Huawei-bsc6810-parameter reference

March 30, 2018 | Author: syrish_2622 | Category: Digital Technology, Digital & Social Media, Technology, Computing, Internet



243213352.xls.ms_office 文档密级 Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email: [email protected] Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. RNC V200R009 Address: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical support and service. For any assistance, please contact our local office or company headquarters. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. BSC6810 V200R011C00SPC100 Parameter Reference 9/5/2014 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第1页,共2071页 243213352.xls.ms_office 文档密级 No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical support and service. For any assistance, please contact our local office or company headquarters. BSC6810 V200R011C00SPC100 Parameter Reference 9/5/2014 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第2页,共2071页 243213352.xls.ms_office 文档密级 The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. 9/5/2014 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第3页,共2071页 243213352.xls.ms_office 文档密级 Purpose This describes RNC parameters, including the meaning, values, and usage of RNC parameters. Version The product version related to this document is: BSC6810 V200R011C00SPC100. Intended Audience •Network planners •Field engineers •System engineers •Shift operators Organization Each parameter is described in the following aspects. Description Parameter ID Parameter Name MML Command NE Meaning Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Unit Default Value Recommended Value Impact Parameter Relationship Service Interrupted After Modification Interruption Scope Interruption Duration (min) Caution 9/5/2014 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第4页,共2071页 243213352.xls.ms_office 文档密级 Access Attribute Introduced in Version 9/5/2014 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第5页,共2071页 243213352.xls.ms_office 文档密级 This describes RNC parameters, including the meaning, values, and usage of RNC parameters. The product version related to this document is: BSC6810 V200R011C00SPC100. Each parameter is described in the following aspects. Remarks Simple string for identifying a parameter Full name of the parameter Commands for setting the parameter, and optional/mandatory attribute of the parameter in each command NEs on which the parameter is set Functions, functioning ways, and protocols of the parameter Parameter value type Parameter value range displayed on the GUI Actual parameter value range corresponding to the GUI Value Range. For example, the GUI Value Range is 0, and the corresponding Actual Value Range is OFF. Parameter value unit Initial value provided by the system Values recommended in different scenarios Parameter impact scope, that is, objects specified when the parameter is set Relationship between this parameter and other parameters. For example, to use this parameter, you need to set related switches and parameters. Whether modifying the parameter value may interrupt the existing services Possible interruption scope in the case that modifying the parameter value may interrupt the existing services Possible interruption duration in the case that modifying the parameter value may interrupt the existing services Cautions to be taken during the modification 9/5/2014 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第6页,共2071页 243213352.xls.ms_office 文档密级 Whether this parameter is read/write or read only Whether this parameter is a radio parameter, a transport parameter, or an equipment parameter Version in which this parameter is introduced 9/5/2014 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第7页,共2071页 Parameter ID Parameter Name MML Command NE AAL2PATHT AAL2 Path Type ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC AbsTime Specify Time SET POOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY(Mandatory) RNC Ac09ToAsc AC 0~9 to ASC mapping ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) RNC Ac10ToAsc AC 10 to ASC mapping ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) RNC Ac11ToAsc AC 11 to ASC mapping ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) RNC Ac12ToAsc AC 12 to ASC mapping ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) RNC Ac13ToAsc AC 13 to ASC mapping ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) RNC Ac14ToAsc AC 14 to ASC mapping ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) RNC Ac15ToAsc AC 15 to ASC mapping ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP(Optional) RNC AccessServiceClass Access service class ADD PRACHASC(Mandatory) RNC ACFC Address and control field compress ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPLNK(Optional) RNC AcIntervalOfCell AC Restriction Interval Of Cell SET ACALGO(Mandatory) RNC AcIntervalOfCells Access Class Restriction interval between Cells SET DSACAUTOALGO(Mandatory) RNC AcRange Range of restrained Access Class SET DSACAUTOALGO(Mand atory) ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA(Mandatory) RNC AcRestriction AC Restriction Indicator ADD CELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory) RNC AcRstrctIntervalLen Interval length of Domain Specific Access Class Restriction SET DSACAUTOALGO(Mand atory) SET ACALGO(Mandatory) ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA(Mandatory) RNC AcRstrctPercent AC Restriction Percent SET ACALGO(Mandatory) RNC AcRstrctSwitch AC Restriction Switch SET ACALGO(Optional) RNC ACTOBJECT Activate Object ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC ACTTYPE Type ACT GPS(Mandatory) RNC ACU Added CPU occupancy STR CPUUSAGETST(Mandatory) RNC AFSetObj AFSetObj SET ADMCTRL(Mandatory)RNC AgpsActivateFlag A-GPS Method Active Flag ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC AGPSAddAssDataSendFlag A-GPS Additional Data Send Flag SET SMLC(Optional) RNC AGPSMethodType A-GPS Method Type SET SMLC(Optional) RNC AGPSRECEIVERID GPS ID ADD GPS(Mandatory) ACT GPS(Mandatory) RNC AGPSRECEIVERTYPE GPS type ADD GPS(Mandatory) RNC AICHPowerOffset AICH power offset ADD CHPWROFFSET(Optional) RNC AICHTxTiming AICH transmission timing ADD AICH(Optional) RNC aid Alarm ID SET ALMLVL(Mandatory) SET BOXRPT(Mandatory) SET ALMPORT(Optional) RNC AlignMode align type SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Mandatory) RNC AllBw Bandwidth ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC AllocCodeMode Allocate Code Mode ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC ALTITUDE GPS antenna altitude ADD GPS(Mandatory) RNC ALTITUDEIMP GPS antenna altitude ADD GPS(Mandatory) RNC alvl Alarm Severity SET ALMLVL(Mandatory) RNC AmntOfRpt2B 2B event retry max times ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC AmntOfRpt2C 2C event retry max times ADD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV(Optional) SET INTERFREQHONCOV(O ptional) RNC AmntOfRpt3A 3A event retry max times ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC AmntOfRpt3C 3C event retry max times ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC AmRlcCfgPara RLC AM mode parameters selection ADD TYPRABRLC(Mandatory) RNC AMRQosPerform QOS Switch For AMR Traffic SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC AmrRabAbnormRelRatioThdAMR call drop ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC AmrRabEstabAttMinNum The minimum of AMR Rab attempt setup Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC AmrRabEstabSuccRatioThd AMR Rab successful setup ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC AmrRabRelMinNum The number of AMR drop Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC AmrUlRateAdjTimerLen Wait Timer For AMR Uplink Rate SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC ANI Adjacent Node ID ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) ADD AAL2RT(Mandatory) ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) ADD IPPATHBIND(Mandatory) ACT IPPM(Mandatory) ACT VCLCC(Mandatory) LOP VCL(Mandatory) RNC AntennaAltitudeMeter Cell Antenna Altitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC AntennaAltitudeMeterImp Cell Antenna Altitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC AntennaLatitudeDegree Cell Antenna Latitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC AntennaLatitudeDegreeSec Cell Antenna Latitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC AntennaLongitudeDegree Cell Antenna Longitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC AntennaLongitudeDegreeSecCell Antenna Longitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC AntennaOpening Cell Antenna Opening ADD SMLCCELL(Mandatory) RNC AntennaOrientation Cell Antenna Orientation ADD SMLCCELL(Mandatory) RNC APFlag APFlag ADD NRNCCELL(Optional)RNC APP Application type ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC AppliedDirect RAB applied direction ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC AREAFLAG Area flag SYN BRDAREA(Optional) RNC AREAFLAG Area flag LOD PATCH(Optional) RNC ARP10Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 10 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP11Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 11 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP12Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 12 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP13Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 13 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP14Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 14 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP1Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 1 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP2Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 2 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP3Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 3 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP4Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 4 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP5Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 5 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP6Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 6 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP7Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 7 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP8Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 8 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARP9Priority User_priority of Allocation/Retention priority 9 SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC ARPRETRY ARP packet resend times STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC ARPTIMEOUT ARP packet time-out STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC ATMLOGICPORT The ATM Logic Port Number STR NODEBBWRPT(Mandatory) RNC ATMSN NodeB ATM_TRANS Slot No. ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC ATMSRN NodeB ATM_TRANS Subrack No. ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC ATT Attach/detach indication ADD CNDOMAIN(Optional) RNC AUTHMODE Validate mode ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) RNC AUTHNAME Validate user name ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) RNC AUTHPWD Validate password ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) RNC AUTHTYPE Validate protocol type ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC AUTO Auto negotiation SET ETHPORT(Optional) RNC AvailablesignatureEndIndex Available signature end indexADD PRACHASC(Optional)RNC AvailablesignatureStartIndexAvailable signature start index ADD PRACHASC(Optional)RNC AvailableSubchannelCtrlWord Available subchannel control word ADD PRACHASC(Optional)RNC AvailCap Capability of CN Node ADD CNNODE(Mandatory)RNC AVOL Alarm VOL. SET ALMPORT(Optional) RNC BACK8KCLKSW1 Output Switch of backplane 8K OutClock 1 SET CLK(Optional) RNC BACK8KCLKSW2 Output Switch of backplane 8K OutClock 2 SET CLK(Optional) RNC BackgroundNoise Background noise ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC BACKUPPATH Path of Backup File BKP DB(Optional) RNC BAKIP Backup port IP address STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC BAKMASK Backup port mask STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC BAMIP BAM External Network Virtual IP ADD EMSIP(Optional) RNC BAMMASK BAM External Network MaskADD EMSIP(Optional) RNC BandInd Band indicator ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD GSMCELL(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC BandWidthForFACH Bandwidth of Fach SET FACHBANDWIDTH(Optional) RNC BCC BS color code ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) RNC BcchArfcn Inter-RAT cell frequency number ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) RNC BcchHspdschPower BCCH HS-PDSCH power ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC BcchHsscchPower BCCH HS-SCCH power ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC BCHPower BCH transmit power ADD BCH(Optional) RNC BearType Bear Type SET USERGBR(Mandatory)RNC BEARTYPE DSP bear type ADD N7DPC(Mandatory) RNC BeatDectThred HeatBeat Lost Times Threshold ADD RNCPOOL(Optional) RNC BeatRecvrThred HeatBeat Recover Times Threshold ADD RNCPOOL(Optional) RNC BeatSendingDis HeatBeat Sending Time Interval ADD RNCPOOL(Optional) RNC BeBitRateThd BE service handover rate threshold SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC BeCpc2EFachStateTransTimer BE CPC to E_FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC BeCpc2FStateTransTimer BE CPC to FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC BeD2EFachStateTransTimerBE DCH to E_FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC BeD2FStateTransTimer BE DCH to FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC BeDlAct1 First Action For BE Downlink QOS SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeDlAct2 Second Action For BE Downlink QOS SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeDlAct3 Third Action For BE Downlink QOS SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeE2FStateTransTimer BE E-DCH To FACH State Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC BeEFach2CpcTvmThd BE E_FACH2CPC 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeEFach2CpcTvmTimeToTrig BE E_FACH2CPC 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeEFach2DTvmThd BE E_FACH2D 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeEFach2DTvmTimeToTrigBE E_FACH2D 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeEFach2HTvmThd BE E_FACH2HS-DSCH 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeEFach2HTvmTimeToTrigBE E_FACH2HS-DSCH 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2CpcETvmThd BE F2CPC_E-DCH 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2CpcETvmTimeToTrig BE FACH2CPC_E-DCH 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2CpcHTvmThd BE F2CPC_HS-DSCH 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2CpcHTvmTimeToTrig BE F2CPC_HS-DSCH 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2DTvmThd BE F/R2D 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2DTvmTimeToTrig BE F/R2D 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2ETvmThd BE F2E-DCH 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2ETvmTimeToTrig BE F2E-DCH 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2HTvmThd BE F2HS-DSCH 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2HTvmTimeToTrig BE F2HS-DSCH 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeF2PStateTransTimer BE FACH to PCH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC BeH2EFachStateTransTimerBE HSPA to E_FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC BeH2FStateTransTimer BE HS-DSCH to FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC BeH2FTvmPTAT BE HS-DSCH2F 4B Pending Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeH2FTvmThd BE HS-DSCH2F 4B Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeH2FTvmTimeToTrig BE HS-DSCH2F 4B Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC BeHsupa2msTtiRateThs Rate threshold of BE on 2ms TTI of HSUPA SET FRC(Optional) RNC BEInterIurRateUpTimer Timer For BE Inter Iur Rate SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BePwrMargin BE Event F Reporting Power Margin ADD CELLDCCC(Optional) SET DCCC(Optional) RNC BEQosPerform QOS Switch For BE Traffic SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BetaC Reference BetaC ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC BetaD Reference BetaD ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC BeUlAct1 First Action For BE Uplink QOS SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeUlAct2 Second Action For BE Uplink QOS SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeUlAct3 Third Action For BE Uplink QOS SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeUlEvTrigInd Indicator For BE Uplink QOS Event SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeUlQos5AMcSwitch Measurement Of 5A Switch SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeUlQos6A1McSwitch Measurement Of 6A1 SwitchSET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeUlQos6DMcSwitch Measurement Of 6D Switch SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BeUlRateAdjTimerLen Wait Timer For BE Uplink Rate SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC BFDDETECTCOUNT detect multiplier of BFD packet STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC BGGBR Background MAC-c flow GBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC BGMBR Background MAC-c flow MBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC BgnAbnormalThd Background noise abnormal threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC BGNAdjustTimeLen Background noise update continuance time ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC BgnEndTime Background noise update end time ADD CELLCAC(Mandatory)RNC BGNEqUserNumThd Equivalent user number threshold for background noise ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC BgnStartTime Background noise update start time ADD CELLCAC(Mandatory)RNC BGNSwitch Auto-adaptive background noise update switch ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC BgnUpdateThd Background noise update trigger threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC BLERQuality Target value of service DCH_BLER ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) RNC BlindHoFlag Blind handover flag ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) RNC BlindHOIntrafreqMRAmount Intrafrequency measurement report amount of blind handover SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC BlindHOIntrafreqMRIntervalIntrafrequency measurement report interval of blind HO SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC BlindHOPrio Blind handover Priority ADD GSMNCELL(Mandatory) RNC BlindHOQualityCondition Blind handover condition ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optional) RNC BlindHORSCP1FThreshold 1F event blind handover trigger condition ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC BLOREQTMR Blocking request timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC boxflg Report Flag SET BOXRPT(Mandatory) RNC BRDCLASS Board class ADD BRD(Mandatory) RNC BRDTYPE Board type ADD BRD(Optional) RNC BRDTYPE Board type. SET ETHPORT(Mandatory) RNC BRDTYPE Board type ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) RNC BRDTYPE Board type ADD MPLNK(Mandatory) RNC BSICVerify BSIC verify switch ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC BT Board type SET E1T1LOP(Mandatory) RNC BT Board type LOP E1T1(Mandatory) RNC BT Board type STR E1T1TST(Mandatory) RNC BT Board type LOD PATCH(Mandatory) RNC BT Board type SET CLK(Mandatory) RNC BT Board type SET E1T1(Mandatory) RNC BT Board type SET CPUTHD(Mandatory) RNC BT Board Type ADD IMAGRP(Mandatory) RNC BT Board type SET OPT(Mandatory) RNC BT Board type ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWADJ Auto adjust bandwidth switchADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWDCONGBW Backward congestion threshold ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD IMAGRP(Optional) ADD FRALNK(Optional) ADD UNILNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC BWDCONGBW Backward congestion threshold ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWDCONGBW Backward congestion threshold ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWDCONGBW Backward congestion threshold ADD AAL2PATH(Optional)RNC BWDCONGBW Backward congestion threshold ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC BWDCONGBW Backward congestion threshold ADD RSCGRP(Optional) RNC BWDCONGCLRBW Backward congestion clear threshold ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD IMAGRP(Optional) ADD FRALNK(Optional) ADD UNILNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC BWDCONGCLRBW Backward congestion clear threshold ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWDCONGCLRBW Backward congestion clear threshold ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWDCONGCLRBW Backward congestion clear threshold ADD AAL2PATH(Optional)RNC BWDCONGCLRBW Backward congestion clear threshold ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC BWDCONGCLRBW Backward congestion clear threshold ADD RSCGRP(Optional) RNC BWDHORSVBW Backward handover reserved bandwidth ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) ADD UNILNK(Optional) ADD FRALNK(Optional) ADD IMAGRP(Optional) RNC BWDHORSVBW Backward handover reserved bandwidth ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWDHORSVBW Backward handover reserved bandwidth ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWDHORSVBW Backward handover reserved bandwidth ADD AAL2PATH(Optional)RNC BWDHORSVBW Backward handover reserved bandwidth ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC BWDHORSVBW Backward handover reserved bandwidth ADD RSCGRP(Optional) RNC BWMAXRATIO Max bandwidth estimate ratioADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC BWMODE Bandwidth Mode ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC BWRTPTH Load Control algorithm BandWidth THD ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC CacSwitch CAC algorithm switch SET CACALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC CallShockCtrlSwitch Call Shock Control Switch SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC CallShockJudgePeriod Call Shock Judge Period time length SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC CarrierTypePriorInd Indicator of Carrier Type Priority SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC CARRYF Bearing subrack No. ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC CARRYFLAG Carry Flag ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC CARRYFRAATMLNKN Bearing FRAATM link No. ADD IPOAPVC(Optional) ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Option al) RNC CARRYIMAGRPN Bearing IMA group No. ADD IPOAPVC(Optional) ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Option al) RNC CARRYLNKT Bearing link type ADD NCP(Mandatory) ADD CCP(Mandatory) RNC CARRYNCOPTN Bearing NCOPT port No. ADD IPOAPVC(Mandatory) ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC CARRYPN Optical port No. ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC CARRYSN Bearing slot No. ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC CARRYSRN Bearing subrack No. ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) RNC CARRYT The bearing type of the logic port ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC CARRYT The bearing type of the logical port ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC CARRYT Bearing type ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD IPOAPVC(Mandatory) RNC CARRYUNILNKN Bearing UNI link No. ADD IPOAPVC(Optional) ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Option al) RNC CARRYVCI Bearing VCI ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD IPOAPVC(Optional) RNC CARRYVPI Bearing VPI ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD IPOAPVC(Optional) RNC CARRYVPN Bearing ATMLGCPORT port No. ADD IPOAPVC(Mandatory) ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC CBCIPADDR CBS CBC IP address ADD CBSADDR(Mandatory) RNC CBCMASK Subnet mask ADD CBSADDR(Mandatory) RNC CBS Consent burst size ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC CBSOpIndex CBS Operator Index ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC CBSSAC CBS SAC ADD CELLCBSSAC(Mandatory ) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) RNC CBSwitch CB Switch SET RNCCBPARA(Optional) RNC CCCHGBR CCCH MAC-c flow GBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC CCCHMBR CCCH MAC-c flow MBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC CCHPRIPATH Common channel primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC CCHPRITH Common channel pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC CCHSECPATH Common channel secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC CCHSECWHT Common channel pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC CCMINTERVAL CCM Send Prid ADD ETHMA(Optional) RNC CCMODE Activation mode ACT VCLCC(Optional) RNC CCTMR Timer_CC ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC CDVT Cell delay variation toleranceADD ATMTRF(Optional) RNC CellAmrRrcNum AMR_RRC Number per Second for Cell SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC CellAverageHeight Cell Average Altitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellAverageHeightImp Cell Average Altitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellCapacityAutoHandleSwitch Cell Capability Auto Handle Switch ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC CellCapContainerFdd Cell capability container ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC CellCenterAltitude Cell Center Altitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellCenterAltitudeImp Cell Center Altitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellCenterLatitude Cell Center Latitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellCenterLatitudeSec Cell Center Latitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellCenterLongitude Cell Center Longitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellCenterLongitudeSec Cell Center Longitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellChoice Target cell choice HO CELL(Mandatory) RNC CellEnvironment Cell Environment Case ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellEnvType Cell environment type ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC CellHeightStd Cell Altitude Standard Deviation ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellHeightStdImp Cell Altitude Standard Deviation ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CellHighPriRrcNum HiPri_RRC Number per Second for Cell SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC CellHostType Cell Host Type ADD NRNCCELL(Optional)RNC CellId Cell ID ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD GPS(Mandatory) ADD CELLCMCF(Mandatory) ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Ma ndatory) ADD CELLQOSHO(Mandatory) ADD GSMNCELL(Mandatory) ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Mandatory) ADD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV(Mandatory) ADD CELLHOCOMM(Mandator y) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Mandatory) ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Mandatory) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Man datory) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Man datory) ADD RNC CellIDChgPeriod Cell ID Changing Period time length SET CIDCHG(Optional) RNC CellIDChgSwitch Cell ID Changing Switch SET CIDCHG(Optional) RNC CellidRttActivateFlag CELLID+RTT Method Active Flag ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC CELLIDRTTMethodType CELLID+RTT Method TypeSET SMLC(Optional) RNC CellLdrSfResThd Cell LDR SF reserved threshold ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC CellLocCfgType Cell Location Setting Type ADD SMLCCELL(Mandatory) RNC CellName Cell name ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC CellOverrunThd Cell overload threshold ADD CELLLDB(Optional) RNC CellReSelectCounter Cell Reselection Counter Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC CellReSelectTimer Cell Reselection Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC CellReservationExtension Cell reservation extension ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC CellReservedForOperatorUseCell reserved for operator useADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC CellsForbidden1A Affect 1A threshold flag ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) RNC CellsForbidden1B Affect 1B threshold flag ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) RNC CellTotalRrcNumThd Cell Call Shock Trigger Threshold SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC CellUnderrunThd Cell underload threshold ADD CELLLDB(Optional) RNC CfgRacInd RAC Configuration Indication ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) RNC CfgSwitch Channel configuration strategy switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC ChannelRetryHoTimerLen Channel Retry Ho Timer Length SET COIFTIMER(Optional) RNC ChannelRetryTimerLen Channel Retry Timer Length SET COIFTIMER(Optional) RNC ChCodingType Channel code type ADD FACH(Optional) RNC CHECKCOUNT Ping Check Timeout Counts ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC ChIdx Channel Index SET MBMSPERF(Mandatory) RNC CHKN Check Index ADD IPPATHBIND(Mandatory) STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC CHKSUMRX Calculate checksum when receive message ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC CHKSUMTX Calculate checksum when send message ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC CHKSUMTYPE Checksum arithmetic ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC CHKTYPE Check type STR IPCHK(Mandatory) RNC ChoiceRprtUnitForDlBasicMeas Time unit for DL basic meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas Time unit for DL OLC meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas Time unit of HSDPA need pwr meas cycle SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas Time unit of HSDPA bit rate meas cycle SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC ChoiceRprtUnitForHsupaRateMeas Time unit of HSUPA bit rate meas cycle SET LDM(Optional) RNC ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas Time unit for UL basic meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas Time unit for UL OLC meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC ChoiceRptUnitForAmrE AMR Reporting Period Unit For Event E ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC ChoiceRptUnitForBeE BE Reporting Period Unit For Event E ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC ChoiceRptUnitForBeF BE Reporting Period Unit For Event F ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC ChoiceRptUnitForVpE VP Reporting Period Unit For Event E ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC ChSwitch Channel Switch SET MBMSPERF(Mandatory) RNC CID GSM cell ID ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) RNC CIO Cell oriented Cell Individual Offset ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC CIO Cell Individual Offset ADD GSMCELL(Optional) RNC CIOOffset Neighboring cell oriented CIOADD GSMNCELL(Optional)RNC CIOOffset Neighboring cell oriented CIO ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) RNC CIR Bandwidth ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC CLKTYPE Clock board type SET CLKTYPE(Mandatory) RNC CLTAModeInd Closed loop time adjust mode indication ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) RNC CmCap Compression mode capabilityADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC CmcfCellType CM cell type ADD CELLCMCF(Optional) SET CMCF(Optional) RNC CmcfSwitch CMCF algorithm switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC CmchRsrcRspTmr CMCH RSRC response timerSET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC CmpSwitch Compatibility switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC CNDomainId CN domain ID ADD CNDOMAIN(Mandatory) ADD CELLRLPWR(Mandatory) ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandator y) ADD CNNODE(Mandatory) RST IURESOURCE(Mandatory) RST IU(Mandatory) RNC CNId CN node ID ADD CNNODE(Mandatory) SET IUTIMERANDNUM(Man datory) ADD NRIGLBCNIDMAP(Mand atory) ADD IMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP(M andatory) RST IU(Mandatory) RST IURESOURCE(Mandatory) RNC CNLoadStatus Status of CN Node ADD CNNODE(Mandatory)RNC CNMNGMODE Resource Management ModeADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) RNC CNOPERATORINDEX Cn Operator Index ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC CnOperatorName Cn Operator Name ADD CNOPERATOR(Mandatory) RNC CnOpGrpIndex Cn Operator Group Index ADD CNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) RNC CnOpGrpIndex CN Operator Group Index ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC CnOpGrpName Cn Operator Group Name ADD CNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) RNC CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD NRNCURA(Mandatory) RNC CnOpIndex Cn Operator Index ADD CNOPERATOR(Mandator y) ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory ) ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Option al) ADD CZ(Mandatory) RST IU(Mandatory) RST IURESOURCE(Mandatory) ADD CELLCBSSAC(Mandatory ) SET IUTIMERANDNUM(Man datory) ADD CNNODE(Mandatory) ADD NRIGLBCNIDMAP(Mand atory) ADD IMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP(M andatory) ADD RNCCBCPUID(Mandatory ) RNC CnOpIndex1 Operator 1 Index ADD CNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) RNC CnOpIndex2 Operator 2 Index ADD CNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) RNC CnOpIndex3 Operator 3 Index ADD CNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) RNC CnOpIndex4 Operator 4 Index ADD CNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) RNC CnOpIndexComm Common Operator Index ADD CNOPERGROUP(Optional) RNC CnOpNum Operator Number ADD CNOPERGROUP(Mandatory) RNC CNProtclVer CN protocol version ADD CNNODE(Mandatory)RNC CodeAdjForHsdpaSwitch Code Adjust Switch for HSDPA ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC CodeAdjForHsdpaUserNumThd User Number for Code Adjust for HSDPA ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC CodeBalancingDrdCodeRateThd Code occupied rate threshold for code balance drd SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC CodeBalancingDrdMinSFThdMinimum SF threshold for code balance drd SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC CodeBalancingDrdSwitch Code balance drd switch SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC CodeCongSelInterFreqHoIndCode congestion select inter-freq indication ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC CodeScheme Code Scheme SET RNCCBPARA(Optional) RNC CoexistMeasThdChoice InterFreq and InterRat coexist measure threshold choice ADD CELLHOCOMM(Optional) SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC CombNCellPercent Combine Neighbour Cell Percent SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC CombPwrMargin Comb Event F Reporting Power Margin ADD CELLDCCC(Optional) SET DCCC(Optional) RNC CommPlmnUsingType Comm Plmn Using Type SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) RNC COMTMR1 Timer T1 ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC COMTMR2 Timer T2 ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC COMTMR3 Timer T3 ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC CONGCLRTHD0 Recover threshold of queue 0ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGCLRTHD1 Recover threshold of queue 1ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGCLRTHD2 Recover threshold of queue 2ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGCLRTHD3 Recover threshold of queue 3ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGCLRTHD4 Recover threshold of queue 4ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGCLRTHD5 Recover threshold of queue 5ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGTHD0 Congestion threshold of queue 0 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGTHD1 Congestion threshold of queue 1 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGTHD2 Congestion threshold of queue 2 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGTHD3 Congestion threshold of queue 3 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGTHD4 Congestion threshold of queue 4 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC CONGTHD5 Congestion threshold of queue 5 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC ConnCellBarred Cell barred indicator for SIB4ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory) RNC ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch RRC redirect switch SET DRD(Optional) RNC ConnIntraFreqReselection Intra-freq cell reselection ind for SIB4 ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC CONNPWR Is connecting power monitor ADD SUBRACK(Optional) RNC ConnQhyst1s Hysteresis 1 for connect modeADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC ConnQhyst2s Hysteresis 2 for connect modeADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC ConnQoffset1sn ConnQoffset1sn ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) RNC ConnQoffset2sn ConnQoffset2sn ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) RNC ConnSintersearch Inter-freq cell reselection threshold for connect mode ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC ConnSintrasearch Intra-freq cell reselection threshold for connect mode ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC ConnTbarred Time barred for SIB4 ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC Constantvalue Constant value for calculating initial TX power ADD PRACHBASIC(Optional) RNC CONTEXTTYPE Context Type RST IUR(Mandatory) RNC CONTPING Continue ping or not PING IP(Optional) RNC ConverDlMBR Downlink maximum bit rate of Conversation SET USERMBR(Optional) RNC ConverUlMBR Uplink maximum bit rate of Conversation SET USERMBR(Optional) RNC CONVGBR Conversational MAC-c flow GBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC CONVMBR Conversational MAC-c flow MBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC CopperMaxMode Max Mode Of Wideband AMRC For Copper Users ADD CELLAMRCWB(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC CopperMaxMode Max Mode Of Narrowband AMRC For Copper Users ADD CELLAMRC(Optional) SET AMRC(Optional) RNC COUNT Send PKT Count PING MAC(Optional) RNC CountCThreshold Count-C threshold SET CNTCHK(Mandatory) RNC CounterCheckSwitch Counter check switch SET CNTCHK(Optional) RNC CP1SupInd CP1 support indicator ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC CqiDtxTimer CQI Activity Timer SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC CQIFbCkinInDTXDRXmodeCQI Feedback Cycke in DTX-DRX mode SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC CRMaxNum Max number of cell reselection ADD CELLHCS(Optional) RNC CROSSIPFLAG Cross IP address available flag ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC CSCONVDL R99 CS conversational service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC CSCONVPRIPATH R99 CS conversational primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC CSCONVPRITH R99 CS conversational pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC CSCONVSECPATH R99 CS conversational secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC CSCONVSECWHT R99 CS conversational pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC CSCONVUL R99 CS conversational service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC CsErlang Max User Number of CS ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC CSHOOut2GloadThd CS domain Reloc GSM load THD ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC CsInfoUpdFlag CS Information Update Switch SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Optional) RNC CsInfoUpdTmr CS Information Update Protection Timer SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Mandatory) RNC CsNriCfgMode Feature Supporting Mode of CS Domain SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Optional) RNC CSNRILength Length of CS NRI in bits SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Mandatory) RNC CsRestriction Restriction for CS SET DSACAUTOALGO(Mand atory) ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA(Mandatory) RNC CSServiceHOSwitch Inter-RAT CS handover switch ADD CELLHOCOMM(Optional) RNC CSSTRMDL R99 CS streaming service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC CSSTRMPRIPATH R99 CS streaming primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC CSSTRMPRITH R99 CS streaming pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC CSSTRMSECPATH R99 CS streaming secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC CSSTRMSECWHT R99 CS streaming pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC CSSTRMUL R99 CS streaming service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC CsSwitch CS algorithm switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC CSVoiceChlType CS voice channel type SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC CSVoiceHspaDlRelDelay CS Voice Hspa Dl Relative Delay SET FRC(Optional) RNC CSVoiceHspaUlRelDelay CS Voice Hspa Ul Relative Delay SET FRC(Optional) RNC CSVoiceHsupaTti HSUPA TTI type of CS voice traffic SET FRC(Optional) RNC CSVoiceOverHspaSuppInd CS Voice Over Hspa Support Indication ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC CTFC Calculated transport format combination ADD SCCPCHTFC(Mandatory) ADD PRACHTFC(Mandatory) RNC CTFCSize CTFC length of TFCS ADD SCCPCHBASIC(Optional) ADD PRACHBASIC(Optional) RNC CtrlPlnSharingOutOffset Control plane sharing out offset SET CTRLPLNSHAREPARA(Optional) RNC CtrlPlnSharingOutThd Control plane sharing out threshold SET CTRLPLNSHAREPARA(Optional) RNC CTRLSLOT Slot No. ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC CTRLSW CM control enable switch SET CMCTRLSW(Mandatory) RNC CXT Cross type ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC CZ Classified Zone ID ADD CZ(Mandatory) RNC D2F2PTvmThd BE D2F/R Or F/R2P 4B Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC D2FTvmPTAT BE D2F/R 4B Pending Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC D2FTvmTimeToTrig BE D2F/R 4B Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC Dccc1APenaltyTime 1A Rate Down Penalty Time Length SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DcccShoPenaltyTime Period of penalty timer for SHO failure after down rate SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC DcccStg DCCC Strategy SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DcccUpPenaltyLen DCCC Rate Up Fail Penalty Time Length SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DchThrouMeasPeriod DCH Throu Meas Period SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DchThrouPendingTime4B Period Amount after trigger 4B on DCH ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC DchThrouTimetoTrigger4B Period Amount to trigger 4B on DCH ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC DEBUGSUBNET Debugging Subnet No. SET SUBNET(Optional) RNC DefaultCnOp Default CnOperator SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) RNC DefaultConstantValue Constant value configured by default SET FRC(Optional) RNC DefPcpichEcNo Default PCPICH Ec/No ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC Delay Delay Time Length SET POOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY(Mandatory) RNC DELAY Max diff delay ADD IMAGRP(Optional) RNC DelayClass Delay Class ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory ) ADD TYPRABRLC(Mandatory) RNC DeltaCodeOccupiedRate Delta code occupied rate SET DRD(Optional) RNC DeltaQrxlevmin Delta Min Rx level ADD CELLSELRESEL(Mandato ry) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC DENO Destination entity No. ADD M3DE(Mandatory) ADD M3RT(Mandatory) ADD M3LKS(Mandatory) RNC DESTIP Destination IP address PING IP(Mandatory) RNC DESTIP Destination IP address TRC IPADDR(Mandatory) RNC DESTMEPID RMEP ID PING MAC(Mandatory) RNC DESTMEPID RMEP ID TRC MAC(Mandatory) RNC DGPSPERIOD DGPS data report period ADD GPS(Optional) RNC Direction Direction ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Mandatory) RNC DivCtrlField Softer handover combination indication switch SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC DlAmrConvAF DL AF of R99 AMR conv service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC DlAmrTrigTimeE AMR Trigger Time Of Event E ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC DlBackgroundAF DL AF of R99 background service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC DlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff DL basic common measure filter coeff SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC DlBeH2DInitialRate DL rate of HSDPA BE traffic as H2D SET FRC(Optional) RNC DlBeTraffDecThs DL BE traffic DCH decision threshold SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Opti onal) ADD CELLFRC(Optional) RNC DlBeTraffInitBitrate DL BE traffic Initial bit rate SET FRC(Optional) RNC DlBeTraffThsOnHsdpa DL BE traffic threshold on HSDPA SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC DlBeTrigTimeE BE Trigger Time Of Event E ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC DlBeTrigTimeF BE Trigger Time Of Event F ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC DlCacAvgFilterLen DL CAC smoothing filter length SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC DlCCHLoadRsrvCoeff DL common channel load reserved coefficient ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlCellTotalThd DL total power threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlCmMethod Downlink Compression Method ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC DLCODENO Reserved DL code No ADD RESERVEOVSF(Mandatory) RNC DlConvAMRThd DL threshold of Conv AMR service ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlConvNonAMRThd DL threshold of Conv non_AMR service ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlCSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum DL CS should be HO user number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlCSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum DL CS should not be HO user number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlDcccRateThd Downlink Bit Rate Threshold For DCCC SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DlFullCvrRate Downlink Full Coverage Bit Rate ADD CELLDCCC(Optional) SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DlGBR Downlink GBR for BE service SET USERGBR(Optional) RNC DlHoCeCodeResvSf DL handover credit and code reserved SF ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlHOThd DL handover access thresholdADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlHSUPARsvdFactor DL HSUPA reserved factor ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlInteractAF DL AF of R99 interactive service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC DlInterFreqHoBWThd DL HO maximum bandwidthADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC DlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd DL HO load space threshold ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNum DL LDR-AMR rate reduction RAB number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrAvgFilterLen DL LDR smoothing filter length SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC DlLdrBERateReductionRabNum DL LDR-BE rate reduction RAB number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrCreditSfResThd DL LDR credit SF reserved threshold ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrEighthAction DL LDR eighth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrFifthAction DL LDR fifth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrFirstAction DL LDR first action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrFourthAction DL LDR fourth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrNinthAction DL LDR ninth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum DL LDR un-ctrl RT Qos re-nego RAB num ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrRelThd DL LDR release threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC DlLdrSecondAction DL LDR second action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrSeventhAction DL LDR seventh action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrSixthAction DL LDR sixth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrTenthAction DL LDR tenth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrThirdAction DL LDR third action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlLdrTrigThd DL LDR trigger threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC DlLdTrnsHysTime DL State Trans Hysteresis threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC DlMaxNumOfTfc Downlink Maximum Number of TFC ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC DlMBMSRsvdFactor DL MBMS reserved factor ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlMeasFilterCoef DL TCP Measurement Filter Coefficient ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC DlMidRateCalc Downlink Mid Bit Rate Calculate Method SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DlMidRateThd Downlink Mid Bit Rate Threshold SET DCCC(Mandatory) RNC DlModeChangeTimerLen DL Mode Change Waiting Timer Length SET AMRC(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC DlNonAmrConvAF DL AF of R99 non AMR conv service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC DlOlcAvgFilterLen DL OLC smoothing filter length SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC DlOlcFTFRstrctRabNum DL OLC fast TF restrict RAB number ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC DlOlcFTFRstrctTimes DL OLC fast TF restrict times ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC DlOlcMeasFilterCoeff DL overload measure filter coeff SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC DlOlcRelThd DL OLC release threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC DlOlcTraffRelRabNum DL OLC traff release RAB number ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC DlOlcTrigHyst DL OLC trigger hysteresis SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC DlOlcTrigThd DL OLC trigger threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC DlOtherThd DL threshold of other services ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DLOVSFSF Reserved DL code OVSF ADD RESERVEOVSF(Mandatory) RNC DlPSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum DL PS should be HO user number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlPSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum DL PS should not be HO user number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC DlQosAmrAdjSwitch Switch Of AMR Downlink Rate Adjustment SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC DlQosAmrInterFreqHoSwitchInterFreq HO Switch For Downlink AMR SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC DlQosAmrInterRatHoSwitchInterRat HO Switch For Downlink AMR SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC DLQosMcTimerLen Down Link Qos Measure timer length ADD CELLQOSHO(Optional) SET QOSHO(Optional) RNC DlQosVpInterFreqHoSwitch InterFreq HO Switch For Downlink VP SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC DlQosWAmrAdjSwitch Switch For WAMR Downlink Rate SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC DlQosWAmrInterFreqHoSwitch InterFreq HO Switch For WAMR Downlink SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC DlQosWAmrInterRatHoSwitch InterRat HO Switch For WAMR Downlink SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC DlR99CongCtrlSwitch DL R99 Congestion Control Switch SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC DlRateDnAdjLevel Downlink Rate Decrease Adjust Level SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DlRateUpAdjLevel Downlink Rate Increase Adjust Level SET DCCC(Optional) RNC DlRscpQosHyst Down Link RSCP Used-Freq THD Hyst ADD CELLQOSHO(Optional) SET QOSHO(Optional) RNC DlSF Downlink spreading factor ADD CELLRLPWR(Mandatory) RNC DlSFLimitCMInd Dl SF limit CM ind SET CMCF(Optional) RNC DlSFTurnPoint DL SF threshold ADD CELLCMCF(Optional) SET CMCF(Optional) RNC DlSrbActFactor DL AF of SRB SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC DlStreamAF DL AF of R99 Streaming service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC DlStrThsOnHsdpa DL streaming traffic threshold on HSDPA SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC DlThdE1 DL E1 Event Relative Threshold SET AMRC(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC DlThdE2 DL E2 Event Relative Threshold SET AMRC(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC DlThdF1 DL F1 Event Relative Threshold SET AMRC(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC DlThdF2 DL F2 Event Relative Threshold SET AMRC(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC DlTotalEqUserNum DL total equivalent user number ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC DlVpTrigTimeE VP Trigger Time Of Event E ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC DLYGB Expected diff delay guard-band ADD IMAGRP(Optional) RNC DomainType Blocked domain type ADD RNCALLCELLBLK(Mandatory) RNC DOOR_ENGINE_MASK Enable Door Status Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional) RNC DPC DSP code ADD N7DPC(Mandatory) RNC DpcchBurst1 DPCCH Transmission Burst 1SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC DpcchBurst2 DPCCH Transmission Burst 2SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC DpcchSlotFmtForHspa prefered DPCCH slot format for HSPA SET FRC(Optional) RNC DPCDNF DSP code ADD N7DPC(Mandatory) RNC DpchDivModforMIMO DPCH diversity mode for MIMO user ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC DpchPrioTxDiversityMode DPCH priority Tx diversity mode ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC DpcMode DL power control mode SET FRC(Optional) RNC DPCT DSP type ADD N7DPC(Mandatory) RNC DPORTNO Dst Port NO. STR IPLOPTST(Mandatory)RNC DPUSN DPUb Slot No. STR IPLOPTST(Mandatory)RNC DPX DSP index ADD N7DPC(Mandatory) ADD M3DE(Mandatory) ADD MTP3LKS(Mandatory) ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) ADD CNNODE(Mandatory) ADD NRNC(Mandatory) ADD MTP3RT(Mandatory) RNC DR Activation direction ACT VCLCC(Optional) RNC DraSwitch Dynamic resource allocation switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC DRDEcN0Threshhold Drd Ec/N0 threshold ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) RNC DrlAal2EstIndTmr DRL AAL2 establishment indication timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC DrlRecfgCmitTmr DRL reconfiguration commit timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC DRMaxGSMNum Max inter-RAT direct retry number SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC DrncBeDlRlcQosSwitch Drnc Parameter for BE Downlink RLC QOS SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC DROPPKTTHD0 Packet discard threshold of queue 0 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC DROPPKTTHD1 Packet discard threshold of queue 1 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC DROPPKTTHD2 Packet discard threshold of queue 2 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC DROPPKTTHD3 Packet discard threshold of queue 3 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC DROPPKTTHD4 Packet discard threshold of queue 4 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC DROPPKTTHD5 Packet discard threshold of queue 5 ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Optional) RNC DrSwitch Direct retry switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC DrxCycle DRX Cycle SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC DrxCycleLenCoef Paging DRX cycle coefficient SET FRC(Optional) RNC DRXCycleLenCoef DRX cycle length coefficientADD CNDOMAIN(Optional) RNC DrxGrantMonitoring UE DRX Grant Monitoring Decision SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC Drxvalid DRX Parameter Switch SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC DS1 E1T1 port No. ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD MPLNK(Mandatory) RNC DsacAutoSwitch Switch for auto DSAC SET DSACAUTOALGO(Optional) RNC DSCP Differentiated services code point PING IP(Optional) SET DSCPMAP(Mandatory) ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) SET PHBMAP(Mandatory) RNC DSPNO Dsp No. STR IPLOPTST(Mandatory)RNC DST DaylightSave SET TZ(Optional) RNC DSTE1T1LNKN Destination link No. ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory)RNC DSTIP Destination IP address ADD IPRT(Mandatory) ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory) ADD FLOW(Mandatory) RNC DSTMASK Destination address mask ADD IPRT(Mandatory) RNC DSTMASK Destination address mask ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory) RNC DSTTSN Destination time slot No. ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory)RNC DtxCycle1 DPCCH Transmission Cycle 1 SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC DtxCycle2 DPCCH Transmission Cycle 2 SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC DtxDrxEnablingDelay delay time of DTX_DRX in action SET FRC(Optional) RNC DtxLongPreamble Long DPCCH Preamble SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC Dtxvalid DTX Parameter Switch SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC DUPLEX Duplex Mode SET ETHPORT(Optional) RNC DynCellOpenJudgeTimerlen Period Timer Length For Cell Dynamic ShutDown feature SET RNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA(Optional) RNC DynCellShutdownProtectTimerlen Protect Timer Length For Cell Dynamic ShutDown feature SET RNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA(Optional) RNC DynCellShutDownSwitch Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch For RNC SET RNCCELLSHUTDOWNPARA(Optional) RNC DynShutdownSwitch Cell Dynamic ShutDown Switch ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory) RNC DynShutDownType Cell Dynamic ShutDown Type ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) RNC E1T1LNKN Bearing link No. ADD FRALNK(Mandatory) RNC E2FThrouMeasPeriod E-DCH Throu Meas Period SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC E2FThrouPTAT E-DCH2F 4B Pending Period Amount SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC E2FThrouThd E-DCH2F 4B Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC E2FThrouTimeToTrig E-DCH2F 4B Period AmountSET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC EagchCodeNum Code Number for E-AGCH ADD CELLHSUPA(Optional) RNC ECHOIP Check IP address ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC EcN0AdjStep Ec/N0 Adjustment Step SET RACHMEASUREPARA(Optional) RNC EcN0AdjTimerLen Ec/N0 Adjustment Measurement Period SET RACHMEASUREPARA(Optional) RNC EcN0EffectTime Ec/N0 effective time SET FRC(Optional) ADD CELLFRC(Optional) RNC EcN0MaxDownAdjStep Maximum Ec/N0 Down StepSET RACHMEASUREPARA(Optional) RNC EcN0MaxUpAdjStep Maximum Ec/N0 Up Step SET RACHMEASUREPARA(Optional) RNC EcN0Ths Ec/N0 threshold SET FRC(Optional) ADD CELLFRC(Optional) RNC EDAY End date SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC EdchMacdPduSize1 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size1 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize10 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size10ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize11 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size11ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize12 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size12ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize2 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size2 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize3 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size3 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize4 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size4 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize5 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size5 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize6 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size6 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize7 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size7 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize8 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size8 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSize9 E-DCH MAC-D PDU size9 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchMacdPduSizeNum The Number of E-DCH MAC-D PDU Size ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC EdchPendingTime4A Period Amount after trigger 4A on EDCH ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC EdchPendingTime4B Period Amount after trigger 4B on EDCH ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC EdchRateAdjustSet HSUPA UpLink Rate Adjust Set SET EDCHRATEADJUSTSET(Optional) RNC EdchSirMaxDownStep Maximum E-DCH SIR decrease step ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) RNC EdchTargetLargeRetransNumEdch Target Large Number of E-DCH PDU retransfer ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) RNC EdchTargetLittleRetransNumEdch Little Target Number of E-DCH PDU retransfer ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) RNC EdchTimetoTrigger4A Period Amount to trigger 4A on EDCH ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC EdchTimetoTrigger4B Period Amount to trigger 4B on EDCH ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC EdchTtiType Edch TTI type SET DTXDRXPARA(Mandatory) RNC EFACHDL EFACH channel forward factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC EFACHDTCHGBP EFACH DTCH GBP ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC EFachSupInd EFachSupInd ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC EFachSwitch switch for RRC established on E_FACH SET RRCESTCAUSE(Optional) RNC EHSPACMPermissionInd CM permission ind on HSPA+ SET CMCF(Optional) RNC EM EndType SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC EmcPreeRefVulnSwitch Preemptvulnerability for Emergency call switch SET QUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) RNC EMERGENCY Emergency verification ADD MTP3LKS(Optional) RNC EmergLCSSwitch Emergency LCS Switch SET SMLC(Optional) RNC EMONTH End month SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC EMSIP EMS IP Address ADD EMSIP(Mandatory) RNC EncryptionAlgo Encryption algorithm SET UEA(Optional) RNC EndTime1 First Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval End Time ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory) RNC EndTime2 Second Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval End Time ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory) RNC EndTime3 Third Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval End Time ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory) RNC ENTITYT Destination entity type ADD M3DE(Mandatory) ADD M3LE(Mandatory) RNC ERFAMEventPara Err Frmae Event Para ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC ERFAMEventPrid Err Frmae Event Prid ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC ERFAMPRDEventPara Err Frmae Cyc Event Para ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC ERFAMPRDEventPrid Err Frmae Cyc Event Prid ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC ERFAMSCDEventPara Err Frmae Sec Event Para ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC ERFAMSCDEventPrid Err Frmae Sec Event Prid ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC ErgchEhichCodeNum Code Number for E-RGCH/E-HICH ADD CELLHSUPA(Optional) RNC ESTINDTMR Establishment indication timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC ESTREQTMR Establishment request timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC ET EndTime SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC Event4aThd Traffic Measurement Event 4A threshold ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC Event4bThd Traffic Measurement Event 4B threshold ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Mandatory) RNC EventAReportDelay Event A report delay ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC EventAThred Event A threshold ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC EventBThred Event B threshold ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC EWEEK End week SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC EWSEQ End week sequence SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC EX_ANO1_SIG_MAX Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO1_SIG_MIN Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO1_TYPE Sensor Type of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO1_VAL_MAX Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO1_VAL_MIN Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 1 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO2_SIG_MAX Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO2_SIG_MIN Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO2_TYPE Sensor Type of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO2_VAL_MAX Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO2_VAL_MIN Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 2 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO3_SIG_MAX Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO3_SIG_MIN Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO3_TYPE Sensor Type of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO3_VAL_MAX Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO3_VAL_MIN Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 3 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO4_SIG_MAX Upper Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO4_SIG_MIN Lower Limit of Signal Output of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO4_TYPE Sensor Type of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO4_VAL_MAX Upper Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC EX_ANO4_VAL_MIN Lower Limit of Measurement Range of External Analog 4 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC F2PTvmPTAT BE F2P 4B Pending Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC F2PTvmTimeToTrig BE F2P 4B Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC FachId FACH ID ADD CTCH(Mandatory) RNC FachIdforMcch FACH ID for MCCH ADD CELLMCCH(Mandatory) RNC FachMaxPower Fach Max Power ADD CELLMBMSFACH(Option al) SET MBMSFACH(Optional) SET MSCHFACH(Optional) RNC FACHMeasInd FACH Meas Indicator ADD CELLMEAS(Optional)RNC FACHPwrReduceValue FACH power reduce value ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC FACTOR SPI Factor SET SPIFACTOR(Mandatory) RNC FACTOR Factor SET CTRLFACTOR(Mandatory) RNC FailTimeTh DCCC Rate Up Fail Time Threshold SET DCCC(Optional) RNC FC Flow Control SET ETHPORT(Optional) RNC FCINDEX Flow control parameter index ADD FRALNK(Optional) ADD IMAGRP(Optional) SET OPT(Mandatory) SET ETHPORT(Mandatory) ADD MPGRP(Optional) ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD UNILNK(Optional) ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Option al) ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA( Mandatory) ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC FCSTYPE CRC check mode ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPLNK(Optional) RNC FddTpcDlStepSize FDD DL power control step size SET FRC(Optional) RNC FdpchDivModforMIMO F-DPCH diversity mode for MIMO user ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC FdpchDivModforNonMIMOF-DPCH diversity mode for non MIMO user ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC FdpchMaxRefPwr FDPCH maximum reference power SET FDPCHRLPWR(Optional) RNC FdpchMinRefPwr FDPCH minimum reference power SET FDPCHRLPWR(Optional) RNC FdpchPO2 F-DPCH Power Offset SET FDPCHPARA(Optional) RNC FEDHCPSVRIP FE Dhcp Server IP ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC FILENAME Export file name EXP CFGMML(Optional) BKP DB(Optional) RNC FILEPATH Export file path EXP CFGMML(Optional) RNC FilterCoef Intra-freq meas L3 filter coeffSET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC FilterCoefOf2D2F 2D2F filter coeff ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC FixedMachsWinSize Fixed MAC-hs window size ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC FlcAlgoSwitch Flc Algo Switch ADD CELLMCCH(Optional) RNC FLOWCTRLSWITCH Flow control switch ADD FRALNK(Optional) SET OPT(Optional) ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD IMAGRP(Optional) ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) ADD UNILNK(Optional) ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Option al) SET ETHPORT(Optional) RNC FLOWID Flow ID ADD FLOW(Mandatory) RNC FN File Name ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC FN File Name EXP ELABEL(Optional) RNC ForcedSHOSwitch ForcedSho Switch In CELLID+RTT Method SET SMLC(Optional) RNC FPMUXSWITCH FPMUX flag ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC FPTIMER the maximal time for FP MUXADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC FRAGSIZE MP flake size ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC FRALNKN Fractional link No. ADD FRALNK(Mandatory) RNC FRALNKT Fractional link type ADD FRALNK(Mandatory) RNC FRMLEN TX frame length ADD IMAGRP(Optional) RNC FTI Factor table index ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) RNC FTI Factor table index ADD TRMFACTOR(Mandatory) RNC FUNCTIONSWITCH1 Function Switch1 ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC FUNCTIONSWITCH2 Function Switch2 ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC FUNCTIONSWITCH3 Function Switch3 ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC FUNCTIONSWITCH4 Function Switch4 ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC FWDCONGBW Forward congestion threshold ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) ADD FRALNK(Optional) ADD IMAGRP(Optional) ADD UNILNK(Optional) ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC FWDCONGBW Forward congestion thresholdADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC FWDCONGBW Forward congestion thresholdADD AAL2PATH(Optional)RNC FWDCONGBW Forward congestion thresholdADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC FWDCONGBW Forward congestion thresholdADD RSCGRP(Optional) RNC FWDCONGCLRBW Forward congestion clear threshold ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) ADD FRALNK(Optional) ADD IMAGRP(Optional) ADD UNILNK(Optional) RNC FWDCONGCLRBW Forward congestion clear threshold ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC FWDCONGCLRBW Forward congestion clear threshold ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC FWDCONGCLRBW Forward congestion clear threshold ADD AAL2PATH(Optional)RNC FWDCONGCLRBW Forward congestion clear threshold ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC FWDCONGCLRBW Forward congestion clear threshold ADD RSCGRP(Optional) RNC FWDHORSVBW Forward handover reserved bandwidth ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) ADD FRALNK(Optional) ADD IMAGRP(Optional) ADD UNILNK(Optional) ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC FWDHORSVBW Forward handover reserved bandwidth ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC FWDHORSVBW Forward handover reserved bandwidth ADD AAL2PATH(Optional)RNC FWDHORSVBW Forward handover reserved bandwidth ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC FWDHORSVBW Forward handover reserved bandwidth ADD RSCGRP(Optional) RNC GainFactorBetaC Gain Factor BetaC ADD PRACHTFC(Mandatory) RNC GainFactorBetaD Gain Factor BetaD ADD PRACHTFC(Optional)RNC GATEWAY Check IP address STR IPCHK(Mandatory) RNC GCDF Geo-coordinate data format ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC GCDF GCDF ADD GPS(Optional) RNC GENCCHDL General common channel service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC GENCCHUL General common channel service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC GoldMaxMode Max Mode Of Wideband AMRC For Golden Users ADD CELLAMRCWB(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC GoldMaxMode Max Mode Of Narrowband AMRC For Golden Users ADD CELLAMRC(Optional) SET AMRC(Optional) RNC GoldUserLoadControlSwitchGold user load control switchADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC GPSPERIOD GPS data report period ADD GPS(Optional) RNC GRPID Transport Resource Group No. ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC GRPT Transport Resource Group Type ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC GSMCellIndex GSM cell index ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) HO CELL(Optional) ADD GSMNCELL(Mandatory) RNC GSMCellName GSM cell name ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) RNC HangBlockNum5A Interval Block Number ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC HappyBR Happy bit rate SET USERHAPPYBR(Optional) RNC HarqPreaCap HARQ Preamble capability indication ADD NRNCCELL(Optional)RNC HBDelaycnd Happy bit delay time ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HBINTER Heartbeat interval ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC HCARRYT High bearing type ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC HCodeAdjPunshTimerLengthPunish Timer Length for Code Adjust for HSDPA ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC HCSPrio HCS priority level ADD CELLHCS(Optional) ADD GSMCELL(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC HDBKGDL HSDPA background service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HDBKGPRIPATH HSDPA background primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDBKGPRITH HSDPA background pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDBKGSECPATH HSDPA background secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDBKGSECWHT HSDPA background pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDCONVDL HSDPA conversational service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HDCONVPRIPATH HSDPA conversational primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDCONVPRITH HSDPA conversational pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDCONVSECPATH HSDPA conversational secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDCONVSECWHT HSDPA conversational pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDHIGHINTERACTPRITHHSDPA high interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDHIGHINTERACTSECWHT HSDPA high pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDINTERDL HSDPA interactive service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HDINTHGHPRIPATH HSDPA high PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDINTHGHSECPATH HSDPA high PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDINTLOWPRIPATH HSDPA low PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDINTLOWSECPATH HSDPA low PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDINTMIDPRIPATH HSDPA middle PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDINTMIDSECPATH HSDPA middle PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDLOWINTERACTPRITHHSDPA low interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDLOWINTERACTSECWHT HSDPA low interactive pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDMIDINTERACTPRITH HSDPA mid interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDMIDINTERACTSECWHT HSDPA mid interactive pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDSIPDL HSDPA IMS signal downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HDSIPPRIPATH HSDPA IMS Signal primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDSIPPRITH HSDPA IMS Signal pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDSIPSECPATH HSDPA IMS Signal secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDSIPSECWHT HSDPA IMS Signal pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDSRBDL HSDPA signal downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HDSRBPRIPATH HSDPA Signal primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDSRBPRITH HSDPA Signal pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDSRBSECPATH HSDPA Signal secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDSRBSECWHT HSDPA Signal pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDSTRMDL HSDPA streaming service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HDSTRMPRIPATH HSDPA streaming primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDSTRMPRITH HSDPA streaming pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDSTRMSECPATH HSDPA streaming secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDSTRMSECWHT HSDPA streaming pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HDVOICEDL HSDPA voice service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HDVOICEPRIPATH HSDPA Voice primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HDVOICESECPATH HSDPA Voice secondary pathADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HFRAATMLNKN High FRAATM link No. ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC HhoRelocProcSwitch Relocation with HHO process switch ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC HHOTRIG HHO cross IUR trigger ADD NRNC(Mandatory) RNC HIMAGRPN High IMA group No. ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC HoAsuTmr HO active set update response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC HoCellUpdateRspTmr HO cell update response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC HOCovPrio The priority of coverage based inter-frequency handover ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optional) RNC HoPagingRspTmr HO paging response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC HoPhychRecfgTmr HO PhyCh reconfiguration timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC HoRelocReqTmr HO relocation request timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC HostType NodeB Host Type ADD NODEB(Optional) RNC HoSwitch HandOver switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC HOThdEcN0 Inter-freq measure target frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) RNC HOThdRscp Inter-freq measure target frequency trigger RSCP THD ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) RNC HoWtTrchRecfgRspTmr HO wait timer for TrCH or RB reconfiguration response SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC HPN High NCOPT port No. ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC HsdpaBackGroundAF AF of hsdpa background service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC HsdpaBePBRThd HSDPA best effort PBR threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC HsdpaCMPermissionInd CM permission ind on HSDPA SET CMCF(Optional) RNC HsdpaConvAF AF of hsdpa conv service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC HsdpaInteractAF AF of hsdpa interactive service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC HsdpaNeedPwrFilterLen HSDPA need power filter len SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC HsdpaPrvidBitRateFilterLen HSDPA bit rate filter len SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC HsdpaRabEstAttMinNum The minimum of HSDPA Rab attempt setup Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC HsdpaRabEstSuccRatioThd HSDPA Rab successful setup ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC HsdpaStreamAF AF of hsdpa streaming service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC HsdpaStrmPBRThd HSDPA streaming PBR threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC HSDPAthroughput Max throughput of HSDPA ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC HsdpaUserNumThd Cell Dynamic ShutDown Hsdpa User number Threshold ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSize1 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size1 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSize2 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size2 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSize3 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size3 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSize4 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size4 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSize5 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size5 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSize6 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size6 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSize7 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size7 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSize8 HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU size8 ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HsdschMacdPduSizeNum The Number of HS-DSCH MAC-D PDU Size ADD TYPRABHSPA(Optional) RNC HSN High slot No. ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC HspaEnhSwitch Cell Hspa Enhanced function switch ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC HSPAPlusSelection prefered HSPA PLUS character SET FRC(Optional) RNC HspaPlusSwitch Cell Hspa Plus function switch ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC HspaPower The Offset of HSPA Total Power ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC HspaTimerLen HSPA hysteresis timer lengthSET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC HspdcchSecondCodeSupp1 Support second code Flag for Tb1 SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC HspdcchSecondCodeSupp2 Support second code Flag for Tb2 SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC HspdcchSecondCodeSupp3 Support second code Flag for Tb3 SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC HspdcchSecondCodeSupp4 Support second code Flag for Tb4 SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC HsPdschCodeNum Code Number for HS-PDSCHADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC HsPdschMaxCodeNum Code Max Number for HS-PDSCH ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC HsPdschMinCodeNum Code Min Number for HS-PDSCH ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC HsPdschMPOConstEnum HS-PDSCH MPO Constant ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC HspdschPrioTxDiversityMode Hspdsch priority Tx diversity mode ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC HSRN High subrack No. ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC HsScchCodeNum Code Number for HS-SCCH ADD CELLHSDPA(Optional) RNC Hsupa10msSchPrdForGrant HSUPA TTI 10ms schedule period with grant SET FRC(Optional) RNC Hsupa10msSchPrdForNonGrant HSUPA TTI 10ms schedule period without grant SET FRC(Optional) RNC Hsupa2msSchPrdForGrant HSUPA TTI 2ms schedule period with grant SET FRC(Optional) RNC Hsupa2msSchPrdForNonGrant HSUPA TTI 2ms schedule period without grant SET FRC(Optional) RNC HsupaBackGroundAF AF of hsupa background service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC HsupaBeShoRateThd HSUPA BE SHO THD RATESET DCCC(Optional) RNC HsupaCeConsumeSelection HSUPA Credit Consume Type ADD NODEBALGOPARA(Optional) RNC HsupaCMPermissionInd CM permission ind on HSUPA SET CMCF(Optional) RNC HsupaConvAF AF of hsupa conv service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC HsupaDcccStg HSUPA DCCC Strategy SET DCCC(Optional) RNC HsupaEqualPriorityUserPBRThd Equal priority HSUPA user PBR threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC HsupaHighPriorityUserPBRThd High priority HSUPA user PBR threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC HsupaInitialRate Initial rate of HSUPA BE traffic SET FRC(Optional) RNC HsupaInteractAF AF of hsupa interactive service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC HsupaLowPriorityUserPBRThd Low priority HSUPA user PBR threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC HsupaPrvidBitRateFilterLen HSUPA bit rate filter len SET LDM(Optional) RNC HsupaRabEstAttMinNum The minimum of HSUPA Rab attempt setup Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC HsupaRabEstSuccRatioThd HSUPA Rab successful setup ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC HsupaStreamAF AF of hsupa streaming service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC HSUPAthroughput Max throughput of HSUPA ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC HsupAuRetrnsLdRelThd HSUPA auto retransmit load release threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC HsupAuRetrnsLdTrigThd HSUPA auto retransmit load trigger threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC HsupaUserNumThd Cell Dynamic ShutDown Hsupa User number Threshold ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) RNC HUBKGPRIPATH HSUPA background primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUBKGPRITH HSUPA background pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUBKGSECPATH HSUPA background secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUBKGSECWHT HSUPA background pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUBKGUL HSUPA background service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HUCONVPRIPATH HSUPA conversational primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUCONVPRITH HSUPA conversational pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUCONVSECPATH HSUPA conversational secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUCONVSECWHT HSUPA conversational pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUCONVUL HSUPA conversational service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HUHIGHINTERACTPRITHHSUPA high interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUHIGHINTERACTSECWHT HSUPA high interactive pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUINTERUL HSUPA interactive service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HUINTHGHPRIPATH HSUPA high PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUINTHGHSECPATH HSUPA high PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUINTLOWPRIPATH HSUPA low PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUINTLOWSECPATH HSUPA low PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUINTMIDPRIPATH HSUPA middle PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUINTMIDSECPATH HSUPA middle PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HULOWINTERACTPRITHHSUPA low interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HULOWINTERACTSECWHT HSUPA low interactive pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUM_MASK Enable Humidity Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional) RNC HUM_THD_HIGH Upper Limit of Humidity Alarm ADD EMU(Optional) RNC HUM_THD_LOW Lower Limit of Humidity Alarm ADD EMU(Optional) RNC HUMIDINTERACTPRITH HSUPA mid interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUMIDINTERACTSECWHT HSUPA mid interactive pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUNILNKN High UNI link No. ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC HUSIPPRIPATH HSUPA IMS Signal primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUSIPPRITH HSUPA IMS Signal pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUSIPSECPATH HSUPA IMS Signal secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUSIPSECWHT HSUPA IMS Signal pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUSIPUL HSUPA IMS signal uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HUSRBPRIPATH HSUPA Signal primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUSRBPRITH HSUPA Signal pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUSRBSECPATH HSUPA Signal secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUSRBSECWHT HSUPA Signal pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUSRBUL HSUPA signal uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HUSTRMPRIPATH HSUPA streaming primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUSTRMPRITH HSUPA streaming pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUSTRMSECPATH HSUPA streaming secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUSTRMSECWHT HSUPA streaming pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC HUSTRMUL HSUPA streaming service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HUVOICEPRIPATH HSUPA Voice primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUVOICESECPATH HSUPA Voice secondary pathADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC HUVOICEUL HSUPA voice service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC HVCI High VCI ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC HVPI High VPI ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC HystFor1A 1A hysteresis ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC HystFor1B 1B hysteresis ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC HystFor1C 1C hysteresis ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC HystFor1D 1D hysteresis ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC HystFor1F 1F hysteresis ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC HystFor1J 1J hysteresis ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC HystFor2B 2B hysteresis ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC Hystfor2C 2C hysteresis ADD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV(Optional) SET INTERFREQHONCOV(O ptional) ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ( Optional) RNC HystFor2D 2D hysteresis ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC HystFor2F 2F hysteresis ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC Hystfor3A 3A hysteresis ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC Hystfor3C 3C hysteresis ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC HystforInterRAT Inter-RAT hysteresis ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC HystForPrdInterFreq HHO hysteresis ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ( Optional) RNC IARXTMR Inactive RX timer SET SCCPTMR(Optional) RNC IATXTMR Inactive TX timer SET SCCPTMR(Optional) RNC ICMPPKGLEN ICMP packet Length ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC ID Task ID STR SCHTSK(Optional) RNC IdleCellBarred Cell barred indicator for SIB3ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Mandatory) RNC IdleIntraFreqReselection Intra-freq cell reselection ind for SIB3 ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IdleQhyst1s Hysteresis 1 for idle mode ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC IdleQhyst2s Hysteresis 2 for idle mode ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC IdleQoffset1sn IdleQoffset1sn ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) RNC IdleQoffset2sn IdleQoffset2sn ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) RNC IdleSintersearch Inter-freq cell reselection threshold for idle mode ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC IdleSintrasearch Intra-freq cell reselection threshold for idle mode ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC IdleTbarred Time barred for SIB3 ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IDLETMR Timer_Idle ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC IFAntiPingpangTimerLengthThe timer length of anti pingpong NCOV interfreq handover SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC IgorTmr TigOR SET IUTIMERANDNUM(Optional) RNC IMAGRPN IMA group No. ADD IMAGRP(Mandatory) ADD FRALNK(Mandatory) ADD IMALNK(Mandatory) RNC IMAID IMA ID ADD IMAGRP(Optional) RNC IMALNKN IMA link No. ADD IMALNK(Mandatory) STR IMATST(Mandatory) RNC IMAVER IMA protocol version ADD IMAGRP(Optional) RNC ImsBearEnhancedSwitch IMS Bear enhanced switch SET FRC(Optional) RNC ImsChlType IMS channel type SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC IMSGBR IMS MAC-c flow GBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC IMSI IMSI ID RST IUR(Mandatory) RNC ImsiMax The end of IMSI ADD IMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) RNC ImsiMin The start of IMSI ADD IMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) RNC ImsInitialAccessRate IMS initial rate SET FRC(Mandatory) RNC ImsiRtMax Maximum of IMSI route parameter in IDNNS ADD IMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP(Mandatory) RNC ImsiRtMin Minimum of IMSI route parameter in IDNNS ADD IMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP(Mandatory) RNC IMSMBR IMS MAC-c flow MBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC InactThsForCycle2 Threshold For DPCCH Transmission Cycle 2 SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC InactThsForDrxCycle DRX Inactivity Threshold SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC InactThsForGrantMonitoringInactivity Threshold for UE Grant Monitoring SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC INFRA_RED_MASK Enable Infrared Sensor Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional) RNC INHT Inhibit Type INH BRD(Mandatory) RNC INHTMR Timer_NO-CREDIT ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC IntegrityProtectAlgo Integrity protection algorithmSET UIA(Optional) RNC INTERACTGBR Interactive MAC-c flow GBRADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC INTERACTMBR Interactive MAC-c flow MBRADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC InterFreqActiveType MBDR switch ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) RNC InterFreqCovHOThdEcN0 Inter-freq measure target frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) RNC InterFreqCSThd2DEcN0 Inter-freq CS measure start Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqCSThd2DRSCP Inter-freq CS measure start RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqCSThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq CS measure stop Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqCSThd2FRSCP Inter-freq CS measure stop RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqDlMbdrTrigThreshold DL theshold ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) RNC InterFreqFilterCoef Inter-frequency measure filter coeff ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV(Optional) SET INTERFREQHONCOV(O ptional) ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ( Optional) RNC InterFreqHOSwitch Inter-freq handover type switch ADD CELLHOCOMM(Optional) RNC InterFreqHThd2DEcN0 Inter-freq H measure start Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqHThd2DRSCP Inter-freq H measure start RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqHThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq H measure stop Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqHThd2FRSCP Inter-freq H measure stop RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqInterRatMeasInd Inter-freq/Inter-RAT Meas Ctrl Info Ind ADD CELLMEAS(Optional)RNC InterFreqMeasQuantity Inter-freq Measure Quantity ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) RNC InterFreqMeasTime Inter-freq measure timer length ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV(Optional) SET INTERFREQHONCOV(O ptional) ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ( Optional) RNC InterFreqNCellDetectSwitch Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cell Detect Switch SET NCELLDETECTSWITCH(Optional) RNC InterFreqNCovHOThdEcN0 Inter-freq measure target frequency trigger Ec/No THD SET INTERFREQHONCOV(Optional) RNC InterFreqR99PsThd2DEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS measure start Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqR99PsThd2DRSCPInter-freq R99 PS measure start RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqR99PsThd2FEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS measure stop Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqR99PsThd2FRSCP Inter-freq R99 PS measure stop RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC InterFreqRATSwitch Inter-freq and Inter-RAT coexist switch ADD CELLHOCOMM(Optional) RNC InterFreqReportMode Inter-frequency measure report mode ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ( Optional) RNC InterFreqTreselScalingFactorInter-freqency scaling factor for reselection delay ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC InterFreqUlMbdrTrigThreshold UL theshold ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) RNC InterPlmnHoAllowedInterRatInter RAT Inter Plmn Ho Allowed SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) RNC InterPlmnHoAllowedIntraRatIntra RAT Inter Plmn Ho Allowed SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) RNC InterRatActiveType MBDR switch ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) RNC InterRATCSThd2DEcN0 Inter-RAT CS measure start Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATCSThd2DRSCP Inter-RAT CS measure start RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATCSThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT CS measure stop Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATCSThd2FRSCP Inter-RAT CS measure stop RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRatDlMbdrTrigThreshold DL theshold ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) RNC InterRATFilterCoef Inter-RAT filter coeff ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC InterRATHOAttempts Inter-RAT handover max attempt times ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC InterRatHOPermit Emergency LCS Inter-Rat Handover Permit SET SMLC(Optional) RNC InterRATHOThd Inter-RAT CS handover decision THD ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) RNC InterRatHOType Inter-Rat Handover Type SET SMLC(Optional) RNC InterRATHThd2DEcN0 Inter-RAT H measure start Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATHThd2DRSCP Inter-RAT H measure start RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATHThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT H measure stop Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATHThd2FRSCP Inter-RAT H measure stop RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATMeasTime Inter-RAT measure timer length ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC InterRatNCellDetectSwitch Inter-Rat Neighboring Cell Detect Switch SET NCELLDETECTSWITCH(Optional) RNC InterRATNCovHOCSThd Inter-RAT CS handover decision THD ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC InterRATNCovHOPSThd Inter-RAT PS handover decision THD ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC InterRATPeriodReportInterval Inter-RAT period report interval ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC InterRatPhyChFailNum Inter-RAT HO physical channel failure THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC InterRATPingPongHyst Inter-RAT PingPong Hyst ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATPingPongTimer Inter-RAT PingPong timer ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATR99PsThd2DEcN0Inter-RAT R99 PS measure start Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATR99PsThd2DRSCPInter-RAT R99 PS measure start RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATR99PsThd2FEcN0 Inter-RAT R99 PS measure stop Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRATR99PsThd2FRSCPInter-RAT R99 PS measure stop RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC InterRatReportMode Inter-RAT report mode ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC InterRatTreselScalingFactor Inter-RAT scaling factor for reselection delay ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC InterRatUlMbdrTrigThreshold UL theshold ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) RNC INTERVAL Send PKT Interval STR ETHOAMLOOPTST(Optional) RNC IntraAblThdFor1FEcNo 1F event absolute EcNo threshold ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraAblThdFor1FRSCP 1F event absolute RSCP threshold ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraFreqFilterCoef Intra-freq meas L3 filter coeffADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraFreqLdbPeriodTimerLenIntra-frequency LDB period timer length SET LDCPERIOD(Optional) SET SATLDCPERIOD(Optional ) RNC IntraFreqMeasInd Intra-freq Meas Ctrl Info Ind ADD CELLMEAS(Optional)RNC IntraFreqMeasQuantity Intra-freq Measure Quantity ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraFreqNCellDetectSwitch Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Detect Switch SET NCELLDETECTSWITCH(Optional) RNC IntraRelThdFor1A 1A Event Relative ThresholdSET SMLC(Mandatory) RNC IntraRelThdFor1ACSNVP CS non VP service 1A event relative THD ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraRelThdFor1ACSVP VP service 1A event relative THD ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraRelThdFor1APS PS service 1A event relative threshold ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraRelThdFor1B 1B Event Relative ThresholdSET SMLC(Mandatory) RNC IntraRelThdFor1BCSNVP CS non VP service 1B event relative THD ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraRelThdFor1BCSVP VP service 1B event relative THD ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntraRelThdFor1BPS PS service 1B event relative threshold ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC IntrTmr TinTR SET IUTIMERANDNUM(Optional) RNC IPADDR IP address LOP VCL(Mandatory) RNC IPADDR Local IP address ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) ADD DEVIP(Mandatory) ADD IPOAPVC(Mandatory) ACT VCLCC(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory) RNC IPADDR Next Hop IP Address ADD VLANID(Mandatory) RNC IPADDR Local IP address ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC IPHC Head compress ADD PPPLNK(Optional) RNC IPHC Head compress ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC IPINDEX IP address index ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory) RNC IPLOGPORTFLAG Whether Binding logical port or not ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC IPLPN Logic port No. ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC IPSN NodeB IP_TRANS Slot No. ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC IPSRN NodeB IP_TRANS Subrack No. ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC IPTRANSAPARTIND IP Trans Apart Ind ADD NODEB(Mandatory) RNC IPTYPE IP address type ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory) RNC IsAccessClass0Barred Access class 0 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass10Barred Access class 10 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass11Barred Access class 11 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass12Barred Access class 12 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass13Barred Access class 13 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass14Barred Access class 14 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass15Barred Access class 15 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass1Barred Access class 1 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass2Barred Access class 2 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass3Barred Access class 3 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass4Barred Access class 4 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass5Barred Access class 5 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass6Barred Access class 6 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass7Barred Access class 7 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass8Barred Access class 8 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC IsAccessClass9Barred Access class 9 barred indicator ADD CELLACCESSSTRICT(Optional) RNC ISCARRYMASTERFLG Carry port master flag or not ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC ISFIRSTCLASS Is First Class Transport Resource Group ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC IsFixedMachsWinSize Is MAC-hs window size fixed or not ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC ISPRIMARYPLMN Primary Operator Flag ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC ISQOSPATH IS QOSPATH ACT IPPM(Mandatory) RNC IsROOTNODE Is Root Node ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) RNC ITFT Interface Type ADD TRMMAP(Mandatory) ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC IuAcIntervalOfCell AC Restriction Interval of Cell By IU SET ACALGO(Optional) RNC IubDlOlcRelRabNum DL OLC released RAB number ADD NODEBOLC(Optional) RNC IubUlOlcRelRabNum UL OLC released RAB number ADD NODEBOLC(Optional) RNC IuCSRelNoRABTmr Iu CS Release protection timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC IuPSRelNoRABTmr Iu PS Release protection timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC IurCongCtrlSuppInd Congestion Control Indicator over IUR for NRNC ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC IurExistInd IUR Interface Existing Indication ADD NRNC(Mandatory) RNC IurHsdpaSuppInd Hsdpa cap ind over IUR for NRNC ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC IurHsupaSuppInd Hsupa cap ind over IUR for NRNC ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC IUSIGCONNID IU signalling Id RST IURESOURCE(Mandatory) RNC IuStatePolicyForPool Iu State Policy For RncPool ADD RNCPOOL(Optional) RNC J0RXT J0 expected incept type SET OPT(Optional) RNC J0RXVALUE J0 expected incept value SET OPT(Optional) RNC J0TXT J0 transmit type SET OPT(Optional) RNC J0TXVALUE J0 transmit value SET OPT(Optional) RNC J1RXT J1 expected incept type SET OPT(Optional) RNC J1RXVALUE J1 expected incept value SET OPT(Optional) RNC J1TXT J1 transmit type SET OPT(Optional) RNC J1TXVALUE J1 transmit value SET OPT(Optional) RNC J2RXT J2 hope incept type SET COPTLNK(Optional) RNC J2RXVALUE J2 hope incept value SET COPTLNK(Optional) RNC J2TXT J2 transmit type SET COPTLNK(Optional) RNC J2TXVALUE J2 transmit value SET COPTLNK(Optional) RNC K2MODE K2 Mode SET MSP(Optional) RNC KEEPTMR Timer_Keep-Alive ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC KEYCHK Key detect or not STR IPCHK(Mandatory) RNC KpiAlarmChkTimes The Period of KPI Alarm Check SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC KpiAlarmSwitch RNC Report KPI Alarm Switch SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC LAC Location area code ADD LAC(Mandatory) ADD RAC(Mandatory) ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD SAC(Mandatory) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) ADD CZ(Mandatory) ADD LASNAMAP(Mandatory) RNC LATITUDE GPS antenna latitude ADD GPS(Mandatory) RNC LATITUDESEC GPS antenna latitude ADD GPS(Mandatory) RNC LATPRD Delay measure period ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC LATSUSTM Delay adjust suspend period ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC LATTH Rate down threshold for delayADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC LATUDK average delay down filter mantissa ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC LATUPK average delay up filter mantissa ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC LCARRYT Low bearing type ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC LdbAvgFilterLen LDB smoothing filter length SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC LdbDRDchoice Load balance DRD choice SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC LdbDRDLoadRemainThdDCH Dl load balance DRD power remain threshold for DCH SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC LdbDRDLoadRemainThdHSDPA Dl load balance DRD power remain threshold for HSDPA SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC LdbDRDOffsetDCH Load balance DRD offset for DCH SET DRD(Optional) RNC LdbDRDOffsetHSDPA Load balance DRD offset for HSDPA SET DRD(Optional) RNC LdbDRDSwitchDCH Load balance DRD switch for DCH SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA Load balance DRD switch for HSDPA SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC LdbDRDTotalPwrProThd Load balance DRD total power protect threshold SET DRD(Optional) RNC LdcSwitch load control algorithm switchSET LDCALGOPARA(Optional) RNC LdrCodePriUseInd LDR code priority indicator ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC LdrCodeUsedSpaceThd InterFreq HO code used ratio space threshold ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC LdrFirstPri first priority for load reshuffling SET LDCALGOPARA(Optional) RNC LdrFourthPri fourth priority for load reshuffling SET LDCALGOPARA(Optional) RNC LdrPeriodTimerLen LDR period timer length SET LDCPERIOD(Optional) SET SATLDCPERIOD(Optional ) RNC LdrSecondPri second priority for load reshuffling SET LDCALGOPARA(Optional) RNC LdrThirdPri third priority for load reshuffling SET LDCALGOPARA(Optional) RNC LEI Path Load EQ Threshold Table Index ADD LOADEQ(Mandatory) RNC LEIBRZ Bronze user Load EQ index ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) RNC LEIGLD Gold user Load EQ index ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) RNC LEISLV Silver user Load EQ index ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) RNC LENO Local entity No. ADD M3LE(Mandatory) ADD M3DE(Mandatory) RNC LEVEL Alarm mask switch SET ALMML(Mandatory) RNC LEVEL MD Level ADD ETHMD(Optional) RNC LFRAATMLNKN Low FRAATM link No. ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC LGCAPPTYPE Logic function type LOD PATCH(Optional) RNC LGCAPPTYPE Logic function type ADD BRD(Optional) RNC LGCAPPTYPE Logic function type SET OPT(Mandatory) RNC LIMAGRPN Low IMA group No. ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC LimitCMDlSFThd Dl SF threshold to limit CM SET CMCF(Mandatory) RNC LittleRateThd Low Activity Bit Rate Threshold SET DCCC(Optional) RNC LL Lower Limit SET ALMPORT(Optional) RNC LNKCODE Line code SET E1T1(Optional) RNC LNKN Link No. SET E1T1LOP(Optional) LOP E1T1(Optional) STR E1T1TST(Optional) SET E1T1(Optional) SET COPTLNK(Mandatory) RNC LNKREDFLAG Initial bearing traffic active tag ADD M3LNK(Optional) RNC LNKSLSMASK Signalling link mask ADD MTP3LKS(Optional) ADD M3LKS(Optional) RNC LNKT Frame Structure SET E1T1(Optional) RNC LNKT Link type ACT VCLCC(Mandatory) LOP VCL(Mandatory) RNC LOCALIP Local IP address ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) RNC LOCALIP Local IP address ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) RNC LOCALIP Local IP STR IPLOPTST(Mandatory)RNC LoCell Local cell ID ADD LOCELL(Mandatory) ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) RNC LOCIP1 First local IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC LOCIP2 Second local IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC LOCPN Local SCTP port No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC LODCTRL Board start load control. SET LODCTRL(Mandatory)RNC LOGPORTFLAG Logic Port Flag ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC LOGPORTNO Logic Port No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC LOGPORTSN Logic Port Slot No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC LONGITUDE GPS antenna longitude ADD GPS(Mandatory) RNC LONGITUDESEC GPS antenna longitude ADD GPS(Mandatory) RNC LOPT Loop type SET E1T1LOP(Mandatory) SET OPTLOP(Mandatory) RNC LOSTSUSTM Lost adjust suspend period ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC LPN Low NCOPT port No. ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC LPN Logic port No. ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory ) ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC LPN The Logical Port Number ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC LPNSN IP Logic Port Slot No. ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC LPNTYPE Type of the logical port ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC LS Link select SET E1T1(Optional) RNC LS Link select SET COPTLNK(Mandatory)RNC LSN Low slot No. ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC LSRN Low bearing subrack No. ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC LUNILNKN Low UNI link No. ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC LVCI Low VCI ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC LVPI Low VPI ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC M3UASRVPN M3UA service listening port No. SET SCTPSRVPORT(Optional) RNC MaccPageRepeatTimes Number of page re-TX SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC MacDtxCycle MAC Transmission Cycle SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC MacInactiveThreshold MAC Inactivity Threshold SET DTXDRXPARA(Optional) RNC MacPduMaxSizeForEFach Cell_FACH L2 enhance max PDU size SET FRC(Optional) RNC MacPduMaxSizeForL2Enhance Cell_DCH L2 enhance max PDU size SET FRC(Optional) RNC MAIDX MA Index ADD ETHMA(Mandatory) ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory) ACT ETHCC(Mandatory) PING MAC(Mandatory) TRC MAC(Mandatory) RNC MAINLINK Main link type ADD NCP(Optional) ADD CCP(Optional) RNC MANAME MA Name ADD ETHMA(Mandatory) RNC MapSwitch Service mapping strategy switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC MASK SRNTI Mask RST IUR(Mandatory) RNC MASK Subnet mask ADD DEVIP(Mandatory) RNC MASK Subnet mask ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) RNC MASK Subnet mask ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) RNC MASK Subnet mask ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) RNC MASK Subnet mask ADD EMSIP(Mandatory) RNC MASK Subnet mask ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory) RNC MaxAllowedUlTxPower Max allowed UE UL TX power ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional ) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC MaxAllowedUlTxPowerInd Max allowed UE UL TX power ind ADD NRNCCELL(Optional)RNC MaxAntennaRange Cell Antenna Max Coverage ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC MaxAntennaRangeImp Cell Antenna Max Coverage ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC MAXASSOCRETR Association max retransfer ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC MaxAttNum Inter-Freq DRD max attempt times ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ(Optional) RNC MaxAttNum Inter-RAT DRD max attempt times ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) RNC MaxBitRate Max rate ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC MaxBitRate Max rate ADD CELLRLPWR(Mandatory) RNC MAXBW Max bandwidth ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC MaxCAPSLowLoad Max capability normal load SET CTRLPLNSHAREPARA(Optional) RNC MaxCAPSMidLoad Max capability middle load SET CTRLPLNSHAREPARA(Optional) RNC MAXCC MaxCC ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC MaxCellInActiveSet Max number of cell in active set ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC MaxCmchPi Max Common channel priority ADD FACH(Optional) RNC MaxEcN0Value Maximum Ec/N0 Value SET RACHMEASUREPARA(Optional) RNC MaxEdchCellInActiveSet Max number of cell in EDCH active set SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC MaxEdchRetransNum Maximum Number of E-DCH PDU retransfer ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) RNC MaxEFachUserNum Maximum EFACH user number ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MaxFachPower Max transmit power of FACHADD FACH(Optional) RNC MAXFRAMELEN Maximum Frame Length ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC MaxGpsSats Maximum Num Of GPS Satellites SET SMLC(Optional) RNC MaxHsdpaUserNum Maximum HSDPA user number ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MaxHsupaUserNum Maximum HSUPA user number ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MaxMeasContInvalidTimes Max number of continuous invalid measurement SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC MAXMFLEN PPP mux max mux-frame length ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC MaxNrOfUlDpchs Maximum codes of uplink DPDCH ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC MAXNRP Max_NRP ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC MAXPATHRETR Path max retransfer ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC MaxPCPICHPower Max transmit power of PCPICH ADD PCPICH(Optional) RNC MAXPD Max Poll Data Count ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC MaxQueueTimeLen Max queuing time length SET QUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) RNC MAXSFLEN PPP mux max son-frame length ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC MaxTargetUlLoadFactor Maximum Target Uplink load Factor ADD CELLHSUPA(Optional) RNC MAXTIME Maximum time for posave STR POSAVE(Optional) RNC MaxTxPower Max transmit power of cell ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Optio nal) RNC MaxUlTxPowerforBac Max UL TX power of background service ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MaxUlTxPowerforConv Max UL TX power of conversational service ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MaxUlTxPowerforInt Max UL TX power of interactive service ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MaxUlTxPowerforStr Max UL TX power of streaming service ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MaxUserNumCodeAdj Max user number of code adjust ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC MBDRFlag The flag of the MBDR ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) RNC MBDRPrio The priority of MBDR neighbor cell ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) RNC MBFDCHKN Check Check Index ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory) RNC MBFDLOCALIP Multi hop BFD detect local ipSTR IPCHK(Mandatory) RNC MBFDSN Check Slot No. ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory) RNC MBFDSRN Check Subrack No. ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory) RNC MbmsAF AF of MBMS service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC MBMSCCHDL MBMS common channel service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC MbmsChInd Mbms Channel Indicator ADD SCCPCHBASIC(Optional) RNC MbmsDecPowerRabThd MBMS descend power rab threshold ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC MbmsInactTmr Set mbms data check timer SET MBMSALARMPARA(Mandatory) RNC MbmsIubSharingSwitch MBMS Iub Sharing switch SET MBMSSWITCH(Optional) RNC MbmsMCC Mobile country code ADD MBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory) RNC MbmsMNC Mobile network code ADD MBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory) RNC MbmsNCellInd MBMS neighboring cell indicator ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Optional) RNC MbmsOlcRelNum MBMS services number released ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC MbmsPreemptAlgoSwitch Mbms PreemptAlgoSwitch SET QUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) RNC MbmsPtpUlBitRate Mbms Ptp UpLink Bit Rate SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC MbmsSaId MBMS SA ID ADD CELLMBMSSA(Mandator y) ADD MBMSSA(Mandatory) ADD SAMBMSPARA(Mandator y) RNC MbmsServiceId MBMS ServiceId ADD MBMSALARMSERVICE(Mandatory) RNC MbmsSwitch MBMS Control Switch SET MBMSSWITCH(Mandatory) RNC MBMSthroughput Max throughout of MBMS ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC MbmsTransMode Mbms Transfer Mode ADD CELLMBMSPARA(Option al) ADD SAMBMSPARA(Optional) SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optiona l) RNC MBS Max burst size ADD ATMTRF(Optional) RNC MCC Mobile country code ADD CNOPERATOR(Mandator y) ADD LASNAMAP(Mandatory) ADD IMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) SET MBMSPERF(Mandatory) RNC McchAccessPeriodCoef Mcch Access Period coefficient SET MCCHPERIODCOEF(Optional) RNC McchModPeriodCoef Mcch Mod Period coefficientSET MCCHPERIODCOEF(Optional) RNC McchRepPeriodCoef Mcch Repetition Period coefficient SET MCCHPERIODCOEF(Optional) RNC MCCLASS MC PRI number ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC MCR Minimum cell rate ADD ATMTRF(Optional) RNC MDIDX MD Index ADD ETHMD(Mandatory) ADD ETHMA(Mandatory) RNC MDNAME MD Name ADD ETHMD(Mandatory) RNC MeasQuantityOf3A 3A Measure Quantity ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC MEPID MEP ID ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory) ACT ETHCC(Mandatory) RNC MEPSN MEP Slot No. ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory) RNC MEPTYPE MEP Type ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory) RNC MHF MP/MC list head option ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC MichId MICH ID ADD CELLMCCH(Mandatory) RNC MichPower MICH Power ADD CELLMCCH(Optional) RNC MichSttdInd MICH STTD Indicator ADD CELLMCCH(Optional) RNC MINBW Min bandwidth ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC MinCmchPi Min Common channel priority ADD FACH(Optional) RNC MinDlChCodeLen Minimum SF of downlink DPCH ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC MinEcN0Value Minimum Ec/N0 Value SET RACHMEASUREPARA(Optional) RNC MinForAmrE AMR Event E Reporting Period In Min ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(M andatory) SET QUALITYMEAS(Mandato ry) RNC MinForBeE BE Event E Reporting Period In Min ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(M andatory) SET QUALITYMEAS(Mandato ry) RNC MinForBeF BE Event F Reporting Period In Min ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(M andatory) SET QUALITYMEAS(Mandato ry) RNC MinForDlBasicMeas DL basic meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC MinForDlOlcMeas DL OLC meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC MinForHsdpaPrvidRateMeasHSDPA bit rate meas cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC MinForHsdpaPwrMeas HSDPA need pwr meas cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC MinForHsupaPrvidRateMeasHSUPA bit rate meas cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) RNC MinForUlBasicMeas UL basic meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC MinForUlOlcMeas UL OLC meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC MinForVpE VP Event E Reporting Period In Min ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(M andatory) SET QUALITYMEAS(Mandato ry) RNC MINLNKNUM Min Number of Links Activated ADD IMAGRP(Optional) RNC MinPCPICHPower Min transmit power of PCPICH ADD PCPICH(Optional) RNC MINRXINT Min interval of BFD packet receive STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC MINTXINT Min interval of BFD packet send STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC MinUlChCodeLen Minimum SF of uplink DPDCH ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC Mmax Max preamble loop ADD RACH(Optional) RNC MNC Mobile network code ADD CNOPERATOR(Mandator y) ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) ADD LASNAMAP(Mandatory) ADD IMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) SET MBMSPERF(Mandatory) RNC MocnControlSwitch MOCN Control Switch SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) RNC MOCNSupport MOCN Support SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) RNC MODE Configure mode SET QUICKCFG(Mandatory) RNC MODE Backup mode SET MSP(Optional) RNC MODE System clock working mode SET CLKMODE(Mandatory)RNC MODE Check mode STR IPCHK(Mandatory) RNC MODE Signalling link mode ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC MODINDTMR AAL2 modifying indication timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC MODREQTMR AAL2 modifying request timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC MoniterPrd re-TX monitor period ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC MoniTimeLen DCCC Rate Up Fail Monitor Time length SET DCCC(Optional) RNC MPDHCPSVRIP MP Dhcp Server IP ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC MPGRPN MLPPP Group No. ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) ADD MPLNK(Mandatory) RNC MPS Management proving status ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC MPTYPE MLPPP type ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC MPUSLOT MPU Slot No. ADD BRD(Optional) RNC MrIntraFreqPeriod MR Intra-freq Measurement period SET MRRNCCTRL(Optional) RNC MRScopeCtrl Set ON or OFF SET MRSCOPECTRL(Mandatory) RNC MrSwitch MR Switch SET MRRNCCTRL(Optional) RNC MrTrafficType MR Trace Traffic Type SET MRRNCCTRL(Optional) RNC MschSwitchForMtchMulti Msch Switch For MtchMulti Sccpch SET MBMSSWITCH(Optional) RNC MschSwitchForNonMtchMulti Msch Switch For NonMtchMulti Sccpch SET MBMSSWITCH(Optional) RNC MsgContent Msg Content ADD CELLCBSSAC(Mandatory) RNC MsgInd Message Indicator ADD CELLCBSSAC(Optional) RNC MSPCMD MSP Control Command SET MSPCMD(Mandatory) RNC MtchMaxPwr MTCH maximal power ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MtchMaxSf MTCH maximal SF ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MtchMinPerc0 Mtch Minimal Power Percent for priority 0 ADD CELLMBMSFACH(Option al) SET MBMSFACH(Optional) RNC MtchMinPerc15 Mtch Minimal Power Percent for priority 15 ADD CELLMBMSFACH(Option al) SET MBMSFACH(Optional) RNC MtchMultiplexThd MTCH Multiplex Threshold SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC MtchRohcSwitch Mtch Rohc Switch SET MTCH(Optional) RNC MtchRsvPwr MTCH reserve power ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MtchRsvSf MTCH reserve SF ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC MTRLGY Metrology ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC MTRLGY MTRLGY ADD GPS(Optional) RNC MTU MTU SET ETHPORT(Optional) ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC MUXTIME PPP mux frame group out-time ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC MYDISCRIMINATOR My discriminator of BFD STR IPCHK(Optional) RNC N1 N1 ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC N300 Constant 300 SET IDLEMODETIMER(Optional) RNC N302 Constant 302 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC N304 Constant 304 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC N308 Constant 308 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC N312 Constant 312 SET CONNMODETIMER(Opti onal) SET IDLEMODETIMER(Optio nal) RNC N313 Constant 313 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC N315 Constant 315 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC N381 Constant 381 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC NAME Signalling Route name ADD MTP3RT(Mandatory) ADD MTP3LKS(Mandatory) ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory) ADD M3DE(Mandatory) ADD M3LE(Mandatory) ADD M3LKS(Mandatory) ADD M3LNK(Mandatory) ADD M3RT(Mandatory) ADD N7DPC(Mandatory) ADD OPC(Mandatory) RNC NB01max Random back-off upper limitADD RACH(Optional) RNC NB01min Random back-off lower limitADD RACH(Optional) RNC NBAmrRrcNum AMR_RRC Number per Second for NodeB SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC NBAPSRVPN NBAP service listening port No. SET SCTPSRVPORT(Optional) RNC NBATMOAMIP NodeB ATM_TRANS IP address ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC NBATMOAMMASK NodeB ATM_TRANS IP Mask ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC NBHighPriRrcNum HiPri_RRC Number per Second for NodeB SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC NBIPOAMIP NodeB IP_TRANS IP address ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC NBIPOAMMASK NodeB IP_TRANS IP Mask ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC NBLB1 The First Serial Number ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC NBLB2 The Second Serial Number ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC NBMCacAlgoSwitch Cell CAC algorithm switch ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch Downlink CAC algorithm switch ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Mandatory) RNC NBMLdcAlgoSwitch Cell LDC algorithm switch ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC NbmLdcBHOUeSelSwitch BHO Select User algorithm switch ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC NBMMachsResetAlgoSelSwitch Mac-hs Reset algorithm switch ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch Uplink CAC algorithm switchADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Mandatory) RNC NbmWpsAlgorithmPriority Set WPS user priority SET WPSALGO(Optional) RNC NbmWpsAlgorithmSwitch Set WPS Algorithm Switch SET WPSALGO(Optional) RNC NBTotalRrcNumThd NodeB Call Shock Trigger Threshold SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC NBTRANTP NodeB TransType ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory)RNC NCC Network color code ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) RNC NCellId Neighboring cell ID ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Man datory) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Man datory) RNC NCellLdrRemainThd Cell Dynamic ShutDown Neighbour Cell Load Remain threshold ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) RNC NCellRncId RNC ID of a neighboring cell ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Man datory) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Man datory) RNC NcMode Network Control Mode ADD GSMCELL(Optional) RNC NCountingThd Counting Threshold ADD CELLMBMSPARA(Option al) ADD SAMBMSPARA(Optional) SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optiona l) RNC NcovHoOn2GldInd NCOV Reloc Ind based on GSM cell load SET INTERRATHONCOV(Optional) RNC Ncrnonhcs Non-HCS NCR ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC NEIGHBOR Adjacent flag ADD N7DPC(Optional) RNC NEXTHOP Forward route address ADD BAMIPRT(Mandatory)RNC NEXTHOP Forward route address ADD IPRT(Mandatory) ADD IPRTBIND(Mandatory) RNC NFastSpdEst Threshold for UE fast speed decision ADD CELLHCSHO(Optional) SET HCSHO(Optional) RNC NI Network ID ADD OPC(Mandatory) RNC NInsyncInd Num of continuous in sync ind ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) RNC NMO Network mode of operation ADD CNDOMAIN(Optional) RNC NNSfTmr Timer NNSF SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Optional) RNC NODEBCABN NodeB Cab No. STR NODEBBWRPT(Mandatory) RNC NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum NodeB Max HSDPA User Number ADD NODEBALGOPARA(Optional) RNC NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum NodeB Max HSUPA User Number ADD NODEBALGOPARA(Optional) RNC NodeBId NodeB ID ADD NODEB(Mandatory) ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) SET MRSCOPECTRL(Mandato ry) ADD NODEBIP(Mandatory) ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) STR NODEBDETECT(Mandato ry) RNC NODEBIMAGRPN NodeB IMA group No. STR NODEBBWRPT(Mandatory) RNC NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch NodeB LDC algorithm switchADD NODEBALGOPARA(Optional) RNC NodeBName NodeB name ADD NODEB(Mandatory) ADD NBNODESYNCMONPAR A(Mandatory) ADD LOCELL(Mandatory) ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD NODEBLDR(Mandatory) ADD NODEBALGOPARA(Man datory) ADD IPDL(Mandatory) ADD NCP(Mandatory) ADD CCP(Mandatory) ADD NODEBOLC(Mandatory) STR NODEBBWRPT(Mandator y) RNC NodeBProtclVer NodeB Protocol version ADD NODEB(Optional) RNC NODEBRPTPERIOD Report period STR NODEBBWRPT(Optional) RNC NODEBRPTTYPE Report type STR NODEBBWRPT(Optional) RNC NODEBSN NodeB Slot No. STR NODEBBWRPT(Mandatory) RNC NODEBSRN NodeB Subrack No. STR NODEBBWRPT(Mandatory) RNC NODEBSUBBRDTYPE NodeB Subboard type STR NODEBBWRPT(Mandatory) RNC NodeBType NodeB Type ADD NODEB(Optional) RNC NodeSyncPeriod Measurement period ADD NBNODESYNCMONPARA(Mandatory) RNC NodeSyncTime Measurement start time ADD NBNODESYNCMONPARA(Mandatory) RNC NODET Adjacent Node Type ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) RNC NodeType Small-scaled base station typeADD NODEBLMTPARA(Mandatory) RNC NonhcsInd Non-HCS indicator ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC NonServToTotalEdchPwrRatio Target Non-serving E-DCH to Total E-DCH Power ratio ADD CELLHSUPA(Optional) RNC NOutsyncInd Num of continuous out of sync ind ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) RNC NPrio The priority of neighbor cell ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Man datory) ADD GSMNCELL(Mandatory) RNC NPrio The priority of neighbor cell ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Mandatory) RNC NPrioFlag The flag of the priority ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) RNC NPtpToPtmOffset Ptp To Ptm Offset ADD CELLMBMSPARA(Option al) ADD SAMBMSPARA(Optional) SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optiona l) RNC NRI Network resource identity ADD NRIGLBCNIDMAP(Mandatory) RNC NRncId Neighboring RNC ID ADD NRNC(Mandatory) ADD NRNCURA(Mandatory) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) ADD RNCPOOLMEMBER(Man datory) RNC NSAP Source ATM address ADD RNCBASIC(Mandatory) RNC NSAP Destination ATM address ADD AAL2RT(Mandatory) ADD NODEB(Mandatory) RNC NSlowSpdEst Threshold for UE slow speed decision ADD CELLHCSHO(Optional) SET HCSHO(Optional) RNC NullNRI NullNRI VALUE SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Optional) RNC NumberOfACs Number of restrained Access Class every time SET DSACAUTOALGO(Mand atory) ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA(Mandatory) RNC OAMFLOWBW OAM flow minimum bandwidth ADD PPPLNK(Optional) SET ETHPORT(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC OAMFLOWDSCP DSCP of OAM flow SET QUEUEMAP(Mandatory) RNC OAMMINBWKEY OAM flow min bandwidth switch SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)RNC OffQoffset1Heavy Qoffset1 offset 2 ADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC OffQoffset1Light Qoffset1 offset 1 ADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC OffQoffset2Heavy Qoffset2 offset 2 ADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC OffQoffset2Light Qoffset2 offset 1 ADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC OffSinterHeavy Sintersearch offset 2 ADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC OffSinterLight Sintersearch offset 1 ADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC OlcPeriodTimerLen OLC period timer length SET LDCPERIOD(Optional) SET SATLDCPERIOD(Optional ) RNC OperatorType Operator Type ADD CNOPERATOR(Mandatory) RNC OppositeTrchType Opposite direction transport channel type ADD TYPRABRLC(Mandatory) RNC OPTDS1MAPMODE Map mode of opt and DS1 SET COPTLNK(Optional) RNC OptionalIESendSwitch Optional IE Send Switch SET SMLC(Optional) RNC OPTM Optical interface standard SET OPT(Optional) RNC OrientOfMajorAxis Cell Center Orientation Of Major Axis ADD SMLCCELL(Mandatory) RNC OT Operation type LOD PATCH(Optional) RNC OtdoaActivateFlag OTDOA Method Active FlagADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC OTDOAMethodType OTDOA Method Type SET SMLC(Optional) RNC OverLayMobilityFlag OverLay Network Mobility Flag ADD NRNCCELL(Optional)RNC OWNERSHIP AAL2 Path ownership ADD AAL2PATH(Optional)RNC OWNERSHIP Destination ATM address ownership ADD AAL2RT(Optional) RNC PATHCHK IP Path check flag ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC PATHID AAL2 Path ID ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) ACT VCLCC(Mandatory) LOP VCL(Mandatory) RNC PATHID IP Path ID ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) ACT IPPM(Mandatory) ADD IPPATHBIND(Mandatory) RNC PATHT IP path type ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC PATTYPE Patch Type. LOD PATCH(Mandatory) RNC PCHPower PCH power ADD PCH(Optional) RNC PCPICHPower PCPICH transmit power ADD PCPICH(Optional) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Optio nal) RNC PCPICHPowerPace Pilot power adjustment step ADD CELLLDB(Optional) RNC PCR Peak cell rate ADD ATMTRF(Optional) RNC PcSwitch Power control switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC PDTMRVALUE PENDING timer ADD M3LKS(Optional) RNC PDUPrid PDU Send Prid ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC PDUSize PDU Pkt Len ACT ETHOAMAH(Optional) RNC PeerCellId Peer Cell ID ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC PEERIP Peer IP address ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) RNC PEERIP Peer IP address ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) RNC PEERIP Peer IP STR IPLOPTST(Mandatory)RNC PEERIP1 First destination IP address ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC PEERIP2 Second destination IP addressADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC PEERIPADDR Peer IP address ADD IPOAPVC(Mandatory) LOP VCL(Mandatory) ACT VCLCC(Mandatory) RNC PEERIPADDR Peer IP address ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC PeerIsValid Peer Cell Is Valid Or Not ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Optio nal) ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) RNC PEERMASK Peer subnet mask ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC PeerNodebId Peer NodeB ID ADD NODEB(Mandatory) RNC PEERPN Destination SCTP port No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC PeerRncId Peer RNC ID ADD NODEB(Mandatory) RNC PEERT Peer type ADD IPOAPVC(Mandatory)RNC PenaltyTimeForPhyChFail Inter-Rat HO physical channel failure penalty timer ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC PenaltyTimer Inter-RAT Penalty timer length ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) RNC PendingTime4A Pending time after trigger 4AADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC PendingTime4B Pending time after trigger 4BADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC PendingTimeA Event A pending time after trigger ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC PendingTimeB Event B pending time after trigger ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC PERIOD Ping Check Period ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC PeriodFor2B 2B event retry period ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC PeriodFor2C 2C event retry period ADD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV(Optional) SET INTERFREQHONCOV(O ptional) RNC PeriodFor3A 3A event retry period ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC PeriodFor3C 3C event retry period ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC PeriodMRReportNumfor1A 1A event to periodical rpt number ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC PeriodMRReportNumfor1C 1C event to periodical rpt number ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC PeriodMRReportNumfor1J 1J event to periodical rpt number ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC PeriodProtectTimerCoeff Period common measure protect timer coeff SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC PersistScalingFactor Persist Scaling Factor ADD PRACHASC(Mandatory) RNC PFC Protocol field compress ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPLNK(Optional) RNC PHB PHB ACT IPPM(Mandatory) RNC PHB Per-Hop Behavior SET PHBMAP(Mandatory) RNC PhyChId SCCPCH ID ADD SCCPCHBASIC(Mandator y) ADD PCCPCH(Optional) ADD AICH(Optional) ADD RACH(Optional) ADD PCPICH(Optional) ADD SCCPCHTFC(Mandatory) ADD PCH(Mandatory) ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP(O ptional) ADD PRACHSLOTFORMAT(O ptional) ADD PRACHASC(Optional) ADD PICH(Mandatory) ADD FACH(Mandatory) ADD PRACHTFC(Optional) ADD PRACHBASIC(Optional) ADD PSCH(Optional) ADD SSCH(Optional) RNC PhyChIdforMcch SCCPCH ID for MCCH ADD CELLMCCH(Mandatory) RNC PICHId PICH ID ADD PICH(Optional) RNC PICHMode PICH mode ADD PICH(Optional) RNC PICHPowerOffset PICH power offset ADD CHPWROFFSET(Optional) RNC PIUSN Piu Slot No. STR IPLOPTST(Mandatory)RNC PKTCOUNT PKT Count STR ETHOAMLOOPTST(Optional) RNC PKTLEN PKT Size STR ETHOAMLOOPTST(Optional) RNC PKTMAXLEN Max Packet Length STR IPLOPTST(Optional) RNC PKTSIZE Size of packet PING IP(Optional) RNC PKTSIZE PKT Size PING MAC(Optional) RNC PlmnValTagMax Max PLMN value tag ADD LAC(Mandatory) ADD RAC(Mandatory) RNC PlmnValTagMin Min PLMN value tag ADD LAC(Mandatory) ADD RAC(Mandatory) RNC PLPRD Packet lost measure period ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC PLTH Packet discard threshold ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC PMPRD IPPM packet send period ACT IPPM(Optional) RNC PN Port No. SET ETHPORT(Optional) SET MSPCMD(Mandatory) CLR MSPREP(Optional) SET OPTLOP(Mandatory) SWP ETHPORT(Mandatory) SET MSP(Mandatory) ACT MSP(Optional) SET OPT(Optional) SET COPTLNK(Mandatory) ACT ETHPORT(Mandatory) ADD ETHREDPORT(Mandatory ) ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory ) ADD CCP(Mandatory) RNC PN Port No. SET SCUPORT(Optional) RNC PN Port No. ACT ETHOAMAH(Mandatory) RNC PN Port NO. ADD ETHMEP(Optional) RNC PN Port No. STR ETHOAMLOOPTST(Mandatory) RNC PN Port No. STR IPCHK(Mandatory) RNC PN Port No. SET ALMPORT(Mandatory)RNC POINTDESINFO Rollbackpoint Description ADD ROLLBACKPOINT(Optional) RNC POINTNAME Rollbackpoint Name ADD ROLLBACKPOINT(Mandatory) RNC PollTimerLen Poll timer length SET QUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) RNC POLLTMR Timer_Poll ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC Port Destination Port ADD FTPSCLTDPORT(Mandatory) RNC PORTPROTYPE Port protocol type ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Mandatory) RNC PORTTYPE Port Type ADD ETHMEP(Mandatory) RNC POWER_RELAY1 Switch for Relay 1 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC POWER_RELAY2 Switch for Relay 2 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC POWER_RELAY3 Switch for Relay 3 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC POWER_RELAY4 Switch for Relay 4 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC POWER_RELAY5 Switch for Relay 5 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC POWER_RELAY6 Switch for Relay 6 ADD EMU(Optional) RNC PowerOffsetPpm Power offset ADD PRACHTFC(Mandatory) RNC PowerRampStep Power increase step ADD PRACHBASIC(Optional) RNC PPPDHCPSVRIP PPP Dhcp Server IP ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC PPPLNK PPP link No. ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC PPPLNKN PPP link No. ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPLNK(Mandatory) RNC PPPMUX PPP mux ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPGRP(Optional) RNC PQNUM Priority queue number ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA(Mandatory) RNC PRACHPhyChId PRACH ID ADD AICH(Optional) RNC PrdReportInterval Inter-frequency measure periodical rpt period ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ( Optional) RNC PreambleRetransMax Max preamble retransmissionADD PRACHBASIC(Optional) RNC PreambleSignatures Preamble signatures ADD PRACHBASIC(Mandatory) RNC PreemptAlgoSwitch Preempt algorithm switch SET QUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) RNC PreemptRefArpSwitch PreemptRefArpSwitch SET QUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) RNC Priority Block priority BLK CELL(Optional) RNC PRIORITY Priority ADD IPRT(Mandatory) RNC PRIORITY Signalling link priority ADD MTP3LNK(Optional) ADD M3LNK(Optional) RNC PRIORITY Route priority ADD MTP3RT(Optional) ADD M3RT(Optional) RNC PriorityReference Integrate Priority Configured Reference SET USERPRIORITY(Optional) RNC PriorityServiceForExtRab Service priority of Other service ADD SPG(Optional) RNC PriorityServiceForHSDPA Service priority of HSDPA service ADD SPG(Optional) RNC PriorityServiceForHSUPA Service priority of HSUPA service ADD SPG(Optional) RNC PriorityServiceForR99NRT Service priority of R99 NRT service ADD SPG(Optional) RNC PriorityServiceForR99RT Service priority of R99 RT service ADD SPG(Optional) RNC ProcessDuration Processing duration ADD RNCALLCELLBLK(Mandatory) RNC PROCESSSWITCH Process switch SET RRCTRLSWITCH(Mandatory) RNC PROT SS7 protocol type ADD N7DPC(Optional) RNC ProtectTmrForBac Background service T2 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC ProtectTmrForCon Conversational service T2 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC ProtectTmrForImsSig IMS signal T2 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC ProtectTmrForInt Interactive service T2 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC ProtectTmrForStr Streaming service T2 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC PS Port select SET OPT(Mandatory) RNC PsBeProcType Handover Type for PS BE Traffic ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC PSBKGDL R99 PS background service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC PSBKGPRIPATH R99 PS background primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSBKGPRITH R99 PS background pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSBKGSECPATH R99 PS background secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSBKGSECWHT R99 PS background pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSBKGUL R99 PS background service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC PSCHPower PSCH transmit power ADD PSCH(Optional) RNC PSCONVDL R99 PS conversational service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC PSCONVPRIPATH R99 PS conversational primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSCONVPRITH R99 PS conversational pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSCONVSECPATH R99 PS conversational secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSCONVSECWHT R99 PS conversational pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSCONVUL R99 PS conversational service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC PScrambCode DL primary scrambling code ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC PSHIGHINTERACTPRITH R99 PS high interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSHIGHINTERACTSECWHT R99 PS high interactive pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSHOOut2GloadThd PS domain Reloc GSM load THD ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) RNC PsInactTmrForBac Background service T1 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC PsInactTmrForCon Conversational service T1 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC PSInactTmrForImsSig IMS signal T1 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC PsInactTmrForInt Interactive service T1 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC PsInactTmrForStr Streaming service T1 SET PSINACTTIMER(Optional) RNC PsInfoUpdFlag PS Information Update Switch SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Optional) RNC PsInfoUpdTmr PS Information Update Protection Timer SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Mandatory) RNC PSINTERDL R99 PS interactive service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC PSINTERUL R99 PS interactive service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC PSINTHGHPRIPATH R99 PS high PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSINTHGHSECPATH R99 PS high PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSINTLOWPRIPATH R99 PS low PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSINTLOWSECPATH R99 PS low PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSINTMIDPRIPATH R99 PS middle PRI interactive primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSINTMIDSECPATH R99 PS middle PRI interactive secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSLOWINTERACTPRITH R99 PS low interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSLOWINTERACTSECWHT R99 PS low interactive pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSMIDINTERACTPRITH R99 PS mid interactive pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSMIDINTERACTSECWHTR99 PS mid pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PsNriCfgMode Feature Supporting Mode of PS Domain SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Optional) RNC PSNRILength Length of PS NRI in bits SET OPERATORCFGPARA(Mandatory) RNC PsRabAbnormRelRatioThd PS call drop ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC PsRabEstAttMinNum The minimum of PS Rab attempt setup Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC PsRabEstSuccRatioThd PS Rab successful setup ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC PsRabRelMinNum The number of PS drop Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC PsRestriction Restriction for PS SET DSACAUTOALGO(Mand atory) ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA(Mandatory) RNC PSServiceHOSwitch Inter-RAT PS handover switch ADD CELLHOCOMM(Optional) RNC PSSTRMDL R99 PS streaming service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC PSSTRMPRIPATH R99 PS streaming primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSSTRMPRITH R99 PS streaming pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSSTRMSECPATH R99 PS streaming secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC PSSTRMSECWHT R99 PS streaming pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC PSSTRMUL R99 PS streaming service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC PsSwitch PS rate negotiation switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC Psthroughput Max throughput of PS ACT LICENSE(Optional) RNC PT Port Type SET ALMPORT(Mandatory)RNC PTIP NodeB Interface IP Address ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC PTIPMASK NodeB Interface IP Mask ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC PtmNullStrmPasiSwitch Ptm Null Stream Passivity Switch SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC PtmPreemptSwitch Ptm Preempt Switch SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC PtmStrmPasiSwitch Ptm Stream Passivity Switch SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC PTYPE Port type SET ETHPORT(Mandatory) RNC PucAvgFilterLen PUC smoothing filter length SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC PucPeriodTimerLen PUC period timer length SET LDCPERIOD(Optional) SET SATLDCPERIOD(Optional ) RNC PunishTime Punish Time SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC PwrCtrlAlg Power control algorithm selection SET FRC(Optional) RNC Q0MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 0 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)RNC Q1MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 1 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)RNC Q2MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 2 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)RNC Q3MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 3 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)RNC Q4MINDSCP Min DSCP of queue 4 SET QUEUEMAP(Optional)RNC QAAL2VER Qaal2 Protocol Version ADD ADJNODE(Optional) RNC Qhcs Quality threshold for HCS reselection ADD CELLHCS(Optional) ADD GSMCELL(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC Qhyst1sfach Hysteresis 1for UE in CELL_FACH state ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC Qhyst1spch Hysteresis 1 for UE in CELL_PCH or URA_PCH state ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC Qhyst2sfach Hysteresis 2 for UE in CELL_FACH state ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC Qhyst2spch Hysteresis 2 for UE in CELL_PCH or URA_PCH state ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC Qoffset1sn Qoffset1sn ADD GSMNCELL(Optional)RNC Qqualmin Min quality level ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional ) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC QqualminInd Min quality level ind ADD NRNCCELL(Optional)RNC Qrxlevmin Min RX level ADD GSMNCELL(Optional)RNC Qrxlevmin Min Rx level ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional ) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC QrxlevminExtSup Min Rx level Extend Support ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional ) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC QrxlevminInd Min RX level ind ADD NRNCCELL(Optional)RNC QualMeas Cell Sel-reselection quality measure ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC QueueAlgoSwitch Queue algorithm switch SET QUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) RNC QueueLen Queue length SET QUEUEPREEMPT(Optional) RNC RabIndex Service parameter index ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory ) ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Mand atory) ADD TYPRABRLC(Mandatory) ADD TYPRABHSPA(Mandatory ) ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandator y) ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS (Mandatory) RNC RabModifyTimerLen Rab Modify Timer Length SET COIFTIMER(Optional) RNC RAC Routing area code ADD RAC(Mandatory) ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC RACHSubChNo RACH sub channel no. ADD PRACHBASIC(Mandatory) RNC RafcTmr Trafc SET IUTIMERANDNUM(Optional) RNC RANSharingSupport RAN Sharing Support SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE(Optional) RNC RatCellType Inter-RAT cell type ADD GSMCELL(Mandatory) RNC RatcTmr Tratc SET IUTIMERANDNUM(Optional) RNC RateMatchingAttr Rate matching attribute ADD FACH(Optional) ADD RACH(Optional) ADD PCH(Optional) RNC RateRecoverTimerLen DL TF rate recover timer length ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC RateRstrctCoef DL TF rate restrict coefficient ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC RateRstrctTimerLen DL TF rate restrict timer length ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC RBPNAME name of rollback point BEG FORWARD(Mandatory) BEG ROLLBACK(Mandatory) RNC RBPTYPE type of rollback point BEG FORWARD(Mandatory) RNC RbRecfgRspTmr Wait RB reconfiguration response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RbRelRspTmr Wait RB release response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RbSetupRspTmr Wait RB setup response timerSET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RDC Rate down coefficient ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC RecountingPeriod Recounting Period SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC RecoverCoef DL TF rate recover coefficient ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC RECOVERTHD Decrease rate alarm recover threshold ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC RED Backup ADD BRD(Mandatory) RNC ReDirBandInd ReDirection target band indicator SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) SET REDIRECTION(Optional) ADD CELLREDIRECTION(Opti onal) RNC RedirFactorOfLDR Redirection Factor Of LDR SET REDIRECTION(Optional) ADD CELLREDIRECTION(Opti onal) RNC RedirFactorOfNorm Redirection Factor Of Normal SET REDIRECTION(Optional) ADD CELLREDIRECTION(Opti onal) RNC RedirSwitch Redirection Switch SET REDIRECTION(Optional) ADD CELLREDIRECTION(Opti onal) RNC ReDirUARFCNDownlink Redirection target downlink UARFCN SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) SET REDIRECTION(Optional) ADD CELLREDIRECTION(Opti onal) RNC ReDirUARFCNUplink Redirection target uplink UARFCN SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) SET REDIRECTION(Optional) ADD CELLREDIRECTION(Opti onal) RNC ReDirUARFCNUplinkInd Redirection target UL frequency configuration ind SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) SET REDIRECTION(Optional) ADD CELLREDIRECTION(Opti onal) RNC REF2MCLKSRC Clock source of output clock SET CLK(Optional) RNC REF2MCLKSRCBAK Backup clock source of output clock SET CLK(Optional) RNC REF2MCLKSW1 Output switch of 2M output clock 1 SET CLK(Optional) RNC REF2MCLKSW2 Output switch of 2M output clock 2 SET CLK(Optional) RNC RegByFachSwitch Register Bear by Fach SwitchSET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC ReHostPolicy Re-host Policy Type SET POOLPRIMHOSTPOLICY(Optional) RNC RELINDTMR Release indication timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC RelocAnotherTmr Relocation another request timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RelocCmdTmr Relocation Command timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RelocCommitTmr Relocation commit timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RelocDataFwdTmr Relocation data forwarding timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RelocFailIuRelCmdTmr Relocation failed Iu release command timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RelocIuRelCmdTmr Relocation Iu release command timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RelocMobilConfTmr Relocation mobile info confirmation timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RelocPhychRecfgTmr Relocation PhyCh reconfiguration timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RelocUtranHoCmpTmr Relocation Inter-RAT HO completion timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RELREQTMR Release request timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC RelThdForDwnGrd Relative threshold of SHO failure SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC REMARK Route use description ADD IPRT(Optional) ADD ATMTRF(Optional) RNC REMARK Use description ADD LOADEQ(Mandatory) ADD TRMMAP(Optional) ADD TRMFACTOR(Mandatory) RNC RepeatNum Repeat Number SET RNCCBPARA(Optional) RNC RepeatPeriod Repeat Period SET RNCCBPARA(Optional) RNC ReportIntervalfor1A 1A event to periodical rpt period ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC ReportIntervalfor1C 1C event to periodical rpt period ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC ReportIntervalfor1J 1J event to periodical rpt period ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC Req2GCap Required 2G Capability ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC ReservedSwitch0 CORRM Algo reserved switch 0 SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC ReservedSwitch1 CORRM Algo reserved switch 1 SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC ReservedU32Para0 CORRM Algo reserved U32 Para 0 SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC ReservedU32Para1 CORRM Algo reserved U32 Para 1 SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC ReservedU8Para0 CORRM Algo reserved U8 Para 0 SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC ReservedU8Para1 CORRM Algo reserved U8 Para 1 SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC RESREQTMR Reset request timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC RESTARTTMR son-protocol confer out time ADD PPPLNK(Optional) ADD MPLNK(Optional) RNC RestrictionType Restriction Type ADD CELLDSACMANUALPARA(Mandatory) RNC ReTransRatioFilterCoef re-TX measure filter coef ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC RetryCapability BIT MAP of retry HSPA PLUS character SET FRC(Optional) RNC RlcMode RLC mode selection ADD TYPRABRLC(Mandatory) RNC RLCSize RLC size ADD FACHDYNTFS(Mandatory ) ADD PCHDYNTFS(Mandatory) ADD RACHDYNTFS(Mandator y) RNC RlMaxDlPwr RL Max DL TX power ADD CELLRLPWR(Mandatory) RNC RlMinDlPwr RL Min DL TX power ADD CELLRLPWR(Mandatory) RNC RlRecfgReadyTmr RL reconfiguration timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RlRelRspTmr RL release timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RlRstrTmr RL restoration timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RlSetupRspTmr RL setup response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RNCId RNC ID ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Ma ndatory) ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Man datory) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Man datory) ADD GSMNCELL(Mandatory) ADD SMLCCELL(Mandatory) RST IUR(Mandatory) ADD RNCBASIC(Mandatory) ADD GPS(Mandatory) RST RNC(Mandatory) RNC RNCIPADDR CBS RNC IP address ADD CBSADDR(Mandatory) RNC RncPoolIndex RncPool Index ADD RNCPOOL(Mandatory) ADD RNCPOOLMEMBER(Mandatory) RNC RncPoolName RncPool Name ADD RNCPOOL(Mandatory) RNC RncProtclVer RNC protocol version ADD NRNC(Mandatory) RNC RPTTHD Decrease rate alarm report threshold ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC RrcCause Cause of RRC connection establishment SET RRCESTCAUSE(Mandatory) RNC RrcConnEstabAttMinNum The minimum of Rrc connection request Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC RrcConnEstabSuccRatioThd Rrc connection successful ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC RrcConnRejWaitTmr Wait Time In RRC Connection Reject Message SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RrcInitDtTmr RRC initial DT timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RrcIuRelCmdTmr RRC Iu release command timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RrcPaingType1Tmr RRC paging type 1 response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RrcRelRetranTmr RRC release retransmission timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RrcRlcAckCmpTmr RRC RLC completion acknowledgement timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RrcSecrtModeCmpTmr RRC security mode completion timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RrcUeRspTmr RRC UE response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC RSCGRPFLAG Add To Rscgrp Flag ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC RSCGRPN Rscgrp No. ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC RSCGRPN Rscgrp No. ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC RscMngMode Resource Management ModeADD NODEB(Optional) RNC RSCMNGMODE Resource management mode ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory ) ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Option al) RNC RSNDES Lock Reason LCK CMCTRL(Mandatory) RNC RSPTMR Timer_No-Response ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC RSTCNTYPE CN Type by Reset RST IU(Mandatory) RNC RSTFUN Restart switch ADD OPC(Optional) RNC RstRsndNum Times of resending reset message to CN SET IUTIMERANDNUM(Optional) RNC RSTTYPE Reset Type RST IUR(Mandatory) RNC RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 SET RRCTRLSWITCH(Optional) RNC RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 ADD CNNODE(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA1 Reserved Parameter 1 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara1 Reserved parameter 1 ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Opti onal) ADD NODEBALGOPARA(Opti onal) SET CACALGOSWITCH(Optio nal) RNC RsvdPara1 Reserved Parameter1 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA10 Reserved Parameter 10 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara10 Reserved Parameter10 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara11 Reserved Parameter11 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara12 Reserved Parameter12 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara13 Reserved Parameter13 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara14 Reserved Parameter14 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara15 Reserved Parameter15 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara16 Reserved Parameter16 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara2 Reserved parameter 2 ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC RsvdPara2 Reserved parameter 2 ADD CNNODE(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA2 Reserved Parameter 2 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara2 Reserved parameter 2 ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Opti onal) ADD NODEBALGOPARA(Opti onal) SET CACALGOSWITCH(Optio nal) RNC RsvdPara2 Reserved Parameter2 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA3 Reserved Parameter 3 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara3 Reserved parameter 3 ADD CELLALGOSWITCH(Opti onal) ADD NODEBALGOPARA(Opti onal) SET CACALGOSWITCH(Optio nal) RNC RsvdPara3 Reserved Parameter3 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA4 Reserved Parameter 4 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara4 Reserved Parameter4 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA5 Reserved Parameter 5 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara5 Reserved Parameter5 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA6 Reserved Parameter 6 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara6 Reserved Parameter6 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA7 Reserved Parameter 7 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara7 Reserved Parameter7 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA8 Reserved Parameter 8 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara8 Reserved Parameter8 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RSVDPARA9 Reserved Parameter 9 SET DEVPATCHPARA(Optional) RNC RsvdPara9 Reserved Parameter9 SET DPUCFGDATA(Optional) RNC RT Revertive type SET MSP(Optional) RNC RTCONTEXT Routing Context ADD M3LE(Optional) ADD M3DE(Optional) RNC RTCPBWRatio RATE OF RTCP BANDWIDTH ADD CNNODE(Optional) RNC RtCpc2EFachStateTransTimer Realtime CPC to E_FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC RtCpc2FStateTransTimer Realtime CPC to FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC RTCPSwitch RTCP SWITCH ADD CNNODE(Optional) RNC RTDEST Destination network address ADD BAMIPRT(Mandatory)RNC RTDESTMASK Destination address mask ADD BAMIPRT(Mandatory)RNC RtDH2EFachStateTransTimer Realtime DCH or HSPA to E_FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC RtDH2FStateTransTimer Realtime DCH or HSPA To FACH Transition Timer SET UESTATETRANSTIMER(Optional) RNC RtDH2FTvmPTAT RT D/HSPA2F 4B Pending Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtDH2FTvmThd RT D/HSPA2F 4B ThresholdSET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtDH2FTvmTimeToTrig RT D/HSPA2F 4B Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtEFach2CpcTvmThd RT E_FACH2CPC_HSPA 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtEFach2CpcTvmTimeToTrig RT E_FACH2CPC_HSPA 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtEFach2DHTvmThd RT E_FACH2D/HSPA 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtEFach2DHTvmTimeToTrig RT E_FACH2D/HSPA 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtF2CpcTvmThd RT F2CPC_HSPA 4A Threshold SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtF2CpcTvmTimeToTrig RT F2CPC_HSPA 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtF2DHTvmThd RT F2D/HSPA 4A ThresholdSET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RtF2DHTvmTimeToTrig RT F2D/HSPA 4A Time SET UESTATETRANS(Optional) RNC RTOALPHA RTO alpha value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC RTOBETA RTO beta value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC RTOINIT RTO initial value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC RTOMAX RTO max value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC RTOMIN RTO min value ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC RTX Route index ADD AAL2RT(Optional) RNC RUS Rate up step ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC RUSPRD Rate up step adjust period ADD IPLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC RXBW Backward bandwidth ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC RXBW Backward bandwidth ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC RxBw Backward Bandwidth ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC RXTRFX RX traffic record index ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) ADD IPOAPVC(Optional) RNC RxTxtoTrig6F 6F event trigger threshold SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC RxTxtoTrig6G 6G event trigger threshold SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC SAALLNKN SAAL link No. ADD CCP(Mandatory) RNC SAALLNKN SAAL link No. ADD NCP(Mandatory) RNC SAALLNKN SAAL link No. ACT VCLCC(Mandatory) LOP VCL(Mandatory) RNC SAALLNKN Saal Link No. ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory) RNC SAALLNKT Interface type ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) RNC SAALTMR SAAL link connection timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC SAC Service area code ADD SAC(Mandatory) ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) ADD CZ(Mandatory) RNC SATELLITEIND Satellite Trans Ind ADD NODEB(Optional) RNC SCCPCHOffset SCCPCH offset ADD SCCPCHBASIC(Optional) RNC ScopeType Scope Type SET MRSCOPECTRL(Mandatory) RNC SCR Sustainable cell rate ADD ATMTRF(Optional) RNC ScrambCode Scrambling code ADD SCCPCHBASIC(Mandatory) RNC SCRAMBLESW Scramble Switch SET E1T1(Optional) SET OPT(Optional) RNC SCTPLNKN SCTP link No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory) ADD M3LNK(Mandatory) ADD CCP(Mandatory) ADD NCP(Mandatory) RNC SDAY Start date SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC SDENABLE SD Enable SET MSP(Optional) RNC SDSFPRI SDSF Priority SET MSP(Optional) RNC Seed Seed of the pseudo-random sequence generator ADD IPDL(Mandatory) RNC SelectType Detect type STR NODEBDETECT(Optional) RNC SeqOfUserRel Sequence of user release ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC ServerIP FTP Server IP Address ADD FTPSCLTDPORT(Mandatory) RNC SERVERNAME Server name ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) RNC ServiceBitRate Service Bit Rate ADD CELLMBMSSCCPCH(Ma ndatory) SET MBMSSCCPCH(Mandator y) ADD CELLMBMSFACH(Manda tory) SET MBMSFACH(Mandatory) SET MTCH(Mandatory) RNC ServiceDiffDrdSwitch Service differential drd switch SET DRD(Optional) ADD CELLDRD(Optional) RNC ServiceId Service ID SET MBMSPERF(Mandatory) RNC ServiceInd CN domain indication ADD NRNC(Mandatory) RNC ServiceType Service Type ADD CELLMBMSSCCPCH(Ma ndatory) SET MBMSSCCPCH(Mandator y) ADD CELLMBMSFACH(Manda tory) SET MBMSFACH(Mandatory) SET MTCH(Mandatory) RNC SGSNFLG SGSN FLAG ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) RNC SharingOutCAPSMidLoad Sharing out capability middle load SET CTRLPLNSHAREPARA(Optional) RNC SharingType Sharing Type Of NodeB ADD NODEB(Mandatory) RNC SHCSRat HCS inter-rat reselection threshold ADD CELLHCS(Optional) RNC SHInd Service Handover Indicator ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC ShoFailNumForDwnGrd Threshold number of SHO failure SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC ShoFailPeriod Max evaluation period of SHO failure SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC SHOQualmin Min quality THD for SHO ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) SET SMLC(Mandatory) RNC SHOTRIG SHO cross IUR trigger ADD NRNC(Mandatory) RNC SIB11Ind SIB11 Indicator ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) RNC SIB12Ind SIB12 Indicator ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) RNC SibCfgBitMap SIB switch ADD CELLSIBSWITCH(Optional) RNC SigChType channel type for RRC establishment SET RRCESTCAUSE(Optional) RNC SIGLKSX Signalling linkset index ADD MTP3LKS(Mandatory) ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory) ADD MTP3RT(Mandatory) ADD M3RT(Mandatory) ADD M3LKS(Mandatory) ADD M3LNK(Mandatory) RNC SIGLNKID Signalling link ID ADD M3LNK(Mandatory) RNC SigRbInd Bearing signal indication ADD FACH(Optional) RNC SIGSLC Signalling link code ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory) RNC SilverMaxMode Max Mode Of Wideband AMRC For Silver Users ADD CELLAMRCWB(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC SilverMaxMode Max Mode Of Narrowband AMRC For Silver Users ADD CELLAMRC(Optional) SET AMRC(Optional) RNC SingalDlMBR Downlink maximum bit rate of Signal SET USERMBR(Optional) RNC SingalUlMBR Uplink maximum bit rate of Signal SET USERMBR(Optional) RNC SIPADDR Source IP address PING IP(Mandatory) RNC SIPDL IMS SRB service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC SIPPRIPATH IMS SRB primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC SIPPRITH IMS Signal pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC SIPSECPATH IMS SRB secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC SIPSECWHT IMS Signal pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC SIPUL IMS SRB service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC SlimitSearchRat HCS search inter-rat limit threshold ADD CELLHCS(Optional) RNC SlotFormat Slot format ADD SCCPCHBASIC(Mandatory) RNC SlotFormat1 Slot format 1 ADD PRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional) RNC SlotFormat2 Slot format 2 ADD PRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional) RNC SlotFormat3 Slot format 3 ADD PRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional) RNC SlotFormat4 Slot format 4 ADD PRACHSLOTFORMAT(Optional) RNC SlotFormatNum Number of PRACH slot formats ADD PRACHSLOTFORMAT(Mandatory) RNC SLSMASK Signalling route mask ADD N7DPC(Optional) RNC SM StartType SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC SmlcMethod UE Positioning Method SET SMLC(Optional) RNC SMOKE_MASK Enable Smoke Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional) RNC SMONTH Start month SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ADD CBSADDR(Mandatory) SET NCELLDETECTSWITCH( Mandatory) ADD IURCOMMSCCP(Mandato ry) ADD NODEB(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. SET MRSCOPECTRL(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ACT CRC(Optional) RNC SN Slot No. ADD RNCCBCPUID(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. SWP BRD(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. LOP VCL(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. LOD PATCH(Optional) RNC SN Slot No. SET OPTLOP(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. PING IP(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ADD BRD(Optional) CLR BRD(Mandatory) STR CPUUSAGETST(Mandator y) ULD RSTINFO(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. SET QUEUEMAP(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. SET E1T1(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ACT MSP(Mandatory) SET MSPCMD(Mandatory) CLR MSPREP(Mandatory) SWP ETHPORT(Mandatory) SET MSP(Mandatory) ADD ETHREDPORT(Mandatory ) RNC SN Slot No. INH BRD(Optional) RNC SN Slot No. UIN BRD(Optional) RNC SN Slot No. SET COPTLNK(Mandatory)RNC SN Slot No. ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) STR IMATST(Mandatory) SET E1T1LOP(Mandatory) LOP E1T1(Mandatory) STR E1T1TST(Mandatory) TRC IPADDR(Mandatory) SET CLK(Mandatory) ADD FRALNK(Mandatory) ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory) ADD IMAGRP(Mandatory) ADD UNILNK(Mandatory) ADD IMALNK(Mandatory) ADD DEVIP(Mandatory) ADD IPRT(Mandatory) SET OPT(Mandatory) ACT ETHPORT(Mandatory) SET ETHPORT(Mandatory) ADD MPGRP(Mandatory) ADD MPLNK(Mandatory) ADD ETHIP(Mandatory) ADD VLANID(Mandatory) ADD IPPATHBIND(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ACT FAN(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ACT VCLCC(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC SN Control slot No. ADD M3LNK(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. SET PHBMAP(Mandatory) RNC SN Slot No. ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory) RNC SNAC Sharing Network Area Code ADD LASNAMAP(Mandatory) ADD IMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) RNC SnaExistInd SNAC Configuration Indication ADD IMSISNAMAP(Mandatory) RNC SndLdInfo2GsmInd Send Load Info to GSM Ind SET INTERRATHONCOV(Optional) RNC SPC OSP code ADD OPC(Optional) RNC SPCBITS OSP code bits ADD OPC(Mandatory) RNC SPCDNF OSP code ADD OPC(Optional) RNC SpdEstSwitch Algorithm Switch for UE speed estimation ADD CELLHCSHO(Optional) RNC SPDF Signal point data format ADD N7DPC(Optional) ADD OPC(Optional) RNC SPEED FE port speed SET ETHPORT(Optional) RNC SpeedDependentScalingFactor Speed dependent scaling factor for reselection delay ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC SpgId Service priority group Identity ADD SPG(Mandatory) ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) RNC SPI Scheduling Priority Indicator SET SPIFACTOR(Mandatory) SET SCHEDULEPRIOMAP(M andatory) RNC SPORTNO Src Port NO. STR IPLOPTST(Mandatory)RNC SpucHeavy Load level division threshold 1 ADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC SpucHyst Load level division hysteresisADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC SpucLight Load level division threshold 2 ADD CELLPUC(Optional) RNC SPUShareThd SPU traffic share threshold SET SPUSHARETHD(Optional) RNC SrbChlType SRB channel type SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC SrbChlTypeRrcEffectFlag SRB channel type RRC effect flag SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC SRBDL SRB service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC SRBGBR SRB MAC-c flow GBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC SRBMBR SRB MAC-c flow MBR ADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC SRBPRIPATH SRB primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC SRBPRITH Signal pri path load thresholdADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC SRBSECPATH SRB secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC SRBSECWHT Signal pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC SRBUL SRB service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC SRCE1T1LNKN Source link No. ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory)RNC SRCGRD Clock source priority ADD CLKSRC(Mandatory) RNC SRCGRD Currently system clock priority SET CLKMODE(Mandatory)RNC SRCIP Source IP ADD FLOW(Mandatory) RNC SRCMEPID MEP ID PING MAC(Mandatory) TRC MAC(Mandatory) RNC SRCT Clock source type ADD CLKSRC(Mandatory) RNC SRCTSN Source time slot No. ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory)RNC SRECTMR Timer_REPEAT-SREC ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD CBSADDR(Mandatory) SET NCELLDETECTSWITCH( Mandatory) ADD IURCOMMSCCP(Mandato ry) ADD NODEB(Mandatory) RNC SRN Subrack No. FMT DATA(Optional) SET OFFLINE(Optional) SET ONLINE(Optional) ACT CRC(Optional) SET MRSCOPECTRL(Mandato ry) RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD SUBRACK(Mandatory) RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD BRD(Mandatory) SWP BRD(Mandatory) CLR BRD(Mandatory) SET MSPCMD(Mandatory) CLR MSPREP(Mandatory) ULD LOGTOBAM(Mandatory) STR CPUUSAGETST(Mandator y) STR IMATST(Mandatory) SET E1T1LOP(Mandatory) LOP E1T1(Mandatory) STR E1T1TST(Mandatory) LOD PATCH(Optional) SET OPTLOP(Mandatory) ULD RSTINFO(Mandatory) PING IP(Mandatory) SWP ETHPORT(Mandatory) SET QUEUEMAP(Mandatory) SET E1T1(Mandatory) SET MSP(Mandatory) ACT MSP(Mandatory) ADD FRALNK(Mandatory) ADD TSCROSS(Mandatory) ADD RNC SRN Subrack No. SET CLK(Mandatory) RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD EMU(Mandatory) RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory)RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC SRN Control subrack No. ADD M3LNK(Mandatory) RNC SRN Subrack No. SET PHBMAP(Mandatory) RNC SRN Subrack No. ADD MTP3LNK(Mandatory) RNC SRName Subrack name ADD SUBRACK(Mandatory) RNC SrncBeDlRlcQosSwitch Srnc Parameter for BE Downlink RLC QOS SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC SrnsRabCnDomainType SRNS relocation-allowed traffic type SET SRNSR(Optional) RNC SRNSRDelayOffset Estimated non-measurement delay offset SET SRNSR(Optional) RNC SRNSRExpiryTime SRNS relocation expiry time SET SRNSR(Optional) RNC SRNSRIurReselectTimerLenSRNSR Iur reselection timer SET SRNSR(Optional) RNC SrnsrSeparateDuration Duration of triggering static relocation SET SRNSR(Optional) RNC SrnsrSwitch SRNSR algorithm switch SET CORRMALGOSWITCH(Optional) RNC SRNSRTrigTimer Relocation trigger timer after IurCCH SET SRNSR(Optional) RNC SRNTI SRNTI RST IUR(Mandatory) RNC SRT Subrack type SET CLK(Mandatory) RNC SSCHPower SSCH transmit power ADD SSCH(Optional) RNC SSCPUAVEUSAGEALMTHD CPU occupancy alarm clearance threshold SET CPUTHD(Optional) RNC SSCPUMAXUSAGEALMTHD CPU occupancy alarm threshold SET CPUTHD(Optional) RNC Ssd Source description ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC SSDSPAVEUSAGEALMTHD DSP occupancy alarm clearance threshold SET CPUTHD(Optional) RNC SSDSPMAXUSAGEALMTHD DSP occupancy alarm threshold SET CPUTHD(Optional) RNC SsearchHCS HCS cell reselection threshold ADD CELLHCS(Optional) RNC SsearchRat Inter-RAT cell reselection threshold ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC SSN Subsystem No. ACT CRC(Optional) CMP TBLDATA(Mandatory) RNC SSN Subsystem No. ADD RNCCBCPUID(Mandatory ) SET MRSCOPECTRL(Mandato ry) ADD NODEB(Optional) STR CPUUSAGETST(Mandator y) ULD RSTINFO(Mandatory) RNC ST StartTime SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC ST Service type ADD ATMTRF(Mandatory) RNC StaBlkNum5A Statistic Block Number For 5A Event ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC StartFlag GPS Frame Timing Active Flag ADD CELLGPSFRMTIMING(Optional) RNC StartTime1 First Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval Start Time ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory) RNC StartTime2 Second Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval Start Time ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory) RNC StartTime3 Third Cell Dynamic ShutDown Interval Start Time ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Mandatory) RNC StateIndTmr CN protection timer SET IUTIMERANDNUM(Optional) RNC StateIndTMR Sccp state ind protection timer ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC STATLEN MaxSTAT ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC STP STP function switch ADD N7DPC(Optional) RNC STPMODE Stop mode STR CPUUSAGETST(Mandatory) RNC StreamDlMBR Downlink maximum bit rate of Streaming SET USERMBR(Optional) RNC STREAMGBR Streaming MAC-c flow GBRADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC StreamHsupa2msTtiRateThs Rate threshold of Streaming on 2ms TTI of HSUPA SET FRC(Optional) RNC STREAMMBR Streaming MAC-c flow MBRADD CELLEFACH(Optional) RNC StreamUlMBR Uplink maximum bit rate of Streaming SET USERMBR(Optional) RNC STTDInd STTD indicator ADD SCCPCHBASIC(Optional) ADD AICH(Optional) ADD PICH(Optional) ADD CELLMBMSSCCPCH(Opt ional) SET MBMSSCCPCH(Optional) RNC STTDSupInd STTD support indicator ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC SubflowIndex Service subflow index ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory ) ADD TYPRABRLC(Mandatory) RNC SUBFRAMELEN Max subframe length ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC SUBNET Subnet No. SET SUBNET(Mandatory) RNC SupBmc CBS support ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Optional) RNC SuppDlSf512 Support downlink DPCH SF 512 ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC SuppDpcmodeChgFlag Support DPC mode Change ind ADD NRNCCELL(Optional)RNC SuppDpcTriplet Support DPC mode TRIPLETADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC SuppIurCch IUR CCH support flag ADD NRNC(Optional) RNC SUPPORTBAKCLKSRC Is support back clock source SET CLK(Optional) RNC SupportCRType CR support type ADD CNNODE(Optional) RNC SuppPSHOFlag Inter-RAT cell support PS HO indicator ADD GSMCELL(Optional) RNC SuppPsRtServOnHsdpa Support PS realtime traffic on HSDPA ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC SuppRIMFlag Inter-RAT cell support RIM indicator ADD GSMCELL(Optional) RNC SW Switch SET ALMPORT(Optional) RNC SWEEK Start week SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC Switch Port switch SET SCUPORT(Mandatory) RNC SWITCH Bfd Protocol Switch SET BFDPROTOSW(Mandatory) RNC Switch3GPP25415CR0125 Switch3GPP25415CR0125 ADD CNNODE(Optional) RNC SWITCHBACKFLAG Switch primary IP address flag ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC SWITCHBACKHBNUM Switch back HB number ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter1 SwitchParameter1 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter10 SwitchParameter10 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter2 SwitchParameter2 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter3 SwitchParameter3 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter4 SwitchParameter4 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter5 SwitchParameter5 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter6 SwitchParameter6 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter7 SwitchParameter7 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter8 SwitchParameter8 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SwitchParameter9 SwitchParameter9 SET SS7PATCHSWITCH(Optional) RNC SWSEQ Start week sequence SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC SysAmrRrcNum AMR_RRC Number per Second for System SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC SYSCONTACT Contact mode of the manufacturer SET SYS(Optional) RNC SYSDESC System description SET SYS(Optional) RNC SysHighPriRrcNum HiPri_RRC Number per Second for System SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC SysHoPsResumeTmr PS resume timer after SYSHOSET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC SYSLOCATION System Location SET SYS(Optional) RNC SYSOBJECTID System ID SET SYS(Optional) RNC SysRrcRejNum Max RRC_REJ Number per Second for System SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC SYSSERVICES System services SET SYS(Optional) RNC SysTotalRrcNumThd System Call Shock Trigger Threshold SET CALLSHOCKCTRL(Optional) RNC T10TMR Signalling route set test timerSET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T12TMR Uninhibit ACK timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T13TMR Force uninhibit timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T14TMR Inhibition ACK timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T17TMR Link realignment timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T1TMR Time-control changeover timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T22TMR Local inhibit test timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T23TMR Remote inhibit test timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T2TMR Changeover ACK timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T300 Timer 300 SET IDLEMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T302 Timer 302 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T304 Timer 304 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T305 Timer 305 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T307 Timer 307 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T308 Timer 308 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T309 Timer 309 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T312 Timer 312 SET CONNMODETIMER(Opti onal) SET IDLEMODETIMER(Optio nal) RNC T313 Timer 313 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T314 Timer 314 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T315 Timer 315 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T316 Timer 316 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T3212 Periodical location update timer ADD CNDOMAIN(Optional) RNC T381 Timer 381 SET CONNMODETIMER(Optional) RNC T3TMR Time-control changeback timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T4TMR Changeover ACK first attempt timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T5TMR Changeover ACK second attempt timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC T8TMR Transmission prohibited inhibition timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC TagetRlcRetrans Target RLC Retransmission rate SET RACHMEASUREPARA(Optional) RNC TargetFreqCsThdEcN0 Inter-freq CS target frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TargetFreqCsThdRscp Inter-freq CS target frequency trigger RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TargetFreqHThdEcN0 Inter-freq H target frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TargetFreqHThdRscp Inter-freq H target frequency trigger RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TargetFreqR99PsThdEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS target frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TargetFreqR99PsThdRscp Inter-freq R99 PS target frequency trigger RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TargetRatCsThd Inter-RAT CS handover decision THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC TargetRatHThd Inter-RAT H handover decision THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC TargetRatR99PsThd Inter-RAT R99 PS handover decision THD ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC TB Output Segment No. EXP DEVFILE(Optional) RNC TbIndexNum Configured TBS Count for HS-SCCH Less Mode SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC TbNumber1 TB number of TF1 ADD FACHDYNTFS(Optional) ADD PCHDYNTFS(Optional) ADD RACHDYNTFS(Optional) RNC TbNumber2 TB number of TF2 ADD FACHDYNTFS(Optional) ADD PCHDYNTFS(Optional) ADD RACHDYNTFS(Optional) RNC TbNumber3 TB number of TF3 ADD FACHDYNTFS(Optional) RNC TbSizeIndex1 TB Size Index 1 SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC TbSizeIndex2 TB Size Index 2 SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC TbSizeIndex3 TB Size Index 3 SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC TbSizeIndex4 TB Size Index 4 SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Optional) RNC TC Test code ADD MTP3LNK(Optional) RNC TCell Time offset ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Man datory) RNC TCellId Target cell ID HO CELL(Optional) RNC TCLEN Test code length ADD MTP3LNK(Optional) RNC TCRmax Time for evaluating max cell reselection ADD CELLHCS(Optional) RNC TCrmaxHyst Time before revert to low-mobility meas ADD CELLHCS(Optional) RNC Tcrmaxhystnonhcs Non-HCS TCR max hysteresis ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC Tcrmaxnonhcs Non-HCS max TCR ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC TCycleSlow Period of UE slow speed decision ADD CELLHCSHO(Optional) SET HCSHO(Optional) RNC TEMP_MASK Enable Temperature Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional) RNC TEMP_THD_HIGH Upper Limit of Temperature Alarm ADD EMU(Optional) RNC TEMP_THD_LOW Lower Limit of Temperature Alarm ADD EMU(Optional) RNC TempOffset1 HCS Cell Reselect TempOffset1 ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) RNC TempOffset2 HCS Cell Reselect TempOffset2 ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) RNC TenMsecForAmrE AMR Event E Reporting Period In 10ms ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC TenMsecForBeE BE Event E Reporting Period In 10ms ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC TenMsecForBeF BE Event F Reporting Period In 10ms ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC TenMsecForDlBasicMeas DL basic meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC TenMsecForDlOlcMeas DL OLC meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC TenMsecForHsdpaPrvidRateMeas HSDPA bit rate meas cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC TenMsecForHsdpaPwrMeas HSDPA need pwr meas cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC TenMsecForHsupaPrvidRateMeas HSUPA bit rate meas cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) RNC TenMsecForUlBasicMeas UL basic meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC TenMsecForUlOlcMeas UL OLC meas rprt cycle SET LDM(Mandatory) SET SATLDM(Mandatory) RNC TenMsecForVpE VP Event E Reporting Period In 10ms ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC TFastSpdEst Time window for UE fast speed decision ADD CELLHCSHO(Optional) SET HCSHO(Optional) RNC TFCIpresence TFCI existing indicator ADD SCCPCHBASIC(Mandatory) RNC TFsNumber Number of TFs ADD FACHDYNTFS(Mandatory ) ADD PCHDYNTFS(Mandatory) ADD RACHDYNTFS(Mandator y) RNC TG Target BAM SWP BAMAREA(Mandatory) RNC Thd5A Event 5A Threshold ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC ThdEa Event Ea Relative Threshold ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC ThdEb Event Eb Relative Threshold ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC THP Traffic Handling Priority SET SCHEDULEPRIOMAP(Mandatory) RNC THP10Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 10 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP11Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 11 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP12Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 12 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP13Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 13 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP14Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 14 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP15Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 15 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP1Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 1 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP2Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 2 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP3Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 3 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP4Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 4 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP5Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 5 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP6Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 6 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP7Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 7 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP8Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 8 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THP9Class User Class of Traffic Handler Priority 9 SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS(Optional) RNC THPClass Traffic Handler Priority ClassSET USERGBR(Mandatory)RNC TIMEOUT Reply Time-Out PING IP(Optional) RNC TIMEOUT Time Out PING MAC(Optional) TRC MAC(Optional) RNC Timer Block time BLK CELL(Mandatory) RNC TIMERCU Timer_CU timer ADD AAL2PATH(Optional)RNC TIMES Number of ping packets PING IP(Optional) RNC TimeToInterfreqHO Inter-freq coverage handover delay trig time ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TimeToMoniter Time to start re-TX monitor ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC TimeToTrig2B 2B event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TimeToTrig2D 2D event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TimeToTrig2F 2F event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) RNC TimeToTrigForNonVerify Time to trigger for non-verified GSM cell ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC TimeToTrigForPrdInterFreq HHO period trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ( Optional) RNC TimeToTrigForVerify Time to trigger for verified GSM cell ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC TimetoTrigger4A Time to trigger 4A ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC TimetoTrigger4B Time to trigger 4B ADD TYPRABDCCCMC(Optional) RNC TimeToTriggerA Event A time to trigger ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC TimeToTriggerB Event B time to trigger ADD TYPRABRLC(Optional) RNC TMI TRMMAP ID ADD TRMMAP(Mandatory)RNC TMIBRZ Bronze user TRMMAP indexADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) RNC TMIGLD Gold user TRMMAP index ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) RNC TMISLV Silver user TRMMAP index ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) RNC TMT1TMR Signalling link test ACK timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC TMT2TMR Signalling link repeat test timer SET MTP3TMR(Optional) RNC TnlBearerType IUB trans bearer type ADD NODEB(Optional) RNC TnlBearerType IUR transmission bearer typeADD NRNC(Mandatory) RNC TnlBearerType Iu transfers bearer type ADD CNNODE(Optional) RNC TO AdjustMethod SET TZ(Mandatory) RNC ToAWE Time of arrival window endpoint ADD FACH(Mandatory) ADD PCH(Optional) ADD CELLMBMSFACH(Option al) SET MBMSFACH(Optional) RNC ToAWS Time of arrival window startpoint ADD FACH(Mandatory) ADD PCH(Optional) ADD CELLMBMSFACH(Option al) SET MBMSFACH(Optional) RNC TotalUserNumThd Cell Dynamic ShutDown Total User number Threshold ADD CELLDYNSHUTDOWN(Optional) RNC TP Log type COL FAMLOG(Mandatory) RNC TpenaltyHcsReselect HCS Cell Reselect Penalty Timer ADD INTRAFREQNCELL(Opti onal) ADD INTERFREQNCELL(Optio nal) ADD GSMNCELL(Optional) RNC TrafficClass Traffic Class ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC TrafficClass Traffic Class SET SCHEDULEPRIOMAP(M andatory) SET USERGBR(Mandatory) SET FACHBANDWIDTH(Man datory) SET USERHAPPYBR(Mandato ry) SET DTXDRXPARA(Mandator y) SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA( Mandatory) RNC TrafficType Traffic Type SET REDIRECTION(Mandator y) ADD CELLREDIRECTION(Man datory) RNC TRAMODE Traffic mode ADD M3LKS(Optional) RNC TransCchUserNum Transfer Common Channel User number ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC TRANSDELAY IUB Trans Delay ADD NODEB(Optional) RNC TRANST Transport Type ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC TRANST Transport Type ADD TRMMAP(Mandatory) ADD ADJMAP(Mandatory) ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) RNC TrChId FACH ID ADD FACH(Mandatory) ADD FACHLOCH(Mandatory) ADD RACH(Optional) ADD PCHDYNTFS(Optional) ADD FACHDYNTFS(Mandatory ) ADD PCH(Optional) ADD RACHDYNTFS(Optional) RNC TrChId FACH ID ADD BCH(Optional) RNC TrchType Transport channel type ADD TYPRABHSPA(Mandatory) RNC TrchType Transport channel type ADD TYPRABOLPC(Mandatory) RNC TrchType Transport channel type ADD TYPRABRLC(Mandatory) RNC TRelateLength Related length for 1D records ADD CELLHCSHO(Optional) SET HCSHO(Optional) RNC Treselections Reselection delay time ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC Treselectionsfach Reselection delay time for UE in CELL_FACH state ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC Treselectionspch Reselection delay time for UE in PCH state ADD CELLSELRESEL(Optional) RNC TRFX Traffic record index ADD ATMTRF(Mandatory) RNC TrigTime1A 1A event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) SET SMLC(Mandatory) RNC TrigTime1B 1B event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) SET SMLC(Mandatory) RNC TrigTime1C 1C event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC TrigTime1D 1D event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC TrigTime1F 1F event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC TrigTime1J 1J event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC TrigTime2C 2C event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV(Optional) SET INTERFREQHONCOV(O ptional) ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ( Optional) RNC TrigTime2D 2D event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC TrigTime2F 2F event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC TrigTime3A 3A event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC TrigTime3C 3C event trigger delay time ADD CELLINTERRATHONCO V(Optional) SET INTERRATHONCOV(Opt ional) ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT( Optional) RNC TrigTime6F 6F event trigger delay time SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC TrigTime6G 6G event trigger delay time SET HOCOMM(Optional) RNC TRKLNKPN Trunk Link No. ADD ETHTRKLNK(Mandatory) RNC TRKLNKSN Trunk Link Slot No. ADD ETHTRKLNK(Mandatory) RNC TRKN Trunk No. ADD ETHTRK(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKIP(Mandatory) ADD ETHTRKLNK(Mandatory) RNC TRlFailure Radio link failure timer lengthADD CELLSETUP(Optional) RNC TRncId RNC ID of Target Cell HO CELL(Optional) RNC TRUNKDHCPSVRIP TRUNK Dhcp Server IP ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC TRUNKIP NodeB Interface IP Address ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC TRUNKIPMASK NodeB Interface IP Mask ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC TRUNKN The Trunk group No. ADD IPLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC TS time slot No. LOP E1T1(Mandatory) RNC TS16ENABLE 16TimeSlot switch SET E1T1(Optional) RNC TSBITMAP Bearing time slot ADD PPPLNK(Mandatory) ADD FRALNK(Mandatory) ADD MPLNK(Mandatory) RNC TSCROSSX Time slot cross index ADD TSCROSS(Optional) RNC TSKN Task Name STR SCHTSK(Optional) RNC TSlowSpdEst Time window for UE slow speed decision ADD CELLHCSHO(Optional) SET HCSHO(Optional) RNC TstImsi MGWTST USER IMSI SET MGWTST(Mandatory) RNC TSTLEN Test Len STR IPLOPTST(Optional) RNC TstSwitch MGWTST SWITCH SET MGWTST(Mandatory) RNC TTIME Duration time STR CPUUSAGETST(Mandatory) RNC TTL PKT TTL TRC MAC(Optional) RNC TXBW Forward bandwidth ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Mandatory) RNC TXBW Forward bandwidth ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) RNC TxBw Forward Bandwidth ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC TxDiversityInd TX diversity indication ADD CELLSETUP(Mandatory) ADD NRNCCELL(Mandatory) RNC TXINT Interval of send PING IP(Optional) RNC TXINT Interval of Packet Send STR IPLOPTST(Optional) RNC TXTRFX TX traffic record index ADD IPOAPVC(Optional) ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) ADD SAALLNK(Mandatory) ADD VPCLCX(Mandatory) RNC TYPE Application Type SET CTRLFACTOR(Mandatory) RNC UARFCNDownlink Downlink UARFCN ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Optio nal) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC UARFCNUplink Uplink UARFCN ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Optio nal) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC UARFCNUplinkInd UL frequency ind ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC UBLREQTMR Unblocking request timer SET AAL2TMR(Optional) RNC UDPMUXLEN UDP MUX Max Length ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC UDPMUXMODRECV Receive UDP MUX Mode ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC UDPMUXMODSEND Sender UDP MUX Mode ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC UDPMUXTIME UDP MUX Max Time ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC UeAssAgpsAssDataSwitch UE-assisted A-GPS Data Send switch SET SMLC(Optional) RNC UeBasAgpsAssDataSwitch UE-based A-GPS Data Send Switch SET SMLC(Optional) RNC UeCapEnqRspTmr UE capability enquiry response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC UeCntCheckRspTmr UE counter check response timer SET STATETIMER(Optional) RNC UINT Uninhibit Type UIN BRD(Mandatory) RNC UINTTIME Unit time STR E1T1TST(Optional) RNC UL Upper Limit SET ALMPORT(Optional) RNC UlAmrConvAF UL AF of R99 AMR conv service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC UlAmrTrigTime6A1 AMR Trigger Time 6A1 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlAmrTrigTime6A2 AMR Trigger Time 6A2 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlAmrTrigTime6B1 AMR Trigger Time 6B1 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlAmrTrigTime6B2 AMR Trigger Time 6B2 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlAmrTrigTime6D AMR Trigger Time 6D ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlBackgroundAF UL AF of R99 background service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC UlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff UL basic common measure filter coeff SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC UlBeTraffDecThs UL BE traffic DCH decision threshold SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Opti onal) ADD CELLFRC(Optional) RNC UlBeTraffInitBitrate UL BE traffic Initial bit rate SET FRC(Optional) RNC UlBeTraffThsOnHsupa UL BE traffic threshold on HSUPA SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC UlBeTrigTime6A1 BE Trigger Time 6A1 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlBeTrigTime6A2 BE Trigger Time 6A2 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlBeTrigTime6B1 BE Trigger Time 6B1 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlBeTrigTime6B2 BE Trigger Time 6B2 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlBeTrigTime6D BE Trigger Time 6D ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlCacAvgFilterLen UL CAC smoothing filter length SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC UlCCHLoadFactor UL common channel load reserved coefficient ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlCellTotalThd UL total power threshold ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlCmMethod Uplink Compression MethodADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC UlCSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum UL CS should be HO user number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlCSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum UL CS should not be HO user number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlDcccRateThd Uplink Bit Rate Threshold For DCCC SET DCCC(Optional) RNC UlFpMode UL FP Mode ADD TYPRABBASIC(Mandatory) RNC UlFullCvrRate Uplink Full Coverage Bit Rate ADD CELLDCCC(Optional) SET DCCC(Optional) RNC UlGBR Uplink GBR for BE service SET USERGBR(Optional) RNC UlHoCeResvSf UL handover credit reserved SF ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlHsDpcchRsvdFactor UL HS-DPCCH reserve factor ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlIMSTransModeOnHsupa IMS signalling transmission mode on HSUPA SET FRC(Optional) RNC UlInteractAF UL AF of R99 interactive service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC UlInterFreqHoBWThd UL HO maximum bandwidthADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC UlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd UL HO load space threshold ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNum UL LDR-AMR rate reduction RAB number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrAvgFilterLen UL LDR smoothing filter length SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC UlLdrBERateReductionRabNum UL LDR-BE rate reduction RAB number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrCreditSfResThd UL LDR credit SF reserved threshold ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrEighthAction UL LDR eighth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrFifthAction UL LDR fifth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrFirstAction UL LDR first action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrFourthAction UL LDR fourth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum UL LDR un-ctrl RT Qos re-nego RAB num ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrRelThd UL LDR release threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC UlLdrSecondAction UL LDR second action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrSeventhAction UL LDR seventh action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrSixthAction UL LDR sixth action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrThirdAction UL LDR third action ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlLdrTrigThd UL LDR trigger threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC UlMaxNumOfTfc Uplink Maximum Number of TFC ADD NODEBLMTPARA(Optional) RNC UlMeasFilterCoef UL Measurement Filter Coefficient ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlMidRateCalc Uplink Mid Bit Rate Calculate Method SET DCCC(Optional) RNC UlMidRateThd Uplink Mid Bit Rate Threshold SET DCCC(Mandatory) RNC UlModeChangeTimerLen UL Mode Change Timer Length SET AMRC(Optional) SET AMRCWB(Optional) RNC UlNonAmrConvAF UL AF of R99 non AMR conv service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC UlNonCtrlThdForAMR UL threshold of Conv AMR service ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlNonCtrlThdForHo UL handover access thresholdADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR UL threshold of Conv non_AMR service ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlNonCtrlThdForOther UL threshold of other services ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlOlcAvgFilterLen UL OLC smoothing filter length SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC UlOlcFTFRstrctRabNum UL OLC fast TF restrict RAB number ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC UlOlcFTFRstrctTimes UL OLC fast TF restrict times ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC UlOlcMeasFilterCoeff UL overload measure filter coeff SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC UlOlcRelThd UL OLC release threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC UlOlcTraffRelRabNum UL OLC traff release RAB number ADD CELLOLC(Optional) RNC UlOlcTrigHyst UL OLC trigger hysteresis SET LDM(Optional) SET SATLDM(Optional) RNC UlOlcTrigThd UL OLC trigger threshold ADD CELLLDM(Optional) RNC UlPSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum UL PS should be HO user number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlPSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum UL PS should not be HO user number ADD CELLLDR(Optional) ADD NODEBLDR(Optional) RNC UlQosAmrAdjSwitch Adjustment Switch For AMR Uplink Rate SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC UlQosAmrInterFreqHoSwitchInterFreq HO For Switch For Uplink AMR SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC UlQosAmrInterRatHoSwitchInterRat HO Switch For Uplink AMR SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC ULQosMcTimerLen Up Link Qos Measure timer length ADD CELLQOSHO(Optional) SET QOSHO(Optional) RNC UlQosVpInterFreqHoSwitch InterFreq HO Switch For Uplink VP SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC UlQosWAmrAdjSwitch Switch Of WAMR Uplink Rate Adjustment SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC UlQosWAmrInterFreqHoSwitch InterFreq HO Switch For Uplink WAMR SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC UlQosWAmrInterRatHoSwitch InterRat HO Switch For Uplink WAMR SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC UlRateDnAdjLevel Uplink Rate Decrease Adjust Level SET DCCC(Optional) RNC UlRateUpAdjLevel Uplink Rate Increase Adjust Level SET DCCC(Optional) RNC UlSFTurnPoint UL SF threshold ADD CELLCMCF(Optional) SET CMCF(Optional) RNC UlSrbActFactor UL AF of SRB SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC UlSRBTransModeOnHsupa SRB transmission mode on HSUPA SET FRC(Optional) RNC UlStreamAF UL AF of R99 Streaming service SET ADMCTRL(Optional) RNC UlStrThsOnHsupa UL streaming traffic threshold on HSUPA SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC UlStrTransModeOnHsupa Streaming traffic transmission mode on HSUPA SET FRC(Optional) RNC UlThd6A1 Uplink Event 6A1 Relative Threshold ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC UlThd6A2 Uplink Event 6A2 Relative Threshold ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC UlThd6B1 Uplink Event 6B1 Relative Threshold ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC UlThd6B2 Uplink Event 6B2 Relative Threshold ADD TYPRABQUALITYMEAS(Mandatory) RNC UlTotalEqUserNum UL total equivalent user number ADD CELLCAC(Optional) RNC UlTpcStepSize UL closed loop power control step size SET FRC(Optional) RNC UlVpTrigTime6A1 VP Trigger Time 6A1 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlVpTrigTime6B1 VP Trigger Time 6B1 ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UlVpTrigTime6D VP Trigger Time 6D ADD CELLQUALITYMEAS(Op tional) SET QUALITYMEAS(Optional ) RNC UncertAltitude Cell Center Uncertainty Altitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC UncertAltitudeImp Cell Center Uncertainty Altitude ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC UncertSemiMajor Cell Center Uncertainty Semi-major ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC UncertSemiMajorImp Cell Center Uncertainty Semi-major ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC UncertSemiMinor Cell Center Uncertainty Semi-minor ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC UncertSemiMinorImp Cell Center Uncertainty Semi-minor ADD SMLCCELL(Optional)RNC UNILNKN UNI link No. ADD UNILNK(Mandatory) RNC UpLimitCountingTime Up Limit Counting Time SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC UPPERANI Upper Ani ADD ADJNODE(Mandatory) RNC UPPERGRPID Upper Class Transport Resource Group No. ADD RSCGRP(Mandatory) RNC UPPERVP The Upper Logical port Number ADD ATMLOGICPORT(Optional) RNC URA1 URA ID 1 ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC URA2 URA ID 2 ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC URA3 URA ID 3 ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC URA4 URA ID 4 ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC URA5 URA ID 5 ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC URA6 URA ID 6 ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC URA7 URA ID 7 ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC URA8 URA ID 8 ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC URAId URA ID ADD URA(Mandatory) ADD CELLURA(Mandatory) ADD NRNCURA(Mandatory) RNC URANUM URA number ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Mandatory) RNC UsedFreqCSThdEcN0 Inter-freq CS Used frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC UsedFreqCSThdRSCP Inter-freq CS Used frequency trigger RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC UsedFreqHThdEcN0 Inter-freq H Used frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC UsedFreqHThdRSCP Inter-freq H Used frequency trigger RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC UsedFreqMeasQuantityForQos3A 3A Used-Freq Measure Quantity for Qos ADD CELLQOSHO(Optional) SET QOSHO(Optional) RNC UsedFreqR99PsThdEcN0 Inter-freq R99 PS Used frequency trigger Ec/No THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC UsedFreqR99PsThdRSCP Inter-freq R99 PS Used frequency trigger RSCP THD ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC USEFE Use FE or not ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC UseMacehs Mac-ehs use flg SET HSSCCHLESSOPPARA(Mandatory) RNC USEMP Use MP or not ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC USENBLB2 Use the second Serial Number or not ADD NODEBESN(Optional)RNC UseOfHcs Use of HCS ADD CELLHCS(Optional) ADD GSMCELL(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC USEPPP Use PPP or not ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC UserPercentage UserPercentage ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT(Optional) RNC UserPlnSharingOutOffset Percentage of User Plane Sharing Out Offset SET USERPLNSHAREPARA(Optional) RNC UserPlnSharingOutThd Percentage of User Plane Sharing Out threshold SET USERPLNSHAREPARA(Optional) RNC UserPriority User Priority SET SCHEDULEPRIOMAP(M andatory) SET USERGBR(Mandatory) SET FACHBANDWIDTH(Man datory) SET USERHAPPYBR(Mandato ry) RNC USETRUNK Use TRUNK or not ADD NODEBESN(Mandatory) RNC UT Rate unit ADD ATMTRF(Optional) RNC VCI Bearing VCI ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC VCLTYPE VCL act type ACT VCLCC(Mandatory) RNC VLANFlAG VLANID Flag ADD SCTPLNK(Optional) ADD IPPATH(Optional) RNC VLANID VLAN ID ADD VLANID(Mandatory) ADD IPPATH(Mandatory) ADD SCTPLNK(Mandatory) ADD ETHMA(Mandatory) RNC VLANPRI VLAN Priority SET DSCPMAP(Optional) RNC VOICEDL AMR voice service downlink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC VOICEPRIPATH AMR voice primary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC VOICEPRITH AMR voice pri path load threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC VOICESECPATH AMR voice secondary path ADD TRMMAP(Optional) RNC VOICESECWHT AMR voice pri sec path load ratio threshold ADD LOADEQ(Optional) RNC VOICEUL AMR voice service uplink factor ADD TRMFACTOR(Optional) RNC VoipChlType VOIP channel type SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA(Optional) RNC VoipHsupaTti HSUPA TTI type of VOIP traffic SET FRC(Optional) RNC VOL24_MASK Enable Alarm Reporting for 24V Power ADD EMU(Optional) RNC VOL24_THD_HIGH Upper Limit of Alarm for 24V Power ADD EMU(Optional) RNC VOL24_THD_LOW Lower Limit of Alarm for 24V Power ADD EMU(Optional) RNC VOL48_MASK Enable Alarm Reporting for 48V Power ADD EMU(Optional) RNC VOL48_THD_HIGH Upper Limit of Alarm for 48V Power ADD EMU(Optional) RNC VOL48_THD_LOW Lower Limit of Alarm for 48V Power ADD EMU(Optional) RNC VPCLCXN Cross connect index ADD VPCLCX(Optional) RNC VPI Bearing VPI ADD AAL2PATH(Mandatory) RNC VPLimitInd Cell VP limit indicator ADD QUICKCELLSETUP(Optio nal) ADD CELLSETUP(Optional) ADD NRNCCELL(Optional) RNC VPQosPerform QOS Switch For VP Traffic SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC VpRabAbnormRelRatioThd VP call drop ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC VpRabEstAttMinNum The minimum of VP Rab attempt setup Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC VpRabEstSuccRatioThd VP Rab successful setup ratio Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC VpRabRelMinNum The number of VP drop Per Spu SET KPIALMTHD(Optional) RNC WAmrUlRateAdjTimerLen Wait Timer For WAMR Uplink SET QOSACT(Optional) RNC WATER_MASK Enable Water Alarm Reporting ADD EMU(Optional) RNC Weight Weighted factor ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO(Op tional) SET INTRAFREQHO(Optional) RNC WeightForUsedFreq Weight for Used frequency ADD CELLINTERFREQHOCO V(Optional) SET INTERFREQHOCOV(Opti onal) ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV (Optional) SET INTERRATHOCOV(Optio nal) RNC WINDOWSIZE Receiving window size ADD SAALLNK(Optional) RNC WKMODE Work mode ADD M3LKS(Optional) RNC WORKAREA Work area flag FMT DATA(Optional) RNC WORKMODE Work Mode SET E1T1(Optional) RNC WTRT WTR Time SET MSP(Optional) RNC XOffset X Offset SET RNCMBMSPARA(Optional) RNC ZeroRateUpFailToRelTimerLen Release 0 kbit/s Timer length for failed to rate up SET COIFTIMER(Optional) RNC ZONET TimeZone SET TZ(Optional) RNC Meaning Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range The type of service carried by the AAL2 path that users expect. Enumeration Type R99, HSPA, SHARE R99,HSPA,SHARE This parameter specifies the time to execute re-host policy for the primary hosted NodeB, after the RNC recovers from disaster and starts to operate. Compound Type hour, min, sec 00:00:00~23:59:59 It defines the mapping of AC 0~9 to ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 22.011. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 It defines the mapping of AC 10 to ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 22.011. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 It defines the mapping of AC 11 to ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 22.011. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 It defines the mapping of AC 12 to ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 22.011. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 It defines the mapping of AC 13 to ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 22.011. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 It defines the mapping of AC 14 to ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 22.011. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 It defines the mapping of AC 15 to ASCs. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 22.011. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 Identifying an ASC. Enumeration Type ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6, ASC7 ASC0, ASC1, ASC2, ASC3, ASC4, ASC5, ASC6, ASC7 This parameter specifies whether to enable the address and control fields compression switch. Enumeration Type Disable, Enable Disable (not support the address and control field compress function), Enable (support the address and control field compress function) Interval of automatic access classes restriction between cells. When a subsystem of an RNC performs access classes restriction on cells managed by this subsystem, it selects the first cell at random. After waiting for the time specified in this parameter, the subsystem selects the second cell and the first cell is still with access classes restriction. The process lasts until all the cells are going through access classes restriction. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 22.011. Interval Type 1~36000 10~360000, step:10 Specifies the interval between consecutive pollings imposed on the PS domain and CS domain in different cells according to the flexible polling restriction mode. Interval Type 1~36000 1~36000 Specifies the restricted access class according to the flexible polling restriction mode. Bit Field Type AC0(Access Class 0 Restriction), AC1(Access Class 1 Restriction), AC2(Access Class 2 Restriction), AC3(Access Class 3 Restriction), AC4(Access Class 4 Restriction), AC5(Access Class 5 Restriction), AC6(Access Class 6 Restriction), AC7(Access Class 7 Restriction), AC8(Access Class 8 Restriction), AC9(Access Class 9 Restriction), AC10(Access Class 10 Restriction), AC11(Access Class 11 Restriction), AC12(Access Class 12 Restriction), AC13(Access Class 13 Restriction), AC14(Access Class 14 Restriction), AC15(Access Class 15 Restriction) AC0,AC1,AC2,AC3,AC4,AC5,AC6,AC7,AC8,AC9,AC10,AC11,AC12,AC13,AC14,AC15 Specifies the access classes that are restricted according to the fixed restriction mode. Bit Field Type AC0(Access Class 0 Restriction), AC1(Access Class 1 Restriction), AC2(Access Class 2 Restriction), AC3(Access Class 3 Restriction), AC4(Access Class 4 Restriction), AC5(Access Class 5 Restriction), AC6(Access Class 6 Restriction), AC7(Access Class 7 Restriction), AC8(Access Class 8 Restriction), AC9(Access Class 9 Restriction), AC10(Access Class 10 Restriction), AC11(Access Class 11 Restriction), AC12(Access Class 12 Restriction), AC13(Access Class 13 Restriction), AC14(Access Class 14 Restriction), AC15(Access Class 15 Restriction) AC0,AC1,AC2,AC3,AC4,AC5,AC6,AC7,AC8,AC9,AC10,AC11,AC12,AC13,AC14,AC15 Specifies the interval delay between consecutive pollings according to the flexible polling restriction mode. Interval Type 6~3600 6~3600 Access restriction ratio. When a cell performs access classes restriction, you can select some access classes from AC0 to AC9 based on the ratio specified in this parameter and perform access classes restriction on the selected access classes. After access classes restriction goes on for AcRstrctIntervalLen, the original access classes restriction is released and other access classes of the local cell are selected for access classes restriction based on the ratio specified in this parameter. Interval Type 1~10 0.1~1, step:0.1 OFF indicates that the AC algorithm is automatically disabled. ON indicates that the AC algorithm is automatically enabled. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies the license file to be activated. "Local" indicates the local license file is activated, and "SHARE" indicates that the shared value is activated. Enumeration Type LOCAL(Local File), SHARE(Share Value) LOCAL,SHARE This parameter specifies the type of the GPS assistance data to be activated. Enumeration Type GPS(Global Position System), DGPS(Differential Global Position System), BOTH(both GPS and DGPS) GPS(Global Position System),DGPS(Differential Global Position System),BOTH(both GPS and DGPS) This parameter specifies the CPU usage to be increased. Interval Type 1~95 1 to 95 The activity factor at the radio layer varies with the service priority. The configuration of the activity factor is performed based on the priorities of gold, silver, and copper. The activity factor of SRB is priority insensitive. Enumeration Type NOPRIORITY(NOPRIORITY), GOLD(GOLD), SILVER(SILVER), COPPER(COPPER) NOPRIORITY, GOLD, SILVER, COPPER Flag of A-GPS location activation. Enumeration Type INACTIVE, ACTIVE INACTIVE, ACTIVE This parameter indicates whether the GPS Additional Assistance Data Request is sent when the A-GPS method is used. Enumeration Type NODELIVERY, DELIVERYNODELIVERY, DELIVERY UE positioning mode when the A-GPS method is selected. The UE supports both UE-based A-GPS mode and UE-assisted A-GPS mode. Enumeration Type UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED This parameter specifies a GPS reference receiver. Interval Type 0~65534 0 to 65534 This parameter specifies the type of the GPS reference receiver. A GPS reference receiver can be configured on the local RNC, a NodeB of the local RNC, or a neighboring RNC. Enumeration Type RNC(Local RNC), NODEB(Local NodeB), NRNC_RNC(Nearby RNC), NRNC_NODEB(NodeB in RNC) RNC(Local RNC), NODEB(Local NodeB), NRNC_RNC(Nearby RNC), NRNC_NODEB(NodeB in RNC) Difference between the transmit power of AICH and that of PCPICH. If the value is set too small, the UEs on the cell edge cannot receive the acquisition indication properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433 protocol. Interval Type -22~5 -22~5 Transmission timing information of an AICH. "0" indicates that there are 7680 chips offset between the access preamble of the PRACH and AICH. "1" indicates that there are 12800 chips offset between them. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Interval Type 0~1 0~1 This parameter specifies the alarm ID of the alarm configuration record to be modified. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 This parameter specifies whether the configured HS-SCCH Less Operation parameters adopt the octet_align or bit_align mode. Enumeration Type BIT_ALIGN(Bit aligned mode), OCTET_ALIGN(Octet aligned mode) BIT_ALIGN, OCTET_ALIGN The unit is kbps. This parameter is valid only when Transport Resource Group Type is IP and Bandwidth mode is HALF_DUPLEX. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 If Manual is chosen, allocating [Code Number for HS-PDSCH] the equal of configured HS-PDSCH code number. If Automatic is chosen, allocating HS-PDSCH code number between configured HS-PDSCH Maximum code number and HS-PDSCH Minimum code number. At the early stage of network construction, or when the traffic model of subscribers in a cell is not fixed, the parameter can be set to Automatic to have the HSDPA channel codes be automatically allocated. If the traffic model of subscribers in a cell is fixed and known, the parameter can be set to Manual to select the static allocation mode. Manual allocation leads to restriction of HSDPA code resource or leaves HSDPA code resource idle. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.308. Enumeration Type Manual(Manual), Automatic(Automatic) Manual, Automatic This parameter specifies the antenna altitude of the GPS reference receiver. Interval Type -1000~10000 -1000 to 10000 This parameter specifies the antenna altitude of the GPS reference receiver. (IMP unit: Feet) Interval Type -3281~32810 -3281~32810 This parameter specifies the alarm severity to be set. Enumeration Type Critical(Critical), Major(Major), Minor(Minor), Warning(Warning) Critical,Major,Minor,Warning Maximum number of times for event 2B retry. This parameter defines the number of times for event 2B retry when the measurement control is valid. The larger the value of this parameter, the larger the number of times for inter-frequency handover retry, and the higher probability for the UE to be successfully handed over to the target cell whose load is restored. After the maximum number of times for event 2B retry, the RNC sends the inter-frequency measurement control message again to hand over the UEs to the other cells of this frequency. If the measurement control message is released, the retry will be immediately stopped. Interval Type 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity Maximum retry times of the event 2C. This parameter defines the number of times for event 2C retry when the measurement control is valid. The larger the value of this parameter, the larger the number of times for inter- frequency handover retry, and the higher probability for the UE to be successfully handed over to the target cell whose load is restored. When the retry times reaches the maximum value, the RNC stops the retry process. Or if the measurement control message is released, the retry will be immediately stopped. Interval Type 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity Maximum retry times of the event 3A. This parameter defines the number of times for event 3A retry when the measurement control is valid. The larger the value of this parameter, the larger the number of times for inter-RAT handover retry, and the higher probability the UE is successfully handed over to the target cell whose load is restored. When the retry times reaches the maximum value, the RNC stops the retry process. Or if the measurement control message is released, the retry will be immediately stopped. Interval Type 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity Maximum retry times of the event 3C. This parameter defines the number of times for event 3C retry when the measurement control is valid. The larger the value of this parameter, the larger the number of times for inter-RAT handover retry, and the higher probability the UE is successfully handed over to the target cell whose load is restored. When the retry times reaches the maximum value, the RNC stops the retry process. Or if the measurement control message is released, the retry will be immediately stopped. Interval Type 0~63 0~62, 63: Infinity This parameter specifies to edit sender parameters, receiver parameters, or flow control parameters. Enumeration Type SENDER_PARA, RECEIVE_PARA, FLOWCONTROL_PARA SENDER_PARA, RECEIVE_PARA, FLOWCONTROL_PARA When the parameter is set to YES, the QOS control algorithm is used for AMR services. When the parameter is set to NO, the QOS control algorithm is not used for AMR services.The QOS actions of AMR services include rate downsizing, inter frequency handover and inter rat handover. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES AMR CDR(Call Drop Ratio) Per Spu, if the ratio is higher than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The minimum number of AMR service attempt Per Spu, the sum of AMR service attempt need to be higher than this threshold to arise KPI alarm which type is AMR service successful setup ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Successful AMR service setup ratio Per Spu, if the ratio is lower than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The Minimum number of AMR release Per Spu, the sum of AMR release need to be higher than this threshold to trigger arise KPI alarm which type is AMR call drop ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Timer for triggering a second adjustment of the UL AMR mode. This parameter specifies the duration of waiting for the voice quality enhanced acknowledgement after the UL AMR mode adjustment when the associated command is delivered. The UL AMRC rate adjust timer starts when AMRC mode adjustment procedure is triggered, and stops when the next measurement report is received. If no measurement report is received when the UL AMRC timer expires, you can infer that the measured value remains in the same state as that before the previous UL AMRC mode adjustment. The previous AMRC mode adjustment is not effective, and another adjustment is required. The longer the UL AMRC timer is, the less frequently the AMRC mode is adjusted. In addition, the response to measurement reports becomes slower accordingly. Interval Type 20~64000 20~64000 ID of the adjacent node. An RNC can be configured with at most 2000 adjacent nodes. Interval Type 0~1999 0~1999 Altitude of the cell antenna in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is a necessary parameter, controlled by MTRLGY and valid when MET~0(metric system).The value of this parameter has effect on the location result. Interval Type -32767~32767 -32767~32767 Altitude of the cell antenna in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when IMP~1(British measurement).The value of this parameter has effect on the location result. Interval Type -107502~107502 -107502~107502 Latitude of the cell antenna in the WGS-84 coordinates. The value corresponding to the latitude A degrees B minutes C seconds is [A + (B/60) + (C/3600)] / 0.000001. For example, the value corresponding to the latitude 31 degrees 30 minutes 36 seconds is [31 + (30/60) + (36/3600)] / 0.000001 = 31510000. This is controlled by GCDF and valid when DEG~0(degree format).The value of this parameter has effect on the location result. Interval Type -90000000~90000000 -90~90, step: 0.000001 This parameter specifies the latitude of the cell antenna in the WGS-84 coordinates. The input format is ddd:mm:ss.ssss. This is controlled by GCDF and valid when SEC~1(degree, minute, second format).The value of this parameter has effect on the location result. String Type - -90~90 Longitude of the cell antenna in the WGS-84 coordinates. The value corresponding to the longitude A degrees B minutes C seconds is [A + (B/60) + (C/3600)] / 0.000001. For example, the value corresponding to the longitude 121 degrees 40 minutes 36 seconds is [121 + (40/60) + (36/3600)] / 0.000001 = 121676666. This is controlled by GCDF and valid when DEG~0(degree format).The value of this parameter has effect on the location result. Interval Type -180000000~180000000 -180~180, step: 0.000001 Longitude of the cell antenna in the WGS-84 coordinates. The input format is ddd:mm:ss.ssss. This is controlled by GCDF and valid when SEC~1(degree, minute, second format).The value of this parameter has effect on the location result. String Type - -180~180 Coverage angle of a sector. For an omni-directional cell, the value is 360.The value of this parameter has effect on the location result. Interval Type 0~3600 0~360, step: 0.1 Azimuth of the main lobe of the cell antenna (the counter-clockwise angle from the direction of the main lobe to the north).The value of this parameter has effect on the location result. Interval Type 0~3600 0~360, step: 0.1 Access point(AP) cell indicator. When the indicator is TRUE, it indicates that the cell is AP cell. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE FALSE,TRUE Upper-layer application type of the SCTP link.At Iu-b Interface the Upper-Layer application type is NBAP,at Iu-r, Iu-PS and Iu-CS Interface the Upper-Layer application type is M3UA. Enumeration Type NBAP, M3UA NBAP, M3UA This parameter specifies the direction where the current typical RAB parameters are applied. Enumeration Type APPLIED_ON_UPLINK, APPLIED_ON_DOWNLINK, APPLIED_ON_BOTH APPLIED_ON_UPLINK, APPLIED_ON_DOWNLINK, APPLIED_ON_BOTH Area flag. Enumeration Type PRIMARY(Active Area), STANDBY(Standby area), ALL PRIMARY,STANDBY,ALL This parameter specifies the flag of the active and standby areas. Enumeration Type PRIMARY(Primary), STANDBY(Standby), ALL PRIMARY, STANDBY, ALL User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 10. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 11. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 12. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 13. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 14. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 1. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 2. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 3. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 4. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 5. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 6. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 7. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 8. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper User_priority corresponding to Allocation/Retention priority 9. Enumeration Type Gold, Silver, Copper Gold,Silver,Copper This parameter specifies the number of times the ARP resends after the specified time exceeds. Assume that "ARP packet resend times" is set to N. If the number of times no response is received after the ARP is resent for N times, the L3 DETECT FAIL alarm is reported. In the case of a key detect, the switchover of ports may be triggered. Interval Type 3~10 3 to 10 This parameter specifies the time-out value for the ARP packets. Interval Type 3~10 300 to 1000 This parameter specifies the number of an ATM logical port. Interval Type 0~255 0 to 255 This parameter specifies the number of the slot bearing NodeB ATM transport. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of the subrack bearing NodeB ATM transport. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 Indicating whether attach/detach is allowed. NOT_ALLOWED indicates that MS cannot apply the IMSI attach/detach procedure. ALLOWED indicates that MS can apply the IMSI attach/detach procedure. It is valid only when [CN domain ID] is set as CS_DOMAIN. Enumeration Type NOT_ALLOWED, ALLOWED NOT_ALLOWED,ALLOWED This parameter specifies the authentication mode during PPP or MLPPP link negotiation. Enumeration Type SERVER, CLIENT SERVER(sever mode), CLIENT(client mode) This parameter specifies the user name for PPP or MLPPP link negotiation. String Type - 0 to 63 character This parameter specifies the password for PPP or MLPPP link negotiation. String Type - 0 to 15 character This parameter specifies the authentication protocol type during PPP or MLPPP link negotiation. Enumeration Type NO_V, PAP_V, CHAP_V NO_V(not verify), PAP_V(PAP verify), CHAP_V(CHAP verify) This parameter specifies whether the auto negotiation is enabled. 1. The auto negotiation must be enabled when "Board type " is set to FG2a, and "Port type" is set to GE. 2. If the auto negotiation is enabled, the transmission rate over the FE port, work mode, and flow control mode depend on the negotiation results. If the auto negotiation not disabled, you can set the transmission rate over the FE port, work mode, and flow control mode. In this case, ensure that the settings are the same as those of the peer end; otherwise, transport failure may occur. 3. If the auto negotiation is enabled at the local end, the auto negotiation must be enabled at the peer end. Enumeration Type ENABLE, DISABLE ENABLE, DISABLE Identifying the available signature end index of an ASC. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 Identifying the available signature start index of an ASC. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 Identifying the available sub channels of an ASC. When a UE has been accessed to a sub channel, if [AICH transmission timing] is set to 1 (using the command ADD AICH), the 4 bits of this parameter will be repeated 3 times to form a Bitstring (12). Then, it is put into an "and " calculation together with the Bitstring (12) corresponding to the available sub channel allocated to the PRACH, and a 12-bit data stream is obtained finally. If a bit is 1, the corresponding sub channel is available for this ASC. If [AICH transmission timing] is set to 0, the lowest 3 bits of this parameter will be repeated 4 times to form a Bitstring (12). Then, it is put into an "and" calculation together with the Bitstring (12) corresponding to the available sub channel allocated to the PRACH, and a 12-bit data stream is obtained finally. If a bit is 1, the corresponding sub channel is available for this ASC. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 The Capability of CN node. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535000 step:1000 This parameter specifies the alarm level. Enumeration Type LOW(Low), HIGH(High) LOW,HIGH This parameter specified the output switch of 8 kHz output clock 1. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specified the output switch of 8 kHz output clock 2. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON If [Auto-Adaptive Background Noise Update Switch] is set to OFF, it is used to set background noise of the cell. If [Auto-Adaptive Background Noise Update Switch] is set to ON, new background noise is restricted by this parameter and [PARA]BgnAbnormalThd[/PARA]. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.133. Interval Type 0~621 -112~-50,step:0.1 This parameter specifies the full path for saving the backup file. If the specified path is not a full path, then it will be treated as the relative path under "installation path in the BAM active workspace\BACKUP\". String Type - 0 to 128 characters This parameter specifies the IP address of the standby port. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the mask of the standby port. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the virtual IP address for the BAM external network. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask of the BAM external network. IP Address Type - Indicating the selected frequency Band in the cell setup process. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, BandIndNotUsed Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, BandIndNotUsed This parameter specifies the maximum available bandwidth for each traffic class in the Cell_FACH state with the downlink HSDSCH in use. If the actual data flow exceeds the maximum bandwidth, the traffic is buffered so that the buffer occupancy is increased. As a result, the state transition from Cell-FACH to DCH occurs. This parameter should be set according to the traffic class. Interval Type 1~1000 1~1000 Uniquely identifying a neighboring base station with the same carrier. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 Identifying BCCH frequency number of the inter-RAT cell. BCCH: Broadcast Control Channel GSM1900 Frequency number: (511- 811) GSM1800 Frequency number: (511- 866) GSM900 Frequency number: (0-125) or (954-1024) GSM850 Frequency number: (127- 252) GSM450 Frequency number: (258- 294) GSM480 Frequency number: (305- 341) Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 This parameter specifies the transmission power of the HS-PDSCH that sends the data carried on the BCCH. When UE receive data from the HS-PDSCH in Enhanced CELL_FACH state, the data on the BCCH is also sent on the HS-PDSCH. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15,step:0.1 When UE is in Enhanced CELL_FACH state, the data on the BCCH is also sent on the HS-PDSCH. Meanwhile, the HS-SCCH shall send signaling related to HS-PDSCH. This parameter specifies the transmission power of the HS-SCCH at the time. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15,step:0.1 Offset of the BCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. If the value is set too small, the UEs on the cell edge cannot receive the system messages properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433 and TS 25.331. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 This parameter specifies the bearer type of the service. - R99: The service is carried on a non-HSPA channel. - HSPA: The service is carried on an HSPA channel. Enumeration Type R99, HSPA R99, HSPA Indicating the bear type of the DSP is MTP3 or M3UA. Enumeration Type MTP3, M3UA MTP3, M3UA HeatBeat Sending Time Interval. Interval Type 1~10 5 HeatBeat Sending Time Interval. Interval Type 1~10 2 HeatBeat Sending Time Interval. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 The bit rate threshold used to determine whether to perform soft handover for the Best Effort (BE) service on DCH. If current DL DCH bit rates of all the BE services of a user are lower than or equal to this threshold, the system will perform soft handover for this user to guarantee the service quality. When the velocity of the downlink DCH exceeds the restriction of this parameter, RNC will perform intra-frequence hard handover. To avoid the great effect of the system capacity when multi-links transmit a great deal of the same data in the macro diversity. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Timer for state transition from CPC_HS-DSCH to E_FACH of BE services, used to detect whether a BE UE in CELL_DCH(with CPC_HS-DSCH) state is in stable low activity state. The too small parameter cannot probably confirm that a UE is in relatively stable low activity state, but the too big will waste the dedicated channel resource. This parameter should be set based on the BE service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Timer for state transition from CPC_HS-DSCH to FACH of BE services, used to detect whether a BE UE in CELL_DCH(with CPC_HS-DSCH) state is in stable low activity state. The too small parameter cannot probably confirm that a UE is in relatively stable low activity state, but the too big will waste the dedicated channel resource. This parameter should be set based on the BE service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Timer for state transition from DCH to E_FACH of BE services, used to detect whether a BE UE in CELL_DCH(with DCH) state is in stable low activity state. The too small parameter cannot probably confirm that a UE is in relatively stable low activity state, but the too big will waste the dedicated channel resource. This parameter should be set based on the BE service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Timer for state transition from DCH to FACH of BE services, used to check whether the UE in the CELL_DCH state with non-real-time services is in the stable low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too low, whether the UE is in the stable low activity state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 The first action selected by the QoS control algorithm when the DL QoS of BE service deteriorates.If QoS action is RateDegrade, then the rate will be downsized to the full coverage rate according to 3-rates rule. Enumeration Type None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO The second action selected by the QoS control algorithm when the DL QoS of BE service deteriorates.If QoS action is RateDegrade, then the rate will be downsized to the full coverage rate according to 3-rates rule. Enumeration Type None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO The third action selected by the QoS control algorithm when the DL QoS of BE service deteriorates.If QoS action is RateDegrade, then the rate will be downsized to the full coverage rate according to 3-rates rule. Enumeration Type None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO Timer for state transition from E-DCH to FACH of BE services, used to check whether the UE with BE services carried over the E-DCH is in the stable low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too low, whether the UE is in the stable low activity state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from E_FACH to CPC. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from E_FACH to CPC. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from E_FACH to DCH. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from E_FACH to DCH. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from E_FACH to HS-DSCH. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from E_FACH to HS-DSCH. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to E-DCH with CPC technology. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to E-DCH with CPC technology. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to HS-DSCH with CPC technology. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to HS-DSCH with CPC technology. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to DCH. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to DCH. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to E-DCH. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to E-DCH. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to HS-DSCH. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of BE services from FACH to HS-DSCH. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Timer for state transition from FACH to PCH of BE services, used to check whether the UE in the CELL_FACH state is in the stable low activity state. When this parameter is set to 65535, it is regarded that the state transition from FACH to PCH is not performed. If the value of this parameter is too low, whether the UE is in the stable low activity state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the common channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Timer for state transition from HS-DSCH to E_FACH of BE services, used to detect whether a BE UE in CELL_DCH(with HS-DSCH) state is in stable low activity state. The too small parameter cannot probably confirm that a UE is in relatively stable low activity state, but the too big will waste the dedicated channel resource. This parameter should be set based on the BE service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Timer for state transition from HS-DSCH to FACH of BE services, used to check whether the UE in the CELL_DCH(with HS-DSCH) state with BE services is in the stable low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too low, whether the UE is in the stable low activity state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the BE service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Pending time after the traffic volume event 4B is reported. This parameter is used to prevent too many traffic volume events 4B being reported. Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 This parameter is used to check whether the UE in the low activity state. If the UE is on HS-DSCH channel, the low activity counter increases by 1 every time traffic volume event 4B is reported. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k When the traffic volume is below the 4B threshold and remains so for the period specified by this parameter, the event 4B is reported. This parameter prevents unnecessary traffic volume events that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the rate threshold of 2ms TTI on the E-DCH for HSUPA BE service. When the cell capability and UE capability allows 2ms TTI, 2ms TTI on the E-DCH is used if the PS BE service carried on HSUPA with uplink rate isn't less than this threshold. Otherwise, 10ms TTI is used. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D608, D1440, D2048, D2880 8,16,32,64,128,144,256,384,608,1440,2048,2880 Timer for rejecting rate increase after rate decrease is performed across the Iur interface for BE services. If the best cell is on the DRNC, the timer starts when rate decrease based on RLC retransmission is triggered. Before the timer expires, requests for rate increase triggered by DL traffic volume event 4A will be rejected. Interval Type 0~1024 0~1024 The ralative power margin of single BE traffic, used to calculate the triggering threshold of event F, can avoid the fluctuation of traffic rate in case the power becomes restricted after rate is increased. Interval Type 0~100 0~10, step: 0.1 When the parameter is set to YES, the QOS control algorithm is used for BE services. When the parameter is set to NO, the QOS control algorithm is not used for BE services.The QOS actions of BE services include rate downsizing, inter frequency handover and inter rat handover. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES This parameter specifies the power occupancy of the control part of reference TFC. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.214. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 This parameter specifies the power occupancy of the data part of reference TFC. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.214. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 The first action selected by the QoS control algorithm when the UL QoS of BE service deteriorates.If QoS action is RateDegrade, then the rate will be downsized to the full coverage rate according to 3-rates rule. Enumeration Type None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO The second action selected by the QoS control algorithm when the UL QoS of BE service deteriorates.If QoS action is RateDegrade, then the rate will be downsized to the full coverage rate according to 3-rates rule. Enumeration Type None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO The third action selected by the QoS control algorithm when the UL QoS of BE service deteriorates.If QoS action is RateDegrade, then the rate will be downsized to the full coverage rate according to 3-rates rule. Enumeration Type None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO None, RateDegrade, InterFreqHO, InterRatHO For BE service, When the parameter is set to SINGLE, an UL event 6A1 or 5A can independently trigger the QOS enhancement action. The 6A1, 5A switch settings decide whether to perform 6A1 or 5A measurement control. When the parameter is set to COMBINE, only combined events 6A1+5A can trigger the QOS enhancement action, and whether to perform 6A1 and 5A measurement is not controlled by the 6A1 and 5A measurement switch. Enumeration Type SINGLE, COMBINE SINGLE, COMBINE Event 5A measurement switch when BeUlEvTrigInd is set to SINGLE for BE service. If this parameter is set to YES, event 5A measurement is delivered. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Event 6A1 measurement switch when BeUlEvTrigInd is set to SINGLE for BE service. If this parameter is set to YES, event 6A1 measurement is delivered. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES UL event 6D measurement switch for BE service. If this parameter is set to YES, event 6D measurement is delivered. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Timer to trigger the next QoS enhancement action for UL BE services. This parameter specifies the duration of waiting for the UL QoS enhanced acknowledgement after UL rate adjustment. The timer starts when the BE UL rate adjustment procedure is triggered, and stops when the RNC receives a 6B1/6B2 event or when the timer expires. Interval Type 20~64000 20~64000 This parameter specifies the number of times the BFD packets time out. If several consecutive packets are not received, the BFD session is regarded as down. Interval Type 3~10 3 to 10 The MAC-c flow on the Iub interface will increase after Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the guaranteed speed of the MAC-c flow that sends background service data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~1000 1~1000 The MAC-c flow on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the maximum speed of the MAC-c flow that sends background service data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~2000 1~2000 This parameter is applied when [PARA]BGNSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON. (1) If the difference of measured background noise without filtered and the current background noise is larger than the RTWP threshold, the background noise will not be updated. (2) If the difference of new background noise and the configured value is larger than the RTWP threshold, the background noise will not be updated. Interval Type 1~400 0.1~40, step:0.1 Only when the measured background noise's duration reaches this parameter, the output of the auto-adaptive background noise update filter could be regarded as effect background noise, and the current value is replaced with the new one. At the same time, the auto-adaptive status should be restarted; otherwise, the output could not be regarded as the effective background noise. Interval Type 1~6000 1~6000 (1) This parameter, along with the [Algorithm start time], is used to limit the validation time of the background noise automatic updata algorithm. If [Algorithm stop time] is greater than [Algorithm start time], and the background noise automatic updata algorithm is enabled, then the algorithm is activated during the period of [Algorithm stop time] to [Algorithm start time] each day. In other periods, the algorithm fails. If [Algorithm stop time] is less than [Algorithm start time], and the background noise automatic updata algorithm is enabled, then the algorithm is activated during the period of [Algorithm stop time] each day to [Algorithm start time] of the next day. In other periods, the algorithm fails. (2) Input format: HH&MM&SS. Compound Type hour, min, sec hour{0~23}, min{0~59}, sec{0~59} When the number of uplink equivalent users is not larger than this parameter, the RTWP could be regarded as background noise. Therefore, the measured RTWP could be input to the auto-adaptive background noise update filter; otherwise, the RTWP could not be regarded as background noise, and should not be input to the filter, and at the same time, the auto-adaptive status should be reset. Interval Type 0~10 0~10 (1) This parameter, along with the [Algorithm stop time], is used to limit the validation time of the background noise automatic updata algorithm. If [Algorithm stop time] is greater than [Algorithm start time], and the background noise automatic updata algorithm is enabled, then the algorithm is activated during the period of [Algorithm stop time] to [Algorithm start time] each day. In other periods, the algorithm fails. If [Algorithm stop time] is less than [Algorithm start time], and the background noise automatic updata algorithm is enabled, then the algorithm is activated during the period of [Algorithm stop time] each day to [Algorithm start time] of the next day. In other periods, the algorithm fails. (2) Input format: HH&MM&SS. Compound Type hour, min, sec hour{0~23}, min{0~59}, sec{0~59} When the parameter is 'OFF', the auto-adaptive background noise update algorithm is switched off. Otherwise, the algorithm is switched on. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON The difference of RTWP that trigger the update of background noise. If the difference is larger than the threshold, the background will be updated. Interval Type 1~100 0.1~10, step:0.1 This parameter specifies the target transmission quality of DCH, that is, target BLER of DCH on the radio interface if the subflow is carried on DCH. This QoS-related parameter is used by the CRNC to determine the target SIR value for use in admission and power control. To calculate the value of this parameter, obtain the result of 10*Lg(BLER) where the BLER refers to the actual BLER, and then round the result up. Interval Type -63~0 5*10^(-7)~1 Indicating whether to perform blind handover. FALSE: The cell is not in the alternative cells for blind handover, so blind handover to this cell cannot be triggered. TRUE: The cell is in the alternative cells for blind handover, so blind handover to this cell might be triggered. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE,TRUE This parameter is used in the algorithm of the load reshuffling (LDR) intra-frequency blind handover. This parameter defines how many measurement reports are needed for making the blind handover decision. The RNC starts blind handover only if the UE continuously reports adequate intra-frequency measurement reports that meet the quality requirements of blind handover. During the measurement process, if the UE reports an unqualified measurement report, the process ends. And the RNC does not start blind handover on the target cell. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D8 1,2,4,8 This parameter specifies the intra-frequency measurement report interval of blind handover. It determines the intra-frequency measurement reporting interval of Load Reshuffling (LDR) blind handover. The smaller the value of this parameter, the smaller the intra-frequency measurement reporting interval, and the smaller the time for intra-frequency measurement. But the greater the influence of signal fluctuation, which can result in wrong handover. On the contrary, the larger the value of this parameter, the longer the intra-frequency measurement reporting interval, and the less the influence of signal fluctuation, which can improve the possibility of successful blind handover. But if the time for intra-frequency measurement becomes long, the handover may not be performed timely. Enumeration Type D250, D500 250,500 Indicating the priority of blind handover. The value 0 represents the highest priority. Priorities 0~15 are assigned to concentric neighboring cells, which can ensure successful handover. Priorities 16~30 are assigned to neighboring cells for blind handover, which cannot ensure successful handover. Interval Type 0~30 0~30 Blind handover condition. If the value is not -115, the handover is defined as Conditional Blind HO, which is used for the inter- frequency neighboring cells of the same coverage. If the value is -115, the handover is defined as Direct Blind HO, which is used for the inter-frequency neighboring cells of larger coverage. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 This parameter specifies the quality threshold for the event 1F reported cell to trigger blind handover. This parameter defines the lowest quality threshold of the emergency blind handover. The blind handover is implemented only if the signal quality in the cell, which reports event 1F, exceeds the specified threshold. Otherwise, the report will be discarded. This parameter is set to raise the possibility of successful blind handover. If the signal quality in the cells that report event 1F are all very poor, this indicates that the user is located at the edge of coverage area. Under this condition, if the blind handover is initiated rashly, the possibility of call drop increases. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity sends the peer node a request for blocking an AAL2 path. Interval Type 2000~60000 2000~60000 This parameter specifies the flag for reporting the alarm to the alarm box. Enumeration Type nonrpt(Not Report), rpt(Report) nonrpt,rpt This parameter specifies the board class. Enumeration Type INT, DPU, XPU INT,DPU,XPU This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type PEUa, AEUa, FG2a, GOUa, AOUa, POUa, UOIa, SPUa, DPUb PEUa,AEUa,FG2a,GOUa,AOUa,POUa,UOIa,SPUa,DPUb This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type FG2a, GOUa FG2a, GOUa This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type PEUa, POUa, UOIa PEUa, POUa, UOIa This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type PEUa, POUa PEUa,POUa Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) verification switch. 1. BSIC(Base Station Identity Code): identity code of the base station. 2. This parameter is used to control cells where inter- RAT measurement reports are triggered. When the value is REQUIRED, the measurement report is triggered after the BSIC of the measured cell is deciphered correctly; when the value is NOT_REQUIRE, measurement reporting is triggered whatever the BSIC is deciphered or not, if the measured cell meets the reporting conditions. This parameter is valid for both periodical report mode and event report mode. To ensure the reliability of handovers, the system reports only the cells of which the BSIC is correctly decoded, that is, the recommended value of the parameter is REQUIRED. If the parameter is set to NOT_REQUIRED, handovers occur more Enumeration Type REQUIRED(Verify mode), NOT_REQUIRE(Non-verify mode) REQUIRED, NOT_REQUIRE This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type AEUa, PEUa, AOUa, POUa AEUa,AOUa,PEUa,POUa This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type AEUa, PEUa, AOUa, POUa AEUa, PEUa, AOUa, POUa This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type PEUa(PEUa), AEUa(AEUa), AOUa(AOUa), POUa(POUa) AEUa, PEUa, AOUa, POUa This parameter specifies the type of the board where the command is executed. Enumeration Type SCUa, GCUa, GCGa, SPUa, DPUb, PEUa, AEUa, FG2a, GOUa, AOUa, POUa, UOIa, ALL SCUa, GCUa, GCGa, SPUa, DPUb, PEUa, AEUa, FG2a, GOUa, AOUa, POUa, UOIa, ALL This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type AEUa, PEUa, AOUa, POUa, UOIa AEUa, PEUa, AOUa, POUa, UOIa This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type AEUa, PEUa, AOUa, POUa AEUa, PEUa, AOUa, POUa This parameter specifies the type of the board to be set. Enumeration Type SCUa, GCUa/GCGa, SPUa, DPUb, AEUa/PEUa/AOUa/UOIa/FG2a/GOUa/POUa, MPU SCUa, GCUa/GCGa, SPUa, DPUb, AEUa/PEUa/AOUa/FG2a/GOUa/POUa/UOIa, MPU This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type AEUa, AOUa AEUa, AOUa This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type AOUa, POUa, UOIa AOUa, POUa, UOIa This parameter specifies the type of a board. Enumeration Type AEUa, AOUa, UOIa AEUa, AOUa, UOIa This parameter specifies whether the dynamic bandwidth adjustment switch for the logical port is turned on. The function must be used together with IPPM. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON When the remaining receive bandwidth is smaller than or equal to this parameter value, the backward congestion alarm is triggered. Interval Type 0~1000000 0 to 1000000 This parameter specifies the backward congestion threshold. When the remaining bandwidth reaches this parameter value, the backward congestion alarm is reported. Interval Type 0~100000 0~100000 This parameter specifies the remaining bandwidth threshold for generating the backward congestion alarm. Interval Type 0~149000 AOUa/AEUa: 0~64000; UOIa (directly carried on the leaf ATM Logical Port of the optical port): 0~149000; other boards: 0~64000 If the available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the backward congestion alarm is emitted. Interval Type 0~320000 0~320000 If the available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the backward congestion alarm is emitted. Interval Type 0~3000000 0~3000000 If the available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the backward congestion alarm is emitted. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 When the remaining receive bandwidth is greater than this parameter value, the backward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~1000000 0 to 1000000 This parameter specifies the backward congestion clear threshold. When the remaining bandwidth reaches this parameter value, the backward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~200000 0~200000 This parameter specifies the remaining bandwidth threshold for clearing the backward congestion. Interval Type 0~149000 AOUa/AEUa: 0~64000; UOIa (directly carried on the leaf ATM Logical Port of the optical port): 0~149000; other boards: 0~64000 If the available backward bandwidth is greater than this value, the backward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~320000 0~320000 If the available backward bandwidth is greater than this value, the backward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~3000000 0~3000000 If the available backward bandwidth is greater than this value, the backward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 This parameter specifies the receive bandwidth reserved for the user in handover. Interval Type 0~1000000 0 to 1000000 This parameter specifies the backward handover reserved bandwidth. It is the receive bandwidth reserved for the user in handover. Interval Type 0~50000 0~50000 This parameter specifies the bandwidth reserved for the backward handover. Interval Type 0~149000 AOUa/AEUa: 0~64000; UOIa (directly carried on the leaf ATM Logical Port of the optical port): 0~149000; other boards: 0~64000 Reserved backward bandwidth for handover user. Interval Type 0~320000 0~320000 Reserved backward bandwidth for handover user. Interval Type 0~3000000 0~3000000 Reserved backward bandwidth for handover user. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 This parameter specifies the maximum bandwidth estimate ratio. It is the ratio of the bandwidth of each rate up to the current bandwidth. Interval Type 100~1000 100~1000 Bandwidth mode.This parameter is valid only when Transport Resource Group Type is IP. Enumeration Type FULL_DUPLEX, HALF_DUPLEX FULL_DUPLEX, HALF_DUPLEX This parameter specifies the bandwidth change threshold of the load control algorithm. When the bandwidth adjustment exceeds this threshold, the bandwidth of the logical port is updated. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The parameter values are described as follows: NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_S WITCH: The system performs CAC based on the usage state of NodeB credit. When the NodeB's credit is not enough, the system rejects new access requests. Bit Field Type NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CAC Switch) NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH Indicating whether to control call shock. Bit Field Type SYS_LEVEL(SYS_LEVEL), NODEB_LEVEL(NODEB_LEVEL), CELL_LEVEL(CELL_LEVEL) SYS_LEVEL,NODEB_LEVEL,CELL_LEVEL Indicating the period of call shock control judging. Interval Type 1~5 1~5 Decide which carrier is prior when ARP and TrafficClass are both identical. Enumeration Type NONE, DCH, HSPA NONE,DCH,HSPA Number of the subrack from which the AAL2 Path is led out of RNC. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 This field indicate whether the IP Path is carried on IP logic port or resource group or null. Enumeration Type NULL, IPLGCPORT, RSCGRP NULL, IPLGCPORT, RSCGRP This parameter specifies the number of the fractional ATM link bearing PVC. The fractional ATM link must have been configured. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 This parameter specifies the number of the IMA group bearing the PVC. The IMA group must have been configured. Interval Type 0~83 0 to 83 SAAL, SCTP, SAAL-SCTP. When the NCP is based on ATM, set Bearing link type to SAAL. When the NCP is based on IP, set Bearing link type to SCTP. When the NCP is based on ATM/IP, set Bearing link type to SAAL-SCTP. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.430. Enumeration Type SAAL(SAAL Link Type ), SCTP(SCTP Link Type), SAAL-SCTP(SAAL-SCTP Link Tpye) SAAL, SCTP, SAAL-SCTP This parameter specifies the number of the port on the UOIa_ATM bearing VCL. Interval Type 0~3 0 to 3 This parameter specifies the number of the optical port that carries the logical port. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 Number of the slot bearing the SAAL link. Interval Type 14~27 14~27 Number of the subrack bearing the SAAL link. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 This parameter specifies the bearing type of a logical port. Enumeration Type ETHER, PPP, TRUNK ETHER PPP TRUNK This parameter specifies the bearing type of a logical port. If the bearing type of a logical port is ATM, the upper-level logical port must be a Hub logical port. Enumeration Type IMA, UNI, FRA, NCOPT, ATMLOGICPORT IMA,UNI,FRA,NCOPT,ATMLOGICPORT Type of the bearer. Enumeration Type UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, ATMLGCPORT, NULL UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, ATMLGCPORT, NULL This parameter specifies the number of the UNI link bearing PVC. The UNI link must have been configured. Interval Type 0~167 0 to 167 The value of bearing VCI.VCI of the SAAL link that goes out of the RNC. Interval Type 32~65535 32~65535 The value of bearing VPI.VPI of the SAAL link that goes out of the RNC. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 This parameter specifies the number of the ATM logic port bearing VCL. Interval Type 0~383 0 to 383 IP address of the CBC (Cell Broadcast Center). IP Address Type - Mask of the sub-network of the CBC IP address. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the maximum burst size. Interval Type 4500~32767 4500~32767 A CBS Operator of the cell. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 Together with PLMN code and LAC, uniquely corresponding to a cell. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Switch of inner CBS. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the guaranteed speed of the MAC-c flow that sends common control channel data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~1000 1~1000 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the maximum speed of the MAC-c flow that sends common control channel data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~2000 1~2000 Common channel primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF Common channel bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Common channel secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL Common channel primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the period of sending the CCMs in an MA. Enumeration Type 10, 100, 1000 10,100,1000 This parameter specifies the mode of activating the CC on the VCL. In AUTO mode, the CC need not be activated on the peer. Enumeration Type AUTO, MANUAL AUTO,MANUAL Protection timer started after the BGN, END, RS or ER messages are sent.If the timer expires, these messages are resent. Interval Type 100~1000 UNI: 700~1000 NNI: 100~1000 This parameter specifies the delay variation that can be tolerated. Physical unit: 0.1 us. Interval Type 1024~13300000 102400 to 1330000000 When call shock control starts, the AMR_RRC number can be accessed per second for cell. Interval Type 1~100 1~100 Average altitude of the cell coverage area in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when MET~0(metric system). Interval Type -32767~32767 -32767~32767 This parameter specifies the average altitude of the cell coverage area in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when IMP~1(British measurement). Interval Type -107502~107502 -107502~107502 The algorithms with the above values represent are as follow: TX_DIVERSITY_ON_TO _OFF:When TX Diversity is on to off,the algorithms of cell capacity auto handle is open. TX_DIVERSITY_OFF_TO _ON:When TX Diversity is off to on,the algorithms of cell capacity auto handle is open. Bit Field Type TX_DIVERSITY_ON_TO_OFF(TX diversity capability is on to off), TX_DIVERSITY_OFF_TO_ON(TX diversity capability is off to on) TX_DIVERSITY_ON_TO _OFF, TX_DIVERSITY_OFF_TO _ON 1)DELAY_ACTIVATION _SUPPORT (delay activation support indicator):when the indicator is TRUE, it means that the cell support delay activation. Delayed Activation IE indicates that the activation of the DL power shall be delayed until an indicated CFN or until a separate activation indication is received. 2)HSDSCH_SUPPORT(HS DSCH support indicator):when the indicator is TRUE, it means that the cell support HSDSCH and enable downlink traffic to be established in HSDSCH. 3)FDPCH_SUPPORT(F- DPCH support indicator):when the indicator is TRUE, it means that the cell support F- DPCH and enable downlink signal to be established in F- DPCH, but the cell can not support F-DPCH if it does not support HSDSCH. 4)EDCH_SUPPORT(E- DCH support Bit Field Type DELAY_ACTIVATION_SUPPORT(delay activation support indication), HSDSCH_SUPPORT(HSDSCH support indication), FDPCH_SUPPORT(F-DPCH support indication), EDCH_SUPPORT(E-DCH support indication), EDCH_2MS_TTI_SUPPORT(E-DCH 2ms TTI support indicator), EDCH_2SF2_AND_2SF4_SUPPORT(E-DCH max SF support 2SF2+2SF4 indicator), EDCH_2SF2_SUPPORT(E-DCH max SF support 2SF2 indicator), EDCH_2SF4_SUPPORT(E-DCH max SF support 2SF4 indicator), EDCH_SF4_SUPPORT(E-DCH max SF support SF4 indicator), EDCH_SF8_SUPPORT(E-DCH max SF support SF8 indicator), EDCH_HARQ_IR_COMBIN_SUPPORT(E-DCH support HARQ IR Combining indicator), EDCH_HARQ_CHASE_COMBIN_SUPPORT(E-DCH support HARQ CHASE Combining indicator), CPC_DTX_DRX_SUPPORT(CPC DTX-DRX support indicator), CPC_HS_SCCH_LESS_OPER_SUPPORT(CPC HS-SCCH less operation support indicator), HSPAPLUS_MIMO_SUPPORT(MIMO support indicator), HSPAPLUS_UL_16QAM_SUPPORT(uplink 16QAM support indicator), FLEX_MACD_PDU_SIZE_SUPPORT(flexible MAC-d PDU Size support indicator), FDPCH_SLOT_FORMAT_SUPPORT(F-DPCH s DELAY_ACTIVATION_SUPPORT,HSDSCH_SUPPORT,FDPCH_SUPPORT,EDCH_SUPPORT,EDCH_2MS_TTI_SUPPORT,EDCH_2SF2_AND_2SF4_SUPPORT,EDCH_2SF2_SUPPORT,EDCH_2SF4_SUPPORT,EDCH_SF4_SUPPORT,EDCH_SF8_SUPPORT,EDCH_HARQ_IR_COMBIN_SUPPORT,EDCH_HARQ_CHASE_COMBIN_SUPPORT,CPC_DTX_DRX_SUPPORT,CPC_HS_SCCH_LESS_OPER_SUPPORT,HSPAPLUS_MIMO_SUPPORT,HSPAPLUS_UL_16QAM_SUPPORT,FLEX_MACD_PDU_SIZE_SUPPORT,FDPCH_SLOT_FORMAT_SUPPORT,HSPAPLUS_DL_64QAM_SUPPORT Altitude of the cell center in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when MET~0(metric system). Interval Type -32767~32767 -32767~32767 This parameter specifies the altitude of the cell center in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when IMP~1(British measurement). Interval Type -107502~107502 -107502~107502 Latitude of the cell center in the WGS-84 coordinates. The value corresponding to the latitude A degrees B minutes C seconds is [A + (B/60) + (C/3600)] x 0.000001. For example, the value corresponding to the latitude 31 degrees 30 minutes 36 seconds is [31 + (30/60) + (36/3600)] x 0.000001 = 31510000. This is controlled by GCDF and valid when DEG~0(degree format). Interval Type -90000000~90000000 -90~90, step: 0.000001 This parameter specifies the latitude of the cell center in the WGS-84 coordinates. The input format is ddd:mm:ss.ssss. This is controlled by GCDF and valid when SEC~1(degree, minute, second format). String Type - -90~90 Longitude of the cell center in the WGS-84 coordinates. The value corresponding to the longitude A degrees B minutes C seconds is [A + (B/60) + (C/3600)] x 0.000001. For example, the value corresponding to the longitude 121 degrees 40 minutes 36 seconds is [121 + (40/60) + (36/3600)] x 0.000001 = 121676666. This is controlled by GCDF and valid when DEG~0(degree format). Interval Type -180000000~180000000 -180~180, step: 0.000001 This parameter specifies the longitude of the cell center in the WGS-84 coordinates. The input format is ddd:mm:ss.ssss. This is controlled by GCDF and valid when SEC~1(degree, minute, second format). String Type - -180~180 Indicating the target cell choose method. Enumeration Type ALLCELL(All cell), 3GCELL(3G cell), GSMCELL(GSM cell) ALLCELL,3GCELL,GSMCELL Environment type of the cell coverage area. Enumeration Type NLOS_ENVIRONMENT, LOS_ENVIRONMENT, MIXED_ENVIRONMENT NLOS_ENVIRONMENT, LOS_ENVIRONMENT, MIXED_ENVIRONMENT Defining the radio environment type of the cell, such as a typical town cell, urban cell, and mountain area cell. Enumeration Type TU, RA, HT TU, RA, HT Deviation of altitude standard in the cell coverage area in the WGS- 84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when MET~0(metric system). Interval Type -10000~10000 -10000~10000 This parameter specifies the standard deviation of altitude in the cell coverage area in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when IMP~1(British measurement). Interval Type -32808~32808 -32808~32808 When call shock control starts, the register and 3G->2G reselect number can be accessed per second for cell. Interval Type 1~100 1~100 This parameter specifies the host type of a cell. Enumeration Type SINGLE_HOST, DOUBLE_HOST SINGLE_HOST, DOUBLE_HOST Uniquely identifying a cell. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.401. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 This parameter is valid when [Cell ID Changing Switch] is ON. Indicate the period of cell ID changing. Interval Type 1~31 1~31 Indicating whether to use changing cell id in UU interface. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON Flag of CELLID+RTT location activation. Enumeration Type INACTIVE, ACTIVE INACTIVE, ACTIVE UE positioning mode when the CELLID+RTT method is selected. The UE supports both UE-based CELLID+RTT mode and UE-assisted CELLID+RTT mode. Enumeration Type UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED Cell SF reserved threshold. The code load reshuffling could be triggered only when the minimum available SF of a cell is higher than this threshold. The lower the code resource LDR trigger threshold is, the easier the downlink code resource enters the initial congestion status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the easier the subscriber perception is affected. But a lower code resource LDR trigger threshold causes a higher admission success rate because the resource is reserved. Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 Cell location configuration type. Enumeration Type CELL_ANTENNA, CELL_CENTER, BOTH CELL_ANTENNA, CELL_CENTER, BOTH Identifying a cell name. String Type - 1~31 characters If the cell downlink load exceeds this threshold, the algorithm will decrease the pilot transmit power of the cell so as to increase the whole system's capacity. This parameter is based on network planning. When the cell breathing algorithm is activated, if the value is too small, the physical coverage of the cell is limited so as to avoid cell capacity waste. If the value is too great, the physical coverage is expanded and interference over other cells is increased. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 If the times the UE in the CELL_PCH state performs cell reselection is greater than or equal to the threshold, it is regarded that the cell reselection is frequent. When the timer expires, the target state is set to URA_PCH. In the next cell update procedure, the UE is informed of state transition to URA_PCH in the CELL_UPDATE_CONFIRM message. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Length of the cell reselection frequency timer. This parameter is used together with CellReSelectCounter to detect the frequency of cell reselection of the UE in the CELL_PCH state. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Indicating whether the cell is reserved for extension. If [Cell barred indicator] is NOT_BARRED, and the cell is not reserved for operators but for extension, the UEs regard the cell as barred. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED Indicating whether the cell is reserved for operators. If [Cell barred indicator] is NOT_BARRED, and the cell is reserved for operators, the UEs allocated with Access Class 11 or 15 in the local PLMN can select or reselect the cell. While the UEs allocated with Access Class 0~9, 12 and 14 cannot select or reselect the cell. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED RESERVED, NOT_RESERVED Flag of whether adding a cell into the active set will affect the relative threshold of the event 1A. This parameter is a flag of whether adding the cell into the active set will affect the relative threshold of the event 1A NOT_AFFECT: Adding the cell into the active set does not affect the relative threshold of the event 1A. AFFECT: Adding the cell into the active set affects the relative threshold of the event 1A. Enumeration Type AFFECT, NOT_AFFECT AFFECT,NOT_AFFECT Flag of whether adding a cell into the active set will affect the relative threshold of the event 1B. This parameter is a flag of whether adding the cell into the active set will affect the relative threshold of the event 1B NOT_AFFECT: Adding the cell into the active set does not affect the relative threshold of the event 1B. AFFECT: Adding the cell into the active set affects the relative threshold of the event 1B. Enumeration Type AFFECT, NOT_AFFECT AFFECT,NOT_AFFECT When the RRC REQ total number of one cell reach this threshold the RRC flow control will be triggered. Interval Type 1~100 1~100 If the cell downlink load is lower than this threshold, the algorithm will increase the pilot transmit power of the cell so as to share load of other cells. This parameter is based on network planning. When the cell breathing algorithm is activated, if the value is too small, the physical coverage of the cell is limited so as to avoid cell capacity waste. If the value is too great, the physical coverage is expanded and interference over other cells is increased. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter indicates whether RAC is configured. If the RNC supports the PS domain, the value of this parameter must be REQUIRE. Enumeration Type NOT_REQUIRE, REQUIRENOT_REQUIRE, REQUIRE Channel configuration strategy switch. 1) CFG_DL_BLIND_DETEC TION_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the DL blind transport format detection function is used for single SRB and AMR+SRB bearers. Note that the UE is only required to support the blind transport format stipulated in 3GPP 25.212 section 4.3.1. 2) CFG_HSDPA_64QAM_S WITCH: When the switch is on, 64QAM can be configured for the HSDPA service. 3) CFG_HSDPA_MIMO_SW ITCH: When the switch is on, MIMO can be configured for the HSDPA service. 4) CFG_HSPA_DTX_DRX_S WITCH: When the switch is on, DTX_DRX can be configured for the HSDPA service. 5) CFG_HSPA_HSSCCH_LE Bit Field Type CFG_DL_BLIND_DETECTION_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_64QAM_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_MIMO_SWITCH, CFG_HSPA_DTX_DRX_SWITCH, CFG_HSPA_HSSCCH_LESS_OP_SWITCH, CFG_IMS_SUPPORT_SWITCH, CFG_LOSSLESS_DLRLC_PDUSIZECHG_SWITCH, CFG_LOSSLESS_RELOC_CFG_SWITCH, CFG_MULTI_RAB_SWITCH, CFG_PDCP_IPV6_HEAD_COMPRESS_SWITCH, CFG_PDCP_RFC2507_HC_SWITCH, CFG_PDCP_RFC3095_HC_SWITCH CFG_DL_BLIND_DETECTION_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_64QAM_SWITCH, CFG_HSDPA_MIMO_SWITCH, CFG_HSPA_DTX_DRX_SWITCH, CFG_HSPA_HSSCCH_LESS_OP_SWITCH, CFG_IMS_SUPPORT_SWITCH, CFG_LOSSLESS_DLRLC_PDUSIZECHG_SWITCH, CFG_LOSSLESS_RELOC_CFG_SWITCH, CFG_MULTI_RAB_SWITCH, CFG_PDCP_IPV6_HEAD_COMPRESS_SWITCH, CFG_PDCP_RFC2507_HC_SWITCH, CFG_PDCP_RFC3095_HC_SWITCH This parameter specifies the value of the handover protection timer. If services can be set up on channels based on a higher technique after channel handover is completed, the handover protection timer will be started. When the timer expires, the RNC will try to carry services on channels based on a higher technique. Channel retry cannot be performed before this timer expires. Interval Type 0~999 0~999 This parameter specifies the value of the channel retry timer. The timer will start after traffic is set up or reconfigured, if higher technique is available. Channel retry will be performed after this timer expires. If the value of the parameter is set to 0, channel retry cannot be performed. Interval Type 0~180 0~180 The coding type of a transport channel.For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.212. Enumeration Type NO_CODING, CONVOLUTIONAL, TURBO NO_CODING,CONVOLUTIONAL,TURBO IP Path Ping Timeout Counts.The IP Path fault alarm will occur when the number of unsuccessful ping operation reaches this value. Interval Type 1~5 1~5 Channel index for MBMS performance. Enumeration Type CH0(Channel 0), CH1(Channel 1), CH2(Channel 2), CH3(Channel 3), CH4(Channel 4) CH0,CH1,CH2,CH3,CH4 This parameter specifies the index of the BFD. The check index is unique. If the check index is not specified, a unique value ranging from 0 to 31 is automatically allocated. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 Whether to calculate the checksum during message receiving. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Whether to calculate the checksum during message sending. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES According to RFC4960, ALDER32 is not suitable for checksum in SCTP, CRC32 is recommended. Enumeration Type ALDER32, CRC32 ALDER32, CRC32 This parameter specifies the type of the check on gateway. Enumeration Type SBFD, ARP, MBFD SBFD, ARP, MBFD If you set this parameter to TEN_MSEC, use [DL basic meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the measurement report period. If you set this parameter to MIN, use [DL basic meas rprt cycle,Unit:min] to specify measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN If you set this parameter to TEN_MSEC, use [DL OLC meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the measurement report period. If you set this parameter to MIN, use [DL OLC meas rprt cycle,Unit:min] to specify measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN If you set this parameter to TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA need pwr meas cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the measurement report period. If you set this parameter to MIN, use [HSDPA need pwr meas cycle,Unit:min] to specify measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN If you set this parameter to TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA bit rate meas cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the measurement report period. If you set this parameter to MIN, use [HSDPA bit rate meas cycle,Unit:min] to specify measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN If you set this parameter to TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA bit rate meas cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the measurement report period. If you set this parameter to MIN, use [HSDPA bit rate meas cycle,Unit:min] to specify measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN Value range: TEN_MSEC, MIN Physical value range: 10 milliseconds, 1 minute Content: If you set this parameter to TEN_MSEC, use [UL basic meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the measurement report period. If you set this parameter to MIN, use [UL basic meas rprt cycle,Unit:min] to specify measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Recommended value: TEN_MSEC Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN If you set this parameter to TEN_MSEC, use [UL OLC meas rprt cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the measurement report period. If you set this parameter to MIN, use [UL OLC meas rprt cycle,Unit:min] to specify measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN This parameter specifies the reporting period of the event E of the AMR service. The unit of the reporting period can be 10 ms or minute. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN This parameter specifies the reporting period of the event E of the BE service. The unit of the reporting period can be 10 ms or minute. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN This parameter specifies the reporting period of the event F of the BE service. The unit of the reporting period can be 10 ms or minute. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN This parameter specifies the reporting period of the event E of the VP service. The unit of the reporting period can be 10 ms or minute. Enumeration Type TEN_MSEC, MIN TEN_MSEC, MIN This switch determines whether to take statistics of the performance based on the MBMS channel. One MBMS service is defined as a channel for independent MBMS measurement. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF,ON Identifying a GSM cell. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 This parameter works with the offset of neighboring cell-oriented Cell Individual Offset (CIO). It is used for intra- or inter-frequency handover decisions. The larger the sum, the higher the handover priority of the neighboring cell. The smaller the sum, the lower the handover priority of the neighboring cell. Usually it is configured to 0. The larger the parameter, the easier of the handover to the neighboring cell. The smaller the parameter, the harder the handover to the neighboring cell. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type -20~20 -10~10, step: 0.5 It is set according to the topographic feature. This parameter is used for the inter-RAT handover decision in combination with the neighboring cell oriented CIO. The larger the sum, the higher the handover priority of the GSM cell. The smaller the sum, the lower the handover priority of the GSM cell. The parameter is generally set to 0. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of the parameter is, the easier it is to be handed over to the GSM network. The smaller the value of the parameter is, the harder it is to be handed over to the GSM network. Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 Cell individual offset for the GSM cell, which is set according to the topographic feature. This parameter is used for decision making for the inter-RAT handover. The larger the value of the parameter, the higher the handover priority of the GSM cell. The smaller the value of the parameter, the lower the handover priority of the GSM cell. Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 Neighboring cell oriented Cell Individual Offset (CIO). This parameter defines the neighboring cell oriented cell individual offset. The set value functions in combination of the cell oriented CIO. Their sum is added to the measurement quantity before the UE evaluated whether an event has occurred. In handover algorithms, this parameter is used for moving the border of a cell. Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 This parameter specifies the number of a logical port. Interval Type 1~1000 64~64000 step:64 This parameter specifies the type of the clock board. Enumeration Type GCUa, GCGa GCUa,GCGa Indicating whether the Closed loop time adjust mode in the cell is supported. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE This parameter specifies the startup direction of compressed mode that the NodeB supports. - UL_ONLY: The NodeB supports activation of compressed mode only in the uplink. - DL_ONLY: The NodeB supports activation of compressed mode only in the downlink. - UL_DL_BOTH: The NodeB supports activation of compressed mode in both uplink and downlink. Bit Field Type UL_ONLY, DL_ONLY, UL_DL_BOTH UL_ONLY, DL_ONLY, UL_DL_BOTH CM type of the cell. WALKING_SPEED_AND _HOT_SPOT_CELL,MID_ SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT _CELL,HIGH_SPEED_AN D_HOT_SPOT_CELL,LO W_SPEED_AND_MEDIU M_COVERAGE_CELL,HI GH_SPEED_AND_MEDI UM_COVERAGE_CELL, LOW_SPEED_AND_HIG H_COVERAGE_CELL,HI GH_SPEED_AND_HIGH_ COVERAGE_CELL,PICO _NODEB_TYPE_COVER AGE_CELL,OTHER_CEL L The CMCF parameters are configured on the basis of the CM type of the cell. After that, the cell can specify the number of CM sequences. Enumeration Type WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, MID_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, HIGH_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL, LOW_SPEED_AND_MEDIUM_COVERAGE_CELL, HIGH_SPEED_AND_MEDIUM_COVERAGE_CELL, LOW_SPEED_AND_HIGH_COVERAGE_CELL, HIGH_SPEED_AND_HIGH_COVERAGE_CELL, PICO_NODEB_TYPE_COVERAGE_CELL, OTHER_CELL WALKING_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL,MID_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL,HIGH_SPEED_AND_HOT_SPOT_CELL,LOW_SPEED_AND_MEDIUM_COVERAGE_CELL,HIGH_SPEED_AND_MEDIUM_COVERAGE_CELL,LOW_SPEED_AND_HIGH_COVERAGE_CELL,HIGH_SPEED_AND_HIGH_COVERAGE_CELL,PICO_NODEB_TYPE_COVERAGE_CELL,OTHER_CELL CMCF algorithm switch. 1) CMCF_DL_HLS_SWITCH : When the switch is on, the compressed mode supports DL higher-layer scheduling. 2) CMCF_UL_HLS_SWITCH : When the switch is on, the compressed mode supports UL higher-layer scheduling. 3) CMCF_UL_PRECFG_TO LERANCE_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the compressed mode of the UE in the compressed mode pre- configuration state can be different from that required by current traffic. 4) CMCF_WITHOUT_UE_C AP_REPORT_SWITCH: When the RNC starts inter- frequency or inter-RAT measurement, the RNC checks the information of whether the compressed mode is required for measurement on the frequency band of the cells in measurement list. The information should be reported by the UE in RRC Bit Field Type CMCF_DL_HLS_SWITCH, CMCF_UL_HLS_SWITCH, CMCF_UL_PRECFG_TOLERANCE_SWITCH, CMCF_WITHOUT_UE_CAP_REPORT_SWITCH CMCF_DL_HLS_SWITCH, CMCF_UL_HLS_SWITCH, CMCF_UL_PRECFG_TOLERANCE_SWITCH, CMCF_WITHOUT_UE_CAP_REPORT_SWITCH A timer to SRNC wait for the response to common transport channel resources request in the Iur common transport channel procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 Compatibility switch. 1) CMP_IU_IMS_PROC_AS _NORMAL_PS_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the IMS signaling assigned by the CN undergoes compatibility processing as an ordinary PS service. When the switch is not on, no special processing is performed. 2) CMP_IU_SYSHOIN_CMP _IUUP_FIXTO1_SWITCH : When the switch is on, the IUUP version can be rolled back to R99 when complete configurations are applied during inter-RAT handover. 3) CMP_IUR_H2D_FOR_LO WR5_NRNCCELL_SWIT CH: When the switch is on, H2D is performed before a neighboring RNC cell whose version is earlier than R5 is added to the active set; E2D is performed before a neighboring RNC cell whose version is earlier than R6 is added to the active set. If the DRNC is Bit Field Type CMP_IU_IMS_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH, CMP_IU_SYSHOIN_CMP_IUUP_FIXTO1_SWITCH, CMP_IUR_H2D_FOR_LOWR5_NRNCCELL_SWITCH, CMP_IUR_SHO_DIVCTRL_SWITCH, CMP_UU_AMR_SID_MUST_CFG_SWITCH, CMP_UU_DST_SERV_CELL_D2E_SWITCH, CMP_UU_IGNORE_UE_RLC_CAP_SWITCH, CMP_UU_SERV_CELL_CHG_WITH_ASU_SWITCH, CMP_UU_SERV_CELL_CHG_WITH_RB_MOD_SWITCH, CMP_UU_VOIP_UP_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH, CMP_UU_FDPCH_COMPAT_SWITCH, CMP_UU_AMR_DRD_HHO_COMPAT_SWITCH, CMP_IU_QOS_ASYMMETRY_IND_COMPAT_SWITCH CMP_IU_IMS_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH, CMP_IU_SYSHOIN_CMP_IUUP_FIXTO1_SWITCH, CMP_IUR_H2D_FOR_LOWR5_NRNCCELL_SWITCH, CMP_IUR_SHO_DIVCTRL_SWITCH, CMP_UU_AMR_SID_MUST_CFG_SWITCH, CMP_UU_DST_SERV_CELL_D2E_SWITCH, CMP_UU_IGNORE_UE_RLC_CAP_SWITCH, CMP_UU_SERV_CELL_CHG_WITH_ASU_SWITCH, CMP_UU_SERV_CELL_CHG_WITH_RB_MOD_SWITCH, CMP_UU_VOIP_UP_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH, CMP_UU_FDPCH_COMPAT_SWITCH, CMP_UU_AMR_DRD_HHO_COMPAT_SWITCH, CMP_IU_QOS_ASYMMETRY_IND_COMPAT_SWITCH Identifying the type of a CN. Enumeration Type CS_DOMAIN, PS_DOMAINCS_DOMAIN,PS_DOMAIN Identifying a CN node. Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 The status of the CN node. Enumeration Type NORMAL, OFFLOAD, INHIBITED NORMAL,OFFLOAD,INHIBITED Mode of resource management. When the interface type is Iub, the value of this parameter could be SHARE or EXCLUSIVE mode. When the interface type is Iur,Iucs,Iups, the RNC supports only EXCLUSIVE mode. Enumeration Type SHARE, EXCLUSIVE SHARE, EXCLUSIVE This parameter specifies the index of an operator. Interval Type 0~3 0 to 3 Uniquely identifying Cn operator name. String Type - 1~31 characters Identify a Operator Group. Interval Type 0~31 0~31 This parameter specifies the index of the operator group that serves the cell. Interval Type 0~31 0~31 Uniquely identifying Cn operator name. String Type - 1~31 characters Indicating a Cn Operator. Interval Type 0~3,5~31 0~3,5~31 Cn Operator index. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 Cn Operator 1 index. Interval Type 0~3,5~31 0~3,5~31 Cn Operator 2 index. Interval Type 0~3,5~31 0~3,5~31 Cn Operator 3 index. Interval Type 0~3,5~31 0~3,5~31 Cn Operator 4 index. Interval Type 0~3,5~31 0~3,5~31 Common Operator Index. Interval Type 5~31,255 5~31,255 Identify operator number in operator group which is not belong to the common operator number. Enumeration Type ONE(One), TWO(Two), THREE(Three), FOUR(Four) 1,2,3,4 CN protocol version. Enumeration Type R99, R4, R5, R6, R7 R99,R4,R5,R6,R7 Code reshuffle switch based on H. If the switch is enabled, code occupied by the R99 service is adjusted toward codes with small numbers. When [Allocate Code Mode] is set to Automatic, code can be used by HSDPA increases and HSDPA throughput is improved. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) To enlarge the throughout of HSDPA when the NodeB automatic code algorithem is enabled, it's recommended that the sharing codes adjacent to HSDPA code to be free as possible as it can, when the [Code Adjust switch for Hsdpa] is set to ON,the RNC will select R99 UE to do code adjusting which will free the sharing codes adjacent to HSDPA code H-based code tree reshuffle user number threshold. When the switch is enabled, if the number of users on the tree to be reshuffled is no greater than this parameter, the reshuffle is allowed. Otherwise, the reshuffle is given up. This parameter limits the number of users involved in one reshuffle so that reshuffle on lots of users at a time is avoided. Interval Type 1~16 1~16 This parameter specifies one of the triggering conditions of code balancing DRD. (The other condition is the minimum spreading factor.) This condition refers to that the code occupancy in the best cell is not lower than the value of this parameter. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies one of the triggering conditions of code balancing DRD. (The other condition is the code occupancy.) This condition refers to that the minimum spreading factor of the best cell is not smaller than the value of this parameter. Enumeration Type SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 This parameter specifies whether the code balancing DRD algorithm will be applied. - ON: The code balancing DRD algorithm will be applied. - OFF: The code balancing DRD algorithm will not be applied. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF This switch is valid only when the inter-frequency handover switch is enabled. TRUE means that inter-frequency handover is selected in code resource congestion. FALSE means that inter-frequency handover is not selected in code resource congestion. This parameter should be set based on network resource usage. In the case of multi-frequency coverage, if code resources present a bottleneck, such as indoor environment, the parameter is recommended to be set to TRUE. When the value is TRUE, users can be selected for inter-frequency handover during code resource congestion, which can easily release code congestion and use multi-frequency resources. However, the risk of inter-frequency blink handover increases. Enumeration Type FALSE(FALSE), TRUE(TRUE) FALSE, TRUE The message code scheme. Enumeration Type GERMAN(German), ENGLISH(English), ITALIAN(Italian), FRENCH(French), SPANISH(Spanish), DUTCH(Dutch), SWEDISH(Swedish), DANISH(Danish), PORTUGUESE(Portuguese), FINNISH(Finnish), NORWEGIAN(Norwegian), GREEK(Greek), TURKISH(Turkish), HUNGARIAN(Hungarian), POLISH(Polish), LANGUAGEUNSPECIFIED(Languageunspecified) GERMAN, ENGLISH, ITALIAN, FRENCH, SPANISH, DUTCH, SWEDISH, DANISH, PORTUGUESE, FINNISH, NORWEGIAN, GREEK, TURKISH, HUNGARIAN, POLISH, LANGUAGEUNSPECIFIED Type of event 2D/2F measurement thresholds when inter-frequency and inter-RAT measurements coexist. COEXIST_MEAS_THD_C HOICE_INTERFREQ: choosing the inter- frequency oriented parameters as event 2D/2F measurement thresholds for inter-frequency measurement. COEXIST_MEAS_THD_C HOICE_INTERRAT: choosing the inter-RAT oriented parameters as event 2D/2F measurement thresholds for inter-RAT measurement. When you set the previous parameters, consider the following factors: event 2D/2F measurement thresholds for inter- frequency measurement, inter-frequency and inter- RAT handover decision thresholds, and current handover policy. For example, if the event 2D threshold for inter-RAT measurement is higher than that for inter-frequency Enumeration Type COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ(Choosing the inter-frequency oriented parameters), COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERRAT(Choosing the inter-RAT oriented parameters) COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ,COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERRAT For a PTM service, if the ratio of the intra-frequency cells where the service is transmitted in PTM mode to the intra-frequency cells of a cell reaches the percentage specified by this parameter, the cell has gains in combining. Then, the power of the FACH carrying the service in the cell decreases by [PARA]SoftCombPwrOffset[/PARA]. Interval Type 0~100 0~1,step: 0.01 The ralative power margin of combined traffics, used to calculate the triggering threshold of event F, can avoid the fluctuation of traffic rate in case the power becomes restricted after rate is increased. Interval Type 0~100 0~10, step: 0.1 This parameter determines whether Common PLMN ID is used when the RNC sends the INIT UE MESSAGE to the CN. Enumeration Type NON-SUPPORTING_UE_ONLY(Non-Supporting UE Only), BOTH(Both), NEITHER(Neither) NON-SUPPORTING_UE_ONLY,BOTH,NEITHER Timer T1.Interval between failure of initial alignment and origination of next initial alignment. Interval Type 1~7 1~7 Timer T2.Total time SSCF will attempt alignment. Interval Type 30~90 30~90 Timer T3.Time between proving PDUs. Interval Type 10~200 10~200 The port flow control is disabled when the buffer duration of queue 0 is smaller than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the threshold of congestion recovery of the CBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is disabled when the buffer duration of queue 1 is smaller than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the threshold of congestion recovery of the CBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is disabled when the buffer duration of queue 2 is smaller than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the threshold of congestion recovery of the NRTVBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is disabled when the buffer duration of queue 3 is smaller than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the threshold of congestion recovery of the UBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is disabled when the buffer duration of queue 4 is smaller than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the threshold of congestion recovery of the UBR+ queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is disabled when the buffer duration of queue 5 is smaller than or equal to the value of this parameter. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is enabled when the buffer duration of queue 0 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the congestion threshold of the CBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is enabled when the buffer duration of queue 1 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the congestion threshold of the RTVBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is enabled when the buffer duration of queue 2 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the congestion threshold of the NRTVBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is enabled when the buffer duration of queue 3 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the congestion threshold of the UBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is enabled when the buffer duration of queue 4 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the congestion threshold of the UBR+ queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 The port flow control is enabled when the buffer duration of queue 5 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 Indicating whether the UE in connected mode is allowed to access the cell. When the cell status is BARRED, it indicates that the UEs in connected mode are barred to select/reselect the cell even in the case of emergency calls. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED This parameter specifies the RRC redirection strategy. - OFF: RRC redirection is not allowed. - Only_To_Inter_Frequency: Only RRC redirection to inter-frequency cells is allowed. - Allowed_To_Inter_RAT: RRC redirection to inter- frequency cells and redirection to inter-RAT cells are both allowed. Enumeration Type OFF, Only_To_Inter_Frequency, Allowed_To_Inter_RAT OFF, Only_To_Inter_Frequency, Allowed_To_Inter_RAT Indicating whether the UE in idle mode is allowed to reselect another intra-frequency cell. This parameter is valid when [Cell barred indicator for SIB4] is BARRED. If this parameter is ALLOWED, the UE in connected mode can select another intra-frequency cell when the cell selection/reselection condition is satisfied. If this parameter is NOT_ALLOWED, the UE in idle mod cannot select another intra-frequency cell. The indicator can be neglected in case of emergency calls. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED This parameter specifies whether the added RBS is connected to the WDMB. Enumeration Type YES, NO YES,NO The hysteresis value of the serving FDD cells in connected mode in case the quality measurement for cell selection and reselection is set to CPICH RSCP. It is related to the slow fading feature of the area where the cell is located. The greater the slow fading variance is, the greater this parameter. According to the R regulation, the current serving cell involves in cell selection after the measurement value is added with the hysteresis value. The measurement hysteresis aims to prevent the ping- pong effect of the cell reselection, which is caused by the slow fading when the UE is on the edge of the cell. The ping-pong effect may trigger frequent location updates (idle mode), URA updates (URA_PCH), or cell updates (CELL_FACH, CELL_PCH), and thus increase the load of network signaling and the consumption of UE Interval Type 0~20 0~40, step:2 The hysteresis value of the serving FDD cells in connected mode in case the quality measurement for cell selection and reselection is set to CPICH Ec/No. It is related to the slow fading feature of the area where the cell is located. The greater the slow fading variance is, the greater this parameter. This parameter is not configured when its value is 255. According to the R regulation, the current serving cell involves in cell selection after the measurement value is added with the hysteresis value. The measurement hysteresis aims to prevent the ping- pong effect of the cell reselection, which is caused by the slow fading when the UE is on the edge of the cell. The ping-pong effect may trigger frequent location updates (idle mode), URA updates (URA_PCH), or cell updates (CELL_FACH, CELL_PCH), and thus increase the load of network Interval Type 0~20,255 {0~40},{255}, step:2 Offset of cell CPICH RSCP measurement value in cell selection or reselection when the UE is in connected mode. This parameter is used for cell offset in cell selection and reselection. During cell reselection, the cell offset corresponding to CPICH Ec/No is QOffset2sn, that to CPICH RSCP is QOffset1sn. Idle is used for idle mode, and Conn for connected mode. ConnQoffset1sn and ConnQoffset2sn are valid only when SIB12Ind = TRUE, namely, the SIB12 message is existing. Offset of neighboring cell CPICH measurement value. This parameter is used for RSCP measurement. The offset is subtracted from the neighboring cell measurement value before cell reselection. In cell reselection algorithm, this parameter is used for moving the border of a cell. This parameter can be configured by the Radio Network Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 Offset of cell CPICH Ec/No measurement value in cell selection or reselection when the UE is in connected mode. This parameter is used for cell offset in cell selection and reselection. During cell reselection, the cell offset corresponding to CPICH Ec/No is QOffset2sn, that to CPICH RSCP is QOffset1sn. Idle is used for idle mode, and Conn for connected mode. ConnQoffset1sn and ConnQoffset2sn are valid only when SIB12Ind = TRUE, namely, the SIB12 message is existing. Offset of neighboring cell CPICH measurement value. This parameter is used for Ec/No measurement. The offset is subtracted from the neighboring cell measurement value before cell reselection. In cell reselection algorithm, this parameter is used for moving the border of a cell. This parameter can be configured by the Radio Network Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 Threshold for inter-frequency cell reselection in connected mode. When the quality (CPICH Ec/No measured by UE) of the serving cell is lower than this threshold plus the [Qqualmin] of the cell, the inter-frequency cell reselection procedure will be started. This parameter is not configured when its value is 127. The intra-frequency cell reselection has a priority higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection and inter-RAT cell reselection, the intra-frequency cell reselection start threshold should be higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection start threshold and inter-RAT cell reselection start threshold. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively high value, the UE may frequently start cell reselections, and the battery of the UE may be largely consumed. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively low value, it is difficult for cell reselections to be started, and the UE may not timely reside in the cells with good quality, affecting the quality of communication be Interval Type -16~10,127 {-32~20},{127}, step:2 Threshold for intra-frequency cell reselection in connected mode. When the quality (CPICH Ec/No measured by the UE) of the serving cell is lower than this threshold plus the [Qqualmin] of the cell, the intra-frequency cell reselection procedure will be started. This parameter is not configured when its value is 127. The intra-frequency cell reselection has a priority higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection and inter-RAT cell reselection, the intra-frequency cell reselection start threshold should be higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection start threshold and inter-RAT cell reselection start threshold. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively high value, the UE may frequently start cell reselections, and the battery of the UE may be largely consumed. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively low value, it is difficult for cell reselections to be started, and the UE may not timely reside in the cells with good quality, affecting the quality of communicatio Interval Type -16~10,127 {-32~20},{127}, step:2 This parameter is valid when [Cell barred indicator for SIB4] is BARRED. It indicates that the delay of the cell can be measured next time when [Cell barred indicator for SIB4] is set to BARRED. The time barred can be increased or reduced in network planning based on the actual time the cell is barred. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type D10(10 seconds), D20(20 seconds), D40(40 seconds), D80(80 seconds), D160(160 seconds), D320(320 seconds), D640(640 seconds), D1280(1280 seconds) 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280 It is used to calculate the transmit power of the first preamble in the random access process. The formula is as follows: Preamble_Initial_Power = Primary CPICH DL TX power-CPICH_RSCP + UL interference + Constant Value. Where, Preamble_Initial_Power is the preamble initial TX power, Primary CPICH DL TX power is the downlink transmit (TX) power of PCPICH, CPICH_RSCP is the receive signaling code power of the PCPICH measured by UEs, and UL interference is the uplink interference. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Interval Type -35~-10 -35~-10 Context type of the Iur interface to be reset. Enumeration Type Context, Context_Group, All_Contexts Context,Context_Group,All_Contexts This parameter specifies whether to run the ping command consecutively. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO,YES This parameter specifies the DL maximum bit rate of conversation for PS domain user. Enumeration Type D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 This parameter specifies the UL maximum bit rate of conversation for PS domain user. Enumeration Type D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the guaranteed speed of the MAC-c flow that sends conversational service data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~1000 1~1000 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the maximum speed of the MAC-c flow that sends conversational service data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~2000 1~2000 Maximum rate of the wideband AMR speech service for copper users. Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRATE_15.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_18.25K, WBAMR_BITRATE_19.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.05K, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K 6.60, 8.85, 12.65, 14.25, 15.85, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 Maximum rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for copper users. Enumeration Type NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7.40K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7.95K, NBAMR_BITRATE_10.20K, NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 This parameter specifies the number of sent packets. Interval Type 1~28 1 to 28 Count-C checking values. Interval Type 1024~4294967295 1024~4294967295 Counter check switch. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON,OFF This parameter indicates whether the closed loop TX diversity mode 1 supported. Enumeration Type CP1_Supported, CP1_not_Supported CP1_Supported, CP1_not_Supported This parameter specifies the number of subframes transmitted when the priority of reporting CQI is higher than the priority of transmitting patterns on the UL DPCCH in DTX mode after one HS-DSCH reception. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, INFINITY 0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,INFINITY This parameter specifies the CQI feedback cycle in DTX-DRX mode. Currently, the value of this parameter can be set to only D2 because the NodeB supports only D2. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433 protocol. Enumeration Type D0, D2, D4, D8, D10, D20, D40, D80, D160, D16, D32, D64 0,2,4,8,10,20,40,80,160,16,32,64 Maximum number of cell reselection. This parameter, along with the [Time for evaluating max cell reselection], is used for rate evaluation in HCS. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 1~16 1~16 This field indicate whether the cross IP address is available. Enumeration Type UNAVAILABLE, AVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE, AVAILABLE R99 CS conversational service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 CS conversational primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF R99 CS conversational bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 CS conversational secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL R99 CS conversational primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 CS conversational service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies maximum CS services. Interval Type 0~61200 0 to 61200 CS domain Relocation GSM load THD. This parameter specifies the CS domain relocation GSM load threshold. When the GSM load policy is used, that is, when [NcovHoOn2GldInd] in SET INTERRATHONCOV is set to ON, the CS domain inter-system relocation out process will be stopped if the GSM system send its cell load to the RNC and the cell load exceeds the CS domain Reloc GSM load THD. Otherwise, the RNC does not stop the CS domain inter-system relocation out process. Interval Type 0~100 0~100% Indicating whether the CS domain permits the CN information to update . Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Cs Information Update protection timer. Interval Type 60~900 60~900 This parameter specifies feature mode of operators in the CS domain. You should configure the network resource identifier (NRI) when MOCN or Iu-Flex is supported. Enumeration Type SUPP_NONE, SUPP_IUFLEX, SUPP_MOCN, SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN SUPP_NONE,SUPP_IUFLEX,SUPP_MOCN,SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN NRI length for CS domain. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Whether to impose the access restriction on the CS domain. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE,TRUE Indicating whether the cell allows CS service inter- RAT handover. ON: CS service inter-RAT handover is enabled. OFF: CS service inter-RAT handover is disabled. Service handover refers to the handover attribute and related parameter configuration on the network side for each service. When a service is established, the related measurements and inter- RAT handover are immediately triggered. These two switches are enabled only for service handover; generally, they are disabled by default. Note that the service handover is enabled only when the handover attribute is set to HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_ BE_PERFORM and CS service inter-RAT handover is set to ON. Both conditions are mandatory. For hybrid services, the service handover is not triggered. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON,OFF R99 CS streaming service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 CS streaming primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF R99 CS streaming bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 CS streaming secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL R99 CS streaming primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 CS streaming service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 CS algorithm switch. 1) CS_AMRC_SWITCH: When the switch is on and the AMRC license is activated, the AMR control function is enabled for AMR services. 2) CS_HANDOVER_TO_UT RAN_DEFAULT_CFG_S WITCH: When the switch is on, the default configurations of signaling and RABs, which are stipulated in 3GPP 25.331, are used for relocation of the UE from GSM to WCDMA. When the switch is not on, the default configurations are not used. Instead, the complete information of RB, TrCH, and PhyCH, which are in the HANDOVER TO UTRAN COMMAND message is used. 3) CS_IUUP_V2_SUPPORT_ SWITCH: When the switch is on and the "Support IUUP Version 2" license is activated, the RNC supports the TFO/TRFO function. 4) Bit Field Type CS_AMRC_SWITCH, CS_HANDOVER_TO_UTRAN_DEFAULT_CFG_SWITCH, CS_IUUP_V2_SUPPORT_SWITCH, CS_ZERO_C_AMR_CFG_TWO_CODCH_SWITCH CS_AMRC_SWITCH, CS_HANDOVER_TO_UTRAN_DEFAULT_CFG_SWITCH, CS_IUUP_V2_SUPPORT_SWITCH, CS_ZERO_C_AMR_CFG_TWO_CODCH_SWITCH Indicating the channel type of CS speech service. -DCH: Both uplink and downlink are beared on DCH. -HSPA:Uplink is beared on E-DCH, downlink beared on HS-DSCH. Enumeration Type DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) DCH,HSPA This parameter specifies the relative delay for jitter correction of the CS traffic over the downlink HSPA channel. This parameter indicates the maximum CS delay for the traffic transmitted to the UE. For details, see 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type -100~100 -100~100 This parameter specifies the relative delay for jitter correction of the CS traffic over the uplink HSPA channel. The CS data is buffered on the PDCP layer and then sent to the higher layer in packets after CFN plus CSVoiceHspaUlRelDelay. In this way, the CS data can be transmitted over the HSPA channel at regular intervals. Interval Type -100~100 -100~100 This parameter specifies the TTI type used for CS services over the uplink HSPA channel. Enumeration Type EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms Indicating whether to support CS over HSPA of the neighboring RNC. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Uniquely identifying a TFC on the SCCPCH. The specific parameter value depends on the CTFC Size (2 bits: 0~3, 4 bits: 0~15, 6 bits: 0~63, 8 bits: 0~255, 12 bits: 0~4095, 16 bits: 0~65535, 24 bits: 0~16777215). For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 0~16777215 0~16777215 Calculated TFC (CTFC) length of the Transport Format Combination Set (TFCS) on the SCCPCH. This parameter value is related to the maximum number of Transport Format Combinations (TFCs) on the transport channel. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type BIT2, BIT4, BIT6, BIT8, BIT12, BIT16, BIT24 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 The sharing offset should be added to the target subrack or subsystem. This parameter is used for preferable selection of the homing subrack and homing subsystem during call forwarding. Interval Type 1~10 0.01~0.1, step:0.01 Forwarding threshold of control plane load sharing. When the CPU usage is between the sharing threshold and overload threshold, and call number in each second reaches [SharingOutCAPSMidLoad], new arrival call attempts will be shared out to other CPU. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Number of the MPU slot. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0, 2, 4, 8, 10 This parameter specifies whether to support the configuration rollback function. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON,OFF This parameter specifies the type of VPL/VCL cross connection. Enumeration Type VPLCX, VCLCX VPLCX, VCLCX Uniquely identifying a classified zone. The value of Classified Zone ID is denoted by decimal numerals. Interval Type 0~4799 0~4799 This parameter is used to check whether the UE in the low activity state. If the UE is on DCH channel, the low activity counter increases by 1 every time traffic volume event 4B is reported. If the UE is on FACH channel, the low activity counter increases by 1 if the traffic volume is 0 in the traffic volume event 4B report. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k Pending time after the traffic volume event 4B is reported. This parameter is used to prevent too many traffic volume events 4B being reported. Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 When the traffic volume is below the 4B threshold and remains so for the period specified by this parameter, the event 4B is reported. This parameter prevents unnecessary traffic volume events that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 After the 1A measurement report is received, the rate is reduced to the threshold rate for soft handover and the timer specified by this parameter starts. The DL rate cannot be increased before the timer expires. Interval Type 1~255 1~255 This parameter defines the length of penalty timer for SHO failure after rate reduction in the active set. When the rate reduction in the active set is performed which triggers the increase of SHOs in the target cell, if the target cell fails to join the active again, the RNC starts the penalty timer for SHO failure. This parameter defines the length of the penalty timer. Before the timer expires, the rate increasing in the active set is prohibited, but rate reduction is not prohibited. Such penalty strategy is applied in the following scenario: If there is a cell, for some reason, it has high signal strength but heavy load, and cannot join the active set throughout by then. This cell may enter the SHO rate reduction evaluation process repeatedly, which results in rate reduction in the active set. If the cell fails to join the active set, the rate in the active set Interval Type 0~255 0~255 Strategy for adjustment of the rate of the PS BE service when the UE is in the CELL_DCH state. RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_DCH indicates that the rate over the DCH can be raised or lowered. RATE_UP_ONLY indicates that the rate over the DCH can only be raised, which means that the UE can switch to the FACH state at any rate. Enumeration Type RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_DCH, RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_DCH RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_DCH, RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_DCH Length of the penalty period within which the rate of a BE service cannot be increased even if the 4A measurement report is received. Increase of the BE service rate is triggered by the 4A measurement report.4A report will not be processed until this Penalty Timer expires. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 This parameter specifies the period of DCH throughput ratio measurement.Macd performs statistic of traffic volume on DCH and reports 4B events which are used for the rate decrease process of BE service set up on DCH. Interval Type 1~1000 10~10000, step: 10 This parameter specifies the number of measurement periods during which no event 4B related to DCH throughput is reported again after such an event 4B is reported. This parameter is set to avoid too many channel reconfiguration operations. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the time from the last reporting of throughput-related event 4B on DCH to the next reporting, and the smaller the possibility of triggering throughput-related event 4B on DCH. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 This parameter specifies the number of measurement periods from the moment when the DCH rate falls below the 4B threshold to the moment when the throughput-related event 4B on DCH is triggered. This parameter is set to avoid unnecessary reports triggered by DCH throughput fluctuation. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the required duration of the DCH throughput keeping below the 4B threshold, and the smaller the possibility of triggering throughput-related event 4B on DCH. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 This parameter specifies the subnet number of the internal debugging IP address of the RNC. Interval Type 1~126,128~223 1 to 126,128 to 223 This parameter specifies the default operator that RNC chooses in the MOCN cell. The value 255 means that no default operator is defined. Interval Type 0~3,255 0~3,255 This parameter specifies the constant that is used by the RNC to compute the DPCCH_Power_Offset which is further used by the UE to calculate the UL DPCCH_Initial_Power during the open-loop power control. The formulas are as follows: DPCCH_Power_Offset = Primary CPICH DL TX power + UL interference + Default Constant Value DPCCH_Initial_Power = DPCCH_Power_Offset - CPICH_RSCP where DPCCH_Power_Offset is the DPCCH initial transmit (TX) power offset, Primary CPICH DL TX power is the downlink TX power of P- CPICH, and CPICH_RSCP is the received signal code power of the P-CPICH measured by the UE. A small value of DPCCH_Power_Offset might lead to uplink synchronization failure at cell edges during link setup, thus affecting the uplink coverage. A large value of Interval Type -35~-10 -35~-10 When the RNC is performing downlink open power control, it evaluates link consumption according to the PCPICH TX power and the PCPICH signal intensity detected in UE access. However, in some cases, the UE may not report the signal intensity. In this situation, the RNC uses this parameter to evaluate link consumption. Interval Type -30~30 -30~30 This parameter specifies the delay time. When the RNC recovers from disaster and starts to operate, it performs re-host policy for the primary hosted NodeB after the specified delay time. Interval Type 0~3600 0~3600 This parameter specifies the maximum delay difference between different IMA links in an IMA group. Interval Type 4~255 4 to 100(AEUa),4 to 255(AOUa) This parameter specifies the delay class. According to the specification, a maximum of five delay classes, that is, class 1 to class 5, are available. The five classes do not overlap each other. Interval Type 1~5 1~5 This parameter specifies the threshold of code occupancy offset between the current cell and the target cell when code balancing DRD is applied. Only when the cell code occupancy offset reaches this threshold can a neighboring cell be selected to be a candidate cell for DRD. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Actual minimum required RX level = minimum required RX level + extended minimum required RX level. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.304 protocol. Interval Type -2~-1 -4~-2,step:2 M3UA destination entity indexes and M3UA destination entity have a one-to-one correspondence. Interval Type 0~118 0~118 This parameter specifies the destination IP address. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies a destination IP address. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the ID of a remote MEP. Interval Type 1~100 1 to 100 This parameter specifies an MEP in an MA. Interval Type 1~100 1 to 100 This parameter specifies the period of reporting the DGPS data. Interval Type 1~60 1 to 60 This parameter specifies the direction that the traffic volume measurement is applicable to. - DOWNLINK: indicates downlink traffic volume measurement. - UPLINK: indicates uplink traffic volume measurement or E-DCH throughput measurement. Enumeration Type UPLINK, DOWNLINK UPLINK, DOWNLINK There are two combination methods for uplink combination of soft handover: one is maximum ratio combination at the NodeB Rake receiver, which gives the highest combination gain; the other is selective combination at the RNC, which gives a relatively smaller combination gain. The default value of the indication switch is MAY, which means the NodeB decides whether to implement maximum ratio combination according to its own physical conditions; when MUST is selected, the NodeB is forced to carry out maximum ratio combination which is usually used in tests; when MUST_NOT is selected, the NodeB is forbidden to carry out maximum ratio combination. Consider the working status (test/normal operation) and the propagation environment when deciding whether to implement softer combination and to adopt Enumeration Type MAY(NodeB chooses whether combine at NodeB), MUST(Must combine at NodeB), MUST_NOT(Must combine at RNC) MAY, MUST, MUST_NOT DL activity factor of the R99 AMR conversational service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Duration from when the AMR TX power is beyond the threshold Ea or below the threshold Eb to when the event Ea or Eb is triggered. This parameter is used to avoid faulty reporting due to instability of power. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 DL activity factor of the R99 background service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 L3 filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoothing effect and the higher the anti-slow-fading capability, but the lower the signal change tracing capability. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 This parameter specifies the DL initial access rate used when HSDPA BE services switch to the DCH. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 This parameter specifies the default rate threshold for decision to use DCH to carry DL PS domain background/interactive services. If the FRC parameters of the best cell cannot be obtained, this default value will be used. Only when the DL service rate is higher than or equal to this threshold, and the UL service rate is higher than or equal to the uplink threshold, the service will be set up on DCH. Otherwise, it will be set up on CCH. According to the product specifications, only the background/interactive services whose rate is lower than 16 kbit/s can be carried on the common channel.Therefore, this parameter can only be set to 16 kbit/s or 8 kbit/s. Enumeration Type D8, D16 8, 16 DL BE traffic Initial bit rate. When DCCC function is enabled, the downlink initial bit rate will be set to this value if the downlink max bit rate is higher than the initial bit rate. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8,16,32,64,128,144,256,384 This parameter specifies the default rate threshold for decision to use HS-DSCH to carry DL PS domain background/interactive services. When the maximum DL service rate is higher than or equal to this threshold, the service will be carried on HS-DSCH. Otherwise, it will be carried on DCH. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D768, D1024, D1536, D1800, D2048, D3600, D7200, D10100, D13900 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 768, 1024, 1536, 1800, 2048, 3600, 7200, 10100, 13900 Duration from when the BE TX power is beyond the threshold Ea to when the event Ea is triggered or from when the BE TX power is below the threshold Eb to when the event Eb is triggered. This parameter is used to avoid faulty reporting due to instability of power. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 Duration within which the measured power being lower than the threshold is allowed for BE service. This parameter is used to avoid faulty reporting due to instability of power. If the value of this parameter is set too high, delay is caused. If the parameter is set to A, the hysteresis time is A x 10 ms. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 Length of smoothing filter window of downlink CAC. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 Different admission policies are used for dedicated channel and common channel users. For common channel users, resources instead of separate power admission decision are reserved. For dedicated channel users, according to the current load factor and the characteristics of the new call, the CAC algorithm predicts the new TX power with the assumption of admitting the new call, then plus with the premeditated common channel DL load factor to get the predicted DL load factor. Then, compare it with the DL admission threshold. If the value is not higher than the threshold, the call is admitted; otherwise, rejected. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Admission threshold of the total cell downlink power. If the value is too high, too many users will be admitted. However, the throughput of a single user is easy to be limited. If the value is too low, cell capacity will be wasted. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter specifies the compression method that the NodeB supports in the downlink. - SF/2: SF reduction by two - HIGHER_LAYER_SCHD L: higher layer scheduling If both SF/2 and HIGHER_LAYER_SCHD L are selected, the NodeB supports both of the compression methods in the downlink. Bit Field Type SF/2, HIGHER_LAYER_SCHDL SF/2, HIGHER_LAYER_SCHDL Number of the DL code to be reserved. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.213 protocol. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 The percentage of the conversational AMR service threshold to the 100% downlink load. It is applicable to algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. The parameter is used for controlling the AMR service admission. That is, when an AMR service is accessing, the RNC evalutates the measurement value of the downlink load after the service is accessed. If the DL load of a cell is higher than this threshold after the access of an AMR speech service, this service will be rejected. If the DL load of a cell will not be higher than this threshold, this service will be admitted. The DL load factor thresholds include parameters of [DL threshold of Conv non_AMR service], [DL handover access threshold] and [DL threshold of other services]. The four parameters can be used to limit the proportion between the conversational service, Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The percentage of the conversational non-AMR service threshold to the 100% downlink load. It is applicable to algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. The parameter is used for controlling the non-AMR service admission. That is, when a non-AMR service is accessing, the RNC evalutates the measurement value of the downlink load after the service is accessed. If the DL load of a cell is higher than this threshold after the access of a non-AMR speech service, this service will be rejected. If the DL load of a cell will not be higher than this threshold, this service will be admitted. The DL load factor thresholds include parameters of [DL threshold of Conv non_AMR service], [DL handover access threshold] and [DL threshold of other services]. The four parameters can be used to limit the proportion between the conversational service, Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Number of users selected in a DL LDR CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover. The target subscribers of this parameter are the CS domain subscribers. Because the CS domain subscribers are session subscribers in general and they have little impact on load, you can set this parameter to a comparatively high value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Number of users selected in a DL LDR CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load handover. The target subscribers of this parameter are the CS domain subscribers. Because the CS domain subscribers are session subscribers in general and they have little impact on load, you can set this parameter to a comparatively high value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 For a BE service that has a low maximum rate, the DCCC algorithm is not obviously effective yet it increases algorithm processing. Thus, the traffic-based DCCC algorithm is applied to BE services whose maximum DL rate is greater than the threshold. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Maximum DL rate during network planning when coverage of the entire cell is ensured. When the DL TCP is limited, the current rate is reduced to the full coverage rate if the current rate is greater than the full coverage rate. For a BE service that has a low maximum rate, the DCCC algorithm is not obviously effective yet it increases algorithm processing. Thus, the DCCC algorithm is applied to BE services whose maximum DL rate is greater than the threshold. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 This parameter specifies the DL GBR of the BE service. Enumeration Type D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Some cell resources can be reserved for handover UEs to guarantee handover success rate and improve access priority of handover services. This parameter defines the quantity of downlink code and CE resources reserved for handover. SFOFF refers to that no resources is reserved. SF32 refers to that a code resource with SF = 32 and its corresponding credit resource are reserved. The backer position the value is in {SF4,SF8,SF16,SF32,SF64,SF128,SF256,SFOFF}, the less code and credit resources reserved for handover UEs. The possibility of rejecting handover UE admissions increases and performance of UEs cannot be guaranteed. The more frontal position the value is, the more the possibility of rejecting new UEs is and some idle resources are wasted. Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256), SFOFF(SFOFF) SF4,SF8,SF16,SF32,SF64,SF128,SF256,SFOFF The percentage of the handover service admission threshold to the 100% downlink load. It is applicable to algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. The parameter is used for controlling the handover admission. That is, when a service is handing over to a cell, the RNC evalutates the measurement value of the downlink load after the service is accessed. If the DL load of a cell is higher than this threshold after the access, this service will be rejected. If the DL load of a cell will not be higher than this threshold, this service will be admitted. The DL load factor thresholds include parameters of [DL threshold of Conv non_AMR service], [DL handover access threshold] and [DL threshold of other services]. The four parameters can be used to limit the proportion between the non-handover service, handover user and other services in a specific cell, Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Reserved DL power factor for HSUPA user. The higher the value is, the more resources reserved for the HSUPA control channel, which leads to resource waste. If the value is too low, HSUPA user quality may be impacted. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 DL activity factor of the R99 interactive service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 The UE can be selected to process load handover only when its bandwidth is less than this threshold. The higher the parameter is, the higher the service rate of the user in handover is, and the more obviously the cell load is decreased. However, high value of the parameter gives rise to the fluctuation and congestion of the target cell load. The lower the parameter is, the smaller amplitude of the load decreases as a result of the inter-frequency load handover, and the easier it is to maintain the stability of the target cell load. Interval Type 0~400000 0~400000 The inter-frequency neighboring cell could be selected as the destination of load handover only when its load remaining space is larger than this threshold. The lower the parameter is, the easier it is to find a qualified target cell for the blind handover. Excessively small value of the parameter, however makes the target cell easily enter the congestion status. The higher the parameter is, the more difficult it is for the inter-frequency blind handover occurs. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The mechanism of the LDR is that an action is performed in each [LDR period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of RABs selected in executing downlink LDR-AMR voice service rate reduction. If the parameter value is too high, the LDR action may fluctuate greatly and over control may occur (the state of basic congestion turns into another extreme--underload). If the parameter value is too low, the LDR action has a slow response and the effect is not apparent, affecting the LDR performance. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Length of smoothing filter window of downlink LDR. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 Number of RABs selected in a DL LDR BE traffic rate reduction. In the actual system, this parameter can be set on the basis of the actual circumstances. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a high proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively low value. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a low proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively high value. Because the basic congestion control algorithm is designed to slowly decrease cell load, you need to set this parameter to a comparatively low value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Reserved SF threshold in downlink credit LDR. The downlink credit LDR could be triggered only when the SF factor corresponding to the downlink reserved credit is higher than the uplink or downlink credit SF reserved threshold. The lower the parameter value is, the easier the credit enters the congestion status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the easier the user experience is affected. A lower code resource LDR trigger threshold, however, causes a higher admission success rate because the resource is reserved. The parameter should be set based on the operator's requirement. Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) SF4,SF8,SF16,SF32,SF64,SF128,SF256 This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO NOACT: No load reshuffling action is taken. INTERFREQLDHO: The inter-frequency load handover is performed. BERATERED: Channels are reconfigured for the BE service. QOSRENEGO: The renegotiation on the QoS of the uncontrollable real-time service is performed. CSINTERRATSHOULDB ELDHO: The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover of the CS domain is performed. PSINTERRATSHOULDB ELDHO: The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover of the PS domain is performed. AMRRATERED (AMR service rate decreasing): The setting of the TFC subset and the negotiation of the service rate can be performed for the AMR voice service. MBMSDECPOWER (MBMS power limiting): The MBMS service is configured with the minimum power. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO Number of RABs selected in a DL LDR uncontrolled real-time traffic QoS renegotiation. The target subscribers of this parameter are the PS domain real-time subscribers. The setting of this parameter is analogous to the setting of BE service rate reduction subscriber number. Because the number of subscribers performing QoS renegotiation may be smaller than the value of this parameter, for example, the candidate subscribers selected for downlink LDR do not meet the QoS renegotiation conditions, you must leave some margin when setting this parameter to ensure the success of load reshuffling. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 If the ratio of DL load of the cell to the downlink capacity is lower than this threshold, the DL load reshuffling function of the cell is stopped. After the basic congestion state of the cell load is released, the system no longer implements the LDR action. Because the load fluctuates, the difference between the LDR release threshold and trigger threshold should be higher than 10%. The ping-pong effect of the preliminary congestion state may occur. The lower the LDR trigger and release thresholds are, the easier the system enters the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the more likely the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes higher since the resources are preserved. The carrier shall make a trade-off between these factors. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as DlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend power), CodeAdj(Code adjust), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO If the ratio of DL load of the cell to the downlink capacity is not lower than this threshold, the DL load reshuffling function of the cell is triggered. After the basic congestion state of the cell load is released, the system no longer implements the LDR action. Because the load fluctuates, the difference between the LDR release threshold and trigger threshold should be higher than 10%. The ping-pong effect of the preliminary congestion state may occur. The lower the LDR trigger and release thresholds are, the easier the system enters the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the more likely the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes higher since the resources are preserved. The carrier shall make a trade-off between these factors. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 If the DL load state of the cell is lasted longer than this threshold, the DL load state of the cell transfers. Interval Type 10~600000 10~600000 This parameter specifies the maximum number of TFCs (Transport Format Combination) allowed in the downlink. The larger the value of this parameter, the larger the number of available TFCs in the downlink. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D48, D64, D96, D128, D256, D512, D1024 16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256, 512, 1024 Reserved DL power factor for MBMS service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Smooth filtering coefficient for DL measured values. The smooth filtering algorithm is used to avoid random interference in measurement reporting. Smoothness is decided by the filtering coefficient of the measurement. The greater the filtering coefficient is, the greater the smoothing effect is and the less the random interference is. Yet the respond to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 This parameter determines whether automatic or manual mode is used for 3-step adjustment of the DL intermediate rate. Enumeration Type AUTO_CALC, HAND_APPOINT 0, 1 Threshold of the DL intermediate rate when the 3-step mode is used for DL rate adjustment and the manual mode is used for DL intermediate rate adjustment. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 The AMRC needs to check whether the TFO/TrFO exists before adjusting DL AMR speech rate. If the TFO/TrFO does not exist, the CN has the associated encoder and the RNC delivers the RATE CONTROL command to the CN and starts the timer. If the TFO/TrFO exists, the CN has no associated encoder and the local RNC delivers to the peer RNC a command requesting the AMR mode at a lower level. In addition, the local RNC starts the timer. After the peer RNC receives the command, it directly uses the AMR mode at a lower level for the UL and returns the adjustment information to the local RNC. If the acknowledgement message is received before the timer expires, the adjustment of the DL AMR speech rate is successful. Otherwise, the adjustment fails. If there is no TFO/TrFO, it is recommended that the timer be set to 3000 ms. If there is the TFO/TrFO, it is recommended that the timer be set to 7000 ms because of more procedures involved in rate adjustment. Interval Type 1~4294967295 1~4294967295 DL activity factor of the R99 non AMR conversational service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Length of smoothing filter window of downlink OLC. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 DL fast TF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and congested, the downlink TF can be adjusted to restrict the number of blocks transported in each TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of user data, thus reducing the cell downlink load. The mechanism of the OLC is that an action is performed in each [OLC period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of RABs selected in executing downlink OLC fast restriction. Selection of RABs of the OLC is based on the service priorities and ARP values and bearing priority indication. The RAB of low priority is under control. In the actual system, UlOlcFTFRstrctRabNum and DlOlcFTFRstrctRabNum can be set on the basis of the actual circumstances. If Interval Type 1~10 1~10 DL fast TF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and congested, the downlink TF can be adjusted to restrict the number of blocks transported in each TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of user data, thus reducing the cell downlink load. The mechanism of the OLC is that an action is performed in each [OLC period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of downlink OLC fast TF restriction performed in entering/exiting the OLC status. After the overload is triggered, the RNC immediately executes OLC by first executing fast TF restriction. The internal counter is incremented by 1 with each execution. If the number of overloads does not exceed the OLC action threshold, the system lowers Interval Type 0~100 0~100 L3 filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoothing effect and the higher the anti-slow-fading capability, but the lower the signal change tracing capability. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 If the ratio of DL load of the cell to the downlink capacity is lower than this threshold, the DL overload and congestion control function of the cell is stopped. The lower the OLC trigger threshold is, the easier the system is in the overload status. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. The lower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases the overload. The value of the OLC release threshold should not be much lower than or close to the OLC trigger threshold, or the system state may have a ping-pong effect. The recommended difference between the OLC release threshold and the OLC trigger threshold is higher than 10%. It is desirable to set the two parameters a bit higher given that the difference between OLC trigger threshold and OLC release threshold is fixed. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 User release is an extreme method in reducing the cell load and recovering the system when the cell is overloaded and congested. The mechanism of the OLC is that an action is performed in each [OLC period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of RABs released in executing downlink OLC service release. For the users of a single service, the releasing of RABs means the complete releasing of the users. The releasing of RABs causes call drops, so UlOlcFTFRstrctTimes or DlOlcFTFRstrctTimes should be set to a low value. Higher values of the parameter get the cell load to decrease more obviously, but the QoS will be affected. Interval Type 0~10 0~10 DL OLC trigger hysteresis. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 If the ratio of DL load of the cell to the downlink capacity is not lower than this threshold, the DL overload and congestion control function of the cell is triggered. The lower the OLC trigger threshold is, the easier the system is in the overload status. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. The lower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases the overload. The value of the OLC release threshold should not be much lower than or close to the OLC trigger threshold, or the system state may have a ping-pong effect. The recommended difference between the OLC release threshold and the OLC trigger threshold is higher than 10%. It is desirable to set the two parameters a bit higher given that the difference between OLC trigger threshold and OLC release threshold is fixed. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The percentage of other service thresholds to the 100% downlink load. The services refer to other admissions except the conversational AMR service, conversational non- AMR service, and handover scenarios. It is applicable to algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. The parameter is used for controlling other service admissions. That is, when a service is accessing, the RNC evalutates the measurement value of the downlink load after the service is accessed. If the DL load of a cell is higher than this threshold after the access of a service, this service will be rejected. If the DL load of a cell will not be higher than this threshold, this service will be admitted. The DL load factor thresholds include parameters of [DL threshold of Conv non_AMR service], [DL handover access threshold] and [DL threshold of other services]. The four Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) of the DL code to be reserved. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.213 protocol. Enumeration Type SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 SF4,SF8,SF16,SF32,SF64,SF128,SF256 Number of users selected in a DL LDR PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover. The target subscribers of this parameter are the PS domain subscribers. In the actual system, this parameter can be set on the basis of the actual circumstances. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a high proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively low value. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a low proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively high value. Because the basic congestion control algorithm is designed to slowly decrease cell load, you need to set this parameter to a comparatively low value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Number of users selected in a DL LDR PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load handover. The target subscribers of this parameter are the PS domain subscribers. In the actual system, this parameter can be set on the basis of the actual circumstances. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a high proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively low value. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a low proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively high value. Because the basic congestion control algorithm is designed to slowly decrease cell load, you need to set this parameter to a comparatively low value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Rate adjustment switch of link stability control for DL QoS of AMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, DL rate of AMR services can be adjusted. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Inter-frequency handover switch of link stability control for DL QoS of AMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-frequency handover can be performed for AMR services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Inter-RAT handover switch of link stability control for DL QoS of AMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-RAT handover can be performed for AMR services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Timer length for downlink Qos measurement. This parameter controls the time lengths for the inter- frequency and inter-RAT measurement based on Qos. After inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurement starts, if no inter-frequency handover is performed when this timer expires, the measurement is stopped, and the compressed mode is deactivated, if any. If this parameter is set to 0, this indicates that the timer will not be started. For the inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurement based on coverage, the compressed mode can be stopped through reporting event 2F. For measurement that is not based on coverage, event 2F is not reported, and the timer must be set but should not be set to 0. As for the impact on network performance: It reduces the influence of long time compressed mode to the serving cell. The compressed mode may Interval Type 0~512 0~512 Inter-frequency handover switch of link stability control for DL QoS of VP services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-frequency handover can be performed for VP services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Rate adjustment switch of link stability control for DL QoS of WAMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, DL rate of WAMR services can be adjusted. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Inter-frequency handover switch of link stability control for DL QoS of WAMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-frequency handover can be performed for WAMR services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Inter-RAT handover switch of link stability control for DL QoS of WAMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-RAT handover can be performed for WAMR services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES When the switch is on, the congestion detection and control for DL R99 service is supported. Enumeration Type OFF(The switch of DL R99 congestion control is off), ON(The switch of DL R99 congestion control is on) OFF,ON This parameter determines whether the DL rate is lowered to the minimum rate in one step or two steps for BE service set up on DCH in downlink. Enumeration Type 2_Rates, 3_Rates 2_Rates, 3_Rates This parameter determines whether the DL rate is raised to the maximum rate in one step or two steps for BE service set up on DCH in downlink. Enumeration Type 2_Rates, 3_Rates 2_Rates, 3_Rates Frequency hysteresis of downlink RSCP Qos. This parameter controls the used frequency thresholds for the inter-frequency and inter-RAT measurement based on Qos. In event mode, if the inter- frequency and inter-RAT measurement events occurred for the downlink Qos reason, the used frequency threshold of the RSCP measurement quantity is equal to the used frequency threshold that is configured on the BAM server in coverage measurement plus this parameter. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of the parameter is, the more easily event 2B, inter- frequency handover based on Qos, and event 3A, inter- RAT handover based on Qos, can be triggered, and thus the more timely the handover to the target cell can be performed. Interval Type -15~15 -15~15 This parameter refers to the downlink spreading factor used by the RL carrying single service with the CN domain in typical environment. The downlink transmit power parameters of common services are obtained by emulation, and the value of [Downlink spreading factor] depends on such factors as service rate and puncturing limitation. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type D4(SF4), D8(SF8), D16(SF16), D32(SF32), D64(SF64), D128(SF128), D256(SF256), D512(SF512) SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256, SF512 This parameter determines whether the compressed mode is limited to the downlink SF. Starting the compressed mode is resource consuming for the fast-moving UEs. Whether the spreading factors of the current DCH channels should be considered when the switch controlling the start compressed mode is set. When the switch is set to FALSE, you can infer that the start compressed mode does not consider the spreading factors of the DCH channels; when the switch is set to TRUE, you can infer that the start compressed mode considers the spreading factors of the DCH channels. Enumeration Type FALSE(Not Limited), TRUE(Limited) FALSE,TRUE CM implementation approach selection basis. When the downlink spreading factor is greater than or equal to this parameter value, the SF/2 approach will be preferred. Otherwise, the high-layer scheduling will be preferred. The SF/2 approach consumes more system resources and therefore this approach is recommended only for low-rate users. The high-layer scheduling requires variable multiplexing positions of transport channels and is applicable to a relatively narrow range. In addition, this approach affects the transmission rate of users and therefore is recommended only when the SF/2 approach is unavailable or there are high-rate users. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 8,16,32,64,128,256 DL activity factor of SRB. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 DL activity factor of the R99 streaming service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 This parameter specifies the default rate threshold for decision to use HS-DSCH to carry DL PS domain streaming services. When the maximum DL service rate is higher than or equal to this threshold, the service will be carried on HS-DSCH. Otherwise, it will be carried on DCH. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Threshold E1 of DL AMR speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is used for DL measurement. When the value calculated on the basis of the measurement report is higher than the upper threshold E1, AMRC lowers the DL AMR speech rate by one level. This parameter specifies the relative threshold. The absolute threshold is equal to the maximum DL TX power minus the relative threshold. The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are greater possibilities of meeting the requirement for lowering the AMR speech rate. Thus, it is easier to lower the AMR speech rate. Interval Type 0~559 0~55.9, step: 0.1 Threshold E2 of DL AMR speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is used for DL measurement. When the value calculated on the basis of the measurement report is lower than the upper threshold E2, AMRC stops adjusting the DL AMR speech rate. This parameter specifies the relative threshold. The absolute threshold is equal to the maximum DL TX power minus the relative threshold. The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are less possibilities of meeting the requirement for stopping AMR speech rate adjustment. Thus, it is easier to lower the AMR speech rate. Interval Type 0~559 0~55.9, step: 0.1 Threshold F1 of DL AMR speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is used for DL measurement. When the value calculated on the basis of the measurement report is lower than the lower threshold F1, AMRC raises the DL AMR speech rate by one level. This parameter specifies the relative threshold. The absolute threshold is equal to the maximum DL TX power minus the relative threshold. The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are less possibilities of meeting the requirement for raising the AMR speech rate. Thus, it is more difficult to raise the AMR speech rate. Interval Type 1~560 0.1~56, step: 0.1 Threshold F2 of DL AMR speech rate adjustment. Periodical reporting is used for DL measurement. When the value calculated on the basis of the measurement report is higher than the lower threshold F2, AMRC stops adjusting the DL AMR speech rate. This parameter specifies the relative threshold. The absolute threshold is equal to the maximum DL TX power minus the relative threshold. The higher the value of this parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold is. In this case, there are greater possibilities of meeting the requirement for stopping AMR speech rate increase. Thus, it is more difficult to raise the AMR speech rate. Interval Type 1~560 0.1~56, step: 0.1 When the algorithm 2 is used, this parameter defines the total equivalent user number corresponding to the 100% downlink load. he parameter should be related to the admission threshold and actual condition of the network. If the value is too high, the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. Interval Type 1~200 1~200 Duration from when the VP TX power is beyond the threshold Ea or below the threshold Eb to when the event Ea or Eb is triggered. This parameter is used to avoid faulty reporting due to instability of power. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 This parameter specifies the expected diff delay guard-band. (Unit: cells) Interval Type 3~505 3~505 This parameter specifies the blocked domain type. Enumeration Type PsBlk(BLOCK PS), CsAndPsBlk(BLOCK CS AND PS) PsBlk, CsAndPsBlk This parameter specifies whether the alarm reporting for door access is enabled. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN The DSP code must be input in hexadecimal format and cannot be 0. It is unique in the SS7 network. The number of the DSP code bits is equal to that of the OPC code bits. If the number of OSP code bits is BIT14, the value range of DSP code is from H'1 to H'3FFF (1~16383).If the number of OSP code bits is BIT16, the value range of DSP code is from H'1 to H'1~H'FFFF(1~65535). If BIT24, the value range is from H'1 to H'FFFFFF (1~16777215). Interval Type 1~16777215 1~16777215 This parameter specifies the number of consecutive subframes that can be transmitted on the UL DPCCH during one DtxCycle1. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D5 1,2,5 This parameter specifies the number of consecutive subframes that can be transmitted on the UL DPCCH during one DtxCycle2. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D5 1,2,5 This parameter specifies whether the DPCCH slot format 1 or DPCCH slot format 4 is used when all the traffic and signaling are transmitted over the HSPA channel and when the number of feedback information (FBI) bits is 0. Enumeration Type SLOT_FORMAT_1, SLOT_FORMAT_4 SLOT_FORMAT_1, SLOT_FORMAT_4 The DSP code must be input in divided number format. In addition, it should be allocated in the SS7 network and cannot be repeated. String Type - 1~11 characters This parameter indicates DPCH diversity mode for MIMO user. Enumeration Type None, STTD, CP1 None, STTD, CP1 This parameter indicates the TX diversity preferably selected by DPCH. Enumeration Type None, STTD, CP1 None, STTD, CP1 This parameter specifies the DL power control mode. - SINGLE_TPC, a fast power control mode, indicates that a unique TPC command is sent in each timeslot on the DPCCH. - TPC_TRIPLET_IN_SOFT, a slow power control mode, indicates that the same TPC command is sent over three timeslots. It is applicable to soft handover, and it can decrease the power deviation. - TPC_AUTO_ADJUST, an automatic adjustment mode, indicates that the value of DPC_MODE can be modified by sending the ACTIVE SET UPDATE message to the UE. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.214. Enumeration Type SINGLE_TPC, TPC_TRIPLET_IN_SOFT, TPC_AUTO_ADJUST SINGLE_TPC, TPC_TRIPLET_IN_SOFT, TPC_AUTO_ADJUST Type of the DSP. IUCS: indicating that the DSP is on the control plane or user plane of the CS domain of the Iu interface IUPS: indicating that the DSP is on the control plane of the PS domain of the Iu interface IUR: indicating an RNC signalling point IUCS_ALCAP: indicating that the DSP is on the user plane of the CS domain of the Iu interface IUCS_RANAP: indicating that the DSP is on the control plane of the CS domain of the Iu interface STP: indicating a signalling transmission point.AAL2SWITCH:indic ating an ATM SWITCH. Enumeration Type IUCS(Iu-CS node), IUPS(Iu-PS node), IUR(Iur node), IUCS_RANAP(Iu-CS RANAP node), IUCS_ALCAP(Iu-CS ALCAP node), AAL2SWITCH(Aal2 switch node), STP(STP node) IUCS, IUPS, IUR, IUCS_RANAP, IUCS_ALCAP, AAL2SWITCH, STP This parameter specifies the number of the destination port of the IP loopback test. Interval Type 1024~3584 1024 to 3584 This parameter specifies the number of the slot that holds the DPUb. Interval Type 8~19 8 to 19 Index of the DSP to be added.Uniquely identifying a DSP. Interval Type 0~118 0~118 This parameter specifies the direction of activating the check on a VCL. Enumeration Type SINK, SOURCE, BOTH SINK, SOURCE, BOTH Dynamic resource allocation switch. 1) DRA_AQM_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the active queue management algorithm is used for the RNC. 2) DRA_BE_EDCH_TTI_RE CFG_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the TTI could be reconfigured to HSUPA traffic dynamically between 2ms and 10ms. 3) DRA_BE_RATE_DOWN_ BF_HO_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the bandwidth for BE services is reduced before soft handover. It is recommended that the DCCC switch be on when this switch is on. 4) DRA_DCCC_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the dynamic channel reconfiguration control algorithm is used for the RNC. 5) DRA_HSDPA_DL_FLOW _CONTROL_SWITCH: When the switch is on, Bit Field Type DRA_AQM_SWITCH, DRA_BE_EDCH_TTI_RECFG_SWITCH, DRA_BE_RATE_DOWN_BF_HO_SWITCH, DRA_DCCC_SWITCH, DRA_HSDPA_DL_FLOW_CONTROL_SWITCH, DRA_HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH, DRA_HSUPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, DRA_IU_QOS_RENEG_SWITCH, DRA_PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, DRA_PS_NON_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, DRA_R99_DL_FLOW_CONTROL_SWITCH, DRA_THROUGHPUT_DCCC_SWITCH DRA_AQM_SWITCH, DRA_BE_EDCH_TTI_RECFG_SWITCH, DRA_BE_RATE_DOWN_BF_HO_SWITCH, DRA_DCCC_SWITCH, DRA_HSDPA_DL_FLOW_CONTROL_SWITCH, DRA_HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH, DRA_HSUPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, DRA_IU_QOS_RENEG_SWITCH, DRA_PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, DRA_PS_NON_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, DRA_R99_DL_FLOW_CONTROL_SWITCH, DRA_THROUGHPUT_DCCC_SWITCH This parameter is used as the DRD Ec/No threshold of whether to perform the blind handover. This parameter is used as the DRD Ec/No threshold of whether to perform the blind handover. When choosing a DRD candidate cell, if the Ec/No value of the current cell is greater than the threshold of inter- RAT/inter-frequency neighboring cell, the DRD is permitted. Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 A timer to DRNC wait for AAL2 setup indication. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to DRNC wait for radio link reconfiguration commit. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 This parameter specifies the maximum number of inter-RAT RAB directed retries. It decides the size of the candidate set for inter-RAT DRD. The value 0 indicates that inter-RAT RAB DRD is not applicable. This parameter can be cell-oriented. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 If the parameter is set to YES, QoS control for DL BE services based on RLC retransmission can be performed when the best cell is in the DRNC. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES When the buffer duration of queue 0 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter, packets begin to be discarded. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the packet discard threshold of the CBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 When the buffer duration of queue 1 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter, packets begin to be discarded. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the packet discard threshold of the RTVBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 When the buffer duration of queue 2 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter, packets begin to be discarded. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the packet discard threshold of the NRTVBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 When the buffer duration of queue 3 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter, packets begin to be discarded. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the packet discard threshold of the UBR queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 When the buffer duration of queue 4 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter, packets begin to be discarded. When the port flow control type is ATM, this parameter specifies the packet discard threshold of the UBR+ queue. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 When the buffer duration of queue 5 is larger than or equal to the value of this parameter, packets begin to be discarded. Interval Type 10~150 10 to 150 Direct retry switch. 1) DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH( DRD switch for RRC connection): When the switch is on, DRD and redirection is performed for RRC connection if retry is required. 2) DR_RAB_SING_DRD_S WITCH(DRD switch for single RAB): When the switch is on, DRD is performed for single service if retry is required. 3) DR_RAB_COMB_DRD_S WITCH(DRD switch for combine RAB): When the switch is on, DRD is performed for combined services if retry is required. Bit Field Type DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH, DR_RAB_SING_DRD_SWITCH, DR_RAB_COMB_DRD_SWITCH DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH,DR_RAB_SING_DRD_SWITCH,DR_RAB_COMB_DRD_SWITCH This parameter specifies the size of patterns (that is, the number of subframes) that can be received on the HS-SCCH. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D4, D5, D8, D10, D16, D20 4,5,8,10,16,20 This parameter specifies the UTRAN-specific Discontinuous Reception (DRX) cycle length coefficient. In connected mode, the UE uses the shorter one between CN- specific DRX cycle length coefficient and UTRAN- specific DRX cycle length coefficient. In idle mode, the UE can use the DRX mode to receive paging indications so as to reduce power consumption; in this case, the UE needs to monitor only one paging indication in one paging occasion during each DRX cycle. - If the value of this parameter is too small, the UE checks the paging channel frequently, thus having great power consumption. - If the value of this parameter is too large, the response of the UE to the paging becomes slow, and the core network may repeatedly page the UE and thus increase the downlink interference. Interval Type 3~9 3~9 CN domain specific DRX cycle length coefficient broadcast on SIB1 and used by UEs in Idle Mode. Interval Type 6~9 6~9 This parameter specifies whether the UE should monitor the transmission on the E-AGCH in the serving EDCH cell and the transmission on each E-RGCH in the serving EDCH radio link set if the data reception on the HS-SCCH overlaps with the data reception on the E-AGCH and on the E-RGCH. The value of this parameter is a Boolean value. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE FALSE,TRUE This parameter specifies whether the parameters related to the DRX are valid. The parameters related to the DRX are optional and they can be set only when the parameters related to the DTX are set. Value OFF indicates that the parameters are invalid and cannot be set. Value ON indicates that the parameters are valid. Enumeration Type ON, OFF OFF,ON This parameter specifies the number of the E1/T1 port bearing the PPP link. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 Whether to enable the automatically triggered DSAC algorithm. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON This parameter specifies the DiffServ Code Point for the ping command. Interval Type 0~63 0 to 63 This parameter specifies the number of a DSP. Interval Type 0~21 0 to 21 This parameter specifies whether the DST is used. Enumeration Type YES, NO YES, NO This parameter specifies the destination end of timeslot cross connection, corresponding to the electrical port of the board. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 This parameter specifies a destination IP address. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies a subnet mask. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the number of the destination end of timeslot cross connection. Enumeration Type TS1(Time_slot_1), TS2(Time_slot_2), TS3(Time_slot_3), TS4(Time_slot_4), TS5(Time_slot_5), TS6(Time_slot_6), TS7(Time_slot_7), TS8(Time_slot_8), TS9(Time_slot_9), TS10(Time_slot_10), TS11(Time_slot_11), TS12(Time_slot_12), TS13(Time_slot_13), TS14(Time_slot_14), TS15(Time_slot_15), TS16(Time_slot_16), TS17(Time_slot_17), TS18(Time_slot_18), TS19(Time_slot_19), TS20(Time_slot_20), TS21(Time_slot_21), TS22(Time_slot_22), TS23(Time_slot_23), TS24(Time_slot_24), TS25(Time_slot_25), TS26(Time_slot_26), TS27(Time_slot_27), TS28(Time_slot_28), TS29(Time_slot_29), TS30(Time_slot_30), TS31(Time_slot_31) TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 This parameter specifies the size of pattern 1 transmitted on the UL DPCCH. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D1, D4, D5, D8, D10, D16, D20 1,4,5,8,10,16,20 This parameter specifies the size of pattern 2 transmitted on the UL DPCCH. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D4, D5, D8, D10, D16, D20, D32, D40, D64, D80, D128, D160 4,5,8,10,16,20,32,40,64,80,128,160 This parameter specifies the delay time for DTX DRX being effective after it is enabled. For details, see 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 If the interval at which two consecutive patterns are transmitted on the UL DPCCH is DtxCycle2, a certain number of timeslots should be transmitted before data is transmitted on the DPCCH. This parameter specifies the number of timeslots. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D2, D4, D15 2,4,15 This parameter specifies whether the parameters related to the DTX are valid. Value OFF indicates that the parameters are invalid and cannot be set. Value ON indicates that the parameters are valid. Enumeration Type ON, OFF OFF,ON This parameter specifies the duplex mode of the transmission over the Ethernet port. This parameter can be set only when "Auto negotiation" is set to DISABLE. Enumeration Type Half(Half duplex), Full(Full duplex) Half(Half duplex), Full(Full duplex) When the cell is automatically shut down, this parameter is used to repeatedly determine whether the cell needs to be automatically enabled. Interval Type 1~3600 1~3600 When the cell is automatically enabled, the cell can be automatically disabled again only after a period delay. Interval Type 60~3600 60~3600 When the switch is on, the Cell dynamic shutdown algorithm of the local RNC cell is enabled. When the switch is off, the Cell dynamic shutdown algorithm of the local RNC cell is disabled. Enumeration Type OFF(switch off), ON(switch on) OFF, ON When the switch is on, the "Cell dynamic shutdown" feature is valid. Enumeration Type OFF(switch off), ON_1(switch on1), ON_2(switch on2), ON_3(switch on3) OFF, ON_1, ON_2, ON_3 When DynShutDownType is set to ForceShutDown, the cell will shut down in the shutdown time interval. When DynShutDownType is set to ConditionalShutDown, the cell will shut down with some conditions in the shutdown time interval. Enumeration Type FORCESHUTDOWN(ForceShutDown), CONDITIONALSHUTDOWN(ConditionalShutDown) FORCESHUTDOWN, CONDITIONALSHUTDOWN This parameter specifies the number of the E1/T1 link that carries the fractional ATM/IMA link. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 Period of E-DCH throughput ratio measurement. This parameter specifies the period of E-DCH throughput ratio measurement. The throughput ratio over the E-DCH is periodically measured to implement state transition from E-DCH to FACH and DCCC algorithm on EDCH. Interval Type 1~10000 10~100000 Step: 10ms Number of pending periods after the throughput ratio event 4B for state transition from E-DCH to FACH is triggered. This parameter is used to prevent too many throughput ratio events 4B being reported. Pending time after the throughput ratio event 4B is triggered = value of this parameter x 10 ms. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 This parameter is used to check whether the UE in the low activity state. If the UE is on the E-DCH channel, the low activity counter increases by 1 every time throughput ratio event 4B is reported. Interval Type 0~384 0~384 Number of periods before the throughput ratio event 4B for state transition from E-DCH to FACH is triggered. When the throughput ratio is below the lower threshold and remains so for the period specified by this parameter, the event 4B is reported. This parameter prevents unnecessary throughput ratio events that are caused by throughput ratio instability from being triggered. Time to trigger the throughput ratio event 4B = value of this parameter x 10 ms. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 The parameter specifies the number of codes (SF=256) used by the E-DCH Absolute Grant Channel (E-AGCH). If the parameter value is set too high, the downlink codes are wasted. If the parameter value is set too low, the uplink throughput of the HSUPA is restricted. For details about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~8 1~8 Check IP address. The IP address to be checked must be within the network segment specified by [Peer IP address] and [Peer subnet mask]. IP Address Type - This parameter is used to count the adjusted step of Ec/N0 in the link quality adjust algorithm for E-FACH. Interval Type 0~5000 0~5, step: 0.001 This parameter specifies the adjustment cycle of Ec/N0. This parameter is also used to determine the measurement period of the RLC retransmissions in the link quality adjust algorithm for E-FACH. Interval Type 1~1000 10~10000, step: 10 This parameter specifies the time duration when the reported Ec/N0 is valid. The reported Ec/N0 is valid for the period (starting from the time when the RRC connection request is initiated) specified by this parameter. Check whether the reported Ec/N0 is valid before comparing it with EcN0Ths. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 This parameter specifies the maximum value that Ec/N0 can be stepped down in the link quality adjust algorithm for E-FACH. Interval Type 0~5000 0~5, step: 0.001 This parameter specifies the maximum value that Ec/N0 can be stepped up in the link quality adjust algorithm for E-FACH. Interval Type 0~5000 0~5, step: 0.001 This parameter specifies the threshold for determining the signal quality in a cell. If the reported Ec/N0 exceeds the value of this parameter, you can infer that the signal quality in the cell is good and a high code rate can be set for initial access. Interval Type 0~49 -24.5~0 This parameter specifies the end date of the DST. The value 30 and 31 is invalid in February. Interval Type 1~31 1 to 31 This parameter specifies the first MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the tenth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the eleventh MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the twelfth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the second MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the third MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the fourth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the fifth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the sixth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the seventh MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the eighth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the ninth MAC-d PDU size used by HSUPA services. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the number of sizes of E-DCH MAC-d PDUs. Currently, only VoIP services can be configured with multiple PDU sizes. Other services can have only one PDU size. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 This parameter specifies the number of measurement periods during which no event 4A related to E-DCH throughput is reported again after such an event 4A is reported. This parameter is set to avoid too many channel reconfiguration operations. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the time from the last reporting of throughput-related event 4A on E-DCH to the next reporting, and the smaller the possibility of triggering throughput-related event 4A on E-DCH. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 This parameter specifies the number of measurement periods during which no event 4B related to E-DCH throughput is reported again after such an event 4B is reported. This parameter is set to avoid too many channel reconfiguration operations. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the time from the last reporting of throughput-related event 4B on E-DCH to the next reporting, and the smaller the possibility of triggering throughput-related event 4B on E-DCH. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 HSUPA UL rate adjustment set. It contains rates for rate adjustment and is used in the HSUPA DCCC algorithm. Bit Field Type RATE_8KBPS, RATE_16KBPS, RATE_32KBPS, RATE_64KBPS, RATE_128KBPS, RATE_144KBPS, RATE_256KBPS, RATE_384KBPS, RATE_608KBPS, RATE_1440KBPS, RATE_2048KBPS, RATE_2880KBPS, RATE_5740KBPS 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 608, 1440, 2048, 2880, 5740 This parameter specifies the maximum allowed SIR decrease step for HSUPA within an adjustment period of outer-loop power control. Interval Type 0~5000 0~5, step: 0.001 The large target retransmit times for E-DCH MAC-ES PDU used to bear the service. Interval Type 0~15000 0~15, step:0.001 The little target retransmit times for E-DCH MAC-ES PDU used to the normal service. Interval Type 0~15000 0~15, step:0.001 This parameter specifies the number of measurement periods from the moment when the E-DCH rate exceeds the 4A threshold to the moment when the throughput-related event 4A on E-DCH is triggered. This parameter is used to avoid unnecessary reports triggered by E-DCH uplink throughput fluctuation. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the required duration of the E-DCH uplink throughput exceeding the 4A threshold, and the smaller the possibility of triggering throughput-related event 4A on E-DCH. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 This parameter specifies the number of measurement periods from the moment when the E-DCH rate falls below the 4B threshold to the moment when the throughput-related event 4B on E-DCH is triggered. This parameter is set to avoid unnecessary reports triggered by E-DCH uplink throughput fluctuation. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the required duration of the E-DCH uplink throughput keeping below the 4B threshold, and the smaller the possibility of triggering throughput-related event 4B on E-DCH. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 This parameter specifies the E-DCH TTI type. Enumeration Type EDCH_10MS, EDCH_2MS EDCH_10MS,EDCH_2MS EFACH channel forward factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the minimum guaranteed power of the DTCH mapped onto the EFACH. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15,step:0.1 E_FACH support indicator. When the indicator is TRUE, it indicates that the cell supports E_FACH. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE FALSE,TRUE This parameter specifies whether the RRC connection is established preferentially on the E-FACH. If this parameter is set to ON and both the UE and the serving cell support E-FACH, then the RRC connection is established preferentially on the E-FACH, regardless of the setting of SigChType. According to the related protocols, the UE cannot transmit signals over the FACH if both the UE and the cell support E-FACH. Thus, if this parameter is set to OFF and both the UE and the serving cell support E-FACH, then the RRC connection can only be established on the non-FACH, regardless of the setting of SigChType. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies whether the compressed mode can be enabled for the HSPA+ service. When the parameter is set to TRUE, the compressed mode can be enabled for the HSPA+ service. When the parameter is set to FALSE, the uplink and downlink must return to the DCH before the compressed mode is enabled on for the HSPA+ service. This switch is set for compatibility with the HSPA+ terminals that might exist in the network because these terminals do not support the enabled compressed mode for the HSPA+ service. Enumeration Type FALSE(Forbidden), TRUE(Permit) FALSE,TRUE This parameter specifies the type of the end date. DATE indicates that the DST starts from a certain day. WEEK indicates that the DST starts from a certain week. DATEWEEK indicates that the DST starts from a certain day in a certain week. Enumeration Type DATE, WEEK, DATEWEEKDATE, WEEK, DATEWEEK When the switch is enabled, users of emergency call can preempt all the users of non emergency call. When the switch is disabled, users of emergency call can only preempt users of non emergency call with the preempted attributes. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON It indicates whether verification is needed in the case of establishment of a signalling link in a link set. The value ON indicates that verification is not needed in an emergency. The value OFF indicates that verification is needed in a common case. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies whether the RNC specially handles the LCS requests of emergency calls. In other words, the RNC provides highly accurate location for emergency calls regardless of license constraints. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies the end month of the DST. Enumeration Type JAN(January), FEB(February), MAR(March), APR(April), MAY(May), JUN(June), JUL(July), AUG(August), SEP(September), OCT(October), NOV(November), DEC(December) JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC This parameter specifies the IP address for the EMS. IP Address Type - The encryption algorithm supported by RNC. Both UEA0 and UEA1 can be selected at one time. Bit Field Type UEA0, UEA1 For each switch of this parameter, the value can be: ON or OFF. End time of the first interval when the "Cell dynamic shutdown" feature is valid. Compound Type HOUR, MIN 00:00~23:59 End time of the second interval when the "Cell dynamic shutdown" feature is valid. Compound Type HOUR, MIN 00:00~23:59 End time of the third interval when the "Cell dynamic shutdown" feature is valid. Compound Type HOUR, MIN 00:00~23:59 Type of the M3UA destination entity. Enumeration Type M3UA_SGP(M3UA SPG), M3UA_IPSP(M3UA IPSP), M3UA_SS7SP(M3UA SS7SP), M3UA_SP(M3UA SP) M3UA_SGP, M3UA_IPSP, M3UA_SS7SP, M3UA_SP This parameter specifies the number of detected error frames received in error frame events. Interval Type 1~1000 1 to 1000 This parameter specifies the period of detecting error frame events. Interval Type 1~60 1 to 60 This parameter specifies the number of detected error frames received in error frame events. Interval Type 1~1000 1 to 1000 This parameter specifies the period of detecting error frame events. Interval Type 1~4294967295 1 to 4294967295 This parameter specifies the number of detected error frames received in error frame events. Interval Type 1~900 1 to 900 This parameter specifies the period of detecting error frame events. Interval Type 10~900 10 to 900 The parameter specifies the number of codes (SF=128) used by the E-DCH Relative Grant Channel (E- RGCH)/E-DCH Hybrid ARQ Indicator Channel (E- HICH). The E-RGCH is used to adjust the uplink power available for the UE. The E-HICH is used to provide feedback on the ACK/NACK information, which indicates whether the data that the RNC receives from the E-DCH is correct or not. The E-RGCH and E- HICH are dedicated channels shared by multiple UEs. They share the OVSF channel code with SF=128 and use the orthogonal signature sequence to differentiate subscribers. If the parameter value is set too high, the downlink codes are wasted. If the parameter value is set too low, the uplink throughput of the HSUPA is restricted. For details about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~8 1~8 AAL2 connection establishment indication timer.This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity sends the service user an indication for establishing an AAL2 connection. Interval Type 5000~30000 5000~30000 AAL2 connection establishment request timer.This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity sends the peer node a request for establishing an AAL2 connection. Interval Type 5000~30000 5000~30000 This parameter specifies the end time of the DST. Compound Type HOUR, MIN, SEC HOUR, MIN, SEC This parameter specifies the threshold to trigger event 4A related to DCH traffic volume, that is, the upper limit of the traffic volume. The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller the possibility of triggering traffic-related event 4A on DCH. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2K, D3K, D4K, D6K, D8K, D12K, D16K, D24K, D32K, D48K, D64K, D96K, D128K, D192K, D256K, D384K, D512K, D768K 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2K, 3K, 4K, 6K, 8K, 12K, 16K, 24K, 32K, 48K, 64K, 96K, 128K, 192K, 256K, 384K, 512K, 768K This parameter specifies the threshold to trigger event 4B related to DCH traffic volume, that is, the lower limit of the traffic volume. The smaller the value of this parameter, the smaller the possibility of triggering traffic-related event 4B on DCH. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2K, D3K, D4K, D6K, D8K, D12K, D16K, D24K, D32K, D48K, D64K, D96K, D128K, D192K, D256K, D384K, D512K 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2K, 3K, 4K, 6K, 8K, 12K, 16K, 24K, 32K, 48K, 64K, 96K, 128K, 192K, 256K, 384K, 512K This parameter specifies the event A reporting period. It refers to the delay from the moment when event A is triggered to the moment when the event is reported. Interval Type 0~1000 0~100, step: 10 This parameter specifies the threshold of event A, that is, the upper limit of RLC retransmission ratio. Interval Type 0~1000 0~100, step: 0.1 This parameter specifies the threshold of event B, that is, the lower limit of RLC retransmission ratio. Interval Type 0~1000 0~100, step: 0.1 This parameter specifies the DST start day in a week. Enumeration Type SUN(Sunday), MON(Monday), TUE(Tuesday), WED(Wednesday), THU(Thursday), FRI(Friday), SAT(Saturday) SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT This parameter specifies the DST end week in a month. Enumeration Type FIRST(First), SECOND(Second), THIRD(Third), FOURTH(Fourth), LAST(Last) FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, LAST This parameter specifies the upper threshold for signal output of external analog 1(unit:ampere/volt). String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for signal output of external analog 1(unit:ampere/volt). String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the sensor type of external analog 1. Enumeration Type VOLTAGE(Voltage), CURRENT(Current) VOLTAGE,CURRENT This parameter specifies the upper threshold for measurement range of external analog 1. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for measurement range of external analog 1. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the upper threshold for signal output of external analog 2(unit:ampere/volt). String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for signal output of external analog 2(unit:ampere/volt). String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the sensor type of external analog 2. Enumeration Type VOLTAGE(Voltage), CURRENT(Current) VOLTAGE,CURRENT This parameter specifies the upper threshold for measurement range of external analog 2. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for measurement range of external analog 2. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the upper threshold for signal output of external analog 3(unit:ampere/volt). String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for signal output of external analog 3(unit:ampere/volt). String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the sensor type of external analog 3. Enumeration Type VOLTAGE(Voltage), CURRENT(Current) VOLTAGE,CURRENT This parameter specifies the upper threshold for measurement range of external analog 3. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for measurement range of external analog 3. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the upper threshold for signal output of external analog 4(unit:ampere/volt). String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for signal output of external analog 4(unit:ampere/volt). String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the sensor type of external analog 4. Enumeration Type VOLTAGE(Voltage), CURRENT(Current) VOLTAGE,CURRENT This parameter specifies the upper threshold for measurement range of external analog 4. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for measurement range of external analog 4. String Type - 1~9 character Pending time after the traffic volume event 4B is reported. This parameter is used to prevent too many traffic volume events 4B being reported. Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 When the traffic volume is below the 4B threshold and remains so for the period specified by this parameter, the event 4B is reported. This parameter prevents unnecessary traffic volume events that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Uniquely identifying a FACH in a cell. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 ID of the transport channel carrying the MCCH. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 This parameter specifies the maximum power of the FACH. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 Indicating whether the FACH measurement occasion period length coefficient should be delivered through the system information. If the inter-freq or inter-RAT measurement control information is broadcast through the system information, some UEs in CELL_FACH state need the FACH measurement occasion period length coefficient for measurement. When [Inter-freq/Inter-RAT Meas Ctrl Info Ind] is set to NOT_REQUIRE, this parameter is not required. This parameter need not be configured when there is no inter-RAT or intra-frequency cells. To have the UE perform inter-frequency or inter-RAT cell reselection, the FACH measurement indicator needs to be configured. Enumeration Type REQUIRE, NOT_REQUIREREQUIRE,NOT_REQUIRE This parameter defines the reduce value in reducing FACH power Action. Interval Type 0~30 0~3,step:0.1 This parameter specifies the factor associated with the scheduling priority indicator. This factor is used to calculate the step of rate upsizing. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the activity factor. The configured bandwidth of the CCP, NCP, ALCAP, or OM link IPoA PVC multiplied by the activity factor is the bandwidth of the link. Interval Type 0~100 0%~100% This parameter specifies the threshold of allowed times of rate increase consecutive failure within a certain monitoring period. Increase of the BE service rate is triggered by the report on 4A measurement that is performed in the UL and the DL separately. If the times of failure is beyond this threshold, subsequent rate increase is not allowed even if the 4A measurement report is received. Interval Type 1~255 1~255 This parameter specifies whether to send and receive flow control frame in the Ethernet. It indicates whether to enable the flow control. Enumeration Type ENABLE, DISABLE ENABLE, DISABLE This parameter specifies the flow control parameter index. Interval Type 0~1999 0 to 1999 This parameter specifies the CRC check mode. Enumeration Type None, 16bit, 32bit None(No CRC check), 16bit(16bit CRC check), 32bit(32bit CRC check) This parameter specifies the step size of the closed-loop power control performed on DL DPCH in Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) mode. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.214. Enumeration Type STEPSIZE_0.5DB, STEPSIZE_1DB, STEPSIZE_1.5DB, STEPSIZE_2DB 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 This parameter indicates FDPCH diversity mode for MIMO user. Enumeration Type None, STTD None, STTD This parameter indicates FDPCH diversity mode for non MIMO user. Enumeration Type None, STTD None, STTD This parameter specifies the maximum reference power for the F-DPCH. This parameter indicates the maximum value of reference F-DPCH TX power, that is, the value of the Maximum DL Power IE. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 This parameter specifies the minimum reference power for the F-DPCH. This parameter indicates the minimum value of reference F-DPCH TX power, that is, the value of the Minimum DL Power IE. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 This parameter specifies the power offset of TPC command in F-DPCH channel to reference F-DPCH TX power (expressed by the Initial DL Transmission Power IE). Interval Type 0~24 0~6, step: 0.25 This parameter specifies the FE IP address for the DHCP server. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the name used to save the exported file. This name should not contain the directory. String Type - 0 to 128 characters This parameter specifies the path for saving the exported file. String Type - 0 to 128 characters According to the 3GPP TS 25.331, the filtering of the measurement value is calculated using the following formula, where k represents this parameter: Fn = (1 - a) * Fn - 1 + a * Mn Here, Fn: the updated filtered measurement result Fn - 1: the old filtered measurement result Mn: the latest received measurement result from physical layer measurements a = (1/2)(k/2). When a is set to 1, this means L3 filtering will not be applied. L3 filtering should be able to filter as much random impulse as possible. Thus the filtered measurement value can reflect the varying of the actual measurement value. The input measurement value to L3 filter has been filtered by L1 filter, where the impact of fast fading is almost eliminated. So the L3 filtering should apply smooth filtering to shadow Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,15,17,19 L3 filtering coefficient for event 2D or event 2F measurement. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoothing effect and the higher the anti-fast-fading capability, but the lower the signal change tracing capability. If the value of this parameter is set too small, unnecessary inter- system handovers may occur. The parameter has the same physical meaning and measurement model as the inter-frequency measurement L3 filter coefficient. The report period is 480 ms. For specific analysis, refer to the intra-frequency measurement layer 3 filter coefficients and inter- frequency measurement layer 3 filter coefficients. The recommended values of the inter-RAT measurement layer 3 filter coefficients in different cells are as follows: -In cells where the average moving speed of UEs is Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,15,17,19 This parameter specifies the fixed MAC-hs window size. It is valid when the [Is MAC-hs window size fixed or not] parameter is set to TRUE. Enumeration Type D4, D6, D8, D12, D16, D24, D32 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 Switch of the FLC algorithm. The FLC is a mandatory algorithm used in the multi-frequency network to guarantee that UEs camping on other frequencies can reselect the current frequency to receive the MBMS service. Therefore, the switch is on by default. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON This parameter specifies whether the switch of flow control on the link is turned on. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies the flow ID. Interval Type 0~299 0~299 This parameter specifies the file name. The license file must be saved in \FTP\License. If the file name is not specified, the latest license file in \FTP\License is activated through this command. String Type - 0 to 100 characters This parameter specifies the file name. String Type - 1~128 characters When the CELLID+RTT method is selected, this parameter specifies whether forced soft handover is performed if the number of RTT measured result is smaller than 3. After soft handover is complete, accuracy of the CELLID+RTT method is enhanced when the RNC obtains more radio links. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Indicating whether to check the link of the IP path with FPMUX. Only FG2a and GOUa board support FPMUX. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES FPTIMER. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 This parameter specifies the MP flake size. Interval Type 128~1024 128 to 1024 This parameter specifies the number of a fractional ATM/IMA link. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 This parameter specifies the type of a fractional link. Enumeration Type FRAATM, FRAIMA FRAATM, FRAIMA The longer a TX frame is, the higher the transmission efficiency is but the less the sensitivity against error is. Enumeration Type D32, D64, D128, D256 D32,D64,D128,D256 Index of the factor table used by the current adjacent node. Interval Type 0~33 0~33 Factor table index. Interval Type 1~33 1~33 Function switch 1. Bit Field Type PDCP(PDCP header compress), AMRC(AMR voice coding rate control), TFOTRFO(TFO/TrFO), INDIRECRETRY(Intra system direct retry), INTERRATDIRECRETRY(Inter system direct retry), INTERRATREDIRECT(Inter system redirect), CBS(Cell broadcast service), CELLID(CELL ID LCS), OTDOA(OTDOA LCS), AGPS(AGPS LCS), PUC(Potential user control), INTRACELLLDB(Intra frequency load balancing), INTERCELLLDB(Inter frequency load balancing), MULTIRAB(Multiple RAB), HCS(Hierarchical cell structure), RABDOWNSIZING(RAB downsizing at admission control), QCPE(Queuing and pre-emption), INTERSERVICEHO(Inter system Service Handover), INTERLOADHO(Inter system load handover), IUQOSRENEG(RAB quality of service renegotiation over IU), LCSCZ(LCS Classified Zones), HSDPA(HSDPA), IUFLEX(IU FLEX), IUBSC(Satellite communication in Iub interface), IUBIP(IP transportation in Iub interface), MBMS(MBMS Function) PDCP,AMRC,TFOTRFO,INDIRECRETRY,INTERRATDIRECRETRY,INTERRATREDIRECT,CBS,CELLID,OTDOA,AGPS,PUC,INTRACELLLDB,INTERCELLLDB,MULTIRAB,HCS,RABDOWNSIZING,QCPE,INTERSERVICEHO,INTERLOADHO,IUQOSRENEG,LCSCZ,HSDPA,IUFLEX,IUBSC,IUBIP,MBMS Function switch 2. Bit Field Type WBAMR(Wide band AMR), HSUPA(HSUPA), RANSHARE(RAN sharing), HSDPA3.6M(HSDP3.6M), HSDPA7.2M(HSDPA7.2M), ROHC(PDCP ROHC Function), IURLC(LCS over Iur), NACC(Network Assisted Cell Change), PSHBUG(PS Handover Between UMTS and GPRS), IMSIBH(IMSI Based Handover), 32HSDPAUPERCELL(32 HSDPA Users per Cell), 64HSDPAUPERCELL(64 HSDPA Users per Cell), STMTRAONHSDPA(Streaming Traffic Class on HSDPA), HSDPASTATETRAN(HSDPA State Transition), HSDPADRD(HSDPA DRD), ENHANCEDIUFLEX(Enhanced Iu Flex), STMTRAONHSUPA(Streaming Traffic Class on HSUPA), ATMIPDUALSTACK(IUB ATM/IP Dual Stack Transportation Function), IPTRANINIUR(IP Transportation in Iur Interface ), IPTRANINIU(IP Transportation in Iu Interface), FRACTIONALIP(Fractional IP), IPIUBOVERBOOKING(IP IUB overbooking Function), FRACTIONALATM(Fractional ATM), ATMOVERBOOKING(ATM IUB overbooking Function), IUBHYBRIDIPTRAN(IUB Hybrid IP Transportation Function), MBMS8CHANNELPERCELL(MBMS 8 Channels per Cell), 256KBPSCHNLRATEONMBMS(256Kbps Channel Rate on MBMS), MBMSFLCFLD(MBMS FLC WBAMR,HSUPA,RANSHARE,HSDPA3.6M,HSDPA7.2M,ROHC,IURLC,NACC,PSHBUG,IMSIBH,32HSDPAUPERCELL,64HSDPAUPERCELL,STMTRAONHSDPA,HSDPASTATETRAN,HSDPADRD,ENHANCEDIUFLEX,STMTRAONHSUPA,ATMIPDUALSTACK,IPTRANINIUR,IPTRANINIU,FRACTIONALIP,IPIUBOVERBOOKING,FRACTIONALATM,ATMOVERBOOKING,IUBHYBRIDIPTRAN,MBMS8CHANNELPERCELL,256KBPSCHNLRATEONMBMS,MBMSFLCFLD,VTFTSFIHO,CBIHBUMTSANDGSMGPRS,SRNSRELOCATION,SRNSRWHHANDOVER Function switch 3. Bit Field Type SRNSRWCUPDATE(SRNS Relocation with Cell/URA Update), LOSSLESSSRNSRELCT(Lossless SRNS Relocation), INTERFREQHARDHNDV(Inter frequency hard handover), IMPRVEDWNLNKCVRGE(Improved Downlink Coverage), ACRWHENSPUOVER(Access Class Restriction when SPU overload), CBWHENIUIFAULT(Cell Barring when IU in fault), 3G2GCOMMON_LOAD(3G/2G Common Load Management), FP_MUX(FP MUX), HSDPA_OVER_IUR(HSDPA over Iur), HS_DPCCH_PREAMBLE_SUPPORT(HS-DPCCH Preamble support), HSUPA_5_74MBPS(HSUPA 5.74Mbps per User), HSUPA_OVER_IUR(HSUPA over Iur), HUB_IUB_OVERBOOKING(HUB IUB overbooking Function), IMS_SIGNALING_OVER_HSPA(IMS Signaling over HSPA), DYN_BANDWIDTH_CTROL_IUB_IP(Dynamic Bandwidth Control of Iub IP), MBMS_OVER_IUR(MBMS over Iur), MBMS_PTP_OVER_HSDPA(MBMS PTP over HSDPA), MBMS_ENHANCED_BROADCAST(MBMS Enhanced Broadcast Mode), MBMS_ADMISSION_ENHANCE(MBMS Admission Enhancement), RAN_SHARING_ENHANCED_PACKAGE(RAN Sharing Enhanced Package), SRB_OVER_HSDPA(SRB over HSDPA), SRB_OVER_HSUPA(SRB over HSUPA), MULTI_FBNM(Multi Frequency Ban SRNSRWCUPDATE,LOSSLESSSRNSRELCT,INTERFREQHARDHNDV,IMPRVEDWNLNKCVRGE,ACRWHENSPUOVER,CBWHENIUIFAULT,3G2GCOMMON_LOAD,FP_MUX,HSDPA_OVER_IUR,HS_DPCCH_PREAMBLE_SUPPORT,HSUPA_5_74MBPS,HSUPA_OVER_IUR,HUB_IUB_OVERBOOKING,IMS_SIGNALING_OVER_HSPA,DYN_BANDWIDTH_CTROL_IUB_IP,MBMS_OVER_IUR,MBMS_P2P_OVER_HSDPA,MBMS_ENHANCED_BROADCAST,MBMS_ADMISSION_ENHANCE,RAN_SHARING_ENHANCED_PACKAGE,SRB_OVER_HSDPA,SRB_OVER_HSUPA,MULTI_FBNM,HSDPA_13_976MBPS,BFD_ARP_IP_REROUTE,INTER_FHHBDLQOS,INTER_RHBDLQOS,MBMS_16_CHANNELS_PER_CELL,60_HSUPA_USERS_PER_CELL,TPMT,AQM Function switch 4. Bit Field Type DYNAMIC_POWER_ESTIMATION_FOR_MTCH(Dynamic Power Estimation for MTCH), ONE_TUNNEL(One Tunnel), MULCAR_SWOFF_BASEDON_TRALOAD(Multi-carrier switch off based on traffic load), CS_OVER_HSPA(CS voice over HSPA), VOIP_OVER_HSPA(VoIP over HSPA Introduction Pakage), 96_HSDPA_USERS_PER_CELL(96 HSDPA Users per Cell), HSPA_DOWN28_PER_USER(HSPA + Downlink 28 Mbit/s Per User), HSPA_DOWN21_PER_USER(HSPA + Downlink 21 Mbit/s Per User), 96_HSUPA_USERS_PER_CELL(96 HSUPA Users per Cell), MSCH_SCHEDULING(MSCH Scheduling), MBMS_CHANNEL(MBMS Channel Audience Rating Statistics), ENHANCED_CELL_FACH(Enhanced CELL_FACH), CPC_HS_SCCH(CPC-HS-SCCH Less Operation), CPC_DTX_DRX(CPC-DTX / DRX), UPLINK_MACRO_RECEIVE(Uplink Macro Diversity Intelligent Receiving), DOMAIN_ACCESS_CONTROL(Domain Specific Access Control (DSAC)), SERVICE_IN_RRC(Service Steering in RRC Connection Setup), TCP_ACCELERATOR(TCP Accelerator), UPLINK_CONTROL_OF_USER(Uplink Flow Control of User Plane), MOCN_PACKAGE(MOCN Introduction Package), IUCS_UDP_MUX(UDP MUX for Iu-C DYNAMIC_POWER_ESTIMATION_FOR_MTCH,ONE_TUNNEL,MULCAR_SWOFF_BASEDON_TRALOAD,CS_OVER_HSPA,VOIP_OVER_HSPA,96_HSDPA_USERS_PER_CELL,HSPA_DOWN28_PER_USER,HSPA_DOWN21_PER_USER,96_HSUPA_USERS_PER_CELL,MSCH_SCHEDULING,MBMS_CHANNEL,ENHANCED_CELL_FACH,CPC_HS_SCCH,CPC_DTX_DRX,UPLINK_MACRO_RECEIVE,DOMAIN_ACCESS_CONTROL,SERVICE_IN_RRC,TCP_ACCELERATOR,UPLINK_CONTROL_OF_USER,MOCN_PACKAGE,IUCS_UDP_MUX,RNC_NODE_REDUNDANCY,DOWNLNK_ENHANCED_L2,DIFF_SERVICE_ON_SPI_WEIGHT,HSUPA_ADAPTIVE_RETRANSMISSION When the remaining transmit bandwidth is smaller than or equal to this parameter value, the forward congestion alarm is triggered. Interval Type 0~1000000 0 to 1000000 This parameter specifies the remaining bandwidth threshold for generating the forward congestion alarm. Interval Type 0~149000 AOUa/AEUa: 0~64000; UOIa (directly carried on the leaf ATM Logical Port of the optical port): 0~149000; other boards: 0~64000 If the available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the forward congestion alarm is emitted. Interval Type 0~320000 0~320000 If the available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the forward congestion alarm is emitted. Interval Type 0~3000000 0~3000000 If the available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to this value, the forward congestion alarm is emitted. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 When the remaining transmit bandwidth is greater than this parameter value, the forward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~1000000 0 to 1000000 This parameter specifies the forward congestion clear threshold. When the remaining bandwidth reaches this parameter value, the forward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~200000 0~200000 This parameter specifies the remaining bandwidth threshold for clearing the forward congestion. Interval Type 0~149000 AOUa/AEUa: 0~64000; UOIa (directly carried on the leaf ATM Logical Port of the optical port): 0~149000; other boards: 0~64000 If the available forward bandwidth is greater than this value, the forward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~320000 0~320000 If the available forward bandwidth is greater than this value, the forward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~3000000 0~3000000 If the available forward bandwidth is greater than this value, the forward congestion alarm is cleared. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 This parameter specifies the transmit bandwidth reserved for the user in handover. Interval Type 0~1000000 0 to 1000000 This parameter specifies the bandwidth reserved for the forward handover. Interval Type 0~149000 AOUa/AEUa: 0~64000; UOIa (directly carried on the leaf ATM Logical Port of the optical port): 0~149000; other boards: 0~64000 Reserved forward bandwidth for handover user. Interval Type 0~320000 0~320000 Reserved forward bandwidth for handover user. Interval Type 0~3000000 0~3000000 Reserved forward bandwidth for handover user. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 The power occupancy factor of the control part. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.214. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 The power occupancy factor of the data part. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.214. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 This parameter specifies the IP address for the check. IP Address Type - Geo-coordinate data format, DEG or SEC. Enumeration Type DEG(Degree), SEC(Degree Minute and Second) 0~1 This parameter specifies the geographical coordinate data format (GCDF), either in degrees or in the form of degree:minute:second. Enumeration Type DEG(DEG), SEC(SEC) DEG, SEC General common channel service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 General common channel service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Maximum rate of the wideband AMR speech service for gold users. Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRATE_15.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_18.25K, WBAMR_BITRATE_19.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.05K, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K 6.60, 8.85, 12.65, 14.25, 15.85, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 Maximum rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for gold users. Enumeration Type NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7.40K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7.95K, NBAMR_BITRATE_10.20K, NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 Indicates whether gold users involve in the switch of congestion control. According to the policy set for gold users by operators, if service quality of gold users should be guaranteed even in resource congestion, the switch should be disabled. If the switch is enabled, LDR such as rate reduction and handover also occurs on gold users even in cell resource congestion, which impacts user service quality. If the switch is disabled, no action is performed on gold users. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON This parameter specifies the period of reporting the GPS data. Interval Type 1~60 1 to 60 Number of the transport resource group. Interval Type 0~119 0~119 Type of the transport resource group. Type of the transport resource group. Enumeration Type ATM, IP ATM, IP Uniquely identifying a GSM cell. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 A name identifying a GSM cell uniquely. String Type - 1~31 characters When event 5A is triggered, a pending timer is started, during which event 5A will not be reported before the specified number is reached. This parameter can control the frequency for reporting event 5A. Interval Type 1~512 1~512 This parameter specifies the Happy bit rate of the best-effort (BE) service with different user priorities. The Happy bit rate is the private information element on the Iub interface and it is used for the flow control by the NodeB. When resource is limited,the user rate reach the Happy bit rate,the user's scheduling priority will be reduced.When Happy bit rate is set to 0,the Happy bit rate function is closed. Interval Type 0~5000 0~5000 This parameter indicates whether the cell of the neighboring RNC supports the HARQ Preamble capability. Mode1 means the cell supports the HARQ Preamble capability, whereas Mode0 means not supporting it. Enumeration Type Mode0, Mode1 Mode0,Mode1 This parameter specifies the time used for decision of HSUPA happy bit. The decision is based on whether all the buffered user data can be transmitted at the current rate during the time specified by this parameter. Enumeration Type D2, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D500, D1000 2, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 It can be used to calculate the heartbeat interval of the idle SCTP server. Interval Type 1000~600000 1000~600000 This parameter specifies the type of link that carries the high-end VPL/VCL cross connection. GUI value range: UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT. Enumeration Type UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT This parameter is used for setting the punish timer length for adjusting hsdpa code again. Interval Type 0~300 0~300 HCS priority of the cell belongs to. The parameter depends on HCS rules. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 HSDPA background service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA background primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA background bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA background secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSDPA background primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA conversational service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA conversational primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA conversational bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA conversational secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSDPA conversational primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA high priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA high priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA interactive service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA high PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA high PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSDPA low PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA low PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSDPA middle PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA middle PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSDPA low priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA low priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA middle priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA middle priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA IMS downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA Signal primary path.Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA IMS Signal bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA Signal secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSDPA IMS Signal primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA SRB downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA Signal primary path.Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA Signal bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA Signal secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSDPA Signal primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA streaming service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA streaming primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA streaming bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA streaming secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSDPA streaming primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA voice service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSDPA Voice primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSDPA Voice secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL This parameter specifies the number of the Fractional link corresponding to the high-end port. For the AEUa, the number ranges from 0 to 31. For the AOUa in E1 transmission mode, the number ranges from 0 to 125. For the AOUa in T1 transmission mode, the number ranges from 0 to 167. The bearing Fractional link is configured. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 32-bit unsigned integer. 1) DL_DCCH_SWITCH. When it is checked, SRNC will include the IE "RB Id for handover message" in the IE "SRNS Relocation Info", the target RNC should choose the IE "DL DCCH message" and include the DL DCCH message that should be transmitted transparently to the UE by the source RNC. In that case, the target RNC is integrity protecting the message if applicable. 2) IUR_TRG_SWITCH. When it is checked, relocation execution may trigger as an implementation option from the Iur interface. Bit Field Type DL_DCCH_SWITCH, IUR_TRG_SWITCH DL_DCCH_SWITCH, IUR_TRG_SWITCH Indicating whether to trigger hard handover cross the Iur interface between the RNC and the neighboring RNC. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON This parameter specifies the number of the IMA group corresponding to the high-end port. For the AEUa, the number ranges from 0 to 31. For the AOUa, the number ranges from 0 to 83. The bearing IMA group is configured. Interval Type 0~83 0 to 83 A timer to RNC wait for the response to active set update in soft handover procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the response to the cell update confirm from UE in forward handover procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 Priority of coverage-based inter-frequency handover. "0" means that the coverage- based inter-frequency handover is not supported. "1" means the highest priority. "3" means the lowest priority. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 A timer to RNC wait for paging response in forward handover procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the response to physical channel reconfiguration in hard handover procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for relocation request in forward handover procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 This parameter specifies the NodeB host type in RNC Node Redundancy function. If the parameter value is SINGLEHOST, the physical NodeB is managed only by one RNC. If the parameter value is PRIMHOST or SECHOST, the physical NodeB can be managed by two RNCs. By default, the NodeB is managed by the host RNC. When the host RNC fails, the physical NodeB is managed by the secondary RNC. Enumeration Type SINGLEHOST(SingleHost), PRIMHOST(PrimHost), SECHOST(SecHost) SingleHost, PrimHost, SecHost HandOver switch. 1) HO_ALGO_HCS_SPEED_ EST_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the RNC evaluates the UE's moving speed in the HCS and initiates fast intra-layer or slow inter-layer handover. 2) HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW _SHO_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the LDR inter- frequency handover is allowed during soft handover. 3) HO_ALGO_MBMS_FLC_ SWITCH: When the switch is on, the UE requires that the redirection strategy be used for frequency layer convergence. 4) HO_ALGO_OVERLAY_S WITCH: When the switch is on, the associated receiving and mobility algorithms of the overlay network are used. When the switch is not on, the associated algorithms are not used. Overlay network is an UTRAN network Bit Field Type HO_ALGO_HCS_SPEED_EST_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_MBMS_FLC_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_OVERLAY_SWITCH, HO_INTER_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH, HO_INTER_FREQ_RPRT_2D2F_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_CS_OUT_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_3G2G_CELLCHG_NACC_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_3G2G_RELOCATION_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_OUT_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_RNC_SERVICE_HO_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_DETSET_INTO_ACTSET_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_DETSET_RPRT_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_RPRT_1J_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_RPRT_6F6G_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_SOFT_HO_SWITCH, HO_MC_MEAS_BEYOND_UE_CAP_SWITCH, HO_MC_NCELL_COMBINE_SWITCH, HO_MC_SIGNAL_IUR_INTRA_SWITCH, HO_MC_SIGNAL_SWITCH, HO_MC_SNA_RESTRICTION_SWITCH HO_ALGO_HCS_SPEED_EST_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_MBMS_FLC_SWITCH, HO_ALGO_OVERLAY_SWITCH, HO_INTER_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH, HO_INTER_FREQ_RPRT_2D2F_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_CS_OUT_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_3G2G_CELLCHG_NACC_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_3G2G_RELOCATION_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_OUT_SWITCH, HO_INTER_RAT_RNC_SERVICE_HO_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_DETSET_INTO_ACTSET_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_DETSET_RPRT_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_RPRT_1J_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_RPRT_6F6G_SWITCH, HO_INTRA_FREQ_SOFT_HO_SWITCH, HO_MC_MEAS_BEYOND_UE_CAP_SWITCH, HO_MC_NCELL_COMBINE_SWITCH, HO_MC_SIGNAL_IUR_INTRA_SWITCH, HO_MC_SIGNAL_SWITCH, HO_MC_SNA_RESTRICTION_SWITCH Threshold of signal quality of the target frequency for triggering inter- frequency(Ec/No) measurement. If the mode is set to event mode, this parameter is used to set measurement control on the event 2C. If the mode is set to periodical mode, this parameter is used to estimate the periodical reports and only if quality of the target frequency is beyond the threshold, the DRD procedure is triggered. Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold of signal quality of the target frequency for triggering inter- frequency(RSCP) measurement. If the mode is set to event mode, this parameter is used to set measurement control on the event 2C. If the mode is set to periodical mode, this parameter is used to estimate the periodical reports and only if quality of the target frequency is beyond the threshold, the DRD procedure is triggered. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 A timer to RNC wait for the response to the TrCH reconfiguration or RB reconfiguration response from UE in hard handover procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 This parameter specifies the number of the optical port corresponding to the high-end port. Interval Type 0~3 0 to 3 DL activity factor of the HSUPA background service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Average throughput admission threshold of the HSDPA best effort traffic. If the sum of PBR of all the accessed HSDPA BE users is lower than the average throughput admission threshold of the HSDPA BE service multiplied by the sum of GBR of all the accessed HSDPA BE users, it indicates that the QoS of the accessed users cannot be satisfied and new HSDPA BE services are not allowed. Otherwise, the QoS can be satisfied and new HSDPA BE services are allowed. If the value is too high, admission requirement of the HSDPA BE service is strict, which improves the service quality of the HSDPA BE service but also may lead to HSDPA capacity waste. If the value is too low, admission requirement of the HSDPA BE service is loose, which allows more BE services but QoS of the HSDPA BE service cannot be guaranteed. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter determines whether the compressed mode (CM) is permitted for the UE when the HSDPA services exist. If the parameter value is set to TRUE, compressed mode is permitted on HSDPA, and HSDPA services can be set up when the compressed mode is activated. If the parameter value is set to FALSE, channel switch on H2D (from HS-DSCH to DCH) should be performed before compressed mode is started, and no HSDPA services should exist when compressed mode is activated. This switch is used for the compatibility of the HSDPA terminals existing in the network because these HSDPA terminals do not support the activated compressed mode on HSDPA services existence. Enumeration Type FALSE(Forbidden), TRUE(Permit) FALSE,TRUE DL activity factor of the HSUPA conversational service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 DL activity factor of the HSUPA interactive service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Length of smoothing filter window of HSDPA power requirement. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 Length of smoothing filter window of HSDPA bit rate. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 The minimum number of HSDPA service setup attempt Per Spu, the sum of HSDPA serive setup attempt need to be higher than this threshold to arise KPI alarm which type is HSDPA service successful setup ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Successful HSDPA service setup ratio Per Spu, if the ratio is lower than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 DL activity factor of the HSUPA streaming service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Average throughput admission threshold of the HSDPA streaming service. If the sum of PBR of all the accessed streaming users is lower than the average throughput admission threshold of the HSDPA streaming service multiplied by the sum of GBR of all the accessed streaming users, it indicates that the QoS of the accessed users cannot be satisfied and new HSDPA streaming services are not allowed. Otherwise, the QoS can be satisfied and new HSDPA streaming services are allowed. If the value is too high, admission requirement of the HSDPA streaming service is strict, which improves the service quality of the HSDPA streaming service but also may lead to HSDPA capacity waste. If the value is too low, admission requirement of the HSDPA streaming service is loose, which allows more HSDPA streaming services but QoS of the HSDPA streaming service cannot be guaranteed. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The total HSDPA throughput of all the operators cannot exceed that defined in the license file. Interval Type 0~3910000 0 to 3910000 The cell will shut down automatically only when the HSDPA user number is not greater than the threshold. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 This parameter specifies the first MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs is usually set to a large value. For streaming services, the size remains the same value as that on the DCH. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the second MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs is usually set to a large value. For streaming services, the size remains the same value as that on the DCH. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the third MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs is usually set to a large value. For streaming services, the size remains the same value as that on the DCH. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the fourth MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs is usually set to a large value. For streaming services, the size remains the same value as that on the DCH. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the fifth MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs is usually set to a large value. For streaming services, the size remains the same value as that on the DCH. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the sixth MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs is usually set to a large value. For streaming services, the size remains the same value as that on the DCH. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the seventh MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs is usually set to a large value. For streaming services, the size remains the same value as that on the DCH. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the eighth MAC-d PDU size on the HS-DSCH. For BE services, the size of MAC-d PDUs is usually set to a large value. For streaming services, the size remains the same value as that on the DCH. The size must be a multiple of 8 bits. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 This parameter specifies the number of sizes of HS-DSCH MAC-d PDUs. Currently, only VoIP services can be configured with multiple PDU sizes. Other services can have only one PDU size. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 This parameter specifies the number of the slot in which the high-end port carries the VPL/VCL cross connection. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 If the HspaEnhSwitch is enabled, it indicates that the enhanced FDPCH function is supported in the cell. Note: The actual use of this function is also restricted by the license and the physical capability of the NodeB. Enumeration Type E_F_DPCH_OFF, E_F_DPCH_ON E_F_DPCH_OFF,E_F_DPCH_ON According to the relevant protocols, MIMO, 64QAM, and HS-SCCH Less Operation cannot be configured concurrently to the same UE. This parameter specifies the configuration preference of MIMO, 64QAM, and HS-SCCH Less Operation when both the UE and the cell support these three features. Enumeration Type MIMO, 64QAM MIMO,64QAM If the corresponding item of this parameter is selected, it indicates that the HspaPlusSwitch is enabled. Otherwise, it indicates that the HspaPlusSwitch is not enabled. Note that the actual use of this function is restricted by the license and the physical capability of the NodeB. The EFACH/MIMO switch specifies whether this EFACH/MIMO service is supported in the cell. The setting of the EFACH/MIMO switch does not affect the EFACH in the cell and the establishment of the MIMO cell. Bit Field Type 64QAM(Cell 64QAM Function Switch), MIMO(Cell MIMO Function Switch), E_FACH(Cell E_FACH Function Switch), DTX_DRX(Cell DTX_DRX Function Switch), HS_SCCH_LESS_OPERATION(Cell HS_SCCH LESS OPERATION Function Switch), L2ENHANCED(Cell L2ENHANCED Function Switch) 64QAM,MIMO,E_FACH,DTX_DRX,HS_SCCH_LESS_OPERATION,L2ENHANCED This parameter specifies the difference between the total HSPA power and the maximum transmission power of a cell. The maximum value of HSPA dynamical power can be adjusted to the total amount of HSPA power. If the parameter value is set too low, the total HSPA power will be too low, thus impacting the throughput of HSDPA subscribers at the border of a cell. For details about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.308. Interval Type -500~0 -50~0, step:0.1 HSPA serving cell change is usually triggered by event 1D. To avoid frequent serving cell change which may affect the system performance, a protection timer TimerHSPA is needed. This timer shall be started upon HSPA handover completed, i.e. the serving HSDSCH cell changed or the EDCH serving cell changed. And no more 1D-triggered serving cell change shall be performed until the timer expires. However, this timer shall not restrict HSPA serving cell change to another cell in the active set if current serving cell is to be removed from the active set. The value 0 means this timer shall not be started and serving cell change be initiated immediately. Interval Type 0~1024 0~1024 This parameter specifies whether index 1 of the size of a transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode supports HS-SCCH type 2. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433 protocol. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE This parameter specifies whether index 2 of the size of a transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode supports HS-SCCH type 2. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433 protocol. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE This parameter specifies whether index 3 of the size of a transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode supports HS-SCCH type 2. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433 protocol. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE This parameter specifies whether index 4 of the size of a transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode supports HS-SCCH type 2. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433 protocol. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE The parameter specifies the number of HS-DPSCH codes. This parameter is valid only when "Allocate Code Mode" is set to "Manual". If the parameter value is set too low, the HSDPA code resources are restricted and the HSDPA performance is affect. If the parameter value is set too high, the HSDPA code resources are wasted, thus increasing the admission rejection rate of R99 services. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.308. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 The parameter determines the maximum number of HS-PDSCH codes (SF=16). This parameter is valid only when "Allocate Code Mode" is set to "Automatic". The number of codes used by the HS-PDSCH is dynamically set between "Code Max Number for HS-PDSCH" and "Code Min Number for HS-PDSCH", based on whether the code tree is idle or busy. When the code resource used by the non-HSPA services is little, the HS-PDSCH uses the rest idle codes as much as possible, and the maximum number of idle codes (SF=16 continuous codes) is equal to the value of "Code Max Number for HS-PDSCH". Interval Type 1~15 1~15 The parameter specifies the minimum number of the HS-PDSCH codes (SF=16). This parameter is valid only when "Allocate Code Mode" is set to Automatic. The number of codes used by the HS-PDSCH is dynamically set between "Code Max Number for HS-PDSCH" and "Code Min Number for HS-PDSCH", based on the idle state of the code tree. When the non-H services need more code resources, the non-H service will gradually occupy the codes used by the HS-PDSCH. The number of codes (SF=16 continuous codes) the HS-DPSCH reserved is not less than the value of Code Min Number for HS-PDSCH. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 Measure Power Offset (MPO) Constant is used to compute Measure Power Offset, as shown in Measure Power Offset = Max(-6, Min(13,CellMaxPower - PcpichPower - Measure Power OffsetConstant)). If the parameter value is unreasonable, the CQI in some scenarios will exceed the range of 0 to 30. As a result, the NodeB MAC-hs cannot schedule the subscriber in the corresponding time or cannot schedule multiple subscribers with the difference of channel conditions. For details of the IE "Measure Power Offset", refer to 3GPP TS 25.308. Enumeration Type Minus3.0DB(-3.0dB), Minus2.5DB(-2.5dB), Minus2.0DB(-2.0dB), Minus1.5DB(-1.5dB), Minus1.0DB(-1.0dB), Minus0.5DB(-0.5dB), 0.0DB(0.0dB), 0.5DB(0.5dB), 1.0DB(1.0dB), 1.5DB(1.5dB), 2.0DB(2.0dB), 2.5DB(2.5dB), 3.0DB(3.0dB), 3.5DB(3.5dB), 4.0DB(4.0dB), 4.5DB(4.5dB), 5.0DB(5.0dB), 5.5DB(5.5dB), 6.0DB(6.0dB), 6.5DB(6.5dB), 7.0DB(7.0dB), 7.5DB(7.5dB), 8.0DB(8.0dB), 8.5DB(8.5dB), 9.0DB(9.0dB), 9.5DB(9.5dB), 10.0DB(10.0dB), 10.5DB(10.5dB), 11.0DB(11.0dB), 11.5DB(11.5dB), 12.0DB(12.0dB), 12.5DB(12.5dB), 13.0DB(13.0dB), 13.5DB(13.5dB), 14.0DB(14.0dB), 14.5DB(14.5dB), 15.0DB(15.0dB), 15.5DB(15.5dB), 16.0DB(16.0dB), 16.5DB(16.5dB), 17.0DB(17.0dB), 17.5DB(17.5dB), 18.0DB(18.0dB), 18.5DB(18.5dB), 19.0DB(19.0dB) -3~19, step:0.5 This parameter indicates the TX diversity preferably selected by HSPDSCH. Enumeration Type None, STTD, CP1 None, STTD, CP1 This parameter specifies the number of the subrack whose high-end port carries the VPL/VCL cross connection. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 This parameter decides the maximum number of subscribers that the NodeB can schedule in a TTI period. In the scenarios like outdoor macro cells with power restricted, it is less likely to schedule multiple subscribers simultaneously, so two HS-SCCHs are configured. In the scenarios like indoor pico with code restricted, it is more likely to schedule multiple subscribers simultaneously, so four HS-SCCHs are configured. If excessive HS-SCCHs are configured, the code resource is wasted. If insufficient HS-SCCHs are configured, the HS-PDSCH code resource or power resource is wasted. Both affect the cell throughput rate. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.308. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 This parameter specifies the time interval of sending HSUPA scheduling information for TTI 10ms when the user has Schedule Grant. Enumeration Type D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D500, D1000 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 This parameter specifies the time interval of sending HSUPA scheduling information alone for TTI 10ms when the user has no Schedule Grant and its buffer length is greater than zero. Enumeration Type D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D500, D1000 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 This parameter specifies the time interval of sending HSUPA scheduling information for TTI 2ms when the user has Schedule Grant. Enumeration Type D2, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D500, D1000 2,10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 This parameter specifies the time interval of sending HSUPA scheduling information alone for TTI 2ms when the user has no Schedule Grant and its buffer length is greater than zero. Enumeration Type D2, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D500, D1000 2,10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 UL activity factor of the HSUPA background service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Threshold for rate decrease of HSUPA BE service soft handover. If the current rate is beyond the threshold, the rate over the EDCH is lowered to the threshold before the soft handover, thus ensuring the success of the soft handover of the HSUPA BE service. The rate increase of HSUPA in SHO status is not limitted by this parameter. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D608, D1450, D2048, D2890, D5760 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 608, 1450, 2048, 2890, 5760 When the dynamic CE algorithm on NodeB is not applied, this parameter indicates whether the CE consumption of HSUPA user is based on the GBR or MBR. When the dynamic CE algorithm on NodeB is applied, the CE consumption of HSUPA user is based on the GBR. If the CE consumption of HSUPA user is based on the GBR, the CE LDR will not select HSUPA users to do data rate reductio. If the CE consumption of HSUPA user is based on the MBR, the CE LDR will select HSUPA users to do data rate reduction on condition that the HSUPA DCCC switch is ON. Enumeration Type MBR, GBR MBR, GBR This parameter determines whether the compressed mode (CM) is permitted for the UE when HSUPA services exist. If the parameter value is set to Permit, compressed mode is permitted on HSUPA, and HSUPA services can be set up when the compressed mode activated. If the parameter value is set to Limited, channel switch on E2D (from E-DCH to DCH) should be performed before the compressed mode is started and no HSUPA services should exist when the compressed mode is activated. If the parameter value is set to BasedonUECap, the RNC determines whether to activate the compressed mode on E-DCH based on the UE capability, and whether to establish an E- DCH when the compressed mode is activated. This switch is used for the compatibility of the HSUPA terminals existing in the network because these HSUPA terminals do Enumeration Type Limited, Permit, BasedOnUECap(Based On UE Capability) For each switch of this parameter, the value can be ON, OFF. UL activity factor of the HSUPA conversational service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Strategy of the UE for rate adjustment over the EDCH. RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_EDCH indicates that the rate over the EDCH can be raised or lowered. RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_EDCH indicates that the rate over the EDCH can only be raised, which means that the UE can switch to the FACH state at any rate. Enumeration Type RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_EDCH, RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_EDCH RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_EDCH, RATE_UP_ONLY_ON_EDCH Threshold of all the HSUPA user PBR whose schedule priority is the same as that of users to be admitted. If this value is too high, the possibility of rejecting HSUPA schedule services increases, which impacts access success rate. If the value is too low, too many HSUPA schedule users may be admitted, which impacts the admitted users and results in overload and system congestion. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Threshold of all the HSUPA user PBR whose schedule priority is higher than that of users to be admitted. If this value is too high, the possibility of rejecting HSUPA schedule services increases, which impacts access success rate. If the value is too low, too many HSUPA schedule users may be admitted, which impacts the admitted users and results in overload and system congestionRecommended. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 HSUPA BE traffic Initial bit rate. When DCCC algorithm switch and HSUPA DCCC algorithm switch are enabled, the uplink initial bit rate will be set to this value if the uplink max bit rate is higher than the initial bit rate. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D608, D1440, D2048, D2880, D5740 8,16,32,64,128,144,256,384,608,1440,2048,2880,5740 UL activity factor of the HSUPA interactive service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Threshold of all the HSUPA user PBR whose schedule priority is lower than that of users to be admitted. If this value is too high, the possibility of rejecting HSUPA schedule services increases, which impacts access success rate. If the value is too low, too many HSUPA schedule users may be admitted, which impacts the admitted users and results in overload and system congestion. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Length of smoothing filter window of HSUPA bit rate. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 The minimum number of HSUPA serive setup attempt Per Spu, the sum of HSUPA service setup attempt need to be higher than this threshold to arise KPI alarm which type is HSUPA service successful setup ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Successful HSUPA service setup ratio Per Spu, if the ratio is lower than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 UL activity factor of the HSUPA streaming service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 The total HSUPA throughput of all the operators cannot exceed that defined in the license file. Interval Type 0~3910000 0 to 3910000 HSUPA auto retransmit load release threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 HSUPA auto retransmit load trigger threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The cell will shut down automatically only when the HSUPA user number is not greater than the threshold. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 HSUPA background primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA background bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA background secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA background primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA background service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA conversational primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA conversational bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA conversational secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA conversational primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA conversational service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA high priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA high priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA interactive service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA high PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA high PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA low PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA low PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA middle PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA middle PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA low priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA low priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies whether the alarm reporting for humidity is enabled. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the upper threshold for humidity alarm. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for humidity alarm. String Type - 1~9 character HSUPA middle priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA middle priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the number of the UNI link corresponding to the high-end port. For the AEUa, the number ranges from 0 to 31. For the AOUa in E1 transmission mode, the number ranges from 0 to 125. For the AOUa in T1 transmission mode, the number ranges from 0 to 167. The bearing UNI link is configured. Interval Type 0~167 0 to 167 HSUPA Signal primary path.Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA IMS Signal bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA Signal secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA IMS Signal primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA IMS uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA Signal primary path.Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA Signal bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA Signal secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA Signal primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA SRB uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA streaming primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA streaming bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA streaming secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA streaming primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA streaming service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 HSUPA Voice primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF HSUPA Voice secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL HSUPA voice service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the VCI of the high-end VCL. Interval Type 32~65535 32 to 65535 This parameter specifies the VPI of the high-end VPL/VCL. If the VPL is cross connected, VPI cannot be 0. Interval Type 0~255 0 to 255 This parameter specifies the hysteresis value for event 1A. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the less possibility of ping-pong effect or wrong decision. But the event might not be triggered in time. For the definition, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The value of this parameter is ranged from 2 dB to 5 dB. Event 1A is a key event that adds a cell to the active set. To ensure timely handover, the hysteresis of event 1A should be set a little smaller than those of events 1B, 1F, 1C, and 1D. But the difference should not be too large, otherwise the soft handover ratio can be affected. In addition, this parameter is related to filter coefficient and trigger delay. As for the impact on network performance: For the UE that enters the SHO area, increase of the hysteresis means decrease of the SHO area. But for the Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the hysteresis value for event 1B. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the less possibility of ping-pong effect or wrong decision. But the event might not be triggered in time. For the definition, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The value of this parameter is ranged from 2 dB to 5 dB. In addition, this parameter is related to filter coefficient and trigger delay. As for the impact on network performance: For the UE that enters the SHO area, increase of the hysteresis means decrease of the SHO area. But for the UE that leaves the SHO area, that means enlarging of the SHO area. If the number of UEs entering the area and the number of UEs leaving the area are equal, the real SHO ratio will not be affected. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the hysteresis value for event 1C. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the less possibility of ping-pong effect or wrong decision. But the event might not be triggered in time. For the definition, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The value of this parameter is ranged from 2 dB to 5 dB. In addition, this parameter is related to filter coefficient and trigger delay. As for the impact on network performance: For the UE that enters the SHO area, increase of the hysteresis means decrease of the SHO area. But for the UE that leaves the SHO area, that means enlarging of the SHO area. If the number of UEs entering the area and the number of UEs leaving the area are equal, the real SHO ratio will not be affected. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the hysteresis value for event 1D. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the less possibility of ping-pong effect or wrong decision. But the event might not be triggered in time. For the definition, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The value of this parameter is ranged from 2 dB to 5 dB. In addition, this parameter is related to filter coefficient and trigger delay. As for the impact on network performance: For the UE that enters the SHO area, increase of the hysteresis means decrease of the SHO area. But for the UE that leaves the SHO area, that means enlarging of the SHO area. If the number of UEs entering the area and the number of UEs leaving the area are equal, the real SHO ratio will not be affected. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the hysteresis value for event 1F. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the less possibility of ping-pong effect or wrong decision. But the event might not be triggered in time. For the definition, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The value of this parameter is ranged from 2 dB to 5 dB. In addition, this parameter is related to filter coefficient and trigger delay. As for the impact on network performance: For the UE that enters the SHO area, increase of the hysteresis means decrease of the SHO area. But for the UE that leaves the SHO area, that means enlarging of the SHO area. If the number of UEs entering the area and the number of UEs leaving the area are equal, the real SHO ratio will not be affected. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the hysteresis value for event 1J. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the less possibility of ping-pong effect or wrong decision. But the event might not be triggered in time. For the definition, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The value of this parameter is ranged from 2 dB to 5 dB. In addition, this parameter is related to filter coefficient and trigger delay. As for the impact on network performance: For the UE that enters the SHO area, increase of the hysteresis means decrease of the SHO area. But for the UE that leaves the SHO area, that means enlarging of the SHO area. If the number of UEs entering the area and the number of UEs leaving the area are equal, the real SHO ratio will not be affected. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 Hysteresis value for the event 2B. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of resisting signal fluctuation. Thus, the ping- pong effect can be resisted, but the speed of the handover algorithm to respond to signal change becomes lower, and therefore event 2B might not be triggered in time. Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 Hysteresis value for the event 2C. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of resisting signal fluctuation. Thus, the ping- pong effect can be resisted, but the speed of the handover algorithm to respond to signal change becomes lower, and therefore event 2B might not be triggered in time. Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 Hysteresis value for the event 2D. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller probability of ping-pong effect or wrong decision, but event 2D might not be triggered in time. In periodical report mode, this parameter is used to resist the ping-pong effect of event 2D (the quality of the currently used frequency is lower than the threshold) and event 2F (the estimated quality of the currently used frequency is higher than the threshold). Event 2D is used to enable the compressed mode and event 2F is used to disable the compressed mode. Therefore, Hystfor2D can be increased on the basis of recommended value and inter-frequency handover ping-pong effect statistics. Hystfor2F can also be increased to reduce frequent enabling or disabling of compressed mode and to avoid unnecessary updates Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 Hysteresis value for the event 2F. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller probability of ping-pong effect or wrong decision, but event 2F might not be triggered in time. In periodical report mode, this parameter is used to resist the ping-pong effect of event 2D (the quality of the currently used frequency is lower than the threshold) and event 2F (the estimated quality of the currently used frequency is higher than the threshold). Event 2D is used to enable the compressed mode and event 2F is used to disable the compressed mode. Therefore, Hystfor2D can be increased on the basis of recommended value and inter-frequency handover ping-pong effect statistics. Hystfor2F can also be increased to reduce frequent enabling or disabling of compressed mode and to avoid unnecessary updates Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 Hysteresis value for the event 3A. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of resisting signal fluctuation. Thus, the ping- pong effect can be avoided, but the speed of the handover algorithm to respond to signal change becomes lower. If the inter- RAT handover hysteresis is set to an excessively high value, the GSM cell to which the UE is handed over must be of good quality. Therefore, the conditions for triggering the inter-RAT handover decision are hard to be satisfied, and the call drop rate increases. The emulation result shows that in a cell where the average moving speed of UEs is high, for example a cell that covers highways, HystforInterRAT can be set to 1.5 dB, because in the cell the terrain is flat and there are few barriers , which causes small shadow Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 Hysteresis value for the event 3C. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of resisting signal fluctuation. Thus, the ping- pong effect can be avoided, but the speed of the handover algorithm to respond to signal change becomes lower. If the inter- RAT handover hysteresis is set to an excessively high value, the GSM cell to which the UE hands over must be of good quality. Therefore, the conditions for triggering the inter-RAT handover decision are hard to be satisfied, and the call drop rate increases. The emulation result shows that in a cell where the average moving speed of UEs is high, for example a cell that covers highways, HystforInterRAT can be set to 1.5 dB, because in the cell the terrain is flat and there are few barriers , which causes a small shadow fading variation. In Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 Hysteresis value for inter- RAT measurement periodical reports. This parameter aims to prevent the mis-decision caused by unexpected jitters of signals during inter-RAT handover decisions. The HystforInterRAT and the inter-RAT handover decision threshold determine whether to trigger inter-RAT handovers. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of resisting signal fluctuation. Thus, the ping- pong effect can be avoided, but the speed of the handover algorithm to respond to signal change becomes lower. If the inter- RAT handover hysteresis is set to an excessively high value, the GSM cell to which the UE is handed over must be of good quality. Therefore, the conditions for triggering the inter-RAT handover decision are hard to be satisfied, and the call drop rate increases. Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 Hysteresis for inter- frequency hard handover in periodical report mode. This parameter is used to estimate the inter-frequency handover at the RNC. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the capability of resisting signal fluctuation. Thus, the ping- pong effect can be resisted, but the speed of the handover algorithm to respond to signal change becomes lower, and therefore event 2B might not be triggered in time. Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 After a connection is established successfully, the timer is started. If the timer does not receive the detection message when the timer expires, the connection will be released. Interval Type 180~1260 180~1260 After a connection is established successfully, the timer is started. When the timer expires, a detection message will be sent to the peer end. Interval Type 60~600 60~600 The ICMP Packet length include the IP header length. Interval Type 44~1024 44~1024 This parameter specifies the ID of the scheduled task to be started. Interval Type 1~30,100~32767 1~30,100~32767 Indicating whether the UE in idle mode is allowed to access the cell. When the cell status is BARRED, it indicates that the UEs in idle mode are barred to select/reselect the cell even in the case of emergency calls. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE in idle mode is allowed to reselect another intra-frequency cell. This parameter is valid when [Cell barred indicator for SIB3] is BARRED. If this parameter is ALLOWED, the UE in idle mode can select another intra-frequency cell when the cell selection/reselection condition is satisfied. If this parameter is NOT_ALLOWED, the UE in idle mod cannot select another intra-frequency cell. The indicator can be neglected in case of emergency calls. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED ALLOWED, NOT_ALLOWED The hysteresis value of the serving FDD cells in idle mode in case the quality measurement for cell selection and reselection is set to CPICH RSCP. It is related to the slow fading feature of the area where the cell is located. The greater the slow fading variance is, the greater this parameter. According to the R regulation, the current serving cell involves in cell selection after the measurement value is added with the hysteresis value. The measurement hysteresis aims to prevent the ping- pong effect of the cell reselection, which is caused by the slow fading when the UE is on the edge of the cell. The ping-pong effect may trigger frequent location updates (idle mode), URA updates (URA_PCH), or cell updates (CELL_FACH, CELL_PCH), and thus increase the load of network signaling and the consumption of UE Interval Type 0~20 0~40, step:2 The hysteresis value of the serving FDD cells in idle mode in case the quality measurement for cell selection and reselection is set to CPICH Ec/No. It is related to the slow fading feature of the area where the cell is located. The greater the slow fading variance is, the greater this parameter. It is optional. If it is not configured, [Hysteresis 1] will be adopted as the value. This parameter is not configured when its value is 255. According to the R regulation, the current serving cell involves in cell selection after the measurement value is added with the hysteresis value. The measurement hysteresis aims to prevent the ping- pong effect of the cell reselection, which is caused by the slow fading when the UE is on the edge of the cell. The ping-pong effect may trigger frequent location updates (idle mode), URA updates (URA_PCH), or cell Interval Type 0~20,255 {0~40},{255}, step:2 Offset of cell CPICH RSCP measurement value in cell selection or reselection when the UE is in idle mode. Offset of neighboring cell CPICH measurement value. This parameter is used for RSSI measurement. The offset is subtracted from the neighboring cell measurement value before cell reselection. This parameter defines the offset of cell CPICH RSCP measurement value in cell selection or reselection when the UE is in idle mode. In cell reselection algorithm, this parameter is used for moving the border of a cell. This parameter can be configured by the network planner according to reality. NOTE: In FDD mode, this parameter is valid only when SIB11 Indicator is set as TRUE. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. As for the impact on Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 Offset of cell CPICH Ec/No measurement value in cell selection or reselection when the UE is in idle mode. Offset of neighboring cell CPICH measurement value This parameter is used for Ec/No measurement. The offset is subtracted from the neighboring cell measurement value before cell reselection. In cell reselection algorithm, this parameter is used for moving the border of a cell. This parameter can be configured by the network planner according to reality. NOTE: In FDD mode this parameter is valid only when SIB11 Indicator is set as TRUE. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of the parameter, the lower the probability of selecting neighboring cells. The smaller the value the Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 Threshold for inter-frequency cell reselection in idle mode. When the quality (CPICH Ec/No measured by UE) of the serving cell is lower than this threshold plus the [Qqualmin] of the cell, the inter-frequency cell reselection procedure will be started. This parameter is not configured when its value is 127. The intra-frequency cell reselection has a priority higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection and inter-RAT cell reselection, the intra-frequency cell reselection start threshold should be higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection start threshold and inter-RAT cell reselection start threshold. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively high value, the UE may frequently start cell reselections, and the battery of the UE may be largely consumed. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively low value, it is difficult for cell reselections to be started, and the UE may not timely reside in the cells with good quality, affecting the quality of communication between Interval Type -16~10,127 {-32~20},{127}, step:2 Threshold for intra-frequency cell reselection in idle mode. When the quality (CPICH Ec/No measured by the UE) of the serving cell is lower than this threshold plus the [Qqualmin] of the cell, the intra-frequency cell reselection procedure will be started. This parameter is not configured when its value is 127. The intra-frequency cell reselection has a priority higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection and inter-RAT cell reselection, the intra-frequency cell reselection start threshold should be higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection start threshold and inter-RAT cell reselection start threshold. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively high value, the UE may frequently start cell reselections, and the battery of the UE may be largely consumed. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively low value, it is difficult for cell reselections to be started, and the UE may not timely reside in the cells with good quality, affecting the quality of communication bet Interval Type -16~10,127 {-32~20},{127}, step:2 This parameter is valid when [Cell barred indicator for SIB3] is BARRED. It indicates that the delay of the cell can be measured next time when [Cell barred indicator for SIB4] is set to BARRED. The greater the value, the lower the frequency of the UE trying to read the cell bar status. The smaller the value, the higher the frequency of the UE trying to read the cell bar status. For detailed information, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type D10, D20, D40, D80, D160, D320, D640, D1280 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280 Interval for sending the POLL message when no data is transmitted. Interval Type 100~30000 UNI: 10000~30000 NNI: 100~30000 After the coverage based handover succeeds, to avoid the handover of the UE to another frequency due to the following factors: overload, speed estimation, MBMS channel reselection, and QoS, frequent handovers occur. The RNC will start the inter-frequency non-coverage based anti-ping-pong timer and prohibit the handover or measurement caused by the previous factors before the timeout of the timer. The larger this parameter, the better effect the anti-frequent handover. This, however, will affect the management policy of the cell or the quality of service felt by the users; the smaller this parameter, the more frequent the inter-frequency handover. Interval Type 0~120 0~120 CN flow control timer (short). The OVERLOAD message received repeatedly in this period will be discarded. Interval Type 5000~30000 5000~30000 This parameter specifies the number of an IMA group. Interval Type 0~83 0 to 31(AEUa),0 to 83(AOUa) This parameter specifies the IMA ID. Interval Type 0~255 0 to 255 This parameter specifies the number of an IMA link. Interval Type 0~167 0 to 167 This parameter specifies the IMA protocol version. Enumeration Type V1.0, V1.1 V1.0, V1.1 This parameter specifies whether it is allowed to use the initial rate of IMS signaling set on the LMT, that is, the value of [Ims initial rate]. - ON: If the IMS signaling is carried on the DCH, the maximum rate of IMS signaling takes the value of [Ims initial rate]. - OFF: The maximum rate of IMS signaling does not take the value of [Ims initial rate]. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies the channel type of IMS signaling. - DCH: Both uplink and downlink are preferably carried on DCH. - HSDPA: Uplink is preferably carried on DCH, and downlink is preferably carried on HS-DSCH. - HSPA: Uplink is preferably carried on E- DCH, and downlink is preferably carried on HS- DSCH. Enumeration Type DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSDPA(UL_DCH,DL_HSDSCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) DCH, HSDPA, HSPA The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the guaranteed speed of the MAC-c flow that sends IMS data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~1000 1~1000 UE IMSI ID. String Type - 15-bit decimal numerals The maximum of one IMSI range. String Type - 15-bit decimal numerals The minimum of one IMSI range. String Type - 15-bit decimal numerals This parameter specifies the initial access rate of IMS signaling. When the [Ims Bear enhanced switch] is ON: - If the IMS signaling is carried on the DCH in the downlink, the initial rate takes the larger value between this parameter and the CN-assigned bit rate. - If the IMS signaling is carried on the HSPA, the MBR takes the larger value between this parameter and the CN-assigned bit rate. Enumeration Type D32, D64 32, 64 Maximum of IMSI route parameter in IDNNS. Interval Type 0~999 0~999 Minimum of IMSI route parameter in IDNNS. Interval Type 0~999 0~999 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the maximum speed of the MAC-c flow that sends IMS data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~2000 1~2000 If data is not transmitted on the EDCH for several consecutive EDCH TTIs, the interval at which two consecutive patterns are transmitted on the UL DPCCH should be changed from DtxCycle1 to DtxCycle2. Here, the value of DtxCycle2 is an integer multiple of the value of DtxCycle1. This parameter specifies the number of EDCH TTIs. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D1, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 1,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 This parameter specifies the number of consecutive subframes that the UE should monitor on each HS-SCCH of the HS-SCCH set immediately after the data reception on the HS-SCCH or HS-PDSCH. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512 0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 This parameter specifies the number of subframes that the UE should monitor on the E-AGCH of the serving radio link and on the E-RGCH of each radio link after the data transmission on the EDCH. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256 This parameter specifies whether the alarm reporting for infrared sensor is enabled. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the inhibit type (Physical inhibit, Logic inhibit). Enumeration Type LOGIC(Logic inhibit), PHYSICAL(Physical inhibit) LOGIC(Logic inhibit), PHYSICAL(Physical inhibit) Maximum allowed no-credit time length. Interval Type 1200~2000 1200~2000 The integrity protection algorithm supported by RNC. Only UIA1 is supported currently. Bit Field Type UIA1 For each switch of this parameter, the value can be: ON or OFF. The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the guaranteed speed of the MAC-c flow that sends interactive service data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~1000 1~1000 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the maximum speed of the MAC-c flow that sends interactive service data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~2000 1~2000 MBDR switch. Bit Field Type CSAMR_INTERFREQ(CS AMR inter-frequency switch), CSNONAMR_INTERFREQ(CS non AMR inter-frequency switch), PSR99_INTERFREQ(PSR99 inter-frequency switch), PSHSPA_INTERFREQ(PSHSPA inter-frequency switch) CSAMR_INTERFREQ,CSNONAMR_INTERFREQ,PSR99_INTERFREQ,PSHSPA_INTERFREQ Threshold of signal quality of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement. This parameter is used to set measurement control on the event 2C. The event 2C is triggered when the signal quality of the target frequency is above this threshold. Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to trigger inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for CS domain services. The inter-frequency measurement start Ec/No threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For CS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate compressed mode and start inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of this Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to trigger inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for CS domain services. The inter-frequency measurement start RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For CS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate compressed mode and start inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is smaller Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold to stop inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for CS domain services. The inter-frequency measurement stop Ec/No threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For CS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to stop inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for CS domain services. The inter-frequency measurement stop RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For CS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 This parameter is the relative threshold of cell for judging whether downlink MBDR algorithm of inter frequency is in overload state. It represents the percentage of the cell admission control threshold of downlink. The smaller this parameter is, the earlier downlink MBDR algorithm of inter frequency goes into overload state. When cell load is higher than the product of downlink cell admission control threshold and this parameter, and is lower than the downlink cell admission control threshold, downlink MBDR algorithm of inter frequency is in overload state. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 L3 filtering coefficient for the inter-frequency measurement. The physical meaning of this parameter is the same as the measurement model and intra-frequency measurement. The difference is that the report period for the inter- frequency measurement is 480 ms, whereas the report period for the intra- frequency measurement is 200 ms. In practice, it can be adjusted according to traffic performance measurement. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoothing effect and the higher the anti-fast-fading capability, but the lower the signal change tracing capability. If the value of this parameter is set too small, unnecessary hard handover or frequently changed handover may occur. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,15,17,19 According to the cell inter- frequency hierarchical selection, the RNC chooses the proper inter-frequency measurement control parameters to implement coverage, speed estimation, and traffic absorption. INTER_FREQ_COV: coverage-based inter- frequency handover. INTER_FREQ_COV_NCO V: coverage-based inter- frequency handover, and non-coverage-based inter- frequency handover triggered by speed estimation. INTER_FREQ_TA: traffic- based inter-frequency handover, which includes the function similar to coverage-based inter- frequency handover. Enumeration Type INTER_FREQ_COV(Coverage-based inter-frequency handover), INTER_FREQ_COV_NCOV(Coverage-based and non-coverage-based inter-RAT handover), INTER_FREQ_TA(Traffic-based inter-frequency handover) INTER_FREQ_COV,INTER_FREQ_COV_NCOV,INTER_FREQ_TA Threshold to trigger inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain HSPA services. The inter-frequency measurement start Ec/No threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For HSPA services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate the compressed mode and start inter- frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to trigger inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain HSPA services. The inter-frequency measurement start RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For HSPA services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate the compressed mode and start inter- frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold to stop inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain HSPA services. The inter-frequency measurement stop Ec/No threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For HSPA services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to stop inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain HSPA services. The inter-frequency measurement stop RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For HSPA services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Indicating whether the inter-frequency/RAT measurement control information should be delivered through the system information. When a UE in the CELL_FACH state receives the FACH measurement occasion info message and in the message the inter-frequency FDD measurement indicator is set to TRUE, the UE performs inter-frequency measurement and cell reselection assessment according to the inter-frequency neighboring cell list in the SIB11 or SIB12. If in the preceding condition, the inter-RAT measurement indicator is set to TRUE, the UE performs inter-RAT measurement and cell reselection assessment according to the inter-RAT neighboring cell list in the SIB11 or SIB12. If the inter-frequency FDD measurement indicator and Inter-RAT measurement indicator are set to FALSE in the system message, the UE does not start corresponding measurement and cell reselection. If the inter-frequency FDD measurement indicator and Inter-RAT measurement indicator are set to TRUE but no inter-frequency or inter-RAT neighboring cell is Enumeration Type NOT_REQUIRE, INTER_FREQ, INTER_RAT, INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT NOT_REQUIRE,INTER_FREQ,INTER_RAT,INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT Measurement quantity used in measurement-based inter- frequency DRD in event (2C) triggered or periodical reporting mode. - CPICH: Common Pilot Channel - Ec/No: Signal-to-Noise Ratio - RSCP: Received Signal Code Power - CPICH_Ec/No: to use the Ec/No measurement quantity for event 2C or Inter-Frequency periodical measurement. The physical unit is dB. - CPICH_RSCP: to use the RSCP measurement quantity for event 2C or Inter-Frequency periodical measurement. The physical unit is dBm. - BOTH:both quantities of the target cell must be satisfied when performing the handover judgement.Valid when the Inter-Frequency measurement chooses PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG Mode. Recommended value (default value): BOTH(PERIODICAL_RE Enumeration Type CPICH_EC/NO~0 CPICH_RSCP~1 BOTH CPICH_EC/NO,CPICH_RSCP,BOTH Timer length for inter- frequency measurement. After inter-frequency measurement starts, if no inter-frequency handover is performed when this timer expires, the inter-frequency measurement and the compressed mode (if started) are stopped. The value 0 indicates the timer is not to be enabled. This parameter is used to prevent the long inter- frequency measurement state (compressed mode) due to unavailable measurement of the target cells that meet the handover requirements. Setting the value of this parameter smaller can reduce the long-time impact of the compressed mode on the serving cell. In this case, however, the compressed mode might be stopped earlier and as a result the UE cannot trigger inter-frequency handover. For the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, call drops may occur. Interval Type 0~512 0~512 When it is checked, system supports inter-frequency neighboring detect function. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON Threshold of signal quality of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement. This parameter is used to set measurement control on the event 2C. The event 2C is triggered when the signal quality of the target frequency is above this threshold. Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to trigger inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain non-HSPA services. The inter-frequency measurement start Ec/No threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For PS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate the compressed mode and start inter- frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to trigger inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain non- HSPA services. The inter-frequency measurement start RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For PS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate the compressed mode and start inter- frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold to stop inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain non-HSPA services. The inter-frequency measurement stop Ec/No threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For PS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to stop inter- frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain non- HSPA services. The inter-frequency measurement stop RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter- frequency handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the moving speed of the UE and the cell radius. For PS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Cell-level switch for inter- frequency and inter-RAT handover. INTERFREQ: only measuring inter-frequency cells and performing inter- frequency handover. INTERRAT: only measuring GSM cells and performing inter-RAT handover . SIMINTERFREQRAT: measuring both inter- frequency and inter-RAT cells, performing inter- frequency or inter-RAT handover according to the type of the cell that first meets the handover decision condition. The parameter decides the handover for each cell when the inter-frequency and inter-RAT cells coexist. Enumeration Type INTERFREQ(inter-frequency handover only), INTERRAT(inter-RAT handover only), SIMINTERFREQRAT(inter-frequency and inter-RAT handover) INTERFREQ,INTERRAT,SIMINTERFREQRAT Inter-frequency measurement report mode. PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG: periodical inter- frequency measurement report EVENT_TRIGGER: event- triggered inter-frequency measurement report There are two inter- frequency handover report modes in the RNC, namely, event-triggered measurement report and periodical measurement report. The report mode is selected by setting the inter- frequency report mode switch that is RNC- oriented. - Event-triggered measurement report Use event 2B to decide whether to trigger inter- frequency handover. This prevents the ping-pong effect from occurring before and after inter- frequency handover (The quality of the currently used frequency is lower than the absolute threshold "used frequency quality threshold", and the quality Enumeration Type PERIODICAL_REPORTING(Periodical reporting), EVENT_TRIGGER(Event trigger) PERIODICAL_REPORTING,EVENT_TRIGGER This parameter is used to increase time of inter-freqency reselection. It is not configured when its value is 255. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 4~19,255 {1~4.75},{255}, step:0.25 This parameter is the relative threshold of cell for judging whether uplink MBDR algorithm of inter frequency is in overload state. It represents the percentage of the cell admission control threshold of uplink. The smaller this parameter is, the earlier uplink MBDR algorithm of inter frequency goes into overload state. When cell load is higher than the product of uplink cell admission control threshold and this parameter, and is lower than the uplink cell admission control threshold, uplink MBDR algorithm of inter frequency is in overload state. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies whether inter-RAT handover of the UE among different operators is allowed. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO,YES This parameter specifies whether intra-RAT handover of the UE among different operators is allowed. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO,YES MBDR switch. Bit Field Type CSAMR_INTERRAT(CS AMR inter-RAT switch) CSAMR_INTERRAT Threshold to trigger inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for CS domain services. The inter-RAT measurement start RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter-RAT handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the speed of the UE and the cell radius. For CS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate compressed mode and start inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of this parameter. Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to trigger inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for CS domain services. For CS domain services, when RSCP is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate compressed mode and start inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports the event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of this parameter. If you want to start the compressed mode earlier, set the threshold for event 2D larger. Otherwise, set the threshold for event 2D smaller; if you want to reduce the ping-pong effect of starting and stopping the compressed mode, set the difference between events 2D and 2F larger. In most cases, UEs want to be maintained within a 3G network. Thus, the start threshold of the inter-RAT measurement is set smaller than that of the inter- Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold to stop inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for CS domain services. The inter-RAT measurement stop RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter-RAT handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the speed of the UE and the cell radius. For CS domain services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to stop inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for CS domain services. For CS domain services, when RSCP is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to deactivate compressed mode and stop inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports the event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this parameter. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 This parameter is the relative threshold of cell for judging whether downlink MBDR algorithm of inter RAT is in overload state. It represents the percentage of the cell admission control threshold of downlink. The smaller this parameter is, the earlier downlink MBDR algorithm of inter RAT goes into overload state. When cell load is higher than the product of downlink cell admission control threshold and this parameter, and is lower than the downlink cell admission control threshold, downlink MBDR algorithm of inter RAT is in overload state. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 L3 filtering coefficient for inter-RAT measurement. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoothing effect and the higher the anti-fast-fading capability, but the lower the signal change tracing capability. If the value of this parameter is set too small, unnecessary inter- system handovers may occur. The parameter has the same physical meaning and measurement model as the inter-frequency measurement L3 filter coefficient. The report period is 480 ms. For specific analysis, refer to the intra-frequency measurement layer 3 filter coefficients and inter- frequency measurement layer 3 filter coefficients. The recommended values of the inter-RAT measurement layer 3 filter coefficients in different cells are as follows: -In cells where the average moving speed of UEs is low, there is a Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,15,17,19 The maximum number of attempts to perform non- coverage-based inter-RAT handovers. This parameter specifies the maximum number of attempts for the RNC to perform inter-RAT handovers after a non- coverage-based inter-RAT handover failure. The handover attempts should involve the target cells that have not been tried but satisfy the handover conditions. Interval Type 1~16 1~16 This parameter specifies whether the inter-RAT handover, for example, to the GSM network, is performed when the RNC cannot meet the accuracy requirements of the emergency calls for the LCS. This parameter enables emergency calls to obtain the LCS of significant accuracy in a different system. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Quality requirement for the inter-RAT cell during an inter-RAT handover with CS domain services. This parameter is used to set measurement control on the event 3C. The event 3C is triggered when the signal quality of the target frequency is above this threshold. Note that the value 0 indicates that the physical value is smaller than -110 dBm. If the periodical report mode is used, the inter- RAT handover decision thresholds are used for the assessment of inter-RAT coverage handover, namely as Tother_RAT in the following formulas. The inter-RAT handover decision thresholds are the absolute thresholds (RSSI) of inter-RAT cell quality for the inter-RAT handover decision. If the quality of another RAT in the inter-RAT measurement report meets the following condition: Mother_RAT + CIO >= Tother_RAT + H/2 Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(1:-110; 2:-109; ...; 63:-48 ) This parameter specifies the type of inter-RAT handover that is performed when the RNC cannot meet the accuracy requirements of the emergency calls for the LCS. Enumeration Type DRD, MEAS_BASED DRD, MEAS_BASED Threshold to trigger inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for HSDPA services. The inter-frequency measurement start RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter-RAT handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the speed of the UE and the cell radius. For HSDPA services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate compressed mode and start inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of this parameter. For the UE moving at the Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to trigger inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for HSDPA services. For non-HSDPA services, when RSCP is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate compressed mode and start inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports the event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of this parameter. If you want to start the compressed mode earlier, set the threshold for event 2D larger. Otherwise, set the threshold for event 2D smaller; if you want to reduce the ping-pong effect of starting and stopping the compressed mode, set the difference between events 2D and 2F larger. In most cases, UEs want to be maintained within a 3G network. Thus, the start threshold of the inter-RAT measurement is set smaller than that of the inter- frequency measurement. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold to stop inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for HSDPA services. The inter-RAT measurement stop RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter-RAT handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the speed of the UE and the cell radius. For HSPA services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this parameter. Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to stop inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for HSDPA services. For HSDPA services, when RSCP is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to deactivate compressed mode and stop inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports the event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this parameter. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Timer length for inter-RAT measurement. After inter-RAT measurement starts, if no inter-RAT handover is performed when this timer times out, the inter-RAT measurement is stopped. In addition, the compressed mode is deactivated, if any; If the value is 0, you can infer that the inter-RAT measurement timer is not started. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: This parameter aims to prevent that the handover conditions are not met and the compressed mode is kept for a long time when the UE does not move or is moving in a low speed. The service quality is adversely affected and the total available capacity decreases if the compressed mode is kept for a long time. Most inter-RAT handovers can be finished within 60 s. As for the impact on network performance, If the InterRATMeasTime Interval Type 0~512 0~512 When it is checked, system supports inter-rat neighboring detect function. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON Quality requirement for the inter-RAT cell during an inter-RAT handover with CS domain services. This parameter is used to set measurement control on the event 3C. The event 3C is triggered when the signal quality of the target frequency is above this threshold. Note that the value 0 indicates that the physical value is smaller than -110 dBm. If the periodical report mode is used, the inter- RAT handover decision thresholds are used for the assessment of inter-RAT coverage handover, namely as Tother_RAT in the following formulas. The inter-RAT handover decision thresholds are the absolute thresholds (RSSI) of inter-RAT cell quality for the inter-RAT handover decision. If the quality of another RAT in the inter-RAT measurement report meets the following condition: Mother_RAT + CIO >= Tother_RAT + H/2 Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(1:-110; 2:-109; ...; 63:-48 ) Quality requirement for the inter-RAT cell during an inter-RAT handover with PS domain services. This parameter is used to set measurement control on the event 3C. The event 3C is triggered when the signal quality of the target frequency is above this threshold. Note that the value 0 indicates that the physical value is smaller than -110 dBm. If the periodical report mode is used, the inter- RAT handover decision thresholds are used for the assessment of inter-RAT coverage handover, namely as Tother_RAT in the following formulas. The inter-RAT handover decision thresholds are the absolute thresholds (RSSI) of inter-RAT cell quality for the inter-RAT handover decision. If the quality of another RAT in the inter-RAT measurement report meets the following condition: Mother_RAT + CIO >= Tother_RAT + H/2 Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110, -110~-48(1:-110; 2:-109; ...; 63:-48 ) Interval that the UE reports inter-RAT measurement results to the RNC. In periodical report mode, the interval between two reports is the configured value. That is, the UE submits reports at intervals of the configured time. The value "NON_PERIODIC_REPO RT" is, however, not recommended. In this setting, the UE behavior is not defined. Because the GSM RSSI measurement period is 480 ms, the inter-RAT periodical report interval should be longer than 480 ms. If InterPeriodReportInterval is excessively high, the handover judging time will be long, and handovers will be slower. The InterPeriodReportInterval is adjusted according to the configured GSM RSSI measurement compressed mode sequence. According to the current configured GSM RSSI measurement Enumeration Type NON_PERIODIC_REPORT(Non periodical reporting), D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D3000~5 D4000~6 D6000~7 D8000~8 D12000~9 D16000~10 D20000~11 D24000~12 D28000~13 D32000~14 D64000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT,250,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,6000,8000,12000,16000,20000,24000,28000,32000,64000 Threshold of Inter-RAT handover failure due to physical channel failure. When the times of Inter- RAT handover failures due to physical channel failure exceeds the threshold, UE will be turned into penalty state. And no try of Inter- Rat handover will be taken until penalty finishes. Also see parameter PenaltyTimeForInterRatPhy ChFail. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 Inter-RAT ping-pong hysteresis. When a UE in the CS domain is handed over from a 2G network to a 3G network, the system increase 3A Hysteresis to prevent UE ping-pong handover between the 2G network and the 3G network in the period specified by this parameter. During the penalty time, the previous periodical report will be changed to the event 3A report. If this parameter is 0,the system will not start the ping-pong handover punish timer. Interval Type 0~15 0~7.5,Step:0.5 Inter-RAT ping-pong timer. When a UE in the CS domain is handed over from a 2G network to a 3G network, the system increase 3A Hysteresis to prevent UE ping-pong handover between the 2G network and the 3G network in the period specified by this parameter. During the penalty time, the previous periodical report will be changed to the event 3A report. If this parameter is 0,the system will not start the ping-pong handover punish timer. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Threshold to trigger inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain non- HSDPA services. The inter-frequency measurement start RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode start threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter-RAT handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the speed of the UE and the cell radius. For PS domain non-HSDPA services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate compressed mode and start inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of this Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to trigger inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain non- HSDPA services. For PS domain HSDPA services, when RSCP is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to activate compressed mode and start inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports the event 2D when the measured value is smaller than the value of this parameter. If you want to start the compressed mode earlier, set the threshold for event 2D larger. Otherwise, set the threshold for event 2D smaller; if you want to reduce the ping-pong effect of starting and stopping the compressed mode, set the difference between events 2D and 2F larger. In most cases, UEs want to be maintained within a 3G network. Thus, the start threshold of the inter-RAT measurement is set smaller Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold to stop inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain non- HSDPA services. The inter-RAT measurement stop RSCP threshold (namely, compressed mode stop threshold) is one of the key parameters in the inter-RAT handover policy. This parameter affects the proportion of the UEs in compressed mode active status of a cell and the success rate of the hard handover. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: the speed of the UE and the cell radius. For PS domain HSPA services, when Ec/No is used as the measurement quantity for inter-frequency measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to stop the compressed mode and the inter-frequency measurement, if the UE reports event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold to stop inter- RAT measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain non- HSDPA services. For PS domain non-HSDPA services, when RSCP is used as the measurement quantity for inter-RAT measurement, the RNC sends the signaling to deactivate compressed mode and stop inter-RAT measurement, if the UE reports the event 2F when the measured value is larger than the value of this parameter. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Inter-RAT measurement report mode. When PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG is selected, you can infer that periodical inter- RAT measurement report is adopted; when EVENT_TRIGGER is selected, you can infer that event-triggered inter-RAT measurement report is adopted. The RNC includes two modes of the inter-RAT measurement report. The event triggered report and the periodical report are selected according to the inter-RAT measurement report mode switch. -Event-triggered measurement report To avoid the ping-pong effect before and after the inter-RAT handover, event 3A where the currently used frequency quality is lower than the absolute threshold and the signal level of the GSM cell is higher than another absolute threshold is the triggering event that Enumeration Type PERIODICAL_REPORTING(Periodical reporting), EVENT_TRIGGER(Event trigger) PERIODICAL_REPORTING,EVENT_TRIGGER This parameter is used to increase time of inter-RAT reselection. It is not configured when its value is 255. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 4~19,255 {1~4.75},{255}, step:0.25 This parameter is the relative threshold of cell for judging whether uplink MBDR algorithm of inter RAT is in overload state. It represents the percentage of the cell admission control threshold of uplink. The smaller this parameter is, the earlier uplink MBDR algorithm of inter RAT goes into overload state. When cell load is higher than the product of uplink cell admission control threshold and this parameter, and is lower than the uplink cell admission control threshold, uplink MBDR algorithm of inter RAT is in overload state. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the interval for sending packets for starting the EthOAM loopback test. Interval Type 1~10 1 to 10 This parameter specifies the Ec/No absolute threshold of event 1F in the SHO algorithm, corresponding to the guarantee signal strength with QoS of basic service. The parameter affects the triggering of event 1F. Event 1F is used to trigger the emergency blind handover. If the best cell of the active set reports event 1F, which means that the active cell is very poor quality, then the blind handover is triggered as the last attempt before call drop. The emergency blind handover is a special occasion that requires on- site measurements on the scope of the pilot strength of the best cell at the location where the blind handover is triggered. Generally, this function need not be started, so the parameter is set to the lowest value by default, indicating that the blind handover is not triggered. The larger the set value is, Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 This parameter specifies the RSCP absolute threshold of event 1F in the SHO algorithm, corresponding to the guarantee signal strength with the QoS of basic service. The parameter affects the triggering of event 1F. Event 1F is used to trigger the emergency blind handover. If the best cell of the active set reports event 1F, which means that the active cell is very poor quality, then the blind handover is triggered as the last attempt before call drop. The emergency blind handover is a special occasion that requires on- site measurements on the scope of the pilot strength of the best cell at the location where the blind handover is triggered. Generally, this function need not be started, so the parameter is set to the lowest value by default, indicating that the blind handover is not triggered. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 According to the 3GPP TS 25.331, the filtering of the measurement value is calculated using the following formula, where k represents this parameter: Fn = (1 - a) * Fn - 1 + a * Mn Here, Fn: the updated filtered measurement result Fn - 1: the old filtered measurement result Mn: the latest received measurement result from physical layer measurements a = (1/2)(k/2). When a is set to 1, this means L3 filtering will not be applied. L3 filtering should be able to filter as much random impulse as possible. Thus the filtered measurement value can reflect the varying of the actual measurement value. The input measurement value to L3 filter has been filtered by L1 filter, where the impact of fast fading is almost eliminated. So the L3 filtering should apply smooth filtering to shadow Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,15,17,19 Identifying the period of the Intra-frequency load balance algorithm. When the cell load is high, the cell PCPICH TX power can be periodically reduced in order to enable users in connected mode to be switched over to other cells more easily, thus reducing the local cell load. Interval Type 1~86400 1~86400 Indicating whether the intra-frequency measurement control information should be delivered through the system information. Generally the cell should deliver the intra-frequency measurement control information. When the intra-frequency measurement control information (the preconfiguration of the measurement control) is delivered in the system, the UE can start the intra-frequency measurement and send the measurement report immediately after it enters CELL_DCH state, and the soft handover can be more quickly finished by the UE to avoid call drops when the UE is in the soft handover area. The preconfiguration of measurement control can enable the UE in the soft handover area to implement soft handovers more quickly to decrease the call drop rate. With the preconfiguration function, the UEs in the single signaling state perform soft handovers in a higher probability. If the CN delivers the RAB assignment before a soft handover is complete, the delay of UE service setup may increase. For details, refer to the 3GP Enumeration Type REQUIRE, NOT_REQUIREREQUIRE,NOT_REQUIRE This parameter specifies the intra-frequency measurement quantity. It defines the reference measurement quantity for the UE to report event 1x. For events 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D which adopt relative thresholds, the measurement quantity does not have great impact on the threshold values. For event 1F which adopts absolute threshold, the measurement quantity should be set based on the reality of the cell. If the cell is located in the center of the coverage area, the main factor that affects signal quality is intra-frequency interference. In this case, CPICH_EC/NO is recommended. If the cell is located at the border of the coverage area, the main factor that affects signal quality is the distance between the cell and the base station. In this case, CPICH_RSCP is recommended. Enumeration Type CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP When it is checked, system supports intra-frequency neighboring detect function. DETSET_RPRT_SWITCH switch in HoSwitch in SET CORRMALGOSWITCH can also start the intra-frequency neighboring detect function. Either switch is checked, the RNC starts the intra-frequency neighboring detect function. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON Relative threshold of the event 1A. The greater the value of this parameter is, the more easily the event 1A is triggered. Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step: 0.5 This parameter specifies the CS non-VP service relative threshold of event 1A. The higher the threshold is, the more easily the event 1A is triggered. The lower the threshold is, the harder the event 1A is triggered. For the definition of event 1A, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The relative threshold can directly affect the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (SHO ratio). So the threshold should be wisely chosen to achieve smooth SHOs. The value of this parameter determines the SHO area and SHO ratio. For the CDMA system, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover should reach 30% to 40% to ensure smooth handover. Based on simulation results, when the relative threshold is set to 5 dB, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (the number of cells in the active set is at least 2) is approximately 35%. It is Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the VP service relative threshold of event 1A. The higher the threshold is, the more easily the event 1A is triggered. The lower the threshold is, the harder the event 1A is triggered. For the definition of event 1A, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The relative threshold can directly affect the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (SHO ratio). So the threshold should be wisely chosen to achieve smooth SHOs. The value of this parameter determines the SHO area and SHO ratio. For the CDMA system, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover should reach 30% to 40% to ensure smooth handover. Based on simulation results, when the relative threshold is set to 5 dB, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (the number of cells in the active set is at least 2) is approximately 35%. It is recommended to set the relative threshold a little Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the PS service relative threshold of event 1A. The higher the threshold is, the more easily the event 1A is triggered. The lower the threshold is, the harder the event 1A is triggered. For the definition of event 1A, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The relative threshold can directly affect the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (SHO ratio). So the threshold should be wisely chosen to achieve smooth SHOs. The value of this parameter determines the SHO area and SHO ratio. For the CDMA system, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover should reach 30% to 40% to ensure smooth handover. Based on simulation results, when the relative threshold is set to 5 dB, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (the number of cells in the active set is at least 2) is approximately 35%. It is recommended to set the Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 Relative threshold of the event 1B. The lower the value of this parameter is, the more easily the event 1B is triggered. Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5, step: 0.5 This parameter specifies the CS non-VP service relative threshold of event 1B. The lower the threshold is, the more easily the event 1B is triggered. The higher the threshold is, the harder the event 1B is triggered. For the definition of event 1B, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The relative threshold can directly affect the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (SHO ratio). So the threshold should be wisely chosen to achieve smooth SHOs. The value of this parameter determines the SHO area and SHO ratio. For the CDMA system, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover should reach 30% to 40% to ensure smooth handover. Based on simulation results, when the relative threshold is set to 5 dB, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (the number of cells in the active set is at least 2) is approximately 35%. It is recommended to set the Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the PS service relative threshold of event 1B. The lower the threshold is, the more easily the event 1B is triggered. The higher the threshold is, the harder the event 1B is triggered. For the definition of event 1B, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The relative threshold can directly affect the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (SHO ratio). So the threshold should be wisely chosen to achieve smooth SHOs. The value of this parameter determines the SHO area and SHO ratio. For the CDMA system, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover should reach 30% to 40% to ensure smooth handover. Based on simulation results, when the relative threshold is set to 5 dB, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (the number of cells in the active set is at least 2) is approximately 35%. It is recommended to set the Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the PS service relative threshold of event 1B. The lower the threshold is, the more easily the event 1B is triggered. The higher the threshold is, the harder the event 1B is triggered. For the definition of event 1B, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. The relative threshold can directly affect the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (SHO ratio). So the threshold should be wisely chosen to achieve smooth SHOs. The value of this parameter determines the SHO area and SHO ratio. For the CDMA system, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover should reach 30% to 40% to ensure smooth handover. Based on simulation results, when the relative threshold is set to 5 dB, the ratio of the UE involved in soft handover (the number of cells in the active set is at least 2) is approximately 35%. It is recommended to set the Interval Type 0~29 0~14.5,Step:0.5 CN flow control timer (long). If the OVERLOAD message is not received in this period, the traffic volume will be increased by a degree. Interval Type 15000~120000 15000~120000 This parameter specifies the local IP address of an IPoA PVC. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the local IP address of the Ethernet port. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the next hop IP address. IP Address Type - Local IP address. It must be addresses configured on RNC (including interface board's device IP and port IP) . IP Address Type - It specifies whether to enable the IP header compression function on the PPP link. Enumeration Type No_HC, UDP/IP_HC No_HC(Disable head compress),UDP/IP_HC(Use UDP/IP head compress) This parameter specifies whether to enable the IP head compression function of a PPP link. Enumeration Type No_HC, UDP/IP_HC No_HC(Disable head compress),UDP/IP_HC(Use UDP/IP head compress) This parameter specifies the index of the secondary IP address for the Ethernet port. Interval Type 1~5 1 to 5 This parameter specifies whether to bind the logical port. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO(Not binding), YES(Binding). This parameter specifies the logical port number the NodeB IP stack. Interval Type 0~119 0 to 119 This parameter specifies the number of the slot bearing NodeB IP transport. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of the subrack bearing NodeB IP transport. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 Indicating whether the Iub interface supports IP hybrid transport. Enumeration Type SUPPORT(Support), NOT_SUPPORT(Not support) SUPPORT, NOT_SUPPORT This parameter specifies whether an IP address is a primary or secondary IP address. Enumeration Type PRIMARY, SECOND PRIMARY, SECOND Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 0 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network. The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 10 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network.The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 11 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network.The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 12 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network. The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 13 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network.The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 14 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network.The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 15 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network. The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 1 can be allowed to initate access to the radio network.The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 2 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network. The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 3 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network. The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 4 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network. The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 5 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network. The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 6 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network. The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 7 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network.The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 8 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network.The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED Indicating whether the UE allocated with Access Class 9 can be allowed to initiate access to the radio network.The UE judges whether it belongs to this access class based on the SIM/USIM. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Enumeration Type BARRED, NOT_BARRED BARRED, NOT_BARRED This parameter specifies whether the EtherOAM frame carries the flag indicating the active or standby role of a port. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO,YES Is first class transport resource group. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES This parameter specifies whether the MAC-hs window size is fixed. - If this parameter is set to TRUE, the MAC-hs window size is fixed. - If this parameter is set to FALSE, the MAC-hs window size is flexible. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE This parameter specifies the flag of the primary operator. "YES" indicates that the license of the primary operator is to be activated, "NO" indicates that the license of the secondary operator is to be activated. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO,YES This parameter specifies whether to select a QoS path. Enumeration Type NO(NOT QOSPATH), YES(IS QOSPATH) NO,YES To determine whether the node is root node when Transport Type is ATM or ATM_IP. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Interface type. Enumeration Type IUB, IUR, IUCS, IUPS IUB,IUR,IUCS,IUPS When the Iu interface is faulty, the RNC gradually restricts cell access in Bar mode. When the Iu interface is restored, the RNC gradually enables cell access in Not Bar mode. This parameter defines the interval between the cell working in Bar mode and in Not Bar mode. In this way, the location update procedure can be distributed to a specified time period and the risk due to congestion is reduced. Interval Type 1~3600 1~3600 Number of RABs selected in one DL traffic release. Interval Type 0~10 0~10 Number of RABs selected in one UL traffic release. Interval Type 0~10 0~10 A timer to Iu CS Release protection. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 A timer to Iu PS Release protection. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Indicating whether to support congestion control over Iur interface of the neighboring RNC. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Indicating whether to config neighbouring RNC's DSP index. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE Indicating whether to support Hsdpa over Iur interface of the neighboring RNC. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Indicating whether to support Hsupa over Iur interface of the neighboring RNC. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Iu signaling connection identifier allocated by RNC for the user. Interval Type 0~16777215 0~16777215 Iu State Policy For RncPool. Enumeration Type NONE, IUCS, IUPS, IUCS_IUPS NONE,IUCS,IUPS,IUCS_IUPS This parameter specifies the expected RX type of J0. The setting of the expected RX byte must be consistent with that of the TX byte at the peer end. Enumeration Type NULL, 1byte, 16byte, 64byteNULL, 1 byte, 16 byte, 64 byte This parameter specifies the expected RX value of J0. The setting of the expected RX byte must be consistent with that of the TX byte at the peer end. String Type - None This parameter specifies the TX type of J0. The setting of the TX byte must be consistent with that of the expected RX byte at the peer end. Enumeration Type NULL, 1byte, 16byte, 64byteNULL, 1 byte, 16 byte, 64 byte This parameter specifies the TX value of J0. The setting of the TX byte must be consistent with that of the expected RX byte at the peer end. String Type - None This parameter specifies the expected RX type of J1. The setting of the expected RX byte must be consistent with that of the TX byte at the peer end. Enumeration Type NULL, 1byte, 16byte, 64byteNULL,1byte,16byte,64byte This parameter specifies the expected RX value of J1. The setting of the expected RX byte must be consistent with that of the TX byte at the peer end. String Type - None This parameter specifies the TX type of J1. The setting of the TX byte must be consistent with that of the expected RX byte at the peer end. Enumeration Type NULL, 1byte, 16byte, 64byteNULL, 1 byte, 16 byte, 64 byte This parameter specifies the TX value of J1. The setting of the TX byte must be consistent with that of the expected RX byte at the peer end. String Type - None This parameter specifies the expected J2 RX type. The setting of the expected RX byte must be consistent with that of the TX byte at the peer end. Enumeration Type NULL, 16byte, 64byte NULL, 16 byte, 64 byte This parameter specifies the expected J2 RX value. String Type - 1~15 characters This parameter specifies the J2 TX type. The setting of the TX byte must be consistent with that of the expected RX byte at the peer end. Enumeration Type NULL, 16byte, 64byte NULL, 16 byte, 64 byte This parameter specifies the J2 transmit value. String Type - None This parameter specifies whether the K2 byte has the bidirectional/unidirectional end or not. Enumeration Type NOT-INDICATE-END, INDICATE-END NOT-INDICATE-END, INDICATE-END Timer of waiting for STAT response from the peer end. Interval Type 100~1200,1000~3000 UNI: 1000~3000 NNI: 100~1200 This parameter specifies whether the check is a key detect. If the check is a key detect, the check result may affect the fault handling of the port. Otherwise, the check result does not affect the fault handling of the port. Enumeration Type NO, YES YES,NO The Period of KPI Alarm Check,it's the times of KPI report period. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10 D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D10 RRC Report KPI Alarm Switch. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Identifying a location area code for a PLMN. It is defined by the operator. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 23.003. Interval Type 1~65533,65535 {1~65533}, {65535} This parameter specifies the antenna latitude of the GPS reference receiver. The latitude is expressed in the form of degree:minute:second. Interval Type -90000000~90000000 -90000000 to 90000000 This parameter specifies the antenna latitude of the GPS reference receiver. The latitude is expressed in the form of degree:minute:second. String Type - -90:00:00.000~90:00:00.000 This parameter specifies the period of measuring delay. Interval Type 1~100 100~10000 step:100 This parameter specifies the number of periods that delay adjustment suspends. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the threshold of rate down delay. Interval Type 0~10000 0~10000 This parameter specifies the filter mantissa of average delay decrease. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 This parameter specifies the filter mantissa of average delay increase. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 This parameter specifies the type of link that carries the low-end VPL/VCL cross connection. Enumeration Type UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT Length of smoothing filter window of intra-frequency load balancing (LDB). Interval Type 1~32 1~32 This parameter specifies which choice the load balancing DRD algorithm will be applied. - Power: Power(Downlink none-HSDPA power is used for services carried on DCH, and downlink HSDPA guarantee power is used for services carried on HS-DSCH)will be applied to the load balancing DRD algorithm. - UserNumber: User number(Downlink R99 equivalent user number is used for services carried on DCH, and downlink HSDPA user number is used for services carried on HS-DSCH)will be applied to the the load balancing DRD algorithm. Enumeration Type UserNumber, Power Power, UserNumber This parameter specifies the downlink load threshold to trigger load balancing DRD for services carried on DCH. The load balancing DRD will probably be triggered only when the downlink cell remanent non H power or remanent R99 equivalent user number is less than this threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the downlink load threshold to trigger load balancing DRD for services carried on HS-DSCH. The load balancing DRD will probably be triggered only when the downlink cell remanent HSDPA guarantee power or remanent HSDPA user number is less than this threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the threshold of remanent load offset between the current cell and the target cell when load balancing DRD is applied for DCH users. Only when the remanent load offset reaches this threshold can a neighboring cell be selected as a candidate DRD cell for DCH users.(If Load balance DRD choice is Power, additional condition should also be statisfied, that is total power remain difference between the current cell and target cell should be less than Load Balance DRD Total Power Protect Threshold; if Load balance DRD choice is UserNumber, additional condition is not needed.) Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the threshold of remanent load offset between the current cell and the target cell when load balancing DRD is applied for HSDPA users. Only when the remanent load offset reaches this threshold can a neighboring cell be selected as a candidate DRD cell for HSDPA users.(If Load balance DRD choice is Power, additional condition should also be statisfied, that is total power remain difference between the current cell and target cell should be less than Load Balance DRD Total Power Protect Threshold; if Load balance DRD choice is UserNumber, additional condition is not needed.) Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies whether the load balancing DRD algorithm will be applied for services carried on DCH. - ON: The load balancing DRD algorithm will be applied.(If cell-level DRD parameters are configured, the status of cell level Load balance DRD switch for DCH should also be considered.) - OFF: The load balancing DRD algorithm will not be applied. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF This parameter specifies whether the load balancing DRD algorithm will be applied for services carried on HS-DSCH. - ON: The load balancing DRD algorithm will be applied.(If cell-level DRD parameters are configured, the status of cell level Load balance DRD switch for HSDPA should also be considered.) - OFF: The load balancing DRD algorithm will not be applied. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF This parameter specifies the threshold of the downlink remanent total power difference between the current cell and the target cell when load balancing DRD is applied and the load balancing DRD choice is Power. Only when the downlink remanent total power difference is less than this threshold can a neighboring cell be selected as a candidate DRD cell. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Value range: NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_S WITCH (NodeB Credit LDR Switch), LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWI TCH (Local Cell Group Credit LDR Switch), LC_CREDIT_LDR_SWIT CH (Local Cell Credit LDR Switch) Content: The values above represent the following algorithms: NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_S WITCH: NodeB credit congestion control algorithm. This is an RNC- oriented algorithm. When NodeB creadit load is heavy, the load can be reshuffled through BE service rate reduction, renegotiation of uncontrollable real-time service QoS, and CS/PS inter-RAT handover. LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWI TCH: Local cell group credit congestion control algorithm. This is an RNC- oriented algorithm. When the local cell group creadit load is heavy, the load can be reshuffled through BE Bit Field Type NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(NodeB Credit LDR Switch), LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(Local Cell Group Credit LDR Switch), LC_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(Local Cell Credit LDR Switch) NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH,LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH,LC_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH FALSE means not considering the code priority during the code reshuffling. TRUE means considering the code priority during the code reshuffling. If the parameter is TRUE, the codes with high priority are reserved during the code reshuffling. It is good for the code resource dynamic sharing, which is a function used for the HSDPA service. Enumeration Type FALSE(FALSE), TRUE(TRUE) FALSE, TRUE Code resource usage difference threshold. Inter-frequency handover is triggered when the difference of the resource usage of the current cell and that of the target cell is greater than this threshold. The smaller this parameter value, the easier it is to find the qualified target cell for blind handover. Excessively small values of the parameter, however makes the target cell easily enters the congestion status. The higher the parameter value, the more difficult it is for the inter-frequency blind handover occurs, and the easier it is to guarantee the stability of the target cell. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 If congestion is triggered by multiple resources such as credit and code at the same time, the congestion of resources specified in this parameter is processed with the first priority. IUBLDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Iub bandwidth. CREDITLDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by credit. CODELDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by code. UULDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Uu. Enumeration Type IUBLDR(Iub load reshuffling), CODELDR(Code load reshuffling), UULDR(Uu load reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit load reshuffling) IUBLDR,CODELDR,UULDR,CREDITLDR If congestion is triggered by multiple resources such as credit and code at the same time, the congestion of resources specified in this parameter is processed with the fourth priority. IUBLDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Iub bandwidth. CREDITLDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by credit. CODELDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by code. UULDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Uu. Enumeration Type IUBLDR(Iub load reshuffling), CODELDR(Code load reshuffling), UULDR(Uu load reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit load reshuffling) IUBLDR,CODELDR,UULDR,CREDITLDR Identifying the period of the LDR execution. When basic congestion occurs, execution of LDR can dynamically reduce the cell load. The lower the parameter value is, the more frequently the LDR action is executed, which decreases the load quickly. If the parameter value is excessively low, an LDR action may overlap the previous one before the previous result is displayed in LDM. The higher the parameter value is, the more likely this problem can be prevented. If the parameter value is excessively high, the LDR action may be executed rarely, failing to lower the load timely. The LDR algorithm aims to slowly reduce the cell load and control the load below the admission threshold, each LDR action takes a period (for example the inter-RAT load handover needs a delay of about 5 s if the compressed mode is needed), and there is a delay for the LDM module Interval Type 1~86400 1~86400 If congestion is triggered by multiple resources such as credit and code at the same time, the congestion of resources specified in this parameter is processed with the second priority. IUBLDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Iub bandwidth. CREDITLDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by credit. CODELDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by code. UULDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Uu. Enumeration Type IUBLDR(Iub load reshuffling), CODELDR(Code load reshuffling), UULDR(Uu load reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit load reshuffling) IUBLDR,CODELDR,UULDR,CREDITLDR If congestion is triggered by multiple resources such as credit and code at the same time, the congestion of resources specified in this parameter is processed with the third priority. IUBLDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Iub bandwidth. CREDITLDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by credit. CODELDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by code. UULDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Uu. Enumeration Type IUBLDR(Iub load reshuffling), CODELDR(Code load reshuffling), UULDR(Uu load reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit load reshuffling) IUBLDR,CODELDR,UULDR,CREDITLDR Path Load EQ threshold Table Index. Interval Type 1~63 1~63 Index of the load EQ used by the current adjacent node's bronze user. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 Index of the load EQ used by the current adjacent node's gold user. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 Index of the load EQ used by the current adjacent node's silver user. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 M3UA local entity indexes and M3UA local entity have a one-to-one correspondence. Interval Type 0~118 0~118 This parameter specifies the status of the alarm mask switch. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON,OFF This parameter specifies the priority level of an MD. Interval Type 0~7 0 to 7 This parameter specifies the number of the Fractional link corresponding to the low-end port. For the AEUa, the number ranges from 0 to 31. For the AOUa in E1 transmission mode, the number ranges from 0 to 125. For the AOUa in T1 transmission mode, the number ranges from 0 to 167. The bearing Fractional link is configured. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 This parameter specifies the logical function type. Enumeration Type UCP, RUCP, UUP, ATM, IPUCP,RUCP,UUP,ATM,IP This parameter specifies the logical function type. UCP:UMTS RNC Control plane Process RUCP:Resource Management and UMTS RNC Control plane Process UUP:UMTS RNC User plane Process Enumeration Type UCP, RUCP, UUP, ATM, IPUCP,RUCP,UUP,ATM,IP This parameter specifies the logic function type. Enumeration Type ATM, IP ATM,IP This parameter specifies the number of the IMA group corresponding to the low-end port. For the AEUa, the number ranges from 0 to 31. For the AOUa, the number ranges from 0 to 83. The bearing IMA group is configured. Interval Type 0~83 0 to 83 DL SF threshold to limit CM. When DL SF limit CM indicator is TRUE, if the downlink spreading factor is less than or equal to this parameter value, the active set quality measurement is not allowed and CM function should be deactivated.When DL SF limit CM ind is TRUE, if CM is activated, the downlink spreading factor should be greater than this parameter value. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 8,16,32,64,128,256 When the BE service rate of the UE decreases to the DCCC threshold rate, the UE, however, cannot be changed to the FACH state because, for example, the state transition switch is OFF or there are CS services. In this case, when traffic remains low for quite a long period, the service rate decreases to this rate and D2F state transition is not performed. The time parameters and traffic volume measurement parameters for the function of low activity rate adjustment are the same as those in the D2F state transition process. Enumeration Type D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 This parameter specifies the lower limit of the alarm. String Type - 0~9Characters This parameter specifies the coding scheme of the line. 1. HDB3 and AMI are applicable to E1 links, and B8ZS and AMI_ZCS are applicable to T1 links. 2. The setting of this parameter should be consistent with that at the peer end. Enumeration Type B8ZS(B8ZS), HDB3(HDB3), AMI(AMI), AMI_ZCS(AMI_ZCS) B8ZS, HDB3, AMI, AMI_ZCS This parameter specifies the number of an E1/T1 link. This parameter specifies the number of a link. For the AEUa or PEUa, the value ranges from 0 to 31. For the AOUa in E1 mode, the value ranges from 0 to 125; for the AOUa in T1 mode, the value ranges from 0 to 167. For the POUa, the value ranges from 0 to 167. Interval Type 0~167 0 to 167 Link work mode,Reference to RFC4660. Enumeration Type M3UA_MASTER_MOD, M3UA_SLAVE_MOD M3UA_MASTER_MOD, M3UA_SLAVE_MOD (For definitions of the two modes, refer to RFC4666.) Used for MTP3 link load sharing. Suppose that the number of 1s in the value is expressed as n. Then the the maximum number of the MTP3 links for load sharing is 2^n. For example, B0000 indicates that only one MTP3 link can be used for load sharing. B0001 and B1000 indicate that at most two MTP3 links can be used for load sharing while the others cannot. This mask AND the value of Signalling Route Mask specified by ADD N7DPC must be zero. Enumeration Type B0000, B0001, B0010, B0011, B0100, B0101, B0110, B0111, B1000, B1001, B1010, B1011, B1100, B1101, B1110, B1111 B0000, B0001, B0010, B0011, B0100, B0101, B0110, B0111, B1000, B1001, B1010, B1011, B1100, B1101, B1110, B1111 This parameter specifies the frame structure. The setting of this parameter should be consistent with that at the peer end. Enumeration Type E1_DOUBLE_FRAME(E1_DOUBLE_FRAME), E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAME(E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAME), T1_SUPER_FRAME(T1_SUPER_FRAME), T1_EXTENDED_SUPER_FRAME(T1_EXTENDED_SUPER_FRAME) E1_DOUBLE_FRAME, E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAME, T1_SUPER_FRAME, T1_EXTENDED_SUPER_FRAME This parameter specifies the type of a VCL. Enumeration Type SAALLNK, AAL2PATH, IPOAPVC SAALLNK, AAL2PATH, IPOAPVC This parameter specifies the local IP address. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the local IP address for the MLPPP group. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the source IP address of the IP loopback test. IP Address Type - Uniquely identifying a local cell. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.401. Interval Type 0~268435455 0~268435455 First local IP address. 0 indicates an invalid value. IP Address Type - Second local IP address. 0 indicates an invalid value. IP Address Type - Local port of the SCTP link. Interval Type 1024~65535 1024~65535 This parameters specifies the load key when the board is started. Enumeration Type LFB(Load from BAM and write flash), CL(Consult Load) LFB,CL This field indicate whether the SCTP link is bound with logic port. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES No. of the logic port of the SCTP Link. Interval Type 0~119 0~119 Slot No. of the logic port of the SCTP link. Interval Type 14~27 14~27 This parameter specifies the antenna longitude of the GPS reference receiver. The longitude is expressed in the form of degree:minute:second. Interval Type -180000000~180000000 -180000000 to 180000000 This parameter specifies the antenna longitude of the GPS reference receiver. The latitude is expressed in the form of degree:minute:second. String Type - -180:00:00.000~180:00:00.000 This parameter specifies the loopback type. Enumeration Type NO_LOOP(No loop), REMOTE_LOOP(Remote loop), LOCAL_LOOP(Local loop) NO_LOOP, REMOTE_LOOP, LOCAL_LOOP This parameter specifies the number of periods that packet loss rate adjustment suspends. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the number of the optical port corresponding to the low-end port. Interval Type 0~3 0 to 3 This parameter specifies the number of a logical port. Interval Type 0~119 0~119 This parameter specifies the number of a logical port. Interval Type 0~447 AEUa (0~191) 0~127 is Leaf logical port,128~191 is Hub logical port. AOUa (0~383) 0~255 is Leaf logical port,256~383 is Hub logical port. UOIa (0~447) 0~383 is Leaf logical port,384~447 is Hub logical port. Slot No. of the IP logic port of the IP Path. Interval Type 14~27 14~27 This parameter specifies the type of the logical port. Only the logical port on the leaf node can carry the SAAL link, AAL2 path, and IPoA PVC. Enumeration Type Hub, Leaf Hub, Leaf This parameter specifies whether to select all the E1/T1 links carried on the board or a single link. Enumeration Type ALL(Select all links), SINGLE(Select one link) ALL, SINGLE This parameter specifies whether to select all the E1/T1 links carried on a board, all the E1/T1 links carried on a port, or a single E1/T1 link. Enumeration Type ALL(Select all links), PORT(Select one port links), SINGLE(Select one link) ALL, PORT, SINGLE This parameter specifies the number of the slot in which the low-end port carries the VPL/VCL cross connection. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of the subrack whose low-end port carries the VPL/VCL cross connection. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 This parameter specifies the number of the UNI link corresponding to the low-end port. For the AEUa, the number ranges from 0 to 31. For the AOUa in E1 transmission mode, the number ranges from 0 to 125. For the AOUa in T1 transmission mode, the number ranges from 0 to 167. The bearing UNI link is configured. Interval Type 0~167 0 to 167 This parameter specifies the VCI of the low-end VCL. Interval Type 32~65535 32 to 65535 This parameter specifies the VPI of the low-end VPL/VCL. For the VPL is cross connected, VPI cannot be 0. Interval Type 0~255 0 to 255 This parameter specifies the number of the M3UA service listening port. Interval Type 1024~65535 1024~65535 This parameter defines the times of retransmission of paging messages. If the times of retransmission exceeds the value of this parameter, retransmission stops. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Interval Type 0~2 0~2 This parameter specifies the DTX cycle at the MAC layer when the MAC layer supports UL EDCH inactivity. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D1, D4, D5, D8, D10, D16, D20 1,4,5,8,10,16,20 This parameter specifies the period during which the EDCH is not activated. After the EDCH is activated, data can be transmitted on the EDCH within the period specified by MacDtxCycle. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, INFINITY 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,INFINITY This parameter specifies the maximum size of PDUs transmitted at the MAC layer when the UE is in the CELL_FACH state in the L2 enhanced scenario. Interval Type 4~1504 4~1504 This parameter specifies the maximum size of PDUs transmitted at the MAC layer when the UE is in the CELL_DCH state in the L2 enhanced scenario. Interval Type 4~1504 4~1504 This parameter specifies an MA. Interval Type 0~299 0 to 299 SAAL, SCTP. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.430. Enumeration Type SAAL(SAAL Link Type ), SCTP(SCTP Link Type) SAAL, SCTP This parameter specifies the name of an MA. String Type - 1 to 20 characters Service mapping strategy switch. 1) MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2MS_ SWITCH: When the switch is on, 2 ms TTI is supported for HSUPA. 2) MAP_INTER_RAT_PS_IN _CHANLE_LIMIT_SWIT CH: When the switch is on, the PS services are transmitted on the DCH during the 2G-to-3G handover. When the switch is not on, the PS services can be transmitted on suitable channels according to the algorithm parameter configured for the RNC during the 2G-to-3G handover. 3) MAP_PS_BE_ON_E_FAC H_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the PS BE services can be transmitted on the E-FACH. 4) MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_ E_FACH_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the PS streaming services can be transmitted on the E-FACH. Bit Field Type MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2MS_SWITCH, MAP_INTER_RAT_PS_IN_CHANLE_LIMIT_SWITCH, MAP_PS_BE_ON_E_FACH_SWITCH, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_E_FACH_SWITCH, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_HSDPA_SWITCH, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_HSUPA_SWITCH, MAP_SRB_6800_WHEN_RAB_ON_HSDSCH_SWITCH MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2MS_SWITCH, MAP_INTER_RAT_PS_IN_CHANLE_LIMIT_SWITCH, MAP_PS_BE_ON_E_FACH_SWITCH, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_E_FACH_SWITCH, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_HSDPA_SWITCH, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_HSUPA_SWITCH, MAP_SRB_6800_WHEN_RAB_ON_HSDSCH_SWITCH SRNTI mask to be reset. Enumeration Type B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B19 B1,B2, B3,B4, B5,B6, B7,B8, B9,B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B19 This parameter specifies the subnet mask of the board. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask for the PPP link. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask for the MLPPP group. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask of the Ethernet port. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask of the EMS. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask of a trunk group. IP Address Type - The maximum allowed uplink transmit power of a UE in the cell, which is related to the network planning. For detailed information, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -50~33 -50~33 This parameter indicates whether to configure the maximum TX power. Enumeration Type TRUE(Configure the maximum uplink power of UE), FALSE(Not configure the maximum uplink power of UE) TRUE,FALSE Maximum coverage of the cell antenna. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when MET~0(metric system). Interval Type 1~100000 1~100000 This parameter specifies the maximum coverage of the cell antenna. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when IMP~1(British measurement). Interval Type 3~328080 3~328080 If the number of the association retransmissions exceeds the value, the association is going to be deleted. And the maximum number of the association retransmissions must be greater than the maximum number of the path retransmissions. Interval Type 0~254 0~254 The maximum number of attempts to perform inter- frequency handovers. This parameter specifies the maximum number of attempts for the RNC to perform inter-freq handover after inter-freq handover failure. The handover attempts should involve the cells that have not been tried but satisfy the handover conditions. Interval Type 0~3 {0~3} This parameter specifies the maximum number of attempts for the RNC to perform inter-RAT handovers after a cell-oriented measurement-based DRD inter-RAT handover failure. The handover attempts should involve the cells that have not been tried but satisfy the handover conditions. Interval Type 0~3 {0~3} This parameter specifies the maximum bit rate of the typical service. Interval Type 0~256000000 0~256000000 This parameter specifies the maximum bit rate of the typical service. Interval Type 0~16000000 0~16000000 This parameter specifies the maximum bandwidth for the dynamic bandwidth adjustment on the logical port. Interval Type 1~1000 64~64000 step:64 Maximum numbers of incoming calls in one second when the load is lower than the forwarding threshold. When the CPU usage is lower than the sharing out threshold and overload threshold, and call numbers in each second reach the threshold, new arrival call attempts will be shared out to other SPU and none will be shared in this SPU. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 Maximum numbers of incoming calls in one second when the load exceeds the forwarding threshold. When the CPU usage is between the sharing out threshold and overload threshold, and call number in one second reaches the threshold, new arrival call attempts will be shared out to other SPU and none will be shared in this SPU. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 Maximum number of retransmissions upon expiration of the connection control timer. Interval Type 4~8 4~8 This parameter specifies the maximum number of cells in the active set. This parameter can achieve the balance between the signal quality in the SHO area and the performance of the system. The more cells the active set contains, the larger macro diversity gain the user obtains in the SHO area, and the smaller the intra-frequency interference is. But in this case, the user occupies resources of several cells, which increases the amount of data to be processed by the system and lowers the system performance. To reduce intra-frequency interference, it is recommended to suitably increase the number of cells in the active sets for the hot- spot and micro cells, which have highly complex signals. For the cell that provides high speed services, suitably decreasing the number of cells in the active set can reduce the consumption of system resources. Interval Type 1~6 1~6 Max common channel priority supported by FACH. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15 0, 1,..., 15 This parameter specifies the maximum value of Ec/NO in the E-FACH Ec/N0 adjustment algorithm. The formula is y = x * 0.5 - 24.5dB ("y" represents the actual value and "x" represents the GUI value). Interval Type 0~49 -24.5~0, step: 0.5 This parameter determines the maximum number of links in the EDCH active set. When the RNC acts as the SRNC, the number of links in the EDCH active set for all the UEs under the RNC cannot exceed the parameter value. If the parameter value is too large, a lot of resources on the RAN side will be occupied as the same data is transferred over multiple EDCH links in macro diversity, thus affecting the system performance. If this parameter value is too small, insufficient combination gain can be achieved in macro diversity by the EDCH, which causes excessive retransmissions and affects the UE speed. Interval Type 1~4 1~4 This parameter specifies the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions of the MAC-es flow that carries this service. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 Maximum number of users supported by the EFACH channel. Interval Type 0~48 0~48 The offset between the FACH transmit power and PCPICH transmit power in a cell.If MaxFachPower is excessively low, the UE at the cell verge fails to receive correctly the services and signaling borne over the FACH, resulting in the influence on the downlink common channel coverage and the cell coverage. If MaxFachPower is excessively high, other channels are interfered, the downlink power resources are occupied, and consequently the cell capacity is influenced. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 Maximum Frame Length. Interval Type 135~1031 135~1031 Maximum number of satellites whose ephemeris can be delivered when the A-GPS method is used. Interval Type 4~16 4~16 Maximum number of users supported by the HSDPA channel. The user in this parameter refers to the user with services on the HSDPA channel, regardless of the number of RABs carried on the HSDPA channel. Maximum HSDPA user number cannot exceed the HSDPA capability of the NodeB product, In practice, the value can be set based on the cell type and the richness of the available HSDPA power and code resources. If the value is too low, the cell HSDPA capacity may be reduces, leading to waste in HSDPA resources. If the value is too high, HSDPA services may be congested. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Maximum number of users supported by the HSUPA channel.The user in this parameter refers to the user with services on the HSUPA channel, regardless of the number of RABs carried on the HSUPA channel. Maximum HSUPA user number cannot exceed the HSUPA capacity. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Max allowed number of continuous invalid measurement reports. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 2~255 2~255 The parameter value must be greater than or equal to the maximum length of a sub-frame for PPP multiplexing (MAXSFLEN). This parameter can also be associated with the maximum size of the MLPPP flake to control whether the frames are fragmented after the multiplexing. In addition, to enable PPP multiplexing, two or more sub-frames should be configured. That is, "PPP mux max son-frame length" (MAXSFLEN) and "PPP mux max mux-frame length" (MAXMFLEN) should satisfy the following formula: MAXSFLEN<=(MAXMFLEN-8)/2. Interval Type 1~1500 1 to 1500 This parameter specifies the maximum number of channelization codes supported by uplink DPDCH. The larger the value of this parameter, the more the available channelization codes of uplink DPDCH. Interval Type 1~6 1~6 Maximum number of retransmitted PDUs during the proving. Interval Type 0~10 0~10 If the number of the path retransmissions exceeds the value, the link is going to be deactivated automatically. And the maximum number of the path retransmissions must be less than the maximum number of the association retransmissions. Interval Type 0~254 0~254 Maximum TX power of the PCPICH in a cell. This parameter should be set based on the actual system environment such as cell coverage (radius) and geographical environment, and the cell total power. When the ratio of soft handover areas keeps the same, the downlink coverage cannot be promoted by the increase of PCPICH power. Interval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 Maximum number of data that can be transmitted during a polling period.Number of Sequenced Data PDUs (SD PDUs) that are allowed to be transmitted during the interval between two POLL messages. Interval Type 25~50,250~500 UNI: 25~50 NNI: 250~500 Maximum queue time of users. When a user initiates a call, it joins the queue due to cell resource insufficiency. This parameter defines the maximum length of time required for queuing of a user. If cell resources are still insufficient after expiration, access fails. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 This parameter specifies the maximum length of the PPP sub-frame. If the length of the PPP frame is greater than this parameter value, the frame cannot be used for PPP multiplexing. Note that this parameter value should not be greater than the maximum length of the PPP multiframe (MAXMFLEN). In addition, to enable PPP multiplexing, two or more sub-frames should be configured. That is, "PPP mux max son-frame length" (MAXSFLEN) and "PPP mux max mux-frame length" (MAXMFLEN) should satisfy the following formula: MAXSFLEN<=(MAXMFLEN-8)/2. Interval Type 1~1500 1 to 1500 The parameter specifies the target value of the uplink load, which is decreased through HSUPA power control on the NodeB side. If the parameter value is set too low, the cell throughput will be too low. If the parameter value is set too high, it will bring much interference. For details about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter specifies the maximum duration for the single point positioning. Interval Type 1~24 1 to 24 Sum of the maximum transmit power of all DL channels in a cell. It is configured in the network planning. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 0~500 0~50, step: 0.1 The maximum UL transmit power for background service in a specific cell. It is based on the UL coverage requirement of the background service designed by the network planning.The larger the value of this parameter is, the wider the coverage of the corresponding services will be. When the downlink coverage is exceeded, the uplink coverage and downlink coverage of the service will become unbalanced. If the values of these parameters are too small, the uplink coverage will probably be smaller than the downlink coverage of the service. For detailed information of the related IE "Maximum allowed UL TX power", refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type -50~33 -50~33 Maximum UL transmit power for conversational service in a specific cell. It is based on the UL coverage requirement of the conversational service designed by the network planning.The larger the value of this parameter is, the wider the coverage of the corresponding services will be. When the downlink coverage is exceeded, the uplink coverage and downlink coverage of the service will become unbalanced. If the values of these parameters are too small, the uplink coverage will probably be smaller than the downlink coverage of the service. For detailed information of the related IE "Maximum allowed UL TX power", refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type -50~33 -50~33 The maximum UL transmit power for the interactive service in a specific cell. It is based on the UL coverage requirement of the interactive service designed by the network planning.The larger the value of this parameter is, the wider the coverage of the corresponding services will be. When the downlink coverage is exceeded, the uplink coverage and downlink coverage of the service will become unbalanced. If the values of these parameters are too small, the uplink coverage will probably be smaller than the downlink coverage of the service. For detailed information of the related IE "Maximum allowed UL TX power", refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type -50~33 -50~33 Maximum UL transmit power for the streaming service in a specific cell. It is based on the UL coverage requirement of the streaming service designed by the network planning.The larger the value of this parameter is, the wider the coverage of the corresponding services will be. When the downlink coverage is exceeded, the uplink coverage and downlink coverage of the service will become unbalanced. If the values of these parameters are too small, the uplink coverage will probably be smaller than the downlink coverage of the service. For detailed information of the related IE "Maximum allowed UL TX power", refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type -50~33 -50~33 This parameter specifies the number of users selected in code reshuffling. Code reshuffling can be triggered only when the number of users on a code is no greater than the threshold. Code reshuffling has a big impact on the QoS. In addition, the reshuffled subscribers occupy two code resources during code reshuffling. Thus, the parameter should be set to a comparatively low value. Interval Type 1~3 1~3 Priority identifier of MBDR cells. TRUE indicates that the MBDR cell priority is valid in the cell-oriented measurement-based DRD algorithm, and the cell can be considered as the measurement object. FALSE indicates that the MBDR cell priority is invalid. Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE,TRUE Priority of MBDR cells. The priority that corresponds to the MBDR cell is valid only when the MBDRFlag parameter is set to TRUE. The lower the priority, the easier it is for the MBDR cell to be delivered as the measurement object. For example, it is more possible for a MBDR cell of priority 1 than a cell of priority 2 to be delivered as the measurement object. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 This parameter specifies the index of the BFD. The check index is unique. If the check index is not specified, a unique value ranging from 0 to 31 is automatically allocated. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 This parameter specifies the local IP address of the multi-hop BFD. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the number of the slot where the command is executed. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of the subrack where the command is executed. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 Activity factor of the MBMS service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 MBMS common channel service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Indicating whether the CCH carries the MCCH. Enumeration Type COMMON, MCCH COMMON, MCCH When the priority of the RAB of MBMS services exceeds this threshold, reconfigure the MBMS power to the minimum power. The lower the parameter value is, the bigger the scope for selecting the MBMS services is, the more cell load is decreased, the more effect there is on the MBMS service. At the same time, the cell overload is significantly decreased while the impact on the MBMS services becomes bigger. The higher the parameter value is, the smaller the scope for selecting the MBMS services is, the less cell load is decreased, the more effect there is on the MBMS services, and the quality of services with high priority, however, can be guaranteed. The MBMS service at each rate is set on the basis of two power levels. The power set for an MBMS service is determined according to cell load during the service access. In addition, the FACH power of the MBMS service must be decreased as required in the duration of cell congestion. Some services with high priority, for example the disaster pre-alert, however, do not Interval Type 1~15 1~15 A timer used to alarm for no mbms data check for MBMS traffic. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 ON denotes enabling of the MBMS Iub transmission resource sharing function; OFF denotes disabling of the MBMS Iub transmission resource sharing function. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON Mobile country code of the RNC. String Type - 000~999 Mobile network code of the RNC. String Type - 000~999 It is an indicator of MBMS neighboring cell. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE,TRUE MBMS service release is an extreme method in reducing the cell load and recovering the system when the cell is overloaded and congested. The mechanism of the OLC is that an action is performed in each [OLC period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of MBMS services released in executing downlink OLC service release. Interval Type 0~8 0~8 Indicating whether MBMS is supported. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies the uplink bit rate of the MBMS service in PTP mode. The CN does not assign the uplink rate to the MBMS service, but the MBMS service in PTP mode is in acknowledged mode and requires the uplink rate for RLC status reporting. It is a waste of uplink resources if the uplink bandwidth of an MBMS service in PTP mode is high. Therefore, it is recommended the default value be used. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256 MBMS SA ID. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP 25.346. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 MBMS Service Identity. Interval Type 0~16777215 0~16777215 ON denotes enabling of the MBMS function; OFF denotes disabling of the MBMS function. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON The total MBMS throughput of all the operators cannot exceed that defined in the license file. Interval Type 0~3910000 0 to 3910000 This parameter specifies the transport mode of MBMS services. The point-to-multipoint (PTM), point-to-point (PTP), and enhanced PTM (ENHANCEDPTM) modes are static or semi-static transport modes. They are relatively simple and have little impact on the MBMS service and the network performance. The dynamic mode (DYNAMIC) is complicated. In dynamic mode, transition between PTP and PTM modes is performed dynamically to balance the quality of service and the network resource utilization. The network periodically changes the transport mode based on the number of users and the status of neighboring cells. These activities have an impact on the reception of the MBMS service, and the MBMS user might experience service disruption when the user moves across the border between PTP cell and PTM cell. Therefore, the dynamic mode has a relatively great impact on the MBMS service and the network performance. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.346. Enumeration Type PTM, PTP, ENHANCEDPTM, DYNAMIC PTM, PTP, ENHANCEDPTM, DYNAMIC This parameter specifies the maximum burst size. Interval Type 3~10000 3 to 10000 Mobile country code of the RNC. String Type - 000~999 This parameter specifies the coefficient of access period of the MCCH. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 This parameter specifies the coefficient of modification period of the MCCH. Interval Type 7~10 7~10 This parameter specifies the coefficient of repetition period of the MCCH. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 This parameter specifies the priority of the MC. This parameter is valid only when "MLPPP type" is set to MCPPP. Interval Type 4,8 4(Use two bytes to present MC priority number, 4 classes),8(Use four bytes to present MC priority number, 8 classes) This parameter specifies the minimum rate of ATM traffic. Physical unit: cell/s or kbit/s. Interval Type 30~70754 30 to 70754 This parameter specifies an MD. Interval Type 0~7 0 to 7 This parameter specifies the name of an MD. String Type - 1 to 20 characters Measurement quantity used in coverage-based inter- RAT measurement in event- 3A-triggered reporting mode. - Ec/No: signal-to-noise ratio - RSCP: indicates the received signal code power CPICH_Ec/No indicates that the Ec/No measurement quantity is used for event 3A measurement. The physical unit is dB; CPICH_RSCP indicates that the RSCP measurement quantity is used for event 3A measurement. The physical unit is dBm. AUTO indicates that the EcN0 measurement quantity is used for event 3A measurement if RNC receives the Ec/No 2D firstly. The RSCP measurement quantity is used for event 3A measurement if RNC receives the RSCP 2D firstly. Enumeration Type CPICH_EC/NO~0 CPICH_RSCP~1 AUTO CPICH_EC/NO,CPICH_RSCP,AUTO This parameter specifies an MEP in an MA. Interval Type 1~300 1 to 300 This parameter specifies the number of the physical slot where the local MEP in an MA resides. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the type of an MEP to be added to an MA. "LocalMep" indicates a local MEP. "RemoteMep" indicates a remote MEP. Enumeration Type LocalMep, RemoteMep LocalMep, RemoteMep This parameter specifies the MP/MC list head option. Enumeration Type LONG, SHORT LONG(Long sequence number which is used by MP/MC head),SHORT(Short sequence number which is used by MP/MC head) ID of the MICH. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 TX power of the MICH. The greater the power of the MICH, the higher of the success ratio of the MBMS paging. However, more cell power resources are occupied. For details about this parameter, refer to the 3GPP 25.433. Interval Type -10~5 -10~5 The value indicates whether the MICH uses time and space TX diversity. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type FALSE(Not Use), TRUE(Use) FALSE, TRUE This parameter specifies the minimum bandwidth for the dynamic bandwidth adjustment on the logical port. Interval Type 1~1000 64~64000 step:64 Min common channel priority supported by FACH. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15 0, 1,..., 15 This parameter specifies the minimum spreading factor supported by downlink DPDCH. The larger the value of this parameter, the fewer the available spreading factors of downlink DPDCH. Enumeration Type SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64 SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64 This parameter specifies the minimum value of Ec/NO in the E-FACH Ec/N0 adjustment algorithm. The formula is y = x * 0.5 - 24.5dB ("y" represents the actual value and "x" represents the GUI value). Interval Type 0~49 -24.5~0, step: 0.5 This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting period unit for the event E of AMR service is set to MIN. The DL code TX power is reported periodically after the event E1 is reported. This parameter specifies the reporting period. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting period unit for the event E of BE service is set to MIN. The DL code TX power is reported periodically after the event Ea is reported. This parameter specifies the reporting period. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting period unit for the event F of BE service is set to MIN. The DL code TX power is reported periodically after the event Fa is reported. This parameter specifies the reporting period. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 DL basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 Measurement report period of event E triggered by DL OLC. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 This parameter specifies the HSDPA bit rate measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 HSDPA power requirement measurement report period For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 This parameter specifies the HSUPA bit rate measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 UL basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 Measurement report period of event E triggered by UL OLC. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting period unit for the event E of VP service is set to MIN. The DL code TX power is reported periodically after the event Ea is reported. This parameter specifies the reporting period. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 This parameter specifies the minimum number of links required for an IMA group in the activated state. Interval Type 1~32 1 to 32 Minimum TX power of the PCPICH in a cell. This parameter should be set based on the actual system environment such as cell coverage (radius) and geographical environment. If MinPCPICHPower is excessively small, the cell coverage is affected. Ensure that MinPCPICHPower is set under the condition of a proper proportion of soft handover area, or under the condition that no coverage hole exists. Interval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 This parameter specifies the minimum interval for receiving BFD packets in millisecond. Interval Type 10~1000 10 to 1000 This parameter specifies the minimum interval for sending BFD packets in millisecond. Interval Type 10~1000 10 to 1000 This parameter specifies the minimum spreading factor supported by uplink DPDCH. The larger the value of this parameter, the fewer the available spreading factors of uplink DPDCH. Enumeration Type SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64 SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64 Maximum number of random access preamble loops. If the parameter value is excessively low, the UE access success rate is affected. If the parameter value is excessively high, the UE probably tries the access attempt repeatedly within a long time, which increases the uplink interference. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 Mobile network code of the RNC. String Type - 00~99,000~999 MOCN Control Switch.1) COMM_MOCN_NRI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_MODE_SWITCH: When the switch is selected, the NRI of any CN node in the RNC is unique in the CS or PS domain.2)COMM_MIB_MULTI_PLMN_LIST_ALLOWED_SWITCH: When the switch is selected, the operator information configured in the MOCN cell is sent as Multi PLMN List in the system information. Bit Field Type COMM_MOCN_NRI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_MODE_SWITCH, COMM_MIB_MULTI_PLMN_LIST_ALLOWED_SWITCH, SPARE_1_SWITCH, SPARE_2_SWITCH, SPARE_3_SWITCH, SPARE_4_SWITCH, SPARE_5_SWITCH, SPARE_6_SWITCH COMM_MOCN_NRI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_MODE_SWITCH, COMM_MIB_MULTI_PLMN_LIST_ALLOWED_SWITCH, SPARE_1_SWITCH, SPARE_2_SWITCH, SPARE_3_SWITCH, SPARE_4_SWITCH, SPARE_5_SWITCH, SPARE_6_SWITCH This parameter determines whether the RNC supports the MOCN function. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO,YES This parameter specifies the configuration mode. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON This parameter specifies the backup mode of the MSP function. Enumeration Type MODE1(1:1 Backup), MODE2(1+1 Single End), MODE3(1+1 Both End) MODE1, MODE2, MODE3 This parameter specifies the working mode of the system clock source. The system clock source can work in manual mode or in auto mode. If the parameter is set to MANUAL, you must specify the clock source for the system. If the parameter is set to AUTO, the system automatically selects the clock source against the clock switch policy. Enumeration Type MANUAL, AUTO MANUAL, AUTO This parameter specifies the check mode. PRIMARY indicates the check on a primary port. STANDBY indicates the check on a standby port. INDEPENDENT indicates the check on an independent port. Enumeration Type PRIMARY, STANDBY, INDEPENDENT PRIMARY,STANDBY,INDEPENDENT Working mode of the SCTP link. Enumeration Type SERVER, CLIENT SERVER, CLIENT This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity receives from the peer node a request for modifying the bandwidth of an AAL2 path and sends a modification indication. Interval Type 5000~30000 5000~30000 This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity sends the peer node a request for modifying an AAL2 connection. Interval Type 5000~30000 5000~30000 This parameter specifies a sampling period of retransmission ratio monitoring after the RLC entity is established or reconfigured. Interval Type 40~60000 40~60000 Length of the period within which the times of consecutive failure to increase the rate of a BE service is monitored. Increase of the BE service rate is triggered by 4A measurement reports.IF the times exceeds the DCCC Rate Up Fail Time Threshold, the DCCC Rate Up Fail Penalty Timer will be started, and 4A report will not be processed until DCCC Rate Up Fail Penalty Timer expires. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 This parameter specifies the MP IP address for the DHCP server. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the number of the MLPPP group. Interval Type 0~63 0 to 63 Management proving status of the SAAL link.When Management Proving Status is set to MPS_NORMAL, the SAAL sends proving PDUs in its initial alignment. When it is set to MPS_EMERGENCY, the SAAL does not send any proving PDU in its initial alignment. When it is set to MPS_NEUTRAL, the SAAL decides whether to send proving PDUs as required by users and the peer end in its initial alignment. Enumeration Type MPS_EMERGENCY, MPS_NORMAL, MPS_NEUTRAL MPS_NORMAL, MPS_EMERGENCY, MPS_NEUTRAL This parameter specifies the MLPPP type. Enumeration Type MLPPP, MCPPP MLPPP(MLPPP group),MCPPP(MCPPP group) This parameter specifies the number of a slot that holds the MPU. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0,2,4,8,10 Intra-frequency measurement reporting interval. Enumeration Type D12, D16, D20, D24, D28, D32, D64 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 64 Indicating whether to support the MR function,When it is checked, MR function will be valid, otherwise, MR function cannot be used. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON When the parameter is set to ON, MR will be started. Enumeration Type OFF, ON For each switch of this parameter, the value can be: ON or OFF. MR trace traffic type set. Bit Field Type TRAFFIC_AMR, TRAFFIC_VP, TRAFFIC_BE, TRAFFIC_OTHER 1, 2, 4, 8 This switch specifies whether to add the MSCH logical channel on the SCCPCH. When multi-MTCH logical channels are carried on one SCCPCH, an MSCH logical channel should be added on the SCCPCH, which is used to send scheduling control information of the data of MTCH. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON This parameter specifies whether to add the MSCH logical channel on the SCCPCH. When one MTCH logical channel is carried on one SCCPCH, an MSCH logical channel should be added on the SCCPCH, which is used to send scheduling control information of the data of MTCH. Enumeration Type OFF(OFF), ON(ON) OFF, ON Broadcast message content. Any Type - 1~100 characters When the parameter value is ON,the broadcast message is valid,When OFF,the broadcast message is invalid. Enumeration Type OFF(Message is invalid), ON(Message is valid) OFF,ON This parameter specifies the control command of the MSP switchover protection group. Enumeration Type CLEAR(Cleared), LOP(Lockout of Protection), FS(Forcibly switchover working link to protection link), MS(Manual switchover from working link to protection link), EXERS(Exercisely switch working link to protection link) CLEAR,LOP,FS,MS,EXERS, Maximum power limit of all the MTCHs. This parameter is a limit to the maximum bearing of the MBMS PTM bearing. When the power of all the MTCHs are little, pre-emption of MBMS PTM bearing should be avoided. This is because the MBMS PTM bearing serves multiple users at the same time. The value should not be too high. Otherwise, all the system resources may be consumed by the MBMS PTM bearing and too little capacity is left for the non-MBMS services. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Maximum code limit of all the MTCHs. This parameter is a limit to the maximum bearing of the MBMS PTM bearing. When the code of all the MTCHs are few, pre-emption of MBMS PTM bearing should be avoided. This is because the MBMS PTM bearing serves multiple users at the same time. The value should not be too high. Otherwise, all the system resources may be consumed by the MBMS PTM bearing and too little capacity is left for the non-MBMS services. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 This parameter specifies the minimum coverage percentage of the MTCH corresponding to the RAB priority of 0. When the cell load is high, the RNC configures low power for the MBMS service so as to avoid worsening congestion in the cell and improve the setup success rate of the MBMS service. This low power, however, should cover the minimum coverage area of the MBMS service. The minimum coverage area is set to a certain percentage of the coverage area associated with the maximum transmit power of the FACH. To fulfill service differentiation, services of different priorities have different minimum coverage areas. A larger value of this parameter leads to a larger guaranteed coverage area of the MBMS service in the case of heavy load in the cell. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.346. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 This parameter specifies the minimum coverage percentage of the MTCH corresponding to the RAB priority of 15. When the cell load is high, the RNC configures low power for the MBMS service so as to avoid worsening congestion in the cell and improve the setup success rate of the MBMS service. This low power, however, should cover the minimum coverage area of the MBMS service. The minimum coverage area is set to a certain percentage of the coverage area associated with the maximum transmit power of the FACH. To fulfill service differentiation, services of different priorities have different minimum coverage areas. A larger value of this parameter leads to a larger guaranteed coverage area of the MBMS service in the case of heavy load in the cell. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.346. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 This parameter specifies the MTCH multiplexing threshold. When the rate of an MBMS service is lower than this threshold, the service, together with other services, is allocated a multiplexed S-CCPCH, whose transmission rate is set to the MTCH multiplexing threshold fixedly. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D25616, 32, 64, 128, 256 This parameter specifies whether to apply Robust Header Compression (ROHC) on the MTCH. The value TRUE indicates to apply ROHC on the MTCH. Enumeration Type True, False TRUE, FALSE Available guarantee power of all the MTCHs. This parameter is a protection for the MBMS PTM bearing. When the power of all the MTCHs are little, pre-emption of MBMS PTM bearing should be avoided. This is because the MBMS PTM bearing serves multiple users at the same time. The value should not be too high. Otherwise, all the system resources may be consumed by the MBMS PTM bearing and too little capacity is left for the non-MBMS services. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Available guarantee codes of all the MTCHs. This parameter is a protection for the MBMS PTM bearing. When the codes of all the MTCHs are few, pre-emption of MBMS PTM bearing should be avoided. This is because the MBMS PTM bearing serves multiple users at the same time. The value should not be too high. Otherwise, all the system resources may be consumed by the MBMS PTM bearing and too little capacity is left for the non-MBMS services. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 The OM interface supports localization and MET or IMP can be selected. Enumeration Type MET(Metric System), IMP(British Measurement) 0~1 This parameter specifies whether the metric system or the imperial system is used. Enumeration Type MET(MET), IMP(IMP) MET, IMP This parameter specifies the maximum transmission unit. Interval Type 256~1500 256 to 1500 This parameter specifies the maximum time elapsed before the sub-frames over the PPP link are multiplexed. Interval Type 1~1500 1 to 1500 This parameter specifies the discriminator of the check on the local end. Interval Type 1~16 1~16 Number of proving PDUs transmitted during the proving.Reference to ITU-T Q2110. Interval Type 10~2000 10~2000 Maximum number of retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 Maximum number of retransmissions of CELL UPDATE/URA UPDATE.Protocol default value is 3. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 Maximum number of retransmissions of UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION. Protocol default value is 2. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 Maximum number of retransmission of RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE. Interval Type 1~8 1~8 Maximum number of successive "in sync" indications received from L1. Protocol default value is 1. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000 D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000 Maximum number of successive "out of sync" indications received from L1. Protocol default value is 20. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200 D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200 Maximum number of successive "in sync" indications received from L1 when T313 is activated. Protocol default value is 1. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000 D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000 Maximum number of resend times of message "RRC CONNECTION SETUP" or "CELL UPDATE CONFIRM". default value is 1. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4 D1,D2,D3,D4 Name of the MTP3RT. String Type - 1~31 characters Upper limit of random access back-off delay. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 and 3GPP TS 25.214 protocols. Interval Type 0~50 0~50 Lower limit of random access back-off delay. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 and 3GPP TS 25.214 protocols. Interval Type 0~50 0~50 When call shock control starts, the AMR_RRC number can be accessed per second for NodeB. Interval Type 1~200 1~200 This parameter specifies the number of the NBAP service listening port. Interval Type 1024~65535 1024~65535 This parameter specifies the OM address for NodeB ATM transport. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the OM mask for NodeB ATM transport. IP Address Type - When call shock control starts, the register and 3G->2G reselect number can be accessed per second for NodeB. Interval Type 1~200 1~200 This parameter specifies the OM address for NodeB IP transport. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the OM mask for NodeB IP transport. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the first ESN. String Type - 1 to 30 characters This parameter specifies the second ESN. String Type - 1 to 30 characters The above values of the algorithms represent the following information: CRD_ADCTRL: Control NodeB Credit admission control algorithm Only when IUB_CONG_CAC_SWITC H which is set by the SET CACALGOSWITCH command and this switch are on,the NodeB Credit admission control algorithm is valid. HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL: Control HSDPA UU Load admission control algorithm HSDPA_GBP_MEAS: Control HSDPA HS-DSCH Required Power measurement HSDPA_PBR_MEAS: Control HSDPA HS-DSCH Provided Bit Rate measurement HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL: Control HSUPA UU Load admission control algorithm MBMS_UU_ADCTRL: Control MBMS UU Load admission control algorithm DOFFC: Default DPCH offset configuration algorithm Bit Field Type CRD_ADCTRL(Credit Admission Control Algorithm), HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSDPA UU Load Admission Control Algorithm), HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSUPA UU Load Admission Control Algorithm), MBMS_UU_ADCTRL(MBMS UU Load Admission Control Algorithm), HSDPA_GBP_MEAS(HSDPA GBP Meas Algorithm), HSDPA_PBR_MEAS(HSDPA PBR Meas Algorithm), DOFFC(DPCH Offset Configuration Algorithm), HSUPA_PBR_MEAS(HSUPA PBR Meas Algorithm), HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS(HSUPA EDCH RSEPS Meas Algorithm), EMC_UU_ADCTRL(emergency call power admission), FACH_UU_ADCTRL(FACH power cac switch) CRD_ADCTRL,HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL,HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL,MBMS_UU_ADCTRL,HSDPA_GBP_MEAS,HSDPA_PBR_MEAS,DOFFC,HSUPA_PBR_MEAS,HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS,EMC_UU_ADCTRL,FACH_UU_ADCTRL The algorithms with the above values represent are as follow: ALGORITHM_OFF: Disable downlink call admission control algorithm. ALGORITHM_FIRST: The load factor prediction algorithm will be used in downlink CAC. ALGORITHM_SECOND: The equivalent user number algorithm will be used in downlink CAC. ALGORITHM_THIRD: The loose call admission control algorithm will be used in downlink CAC. Enumeration Type ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_FIRST, ALGORITHM_SECOND, ALGORITHM_THIRD ALGORITHM_OFF,ALGORITHM_FIRST,ALGORITHM_SECOND,ALGORITHM_THIRD The algorithms with the above values represent are as follow: INTRA_FREQUENCY_L DB: Intra-frequency load balance algorithm. It is also named cell breathing algorithm.Based on the cell load, this algorithm changes the pilot power of the cell to control the load between intra-frequency cells. PUC: Potential user control algorithm. Based on the cell load, this algorithm changes the selection/reselection parameters of a cell to lead the UE to a lighter loaded cell. UL_UU_OLC: UL UU overload congestion control algorithm. When the cell is overloaded in UL, this algorithm reduces the cell load in UL by quick TF restriction or UE release. DL_UU_OLC: DL UU overload congestion control algorithm. When the cell is overloaded in DL, this algorithm reduces the cell load in DL by quick TF restriction or UE release. UL_UU_LDR: UL UU load Bit Field Type INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB(Intra Frequency LDB Algorithm), PUC(Potential User Control Algorithm), UL_UU_LDR(Uplink UU LDR Algorithm), DL_UU_LDR(Downlink UU LDR Algorithm), UL_UU_OLC(Uplink UU OLC Algorithm), DL_UU_OLC(Downlink UU OLC Algorithm), OLC_EVENTMEAS(OLC Event Meas Algorithm), CELL_CODE_LDR(Code LDR Algorithm), CELL_CREDIT_LDR(Credit LDR Algorithm) INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB,PUC,UL_UU_LDR,DL_UU_LDR,UL_UU_OLC,DL_UU_OLC,OLC_EVENTMEAS,CELL_CODE_LDR,CELL_CREDIT_LDR The algorithms with the above values represent are as follow: NBM_LDC_ALL_UE: When inter-frequency blind handover select user occurs, no need to consider whether target cell support users. NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ ONLY: When inter- frequency blind handover select user occurs, only consider users supported by target cell. NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ FIRST: When inter- frequency blind handover select user occurs, first consider users supported by target cell. Enumeration Type NBM_LDC_ALL_UE(Select all users), NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY(Select users match target cell support only), NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_FIRST(Select users match target cell support first) NBM_LDC_ALL_UE, NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ ONLY, NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ FIRST The algorithms with the above values represent are as follow: ALGORITHM_REQUIRE D: Always reset the mac-hs no matter the cells in question are in the same NodeB or not. ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ ON_LCG: Reset the mac-hs only when the cells in question are in the different local cell group. Enumeration Type ALGORITHM_REQUIRED, ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ON_LCG ALGORITHM_REQUIRED,ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ON_LCG The algorithms with the above values represent are as follow: ALGORITHM_OFF: Disable uplink call admission control algorithm. ALGORITHM_FIRST: The load factor prediction algorithm will be used in uplink CAC. ALGORITHM_SECOND: The equivalent user number algorithm will be used in uplink CAC. ALGORITHM_THIRD: The loose call admission control algorithm will be used in uplink CAC. Enumeration Type ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_FIRST, ALGORITHM_SECOND, ALGORITHM_THIRD ALGORITHM_OFF,ALGORITHM_FIRST,ALGORITHM_SECOND,ALGORITHM_THIRD This parameter is used to identify WPS users with priority. For instance, if priorities 3, 4, 5, and 6 are selected, users with priorities are regarded as WPS users. Bit Field Type PRIORITY1(WPS USER PRIORITY 1), PRIORITY2(WPS USER PRIORITY 2), PRIORITY3(WPS USER PRIORITY 3), PRIORITY4(WPS USER PRIORITY 4), PRIORITY5(WPS USER PRIORITY 5), PRIORITY6(WPS USER PRIORITY 6), PRIORITY7(WPS USER PRIORITY 7), PRIORITY8(WPS USER PRIORITY 8), PRIORITY9(WPS USER PRIORITY 9), PRIORITY10(WPS USER PRIORITY 10), PRIORITY11(WPS USER PRIORITY 11), PRIORITY12(WPS USER PRIORITY 12), PRIORITY13(WPS USER PRIORITY 13), PRIORITY14(WPS USER PRIORITY 14) PRIORITY1, PRIORITY2, PRIORITY3, PRIORITY4, PRIORITY5, PRIORITY6, PRIORITY7, PRIORITY8, PRIORITY9, PRIORITY10, PRIORITY11, PRIORITY12, PRIORITY13, PRIORITY14, WPS (Wireless Priority Service) is NS/EP (National Security/Emergency Preparedness) AMR conversation service controlled by White House of USA. NCS is authorized to manage the execution of the WPS project. This switch indicates whether the WPS function is supported. Enumeration Type ALGORITHM_OFF(WPS Algorithm Switch OFF), ALGORITHM_ON(WPS Algorithm Switch ON) ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_ON When the RRC REQ total number of one NodeB reach this threshold the RRC flow control will be triggered. Interval Type 1~200 1~200 This parameter specifies the transport type of the NodeB. ATMTRANS_IP indicates the ATM transport type, IPTRANS_IP indicates the IP transport type, and ATMANDIPTRANS_IP indicates the ATM and IP transport types. Enumeration Type ATMTRANS_IP, IPTRANS_IP, ATMANDIPTRANS_IP ATMTRANS_IP, IPTRANS_IP, ATMANDIPTRANS_IP Uniquely identifying the different network in the neighboring area. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 Uniquely identifying a neighboring cell. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 The cell will shut down automatically only when the neighboring cell load is less than the difference between the LDR threshold and this threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 ID of the RNC controlling a neighboring cell. Uniquely identifying an RNC. Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 Indicating the network control mode. Enumeration Type NC0, NC1, NC2, RESET NC0,NC1,NC2,RESET When the number of UEs responding to counting/recounting is greater than or equal to this threshold, the PTM mode is applied to data transmission. Otherwise, the PTP mode is used. Note that the number of UEs includes the number of connected mode UEs. A larger value of this parameter leads to a higher probability of using PTP transmission on the network. Power control is available for PTP transmission, and thus the power consumption in PTP mode is lower than that in PTM mode. In PTP mode, however, the quantities of code, CE, and other transmission resources increase with the number of users. Therefore, the setting of this parameter should take into consideration various resources, especially bottleneck resources of operators. The value of this parameter should not be too large. Interval Type 2~10 2~10 When this parameter is set to ON, and when the load of the GSM cell exceeds the related threshold, the RNC will stop the non-coverage based inter-RAT handover; when this parameter is set to OFF, the RNC will do reversely. This parameter determines whether to stop the non-coverage based handover from the UMTS network to the GSM network according to the load information of the GSM cell. When the GSM network can provide its load information to the UMTS network, the RNC determines whether to send the non-coverage based handover to the GSM cell according to the load information of the GSM cell and the load threshold of the GSM cell set in the UMTS cell. This parameter is invalid for the GSM network that cannot provide its load information to the UMTS network. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Maximum number of non-HCS cell reselection. This parameter, along with Tcrmaxnonhcs, defines the speed estimation threshold of non-HCS cells. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 1~16 1~16 Indicating whether the DSP and the OSP are connected directly or indirectly. Enumeration Type NO(NO_DIRECT_CONNECT), YES(DIRECT_CONNECT) NO, YES This parameter specifies the IP address of the next hop. IP Address Type - to This parameter specifies the IP address of the next hop. IP Address Type - Threshold for deciding that the UE is in high-mobility state. This parameter specifies a threshold for high-speed decision. After the UE reports event 1D, the UE is considered in high-mobility state if the number of changes of the best cell during [TFASTSPDEST] is larger than [NFASTSPDEST]. The smaller the value is, the more possibly the UE is decided in high-mobility state. Interval Type 1~16 1~16 Network Indicator. INT(international network), INTB(international reserved), NAT(national network), NATB(national reserved). Enumeration Type INT, INTB, NAT, NATB International Network Code, International Standby Network Code, National Network Code, National Standby Network Code This parameter defines the of successive in-sync indications required for the NodeB to trigger the radio link recovery process.The radio link set remains in the initial state until it has received a certain number (the number is defined by NInsyncInd) of successive in-sync indications from L1, and then the NodeB triggers the radio link recovery process, which indicates that the radio link set has been synchronized. Once the radio link recovery process is triggered, the radio link set is considered to be in the synchronized state. The higher the value is, the stricter the synchronization process becomes, and the more difficult the synchronization occurs. The lower the value is, the easier the synchronization occurs. If the link quality is poor, a simple synchronization requirement leads to waste of the UE power and increase of uplink interference. In the radio link maintenance process, NInsyncInd is used together with the successive out-of-sync indication counter. Interval Type 1~256 1~256 This parameter should be set according to the actual network situation . If there is the Gs interface between SGSN and MSC/VLR this parameter is set as MODE1; otherwise, MODE2. It is valid only when [CN domain ID] is set as PS_DOMAIN. Enumeration Type MODE1, MODE2 MODE1,MODE2 This parameter specifies the value of the NAS Node Selection Function (NNSF) timer for CS traffic paging. For the IMSI paging of the UE in CS connection mode, on receiving the IMSI paging with the first Global CN ID, the RNC stores the Global CN ID and starts the NNSF protection timer. Once the UE responds to the IMSI paging, the RNC stops the NNSF protection timer. Interval Type 0~60 0~60 This parameter specifies the number of the cabinet where the NodeB is installed. Interval Type 0 0 Maximum number of HSDPA users of the NodeB. If the HSDPA user access is rejected by the NodeB, you can infer that the HSDPA licenses are insufficient. New HSDPA licenses are required. Interval Type 0~3840 0~3840 Maximum number of HSUPA users of the NodeB. If the HSUPA user access is rejected by the NodeB, you can infer that the HSUPA licenses are insufficient. New HSUPA licenses are required. Interval Type 0~3840 0~3840 NodeB ID. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 This parameter specifies the number of an IMA group of the NodeB. Interval Type 0~3 0 to 3 IUB_LDR (Iub congestion control algorithm): When the NodeB Iub load is heavy, users are assembled in priority order among all the NodeBs and some users are selected for LDR action (such as BE service rate reduction) in order to reduce the NodeB Iub load. NODEB_CREDIT_LDR (NodeB level credit congestion control algorithm): When the NodeB level credit load is heavy, users are assembled in priority order among all the NodeBs and some users are selected for LDR action in order to reduce the NodeB level credit load. LCG_CREDIT_LDR (Cell group level credit congestion control algorithm): When the cell group level credit load is heavy, users are assembled in priority order among all the NodeBs and some users are selected for LDR action in order to reduce the cell group level credit load. IUB_OLC (Iub Overload congestion control Bit Field Type IUB_LDR(IUB LDR Algorithm), NODEB_CREDIT_LDR(NodeB Credit LDR Algorithm), LCG_CREDIT_LDR(LCG Credit LDR Algorithm), IUB_OLC(IUB OLC Algorithm) IUB_LDR, NODEB_CREDIT_LDR, LCG_CREDIT_LDR, IUB_OLC Name of the NodeB. String Type - 1~64 characters Protocol version of the NodeB. Enumeration Type R99, R4, R5, R6, R7 R99, R4, R5, R6, R7 This parameter specifies the period of reporting the NodeB bandwidth, in minutes. Interval Type 1~60 1 to 60 This parameter specifies the type of reporting the NodeB bandwidth. "PERIOD" indicates the periodical report type. "EVENT" indicates the event-based report type, for example, the report triggered by bandwidth change. Enumeration Type PERIOD, EVENT PERIOD,EVENT This parameter specifies the number of the slot where the port of the NodeB is located. Interval Type 0~1,12~15,22~23 0 to 1,12 to 15,22 to 23 This parameter specifies the number of the subrack where the NodeB is installed. Interval Type 0~2 0 to 2 This parameter specifies the type of a sub-board of the NodeB. Enumeration Type BASE_BOARD, CH_STM1, E1 BASE_BOARD,CH_STM1,E1 Indicating the type of the NodeB. Enumeration Type NORMAL(Normal), PICO_TYPE1(Pico type 1), PICO_TYPE2(Pico type 2) NORMAL, PICO_TYPE1, PICO_TYPE2 Period of node synchronization. Interval Type 1~288 5~1440, step:5 Measurement start time (HH:MM:SS). Compound Type hour, min, sec 00:00:00~23:59:59 UNI_AAL2SWITCH is the adjacent node of the ATM switch on the Iub interface. NNI_AAL2SWITCH is the adjacent node of the ATM switch on the Iur or Iu-CS interface. Enumeration Type IUB, IUR, IUCS, IUPS, UNI_AAL2SWITCH, NNI_AAL2SWITCH IUB, IUR, IUCS, IUPS, UNI_AAL2SWITCH, NNI_AAL2SWITCH This parameter specifies the small-scaled base station type. Enumeration Type PICO_TYPE1, PICO_TYPE2PICO_TYPE1, PICO_TYPE2 Indicating whether the non-HCS speed estimation parameter should be configured. Enumeration Type CONFIGURED, NOT_CONFIGURED CONFIGURED, NOT_CONFIGURED This parameter specifies the ratio of the non-serving E-DCH RX power to the total E-DCH RX power. The parameter indicates whether a non-serving NodeB sends the relative grant (RG) message to the UE. If the parameter value is set too low, the power of the non-serving radio link will be low and the data rate on non-serving E-DCH will be reduced, thus impacting the transport rate of the UE in soft handover state. If the parameter value is too high, the non-serving RL cannot send RG to the UE even in overloaded situation. For details about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter defines the of successive in-sync indications required for starting the radio link failure timer. When the radio link set is in the synchronized state, the NodeB starts the timer after it receives successive out-of-sync indications of the number defined by NOutsyncInd.The NodeB shall stop and reset the timer after receiving successive in-sync indications of the number defined by NInsyncInd.When the timer expires, the NodeB triggers the radio link failure process, and indicates which radio link set is out-of-sync. If the value is excessively high, the link out-of-sync decision is likely to happen. If the value is excessively low, out-of-sync is not likely to happen. But if the link quality is poor, it may result in a waste of the UE power and increased uplink interference. Interval Type 1~256 1~256 Priority of neighboring cells. The priority that corresponds to the neighboring cell is valid only when the this parameter is set to TRUE. The lower the priority, the easier it is for the neighboring cell to be delivered as the measurement object. For example, it is more possible for a neighboring cell of priority 1 than a cell of priority 2 to be delivered as the measurement object. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 Priority of neighboring cells. The priority that corresponds to the neighboring cell is valid only when the this parameter is set to TRUE. The lower the priority, the easier it is for the neighboring cell to be delivered as the measurement object. For example, it is more possible for a neighboring cell of priority 1 than a cell of priority 2 to be delivered as the measurement object. Interval Type 0~30 0~30 Priority identifier of neighboring cells. TRUE indicates that the neighboring cell priority is valid in the algorithm of neighboring cell combination. FALSE indicates that the neighboring cell priority is invalid, and, in the algorithm of neighboring cell combination, the cell with invalid priority is the last one to be considered as the measurement object. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE,TRUE This parameter specifies the NPTP-PTM offset. During recounting in PTP mode, if the number of PTP users is larger than or equal to NPTP-PTM, the transmission mode transits to PTM. The value of NPTP-PTM = [PARA]NcountingThd[/PA RA] + [PARA]NPtpToPtmOffset[/ PARA]. The transition between PTP and PTM affects user experience. Thus, to minimize ping-pong effect, the transition between PTP and PTM uses a threshold other than [PARA]NcountingThd[/PA RA]. The two thresholds are used only to avoid ping- pong effect, so the difference between the two should not be too large. Because the value of [PARA]NcountingThd[/PA RA] is small, it is recommended that the default value of this parameter be used. Interval Type 1~5 1~5 Identifying a Network resourse . 1. The NRI numbers of CS domain and PS domain are independent from each other. 2. If multiple pool areas overlap, the NRI uniquely identify all the CN nodes connected to it. 3. A CN node can have multiple NRIs. In one pool area, however, an NRI can only correspond to one CN node. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 Neighboring RNC ID. Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 Source ATM address. It should be input in hexadecimal format with prefix of "H'". 1.The first byte of it is recommended to started with H'45 (indicating E.164 address), H'39 (indicating DCC address) or H'47 (indicating ICD address). When it is started with "H'45", the following seven and a half octets must be BCD code, called E.164e when the last part DSP is full of zero, such as 0x45000971500202001F00 00000000000000000000, while called E.164A when the last part DSP is not full of zero. H'45 is recommended. 2.It should be allocated in the ATM network and cannot be repeated. Any Type - ATM address Destination ATM address of the AAL2 route. It must be input in hexadecimal format within 2 and 21 bytes including the prefix H'(H'is 1 byte). It is recommended that the first byte is H'45 (indicating an E.164 address), H'39 (indicating a DCC address), or H'47 (indicating an ICD address). If the first byte is H'45, then the following seven and a half bytes (that is, 15 digits) must be a BCD code. If the following part, called DSP, are all zeros, this address is called E.164e, for example, 0x45000971500202001000 00000000000000000000. If the DSP are not all zeros, this address is called E.164A. The ATM address is assigned in the ATM network and must be unique. It is recommended to use H'45 format. Any Type - None Threshold for deciding whether the UE in low- mobility state. After the slow speed timer times out, the UE is considered in low-mobility state if the number of changes of the best cell caused by the UE reporting of event 1D during [TSLOWSPDEST] is smaller than [NSLOWSPDEST]. The larger the value is, the more possibly the UE is decided in low-mobility state. Interval Type 1~16 1~16 NullNRI VALUE indicate that ue assign load other CN node ,when NNSF select CN node. Interval Type 0~1023 0~1023 Specifies the number of access classes that are restricted at a time according to the flexible polling restriction mode. Interval Type 1~16 1~16 This parameter specifies the minimum OAM flow bandwidth. Interval Type 0~100 0%~100% This parameter specifies the DSCP value of the OAM flow. The data of the OAM flow enters a dedicated queue for transmission rather than queues 1 to 6. Interval Type 0~63 0 to 63 This parameter specifies the minimum OAM flow bandwidth switch. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON Offset of Qoffset1 when neighboring cell load is heavier than that of the center cell (Note: Qoffset1 is used as a priority to decide which cell will be selected in cell selection or reselection). For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 Offset of Qoffset1 when neighboring cell load is lighter than that of the center cell (Note: Qoffset1 is used as a priority to decide which cell will be selected in cell selection or reselection). For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 Offset of Qoffset2 when neighboring cell load is heavier than that of the center cell (Note: Qoffset2 is used as a priority to decide which cell will be selected in cell selection or reselection). For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 Offset of Qoffset2 when neighboring cell load is lighter than that of the center cell (Note: Qoffset2 is used as a priority to decide which cell will be selected in cell selection or reselection). For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -20~20 -20~20 Offset of Sintersearch when center cell load level is "Heavy" (Note: Sintersearch is used to decide whether to start the inter-frequency cell reselection). For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -10~10 -20~20,step:2 Offset of Sintersearch when center cell load level is "Light" (Note: Sintersearch is used to decide whether to start the inter-frequency cell reselection). For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -10~10 -20~20, step:2 Identifying the period of the OLC execution. When overload occurs, execution of OLC can dynamically reduce the cell load. When setting the parameter, consider the hysteresis for which the load monitoring responds to the load change. For example, when the layer 3 filter coefficient is 6, the hysteresis for which the load measurement responds to the step-function signals is about 2.8s, namely that the system can trace the load control effect about 3 s later after each load control. In this case, the OLC period timer length cannot be smaller than 3s. OlcPeriodTimerLen along with ULOLCFTFRstrctUserNum , DLOLCFTFRstrctUserNum , ULOLCFTFRSTRCTTime s, DLOLCFTFRSTRCTTime s, ULOLCTraffRelUserNum, and Interval Type 100~86400000 100~86400000 Identity Operator Type,as follows: Primary Operator: Control whether the RAN support some funtion feature and distribute seconder operator's license. Second Operator: the RAN that is controled by primary operator support some funtion feature and license. Outer Operator: Operator which don't include the Primary , Second operator of the source rnc handover the target RNC to support the mobiling . Common Operator: Common Operator indicate PLMN ID the subscribe select as the same as the tradition network do in the sharing network. It is also the Serving operator. Enumeration Type PRIM(Primary Operator), SEC(Secondary Operator), OUTER(Outer Operator), COMM(Common Operator) PRIM,SEC,OUTER,COMM This parameter specifies the type of transport channel at the peer end for the typical RAB. For CS services, this parameter must be set to TRCH_DCH. Enumeration Type TRCH_DCH, TRCH_HSDSCH TRCH_DCH, TRCH_HSDSCH This parameter specifies the map mode between the optical port and the DS1. Enumeration Type MAP_MODE_LUCENT, MAP_MODE_HUAWEI, MAP_MODE_ALCATEL MAP_MODE_LUCENT,MAP_MODE_HUAWEI,MAP_MODE_ALCATEL This parameter specifies whether the IE is reported to the CN. Bit Field Type R5_PosData_SWITCH, Last_Known_Service_Area_SWITCH R5_PosData_SWITCH, Last_Known_Service_Area_SWITCH This parameter specifies the type of the optical port. Enumeration Type SDH, SONET SDH, SONET Azimuth of the semi-major axis of an uncertain area in the cell center (the anticlockwise angle from the semi-major axis to the north). Interval Type 0~179 0~179 This parameter specifies the operation type of this command. One_touch indicates that this command is executed on all boards in all subracks. Step_by_Step indicates that this command is executed on the specified patch of a board. Enumeration Type One_touch(For all the subracks and boards), Step_by_Step(Choose step by step) One_touch (for all the subracks and boards), Step_by_Step (choose step by step) Flag of OTDOA location activation. Enumeration Type INACTIVE, ACTIVE INACTIVE, ACTIVE UE positioning mode when the OTDOA method is selected. The UE supports both UE-based OTDOA mode and UE-assisted OTDOA mode. Enumeration Type UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED UE_BASED, UE_ASSISTED, UE_BASED_PREFERRED, UE_ASSISTED_PREFERRED Mobility flag of the overlay network. This flag is valid when the OVERLAY switch is set to ON. When the flag is set to NOT_FORBIDDEN, this means that, when using the H service, the UE can deliver the intra-frequency measurement and handover to the DRNC cell, which can be used as the target cell of inter-frequency handover. When the flag is set to FORBIDDEN, this means that, when using the H service, the UE cannot deliver the intra-frequency measurement and handover to the neighboring cell, which cannot be used as the target cell of inter- frequency handover. Note that the H+CS combined service is considered as the CS service. Enumeration Type FORBIDDEN, NOT_FORBIDDEN FORBIDDEN,NOT_FORBIDDEN Ownership of the AAL2 Path. Enumeration Type PEER, LOCAL PEER, LOCAL Indicating whether the destination ATM address is the adjacent node specified by [ANI]. If the two nodes are the same, set this parameter to YES. If they are different, set this parameter to NO. Enumeration Type NO(ATM_ADDRESS_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_THIS_ADJACENT_NODE), YES(ATM_ADDRESS_BELONGS_TO_THIS_ADJACENT_NODE) NO,YES For IUPS Path,this parameter must be ENABLED.Other Paths have default value DISABLED.If this parameter is set to ENABLED,then [Check IP address] must be specified. Enumeration Type ENABLED, DISABLED ENABLED, DISABLED Identifying an AAL2 path between two AAL2 nodes. For the same AAL2 path, the path IDs configured in the two AAL2 nodes must be the same and cannot be 0. Interval Type 1~4294967295 1~4294967295 Identifying an IP path. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Type of the IP path. Enumeration Type QOS, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQ_QOS, LQ_BE, LQ_AF11, LQ_AF12, LQ_AF13, LQ_AF21, LQ_AF22, LQ_AF23, LQ_AF31, LQ_AF32, LQ_AF33, LQ_AF41, LQ_AF42, LQ_AF43, LQ_EF QOS, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, QOS, LQ_BE, LQ_AF11, LQ_AF12, LQ_AF13, LQ_AF21, LQ_AF22, LQ_AF23, LQ_AF31, LQ_AF32, LQ_AF33, LQ_AF41, LQ_AF42, LQ_AF43, LQ_EF This parameter specifies the type of patch to be loaded to the DPUb board. Enumeration Type NP, DSP NP,DSP Offset of the PCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. If the value is set too small, the UEs on the cell edge cannot receive the paging message properly. This problem affects the coverage of the downlink common channel and furthermore the coverage of the cell. If the value is set too great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 TX power of the PCPICH in a cell. This parameter should be set based on the actual system environment such as cell coverage (radius) and geographical environment. For the cells to be covered, the downlink coverage should be guaranteed as a premise. For the cells requiring soft handover area, this parameter should satisfy the proportion of soft handover areas stipulated in the network planning. If the maximum transmit power of the PCPICH is configured too large, the cell capacity will be decreased because a lot of system resources will be occupied and the interference with the downlink traffic channels will be increased. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type -100~500 -10~50, step: 0.1 Pilot power adjustment step increased or decreased in each increase of the cell breathing algorithm or decrease of cell pilot. If the value is too great, the cell pilot may change fiercely, which is easy to lead to user call drops. If the value is too small, the cell pilot may change smoothly. However, the response speed of the cell breathing algorithm is decreased, impacting the algorithm performance. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 0~100 0~10, step:0.1 This parameter specifies the peak rate. 1. Physical unit: cell/s or kbit/s 2. The peak rate cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth of the bearer such as the IMA group, UNI link, or optical port. 3. The peak rates for different types of services are as follows: CBR: 71 to 353207 (UT = CELL/S)/30 - 149759 (UT = KBIT/S); RTVBR/NRTVBR/UBR: 71 to 70754 (UT = CELL/S)/30 - 30000 (UT = KBIT/S). Interval Type 30~353207 30 to 353207 Power control switch. 1) PC_AMR_MODE_INDUC E_BLER_ALTER_SWITC H: When the switch is on, the target BLER value of the AMR speech service is the target BLER value of each mode in the AMRC parameter table. When the switch is not on, the target BLER value of the AMR speech service is the target BLER value specified in TYPRAB. 2) PC_DL_INNER_LOOP_P C_ACTIVE_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the status of inner loop DL power control is set to "Active." When the switch is not on, the status is set to "Inactive." 3) PC_DOWNLINK_POWER _BALANCE_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the RNC supports DL power balancing. During soft handover, TPC bit errors may cause DL power drift. DL power balancing is enabled to balance the DL Bit Field Type PC_AMR_MODE_INDUCE_BLER_ALTER_SWITCH, PC_DL_INNER_LOOP_PC_ACTIVE_SWITCH, PC_DOWNLINK_POWER_BALANCE_SWITCH, PC_EFACH_ECN0_DYN_ADJ_SWITCH, PC_FP_MULTI_RLS_IND_SWITCH, PC_HSUPA_HARQNUM_AUTO_ADJUST_SWITCH, PC_HSUPA_PO_UPDATE_SWITCH, PC_INNER_LOOP_LMTED_PWR_INC_SWITCH, PC_OLPC_SWITCH, PC_RL_RECFG_SIR_TARGET_CARRY_SWITCH, PC_SIG_DCH_OLPC_SWITCH, PC_UL_SIRERR_HIGH_REL_UE_SWITCH PC_AMR_MODE_INDUCE_BLER_ALTER_SWITCH, PC_DL_INNER_LOOP_PC_ACTIVE_SWITCH, PC_DOWNLINK_POWER_BALANCE_SWITCH, PC_EFACH_ECN0_DYN_ADJ_SWITCH, PC_FP_MULTI_RLS_IND_SWITCH, PC_HSUPA_HARQNUM_AUTO_ADJUST_SWITCH, PC_HSUPA_PO_UPDATE_SWITCH, PC_INNER_LOOP_LMTED_PWR_INC_SWITCH, PC_OLPC_SWITCH, PC_RL_RECFG_SIR_TARGET_CARRY_SWITCH, PC_SIG_DCH_OLPC_SWITCH, PC_UL_SIRERR_HIGH_REL_UE_SWITCH PENDING time length of M3UA link set. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 This parameter specifies the period of sending EthOAM PDU packets. Enumeration Type 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 10,20,50,100,200,500,1000 This parameter specifies the length of an EthOAM PDU packet. Interval Type 64~1024 64 to 1025 Indicating the corresponding peer cell ID of the cell in a RNCPOOL in RNC Node Redundancy function. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 This parameter specifies the peer IP address. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the peer IP address for the MLPPP group. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the destination IP address of the IP loopback test. IP Address Type - First destination IP address. 0 indicates an invalid value. IP Address Type - Second destination IP address. 0 indicates an invalid value. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the peer IP address. IP Address Type - Peer IP address. This parameter cannot be equal to the local IP address configured in the RNC. IP Address Type - Indicating peer cell is valid or not. Enumeration Type INVALID(Invalid), VALID(Valid) Valid, Invalid Peer subnet mask. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the NodeB ID configured in another RNC of the RNC POOL. In RNC Node Redundancy function, the two RNCs form an RNC POOL and the same physical NodeB is configured in both RNCs. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Destination port of the SCTP link. Interval Type 1024~65535 1024~65535 This parameter specifies the RNC ID of the peer RNC in the RNC POOL. Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 This parameter specifies the peer type of IPoA PVC. Enumeration Type IUB, IUPS, OTHER IUB, IUPS, OTHER The length of the penalty timer of Inter-Rat handover failure due to physical channel failure. No try of Inter-Rat handover will be taken until penalty finishes. Also see parameter InterRatPhyChFailNum. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Strech for penalty of inter-RAT handover failure. No try of inter-RAT handover to the penalty cell will be taken until penalty finishes. Interval Type 0~300 0~300 This parameter specifies the pending-time-after-trigger for traffic-related event 4A on DCH. The traffic-related event 4A on DCH is not reported again during the time defined by this parameter after such an event is reported. This parameter is set to avoid too many channel reconfiguration operations. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the time from the last reporting of traffic-related event 4A on DCH to the next reporting, and the smaller the possibility of triggering traffic-related event 4A on DCH. Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 This parameter specifies the pending-time-after-trigger for traffic-related event 4B on DCH. The traffic-related event 4B on DCH is not reported again during the time defined by this parameter after such an event is reported. This parameter is set to avoid too many channel reconfiguration operations. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the time from the last reporting of traffic-related event 4B on DCH to the next reporting, and the smaller the possibility of triggering traffic-related event 4B on DCH. Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 This parameter specifies the number of pending periods after event A is triggered. During the pending time, no event related to retransmission ratio is reported. Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 This parameter specifies the number of pending periods after event B is triggered. During the pending time, no event related to retransmission ratio is reported. Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 IP Path Ping Period. Interval Type 1~60 1~60 2B event retry period. This parameter defines the length of the event 2B retry period. The smaller the value of this parameter, the more frequent the handover retry due to inter-frequency handover failure, and the faster the UE to be successfully handed over to the target cell whose load is restored, thus lowering the probability of call drops. In this case, however, frequent handover retry brings more load to the RNC system. Interval Type 1~64 500~32000,Step:500 Retry period for the event 2C. This parameter defines the length of the event 2C retry period. The smaller the value of this parameter, the more frequent the handover retry due to inter-frequency handover failure, and the faster the UE to be successfully handed over to the target cell whose load is restored. In this case, however, frequent handover retry brings more load to the RNC system. Interval Type 1~64 500~32000,Step:500 Retry period for the event 3A. This parameter defines the length of the event 3A retry period. The smaller the value of this parameter, the more frequent the handover retry due to inter-RAT handover failure, and the faster the UE to be successfully handed over to the target cell whose load is restored, thus lowering the probability of call drops. In this case, however, frequent handover retry brings more load to the RNC system. Interval Type 1~64 500~32000,Step:500 Retry period for the event 3C. This parameter defines the length of the event 3C retry period. The smaller the value of this parameter, the more frequent the handover retry due to inter-RAT handover failure, and the faster the UE to be successfully handed over to the target cell whose load is restored, thus lowering the probability of call drops. In this case, however, frequent handover retry brings more load to the RNC system. Interval Type 1~64 500~32000,Step:500 This parameter specifies the number of reporting times of event 1A for periodical reporting. When the actual reporting times exceeds the set value, the periodical reporting ends. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, INFINITY 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, INFINITY This parameter specifies the number of reporting times of event 1C for periodical reporting. When the actual reporting times exceeds the set value, the periodical reporting ends. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, INFINITY 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, INFINITY This parameter specifies the number of reporting times of event 1J for periodical reporting. When the actual reporting times exceeds the set value, the periodical reporting ends. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, INFINITY 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, INFINITY Period common measurement protection timer coefficient. Timer length of common measurement report protection = max (10000, this parameter x common measurement report period). The unit is ms. The common measurement report protection timer indicates the maximum length between two valid common measurement reports. If the real time exceeds the timer length of common measurement report protection, the common measurement is faulty and a new one is set up. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 2~65535 2~65535 It is used to calculate the corresponding dynamic persist scaling factor for ASC2~ASC7. It is valid for ASC2-ASC7 only and mandatory. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.214. Enumeration Type D0.9, D0.8, D0.7, D0.6, D0.5, D0.4, D0.3, D0.2 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2 This parameter specifies whether to enable the protocol field compression switch for the PPP link. Enumeration Type Disable, Enable Disable(Not support Protocol field compress), Enable(Support Protocol field compress) This parameter specifies the PHB to be activated with the IP PM. Bit Field Type BE(BE), AF11(AF11), AF12(AF12), AF13(AF13), AF21(AF21), AF22(AF22), AF23(AF23), AF31(AF31), AF32(AF32), AF33(AF33), AF41(AF41), AF42(AF42), AF43(AF43), EF(EF) BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF PHB value. Enumeration Type BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF BE AF11 AF12 AF13 AF21 AF22 AF23 AF31 AF32 AF33 AF41 AF42 AF43 EF Uniquely identifying a common physical channel in a cell. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 ID of the physical channel carrying the MCCH. Interval Type 1~255 1~255 Uniquely identifying a PICH in a cell. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 Indicating the number of PIs contained in each frame of the PICH For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Enumeration Type V18, V36, V72, V144 18, 36, 72, 144 Difference between the transmit power of PICH and that of PCPICH. If the value is set too small, the UEs on the cell edge cannot receive the paging indication properly. This problem may cause a misoperation of reading the PCH, waste the battery of the UE, affect the coverage of the downlink common channel, and finally affect the cell coverage. If the value is too great, it causes interference to other channels, occupies the downlink transmit power, and affects the cell capacity. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.433 protocol. Interval Type -10~5 -10~5 This parameter specifies the number of the slot that holds the PIU. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of packets for starting the EthOAM loopback test. Interval Type 5~64 5 to 64 This parameter specifies the length of packet for starting the EthOAM loopback test. Interval Type 64~1024 64 to 1024 This parameter specifies the maximum length of a loopback packet. Interval Type 10~1500 10 to 1500 This parameter specifies the size of the ping packets. Interval Type 20~1024 20 to 1024 This parameter specifies the size of a sent packet. Interval Type 95~512 95 to 512 Maximum PLMN tag value corresponding to a LAC. It is defined by the operator. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 1~256 1~256 Minimum PLMN tag value corresponding to a LAC. It is defined by the operator. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 1~256 1~256 This parameter specifies the period of measuring the packet loss rate. Interval Type 1~100 100~10000 This parameter specifies the threshold of discarding packets. Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 This parameter specifies the interval for sending IP PM packets. Interval Type 1~100 100 to 10000 This parameter specifies the number of an Ethernet port. Interval Type 0~7 FG2a board: 0 to 7, GOUa board: 0 to 1 This parameter specifies the number of a port. Interval Type 0,2,4,6,8 0,2,4,6,8 For the FG2a board, the port number ranges from 0 to 7. For the GOUa board, the port number ranges from 0 to 1. Interval Type 0~7 0 to 7 This parameter specifies the number of the physical port where the local MEP in the current MA resides. Interval Type 0~7 0 to 7 This parameter specifies the number of a port. Interval Type 0~7 0 to 7 This parameter specifies the number of an Ethernet port. Interval Type 0~7 For the FG2a board, the value range of PN is 0 to 7. For the GOUa board, the value range of PN is 0 to 1. This parameter specifies the number of a port. Interval Type 1~32 1 to 32 This parameter specifies the description of the rollback point. String Type - 0 to 250 characters This parameter specifies the name of the rollback point. String Type - 1 to 250 characters Timer length of the queue poll. The queue is polled for every time specified in this parameter. During each poll, all the expired users are removed from the queue and this user fails in access. Among all the unexpired users, resources are allocated in the order of high priority to low priority. If resource allocation is successful, the user succeeds in access and traverse of this queue is stopped. Otherwise, the rest users are traversed until all the unexpired users go through this. Interval Type 1~80 10~800 Interval for sending POLL message.It generally indicates the duration of a message arrives at the peer end and returns. Interval Type 50~10000 UNI: 500~10000 NNI: 90~500 This parameter specifies the port provided the FTP server to be accessed by the FTP client. Interval Type 21~65535 21~65535 This parameter specifies the protocol type of the port. Enumeration Type IP, ATM IP, ATM This parameter specifies the type of the physical port where the local MEP in an MA resides. "FE" indicates an FE port. "TRUNK" indicates a Trunk group. Enumeration Type ETHER, TRUNK ETHER,TRUNK This parameter specifies the switch for relay 1. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the switch for relay 2. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the switch for relay 3. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the switch for relay 4. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the switch for relay 5. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the switch for relay 6. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN The power offset between the last access preamble and the message control part. The power of the message control part can be obtained by adding the offset to the access preamble power. If the value is excessively low, the uplink interference may increase, and the uplink capacity may be affected. If the value is set too high, coverage may be affected. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.213. Interval Type -5~10 -5~10 The power increase step of the random access preambles transmitted before the UE receives the acquisition indicator in the random access process. If the value of Power increase step is too large, the access procedure will be shortened, but it is more likely to cause power waste. If it is too small, the access procedure will be lengthened, but transmit power will be saved. This parameter must be set carefully. In addition, the higher the parameter value is, the smaller impact ConstantValue has on the network performance. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Interval Type 1~8 1~8 This parameter specifies the PPP port IP address for the DHCP server. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the number of a PPP link. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 This parameter specifies the number of a PPP link. Interval Type 0~167 UOIa(0~3), POUa(0~167), PEUa(0~127) If this parameter is set to Enable, the frame multiplexing over the PPP link is enabled. If this parameter is set to Disable, the frame multiplexing over the PPP link is disabled. Enumeration Type Disable, Enable Disable(Not support PPP mux),Enable(Support PPP mux) This parameter is valid only when the port flow control type is IP. The "PQNUM" of an ATM queue is "2" by default. You cannot change the default value. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 Uniquely identifying a PRACH in a cell corresponding to the AICH. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 Inter-frequency measurement reporting interval. In periodical report mode, the interval between two reports is the configured value. However, it is not recommended that the value "NON_PERIODIC_REPO RT" be set, upon which the UE behaviour is not defined. This parameter has impact on the Uu signaling flow. If the interval is too short and the frequency is too high, the RNC may have burden in processing signaling. If the interval is too long, the network cannot detect the signal change in time, which may delay the inter- frequency handover and thus cause call drops. Enumeration Type NON_PERIODIC_REPORT(Non periodical reporting), D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D3000~5 D4000~6 D6000~7 D8000~8 D12000~9 D16000~10 D20000~11 D24000~12 D28000~13 D32000~14 D64000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT,250,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,6000,8000,12000,16000,20000,24000,28000,32000,64000 The maximum number of preambles transmitted in a preamble ramping cycle. If the value of Max preamble retransmission is too small, the preamble power may fail to ramp to the required value. This may result in UE access failure. If it is too large, the UE will repeatedly increase the power and make access attempts, which may result in interference to other UEs. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Interval Type 1~64 1~64 Sequence No. of an available preamble signature. A maximum of 16 signatures (from signature 0 to 15) can be selected. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.213. Bit Field Type SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATURE6, SIGNATURE7, SIGNATURE8, SIGNATURE9, SIGNATURE10, SIGNATURE11, SIGNATURE12, SIGNATURE13, SIGNATURE14, SIGNATURE15 SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATURE6, SIGNATURE7, SIGNATURE8, SIGNATURE9, SIGNATURE10, SIGNATURE11, SIGNATURE12, SIGNATURE13, SIGNATURE14, SIGNATURE15. (Multiple options.) Indicating whether preemption is supported. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Indicating whether ARP-based preemption between TCs is supported. This switch only has impact on the TC-based priorities. When the priority is based on the TC and the switch is enabled, for the following two situations, the preempting service should have a higher priority and ARP priority than the preempted service does: 1.The preempting service is the streaming service and the preempted service is the interactive or background service. 2. The preempting service is the interactive service and the preempted service is the background service. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON 1.There are three block priorities: high, normal and low. 2.High priority: Blocking a cell immediately. 3.Normal priority: Blocking a cell once there are no users in it within a specified time, or blocking it even if there are some users when the specified time expires. 4.Low priority: Blocking a cell when there are no users in the cell. Enumeration Type HIGH(High priority), NORMAL(Normal priority), LOW(Low priority) HIGH, NORMAL, LOW This parameter specifies the priority of an IP route. Enumeration Type HIGH, LOW HIGH, LOW Priority of the signalling link. 0 indicates the highest priority. Interval Type 0~99 0~99 Route priority. 0 indicates the highest priority. Interval Type 0~99 0~99 Reference used to determine which priority is arranged first in the priority sequence. If the ARP is preferably used, the priority sequence is gold > silver > copper. If the ARPs are all the same, the TrafficClass is used and the priority sequence is conversational > streaming > interactive > background. If the TrafficClass is preferably used, the priority sequence is conversational > streaming > interactive > background. If the TrafficClass factors are all the same, the ARP factor is used and the priority sequence is gold > silver > copper. Enumeration Type ARP, TrafficClass ARP,TrafficClass This parameter specifies the capability of the cells with a specific [Service priority group Identity] for extension services, such as CMB and MBMS. The value 0 means that these cells do not support extension services. The value 1 indicates the highest priority whereas the value 7 indicates the lowest. That is, extension services are preferably absorbed by this group of cells. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 This parameter specifies the capability of the cells with a specific [Service priority group Identity] for HSDPA services. The value 0 means that these cells do not support HSDPA services. The value 1 indicates the highest priority whereas the value 7 indicates the lowest. That is, HSDPA are preferably absorbed by this group of cells. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 This parameter specifies the capability of the cells with a specific [Service priority group Identity] for HSUPA services. The value 0 means that these cells do not support HSUPA services. The value 1 indicates the highest priority whereas the value 7 indicates the lowest. That is, HSUPA services are preferably absorbed by this group of cells. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 This parameter specifies the capability of the cells with a specific [Service priority group Identity] for R99 non-real-time services. The value 0 means that these cells do not support R99 non-real-time services. The value 1 indicates the highest priority whereas the value 7 indicates the lowest. That is, R99 non-real-time services are preferably absorbed by this group of cells. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 This parameter specifies the capability of the cells with a specific [Service priority group Identity] for R99 real-time services. The value 0 means that these cells do not support R99 real-time services. The value 1 indicates the highest priority whereas the value 7 indicates the lowest. That is, R99 real-time services are preferably absorbed by this group of cells. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 This parameter specifies the processing duration of the cell blocking in the RNC. Interval Type 2~30 2~30 1) INVOKE_TRACE_SWITC H. When it is checked, RNC will start Invoke Trace procedure upon receiving INVOKE TRACE Message form CN, otherwise, RNC won't start the Invoke Trace procedure though it receives the INVOKE TRACE message. 2) SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FO R_IU_RST. When it is checked, RNC will broadcast SYSTEM INFORMATION messages to UE when Iu reset, otherwise, RNC won't broadcast SYSTEM INFORMATION messages to UE when IU reset. 3) DRNC_DIRECT_DSCR. When it is checked, DRNC will start DSCR procedure directly in RRC states other than CELL_DCH, otherwise, DRNC will transfer RRC CELL UPDATE message to SRNC. 4) RNC_SHARE_SWITCH. Bit Field Type INVOKE_TRACE_SWITCH, SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST, DRNC_DIRECT_DSCR, RNC_SHARE_SWITCH, RNCAP_IMSI_HO_SWITCH, TERMINAL_VERSION_DEBASE_SWITCH, SYS_HO_OUT_CIPHER_SWITCH, SYS_HO_CIPHER_CONFIG, BARRED_CELL_FOR_CSDOMAIN_RST, CR2284R1_SWITCH, CDT_MSG_FULL_TRACE, CR2284R1_COMPATIBLE_SWITCH, COMBINE_OPERATION_DRD_SWITCH, UL_INTER_PROTECT_SWITCH, UPLINK_MDC_ENHENCEMENT_SWITCH, NODEB_PRIVATE_INTERFACE_SWITCH This parameter is set to 0 or 1 according to the related domains. SS7 protocol type supported by the DSP. ITUT: International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector ANSI: American National Standards Institute TTC: THE TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE (use for JAPAN). Enumeration Type ITUT, ANSI, TTC ITUT, ANSI, TTC If the background Radio Access Bear timer T1 expired,the PDCP will send RRC release request message to RRC layer and start timer T2,after sending release request to RRC layer,if the Background Radio Access Bear haven't been released until the Background service T2 timeout, the PDCP layer will resend release request indication. Interval Type 0~60 0~60 If the Conversational Radio Access Bear timer T1 expired,the PDCP will send RRC release request message to RRC layer and start timer T2,after sending release request to RRC layer, if the Conversational Radio Access Bear haven't been released until the Conversational service T2 timeout, the PDCP layer will resend release request indication. Interval Type 0~60 0~60 If the IMS Radio Access Bear timer T1 expired,the PDCP will send RRC release request message to RRC layer and start timer T2, after sending release request to RRC layer, if the IMS Radio Access Bear for signal haven't been released until the IMS service T2 timeout, the PDCP layer will resend release request indication. Interval Type 0~60 0~60 If the Interactive Radio Access Bear timer T1 expired,the PDCP will send RRC release request message to RRC layer and start timer T2,after sending release request to RRC layer, if the Interactive Radio Access Bear haven't been released until the Interactive service T2 timeout, the PDCP layer will resend release request indication. Interval Type 0~60 0~60 If the Streaming Radio Access Bear timer T1 expired,the PDCP will send RRC release request message to RRC layer and start timer T2,after sending release request to RRC layer, if the Streaming Radio Access Bear haven't been released until the Streaming service T2 timeout, the PDCP layer will resend release request indication. Interval Type 0~60 0~60 This parameter specifies whether to select a single port or all ports on a board. Enumeration Type ALL(Select all ports), SINGLE(Select one port) ALL,SINGLE Indicating whether to replace relocation procedure with DSCR procedure between the RNC and the neighboring RNC for PS BE Traffic. Enumeration Type CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_RELOC, CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_DSCR CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_RELOC,CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_DSCR R99 PS background service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS background primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF R99 PS background bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS background secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL R99 PS background primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS background service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Offset of the PSCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. If the value is excessively low, UEs at the edge of cells fail in network searching, resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink common channel. This finally affects the cell coverage. If the value is excessively high, the power resources are wasted, and other channels are interfered seriously, thus the cell capacity is influenced. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 R99 PS conversational service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS conversational primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF R99 PS conversational bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS conversational secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL R99 PS conversational primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS conversational service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Sequence No. of a DL primary scrambling code in a cell. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.413. Interval Type 0~511 0~511 R99 PS high priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS high priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 PS domain Relocation GSM load THD. This parameter specifies the PS domain relocation GSM load threshold. When the GSM load policy is used, that is, when [NcovHoOn2GldInd] in SET INTERRATHONCOV is set to ON, the PS domain inter-system relocation out process will be stopped if the GSM system send its cell load to the RNC and the cell load exceeds the PS domain Reloc GSM load THD. Otherwise, the RNC does not stop the PS domain inter-system relocation out process. Interval Type 0~100 0~100% When detecting that the Ps' Background User had no data to transfer for a long time which longer than this timer, the PDCP layer would request the RRC layer to release this Radio Access Bear. Interval Type 0~14400 0~14400 When detecting that the Ps' Conversational User had no data to transfer for a long time which longer than this timer, the PDCP layer would request the RRC layer to release this Radio Access Bear. Interval Type 0~14400 0~14400 When detecting that the Ps' IMS signal had no data to transfer for a long time which longer than this timer, the PDCP layer would request the RRC layer to release this Radio Access Bear. Interval Type 0~64800 0~64800 When detecting that the Ps' Interactive User had no data to transfer for a long time which longer than this timer, the PDCP layer would request the RRC layer to release this Radio Access Bear. Interval Type 0~14400 0~14400 When detecting that the Ps' Streaming User had no data to transfer for a long time which longer than this timer, the PDCP layer would request the RRC layer to release this Radio Access Bear. Interval Type 0~14400 0~14400 Indicating whether the PS domain permits the CN information to update . Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Ps Information Update protection timer. Interval Type 60~900 60~900 R99 PS interactive service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS interactive service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS high PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF R99 PS high PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL R99 PS low PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF R99 PS low PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL R99 PS middle PRI interactive primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF R99 PS middle PRI interactive secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL R99 PS low priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS low priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS middle priority interactive bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS middle priority interactive primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies feature mode of operators in the PS domain. You should configure the network resource identifier (NRI) when MOCN or Iu-Flex is supported. Enumeration Type SUPP_NONE, SUPP_IUFLEX, SUPP_MOCN, SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN SUPP_NONE,SUPP_IUFLEX,SUPP_MOCN,SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN NRI length for PS domain. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 PS CDR(Call Drop Ratio) Per Spu, if the ratio is higher than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The minimum number of PS service setup attempt Per Spu, the sum of PS setup attempt need to be higher than this threshold to arise KPI alarm which type is PS service successful setup ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Successful PS service setup ratio Per Spu, if the ratio is lower than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The minimum number of PS release Per Spu, the sum of PS release need to be higher than this threshold to arise KPI alarm which type is PS call drop ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Whether to impose the access restriction on the PS domain. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE,TRUE Indicating whether the cell allows PS service inter- RAT handover. ON: PS service inter-RAT handover is enabled. OFF: PS service inter-RAT handover is disabled. Service handover refers to the handover attribute and related parameter configuration on the network side for each service. When a service is established, the related measurements and inter- RAT handover are immediately triggered. These two switches are enabled only for service handover; generally, they are disabled by default. Note that the service handover is enabled only when the handover attribute is set to HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_ BE_PERFORM and PS service inter-RAT handover is set to ON. Both conditions are mandatory. For hybrid services, the service handover is not triggered. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON,OFF R99 PS streaming service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS streaming primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF R99 PS streaming bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS streaming secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL R99 PS streaming primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 R99 PS streaming service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 PS rate negotiation switch. 1) PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_R ATE_ACCESS_SWITCH: When the switch is on, access at a rate of 0 kbit/s or on the FACH is determined according to the current connection state of the RRC if the PS BE admission and the later preemption and queuing fail. 2) PS_BE_INIT_RATE_DYN AMIC_CFG_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the initial rate of the service should be dynamically configured according to the value of Ec/No reported by the UE when the PS BE service is established. 3) PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_S WITCH: When the switch is on, the Iu QoS Negotiation function is applied to the PS BE service if Alternative RAB Parameter Values IE is present in the RANAP RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST or Bit Field Type PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_RATE_ACCESS_SWITCH, PS_BE_INIT_RATE_DYNAMIC_CFG_SWITCH, PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH, PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH, PS_RSC_FEEDBK_RABSETUP_CACFAIL_SWITCH, PS_STREAM_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH, PS_BE_STRICT_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_RATE_ACCESS_SWITCH, PS_BE_INIT_RATE_DYNAMIC_CFG_SWITCH, PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH, PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH, PS_RSC_FEEDBK_RABSETUP_CACFAIL_SWITCH, PS_STREAM_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH, PS_BE_STRICT_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH The total PS throughput of all the operators cannot exceed that defined in the license file. Interval Type 0~3910000 0 to 3910000 This parameter specifies the type of the port. Enumeration Type BOOL(Digital Port), VALUE(Analog Port) BOOL,VALUE This parameter specifies the IP address for the NodeB FE port. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask for the IP address of the NodeB FE port. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies whether MBMS PTM non-streaming bearers can be pre-empted by other MBMS PTM bearers or non-MBMS bearers. If this parameter is set to ON, a PTM non-streaming bearer might be pre-empted by an MBMS bearer of a higher priority or a non-MBMS bearer in the case of congestion. Thus, the MBMS service is disrupted, which has a relatively great impact because the PTM bearer serves more than one user. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF This parameter specifies whether MBMS PTM streaming bearers can pre-empt other MBMS PTM bearers and non-MBMS bearers. If this parameter is set to ON, pre-emption is triggered when PTM streaming bearer admission fails. That is, a lower-priority MBMS bearer or a non-MBMS bearer is released. Thus, the ongoing service is disrupted and call drop even occurs. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF This parameter specifies whether MBMS PTM streaming bearers can be pre-empted by other MBMS PTM bearers or non-MBMS bearers. If this parameter is set to ON, a PTM streaming bearer might be pre-empted by an MBMS bearer of a higher priority or a non-MBMS bearer in the case of congestion. Thus, the MBMS service is disrupted, which has a relatively great impact because the PTM bearer serves more than one user. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF This parameter specifies the type of an Ethernet port. Enumeration Type FE, GE FE, GE Length of smoothing filter window of potential user control (PUC). Interval Type 1~32 1~32 Identifying the potential user control period. When the cell load is high, the cell selection and reselection can be periodically modified in order to enable users in unconnected mode to select other cells more easily, thus reducing the local cell load. Interval Type 6~86400 6~86400 This parameter specifies the coefficient of the penalty time after the PTP RB admission fails. The penalty time is MCCH modification period multiplied by this parameter. During the penalty time, users in the cell are not allowed to initiate PTP RB requests. Interval Type 0~60 0~60 This parameter is used to inform the UE of the method for translating the received Transmit Power Control (TPC) commands. In other words, it is used to select UL power control algorithm. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.214. Enumeration Type ALGORITHM1, ALGORITHM2 ALGORITHM1, ALGORITHM2 This parameter specifies the minimum DSCP value of queue 0. The IP packet with the DSCP value within the range (63, minimum DSCP value of queue 0] enters queue 0. Interval Type 0~63 0 to 63 This parameter specifies the minimum DSCP value of queue 1. The IP packet with the DSCP value within the range (minimum DSCP value of queue 0, minimum DSCP value of queue 1] enters queue 1. Interval Type 0~63 0 to 63 This parameter specifies the minimum DSCP value of queue 2. The IP packet with the DSCP value within the range (minimum DSCP value of queue 1, minimum DSCP value of queue 2] enters queue 2. Interval Type 0~63 0 to 63 This parameter specifies the minimum DSCP value of queue 3. The IP packet with the DSCP value within the range (minimum DSCP value of queue 2, minimum DSCP value of queue 3] enters queue 3. Interval Type 0~63 0 to 63 This parameter specifies the minimum DSCP value of queue 4. The IP packet with the DSCP value within the range (minimum DSCP value of queue 3, minimum DSCP value of queue 4] enters queue 4. Interval Type 0~63 0 to 63 Function set supported by the local RNC for the adjacent node The value CS1 (or CS2) indicates that the local end connects to the adjacent node through the CS1 (or CS2) version protocol. The CS2 version protocol is backward compatible with the CS1 version protocol. Therefore, it is recommended to use the default value CS2 except that the adjacent node is not compatible with CS2 messages from the local end. Enumeration Type CS1, CS2 CS1, CS2 Quality threshold of HCS cell reselection. It can be used to calculate the quality level of the specified cell in HCS reselection H rules. Interval Type 0~99 0~99 This parameter indicates that in the CELL_FACH connection mode, the measurement hysteresis of the UE is 1. It is used when CPICH RSCP is used in cell selection and reselection measurement. This parameter is not configured when the value is 255. Otherwise, the greater the parameter value is, the harder the cell selection happens. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~40,255 {0~40},{255} This parameter indicates that in the CELL_PCH or URA_PCH connection mode, the measurement hysteresis of the UE is 1. It is used when CPICH RSCP is used in cell selection and reselection measurement. This parameter is not configured when the value is 255. Otherwise, the greater the parameter value is, the harder the cell selection happens. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~40,255 {0~40},{255} This parameter indicates that in the CELL_FACH connection mode, the measurement hysteresis of the UE is 2. It is used when CPICH EcNo is used in cell selection and reselection measurement. This parameter is not configured when the value is 255. Otherwise, the greater the parameter value is, the harder the cell selection happens. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~40,255 {0~40},{255} This parameter indicates that in the CELL_PCH or URA_PCH connection mode, the measurement hysteresis of the UE is 2. It is used when CPICH EcNo is used in cell selection and reselection measurement. This parameter is not configured when the value is 255. Otherwise, the greater the parameter value is, the harder the cell selection happens. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~40,255 {0~40},{255} Offset between the neighboring GSM cell and WCDMA cell. This specifies the offset of the measurement value of the neighboring GSM cell signal quality. This parameter is used for RSSI measurement. The offset is subtracted from the neighboring cell measurement value before cell reselection. In cell reselection algorithm, this parameter is used for moving the border of a cell. Content: During cell selection or resection, the larger the value of the parameter, the smaller the probability of selecting inter- RAT neighboring cells. The smaller the value of the parameter, the larger the probability of selecting inter- RAT neighboring cells. This parameter can be configured by the network planner according to reality. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of the Interval Type -50~50 -50~50 The minimum required quality threshold corresponding to CPICH Ec/No. The UE can camp on the cell only when the measured CPICH Ec/No is greater than the value of this parameter. The higher the parameter value is, the more difficult it is for the UE to reside in the cell. The lower parameter value is, the easier it is for the UE to reside in the cell, but it is possible that the UE cannot receive the system messages that are sent through the PCCPCH. For detailed information, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 This parameter indicates whether to configure the minimum quality level. When it is set to FALSE, the UE adopts the corresponding value of the current serving cell, added through the ADD CELLSELRESEL command. This parameter is generally set to FALSE. When it is set to TRUE, the UE adopts the value in ADD NRNCCELL command. Enumeration Type TRUE(Configure the minimum quality threshold), FALSE(Not configure the minimum quality threshold) TRUE,FALSE Minimum RX level of the GSM cell. Before the UE camps on the cell, take the measurement of the signal quality in the cell. If the quality is better than this parameter, this indicates that the cell can obtain better QoS and the UE is allowed to camp on this cell. Otherwise, the UE cannot obtain good QoS in this cell and does not camp on the cell. Interval Type -58~-13 -115~-25,Step:2 The minimum required RX threshold corresponding to CPICH RSCP. The UE can camp on the cell only when the measured CPICH RSCP is greater than the value of this parameter. The setting of Qrxlevmin should be related to Qqualmin. The higher the parameter is, the more difficult it is for the UE to reside in the cell. The lower parameter is, the easier it is for the UE to reside in the cell, but it is possible that the UE cannot receive the system messages that are sent through the PCCPCH. For detailed information, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -58~-13 -115~-25, step:2 Indicating whether the minimum required RX level is extended. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE,FALSE This parameter indicates whether to configure the minimum RX level. When it is set to FALSE, the UE adopts the corresponding value of the current serving cell, added through the ADD CELLSELRESEL command. This parameter is generally set to FALSE. Enumeration Type TRUE(Configure the minimum signal level for access), FALSE(Not configure the minimum signal level for access) TRUE,FALSE Measurement quantity of cell selection and reselection. It can be set to CPICH Ec/N0 or CPICH RSCP. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Enumeration Type CPICH_ECNO(CPICH Ec/N0), CPICH_RSCP(CPICH RSCP) CPICH_ECNO, CPICH_RSCP Indicating whether queue is supported. When a user initiates a call, if cell resources are insufficient and the user is queue supportive, the RNC tries to arrange this user to join the queue to increase access success ratio. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Queue length. The total number of users in queue of each cell should not exceed the value specified in this parameter. When a new user needs queuing, 1) If the queue has vacancy, the user joins the queue immediately. 2) If the queue is full and there is a user whose queue time exceeds the allowed maximum queue time, this user is out of the queue and access fails. At the same time, the new user joins the queue. 3) If the queue has a user whose priority is lower than that of the new user, the user in the queue with the lowest priority is out of the queue and access fails. At the same time, the new user joins the queue. 4)For other situations, the user cannot join the queue. Interval Type 5~20 5~20 This parameter specifies the index number that identifies the configuration of a typical RAB. Interval Type 0~99 0~99 The timer is started when the RNC initiates the RAB Modify procedure. If RAB modify message is received from the CN when this timer is actived, the rate information assigned by CN when establishing traffic will be reserved as the new assigned rate is used. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Identifying a routing area in a location area for a PLMN of GSM-MAP type. It is defined by the operator. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 23.003. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 Sequence No. of an available sub channel. A maximum of 12 sub channels (from sub channel 0 to 11) can be selected. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.214. Bit Field Type SUBCHANEL0, SUBCHANEL1, SUBCHANEL2, SUBCHANEL3, SUBCHANEL4, SUBCHANEL5, SUBCHANEL6, SUBCHANEL7, SUBCHANEL8, SUBCHANEL9, SUBCHANEL10, SUBCHANEL11 SUBCHANEL0, SUBCHANEL1, SUBCHANEL2, SUBCHANEL3, SUBCHANEL4, SUBCHANEL5, SUBCHANEL6, SUBCHANEL7, SUBCHANEL8, SUBCHANEL9, SUBCHANEL10, SUBCHANEL11. (Multiple options.) A timer used to wait for the reset response from CN. Interval Type 10000~240000 10000~240000 When RAN Sharing Supported,RNC can configure multi-plmn. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO,YES Identifying the type of the inter-RAT cell NO_CAPABILITY indicates that the capacity of the GSM cell remains unknown. It is not recommended to set the cell type to NO_CAPABILITY. If the cell type is NO_CAPABILITY, the inter-RAT handover cannot be triggered. Enumeration Type NO_CAPABILITY(Cell capability unknown), GSM~1 GPRS~2 EDGE NO_CAPABILITY,GSM,GPRS,EDGE A timer used to respond to CN reset. Interval Type 0~240000 0~240000 The rate matching factor of a transport channel.For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.212. Interval Type 1~256 1~256 DL fast TF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and congested, the downlink TF can be adjusted to restrict the number of blocks transported in each TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of user data, thus reducing the cell downlink load. This parameter defines the downlink data rate recover timer length in fast TF restriction. RateRstrctTimerLen and RateRecoverTimerLen are effective only to the downlink. The uplink fast TF restriction is performed by the UE. For the uplink fast TF restriction, the RNC only delivers a new TFCS and randomly selects a comparatively bigger time length in the signaling value scope. The UE automatically release the TF restriction once the time expires. The higher RateRecoverTimerLen is, the more slowly the BE service rate recovers, while the lower probability that the overload is triggered again in a short period. The lower RateRecoverTimerLen is, the more quickly the BE service rate is recovered, but more overloads occur. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 DL fast TF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and congested, the downlink TF can be adjusted to restrict the number of blocks transported in each TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of user data, thus reducing the cell downlink load. This parameter defines the downlink data rate restrict coefficient in fast TF restrict The smaller this parameter is, the larger the TF restrict effect. The lower the parameter is, the more severe the rate is restricted. An excessive low parameter value, however, may affect the BE transmission delay. A high parameter value means loose restriction, which may be ineffective in alleviating the overload. Interval Type 1~99 0.01~0.99, step:0.01 DL fast TF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and congested, the downlink TF can be adjusted to restrict the number of blocks transported in each TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of user data, thus reducing the cell downlink load. This parameter defines the time length of the downlink OLC fast TF restriction. RateRstrctTimerLen and RateRecoverTimerLen are effective only to the downlink. The uplink fast TF restriction is performed by the UE. For the uplink fast TF restriction, the RNC only delivers a new TFCS and randomly selects a comparatively bigger time length in the signaling value scope. The UE automatically release the TF restriction once the time expires. The higher RateRstrctTimerLen is, the more slowly the BE service rate decreases. The lower RateRstrctTimerLen is, the harder it is to receive the overload release instruction. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 This parameter specifies the name of the rollback point. The target rollback point must exist and must be subsequent to the current point. String Type - 0 to 250 characters This parameter specifies the type of rollback point. LASTRBP indicates the last rollback point, which can be set by the user or the calculated point by the RNC. APPOINTRBP indicates the rollback point specified by the user. Enumeration Type LASTRBP(last rollbackpoint), APPOINTRBP(appointed rollbackpoint) LASTRBP,APPOINTRBP A timer used to wait for the RB reconfiguration response from UE in the RB procedure. Interval Type 300~10000 300~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the RB release response from UE in the RB procedure. Interval Type 300~10000 300~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the RB setup response from UE in the RB procedure. Interval Type 300~10000 300~10000 This parameter specifies the rate down coefficient of the logical port. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the interval between recounting operations. Interval Type 1~360 10~3600, step: 10 DL fast TF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and congested, the downlink TF can be adjusted to restrict the number of blocks transported in each TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of user data, thus reducing the cell downlink load. This parameter defines the downlink OLC fast TF rate recovery coefficient. The greater this parameter is, the larger the TF restrict effect. Interval Type 100~200 1~2, step:0.01 This parameter specifies the decrease rate alarm recover threshold. Interval Type 20~99 20~99 This parameter specifies whether to back up the board. Enumeration Type YES, NO YES, NO This parameter specifies the target frequency band in the redirection procedure. Enumeration Type Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed Band1, Band2, Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6, Band7, Band8, Band9, DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed When the UL load state or DL load state of the serving cell is LDR or OLC, a UE may be redirected to another cell according to the traffic type. This parameter specifies the possibility of redirecting the UE to another cell. When this parameter is set to 0, the RRC redirection is not performed if the load state on the serving cell is LDR or OLC. LDR indicates basic congestion. OLC indicates overload congestion. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 When the load of the serving cell is within the normal range, a UE may be redirected to another cell according to the traffic type. This parameter specifies the possibility of redirecting the UE to another cell. When this parameter is set to 0, the RRC redirection is not performed if the load of the serving cell is within the normal range. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies whether the RRC redirection algorithm is valid for the specified service. The algorithm is valid only when the RRC redirection switch is enabled and when this parameter is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. Value OFF indicates that RRC redirection is not allowed. Value ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY indicates that only the RRC redirection to an inter-frequency neighboring cell is allowed. Value ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT indicates that only the RRC redirection to an inter-RAT neighboring cell is allowed. Enumeration Type OFF, ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY, ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT OFF,ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY,ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT This parameter specifies the target downlink UARFCN of a cell for RRC redirection. Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 This parameter specifies the target uplink UARFCN of a cell for RRC redirection. Depending on the band indication, the value range as shown below: Band1: Common frequencies: [9612-9888] Special frequencies: none Band2: Common frequencies: [9262-9538] Special frequencies: {12, 37, 62, 87, 112, 137, 162, 187, 212, 237, 262, 287} Band3: Common frequencies: [937- 1288] Special frequencies: none Band4: Common frequencies: [1312-1513] Special frequencies: {1662, 1687, 1712, 1737, 1762, 1787, 1812, 1837, 1862} Band5: Common frequencies: [4132-4233] Special frequencies: {782, 787, 807, 812, 837, 862} Band6: Common frequencies: Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 This parameter specifies whether the UL frequency of the target cell of redirection needs to be configured. - TRUE: The UL frequency needs to be configured. - FALSE: The UL frequency does not need to be configured. It is configured automatically according to the relationship between UL and DL frequencies. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE This parameter specifies the link No. of the clock source of the output clock. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 This parameter specifies the backup link No. of the clock source of the output clock. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 This parameter specified the output switch of 2 MHz output clock 1. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specified the output switch of 2 MHz output clock 2. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON Indicates whether register beared by fach under call shock control. This function only applies under NodeB level or cell level call shock control. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON This parameter specifies re-host policy type for NodeB. The value "REHOSTRIGHTNOW" indicates to perform re-host policy for the NodeB immediately when the RNC recovers from disaster. The value "REHOSTDELAY" indicates to perform re-host policy for the NodeB after a specified delayed period when the RNC recovers from disaster. The value "REHOSTWHEN" indicates to perform re-host policy for the NodeB at a specific time. Enumeration Type REHOSTRIGHNOW(RehostRighNow), REHOSTDELAY(RehostDelay), REHOSTWHEN(RehostWhen) RehostRighNow, RehostDelay, RehostWhen This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity sends the service user an indication for releasing an AAL2 connection. Interval Type 2000~60000 2000~60000 A timer to RNC wait for another relocation request in relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the relocation command message in relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~20000 1~20000 A timer to RNC wait for rnsap relocation commit message in relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~20000 1~20000 A timer used for data forwarding in relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~20000 1~20000 A timer to RNC wait for Iu release command in the failed relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the Iu release command message in relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~60000 1~60000 A timer to RNC wait for mobile information confirmation in relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the response to physical channel reconfiguration in relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for inter-RAT handover completion in relocation procedure. Interval Type 1~20000 1~20000 This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity sends the peer node a request for releasing an AAL2 connection. Interval Type 2000~60000 2000~60000 This parameter specifies the threshold of immediate rate reduction after the soft handover failure. The rate reduction of the active set and the SHO retry procedure can be triggered without the intra-frequency reporting event reported, when the quality of the cell in the active set fulfills the following conditions. The formula of direct SHO rate reduction is new > Mbest_cell - RelThdForDwnGrd where Mnew: the CPICH Ec/No measurement value of the failed cell1 Mbest_cell: the CPICH Ec/No measurement value in the latest measurement report of the best cell identified by the RNC according to 1D RelThdForDwnGrd: the relative threshold for direct rate reduction. It can be configured on the BAM server. Note: The smaller the value of this parameter, the harder it is to trigger SHO rate Interval Type -29~29 -14.5~14.5,Step:0.5 This parameter specifies the function of the route. String Type - 1 to 250 characters Use description. String Type - 1~31 characters Repeat Number of send Write-Replace. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Repeat Period of send Write-Replace. Interval Type 1~4096 1~4096 This parameter specifies the reporting period of event 1A. That is, event 1A is reported at each reporting interval. Usually, event 1A is reported only once. Nevertheless, if the cell, where event 1A is reported, does not join the active set in a specified period of time, the UE can change the reporting of event 1A into periodical avoid missing of measurement reports. The event 1A of this cell is reported for [PeriodMRReportNumfor1A] times with the reporting interval as the set value. Enumeration Type NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 This parameter specifies the number of reporting times of event 1C for periodical reporting. That is, event 1C is reported at each reporting interval. Usually, event 1C is reported only once. Nevertheless, if the cell, where event 1C is reported, does not join the active set in a specified period of time, the UE can change the reporting of event 1C into periodical avoid missing of measurement reports. The event 1C of this cell is reported for [PeriodMRReportNumfor1C] times with the reporting interval as the set value. Enumeration Type NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 This parameter specifies the number of reporting times of event 1J for periodical reporting. That is, event 1J is reported at each reporting interval. Usually, event 1J is reported only once. Nevertheless, if the cell, where event 1J is reported, does not join the EDCH active set in a specified period of time, the UE can change the reporting of event 1J into periodical avoid missing of measurement reports. The event 1J of this cell is reported for [PeriodMRReportNumfor1J] times with the reporting period as the set value. Enumeration Type NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250~1 D500~2 D1000~3 D2000~4 D4000~5 D8000~6 D16000 NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 This parameter specifies the 2G cell capability required by inter-RAT handovers from 3G networks to 2G networks. If the 2G cell capability does not meet the requirement, the handover is not performed. In terms of the ability to support PS services, EDGE cells rank first, GPRS cells second, and GSM cells third. When the PS service is handed over to a 2G network, the service is set up at the closest rate that the 2G network supports. Enumeration Type GSM, GPRS, EDGE GSM, GPRS, EDGE CORRM Algo reserved switch 0. The switch is reserved for further change request use. Bit Field Type RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT6, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT8, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT10, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT12, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT17, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT19, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT21, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT26, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT30, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT32 RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT6, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT8, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT10, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT12, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT17, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT19, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT21, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT26, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT30, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT32 CORRM Algo reserved switch 1. The switch is reserved for further change request use. Bit Field Type RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT1, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT2, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT3, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT4, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT5, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT6, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT7, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT8, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT9, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT10, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT11, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT12, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT13, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT14, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT15, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT16, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT17, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT18, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT19, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT20, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT21, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT22, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT23, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT24, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT25, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT26, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT27, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT28, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT29, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT30, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT31, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT32 RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT1, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT2, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT3, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT4, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT5, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT6, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT7, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT8, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT9, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT10, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT11, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT12, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT13, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT14, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT15, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT16, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT17, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT18, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT19, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT20, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT21, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT22, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT23, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT24, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT25, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT26, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT27, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT28, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT29, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT30, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT31, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT32 CORRM Algo reserved U32 para 0. The para of 32 bits is reserved for further change request use. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 CORRM Algo reserved U32 para 1. The para of 32 bits is reserved for further change request use. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 CORRM Algo reserved U8 para 0. The para of 8 bits is reserved for further change request use. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 CORRM Algo reserved U8 para 1. The para of 8 bits is reserved for further change request use. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity sends the peer node a request for resetting an AAL2 path. Interval Type 2000~60000 2000~60000 This parameter specifies the time length to restart the timer for the PPP link. Interval Type 2~5 2 to 5 Specifies the mode of restricting the access classes. Enumeration Type RestrictionFixed, RestrictionFlexible RestrictionFixed,RestrictionFlexible This parameter specifies the filter coefficient for retransmission ratio measurement. Interval Type 0~10 0~10 Each bit indicates whether to retry the corresponding HSPA technology. If a bit is set the 1, then the RNC retries the corresponding HSPA technology if the UE is not using the corresponding HSPA technology. Otherwise, no retry is performed. Bit Field Type SRB_OVER_HSDPA, SRB_OVER_HSUPA, TTI_2MS, MIMO, 64QAM, L2_ENHANCE, DTX_DRX, HSSCCH_LESS_OPERATION SRB_OVER_HSDPA, SRB_OVER_HSUPA, TTI_2MS, MIMO, 64QAM, L2_ENHANCE, DTX_DRX, HSSCCH_LESS_OPERATION This parameter specifies the work mode of RLC entity. - AM: Acknowledged Mode. Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) is used in error correction. - UM: Unacknowledged Mode. Retransmission is not applied. According to the configuration, the data with errors is discarded or marked. - TM: Transparent Mode. No protocol overhead is added to the higher-layer data. The protocol data units with errors may be discarded or marked. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.322. Enumeration Type AM, UM, TM AM, UM, TM This parameter defines each transport block size corresponding in transport format. For a common channel, the RLC size reflects the actual transport block size. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.322. Interval Type 0~4992 0~4992 This parameter should fulfill the coverage requirement of the network planning, and the value is relative to [PCPICH transmit power]. If the parameter is excessively high, downlink interference may occur. If the parameter is excessively low, the downlink power control may be affected. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 This parameter should consider the maximum downlink transmit power and the dynamic range of power control, and the value is relative to [PCPICH transmit power]. Since the dynamic range of power control is set to 15 dB, this parameter is recommended as [RL Max DL TX power] - 15 dB. If the parameter value is excessively low, the transmit power may become excessively low because of incorrect estimation of SIR. If the parameter value is excessively high, the downlink power control may be affected. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step:0.1 A timer to RNC wait for the response to radio link reconfiguration prepare in the radio link procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the response to radio link deletion request in the radio link procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for radio link restoration indication in the radio link procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the response to radio link setup request in the radio link procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 Uniquely identifying an RNC. Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 IP address of the RNC. IP Address Type - RncPool index. Interval Type 0 0 RncPool Name. String Type - 1~20 charaters Neighboring RNC protocol version. Enumeration Type R99, R4, R5, R6, R7 R99, R4, R5, R6, R7 This parameter specifies the decrease rate alarm report threshold. Interval Type 20~99 20~99 This parameter specifies the cause of RRC connection establishment, that is, the value of the Establishment cause IE in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message. Enumeration Type ORIGCONVCALLEST, ORIGSTREAMCALLEST, ORIGINTERCALLEST, ORIGBKGCALLEST, ORIGSUBSTRAFFCALLEST, TERMCONVCALLEST, TERMSTREAMCALLEST, TERMINTERCALLEST, TERMBKGCALLEST, EMERGCALLEST, INTERRATCELLRESELEST, INTERRATCELLCHGORDEREST, REGISTEST, DETACHEST, ORIGHIGHPRIORSIGEST, ORIGLOWPRIORSIGEST, CALLREEST, TERMHIGHPRIORSIGEST, TERMLOWPRIORSIGEST, TERMCAUSEUNKNOWN, MBMSCALLEST, DEFAULTEST ORIGCONVCALLEST, ORIGSTREAMCALLEST, ORIGINTERCALLEST, ORIGBKGCALLEST, ORIGSUBSTRAFFCALLEST, TERMCONVCALLEST, TERMSTREAMCALLEST, TERMINTERCALLEST, TERMBKGCALLEST, EMERGCALLEST, INTERRATCELLRESELEST, INTERRATCELLCHGORDEREST, REGISTEST, DETACHEST, ORIGHIGHPRIORSIGEST, ORIGLOWPRIORSIGEST, CALLREEST, TERMHIGHPRIORSIGEST, TERMLOWPRIORSIGEST, TERMCAUSEUNKNOWN, MBMSCALLEST, DEFAULTEST The minimum number of RRC connection request Per Spu, the sum of RRC connection request need to be higher than this threshold to arise KPI alarm which type is RRC connection successful ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Successful RRC connection ratio Per Spu, if the ratio is lower than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 Wait time in RRC connection reject message, the time period the UE has to wait before repeating the rejected procedure of RRC connection. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 A timer used to wait for initial direct transmission. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer used to wait for the Iu release command message in RRC procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer used to wait for the response to paging type 1 in RRC procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer used to retransmit the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message to UE. Interval Type 1~5000 1~5000 A timer used to wait for the acknowledgement of radio link control (RLC) completion in RRC procedure. Interval Type 1~3000 1~3000 A timer to RNC wait for the response to security mode command from UE in security mode procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer used to wait for RRC connection setup complete message from UE in RRC procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 This field indicate whether the AAL2PATH is belong to resource group. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Number of the resource group that the AAL2PATH belongs to. Interval Type 0~119 0~119 Number of the resource group that the IP Path belongs to. Interval Type 0~119 0~119 Indicating the resource management mode. Enumeration Type SHARE(Share), EXCLUSIVE(Exclusive) SHARE, EXCLUSIVE This parameter specifies the resource management mode. If the SHARE mode is adopted, the logical port can be shared by multiple operators. If the EXCLUSIVE mode is adopted, the logical port can be used by only one operator. Enumeration Type SHARE, EXCLUSIVE SHARE, EXCLUSIVE This parameter specifies the reason to lock the CM control rights. Enumeration Type COMMISSIONING(Commissioning), UPGRADE(Upgrade), RESTORE(Restore) COMMISSIONING,UPGRADE,RESTORE No-Response Timer. Interval Type 1200~20000 UNI: 5000~20000 NNI: 1200~20000 CN reset type. 1. ALL_NODES: resetting all CN nodes. 2. BY_CNID: resetting the CN nodes specified by [CN ID]. Enumeration Type ALL_NODES, BY_CNID ALL_NODES,BY_CNID ON is open this function and OFF is not. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON The times of resending the reset message to CN after the response is not received upon the expiry of the timer. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 RNC Type to be reset. Enumeration Type ALL_RNC, SINGLE_RNC ALL_RNC,SINGLE_RNC Reserved parameter 1. Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1_BIT1, RSVDBIT1_BIT2, RSVDBIT1_BIT3, RSVDBIT1_BIT4, RSVDBIT1_BIT5, RSVDBIT1_BIT6, RSVDBIT1_BIT7, RSVDBIT1_BIT8, RSVDBIT1_BIT9, RSVDBIT1_BIT10, RSVDBIT1_BIT11, RSVDBIT1_BIT12, RSVDBIT1_BIT13, RSVDBIT1_BIT14, RSVDBIT1_BIT15, RSVDBIT1_BIT16, RSVDBIT1_BIT17, RSVDBIT1_BIT18, RSVDBIT1_BIT19, RSVDBIT1_BIT20, RSVDBIT1_BIT21, RSVDBIT1_BIT22, RSVDBIT1_BIT23, RSVDBIT1_BIT24, RSVDBIT1_BIT25, RSVDBIT1_BIT26, RSVDBIT1_BIT27, RSVDBIT1_BIT28, RSVDBIT1_BIT29, RSVDBIT1_BIT30, RSVDBIT1_BIT31, RSVDBIT1_BIT32 This parameter is set to 0 or 1 according to the related domains. Reserved parameter 1. Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1_BIT1, RSVDBIT1_BIT2, RSVDBIT1_BIT3, RSVDBIT1_BIT4, RSVDBIT1_BIT5, RSVDBIT1_BIT6, RSVDBIT1_BIT7, RSVDBIT1_BIT8, RSVDBIT1_BIT9, RSVDBIT1_BIT10, RSVDBIT1_BIT11, RSVDBIT1_BIT12, RSVDBIT1_BIT13, RSVDBIT1_BIT14, RSVDBIT1_BIT15, RSVDBIT1_BIT16, RSVDBIT1_BIT17, RSVDBIT1_BIT18, RSVDBIT1_BIT19, RSVDBIT1_BIT20, RSVDBIT1_BIT21, RSVDBIT1_BIT22, RSVDBIT1_BIT23, RSVDBIT1_BIT24, RSVDBIT1_BIT25, RSVDBIT1_BIT26, RSVDBIT1_BIT27, RSVDBIT1_BIT28, RSVDBIT1_BIT29, RSVDBIT1_BIT30, RSVDBIT1_BIT31, RSVDBIT1_BIT32 Each bit can be set ON or OFF Reserved parameter 1. Bit Field Type RSVDBIT1_BIT1, RSVDBIT1_BIT2, RSVDBIT1_BIT3, RSVDBIT1_BIT4, RSVDBIT1_BIT5, RSVDBIT1_BIT6, RSVDBIT1_BIT7, RSVDBIT1_BIT8, RSVDBIT1_BIT9, RSVDBIT1_BIT10, RSVDBIT1_BIT11, RSVDBIT1_BIT12, RSVDBIT1_BIT13, RSVDBIT1_BIT14, RSVDBIT1_BIT15, RSVDBIT1_BIT16, RSVDBIT1_BIT17, RSVDBIT1_BIT18, RSVDBIT1_BIT19, RSVDBIT1_BIT20, RSVDBIT1_BIT21, RSVDBIT1_BIT22, RSVDBIT1_BIT23, RSVDBIT1_BIT24, RSVDBIT1_BIT25, RSVDBIT1_BIT26, RSVDBIT1_BIT27, RSVDBIT1_BIT28, RSVDBIT1_BIT29, RSVDBIT1_BIT30, RSVDBIT1_BIT31, RSVDBIT1_BIT32 Each bit can be set ON or OFF This parameter specifies parameter 1 reserved for the future use. Enumeration Type OFF, ON ON,OFF The algorithms with the above values represent are as follow: RsvdBit1: Control RTWP Anti-interfence algorithm RsvdBit2~RsvdBit16:Reser ved Switch If RsvdBit1 is selected, the corresponding algorithms will be enabled; otherwise, disabled. Bit Field Type RsvdBit1(Reserved Switch 1), RsvdBit2(Reserved Switch 2), RsvdBit3(Reserved Switch 3), RsvdBit4(Reserved Switch 4), RsvdBit5(Reserved Switch 5), RsvdBit6(Reserved Switch 6), RsvdBit7(Reserved Switch 7), RsvdBit8(Reserved Switch 8), RsvdBit9(Reserved Switch 9), RsvdBit10(Reserved Switch 10), RsvdBit11(Reserved Switch 11), RsvdBit12(Reserved Switch 12), RsvdBit13(Reserved Switch 13), RsvdBit14(Reserved Switch 14), RsvdBit15(Reserved Switch 15), RsvdBit16(Reserved Switch 16) RsvdBit1, RsvdBit2, RsvdBit3, RsvdBit4, RsvdBit5, RsvdBit6, RsvdBit7, RsvdBit8, RsvdBit9, RsvdBit10, RsvdBit11, RsvdBit12, RsvdBit13, RsvdBit14, RsvdBit15, RsvdBit16 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 10 reserved for the future use. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0 to 4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 Reserved parameter 2. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 Reserved parameter 2. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 2 reserved for the future use. Enumeration Type OFF, ON ON,OFF Reserved parameter 2. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 3 reserved for the future use. Enumeration Type OFF, ON ON,OFF Reserved parameter 3. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 4 reserved for the future use. Enumeration Type OFF, ON ON,OFF This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 5 reserved for the future use. Enumeration Type OFF, ON ON,OFF This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 6 reserved for the future use. Enumeration Type OFF, ON ON,OFF This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 7 reserved for the future use. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0 to 4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 8 reserved for the future use. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0 to 4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies parameter 9 reserved for the future use. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0 to 4294967295 This parameter is saved for the coming usage. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies the revertive type of the MSP function. Enumeration Type NON-REVERTIVE, REVERTIVE NON-REVERTIVE, REVERTIVE Different types of M3UA local entities must have different routing contexts. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 The rate of RTCP bandwidth by the Iu CS bandwidth. For example if this value is 1, it expresses that the allocated RTCP path bandwidth is 1% of the RTP path bandwidth. Interval Type 1~5 1~5 Timer for state transition from CPC_HSPA to E_FACH of real-time services, used to detect whether a real-time service UE that adopts the CPC technology in CELL_DCH(with CPC_HSPA) state is in stable low activity state. The too small parameter cannot probably confirm that a UE is in relatively stable low activity state, but the too big will waste the dedicated channel resource. This parameter should be set based on the real-time service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Timer for state transition from CPC_HSPA to FACH of real-time services, used to detect whether a real-time service UE that adopts the CPC technology in CELL_DCH(with CPC_HSPA) state is in stable low activity state. The too small parameter cannot probably confirm that a UE is in relatively stable low activity state, but the too big will waste the dedicated channel resource. This parameter should be set based on the real-time service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Whether to support RTCP function.It is valid only if the Iu interface is CS domain and the transtype is IP. When RTCP switch is on, it takes statistics of the total lost number of RTP packets, the loss rate of RTP packets, the Round Trip Time (RTT), the average delay jitter of packets received over a single IP path via RTCP packets. Analyze the performance statistic of the above objects, overall evaluation the situation of the network. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON This parameter specifies the destination IP address. IP Address Type - to This parameter specifies the mask of the destination address. IP Address Type - to Timer for state transition from DCH or HSPA to E_FACH of real-time services, used to detect whether a real-time service UE in CELL_DCH state is in stable low activity state. The too small parameter cannot probably confirm that a UE is in relatively stable low activity state, but the too big will waste the dedicated channel resource. This parameter should be set based on the real-time service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Timer for state transition from DCH or HSDPA to FACH of real-time services, used to check whether the UE in the CELL_DCH state with real-time services is in the stable low activity state. If the value of this parameter is too low, whether the UE is in the stable low activity state cannot be determined. If the value of this parameter is too high, the dedicated channel resources are wasted. This parameter should be set on the basis of the real-time service model. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 Pending time after the traffic volume event 4B is reported. This parameter is used to prevent too many traffic volume events 4B being reported. Enumeration Type D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D4000, D8000, D16000 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 This parameter is used to check whether the UE in the low activity state. If the UE is on DCH or HSPA channel, the low activity counter increases by 1 every time traffic volume event 4B is reported. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k When the traffic volume is below the 4B threshold and remains so for the period specified by this parameter, the event 4B is reported. This parameter prevents unnecessary traffic volume events that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of real-time services from E_FACH to HSPA with CPC technology. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of real-time services from E_FACH to HSPA with CPC technology. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of real-time services from E_FACH to DCH or HSPA. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of real-time services from E_FACH to DCH or HSPA. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of real-time services from FACH to HSPA with CPC technology. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of real-time services from FACH to HSPA with CPC technology. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the threshold of the traffic volume of 4A event for triggering the transition of real-time services from FACH to DCH or HSPA. If the value of this parameter is too high, congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k, D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k, 128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k This parameter specifies the occurrence time of 4A event for triggering the transition of real-time services from FACH to DCH or HSPA. This parameter prevents unnecessary reports that are caused by traffic volume instability from being triggered. If the value of this parameter is too high, the period of reporting 4A event is delayed and congestion may occur over the common channel. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 It is used to calculate the round-trip time of the protocol stack and the RTO value. The [RTO alpha value] must be less than the [RTO beta value]. When [RTO beta value] is a constant, the larger this parameter is set, the less sensitive it becomes to the link delay. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 It is used to calculate the round-trip time of the protocol stack and the RTO value. The [RTO beta value] must be greater than the [RTO alpha value]. When [RTO alpha value] is a constant, the larger this parameter is set, the more sensitive it becomes to the link delay. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 When [RTO max value] and [RTO max value] are constants, the larger this parameter is set, the longer the time spent in checking if the link works well. Interval Type 1000~60000 1000~60000 When [RTO max value] is a constant, the larger this parameter is set, the longer the time spent in checking if the link works well. Interval Type 1000~60000 1000~60000 When [RTO max value] is a constant, the larger this parameter is set, the longer the time spent in checking if the link works well. Interval Type 1000~60000 1000~60000 Route index, a logical number of the route. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 This parameter specifies the rate up step of the logical port. Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 This parameter specifies the period of adjusting the rate up step. Interval Type 1~100 100~10000 This parameter specifies the backward bandwidth of the logical port. Interval Type 10~2810 530~148930 Backward bandwidth of the IP path. Interval Type 1~3000000 1~3000000 This parameter is valid only when Transport Resource Group Type is ATM or Transport Resource Group Type is IP and Bandwidth Mode is FULL_DUPLEX. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 Receive traffic record index of the SAAL link. Interval Type 100~1999 100~1999 When the time difference between the time when the UE receives a physical frame from the downlink and the time when the UE transmits the physical frame to the uplink becomes greater than a certain threshold, the event 6F will be triggered. This parameter is to optimize the power control performance within a time slot, that is, to guarantee that the power control within a time slot is implemented based on all links in the active set. The ideal UE Rx-Tx time difference should be 1024 chips. This parameter should not be too close to 1024. Otherwise, the radio link may be removed prematurely. It is recommended that the parameter be set within the range 1024~1280. For the definition and its related details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Interval Type 768~1280 768~1280 When the time difference between the time when the UE receives a physical frame from the downlink and the time when the UE transmits the physical frame to the uplink becomes smaller than a certain threshold, the event 6G will be triggered. This parameter is to optimize the power control performance within a time slot, that is, to guarantee that the power control within a time slot is implemented based on all links in the active set. The ideal UE Rx-Tx time difference should be 1024 chips. This parameter should not be too close to 1024. Otherwise, the radio link may be removed prematurely. It is recommended that the parameter be set within the range 768~1024. For the definition and its related details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Interval Type 768~1280 768~1280 No. of the SAAL link that bears the CCP.For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.430. Interval Type 0~699 0~699 No. of the SAAL link.For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.430. Interval Type 0~699 0~699 This parameter specifies the number of an SAAL link carried on the VCL. Interval Type 0~699 0 to 699 Number of the SAAL link bearing the AAL2 signaling to the adjacent node. Interval Type 0~699 0~699 Interface type of the SAAL link.The interface type of links on Iub is UNI. The interface type of links on Iu and Iur is NNI. Enumeration Type UNI, NNI UNI, NNI SAAL link connection timer. It is a protection timer waiting for a SAAL response after a link setup request is sent to SAAL. Interval Type 35000~120000 35000~120000 PLMN-Id, LAC and SAC together compose the Service Area ID (SAI). The SAI is used to define an area composed of one or more cells in the same location area. This area is called service area, which indicates the location of a UE to the CN. This parameter is defined by the operator. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 23.003. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Indicating whether the Iub interface supports satellite transmission. Enumeration Type TRUE(True), FALSE(False) TRUE, FALSE Timing offset between the SCCPCH and PCCPCH in the cell. As defined by the 25.211 protocol, the PICH timing is 7680 chips prior to its corresponding SCCPCH frame timing. If the offset of the SCCPCH timing from the PCCPCH timing is smaller than 30 (x 256 chips), the corresponding CFN decreases by 1. Then, the difference between the PICH CFN and the corresponding SCCPCH CFN is 2. However, in the 25.435 protocol, the PI information and paging message are transmitted with two consecutive CFNs. In the RNC, the PI information and paging messages are also transmitted with two consecutive CFNs irrespective of the chip offset. Therefore, the two protocols conflict with each other in this aspect. To avoid the compatibility problem, it is recommended that the SCCPCH timing carrying the PCH transport channel be set to between Interval Type 0~149 0~38144,step:256 List Type. Enumeration Type ByRack, ByNodeBId, ByCellId ByRack,ByNodeBId,ByCellId This parameter specifies the average rate. Physical unit: cell/s or kbit/s. Interval Type 30~70754 30 to 70754 Scrambling code of the SCCPCH. 0: primary scrambling code; 1~15: secondary scrambling code. Note: This parameter must be set to the primary scrambling code for the SCCPCH bearing the PCH. It can be set to the primary scrambling code or secondary scrambling code for the SCCPCH that does not carry the PCH. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 This parameter specifies the state of the scramble switch. The setting of this parameter should be consistent with that at the peer end. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF Number of the SCTP link. Interval Type 0~599 0~599 This parameter specifies the start date of the DST. Interval Type 1~31 1 to 31 This parameter specifies whether the SD is enabled. Enumeration Type DISABLE, ENABLE DISABLE, ENABLE This parameter specifies the priority of the SF event and the SD event. Enumeration Type HIGH, LOW HIGH, LOW Seed of the pseudo-random sequence generator. It can prevent idle period of different NodeBs from overlapping. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 This parameter specifies the type of the NodeB detect. Enumeration Type SINGLE(Single NodeB), ALL(ALL NodeB) SINGLE, ALL This parameter indicates whether the MBMS service is released first or user first when the overload occurs. Enumeration Type MBMS_REL(MBMS service), USER_REL(UE) MBMS_REL, USER_REL This parameter specifies the IP address to be accessed by the FTP client. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the server name for CHAP authentication during PPP or MLPPP link negotiation. String Type - 0 to 63 character This parameter specifies the rate of the MBMS service carried on the common channel. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.346. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D25616, 32, 64, 128, 256 This parameter specifies whether the service differential DRD algorithm will be applied. - ON: The service differential DRD algorithm will be applied.(If cell-level DRD parameters are configured, the status of cell level Service differential drd switch should also be considered.) - OFF: The service differential DRD algorithm will not be applied. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF Uniquely identifying a MBMS service in the PLMN. Interval Type 0~4294967295 0~4294967295 Indicating whether to support CS, PS or both domains. Enumeration Type SUPPORT_CS, SUPPORT_PS, SUPPORT_CS_AND_PS SUPPORT_CS, SUPPORT_PS, SUPPORT_CS_AND_PS This parameter specifies the traffic class of the MBMS service carried on the common channel. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.346. Enumeration Type STREAMING, BACKGROUND STREAMING, BACKGROUND This parameter is valid only when Adjacent Node Type is IUPS.NO means the node is GGSN, and GGSN need not to configure dpx parameter. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Numbers of incoming calls to be shared when the load exceeds the forwarding threshold. When the CPU usage is between the sharing out threshold and overload threshold, and number of incoming calls in each second reaches the threshold, new arrival call attempts will be shared out to other SPU. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 This parameter specifies the sharing type of a NodeB. The value "DEDICATED" indicates that all cells of the NodeB belong to one operator. The value "RANSHARING" indicates that cells of the NodeB can belong to different operators, but a cell only belongs to one operator. The value "MOCN"indicates that every cell of the NodeB can belong to multi-operators. Enumeration Type DEDICATED(Dedicated), RANSHARING(RAN Sharing), MOCN(MOCN) Dedicated, RANSharing, MOCN Inter-system HCS cell reselection start threshold. When Srxlev of the serving cell is less than this parameter, the UE starts the inter-system measurement so that better cells can be selected. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -53~45 -105~91, step:2 This parameter specifies the handover attribute. If the SERVICE_HO_BASED_O N_RNC_SWITCH is on, the handover setting of this parameter is applied. Otherwise, the handover setting assigned by the CN is applied. - HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_ BE_PERFORM: Handover to the 2G network is performed so long as 2G signals are available. - HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_ NOT_BE_PERFORM: Handover to the 2G network is performed when 3G signals are weak but 2G signals are strong. - HO_TO_GSM_SHALL_N OT_BE_PERFORM: Handover to the 2G network is not performed even if 3G signals are weak but 2G signals are strong. Enumeration Type HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_BE_PERFORM, HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_NOT_BE_PERFORM, HO_TO_GSM_SHALL_NOT_BE_PERFORM HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_BE_PERFORM, HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_NOT_BE_PERFORM, HO_TO_GSM_SHALL_NOT_BE_PERFORM This parameter specifies the threshold number of the soft handover failures. This parameter determines the reporting times of the events from the cell that fails to join the active set in soft handover, to trigger the rate reduction of the active set and the attempt to join the active set. The smaller the value of this parameter, the easier it is for the cell that fails to join the active set in the load based soft handover to join the active set through the soft handover rate reduction strategy, but the easier it is to trigger the rate reduction of the active set and thus to affect the use of services. Note that this parameter need be considered in combination with the rate reduction evaluation period, and the reporting intervals of event 1A and 1C. Otherwise, the reports cannot reach the required times to trigger rate reduction during the rate reduction evaluation period. Interval Type 0~63 0~63 This parameter specifies the maximum evaluation period of the soft handover failure. When the rate reduction evaluation is performed on a cell that fails to join the active set, the evaluation timer is started. If the cell cannot fulfill the condition of rate reduction before the timer expires, the evaluation and rate reduction retry on the cell will not be performed. The larger the value of the parameter, the greater the possibility that the target cell joins the active set. But only three parallel soft handover rate reduction evaluation processes are allowed on the RNC. The larger the value of this parameter, the less the failure cells that the RNC can handle. Interval Type 0~120 0~120 When the RNC receives events 1A, 1C and 1D, the target cell can be added to the active set only when CPICH Ec/No of the target cell is higher than this absolute threshold. The purpose for setting this parameter is as follows: The current events of soft handovers are defined on the basis of relative thresholds and have no requirement for the absolute quality. If the signal quality of added cells is too poor, the general quality of the active set cannot be obviously improved, but more downlink resources are occupied and more TPC errors are caused, and the soft handover performance is worsened. Therefore, there should be a baseline for the quality of the radio links to be added. As for the impact on network performance: Adjust this parameter according to the Ec/Io that the cell soft handover area reaches as expected at network planning. The Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Indicating whether to trigger soft handover cross the Iur interface between the RNC and the neighboring RNC: 1) CS_SHO_SWITCH. Indicating whether to trigger hard handover for CS cross the Iur interface. 2) HSPA_SHO_SWITCH. Indicating whether to trigger hard handover for HSPA cross the Iur interface. 3) NON_HSPA_SHO_SWIT CH. Indicating whether to trigger hard handover for PS(R99) cross the Iur interface. Bit Field Type CS_SHO_SWITCH, HSPA_SHO_SWITCH, NON_HSPA_SHO_SWITCH CS_SHO_SWITCH, HSPA_SHO_SWITCH, NON_HSPA_SHO_SWITCH Flag of whether to include this neighboring relationship in the System Information Block 11 (SIB11). This parameter indicates whether the neighboring cell information is delivered in SIB11. FALSE: not to include the neighboring information in the SIB11. TRUE: to include the neighboring information in the SIB11. Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE,TRUE Flag of whether to include this neighboring relationship in the System Information Block 12 (SIB12). This parameter indicates whether the neighboring cell information is delivered in SIB12. FALSE: not to include the neighboring information in the SIB12. TRUE: to include the neighboring information in the SIB12. Enumeration Type FALSE(Do not send), TRUE(Send) FALSE,TRUE Determine whether some system information blocks are broadcast in this cell. If the corresponding system information block is selected, then send this system information block in this cell. Bit Field Type SIB2, SIB4, SIB12, SIB18, SIB11BIS SIB2, SIB4, SIB12, SIB18, SIB11BIS This parameter specifies the channel type and bit rate for RRC connection establishment. - FACH: The RRC connection is set up on the common channel. - DCH_3.4K_SIGNALLING : The RRC connection is set up on the 3.4 kbit/s dedicated channel. - DCH_6.8K_SIGNALLING : The RRC connection is set up on the 6.8 kbit/s dedicated channel. - DCH_13.6K_SIGNALLIN G: The RRC connection is set up on the 13.6 kbit/s dedicated channel. - DCH_27.2K_SIGNALLIN G: The RRC connection is set up on the 27.2 kbit/s Enumeration Type FACH, DCH_3.4K_SIGNALLING, DCH_6.8K_SIGNALLING, DCH_13.6K_SIGNALLING, DCH_27.2K_SIGNALLING FACH, DCH_3.4K_SIGNALLING, DCH_6.8K_SIGNALLING, DCH_13.6K_SIGNALLING, DCH_27.2K_SIGNALLING Index of the signalling link set. Interval Type 0~118 0~118 M3UA link code in SPU subsystem. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 Indicating whether the FACH bears signalling. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE Signalling link code. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 Maximum rate of the wideband AMR speech service for silver users. Enumeration Type WBAMR_BITRATE_6.60K, WBAMR_BITRATE_8.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_12.65K, WBAMR_BITRATE_14.25K, WBAMR_BITRATE_15.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_18.25K, WBAMR_BITRATE_19.85K, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.05K, WBAMR_BITRATE_23.85K 6.60, 8.85, 12.65, 14.25, 15.85, 18.25, 19.85, 23.05, 23.85 Maximum rate of the narrowband AMR speech service for silver users. Enumeration Type NBAMR_BITRATE_4.75K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.15K, NBAMR_BITRATE_5.90K, NBAMR_BITRATE_6.70K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7.40K, NBAMR_BITRATE_7.95K, NBAMR_BITRATE_10.20K, NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20K 4.75, 5.15, 5.90, 6.70, 7.40, 7.95, 10.20, 12.20 This parameter specifies the DL maximum bit rate of signal for PS domain user. Enumeration Type D3.4, D13.6, D27.2 D3.4, D13.6, D27.2 This parameter specifies the UL maximum bit rate of signal for PS domain user. Enumeration Type D3.4, D13.6, D27.2 D3.4, D13.6, D27.2 This parameter specifies the source IP address. IP Address Type - IMS SRB service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 IMS SRB primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF IMS Signal bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 IMS SRB secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL IMS Signal primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 IMS SRB service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The UE does not start the inter-RAT measurement if it detects that the quality of the serving cell is higher than this threshold. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -16~10 -32~20, step:2 This parameter defines the slot format used by the SCCPCH. The configuration of this parameter is relevant to the SF, pilot bit, and TFCI of the SCCPCH. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433 and 3GPP TS 25.211. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Sequence number of available PRACH slot formats. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 Sequence number of available PRACH slot formats. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 Sequence number of available PRACH slot formats. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 Sequence number of available PRACH slot formats. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 Number of available PRACH slot formats. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.211. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4 D1, D2, D3, D4 The signalling route mask is used for sharing loads between signalling routes. Suppose that the number of 1s in the value is expressed as n. Then the maximum number of the routes for load sharing is 2^n. For example, B0000 indicates that only one route can be used for load sharing. B0001 and B1000 indicate that at most two routes can be used for load sharing while the others cannot. This mask AND the value of [Signalling link mask] specified by ADD MTP3LKS must be zero. Enumeration Type B0000, B0001, B0010, B0011, B0100, B0101, B0110, B0111, B1000, B1001, B1010, B1011, B1100, B1101, B1110, B1111 B0000, B0001, B0010, B0011, B0100, B0101, B0110, B0111, B1000, B1001, B1010, B1011, B1100, B1101, B1110, B1111 This parameter specifies the type of the start date. DATE indicates that the DST starts from a certain day. WEEK indicates that the DST starts from a certain week. DATEWEEK indicates that the DST starts from a certain day in a certain week. Enumeration Type DATE(Input with date), WEEK(Input with week), DATEWEEK(Input with date and week) DATE, WEEK, DATEWEEK Method of positioning the UE. Bit Field Type CELLID_CENTER, CELLID_RTT, OTDOA, AGPS A-GPS, OTDOA, CELLID_RTT, CELLID_CENTER This parameter specifies whether the alarm reporting for smoke is enabled. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the start month of the DST. Enumeration Type JAN(January), FEB(February), MAR(March), APR(April), MAY(May), JUN(June), JUL(July), AUG(August), SEP(September), OCT(October), NOV(November), DEC(December) JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC RSPU slot No. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 {0},{2},{4},{8},{10} The Slot No. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0,2,4,8,10 This parameter specifies the number of the slot where the SPU is located. Interval Type 0,2,4,6,8,10 0~10, step: 2 The Slot No. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0,2,4,8,10 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 This parameter specifies the number of the slot where the SPUa is located. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0, 2, 4, 8, 10 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 0~27 0 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot where the board is located. Interval Type 0~27 0 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 14,16,18,20,22,24,26 14,16,18,20,22,24,26 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 0~5,8~27 0 to 5,8 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. For the logical uninhibition, the value range of "Slot No." is {{0},{2},{4},{8~27}}. For the physical uninhibition, the value range of "Slot No." is {{0~5},{8~27}}. Interval Type 0~5,8~27 0 to 5, 8 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a slot. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter indicates the number of the slot where the board is located. The board refers to the one on which the command is executed. Interval Type 29,31 29,31 This parameter specifies the slot that holds the SPUa. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0, 2, 4, 8, 10 Number of the SPU slot where the SAAL link is terminated. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0, 2, 4, 8, 10 This parameter is valid only when Adjacent Node Type is UNI_AAL2SWITCH.Slot number of the SAAL link bearing the AAL2 signaling to the adjacent node. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0, 2, 4, 8, 10 Number of the slot where the SCTP link is terminated. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0, 2, 4, 8, 10 Number of the slot where the SPU controlling the M3UA link is located. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0,2,4,8,10 Slot Number of PHB map to DSCP. Interval Type 14~27 14~27 Number of the slot where the SPU subsystem controlling the MTP3-B link is located. Interval Type 0,2,4,8,10 0,2,4,8,10 Sharing Network Area Code.Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Indicating whether the SNAC need be configured. TRUE: The SNAC need be configured. FALSE: The SNAC need not be configured.UE can access any cell of the PLMN. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE,FALSE When it is set to ON, the RNC sends UMTS cell load information to the GSM during the non-coverage based system relocation in or out process. When it is set to OFF, the RNC does not send UMTS cell load information to the GSM during the system relocation in or out process. This parameter is designed for the UMTS network to cooperate with the GSM network. When the UE is handed over from the UMTS network to the GSM network, the RNC normalizes the load information of the best cell and sends it to the GSM network. Then, the GSM network determines whether to accept or reject the handover request.This switch is only effective in CS domain,the RNC does not send UMTS cell load information to the GSM in PS domain. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON The OSP should be input in hexadecimal format and cannot be 0. In addition, it should be allocated in the SS7 network and cannot be repeated. If SPC is BIT14 code, the value range is H'1~H'3FFF(1~16383).f SPC is BIT16 code, the value range is H'1~H'FFFF(1~65535). If SPC is BIT24 code, the value range is H'1~H'FFFFFF(1~16777215). Interval Type 1~16777215 BIT14: 1~16383 BIT16: 1~65535 BIT24: 1~16777215 Indicating the number of bits of the OSP code. BIT14 means 14-bit code,BIT16 means 16-bit code,and BIT24 represents 24-bit code. Enumeration Type BIT14, BIT16, BIT24 BIT14, BIT16, BIT24 The OSP should be input in divided number format. In addition, it should be allocated in the SS7 network and cannot be repeated. String Type - 1~11 characters Indicating whether the UE speed estimation is allowed in this cell. Value ON indicates that the UE speed estimation is allowed in this cell. Value OFF indicates that the UE speed estimation is not allowed in this cell. The UE speed estimation cannot be triggered even if this switch is enabled in either of the following cases: -The cell is not configured as a HCS cell by ADD CELLHCS or MOD CELLHCS. -The algorithm switch for the RNC-oriented UE speed estimation is not enabled by SET CORRMALGOSWITCH. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON,OFF Signal point data format. Enumeration Type WNF, DNF WNF, DNF This parameter specifies the transmission rate over the FE port. Enumeration Type 10M, 100M 10M, 100M For a high-mobility UE, multiples this parameter by its reselection delay to reduce the reselection delay of the UE. This parameter can be set to 10 for middle-speed UE, which means no influence upon reselection delay time. This parameter is not configured when its value is 255. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~10,255 {0~1},{255}, step:0.1 This parameter identifies a group of cells that have specific capabilities for four service types: R99 real-time services, R99 non-real-time services, HSPA services, and other services. Interval Type 1~8 1~8 This parameter indicates the scheduling priority. The value 15 indicates the highest priority and the value 0 indicates the lowest. Interval Type 0~15 0~15 This parameter specifies the number of the source port of the IP loopback test. Interval Type 1024~3584 1024 to 3584 It is used to decide whether the cell load level is "Heavy" or not. It is denoted by the ratio of NodeB TX power to the maximum TX power. If the load of a cell is equal to or higher than this threshold, the load level of this cell is heavy. If the load level of a cell is heavy, the PUC algorithm will configure selection/reselection parameters for this cell to lead the UE camping on this cell to reselect another inter-frequency neighboring cell with light load. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Hysteresis used to determine the cell load level. It is denoted by the ratio of NodeB TX power to the maximum TX power. It is used to avoid the unnecessary ping-pong effect of a cell between two load levels due to tiny load change. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 It is used to decide whether the cell load level is "Light" or not. It is denoted by the ratio of NodeB TX power to the maximum TX power. If the load of a cell is equal to or lower than this threshold, the load level of this cell is light. If the load level of a cell is light, the PUC algorithm will configure selection/reselection parameters for this cell to lead the UE to reselect this cell rather than the previous inter-frequency neighboring cell with heavy load. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The threshold used by SPU process system. When the equivalent user number of this SPU system is over this threshold, latter calls will be transferred to other SPU process system until equivalent user number is bellow this SPU traffic share threshold. Interval Type 40~100 40~100 This parameter specifies the channel type of SRB. - DCH: Both uplink and downlink are preferably carried on DCH. - HSDPA: Uplink is preferably carried on DCH, and downlink is preferably carried on HS-DSCH. - HSPA: Uplink is preferably carried on E- DCH, and downlink is preferably carried on HS- DSCH. Enumeration Type DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSDPA(UL_DCH,DL_HSDSCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) DCH, HSDPA, HSPA This parameter specifies whether [SRB channel type] is valid in the RRC connection setup procedure. - TRUE: [SRB channel type] is valid in the RRC connection setup procedure and other procedures. - FALSE: [SRB channel type] is invalid in the RRC connection setup procedure but valid in other procedures. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE FALSE, TRUE SRB service downlink factor.Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the guaranteed speed of the MAC-c flow that sends SRB data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~1000 1~1000 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the maximum speed of the MAC-c flow that sends SRB data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~2000 1~2000 SRB primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF Signal bearing primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 SRB secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL Signal primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 SRB service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the source end of timeslot cross connection, corresponding to the electrical port of the board. Interval Type 0~31 0 to 31 This parameter specifies the priority level of the clock source. Interval Type 1~4 1 to 4 This parameter specifies the type of the clock source. Interval Type 0~4 0 to 4 This parameter specifies the source IP address of the flow. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the ID of a local MEP. Interval Type 1~100 1 to 100 This parameter specifies the type of the clock source. Enumeration Type BITS1-2MHZ, BITS2-2MHZ, BITS1-2MBPS, BITS2-2MBPS, GPS, 8KHZ, LINE1_8KHZ, LINE2_8KHZ, BITS1-T1BPS, BITS2-T1BPS BITS1-2MHZ, BITS2-2MHZ, BITS1-2MBPS, BITS2-2MBPS, GPS, 8KHZ, LINE1_8KHZ, LINE2_8KHZ, BITS1-T1BPS, BITS2-T1BPS This parameter specifies the number of the source end of timeslot cross connection. Enumeration Type TS1(Time_slot_1), TS2(Time_slot_2), TS3(Time_slot_3), TS4(Time_slot_4), TS5(Time_slot_5), TS6(Time_slot_6), TS7(Time_slot_7), TS8(Time_slot_8), TS9(Time_slot_9), TS10(Time_slot_10), TS11(Time_slot_11), TS12(Time_slot_12), TS13(Time_slot_13), TS14(Time_slot_14), TS15(Time_slot_15), TS16(Time_slot_16), TS17(Time_slot_17), TS18(Time_slot_18), TS19(Time_slot_19), TS20(Time_slot_20), TS21(Time_slot_21), TS22(Time_slot_22), TS23(Time_slot_23), TS24(Time_slot_24), TS25(Time_slot_25), TS26(Time_slot_26), TS27(Time_slot_27), TS28(Time_slot_28), TS29(Time_slot_29), TS30(Time_slot_30), TS31(Time_slot_31) TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 Timer REPEAT_SREC.Frequency at which ER is allowed to be received. If the second ER message is received before the timer expires, the link is released. Interval Type 45~90 45~90 RBS managing the NodeB. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 This parameter specifies the number of the RBS or RSS. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 This parameter specifies the number of a subrack. Interval Type 1~5 1 to 5 This parameter specifies the number of a subrack. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 This parameter specifies the number of the RBS subrack. Interval Type 1~5 1 to 5 This parameter specifies the number of a subrack. Interval Type 0~5 0 to 5 Number of the subrack where the SAAL link is terminated. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 This parameter is valid only when Adjacent Node Type is UNI_AAL2SWITCH.Subrack number of the SAAL link bearing the AAL2 signaling to the adjacent node. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 Number of the subrack where the SCTP link is terminated. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 Number of the subrack. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 Number of the SUBRACK where the SPU controlling the M3UA link is located. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 No. of the WRBS at which the PHB map to DSCP. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 Number of the subrack where the SPU subsystem controlling the MTP3-B link is located. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 This parameter specifies the name of a WRBS. String Type - None When the parameter is set to YES, QoS control for DL BE services is based on the TCP and RLC retransmission. When the parameter is set to NO, QoS control for DL BE services is based on the TCP. In both situations, QoS control is not performed across the Iur interface. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES SRNS relocation-allowed traffic type. This parameter determines the bearing policy over the Iur interface. If the parameter is set to RT, only the real-time service can trigger the static relocation; if the parameter is set to NRT, only the non-real-time service can trigger the static relocation; if the parameter is set to ALL, all services can trigger the static relocation. Enumeration Type RT(Real time service), NRT(Non real time service), ALL(All service) RT,NRT,ALL When [Measurement transfer delay by FP Node synchronization between SRNC and DRNC ]+[Estimated non- measurement delay offset] > [transfer delay provided by the Qos of the current traffic], the relocation will be triggered. The value of this parameter should be set according to the time delay concerned requirements of the most common services over the Iur interface. If the value is too small, unnecessary relocation will occur; if the value is too large, the QoS of the services over the Iur interface will be affected. The transfer delay provided by the Qos of the current traffic is the parameter set at the CN and is notified to the RNC through an RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message. Interval Type 0~400 0~400 SRNS relocation expiry time. In order to avoid ping-pong relocation, the user, if successfully relocated, is not allowed to relocate again in the specified time of the parameter. Interval Type 1~255 1~255 Time interval between two SRNS relocations based on Iur resource optimization. For each time interval, the RNC specifies several UEs to perform the relocation based on Iur resource optimization. The parameter should be set according to the the time interval of the Iur source congestion report. The difference between the previous two values cannot be too large. Individually changing a parameter will cause the time difference in the congestion report and the relocation triggering, and thus the algorithm cannot be efficiently performed. Interval Type 1~100 1~100 If SRNSR_DSCR_SEPRAT_DUR_SWITCH of [SrnsrSwitch] in SET CORRMALGOSWITCH is on, after the separation of the SRNC and the CRNC, a timer starts. After the time is expired, the SRNS relocation is triggered. This parameter determines the number of UEs over the Iur interface. If this parameter is set too large, it will cause too much unnecessary occupied Iur resources; if the parameter is set too small, ping-pong relocation may occur. Interval Type 1~255 1~255 SRNSR algorithm switch. 1) SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RES RCE_SWITCH: When the switch is on, relocation for transmission optimization over the Iur interface is allowed. When there is congestion over the Iur interface, the UE may be selected to initiate relocation or DSCR if the UE has only a radio link over the Iur interface and the link have the same attributes as the congested link. Based on DSCRInd of ADD NRNC, the RNC decides whether to initiate relocation or DSCR. When the RRC CONN REL message with the cause value "Directed Signalling Connection re- establishment" is sent to the UE, the UE initiates RRC reestablishment and updates the routing area once immediately. 2) SRNSR_DSCR_LOC_SEP RAT_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the RNC initiates static relocation or Bit Field Type SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RESRCE_SWITCH, SRNSR_DSCR_LOC_SEPRAT_SWITCH, SRNSR_DSCR_PROPG_DELAY_SWITCH, SRNSR_DSCR_SEPRAT_DUR_SWITCH SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RESRCE_SWITCH, SRNSR_DSCR_LOC_SEPRAT_SWITCH, SRNSR_DSCR_PROPG_DELAY_SWITCH, SRNSR_DSCR_SEPRAT_DUR_SWITCH Relocation trigger time after IURCCH. The relocation occurs after timeout. This parameter determines the probability of the relocation of the Iur common channel based on time separation. The larger the value of this parameter, the more UEs are carried over this Iur channel, and the more Iur resource is occupied; if the value of this parameter is set too small, no UE will be carried on the Iur channel, thus causing the waste of resources. Interval Type 1~65535 1~65535 UE SRNTI. Interval Type 0~1048575 0~1048575 This parameter specifies the type of the subrack. Enumeration Type RSS, RBS RSS, RBS Offset of the SSCH transmit power from the PCPICH transmit power in a cell. If the value is excessively low, UEs at the edge of cells fail in network searching, resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink common channel. This finally affects the cell coverage. If the value is excessively high, the power resources are wasted, and other channels are interfered seriously, thus the cell capacity is influenced. Interval Type -350~150 -35~15, step: 0.1 This parameter specifies the threshold for clearing an alarm related to the CPU usage. When the CPU usage is lower than the value of this parameter, the alarm is cleared. Interval Type 20~99 20 to 99 This parameter specifies the threshold for reporting an alarm related to the CPU usage. When the CPU usage is higher than the value of this parameter, the alarm is reported. The value of this parameter must be higher than the value of "CPU occupancy alarm clearance threshold". Interval Type 30~100 30 to 100 This parameter specifies the type of source. - SPEECH: speech service - UNKNOWN: non-speech service Enumeration Type SPEECH, UNKNOWN SPEECH, UNKNOWN This parameter specifies the threshold for clearing an alarm related to the DSP usage. When the DSP usage is lower than the value of this parameter, the alarm is cleared. Interval Type 20~99 20 to 99 This parameter specifies the threshold for reporting an alarm related to the DSP usage. When the DSP usage is higher than the value of this parameter, the alarm is reported. The value of this parameter must be higher than the value of "DSP occupancy alarm clearance threshold". Interval Type 30~100 30 to 100 Intra-system HCS cell reselection start threshold. When Srxlev of the serving cell is less than this parameter, the UE starts the intra-frequency and inter-frequency measurements so that better cells can be selected. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type -53~45 -105~91, step:2 Threshold for inter-RAT cell reselection. When the quality (CPICH Ec/No measured by UE) of the serving cell is lower than this threshold plus the [Qqualmin] of the cell, the inter-RAT cell reselection procedure will be started. This parameter is not configured when its value is 127. This parameter is not configured when its value is 127. The intra-frequency cell reselection has a priority higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection and inter-RAT cell reselection, the intra-frequency cell reselection start threshold should be higher than the inter-frequency cell reselection start threshold and inter-RAT cell reselection start threshold. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively high value, the UE may frequently start cell reselections, and the battery of the UE may be largely consumed. If the cell reselection threshold is set to a comparatively low value, it is difficult for cell reselections to be started, and the UE may not timely reside in the cells with good quality, affecting the q Interval Type -16~10,127 {-32~20},{127},step:2 This parameter specifies the subsystem No. of the SPU/MPU board. Interval Type 0~3 0 to 3 No. of the subsystem to set. Interval Type 0~3 0~3 This parameter specifies the start time of the DST. Compound Type HOUR, MIN, SEC HOUR(hour),MIN(minute),SEC(second) This parameter specifies the service type. CBR and RTVBR are realtime traffic and are usually carried on the control plane on the Iur, Iub, or Iu-CS interface. NRTVBR and UBR are non-realtime traffic and are usually carried on the user plane and control plane of the Iu-PS interface. UBR_PLUS is usually carried on the OM plane. Enumeration Type UBR, CBR, RTVBR, NRTVBR, UBR_PLUS UBR, CBR, RTVBR, NRTVBR, UBR_PLUS When a DCH is set up, the UE starts counting the number of faulty CRCs within a specified sliding window. If the number of faulty CRCs exceeds the specified threshold, event 5A is triggered. The length of the sliding window is specified by Statistic Block Number For 5A Event. Interval Type 1~512 1~512 When the parameter is set to INACTIVE, the timed GPS frame measurement is not activated. When the parameter is set to ACTIVE, the timed GPS frame measurement is activated. Enumeration Type INACTIVE, ACTIVE INACTIVE, ACTIVE Start time of the first interval when the "Cell dynamic shutdown" feature is valid. Compound Type HOUR, MIN 00:00~23:59 Start time of the second interval when the "Cell dynamic shutdown" feature is valid. Compound Type HOUR, MIN 00:00~23:59 Start time of the third interval when the "Cell dynamic shutdown" feature is valid. Compound Type HOUR, MIN 00:00~23:59 CN protection timer. Interval Type 1000~300000 1000~300000 Protection timer used in case of DSP intermittent at the neighboring RNC. Interval Type 1~300 1~300 Maximum length of the STAT PDU list. Interval Type 3~67 3~67 Indicating whether the signalling point can perform the signalling transmission function. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies the mode used to stop the CPU usage test. Enumeration Type MANULSTP(Manual stop), AUTOSTP(Automatic stop) MANULSTP, AUTOSTP This parameter specifies the DL maximum bit rate of streaming for PS domain user. Enumeration Type D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the guaranteed speed of the MAC-c flow that sends streaming service data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~1000 1~1000 This parameter specifies the rate threshold of 2ms TTI on the E-DCH for HSUPA streaming service. When the cell capability and UE capability allows 2ms TTI, 2ms TTI on the E-DCH is used if the PS streaming service carried on HSUPA with uplink rate isn't less than this threshold. Otherwise, 10ms TTI is used. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D608 8,16,32,64,128,144,256,384,608 The MAC-c on Iub interface will increase after the Enhanced CELL_FACH is supported in the cell. When the UE enters the Enhanced CELL_FACH state, this parameter determines the maximum speed of the MAC-c flow that sends streaming service data on the Iub interface. Interval Type 1~2000 1~2000 This parameter specifies the UL maximum bit rate of streaming for PS domain user. Enumeration Type D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 This parameter indicates whether the SCCPCH uses STTD or not. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP 25.346. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE This parameter indicates whether STTD TX diversity is supported. Enumeration Type STTD_Supported, STTD_not_Supported STTD_Supported, STTD_not_Supported This parameter specifies the logical serial number of a subflow for the typical RAB. A bearer may use several subflows for transmission. For example, AMR speech service may use three traffic subflows, which correspond to three transport channels. Subflows 0, 1, and 2 carry bit flows of classes A, B, and C respectively. For other types of RABs, there is only one subflow. Therefore, the traffic subflow index is set to 0, which corresponds to one transport channel. Interval Type 0~2 0~2 Max subframe length. Interval Type 16~1023 16~1023 This parameter specifies the subnet number of the internal IP address of the RNC. Interval Type 1~126,128~191 1 to 126,128 to 191 Indicating whether the cell supports the CBS service. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE This parameter specifies whether the NodeB allows setting of the downlink DPCH spreading factor to 512. If this parameter is set to TRUE, the NodeB allows setting of the downlink DPCH spreading factor to 512. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE This parameter indicates whether to support the mode change of downlink power control (DPC). Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE,TRUE This parameter specifies whether the NodeB supports setting of DPC MODE to TRIPLET. - If this parameter is set to TRUE, the NodeB supports setting of DPC MODE to TRIPLET. - If this parameter is set to FALSE, DPC MODE is always SINGLE. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE Indicating whether to support establishing IUR-CCH between the RNC and the neighboring RNC. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES This parameter specifies the board is support backupclock source of the output clock. Enumeration Type NO(NO), YES(YES) NO, YES CR supported by CN protocol version. Enumeration Type CR527_SUPPORT, CR527_NOT_SUPPORT, CR528_SUPPORT, CR528_NOT_SUPPORT, CR529_SUPPORT, CR529_NOT_SUPPORT CR527_SUPPORT, CR527_NOT_SUPPORT, CR528_SUPPORT, CR528_NOT_SUPPORT, CR529_SUPPORT, CR529_NOT_SUPPORT Identifying whether the inter-RAT cell supports PS HO. TRUE indicates that the inter-RAT cell is able to perform the handover procedure with relocation. FALSE indicates that the cell is unable to do so. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE,TRUE This parameter specifies whether the NodeB supports PS real-time services being carried on HSDPA. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE, TRUE Identifying whether the inter-RAT cell supports RIM. (RIM is used to obtain the SI/PSI information of the inter-RAT cell.) For the details of RIM process, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.901 protocol. Enumeration Type FALSE, TRUE FALSE,TRUE This parameter specifies whether to open or close the port. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the DST start day in a week. Enumeration Type SUN(Sunday), MON(Monday), TUE(Tuesday), WED(Wednesday), THU(Thursday), FRI(Friday), SAT(Saturday) SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT This parameter specifies the state of the port switch. Enumeration Type Close, Open Close,Open This parameter specifies whether to turn on the BFD protocol switch. Enumeration Type BFD_OFF, BFD_ON BFD_OFF,BFD_ON Whether to support Switch3GPP25415CR0125 function.It is valid only if the Iu interface is CS domain. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF,ON This field indicate whether switch back if the primary IP address is available. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES This field indicates the association will switch back to primary IP address after receiving appointed number of HBACK. Interval Type 1~254 1~254 Set patch switch parameter1. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF ON Set patch switch parameter10. Interval Type 0~429496729 0~429496729 Set patch switch parameter2. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF ON Set patch switch parameter3. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF ON Set patch switch parameter4. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF ON Set patch switch parameter5. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF ON Set patch switch parameter6. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF ON Set patch switch parameter7. Interval Type 0~429496729 0~429496729 Set patch switch parameter8. Interval Type 0~429496729 0~429496729 Set patch switch parameter9. Interval Type 0~429496729 0~429496729 This parameter specifies the DST start week in a month. Enumeration Type FIRST(First), SECOND(Second), THIRD(Third), FOURTH(Fourth), LAST(Last) FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, LAST When call shock control starts, the AMR_RRC number can be accessed per second for system. Interval Type 1~500 1~500 This parameter specifies the method to contact the manufacturer. String Type - 1~250 character This parameter specifies the system description of the RNC production. String Type - 1~250 character When call shock control starts, the register and 3G->2G reselect number can be accessed per second for system. Interval Type 1~500 1~500 A timer to RNC wait for PS RESUME after successful CS InterRAT handover. Interval Type 1~255 1~255 This parameter specifies the location of the RNC product. String Type - 1~250 character This parameter specifies the system ID of the RNC product. String Type - 1~250 character When call shock control starts, it is the max number of RRC_REJ message. Interval Type 1~500 1~500 This parameter specifies the services provided by the RNC product. String Type - 1~250 character When the RRC REQ total number of one system reach this threshold in period and can't been shared out to other SPU system, the RRC flow control will be triggered. New RRC REQ will be rejected or discarded. Interval Type 1~500 1~500 Signalling route set test timer. When the reception of a TFP causes unavailability of a route, this timer is started to regularly check whether the route is recovered. Interval Type 30000~60000 30000~60000 Uninhibit acknowledgement timer. It is a protection timer waiting for an uninhibit acknowledgement message (LUA) from the peer end after an uninhibit message (LUN) is sent to the peer end. Interval Type 800~1500 800~1500 Force uninhibit timer. It is a protection timer waiting for a force uninhibit acknowledgement message (LUA) from the peer end after a force uninhibit message (LFU) is sent to the peer end. Interval Type 800~1500 800~1500 Inhibition acknowledgement timer. It is a protection timer waiting for an inhibition acknowledgement message (LIA) from the peer end after an inhibition message (LIN) is sent to the peer end. Interval Type 2000~3000 2000~3000 Link realignment timer. This timer is started when a link fails to be started. The restart of the link is initiated after it expires. Interval Type 800~1500 800~1500 Time-control changeover timer. When a normal changeover cannot be initiated, services will be changed over to an alternative link after this timer expires to avoid disorder of data. Interval Type 800~1200 800~1200 Local inhibit test timer. After a local link is inhibited, this timer is started to regularly check the management states at both ends of the link. Interval Type 180000~360000 180000~360000 Remote inhibit test timer. After a remote link is inhibited, this timer is started to regularly check the management states at both ends of the link. Interval Type 180000~360000 180000~360000 Changeover acknowledgement timer. It is a protection timer waiting for an extended changeover acknowledgement message (XCA) from the peer end after an extended changeover order message (XCO) is sent to the peer end. Interval Type 1400~2000 1400~2000 T300 is started when UE sends the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message. It is stopped when UE receives the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message. RRC CONNECTION REQUEST will be resent upon the expiry of the timer if V300 is lower than or equal to N300, else enter idle mode. Enumeration Type D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000, D1200, D1400, D1600, D1800, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000 D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000, D1200, D1400, D1600, D1800, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000 T302 is started after the UE transmits the CELL UPDATE/URA UPDATE message and stopped after the UE receives the CELL UPDATE CONFIRM/URA UPDATE CONFIRM message. CELL UPDATE/URA UPDATE will be resent upon the expiry of the timer if V302 less than or equal to N302; otherwise, the UE will enter idle mode. Protocol default value is 4000. Enumeration Type D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000, D1200, D1400, D1600, D1800, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000 D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000, D1200, D1400, D1600, D1800, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000 T304 is started after the UE sends the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION message and stopped after the UE receives the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION CONFIRM message. UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION will be resent upon the expiry of the timer if V304 less than or equal N304; otherwise the cell update procedure will be initiated. Protocol default value is 2000. Enumeration Type D100, D200, D400, D1000, D2000 D100, D200, D400, D1000, D2000 T305 is started after the UE receives CELL UPDATE CONFIRM/URA UPDATE CONFIRM in CELL_FACH, URA_PCH or CELL_PCH state. It is stopped after the UE enters another state. CELL UPDATE will be transmitted upon the expiry of this timer if T307 is not activated and the UE detects "in service area"; otherwise, T307 will be started. Protocol default value is 30. "Infinity" means the cell will not be updated. Enumeration Type INFINITY, D5, D10, D30, D60, D120, D360, D720 INFINITY, D5, D10, D30, D60, D120, D360, D720 T307 is started after T305 has expired and the UE detects "out of service area". It is stopped after the UE detects "in service area". The UE will enter idle mode upon expiry.Protocol default value is 30. Enumeration Type D5, D10, D15, D20, D30, D40, D50 D5, D10, D15, D20, D30, D40, D50 T308 is started after the UE transmits RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE. This message will be sent upon the expiry of the Timer if V308 less than or equal to N308, otherwise, the UE will enter idle mode. Protocol default value is 160. Enumeration Type D40, D80, D160, D320 D40, D80, D160, D320 T309 is started after the UE is reselected to a cell belonging to another radio access system in connected mode, or the CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN message is received. It is stopped after the UE is successfully connected in the new cell. The UE will continue the connection to UTRAN upon expiry. Protocol default value is 5. Interval Type 1~8 1~8 T312 is started after the UE starts to establish a DCH and stopped when the UE detects consecutive N312 "in sync" indications from L1. It indicates physical channel setup failure upon the expiry of the timer. Protocol default value is 1. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 T313 is started after the UE detects consecutive N313 "out of sync" indications from L1. T313 is stopped after the UE detects consecutive N315 "in sync" indications from L1.It indicates Radio Link (RL) failure upon expiry. Protocol default value is 3. Interval Type 0~15 1~15 T314 is started when the criteria for radio link failure are fulfilled and only radio bearers (RBs) associated with T314 exist.T314 is stopped after the Cell Update procedure has been completed. Protocol default value is 12. In case of the RL failure when the UE is in CELL_DCH state, If the RL cannot be successfully reconfigured by CELL UPDATE CONFIRM before the expiry of the corresponding T314 (or T315), CELL UPDATE will be resent for RL reconfiguration (this operation relates to T302 and N302). T314 should be set greater than T302*N302. In case of the expiry of T314, the corresponding service RBs will be removed. Enumeration Type D0, D2, D4, D6, D8, D12, D16, D20 D0, D2, D4, D6, D8, D12, D16, D20 T315 is started when the criteria for radio link failure are fulfilled, and only the radio bearer associated with T315 exists.T315 is stopped after the Cell Update procedure has been completed. Protocol default value is 180. In case of the RL failure when the UE is in CELL_DCH state, T315 (or T314) is started and CELL UPDATE is sent. If the RL cannot be successfully reconfigured by CELL UPDATE CONFIRM before the expiry of the corresponding T315 (or T314), CELL UPDATE will be resent for RL reconfiguration (this operation relates to T302 and N302). T315 should be set greater than T302*N302. In case of the expiry of T315, the corresponding service RBs will be removed. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D30, D60, D180, D600, D1200, D1800 D0, D10, D30, D60, D180, D600, D1200, D1800 T316 is started after the UE detects "out of service area" in URA_PCH or CELL_PCH state.T316 is stopped after the UE detects "in service area".The cell update procedure will be initiated upon the expiry of the timer if "in service area" is detected; otherwise, T317 will be started. The UE will enter CELL_FACH state and initiate cell update procedure when the UE detects "in service area". Protocol default value is 30. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D30, D40, D50, INFINITY D0, D10, D20, D30, D40, D50, INFINITY Periodical location update is implemented by MS through the location update procedure. 0: The periodical update procedure is not used. This parameter is valid only when [CN domain ID] is set as CS_DOMAIN. Interval Type 0~255 0~1530 step:6 T381 is started after the RNC send message "RRC CONNECTION SETUP"(or "CELL UPDATE CONFIRM"). If T381 expire and RNC does not receive "RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE"(or the response of "ELL UPDATE CONFIRM") and V381 is smaller than N381, RNC resend "RRC CONNECTION SETUP"(or "CELL UPDATE CONFIRM") and restart timer T381 and increase V381. If RNC receive "RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE"(or the response of "CELL UPDATE CONFIRM"), T381 will be stopped. Default value is 600ms. Enumeration Type D0, D100, D200, D300, D400, D500, D600, D700, D800, D900, D1000, D1200, D1500, D2000 D0,D100, D200,D300,D400,D500, D600,D700,D800, D900,D1000,D1200,D1500,D2000 Time-control changeback timer. When a normal changeback cannot be initiated, services will be changed back to a normal link only after this timer expires to avoid disorder of data. Interval Type 800~1200 800~1200 Changeover acknowledgement first attempt timer. It is a protection timer waiting for a changeback acknowledgement message (CBA) from the peer end after the first changeback declaration (CBD) is sent to the peer end. Interval Type 800~1200 800~1200 Changeover acknowledgement second attempt timer. It is a protection timer waiting for a changeback acknowledgement message from the peer end after the second changeback declaration (CBD) is sent to the peer end. Interval Type 800~1200 800~1200 Transmission prohibited inhibition timer. This timer is activated when a transmission prohibited message (TFP) is sent. The TFP will not be sent any more during the running of this timer. Interval Type 800~1200 800~1200 This parameter specifies the target number of the RLC retransmissions. In the link quality adjust algorithm for E-FACH, When the measured retransmissions are higher than the target number, Ec/N0 should be decreased. Otherwise, Ec/N0 should be increased. Interval Type 1~1000 0.1%~100%, step: 0.1% Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for CS domain services. For CS domain services, if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 2B can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. If the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-frequency handovers at the RNC. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the target frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for CS domain services. For CS domain services, if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 2B can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. If the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-frequency handovers at the RNC. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the target frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain HSPA services. For HSPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 2B can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. If the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-frequency handovers at the RNC. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the target frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of the current services. Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain HSPA services. For HSPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 2B can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. If the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-frequency handovers at the RNC. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the target frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of the current services. Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain non- HSPA services. For PS domain non-HSPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 2B can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. If the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-frequency handovers at the RNC. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the target frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold of the target frequency for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain non- HSPA services. For PS domain non-HSPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 2B can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. If the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-frequency handovers at the RNC. To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the target frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Quality requirement for the inter-RAT cell during an inter-RAT handover with CS domain services. For CS domain services, if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 3A. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 3A can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. The event 3A can be triggered only when the requirements of frequency quality threshold of relevant measurement quantity of the CS domain services are met; if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-RAT coverage handovers at the RNC. Note that the value 0 means the physical value is smaller than -110 dBm. If the periodical report Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110,-110~-48(1:-110; 2:-109; ...; 63:-48 ) Quality requirement for the inter-RAT cell during an inter-RAT handover with HSDPA services. For PS domain services, if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 3A. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 3A can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. The event 3A can be triggered only when the requirements of frequency quality threshold of relevant measurement quantity of the PS domain services are met; if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-RAT coverage handovers at the RNC. Note that the value 0 means the physical value is smaller than -110 dBm. If the periodical report Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110,-110~-48(1:-110; 2:-109; ...; 63:-48 ) Quality requirement for the inter-RAT cell during an inter-RAT handover with PS domain non-HSDPA services. For PS domain non-HSDPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 3A. One of the necessary conditions for triggering event 3A can be met only when the quality of the target frequency is higher than this threshold. The event 3A can be triggered only when the requirements of frequency quality threshold of relevant measurement quantity of the PS domain services are met; if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG, this parameter is used to evaluate inter-RAT coverage handovers at the RNC. Note that the value 0 means the physical value is smaller than -110 dBm. Interval Type 0~63 lower than -110,-110~-48(1:-110; 2:-109; ...; 63:-48 ) This parameter specifies the segment number. Segment 1: basic device information Segment 2: connection information Segment 3: module information Segment 4: configuration information Segment 5: peer device information Segment 6: host version information Segment 7: cabinet information Segment 8: subrack information Segment 9: board and Flash electronic label information Segment 10: slot information Segment 11: port information Segment 12: antenna information Interval Type 1~12 1~12 This parameter specifies the number of transport blocks in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF 1, each transport block size is defined by RLCSize. The parameter value should not be 0 if there is only one TF. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.302. Interval Type 0~512 0~512 This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF 2, each transport block size is defined by RLCSize. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.302. Interval Type 0~512 0~512 This parameter defines the number of the transport blocks corresponding to the TF 3, each transport block size is defined by RLCSize. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.302. Interval Type 0~512 0~512 This parameter specifies the index of the size of a transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode. The mapping between the index and the transport block size is as follows: 137~1 149~2 161~3 173~4 185~5 197~6 209~7 221~8 233~9 245~10 257~11 269~12 281~13 293~14 305~15 317~16 329~17 341~18 353~19 365~20 377~21 389~22 401~23 413~24 425~25 437~26 449~27 461~28 473~29 485~30 497~31 509~32 521~33 533~34 545~35 557~36 569~37 581~38 593~39 605~40 616~41 627~42 639~43 650~44 662~45 674~46 686~47 699~48 711~49 724~50 737~51 751~52 764~53 778~54 792~55 806~56 821~57 836~58 851~59 866~60 882~61 898~62 914~63 931~64 947~65 964~66 982~67 1000~68 1018~69 1036~70 1055~71 1074~72 1093~73 1113~74 1133~75 1154~76 1175~77 1196~78 1217~79 1239~80 Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24, D25, D26, D27, D28, D29, D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35, D36, D37, D38, D39, D40, D41, D42, D43, D44, D45, D46, D47, D48, D49, D50, D51, D52, D53, D54, D55, D56, D57, D58, D59, D60, D61, D62, D63, D64, D65, D66, D67, D68, D69, D70, D71, D72, D73, D74, D75, D76, D77, D78, D79, D80, D81, D82, D83, D84, D85, D86, D87, D88, D89, D90 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 This parameter specifies the index of the size of a transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode. The mapping between the index and the transport block size is as follows: 137~1 149~2 161~3 173~4 185~5 197~6 209~7 221~8 233~9 245~10 257~11 269~12 281~13 293~14 305~15 317~16 329~17 341~18 353~19 365~20 377~21 389~22 401~23 413~24 425~25 437~26 449~27 461~28 473~29 485~30 497~31 509~32 521~33 533~34 545~35 557~36 569~37 581~38 593~39 605~40 616~41 627~42 639~43 650~44 662~45 674~46 686~47 699~48 711~49 724~50 737~51 751~52 764~53 778~54 792~55 806~56 821~57 836~58 851~59 866~60 882~61 898~62 914~63 931~64 947~65 964~66 982~67 1000~68 1018~69 1036~70 1055~71 1074~72 1093~73 1113~74 1133~75 1154~76 1175~77 1196~78 1217~79 1239~80 Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24, D25, D26, D27, D28, D29, D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35, D36, D37, D38, D39, D40, D41, D42, D43, D44, D45, D46, D47, D48, D49, D50, D51, D52, D53, D54, D55, D56, D57, D58, D59, D60, D61, D62, D63, D64, D65, D66, D67, D68, D69, D70, D71, D72, D73, D74, D75, D76, D77, D78, D79, D80, D81, D82, D83, D84, D85, D86, D87, D88, D89, D90 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 This parameter specifies the index of the size of a transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode. The mapping between the index and the transport block size is as follows: 137~1 149~2 161~3 173~4 185~5 197~6 209~7 221~8 233~9 245~10 257~11 269~12 281~13 293~14 305~15 317~16 329~17 341~18 353~19 365~20 377~21 389~22 401~23 413~24 425~25 437~26 449~27 461~28 473~29 485~30 497~31 509~32 521~33 533~34 545~35 557~36 569~37 581~38 593~39 605~40 616~41 627~42 639~43 650~44 662~45 674~46 686~47 699~48 711~49 724~50 737~51 751~52 764~53 778~54 792~55 806~56 821~57 836~58 851~59 866~60 882~61 898~62 914~63 931~64 947~65 964~66 982~67 1000~68 1018~69 1036~70 1055~71 1074~72 1093~73 1113~74 1133~75 1154~76 1175~77 1196~78 1217~79 1239~80 Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24, D25, D26, D27, D28, D29, D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35, D36, D37, D38, D39, D40, D41, D42, D43, D44, D45, D46, D47, D48, D49, D50, D51, D52, D53, D54, D55, D56, D57, D58, D59, D60, D61, D62, D63, D64, D65, D66, D67, D68, D69, D70, D71, D72, D73, D74, D75, D76, D77, D78, D79, D80, D81, D82, D83, D84, D85, D86, D87, D88, D89, D90 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 This parameter specifies the index of the size of a transport block transmitted in HS-SCCH Less Operation mode. The mapping between the index and the transport block size is as follows: 137~1 149~2 161~3 173~4 185~5 197~6 209~7 221~8 233~9 245~10 257~11 269~12 281~13 293~14 305~15 317~16 329~17 341~18 353~19 365~20 377~21 389~22 401~23 413~24 425~25 437~26 449~27 461~28 473~29 485~30 497~31 509~32 521~33 533~34 545~35 557~36 569~37 581~38 593~39 605~40 616~41 627~42 639~43 650~44 662~45 674~46 686~47 699~48 711~49 724~50 737~51 751~52 764~53 778~54 792~55 806~56 821~57 836~58 851~59 866~60 882~61 898~62 914~63 931~64 947~65 964~66 982~67 1000~68 1018~69 1036~70 1055~71 1074~72 1093~73 1113~74 1133~75 1154~76 1175~77 1196~78 1217~79 1239~80 Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24, D25, D26, D27, D28, D29, D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35, D36, D37, D38, D39, D40, D41, D42, D43, D44, D45, D46, D47, D48, D49, D50, D51, D52, D53, D54, D55, D56, D57, D58, D59, D60, D61, D62, D63, D64, D65, D66, D67, D68, D69, D70, D71, D72, D73, D74, D75, D76, D77, D78, D79, D80, D81, D82, D83, D84, D85, D86, D87, D88, D89, D90 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 Used for the MTP3-B to test a link. If the test is successful, the tested link can be used to bear signalling. If failed, the MTP3-B periodically sends a location command until the test is successful. When the link is deleted or deactivated, the MTP3-B stops sending the location command. Interval Type 1~254 1~254 Difference between the System Frame Number (SFN) and NodeB Frame Number (BFN) of the NodeB which the cell belongs to. It is recommended that Tcell of difference cells under one NodeB should be unique. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type CHIP0, CHIP256, CHIP512, CHIP768, CHIP1024, CHIP1280, CHIP1536, CHIP1792, CHIP2048, CHIP2304 CHIP0, CHIP256, CHIP512, CHIP768, CHIP1024, CHIP1280, CHIP1536, CHIP1792, CHIP2048, CHIP2304 Uniquely identifying a cell. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Length of the test code transmitted by the signalling link. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 Maximum duration of cell reselection. This parameter, along with the [Max number of cell reselection], is used for rate evaluation in HCS. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Enumeration Type NOT_USED, D30(30 seconds), D60(60 seconds), D120(120 seconds), D180(180 seconds), D240(240 seconds) NOT_USED, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 Time before reverting to low-mobility measurement. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Enumeration Type NOT_USED, D10(10 seconds), D20(20 seconds), D30(30 seconds), D40(40 seconds), D50(50 seconds), D60(60 seconds), D70(70 seconds) NOT_USED, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 Hysterisis time before non-HCS resuming slow movement. When UE is in high-speed movement, if the number of cell reselections is less than Ncrnonhcs, the UE resumes to slow movement. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Enumeration Type NotUsed, D10(10 seconds), D20(20 seconds), D30(30 seconds), D40(40 seconds), D50(50 seconds), D60(60 seconds), D70(70 seconds) NotUsed, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 Maximum duration of non-HCS cell reselection. If the number of cell reselection exceed the value of this parameter during Tcrmaxnonhcs, the UE is not in high-speed movement. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Enumeration Type NotUsed, D30(30 seconds), D60(60 seconds), D120(120 seconds), D180(180 seconds), D240(240 seconds) NotUsed, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 Cycle timer for deciding whether the UE is in low- mobility state. This timer provides the time for the RNC to decide whether the UE is in low- mobility state. The smaller the value is, the more frequently the state estimation is triggered. If the parameter is set to 0, it is an indication that the state estimation is not triggered. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 This parameter specifies whether the alarm reporting for temperature is enabled. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the upper threshold for temperature alarm. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for temperature alarm. String Type - 1~9 character Offset of HCS cell CPICH RSCP measurement value in cell selection or reselection. The larger the value of the parameter, the lower the probability of selecting neighboring cells. The smaller the value of the parameter, the higher the probability of doing so. Enumeration Type D3~0 D6~1 D9~2 D12~3 D15~4 D18~5 D21~6 INFINITY 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,INFINITY Offset of cell CPICH Ec/No measurement value in cell selection or reselection. The larger the value of the parameter, the lower the probability of selecting neighboring cells. The smaller the value the parameter, the higher the probability of doing so. Enumeration Type D2~0 D3~1 D4~2 D6~3 D8~4 D10~5 D12~6 INFINITY 2,3,4,6,8,10,12,INFINITY This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting period unit for the event E of AMR service is set to TEN_MSEC. The DL code TX power is reported periodically after the event Ea is reported. This parameter specifies the reporting period. If the parameter is set to A, the reporting period is A x 10 ms. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting period unit for the event E of BE service is set to TEN_MSEC. The DL code TX power is reported periodically after the event Ea is reported. This parameter specifies the reporting period. If the parameter is set to A, the reporting period is A x 10 ms. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting period unit for the event F of BE service is set to TEN_MSEC. The DL code TX power is reported periodically after the event Fa is reported. This parameter specifies the reporting period. If the parameter is set to A, the reporting period is A x 10 ms. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 DL basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 Measurement report period of event E triggered by DL OLC. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 This parameter specifies the HSDPA bit rate measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 HSDPA power requirement measurement report period For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 This parameter specifies the HSUPA bit rate measurement report period. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 Value range: 1~6000 Physical value range: 10 to 60000, step: 10 Physical unit: ms Content: UL basic common measurement report cycle. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Recommended value: 20 Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 Measurement report period of event E triggered by UL OLC. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 This parameter is valid when the corresponding parameter related to the reporting period unit for the event E of VP service is set to TEN_MSEC. The DL code TX power is reported periodically after the event Ea is reported. This parameter specifies the reporting period. If the parameter is set to A, the reporting period is A x 10 ms. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step: 10 Time window for estimating whether the UE is in high-mobility state. The start point of the estimation is the moment of the last reporting of event 1D, and the backdated time length is determined by this parameter. If the parameter is set to 0, the RNC does not decide whether the UE is in high-mobility state. Interval Type 0~511 0~511 This parameter indicates whether the SCCPCH involves the TFCI. When the downlink blind transport format detection function is used, the TFCI is unavailable. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Note: This parameter is configured only for the SCCPCH in the formats 8 to 17. Enumeration Type EXISTS, NOT_EXISTS EXISTS, NOT_EXISTS This parameter defines the number of the transport formats. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.302. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3 1,2,3 Select the target BAM to switch over work area. Enumeration Type ACTIVE(Active BAM), STANDBY(Standby BAM) ACTIVE,STANDBY When a DCH is set up, the UE starts counting the number of faulty CRCs within a specified sliding window. If the number of faulty CRCs exceeds the specified threshold, event 5A is triggered. The threshold is Event 5A Threshold. Interval Type 1~512 1~512 If DL code TX power is higher than the Ea absolute threshold, event Ea is triggered. This event triggers DL QoS operation. This parameter specifies a relative threshold. Absolute Ea threshold = RL Max DL TX power - ThdEa. Interval Type 0~56 0~28, step: 0.5 If DL code TX power is lower than the Eb absolute threshold, event Eb is triggered. When this event report is received, DL QoS operation is stopped. This parameter specifies a relative threshold. Absolute Eb threshold = RL Max DL TX power - ThdEb. Interval Type 0~56 0~28, step: 0.5 This parameter specifies the Traffic Handling Priority (THP) of each traffic class carried on the logical channel. The value 1 means the highest priority, the value 14 means the lowest priority, and the value 15 means no priority. Interval Type 1~15 1~15 This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 10. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 11. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 12. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 13. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 14. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 15. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 1. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 2. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 3. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 4. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 5. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 6. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 7. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 8. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the user class associated with interactive traffic handling priority 9. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the Traffic Handling Priority (THP) class that the THP priority is mapped to. This parameter is valid for only interactive services. Enumeration Type High, Medium, Low High, Medium, Low This parameter specifies the timeout duration of a sent ping packet. Interval Type 200~10000 200 to 10000 This parameter specifies the time duration of the packet. Interval Type 1~3 1 to 3 Specifying the time limitation for blocking a cell when normal priority is selected. Interval Type 1~3600 1~3600 Timer_CU timer. Step is 0.05. This parameter will affect the efficiency and delay of AAL2 transmission. Interval Type 1~64 1~64 This parameter specifies the number of ping packets. Interval Type 1~1024 1 to 1024 This parameter defines the length of the inter-freq coverage handover delay to trig. When the inter-freq coverage handover priority of the reported inter-freq measure cells are lower than the highest priority of the measure cells,start the inter-freq coverage handover delay timer. When the timer expiry or the priority of the reported cells are equal to the highest priority, start inter- freq handover. Interval Type 0~1000 0~1000 This parameter specifies the delay time after the RLC entity is established or reconfigured and before the retransmission ratio monitoring is started. Interval Type 0~500000 0~500000 Time delay to trigger event 2B. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower probability of incorrect decision, but the slower the response of event 2B to the change of measured signals. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the hysteresis value, whereas for the slow- moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the hysteresis value. This can also reduce ping-pong handovers or wrong handovers. Therefore, for Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 Time delay to trigger event 2D. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower probability of incorrect decision, but the slower the response of event 2D to the change of measured signals. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the hysteresis value, whereas for the slow- moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the hysteresis value. This can also reduce ping-pong handovers or wrong handovers. Therefore, for Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 Time delay to trigger the event 2F. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower probability of incorrect decision, but the slower the response of event 2F to the change of measured signals. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the hysteresis value, whereas for the slow- moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the hysteresis value. This can also reduce ping-pong handovers or wrong handovers. Therefore, for Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 Time delay for triggering handovers to GSM cells with non-verified BSIC. During the period of time specified by this parameter, if the signal quality in a neighboring GSM cell satisfies inter-RAT handover conditions and the neighboring GSM cell is not verified, an inter-RAT handover is triggered. When the value of this parameter is 65535, the RNC does not perform inter- RAT handovers to non- verified GSM cells. The higher the time-to-trigger parameters are, the smaller the average number of handovers is, and the possibility of call drops increases. Interval Type 0~64000,65535 0~64000,65535 Time delay for hard handover triggered by periodical reports. Only the inter-frequency cell in which the signal quality meets the requirement in all periodical reports during the period of time specified by this parameter can be selected as the target cell in the inter- frequency handover. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower probability of incorrect decision, but the slower the response of the handover to the change of measured signals. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call Interval Type 0~64000 0~64000 Time delay for triggering handovers to GSM cells with verified BSIC. During the period of time specified by this parameter, if the signal quality in a neighboring GSM cell satisfies inter-RAT handover conditions and the neighboring GSM cell is verified, an inter-RAT handover is triggered. The inter-RAT handover conditions are as follows: Mother_RAT + CIO >= Tother_RAT + H/2 If the quality of the GSM neighboring cell meets the preceding condition, the system starts the trigger timer. The system then implements the handover decision after timeout if the quality of the GSM neighboring cell always meets the preceding condition throughout the time length of the timer. The time length of the trigger timer is called the delay trigger time. The delay trigger time and hysteresis are used to prevent mis-decisions Interval Type 0~64000 0~64000 This parameter specifies the time from the moment when the traffic volume of the DCH exceeds the upper threshold to the moment when the traffic-related event 4A on DCH is triggered. This parameter is used to avoid unnecessary reports triggered by DCH traffic volume fluctuation. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the required duration of the traffic volume exceeding the upper threshold, and the smaller the possibility of triggering traffic-related event 4A on DCH. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000, D10000, D15000, D20000, D25000, D30000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000 This parameter specifies the time from the moment when the traffic volume on the DCH falls below the lower threshold to the moment when the traffic-related event 4B is triggered. This parameter is set to avoid unnecessary reports triggered by DCH traffic fluctuation. The larger the value of this parameter, the longer the required duration of the traffic volume keeping below the lower threshold, and the smaller the possibility of triggering traffic-related event 4B on DCH. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000, D10000, D15000, D20000, D25000, D30000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000 This parameter specifies the number of consecutive periods during which the percentage of retransmitted PDUs is higher than the threshold of event A before event A is triggered. Recommended value (default value): 2. Interval Type 1~100 1~100 This parameter specifies the number of consecutive periods during which the percentage of retransmitted PDUs is lower than the threshold of event B before event B is triggered. Interval Type 1~100 1~100 TRMMAP ID. Interval Type 9~163 9~163 Index of the traffic mapping used by the current adjacent node's bronze user. Interval Type 0~163 0~163 Index of the traffic mapping used by the current adjacent node's gold user. Interval Type 0~163 0~163 Index of the traffic mapping used by the current adjacent node's silver user. Interval Type 0~163 0~163 Signalling link test acknowledgement timer. It is a protection timer waiting for a signalling link test acknowledgement message (SLTA) from the peer end after a signalling link test message (SLTM) is sent to the peer end. Interval Type 8000~12000 8000~12000 Signalling link repeat test timer. This timer is used to send the signalling link test messages (SLTM) to the peer end regularly. Interval Type 30000~90000 30000~90000 Transport type of the Iub interface. Enumeration Type ATM_TRANS(ATM circuit transmission), IP_TRANS(IP transmission), ATMANDIP_TRANS(ATM and IP transmission), HYBRID_IP_TRANS(Hybrid IP transmission) ATM_TRANS, IP_TRANS, ATMANDIP_TRANS, HYBRID_IP_TRANS IUR trans bearer type. Enumeration Type ATM_TRANS, IP_TRANS ATM_TRANS, IP_TRANS The transfers bearer type of Iu interface. Enumeration Type ATM_TRANS, IP_TRANS ATM_TRANS, IP_TRANS This parameter specifies the time offset of the DST from the normal time. Interval Type -120~-1,1~120 -120 to -1, 1 to 120 A positive value relative to Latest Time of Arrival (LToA). It indicates the endpoint of the arrival time window for a downlink data frame. Normally the downlink data frame arrives before that time.For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.402. Interval Type 0~2559 0~2559 A positive value relative to Time of arrival window endpoint (ToAWE). It indicates the startpoint of the arrival time window for a downlink data frame. Normally the downlink data frame arrives after that time.For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.402. Interval Type 0~1279 0~1279 The cell will shut down automatically only when the total user number is not greater than the threshold. The total user number consists of the DCH and CCH user numbers. Interval Type 0~5 0~5 This parameter specifies the type of the FAM logs to be collected. "Normal" indicates the text logs collected in the \common\fam\famlog directory under the BAM installation directory. "Format" indicates the binary FAM logs collected in the \common\fam\famlogfmt directory under the BAM installation directory. Enumeration Type NORMAL, FORMAT NORMAL,FORMAT HCS cell reselection penalty timer. The larger the value of the parameter, the longer the HCS penalty time. The smaller the value of the parameter, the shorter the HCS penalty time. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D30, D40, D50, D60 0,10,20,30,40,50,60 This parameter specifies the traffic class. Based on Quality of Service (QoS), there are four traffic classes: conversational, streaming, interactive, and background. Enumeration Type CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND CONVERSATIONAL, STREAMING, INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND This parameter specifies the traffic class that the service belongs to. Based on Quality of Service (QoS), there are two traffic classes: interactive, background. Enumeration Type INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND INTERACTIVE, BACKGROUND This parameter specifies the traffic type for the RRC redirection algorithm. Enumeration Type AMR, VP, PSR99, PSHSPA AMR,VP,PSR99,PSHSPA Traffic mode of M3UA link set. Enumeration Type M3UA_OVERRIDE_MOD, M3UA_LOADSHARE_MOD M3UA_OVERRIDE_MOD , M3UA_LOADSHARE_M OD (For details of these two Transfer Common Channel User number Value range: 0~10 Content: When the system is overloaded and congested, users on the DCH can be reconfigured to the CCH in order to reduce the cell load and recover the system. The mechanism of the OLC is that an action is performed in each [OLC period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of users selected in executing reconfiguration to the CCH. If the parameter value is too high, the OLC action may fluctuate greatly and over control may occur (the state of overload and congestion turns into another extreme-- underload). If the parameter value is too low, the OLC action has a slow response and the effect is not apparent, affecting the OLC performance. Interval Type 0~10 0~10 This parameter specifies the round-trip transport delay of Iub interface when the transmission mode is ATM transmission or of IP dedicated network. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 The transport type of the adjacent node of the path.This parameter only effect on Iub interface. Enumeration Type IP, HYBRID_IP IP, HYBRID_IP Transport type. Enumeration Type ATM, IP, ATM_IP, HYBRID_IP ATM,IP,ATM_IP,HYBRID_IP Uniquely identifying a common transport channel in a cell. Configured according to the product specifications. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 Uniquely identifying a common transport channel in a cell. Configured according to the product specifications. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 This parameter specifies the type of transport channel. Enumeration Type TRCH_HSDSCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS TRCH_HSDSCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS This parameter specifies the type of transport channel for the typical RAB. For CS services, this parameter must be set to TRCH_DCH. Enumeration Type TRCH_DCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS TRCH_DCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS This parameter specifies the type of transport channel at the local end for the typical RAB. For CS services, this parameter must be set to TRCH_DCH. Enumeration Type TRCH_DCH, TRCH_HSDSCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS TRCH_DCH, TRCH_HSDSCH, TRCH_EDCH_2MS, TRCH_EDCH_10MS Related length for 1D records in the best cells. In the speed estimation algorithm, an algorithm is adopted to avoid inaccurate estimation caused by frequent handovers of best cells. That is, during the latest [TRELATELENGTH], if more than one event 1D of a certain cell occurs, the event 1D record is restored to the state when the 1st event 1D occurs during the latest [TRELATELENGTH]. The given time length is set by this parameter. If the value is set too large, the RNC judges a non-frequently changing best cell change as a frequently changing one by mistake. If the value is set too small, the speed estimation algorithm may be invalid. It is recommended that this value be set according to the cell radius. Interval Type 0~120 0~120 If the signal quality (CPICH Ec/No measured by the UE) of a neighboring cell is better than that of the serving cell during the specified time of this parameter, the UE reselects the neighboring cell. It is used to avoid ping-pong reselection between different cells. Note that the value 0 corresponds to the default value defined in the protocol. Set the parameter as follows: 1. Ensure that the UE can reselect a cell when crossing the non-soft-switch area of the cell and that the UE timely performs location updates, cell updates, or URA updates when necessary. 2. Ensure that the UE does not reselect a cell when it is in the soft-switch area of the cell. In this way, the unnecessary location updates, cell updates, and URA updates are avoided. 3. Consider the difference between cells that cover different areas, for example Interval Type 0~31 0~31 This parameter indicates the UE reselction delay in the CELL_FACH connection mode. This parameter is not configured when the value is 255. Instead, the Treselections parameter is used. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~31,255 {0~6.2},{255}, step:0.2 This parameter indicates the UE reselction delay in the CELL_PCH or URA_PCH connection mode. This parameter is not configured when the value is 255. Instead, the Treselections parameter is used. For detailed inforamtion, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Interval Type 0~31,255 {0~31},{255} This parameter specifies the index of a traffic record. Interval Type 100~1999 100 to 1999 This parameter specifies the time delay to trigger event 1A. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower the incorrect decision probability, but the slower the response of the event to measurement signal change. The purposes of the time-to- trigger mechanism are as follows: Reducing the number of wrong event reports caused by burst signals. Inhibiting the ping-pong handover to some extent. Reducing the influence of shadow fading on event decisions. The hysteresis can effectively reduce the average number of handovers and wrong decisions, and avoid unnecessary handovers. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller the average number of handovers, and the greater the possibility of call drops. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 This parameter specifies the time delay to trigger event 1B. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower the incorrect decision probability, but the slower the response of the event to measurement signal change. The purposes of the time-to- trigger mechanism are as follows: Reducing the number of wrong event reports caused by burst signals. Inhibiting the ping-pong handover to some extent. Reducing the influence of shadow fading on event decisions. The hysteresis can effectively reduce the average number of handovers and wrong decisions, and avoid unnecessary handovers. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller the average number of handovers, and the greater the possibility of call drops. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 This parameter specifies the time delay to trigger event 1C. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower the incorrect decision probability, but the slower the response of the event to measurement signal change. The purposes of the time-to- trigger mechanism are as follows: Reducing the number of wrong event reports caused by burst signals. Inhibiting the ping-pong handover to some extent. Reducing the influence of shadow fading on event decisions. The hysteresis can effectively reduce the average number of handovers and wrong decisions, and avoid unnecessary handovers. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller the average number of handovers, and the greater the possibility of call drops. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 This parameter specifies the time delay to trigger event 1D. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower the incorrect decision probability, but the slower the response of the event to measurement signal change. The purposes of the time-to- trigger mechanism are as follows: Reducing the number of wrong event reports caused by burst signals. Inhibiting the ping-pong handover to some extent. Reducing the influence of shadow fading on event decisions. The hysteresis can effectively reduce the average number of handovers and wrong decisions, and avoid unnecessary handovers. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller the average number of handovers, and the greater the possibility of call drops. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 This parameter specifies the time delay to trigger 1F. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower the incorrect decision probability, but the slower the response of the event to measurement signal change. The purposes of the time-to- trigger mechanism are as follows: Reducing the number of wrong event reports caused by burst signals. Inhibiting the ping-pong handover to some extent. Reducing the influence of shadow fading on event decisions. The hysteresis can effectively reduce the average number of handovers and wrong decisions, and avoid unnecessary handovers. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller the average number of handovers, and the greater the possibility of call drops. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 This parameter specifies the time delay to trigger event 1J. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower probability of incorrect decision, but the slower the response of event to the change of measured signals. The purposes of the time-to- trigger mechanism are as follows: Reducing the number of wrong event reports caused by burst signals. Inhibiting the ping-pong handover to some extent. Reducing the influence of shadow fading on event decisions. The hysteresis can effectively reduce the average number of handovers and wrong decisions, and avoid unnecessary handovers. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of this parameter, the smaller the average number of handovers, and the greater Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 Time delay to trigger the event 2C. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower probability of incorrect decision, but the slower the response of event 2F to the change of measured signals. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the hysteresis value, whereas for the slow- moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the hysteresis value. This can also reduce ping-pong handovers or wrong handovers. Therefore, for Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Time delay to trigger the event 2D. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower probability of incorrect decision, but the slower the response of event 2F to the change of measured signals. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the hysteresis value, whereas for the slow- moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the hysteresis value. This can also reduce ping-pong handovers or wrong handovers. Therefore, for Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 Time delay to trigger the event 2F. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower probability of incorrect decision, but the slower the response of event 2F to the change of measured signals. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the hysteresis value, whereas for the slow- moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the hysteresis value. This can also reduce ping-pong handovers or wrong handovers. Therefore, for Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 Time delay to trigger the event 3A. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower the incorrect decision probability, but the slower the response of the event 3A to measurement signal change. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the hysteresis value, whereas for the slow- moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the hysteresis value. This can also reduce ping-pong handovers or wrong Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0,10,20,40,60,80,100,120,160,200,240,320,640,1280,2560,5000 Time delay to trigger the event 3C. The value of this parameter correlates with slow fading. The larger the value of this parameter, the lower the incorrect decision probability, but the slower the response of the event 3C to measurement signal change. Based on the existing emulation result, the hysteresis value is set to effectively reduce the average number of handovers and the number of wrong handovers, thus preventing unnecessary handovers. In addition, from the emulation perspective, the UE at different rates may react differently to the hysteresis value for the event. For the fast-moving UE, the call drop rate is more sensitive to the hysteresis value, whereas for the slow- moving UE, the call drop rate is less sensitive to the hysteresis value. This can also reduce ping-pong handovers or wrong Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 To guarantee the power control performance within a time slot, that is, to ensure that the power control within a time slot is implemented based on all links in the active set, the ideal UE Rx-Tx time difference should be 1024 chips. When the UE Rx-Tx time difference becomes greater than the predefined threshold, event 6F will be triggered. For the definition and its related details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 To guarantee the power control performance within a time slot, that is, to ensure that the power control within a time slot is implemented based on all links in the active set, the ideal UE Rx-Tx time difference should be 1024 chips. When the UE Rx-Tx time difference becomes smaller than the predefined threshold, event 6G will be triggered. For the definition and its related details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 This parameter specifies the number of a port that carries the link in a trunk group. Interval Type 0~7 0 to 7 This parameter specifies the slot number for a member port in a trunk group. Interval Type 14~27 14 to 27 This parameter specifies the number of a trunk group. Interval Type 0~7 0 to 7 Radio Link Failure Timer Duration. When the radio link set is in the synchronized state, the NodeB starts the timer after it receives successive out-of-sync indications of the number defined by NOutsyncInd. The NodeB shall stop and reset the timer after receiving successive in-sync indications of the number defined by NInsyncInd. When the timer expires, the NodeB triggers the radio link failure process, and indicates which radio link set is out-of-sync. If the value is excessively low, there are few chances for the radio link to get synchronized. If the value is excessively high, the radio link failure process is probably delayed, and the downlink interference increases. Interval Type 0~255 0~25.5, step: 0.1 Uniquely identifying an RNC. Interval Type 0~4095 0~4095 This parameter specifies the TRUNK IP address for the DHCP server. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the IP address of the NodeB TRUNK. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the subnet mask for the NodeB TRUNK. IP Address Type - This parameter specifies the number of a trunk group on the logical port. Interval Type 0~7 0~7 This parameter specifies the number of a timeslot. For E1 links, the value of this parameter ranges from 1 to 31. For T1 links, the value of this parameter ranges from 1 to 24. Enumeration Type TS1(Time_slot_1), TS2(Time_slot_2), TS3(Time_slot_3), TS4(Time_slot_4), TS5(Time_slot_5), TS6(Time_slot_6), TS7(Time_slot_7), TS8(Time_slot_8), TS9(Time_slot_9), TS10(Time_slot_10), TS11(Time_slot_11), TS12(Time_slot_12), TS13(Time_slot_13), TS14(Time_slot_14), TS15(Time_slot_15), TS16(Time_slot_16), TS17(Time_slot_17), TS18(Time_slot_18), TS19(Time_slot_19), TS20(Time_slot_20), TS21(Time_slot_21), TS22(Time_slot_22), TS23(Time_slot_23), TS24(Time_slot_24), TS25(Time_slot_25), TS26(Time_slot_26), TS27(Time_slot_27), TS28(Time_slot_28), TS29(Time_slot_29), TS30(Time_slot_30), TS31(Time_slot_31) TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8, TS9, TS10, TS11, TS12, TS13, TS14, TS15, TS16, TS17, TS18, TS19, TS20, TS21, TS22, TS23, TS24, TS25, TS26, TS27, TS28, TS29, TS30, TS31 This parameter specifies whether timeslot 16 is used. The setting of this parameter should be consistent with that at the peer end. Enumeration Type ON, OFF ON, OFF This parameter specifies the timeslot bearing the E1/T1 link. Bit Field Type TS1(Time_slot_1), TS2(Time_slot_2), TS3(Time_slot_3), TS4(Time_slot_4), TS5(Time_slot_5), TS6(Time_slot_6), TS7(Time_slot_7), TS8(Time_slot_8), TS9(Time_slot_9), TS10(Time_slot_10), TS11(Time_slot_11), TS12(Time_slot_12), TS13(Time_slot_13), TS14(Time_slot_14), TS15(Time_slot_15), TS16(Time_slot_16), TS17(Time_slot_17), TS18(Time_slot_18), TS19(Time_slot_19), TS20(Time_slot_20), TS21(Time_slot_21), TS22(Time_slot_22), TS23(Time_slot_23), TS24(Time_slot_24), TS25(Time_slot_25), TS26(Time_slot_26), TS27(Time_slot_27), TS28(Time_slot_28), TS29(Time_slot_29), TS30(Time_slot_30), TS31(Time_slot_31) TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4,TS5,TS6,TS7,TS8,TS9,TS10,TS11,TS12,TS13,TS14,TS15,TS16,TS17,TS18,TS19,TS20,TS21,TS22,TS23,TS24,TS25,TS26,TS27,TS28,TS29,TS30,TS31 This parameter specifies the index of timeslot cross connection. The index is automatically generated by the system. Interval Type 0~65535 0 to 65535 This parameter specifies the name of the scheduled task to be started. String Type - 1~50 characters Time window for deciding whether the UE is in low- mobility state. Every time the slow speed cycle timer times out, the RNC estimates whether the UE is in low-mobility state. The backdated time length is set by this parameter. Interval Type 0~511 0~511 MGWTST user IMSI in a number segment. String Type - 15-bit numerical (0 to 9) string This parameter specifies the time duration of the IP loopback test. During this period, the DSP sends detection packets at a specified rate. Interval Type 1~120 1 to 120 Indicating whether setting MGWTST Switch on. Enumeration Type OFF, ON OFF, ON This parameter specifies the duration of the CPU usage test. Interval Type 1~4294967295 1 to 4294967295 This parameter specifies the time-to-live of a packet detected through EthOAM 1AG link tracing. Interval Type 1~128 1 to 128 This parameter specifies the forward bandwidth of the logical port. Interval Type 10~2810 530~148930 Forward bandwidth of the IP path. Interval Type 1~3000000 1~3000000 This parameter is valid only when Transport Resource Group Type is ATM or Transport Resource Group Type is IP and Bandwidth Mode is FULL_DUPLEX. Interval Type 0~4000000 0~4000000 This parameter indicates whether transmission diversity configuration of the cell is activated. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE This parameter specifies the interval of sending the ping packets. Interval Type 200~10000 200 to 10000 This parameter specifies the interval for sending loopback packets. Interval Type 10~60 10 to 60 This parameter specifies the TX traffic record index at the port from which the IPoA PVC goes out of the RNC. The TX traffic must have been configured. Interval Type 100~1999 100 to 1999 This parameter specifies the upper layer application type to be set. The type may be CCP, NCP, IPoA PVC, or ALCAP. Enumeration Type NBAP_CCP, NBAP_NCP, IUB_OAM, ALCAP NBAP_CCP, NBAP_NCP, IUB_OAM, ALCAP Depending on the value of [Band indication], as shown below: Band1 General frequencies: [10562-10838] Additional frequencies: none Band2 General frequencies: [9662- 9938] Additional frequencies: {412,437,462,487,512,537, 562,587,612,637,662,687} Band3 General frequencies: [1162- 1513] Additional frequencies: none Band4 General frequencies: [1537- 1738] Additional frequencies: {1887, 1912, 1937, 1962, 1987, 2012, 2037, 2062, 2087} Band5 General frequencies: [4357- 4458] Additional frequencies: {1007, 1012, 1032,1037, 1062, 1087} Band6 General frequencies: [4387- Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 Depending on the value of [Band indication], as shown below: Band1: General frequencies: [9612- 9888] Additional frequencies: none Band2: General frequencies: [9262- 9538] Additional frequencies: {12,37,62,87,112,137,162,1 87,212,237,262,287} Band3: General frequencies: [937- 1288] Additional frequencies: none Band4: General frequencies: [1312- 1513] Additional frequencies: {1662, 1687, 1712, 1737, 1762, 1787, 1812, 1837, 1862} Band5: General frequencies: [4132- 4233] Additional frequencies: {782, 787, 807, 812, 837, 862} Band6: General frequencies: [4162- Interval Type 0~16383 0~16383 Indicating whether the UL frequency of the cell need be configured. TRUE indicates that the UL frequency need be configured. FALSE indicates that the UL frequency need not be configured. It is configured automatically according to the relationship between UL and DL frequencies. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE This timer is started when an AAL2 signaling entity sends the peer node a request for unblocking an AAL2 path. Interval Type 2000~60000 2000~60000 UDP MUX Max Length. Interval Type 135~1031 135~1031 Receive UDP MUX Mode(Only effect on IuCS interface). Not support udpmux mode means receiver not support UDP MUX, RTP head not MUX mode means receiver support UDP MUX but not RTP header MUX,RTP head MUX mode means support both. Enumeration Type MUXCLOSE, NORTPCOMP, RTPCOMP MUXCLOSE, NORTPCOMP, RTPCOMP Sender UDP MUX Mode(Only effect on IuCS interface), Not support udpmux mode means not support UDP MUX, RTP head not MUX mode means the sender support UDP MUX but not RTP header MUX,RTP head MUX mode means support both. Enumeration Type MUXCLOSE, NORTPCOMP, RTPCOMP MUXCLOSE, NORTPCOMP, RTPCOMP UDP MUX Max Time. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Switch for sending A-GPS assistance data in UE-assisted mode. This parameter specifies the GPS data to be sent. Bit Field Type REFERENCE_TIME_FOR_GPS, REFERENCE_LOCATION_FOR_GPS, DGPS_CORRECT, GPS_NAVGMODEL, GPS_IONOSPHERIC_MODEL, GPS_UTC_MODEL, GPS_ALMANAC, GPS_ACQ_ASSIST, GPS_REALTIME_INTEGRITY REFERENCE_TIME_FOR_GPS, REFERENCE_LOCATION_FOR_GPS, DGPS_CORRECT, GPS_NAVGMODEL, GPS_IONOSPHERIC_MODEL, GPS_UTC_MODEL, GPS_ALMANAC, GPS_ACQ_ASSIST, GPS_REALTIME_INTEGRITY Switch for sending A-GPS assistance data in UE-based mode. This parameter specifies the GPS data to be sent. Bit Field Type REFERENCE_TIME_FOR_GPS, REFERENCE_LOCATION_FOR_GPS, DGPS_CORRECT, GPS_NAVGMODEL, GPS_IONOSPHERIC_MODEL, GPS_UTC_MODEL, GPS_ALMANAC, GPS_ACQ_ASSIST, GPS_REALTIME_INTEGRITY REFERENCE_TIME_FOR_GPS, REFERENCE_LOCATION_FOR_GPS, DGPS_CORRECT, GPS_NAVGMODEL, GPS_IONOSPHERIC_MODEL, GPS_UTC_MODEL, GPS_ALMANAC, GPS_ACQ_ASSIST, GPS_REALTIME_INTEGRITY A timer used to wait UE capability enquiry response . Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 A timer to RNC wait for the response to counter check in security mode procedure. Interval Type 1~10000 1~10000 This parameter specifies the type of the uninhibition, which can be physical uninhibition and logical uninhibition. Enumeration Type LOGIC(Logic uninhibit), PHYSICAL(Physical uninhibit) LOGIC(Logic uninhibit), PHYSICAL(Physical uninhibit) This parameter specifies the unit time used for the BER test. Interval Type 300~1000 300 to 1000 This parameter specifies the upper limit of the alarm. String Type - 0~9Characters UL activity factor of the R99 AMR conversational service Signals might be discontinuously transmitted because of the activation detection of conversational service and source changes of data service. The activity factor is defined as the ratio of signal transmission time to channel occupation time. The activity factors of the same transport channel might be different in UL and DL. A pair of activity factors is separately defined for each of the four service classes. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Duration when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement condition before the event 6A1 is triggered. Event triggering is used for UL measurement. The event 6A1 is triggered when the measured value is greater than the absolute upper threshold 6A1. When the event 6A1 is triggered, the AMR speech rate should be lowered. The measured value is reported after it fulfills the conditions for reporting and for the trigger time specified by this parameter. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement condition before the event 6A2 is triggered. Event triggering is used for UL measurement. The event 6A2 is triggered when the measured value is greater than the absolute upper threshold 6A2. When the event 6A2 is triggered, the AMR speech rate should be lowered. The measured value is reported after it fulfills the conditions for reporting and for the trigger time specified by this parameter. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement condition before the event 6B1 is triggered. Event triggering is used for UL measurement. The event 6B1 is triggered when the measured value is lower than the absolute lower threshold 6B1. When the event 6B1 is triggered, the AMR speech rate should be raised. The measured value is reported after it fulfills the conditions for reporting and for the trigger time specified by this parameter. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6B2 measurement condition before the event 6B2 is triggered. Event triggering is used for UL measurement. The event 6B2 is triggered when the measured value is lower than the absolute lower threshold 6B2. When the event 6B2 is triggered, the AMR speech rate should be raised. The measured value is reported after it fulfills the conditions for reporting and for the trigger time specified by this parameter. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of AMR keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement condition before the event 6D is triggered. Event triggering is used for UL measurement. The event 6D is triggered when the measured value is greater than the absolute upper threshold 6D. When the event 6D is triggered, the AMR speech rate should be lowered. The measured value is reported after it fulfills the conditions for reporting and for the trigger time specified by this parameter. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 UL activity factor of the R99 background service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 Value range: D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 Physical value range: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 Content: L3 filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoothing effect and the higher the anti-slow-fading capability, but the lower the signal change tracing capability. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Recommended value: D6 Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 This parameter specifies the default rate threshold for decision to use DCH to carry UL PS domain background/interactive services. If the FRC parameters of the best cell cannot be obtained, this default value will be used. Only when the UL service rate is higher than or equal to this threshold, and the DL service rate is higher than or equal to the downlink threshold, the service will be set up on DCH. Otherwise, the service is set up on CCH. According to the product specifications, only the background/interactive services whose rate is lower than 16 kbit/s can be carried on the common channel.Therefore, this parameter can only be set to 16 kbit/s or 8 kbit/s. Enumeration Type D8, D16 8, 16 UL BE traffic Initial bit rate. When DCCC function is enabled, the uplink initial bit rate will be set to this value if the uplink max bit rate is higher than the initial bit rate.The larger this parameter to be set, the sooner max bit rate to be reached, but the bit rate is more likely to be declined when system congested, so it makes no sense to set this parameter too high. Contrarily,the smaller the parameter to be set, the more easily the BE traffic to be accessed at required bit rate. But over small setting will take longer to adjust to needed bit rate. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8,16,32,64,128,144,256,384 The rate decision threshold of UL PS domain background/interactive service to be carried on E-DCH. When the maximum UL service rate is higher than or equal to this threshold, the service will be carried on E-DCH; otherwise, it will be carried on DCH. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D608, D1440, D2048, D2880, D5740 8,16,32,64,128,144,256,384,608,1440,2048,2880,5740 Duration when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement condition before the event 6A1 is triggered. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6A2 measurement condition before the event 6A2 is triggered. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement condition before the event 6B1 is triggered. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6B2 measurement condition before the event 6B2 is triggered. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of BE keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement condition before the event 6D is triggered. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Length of smoothing filter window of uplink CAC. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 The admission control decision is only for dedicated channels. For common channels, some resources instead of a special admission procedure are reserved. In the UL, according to the current load factor and the characteristics of the new call, the UL CAC algorithm predicts the new traffic channels load factor with the assumption of admitting the new call, then plus with the premeditated common channel UL load factor to get the predicted UL load factor. Then, compare it with the UL admission threshold. If the value is not higher than the threshold, the call is admitted; otherwise, rejected. If the value is too high, power resources are wasted, which impacts system capacity. If the value is too low, resources can be fully used and coverage may be impacted in case of insufficient resources. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Admission threshold of total cell uplink power. This parameter is related to the target load of the uplink schedule. The total uplink load fluctuates closing to the target load due to the schedule mechanism of the HSUPA. Therefore, the target load is added with margin, acting as the basis of this parameter. If the value is too high, the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. If the value is lower than the target load threshold of the uplink schedule, the possibility of user rejects is great. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter specifies the compression method that the NodeB supports in the uplink. - SF/2: SF reduction by two - HIGHER_LAYER_SCHD L: higher layer scheduling If both SF/2 and HIGHER_LAYER_SCHD L are selected, the NodeB supports both of the compression methods in the uplink. Bit Field Type SF/2, HIGHER_LAYER_SCHDL SF/2, HIGHER_LAYER_SCHDL Number of users selected in a UL LDR CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover. The target subscribers of this parameter are the CS domain subscribers. Because the CS domain subscribers are session subscribers in general and they have little impact on load, you can set this parameter to a comparatively high value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Number of users selected in a UL LDR CS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load handover. The target subscribers of this parameter are the CS domain subscribers. Because the CS domain subscribers are session subscribers in general and they have little impact on load, you can set this parameter to a comparatively high value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 For a BE service that has a low maximum rate, the DCCC algorithm is not obviously effective yet it increases algorithm processing. Thus, the traffic-based DCCC algorithm is applied to BE services whose maximum UL rate is greater than the threshold. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 This parameter specifies the UL FP mode of this type of RAB. For details of normal mode and silent mode, refer to section 5.1.1 of the 3GPP TS 25.427. Enumeration Type NORMAL, SILENT NORMAL, SILENT Maximum UL rate when coverage of the entire cell is ensured under certain load. For a BE service that has a low maximum rate, the DCCC algorithm is not obviously effective yet it increases algorithm processing. Thus, the coverage-based DCCC algorithm is applied to BE services whose maximum UL rate is greater than the threshold. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 This parameter specifies the UL GBR of the BE service. Enumeration Type D0, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 Uplink Credit Reserved by Spread Factor for HandOver. SFOFF means that none of them are reserved for handover. If the UL spare resource cant satisfy the reserved resource after the access of a new service, the service will be rejected. If the value is too high, the credit resource reserved for handover UEs will be less, leading to the increased possibility of rejecting handover UE admissions, and performance of handover UEs cannot be guaranteed. If the value is too low, the possibility of rejecting new UEs may increase and some idle resources are wasted. Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256), SFOFF(SFOFF) SF4,SF8,SF16,SF32,SF64,SF128,SF256,SFOFF If the HS-DPCCH carries ACK/NACK, the system will not perform CAC. If the HS-DPCCH carries CQI, the system will perform CAC. This parameter refers to the resources reserved for the uplink HS-DPCCH carrying ACK/NACK. The corresponding threshold is the uplink limit capacity multiplied by this parameter. If the value is too high, the possibility of wrong rejection to uplink admissions increases, leading to waste in uplink resources. If the value is too low, the uplink resources is insufficient. However, because the possibility of putburst load by ACK/NACK and its impact are relatively low, the value can be set to a low level, representing the loose admission rule. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter specifies the E-DCH data transfer mode of IMS signalling services. It is valid only when IMS signalling services are mapped onto the E-DCH. Enumeration Type SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED UL activity factor of the R99 interactive service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 The UE can be selected to process load handover only when its bandwidth is less than this threshold. The higher the parameter is, the higher the service rate of the user in handover is, and the more obviously the cell load is decreased. However, high value of the parameter gives rise to the fluctuation and congestion of the target cell load. The lower the parameter is, the smaller amplitude of the load decreases as a result of the inter-frequency load handover, and the easier it is to maintain the stability of the target cell load. Interval Type 0~400000 0~400000 The inter-frequency neighboring cell could be selected as the destination of load handover only when its load remaining space is larger than this threshold. The lower the parameter is, the easier it is to find a qualified target cell for the blind handover. Excessively small value of the parameter, however makes the target cell easily enter the congestion status. The higher the parameter is, the more difficult it is for the inter-frequency blind handover occurs. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The mechanism of the LDR is that an action is performed in each [LDR period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of RABs selected in executing uplink LDR-AMR voice service rate reduction. If the parameter value is too high, the LDR action may fluctuate greatly and over control may occur (the state of basic congestion turns into another extreme--underload). If the parameter value is too low, the LDR action has a slow response and the effect is not apparent, affecting the LDR performance. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Length of smoothing filter window of uplink LDR. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 Number of RABs selected in a UL LDR BE traffic rate reduction. In the actual system, this parameter can be set on the basis of the actual circumstances. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a high proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively low value. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a low proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively high value. Because the basic congestion control algorithm is designed to slowly decrease cell load, you need to set this parameter to a comparatively low value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Reserved SF threshold in uplink credit LDR. The uplink credit LDR could be triggered only when the SF factor corresponding to the uplink reserved credit is higher than the uplink or downlink credit SF reserved threshold. The lower the parameter value is, the easier the credit enters the congestion status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the easier the user experience is affected. A lower code resource LDR trigger threshold, however, causes a higher admission success rate because the resource is reserved. The parameter should be set based on the operator's requirement. Enumeration Type SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256 This parameter has the same content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO NOACT: No load reshuffling action is taken. INTERFREQLDHO: The inter-frequency load handover is performed. BERATERED: Channels are reconfigured for the BE service. QOSRENEGO: The renegotiation on the QoS of the uncontrollable real-time service is performed. CSINTERRATSHOULDB ELDHO: The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover of the CS domain is performed. PSINTERRATSHOULDB ELDHO: The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover of the PS domain is performed. AMRRATERED (AMR service rate decreasing): The setting of the TFC subset and the negotiation of the service rate can be performed for the AMR voice service. CSINTERRATSHOULDN OTLDHO: The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover of the CS domain is performed. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO Number of RABs selected in a UL LDR uncontrolled real-time traffic QoS renegotiation. The target subscribers of this parameter are the PS domain real-time subscribers. The setting of this parameter is analogous to the setting of BE service rate reduction subscriber number. Because the number of subscribers performing QoS renegotiation may be smaller than the value of this parameter, for example, the candidate subscribers selected for downlink LDR do not meet the QoS renegotiation conditions, you must leave some margin when setting this parameter to ensure the success of load reshuffling. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 If the ratio of UL load of the cell to the uplink capacity is lower than this threshold, the UL load reshuffling function of the cell is stopped. After the basic congestion state of the cell load is released, the system no longer implements the LDR action. Because the load fluctuates, the difference between the LDR release threshold and trigger threshold should be higher than 10%. The ping-pong effect of the preliminary congestion state may occur. The lower the LDR trigger and release thresholds are, the easier the system enters the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the more likely the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes higher since the resources are preserved. The carrier shall make a trade-off between these factors. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter has the same content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO This parameter has the same content as UlLdrFirstAction. The selected actions, however, should be unique. Enumeration Type NoAct(no action), InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traff Qos re-negotiation), CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should be load handover), PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should be load handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff rate reduction), CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(CS domain inter-rat should not be load handover), PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should not be load handover) NoAct,InterFreqLDHO,BERateRed,QoSRenego,CSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,PSInterRatShouldBeLDHO,AMRRateRed,MBMSDecPower,CodeAdj,CSInterRatShouldNotLDHO,PSInterRatShouldNotLDHO If the ratio of UL load of the cell to the uplink capacity is not lower than this threshold, the UL load reshuffling function of the cell is triggered. After the basic congestion state of the cell load is released, the system no longer implements the LDR action. Because the load fluctuates, the difference between the LDR release threshold and trigger threshold should be higher than 10%. The ping-pong effect of the preliminary congestion state may occur. The lower the LDR trigger and release thresholds are, the easier the system enters the preliminary congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the more likely the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes higher since the resources are preserved. The carrier shall make a trade-off between these factors. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 This parameter specifies the maximum number of TFCs (Transport Format Combination) allowed in the uplink. The larger the value of this parameter, the larger the number of available TFCs in the uplink. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D48, D64, D96, D128, D256, D512, D1024 16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256, 512, 1024 Smooth filtering coefficient for UL measured values. The smooth filtering algorithm is used to avoid random interference in measurement reporting. Smoothness is decided by the filtering coefficient of the measurement. The greater the filtering coefficient is, the greater the smoothing effect is and the less the random interference is. Yet the respond to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 This parameter determines whether automatic or manual mode is used for 3-step adjustment of the uplink intermediate rate. Enumeration Type AUTO_CALC, HAND_APPOINT 0, 1 Threshold of the UL intermediate rate when the 3-step mode is used for UL rate adjustment and the manual mode is used for UL intermediate rate adjustment. Enumeration Type D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 To adjust the UL AMR speech rate, AMRC delivers the TFC CONTROL command and starts this timer. If no failure message is received when the timer expires, the adjustment of the UL AMR speech rate is successful. Interval Type 1~64000 1~64000 UL activity factor of the R99 non AMR conversational service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 The percentage of the conversational AMR service threshold to the 100% uplink load. It is applicable to algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. The parameter is used for controlling the AMR service admission. That is, when an AMR service is accessing, the RNC evalutates the measurement value of the uplink load after the service is accessed. If the UL load of a cell is higher than this threshold after the access of an AMR speech service, this service will be rejected. If the UL load of a cell will not be higher than this threshold, this service will be admitted. The UL load factor thresholds include parameters of [UL threshold of Conv non_AMR service], [UL handover access threshold] and [UL threshold of other services]. The four parameters can be used to limit the proportion between the conversational service, Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The percentage of the handover service admission threshold to the 100% uplink load. It is applicable to algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. The parameter is used for controlling the handover admission. That is, when a service is handing over to a cell, the RNC evalutates the measurement value of the uplink load after the service is accessed. If the UL load of a cell is higher than this threshold after the access, this service will be rejected. If the UL load of a cell will not be higher than this threshold, this service will be admitted. The UL load factor thresholds include parameters of [UL threshold of Conv non_AMR service], [UL handover access threshold] and [UL threshold of other services]. The four parameters can be used to limit the proportion between the non-handover service, handover user and other services in a specific cell, Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The percentage of the conversational non-AMR service threshold to the 100% uplink load. It is applicable to algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. The parameter is used for controlling the non-AMR service admission. That is, when a non-AMR service is accessing, the RNC evalutates the measurement value of the uplink load after the service is accessed. If the UL load of a cell is higher than this threshold after the access of a non-AMR speech service, this service will be rejected. If the UL load of a cell will not be higher than this threshold, this service will be admitted. The UL load factor thresholds include parameters of [UL threshold of Conv non_AMR service], [UL handover access threshold] and [UL threshold of other services]. The four parameters can be used to limit the proportion between the conversational service, Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 The percentage of other service thresholds to the 100% uplink load. The services refer to other admissions except the conversational AMR service, conversational non- AMR service, and handover scenarios. It is applicable to algorithm 1 and algorithm 2. The parameter is used for controlling other service admissions. That is, when a service is accessing, the RNC evalutates the measurement value of the uplink load after the service is accessed. If the UL load of a cell is higher than this threshold after the access of a service, this service will be rejected. If the UL load of a cell will not be higher than this threshold, this service will be admitted. The UL load factor thresholds include parameters of [UL threshold of Conv non_AMR service], [UL handover access threshold] and [UL threshold of other services]. The four parameters can be used to Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Length of smoothing filter window of uplink OLC. Interval Type 1~32 1~32 UL fast TF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and congested, the uplink TF can be adjusted to restrict the number of blocks transported in each TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of user data, thus reducing the cell uplink load. The mechanism of the OLC is that an action is performed in each [OLC period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of RABs selected in executing uplink OLC fast restriction. Selection of RABs of the OLC is based on the service priorities and ARP values and bearing priority indication. The RAB of low priority is under control. In the actual system, UlOlcFTFRstrctRabNum and DlOlcFTFRstrctRabNum can be set on the basis of the actual circumstances. If Interval Type 1~10 1~10 UL fast TF restriction refers to a situation where, when the cell is overloaded and congested, the uplink TF can be adjusted to restrict the number of blocks transported in each TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of user data, thus reducing the cell uplink load. The mechanism of the OLC is that an action is performed in each [OLC period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of uplink OLC fast TF restriction performed in entering/exiting the OLC status. After the overload is triggered, the RNC immediately executes OLC by first executing fast TF restriction. The internal counter is incremented by 1 with each execution. If the number of overloads does not exceed the OLC action threshold, the system lowers the BE service rate by Interval Type 0~100 0~100 L3 filtering coefficient. The larger the value of this parameter, the stronger the smoothing effect and the higher the anti-slow-fading capability, but the lower the signal change tracing capability. For detailed information of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. Enumeration Type D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19 If the ratio of UL load of the cell to the uplink capacity is lower than this threshold, the UL overload and congestion control function of the cell is stopped. The lower the OLC trigger threshold is, the easier the system is in the overload status. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. The lower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases the overload. The value of the OLC release threshold should not be much lower than or close to the OLC trigger threshold, or the system state may have a ping-pong effect. The recommended difference between the OLC release threshold and the OLC trigger threshold is higher than 10%. It is desirable to set the two parameters a bit higher given that the difference between OLC trigger threshold and OLC release threshold is fixed. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 User release is an extreme method in reducing the cell load and recovering the system when the cell is overloaded and congested. The mechanism of the OLC is that an action is performed in each [OLC period] and some services are selected based on the action rules to perform this action. This parameter defines the maximum number of RABs released in executing uplink OLC service release. For the users of a single service, the releasing of RABs means the complete releasing of the users. The releasing of RABs causes call drops, so UlOlcFTFRstrctTimes or DlOlcFTFRstrctTimes should be set to a low value. Higher values of the parameter get the cell load to decrease more obviously, but the QoS will be affected. Interval Type 0~10 0~10 UL OLC trigger hysteresis. Interval Type 1~6000 10~60000, step:10 If the ratio of UL load of the cell to the uplink capacity is not lower than this threshold, the UL overload and congestion control function of the cell is triggered. The lower the OLC trigger threshold is, the easier the system is in the overload status. An excessively low value of the OLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. The lower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases the overload. The value of the OLC release threshold should not be much lower than or close to the OLC trigger threshold, or the system state may have a ping-pong effect. The recommended difference between the OLC release threshold and the OLC trigger threshold is higher than 10%. It is desirable to set the two parameters a bit higher given that the difference between OLC trigger threshold and OLC release threshold is fixed. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step:0.01 Number of users selected in a UL LDR PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDBE load handover. The target subscribers of this parameter are the PS domain subscribers. In the actual system, this parameter can be set on the basis of the actual circumstances. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a high proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively low value. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a low proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively high value. Because the basic congestion control algorithm is designed to slowly decrease cell load, you need to set this parameter to a comparatively low value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Number of users selected in a UL LDR PS domain inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load handover. The target subscribers of this parameter are the PS domain subscribers. In the actual system, this parameter can be set on the basis of the actual circumstances. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a high proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively low value. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a low proportion, set the parameter to a comparatively high value. Because the basic congestion control algorithm is designed to slowly decrease cell load, you need to set this parameter to a comparatively low value. Interval Type 1~10 1~10 Rate adjustment switch of link stability control for UL QoS of AMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, UL rate of AMR services can be adjusted. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Inter-frequency handover switch of link stability control for UL QoS of AMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-frequency handover can be performed for AMR services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Inter-RAT handover switch of link stability control for UL QoS of AMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-RAT handover can be performed for AMR services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Timer length for uplink Qos measurement. This parameter controls the time lengths for the inter- frequency and inter-RAT measurement based on Qos. After inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurement starts, if no inter-frequency handover is performed when this timer expires, the measurement is stopped, and the compressed mode is deactivated, if any. If this parameter is set to 0, this indicates that the timer will not be started. For the inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurement based on coverage, the compressed mode can be stopped through reporting event 2F. For measurement that is not based on coverage, event 2F is not reported, and the timer must be set but should not be set to 0. As for the impact on network performance: It reduces the influence of long time compressed mode to the serving cell. The compressed mode may Interval Type 0~512 0~512 Inter-frequency handover switch of link stability control for UL QoS of VP services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-frequency handover can be performed for VP services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Rate adjustment switch of link stability control for UL QoS of WAMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, UL rate of WAMR services can be adjusted. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Inter-frequency handover switch of link stability control for UL QoS of WAMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-frequency handover can be performed for WAMR services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES Inter-RAT handover switch of link stability control for UL QoS of WAMR services. When the parameter is set to YES, inter-RAT handover can be performed for WAMR services to ensure the QoS. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES This parameter determines whether the UL rate is lowered to the minimum rate in one step or two steps for BE service set up on DCH in uplink. Enumeration Type 2_Rates, 3_Rates 2_Rates, 3_Rates This parameter determines whether the UL rate is raised to the maximum rate in one step or two steps for BE service set up on DCH in uplink. Enumeration Type 2_Rates, 3_Rates 2_Rates, 3_Rates CM implementation approach selection basis. When the uplink spreading factor is greater than or equal to this parameter value, the SF/2 approach will be preferred. Otherwise, the high layer scheduling will be preferred. The SF/2 approach consumes more system resources and therefore this approach is recommended only for low-rate users. The high-layer scheduling requires variable multiplexing positions of transport channels and is applicable to a relatively narrow range. In addition, this approach affects the transmission rate of users and therefore is recommended only when the SF/2 approach is unavailable or there are high-rate users. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256 8,16,32,64,128,256 UL activity factor of SRB. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 This parameter specifies the E-DCH data transfer mode of SRB services. It is valid only when SRB services are mapped onto the E-DCH. Enumeration Type SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED UL activity factor of the R99 streaming service. Interval Type 0~100 0~1, step: 0.01 This parameter specifies the default rate threshold for decision to use E-DCH to carry UL PS domain streaming services. When the maximum UL service rate is higher than or equal to this threshold, the service will be carried on E-DCH. Otherwise, it will be carried on DCH. Enumeration Type D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384 This parameter specifies the E-DCH data transfer mode of streaming services. It is valid only when streaming services are mapped onto the E-DCH. Enumeration Type SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED SCHEDULED, NON-SCHEDULED Measurement reporting threshold for triggering event 6A1. The event reporting mode is used. Event 6A1 is triggered when the measured value is higher than the absolute threshold 6A1. This event can trigger UL QoS operation. This parameter specifies a relative threshold. Absolute threshold of 6A1 = Max Ul Tx Power - UlThd6A1. Interval Type 0~82 0~82 Measurement reporting threshold for triggering event 6A2. The event reporting mode is used. Event 6A2 is triggered when the measured value is higher than the absolute threshold 6A2. When this event report is received, UL rate of AMR or BE services cannot be raised. This parameter specifies a relative threshold. Absolute threshold of 6A2 = Max Ul Tx Power - UlThd6A2. Interval Type 0~82 0~82 Measurement reporting threshold for triggering event 6B1. The event reporting mode is used. Event 6B1 is triggered when the measured value is lower than the absolute threshold 6B1. When this event report is received, UL QoS operation is stopped. This parameter specifies a relative threshold. Absolute threshold of 6B1 = Max Ul Tx Power - UlThd6B1. Interval Type 0~82 0~82 Measurement reporting threshold for triggering event 6B2. The event reporting mode is used. Event 6B2 is triggered when the measured value is lower than the absolute threshold 6B2. When this event report is received, UL rate of AMR or BE services can be raised. This parameter specifies a relative threshold. Absolute threshold of 6B2 = Max Ul Tx Power - UlThd6B2. Interval Type 0~82 0~82 When the algorithm 2 is used, this parameter defines the total equivalent user numbers corresponding to the 100% uplink load. The parameter should be related to the admission threshold and actual condition of the network. If the value is too high, the system load after admission may be over large, which impacts system stability and leads to system congestion. If the value is too low, the possibility of user rejects may increase, resulting in waste in idle resources. Interval Type 1~200 1~200 This parameter specifies the step size of the closed-loop power control performed on UL DPCH. For details of this parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.214. Interval Type 1~2 1~2 Duration when the measured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6A1 measurement condition before the event 6A1 is triggered. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6B1 measurement condition before the event 6B1 is triggered. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Duration when the measured value of VP keeps fulfilling the 6D measurement condition before the event 6D is triggered. The trigger time is used to prevent the sudden change of the measured value for being reported. The longer the trigger time is, the greater the effect of ignoring sudden changes is. Yet the response to changes of the measured value becomes slower. Enumeration Type D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 Estimated altitude of an uncertain area in the cell center in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when MET~0(metric system). Interval Type 0~990 0~990 This parameter specifies the estimated altitude of an uncertain area in the cell center in the WGS-84 coordinates. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when IMP~1(British measurement). Interval Type 0~3248 0~3248 Length of the semi-major axis of an uncertain area in the cell center. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when MET~0(metric system). Interval Type 0~1800000 0~1800000 This parameter specifies the length of the semi-major axis of an uncertain area in the cell center. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when IMP~1(British measurement). Interval Type 0~5905440 0~5905440 Length of the semi-minor axis of an uncertain area in the cell center. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when MET~0(metric system). Interval Type 0~1800000 0~1800000 This parameter specifies the length of the semi- minor axis of an uncertain area in the cell center. This is controlled by MTRLGY and valid when IMP~1(British measurement). Interval Type 0~5905440 0~5905440 This parameter specifies the number of a UNI link. Interval Type 0~167 0 to 31(AEUa), 0 to 125(E1 of AOUa),0 to 167(T1 of AOUa). This parameter specifies the coefficient of the maximum duration of each counting. The maximum duration is MCCH modification period multiplied by this parameter. Interval Type 2~20 2~20 ID of the upper node when ISROOTNODE is NO. Interval Type 0~1999 0~1999 Number of the upper class transport resource group. This parameter is valid only when [ISFIRSTCLASS] is NO. Interval Type 0~119 0~119 This parameter specifies the number of the upper-level logical port that carries the logical port to be added. Interval Type 128~447 AEUa(128~191),AOUa(256~383),UOIa(384~447) A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the first URA that the cell belongs to. The URA is used only by the UTRAN and not known by the CN. When the UE is in the URA_PCH state, the location of the UE is identified by the URA. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the second URA that the cell belongs to. The URA is used only by the UTRAN and not known by the CN. When the UE is in the URA_PCH state, the location of the UE is identified by the URA. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the third URA that the cell belongs to. The URA is used only by the UTRAN and not known by the CN. When the UE is in the URA_PCH state, the location of the UE is identified by the URA. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the fourth URA that the cell belongs to. The URA is used only by the UTRAN and not known by the CN. When the UE is in the URA_PCH state, the location of the UE is identified by the URA. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the fifth URA that the cell belongs to. The URA is used only by the UTRAN and not known by the CN. When the UE is in the URA_PCH state, the location of the UE is identified by the URA. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the sixth URA that the cell belongs to. The URA is used only by the UTRAN and not known by the CN. When the UE is in the URA_PCH state, the location of the UE is identified by the URA. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the seventh URA that the cell belongs to. The URA is used only by the UTRAN and not known by the CN. When the UE is in the URA_PCH state, the location of the UE is identified by the URA. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 A cell can belongs to multiple URAs. This parameter indicates the ID of the eighth URA that the cell belongs to. The URA is used only by the UTRAN and not known by the CN. When the UE is in the URA_PCH state, the location of the UE is identified by the URA. For detailed information about this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 ID of the URA in a cell. The URA is only used by the UTRAN and the CN does not know the URA. The URA consists of multiple cells. When the UE enters the URA-PCH state, the location of the UE is identified with the URA ID. For details, refer to the 3GPP TS 25.331 protocol. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 Number of UTRAN Registration Areas (URAs) which the cell belongs to. Enumeration Type D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8 D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8 Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for CS domain services. For CS domain services, if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions can be met only when the quality of the used frequency is lower than this threshold (Event 2B can be triggered only when both conditions are met.) To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the used frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of the current services. After handover, even if the inter-frequency measurement is triggered again, it is very difficult to Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for CS domain services. For CS domain services, if the value of [Inter- frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions can be met only when the quality of the used frequency is lower than this threshold (Event 2B can be triggered only when both conditions are met.) To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the used frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of the current services. After handover, even if the inter-frequency measurement is triggered again, it is very difficult to Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain HSPA services. For HSPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions can be met only when the quality of the used frequency is lower than this threshold (Event 2B can be triggered only when both conditions are met.) To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the used frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of the current services. After handover, even if the inter-frequency measurement is triggered again, it is very difficult to hand over the UE again to Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain HSPA services. For HSPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions can be met only when the quality of the used frequency is lower than this threshold (Event 2B can be triggered only when both conditions are met.) To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the used frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of the current services. After handover, even if the inter-frequency measurement is triggered again, it is very difficult to hand over the UE again to Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 This parameter configures the used frequency measurement quantity to trigger the inter-RAT measurement for the purpose of Qos-based handover. The parameter is valid when the event reporting mode is selected for inter-RAT. Ec/No: signal-to-noise ratio RSCP: received signal code power CPICH_Ec/NO: the measurement quantity used for event 2D and 2F, with unit of dB CPICH_RSCP: the measurement quantity used for event 2D and 2F, with unit of dBm The RNC, in the coverage- based inter-RAT measurement, may configure that the inter- RAT measurement quantity are delivered according to event 2D that triggers the measurement, which causes the result that the Qos- based inter-RAT measurement cannot refer to the coverage-based configurations. Under this Enumeration Type CPICH_EC/NO, CPICH_RSCP CPICH_EC/NO,CPICH_RSCP Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of Ec/No for PS domain non- HSPA services. For PS domain non-HSPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions can be met only when the quality of the used frequency is lower than this threshold (Event 2B can be triggered only when both conditions are met.) To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the used frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of the current services. After handover, even if the inter-frequency measurement is triggered again, it is very difficult to Interval Type -24~0 -24~0 Threshold of used frequency quality for triggering inter-frequency measurement with measurement quantity of RSCP for PS domain non- HSPA services. For PS domain non-HSPA services, if the value of [Inter-frequency measure report mode] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER, this parameter is used to set the measurement control of event 2B. One of the necessary conditions can be met only when the quality of the used frequency is lower than this threshold (Event 2B can be triggered only when both conditions are met.) To set this parameter, you need to consider the following factors: The cell signal quality of the used frequency is better and can meet the coverage requirements of the current services. After handover, even if the inter-frequency measurement is triggered again, it is very difficult to Interval Type -115~-25 -115~-25 This parameter specifies whether to use FE or not. Enumeration Type Disable, Enable Disable, Enable This parameter specifies whether the Mac-ehs entity is applied. Enumeration Type NOTUSED, USED NOTUSED, USED This parameter specifies whether to use MP or not. Enumeration Type Disable, Enable Disable, Enable This parameter specifies whether to use the second ESN or not. Enumeration Type Disable, Enable Disable, Enable Indicating whether HCS is used. For details, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304. Enumeration Type USED, NOT_USED USED, NOT_USED This parameter specifies whether to use PPP or not. Enumeration Type Disable, Enable Disable, Enable The ratio of the users which could launch the handover to inter-RAT neighbour cell. When the parameter is ALL_USER, it means all of the users could be handover to the inter-RAT neighbour cell. When the parameter is HALF, it means only 1/2 of the users could be handover to the inter-RAT neighbour cell. When the parameter is THIRD, it means only 1/3 of the users could be handover to the inter-RAT neighbour cell. When the parameter is QUARTER, it means only 1/4 of the users could be handover to the inter-RAT neighbour cell. Enumeration Type ALL_USER(All User), HALF(Half), THIRD(THIRD), QUARTER(QUARTER) ALL_USER,HALF,THIRD, QUARTER Percentage of User Plane Sharing Out Offset. Interval Type 5~20 5~20 Percentage of User Plane Sharing Out threshold. Interval Type 50~100 50~100 This parameter specifies the user priority. The user classes in descending order of priority are Gold, Silver, and then Copper. Enumeration Type GOLD, SILVER, COPPER GOLD, SILVER, COPPER This parameter specifies whether to use TRUNK or not. Enumeration Type Disable, Enable Disable, Enable This parameter specifies the unit of the peak rate, average rate, and minimum rate. Enumeration Type CELL/S, KBIT/S CELL/S, KBIT/S VCI of the PVC from which the AAL2 Path goes out of the RNC. Interval Type 32~65535 32~65535 This parameter specifies the type of check on the VCL. Enumeration Type CC, LOOPBACK CC, LOOPBACK VLAN ID flag. Enumeration Type DISABLE, ENABLE DISABLE, ENABLE This parameter specifies the VLAN ID of the destination IP address. Interval Type 2~4094 2 to 4094 This parameter specifies the VLAN priority. Interval Type 0~7 0 to 7 AMR voice service downlink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 AMR voice primary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF AMR voice primary path load threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 AMR voice secondary path. Enumeration Type CBR, RT_VBR, NRT_VBR, UBR, BE, AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF31, AF32, AF33, AF41, AF42, AF43, EF, LQBE, LQAF11, LQAF12, LQAF13, LQAF21, LQAF22, LQAF23, LQAF31, LQAF32, LQAF33, LQAF41, LQAF42, LQAF43, LQEF, NULL CBR,RT_VBR,NRT_VBR,UBR,BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF,LQBE,LQAF11,LQAF12,LQAF13,LQAF21,LQAF22,LQAF23,LQAF31,LQAF32,LQAF33,LQAF41,LQAF42,LQAF43,LQEF,NULL AMR voice primary secondary path load ratio threshold. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 AMR voice service uplink factor. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 This parameter specifies the channel type of VoIP services. - DCH: Both uplink and downlink are preferably carried on DCH. - HSDPA: Uplink is preferably carried on DCH, and downlink is preferably carried on HS-DSCH. - HSPA: Uplink is preferably carried on E- DCH, and downlink is preferably carried on HS- DSCH. Enumeration Type DCH(UL_DCH,DL_DCH), HSDPA(UL_DCH,DL_HSDSCH), HSPA(UL_EDCH,DL_HSDSCH) DCH, HSDPA, HSPA This parameter decides E-DCH TTI type for VOIP traffic. Enumeration Type EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms EDCH_TTI_10ms, EDCH_TTI_2ms This parameter specifies whether the alarm reporting for 24 V power is enabled. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the upper threshold for 24 V power alarm. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for 24 V power alarm. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies whether the alarm reporting for 48 V power is enabled. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter specifies the upper threshold for 48 V power alarm. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the lower threshold for 48 V power alarm. String Type - 1~9 character This parameter specifies the index of a cross connection. Interval Type 0~1399 0 to 1399 VPI of the PVC from which the AAL2 Path goes out of the RNC. Interval Type 0~255 0~255 This parameter indicating whether VP limit in cell. TRUE indicates that the VP need limit in cell. FALSE indicates that the VP need not limit in cell. Enumeration Type TRUE, FALSE TRUE, FALSE When the parameter is set to YES, the QOS control algorithm is used for VP services. When the parameter is set to NO, the QOS control algorithm is not used for VP services.The QOS action of VP services only includes inter frequency handover. Enumeration Type NO, YES NO, YES VP CDR(Call Drop Ratio) Per Spu, if the ratio is higher than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The minimum number of VP service setup attempt Per Spu, the sum of VP service setup attempt need to be higher than this threshold to arise KPI alarm which type is VP service successful setup ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Successful VP service setup ratio Per Spu, if the ratio is lower than this threshold in a checking period, need arise KPI alarm. Interval Type 0~100 0~100 The Minimum number of VP release Per Spu, the sum of VP release need to be higher than this threshold to trigger arise KPI alarm which type is VP call drop ratio. Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Timer for triggering a second adjustment of the UL WAMR mode. This parameter specifies the duration of waiting for the voice quality enhanced acknowledgement after the UL WAMR mode adjustment when the associated command is delivered. The UL WAMR rate adjust timer starts when AMRC mode adjustment procedure is triggered, and stops when the next measurement report is received. If no measurement report is received when the UL AMRC timer expires, you can infer that the measured value remains in the same state as that before the previous UL AMRC mode adjustment. The previous AMRC mode adjustment is not effective, and another adjustment is required. The longer the UL AMRC timer is, the less frequently the AMRC mode is adjusted. In addition, the response to measurement reports becomes slower accordingly. Interval Type 20~64000 20~64000 This parameter specifies whether the alarm reporting for water is enabled. Enumeration Type CLOSE(Close), OPEN(Open) CLOSE,OPEN This parameter is used to determine the relative threshold of the soft handover based on the measurement of each cell in the active set. The larger the value of the parameter is, the higher the relative threshold is under the same conditions. When Weight is set to 0, the SHO relative threshold depends on only the best cell of the active set. For the definition, refer to 3GPP TS 25.331. When the parameter equals 0, the general quality of the active set is the measurement of the best cell and the SHO relative threshold depends on only the best cell in the active set. When the parameter equals 1, it can be regarded as the equivalent signal strength when maximum ratio combination of down links of all cells in the active set is implemented. As for the impact on network performance: The larger the value of the parameter is, the higher thresholds for triggering Interval Type 0~20 0~2,Step:0.1 Weight used for computing frequency general quality. The larger the value of this parameter, the higher the calculated general quality of the active set. When this parameter is set to 0, the general quality of the active set is the quality of the best cell in the active set. For details about this parameter, refer to the subsection of frequency quality estimation in the section of inter-frequency measurement in 3GPP TS 25.331. This parameter is used for all event-triggered inter-frequency measurements, including those triggered by events 2D, 2F, 2B and 2C. The parameter, however, is not used for periodical inter- frequency measurements. The larger the value of this parameter, the higher the estimated quality of the current frequency in the same condition, and the more difficult to trigger inter-frequency handover. The smaller the value of this parameter, the lower Interval Type 0~20 0~2,Step:0.1 Size of the sliding window.It can be used to control the transmission rate of the peer end. Interval Type 1~32767 1~32767 Work mode of M3UA link set. Enumeration Type M3UA_ASP, M3UA_IPSP M3UA_ASP, M3UA_IPSP (For details of ASP and IPSP, refer to RFC4666.) This parameter specifies the flag of the workspace to be formatted. Enumeration Type Active(Format active area), Standby(Format standby area) Active,Standby This parameter specifies the work mode. The setting of this parameter should be consistent with that at the peer end. Enumeration Type E1_UNBA(E1 Unbalance), E1_BA(E1 Balance), T1(T1), E1(E1) E1_UNBA, E1_BA, T1, E1 This parameter specifies the time to wait before the restoration. Interval Type 30~60000 30 to 60000 This parameter specifies the X offset for connected mode. For a PTM service in a cell, X UEs that receive this service need to retain in connected mode, so as to reduce triggering of counting on the Uu interface during recounting. The value of X = [PARA]NCountingThd[/PARA] + [PARA] XOffset[/PARA]. Interval Type 1~5 1~5 For the PS BE service at a rate of 0 kbit/s, this parameter is used for the rate upsizing for DCCC triggered by event 4A. Unsuccessful rate upsizing indicates that the resources are insufficient in the cell. The service may run at a rate of 0 kbit/s for a long time. If the timer is started, the 0 kbit/s service of the UE is released after the timer expires. If the length is set to 0, the timer is not started. Interval Type 0~65535 0~65535 This parameter specifies the time zone where the RNC located. Enumeration Type GMT-1200(GMT-12:00), GMT-1100(GMT-11:00), GMT-1000(GMT-10:00), GMT-0930(GMT-09:30), GMT-0900(GMT-09:00), GMT-0800(GMT-08:00), GMT-0700(GMT-07:00), GMT-0600(GMT-06:00), GMT-0500(GMT-05:00), GMT-0430(GMT-04:30), GMT-0400(GMT-04:00), GMT-0330(GMT-03:30), GMT-0300(GMT-03:00), GMT-0200(GMT-02:00), GMT-0100(GMT-01:00), GMT(GMT), GMT+0100(GMT+01:00), GMT+0200(GMT+02:00), GMT+0300(GMT+03:00), GMT+0330(GMT+03:30), GMT+0400(GMT+04:00), GMT+0430(GMT+04:30), GMT+0500(GMT+05:00), GMT+0530(GMT+05:30), GMT+0545(GMT+05:45), GMT+0600(GMT+06:00), GMT+0630(GMT+06:30), GMT+0700(GMT+07:00), GMT+0800(GMT+08:00), GMT+0900(GMT+09:00), GMT+0930(GMT+09:30), GMT+1000(GMT+10:00), GMT+1030(GMT+10:30), GMT+1100(GMT+11:00), GMT+1130(GMT+11:30), GMT+1200(GMT+12:00), GMT+1245(GMT+12:45), GMT+1300(GMT+13:00), GMT+1400(GMT+14:00) GMT-1200(GMT-12:00), GMT-1100(GMT-11:00), GMT-1000(GMT-10:00), GMT-0930(GMT-09:30), GMT-0900(GMT-09:00), GMT-0800(GMT-08:00), GMT-0700(GMT-07:00), GMT-0600(GMT-06:00), GMT-0500(GMT-05:00), GMT-0430(GMT-04:30), GMT-0400(GMT-04:00), GMT-0330(GMT-03:30), GMT-0300(GMT-03:00), GMT-0200(GMT-02:00), GMT-0100(GMT-01:00),GMT(GMT), GMT+0100(GMT+01:00), GMT+0200(GMT+02:00), GMT+0300(GMT+03:00), GMT+0330(GMT+03:30), GMT+0400(GMT+04:00), GMT+0430(GMT+04:30), GMT+0500(GMT+05:00), GMT+0530(GMT+05:30), GMT+0545(GMT+05:45), GMT+0600(GMT+06:00), GMT+0630(GMT+06:30), GMT+0700(GMT+07:00), GMT+0800(GMT+08:00), GMT+0900(GMT+09:00), GMT+0930(GMT+09:30), GMT+1000(GMT+10:00), GMT+1030(GMT+10:30), GMT+1100(GMT+11:00), GMT+1130(GMT+11:30), GMT+1200(GMT+12:00), GMT+1245(GMT+12:45), GMT+1300(GMT+13:00), GMT+1400(GMT+14:00) Unit Default Value Recommended Value Impact None - None AAL2 Path s - None RNC None 0 0 Cell None 0 0 Cell None 0 0 Cell None 0 0 Cell None 0 0 Cell None 0 0 Cell None 0 0 Cell None - None Physical channel None Enable Enable PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Link, PPP Link(ADD MPLNK) ms - 50 RNC s - 100 RNC None - AC0:BARRED,AC1:BAR RED,AC2:BARRED,AC3: BARRED,AC4:BARRED, AC5:BARRED,AC6:BAR RED,AC7:BARRED,AC8: BARRED,AC9:BARRED( SET DSACAUTOALGO) None(ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA) RNC None - None RNC s - 10(SET DSACAUTOALGO) 30(SET ACALGO) None(ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA) RNC per cent - 2 RNC None - OFF RNC None LOCAL LOCAL RNC None - None RNC per cent - None RNC None - None RNC None ACTIVE ACTIVE Cell None - NODELIVERY RNC None - UE_BASED RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC dB -6 -6 Cell None 1 1 Physical channel None - None RNC(SET BOXRPT,SET ALMLVL) SRB(SET ALMPORT) None - None RNC kbit/s - None Transmission resource group None Automatic Automatic Cell m - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None 4(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) 4 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) None 1(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV) 1 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV) None 4(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 4 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) None 1(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) 1 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV) None - None RAB None - NO RNC None - 5 RNC None - 100 RNC None - 90 RNC None - 200 RNC ms - 3000 RNC None - None Adjacent Node(ACT VCLCC,ADD ADJMAP,ADD ADJNODE) AAL2 Path(LOP VCL,ADD AAL2PATH) Services carried on the network element with the specific ATM address.(ADD AAL2RT) IP Path(ADD IPPATHBIND,A DD IPPATH) IP path(ACT IPPM) m - None Cell m - None Cell degree - None Cell second - None Cell degree - None Cell second - None Cell degree - None Cell degree - None Cell None FALSE FALSE RNC None - None SCTP None - None RAB None ALL ALL RNC None Primary Primary RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None 3 3 Ethernet Port ms 3 3 Ethernet Port None - None NodeB None - None RNC None - None RNC None ALLOWED ALLOWED RNC None - None PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) None - None PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) None - None PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) None NO_V NO_V PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) None - ENABLE Ethernet port None 7 7 Physical channel None 0 0 Physical channel None 15 15 Physical channel None - None RNC None - None SRB None - None subrack None - None subrack dBm 61 61 Cell None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None RNC None -(ADD NRNCCELL,AD D QUICKCELLSET UP,ADD CELLSETUP) GSM900_DCS18 00_BAND_USED (ADD None(ADD NRNCCELL,ADD QUICKCELLSETUP,ADD CELLSETUP) GSM900_DCS1800_BAN D_USED(ADD GSMCELL) Cell kbit/s - CONVERSATIONAL:7; STREAMING:8; INTERACTIVE,BACKGROUND:64 RNC None - None Cell None - None Cell dB 0 0 Cell dB -30 -30 Cell dB -20 -20 Transport channel None - None RNC None - None RNC None 5 5 RNC None 2 2 RNC s 1 1 RNC kbit/s - D384 RNC s - 5 RNC s - 5 RNC s - 5 RNC s - 5 RNC None - RateDegrade RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC s - 5 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC s - 65535 RNC s - 5 RNC s - 5 RNC ms - D1000 RNC byte - D64 RNC ms - D5000 RNC kbit/s - D1440 RNC s - 20 RNC dB 10(ADD CELLDCCC) -(SET DCCC) 10 Cell(ADD CELLDCCC) RNC(SET DCCC) None - YES RNC None - None RAB None - None RAB None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - SINGLE RNC None - YES RNC None - YES RNC None - NO RNC ms - 3000 RNC None 3 3 Current BFD communication. kbit/s 32 32 Cell kbit/s 512 512 Cell dB 100 100 Cell s 120 120 Cell None - 06&00&00 Cell None 0 0 Cell None - 01&00&00 Cell None ON ON Cell dBm 5 5 Cell None - None RAB None FALSE FALSE Cell None - D2 RNC ms - D250 RNC None - None Cell dBm -92 -92 Cell dBm -115(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) -115 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) ms - 5000 RNC None - None RNC None - None Board None - None Board None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None RNC None REQUIRED(AD D CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERRATHON COV) REQUIRED Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERRATHON COV) None - None E1/T1 link None - None Cell None - None E1T1 Link None - None RNC None - None board None - None E1T1 link None - None board None - None RNC None - None Corresponding optical port None - None LGC port None OFF OFF LGC port kbit/s 0 0 PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) IMA group(ADD IMAGRP) Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 AAL2 Path kbit/s 0 0 IP Path kbit/s 0 0 Transmission resource group kbit/s 0 0 PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) IMA group(ADD IMAGRP) Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 AAL2 Path kbit/s 0 0 IP Path kbit/s 0 0 Transmission resource group kbit/s 0 0 PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) IMA group(ADD IMAGRP) kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 AAL2 Path kbit/s 0 0 IP Path kbit/s 0 0 Transmission resource group per cent 120 120 LGC port None - None Transmission resource group per cent 25 25 LGC port None - ON RNC None - SYS_LEVEL:ONNODEB_LEVEL:ONCELL_LEVEL:ON RNC s - 3 RNC None - NONE RNC None - None AAL2 Path None NULL NULL IP Path None - None IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) LGC port(ADD ATMLOGICPOR T) None - None IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) LGC port(ADD ATMLOGICPOR T) None - None NodeB None - None IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) None - None LGC port None - None SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) None - None SAAL None - None LGC port None - None LGC port None - None AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) None - None IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) LGC port(ADD ATMLOGICPOR T) None - None SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) None - None SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) None - None IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) None - None Subsystem None - None Subsystem byte 4500 4500 LGC port None - None Cell None - None Cell None - OFF RNC kbit/s 32 32 Cell kbit/s 512 512 Cell None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC ms 1000 1000 Ethernet port None AUTO AUTO PVC ms 1000 UNI: 1000  NNI: 200 SAAL ns 1024 1024 SAALLNK/AAL2PATH/IPOAPVC/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index None - 15 RNC m - None Cell m - None Cell None - None Cell None - None RNC m - None Cell m - None Cell degree - None Cell second - None Cell degree - None Cell second - None Cell None - None Cell None MIXED_ENVIRONMENT MIXED_ENVIRONMENT Cell None TU TU Cell m - None Cell m - None Cell None - 15 RNC None SINGLE_HOST SINGLE_HOST Cell None - None Cell(ADD CELLLDB,SET MRSCOPECTRL ,ADD RESERVEOVSF, ADD PRACHACTOAS CMAP,ADD CELLSELRESEL ,ADD CELLPUC,ADD CELLMEAS,AD D CELLOLC,ADD CELLLDR,ADD CELLLDM,ADD CELLHCS,ADD CELLCAC,ADD CELLALGOSWI TCH,ADD CELLACCESSST RICT,ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLMBMSFAC H,ADD CTCH,ADD AICH,ADD RACHDYNTFS, ADD RACH,ADD PRACHSLOTFO RMAT,ADD PRACHTFC,AD d - 10 RNC None - OFF RNC None ACTIVE ACTIVE Cell None - UE_ASSISTED RNC None SF8 SF8 Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell per cent 90 90 Cell None - 9 RNC s - 180 RNC None NOT_RESERVEDNOT_RESERVED Cell None NOT_RESERVEDNOT_RESERVED Cell None AFFECT AFFECT Cell None AFFECT AFFECT Cell None - 45 RNC per cent 30 30 Cell None - None Cell None - CFG_DL_BLIND_DETECTION_SWITCH:ON, CFG_HSDPA_64QAM_SWITCH:ON, CFG_HSDPA_MIMO_SWITCH:ON, CFG_HSPA_DTX_DRX_SWITCH:OFF, CFG_HSPA_HSSCCH_LESS_OP_SWITCH:OFF, CFG_IMS_SUPPORT_SWITCH:ON, CFG_LOSSLESS_DLRLC_PDUSIZECHG_SWITCH:OFF, CFG_LOSSLESS_RELOC_CFG_SWITCH:OFF, CFG_MULTI_RAB_SWITCH:ON, CFG_PDCP_IPV6_HEAD_COMPRESS_SWITCH:OFF, CFG_PDCP_RFC2507_HC_SWITCH:OFF, CFG_PDCP_RFC3095_HC_SWITCH:OFF RNC s - 2 RNC s - 5 RNC None CONVOLUTIONAL CONVOLUTIONAL Transport channel None 5 5 IP Path None - None RNC None - None RNC(ADD IPPATHBIND) Ethernet port(STR IPCHK) None NO NO SCTP None NO NO SCTP None CRC32 CRC32 SCTP None - None Ethernet port None - TEN_MSEC RNC None - TEN_MSEC RNC None - TEN_MSEC RNC None - TEN_MSEC RNC None - TEN_MSEC RNC None - TEN_MSEC RNC None - TEN_MSEC RNC None TEN_MSEC(AD D CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) TEN_MSEC Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None TEN_MSEC(AD D CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) TEN_MSEC Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None TEN_MSEC(AD D CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) TEN_MSEC Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None TEN_MSEC(AD D CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) TEN_MSEC Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None - None RNC None - None Cell dB 0 0 Cell(ADD CELLSETUP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) dB 0 0 Cell dB 0 0 Cell dB 0 0 Cell kbit/s - None LGC port None - None RNC None False False Cell None UL_DL_BOTH UL_DL_BOTH NodeB None WALKING_SPE ED_AND_HOT_ SPOT_CELL(AD D CELLCMCF) -(SET CMCF) WALKING_SPEED_AND _HOT_SPOT_CELL Cell(ADD CELLCMCF) RNC(SET CMCF) None - CMCF_DL_HLS_SWITCH:OFF, CMCF_UL_HLS_SWITCH:OFF, CMCF_UL_PRECFG_TOLERANCE_SWITCH:OFF, CMCF_WITHOUT_UE_CAP_REPORT_SWITCH:OFF RNC ms - 5000 RNC None - CMP_IU_IMS_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_IU_SYSHOIN_CMP_IUUP_FIXTO1_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_IUR_H2D_FOR_LOWR5_NRNCCELL_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_IUR_SHO_DIVCTRL_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_UU_AMR_SID_MUST_CFG_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_UU_DST_SERV_CELL_D2E_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_UU_IGNORE_UE_RLC_CAP_SWITCH:ON, CMP_UU_SERV_CELL_CHG_WITH_ASU_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_UU_SERV_CELL_CHG_WITH_RB_MOD_SWITCH:ON, CMP_UU_VOIP_UP_PROC_AS_NORMAL_PS_SWITCH:ON, CMP_UU_FDPCH_COMPAT_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_UU_AMR_DRD_HHO_COMPAT_SWITCH:OFF, CMP_IU_QOS_ASYMMETRY_IND_COMPAT_SWITCH:OFF RNC None - None RNC(RST IU,RST IURESOURCE,A DD CNNODE,ADD CNDOMAIN) RAB(ADD TYPRABBASIC, ADD CELLRLPWR) None - None RNC None - Normal RNC None - None Adjacent Node None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Cell(ADD QUICKCELLSET UP,ADD GSMCELL,ADD NRNCCELL) (ADD CELLSETUP) None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC(ADD CELLDSACMA NUALPARA,AD D SAMBMSPARA, ADD CBSADDR,ADD URA,ADD NODEB,ADD SAC,ADD RAC,ADD LAC,ADD CELLMBMSSA, ADD MBMSSA,SET OPERATORCFG PARA,ADD RNCCBCPUID,A DD IMSIIDNNSCNI DMAP,ADD NRIGLBCNIDM AP,ADD CNNODE,SET IUTIMERANDN UM,ADD CELLCBSSAC,R ST IURESOURCE,R ST IU,ADD CZ,ADD CNOPERATOR) Transmission resource None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None 255 255 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None ON ON Cell None 3 3 Cell per cent -(SET DRD) 13(ADD CELLDRD) 13 RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) None -(SET DRD) SF8(ADD CELLDRD) SF8 RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) None -(SET DRD) OFF(ADD CELLDRD) OFF RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) None FALSE FALSE Cell None - ENGLISH RNC None COEXIST_MEA S_THD_CHOICE _INTERFREQ(A DD CELLHOCOMM) -(SET HOCOMM) COEXIST_MEAS_THD_C HOICE_INTERFREQ Cell(ADD CELLHOCOMM) RNC(SET HOCOMM) per cent - 70 RNC dB 20(ADD CELLDCCC) -(SET DCCC) 20 Cell(ADD CELLDCCC) RNC(SET DCCC) None - NON-SUPPORTING_UE_ONLY RNC s 2 2 SAAL s 30 30 SAAL ms 10 10 SAAL ms 15 IP:15; ATM:20 RNC ms 15 IP:15; ATM:20 RNC ms 15 IP:15; ATM:20 RNC ms 15 IP:15; ATM:25 RNC ms 25 25 RNC ms 25 25 RNC ms 25 IP:25; ATM:30 RNC ms 25 IP:25; ATM:30 RNC ms 25 IP:25; ATM:30 RNC ms 25 IP:25; ATM:50 RNC ms 50 50 RNC ms 50 50 RNC None - None Cell None - Only_To_Inter_Frequency RNC None NOT_ALLOWED NOT_ALLOWED Cell None NO NO RNC dB 2 2 Cell dB - 2 Cell dB 0 0 Cell dB 0 0 Cell dB 127 127 Cell dB 127 127 Cell s D1280 D1280 Cell dB -20 -20 Physical channel None - None UE None NO NO Ethernet port kbit/s - D16 RNC kbit/s - D16 RNC kbit/s 32 32 Cell kbit/s 512 512 Cell kbit/s WBAMR_BITRA TE_23.85K(ADD CELLAMRCWB) -(SET AMRCWB) WBAMR_BITRATE_23.8 5K Cell(ADD CELLAMRCWB) RNC(SET AMRCWB) kbit/s NBAMR_BITRA TE_12.20K(ADD CELLAMRC) -(SET AMRC) NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20 K Cell(ADD CELLAMRC) RNC(SET AMRC) None 5 5 Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None RNC None CP1_not_Support ed CP1_not_Supported Cell(ADD CELLSETUP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None - None RNC ms - None RNC None 8 8 Cell None UNAVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE SCTP per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF43.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43.  When the interface type is Iu-CS, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF43. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-CS, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC Erl - None RNC per cent 80(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) 80 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV) None - OFF RNC s - 900 RNC None - SUPP_NONE RNC None - None RNC None - TRUE(SET DSACAUTOALGO) None(ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA) RNC None OFF OFF Cell per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF43.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43.  When the interface type is Iu-CS, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF43. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-CS, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - CS_AMRC_SWITCH:OFF, CS_HANDOVER_TO_UTRAN_DEFAULT_CFG_SWITCH:ON, CS_IUUP_V2_SUPPORT_SWITCH:OFF, CS_ZERO_C_AMR_CFG_TWO_CODCH_SWITCH:OFF RNC None - DCH RNC ms - 5 RNC ms - 5 RNC None - EDCH_TTI_10ms RNC None OFF OFF RNC None - None Physical channel bit BIT4(ADD SCCPCHBASIC) BIT2(ADD PRACHBASIC) BIT4(ADD SCCPCHBASIC) BIT2(ADD PRACHBASIC) Physical channel per cent - 5 RNC per cent - 50 RNC None - None Transmission resource group None - ON RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC byte - D64 RNC ms - D1000 RNC ms - D5000 RNC s - 30 RNC None - 30 RNC None - RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_DCH RNC s - 30 RNC ms - 100 RNC None 16 16 RAB None 2 2 RAB None - None RNC None - 255 RNC dB - -22 RNC dB -13 -13 Cell s - 0 RNC ms - 25(AEUa),200(AOUa) IMA group None - None RAB per cent - 7 RNC None - None Cell(ADD CELLSELRESEL ) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None - None M3UA(ADD M3DE) RNC(ADD M3LKS,ADD M3RT) None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC min 1 1 Cell None - None RAB None - MAY RNC None - 50 RNC ms 64(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) 64 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None - 10 RNC None - D6(SET LDM) D3(SET SATLDM) RNC kbit/s - D128 RNC kbit/s -(SET FRCCHLTYPEP ARA) D8(ADD CELLFRC) D8 RNC(SET FRCCHLTYPEP ARA) Cell(ADD CELLFRC) kbit/s - D64 RNC kbit/s - D64 RNC ms 64(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) 64 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms 64(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) 64 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None - 5 RNC None 0 0 Cell None 90 90 Cell None SF/2 SF/2 NodeB None - None Cell None 80 80 Cell None 80 80 Cell None 3 3 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None 3 3 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) kbit/s - D64 RNC kbit/s D64(ADD CELLDCCC) -(SET DCCC) D64 Cell(ADD CELLDCCC) RNC(SET DCCC) kbit/s - D64 RNC None SF32 SF32 Cell None 85 85 Cell None 0 0 Cell None - 10 RNC bit/s 200000 200000 Cell per cent 20 20 Cell None 1 1 Cell None - 5 RNC None 1 1 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None SF8 SF8 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell None no action no action Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None CodeAdj(ADD CELLLDR) BE traff rate reduction(ADD NODEBLDR) CodeAdj(ADD CELLLDR) BE traff rate reduction(ADD NODEBLDR) Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell None 1 1 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) per cent 60 60 Cell None inter-freq load handover(ADD CELLLDR) no action(ADD NODEBLDR) inter-freq load handover(ADD CELLLDR) no action(ADD NODEBLDR) Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell None no action no action Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell None BE traff rate reduction(ADD CELLLDR) no action(ADD NODEBLDR) BE traff rate reduction(ADD CELLLDR) no action(ADD NODEBLDR) Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) per cent 70 70 Cell ms 1000 1000 Cell None D64 D64 NodeB None 0 0 Cell None D1(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D1 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None - HAND_APPOINT RNC kbit/s - D128 RNC ms - 3000 RNC None - 100 RNC None - 5 RNC None 3 3 Cell None 3 3 Cell None - D1 RNC per cent 85 85 Cell None 0 0 Cell None - 100 RNC per cent 95 95 Cell None 75 75 Cell None - None Cell None 1 1 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None 1 1 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - NO RNC s 20(ADD CELLQOSHO) -(SET QOSHO) 20 Cell(ADD CELLQOSHO) RNC(SET QOSHO) None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - OFF RNC None - 3_Rates RNC None - 3_Rates RNC dB 5(ADD CELLQOSHO) -(SET QOSHO) 5 Cell(ADD CELLQOSHO) RNC(SET QOSHO) None - None Cell None - FALSE RNC None D64(ADD CELLCMCF) -(SET CMCF) D64 Cell(ADD CELLCMCF) RNC(SET CMCF) None - 10 RNC None - 100 RNC kbit/s - D64 RNC dB - 50 RNC dB - 50 RNC dB - 120 RNC dB - 120 RNC None 80 80 Cell ms 64(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) 64 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) cell/s - None IMA group None - None RNC None OPEN OPEN SRB None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None None None Cell(ADD CELLSETUP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None None None Cell(ADD CELLSETUP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None - SINGLE_TPC RNC None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC(ADD MTP3RT,ADD NRNC,ADD CNNODE,ADD MTP3LKS,ADD N7DPC) M3UA(ADD M3DE) Adjacent Node(ADD ADJNODE) None BOTH BOTH PVC None - DRA_AQM_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_BE_EDCH_TTI_RECFG_SWITCH:ON, DRA_BE_RATE_DOWN_BF_HO_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_DCCC_SWITCH:ON, DRA_HSDPA_DL_FLOW_CONTROL_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH:ON, DRA_HSUPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_IU_QOS_RENEG_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH:ON, DRA_PS_NON_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_R99_DL_FLOW_CONTROL_SWITCH:OFF, DRA_THROUGHPUT_DCCC_SWITCH:OFF RNC dB -18 -18 Cell ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC None -(SET DRD) 2(ADD CELLDRD) 2 RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) None - NO RNC ms 60 IP:60; ATM:45 RNC ms 60 IP:60; ATM:45 RNC ms 60 IP:60; ATM:45 RNC ms 60 IP:60; ATM:80 RNC ms 80 80 RNC ms 80 80 RNC None - DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH:ON,DR_RAB_SING_DRD_SWITCH:ON,DR_RAB_COMB_DRD_SWITCH:OFF RNC None - None RNC None - 6 RNC None 6 6 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Link(ADD MPLNK) None - ON RNC None 0(PING IP) -(SET PHBMAP,SET DSCPMAP) 62(ADD SCTPLNK) 0(PING IP) None(SET PHBMAP,SET DSCPMAP) 62(ADD SCTPLNK) Ethernet port(PING IP) RNC(SET DSCPMAP) SCTP(ADD SCTPLNK) Board(SET PHBMAP) None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None E1/T1 None - None IP Route(ADD IPRT) RNC(ADD FLOW,ADD IPRTBIND) None - None IP Route None - None IP Route None - None E1/T1 None - None RNC None - None RNC frame - None RNC slot - None RNC None - None RNC None - Full Ethernet port s - 20 RNC s - 180 RNC None - OFF RNC None - None Cell None CONDITIONALSHUTDOWN CONDITIONALSHUTDOWN Cell None - None RNC ms - 30 RNC None - 4 RNC kbit/s - 8 RNC None - 2 RNC None 1 1 Cell None - None IP Path dB - 500 RNC ms - 100 RNC ms -(SET FRC) 30000(ADD CELLFRC) 30000 RNC(SET FRC) Cell(ADD CELLFRC) dB - 3000 RNC dB - 5000 RNC dB -(SET FRC) 41(ADD CELLFRC) 41 RNC(SET FRC) Cell(ADD CELLFRC) None - None RNC bit 336 336 RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB None D1 D1 RAB None 16 16 RAB None 16 16 RAB None - RATE_8KBPS: not selected RATE_16KBPS: not selected RATE_32KBPS: not selected RATE_64KBPS: not selected RATE_128KBPS: selected RATE_144KBPS: not selected RATE_256KBPS: selected RATE_384KBPS: not selected RATE_608KBPS: selected RATE_1440KBPS: not selected RATE_2048KBPS: not selected RATE_2880KBPS: not selected RATE_5740KBPS: not selected RNC dB - None RAB None - None RAB None - None RAB None 2 2 RAB None 2 2 RAB None - None RNC per cent 20 20 RNC dB 10 10 Cell None - None RNC None - None RNC None - FALSE RNC None - None RNC None - ON RNC None OFF OFF RNC None - OFF RNC None - OCT RNC None - None RNC None - UEA0-1; UEA1-1 RNC min - None Cell min - None Cell min - None Cell None - None RNC None 1 1 Ethernet port s 1 1 Ethernet port None 1 1 Ethernet port None 204800 204800 Ethernet port s 1 1 Ethernet port s 60 60 Ethernet port None 1 1 Cell ms - 5000 RNC ms - 7000 RNC None - 03&00&00 RNC byte D1024 D1024 RAB byte - None RAB ms 50 50 RAB per cent 160 160 RAB per cent 80 80 RAB None - SUN RNC None - LAST RNC None 0.02 0.02 SRB None 0.004 0.004 SRB None Current Current SRB None 100 100 SRB None 0 0 SRB None 0.02 0.02 SRB None 0.004 0.004 SRB None Current Current SRB None 100 100 SRB None 0 0 SRB None 0.02 0.02 SRB None 0.004 0.004 SRB None Current Current SRB None 100 100 SRB None 0 0 SRB None 0.02 0.02 SRB None 0.004 0.004 SRB None Current Current SRB None 100 100 SRB None 0 0 SRB ms - D16000 RNC ms - D5000 RNC None - None Transport channel None - None Cell dB 10(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H) -(SET MSCHFACH,SE T MBMSFACH) 10(ADD CELLMBMSFACH) None(SET MBMSFACH) -30(SET MSCHFACH) Cell(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H) RNC(SET MSCHFACH,SE T MBMSFACH) None REQUIRE REQUIRE Cell dB 0 0 Cell per cent - None RNC per cent - None RNC None - 4 RNC None - It must be consistent with the peer device Ethernet port None 1(ADD ATMLOGICPOR T,ADD UNILNK,ADD IMAGRP,ADD FRALNK) -(ADD PORTFLOWCTR LPARA,SET ETHPORT,SET OPT) 0(ADD IPLOGICPORT, ADD PPPLNK,ADD MPGRP) 1(ADD ATMLOGICPORT,ADD UNILNK,SET OPT,ADD IMAGRP,ADD FRALNK) None(ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA, SET ETHPORT) 0(ADD IPLOGICPORT,ADD PPPLNK,ADD MPGRP) Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) IMA group(ADD IMAGRP) Corresponding optical port(SET OPT) Ethernet port(SET ETHPORT) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK,ADD MPGRP) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) LGC port(ADD IPLOGICPORT, ADD ATMLOGICPOR T) RNC(ADD PORTFLOWCTR LPARA) None 16bit 16bit PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Link, PPP Link(ADD MPLNK) dB - STEPSIZE_1DB RNC None None None Cell(ADD CELLSETUP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None None None Cell(ADD CELLSETUP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) dB - -30 RNC dB - -200 RNC dB - 12 RNC None - None RNC None - CFGMML-RNCX- YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.t xt(EXP CFGMML) None(BKP DB) RNC None - None RNC None - D3 RNC None D3(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) D3 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) None D32 D32 NodeB None ON ON Cell None ON(ADD ATMLOGICPOR T,ADD UNILNK,ADD MPGRP,ADD IPLOGICPORT, ADD IMAGRP,ADD PPPLNK,ADD FRALNK) -(SET ETHPORT,SET OPT) ON Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) Corresponding optical port(SET OPT) PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) IMA group(ADD IMAGRP) LGC port(ADD ATMLOGICPOR T,ADD IPLOGICPORT) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) Ethernet port(SET ETHPORT) None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None This parameter cannot be modified. None - OFF RNC None NO NO IP Path ms 2 2 IP Path byte 256 256 MLPPP Group None - None RNC None - None Fractional link None D128 D128 IMA group None - None Adjacent Node None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC kbit/s 0 0 PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) IMA group(ADD IMAGRP) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) LGC port(ADD IPLOGICPORT) kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 AAL2 Path kbit/s 0 0 IP Path kbit/s 0 0 Transmission resource group kbit/s 0 0 PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) IMA group(ADD IMAGRP) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 AAL2 Path kbit/s 0 0 IP Path kbit/s 0 0 Transmission resource group kbit/s 0 0 PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) IMA group(ADD IMAGRP) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) LGC port(ADD IPLOGICPORT) kbit/s 0 0 LGC port kbit/s 0 0 AAL2 Path kbit/s 0 0 IP Path kbit/s 0 0 Transmission resource group None - None Physical channel None 15 15 Physical channel None - None Ethernet port None - None Cell None DEG DEG RNC per cent 70 70 RNC per cent 70 70 RNC kbit/s WBAMR_BITRA TE_23.85K(ADD CELLAMRCWB) -(SET AMRCWB) WBAMR_BITRATE_23.8 5K Cell(ADD CELLAMRCWB) RNC(SET AMRCWB) kbit/s NBAMR_BITRA TE_12.20K(ADD CELLAMRC) -(SET AMRC) NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20 K Cell(ADD CELLAMRC) RNC(SET AMRC) None OFF OFF Cell min 10 10 Cell None - None Transmission resource group None - None Transmission resource group None - None Cell None - None Cell None - 512 RNC kbit/s - 0 RNC None Mode0 Mode0 RNC ms D50 D50 RAB ms 5000 5000 SCTP None - None RNC s 5 5 Cell None 0 0 Cell(ADD GSMCELL,ADD CELLHCS) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is dual stack or IP, the parameter is AF13; transimssion type is dual stack or Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF13. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF13. RNC None 30 30 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is AF13.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 100 100 RNC per cent 70 70 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF33. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is dual stack or IP, the parameter is AF23; transimssion type is dual stack or Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF23. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF23. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is AF23.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is dual stack or IP, the parameter is AF23; transimssion type is dual stack or Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF23. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF23. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is AF23.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is dual stack or IP, the parameter is AF23; transimssion type is dual stack or Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF23. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF23. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is AF23.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC per cent 15 15 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 50 50 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF33. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 70 70 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF33. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC None 2 2 Cell ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC None SingleHost SingleHost NodeB None - HO_ALGO_HCS_SPEED_EST_SWITCH:OFF, HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH:ON, HO_ALGO_MBMS_FLC_SWITCH:OFF, HO_ALGO_OVERLAY_SWITCH:OFF, HO_INTER_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH:OFF, HO_INTER_FREQ_RPRT_2D2F_SWITCH:ON, HO_INTER_RAT_CS_OUT_SWITCH:ON, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_3G2G_CELLCHG_NACC_SWITCH:OFF, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_3G2G_RELOCATION_SWITCH:OFF, HO_INTER_RAT_PS_OUT_SWITCH:ON, HO_INTER_RAT_RNC_SERVICE_HO_SWITCH:OFF, HO_INTRA_FREQ_DETSET_INTO_ACTSET_SWITCH:ON, HO_INTRA_FREQ_DETSET_RPRT_SWITCH:ON, HO_INTRA_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH:ON, HO_INTRA_FREQ_RPRT_1J_SWITCH:OFF, HO_INTRA_FREQ_RPRT_6F6G_SWITCH:OFF, HO_INTRA_FREQ_SOFT_HO_SWITCH:ON, HO_MC_MEAS_BEYOND_UE_CAP_SWITCH:OFF, HO_MC_NCELL_COMBINE_SWITCH:ON, HO_MC_SIGNAL_IUR_INTRA_SWITCH:OFF, HO_MC_SIGNAL_SWITCH:OFF, HO_MC_SNA_RESTRICTION_SWITCH:OFF RNC dB -16 -16 Cell dB -92 -92 Cell ms - 5000 RNC None - None RNC None - 100 RNC per cent 30 30 Cell None - TRUE RNC None - 50 RNC None - 100 RNC None - 5 RNC None - 5 RNC None - 100 RNC None - 90 RNC None - 100 RNC per cent 70 70 Cell kbit/s - None RNC None 0 0 Cell bit 336 336 RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB bit - None RAB None D1 D1 RAB None - None RNC None E_F_DPCH_OFF E_F_DPCH_OFF Cell None - MIMO RNC None - None Cell dB 0 0 Cell s - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None 5 5 Cell None 5 5 Cell None 1 1 Cell dB 2.5dB 2.5dB Cell None None None Cell(ADD CELLSETUP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None - None RNC None 4 4 Cell ms - D100 RNC ms - D50 RNC ms - D100 RNC ms - D50 RNC None - 100 RNC kbit/s - D5760 RNC None MBR MBR NodeB None - BasedOnUECap RNC None - 50 RNC None - RATE_UP_AND_DOWN_ON_EDCH RNC per cent 100 100 Cell per cent 100 100 Cell kbit/s - D256 RNC None - 100 RNC per cent 100 100 Cell None - 5 RNC None - 100 RNC None - 90 RNC None - 100 RNC kbit/s - None RNC per cent 50 50 Cell per cent 70 70 Cell None 0 0 Cell None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is dual stack or IP, the parameter is AF13; transimssion type is dual stack or Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF13. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF13. RNC None 30 30 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is AF13.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 100 100 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF33. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 70 70 RNC None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is dual stack or IP, the parameter is AF23; transimssion type is dual stack or Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF23. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF23. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is AF23.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is dual stack or IP, the parameter is AF23; transimssion type is dual stack or Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF23. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF23. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is AF23.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is dual stack or IP, the parameter is AF23; transimssion type is dual stack or Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF23. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF23. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is UBR; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is AF23.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC None OPEN OPEN SRB per cent 80 80 SRB per cent 10 10 SRB None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC None - None RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 15 15 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 50 50 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF33. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC per cent 70 70 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC dB 0(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 0(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 8(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 8 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 8(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 8 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 8(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 8 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 8(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 8 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB/ dBm 4(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) 4 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB 6(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV) 6 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV) dB/ dBm 4(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) 4 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB/ dBm 4(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) 4 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB 4(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 4 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dB 0(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,SET INTERRATHON COV) dB 0(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dB/ dBm 0(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) s - 720 RNC s - 90 RNC byte 64 64 IP Path None - None RNC None - None Cell None ALLOWED ALLOWED Cell dB 2 2 Cell dB - 2 Cell dB 0 0 Cell dB 0 0 Cell dB 127 127 Cell dB 127 127 Cell s D320 D320 Cell ms - UNI: 15000  NNI: 500 SAAL s - 30 RNC ms - 20000 RNC None - None IMA group(ADD IMALNK,ADD IMAGRP) Fractional link(ADD FRALNK) None - None IMA group None - None IMA group(ADD IMALNK) IMA link(STR IMATST) None V1.1 IMA protocol Version 1.1 IMA group None - OFF RNC None - DCH RNC kbit/s 32 32 Cell None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC kbit/s - D32 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC kbit/s 512 512 Cell None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None OPEN OPEN SRB None - None RNC ms 1500 1500 SAAL None - UIA1-1 RNC kbit/s 32 32 Cell kbit/s 512 512 Cell None - CSAMR_INTERFREQ:OFF, CSNONAMR_INTERFREQ:OFF, PSR99_INTERFREQ:OFF, PSHSPA_INTERFREQ:OFF Cell dB -16 -16 Cell dB -14(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -14 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -95(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -95 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB -12(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -12 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -92 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) None 80 80 Cell None D3(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) For low speed(5km/h):Range is D4~D6, the recommended value is D5; for middle speed(50km/h):Range is D3~D4, the recommended value is D4; for high speed(120km/h):Range is D2~D4, the recommended value is D2; universal value:Range is D3~D6, the recommended value is D3.(SET INTERFREQHOCOV,AD D CELLINTERFREQHOCO V) D3(ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ, SET INTERFREQHONCOV,A DD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV) Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) None INTER_FREQ_COV INTER_FREQ_COV Cell dB -14(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -14 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -95(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -95 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB -12(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -12 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -92 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) None INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT Cell None CPICH_EC/NO CPICH_EC/NO Cell s 60(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) 3(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ) 60(SET INTERFREQHONCOV,A DD CELLINTERFREQHONC OV,SET INTERFREQHOCOV,AD D CELLINTERFREQHOCO V) 3(ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ ) Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) None - OFF Sub System dB - -16 RNC dB -14(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -14 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -95(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -95 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB -12(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -12 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -92 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) None SIMINTERFREQRAT SIMINTERFREQRAT Cell None PERIODICAL_R EPORTING(AD D CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) EVENT_TRIGGE R(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ) PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG(SET INTERFREQHOCOV,AD D CELLINTERFREQHOCO V) EVENT_TRIGGER(ADD CELLMBDRINTERFREQ ) Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) None 255 255 Cell None 80 80 Cell None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - CSAMR_INTERRAT:OFF RNC dB -14(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -14 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm -100(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -100 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dB -12(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -12 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm -97(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -97 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) None 80 80 RNC None D3(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV,SET INTERRATHOC OV) D3 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV,SET INTERRATHOC OV) None 16(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) 16 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV) None - YES RNC dBm 21 21 RNC None - DRD RNC dB -15(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -15 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm -110(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -110 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dB -13(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -13 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm -107(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -107 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) s 60(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV,SET INTERRATHOC OV) 3(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT) 60(SET INTERRATHONCOV,AD D CELLINTERRATHONCO V,SET INTERRATHOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV ) 3(ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT) Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV,SET INTERRATHOC OV) None - OFF Sub System dBm 21(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) 21 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV) dBm 21(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) 21 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV) ms D1000(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) D1000 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) None 3(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV,SET INTERRATHOC OV) 3 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV,SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm 0(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) s 0(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dB -15(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -15 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm -110(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -110 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dB -13(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -13 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm -107(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) -107 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) None PERIODICAL_R EPORTING(AD D CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) EVENT_TRIGGE R(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT) PERIODICAL_REPORTI NG(SET INTERRATHOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV ) EVENT_TRIGGER(ADD CELLMBDRINTERRAT) Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) None 255 255 Cell None 80 80 RNC s 1 1 RNC dB -24(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) -24 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dBm -115(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) -115 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) None D3 D3 Cell s - 1800 RNC None REQUIRE REQUIRE Cell None CPICH_EC/NO( ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) CPICH_EC/NO Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) None - OFF Sub System dB - 12 RNC dB 6(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 6 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 6(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 6 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 6(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 6 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB - 18 RNC dB 12(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 12 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 12(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 12 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) dB 12(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 12 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) ms - 60000 RNC None - None IPOA None - None Ethernet port(ADD ETHTRKIP,ADD ETHIP) RNC(ADD IPOAPVC,ADD DEVIP) Global(ACT VCLCC) None - None RNC None - None IP Path None UDP/IP_HC UDP/IP_HC PPP Link None UDP/IP_HC UDP/IP_HC MLPPP Group, PPP Link None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None NodeB None - None Ethernet port None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NOT_BARRED NOT_BARRED Cell None NO NO Ethernet port None - None Transmission resource group None FALSE FALSE NodeB None YES YES RNC None - None IP path None - None Adjacent Node None - None RNC(ADD ADJMAP,ADD TRMMAP) IP Path(ADD IPPATH) s - 1 RNC None 1 1 NodeB None 1 1 NodeB s - 300 RNC s - 300 RNC None OFF OFF RNC None - TRUE RNC None OFF OFF RNC None OFF OFF RNC None - None RAB None IUCS_IUPS IUCS_IUPS RNC None - 16 byte Corresponding optical port None - SBS 155 Corresponding optical port None - 16 byte Corresponding optical port None - SBS 155 Corresponding optical port None - 16 byte Corresponding optical port None - SBS 155 Corresponding optical port None - 16 byte Corresponding optical port None - SBS 155 Corresponding optical port None - None Optical Port None - None Optical Port None - None Optical Port None - None Optical Port None - None Port ms - UNI: 2000  NNI: 100 SAAL None - None Ethernet port None - D1 RNC None - ON RNC None - None RNC(ADD LASNAMAP,AD D CZ,ADD NRNCCELL,AD D SAC,ADD QUICKCELLSET UP,ADD CELLSETUP,AD D RAC,ADD LAC) Cell(ADD GSMCELL) None - None RNC None - None RNC ms 2 2 LGC port None 4 4 LGC port ms 25 25 LGC port None 3 3 LGC port None 8 8 LGC port None - None RNC None - 32 RNC None -(SET DRD) UserNumber(AD D CELLDRD) UserNumber RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) per cent -(SET DRD) 35(ADD CELLDRD) 35 RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) per cent -(SET DRD) 100(ADD CELLDRD) 100 RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) per cent - 10 RNC per cent - 10 RNC None -(SET DRD) OFF(ADD CELLDRD) OFF RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) None -(SET DRD) OFF(ADD CELLDRD) OFF RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) per cent - 30 RNC None - NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH:disabled. LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH:disabled. LC_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH:disabled. RNC None FALSE FALSE Cell per cent 13 13 Cell None - IUBLDR RNC None - UULDR RNC s - 10 RNC None - CREDITLDR RNC None - CODELDR RNC None - None RNC None - None Adjacent Node None - None Adjacent Node None - None Adjacent Node None - None RNC(ADD M3LE) M3UA(ADD M3DE) None - ON RNC None 0 0 Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Board None - None Board None - None RNC None - D8 RNC kbit/s - D64 RNC None - None SRB None - None E1T1 link None - None E1/T1 link(SET E1T1LOP) Cell(LOP E1T1) E1T1 Link(STR E1T1TST) E1T1 link(SET E1T1) Optical Port(SET COPTLNK) None M3UA_MASTER_MOD M3UA_MASTER_MOD RNC None B1111 B1111 RNC None - E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAMEE1T1 link None - None Communication Link(ACT VCLCC) VCL(LOP VCL) None - None RNC None - None MLPPP Group, MLPPP Link None - None Ethernet port None - None NodeB None - None SCTP None - None SCTP None - None SCTP None - None RNC None - None SCTP None - None SCTP None - None SCTP None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None E1/T1 link(SET E1T1LOP) Loopback optical port(SET OPTLOP) None 1 1 LGC port None - None RNC None - None LGC port(ADD IPLOGICPORT) IP Path(ADD IPPATH) None - None LGC port None - None IP Path None - None LGC port None - ALL E1T1 link None - ALL Optical Port None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - 2905 The SCTP links of all the subracks, which work as the server and whose upper layer is M3UA None - 1 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC byte - None RNC byte - None RNC None - None Ethernet port(PING MAC,ACT ETHCC,ADD ETHMEP,ADD ETHMA) RNC(TRC MAC) None SAAL SAAL NodeB None - None Ethernet port None - MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2MS_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_INTER_RAT_PS_IN_CHANLE_LIMIT_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_PS_BE_ON_E_FACH_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_E_FACH_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_HSDPA_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_PS_STREAM_ON_HSUPA_SWITCH:OFF, MAP_SRB_6800_WHEN_RAB_ON_HSDSCH_SWITCH:OFF RNC None - None UE None - None RNC None - None PPP Link None - None MLPPP Group, MLPPP Link None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port dBm 24(ADD CELLSELRESEL ) -(ADD NRNCCELL) 24(ADD CELLSELRESEL) None(ADD NRNCCELL) Cell(ADD CELLSELRESEL ) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None FALSE FALSE RNC m - None Cell m - None Cell None 10 When the application type is NBAP, the recommended value is 10; when the application type is M3UA, the recommended value is 4. SCTP None 1 1 Cell None 1 1 RNC bit/s - None RAB bit/s - None RAB kbit/s - None LGC port None - 150 RNC None - 100 RNC None 4 4 SAAL None 3(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 3 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) None D15 D15 Transport channel dB - 49 RNC None - 3 RNC None - None RAB None 48 48 Cell dB 10 10 Transport channel byte 1031 1031 IP Path None - 16 RNC None 64 64 Cell None 20 20 Cell None - 3 RNC byte 256(ADD PPPLNK) -(ADD MPGRP) 256(ADD PPPLNK) None(ADD MPGRP) PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) None 1 1 NodeB None 0 0 SAAL None 5 When the application type is NBAP, the recommended value is 5; when the application type is M3UA, the recommended value is 2. SCTP dBm 346 346 Cell None - UNI: 25  NNI: 500 SAAL s - 5 RNC byte 64(ADD PPPLNK) -(ADD MPGRP) 64(ADD PPPLNK) None(ADD MPGRP) PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MPGRP, PPPLNK(ADD MPGRP) per cent 75 75 Cell h 12 12 RNC dBm 430 430 Cell dBm 24 24 Cell dBm 24 24 Cell dBm 24 24 Cell dBm 24 24 Cell None 1 1 Cell None FALSE FALSE Cell None 0 0 Cell None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None RNC None - 100 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None COMMON COMMON Cell None 1 1 Cell min - 2 RNC None - OFF RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None TRUE TRUE Cell None 1 1 Cell None - OFF RNC kbit/s - D16 RNC None - None Cell(ADD CELLMBMSSA) RNC(ADD SAMBMSPARA, ADD MBMSSA) None - None RNC None - ON RNC kbit/s - None RNC None PTM(ADD SAMBMSPARA, ADD CELLMBMSPA RA) -(SET RNCMBMSPAR A) PTM Cell(ADD CELLMBMSPA RA) RNC(SET RNCMBMSPAR A,ADD SAMBMSPARA) byte - 1000 SAALLNK/AAL2PATH/IPOAPVC/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index None - None RNC(SET MBMSPERF,AD D IMSISNAMAP,A DD LASNAMAP,AD D CNOPERATOR) Cell(ADD GSMCELL) None - 3 RNC None - 7 RNC None - 1 RNC None - None MLPPP Group None - None SAALLNK/AAL2PATH/IPOAPVC/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index None - None Ethernet port None - None Ethernet port None AUTO(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) AUTO Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) None - None Ethernet port None - None Ethernet port None - None Ethernet port None LONG LONG MLPPP Group, MLPPP Link None - None Cell dB -7 -7 Cell None FALSE FALSE Cell kbit/s - None LGC port None D14 D14 Transport channel None SF8 SF8 NodeB dB - 21 RNC min - None Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) min - None Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) min - None Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) min - None RNC min - None RNC min - None RNC min - None RNC min - None RNC min - None RNC min - None RNC min - None Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None 1 1 IMA group dBm 313 313 Cell ms 100 100 Ethernet port ms 100 100 Ethernet port None SF4 SF4 NodeB None 8 8 Transport channel None - None RNC(SET MBMSPERF,AD D IMSISNAMAP,A DD LASNAMAP,AD D CNOPERATOR) Cell(ADD GSMCELL) None - COMM_MOCN_NRI_GLOBAL_CONFIG_MODE_SWITCH:ON, COMM_MIB_MULTI_PLMN_LIST_ALLOWED_SWITCH:ON RNC None - NO RNC None - OFF RNC None - None Port None - AUTO RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None SCTP ms - 10000 RNC ms - 10000 RNC ms 1000 1000 RAB s - 60 RNC None - None RNC None - None MLPPP Group, MLPPP Link(ADD MPGRP) RNC(ADD MPLNK) None MPS_NEUTRAL MPS_NEUTRAL SAAL None MCPPP MCPPP MLPPP Group, MLPPP Link None - None Board s - D12 RNC None - OFF Cell None - OFF RNC None - TRAFFIC_AMR: not selected TRAFFIC_VP: not selected TRAFFIC_BE: not selected TRAFFIC_OTHER: not selected RNC None - OFF RNC None - OFF RNC None - None Cell None OFF OFF Cell None - None MSP protect group None 60 60 Cell None 40 40 Cell per cent 80(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H) -(SET MBMSFACH) 80 Cell(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H) RNC(SET MBMSFACH) per cent 50(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H) -(SET MBMSFACH) 50 Cell(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H) RNC(SET MBMSFACH) kbit/s - D16 RNC None - FALSE RNC None 20 20 Cell None 16 16 Cell None - None Cell None MET MET RNC byte -(SET ETHPORT) 1500(ADD SCTPLNK) 1500 Ethernet port(SET ETHPORT) SCTP(ADD SCTPLNK) ls 1000(ADD PPPLNK) -(ADD MPGRP) 1000(ADD PPPLNK) None(ADD MPGRP) PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) None - None Ethernet port None 100 100 SAAL None - 3 RNC None - 3 RNC None - 3 RNC None - 1 RNC None - D1 RNC None - D50 RNC None - D1 RNC None - D1 RNC None - None RNC(ADD OPC,ADD N7DPC,ADD M3RT,ADD M3LNK,ADD M3LKS,ADD M3LE,ADD MTP3LKS,ADD MTP3RT) Adjacent Node(ADD ADJNODE) MTP3(ADD MTP3LNK) M3UA(ADD M3DE) frame 0 0 Transport channel frame 0 0 Transport channel None - 20 RNC None - 58080 The SCTP links of all the subracks, which work as the server and whose upper layer is NBAP None - None RNC None - None RNC None - 20 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell None NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY Cell None ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ON_LCG ALGORITHM_DEPEND_ON_LCG Cell None - None Cell None - PRIORITY2&PRIORITY3&PRIORITY4&PRIORITY5&PRIORITY6 RNC None - ALGORITHM_OFF RNC None - 60 RNC None - None RNC None - None Cell None - None Cell per cent 20 20 Cell None - None RNC None NC0 NC0 Cell None 4(ADD SAMBMSPARA, ADD CELLMBMSPA RA) -(SET RNCMBMSPAR A) 4 Cell(ADD CELLMBMSPA RA) RNC(SET RNCMBMSPAR A,ADD SAMBMSPARA) None - ON RNC None 8 8 Cell None DIRECT_CONNECT DIRECT_CONNECT RNC None - None RNC None - None IP Route(ADD IPRT) RNC(ADD IPRTBIND) None 15(ADD CELLHCSHO) -(SET HCSHO) 15 Cell(ADD CELLHCSHO) RNC(SET HCSHO) None - None RNC None 5 5 Cell None MODE2 MODE2 RNC s - 3 RNC None - None NodeB None 3840 3840 NodeB None 3840 3840 NodeB None - None NodeB(ADD NODEB) Adjacent Node(ADD ADJNODE) Cell(SET MRSCOPECTRL ) RNC(STR NODEBDETECT ,ADD NODEBESN,AD D NODEBIP) None - None NodeB None - None NodeB None - None NodeB(STR NODEBBWRPT, ADD NODEBOLC,AD D IPDL,ADD NODEBALGOP ARA,ADD NODEBLDR,AD D NODEB) (ADD CCP,ADD NCP,ADD LOCELL,ADD NBNODESYNC MONPARA) Cell(ADD QUICKCELLSET UP,ADD CELLSETUP) None R7 R7 NodeB min 30 30 NodeB None PERIOD PERIOD NodeB None - None NodeB None - None NodeB None - None NodeB None NORMAL NORMAL NodeB min - None NodeB s - None NodeB None - None Adjacent Node None - PICO_TYPE1 NodeB None NOT_CONFIGURED NOT_CONFIGURED Cell per cent 0 0 Cell None 50 50 Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell None FALSE FALSE Cell None 3(ADD SAMBMSPARA, ADD CELLMBMSPA RA) -(SET RNCMBMSPAR A) 3 Cell(ADD CELLMBMSPA RA) RNC(SET RNCMBMSPAR A,ADD SAMBMSPARA) None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Services carried on the network element with the specific ATM address.(ADD AAL2RT) NodeB(ADD NODEB) None 3(ADD CELLHCSHO) -(SET HCSHO) 3 Cell(ADD CELLHCSHO) RNC(SET HCSHO) None - None RNC None - 2(SET DSACAUTOALGO) None(ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA) RNC per cent 0(ADD IPLOGICPORT, ADD MPGRP,ADD PPPLNK) -(SET ETHPORT) 0(ADD IPLOGICPORT,ADD MPGRP,ADD PPPLNK) None(SET ETHPORT) OMCH(ADD PPPLNK) Ethernet port(SET ETHPORT) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) LGC port(ADD IPLOGICPORT) None - None Port Queue None - None Port Queue dB 4 4 Cell dB -4 -4 Cell dB 4 4 Cell dB -4 -4 Cell dB 2 2 Cell dB -2 -2 Cell ms - 3000 RNC None - None RNC None - None RAB None - None Optical Port None - R5_PosData_SWITCH RNC None - None Corresponding optical port degree - None Cell None Step_by_Step Step_by_Step RNC None ACTIVE ACTIVE Cell None - UE_ASSISTED RNC None NOT_FORBIDDENNOT_FORBIDDEN RNC None LOCAL LOCAL AAL2 Path None YES YES Services carried on the network element with the specific ATM address. None DISABLED DISABLED IP Path None - None AAL2 Path(LOP VCL,ADD AAL2PATH) AAL2PATH(AC T VCLCC) None - None IP Path(ADD IPPATHBIND,A DD IPPATH) IP path(ACT IPPM) None - QOS IP Path None - None RNC dB -20 -20 Transport channel dBm 330 330 Cell dB 2 2 Cell None - None SAALLNK/AAL2PATH/IPOAPVC/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index None - PC_AMR_MODE_INDUCE_BLER_ALTER_SWITCH:OFF, PC_DL_INNER_LOOP_PC_ACTIVE_SWITCH:ON, PC_DOWNLINK_POWER_BALANCE_SWITCH:ON, PC_EFACH_ECN0_DYN_ADJ_SWITCH:OFF, PC_FP_MULTI_RLS_IND_SWITCH:ON, PC_HSUPA_HARQNUM_AUTO_ADJUST_SWITCH:OFF, PC_HSUPA_PO_UPDATE_SWITCH:OFF, PC_INNER_LOOP_LMTED_PWR_INC_SWITCH:OFF, PC_OLPC_SWITCH:ON, PC_RL_RECFG_SIR_TARGET_CARRY_SWITCH:OFF, PC_SIG_DCH_OLPC_SWITCH:OFF, PC_UL_SIRERR_HIGH_REL_UE_SWITCH:OFF RNC s 5 5 RNC ms 1000 1000 Ethernet port byte 128 128 Ethernet port None - None Cell None - None RNC None - None MLPPP Group, MLPPP Link None - None Ethernet port None - None SCTP None - None SCTP None - None RNC(ADD IPOAPVC) IPOA(LOP VCL) Global(ACT VCLCC) None - None IP Path None Invalid Invalid Cell None IP Path None - None NodeB None - None SCTP None - None NodeB None - None IPoA PVC s 30(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV,SET INTERRATHOC OV) 30 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV,SET INTERRATHOC OV) s 30 30 Cell ms D4000 D4000 RAB ms D4000 D4000 RAB None 1 1 RAB None 1 1 RAB s 5 5 IP Path ms 1(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) 1 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) ms 4(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV) 4 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV) ms 1(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 1 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) ms 4(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) 4 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV) None D16(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D16 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) None D16(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D16 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) None D64(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D64 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) None - 150 RNC None - None Physical channel None Enable Enable PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Link, PPP Link(ADD MPLNK) None - None IP path None - None Board None -(ADD FACH,ADD PICH,ADD PCH,ADD SCCPCHTFC,AD D SCCPCHBASIC) 3(ADD PCCPCH) 6(ADD AICH) 4(ADD PRACHBASIC,A DD PRACHTFC,AD D PRACHASC,AD D PRACHSLOTFO RMAT,ADD PRACHACTOAS CMAP,ADD RACH) 2(ADD PCPICH) 0(ADD PSCH) 1(ADD SSCH) None(ADD FACH,ADD PRACHACTOASCMAP,A DD PCH,ADD SCCPCHTFC,ADD PCCPCH,ADD SCCPCHBASIC) 6(ADD AICH) 4(ADD PRACHBASIC,ADD PRACHTFC,ADD PRACHASC,ADD PRACHSLOTFORMAT,A DD RACH) 2(ADD PCPICH) 8(ADD PICH) 0(ADD PSCH) 1(ADD SSCH) Physical channel(ADD SSCH,ADD PSCH,ADD PRACHBASIC,A DD PRACHTFC,AD D FACH,ADD PICH,ADD PRACHASC,AD D PRACHSLOTFO RMAT,ADD PCH,ADD SCCPCHTFC,AD D PCPICH,ADD RACH,ADD AICH,ADD PCCPCH,ADD SCCPCHBASIC) Cell(ADD PRACHACTOAS CMAP) None - None Cell None 10 10 Physical channel None V36 V36 Physical channel dB -7 -7 Cell None - None Ethernet port None 10 10 RNC byte 128 128 RNC byte 128 128 Ethernet port byte 56 56 Ethernet port byte 128 128 Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None RNC ms 10 10 LGC port per mill 30 30 LGC port ms 1 1 IP path None - None Ethernet port(ADD ETHIP,ADD ETHREDPORT, ACT ETHPORT,SET ETHPORT) Port(SET MSP,SET MSPCMD) RNC(SWP ETHPORT,CLR MSPREP) Loopback optical port(SET OPTLOP) Optical port(ACT MSP) Corresponding optical port(SET OPT) Optical Port(SET COPTLNK) LGC port(ADD IPLOGICPORT) NodeB(ADD CCP) None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None Ethernet port None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None SRB None - None RNC None - None RNC ms - 50 RNC ms - UNI: 750  NNI: 100 SAAL None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port None CLOSE CLOSE SRB None CLOSE CLOSE SRB None CLOSE CLOSE SRB None CLOSE CLOSE SRB None CLOSE CLOSE SRB None CLOSE CLOSE SRB dB - In signaling transmission mode, set PowerOffsetPpm to -3; in service transmission mode, set PowerOffsetPpm to -2. Physical channel dB 2 2 Physical channel None - None RNC None - None LGC port None - None PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Link(ADD MPLNK) None Enable Enable PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Group, PPP Link(ADD MPGRP) None - None RNC None 4 4 Physical channel ms D500(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) D500 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) None 20 20 Physical channel None - SIGNATURE0, SIGNATURE1, SIGNATURE2, SIGNATURE3, SIGNATURE4, SIGNATURE5, SIGNATURE6, SIGNATURE7 Physical channel None - OFF RNC None - ON RNC None HIGH HIGH Cell None - None IP Route None 0 0 MTP3(ADD MTP3LNK) Priority for the link(ADD M3LNK) None 0 0 RNC(ADD MTP3RT) The route to the specific M3DE decides the sequence.(ADD M3RT) None - ARP RNC None 1 1 RNC None 1 1 RNC None 1 1 RNC None 1 1 RNC None 1 1 RNC min - None RNC None - None RNC None ITUT ITUT RNC s - 20 RNC s - 20 RNC s - 20 RNC s - 20 RNC s - 20 RNC None - None Corresponding optical port None CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_RELOC CORRM_SRNSR_PSBE_RELOC RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF13.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF13.  When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is AF13. RNC None 30 30 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF13; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF13. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 100 100 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC dB -50 -50 Physical channel per cent 70 70 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF43.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43.  When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is AF43. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF43. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 70 70 RNC None - None Cell None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC per cent 60(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) 60 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHON COV) s - 20 RNC s - 20 RNC s - 20 RNC s - 20 RNC s - 20 RNC None - OFF RNC s - 900 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is AF33. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF33; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF33. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is NULL. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is AF33. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF33; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF33. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is NULL. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF33.  When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is AF33. RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF33; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF33. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC None 30 30 RNC None 100 100 RNC None - SUPP_NONE RNC None - None RNC None - 30 RNC None - 100 RNC None - 90 RNC None - 200 RNC None - TRUE(SET DSACAUTOALGO) None(ADD CELLDSACMANUALPA RA) RNC None OFF OFF Cell per cent 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is AF43.  When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is AF43.  When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is AF43. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is AF43; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQAF43. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-PS, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 100 100 RNC None - PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_RATE_ACCESS_SWITCH:OFF, PS_BE_INIT_RATE_DYNAMIC_CFG_SWITCH:OFF,PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH:OFF,PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH:ON, PS_RSC_FEEDBK_RABSETUP_CACFAIL_SWITCH:OFF, PS_STREAM_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH:OFF, PS_BE_STRICT_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH:OFF RNC kbit/s - None RNC None - None SRB None - None RNC None - None RNC None - ON RNC None - OFF RNC None - ON RNC None - None Ethernet port None - 32 RNC s - 1800 RNC s - 10 RNC None - ALGORITHM1 RNC None - None Port Queue None - None Port Queue None - None Port Queue None - None Port Queue None - None Port Queue None CS2 CS2 Adjacent Node None 20 20 Cell(ADD GSMCELL,ADD CELLHCS) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) dB 255 255 Cell dB 255 255 Cell dB 255 255 Cell dB 255 255 Cell dB 0 0 Cell dB -18(ADD CELLSELRESEL ) -(ADD NRNCCELL) -18(ADD CELLSELRESEL) None(ADD NRNCCELL) Cell(ADD CELLSELRESEL ) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None FALSE FALSE RNC dBm -50 -50 Cell dBm -58(ADD CELLSELRESEL ) -(ADD NRNCCELL) -58(ADD CELLSELRESEL) None(ADD NRNCCELL) Cell(ADD CELLSELRESEL ) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None FALSE FALSE Cell(ADD CELLSELRESEL ) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None FALSE FALSE RNC None CPICH_ECNO CPICH_ECNO Cell None - OFF RNC None - 5 RNC None - None RAB(ADD TYPRABOLPC) (ADD TYPRABBASIC, ADD TYPRABHSPA, ADD TYPRABRLC,A DD TYPRABDCCC MC) RNC(ADD TYPRABQUALI TYMEAS) s - 5 RNC None - None RNC(ADD NRNCCELL,AD D QUICKCELLSET UP,ADD CELLSETUP,AD D RAC) Cell(ADD GSMCELL) None - SELECT ALL Physical channel ms - 30000 RNC None - NO RNC None - None Cell ms - 120000 RNC None 230(ADD PCH,ADD FACH) 1(ADD RACH) 230(ADD PCH,ADD FACH) 1(ADD RACH) Transport channel ms 5000 5000 Cell per cent 68 68 Cell ms 3000 3000 Cell None - None RNC None - None RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC per cent 96 96 LGC port s - 6 RNC per cent 130 130 Cell per cent 30 30 LGC port None - None Board None -(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION,SET REDIRECTION, SET DRD) DependOnNCell( ADD CELLDRD) DependOnNCell(ADD CELLDRD,SET DRD) None(ADD CELLREDIRECTION,SET REDIRECTION) RNC(SET REDIRECTION, SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION,ADD CELLDRD) per cent - AMR:100; Other:0(SET REDIRECTION) AMR:100;Other:0(ADD CELLREDIRECTION) RNC(SET REDIRECTION) Cell(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION) per cent - 0 RNC(SET REDIRECTION) Cell(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION) None - None RNC(SET REDIRECTION) Cell(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION) None - None RNC(SET REDIRECTION, SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION,ADD CELLDRD) None - None RNC(SET REDIRECTION, SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION,ADD CELLDRD) None - None RNC(SET REDIRECTION, SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION,ADD CELLDRD) None - None board None - None board None - None board None - None board None - ON RNC None - REHOSTRIGHNOW RNC ms - 3000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 10000 RNC ms - 15000 RNC ms - 20000 RNC ms - 3000 RNC ms - 45000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 10000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC dB - 2 RNC None - None IP Route(ADD IPRT) SAALLNK/AAL 3PATH/IPOAPV C/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index(ADD ATMTRF) None - None RNC None - 0 RNC s - 300 RNC ms D4000(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D4000 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) ms D4000(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D4000 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) ms D1000(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D1000 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) None - None RAB None - RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT6:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT8:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT10:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT12:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT17:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT19:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT21:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT26:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT30:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31:OFF, RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT32:OFF RNC None - RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT1:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT2:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT3:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT4:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT5:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT6:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT7:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT8:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT9:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT10:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT11:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT12:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT13:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT14:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT15:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT16:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT17:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT18:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT19:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT20:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT21:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT22:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT23:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT24:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT25:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT26:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT27:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT28:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT29:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT30:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT31:ON, RESERVED_SWITCH_1_BIT32:ON RNC None - 0 RNC None - 4294967295 RNC None - 0 RNC None - 255 RNC ms - 5000 RNC s 3 3 PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) MLPPP Link, PPP Link(ADD MPLNK) None - None RNC None 1 1 RAB None - SRB_OVER_HSDPA:ON, SRB_OVER_HSUPA:ON, TTI_2MS:ON, MIMO:ON, 64QAM:ON, L2_ENHANCE:ON, DTX_DRX:ON, HSSCCH_LESS_OPERATION:ON RNC None - None RAB bit - None Transport channel dB - None Cell dB - None Cell ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC None - None RNC(ADD GPS,ADD RNCBASIC,RST IUR,ADD GSMNCELL,AD D INTERFREQNC ELL,ADD INTRAFREQNC ELL,ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) Cell(ADD SMLCCELL) (RST RNC) None - None Subsystem None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC per cent 20 20 LGC port None - None RNC None - 200 RNC None - 90 RNC s - 4 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 350 RNC ms - 1000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC None - None AAL2 Path None - None AAL2 Path None - None IP Path None SHARE SHARE NodeB None - None LGC port(ADD ATMLOGICPOR T,ADD IPLOGICPORT) Transmission resource group(ADD RSCGRP) None - None RNC ms - UNI: 15000  NNI: 1500 SAAL None - None RNC None OFF OFF RNC None - 2 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Cell(ADD CELLALGOSWI TCH) NodeB(ADD NODEBALGOP ARA) RNC(SET CACALGOSWIT CH) None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - 0 RNC None - 0 RNC None - 0 RNC None - 0 RNC None - 0 RNC None - 0 RNC None - 0 RNC None 0 0 RNC None 0 0 RNC None - None RNC None 0(ADD NODEBALGOP ARA,ADD CELLALGOSWI TCH) -(SET CACALGOSWIT CH) 0(ADD NODEBALGOPARA,AD D CELLALGOSWITCH) None(SET CACALGOSWITCH) Cell(ADD CELLALGOSWI TCH) NodeB(ADD NODEBALGOP ARA) RNC(SET CACALGOSWIT CH) None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None 0(ADD NODEBALGOP ARA,ADD CELLALGOSWI TCH) -(SET CACALGOSWIT CH) 0(ADD NODEBALGOPARA,AD D CELLALGOSWITCH) None(SET CACALGOSWITCH) Cell(ADD CELLALGOSWI TCH) NodeB(ADD NODEBALGOP ARA) RNC(SET CACALGOSWIT CH) None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - 0 RNC None - None RNC None - 0 RNC None - None Port None 4294967295 4294967295 RNC None - 1 RNC s - 180 RNC s - 180 RNC None - OFF RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC s - 180 RNC s - 180 RNC ms - D16000 RNC byte - D64 RNC ms - D5000 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC byte - D1024 RNC ms - D0 RNC per cent 12 12 SCTP per cent 25 25 SCTP ms 1000 1000 SCTP ms 3000 3000 SCTP ms 1000 1000 SCTP None - None Services carried on the network element with the specific ATM address. kbit/s 5 5 LGC port ms 5 5 LGC port kbit/s - None LGC port kbit/s - None IP Path kbit/s - None Transmission resource group None - None SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) RNC(ADD VPCLCX) IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) chip - 1172 RNC chip - 876 RNC None - None SAAL None - None SAAL None - None SAAL None - None Adjacent Node(ADD ADJNODE) MTP3(ADD MTP3LNK) None - None SAAL ms - None MTP3B None - None RNC None False False NodeB chip 50 50 Physical channel None - None Cell None - None SAALLNK/AAL2PATH/IPOAPVC/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index None - None Physical channel None - None E1T1 link(SET E1T1) Corresponding optical port(SET OPT) None - None SCTP(ADD NCP,ADD CCP,ADD SCTPLNK) RNC(ADD M3LNK) None - None RNC None - DISABLE Port None - None Port None - None NodeB None ALL ALL RNC None MBMS service MBMS service Cell None - None RNC None - None PPP Link kbit/s - None Cell(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H,ADD CELLMBMSSCC PCH) RNC(SET MTCH,SET MBMSFACH,SE T MBMSSCCPCH) None -(SET DRD) OFF(ADD CELLDRD) OFF RNC(SET DRD) Cell(ADD CELLDRD) None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Cell(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H,ADD CELLMBMSSCC PCH) RNC(SET MTCH,SET MBMSFACH,SE T MBMSSCCPCH) None - None Adjacent Node None - 10 RNC None - DEDICATED NodeB dB 0 0 Cell None - HO_TO_GSM_SHOULD_NOT_BE_PERFORM RAB None - 3 RNC s - 60 RNC dB -24(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET SMLC,SET INTRAFREQHO) -24(SET INTRAFREQHO,ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO) -20(SET SMLC) Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET SMLC,SET INTRAFREQHO) None - None RNC None TRUE TRUE Cell None FALSE FALSE Cell None - None Cell None - None RNC None - None RNC(ADD M3LNK,ADD M3LKS,ADD M3RT,ADD MTP3RT,ADD MTP3LKS) MTP3(ADD MTP3LNK) None - None RNC None TRUE TRUE Transport channel None - None MTP3 kbit/s WBAMR_BITRA TE_23.85K(ADD CELLAMRCWB) -(SET AMRCWB) WBAMR_BITRATE_23.8 5K Cell(ADD CELLAMRCWB) RNC(SET AMRCWB) kbit/s NBAMR_BITRA TE_12.20K(ADD CELLAMRC) -(SET AMRC) NBAMR_BITRATE_12.20 K Cell(ADD CELLAMRC) RNC(SET AMRC) kbit/s - D3.4 RNC kbit/s - D3.4 RNC None - None Ethernet port per cent 15 15 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 15 15 RNC dB 0 0 Cell None - None Physical channel None 0 0 Physical channel None 1 1 Physical channel None 2 2 Physical channel None 3 3 Physical channel None - None Physical channel None B0000 B0000 RNC None - WEEK RNC None - All RNC None OPEN OPEN SRB None - May RNC None - None Subsystem(ADD CBSADDR) Sub System(SET NCELLDETECT SWITCH) RNC(ADD IURCOMMSCCP ) (ADD NODEB) None - None Cell None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None VCL None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None Subrack(ADD BRD) (CLR BRD) RNC(ULD RSTINFO,STR CPUUSAGETST) None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Subrack(ADD ETHREDPORT, ACT MSP) RNC(SET MSP,SWP ETHPORT,CLR MSPREP,SET MSPCMD) None - None Services carried on this board None - None RNC None - None Optical Port None - None (STR IMATST,ADD PPPLNK) E1/T1 link(SET E1T1LOP) Cell(LOP E1T1) RNC(ADD FLOW,SET BFDPROTOSW, TRC MAC,STR ETHOAMLOOP TST,ADD IPPATHBIND,A DD VLANID,ADD MPLNK,ADD DEVIP,ADD IMAGRP,ADD FRALNK,TRC IPADDR,STR E1T1TST) board(SET CLK) E1/T1(ADD TSCROSS) UNILNK(ADD UNILNK) IMA group(ADD IMALNK) Ethernet port(STR IPCHK,ADD ETHTRKIP,ADD ETHTRKLNK,A DD None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None SAAL None - None Adjacent Node None - None SCTP None - None RNC None - None Board None - None MTP3 None - None RNC None - None RNC None - OFF RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None OFF OFF Cell None WNF WNF RNC None - 100M Ethernet port None 255 255 Cell None - None RNC(ADD SPG) Cell(ADD QUICKCELLSET UP,ADD CELLSETUP) None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port per cent 70 70 Cell per cent 5 5 Cell per cent 45 45 Cell per cent - 90 RNC None - DCH RNC None - FALSE RNC per cent 15 15 RNC kbit/s 32 32 Cell kbit/s 512 512 Cell None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NOCONFIG; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NOCONFIG. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 15 15 RNC None - None E1/T1 None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None Ethernet port(PING MAC) RNC(TRC MAC) None - None RNC None - None E1/T1 min 60 60 SAAL None - None Subsystem(ADD CBSADDR) Sub System(SET NCELLDETECT SWITCH) RNC(ADD IURCOMMSCCP ) (ADD NODEB) None - None RNC(ACT CRC,SET ONLINE,SET OFFLINE,FMT DATA) Cell(SET MRSCOPECTRL ) None - None RNC None - None RNC(ADD RNCCBCPUID,T RC IPADDR,SET DEVPATCHPAR A,ADD FLOW,ACT VCLCC,SET BFDPROTOSW, TRC MAC,STR ETHOAMLOOP TST,ADD IPPATHBIND,A CT FAN,STR IPLOPTST,SET SCUPORT,ADD VLANID,ADD MPLNK,SET ETHPORT,SET OPT,ADD DEVIP,UIN BRD,INH BRD,ADD IMAGRP,ADD FRALNK,SET MSP,SET E1T1,SET QUEUEMAP,SW P ETHPORT,ULD RSTINFO,SET OPTLOP,LOD PATCH,STR E1T1TST,SET E1T1LOP,STR None - None board None - None RNC None - None SAAL None - None Adjacent Node None - None SCTP None - None Transmission resource group None - None RNC None - None Board None - None MTP3 None - None RNC None - YES RNC None - NRT RNC ms - 400 RNC s - 60 RNC s - 5 RNC s - 30 RNC None - SRNSR_DSCR_IUR_RESRCE_SWITCH:OFF, SRNSR_DSCR_LOC_SEPRAT_SWITCH:ON, SRNSR_DSCR_PROPG_DELAY_SWITCH:OFF, SRNSR_DSCR_SEPRAT_DUR_SWITCH:ON RNC s - 60 RNC None - None UE None - None board dB -50 -50 Physical channel per cent - 60 board per cent - 70 board None - None RAB per cent - 80 DSP per cent - 85 DSP dB 0 0 Cell dB 127 127 Cell None - None RNC None - None RNC(ULD RSTINFO,STR CPUUSAGETST, ADD RNCCBCPUID) Cell(SET MRSCOPECTRL ) NodeB(ADD NODEB) None - 03&00&00 RNC None - It is recommended that the service type of signaling link be CBR, the real-time service be CBR or RTVBR, the non-real-time service be NRTVBR, and the OAM data link be UBR_PLUS. SAALLNK/AAL2PATH/IPOAPVC/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index None - 500 RNC None ACTIVE ACTIVE Cell min - None Cell min - None Cell min - None Cell ms - 20000 RNC s 20 20 SCCP None 67 67 SAAL None OFF OFF RNC None - None RNC kbit/s - D16 RNC kbit/s 32 32 Cell kbit/s - D384 RNC kbit/s 512 512 Cell kbit/s - D16 RNC None FALSE(ADD CELLMBMSSCC PCH,ADD PICH,ADD AICH,ADD SCCPCHBASIC) -(SET MBMSSCCPCH) FALSE Physical channel None STTD_not_Suppo rted STTD_not_Supported Cell(ADD CELLSETUP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None - None RAB(ADD TYPRABOLPC) (ADD TYPRABRLC) byte 127 127 IP Path None - None RNC None False False Cell None FALSE FALSE NodeB None FALSE FALSE RNC None FALSE FALSE NodeB None NO NO RNC None - None board None - None RNC None FALSE FALSE Cell None FALSE FALSE NodeB None FALSE FALSE Cell None - None SRB None - SUN RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - OFF RNC None YES YES SCTP None 10 10 SCTP None OFF OFF RNC None 0 0 RNC None OFF OFF RNC None OFF OFF RNC None OFF OFF RNC None OFF OFF RNC None OFF OFF RNC None 0 0 RNC None 0 0 RNC None 0 0 RNC None - FIRST RNC None - 60 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - 60 RNC min - 10 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - 100 RNC None - None RNC None - 180 RNC ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - D2000 RNC ms - D2000 RNC ms - D2000 RNC min - D30 RNC s - None RNC ms - D40 RNC s - 5 RNC s - 6 RNC s - 3 RNC s - D0 RNC s - D0 RNC s - D30 RNC min 10 10 RNC ms - D600 RNC ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B per cent - 10 RNC dB -12(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -12 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -92 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB -12(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -12 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -92 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB -12(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -12 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) -92 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm 16(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 16 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm 16(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 16 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) dBm 16(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 16 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) None - None RNC None - None RNC None - Configured to 1 when TFsNumber is 1;Configured to 0 when TFsNumber is 2 or 3(ADD FACHDYNTFS) None(ADD PCHDYNTFS) 1(ADD RACHDYNTFS) Transport channel None 1(ADD PCHDYNTFS,A DD FACHDYNTFS) 2(ADD RACHDYNTFS) 1(ADD PCHDYNTFS,ADD FACHDYNTFS) 2(ADD RACHDYNTFS) Transport channel None 2 2 Transport channel None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None 170 170 MTP3 chip - None Cell None - None Cell None 10 10 MTP3 s D60 D60 Cell s D20 D20 Cell s NotUsed NotUsed Cell s NotUsed NotUsed Cell s 60(ADD CELLHCSHO) -(SET HCSHO) 60 Cell(ADD CELLHCSHO) RNC(SET HCSHO) None OPEN OPEN SRB degree Celsius 45 45 SRB degree Celsius 0 0 SRB dB D3 D3 Cell dB D2 D2 Cell ms 480(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) 480 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms 480(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) 480 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms 480(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) 480 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms - 20(SET LDM) 100(SET SATLDM) RNC ms - 20(SET LDM) 100(SET SATLDM) RNC ms - 100(SET LDM) 10(ground circuit)/100(satellite transmission)(SET SATLDM) RNC ms - 100 RNC ms - 100 RNC ms - 20(SET LDM) 100(SET SATLDM) RNC ms - 20(SET LDM) 100(SET SATLDM) RNC ms 480(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) 480 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) s 180(ADD CELLHCSHO) -(SET HCSHO) 180 Cell(ADD CELLHCSHO) RNC(SET HCSHO) None - EXISTS Physical channel None - None Transport channel None - None RNC None - 280 RNC dB - None RNC dB - None RNC None - None RNC None - Medium RNC None - Low RNC None - Low RNC None - Low RNC None - Low RNC None - Low RNC None - High RNC None - High RNC None - High RNC None - High RNC None - High RNC None - Medium RNC None - Medium RNC None - Medium RNC None - Medium RNC None - None RNC ms 2000 2000 Ethernet port s 2 2 Ethernet port s - None Cell ms 10 10 AAL2 Path None 4 4 Ethernet port ms 0(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) ms 5000 5000 RAB ms D0(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) D0 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) ms D320(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) D320 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) ms D1280(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) D1280 Cell(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) ms 0(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) ms 0(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO COV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO COV) ms 0(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) ms D240 D240 RAB ms D2560 D2560 RAB None 2 2 RAB None 14 14 RAB None - None RNC None - None Adjacent Node None - None Adjacent Node None - None Adjacent Node ms - None MTP3B ms - None MTP3B None ATM_TRANS ATM_TRANS NodeB None - None RNC None - None RNC min - 60 RNC ms -(SET MBMSFACH,AD D FACH) 10(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H,ADD PCH) None(ADD FACH) 10(SET MBMSFACH,ADD CELLMBMSFACH,ADD PCH) Transport channel ms -(SET MBMSFACH,AD D FACH) 35(ADD CELLMBMSFAC H,ADD PCH) None(ADD FACH) 35(SET MBMSFACH,ADD CELLMBMSFACH,ADD PCH) Transport channel None 1 1 Cell None - None RNC s D0 D0 Cell None - None RAB None - None RNC None - None RNC(SET REDIRECTION) Cell(ADD CELLREDIRECT ION) None M3UA_LOADSHARE_MOD M3UA_LOADSHARE_MODRNC None 1 1 Cell ms 10 10 NodeB None - None IP Path None - None RNC(ADD ADJMAP,ADD TRMMAP) Adjacent Node(ADD ADJNODE) None -(ADD FACHDYNTFS, ADD FACHLOCH,AD D FACH) 1(ADD RACHDYNTFS, ADD RACH) 3(ADD PCH,ADD PCHDYNTFS) None(ADD FACHDYNTFS,ADD FACHLOCH,ADD FACH) 1(ADD RACHDYNTFS,ADD RACH) 3(ADD PCH,ADD PCHDYNTFS) Transport channel None 0(ADD BCH) 0(ADD BCH) Transport channel None - None RAB None - None RAB None - None RAB s 10(ADD CELLHCSHO) -(SET HCSHO) 10 Cell(ADD CELLHCSHO) RNC(SET HCSHO) s 1 1 Cell s 255 255 Cell s 255 255 Cell None - None SAALLNK/AAL2PATH/IPOAPVC/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index ms D320(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET SMLC,SET INTRAFREQHO) D320(SET INTRAFREQHO,ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO) D160(SET SMLC) Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET SMLC,SET INTRAFREQHO) ms D640(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET SMLC,SET INTRAFREQHO) D640(SET INTRAFREQHO,ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO) D1280(SET SMLC) Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET SMLC,SET INTRAFREQHO) ms D640(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D640 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) ms D640(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D640 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) ms D640(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D640 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) ms D640(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) D640 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) ms D640(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV) -(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV) D640 Cell(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERFREQ,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHONCOV) RNC(SET INTERFREQHO NCOV) ms D320(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) D320 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) ms D1280(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) D1280 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) ms D0(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV) D0 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV) ms D640(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) -(SET INTERRATHON COV) D640 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HONCOV) RNC(ADD CELLMBDRINT ERRAT,SET INTERRATHON COV) ms - D240 RNC ms - D240 RNC None - None Ethernet port None - None Ethernet port None - None Ethernet port s 50 50 Cell None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None LGC port None - None Cell None - OFF E1T1 link None - None PPP Link(ADD PPPLNK) E1/T1 port(ADD FRALNK) RNC(ADD MPLNK) None - None E1/T1 None - None RNC s 240(ADD CELLHCSHO) -(SET HCSHO) 240 Cell(ADD CELLHCSHO) RNC(SET HCSHO) None - None UE s 30 30 Ethernet port None - OFF RNC ms - None RNC s 64 64 Ethernet port kbit/s - None LGC port kbit/s - None IP Path kbit/s - None Transmission resource group None - None Cell ms 500 500 Ethernet port ms 30 30 Ethernet port None - None IPoA PVC(ADD IPOAPVC) AAL2 Path(ADD AAL2PATH) SAAL(ADD SAALLNK) RNC(ADD VPCLCX) None - None Control interface link None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell ms - 5000 RNC byte 1031 1031 IP Path None MUXCLOSE MUXCLOSE IP Path None MUXCLOSE MUXCLOSE IP Path s 2 2 IP Path None - None RNC None - None RNC ms - 5000 RNC ms - 5000 RNC None - None RNC ms 1000 1000 E1T1 Link None - None SRB None - 50 RNC ms D320(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D320 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D320(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D320 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D320(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D320 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D320(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D320 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D240(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D240 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None - 10 RNC None - D6(SET LDM) D3(SET SATLDM) RNC kbit/s -(SET FRCCHLTYPEP ARA) D8(ADD CELLFRC) D8 RNC(SET FRCCHLTYPEP ARA) Cell(ADD CELLFRC) kbit/s - D64 RNC kbit/s - D608 RNC ms D640(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D640 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D1280(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D1280 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D2560(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D2560 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D1280(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D1280 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D240(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D240 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None - 5 RNC None 0 0 Cell None 83 83 Cell None SF/2 SF/2 NodeB None 3 3 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None 3 3 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) kbit/s - D64 RNC None - SILENT RAB kbit/s D64(ADD CELLDCCC) -(SET DCCC) D64 Cell(ADD CELLDCCC) RNC(SET DCCC) kbit/s - D64 RNC None SF16 SF16 Cell per cent 0 0 Cell None - SCHEDULED RNC None - 10 RNC bit/s 200000 200000 Cell per cent 20 20 Cell None 1 1 Cell None - 5 RNC None 1 1 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None SF8 SF8 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell None no action no action Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None inter-freq load handover(ADD CELLLDR) BE traff rate reduction(ADD NODEBLDR) inter-freq load handover(ADD CELLLDR) BE traff rate reduction(ADD NODEBLDR) Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None 1 1 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) per cent 45 45 Cell None BE traff rate reduction(ADD CELLLDR) no action(ADD NODEBLDR) BE traff rate reduction(ADD CELLLDR) no action(ADD NODEBLDR) Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell None no action no action Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None no action no action Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) per cent 55 55 Cell None D64 D64 NodeB None D19(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D19 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) None - HAND_APPOINT RNC kbit/s - D128 RNC ms - 1000 RNC None - 100 RNC None 75 75 Cell None 80 80 Cell None 75 75 Cell None 60 60 Cell None - 5 RNC None 3 3 Cell None 3 3 Cell None - D1 RNC per cent 85 85 Cell None 0 0 Cell None - 100 RNC per cent 95 95 Cell None 1 1 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None 1 1 Cell(ADD CELLLDR) NodeB(ADD NODEBLDR) None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - NO RNC s 20(ADD CELLQOSHO) -(SET QOSHO) 20 Cell(ADD CELLQOSHO) RNC(SET QOSHO) None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - NO RNC None - 3_Rates RNC None - 3_Rates RNC None D64(ADD CELLCMCF) -(SET CMCF) D64 Cell(ADD CELLCMCF) RNC(SET CMCF) None - 10 RNC None - SCHEDULED RNC None - 100 RNC kbit/s - D256 RNC None - NON-SCHEDULED RNC dB - None RNC dB - None RNC dB - None RNC dB - None RNC None 80 80 Cell dB - 1 RNC ms D640(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D640 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D640(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D640 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) ms D240(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) -(SET QUALITYMEAS ) D240 Cell(ADD CELLQUALITY MEAS) RNC(SET QUALITYMEAS ) m - None Cell m - None Cell m - None Cell m - None Cell m - None Cell m - None Cell None - None UNILNK None - 2 RNC None - None Adjacent Node None - None Transmission resource group None - None LGC port None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell None - None Cell(ADD CELLURA,ADD URA) RNC(ADD NRNCURA) None - None Cell dB -12(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) -12 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) -97(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -92(SET INTERFREQHOCOV,AD D CELLINTERFREQHOCO V) -97(SET INTERRATHOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV ) Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) dB -12(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) -13(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -12(SET INTERFREQHOCOV,AD D CELLINTERFREQHOCO V) -13(SET INTERRATHOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV ) Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) -107(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -92(SET INTERFREQHOCOV,AD D CELLINTERFREQHOCO V) -107(SET INTERRATHOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV ) Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) None CPICH_RSCP(A DD CELLQOSHO) -(SET QOSHO) CPICH_RSCP Cell(ADD CELLQOSHO) RNC(SET QOSHO) dB -12(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) -13(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -12(SET INTERFREQHOCOV,AD D CELLINTERFREQHOCO V) -13(SET INTERRATHOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV ) Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) dBm -92(ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) -107(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV) -92(SET INTERFREQHOCOV,AD D CELLINTERFREQHOCO V) -107(SET INTERRATHOCOV,ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV ) Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None Disable Disable RNC None NOT_USED NOT_USED Cell(ADD GSMCELL,ADD CELLHCS) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None - None RNC None ALL_USER ALL_USER Cell per cent - 5 RNC per cent - 90 RNC None - None RNC None - None RNC None - None SAALLNK/AAL2PATH/IPOAPVC/VPCLCX using this ATM traffic record index None - None AAL2 Path None - CC PVC None DISABLE DISABLE SCTP(ADD SCTPLNK) IP Path(ADD IPPATH) None - None RNC(ADD VLANID) IP Path(ADD IPPATH) SCTP(ADD SCTPLNK) Ethernet port(ADD ETHMA) None - None RNC per cent 70 70 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or dual stack, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP or Hybird IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. When the interface type is Iu-CS, transmission type is ATM, the parameter is RT_VBR; transimssion type is IP, the parameter is EF. RNC None 100 100 RNC None - When the interface type is Iub, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL; transimssion type is dual stack, the parameter is EF; transimssion type is Hybird IP, the parameter is LQEF. When the interface type is Iur, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. When the interface type is Iu-CS, transmission type is ATM or IP, the parameter is NULL. RNC None 0 0 RNC per cent 70 70 RNC None - DCH RNC None - EDCH_TTI_10ms RNC None OPEN OPEN SRB V 28.00 28.00 SRB V 20.00 20.00 SRB None OPEN OPEN SRB V 57.00 57.00 SRB V 42.00 42.00 SRB None - None RNC None - None AAL2 Path None False(ADD CELLSETUP,AD D QUICKCELLSET UP) FALSE(ADD NRNCCELL) False(ADD CELLSETUP,ADD QUICKCELLSETUP) FALSE(ADD NRNCCELL) Cell(ADD CELLSETUP,AD D QUICKCELLSET UP) RNC(ADD NRNCCELL) None - NO RNC None - 5 RNC None - 100 RNC None - 90 RNC None - 200 RNC ms - 3000 RNC None OPEN OPEN SRB None 0(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) -(SET INTRAFREQHO) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTRAFRE QHO) RNC(SET INTRAFREQHO) None 0(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) -(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) 0 Cell(ADD CELLINTERRAT HOCOV,ADD CELLINTERFRE QHOCOV) RNC(SET INTERRATHOC OV,SET INTERFREQHO COV) None - UNI: 100  NNI: 256 SAAL None M3UA_ASP M3UA_ASP RNC None Active Active RNC None - E1_UNBA E1T1 link s - 600 Port None - 3 RNC s - 180 RNC None - None RNC Parameter Relationship Service Interrupted During Modification Interruption Scope None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) AAL2 Path This paramter must be configured when [PARA]ReHostPolicy[/PARA] is set to REHOSTDELAY. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The ASCs are configured through [MML]ADD PRACHASC[/MML]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved The ASCs are configured through [MML]ADD PRACHASC[/MML]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved The ASCs are configured through [MML]ADD PRACHASC[/MML]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved The ASCs are configured through [MML]ADD PRACHASC[/MML]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved The ASCs are configured through [MML]ADD PRACHASC[/MML]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved The ASCs are configured through [MML]ADD PRACHASC[/MML]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved The ASCs are configured through [MML]ADD PRACHASC[/MML]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]DsacAutoSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON,the parameter need configure;else,need not configure. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]DsacAutoSwitch[/P ARA] is set to ON,the parameter need configure;else,need not configure. If [MML]ADD CELLDSACMANUALPAR A[/MML][PARA]Restriction Type[/PARA] value is RestrictionFixed,need set AcRestriction value;when [MML]ADD CELLDSACMANUALPAR A[/MML][PARA]Restriction Type[/PARA] value is RestrictionFlexible,no need set AcRestriction value. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If [MML]ADD CELLDSACMANUALPARA[/MML][PARA]RestrictionType[/PARA] value is RestrictionFixed,need set AcRestriction value;when [MML]ADD CELLDSACMANUALPARA[/MML][PARA]RestrictionType[/PARA] value is RestrictionFlexible,no need set AcRestriction value. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]DsacAutoSwitch[/P ARA] is set to ON,the parameter need configure;else,need not configure. If [MML]ADD CELLDSACMANUALPAR A[/MML][PARA]Restriction Type[/PARA] value is RestrictionFixed,need set AcRestriction value;when [MML]ADD CELLDSACMANUALPAR A[/MML][PARA]Restriction Type[/PARA] value is RestrictionFlexible,no need set AcRestriction value. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y Subsystem None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved 1. When the value of [PARA]AGPSRECEIVERT YPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD GPS[/MML] is set to RNC, the GPS data report period, DGPS data report period, AGPS antenna latitude, AGPS antenna longitude, and AGPS antenna altitude should be set. 1. When the value of [PARA]AGPSRECEIVERT YPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD GPS[/MML] is set to NODEB, the cell ID, GPS data report period, DGPS data report period, AGPS antenna latitude, AGPS antenna longitude, and AGPS antenna altitude should be set. 1. When the value of [PARA]AGPSRECEIVERT YPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD GPS[/MML] is set to NRNC_RNC, the RNC ID, GPS data report period, DGPS data report period, AGPS antenna latitude, AGPS antenna longitude, and AGPS antenna altitude should be set. 1. When the value of [PARA]AGPSRECEIVERT Not involved Not involved None N (Impact on acquisition indicator receiving of UEs in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]BWMODE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] is set to HALF_DUPLEX, this parameter is valid;if the [PARA]BWMODE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class and lower class RSCGRP is set to HALF_DUPLEX, the [PARA]AllBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the [PARA]AllBwE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of lower class RSCGRP;The [PARA]AllBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the sum of [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] and [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of lower class RSCGRP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]PGPSRECEIVERTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD GPS[/MML] is selected, the ALTITUDE should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterFreqReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The adjacent node is already configured by [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML]. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to AAL2PATH, the adjacent node ID should be set. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP VCL[/MML] is set to AAL2PATH, the value of [PARA]ANI[/PARA] should be set. Not involved Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]OT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] Step_by_Step, the value of [PARA]AREAFLAG[/PARA] should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to ARP, the ARP packet resend times should be set. Y The service on the Ethernet Port. When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to ARP, the ARP packet out-time should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]NBTRANTP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to ATMTRANS_IP or ATMANDIPTRANS_IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]NBTRANTP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to ATMTRANS_IP or ATMANDIPTRANS_IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved ATT needs to be set when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to CS_DOMAIN; ATT does not need to be set when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to PS_DOMAIN. N (For the UE in idle mode, indicating whether the MS can apply the IMSI attach/detach procedure) Not involved When the value of [PARA]AUTHTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD PPPLNK[/MML] is set to PAP_V or CHAP_V, the AUTHMODE should be set. Y PPP link None Y PPP link None Y PPP link None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]PTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]SET ETHPORT[/MML] is set to FE,the self-confer parameter is valid. Y Port [PARA]AvailablesignatureEndIndex[/PARA] should be less than the number of preamble signatures. The preamble signature is configured by [PARA]PreambleSignatures[/PARA]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved [PARA]AvailablesignatureStartIndex[/PARA] should be no greater than [PARA] AvailablesignatureEndIndex [/PARA]. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved None N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]SRT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to RSS, the value of [PARA]BACK8KCLKSW1[/PARA] could be set. Y RNC When the value of [PARA]SRT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to RSS, the value of [PARA]BACK8KCLKSW2[/PARA] could be set. Y RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]MODE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to STANDBY, the backup port IP address should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]MODE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to STANDBY, the backup port mask should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (Impact on cell system message receiving of UEs in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PA RA] is set to YES; [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] and [PARA]BeDlAct3[/PARA] must be None when [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] is set to None; [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] and [PARA]BeDlAct3[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] when [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] is not set to None; N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PA RA] is set to YES; [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] must be None when [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] is set to None; [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] when [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] is not set to None; [PARA]BeDlAct3[/PARA] must be None when [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] is set to None; [PARA]BeDlAct3[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] and [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] when [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] is not set to None. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PA RA] is set to YES; [PARA]BeDlAct3[/PARA] must be None when [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] or [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] is set to None; [PARA]BeDlAct3[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] when [PARA]BeDlAct1[/PARA] is not set to None. [PARA]BeDlAct3[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] when [PARA]BeDlAct2[/PARA] is not set to None. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]BeH2FTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeEFach2CpcTvmT hd[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]D2F2PTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeEFach2DTvmThd [/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]BeH2FTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeEFach2HTvmThd [/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]BeH2FTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeF2CpcTvmThd[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]D2F2PTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]F2DTvmThd[/PARA ]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]BeH2FTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeF2HTvmThd[/PA RA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]BeH2FTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeF2HTvmThd[/PA RA]; [PARA]BeH2FTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeEFach2HTvmThd [/PARA]; [PARA]BeH2FTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeEFach2CpcTvmT hd[/PARA]; [PARA]BeH2FTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeF2CpcTvmThd[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is available if the value of [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] in [MML]SET QOSACT[/MML] is YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved At least one of this parameter and the [PARA]BetaD[/PARA] parameter must be set to 15. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved At least one of this parameter and the [PARA]BetaC[/PARA] parameter must be set to 15. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PA RA] is set to YES; [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] and [PARA]BeUlAct3[/PARA] must be None when [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] is set to None; [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] and [PARA]BeUlAct3[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] when [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] is not set to None; N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PA RA] is set to YES; [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] must be None when [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] is set to None; [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] when [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] is not set to None. [PARA]BeUlAct3[/PARA] must be None when [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] is set to None; [PARA]BeUlAct3[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] and [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] when [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] is not set to None. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PA RA] is set to YES; [PARA]BeUlAct3[/PARA] must be None when [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] or [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] is set to None; [PARA]BeUlAct3[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] when [PARA]BeUlAct1[/PARA] is not set to None. [PARA]BeUlAct3[/PARA] must not be equal with [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] when [PARA]BeUlAct2[/PARA] is not set to None. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid only when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES and [PARA]BeUlEvTrigInd[/PARA] is set to SINGLE. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid only when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES and [PARA]BeUlEvTrigInd[/PARA] is set to SINGLE. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to SBFD or MBFD, the times of out-time of BFD packet should be set. Not involved Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]BGMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]BGGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]BGMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]BGGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationshiprelationship: [PARA][BgnAbnormalThd]> =[BgnUpdateThd][/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationshiprelationship: [PARA]BgnEndTime[/PAR A] >[PARA]MBgnStartTime[/P ARA] N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationshiprelationship: [PARA]BgnEndTime[/PAR A] >[PARA]MBgnStartTime[/P ARA] N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationshiprelationship: [PARA][BgnAbnormalThd]> =[BgnUpdateThd][/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_DCH. The setting of the [PARA]SirAdjustStep[/PARA] parameter is associated with this parameter. Assume that this parameter is changed from BLERquality1 to BLERquality2 and [PARA]SirAdjustStep[/PARA] is changed from SirAdjustStep1 to SirAdjustStep2. Then, these values must fulfill the following condition: (1- BLERquality1) x SirAdjustStep1 / BLERquality1 = (1 - BLERquality2) x SirAdjustStep2 / BLERquality2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when is [PARA]BlindHoFlag[/PARA] set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]BlindHOFlag[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y Cell None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]OT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] is set to Step_by_Step, the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y RNC None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMAGRP[/MML] is set to AEUa or AOUa, the IMA group number should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, the MAXBW and MINBW should be set. When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to OFF, the CIR should be set. Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, it may impact current users and bring flow control. None Not involved Not involved If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be ON,[PARA]BWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]BWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]BW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] < [PARA]MINBW[/PARA] or [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] = 0. If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be OFF,[PARA]BWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]BWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]BW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] is zero,or [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] < [PARA]RxBw[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode) Not involved [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] is zero. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be ON,[PARA]BWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]BWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]BW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] < [PARA]MINBW[/PARA] or [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] = 0. If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be OFF,[PARA]BWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]BWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]BW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] is zero,or [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] < [PARA]RxBw[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode) Not involved [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] is zero. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be ON,[PARA]BWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]BWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]BW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] < [PARA]MINBW[/PARA] or [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] = 0. If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be OFF,[PARA]BWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]BWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]BW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRB N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] is zero,or [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA] < [PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] < [PARA]RxBw[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode) Not involved [PARA]BWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]BWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] is zero. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]GRPT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] is set to IP, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATM logic port, this parameter is valid. Y AAL2 Path None Y IP Path When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to FRAATM, the CARRYFRAATMLNK is required. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to FRAATM, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to FRAATM, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to IMA, the CARRYIMAGRPN is required. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to IMA, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to IMA, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to NCORT, the CARRYNCOPTN is required. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to NCOPT, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to NCOPT, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to IMA, UNI, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATM logic port, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to IMA, UNI, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]RscMngMode[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD NODEB[/MML] of the resource corresponding NodeB is set to EXCLUSIVE, the AAL2PATH must carry on ATMLGCPORT or RSCGRP 1. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to IMA, the bearing IMA group number, bearing VPI, bearing VCI, TX traffic record index, RX traffic record index, and peer type are required. 2. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to UNI, the bearing UNI link number, bearing VPI, bearing VCI, TX traffic record index, RX traffic record index, and peer type are required. 3. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to FRAATM, the bearing FRAATM link number, Y AAL2 Path When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to UNI, the CARRYUNILNKN is required. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to UNI, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to IMA, UNI, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is valid. Y Services carried on the SAAL link When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to IMA, UNI, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is valid. Y Services carried on the SAAL link When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to ATM logic port, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved Before configuring this parameter, you need to configure the information about the common traffic logical channel by running [MML]ADD CTCH[/MML]. At the same time, you need to set the CBS scheduling parameter of the cell by running [MML]ADD CELLCBSDRX[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (For the UE in idle mode, if this parameter is changed to ON, and the CBS service is configured correctly,the CBS messages will be received by UE.Otherwise, the CBS messages will not be received by UE.) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]CCCHMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]CCCHGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]CCCHMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]CCCHGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]VCLTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to CC, the activation mode should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter is dependent on the value of [PARA]CellId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SMLCCELL[/MML]. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must not be larger than [PARA]DlHoCeCodeResvSf[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CELLCAC[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]CellOverrunThd[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CellUnderrunThd[/P ARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]CellOverrunThd[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CellUnderrunThd[/P ARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Cell None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]PATHCHK[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to ENABLED, this parameter is valid. N (no impact on services when the Ping detection succeeds) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y Services that the SCTP link bears None Y Services that the SCTP link bears None Y Services that the SCTP link bears None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(For the UE in idle mode, the larger the value of this parameter is, the lower the possibility for the UE to choose this neighbouring cell in cell reselection process. On the other hand. the smaller the value is, the higher the possibility for the UE to choose this neighbouring cell.) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to OFF, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y RNC None Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter cannot be set to CS_DOMAIN when the [PARA]TrafficClass[/PARA] parameter is set to INTERACTIVE or BACKGROUND. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]CnOpGrpIndex[/PA RA] in [MML]ADD CNOPERGROUP[/MML] is added. This paramter is valid only when [PARA]CnOpGrpIndex[/PA RA] in [MML]ADD CNOPERGROUP[/MML] is added. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When [PARA]RSCMNGMODE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] is set to EXCLUSIVE, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CNMNGMODE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD ADJMAP[/MML] is set to EXCLUSIVE, the operator index should be set. When the value of [PARA]RSCMNGMODE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to EXCLUSIVE, this parameter must be set. The value of this parameter is dependent on the value of [PARA]CnOpIndex[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SAC[/MML]. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]CodeAdjForHsdpaSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command; This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]CodeBalancingDrdS witch[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]CodeBalancingDrdS witch[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command; This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]CodeBalancingDrdS witch[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]CodeBalancingDrdS witch[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when INTER_FREQ_HHO_SWITCH of the [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (For the UE in idle mode, if this parameter is changed, you need to set the corresponding code scheme so that you can correctly receive the CBS messages.) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is available if the value of [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] in [MML]SET QOSACT[/MML] is YES. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]MOCNSupport[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE[/MML] is set to YES, CommPlmnUsingType needs to be set.Otherwise,it does not need. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]SAALLNKT[/PARA] is set to NNI, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]SAALLNKT[/PARA] is set to NNI, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]SAALLNKT[/PARA] is set to NNI, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]PORTPROTYPE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA[/ MML] is set to IP, this parameter should be set. 2.The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]PORTPROTYPE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA[/ MML] is set to IP, this parameter should be set. 2.The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]PORTPROTYPE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA[/ MML] is set to IP, this parameter should be set. 2.The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]PORTPROTYPE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA[/ MML] is set to IP, this parameter can be set. 2.The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ConnCellBarred[/PARA] is set to BARRED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]QualMeas[/PARA] is set to CPICH_ECNO. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]SIB12Ind[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]SIB12Ind[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ConnCellBarred[/PARA] is set to BARRED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved CONTEXTTYPE needs to be set when [PARA]RSTTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]RST IUR[/MML] is set to SINGLE_RNC; CONTEXTTYPE does not need to be set when [PARA]RSTTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]RST IUR[/MML] is set to ALL_RNC. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]CONVMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]CONVGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]CONVMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]CONVGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved CountCThreshold needs to be set when [PARA]CounterCheckSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CNTCHK[/MML] is set to ON; CountCThreshold does not need to be set when [PARA]CounterCheckSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CNTCHK[/MML] is set to OFF. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PA RA] is set to TRUE. This parameter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PA RA] is set to TRUE. Y Cell This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to USED but not required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to NOT_USED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUCS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]NcovHoOn2GldInd[/ PARA] in [MML]SET INTERRATHONCOV[/MM L] is set to ON. This parameter is valid when [PARA]NcovHoOn2GldInd[/ PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved CsInfoUpdTmr needs to be set when [PARA]CsInfoUpdFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUFLEX[/MML] is set to ON; CsInfoUpdTmr does not need to be set when [PARA]CsInfoUpdFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUFLEX[/MML] is set to OFF. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved CSNRILength needs to be set when [PARA]CsIuFlexFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUFLEX[/MML] is set to ON; CSNRILength does not need to be set when [PARA]CsIuFlexFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUFLEX[/MML] is set to OFF. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]DsacAutoSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON,the parameter need configure;else,need not configure. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUCS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved This classified zone is not bound to other service areas. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]D2F2PTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]F2DTvmThd[/PARA ]; [PARA]D2F2PTvmThd[/PA RA] < [PARA]BeEFach2DTvmThd [/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When [PARA]MOCNSupport[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE[/MML] is set to YES, DefaultCnOp optionally needs to be set.Otherwise,it does not need. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter must be configured when [PARA]ReHostPolicy[/PARA] is set to REHOSTDELAY. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved On E1 working mode, the parameter [PARA]DELAY[/PARA] and [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]DELAY[/PARA]*64 *30/(53*8) > [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] + 3*2; [PARA]DELAY[/PARA]*64 *30/(53*8) + 3*2 + [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] < 1024. On T1 working mode, they must obey the following rules: [PARA]DELAY[/PARA]*64 *24/(53*8) > [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] + 3*2; [PARA]DELAY[/PARA]*64 *24/(53*8) + 3*2 + [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] < 1024. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]CodeBalancingDrdSwitch[/PARA] parameter is set to ON through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]QrxlevminExtSup[/P ARA] parameter is set to TRUE but not required when the [PARA]QrxlevminExtSup[/P ARA] parameter is set to FALSE. This parameter is valid only when [PARA]QrxlevminExtSup[/P ARA] is set to TRUE. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved The [PARA]DENO[/PARA] field in [MML]ADD M3DE[/MML] Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA[/MML] and [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter can be used for selection of the initial rate for BE services only when the DCCC_SWITCH under the [PARA]Chswitch[/PARA] parameter is set to on through the [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A](See [MML]ADD CELLLDM[/MML]) >= [PARA]DlCellTotalThd[/PA RA]; [PARA]DlCellTotalThd[/PA RA] >= [PARA]DlHOThd[/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DLOVSFSF[/PARA ]>=[PARA]DLCODENO[/P ARA]. . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlHOThd[/PARA] > [PARA]DlConvAMRThd[/P ARA]; [PARA]DlConvAMRThd[/P ARA] > [PARA]DlOtherThd[/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlHOThd[/PARA] > [PARA]DlConvNonAMRTh d[/PARA]; [PARA]DlConvNonAMRTh d[/PARA] > [PARA]DlOtherThd[/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of DlMidRateCalc is HAND_APPOINT,the following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]DlDcccRateThd[/PA RA] <= [PARA]DlMidRateThd[/PA RA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is available if the value of [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PA RA] in [MML]SET QOSACT[/MML] is YES. To configure this parameter, you must take into consideration the actual full- coverage rate of a certain cell. Otherwise, the QoS would be affected. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved For the BE users with the same [PARA]TrafficClass[/PARA ], [PARA]THPClass[/PARA] and [PARA]BearType[/PARA] values, make sure: [PARA]UlGBR[/PARA] of GOLD users ([PARA]UserPriority[/PARA ] is set to GOLD) >= [PARA]UlGBR[/PARA] of SILVER users ([PARA]UserPriority[/PARA ] is set to SILVER) >= [PARA]UlGBR[/PARA] of COPPER users ([PARA]UserPriority[/PARA ] is set to COPPER). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlHoCeCodeResvSf [/PARA] >= [PARA]DlLdrCreditSfResTh d[/PARA]; [PARA]DlHoCeCodeResvSf [/PARA] >= [PARA]CellLdrSfResThd[/P ARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlCellTotalThd[/PA RA] >= [PARA]DlHOThd[/PARA] ; [PARA]DlHOThd[/PARA] > [PARA]DlConvAMRThd[/P ARA]; [PARA]DlHOThd[/PARA] > [PARA]DlConvNonAMRTh d[/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must not be larger than [PARA]DlHoCeCodeResvSf[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CELLCAC[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]DlLdrRelThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]DlOlcRelThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]DlLdrRelThd[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]DlLdrRelThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]DlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] > [PARA]DlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]DlOtherThd[/PARA] (See [MML]ADD CELLCAC[/MML]) >= [PARA]DlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the [PARA]DlRateUpAdjLevel[/PARA] in [MML]SET DCCC[/MML] is set to 3_Rates, or when [PARA]DlRateDnAdjLevel[/PARA] in [MML]SET DCCC[/MML] is set to 3_Rates. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the [PARA]DlMidRateCalc[/PA RA] in [MML]SET DCCC[/MML] is set to HAND_APPOINT, and the following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]DlDcccRateThd[/PA RA] <= [PARA]DlMidRateThd[/PA RA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]UlModeChangeTime rLen[/PARA] <= [PARA]DlModeChangeTime rLen[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]DlOlcRelThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]DlOlcRelThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]DlLdrRelThd[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]DlOlcRelThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]DlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] > [PARA]DlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]DlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]DlCellTotalThd[/PA RA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DlConvAMRThd[/P ARA] > [PARA]DlOtherThd[/PARA] ; [PARA]DlConvNonAMRTh d[/PARA] > [PARA]DlOtherThd[/PARA] ; [PARA]DlOtherThd[/PARA] >= [PARA]DlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A](See [MML]ADD CELLLDM[/MML]). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]DLOVSFSF[/PARA ]>=[PARA]DLCODENO[/P ARA]. . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]VPQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to NOPRIORITY. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]DlThdE1[/PARA] <= [PARA]DlThdE2[/PARA] < [PARA]DlThdF2[/PARA] <= N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]DlThdE1[/PARA] <= [PARA]DlThdE2[/PARA] < [PARA]DlThdF2[/PARA] <= N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]DlThdE1[/PARA] <= [PARA]DlThdE2[/PARA] < [PARA]DlThdF2[/PARA] <= N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]DlThdE1[/PARA] <= [PARA]DlThdE2[/PARA] < [PARA]DlThdF2[/PARA] <= N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMAGRP[/MML] is selected, this parameter is valid. 2.On E1 working mode, the parameter [PARA]DELAY[/PARA] and [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]DELAY[/PARA]*64 *30/(53*8) > [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] + 3*2; [PARA]DELAY[/PARA]*64 *30/(53*8) + 3*2 + [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] < 1024. On T1 working mode, they must obey the following rules: [PARA]DELAY[/PARA]*64 *24/(53*8) > [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] + 3*2; [PARA]DELAY[/PARA]*64 *24/(53*8) + 3*2 + [PARA]DLYGB[/PARA] < 1024. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]SPDF[/PARA] is set to WNF, this parameter is valid. Y RNC This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]SPDF[/PARA] is set to DNF, this parameter is valid. Y RNC This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE. Y Cell This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PA RA] is set to TRUE. This parameter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PA RA] is set to TRUE. Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved The [PARA]DPX[/PARA] field in [MML]ADD N7DPC[/MML] The parameter [PARA]DPX[/PARA] in [MML]ADD N7DPC[/MML] When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUR, IUCS, or NNI_AAL2SWITCH, or the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUPS and [PARA]SGSNFLG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to YES, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]VCLTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to CC, the activation direction should be set. Not involved Not involved DRA_BE_RATE_DOWN_B F_HO_SWITCH,DRA_THR OU_DCCC_SWITCH,DRA_ BE_EDCH_TTI_RECFG_S WITCH and DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWI TCH are valid when DRA_DCCC_SWITCH is set to ON; For BE service,DRA_HSDPA_STA TE_TRANS_SWITCH and DRA_HSUPA_STATE_TR ANS_SWITCH are valid when DRA_PS_BE_STATE_TRA NS_SWITCH is set to ON; For RT service,DRA_HSDPA_STA TE_TRANS_SWITCH and DRA_HSUPA_STATE_TR ANS_SWITCH are valid when DRA_PS_NON_BE_STATE _TRANS_SWITCH is set to ON; N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]PORTPROTYPE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA[/ MML] is set to IP, this parameter can be set. 2.The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]PORTPROTYPE[/P ARA] in [MML]ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA[/ MML] is set to IP, this parameter can be set. 2.The relationship between the congestion threshold, the recover threshold and the packet discard threshold must be packet discard threshold>congestion threshold>recover threshold. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved DRXCycleLenCoef needs to be set only when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to CS_DOMAIN or PS_DOMAIN. N (For the UE in idle mode, affecting its period of listening to PCHs) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The destination IP address must not be the broadcast address or the multicast address. The parameter must not be the same as any IP address that has been configured in the RNC. The parameter must not be the same as the internal/external IP address of the BAM. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BRDTYPE[/PARA] is set to FG2a, the value of [PARA]PTYPE[/PARA] is set to FE, [PARA]AUTO[/PARA] in [MML]SET ETHPORT[/MML] is set to DISABLE, the duplex is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Port This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynCellShutDownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynCellShutDownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutdownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON_1 or ON_2 or ON_3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]PATHCHK[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to ENABLED, this parameter is valid. N (no impact on services when the Ping detection succeeds) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]SET FRC[/MML] and [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET FRC[/MML] command. If this parameter is set through both the [MML]SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA[/MM L] and [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA[/MM L] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]SET FRC[/MML] and [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET FRC[/MML] command. If this parameter is set through both the [MML]SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA[/MM L] and [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA[/MM L] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES and the value of [PARA]EM[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to DATE or DATEWEEK, the end date should be set. Y RNC This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D1 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D10 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to D11 or D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D2 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D3 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D4 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D5 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D6 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D7 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D8 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]EdchMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D9 to D12. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS but not required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_HSDSCH. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS. This parameter is must larger than [PARA]EdchTargetLittleRetr ansNum[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS. This parameter is must less than [PARA]EdchTargetLargeRet ransNum[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES, the end type should be set. Y RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES and the value of [PARA]EM[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to DATE, WEEK, or DATEWEEK, the end month should be set. Y RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutdownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON_1 or ON_2 or ON_3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutdownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON_2 or ON_3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutdownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON_3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Negotiation with the peer network element is required. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES, the end time should be set. Y RNC The value of this parameter must be larger than the value of the [PARA]Event4bThd[/PARA] parameter. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than the value of the [PARA]Event4aThd[/PARA] parameter. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES and the value of [PARA]EM[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to WEEK or DATEWEEK, the end week should be set. Y RNC When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES and the value of [PARA]EM[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to WEEK, the end week sequence should be set. Y RNC None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is consistent with [PARA]TrchId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD FACH[/MML], [MML]ADD FACHDYNTFS[/MML], and [MML]ADD FACHLOCH[/MML]. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]InterFreqInterRatMeasInd[/PARA] parameter is set to INTER_FREQ, INTER_RAT or INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT but not required when the [PARA]InterFreqInterRatMeasInd[/PARA] parameter is set to NOT_REQUIRE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BRDTYPE[/PARA] is set to FG2a, the value of [PARA]PTYPE[/PARA] is set to FE, [PARA]AUTO[/PARA] in [MML]SET ETHPORT[/MML] is set to DISABLE, the Flow Control is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]FLOWCTRLSWITC H[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to ON, the flow control parameter index should be set. When the value of [PARA]FLOWCTRLSWITC H[/PARA] is set to ON in [MML]SET ETHPORT[/MML], the FCINDEX should be set. 1.When the value of [PARA]FLOWCTRLSWITC H[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. 2.The type of the flow control parameter index must be IP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y PPP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE. Y Cell This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE. Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]USEFE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBESN[/MML] is set to Enable, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]IsFixedMachsWinSize[/PARA] parameter is set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]FRALNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD FRALNK[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter is valid and the flow control parameter index can be set. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to UOIa and the value of [PARA]LGCAPPTYPE[/PA RA] is set to ATM, the flow control switch should be set. When the value of [PARA]FLOWCTRLSWITC H[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMAGRP[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter is valid and the flow control parameter index should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved none Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]FPMUXSWITCH[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] can be set YES only when the adjnode type is IUB. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode and the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]FPMUXSWITCH[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to YES, this parameter is valid. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode and the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved 1. When the value of [PARA]FRALNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD FRALNK[/MML] is set to FRAATM, the flow control switch and the flow control parameter index are required. 2. When the value of [PARA]FRALNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD FRALNK[/MML] is set to FRAIMA, the IMA group number is required. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The factor table index is configured by setting the value of [PARA]FTI[/PARA] in [MML]ADD FACTORTABLE[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be ON,[PARA]FWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]FWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]FW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] < [PARA]MINBW[/PARA] or [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] = [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] = 0. If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be OFF,[PARA]FWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]FWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]FW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] is zero,or [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] < [PARA]TxBw[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode) Not involved [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] is zero. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be ON,[PARA]FWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]FWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]FW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] < [PARA]MINBW[/PARA] or [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] = [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] = 0. If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be OFF,[PARA]FWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]FWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]FW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] is zero,or [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] < [PARA]TxBw[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode) Not involved [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] is zero. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be ON,[PARA]FWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]FWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]FW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] < [PARA]MINBW[/PARA] or [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] = [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] = [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB W[/PARA] = 0. If [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] is set to be OFF,[PARA]FWDHORSVB W[/PARA],[PARA]FWDCO NGBW[/PARA],[PARA]FW DCONGCLRBW[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/P ARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PA RA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRB Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] is zero,or [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA] < [PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] < [PARA]TxBw[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode) Not involved [PARA]FWDHORSVBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGBW[/PARA]/[PARA]FWDCONGCLRBW[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] must be all zero when [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] is zero. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Either [PARA]GainFactorBetaC[/PARA] or [PARA]GainFactorBetaD[/PARA] should be set to 15. Not involved Not involved Either [PARA]GainFactorBetaC[/PARA] or [PARA]GainFactorBetaD[/PARA] should be set to 15. Not involved Not involved [MMLWhen the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to SBFD or ARP, the gateway IP address should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]GCDF[/PARA] in [MML]ADD GPS[/MML] is selected as DEG, LATITUDE and LONGTITUDE should be set; When the value of [PARA]GCDF[/PARA] in [MML]ADD GPS[/MML] is selected as SEC, LATITUDESEC and LONGITUDESEC should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]CellChoice[/PARA] is set to GSMCELL. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS but not required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_HSDSCH. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] is set to USED. This paramter is valid only when [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] is set to USED. This parameter is valid only when [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]HCARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to FRAATM, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]HCARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to IMA, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]HCARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to NCOPT, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutDownType[/PARA] is set to ConditionalShutDown. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D1 to D8. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D2 to D8. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D3 to D8. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D4 to D8. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D5 to D8. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to a value within the range of D6 to D8. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to D7 or D8. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is associated with the setting of the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter. It is required when the [PARA]HsdschMacdPduSizeNum[/PARA] parameter is set to D8. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_HSDSCH but not required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is listed when the value of [PARA]TbNum[/PARA] is D1, D2, D3, or D4. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is listed when the value of [PARA]TbNum[/PARA] is D2, D3, or D4. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.This parameter is listed when the value of [PARA]TbNum[/PARA] is D3 or D4. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.This parameter is listed when the value of [PARA]TbNum[/PARA] is D4. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]AllocCodeMode[/PARA] is set to Manual. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]AllocCodeMode[/PA RA] is set to Automatic and the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]HsPdschMaxCodeN um[/PARA] >= [PARA]HsPdschMinCodeNu m[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]AllocCodeMode[/PA RA] is set to Automatic and the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]HsPdschMaxCodeN um[/PARA] >= [PARA]HsPdschMinCodeNu m[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PA RA] is set to TRUE. This parameter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PA RA] is set to TRUE. Y Cell None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD,SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is available if DRA_DCCC_SWITCH and DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH are set to ON in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] is YES. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter can be used for selection of the initial rate for HSUPA BE services only when the DCCC_SWITCH under the [PARA]Chswitch[/PARA] parameter and the HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH under the [PARA]HspaSwitch[/PARA] parameter are set to on through the [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]HsupAuRetrnsLdTri gThd[/PARA] >= [PARA]HsupAuRetrnsLdRel Thd[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]HsupAuRetrnsLdTri gThd[/PARA] >= [PARA]HsupAuRetrnsLdRel Thd[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutDownType[/PARA] is set to ConditionalShutDown. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]HCARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to UNI, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CXT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to VCLCX, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterFreqReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterFreqReportMode[/PARA] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]PATHCHK[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to ENABLED, this parameter is valid. N (no impact on services when the Ping detection succeeds) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]IdleCellBarred[/PARA] is set to BARRED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]QualMeas[/PARA] is set to CPICH_ECNO. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]SIB11Ind[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N(For the UE in idle mode, the larger the value of this parameter is, the lower the possibility for the UE to choose this neighbouring cell in cell reselection process. On the other hand. the smaller the value is, the higher the possibility for the UE to choose this neighbouring cell.) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]SIB11Ind[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N(For the UE in idle mode, the larger the value of this parameter is, the lower the possibility for the UE to choose this neighbouring cell in cell reselection process. On the other hand. the smaller the value is, the higher the possibility for the UE to choose this neighbouring cell.) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]IdleCellBarred[/PARA] is set to BARRED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved For AEUa, the sum of UNI/IMA/FRA can not exceed 32,for AOUa, the sum of UNI/IMA/FRA on an optical port can not exceed 63(E1)/84(T1) When the value of [PARA]PFMT[/PARA] in [MML]RST PFMM[/MML] is set to IMALNK, the value of IMALNKN can be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]IMSMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]IMSGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved The parameter must be greater than or equal to [PARA]ImsiMin[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMSISNAMAP[/MML]. Not involved Not involved The parameter must be less than or equal to [PARA]ImsiMax[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMSISNAMAP[/MML]. Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]ImsBearEnhancedSwitch[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must be less than or equal to [PARA]ImsiRtMax[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP[/MML]. Not involved Not involved This parameter must be greater than or equal to [PARA]ImsiRtMin[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMSIIDNNSCNIDMAP[/MML]. Not involved Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]IMSMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]IMSGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]INHT[/PARA] in [MML]INH BRD[/MML] is set to LOGIC,the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 0, 2, 4, 8 to 27. When the value of [PARA]INHT[/PARA] in [MML]INH BRD[/MML] is set to PHYSICAL,the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 0 to 5, 8 to 27. Y RNC When the value of [PARA]SAALLNKT[/PARA] is set to NNI, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]INTERACTMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]INTERACTGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]INTERACTMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]INTERACTGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterFreqCsThd2FEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterFreqCsThd2FRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterFreqCsThd2DEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterFreqCsThd2DRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]; Also the value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterFreqHThd2FEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]; Also the value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterFreqHThd2FRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]; Also the value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterFreqHThd2DEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]; Also the value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterFreqHThd2DRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterFreqR99PsThd2FEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterFreqR99PsThd2FRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterFreqR99PsThd2DEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterFreqR99PsThd2DRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterRatCsThd2FEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterRatCsThd2FRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterRatCsThd2DEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterRatCsThd2DRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is Valid when [PARA]EmergLCSSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is Valid when [PARA]EmergLCSSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON and [PARA]InterRatHOPermit[/PARA] is set to YES. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]; Also the value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterRatHThd2FEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]; Also the value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterRatHThd2FRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]; Also the value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterRatHThd2DEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]; Also the value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterRatHThd2DRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterRatR99PsThd2FEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than [PARA]InterRatR99PsThd2FRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterRatR99PsThd2DEcN0[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than [PARA]InterRatR99PsThd2DRscp[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Port This parameter is valid when [PARA]IntraFreqMeasQuantity[/PARA] is set to CPICH_EC/NO. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]IntraFreqMeasQuantity[/PARA] is set to CPICH_RSCP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN,the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]IntraFreqLdbPeriodT imerLen[/PARA] > 2 x 60 x [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA]; When [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC,the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]IntraFreqLdbPeriodT imerLen[/PARA] x 1000 > 2 x [PARA]TenMsecForDlBasic Meas[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is Valid when [PARA]ForcedSHOSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1AC SNVP[/PARA] - [PARA]Hystfor1A[/PARA] / 2) < ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1BC SNVP[/PARA] + [PARA]Hystfor1B[/PARA] / 2). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1AC SVP[/PARA] - [PARA]Hystfor1A[/PARA] / 2) < ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1BC SVP[/PARA] + [PARA]Hystfor1B[/PARA] / 2). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1AP S[/PARA] - [PARA]Hystfor1A[/PARA] / 2) < ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1BP S[/PARA] + [PARA]Hystfor1B[/PARA] / 2). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is Valid when [PARA]ForcedSHOSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1AC SNVP[/PARA] - [PARA]Hystfor1A[/PARA] / 2) < ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1BC SNVP[/PARA] + [PARA]Hystfor1B[/PARA] / 2). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1AC SVP[/PARA] - [PARA]Hystfor1A[/PARA] / 2) < ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1BC SVP[/PARA] + [PARA]Hystfor1B[/PARA] / 2). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1AP S[/PARA] - [PARA]Hystfor1A[/PARA] / 2) < ([PARA]IntraRelThdFor1BP S[/PARA] + [PARA]Hystfor1B[/PARA] / 2). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP VCL[/MML] is set to IPOAPVC,the value of [PARA]IPADDR[/PARA] should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Services carried on PVC In [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] The local [IP address] and the [Peer IP address] must be in the same network segment. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to IPOAPVC, the IP address should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved The [PARA]IPADDR[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] can not be at one network segment with the peer IP address of SCTPLNK or IPPATH whose local IP address is device IP address of FG2a/GOUa in this subrack;[PARA]IPADDR[/PARA] and [PARA]PEERIPADDR[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] must be at one network segment;([PARA]IPADDR[/PARA],[PARA]PEERIPADDR[/PARA],[PARA]PEERMASK[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML]) conflicts with other IPPATH whose type is IUPS. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]IPLOGPORTFLAG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to YES, the IPLPN should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]IPLOGPORTFLAG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to YES, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]NBTRANTP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to IPTRANS_IP or ATMANDIPTRANS_IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]NBTRANTP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to IPTRANS_IP or ATMANDIPTRANS_IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The parameter should be configured when [PARA]TnlBearerType[/PARA] is modified from ATM to IP or dual stack ATM/IP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]IPTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ETHIP[/MML] is set to SECOND, the IP address index should be set. When the value of [PARA]IPTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ETHTRKIP[/MML] is set to SECOND, the IP address index should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]ISQOSPATH[/PARA] in [MML]ACT IPPM[/MML] is selected as YES, the PHB should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUB, IUR, or IUCS, and the value of [PARA]TRANST[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to ATM or ATM_IP, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Port When the value of [PARA]J0RXT[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to 1 byte, 16 byte, or 64 byte, the J0 hope incept value should be set. Y Port None Y Port When the value of [PARA]J0TXT[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to 1 byte, 16 byte, or 64 byte, the J0 transmit value should be set. Y Port None Y Port When the value of [PARA]J1RXT[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to 1 byte, 16 byte, or 64 byte, the J1 hope incept value should be set. Y Port None Y Port When the value of [PARA]J1TXT[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to 1 byte, 16 byte, or 64 byte, the J1 transmit value should be set. Y Port None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]MODE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to PRIMARY, the KEYCHK should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter is dependent on the value of [PARA]LAC[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SAC[/MML]. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]LdbDRDSwitchDC H[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command; This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]LdbDRDSwitchDC H[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]LdbDRDSwitchHSD PA[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command; This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]LdbDRDSwitchHSD PA[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]LdbDRDLoadRemainThdDCH[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA[/PARA] parameter is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when the [PARA]LdbDRDchoice[/PARA] parameter is set to POWER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]LdrFirstPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrSecondPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrThirdPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrFourthPri[/PARA]are different between each other. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]LdrFirstPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrSecondPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrThirdPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrFourthPri[/PARA]are different between each other. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForU lBasicMeas[/PARA] and [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] are set to MIN,the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] > 2 x 60 x [PARA]MinForUlBasicMeas [/PARA]; [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] > 2 x 60 x [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA]; When [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForU lBasicMeas[/PARA] and [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] are set to TEN_MSEC,the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] x 1000 > 2 x [PARA]TenMsecForUlBasic Meas[/PARA]; [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] x 1000 > 2 x [PARA]TenMsecForDlBasic Meas[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]LdrFirstPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrSecondPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrThirdPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrFourthPri[/PARA]are different between each other. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]LdrFirstPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrSecondPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrThirdPri[/PARA],[PARA]LdrFourthPri[/PARA]are different between each other. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.The parameter is used in command [MML]ADD ADJMAP [/MML] as loadeq table index for gold,silver,and bronze users. 2.When TRANST of ADJNODE is dual stack or hybird IP,loadeq can be added. Not involved Not involved The load EQ table index is configured by setting the value of [PARA]LEI[/PARA] in [MML]ADD LOADEQ[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The load EQ table index is configured by setting the value of [PARA]LEI[/PARA] in [MML]ADD LOADEQ[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The load EQ table index is configured by setting the value of [PARA]LEI[/PARA] in [MML]ADD LOADEQ[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This is a parameter in [MML]ADD OPC[/MML]. The [PARA]LENO[/PARA] field in [MML]ADD M3LE[/MML] Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]LCARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to FRAATM, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]OT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT PACH[/MML] is set to Step_by_Step and the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] is set to SPUa, DPUb, PEUa, AEUa, FG2a, GOUa, AOUa, POUa, UOIa, the Logic function type is required. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]LCARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to IMA, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DlSFLimitCMInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The low activity rate adjustment function is invalid when [PARA]LittleRateThd[/PARA]>=[PARA]UlDcccRateThd[/PARA] and [PARA]LittleRateThd[/PARA]>=[PARA]DlDcccRateThd[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to E1_DOUBLE_FRAME or E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAME, the value range of [PARA]LNKCODE[/PARA] is HDB3 or AMI. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to T1_SUPER_FRAME or T1_EXTENDED_SUPER_FRAME, the value range of [PARA]LNKCODE[/PARA] is B8ZS or AMI_ZCS. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1LOP[/MML] is set to AEUa or PEUa, the link number should be set and the value range is from 0 to 31. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1LOP[/MML] is set to AOUa or POUa, the link number should be set and the value range is from 0 to 167. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP E1T1[/MML] is set to AEUa or PEUa, the value range of [PARA]LNKN[/PARA] is 0 to 31. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP E1T1[/MML] is set to AOUa or POUa, the value range of [PARA]LNKN[/PARA] is 0 to 167. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]STR E1T1TST[/MML] is set to AEUa or PEUa, the link number is required and the N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]LS[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to SINGLE,the value range of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] is E1_DOUBLE_FRAME,E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAME,T1_SUPER_FRAME,T1_EXTENDED_SUPER_FRAME. When the value of [PARA]LS[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to ALL,the value range of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] is controlled by [PARA]WORKMODE[/PARA]. When [PARA]WORKMODE[/PARA] is E1_UNBA,E1_BA,or E1,the value range of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] is E1_DOUBLE_FRAME,E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAME. When the value of [PARA]WORKMODE[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to T1,the value range of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] is T1_SUPER_FRAME,T1_EXTENDED_SUPER_FRAME. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved The parameter must not be the same as any IP address that has been configured in the RNC. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y Cell None Y Services that the SCTP link bears None Y Services that the SCTP link bears When the value of [PARA]MODE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML] is set to Client, this parameter can be modified. Y Services that the SCTP link bears None Not involved Not involved This parameter determines whether [PARA]LOGPORTSN[/PARA] and [PARA]LOGPORTNO[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML] are valid. Y Services that the SCTP link bears When the value of [PARA]LOGPORTFLAG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter is valid. Y Services that the SCTP link bears When the value of [PARA]LOGPORTFLAG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter is valid. Y Services that the SCTP link bears None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Services carried on the E1/T1 link When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]LCARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to NCOPT, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYFLAG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to IP LGCPORT, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYFLAG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to IP LGCPORT, this parameter is valid. Y IP Path None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]LCARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to UNI, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CXT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD VPCLCX[/MML] is set to VCLCX, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y The SCTP link works as the server and the upper-layer application is M3UA signaling service. None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]DtxInvalid[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When [PARA]CARRYLNKT[/PARA] is SAAL-SCTP, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved MASK needs to be set when [PARA]CONTEXTTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]RST IUR[/MML] is set to Context_Group; MASK does not need to be set when [PARA]CONTEXTTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]RST IUR[/MML] is set to Context or All_Contexts. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]MaxAllowedUlTxPowerInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value to be set should be larger than the value of [PARA]MAXPATHRETR[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. 2.[PARA]MINBW[/PARA] must be less than [PARA]MAXBW[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MaxCAPSLowLoad[ /PARA] > [PARA]MaxCAPSMidLoad[ /PARA] > [PARA]SharingOutCAPSMi dLoad[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MaxCAPSLowLoad[ /PARA] > [PARA]MaxCAPSMidLoad[ /PARA] > [PARA]SharingOutCAPSMi dLoad[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must not larger than [PARA]MaxCellInActiveSet[/PARA] of [MML]SET INTRAFREQHO[/MML] or [MML]ADD CELLINTRAFREQHO[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrchType[/PARA] parameter is set to TRCH_EDCH_2MS or TRCH_EDCH_10MS. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]FPMUXSWITCH[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to YES,this parameter is valid. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode and the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]MAXMFLEN[/PAR A] must not be less than [PARA]MAXSFLEN[/PAR A]*2+8. When the value of [PARA]PPPMUX[/PARA] in [MML]ADD MPGRP[/MML] is set to ENABLE, this parameter should be set. Y PPP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]SAALLNKT[/PARA] is set to NNI, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value to be set should be smaller than the value of [PARA]MAXASSOCRETR[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be set to meet the following conditions: 100 x [PARA]MaxQueueTimeLen[ /PARA] > [PARA]PollTimerLen[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]MAXMFLEN[/PAR A] must not be less than [PARA]MAXSFLEN[/PAR A]*2+8. 1.When the value of [PARA]PPPMUX[/PARA] in [MML]ADD MPGRP[/MML] is set to ENABLE, this parameter should be set. 2.[PARA]MAXMFLEN[/PA RA] must not be less than [PARA]MAXSFLEN[/PAR A]*2+8. Y PPP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to MBFD, the multi hop BFD detect local IP should be set. Not involved Not involved Only valid to the slot of FG2a and GOUa. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is used with the [MML]ADD MBMSALARMSERVICE[/MML] command to enable the no MBMS data check. If the [MML]ADD MBMSALARMSERVICE[/MML] specified service has no data on the Iu interface within the period specified by this parameter, an alarm is reported.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid olny when [PARA]MbmsSwitch[/PARA] is ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ST[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ATMTRF[/MML] is set to RTVBR or NRTVBR, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]MPTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD MPGRP[/MML] is set to MCPPP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ST[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ATMTRF[/MML] is set to UBR_PLUS, the Minimum cell rate should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]MEPTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ETHMEP[/MML] is set to LocalMep, the PortNo and PortType should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]STTDSupInd[/PARA] of [MML]ADD CELLSETUP[/MML] is set to STTD_Supported. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]ChoiceRptUnitForAmrE[/PARA] is set to MIN N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]ChoiceRptUnitForBeE[/PARA] is set to MIN N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]ChoiceRptUnitForBeF[/PARA] is set to MIN N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN,and it must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60 < [PARA]IntraFreqLdbPeriodT imerLen[/PARA]/2; [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60 < [PARA]PucPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA]/2; [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60 < [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA]/2; [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60000 < [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA]/2 . This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN,and it must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60 < [PARA]IntraFreqLdbPeriodT imerLen[/PARA]/2; [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60 < N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForHsupaRateMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForU lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN,and it must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MinForUlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60 < [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA]/2; [PARA]MinForUlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60000 < [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA]/2 . This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForU lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN,and it must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MinForUlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60 < [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA]/2; [PARA]MinForUlBasicMeas [/PARA] x 60000 < [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA]/2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]ChoiceRptUnitForVpE[/PARA] is set to MIN N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MinPCPICHPower[/ PARA] <= [PARA]MaxPCPICHPower[/ PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to SBFD or MBFD, the min interval of BFD packet receive should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to SBFD or MBFD, the min interval of BFD packet send should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Cell None Not involved Not involved When [PARA]MOCNSupport[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORSHARINGMODE[/MML] is set to YES, MocnControlSwitch needs to be set.Otherwise,it does not need. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y Port None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to SBFD or ARP, the port work mode should be set. Not involved Not involved None Y Services carried on the SCTP link None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]USEMP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBESN[/MML] is set to Enable, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]SAALLNKT[/PARA] is set to NNI, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]MsgInd[/PARA] is set to ON, this parameter is valid. When [PARA]CBSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON in [MML]SET RNCCBPARA[/MML] and the CBS license is valid, the cell broadcast can be performed in a specified cell. This parameter specifies the content of broadcast messages. N (The UE in idle mode may receive the RNC built-in cell broadcast messages.) Not involved None N (The UE in idle mode may receive the RNC built-in cell broadcast messages.) Not involved None Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MtchMaxPwr[/PAR A] > [PARA]MtchRsvPwr[/PARA ] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MtchMaxSf[/PARA] > [PARA]MtchRsvSf[/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: [PARA]MtchMinPerc0[/PARA] >= [PARA]MtchMinPerc15[/PARA]. Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: [PARA]MtchMinPerc0[/PARA] >= [PARA]MtchMinPerc15[/PARA]. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MtchMaxPwr[/PAR A] > [PARA]MtchRsvPwr[/PARA ]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MtchMaxSf[/PARA] > [PARA]MtchRsvSf[/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]MTRLGY[/PARA] in [MML]ADD GPS[/MML] is selected as MET, the ALTITUDE should be set; When the value of [PARA]MTRLGY[/PARA] in [MML]ADD GPS[/MML] is selected as IMP, the ALTITUDEIMP should be set. Not involved Not involved None Y Port When the value of [PARA]PPPMUX[/PARA] in [MML]ADD MPGRP[/MML] is set to ENABLE, this parameter should be set. Y PPP link When the value of [PARA]MODE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to REDPORT, the backup port mask should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]SAALLNKT[/PARA] is set to NNI, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be set to meet the following conditions: [PARA]NB01max[/PARA] >= [PARA]NB01min[/PARA]. Y Cell The value of this parameter must be set to meet the following conditions: [PARA]NB01max[/PARA] >= [PARA]NB01min[/PARA]. Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y The SCTP link works as the server and the upper-layer application is NBAP. When the value of [PARA]NBTRANTP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to IPTRANS_IP or ATMANDIPTRANS_IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]NBTRANTP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to IPTRANS_IP or ATMANDIPTRANS_IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]NBTRANTP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to IPTRANS_IP or ATMANDIPTRANS_IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]NBTRANTP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBIP[/MML] is set to IPTRANS_IP or ATMANDIPTRANS_IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]USENBLB2[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBESN[/MML] is set to Enable, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If the Downlink CAC algorithm switch select the equivalent user number algorithm,then Intra Frequency LDB Algorithm must be closed. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved PUC should not be adopted if cell's inter-frequency measurement control information is configured not required, the latter is set by[MML]ADD CELLMEAS[/MML]or[MML]MOD UCELLMEAS[/MML],is configured as not required. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutDownType[/PARA] is set to ConditionalShutDown. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]NonhcsInd[/PARA] is set to CONFIGURED. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y RNC None Not involved Not involved For AEUa/AOUa/UOIa_ATM, next hop must be IPOA PVC peer address, for PEUa/POUa, next hop must be PPP link peer ip or MLPPP peer ip, for FG2a/GOUa, next hop must be in the same subnet with the port ip on the board, for UOIa_IP, next hop must be PPP peer ip. Not involved Not involved The value of the parameter must satisfy the function below: [PARA]NFastSpdEst[/PARA ]*[PARA]TSlowSpdEst[/PA RA] >= [PARA]NSlowSpdEst[/PAR A]*[PARA]TFastSpdEst[/PA RA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter depends on network planning. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved NMO needs to be set when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to PS_DOMAIN; NMO does not need to be set when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to CS_DOMAIN. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUB, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]SelectType[/PARA] in [MML]STR NODEBDETECT[/MML] is set to SINGLE, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter is dependent on the value of [PARA]NodeBName[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEB[/MML]. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]NPrioFlag[/PARA] is set to TRUE. This paramter is valid only when [PARA]NPrioFlag[/PARA] is set to TRUE; Also the value of this parameter must be different to the others. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]NPrioFlag[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y RNC 1. If the original ATM address of the NodeB is configured with the route through [MML]ADD AAL2RT[/MML], the parameter cannot be modified. 2. If the original ATM address of the NodeB is configured with the route in the AAL2RT table, the parameter cannot be modified. Not involved Not involved The value of the parameter must satisfy the function below: [PARA]NFastSpdEst[/PARA ]*[PARA]TSlowSpdEst[/PA RA] >= [PARA]NSlowSpdEst[/PAR A]*[PARA]TFastSpdEst[/PA RA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]DsacAutoSwitch[/P ARA] is set to ON,the parameter need configure;else,need not configure. If [MML]ADD CELLDSACMANUALPAR A[/MML][PARA]Restriction Type[/PARA] value is RestrictionFixed,need set AcRestriction value;when [MML]ADD CELLDSACMANUALPAR A[/MML][PARA]Restriction Type[/PARA] value is RestrictionFlexible,no need set AcRestriction value. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved [PARA]OAMFLOWDSCP[/PARA] can not be the same with any DSCP of IPPATH, or any DSCP used in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForU lBasicMeas[/PARA] and [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] are set to MIN,the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] > 2 x 60 x 1000 x [PARA]MinForUlBasicMeas [/PARA]; [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] > 2 x 60 x 1000 x [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA]; When [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForU lBasicMeas[/PARA] and [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] are set to TEN_MSEC,the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] > 2 x [PARA]TenMsecForUlBasic Meas[/PARA]; [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] > 2 x [PARA]TenMsecForDlBasic Meas[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to AOUa or POUa, and the [PARA]PS[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to ALL, the optical interface standard should be set. Not involved Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_ANTENNA N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON. The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in connected mode and the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in connected mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to AAL2PATH, the AAL2 path ID should be set. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP VCL[/MML] is set to AAL2PATH, the value of [PARA]PATHID[/PARA] should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]ANI[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to IUPS,the value of [PARA]PATHT[/PARA] must be set to RT/NRT/QOS. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] DPUb, the value of [PARA]PATTYPE[/PARA] should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (Impact on page message receiving of UEs in idle mode) Not involved 1. The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MinPCPICHPower[/ PARA] <= [PARA]PCPICHPower[/PA RA] <= [PARA]MaxPCPICHPower[/ PARA] 2. To modify the PCPICH power, the intra-frequency load balance algorithm of the cell should be disabled. You can use [MML]LST CELLALGOSWITCH[/MM L] to query the switch and use [MML]MOD CELLALGOSWITCH[/MM L] to modify the switch. N (Impact on pilot message receiving of UEs in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]ST[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ATMTRF[/MML] is set to CBR or RTVBR or NRTVBR and [PARA]UT[/PARA] is selected, this parameter should be set. 2.[PARA]PCR[/PARA] must be larger than [PARA]SCR[/PARA]. Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The parameter must not be the same as any IP address that has been configured in the RNC. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y Services that the SCTP link bears None Y Services that the SCTP link bears When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP VCL[/MML] is set to IPOAPVC,the value of [PARA]PEERIPADDR[/PA RA] should be set. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to IPOAPVC, the peer IP address should be set. Not involved Not involved [PARA]IPADDR[/PARA] and [PARA]PEERIPADDR[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] must be at one network segment;([PARA]IPADDR[/PARA],[PARA]PEERIPADDR[/PARA],[PARA]PEERMASK[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML]) conflicts with other IPPATH whose type is IUPS. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved ([PARA]IPADDR[/PARA],[PARA]PEERIPADDR[/PARA],[PARA]PEERMASK[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML]) conflicts with other IP Path whose type is IUPS. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Services that the SCTP link bears None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Only when [PARA]PEERT[/PARA] is selected to be IUB, the IPOAPVC can be added to a virtual port. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]PATHCHK[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to ENABLED, this parameter is valid. N (no impact on services when the Ping detection succeeds) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterFreqReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]AccessServiceClass[/PARA] is set to ASC2,ASC3,ASC4,ASC5,ASC6 or ASC7. N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved None Y PPP link When the value of [PARA]ISQOSPATH[/PARA] in [MML]ACT IPPM[/MML] is set to YES, this parameter should be set. Not involved Not involved 1.The phb of the traffic's transmission path is determined like this: if the phb of this transmission path is QOS, use the traffic's phb from TRMMAP; if the phb of this transmission path is BE,AF11,AF12,AF13,AF21,AF22,AF23,AF31,AF32,AF33,AF41,AF42,AF43,EF, use the phb of transmission path. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (Impact on page message receiving of UEs in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y Port None Y Port None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]PlmnValTagMax[/P ARA] > [PARA]PlmnValTagMin[/P ARA]. Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]PlmnValTagMax[/P ARA] > [PARA]PlmnValTagMin[/P ARA]. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If the Ip path is configured on logic port, this parameter must be less than [PARA]PLPRD[/PARA] and [PARA]LATPRD[/PARA] in command [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]PS[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is SINGLE, the port number should be set. When the value of [PARA]LS[/PARA] in [MML]SET COPTLNK[/MML] is set to PORT or SINGLE, the parameter [PARA]PN[/PARA] should be set. When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to SBFD or ARP, the Ethernet port number should be set. There cannot be IP address or port controller configured on the port and the backup port . If the interface board is GOUa, the parameter [PARA]PN[/PARA] can only be 0 or 1. For FG2a board, if the type of port 0 is GE, the PN cannot be 1~3; if the type of port 4 is GE, the PN cannot be 5~7. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Y Port When the value of [PARA]CHKTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] is set to SBFD or ARP, the Ethernet port number should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must be set to meet the following conditions: 100 x [PARA]MaxQueueTimeLen[ /PARA] > [PARA]PollTimerLen[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved When the value of [PARA]USEPPP[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBESN[/MML] is set to Enable, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved The parameter [PARA]PPPLNKN[/PARA] of PPP link and MLPPP link can not be the same. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]PORTPROTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD PORTFLOWCTRLPARA[/MML] is set to IP, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterFreqReportMode[/PARA] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved None N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure background services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure background services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure conversational services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure conversational services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure IMS signaling services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure IMS signaling services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure interactive services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure interactive services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure streaming services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure streaming services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to AOUa or POUa, the port select should be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUPS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (Impact on network searching of UEs in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUPS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]NcovHoOn2GldInd[/ PARA] in [MML]SET INTERRATHONCOV[/MM L] is set to ON. This parameter is valid when [PARA]NcovHoOn2GldInd[/ PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure background services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure background services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure conversational services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure conversational services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure IMS signaling services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure IMS signaling services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure interactive services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure interactive services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1. For the detection timers that do not need to configure streaming services, the related T1 and T2 must be 0 at the same time. 2. For the detection timers that need to configure streaming services, the related T1 and T2 must not be 0 at the same time. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved PsInfoUpdTmr needs to be set when [PARA]PsInfoUpdFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUFLEX[/MML] is set to ON; PsInfoUpdTmr does not need to be set when [PARA]PsInfoUpdFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUFLEX[/MML] is set to OFF. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUPS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUPS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUPS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved PSNRILength needs to be set when [PARA]PsIuFlexFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUFLEX[/MML] is set to ON; PSNRILength does not need to be set when [PARA]PsIuFlexFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUFLEX[/MML] is set to OFF. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]DsacAutoSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON,the parameter need configure;else,need not configure. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUPS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH is valid when DRA_DCCC_SWITCH is set to ON. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]USEFE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBESN[/MML] is set to Enable, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]USEFE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD NODEBESN[/MML] is set to Enable, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BRDTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]SET ETHPORT[/MML] is set to FG2a, the port type should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to MIN,the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]PucPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] > 2 x 60 x [PARA]MinForDlBasicMeas [/PARA]; When [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC,the value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]PucPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] x 1000 > 2 x [PARA]TenMsecForDlBasic Meas[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved From [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] to [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q1MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q2MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q3MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved From [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] to [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q1MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q2MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q3MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved From [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] to [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q1MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q2MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q3MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved From [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] to [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q1MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q2MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q3MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved From [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] to [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA] must obey the following rules: [PARA]Q0MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q1MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q2MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q3MINDSCP[/PARA] > [PARA]Q4MINDSCP[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUB, IUR, or IUCS, and the value of [PARA]IsROOTNODE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to YES, or the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to UNI_AAL2SWITCH or NNI_AAL2SWITCH, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] is set to USED. This paramter is valid only when [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] is set to USED. This parameter is valid only when [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(For the UE in idle mode, the larger the value of this parameter is, the lower the possibility for the UE to choose to the GSM neighbouring cell in cell reselection process. On the other hand. the smaller the value is, the higher the possibility for the UE to choose the GSM neighbouring cell.) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]QqualminInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (For the UE in idle mode, the parameter will impact the UE whether it can camp on the cell.) Not involved None N(For the UE in idle mode, the larger the value of this parameter is, the harder the UE to reselect to this cell based on HCS algorithm. On the other hand. the smaller the value is, the easier the UE to reselect to this cell. But if the value is to small, the UE may not receive the systerm information on PCCPCH channel correctly after cell reselection.) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]QrxlevminInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]QrxlevminInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (For the UE in idle mode, the parameter will impact the UE whether it can camp on the cell.) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]CfgRacInd[/PARA] is set to REQUIRE. Not involved Not involved None N (Impact on random access for UEs in idle mode)Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be larger than the value of the [PARA]UpLimitCountingTime[/PARA] parameter under the [MML]SET RNCMBMSPARA[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. 2.[PARA]RECOVERTHD[/ PARA] must be larger than [PARA]RPTTHD[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. This parameter is valid when [PARA]RedirBandInd[/PAR A] is not set to BandIndNotUsed. 1. This parameter is valid when [PARA]RedirSwitch[/PARA ] is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQU ENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 2. If the value of this parameter is set in both the [MML]SET REDIRECTION[/MML] and [MML]ADD CELLREDIRECTION[/MM L] commands, the value set in the [MML]ADD CELLREDIRECTION[/MM L] command prevails. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]RedirSwitch[/PARA ] is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQU ENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 1. This parameter is valid when [PARA]RedirSwitch[/PARA ] is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQU ENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 2. If the value of this parameter is set in both the [MML]SET REDIRECTION[/MML] and [MML]ADD CELLREDIRECTION[/MM L] commands, the value set in the [MML]ADD CELLREDIRECTION[/MM L] command prevails. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]RedirSwitch[/PARA ] is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQU ENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 1. This parameter is valid when [PARA]RedirSwitch[/PARA ] is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQU ENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT. 2. If the value of this parameter is set in both the [MML]SET REDIRECTION[/MML] and [MML]ADD CELLREDIRECTION[/MM L] commands, the value set in the [MML]ADD CELLREDIRECTION[/MM L] command prevails. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command; The value range of this parameter depends on the setting of the [PARA]ReDirBandInd[/PAR A] parameter, as shown below: Band1 Common frequencies: [10562- 10838] Special frequencies: none Band2 Common frequencies: [9662- 9938] Special frequencies: {412, 437, 462, 487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637, 662, 687} Band3 Common frequencies: [1162- 1513] Special frequencies: none Band4 Common frequencies: [1537- N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command; This parameter is required only when the [PARA]ReDirUARFCNUpli nkInd[/PARA] parameter is set to TRUE; The value range of this parameter depends on the setting of the [PARA]ReDirBandInd[/PAR A] parameter, as shown below: Band1: Common frequencies: [9612- 9888] Special frequencies: none Band2: Common frequencies: [9262- 9538] Special frequencies: {12, 37, 62, 87, 112, 137, 162, 187, 212, 237, 262, 287} Band3: Common frequencies: [937- N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. This parameter is valid when [PARA]RedirBandInd[/PAR A] is not set to BandIndNotUsed. 1. This parameter is valid when [PARA]RedirBandInd[/PAR A] is not set to BandIndNotUsed. 3. If the value of this parameter is set in both the [MML]SET REDIRECTION[/MML] and [MML]ADD CELLREDIRECTION[/MM L] commands, the value set in the [MML]ADD CELLREDIRECTION[/MM L] command prevails. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to AEUa/PEUa, the value range of [PARA]REF2MCLKSRC[/P ARA] is 0 to 31. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to AOUa/POUa, the value range of [PARA]REF2MCLKSRC[/P ARA] is 0 to 1. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to UOIa, the value range of [PARA]REF2MCLKSRC[/P ARA] is 0 to 3. Y RNC When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to AEUa/PEUa, the value range of [PARA]REF2MCLKSRC[/P ARA] is 0 to 31. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to AOUa/POUa, the value range of [PARA]REF2MCLKSRC[/P ARA] is 0 to 1. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to UOIa, the value range of [PARA]REF2MCLKSRC[/P ARA] is 0 to 3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None Y RNC None Y RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must not be smaller than [PARA]RlMinDlPwr[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must not be larger than [PARA]RlMaxDlPwr[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. 2.[PARA]RECOVERTHD[/ PARA] must be larger than [PARA]RPTTHD[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, or NCOPT, this parameter is valid. Y AAL2 Path When the value of [PARA]RSCGRPFLAG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to YES, this parameter is valid; the type of rscgrp must be ATM. Y AAL2 Path When the value of [PARA]CARRYFLAG[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to RSCGRP, this parameter is valid;the type of rscgrp must be IP. Y IP Path None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]ISFIRSTCLASSE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] is set to YES, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]SPCBITS[/PARA] is set to BIT14 or BIT24, this parameter is valid. Y Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Port None Y RNC When [PARA]RTCPSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to ON, RTCPBWRatio needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]TnlBearerType[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to IP_TRANS, RTCPSwitch needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when DRA_PS_NON_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH and DRA_HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] are set to ON. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]RtDH2FTvmThd[/P ARA] < [PARA]RtF2DHTvmThd[/P ARA]; [PARA]RtDH2FTvmThd[/P ARA] < [PARA]RtEFach2DHTvmTh d[/PARA]; [PARA]RtDH2FTvmThd[/P ARA] < [PARA]RtEFach2CpcTvmT hd[/PARA]; [PARA]RtDH2FTvmThd[/P ARA] < [PARA]RtF2CpcTvmThd[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when DRA_PS_NON_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH and DRA_HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] are set to ON. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]RtDH2FTvmThd[/P ARA] < [PARA]RtEFach2CpcTvmT hd[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]RtDH2FTvmThd[/P ARA] < [PARA]RtEFach2DHTvmTh d[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]RtDH2FTvmThd[/P ARA] < [PARA]RtF2CpcTvmThd[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]RtDH2FTvmThd[/P ARA] < [PARA]RtF2DHTvmThd[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value to be set should be larger than the value of [PARA]RTOMIN[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML] but smaller than the value of [PARA]RTOMAX[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value to be set should be larger than the value of [PARA]RTOMIN[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value to be set should be smaller than the value of [PARA]RTOMAX[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]BWADJ[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPLOGICPORT[/MML] is set to ON, this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]GRPT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] is set to ATM or [PARA]BWMODE[/PARA] is set to FULL_DUPLEX, this parameter is valid;The sum of [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] and [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] and [PARA]AllBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML]of lower class RSCGRP;The [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of lower class RSCGRP, and the [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of lower class RSCGRP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to IMA, UNI, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATM logic port, this parameter is valid. 1.When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is required. 2.When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or Y Not involved The value of the parameter must satisfy the function below: [PARA]RxTxtoTrig6F[/PAR A] - [PARA]RxTxtoTrig6G[/PAR A] >= 256. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of the parameter must satisfy the function below: [PARA]RxTxtoTrig6F[/PAR A] - [PARA]RxTxtoTrig6G[/PAR A] >= 256. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]CARRYLNKT[/PARA] is SAAL or SAAL-SCTP, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved When[PARA]CARRYLNKT[/PARA] is SAAL or SAAL-SCTP, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to SAALLNK, the SAAL link number should be set. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP VCL[/MML] is set to SAALLNK, the value of [PARA]SAALLNKN[/PAR A] should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUB, and the value of [PARA]IsROOTNODE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to YES, or the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to UNI_AAL2SWITCH, this parameter is valid. Y NodeB None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC The value of this parameter is dependent on the value of [PARA]SAC[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SAC[/MML]; This service area is not configured as a classified zone. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]ST[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ATMTRF[/MML] is set to RTVBR or NRTVBR and [PARA]UT[/PARA] is selected, this parameter should be set. 2.[PARA]SCR[/PARA] must be smaller than [PARA]PCR[/PARA]. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to AEUa or AOUa, the value of [PARA]SCRAMBLESW[/P ARA] can be set. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPT[/MML] is set to UOIa and the logic function type is selected,the scramble switch should be set. Not involved Not involved The parameter [PARA]SCTPLNKN[/PARA ] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML] When [PARA]CARRYLNKT[/PA RA] is SCTP or SAAL- SCTP, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES and the value of [PARA]SM[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to DATE or DATEWEEK, the start date should be set. Y RNC None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] and [MML]SET DRD[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLDRD[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET DRD[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUPS, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]MaxCAPSLowLoad[ /PARA] > [PARA]MaxCAPSMidLoad[ /PARA] > [PARA]SharingOutCAPSMi dLoad[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to USED but not required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to NOT_USED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the SERVICE_HO_BASED_ON_RNC_SWITCH under the [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] parameter is set to on through the [MML]SET CORRMALGOWITCH[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(For the UE in idle mode, the value of this parameter decides whether the UE can receive the information of this neighbouring cell in SIB11.) Not involved None N(For the UE in idle mode, the value of this parameter decides whether the UE can receive the information of this neighbouring cell in SIB12.) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter cannot be set to FACH only when the [PARA]RrcCause[/PARA] parameter is set to EMERGCALLEST or MBMSCALLEST. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The parameter [PARA]SIGLKSX[/PARA] in [MML]ADD MTP3LKS[/MML] The [PARA]SIGLKSX[/PARA] field in [MML]ADD M3LKS[/MML] The parameter [PARA]SIGLKSX[/PARA] in [MML]ADD M3LKS[/MML] Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]GoldMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]SilverMaxMode[/PA RA] >= [PARA]CopperMaxMode[/P ARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUPS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to USED but not required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to NOT_USED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y RNC When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES, the start type should be set. Y RNC None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES and the value of [PARA]SM[/PARA] is selected, the start month should be set. Y RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP VCL[/MML] is set to SAALLNK, the value of [PARA]SN[/PARA] should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Services carried on PVC When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] is set to SCUa, the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 6 to 7. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] is set to GCUa/GCGa, the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 12 to 13. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] is set to DPUb, the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 8 to 19. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] is set to SPUa, the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 0 to 5 and 8 to 11. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] is set to PEUa,AEUa,FG2a,GOUa,AOUa,POUa,UOIa, the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 14 to 27. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When [PARA]BRDTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD BRD[/MML] is set to a value, the slot number and the backup mode are required. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is only valid to AOUa/UOIa_ATM/POUa/UOIa_IP board. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]INHT[/PARA] in [MML]INH BRD[/MML] is set to LOGIC,the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 0, 2, 4, 8 to 27. When the value of [PARA]INHT[/PARA] in [MML]INH BRD[/MML] is set to PHYSICAL,the value range of [PARA]SN[/PARA] is 0 to 5, 8 to 27. Y RNC When the value of [PARA]UINT[/PARA] in [MML]UIN BRD[/MML] is set to LOGIC, the slot number is required and the value range is 0, 2, 4, 8 to 27. When the value of [PARA]UINT[/PARA] in [MML]UIN BRD[/MML] is set to PHYSICAL, the slot number is required and the value range is 0 to 5, 8 to 27. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Only valid to the slot of FG2a and GOUa. For FG2a board, if the type of port 0 is GE, the PN cannot be 1~3; if the type of port 4 is GE, the PN cannot be 5~7. none Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to SAALLNK, the slot number of the SPUa should be set. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUB, and the value of [PARA]IsROOTNODE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to YES, or the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to UNI_AAL2SWITCH, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved SNAC needs to be set when [PARA]SnaExistInd[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMSISNAMAP[/MML] is set to YES; SNAC does not need to be set when [PARA]SnaExistInd[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IMSISNAMAP[/MML] is set to PS_DOMAIN. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]SPDF[/PARA] is set to WNF, this parameter is valid. Y RNC This parameter depends on network planning. Y RNC When the value of [PARA]SPDF[/PARA] is set to DNF, this parameter is valid. Y RNC This parameter is valid when the HCS_SPD_EST_SWITCH is ON and [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] is USED in [MML]ADD CELLHCS[/MML]. The HCS_SPD_EST_SWITCH in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y RNC When the value of [PARA]BRDTYPE[/PARA] is set to FG2a,the value of [PARA]PTYPE[/PARA] is set to FE,[PARA]AUTO[/PARA] in [MML]SET ETHPORT[/MML] is set to DISABLE,the FE port rate can be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter, [PARA]TrafficClass[/PARA], [PARA]UserPriority[/PARA] and [PARA]THP[/PARA] form an SPI mapping table. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]SpucHeavy[/PARA] >= [PARA]SpucLight[/PARA]; 100 >= [PARA]SpucHeavy[/PARA] + [PARA]SpucHyst[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]SpucLight[/PARA] >= [PARA]SpucHyst[/PARA]; 100 >= [PARA]SpucHeavy[/PARA] + [PARA]SpucHyst[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]SpucHeavy[/PARA] >= [PARA]SpucLight[/PARA]; [PARA]SpucLight[/PARA] >= [PARA]SpucHyst[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]SRBMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]SRBGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]SRBMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]SRBGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]MODE[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLKMODE[/MML] is set to MANUAL, the value of this parameter should be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The parameter must not be the same as any IP address that has been configured in the RNC. The parameter must not be the same as the internal IP address of the BAM. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When 2MBPS exists on the clock source, T1BPS is not allowed to be added; when T1BPS exists on the clock source, 2MBPS is not allowed to be added. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]SAALLNKT[/PARA] is set to NNI, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]OT[/PARA] in [MML]LOD PATCH[/MML] is set to SCUa, SPUa, DPUb, PEUa, AEUa, FG2a, GOUa, AOUa, POUa, UOIa, or ALL, the value of [PARA]SRN[/PARA] should be set. When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to UNI_AAL2SWITCH, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP VCL[/MML] is set to SAALLNK, the value of [PARA]SRN[/PARA] should be set. When the value of [PARA]SRT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to RBS, the value of [PARA]SRN[/PARA] should be set. When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to SAALLNK, the subrack number should be set. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]SRT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CLK[/MML] is set to RBS, the value of [PARA]SRN[/PARA] should be set. Y RNC None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUB, and the value of [PARA]IsROOTNODE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to YES, or the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to UNI_AAL2SWITCH, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved SRNTI needs to be set when [PARA]CONTEXTTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]RST IUR[/MML] is set to Context_Group; SRNTI does not need to be set when [PARA]CONTEXTTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]RST IUR[/MML] is set to Context or All_Contexts. Not involved Not involved None Y RNC None N (Impact on network searching of UEs in idle mode) Not involved [PARA]SSCPUAVEUSAGEALMTHD[/PARA] must be smaller than [PARA]SSCPUMAXUSAGEALMTHD[/PARA]. Not involved Not involved [PARA]SSCPUMAXUSAGEALMTHD[/PARA] must be greater than [PARA]SSCPUAVEUSAGEALMTHD[/PARA] Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CPUTHD[/MML] is set to DPUb, the value of [PARA]SSDSPAVEUSAGE ALMTHD[/PARA] should be set. 2.[PARA]SSDSPAVEUSAG EALMTHD[/PARA] must be smaller than [PARA]SSDSPMAXUSAG EALMTHD[/PARA]. Not involved Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET CPUTHD[/MML] is set to DPUb, the value of [PARA]SSDSPAVEUSAGE ALMTHD[/PARA] should be set. 2.[PARA]SSDSPMAXUSA GEALMTHD[/PARA] must be bigger than [PARA]SSDSPAVEUSAGE ALMTHD[/PARA]. Not involved Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to USED but not required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to NOT_USED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES, the start time should be set. Y RNC 1.When the value of [PARA]ST[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ATMTRF[/MML] is set to CBR, the rate unit should be set; when the value of [PARA]UT[/PARA] is selected, the peak rate should be set. 2.When the value of [PARA]ST[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ATMTRF[/MML] is set to UBR_PLUS, the rate unit should be set; when the value of [PARA]UT[/PARA] is selected, the minimum rate should be set. 3.When the value of [PARA]ST[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ATMTRF[/MML] is set to RTVBR or NRTVBR, the rate unit should be set; when the value of [PARA]UT[/PARA] is selected, the peak rate and the average rate should be set. Not involved Not involved Restriction: [PARA]StaBlkNum5A[/PARA] >= [PARA]Thd5A[/PARA] N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutdownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON_1 or ON_2 or ON_3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutdownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON_2 or ON_3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutdownSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON_3. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]DPCT[/PARA] is set to IUCS, IUPS, IUR, IUCS_RANAP, or IUCS_ALCAP, this parameter is valid. Y RNC None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]STREAMMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]STREAMGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]STREAMMBR[/PARA] >= [PARA]STREAMGBR[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PA RA] is set to TRUE. This parameter is valid only when [PARA]TxDiversityInd[/PA RA] is set to TRUE. Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]FPMUXSWITCH[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to YES,this parameter is valid. N (no impact on the UE in connected mode and the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC When [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R99, set SupportCRType to CR527_SUPPORT or CR527_NOT_SUPPORT; when [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R4, set SupportCRType to CR528_SUPPORT or CR528_NOT_SUPPORT; when [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R5, set SupportCRType to CR529_SUPPORT or CR529_NOT_SUPPORT; when [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R6, there is no SupportCRType that can be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES and the value of [PARA]SM[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to WEEK or DATEWEEK, the start week should be set. Y RNC None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to CS_DOMAIN, Switch3GPP25415CR0125 needs to be set. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES and the value of [PARA]SM[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to WEEK, the start week sequence should be set. Y RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved T314 should be set greater than T302*N302 N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved T315 should be set greater than T302*N302 N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved T3212 needs to be set when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to CS_DOMAIN; T3212 does not need to be set when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to PS_DOMAIN. N (Changing the time for the UE in idle mode to initiate periodical location update) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TFsNumber[/PARA] is set to D2 or D3. Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]TFsNumber[/PARA] is set to D3. Not involved Not involved 1.[PARA]TbSizeIndex1[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex2[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex3[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex4[/PARA] N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.[PARA]TbSizeIndex1[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex2[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex3[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex4[/PARA] N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.[PARA]TbSizeIndex1[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex2[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex3[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex4[/PARA] N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved 1.[PARA]TbSizeIndex1[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex2[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex3[/PARA] < [PARA]TbSizeIndex4[/PARA] N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Cell This paramter is valid only when [PARA]CellChoice[/PARA] is set to 3GCELL. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to USED but not required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to NOT_USED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to USED but not required when the [PARA]UseOfHcs[/PARA] parameter is set to NOT_USED. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]NonhcsInd[/PARA] is set to CONFIGURED. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]NonhcsInd[/PARA] is set to CONFIGURED. N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]TpenaltyHcsReselect[/PARA] is not set to D0. N(For the UE in idle mode, the larger the value of this parameter is, the lower the possibility for the UE to select to this neighbouring cell. On the other hand. the smaller the value is, the higher the possibility for the UE to select to this neighbouring cel. If the value is INFINITY, the UE can never choose this neighbouring cell to campus on.) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]TpenaltyHcsReselect[/PARA] is not set to D0. N(For the UE in idle mode, the larger the value of this parameter is, the lower the possibility for the UE to select to this neighbouring cell. On the other hand. the smaller the value is, the higher the possibility for the UE to select to this neighbouring cel. If the value is INFINITY, the UE can never choose this neighbouring cell to campus on.) Not involved Valid when [PARA]ChoiceRptUnitForAmrE[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]ChoiceRptUnitForBeE[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]ChoiceRptUnitForBeF[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForD lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC,and it must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]TenMsecForDlBasic Meas[/PARA] < [PARA]IntraFreqLdbPeriodT imerLen[/PARA] x 1000/2 (See [MML]SET LDCPERIOD[/MML] and [MML]SET SATLDCPERIOD[/MML]); [PARA]TenMsecForDlBasic Meas[/PARA] < [PARA]PucPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] x 1000/2 (See [MML]SET LDCPERIOD[/MML] and [MML]SET SATLDCPERIOD[/MML]); [PARA]TenMsecForDlBasic Meas[/PARA] < [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] x 1000/2 (See [MML]SET LDCPERIOD[/MML] and [MML]SET SATLDCPERIOD[/MML]); [PARA]TenMsecForDlBasic Meas[/PARA] < [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForDlOlcMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForHsupaRateMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForU lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC,and it must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]TenMsecForUlBasic Meas[/PARA] < [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] * 1000/2 (See [MML]SET LDCPERIOD[/MML] and [MML]SET SATLDCPERIOD[/MML]); [PARA]TenMsecForUlBasic Meas[/PARA] < [PARA]OlcPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] /2 (See [MML]SET LDCPERIOD[/MML] and [MML]SET SATLDCPERIOD[/MML]) . This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForU lBasicMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC,and it must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]TenMsecForUlBasic Meas[/PARA] < [PARA]LdrPeriodTimerLen[ /PARA] x 1000/2; [PARA]TenMsecForUlBasic N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]ChoiceRprtUnitForUlOlcMeas[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]ChoiceRptUnitForVpE[/PARA] is set to TEN_MSEC N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of the parameter must satisfy the function below: [PARA]NFastSpdEst[/PARA ]*[PARA]TSlowSpdEst[/PA RA] >= [PARA]NSlowSpdEst[/PAR A]*[PARA]TFastSpdEst[/PA RA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]SlotFormat[/PARA] is equal to or more than D8. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved Restriction: [PARA]StaBlkNum5A[/PARA] >= [PARA]Thd5A[/PARA] N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Restriction: [PARA]ThdEa[/PARA] <= [PARA]ThdEb[/PARA] N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Restriction: [PARA]ThdEa[/PARA] <= [PARA]ThdEb[/PARA] N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter, [PARA]TrafficClass[/PARA], [PARA]UserPriority[/PARA], and [PARA]SPI[/PARA] form an SPI mapping table. This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrafficClass[/PARA] parameter is set to INTERACTIVE. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]TrafficClass[/PARA] parameter is set to INTERACTIVE; The mapping relationship between the traffic handling priority value of INTERACTIVE service and its corresponding class can be set through command [MML]SET IAVUSERTHPCLASS[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]Priority(BLK CELL)[/PARA] is set to NORMAL. Not involved Not involved None Y AAL2 Path None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterFreqReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterFreqReportMode[/PARA] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to PERIODICAL_REPORTING. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is required when the [PARA]RlcMode[/PARA] parameter is set to AM and the [PARA]AmRlcCfgPara[/PARA] parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL_PARA. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved The TRMMAP index is configured by setting the value of [PARA]TMI[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The TRMMAP index is configured by setting the value of [PARA]TMI[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The TRMMAP index is configured by setting the value of [PARA]TMI[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) RNC 1. If the NodeB is configured with the NCP through [MML]ADD NCP[/MML] or configured with the CCP through [MML]ADD CCP[/MML], the transmission type cannot be modified. 2. If a NodeB OM channel is set up, the transmission type cannot be modified. 3. If the NodeB is configured with adjacent nodes through [MML]ADD NCP[/MML], the transmission type cannot be modified. 4. If the NodeB is configured with the electrical serial number through [MML]ADD NODEBESN[/MML] and the transmission type is supposed to be modified to ATM transmission, the transmission type cannot be modified. Y NodeB None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]DST[/PARA] in [MML]SET TZ[/MML] is set to YES, the adjust method should be set. Y RNC None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]DynShutDownType[/PARA] is set to ConditionalShutDown. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N(For the UE in idle mode, the larger the value of this parameter is, the smaller the Ping-Pong effect in the cell reselection between different Hierarchy cells. But if the value is to small, the effect of the HCS algorithm is bad.) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter, [PARA]UserPriority[/PARA] , [PARA]THP[/PARA], and [PARA]SPI[/PARA] form an SPI mapping table. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB, IUR or IUCS, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB_IUR_IUCS, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]NODET[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to IUB, IUR, IUCS, or IUPS, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N(impact on Cell Selection and Reselection of the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This paramter is valid only when [PARA]CellChoice[/PARA] is set to 3GCELL. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]LOP E1T1[/MML] is set to AEUa or PEUa, the value of [PARA]TS[/PARA] should be set. Y Cell When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to AEUa, the value of [PARA]LS[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to SINGLE and the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to E1_DOUBLE_FRAME or E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAME , the value of [PARA]TS16ENABLE[/PARA] can be set. Not involved Not involved 1.The time slot 0 can not be configured. 2.When the value of [PARA]BRDTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD PPPLNK[/MML]is set to PEUa, the value of[PARA]TSBITMAP[/PAR A] must be set. 3.When the value of [PARA]BRDTYPE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD MPLNK[/MML]is set to PEUa, the value of[PARA]TSBITMAP[/PAR A] must be set. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved The value of the parameter must satisfy the function below: [PARA]NFastSpdEst[/PARA ]*[PARA]TSlowSpdEst[/PA RA] >= [PARA]NSlowSpdEst[/PAR A]*[PARA]TFastSpdEst[/PA RA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]TstSwitch[/PARA] is set to ON. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]STPMODE[/PARA] in [MML]STR CPUUSAGETST[/MML] is set to YES, this parameter is valid. Y Subsystem None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When [PARA]GRPT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] is set to ATM or [PARA]BWMODE[/PARA] is set to FULL_DUPLEX, this parameter is valid;The sum of [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] and [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] and [PARA]AllBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML]of lower class RSCGRP;The [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the [PARA]TxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of lower class RSCGRP, and the [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of upper class RSCGRP can not less than the [PARA]RxBw[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] of lower class RSCGRP. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y Cell None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved 1.When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPOAPVC[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is required. 2.When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATMLGCPORT, this parameter is required. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATM logic port, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] is set to IMA, UNI, FRAATM, NCOPT, or N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y ETHPORT/VP/LGCPORT etc. None Y Cell When [PARA]UARFCNUplinkInd[/PARA] is set to TRUE, this parameter need to manual configure;or else need to automatic configure with the restriction relation UL and DL frequency. Y Cell None Y Cell None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]UDPMUXMODRECV[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to RTPCOMP, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to IUCS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to IUCS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]UDPMUXMODRECV[/PARA] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to RTPCOMP, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]STR E1T1TST[/MML] is set to AEUa or PEUa, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved If this parameter is set through both the [MML]SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA[/MML] and [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] commands, the parameter set through the [MML]ADD CELLFRC[/MML] command takes precedence over that set through the [MML]SET FRCCHLTYPEPARA[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter can be used for selection of the initial rate for BE services only when the DCCC_SWITCH under the [PARA]Chswitch[/PARA] parameter is set to on through the [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A](See [MML]ADD CELLLDM[/MML]) >= [PARA]UlCellTotalThd[/PA RA]; [PARA]UlCellTotalThd[/PA RA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForHo [/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of UlMidRateCalc is HAND_APPOINT,the following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]UlDcccRateThd[/PA RA] <= [PARA]UlMidRateThd[/PA RA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is available if the value of [PARA]BEQosPerform[/PARA] in [MML]SET QOSACT[/MML] is YES. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved For the BE users with the same [PARA]TrafficClass[/PARA ], [PARA]THPClass[/PARA] and [PARA]BearType[/PARA] values, make sure: [PARA]UlGBR[/PARA] of GOLD users ([PARA]UserPriority[/PARA ] is set to GOLD) >= [PARA]UlGBR[/PARA] of SILVER users ([PARA]UserPriority[/PARA ] is set to SILVER) >= [PARA]UlGBR[/PARA] of COPPER users ([PARA]UserPriority[/PARA ] is set to COPPER). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlHoCeResvSf[/PA RA] >= [PARA]UlLdrCreditSfResTh d[/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must not be larger than [PARA]UlHoCeResvSf[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]UlLdrRelThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]UlOlcRelThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]UlLdrRelThd[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]UlLdrRelThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]UlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] > [PARA]UlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForOt her[/PARA](See [MML]ADD CELLCAC[/MML]) >= [PARA]UlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The parameter is valid when [PARA]UlRateUpAdjLevel[/PARA] in [MML]SET DCCC[/MML] is set to 3_Rates, or [PARA]UlRateDnAdjLevel[/PARA] in [MML]SET DCCC[/MML] is set to 3_Rates. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The parameter is valid when [PARA]UlMidRateCalc[/PA RA] in [MML]SET DCCC[/MML] is set to HAND_APPOINT, and the following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]UlDcccRateThd[/PA RA] <= [PARA]UlMidRateThd[/PA RA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The following relationship must be satisfied: [PARA]UlModeChangeTime rLen[/PARA] <= [PARA]DlModeChangeTime rLen[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForHo [/PARA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForA MR[/PARA]; [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForA MR[/PARA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForOt her[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlCellTotalThd[/PA RA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForHo [/PARA] ; [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForHo [/PARA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForA MR[/PARA]; [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForHo [/PARA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForNo nAMR[/PARA] . N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForHo [/PARA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForNo nAMR[/PARA]; [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForNo nAMR[/PARA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForOt her[/PARA]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForA MR[/PARA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForOt her[/PARA]; [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForNo nAMR[/PARA] > [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForOt her[/PARA]; [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForOt her[/PARA] >= [PARA]UlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]UlOlcRelThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]UlOlcRelThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]UlLdrRelThd[/PAR A]. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must satisfy the following relationship: [PARA]UlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] > [PARA]UlLdrTrigThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]UlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]UlOlcRelThd[/PAR A]; [PARA]UlOlcTrigThd[/PAR A] >= [PARA]UlNonCtrlThdForHo [/PARA](See [MML]ADD CELLCAC[/MML]). N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]VPQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to NOPRIORITY. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid only when [PARA]AFSetObj[/PARA] is set to GGOLD, SILVER, or COPPER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Restriction: [PARA]UlThd6A1[/PARA] <= [PARA]UlThd6B1[/PARA] N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Restrictions: 1) [PARA]UlThd6A2[/PARA] <= [PARA]UlThd6B2[/PARA]; 2) [PARA]UlThd6A2[/PARA] > [PARA]UlThd6B1[/PARA] N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Restrictions: 1) [PARA]UlThd6A1[/PARA] <= [PARA]UlThd6B1[/PARA]; 2) [PARA]UlThd6A2[/PARA] > [PARA]UlThd6B1[/PARA] N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Restriction: [PARA]UlThd6A2[/PARA] <= [PARA]UlThd6B2[/PARA] N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter can only be set to 1 when the [PARA]PwrCtrlAlg[/PARA] parameter is set to ALGORITHM2. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/PARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/P ARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER; [PARA]UncertSemiMajor[/P ARA]>=[PARA]UncertSemi Minor[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/P ARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER; [PARA]UncertSemiMajor[/P ARA]>=[PARA]UncertSemi Minor[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/P ARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER; [PARA]UncertSemiMajor[/P ARA]>=[PARA]UncertSemi Minor[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]CellLocCfgType[/P ARA] is set to BOTH or CELL_CENTER; [PARA]UncertSemiMajor[/P ARA]>=[PARA]UncertSemi Minor[/PARA]. N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved The value of this parameter must be smaller than the value of the [PARA]RecountingPeriod[/PARA] parameter under the [MML]SET RNCMBMSPARA[/MML] command. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]IsROOTNODE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD ADJNODE[/MML] is set to NO, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved When [PARA]ISFIRSTCLASSE[/PARA] in [MML]ADD RSCGRP[/MML] is set to NO, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] and [PARA]MeasQuantityOf3A[/PARA] is CPICH_EC/NO or AUTO. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] and [PARA]MeasQuantityOf3A[/PARA] is CPICH_RSCP or AUTO. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/M ML]. This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/M ML] and [PARA]MeasQuantityOf3A[/ PARA] is CPICH_EC/NO or AUTO. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/M ML]. This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/M ML] and [PARA]MeasQuantityOf3A[/ PARA] is CPICH_RSCP or AUTO. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when [PARA]InterRatReportMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET INTERRATHOCOV[/MML] or [MML]ADD CELLINTERRATHOCOV[/MML] is set to EVENT_TRIGGER. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] and [PARA]MeasQuantityOf3A[/PARA] is CPICH_EC/NO or AUTO. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter is valid when the OVERLAY_SWITCH is ON The OVERLAY_SWITCH is in [PARA]HoSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]SET CORRMALGOSWITCH[/MML] and [PARA]MeasQuantityOf3A[/PARA] is CPICH_RSCP or AUTO. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved This parameter, [PARA]TrafficClass[/PARA ], [PARA]THP[/PARA], and [PARA]SPI[/PARA] form an SPI mapping table. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATM logic port, this parameter is valid. Y AAL2 Path When the value of [PARA]LNKT[/PARA] in [MML]ACT VCLCC[/MML] is set to SAALLNK, AAL2PATH, or IPOAPVC, the VCL activating type should be set. Not involved Not involved This parameter determines whether the parameter [PARA]VLANID[/PARA] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML] is valid. Y Services that the SCTP link bears When the value of [PARA]VLANFlAG[/PARA ] in [MML]ADD IPPATH[/MML] is set to ENABLE, this parameter is valid. When the value of [PARA]VLANFlAG[/PARA ] in [MML]ADD SCTPLNK[/MML] is set to ENABLE, this parameter is valid. Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR or IUCS, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved When the value of [PARA]ITFT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD TRMMAP[/MML] is set to IUB or IUR, this parameter is valid. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]CARRYT[/PARA] in [MML]ADD AAL2PATH[/MML] is set to UNI, IMA, FRAATM, NCOPT, or ATM logic port, this parameter is valid. Y AAL2 Path None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved Valid when [PARA]AMRQosPerform[/PARA] is set to YES N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Not involved Not involved None Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to AEUa/PEUa and the value of [PARA]LS[/PARA] is set to ALL,the value of [PARA]WORKMODE[/PARA] can be set to E1_UNBA,E1_BA,or T1. When the value of [PARA]BT[/PARA] in [MML]SET E1T1[/MML] is set to AOUa/P0Ua,the value of [PARA]WORKMODE[/PARA] can be set to T1 or E1. Not involved Not involved When the value of [PARA]RT[/PARA] in [MML]SET MSP[/MML] is set to REVERTIVE, the recovery time should be set. Not involved Not involved This parameter defines an offset relative to the [PARA]NCountingThd[/PARA] parameter. N (No impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None N (no impact on the UE in idle mode) Not involved None Y RNC Interruption Duration(min) Caution Access Attribute Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The deleting operation can be done three minutes after ADD GPS operation. Read & Write Equipment Less than 10 minutes CPU usage to be increased. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The deleting operation can be done three minutes after ADD GPS operation. Read & Write Equipment Not involved 1. The AGPS reference receiver can be added to an RNC or a NodeB according to [AGPS type]. If the AGPS type is RNC, the AGPS reference receiver is added to the RNC. If the AGPS type is NodeB, the AGPS reference receiver is added to the NodeB. 2. One RNC can be configured with one AGPS reference receiver at most while one NodeB can be configured with five AGPS reference receivers at most. 3.If the AGPS reference receiver is configured in the RNC, the AGPS reference receiver must be integrated on the clock card. 4. If the AGPS reference receiver is added to a NodeB, the ID of the home cell of the AGPS reference receiver must be specified, and this cell must have been configured. 5. If the AGPS reference recevier is added to an NRNC, the ID of the home RNC of the AGPS reference receiver must be specified and this NRNC Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Service not interrupted, but CPU will be high This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until the correct gateway is set or the port swapping or the changing of IP route is finished. In order to modify this parameter, you must use the command [MML]STP IPCHK[/MML] first and [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] next. Read & Write Transport Not involved In order to modify this parameter, you must use the command [MML]STP IPCHK[/MML] first and [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] next. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved If the transport type of the NodeB is IUB-IP, the next hop IP address must be one of the following configured addresses: PPP link peer IP address, MLPPP group peer IP address, and the IP address in the same network segment as that of the FE/GE port. Read & Write Equipment Not involved If the transport type of the NodeB is IUB-IP, the next hop IP address must be one of the following configured addresses: PPP link peer IP address, MLPPP group peer IP address, and the IP address in the same network segment as that of the FE/GE port. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The modification of ATT is valid only when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to CS_DOMAIN.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The negotiation will be successful only when the parameter is set the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The negotiation will be successful only when the parameter is set the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The negotiation will be successful only when the parameter is set the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport Not involved The negotiation will be successful only when the parameter is set the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The modification may affect the state of the port, may interrupt service temply. If the modification is not consistent, service may be interrupted. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Less than 5 minutes Each 8 kHz clock of the backplane corresponds to only one clock source. The same 8 kHz clock switch of the backplane cannot be turned on for multiple interface boards at the same time. Read & Write Equipment Less than 5 minutes Each 8 kHz clock of the backplane corresponds to only one clock source. The same 8 kHz clock switch of the backplane cannot be turned on for multiple interface boards at the same time. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved In order to modify this parameter, you must use the command [MML]STP IPCHK[/MML] first and [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] next. Read & Write Transport Not involved In order to modify this parameter, you must use the command [MML]STP IPCHK[/MML] first and [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] next. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Less than 5 minutes None Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Service not interrupted, but CPU will be high This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Less than 5 minutes This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved If a link is used, you cannot convert the link from E1 to T1, or from T1 to E1. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The auto adjust bandwidth parameter can be enabled only when the IPPATH over the logic port activate the IPPM function. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following conditions should be met: forward handover reserved bandwidth < forward congestion threshold < forward congestion clear threshold, or forward handover reserved bandwidth = forward congestion threshold = forward congestion clear threshold = 0 Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following conditions should be met: forward handover reserved bandwidth < forward congestion threshold < forward congestion clear threshold, or forward handover reserved bandwidth = forward congestion threshold = forward congestion clear threshold = 0 Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following conditions should be met: forward handover reserved bandwidth < forward congestion threshold < forward congestion clear threshold, or forward handover reserved bandwidth = forward congestion threshold = forward congestion clear threshold = 0 Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Less than 5 minutes The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Less than 5 minutes The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter is the bearing slot number and cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter is the bearing subrack number and cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Less than 5 minutes The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SAAL link is working normally. The configuration data must be consistent with that of the peer end. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SAAL link is working normally. The configuration data must be consistent with that of the peer end. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved 1. Cell ID is in one-to-one correspondence with Service Area Identity (SAI). 2. SAI = PLMN + LAC + SAC. PLMN-Id (Public Land Mobile Network - Identity) is configured through the command [MML]ADD CNOPERATOR[/MML] and LAC (Location Area Code) is configured through the command [MML]ADD CELLSETUP[/MML]. LAC of CBS is the same as that of CS/PS. This parameter is SAC. 3. SAC of CBS is different from that of CS/PS because SAC of CBS need not be configured through the command [MML]ADD SAC[/MML] in advance. 4. When the CBS is active, [PARA]CBSSAC[/PARA] must not be removed or modified. 5. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved After running the [MML]ADD CBSADDR[/MML] command to add the CBS server address, you should not set this parameter to ON; After setting this parameter to ON, you should not run the [MML]ADD CBSADDR[/MML] command to add the CBS server address. The RNC built-in CBS function is available when this parameter is set to ON. When using this function, set the main control CPU ID of the CBS function by referring to [MML]ADD RNCCBCPUID[/MML] and add CBS cells by referring to [MML]ADD CELLCBSSAC[/MML].The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter does not affect the existing SAAL link but may affect the next setup of the SAAL link. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved When the network is in poor running status, the number of detection times cannot be set to a small value. If the value is too small, the path status may be affected. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The checksum calculation should be negotiated with the peer end, as described in RFC4960. The CRC32 is recommended. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The checksum calculation should be negotiated with the peer end, as described in RFC4960. The CRC32 is recommended. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The checksum calculation should be negotiated with the peer end, as described in RFC4960. The CRC32 is recommended. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Less than 10 minutes If the clock board type is changed from GCGa to GCUa, the clock board should not be configured with GPS. Read & Write Equipment The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The CN indexes of the same PLMN even the different CN domain cannot be the same. When the Iu-Flex function is used, each CN domain (CS/PS) can be configured with up to 32 CN nodes. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved When the Iu-Flex function is used, the protocol version of each CN node must be R5 or later.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter is used for power monitor. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter is based on actual networking. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The settings of CsInfoUpdFlag is valid only when the value of [PARA]CsNriCfgMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to SUPP_IUFLEX or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The settings of CsInfoUpdTmr is valid only when the value of [PARA]CsInfoUpdFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to ON.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved When [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R5 or any later version, CsNriCfgMode may be set to SUPP_IUFLEX.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R6 or any later version, CsNriCfgMode may be set to SUPP_MOCN or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN.Th e parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The settings of CSNRILength is valid only when the value of [PARA]CsNriCfgMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to SUPP_IUFLEX, SUPP_MOCN or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved If the time delay is very large on the line, and the max differ delay is low, Several links can not be activated. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved When running this command, ensure that the source IP address and the destination IP address cannot be the local IP address of the configured IP path and the detected peer IP address. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. 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Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. 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Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Less than 10 minutes After this parameter is modified, the RNC must be reset to take effect. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Less than 10 minutes After this parameter is modified, the RNC must be reset to take effect. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. This parameter must be consistent with the peer equipment. The Full mode is recommended. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This address must be a peer address in normal status, and the peer equipment can respond to the PING request. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. 1.You can set the DST start date or end date by setting the StartType or EndType parameter to "DATEWEEK" type. In this case, you must set the benchmark day to (n - 6) or earlier, where n represents the last day of the month. For example, in October, you must set the benchmark day to 25 (= 31 - 6) or earlier. If you set the date to "Tuesday in or after Oct.26", it is invalid in year 2005 for the date exceeds the month scope while in year 2006 it is October 31, a valid day. Therefore, you must abide this specification to ensure the setting is valid in each year. 2. When you set a customized daylight saving time, you cannot set the start date or end date of the daylight saving time to February 29 by setting the StartType or EndType parameter to the DATE type. The reason is that the local time cannot be translated to the daylight saving time in a leap year Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q704. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Modify this parameter will cause failure in negotiation. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The IP address of the DHCP server must be one of the following addresses configured for the FG2a/GOUa/PEUa/UOIa/POUa: equipment IP address, Ethernet port IP address, PPP link local IP address, and MLPPP group local IP address. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment This parameter cannot be modified. In [MML]EXP ELABEL[/MML], the [PARA]FN[/PARA] parameter cannot be a space or any of the following characters: '@', '#', '!', '%', '^', '&', '*', '[', ']', '\'', '\\'. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved When this parameter is set to No_HC, you can disable the header compress function; when this parameter is set to RTP/UDP/IP_HC, you can enable the RTP/UDP/IP/PPP header compress function. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This FACTORTABLE must be already configured. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The following conditions should be met: forward handover reserved bandwidth < forward congestion threshold < forward congestion clear threshold, or forward handover reserved bandwidth = forward congestion threshold = forward congestion clear threshold = 0 Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following conditions should be met: forward handover reserved bandwidth < forward congestion threshold < forward congestion clear threshold, or forward handover reserved bandwidth = forward congestion threshold = forward congestion clear threshold = 0 Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following conditions should be met: forward handover reserved bandwidth < forward congestion threshold < forward congestion clear threshold, or forward handover reserved bandwidth = forward congestion threshold = forward congestion clear threshold = 0 Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved The following constraints should be fulfilled separately in forward or backward configurations: Handover reserved bandwidth < Congestion threshold < Congestion clear threshold < Configured bandwidth, or Handover reserved bandwidth = Congestion threshold = Congestion clear threshold = 0. When Transport Resource Group Type is ATM, before comparing with congestion threshold parameter, Configured bandwidth should wipe off the effect of 5 octets ATM protocol header. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved For details of the timer, refer to ITU-T Q.714. The modification is not recommended. Read & Write Transport Not involved For details of the timer, refer to ITU-T Q.714. The modification is not recommended. Read & Write Transport Not involved When the network is in poor running status, the packet size cannot be set to a large value. If the value is too large, the path status may be affected. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifying this parameter does not affect the existing SAAL link but may affect the next setup of the SAAL link. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter value of IgorTmr must be less than the value of [PARA]IntrTmr[/PARA] set in [MML]SET IUTIMERANDNUM[/MML].The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved [IMA ID] is used to identify the IMA group. Normally, in one interface board, the sending IMA ID can not be the same. In order to avoid duplicate IMA ID between RNC and NodeB, it is suggested that the IMA ID in RNC is set different from that in NodeB. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The protocol version of IMA group in RNC must be the same with that in the peer device. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Inhibition period of the boardOnly the OM channel can be kept between the logically inhibited board and the other boards, whereas the service channel between them will be inhibited. The operator can run some OM commands on this inhibited board. The physically inhibited board becomes unavailable, and the board status and the equipment panel show that the board is not configured. After the inhibition is cancelled, the board can work normally. Read & Write Equipment Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved If the Inter RAT Inter Plmn Ho Allowed is switched off,Neighbor cells belonging to different PLMNs in the inter RAT should be removed. Read & Write Radio Not involved If the Intra RAT Inter Plmn Ho Allowed is switched off,Neighbor cells belonging to different PLMNs in the intra RAT should be removed. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The time between deactivate and activate the port. This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter value of IntrTmr must be greater than the value of [PARA]IgorTmr[/PARA] set in [MML]SET IUTIMERANDNUM[/MML].The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter must be the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport Not involved When this parameter is set to No_HC, you can disable the header compress function; when this parameter is set to RTP/UDP/IP_HC, you can enable the RTP/UDP/IP/PPP header compress function. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved If the transport type of the NodeB is IUB-ATM, the next hop IP address must be the peer IP address of the configured IPoA PVC. If the transport type of the NodeB is IUB-IP, the next hop IP address must be one of the following configured addresses: PPP link peer IP address, MLPPP group peer IP address, and the IP address in the same network segment as that of the FE/GE port. Read & Write Transport Not involved If the transport type of the NodeB is IUB-IP, the next hop IP address must be one of the following configured addresses: PPP link peer IP address, MLPPP group peer IP address, and the IP address in the same network segment as that of the FE/GE port. Read & Write Transport Not involved The IP address of the NodeB cannot be the one already configured for other NodeBs. It cannot be the same as the IP address already configured in the RNC. If the IP address of the NodeB is incorrect, the OM channel will be unavailable. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The IP address of the NodeB cannot be the one already configured for other NodeBs. It cannot be the same as the IP address already configured in the RNC. If the IP address of the NodeB is incorrect, the OM channel will be unavailable. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport Not involved 1. This command is used for the AOUa and the POUa. 2. This command is used only when Huawei equipment is interconnected with the equipment of other vendors. Read & Write Transport Not involved 1. This command is used for the AOUa and the POUa. 2. This command is used only when Huawei equipment is interconnected with the equipment of other vendors. Read & Write Transport Not involved 1. This command is used for the AOUa and the POUa. 2. This command is used only when Huawei equipment is interconnected with the equipment of other vendors. Read & Write Transport Not involved 1. This command is used for the AOUa and the POUa. 2. This command is used only when Huawei equipment is interconnected with the equipment of other vendors. Read & Write Transport Not involved The value of this parameter should be consistent with the peer one. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the sensitivity of SAAL link detection. Read & Write Transport Not involved In order to modify this parameter, you must use the command [MML]STP IPCHK[/MML] first and [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] next. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This load EQ table must be already configured. Read & Write Transport Not involved This load EQ table must be already configured. Read & Write Transport Not involved This load EQ table must be already configured. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Service not interrupted, but CPU will be high This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The line code should be consistent with the interconnected one.HDB3(HDB3 coding) and AMI(AMI coding)is used in E1 link. B8ZS(B8ZS coding) and AMI_ZCS(AMI coding)is used in T1 link. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The link selection mask should be properly set according to MTP3 load sharing. If it is not properly set, the MTP3 links cannot share load with each other. Read & Write Transport Not involved The frame structure should be consistent with the interconnected one. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The local IP address and the peer IP address must be in the same network segment, and the peer IP address cannot be the same as the local IP address in the RNC. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The addresses of both ends of the SCTP are the parameters that should be negotiated with the peer end before modification. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The addresses of both ends of the SCTP are the parameters that should be negotiated with the peer end before modification. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The SCTP port number is the parameter that should be negotiated with the peer end before modification. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. This parameter is based on actual networking. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. This parameter is based on actual networking. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. This parameter is based on actual networking. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment The loopback keeps interrupting the services until it is cancelled. If the parameter is set to REMOTE_LOOP or LOCAL_LOOP, the services on this link may be interrupted until the link loopback is cancelled. If the uplink is beared by IMAGRP, the IMAGRP must be reset after the loopmode is cancelled. Otherwise, the IMAGRP will be destroied, and cannot bear new service. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Less than 5 minutes The logic port must exist. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved If a link is used, you cannot convert the link from E1 to T1, or from T1 to E1. Read & Write Equipment Not involved 1. This command is used for the AOUa and the POUa. 2. This command is used only when Huawei equipment is interconnected with the equipment of other vendors. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The parameter modification should be negotiated with the peer end, and after modification, the RNC should be reset. It is recommended that this parameter should not be modified when the system is running. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved GPS record should be deleted before using this command. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter is used with the [MML]ADD MBMSALARMSERVICE[/MML] command to enable the no MBMS data check. If the [MML]ADD MBMSALARMSERVICE[/MML] specified service has no data on the Iu interface within the period specified by this parameter, an alarm is reported.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: [PARA]McchAccessPeriod Coef[/PARA] > [PARA]McchRepPeriodCo ef[/PARA]. Read & Write Radio Not involved The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: [PARA]McchModPeriodCo ef[/PARA] > [PARA]DRXCycleLenCoef [/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML]. Read & Write Radio Not involved The value of this parameter must fulfill the following condition: [PARA]McchAccessPeriod Coef[/PARA] > [PARA]McchRepPeriodCo ef[/PARA]. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved In order to modify this parameter, you must use the command [MML]STP IPCHK[/MML] first and [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] next. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved If the RAN Sharing Support and MOCN Support are both switched off,Redundant operators should be removed by [MML]RMV CNOPERATOR[/MML] and only one operator can exist. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The value of this parameter should be consistent with the peer one. Read & Write Transport Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. If the SCTP link is set to SERVER and the application type is NBAP, the working mode cannot be changed to CLIENT. For the SCTP link whose application type is M3UA, the working mode can be modified only when the upper-layer application is deleted. Read & Write Transport Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The IP address of the DHCP server must be one of the following addresses configured for the FG2a/GOUa/PEUa/UOIa/POUa: equipment IP address, Ethernet port IP address, PPP link local IP address, and MLPPP group local IP address. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter does not affect the existing SAAL link but may affect the SAAL link setup mode. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved 1. When the parameter is set to OFF, the MR function is disabled. 2. The modification of this parameter has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter supports only ASCII code character set.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved 1. Set this parameter to ON if you want to use the RNC built-in cell broadcast function. 2. Do not set this parameter to ON when the RNC is connected to the CBS server. 3. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The modification may affect the interconnection. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. The negotiation will be successful only when the parameter is set the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport Not involved In order to modify this parameter, you must use the command [MML]STP IPCHK[/MML] first and [MML]STR IPCHK[/MML] next. Read & Write Transport Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The parameter modification should be negotiated with the peer end, and after modification, the RNC should be reset. It is recommended that this parameter should not be modified when the system is running. Read & Write Transport Not involved If the transport type of the NodeB is IUB-IP, the next hop IP address must be one of the following configured addresses: PPP link peer IP address, MLPPP group peer IP address, and the IP address in the same network segment as that of the FE/GE port. Read & Write Transport Not involved If the transport type of the NodeB is IUB-IP, the next hop IP address must be one of the following configured addresses: PPP link peer IP address, MLPPP group peer IP address, and the IP address in the same network segment as that of the FE/GE port. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The IP address of the NodeB cannot be the one already configured for other NodeBs. It cannot be the same as the IP address already configured in the RNC. If the IP address of the NodeB is incorrect, the OM channel will be unavailable. Read & Write Transport Not involved The IP address of the NodeB cannot be the one already configured for other NodeBs. It cannot be the same as the IP address already configured in the RNC. If the IP address of the NodeB is incorrect, the OM channel will be unavailable. Read & Write Transport Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Equipment Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Less than 10 minutes After this parameter is modified, the RNC must be reset to take effect. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of NMO is valid only when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to PS_DOMAIN.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved When the value of [PARA]CsNriCfgMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to ON, or the value of [PARA]PsNriCfgMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to SUPP_IUFLEX, SUPP_MOCN or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN, the settings of NNSfTmr is valid.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved Before modifying the NodeB to a version of R4 or earlier, deactivate the HSUPA and HSDPA functions of this NodeB. Before modifying the NodeB to a version of R5 or earlier, deactivate the MBMS function of the NodeB.Before modifying the NodeB to a version of R6 or earlier, deactivate the EFACH function of the NodeB. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the signaling point is available. After modification, the RNC should be reset. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved When the value of [PARA]CsNriCfgMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to SUPP_IUFLEX or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN, or the value of [PARA]PsNriCfgMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to SUPP_IUFLEX or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN, NullNRI must be configured.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The negotiation will be successful only when the parameter is set the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport Not involved The priority of the corresponding service will be interrupt if the DSCP of the port's queue is modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The priority of the corresponding service will be interrupt if the DSCP of the port's queue is modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved 1. This command is used for the AOUa and the POUa. 2. This command is used only when Huawei equipment is interconnected with the equipment of other vendors. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The settings of the local end and the peer end should be consistent. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Service not interrupted, but CPU will be high This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter is modified according to actual networking. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Service not interrupted, but CPU will be high This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The local IP address and the peer IP address must be in the same network segment, and the peer IP address cannot be the same as the local IP address in the RNC. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The addresses of both ends of the SCTP are the parameters that should be negotiated with the peer end before modification. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The addresses of both ends of the SCTP are the parameters that should be negotiated with the peer end before modification. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. The SCTP port number is the parameter that should be negotiated with the peer end before modification. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved When the network is in poor running status, the detection period cannot be set to a small value. If the value is too small, the path status may be affected. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until negotiate successfully again. Modify this parameter will cause failure in negotiation. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The time between deactivate and activate the port. This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The time between deactivate and activate the port. This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This IP path must be already configured. Before modify, the IPPM of the IPPATH should be deactivate and activate again. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The time between deactivate and activate the port. This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifying this parameter does not affect the existing SAAL link but may affect the next setup of the SAAL link. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The IP address of the DHCP server must be one of the following addresses configured for the FG2a/GOUa/PEUa/UOIa/POUa: equipment IP address, Ethernet port IP address, PPP link local IP address, and MLPPP group local IP address. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter can be added or modified but cannot be removed. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the routing priority when there are multiple routes to the same destination signaling point. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved All the switches have multiple choices. SELECT ALL means turning on all the switches; CLEAR ALL means turning off all the switches; GRAYED ALL means keeping the original states of all the switches. If the SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FO R_IU_RST switch is turned off, the BARRED_CELL_FOR_CS DOMAIN_RST switch is invalid.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When the parameter RNCAP_IMSI_HO_SWIT CH is set to 1, the SNA_RESTRICTION_SWI TCH check box under the Handover algorithm switch parameter in the MML command SET CORRMALGOSWITCH cannot be selected at the same time. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The settings of PsInfoUpdFlag is valid only when the value of [PARA]PsNriCfgMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to SUPP_IUFLEX or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The settings of PsInfoUpdTmr is valid only when the value of [PARA]PsInfoUpdFlag[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to ON.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved When [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R5 or any later version, PsNriCfgMode may be set to SUPP_IUFLEX.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. When [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R6 or any later version, PsNriCfgMode may be set to SUPP_MOCN or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN.Th e parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The settings of PSNRILength is valid only when the value of [PARA]PsNriCfgMode[/PARA] in [MML]SET OPERATORCFGPARA[/MML] is set to SUPP_IUFLEX, SUPP_MOCN or SUPP_IUFLEX_MOCN.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The first byte in the IP address of the NodeB FE port cannot be 0 or 127, or the IP address cannot be a broadcast or multicast address. The IP address of the NodeB FE port and the internal network address of the BAM cannot belong to the same network segment, or the network segments that they belong to cannot contain each other. The IP address of the NodeB FE port cannot be the same as the IP address already configured in the RNC. Read & Write Transport Not involved The first byte in the IP address of the NodeB FE port cannot be 0 or 127, or the IP address cannot be a broadcast or multicast address. The IP address of the NodeB FE port and the internal network address of the BAM cannot belong to the same network segment, or the network segments that they belong to cannot contain each other. The IP address of the NodeB FE port cannot be the same as the IP address already configured in the RNC. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The priority of the corresponding service will be interrupt if the DSCP of the port's queue is modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The priority of the corresponding service will be interrupt if the DSCP of the port's queue is modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The priority of the corresponding service will be interrupt if the DSCP of the port's queue is modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The priority of the corresponding service will be interrupt if the DSCP of the port's queue is modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The priority of the corresponding service will be interrupt if the DSCP of the port's queue is modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved When this parameter is set to CS1, the local end of the RNC uses the protocol version of CS1 to interconnect with this adjacent node; when this parameter is set to CS2, the local end of the RNC uses the protocol version of CS2 to interconnect with this adjacent node. CS2 is backward compatible with CS1 and therefore it is recommended that the default value be set to CS2. The protocol version has to be set to CS1 only when the peer end is incompatible with the CS2 message from the local end (that is, the peer end does not handle the compatible domain in compliance with the protocol). Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The value of RafcTmr can be negotiated with the value of [PARA]RatcTmr[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUTIMERANDNUM[/MML]; thus, the RNC can successfully initiate the reset before the CN reset response timer expires.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved If the RAN Sharing Support and MOCN Support are both switched off,Redundant operators should be removed by [MML]RMV CNOPERATOR[/MML] and only one operator can exist. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The value of RatcTmr can be negotiated with the value of [PARA]RafcTmr[/PARA] in [MML]SET IUTIMERANDNUM[/MML]; thus, the CN can successfully initiate the reset before the RNC reset response timer expires.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The retransmit mechanism is used if the signaling is sent by adopting RLC UM on Uu interface during channel handover.In this case, the setting of the corresponding waiting response timer for UE reconfiguration does not work. (For example, when the channel change form DCH to FACH or the channel change from FACH to DCH, the timer does not work.) The retransmit timer is 2 second. The RB reconfiguration message may retransmit three times when the timer expires.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The retransmit mechanism is used if the signaling is sent by adopting RLC UM on Uu interface during channel handover.In this case, the setting of the corresponding waiting response timer for UE release does not work. (For example, when the channel change form DCH to FACH or the channel change from FACH to DCH, the timer does not work.) The retransmit timer is 2 second. The RB reconfiguration message may retransmit three times when the timer expires.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The retransmit mechanism is used if the signaling is sent by adopting RLC UM on Uu interface during channel handover.In this case, the setting of the corresponding waiting response timer for UE setup does not work. (For example, when the channel change form DCH to FACH or the channel change from FACH to DCH, the timer does not work.) The retransmit timer is 2 second. The RB reconfiguration message may retransmit three times when the timer expires.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Less than 5 minutes When you set the clock source for the AEUa and the PEUa, the link number can be 0 to 31; for the AOUa, the link number can be 0 or 1; for the UOIa, the link number can be 0 to 3. Read & Write Equipment Not involved When you set the clock source for the AEUa and the PEUa, the link number can be 0 to 31; for the AOUa, the link number can be 0 or 1; for the UOIa, the link number can be 0 to 3. Read & Write Equipment Less than 5 minutes This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Less than 5 minutes This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Not involved The negotiation will be successful only when the parameter is set the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Less than 5 minutes The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Less than 5 minutes The resource group must exist. Read & Write Transport Less than 5 minutes The resource group must exist. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the sensitivity of SAAL link detection. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved After modification, the RNC should be reset. When a single link is routed to a signaling point, do not enable this switch. The restart procedure is performed when a signaling point is unavailable. For details, refer to ITU-T Q704. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 1. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 10. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 2. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 3. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 4. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 5. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 6. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 7. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 8. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Change this parameter will impact the function interrelated with Parameter 9. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio If the mode is not consistent, will interrupt service until it is consistent. The value of this parameter should be consistent with the peer one. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the related M3DE is available. The negotiation with the peer end is required. It is recommended that this parameter should not be modified during network operation. Read & Write Transport Not involved The modification of RTCPBWRatio is valid only when [PARA]RTCPSwitch[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to ON.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of RTCPSwitch is valid only when [PARA]TnlBearerType[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to IP_TRANS.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved Related traffic record indexes must be already configured. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Less than 5 minutes For the Iub adjacent node, the SAAL link should stay in the same subsystem as the NodeB. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved [MML]SET MRSCOPECTRL[/MML] is run to specify whether to allow the output of MR log of a cell in this RNC. This command can be run for configuring only a certain cell. For convenience, the following values are set for this parameter: ByRack, ByNodeBId, and ByCellId. ByRack means configuring all the cell in a subrack. ByNodeBId means configuring all the cell controlled by a NodeB. ByCellId means configuring a certain cell.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The scramble switch should be consistent with the interconnected one. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. 1.You can set the DST start date or end date by setting the StartType or EndType parameter to "DATEWEEK" type. In this case, you must set the benchmark day to (n - 6) or earlier, where n represents the last day of the month. For example, in October, you must set the benchmark day to 25 (= 31 - 6) or earlier. If you set the date to "Tuesday in or after Oct.26", it is invalid in year 2005 for the date exceeds the month scope while in year 2006 it is October 31, a valid day. Therefore, you must abide this specification to ensure the setting is valid in each year. 2. When you set a customized daylight saving time, you cannot set the start date or end date of the daylight saving time to February 29 by setting the StartType or EndType parameter to the DATE type. The reason is that the local time cannot be translated to the daylight saving time in a leap year Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The negotiation will be successful only when the parameter is set the same with the local and peer device. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The source IP address must be one of the following addresses: PPP link local IP address of the PEUa/POUa/POS, MLPPP group local IP address of the PEUa/POUa, Ethernet port IP address of the FG2a/GOUa, and equipment IP address, the Trunk IP address of the FG2a/GOUa board. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Less than 10 minutes After this parameter is modified, the RNC must be reset to take effect. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Service not interrupted, but CPU will be high This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved When the loopback type is changed to REMOTE_LOOP or LOCAL_LOOP, the services will be interrupted until the loopback is cancelled.When the optical port is set to LOCAL_LOOP, it can not be set to REMOTE_LOOP directly. You should set to NO_LOOP first before set to REMOTE_LOOP. It is the same when set from REMOTE_LOOP to LOCAL_LOOP. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The standby port does not support the PING IP function. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The priority of the corresponding service will be interrupt if the DSCP of the port's queue is modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved If a link is used, you cannot convert the link from E1 to T1, or from T1 to E1. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Inhibition period of the boardOnly the active board can be logically inhibited when you set the logical slot number of the active board. If an active board is logically inhibited, neither active board nor standby board can be physically inhibited. If the active board or the standby board is physically inhibited, it cannot be logically inhibited. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved 1. This command is used for the AOUa and the POUa. 2. This command is used only when Huawei equipment is interconnected with the equipment of other vendors. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the signaling point is available. After modification, the RNC should be reset. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the signaling point is available. After modification, the RNC should be reset. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the signaling point is available. After modification, the RNC should be reset. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Less than 10 minutes After this parameter is modified, the RNC must be reset to take effect. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter must be consistent with the peer equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Before enabling load sharing, you need to set the [PARA]RNC_SHARE_SWITCH[/PARA] switch in [MML]SET RRCTRLSWITCH[/MML] to ON.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved One clock source can only with one priority, otherwise it is the same. Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved One clock source can only with one priority, otherwise it is the same. One backplane 8K outClock can only has one clock source. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Less than 5 minutes None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Less than 5 minutes If the interface board clock source of the RSS subrack is set, you can set the 8 kHz output clock source. If the interface board clock source of the RBS subrack is set, you cannot set the 8 kHz output clock source for the backplane. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Less than 10 minutes After this parameter is modified, the RNC must be reset to take effect. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved When [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R99, SupportCRType is CR527_SUPPORT or CR527_NOT_SUPPORT; when [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R4, SupportCRType is CR528_SUPPORT or CR528_NOT_SUPPORT; when [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R5, SupportCRType is CR529_SUPPORT or CR529_NOT_SUPPORT; when [PARA]CNProtclVer[/PAR A] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to R6, there is no SupportCRType. The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The modification of Switch3GPP25415CR0125 is valid only when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNNODE[/MML] is set to CS_DOMAIN.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter is based on actual networking. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter is based on actual networking. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 1. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 10. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 2. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 3. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 4. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 5. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 6. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 7. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 8. Read & Write Transport Not involved Change this parameter will impact the patch function controlled by switch 9. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved T302 broadcast in the SIB1 = Roundup {[timer 302 [ms]] + 2 x [Iub transmission delay]}. [timer 302 [ms]] is configured through the SET CONNMODETIMER command. [Iub transmission delay] is the Iub transmission delay configured through the ADD NodeB command. Roundup means rounding up and mapping to a value of the set {100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000 ms}.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The time value of T314 and T315 should be both equal to 0 or both greater than T302*N302.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The time value of T314 and T315 should be both equal to 0 or both greater than T302*N302.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of T3212 is valid only when [PARA]CNDomainId[/PARA] in [MML]ADD CNDOMAIN[/MML] is set to CS_DOMAIN.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Less than 5 minutes The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This TRMMAP must be already configured. Read & Write Transport Not involved This TRMMAP must be already configured. Read & Write Transport Not involved This TRMMAP must be already configured. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. Before modifying this parameter, deactivate all the cells under this NodeB. Read & Write Radio Not involved Set TnlBearerType according to the actual used transport type.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved Set TnlBearerType according to the actual used transport type.The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Transport Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Transport Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Less than 5 minutes The loopback test may interrupt the services carried on this link. Read & Write Transport Not involved When the BT is AEUa and the LNKT is E1_DOUBLE_FRAME or E1_CRC4_MULTI_FRAME,you could set 16TimeSlot Switch. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Less than 10 minutes This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport If the mode is not set back, will interrupt service until it is set back. This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio The services are interrupted until the cell is activated again. The cell should be deactivated in advance. Read & Write Radio Not involved The modification of the timer involves the peer end. For details, refer to ITU-T Q2630.1/ITU-T Q2630.2. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. 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Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Transport Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved When this parameter is modified, the corresponding NodeB must be already configured with an ESN. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Less than 5 minutes The configuration data must be consistent with that of the peer end. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport The services are interrupted until the SCTP link is working normally. This parameter is based on actual networking. Read & Write Transport Not involved If the setting is incorrect, the destination IP address may be unavailable. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modify the relationship between VLAN and DSCP may interfere the network. Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifying this parameter may affect the adjacent node configured with TRMMAP. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occassions: 1) Access of a new user 2) Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the rule of admitting new traffic(the sequence of choosing path type). Read & Write Transport Not involved Modifiying this parameter will affect the adjacent node configured with this factor table. After the modification succeeds, this parameter is valid on the following two occasions: 1. Access of a new user 2. Bandwidth modification for the existing user Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Less than 5 minutes The configuration data must be consistent with that of the peer end. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved None Read & Write Equipment Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved For parameter modification, refer to ITU-T Q.2110. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Equipment Not involved To convert a link from E1 to T1 or from T1 to E1 on the AOUa/POUa, you should reset the board. Read & Write Transport Not involved This parameter cannot be modified. Read & Write Transport Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Not involved The parameter modification has no impact on the equipment. Read & Write Radio Interrupt the service until the parameter is correctly set. The parameter cannot be modified. 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