formations are also collected from official records. ( TOOS OF ANA"SIS The collected data are tabulated for better comprehension. -or the purpose of analysis tables and graphs were used. ) IMITATIONS OF THE STUD" There are some limitations for the study. The main limitation is the study could be conducted only in the day wor!ing hours. =o the wor!ing condition to the employees during the evening and night shifts could not be understood. bsence of other company in the (alabar area made difficult to compare this factory with other paper industry also the company did not reveal some official reports and documents as it is !ept confidential. The time available for the study is limited is another limitation. *. PRESENTATION OF THE STUD" 7hapter $ A $ntroduction 7hapter $$ A Textile $ndustry in $ndia. 7hapter $$$ A n over view of. %:;D 1;D2""( <"%'/2""( ;D (32T$<3/<"=' $;D3=T/$2 7"* "<'/T$>' ="7$'T: 2td 7hapter $> A 1uman /esource (anagement $n %:;D 1;D2""( <"%'/2""( ;D (32T$<3/<"=' $;D3=T/$2 7"* "<'/T$>' ="7$'T: 2td 7hapter >* -inding and =uggestions. CHAPTER 2 AN O%ER %IE+ OF +A"ANAD HANDOOM PO+EROOM AND MUTIPURPOSE INDUSTRIA CO, OPERATI%E SOCIET" t- In-.a/s 0or1- o2 Han-1oom The 1andloom industry mainly exports fabrics, bed linen, table linen, toilet and !itchen linen, towels, curtains, cushions and pads, tapestries and upholstery6s and upholstery6s carpets and floor coverings etc. The handloom industry was adopted various measures and techniques to provide high quality eco*triendly products to the world mar!et. $n the world of handloom there are madras chec!s from Tamil ;adu, + /uts from ndra and "rissa, lie and dye from Bu#arat and /a#astan brocades from )onaral Daccai from west )engal and phal!ari from <un#ab. $n the department of wooden textiles, wooden weavers are so less subtle. The .ashmiri weaver us !nown the world over for his pashmina and shabtoosh shawls. The shawls are unbelievably light and warm. Garment sector The Barment sector has emerged as the most globalize sector in the world today. This sector alone employees about ?.@ million wor!ers. large segment of the garment sector comprises of a vast domestic mar!et while another significant segment caters to the export are in Tirupur, Delhi and (umbai. ccording to the ministry of commerce C+D of the total textile exports in 2000 A 200+ was from the garment sector alone, ;early &0D of $ndian clothing exports go to the 3= and the '.u all are they face quota restrictions. part from agriculture and patents, textiles and clothing in particular are the mar!et demands on the stage of world politics. The struggle on these two sectors continued through out the arguably round for eight year. Textiles and clothing still remain as the most continuous issues. The exports in $ndia is a trend the started in the +0E06s with some established =oviet 3nion. One page more CHAPTER 3 AN O%ER %IE+ OF +A"ANAD HANDOOM PO+EROOM AND MUTIPURPOSE INDUSTRIA CO, OPERATI%E SOCIET" t- %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom F (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o* "perative =ociety 2td. %as established on +E.0C .+000 promoted by government of .erala. The .erala =tate 7o*"perative Textile federation 2td GT',-'D8 is authorized to implement the pro#ect through %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom F (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o* "perative =ociety 2td. T',-'D is an implementing agency as government released funds to the company through T',-'D. The main production of power loom is cotton cloth. 3nder T',-'D four weaving $ndustries were established though out the state the following centers. • .ottayam • ;eduvannur, 7alicut • ;eyyattin!ara • Trissilery, %ayanad. The above mentioned society Thrissilery was $naugurated by the former minister of $ndustries =mt. =usheela Bopalan. Though it is established on +E th may +000, $t stared its functions only on ? rd (arch 200+. OCATION This $ndustry located at Thrissilery a village of (ananthavady in .erala. This industry could attain its ob#ectives easily through the selection of the location in this area i.e., mainly large number of unwed mothers of =7H=T are living in this district for this reason government of .erala selected this location for this pro#ect. PANT A"OUT Braphic representation of <lant 2ayout FACTOR" HANDOOM I B R A R " M E D I C A C A N T E E N R E S I D E N T I A B O C 3 H O U S E C O M E + O R 3 S H O P Mac4.ner5 -our types of machineries are installed in the plant. They are as follows +. 1an! to cone winding 2. 7one to pan winding ?. %arping machine FACTOR" PO+EROOM TRAINING CENTER ADMINISTRATI%E BOC3 STORE CONSUME R STORE D"ING UNIT MANANTHAVADY-ANAPPARA ROAD I. %eaving machine. The society owns land of +0 acres. The main building for power loom and women service centers is located at ? acres of land. The house cum wor! shed of handloom units and residential house constructed for rehabilitation of the tribal6s families are located at E.C acres of developed land. ORGANISATION STRUCTURE Organ.6at.ona1 H.erarc45 "rganizational means formal structure of the organization in which different persons are placed or postal according to their authority and /esponsibility. The following chart shows the organizational hierarchy of the company. Boar- o2 D.rectors Pres.-ent Secretar5 Accountant C1er7 C1er7 +or7ers %ayanad 1andloom, <ower loom and (ultipurpose $ndustrial co*operative society controlled by the )oard of Directors. $t includes ++ members. They areJ +. nominated members by %ayanad District <anchayath 2. member ;ominated by the government from =7H=T Bovernment agency. ?. 7hairman or managing director by .erala =tate 7o*operative Textile federation 2td. /ather than I members there are other E members also there from this board. "ne president and vice president should be elected. The Direction of this elected person in ? years. The )oard of Directors should conduct a meeting at least once in month. $f the board conducted the meeting more than 20 times there is no sitting fees for the additional days. The president is the absence of these board meeting. $n the absence of these 2 persons, the other members should elect a chairman for the meeting. The quorum of the meeting is E. Pro-uct.on Manager Su8er9.sor +or7ers Manager Ass.stant Manager F.e1- O22.cers HRM Manager Su8er9.sors +or7ers CHAPTER # HRM IN +A"ANAD HANDOOM PO+EROOM AND MU TIPURPOSE INDUSTRIA CO, OPERATI%E SOCIET" t-. INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 'very industrial or commercial organization comes in to existence when a number of people #oin hands. This entire people wor! to achieve some organizational goals. The activities of various individuals will be synchronized. $f somebody is there to underta!e this wor! management of every enterprise ta!es up responsibility of assigning, supervising and controlling the activities of persons wor!ing there. (anagement brings human and material resources together for attaining organizational goals. <roper human resource management will enhance efficiency and performance of people at wor!. 1uman resources are undoubtedly the !ey resources in an organization, the easiest and the most difficult to manageK The ob#ectives of the 1/( span right from the manpower needs assessment to management and retention of the same. To this effect 1uman resource management is responsible for effective designing and implementation of various policies, procedures and programs. $t is all about developing and managing !nowledge, s!ills, creativity, aptitude and talent and using them optimally. 1uman /esource (anagement is not #ust limited to manage and optimally exploit human intellect. $t also focuses on managing physical and emotional capital of employees. 7onsidering the intricacies involved, the scope of 1/( is widening with every passing day. $t covers but is not limited to 1/ planning, hiring Grecruitment and selection8, training and development, payroll management, rewards and recognitions, $ndustrial relations, grievance handling, legal procedures etc. in other words, we can say that it6s about developing and managing harmonious relationships at wor!place and stri!ing a balance between organizational goals and individual goals. The scope of 1/( is extensive and far*reaching. Therefore, it is very difficult to define it concisely. 1owever, we may classify the same under following heads. • HRM .n Personne1 Management: This is typically direct manpower management that involves manpower planning, hiring Grecruitment and selection8, training and development, induction and orientation, transfer, promotion, compensation, layoff and retrenchment, employee productivity. The overall ob#ective here is to ascertain individual growth, development and effectiveness which indirectly contribute to organizational development. $t also includes performance appraisal, developing new s!ills, disbursement of wages, incentives, and allowances, travelling policies and procedures and other related courses of action. • HRM .n Em81o5ee +e12are: This particular aspect of 1/( deals with wor!ing conditions and amenities at wor!place. This includes a wide array of responsibilities and services such as safety services, health services, welfare funds, social security and medical services. $t also covers appointment of safety officers, ma!ing the environment worth wor!ing, eliminating wor!place hazards, support by top management, #ob safety, safeguarding machinery, cleanliness, proper ventilation and lighting, sanitation, medical care, sic!ness benefits, employment in#ury benefits, personal in#ury benefits, maternity benefits, unemployment benefits and family benefits. $t also relates to supervision, employee counseling, establishing harmonious relationship with employees, education and training. 'mployee welfare is about determining employees6 real needs and fulfilling them with active participation of both management and employees. $n addition to this, it also ta!es care of canteen facilities, crLches, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation facilities, etc. • HRM .n In-ustr.a1 Re1at.ons: =ince it is a highly sensitive area, it needs careful interactions with labor or employee unions, addressing their grievances and settling the disputes effectively in order to maintain peace and harmony in the organization. $ is the art and science of understanding the employment Gunion*management8 relations, #oint consultation, disciplinary procedures, solving problems with mutual efforts, understanding human behavior and maintaining wor! relations, collective bargaining and settlement of disputes. The main aim is to safeguarding the interest of employees by securing the highest level of understanding to the extent that does not leave a negative impact on organization. $t is about establishing, growing and promoting industrial democracy to safeguard the interests of both employees and management. 1uman /esource (anagement is concerned with the 4people5 dimension in management. =ince every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their s!ills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational ob#ectives. This is true regardless of the type of the type of organization* government, business, education, health, recreation, or social action. Betting and !eeping good people is critical to the success of every organization, whether profit or non*profit, public or private. Those organization that are able to acquire, develop, stimulate, and !eeping outstanding wor!ers will be both effective and efficient. Those organizations that are ineffective or inefficient ris! the hazards of stagnating or going out of business. =urvival of an organization requires competent managers and wor!ers coordinating their efforts towards an ultimate goal. %hile successful coordination cannot guarantee success, organizations that are unsuccessful in getting such coordination from managers and wor!ers will ultimately failKK To loo! 1/( more specifically, we suggest that it is a process consisting of four functions*acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance*of human resources. The acquisition function begins with planning. /elative to human resource requirements, we need to !now where we are going and how we are going to get there. This includes the estimating of demands and a supply of labor. cquisition also includes the recruitment, selection, and socialization of employees. The development function can be viewed along three dimensions. The first is employee training, which emphasizes s!ill development and the changing of attitudes among wor!ers. The second is management development, which concerns itself primarily with !nowledge acquisition and the enhancement of executive6s conceptual s!ills. The third is career development, which is the continual effort to match long*term individual and organizational needs. The motivation function begins with the recognition that individuals are unique and that motivation techniques must reflect the needs the needs of each individuals. %ithin the motivation function, alienation, #ob satisfaction, performance appraisal, behavioral and structural techniques for stimulating wor!er performance, the importance of lin!ing rewards to performance, compensation and benefits administration, and how to handle problem employees are reviewed. The final function is maintenance. $n contrast to the motivation function, which attempts to stimulate the performance and (aintenance function is concerned with providing those wor!ing conditions that employees believe are necessary in order to maintain their commitment to the organization. %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom nd (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td is recruiting s!illed and experienced wor!ers from various part of the country. =!illed labor is an asset for the company. -or smooth functioning of production s!illed and uns!illed wor!ers are needed. 1ere uns!illed wor!ers are mainly appointed on a daily wage basis. fter recruiting the employees the company provides training to the employees. The quality of the wor!ers increases the quality of the product and increases production. ;ow almost all the companies considering that training is an investment. During the training period employees will be familiar with the machines and its operations. =o that production will go smoothly. -or motivating the employees company prepare plans and policies. The following is the hierarchical structure of 1/( Department in %ayanad 1andloom <owerloom nd (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td. STRUCTURE OF HRM 1/ (;B'/ =3<'/>$="/= %"/.'/= TABE ;. SHO+ING NUMBER OF EMPO"EES IN +A"ANAD HANDOOM PO+EROOM AND MUTIPURPOSE INDUSTRIA CO, OPERATI%E SOCIET" t- 7TB"/: (2' -'(2' T"T2 "--$7' C * C 1;D 2""( +0 @ 2C <"%'/ 2""( 20 +0 ?0 T"T2 @0 Wage Policies The term wage and salary are synonymous. Though wage is usually associated with blue collar and daily rate wor!ers, where as salary is associated with remuneration given to the white collar and permanent staff. Benerally monthly remuneration is given to the permanent staff as salary. $n this company there are wage people and salaried people. =ome are daily wor!er. =ome fixed wages are paid to them, =upervisors are getting monthly salary. The company is wor!ing in its initial stage so that they can adopt better promotional policies and programmers regarding the wor!ers. The company is followed the wage system. $t means the wages are provided to employees on the basis of time spend by them in the company premises. The company uses the electronic punching system for time !eeping. lthough the company fixed the minimum wages which is amounted to /s.+@0. "ver wage paid to a wor!er who produces more than E pieces get /s ?0 per piece additional produced. 'fficient wor!ers who are treated with incentives in the form of additional wage. %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom nd (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td follows the following procedures for the appointment of wor!ers in the factory. Recru.tment %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom nd (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td searches various employees to its wor! or administrative level from %ayanad and other Districts through various modes. They are9  ;ews paper advertisement  %ee!ly advertisement  Through existing employees  -rom other reputed companies  /elatives of existing wor!ers Se1ect.on >arious steps in selection are as follows. Receipt and scrutiny of application: The first step in selection process is receiving the application. (inimum qualification for applying the #ob is = = 2 7. The receipt of the application follows scrutiny. Tests: $t is the next step of selection procedure. Test measure emotional maturity, sentiments, conflicts, ascendancy, sociability, ob#ectivity etc of a candidate. Intervie: The most delicate aspect of the selection procedure is interview. The employment interview is for the purpose of determining the suitability of the applicant for the #ob of the applicant. The people who have passed the interview will be selected. Place!ent and orientation: The last step in the selection procedure is placement. <lacement has been defined as the determination of the #ob to which an accepted candidate is to be assigned and his assignment to that #ob. fter selecting an employee, the most important and established part of the personnel programme is to impart training to the new comer. $n %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom nd (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety, the employees are trained for two months without any deduction in basic wages. "n the #ob training method is followed by company that means the wor!ers are imparted training at the actual wor! place by the specified supervision. Promot.on <romotion provides motivation and #ob satisfaction to all personnel. The company has a sound promotion policy. The company is granting the promotion on the basis of experience and educational qualification. A!enities and "enefit sc#e!e provided "y t#e fir! The company provides following amenities and benefits to its employees. Bonus, bonus is given to each employee twice in a year on the basis of basic wages. ea9e 0.t4 0ages: %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom nd (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td provides a total of +? days public holidays. <lus =unday in an year. 7ompany also allow sic! leave to wor!ers for sufficient period. Em81o5ee 8ro9.-ent 2un-: =ec.C 'mployee <- and (iscellaneous ct, +0C2 empowers the 7entral Bovernment of <- under the ct for employees or any class of employees. %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom nd (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td created <- for the employees. 'mployees, contribution for the <- is +2D of basic wages and employer6s contribution is +2D from the +2D, ?.@@ go to employees state insurance fund. F.rst a.-: The 7ompany maintaining a first aid box which contains first aid box which contains first aid medicine. The first aid facility is provided to each and every section. Ot4er <ene2.ts: The 7ompany provides medical allowances, loans etc to the wor!ers. Records !aintenance in t#e personnel depart!ent • %ages register • (uster roll • )onus register • 1oliday register $OB SATISFACTION Mob =atisfaction describes how content an individual is with his Hher #ob. Mob satisfaction is essential component of organizational health. The level of #ob satisfaction seems to have some relation with various aspects of wor! behavior such as accidents, absenteeism, turnover and productivity. =everal studies have revealed varying degree of relationship between #ob satisfaction and these factors of wor! behavior. The happier people are within their #ob, the more satisfied they are said to be. Mob satisfaction is not the same as motivation or aptitude, although it is clearly lin!ed. Mob design aims to enhance #ob satisfaction and performanceJ methods include #ob rotation, #ob enlargement, #ob enrichment and #ob re*engineering. "ther influence on satisfaction is very important attribute which is frequently measured by organization. The most common way of measurement is the use rating scales where employees report their #obs. The following tables and graphs shows the #ob satisfaction level of employees in the organization. INDUSTRIA REATIONS The expression $ndustrial /elation is used to express the nature of relationship between the employer and employee in an industry on an organization, where willing co* operation emanates from employees towards the achievement of organizational goals, there is said to be good $ndustrial /elations. THE CONCEPT OF INDUSTRIA REATIONS The concept of $ndustrial /elations has generally developed as a consequence of $ndustrial /evolution. <rior to this the master and servant relationship which existed was simple and of personal nature, with acceleration is industrialization, the relations aspect become complex and impersonal. Traditionally, the role of $ndustrial /elation G$/8 was reacti0ve and has been created as a fire*fighting function and $/ personnel used to come into action when crisis erupted. This has been so much in practice that $/ personnel are re* enforce their own relevance in the organization.5 The managing direction of large corporation remar!ing that this personnel manager was so much of fire fighter that he felt uneasy when there was no fight5. $n today contest the $/ strategy was become more proactive. The concept that have become the source of $/ strategy formulation are productivity, competitiveness, #ob hopping, downsizing, union free organization etc. for progressive organizations. DEFINITIONS 'ncyclopedia )ritannica has defined $/ as follows9* 4the concept of industrial relation has been extended to denote the relations of the state with employees, wor!ers and their organizations. The sub#ect, there for, includes industrial relation and #oint consultation between employers and wor!ers at their places of wor!. 7ollective relations between employers and trade union and the part played by the state in regulating these relations5. rmstrong has defined $/ more elaborately as follows9* 4$ndustrial relations is concerned with the systems and procedures used by the union and employers to determine the reward for effort and other conditions of employment, to protect the interests of the employed and their employees, and to regulate the ways in which the employers treat their employees.5 OB$ECTI%ES OF INDUSTRIA REATIONS The need for employee*employer relations, particularly operative and management arises because of the following reasons. • Traditionally, labor and management have perceived that their interests in the organization differ and these interests are mutually exclusive. • There are no mutually agreed yardstic!s to measure how far the interest of both these group are being met by the organization. • Therefore, both the groups claim, rationality in putting forward their demands for meeting out their ob#ectives. • %hen both the group meet to settle their difference over some issues affecting their interests, they bring with them some carryovers from the past beside their mistrusts and suspicious for each other. $n the light of the above, we find that some !ind of system must be developed to bring harmoniums relationship between the employers and employees. 1owever many times such an attempt may not adequate. Therefore the organization is required to develop an effective $/ system for bringing harmonious relationship between operative and management. $n particular, good $/ systems help in achieving the following ob#ectives9 • 'stablish harmonious relationship between operative and management by providing • =afeguard to their respective interests and developing underta!ing and goodwill between them. • To avoid industrial conflicts and to develop mutuality among the interest of these parties. • To raise productivity in the organization and to curb the employee turnover and absenteeism. • To avoid Bovernment interference in the wor!ing of the relationship between employees and employers as the state empowered to intervene in the wor!ing of any organization of the between the employees and management goes out of proportion. $n conclusion, the practice of 1/( needs to be integrated with the overall strategy to ensure effective use of people and provide better returns to the organizations in terms of /"$ G/eturn on $nvestment8 for every rupee or dollar spent on them. 3nless the 1/( practice is designed in this way, the firms stand to lose from not utilizing people fully. nd this does not bode well for the success of the organization. S+OT ANA"SIS =%"T is an acronym for the internal strength and wea!ness of the firm and the environment opportunities and treads facing that firm. =%"T analysis is a daily used technique through which managers create a quic! overview of a company6s strength situation. $t is based on the assumption that an effective strategy derives from a sound fit between a firm6s internal resources Gstrength F wea!ness8 and its external situation. G"pportunities F threat8. good fit maximize a firm6s strength and opportunities and minimize its wea!ness and threads. =trength are internal competent of a firm, particularly in comparison with that of its competitor. =trengths may encompass the company image, brand image, business synergies and functional areas such as mar!eting finance, personnel production and /FD. %ea!nesses are those factors which tend to decrease the competencies of the firm, particularly in comparison with its competitors. =uch wea!ness may includes poor product quality, obsolete techno ledge, high production cost, lac! of /FD, bac! up, poor distribution infrastructure, poor financial position , wea! management etc. %ea!ness is a limitation or efficiency in one or more resource or competencies related to competitors that ensure the effective performance of the firm. n opportunity is a ma#or favorable situation in firm6s environment. .ey trends are one source of opportunity identifiable of a previously overloo!ed mar!et segment changes in competitors or regulatory circumstances, technological changes, and improved buyer or supplier relationships could represent opportunity for the firm. Threat is a ma#or unfavorable situation in a firm environment. Treats are !ey impediments to the firms current or desired position, the entrance of new competitors, slow mar!et growth, increased bargain power of !ey buyers or suppliers technological changes and new revised regulations could represent threats to a firms success. 3nderstanding the !ey opportunities and threats facing firms helps its managers identify realistic options from which to choose an appropriate strategy and clarifies the more effective rich for the firm. The second fundamental focuses in =%"T analysis is the identification of internal standard and wea!nesses. %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td has some strength, wea!ness, opportunities and threats. STRENGTHS  /ight products quality and reliability  =uperior product performance vHs competitors  'xperienced and s!illed staff.  1ave customer list  Direct delivery capacity  (anagement is committed and confident +EA3NESS  The company is a small player  ;on availability of raw material  2imited budget  ;ew wor!ers need training  (achine brea! down  ;o reorganized trade unions OPPORTUNITIES  There is no local competitors  7ould extend to other places  7ould see! better supplier deal THREATS  2egislation could impact  'nvironmental problem could arise  1igh transportation cost -rom the above lists it is clear that the %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td have more opportunity and strengths, threats, and wea!nesses. The company is in growing stage. $f the company is utilizing the opportunities it can reduce wea!ness and threats. FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS FINDINGS This study aims at evaluation of employee*employer relationship prevailing in the %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td. s a living factor, it is necessary to give more attention on this factor of production. This study diagnoses the wor! environment so as to ensure good environment for the wor!er. The main purpose of the present study is to ma!e a detailed study about the human /esource management in %ayanad 1andloom <ower loom (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td, with the sub ob#ectives such as, !nowing about the employer employee relationship prevailing in the organization, employee6s satisfaction, the quality of wor! life and !nowing about the incentive system existing in the organization. The following are the findings of the study. %ayanad 1andloom <owerloom (ultipurpose $ndustrial 7o*operative =ociety 2td is the one and only Textile factory in the (alabar area which produce different types of textile items bedsheet, lun!y, shirt, carpet, etc. BIBOGRAPH" +. Tony =adler, N1uman /esource (anagement6 2. Dr. Bupta 7.), N1uman /esource (anagement6, =ultan 7hand and educational publishers ;ew Delhi 200C. ?. 2.( <rasad, N1uman /esource (anagement6, =ultan 7hand and educational publishers ;ew Delhi 200?. I. swathappa.., N1uman /esource and (anagement6, Tata (cBraw*1ill <ublishing 7ompany 2td, ;ew Delhi 200C. C. Mane %eightman, N(anaging 1uman /esources6 Maco <ublishing 1ouse )ombay. @. www.textile E. . >inod and Dr .. >engopoalan, , 4(anagement <rinciples5, <ublisher*7alicut 3nivercity <... 2azer, 4)usiness =tudies5, 'xcel <ublishers %eihrich, Bannice and .ootz, 4(anagement* Blobel and 'nterpreneurial <respective5 Dr. . >enugopal, F bdul ssis .oroth, 41umen /esource (anagement5, <ublisher* 7alicut univercity APPENDI= O3'=T$";;$/' +. ;ame9 2. ge9 ?. =ex9 male female I. (arital status 9 married unmarried C. 'ducational qualification9 post graduate Braduate diploma ==27 others @. =ervice 9 below C years +0 year +0*+C year +C year and above E. /emuneration per month9 below C000 C000*+0000 above +0000 &. Designation 0. <hysical wor! environment9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied +0./ecreation and refreshment facility9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied ++. =ecurity and safety much satisfied9 satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied +2.%ages and incentives9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied +?.2eisure hours9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much satisfied +I.%or!ing hours9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much satisfied +C.7asualH medical leaves available9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much satisfied [email protected] and ventilation facility9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much satisfied +E.7anteen facility9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much satisfied +&. /elationship with supervisors and management9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied +0./elationship with colleagues9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied 20.7hanges for free expression of feelings9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied 2+.<sychological satisfaction9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied 22.Training and development programmes9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied 2?."pportunity for personal development9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied 2I.=timulation of creative thin!ing9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much satisfied 2C.<resent policies and practices9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied [email protected] of stereo type and favoritism9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied 2E.<articipative management9 excellent good average poor very poor 2&. 'mployee retention programs9 excellent good average poor very poor 20.Discovery of talent9 much satisfied satisfied average dissatisfied much dissatisfied ?0."rganizational development and cultural changes excellent good average poor very poor
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