Human Resource Management in Police: A Study of Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban

June 22, 2018 | Author: I. Commerce arts ... | Category: Documents




Vol 6 Issue 9 [Year 2015]

ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

Human Resource Management in Police: A Study of Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban Dr. Dharmendra Singh Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration, National College for Women, Machhiwara, Ludhiana, Punjab. Abstract The Human Resource Management is very important aspect of any organization. Specially, in governmental originations, which are responsible for serve or look after the society or common person. The police organization is one of them. The police is playing an important role to providing a peaceful and secure atmosphere in the society. For fulfillment of the objectives, the police organization is required good human resource management. Human resource management includes recruitment, selection, training, promotion, job analysis and job evaluation. The police organization imparted various types of training to their personnel for more effective and efficient working. The state government of Haryana is imparting training to their police officers. There are number of training centre in Haryana for police training. The Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban is an oldest police training centre of the state. This academy imparted training to all ranks of police personnel of the state, out of state and out of the country as well. The study has focused on trained police personnel below than non-gazetted rank of the state. So, in this study efforts have been made to examination the responses of the trained police personnel towards training facilities which are provided by the academy during the training. It is empirical study assisted by primary and secondary data. The statistical techniques are also used with the help of SPSS software to spot the findings of the study. Key words: Human, Resource, Management, training. The developing countries like India are becoming increasingly conscious of the need for an urgency of development human resources, especially police administration. Coping with changes in social conditions, raising crime, technical development and raising expectations of public as well as police personnel have necessitated increased emphasis on human resource development. India has had a long and generally successful history of anticipating its high level manpower needs. It will of course have to keep in view the continuing need for raising the quality of its high level manpower, better motivating and distribution them, and better matching men and job in the level occupations.1 Human resource management as a discipline is responsible for identifying, selecting, inducing the competent people, training them, facilitating and monitoring them to perform with high level of efficiency and thereby providing them a mechanism to ensure that they maintain a strong affiliation with their organization. All organizations, be they private or government 1

M.S. Parmar, Problems of Police Administration, Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi, 1992, Page no. 170- 199, ISBN 81-85047-111-1.

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Vol 6 Issue 9 [Year 2015]

ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

organizations are basically Social systems run by people having expertise in relevant fields. Thus, human resources constitute the entire work force of an organization. The functioning of an organization depends on how its employees work. 2 Human resource management is of utmost importance for Police as Police job can be dangerous, frustrating, even tedious, but law enforcement is a tremendously rewarding career. Police officers significantly improve the quality of life for the citizens of their communities by keeping the peace despite sometimes overwhelming odds. The police personnel, who are qualified, well trained, best motivated and led by competent superiors, always contribute towards the improvement in work culture.3 Before discuss about the Haryana police, there is need to focus on the objectives and methodology of the study. Objective of the Study: To assess the satisfaction level of the trained (Other Ranks) police personnel with the course and contents of training following by the Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban. Relevance of the Study: In this modern world, the police administration is facing various problems such as cyber crimes, traffic crimes, white collar crime, terrorism, protection of rights of minorities, SC/BC and senior citizen etc. These are some of major problems or challenge to the police. However, the police is trying to play their role successfully. For this purpose, the department of police or government provides training to the police personnel for improve their skills and capacity to protect above mentioned problems. The human resource management would help to increase the knowledge to understand and remove the challenges and problems from the society. Because, training and development is the part of human resource management under its sub area which is known as human resource development sub area. Now, it is necessary to induct new concepts into police training programs, to provide materials which may make police personnel aware of tremendous problems of the minorities and the underprivileged classes and the need to deal with them with an understanding of the factor which give rise to vital role in changing the personality of an individual according to the needs of organization under human resource management. Methodology This present study examines the satisfaction level of other rank’s police personnel (Constable and Head Constable) towards the course and contents of training of the Academy. There are many police training centre running by the State Government of Haryana. But the most important and old training centre is related in this paper i.e. the Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban. The present study has been based on both types of data i.e. secondary and primary data. The secondary data has been collected from books, magazines, journals, newspapers and the documents and records of Department of Police, Haryana, the Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban. The primary data has been collected by administering an interview schedule. The 2 3

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Vol 6 Issue 9 [Year 2015]

ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

sample for the study has been drawn through random sampling form the stratified universe of the sample strata being Other Ranks police trainees. The total one hundred eighty three respondents were included in the sample. The data is analyzed though the application of SSPS computer software with simple tabulation method. The collected data has been analyzed and interpreted with the help of chisquare. The satisfaction of the trained police personnel towards training course and contents have been tested with help of an interview schedule administered to the trained police personnel of Haryana police. The respondents were traced by getting the addresses and information from the Academy. It was a gigantic task as to trace them and meet them was a challenging task. The sample of 183 trained police officers was drawn from the state police. The detail of the sample size presented under the Table 1. Table No. 1: The Strength of the Respondents Sr. No.







Academic Qualification

Sub-variable 45 Constable Head Constable Under Graduate Graduate Post Graduate

4. Total Source: The data collected primary source.

Strength 095 060 028 142 041 109 064 010 183

Percentage 51.9 32.8 15.3 77.6 22.4 59.6 34.9 05.5 100.0

After the collection of the data it was found (As shown Table 1) that higher proportion (51.9 per cent) of the trained officials were below 30 years age followed by the respondents (32.8 per cent) of 30-45 years age group and above 45 years age group (15.3 per cent). The majority of the trained police officers were Constables (77.6 per cent) followed by Head Constables (22.4 per cent). Further, on the basis of qualification the majority of the respondents (59.6 per cent) under-graduates followed by graduates (34.9 per cent) and post graduate (05.5 per cent). There were total 183 respondents and their responses measures as per next tables. Assumptions and Delimitations for Analyzing the Primary Data Table 2: Proportion of Responses. Sr. No. Percentage Values 1. 00-09.99 Insignificant Proportion of Respondents 2. 10-19.99 Small Proportion of Respondents 3. 20-29.99 Marginal Proportion of Respondents 4. 30-39.99 Noticeable Proportion of Respondents 5. 40-49.99 Highly Noticeable Proportion of Respondents 6. 50-59.99 Majority of Respondents 7. 60-69.99 Fair Majority of Respondents 8. 70-79.99 High Majority of Respondents 9. 80-89.99 Significant Majority of Respondents 10. 90-99.99 Highly Significant Majority of Respondents 11. 100.00 Cent Per Cent Majority Source: The Assumptions considered while analyzing the primary data given in the Table.

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Vol 6 Issue 9 [Year 2015]

ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

Table 3: Assumptions of Chi-Square Test in the Present Study: 0.000 to 0.001 Highly Significant Above 0.002 up to 0.050 Significant Source: The assumptions considered while analyzing the primary data given in the table.

In this paper, the value of the percentages were used as per the table no. 2 and the table no. 3. Human resource management recognizes training as the main part of its own in the form of human resource development. Furthermore, in view of the fact that India is engaged in the task of brining about a basic transformation in its police administrative structure, police training assumes greatest purpose and urgency in maintaining law and order at the central as well as state level. This success is possible only when the police personnel enjoy a professional status not only according to the standards that the police organization lays down, but also in the estimation of the public or society. Therefore, training goes a long way in enhancing much-needed selfconfidence, working effectiveness, authority and respect of the police personnel at all levels i.e. top, middle, and lower. It becomes particularly vital when the police organization think about their future needs, as a paucity of way for growth and development of a police organization. In the present scenario, management of man being is a very challenging and important task for any organization either government or private. The main reason of the importance is, it is a job related to administering a social system, not only managing men in an organization. And it is very challenging because of the dynamic nature of the people. No two persons are similar in emotions or sentiments, mental abilities and behaviour. Every person feels, thinks, and acts differently and differ widely from each other, and are subject to many and varied influence. Therefore, they cannot be handled like a machine or altered and shifted like a template in a room layout. They, therefore, required a careful and tactful handling by management. The management can successfully manage and properly utilize the manpower after their training and development. 4 The definition of human resource management is given as follows: According to the National Institute of Personnel Management of India, “Personnel Management (Human Resource Management) is that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within the organization. It seeks to bring men and women who make up an enterprise, enabling each to make his/her own best contribution to its success both as an individual and as a member of a working group".5 Process of Human Resource Management consists of acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of human resources. The final responsibility for personnel must lie with top management to whom the personnel officer acts as an advisor and its execution must run through the whole line of management if it is to be effective. 6 The scope of human resource management in police administration is indeed vast. All major activities in the working procedure from the time of entry to until leaves police service come under the purview of human resource management. Specially, the activities included are human resource planning, job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and

4 5 6

C.B. Mamoria, Personnel Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi, 1996, Page no. 6.

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ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

placement, training and development, performance appraisal and job evaluation, employees welfare, safety and health.7 Figure No.1: Scope of Human Resource Management J o b Ana ly sis a nd Desig n

Huma n Reso urce Pla nning

Recruitment a nd Selectio n

Human Resource Management

Emplo y er- Emplo y ees Rela tio ns

Training and Dev elo pment

Perfo rma nce Appra isa l a nd J o b Ev a lua tio n

Successio n a nd Ca reer Pla nning

Motivation and Co mmunica tio n

Source: =1qS7CL3zuENpHM:&zoom-1&tbnh=109&tbnw=184&usg=__LSaYZmnUhIsY-KmA2yjvqeXxZs=&docid= PihpxD_CkTL4HM&itg=1and K. Aswathappa, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.

The human resource management is included these eights main parts as per the figure 1 shows. For the sake of convenience, these parts or sections of human resource management are: job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and job evaluation, motivation and communication, succession and career planning, employer-employee relationship and human resource planning. Along with the scope of human resource management, there is need to discuss the objective of human resource management in short. The primary objective of human resource management can be divided into four parts as following: Table No. 4: The objective of the human resource management in police organization. Sr. No. 1.

Objectives Social Objectives

Supporting Functions Police-Public Relationship, Maintain Peace, Maintain Law and Order and Secure Environment


Organizational Objectives


Functional Objectives


Personal Objectives

Human Relation Planning, Police Personnel Relationship, Selection, Training and Development, Placement, Assessment, Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation Placement, Assessment, Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation Training and Development, Appraisal, Placement, Compensation, Assessment.

Source: K. Aswathappa, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, page no. 7. The Table no. 4 shows that the objectives of human resource management in a police organization can be divided into four types. First is social objectives, these type of objectives 7

K. Aswathappa, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, Page no. 45, ISBN 0-07-463504-2.

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ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

included the police responsibility towards society such as maintenance of peace and law and order, secure human rights of the public. Police is ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society while minimizing the negative impact of such demands upon the society. It is used human resource management for an effective administration and maximum utilization of manpower. It may prove a dynamic motive force for running an organization at its optimum results and also work as an elixir for maximum individual and group satisfaction in relation to the work performed.8 Human resource management is of utmost importance in a police department as it renders direct services to the society and is responsible for protection of members of the society. The police personnel, who are qualified, well trained, best motivated and lead by the competent superiors will improve the present work culture. The following areas are covered in human resource management in the police department by the researcher. • Human resource planning • Recruitment and selection • Training and development • Transfers and promotions • Leadership • Communication • Authority and Responsibility • Motivation and Incentive • Superior- Subordinate relationship • Compensation Management • Performances Appraisal.9 Training and development is an important aspect of human resource management. It is known as human resource development. It is compulsory element of any organization which is related to law and order administration specially police organization. The police organization also imparted training to their personnel in the form of basic training, promotional training, refresh training and short term oriented training. HRM in the Police Department After independence of India, the Second Police Commission (1962) contributed a lot to the thinking on police personnel management. This commission pointed out several problems of personnel management. It referred the problems such as poor methods of selection, lack of effective training and inadequate pay etc. This gives a fair idea of the dimensions of police personal problem which the police leadership had to tackle during the every years of 20th century. 10 The first report of this Commission (1979) pinpointed the lower level officers i.e. constables as the functionary who needed more attention. Perhaps, the police organization has the most glaring lacuna i.e. absence of a specialized agency for carrying out personnel functions in India. In a typical district police force, personal functions are solely the superior’s responsibility. 11 8 9 10 11

C.B. Mamoria, Personnel Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi, 1996, Page no. 6.

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ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

In the context of present day requirements, there is an urgent need for an independent department of personnel at police headquarters. Police personnel management is an awesome responsibility that has taken on new significance after the publication of NPC Reports. 12 The growth and development of police personnel administration owes its origin to Sir Robert Peel’s London Metropolitan police Act (1829) and the twelve tenets of the Pelion reforms. Half the principles are applicable today which are as follows. Ten major responsibilities include: • Job analysis and position classification • Recruitment • Examination and Placement • Appointment • Orientation, evaluation, promotion and transfers • Compensation • Training, counseling and improvement of working conditions • Employee relations • Discipline and sanctions • Maintenance of personnel records. The eighth report of NPC Report have made thorough study of various aspects of human resources like full time personal officer, pay structure, machinery for redressal of grievances, recruitment, training, career planning, welfare measures for police, families, performance appraisal etc. Through recruitment the police attract only a very unsatisfactory kind of candidate who has not been able to get any other job. 13 Training to Police Staff Training and development is the key area in HRM of any organization. Training has been described as a conscious effort to improve and increase knowledge, skill and aptitude on an individual in a desired direction. Training helps to inspire employee’s capacity to shouldering greater responsibility. Unfortunately, however, though the crucial and transforming role of training in the police organization is acknowledged by one and all, there is hardly been any meaningful endeavors to expand and improve the scope and quality of the police training. Police training has been neglected over years and training arrangement, except in some central organization are unsatisfactory qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Lack of convention about the value of training on the part of the administration including the higher ranks of the police service. 14 A major landmark in the police training is establishment of Gore committee. Recommendations of Gore Committee include one month’s training during a year to be replaced by a refresher course who have completed more than seven years of service. Refresher course should be utilized to identify bright and promising constable who can do well in important assignments. The suggestions also include posting the constable for their practical training of medium sized police station under competent and well motivated sub inspector known for their efficiency and integrity. Sub inspector SI training is equally important as SI of police occupies approved position in the police origination. As the officer in-charge of the police station, he is

12 13 14

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Vol 6 Issue 9 [Year 2015]

ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

the king pin of all police action, prevention defective and regulatory in his own jurisdiction. Training, especially to subordinate police personnel is not only neglected but largely irrelevant. 15 Police training is actually on effective tool for bringing about required professional skills, competence, attitude and behavioral orientation with a view to improve employees effectiveness. Value orientation and attitude changes were two important facts which were given great importance by the Gore Commission. Police training in India has received considerable boost since the Gore Committee was set up by the GOI in 1971, the nature, level and content of the courses, the method of introduction, the quality and quantum of the training staff, objectives of police training and its training effectiveness, environment and training facilities in various institutes, all need periodical review. The organizations of police training in India are as follows. There are six kinds of training institutes. • National level institutes • Police training school for training of constables. • Armed police training centre. • Specialized Training Institutes. • Training Institutes of Central Police organizations • State police training organizations for the training.16 The state police organizations for training are very important for any state law and order administration. Because these organizations are responsible for produce and provide efficient and capable police personnel. The Haryana government is running police training centre for state police. Police Training in Haryana There are four main police training centre in Haryana (as shown Table 5); the police training centre Bhondsi (Gurgaon) provides recruit training courses for Haryana police force, the Police training centre Hisar provides recruit training courses. The HPA Madhuban (Karnal) provides recruit training courses, promotional training courses to Haryana Police personnel. One more police training centre is situated at Sunaria (Rohtak) to provide recruit training and other training courses to police personnel. Some temporary police training centre are also run by the state government at Faridabad, Jind and Ambala districts. The Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban is the oldest police training institute in Haryana. Table 5: Distribution of Police Training Centers in Haryana Sr. No. 1.

Name of City Karnal







Name of Center RTC, PTC, HAP-Madhuban (2nd, 4th and 5th Battalion ) RTC, IRB-Bhoundsi

Courses Recruit Training Courses, Police Courses, Haryana Armed Police Recruit Training Courses

RTC-Hisar (1st Battalion) PTC Sunaria

Recruit Training Courses, Police Training Courses




Recruit Training Courses, Police Training Courses

Source: Office Documentations, Department of Police, Haryana, 2013. 15 16

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Vol 6 Issue 9 [Year 2015]

ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)

Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban is also known as Haryana Police Complex was initially established as Recruit Training Centre on 14th May 1973, and then upgraded into a Police Training School on 9th Jan 1976 and then into a Police Training College on 1st March 1976. The institution got its Academy status on 24th April 2002 and has steadily turned into institution of prominence. This complex is located at Karnal (Madhuban) on the Delhi-Ambala stretch of National Highway No. 1. The city of Karnal is said to have been founded by Raja Karna, an important character in the Mahabharata war. This is the same Karna, who was the eldest son of Kunti and thus Karnal is known the city of Daanvir Karna. It has been a walled town as represented by the history and had a citadel at one time. The Academy is about 10 kms from the main city of Karnal. The whole Complex is spread in the area of 500 acres and is very beautifully maintained.17 The Police Training College (PTC) at Madhuban is imparting training to the IPS Probationers of Haryana (State training part) since 1977. It is imparting training to the directly recruited Deputy Superintendent of Police. The Academy trained IPS Probationers and D.S.P of Himachal Pradesh (3 batches) and Nagaland (1 batch). As many as 20 batches of Non- Gazetted Police Officials of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh (2 batches) and CBI (one batch), CISF (one batch), Bihar Police(one batch), Manipur Police(one batch) and Andaman and Nicobar Police (one batch) have been trained here and in addition to that 55 batches of recruit constables of Haryana and recruit constables of CBI, CISF, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh have received their basic training here till date. Further, 1000 recruits of Jammu and Kashmir Police were imparted basic training in this institution from November, 1997 to August, 1998. The superintendent of police remained incharge of training college from its creation till year 1980. The post was upgraded to the rank of Inspector General of Police from year 1980 till 2005. Presently, Additional Director General of Police is handling this post from year 2005 onwards. In the year 2002, a police contingent from Afghanistan came to HPA, Madhuban to get training. In 2009, a batch from Sri Lanka and in 2010 a batch from Chandigarh and in 2012 and 2013 a police contingent from the state of Meghalaya received training at the Academy. The HPA organizes promotional courses and about 50 specialized courses every year. 18 Besides organizing training for Haryana police officers of all ranks, the Academy also regularly facilitates programmes for administrative, judicial and prison officers. The Madhuban Police Complex comprises of several institutions and features (as shown Table 6). Table 6: Institutions Housed in Haryana Police Academy (Campus): Madhuban Sr. No.

17 18

Name of Sub Organization

Sr. No.

Name of Sub Organization


Haryana Armed Police


Dog Squad and its Training


Haryana Police Academy


Police Hospital


Forensic Science Laboratory


Vachher Stadium


State Crime Data Bureau


Police Museum

Janta-Police Sammelan, Panchkula, Department of Police, Haryana, 2002

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ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)

2348–9359 (Print)


State Crime Branch


Madhuban Meadows (Golf Course)


Haryana Police Public School


Swimming Pool

Source: The Documents, the Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban (2013).

The Campus of Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban houses various institutions as per the Table 6. The complex also station three battalions of Haryana Armed Police (out of the total five battalions). The complex houses the Forensic Science Lab to facilitate investigations and establish evidences. The State Crime and Data Bureau is also situated within the complex which is responsible to maintain data of crime and criminals and other statistics related to maintenance of law and order. Since, the complex houses different institutes and is a residential, thus, cater to the education needs of its residents and their wards there is a Police Public School (up to 12th class). The Academy is part of the Haryana Police department and for all matters and purposes are controlled by the State Police Headquarter. Thus, sample included more respondents who were young, from the constable rank and were under graduates. The trained police personnel was put across several posers/statements to drew the responses and thus to reach the findings. Table.7: Training is essential for career development every police personnel. Responses


Agreed Disagreed Undecided 92 00 03 45 (89.3) (0.0) (10.7) 138 00 04 Constable (97.2) (0.0) (2.8) Rank 35 00 06 Head Constable (85.4) (0.0) (14.6) 103 00 06 Under-Graduation (94.5) (0.0) (5.5) 60 00 04 Academic Graduation (93.8) (0.0) (6.2) Qualification 10 00 00 Post Graduation (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) Total Respondents 173 00 10 (per cent) (94.5) (0.0) (5.5) Source: Computed from primary data. Figures in parentheses are percentages. p
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