HT Guide for Nonferrous Alloys

March 19, 2018 | Author: Diego daab | Category: Annealing (Metallurgy), Heat Treating, Alloy, Building Materials, Metallurgy



Heat Treater's GuidePractices and Procedures for Nonferrous Alloys Harry Chandler, Editor Veronica Flint, Manager of Book Acquisitions Grace M. Davidson, Manager of Book Production Randall L. Boring, Production Project Coordinator Cheryl L. Powers, Production Project Coordinator Alexandru Popaz Pauna, Production Project Coordinator AS~ c:z The Materials Information Society Copyright© 1996 by ASM International® AII rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright owner. First Printing, November 1996 Second Printing, February 1999 Third Printing, March 2006 Great care is taken in the compilation and production of this Volume, but it should be made clear that NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUTLIMITATlON, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE GIVEN IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PUBLICATION. Although this information is believed to be accurate by ASM. ASM cannot guarantee that favorable results will be obtained from the use of this publication alone. This publication is intended for use by persons having technical skill, at their sole discretion and risk. Since the conditions of product or material use are outside of ASM's control, ASM assumes no liability or obligation in connection with any use of this information. No claim of any kind, whether as to products or information in this publication, and whether or not based on negligence, shall be greater in amount than the purchase price of this product or publication in respect of which damages are claimed. THE REMEDY HEREBY PROVIDED SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE AND SOLE REMEDY OF BUYER, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDlRECf OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED BY OR RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF SUCH PARTY. As with any material, evaluation of the material under enduse conditions prior to specification is essential. Therefore, specific testing under actual conditions is recommended. Nothing contained in this book shall be construed as a grant of any right of manufacture, sale, use, or reproduction, in connection with any method, process, apparatus, product, composition, or system, whether or not covered by letters patent, copyright, or trademark, and nothing contained in this book shall be construed as a defense against any alleged infringement of letters patent, copyright, or trademark, or as a defense against liability for such infringement Comments, criticisms, and suggestions are invited, and should be forwarded to ASM International. Library of Congress Cataloging Card Number: 96-85651 ISBN: 0-87170-565-6 SAN: 204-7586 ASM International® Materials Park, OH 44073-0002 Printed in the United States of America Table of Contents Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Diffusion Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Annealing Cold-Worked Metals ..... Homogenization of Castings. . . . . . .. Precipitation Hardening Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Developing Two-Phase Structures. . .. 1 1 1 4 5 6 Superalloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 Heat Treating Superalloys. . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Characteristics " 11 Heat Treating Practice " 12 Nickel-Base Alloys " 17 Astroloy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 D-979 '" 19 IN 100 19 IN 102 25 Incoloy 901 " 26 Inconel 706 " 29 Inconel X 750 .. . .. . .. . 30 Incone1751 33 Hastelloy B " 33 Hastelloy B-2 " 33 Hastelloy C " 35 Hastelloy C-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 Hastelloy C-276 " 37 Hastelloy N " 37 Hastelloy S '" 37 Hastelloy W " 38 Hastelloy X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 Haynes 214 39 Haynes 230 " 40 Nimonic 86 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 Custom Age 625 PLUS " 40 Haynes 242 " 40 Incone1702 " 41 Incone1718 " 41 Inconel721 59 Inconel 722 " 59 C-263 59 Pyromet 31 " 59 Nimonic 80A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 Nimonic 90 " 62 Pyromet 860 " 62 Refractory 26 " 63 Rene 41 63 Rene 95 68 Rene 100 69 Udimet 500 " 69 Udimet 520 " 70 Udimet 700 " 70 Udimet 710 " 74 UnitempAF2-lDA 74 Waspaloy " 76 Nimonic PE16 " 81 Nimonic PK33 " 81 Inconel 600 " 81 Inconel 601 " 88 Inconel 604 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 88 Incone1617 " 88 Inconel 625 88 Nimonic 75 97 RA-333 97 NA-224 97 Cobalt-Base Alloys 98 S-816 98 Stellite 6B 98 Haynes 25; L-605 99 Haynes 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 MP35N 105 MP159 106 Air-Resist 213 106 Elgiloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 V-36 107 UMCo-50 107 Iron-Base Alloys 108 A-286 .. '" 108 W-545 112 V-57 112 Incoloy 800 112 Incoloy 801 114 Incoloy 802 115 Incoloy 807 115 Incoloy 825 115 Incoloy 903 117 Incoloy 907 117 Incoloy 909 117 Incoloy 925 118 16-25-6 118 17-14 CuMo 119 19-9DL 119 N-155 119 RA-330 120 Discaloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Haynes 556 121 Pyromet CTX-l. 122 PyrometCTX-3 122 Nickel. 123 Heat Treating Nickel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Nickel 200 126 Nicke1201 126 Monel 400 127 Monel R-405 127 Monel K-500 127 Aluminum Alloys 129 Heat Treating Aluminum Alloys 131 Strengthening by Heat Treatment 135 Hardening of Cast Alloys . . . . . . . . . 140 Stress Relief 140 Effects of Reheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Annealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Grain Growth 142 Dimensional Changes during Heat Treatment. 142 Quality Assurance 142 Temper Designations for Heat-Treatable AluminumAlloys 144 Properties of Wrought Aluminum and Wrought Aluminum Alloys. . . .. 146 V 1050 1060 1100 1145 1199 1350 2011 2014, Alclad 2014 2017 2024, Alclad 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2048 2124 2218 2219, Alclad 2219 2319 2618 3003, Alclad 3003 3004, Alclad 3004 3105 4032 4043 '" 5005 5050 5052 5056, Alclad 5056 5083 5086, Alclad 5086 5154 5182 5252 5254 5356 5454 5456 5457 5652 5657 6005 6009 6010 6061, Alclad 6061. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6063 6066 6070 6101 6151 6201 , 6205 6262 6351 6463 7005 7039 7049 7050 7072 7075, A1clad7075 7175 7178, Alclad 7178 7475 149 150 151 153 153 154 155 155 159 159 169 171 173 174 178 179 180 182 184 184 185 185 186 187 188 189 191 191 192 193 193 194 194 195 197 198 198 200 200 201 201 206 208 208 209 210 211 211 212 213 214 214 215 217 218 221 221 238 239 241 Aluminum Casting Alloys. . . . . . . . . . .. 201.0 204.0 206.0, A206.0 208.0 238.0 242.0 295.0 296.0 308.0 319.0 332.0 336.0 339.0 354.0 355.0, C355.0 356.0, A356.0 357.0, A357.0 359.0 360.0, A360.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 380.0, A380.0 383.0 384.0, A384.0 390.0, A390.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 413.0, M13.0 443.0, A443.0, B443.0, C443.0 514.0 518.0 520.0 535.0, A535.0, B535.0 712.0 713.0 771.0 850.0 Heat Treating Aluminum-Lithium Alloys Weldalite 049 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2090 2091 8090 CP276 Heat Treating Aluminum PIM Parts . . . . Heat Treatable Grades . . . . . . . . . .. Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Heat Treating Technology Copper Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heat Treating Copper Alloys. . . . . . . . .. Homogenizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Annealing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Stress Relieving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hardening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copper-Beryllium Alloys Copper-Chromium Alloys Copper-Zirconium Alloys. . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous PrecipitationHardening Alloys ... . . . . . . . . . Spinodal-Hardening Alloys Copper-Aluminum (Aluminum Bronze) Alloys Copper Casting Alloys Wrought Coppers and Copper Alloys . . . CIOIOO and C10200 CI0300 CI0400, C10500, ClO700 CI0800 CllOOO(99.95Cu-0.040) C11l00 (99.95Cu-0.040-0.01Cd) 244 244 245 246 248 248 249 250 251 251 252 252 252 253 253 255 257 259 259 260 261 261 262 262 263 264 264 265 265 266 266 267 267 268 269 269 271 274 276 279 280 280 280 280 283 285 285 285 286 287 288 290 290 291 291 291 292 295 295 298 298 300 300 306 C1l300, C1l400, C1l500, C1l600 (99.96Cu + Ag - 0040) , C12500,CI2700,C12800,CI2900, C13000 C14300, C14310 (99.90Cu-O.lCd; 99.8Cu-0.2Cd) , Cl4500 (99.5Cu-0.Te) , Cl4700 (99.6Cu-OA5) , Cl5000 (99.85Cu-0.15Zr) C15100 (99.9Cu-0.1Zr) , C15500 (99.75Cu-0.llMg0.06P) Cl5710 (99.8Cu-0.2Ah03) , C15720 (99.6Cu-0.4Ah03) , C15735 (99.3Cu-0.7Ah03) Cl6200 (99Cu-1Cd) C17000 (98Cu-1.7Be-0.3Co) , Cl7200, C17300 , C17410 (99.2Cu-0.3Be-0.5Co) , C17500 (97Cu-0.50Be-2.5Co) , C17600 , Cl8100 (99Cu-0.8Cr-0.16Zr0.04Mg) , C18200, C18400, C18500 (99Cu-1Cr) C18700 (99Cu-1Pb) , Cl9200 (98.97Cu-1.0Fe-0.03P) .. , Cl9210 (99.87Cu-0.lFe-0.03P) .. , C19400 (Cu-2.35Fe-0.03P0.12Zn) , Cl9500 (97Cu-1.5Fe-0.1P0.8Co-0.6Sn) , C19700 (99.15Cu-0.6Fe-0.2P0.05Mg) , C21000 (95Cu-5Zn) , C22000 (90Cu-IOZn) , C22600 (87.5Cu-12.5Zn) , C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) , C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) , C26000(70Cu-30Zn) C26800, C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) , C28000 (60Cu-40Zn) C31400 (89Cu-9.lZn-1.9Pb) , C31600 (89Cu-8.1Zn-1.9Pb1Ni) , C33000 (66Cu-33.5Zn-0.5Pb) , C33200 (66Cu-32AZn-1.6Pb) , C33500 (65Cu-34.5Zn-0.5Pb) , C34000 (65Cu-34Zn-1Pb) C342PO(62Cu-36.2Zn-2Pb) , C35300 (62Cu-36.2Zn-1.8Pb) C34900 (62Cu-37.5Zn-0.3Pb) , C35000 (65.5Cu-36AZn-l.lPb) C35600 (62Cu-35.5Zn-2.5Pb) , C36000 (61.5Cu-35.5Zn-3Pb) , C36500,C36600,C36700,C36800 (60Cu-39AZn-0.6Pb) , C37000 (60Cu-39Zn-lPb) , C37700 (60Cu-38Zn-2Pb) C38500 (57Cu-40Zn-3Pb) C40500 (95Cu-4Zn-1Sn) , C40800 (95Cu-2Sn-3Zn) C41100 (91Cu-8.5Zn-0.5Sn) C41500 (91Cu-7.2Zn-1.8Sn) , C41900 (90.5Cu-4.35Zn5.l5Sn) , C42200 (87.5Cu-ll.4Zn-l.lSn) vi 306 308 309 309 309 310 312 312 313 313 314 314 314 316 320 321 323 323 324 325 325 326 326 328 328 328 330 331 332 334 334 339 341 343 343 343 344 344 345 345 345 346 347 347 347 349 349 349 350 351 351 351 352 353 353 C42500 (88.5Cu-9.5Zn-2Sn) C43000 (87Cu-IO.8Zn-2.2Sn) C43400 (85Cu-14.3Zn-0.7Sn) C44300,C44400,C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-lSn) C46400,C46500,C46600,C46700 (60Cu-39.2Zn-0.8Sn) C48200 (60.5Cu-38Zn-0.8Sn0.7Pb) C48500 (60Cu-37.5Zn-1.8Pb0.7Sn) C50500 (98.7Cu-1.3Sn) C51000 (94.8Cu-5Sn-0.2P) C51100 (95.6Cu-4.2Sn-0.2P) C52100 (92Cu-8Sn) C52400 (90Cu-IOSn) C54400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn-4Zn) C60600 (95Cu-5Al) C60800 (95Cu-5Al) C61000 (92Cu-8Al) C61300 (90Cu-7AI-0.3Sn) C61400 (91Cu-7AI-2Fe) C61500 (90Cu-8AI-2Ni) C62300 (87Cu-IOAI-3Fe) C62400 (86Cu-llAI-3Fe) C62500 (82.7Cu-4.3Fe-13Al) C63800 (95Cu-2.8AI-1.8SiOAOCo) C65100 (98.5Cu-1.5Si) C65400 (95ACu-3.0Si-1.5SnO.lCr) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C68800 (73.5Cu-22.7Zn-3AAlOACo) , C69000 (73.3Cu-22.7Zn-3AAl0.6Ni) , C69400 (81.5Cu-14.5Zn-4Si) C70400 (92ACu-5.5Ni-1.5Fe0.6Mn) C70600 (90Cu-IONi) C71000 (80Cu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C71900 (67.2Cu-30Ni-2.8Cr) C72200 (83Cu-16.5Ni-0.5Cr) C72500 (88.2Cu-9.5Ni-2.3Sn) C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-IONi) C75200 (65Cu-18Ni-17Zn) C75400 (65Cu-20Zn-15Ni) C75700 (65Cu-23Zn-12Ni) C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) C78200 (65Cu-25Zn-8Ni-2Pb) Copper Casting Alloys C81300 C81400 , C81500 , C81800 (97Cu-1.5Co-IAgOABe) C82000 (97Cu-2.5Co-0.5Be) C82200 (98Cu-1.5Ni-0.5Be) C82400 (98Cu-1.7Be-0.3Co) C82500 (97.2Cu-2Be-0.5Co0.25Si) C82600 (97Cu-2ABe-0.5Co) C82800 (96.6Cu-2.6Be-0.5Co0.3Si) C83300 353 354 . 354 354 356 358 359 359 360 361 361 362 363 363 363 364 364 365 '366 367 368 368 369 370 370 370 371 372 372 373 373 375 376 377 378 378 378 379 380 381 381 382 393 383 383 383 384 384 385 386 386 387 388 389 C86100, C86200 (64Cu-24Zn3Fe-5Al~~n) .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 389 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe3AI-4~n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 390 C86400 (59Cu-0.75Sn-0.75Pb-37Zn1.25Fe-0.75AI-0.5~n) 390 C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1.3Fe-lAlO.5~n) 390 C86700 391 C86800 391 C87300 (formerly C87200). . . . . .. 392 C87600 392 C8761O 392 C87500, C87800 (82Cu~Si14Zn) 393 C87900 393 C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-l.SPb4.5Zn) 393 C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-1Pb-4Zn) . . . .. 394 C92500 (87Cu-llSn-1Pb-1Ni) .... 394 C92600 (87Cu-lOSn-1Pb-2Zn). . .. 395 C92700 (88Cu-lOSn-2Pb) 395 C92900 (84Cu-lOSn-2.5Pb3.5Ni) 395 C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) 395 C93400 396 C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-1Zn). . . .. 396 C93700 (80Cu-lOSn-lOPb) 396 C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) 397 C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9Al) . . . . . . . .. 398 <::95300 (89Cu-1Fe-lOA1) 398 C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-llAl) and C95410 399 C95500 (81Cu~Fe-4Ni-llAl) 399 C95600 (91Cu-2Si-7Al) 399 C95700 (75Cu-3Fe-8AI-2Ni12~n) 400 C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Nil~n) 400 C96600 (69.5Cu-30Ni-0.5Be). . . .. 400 C97300 (56Cu-2Sn-lOPb20Zn-12Nij 401 C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn20Ni) 401 C97800 (66.5Cu-5Sn-l.5Pb-2Zn25Ni) 401 C99400 (90ACu-2.2Ni-2.0Fe1.2Al-1.2Si-3.0Zn). . . . . . . . . .. 401 C99500 402 '" 402 C99750 .. '" Beryllium copper 21C (97Cu2Be-1Co) 402 Beryllium copper nickel 72C (68.8Cu-30Ni-1.2Be) 403 Heat Treating Beryllium Copper Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 404 Solution Annealing .. . . . . . . . . . .. 404 Age Hardening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 404 Underaging, Peak Aging, and Overaging Treatments . . . . . . .. 404 Sintering Copper-Based Materials 412 Production Sintering of Bronze 412 Production Sintering of Brass and Nickel Silvers . . . . . . . . . .. 412 Magnesium Alloys 415 Heat Treating Magnesium Alloys. . . . .. 417 Types of Heat Treatment. . . . . . . .. 417 Effects of Major Variables Wrought Magnesium Alloys AZ3IB,AZ31C AZ61A AZ80A HK31A ~21A ~31A ZC71 ZK60A Cast Magnesium Alloys A~100A AZ63A. AZ81A AZ91A,AZ91B,AZ91C, AZ9ID, AZ91E AZ92A. EQ21 ; EZ33A HK31A HZ32A QE22A. QH21A WE43 WE54 ZC63 ZE41A ZE63A ZH62A. ZK51A. ZK61A. 420 423 423 424 425 427 429 430 431 431 432 432 433 435 436 438 439 440 441 443 444 446 447 448 450 450 452 453 454 456 Titanium Alloys 457 Heat Treating Titamiun Alloys 459 Alloy Types and Response to Heat Treatment. 459 Stress Relieving 460 Annealing 460 Solution Treating and Aging 461 High Purity Titanium 463 Commercially Pure and Modified Titanium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 467 Unalloyed Titanium, ASN Grade 1, UNS R50250 467 Unalloyed Titanium, AST~ Grade 2, UNS R50400 469 Unalloyed Titanium, AST~ Grade 3, UNS R50550 471 Unalloyed Titanium, Grade 4, UNS R50700 472 Modified Ti (Ti-0.2Pd), Grade 7, UNS R52400; Grade 11, UNS R52250 474 Ti-0.3~o-0.8Ni, AST~ Grade 12, R53400 476 Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys 478 Ti-3AI-2.5V 478 Ti-5AI-2.5Sn 483 Ti-6AI-2Nb-ITa-0.8~o 488 Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2~o-0.08Si. 492 Ti-8Al-l~~-1 V 498 TillETAL 1100 502 IMI230 504 IMI417 505 IMI679 506 IMI685 509 IMI 829 510 IMI 834 511 vii Alpha-Beta Alloys 514 514 Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6~o 517 Ti-6A1-4V 522 Ti-6A1-6V-2Sn 536 Ti-7AI-4~o 541 T~TAL® 62S 543 Ti-4.5AI-3V-2~o-2Fe 544 IMI367 549 IMI550 549 550 IMI 55l. Ti-6-22-22S 551 Ti-5AI-2.5Fe 556 Ti-5AI-5Sn-2Zr-2~o-0.25Si 557 Beta and Near-Beta Alloys 559 Ti-ll.5~o-6Zr-4.5Sn . . . . . . . . . . .. 559 Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4~o-4Cr Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4~o-4Zr (Beta C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ti-lOV-2Fe-3Al Ti-13V-llCr-3Al Ti-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn T~TAL® 21S Ti-5AI-2Sn-4Zr-4~o-2Cr-IFe Ti-8~o-8V-2Fe-3Al Ti-15~o-5Zr. Ti-15~o-5Zr-3Al. Ti-ll.5V-2AI-2Sn-llZr Ti-12V-2.5AI-2Sn-6Zr Ti-13V-2.7AI-7Sn-2Zr Ti-8V-5Fe-IAI Ti-16V-2.5Al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Heat Treating Cast and PIM Titanium. .. Modifying Microstructure . . . . . . . . Hot Isostatic Pressing Weld Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 566 572 577 582 584 586 589 591 594 595 597 599 601 602 602 602 602 Zinc Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Heat Treating Zinc Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . Heat Treatment of Zamak and ZA Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reasons for Heat Treating . . . . . . . . Supporting Documentation . . . . . .. Conventional Zinc Die Casting Alloys AC43A AG40A AC41A AG40B Zinc-Aluminum Casting Alloys ZA-8 ZA-12 ZA-27 607 609 Lead Alloys Heat Treating Lead and Lead Alloys Solid-Solution Hardening Solution Treating and Aging .. . . .. Dispersion Hardening Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cold Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . 619 Refractory Metals and Alloys . . . . . . . . . .. Heat Treating Refractory Metals and Alloys General Annealing Treatments. . . .. Molybdenum and Tungsten Annealing Practice 609 609 609 615 615 615 616 616 617 617 617 618 621 621 621 621 622 622 622 625 627 627 627 Tantalum and Niobium Annealing Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 628 Tin-Rich Alloys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 631 Heat Treating Tin-Rich Alloys , Binary Alloys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ternary Alloys , Pewter viii 633 633 633 633 Glossary 635 Conversion Tables 647 Cross Reference 651 PREFACE Heat Treater's Guide, Practices and Procedures for Nonferrous Metals/Alloys, features quick access to some 450 or more authoritative datasheets on the subject, namely: • • • • • • • Superalloys Nickels Aluminum Copper Magnesium Titanium Zinc In addition, brief overview articles provide information on the heat treatment of: • • • • • • Aluminum PIM alloys Beryllium-copper alloys Lead and lead alloys Refractory metals and alloys Tin-rich alloys and Sintering of copper-base materials Information is organized by material group, and is provided on an alloy-by-alloy basis. Each datasheet includes information such as: composition, trade names and common names, specifications (both U.S. and foreign), typical applications, mechanical and chemical properties, fabrication characteristics, and, of course, the reconunended heat treating practice. These datasheets are designed to follow a similar format to that established in the popular Heat Treater s Guide, Procedures and Practices for Irons and Steels. Access to this data is facilitated by the cross reference provided at the end of the book. For further convenience to the reader, we have included a Glossry of terms related to the heat treating of nonferrous materials. We are interested in receiving datasheet contributions you might have that could be included in this book, as well as your conunents or suggestions. Materials Park, OH September 1996 iii Introduction The principles which govern heat treatment of metals and alloys are applicable to both ferrous and nonferrous alloys. However, in practice there are sufficient differences to make it convenient to emphasize as separate topics the peculiarities of the alloys of each class in their response to heat treatment. For example, in nonferrous alloys, eutectoid transformations, which play such a prominent role in steels, are seldom encountered, so there is less concern with principles associated with time-temperaturetransformation diagrams and with martensite formation. On the other hand, the principles associated with chemical homogenization of cast structures are applicable to many alloys in both classes. The diffusion process is involved in nearly all heat treatments for nonferrous alloys. Common treatments include: • • • • Annealing after cold working Homogenization of castings Precipitation hardening treatments Development of two-phase structures Diffusion Process In the heat treatment of metals and alloys, the rate of structural change usually is controlled by the rate at which atoms in the lattice change positions. For example, when cold-worked copper is annealed and softens, or an aluminum-base alloy is aged, it is important to know how the atoms move relative to each other so as to bring about the observed changes in properties. This movement of atoms is called diffusion. Two different diffusion mechanisms are shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 Schematic representation of two possible diffusion mechanisms. (a) Two atoms move simultaneously to exchange positions. (b) Four atoms move cooperatively to rotate simultaneously to move to new positions .... .... .... ••••••• ••••••• " ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ~ (a) ........ ••••••• • •••••• • •• W •• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• (b) Annealing Cold-Worked Metals Cold working increases hardness, yield strength, and tensile strength, and lowers ductility. Also, electrical resistivity is improved because increasing density of dislocations scatters the electrons. The effects of cold working on several properties are shown in Fig. 2. Role of Annealing. In shaping metals by cold working, there is a limit to the amount of plastic deformation possible without fracture. Annealing restores the metal to a structural condition similar to that prior to deformation, making further cold working possible. Changes in strength that take place during annealing are indicated by the hardness data in Fig. 3(a). In this instance, data are for a fixed temperature. A similar result is obtained by annealing for a fixed time at increasing temperatures (Fig. 3b). Recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth are stages in annealing. The stage for short times at low temperatures in which hardness remains constant, or increases slightly, is called the recovery region. Dislocations undergo movement by thermal activation, being rearranged into arrays somewhat more stable and more difficult to move than in the cold worked, unannealed condition. A slight increase in hardness results. Some properties regain values they had prior to cold working. Hence the term recovery. Electrical conductivity is one of the properties involved (see. Fig. 4). Recrystallization. With longer times or at higher temperatures, the structure undergoes a more radical change. Small crystals appear which contain a low dislocation density (of a magnitude similar to that prior to cold working) and are relatively soft. Crystals nucleate in regions of high dislocation density, and in the microstructure appear at or near deformation bands. With time, the nuclei grow, and more nuclei form in the remaining cold-worked matrix. Eventually, grains contact each other (at that time the original cold-worked material has disappeared). The formation of grains is referred to as recrystallization. At this time, strength drops drastically (see Fig. 3 and 4). Growth in grain size. Microstructural changes that occur during annealing are illustrated in Fig. 5. During recovery, the density of deformation bands drops, but the change is not marked. When crystallization commences, small, equiaxed grains begin to appear (see micrograph 2 in Fig. 5, and a recrystallized nucleus shown in Fig. 6). Grains continue to form and to grow until the cold-worked matrix is consumed, which marks the end of the recrystallization period and the beginning of grain growth. 2/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Fig. 2 Effect of cold working (by rolling at 25°C, or 77 ° F) on the tensile mechanical properties and hardness of oxygen-free, high-conductivity (OFHC) copper 120 .-------.------,---.--------, .~ § 100 \----+-------11----+-------1 LIVE GRAPH "0 Click here to view ! o '" '0 .s .s 80 f - - - - / - - + - - - - - I - - - - + - - - - - - - I -SOl c: ~ t> 60 If----+-yield strength, ksi --+:=~---1 "0 c: '"oc: Hardness, HB .~ g> 40 \-----,,,L-----Y'--------I----+-------I o Qi ~ c: "E '" J: o o L..-_ _-'--_ _- ' -_ _---J'--_----' 20 60 40 Reduction in area, % 80 Fig.3 (a) Effect of annealing time at fixed temperature (400°C, or 750 OF) on hardness of a Cu-5Zn solid-solution alloy cold worked 60%. (b) Effect of annealing temperature at fixed time (15 min) on hardness of a Cu-5Zn solid-solution alloy cold worked 60% 140 120 1--\--+--+--+---1 a:l ~ 100 1------'1f-+---f---+--+--+---1 ~c: ~ <, 120 \ J: a, Cl 100 Vi LIVE GRAPH lI) Q) c: 80 f-----\t------.f-=+_---+---+--+--I J: Click here to view ~ 80 J: \ See Fig 14 for microstructures at numbered regions 40 L . . - _ - ' -_ _..L-_---L_ _- - ' - _ - - - - ' o 20 40 60 80 100 lime, h la) 40 Cu-5Zn LIVE GRAPH -,r-- 60 o 200 400 600 lime, h 800 Click here to view 1000 lb) 120 100 ~ a:l Vi '#. '>0.... I>...~ 50 Hardnes~ \ a: J: Fig. 4 Effect of annealing temperature on hardness and electrical resistivity of nickel. The metal has been cold worked at 25°C (77 OF) almost to fracture. Annealing time, 1 h Annealing temperature, of 750 390 1110 1470 60 80 Q) c: "E 60 '" \ J: 40 Resistivit;- I 20 0 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view '0; 40 ~ «i .~ 1\ lI) i 't; 's 30 <, tQ) Qi .s Q) Ol 20 1'0- ... 10 200 400 800 600 Annealing temperature, °C c: '" u .c Introduction /3 With further annealing, grain size continues to grow (see micrographs 3, 4, and 5 in Fig. 5). Because annealing of cold-worked metals usually is carried out to soften the material, the temperature and time needed to complete recrystallization must be known to determine the proper heat treatment. The recrystallization temperature is commonly referred to as an indicator of the temperature at which metal must be annealed for softening. As a rule of thumb, the recrystallization temperature is approximately 0.3 to 0.6 of the absolute melting point. In the case ofCu-Zn solid solution alloys, the addition of zinc to copper lowers the melting point, and the recrystallization temperature will decrease for high zinc contents (20 to 30%, for example), see Fig. 7. Fig. 5 Microstructure of a CU-5Zn alloy, cold rolled to 60%, then annealed for different times at 400°C (750 OF). The numbers refer to the different annealing times shown in Fig.3(a) 127 Rockwell B Recrystallization just beginning 128 Rockwell B No recrystallization yet; still in recovery OM 100 urn 63 Rockwell B Recrystallization essentially complete; grain growth beginning I 100 urn 60 Rockwell B OM I OM I 20 0llm I 58 Rockwell B OM I 200 IJ.m I 4/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys recrystallized grain deformation bonds Fig. 6 High-magnification scanning electron micrograph showing a small recrystallized nucleus. Cu-5Zn alloy, cold worked by rolling 20°C (68 OF) to a reduction in thickness of 60%; annealed 60 min at 350°C (660 OF) annealing Iwins Fig. 7 Illustration of effect of zinc content of Cu-Zn solid-solution alloys on the annealing process. The alloys were originally cold rolled at 25°C (77 OF) to 60% Annealing temperature. of 390 200 750 1110 1470 I I ~\ 1-6180 Alloy Cu-20Zn o Pure Cu • Cu-5Zn t:. Cu-20Zn 160 . 140 :I: n, Cu-5Zn Cl ~ c: E 120 1: III lr\. :I: 100 <. ( \ 80 ".. \ 220°C (493 K) 410°C (683 K) 320°C (593 K) 0.36 0.51 0.47 - reduction in thickness. The recrystallization temperatures listed are based on the inflection point of each curve LIVE GRAPH Click here to view "'- \~ ~ ~ :.- ~ 200 - \~ 60 o Fraction of melting absolute temperature I-... Pure copper 40 Approximate recrystallization temperature 400 600 800 Annealing temperature, °C Homogenization of Castings This treatment is applied prior to the mechanical processing of cast ingot and is often used even when an object is cast essentially to its final shape. Temperatures and times used in this process depend on the diffusion rate and the starting structure. In chemical homogenization annealing, chemical gradients in a dendritically cored structure can be reduced at a sufficiently high temperature for a sufficient time. The rate of diffusion is given by an appropriate solution to Fick's law. As a conservative approximation, the required time is x 2 "" Dt, where x is the distance between regions of low and of high concentration in the dendrite cell, which is one-half of cell size. Introduction I 5 Precipitation Hardening Treatments In designing alloys for strength, an approach often taken is to develop an alloy in which the structure consists of particles which impede dislocation motion dispersed in a ductile matrix. The fmer the dispersion, for the same amount of particles, the stronger the material. Such a dispersion can be obtained by choosing an alloy that, at elevated temperature, is single phase, but that on cooling will precipitate another phase in the matrix. A heat treatment is then developed to give the desired distribution of the precipitate in the matrix. If hardening occurs from this structure, then the process is called precipitation hardening or age hardening. However, not all alloys in which such a dispersion can be developed will harden. Solution Heat Treatment. A prerequisite to precipitation hardening is the ability to heat the alloy to a temperature range wherein all of the solute is dissolved, so that a single-phase structure is attained. This is shown schematically in Fig. 8 for a 10% B alloy in a hypothetical system A-B. Heating above the solvus temperature T2 for this alloy and holding in the a range for sufficient time will form the single phase a. This is the required solution heat treatment. The Process of Precipitation. After quenching from the a region (Fig. 8), precipitation is achieved by reheating the alloy below the solvus (T2 in Fig. 8) at a suitable temperature for a suitable time. Precipitation Hardening. The high strength is produced by the fmely dispersed precipitates that form during precipitation treatments (which may include either natural room-temperature aging, or artificial aging at elevated temperatures). The effect of temperature and time on aging is illustrated by the data in Fig. 9. As pointed out previously, the higher the precipitation temperature, the lower the maximum hardness, because less precipitate forms as the solvus temperature is approached. However, the higher the temperature, the higher the rate of precipitation, and hence the maximum hardness is attained in less time. In most commercial precipitation-hardenable alloys, the rate of precipitation is low at ambient temperature, although sufficiently rapid to bring about measurable hardness changes in a reasonable time, as shown in Fig. 9 for aging at 30°C (85 "F), If hardening occurs at or near ambient temperature, it is termed age hardening; aging at other temperatures is called precipitation hardening. Fig. 8 Hypothetical phase diagram of system A-B. The decreasingsolubilityof B ina with decreasing temperature allowsan alloy containing 10% B to be single-phase at high temperature (that is, above 7;) but two-phase at lowtemperature (1;) o1 10 50 %BinA 130 ,....----.-------,----.----""""""7---..,.-----,----........, 120 1----+---+------4-----I------,f-/-lC-----"I.---+-------j "0 110 1------1----1----f---,....,d---I-+--+-+---+-------; "E e e > a. Q) 100 1-----f-----f----1:.....,,.,..-4---lt---+--\---+--------j ,:,L o s ~. c 90 f----f----f-~_I_-I~"r---+----'\_-+----+--------1 "E '" :r As-quenched hardness 70 - ) -~+-~.-...,..- 60L-_ _....L 0.001 0.01 .l....-_ _---I. ....I...- 0.1 10 Time, days L...- 100 -'- 1000 ----' 10,000 Fig. 9 Hardness as a function of aging time for an AI-4Cu alloy. The alloy was solution annealedfor at least 48 h at 520°C (970 OF), then cooled quickly (waterquenched) to 25°C (77 OF) 6/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Developing Two-Phase Structures the region of ex and Pphase stability. The Pphase is a body-centered cubic, with the copper and zinc atoms located at random on the lattice sites. On cooling to temperatures below the dashed line (about 450°C, or 840 "F), the copper and zinc atoms take specific relative position on the sites, forming an ordered structure, or a superlattice. This phase is denoted Win Fig. 10. If the composition is exactly 50 at.% Zn, then the ordered structure is based on a body-centered cubic cell with zinc atoms at the center and copper atoms on the comers (or vice versa). See Fig. 11 for typical microstructure of Muntz metal (Cu-40Zn), Fig. 12 for microstructure of Cu-42Zn quenched from beta region, then reheated to develop an alpha precipitate structure. In some nonferrous alloys (for example, titanium-base alloys and high-zinc Cu-Zn alloys), the desired structure consists of a mixture of two phases of comparable quantity (unlike the two-phase structures developed in precipitation hardening, where the precipitate is in the minority). The morphology and amount of each are varied by control of the high temperature used and the cooling rate from that temperature. The preferred microstructure can be quite complex, and the required treatment differs considerably for different systems, so that a systematic treatment of the principles involved is difficult. In the Cu-Zn system, alloys containing about 40% Zn serve as the basis for some commercial alloys (for example, Muntz metal and naval brass). The Cu-Zn phase diagram (Fig. 10) shows that the alloys of interest are in Fig. 10 The cu-zn diagram. The p phase is body-centered cubic; the Wphase is an ordered structure based on this arrangement Zinc, at.% 1100 1000 r- 10 \ 20 30 50 60 ~ 80 90 r L ~~ u+p- 800 u ~ OJ ~ 600 ~ P ~ 1/ 500 /I\~ P + Y 400 300 200 10 20 30 40 ~ }-'-- po y+ + y 1200 11> ~ a. i\+L r\\ e\ 50 1400 ::J - po I po I I I - - 0 u + 1600 !;'- I\O+~ y+oY 1-1-- - ~ \\ ~ Click here to view P+L \ \\ 700 LIVE GRAPH L ~\ ~ E - 1800 903 ° 900 Cu 70 2000 1083°C ~ 40 E 1000 ~ 800 \ E -j 600 e+ll 60 70 80 90 400 Zn Zinc, wt% Fig. 11 Typical microstructure of annealed Muntz metal (Cu40Zn). The clear, white regions are the W, and the dark and gray regions showing annealing twins are ex. Optical micrograph. 250x OM 250X wax . 12 Microstructures of Cu-42Zn alloy quenched from the p region. then reheated to develop an a precipitate structure. The higher reheating temperature gives a coarser structure and thus a softer material AII{3' OM Quenched from 800 °e wax (a) White ex in {3' wax OM Quenched from 800 "C. reheated for 30 min at 400 -c (b) White ex in {3' OM Quenched from 800 reheated for 30 min at 600 -c (e) °e.Introduction /7 Fig. Superalloys . Heat Treating Superalloys Superalloys are heat-resistant alloys based on nickel, iron-nickel, and cobalt-nickel that exhibit a good combination of mechanical strength and resistance to surface degradation. Compositions of wrought and cast superalloys are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Characteristics The high-temperature strength of all superalloys is based on the principle of a stable face-centered cubic (fcc) matrix combined with either precipitation strengthening and/or solid-solution hardening. In age-hardenable nickel-base alloys the t' intermetallic (NhAI,Ti) is generally present for strengthening, while the non-hardenable nickel-, cobalt-, and iron-base alloys rely on solid-solution strengthening of the fcc (y) matrix. Table Iron-base and nickel-iron superalloys may also develop, in addition to y', second-phase strengthening from the y" (NhNb) intermetallic and perhaps 11 (NirTi). Cobalt-base superalloys may develop some precipitation strengthening from carbides (Cr7C3,M23C6), but no intermetallic-phase strengthening equal to the y' strengthening in nickel-base alloys has been discovered in cobalt-base superalloys. 1 Nominal compositions of wrought superalloys UNS Alloy Composition, % Number Cr Ni Co Mo W Nb R30155 R30556 S63198 21.0 22.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 9.0 20.0 20.0 3.00 3.0 1.25 2.5 2.5 1.25 1.0 0.1 0.4 N06230 N06617 N06625 N06333 Nl000l Nl0003 N06635 NlOOO4 N06002 NI0276 N06075 16.0 22.0 22.0 21.5 25.0 LOmax 7.0 15.5 5.0 22.0 15.5 19.5 25.0 76.5 55.0 55.0 61.0 45.0 63.0 72.0 67.0 61.0 49.0 59.0 75.0 65.0 20.0 22.0 20.0 20.0 19.0 10.0 22.0 20.0 35.0 25.0 15.0 14.0 0.1 max 0.1 max 20.5 14.8 13.5 26.0 26.0 38.0 37.7 38.4 38.0 44.0 27.0 26.0 15.0 21.0 8.0 10.0 15.0 56.5 61.0 62.5 60.0 67.0 TI AI F. C Other 0.3 32.2 29.0 66.8 0.15 0.10 0.30 0.15 N,0.2 La, 0.02 Zr 0.50Ta, 0.02 La, 0.002Zr 1.10Mn,O.60Si 3.0 3.0max 0.03 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 max 0.06 0.02max 0.12max 0.15 0.02max 0.12 0.05 Solid-solution alloys Iron/nickel-base AlloyN-155(Multimet) Haynes556 19-9DL 0.3 Nickel-base Haynes214 Haynes230 Inconel617 Alloy625 RA333 HastelloyB HastelloyN HastelloyS HastelloyW HastelloyX Hastelloy C-276 Nimonic75 Nimonic86 5.0 max 12.5 3.0 2.5 max 2.5 max 1.5max 2.0 9.0 9.0 3.0 28.0 16.0 15.5 24.5 9.0 16.0 14.0 3.6 0.2 4.5 0.35 1.0 0.2 3.0 0.5 max 0.2 0.6 3.7 2.0 0.4 0.15 2.5 18.0 5.0 5.0max 1.0 5.5 15.8 5.0 2.5 10.0 0.Q15 max B,0.02 La omv 0.02 La 0.6V 0.25maxCu 0.03 Ce, 0.015Mg Cobalt-base Haynes25(L605) R30605 R30l88 Haynes188 R30816 AlloyS-816 R30035 MP35-N MPI59 R30159 Precipitation-hardening alloys 50.0 37.0 42.0 35.0 36.0 4.0 10.0 7.0 15.0 14.5 4.0 3.0 3.0max 4.0 4.0 0.6 0.10 0.10 0.38 3.0 0.2 9.0 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.7 1.5 1.5 2.1 3.0 2.85 0.2 0.25 0.7 1.0 0.03 0.03 0.2 0.25 0.2 55.2 55.0 41.0 39.0 42.0 42.0 29 48.6 55.8 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.08 max 0.08max 3.4 3.5 1.3 2.9 4.7 0.5 4.4 0.2 0.5 max 5.5 0.5 <0.3 5.0 2.0 max <0.6 7.0 0.06 0.01 0.10 max 0.15 0.06 1.5Mn 0.90 La Iron-base A-286 Discaloy Incoloy903 PyrornetCTX-I Incoloy907 Incoloy909 Incoloy925 V-57 W-545 S66286 S66220 NI9903 NI9907 N19909 N09925 S66545 15.0 16.0 13.0 13.0 1.25 3.0 0.1 0.1 3.0 3.0 4.7 4.7 2.8 1.25 1.5 0.005B, 0.3 V 0.15Si O.4Si 1.8Cu 0.D1 B, 0.5 maxV 0.05B Nickel-base Astroloy CustomAge625PLUS Haynes242 InconellOO Inconell02 N13017 N07716 N13I00 N06102 15.0 2.5 max 15.0 5.25 8.0 25.0 3.0 2.9 3.0 (continued) 0.03 B,0.06 Zr 0.006maxB 1.0V, 0.06 Zr, 0.D15 B 0.005B,0.02Mg,0.03 Zr 12/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 1 (continued) Alloy Incoloy901 Inconel702 Inconel706 Inconel718 Inconel721 Incone\722 Inconel725 Incone1751 InconelX-750 M252 Nimonic80A Nimonic90 Nimonic95 Nimonic100 Nimonic 105 Nimonicll5 C-263 Pyrornet860 Pyromet31 Refractaloy 26 Rem! 41 Rem! 95 Rene100 Udnnet500 Udimet520 Udimet630 Udimet700 Udimet710 UnilempAF2-lDA Waspaloy UNS Number N09901 N07702 N09706 N07718 N07721 N07722 N07725 N0775I N07750 N07252 N07080 N07090 N07263 N07031 N07041 N07500 N07012 N07OO1 Cr Ni 12.5 15.5 16.0 19.0 16.0 15.5 21.0 15.5 15.5 19.0 19.5 19.5 19.5 11.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 13.0 22.7 18.0 19.0 14.0 9.5 19.0 19.0 17.0 15.0 18.0 12.0 19.5 42.5 79.5 41.5 52.5 71.0 75.0 57.0 72.5 73.0 56.5 73.0 55.5 53.5 56.0 54.0 55.0 51.0 44.0 55.5 38.0 55.0 61.0 61.0 48.0 57.0 50.0 53.0 55.0 59.0 57.0 Co Mo W Nb 6.0 10.0 1.0 18.0 18.0 20.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 4.0 20.0 11.0 8.0 15.0 19.0 12.0 18.5 14.8 10.0 13.5 3.0 5.1 8.0 3.5 1.0 1.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.9 6.0 2.0 3.2 10.0 3.5 3.0 4.0 6.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 4.3 ComposlUoD, % Ti 2.7 0.6 1.75 0.9 3.0 2.4 1.5 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.25 2.4 2.9 1.5 1.1 3.5 3.5 1.0 3.0 6.5 1.5 6.0 1.2 4.0 2.1 3.0 2.5 2.6 3.1 2.5 4.2 3.0 3.0 1.0 3.4 5.0 3.0 3.0 AI 3.2 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.35max 1.2 0.7 1.0 1.4 1.4 2.0 5.0 4.7 5.0 0.45 1.0 1.5 0.2 1.5 3.5 5.5 3.0 2.0 0.7 4.3 2.5 4.6 1.4 Fe C 36.2 1.0 37.5 18.5 6.5 7.0 9.0 7.0 7.0 <0.75 1.5 1.5 5.0 max 2.0 max 0.10max 0.05 0.03 0.08max 0.04 0.04 0.03max 0.05 0.04 0.15 0.05 0.06 0.15max 0.30max 0.08 0.20 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.09 0.16 0.16 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.35 0.07 1.0 0.7 max 28.9 14.5 16.0 <0.3 <0.3 LOmax 4.0 max 18.0 <1.0 <0.5 2.0max Other 0.5 Mo, 0.2 Cu,0.4 81 2.9 (Nb + Th),0.15 maxCu 0.15maxCu 2.2Mn, 0.1Cu 0.5 Mo, 0.2 Cu,0.4 81 0.25maxCu O.25maxCu 0.005B 0.10 maxCu +B,+Zr +B,+Zr 0.005B O.04Zr O.OIB 0.005B 0.015B O.oIB 0.01 B,0.05Zr 0.015B, 0.06Zr, 1.0V O.OO5B 0.005B O.OO4B 0.03B O.OIB 1.5Th,0.015B,0.1 Zr 0.006B, 0.09Zr Heat Treating Practice Stress relieving. This treatment frequently entails a compromise between maximum relief of residual stress and effects deleterious to hightemperature properties and/or corrosion resistance. True stress relieving of wrought material is usually, but not always, confined to non-age-hardenable alloys because a full-solution treatment is useful prior to age-hardening. In addition, the stress-relieving temperature would typically fall within the upper temperature range for age-hardening. Time and temperature cycles vary considerably, depending on the metallurgical characteristics of the alloy and on the type and magnitude of the residual stresses developed in the prior fabrication processes. Stress-relieving temperatures are usually below the annealing or recrystallization temperatures. Annealing. When applied to superalloys, annealing implies full annealing, that is, complete recrystallization and attaining maximum softness. The practice is usually applied to non-hardening wrought alloys. For most of the age-hardenable alloys, the annealing cycles are the same as for solution treating. However, the two treatments serve different purposes. Annealing is used mainly to reduce hardness and increase ductility to facilitate forming or machining, prepare for welding, relieve stresses after welding, produce specific microstructures, or soften age-hardened structures by resolution of second phases. Solution treating is intended to dissolve second phases to produce maximum corrosion resistance or to prepare for age hardening. Most wrought superalloys can be cold formed but are more difficult to form than austenitic stainless steels. Severe cold-forming operations may require several intermediate annealing operations. Full annealing must be followed by fast cooling. . Annealing should be conducted after welding the age-hardenable alloys if highly restrained jointsare involved. For alloys sensitive to strain age cracking, heating rates must be rapid. If the configuration of the weldment does not permit annealing, aging may be used for stress relieving in alloys not prone to strain age cracking. Reheating for hot working is similar to annealing in that the aim is to promote adequate formability of the metal being deformed. Control of temperature can be critical to resultant properties, as varying degrees of recrystallization and control of grain growth may be desired. In most standard operations, heating or reheating for hot working is a full annealing step with recrystallization and dissolution of all or most secondary phases. Solution Treating. The first step in heat treating superalloys is usually solution treatment. In some wrought alloys, the solution-treating temperature will depend on the properties desired. A higher temperature is specified for optimum creep-rupture properties; a lower temperature is used for optimum short-time tensile properties at elevated temperature, improved fatigue resistance (via finer grain size), or improved resistance to notch rupture sensitivity. The higher solution-treating temperature will result in some grain growth and more extensive dissolving of carbides. The principal objective Superalloys /13 is to put hardening phases into solution and dissolve some carbides. After aging, the resulting microstructure of these wrought alloys consists of large grains that contain the principal aging phases (y', y", 11) and a heavy concentration of carbides in the grain boundaries. The lower solution-treating temperature dissolves the principal aging phases without grain growth or significant carbide solution. For some wrought superalloys (such as Nimonic BOA and Nimonic 90), an intermediate solution-treating temperature is selected to produce a compromise of the properties. For other alloys (such as Udimet 500 and Udimet 700), the intermediate-temperature aging treatment is used to tailor the grain boundaries for improved creep-rupture properties. Quenching. The purpose of quenching after solution treating is to maintain, at room temperature, the supersaturated solid solution obtained during solution treating. Quenching permits a finer age-hardening precipitate size. Cooling methods commonly used include oil and water quenching as well as various forms of air or inert gas cooling. Internal stress resulting from quenching can also accelerate overaging in some age-hardenable alloys. Aging treatments strengthen age-hardenable alloys by causing the precipitation of additional quantities of one or more phases from the supersaturated matrix that is developed by solution treating. Factors that influence the selection and number of aging steps and aging temperature include: • • • • Type and number of precipitating phases available Anticipated service temperature Precipitate size The combination of strength and ductility desired and heat treatment of similar alloys Typical heat treatments of wrought age-hardenable superalloys are given in Table 3. Because dimensional changes can occur during aging, it is recommended that finish machining be done after aging. Thermomechanical Processing. In recent years there has been more interest in the interdependence of hot working and heat-treating operations. In many critical applications the desired final properties are not attainable via heat treatment if the hot working operation has not been conducted under controlled temperature and deformation parameters. This requires a study of hot working and heat treating, known as thermomechanical processing. One application of thermomechanical process- Table 2 Nominal compositions of cast superalloys Alloy designation C Ni Cr Co Mo Fe Nomloal composition, % B A! 'Ii 111 Other W Nickel-base B-I900 CMSX-2 HastelloyX Inconell00 Inconel713C Inconel713LC Inconel738 Inconel792 Inconel718 X-750 M-252 MAR-M200 MAR-M246 MAR-M247 PWA1480 Ren~41 Ren~77 Ren~80 Ren~80Hf Ren~l00 Ren~N4 Udimet500 UdiJret700 Udimet710 Waspaloy WAX-20(DS) 0.10 0.10 0.18 0.12 0.05 0.17 0.20 0.04 0.04 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.09 0.07 0.17 0.08 0.18 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.07 0.20 64 66.2 50 60.5 74 75 61.5 60 53 73 56 59 60 59 bal 55 58 60 60 61 62 53 53.5 55 57.5 8 8 21 10 12.5 12 16 13 19 15 20 9 9 8.25 10 19 15 14 14 9.5 9.8 18 15 18 19.5 10 4.6 1 15 8.5 9 10 10 10 10 5.0 11.0 15 9.5 9.5 15 7.5 17 18.5 15 13.5 6 0.6 9 3 4.2 4.5 1.75 2.0 3 6 56 10.0 4.2 4 4 3 1.5 4 5.25 3 4.2 4(a) 6 18 18 7 10 2.5 0.7 0.Ql5 0.5 2 72 5.5 6 6 3.4 3.2 0.5 0.7 1 5 5.5 5.5 5.0 1.5 4.3 3 3 5.5 4.2 3 4.25 2.5 1.2 6.5 0.01 0.012 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.005 0.Ql5 0.Ql5 0.Ql5 0.01 0.Ql5 0.Ql5 0.Ql5 0.Ql5 0.004 0.03 0.005 5 0.8 0.6 3.4 4.2 0.9 2.5 2.6 2 1.5 L 1.5 3.1 3.3 5 4.8 4.2 3.5 3 3.5 5 3 8 1 1.75 4 2.6 4 1.5 3 12 12.5 10 10 4.0 4 4 4.8 0.10 6 0.06 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 IV 0.9Nb 0.05 0.05 0.05 INb(b) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.06 6 1.5 20 2Nb 2Nb 0.1 Cu,5Nb 0.25 Cu,O.9Nb 1.5Hf 0.75Hf IV 0.5Nb, 0.15 Hf 0.08 0.09 1.5 Cobalt-base AiResist 13 AiResist213 AiResist215 FSX-414 Haynes 21 Haynes 25; lr605 J-1650 MAR-M302 MAR-M322 MAR-M509 MAR-M918 NASACo-W-Re S-816 V-36 WI-52 X-40 (Stellitealloy3L) 0.45 0.20 0.35 0.25 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.85 1.00 0.60 0.05 0.40 0.40 0.27 0.45 0.50 0.5 0.5 10 3 10 27 10 20 20 20 10 21 20 19 29 27 20 19 21.5 21.5 23.5 20 3 20 25 21 22 62 64 63 52.5 64 54 36 58 60.5 54.5 52 67.5 42 42 63.5 57.5 (a) B-I900 + Hf also contains 1.5% Hf. (b)MAR-M 200 + Hf also contains 1.5% Hf 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 4 3 2 1.5 2 6.5 7.5 3.4 3.5 4.3 0.010 11 4.5 4.5 7.5 0.1 0.1 O.LY 0.1 Y O.lY 5Mo 0.02 0.005 3.8 0.75 0.2 2 9 4.5 3.5 7.5 15 12 10 9 7 25 4 2 11 7.5 0.2 2 0.5 0.1 1 2Re 4Mo,4Nb,1.2Mn,O.4Si 4 Mo, 2 Nb, 1Mn, 0.4 Si 2Nb+Ta 0.5 Mn, 0.5 Si 14/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys ing is the development of direct aged Inconel718 for turbine disk applications. Proper heating temperatures and forging operations also influence the microstructure and distribution of phases in alloys such as 718. Grain Size Control. An important objective of thermomechanical processing is grain size control. For example, grain structure may be controlled by thermomechanical processing in several iron-nickel-base alloys that have two precipitates present, such as the primary strengthening precipitate (y" NbNb in Incone1 718 and t' Nij'I'i in Inconel 901) and a secondary precipitate (0 in Inconel 718 and 11 Nij'I'i in InconeI901). The secondary precipitate is produced first, by an appropriate heat treatment (8 h at 900 "C, or 1650 OF, for 901), followed by working at about 950 "C (1740 oF), below the 11 solvus. Final working is carried out below the recrystallization temperature, and the alloy is subsequently recrystallized below the 11 solvus. Finally, the alloy is aged by standard procedures. The result is a fine-grain alloy with higher tensile strength and improved fatigue resistance. Other thermomechanical working schedules are used to produce a double necklace structure of fine grains surrounding the large grains formed during high-temperature recrystallization. Reductions of25 to 50% are needed in the [mal working operations at 1080 to 1110 "C (1975 to 2030 "F) to produce the small recrystallized grains in cast/wrought Rene 95. Further information on heat treatment is found on pp 15-16. Table 3 Typical solution-treating and agingcycles forwrought superalloys SolutiontreaUng Thmperature Aging TIme, Cooling "C OF h procedure 980 1010 1800 1850 1 2 Oilquench Oilquench N-155 Incoloy903 1165-1190 845 2125-2175 1550 Waterquench Waterquench Incoloy907 980 1800 Air cool Incoloy909 980 1800 Air cool Incoloy925 1010 1850 Air cool 2150 1975 1900 4 4 CustomAge625PLUS 1175 1080 1038 I Air cool Air cool Aircool Inconel901 1095 2000 2 Waterquench Inconel625 Inconel706 1150 925-1010 2100 1700-1850 2 (b) InconeI706(c) 980 1800 Aircool Inconel718 980 1800 Air cool Inconel725 1040 1900 Air cool InconelX-750 1150 2100 2 Air cool Nimonic80A Nimonic90 1080 1080 1065 1080 1975 1975 1950 1975 8 8 Air cool 1175 1080 1080 2150 1975 1975 1175 2150 Alloy Thmperalure °C TIme, OF h Cooling procedure Iron-base alloys A-286 Dlscaloy 720 730 650 815 720 620 775 620 720 620 730(a) 620 1325 1350 1200 1500 1325 1150 1425 1150 1325 1150 1350(a) 1150 16 20 20 4 8 8 12 8 8 8 8 8 Furnacecool Air cool Furnacecool Aircool Furnacecool Air cool Furnacecool Air cool 845 760 720 620 790 720 1550 1400 1325 1150 1450 1325 24 16 8 8 2 24 Air cool Aircool Furnacecool Air cool Air cool Aircool 845 720 620 730 620 720 620 730(a) 620 845 705 705 705 760 845 760 845 760 845 760 1550 1325 1150 1350 1150 1325 1150 1350 1150 1550 1300 1300 1300 1400 1550 1400 1550 1400 1550 1400 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 20 16 16 16 24 16 24 16 24 16 Air cool Furnacecool Aircool Furnacecool Air cool Furnacecool Air cool Furnacecool Aircool Air cool Air cool Air cool Aircool Aircool Air cool Air cool Air cool Aircool Air cool Air cool 760 1400 12 Air cool Air cool Air cool Aircool Air cool Nickel-base alloys Astroloy Ren~41 Udimet500 Udimet700 Waspaloy 4 Aircool Air cool Air cool 4 4 4 Air cool Air cool Air cool \12 Cobalt-base alloys S816 (b) Note:Alternatetreatments may be used to improvespecificproperties. (a) If furnace size/loadprohibitsfast heatup to initialage temperature, a controlledramp up from590 to 730°C (1100to 1350oF) is recommended. (b) Toprovideadequatequenchingaftersolutiontreating, it is necessaryto cool belowabout540°C (1000oF) rapidlyenoughtopreventprecipitation in theintennediatetemperature range. For sheetmetalpansofmostalloys,rapidaircoolingwillsuffice. Oilor waterquenchingisfrequently requiredforheaviersectionsthatare notsubjecttocracking. (c)HeattreatmentofInconel706to enhance tensilepropertiesinsteadof creepresistancefor tensile-limited applications SuperaUoys /15 Table 4 Constituents observed in superalloys Phase y' Crystal sInIcture fcc (ordered Lh) Lattke pal'IIII1e1er. DID Formula 0.3561for pureNhAI to 0.3568 for NhAl Nh(AI,TI) Principal strengthening phasein manynickel-andnickel-iron-basesuperalloys; crystallattice NhTI(nosolubilityfor otherelements) varies sligbtlyin size(0to0.5%)fromthatofaustenite matrix;shapevariesfromspherical to cubic;sizevarieswithexposuretimeandtemperature. Gammaprime is spherical in ironnickel-base and insomeoftheoldernickel-base alloys, suchasNirnonicSOA andWaspaloy. In themorereeentlydeveloped nickel-base alloys,y' is generally cuboidal. Experiments have shownthatvariations inmolybdenum contentandin thea1uminumltitaniumrntiocan change themorphology ofy.Withincreasingyly'mismatch, theshapechangesin thefollowing order: spherical, globular, blocky,cuboidal. Whentheyly' latticemismatch is high,extended exposureabove700"C (1290"F) causesundesirablen(NiJTI) or li(Ni]Nb)phases to form. Foundin iron-,cobalt-, andnickel-base superalloys withhigbtitaniumlaluminumratios after extendedexposure; mayformintergranularly in a cellularformor lntragranularly asacicular Ni3(A1051105) a., = 0.5093 Co = 0.8276 Commeols ~~~tsinaWidmansm~n~~ bet(ordered DOn) ao=0.3624 eo= 0.7406 NiJNb(li) Onhorhombic (ordered Cu3TI) MC Cubic ao=0.5106-0.511 bo=0.421-0.4251 Co = 0.452-0.4556 ao= 0.430-0.470 MZJQ; fcc M6C fcc ao= 1.050-1.070 (varieswith composition) ao= 1.085-1.175 Hexagonal ao= 1.398 Co = 0.4523 ao= 0.560-0.620 Co = 0.300-0.330 Tetragonal MN Cubic ao=0.424O Rhombohedral ao= 0.475 Co =2.577 ao= 0.475-0.495 Co = 0.770-0.815 Laves Hexagonal (J 'Ietragonal Principal strengthening phasein Incone1718: y" precipitates arecoherentdisk-shapedparticles thatformonthe (100I planes(avgdiamapproximately 600 A, thickness approximately 50to 90 A); Bright-field TEMexamination isunsatisfactory forresolvingy" due to thehigbdensity of theprecipitates andthestrongcontrastfromthecoherency strainfieldaroundthe precipitates. However, dark-field TEMexarnination provides excellentimagingofthey" by selective imagingofprecipitates thatproducespecific superlattice reflections. In addition, t" can beseparated fromt' usingthedark-field mode,hecausethey" dark-field imageis substantially brigbterthanthatofy ', Observed in overaged Incone1718; has an acicularshapewhenformedbetween815and980°C NiJNb (1500and 1800oF); formsbycellularreactionat lowagingtemperatures andby intragranular precipitation at higbagingtemperatures TIC TItanium carbidehas somesolubility fornitrogen, zirconium, andmolybdenum; composition is NbC variable; appearsasglobular, irregularly shapedparticles thataregrayto lavender; "M" HfC elements canbe titanium, tantalum, niobium, hafnium, thorium, or zirconium Cr23Q; (Cr,Fe,W,Mo)nQ; Fonn ofprecipitation is important; it canprecipitate asfilms,globules, platelets.lamellae, and cells;usuallyformsat grainboundaries; 'M" elementis usually chromium, but nickel-cobalt, iron,molybdenum, andtungsten cansubstitute Randomly distributed carbide;mayappearpinkish;"M"elements aregenerally molybdenum or FeJM03C tungsten; Ihereissomesolubility forchromium, nickel-niobium, tantalum, andcobalt FC:JW3C-FelW2C Fe.JNb3C Nb3Co3C Ta3CoJC o-c, Generally observedas ablockyintergranular shape;observed onlyin alloyssuchasNirnonic 80Aafterexposureabove1000°C(1830oF), andinsomecobalt-base alloys Observed in iron-nickel- andnickel-base alloyswilhabout0.03%B orgreater;boridesappear Th3B2 similartocarbides, butarenotallackedbypreferential carbideetchants; "M' elementscanbe V3B2 molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, nickel,iron,orvanadium Nb3B2 (Mo,TI,Cr,Ni,Fe)JB2 M02FeB2 TIN Nitrides areobservedin alloyscontaining titanium, niobium, orzirconium; theyareinsoluble at (Ti,Nb,Zr)N temperatures belowIhemeltingpoint;easilyrecognized as-polished, havingsquareto m,Nb,Zr) (C,N) rectangular shapesandrangingfromyellowtoorange ZrN NbN Generally observed inalloyswilhhighlevelsofmolybdenum ortungsten; appearsascoarse, ColW6 (Fe,Co)J(Mo,Wl6 irregularWidmanstii~n platelets; formsat higbtemperatures Mostcommonin iron-base andcobalt-base superalloys; usuallyappears asirregularly shaped Fe.JNb Feill globules, oftenelongated, or asplatelets afterextended high-temperature exposure Fe2Mo C02Ta NhNb ColTi ao= 0.880-0.910 Co = 0.450-0.480 FeCr FeCrMo CrFeMoNi oce Mostoftenobservedin iron-and cobalt-base superalloys,less commonly in nickel-base alloys; appears as irregularly shapedglobules, oftenelongatedtforms afterextendedexposure between 540and980°C(1000to 1795 OF) CrNiMo Table 5 Typical effects of aging on room-temperature mechanical properties of solution-treated heat-resisting alloys Yield strength (0.2% olf..O Alloy A-286 Ren~41 X-750 Haynesalloy25 Notaged MPa ksI 240 620 410 480 35 90 60 69 Aged MPa ksi 760 110 1100 160 92 70 650 480 Elongation in 50 mm(2ln.l, % Notaged Aged 52 45 45 55 33 15 24 45 Table 6 Minimum mill annealing temperatures for solid-solution-strengthened alloys Approximate minimum temperature formillllDIlOllling Alloy HastelloyX HastelIoyS AUoy625 RA333 Inconel617 Haynes230 Haynes188 AUoyL-605 AlloyN-155 Haynes556 ·C 1010 955 925 1035 1035 1120 1120 1120 1035 1035 OF 1850 1750 1700 1900 1900 2050 2050 2050 1900 1900 16/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 7 Typicalsolution annealing temperatures for solid-solution-strengthened alloys '!)pioal solulionannealing temperatures Alloy HastelloyX Hastelloy S AIIoy625 RA333 Inconel617 Haynes230 Hayoes188 AIIoyL-605 AIIoyN-155 Hayoes556 1165-1190 1050-1135 1095-1205 1175-1205 1165-1190 1165-1245 1165-1190 1175-1230 1165-1190 1165-1190 2125-2175 1925-2075 2000-2200 2150-2200 2125-2175 2125-2275 2125-2175 2150-2250 2125-2175 2125-2175 Table 8 Cooling rate effects on time to 0.5% creep at 870°C (1600 OF) with 48 MPa (7 ksi) load Solutionlreal al1175 "C (2150oF) and 0001 al the rate indiealed 'IbneloO.51l> ereep,h Haynes HastelJoyX 188 Waterquench. Aircool Furnacecool 10650°C (1200oF)andthenaircool 8 7 6 148 97 48 lnconel 617 302 15 9 Table 9 Typical heat treatments for precipitation-strengthened cast superalloys Alloy Heal treatmenl (temperature/duration In bJ<:ooHng)(a) PolycrystalUne (conventional) castings B-19OO1B-I900+Hf IN-l00 1N-7l3 1N-7l8 1N-718 withHIP 1080°C (1975°F)/4/AC + 900°C (1650°F)/lO/AC 1080°C (1975°F)/41AC + 870°C (1600°F)/I21AC as-cast 1095°C (2000°F)/l/AC +955°C (1750°F)/l/AC +720°C (1325°F)/81FC+ 620°C (1150°F)/8/AC 1150°C (2100°F)/41FC+ 1190°C(2175°F)/4115 ksi (HIP) + 870°C(16OO °F)/I01AC+955 °C(1750°F)/l/AC+ 730°C (13500F)/8/FC + 665°C (1225°F)/81AC 1120°C (2050°F)/2/AC + 845°C (1550°F)/24/AC 1120°C (2050°F)/4/RAC + 1080°C (1975°F)/4/AC+ 845°C (1550°F)/241AC 1160°C (2120°F)/4/RAC + 1000°C (1830°F)/6IRAC + 900°C (1650°F)/241AC + 700°C(1290°F)/I61AC 1220°C (2230°F)/2/AC + 870°C (1600°F)l24/AC 1080°C (1975°F)/4/AC+ 870°C (16OO°F)l2O/AC 1065°C (1950°F)/3/AC + 1120°C (2050°F)/1.5/AC + 900°C (1650°F)/4/AC 1163°C(2125°F)/41AC+ 1080°C(1975°F)/4/AC + 925°C(1700°F)l24/AC+760°C (1400°F)/I61AC 1220°C (2225°F)/2/GFQ + 1095°C (WOO °F)/41GFQ + 1050°C(1925°F)/41AC + 845°C (1550°F)/I61AC 1150°C(2100°F)/4/AC + 1080°C(1975°F)/4/AC+ 760 °C(1400°F)/l6IAC 1175°C (2150°F)/41AC + 1080°C(1975°F)/4/AC+845°C(1550°F)/24/AC+760°C (1400°F)/I61AC 1080°C (1975°F)/41AC + 845°C (1550°F)/4/AC+760°C (1400°F)/l6IAC 1N-738 1N-792 1N-939 MAR-M246+Hf MAR-M247 Rene! 41 Rene! 77 Rene! 80 Udimet500 Udirnet700 Waspaloy Directionally-solidified (DS)castings DSMAR-M247 DSMAR-M200+Hf DSRene!80H Single-crystal castings CMSX-2 PWA1480 Rene!N4 1230°C (2250°F)/2/GFQ +980 °C (1800°F)/5/AC + 870°C (1600°F)/20/AC 1230°C (2250°F)/4/GFQ + 1080°C (1975°F)/4/AC+ 870°C (1600°F)/321AC 1190°C (2175°F)/2/GFQ+1080°C (1975°F)/4/AC+ 870°C (1600°F)/I61AC 1315°C (2400°F)/3/GFQ + 980°C (1800°F)/5/AC + 870°C (1600°F)/20/AC 1290°C (2350°F)/41GFQ+ 1080°C (1975°F)/41AC + 870°C(1600°F)/321AC 1270°C (2320°F)/2/GFQ + 1080°C (1975°F)/4/AC+ 900°C (1650°F)/l6IAC (a) AC.aircooling; Fe. furnace cooling;GFQ.gas furnacequench.; RAC.rapidaircooling Table 10 Typical heat treatments for solid-solution-strengthened cast superalloys Alloy HastelloyC HastelloyS HastelloyX Inconel6OO Incone1625 FSX-414 MAR-MS09 Wi-52 X-40 HeallrealmeDl 1220°C(2225°F)/O.5 Wair cool 1050°C(1925°F)/1h. aircool As-cast As-cast 1190°C(2175°F)/1Waircool 1150°C(2100°F)/4/h. furnacecool+980 °C(1800°F)/4h.lfumace cool As-cast As-cast As-cast Nickel·Base Alloys Astroloy Chemical Composition. Astroloy (nominal). 15.00 Cr, 56.50 Ni, 15.00 Co, 5.25 Mo, 3.50 Ti, 4.40 AI, <0.30 Fe, 0.06 C, 0,03 B, 0.06 Zr 1. Aging. Treatment is at 845°C (1555 oF) for 24 h; aircooling is used 2. Aging. Treatment is at 760°C (1400"F) for 16h; aircooling is used Characteristics A nickel-base, precipitation-hardeningalloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice In solution heat treating and in aging, alternative treatments areavailable: 1. Solution Heat Treating. Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 "F) for 4 h; air cooling is used 2. Solution Heat Treating. Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 "F) for 4 h; air cooling is used Stress Relieving. Full annealing is recommended because intermediate temperatures cause aging Annealing. Treatment is at 1135 °C (2075 OF). Holding time is 4 h per inch of section Astroloy: Microstructure. Forging, solution annealed 4 h at 1150 -c (2100 OF), air cooled, aged 4 h at 1080 °e (1975 OF), oil quenched, aged 4 h at 845 "O (1555 OF), air cooled, aged 16.h at 760 °e (1400 OF), and air cooled. Kalling's reagent 2. 100x Astroloy: Microstructure. Forging, solution annealed 1 h at 1150 "O (2100 OF) and air cooled, showing grain boundaries and fine Me carbides in a y-phase matrix. Kalling's reagent 2. 100x Astroloy: Microstructure. Forging, solution annealed 1 h at 1150 "O (2100 OF) and air cooled, showing a clean grain boundary (diagonal). t' precipitate is visible in the y matrix. Electrolytic: H2S04 , H3P04 , and HN03 • 10,OOOx Astroloy: Microstructure. Forging, solution annealed 4 h at 1150 -c (2100 OF), air cooled, aged 4 h at 1080 -c (1975 OF), oil quenched, aged 4 h at 845 "C (1555 OF), air cooled, aged 16 h at 760 "C (1400 OF), and air cooled. Me carbides are precipitated at grain boundaries; the solid-solution matrix contains y' particles. Kalling's reagent 2. 1000x Next Page 18/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Astroloy: Microstructure. Forging, solution annealed 4 h at 1150 °C (2100 OF), air cooled, aged 4 h at 1080 °C (1975 OF), oil quenched, aged 4 h at 845°C (1555 OF), air cooled, aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF), and air cooled. Microstructure shows intergranulary' precipitated at 1080 °C (1975 OF) as well as fine y' precipitated at 845°C (1555 OF) and 760 °C (1400 OF). Carbide particles are visible at grain boundaries. Electrolytic: H2S0 4 , Ha P0 4 , and HNO a. 10,OOOx Astroloy: Microstructure. Forging, solution annealed 4 h at 1115 °C (2040 OF), air cooled, aged 8 h at 870°C (1600 OF), air cooled, aged 4 h at 980°C (1795 OF), air cooled, aged 8 h at 650 °C (1200 OF), air cooled, aged 8 hat 760°C (1400 OF), and air cooled. The y matrix contains some undissolved y'. High magnification delineates MC carbides (large, white particles) and undissolved y' (small, white particles). Kalling's reagent 2. 1000x Astroloy: Microstructure. Forging, solution annealed 4 h at 1115 °C (2040 OF), air cooled, aged 8 h at 870°C (1600 OF), air cooled, aged 4 h at 980°C (1795 OF), air cooled, aged 8 h at 650 °C (1200 OF), air cooled, aged 8 h at 760°C (1400 OF), and air cooled. The y matrix contains some undissolved y'. Kalling's reagent 2. 100x Astroloy: Microstructure. Forging, solution annealed 4 h at 1115 °C (2040 OF), air cooled, aged 8 h at 870°C (1600 OF), air cooled, aged 4 h at 980°C (1795 OF), air cooled, aged 8 h at 650 °C (1200 OF), air cooled, aged 8 h at 760°C (1400 OF), and air cooled. The y matrix contains some undissolved t' and shows M2aC s carbides (white, irregular) and t' precipitates. Electrolytic: H2 S0 4 , HaP0 4 , and HNOa. 10,000x Previous Page Nickel-Base Superalloys /19 D.. 979 Chemical Composition D·979 (UNS N09979) (nominal). 15.00 Cr, 45.00 Ni, 4.00 Mo, 3.00 Ti, 1.00 Ti, 27.00 Fe, 0.05 C, 0.01 B Characteristics A nickel-base, precipitation-hardening alloy Similar Alloys (U.S. and/or Foreign). UNS N09979 In 100 Chemical Composition. IN 100 (UNS N13100) (nominal). 10.00 Cr, 60.00 Ni, 15.00 Co, 3.00 Mo, 4.70 Ti, 5.50 AI, <0.6 Fe, 0.15 C, 1.00 V, 0.06 Zr, 0.Q15 B Characteristics A nickel-base, precipitation-hardening alloy Similar Alloys (U.S. and/or Foreign). UNS N13100 IN 100: Microstructure. As cast. Small, white islands are primary (eutectic) y'; peppery gray constituent is precipitated y'; black constituent is probably perovskite, a complex carbide. Ni3(AI,Ti)C; matrix is nickel-rich y. Marble's reagent. 100x IN 100: Microstructure. As cast. Shown at higher magnification. Light constituent (A) is primary (eutectic) t'. dark (8), probably perovskite, Ni3(AI,Ti)C. Dispersed carbide particles are shown at C. Gamma matrix contains precipitated (D). Marble's reagent. IN 100: Microstructure. As cast. The white islands are primary, or eutectic, y'. Precipitated t' is barely visible in the y matrix. Marble's reagent. 100x 20 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IN 100: Microstructure. As cast. Shown at higher magnification and a replica electron micrograph showing islands of primary t' (A), a large particle of primary carbide (8), and dispersed particles of precipitated t' in ymatrix. Marble's reagent. 5000x IN 100: Microstructure. As cast. Shown at higher magnification. Island of primary (eutectic) 't' (A), dispersed carbide (8), and precipitated t' in y matrix. Marble's reagent. 500x IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, held at 760°C (1400 OF) for 5000 h. Replica electron micrograph. Platelets of o and primary and precipitated t' in y matrix. HCI, ethanol, and H20 2. 4500x IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, held at 815°C (1500 OF) for 5000 h. Structure consists of massive MC particles, platelets of o phase, and primary and precipitated y' in the y matrix. HCI, ethanol, and HP2· 500x Nickel-Base Superalloys /21 IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, held at 815°C (1500 OF) for 5000 h. Replica electron shows a massive particle of MC, Widrnanstatten platelets of (J phase, and t' in the y matrix. HCI, ethanol, and H20 2. 4500x IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, held at 925°C (1695 OF) for 36 h. Replica electron micrograph. No (J formed at this temperature. The structure is grain-boundary carbide and t' in the y matrix. HCI, ethanol, CuCI2, and HP2' 4500x IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, held at 925°C (1695 OF) for 5000 h. Replica electron micrograph. No o formed at this temperature. The structure is grain-boundary M23C a and y' in the y matrix. HCI, ethanol, and H20 2. 4500x IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, held at 1040 °C (1905 OF) for 16 h. A replica transmission electron micrograph. Note the absence of (J phase in this structure and the presence of coarsened y' in the y matrix. HCI, ethanol, CuCI2, and H20 2. 4500x IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, creep-rupture tested at 815°C (1500 OF) for 1113.6 h at 276 MPa (40 ksi). The structure consists of WidmansW.tten (J phase (A), primary (eutectic) t' (8), precipitated y' (C), and particles of carbide (D), in the y matrix. Glyceregia. 500x 22/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, held at 1040 °C (1905 OF) for 5000 h. A replica transmission electron micrograph. Structure consists of blocky y' and fine precipitated t' in a matrix of y solid solution. HCI, ethanol, and H202. 4500x IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, held at 1095 °C (2000 OF) for 5000 h. Optical micrograph shows random dispersion of large and small islands ofy' in theymatrix. HCI, ethanol, and HP2' 500x IN 100: Microstructure. Casting, creep-rupture tested at 815°C (1500 OF) for 1113.6 h at 276 MPa (40 ksi). The structure consists of Widmanstatten 0' phase (A), primary (eutectic) t' (8), precipitated y' (C), and particles of carbide (D), in the ymatrix. Higher magnification and a replica electron micrograph shows platelets of 0' emerging from carbide and precipitated t' in the y matrix. Electrolytic etch: H2S0 4 and methanol. 10,OOOx IN 100: Time-temperature-oxidation diagram. Summary of main stages of oxidation. Nominal composition: Ni - 15% Co - 10% Cr - 5.5% AI 4.7% Ti - 3% Mo - 0.95% V NI-15Co-1OCr-5.5Al-4. 75TI-3Mo-0. 95V AS CAST NUMERATOR DENOMINATOR = = PHASES PRESENT IN SCALE PHASES PRESENT IN SUBSCALE LIVE GRAPH Click here to view - -1-- _ _ -... ....... -, 1600 - NiO + T102 I \. (Nl, Co)O+(NICo)C r204+NITI0~ \ I I Air + TI02 + TiN 1400 ' - - - -.......---~:----~--~~---'-':-"--~ 103 10 4 10 5 10 1 TIME - MIN Nickel-Base Superalloys /23 IN 100: Time-temperature diagram. Minor phase concentration as a function of aging temperature. Composition: Ni - 0.17 C - 10.30% Cr -14.30% Co - 2.89% Mo - 4.73% Tl - 5.79% AI0.016% B - 0.076% Zr - 0.93% V. Treatment: Solution treated as cast, aged at 760 to 1205 °C (1400 to 2200 OF) for varying times VA NI-15Co-1OCr-5. 5AI-4. 75T1-3Mo-0. 95V AS CAST + AGE AS INDICATED MC -- M23C6 <, ----- A VR - VERY RARE M f-- R-RARE M- MEDIUM A -ABUNDANT VA - VERY ABUNDANT / R ."..- \ \ \ , \ 'M3Bz <, 1400F 96HR 1500F 72HR 1600F 4811R " 1700F 36HR I 1800F 24HR 2000F 8HR 1900F 16HR 2100F 6HR 2200F 2HR AGING TIME AND TEMPERATURE Nl-15Co-10Cr-6. 5A1-4. 76TI-3Mo-0. 96V AS CAST. Nv. 2.60 (AV ELECTRON VACANCY DENSITY) EXPOSED 5000 HR AT TEMP INDICATED VR - VERY RARE M - MEDIUM V A - VERY ABUNDANT R - RARE A -ABUNDANT VA I A !~ 1.1 R r. L 8IG'" \ M23C a-- 1\ \--MC I \ 1400 , I I I I I , I VR f\ , \\ ~ \ \ I l I 1600 1800 EXPOSURE TEMP - F 2000 IN 100: Time-temperature diagram. Minor phase concentration as a function of temperature for long exposure times. Composition: Ni 0.17% C - 10.30% Cr - 15.00% Co - 2.93% Mo 4.68% Ti - 5.53% AI - 0.016% B - 0.082% Zr 0.94% V. Treatment: Solution treated as cast, aged in air at 760 to 1095 °C (1400 to 2000 OF) at 38°C (100 OF) intervals for 5000 h, and at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 2000 h 24/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IN 100: Time-temperature-transformation diagram. Transformation to sigma phase for as-cast and forged alloy for two levels of electron vacancy concentration. Nominal composition: Ni 15% Co-10% Cr- 5.5%AI- 4.7% li -3% Mo - 0.95% V Nl-15Co-1OCr-5. 5Al- •• 75T1-3Mo-0. 95V (NOMINAL) ACTUAL COMPOSITION FOR 2 LEVELS OF NY MED NV (2••9):Nl-lS.3Co-l0.UCr-5.5Al-f.29T13. 55Mo-O. B6V IIIGH Nv (2.65)INl-lS.3Co-l0.12Cr-5.W-f.69 3.51Mo-O.97V ALL ALLOYS MADE FROM SAME KASTER HEAT. ADDmONS OF Al AND T1 MADE DURING CASTING TO ACIUEVE DESIRED LEVEL OF ELECTRON VACANCY CONCENTRATION (Nv) TESTED AS CAST OR FORGED TO PANCAKE IN FOLLOWING STEPSI 1. EXTRUSION AT 2050F FROM 5 IN DIA INGOT TO 3 1/9 IN STEEL PIPE 2. FLATTENED AT 2050F TO 13/. IN DIA PANCAKE 3. FLATTENED AT 2050F TO 1 IN DIA PANCA •• FLATTENED AT 2050F TO 5/8 IN DIA PANCAKE TEST SPECIMEN 1/. IN DIA BAR x 1 1/. IN GAGE LENGTH EXPOSED WITHOur STRESS FOR TIMES AND TEMP SHOWN IN 100: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram. Relation for the onset of sigma phase precipitation for medium and high electron vacancy compositions, and in fine and coarse-grain size structure. Nominal composition: Ni - 15% Co -10% Cr - 5.5% AI - 4.7% TI· 3% Mo - 0.95% V LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Click here to view -AS CAST, FINE GRAIN ----FORGED 1800t----,r---~---~----1 ", NO ~ ~ ...~'" "'NOTE: NV FOR 16001---........,.- MED Nv-...:.......,.,. .. ,,;..FORGED ALLOY I( ~ - 1800 1700 2••9 NOa~ "'" 1600 ,, I <. 1400 t------1"-o,..,,....-~od'....,..-....>.,,,.-1------1 ~ 1500 ~ Nl-15Co-1OCr-5. 5Al- •• 7T1-3Mo-o. 95V(NOMINAL) ACTUAL COMPOSITION FOR TWO "LEVELS OFNv MEDIUM l'lv(2••9)1 Nl-13.3Co-l0.UCr5.5Al-•• 29T1-3. 55Mo-0. B6V mGH NV(2.65): Nl-13.3Co-l0.12Cr-5.6Al.. 69'1'1-3. G1Mo-0. 97V ALL ALLOYS MADE FROM SAME MASTER HEAT. ADDIT.IONS OF AlIoTl MADE DURING CASTING TO ACHIEVE DESIRED LEVEL OF ELECTRON VACANCY CONCENTRATION Rv COARSE GRAIN ALLOYS PREPARED BY . NORMAL INVESTMENT CASTING PlIOOEDUREll; FINE GRAIN ALLOYS PREPARED BY MOLD DlNOCULATION 'rE;T SPECIMEN 1/. IN DIA x 11/. IN GAGE LENGTH EXPOSED WITHOUT STRESS FOR TIMES AND TEMPERATURES INDICATED ~GHNV _ ~ MEDIUMNv ;:::.:::-.e- P7 I~ ... 1400 ( -~ ......... ' 1300 1 ... w -- (r ~ (r w ~8 UJ I- / / \ '\ , ........... ........... - - .-:.- - -- ---- -- - I FINE ~.>O~E "FINE 20 Alloy 5 PMandCE ...... ~ I 100 1000 TIME - HR 10,000 IN 100 (Modified): Time-temperature-precipitation diagram. Start of sigma phase. PM modified versions of IN 100 (Alloy 3) and AF-2IDA (Alloy 5) vs. conventional wrought. IN 100 Nb-modified (PM), composition: Ni - 11.9% Cr - 17.7% Co - 3.3% Mo - 5.2% AI- 4.2% Ti - 1.4% Nb - 0.24% B - 0.06% Zr - 0.09% C. IN 100 Nb-modified (CE), composition: Ni -12.1% Cr-17.4% Co - 3.2% Mo - 5.3% AI4.4%Ti - 1.5% Nb - 0.028% B - 0.06% Zr - 0.08% C. AF-2-1 DA NbC-modified (PM), composition: Ni -12.1%Cr-10.0%Co- 5.7% W -2.9% Mo-4.8%AI-3.1% Ti-1.5% Nb-1.5% Ta-0.018% B-0.08% Zr - 0.09% C. AF-2-1DA Nb-C-modified (CE), composition: Ni12.0% Cr - 10.3% Co - 5.5% W - 2.9% Mo - 4.7% AI- 2.9% Tl - 1.4% Nb - 1.6% Ta - 0.020% B - 0.11% Zr - 0.09% C. PM, powder metallurgy; CE, cast and extruded. Treatment: Both PM and CE materials were given identical heat treatments, which consisted of a partial gamma prime solution treatment at temperatures 20 °C (70 OF) below the gamma prime solvus for 2 h, followed by cooling in air, a carbide-stabilizing heat treatment at 980 °C (1795 OF) for 8 h, followed by an air cool, and a gamma prime precipitation cycle of 760 °C (1400 OF) for 8 h. To observe the formation of sigma phase the heattreated specimens were exposed to temperatures from 708 to 980 °C (1300 to 1795 OF) for various times in argon Next Page Nickel-Base Superalloys /25 IN 100: Time-temperature-transformation diagram. Shows start of sigma phase formation. Composition: Ni - 0.18% C -14.26% Co10.26% Cr - 2.97% Mo - 5.35% Ti - 5.60% AI - 0.30% Fe - 0.92% V - 0.012% B - 0.05% Zr 1800 1----------; /700 1------------11700'F/20,oOO P.S.I. 2056.1 HOURS t 1600 I--------,L----l------------I------------l /500 1------..,.. 0:: L !5'" ~ '" ::e ISOOOF/60,OOO P.S.1. 769.3 HOURS Q. '" I- 1400 6 - _ 100 1550·'/70.000 P.S.!. 1827.1 HOURS 1000 Compilation of phaaes found in IN-IOO Phases present TIC (J M23C6 M6C M6C' Ascast 4.30A Strong N.D.(a) 1O.67A Veryweak II.OIA Veryweak 1O.92A Very weak /0.000 TIME (HOURS I - As-cast + 1800°F/13,OOO psi, 1592.7b As-east + 1700°F/20,OOO psl 2056.1b As-east + 1500°F/50,OOO psl, 769.3b As-east + 1350°F/70,OOO psi, 1827.1b 4.31A Weaktomoderate weak c=4.62A a=8.84A da=O.S2 Very weak 1O.71A Strong N.D. 4.31A Moderate c=4.60A a=8.8SA da=O.S2 Weak 1O.71A Strong N.D. 4.31A Strong c=4.59A a=8.8SA da=O.52 Moderate strong 1O.71A Moderate strong 11.06A Very weak 1O.98A Weak 4.31A Strong c=4.S8A a=8.83A da=O.S2 Moderate 1O.68A Moderate ?(b) ? (a)Not detected. (b)Presenceor absencequestionable. IN 102 Chemical Composition. IN 102 (UNS N06102) (nominal). 15.00 Cr, 67.00Ni, 2.90 Mo, 3.00 W, 2.90 Nb, 0.50Ti, 0.50 AI, 7.00 Fe, 0.06 C, 0.0005 B, 0.02 Mg, 0.03 Zr Similar Alloys (U.S. and/or Foreign). UNS N06102 Characteristics A nickel-base, precipitation-hardening alloy Previous Page 26/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Incoloy 901 and more practical. For parts formed from sheet or strip, rapid air cooling usually is adequate. Rapid cooling from solid treating or annealing temperatures does not suppress the aging treatment for some alloys, such as Astroloy. They become harder and stronger Chemical Composition.lncoloy 901 (UNS N09901) (nominal). 12.50 Cr, 42.50 Ni, 6.00 Mo, 2.70 Ti, 36.20 Fe, 0.10 C max Similar Alloys (U.S. and/or Foreign). UNS N09901 Characteristics A nickel-base, precipitation-hardening alloy Incoloy 901: Effectof grain size on the high-cycle fatigue properties at 455°C (850 OF) Recommended Heat Treating Practice 455°C(850 oF) Fatigue strength (10'cycles) Stress Relieving. Full annealing is recommended, because intermediate Incoloy901 temperatures cause aging Annealing. Treatment is at 1095 °C (2000 OF). Holding time is 2 h per inch of section. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperatures to prevent precipitation ofhardening phases; water quenching is preferred; and usually is necessary for heavy sections. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion, oil quenching is adequate Fatigue ratio (FS!UTS)(a) gralnsize MPa ksl AS1M2 AS1M5 AS1M12 315 439 624 64 46 0.32 0.42 0.55 91 (a) FSIlITS. fatiguestrengthto ultimatetensilestrength Incoloy 901: Effectof stabilization on typical properties Elongation in Thsted at 20 °C (70 oF) No intennediateaging(a): HeatA HeatB Withintennediateaging(b): HeatA HeatB Thsted at 650°C (1200 oF) No intermediate aging(a): HeatA HeatB Withintermediate aging(b): HeatA HeatB Yield strength Ullimate tensile strength MPa ksi MPa ksi (2 In.), % Reduction in area, % 1050 1080 152 157 790 790 115 114 12 17 13 16 1040 1040 151 151 730 710 106 103 12 12 15 13 SOmm Creep-rupture Iire,h 1.0 76 118 1.5 11 7 45 54 (a) Heat treatment:1120°C (2050 "P) for 2 h. waterquench;745°C (1375 oF) for 24 h, air cool.(b) Heat treatment: 1120°C (2050 "P) for 24 h, waterquench;815°C (1500 oF), 4 h; air cool;745°C (1375 "F), 24 h; air cool Incoloy 901 : Tensile properties at 540°C (1000 OF) at various locations in disk forgings in two heat-treated conditions Conditlon 'lestlocation Yield strength ksi MPa Ultimate tensile strength Elongalion in SO Reduction in MPa ksi mm (2 In.), % area,% 1095°C (2000"F) for2 h, waterquench+790°C (1455"F) for2 h, water quench+ 730°C (1345 OF)for 24 h. aircool Rim-radial-top Rim-tangent-middle Web-radial-top Web-tangent-middle Bore-radial-top Bore-tangent-middle 772 772 781 772 782 772 112.0 112.0 113.2 112.0 113.4 112.0 1037 1048 1049 1041 1045 1027 150.4 152.0 152.1 151.0 151.6 149.0 13 12 13 14 13 14 18 18 21 21 20 22 1010°C (1850oF) for 2 h. waterquench+ 730°C (1345 oF) for20 h, water quench+650 °C (1200 oF) for 20 h, aircool Rim-radial-top Rim-tangent-middle Web-radial-top Web-tangent-middle Bore-radial-top Bore-tangent-middle 832 910 853 876 855 876 120.6 132.0 123.7 127.0 124.0 127.0 1066 1117 1091 1089 1069 1105 154.6 162.0 158.2 158.0 155.0 160.2 14 17 20 19 27 38 39 39 30 38 17 17 Nickel-Base Superalloys /27 210 30 Temperature, ·F 570 750 390 1110 930 Incoloy 901: Effects of temperature and grain size on tensile properties of forgings in the solution-treated, stabilized, and aged condition. AC, air cooled 1290 1500 0955 ·C/1 h/AC + 720 ·C/4 h/AC + 650 ·C/12 h/AC 1400 ~-- .980 ·C/1 h/AC + 720 ·C/4 h/AC + 650 ·C/12 h/AC l> 1095 ·C/1 h/AC + 720 ·C/4 h/AC + 650 ·C/12 h/AC 1300 ASTM grain size 12 5 -----1200 LIVE GRAPH 2 Click here to view I----f---=::::::p.""""'::--+---+------I----+-----i 180 1200 I-----""'......=-------II--::...,=------I----t-""""'~__t---__t---___j ::a; ~ ~ 160 Vi ~ 00 Vi 1100 I----+----+-----"I'-o;o----"'I<.---__t--"""""'-----II-------I ~ U5 1000 I----I--------II----------I----t----""-~__+---- 0-- ---- ----- ----- ------ -_+---___j 140 -- Yield strength 120 '--..... ..... '-::==~==~=~~=~===:===:==~ 40 40 r700 ~ <f. 30 30 c:0 e lQ .S .~ c Cl 0 C 0 W °cO 20 20 -- --- 0-- 10 0 100 200 300 400 Temperature, ·C 500 600 'u ., a: :J "0 10 700 Incoloy 901 : Tensile properties at various locations in disk forgings in two heat-treated conditions Condition 1095°C (2000·f) for 2 h. waterquench+ 790°C (1445of) for 2 h.water quench + 730°C (1345of) for 24 h. aircool 1010°C(1850 °f)for2h. waterquench+ 730"C (1345Of)for 20 h. water quench + 650°C (1200of) for20 h. aircool ThsItocation Yield strength MPa ksi Ultimate tensile streng1h MPa ksi Rim-radial-top Rim-radial-boltom Rim-radial-middle Rim-axial-middle Rim-tangent-middle Bore-radial-top Bore-radial-bottom Bore-radial-middle Bore-axial-middle Bore-tangent-middle 859 907 880 858 883 874 889 869 840 859 124.6 131.6 127.6 124.4 128.0 126.8 129.0 126.0 121.8 124.6 1178 1168 1179 1054 1175 1200 1131 1172 1154 1167 170.8 169.4 171.0 152.9 170.4 174.0 164.0 170.0 167.4 169.2 Rim-radial-top Rim-radial-bottom Rim-radial-middle Rim-axial-middle Rim-tangent-middle Bore-radial-top Bore-radial-bottom Bore-radial-middle Bore-axial-middle Bore-tangent-middle 924 952 980 972 986 978 976 968 940 965 134.0 138.0 142.0 141.0 143.0 141.9 141.6 140.4 136.4 140.0 1234 1240 1258 1255 1274 1248 1255 1252 1081 i253 179.0 179.8 182.4 182.0 184.8 181.0 182.0 181.6 156.8 181.8 Elongation in SO Reduction in area, % mm(2 In), % 15 13 15 16 14 17 13 14 17 17 16 20 15 17 17 17 19 21 18 18 20 21 5 20 20 21 29 31 25 24 31 34 9 31 28/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Incoloy 901: Microstructure. Solution annealed 2 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF), water quenched, aged 2 h at 800°C (1470 OF), air cooled, aged 24 h at 730°C (1345 OF), and air cooled. The grainboundary constituents (MC, Ma82 , or both) contributed to low ductility, Note the grain-boundary depleted zone, The y matrix contains t' precipitate. Electrolytic: H2S04 , HaP04 , and HNOa. 10,OOOx Incoloy 901: Microstructure. Negative replica electron micrograph, creep tested to.rupture at 138 MPa (20 ksi) for 7380 h at 730°C (1345 OF). The needlelike constituent is 11 phase (Niali); the remainder of the structure is y' in a y matrix, Glyceregia, 15,000x Incoloy 901: Microstructure. Solution annealed 2 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF), water quenched, aged 2 h at 800°C (1470 OF), air cooled, aged 24 h at 730°C (1345 OF), and air cooled. Structure is grain-boundary envelope and MC carbide (large particle) in a y matrix. 1:1 HCI and Hp. 1000x Incoloy 901: Effect of revision in aging treatment on creep-rupture properties Creeprupture(a) No Originaltreotment(b) Life, Elongation, h % Life,h Elongation inSOmm(2in.), % I 2 3 4 5 6 7 72 126 161 III 127 76 127 74 115 160 110 84 84 98 13 12 13 9 9 8 9 Thst Revised treatment(c) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (a) At 650°C (1200 oF) and 552 MPa (80 ksi) specified minimum: life, 23 h; elongation, 5'70. (b) Solution treatedat 1085°C (1985 "F) for 2 h, cooled;aged at 720 °C (1325 "F) for 24 h, air cooled. (c)Sameconditionsas in (b) except that temperatureof first aging was 810 °C (1490 "F) Incoloy 901: Effect of single and double aging on room-temperature properties Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksi Incoloy 901: Effectof grain size on the low-cycle fatigue properties at 455°C (850 OF) lncoloy901 Stress Temperature grain sire MPa ksi °C OF AS1M2 AS1M5 AS1M12 AS1M2 AS1M5 AS1M12 205±448 205±448 205±448 205±530 205±530 205±530 30±65 30±65 30±65 30±77 30±77 30±77 455 455 455 455 455 455 850 850 850 850 850 850 (a) Averageof 8 tests at 455 °C (850 "F) Cycles to foilure(a) 9,000 26,000 200,000+ 5,000 16,000 137,000 Specification Singleaging(a) Doubleaging(b) 1140 1150·1160 1190·1210 165 167·169 173·175 Yield strength ksi MPa 827 800·810 830·890 120 116·118 121·129 Elongation in SO rom Reduction in (2in.), % area, % 12 2()"23 18·22 15 24-29 24·29 Singleand doubleaging datareflecttheresultsof fourtests.(a)Solutiontreatedat 1085°C (1985"F) for2 h, waterquenched;aged at770°C (1420 "F) for 2 h, air cooled;aged at 720°C (1325 oF) for 24 h, air cooled. (b)Re-aged at 650 °C (1200 oF) for 12 hand air cooled Nickel-Base Superalloys /29 Inconel706 Aging. Alternative temperatures, times, and cooling procedures in this instance are: Chemical Composition. Inconel 706 (UNS N09706) (nominal). 16.00Cr, 41.50Ni, 1.75Ti, 0.20 AI, 37.50 Fe, 0.03 C, 2.90 (Nb+Ta), 0.15 Cumax • 845°C (1555 OF) for 3 h; air cool • 720°C (1325 OF) for 8 h; furnace cool • 620°C (1150 OF) for 8 h; air cool Similar Alloys (U.S. and/or Foreign). UNS N09706 Characteristics Nickel-base, precipitation-hardening alloy Solution Treating. Range of temperatures is 925 to 1010 °C (1695 to 1850 OF) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Alternative solution treating and aging temperaturesare available Aging. Alternative temperatures, time, and cooling procedures in this instance are: Solution Treating. Range of temperatures is 925 to 1010 °C (1695 to 1850 oF). • 730°C (1350 "F) for 8 h; furnace cool • 620°C (1150 OF) for 8 h; air cool 2000 10·00 v 900 0 1800 ~ 0 ~ ~ ;) 1600 LIVE GRAPH ;) .. • . • 0 E .-• 0 800 Click here to view :1400 Do .-• Inconel 706: Time-temperature-precipitatioh diagram. Nominal composition: Ni- 37% Fe - 16% Cr - 2.9% Nb - 1.8% Ti. Treatment: Solution annealed at 1095 °C (2000 OF) 1 h, air cooled and aged at various times and temperatures 700 III III c 'iil1200 c 'iiI oC oC 600 1000 SOO 800 1.0 0.1 A2B = Laves 10.0 Aging Time, h, 100.0 1 7 0 0 , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... 900 26 RC 1600 o o i z 800 t ~ or ~ 1600 /' e 1400 ( ~ ~ 700 30 RC ---::====:::::::._----~ { ,'" ..-- - 36 RC \,-_~~,::~c ~ Eo< tt" ! ~ 1300 'Q -< 1200 600 I 1100'--_....l_ _......_"'-_"'-_--.ll.-_-.:._........._ ........._ _"--_....l_,.,j 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 2.0 4.0 Aging Time. h 6.0 10.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 Inconel 706: Time-temperaturehardness diagram. Nominal composition: Ni - 37% Fe - 16% Cr 2.9% Nb - 1.8% Ti. Treatment: Annealed at 1040 °C (1900 OF) for 30 min, air cooled LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 30 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel X 750 Chemical Composition. lnconel X 750 (UNS N07750) (nominal). 15.50Cr, 73.00 Ni, 1.00 Nb,2.50Ti, 0.70 AI, 7.00 Fe, 0.04C, 0.25 Cu max Similar Alloys (U.S. and/or Foreign). UNS N07750; AMS 5667 Characteristics A nickel-base, precipitation-hardening alloy preferred, and usually is necessary for heavy sections; for complex shapes subject to excessive distortion, oil quenching often is adequate and more practical. For parts formed from strip or sheet, rapid air cooling usually is adequate. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys, such as Astroloy. They become harder and stronger; air cooling is preferred for heavy sections ofInconel X-750, because water quenching causes cracking Recommended Heat Treating Practice Two versions of this alloy are available: Inconel X-750 (AMS 5667), Inconel X-750 (AMS 5668). Their parameters for solution treating and aging are different: Solution Treating per AMS 5667. Temperatures, 855°C (1570 oF) for 24 h; air cool Aging per AMS 5667. Temperature, 705°C (1300 OF) for 20 h; air cool Inconel X 750: Microstructure. Replica electron micrograph of alloy solution annealed 2 h at 1150 °C (2100 OF) and air cooled, then aged 24 h at 815°C (1500 OF). Structure is small, uniformly dispersed t' precipitate and large, discontinuous M23CS carbide at the grain boundary. Glyceregia. 15,OOOx Solution Treating per AMS 5668. Temperature, 1150 °C (2100 oF) for 2 h; air cool Aging per AMS 5668. Temperature, 845°C (1555 OF) for 24 h: air cool Stress Relieving. Treatment is at 880°C (1615 "F), It is used only for stress equalizing of warm worked grades Annealing. Treatment is at 1035 °C (1895 OF) for 30 min Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from annealing temperatures, to prevent precipitation of hardening phases; water quenching is Inconel X·750: Typicalthermal treatments for precipitation hardening of products Form Desiredproperty Rods,bars,andforgings Strengthandoptimum ductilityup to595°C (1100oF) Optimumtensilestrength up to 595°C (1100oF) Maximumcreepstrength above595°C(lI00°F) Sheet,strip,and plate Highstrengthat high temperatures Highstrengthandhigher tensileproperties to705 °C(1300°F) Thbing Highstrengthat high temperatures No.1 temperwire Serviceupto540°C (lDOO°F) Serviceupt0370°C (700°F) Serviceat480-650°C (900-1200 oF) Springtemperwire Thermal treatment Equalize: 885°C (1625oF), 24 b, aircool Precipitation: 705°C (1300oF),20 h, air cool Solution: 980°C (1795"F), aircool Fumace-cool, precipitation: 730°C (1345 "F), 8 h, furnacecoolto 620°C (1150oF), hold8 h, aircool Fullsolution: 1150°C (2100"P), 24 h. air cool Stabilize: 845°C (1555"F), 24 h, aircool Precipitation: 705°C (1300OF), 20 h, air cool Annealed+ Precipitation: 705°C (1300"F), 20 h, air cool Annealed + Furnace-cool, precipitation: 730°C (1345 oF), 8 h, furnacecoolto 620°C (1150oF), hold8 h, aircool(a) Annealed+ Precipitation: 705°C (1300"F), 20 h, air cool Solutiontreated+ cold drawn(15-20%) + 730°C (1345"F), 16h, aircool Solutiontreated+ cold drawn(30-65%)+ 650°C (1200"F), 4 h, aircool Colddrawn(30-65%)+ 1150°C (2100oF), 2h, aircool + 845 °C(1555 "F), 24h, air cool + 705°C (1300oF),20h, aircool (a)Equivalentpropertiesin a shortertimecanbedevelopedby thefollowingprecipitation treatment: 760 °C (1400 "P) for I h, furnacecool(FC)to 620°C (1150 "F), hold 3 h, air cool (AC) Inconel X 750: Microstructure. Replica electron micrograph of alloy, solution annealed 2 h at 1150 °C (2100 OF) and air cooled, then aged 24 h at 815°C (1500 OF), then 24 h at 705°C (1300 OF). Grain-boundary M23CS carbide is stabilized, and precipitation of fine t' particles has increased. Glyceregia. 15,000x Nickel-Base Superalloys /31 lnconel X. 750: Microstructures. The effects of different etch ants on solution-annealed and aged alloy. (a) Tint etched in 50 mL HCI, 50 mL Hp, and 1 g K2S20 S ' (b) Etched using Kalling's reagent 2. (c) Etched using glyceregia. All 1OOx lnconel X. 750: Microstructures. Different etchants used to delineate the structure of solution-annealed and aged alloy. (a) Etched using Marble's reagent. (b) Etched using aqua regia. (c) Etched using HCI + 1% NaP2' All 1OOx (a) (b) (c) 32/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel X 750: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram. Indicated by corrosion rate in inches per month (ipm). Composition: 73.19% Ni - 0.03% C - 0.56% Mn - 6.51% Fe - 0.007% S - 0.27% Si - 0.06% Cu - 15.24% Cr - 0.76% AI- 2.50% Ti - 0.85% Nb+Ta. Treatment: All but one specimen were solution treated at 1150 °C (2100 OF), aged for temperatures and times shown in the diagram. then aged at 705°C (1300 OF) for 20 h. The one other specimen was direct-aged at 705°C (1300 OF) for 20 h ~ LIVE GRAPH 1700 Click here to view ~ 0~8 ~ ~ 1600 ffi 0.016 Q. ~ 1500 C> >0.015 ipm Z (51400 <C( w ~ so 1300 0.0901pm (Direct-Ailed Sample' w ~ ~ 1200 ~ 0.20 0.40 100 2.00 6.00 10.0 20.0 INTERMEDIATE AGING TIME, HOUR AO.O 100.0 Inconel X 750: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram. Composition: 72.02% Ni - 0.06% C - 0.19% Mn -7.82% Fe - 0.001% S0.40% Si - 0.37% Cu - 14.82% Cr - 0.85% AI - 2.49% Ti - 0.98% Nb+Ta. Treatment: Solution annealed at 1075 °C (1965 OF) for 2 h, water quenched, and aged LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .- ., MC , , -TIME (HfI.l I .. I \ r;y" MC-tMuC,-t yl .. -: '0 Nickel-Base superanovs I 33 Inconel751 Chemical Composition. lnconel 751 (nominal). 15.50 Cr, 72.50 Ni, 1.00 Nb, 2.30 Ti, 1.20 AI, 7.00 Fe, 0.05 C, 0.25 Cu max Characteristics A nickel-base, precipitation-hardening alloy Hastelloy B Chemical Composition. Hastelloy B (UNS N10001) (nominal). 1.0 Cr max, 63.0 Ni, 2.5 Co max, 28.0 Mo, 5.00 Fe, 0.05 C max, 0.03 V Similar Alloys (U.S. andlor Foreign). UNS NOOOOl Characteristics A nickel-base, solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. Treat at 1175 °C (2145 "F) for 30 min. To get an temperature range. Rapid air cooling suffices for sheet metal parts of most alloys. Oil or water frequently is required for heavier sections not subject to cracking Aging. This phenomenon occurs in service at elevated temperatures Stress Relieving. Full annealing is recommended, because intermediate temperatures cause aging Annealing. Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 "F); holding time is 1 h per inch of section adequate quench after solution treating, it is necessary to cool below about 540°C (1000 OF) rapidly to prevent precipitation in the intermediate Hastelloy B: Microstructure. As-cast. Structure consists of MaC at grain boundariesand as islands in the 'Y matrix. Electrolytic etch: HCI and Cr0 3 • 300x Hastelloy B: Microstructure. Casting, annealed at 1175 °C (2145 OF) for 2 h and water quenched. MaC islands in the matrix. Electrolytic etch: HCI and cr03 • 300x Hastelloy Chemical Composition. Hastelloy B-2 (UNS N10665) (nominal). 1.00 Cr max, 69.00 Ni, 1.00 Co max, 18:00 Mo, 2.00 Fe max Similar Alloys (u.s, Andlor Foreign). UNS N10665 Characteristics A nickel-base, solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. Treatment is at 1065 °C (1950 oF) for 30 min; a rapid quench is used. To get an adequate quench, it is necessary to cool down to about 540°C (1000 OF) rapidly enough to prevent precipitation in the intermediate temperature range. Rapid air cooling suffices for sheet metal parts of most alloys. Oil or water quenching frequently is required for heavier sections not subject to cracking Aging. Aging occurs in service at elevated temperatures 34/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Hastelloy 8-2 vs. Hastelloy 8-282: Time Temperature Corrosion Diagrams. Corrosion tests in boiling 21% HC), or at 185 °G (365 OF). Hastelloy 8-2, nominal composition: Ni - 1.00% max Co - 1.00% max Cr - 26.00%-30.00% Mo - 2.00% max Fe - 0.10% max Si - 1.00% max Mn - 0.02% max C - 0.040% max P - 0.030% max S vs. Hastelloy 8-282, nominal composition: Ni - 0.40% Cr - 4.80% Fe - 0.02% C - 0.31 % Si - 0.52% Mn - 37.50% Mo - 0.33% V Ni-No Ni-No-V 1100 .----rCh--r-r---"T"'"".----..,-, ~ ~ LEGEND: o ~ No Intergranular Corrosion () Intergranular Corrosion Under ZO /-l Deep • Intergranular Corrosion Over ZO /-l Deep 900 - ::J ca -, j 700 500 ..- + .........: 1- CD a. E ~ o ~~~ + / ,~ " "" - + Brittle Range L -_ _.l.--L.....L....l.-_-'-J........:""""....... Time, Min. Hastelloy B-2 vs. Hastelloy 8-282: Time Temperature Precipitation Diagrams. Corrosion tests in boiling 21% HCI, or at 185°C (365 OF). Hastelloy 8-2, nominal composition: Ni - 1.00% max Co - 1.00% max Cr - 26.00%-30.00% Mo - 2.00% max Fe - 0.10% max Si 1.00% max Mn - 0.02% max C - 0.040% max P - 0.030% max S vs. Hastelloy 8-282, nominal composition: Ni - 0.40% Cr - 4.80% Fe 0.02% C - 0.31% Si - 0.52% Mn - 37.50% Mo - 0.33% V ~ 1100 o ~ - 900 / ::J lii ~ ~ (]) a. E ~ ~ " " 700 , ~ F-, 1-01-h~ ~ -~ .... I~l ""'i Ni 4No+[MlZCtN 6C) ~ ~~ rv ~< r~ ~E'llllI::;, , 500 "'""-- .---~ ~NllNo+[)-t12C+NGC] I~ ~~ [\.bo-.. ~ 1- ~Ni;No+ 10 Time. Min. ~ [NllC + N~] I'~-rt-i ~~-[M 12C+ ' ...... N()CJ 10 ,.. o N6C Inside Grains ~ MlZC Along Grain Boundaries Nickel-Base Superalloys /35 Hastelloy B-2: Time Temperature Intergranular Corrosion Diagram. Composition: Ni - 1.00% max Co - 1.00% max Cr - 26.00%30.00% Mo - 2.00% max Fe - 0.10% max Si - 1.00% max Mn - 0.02% max C - 0.040% max P - 0.030% max S MP 1300 1 1 2 1200 o o 1100 10 30 50 10 30 50 Exposure Time, min Ni - 27% Mo - 3.5% Fe and 0.015-0.02% C vs 0.04% C LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ni - 27% Mo - 0.2% Fe and 0.015-0.02% C vs 0.04% C LEGEND: LIVE GRAPH 1 = 0.016-0.02% C Click here to view 2 0.04% C o No intergranular corrosion Intergranular corrosion ov 20 r" deep = = •= Hastelloy C Chemical Composition. Hastelloy C (UNS N10002) (nominal). 16.50 Cr, 56.00 Ni, 17.00 Mo, 6.00 Fe, 0.15 C max Similar Alloys (U.S. and/or Foreign). UNS NlO002 Characteristics A nickel-base, solid-solution alloy Annealing. Treatment is at 1215 °C (2220 oF); holding time is 1 h per inch of section. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature, to precipitation of hardening phases. Water quenching is preferred, and usually is necessary for heavy sections; for complex shapes subject to excessive distortion, oil quenching often is adequate and more practical. For parts formed from sheet or strip rapid air cooling usually is adequate Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving. Full annealing is recommended, because intermediate temperatures cause aging Hastelloy C: Microstructure. As-cast. Structure consists of MaC at grain boundaries and as islands in the y matrix. Electrolytic etch: c-o, 300x .of Hastelloy C: Microstructure. Casting, annealed at 1230 "O (2250 ° F) for 2 h and water quenched. MaC in y matrix. Electrolytic etch: c-o, 300x 36/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C 1200 1000 ----lifI '00 .J,.......:. 0.001 0.0) 0.1 Hastelloy C: Time Temperature Precipitation Diagram. Treatment: Aged from 540 to 1230 °C (1 000 to 2250 °F) for 1.5 to 96 h. Composition: Ni - 14.9416.46% Cr - 15.47-16.47% Mo - 3.384.02% W -5.05-6.77% Fe - 0.74-1.86% Co - 0.42-0.69% Mn - 0.42-0.73% Si - 0.22-0.32% V - 0.04-0.08% C - 0.0040.012% P - 0.005-0.011% S LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1 HOLDING TIME, HR Hastelloy C·4 Chemical Composition. Hastelloy C4 (UNS N06455) (nominal). 16.00 Cr, 63.00 Ni, 2.00 Co max, 15.50Mo, 0.70 Ti max, 3.00Fe max, 0.015 C max Similar Alloys (U.S. and/or Foreign). UNS N06455 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. Treatment is at 1065 °C (1950"F) for 30min. Rapid quench is used Characteristics A nickel-base, solid-solution alloy .~ 1000 o 215 • ..!.!!... .-!!!...210 900 280 o 2:" ::l 800 f ~ ~ Hastelloy C-4: TIme Temperature Precipitation Corrosion Diagram. Corrosion test solution: 10% HCI test and the ferric sulfate test (50% sulfuric acid plus 42 giL ferric SUlfate). Nominal composition: Ni -16% Cr- 0.15% W - 0.3% Fe<0.01% C - 0.03% Si - 0.1% Co - 0.05% Mn - 0.03% V -15% Mo - 0.45% Ti. Treatment: Solution annealed at 1065 °C Solution Annealed Matrix ~. Secondary Carbides ..!.!.!!... 300 LIVE GRAPH 300 Click here to view TOO .~ 800 • .!!!.. 450 300 0.1 (1950 OF) ~C 10 1.0 Time,h 100 1000 and/or Foreign). 3. 72.00 Fe max. Corrosion test solution: 10% HCItest and the ferric sulfate test (50% sulfuric acid plus 42 giL ferric sulfate). Hastelloy N (UNS N10003) (nominal).0..50 Cr.-!!!!. Rapid quench is used Characteristics A nickel-base.00 Fe. and/or Foreign).S. Rapid quench is used . 16.00 Ni. 0.00 Ni.2% V . j . TOO Hastelloy C-276: Time Temperature Precipitation Corrosion Diagram.~ • .02% Si .00 Fe. 5. Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276) (nominal).. Nominal Composition: Ni . 16.02 La Characteristics A nickel-base. 15.!!!!.50 Mo. 0..00 Mo. 2eo MPYHCI O. . • 284.20 AI.4% W6% Fe ..h to too tooo Hastelloy N Chemical Composition.~ aoo • !!!!!!. 430 1000 ••0 Secondary Carbides and Mu Phase o o ~.)S Test eoo .16% Mo. solid-solution alloy . 15. Treatment is at 1065 °C (1950 "F) for 30 min.. Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 oF) for 30 min. 0.02 C max Similar Alloys (U. Rapid quench is used Characteristics A nickel-base. solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. 7. Treatment is at 1065 °C (1950 "P) for 30 min.01% C .06 C Similar Alloys (u. 0. 15.16% Cr . solid-solution alloy Hastelloy 5 Chemical Composition..!. UNS N10003 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.70 W.3.02 C max.. Hastelloy S (nominal).. 0. 1. 0.0.Nickel-Base Superalloys /37 Hastelloy C·276 Chemical Composition.50 Cr.1% Co0..t 1.00 Ni. UNS N10276 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.0.00 Cr.0 Time. 59. Treatment: Solution annealed at 1125 °C (2045 OF) .00 Mo..s.!!!!.5 Ti max. 1020 Solution Annealed Matrix LIVE GRAPH Click here to view MPY Fe2(SO. 67. 5.45% Mn . reheat to 595°C (1100 OF).12 C max. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature to prevent precipitation of hardening phases. Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 "F).15 C Characteristics A nickel-base.50 al -160 g' " \ l: ::E -0. it is necessary to cool below about 540°C (1000 "F) rapidly enough to prevent precipitation in the intermediate temperature range. oil or water quenching frequently is required for heavier sections not subject to cracking -645 2400 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Hastelloy X: Microstructure..S. Holding time is 1 h per inch of section o 8:- 320 llJ g Stress Relieving. solid-solution alloy Similar Alloys (U. because intermediate temperatures cause aging Characteristics A nickel-base.50 Fe. rapid air cooling suffices.00 Ni. LSO Co max.. llJ ::E -485 \ Haynes 1BB(UNS R301BB) -1 I o Ib) I I 600 1200 1800 Exposure time.0 ~ V' ~a~1I0YX -L-605. (b) Static values at 1100 °C (2010 OF) in air with 5% water vapor Aging.. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. Hastelloy X (UNS N06002) (nominal). rapid air cooling usually is adequate. 2.00 Mo.. rapid air cooling will suffice. 0. 49.5 ~ (8) "E Solution Treating. For sheet metal parts Annealing. 22... Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 OF) for 1 h. such as Astroloy.~ I vHay~es 1BB 1. For heavier sections not subject to cracking. UNS NlO004 Stress Relieving.25 E 1.5 J.5 ~ 2. 500x . 'C LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 0.. Heat to 760°C (1400 OF). hold 3 h.25 160 Incoloy MA 956 s: o gJ -0. h Annealing.~ 0. Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 °F)for 1 h. 'F 1700 1800 1900 1600 2000 ~ 75 ~ ~ 64 ~ 50 .~ -.75 llJ Hastellov X s: o -320 gJ \ llJ "c ~ E 1\-. 0.50 ~ E g -0.. they become harder and stronger Hastelloy X Chemical Composition. Hastelloy W (UNS N10004) (nominal). UNS N06002 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Hastelloy X: Oxidation resistance. Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 OF). 24.. To provide adequate quench after solution treatment. because intermediate temperatures cause aging 1150 0. Electrolytic: oxalic acid. For parts formed from sheet or strip.00 AI. Full annealing is recommended. 9.06 V of most alloys.00 Ni.S.. Hastelloy X and L-605 alloys showing continuous penetration from original thickness. cool in air. 2. 5. g 38 .50 Mo. 0. For sheet metal parts of most alloys.06 W. it is necessary to cool below about 540°C (1000 OF) rapidly enough to prevent precipitation in the intermediate temperature range.0 . 61.00 Cr. (a) In dry air for Haynes 188 vs. 15.. solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.I. hold 3 h..0 I 980 1035 1095 Temperature. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical.38/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Hastelloy W Chemical Composition. Water quenching is preferred and usually is necessary for heavy sections. cool in air Temperature. and/or Foreign).~ 25 ~ 8:- 13 V" 0 870 I-"'" 925 2100 3.. The structure is mixed carbide particles in a y matrix. 5. 2. Rapid quench is used. and/or Foreign).50 Co max. To provide an adequate quench after solution treating. 0. Full annealing is recommended. oil or water quenching frequently is required Similar Alloys (U. For heavier sections not subject to cracking..80Fe. Holding time is 1 h per inch of section..00 Cr.. Solution annealed at 1065 °C (1950 OF) and aged 100 h at 760°C (1400 OF). 03 C Characteristics A nickel-base. Thin-foil transmission electron micrograph. Haynes 214 (nominal). and aged 144 h at 705°C (1300 OF). 40.50 AI. 1000x Hastetloy X: Microstructure. deformed 2% by reduction at room temperature. 16. solid-solution alloy .00 Cr. Not polished. 11 . Not polished. Solution annealed at 1065 °C (1950 OF) and aged 100 h at 760°C (1400 OF).50 Ni.000x Haynes 214 Chemical Composition. water quenched.Next Page Nickel-Base Superalloys /39 Hastelloy X: Microstructure.00Fe. The matrix is 'Y solid solution.000x Hasteltoy X: Microstructure.0. Thin-foil transmission electron micrograph. The structure is mixed carbide particles in a 'Y matrix. solution annealed 1 hat 1175 °C (2145 OF). Structure is a band of high dislocation density and precipitated M23C s carbide at sites of high dislocation density and adjacent locations. 76. not etched. water quenched. The structure is primary MsC and needlelike M23C s carbides that have precipitated at dislocations generated around primary carbide. 4. solution annealed 1 hat 1175 °C (2145 OF). 3. Electrolytic oxalic acid. not etched. and aged 500 h at 705°C (1300 OF). 61. 25. 0. 14. 55. precipitation-hardening alloy 1500 Aging Temperature (F) ~ ~ ~ 1>:9 1450 i"-c ~9 1400 - - ':~ ~3 . ·83 ~. 21. - ~3 ~--- st Ingle 10 a~ Ing I 760 I 03~ 1250 0. 8. Custom Age 625 PLUS (UNS N07716) (nominal). 2. air cooled prior to single aging LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 732 704 100 Aging Time (hours) Haynes 242 Chemical Composition.01% C 21% Cr . Treatment: Solution treated at 1040 -c (1900 OF) for 2 h. 5. 2. 0. 1. 2.00 Mo.02 La Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.. precipitation-hardening alloy .50 Ni.i'.00 Co max. UNS N06230 Stress Relieving. solid-solution alloy Custom Age 625 PLUS Chemical Composition.00 Mo.03 Ce.50 Co max. 0..00 A nickel-base. Haynes 230 (UNS N06230) (nominal)..006 B max Characteristics A nickel-base.00 Ni. water quench or room air cool Similar Alloys (U. and/or Foreign). Nimonic 86 (nominal).25 C.30 Ti. UNS N-07716 Characteristics A nickel-base.- ~a-1. 0..10 C.f-- r--.S.00 Mo. 5.3. 0.01 C Similar Alloys (U. 3.2% AI • 5% Fe.00 Ni.1 34 788 ·_0. 0.20 AI.00 Cr. .015 B. Annealing serves this purpose Nimonic 86 Chemical Composition. Treatment is at set temperature in range of 1175 to 1245 °C (2150 to 2275 "F).I-C ( 31( ( 2 V 1>3 .8% Mo .4% Nb .00 Fe. 0.00 Mo. 8.~ ~ t' 1350 ---_. 0. ~( )3 ( r-. 65. 0. I"- 1300 Solu Ion reete 9P -~O~~F:tt: L""R ~ ~-3 ~ ~ ~~ ~ N <.10 C max.00 Fe max.40 Nb.1.__ -0- I HiB91' 1. 10.00 Cr. 3.35 AI.00 Fe max.S.3% 1i0.... 25. 62.' - 1 .Ql5 Mg Characteristics Cr. Custom Age 625 PLUS: Time-temperature-hardness on aging diagram. Haynes 242 (nominal).Previous Page 40 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Haynes 230 Chemical Composition. ".00 W. Nominal composition: 61% Ni • 0.00 Cr. and/or Foreign). 0. 0. 0.. 22. (1038C /2h AC p 1<1 r t ~R~ *81 I .50 Al max.00 Ni. "~CT AMOUNT OF PMMe. 0.1300S: t400F SOl. Inconel 702 (UNS N07702) (nominal). ~'!.Nickel-Base Superalloys /41 Inconel702 Characteristics Chemical Composition..''' C. 3.C~.aircooled 970°C(1775 OF). water quenched N'.50 Cr.1 h.2% AI.lnconel718 (UNS N07718) (nominal). aircooled 1330 1240 1180 1145 1172 1185 1165 193 180 171 166 170 172 169 1525 1460 1420 1405 1405 1390 1365 221 212 206 204 204 202 198 19 18 20 23 24 22 25 34 34 38 41 43 46 48 95 194 122 218 200 270 225 24 strength 1010°C(l850 oF).5% Cr1. 0..00 Fe.0% max Fe..J Ultimatete".NJ· ••••••• LITT\...00 Mo. L~~~-----------"''''-. hold 8 h.. and/or Foreign). 11 14 13 6 6 2 Reduclionin ..Cr&. aircooled 980°C (1795oF).& I.40 Si A nickel-base.air cooled 1040°C(l905 OF). 0. precipitation-hardening alloy Inconel718: Propertiesasfunction of heat treatment Room-temperaturetensile propertles 0. 0.Ii 31 16 19 15 10 12 8 .. precipitation-hardening alloy Similar Alloys (U.2% yield Stressrupture al6S0 OC (1200OF) with690MPa (100. 0.0... Four alternative procedures are available: Characteristics • Treat at 720°C (1325 "P) for 8 h.. 52.1 h... An alternative procedure per AMS 5664: treat at 1065 °C (1950 "F) for 1 h.1 MPa . furnace cool • Treat at 620°C (1150 oF).90 Ti. air cool • Heat to 720°C (1325 OF). cool 55 0C/h(130°FIb)to 620°C (l150 oF)...C6· EM8AITn'NO PMA•• Ti le.50 Mn.1 Elongation..·· ••••• STAaNGTMENIMG .50 Ni.% Reductionin area. ice brine quenched. Treatment: Specimens were heat treated at 2200 of for 2 h. % Llre. 18.50 AI. UNS N07702 Inconel 702: Precipitation diagram.h Elongation. AMS 5662. 1h. 0. 1.15 Curnax Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. AMS5664 SolutiontrealmeDl(a) MPa . 19..S. Nominal composition: Ni 0.. hold until furnace time equals 18 h.60 Ti.00 Cr.1h.50 Ni.S. 1 h.AlfIC Cr.. cooling is in air. aircooled 955°C(1750°F). 0.05 C. 0.3.08% C . cool in air (per AMS 5662) A nickel-base.6% Ti .20 AI. and/or Foreign).15.08 C max. aged as noted on diagram..hold for 8 h. UNS N07718.50 Fe.C6) _ _ es.% None (direct aged) 940 °C (1725oF). 100MClS IOOI4RS 1550F 46 MRS 1800F 2414R5 1975F eMIlS Precipitation of phaees and relative amounts Inconel718 Chemical Composition.'. cool in air Similar Alloys (U. Treatment (per AMS 5662) is at 980°C (1795 oF) for 1 h.air cooled strength All aged 720 °C (1325oF)for 8 h.. 3. 1 h. furnace cool to 620°C (1150 "F)."'. 79.. 15. air cool (AC). 0.20 Cu. 0 141. furnace cool to 650°C (1200 "F).0 117.0 64.0 195.5 in. holding time is 1 h per inch of section.0 129.5 192. (b) Age 760°C (1400oF)for 10h.625 25 38 1. air cool 955°C (1750 "P) I h.8 157.5 100 4 Condition MPa As-rolled 955°C (1750 OF) I h. aircool.waterquench.3 (a)Age 720°C (1325 "P) for 8 h.0 165. furnacecool to650°C (1200 "F).)x 63.2 130.5 h and air cooled + age(b) Solutioned980°C (1795 oF)for I h. 16 0.5 Elongation in50 mm(2in.0 18 24. cool in air Stress Relieving. For parts formed from strip or sheet.5 10 24 16 10.2 179.aircool Solutionanneal:1050°C (1925OF) for 1 h. waterquenchor aircool.2 25.0 186. Full annealing is recommended.5 52. psi. furnacecool55 0C/h (100°FIb) to650°C (1200oF).0 165. Inconel 718: Tensile properties of pancake forgings of various sizes in different heat-treated conditions Forging size 200 romdiam(8 in.2 %olTset) tsl MPa Thnsile strength MPa ksi Elongation. (b)Age 760°C (1400 "F) for 10h. Water quenching is preferred.5 2082 194. furnacecool to 620°C (1150 "F). water quenched+ age(b) Uhimate tensile strength MPa ksl Yield strength ksl MPa Radial: Topedge Center Bottornedge Tangential: Topedge Bottornedge Radial Tangential Radial Radial Elongation in 50mm(2In).0 566 546 332 1239 1086 448 445 359 1206 1048 727 500 379 1155 1055 379 331 1138 1138 MPa ksi 962 958 803 1435 1339 896 889 776 1389 1296 1013 976 827 1413 1316 810 776 1323 1348 139. Age:790 °C (1455oF)for 6-8 h. Age:760 °C (1400 "P) for 6 h.6 1048 152. They become harder and stronger Annealing. furnacecool to 650°C (1200"F). air cool + age(a) 1065°C (1950 "F) I h.8 27.0 48.% (a) Age720°C (1325"F) for 8 h. because intermediate temperature causes aging annealing temperature to prevent precipitation of hardening phases.0 55. Treatment is at 955°C (1750 OF).5in.0 1310 190.5 72. rapid air cooling usually is adequate. hold until furnace time for entire age hardening cycle equals 20 h. air cool 1065°C (1950oF) 1 h.0 112. aircool SolutionanneaI:1050°C (1925OF) for I h.) Condition Orienlalion Solutioned925°C (1695 "F) for I hand aircooled + age(a) Solutioned 1065°C (1950oF)for 0.0 196. air cool + age(a) 1065°C(l950°F) 1 h.2 48. air cool + age(b) As-rolled 955°C (1750 oF) I h.0 153.5 188.0 105.0 153.1 79. air cool +age(b) 955 °C (1750 oF) 1h. waterquench.5 201. aircool.0 116.)x 25 rom(I in. aircool Yield strength (0.% Reduclionin 46 50 61 21 22 54 55 60 49 66 39 30 67 61 68 36 34 52 45 60 28 36 52 63 24 34 64 20 21 40 46 58 20 24 53 60 17 21 area.l.5 185.5 153.5 29.0 179. Age:760°C (1400"P) for 6 h.0 167.0 191. holdfor a totalage of20 h.0 189. aircool Solutionanneal:1065°C (1950OF) for I h.8 19 18 19 19 19 27. air cool 1065°C (1950 oF)1 h.5 55. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. in. air cool + age(b) As-rolled 955°C (1750 "F) I h. and usually is necessary for heavy sections. % Reducilonin area.42/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferl'ous Alloys • Heat to 760°C (1400 "F). furnacecool 10 620°C (1150 "F).% 1096 1103 1100 159.5 29.0 1248 1234 1055 1056 1189 181. hold 10 h. air cool + age(a) 1065°C (1950 oF) 1h. water quenched+ age(a) Solutioned 1065°C (1950oF)for I h. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the Inconel 718: Tensile properties in longitudinal orientations of hot-rolled rounds of several sizes and in various heat-treated conditions Diameter Ullimale tensile strength Yield strength mm in.0 19. air cool 955°C (1750oF) I h.0 210. air cool 955°C (1750 "P) 1 h.2 172. cool55 0C/h (100°FIb) to620°C (1150"F).) 140romdiam(5. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical. air cool 1065°C (1950 oF) I h.0 175.0 160.) 175romdiam (7 in. aircool Solutionanneal:955°C (1750oF)for2 h.5 rom (2. % Hardness.0 147. MPa·m 855 124 1200 174 28 51 35 334 1908 855 124 1205 175 27 42 38 286 1631 1130 164 1330 193 23 48 42 100 572 1255 182 1415 205 17 41 44 84 480 1110 161 1310 190 19 40 96 546 . air cool 1065°C (1950 oF) 1h. hold8 h.0 152.hold 8h.5 1441 1448 1307 1277 1398 209.0 205. aircool.2 202.5 120. HRC Reduction in Fracturetoughness b. % area.5 139. hold for total age of 18h. Age:720°C (1325oF)for 8 h. air cool 955°C (1750 "F) I h.) x 25 rom (I in.5 33. hold for total age of20h Inconel718 Effect of heat treatment on typical room-temperature properties Heattreatment Solutionanneal:1025°C (1875oF)for 1h. hold for a totalageof 18h. air cool + age(b) ksi 82.5 112.0 159.5 1255 1351 1286 182. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys such as Astroloy. air cool + age(a) 1065°C (1950oF) I h.5 65. HS 718 Vi 1000 I"140 l(l 900 STD_ 120 tl t. ::J ~Q) E ~ F- . air cooled...X... of 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 ::i! £ 1500 ".... E 1290 ~ 1110 930 1000 10000 Inconel718: Microstructure. Vacuum cast. ~~ n-Cr ~ - r--I- 0. solution annealed 2 hat 1095 °C (2000 OF). . ro ~~r-t--~~S718 VI a.7'-. y" Gram boundary 0 1000 ~ 900 ~..<. r--.3 1 3 10 100 lime.-. and FeCla • 250x .... ~ 1400 til Q) z--... 600 f-1000 h rupture points r-.. reannealed 1 hat 980°C (1795 OF). 800 <.. LIVE GRAPH ~ tl 0 -0 10 Click here to view Click here to view 1500 Parameter = oR (25 + log time) 40 42 44 46 48 400 « ------- 300 - 200 - 150 'iii "'Vi" VI e - 100 tl0 - 80 -0 ::J Q) VI a. HCI. 200 Q) 180 ~ cQ) \ ~ ..- 17 o -... 8? Temperature.-. { . 106 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Inconel718: Transformation diagram for vacuum-melted and hot-forged bar 1100 105 0 I"'.. 800 a.. 600 Ol c 500 c ~ -- VDA 718 STD 718 '':. 38 1300 I I II I .1 I 1 I . '\.:::... 800 ~ 1718 e 700 . methanol... ro ~ 1000 Vi VI e ::J Q) ~~ f::::-.. . air cooled.. h r--.. 5 o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Ternperature...1 -5 c e tl Ol r-. ~ y" 1650 ~ ~ 1470 B e Q) a... r-.f35 I 595 6 °f~ 1°f ~ 60 300 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 Parameter = K (25 + log time) 8? ~ e a 5- of LIVE GRAPH (a) (b) <....l I + 180 1200 .Ti).. 1100 ~ ~ 1600 '\\ STD 718/ 1000 900 - * 160 E 140 '':. -. (c) Fatigue at 540°C (1000 OF).::x.. - r---.. (b) Rupture stress...i'.. Structure: chainlike precipitate of MiCb.. (a) Ultimate tensile strength.. air cooled.DA 718 I 160 Xi ::i! 1100 ~ I... 80 ci! ::J 500 a: 400 I . aged 16 h at 720°C (1325 OF)..Nickel-Base Superalloys I 43 Inconel718: Typical properties of Inconel718 as a function of processing.110 . 700 \ 600 500 1830 ....r-. Ol c - 60 'g E ~ « - 40 low-cycle fatigue at 540°C I 200 102 104 Cycles to failure 103 (c) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 2010 1... y' / ..r-d~.. 1300 ~ 1200 § - 220 D~718 . r--.::::: r-... "'.. Laves phase in the y matrix. Large particles are MC carbides. Alloy 718 (89 HRS) solution annealed 1 hat 955 °C (1750 OF) and air cooled. 100x . reannealed 1 hat 980 °C (1795 OF). Alloy 718 (37 HRC). aged 8 h at 720 °C (1325 OF). Alloy 718 (89 HRS). 100x Inconel 718: Microstructure. Vacuum cast. Structure is MC carbides in an austenite matrix.44/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel718: Microstructure. Glyceregia. air cooled. and air cooled. All furnace heating was done under a protective atmosphere of argon. Glyceregia. air cooled. Glyceregia. Inconel718: Microstructure. methanol. 1000x Inconel 718: Microstructure. solution annealed 1 hat 955 °C (1750 OF). Structure is large MC carbides and fine 0 phase (NiaNb)at the austenite grain boundaries. Laves phase (white islands) has precipitated at dendrites in the y matrix. aged 16 h at 720 °C (1325 OF). HCI. 250x / / . solution annealed 1 h at 955 °C (1750 OF) and air cooled. solution annealed 1 hat 1095 °C (2000 OF). air cooled. and FeCla. air cooled. Glyceregia. Alloy 718 (80 HRB). air cooled. 1000x . Glyceregia. I <~ ! ) . aged 8 h at 720°C (1325 OF). -I I 'l :>- I V " "- . solution annealed 2 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF) and air cooled.Nickel-Base Superalloys I 45 Inconel718: Microstructure. . 100x . Alloy 718 (37 HRC) solution annealed 1 h at 955°C (1750 OF). Alloy 718 (40 HRC). 1000x Inconel 718: Microstructure. Glyceregia.' . cooled 55° per h to 620°C (1150 OF).. Alloy 718 (40 HRC). Structure is carbides in an austenite matrix. Nitrides and MC carbides are visible. held 8 h. " lnconel 718: Microstructure. held 8 h. and air cooled. -J . large MC carbides. aged 8 h at 720°C (1325 OF). and air cooled. Inconel718: Microstructure. air cooled. cooled 55° per h to 620°C (1150 OF). and fine 0 phase at the austenite grain boundaries. and air cooled. Structure is MC carbides and fine 0 phase at the austenite grain boundaries. aged 8 h at 720°C (1325 OF).. 100x '-- . air cooled. solution annealed 1 h at 955°C (1750 OF). . solution annealed 1 hat 955°C (1750 OF). Glyceregia. Structure is cube-shaped nitride. J \ ~"\ .46/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel718: Microstructure. Glyceregia. 400x Inconel 718: Microstructure. 400x . air cooled. /' ~. /.l '.. Glyceregia. ' \ \ " \\ a 0< . Solution annealed 1 h at 955°C (1750 OF). : . -f \ ') /~ ~ '0· f' '" Inconel 718: Microstructure. and nitrides (lower right) are flush with the matrix. aged 8 h at 720°C (1325 OF). ---l Inconel 718: Microstructure. Shown using differential interference contrast.( 0 . Alloy 718 (29 HRC). 100x " '. 0 . air cooled. air cooled. air cooled. '-. As-polished. Glyceregia.\' . Solution annealed 1 h at 955°C (1750 OF). . . Glyceregia. MC carbides stand in relief. air cooled. 100x i .( J 1 ~.. and air cooled. and aged 100 h at 870°C (1600 OF) to form coarse 0 (NiaNb) needles.. aged 8 h at 720°C (1325 OF).. I ~~ J Inconel718: Microstructure. . Delta needles are recessed.f . Solution annealed 1 hat 955°C (1750 OF).. Alloy 718 (37 HRC) solution annealed 2 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF). . held 8 h. 200x '-- . \\ . and aged 100 h at 870°C (1600 OF) to form coarse 0 (NiaNb) needles. solution annealed 2 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF). cooled 55°C (100 OF) per hourto 620°C (1150 OF). and air cooled.-" Ir 0 r: V: \ t. "t) 0 "'-.. 9 r ._. and aged 100 h at 870°C (1600 OF) to form coarse 0 (NiaNb) needles... ~ . \ .. I' ! ~. air cooled. Alloy 718. and H2Cr04 • 1000x . air cooled. and aged 100 h at 870°C (1600 OF) to form coarse needles of 0 phase (NiaNb). and aged 100 h at 870°C (1600 OF) to form coarse needles of 0 phase (NiaNb). Structure is Laves phase (light gray particles). Alloy 718 (21.5 HRC). Electrolytic: H2S04 . aged 8 h at 720°C (1325 OF). Shown using differential interference contrast illumination to show 0 phase in four austenite grains. air cooled. air cooled. Alloy 718 (21.100x Inconel 718: Microstructure. Electrolytic: H2S04 . solution annealed 1 hat 955°C (1750 OF). 400x Inconel718: Microstructure. and needlelike o. Alloy 718. solution annealed 1 hat 1150 °C (2100 OF). Glyceregia. and H2Cr04 • 1000x Inconel 718: Microstructure.5 HRC).Nickel-Base Superalloys I 47 lnconel 718: Microstructure. HaP04 . solution annealed 1 h at 1150 °C (2100 OF). As-polished. Hard MC carbide is in relief. Structure is 0 phase (NiaNb) in a ymatrix. and aged 10 h at 760°C (1400 OF) and at 650 °C (1200 OF). and furnace cooled in 10 h to 620°C (1150 OF). HaP04 . MC carbide (dark). The matrix is y phase. solution annealed 1 hat 955°C (1750 OF). ice brine quench + 705°C (1300 OF) for 100 h....53% Ni . .4HR'i Inconel 718: Precipitation phases...2% Mn .5.. E ~ 700 \ '<.0% Cr .- e-.0% Ti .48/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel718: Microstructure.1...1 I I I Inconel 718: Transformation diagram. and HNO a.000x Inconel718: Microstructure. Structure is 0 phase (NiaNb) in a ymatrix..000x 1100 2010 1. h e III (Cb. '\ a. Composition: Fe . ~ . E 1290 ~ 1110 930 1000 10000 STAl!NGllU!MING P'-'ASE EM8ArTfLINO PHA~E LITTLI! e. <lJ r-. HaP04 . l'. 1000 ~ 900 ~ B 800 e -7 b.. 10.7% AI 19.. 1'00. y" . :::l 1470 ~ <lJ a..TI)(G. aged at temperatures and times indicated . Electrolytic: H2S04 .. solution annealed 1 h at 955°C (1750 OF). Electrolytic: H2S04 .3 1 3 10 100 lime. t' precipitate is visible in the y matrix..TI 1300F' I0014ClS 1830 s k ~ Click here to view ~ . 600 500 o ~ t-. - I'--.0% Mo . HaP0 4 .. and furnace cooled in 10 h to 620°C (1150 OF). Structure is Laves phase (light gray particles).. and HNOa. air cooled.03% Zr .3% Si.N) 8 14001i' IOOlUli y' / ~~ n-Cr I"'--. .0.0...'FECf IIM>OF IOOHSK 170011' 48HA'i 1850': 3. solution annealed 1 h at 955°C (1750 OF). 10. y" 0. air cooled. as well as y' in the y matrix.. <.3% Nb+Ta . water quench.. aged 8 h at 720°C (1325 OF). . Ni3Gb LIVE GRAPH 1650 ~ I-- G""1C~hFEl..0.05% C ..2... MC carbide (dark). and details of o-phase crystals.006% B 0. and needlelike 0.0... .. Alloy 718. and aged 10 h at 760°C (1400 OF) and at 650 °C (1200 OF).0. Treatment: 1230 °C (2250 OF) for 2 h. Alloy 718. . Vacuum-melted and hotforged Inconel718 bar Gram boundary Ii ..3. llng 1000 ttt+++-1--+---'f----+++++-HI-t-t-----+H++-HH---~-+H_H+_I__1---+___16omln at 950·C • 60m.07% Mn . Treatment .07!0. Composition: Ni -17. Note: cooling rate °C/h.0.2. of 1600 1900 2000 2100 Inconel718: CCT diagram.c: .990.10% Si .7% Fe .0.06% C -18. Composition: Ni .4 111.96% Mo .Nickel-Base Superalloys I 49 Inconel718: Time-temperature circle: Annealed at 1050 °C (1920 OF) for 1 h ·C 1200 Allo" Inconel718 1100 ~ T CCl DIAGRAM I 17.4% Cr-18." at" 1050·C 0 900 "800 700 600 500 400 .oo:l Anne.<0.99% Ti .01!o.0.16% Nb2.Sigma ·1 g Abundant :a .93% Ti .OS!0.~. HV.5.86% Cr .57% AI. aged in air at 760 to 1095°C (1400 to 2000 OF) at 40°C (100 OF) intervals for 5000 h.e \ \ MC ..0. 0 ~ • Rare I Very Rare l i IS00 - I I I I I I 1400 1700 1600 1800 Temperature.---L-------.960. and at 1149 °C (2100 OF) for 2000 h Very Abundant h NiSCb \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I---. I I 0 0 Gl - . ll.------_.0. ~I+ ~ 300 200 100 • n-' 185 183 205 211 210 0 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 315 378 370 345 HV 10 .01% B .25% Nb -17.7 5.003% S." \ Medium l- :l .solid circle: Annealed at 950°C (1740 OF) for 1 h.-------.0. d Gl U I:l \ I )'_. Treatment . and resultant hardness.0.48 0.48% AI .5..16\2..06% C .0. Treatment: Solution treated at 980°C (1795 OF) for 1 h.48% Fe.99% Mo . 18.5.63% AI.12% Si ..1 I TIME (hours) 10 100 .47% AI.05% C .11-5.I . 1950.17..0.95% Ti 0.30% Fe 3.028% C .46% AI .3% Cr .0.15% Cr 0.1.0. Delta phase start only.0..05% Mo .42% Nb .18.01 0.42-0.0..004% B .17.32% Nb .05% Mo .0.01 0.1% Fe0.25% Fe .031% C .5.02% Mo . Treatment: Solutionized at 1110 °C (2030 OF) for 6 hand quenched LIVE GRAPH Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.031 % C .0.1 I TIME (hours) lIDO 10 100 0. Treatment: Solutionized at 1110 "C (2030 OF) for 6 hand quenched LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 11100 1800 1700 1700 •t:' 1600 Q: 1500 '""' LoJ ~ Q: Ir ~ t:' • '""' LoJ Q: ~ D:: 1400 1600 1500 Ir 1-400 ~ 1300 ~ 1300 1200 ALLOY !!!?!!.-.26% Nb .004% Mg.001% Mg. Treatment: Solution treated at 1030.0.0-3. Composition: 53.3. Delta phase start only.0.860 .03-0.-'./ I " .0.0.06% Mo .0.17. (J ~ W a: C 780 0 I I 1 2 I 3 TIME (HOURS) LEGEND: 1032°C ST 1066°C ST 0C 1080 ST lnconel 718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.::::.18.50 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.96% Ti . .21-1.1-53.87% AI.: w t. Composition alloy 9 (solid line): Ni . and 1080 °C (1885.18.00% Fe 3. and 1985 OF) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view (J 900 r- ° 0.34% Ti . Composition 718 (solid line): Ni .004% B .18. Delta phase NiaNbstart only.2% Ni -17.30% Fe . 1065.5.96% Ti .53% AI . Composition alloy 4 (dashed line): Ni .80% Cr .5. ~ C!' Z C!' - - ~ t- / \ 820 "".001% Mg.18.17% Nb+Ta .02% Mo . Composition alloy 11 (dashed line): Ni .0.0.28% Nb .0.3.001% Mg.4.3.0..0.9-18.031% C . 1200 ALLOY '-'_1_ _ _4_ _ 1100 0. / \ '-- .0% Ti .0.00% Cr 0.003% B .003% B .0.8-19.80% Cr ..96-1. 0-21.0.08% max C .000 Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram for delta and gamma double prime. Treatment: Solution treated between 955 and 1200 °C (1750 and 2190 OF) followed by either water quench.0. gamma prime.15% Ti .80-3.0.0.a l!! 8- 700 E ~ 600 500 400 Time (h) .0. or furnace cool LIVE GRAPH 1000 grain tJoun~yd _ .0.05% Ta. Composition: Ni -17.30% Mo .50% Nb+Ta .0% Cr . i ~700 600 ·3 3 10 Time in hours100 1000 '0.0-55.20-0.0 Ni+Co .0.0. isothermally aged at temperatures between 500 and 1050 °C (930 and 1920 OF) for times varying from 15 min to 250 h 1100 1000 900 800 ee .17% Si .0.80% AI .0.09% Cu..Nickel-Base Superalloys /51 = Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram for Ni 3Nb (bet) gamma *.13% Nb .35% max Mn .09% Mn .35% max Si .2.97% Mo .0% max Co .Q15% max S .006% max B.'-' '''800 .50.015% max P .30% Co .004% S .-~---------""":"----- Click here to view 900 .01% P .30% max Cu .17.04% C .98% Ti -2.83% Cr.65-1. air cool.4.0. delta. Nominal composition: Fe .0. Treatment: Solution treated at 1090 °C (1995 OF).0.5.0. and alpha-chromium.0.75-5.58% Fe -18.53%AI.0. 5 1. water quenched 1050 1000 950 900 850 °C 800 750 700 1200 650 600 550 1000 0.0. .0./ 900 .5.5 1.005% B .5% NI.0% Cr. A composite of past work.0.52.1 0. Treatment: Annealed in the range 1150 to 1095 °C (2100 to 1995 OF) for 1 h.52/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel718.30% Nb. LAVES 1000 1800 w 1600 0:: 0:: W o.3.05% Mo . Composition: Fe. TIT diagram.90% TI.0 5 10 50 100 LIVE GRAPH TIME.50% AI.0.0 5 10 TIME(h) 50 100 5001000 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .. HOURS Click here to view Inconel 718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.' °C N' Nb S~ARTU ::::> ~ 'Y +NlsNb + LAVES I I \ \ 1400 \ ~ 700 w I-- 'Y + 'Y'+'Y~ 1200 600 0.04% C -19. 00% Mo . ... 3.." ' .63%AI..09% Ni -18.18% Nb...85% Nb..04% C .. ..4% Fe7...0.2. 2.98% Ni -18... Alloy 3 . OJ t- r ----- 650 550 10-1 1 _ 10 Time. Gl iii 8-E 150 e 100 "-----_....0..70% AI..51% Ni ..3..5% Fe .... Alloy 3 composition: 51.74%AI...... hours Inconel718: Composite time-temperature-precipitation diagram... On this diagram curves showing the gamma prime size before appearance of gamma double prime are indicated for alloys 2. l' + 1'~ + Ni3Nb ...18.eOn St rt f ' -y+1".0. aged at650t0820°C (1200 to 1510 OF) under vacuum in vycor capsules LIVE GRAPH Click here to view TMI .1 + Ni3 Nb 0--..5 1 2 3 4 5..59% Ti . and 4..:.---'--"'- 0....30% Si . .0. Y+""+ .--".. Alloy 2 composition: 51...9% Ti .0...03% Mo..:. Treatment: Annealed at 1200 °C (2190°F) for 30 min.5......3..5..." " " _...90% Ti.5% Fe ..0. Alloy 1 composition: 52.... I ~ bet .. ..90% Cr-16... • 10 Aging Time ....1% Mo .4% AI LIVE GRAPH Click here to view u 1050 950 cU <.. --- . Composition: Ni .6% Cr3..98% Ni -18....0.--_a_ 0 1'ba - . 850 ::s co St~'t ".6 "- A..18._ . h ..99% Nb.--... and 4... 750 .0...20% Mn ..0.....>fIC-------- ..97% Cr-17% Fe -7.3." TM4--------=--=-------100 TM2 ------..96% Mo . water quenched.18...59%Cr-21% Fe-2..... For appearance of gamma double prime phase and highest temperature TM for homogeneous precipitation in alloys 1..63%AI.0% Nb .. Alloy 4 composition: 52......0.19.0. "- .... E <... 3..41% Nb.0.. ISPut .0.82% 1i .... .85% Mo.-to~'.16% Cr .....Nickel-Base Superalloys I 53 Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram...72% 1i ... OJ a. . . '. .. :> 1600 f- . HOURS '" '. 1400 <.1.0 '" r' 0.8% Ni -18.. EISELSTEIN - '" - - 100 500 1000 ..0% Cr .9 0... f1200 0. .1I11~ .00% Ti . '------ 10 TIME..004% B.1 0.003% S .0 - " r-..18.- ( f- IL 0 .OO:A 1600 0( ~.. 5 .5.59% AI.06't...59% AI. . HOURS Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram for Ni 3Nb compared to Eiselstein data...05% C . . .0.' ~ 0( ..6.5. " T T .00% Mo .NOllE FOUND 0. Composition: Fe .0% Cr . <...'":> ... air cooled 2000 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~ 1800 .002 002 .NF .. Treatment: Solution treated at 1065 °C (1950 OF) for 4 h.24% Nb+Ta..0"0 0 11.8% Ni ..54/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram of Ni3Nb.00% Mo ..TRACE NF ..3..' . 0..04 :11118" . I-- 50 -----DOESCH AND CANADA .".. ..5 1. Composition: Fe . ..0..5 1.'" s.3.0. ------ NF NF NF NF NF - I1000 0." 1...1 .0 10 50 100 500 1000 TIME. 0......0.>: 1400 0 .2 0 '< .02 l- NF N ..0.'" .0 • • Oli ..'" - I- .. 0.53... - K 1..\....1 ....·· . • 1111) .0.004% B.53... .\l01 . Treatment: Solution treated at 1065 °C (1950 OF) for 4 h.) - ." ~ NF 1200 - NixCb -> 0..8 0 0. .0..24% Nb+Ta1.110'. -.9 0.0.4 e..00% Ti ..05% C ...003% S . air cooled LIVE GRAPH 2000 Click here to view NF 0 - I- NF 0 1800 f. 0...04% C ..... Nominal composition: Ni ....... At this time the strengthening phase was thought to be gamma prime..04% C ..0...... - BOO U.0...... Treatment: Solution annealed at 1040 °C (1900 OF) for 1 h __ 1800 ... Iii 0..0. .4% AI.....r-.I"I'T-..1 0./ i\ I - ~ I- r--.. r-.0% Ti .19% Cr .T"'"l~""" -'I"""':..0% li .. Inconel718: Time-temperature-hardness diagram. Ni 4 1200 r: <..5% Nb ..4% AI. ..~'""" LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1700 Mill Annealed Sheet A olno Response -+----r''¥-'-'-''-7If-----+----t 1600t---+--+-----+----l---. Treatment: Solution annealed at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 1 h.... \ 1400 ( LAV~ <.Nickel-Base Superalloys I 55 Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram..0.15% Si .0.-~~...4 OS I 2 4 6 B 10 20 40 6OBO 100 2 JO 4 lOG00 AQlftQ Tima Hour....0...19% Cr . r-- 1000 --..007% S..10% Cu ..007% S.3% Mo ...10% Cu .20% Mn .~ . .." 1600 .. """'" IBOO I~ CbC/ ~.0.......0.-_--+---+-:..... Nominal composition: Ni .......~-~yl--+-----+-----I IL • ~ 15OOt--+--+---~q----1f£:. i'.......1.0.....~---+-----I ::J ~ II Co E ~ AOinO Time.. . and water quenched 2000 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ....3% Mo .-... ~~ GAMMA PRIME "- \" c: '" ..1.-- 3Cb/ M 6C ~~ ~~ - ""'" ..18% Fe .. ci E .0.2 0. Hours .20% Mn .15% Si ......I-- IL- .0. later it was shown to be gamma double prime...18% Fe ....5% Nb .... ~ \ . ~ I 0.19% Cr . .0..". r-- ~ 1200 O....: \..0 Hours Q. NO FILM lL .' :> I .. Nominal composition: Ni .20% Mn -1..0. ~ 01 ~' 10 Hours Q..5% Nb .... Treatment: Solution annealed at 1040 °C (1900 OF)..I ( 10 Hours 100. aged at various times and temperatures indicated LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1700 1600 _.0.. NO FILM 1300 ..Hours ------. ~. Treatment: Solution annealed at 925°C (1700 OF). .. : I . ~I...0. Hour ..56/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.0.... Nominal composition: Ni -19% Cr -18% Fe . l' NO FILM ...' 10 Hours 1400 i .€ rr.- ! iI I ~I- 40 60 100 200 400 Hours Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.. ~ :::::: r-- 20 ond 1.10% Cu ..0.4 II ...007% S.. \ ~ 2 4 6 ~ -I- "-- ... l- FILM .s 01 <l: -.". I- IIIII NO FILM I i I I ~ ". 1400 c: '0 I\....... '1 I ..i I - .3% Mo ..0% Ti .0. Occurrence of grain boundary carbide film and needles..1..0. i I r--.... i"---: I I NO FILM - ~~ 4 2 I i I .15% Si ... Occurrence of grain boundary carbide film and needles. . .10% Cu .007% S..0 Hours ' . <l: ---.F::::: -- 8 10 NEEDLES NO FILM ... ....5% Nb .... E ~ .60..8 I I I i NEEDLES ~ I NO NEEDLES 1200 0...20% Mn . ... .04% C . I...15% Si .. .. ~ 60 r--- ~ :::: 100 200 400 600 .04% C .4% AI..3% Mo .... ~. aged at various times and temperatures indicated LIVE GRAPH 1700 Click here to view I.... 1300 .4% AI.18% Fe .... 1600 ~t} II 0 ~ 1500 I Hour :> .0. ~.0% Ti .0.I ~ i" I.0.I ond 1. r-- ~ ~~ ~ 40 A91n9 Time . 0 1500 I V- l- 0 I / E I 01 .0. I 6 ~~ 20 8 10 A9in9 Time - -.0 ... . I'-.. \. . ~ 'co ... aged at various times and temperatures indicated IBOO LIVE GRAPH Click here to view I 1700 1600 .~ I NO FILM ~7".007% S.1 <._ _ r-r- _ -- I"- I-~:---I"'-- 4 6 B 10 Aging Tim.0.... r-. ---1-1-1-- NO FILM 1100 0.r- - 60 SO 100 20C 400 . .- r-. r---..r---. .04%C .4 r-.. ." ~ 1300 I' -- __ 1200 0. " c -. NEEOLES i'-.. --o\ ." 20 40 --- r- I.5% Nb .0....0.. Nominal composition: Ni -19% Cr-18% Fe ..4%AI.r .3% Mo . 0... 1500 "0 E ~ ..0../ -:::....6 2 ....20%Mn -1....15%Si .2 0. Occurrence of grain boundary carbide film and needles. ... / vI / I{ ~I< ~'- FILM t\\ 1400 ''-.0% Ti .... Treatment: Solution annealedat 1150°C (2100 OF). . '- r-.Nickel-Base Superalloys I 57 Inconel718: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram..1 Hr.. . .r-.I 1-Hr.. I ...0. \. ~~ " f::: ~ <.0. 10HnV L- NO FILM 0. a .Hou.. :-... \ \ .. ::=- ~'/'I .. O'IY~ 1 IHr. ..1 0% Cu .. ~ As solution treated N.... 180 ".007% S-0..Next Page 58/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel718: Time-temperature-hardness diagram.. 300 <ii ::lc 250 -g. r-..18._.---------r---------r-------.V II I 650 675 700 725 750 Temperature of 20-h aging. .. 1100 L - ~ 1200 _ _. c 100 1. : : : : .::=.'3 Cl 1\ f- solution treated 800 /- ~ 700 1.28% Mn-0.As -r I -....79% Fe-5.::.l -L.. 600 "0 Qi >: 500 400 300 -..30% Si -0....e -1'>-718 /. 80 "0 e / - II ~ Qi 60 >: 220 ._ _ 10 .-------.0.. W a: J I- ~ 1400 w Q.-<.. Treatment: Solution treated at 1040 °C (1900 OF) for 30 min.51%AI-0. °C ~ <ii '" Q) - 140 c s: Cl 100 ::J - 60 - 20 B e->- s: '" U ~ . water quenched to room temperature within 1 min 1600 r-------.L- 0.. :::E w lt!) :z 1300 t!) ~ 100 'TIME. - r-..J 1000 .0..' .04%C.07% Nb+Ta-3. 200 ::J ~ 150 e- 100 >- LIVE GRAPH Click here to view B'" 50 I 1 f.. 0. Composition: Ni ... HOURS Inconel 718: Effectof agingtemperature on the yield strength and toughness LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature of 20-h aging.02 ..05%Cu-0. I 140 'iii ..... .:::::..11% Mo.". LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 11100 .>< - 120 £.95% Ti -0. 1000 ~ 900 . (Strengthening phase thought to be gamma prime).0023% B. of 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1100 /J!. -.011% P-0..49% Cr -16. precipitation-hardening alloy C. Treat at set temperature of 705 °C (1300 OF) for 16 h min.90 Mo. heat treated 1500 h at 815°C (1500 OF) to form coarse needles of 11 (NiaTi) phase. 0. 51. precipitation-hardening alloy Similar Alloys (U. 2. 3. air cool A nickel-base.00 Ti.50 Fe. Inconel721 (UNS N07721) (nominal).10 Ti. 20.70 Fe max. 16.04 C. precipitation-hardening alloy Similar Alloys (U.50 Mn. 0. 5.10 Nb. 1.Previous Page Nickel-Base Superalloys I 59 Inconel721 Chemical Composition. 2.20 Mn. 2.S.40 Ti. hold 1 h per 25 mm (1 in. UNS N-07263 pyromet 31 Chemical Composition. 2. 1000x.00 Ni. 71. 0. .00 Ni. 22. 15.263 Chemical Composition.00 Ni.50 Ni.70 AI. and/or Foreign).50 Ti. 0.S. 0. UNS N07031 Pyromet 31: Microstructure.00 Cr.) of thickness. 55..04 C.20 Cu. 0. 14. 0.. C·263 (UNS N07263) (nominal). Inconel722 (UNS N07722) (nominal). 0. Pyromet 31 alloy (325 HV).S. and/or Foreign).00 Co.005 B Similar Alloys (U. Parts of only a few grains are visible.S. and/or Foreign).00 Cr. Glyceregia.06 C Characteristics A nickel-base. UNS N07721 Inconel722 Chemical Composition. Pyromet 31 (UNS N07031) (nominal). Minimum time is 10 min Precipitation Heat Treating. 75.40 Si Similar Alloys (U.70 Cr. 7. 0. UNS N07722 Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.50 Cr. 400x Characteristics A nickel-base. Treat at set temperature of980 °C (1800 "F).04 C.00 Fe. solid-solution alloy pyromet 31: Microstructure.10 Cu Characteristics A nickel-base. Glyceregia. 0. 20. heat treated 1500 h at 815°C (1500 OF) to form coarse needles of 11 (NiaTi) phase. 0.00 Mo. Pyromet 31 alloy (325 HV). 2. and/or Foreign). 0.45 AI. 19. 0. 0.25Ti. Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 "F) for 8 h. heat treated 4 h at 955°C (1750 OF) to form needles of 11 (Ni3Ti) phase. 1. precipitation-hardening alloys Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. Treatment is at 705°C (1300 "F) for 16 h.05C.00Co. Full annealing is recommended. Nimonic BOA (UNS N070BO) (nominal).00Ni. The specimen was tint etched with 66 mL HCI. 1000x pyromet 31: Microstructure. because intermediate temperatures cause aging . 1. Pyromet 31 (260 HV). Glyceregia. 2. solution annealed and aged. Pyromet 31 alloy (260 HV). 1. Pyromet 31 (40 HRC). 33 mL H20 .50Fe. UNS N07080 Characteristics A nickel-base. Cooling is in air Stress Relieving. Cooling is in air Aging. 1000x pyromet 31: Microstructure. The specimen was etched using Kalling's reagent 2 (''waterless'' Kallings).60 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys pyromet 31: Microstructure. Glyceregia. heat treated 4 h at 955°C (1750 OF) to form needles of 11 (Ni3 li) phase. shown with dark-field illumination. solution annealed and aged. 100x Nimonic 80A Chemical Composition.S. and/or Foreign).50Cr. 73.10 Cu max Similar Alloys (U. Pyromet31 (40 HRC). and 1 g K2 S 20 5 • 100x Pyromet 31: Microstructure.40 AI. 4% AI Treatment: Heat treated at 1080 0 C (1976 0 F ) for 8 h. holding time is 2 h per inch of section. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature to prevent precipitation of hardening phases.20% Cr . 800 e eu Do ~ Cr7C3 c '.P . and usually is necessary for heavy sections. Water quenching is preferred. air cool + 850 0 C (1562~) for 24 h. h 5 10 5 50 100 Cr7C3 1000 ..2.4% Ti -1.2:1 800 e .Nickel-Base Superalloys /61 adequate and more practical. 0 0 700 50% + Cr23C6 &! 600 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH 500 Click here to view .u. rapid air cooling usually is adequate. or e 900 i! ClI Do E . such as Astroloy. h Reaction time. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys. air cool Treatment: Heat treated at 1200 0 C (2192 0 F) for 2 h. h 5 10 50 100 1000 500 5 1100 1000 50 100 10 1000 500 Cr7C3 - . For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. air cool Reaction lime.2 oo &! 700 600 Y + Cr7C3 500 LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Treatment: Heat treated at l0800 C (1976 0 F ) for 8 h.08% C . They become harder and stronger Annealing. oil quenching often is Nirnonic BOA: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram for carbides after various heat treatments. h Reaction lime. Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 "F). i! 900 . air cool Reaction time. Nominal composition: Ni0. water quench Treatment: Heat treated at l0800 C (1976 0 F) for 8 h. For parts formed from sheet or strip.P or . ..00 Ni.·C 540 600 650 705 -. 8 ::l 0: 40 19 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 p= TK(20 + log t) X 10-3 5 10 20 50 100 200 50010 3 Aging time. For parts formed from sheet or strip. 705 ·C/J6 h/AC 1080 ·c/a h/AC 705 ·C/16 h/AC Q) "E r-. because intermediate temperatures cause aging Annealing. precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. air cool A nickel-base. 0. Treat at 760°C (1400 OF) for 24 h.00 Mo....ealing is recommended. such as Astroloy. Treat at 1080 °C (1975 OF). ~ c .:. and/or Foreign).. UNS N07090 Characteristics Nimonic 90: Effect of cold work and annealing on grain size for Nimonic 90 sheet cold rolled in steps from 1. air cool .( 50 ~ "' 30 ~ - 20 : .. 200 . cooling is in air Stress Relieving. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature..50 Ni...) thick and annealed at five temperatures A nickel-base.01 B o..00 Co. 0.=..072 to 0. 3. 18. 2040 ri lAO AI. rapid air cooling usually is adequate. 13.S. 28.50 Fe. 0. to prevent precipitation of hardening phases.00 Ti...:----. ..- Annealmg temperature I I --1---1250 'C(2280 OF) 1200 °C(2190 OF) ---"1---1150 °C12100 'FI -:::~:::::==I=== 1100 °c (201 0 ° F) 1050 °C11920 OF) OL---c-'=---+. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical.a to 0.c:__--! 20 30 40 10 50 o Amount 01 cold work. water quench Characteristics High Temperature Aging.00 Cr.06 C treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys. s 15. 55... h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Nimonic 90 Chemical Composition. % LIVE GRAPH Click here to view pyromet 860 Chemical Composition.05 C.=.62/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Nimonic 80A: Hardness.::'::::- 600 320 '" ~ 400 "' III I ~ 200 "''" t> Q) c: 240 I'" ~ 100 ii 60 15. precipitation-hardening alloy Low Temperature Aging. water quenched a Nimonic 80A: Aging.00 4..90 Fe..036 in.~ . Treat at 830°C (1525 OF) for 2 h. Full ami. Prior treatment: solution 10aO °C (1975 OF) for h. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. 1..::~. Treat at 1095 °C (2000 "F) for 2 h. 1.9 mm (0.50 Cr. 44.. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution I Nimonic 90 sheet ~ ~ '" .. 80 1080 -cte h/AC ~a50 ·C/24 h/AC . 6. water quenching is preferred and usually is necessary for heavy sections. Effect of increasing intermediate aging on rupture properties of wrought Nimonic aOA.1 .:. they become harder and stronger Similar Alloys (U. AC (air cooled) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature for 105h Iife.:. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. holding time is 2 h per inch of section.. cooling is in air Aging. Hardness changes on aging at various temperatures.00 AI. ~\ . Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 OF) for 8 h.. Nimonic 90 (UNS N07090) (nominal). Pyromet 860 (nominal). Treatment is at 705°C (1300 OF) for 16 h.'" > ~ t-h~c-+-. 19. . Minimum hardness is obtained by rapid cooling from the annealing temperature. and air cooled.S. Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 "F). 19.09 C.Nickel-Base Superalloys /63 Refractory 26 Chemical Composition. 0.00 Cr.60 Ti. holding time is 2 h per inch of section.3 Fe. 18. 3. and as Astroloy.00 Fe.20 AI.00 Co. Refractory 26 (nominal). 0. Rene 41 (UNS N07041) (nominal). they become harder and stronger Stress Relieving. Light.10 Ti. gray particles are MC carbide.50 AI. rapid air cooling usually is adequate.20 Mo.01 B Similar Alloys (U. 100x Rene 41: Microstructure. 20. Kalling's reagent 2. 55. precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 3. 38. Kalling's reagent 2. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. Particles of mixed carbides are present in the y solid-solution matrix. 500x Rene 41: Microstructure. Full annealing is recommended. 16. Solution annealed 4 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF). because intermediate temperatures cause aging Rene 41: Microstructure. Water quenching is preferred. and/or Foreign). globular particles are MaC. For parts formed from strip or sheet. grain-boundary envelopes are MaC or M23C a. aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF).015 B Characteristics A nickel-base. Structure consists of stringers of carbide in a y solid-solution matrix.00 Ni. 0. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical. 11. 1. precipitation-hardening alloy Rene 41 Chemical Composition. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys.00 Cr. 11 Ox . Solution annealed 4 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF) and air cooled. and usually is necessary for heavier sections. Structure consists of stringers of carbide in a y solid-solution matrix. 0. to prevent precipitation of hardening phases. 2.00 Mo. <0. UNS N07041 Characteristics A nickel-base.00 Co. 0. Kalling's reagent 2. which was darkened by the formation of y I at 760°C (1400 OF). 10.03 C. Solution annealed 4 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF) and air cooled.00 Ni. air cooled. . l) d ~ Rare Very Rare. Relative amounts of precipitates resulting from aging Rene 41 at various times and temperatures after solution treating at 1205 °C (2200 OF) and water quenching Time at temperature. Treatment: Bar stock specimens were solution treated at 1205 °C (2200 OF) for 2 h. Composition: Ni .10.19. and air cooled. 1400 96 1500 72 1600 48 1700 1800 1900 Temperature.3.h 16 2000 8 2100 6 2200 2 .77% Mo .1.0. Particles of mixed carbides are present in the y solid-solution matrix. of 36 24 Time. h 100 48 24 I I I 1400 Aging temperature.23% Ti .31% Cr . aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF). Kalling's reagent 2. and M23Ca (at grain boundaries). air cooled.34% Fe . High magnification. Grain-boundary borders are darkened by y/.51% AI0..006% B.c:l Medium Il.2 Abundant ] .. 540x Rene 41: Aging. aged at 760 to 1205 °C (1400 to 2200 OF) at varying times Very Abundant d .64/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Rene 41: Microstructure. 'JF 1600 1800 2000 1200 1200 Rene 41: Minor phase concentration as a function of the aging temperature. Solution annealed 4 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF). MC (gray).. ~ ~ o ~ .2.08% C . which was darkened by the formation of y I at 760°C (1400 OF).82% Co 9. shows particles of MaC (white). . Composition: Ni . Treatment: Bar stock specimenswere initiallytreated at 1205 °C (2200 OF).9.51 % AI. HR Rene 41: Minor phase concentration as a function of temperature for long exposure times.c: l:l.9.Nickel-Base Superalloys /65 Rene 41: Time-temperature-precipitation of phases. and aged VERY ABUNDANT Ni 3 (AI. • 1600 1700 I 1800 Temperature.19.75% Mo .15% Ti -1.0..TI) ABUNDANT MEDIUM RARE 100 1600 1800 I I 2000 2200 I I 24 8 4 TEMPERATURE. aged in air at 760 to 1095 °C (1400to 2000 OF) at 38°C (100 OF) intervalsfor 5000 h.0. .23%Ti .31 % Cr .08% C .006% B. F 48 TI ME.50% Fe ..0.1.006% B . Typical composition: Ni . Very Rare 0---0---0 ~ ~ 1800 .3.82%Co .--i--.---.3. Isothermalphase reactions after aging at the times and temperaturesindicated.-.11.77% Mo .Treatment: Solutiontreated at 1175°C (2150 OF) for 2 h.50% AI.08% C . I . 0. Rare . water quenched.~. of 1900 2000 2100 .10.00% Co . Sigma """'\ o-O~O-- 1400 1500 \ \ \ \ \ .34% Fe.19.0.00%Cr .0.2. and at 1150°C (2100 OF) for 2000 h Very Abundant Abundant g ! ~ 8 Medium o 41 :I . 0.0.55% Co .1.10% Cr .016% S 2000 .1 o UNCRACKED o CRACKED -- ~ ~ I I • ~ -.•• - ISOTHERMAL AGING RANGE EXPOSURE TIME IN MINUTES Rene 41: Time-temperature-cracking diagram.25% Si -11.0056% B . Composition: Ni .17% Mo .03% Fe . 1600 .1. IlICO <: 1700 1600 ~ • ~ • ~.10.66/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Rene 41: Postweld thermal cycles used for developing strain-age cracking C-curves in next 5 diagrams." -~ -~ y I I LO I~O LIVE GRAPH o~ Click here to view . or during cooling.0. Crack susceptibility C-curve as generated using the postweld heat treating procedure in prior figure.10.0. 2000 1800 ro. Treatment: Mill annealed prior to welding v v AI .60%AI.105 Cr 2.17% Mo .55%Co .0 . T i I • •- 1100 0..05% Mn .25% Si . Ql .0056% B 0.I 0 0 I I I - ).20.3.0. f<o Time .2. Composition: Ni 20.0. Indicated cracking occurred either during isothermal aging.Z .17% Ti .11.016% S. 1400 &lCo f 1200 Eo< 1000 ! 1900'I ITMPER ATURE 0 F. .17% Ti .0.89% C .3. Solution Temp.089% C .03% Fe .05% Mn . 30 Min.. 3. Composition: Ni .1400 LIVE GRAPH • o " 1600 0 . Rene 41: Time-temperature-cracking diagram. Crack susceptibility C-curve.18.3.0. IiIn.05% Mn .Cracked 1100 10.84% Mo . bpHure Tlae 10 Mlout •• 00.9.0. Low Fe-Si-Mn-S composition: NI .05% Mn 1300 1200 1100 1.1.. Comparison of the crack susceptibilities of high Fe-Si-Mn-S and low Fe-Si-Mn-S heats.9.lal Raal.Uncracked ..• 8- ..008% P ... low Fe.2.othemal A.0. o o 1200 0-.0.005% P .05% SI .0.18% Si -11.18.02% Cr 0.Cracked 1100 1.10. Crack susceptibility C-curve. 1600 ~ -e Rene 41: Time-temperature-cracking diagram.0.0.30% Fe .18% TI .45% AI. and S r 1700 . 81..0.60% AI .007% S.075% C .0 Isothermal A~ing 1000.0.0 100.0.06% SI .13% Ti .76% Mo -1.20% Fe .Uncracked • -.0 ..10.-.0.020% S. Treatment: Mill annealed prior to welding 1900 1800 • 1700 l" ~8.0 Time 111 Minutes 2000 1900 1800 high Fe.3. o c -< 1300 • o 1200 Click here to view ••• •• • E " ':.07% C .20% Fe .84% Co . Treatment: Mill annealed prior to welding o o 1700 ..73% Cr.0.0 00.0. High Fe-Si-Mn-S composition: Ni 19.. Composition: Ni ..posure Time In Minutes - Rene 41: Time-temperature-cracking diagram.64% Cr0.76% Co .62% AI.075% C .03% Fe .09% Mo .Nickel·Base Superalloys /67 2000 1900 o o 1800 "" !.10.10% Ti .0.64% Cr 0.0 I.0 Isothermal Aging Range E~posure 1000.0 Ra ~e I:.0. and S LIVE GRAPH lS00 Click here to view I 1400 c . )In.0.0045% B 0.067% C .009% B .0.76% Co .05% Mn . 1500 . r.0 10.0056% B . 81.005% S.0 2000 100.05% Si .04% Mn .10. E1500 o ~ 1400 o ~ 1300 o LIVE GRAPH Click here to view o .1.12% Co0. Z• 1600 . . held for 4 h. uncraoked 0 0 -------.00Co. 9.005% S....50 Cr..." Rene 95 Chemical Composition...84% Co .50 AI.o /" I .0. 4. al A1I101f 1\an1lG Exposure TaG 10 lI1nutee . 1.3.0. hot isostatically pressed..0..68/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Rene 41: Time-temperature-cracking diagram. 0.0 1\l0. cool at -2 to 5°C/min to 760°C (1400 OF) held for 16 h.... coarse y '. .. ".I 10./ .() I. 0.06Zr... --.04% Mn . Structure includes large. Rene 95 (nominal). shown for comparison.0.0.. ".00V Characteristics A nickel-base..18% Ti .005% P .---------0 . air cool to room temperature LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ".-0 .07% C 0. ". The test data are for the overaged specimens. Glyceregia. 200x . held for 4 h.. Composition: Ni .19.. Annealed vs.06% Si ..oth..00 Ni. 1. overaged crack susceptibility C-curve....0056% B . . is for the mill annealed alloy.30% Fe .84% Mo -1. cooled at -2 to 5°C/min to 960°C (1800 OF). precipitation-hardening alloy Rene 95: Microstructure. 0.0. cool at -2 to 5°C/min to 870°C (1600 OF). 5. . Prior particle boundaries are also visible.. Powder-made Rene 95.. 61.10.. 3.. The dotted curve...20 Ti. 15.02% Cr ...6 C.45% AI. Overage treatment: Aged at 1080 "C (1975 OF) for 30 min. .9.00Fe max.015B.1 1000.0 o / o / f Q 0 o \ \ \ o <.00 Mo. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys. Udimet 500 (UNS N07500) (nominal).08 C. Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 OF). For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion.5 14 17 strength SOrnm (2in. 4. 0.50 AI. holding time is 4 h per inch of cross section. Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 OF) for 4 h.00 Ti. 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF).06 Zr. UNS N07500 Characteristics A nickel-base. and is usually necessary for heavier Test 1 Test 2 1030 970 1170 1230 149 141 170 179 5 16 (a) Heat treatment: 4hat 1080°C(1975 "F). Structure includes large.2% offset) MPa ksi 1030 150 690 100 10 15 830 810 120 118 7 4 11 800 850 116 123 14.). but air cooling is preferred for heavy sections of Udimet 500 because water quenching causes cracking. 61. precipitation-hardening alloy Udimet 500 Chemical Composition. 15. 1. They become harder and stronger Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.00 Mo. coarse t'. 0.20 Ti.00 Mo. Different illumination modes to delineate structure. 3. and/or Foreign).00 Co. 5.00 Cr.00 Fe max. 0. Prior particle boundaries are also visible.00 Fe max.00 Ni. 9. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical. 0.S.00 V Characteristics A nickel-base. Water quenching is preferred. air cool. because intermediate Test 1 Test 2 temperatures cause aging Obtained without intermediate aging(b) Annealing. but without intermediate aging . Two different procedures are available: ED ED Aging at 845°C (1555 OF) for 24 h.50 Cr. 19.00 Ni.00 AI. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature to prevent precipitation of hardening phases. For parts shaped from strip or sheet. % Obtained with intermedinte aging(a) Stress Relieving. Full annealing is recommended. 4.1000x Rene 100 Chemical Composition. Glyceregia. 3. cooling is in air Aging at 760°C (1400 OF) forlf h.16 C. Rene 100 (nominal). cooling is in air Specified min Elongation in MPa ksi Yield strength (0. hot isostatically pressed. Some carbide networks are visible at this magnification.00 Co.air cool. 0. (b) Same as (a). precipitation-hardening alloy sections. % Reduction in area. 19.Nickel-Base superauoys I 69 Rene 95: Microstructures.005 B Similar Alloys (U.Ql5 B. rapid air cooling usually is adequate. 1. 48. cooling is in air Udimet 500: Effectof eliminating intermediate aging on typical room-temperature mechanical properties Uhlmate tensile Aging. 24hat 845 °C(I445 "F). 3. air cool (intermediate aging). 4. Powder-made Rene 95. 9% Ti .80 Co. lD lD Treatment is at 1175 °C (2150 OF) for 4 h. 55... because water quenching causes cracking. 6800x .2.50 AI.-j o 1000 h 10000 Udimet 700 Chemical Composition.0..00 Co.D7C. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys. 12. lD lD Treatment is at 845°C (1555 OF) for 24 h. 1. 0.~>m.ld-HHf+f+HH-H-H-H-H~ ::. 18.". E QI -. Fully heat-treated. cooling is in air Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 OF) for 4 h. precipitation-hardening alloy Udimet 520: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.:. but air cooling is preferred for heavy sections of Udirnet 700.50 W..:. cooling is in air Stress Relieving.00 Mo.-.6.ffl97mH ~ 850 t-(Jt--. holding time is 4 h per inch of section.'-H'-H'-H'-H'-He. they become harder and stronger Udimet 700: Microstructure.00 Mo. precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Alternative solution treating and aging procedures are available. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. such as Astroloy.. 14.. 1. Treatment is at 1135 °C (2075 OF). oil quenching often is adequate and more practical.:~'77"i'/..~.00 W.. Udimet 700 (nominal).::. 57. 3.. Solution Treating.005 B o cs free ED (c) Udimet 520 Characteristics A nickel-base.2. and usually is necessary for heavy sections.::.:-.1%AI.0% Mo . 3.:.00 Ni.00 Ti.00 Ni.00 Cr.o. Minimum hardness is obtained by rapid cooling from the annealing temperature.8 Co . 6. ] (lJ a. 5. U-520 composition: Ni .. 19. 0. Showing sigma phase formation. rapid air cooling usually is adequate.0.0.9% W . cooling is in air Aging. 2..950 Kl~o--~>----<>-------<:H c :g 900 K--<t>-::::::::.00 AI. 0. 2...:11 900 1850 K>-Q'i'W+f+t'-N-H-t'-H-f-h"""''-I+f-hf-H'-f+jH ~ 750 Ki>ood-~'-.::.40 9 50 i<f~:::::~~~-.00 Cr. Full annealing is recommended because intermediate temperatures cause aging Annealing.:. Water quenching is preferred.00 Ti.02% B <5 prone N v = 2. For parts formed from strip and sheet.70 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Udimet 520 Chemical Composition.8% Cr -11. to prevent precipitation of hardening phases. Udimet 520 (nominal).:..01 B Characteristics A nickel-base.08 C.03% C -18. cooling is in air Treatment is at 760°C (1400 OF) for 16 h. 0. showing cubical r'.fItHo-H-r+fIhl-r+f-f-:f-h. 1% Mo . Composition: Ni .-ALLOY DEPLETION MIl/SIDE X..5. aged at 1080 °C (1975 OF) for 4 h + at 845°C (1550 OF) for 24 h and at 870°C (1600 OF) for 16 h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 2200 2000 1.. Note: complete reversal of behavior at 1040 °C (1900 OF) and absence of internal oxidation atthis temperature.0% Co ... INTERNAL OXI DATION MILISIDE 1600 \0 T1M~ HOURS 100 ----1000 .7% Ti . . From 760 to 1095 °C (1400 to 2000 OF).06% C.0. Gamma prime particle size vs. Treatment: 0.3. diam rod.. A.15% Mo· 3..10% Mn .1% AI. temperature and time.4. ______ ~----========1800 c~-~ 1.0% Cr."0 35'10 36'10 38'10 38'10 38'10 38'10 38'10 UOooF 38'10 5 10 TIME (HOURS) SO 100 500 Udimet 700: Time-temperature-oxidation diagram.0A.0..015% B . Composition: Ni -15..5. Isoreactivity plots for constant amount of subscale damage.0..Nickel-Sase Superalloys /71 Udimet 700: Time-temperature diagram.49% Ti .D...5-in.10% Si ...45% AI . Volume fraction of gamma prime from 38 to 14%.0. Treatment: Specimens were annealed above the gamma prime solvus temperature at 1175 °C (2150 OF) for 4 h.5% Co . solution annealed at 1177 °C (2150 OF) for 4 h.D.D.08% C..0.5% Cr . followed by a fast air cool LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 2000°F 19S0 oF 1900 0F 18S0 oF 1800 0F 17S0 oF 1700 0F 16S0 oF 1600 0F lHooF IS000F USooF 1000 500 14'10 22'10 27'10 30'10 Fe -19.0.O.028% B • 0..0 A.17. ....10% Si ...----..<l ll.... OF 96 72 48 36 24 Time. Nominal composition: Ni 0.028% B .15.:.4..5..0% Cr .3...0. g Rare ~ Very Rare 1400 1600 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Temperature. Composition: Ni .19.08% C ..r . Minor phase concentration as a function of aging temperature.15% Mo .3% AI. ..3.06% C.000 10 1000 100 MINUTES Udimet 700: Time-temperature diagram..L.5% Co .0.. .. diam rod..I---.. solution annealed at 1175 °C (2150 OF) for4 h..l. Treatment: Bar stock specimens were solution treated at 1175 °C (2150 OF) for 6 h...5% Ti .15% Fe .0.15.030% B.. ~ Medium o o ~ .... .... aged at 760 to 1150 °C (1400 to 2100 OF) for varying times Very Abundant r .18.- A1z03+ Ti N LEGEND: (1) = linear growth rate (2) and (3) = parabolic growth rate (4) where weight gain reaches a constant value in some 1000 min Numerator = the scale constituents present Denominator = the products of internal oxidation = CD 1800 1600'---------L-----.--...0% Co ...0.0. Abundant d o ~..0% Cr . Simplified summary of the four main stages of oxidation.. ...49% Ti ..45% AI .......----' 10. aged at 1080 °C (1975 OF) for4 h + 845°C (1550 OF) for 24 hand at 870 °C (1600 oF)for16 h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view CrZ03+ Ni Crz04 + Ni0 2000 --...-.5. Treatment: 0.5-in. .10% Mn .2% Mo .4.0..72/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Udimet 700: Time-temperature-oxidation diagram. . .. . ..h 16 8 6 2 ..--. (a) Solution annealed at 1175 °C (2150 OF) for 4 to 6 h and then aged 5000 h at 760°C (1400 OF). of / 1900 l 2000 2100 Udimet 700: Microstructures. \ \ Me '\ I I MgB2 \\ rrr::__..33% Mo .3. Minor phase concentration as a function of temperature for long exposure times.0. and t' within grains of the y' matrix.07% C -15..__.__ 8-L..5l Abundant f 1 ~ . ~ ~ M C 23 • \ . Composition: Ni .c:: Medium Il.NickelBBase Superalloys /73 Udimet 700: Time-temperature diagram. I --+.30% Co . aged in air at 760 to 1095 °C (1400 to 2000 OF) at 38°C (100 OF) intervals for 5000 h.18.1 0% Cr ._ _ I I 1400 \ I 1500 1600 1700 1800 Temperature. Replica electron micrograph shows acicular sigma. carbide (M23C6) at grain boundary.--0 o o r>.024% B. :k~c~\ Rare / Very Rare \ ° I \ Sigma I>~\ 0.0. 4500x.4.34% Ti . 4700x (a) (b) .. \. Replica electron micrograph shows large particle of MC at grain-boundary intersection and t' in grains of y matrix.29% AI.. and at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 2000 h Very Abundant I t::= .5. Treatment: Solution treated at 1175 °C (2150 OF) for 4 h. (b) Solution annealed as for (a) and aged for 5000 h at 815°C (1500 OF). 00 Co.1% Co . 0.50 AI. 0.010 Zr Characteristics A nickel-base. 0. 55. and at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 2000 h . 59.80 Co.50 W. 12. Showing sigma phase formation.00 Mo.4% AI0. 0. Unitemp AF2-1 DA ChemicalComposition.00 Mo.00 Cr.00 W.2. 3.Ql5 B. 14. 1.00 Ni.02%8 A nickel-base. O. 1.00 rt. 4.15.4% W . 3. 2.1.00 Ni.00 Ti.7% Cr .50 Ta. 10. 0.3. 3.50 Ta. <0.35 C. precipitation-hardening alloy o cs free (0) Udimet 520 • (3 prone N v = 2. U-710 composition: Ni . Treated at 1230 °C (2250 "F) for 2 h. 6.4. 1.00 Cr.0% Mo . Udimet710 (nominal).06% C17. 5.50 Fe.0.74/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Udimet 710 Chemical Composition.60 AI.8% Tl . precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. aged in air at 760 to 1095 °C (1400 to 2000 OF) at 38°C (100 OF) intervals for 5000 h. 18. UnitempAF2-1 DA (nominal).07 C.015 B.40 .lOZr Characteristics Udimet710: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.. \ \ \ \ \ \ . I.10% Zr .4. 1 o ~ .0.cI MC I I Abundant \Me .4..48% Ta.35% C .20% Co .<: .05% Co .33% C ..4.0. I:l ~--8~ O~O--Q~8""'-::::::::::.h Unitemp AF2-1 0: Transformation diagram.1.014% B .05% Mo .Next Page Nickel-Base Superalloys /75 Unitemp AF2-1 0: Transformation diagram. aged in air at 760 to 1095 °C (1400 to 2000 OF) at 38°C (100 OF) intervals for 5000 h.\ ' . of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1900 I I 2000 2100 . \ I f-.93% W . aged at 760 to 1205 °C (1400 to 2200 OF) at varying times MC Very Abundant Abundant M6 C I:l 0 .10% Zr .11. Composition: Ni .3.14. Treatment: Bar stock specimens were solution treated at 1230 °C (2250 OF) for 2 h." ~ Rare 0 I:l J J ~ I I M23 C6 I Very Rare " 1400 1600 1600 96 72 48 1900 1700 1800 Temperature of 16 36 24 2000 2100 2200 8 6 2 Time. I I I I Rare Very Rare 1300 I I I I I I I I D o 1400 1600 \ .M23 C6 I ~ j .. ~ I:l Qj u I:l Medium 0 0 Qj ~ . .02% Ti .0.0.14. .87% W .. . \ . 1600 1700 1800 Temperature.MaC Medium . and at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 2000 h Very Abundant .0...4. Treatment: Solution treated at 1230 °C (2250 OF) for 2 h. ° ~ ..92% Cr .94% Mo . M23 C6 .60% AI.11. \ I I I I I MaC-i I I I .0. Minor phase concentration as a function of aging temperature.5..60% AI.56% Ta.04% Tl .93% Cr .4.. Composition: Ni . MC / 0 .1. Minor phase concentration as a function of temperature for long exposure times.013% B .3. precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. because water quenching causes cracking.7% Co .08% C. CE: case and extruded.30 Mo.0. 13.- ..- ---.10... PM: powder metallurgy.6% Ta .2% AI. 4.0% Cr .09% C.. followed by cooling in air. ail' cooling is preferred for heavy sections of Waspaloy.3. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction for some alloys. cool in air Treatment at 760°C (1400 OF) for 16 h. _. holding time is 4 h pel' inch of section.4% Co .00 Ni... conventional wrought. To observe the formation of sigma phase the heat-treated specimens were exposed to temperatures from 710 to 980°C (1300 to 1795 OF) for various times in argon atmosphere Alloy 5 PM and C »: E. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. cooling is in air Aging. cool in ail' Stress Relieving.- Waspaloy Chemical Composition. Full annealing is recommended because intermediate temperatures cause aging Annealing.0.4% Nb -1. such as Astroloy. Waspaloy (UNS N 07001) (nominal). For parts formed from strip or sheet.028% B .09% C.4. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from annealing temperature.0. PM modified versions of IN-1 00 (Alloy3) and AF2-IDA (Alloy 5) vs.3% Mo .4% Nb .11 % Zr .40 AI. a carbide-stabilizing heattreatment at 980°C (1795 OF) for 8 h.2% li .IN-100 Nb-modified (PM) _composition: Ni -11.4% Ti ~ 1.. oil. which consisted of a partial gamma prime solution treatment at temperatures 20°C (70 OF) below the gamma prime solvus for 2 h.. 0. Alternative procedures are available: CD CD Treatment at 845°C (1550 OF) for 24 h. solution annealed 4 h at 1010 °C (1850 OF) and water quenched. 0. 1.020% B .. Treatment is at 1010 °C (1850 OF). to prevent precipitation of hardening phases.50 Co.0.5.4. 57.12..IN-100 Nb-modified (CE) .0. Quenching often is adequate and more practical. Glyceregia.024% B . They become harder and stronger . followed by an air cool..5% W 2.. 19. and a gamma prime precipitation cycle of 760°C (1400 OF) for 8 h. 2.5.S.12.95% Mo .9% Cr -17.composition: Ni .3. Treatment is at 1080 °C (1975 OF) for 4 h.0.. Treat. and usually is necessary for heavy sections.1. 0..006 B. Start of sigma phase.00 Ti.1. rapid ail' cooling usually is adequate.17.06% Zr .0. AF-2-1 DA Nb-C-modified (CE) _composition: Ni .00 Fe max.ment: Both PM and CE materials were given identical heat treatments..06% Zr .5% Nb . UNS N07001 Waspaloy: Microstructure. 200x Characteristics A nickel-base.Previous Page 76/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys AF-2-1 DA (Modified): Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.1% Cr .3% Co .-.2. Waspaloy (265 HV).2% Mo .7% AI.07 C.0.50 Cr.3% AI4. 3.9% Tl . Water quenching is preferred.0.5.09 Zr Similar Alloys (U. and/or Foreign). 3% TI..~ 300 :::l 500 ?ft...20% Cr .5 26 (b) Waspaloy: Time-temperature cracking diagram./ IJ 30 \ ~ 1il \ \ \ \ 200 ?ft.. . Nominal composition: Ni ..Nickel-Base Superalloys /77 Waspaloy: Influence of different treatments.Elongation ... ~ 'iii co "'" 145 vJ Ul 1000 ~ vJ 00 Ul ..4% Mo .~ c:0 Cl 60 50 - 40 iii 30 20 .. Post-weld heat treatment cracking tendency as a function of aging time and temperature..s 0 ...1 ~ ~ ~ co c 20 . min 105 . of 750 1110 ' \ \\ 1470 Treatment for turbine disks • Treatment for turbine blades 1500 72. ~ D.1% AI 1900 LIVE GRAPH Waspaloy Click here to view 1800 LL 1»' :. 1700 lIS I» 1600 ..Reduction in area -- c 0 a: 29 70 I ~ 60 .. 1500 a../ 10 .5 500 217. :::l 72.. :::l a: \ \~ '" .~ :::l "0 Q) a: 10 RT 200 400 600 Ternperature. 400 ~ 1il ~ Ul Click here to view Click here to view Treatment for turbine blades o Click here to view LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Treatlent for turbine disks 22 24 p= K (20 + log t) 29 50 Ii / 40 . ~ No Cracking 1400 1300 0 10 10' ---------10 2 Aging Time.5 200 70 . E I» ~ / ( Post-Weld Heat Treatment Cracking <.5 3 15. 58 \\ 15." " _1_ \ RT LIVE GRAPH 390 100 800 20 (a) li e Q) 43.5 \ \ co D. (a) The tensile properties of Waspaloy and (b) The Larson-Miller plot 1000 145 "" r-.14% Co . Waspaloy. aged in air at 760 to 1095 °C (1400 to 2000 OF) at 38°C (100 OF) intervals for 5000 h...3.o Rare \ Me I- 1300 1400 \-X'_O_I ~ Very Rare - ~O~ § o_o_oJ \ 1600 0 1600 I I 1700 1800 .0.0.39% Mo . 100x Waspaloy: Microstructure. complete solutioning. Higher temperatures caused increased grain size. Minor phase concentration as a function of temperature for long exposure times.60% Co . and decreased hardness. 223 HV. I 1900 2000 2100 Temperature. Waspaloy (265 HV) solution annealed 4 h at 1035 °C (1895 OF) and water quenched.30% Cr-14. Glyceregia..08% Tl -1. and at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 2000 h Very Abundant Abundant ~ ~lJ Medium f- Q ~ ~ ~~23C6 ( \ o .78/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Waspaloy: Time-temperature diagram. Glyceregia. 100x . .06% C -19. Treatment: Solution treated at 1080 °C (1975 OF) for 4 h. solution annealed 4 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF) and water quenched.. of Waspaloy: Microstructure.42% AI.051% Zr.c: p. Composition: Ni .4. Glyceregia. Waspaloy (42 HRC). 50 mL HCI. Tint etched to color matrix phase. water quenched. 50 mL Hp. aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF). solution annealed 4 h at 1010 °C (1850 OF). and air cooled. 1000x Waspaloy: Microstructure. air cooled. Glyceregia. aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF). Waspaloy (42 HRC). aged 4 h at 845 °C (1555 OF). and air cooled. solution annealed 4 h at 1010 °C (1850 OF). Fully heat-treated Waspaloy showing MC and M23C5 carbides. air cooled. water quenched. 3400x . aged 4 h at 845 °C (1555 OF). and air cooled. 200x Waspaloy: Microstructure. water quenched. aged 4 h at 845 °C (1555 OF). air cooled. Waspaloy (42 HRC). aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF). and 1 9 K2 SP 5' 100x Waspaloy: Microstructure.Nickel-Base Superalloys /79 Waspaloy: Microstructure. solution annealed 4 h at 1010 °C (1850 OF). Higher magnification shows residual t' from hot working that was not dissolved. 50 mL H20 . Waspaloy (35 to 36 HRC). aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF).5 g K2S20 S ' Both 100x Waspaloy: Microstructures. Left microstructure: bright-field illumination. solution annealed 4 h at 1035 °C (1900 OF). air cooled. air cooled. HF. Waspaloy (37 HRC). and air cooled. Right microstructure: tint etched in 50 mL HCI. Right microstructure: differential interference contrast. Waspaloy (37 HRC). water quenched. water quenched. solution annealed 4 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF). and 1 g K2Sp s' Both 100x Waspaloy: Microstructure. Left microstructure: etched in glyceregia. aged 4 h at 845°C (1555 OF). Glyceregia. Left microstructure: etched in glyceregia. air cooled. solution annealed 4 h at 1035 °C (1900 OF). Middle microstructure: dark-field illumination. and air cooled. Right microstructure: tint etched using 50 mL HCI. water quenched. aged 4 hat 845°C (1555 OF). aged 4 h at 845°C (1555 OF).80 I Heat Treater's ~uide: Nonferrous Alloys r------------------------------------------------. and air cooled. aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF). Waspaloy: Microstructure. and 1. 100x . 50 mL H20 . aged 16 h at 760°C (1400 OF). 3 g NH 4F . 00 Co. 56.08 C.42. Treatment is at 900°C (1650 "F). then rapidly cooled to an aging temperature between 625 and 950°C (1160 and 1740 OF) and maintained at the desired aging temperature for times varying between 15 and 3600 s. s 1000 Nimonic PK33 Chemical Composition. 0.5% Ni .0.05 C. 0. 14.Nickel-Base Superalloys /81 Nimonic PE16 Chemical Composition. 1.25 Cu max Recommended Heat Treating Practice Similar Alloys (U. 7. rapidly cool to an aging temperature between 625 and 950°C (1160 and 1740 "F). and/or Foreign).10 Si.1.50 Cr..0.03% Zr . 0.3% AI . Inconel 600 (UNS N06600) (nominal). 16..00 Fe. Composition: Fe .00 Ni. 18.1 % Mo . maintain at desired aging temperature for times varying between 15 and 3600 s. 0.00 Ni. 33.08% C.30 Fe. 0.10 MO. solid-solution alloy . ~ W o 0 0 0 00 ~ o o o e ~~- I- 10 100 TIME.20 AI.00 Ti.10 Si. followed by rapid cooling to ambient temperatures LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1100 u 0 .030 B Characteristics A nickel-base alloy Inconel600 Chemical Composition. 0.1. 2.50 Cr.. Nimonic PK33 (nominal).00 Co.00 Ni. 2. Nimonic PE16 (nominal).00 Mo.3. Rapidly heat to 1100 °C (2010 "F) and maintain at temperature for 1 h. w ~ 0 ?t= c. 0.10 Mn. . 76. 0. 15.05% Mn .020 B Characteristics A nickel-base alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating..50Cr.0.1 % Cr .0. 0.00 AI..16: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram for carbides. 1000 w ~ 900 ~ a::: x o •e no carbides identified TiC identified M23CS identified TiC and M23C6 identified .00 Fe.17.2% Ti 1. Treatment: Specimens were rapidly heated to 1100 °C (2010 OF) and maintained at temperature for 1 h. followed by rapid cooling to ambient temperatures Nimonic PE. Cooling is in air Characteristics Stress Relieving.. 0. 1.. 43.05 C. 8.S. UNS N0660 Solution Treating. 0. Treatment is at 1120 °C (2050 "P) for 2 h.10 Mn. Holding time is 1 h per inch of section A nickel-base.0003% B . Waterquenchingis preferredandusually is necessary for heavy sections. = V///-////// V / / / ///1_ Phosphorus Segregation Chromium Depletion --§ 1 12000f 10 100 24 hrs. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys.01 0.. 0.0. For complex shapes subject to excessive = Inconel 600: Time-temperature grain boundary microstructure. Nominal composition: Ni .05% Co . and large discrete precipitates.i:ik=·"'---:.0. ..3 1600 I-l '~" 1500 QI I-< 1400 QI QI <'Il .) diameter round during air cooling from the indicated temperatures.17% Si . 100 L/ . Minimal hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature.~_ ~-'".82/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys distortion. Note: The grain-boundary carbide precipitate morphology was divided into four classes: fine discrete particles.1 1 Time. Fine Discrete Precioitates 10 24 • hrs.J ---- 1 UDOlf l. LEGEND: Dotted lines minor grain boundary segregation or chromium depletion. Treatment: Solution treated at 1150 -c (2100 OF) for 30 min. 800 e QI I-< 1300 700 1200 600 1100 1000 0.8% Fe .40% Mn . coarse semicontinuous precipitate.17% AI.0. .. A floating time scale was used for each thermal treatment temperature so that a precipitate morphology could be assigned to each thermal treatment. Holding time (15 min per inch of section) is to prevent grain coarsening. IZ ' l // /.0.0. LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . to prevent precipitation of hardening phase.5% Cr. Fe . Composition: 73.0. followed by a thermal treatment in the temperature range 595 to 870°C (1100 to 1600 OF). Broken line curves show time below solution temperature at the center of a 510 mm (20 in. Treatmentis at 1010°C (1850 OF).0.. hr 10 100 Inconel 600: Time-temperature-carbide-precipitation diagram for material having various carbon contents. rapid air cooling usually is necessary. Treatment: Annealed in a flowing hydrogen environment.36% Cr .9.Q11 % S.////////1 li:iiii~~.-t/>'///////) Semi-Continuous Precinitates Coarse Semi-Continuou s Precioitates 2200 2100 1200 2l00°F " -.08% C .15. such asAstroloy.66% Ni .For formed strip or sheet parts.04% C .0. 1000 u ° 1800 - 1700 QI 900 ..25% Cu . oil quenchingoften is adequate andmore practical.5% Mn . semicontinuous precipitate. '//////J LEGEND: Dotted lines minor grain boundary segregation or chromium depletion Solid bars maximum improvement in caustic sec resistance = 1 13DOlf 10 24 hrs. The presence of a chromium-depleted layer and grain-boundary phosphorus segregation is also represented 1 1600lf V/ 5 hrs. 2000 1900 ~ ° QI '" B <'Il large Discrete Precioitates 1100 . Solid bars = maximum improvement in caustic SCC resistance.. they becomeharderand stronger Annealing.15. before exposure to precipitation temperatures.!..20% Ti .38% Cu . Nominal composition: Ni .0.8% Fe . GI 1500 800 0- S GI Eo-< 1400 1300 700 1200 600 1100 1000 0.Nickel-Base Superalloys I 83 Inconel 600: Time-temperature-carbide-precipitation diagram for material having various carbon contents.1 1 Time.25% Cu . before exposureto precipitation temperatures 2200 LIVE GRAPH 1200 2100 Click here to view 2000 1100 1900 I&< ° " I-< GI ::I u III 1000 1800 1700 GI 900 1600 GI H H .5% Cr. Treatment: Solutiontreated at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 30 min.0.8% Fe . GI H .15.1 10 1 100 Time.:J u III H I-< ~ GI u °.08% C .10 1700 fPmTreated (30 u mm/y r) 900 1600 °.15.01 III GI WO~1c 1300 u 10 100 eClI Eo-< .01 ipm (3.08% C .10 ipm (30 mm/yr) 600 1000 500 900 0. hr '" 0- 1100 0.01 0.0. Treatment: Solutiontreated at 1095 °C (2000 OF) 2100 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1100 2000 < 0.:J SOl Pll.0.:l u co '~" 1IJ 1IJ H 1000 SOlutio 1800 ~ 0.0.5% Mn .25% Cu .0.isl.5% Cr. hr Inconel 600: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram in two'Oll 1500 800 <5'/( 'l'~e 1400 • COldi1ted 1200 700 > 0.) diameterroundduring air coolingfrom the indicatedtemperatures.0 mm/yr) 1900 I&< ° " GI I-< . Nominal composition: Ni . Broken line curves show time below solutiontemperature at the center of a 250 mm (10 in. The curves enclose areas of high corrosion rates in boiling 70% nitric acid.5% Mn . Composition: Ni .06% C • 0.-" .... .0.100 Heat treatment time.0..0... 0)' ~ llOO .2% Ti .. U.IV ..0.92% Fe . Composition: Ni -7..970 c:::: 0) mdd 170 mpy Vl 1100 700 g> \ \ \ 8. '> ' 99. c:::: \ . 0 .03% N .. Light microscope evaluation of heat treated specimens. ITB and TB particles o o GB = Grain boundary ITB Incoherent twin boundary TB Coherent twin boundary = = .16% AI .. Etchant: 10% Br-ChaOH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view I \ . c:::: 'N 650 ~ .0.....0. ..7oo mpy) 0) Vl \ \ \ \ 600 \ \ 1. .040% C .0. and rapidly water cooled Inconel 600: Time-temperature diagram.1 ~- \ \ \ 1000 E ~ g. Treatment: Solution heat treated in argon at 1120 °C (2050 OF) for 2 h. Contour lines..I 90''l---f 850 \ 1500 I I I \ 80''t--." .13% Mn.6% Cr .22% Si . \ " \(17..03% Cu ..000)\ 1>997 \ mpy \ .700 \ \ 800u 0 I . corrosion rates in milligrams/dm 2/day.. 100 400t----1--.17% Mn .\ . No specimens failed the copper-copper sulfate-sulfuric acid test.40% Cr.~--t----t----+---+-----I \ ..r----r--.-__t i ~ f ~ ~ 500 ~ 550 \ 0...0.\ . Treatment: Mill annealed specimens aged at 400 to 800°C (750 to 1470 OF).0.--. mils per year in boiling 65% nitric acid. aged. water quenched..03% Mo ... ~-. 1000 I I 10'00r--""'T--~--.. '\ \ ..1 1000 10000 .8.15% Cu • 0....0 Time atTemperature.. 8E t!2 IDl g> \ mdd \ 0)' \\ . Grain size: ASTM 6-7.84/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel 600: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram.. mdd \ \ ... ..15.1% Fe . >9..: ~_ _~ _ ~ " " " '_ _-' 0. h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LEGEND: No precipitate ~ Fine GB particles t> Massive GB particles Specimen identification ~ GB and ITB particles • GB.\ LL... \ \ c:::: 'N ~ lIDO .. h 7001---- i 60011--~ 1---1L1-~ 1---411II ~ 1---.0...0.15..27% Si ...007% S .-"'-'..( 350_ _-::-~_ _~ _ .1-----4..0 10.. 750 ~ . ~ . .0.2% Ti 0.0.03% Mo . Composition: Ni . 600 j 3 2 900 1'\ V 800 .15. ..0.. followed by bend test and SEM.03% Cu . Intercrystalline corrosion susceptibility..13% Mn..03% Cu .0. . 400 0.Nickel-Base Superalloys I 85 Inconel 600: Time-temperature diagram.0.1% Fe .l11 1'\ I'" "lil 500 700 ::l 9 . Grain size: ASTM 6-7. 0 fj< ~. h 1000 t---+----{ 10000 350'---~--~---~--.".lII 1'\ V ..0. ~ IS .lll 1'\ 1"..16% AI ....700 i .J..8.0.8..27% Si .27% Si . Composition: Ni .0..0. .0.13% Mn.040% C . "lilcu 1'\ E-o 'Il II' "lilcu 500 = 350 121'~'\ 51'''' 400 " "'" . II' .0.lII 1'\ ..1 10 100 Heat treatment time. ITB and TB particles GB ITB TB = Grain boundary = Incoherent twin boundary = Coherent twin boundary LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LEGEND: o No attack ~ GB etching GB fissuring II GB cracking • Disintegration e GB = Grain boundary ITB Incoherent twin boundary TB Coherent twin boundary = = ..~-~~-~_ 0... Grain size: ASTM 6-7. Test conditions: 45 h boiling in solution of 21 g Fe2(S04)3 + 100 mL H2S04 + 400 mL H20.0.15.03% N .0..03% N . Treatment: Mill annealed specimens aged at 400 to 800°C (750 to 1470 OF) 1000 1000 900 .J cu E-o 600 .. Etchant: 10% Br-Ch 30H Inconel 600: Time-temperature diagram. "' a.6% Cr . Scanning electron microscope evaluation of heat treated specimens. Treatment: Mill annealed specimens aged at 400 to 800°C (750 to 1470 OF).1 1000 10000 LEGEND: o No precipitate ~ Fine GB particles () Massive GB particles e GB and ITB particles • GB.. 4 ..03% Mo . ~ "lil .. 0 0 i ~cu ~ '\ .2% Ti .16% AI.0.6% Cr .1% Fe . = 6.040% C ..0. '" "\ 16 ...86/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 1000 Inconel 600: Time-temperature diagram..0..03% N .040% C .1 3 ..~ 6. 2~ 8 .1% Fe .0. Carbon-extraction replicas of Br-methanol etched transverse cross sections of tube specimens 4~ 00 00 t"\ .0. Treatment: Solution treated at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 30 min.03% Mo .6% Cr . .....V ..25% Cu ..27% Si .. Nominal composition: Ni .5% Mn . 400 350 13.03% Cu 0..0. before exposure to precipitation temperatures 2100 ~_-----11100 2000 1900 ~ woo u 1800 ° 0 Ql 1700 900 I-< ~ u 1600 Ql P- eQl f-4 III I-< 1500 800 ~ e Ql 1400 f-4 700 1300 1200 1100 WOO 0..8% Fe 0.13% Mn..1"\ 1'\ ...15.. Grain size: ASTM 6-7. Transmission electron microscope evaluation of heat treated specimens.t1111 "\ .0.8.5% Cr. 1200 Inconel 600: Time-temperature-carbideprecipitation diagram. . N) particles Q GB and ITB particles o GB ITB TB = Grain boundary = Incoherent twin boundary = Coherent twin boundary 2200 .--------r--------r-------r-----.16% AI . Treatment: Mill annealed specimens aged at 400 to 800°C (750 to 1470 OF). .. . h LEGEND: e> Very fine GB particles () Coarse or dendritic GB particles No precipitate except globular MC x or M(C.0.1 .....0.08% C . '\ I 'I 100 5 0.....0.2% Ti .0..01 ~ u llJ I-< ~ 0.15.... 1"\1... Composition: Ni .. 1'\ " 10 1000 10000 Heat treatment time. hr 10 100 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .1 1 Time.. hr Alloy 600: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram.51 ~ a: a: lJJ Q.520.08% C .464% AI.8.5% Cr.. PartiallGA.5' 0.0.05% Fe .007% P .37 ~ e e e " A 1.0.0.Nickel-Base Superalloys I 87 Incoloy 600: Time-temperature-carbide-precipitation diagram.034% Co .52 0..000 h.272.• 5 " " e " a 0..0.0.550.5% Ni .610.003% S .11 • 0. a:: • 300 10 0 10 1 TIME • " " . Treatment: Solution treated at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 30 min.7. and cold worked 25% before exposure to precipitation temperatures 2200 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1200 2100 1100 2000 1900 ~ ° <II 1700 '"' 1600 .002% B . Corrosion tests were conducted in accordance with a modification of ASTM A-262 Practice C (Huey) Samples were immersed in a boiling 25% nitric acid solution for 48 h.180% Si .55 e e e 0. Treatment: Mill annealed and thermally aged at temperatures ranging from 300 to 600°C (570 to 1110 OF) for times ranging from 1 to 10.:J I-J 1000 u 1800 ° <II 900 I'll I'll '<II"' 0- S <II E-< '"' . Nominal composition: Ni ..01 10 1 0.25% Cu 15.5' 0..0.29 " L:l " c.3& 102 10 3 10' (HOURS) . 500 " 0 .0.• 3 z.0.029% C .0.0.'0 0.09% Cr . 10 • " 0.100.5% Mn .76 & :. 0.0.590 .8% Fe . EJ I.~2 • e e 0. A O.271. PARTIAL IGA e - IGA • 0.50 e 0.1 100 Time.219% Cu .211% Mn .51 A 0.."1"1 1. u lJJ a: 600 ::J e 0. Composition: 74.14.30 lJJ t- L:l Z ~oo 0.0.259% Ti .0.'5 0.:J I-J '0-"' <II 1500 800 S <II 1400 E-< 1300 700 1200 600 1100 1000 0. Corrosion values in mg/cm 2/day are listed below each symbol.0.510. attack which is 1 grain or less deep LIVE GRAPH NO IGA Click here to view 700 " • D.026% Mg. 50 Ni. and/or Foreign).25 Nb.50 Fe. 21.00 Cr. 2.20 Ti. and usually is necessary for heavy sections. For sheet metal parts of most alloys. Inconel 625 (UNS N06625) (nominal). rapid air Annealing. it is necessary to cool below about 540°C (1000 "F) rapidly enough to prevent precipitation in the intermediate temperature range. These alloys become harder and stronger Solution Treating.00 Ni. 60.03 Cu max Characteristics A nickel-base. Inconel 601 (UNS N06601) (nominal). it is necessary to cool below about 540°C (1000 OF) rapidly enough to prevent precipitation in the intermediate temperature range.00 Mo. such as Astroloy.07 C Characteristics A nickel-base. Rapid air cooling does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys.S. UNS N06625 Stress Relieving. 22.05 C.S. Treatment is at 980°C (1795 OF). 23. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature to prevent precipitation of hardening phases. 0. 9.lnconel617 (nominal). Rapid cooling from annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys. 0. solid-solution alloy Inconel617 Chemical Composition.50 Co. 0. 0.10 Fe. solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 74. 55. For parts formed from sheet or strip.50 Fe. For parts formed from sheet or strip. 1. rapid air cooling suffices. they become harder and stronger . and/or Foreign).05 C cooling suffices. 14. Oil or water quenching frequently is required for heavier sections not subject to cracking Similar Alloys (U.50 Cr. Oil or water quenching frequently is required for heavier sections not subject to cracking Inconel625 Chemical Composition.5 Cu max Similar Alloys (U. Holding time is 1 h per inch of section.00 Ni. 0. 3.02 C. 2.00 Ni. rapid air cooling usually is adequate. 0. 0.35 AI. oil quench often is adequate and more practical. Cooling is in air Inconel604 Chemical Compositlon. and usually is necessary for heavy sections.00 AI. Water quenching is preferred.00 Cr. UNS N06601 Characteristics A nickel-base. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion.00 Mo.00 Cr. Treatment is at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 1 h.88/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel601 Chemical Composition. Minimum hardness is obtained by rapid cooling from the annealing temperature. Treatment is at 870°C (1600 "F) for 1 h per inch of section Characteristics A nickel-base. 61. 7. Water quenching is preferred. rapid air cooling usually is adequate. 1. Treatment is at 980°C (1795 "F). oil quenching often is adequate and more practical. 0. Treatment is at 1150 °C (2100 oF) for 2 h. 16. solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. for complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. To get an adequate quench after solution treating.20 AI.lnconel604 (nominal). solid solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. For sheet metal parts of most alloys. Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 OF) for 2 h. 12.60 Nb. such as Astroloy. 9. To get an adequate quench after solution treating. NiS(NbMo) f ~ \ _\ <.0.1 ppm B. h 100 l!i43 300SOO 1000 3000 .. carbides M2aCa and MaC.~ ~ I " '" I'-.34% Si . to a small extent...029% C . -«: r-.. Note: During aging..... \ '.. I . ....0. ~ . eta-Nl..-"M2SC6 (end)' I'" l ...1. h t 20' 600 Sh20' M 2SC6 (1) o \\ ~ ~ ~ 700 "".. which could not be identified exactly. M2aCais precipitated at grain boundaries. IlJ rods 10 100 10000 1000 Aging Time.8. Alloy: Inconel 625: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram. Composition: Ni .35% Nb+Ta 0..... A phase was also observed...9. 600 Q33 r-c ---.10% Mn . (1) For short aging times..0...Nickel-Base Superalloys I 89 Inconel 625: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram... aso ~ ~~ i J " -- 150 100 650 ...0071%N. ~ f:::: ~......orthorhombic delta phase..89% Fe .25% Si . Composition: Ni 0.... Nb) NiS ~?~Nir 10 3 30 SO Annealing Time..8% Cr . .9. water quenched...Nb)Nia and..22. needle and plate-shaped carbides are formed).0. the intermetallic phase gamma+-NbNi a...0..009% P 0. Gamma double prime ........ .....40 ppm B . Nia(Nb.......0.. I' ..<.0.05% Mo . ~ (Mo.2% Ti .20% W ...0.72% Nb-0. Composition: Ni 0.0..t--.::"'000. .. ~""I J I \ ... \ Inconel625: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.....4% Fe ...0.023% Cu ..50 ppm 0 . water quenched...0.38% Mn . M~ r----...20% AI ..3% Si .480 ppm 900 800 t-------<:>----li!/ o :£ N + LIVE GRAPH ~ 100 t---o-\:--+-O-~:>---O---O~~"---~~ ":3 Click here to view !J 600 t---4:r---+--o-..22% Ti .1% Mo .NiaNb is tetragonal = gamma double prime.... dislocations and twin boundaries. Treatment: Solution treated at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 3 h. (2) M2aCaprecipitates within the grains and grow slowly (for t >50 h..... carbonitrides of type MX. r--.. min 1150 1100 1050 o o ~- /' 1000 950 I"""T 900 f8.. . = ~ 0.008% S 0..llo". (Mo.0...0...17% li-3.0.67% Cr . ..1% Cr-1.0. ~ "'-....0.....0..Mo) ..011% P -22.Tl precipitated out.05% Mn ..03% C .004% S ....005% P . Aging done in a vacuum 166h40' 450h 1000h M2SC6 (2) rr 600 ::s 60h I o t 16h40' LIVE GRAPH '\ Click here to view '\ r> I lOS Aging time. It is presumably a niobium carbonitride of type M2X but could also possibly be AIN -- - AIN/M2X _ !..()o---<>------O-----{ o no incoherent phases NiS(Nb Mo) needles and rods • SOD.3..2.7% Nb-Ta ..3.15%AI-0..33% Fe .1% AI. 10 1 " NiS(NbX)/''''' -- -'I""- 800 -. followed by a precipitation anneal at temperatures between 600 and 1100 °C (1110 and 2010 OF) for 5 min to 3000 h. - ~ '~ . """-. t.75% Mo0..006% S 21. r--- --.. j i""'--. Treatment: Solution annealed at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 3 h.016% C .027% Co . :.. 2% AI .1 1 10 100 1000 Time at Temperature.j ... 1400 (760) l\l .5% Fe . .. Nominal composition: 61.Nc .0. 1500 (816) 0. Treatment: Annealed at 1150 °C (2100 OF) for 30 min.008% S .0.25% Si .3. 1500 (816) ..0% Ni+Co .OJ e OJ I-< 00 ..01 0.'" 1600 (871) OJ" ..008% S .2% AI.u .0.0.90 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel 625: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram.5% Cr . .01 0. water quenched.0..25% Mn .05% C ..:l ..... Specimens were then subjected to the ASTM A262 boiling 65% nitric acid test 1800 (982) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1700 (927) u "" •. water quenched..05% C ..OJ l\l 1400 (760) ~ I-< < 40 mpy 1300 (704) IlO t= ~ N ~ .0.1 L LO Time at Temperature..0. subjected to sensitizing heat treatments of 540 to 870 °C (1000 to 1600 OF) for 1 h. hr 100 1000 ..3. hr Inconel625: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram.2% Ti.u . and air cooled.0% Mo .:l .25% Si .u 1200 (649) ..65% Nb+Ta 2...9..0% Ni+Co .. ~ eOJ II) 1100 (593) 1000 (538) 0.. subjected to sensitizing heat treatments of 540 to 870°C (1000 to 1600 OF) for 1 h.21..0. III c < 40 ropy 1300 (704) 1200 (649) CI II) 1100 (593) 1000 (538) 0.0. Treatment: annealed at 980°C (1795 OF) for 30 min. Nominal composition: 61..21.25% Mn . Specimens were then subjected to the ASTM A262 boiling 65% nitric acid test 1800 (982) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view u- e.5% Fe . and air cooled...65% Nb+Ta2.0.0.5% Cr ... 1700 (927) 1600 (871) ..9.0.2% Ti.0% Mo . subjected to sensitizing heat treatments of 540 to 870 °C (1000 to 1600 OF) for 1 h.0...5% Cr . Treatment: Annealed at 980°C (1795 OF) for 30 min.9.0. R.very abundant. h 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 Cb(C. 1500 (816) Gl 1400 (760) ...C A A A A A A A R R A MR M M M MR M R M A A A A A MR MR A A MR R A A A VA M R A A R 4 A Mt£1i M A A MR Ni 18 17 25 40 18 21 40 26 19 23 28 31 21 24 38 39 17 38 36 36 18 29 40 35 (a)A.21. 6 fo4 1lO ~ .present(a) M. VA.. Gl ~ 3 ') 6 1600 (871) 1&0 0 . . ~ 1300 (704) 16 1200 (649) 6 \ N ""u ""•c:: " I II }- ..0% Ni+Co .0. (b) Iron and titanium Residue analysis..oi a.2. 4 J 1700 (927) U 0 .008% S .25% Si . Nominal composition: 61. water quench an age treatments listed below 'Thmperature OC (oF) 649(1200) 704(1300) 760(1400) 816(1500) 871(1600) 927(1700) Timeat 'Thmperature.1 1000 100 Time at Temperature. Broken-line curves enclose areas of moderate sensitization. 1100 (593) 1000 (538) 0..0.0.0'1 10 1 0.25% Mn .0% Mo . % Cr Cb Mo 6 8 10 17 6 9 14 21 6 9 7 7 7 8 5 4 6 5 3 3 7 5 3 4 40 38 32 19 40 35 19 18 40 32 23 17 37 30 21 21 39 31 27 31 39 34 32 30 30 29 26 19 30 27 21 31 29 30 40 43 30 33 33 34 30 27 32 27 29 28 23 26 Otber(b) 6 8 7 5 6 9 6 4 6 6 2 2 5 5 3 2 8 4 2 3 7 4 2 5 . %Cr in extracted carbide residues. and air cooled.. abundant.3. hr LEGEND: Labels %Cr in extracted carbide residues Broken-line curves enclose areas of moderate sensitization and excessive sensitization from prior diagram = Inconel 625 Relativeamounts and compositions o~hases present after anneal at 980°C (1795 OF) for 1 h..05% C ... rare.. Correlation of sensitization with carbide precipitation MaCis the predominant carbide..2% li.5% Fe . water quenched...2% AI. medium.Nickel-Base Superalloys /91 Inconel 625: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram. Labels..M..65% Nb+Ta . Specimens were then subjected to the ASTM A262 boiling 65% nitric acid test 11100 (982) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ..C' M.0.Nl M M M M M M Phase. medium. 0)" . very abundant.. 5 1700 (927) .. % Cr Ch Mo 12 7 10 9 7 13 9 16 21 10 11 21 19 7 15 19 16 10 18 33 13 18 14 12 10 12 13 6 8 4 5 5 8 4 (a)A.0.. ..0% Mo .---- --- 0 10 12 14 . rare. %Cr in extracted carbide residues./ 12 . .01 1 0.25% Si ...0....2% AI..65% Nb+Ta ... Nominal composition: 61.92/ Heat Treater's GUid~: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel625: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram.0. R R M A R R R R R A M R R A 4 M A A A A A A A R A R A Nl Residueanalysis..2.3. Specimens were then subjected to the ASTM A262 boiling 65% nitric acid test 1800 (982) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .5% Fe .9. Correlation of sensitization with carbide precipitation.. e0) Eo< 00 I: . 1400 (760) I "" 1300 (704) " " "- 18 "- 33 "- 10 1200 (649) -- I: 0) II) 1100 (593) -- 1000 (538) 0...... M. . (b) Iron and titanium 49 48 27 44 48 32 48 41 24 52 54 37 33 61 47 36 44 13 9 13 9 9 29 12 20 34 11 19 28 39 15 23 32 32 Olher(h) 16 18 17 25 18 12 19 13 7 14 10 6 4 13 10 5 4 . o . 4 ...25% Mn .. hr Inconel 625 Relative amounts and compositions of phases present after anneal at 1205 °C (2200 OF) for 1 h. Labels. abundant.. 0) Q. III 8 5 1600 (871) 1500 (816) .. water quench and age treatments listed below Thmperature ·C (OF) 649(1200) 704(1300) 760(1400) 816(1500) 871 (1600) 827(1700) Timeat Thmperature..0. .0% Ni+Co . Broken-line curves enclose areas of moderate sensitization. water quenched. R. Treatment: Annealed at 1204 °C (2200 OF) for 1 h. present(a) MoC ALC' Moen M.l .21. I-..h Ch(C.2% Tl.. and air cooled....aC..N) 100 100 1000 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 A A A A A A A M A A A M Ph.. VA.N .05% C ..1 1000 100 10 Time at Temperature.5% Cr ... subjected to sensitizing heat treatments of 540 to 870°C (1000 to 1600 OF) for 1 h..008% S .0..0. 95%Ni .08%Cu .a: 4.004%S .8..8 X 1123. nucleated at 650°C (1200OF) for 10 h.22..CALCULATED MAXIMUM YIELD STRENGTH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ------ ..0..24%Ti .0.Treatment: Hot-rolled..0.9.006%P .3..(a) Databasedon solution-annealed material. Treatment: Solutionannealed materialobtained by heattreating millannealedmaterialat 1150 °C (2100OF) for 1 h. 1200.06%Fe. Contoursof equalyield strength(ksi).61 % Fe .97%Mo .3. I 1300 a: :> t- el ..4. (b) Databased on mill-annealed material r '"{fin • y" PRESENT ~ H6C(2) PRESENT • 6 PRESENT .. 0 :z: 1100 1000 900 \0 LIVE GRAPH \00 10. \I PRESENT OAcv PHASES NOT PRESENT 1600 1500 ...26%Si . II.09% Mn .OBSERVED YIELD STRENGTH (CALCULATED YIELD STRENGTHI 6. D.19%Si ... u::- 1~00 «: S .50% Nb+Ta0.3...22.0.21 % Cr .11 90 100 110 120 130 ..05% Mn . 2 ~ 1200 "<.05%Co.0... Composition: 60.z el 124. aircooled.Nickel-Base Superalloys /93 Inconel625: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram..0.0..Composition: 60.. '" :!: a .001 % B .0.J 1300.0.03%C.02%C ..39%Nb+Ta.0.000 1000 (a) data based on solution-annealed material (b) data based on mill-annealed material Click here to view Inconel625: Time-temperature-aging diagram.0.0% Mo ..64%Ni .19%AI.0.0.22%AI. then aged as shown x .14%Cr. :c .27% Ti .0. ..9.....!: 60 0 ..0.::=""'-=--~_-_Io___~ . Composition: 60.. r-.0.. Composition: Ni .05% Fe ... sE 70 0 ~ ~OO !lll".1% Ti .20.:.04% Si ...2% Mo .... o - ~ --.01 105....0.25% Cr ..6% I---F==========~ Nb . .06% Fe ... E 600 1---------~ -__4~---I ~ 500 2 10· 0 10 10 Time (hr..02% C ...9 ~ 1:500 I '"cr lC 1107.81 ll.0.."...... millannealed.a m700 t----------Ml--~IIlollro::::---_t C.22% AI .94/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 1200 ..-.011 % C.. t""'--..0..3.::=_ _::::--~"""'-ii::::~--l LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 800 I------_.0% Mo ..8 _ _.09% Mn .22. e 118.OBSERVED YIELD STRENGTH ICALCULA'TED YIELD STRENGTH A-CALCULATED MAIlIMIIM YIELD STRENIITH 1400 Inconel 625: Time-temperature-aging diagram. Treatment: Hot-rolled.0..1% AI.0..19% Si 22.8.1 lC 1125..14% Cr .2...64% Ni .. e800 :l Ql a. r-.0.- :l l- e LIVE GRAPH cr '" ~ 1200 I- Click here to view 127...~ 150 J cm 2 III .0. I""- 'iij Ql ~ 500 ca 40 - 1 10 100 tlme.3..:51 CI Z <.0....0.1% Mn . then aged as shown ~_ _.0.0..05% Co. A 1128....0.27% Mo .5% Cr .8 1120.0.3% Ti .4.. then aged at 600 to 1075 °C (1110 to 1965 OF) • • • • <:> 900 t----+O---. Composition: Ni ...3% Fe ..0.. .9.11 .42% Nb+Ta .....14% AI..24% Ti ...) LEGEND: • MC a MeC • M2S C6 X gamma double prime A delta 1 x.h 1000 .1% Mn0..94... Iso-notched impacts tests (iso-impact strength curves) at room temperature.3. Contours of equal yield strength (ksi)..39% Nb+Ta . Treatment: Solution annealed at 1150 °C 1---F'~~~~""""'-:::~------1 (2100 OF).001 % B 0..~ ~------~---------~ :=. 50 """ ~ e--. " o 10 20 :50 40 I I I 90 100 110 120 1:50 Alloy 625 (Nicrofer 6020 hMo): Time-temperature-toughness diagram. Treatment: Annealed at 1120 °C (2050 OF) for 50 min and aged as shown LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 100 0 o "ai.4.1% Co ..03% C.. 90 0 ~ .1% Si . 1100 1000 Alloy 625: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram. 06% Co .4. _---------X9ii::6------.5 tC( a: III Go ~ t- 12B.94% Mo .8 133.4 GO 60 70 80 AGING TIME ..001% B .31% Si .19% Si .22.HOURS 90 100 110 120 130 .0.24% Ti ..~ 1300 III a: 1112.64% Ni . Treatment: Hot-rolled.3.81 X 118.02% C .0% Mo .6 =__=====__---·---~::::::==================:=::-:::::::=-: C .9.0.Nickel-Base Superalloys /95 Inconel625: Time-temperature-aging diagram.01 112B.1 1132.001% B.06% Fe .09% Mn .211( A 1133.47% Nb+Ta . Composition: 60. Composition: 60.0.94% Cr .0.0. aged as shown OBSERVED YIELD STRENGTH ICALCULATED YIELD STRENGTHI A .61 A 1200 110 el z el C( 1118.0.0.HOURS 90 I I 100 110 I 120 1 130 Inconel625: Time-temperature-aging diagram.7 ~----------------- 1100 90.51 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 AGING TIME .1 X 1128.0.12% Mn .0. then aged as shown x- OBSERVED YIELD STRENGTH ICALCULATED YIELD STRENGTHI A . Contours of equal yield strength (ksi).0.0.21% AI.3.8. Contours of equal yield strength (ksi). 71 ::> t- C( a: ~ :I ~ 1200 I( 109.CALCULATED MAXIMUM YIELD STRENGTH I( - LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1400 .14% Cr . 1300Ej~::=-------- III a: ------=::: === II 10.82% Fe .20% Ti .22% AI.21.5 X 1124.96% Ni .CALCULATED MAXIMUM YIELD STRENGTH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 98. Treatment: Hot-rolled.51 ~ 112.39% Nb+Ta .0 .91 el z G C( 124.__ X 98.05% Co.3. 0. ".000 .94% Mo .. Nominal composition: Ni .47% Nb+Ta ..0. ..0 130.21. 1400 .3.96/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Inconel625: Time-temperature-aging diagram. 8 ~ 1200 900 Film (M6C) I 0 0 \ \ \ .0.:. 800 i::s e .20% Ti .31% Si .h 100 1000 10.1 X 1132.. then aged 2000 LIVE GRAPH -.CALCULATED MAXIMUM YIELD STRENGTH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view _. I fa< 0 1600 i ::s -:.N) Rare Click here to view 1800 1100 (M6C 2 1000 / I .06% Co .0.91 _ 124.=" ~ ~1128..5% Cr . Treatment: Solution annealed.UO~IJx~I~06~..1 ~ 1.~~~~====:::::::: 1110. \!) z l 129.001% B.0.51 --.. 1300 tal II: •• . . Treatment: Hot-rolled.8 127. Lower gamma double prime limit determined by hardness measurements. Q) 700 Q) f-< 600 1000 500 800 0.02% C .21 80 110 100 110 120 130 AGING TIME .71 X 109.9% Mo .8.9!:======:.3....0 X 12~.11 ~ tal ~ ~ :::: = --"ljjjI05i6. Composition: 60. aged as shown x.. Cb(C.-------X~6-----II 98.8 X 1200 1"~·761 II.0.21.OBSERVED YIELD STRENGTH ICALCULATED YIELD STRENGTH1 ll.HOURS Inconel 625: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.:~~~ 114..NI ce IC.12% Mn .21% AI.0..3% Fe .0.0 10 Time.~ X 1124.4% Nb.82% Fe .96% Ni .06% C .--- ~---~ .. Contours of equal yield strength (ksi). 1133.94% Cr .7 130 120 111~X==- iii c( 20 30 40 so 60 70 lI..2 10 133.6 __ . Q) 0. Annealing serves this purpose RA·333 Chemical Composition. r-- J~cnr "r-- I"""""- ~"" .18% Ti .3. Treatment: Annealed at 980°C (1795 OF) for 50 min and aged as shown LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1000 o """" "€900 1< "'" e800 :::l l""'l-..50 Fe. 75..25 Cu max Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Annealing. solid-solution alloy .5600 'iiG) ~ 500 ~ ~"" '"100- " ~5-t-~ c:: 50. 18. RA-333 (UNS N06333) (nominal).. solid-solution alloy Stress Relieving. .00 Ni. Treat at set temperature of 1050 °C (1920 "F)..00 W..0.74% Nb+Ta . 0.8. 0. 6..50 Cr.- 1Il 400 1 10 100 tlme.00 Cr.. 18.h 1000 Nimonic 75 Chemical Composition.00 Cr.16% AI. 19. 48. 2. NA-224 (nominal). E 700 . 0. 0..15 AI. Composition: Ni .0.00 Fe.12 C. Cooling rate is not critical A nickel-base. 27...0. soak time is between 15 minutes min and 3 h max.04% Si .9% Cr. G) Q..00 Mo...00 Ni.40 Ti. solid-solution alloy NA·224 Chemical Composition.00 W...94% Mo -1.! CI .50 C Characteristics A nickel-base. 3..05 C Characteristics A nickel-base. 3.Nickel-Base Superalloys /97 Alloy 625 (Nicrofer 6022 hMo): Time-temperature-toughness diagram.4% Fe .. Iso-notched impacts tests (iso-impact strength curves) at room temperature. 25....03% Mn .00 Ni.. 45. Nimonic 75 (nominal).50 Fe.. 3.00 Co. 0.03% C.0.21.0. 0. 500x . M7C3 and M23C6 carbides in a predominantly fcc matrix with some hcp crystals.00 Cr. 4. 4.00 Cr. 4. Dark areas around primary MP3 show it changing to M23C6 • Matrix is fcc. 30. holding time is 1 h per inch of section.50 W. Otherwise. rapid air cooling is adequate. 20. 20. 0.S.00 Fe. below 540 5tellite Chemical Composition. and/or Foreign).00 Ni. Stellite 68 (nominal). the alloy can be stress relieved at about 55°C (l00 OF) below the annealing temperature Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.. Solution annealed at 1230 °C (2250 OF) and aged 8 h at 900°C (1650 OF).00 Fe.81 Chemical Composition. Alloy S-816 (UNS R30816) (nominal). For most alloys.00 C Stellite 68: Microstructure. 42. KMn04 stain.00 Nb. See annealing A cobalt-base alloy Annealing. 1. Electrolytic: HCI and H202.00 Ni. Solution annealed at 1230 °C (2250 OF) and aged 8 h at 900°C (1650 OF). 4. 1. 61. Structure is M7C3 and M23C6 carbides in a fcc matrix.5 Co. Full annealing is recommended if further fabrication is performed. Treatment is at 1175 °C (2145 OF) for 1 h. Treatment is at 1230 °C (2250 OF) for 1 h. Electrolytic: HCI and HP2' 500x Stellite 68: Microstructure. it is necessary to cool. For heavier sections not subject to cracking. UNS R30816 °C (1000 OF) rapidly enough to prevent precipitation in the intermediate temperature range.5 . solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. oil or water quenching frequently is required Characteristics Stress Relieving. To provide adequate quench after solution treating. 4. 500x Characteristics A cobalt-base. Solution annealed at 1230 °C (2250 OF) and aged 8 h at 1150 °C (2100 OF).00 W. Treatment is at 1205 °C (2200 OF).00 Mo.38 C Similar Alloys (U. Electrolytic: 2% H2Cr04 . parts are air-cooled Stellite 68: Microstructure. 1.00 Co. ....... Rapid air cooling usually is adequate for parts formed from strip or sheet... of 1740 1920 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 550 f .00 Cr. T-. ~~~""-' '\.. such as astroloy.:..10 C..." .:'\<L'605 " " . Occurs at elevated temperatures in service Stress Relieving. 0..00 Ni.--\--':.Cobalt-Base Superalloys /99 Haynes 25.' • '...3 \ .\. \ \ '.....t .. '. "':~ ". \.."---I... parts are rapid air-cooled Aging.. Haynes 188\ \ / ".. 50 21.'• ..l '.0 350 ~ rxv \--+-----+------+---------1f-------1 v-r:: \ . to prevent precipitation hardening phases. Full annealing is recommended.8 ] 43........ 50..5 450 I\--_\__ ...5 gf \ \ U>~ ~.. \/A-286 250 ~":-..\~": .. Parts are annealed at 1230 °C (2250 OF)....t .'\ ~ ~\ \ '>" \.. "....S..\-..~.....t .t 79...... ... L·605 Chemical Composition.. and held at temperature for 1 h per inch of section. 20. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical.. ...+ .8 -."...+ . UNS R30605 (nominal). For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion..---c:=\:+------+-----f-------+-------1 . Treatment is at 1230 °C (2250 OF) for 1 h.. material can be stress relieved at approximately 55 °C (100 "F) below annealing temperature Annealing.-\\ .... 36.. 300 en~ I... 1050 '- 7..00 Fe.t . N-155.+..r r .l .. UNS R30605 Characteristics A cobalt-base... 50.....00 W...--...50 Mn Similar Alloys (U.+ ... Discalloy.. Water quenching is preferred and usually is necessary for heavy sections....+ .+ ."- <: ~:'-....3 . /Incoloy MA956 -- . ' -... ~<'\ 1\ \.00 Co.:":':"::.8 '\ tt--------t-----t------+------f--------------l72. 750 850 950 Ternperature.::.+ .J 58.-----+-----+------+---------1f----------1 65. \ Incoloy 901 400 f--\-\.. 1ODD-h stress-rupture curves of wrought cobalt-base (Haynes 188 and L-6D5) and wrought iron-base superalloys 1380 1560 Temperature. 15. and/or Foreign).. otherwise. They become harder and stronger Haynes 25 (L-605): Stress rupture curves....2 \ ~ ' 150 r-----':.. 1. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature.. Rapid cooling from annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress aging reaction of some alloys.. 10. Haynes 25 (L-605).. solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. .. . h (b) -645 2400 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .100 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Haynes 25 (L-605): Microstructures. (b) Haynes 25.5 ~ 2.0 E g 1... Structure is made up of precipitates of MsCand C02W intermetallic compound in an fcc matrix. Solution annealed at 1205 °C (2200 OF) and aged 3400 h at 815°C (1500 OF). solution annealed at 1205 °C (2200 OF) and aged for 3400 h at 925°C (1695 OF). N C ~ E ~ \ \ -160 " ai go co s: o Hastelloy X -320 ~ ro ::2 -485 \ Haynes 188 (UNS R30188) -1 o I I I 600 1200 1BOO Exposure time. Structure is same as (a).5 J. (a) Haynes 25.v'C (0) 0. (b) Static values at 1100 °C (2010 OF) in air with 5% water vapor LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1600 ~ 75 :i!! 64 ~ 50 g 38 1800 13 V &0 870 1900 2000 .J L-605"".25 c: ro s: o fI) fI) \ -0.5 ~ I 9BO 1035 1095 o 1150 & Ternperature.0 . I V Hay~es 188. . while C0 2W is considered secondary. solution annealed at 1205 °C (2200 OF) and aged for 3400 h at 870°C (1600 OF). (c) Haynes 25.1. Electrolytic: HCI and H20 2 • 500x (c) Haynes 25 (L-605): Oxidation resistance.. (a) In dry air for Haynes 188 versus Hastelloy X and L·605 alloys showing continuous penetration from original thickness...50 320 0. Structure is MsC and M23CS carbides in a mixed fcc and hcp matrix. Microstructures of Haynes 25 and 188 after various heat treatments. Structure is precipitates of MsC and IC02W" intermetallic in a fcc matrix. Electrolytic: HCI and H20 2 • 500x ~ E ~ -0.~ 0.75 --. All at 50Ox (a) (b) Haynes 25 (L-605): Microstructure..50 ro ::2 -0.~ 25 ~ Temperature.0 ~ 2. but MsC is considered primary.v.. Solution annealed at 1205 °C (2200 OF) and aged 3400 h at 650°C (1200 OF).25 160 N Incoloy MA 956 E Haynes 25 (L-605): Microstructure./'" -V . OF 1700 925 ~ ~~~1I0YX 2100 3. solution annealed at 1205 °C (2200 OF) and aged for 3400 h at 815°C (1500 OF). Structure is same as (a).. 5 mL HN03 . Solution annealed at 1205 °C (2200 OF) and aged 3400 h at 870°C (1600 OF). All etched with 15 mL HCI. Structure consists of MaC (primary) and lC02W" intermetallic (secondary) in a fcc matrix. Structure is precipitates of MaC and lC02W" intermetallic in an fcc matrix. (b) Dark-field illumination. 10 mL acetic acid. and 2 drops olvcerol. (a) Bright-field illumination. 500x Haynes 25 (L-G05): Microstructure. Electrolytic: HCI and HP2' 500x Haynes 25 (L-G05): Microstructure. Solution annealed at 1205 °C (2200 OF) and aged 3400 h at 925°C (1695 OF). Longitudinal section.Cobalt-Base Superalloys /101 Haynes 25 (L-G05): Microstructure. 100x (a) (b) (c) . Solution annealed and cold worked to 35% reduction. Electrolytic: HCI and H202. (c) Differential interference contrast. 15% C .:) .i 16001-------t-I-t-H-----j---f L.U L. 3. (a) Solution annealed 2. 254 HV. and/or Foreign).20-0. 22. (b) Solution annealed 4. UNS R30188 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.13-16% W .10 C. Cold worked to 35% reduction and given different solution-annealing treatments.15% La . Grain size increases with increasing annealing temperature and time. 100x (a) (b) (c) Haynes 188 Chemical Composition. Treatmentis at 1175 °C (2145 OF) for 30 min.20-24% Cr . hours . 14.50 W.0.25% Mn LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1800 1----+ M 6C i I uo u.up to 1. Nominal composition: Co .0. 261 HV.S.05- 0.00 Ni.50% Si . 0. 15 mL HCI. 22.up to 3% Fe . 5 mL HN03 .20-24% Ni .0. (c) Solution annealed 2.5 min at 1205 °C (2200 OF).5 min at 1150 °C (2100 OF). 37. 246 HV. 10 mL acetic acid. 0.:) I- I- -c IX -< IX L. L.1021 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Haynes 25 (L-G05): Microstructures. and 2 drops glycerol.U a.00 Co.U 700 ~ a.00 Fe max.00 Cr. solid-solution alloy Haynes 188: TIme-temperature-precipitation diagram on aging. parts arerapid air cooled Characteristics A cobalt-base.90 La Similar Alloys (U. ~ ~ I- 600 : I 10000 TIME.25 min at 1150 °C (2100 OF). Haynes 188 (UNS R30188) (nominal).03-0.U IX IX . then water quenched. 20% solution annealed at 1175 °C (2145 OF) for 10 min before water quenching. Cold rolled 50%. The partly recrystallized structure contains MaCand M23Cacarbides in a fcc matrix. All 50Ox o o o o 0" o (a) (b) (c) Haynes 188: Microstructure. (a) Haynes 188..'. solution annealed at 1175 °C (2145 OF) and aged at 870°C (1600 OF) for 6244 h..Cobalt-Base Superalloys 1103 Haynes 188: Microstructures.' 0 ~ . Structure is M23Ca. and probably MaCin an fcc matrix. (b) Haynes 188.. Cold rolled 20% and solution annealed at 1175 °C (2145 OF) for 10 min. cold rolled. solution annealed at 1175 °C (2145 OF) and aged at 650°C (1200 OF) for 3400 h. Electrolytic: HCI and HP2' 1000x Haynes 188: Microstructure. heated to 815°C (1500 OF) for 1 h and water quenched. . Fully annealed structure is MaCparticles in an fcc matrix. (c) Haynes 188. Laves phase. Electrolytic: HCI and HP2' 50Ox :J 0 ° 0 0 ~ " 0 ' . Microstructure is particles of MaCand M23Ca in an fcc matrix. The fully annealed structure consists of MaC particles in a fcc matrix. '~'.+ ..3 N-155 o'-- -l. ...+ . ' 1" \ .3 \\lnCOIOY901 f--\__-\-----+------+----__+-----t__-~--_l 400 \ 58..+ . . •• _ :...\ ... _ 7..- 650 750 --'- ---I..-Incoloy MA 956 /' ...'. 1000h stress-rupture curves of wrought cobaltbase (Haynes 188 and L-605) and wrought iron-base superalloys 1920 5501-----+-----1------1-------1------179. ..8 ~ V-~ \ \ <Ii' 300 ~---\--\___+_----_+----__+-----t__----_l 43.8 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view f r .~.. Electrolytic: HCI and H20 2. .. \ \ ~... "'~.. 850 """"-..l-- 1050 ---J 0 1150 Temperature.. . 'C Haynes 188: Microstructure.I 72... 'F 1380 1560 1740 Haynes 188: Stress rupture curves..0 \ 3501------.. Laves phase.~ . ' ".... 50 I-----+"-----'.. Structure is M23Cs. ' ... Structure is MsC and M23Cs particles in a fcc matrix.......-'" 950 . ~0~.\ ~\ \ \ r-". . Solution annealed at 1175 °C (2145 OF) and aged 3400 hat 650°C (1200 OF). Electrolytic: HCI and HP2' 500x . \\-<L-605 \....5 '"~ 4501\-\__----1-------+-----+------1------165.. 500x Haynes 188: Microstructure.. - .'\ • \ \ li 00l'! \ \ .... and probably MsC in a fcc matrix... v ' ".---+---'-'-. \ 36...... . ~ -.. " ..2 \\~Hay\eS/188\ "... \ 1\ \ ".I ..:-\' -.-A-286 250 f\... >'" ••••..1041 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Temperature.-\---+-----+-----+-----1------150.~::-. Solution annealed at 1175 °C (2145 OF) and aged 6244 h at 870°C (1600 OF).. ". "'- ....5 ~ W 1............. Discallov ... \.... 25 c: <0 s: N.5 h. Structure consists of MsCand M23Cs.. c: 's 1\~ -.S. air cool . UNS R30035 Characteristics A cobalt-base..0 ~ . 'C (e) 320 0. and probably Laves phase.50 <0 -0.g.v I 925 2100 3. 10.00 Cr. aged 6244 h at 980°C (1795 OF). (b) Static values at 1100 °C (2010 OF) in air with 5% water vapor Temperature. (a) In dry air for Haynes 188 versus Hastelloy X and L-605 alloys showing continuous penetration from original thickness. Solution annealed at 1175 °C (2145 OF). 38 ~ ~ 1700 1800 I I L-605..5 1900 980 2000 J.00 Ni..50 180 0..00 Co...-- 25 .. in a fcc matrix..0 'E 1. '" \ \ -160 ~ -0. 'F 1600 ~ 75 :Q! 84 [ 50 . MP35·N (UNS R30035) (nominal). Treat at set temperature in range of 540 to 650 °C (1000 to 1200 OF)..0 . precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Precipitation Treating.. .V I g Ha~es 188 I 1035 1095 1. 35..25 N Incoloy MA 956 E ...Cobalt-Base Superalloys /105 Haynes 188: Oxidation resistance....75 g> <0 Hastelloy X :2 E ai' s: o -320 :il <0 :2 -485 \ Haynes 188 (UNS R30188) -1 o I I I 600 1200 1800 -645 2400 Exposure time. h (b) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Haynes 188: Microstructure.l 2..5 ~ o ~ 1150 Temperature. 35. and/or Foreign).. hold 4 to 4.§ Cl E g -0. 20...00 Mo Similar Alloys (U...5 ~ /1 /Ha~elloyX 2.. Electrolytic: HCI and HP2' 500x MP35 Chemical Composition.~ 0. ~ 0 870 "... 13 . Resist 213 Chemical Composition. 0.lOY Characteristics A cobalt-base. Treat at set temperature in range of 650 to 675 °C (1200 to 1250 OF). 3.00 Mo.00 Ni. 2. 0. 0. 6. Solution annealed 1 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF). 9. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. air cooled.5 h. 7. 0.. 65.00 Co. 3.00 Fe Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Precipitation Treating.00 Mn. 100x MP35N: Microstructure. 15. 5 mL HN0 3 .00 Co. precipitation-hardening alloy Eigiloy Chemical Composition. precipitation-hardening alloy Air. bal Fe Characteristics A cobalt-base alloy Cr. 0. 10 mL acetic acid. then aged 4 h at 535°C (995 OF) to increase hardness. Solution annealed 1 hat 1230 °C (2250 OF) and air cooled .50 AI.17 C.050 Fe max. hold for 4 to 4. air cool A cobalt-base.10 C.00 Ni.1061 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys MP35N: Microstructure. 19.50 Ta. 15 mL HCI. O. Elgiloy (nominal). 0.15 Zr. 19.00 Cr.00 Ti. and 2 drops glycerol. and cold worked to 51 % reduction. Air-Resist 213 (nominal). MP159 (nominal). 0. 4. and 2 drops glycerol.50 Ni max. 0. 100x MP159 Chemical Composition.00 Cr. 36.00 Mo.00 40. 25.50 W. 5 mL HN03 .02 AI. Longitudinal section.04 Be. 10 mL acetic acid. 15 mL HCI. 7. Solution annealed 1 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF). Longitudinal section.00 Co. 20.60 Nb. 1. 0. solid-solution alloy . and FeC13·250x V.Cobalt-Base superanoys /107 Eigiloy: Microstructure.40 Fe. 28.00 Co.00 o. The coldworked grains have been fully recrystallized. Cold drawn to 50 to 55% reduction. showing grains and dispersed stringers of carbide elongated in the rolling direction. 2. HCI. 2.36 Chemical Composition.00 Mn. solution annealed 1 hat 1230 °C (2250 OF) and air cooled. 4.50 Chemical Composition. HN03 . bal Co Characteristics A cobalt-base. HN03 . and FeCI3 • 250x Eigiloy: Microstructure. 20. UMCo-50 (nominal).32 C.. 0.00 Ni. 21.00 Cr. HCI. 49.. precipitation-hardening alloy UMCo. V-36 (nominal).30 Nb.00 Mo. 25.12 C max Characteristics A cobalt-base. Cold drawn to 50 to 55% reduction.00· Fe. 0 Fe..00 Cr.4% Cr . oilquench.=----. Transformation to 1 nm precipitates as derived from peak resistance changes. and usually is necessary for heavy sections.2 h..015 B Similar Alloys (U. A-286 (UNS K66286) (nominal). Treat at 980°C (1800 OF) for I h. h Originat heat treatment(b) 900°C (1650oF). 720°C(1325°F).1% Mo .aircool Revised heat treatments(c) Originalplusadditionalageat 650°C (1200oF). and/or Foreign).00 Ni. UNS K66286 Characteristics An iron-base. Full annealing is recommended because intermediate temperatures cause aging Annealing. aircool Creep rupture(a) Elongationin Locationor so mm (1in.2% Ti . 730°C (1345oF). 54. 0. Rapid air cooling usually is adequate for parts made from sheet or strip Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. Treat at 720 (1325 OF) for 16 h.7% Ni.. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical. 500 103 10 4 Time (sec) "o ~ is 200 t----+--+---71I------+l~______l 0% 200 400 600 800 Aging temperature (6 h at temperature). cool in air Stress Relieving.). PIM material was held at 1100 °C (2010 OF) for 1 h and water quenched LIVE GRAPH Click here to view A 286: Effectsof alternative aging treatments on rupture properties 'Ireatment Life.2 AI. Treat at 980°C (1800 OF).26% AI.9-7. 0. oilquench... For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. °c 1000 .14. is reduced from 52% in non-aged condition to 33% Aging.7 Smoolhbar 24-82 4. 550 "0 .. Elongation in 50 mm (2 in.16h. aircool 900°C (1650oF). quench in oil A 286: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram. near start of precipitation... . Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature.S.. no failurein notchpermitted. and hold 1 h per inch of cross section. II. 15.(c)Fivespecimensforeach treatment 800 750 A 286: Effect of cold work and aging on diamond pyramid hardness of A-286 11M LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 700 ~ Aging temperature (6 h at temperature).16h.30 Mo..1.6-7.Treatment: Powder samples were produced by Inert Gas Atomization and the properties of conventional Ingot Metallurgy material were used as a baseline for determination of the effects of IGApowder metallurgy processing.24.. 1.0..(b)Thnspecimenstested. 11M material was solution treated at 900°C (1650 OF) for 2 h and water quenched.....2 h.05 C.. 11M vs. OF l!! 650 1600 ~ 8- ~ E {!Z 600 ~ 400 I-----r------:~.2.. 0.. Composition: Fe .J: "0 "E ~ 300 1-----:::::. precipitation-hardening alloy. 2.00 Ti. Water quenching is preferred. Aging increases room temperature yield strength (0. PIM.2% offset) of solution treatedparts from 240 MPa (35 ksi) in the non-aged condition to 760 MPa (110 ksi). 26..). ralIure 7-69 Notch 74-142 5.23 h min..7 Smoolhbar (a) Specificationrequirementsfor creep-ruptureat 650°C (1200 "P) and 450 MPa (65 ksi):life..Iron-Base Alloys A·286 Chemical Composition. to prevent precipitation hardening of phases.12h.I---A'I-'\--+-___l .I-""""'---+-----1hK"\I--~ > a. HF. and held 16 h at 720°C (1325 OF). (195 HV). % A 286 (AISI 680): Microstructure. Tint etch: 20 mL HCI.J . Tint etch: 20 mL HCI. (357 HV).8 g K2S20 S ' 100x A 286 (AISI 680): Microstructure. 100x . Showing an area near the surface of the specimen with a duplex grain structure. 100x A 286 (AISI680): Microstructure. solution annealed 2 h at 900°C (1650 OF) and oil quenched. 1 g NH4F .5 g K2S 20 S ' 200x A 286 (AISI 680): Microstructure. and 0. solution annealed 2 h at 900°C (1650 OF). solution annealed 2 h at 900°C (1650 OF) and oil quenched.~ 3 c '~ '" § E 'x A·286: Effect of cold work on grain size of A-286 alloy solution treated at 900°C (1650 OF) for 1 h and oil quenched 5 \ A-L \ ~""'" ~ 7 o LIVE GRAPH Solution treated - Click here to view -r---.0. (195 HV). HF.Iron-Base SuperaUoys /109 \ E E :> c ~ 1 . Glyceregia.4 g NH4F . 100 mL H2 0 . Glyceregia. 100 mL H20 . (195 HV). Specimen has a very fine austenite grain size. 2. solution annealed 2 hat 900°C (1650 OF) and oil quenched. 12 16 20 Amount of cold work. oil quenched. Specimen showing the very fine austenite matrix grains. 1 g NH 4F . Glyceregia. and held 16 h at 720°C (1325 OF). lint etched. (318 HV). 100x A 286 (AISI 660): Microstructure. (150 HV). HF. solution annealed 1 h at 980°C (1795 OF). (357 HV). Glyceregia. solution annealed 2 h at 900°C (1650 OF).1101 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys A 286 (AISI 660): Microstructure. (357 HV).5 g K2S20 5 • 100x A 286 (AISI660): Microstructure. 100x A 286 (AISI660): Microstructure. and held 16 h at 720°C (1325 OF). solution annealed 1 hat 980°C (1795 OF) and oil quenched. and 0. 100x A 286 (AISI 660): Microstructure. 100x . Showing the very fine matrix grain structure. oil quenched. 100 mL H20 . solution annealed 1 h at 980°C (1795 OF) and oil quenched. aged 16 h at 720°C (1325 OF). oil quenched. showing a coarser grain structure due to the higher solutionizing temperature. Showing a region near the surface ofthe specimen with a fine grain structure. oil quenched. solution annealed 2 h at 900°C (1650 OF). Tint etched. (150 HV). Tint etched using 20 mL HCI. and air cooled. Tint etched. MFa % ksi 1070 1100 156 160 24 25 Reduction inarca. (a) Tested 7131 h at 650 °C (1200 OF).5 HRC. then air cooled and creep tested to rupture.Iron-Base SuperaUoys /111 A 286 (AISI 660): Microstructure. Grain-boundary precipitates have coalesced. Cold working accelerates the response to aging.5. 20 mL HCI. Reduction h % in area. HRB 88. and air cooled.5 g K2SP5' 100x A286 (AISI660): Microstructures. Solution annealed 1 h at 980 °C (1795 OF) and aged 16 h at 720 °C (1325 OF). 100 mL Hp. 10 mL HNO al and 10 mL acetic acid. Matrix and grain-boundary precipitates have coalesced. 1000x A 286 (AISI660): Microstructure. 31. Showing lamellar or cellular precipitation of 11 phase (NiaTi)caused by overaging or by insufficient boron. aged 16 h at 720°C (1325 OF). oil quenched. Grain-boundary precipitates have coalesced. % 85 64 10 15 15 20 . 00+ rzo-c (1325 OF)for 16h.5. Elongation. 15 mL HCI. air cool 690 740 100 108 Tensile Propertiesat 21°C (70 oF) UUimate tensilestrength Elongation. 1 g NH 4F . solution annealed 1 hat 980°C (1795 OF). Only the matrix phase has been colored.aircool 900°C (1650 oF) for 2 h. (b) Tested 1232 h at 730°C (1345 OF). 10 mL HNO al and 10 mL acetic acid. % 46 46 Stressrupture at 650°C (1200oF) with450MFa (65ksJ) Life. and the overaged matrix contains needlelike 11 phase (NiaTi). oil quench (OQ) + no°c (1325 OF)for 16h. 1000x (a) (b) (c) A286: Effectof heat treatment on properties Heattreatment 0. and 0. 15 mL HCI.2% YIeld strength MFa ksi 980°C (1800 OF) for 1 h. (318 HV). (c) Tested 546 h at 815°C (1500 OF). HRC 25. the matrix is darkened by y I precipitation. HF. 32% Si .00 Ti. ~14)() ..0. 0.0.50Mo.007% S . 26.08 C max.5 h Annealing. The microstructure consists of a solid-solution matrix in which some grains are delineated by precipitated carbide particles at the boundaries and by twinning lines.S.60 Fe.70 Fe.545 Chemical Composition. specimens which failed the copper-copper sulfate-sulfuric acid tests (ASTM A262-68) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1000 850 Incoloy 800: Microstructure..31. 27.80 Fe. Treatment: Solution heat treated in argon at 1093 °C (2000 OF) for 1 h..0 Time atTemperature. 0. water quenched...0 . b.81% Mn 0.00 Cr. h 100. and/or Foreign). oil quenching often is adequate andmorepractical. in the mill-annealed condition.112/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys W. 250x 1500 800 u. and rapidly water cooled.5 Ni.05 B Similar Alloys (U.81% Cr. Glyceregia. Treatment is at 870°C (1600 OF). mils per year in boiling 65% nitric acid.. UNS K66545 Characteristics An iron-base.00 Ni. 2. 55.06% C . For Incoloy 800: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram. 3. Key: Contour lines.. Holding time per inch of section: 1. 48. and/or Foreign). 1. UNS N08800 complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. 0. precipitation-hardeningalloy Similar Alloys (U. 0 w u 0 Q)- b.38 AI.20 AI.50 Cr. and usually is necessary for heavy sections. Strip. 45. V-57 (UNS K66545) (nominal). 0. 32.38 Ti.23% Cu . 0.21.25 Mo.0. 0. and/or Foreign).05 V max Characteristics An iron-base. 1. Rapid air cooling usual1y is adequate for parts formed from sheet or strip Characteristics An iron-base. X.25 AI.05 C Similar Alloys (U. 0. lti ::l 750 . Incoloy 800 (UNS N08800) (nominal).25 h per inch of section. 0. Minimum hardness is obtained by rapid cooling from the annealing temperature to prevent precipitation of hardeningphases. 21.85% Ni .0. UNS K66545 Incoloy 800 Chemical Composition.S. Water quenching is preferred. corrosion rates in rnilllqrams/dmvday.57 Chemical Composition.. Composition: Fe .0 10. precipitation-hardeningalloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving. lti b. Treatment is at 980°C (1795 OF).01 B.00 Ni..80 Cr. Holding time is 0. 13. 0. W-545 (UNS K66545) (nominal). precipitation-hardening alloy V.S.85 Ti. a E1300 700 ~ aE Q) I0> 0> c:: 'N c:: 'N El200 In 650 c:: <I> :.::l 'Vi c:: Q) V) V) 600 1100 550 1000 1.08 Cr. 14. aged.. 0. 4% Cr .1% Ni 21.r-t. except globular HC or M(C.0. Treatment: Mill annealed specimens .01% P .0.. followed by bend test and SEM evaluation.0.J 1il ~ .28% Si 0.31. L~ 0. Carbon-extraction replicas of Sr-methanol etched transverse cross sections of tube specimens 1000 1000 900 900 000 000 0 0 ~ 0 700 .037% C .. aged at 400 to 800°C (750 to 1470 OF) Incoloy 800: Transmission electron microscope evaluation of heat treated specimens.31. h LEGEND: a No attack m GB etching II GB fissuring II GB cracking • Disintegration GB = Grain boundary ITB Incoherent twin boundary TB = Coherent twin boundary = r-.Iron-Base Superalloys /113 Incoloy 800: Intercrystalline corrosion susceptibility..3% Ti.90% Mn .90% Mn . " 7 .0..0.~ 1ilGI = 16 5 400 400 1---t----1 350 0.28% Si .0.007% S .0.J 600 C a 1il 6 f Eo< 6 500 .02% N .Treatment: Mill annealed specimens aged at 400 to 800°C (750 to 1470 OF)...0.5% AI.0.1 Heat Treatment Time..4% Cr . a. a. II 31 L.0.007% S ...0..1 10 100 1000 10000 Heat Treatment Time. Composition: Fe .037% C .3% Ti. Grain size: ASTM 7-8. Composition: Fe .1% Ni . Grain size: ASTM 7-8.02% N . N) particles l!I Very fine GB particles GB = Grain boundary ITB = Incoherent twin boundary TB = Coherent twin boundary . Test conditions: 45 h boiling in solution of 250 mL H2S04 + 100 g CuS04 + 750 mL H20..01% P ..8- 4 .0. h LEGEND: a No precipitate.0.0. Eo< 2 .21.5% AI .0. 90% Mn . 32..037% C .4% Cr-0. precipitation-hardening alloy .ITB ad TB particles GB = Grain boundary ITB Incoherent twin boundary TB = Coherent twin boundary = Heat Treatment Time.. Grain size: ASTM 7-8.007% S . 46.50 Cr.J ":3 Qj = '94 400 350 0.. Treatment: Mill annealed specimens aged at 400 to 800°C (750 to 1470 OF).1% Ni .02% N . h LEGEND: o No precipitate 1!I Fine GB particles rJ Massive GB particles [J GB and ITB particles • GB. Grain size: ASTM 7-8.-.0. 0 Eo< 500 L. Etchant: 10% Br-CH30H Incoloy 800: Light microscope evaluation of heat treated specimens.90% Mn 0. ":3 Qj 0. and/or Foreign)..S.0. Treatment: Mill annealed specimens aged at 400 to 800°C (750 to 1470 OF).01% P .02% N .007% S .00 Ni.= Eo< Qj 8 ":3 2: 6.0.037% C .05 C Similar Alloys (U.28% Si .5% AI. 0..C% 0 s~H ~ " 10 0 700 2f ::l .13Ti.. 1. 000 .0.4% Cr .31.21. Composition: Fe .30Fe.0.0. Composition: Fe-31. ITB ad TB particles GB = Grain boundary ITB = Incoherent twin boundary TB = Coherent twin boundary Incoloy 801 Chemical Composition..-""""':::L:---+--OOOO+':----~~~~--~ Heat Treatment Time.0.0.Next Page 114/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Incoloy 800: Scanning electron microscope evaluation of heat treated specimens.lncoloy 801 (UNS N08801) (nominal).1% Ni .0.0.1 10 100 400 I -_ _+-_~ 1000 10000 JSO L.21.28% Si . h LEGEND: o I!I rI EJ II • No precipitate Fine GB particles Massive GB particles Specimen identification GB and ITB particles GB.0. UNS N08801 Characteristics An iron-base. 20. 8 60 0 Qj 600 . Etchant: 10% BrCH30H 1000 1000 900 900 BOO f? f ::l j .0.3% li.5% AI0.3% li.01% P 0. 21. 20.27% Si .50 Mn.50 to 23. 0.50 Ni.20 Ti.1 .50 to 3.99% Ti .2. 32. Incoloy 825: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram.00 Cr. 0. For parts formed from sheet or strip. 0. 0.0. and is usually necessary for heavy sections.50 Cr. 38.0.50 Cr.00 Ni.05 C Characteristics An iron-base.18% Cr . 0.1.00 Fe. 22.00 W.71% Cu21.20 AI. Treatment is at 980°C (1795 "F).0. precipitation-hardening alloy Incoloy 807 Chemical Composition.00 to 46. 0.0.30 Ti.29.03% C . precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0. 40.00 Co. 0. 1.lncoloy 802 (nominal). oil quenching often is adequate and more practical.80 Fe.00 Fe. 25.00 Ni. 8. Treatment: Annealed at 1093 °C (2000 OF) for 1 h prior to aging LIVE GRAPH Click here to view <12mpy 1000 0.61 % Mo. 5. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion.50 Si. 0.10 Mo. rapid air cooling usually is adequate.Previous Page Iron-Base Superalloys /115 Incoloy 802 Chemical Composition. Composition: Ni . 2.75 Ti.0.50 Mo. 0.35 C Characteristics An iron-base. Incoloy 825 (nominal).65% Mn .11% AI.59% Fe . Water quenching is preferred.60 to 1.00 Mn. 44. 19. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature. Incoloy 807 (nominal). 0.05 C Characteristics An iron-base. precipitation-hardening alloy Incoloy 825 Chemical Composition. 0.20 AI. to prevent the precipitation of hardening phases. 0040 Si.58 AI. .0.2 2 A 6 10 20 40 60 100 Time.1.27% Si .56% Fe ..0.0. 13Ti for as-annealed material).4 0. Treatment: Annealed at 941°C (1725 OF) for 1 h prior to aging LIVE GRAPH Click here to view f&o • Gi1200 ~ < 12mpy 12-60mpy I~1000 0.6 0.03% C ..2.34 0.71% Cu .25% Si .::s 103060 Ql e ~rIj~ CrTiCb CIS l:1o Cr .99% Ti .6 1 2 4 Time.11% AI.0.0.35% Ti .0..1 Incoloy 825: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram for M23Ce.0.11 % AI.0.28 10400 CrTiCb Ql 132562 Eo- 0.e 1600 CrTi 7713 1400 CrTi 7812 CrTi 7713 CrTi 7614 CrTi 7713 CrTi 7713 CrTi 7713 Ql SQl 1200 Eo< 1000 0.99% Ti .0.1 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . h 6 10 20 40 60 100 .0.0. Composition: Ni . Treatment: Annealed at 941°C (1725 OF) for 1 h 1800 ~ ~.4 0.0..61% Mo.2.2 0.70% AI.18 1700 CrTiCb 03070 0.116/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Incoloy 825: Time-temperature-sensitization diagram.29.71% Cu21.61% Mo.59% Fe .18% Cr0.6.21 1600 CrTiCb 03070 ~ 0 oS .65% Mn .0.. 0.18% Cr . The amount of M23C e is indicated by the chromium content of the carbide residue.59% Fe .65% Mn . Composition: Ni .05% Cu . Composition: Ni . .05% C .15.03% C .25 1500 0..29..92% Nb LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1800 Mn ..23 1300 CrTiCb 72766 1200 0.. hr Incoloy 825: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram for M23C e• Numbers show the Cr and Ti contents of the residue (77Cr.27% Si . 0. then furnace cooled Characteristics. and isothermally aged between 540 and 1038 °c (1000 and 1900 OF) for 0. precipitation-hardening alloy Incoloy 909 Chemical Composition.01% C .0 10.70 Nb.00 Ni.70 Nb.lOCrmax. 42. Treatment is at 720°C (1325 "F) for 8 h. 1.0 1000. O.01 C. 38. Treated at 845°C (1555 "F) for 1 h. Incoloy 909 (UNS N19909) (nominal). 1.lncoloy 907 (UNS N19907) (nominal). 41. 0.50 Ti.58% Ti .lncoloy 903 (UNS N19903) (nominal). 38. 13. O. 4.3% Ni .04C Similar Alloys (U. Treatment is at 980°C (1795 OF) for 1 h. 42.00 Fe.Iron-Base Superalloys /117 Incoloy 903 Chemical Composition.00 Fe. then furnace cooled Characteristics An iron-base. then furnace cooled Characteristics An iron-base.03 AI. Treating at 980°C (1795 oF) for 1 h. air cooled. and/or Foreign).1 to 1000 h 984 928 P 872 LIVE GRAPH 817 Click here to view 0. precipitation-hardening alloy Incoloy 907 Chemical Composition. and water quenched Aging.0.O.S.1 1.70% Nb . Treated at 775°C (1425 "F) for 12 h. UNS N19907 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. UNS N19903 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.38.00Nb. UNS N19909 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating.01% Cr.15 Si Similar Alloys (U.00 Ni. 1. 3.70 AI.0. S 761 " I- 707 651 596 540 0. 38.12.9% Co .S.00Ni. Composition: Fe . 0.40Ti. then air cooled Aging.001 B Similar Alloys (U.00 Fe.S.lOMo.35% Si0.0 Time (Hours) . then air cooled Aging.00 Co.00 Co.1. and/or Foreign).0.04% AI . 15'()()Co. Treatment is at 720°C (1325 OF) for 8 h. 0.50 Ti. 13. Treatment: Solution annealed at 1038 °c (1900 OF) for 1 h.0 100. and/or Foreign). 4. An iron-base. 0.4. precipitation-hardening alloy 1040 Incoloy 909: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.40 Si. 0. in the solid-solution matrix. 25. 0. The solid-solution matrix exhibits banding because of carbide segregation.118/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Incoloy 925 Chemical Composition. parts are furnace cooled.70 Si. 500x 16-25-6 (AISI650): Microstructure. UNS N09925 Solution Treating. 2.00 Cr. solid-solution alloy 16-25-6 (AISI650): Microstructure. After forging between 650 and 705°C (1200 and 1300 OF) and stress relieving. precipitation-hardening alloy Aging. Marble's reagent.25". 2. 0. 1.S. After forging between 650 and 705°C (1200 and 1300 OF) and stress relieving. After forging between 650 and 705°C (1200 and 1300 OF) and stress relieving.06 C. Here the carbide segregation is dispersed. 6. Treatment is at 730°C (1345 OF) for 8 h.01 C.20 AI.00 Fe. 0. Incoloy 925 (UNS W09925) (nominal). 0.35 Mn.80 Cu Recommended Heat Treating Practice Similar Alloys (U. 16-25-6 (nominal).00 Mo. Higher magnification reveals the carbide segregation in banding. 50. If furnace size or load prohibits fast heat up to the initial age temperature.80 Mo. 1. a controlled ramp up from 595 to 730°C (1l00 to 1345 "F) is recommended 16.70 % Fe.50 Cr.00 Ni. Marble's reagent. 100x .15 N Characteristics An iron-base. 44. not banded.. Marble's reagent. Alternate treatments may be used to improve specific properties.6 Chemical Composition. The matrix is austenitic solid solution. parts are air cooled Characteristics An iron-base. 16.00 Ni. 0. Treatment is at 1010 °C (1850 OF) for 1 h. 29. 100x 16·25·6 (AISI650): Microstructure. 20.10 Ti. and/or Foreign). 62.60 Si Similar Alloys (U. 0. methanol. Solution annealed 1 hat 1150 °C (2100 OF) and water quenched.40 Fe. 14. some are at grain boundaries.00 Mo. 5 S. solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving. 0.155 Chemical Composition.Iron-Base Superalloys /119 Chemical Composition. 0. 0.50 Si. Solution annealed 1 hat 1150 °C (2100 OF). Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature (980°C or 1795 OF).00 Ni.60 Si. 500x N155 (AISI661): Microstructure.4 Nb. solid-solution alloy 19. 0.02 Zr Similar Alloys (U. 0. 1:1 HCI and H2 0 . UNS R30155 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. Holding time is 1 h per inch of section. 20. 2.80 Fe.S. 21.12 C.S. to prevent precipitation of hardening phases.30 C. Primary carbide particles are mostly dispersed within grains.00 Cu Characteristics An iron-base. 19.3 Ti. 66. 19-9DL (UNS K63198) (nominal). Water quenching is preferred and usually is necessary for heavy sections. 9.. 1.00 Ni.15 N. Nominal temperature of 650 to 705°C (1200 to 1300 OF) is permitted. 2. quench in water Aging. Treat at 1165 to 1190 °C (2125 to 2175 "F) for 1 h. 3. 1. and/or Foreign).00 Cr.2 Fe. 20. 0. 3. air cool Characteristics An iron-base. solid solution alloy N155 (AISI661): Microstructure. 16. 500x . and 1% H2 0 2 . 32. 0.25 W.. and/or Foreign). N. Holding time is 4 h per inch of section Annealing.50 W.00 Co.15 C.25 Mo.30 Ti. 1. 20% HCI.00 Cu. Treat at 815°C (1500 OF) for 4 h. 0. 0.75 Mn. 0. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. 0. then aged 5 h at 760°C (1400 OF) and air cooled. Rapid air cooling usually is adequate for formed sheet or strip parts. 17-14-CuMo (nominal). oil quenching often is adequate and more practical.00 Nb. 1. UNS K63198 Characteristics An iron-base. N·155 (UNS R30155) (nominal).10 Mn. Precipitated secondary carbide (MaC or M23C a) at grain boundaries and within grains.00 Cr.50 Mo. 0.40 Nb.9DL Chemical Composition.00 Ni. 00 Ni. 3. Time given is minimum.~ I. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature. ~. 1. UNS N08330 Characteristics An iron-base. 14. because intermediate temperatures cause aging Similar Alloys (U. air cool Discaloy (AISI 662): Microstructures. Treat at 1035 °C (1895 OF) for 1 h per inch of cross section. and usually is necessary for heavy sections. /' (a) (b) (c) .00 Mo. and/or Foreign). 0. although nominal temperatures of 1035 to 1175 °C (1895 to 2145 "F) are commonly used. Water quenching is preferred. RA-330 (UNS N08330) (nominal).00 Cr. Rapid cooling from the annealing or solution treating temperature does not suppress the aging reaction of some alloys.. Full annealing is recommended.25 AI. 0. solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving. (b) Aged 64 h at 650°C (1200 OF).00 Ni.70 Ti. Glyceregia. Treat at 1010 °C (1850 OF) for 2 h. 0. Minimum hardness is obtained by cooling rapidly from the annealing temperature. (c) Aged 512 h at 650°C (1200 OF). Discaloy (UNS K66220) (nominal). showing the effects of different aging processes.330 Chemical Composition. 55. Treat at 730°C (1350 "F) for 20 h.00 Cr. (a) Oil quenched. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical.S. to prevent precipitation of hardening phase. 139 HV. 36. Treatment time is 1110 °C (2030 OF). 26. 45. Treat at 900°C (1650 "F). precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. ~r~ ?' . they become harder and stronger Discaloy Chemical Composition. Rapid air cooling usually is adequate for parts formed from sheet or strip.10 Fe. Solution annealed 1 h at 1065 °C (1950 OF). and/or Foreign). Holding time is 0. Holding time is 1 h per inch of section.25 h per inch of section because of the need to prevent grain coarsening. oil quenching often is adequate and more practical.120 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys RA. Rapid air cooling usually is adequate for parts formed from sheet or strip Characteristics An iron-base. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion.S. UNS K66220 Annealing. 315 HV.05 C Similar Alloys (U.06 C Stress Relieving. Some plants hold as much as 3 h per inch Annealing. 19. quench in oil Aging. 500x I' • ~ /. 249 HV.00 Fe. to prevent precipitation hardening ofphases. Water quenching is preferred and usually is necessary for heavy sections. For complex shapes subject to excessive distortion. 50 Ta. (a) Aged 2 hat 705°C (1300 OF).0 5.5-6.002 Zr Characteristics An iron-base.0-7.5-6.5 5. 0. water quench or room air cool Stress Relieving.0 .5 6. Solution annealed 1 hat 1065 °C (1950 OF). 2. 0.5 7.5-8.00 Fe. Glyceregia.0-5. 22.0 8. 3. 223 HV. 0. (c) Aged 128 h at 760°C (1400 OF). 500x (a) (b) Haynes 556 Chemical Composition.5 4.0 Incomplete Incomplete Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full 7. Treat at set temperature of 1175 °C (2150 OF). (b) Aged 8 hat 760°C (1400 OF). (b) Aged 64 hat 705°C (1300 OF).00 Ni. 29. 0.3 AI.00 Mo. 5-minsubseguent.0-6.10 C.5-6. 21. solid-solution alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.5 8.0-6.1 Nb. (a) Aged 1 hat 760°C (1400 OF). Solution annealed 1 hat 1065 °C (1950 OF). 295 HV.5 4.0 Incomplete Incomplete Partial Partial Full 7.5 8.0-9. 20. 0.02 La.5-9.5 7. 0. Glyceregia. Annealing serves this purpose (c) 55~ AI!oy: Effectof cold reduction and annealing temperature on gram size Coldreduction.5-9. 253 HV. 258 HV. 292 HV.0-5.5 5.nnealing temperature % °C OF 0 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 None 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1175 1175 1175 1175 1175 None 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 2150 2150 2150 2150 2150 Degreeof ASTM recrystallization grain size 5.Iron-Base Superalloys /121 Discaloy (AISI662): Microstructures.50 W.5-9.0-9. 248 HV. 500x (a) (c) (b) Discaloy (AISI662): Microstructures.00 Co.00 Cr.0-10.5-10. Haynes 556 (nominal).5 9.5 7. (c) Aged 272 h at 705°C (1300 OF). 1200 1 .30 Ni.122/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Pyromet CTX. . Pyromet CTX·1 (nominal)...... Composition: Fe .70 Ti.....l i ..03 C Characteristics An iron-base... 0.1 Chemical Composition... 38.. Pyromet CTX·3 (nominal)..0.10% Cr max. air cooled An iron-base precipitation hardening alloy Aging..008% B ..15 st. ..20 Cr.. Treatment is at 720°C (1325 "F) for 8 h. 3. 0.l -.10 AI. 4..... . Warm worked stock is typically heat treated at 845 to 870°C (1550 to 1600 OF) for 1 h and air cooled.90 Nb.... 13... holding 8 h at heat is followed by air cooling Pyromet CTX·1: Time-temperature-precipitation diagram.. I --..37. oil quenched LIVE GRAPH / Click here to view 1700 ! ....00 AI.. Fe bal Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Solution Treating. 0.00 Fe.1 Pyromet CTX".0% Nb . .00 Nb.1.1.70 Ni..3 Chemical Composition.03% C..007 B.00 Co. 1..60 Mo.1 1600 ! . Treatment: Annealed at 913°C (1675 OF) for 1 h... cooling is at 55°C (100 OF) per hour to 620°C (1150 OF). water or oil quenching is suggested.4 .\---+----I = "•..75% Ti . . Time at temperature varies with section size to ensure thorough heating.0% Co .. air cooled .. . 0. 37. Treatment is at 775°C (1425 OF) for 12 h. furnace cooled at 55°C (100 OF) per hour to 620°C (1150 OF) for 8 h.10 Mo....---------11----..4 .. 39.....05 C. 1..3. 0. 0.1500 I&. Warm worked material is treated at 980°C (1800 OF) for 1 h. Aging. .. precipitation-hardening alloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Treating. 1400 a- t: Gamma Prime I' ~ 1300 ~ \ <..7% Ni .. 16. For large section sizes....4 . 0. 0. o •.16.0% AI 0.60 Ti. 0. 1... Nickel . wi % Cr Cu 0.0 1.richatmosphere Dissociatedammonia(completedissociation) Dissociatedammonia. Material 80 D.05 31. it has a natural tendency to combine with sulfur and/or oxygen. ratiosare about 50% of valueslisted..00 0. completelyburned Electrolytic hydrogen. These variables are usually determined experimentally for each application.0 0.0 0. such as age hardening. or severe bending.0 5. Fig. at temperatures from about 400 to about 600 °C (750 to 1100 "F). grease. as the result of recrystallization. the contaminated area must be either removed. Nickel that has been hardened by cold-working operations. and nickel-copper alloys.(d) Driedto a dew pointof -5510 -75°C (-70 to -100 "F) by aluminaplus molecularsieve .Dewpoint may be reduced to about 5 DC (40 OF)by refrigerationequipmentand to-55°C (-70 "F) or lowerby activated-absorption equipment.0 0.0 25.For butane.0 1.0 0.90 0. deep drawing. multiplylistedvaluesby three.0 15.0 40. or scrapped.0 100.01 0.5 29. cO Stress Relieving 0 100 0 .0 0.For propane. J: li 01 l: 1200 I 80 r-" 'E co J: -.5 15. usually a complete softening.ratios are abouttwice thoselisted. some typical ranges are given in Table 2.0 10. there are no techniques that can be used to reclaim the affected material.0 CIL 0. Ah-Io-gas Composition.0 0.(b) Whenatmosphereis cooledby tap waterheatexchangers. Because nickel is found in nature as nickel sulfide and nickel oxide ores.05 0.0 2. See Table I for compositions.0 0. One of the most important factors to consider when heat-treating nickel is to minimize exposure to sulfur.0 0. such as rolling.06 0.0 0.15 0. OF 100 al a: v 400 800 r-. such as by grinding.50 2.15 0.25:I(c) 1.0 0. vol% Dew point (appro:dmate) Atmosphere I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Completelyburnedfuel.60 0. Cl Ni C Mn Fe Si 99.80 Mo Co O.0 0.0 1.5 TI AI 0. it does not readily carburize.(c)Ratioof air to dissociatedammonia.dew point will be about6to 8°C (10to 15 "F) abovethe temperatureof the tap water.0 0.25 0.0 0.5 66.0 65.0 66.~ In stress relieving.leanatmosphere Paritallyburnedfuel.0 0. medium-rich atmosphere Reactedfuel.5 10. careful regulation of time and temperature is required.0 0.5 99.0 0. Annealing 800 200 400 600 Heat-treating temperature.0 0. or temperature-indicating sticks) or in gaseous form (such as S02 or H2S).35 1. Almost all heat treatment methods used with nickel are employed either to soften it.dried(d) mlio(a) 10:1 6:1 3:1 No air 1. N. modified nickels. spinning.0 85.0 69.0 0.15 0.0 0. whether in solid form (such as lubricants. on the room-temperature properties of Mone1400.0 75. 100 co -ECl 60 l: c ~ 40 US ~ US 20 'if.8:I(c) No air IL co Co. requires softening before cold working can be continued. See Table 3 for annealing atmospheres.0 0. or 450 Btulft\ ratiosare about40% ofvalues listed.0 0. or 550 Btulft~. Nickel is an austenite former. and no allotropic phase transformations occur.0 19.05 0. When embrittlement by sulfur occurs.90 0.5 31.15 0. 0. such as annealing.0 Saturated(b) Saturated(b) 20 -5510-75 Saturated(b) Saturated(b) -5510-75 Saturated(b) Saturated(b) 70 -7010-100 Saturated(b) Saturated(b) -7010-100 (a)Basedon use of naturalgascontainingnearly 100%methaneandratedot37 MJ/m 3 (1000Btulft\ Forhigh-hydrogenmanufacturedgas (20 MJ/m 3.0 99. For manufactured gas with lowerhydrogenandhigh carbonmonoxidecontents(17 MJ/m 3.35 1.15 1.0 0. or both.04S Table 3 Prepared atmospheres suitable for annealing nickel Atmospheres 2 through 7 can be used for bright annealing of nickel. atmosphere 4 or atmosphere 7 must be used for bright annealing of nickel alloys that contain chromium. -c OF 0. or to increase its strength. Because nickel has a very low solubility for carbon in the solid state.20 0.18 0. Figure I shows the effect of stress relief. °C LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view Composition.12 0.0 89.Heat Treating Nickel In some ways nickel is easier to heat treat than many of the iron-base alloys that depend on carbon-related microstructural changes to achieve desired properties.partiallyburned Dissociatedammonia.05 0.15 50 l: 0 UJ 0 0 Table 1 Nominal compositions of nickels Nickel200 Nickel201 Monel400 MonelR-405 MoneIK-500 1i -ECl :2 The annealing of nickel consists of heating the metal at a predetermined temperature for a definite time and then slowly or rapidly cooling it to produce a change in mechanical properties. molybdenum. 1 Effects on room-temperature properties of cold-drawn Monel 400 rod held for 3 h at various temperatures Heat-treating temperature.0 38. Parts are air cooled Stress Relieving. (b) AC. caustic handling equipment and piping. plus electronic.50 Ni. 1300-1400 1300-1400 1400-1500 1400-1500 1600-1900 2-6 2-6 1-3 1-3 1-3 AC AC AC AC WQ TIme.aircool. 0. and cooling method depend on type of furnace: • In continuous furnaces.20 Mn. h Cooling of OC Cooling method(hl Thmperature Thmperalure -c 705-760 705-760 760-815 760-815 870-1040 StressegnaHzing Streso relieying OC OF min Cooling method 480-705 480-705 540-650 900-1300 900-1300 1000-1200 0. Uses include food processing equipment. 0. and air cooled Stress Relieving.15 Fe. times at temperature. and missile components Recommended Heat Treating Practice Soft Annealing. Time at temperature ranges from 2 to 6 h.5 Cu Characteristics Commercially pure wrought nickel. Temperatures range from 260 to 480 °C (500 to 900 "F).05 Si. Uses include food processing equipment. caustic handling equipment and piping. 0.5-15 0. electronic. Has good mechanical properties and excellent resistance to many corrosives.5-20 ACorWQ ACorWQ ACorWQ ACorWQ WQ TIme. and missile components • Annealing temperatures in continuous furnaces range from 815 to 925 °C (1500 to 1695 OF).5-5 0.06 C. and air cooled or water quenched • In batch furnaces. Parts are air cooled Nickel 201 Chemical Composition (nominal).5-15 0. and air cooled Stress Equalizing. stress-relieving. 0.05 Si. parts are annealed at 705 to 760 °C (1300 to 1400 OF) for 2 to 6 h. aerospace. with good mechanical properties and excellent resistance to many corrosives..5 to 5 min.(al. Procedures differ for continuous and batch annealing: Stress Equalizing.5-120 AC AC AC Thmperature Material Nickel200 Nickel201 Monel400 MonelR-405 MoneIK-500 method Thmpernture (a)Tunesgivenrepresentactualrangesthat thin sheet/stripproductsandheavycrosssectionswouldreceivein continuous furnaces. Temperatures. andstress-equalizing schedules fornickels Soft!l!l!!08llng Batch Continuous TIm. 0. Parts are air cooled Soft Annealing. Nickel 201 is annealed in continuous and batch furnaces. Parts are treated at 480 to 705°C (900 to 1300 OF) for 30 sec to 120 min. Parts are air cooled or water quenched • Annealing temperatures in batch furnaces range from 705 to 760°C (1300 to 1400 "F).25 Mn. 99. 0.02% max) for service at temperatures above 315°C (600 "F). h CooUng method 1-2 1-2 1-3 AC AC AC of min 815-925 760-870 870-980 870-980 870-1040 1500-1700 1400-1600 1600-1800 1600-1800 1600-1900 0. Times range from 30 sec to 120 min.WQ.5-5 0. 0. Parts are treated at 260 to 480 °C (500 to 900 oF) . 0.126/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 2 Annealing.5-120 0. Times (actual) for treating thin sheet and strip products and those with heavy cross sections range from 0. waterquench Nickel 200 ChemicalComposition (nominal).50 Ni. parts are annealed at 760 to 870°C (1400 to 1600 "F) for 30 sec to 5 min. 0. 99. Times range from 1 to 2 h. 0.05 Cu Characteristics Commercially pure wrought alloy has low carbon (0. aerospace.01 C. Temperatures range from 480 to 705°C (900 to 1300 Recommended Heat Treating Practice "F). OC OF 260-480 260-480 230-315 500-900 500-900 450-600 Material NickelWO Nickel201 Monel400 MonelR-405 MoneIK-500 TIm.15 Fe.5-120 0. fasteners.Nickel/127 Monel400 Monel 400: Effects on room-temperature properties of colddrawn Monel 400 rod held for 3 h at various temperatures Chemical Composition (nominal). 1. 1.60 Mn.5 Cu. Temperatures.8 C. 0.15 C. pumps. °C LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Monel R·405 Chemical Composition (nominal). 0. :2: -EC> 400 1----7"4---t-='k--++-----=J 60 c ~ 40 Ul Yield strength (0.>: 600 800 Heat-treating temperature.00 Fe. and air cooled Stress Equalizing. and water quenched Monel K·500 Chemical Composition (nominal).80 Al Characteristics A precipitation-hardenable. Temperatures. fasteners.90 Mn. times at temperature.15 Si. fasteners. 60 80°I:=:::i===::rr-111 100 co 600 80 D. 66. furnace cooled to 540°C (1000 "F). parts are' annealed at 870 to 980°C (1600 to 1800 "F) for 30 sec to 15 min. Parts are treated at 540 to 650°C (1000 to 1200 "F) for 30 sec to 120 min. and heat exchangers Heat-treating temperature. sulfuric acid. 29.~ 'iii . held for 16 h. and cooling methods vary by type of furnace: • In continuous furnaces. 65. held 8 h.04 S Characteristics Free machining version of alloy 400. and cooled in air or water • In batch furnaces. and air cooled . parts are annealed at 760 to 815 °C (1400 to 1500 "F) for 1 to 3 h. Monel 400 is annealed in continuous and batch furnaces.50 Cu Characteristics A nickel-copper alloy with high strength and excellent resistance to corrosion in a range of media. and cooling method depend on type of furnace used: 100 a: -. 0. parts are annealed at 760 to 815 °C (1400 to 1500 "F) for 1 to 3 h. 31. and air cooled Stress Relieving. oil well tools and instruments. 0. furnace cooled to 480°C (900 "F). Applications include meter and meter valve parts. Alloy is not stress relieved or stress equalized Recommended Heat Treating Practice Soft Annealing.5 Cu.35 Fe. R-405 is annealed in continuous and batch furnaces.>< . fittings. and water quenched Age Hardening Treatment. 0. and alkalies. Parts are heated to 595°C (1100 oF). 66. 0.00 Ni. Parts are treated at 230 to 315 °C (450 to 600 OF) for 1 to 3 h.12 C. hydrofluoric acid. nickel-copper alloy that combines corrosion resistance of alloy 400 with greater strength and hardness. and marine propeller shafts Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. times at temperature. held 6 h. Sulfide inclusions act as chip breakers in machining.15 Si. 80 I \ 'E co J: Recommended Heat Treating Practice Soft Annealing. 0. parts are annealed at 870 to 980°C (1600 to 1795 "F) for 30 sec to 15 min.00 Ni. 0. springs. OF al J: ~ c • In continuous furnaces. and air cooled - 400 800 1200 r-. chemical and hydrocarbon processing equipment.90 Mn.50 Ti. valves. Used in marine engineering. 2. and screw machine products. doctor blades and scrapers. 0. valve trim. Applications: Pump shafts.00% offset) <fi- 0 100 C> 50 c 0 iii o o 200 -- 400 -EC> c e Ul 20 I I e0 . 0. 0.15 Si. Alloy is treated at 980 °C (1795 "F) for 30 min to 1 h.35 Fe. 31. including seawater. and cooled in air or water • In batch furnaces.00 Ni.. 1. Also has low permeability and is nonmagnetic under -100°C (-150 OF). shafts. Aluminum Alloys . precipitation hardening. shapes. an aluminum-copper phase diagram.) Thmper Melllliempemlure(h) OF -c designation 1're<ipilBtIon heat lreaIment Melllliempemlure(h) Time(. and solution treating • Table l(a) provides information on typical solution and precipitation heat treatments for commercial mill products with copper alloying. and tube 535 535 995 995 Die forgings and rolled rings Hand forgings 535 535 995 995 2018 2024(h) Die forgings Flat sheet 51O(g) 495 950(g) 920 T4 T3(d) T361(d) T42 2024(h) Coiled sheet 495 920 T4 T42 2219(f) AI-Cu-Mg aUoys 2036 2038 Plate 495 920 Rolled or cold finished wire. I. The strength of the nonheat treatable alloys is upgraded primarily via cold work. rod. Typical practices are summarized in the graphics that follow: • Fig. Heating and cooling do little to increase their strength. 2.). and bar 495 920 Extruded rod. 4. and tube 495 920 1'3 T3510(e) T351l(e) T42 T3(d) T42 T4 T4 Drawn tube 495 920 Sheet Sheet 500 540 930 1000 (continued) T351(e) T361(d) T42 T4 T351(e) T36(d) T42 . rod. shapes. OF -c h Thmpor designation AI-Cu alloys without magnesium aUoying 2011 2025 2219(f) Rolled or cold finished rod and bar 525 975 Die forgings Flat sheet 515 535 960 995 Plate 535 995 T3(d) T4 T451(e) T4 T31(d) T37(d) T42 T31(d) T37(d) 160 320 14 T8(d) 170 175 165 190 175 175 340 350 325 375 350 350 10 18 24 36 18 18 T6 T81(d) T87(d) T62 T8 I(d) T87(d) T351(e) T42 T351(e) 1'3 I(d) T3510(e) T3511(e) T42 T4 T4 T352(f) 175 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 175 350 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 350 18 36 18 18 18 18 36 26 26 18 T851(e) T62 T851(e) T81(d) T8510(e) T8511(e) T62 T6 T6 T852(f) 170 190 190 190 190 340 375 375 375 375 10 12 8 9 16 T61 T81(d) T861(d) T62 T72 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 9 16 12 8 9 12 12 8 16 12 12 12 16 T62 T72 T851(e) T861(d) T62 T6 T851(e) T86(d) T62 T81 T8510(e) T851l(e) T62 205 400 2 T6 Rolled or cold finished wire. 3. only the precipitation hardenable wrought and cast alloys are heat treated (to increase strength and hardness). identifies temperature ranges for annealing. Aluminum-copper alloys without magnesium alloying Aluminum-copper-magnesiumalloys Aluminum-copper-magnesium-silicon alloys Aluminum-copper-lithiumalloys • Table I (b) provides typical solution and precipitation heat treatments for magnesium-silicon alloys (6xxx series) • Table 1(c) provides typical solution and precipitation heat treatments for zinc-magnesium alloys from 7xxx series • Table 2 provides soak times and maximum quench delays for the solution treatment of wrought alloys • Table 3 provides typical heat treatments for sand and permanent mold alloy die castings Tablela Typical solution and precipitation heat treatments for commercial heat-treatable aluminum alloy mill products with copper alloying Alloy Product form Solutionheallrealment(. bar. bar. Both types of alloys are annealed (to reduce strength and to increase ductility). namely: 1.Heat Treating Aluminum Alloys Not all aluminum alloys are heat treatable. and bar Extruded rod. Generally. (k)Analternative heattreatment of8 h at 177°C (350"F) mayalsobeused.Useofhigh-velocity. andshouldbesuitably cooledsothatitremalnsbelow38°C (100oF)duringthequenchingcycle. thewatershouldbeatroomtemperature. (g)Quenched Inwaterat 100°C (212 "F).. (c)Approximate time attemperature. (h)Thenominaltemperatures listedshouldbeattained asrapidlyaspossibleandmaintained within±6 °C (±IOoF)ofnominalduringthetimeat temperature. The timesshownarebasedonrapidheating.65 wt% Cu 1400 1000 u. Temperature ranges for annealing.0) Quenched Inwaterat 60to 80°C (140 to 180°F) 800 (a) (b) I I L 600 AI + L i ----. 0 0 2 12 4 Copper. precipitation heat treating. unlessotherwiseIndicated.. % .132/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table1a (continued) Precipitation heattreatment 'I1me(C). E 600 I } Temperature range for precipitation heat treating ! 200 AI + CuAI.andbar 5000) 500 9350) 935 205 160 160 160 160 160 160 16O(k) l6O(k) 16O(k) 16O(k) 16O(k) 16O(k) 16O(k) 16O(k) 170 400 320 320 320 320 320 320 320(k) 320(k) 320(k) 32O(k) 32O(k) 320(k) 320(k) 320(k) 340 I 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 10 T62(e) T62 T6 T6 T62 T62 T651(e) T6 T62 T651(e) T6 T62 T6510(e) T6 T62 T6 2017 2117 Rolledor coldfmishedwireand rod 500 935 Forgings androlledrings Oleforgings 530 510(h) 985 950(h) T4(d)O) D(d) T42 T4 T42 T42 T451(e) T4 T42 T451(e) T4 T42 T4510(e) T4 T42 T4 T4 T42 T4 T42 T4 T4 200 170 390 340 20 10 T61 T6 Sheet Sheet Extruded bar Extruded bar Extruded bar 540 530 530 530 540 1000 990 990 990 1000 D(d) D(d) D(d) D(d) D(d) 165 120 190 190 190 325 250 375 375 375 24 24 12 12 12-15 T83(d) T84(d) Peakaged(d) Peakaged(d) Peakaged(d) Al. Q. and solution heat treating are indicated.. bar. The specific timewilldependonthetimerequired fortheloadtoreachtemperature.withsoaktimemeasured fromthetime theloadreachesa temperature within6 °C(10oF)of the applicable temperature. 1 Portion of aluminum-copper binary phase diagram. I- LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . (e)Stressrelievedbystretchingtoproducea specified amountofpermanent setsubsequent tosolutionheattreatment andpriortoanyprecipitation heattreatment. Melallemperoture(bj OF h "C Solution heallrealment(o) Melallemperoture(h) 'fimper OF deolgnotion "C 'fimper designation Alloy Product Corm 2218 Oleforgings 510(g) 51O(i) 950(g) 950(i) T4 T41 170 240 340 460 10 6 T61 112 Sheet Flatsheet 510 500 950 935 Coiledsheet 500 935 Plate 500 935 Rolledorcoldfmished wire.Cu-Mg-Si alloys 2008 2014(11) 2618 4032 Al-Cu-Llalloys 2090 2091 8090 CP276 (a)Material shouldbequenched fromthesolution-treating temperature asrapidlyaspossibleandwithminimum delayafterremovalfromthefurnace. (d)Coldworking subsequent tosolutionheattreatment andpriortoanyprecipitation heattreatment Is necessary to attainthe specified properties forthistemper. andbar 500 935 Extrudedrod.. °oj ~ :.Temperature range for solution heat treating U ° Fig.0)See U..852. J Q. The range for solution treating is below the eutectic melting point of 548°C (1018 OF) at 5..S. Whenmaterial isquenchedbytotalimmersion In water.rod. high-volume jets of coldwateralsoiseffective forsomematerials.rod. I- OJ .840. (h)Theseheattreatments alsoapplytoalcladsheetandplateof thesealloys.shapes.andtube 500 935 Drawntube 500 935 Dieforgings Rolledorcoldfmishedwire.Patent4. ~ ~ . (I) Stress relievedby Ito 5%coldreductionaftersolutiontreatmentandpriortoprecipitation heattreatment. E . Temperature range for annealing 0 0 Q.(i)Quenched withroom-temperature air blast. Patent4.When materialisquenchedby totalimmersioninwater. (m) An alternativetreatmentofJ hat 182°C (360 "F) alsomay be used.andtube 6951 Sheet T1 T4 T4 T4 T4 T42 T4(g) T42 T451(h) T4 T42 T451(h) T4 T451O(h) T4511(h) T42 T4 T42 T4 T4 T4520) Tl T4 T42 T4 T42 W(P) W(P) T4 T42 T451O(h) T4511(h) T4 1'42 T4 T4 T42 T4 T4 T4 T452(1) T4 T451 T42 T4 T451O(h) T42 T4 T42 T1 T4 T42 T4 T42 Preclpllalion heallreatment Melallempomlure(b) 11me(e). andshouldbe suitablycooledso thatItremainsbelow38°C (100"P) duringthe quenchingcycle. 0) Stressrelievedby Ito 5% cold reductionsubsequentto solutionheat treatment and priorto precipitationheat (c) Approximatetimeat temperature.and bar 540 1000 6061(f) 6063 6013(0) 6066 6070 6262 Extrudedrod. (d)By suitablecontrolofextrusiontemperature. (n) An altemativetreatmentof6 h at 182°C (360 "F) alsomay beused. productmay bequencheddirectlyfromextrusionpress to providespecified propertiesfor this temper. Patent 4.S.(q)ArtIficiallyagedinlaboratoryfromT4 toT6 .589.shapes.withsoak timemeasuredfromthetime theloadreachesa temperaturewithin6 °C (10 "F) of the applicabletemperature. shapes.andtube 570 570 530 1055 1055 990 Drawntube 530 990 Ole forgings Extrudedrod. bar. (k) ColdworkingafterprecipitationheattreatmentIs necessary to attainspecifiedproperties.shapes.(f)Theseheat treatments alsoapplyto alcladsheetandplateInthesealloys.Some productsmay be adequatelyquenched In room-temperature air blast.shapes. OF -c h 175 205 205 170 160 160 160 160 160 160(1) 160(1) 160(1) 160(1) 160(1) 160(1) 16O(i) 175 175 175 175 160(1) 160(i) 175 175 175 205(m) 175(n) 175(n) 175 175 175 175 175 190 190 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 160 160 175 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 175 175 175 170 170 170 205(m) 175(n) 175(n) 160 160 350 400 400 340 320 320 320 320 320 320(i) 320(1) 320(1) 320(1) 320(1) 320(i) 320(i) 350 350 350 350 320(1) 320(1) 350 350 350 400(m) 350(n) 350(n) 350 350 350 350 350 375 375 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 320 320 350 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 350 350 350 340 340 340 400(m) 350(n) 350(n) 320 320 8 I 1 10 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8 8 8 8 18 18 8 8 8 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 18 8 10 10 10 8 12 8 8 12 12 12 8 8 8 I 8 8 18 18 Thmper designation T5 T6(e) T6(e) T6 T6 T62 T6(g) T62 T651(h) T6 T89ij) T93(k) T913(k) T94(k) T62 T651(h) T6 T651O(h) T6511(h) T62 T6 T62 T6 T6 T6520) T5 T6 T62 T6 T83ij)(d) T83Iij)(d) T832ij)(d) T62 T6 T651 T6 T62 T651O(h) T6511(h) T6 T62 T6 T6 T62 T6(q) T6 T6 T6520) T6 T9(k) T651(h) T62 T6 T651O(h) T62 T6 T9(k) T62 T5 T6 T62 T6 T62 (a) Materialshouldbequenched from !he solution-treating temperatureas rapidlyas possibleandwithminimumdelayafterremovalfromthefurnace.the watershouldbe at tube Sheet Sheet Dieforgings Sheet 530(d) 555 565 520 530 985(d) 1030 1050 970 985 Plate 530 985 Rolledorcold Drawntube (d) 520(d) 520 520 (d) 970(d) 970 970 Sheet Plate Alternateheat treatmentsof 4 h at 190°C (375 "F) or 8 h at 175°C (350 oF) mayalso be used.(b) The nominaltemperatures listedshouldbeattainedas rapidlyas possibleandmaintainedwithin±6 °C (±10 "P) of nominalduringthetimeat temperature. (0)See U.932. of high-velocity.ij) Coldworkingaftersolutiontreatmentis necessaryto attainspecifiedpropertiesduring precipitationheat treatments.shapes.shapes. (I)An alternativeheat treatmentof 8 h at 170°C (340 oF) alsomay be used.See U. and bar 530 985 Extrudedrod.578. high-volumejets of rod.and tube 530 545(d) 990 1015(d) 6111 6151 Sheet Dieforgings Rolledrings 560 515 515 1040 960 960 6262 Rolledorcoldfmishedwire.shapes. The timesshownare basedonrapidheating.andtube 530(d) 985(d) Drawn tube 530 530 985 985 Dieandhandforgings Rolledrings 530 530 985 985 Extrudedrod.andtube 54O(d) lOOO(d) Drawntube 540 540 1000 1000 (d) 520(d) 520 530 (d) 97O(d) 970 985 6463 Extrudedrod. The specifictimewill dependon the timerequiredfor theloadto reachtemperature.rod.(b) Stressrelivedby stretchingtoproducea specifiedamountofpermanent set priortopreclpllalionheat treatment.(P)1\vo weeksof naturalagingto a T4 condition.(g)Applicabletotreadplateonly.Aluminum /133 Table 1b Typical solution and precipitation heattreatments forMg-Si aluminum alloys(6xxx seriesalloys> Alloy 6005 6009(e) 6010 6053 6061(f) Product rorm Solullon heatlrealment(a) Thmper Melallempemlure(b) OF designation -c Extrudedrod.082. (k) For sheet.0) An alternativetwo-stagetreatmentcomprisedof 4 h at 96°C (205 "F) followedby 8 hat 157°C (315 oF) alsomay be used.(P)Must be precededby soak at 466 to477 °C (870to 890 "F).An alternativetwo-stagetreatmentof 8 h at 99 ~C (210 oF) followedby24 to 28 h at 163°C (325 "F) alsomay be used.791. 8 to 10 h at 177°C (350 "P) for rolledor cold finishedrod and bar. (f) Agingpracticevarieswithproduct.and tube 465 870 W W510(d) W511(d) Drawntube 465 870 W Dieforgings 470(m) 880(h) W 880(h) W52(n) W Handforgings 470(m) W52(n) 7175 Rolledrings Die forgings Handforgings 7475 Sheet Plate Alclad 7475 Sheet 470 880 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 515(P) 960(p) 510(P) 495 950(P) 920 W W W W52(n) W W52(n) W W51(d) W Predpitollon heat _ e n t 11me(e). (0) 7175-174 and-17452 heattreatmentsare directedto specificresults. SeeU.or176-type temper. The timesshownare basedon alternativetwo-stagetreatmentcomprisedfor6 to 8 h at 107°C (225 "F) followedby 14to 18 h at 168°C (335 oF) may be used.and so forth.For rolled or cold finishedrod and bar.andextrusions.S. (1) An alternativethree-stage treatmentcomprisedof 5 h at 99°C (210 "F).or176-type temper.shapes.rod.whenmaterialin a T6-type temperis re-agedto a173. andshouldbe suitablycooledso thatit remainsbelow 38°C (100 "F) duringthequenchingcycle.thespecificconditionof theT6 material(suchaspropertylevelsandothereffectsof processingvariables)isextremelyimportantandwillaffectthecapabUity of there-agedmaterial to conformto therequirementsspecifiedfor the applicable173. unlessotherwiseindicated. The specifictimewiu dependon the timerequiredfor theload toreach temperature.for any givenitem In addition.880 .Patent3. and 7475from any temperto the173 to 176 temperseries requirescloser-than-normal controlson agingvariables such as time. (d)Stressrelivedby stretchingtoproducea specifiedamountof permanentsetaftersolutiontreatmentandpriortoprecipitation heat treatment.andfurnace-controlcapabilities.Typicalproceduresinvolvea two-stagetreatmentcomprisedof3 to 30 hat 121°C (250 oF) followedby 15 to 18 hat 163°C (325 oF) for extrusions.Whenmaterialisquenchedby totalimmersioninwater.Use ofhigh-velocity. the alternativetreatmentis 10 hat 177°C (350 "F).and shapes Plate 890 Extrusions 475 890 Die andhandforgings 475 890 Sheet 480 900 Plate 7075(i) 475 Rolledorcoldfinishedwire.shapes.134/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table lc Typical solution and precipitation heattreatments forheat-treatable Zn-Mg aluminum alloysfrom the 7 xxx series Alloy Product form 7001 Extrudedrod. bar.72 h at room temperaturefollowingpressquench. provided that a heatup rate of approximately 14 0C/h(25 °FIh)is employed.mayvary fromsupplierto supplierand areeitherproprietory or patented. (h)Two-stagetreatmentcomprisedof6to 8 h at 107°C (225 "P) followedby:24 to 30 h at 163°C (325 "F) for sheetand plate.8 to 10h at 177°C (350 "F) for forgingsin tbe173 temper. tube.loadingprocedures.6to 8 h at 177°C (350 "P) for extrusionsand tube. 4 h at 121°C (250 "P).thewatershouldbe atroom temperature. 7075. The optimumpracticefor a specificitemcanbe ascertained onlyby actualtrial treatmentof the itemunder specificconditions.(m)Quenchedin waterat 60 to 80°C (140to 180"F).7175.natureofequipment. and bar 480 490 900 915 W51(d) W510(d) W511(d) W W52(d) W W W51(d) W W51(d) Extrudedrod. (c)Approximatetimeat temperature.followedby two-stageprecipitationheat treatmentcomprisedof8 h at 107°C (225 oF) plus 16h at 149°C (300 "F).(e)No solutionheat treatment. heatuprate.(b) The nominaltemperatures listedshouldbe attainedas rapidlyas possibleandmaintainedwithin±6 °C (±10 "F) of nominalduring the timeat temperature.and 6 to 8 h at 177°C (350 oF) for forgingsin the17352 temper. MelaItemperature(bJ of h "C 120 120 120 120 250 250 250 250 24 24 24 24 (f) (f) (f) (h) (h) (h) (f) (f) (f) (f) (f) (f) (h) (h) 1200) 1200) (h) (h) 25O(j) 25O(j) (h) (h) 24 (f) (f) (f) (h)(k) 1200) (h)(k) 1200) (h)(k) 25O(j) (h)(k) 25O(j) (h)(k) 24 (h)(k) (f) (f) (f) 120 120 (h)(k) 120 (b)(k) 120(1) 120(1) (h)(k) 250 250 (h)(k) 250 (h)(k) 250(1) 250(1) (h)(k) 24 24 (h)(k) 24 24 24 (h)(k) 24 24 (h)(k) (f) (f) (f) 120(1) (h)(k) 250(1) (h)(k) 24 (f) (f) (f) 120(1) (h)(k) 250(1) (h)(k) 24 (f) (f) (f) 120 120 (h)(k) • 120 (h) (h) 120 (h) 120 (h) 120 250 250 (h)(k) 250 (h) (h) 250 (h) 250 (h) 250 24 24 (h)(k) 24 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 120 plus 155 250 315 3 3 (f) (f) (f) 120 250 24 (f) (f) (f) (h) 120 plus 155 (h) 250 315 (h) 3 3 (f) (f) (f) (h)(k) (h)(k) (b) (h) 24 (h) 24 (b) 24 Thmper designotioo 16 T62 T6510(d) T6511(d) T53(e) 17651(g) 17451(g) 176510(g) 176511(g) 174(g) 17452(g) T6 T62 176(g) 173(g) T62 17351(d)(g) T651(d) 17651(g) T6 T62 173(g) T651(d) 17351(d)(g) T6 T62 173(g) 176(g) T6510(d) 173510(d)(g) 176510(g) T6511(d) 173511(d)(g) 176511(g) T6 T62 173(g) T6 173(g) 17352(n)(g) T6 173(g) T652(n) 17352(n)(g) T6 T66(o) 174(g)(o) 17452(n)(g)(o) 174(g)(o) 17452(n)(g)(o) T61(P) 1761(g)(P) T651(P) 17651(g)(P) 17351(g)(P) T61(P) 1761(g)(P) (a)Materialshouldbequenchedfromthesolution-treatingtemperatureasrapidlyaspossibleandwithminimumdelayafterremovalfromthefurnace. (g) Agingof aluminumalloys7050.size. bar. andthen4 h at 149°C (300 "F) may also be used.high-volumejets of coldwateralsois effectiveforsomematerials.withsoak timemeasuredfromthe time the loadreachesa temperaturewithin6 °C (10"F) ofthe applicabletemperature.and tube Solution heat \realmenl(a) Melal temperature(b) Thmper of "C designation 465 870 W W510(d) W511(d) 7005 7050 7075(i) Extrudedrod.plate. bar. (n)Stressrelievedby 1to 5% cold reductionaftersolutiontreatmentand priortoprecipitationheattreatments. (i)Theseheat treatmentsalsoapplyto alcladsheetand plateof thesealloys.temperature. For more complex ternary and quaternary systems. 1. The process is called solution heat treating. Materials that exhibit microstructural evidence of overheating are generally categorized as unacceptable by specification.5 39. For alloys containing more than 5. the lower limit should. and fracture toughness may be degraded. The effect of solution-treating temperature on the strength of two aluminum alloys is illustrated by the following table: Solution-treating temperature DC OF 6061-T6 sheet 1.100) 3. The proximity of typical solution-treating temperature ranges to eutectic melting temperatures for three common alurninumcopper-magnesium alloys is shown in the following table: Solutlon-treating Eutectic melting Similar considerations apply to other age-hardenable alloy systems such as aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys. some highly alloyed.64(0.8 61. (d) Applicableto alclad materialsonly.3 50. the minimum solution heat-treating temperature is established so that it is as close as practical to the eutectic temperature while providing a margin of safety commensurate with the capability of the equipment. Evidence of grain-boundary melting that occurs above the eutectic melting temperature of the alloy usually is not detectable by either visual examination or nondestructive testing. the shallow slope of the solvus at its intersection with the composition line indicates that a slight decrease in temperature will result in a large reduction in the concentration of the solid solution and a correspondingly significant decrease in final strength.080) 2.071) 2. rom (in.) do not affect rnaxirnurn quench delay.020) 0. At 540 °C (1000 "F).51(0.9 255 259 269 271 37. according to Fig. such as alloy 2219 (which has 5.053) 1.. (c)Soak timebeginsat time of immersionexceptwhena heavy chargecauses bath ternpemture to drop below specifiedminimum.x) alloys provides a margin to safeguard against eutectic melting and a cushion on the low side for increased solution and diffusion rates. properties such as tensile strength. it is necessary first to produce a solid solution. Underheating.3 Table 2 Soak times and maximum quench delays for solution treatment of wrought aluminum alloys See Table 1 for solution-treating temperatures.090) 2. 1).7 419 422 433 441 60.18(0.35(0. However. 30 15 20 25 25 30 30 30 35 35 35 45 45 45 45 45 55 +20 queo<:b delay.8 63.06(0.7 44. However.180) 6. Broader ranges may be allowable for alloys with greater intervals of temperature between their solvus and eutectic melting temperatures.35(0. Line (b) in Fig. For these alloys. in which case soak time begins when bath regains minimum temperature. high-strength alloys require that temperature be controlled within more restrictive limits.0 37.7 (0.160) 4. 2b). controlledtoughness.250)-12. solution is incomplete. If appreciable eutectic melting occurs as a result of overheating. these temperatures would be about 575 and 515°C (1065 and 960 OF). In the alloy represented by line (a) in Fig. under production conditions.0 39.064in. Soaktime. Overheating.8 to 6.7(0.125) 4.250) >6. about 0.03(0.500) Foreachadditional12. magnesium also lowers the eutectic melting point.50)orfraction Rivets (all) 20 20 25 25 30 30 30 35 35 35 40 40 50 50 55 65 +30 60 25 30 35 35 40 40 40 45 45 45 55 55 60 60 65 75 +30 Maldmum Salt bath(c) mox{d) min 10 10 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 35 35 35 45 +20 . solution heat-treating temperature is determined by the composition limits of the alloy and an allowance for unintentional temperature variations. When the temperatures attained by parts being heat treated are appreciably below the normal range.8% Cu).27(0. 1 is another example of a composition above 5. In aluminumlithium alloys. respectively. In the aluminum-copper system (Fig.which remains constantat 15s .81(0. 2(a). and strength somewhat lower than normal is expected. the upper limit for solution treatment of aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys is in the range of 515 to 540°C (960 to 1000 "F). the temperature interval for solution treatment (shown in Fig. magnesium reduces the solubility oflithium in aluminum. The process consists of soaking the alloy at a temperature sufficiently high and for a time long enough to achieve a nearly homogeneous solid solution. a 1. 5 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 (e) 5 temperature tempemture Alloy °C OF OC OF 2014 2017 2024 496-507 496-507 488-499 925-945 925-945 910-930 510 513 502 950 955 935 (a)Minimumdimensionoflhickest section.6 mm (0.57(0.3 45. for example.032in. For example.65% Cu that does not allow complete dissolution of aluminum-copper precipitates.08% Mg2Si alloy would be soaked at a temperature in excess of 500°C (930 oF) but below the solidus of 595 °C (1100 oF) to avoid incipient melting.29(0.7 rnrn (~ in.6% Mg can be placed in solution (Fig. Nominal commercial. Although ranges normally listed allow variations of ±6 °C (±10 OF) from the nominal.8 mm (0.41 (0. be above the temperature at which complete solution occurs (solvus).050) 1.040) 1.) thick 493 920 504 940 516 960 527 980 2024-T4 sheet 0. solution treatments are modified according to the effect of new elements on the solid solubility and/or the eutectic melting points of the basic binary system. In the aluminum-copper system. minutes Thickness(.35(0.(b) Soak timebeginswhen all pyrornetricinstruments recoverto originaloperatingtemperature.02(0.025) 0. when possible.5 272 288 305 315 39.032) 1. because some alloy constituents may form complex eutectics that melt at temperatures below the equilibrium eutectic temperature. complete solution can never occur. (e) Increases in lhicknessabove 12. ductility.8 48.Aluminum /135 Strengthening by Heat Treatment Heat treatment to increase strength of aluminum alloys is a three-step process: • Solution heat treatment: dissolution of soluble phases • Quenching: development of supersaturation • Age hardening: precipitation of solute atoms either at room temperature (natural aging) or elevated temperature (artificial aging or precipitation heat treatment) Solution Heat Treating To take advantage of the precipitation-hardening reaction.65% Cu.4 41. and its objective is to take into solid solution the maximum practical amounts of the soluble hardening elements in alloy. 1 for typical 2xxx or 2xx.).) thick 488 910 491 915 493 920 496 925 Tensile strength Ylelds!Tength MPa bj MPa ksj 301 316 333 348 43. Although maximum temperature must be restricted to avoid melting.) Air tumace(b) min mox(d) S:O.54(0.7 45.80(0. Care must be exercised to avoid exceeding the initial eutectic melting temperature.016) 0.2 62. 0 319.0 336.0 296.h Minimwnof5 days atroomtemperature 155 310 20 370 190 5 24 h at roomlempel1lture + 0.0 242.450 16 3 11 16-22 7-9 3 8 22-26 2 (minimum) 3-5 155 155 260 310 310 500 3-6 12-24 4-6 155 310 500 260 400 205 155 310 310 155 155 310 205 400 205 400 155 310 260 500 400 205 400 205 (h) (h) 225 440 155 310 155 310 170 340 225 440 225 440 245 475 245 475 310 155 Room temperature 155 310 225 440 155 310 155 310 205 400 225 440 475 245 245 475 310 155 Room temperature 155 310 175 350 155 310 (h) (h) (h) (h) 1-8 4-6 8 2-5 2-5 2-5 7-9 7-9 2-5 4-6 7-9 7-9 (I) 7-9 3-5 2-5 14-18 3-5 3-9 4-6 3-6 3-5 8 (minimum) 10-12 7-9 3-5 2-5 3-5 7-9 3 3-6 3-5 8 (minimum) 6-12 6 10-12 (h) (h) .0 T51 T6 TI TIl A356.136/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 3 Typical heattreatments foraluminum alloy sand and permanent mold castings Typeor Alloy 201.0 TI7 T61 T4 T6 T62 TI T4 T6 TI T5 T6 P 328.0 T4 T4 T6(g) T4 SorP SorP SorP SorP T6 SorP TI SorP TI2 SorP T55 O(h) T61 T551 T65 S S S P 0(1) S S P S SorP S S S S P P P S S T571 295.0 T6 T61 A357.0 222.h 2 14-20 2 14-20 2 14-20 20 2 14-20 12 10 12 2 14-20 2 14-20 2 14-20 2 14-20 510 950 12 510 950 4-12 515 515 515 515 515 515 510 510 510 960 960 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 5(j) 4-12(j) 12 12 12 12 8 8 8 505 505 515 940 940 960 12 4-12 12 505 505 940 940 6-12 6-12 515 525-535 960 980-995 8 10-12 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 12 4-12 4-12 12 4-12 12 4-12 12 6-12 SorP S P S P S P S P 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 12 4-12 12 4-12 10-12 4-12 12 6-12 P S (k) (k) P 540 540 540 540 540 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 8 10-12 8-12 10-14 8-12 (continued) AgIng treatment 'Thmpomture(c) OF °C Time.0 T6 T61 356.0 359.0 354.O(d) 206.0 T6 T5 T5 T6 TI T551 T65 T51 T6 T62 TI TIl C355.0 332.0 T4 S P P P P P P (k) SorP S P P S P S P S P 510-515(e) +525-530 510-515(e) +525-530 525 490-500(e) +525-530 530 520 530 490-500(e) +525-530 490-500(e) +525-530 490-500(e) +525-530 490-500(e) +525-530 '910-930(e) +980-990 950-96O(e) +980-990 950-96O(e) +980-990 980 910-930(e) +980-990 985 970 985 910-930(e) +980-990 910-930(e) +980-990 910-930(e) +980-m 910-930(e) +980-990 11me.0 A444.0 355.O(d) 208.50 to 1 hat 160°C 390 4 200 Minimum of 5 days at room temperature (g) (g) Minimum of 5 days at room temperature 155 310 12-24 200 390 4 243-248 155 315 155 170 170 345 205 165-170 330-355 205-230 470.480 310 600 310 340 340 650 400 330-340 625-675 400.0(d) 'Thmper castIog(a) T4 SorP Solutionheat treatment(b) 'Thmpomture(c) of °C 490-500(e) +5~-530 T6 S TI S T43(f) TIl 204.0 T6 T61 357.0 333. Changes in properties occurring during the precipitation treatment follow the principles outlined in the discussion of solution heat-treated alloys. However. are exceptions to this rule.(d) Castingwall thickness. to avoid precipitation detrimental to mechanical properties or to corrosion resistance. and 7005.P. 3) can be determined that will ensure complete immersion before the parts cool below 400°C (750 OF).0 T4 T5(i1) T5 S S S 430 400 810 750 18(m) 5 P 707.0 852.0. (b) Unlessotherwiseindicated. coolin stillair outsidethefurnace.0 530 530 990 990 8-16 4-8 415(n) 775(n) 5(n) 59O(n) 590(1) 1090(n) 1090(1) 6(n) 6(1) 480 900 6 Aging lreatment 'Iempemture(c) of °C Roomtemperature 100 210 Roomtemperature 100 210 155 310 Roomtemperature. Guideline information for soak times required for wrought products of various section thicknesses is given in Table 2. plate.or 180°C(285.0. and grain refinement affectthesolutionheat-treatment cycle in alloys201.Typical Charpyvalueis20J (15 ft ·Ib).and care must be takenin approaching thefinal solutiontemperature.coolto roomtemperaturein still airoutsidethe furnace. these alloys respond strongly to precipitation heat treatment. In either condition.(e)Forcastingswiththickor otherslowlysolldifiedsections.204.furnacecool 10230°C (450 "F) overa periodofnot morethan0. Effectof Quench Rate on Properties. The resistance to stresscorrosion cracking of certain copper-free aluminum-zinc-magnesium alloys.0. (j) Air-blastquenchfromsolution-treating temperature. furnacecoolto 120°C(250 oF) overaperiodofapproximately 2 h. the highest strengths attainable and the best combinations of strength and toughness are those associated with the most rapid quenching rates. Most frequently. (m)Quenchin waterat65-1oo °C (150-212oF) for 10-20s only.160.0 711.0 712. and thus total cycle time increases with these factors. (c) Exceptwhererangesaregiven. The time required to heat a load to the treatment temperature in furnace heat treatment also increases with section thickness and furnace loading.and 206. This medium may be water at 65 to 80 °C (150 to 180 "F).0 705. or extrusions in primary fabricating mills. Quenching In most instances. (h) Stressrelievefordimensionalstabilityasfollows:hold5 h at 413 ± 14°C (775± 25 oF). Delay in Quenching. or 120 250 36O(n) 180(n) 180(n) 355(n) 205 405 1ime. (f) ThmperT43 for201. or some other fluid medium such as forced air or mist.Aluminum /137 Table 3 (continued) Solullon heal !realmenl(b) 'Iempemlure(c) 'l)peof Alloy 'Thmper castlng(a) °C OF 1ime. solutiontreatingIs followed by quenchingin waterat 65-100°C(150-212"F). often with both thin and thick sections (such as die forgings. or composite)dependingon desired mechanical properties. 0) Solutionheat treatas indicated.(i)Noquenchrequired. furnacecoolto 345°C (650oF) overa periodof2 h ormore. and in particular the copper-free Txxx alloys.0 T53(i1) T5 T51 T52 T6 171 T5 T5 T6 T5 S S S S S S SorP SorP P SorP 850. permanentmold.or 355 "P) areselectedto meet therequiredcombination ofproperties.0 T5 Tl T5 S P S P S 713. Toorapidan approachcan resultin theoccurrence of incipientmelting.0 851.0 535. (k) Castingprocessvaries(sand. boiling water.320. sand. the solid solution formed during solution heat treatment must be quenched rapidly enough (and without interruption) to produce a supersaturated solution at room temperature- the optimum condition for precipitation hardening. Certain alloys that are relatively insensitive to cooling rate during quenching can be either air cooled or water quenched directly from a final hot-working operation. Upon precipitation heat treating after quenching at the extrusion press. parts of complex shape. and components formed from sheet) are commonly quenched in a medium that provides somewhat slower cooling.0 T5 S P 17 710.50h. (g) The Frenchprecipitation treatment technology fortheheat treatmentof204. impact extrusions. Similar guidelines for castings are presented in Table 3. 6463.0wasdeveloped forimprovedimpactresistance withsomedecreasein othermechanical properties. Whether the transfer of parts from the furnace to the quench is performed manually or mechanically. This time requirement can vary from less than a minute for thin sheet to as much as 20 h for large sand or plastermold castings. parts are quenched by immersion in cold water or. or 100 210 175 350 175 350 Roomtemperature Roomtemperature Roomtemperature.(n)Coolto roomtemperature in still air outsidethefurnace Solution-Treating Time.listedtemperatures are±6 °C or ±10 oF. or 155 315 Roomtemperature. This practice is widely used in producing thin extruded shapes of alloys 6061. 3. Some of the alloys used in artificially aged tempers. As a broad generalization. The maximum allowable transfer time or "quench delay" varies with the temperature and velocity of the ambient air and the mass and emissivity of the parts. solidification rate. Quench delay is conservatively defined as commencing "when the furnace door begins to open or the first corner of a load emerges from a salt bath" and ending "when the . Resistance to corrosion and stress-corrosion cracking are other characteristics that are generally improved by maximum rapidity of quenching. ihen artificially age by healinguniformly at the temperature and for the timenecessaryto develop the desiredmechanicalproperties. The time at the nominal solution heat-treating temperature (soak time) required to effect a satisfactory degree of solution of the undissolved or precipitated soluble phase constituents and to achieve good homogeneity of the solid solution is a function of microstructure before heat treatment.h 520. it must be completed in less than the specified maximum time. is improved by slow quenching. by progressive flooding or high-velocity spraying with cold water. however. in continuous heat treating of sheet.h 21 days 8 21 days 10 3-5 21 days 8 4-10 4-10 21 days 21 days 21 days 6-8 21 days 16 4(n) 3-5(n) 6 (h) (h) (iI) 130 140 220 220 220 220 265 285 430 430 430 430 3 15 7-9 7-9 4 7-9 (a)S. 6063.0 alloyrequires12h at temperature. Precipitation HeatTreating withoutPrior Solution HeatTreatment. permanentmold. an aqueous solution of polyalkylene glycol. From cooling curves such as those illustrated in Fig. these alloys develop strengths nearly equal to those obtained by adding a separate solution heat treating operation. maximum quench delays (see table accompanying Fig. The agingtemperatures of 140. most castings.0 T5 SorP 771.a pre-solution heattreatmentrangingfromabout 490 to515°C (910to960 "P) maybe neededto avoidtoorapidatemperature riseto ihesolutiontemperature andthemeltingofCuAh. controlled mechanical deformation is the most common method of reducing residual quenching stresses..2 0 400 450 500 550 600 Temperature. cold working of freshly quenched material greatly increases its response to later precipitation heat treatment.- 1000 1000 !.0 0.0 12.4 iii ." Recommended maximum quench-delay times are listed in Table 2. the temperature of the water shall not exceed 38°C (110 "F) upon completion of quenching.5 6. if the higher properties are used in design. it is necessary also that the cooling fluid flow past all surfaces of each part during the first few seconds after immersion. s/mm M9-Si ratio of 11.8 8../ // . often is based on the criterion of complete immersion before the metal cools below 415°C (775 OF).020 0... s/in 1000 595°C at 1. / Click here to view .0 1. forming or straightening usually follows as soon after quenching as possible. notably those of the 2xxx series.6 0. air velocity.-- 600 I /~ Solidus 500 -: l. In some alloys.138/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Fig. ~ 300 / ~ 200 100 I I I oI o Time per unit thickness. In addition. ~ f:::-- 50 Thickness in.016 0. These alloys sometimes are precipitation heat treated to provide increased strength and hardness in wrought or cast products. This speciftcationof 415°C (775 OF) is based on a critical temperature for alloy 7075.0 4. it is often advantageous to form or straighten parts in this temper. their placement in racks or baskets should be compatible with this requirement.8 11. MlL-H-6088 speciftes that for water-immersion quenching.040 Ma>imum quencb de"}'.41 0.2 400 ~ 200 Temperatu re. and plate) to produce higher mechanical properties. During the first few seconds of quenching.5 300 350 (b) ~ 0 0. The first requirement controls the cooling rate during transfer and. Spray Quenching. for high-strength alloys. Mills take advantage of this phenomenon by applying a controlled amount ofrolling (sheet and plate) or stretching (extrusion._ E ~ 570 660 750 1. °C LIVE GRAPH Click here to view last corner of the load is immersed in the water quench tank.0.2 1.-AJ V /' 1. This requirement controls both the temperature of the quench water prior to immersion and the ratio of the combined mass of load and rack to the volume of water.4 5. Before parts enter the furnace.8 20. The second requirement controls the cooling rate during immersion.4 ~ 0 3000 I lL 800 °~- _Alclad 600 ::--. Water-immersion quenching normally is controlled in practice by stipulating maximum quench-delay time and maximum water temperature. agitation of the parts or the water should be sufficient to prevent local increases in temperature due to the formation of steam pockets.025 0.73:1 l 1.4 8. except quenching of forgings and castings. .02 930 1020 1110 I I I Solvus with silicon - 2000 I 100 400 ~a. Consequently. at the mill level. However. However. Rate of travel of the workpiece through the sprays is an important variable. 2. For spray quenching. Moreover.. the criterion for complete immersion of other alloys might be based on a temperature lower than the 415°C (775 OF) specification. Because precipitation hardening will occur at room temperature. Aklad Nonclad 6. 2 Equilibrium solubility as function of temperature for (a) M92Si in aluminum with an Mg-Si ratio of 1. the quench rate is controlled by the velocity of the water and by volume of water per unit area per unit time of impingement of the water on the workpiece. most aluminum alloys are nearly as ductile as they are in the annealed condition. 25°C (80 OF).Tabulated values of quench delay (maximum delay before the material being quenched has cooled below 400°C. maximum effectiveness in stress relief is obtained by working the metal immediately after quenching.l e! :::> 400 10 :. reheat treatment must be avoided. OF ~ E :::> 0. Immediately after being quenched.81 1.l- la) ~ 0 0. The C-curves used in quench-factor analysis can also assist in determining a maximum allowable delay. hardening is achieved either at room temperature (natural aging) or with a precipitation heat treatment (artificial aging). Therefore.0. However. Air temperature..0 0. E " f- 200 150 Time per unit thickness. 0.8 I . or 750 OF) were determined from cooling curves shown LIVE GRAPH 700 '"- r-.032 0. sufficient precipitation occurs in a few days at room temperature to yield stable products with properties that are adequate for many applications.85% 800 M92Si <.1200 Solvus 600 -= . which has one of the more severe C-curves (Fig.0 . In some alloys.0 10.64 0. Forming and Straightening after Quenching.600 ~ 0 e! ae 'iii Q) l: Cl '" ~ o g f- "~ Nonclad 200 840 mm and M92Si present . bar. Age Hardening After solution treatment and quenching.73-to-1 and (b) magnesium and silicon in solid aluminum when both Mg2Si and silicon are present LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Fig.8 ~ c: . to ensure adequate quenching effectiveness.5 2.3 m1s (450 fVmin).0.4 V I 400 0. depending on the characteristics of the particular C-curve. exceeding the maximum delay time is permitted if temperature measurements of the load prove that all parts are above 415°C (775 "F) when quenched.6 ~ .0. 4). Other alloys with slow precipitation reactions at room temperature are always precipitation heat treated before being used. 3 Cooling curves for Alclad and nonclad aluminum products cooled from 495°C (920 oF) in forced air.51 0. 390 200 A: 7075 100 r--..-> - _ . and all of the 2xxx alloys are almost always solution heat treated and quenched. Soak time in precipitation heat treating is not difficult to control..Aluminum /139 Fig. A is 95% probability that not more than 1% of all material will fall below this value.. -:::----- C1l a.. In alloys for which 1'3. Soak time is not as critical for peak-aged (T6 and TB) tempers. Tensile-property specifications for products in 1'3. . Recommended temperatures are generally those that are least critical and that can be used with practical time cycles.. In contrast to the relatively stable condition reached in a few days by 2xxx alloys that are used in 1'3.-- 500 930 ~ ~ -:::.- 100 10 1 a~ a. MPa Natural Aging. .. E ~ ---/ 212 ----l 32 103 lime.... 5 Comparison of distribution of yield strength in heattreated 7075-T6 clad sheet product with distribution in a single sheet. Some regions of the load may reach soak temperature long after soak time has been called. S Yield strength. and products of these combinations of alloy and temper are regarded as essentially stable after about one week...tiI::::'-- .l...) 75 180 specimens t """ from a single sheet 30 .or T4-type tempers are standard. ksi 50 65 60 I 70 707~./' "" 20 A 10 Ii 1/ I o 400 V B v ~V ~ 425 450 LIVE GRAPH /4290 routine mill tests Click here to view \ ~ 475 500 525 Yield strength. 4 Time-temperature-property curves at 95% of maximum tensile stress for various alloys .T6 I Alclad sheet f\ 40 Fig. Generally.. the copper-containing alloys of the Txxx group. B is 95% probability that not more than 10% of all material will fall below this value.... and even nested... -=-. Placement of load thermocouples is critical.or T4-type tempers. attaining nearly maximum stable values in four or five days.':" .... and strength increases rapidly. The more highly alloyed members of the 6xxxwrought series.".==. the 6xxx alloys and to an even greater degree the 7xxx alloys are considerably less stable at room temperature and continue to exhibit significant changes in mechanical properties for many years. E ~ 570 C1l . 759 400 ~ ~ Ii~ a~ _"" 300 """---~~ .. are not abnormal. For the alloys that are used in these tempers... the changes that occur on further natural aging are of relatively minor magnitude.. (A and B refer only to curve representing 4290 routine mill tests. ~. Good temperature control and uniformity throughout the furnace and load are required for all precipitation heat treating.- .::: .. these temperatures generally allow some latitude and should have a high probability of meeting property specification requirements. Furnace radiation effects seldom are troublesome except in those few furnaces that are used for both solution and precipitation heat treating..B: 2017 c. because the high heat capacity needed for the higher temperatures may be difficult to control at normal aging temperatures. 6061 D: 6063 -+ OL- --+- L. . :: :... Temperature control and uniformity present essentially the same problems in precipitation heat treating as they do in solution heat treating. and limiting the size and spacing of a load may be necessary for aging to the TI3 and TI6 tempers. For some of these alloys-particularly the 2xxxalloys-the precipitation hardening that results from natural aging alone produces useful tempers (1'3 and T4 types) that are characterized by high ratios of tensile to yield strength and high fracture toughness and resistance to fatigue.. Heavier loads with parts racked closer together.~-~-~-~_:-:--..- . the specified times carry rather broad tolerances.. such situations should be avoided.. the relatively high supersaturation of atoms and vacancies retained by rapid quenching causes rapid formation of GP zones.and T4type tempers are based on a nominal natural aging time of four days. Except for 7xxx alloys in TIx tempers.. 1110 600 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .. The principal hazard is undersoaking due to gross excesses in loading practices. Cast products of heat-treatable alloys have the highest combinations of strength. Quenchant additions can be made for the following purposes: • To promote stable vapor film boiling by the deposition of compounds on the surface of parts as they are submerged in the quench solution • To suppress variations in heat flux by increasing vapor ftlm boiling stability through chemically decreased quench solution surface tension • To moderate quench rate for a given water temperature Tempers. Such evaluations are necessary for determining standard practices for manufacturing operations. because castings generally are complex shapes with variations in section thickness. Deformation consists of stretching (bar. Stress Relief Immediately after being quenched. if a general reduction is needed. However. Normal precipitation heat-treating temperatures are generally too low to provide appreciable stress relief. more closely approximating the reverse of the cooling-rate differential during the original quench. an added one indicates that straightening may have been performed after fmal stretching. For products stress relieved by stretching. the principles and procedures for heat treating wrought and cast alloys are similar. which has no detrimental effect on properties for thicknesses under ap- proximately 3. for example). To achieve a substantial lowering of quenching stresses by thermal stress relaxation. as much as 83% relief of residual stress is possible by increasing the severity of the uphill quench-that is. extrusions. known as subzero treatment and cold stabilization. and for evaluation the effects of both short-term and long-term exposure in elevated temperatures in service. The T7 temper for castings is a typical example of this kind of treatment. A 25% reduction in residual stress is sometimes sufficient to permit fabrication of a part that could not be made without this reduction. such as hot forming and straightening. The stage of precipitation that exists in an alloy at the time ofreheating plays a significant role in the effects of reheating. Effects of Reheating The precipitation characteristics of aluminum alloys must be considered frequently during evaluation of the effects ofreheating on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. ductility. Premium-quality casting specifications such as MlL-A-21180 can require different strengths and ductility levels in the same casting. The major differences between solution-treating conditions for castings and those for wrought products are found in soak times and quenching media. Exposure to higher temperatures (at which stresses are relieved more effectively) results in lower properties. the precipitation treatments used to obtain the T6 tempers provide only modest reduction in stresses. solution times become similar to those for wrought products. 2024-T4 sheet was found to be very susceptible to intergranular corrosion when subjected to a 15-min drying operation at 150°C (300 OF) during the first 8 h after quenching. The maximum effect can be obtained only if the subzero step is performed first. When heat treatment of castings must be repeated.140 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Hardening of Cast Alloys In general. adhesive bonding. no susceptibility was evident when the same drying operation was performed more than 16 h after quenching. Other thermal stress-relief treatments. Reduction of stresses and distortion from quenching is also important. it is extremely dangerous to reheat material in a solution heat-treated temper without first carefully testing the effects of such reheating. In general. Quenching of castings is often in boiling water or a milder medium to reduce quenching stresses in complex shapes. . involve cycling ofparts above and below room temperature. Developing T6-type tempers in cast products requires the same sequence of operations employed in developing tempers of the same type in wrought products-solution heat treating. and plate) or compressing (forgings) the product sufficiently to achieve a small but controlled amount (l to 3%) of plastic deformation. Numerous attempts also have been made to develop a thermal treatment that will remove. highertemperature treatments of the T7 type are required. and paint and dry-film lubricant curing. However. most aluminum alloys are nearly as ductile as they are in the annealed condition. and immediately after quenching from the solution-treating temperature while yield strength is low.125 in. and precipitation heat treating.2 mm (0. quenching.). Mechanical Stress Relief. In one such test. it is often advantageous to stress relieve parts by working the metal immediately after quenching. Effect of Precipitation Heat Treating on Residual Stress. and toughness when produced in T6-type tempers. No benefit is gained from more than one cycle. A commercially important variety is a mixture of polyalkylene glycol and water. ranging from about 10 to 35%. For products stress relieved by compressive deformation. quenching stresses. the supplementary digits are 52. Consequently. Specific combinations of the supplemental digits are used to denote the tempers produced when mechanical deformation is used primarily to relieve residual stresses induced during the quenching operation. 100 and-73°C (212 and-loo °F)-and the number of cycles ranges from one to five. The maximum reduction in residual stress that can be effected by these techniques is about 25%. An additional digit is added to designations for extrusions: an added zero specifies that the product has not been straightened after final stretching. These treatments are used when the lower strengths resulting from overaging are acceptable. Consequently. The degree of relaxation of stresses is highly dependent upon the time and temperature of the precipitation treatment and the alloy composition. or appreciably reduce. The stresses developed during quenching from solution heat treatment are reduced during subsequent precipitation heat treatment. the user should refrain from reheat treating. Quenchants. If the benefits of mechanical stress relieving are needed. such treatments are sometimes utilized when even moderate reduction of residual stress levels is important enough so that some sacrifice in mechanical properties can be accepted. the digits 51 follow the basic Tx designation (f451. because gross solution and homogenization have been completed and are irreversible under normal conditions. The temperatures chosen are those that can be readily obtained with boiling water and mixtures of dry ice and alcohol-namely. Solution of the relatively large microconstituents present in castings requires longer soaking periods than those used for wrought products (fable 3). 23 and24 OC OF Appromnate tbneat Iempemture. Treatmentat 650 OF. followedbyreheatingto 450 OF for 4 h. 23&24 MetaJ tempemture OF Approximate timeat Iempemture bours deslgoalion Thmper 650 650 650 650 650 650 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775 650 775 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 650 775(c) 775(c) 775(c) 775(c) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b)(c) (b)(c) (b)(c) (b)(c) (b)(c) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b)(c) (b)(c) (b)(c) (b)(c) (b)(c) (a) (b)(c) (b)(c) (b)(c) (b)(c) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 650 650 (a) (a) 0 0 (a)TImein the furnaceneednot be longerthan necessarytobring allpartsofload to annealingtemperature. maybe usedtoremovethe effectsof cold workor to partlyremovetheeffectsof heattreatment. followed by uncontrolledcooling. Table 4b Typical full annealingtreatments for some common wrought aluminumalloys These treatments. The rate of softening is strongly temperature-dependent.or topartiallyremovethe effectsof heattreatment. and most workable condition of both nonheat-treatable and heat-treatable wrought alloys is produced by full annealing to the temper designated "0. 1060 1100 1350 2014 2017 2024 2036 2117 2124 2219 3003 3004 3105 5005 5050 5052 5056 5083 5086 5154 5182 5254 5454 5456 5457 5652 6005 6009 6010 6053 6061 6063 6066 7001 7005 7049 7050 7075 7079 7178 7475 Brazing sheet No.may be used toremove the effectsof cold work or to partly removetheeffectsof heat treatment. In annealing. a treatment designed to produce a coarse.may be usedto removetheeffectsof cold work. This usually consists of soaking at 415 to 440°C (775 to 825 "F) followed by slow cooling (28 °CIh.may be usedto removetheeffectsof cold work. max) to about 260°C (500 oF). (b)These treatments areintendedtoremovetheeffectsof solutiontreatmentand includecoolingat a rate of aboUl300C/h (50°FIb)from the annealingtemperatureto 260 "C (500 oF). followedby uncontrolledcooling.Aluminum /141 Annealing Annealing treatments are of several types that differ in objective.(c)ThIstreatmentisintendedto removetheeffectsofsolutionheatlreatment and includescoolingat an uncontrolledrateto 400 OF or less. Annealing times and temperatures depend on alloy type as well as on initial structure and temper. Hand 12 No. which anneal the material to the 0 temper. Full Annealing. it is important to ensure that the proper temperature is reached in all portions of the load. followedby uncontrolledcooling. Treatmentat 650 OF.21 and22 No. Treatmentat 345 "C(650 oF). The high diffusion rates that exist during soaking and slow cooling permit maximum coalescence of precipitate particles and result in minimum hardness." For both heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable aluminum alloys. or 50 °FIh. reduction or elimination of the strengthening effects of cold working is accomplished by heating at a temperature from about 260 to about 440°C (500 to 825 "F). Rate of subsequentcooling is unimportant. it is common to specify a soaking period of at least 1 h. The maximum annealing temperature is moderately critical.(b)These treatmentsare intendedto removeeffectsof solutionheattreatmentandincludecoolingat rateof about50 OF perhourfromtheannealingtemperature to 500 oF-The rate of subsequentcooling is unimportant. widely spaced precipitate is employed. (d) Coolingrate to205 DC (400 OF) or belowis less than orequal to 30 0C/h (50 °FIb) . If the purpose of annealing is merely to remove the effects of strain hardening. Coolingrate isunimportant. b 345 345 345 415(b) 415(b) 415(b) 385(b) 415(b) 415(b) 415(b) 415 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 415(b) 415(b) 415(b) 415(b) 415(b) 415(b) 415(b) 415(c) 345(d) 415(c) 415(c) 415(c) 415(c) 415(c) 415(c) 650 650 650 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 725(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(b) 775(c) 650(d) 775(c) 775(c) 775(c) 775(c) 775(c) 775(c) (a) (a) (a) 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 345 345 345 650 650 650 (a) (a) (a) (a) 'lime in the furnaceneed not be longerthan necessaryto bring alI parts of the load to annealing temperature.Rateof coolingis unimportant.followedbyreheatingto 230°C (450 oF) for 4 h. 11& 12 Nos. heating to about 345°C (650 oF) will usually suffice. (c)Thesetreatmentsareintendedto removetheeffectsof solution treatmentand includecoolingat an uncontrolledrateto205°C (400 oF) or less. If it is necessary to remove the hardening effects of a heat treatment or of cooling from hot-working temperatures. the time required to soften a given material by a given amount can vary from hours at low temperatures to seconds at high temperatures. The softest. Treatmentat 345°C (650 oF). followedby uncontrolled cooling. are typical for various sizes and methods of manufacture and may not exactly describe optimum treatments for specific items. Metaltempemture Alloy Table 4a Typical annealingtreatments for aluminum alloymill products Alloy 1060 1100 1145 1235 1345 1350 2014 2017 2024 2117 2219 3003 3004 3005 3105 5005 5050 5052 5056 5083 5086 5154 5254 5454 5456 5457 5652 6005 6053 6061 6063 6066 7072 7075 7175 7178 7475 Brazing Sheet: Nos. most ductile. or to partiallyremovethe effectsof heattreatment. Annealing of cold-worked non-heat-treatable wrought alloys to obtain intermediate mechanical properties (H2-type tempers) is referred to as partial annealing or recovery annealing. This phenomenon can occur during or after recrystallization of material that has been subjected to a small critical amount of prior cold work. Dimensional Changes during Heat Treatment Distortion as a result of creep during solution heat treatment should be avoided by proper loading of parts in baskets. the relatively constant relationships among various properties allow the use of tensile properties alone as acceptance criteria. however. some deterioration of mechanical properties is encountered. If the oxygen content of the furnace atmosphere is kept very low during such annealing. Annealing of castings for 2 to 4 h at temperatures 315 to 345°C (600 to 650 OF) provides the most complete relief of residual stresses and precipitation of the phases formed by the excess solute retained in solid solution in the as-cast condition. in the case of heat-treatable alloys. The minimum guaranteed strength is ordinarily that value above which it has been statistically predicted with 95% probability that 99% or more of the material will pass. it is too late to change the condition of the parts in question. rod. Treatments to produce H2-type tempers require close control of temperature to achieve uniform and consistent mechanical properties. The simplest of these is relieving the causative stress by interjecting a stress-relief anneal into the manufacturing sequence immediately prior to the solution-treating or full-annealing cycle in which the grain growth occurred. and distortion. Less frequently. Age hardening may follow stress-relief annealing of heat-treatable alloys. Partial Annealing. and alloys of the 5xxx series. because a concentration of soluble alloying elements sufficient to cause natural aging remains in solid solution after such treatments. Such treatments employ temperatures up to about 345°C (650 "F). This approach is usually successful and practical. partial recrystallization. Quality Assurance Tensile Tests. the oil will not oxidize and stain the work. The heating rate can be critical. Stress-Relief Annealing. It is usually manifested by surface roughening during subsequent fabrication operations and frequently results in rejections for appearance or functional reasons. the temperatures and times specified are selected to produce recrystallization and. is recommended for all alloys to minimize distortion. Examples include alloy 3004. Tests are less valuable for acceptance and rejection of heat-treated aluminum alloys than they are for steel. or by provision of adequate support for long pieces of plate. Solution of phases formed by major alloying elements causes volumetric expansion or contraction. gouging. annealing merely to remove the effects of strain hardening is referred to as stress-relief annealing. a precipitate of maximum size. or up to 400 ± 8°C (750 ± 15 "F) for 3003 alloy. The inherent variability within lots and among specimens from a given piece is shown in Fig. Such treatment may result in simple recovery. and this is undesirable regardless of surface-roughening effects. for this the cooling rate must be closely controlled. and extrusions heat treated in horizontal roller hearth furnaces. which usually requires rapid heating for prevention of grain growth. or by forming in multiple stages with a stress-relief anneal before each stage. Aluminum alloys that contain even very small amounts of magnesium will form a surface magnesium oxide unless the atmosphere in the annealing furnace is free ofmoisture and oxygen. or full recrystallization. Another problem that control of the annealing atmosphere helps to overcome or avoid is oil staining by oil-base roll lubricants that do not burn off at lower annealing temperatures. which is used for cooking utensils." Grain Growth Many aluminum alloys in common use are subject to grain growth during solution treatment or annealing. or fixtures. 5. This may be done by adding a cold-working operation before forming. No appreciable holding time is required. Such annealing treatments provide maximum dimensional stability for service at elevated temperatures. Nevertheless. Controlled-Atmosphere Annealing and Stabilizing. in still air or in the furnace. and cooling to room temperature. such as prestretching of blanks. depending on the alloy system.142/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys it is advisable not to exceed 415°C (775°F). especially for alloy 3003. because of oxidation and grain growth. When a grain-growth problem is discovered. allowance should be made for this differential expansion to ensure that expansion of the aluminum is not restricted. The annealed temper is designated "0. In general. Sheet is provided with air-pressure support in continuous heat-treating furnaces to avoid scratching. Relatively slow cooling. bar. Bendability and formability of an alloy annealed to an H2-type temper generally are significantly higher than those of the same alloy in which an equal strength level is developed by a final cold-working operation (HI-type temper). A third method that is sometimes successful consists of increasing the heating rate during the critical heat treatment by reducing the size of furnace loads or by changing from an air furnace to a salt bath. hard- . but several methods are available for preventing recurrence of the difficulty. Typical annealing conditions used for some alloys in common use are listed in Tables 4a and b. racks. Hardness. Another possibility is to adjust the amount of stress present in the part immediately prior to the critical heat treatment so that the stress level is outside the critical range. Straightening immediately after solution heat treating may be preferable to fixturing. Temperature control for full and partial annealing is somewhat more critical than for stress-relief annealing. If parts are to be solution heat treated in fixtures or racks made of materials (such as steel) with coeffi- cients of thermal expansion lower than that of the aluminum being treated. and this may have to be taken into account in heat treatment of long pieces. For cold-worked wrought alloys. a design consideration in the 1000. acceptance should be based on acceptable hardness plus written evidence of compliance with specified heat-treating procedures.-T65 7079-T6.050~ 0.T7 Sheetandplate Sheetandplate Sheet.) All Notclad Clad.2024-T42 and6061-T4shouldnot be rejectedfor lowhardnessuntil theyhaveremainedatroom temperature for at least three daysfollowingsolutiontreatment.063in.5-90 74.5 84-88 84-88 88-100 82-103 87. (e) 136to 164HB (10 mmball.) >1.) All Notclad Clad All All Sheet Extrusions.78mm (>0.500kg load).0. 7475 alloy is a derivative of 7075 with maximum compositional limits on some elements that were found to decrease toughness. However.forgings.-T4.) >1.>1.) Clad 69-83 52-71 52-71 76-90 69-83 52-71 52-71 74.) HRH 87.91 mm (O.062in.050in. Hardness values higher than the listed maximums are acceptable provided that the material is positively identified as the correct alloy. For control of the corrosion and stress-corrosion characteristics of certain tempers.036~ 0.) >0.063in.andextrusions Sheetand plate The fracture toughness of these alloys and tempers range in measured Klc values from about 20 MPa'. The alloys and tempers currently identified as controlled-toughness.-T62 2024-TSI 2024-TS6 6053-T6 6061-T4(d) 6061-T6 6063-T5 6063-T6 6151-T6 7075-T6. (b) 126to 158HB (lO mm bal. use of electrical conductivity is not recommended except for rough screening.063in.31mm(0.5-87.forgings. because the correlation between strength and electrical conductivity is strongly a function of chemical composition and fabricating practice.) Clad. 500kg load). Fracture Toughness Indices.41 mm (0.91 s 1. notably the 1'73 and 1'76 types.036s 0.5 83-90 HR15T 111-118 109-116 109-116 Notclad.Aluminum /143 ness tests have some utility for process control.60 mm(0. Table 5 Typical acceptable hardness values for wrought aluminum alloys Acceptable hardness does not guarantee acceptable properties.5 64-75 67-78 75-84 78-84 89-97 62.57mm (>0. which must be followed by hardness testing.60 mm (0.5-70 85-94 85-97 84-96 55-70 70-85 91-102 106-114 78-90 76-90 76-90 73-90 81-93 85 min 102-110 104-110 104-110 102-110 102-110 104-114 105min 87. if ever.plate.5-92 88min 102min 86 min 47-72 All All All Notclad(e) Clad: ~.51 mm (OmOin. high-strength alloys.(d)Alloys2024-T4.60mm (0.For example.(t) 136HBmin(lOmmball. Fracture toughness is rarely.plate.~.062~0.extrusions. Controlled-toughness alloys are often derivatives of conventional alloys.036 in.). ~1.forgings.500kg load).070in. Fracture toughness quality control and material procurement minimums are appropriate for controlled-toughness.) Clad.5-83.4000. Electrical Conductivity. ~1.062 in. Figure 6 shows the general relationship between longitudinal tensile strength and hardness for aluminum alloys.5 80-84.5 111-118 109-116 109-116 85-90 82.) All(e) Notclad(t) Clad: ~.57mm (0.(c) 100to 130HB (10mm ball. Low tensile strengths may be accompanied by high levels of electrical conductivity.plate.016in.) >0.5-92 86-90 85 min 88min (a)Minimumhardnessvaluesshownforcladproductsarevalidforthicknesses up to and including2.-T65 2014-T61 2024-13 2024-136 2024-T4.063in.5 80-84.3000. and 6000 series alloys.5-78. The fracture toughness of these alloys is sufficiently high that thicknesses beyond those commonly produced would be required to obtain a valid test.T8 T8 T7 T7 T6 T6.091in.claddingshouldbe locallyremovedforhardnesstestingor test should be perfonnedon edge of sheet. andextrusions Sheet.5 74.062in. Typical hardness values for various alloys and tempers are given in Table 5. so electrical conductivity is sometimes used as a quality-assurance diagnostic tool. andforgings Plate.>1.5-83.lnl (18 ksi"ln. Hardness Alloy lindtemper 2014-13.60mm(0. the material must meet combination criteria of yield strength plus electrical conductivity.57mm (>0.036in.-T42(d) 2024-T6.070 in. andextrusions Sheetandplate Sheet. 500kgload) .5000.) upward.-T62. highstrength products include: AnDy Condltlon Product rorm 2048 2124 2419 7049 7050 7150 7175 7475 T8 13.27~ 1.91s 1.) >1.) >1.57s 1.forheavier-gage material.) Notclad.T7 T6. and then by tensile testing if the hardness tests indicate that the heat treatment was suspect.78mm (0.-T42 2014-T6.-T65 7178-T6 Product rorm(o) HRB HRE All 65-70 80-90 81-90 87-95 103-110 104-110 100-109 97-106 91-100 93-102 100-110 97-106 91-100 93-102 99-106 99-106 99-106 105-110 79-87 60-75 70-81 Sheet{b) All others All Notclad(c) Clad.91 mm (0.5-87.27mm (>0. Applies to products that are thermally treated. This designation is specific only when the period of natural aging is indicated-for example. solution heat treated. The effects of cold work. In T-type designations. The T is always followed by one or more digits. to produce stable tempers. . Applies to products that are cold worked specifically to improve strength after solution heat treatment. cold worked. are recognized in specified property limits. • T4.2 h. If the products are flattened or straightened. Stabilization heat treatment carries the mechanical properties beyond the point of maximum strength to provide some special characteristic. . have been substantially improved by precipitation heat treatment. Applies to products that are cold worked specifically to improve strength after solution heat treatment. • T8.: 450 . cold worked. cold worked. If the products are flattened or straightened.'" to . or both. and for which mechanical properties or dimensional stability. solution heat treated and naturally aged to a substantially stable condition. are recognized in specified property limits. including any cold work . and Tx54 tempers. An unstable temper applicable to any alloy that naturally ages (spontaneously ages at room temperature) after solution heat treatment. • TI. and T. cooled from an elevated-temperature shaping process. Applies to products that have been precipitation heat treated to the extent that they are overaged. each number denotes a specific sequence of basic treatments: • TI. Tx52. such as enhanced resistance to stress-corrosion cracking or to exfoliation corrosion.. MajorSubdivisions of T Temper. Applies to products that are not cold worked after solution heat treatment. The 0 may be followed by a digit other than zero. Applies to products that are not cold worked after solution heat treatment. solution heat treated and stabilized. and for which mechanical properties have been stabilized by room-temperature aging.. Applies to products that are cold worked specifically to improve strength after cooling from a hot-working process such as rolling or extrusion. ~ 60 400 c: I- 55 350 50 45 70 80 Hardness. If the products are flattened or straightened after cooling from the shaping process. including any cold work imparted by flattening or straightening. cooled from an elevated-temperature shaping process and artificially aged.144/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 600 Fig. Other basic temper designations are F (as fabricated) and H (strain hardened). annealed. If the products are flattened or straightened after cooling from the shaping process. 500 :.) • T. and artificially aged. and for which mechanical properties have been stabilized by room-temperature aging. cooled from an elevated-temperature shaping process and naturally aged to a substantially stable condition. Applies to wrought products that are annealed to obtain lowest strength temper and to cast products that are annealed to improve ductility and dimensional stability. in the section below on subdivision of the T temper. • 11. have been substantially improved by precipitation heat treatment. Applies to products that are not cold worked after an elevated-temperature shaping process such as casting or extrusion. heat treated to produce stable tempers other than O.. solution heat treated and artificially aged. f5' 70 en c e . (See discussion of the Tx51. • 0. with or without supplementary strain hardening. W. 6 Tensile strength versus hardness for various aluminum alloysandtempers 85 550 LIVE GRAPH 75 '" Q. W 1. the effects of the cold work imparted by flattening or straightening are not recognized in specified property limits. Applies to products that are not cold worked after an elevated-temperature shaping process such as casting or extrusion. solution heat treated. • TI. the effects of the cold work imparted by flattening or straightening are not recognized in specified property limits. or both. c I- Click here to view ~ tc: e 65 :. and naturally aged to a substantially stable condition. and for which mechanical properties have been stabilized by room-temperature aging. • T5. and for which mechanical properties have been stabilized by room-temperature aging. HRB 90 100 Temper Designations for Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys Basictemperdesignations for heat-treated conditions include the codes 0. The effects of cold work. the effects of the cold work imparted by flattening or straightening are not recognized in specified property limits. including any cold work imparted by flattening or straightening. or both. the T is followed by a number from I to 10. and naturally aged to a substantially stable condition. • W. have been substantially improved by precipitation heat treatment. solution heat treated. The effects of cold work. • T6. the effects of the cold work imparted by flattening or straightening are not recognized in specified property limits. and for which mechanical properties or dimensional stability. and for which mechanical properties or dimensional stability. Stress relieved by compressing. have been substantially improved by precipitation heat treatment. Solution heat treated from the 0 or the F temper to demonstrate response to heat treatment and artificially aged Subdivision of the 0 Temper. additional digits. The following specific sets of additional digits have been assigned to stress-relieved wrought products: • Tx51. the first (x) of which cannot be zero. cooled from an elevated-temperature shaping process.5-3 1-3 0. Solution heat treated from the 0 or the F temper to demonstrate response to heat treatment and naturally aged to a substantially stable condition • T62. and then air cooled to room temperature. and cold worked. • TlO. and tubing. including any cold work imparted by flattening or straightening. For example. are recognized in specified property limits. Applies to die forgings that are stress relieved by restriking cold in the finish die. to accentuate ultrasonic response and provide dimensional stability. • 1'9. In temper designations for annealed products. may be added to the designation. Products that receive no further straightening after stretching • Tx511. artificially aged. Applies to products that are cold worked specifically to improve strength after they have been precipitation heat treated. . are recognized in specified property limits. shapes. this designation applies to products that are to be machined prior to solution heat treatment by the user. Applies to products that are stress relieved by compressing after solution heat treatment. Tx51 also applies to extruded rod. 52. • T42.shapes.extrudedtube Drawntube Permanent set. Stress relieved by combining stretching and compressing. bar. When it is desirable to identify a variation of one of the ten major T tempers described above. Other Subdivisions T Temper Codes for Stress-Relieved Products. Applies to the following products when stretched to the indicated amounts after solution heat treatment or after cooling from an elevated-temperature shaping process: Tx51 applies directly to plate and to rolled or cold finished rod and bar. 01 denotes that a product has been heat treated according to a time/temperature schedule approximately the same as that used for solution heat treatment. and for which mechanical properties or dimensional stability. Applies to products that are cold worked specifically to improve strength after cooling from a hot-working process such as rolling or extrusion.Aluminum /145 imparted by flattening or straightening. The effects of cold work. These products receive no further straightening after stretching. (These same digits-and 51. bar. and to drawn tubing. and 54-may be added to the designation W to indicate unstable solution heat-treated and stress-relieved tempers) Temper designations T42 and T62 apply to wrought products heat treated from the 0 or the F temper to demonstrate response from the heat treatment described below. Products that may receive minor straightening after stretching to comply with standard tolerances • Tx52. cold worked. stress relieved by stretching.5-3 • Tx5lO. a digit following the 0 indicates special characteristics. solution heat treated. Temper designations T42 and T62 also may be applied to wrought products heat treated from any temper by the user when such heat treatment results in the mechanical properties applicable to these tempers. or both. when designated as follows: Product Corm Plate Rod. and artificially aged. % 1. or after cooling from a hot-working process to produce a permanent set of 1 to 5% • Tx54. T6511 D D D E E D D D E E D D D E E D D D E E D D D E E D D D A A A D B B Gas An: seam ability(l) Solderabilil}'(g) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D D D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D D D D B B B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A D D D B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D D D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C C C C Braze- Some lypicaI applications ofalloys Chemicalequipment.. and thermal treatment.B =Good. D. processing.5% sodium chloride alternate immersion test. and A through E for machinabilityare relative ratings in decreasingorder of merit.and cold-working mill processes (such as rolling. either singly or in combination). railroadtankcars Sheet-metalwork. A = No known instance of failure in service or in laboratory tests. so as to transform cast ingot into the desired product form. B = Weldablewith special techniquesor for specificapplications. and Eratings generallyshould be protected at least on faying surfaces. (e) Ratings A through D for workability (cold).General(a) crackiDg(b) Workabitity (cold)(e) Machlnability(e) A A A A .T4. extruding. A vast difference in the mechanical and physical properties of mill products can be obtained through the control of the chemistry.H26 HI8 2011TI T4.NA = Not applicable (continued) .fin stock Electrolytic capacitorfoil. Examples of corrosion and fabrication properties that are available.D = Limited service failures with sustained longitudinal or long transverse stress. and drawing.C = Limited weldabilitybecause of crack sensitivityor loss in resistance to corrosion and mechanicalproperties.Properties of Wrought Aluminum and Wrought Aluminum Alloys Aluminum mill products have been subjected to plastic deformation by hot. aircraftstructures (a) Ratings A through E are relative ratings in decreasing order of merit.A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D(c) D(c) D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D D B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B C A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B C B D E E D(c) D C C C D corrosion Alloy temper 10500 Hl2 HI4 HI6 Hl8 10600 HI2 HI4 HI6 HI8 11000 HI2 HI4 HI6 HI8 11450 HI2 HI4 Hl6 HI8 11990 HI2 HI4 HI6 HI8 13500 failures in laboratory tests of short transversespecimens. (c) In relatively thick sections the rating would be E.spunhollowware. fin stock Foil.. (g) Ratings A through D and NA for solderabilityare relative ratings defined as follows:A = Excellent. product or alloy. T651. (f) Ratings A through D for weldabilityand brazeabilityare relative ratings defined as follows:A = Generally weldableby all commercial proceduresand methods.H1l1 H14.T451 T6.chemical equipment.. household foil.requirespreliminarytrials or testing to develop welding procedure and weld performance. or wrought. Microstructural changes associated with the working and with any accompanying thermal treatments are used to control certain properties and characteristics of the worked.T651O.. C = Fair.railroadtankcars Electricalconductors Screw-machine products Truckframes. Alloys with A and B ratings can be used in industrialand seacoast atmosphereswithout protection. based on exposures to sodium chloride solution by intermittent spraying or immersion. per alloy and temper. are found in the Table that follows.H24 HI6. and extruded shapes such as storm window frames. Comparative characteristics and applications Weldabilil}'(Q Resistance spotand Resistance tocorrosion St. B = No known instance of failure in service. Typical mill products include plate or sheet (which is subsequently formed or machined into products such as aircraft or building components). (b) Stress-corrosioncracking ratings are based on service experience and on laboratorytests of specimens exposed to the 3. Alloyswith C. D = Poor. C = Service failures with sustained tension stress acting in short transverse direction relative to grain structure: limited failures in laboratory tests of long transverse specimens. (d) This rating may be different for material held at elevated temperaturefor long periods.D = No commonlyused welding methods have been developed. railroadtankcars Chemicalequipment. T451 T8 20140 TI. refrigerator trim. (d) This rating may be different for material held at elevated temperaturefor long periods. TI51. (g) Ratings A through 0 and NA for solderabilityare relative ratings defined as follows: A =Excellent. TI51O.sheet-metalwork.screw-machine products.Alloys with C.T851. and A through E for machinabilityare relative ratings in decreasing order of merit. screenwire.requires preliminarytrials or testing to develop welding procedureand weld performance. (f) Ratings A through 0 for weldabilityand brazeability are relative ratings defined as follows: A =Generally weldableby all commercial proceduresand methods.T851O.TI511 TI61 T6 T861.storagetanks Residential siding. rivetsfor magnesium. T8511 T87 2618T61 30030 HI2 H14 HI6 HI8 H25 30040 H32 H34 H36 H38 31050 H12 H14 H16 H18 H25 4032T6 4043 50050 HI2 HI4 HI6 HI8 H32 H34 H36 H38 50500 H32 H34 H36 H38 50520 H32 H34 H36 H38 50560 HIll H12.T851O. coiled tubes Sheet-metal work. T81.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /147 Comparative characteristics andapplications (continued) WeldabilitylO Resistance spoland Resistance 10 corrosion StressGenerat(a) cmcking(b) Workability (cold)(e) D(c) D(c) D 0 C C B B C D C D C D D D B C C D(c) D(c) 0 D 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) B(d) B(d) C C B B C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B(d) B(d) B(d) B(d) C(d) Oed) D(d) corrosion Alloy temper 20240 T4. T8511 172 2036T4 2124T851 2218T61 172 22190 TIl. 0 =Limited service failures with sustained longitudinal or long transverse stress. (b) Stress-corrosioncracking ratings are based on service experience and on laboratory tests of specimens exposed to the 3. (c) In relatively thick sections the rating would be E.5% sodium chloride alternate immersion test. B =No known instance of failure in tanks Sheet-metalwork.aircraftstructures D B C 0 D D D A A A A D A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B D NA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C C C C C C A A A A A C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B NA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C C Military supersonic aircraft B B B C B B A A A A B B A A A A A B A A A A B A A A A A C NA B A A A A A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A A A B B B B B E E D D 0 0 0 D C C C E E D D D D B C E E 0 0 D E D D D E D 0 C C D D C C C D D D C C B B Braze- D D D D D D D A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B 0 NA B B B Auto-bodypanelsheet NA B B B NA A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B NA NA B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C 0 D D D D D D C C C C C D D D D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D B B Some typical applications oralloys Jet engineimpellers andrings Strucmralusesathigh temperatures (to 315°C.sheet-metal work Pistons Weldingelectrode Appliances. A =No known instance of failure in service or in laboratory tests. zippers (a) Ratings A through E are relative ratings in decreasing order of merit. TI. TI51. B =Weldablewith special techniquesor for specific applications. limited failures in laboratory tests of short transversespecimens.TI511 TI7 T81. pressurevessels. appliances Cablesheathing. C =Fair. Alloys with A and B ratings can be used in industrialand seacoast atmosphereswithout protection. chemicalequipment.architectura1. D =Poor.hydraulictube. (e) Ratings A through D for workability (cold). utensils.H34 HI8. D. or 600 "P) high-strength weldments Aircraftengines Cookingutensils.NA =Not applicable (continued) .H38 H192 H392 B D C D D D A A B C C B A B B C C A B B C C B NA A A B C C B C C A A B C C A B B C C A A B B C D D Machinability(e) Gas Arc seam abilily(1) Solderability(g) D B B B B B C B D C 0 D D D B C C C D B B B B D D D D D C C C C C Truckwheels. B =Good. builder's hardware. rain-carryinggoods.H32 HI4. TI51O. T851. based on exposures to sodium chloride solution by intermittentspraying or immersion. electricalconductors Builders'hardware.C =Limited weldablllty because of crack sensitivity or loss in resistance to corrosion and mechanicalproperties. and E ratings generally should be protected at least on faying surfaces.mobilehomes.D =No commonly used welding methods have been developed. C =Service failures with sustained tension stress acting in short transverse direction relative to grain structure: limited failures in laboratory tests of long transverse specimens. pipelines High-strength busconductors (a) Ratings A through E are relative ratings in decreasing order of merit. Alloys with A and B ratings can he used in industrialand seacoast atmosphereswithout protection.pipelines Piperailing.H1l6 H11l 50860 H32. architectural extrusions Forgingsandextrusionsfor welded structures Heavy-dutyweldedstructures.salt-waterservice Automobilebodysheet.T45l. T65l1 6070T4. T4511 marineapplications Hydrogenperoxideandchemical storagevessels Anodizedautoandappliance trim NA NA NA NA NA B =No known instance of failure in service. C =Fair. C =Service failures with sustained tension stress acting in short transverse direction relative to grain structure.5% sodium chloride alternate immersion test. T651O. pressurevessels.railroadcars. based on exposures to sodium chloride solution by intermittentspraying or immersion. (c) In relatively thick sections the rating would he E. marineservice NA NA B D D D D D High-strength weldedstructures. marine. (g) Ratings A through D and NA for solderabilityare relative ratings defined as follows: A =Excellent.T832 60660 T4.weldedpressurevessels. (d) This rating may he different for material held at elevated temperaturefor long periods. pipelines Automobilebodysheet Automobilebodysheet Heavy-dutystructuresrequiringgood corrosionresistance.C =Limited weldabllitybecause of crack sensitivity or loss in resistance to corrosion and mechanicalproperties. T451O.T651O. truckandmarine.T52 T6 aircraftcryogenics.drillingrigs. T6511 6063T1 T4 T5. limited failures in laboratory tests of long transverse specimens. storagetanks.railroad cars.canends Automotiveandappliancetrim Hydrogenperoxideandchemical storagevessels Welding electrode Weldedstructures.missilecomponents Weldedstructures.HlI5 54570 56520 H32 H34 H36 H38 5657H241 H25 H26 H28 6005T5 6009T4 6010T4 60610 T4.H116 H34 H36 H38 H11l 51540 H32 H34 H36 H38 51820 HI9 5252H24 H25 H28 52540 H32 H34 H36 H38 5356 54540 H32 H34 HlII 54560 H11l H321. (e) Ratings A through D for workability (cold). pressurevessels. T652. T65l. B =Good. and E ratings generallyshould be protectedat least on faying surfaces.pressurevessels.requirespreliminarytrials or testing to develop welding procedureand weld performance. NA =Not applicable (continued) . T4511 T6.T64 General(a) rracking(b) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A A A A A A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A A A A A A(d) A(d) A(d) A A A A A A A A A A B A A B B B A A A A A C C C B B A A Weldabillty(l) Resislance spoland C C C B C C B Braze- Solderabillly(g) Some lyplcalappUralions oralloys towers.D =Limited service failures with sustained longitudinal or long transverse stress.truckand marine.B =Weldablewith special techniquesor for specific applications.T451O.T4511 T6 61OIT6. limited failures in laboratory tests of short transversespecimens.Alloys with C. and A through E for machinabilityare relative ratings in decreasing order of merit. transportation equipment. A =No known instance of failure in service or in laboratory tests.T63 T6I.148 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Comparative characteristics andapplications (continued) Resistance tocorrosion StressWorkabitity (co!d)(e) Machinability(e) Gas An: seam abillly(f) A(d) A(d) B(d) A(d) A(d) B(d) B(d) B(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A A A A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A(d) A A A A A B(d) B(d) B(d) A A A A A A A A A A A B C C A B B C C B A B B C C A D B B C A B B C C NA A B B B B C C A A B B C C A B B D D D D D C C C D D D C C C D B D C C D D C C C B D D C D D D D E D D C C C D D D D C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A A A C C C C C NA C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A NA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A B A A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A NA B A A A B A A B B A A A A A A A A A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D C C C D D D D D NA D D D D D D D B C C C C C B B B B A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D NA A A A B A A A A A A A B B B B A A A B A B C B B B C C B C C C D C C D D C C C D C B C C C D A A A A A A A A A A D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B A A A A A A B A A A A A A A B B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A D D D B B A A B B B B B B B B B B corroslon Alloy temper 50830 H32l. (f) Ratings A through D for weldabilityand brazeabilityare relative ratings defined as follows:A =Generally weldableby all commercialprocedures and methods.T831. (b) Stress-corrosioncracking ratings are based on service experience and on laboratory tests of specimens exposed to the 3. D. storagetanks. D =Poor. D =No commonlyused welding methodshave been developed. and brewing industries.trailers. 0.05 Cu max.T5. 0.(f) Ratings A IhroughD for weldability andbrazeability arerelativeratingsdefmedas follows: A= Generally weldableby allcommercial procedures andmelhods.T7351.T7651 7050T74. 0. 99. lintitedfailures in laboratory testsof longtransverse specimens. D = No commonly usedweldingmethodshavebeendeveloped.05 Mn max. 0.T765l C C C C A B B B B C(c) C C C(c) C C C A C B B C C B B C C D C B B B B D C C A C C D D D D A C B B B B D D D D D B B B D D D D B B B B NA NA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A NA B B B B B D D D D A D D D D D D D D D C C C C A C C C C C C C C C B B B B D D D D A D D D D D D D D D D D D D A D D D D D D D D D A B B B B B B B B B B Some typical appticatlons oralloys Moderate-strength. C = Limitedweldability becauseofcracksensitivity orlossin resistance tocorrosion andmechanical properties.T7452 T76.T7451. 39 10 8 7 Shearstrength MPa ksl 62 69 76 83 9 10 11 12 . (France) NF A5.andAIhrough Eformachinability arerelativeratingsindecreasing orderofrnerit.5%sodiumchloridealternate inunersion test. B = Good.B = No knowninstance of failureinservice. (g) RatingsA Ihrough D andNAforsolderability arerelativeratingsdefinedas follows: A= Excellent.T651.(e)RatingsAIhrough Dforworkability (cold). Extruded coiled tubing for equipment and containers for food.T652 B 6201T81 6262T6.. trucks. C=Servicefailures wilhsustained tensionstressactinginshorttransverse directionrelativetograinstructure.05 V max. AlloyswilhC. UNS.25 Si max.T6511 1'9 6351. (United Kingdom) B5 IB.T651O. collapsible tubing (Canada) CSA 9950. requires preliminary trialsor testingto developweldingprocedure andweldperformance.. Temperature 345°C (650 oF) 1050 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties 'Iemper 0 H14 H16 HI8 1enslJe strength MPa ksl 76 110 131 159 11 16 19 23 Yield strength MPa ksl 28 103 124 145 4 15 18 21 Elongation. forgings Aircraftandolherstructures Aircraftandotherstructures (a)RatingsAIhrough E arerelativeratingsindecreasing orderof merit. chemical.T651.(c)In relatively thicksectionstheratingwould be E. .T651O.5 Available Product Forms. and/or Foreign).A = No knowninstanceof failurein serviceor in laboratory tests.T761 7072 70750 T6.T651 T73.05 Mg max.cladding alloy Aircraftandotherstructures Aircraft andolherstructures. and E ratingsgenerally shouldbeprotectedat least on fayingsurfaces. 0. (b) Stress-corrosion crackingratingsarebasedon service experience andon laboratory testsof specimens exposedto the3. T6511 7475T6.T7352 T76. dumpbodies Aircraft andolherstructures Aircraftandolherstructures Finstock.03 others max (each) Aluminum content: 99. D = Limitedservicefailures withsustainedlongitudinal or longtransverse stress. limitedfailures inlaboratory testsof shorttransverse specimens. AlloyswithA and B ratingscan be usedin industrial andseacoastatmospheres withoutprotection.T74.D = Poor. 0..T6 A B B B A A A A 6463T1 T5 T6 7005T53 A A A A A A B B 7049T73. A91050.basedon exposures to sodiumchloridesolutionby intermittent spraying or immersion. (d)Thisratingmay be different forrnaterial heldatelevatedtemperature forlongperiods.T7351 7175. Extruded pyrotechnic powder Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.T651. B491.C = Fair. T7352 T76. Composition Limits.T652.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /149 Comparative characteristics and applications (continued) Weldability(f) Resista_to corrosion Stress- corrosion Alloy temper Generalla) cracking(b) Workabilily (cold)(e) Machin- ability(e) Gas Resistance spotand Braze- seam ability(!) Arc Solde" ability(g) 6151T6. T6511 T73. ASTM.T6510. NA= Notapplicable 1050 Chemical Composition. intricate forgings formachineand autoparts High-strength electric conductor wire Screw-machineproducts Heavy-duty structures requiring goodcorrosion resistance. D. B= Weldable wilhspeclaltechniques or forspecific applications.50 Al min.S. Typical Uses. (Germany) DIN A199.T7351.T7452 71780 T6. truckandtractorextrusions Extruded architectural and trim sections Heavy-duty structures requiring goodcorrosion resistance.5 Al min Specifications (U. Time in furnace need not be longer than necessary to bring all parts of load to annealing temperature. 0.03 Ti max.000104.000in.0 12.6 rom (0. Chemical equipment and railroad tank cars.) diam by 1. A91060 ASME and ASTMspecifications Specification number Mill fonn and condition ASME AS1M Sheetand plate Wire. specified minimum elongation varies with thickness of the mill product. 0. AMS.27104.shapes. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Application" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. plate. UNS.499 in.05 Zn max.60 AI min.000 in.0 75 70 62 11. heat exchanger tubing.03 others max (each) Specifications (U.and tube (extruded) Pipe (gas and oil transmission) Tube (condenser) Tube (condenserwithintegralfins) Tube (drawn) Tube (drawn.) thick specimens. seamless) SB209 B209 B211 B221 B345 B234 B404 B483 B210 B241 SB221 SB234 SB210 SB241 Available Product Forms. thick 0.500-1.) or 4d.0 16.05 Cu max. Sheet and plate: 4000.seamless) Tube (extruded.(b)500 kg load: 10 romdiam ball.150 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 1060 Chemical Composition. drawn tubing. 0.S.O(b) 83 12. wall thickness) H14 (a) In 50 rom (2 in.410 114.0 10. brazeability. 99. wall thickness) o HI2 H14 HI8 H112 Extruded tube o H112 Beat-exchanger tube (0. machinability.0 17. Sheet.0 12.001-3.03 Mg max.050 100. (See adjoining Table). 0. Composition Limits.0 9. 0.169 in. Temperature is 345 °C (650 OF).500 in. Rate of cooling is not important . 1060 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties Thnsilestrength MPa ksi Elongatlon(a).60 Al min Typical Uses.010-0.03 Mn max. extruded tubing.35 Fe max.5 6. Has very good resistance to corrosion and good formability.5 95 95(b) 14. rod.0625 in. ASME. 0.500 in. RR Moore type test 1060 Aluminum: Tensile-property limits Thnsileslrength Minimum Thmper Maximum MPa ksi MPa ksi 55 75 83 110 8. Thmper MPa ksi % HB(b) 0 H12 HI4 H16 H18 69 83 97 110 131 28 76 90 103 124 4 11 13 15 18 43 16 12 8 6 19 23 26 30 35 10 12 14 16 19 Yieldstrength Shear strength MPa ksi 48 55 62 69 76 7 8 9 10 11 Fatigue Iimll(c) MPa ksi 21 28 34 45 45 3 4 5 6.5 58 58 8. 0.0 11.Where a range of values appears in this column.0 16. Available tempers: H12.0 58 70 83 110 58 8.250-0. thick 1.) wall thickness .0 8.5 8.0 Sheet and plate o HI2 H14 HI8 H112 0. bar. HI8 Characteristics Aluminum content: 99. H14. where d is diameter of reduced section of tensile test specimen. thick Drawn lube (0. and/or Foreign).0 95 110 115 14. cold formability. SAE. and bar (rolledor coldfinished) Wire.3 rom (1.5 10.05 V max. 0. For more information on resistance to corrosion.010-0. and weldability.5 (a) 1. Hardness.200 in. ASTM.29 rom(0. (c)AI5 x 108 cycles. HI6.0 16. J454. (b) Applicableonly 10tube25. (See adjoining Table). rod.25 Si max.0 14. 0. .-r _"'~' __ l . 500x . (See adjoining Table). . and light reflectors. equiaxed grains and insoluble particles of FeAla (black).~.. 1100-H18 sheet. . ' ".. UNS. Specifications (U. ~:~:t. '. 0.. forgings and forging stock. ~:~.. seamless. SAE. ASTM.. J454..2r °c (45 '"'- /260 °c (500 OF) 20 ] "205°C (400 of) I I oF) 1 1 "288 ° and 316°C (550 and 600 OF) 0.':"" ~ •• .. . welded assemblies.r ' . . ".5 5 . r-: ..5 Time.10 Zn max. (France) N A45."-' . Recrystallized. ASME. ..--..:::.. cold formability.. cold rolled and annealed. tubing (extruded.. For example: Food and chemical handling and storage equipment. extruded coiled.00 Si max + Fe. .lfi..12 Cu grade.. Particles are remnants of scriptlike constituents in the ingot that have been fragmented by working.. rod. .5 2. Composition Limits. .'. 0.00 Al min.0' " fill" ...t"~ •• • .. Size and distribution of Fe-Al. Note metal flow around insoluble particles of FeAla (black)... . machinability. Rate of cooling is not important 1100-0 sheet. t. 500x 1100 Aluminum: Microstructures. A199.- . (Canada) CSA 990C... Representative isothermal annealing curves for 1100-H18 200 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1100'.. and welded)."'-.• . 0. ~. spray gun wire. (See adjoining Table). rod... Government._---_. sheet metal work. rivet wire and rod. (See adjoining Table). and weldability.'£~~-<:'~~ . _.-.. 0. 0.5% HF. !i>. 0.... impacts. heat exchangers. in the worked structure were unaffected by annealing..05 to 0. . . . wire.20 Cu. AMS. drawn. Typically used where requirements call for combination of good formability and high resistance to corrosion. 1.. . • '- . . . A9l100.S..Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /151 1100 Chemical Composition..~. and bar (rolled or cold finished). '. plate.'.• :"" ...'....15 others max (total). ~ "'... and/or Foreign). and foil Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. . .. .( ~'i~~:~'~.5 o 4.05 Mn max.H18 150 ~ ~ 100 I ° ~r-.. brazeability.. . shapes and tubing (extruded). wire. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Available Product Forms. 99.._-------------------' 1100 Aluminum. seamless. bar. ISO.05 others max (each). '0 ~ >- 50 o o \\ <...~.00 Al (min)-0.5% HF.. lithoplate. '.. Temperature is 345°C (650 OF). nameplates. Sheet. cold rolled.- " . 0.. h 3. drawn or spun hollowware. but where high strength is not necessary...5 1. -.0 Cu For additional information on resistance to corrosion.0008 Be max (for welding electrode and filler rod only) Characteristics A 99. Time in furnace need not be any longer than necessary to bring all parts of load to annealing temperature.. """"'- / 1o 1~5 C (35~ F) - "-. .:L.. •.. (See adjoining Table). 0.. .. 5 20 20 3.0 11.0 3..(b)Nominalthicknessup througl19.5 105 15.500-2.0 25 105 145 15.0 22.Wherea rangeof valuesappearsin this column. seamless) ThOO (extruded.0 21.0 105 15.0 (a)In 50 rom(2 in.0 15. specimens specimens HB(a) MPa lui 35 12 9 6 5 45 25 20 17 15 23 28 32 38 44 (a)500 kg load. wall thickness) 0 H12 H14 H16 H18 Extruded tube 0 H112 YIeldotrength (min) MPa ksi Maximum lui MPa MPa (min).0 22. and bar (rolled or cold finished) 0 H112 H12(b) Hl4(b) H16(b) H18(b) Wire.0 19. (c)Nominaldiameterup through25.0 14.0 11.4rom(1. coiled) ThOO (drawn) ThOO (drawn.B547 QQ-A-430 B316 MIL-W-6712 B247 QQ-R-566.000in.0 19. -.374 in.0 12. rod. and shapes (extruded) 0 H112 Wire and rod (rivet and cold heading gmde) O(c) HI4(c) Dmwn tube ( test 62 69 76 83 90 9 10 11 12 13 FalIgue 1imII{h) MPa lui 34 41 48 62 62 5 6 7 9 9 .014to 0.5 rom(0. rod. rod. Shear ~In.0 17. thick 2.0 5. 10romball.thespecifiedminimumelongationvaries with thicknessof the mil product. -"(a) 25 75 95 115 3. thick 0.0 24. Spedllcatlon number Mill form and condltlon AMS Sheetand plate 4001.5 19.0 22.5 75 75 95 110 130 150 11.0 3. andbar(rolledorcoldfinished) 4102 Wrre.0 105 130 145 165 90 83 80 13.R.0 95 110 130 150 14. rod.000in. 5 15 17 20 22 \16 In.0 25 105 15.0 16.0 16.0 4.0 14.0 11.4003 Wrre.seamless) 4062 ThOO (welded) Rivet wireandrod Spraygun wire 4180 Forgingsandforgingstock Welding rodandelectrodes(bare) Impacts Foil ASME SB209 ASTM 'Thmper MPa lui YIeld s1Nngth MPa lui 0 H12 H14 H16 H18 90 110 124 145 165 13 16 18 21 24 34 103 117 138 152 'Th1lS1Ie strength Government B209 QQ-A-250/1 B211 QQ-A-22S/l SB221 B221 SB241 B241 B491 B483 B210 WW-T-7ooll B313.499 in.0 19.0 15-28 3-12 1-10 1-4 1-4 50 35 30 7.0 25 25 75 95 110 130 150 11.shapes.0 105 75 75 11. whereiis diameterof reducedsectionof tensiletestspecimen. thick Wire.500 in. otrength thick thick Hardness.5 20 20 3.0 3.R.5 11.)or 4d.0 75 75 11.25()"().) 1100 Aluminum: Standard specifications 1100 Aluminum: Typical room-temperature mechanical properties Elongation.).5 20 20 3.0 16.0 110 16.000in.0 11. MIL-E-16053 MIL-A-12545 QQ-A-1876.152 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 1100 Aluminum: Tensile-property limits EllDgation 'IlmsiJe strength Minimum ksi 'Thmper Sheet and plate 0 H12 H14 H16 HIB H112 0.001-3.0 9 14 20 15.0 14.and tube(extruded) ThOO (extruded.5 21. bar.(b) At5 x 108 cycles. 002 other max. % 250 5: 200 ~ c: "E ~ .9 AI min MPa 6. 0. vapor deposited coatings for optically reflective surfaces Tradenames. insulating.99 99.5 10 57 75 91 105 113 MPa o(annealed) 45 59 77 96 110 120 10 20 40 60 75 Characteristics V. 0.2 10. "" 1199 Aluminum.005 V max. Composition Limits.02 to 0. Foil 75 145 11 21 95max 140 min 14max 20 min HI8 Tensilestrength Iimits(B) Characteristics o 34 117 Aluminum content: 99. Super-purity aluminum.006 Cu max. Government.002 Mn max. QQ-A-1876 Ylekhtrength MPa koI 'ThDJile strength ksl MPa 'Thmper EloogalioD. Effectof purity on strength and hardnessof unalloyedaluminum 150 ~ 100 ic: TenSileSI~ ~ 50 ~ v . 4011. ASTM. 0.03 'n max.9 17.15 mm (0.05 Cu max.8 13. Composition Limits. 0.4 EIoogalioD.05 V max.006 Fe max.0059 in. % 99. 0.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys J 153 1145 Chemical Composition. 0. 0.9 o 99.45 AI min. Foil. Foil for packaging. "" Typical properties o Available Product Form.05 Zn max.006 Si max.S..9 Purity.0007 100. 0.2 15.45 AI min HI9 Typical Uses.20 ----- 150 / / / 100 99. See adjoining Figure for effect of purity on strength of unalloyed aluminum Typical Uses.006 Zn max. 99. 0.ldst. refined aluminum Available Product Form.05 Mg max. Raffinal 1199 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties Common Name.05 Mn max.0 Purity.99 99. 0. AMS. and/or Foreign).rength ksi 'ThoslJe strength ksI Reduction by <oldrolliog. Temperature: 345°C (650 OF) 1199 Chemical Composition./ Yleldslreng~~ 99. 0.1 16.5 8. 0.9 AI min.03 others max (each) 1145 Aluminum: Tensile properties of 1145 aluminumfoil Specifications (U.005 Ga max.999 99. and heat exchangers (a) Unmounted foil 0.5 8.002 Ti max. 0. Foil Aluminum content: 99. Super-purity aluminum.0 1. 99.999 99.9 15.6 11. B 373. Electrolytic capacitor. 0. 0. 0.1 13.) thick 5 17 40 5 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. "" 50 40 15 11 6 5 . 0. 0.55 Si max + Fe.006 Mg max. specifiedminimumelongationvarieswith thicknessof the mill product.0 58 83 105 115 8.2 (a)Minimumvaluefor anytest in 0 givenlot.) diam.5 27. and wire.01 Mn max.500-1. 0.99 98.01 Cr max. and H26 Common Name. " Typical uses.1 2.(d) Bar.0700 0.and structuralshapes.1500 0.50 nun (0.9 2. Aluminum conductor. Time in furnace need be no longer than necessary to bring all parts of load up to annealing temperature.500-1.001-1.0 28.0 23. Wire.5 110 125 8.9 2.7 1.0 26. H19temper Minbnum tensile strength Wire dlameter. H16.500in.0 12. (b) Minimumvaluefor averageof all testsfor a given lot. (Germany) DIN EA199. rolled or cold-finished rod. 0. % Individual!a) Avemge(h) Sheet and plate o H12 H14 H16 H18 55 83 9.0 21.0 27.4 1.". structural shapes.0801-0. plate.02 V max + Ti.0 (0) In 50 nun (2 in.oo1-1. pipe. 9U9S 9U9 0 99.0 24.154 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 1350 Chemical Composition.) or 4d.0 25.lbick Wire(b) and redraw rod(c) o H12andH22 H14andH24 H16andH26 Extrusions(d) Hlll Rolled bar(e) H12 Sawed-plate bar 10 16 22 0.2 1.03 others max (each).0900 0.0600 0.6 1.5 25.7 1.125-0.10 Si max.S.500in.0 Purity. B 400. brazeability.5 26.6 1.5 1. 0.5 (0) In 250 nun (10in.0 14.5 23. thick 1.ldSl.374 in.0 75 70 62 11.5 24. 0. ASTM.99S 98.0 26. Stranded conductors: B 231. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Application" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.1400 0. MPa % (a) ksl 1350 Aluminum: Tensile-property limits for 1350 aluminum wire. (Spain) UNE Al 99. Sheet.0 16. (c)9.03 Ga max. thick 0.4 1. 0.50 Al min.6 1.8 1. machinability.52 nun (0.9 99.5E.) diam.5 23. rectangular and square: B 324. and/or Foreign).0 10.5 1. B 609.). H14. cold workability. bar.50 AI.2101-0.0901-0. and weldability. 0.1801-0.10 others max (total).2100 0.. Temperature is 345°C (650 OF). 0.0 9U Specifications (U.05 Cu max.0 23.1201-0.125to 1.0105-0.6 1. B 401.8 1.0 2. Electrical conductor grade (BC) Characteristics Aluminum content: 99.0in.499in. solid conductors: B 544.).1200 0.0 17.In. Round. HIll. rod. stranded conductors. (b) Up Ihrough9.5 1. thick 75 70 62 11.375in. H24. V / For information on resistance to corrosion.1101-0. rod.5 24.05 Zn max.> 2 V 1 ~ Yi.250-0.05 B max.Where 0 range of values appears in Ibiscolumn.0 10. extruded wire. Shearstrength % MPa ksi 23 55 62 69 76 103 8 9 10 11 15 1. Communication wire: B 230. extruded tubing.1000 0. " 1350 Aluminum: Tensile-property limits Thnsilestrength Maximum Minlmum Thmper MPa ksi MPa ksi Yield Elongation strength (min) (min). Purity.0 24.0800 0.0500 0.1800 0. thick l. Individual(a) MPa ksi Average(b) MPa ksl 0. 0.(e)3to 25 nun (0.1401-0. 99. (c) In 250nun (10 in.0 9.5 24.0501-0. 0.5 Available Product Forms.2600 160 185 185 183 180 175 170 165 162 162 160 160 155 172 200 195 193 190 185 180 175 172 170 165 165 162 Minbnum etongation!.) thick 25.000in. (France) NF A51L. and H18. where d is diameterof reduced sectionof tensiletestspecimen. See Figure below for effect of purity on strength and hardness of unalloyed aluminum 150 i 100 1 ~ Temileltr~ 50 .0 95 115 130 145 14.0 27.5 1.6 1.5 . 0.0 9.valueapplicableto wire only 4 12 14 16 24 Elongation(a).0 29.0 25.1001-0.1100 0.0 19.0701-0. bar and shapes. thick 0.000in.0 15-28 3-12 1-10 1-4 1-4 HlI2 0.ength~ .40 Fe max.3 1. tubularproducts.3 1.0 22.1501-0.0 15.0 2. Available tempers include H12. Bus conductors: B 236. HI 12.0 17. bus conductors.5 12.0 58 8. steel reinforced: B 232. H19. Wire.0601-0.) 1350 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties Thmper MPa ksi Yield strength ksi MPa 0 HI2 H14 H16 H19 83 97 110 124 186 12 14 16 18 27 28 83 97 110 165 ThIlSUestrength HlI2 23. Composition Limits.5 83 12. (United Kingdom) BSIE.5 1. 0.0 27. and trans260 ~ I ~ 200 --- 150 / former strip. Rate of cooling is not important 100 99.0 18.0 23.5 28.499in. H2. (See adjoining T~ble). see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter sequent to solution heat treatment and prior to precipitation heat treatment is necessary to obtain desired properties of T3 temper. 0.10 Cr max. (Canada) CSA C541N. Screw machine products are typical applications-where good machinability and good strength are required. 0. is held for approximately 14 h. 0. To obtain properties ofT8 temper. Government. Cold working sub- 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 OF 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 Yieldstrength (0.10 Cr max.10 Ti max. 0.5 3. bar (rolled or cold finished). The nominal treatment temperature should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±IO OF) during time at temperature. 0. A92011. bar. rod.40 to 1. and/or Foreign). ASME. 0. (Canada) CSNCB60. bal Al Specifications (U. bal Al Specifications (U.9 Mg.45 to 0. % 43 34 19 11 3.15 max other (total). Treatment temperatures for T3. parts are cold worked subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation heat treatment Annealing. T4.8 Mg. 0. brazeability. Treatment temperature for the T8 temper. (France) NF A-U4SG. UNS.20 to 0. Material should be quenched as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. and weldability per alloy and temper. 0.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /155 2011 Chemical Composition.7 Fe max. bal Al Composition Limits (AIclad 2014). seamless tube Forgings Forging stock 4028 4029 4121 4153 4133 4134 4135 4134 4133 4135 B 211 B 221 B241 B210 B 247 QQ-A-225/4 QQ-A-20012 QQ-A-365 MlL-A-2277I QQ-A-367 Impacts Sheet and plate (Alclad) Government B 209 MlL-A-12545 QQ-A-25013 . unless otherwise indicated. 0. test loading applied at 35 MPaimin (6 ksilmin) to yield strength and then at strain rate of5%/min to fracture 2014. and wire Characteristics An Al-Cu alloy without Mg alloying Typical Uses.0 Cu.7 Fe max. Drawn seamless tubing: B21O. 0. For information on resistance to corrosion. Rolled or cold finished wire. (Germany) DIN AICuBiPb Available Product Forms.6 Si.3 296 234 131 76 26 12 10 E1ongalion. (France) NFA-U4Pb.20 Mn.05 other max (each). no load. UNS. (See adjoining Table) Alloy 2014: Standard specifications Specificationnumber Miueorm AMS AS1M Sheet and plate 40 14 B209 Rolled or cold fmished wire. 160°C (320 OF). and T451 tempers are 525°C (975 OF).35 Fe max.10 Zr max.50 to 1. 0.8 1. water should be at room temperature. 0.30 Zn max.2% offset) MPa ks1 Thnsilestrength MPa ksi 379 324 193 llO 45 21 16 55 47 28 16 6. SAE. J454. rod. 3. shapes. Specific time depends on time needed for load to reach temperature. rod. (See adjoining Table). rod. 0. (United Kingdom) BS HI5 Available Product Forms. Time given in this instance is based on rapid heating. 0. Forgings. 6006 cladding-Q. with soak time measured from time load reaches a temperature within 6 °C (10°F) of the applicable temperature. ASTM.S. To obtain desired properties for the T451 temper it is necessary to stress relieve parts by stretching to produce permanent set subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). Rod.25 Zn max. Use of high-velocity. AMS. AICu4SiMg. This alloy is annealed at 415°C (775 oF) 2011-T3 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties Recommended Heat Treating Practice 'Iemperature °C Solution Heat Treating.40 Si max. Nominal treatment temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±IO OF) during time at temperature.2 Mn. Rolled or cold finished wire.0 Cu. 0. 0. SB 247.0 to 6. Composition Limits.1 2.8 1.2 Si.S. and tube Extruded seamless tube Drawn.15 total. Alclad 2014 Chemical Composition. and bar: QQ-A-22513. ISO. 0. Composition Limits (2014). Government. 0. (See adjoining Table). and bar: SB 211. and cooled so that it remains below 38°C (100 OF) during the quenching cycle. machinability. 0.15 to 0. and bar: B 211. When quenching is by total immersion in water. ASTM. 5. 0.05 to 0. 0.20 to 0. (Germany) DIN AICuSiMn.60 Pb. and/or Foreign). and bar Extruded wire. 0. rod.30 Cu.05 other max (each). (United Kingdom) BSFCI. 0.9 to 5. 0.20 to 0. Rolled or cold fmished wire.05 others (each).15 other max (total).15 Ti max. high-volume jets of cold water is effective for some materials. A92014.4 15 16 25 35 45 90 125 Note: Lowest strength for exposures up to 10000 h at temperature. 200 . ... ~l .. "~ 7039-T61 84 74 72 70 63 (a)0. .. water should be at room temperature and cooled in some manner so that it remains below 38°C (l 00 "F) during the quenching cycle. For parts that require high strength and hardness... drawn tubing...... T62... 100 - 00 ~ o 0 00-- .. all mill products named in section on solution treating have a treatment temperature of 160°C (320 "F).. . • -.. shapes. test loading applied at 35 MPa/min (5 ksVmin) to yield strength and then at strain rate of 5%/min to fracture Thmpemture ThmUe strengtb Yieldstrengtb(. and tubing to T4510 temper. Treatment temperature is 415°C (775 OF) 2014 Alloy: Typical tensile properties of 2014-T6 or 2014-T651 at various temperatures Special considerations include: • In treating flat sheet to the TI temper. ksi MP. rod....156 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys some materials.5 14 13 13 13 15 20 38 52 65 72 2014 Aluminum.. cold working subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment is necessary to obtain properties provided by this temper • In treating plate to T42 and T451 tempers.3 in.. bar.. and drawn tubing (to T6 and T62 tempers).. An alternative treatment. -196 -ll0 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 In all instances. T651.'. . or 930 oF) apply to all of the following mill products and tempers: flat sheet..... plate..- 40 16 9.. rod..~-~ /' .. Exception: temperature for die forgings is 170 °C (340 oF). extruded rod..5 mm (0. plate. .. :2 . T451.. rolled or cold finished wire. and weldability per alloy and temper see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). and bar. With one exception. . 50 - 40 . T62.. .... rolled or cold finished wire.. 2014-T6 o - 70?-T64 --a: tal 2219-T81 50 f .. Treatment temperatures (500°C. heavy duty forgings. and extruded rod..e.5 4. and suspension parts for trucks. °C OF MP.. bar. extruded rod. or T651 tempers). material should be quenched from the solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. F'- --. rod. and extrusions for aircraft wheels.... IIsI If. and die forgings in these tempers: TI.. shapes. bar. rod..~ .-:. T42.. Data for 7039 are based on least-of-four results in the longitudinal direction with a 7.. . and bar (to T6. machinability..0:::: --/ ~ .. ~ '-. and bar in the 651 temper. T62.) Elongation... high-volume jets of water also is effective for 400 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 Rotating beam tests 350 300 ~ \'). shapes... \ 250 <U a... bar. ~" I'. and bar to T451 temper.. to-- o T64 36 mm plate • T61 19 mm plate I 107 10' Cycles 20 .. T651O...3 496 448 427 414 393 241 90 52 34 24 72 65 62 60 57 35 13 7. i. wheels.2%offset I I 579 510 496 483 439 276 110 66 45 30 - 10 . and tubing in the 6510 temper are stressed relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of permanent set subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment Solution Heat Treating. Cii 150 ~" - . -.. is available in processing rolled or cold finished wire. and extruded rod.:::. Use of high-velocity. When quenching is by total immersion in water.. space booster tankage and structures. ..... including service at high temperatures. .. 8 h at 177 °C (350 "F).. parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of set subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment Lowest strengthfor exposuresup to 10000 h at temperature under no load.. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Treatments discussed here also apply to Alclad sheet and plate Plate. Rotating beam fatigue data of 7039 plate compared with fatigue characteristics of 2014 and 2219. frame. shapes. and T4510 Annealing.. T4.5 6. brazeability... unless otherwise indicated..) diam smooth specimen. . tubing (to T6. For information on resistance to corrosion...... and tubing. Curves for 2014 and 2219 are mean values from published literature LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~ ~. or T6510 tempers). Nominal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O "F) of nominal during time at temperature Characteristics An AI-Cu-Mg-Si alloy Typical Uses. coiled sheet... rolled or cold finished wire. Tempers involved are T6. and major structural components.5 5 3. overaged. 250x (e) 2014-T6 closed-dieforging. °Fls 10 100 I :2 ." c: 0 . but specimen was overaged. Keller's reagent.:< (f) 20 '0 0 10 1 100 Average cooling rate at center of cylinders./ oV 2014 Aluminum. showing rosettes formed by eutectic melting. Fragmented grain structure. Effect of quenching rate on longitudinal stress ranges in 2014-T4 cylinders quenched in various media.) in diameter by 230 mm (9 in. Solution heat treatment was sufficient. speckled)are visible..Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /157 2014 Aluminum: Microstructures. Longitudinal section. °Cls a '. Longitudinal section. Structure contains particles of CuAI2 (white.250x (d) (e) If. Keller's reagent.. outlined) and insoluble (Fe.i 400 0> c: e ~ t: ''0" c: a '. As-polished.Mn)3SiAI12 (gray)and CuAI2(gray.and particlesof (Fe. solution heat treated.. 100x (c) 2014-T6closed-die forging.then aged at 170°C (340 OF) for 10 h. Longitudinalsection. Veryfine particlesof CuAI2have precipitatedin the matrix. Cooling rate was measuredfrom 400 to 290°C (750 to 555 OF)..Mn)3SiAI12 (dark).) long. because less is in solution.i 0> c: 40 ~ t: '"c . or 950 OF) was exceeded during solution heat treating. 500x (f) 2014-T6 closed-dieforging. 1OOx (b) 2014-T6closed-dieforging. Fragmented grain structure.Keller's reagent. solution heat treated at 500°C (930 OF) for 2 h and quenchedin water at 60 to 70°C (140 to 160 OF). (a) 2014-T4 closed die forging." c ° .J LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . Solidus temperature (510°C. Note lackof graincontrast. Hydrogenporosity(black).Keller's reagent. Cylinders were 75 mm (3 in. Stress range is maximum tensile stress plus maximumcompressivestress ~ 200 100 . 1OOx (d) 2014-T4 closed-dieforgingthat receivedinsufficientsolutionheattreatment. 500 Average cooling rate at center of cylinders. More CuAI2has precipitated. More CuAI2is visible. Keller's reagent.J 300 r/ 10 60 . in 0.I-- 10 Treatment - :.-/ i .week 2. AT { '0 '>": 100 V .. Effectiveness of various uphill quenching treatments in reducing residual quenching stresses in 2014 plate...50 (0 'F) ~ - f- 1 40 ~ f- 2014 Aluminum.0 12... then uphill quenched in a steam blast C: Cooled to -75 or -195' C.'in o 0.onths 103 I o 104 Elapsed time after quenching.. then uphill quenched in a steam blast B: Cooled to -75 c C. E o u 10 1 A 28 B 86 C 130 103 10 0165 Elapsed time after quenching.:::::. and at -18°C (0 OF) 2014 600 500 - AT ~ .5 to 1.As-polished.5 h after quenching from the recommended solution-treating temperature.i 1 week 21~onths ~- a. en c 10 t-- -18"C 10 °FI ~.AT o "c 132 OF) c' a ~ o 10 1 year W o 30.: V- 70 - 60 - 50 ~ f--- ~/' 100 11 ay 30 ".. Blister on surface is associated with hydrogen porosity. at 0 °C (32 OF).~ " E E 30 --.Next Page 158 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2014 Aluminum. then uphill quenched in boiling water 0: Standard specimen. h .1 1 day 30 min I I 1 yea.0 24.onths 103 I 104 Elapsed time after quenching. All specimens were aged to the T6 temper after uphill quenching t c o '(ij c ~ Range of residual stress MPa ksi I c o '(ij 30 100 100 0.60 ~ / I 18 "c / . quenched and aged to T6 temper in conventional manner with no further treatment -18 "c 10 'FI_ 40 o 4. 2014-T61 closed-die forging... 50x ..~ ~- - 300 ~ V - - 80 - 70 o "c 132 'FI---=..1 1 1ay 10 A: Cooled to -195 "C.4 19.10 l. Note: uphill quenching treatments (single-cycle only) were applied from 0.. . ii' 300 I - '0 ">: 10 II year.I .. h 500 400 ~ c. .0 1 teek 2.1 /'0 _ "c 132 'FI 30 // . Aging characteristics of aluminum sheet 2014 at room temperature. h LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view 2014 Aluminum: Microstructure. Occurs at room temperature Annealing. B 211 and B 316..15 Ti max. When quenching is by total immersion in water.50 Si max. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. and bar: SB 211. ASME... and formability.- 10 100 _=' 1000 t.300 I- 200 100 OL1 . SAE.30 to 0. Welding is not recommended unless heat treatment after welding is practical..15 Ti max.% 28 24 23 22 18 15 35 45 65 70 (a)Tested afterholding10000h attemperature 600.. 0. A =7075. (See adjoining Table). ASTM.. A92017. rod wire.05 Mg max. 0. . good machinability. (Canada) CM41.2 to 6. Curves at 95% of maximum tensile stress for various alloys. 0.s 2024. C =6061. SAE. and bar are treated to obtain T4 and T42 tempers at 500 to 510 °C (930 to 950 "F).1325. 3. Extrusions: SB 221. 0. Material should be quenched as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. ANSI. P-AICu4. 0.-_"':=- 400 550 448 440 427 393 275 110 62 40 30 80 65 64 62 57 40 16 9 6 4.05 V max. 0. (Italy) UNI P-AICu4.90 Mn.70 Fe max. D =6063 LIVE GRAPH A Click here to view u0.10 Cr max. UNS..25 Zn max. Forgings. Used in components for general engineering purposes. bal Al Specifications (U. 0. 150: AICuMgSi Available Product Forms. B =2017.S.. 500 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 50 600 700 Thnsile strength MPa ksl 2017 Aluminum: Time temperature-property diagram.70 Si max + Fe.50 Fe max. 0.30 Al min. (Germany) AICuMgl and 3. and fair resistance to atmosphere corrosion. For more information. (Austria) Onom AICuMg2. Government.2% oft'se!) MPa ksi 365 290 283 275 270 207 90 52 35 24 53 42 41 40 39 30 13 7. and/or Foreign).l. 0.10 Cu max. 0. 0. Service temperature is below 100°C (212 OF). A92024. screw machine products. 0.8 Mg.5 5 3. 1230 c1adding-99.5MgMn. rod. 0. unless otherwise indicated.80 Mg. and cooled in some manner so that it remains below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle. shapes. A heat-treated anneal is obtained at 415°C (775 OF). and/or Foreign). J 454. QQ-A-430. (See adjoining Table). QQ-A222/5. Alclad 2024 Chemical Composition. and fittings. Government.. (Germany) DIN AICuMg2 Available Product Forms. 0. Alloy is age hardenable with medium strength and ductility. extrusions. UNS. Composition Limits (2024).05 other max (each).20 to 0. J454. 1. bal AI Composition Limits (Alclad 2024). Use of high-velocity..40 to 1.5MgMn place. 0. Composition Limits. 0.--------------------. high-volume jets of cold water is effective for some materials.5 Elongationin SOmm (2in. a cold work anneal is obtained at 340 to 350 °C (645 to 660 OF) 2017 Aluminum: Typicaltensile properties of 2017 (T4 and T451 tempers) at various temperatures lOst temperalure(a) OF -c -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 . Chiefly for rivets. AMS.05 other (each).80 st. 0.15 others (total). (Spain) UNE L-314. H38. 0.Previous Page Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /159 2017 Chemical Composition.00 Mn. (See adjoining Table) . Rolled or cold finished wire. 0. ASTM.03 Ti max.5 Cu.. bar. (France) A-U46.9 Cu.3 Yieldstrength (0. (Austria) AICuMg1.25 Zn max.15 other max (total).10 Cr max. Alclad 2024. Nominal treatment temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained with ±6 °C (±1O "F) during time at temperature Natural Aging. (France) NFA-U4G1.50 to 4. water should be at room temperature.L.L.10 Zn max.S. 0. structural applications in construction and transportation. MIL-R-430. 0.12. 3. (Great Britain) LI8 and 150A. rod.4 and H38. 0.8 to 4.05 Mn max. 0. (See adjoining Table).. 0. rivets Characteristics First alloy developed in AI-Cu-Mg series is now in limited use Typical Uses. 0. (Canada) CSA CE42.40 to 0.03 other max (each) Specifications (U. Rolled or drawn coil. and bar to T851.0 10. T851O. T42.0 1 --J . Specific times are based on time required for load to reach temperature.Pitting and intergranular I . Applications include aircraft structures.0 < 0.Pitting and slight intergranular P + I . Approximate metal temperatureof 190°C (375°F) is maintained in treating flat sheet. unless otherwise indicated. and prior to any precipitation treatment. rod. and TI61 tempers. T42. bar. and treating plate to TI61 temper ..water·air P+ • Water-air A Air-water 1 . When quenching is by total immersion in water. coiled sheet. P ° "e8 P+S I AooI Quench • 1~Air.. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating.20 LIVE GRAPH Quench Click here to view o Air-water-air E E • Water-air 0.. for coiled sheet to obtain T4 and T42 tempers.05 e '-- C.0 8. c: . bar.0 Ouench factor.6 0. T8510. and TI61 tempers. For information on resistance to corrosion.81.2 4. Nominal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O "F) of nominal during time at temperature.160 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). for cold or cold finished coil. T81. rod. and weldability per alloy and temper. parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of set subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment Annealing. and TI61 tempers Times at temperature can vary with product: Treatment temperatures are 495°C (920 OF) for flat sheet to obtain TI. Rolledor coldfinishedwJre. rivets. for extruded rod.2 0. T351. This alloy is annealed at 415°C (775 OF) 2024 Aluminum.andtubes nmesat Temperature (hl 8 9 12 16 9 9 12 8 12 8 12 Special considerations include: • In treating flat sheet and plate. T86 and T861 tempers. obtain desired properties. T62. shapes. truck wheels. Nominal treatment temperature should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained at ±6 °C (±10°F) during time at temperature. high-volume. Times given here are based on rapid heating. rod. extruded rod. T4. and bar to obtain T4.jets of cold water is effective for some materials.002 0 0. and bar. screw machine products. Special considerations include: • In treating flat sheet to TI and TI61 tempers and treating rolled or cold finished wire. Characteristics An AI-Cu-Mg alloy Typical Uses.0 P . and extruded rod. T8510. and T461 tempers.0 8. TI51O. wire.shapes. cold working subsequent to solution-treatment and prior to precipitation treatment is necessary to obtain properties provided by these tempers • In treating plate and rolled or cold finished wire rod and bar to TI51 temper. Treatments also apply to Alclad flat sheet and coiled sheet in T3. TI51. shapes or tubing to T8l. brazeability. for plate to obtain T42. with soak time measured from time load reaches a temperature within 6 °C (10 OF) of applicable temperature.004 oJ<t 4.wire. and TI51 tempers. the parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of permanent set.0 Quench factor. plate. and T8511. T4. • " " ~ 4: '0 0.15 . and tubing to obtain TI. 0. and T8511 tempers.006 l:J.0 20.andbar Extrudedrod. and bar to TI6 temper. Type and depth of attack on 2024-T4 sheet versus quench factor 0.0 10.1 • °0 0.Intergranular ""'&'oeoHl!9 ° 0.0 I 20. rod.Pitting P + SI .4 6. Times at temperature listed are approximate. water should be at room temperature and cooled in some manner so that it remains below 38°C (100 OF) during quenching cycle. 1'8511 Aatsheet Coiledsheet Plate Material should be quenched as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. and other structural applications. to the T81. rolled. or cold finished wire.4 0.. for drawn tubing to obtain TI and T42 tempers. rolled or cold finished wire. T851. Temper Product 1'861 T62 1'81 172 T62 T62 T6and1'851 1'861 1'851 1'86 T81. hardware. machinability.1 0.0 T 2. T42.8 1.6 0.~ Air £ o £ ~ '0 "'" '" " 4: 0.0 e "2j'OO 6. > I- 0. cold working is necessary and subsequent to solution treatment. T42. Water o Air ~ Q. Air-water ·00· 06 0. • In treating plate. Waler . T861. rod.0 2. subsequent to solution treatment and prior to any precipitation treatment. shapes..10 ° 0. Use of high-velocity. and tubing to the T6. . h 2024 Aluminum... .-.04 in..._ a.1 10 100 1000 o 10000 Ruptura time... ::..... OF LIVE GRAPH 100 600 200 300 100 600 Click here to view 200 300 500 500 400 --.. :2 90° bending in the annealed condition and subsequent flattening as indicated..1 Millions of cycles to failure Click here to view .60 .2mm 3...-...1 o 0. Curve Bend radius Not bent 3.-~.) thick Tasting temperature. °c 10 0 o 0 200 50 100 0 200 150 Tasting ternperature......____----+--------------l30 200 1- Stress ratio..) Alclad 2024-T4 sheet after 400 . Effect of temperature on tensile properties of Alclad 2024-T3...2mm 3.50 '\- ... °c 600 LIVE GRAPH 80 Click here to view 500 70 34°C (94 OF) 400 If.. "'" ~ 200 ""'0 60 99°C (211°F) I 16~ °c (300 OF) . 0.0 mm (0.01 0. . Fatigue characteristics of 1 mm (0.: Tensllastrength ) - ~ Yield strength ..........20 100 . ::. ---.. ~.....6mm 300 Condition during flattening Not applicable Annealed As-quenched + 3 days storage As-quenched + 14 days storage As-quenched + 3 days storage 50 <U a. t j ~ ] 1000 h at temparature 60 400 50 .. 5) with indicated storage times at -18 to -12 °C (0 to 10 OF) Vi e'" en LIVE GRAPH --?<...____----"'... J2 300 40 40 c 30 200 Click here to view 70 Minimumcraap rata 10mm/m'h 70 """- LIVE GRAPH 80 80 g <Jl 30 200 20 20 100 100 1o 50 100 150 Testing temperature. Flattening (unbending) was done either in the annealed condition (curve 2)... Sheet was 1. or in the solutiontreated and quenched condition (curves 3...1 20 100'------------'-----------'------------' 10 0.... I 50 ] 40 1 30 190°C (376 OF) .04 in.2mm 1... . 300 -- ~ ~ -. 4. OF Testing temperature....Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /161 2024 Aluminum... ) thick (reduced from 406-mm. Keller's reagent. The lower cooling rate resulted in increased precipitation of CuMgAI 2 at grain boundaries. Longitudinal section.25 in. Longitudinal section.25 in. 1OOx (a) (d) (f) (g) (h) . 50Ox (b) 2024-T3 sheet. Cu 2MnA12o ' and Cu 2FeAI 7 • Keller's reagent.4 mm (0. 500x (c) 2024-T3 sheet. The lower quenching rate resulted in precipitation of CuMgAI 2 at grain boundaries. Longitudinal section. solution heat treated. Some faint strain lines have formed. or 16 in. Dark particles are CuMgAI 2 . solution heat treated at 495°C (920 OF) and quenched in boiling water. stretched 2%. (a) 2024-T3 sheet. or 16-in. 6. thick ingot). Keller's reagent. solution treated at 495°C (920 OF). The slow cooling resulted in intragranular and grain-boundary precipitation of CuMgAI?. 6. Keller's reagent. or 16 in. Keller's reagent. 50Ox (d) 2024-T3 sheet. 100x (h) 2024. Note absence of strain lines in structure. quenched in cold water and cooled in an air blast.) thick (reduced from 406 mm. Keller's reagent. 6.4 mm (0. Keller's reagent.T6 sheet. 1OOx (f) 2024-T6 sheet. solution heat treated at 495°C (920 OF) and quenched in cold water.4 mm (0.162 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2024 Aluminum: Microstructures.) thick (reduced from 406 mm. Longitudinal section. quenched in cold water and cooled in still air. Many strain lines have formed. 100x (g) 2024-T6 sheet. Keller's reagent. thick ingot) stretched 20%. 50Ox(e) 2024-T3 sheet clad with alloy 1230 (5% per side). thick ingot) stretched 6%. Normal amount of copper and magnesium diffusion from base metal into cladding (top).25 in. solution treated at 495°C (920 OF). Longitudinal section showing the edge view of an area near the surface of the plate. Keller's reagent. Specimen was from the center of the plate thickness. 13 mm (0. Less coldworking resulted in less deformation.) thick. Keller's reagent.) thick. Structure consists of light gray particles of insoluble (Cu. Grains are flattened. stretched and artificially aged. cold rolled.5 in. solution heat treated.T851 plate. 200x (c) 2024. hot rolled and annealed. 200x (f) 2024.) thick. 150 mm (6 in.) thick.) thick. There is less flattening and elongation of the grains. KMn0 4 . cold rolled.) thick. Keller's reagent. which received less cold working than the surface. stretched and artificially aged.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /163 2024 Aluminum: Microstructures. solution heat treated. Fragmented grain structure. Na 2C03 • 100x (i) 2024-0 sheet.T851 plate. 150 mm (6 in. stretched and artificially aged. solution heat treated. Section was taken in the rolling plane (long transverse) from an area near the surface showing elongated grains. 25% HNO a• 500x (b) (e) (g) (h) (i) . cold rolled.) thick. and artificially aged. Keller's reagent. solution heat treated. large black particles of undissolved CuMgAI 2 . 100 mm (4 in. and fine particles of CuMgAI 2 that precipitated during annealing. solution heat treated. Specimen was taken from the center of the plate thickness. stretched and artificially aged. Elongated recrystallized grains and unrecrystallized stringers resulting from polygonization that occurred during the hot water working. stretched and artificially aged. Keller's reagent. solution heat treated.Fe. stretched and artificially aged. 200x (e) 2024. 150 mm (6 in. cold rolled. cold rolled. Grains are flattened and elongated in the direction of rolling.T851 plate. (a) 2024-T851 plate. 200x (b) 2024. cold rolled. High rolling temperature limited strain and recrystallization. 200x (d) 2024-T851 plate. hot rolled. 150 mm (6 in. solution heat treated. Keller's reagent. Longitudinal section. Specimen was from the center of the plate thickness. stretched. 150 mm (6 in.) thick.Mn)Al e. one small recrystallized grain. 150 mm (6 in. 10% H3P04 • 500x (h) 2024-0 plate. 200x (g) 2024-T851 plate.T851 plate. A short transverse section showing the end view of an area near the surface of the plate. 00 / w'" 220°C (..164 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2024 Aluminum. h- 6<:::::'.....2... :.. Effect of stretching and aging on the toughness and yield strength of 2024 sheet LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 2024 Aluminum..425 OF) 12 Aging time. '.. "0 Q. 12 LIVE GRAPH 12 LIVE GRAPH ..: ~ :. "0 Q. - 200 50 t> .T3 (cold worked 1 to 2%) 600 600 " Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view 16 ~ :. -" -5' a> ~ ~ ...... ~ :. 50 "0 Q. ~ 400 .u.. -" 70 c: 600 e.. :. 400 945°Ch-_ 300 (1700°F/sl 3330°C/s (6000°F/sl 55 ~ ~' 4_ - .......~ E ~ 20 00 .' en ~ :...~ :.0 {!!. T8\ 0.) sheet .mm (O.: 12 0 LIVE GRAPH Aging time. .. ksi 500 ~ 400 . o 0. 300 0 w'" 190°C (375 OF) 175°C (350 OF) " :.. -" ~e: :.. h 80 70 .2 1------J----t-:-"""-L-~~__I_-____1 ~ t> ... Effects of cold work after quenching and before aging on tensile properties of 2024 sheet LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH 2024'T4 (not cold worked) 80 " :. :.n.. h 16 10 ~0 ..- 6> ~ 0> 500 70 I!!- 50 -5' a> e: 60 t 50 "0 Q. :.:<'U g.. h ~ 0 E g'E 190 °c (375 OF) '-t ~ o o e:' 205°C (400 OF) 16 o 220°C o (425 of) 205°C (400 OF) 4 12 AJ!ing time....... :0 1. h Click here to view 00 -" e. .70 '.) 500 sheet ~ ~ ~ 0 2 4 Time.. Quench curves for 2024-T4 sheet.on both sides .h a> 60 300 30 16 Aging time. 1. '. V- 470°C/s(850°F/s) 0- 600 Air-blast quench 3.... h Click here to view 40 200 12 0 ~e ...~ 45 ~ 1..8 250 6 'C ~ 3000 co E .: 500 "'6>" ~ tr-«: 40 o.: .125·.0> 600 " c..60 ..3.8 Click here to view -....... . 500 ~ ~ I 80 .~ . . 60 65 70 5000 1... :.~ E 10 g'E .05 °c (400 OF) » t .4 700 2780 °C/s (5000 of Is) 300 100 f . 50 l!!- 0> .. -" 12 50 -5' a> ~ :... ~c e :. MPa S 2024 Aluminum.::--... ...125·in. 2024. ~<. I 80 220°C (425 OF) 16 Aging time.. 30 16 h Click here to view 30 30 e 40 200 30 e: ...800 oU 40 1.. ..r....6 I-----P'<---I---t---+---=l 4500 ~ 4000 co ~ 3500 . n. h Click here to view 600 g'E -5' -205°C ---'::::-1 (400 OF) 300 o 16 Aging time. " e. 60 LIVE GRAPH 80 :.: 30 16 0 LIVE GRAPH Aging time. ... / '11 "0 Q...60 - 220°C (425 OF) 300 - 200 o LIVE GRAPH 175°C (350 OF) 190°C (375 OF) .2·mm (0.205°C (400 of) 70 220°C (425 of) 40 0 '.gOO Air-blast quench '"....e: .......c: . \ -- 00 w'" 220°C (425 OF) 0 0 12 Aging time. c: 300 e:' 600 19~ °c (375 ~F) s::. to eliminate susceptibility to intergranular corrosion LIVE GRAPH Transverse yield strength...T36 (cold worked 5 to 6%) 2024.... 40 Click here to view Click here to view 16 Aging time. .~ l I ..80 '.tj w 2500 300 350 400 2000 500 450 Transverse yield strength.s C <11~ *~ e:' ~ 0 0 .: -" -5' ~c ~ "0 Q.s E: 0> ~ .. _ 60 -" -18°C (0 OF) - 50 300 40 " ~ I- I- 3D 200 2024 Aluminum: Standard specifications f 1 year MiUrormand condition Bare 2024 Sheetandplate WIre.1 o "c (32 "FI . c-curve indicating type of corrosion attack on 2024-T4 sheet LIVE GRAPH 2024 Aluminum. h 4033 4035 4037 4097 4098 4099 4103 4104 4105 4106 4192 4193 4112 4119 4120 4152 4164 4165 4087 4088 4086 B209 QQ-A-250/4 500 400 ~ .- -18 'C QQ-A-250/5 J 20 1 veer'" 10 \ week 2 ~onlhS I 1 10 40 .andtube(extruded) Tube (extruded.. 10 3 j! AT rf 30 min 70 - 100 4007 4034 4040 4041 4042 4060 4061 4072 4073 4074 4075 4194 4195 -- .. S --/ 500 300 E ~ ~ ..- V- .rod. and at -18 °C (0 OF) Click here to view l. Aging characteristics of 2024 aluminum sheet alloy at room temperature.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /165 2024 Aluminum..l 500 ~ 400 :::J ~ 300 Q) g- 200 j! 100 0. 3D E E B209 60 Elapsed time after quenching.- 200 - _18°C (O°F) '" ~ '°" o °c (32 OF) /" 0 AT 20 ~.shapes.~ H N 1. h WW-T-70013 MIL-T-50777 QQ-A-430 MIL-A-81596 1 ~ay - ---= .seamless) Thbe(hydraulic) Rivet wireandrod Foil Alclad2024 Sheetandplate AMS 30 ~in Specification number AS1M Government \WCek 21~onlhs1 20 1 ~ay 100 0...: B211 I v QQ-A-22516 B221 QQ-A-20013 I o B241 B210 B316 0..andbar (roUed orcoldfinished) WIre.1 I 10 Elapsed time after quenching.rod.1 900 lI~ -= 700 c. seamless) Tube(drawn.. h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .~ c 0 iii 10 1 yea I 30 min 1 day 1 week 2 months o 0.1 10 Elapsed time after quenching. predomi~ Predominantly lnterqranular _ corrosion - pitting 10 Critical time. at 0 °C (32 OF). I 100 -- 2024 600 :::J Q) 500 ~ 80 Q.s -" - /'" 400 ~-I--- " _ ~- /' 0°C(32'FI 70 . .1 (Q -FI . \. 1212 '\~20'FI \ 350 li -\\ /' of) 150'e 1300 "F) - 30 min 200 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Click here to view YI I II '.."I\.166 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2024 Aluminum. 400 1. woe <. 260 "c 1400 "F) 1500 "F) 250 70 II - 40 30 . :. . ~ ~ \ 50 II" .~ 130 e 5 Fl • 'F) -. I 60 E: 205 "c... ~ >- " 1 day 1 week 2 months I yea. 175 "c LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 500 r c-: K \ AT /~ « 450 <0 Q... ... Aging characteristics of 2024 sheet 550 :1./\ '- 1\ \ ~ 300 ~\-}60 190 "c 1375°FI e "\ -. by.~ c' .s M ~ -150 a Control specimen • Quenched from _75°C (-100 OF) \0 steam 6.-----. Quenched from liquid nitrogen to steam -5200 1 6 -200 Tine number LIVE GRAPH 2600 100 75.)and75 by75 mm(3 by3 in.. Effect ofuphill quenching ondeflection +50 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 123 456 E ".----=---.-------.)bar.1 bar Click here to view + 1300I--->.. C a0 -1300 c' -g ~ 0 d c' I -100 -2600 0 -3900'P-+--+---+------+-l 7075 o Control specimen • Quenched from . respectively LIVE GRAPH 2600 + 100 25-by-25-mm 11-by-l. Similarspecimens machined from 25 by25 mm (1 by 1 in.) bar Click here to view +1300 +50 .:::::--b.)bars hadfour andeight tines.~ c' ~ -2600 -100 0 7075 -3900 .~ -50 a c' 0 d 0 ..Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /167 2024 Aluminum.-----.3·in.. Six-tine specimen wasmachined from 50 by50 mm(2 by2""".e---j E :>.s ~ -50 0 u '" ~ 0 7075 o Control specimen 0 -100 0 • Quenched from -75 C (-100 F] 10 steam 6 Quenched from liquid nitrogen to steam Tine number .75-mm (3.-1300 .~ E "- a c' d 0 .75°C (-100 of) \0 steam Quenched from liquid -200 nitrogen to steam -6500 L --~--'--~--~ 1 Tine number +1300. .......'" .'" :::> ~ 300 a.---.--.--.•..: -_. then heated in the salt bath.s 600.. S at grain boundaries 500 ~ 8 at dispersoids 2024 Aluminum: Time-temperature-nucleation curves.---.'" 200 100 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .. and 345 MN m-2 for 2219-T-87 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 10 102 10] Critical time. = 500 ~ 400 .. LOO ....2% offset) C-curves for sequence Aand B treatments of 2024-T851... .. 300 Treatment: Sequence A Specimens were quenched directly into a salt bath at 250 to 475°C (480 to 890 OF). All specimens were quenched in cold water to complete the sequences after hold times of 2 s to 1 h.. 345 MN m-2 for 2024-T351.--.. Corresponding yield strengths are 90% of values obtained from direct quench..--...----.168 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 500 I.. 2024-T351.----.----:-----r--~ 2024 Aluminum: Time-temperature-nucleation curves. All specimens were quenched in cold water to complete the sequences after hold times of 2 s to 1 h... and then aged for 16 h at 170°C (340 OF) Schematic representation of nucleation curves for sequence B treatment a.s 600.... = Treatment: Sequence A Specimens were quenched directly into a salt bath at 250 to 475°C (480 to 890 OF) Schematic representation of nucleation curves for sequence A LIVE GRAPH 400 Click here to view ..•.• = -----.. Sequence B = Specimens were first quenched to room temperature....----. '" E ~ 200 100 10 4 10 5 Time...r--...300 :::> ~ S at grain boundaries Treatment: Sequence B Specimens were first quenched to room temperature.. AA2219 ... and then aged for 16 h at 170°C (340 OF) Comparison of yield strength (0. /' .T87 ..-----r--..--...... then heated in the salt bath.-----r-----.. II> :::> E II> Q.AA202L -T351 .---- . E II> . E ..AA202L-T851 . ..-:------ . stretched to 5% plastic strain. 415 MN m-2 for 2024-T851 .. B -"'A ••••• 2024 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram.... and 2219-787.... . stretched to 5% plastic strain.. .. Effect of temperature and time in interruptedquenching experiments on type of corrosion attack developed in 2024-T4 sheet by an accelerated corrosiontest 900 e o 800 u. V .8 to 3. 0 Q) a./ 8!... I. °C 300 5 Temperature. ~ l:l ~ " ~ "0 0 200 100 80 70 E 200 600 400 70 r-.A . '" 60 ~ 50 t5> <:: ~ 300 g 15 0 50 Ol 5 iii 10 30 250 300 100 150 200 Temperature..~ e0. "'. 0 . E <: 0 .OC 260 40 ~. <." r " " d .Pi "ing 0.8 Cu. 600 ::J .Pilling plus inlergranulor • -Inlergranular LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 500 ~ 400 o 300 o 200 0. 60 300 400 600 -- 10 ~ ~ "0 o E :5 '~ 0. sec 2048 Chemical Composition. °C 50 2048 Aluminum. 2. 0.f ----iH. OF 100 600 s: 200 300 -- ::.80 Mg..5Mg-OAOMn LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view 2048 Aluminum.20 Fe max. -- > . Sheet and plate Characteristics Major alloying elements: 3.../ ~ 40 (j) 200 200 -J!. 0.. 0. Typical compressive properties of 2048"T851 plate Temperature.15 Si max... OF 100 500 200 300 Temperature.20 to 0. r-. 8 o 60 100 150 <: 60 '""'..~ 300 0. 0. °C 250 300 o 100 150 200 Temperature..0 1000 Time. . 60 9 "8E 8 .. ill structural components for aerospace and military equipment Specifications (U. 10 gi :.. OF 400 500 20 70 ::2 400 0. 0. and/or Foreign). Typical tensile properties of 2048-T851 plate Temperature. 700 Q) . Temperature. 1.05 others max (each). 50 50 100 150 200 Temperature.. 200 Temperature. "(. A92048 Available Product Forms.....10 Ti max. E Type of corrosion attack I .c bo 400 e ~..3Cu-1..20 to 1.OC LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 260 300 ~ <:: '" . 0. o 80 -sui 70 100 <:: o 300 400 500 -.. OF 400 500 r-.1 100 10 1.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /169 2024 Aluminum: Time-temperature-corrosion diagram. OF ~ 60 .."~ 0.. '(. E 8 60 o 60 100 160 "[ 11 ~ - "8 E 200 200 Temperature.60 Mn..§ 250 300 {!!.: .S... E 0 o 30 300 <.c" ~ (j) 100 .15 others max (total). bal Al Typical Uses. 0.. UNS. <:: o {!!... Composition Limits..Pilling plus slighl inlergronulor I ..25 Zn max. <..c bo <. .>t.. ModifiedGoodman diagramfor axial fatigue of unnotched specimensof 2048-T851 plate Minimum stress.0 / ---'- -'--- ----'- 20 /j....L-- ----L- -'---.. 'x . ~ Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 ~ 10 1-_---l.. Longitudinal Long transverse L- :2 R=-1.l ......L-. .------... 60 400 1 ... 200 'x ~ :. Rupture 1000 0.----. Creep-rupturecurves for 2048-T851 plate.--.....-----. ----J 10 7 10 3 2048 Aluminum.... LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view . ..-~~==~ a •. :2 30 200 1--------+----------"i-iI~---------(J=1'....._----l...........Next Page 170 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2048 Aluminum..r ..._------___1I_------___i 0- ~ 1ii E ::J E ui 50 • V> ~ 1ii 300 t-------t-------"~:_-_:_f"'__=_--O==""--==I=o:::i:::...----._.o l -=~I.--....-_ _L. --400 -300 -200 -100 +100 Minimum stress.. Ii e t: t: E "E 'x ~ ~ 300 E "E ..h -'-------L----'-..L..... LIVE GRAPH 70 Click here to view .... 100 0 /j. .-.6.---.~ :2 'iii .. Axial fatiguecurves for unnotchedspecimens of 2048-T851 plate 5 0 0 ....-......J 1000 ~ ~ :. longitudinalorientation 1000 ....-- ----L- - 100 Time.. 100 1 10 10 L 10 - .J 1000 10 100 Tlmevh .-----L---l.-_ _L. ..L...2% deformation 100 100 120°C (260 of) 120°C (260°F) 176°C (360 of) 176°C (260 of) ~ :..=====~ E ::J 40 E ......-.MPa 2048 Aluminum..ksi LIVE GRAPH Click here to view s: 50 :.....---l...l. 2c. and tubing: SB221. and tubing: 4156.3 2. Extruded wire. water should be at room temperature and maintained at temperature below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle. (b) Tl temper fonnerlyT42 6063 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties 'Thmper 0 Tl(c) T4 T5 T6 T83 T831 T832 Tensilestrength MPa ksi YIeldstrength MPa ksI 90 152 172 186 241 255 207 290 48 90 90 145 214 241 186 269 13 22 25 27 35 37 30 42 7 13 13 21 31 35 27 39 (a) 500 kg load: 10 rnm diam ball.10 Mn max. and tubing are treated to T5 temper at 205°C (400 OF) for I h.3 165 152 152 145 138 124 45 24 17 14 24 22 22 21 20 18 6.5 3. T831.3 248 228 221 214 193 133 45 24 17 14 36 33 32 31 28 20 6.15 others max (total).5 2. Specific times are based on time required for load to reach temperature. Composition Limits. 0. Alternative for treating to T83. HB Shear strength MPa ksI Fatigue streogth!b) MPa ksI 25 42 69 97 10 14 55 62 8 9 60 73 82 70 95 117 152 152 124 186 17 22 22 18 27 69 69 10 10 . drawn tubing.45 to 0. Times given here are based on rapid heating.5 2. Alternate treatment: 6 h at 180°C (355 "F).3 110 103 103 45 24 17 14 16 15 14 13 14 15 6. rod. Same products are treated to T6 and T62 tempers by treating at 175°C (345 OF) for 8 h. windows. 0. and T832 tempers: quench directly from extrusion press if it has suitable temperature control -c Temperature OF YIeldstrength (0. Times at temperature are approximate.S. In treating drawn tubing to T83. bar. (See adjoining Table). offset) ksI MPa 'Iensile strength(a) ksI MPa Elongation. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective in treating some materials. (c) Formerly T42 temper Elongation. T6. and T832 tempers.5 2 97 90 97 44 36 34 33 18 20 40 75 80 105 TStemper -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 260 315 370 28 24 23 22 18 20 40 75 80 105 T6temper -320 -121 -18 75 212 300 400 500 -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 600 700 24 20 19 18 15 20 40 75 80 105 (a) Lowest strength for exposures up to 10 000 h at temperature.10 Zn max. and/or Foreign).05 others max (each). 0. shapes. bar. 0. Pipe. Drawn tubing is treated to T4 and T42 tempers at 520°C (965 OF).5 3. 0. Alternate treatment: 3 h at 180°C (355 "F). T831. balAl Specifications (U. and weldability. Extruded wire.2 2. 20 22 12 12 9 10 12 Hanlness(a).60 Si. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1OOF) of nominal during time at temperature Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). ASTM.4Si Typical Uses. cold workability.10 Cu max. shapes. truck and 6063 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties at various temperatures trailer flooring. bar. rod. unless otherwise indicated. Sheet and plate are solution treated at 570 °C (1060 OF). architectural extrusions. railing. UNSA96063 Available Product Forms.5 2. ASME. Nominal treatment temperatures for these alloys and T62 are 175°C (345 "F) for 8 h. T4 temper is obtained with natural aging of two weeks General Considerations. no load. J454. cold working after solution treatment is necessary to get desired properties. c. 0. Tempers include TI. Treat at 415°C (775 "F).90 Mg. brazeability.{.Previous Page 2061 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 6063 Chemical Composition. and tubing may be treated to TI temper by quenching directly from the extrusion press with suitable control of extrusion temperature.20 to 0. with soak times measured from time load reaches within 6 °C (10 "F) of applicable temperature Annealing. Pipe: SB241. Moore type test. Tl temper(b) -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 234 179 165 152 152 145 62 31 23 16 34 26 24 22 22 21 9 4.5 2 255 200 193 186 165 138 62 31 23 16 37 29 28 27 24 20 9 4. c. Extruded wire.5 3.10 Ti max. 0.10 Cr max. shapes.R. bar. 0. T5.5 3. irrigation pipe.{. (b) At 5 X 108 cycles: R.5 3. shapes.2 2.35 Fe max. rod. hold 2 to 3 h at temperature. bar.5 3. product should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. SAE. T42 temper is obtained by treating product at 520°C (965 "F). T83. AMS. When quenching is by total immersion in water. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. 0. Extruded rod. T832 General Considerations. T831. 0. cool at 28°C (50 oF) per hour from 415°C (775 oF) to 260 °C (500 oF) Characteristics Major alloying elements: 0. furniture.5 2 324 262 248 241 214 145 62 31 23 16 47 38 36 35 31 21 9 4. machinability. Use of high-velocity. and tubing. testloading applied at 35 MPalmin (5 ksilmin) to yield strength and then at strain rate of 5%/min to fracture. T4.7Mg-0. Unless otherwise indicated. shapes. Extruded rod. For information on corrosion resistance. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained with ±6 °C (±l0 OF) of nominal during time at temperature. doors.{. T52. Treatment: Solution heat-treated at 540°C (1000 OF) for 1 to 1..:----.300 I- 200 100 0 1 100 10 t. Actual size 6063 Aluminum: Time-temperature property diagram.60% Mg-0.30% Si-0. C = 6061. Maximum quenched and aged yield strength 25. s 6063 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram. water quenched. and aged. Tucker's reagent.-. held at temperature for varying times. Transverse section.02% Mn-0. Grains at surface of extrusion have recrystallized because of more working and heating.16% Fe-O. A= 7075. Composition: AI-0.s 1000 . Grains in the interior of the extrusion are unrecrystalIized. B = 2017.9 ksi (178 MPa) Iso-yield curve is 90% of quenched and aged yield strength I 800 (4211 90% of T6 YS LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 400 (:Ill4' ~ 100 1000 Time of Isothermal Hold. 6063-T5 extrusion. Curves at 95% of maximum tensile stress for various alloys.5 h. down quenched to various temperatures into molten salt.Q1 % Zn-0.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /207 6063 Aluminum.02% Ti. D = 6063 600 ---.--- 500 400 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view A U 0. seamless).2% olrsel) MPH ksl 150 360 395 22 52 57 83 207 359 12 30 52 18 18 12 200 max 275 min 275 min 345 min 345 min 29 max 40 min 40 min 50 min 50 min 125max l70min 165min 310min 290 min 18 max 25 min 24 min 45 min 42 min 16min 14min 14min 8 min 8 min 345 min 50 min 310min 45 min FJongatlon(H). Parts scheduled for T6510 and T6511 tempers are stress relieved by stretching to produce specified amount of permanent set prior to precipitation heat treatment General Considerations. rod.T651 Property limits (extrusions) 0 T4. Product should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. shapes.S.25 Zn max.05 others max (each). water should be at room temperature and maintained at a temperature below 38°C (l00 "F) during quenching cycle. shapes. T450.15 Ti max. rod. and weldability.4OCu. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±IO OF) during time at temperature Thmper 'Iypleal properties 0 T4.40 Cr max. pipe Tube(extruded. T4511.S. 0. T62.bal AI Specifications (U.90 to 1.T451 T6. 0. and T4511 tempers. brazeability. 0. Product in T4510 and T45ll tempers are stress relieved by stretching to produce specified amount of permanent set prior to precipitation heat treatment General Considerations. and tubing: B 221. % (a) In 50 mrn(2 in. B221 B241 B491 B483 B2LO B345 B429 6066 Chemical Composition. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging).20 Ti max. and die forgings are treated at 530°C (985 OF) to T4. bar. 0. Temperature of 415°C (775 "F) is held for 2 to 3 h 6066 Aluminum: Tensile properties Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating.40 to 1. Extruded wire.60 to 1. Extruded wire. Extruded rod.T4511 T42 T6. SAB. bar.25 Zn max. 0. 0. drawn tubing. J454.50 Fe max. T451O. and tubing: MIL-A-46104. Fe max. 0. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within 6 °C (10 "F) of applicable temperature Annealing. shapes. J454. Composition Limits. cold workability. (United Kingdom) BS H11 Available Product Forms. ASTM. bal Al Specifications (U. Time at temperature is approximate. ASTM. Forgings and extrusions for welded structures.10Crmax. bar. SAB. 0. 0.20Mg. shapes. bar. Use of high-velocity.0Cu-0.2081 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys ASTMspecifications Mill form andoondltlon WIre.00Mn.T6511 tempers at 175°C (345 oF) for 8 h.0. T42. 0.shapes. rod. Extruded wire.10 Mn. T651O.00 to 1.20 Cu. Impacts: MlL-A-12545 . and die forgings are treated to T6.80 to 1. T4510. 0. unless otherwise indicated. When quenching is by total immersion in water. machinability. rod. Available tempers: T4. and tubing: QQ-A-200/1O.50 to 1. Forgings: QQ-A-367. where d is diameterof reducedsectionof tensiletestspecimen 6070 Chemical Composition.40 Mg. Composition Limits. A96066.70 Si. shapes. Specific times are based on time needed for load to reach temperature. shapes. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±10 OF) of nominal during time at temperature. UNS.8Mn Typical Uses. Gas and oil transmission pipe: B 345. and/or Foreign). For information on corrosion resistance.WId tube(extruded) Tube(extruded. bar. drawn tubing. 0. 0. die forgings. Times are based on rapid heating. 0.) or 4d. Government. T65l1 Characteristics Major alloying elements: 1. and tubing.80 Si. and tubing. 0.seamless) Pipe(gasWId oilttansmission) Structural pipeWId nibe(extruded) ASTMNo. Extruded rod.4Si-l.15 others max (total). Government.T6511 T62 Property limits (die forgings) T6 Thnslle strength ksl MPH YIeld strength (0. T651O. 0. and/or Foreign). and tubing. high-volume jets of cold water is effective for some materials.70 to 1. coiled) 'Iube (drawn) Tubejdrawn.5 others max (each).15 others max (tota!). T6. bar. Extruded rod.1Mg-1. 0.15 toO. 0. no load. Use of high-velocity. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. SAE. When quenching is by total immersion in' water. (Germany) E-AlMgSiO.03 others max (each). cold workability.35 to 0. Bus conductor: B 317.10 Cu max.10 Zn max. Material should be quenched as rapidly as possible from solution treating temperature and with minimum delay after removal from furnace.03 Cr max.50 Fe max.8 6101 Aluminum: Property limits for 6101 extrusions Eleelrleal Temper Yield strength Teosil's1reogth(o) MPo ksl For information on corrosion resistance. tubing. (b) In 50 rom(2 in. testloadingappliedat35 MPalmin(5 ksilmin)to yieldstrengthand thenat strainrate of 5%/minto fracture.. and tubing.5 . Extruded bar. UNS. T64. braze ability .3 1. bar. % 24 20 19 19 20 20 40 80 100 105 (a)Loweststrengthforexposuresup to 10000 h at temperature.3Cu Typical Uses. Specific times depend on time required for load to reach temperature. General Considerations. hold at temperature for 6 to 8 h (0. Extruded rod.6Mg-0. and/or Foreign). rod. shapes. pipelines. Heat to 510 °C (950 "F). (France) NF A-G5IL.5 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. %IACS ElongoUon(h). and weldability.000 in. Composition Limits.500-2. and T4511 Characteristics Major alloying elements: 1. Temperature for T4 temper is 545°C (1015 "F) 6101 Chemical Composition.8 3 2. thick 0. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) Major alloying elements: 0. Tempers include T4. Extruded rod. machinability. 0.750-1. T61.45Si-0.5.125-0. (Austria) Onorm E-AlMgSi. Werkstoff-Nr-3. (United Kingdom) BS 9IE. bal Al Specifications (U. electrical conductors.80 Mg.3 2. high-volume jets of cold water is effective for some materials. T6. product may be directly quenched from extrusion press. For information on corrosion resistance.03 Mn max. T63. (Italy) UNI P-AlSiO. unless otherwise indicated.55Si ·C Typical Uses. and tubing are treated to T4 and T42 tempers at 545°C (1015 "F). Heat to 175°C (345 OF). 0. cold workability.70 si. High strength bus bars. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Hot Working Temperature.3207 Available Product Forms. 0. Time at temperature is approximate. Times are based on rapid heating. A96101. thick 1. extruded structural parts for autos. 0. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible within ±6 °C (±IO "F) during time at temperature Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging).06 B max. Available tempers: T4. and weldability. 0.499 in.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 1209 Available Product Forms. machinability. T65 Characteristics 6101 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 6101-T6 at various temperatures Tempemture -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 OF -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 296 248 234 221 193 145 69 33 24 17 43 36 34 32 28 21 10 4. With suitable control of extrusion temperatures. 0.) HIll T6 T61 0.2% off. 0.7Mn-0. hold at temperature for 1 h Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). 0. Tensile slrength(o) MPo ksl YIeld s1reogth(o) MPo ksi oondU<tMty(o). shapes. ASTM.749 in. T6. J454.10 others max (total). with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within 6 °C (10 "F) of applicable temperature Annealing. bar. thick T63 T64 T65 83 200 12 29 138 20 124 18 103 15 186 27 103 15 172-221 25-32 (a)Singleentries areminimumvalues 55 172 8 25 103 15 11 76 55 8 152 22 55 8 138-186 2()'27 59 55 57 57 57 56 59.S. 0.30 to 0. water should be at room temperature and maintained at a temperature below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle. 0.5 56. brazeability. and structural shapes. and heat sinks. l)(o) MPo ksI 228 207 200 193 172 131 48 23 16 12 33 30 29 28 25 19 7 3. Heavy duty welded structures. (Switzerland) USM AI-Mg-Si. pipe. Product is treated to T6 temper at a metal temperature of 160°C (320 "F) for 18 h.8Mg-0. die forgings.time required for load to reach temperature.)or 4d. % Thmperalure OF -196 -SO Die forgings. T6 Axisparalleltograin flow AxisnOI parallel10grainflow Rolled rings. Die forgings and rolled rings are treated to T4 temper at 515°C (960 OF). no load. c 0 c .9Si-0. and rolled rings. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±10 "F) ofnominal during time at temperature Chemical Composition. AMS. treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. 0. Applications require combination of good forgeability. :.. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within 6 °C (10 "F) of applicable temperature Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. 6151 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties 6151 Aluminum: Tensile-property limits °C Thmper ThllSile strength ksi MPa Yieldstrength MPa ksi Eiongatioo(a). Examples: Die forgings and rolled rings for crank cases. 0. 0.15 Ti max. 0. A96151. Temperatures for precipitation treatment given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±10 OF) of nominal during time at temperatureand those given here are approximate.2% offset)(o) MPa ksi . Material should be quenched from solution.een c 0 E -' 50 o ~ 5 '" c 0 .60 to 1..3 ~ ~ ~ :. Rolled rings being treated to T452 temper should be stress relieved by 1 to 5% cold reduction subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment.=: '0 .35 Cu max. and machine parts General Considerations. 10 3 mm 2 l t c o . T6 and T6S2 Tangential AxiaI Radial -28 303 44 255 37 303 44 255 37 14(coupon) 10(forging) 6 (forging) 303 303 290 44 44 255 241 241 37 35 35 5 4 2 42 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 -321 -112 -18 76 212 300 400 500 600 700 Thnsilestrength(o) ksl MPa 57 50 49 48 43 28 14 6.. Forgings and forging stock: QQ-A367.~ . E 0 0 5 ..~ ~ o o ~ 501---+------'''r------j C.9 3.80 Mg. water should be at room temperature and maintained at a temperature below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle. in. 10 3 mm 2 ~ .~ .. unless otherwise indicated. fuses.6Mg-0.2101 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 6151 General Considerations.35 Cr.25Cr Rolled rings being treated to T652 temper should be stress relieved by 1 to 5% cold reduction subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment Typical Uses.. Forgings: 4125.00 Fe max.45 to 0. UNS. Tempers include T6 and T652 Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). E 0 10 u 100 '----_---'-_ _--'--------'----' o 10 20 30 Cross section of solid cylindrical specimen. 2 t 100 30 specimen.2 Elongation. Specific times depend on .. 0.15 others max (total) Specifications (U. 0. Sheet. 0. MIL-A-22771.25 Zn max. °~ .05 others max (each). where d is diameterofreducedsectionof tensiletestspecimen 0 Yieldstrength (0. 1.~ C. Times given are based on rapid heating. 0.20 Mn max. J454. '0 . ~ . (Canada) C~A SGUP Available Product Forms.20 Si. SAE.testloadingappliedat35 MPalmin(5ksilmin)to yieldstrengthand then atstrainrateof 5%/minto fracture (a) In 50 mm (2 in.~ . good strength. Effectof quenchingfrom 540°C (1000 OF) on residual stressesin solid cylinders Cross section of solid cylindrical Cross section of solid cylindrical specimen. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials. and resistance to corrosion.S. forging stock. 0. Die forgings and rolled rings are treated to 6T tempers at 170°C (340 oF) and held at temperature for 10 h.c .. % 20 17 17 17 17 20 30 50 43 35 (a)Loweststrengthforexposuresup to 10 000 h at temperature. Characteristics Major alloying elements: 0. 50 ~ 5 ~ ~ -o c 0 -' c C. in.een 10 ~ I- '" 345 315 310 298 275 185 85 34 27 22 50 46 45 43 40 27 12 5 3. Government. 2 40 40 t 10 0c c ~ c.15 to 0. High-velocity..5 5 4 395 345 340 330 295 195 95 45 34 28 6151 Aluminum. Composition Limits. and/or Foreign).~ 10 o° 100 0 10 20 30 Cross section of solid cylindrical specimen. When quenching by total immersion in water. 15 to 0.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /211 6151 Aluminum.7Si-0. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating.15 Cr. Temperature is 175 °C (345 OF).40 to 0. B 399. banded dispersion of extremely small particles of a chromium intermetallic phase.5Mg-0.90 Si. and weldability.15 Ti max. High strength electrical conductors For information on corrosion resistance. A96205 Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). 0.15 Zr. 1.25 Zn max. 6151-T6 closed-die forging showing large particles of Mg2Si (rounded) and (Fe. Product is treated at 150°C (300 OF).l OMn-O. machinability.lOCr.15 others max (total).60 Mg. 0. 0. 0. Composition Limits.S. 0. High impact strength in service Specifications (U. J454. Wire: B 398. 0. 0.00 Fe max. A96201 Available Product Forms. and extrusions Characteristics Major alloying elements: 0.15 Ti max. bal Al Typical Uses. Temperature is 525°C (970 OF) . 0.05 to 0.5 to 0.45 to 0. bal Al Specifications (U. O. ASTM.8Si-0.Mn)3SiAI12 (angular or scriptlike).20 Cu max.20 Mn max.8Mg Typical Uses.20 Si. and/or Foreign). cold workability. Stranded conductor. 0.35 Cr. Rod and wire Characteristics Major alloying elements: 0. 0. 0.25 Zn max. UNS. 0. tread plate.35 Cu max.60 to 0. and held at that temperature approximately 4 h 6205 Chemical Composition.15 others max (total). Parts are at temperature approximately 6 h Available Product Forms.05 others max (each). 0. 0. 0.15 Mn. T81 temper.lOZr Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. brazeability. Composition Limits. UNS. 0. 0. 0.70 Fe max.80 Mg. SAE.05 to 0.60 to 1.S. 250x 6201 Chemical Composition. 0. and/or Foreign). Keller's reagent. Plate. and a fine. 0. Temperature is 510 °C (950 OF) Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging).05 others max (each). 2 ksi (256 MPa). rod. SAE. and T4510 tempers. rod. product may be quenched directly from extrusion press when extrusion temperature is suitably controlled.80 Si. 0. s 6262 Chemical Composition.40 to 0.11 % Mn-0. When quenching by total immersion in water. bar. rod. and drawn tubing Characteristics Major alloying elements: 1.212/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 6205 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram. rod.80 to 1. and tubing to T4510 temper.40 to 0. T651. Maximum quenched and aged yield strength 37. For information on corrosion resistance.70 Pb. Rolled or cold finished wire.04% Zn-0. ASTM. rod.15 to 0. drawn.70 Fe max. Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). shapes. T451. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (± 10°F) ofnominal during time at temperature Typical Uses.05 others max (each). and bar: B 211. T42. bar. and tubing to T4 temper. J454. extruded rod. bars. 0. and drawn tubing are treated at a metal temperature of 170°C (340 OF).S. Composition: AI-0. machinability.0Mg-0.15 Mn max. tempers are held for 8 h at solution treating temperature.20 Mg.15 others max (total). 0. rod. shapes. Cold or cold finished wire. Solution treated parts to be treated to T9 temper are cold worked following solution treating.3Cu-0.. 0. and aged. In treating extruded rod. Rolled or cold finished wire. Composition Limits. bar. water should be at room temperature and maintained at a temperature below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle. bar. shapes. cold workability. high-volume jets of cold water is effective for some materials.~ f Ql roo IJr. and bar. rod.76% Si-0. seamless tubing: B 210. 0. as follows: Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. bal AI Specifications (U. and weldability.04 to 0. shapes. water quenched. down quenched to various temperatures into molten salt. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Extruded rod.14 Cr.13B% Fe-0. Drawn. Parts being treated to T9 temper are held at temperature 12 h.1 09% Zr-0. and bar treated to T6.53% Mg-0. and tubing: B 221. . High-stress screw machine products requiring more resistance to corrosion than alloys 2011 and 2017. and tubing. bar. A metal temperature of 540°C (1000 OF) is used in treating rolled or cold finished wire. Government. unless otherwise advised. and drawn tubing to T4.09Cr-0. 0. and T62. extruded wire. Drawn tubing: B 483. 0. and tubing are treated at a metal temperature of 175 °C (345 oF). parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce specified amount of permanent set prior to precipitation treatment General Considerations. rod. held at temperature for varying times.6Pb In treating extruded rod.40 Cu. Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. and/or Foreign). Iso-yield curve is 90% of quenched and aged yield strength LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ltOO 14 eoo 141r S 90% ofT6 YS ~ ~ 0 .00 IS.01 % li.5 h.70 Bi. Use of high-velocity. and tubing. and bar.12% Cr-0. and bar: QQ-A255/10 Available Product Forms. and bar. 0.' Co E Ql Eo< II'" 400 11041 '0 '00 1000 Time of Isothermal Hold. Rolled or cold fmished wire. Treatment: Solution heat-treated at 540 °C (1000 OF) for 1 to 1. 0. 0. • Rolled or cold finished wire. shapes. seamless tubing. Times at temperature vary per product and teinperatures. shapes. Parts destined for T651 temper are stress relieved by stretching to .40 to 0. Extruded wire. brazeability.6Si-0. shapes. 1.7 1. Longitudinal section. Gas and oil transmission pipe: B 345. or gasoline.50 Fe max. T9. 0.5 4. 100x .6Mn Typical Uses. treatment temperature is held 6 h Annealing. Treatment temperature is 350°C (660 OF). pipe. and/or Foreign). brazeability.OSi-0. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. III III Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O"F) of nominal during time at temperature Times at temperature are approximate. A9635 1 Available Product Forms. rod. machinability.06-in. no load. and tubing: B 221. Metal is heated to 415°C (775 OF). which is held for about 4 h 6351 Aluminum.2% oliset)(a) MPa ksI 414 338 324 310 290 234 60 49 47 45 42 34 324 290 283 276 262 214 47 42 41 510 427 414 400 365 262 103 59 32 24 74 62 60 58 53 38 15 8. Treatment is at 170 °C (340 "F). Times are based on rapid heating. Extruded structures for road vehicles and railroad stock. tubing and pipe that carries water. Parts are heated to 505°C (940 OF) Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging).40 to 0.6 3 462 400 386 379 359 255 90 41 19 12 67 58 56 55 52 37 40 38 31 13 6 2. Composition Limits. % 22 18 17 17 18 20 14 10 10 10 10 14 34 48 85 95 (a)Loweststrengthforexposures up to 10000 h at temperature. bar.40 to 0~80 Mn. holding time is 2 to 3 h 6262 Aluminum: Typical tensile propertiesat varioustemperatures 'Iemperature OF "C T651 temper -196 -320 -112 -80 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 T9temper -196 -320 -112 -80 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 600 315 370 700 'Iensllestrength(a) MPa ksI Yieldstrength (0. oil.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /213 III produce specified amount of permanent set prior to precipitation heat treating Drawn tubing in T6.6Mg-0.10 Cu max. Extruded wire. 0. 0. and weldability. Coarse. and T62 tempers are held at the precipitation treatment temperature for 8 h.15 others max (total). recrystallized grains at top are near surface. Parts in T9 temper are cold worked after precipitation treatment to obtain desired properties General Considerations. 0. Barker's reagent. 0.30 Si. 0. polygonized subgrains are in unrecrystallized interior. Polarized light.S. ASTM.70 to 1. Extruded shapes.) wall. For information on corrosion resistance.8 Elongation.testloadingappliedat 35 MPalmin(5ksilmin)toyieldstrength andthenat strainrateof 5%/minto fracture 6351 Chemical Composition. 0. 0. 0. and tubing Characteristics Major alloying elements: I. 6351-T6 extruded tube. cold workability. bal Al Specifications (U.20 Ti max. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature with 6 °C (10 OF) of applicable temperature Annealing.05 others max (each). structurals. Specific times depend on time required for load to reach temperature.20 Zn max. UNS.80 Mg.5-mm (0. no load. and/or Foreign).1Cr-0. 0. water should be at room temperature and maintained at a temperature below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle. and/or Foreign). To avoid stress-corrosion cracking. When the service environment is conducive to galvanic corrosion. A97005 Available Product Forms. bar. 0. ASTM. lest loading applied at35 MFa/min (5 ksilmin) to yield strength and then at strain rate of 5%/min to fracture . alternatively. Parts should be cold formed in 0 temper. UNS.20 Zr. 0.00 to 1. bar. Extruded rod. bar. (United Kingdom) B5E6 Available Product Forms. 0.01 to 0. plus 16 h at 145 to 155 °C (290 to 310 oF) Characteristics Solution Heat Treating.08 to 0. • Metal temperatures given are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O "F) during time at temperature • Times given for time at temperature are approximate. and bright anodized automotive extrusions.20 to 0. Times are based on rapid heating with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within 6 °C (10 OF) of applicable temperature 7005 Chemical Composition.20 Cr. specific times depend on time required for load to reach temperature. 0. Sports equipment such as tennis racquets and softball bats Precautions in Use. In addition.06 to 0. ASTM. cold workability. side posts. rod. Temperature used to treat parts to T4 and T42 tempers is 520°C (965 OF). alternately. 0. and tubing: B 221. A96463. 0. Extruded wire. and rapid transit cars.00 Zn.15 others max (total). bal Al Specifications (U.S. 0. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. and shapes lytic solution potentials. and tubing: B 221. shapes. trailers. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials. 0. Extruded structural members such as frame rails.05 Zn max. 0. 4. An alternate treatment: 3 h at 180°C (355 oF) General Considerations.20 to 0. % 16 16 13 14 15 20 35 60 80 (a) Lowest strength for exposures up to 10000 h at temperature. machinability. parts may be cold formed in W temper.05 others (each).S.00 to 5. then two-stage artificial aging 8 h at 100 to 110 °C (212 to 230 OF).15 others max (total). 0040 Fe max. Extruded rod. 0. bal Al Specifications (U. and stiffeners for trucks. Same practice may be used in treating to T4 temper General Considerations. Use of high-velocity. 0. brazeability.5 Elongation. appliance parts. For information on corrosion resistance. 0. shapes. 0. UNS.5Mn-0.60 Si. comer posts. Extruded wire. Welded or brazed assemblies requiring moderately high strength and high fracture toughness. stresses in the transverse direction should be avoided at exposed machined or sawed surfaces. such as large heat exchangers. In parts intended for service in aggressive electrolytes such as seawater. naturally aging 82 h at room temperature. parts may be treated to T1 temper by quenching them directly from the extrusion press when extrusion temperature is properly controlled. Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. Composition Limits.6Zn-1AMg-0. cross 7005 Aluminum: Typicaltensile properties at various temperatures for 7005-T53 members. 0. Metal temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±IO "F) of nominal during time at temperature Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). Composition Limits. bar.7Mg Typical Uses. Parts are treated to T5 temper at a temperature of 205°C (400 "F) for 1 h.03Ti Annealing.90 Mg. When quenching by total immersion in water. 1. especially where solution heat treatment after joining is impractical. Temperature is 400°C (750 oF) Major alloying elements: 4.35 Si max. and tubing Characteristics Major alloying elements: OAOSi-0.15 Fe max.70 Mn. cargo containers.80 Mg.20 Cu max.05 others max (each). then heat treated. joint surfaces should be protected or insulated Recommended Heat Treating Practice Parts are treated to T53 temper by press quenching from hot working temperature.10 Cu max. J454. unless otherwise indicated.06 Ti.05 Mn max. 0. 7005 should be coupled or joined only to aluminum alloy components having similar electro- "C Thmperature OF -269 -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 -452 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 'Iensilestrengtb(a) MPa ksi 641 538 441 421 392 303 165 97 76 93 78 64 61 57 44 24 14 11 YIeldstreogth(a) MPa ksI 483 421 379 359 345 283 145 83 66 70 61 55 52 50 41 21 12 9.45 to 0. Extruded architectural and trim sections.214/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 6463 Chemical Composition. selective attack along the heat-affected zone in a weldment or torch-brazed assembly can be avoided by postweld aging. SAE. followed by artificial aging. Temperature is 345 °C (650 OF) Typical Uses. and weldability.1Zn-0. shapes. 40 Fe max. 0. the alloy can be successfully formed on all types of equipment. air cool.(b) e/d =2. armor plate.) thick 7039 Chemical Composition. % Longitudinal Transverse 0. For 0 temper.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /215 7005 Aluminum: Minimum mechanical properties ThmU. missile structures.8Mg-0. bal AI Specifications (U.30 Si max.05 others max (each). Sheet stock should be quenched from 490 to 500°C (910 to 930 "F). Due to the elaborate annealing and stabilizing treatment required. heat to 415 to 455°C (775 to 850 OF).MPa (ksi) Longitudinal Transverse 0.(d) Up to 6.25t03. and drop hammer operations. but definitely higher than 0 temper condition during the first few hours after quenching. the alloy evidenced a slight superficial staining and a mild and shallow pitting attack with no measurable loss in strength.00 in. but high viscosity lubricants are recommended for tapping operations Workability. Cryogenic storage tanks. Composition Limits. Because ofits higher strength. 0. 0.T63(e). Use of heat up to 120°C (250 "F) during forming in the annealed condition is beneficial in certain swaging.0. forgings. Military.S.T6351(e) Eiongatlon(o). air cool Annealing.(b) eld=2.10 to 0. air cool to room temperature 7039 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties Machinability.25%tensileyieldstrength.HB 1'64 Property volue(o) at temper: T61 0 450(65) 450(65) 400(58) 400(58) 227(33) 227(33) 380(55) 380(55) 330(48) 330(48) 103 (15) 103 (15) 13 13 14 14 22 22 400(58) 415(60) 380(55) 407(59) 270(39) 255 (37) 235(34) 910(132) 910(132) 133 827(120) 123 61 (a)Propertyvaluesfor 6 to 75 mm (O. and 5083. soak 2 h. (e) 6. spinning. using a weldfiller alloy of aluminum X5039 or 5183 rod.20Cr Typical Uses.) thick.(c) e/d = 1. Heat to 355 to 370 °C (670 to 700 oF). A97039 sium alloys as 5052.250 to 3.) thick plate.) or4d.MPa (ksi) Longitudinal Transverse Bearingstrength(b). wheree is theedge distance and d is the pin diameter .40 Mn. Best formed in its freshly quenched condition. hold at temperature 20 to 24 h.5. Resistance to general corrosion is very much superior to that of most heat-treatable alloys.10 Ti max. Heat metal to 460 to 500°C (860 to 930 OF). MILA-45225. soak 2 h.50 Zn. Shows very good crack resistance in restrained plate weldments when joined with X5039 filler wire.250in. hold at temperature 4 h. 0.MPa (ksi) Longitudinal Transverse Sheerstrength.). reheat to 230°C (450 OF). Readily welded over a wide range of thicknesses with no decrease in weld ductility.2% compressiveyieldstrength. MIL-A-46063. extruded stock should be quenched from 460 to 470 °C (860 to 880 oF) Major alloying elements: 4Zn-2. low temperature processing equipment.10 Cu max.50 to 4. severe forming in the annealed 0 temper condition would be impractical. quench in cold water. Readily weldable by the direct-current inert-gas tungstenarc (TIG) and by the metal-arc-insert-gas (MIG) process. Under standard 6% NaCl immersion test for 6 mo or 5% NaCl salt fog. and storage tanks Weldability. and/or Foreign). 0. In the soft temper.25Mn-0. 0.30 Mg. air cool. where e is edge distance and d is pindiameter. where d is diameterof reducedsection of tensiletest specimen. ordnance tanks. no evidence of intergranular corrosion was observed Available Product Forms. Shear strength ksI Shear yield strength MPo ksi Beoriog yield strength MPo ksI Bearingstrength MPo ksi 25 655(b) 496(c) 95(b) 72(c) 503(b) 407(c) 73(b) 59(c) 22 634(b) 483(c) 92(b) 70(c) 448(b) 365(c) 65(b) 53(c) (a) In 50 mm (2 in. 0. UNS. Or heat to 355 to 370°C (670 to 700 "F). unfired pressure vessels. 2. kerosene. 5086.0in. Has considerably better weld strength and ductility than 5083. soak 2 to 3 h. No special pre-weld or post-weld heat treatment is required Precipitation HeatTreating (Artificial Aging).35 mm (0. Soluble oil emulsions. In the solution treated and aged T6 temper condition.30 to 3. 0. air cool Stress Relief Anneal.MPa (ksi) Longitudinal Transverse Brinellhardness(1500 kg). a greater allowance for springback will have to be made than when working with other aluminum alloys. MIL-A-22771. Rubber forming is usually conducted at 120 to 230°C (250 to 450 OF) Corrosion Resistance.25 Cr. Room temperature weld strength averages 360 MPa (52 ksi) and increases to 448 MPa (65 ksi) at -195°C (-320 OF).15 others max (total). The general corrosion resistance characteristics of 7039-T64 are comparable to such highly resistant aluminum-magne- Property Tensilestrength. In the solution treated condition the properties are intermediate between those of 0 and T6 temper. Sheet (limited) plate.35 to 75 mm (0. the material exhibits very poor forming qualities. and kerosene-lard oil mixtures are recommended for most machining operations. 3. The formability gradually lessens as age-hardening increases. In a sodium chloride-hydrogen peroxide test. extrusions Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Solution Heat Treating.15 to 0. In treatingto T6 temper: reheat to 120°C (250 OF).MPa (ksi) Longitudinal Transverse Elongationin 50 mm (2in. Good machinability in the annealed state. strength ksI % MPH Compressive yield strength ksi MPH 10 296 43 193 28 172 42 303 44 38 269 39 186 27 152 YIeld strength MPo ksi Thmpec MPH Extrusions T53 Ldirection 345 50 303 44 331 48 290 324 47 262 L-T direction Sbeet 80d plate T6(d). Polarized light.8 5.. - 7039 Aluminum. 150 mm (6 in.. % 12 12 11 11 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view "'-. .. 50 mm (2 in.. Grains are elongated and thinned by working.e <.r-.. Curves for 2014 and 2219 are mean values from published literature Unnotchedimpact toughness J II ·Ihe 66..1 - 10 .- o T64 36 mm plate It T61 19 mm plate I 10 8 Cycles 7039 Aluminum: Transverse impact toughness of 7039-T64 plate 1. .7 48..) thick..50 20 / 2014-T6 38 40 . Structure shows equiaxed grains with interdendritic areas of M92Si and Fea-SiAI 12 • Barker's reagent.....5 mm (0. (c) 7039-F plate.e-T64 00 2219-T81 45 50 'Thst temperature OF "C 24 -195 24 -195 75 -320 75 -320 Elongationin SOmm (2in. <.::J--. " It <...5 8.. .2 87.. Polarized light..216/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 7039 Aluminum: Microstructures... Barker's reagent...---...8 64.5 7. 100 1.). /-- ~ o 0 00--- -. <. Polarized light... :2 • 200 ~ \).~ 7039-T61 j 1'-.3 96.3 in. - Plate thkkness mm in. (a) 7039 ingot 305 mm (12 in.6 6... Data for 7039 are based on least-of-four results in the longitudinal direction with a 7. ...~ .. . as hot rolled (83% reduction).5 75.. 50x....5 6. (b) 7039-F plate. Rotating beam fatigue data of 7039 plate compared with fatigue characteristics of 2014 and 2219.5 55.6 4. 50 I . . ~€ ~ ---... 50x (b) (a) 400 (c) I I Rotating beam lests 350 300 250 ro n....3 Notchedimpact toughness J II ·llif 7.) diam smooth specimen.) thick..75 - 70. \" K. 50x. ..3 5.. as hot rolled (50% reduction).) thick. :a .. ~ I. ~ ~. Barker's reagent.. 150 -.. Grains are greatly elongated and thinned..5 71..... Dendritic cells are elongated and thinned by working. Times shown are based on rapid heating. (c) 7039-F plate. Forgings: 4111.5Cu-0.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /217 7039 Aluminum: Microstructures. with soaking time measured from time load reaches within 6 °C (10 "F) of applicable temperature . 10% H3 P0 4 • 100x (a) (b) (c) 7049 Chemical Composition.4159. Government. Forgings: QQ-A-367. bal Al General Considerations. and weldability. 0. then 10 to 16 h at 165°C (330 "F) To obtain T7352 temper. 305 mm (12 in. UNS. General resistance to corrosion is poor Typical Uses.90 Cu.5Mg-1.15 others max (total). CIl CIl For additional information on corrosion resistance. unless otherwise indicated. (b) 7039-F plate.2 Zn. 7. Use of high-velocity.22 Cr. Dendritic cells show precipitate formed during homogenization.20 to 1. and extruded sections. Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). and/or Foreign). water should be at room temperature and cooled to below 38°C (100 OF) during quenching cycle. 10% H3 P0 4 • 1OOx. 0. 50 mm (2 in. cold workability.S. Die and hand forgings CIl Characteristics Major alloying elements: 7. 0. 10% H3 P0 4 • 1OOx. 1. 0. followed by a two-stage treatment: 24 hat 120 °C (250 OF). A97049. (a) 7039 ingot. 0. CIl liD Nominal metal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±IO OF) of nominal during time at temperature Time at temperature depends on time needed for load to reach temperature.) thick.15Cr.90 Mg. landing gear cylinders. high-volume jets of cold water is effective for some materials Nominal metal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±10 OF) of nominal during time at temperature To obtain T73 tempers. 150 mm (6 in. as hot rolled (83% reduction). solution treated parts are held at room temperature for minimum of 48 h. machinability. Composition Limits.35 Fe max.25 Si max. MILH-6088 Available Product Forms.05 others max (each). 0.20 to 8.•Forged aircraft and missile fittings. CIl CIl CIl Both die and hand forgings are treated to W and W52 tempers at 470°C (880 oF) W temper parts are quenched in water at 60 to 80°C (140 to 180 OF) W52 temper parts are stress relieved by 1 to 5% cold reduction after solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. as hot rolled (50% reduction). 0.00 to 2. brazeability.) thick. When material is quenched by total immersion in water.10 Ti max.10 to 0. Fatigue characteristics are about equal to those of 7075-T6 products. 2. toughness is somewhat higher.) thick. CIl Specifications (U.20 Mn max. Dendritic cells are elongated and thinned by working. AMS. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. parts are stress relieved by 1 to 5% cold reduction subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment General Considerations. Used where static strength is approximately same as that of forged 7079-T6 and high resistance to stress corrosion cracking is required. Extrusions: 4157.6Zn-2. 15 Zr.90 to 2. followed by 10 to 14 hat 175°C (345 OF) • Extruded rod. (c) e/d = 2. 0. hand and die forgings) take advantage of a combination of properties: very high strength coupled with resistance to exfoliation corrosion. W52.15 Fe max. 5..3Cu-0. followed by 6 to 10 h at 180°C (355 "F) • Extruded rod.08 to 0. bar.. 2.•incl Longitudinal 524 Long transverse 510 YI.999in.S. include 483 Over 4-5 in. W52.12 Si max. 0.15 others max (total). UNS.1'73 temper Parallel tograinflow Up to 2 in. hand forgings Characteristics Major alloying elements: 6. Use of high-velocity.1'73511temper Up to2.. WSW... extrusion. extruded rod.05 others max (each).. include 483 Acrossgrainflow Up to 1 ln. brazeability. Also.2Zn-2. AMS. 0. unless otherwise indicated. 0.•incl Longitudinal 538 Long transverse 524 Over2. A97050 Available Product Forms..04 Cr max.06 Ti max. W51.12Zr Typical Uses. cold workability. WSW. and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. • Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible. followed by 24 to 30 h at 165°C (330 OF).000 in. followed by 12 to 15 h at 165°C (330 OF). 0.00 to 2..10 Mn max. 4107. • Plate is subjected to two-stage treatment for T7451 temper: 3 to 6 hat 120°C (250 OF).. extrusions.)or 4d.0.where e isedgedistance andd is pindiameter 7050 Chemical Composition. 1. and shapes. Plate.70 to 6. bar. For additional information on corrosion resistance.(b) In 50 mrn(2 in. and fatigue. 4108. 0. include 496 Over 2-4 in. When quenching by total immersion in water.60 Mg. Wherea rangeappearsin this column. Also.999-5. followed by 8 to 12 h at 175°C (345 oF) .1dstrength (0.. and/orForeign). yield strength ksI MPa Shearstrength MPa ksi MPa k!i MPa ks\ Eloogatlon(a)(b). include 490 Over 1-4in. die and hand forgings are treated to W.. Bearing slnmgth(<! Bearing yield streogth(a) 72 71 70 427 421 414 62 61 60 7 7 7 441 434 427 64 63 62 283 276 269 41 40 39 917 903 890 133 131 129 662 655 641 96 95 93 71 70 68 421 414 400 61 60 58 3 3-2 2 434 427 414 63 62 60 283 276 269 41 40 39 917 903 890 133 131 129 662 655 641 96 95 93 74 70 441 414 64 60 7 5 448 420 65 61 276 276 40 40 758 993 110 144 72 68 427 400 62 58 7 5 435 407 63 59 269 269 39 39 738 965 107 140 78 76 483 469 70 68 7 5 490 475 71 69 290 290 42 42 586 724 85 105 76 74 469 455 68 66 7 5 475 462 69 67 283 283 41 41 572 696 83 101 (a) Singlevaluesare minimumvalues.incl Longitudinal 496 Long transverse 469 Extrusions (AMS4159). and shapes are treated to T74510 and T74511 tempers in a two-stage treatment: 24 h at 120°C (250 OF). 0. Plate.incl Longitudinal 510 Long transverse 483 Over2.. 4050. bar. and weldability.1'75511temper Upto2.3Mg-2. rolled or cold ftnished wire and rod. die forgings. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials • Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1OOF) ofnominal during time at temperature Precipitation Heat Treating (ArtificialAging). whered is diameter of reducedsectionof tensiletestspecimen.999-5. stress corrosion. Composition Limits. and W511 tempers.60 Cu. parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specifted amount of permanent set subsequent to solution treatment and prior to solution treatment • Rolled or cold ftnished wire and rod are treated to a T7 temper by subjecting them to a two-stage treatment: 4 h at 120°C (250 "F). 0.iv.2% olfset)(a) ks\ MPa % Comp . and W511 tempers at metal temperatures of 475°C (890 OF). plus high fracture toughness. In treating to W51.70 Zn. parts may be quenched directly from extrusion press if extrusion temperatures are properly controlled General Considerations.218/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 7049 Aluminum: Mechanical properties Tensile Sizeand dlrectlon slnmgth(a) ksi MPa Die forgings (AMS4111). machinability. Structural applications in aircraft (plate.000 in. bal AI Specifications (U.999in. include 469 Extrusions (AMS4157).thespecifiedminimumelongation varieswiththickness of mill product. include 490 Over 4-5 in. and shapes are treated to T73510 and T73511 tempers in a two-stage treatment: 24 h at 120°C (250 OF). parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specifted amount of set subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment • Plate is subjected to a different treatment for the T7651'temper: 3 to 6 h at 120°C (250 OF). see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice SolutionHeat Treating. water should be at room temperature and maintained at a temperature below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle. .1 Aging temperature....n ksIVlIL ksiVlIL ~ Plate 173651 L-T T-L S-L Extrusions 17651X L-T T-L S-L 17351X L-T T-L S-L Q. Effect of aging temperature on yield strength of 7050-T736 LIVE GRAPH --.>< 700 r--~--r--r... Click here to view 7050 Aluminum..~ I- 200 30 1 year 30 100 0. Aging characteristics at room temperature.- 70 i ...2 29...~ >- 30.: 1 year o 40 30 ~ 11 ~ay 30 min I 50 ~ £ .Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /219 LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view • Extruded rod. followed by 8 hat 120°C (250 oF).L..~ 60 50 ~ ~ 40 I- .7 28.S-L 28 24 19 45..1 [".6 27 17 16 36....3 23..£ 27.5 20.L-I 2 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 60 Equivalent aging time at 165°C (325 OF). - <.r.... 100 '" n. followed by 12 to 15 h at 165°C (330 oF) • All extruded rod.1 20 40 .1 22. :2: £c.8 26...n 70 Average Minimum MPa.7 1 day I wfek 2 months t 20 1()4 10 Elapsed lime quenching. with soaking time measured from time load reaches temperature within 6 °C (10 OF) of applicable temperature Click here to view ~ 300 80 ~T / .. . h 7050 Aluminum.. 0 - <..6 32 27 26 ~ '0 // 200 Die forgings 1736 L-T T-L. / RT --- . h 0. c: e 50 -.. Hand forgings are stress relieved by 1 to 5% cold reduction subsequent solution treating and prior to precipitation treatment General Considerations.._ _l.. bar.4 20. I - ~ 155 160 165 170 Aging temperature. h 7050 Aluminum: Plane-strain fracture toughness Thmperand orientation 500 MPa..-.4 41 29 24 / 100 60 - f .--L.2 22.V 500 -- ~ • Nominal metal temperatures should be reached as soon as possible and maintained at ±6 °C (±10 OF) during time at temperature • Time at temperature depends on time for load to reach temperature. OF 320 330 340 I I II co e...3 25. at 0 °C (32 OF).0 24 22 20 35.7 17..--l./' ::< ~ 300 26..9 26.r.. Times given are based on rapid heating. :2: £ C. <. Actual versus predicted yield strengths for 7050 extrusions Click here to view 310 100 1 day Elapsed lime after quenching. °C 1 week 2 months 10 7050 Aluminum.-- RT 20 - -5 -10 LIVE GRAPH -EOl c: ~ 'iii "C Qi 's g tJ -15 ~ w -20 175 Click here to view '0.3 33 23 o "'c 29.. 400 I 1 i~ek 2 mlo~'hs 10 Io 104 10 Elapsed lime after quenching. . and at -18°C (0 OF) 7050 600 v .1 31.. and shapes are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of permanent set subsequent to solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment • Die forgings are heated to 174 temper and hand forgings to 17452 temper in a multistage treatment: 8 h at 105°C (225 "F). bar. and shapes are treated to 176510 and 176511 tempers in a two-stage treatment: 3 to 6 h at 120°C (250 OF). E E o ~ 10 o iii I Vl'ar 30..9 Hand forgings 173652 L-T T-L S-L 25 19 36..m'7 o 0..----. then 4 to 10 hat 175°C (345 OF).0 33 21 20 30 1'.. 'iii "C Qi '> c: -50 0 ~ -100 :j: w " Compared for standard conditions of 29 h at 165·C -150 150 I I 10 5 o r-.4 24. ...9 .7 18.. h 60 .--l--l. 600 ~~E=t~~o::::+1f-++-=1 90 80 c: ~ 'iii~0 ~ ~ - 'iii 70 ~ 400 -EOl ~ ~ '--_.--r-. h 0.0% 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1-10 100 1000 10000 0.) 7050 Aluminum: Creep and rupture properties of 7050-13651 plate Thmperature OF °C 24 100 150 75 212 300 'Ibne under stress.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.1-10 100 1000 10000 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 0. I'.1 0.1 0.1 0. MPa ksi 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 29 19 20 22 25 31 40 22 23 27 32 45 54 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 503 483 407 331 510 496 469 386 317 248 490 469 386 317 262 234 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 70 59 48 74 72 68 56 46 36 71 68 56 46 38 34 455 455 462 455 441 455 448 441 407 317 228 448 441 400 296 214 152 434 421 283 200 138 117 66 66 64 66 65 64 59 46 33 65 64 58 43 31 22 63 61 41 29 20 17 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 13 13 14 12 12 13 13 14 15 12 12 13 14 16 19 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 .5% MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa 496 483 469 455 448 434 414 393 372 352 365 338 303 255 179 72 70 68 66 65 63 60 57 54 51 53 49 44 37 26 476 462 455 448 441 427 407 386 365 345 359 324 290 241 165 69 67 66 65 64 62 59 56 53 50 52 47 42 35 24 455 448 441 441 66 448 65 65 441 441 434 64 64 421 400 372 345 317 345 303 269 193 145 61 58 54 50 46 50 44 39 28 21 414 386 359 331 60 56 52 48 324 290 228 152 124 47 42 33 22 18 64 64 ksi 63 .h 0.1 0. 17 17 17 18 20 23 29 19 20 22 25 31 40 22 23 27 32 45 54 524 524 524 524 517 517 510 503 483 407 331 510 496 469 386 317 248 503 483 386 317 262 234 76 76 76 76 75 75 74 73 70 59 48 74 72 68 56 46 36 73 70 56 46 38 34 455 455 462 524 517 455 448 441 66 66 67 76 75 66 65 64 59 46 33 65 64 58 43 31 22 63 61 41 29 20 17 15 15 15 16 16 15 15 16 16 17 17 15 15 16 17 17 18 15 15 16 17 19 22 407 317 228 448 441 400 296 214 152 434 421 283 200 138 117 67 66 (a) In 50 mm (2 in.1 0.1% 0.1% 0. Al roomlemperature after beating EIongadon(a).1 1 10 100 1000 Rupture stress MPa ksi 510 503 490 476 469 441 427 407 379 359 372 345 310 262 179 74 73 71 69 68 64 62 59 55 52 54 50 45 38 26 Stressfor creep of: 1. Yieldstrength I'.1 1 10 100 1000 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 ThosDe strength MPa ksl 510 441 448 441 441 393 393 393 359 290 221 359 352 324 248 193 159 303 290 221 165 131 117 662 586 552 524 462 469 462 462 414 414 407 365 290 221 379 365 324 248 193 159 324 296 221 165 131 117 Allndkaled temperature YIeldstrength ksi MPa 74 64 65 64 64 57 57 57 52 42 32 52 51 47 36 28 23 44 42 32 24 19 17 455 427 434 427 421 386 386 386 332 276 193 345 345 310 234 172 124 290 276 207 152 110 90 96 85 80 76 67 68 67 67 60 60 59 53 42 32 55 53 47 36 28 23 47 43 32 24 19 17 572 503 476 455 427 434 427 421 386 386 386 352 276 193 345 345 310 234 172 124 290 276 207 152 110 90 66 62 63 62 61 56 56 56 51 40 28 50 50 45 34 25 18 42 40 30 22 16 13 83 73 69 66 62 63 62 61 56 56 56 51 40 28 50 50 45 34 25 18 42 40 30 22 16 13 'ThnsiIe 8lreogth ksi MPa EIongadon(a).Next Page 220 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 7050 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties Thmperature OF "C 1'73651 plate 24 75 100 212 150 300 175 350 205 400 1'73652 forgings -196 -320 -SO -112 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 175 205 300 350 400 'Ibneat lemp.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 0. 000 0.05 others max (each). Temperature is 415°C (775 OF) Specifications (U.1 1 10 100 1000 0.2% MPa ksi MPa ksi 57 55 52 54 50 47 44 39 420 405 380 360 340 360 330 310 290 235 61 59 55 52 49 52 48 45 42 34 415 395 370 345 325 345 310 285 250 205 60 57 54 50 47 50 45 41 36 30 340 310 275 240 170 49 45 40 35 25 325 290 255 205 140 47 42 37 30 20 305 260 230 170 105 44 45 40 35 27 18 10 295 270 235 180 115 59 43 39 34 26 17 8. To obtain T851 temper.000 100.5 to 6. prior to any precipitation heat treatment (artificial aging).80 to 4. 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10.IOCrmax.90 Mn. The requirement is based on the need to produce a specified amount of permanent set subsequent to solution treatment. Parts are stress relieved by stretching.000 100. Note: fracture toughness is degraded when impurity limits exceed specifications Typical Uses.30 to 0.30 Fe max.000 100. 4101.) thick 'Thmperature of °C 24 75 100 212 150 300 175 350 205 400 230 450 260 500 315 600 TIme under st""'.9 31 27 20 12 7 4. where applicable. and/or Foreign).15 others max (total).4 16 14 8.5Mg-0.b 0. and.1 1 10 100 1000 10. 70 mm (2.25 Zn max.1 1 10 100 1000 10. Composition Limits. As in solution treating.5 285 250 205 150 90 41 36 30 22 13 260 220 170 115 52 38 32 25 17 7.5 3 MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi 485 475 475 470 470 455 435 420 400 380 400 370 345 315 290 235 170 365 340 305 270 205 145 90 325 .5% 0. 0. Plate 40 to 150 rom (1.000 0. Parts are treated 495°C (920 "F) to TI51 temper. O.bal AI. 3. 0.5 5 3 470 460 455 68 67 66 455 450 66 65 435 420 405 385 370 380 360 340 310 285 63 61 59 56 54 55 52 49 45 41 425 415 395 380 360 370 345 325 305 270 345 325 290 255 195 50 47 42 37 28 310 275 240 185 125 69 62 60 25 18 10 15 12 7. A92124.6 38 33 25 15 . 0. 290 255 200 130 83 52 275 240 195 130 76 48 34 215 185 140 83 48 32 23 110 97 59 34 21 70 69 69 68 68 66 63 61 58 55 58 54 50 46 42 34 25 53 49 44 39 30 21 13 47 42 37 29 19 12 7.9 105 83 52 30 18 97 69 45 25 14 10 6. AMS. 0. stress relief by stretching is required Major alloying elements: 4.1% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 StressCorcreepof Rupture stress 1.20 Si max.1 1 10 100 1000 0.000 0.15 Ti max. Approximate time at temperature is 12 h. B 209. UNS.000 100. Government.000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10. 1.80 Mg.5 5.75 in. 0.0% 0.6Mn Annealing.1 1 10 100 1000 10.000 0.) thick for aircraft structures Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Solution Heat Treating.5 3.7 3.4Cu-1.S. ASTM.0 in.5 4. a metal temperature of 190°C (375 OF) is required.4 2.Previous Page Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /171 2124 Chemical Composition.5 40 35 28 19 11 7 4.000 100. Plate 2124 Aluminum: Creep-rupture properties of 2124-T851 plate.6 90 59 38 21 13 8. QQ-A-250/29 Available Product Forms.20 to 1.5 260 235 185 125 38 34 27 18 250 220 180 115 36 32 26 17 235 205 150 34 30 22 215 170 115 31 25 17 205 180 130 76 30 26 19 11 200 170 125 69 29 180 150 97 26 22 14 170 130 76 25 19 11 110 90 55 34 20 16 13 8 5 2. 0.90 Cu. 1 4.000 0.5 10 6.75 in.1 0.7 10.1 3.000 100.7 6.5 8.000 0.5 1.5 5 5 5 4.9 9.5 8.6 9.5 21 17 10 8 6.5 6.000 100.7 7.000 100.7 7.000-3.6 9.000 in.1 4.5 10 100 1000 10.9 8.1 0.2 9.3 2124 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 2124-T851 Spe<imenorientation Tensile strength ksI MPa Yieldstrength MPa ksi Elongation.500-2.9 9.9 8.9 8.5 5 4.6 9.000 100.9 8.2 9.9 9.3 9.1 0.5 10 100 1000 10.6 9.000 0.5 6.5 7 6 5.000 100.1 4.1 0.8 0.5 6. 'I 485 485 70 70 450 450 65 65 8 8 485 485 475 460 70 70 69 67 450 440 435 405 65 64 63 59 8 8 8 8 485 485 485 470 455 405 70 70 70 68 66 59 450 450 435 420 400 305 65 65 63 61 58 44 8 8 8 8 8 10 475 460 435 395 290 69 67 63 57 42 435 405 370 305 165 63 59 54 44 24 8 8 8 9 12 470 425 370 290 215 68 62 54 42 31 425 360 275 170 90 62 52 40 25 13 8 8 10 12 18 455 385 290 235 195 66 56 42 34 28 400 295 170 110 83 58 43 25 16 12 9 10 12 17 22 340 270 240 215 185 49 39 35 31 27 230 130 105 83 76 33 19 15 12 11 10 13 17 22 22 275 255 235 205 185 40 37 34 30 27 130 105 19 15 13 12 11 13 18 22 22 22 90 83 76 .5 10.000 100.) thick 'Iemperature -c of -269 -195 -80 -28 24 100 -452 -320 -112 -18 75 212 150 300 175 350 205 400 230 260 315 370 450 500 600 700 425 800 480 535 900 1000 TImeat temperature.1-10 100 10011 10.6 9. thick Longitudinal Long transverse Short transverse 490 490 470 71 71 68 440 435 420 64 63 61 9 9 5 480 470 465 70 68 67 440 435 420 64 63 61 9 8 4 2.000 0.3 90 79 71 68 65 61 60 57 57 55 48 43 54 53 52 49 44 36 26 49 48 45 39 32 20 13 43 41 36 29 18 11 8.9 8.5 6.5 7.5 10 100 1000 10.5 10 100 1000 10.5 10 100 1000 10.5 8.000 0.7 7. MPa ksl 'I 705 595 525 505 485 455 450 415 405 400 370 345 397 385 380 360 330 295 220 365 360 330 305 260 185 125 325 310 275 235 170 110 83 270 255 205 150 105 76 62 160 140 83 69 62 52 45 76 59 48 41 38 34 34 34 30 16 2 620 545 490 470 450 420 415 395 395 380 330 295 370 365 360 340 305 250 180 340 330 310 270 220 140 90 295 285 250 200 125 76 59 240 230 185 125 76 55 45 145 115 69 55 45 41 38 69 45 34 31 28 28 28 28 24 12 2 102 86 76 73 70 66 65 60 59 58 54 50 57 56 55 52 48 43 32 53 52 48 44 38 27 18 47 45 40 34 25 16 12 39 37 30 22 15 11 9 23 20 12 10 9 7.000 in.000 0.7 7.5 6.2 9.5 6.1 0.5 10 100 1000 10.2 9.2 9.5 11 8. 'I 1.5 8.5 8.1-10.5 6.9 8.5 6 5. 70 mm (2.9 9.5 4.2 9.5 35 33 27 18 11 8 6.000 0.6 9.8 11.5 8.3 10.000 100.6 9.3 0.5 Tensile strength ksi MPa AtlndicaledtempemluN Yieldstrength Elongation.9 9.172 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2124 Aluminum: Mechanical properties of 2124-T851 plate.4 2.7 7.0 10.000 100.1 0.5 Tensile strwgth MPa ksI At roomtemperaluN after heaIlng YIeld strmgth MPa ksi Elongation.7 7. thick Longitudinal Long transverse Short transverse 10 9 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 13 15 12 12 12 12 14 16 23 13 13 14 15 19 28 40 15 15 17 20 30 45 55 17 17 20 29 45 60 65 23 26 40 50 65 75 80 35 50 75 85 90 95 100 65 85 65 2 Modulusofelastkily lO'psi GPa 81 76 74 72 71 71 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 11.h 0.9 8.2 8.000 0.1 0. 0 39.0 56.0 3. Fine.0 315 310 305 295 270 275 260 220 140 105 45 41 34 14 46. 0. The dark particles of insoluble FeNiAlg phase show banding.10 Cr max.0 48.0 2.0 23. (Switzerland) USM AI-Cu-Ni Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging).0 6.h 100 150 212 300 205 400 315 600 Up to 1000 0. Nominal treatment temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O OF) of nominal during time at temperature Available Product Forms.0 6.8 Mg.0 7. and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O OF) of nominal during time at temperature.0 40. Pistons for aircraft and diesel engines. 1.0% 0.0 15.25 Zn max.5 4.2% .00 Fe max.0 44. recrystallized structure.0 16.1 °C I 10 100 Stress forcreepof Rupture stress MPa ksl MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksl MPa ksi 385 360 350 350 330 290 325 310 255 185 115 55 48 45 27 350 345 340 325 290 315 305 250 180 110 52 48 41 23 51.0 10.0 42.0 41 38 21 6 5.9 0. 1.0 44. Forgings are treated at a nominal metal temperature of 170°C (340 "F) for approximately 10 h to obtain T61 temper. Forgings and forging stock: QQ-A-367. Keller's reagent.05 others max (each). The T72 temper is obtained in 6 h at. UNS.0 32.5% 1.0 45. bal Al temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace.90 Si max.0 43.0 42.0 6.0 46. compressor rings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. (France) NFA-U4N. and/or Foreign).0 37. 1454.0 47.50 to 4. 0.0 8.0 2. AMS.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /173 2218 Chemical Composition. which resulted from the working during forging.0 16.4 330 325 315 310 290 290 275 240 170 105 48 45 47 21 48.30 Ni.0 15. Material should be quenched from solution treating 2218 Aluminum.0 22.1 1 10 100 1000 0.a metal temperature of240 °C (460 OF). Forgings and forging stock: 4142.0 27. 1. 3. 2218-T61 closed-die forging.0 42.0 41.9 3. cylinder heads for aircraft engines. Quenching is in 100°C (212 OF) water Specifications (U.0 20.1 1 10 100 1000 0. 0.0 47.0 44.0 49. Composition Limits.2 to 1.0 3.0 40. Forgings are treated to T4 at a metal temperature of 510 °C (950 OF).5 7.0 40.0 5.S. (Spain) UNEL-315.5 3. 0.0 20.20 Mn max. % 15 14 13 13 15 17 30 70 85 100 (a)Loweststrengthdetermined forrepresentative lotduring10 000hexposureat temperature under no load 2218 Aluminum: Creep-rupture properties of 2218·T61 plate Temperature 'TIme under OF stress.0 15.0 47.70 to 2.0 17.0 35.0 5. SAE. Die forgings Characteristics An Al-Cu-Mg alloy Typical Uses.0 33.0 34.5 Elongation. Nominal metal temperatures listed should be attained as rapidly as possible.0 7. 0.0 50.50 cu.1 290 285 275 230 140 255 235 160 105 42.0 7.0 46.0 51. impellers for jet engines. A92218. 0.0 35.0 45.0 61.15 others max (total). Government.0 51.0 52.0 26.0 41.0 6.0 42.0 25.5 6.0 59.0 36.0 38. 100x 2218 Aluminum: Tensile properties of 2218-T61 Temperature OF °C -195 -80 -30 25 100 150 205 260 315 370 Tensile strength(a) MPa ksi -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 495 420 405 405 385 285 150 70 40 30 Yield strength(a) MPa ksi 72.0 360 310 305 305 290 240 110 40 20 17 52.0 45.5 6.0 37.0 44.0 42.0 59.0 56.5 3. solution heat treated and artificially aged.1% 0.0 45.0 6. Rolled or cold finished wire. per product and temper. 18 h. at 190 °C (375 OF) • Extruded rod.25 Zr. and T8511 tempers. 36 h.05 to 0. rod.02 Mg max. For T62 temper. and tubing for T81 temper • Some products and tempers must be stress relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of permanent set subsequent to solution treating and prior to precipitation treatment. and rolled rings Characteristics An AlCu alloy without Mg alloying Typical Uses. testloadappliedat35 MPalmin(5 ksi/min) 10 yield strengthand thenat strainrate of 5%/minto fracture . and weldability see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Precipitation Heat Treating. For more information on resistance to corrosion. SAE. andT3510 tempers at a nominal metal temperature of 525°C (970 OF). rod. AMS. 0.4095.10 Mg max. at 190°C (375 OF). and bar.30 Fe max. has high fracture toughness. Temperatures given here for solution treatment are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±IO "F) during time at temperature. plate for T81 and T87 tempers. 0. sheet and plate: 4094. bar. 18 h. J474. Extruded wire.02 to 0. die forgings. and tubing: 4162. shapes. Hand forgings for T352 temper °C T81. % 16 13 12 12 14 17 20 21 40 75 15 13 12 12 15 17 20 21 55 75 (a)Loweststrengthforexposuresup 10 10 000h atternperatureundernoload. Extruded wire. 0. Alclad 2219. Nominal metal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±IO OF) of nominal during time at temperature. 5. brazeability. at 190°C (375 "F) • Plate to T81. T42. 0. Extruded.and T8511 tempers Recommended Heat Treating Practice In addition. 0. 0. T351. 0. machinability. at 190°C (375 oF) • Rolled or cold fmished wire. They include: Flat sheet for T81 and T87 tempers. plate. T87. 0. 26 h. 7072 cladding-0. seamless tubing: B 241.7 Eloogatioo. plate. A92219. shapes. hand forgings must be stress relieved by 1 to 5% cold reduction after solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment to obtain T852 temper All heat treatments that follow apply to Alclad sheet and plates Annealing. Sheet and plate: 4031.80 to 1. UNS. Government. Armor plate: MIL-A-46118. and bar to T851 temper. 0. shapes. Alclad 2219 Chemical Composition. Sheet and plate: QQ-A-250/30. Rolled or cold fmished wire. forgings. 36 h. ASTM. Alclad sheet and plate. Alclad 2219.20 to 0. 18 h. Composition Limits (2219). Parts are annealed at 415°C (775 OF) Solution Heat rreating. and tubing: B 221.2 % offset)(a) MPa ksi 338 303 290 276 255 227 172 133 55 26 421 372 359 345 324 276 200 159 41 26 49 44 42 40 37 33 25 20 8 3. T81. 0. bar.05 others max (each). 26 h. Approximate times at temperature.10 to 0. rod. T31. 4163.10 Ti. Rivet wire and rod: QQ-A-430. Hand forgings for TI52 temper • Stress relief by stretching is necessary to produce a specified amount of permanent set subsequent to solution treating and prior to precipitation treatment to obtain desired properties for a given temper for the following: Plate for TI51 temper. They include: Plate for T851 temper. Rolled or cold finished wire. 2219 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties at varioustemperatures Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible with minimum delay after removal from furnace. and tubing forT851. bar.10 Zn max. Applications include welded space booster oxidizer and fuel tanks. T851 tempers. bar.20 Si max. When quenching is by total immersion in water. sheet and plate: B 209. and extruded rod. rolled ring. Hand forgings to T852 temper.4 83 71 69 66 60 49 36 29 7 4.174 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2219. T8 temper is highly resistant to stress corrosion cracking. and bar for T81 and T87 tempers. rolled or cold finished wire.T851 -28 24 100 149 204 260 316 371 -196 ~O -28 24 100 149 204 260 316 371 ThIlSUe strength(a) MPa ksi 503 434 414 400 372 310 234 186 69 30 572 490 476 455 414 338 248 200 48 30 73 63 60 58 54 45 34 27 10 4.05 others max (each). rod.15 others max (total). Use of high-velocity. 0. and hand forgings are treated toT4.10 Mn max.S. Flat sheet. Flat sheet. shapes. Forgings: B 247. shapes. at 190°C (375 "F). Sheet and Plate: B 209. and tubing. and/or Foreign). extruded rod. T851O. Forgings: QQ-A-367. shapes.6 to 6. rod. Plate for T37 temper. at 190°C (375 OF) • Die forgings and rolled rings to T6 temper.4 Yield strength (0.3 Zn. 0. rod. shapes. TI7. die and hand forgings. rod and bar. bar. and tubing for 3510 and TI511 tempers. (France) NFA-U6MT. is readily weldable. 0. bar. 36 h. Thmpemture 'Iemper 762 OF -196 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 ~O Special considerations include: • Cold working subsequent to solution treating and prior to any precipitation treatment is necessary to obtain desired properties for a given temper for the following: Flat sheet for TIl and T37 tempers. T352.l0 Cu max. Useful at service temperatures ranging from -270 to +300 °C (-450 to +570 "F). Extruded rod. at 175°C (345 OF) Special considerations include: • Some products and tempers require cold working subsequent to solution treating and prior to precipitation treatment to get the properties provided by a given temper. rod. rolled or cold finished wire. 175°C (345 "F) plate to T62 temper. unless otherwise indicated. 0. Forgings: 4143. bal AI Composition Limits (Alclad 2219). 18 h. are as follows: • Flat sheet to T62 temper. water should be at room temperature and cooled in a manner so its temperature remains below 38°C (100 OF) during quenching cycle. 4144. at 190°C (375 "F) CD Hand forgings to T6 temper. and bar for TIl temper. extruded rod. skin and structural components for supersonic aircraft. and bar for T temper. 0. rolled or cold finished wire. and extruded rod. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials. bar.40 Mn.4096.70 Si max + Fe. T851O. (United Kingdom) DTD 5004 Available Product Forms.15 V.8 Cu. 0. MIL-A-22771.7 61 54 52 50 47 40 29 23 6 3. and bar: B 211.15 others max (total) Specifications (U. shapes and tubing. and tubing: For 851. rod. bar. thick 0.thick T62 AlcladT62 0.099 in.020-0.1'3511 42 Up thru 0.(c)Forplate 12.)orgreaterinthickness.000in.1'8510.020-0. (0 10%forspecimentakenfromseparately forgedcoupon.(e)Specimentakenfromforging.thick 3.Tensileandyieldstrengthsofcomposite~Iateslightly lowerdependingonthickness ofcladding.000in. rod.500 in.1'3510.000 in.1'3510.001-5.1'8511 58 400 Die forgings T6 58 Specimenaxis parallel 400 10grainflow 56 Specimenaxis not 385 parallelto grainflow Hand forgings(g) T6 58 Longitudinal axis 400 380 55 Longtransverseaxis Shorttransverseaxis 365 53 Mechanical property limits 1'852 62 Longitudinal axis 425 62 Longtransverseaxis 425 Shorttransverseaxis 415 60 Rolled rings(h) T6 Tangential axis 385 56 55 Axialaxis 380 Radialaxis 365 53 YieldstreDglb (min) MPa Elongation (a).039 in.999 in.001-5. thick(c) 1'8I(h) Alclad1'81(h) 0. where d is diameterof reducedsectionof tensiletestspecimen.500in. thick 3.999 in.000 in.249 in.501-3. thick Alc1ad1'37 0.100-0.249 in.100-0.250-2.000 in. thick 415 Wire.1'851 1'87 172 359 359 393 414 455 476 76 186 248 317 290 352 393 25 52 52 57 60 66 69 11 27 36 46 42 51 57 Elongation. thick 395 57 orindiam Wire.(g)Maximumcross-sectional area1650cm (256in.100-0.099 in.thick 0.000 in.(d)Plateonly.040-0.000 in.thick 1'351(c) 0.000in.000 in.500-2.040-0. and sbapes (extruded) 0 221 (max) 32 (max) 1'31.001-4.000in.thick 0.7mm(0.thick 0.249 in.499 in.040-0.001-6. property limitsapplytocorematerialonly.\ Theseproperties notapplicable to upsetbiscuitforgings orrolled rings.1'3511 42 290 Up thru 0.000in. thick 0.000 in.001-5.250-2. thick Alclad 1'85l(d) T87 0. thick 290 orindiam 0.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /175 2219 Aluminum: Tensile-property limits 'finsile slreogtb (min) MPa lui 'fimper Sheet and plate 0 AlcladO 1'31(h) 0.001-4.thick 4. '.thick Alclad1'87 0.thick Alc1ad1'31(h) 0. thick 4.499 in.001-3.thick orindiam 0.040-0.thick 4.040-0.lreogtb(min) Temper MPa ksi 60 0.099 in.039 in.000in.499 in. thick 0.100-0. rod.249 in.099 in. thick 4.039 in.thick 2.l> 18 20 17 11 10 10 10 .040-2.000 in.1'8510.000in.250-3.thick 2.100-3.thick 5.thick 3. thick 2.099in.thick 400 orindiam 2. '.500-2.thick 5.specified minimumelongation varieswiththickness of the mill product.1'8511 58 400 Extruded tube 0 220 (max) 32 (max) 1'31. thick 310 45 orindiam T62 54 370 1'81.039 in.l> 110(max) 16(max) 110(max) 16(max) 12 12 315 315 46 46 200 195 29 28 8 10 290 305 42 170 180 25 26 10 10 315 305 290 275 270 305 46 44 44 195 195 185 180 170 180 28 28 27 26 25 26 10 10 9 9 8 10 340 340 325 310 295 49 49 47 45 43 260 255 250 240 235 38 37 36 35 34 6 6 6 5 4 310 325 370 45 47 54 235 240 250 34 35 36 6 6 6-8 305 340 350 370 425 44 49 51 54 62 200 220 235 250 315 29 32 34 36 46 6 7 7-8 7-8 6-7 340 380 400 49 55 58 255 285 295 37 41 43 6 7 7 425 425 415 405 395 400 62 62 60 59 57 58 315 310 305 295 290 290 46 45 43 42 42 7-8 6 5 5 4 8 440 440 425 420 64 64 62 61 360 350 345 340 52 51 50 49 5-6 6-7 4 3 395 57 315 46 6 44 42 40 39 44 'fiosUe. ksi '.100-0.thick Alc1ad1'351(c) 1'37 0.499 in.100-5.thick 0.(h) Onlyapplicableto ringshavingratioof outsidediameterto wallthickness equal to or greaterthan 10 2219 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties 'Iensile Yield Temper strengtb MPa ksi strengtb ksi MPa 0 T42 1'31.000 in.020-0. thick 3.(h)Sheetonly.001-4. thick T851(d) 0.1'351 1'37 T62 1'81.001-6. Wherea range of valuesappearsin thiscolumn.499in. thick 0.treogtb(min) lui MPa Elongation (a).020-0.l> 330 48 6-7 275 40 4 270 39 4 125(max) 18(max) 12 180 26 14 185 27 14 250 290 36 42 6 6 125(max) 18(max) 12 180 26 14 185 27 14 250 290 36 42 6 6 260 38 8(e)(0 250 36 4(e) 275 255 240 40 37 35 6 4 2 345 340 315 50 49 46 6 4 3 275 255 240 40 37 35 6 4 2 (a) In 50 mm (2 in. bar. thick 45 310 or in diam T62 54 370 1'81.100-4.000in.040-0.thick 0. and bar (rolled or cold finished) 1'851 58 0.020-0.001-4. thick 0.000 in.) or 4d.000in.500-2.500-2. thick 220(max) 32 (max) 220(max) 32 (max) Yield. .- 2219-T81 100 .....-../ o T64 36 mm plate • T61 19 mm plate I Cycles 40 00-0 20 - 2014-T6 50 f . and then aged for 16 h at 170°C (340 OF)...~ " • ~ "- III a... All speclmens were quenched in cold water to complete the sequencesafter hold times of 2 s to 1 h.3 in..200 7039-T61 ~ -. '-. -~ --. S 2219 Aluminum...... .. then heated in the salt bath... 150 ...r.:b:-----I 10 2 Critical time... 10 1 ~------l-:-----=:.....----.-"7""""--=----r----............-------. . X1"-... LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . ..176 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2219 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram... C-curve for 2219-T87 of 370 MN m-2 yield strength 500 . . ::i: ...300 200 L. \ 250 .400 o - '"=> ...... Curves for 2014 and 2219 are mean values from publishedliterature 400 LIVE GRAPH I I Rotating beam tests Click here to view 350 300 ~ \).:::: .. ". stretched to. "1 ~ .- - - 00 . Rotating beam fatigue data of 7039 plate compared with fatigue characteristics of 2014 and 2219.. -..) diam smooth specimen....:...~- ~ .--- o 0 ~ I-h.. Sequence B = Specimenswere first quenchedto room temperature..-_ _---l.....5 mm (0..5% plastic strain."- - _ 10 ... Treatment: SequenceA = Specimenswere quenched directly into a salt bath at 250 to 475°C (480 to 885 OF)..-------. /~ 50 70?-T64 la -. Data for 7039 are based on least-of-four results in the longitudinal direction with a 7." 0'" E '" t .. ~::l. ~"- . Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 11n 2219 Aluminum: Creep-rupture properties of 2219-T87 plate Temperature °C OF Time under stress. as hot rolled 2219-T6 closed die forging.9 1.1 I 370 700 10 100 1000 0.5 5 3.9 67 66 65 63 61 58 55 51 48 46 50 46 42 38 34 37 33 30 26 22 30 27 25 22 19 25 23 21 18 15 17 15 13 9 5 8.6 1. Keller's reagent.6 385 380 370 365 360 340 325 305 290 260 290 260 235 200 165 200 165 140 115 97 165 140 115 105 83 140 125 105 90 69 97 83 62 45 26 48 32 17 56 55 54 53 52 49 47 44 42 38 42 38 34 29 24 29 24 20 17 14 24 20 17 15 12 20 18 15 13 10 14 12 9 6.5 3. (a) 2219-T6 closed-die forging.4 2.5 7.1 300 10 100 1000 0.8 7 4. Worked structure contains some recrystallized grains.2 0. See adjoining figure for a totally unrecrystallized structure. Note the large amount of slip (light parallel lines) that has occurred on two sets of slip planes.1 I 150 I 205 400 230 450 260 500 315 600 10 100 1000 0. solution heat treated and artificially aged.2 370 365 360 350 345 325 310 290 260 240 270 240 205 165 140 165 140 110 97 83 140 115 97 83 69 125 105 83 69 59 83 54 53 52 51 50 47 45 42 38 35 39 35 30 24 20 24 20 16 14 12 20 17 14 i2 10 18 15 12 10 8.6 1.1 1 10.5 4 7.1 1 10 100 1000 0.5 in.h 24 75 100 212 0.1% Rupturestress MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksl MPa ksl MPa ksl 460 455 450 435 420 400 380 350 330 315 345 315 290 260 235 255 230 205 180 150 206 185 170 150 130 170 160 145 125 105 115 105 90 62 34 59 48 34 23 17 450 425 405 395 380 365 345 330 315 305 315 295 275 250 230 240 215 185 165 145 195 170 160 140 125 160 145 130 115 105 110 105 83 55 31 55 45 30 20 13 65 62 59 57 55 53 50 48 46 44 46 43 40 36 33 35 31 27 24 21 28 25 23 20 18 23 21 19 17 15 16 15 12 8 4. 38 mm (1.3 5 2.9 420 400 385 380 370 350 340 325 310 295 310 290 260 235 205 230 200 170 145 130 180 165 145 125 115 150 140 125 110 97 105 97 76 52 28 52 41 26 17 61 58 56 55 54 51 49 47 45 43 45 42 38 34 30 33 29 25 21 19 26 24 21 18 17 22 20 18 16 14 15 14 11 7.5 4. Keller's reagent.1 1 10 100 1000 0. 100x (b) 6061-F plate.) thick.1 1 10 100 1000 0.7 2. Longitudinal section. 100 1000 0.5 8 6.2% II 8 66 52 34 23 34 18 12 8 6 2219 Aluminum: Microstructures.4 1.0% 0.4 1. 100x (a) (b) .5 7 5 3.5% II 0.5 6 3.1 1 10 100 1000 SlressCor creepoC 0.8 2. solution heat treated and artificially aged.5 1.7 1.5 12 9.4 2. Longitudinal section shows no recrystallization of the worked structure. 1 1 10 100 1000 lO.9 2.18Zr-0.25 zr.5 6.10 Zn max.80 Cu.5 4.000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Stressfor creep of Ruplurestress MPa ksi 455 450 435 425 420 395 370 350 330 315 340 315 290 260 235 205 170 305 275 250 220 185 160 130 270 235 180 150 125 97 230 200 170 150 125 97 66.7 2.0% 0.05 to 0.1 69 62 30 20 13 44 It 44 7.1 1 10 100 lOoo lO.9 1.2 10 9 4.178 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2219 Aluminum: Creep-rupture properties of 2219-T851 plate 'Il>mperature TUne under of stress.10 to 0.5% 1. QQ-A-566.20 Si max.5 lt5 lO5 76 52 28 17 15 ltO It 62 38 23 16 13 9 5. 180 165 150 130 lO5 69 45 130 lt5 lO5 69 41 22 69 62 32 22 14 - 0.2 2. 0.5 4.000 0.20 Ti.05 others max (each).6 1.5 . Electrode and filler rod for welding 2219 Recommended Heat Treating Practice 100.1 1 lO 100 1000 lO.000 0. 0. MIL-E-16053 Characteristics Major alloying elements: 5.000 0. 0. 0.7 3.3 1. 5.6 40 36 32 27 23 19 39 34 26 22 18 14 33 29 25 22 18 14 9.0008 Be max.4 lO 9 4.3Cu-0.3 2.9 69 59 27 18 lO 8.30 Fe max.3Mn-0.10 to 0. Composition Limits.lOV Typical Uses. 0.1 1 10 100 1000 lO.6 66 45 23 13 66 32 18 9.5 3.S.000 0.2% 0.5 100. 0.1 9.5 26 24 22 19 15 lO 6.1% MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksI MPa ksi 66 65 63 62 61 57 54 51 48 46 49 46 42 38 34 30 25 435 420 400 380 365 360 340 325 3lO 295 305 290 270 250 220 63 61 58 55 53 52 49 47 45 43 60 56 53 52 51 49 47 45 43 41 43 40 37 34 29 365 360 345 340 330 315 305 290 275 270 275 255 235 200 165 53 52 50 49 48 46 42 40 39 40 37 34 29 24 350 345 330 325 315 305 285 275 270 260 260 235 205 170 150 51 50 48 47 46 42 39 36 32 415 385 365 360 350 340 325 3lO 295 285 295 275 255 235 200 44 275 255 230 200 170 40 37 33 29 25 260 240 215 185 160 38 35 31 27 23 250 220 195 160 140 36 32 28 23 20 230 200 165 130 lO5 33 29 24 19 15 240 220 165 140 125 35 32 24 20 18 235 205 150 125 34 30 22 18 215 180 130 lt5 31 26 19 17 195 160 ltO 28 23 16 13 205 185 160 140 lt5 200 170 150 130 ltO 26 22 19 16 13 165 140 ltO 97 29 25 22 19 16 14 180 150 130 ltO 90 97 30 27 23 20 17 14 170 160 140 125 97 69 25 23 20 18 14 10 165 150 130 110 83 24 22 19 16 12 160 140 ltO 90 69 23 20 16 13 lO 145 115 125 115 97 69 41 18 17 14 lO 6 125 110 90 62 38 18 16 13 9 5.h 24 75 100 212 0. and/or Foreign). UNS.15 others max (total) Specifications (U.15 V.5 19 17 15 lO 6 3. Government. 0.1 1 lO 100 lOoo 100.02 Mg max. 0. A92319.1 1 lO 100 1000 lO.9 2319 Chemical Composition.5 3.80 to 6.20 to 0040 Mn.1 1 10 100 lOoo 0.1 1 100 1000 °C 150 175 205 300 350 400 mooo 230 260 315 370 450 500 600 700 100. 0. 0. 100.Temperature is 415°C (775 OF) 90 90 69 90 69 59 90 44 41 40 39 38 38 34 30 25 22 24 20 16 13 lO 21 17 13 lO 8. 1 I 10 100 1000 0. Temperatures given here are nominal and time at temperature is approximate. 0.90 Forgings and rolled rings are treated to T61 temper by heating them to 200 °C (390 OF) and maintaining that temperature for 20 h to 1.5 2.10 Ti.2 55 52 49 44 37 49 45 41 36 30 42 38 33 28 23 27 24 20 15 9 14 10 7. (0 Maximum cross-sectional area 930 cm2 (I fe).0% 0. bal Al Specifications (U.25 Si.1% 0. (b) 12.05 others max (each).(c)(O Longitudinal Long transverse Short Iransverse 2. To obtain T4 temper.1 I 10 100 1000 380 360 340 305 255 340 310 285 250 205 290 260 230 195 160 185 165 140 105 62 97 69 52 32 20 345 340 325 305 255 325 305 275 240 200 285 255 220 185 150 170 150 130 97 62 83 62 45 28 17 50 49 47 44 37 47 44 40 35 29 41 37 32 27 22 25 22 19 14 9 12 9 6. Water should be at room temperature and cooled so that its temperature remains below 38°C (100 OF) during quenching cycle.10 to 0.7 2. For elevated temperature service. 2618 Aluminum: Creep-rupture properties 'Iemperature °C OF 150 300 177 350 205 400 260 500 315 600 Stressforcreepof Time under stress. Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. 0. MIL-A-22771. tire molds. Temperatures given here for solution treatment are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1OOF) during time at temperature.1 I 10 100 1000 0.S.(e)Elongation6% minforspecimentakenfromseparatelyforgedcoupon. Composition Limits. such as die and hand forgings for pistons and rotating.90 to 1.5 4.1 I 10 100 1000 0.001-3.30 to 1.2% .8 315 290 270 240 205 285 255 220 185 150 240 205 170 140 90 145 115 83 52 46 42 39 35 30 41 37 32 27 22 35 30 25 20 13 21 17 12 7.5 4. (g) Applicableonly to rings having ratio of outsidediameter 10 wall thicknessequal to or greaterthan 10 Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). 0.10 Zn max.000in. ASTM.(d) Specimen takenfrom forgings. Quenching is by total immersion in water.30 Fe.8 2.90 to 2.ld strength MPa ksI 'Ienslle strength MPa ksi Product andorientation E1ongation(a).tress MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi 0. Soak times are measured from time load reaches a temperature of 6 °C (10 OF) of applicable temperature.15 others max (total).) diameter specimen.9 1. Longitudinal Long transverse Short transverse 3. Longitudinal Long transverse Short transverse Rolledrings. parts are treated at 530°C (985 OF) y.thicknessg.6 2.. 1.5oo in. 0.80 Mg. aircraft engine parts. unless otherwise indicated. J454.5 345 330 315 290 250 315 295 260 235 195 270 250 215 180 145 165 145 125 90 55 69 55 41 26 14 50 48 46 42 36 46 43 38 34 28 39 36 31 26 21 24 21 18 13 8 10 8 6 3.70 Cu. Government.1 I 10 100 1000 0.) or4 d. Forgings: QQ-A-367. and/or Foreign).thickness91 in.1 2.h Rupture.040 to 0.(g) Tangential Axial An AI-Cu-Mg-Si alloy Typical Uses.5 nun (0.(c) Axis parallelto grainflow Axisnotparalleltograinflow Handforgings Thickness$2. Not applicable to upset biscuit forgings or to rolled rings.5 48 41 26 15 7 6 3. Forgings and rolled rings Characteristics 'IYpical Allproducts Property limits Dieforgings. providedmachinedthicknessis notless than half of original(as-forged)thickness.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /179 2618 Chemical Composition. Forgings: B 247. (France) NFA-U2GN. Specific times depend on time needed for load to reach temperature. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials. and rolled rings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating.000 in.5 in.5% 0. % 440 64 372 54 1O(b) 400 380 58 55 310 290 45 42 4(d)(e) 4(d) 400 380 360 58 55 52 325 290 290 47 42 42 7 5 4 395 380 360 57 55 52 315 290 290 46 42 42 7 5 4 385 365 350 56 53 51 310 275 270 45 40 39 7 5 4 380 380 55 55 285 285 41 41 6 5 (a) In 50 rnm (2 in.000 in.5 5. 0. (United Kingdom) BS H12 2618 Aluminum: Tensile properties of 2618-T61 Available Product Forms. 0. Forgings and forging stock: 4132.(c) Propertiesalso apply to forgingsmachined prior 10 heat treatment.001-4.20 Ni. AMS. SAE. 0.1 330 315 295 270 240 295 275 250 220 185 255 235 200 165 130 160 140 110 69 48 55 45 38 19 48 46 43 39 35 43 40 36 32 27 37 34 29 24 19 23 20 16 10 7 8 6. 1. where d is diameterof reducedsectionof tensiletest specimen. Use of high-velocity. and storage equipment. AMS.2Mn-0.80 to 1.20 Cu.00 to 1.05 others max (each). CuMgAI2 has also precipitated in grains.0 67. Higher temperatures are only used for flash annealing . (Germany) DIN AIMn. (c) 2618-T61 forging. plate. and/or Foreign).0 55. 0. (d) 2618-T61 forging. brazeability. SAE. Include sheet. rolled or cold-finished rod.180 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2618 Aluminum: Microstructures.10 Mn max + Si. aged at 200°C (390 OF) for20 h. aged.0 50.12Cu Typical Uses. and shapes.5 Elongation.0 4.0 32. bar. UNS. rod. Also has more strength than unalloyed aluminum. pipe. Used mainly where good formability. 0. 500x (b) (a) (c) (d) 2618 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 2618-T61 at various temperatures Yieldstrength Temperature of -c Tensile strength MPa ksi (0.lSO: AIMnlCu Available Product Forms. solution heat treated. 1. and fin stock Characteristics Major alloying elements: 1. 0.15 others max (total) Specifications (U. tanks.S. 0. machinability. cooled in still air. ASTM. % 12 11 10 10 10 14 24 50 80 120 3003. (b) 2618-T4 forging.5% HF.0 13.60 Si max. forgings and forging stock.70 Fe max. stabilized at230 °C (450 OF) for? h. (a) 2618-T4 closed-die forging. Alclad 3003 Chemical Composition.0 7. 0. 7072 cladding-O. Commercial practice is to treat at 400 to 600 °C (750 to 1110 OF). 0.15 others max (total) Composition Limits (Alclad 3003). Slower cooling resulted in an increase of CuMgAI2 at grain boundaries and within grains. quenched in boiling water. 3003: A93003. Composition Limits (3003). 0.5 5. 0. 0.500x.0 54.5% HF. trim for transportation equipment. 0. very good resistance to corrosion.30 Zn. J454. 0.5% HF. foil. Tempers include 0. (Canada) CSA MClO. drawn and extruded tubing. 0. H18. Government.0 64.lO Cu max. Small particles of CuMgAI2 precipitated at grain boundaries.2 % offset) MPa ksi -196 -80 -28 24 100 149 204 260 316 371 538 462 441 441 427 345 221 421 379 372 372 372 303 179 62 31 24 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 90 52 34 78. H14. solution heat treated.0 54. (France) NFA-Ml. (See adjoining table). extruded wire. larger particles are insoluble FeNiAlg phase.5 3. 500x. and H25.0 44. Applications include cooking utensils. or good weldability (or all three) are required. wire.5% HF. 0. (See adjoining table). H12.0 54. food and chemical handling. (See adjoining table). ASME.0 9. (United Kingdom) BS N3.0 26. (See adjoining table).10 Mg max. and weldability per alloy and temper see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. rivets. quenched in boiling water. bar. 0.0 64. H16. Note increase in precipitation and alloy depletion near light grain boundaries.0 61. and piping.05 to 0.05 others max (each).50 Mn. solution heat treated at 530°C (985 OF) for 2 h and cooled in still air. Farm roofing and siding are typical uses for Alclad 3003. lithographic sheet pressure vessels. For more information on resistance to corrosion.10 Zn max. 500x.0 62. solution heat treated at 530°C (985 OF) for 2 h. 0. 000-3. thick) (2.500-2.000in.006-3.499in. thick) (0.500-3.017-0.128 in.499 in.000in. 10mm ball. thick) H12(0. thick) (0. thick) H14 (0. thick) (0.5 62 41 41 9 6 6 8 12 18 n 4.006-0.009-0. except that hardnessand fatigueresistancetend to be slightly lowerfor the cladproduct . 42 6 18 125 145 21 25 175 27 185 Minimum 30-40 10-20 8-16 5-14 4-10 27 83 115 145 165 5 12 17 21 24 14-25 3-10 1-10 1-4 1-4 17 15 14.RR Moore type test.) 0(0.5 5. thick) H16 (0. (b) At5 x 108 cycles. thick) H14(0.000 in.0 ~ Hanlneoo RB(a) HR 28 35 40 47 55 45-65 55-75 70-90 75-92 84-95 Minimum Shear streugtb MPa IIsI 76 83 97 105 110 11 12 14 15 16 FatIgue I!reD&Ih(b) MPa IIsI 48 55 62 69 69 7 8 9 10 10 14-25 23 (a)500 kg load.500-2.250-0.500-2. thick) (2.000in.006-0.499in.000 in. thick) H18(0.000in. thick) MPa ThnsUe strength Iosl MPa Yieldstrength ksI MPa Elongation. thick) (0.162 in.006-0.009-1.017-2.000in. 185 115 105 100 14 17 20 24 ksI Maximum 130 160 180 205 19 23 26 30 34 90 97 13 14 125 130 18 19 31 34 110 115 16 17 150 160 22 23 83 11 12 4-9 10 130 140 160 180 19 20 23 26 170 180 200 25 26 29 110 115 140 16 17 20 1-8 10 1-4 1-4 110 105 100 16 15 14. thick) HI12 (0.(c) Mechanicalpropertiesof 3003clad with7072 are practicallythe same as for bare material. thick) (0.499in.128 in. AI.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /181 3003 Aluminum: Mechanical properties Thmper 'lYpica\ properties 0 H12 H14 H\6 H18 Property limits 0(0. thick) H1l2 (0.250-0. 30 s durationofloading.499in.000 in.5 69 41 41 10 6 6 8 12 18 110 16 19 130 150 22 175 25 200 29 Minimum 97 115 140 165 .006-0.162 in. thick) HI6 (0. thick) H12 (0.500-2. thick) Property limits. thick) H18(0.000in.lad 3003(.000-3.006-{).000in. (France) NFA-MIG.80 to 1. Typical Uses. annealed.25 Cu max. For more information on resistance to corrosion. welded tubing. cold workability.Mn)Al s (large) and aluminum-manganese-silicon (both large and small) was not changed by annealing. bal Al Specifications (U. B 221. industrial roofing. but not the crystallographic orientation within each grain. 7072 cladding-Q. 0.10 Mg max. Government: culvert pipe. incandescent and fluorescent lamp bases. Longitudinal section shows recrystallized grains. Chemical-handling and storage equipment. Same as adjoining microstructure. 0. B 209.70 Fe max. and weldability. annealed.182 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 3003 Aluminum: Microstructures.80 to 1. Drawn and ironed rigid containers (cans). 0. WW-P-402. 0.lO Cu max. B 313. Alclad 3004: sheet and plate. brazeability. Longitudinal section shows stringer of oxide from an inclusion in the cast ingot and particles of phases that contain manganese. bal Al Composition Limits (Alclad 3004). culvert pipe. B 209. machining.25 Zn max. Polarized light. Barker's reagent. 0. welded tubing. 3004: sheet and plate.30 Zn.S. (Australia) A 3004. 500x 3004. J 454.5% HF. and/or Foreign). B 547. ASTM. sheet metal work. builders' hardware. Provides combination of good formability and higher strength than alloy 3003. Alclad: sheet and plate Characteristics Major alloying elements: 1.750x (a) (b) 3003 Aluminum: Microstructures.7 Fe max + Si.30 Mg.15 others max (total). (Germany) DIN AIMnlMgl Available Product Forms. Grain elongation indicates rolling direction.15 others max (total). B 547. 0. Alclad 3004 Chemical Composition. but shown at a higher magnification. 100x. 0. 0. SAE. angular) and eutectic (small). drawn tubing.30 Si max. Alclad: siding. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0. As-polished.2Mn-l. culvert pipe. 0. Sheet. plate. B 313.05 others max (each).0Mg. hot rolled.00 to 1. (b) 3003-0 sheet. UNS. 0. 0. extruded tubing. both primary (large. 3003-F sheet.50 Mn.05 others max (each). (a) 3003-0 sheet. Dispersion of insoluble particles of (Fe. 0. 1. A93004. Composition Limits (3004). 0.10 Mn max. Product is treated at 415°C (775 OF) . 499in.5 21 25 28 31 9 10-18 1-6 1-5 1-4 1-4 7 145 150 21 22 195 200 28 29 55 59 8 8.8 38 31 26 25 25 55 80 90 360 270 245 240 240 145 50 30 52 39 36 35 35 21 7. thick) H32 (0. thick) (0.162 in.2 4. thick) Property limits.9 2.162 in. thick) H34 (0.017-0.4 90 80 69 69 69 65 34 9 13.R. thick) H112(0. thick) ThnslJe strength MPa ksi 180 26 215 31 240 35 260 38 285 41 Minimum ElongaUon.500-2.5 9 7 7 23 Hardness.30 s durationofloading.009-1. thick) H34 (0.006-0.499in. ksi % 290 200 180 180 180 96 50 30 42.000 in. thick) H36 (0.test loadingappliedat 35 MPa/min(5 ksi/min) 10 yieldstrengthand thenat strainrate of 5%/minto fracture .500-3.128 in.000 in. 10mm ball.5 10-18 16 185 195 27 28 235 240 34 35 140 145 20 21 1-6 6 215 220 235 255 31 32 34 37 255 260 275 37 38 40 165 170 185 24 25 27 1-5 5 1-4 1-4 150 160 22 59 62 8. no load.8 20 10 7 6 7 30 80 90 310 290 280 275 150 50 30 (a) Loweststrengthsfor exposuresup to 10000 h at temperature.8 26 17 13 12 12 35 80 90 400 58 45 42 41 40 22 7.R.006-0.006-3. thick) H112 (0. thick) H36(0.9 2.499in.(c)Mechanicalpropertiesof 3004 clad with7072 are practicallythe sameas for bare material.500-3. thick) (0.006-0.000in. thick) (0.017-2.000in.000 in.000 in.exceptthat hardnessandfatigueresistancetend tobe slightlylowerfor the clad product 3004 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties at various temperatures °C Thmperalure OF o temper -200 -328 -100 -148 -30 -22 25 77 100 212 200 392 300 572 400 752 H34temper -200 -328 -100 -148 -30 -22 25 77 100 212 200 392 300 572 400 752 H38lemper -200 -328 -100 -148 -30 -22 25 77 100 212 200 392 300 572 400 752 ThnslJestreogth(a) MPa ksi Yield strength(a) MPa Elongation.4 295 267 245 245 245 105 34 19 43 39 36 36 36 15 4. thick) (0.2 11.000in. thick) H38 (0.009-0.4 235 212 200 200 200 105 34 19 34 31 29 29 29 15 4.128 in. Alclad 3004(c) 0 (0.500-1.5 29 26 26 26 14 7.Moore type test.006-0.499in.250-0.2 4.2 4.006-0.5 10 10 10 9. thick) H32 (0. ksi Yield strength MPa ksi 20-25 10-17 9-12 5-9 4-6 Maximum 69 10 170 25 200 29 230 33 250 36 Minimum % 150 195 220 240 260 160 22 28 32 35 38 23 200 240 260 285 29 35 38 41 59 145 170 195 215 62 8. (b) At5 x 108 cycles.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /183 3004 Aluminum: Mechanical properties Thmper MPa 'IYpical properties 0 H32 H34 H36 H38 Property limits 0(0.250-3.000in. thick) H38 (0.9 2. HB(a) 45 52 63 70 77 Fatigue strength(b) Shearstrength MPa ksl MPa ksi 110 115 125 140 145 97 105 105 110 110 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 20 21 (a) 500 kg load.5 4. sheet metal work. H14. (Canada) CSA SG121.013-0.15 others max (total).25 Zn max.50 to 1. H12.80 Mn. 0.080 in. bal Al Specifications (U. SAE.80 to 1.30 Ni. (France) NF A-SI2UN. 0.20 to 0.55Mn-0. B 209.080 in. (Italy) UNI P-AISi12MgCuNi 4032 Aluminum: Fatigue strength of 4032-16 at various temperatures "C Thmperature OF 24 75 150 300 Available Product Forms.60 Si max. machinability. Sheet. 0. Composition Limits. and held 8 to 12 h at temperature Annealing. Forgings and forging stock: 4145.5 30 24 13 11.20 Cr max.00 to 13. 11. ASTM.50 to 1. Composition Limits. H18.017-0. 0.05 others max (each). AMS.184 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 3105 Chemical Composition.of cycles 4 10 105 106 107 108 5x 108 105 106 108 8 sx 10 105 106 107 108 sx 108 105 106 107 108 sx 108 Stress(a) MPa lui 359 262 207 165 124 114 207 165 52 38 30 24 18 16.thick) HI6 (0.05 others max (each). 0.thick) Hl4 (0. For information on resistance to corrosion. J454. Foreign.thick) 97 130 150 170 195 160 14 19 22 25 28 23 Maximum 145 180 200 220 34 105 125 145 165 130 21 26 29 32 12 14 15 16 17 15 16-20 1-3 1-2 1-2 1-2 2-6 5 15 18 21 24 19 4032 Chemical Composition. Pistons and other parts that see high temperatures.013-0. and weldability see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter tempers Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Annealing. and closures.S.080 in. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice 205 260 Solution Heat Treating. and/or Foreign).80 Mg.013-0.30 Cu max. 0. Heat to 500 to 515°C (930 to 960 OF).50Mg 3105 Aluminum: Mechanical properties of 3105 sheet Thmper MPa ThosUe strength ksi MPa Shear strength ksI Yieldstrength ksI Elongation.40 Zn max. 0. mobile home sheet.15 others max (total). held for 2 to 3 h at temperature. ASTM.10 Ti max. 0. 0. bottle caps. 1. 0. and H25 Typical Uses. H16. and weldability. 0. % MPa 55 8 19 130 150 22 25 170 195 28 23 160 Minimum 24 7 5 4 3 8 83 97 105 110 115 105 MPa ksi 'Iypical properties 0 Hl2 H14 H16 Hl8 H25 Property limits 17 115 22 150 25 170 195 28 31 215 26 180 Minimum 0(0. 0. Forgings: B247.30 Mg.thick) HI8 (0. in 0. SAE. hold for 4 min at temperature.50 Si.70 Fe max. J 454 Available Product Forms. Treatment temperature is 345°C (650 "F) Major alloying elements: 0.30 Cu. Residential siding. and/or Foreign). 0. Forgings and forging stock Characteristics An Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy for high temperature service Typical Uses. then quench in cold water.00 Fe max. 0. machinability.013-0. Quench heavy or complicated forgings in water at 65 to 100 °C (150 to 212 "F) Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). gutters and downspouts.080 in.5 90 79 186 138 90 55 48 131 83 55 34 34 27 20 13 8 7 19 12 8 5 5 (a)Basedon rotatingbeamtestsat roomtemperatureandcantileverbeamtestsatelevatedtemperatures . 0. Die forgings are heated to 170 to 175°C (340 to 345 OF). 0.S. brazeability.080 in.thick) HI2 (0.thick) H25(0.10 Cr max.20 to 0. 0. For information on resistance to corrosion. bal Al Specifications (U. Metal is heated to 415°C (775 "F).013-0. Forgings: QQ-A-367.080 in. brazeability. then furnace cooled to 260°C (500 "F) at 25°C (50 OF) per hour max 400 500 No. Government. 5 4032 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties of 4032-T6 at various temperatures -c 'Thmperature of -200 -100 -30 25 100 200 300 400 'Thwile strength ksi MPa -328 -148 -22 77 212 392 572 752 460 415 385 380 345 90 38 21 67 60 56 55 50 13 5.10 Zn max. 0. Werstoff-Nr. 0. (Germany) DIN AIMg1.0008 Be max (welding electrode only).1 1 10 100 1000 0. UNS.10 Mg.8 Elongation.2 Si Specifications (U. Tempers include 0. and weldability see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0.20 Ti max.20 Cu max.1 1 10 100 1000 0. Wire. cold workability. Medium strength and good resistance to corrosion are properties similar to those of Alloy 3003.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /185 4032 Aluminum: Creep-rupture properties StressCor creepoC: 'Thmperature OF °C TImeunder stress. machinability.70 Fe max. Composition Limits.6.80 Fe max. wire and rod. 0. H18.8 Mg.1 Yieldstrength MPa ksi 337 325 315 315 300 62 24 12 49 47 46 46 44 9 3. ISO: AIMgI Available Product Forms.h Rupture stress MPa ksi MPa lui MPa lui 100 0. Composition Limits. 0. SAE. Government. (United Kingdom) BS N21. H14. H34. cooking utensils. bal Al Available Product Forms.20 Mn max.05 Mn max.S. 0. H12. tubing. brazeability.05 Mg max. ASTM. 0. (France) NFA00. Government. and/or Foreign). Rivet wire and rod: QQ-A-430. 0. holding at temperature is not required Hot Working Temperature. 0. Electrical conductor wire. H32.30 Cu max.15 others max (total). Drawn tubing: B 483. 0. H16.05 others max (each). and color match with 6063 architectural extrusions is better Typical Uses. General purpose weld filler alloy (rod or wire) for welding electrodes: 4190.05 others max (each). Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 "F) .5 3. Bare welding rod and Typical Uses.5% 1.50 to 6. H38 Characteristics Major alloying element: 0.1 1 10 100 1000 331 317 303 296 296 290 276 269 248 207 234 214 186 138 83 283 283 283 276 276 276 269 255 241 200 228 207 179 131 76 41 41 41 40 40 40 39 37 35 29 33 30 26 19 11 269 262 262 262 255 248 241 234 221 186 221 200 165 124 69 39 38 38 38 37 36 35 34 32 27 32 29 24 18 10 212 150 300 205 400 48 46 44 43 43 42 40 39 36 30 34 31 27 20 12 0.00 Si. bal Al clearer and lighter than anodized 3003. o For more information on resistance to corrosion. spray gun wire: MIL-W-6712. HI9 temper. and/or Foreign). Bare welding rod and electrodes: QQ-R-566.0% lui MPa 138 131 103 59 20 19 15 8.2% 0.5 1. Welding rod and electrodes Major alloying element: 5. (Canada)CSA S5. Product is treated at 345°C (650 OF). 0. Specifications (U. 'lo 11 10 9 9 9 30 70 90 4043 Chemical Composition.30 Si max. 0. (Australia) B 4043.25 Zn max. Sheet. 0. 0. Sheet and plate: B 209. MIL-E-16053. Product is annealed at 350°C (660 "F) 5005 Chemical Composition. 0. Stranded conductor: B 397. Anodized 5005 is and architectural uses. 4. B 396. SAE.50 to 1.10 Cr max. appliances. 0.S. J454. J 454. 0. Rolled rod: B 531. AMS. plate. A95005. 3.15 others max (total). H36.2245 all wrought and foundry alloys (except those rich in magnesium) Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. (Germany) DIN AISi5. (United Kingdom) B5 N41. 0. (France) NF A-S5. conductor. Rivet wire and rod: B 316. 0040 Si max. 0.2 2. refrigerator trim. % 12-22 2-9 1-8 1-3 1-3 3-10 2-8 1-4 1-4 8 10 16 Thmper 0 Hl2 Hl4 H16 H18 832 834 836 838 Thnsile strength(a) ksi MPa 124 138 159 179 200 138 159 179 200 18 20 23 26 29 20 23 26 29 Yield strength(a) MPa ksi 41 131 152 172 193 117 138 165 186 6 19 22 25 28 17 20 24 27 E1ongation(a)(b).70 Fe max.2 % offset)!a) ksi MPa 255 150 145 145 145 130 95 60 41 27 305 205 195 195 195 170 95 60 41 27 315 235 220 220 215 185 95 60 41 27 70 60 55 55 55 55 50 41 29 18 205 170 165 165 165 150 50 41 29 18 250 205 200 200 200 170 50 41 29 18 37 22 21 21 21 19 14 9 6 3. Sheet.5 6 4.10 Cr max. welded irrigation pipe. the specified minimum elongation varies with thicknessof the mill product 5050 Chemical Composition. 0. thick 0. bar. (United Kingdom) BS 3L44. 0. A95050. (c) 500 kg load.5 6 4. test loading applied at35 MFa/min (5 ksi/min) to yield strength and then at strainrate of 5%/min to fracture . load.2 2.80 Mg. wire "C Characteristics -196 -SO -28 Major alloying element: 1.9 46 34 32 32 31 27 14 9 6 3. thick 1.5. % DB 25 10 6 5 4 11 8 6 5 28 Shear strength ksi MPa 76 97 97 103 110 97 97 103 110 36 41 46 51 11 14 14 15 16 14 14 15 16 (a) Strengths and elongationsunchanged or improved at low temperatures.Where a range of values appears in this colunm. ISO: AlMg1.5Mg. and weldability.25 Zn max. and/or Foreign). % 16-20 4-6 3-5 2-4 2-4 (a) Wherea range of valuesappearsinthiscolunm. SAE.9 44 30 28 28 28 25 14 9 6 3.6 36 30 29 29 29 25 7.05 others max (each). (France) NFA-G1.20in. where d is diameter or reduced section of tensiletest specimen.6nun (0. For information on resistance to corrosion. braze ability.15 others max (total).) or 5d. rod.4 Mg Typical Uses. pipe.eld Thnsilestrength Minimum Maximum strength (min) ksi MPa Thmper MPa ksi MPa ksi 0 105 125 145 165 185 120 140 160 180 15 18 21 24 27 17 20 23 26 145 165 185 205 21 24 27 30 35 95 115 135 5 14 17 18 160 180 200 23 26 29 85 105 125 12 15 18 115 105 100 17 15 15 H12 H14 H16 H18 H32 H34 H36 H38 H1I2 0. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter -SO Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 1. Builder's hardware.6 (a) Lowest strengthsfor exposuresup to 10 000 h at temperature. seamless tubing: B 210. ASlM.) thickspecimen.2 2.20 Cu max. Product is heated in range of260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) 5050 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties Thmperalure Available Product Forms. Composition Limits.(b) 1.5 6 4.6 30 25 24 24 24 22 7. Hardness(c). B 547.10 to 1. cold workability. thick 5005 Aluminum: Typical mechanicalproperties Elongation (min)!a). machinability.0625 in.492 in. 0. J454. 10nun diam ball (a) In 50 nun (2 in.S.60in. (Switzerland) AI1. Sheet and plate: B 209. Treatment is at 345°C (650 OF). Welded tubing: B 313. bal Al Specifications (U.250-0.60-3. 0. tubing. coiled tubes. 0. UNS. tubing for auto gas and oil lines.9 10 8.186/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 5005 Aluminum: Mechanical property limitsfor sheet and plate Y. Drawn tubing: B 483. holding at temperature is not required 5050 Aluminum: Tensile-property limits Thnsile strwgth (min) Thmper MPa ksl o 125 150 170 185 200 18 22 25 27 29 H32 H34 836 838 Yield strength (min) MPa ksi 41 110 138 151 6 16 20 22 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 -196 Elongation (min)!a).5 8 8 8 8 7.specified minimumelongation varieswith thickness of the mill product -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 -196 -SO -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 OF -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 Thnsilestrength(a) MPa ksi Yield strength (0. 0. (Italy) P-AlMg1.5 Hot Working Temperature. Drawn.10 Mn max. 40 Fe max.O.L2 90 °c r--2 (550°F)1 \315 °c (600 OF) 1 50 o o 0. cold workability. J454.6mrn(0.10mrndiamball. holding at temperature is not required Hot Working Temperature.5 4.H18 300 250 ~ Q. (Italy) ON. rivet wire and rod. rod.15 others max (total). Tempers include 0.5 Time.S.25Cr. machinability. 0. HB Shearstrength MPa ksl 24 9 8 7 6 36 46 53 58 63 105 115 123 130 138 8 21 24 26 29 Fatigue strength(d) ksi MPa 15 17 18 19 20 83 90 90 97 97 12 13 13 14 14 8 (8) Strengths andelongationgenerally unchanged or improvedat lowtempemtures. (See adjoining Table). and/or Foreign). -. (See adjoining Table). seamless tubing: WW-T-700/4. ISO: AIMg2. bar and shapes (extruded).lO Zn max. wire.25 Si max.5. 100 ~ /175 °c (350 OF) "\- -.80 Mg.5 2. :. - ".Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /187 5050 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties Thmper Thmlle strength(a) MPa ksi Yield streng!h(a) ksf MPa 0 H32 H34 H36 H38 145 170 190 205 220 55 145 165 180 200 21 25 28 30 32 Eiongation(a)(b).20 to 2. H34.I /205 °c (400 OF) 40 "230°C (450 ° F) 'I 260°C (500 OF) "'-- -- . and bar: QQ-A-22517. Treatment is at 345°C (650 "F).5 1. (c)500kg load.5 Typical Uses. 0. (France) NF A-G2. bal Al Characteristics Major alloying elements: 2.: • 200 t ~ ~ 150 :. brazeability. Foil: MIL-A-81596.l P-AlMg2. H32.5C. Representative isothermal annealing curves for 5052-H18 350 50 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 505d. Rivet wire and rod: QQ-A430. ASTM.35 Cr. high fatigue strength. (Canada) CSA GR20. and weldability. H36. hydraulic tubing. % Hardnesste).5 . Sheet metal work. (b) 1. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) 5052Aluminum.10 Mn max.R. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Available Product Forms. appliances. For more information on corrosion resistance. and moderate static strength is required Specifications (U. tubing. 0. plate. Rivets: MIL-R-24243. 0.05 others max (each). AMS. good resistance to corrosion. Sheet and plate: QQ-A-250/8. A95052.625in. 0.15 to 0.(d)At5 x 10 cycles.) thicksheetspecimen. and H38.Mooretypetest 5052 Chemical Composition. Government. 0. rivets. Rolled or cold finished wire.5. rod. foil Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Drawn. Sheet. 2. (Germany) DIN AIMg2. h 3. Applied when a combination of good workability. and wire. UNS. weldability.10 Cu max. SAE.5Mg-0. Composition Limits. and bar (rolled or cold fmished). street light standards.R. 0. 5mm (0. 0. 0. A95056. machinability. dlam HB(b) 25 12 10 8 7 '1J 16 12 9 7 47 60 68 73 77 13 28 31 35 37 Fatlgue Shear l.. 1. 0. Rolled or cold fmished wire.60 to 2.and bar(rolledor cold finished) 1\100 Drawn Drawn. Rolled or cold finished wire. Government. 4. cold workability. rolled or cold finished wire.20 Cr max.(a) 'ThnslJe YleId 'IOmper lI!mIgth(a) MPa bi 0 H32 H34 H36 H38 195 230 260 '1J5 290 strength(a) MPa bi 28 90 195 215 240 255 33 38 40 42 U.60 Mg.10 Zn max.00 to 1.. zipper stock.50 Fe max.. seamless Hydraulic Extruded Extruded. Alclad 5056 Chemical Composition.RR Moore type test 5052 Aluminum: Typicaltensile properties at various temperatures Temperature 'IOmper 0 H34 H38 OC -196 OF -320 -SO -1l2 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 370 700 -196 -320 -SO -1l2 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 370 700 -196 -320 -80 -112 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 ThnsiJe strength MPa ksi 303 200 193 193 193 159 117 83 52 34 379 276 262 262 262 207 165 83 52 34 414 303 290 290 '1J6 234 44 29 28 28 28 23 17 12 7.S. UNS. and weldability.0Mg-0. 46 35 32 30 36 50 60 80 110 130 28 21 18 16 18 27 45 80 110 130 25 18 15 14 16 24 MID Conn Sheetandplate Sheet. SAE.lCr Typical Uses.. foil: MIL-A-8l596. and bar. Alclad wire is used exclusively in the fabrication of insect screens and other instances where wire products require good resistance to corrosion. and bar: 4182. AMS. rivet wire and rod Characteristics Major alloying elements: 5.1Mn-0.(c) At5 x loBcycles.05 others max (each).4017 4114 B209 B221 B211 4069 4070 4071 B483 B210 B221 B241 B234 B404 B313. rod. rod.1) MPa bi 110 90 90 90 90 90 76 52 38 21 248 221 214 214 214 186 103 52 38 21 303 262 255 255 248 193 16 13 13 13 13 13 II 7.50 Mg.35 Cr.2'" otr.51u. rod. (Austria) AlMg5.6mm (o. (United Kingdom) BS N6 2L.. .40 Zn. seamless Condenser Condenserwith integral fins Welded Rivetwireandrod Foil AMS ASTM 4015 4016. 0. 0. 0. ISO: AlMg5 Available Product Forms. Range is 315 to 480°C (600 to 900 oF) . 0.) Bard. 0. Alclad. 6253 cladding-Si.10 Cu max.15 others max (total). (Germany) DIN AlMg5. rod.5 5. For more information on resistance to corrosion. . rod. J 454. and bar: B 211.58. Rivet wire and rod: QQ-A430. 0. (b) 500kg load. and bar: B 211. (Canada) CSA-GM50R. Rivet wire and rod: B 316.10 Cu max. 1..15 to 0.. Composition Limits (5056).50 to 5. bal AI Specifications (U. 0. 10mm warn ball.. holding attemperature is not required Hot Working Temperature. 45 to 65% of Mg content.5 3 44 38 37 37 36 28 5052 Aluminum: Standard specifications SpecUkationNo.05 to 0.. Treatment is at 415°C (775 "F).plate.40 Fe max. Rolled or cold fmished wire. 0..5 5.B547 B316 4004 5056.20 Mn.) thkk strength MPa bi MPa bi 125 140 145 160 165 110 115 125 130 140 16 17 18 19 20 Itreogtb(cl 18 20 21 23 24 (a) Strengthsandelongationsunchangedor improvedat low temperatures.188/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 5052 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties Elongation. ASTM. and/or Foreign). bal Al Composition Limits (Alclad 5056).30 Si max.andshapes(extruded) Wire.5 3 36 32 31 31 31 27 15 7. 0.15 others max (total).5 5 60 44 42 42 40 34 YIeld Itreogth (0.0625Iu.05 others max (each). Rivets for use with magnesium alloy and cable sheathing. and nails. Foil: 4005.5 5 55 40 38 38 38 30 24 12 7. Elongation. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. brazeability. Sheet.bal AI Specifications (U.15 others max (total).15Cr.25 Cr. brazeability. cold workability. unfired pressure vessels. drawn seamless tubing. 0. 0.. bars. and/or Foreign). Extruded seamless tubing: B 241.roundspecimen.05 to 0. drilling rigs. HIll. Extruded wire. Suitable for applications requiring weidability.(c) 500 kg load. Tempers include H32l.7Mn-0. (b) 12.(d)At 5 X 10 cycles.4058. rod. Range is 315 to 480 °C (600 to 900 oF) 5083 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties 'Thmper 'Thnsll. gas and oil transmission pipe Characteristics For information on resistance to corrosion. % 5056 Aluminum: Mechanical-property limits for rolled or cold finished wire. AMS. moderate high strength.15 Ti max. 10 romdiam ball. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0. Forged armor: MIL-A-45225. ISO: AIMg4. machinability. and good resistance to corrosion 0 8112 H116 H321 H323.) dlam.6rom(0. and armor plate. HB 35 10 15 65 105 100 Fatigue otrength(d) MPa ksi Shearstrength MPa ksi 179 234 221 138 152 152 26 34 32 20 22 22 8 (8) Strengthsand elongationare unchangedor improvedat low temperatures.ld strength(a) ksJ MPa Elongation. ASTM. auto.4059. forgings. bar. shapes. Werstoff-Nr. bar. Government.0625 in. and weldability. Sheet and plate: B 209. 0.3457. and tubing. H1I6. shapes and tubing: QQ-A-200/4. Armor plate: MIL-A-46027. missile components. Forgings: B 247. Extruded armor: MILA-46083. Gas and oil transmission pipe: B 245. 0.00 Mn. no load. Marine. plate. welded tubing.H34 Typical Uses.5Mn Available Product Forms. SAE. Extruded wire.) thickspecimens 290 303 317 317 324 345 42 44 46 46 47 50 145 193 228 228 248 283 21 28 33 33 36 41 22 16 16 16 10 9 . 0040 to 1.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /189 5056 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties 'ThnslJe strength(a) MPa ksl 'Thmper 0 H18 H38 290 434 414 Yieldstrength(a) MPa ksl 42 63 60 152 407 345 22 59 50 Eiongallon(a)(h). rod. cryogenics. (Germany) DIN AIMg4. Treatment is at 415°C (775 "F).4Mg-0. Drawn seamless tubing: B 210.25 Zn max. Composition Limits. R. 0040 Fe max.90 Mg. rods.00 to 4.5rom(0.5Mn. (b) 1.testloadingappliedat 35 MPalmin (5 ksilmin)to yieldstrengthand then at strainrate of5%/min to fracture BareSOS6 0 Hlll H12 H32 H14 H34 H18 H38 H192 H392 AicladSOS6 H192 H392 H393 315 (max) 305 315 305 360 345 400 380 415 400 360 345 370(a) 46 (max) 44 46 44 52 50 58 55 60 58 52 50 54 (a)Yieldstrength (min). Forgings: QQ-A-367. 325 MPa (47 ksi) 5083 Chemical Composition. and tubing: B 221. transportation equipment. holding at temperature is not required Hot Working Temperature.rod. (United Kingdom) BS H8. andbar 'Thnslle s!mlgth(mia) MPa ksl Thmper 600 700 75 300 400 500 600 700 290 214 152 110 76 41 414 262 179 110 76 41 42 31 22 16 11 6 60 38 26 16 11 6 150 117 90 69 48 28 345 214 124 69 48 28 22 17 13 10 7 4 50 . 0. and aircraft parts. % Major alloying elements: 4. extruded seamless tubing.S.10 Cu max. Welded tubing: B 547.31 18 10 7 4 35 55 65 80 100 130 15 30 50 80 100 130 (8) Loweststrengthsfor exposuresup to 10000 h at temperature. Sheet and plate: QQ-A-250/6. 4057. shapes.50in. TV towers. extruded wire. (Canada) CSA GM4l.H32 H343. 0040 Si max. (a)Strengthsand elongationsare unchangedor improvedatlow temperatures. Sheet and plate: 4056. J454. 3.strength(a) MPa ksi YIeldsIreDgtb MPa ksi Eiongatlon(a)(h). % Hanlness(c).R Moore type test 5056 Aluminum: Typical tensileproperties 'Iemperamre 'Thmper -c OF 0 24 150 205 260 315 370 24 150 205 260 315 370 75 300 400 500 H38 'ThnslJe strength(a) ksl MPa y. 4.05 othersmax (each). Wherea range of valuesappearsin thiscolumn. adjacent black areas are voids caused by breakup of the brittle (Fe. thick HlI2 0.001-8. 500x (a) (b) 5083 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties at various temperatures 'Thmperature OF -c -195 -80 -30 25 100 150 205 260 315 370 -315 -lI2 -22 80 212 302 400 500 600 698 'Iensile strength(a) MPa ksl 405 295 290 290 275 215 150 115 75 41 59 43 42 42 40 31 22 17 II 6 Yield strength (0. The coarse.000in. (a) 5083-H112 plate. cold rolled.500in.063-1. such as phases that contain magnesium (for example.000in.500in.000in. cold rolled. Longitudinal section shows particles of primary MnAl a (gray.001-5. % 36 30 27 25 36 50 60 80 lIO 130 (a) Loweststrengthfor exposures up to 10 000 h at temperature.5 4.051-1.) or 4d. Small. no load.2 Elongation. thick 1.2. the specifiedminimumelongationvaries with thicknessof the mill product 5083 Aluminum: Microstructures. Separate black areas may be insoluble particles of M9 2Si.Mn)aSiAI'2 particles during cold rolling.% 0 0.250-1. thick 1. thick 3. thick 5. thick H323 H343 16 16 14-16 14 12 40 39 38 37 36 275 270 40 39 125 lI5 18 17 12 12 305 285 44 41 215 200 31 29 12 12 305 285 310 345 44 41 45 50 215 200 235 270 31 29 34 39 385 385 370 405 51 50 56 56 54 59 200 200 29 29 275 270 260 255 250 295 295 305 340 43 43 44 49 12 12 8-10 6-8 (a) In 50 nun (2 in. test loadingappliedat 35 MPalmin(5 ksilmin)to yield strengthand then at strainrate of IO%/min to fracture .2% offset)(a) MPa ksl 165 145 145 145 145 130 115 75 50 29 24 21 21 21 21 19 17 II 7.Mn)aSiAI. outlined).501-3. gray areas are particles of insoluble (Fe.5000in. dark areas may be particles of insoluble phases.000in. (b) 5083 plate. where d is diameterof reduced sectionof tensiletestspecimen.501-3. thick 7.500in. As-polished.000in.188-1. thick 1. M92Si) or that contain manganese. thick H1l6 0.190 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 5083 Aluminum: Mechanical-property limits Tensile strength Minimum MPa ksi Temper Yield strength Maximum MPa ksl Minimum ksi MPa 350 345 125 lI5 lIO 105 95 18 17 16 15 14 Maximum MPa ksi Elongation (min)(a).000in. thick H321 0. thick 1.001-7.501-3.501-3. 50x. Keller's reagent.000in. Applications include those requiring a weldable. 0. (United Kingdom) BS N5. 4.70 Mn. (Canada) CSA GR40. J454. QQ-A-250/19.5in. auto.H1l6 H34 H112 Property limits 0(0. and bar. Sheet and plate.006-0.50 Mg.009-1.10 to 3.) thick. and weldability.35 Cr. thick) H36(0.15Cu. 4019. transportation equipment. Sheet. 0. gas and oil transmission pipe. thick) H116(0. thick) MPa Tensile strength ksi MPa 260 38 42 290 47 325 270 39 Minimum 240 275 305 325 345 35 40 44 47 50 250 240 240 235 275 36 35 35 34 40 ksi Maximum 305 325 350 370 44 47 51 54 Yield strength Elongation(a). SAE. Extruded bar. J454.000in. seamless tubing: WW-T-700/5. rod. 0. 0.499in.15 others max (total).90 Mg. rolled or cold finished wire. 0.25 Si max. 0. thick) H112 (0.000in.15 to 0. no load. thick) H38(0. and tubing. thick) (0. Treatment is at 345°C (650 "F). SAE. cold rolled and stabilized at 120 to 175 0p (250to 350 OF) to prevent age softening. extruded wire. B 547. Extruded wire. rod. Undesirable continuous network of M92Al a particles precipitated at grain boundaries. moderate strength alloy with comparatively good resistance to corrosion Typical Uses.500-1. missile components. bar. shapes.S. 13-mm (0. UNS. sheet and plate Characteristics Major alloying elements. and welded tubing . Extruded seamless tubing: B 241. 0. 0.where d is diameterof reduced sectionof tensile test specimen. ASTM.S. % 46 35 32 30 36 50 60 80 110 130 19 17 17 17 17 16 15 11 7. and tubing. Drawn. (France) NF A-GC3. 0.bal AI seamless tubing: B 210. large particles are insoluble phases. thick) (2. drawn seamless tubing.001-3. 3. 5086 Aluminum: Microstructure. Alclad.0Mg-OAMn-0.10 Cu max. MPa ksi % 115 17 205 30 255 37 130 19 Minimum 22 12 10 14 Minimum 95 195 235 260 285 14 28 34 38 41 15-18 6-12 4-10 3-6 3 125 110 95 95 195 18 16 14 14 28 8 10 14 14 8-10 (a) In 50 rom (2 in. and tubing: QQ-A-200/5.15 others max (total). Alclad 5086 Chemical Composition. and tubing: B 221.20 Ti max. rod.000 in. welded pressure vessels.5 4. Sheet and plate: B 209. Alclad 5086. (Germany) DIN AlMg4. and/or Foreign).50 Fe max. thick) H32 (0. and unfired. Welded tubing: B 313. Extruded wire.5 Specifications (U. Foreign. extruded wire.000 in. test loadingappliedat 35 MPalmin(5 ksilmin)to yieldstrengthand thenat strainrate of 5%/minto fracture 5086 Aluminum: Tensile properties Temper Typical properties 0 H32. 5086-H34 plate. bar. B 547. UNS. wire. Government. Sheet and plate: B 209.Wherea range of values appearsin this column. drilling rigs. shapes.specifiedminimumelongationvaries with thicknessof the millproduct 51 Chemical Composition.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /191 5086.063-2.2 % ofl'set)(a) MPa ksi 131 117 117 117 117 110 103 76 52 29 55 39 38 38 38 29 22 17 11 6 Elongation. and tubing: B 221. welded tubing. 0. thick) (1. bar.006-0.2 (a)Lowest strengthsfor exposuresup to 10 000 h at temperature. TV towers. shapes. holding at temperature is not required Hot Working Temperature. rod. bal Al Specifications (U. 0. plate. and bar: B 211. 0. cryogenics. shapes. The range is 315 to 480 °C (600 to 900 OF) 5086 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 5086-0 at various temperatures Temperature -c -196 -80 -28 24 100 149 204 260 316 371 OF -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 Tensile strength(a) ksi MPa 379 269 262 262 262 200 152 117 76 41 Yield strength (0.25 Zn max.05 others max (each).15 Ti max. rod. ISO: AIMg3. A95086. Composition Limits.020-2.000in. Gas and ore transmission pipe: B 345.) or 4d. 0. 0.10 Mn max. Drawn seamless tubing: B 313. brazeability. Available Product Forms. Composition Limits. Rolled or cold finished wire. and/or Foreign).162in.20 Zn max. 25% HNOa• 250x For additional information on corrosion resistance. and aircraft parts. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.000in. shapes.05 others max (each). Drawn. Sheet and plate: B 209. 3.000in. ASTM. rod.188-0. AMS. Sheet and plate: 4018.020in. armor plate.50 to 4. machinability.40 Fe max.20 to 0.020-2. rod. bar. cold workability. A95154. (France) NFA-G4MC. Marine. 0. 0040 Si max. Sheet and Plate: QQ-A-250/7.001-3.thick) H34(0. ISO: AlMg4 Available Product Forms. 10mmball. brackets.0625 in. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 OF) YIeld strength !O. storage tanks.) thickspecimen. cold workability.500-3. 1Iardness(h).2%oft'. and/or Foreign).000 in.25 Zn max.020-2. machinability.(c)At 5 X 108 cyclesof completely reversedstress.) or 4d.20 Si max. 0..000 in. marine structures.Mooretypetest 5182 Chemical Composition. For additional information on corrosion resistance. 0.R.15 Cu max. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter -1% --so -28 24 100 150 205 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. thick) (0.specifiedminimumelongationvarieswith thickness of themillproduct.S..6mm (0.10 Cr max.10 Ti max. . J95182 Available Product Form. thick) MPa Yieldstrength ks\ MPa EIongation!a). 0.5Mg-0. Wherea rangeof valuesappearsin thiscolumn. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 "F) max.gel) MPa ksi 'lOruile strength MPa ksI 'Iemperamre OF "C -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 360 250 240 240 240 200 150 115 75 41 130 115 115 115 115 110 105 75 50 29 52 36 35 35 35 29 22 17 11 6 19 17 17 17 17 16 15 11 7. Sheet Characteristics Major alloying elements: 4. auto body panels and reinforcement members.50 Mn. ksi . 0.20 to 0. Composition Limits. .25Cr Typical Uses.whered is diameterof reducedsectionoftensiletestspecimen 5154 Aluminum: Mechanical properties Thmper 'JYpicalproperties 0 H32 H34 H36 H38 Hll2 Property limits 0(0.009-1.020-3.499in. bal AI Specifications (U. HB 27 15 13 12 10 25 58 67 73 78 80 63 Maximum 117 17 207 30 33 228 248 36 39 269 117 17 Minimum 'lO.162 in.010 100. 25 12 10 4 (a) Strengths and elongations are unchanged or increasedat low temperatures. where d is diameterof tensileteslspecimen..) thick . Container ends.35 Fe Hot Working Temperature.15 others max (total). pressure vessels.192/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 5154 Aluminum: Typicaltensile properties of 5154-0 at various temperatures Characteristics Major alloying elements: 3..015in. 0.) or4d.000in. and weldability.. (c)Propertiesof thistemperareforcontainerendstock0.000 in.00 Mg.38mm(0. 4. Treatmentis at 345°C (650 OF). 0. thick) Hll2 (0.006-0.00 to 5. (h) 500 kg load. thick) H38(0.5Mg-0.itestrength ksi MPa 240 35 270 39 42 290 310 45 330 48 240 35 Minimum 205 250 270 290 310 30 36 39 42 45 220 205 32 30 285 295 315 340 41 43 46 49 75 180 200 220 240 11 26 29 32 35 12to 18 5to 12 41010 3105 3105 125 75 18 11 8 11to 15 Shear strengtb MPa ksI 152 152 165 179 193 22 22 24 26 28 Fatigue strength!e) ksi MPa 117 124 131 138 145 117 17 18 19 20 21 17 (a) In 50 mm (2 in.006-0. thick) H36 (0. holding at temperature is not 260 required 315 370 Hot Working Temperature. Welded structures. thick) H32(0. thick) H34 (0. (h) 1. 46 35 32 30 30 50 60 80 110 130 (a)In 50mm (2 in.25to 0. 0.128 in.. UNS. and transportation trailer tanks.5 4. 0.35Mn Typical Uses.250-0..2 FJongation!a). 0.05 others max (each). Treatment is at 345°C (650 oF) 5182 Aluminum: Typicaltensile properties 'Iemper o H32 H34 HI9(c) 'lOmitestrengthCa) MPa ksi 276 317 338 421 40 46 49 61 Yieldstrength!a) MPa ksi 138 234 283 393 19 34 41 57 Elongalion!a)(h).R.. and parts Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. ASTM.A95252 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.)thick 240 35 270 39 290 42 310 45 330 48 240 35 Minimum 205 250 270 290 310 30 36 39 42 45 220 205 32 30 Maximum 285 295 315 340 41 43 46 49 75 180 200 220 240 11 26 29 32 35 12-18 5-12 4-10 3-5 3-5 125 75 18 11 8 11-15 22 22 24 26 28 115 125 130 140 145 115 17 18 19 20 21 17 (a) 500kgload. 0. H38.) thickspecimen 5254 Chemical Composition. and/or Foreign). Sheet 5252 Aluminum: Tensile properties Characteristics YIeld strength MPa Ilsi 'l\". Treatment is at 345°C (650 "F). 3. 0. 0. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) 5254 Aluminum: Mechanical properties Thnsile strength Thmper MPa ksi MPa ksi YIeld strength MPa kst Elongation. H~(a). Composition Limits..15 to 0.10 others max (total).lnNS. Composition Limits.1Ie strength Major alloying element: 2.3 mm (0. and/or Foreign). UNS. 0. clear finish Typical Uses. 0. Mooretypetest. H32.05 others max (each).S. 0.03 others max (each). bal AI Specifications (U. machinability. 0. J454.05 Zn max. Can be bright dipped or anodized to give a bright. A95254. whered isdiameterof reduced sectionof testspecimen. Sheet: B 209. (Canada) CSA GR40 Available Product Forms.0625in. cold workability.10 Cu max.) thick sheet Minimum Maximum 205 215 260 H24 H25 H28 30 31 38 260 270 EIoogatloo(a). holding at temperature is not required Major alloying elements: 3. 115 17 205 30 23G 33 250 36 270 39 115 17 Minimum(d) 27 15 13 12 10 25 . 0.250-0.6 mm(0.090in. (d)In 50 mm (2 in. 0.25Cr Hot Working Temperature. 0.10 Fe max. 0. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Annealing.10 Mn max.R.Wherea rangeof valuesappearsin thiscolumn. l1(a) 5(a) 25 35 Minimum 10 9 3 38 39 (a) 1.specifiedminimumelongationvarieswith thicknessof the millproduct .499in. hydraulic tubing.20 to 2. Sheet and plate Typical Uses. brazeability.90 Mg. Extruded seamless tubing: B 241. 0. where more strength than that provided by other trim alloys is needed.15 others max (total).R.. and weldability.030-0. 0.H38 283 41 240 Property limits for 0.5 mm(0. 0. brazeability.5Mg.) thick 13-75mm (0. Shear strength Ilsi HB MPa 58 67 73 78 80 63 150 150 165 180 195 Fa!igue strengthlb) Ilsi MPa 'Iypleal properties(c) o H32 H34 H36 H38 H112 Property limits o H32 H34 H36 H38 H112 6-12.80 Mg.(c)Strengthsandelongationsareunchangedor Increasedatlow tempemtures.500-3.01 Mn max. automotive and appliance trim.5Mg-0. H36. Treatment is at 345°C (650 "F).000in. (b) At5 X 108cycles. 0.05 Ti max. and weldability.35 Cr. Sheet and plate: B 209. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) Available Product Forms. ASTM. SAE.S. cold workability. Storage vessels for hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter MPa Thmper Ilsi MPa Ilsi 'IYPicalproperties H25 235 34 170 H28.05 Cu max.. Available tempers include 0.Next Page Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /193 5252 Chemical Composition. 0.05 V max.75-2.) or 41. SAE.. bal Al Specifications (U. 2. 10mm ball. Sheet metal work. H34.08 Si max.20 Zn max. . For additional information on corrosion resistance.10 to 3. machinability. J454.. holding at temperature is not required Hot Working Temperature. For information on corrosion resistance.45 Si max + Fe. 25 Si max. rod.05 others max (each).20 Cr. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) 5454 Chemical Composition. 0. 0. Composition Limits. 0. % 46 35 32 30 36 50 60 80 llO 130 (a) Loweststrengthsfor exposure up to 10 000 h at temperature. Sheet.S.5MC. For information on corrosion resistance.12Cr Typical Uses. longitudinal section.00 Mn.25 Zn max.05 to 0. 0.06 to 0. shapes.5 Mg. Condenser tubing with integral fins: B 404. Welding electrodes and filler wire Annealing. UNS. H34. and tubing: QQ-A-2oo/6. rod. H32. 0. ASTM. holding at temperature is not required . extruded wire. 0.12Cr Typical Uses.S. and tubing for marine service. Welded structures. rod. QQ-R-566. pressure vessels. The structure also shows some particles of (Fe.40 Fe max. 0. (Canada) CSA GM31N. shapes.7Mg-0.10 Zn max. brazeability.05 to 0. (Germany) DIN AIMg2. shapes.20 Ti max.0Mg-0.50 to 1. 0. and tubing Characteristics Major alloying elements: 2. SAE. MIL-E-16053.2 Elongation. hot-rolled slab.8Mn-0. cold workability. Sheet and plate: B 209.5 4. Sheet and plate: QQ-2501l0. bar. Extruded seamless tubing: B 241. and/or Foreign). Government. Condenser tubing: B 234. J454. machinability.00 Mg. A95356. Welded tubing: B 547. Available in 0. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 "F) Specifications (U. Welding base metals high (73%) in magnesium Specifications (U. ISO: AIMg3Mn 5454 Aluminum: Microstructure. and tubing: B 221. 0.15 others max (total). testloadingappliedat 35 MPa/min(5 ksi/min)to yieldstrengthand then at strainrate of 5%/min to fracture 5356 Chemical Composition. (Canada) CSA GM50P. 0. and weldability. plate.20 Ti. (France) NF A-GS Recommended Heat Treating Practice Available Product Forms. 5454. bal Al Hot Working Temperatures. 0. Oxide stringer from an inclusion in the cast ingot.15 others max (total).05 to 0. Extruded wire.10 Cu max. holding at temperature is not required Hot Working Temperature. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Composition Limits. 0. As-polished. (United Kingdom) B5 N51.20 Cr. 50 Ox Available Product Forms. bar.10 Cu max.Previous Page 194/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 5254 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 5254-0 at various temperatures °C Thmperature of -196 -80 -28 24 100 ISO 205 260 315 370 'Iensile strength(a) MPa ksi -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 360 250 240 240 240 200 150 ll5 75 41 52 36 35 35 35 29 22 17 II 6 Yield strengthla) MPa ksi 130 ll5 ll5 ll5 ll5 llO 105 75 50 29 19 17 17 17 17 16 IS II 7. Extruded wire. no load. 0. A95454. Government. 0. UNS. 0.Mn)Al a (light gray). and/or Foreign). (France) NF A-G2.7Mn. Treatment is at 345°C (650 "F).20 Mn.40 Fe max.50 to 5. 0. and HIll tempers. 0.12Mn-0. 2. 4. balAI Characteristics Major alloying elements: 5. bar.25 Si max.05 others max (each). Treating is at 345°C (650 OF). 0.40 to 3. 00 Mn.5 4. no load. 0.5 4. marine applications.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /195 5454 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 5454 at various temperatures 5454 Aluminum: Mechanical properties Yield Temper Tensile strength MPa ksi MPa ksI strength MPa ksi Elongatloo. bal A1 Specifications (U.) thick 13-75mm (0.50 Mg. SAE. extruded wire. Armor plate: MIL-A-46027. Forged armor: Mll. 0. H32l. pressure vessels. UNS. (b) Range of values indicates that specified minimum elongation varies with thickness of mill product 100 150 205 260 315 370 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 370 255 250 250 250 200 150 115 75 41 54 37 36 36 36 29 22 17 11 6 130 115 115 115 115 110 105 75 50 29 19 17 17 17 17 16 15 11 7. 0.) thick OF Teosile strength(a) MPa ksi Yield strength(a) MPa ksi Eloogalioo.05 others max (each). storage tanks.25 Si max. and weldability. % o temper 'IYpical properties 0 Thmperature °C 36 40 49 54 260 38 250 36 38 260 Minimum Maximum 117 17 207 30 241 35 276 40 310 45 179 26 124 18 26 179 Minimum 215 250 270 31 36 39 285 305 325 85 180 200 12 26 29 12-18(b) 5-12(b) 4-10(b) 220 32 125 18 8 215 31 85 12 11-15(b) 44 340 370 41 44 47 62 73 81 159 165 179 23 24 26 70 62 70 159 159 159 23 23 23 -196 -80 -28 24 (a) 500 kg load. rod.00 in. QQ-A-250/20. 4. armor plate Characteristics Major alloying elements: 5. Sheet and plate: B 209.250-0. Extruded wire.2 32 23 20 18 20 37 45 80 110 130 63 285 250 240 240 235 195 130 75 50 29 41 36 35 35 34 28 29 11 7. 0.IMg-0. Treatment is at 345°C (650 "F). brazeability. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) . machinability. J454. plate.2 30 21 18 16 18 32 45 80 110 130 H32temper -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 260 500 315 370 700 400 600 H34temper -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 435 315 305 305 295 235 180 115 75 41 46 44 44 43 34 26 17 11 6 (a) Lowest strengths for exposures up to 10 000 h at temperature.-A-46083. cold workability. bar.5mm (0. shapes.20 Ti max.500-3.05 to 0. 0. Extruded wire.2 39 30 27 25 31 50 60 80 110 130 405 290 285 275 270 220 170 115 75 41 59 42 41 40 39 32 25 17 11 6 250 215 205 205 200 180 130 75 50 29 36 31 30 30 29 26 19 11 7. holding at temperature is not required Hot Working Temperature. bar. seamless tubing: B 210. test loading applied at 35 MPalmin (5 ksilmin) to yield strength and then at strain rate of 5%/min to fracture 5456 Chemical Composition. bar. Available in 0.-A-45225 Available Product Forms. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Sheet. Extruded armor: Mll. shapes.40 Fe max.10 Cu max.8Mn-0. Government.499 in.% 250 275 305 22 10 10 8 8 14 18 18 Shear Hardness strength (a). 10 mm ball.12Cr Typical Uses.50 to 1. and/or Foreign).70 to 5. shapes.5 4. armor plate. 0.20 Cr. Drawn. rod.25 Cr max. For information on corrosion resistance. and tubing: QQ-A-200/7.S. and tubing: B 221. A95456.15 others max (total).. and Hl16 tempers.. Sheet and plate: QQ-A-250/9. 0. and tubing. High strength welded structures.HB MPa ksi H32 H34 H36 H38 Hlll H112 H311 Property limits 0 H32 H34 H112 6-12. 0. Composition Limits. 0. Extruded seamless tubing: B 241. rod. ASTM. H116(c) 310 324 310 352 45 47 45 51 ksl MPa YIeld strength k. 13 mm(0.5mm(0. cold rolled and stress relieved below the solvus at 245°C (475 OF).00-12.6S. Partial recrystallization occurred immediatelyafter hot rollingfrom residual heat. (b) 5456 plate.00 mmthick 30. Rapidcoolingresulted in retention of M92AI3 in solid solution. 25% HN0 3 • 500x (a) (b) (c) ." Barker's reagent.00 mmthick H1I2 6. (a) 5456plate.00 mmthick 40.00-160.00-80.5 in.(e)Materialin thistemperrequired to passanexfoliation corrosiontestadministered by thepurchaser 5456Aluminum: Microstructures. The light.) thick.00-200.30 mmthick H343 1.Longitudinal section.Mn)Al a.5in.00 mmthick MPa Typical properties 0 H111 H112 H321(b).00 mmthick 40.5(0.30-80.00-80.00-80.00-40. Particles are (Fe.30 mmthick 6. 25%HN03 • 500x.00 mmthick 40.196/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 5456 Aluminum: Tensile properties 'Iemper MFa ThnsiIe strength k..65.) applyto thicknesses through12.00 mmthick H116(c)(e) 1. (c)Hl16 designation alsoappliesto thecondition previously designated 24(a) 18(a) 22(a) 16(a) Mlnlmum(d) Property 1Imlts Mlnlmum Maximum Mlnlmum InSOmm Maximum In5d(S. and annealed abovethe solvus. outlinedparticlesare insoluble(Fe.) thick.00 mmthick 120.50 mmthick 12.00 mmthick H321 4. applyto material over 12.60-30. 100x.00 mmthick H323 1.Mn)Ala (gray). (c) 5456-0 plate. M92Si (black). elongations in 5d (5. % k. hot rolled.25 in.00-120.) thick.00-110.00 mmthick 160.).5 hot rolled. andM92AI3 (fineprecipitate).. whered is diameter andAis cross-sectional areaof tensiletestspecimen. This type of recrystallization is frequently referred to as "dynamic recrystallization.5 in. Polarized light.20-6.30 mm thick 130 125 120 115 105 19 18 17 17 15 42 41 130 125 19 18 12 10 10 46 230 215 200 170 33 31 29 25 10 10 10 10 10 290 285 275 270 265 42 41 40 39 38 290 285 315 305 285 275 365 360 53 52 44 41 40 315 305 285 46 44 205 205 30 30 16 16 12 41 405 385 385 59 56 56 230 215 200 33 31 29 315 305 295 43 330 48 400 58 250 36 315 46 6t08 365 53 435 63 285 41 350 51 6t08 46 44 14 12 12 10 10 10 (a) 12.) diam 0 1.20-6. Thereis nocontinuous networkof precipitate at MPa 159 228 165 255 23 33 24 37 Elongation. (b)Material in thistempernotrecommended forapplications requiring exposuretoseawater. the dark particles are insolubleM92Si. 6.4 mm (0.5mm(0. (d) Elongations in 50 mm(2 in.30-40.00 mmthick 80. 0. 0.) thick. originally 10 mm (0.tics Annealing. Composition Limits. Polarized light. (b) Effect of cold rolling on 5457-0 plate. ASTM.15 to 0. longitudinal section.0Mg-0.4 in. (c) Effect of cold rolling on 5457-0 plate. The grains are equiaxed. Fine particles of M92Si precipitated during the rolling.20 Cu max. Is readily formed in both annealed and H25 tempers.08 Si max.) thick.08 to 1. 0.) thick.4 in. (c)5457-0 plate 1O-mm (O. machinability. 500x.30Mn. If carried through to final sheet. A transverse section. annealed at 345°C (650 OF).5% HF. Brightened and anodized trim for autos and appliances. (b) 5457-F plate 6. 0. indicating random crystallographic orientation. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) 5457 Aluminum: Microstructures.10 others max (total). hot rolled. A95457 Available Product Forms.20 Mg. interior grains show uniform reflection indicating a high degree of preferred orientation. Barker's reagent. Barker's reagent. and/or Foreign). annealed at 345°C (650 OF). 100x. brazeability. 1OOx. 100x (a) (b) (c) . 40% reduction. Sheet Typical Uses. Polarized light. 0. cold workability. 100x.S. holding at temperature is not required Major alloying elements: 1.05 V max.4-in.) thick. photographed with polarized light. originally 10 mm (0. Polarized light.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /197 5457 Chemical Composition.10 Fe max. this amount of precipitate would cause an objectionable milky appearance in a subsequently applied anodic coating.) thick. Annealed at 345°C (650 OF). Fine grain size is required in most applications Hot Working Temperature. 10% reduction. Barker's reagent. For information on corrosion resistance. and weldability. Barker's reagent. 80% reduction. Surface grains (top) show random reflection.45 Mn.05 Zn max.4 in. UNS. annealed at 345°C (650 OF). (a) 5457-F extrusion. Barker's reagent. 0. Sheet: B 209. 0. 100x (a) (b) (c) 5457 Aluminum: Microstructures. 0. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteris.25-in.03 others max (each). 0. originally 10 mm (0.4-mm (0. Polarized light. 0. bal Al Specifications (U. (a) Effect of cold rolling on 5457-0 plate. Treat at 345°C (650 "F). 10 Zn max.15 others max (total). ~ DB MP. thick) !0. 0.5Mg-0. 0. 0. H38 tempers.198/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 5457 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties 'Thnslle strength!.40 Si max + Fe. 2. bal Al Typical Uses.25Cr Hot Working Temperature.5 23 26 29 32 14-18 4-12 3-10 2-4 2-4 110 65 16 9. 0.05 others max (total).01 Mn max. plate. Treatment is at 345°C (650 "F). 0.05 Zn max. lOmmdiam ball 5652 Chemical Composition.(c)At 5 x 108 cycles. A95652 For information on corrosion resistance. and/or Foreign). 195 28 230 33 260 38 275 40 290 42 Minimum 170 215 235 255 270 25 31 34 37 39 195 170 28 25 Yield strength ksl Maximum 215 260 285 305 31 38 41 44 MP. and weldability. 10 mmball.15 to 0. Specifications (U.000 in. thick) MP. (c) 500 kgload. ASTM.10 Cu max. 0. A95657.20 to 2. and H38 tempers.05 V max.and/or Foreign). 0. machinability. ksl 90 13 195 28 215 31 240 35 255 37 Minimum EJong. Available Product Forms.250-0. 'Thmper MPa ksI MP. 'ThnsIIe strength ksi MP.S.6 mm (0.03 Mn max.RR Mooretypetest 5657 Chemical Composition. H34.S. brazeability. H34. H36.03 Ga max.5OO-3. H32. ASTM. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 oF) Annealing. Fine grain size is essential for almost all applications Specifications (U.5 7 12-16 Shearstrength strength!c) 17 18 19 20 (a) In 50 mm(2 in. bal AI Characteristics Major alloying element: 0.)(b). ksi ~ HB MP.60 to 1. Hardness(b).08 Si max.Uon!.8Mg. 0. Typical Uses. Sheet. 0. ksi 0 H25 H38. Sheet and plate: B 209. UNS. Composition Limits. (b) 500 kgload. 0. extruded tubing Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics required Major alloying elements: 2. Hardnesslc).9 able in 0. J454.00 Mg. H32.04 Cu max.) thickspecimen.10 Fe max. 0. Storage vessels for hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals.499in. 0.H28 130 180 205 19 26 30 50 160 185 7 23 27 22 12 6 32 48 55 85 110 125 12 16 18 Shearstrength (a) Strengths andelongations areunchanged or improved at lowertemperatures. Extruded seamless tubing: B 241.). cold workability. 0. holding at temperature is not 5652 Aluminum: Mechanical properties FIIIigue 'Thmper 'Iypleal properties 0 H32 H34 H36 H38 Property limits 0 H32 H34 H36 H38 H112 (0. 0. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Available Product Forms. ksi MPa ksi 25 12 10 8 7 Minimum 47 60 68 73 77 124 138 145 158 265 18 20 21 23 24 110 117 124 131 138 16 65 160 180 200 220 9. Sheet .80 Mg. 0.05 others max (each). Composition Limits. SAE.thespecified minimumelongation varieswiththickness of the mill product. Brightened and anodized auto and appliance trim. whered isdiameter ofreducedsectiouof tension-test specimen. B 209.) Eiongation!. Available in 0. H36.02 others max (each).625 in. UNS. Avail- (Italy) B-AlMgO. 0. Wherearangeofvaluesappears in thiscolumn.) or4d. 0.35 Cr.) Yield strength!. (b) 1. Dendritic segregation (coring) of titanium. Polarized light. machinability. but ductility is lower than for specimen annealed at 315°C (600 OF). Grains are greatly elongated and contribute to high strength. (e)Materialin this tempersubjectto somerecrystallization andattendantlossof brightness 5657 Aluminum: Microstructures. (a) 5657 ingot. 100x (b) (a) (c) 5657 Aluminum: Microstructures. brazeability. Black spots are etch pits. 200x. cold rolled (85% reduction). holding at temperature is not required Hot Working Temperature.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /199 For information on corrosion resistance. (b) 5657-F sheet. stress relieved at 300°C (570 OF) for 1 h. (b) 5657 sheet. where d is diameterofredueed sectionof tension-test specimen. (b) Strengths and elongations are unchanged or increasedat lowtemperatures. Polarized light. Anodized coating from Barker's reagent was stripped with 10% H3 P0 4 at 80°C (175 OF). Anodized coating from Barker's reagent was stripped with 10% H3 P0 4 at 80°C (175 OF). Barker's reagent. 85% reduction. Structure shows onset of recrystallization. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Longitudinal section. 85% reduction. which improves formability. 200x (a) (b) . Polarized light.H38 Properly limits H241(e) H25 H26 H28 Tensilestrength ksi MPa ksi 160 23 195 28 Minimum 125 140 150 170 18 20 22 25 Yield strength MPa ksi 140 165 Maximum 180 195 205 26 28 30 20 24 Elongation(a). and weldability. % 12 7 Minimum 13 8 7 5 (a) In 50 mm (2 in. cold workability. (a) 5657-F sheet. annealed at 315°C (600 OF) for 1 h. Recrystallized grains and bands of unrecrystallized grains. Barker's reagent. Banding from dendritic segregation (coring) of titanium in the ingot in accompanying figure. 100x. (c) 5657-F sheet. Barker's reagent. Treatment is at 345°C (650 OF).) or 4d. Range is 260 to 510 °C (500 to 950 OF) 5657 Aluminum: Tensile properties MPa Temper Typical properlies(b) H25 H28. 1OOx. Note: By suitable control extrusion temperature. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials.10Ti max. Use of high-velocity. water should be at room temperature and cooled to keep to temperature below 38°C (lOO "F) during the quenching cycle. Alloy is generally brazeable and weldable by all commercial procedures and methods General Considerations.lOMn max. Times are based on rapid heating. Caveat: Alloy is not recommended for applications requiring resistance to impact loading.315 to 0. 0. Only roped hems. and/or Foreign). 0. When quenching is by total immersion in water. UNS. and tubing are treated at a metal temperature of 530°C (985 "F) for a T1 temper. Product is heated to metal temperature of 175°C (345 "F) and held for 8 h to obtain T5 temper.30 mm (0. 0. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within 6 °C (lO OF) of applicable temperature. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±lO "F) during time at temperature Annealing.15 others max (total). "made by bending 180° or 2t interface thickness.40 to 0. 0. 6009 Chemical Composition. Use of high-velocity. When quenching by total immersion in water.) diam top die at 15 MPa (2200 psi) hold-down pressure and polyethylene film lubricant. 0. ASTM. Sheet is treated to T6 temper at 205°C (400 OF) for I h.05 in.80 Mg. bars. Extrudedrod.50 Fe max.Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. 0.shapes. Extruded shapes and tubing for commercial applications requiring greater strength than that of alloy 6063. bal Al Specifications (U. 0.032 to 0. 0. and tubing Characteristics Major alloying elements: 0. Alternative treatments are available: 4 hat 190°C (375 OF) or 8 h at 175 °C (345 OF) Annealing.35Cu Typical Uses.30 mm (0.40 to 0.60 to 1.15 others max (total).22. UNS.80 to 1. rod.) thick. Sheet Characteristics Major Alloying Elements.lOZn max.15 to 0. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±lO "F) of nominal during time at temperature Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). timeattemperatureis 2 to3 h Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating.60 Cu.) when tested using 25 mm (1 in.6 to 0.5Mg Typical Uses. SAE.20 to 0.60Mg-0.05 others max (each).35 Fe max.80 Mn. bar. unless otherwise indicated.70 maintained at a temperature below 38°C (lOO OF) during quenching cycle. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials. Extruded rod. balAI Specifications (U. Temperatures given here for solution treatment are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±lO OF) during time at temperature.9 Si. Strain hardening exponent (n) typically is 0. product may be quenched directly from the extrusion press to provide specified properties for this temper Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging).Treatment is 415°C (775 OF) 6009 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 6009 automobile body sheet Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. For sheet in T4 temper. shapes. General Considerations. Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible with minimum delay after removal from furnace. shapes. Composition Limits. Auto body sheet Formability in.200 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 6005 Chemical Composition. 0.10 Cr max. 1t radius required for 90° bending. Olsen cup height typically is 9.00 Si. unless otherwise indicated.0.10 Ti max. 0.8Si-0. 0. plastic strain ratio (r) typically is 0. Specific times depend on time required for load to reach temperature. 0.) thick.50Mn-0. Extruded wire. can be made in sheet 0. More common products are ladders and TV antennas.1 mm (0. 0.80Si-0. Composition Limits.05 others max (each). Alternative treatments: 4 h at 190°C (375 oF) or 8 h at 175°C (345 OF). O. O. 0. water should be at room temperature and Orientation Thnsile strength ksl MPH Yieldstrength ksl MPH EJongHIIon.lOCu max. 0. A96009 Available Product Forms.S.25 Zn max.050 in. A96005 Available Product Forms. Available in T1 and T5 tempers.10 Cr max.80 to 1. It for flanging material 0. Treatment is at415 °C (775 OF). and tubing: B 221. O. Sheet is treated to T4 temper at a metal temperature of 555°C (1030 OF). J451.60 Mg.S. This time at temperature is approximate. % T4temper Longitudinal Transverse and 45° 234 228 34 33 131 124 19 18 24 25 345 338 50 49 324 296 47 43 13 T6temper longitudinal Transverse and 45· 12 . 0. 0. and/or Foreign). 0. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials.50 Fe max.20 Si. can be made in sheet 0. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within 6 °C (10 "F) of applicable temperature..25 Zn max.60 Cu.315 to 0. Olsen cup height typically is 9.80 to 1.80 Mn.250 '----'-_ --= 125 10 1 102 ~ _ 0 .04 to 0. or 8 h at 175 °C (345 oF) 6010 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 6010 automobile body sheet 'IOnsIIe otrength lis. When quenching by total immersion in water.36 in. 0.) diam top die at 15 MPa (2200 psi) hold-down pressure and polyethylene film lubricant.050 in.05 others max (each).20 to 0.L.70 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating.1 m min (0. 0.e~ :::J Q) a. Times are based on rapid heating. 0. 0. 0.80 to 1. 0.70 Si max + Fe.10 Mg.5Mn-0. E ~ ~ Time. Auto body sheet Formability Requirements. 0.05 others max (each). 0. Only roped seams.00Si-0.15 to 0. 0. made by bending 180° or 2t interface thickness. Composition Limits (6061). Alclad 6061 Chemical Composition.) thick.. 0. max.15 others max (total).. It radius required to 90° bending.) thick.40 Cu..80 to 1.. Sheet is treated to T6 temper at 205°C (400 OF) for I h. Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after Alternative treatments are available: 4 h at 190°C (375 "F). Use of high-velocity. This time at temperature is approximate. II 296 290 43 42 186 112 21 25 23 24 386 319 56 55 312 352 54 51 12 11 6010 Aluminum: Time-temperature property diagram.10 Cu max.h 6061.80 Si.S. 0. 0. 0.15 Ti max.80 to 1. MPa Orientallon T4temper Longitudinal Transverse and45° T6temper Longitudinal Transverse and45° YIdd strength lis. 0.05 in. 0.30 mm (0. bal AI Composition Limits (Alclad 6061).10 Cr max. Auto body sheet removal from furnace.15 Mn max. unless otherwise indicated. Effectof aging time and temperature on longitudinalyield strength of 6010-T4 500~-----. 7072 cladding-O. 0.35Cu Typical Uses. and/or Foreign). 0.---_~~~~=t'-oII~ 331 MPa (48 ksi) 150 234 MPa (34 ksi) 317 MPa (46 ksl) 290 MPa (42 ksi) 262 _ MPa (38 ksi)_ _. Plastic strain ratio (r) typically is 0. 0. Composition Limits.30 Zn. A96010 Available Product Forms..00 Mg. 6010-14 234 MPa (34 ksl) 262 MPa (38 ksi) 290 MPa (42 ksl) 317 MPa (46 ksi) 250 225 u 331 MPa (48 ksl) 175 338 MPa (49 ksl) 345 MPa (50 ksi) 200 338 MPa (49 ksl) 300 207 MPa (30 ksi)+--~.15 others max (total). 0.70 Fe max. 0.10 Mn max.--------r----------.60 to 1. 0. 0. Characteristics Major alloying elements: 1.25 Zn max.40 to 0. 0. balAl Specifications (U.032 to 0. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be maintained within ±6 °C (±1OOF) of nominal during time at temperature Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging).15 others max (total).05 others max (each).35 Cr. Specific types depend on time required for load to reach temperature.10 Ti max. bal Al .15 to 0. MPa EIougalion.30 Mn (0. UNS. Strain hardening exponent (n) typically is 0. water should be at room temperature and maintained at a temperature below 38°C (100 oF) during quenching cycle. For sheet in T4 temper. 0.22.80Mg-0.80 to 1. Sheet is treated to T4 temper at metal temperature of 565°C (1050 oF) General Considerations.) when tested using 25 mm (1 in. It for flanging material 0. 0.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 1201 6010 Chemical Composition.20 Mg. and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±100F) of nominal during time at temperature Available Product Forms.. rod. Sheet. (Canada) CSA GSI1N. shapes and tubing in T451 temper. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter The following products (extruded rod. T913 tempers. railroad cars. and rolled rings) are heated to a metal temperature of 175 °C (345 OF) and held for 8 h Special considerations: 8 8 8 Recommended Heat Treating Practice 8 Solution Heat Treating. T45. machinability. T45l. 8 Only tread plate is treated at 160°C (320 "F) and held at temperature for 18 h to obtain T6 temper Plate and rolled or cold finished wire. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials. (See adjoining Table).) sheet. T94. and bar are treated at 160°C (320 OF) and held at temperature of 18 h to obtain T89 temper.6Si-0.5% HF. and weldability. (France) NF A-GSUC. cold workability. T62. structural shapes. Special considerations: 8 8 8 8 Only tread plate is treated to T4 temper at 530°C (985 OF) Plate.30Cu-0. The following products (sheet. T94. Particles are Fe3SiAI. pipe.250x. See Table titled "Typical Annealing Treatments for Aluminum Alloy Mill Products" in introduction titled "Heat Treating Aluminum Alloys" 6061 Aluminum: Microstructures. T93.) thick. rod. rolled or cold finished wire. and bar. T651. and tubing are treated at 175°C (345 OF) and held at temperature for 8 h Rolled or cold finished wire. and tubing in T4510 and T4511 tempers are all stress relieved by stretching to produce specified amount of set prior to precipitation heat treatment Rolled rings in T452 temper are stress relieved by 1 to 5% cold reduction subsequent to solution heat treatment and prior to precipitation heat treatment General Information. towers. For more information on corrosion resistance. Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±10 "F) of nominal during time at temperature annealing. T42. midthickness longitudinal section. Characteristics Major alloying elements: 1.' Longitudinal section from center of plate thickness. 250x. Tempers include T4. extruded rod.25-in. plate. (c) 6061-F 6.' . A96061. and drawn tubing) are heated to a metal temperature of 160°C (320 oF) and held for 18 h. ASTM. T652. T6. T451. shapes. - . T651. bar. 0. rod.) thick. rod. die and hand forgings. Most M92Si will dissolve during solution treating. brazeability. 0.2OCr Typical Uses. Parts are stress relieved by 1 to 5% cold reduction subsequent to solution treating and prior to precipitation treating Alternative treatment for rolled or cold finished wire. rolled or cold finished rod. die and hand forgings. furniture.2021 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Specifications (U. trucks. Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace.5 in.0Mg-0. hot rolled (reduced 98%). bar. shapes. Provides combination of strength. bar. -(a) (b) (c) . HF. as hot rolled (71% reduction). T89. rolled rings Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). rolled or cold-finished wire. drawn pipe. T451O. unless otherwise indicated.2 (gray. shapes. Government. AMS. All products are treated to T4.S. and bar in T6.. pipelines. (See adjoining Table). scriptlike) and M92Si (black). and T4511 tempers at 530°C (985 OF). T651 1. (a) 6061-F plate. UNS. and bar are treated at 160°C (320 OF) and held at temperature for 18 h to obtain T651 temper Extruded rod. (United Kingdom) BS H20. bar. and bar are treated at 160°C (320 OF) and held at temperature for 18 h to obtain T93.5% HF. and bar.4-mm (0. Temperatures given here are nominal. as hot rolled (91% reduction). ISO: AIMgSiCu Use of high-velocity. and tubing. and corrosion resistance needed for structural applications. T4511. and T913 tempers Rolled rings are treated at 175°C (345 OF) and held at temperature 8 h to obtain T652 temper. 38 mm (1. canoes. and tubing. and/or Foreign). water should be at room temperature and maintained at a temperature below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle. Longitudinal section from near plate surface. Cold working after solution treating is necessary to get desired properties in precipitation treating Rolled or cold finished wire. rod. and drawn tubing in T6 and T62 tempers: 8 h at 170°C (340 OF) versus standard 18 h at 160°C (320 OF) General Information.250x . (b) 6061-F plate. 38 mm (1. rod.5 in. plate. (See adjoining Table). When quenching by total immersion in water. weldability. shapes. T451O. bar. extruded rod. lrn Thickness. 100 100 5000 Thickness. 6250 J.--==...-:-.. seamless) 6061.andbar (rolledorcoldftnished) spray ~ Rod..Tt sheet Specification No... Government AMS 4127 4127 4146 B241 B345 B247 B316 B429 4020 4021 4022 4023 MIL-W-85 MIL-W-23068 MIL-W-23351 MIL-P-25995 QQ-A-367..001 in. Control of coolant flow will minimize decrease in mechanical properties Mill form and condition Bar 6061 Sheetand plate LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Thickness.. s: l5> :. 150 100 100 Standard specifications -.. t--- r-. B = 2017.j1 6061·Tt sheet 60 1250 2500 3150 5000 6250 1500 Th ickness.~..andtube(extruded) VAirblast -. C = 6061. ~ 1500 0 '\ """.. 80 'x '0 Tube(hydraulic) ~ 90 ~ E :> E 150 B209 V Water spray .:. LIVE GRAPH 4025 4026 4027 4043 4053 4079 4080 4082 4081 4083 50 1250 ASTM Tube(extruded. JIm QQ-A-22518 WW-T-700/6 MIL-T-7081 B234 B404 B313 B549 Tube(waveguide) t\.rod. Structuralshapes Thbe(drawn) Thbe(seamless) 2500 3150 Click here to view c: ~ 200 '" E QQ-A-2501ll B632 B211 MIL-F-17132 B221 QQ-A-200/8 B808 B241 B483 B210 QQ-A-200/8 4115 4116 4117 4128 4129 4150 4160 4161 4172 4173 4113 Tube(condenser) Tube(condenser withintegralftns) Thbe(welded) 250 II Pipe Pipe(gasandoil transmission) Forgings Forgingstock ~irblast 10 Rivet wire Impacts Structural pipeandtube(extruded) Aiclad6061 Sheetandplate . '\ 200 250 II V Water ~ -.. D =6063 600 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 500 400 A U 0. 60 Treadplate Wire. 0.s 1000 .. Water-immersion quench equals 100%.001 in. Effect of quenching medium on strength of 6061-T6 sheet. 0. Curves at 95% of maximum tensile stress for various alloys. A = 7075. -..Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 1203 6061 Aluminum.MIL-A-22771 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-430 MIL-A-12545 MIL-P-25995 B209 6061 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram..300 I- 200 100 0 1 100 10 t... 40 104 100 30 min 'C 260°C 1500 OF) 1 week 2 months 1 year 0.1 20 I week 2 m10nlhs 103 Elapsed lime after qucnchmq. .... 1--- 10 I 'C .1 10 ~ o I .~ 300 ~ :.2% oll"set)(a) ksl MPa 324 290 283 276 262 214 103 34 19 12 47 42 41 40 38 31 15 5 2.. '" ..18°C (0 OF) 1 year 1 week 2 months I 0..1 10 104 100 Duration of precipitation heat treatment.1 .I day -. Q. 50 ~ Duration of precipitation heat treatment. 40 ..Jc 10°FI ~-'CI32°FI ATt--- 40 .01 0. testloading applied at 35 MPalmin (5 ksilmin) to yield strength and then at strain rate of 5%/min to fracture .1:" 10 ~.... no load. % 22 18 17 17 18 20 28 60 85 95 (a) Lowest strength for exposures up 10 10 000 h at temperature. s ::...5 4.!! l- 50 s £" ~ 30 I- 30 -18'C 10 OF) .1 f. h ".----..~ r 6061 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties of 6061-T6 or T651 at various temperatures 0 iii 0 0 0. h AT . I- Q. h :.-_..-·---. Aging characteristics of aluminum sheet alloys at room temperature. :. 1400 'F) c a 25 :.r-_ 20 -- (.----. o l". and at -18°C (0 OF) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 6061 350.E N " E E _205'C _ 170°C _'50'C 3011---+. t.- .. 100 '" £ 60 10 15 E 105 30 E o ~ 'Duration of precipitation heat treatment.~ I- 100 0. ::.. Aging characteristics of 6061 sheet LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view 6061 Aluminum.~ -·C 132 OF) .. 35 . h 30 500 70 - 400 105 i 300 40 'C 250 " m 40 200 -- :.r. .---. 45 ::....7 1..---... o 0 III .8 Elongation..---.230°C 1340 of) 1300 'FI----i-----if----. £ 200 10 30 205 t... 20 10 Io . 1450 ° FI 1400 'Ft I yea.6 3 rleld strength (0. ~ .50 600 ..nO" 1 day I week I 1 year 20 2 months 104 10 Elapsed time aher quenching.01 --... h If.2041 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 6061 Aluminum. .. h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 105 'Thmperalure of "C -196 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 'ThnsUestrength(a) MPa ksi 414 338 324 310 290 234 131 51 32 24 60 49 47 45 42 34 19 7. 35 .04 Elapsed lime alief Quenching. 10 I I II 102 103 ~ t 30 'C .80 500 - 70 - 60 ~ Q. 100 50 0 230 "c 1450°FI 20 I 15 0..: 40 AT 200 1--.. at 0 °C (32 OF).s 1 ~ay 30 mll~ 10 0.. ~ 400 . IJ2 'FlI.---..----. c" . Composition: AI-0. Composition: AI-0.036% Cu-O.T451 T6. T651 30 25 17 AIc1ad 6061 0 T4.5 ksi (2BO MPa) Iso-yield curve is 90% of quenched and aged yield strength LIVE GRAPH Click here to view tIOO (4121 90% ofT6 YS 6' o.. Maximum quenched and aged yield strength 40.) 13 nun (0.0625 In..Ol% li0.5 In. held at temperature for varying times.12% Mn-0.Next Page Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 1205 - 6061 Aluminum: Time-temperature property diagrams..014% Mn-O. down quenched to various temperatures into molten salt.ld slrength MPa ksl 124 241 310 18 35 45 55 145 276 8 21 40 25 22 12 117 228 290 17 33 42 48 131 255 7 19 37 25 22 12 Shearlllrength MPa ksi 83 165 207 12 24 30 76 152 186 22 27 Bar 6061 0 T4. (41" 100 fr Qj ~ II"" e:8 '00 100 UIII !lOO l2IOl 100 10 11)00 Time of Isothermal Hold.4 ksl (264 MPa) Iso-yield curve is 90% of quenched and aged yield strength 1 411' 90% ofT6 YS 100 141 6' ~ ~ '00 (nn 0 Qj ~ ~ .23% Cu-0... Treatment: Solution heat-treated at 540°C (1000 OF) for 1 to 1....ll% Fe-0. Maximum quenched and aged yield strength 3B. water quenched.6B% Si-0.01% Cr-0.66% Si-0.. s 6061 Aluminum: Time-temperature property diagrams.Q14% li-O. and aged.6 nun (0. 100 (1111 Qj ~ LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Qj Eo< 100 (1101 400 1104 100 10 1000 Time of Isothermal Hold. Treatment: Solution heat-treated at 550°C (1020 OF) for 1 to 1. and aged. % 1.5 h.. s 6061 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties Temper Elongation.T651 11 .07% Zn-0.12% Cr-0.5 h.) thkk specimen diam specimen ThnsUe strength MPa k.. held at temperature for varying times. down quenched to various temperatures into molten salt.T451 T6.9B% Mg-0.002% y.OOl % B. water quenched.55% Mg-0.3B% Fe-0. . . 0..6Cu-0..7075..0.~e~a~geofvaluesap~~~~~lu~.10 Zn.0 12 6. Temperature is 345 "C (650 OF) 7075.05 others max (each). (See adjoining Table).95.80 to 1. and tube products with following core alloys: 2219.28 Cr...) "73652 temper Longiiudinal 0...0 19.0 14. .10 to 6. Government.0..0..0 125 18 Short transverse 0.0. UNS. bal A1 Specifications (US.R Smmrbspeeimens ma kri Plate.o 225 33 -1. extruded rod. Fin stock and cladding alloy for Alclad plate. and/or Foreign). (See adjoining Table).0 21. die forgings..10Mnmax. (Canada) CSA ZG62. (United Kingdom) BSL..HZ11 97 131 145 107 62 55 8.30Zn.00 Cu..10to2. rolled rings Characteristics Major alloying elements: 5.0 170 25 -1.20 to 2.0 170 25 -1.05 others rnax (each). (Aushia) Onorm AlZnMg-Cul. Alclad 7075 Chemical Composition. 5154. UNS. 0.0.144 x 559 x 2130 m m (4. 5454.05 othersmax (each).0. ( S e e adjoining Table).4365. 148 97 83 41 . plate. (Germany) DIN AlZnMgCul..0 19.5Mg-1.2.6Zn-2.10 Cu max.J454.. 21.0. ZG62 Alclad.0 102 1 2-3 12 (a)In5Omm(2in. B 209.) thick 0. 5050.5 275 40 0. rolled or cold finished wire.6061.50Femax.Previous Page Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 221 7050 Aluminum: Typical axial fatigue strength at lo7cycles Fntipues t r e d (mar stm) Product and temper Stress ho. Structural aircraft parts and other highly stressed structural applications requiring very high strength and good resistance to corrosion.0 115 17 Notched speeimem(n) kd MPn .0 130-150 19-22 Die forgings..18 to0. Al-Zn- Mg-Cu-Al.5.. bal A1 Specifications (US. 3004.16in.0 210-275 3040 "736 temper Hand forgings.0.5 325 47 0.. of 3.5 260 38 0. 0.23Cr Typical Uses. 0. 25-150 m m (1lo 6 in. rod. bar. Composition Limits. 1.10 Mgmax.295m m (1.10 Cu max. ASTM.0 170-300 2444 Extrusionsr.30Zn.0 Zn. extruded tubing. sheet.0 145 21 Long transverse 0.7178 7072 Aluminum: Mechanicalproperty limits for 7072 fin stock mper 'lkmllestrength MLnimum Madmum Mpn hi Mpn hi 0 H14 H18 H19 H25 H111. 0. SAE. hand forgings. drawn tubing.90Mg.70Simax+Fe. 25-150 mm (1 to 6 in. 5. 0.s~~~~ume varies with thicknessof the mill product Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.. 0.40Simax.).0 90 131 13.0..15 others max (total). 50-90 7.5 x 22 x 84 in.7475.30Mnmax. 7072 cladding-0. Composition Limits (7075).5 320-340 46-50 0.10Mnmax.5. bal A1 Composition Limits (Alclad 7075). L96. 5052. AMS.20 Ti max.0 Yleld Elongation (min).80to 1.5 9.5 14. Sheet.10Mgmax. .15 others rnax (total).) thick 2842 T6typelemPers 0..0 180-210 26-30 -1. . andlor Foreign)..0. A97072 Characteristics Major alloying element: 1.0 15. ASTM. Werkstoff-Nr'3. SAE. 3003. (Switzerland) VSM Al-Zn-Mg-Cu: Alclad. MPa ksi %(n) 21 83 3 12 15-20 1-3 .70Simax+Fe. 4.5-13 110-125 70-80 35-50 16-18 10-12 5-7 75-115 11-17 145 90 50 115 90 50 115 60 21 13 7 17 13 7 17 9 7 50 (a)Notch fatigue factor. ISO: AlZn6MgCu Available Product Forms. 0. 0.0.) thick T76511temper 0. Typical Uses. and shapes..15 others max (total). and bar.0 Chemical Composition.. A97075.0 190-290 T73m tempers 0. 8 36. parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of permanent set General Considerations.9 22.. Mlll form andcouditmn AM!3 m 4038 B 209 Minimum Government Bare pmducts Sheetand plate 4078 4122 4123 4124 4154 4167 4168 4169 'hk(extruded.3 36.6 33. .l Forgings T652 T7352 T-Lorientation 28. and weldability.. 25.. Tapered sheet and plate 4039 4048 4049 4047 Alclad oneside products Sheet and plate 4046 ..l T73 10.. temperatures up to 495 "C (920 O F ) are sometimes acceptable. ..8 38...... and rod diameter or bar thickness exceed 100 mm (4 in... rod.... ....1 18 21 19... B 221 . When rod diameters or bar thicknesses exceed 100 mm (4 in. . QQ-A-2299 .1 Forgings T65 1 T7351 .. unless otherwise indicated.5 25 Plate T651 T7351 Extludedshapes T65 10. and W511 tempers at 465 "C (870 OF)..1 26 31 30... . 18.3 21. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace...1 21 .. particularly in the transverse grain direction.....2 26.l Forgings T652 n352 S-Lorientation Caveat: caution should be exercised in T6 temper applications where sustained tensile stresses are encountered. . cold workability..6 34...4 22 24 28.temperaturesup to 495 "C (920 OF) are acceptable. QQ-A-200/1 .4 29....and bar (rolled or cold finished) Rod bar.6 22.5 23 25 28.. are treated to W.5 20.l T7310. With optimum homogenization.9 24.. and (c) ... After solution treatment parts are quenched in water at a temperature ranging from 60 to 80 "C (140 to 180 OF).. with soaking time measured from time load reaches within 6 "C (10 "F) of applicable temperature For detailed information on the treatment of specificproducts and tempers... water should be at room temperature andmaintained at a temperature below 38 "C (100 O F ) during quenching cycle. 28.0 26 30 29. high-volumejets of cold water also is effective in treating some materials Temperatures given here are nominal and should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within f 6 "C (f10 "F) during time at temperature Solution Heat Treating.4 32 34 26... QQ-A-250118 T65 1 T7351 Extruded shapes T6510.. bar.. .1 T73 10. .8 23..and tube (extruded) Impacts Rivets Alclad pmducts Sheet and plate . 0 Nominal metal temperatures should be reached as rapidly as possible and maintained within f 6 "C (&lo O F ) of nominal during time at temperature Time at temperaturedepends on time required for load to reach temperature.0 16 20 19. either residual or applied... Times given here are based on rapid heating. General Considerations. a maximum temperature of 450 "C (840 "F)is recommended to avoid eutectic melting.5 28 35 22. Forgings and forging stock 4139 B 241 B 210 B 247 4045 WE..... . B316 QQ-A-361 IVIIGA-2217 1 =A-12545 QQ-A430 B 209 QQ-A-250/13 . .0 19 20 24. . For additional information on corrosion resistance. With optimum homogenization..... Die and hand forgings are treated to W and W52 tempers at temperature of 470 "C (880 O F ) .2 19 22 24. parts in W51 tempers are stress relieved by stretching to produce or specified amount of permanent set Extruded rod. and bar are treated to W and W51 tempers at 490 "C (910 OF).9 19 . Use of high-velocity.2 31...3 23 33 m. and shapes and tubing.... 20.). .. brazeability. B211 .8 26 . seamlw) nbe (drawn. shapes. see adjoining Table titled... 4110 ..3 23 25.).222 / Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Standard specifications 7075 Aluminum: Typical plane-strain fracture toughness Speei6eathn No.rod. a maximum temperature of 450 "C (840 O F ) is recommended to avoid eutectic melting. (b).6 30... W510.1 17 21 21. Sheet is treated to W temper at temperature of 480 "C (900 OF).5 20 25 24.9 15 19 11.9 22 29 25. ..1 26 31 30.8 18 20.. 'Typical Precipitation Heat Treatments for Aluminum Alloy 7075" Annealing. parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of permanent set Rolled or cold fmished wire...2 31..5 Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging)..2 22 . ..... Subsequent to solution treating and prior to precipitation treating.1 23. machinability. ..3 28 33 35.. ...6 34.. B 209 MPaGhi& Aversge MW-hikYK hlaximum MPaGksiG GTorientation Plate QQ-A-250l2 4044 h d u c t and temper .0 21.. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristicsand Applications" in introduction to this chapter 21. . 28 . Subsequent to solution treating and prior to precipitation treating. Alternative: consider173 temper even though there is some sacrifice in strength. When plate thickness is over 100 mm (4 in..." in introduction titled "Heat Treating Aluminum Alloys... With optimum homogenization. See table titled 'Typical Annealing Treatments for Aluminum Alloy Mill Products.. . Also after solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment. . When quenching in water by total immersion.. .6 26 16. ..." Check footnotes (a)..7 2A 21 28.. Plate T65 1 T7351 Extrudedshapes T6510. temperatures up to 495 "C (920 OF) are sometimes acceptable Plate is treated to W and W51 tempers at temperature of 480 "C (900 OF). seamless) ... Subsequent to solution treating and prior to precipitation treatingparts in W510 and W5 11tempers are stress relieved by stretching to produce a specified amount of permanent set Drawn tubing is treated to W temper at 465 "C (870 OF) 25 .. 001-2. listed properties apply to core material only.000in.040-0.thick Alclad sheet T6.040-0.011 in. T651 Pmperty Limits Sheet and plate 0 Sheet T6.249 in...001-2.187 in..Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 223 7075 Aluminum: Tensile properties 'lkndlertmqth b p e r Yield m g t h Uongathn(a). thick T7351 0.001-2.008-0. thick 0.012-0.000 in. thick 0.000in.500in.) or over in hickness.040-0. thick 0.T651 0.250-0. thick 3.5014.187 in.w h a e dis diameter of reduced section of tensile test specimen.499in. dependingon thickness of cladding . thick 2.039 in.008-0. thick Alelad sheet and plate 0 0. thick T73 T76 Plate T62.126-0.001-3. thick 17 11 Minimum Minimum Minimum .000in thick 2. thick 2.011 in. Where a range appears in this column. thick 0. thick T7351 0. thick T73 0. Tensile and yield strengths of compositeplate are slightly lower lhanlisted value.063-0. thick T76 0. @)Forplate 13mm (0. thick 0. thick 0. 20 @ax) 21 (max) .T651 0.499 in. ma LEi ma kd 96 228 572 503 221 524 33 83 73 32 76 103 503 434 97 462 15 73 63 14 67 17 11 mica1properties 0 T6.250-2.188-0.thick 3. thick 3.250-0. thick 0. T62 0.501-3. thick 2. T62 0. thick 0. thick 0.008-0.501-3. thick Alclad plate T62.000 in.499 in.250-0.062 in.499 in.249 in.188-0.250-0.T651 T73 &lad 0 T6.499 in.249 in.125-0.500in. thick 0.188-0.5014. thick 2.000in.500 in thick 2.000in.249 in.500-1.062 in.000 in.187h thick 0.000in.187 in.the specifiedminimum elongationvaries with thickness of the mill product.500in.500-1.000 in.000in.thick T7651 0. thick 0.250-0.062in.000in.500in.500-1. thick 0.500in. thick 1.500-1. thick 1. thick 0.499 in. thick 0. thick T765 1 0. thick 0.000in...501-3. 145 (max) 21 (rnax) 10 74 76 78 78 67 73 434 462 469 476 386 427 63 67 68 69 56 62 5 7 8 8 8 8 78 78 77 76 72 71 67 462 469 462 441 42 1 400 372 67 68 67 64 61 58 54 9 7 6 5 5 5 3 476 455 441 69 66 64 393 359 338 57 52 49 6-7 6 6 496 490 72 71 421 414 61 60 8 6 248 (max) 262 (max) 269 (max) 276 (max) 36 (max) 38 (max) 39 (max) 138 (rnax) 138(rnax) 145 (max) 20 (max) 9-10 10 10 10 469 483 4% 68 70 72 73 75 400 58 60 62 63 434 441 455 63 276 (max) 510 524 538 538 462 503 538 538 531 524 496 490 462 40 (m) 40 @ax) .500-1.000in.500-1.001-2.012-0.039 in.063-0.063-0. thick 0. thick 0. 64 5 7 8 8 8 66 352 359 372 51 52 54 8 8 8 469 483 68 70 393 407 57 59 8 8 517 538@) 531@) 52W) 496@) 4W) 462@) 75 78@) 77@) 76@) 72@) 71@) 67@) 448 469@) 462@) 421W 4wb) 372@) 65 68@) 67@) 64@) 61@) 58@) 54@) 9 7 6 5 5 5 3 455 476 66 69 372 393 54 57 8 7 476 4W) 69 710 400 4140~) 58 @J(b) 8 6 503 517 64 414 427 434 441 (a) In 50 mm (2 in.001-3.188-0..) or 4d. thick 3.001-2.125 in. Cooling curves for 7075-T6 sheet LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 500 T6. test loading applied at 35 W m i n (5 ksiimin) to yield smgth and hen at shainrate of 5%/min to fracture.6 14 14 13 13 900 800 400 0 700 .) i 2 100 0 5 10 20 15 Time. u ?600 I Z 300 I E 500 I-" I-" 400 200 300 634 545 524 503 434 214 110 76 315 600 55 370 700 41 92 19 76 73 63 31 16 11 8 6 496 462 448 434 400 186 90 62 45 32 15 30 55 65 70 70 (a) Lowest smngth for exposures up to 10 OOO h at lemperarUre.6 9 11 11 11 14 30 55 65 70 70 72 67 65 63 58 27 13 9 6.5 4.T651tempers -196 40 -320 -112 -18 -28 24 15 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 270 700 "73. O C LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 600 I I I I I I 80 500 ' 70 400 60 c s 60 300 3 40 In In 200 30 20 100 10 0. I 25 30 35 . Effect of temperature on tensile properties of Alclad 7075-T6 Testing temperature. O C Testing temperature.(b)In5Omm (2 in. T7351 tempers -1% -320 -80 -112 -28 -I8 24 75 100 212 150 300 400 205 260 500 703 621 593 572 483 214 102 110 16 11 8 6 76 55 41 90 86 83 70 31 634 545 511 503 448 186 87 62 45 32 92 19 75 73 65 27 13 9 6.5 4. no load. h 7075 Aluminum: Typical tensile properties at various temperatures 7075 Aluminum.1 I I 1 10 I I0 10000 1000 100 Rupture time.224 / Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Testing temperature. O F 100 600 7075 Aluminum. O F 300 200 80 600 70 400 60 c I 60 C 40 6 300 e 6 200 30 20 100 10 0 0 50 160 100 0 200 Testing temperature. 5 in.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 225 700 600 OIh - LIVE GRAPH 75 500 a I i' 400 P 2 50 c Click here to view I cP $ a. mmlm s 1 103 ._ . Effect of surface conditions on the midplane cooling of a 13 mm (0.1 0 10 ioo Strain rate. Effect of strain rate and temperature on tensile strength of 7075-T6 100 F 200 25 100 0 ( 1 0._ 300 - v) v) F 7075 Aluminum. . s 400 'f !+ 300 f 4- c e E F E 200 F 100 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 0 10 20 30 40 Time. s 50 60 70 80 .) thick plate of 7075 from quenching in (a) 20 "C (70 O F ) water and (b) boiling water 500 8oo 400 ' ?i c e f F 600 300 3 c e 200 100 Black oxide etched coating As-rolled surface Sanded surface 0 0 1 2 5 4 3 I LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 6 Time. 7075 Aluminum. heating-up rates.(f)Theagingpr~ticewillv~ withtheprcduct. rnrn Side A 50 MI 10 80 Side 8 LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view . inlempled after 3 s T652(d) T7352(d)(e) T6 (a) The nominal metal temperature should be anained as rapidly as possible and maintained f10"F of nominal during the time at temperature.) thick LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Depth.5 15 20 3. etc. I 60 1 . rod.and 4) 8 to 10hat 175"C (350 T )for forgings in T73 temper and 6 to 8 hat 175 "C (350 "F)for forgings in "7352 temper.0 Control specimen 1 1 Quenched from side A only A Quenched from side 8 . plate. mm Side A Depth. and bar Extrudedrcd. 2) 8 to 10hat 175"C(350 "F)for rolled or cold-f~shed rod and bar. (d)S!xess-relievedby 1to 59bcoldreductionsubsquenttosolution heattreatmentandpriortoprecipitationheattreatment.(e) Thisagingofaluminumalloys7075and7178fromany tempertotheT73(applicableto7075only) or 'I76 temper series required closer than normal conaols on aging practice variables such as time. with soaking time measuredfromthetimethelcadreacheswithin10"Foftheapplicabletemperamre.5% maximum yield strength of 7075-T6sheet LIVE GRAPH hper desiion T6 T73(e) T7W T62 T651(c) T7351(c)(e) T7651(c)(e) T62 T6 T73(e) T62 T651(c) T7351(c)(e) T6 T73(e) T76(e) T62 T651qc) T73510(c)(e) T76510(c)(e) T6511(c) T73511(c)(e) 'I765 1l(c)(e) T6 T73(e) T62 T651qc) T73510(c)(e) T6511(c) T73511(c)(e) T6 T73W T62 T6 Click here to view 500 V . (b)The time at temperaturewill depend on time required for load to reach temperature. In addition to the above. in. 70 D C 60 ? -=- 50 350 5 -5 - 5 5 40 - 30 5 250 D C m -I 150 0 2 f 450 1 10 20 30 40 Depth.whereapplicable.thespecificconditionoftheT6temper material (such as its property level and other effect of processing variables) is extremely important and will afSect thecapabilityof there-aged material toconfom to the requirementsspecified for the applicableT13orT76temperseries. .for any given item. barand shapes Extruded tube Drawntube Die forgings OF Appmrtheat tempemturn@) Hours 7075 Aluminum. 0 I .5 1.5 2.0 3.0 25 550 0" . (g)An alternate two-stage treahmnt comprisedof4hat95"C(205"F)followedby8hatl~oC(3lSo~~omaybeused.o 0.f m d 900 400 Y 700 +E E 500 E r-" 200 300 100 0.Theoptimumpracticefor aspecific item can be ascertained only by actualtrial treatment of the itemunder specific conditions. 2 0 I .The timesshown are based on rapid heating.(c)Sms-relieved by sktching. (i) 'ho-stage treatment comprised of 6 to 8 h at 105 "C (225 OF) followed by a second stage of: 1) 24 to 30 hat 165 "C (325 "F)for sheet and plate. C-curve for 99.natureof equipment.. 3) 6 to 8 hat 175'C (350 OF) for extrusions and tube. 0) An alternatetwo-stage treatmentfor sheet. Through-thickness property variations due to quench rate and temperature-rise effects in 7075-T62 plate 75 rnm (3 in. priortoany precipitation heat treatment.226 / Heat Treater's Guide: NonferrousAlloys 7075 Aluminum: Typical Precipitationheat treatments Me(al tempemtum(a) &Y 7075(g) PmdUd Sheet Plate Rolled or c o l d f ~ s h e d wire.An alternatetwo-stage treatment of 8 hat 100"C (210 OF) followed by 24 lo 28 h at 165 "C (325 OF) may be used. tube. QAnaltemate three-stage treatment comprised of 5 h at 100 "C (210 "F)followed by 4 h at 120 "C (250 O F ) followed by 4 h at 150"C (300 "F)also may be used.5 2. when re-aging malerialintheT6ternperseriestothe'I73orT76temperseries.1 10 1 100 10 000 1000 Critical lime. in. For rolled or cold-finished rodand bar the alternate treatment is 10hat 175 "C (350 "F) c i 300 Hand forgings Rolledrings @ 0 1 I 50 1 1 1 Side 8 Deplh. 1oadingproceduresandfurnaceconaolcapabilities. muired 10produce a specified amount of permanent set subsequent to solution heat matmentand. 500 -. %ical p d u r e s i n v o l v e a two-stage&eamentcomprisedof3to30hat 12OoC(25O0F)followedby15 to 18 hat 165 "C(325 OF) forextrusions. temperature.andextrusionscomprisedof6to8 hat 105"C(225"F)followedbyasecondstageof1410 18 h at 170 "C (335 OF) may be used providing a heating-uprate of-5 "C (25 "F)h is used. I 7075 Aluminum. In.o 0. a a 5 400 s D 5 300 Side 8 Depth.0 - 600 5 c .size. mm Side A Deplh. Effect of uphill quenching on deflectionof tines. at 0 "C (32 OF). Six-tine specimen was machined from 50 by 50 mm (2 by 2 in.1 1 10 102 103 0" 104 -2600 Elapsed time after quenching. h -1300 -50 -2600 -100 -3900 -150 x 0 c .Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 227 7075 Aluminum. and at -1 8 "C (0"F) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 7075Aluminum. Aging characteristics of 7075 sheet at room temperature.) and 75 by 75 mm (3 by 3 in. h t50 LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view ._c o z 9 0 C -50 -2 + al a -100 Quenched from -75 "C (-100 O F ) to steam AQuenched from liquid nitrogen to steam -3900 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -150 8 Tine number LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view . Similar specimens machined from 25 by 25 mm (1 by 1 in.) bars had four and eight tines._ c g- .-c 0 -u c '=D r a A -5200 Quenched from liquid nilrosen 10 steam I I I I 2 3 4 5 -I -200 6 Tine number Elapsed time alter quenching. respectively LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 2600 +I300 0 E -1300 c P -0 c 0.) bar. I 1 10 102 103 104 E Elapsed lime alter quenching. h -3900 -5200 J A Quenched from liquid nitrogen to steam 2 -6500 3 4 Tine number +50 +1300 0 0 0. Comparison of distribution of yield strength in heat-treated 7075-T6 clad sheet product with distribution in a single sheet. MPa 7075 Aluminum. s 300 E P E 150 c ~ .I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I . Effect of time and temperature in interrupted quenching experiments on tensile and yield strength of alloy 7075.) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view I Yield strength. A is 95% probabilitythat not more than 1% of all material will fall below this value: B is 95% probability that not more than 10% of all material will fall below this value. sec I I 1 1111 I00 I # I I I 1 1000 . expressed as percentages of strengths obtained by quenching without interruption 900 800 L 700 LIVE GRAPH @3 6 0 0 z Click here to view t 500 E I-” 400 300 200 0.01 0. (A and B refer only to curve representing 4290 routine mill tests.228 / Heat Treater’s Guide: NonferrousAlloys Yield strength.-Yield 10 Time. h 7075 Aluminum: Timetemperature-property diagram. Iso-yieldstrength curves 225 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 400 200 !+ 9 E! E! 2 L 2 175 350 0. kri 7075 Aluminum.-C P 125 250 100 0.P .1 1 10 100 1000 Aging time.o I I I I I I I I Tensile strenglh strength . C) CURVES ARE LOCI OF YIELD STRENGTH K S I AND ( K g / m m Z l 325 I- I 150 300 a I 275 a z 125 250 2 w 3 225 0 100 I 200 0. 'O0I 100 01 I 1 10 1 1 0 100 t.thencold water Boilingwaterto315 oC(600°F).3 69. Effectsof precipitationtreatment time and temperature on strength of 7075 plate quenched directly to the precipitationtreatment temperature LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 35c I 'W U 3 Q LL W I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l 1 1 1 1 1 ~ I I I l l l l *C 175 OUENCHED FROM SOLUTION TREATMENT TEMPERATURE INTO WOOD'S METAL AT 200.1 498 478 463 449 72. then cold water 935 50 1680 90 30 55 5 9 Mepcwpd yield 0.327 21.1 .9 Ykld rtreqgth fromawrage 499 463 443 242 72.2 64.1 66.4 67.1 65. Curves at 95% of maximum tensile stress for various alloys 6 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 500 5 300 I- .464 8.539 15.5 I l l 1 I 2 5 10 20 100 50 HOURS AT QUENCH-AGING TEMPERATURE 7075 Aluminum: Yield-strength values for 7075-T6sheet predicted from cooling curves using average quench rate and quench factor Yieldstrength M Average quench rate for4W l o 290°C Cold water DeMturedalcoholt0290"C(55OoF).4 67.4 67.2 35.334 506 476 458 468 73.F (94'Cl TO 350.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 229 ~ ~~ ~~ 7075 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram.A?-- .2 I I 0.F (177.thencold water Still air to 370 "C (700 OF).s 7075 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram.4 69. aicool.aircool.lCnln) 12 14 16 12 14 16 12 14 .) (0. % in 50 m m (2 in.05in. air cool . (f)Soak 1 hat425°C(795"F).064 in.(d) Soak2 hat415 f 14°C (775f25OF).5 Elongationin bending(c)..6mm 2. Is0 yield strength curves LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 200 100 7075 Aluminum: Effects of annealing treatments on ductility of 7075-0 sheet Anwaliog treatment Tkatment I(d) Treabnent2(e) Treatment3(f) EInnpationin tension(n). %in501010 (2 h)forthielmest& 1.230 / Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 7075 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram.020 h) (0.61~ (0.)gagespanning frachue.lCnin.6 mrn 2.61~ 2.) for thickness of: 0. Effects of precipitationtreatment time and temperatureon strength of 7075 + Ag plate quenched directly to the precipitation treatment temperature 375 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view W 5 325 l- a a W 5 300 225 200 HOURS AT QUENCH-AGING TEMPERATURE 7075 Aluminum: Time-temperature-property diagram. @)Bend angleatfustfrachue.fumacecoolto2300C(4500F)at300Ch (50"F/h). (e)Soak2hat425°C(795"D.064 h) (0.064in.soak6 h at 230 "C(450 OF). fiunace coolto260aC~5000~at300C/h(500F/h~.6 m m (0.5mm 1.) (0.3 mm(0.) 82 91 92.aircool..(c)Elongation in bend testfor 1.soak2hat 230"C(450"F).forthieknesoE 1. Bendangle@).61~ (0.degms.lrnh) 73 76 48 58 50 57 84 56 60 (a)Uniformelongationofgridded tension specimens. Keller’s reagent.Mg. annealed. 250x icrostr~ctures... Platelets of MgZn. solution heat treated.0027 in.. (c) 7075-T7352forgings. precipitated at grain boundariesduring slow cooling.07 mm (0. solution heat treated. (b) 7075-0 sheet. Comparison of yield strength C-curves for 7050-T76 and 7075-T6 sheet LIVE GRAPH f K 800 100 Click here to view . 350x . annealed. 25% HNO.. (d) 7075-T7352forging.Mn)Al.Mn)Al.. 250x. 500x. 7075-T6sheet clad with 0.This is a normal structure. Keller’s reagent. 500x... (light gray.064-in.6-mm (0. The insoluble particles of FeAI. and artificially aged. cooled slowly from annealingtemperature. cold reduced..) total thickness. Fusion voids (black areas) and agglomeration of insoluble phases (dark gray). . (dark) were precipitatedat lower temperatures during heating to or cooling from the annealing temperature. Particles in cladding (top) are Fe.(a) 7075-0 sheet.*--- 100 I g 600 3 ka BL w c w 400 300 icrostructures. cold reduced. Particles are insoluble (Fe.SiAl.Si may be present. (dark gray). 25% HNO. outlined) were not affected by the annealingtreatment.Al.. Keller’s reagent. Some unresolved Mg. those in core are Cr.roperty diagram. Eutectic meltingtemperature was exceeded during solution heat treatment. and (Fe. and artificially aged. The fine particles of MgZn.) of alloy 7072 for 1. Keller’s reagent. showing the deformedgrains and neckingat the fracture. 200x. (b) Brittle fracture in overheated 7075T6 Alclad sheet. Woody. Not polished. Keller’s reagent. Keller’s reagent. (c) Typical branched intergranularstress-corrosioncracks in 7075-T6 extruded bar. Parting plane fracture in a 7075T6 forging that contained a bushing was caused by excessiveassembly stress.(a)Typical ductile fracture 7075T6 Alclad sheet. 1 . brittle fracture pattern is typical of garting-planefracture in this alloy. The fracture started at the machined hole and progressedparallel to the flow lines of the forging. Keller’s reagent. 8x. 200x. 200x . 4x s. (c) Patting plane fracture in a 7075-T6 forging that contained a bushing in a machinedhole (machined hole at bottom). caused by solid-solution melting at the grain boundaries. Keller’s reagent. 5 ~(b) in a machined hole. not etched. Fracture . Transverse section.. 707 inum: (a) Patting-plane fracture in 7075-T6 forging that contained a bushing in a machined hole. Keller’s reagent. (b) larged view of an area of the fold. 8x. during forging. at lower right in adjoining figure. oxides. Defect contains nonmetallic particles. Defectwas co nuous before machining.or lap.inu inu c ~ o s ~ r u ~ ~(a) u rFold. which prevented it from welding. e ~ . or lap. at a machinedfillet in a 7075-T6 forging. See etails of a small area of the portion of the defect at lower right. and voids. 200x . Keller’s reagent. or healing. Keller’s reagent. (a) Surface appearance of a lap (at trough. not etched. Not polished. 500x icrostructures. indicating that the defect occurred during forging. The trough at the surface is at the left. Arrows illustrate sites at machined hole where stress-corrosion cracks originatedbecause of stress acting across the short transverse grain direction. 2. (b) Section through the forging lap shown in surface view in adjoining figure.75~.(b) Higher magnificationview of area of the fractured lug in figure that contains intergranularcracks caused by stress corrosion. The grains near the lap are deformed. center) in an alloy 7075-T6 forging. lox. Forging flow lines bend in the vicinity of the lap. (a) Fracturedlug of a 7075-T6 forging. which indicates that the defect occurred during forging. which resulted when assembly of a pin in the machined hole produced excessive residual hoop stress in the lug. Keller’s reagent. 200x . Keller’s reagent.s. 9x. Keller’s reagent. shown at higher magnification. Keller’s reagent.The cracks developed from shrinkage cavities. (c) Area of the forging in figure above that contains intergranularand connecting transgranular cracks shown at a higher magnification. (b) Area of the forging in figure above that contains rows of unhealedshrinkage cavities (black). Keller’s reagent. The cracks developed from the cavities. (a) Band of shrinkage cavities and internal cracks in an alloy 7075-T6 forging. 200x. 200x . which were produced during solidificationof the ingot and which remainedduring forging because of inadequatecropping.rou luminu s. No cracks have developed from the cavities in this particular area. ui . Keller's reagent. Rapid attack was parallel to the surface of the extrusion and alongthe grain boundariesor along striations within elongated grains. showing how the corrosion product caused the uncorroded.20x. resulting in a leafing action. Keller's reagent. (a) Exfoliation-typecorrosion in an alloy 7075-T6 extrusion. (b) Higher magnificationview of figure above (rotated go"). 200x . recrystallized skin of the extrusion to split away. 200x. (b) Fracture in 7075T6 extrusion. both of which originated in the ingot. fractured). showing a spongy inclusion of dross (center) and some segregation of chromium particles (left) at fracture surface. 3x.Next Page lurninurn s. Keller's reagent.) Not polished. Segregation originated in the ingot and persisted through to the final product. 200x . Keller's reagent. not etched. (a) Brittle fracture surfaces in a tension-test specimen machinedfrom 7075-T6 forging that contained a defect. (Shrinkagecavities and internal cracks. (c) Fracture in 7075-T6extrusion. showing segregation of chromium particles (light gray. 20 Fe max.1 to 2. 5.Previous Page 238/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 7075 Aluminum: Microstructures.15 Si max. 4179. UNS. 1. 0.r.10 Ti max.28 Cr.1 Zn. 0. 0. Keller's reagent.0 27.05 max other (each). 120 to 175°C (250 to 350 OF) 7175 Aluminum: Plane-strain fracture toughness of 7175-1736 forgings Plane-strain fracture toughness Minimum Average Characteristics Temperand orientation Typical Uses. high fracture toughness.15 max others (total) Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 515°C (960 OF). 2.9 Mg. 4148. Temperature. (a) Intergranular corrosion in 7075-T6 plate.7 23.6 30 26 Hand forgings 1736 L·T T·L S·L 33. Temperature.S. Die and hand forgings for structural parts requiring very high strength. A97175 Annealing.4 29.18 to 0. and good fatigue resistance Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating.10 Mn max. AMS. 0.5 23.0 28.1 to 6.n ks~ MPa.2 to 2. 4109. such as aircraft components.S·L 29.n ~ 1736 L·T T·L.7 26. Quench from lower temperature MPa. Composition Limits.4 34 27 24 Die forgings . Grain boundaries were attacked. 415°C (775 OF) Aging. 0. 4149.1 27 21 33. 200x. Temperature. 200x (a) b 7175 Chemical Composition. (b) Pitting-type corrosion (dark area) in the surface of an aircraft-wing plank machined from 7075-T6 extrusion. causing the grains to separate. resistance to exfoliation corrosion and stress-corrosion cracking. T736 tempers supply high strength.0 Cu. must be preceded by soak at 477 to 485 °C (890 to 905 OF). Keller's reagent. 0.1 30 25 21 37.r. Degraded fracture toughness Specifications (U. 0. and/or Foreign). Caveat: the T6 temper is highly susceptible to exfoliation corrosion.rod.40 to 3.05 Ti max. UNS. shapes. parts are stress relieved by stretching to produce specified amount of permanent set after solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment • Rolled or cold finished wire and rod are treated to W temper at 465°C (870 OF) .5 10 100 1000 10000 0.10 Mg max. Extruded wire. 0. 1. 0.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /239 7175 Aluminum: Typical mechanical properties of 7175-T736 die forgings up to 75 mm (3 in.50 Zn.10 to 0. 6. bal Al Composition Limits (Alclad 7178). extruded wire.20 Ti max.ld strength MPa ksI 745 676 572 552 503 476 462 476 483 483 476 414 414 414 372 296 214 345 345 324 241 179 131 303 283 214 221 103 90 241 214 145 103 83 76 EIongation(al. Composition Limits (7178).10 Mg.80 to 1.shapes. 0.30 Mn. brazeability. 0. 7011 cladding--o.40 Cu. 0. Alclad sheet and plate QQ-A-250114 QQ-A-250121 QQ-A-2ooll3 QQ-A-2oo/14 QQ-A-250/15 QQ-A-250122 QQ-A-250128 Solution Heat Treating. bar.) 7178. AMS. 0. and tubing: 4158. rod. • Sheet is treated to W temper at 470°C (875 "F) • Plate is treated to W temper at 470°C (875 "F). 0. bal Al Specifications (U.05 others max (each). 0. and/or Foreign).35 Cr.70 Si max + Fe. Alclad 7178. 0.08 to 0. and weldability.00 to 1.60 to 2.0Cu-0. Improved resistance is obtained with T76 temper. cold workability. sheet and plate: 4051.15 Si max.andtube(extruded) B221 Rivet wire B316 B241 B209 Alcladsheetandplate Characteristics Major alloying elements: 6.60 Mg. ASTM. A97178. 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 0. bar. 1.1 0.30 Mnmax. J454. and tubing. Aircraft and aerospace vehicles where high compressive yield strength is required. bar.ngth Eiongation(al. Sheet and plate. bal Al.1 0.00 to 5. 7072 cladding-i-Odtl Cu max. 0. 0.30 Zn. 0.40 Si max. which has mechanical properties similar to those of7075-T6.7Mg-2.30 to 7. machinability.15 others max (total).1 0. 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 0. SAE. 0.3Cr Typical Uses. 2. In treating plate to W51 temper. h 0.1 0. shapes.20 Fe max. Alelad 7178 Chemical Composition.15 others max (total). 4.05 Cu max.8Zn-2. 0. rivet wire.05 others max (each).20 Cr.05 others max (each). extruded and seamless tubing. seamless) Available Product Forms. Government. For information on corrosion resistance. MPa ksi % 503 503 503 510 510 517 503 503 503 496 462 359 248 490 483 427 331 228 152 469 427 296 207 138 110 441 359 228 145 103 97 73 73 73 74 74 75 73 73 73 72 67 52 36 71 70 62 48 33 22 68 62 43 30 20 16 64 52 33 21 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 18 14 14 16 16 18 20 16 14 16 18 20 25 16 16 17 19 25 25 (a) In 50 nun (2 in.15 others max (total).) thick -c Temperature -253 -196 OF 24 100 -423 -320 -112 -18 75 212 150 300 175 350 205 400 230 450 --SO -28 'lime at temperature. rod. 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 0. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Specillcation number ASTM Government Tube (extruded. 0.30 Zn.5 10 100 1000 10000 Tensilestrength MPa ksi 876 731 621 600 552 490 490 496 503 503 496 427 427 427 393 310 241 365 379 338 262 200 165 324 310 228 165 124 124 262 228 159 117 97 90 127 106 90 87 80 71 71 72 73 73 72 62 62 62 57 45 35 53 55 49 38 29 24 47 45 33 24 18 18 38 33 23 17 14 13 At indkaled temperature Y". (See adjoining Table) Standard specifications MiUformand condition Sheetandplate B209 WIre.S. 0. 4052.1 0.50 Fe max.18 to 0. (See adjoining Table). % 108 98 83 80 73 69 67 69 70 70 69 60 60 60 54 43 31 50 50 47 35 26 19 44 41 31 32 15 13 35 31 21 15 12 11 12 13 14 16 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 20 18 20 25 30 30 20 25 25 25 35 55 20 30 35 35 45 65 20 25 35 40 45 50 Thnsilesln:ngth ksI MPa 552 552 552 552 558 565 558 552 552 552 524 441 352 538 538 496 421 331 262 524 503 393 317 255 234 510 448 338 269 234 221 80 80 80 80 81 82 81 80 80 80 76 64 51 78 78 72 61 48 38 76 73 57 46 37 34 74 65 49 39 34 32 At room temperature after beating Yield sl". 4 415 380 340 255 170 255 200 145 97 69 110 90 66 45 29 48 41 34 26 60 55 49 37 25 37 29 21 14 10 16 13 9. • Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. (b) In 50rom(2in.0% 0. and shapes are treated to T6. • In aging 7178 from any temper up to 176 series. is extremely important and will affect capability of the re-aged material to conform to requirements of the 173 or 176 temper series • Nominal metal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained at ±6 °C (±1O "F) during time at temperature • Time at temperature depends on time needed for load to reach temperature.2% oflid)(a) MPa ksi Thnslle5\rengtb(a) MPa ksi Thmperature EIoogatIoD(b). bar.1% MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPH ksi 420 395 345 270 180 260 205 145 61 57 50 39 26 38 30 21 14 10 16 14 10 7.8 395 360 310 235 150 235 180 130 83 59 105 83 55 34 57 52 45 34 22 34 26 19 12 8. the specific condition of the T6 Yieldsln!ngth (0.5 6. In addition.5 6 5 4 1.5 6.7 .) 7178 Aluminum: Creep-rupture properties of 7178-T6 -c 150 205 260 315 Thmperature OF 300 400 500 600 TIme under stress.9 3. Times given here are based on rapid heating with soaking measured from time load reaches within 6 °C (10 OF) of applicable temperature 7178 Aluminum: Typicaltensile properties -c OF T6. such as property levels. prior to precipitation treatment.5 650 580 560 540 470 185 83 62 48 38 94 84 81 78 68 27 12 9 7 5.8 97 69 110 97 69 52 34 52 45 38 30 23 97 76 55 97 66 41 38 26 46 36 27 19 30 21 14 11 8 14 9. high-volume jets of cold water also is effective for some materials. water should be at room temperature and suitably cooled to remain below 38°C (100 "F) during quenching cycle.1 1 10 100 1000 0.5 5 3.5 615 540 525 505 440 185 83 62 48 38 89 78 76 73 10 10 10 11 17 40 70 76 80 80 64 27 12 9 7 5. when material is quenched by total immersion in water. with soaking time measured from time load reaches within 6 °C (10 "F) of the applicable temperature • Extruded rod. For additional details see MIL-H-6088 or ASTM B 597 • Nominal metal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O "F) of nominal during time at temperature. temperature and heating rates.5 15 12 8 5 365 315 250 185 130 205 145 53 45 34 26 6.5% 0.5 (a)Loweststrength for exposures up to 10000 h at temperature.5 4. Both tempers are also stress relieved by stretching like those in T6510 temper General Considerations. In treating to 176 temper a two-stage treatment is used: 6 to 8 hat 105°C (225 OF) is followed by 24 to 30 h at 165°C (325 "F) • Rolled or cold finished wire and rod are treated to T6 temper at 120°C (250 oF) for 24 h • Extruded rod. Product in 17610 and 176511 temper is subjected to twostage treatment: 3 to 5 h at 120°C (250 OF). Unless otherwise indicated.testloading applied at 35 MPalmin (5ksVmin) toyieldstrength andthenat strain rateof5%/min to fracture. Product treated to W510 and W511 tempers is stress relieved by stretching to produce specified amount of permanent set after solution treatment and prior to precipitation treatment General Considerations. bar. closer than normal controls on aging practice are required.5 6. and T6510 tempers at 120°C (250 OF) for 24 h.3 3.5 5 7. • Sheet is treated to T6 and T62 tempers at 120°C (250 OF). Product treated T6510 temper is stress relieved by stretching to produce specified amount of permanent set after solution treatment and.1 1 10 100 1000 0.240 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys material.b 0.2% 0.5 6.5 3. Times given here are based on rapid heating. T7651tempers -196 -320 -112 --110 -18 -28 24 75 100 212 149 300 204 400 260 500 316 600 371 700 Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging).5 5 8 9 11 14 40 70 76 80 80 730 625 605 570 475 215 105 76 59 45 106 91 88 83 69 31 15 11 8. Use ofhigh-velocity.1 1 10 100 1000 Stress fortreep of: Rupture stress MPa ksi 440 415 370 285 180 275 215 150 105 69 110 97 69 55 41 62 52 41 34 28 64 60 54 41 26 40 31 22 15 10 16 14 10 8 6 9 7. T62. T651 tempers -196 -320 -112 --110 -18 -28 24 75 100 212 149 300 204 400 260 500 316 600 371 700 T76.2 7 6 4.5 4. no load. followed by 18 to 21 hat 160°C (320 "P). for such variables as time. when re-aging material in T6 temper series to the 173 or 176 series.1 1 10 100 1000 0. where applicable.5 5. and shapes are treated to W temper at 465°C (870 "F).5 6 5. % 730 650 625 605 505 215 105 76 59 45 106 94 91 88 73 31 15 11 8. 125 in.06 Mn max.8 143 90 136 87 122 102 150 111 147 109 149 125 34 35 38 29.125 ln. 4090. followed by 3 hat 160°C (320 "F) Sheet is treated to T761 temper by two-stage treatment: 120°C (250 OF) for 3 h. AMS.047 in.90 to 2. 0. roomtemperature -54°C (--{)5 oF) 37.071 in. see Table titled "Comparative Characteristics and Applications" in introduction to this chapter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Sheet is treated to T61 temper in a two-stage treatment: 120°C (250 OF) for 3 h.) centercrackedpanelwithantibuck1ing guides . Keller's reagent.4 rom (0. Times given here are based on rapid heating.roomtemperature -54°C (--{)5 oF) 1.8 rom (0.90 Cu.20 to 1.9 47. 3. roomtemperature -54°C (--{)5 oF) 1.063 in. GIl General Considerations. Note exfoliation of the sheet.) of 7072 (3. and.7Zn-2.25 Cr. GIl GIl Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace.18 to 0. and/or Foreign).127 mm (0. clad with 0.) thick. water should be at room temperature and suitably cooled to remain below 38°C (l00 OF) during quenching cycle. 1. (b) 7178-T76 sheet. followed by 24 to 30 h at 160°C (320 oF) Rod is treated to T62 temper in a two-stage treatment: 3 h at 120°C (250 "F). high-volume jets of cold water is also effective for some materials Nominal metal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O OF) of nominal during time at temperature.06 Ti max.6 rom(0. GIl For information on corrosion resistance. GIl GIl GIl Sheet is treated to W temper at 480°C (900 "F). cold workability. plate.7 30. Alloy provides combination of high strength and high fracture toughness.) thick. before solution treating Rod is treated to W temper at 480°C (900 OF) General Considerations.5Cu-0.15 others max (total). or 0.)thick. where applicable.60 Mg.6 rom (0.3 52.20 Zn. 0. ~ Temper 8-L MParm ~ High-strength plate (Klc)(a) T651 T7651 T7351 42.063 in.6 rom(0.2 27 28 32 130 82 123 79 112 93 137 101 134 99 136 114 (a)Determined usingstandard compacttensionspecimen. Use of high-velocity.5 41. GIl GIl GIl GIl Characteristics Major alloying elements: 5.4 38.05 others max (each).)thick.2 mm (0. 0.roomtemperature -54°C (--{)5 oF) 1.005 in. 0.A97475 Available Product Forms. 75x (a) Chemical Composition. 4085. exposed in a test chamber containing a fog of 5% NaCI for two weeks. 0.22Cr Typical Uses. in a test chamber containing a fog of 5% NaCI for two weeks.20 to 6. a temperature at which temperature melting may occur if thermal pretreatment is not adequate Plate treated at 480°C (900 OF) is also subject to melting if thermal pretreatment is not adequate.2 mm. 5.7 39 43 48 High-strength sheet (Kc)(b) 1. brazeability.2 rom(0. 75x.) thick. Sheet.needed for load to reach temperature.Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /241 7178 Aluminum: Microstructures. and rod (b Precipitation Heat Treating (Artificial Aging). Keller's reagent. Times given here are based on rapid heating with soaking time measured from time load reaches within 6 °C (10 OF) of applicable temperature 7475 Aluminum: Typical fracture-toughness values L-T T-L MPa". 1. 3. machinability. (b) Determined using400x 1120rom(16 x 44 in.30Mg-1. with soaking time measured from time load reaches within 6 °C (10 "F) of the applicable temperature Solution Heat Treating. and weldability.)thick.S.12 Fe max.)thick. when parts are quenched by total immersion in water.063 in.2 mm (0.roomtemperature -54°C (--{)5 oF) 1. Bar and Alclad sheet and plate for aircraft fuselage and wing skins. total thickness). 4089. followed by 3 h at 165°C (330 oF) Nominal metal temperatures should be attained as rapidly as possible and maintained at ±6 °C (±1O OF) during time at temperature Time at temperature depends on time. Sacrificial corrosion of cladding prevented exfoliation of sheet during testing. 0. bal Al Specifications (U. Product treated to W51 temper is stress relieved by stretching to produce specified amount of permanent set subsequent to solution treatment.055 in.) thick. roomtemperature -54°C (--{)5 oF) 1. spars. Unless otherwise indicated. and bulkheads.8 35. 4084. UNS. followed by 10 h at 165°C (330 OF) Plate is treated to T651 temper at 115°C (240 "F) for 24 h Plate is treated to T7351 temper in a two-stage treatment of 4 to 8 h at 100°C (210 OF). (a) Alloy 7178-T76 sheet.125 in. Composition Limits. 5 296 10 200 145 100 1000 110 97 10000 230 0.7 3.5 7 10 9 6 5.) thick -196 -320 655 --SO -112 579 -28 -18 552 24 75 524 100 212 0.1 41 0.1 352 0.1-0.5 6.6 1. 1 to 6.5 400 10 393 100 359 1000 362 10000 207 175 350 0.5 5 3.1 234 450 200 0.1 800 24 0.) thick -196 --SO -28 24 100 -320 -112 -18 75 212 683 607 579 552 O.5 379 10 324 100 228 172 1000 10000 131 205 0.8 2.5 3.6 545 517 496 462 462 469 476 448 414 414 372 255 179 365 365 310 221 159 110 317 283 193 138 97 76 221 186 131 90 76 62 152 124 83 69 59 48 69 62 41 38 38 38 34 32 27 20 19 15 9 87 79 75 72 67 67 68 69 65 60 60 54 37 26 53 53 45 32 23 16 46 41 28 20 14 11 32 27 19 13 11 9 22 18 12 10 8. to 6.2 1.1 175 350 386 0.249 ln. h 'Thnsile strength MPa ksl At indi<aled temperature Yieldstrength MPa ksl At room temperature after heating EIougation(a).5 5.5 5 4.{I.7 2.8 2.040 to 0.040.5 5.1 331 400 0.1-10 455 100-1000 455 10000 441 150 300 0.35 mm (0.5 38 10-10000 34 425 0.I.35 mm (0.{1.5 150 300 434 10 434 100 379 1000 262 10000 207 0.1 76 600 0.1-0.5 23 480 18 900 540 1000 11 T761 sheet. % MPa ksI 72 54 43 34 30 71 61 44 35 31 28 59 49 37 33 30 27 46 39 35 32 30 27 40 496 496 496 503 510 490 496 490 434 310 207 490 483 414 290 193 124 469 427 276 186 117 97 414 331 193 124 97 76 310 221 131 97 83 69 193 131 90 83 76 69 117 72 72 72 73 74 71 72 71 63 45 30 71 70 60 42 28 18 68 62 40 27 17 14 60 48 28 18 14 11 45 32 19 14 12 10 28 19 13 12 11 10 17 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 12 12 13 14 12 12 12 12 14 15 12 12 12 13 15 18 12 12 13 14 18 22 12 12 15 19 21 22 13 15 19 20 21 76 76 77 76 76 76 71 58 45 75 75 68 55 44 34 73 70 462 462 469 462 462 455 421 303 207 455 455 393 283 193 124 434 414 67 67 68 67 67 66 61 44 30 66 66 57 41 28 18 63 60 12 12 12 13 12 12 12 13 14 12 12 12 12 14 15 12 12 T61 sheet.5 6 5.5 10 90 100 76 1000 69 10000 66 315 0.249In.1 290 400 0.3 10 12 12 12 14 14 13 13 14 18 17 19 23 28 19 19 21 23 30 40 17 19 26 35 45 55 19 21 30 45 60 65 20 25 45 60 70 70 35 45 65 75 80 80 70 70 85 85 85 50 3 95 84 80 76 66 66 64 58 57 52 38 30 51 51 44 33 25 19 42 40 565 503 483 462 434 434 421 386 379 345 255 179 338 331 290 221 159 110 269 262 82 73 70 67 63 63 61 56 55 50 37 26 49 48 42 32 23 16 39 38 11 12 12 12 14 13 14 18 17 19 23 28 19 19 21 23 30 40 17 19 (continued) 552 552 558 558 565 552 552 545 510 400 310 545 538 490 386 303 234 531 496 372 296 234 207 490 421 303 241 214 193 407 338 255 228 207 186 317 269 241 221 207 186 276 524 524 531 524 524 524 490 400 310 517 517 469 379 303 234 503 483 80 80 81 81 82 80 80 79 74 58 45 79 78 71 56 44 34 77 17 .5 496 10 496 100 503 1000 503 10000 483 0.3 2.1 159 131 0.5 11 10 7 6.5 352 10 303 100 228 1000 172 10000 131 205 0.242/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 7475 Aluminum Typical tensile properties at various temperatures Thmpemture OF °C Timeat temperature.5 69 10 48 100 45 1000 45 10000 45 370 700 0.5 6.5 10 138 97 100 83 1000 10000 83 260 500 0. % Thnsile stm!gIh ksI MPa Yieldstrength Elougation(a).5 276 600 99 88 84 80 72 72 73 73 70 63 63 55 38 30 56 55 47 33 25 19 48 43 29 21 16 14 34 29 20 14 12 12 23 19 13 11 10 9. Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys /243 7475 Aluminum (continued) Thmpemture OF °C 230 450 260 500 315 600 370 700 '!ensilestrengtb MPa ksl Time at temperature.25 in. % 12 13 15 18 12 12 13 14 18 22 12 12 15 19 21 22 13 15 19 20 21 40 27 17 14 56 47 28 18 14 11 41 32 19 14 12 10 27 19 13 12 11 10 17 17 (a) In 50 rom (2 in. Corcreep oC: Rupture stre .040 to 0.5 5 4.1 1 10 100 1000 0.) thick 'Thmperature OF °C Time under stress.5 5 5 Al indlcatedtempemture Yieldstrengtb MPa ksl Eiongation!a).5 10 100 1000 10000 0..5 11 10 7 6..5 10 100 1000 10000 0.5 7 10 9 6 5.5 5.2% 0.1 0.) 7475 Aluminum: Creep-rupture properties of 7475 sheet 1 to 6..1 1 10 100 1000 0.0% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.5 6. MPa ksi 0.5 6.35 mm (0. b 10 100 1000 10000 O..5 6 5.5 5.1 1 10 100 1000 524 517 510 496 490 441 421 1.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 552 545 545 538 524 490 476 455 427 386 414 386 352 262 186 0.9 3.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.5 10 100-10000 200 145 110 97 221 193 138 97 83 83 159 131 90 76 69 66 76 69 48 45 45 45 41 38 34 34 29 21 16 14 32 28 20 14 12 12 23 19 13 11 10 9.1% MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi 80 79 79 78 76 71 69 66 62 56 60 56 51 38 27 538 531 517 510 503 476 455 434 414 379 400 372 338 248 179 78 77 75 74 73 69 66 63 60 55 58 54 49 39 26 524 517 510 503 496 469 448 427 76 75 74 73 72 68 65 62 58 53 57 53 46 35 26 517 510 503 496 75 74 73 72 510 503 496 74 73 72 455 434 414 386 352 379 345 283 214 165 66 448 421 393 365 65 61 57 53 365 310 241 193 159 53 45 35 28 23 76 75 74 72 71 64 61 58 55 52 54 50 45 36 27 503 490 483 476 462 421 407 386 372 352 365 338 303 234 179 73 71 70 69 67 61 59 56 54 51 53 49 44 34 26 70 69 68 68 67 60 58 56 53 50 53 48 42 33 26 476 469 462 462 455 414 393 372 352 324 352 310 255 207 165 469 462 462 455 448 400 379 359 324 68 67 67 66 65 58 55 52 47 324 276 234 193 159 47 40 34 28 23 T61sbeet 24 75 100 212 150 300 400 365 393 365 317 241 179 63 60 56 51 55 50 41 31 24 T761sbeet 24 75 100 212 150 300 400 379 359 372 345 310 248 186 483 476 469 469 462 414 400 386 365 345 365 331 290 228 179 69 68 67 67 66 60 57 54 51 47 51 45 37 30 24 .7 3.1 0.l 0.8 'Ienslle strengtb Elongatlon!a).b St. % MPa ksi At room temperature after beating Yield strength ksl MPa 193 138 97 76 207 179 131 90 76 62 152 124 83 69 59 48 69 62 41 38 38 38 34 32 27 27 26 35 45 55 19 21 30 45 60 65 20 25 45 60 70 70 35 45 65 75 80 80 70 70 80 85 372 296 234 207 462 414 303 241 214 193 386 338 255 228 207 186 310 269 241 221 207 186 276 54 43 34 30 67 60 44 35 31 28 56 49 37 33 30 27 45 39 35 32 30 27 40 276 186 117 97 386 324 193 124 97 76 283 221 131 97 83 69 186 131 90 83 76 69 117 28 20 14 11 30 26 19 13 11 9 22 18 12 10 8.5% 0.. 5 8 7 9 10 9 14 14 17 18 12 30 39 43 37.0.05 others (each) max. connecting rods.0for improvedimpactresistancewithsome decreasein otherproperties Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Temperature. 0040 Machinability.0 (4. 31 63 60 20 7 4. Fonner ASTM.0{avg) 15. Structural casting members.0.(b)In 50 nun or2 in.(c)Propertiesof'separately sandcast testbars.(b)Soakingtimeperiods requiredfor averagesandcastingsafterload hasreached specifiedtemperature. truck and trailer castings. or Sarneas T4 185-190°C (365-375 oF)for5 h 525°C (980oF)for 20 h andwalerquenched(c) 24h at roomtemperature plus0. T6 temper unsuitable for such applications Alloy 201.0 to components of similar composition. otherapplicationswherehigh strengthand high energy-absorptioncapacityare required Finishing. Timechangesmay be required. 95 lIB.5% NaCl and stressed to 75% of yield strength).{d)TheT431emperwasdeveloped to provideincreasedimpactresistancewith somedecrease in other mechanicalproperties. permanent mold and investment castings.(c) Al 65 10100°C (ISO10212"F).35 Ti.Wherearangeappearsin thiscolumn.Aluminum Casting Alloys 201. ordnance castings. or ISO-ISS °C (305-315 oF)for20 h Roomtemperature for 12-24h. SAB. CQ 51A.000 60 9 55 Average (avg) and minimum (min) values forT43 tempered) 416(avg) 60.5 52 50 40 45 39 33 22 27 20 16 19 11 9 8 6-8. Composition Limits.35Mn-O. Mechanical polishing also gives excellent general.5101 h at 160°C(320 oF) (a)Carefulcompositionandtemperaturecontrolmust be maintainedduringsolutionheat treatment in order10attainboth adequatesolutionand to prevent incipientmelting. 201.0 castings should be specified in the 17 temper wherever resistance to stress-corrosion cracking is an important consideration (exceeds requirement of 60 days alternate immersion exposure-lO min/h to 3. See Table Hardness. T6 temper.2 Cu. T4 temper.S.5 285 41 270 100 230 250 36 1000 10. 0. Moderate to fast speeds and feeds are to 1.0: Heat treatment practices Temper desigoation T4 T6 T7 T43(d) Solutlon treatment 510-515°C (950-960"P) for2 h followedby 525-530°C (980-990°F)(a)for 14-20h(b) anda waterquench(c) SarneasT4 Aging treatment None Roomtemperature for 12-24h.0 to 5.2{avg) 28{min)(f) 31(min)(g) (a)0. Weld repair methods are not simple and require close control of the temperature of the casting during welding to prevent hot tearing and solidification cracking Applications Typical Uses. 130 HB (500 kg load.3(avg) 17. and/or Foreign. Trade name. Structural gear housings. 4228 and 4229 Fabrication Characteristics Chemical Composition.(g)Minimumvalueabove which90% of the population valuesis expectedto fallwith a 95% confidencelevel.15 to 0. 0. UNS number. electrical transmission line fittings. (h) Propertyvaluesfrom 117tests . 10 mm ball) Alloy 201. insulator caps. 17 temper.(e) Propertyvaluesfrom210 tests. aerospace housings.AMS.lake less time. Gasoline engine cylinder heads and pistons. using arc or resistance welding methods.15 Fe max.(f)Minimumvalueabovewhich99% of thepopulationvaluesisexpected10fall with a 95% confidencelevel. Very good results can be obtained when joining castings of creases tensile properties alloy 201.10 Si max. h TensUe strength MPa ksi YIeld strength(a) MPa 'Iypical propertles(c) 215 365 53 T4 435 70 485 T6 415 67 460 T7 Short-lime elevaled-temperature propertles(c) 55 360 380 T7 150 300 0. Electroplating imparts an excellent finish to this alloy. bal Al recommended Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.0 Ag.251i) Commercial Names. See Table Aging Temperature.0: Tensile properties Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.10 others (total) max. Sand castings. aircraft landing gear castings. turbine and supercharger impellers. KO-l Creep Rupture Properties Specifications U. 0. 0. other applications where strength at elevated temperatures is important. Rating is excellent. 4. 206.55 Mg.5 12 75 100 85 60 1000 70 10 10.000 315 46 47 310 325 205 400 0. missile fins.6Cu-O. (d)ThmperT43developedforalloy201.35Mg:-O. pump housings.4(avg) 32(min)(f) 34(min)(g) 35.2%offset. other applications requiring highest tensile and yield strengths with moderate elongation.50 Mn.5 22 140 100 150 125 18 110 1000 140 20 130 315 600 0.Permanentmold and thin wall castings.15 to 0. '.{. 135 HB. A0201O. High iron or silicon de- Weldability.specifiedelongationvarieswithexposurelime. Anodizing produces very good appearance and good protection Precautions in Use. See Table 382.20 to 0. rocker arms.3(avg) 257(avg) Integraltest 372(f) 54{min)(f) 220(f) bars(e) 393(g) 57(min)(g) 235(g) 391(avg) 56.5-100 52 345 360 1000 275 10.7(avg) 241(avg) Teslbarscut 193(f) 338{f) 49(min)(f) fromcast360(g) 52(min)(g) 215(g) ings(b) ksi E1ongation(h). 0. See Table E!JlOsure Condltlon OC OF Exposure time. 0.000 185 27 150 195 28 185 260 500 0. 5 12 9.00043 20 14 10 20 14 10 7.0 60 110 85 60 45 69 54 39 29 47 34 24 18 (a)For thistemperature. Extensively used in France for high-performance sand and permanent mold castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Permanent Mold.6 6.5% 0.1 1. light-weight.000175 250 180 130 240 180 130 95 185 140 95 70 140 95 70 50 83 63 46 33 55 39 29 21 36 26 19 35 26 19 14 27 235 170 125 230 170 125 90 170 130 90 65 125 95 70 50 83 58 42 30 51 37 27 20 34 25 18 33 24 18 13 25 19 13 9.4 6.0 9.000 10 100 1000 10.7 4.2 22.01 0.17Ti) Commercial Names.00095 0.000 10 100 1000 10.000 10 100 1000 10.5 15 22..2 9.0 315OC (600 oF) MPa ksi 11 17 26 41 62 97 1.6Cu-O.2 12 8.5 2.0 14. (orcreep or.0145 0.0: Creep rates at various temperatures M1nimumcreep rate.028 0.00037 0.8 5..3 14. minlmum ereeprate at: 260 -c (500 oF) 205 °C(400 oF) ksi ksi MPa MPa 64 98 155 234 (a) (a) 9.5 (a) (a) (a) (a) St.0048 0.4 7.0 (a)Abovethe minimum yieldstrengthspecification valueof345 MPa(50ksi) 204. off-the-highway trucks and other equipment.8 7. high-strength hand tools.0 6.7 4.0% 0.047 0.5 18 14 9. However.0-type alloys.5 90 13 66 9. A casting that has solidified rapidly permits a short solution treatment.0 5.‫סס‬OO88 0. This difference is most pronounced in 204.0 (4.00046 0.4 3..0 165 255 (a) (a) (a) (a) 24. The graphs in the Figure compare mechanical property test results of permanent mold test specimens with sand cast test specimens as related to the solidification rate.0 59 8.3 Mlnlmumcreep rateat rupture stress. MPa ksI Aboveyield Aboveyield 270 39 195 28 Aboveyield 250 36 26 180 19 130 250 36 26 180 19 130 14 95 185 27 20 140 95 14 70 10 140 20 95 14 70 10 50 7. See Table Typical Uses.h 10 100 1000 10.1 4.9 2.Aluminum Casting Alloys /245 Alloy 201.000 10 100 1000 10.000175 0.2 6. 1.0 (a) (a) 28 43 66 103 155 241 4. to produ"".9 3..000023 260 195 38 28 250 185 36 27 250 180 36 76 0.0024 0.0 37. Ordnance parts for tanks.0 34 5..9 230 170 125 220 170 110 85 170 115 85 33 24 18 32 24 16 12 24 17 12 9 16 12 8.2 6.25Mg-O.6 43 6. ELT-204 (French AFNOR) Mechanical Properties Applications Tensile Properties.0080 0.000 Rupturest.00028 0.8 8.%/h 150-c (300 oF) ksi MPa 1 X 10-5 1 X 10-4 1 X 10-3 0. %perh St..5 23 3. Note the much longer times at the solution time required for the slowly solidified sand cast bars as compared with the rapidly solidified penn anent mold test pieces.000 10 100 1000 10.3 10 7.000 10 100 1000 10.0118 0..5 3.17Fe-O..25% MPa ksi MPa ksI MPa ksi 0.4 5.5 48 7.0022 0.00130 0.6 2. A-U5GT (Pechiney).00083 0. properties areinterpolations Alloy 201.‫סס‬OO35 0.8 6.5 34. Light.0126 0..5 35..0: Creep-rupture properties of separately sand cast test bars -c Thmperature 150 175(a) OF 300 350 205 400 230 450 260 290 315 500 550 600 TIme under stress. light-weight power-train castings in auto and truck industry The effects of solution treatment time depend to a considerable extent on the rate of solidification of the casting.8 4.and heavy-duty impellers. some degree of these solution heat-treatment effects on mechanical properties occurs in all aluminum casting alloys . Break calipers in Bendix brakes for European cars 1958 through early 1980s (many million castings produced and used without problems) Sand and Permanent Mold.00013 0.2 3.6 0. structural parts for aerospace and auto industry...062 0.7 4. whereas one that has solidified slowly requires a longer solution treatment time.073 0.0023 0.2 31 4. 5 Condition Thnsllestrength MPa ksi 0. see Table and Figure. Structural castings in heat-treated temper for automotive.05 Sn max. 0.15 others (total) max...15 to 0. 15 'g"> 10 1/ o iii 5 .).10 Zn max.50 Mn. T4 temper.15 others (total) max. Gear housings. :2..5±1 9±1 3±0.. 250 ~ Permanent mold casl testpiece with solidification time of 15-20 s 150 '-.25Mg-O.30 Ti.20 to 0. Cylinder heads for gasoline and diesel motors....5 6l± 1. turbine and supercharger impellers.15 to 0. 0... 40.05 others (each) max.30Mn-O. 4. 0.0 Cu. An AFNOR testpiece was cast in a permanent mold (solidification time 15 to 20 s).5 43..g.0 Cu. 17. 0.2 to 5. Reduction in area (typical for A206.5 265± 10 250± 10 300±20 395±20 38. 0.1-- . 0. A206. Elongation in 50 mm or 2 in.22Ti) Specifications U. 118 HV.. 0.15 to 0.5 33±1.7% at room temperature.5 36±1. - o 3 6 12 24 48 96 192 400 Solution treatment time.05 Ni max._ _ Sandcaslteslplece with solidificalion time of 2 min 200 I- 100 29 14.0-TI): 26. 14. 0. 0. and other applications where high tensile and yield strength and moderate elongation are needed.0 (4.246/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Alloy 204. Comparable to other wrought or cast aluminum alloys containing equivalent amounts of copper Fabrication Characteristics Weldability.10 Zn max. (typical for A206. other applications where high strength at elevated temperatures and special aging treatment are required Precautions in Use. An Aluminium Pechiney testpiece was cast in sand (solidification time 2 min). 4235. 0..5 59±3 6l±3 250± 10 230± 10 290±20 380±20 36±1.2% yield strength MPa ksi Eiongationin Precipilalion(realmenl(a) Hardness.5 57± 1. 0. AMS. A206. bal AI.0: Tensile properties and heat treatment Mean property valuesand estimatedstandard deviation At least 5 days al20 °C (68 oF) 12 h at 140 °C (285 oF) 12hat 160 °C (320°F) 12hat 180 °C (355 oF) 110 105 115 125 400± 10 395±10 405±20 420±20 58±1. 0.2 to 5.4% at 120°C (250 OF).5 58± 1. Solution treatment at 530 °C (985 OF) followed by cold water quench and natural aging. aerospace. lIB SOmm (2 in. Composition Limits.10 Si max.5 57 ± 1. Tensile strength and yield strength. truck spring hanger castings.2% yield strength Alloy 204. Fair repair welding characteristics . TI temper.15 to 0.05 Sn max. 0. 0.20 to 0.7% at 175°C (350 OF) Hardness.0: 4.35 Mg. Separately cast test bars.7% at 175°C (350 OF)..15 Fe max.0% at 120°C (250 oF). 137 HV Chemical Properties General Corrosion Behavior. 0. 400 '" 350 n. 0. T4 and TI heat treatments qualify and meet federal test requirements for stress-corrosion cracking.0% at room temperature. % Permanent molds Y34(f4) Y33(f6) Sand castings Y24(f4) Y23(f6) (a) Precipitation treatment preceded by a ~olution treatment of 12 h at 530°C (985 oF) and a water quench 450 Ultimate tensile strength .0.0-TI): 11..05 Ni max.0: Effect of solution treatment time on tensile properties.10 Fe max. 0. and/or Foreign. bal Al Applications Typical Uses.50 Mn.05 others (each) max.30Ti.5±3 57±3 14±1 13.5± 1. 0.5Cu-O.- - I.5 42±3 55±3 21±2 20±2 16±1 8±1 At least S days at 20 °C (68 oF) 12hat 140 °C (285 oF) 12 h at 160 °C (320 oF) 12 h at 180 °C (355 "P) 110 105 115 125 4OO±10 395±10 4OO±10 420±1O 58± 1.I. 0. 0.4236.S.35 Mg. 53.4237 Chemical Composition. Subject to corrosion problems due to copper content of alloy. h 206. and other applications where high fracture toughness is required.5 25 *' 20 JV . T6 temper should not be used where stress-corrosion cracking could be a problem Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. 300 I I 58 / '~" '/ ~-<il 0.05 Si max. . ~ -- 125 . See Table Aging Temperature. LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH 100 50 500 150 Temperature.------.!1 275 £Cl 300 "~ 100 50 ~ 250 l~r--.overeated VI -. (c) Compressive properties.~ • 10' 0. 350 I 10 40 20 '" 'b 10 iii Click here to view 300 175 90 (l3) . o • '" .5) ~ . tem~eratur~ 50 I ] 10· LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 4o <Ii Notched R ..--'" ~ Elongation :J V .5) ~ Cl <Ii :... OF 200 250 200 r-. OF 200 250 Click here to view 300 -r-J::. Qj l:r - C:. 70 60 . room temperature Solution Temperature.0-T7: Effect of temperature on strength..5) . 50 ::E 400 Click here to view --.. 125 0 E ~ 'iii ~ c."~".. i'--..--. 1 350 Temperature. 200°C (390 "F).X' 'r*::.... c e '" 100 10 ~ 70 Cl " ~ ill 90 lD 80 175 150 l: -c 200 (d) 400 t.. of 200 250 - 0 . I 175 I I I I 300 350 I I 0 "'s. cycles 350 BUS. = Cyclic frequency = 15 Hz (1/ 10' E :J .~ ~ 225 ~ 13200 s: .. r--.. ~ 75 100 130 120 110] -.. 155°C (310 "F).. 80 'b (11. hold at temperature for 8 h • T6 temper. ~ ~ o 25 50 75 '" 125 Temperature. 40 (b) <Ii .... 10' Lifetime. ~ I"'-. 50 100 I I 150 8!.Xl 200 60 ] 10' 25 LIVE GRAPH 500 ~--'----'--'---'----..5) 25 --- ! A .:--+---+--+---t---+----l 40 E 'x 'x E :J . = 3.. <. 70 III Ql .s: g> 300 75 Click here to view I ::E 150 50 LIVE GRAPH Cl l: . .... eld = BYS.. hold at temperature for 8 h • T4 temper..0 Click here to view 50 Lifetime. 50 75 100 Tempsrature..r-.. E E 300 t---t---+--+--f""-o..r---. 450 Click here to view (c) 175 300 .X. or use the following: A206.5 2..-----. 150 125 Temperature..--==~=+~~"""~ 30 ::E ~ 300 -. r-.-... 150 175 o E 8 8!....----.l2 ~~ strengt 50 ~ tii ~ ~ 80 ~(l1... o :. 10 (e) 400 (58) o 15 - Elastic modulus 70 noI 60 (8.-----.~ ~ 'il! 200 ~ (29) modulus 'til 950 o 100 150 I r ir--- iii 850 I ~~ o E - c.... 8 (e) 50 'iii Compressive yield strength ~ (43) 100 (l5) 0 100 LIVE GRAPH Temperature. 200 f---+--~--+---+--+-+-~~l\... ") <Ii III e 10 200 E :J E '~ 100 ::E o IRoorA • 175°C r-. (e) Unnotched fatigue limits.. cycles III e --= 3o ti 2o .J...- <._ ..0 o 10' 1.~~ 100 25 Temperature.0 1.......r-----..-t-... I- 8!. ::E 400 4~I~d .5 2. eld = BUS.1 K. eld = LIVE GRAPH <Ii ~ 10 25 200 Temperature.. See Table. .. (f) Notched fatigue limits.s: C. (a) Tensile properties..Aluminum Casting Alloys /247 Recommended Heat Treating Practice • T7 temper. eld = BYS.~ --- '" '" " 70 (10) ~ 550 :J 60 (8.:::-p.. r-. (d) Bearing strengths. OF 150 200 250 10· ~ 0 10' ::E 10 .X. (b) Shear strength. 0. MPa 0 • • (a)WI1ere e is edge distanceand d is pin diameter 208.R = 0.25 Ti max. 55 HB (500 kg load. Zinc Of tin decreases mechanical properties.O(a) Bearingyieldstrength(BYS) e/d= 1.0 . 1.5 to 4.T6 9. I Ol g40 £ c 20 . F temper.S. good casting characteristics. and/or Foreign. and moderate strength are required No. and good machinability is required . class 8 Chemical Composition.. 108 Mechanical Properties Specifications U. Typical for separately cast test bars. 95 MPa (14 ksi).R=0.=3. and similar castings requiring pressure tightness.5(a) e1d=2.0%Si-O.35 Ni max. Resistance welding: spot.D_ 18..0 (4Cu-3Si) Commercial Names. 380..~ I"- 36.. seam.T6 A356. . T55 temper: 150 to 160°C (300 to 320 oF) for 16 h 238. no flux. 33 flux: flame either reducing oxyacetylene or reducing oxyhydrogen..5 ~ s: ~ Ol 0 . Former designation.. Fonner ASTM. Manifolds. Magnesium reduces ductility Joining. Soft solder with Alcoa Applications Typical Uses.4 B e fl 27. 24 flux (automatic)..0%Cu-4. Thngsten-arc argon-atmosphere weld with 4043 alloy: no flux.1 % c 250 300 350 400 llJ 0:: Yield strength.2 . Tensile Properties. Government. and/or Foreign.. High iron decreases me- Fabrication Characteristics chanical properties. 3. elongation.2 Fe max. valve bodies. A 02080.. Alcoa No. and flash methods Recommended Heat Treating Practice Aging Temperature. Rub-tin with Alcoa No.0-T7: Typicalmechanical properties for separately cast test bars Strengthatlndlcated temperature Room Property Tensilestrength Tensileyieldstrength Shearstrength Compressive yieldstrength Bearingultimatestrength(BUS) e/d= 1.S. in 50 mm or 2 in.T6 £ A206. ksi 45. 0. bal AI Hardness.5 Mn max. 802.0 .0. Fonner SAE.0: Variation in plain strain-fracture toughness with yield strength LIVE GRAPH 69 82 IE '> ~60 63 42 30 350 250 160 51 36 23 370 115 90 54 17 10 370 54 17 10 115 70 30 40 . ten- CS43A..~ li A357. 0. Metal-arc weld with 4043 alloy: Alcoa No. 138 Applications Specifications U.1 100cycles loScycles 1 10 cycles NOlChed. Carbon-arc weld with 4043 alloy: Alcoa No. 1.5 to 3. 10mm ball) Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Other applications where good casting characteristics. good weldability. 0. especially ductility..0. 0.K.~ ~ 10 200 0:: ""oj • ~50 c .5 Cu.. Composition Limits.O(a) Axialfatiguestrength Unnotched.3%Mg) Commercial Names..3 A206. 2.6''iii :::iE lij 435 290 205 Yield strength. yield strength.5% max. 2017-T4. CS104A.1 10' cycles loScycles 101 cycles temperature MPa ksl UOOC (250oF) MPa ksi Click here to view 175 -c (350oF) MPa ksl 436 347 257 372 63 50 37 54 384 316 232 347 56 46 34 50 333 302 208 318 48 44 30 46 692 960 100 632 784 92 114 545 635 79 92 73 91 477 566 544 658 131 79 95 507 628 Alloy A206. QQ-A-601.s: e fl 30 ~ 50 54.0.0 Zn max.50 others (total) max.5(a) e/d=2. Rivet compositions: 2117-T4..10 Mg sile strength.0 (10. 27 flux.5 Si. 2. UNS number. Fonner. pressure tightness. 145 MPa (21 ksi). 27 flux (manual). 138 Where combination of high hardness in the as-cast condition.248/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Alloy206. 1.S.0 Fe max. High silicon decreases mechanical properties.Aluminum Casting Alloys /249 242. seam.7 to 2. no flux.2 to Joining.3 Ni.) MPa ksl Elongatlon!a). Metal-arc weld with 4043 alloy: Alcoa No. See Table Fabrication Characteristics Chemical Composition. See Table der heads. A02420.0 8.15 others (total) max.8 Mg. (b) 500 kg load. 10 mm baIl. aircraft generator housings. Fonner SAE. 220 205 180 90 55 32 30 26 13 8 205 195 145 55 30 30 28 21 8 4 0. 142 Mechanical Properties Specifications U. 0. balAI No. Fonner designation. 0.0 11. air-cooled cylin- Solution Temperature. % 255 220 220 207 207 186 138 90 55 35 37 32 32 30 30 27 20 13 8 5 193 172 158 158 158 145 103 55 28 21 28 25 23 23 23 21 15 8 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 20 40 290 275 275 275 275 255 193 90 55 35 42 40 40 40 40 37 28 13 8 5 270 248 235 235 235 227 152 55 28 21 39 36 34 34 34 33 22 8 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 15 35 60 . R.05 others (each) max.5 0. 802. 0.0-T571: Typical tensile properties of separately cast test bars at elevated temperatures Thmperalure OF ·C Thnslle strength MPa ksi Yieldstrength MPa ksl ElongaUon!a). Rivet compositions: 2117-T4.5 125 235 165 18 34 24 34 42 1. Chromium decreases thermal conductivity Recommended Heat Treating Practice Applications Annealing Temperature.2% offset Thnslle strength MPa ksI YIeld streog1h(a) MPa' ksi Elongation. Canada: CSA CN42. High iron may cause shrinkage difficulties. 3. % Hardnesstb).4222. Tungsten-arc argon-atmosphere weld with 4043 alloy: no flux. HB 18 30 23 1.5 to 4.0 0.5 105 110 205 240 30 35 70 65 10. diesel. Alcoa No. France: NF A-U4NT. QQ-A-596.5 2. 1.0 20.0 Alloy 242. Rub-tin with Alcoa No. and/or Foreign. See Table Typical Uses. Fonner ASTM.35 Zn max. Soft solder with Alcoa 1. 2017-T4. 4220. 24 flux (automatic). Motorcycle.0 70 85 75 145 180 165 21 26 24 55 75 70 8.R.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2. % Sand cast 75 24 150 300 205 400 260 500 600 315 Permanent mold cast 24 150 205 260 315 75 300 400 500 600 (a) In 50 mm or 2 in.0-T77: Tensile properties at various temperatures 'IOmperature OF "C Sand castings -195 -320 -80 -112 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 371 700 Permanent mold casting -195 -320 -112 -80 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 371 700 (a) 0. Composition Limits. Government. 27 flux. 802. class 6 (sand).5 Cu.0 275 255 195 90 55 40 37 28 13 8 235 230 150 55 30 34 33 22 8 4 1. 27 flux (manual). Carbon-arc weld with 4043 alloy: Alcoa No. 39. 0.0 1. See Table Alloy 242. Resistance welding: spot. and aircraft pistons.7 Si max.5 235 305 34 44 (a) Strengths and elongations remain unchanged or improve at low temperatures.35 Mn max. other applications where excellent high-temperature strength is required Aging Temperature. 0.(c) At 5 X108cycles. Moore type test Alloy 242. AMS. Foreign.0 2.0 0. UNS number. 1. See Tables CN42A. 0.0 15.5 9.25 Cr max. class 3 (permanent mold).25 Ti max.0 35.5 1. QQ-A601. 0.0 10. and flash welds Consequence of exceeding Impurity Limits. ISO: AICu4Ni2Mg2 Hardness.0: Typcial mechanical properties of separately cast test bars 'lemper Sand cast TIl T571 T77 Permanent mold cast T571 T61 Thnslle strength(a) IIsI MPa Thnslle yield strength!a) ksi MPa 185 220 205 27 32 30 125 205 160 275 325 40 47 235 290 Shearstrength MPa ksi Compressive yieldstrengthCa) MPa ksi Faliguestrength!. Tensile Properties.5Mg) Commercial Names. 8.250 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Alloy 242. Typical for separatelycast testbars. cool in water at 65 to 100°C (150 to 212 "F) Aging Temperature. and flash methods Recommended Heat Treating Practice (a) In 50mm or 2 in. crankcases and other applications where a combination of high tensile properties and good machinability is required. Alcoa No. Metal-arc weld with 4043 alloy.0 15. 0.0 5. 24 flux (automatic). 802. Canada: CSA-C4. 60 HB.5 Si. for T62 temper. Foreign. seam. Government.0 75. 27 flux.0 75 300 400 500 600 250 195 105 60 30 36 28 15 9 4 165 140 60 40 20 24 20 9 6 3 5. h 340-345 170-175 520-525 340-345 645-655 335-345 965-975 645-655 2-4 40-48 6(b)(c) 1-3 170-175 515-520 200-205 335-345 955-965 395-405 40-48 4(b)(1) 3-5 Purpose (andresulting temper) Sand castings Annealing. 0. QQ-A-601. 4230. (b)Soaking-time periodsrequiredfor averagecastingsafterloadhas reachedspecifiedtemperature. Tensilestrength:T4 temper.0 to 5. 220 MPa (32 ksi). AMS. Thngsten-arc argon-atmosphere weld with 4043 alloy. flame neutral. aircraft wheels. (I) Coolin waterat 65 to 100°C (\50t0212 "F) 295.05 others (each) max. 150 to 155°C (305 t0315 OF).877. depending on experiencewithparticularcastings.Patent 1. ToobtainT6 temper from solution heat-treated material.0 Cu.0 15. 0.1 Si) Commercial Names. 250 MPa (36 ksi).5 5. 5. 0. T62 temper. fittings. no flux.S. T6 temper. Manganese or magnesium decreases ductility. 75 HB. Alcoa No.(c)Still-aircooling. 220 MPa (32 ksi).0 Fabrication Characteristics Joining.0: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars at elevated temperatures Temperature °C T4temper 24 150 205 260 315 T6temper 24 150 205 260 315 OF Tell-'ilestrength MPa ksi Yield strength MPa ksi Elongation(a). T62 temper. 0. Carbon-arc weld with 4043 alloy. hold at temperature for 12 h. and resistance to corrosion Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. SAB.35 Mn max. 165 MPa (24 ksi).7 to 1. 90 HB (500 kg load. 0.5%. 195 Applications Specifications U. High iron or silicon decreases tensile properties. TIl Aging. Flywheel housings. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. hold at temperature for 3 to 5 h. T62 temper. Composition Limits. % 75 300 400 500 600 220 195 105 60 30 32 28 15 9 4 110 105 60 40 20 16 15 9 6 3 8. 38. Oxyacetylene weld with 4043 alloy.0 75. (e) U. 22 flux. Rivet compositions: 2117-T4. class 4.(d) Startwithsolutionheat-treated material. 22 flux. especially ductility. See Table Hardness. UNS number. rear-axle housings. Solution Temperature. C4A. Fonner ASlM.822. Atomic-hydrogen weld with 4043 alloy.03 Mg max. T62 temper. T4 temper. 4231. Soft solder with Alcoa No. Resistance welding: spot.0 Fe max.0: Heat treatments for separately cast test bars 'Thmperature °C of Time. ISO: AICu4Si Typical Uses.T61(e) (a)Nosolutionheat treatment. 4.T571(b) Solution heattreatment Aging.25 Ti max. Strengths and elongations remain unchanged or improve at low temperatures. 110 MPa (16 ksi). and/or Foreign. but pressure tightness is not needed Chemical Composition.0 25. 10 rom ball) Alloy 295. T6 temper. Rub-tin with Alcoa No.5Cu-1. hold at temperature for 12 to 16 h .T77(d)(e) Permanent mold castings Aging. 2017-T4. Fonner designation.0%.0 25.S. 0. 802. Elongation in 50 rom or 2 in. Alcoa No. no flux.35 Zn max. Alcoa No. T6 temper.T571(a) Solutionheattreatment Aging.0%. A02950. 285 MPa (41 ksi).: T4 temper. hardness. bus wheels. 2. T6 temper. 27 flux (manual). Yield strength: T4 temper.15 others (total) max. Timecan be decreasedor may haveto be increased. Alcoa No. 515 to 520 °C (955 to 965 "F). 1.0 (4. Tin reduces strength. general-purpose castings. See Table Hardness.l.0 Cu. % 'ThnsUe strength ksi MPa Yieldstrength ksi MPa 75 300 400 500 600 255 200 115 50 25 37 29 17 7 3. T6 temper: 90 HB. Fonner designation. AMS. SC64A. High iron.0 to 5. 110 MPa (16 ksi). 330. 4283. Braze with Alcoa No. 195 MPa (28 ksi). and flash . 33 flux. in 50 rum or 2 in. Manganese or magnesium reduces ductility Applications Typical Uses.822. 9%.5 9 5 15 25 75 75 300 400 500 600 275 200 115 50 25 40 29 17 7 3. 0.0 Cu. 2017-T4. Joining. yield strength. 270 MPa (39 ksi).S.. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 0. 2. for T7 temper (U. 4. 27 flux (manual).Aluminum Casting Alloys /251 296. Fonner ASTM.5Si-4.25 Ti max. 0. Same as alloy 295. hold at tempera- UNS number.0Si. Metal-arc weld with 4043 alloy. no flux. Elongation. 2. QQ-A-596. 10 rum ball) Fabrication Characteristics Joining. 70 HB (500 kg load. Typical for separately cast test bars. 4.5 5 5 15 25 75 'Iemperature OF °C T4temper 24 150 205 260 315 T6temper 24 150 205 260 315 (a)In 50 mmor 2 in. compressor connecting rods. 5. Alcoa No.: T4 temper.50 Zn max. QQ-A-596. flame either reducing oxyacetylene or reducing oxyhydrogen. Alcoa No. UNS number. B 195 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Specifications U. T7 temper. F temper: ten- Chemical Composition.5 180 160 75 30 15 26 23 11 4 2. 4. High iron decreases tensile properties. full pump bodies. seam.05 Mg Aging Temperature. and moderate strength are required sile strength.5Cu) Commercial Names. 1. 255 MPa (37 ksi). Alcoa No.35 Ni max. and/or Foreign.5%. Alcoa No.0% Hardness. Government. 0. class 6 Tensile Properties.S. 130 MPa (19 ksi). 0. T7 temper.5Si) Commercial Names. railroad car seat frames. 27 flux. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Patent 1. 0.0 (5. B 295. Strengths and elongations remain unchanged or improve at low temperatures.10 Mgmax. 180 MPa (26 ksi). Yield strength: T4 temper. Resistance welding: spot. SAE. 4282. T6 temper. 10 rum ball) Fabrication Characteristics Alloy 296. 5%. Thngsten-arc argon-atmosphere weld with 4043 alloy.0 to 6. Carbon-arc weld with 4043 alloy. 505 to 515°C (945 to 955 "F). 802. A-22950. Typical for separately cast test bars.0: Typicaltensile properties of separately permanent mold cast test bars at elevated temperature Eiongalion(a).25 Ti max. 0. Magnesium decreases ductility Applications Typical Uses. T6 temper. T4 temper: 75 HB. A108 Mechanical Properties Specifications U.5 130 160 75 30 15 19 23 11 4 2. other applications requiring a combination of high-tensile properties and good machinability Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.0 to 3.0 to 5. T7 temper: 80 HB (500 kg load. 717. or tin decreases mechanical properties. Rivet compositions: 2117-T4. Solution Temperature. and other applications where good casting characteristics. Government. good weldability. and/or Foreign. Tensile strength: T4 temper. aircraft wheels.35 others (total) max.877) 255 to 265°C (495 to 505 OF) and hold at temperature 4 to 6 h max. Ornamental grills.OFemax. elongation in 50 rum or 2 in. zinc. 380. Composition Limits. Zinc or tin decreases tensile properties. 24 flux (automatic). I. class 4 ture for 8 h. Aircraft fittings.0Znmax. A03080. 140 MPa (20 ksi). 150 to 155°C (305 to 315 "F) and hold at temperature 5 to 7 h. 275 MPa (40 ksi). SAE. cool in water at 65 to 100°C (150 to 212 "F) Chemical Composition.0.0 Si. Composition Limits.0 (4. T7 temper.50 others (total) max.5Cu-2. especially ductility.50 Mnmax.0 308. 0. Soft solder with Alcoa No.35 Mn max.S.2 Fe max. Fonner designations. reflectors. To obtain T6 temper from solution heat-treated material. pressure tightness. 0. aircraft gun control parts. 0. T6 temper. Foreign.S.252/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 319. A03190.HB MPa IIsI Fatigue 51".35 Ni max. R. low coefficient of thermal expansion.25 Ti max. Former ASTM. pressure tightness.ngth@ MPa ksi Compressive yield s!TeDgth(a) MPa ksI Sandeast As-cast 185 27 T6 250 36 Permanent mold As-cast 235 34 T6 280 40 125 18 165 24 2. See Table Solution Temperature.5%Si-3.3Mg max. ~ 1 1 2 3 6 15 25 Tensile Properties. Former ASTM. automotive and diesel pistons. and good resistance to wear are required (for example. 0. (e) 500kg load: 10nun ball.S. piano plates. France: NF A-SI2N2G Chemical Composition. class 9.S. To obtain T6 temper from solution-treated material. 3.(b) In 50 nun or 2 in. hold at temperature 12 h (sand). 0. Automotive cylinder heads. (d) At5 x 10 cycles.0 Sit 1. Former ASTM. 5.0 Fe max. Composition Limits.0 (9. Government.0%Mg) Commercial Names.0 2.0 (12Si-2. typewriter frames. pulleys.50 Mn max. Former designations. sheaves) Mechanical Properties Alloy 332. SAE. F332. A13320. Mechanical properties are relatively insensitive to impurities Applications Typical Uses.2% offset 336.5Cu) Commercial Names. internal combustion engine crankcases. 1. 500 to 505°C (935 to 945 "F).ngth(a) Temper MPa ksI TeIUUe yield Shear 51reogth(a) Elongation Hardness strength MPa ksI (a)(h). 150 to 155°C (305 to 315 "F) and hold at temperature 2 to 5 h 332.10 Mg max.5Ni-1 Mg-1 Cu) Commercial Names. Specifications U. UNS number.Moore type test Mechanical Properties Recommended Heat Treating Practice Tensile Properties. SC103A.50 others (total) max. and/or Foreign. ISO: AISi6Cu4 Chemical Composition. and/or Foreign.0 Cu.25 Ti max. Same as for alloy 208. See Table (a)0. and/or Foreign. See Table Fabrication Characteristics Joining.0 Zn max. FI32 Specifications U.0 to 4. 0. A332. A03320 Applications Typical Uses. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 1. UNS number. 0. and moderate strength are required Alloy 319. UNS number. Former designations. High iron or chromium promotesshrinkagedifficulties .5 Cu.0 70 80 150 22 200 29 70 75 10 11 130 19 170 25 130 19 185 27 2.~ (c).5 to 6. Canada: CSASNI22.0-T5: Tensile properties of permanent mold alloy at various temperatures Temperature OF °C 'ThnsUe strength MPa IIsI 24 100 150 205 260 315 371 248 227 215 172 130 83 55 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 36 33 31 25 19 12 8 Yield5II1!ngth(a) MPa IIsI 193 185 165 110 83 55 41 28 27 24 16 12 8 6 Elongation.0. 0. Applications where good high-temperature strength. Foreign. SC64D. 0.R.0 to 13. QQ-A-596. cool in water at 65 to 100°C (150 to 212 oF) Hardness.0: Typical mechanical properties for separately cast test bars TeIlS"e st".0 Aging Temperature. 0.35 Mn max. 321. 0. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.0 85 95 165 24 185 27 70 10 130 19 (a)Strengthsand elongationsare unchan~d or improvedat low temperatures.5 3. 326.15 others (total) max.2 Fe max.5 to 1. 0. 8 h (permanent mold).35 Zn max.5 Si. and other applications where good casting characteristics and weldability. 0. 319. Composition Limits. A132. SAE.0 (6Si-3.05 other (each) max.0%Cu-1. 1. Allcast Specifications U. 11. Former SAE 332. SNI22A. 0. Z132 Applications A lower cost alloy quite similar to 336. Hardness. 6053-T6.0 (9Si-1.0 2. hold 8 h at temperature. 324 MPa (47 ksi). 8. 6053-T61.0 Cu. 0. Rivet compositions: 6053-T4. " 1 1 1 0. bal Al Creep Rupture Properties See Table Recommended Heat Treating Practice Applications Typical Uses. Alcoa No.5 1 1 2 5 10 45 (a) 0. Carbon-arc weld with 4043 alloy.6 to 9. 27 flux (manual).SC92A. 125 HB (500 kg load. Alcoa No.1 Zn max. Metal-arc weld with 4043 alloy. 0.5 1. hold at temperature 14 to 18 h to obtain T5 temper from as-cast material. hold at temperature 10 to 12 h. 525°C (980 oF). and/or Foreign. and flash methods Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Temperature. 0. 193 MPa (28 ksi). 155°C (310 oF). Tensile strength: T551 temper. Permanent mold castings used in applications requiring high strengths and heat treatability Solution Temperature. 0.5%.2 Fe max. Tungsten-arc argon-atmosphere weld with 4043 alloys. To obtain T61 temper from solution heat-treated material.2% offset 339. 0.0 (12. Rub-tin with Alcoa No. 24 flux (automatic). Resistance welding: spot. 515 to 520°C (955 to 965 oF). quench in hot water 60 to 80°C (140 to 176 oF) Aging Temperature. 354 Mechanical Properties Specifications U. in 50mmor2 in.0 10. Soft solder with Alcoa No. Z332.0 alloy and not needing the higher elevated-temperature property available in 336.0 alloy 354. 1. 10 rnm ball) Fabrication Characteristics Joining.UNSnumber.5 Si.0%Si-1. Typical for separately cast test bars. Applications similar to those for 336.2 Ti max. Strengths and elongations remain unchanged or improve at low temperatures. See Tables Alloy 336. Yield strength: T551 temper.8Cu-O.S. T65 temper. FormerASTM. and good resistance to wear are required Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. 0. 248 MPa (36 ksi). low coefficient of thermal expansion.: T55l and T65 tempers.0 alloy. T65 temper. 27 flux. pulleys.0: Tensile properties of sand cast alloy at various temperatures 'Iemperature °C OF -195 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 ~o -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 371 'Thosile strength MPa ks! 310 275 262 248 240 215 180 125 70 35 45 40 38 36 35 31 26 18 10 5 YIelds1rength(o) ksi MPa 270 235 215 193 172 152 103 70 28 21 39 34 31 28 25 22 15 10 4 3 Eloogatloo. room temperaturefor 8 to 16 h. seam. strength MPa ks! Y\eIdstrength MPa ksi 25 150 205 260 315 250 215 180 125 70 195 150 105 70 30 75 300 400 500 600 36 31 26 18 10 EJoogatloo(a). " 28 22 15 10 4 0. MIL-A-2ll80 Tensile Properties.5Mg) Commercial Names. 105 HB.15 others (total) max.10 Mn max.0: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars at elevated temperature 'Thmpemture OF °C 'ThwD. 0. 802.0 5. 296 MPa (43 ksi).4 to 0. no flux.05 others (each) max. T65 temper. AC3540.Aluminum Casting Alloys /253 Applications Typical Uses.6 to 2. T551 temper.0%Mg-2.0 (a) In 50 rnmor 2 in.6 Mg.25%Cu) Commercial Names. Automotive and diesel pistons. 170 to 175 -c (335 to 345 OF). sheaves. hold attempemture for 10 to 12 h . Elongation.0. 802. 0.Government. Composition Limits. cool in water at 65 to 100°C (150 to 212 OF) Aging Temperature. and other applications where good high-temperature strength. no flux. 12 to 26 h to obtain T6 temper from solution heat-treated material Alloy 336. See Tables Chemical Composition.0%Ni-1. Alcoa No. 0-161: 1ypical mechanical properties for separately cast test bars at various temperatures 'Thmperature OF "C -196 -80...5 6 Elongation(a).2% MPa \lsi MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi 295 290 285 235 165 275 250 215 160 90 43 42 41 34 24 40 36 31 23 13 285 285 275 230 165 270 250 205 150 83 41 41 40 33 24 39 36 30 22 12 290 290 255 205 138 255 235 180 125 83 39 39 37 30 20 37 34 26 18 12 255 255 240 115 76 240 215 125 69 48 37 37 35 17 11 35 31 18 10 7 .5 7.0-161: Creep-rupture properties for separately cast test bars StressIor creepoC: Temperature OF DC 177 205 350 400 11meunder ot. h 0.0-161: Fatigue strengths for separately cast test bars Cyeles 'Thmperature OF "C 24 150 205 260 315 75 300 400 500 600 10' 10' 10' 10' 5x10' 10' MPa ksl MPa \lsi MPa ksi MPa \lsi MPa \lsi MPa \lsi 345 50 195 28 275 255 215 140 75 40 37 31 20.5 15 9 6 145 115 70 40 30 21 17 10 6 4 135 110 60 40 30 19..Moore type lest Alloy 354.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.5 25 15 9.254/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Alloy 354.. MPa ksl 305 295 285 240 170 285 255 220 160 90 44 43 41 35 25 41 37 32 23 13 1% 0. where d is diameter of reduced section of'tensile-test specimen Alloy 354.5% 0.-18 75 212 150 300 175 350 205 400 230 450 260 500 600 315 At indicated temperature Yieldstrength MPa ksi ThnsiJe strength MPa \lsi 11meat temperature.5 13 8.1% 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.0 10 100 1000 0. or 4d.5 23 (a) In 50 mm.-28 24 100 -320 -112.0 10 100 1000 Rupturest .. 2 in.R.5 10 100 1000 10000 0. % 41 41 42 43 45 51 42 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 4 6 6 4 5 8 16 5 5 7 14 20 5 8 11 17 22 6 11 15 19 11 13 17 19 21 44 50 52 40 43 49 51 37 17 49 49 37 18 13 50 36 20 14 11 42 22 15 12 10 21 13 11 9.5 11 215 200 150 96 55 31 29 22 14 8 175 150 105 60 40 25.5 6 12 7 5 380 380 385 400 420 435 380 395 425 405 340 380 405 405 325 205 405 400 330 220 185 400 315 240 195 170 360 250 205 185 165 260 205 185 170 160 At room temperatureafter beating Yieldstrength \lsi MPa 55 55 56 58 61 63 55 57 62 59 49 55 59 59 47 30 59 58 48 32 27 58 46 35 28 25 52 36 30 27 24 38 30 27 25 23 285 285 290 295 310 350 290 305 345 360 275 295 340 350 255 115 340 340 255 125 90 345 250 140 95 75 290 150 105 80 70 145 90 75 65 60 Eloogalion(a).5 10 100 1000 10000 0.5 10 100 1000 10000 340 290 285 285 285 290 310 340 275 295 315 305 240 270 290 260 195 95 270 250 180 105 75 240 170 95 75 60 170 105 65 50 40 80 50 35 68 58 55 50 51 52 54 60 47 50 51 49 42 45 47 43 33 19 42 39 30 19 15 37 28 18 14 12 28 17 12 9.5 16 9 6 4 Note: R..1 1..5 10 100 1000 10000 0.5 21.1 1. h 470 400 380 345 350 360 370 415 325 345 350 340 290 310 325 295 230 130 290 270 205 130 105 255 195 125 95 80 195 115 80 65 60 90 60 40 0.5 8.5 8.5 10 100 1000 10000 0... % 49 42 41 41 41 42 45 49 40 43 Thnslle strength MPa ksl 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 13 24 6 9 17 30 45 9 15 25 40 55 16 22 35 50 65 29 60 85 46 44 35 39 42 38 28 14 39 36 26 15 11 35 25 14 11 8. Fonner ASTM. whered is diameterof reducedsectionof tensile-testspecimen.60 Mg. See Table Creep Rupture Properties See Table Fabrication Characteristics Joining. liquid-cooled aircraft engine crankcases. 0.0: MlL-A-21180.Patent 1. resulting temper) Sand castings Solution Aging T51(c) T6(d) T61(d) T7(d)(e) T71(d)(e) Permanent mold castings Solution Aging(1) T62(d) 11meat 'Iemperature -c OF temperature.5 Si. 0.20 Fe max. Composition Limits. 0.5 6 170 170 90 35 20 25 25 13 5 3 3 1. C355. 0040 to 0.822. 0.05 others (each) max.0 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Temperature.(e)Design values. 4280.15 others (total) max.5 Fe content. (b)In 50 rrunor 2 in.15 others (total) max. Timecan be decreasedor may have to he increased.0.05 other (each) max.0: Heat treatments for separately cast test bars Purpose (and 35 33 17 9. bal AI. 4210. 0. 0. 0. 0. sand cast 25 75 195 150 300 165 400 205 95 260 500 65 600 315 40 Yield strength(a) ksi MPa E1ongation(a)(b).35 Zn max. 4. QQ-A-596. sand cast 25 75 240 150 300 230 400 205 115 260 500 65 315 600 40 T6 temper.877. Same as alloy 514. 4214. SAE.5Mg) Specifications U. 4281.0 increases strength but reduces corrosion resistance and ductility Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.6 Fe max.(b) Specifiedin MIL-A-21180. A03550. fuel-pump bodies.25 Ti max. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.classes 10 and 11 may be obtainedat any locationin casting. permanent mold castings. Foreign.50 Mn max.5 Cu. 0.0: 1. % Alloy 355.) C355. UNS number.5 3 8 16 36 (a) Strengthsand elongationsremainunchangedor improveat low temperatures. liquid-cooled cylinder heads. High irondecreasesductility. class 6.0 (5Si-1.5 6 185 170 90 35 20 27 25 13 5 3 4 10 20 40 50 28 24 14 9. temperaturevaluesfor all tempersare thesameas for sandcastings .S. (c)0. and/or Foreign.5 Cu. (d) In 50 mm. weldability.Aluminum Casting Alloys /255 Alloy 354. 4. Nickel decreases resistance to corrosion. 36 42 36 33 36 42 36 33 (a) Classes 1 and 2 (levelsof properties)obtainableonly at designatedareasof casting. class 10.5 8 16 36 42 32 19 9. 355.20 Ti max.0: Typicaltensile properties of separately cast test bars at elevated temperatures 10mperature "C OF 'Ienslle strength(a) MPa ksi T6 temper. (If Fe exceeds 0045. 0.(e) U. water jackets. h 520-530 970-990 12(a)(b) 225-230 150-155 150-160 225-230 245-250 435-445 300-315 300-320 435-445 470-480 7-9 3-5 8-10 7-9 4-6 520-530 970-980 8(a)(b) 170-175 335-345 14-18 (a)Soaking-timeperiodsrequiredfor averagecastingsafterloadbasreachedspecifiedtemperature. 0040 to 0. 355. 322.0 to 1. air-compressor pistons.10 Mn max. and pressure tightness are required.5 to 5. (c) No solutionheat treatment. 0. The presence of copper in 355. permanent mold cast 75 25 290 150 300 220 205 400 130 260 500 65 315 600 40 TSI temper. or4d.5 Si. AMS. 0. Government.0: SC51B.25 Cr max. and blower· housings.0 to 1. C355.(d)Start with solutionheat-treatedmaterial. (I) Exceptfortemperlistedunderthishead. Tin reduces mechanical properties Applications Typical Uses.5 to 5.0: 1. 355.2% offset.S. Mn content may not be less than 0. See Table Alloy 355. Other applications where good castability.2 in.3Cu-O. 4212. QQ-A-601. 0.0: sand castings.5 6 160 130 70 35 20 23 19 10 5 3 1.0: SC51A. C355.0-T61: Minimum mechanical properties for castings CIass(a) 1 2 10 11 'Iensllestrengthfb) ksi MPa 324 345 324 296 47 50 47 43 'Ienslle yield strength(b) (c) ksi MPa 248 290 248 227 % Compressive yield strength(e) MPa ksi 3 2 3 2 248 290 248 227 Elongation(b)(d).not specified 355.(b) Cool in waterat65 to 100°C (150to 212 "F).60 Mg. Canada: CSA SC51 Chemical Composition.10 Zn max.dependingon experiencewithparticularcastings. Aircraft supercharger covers. See Table Aging Temperature. 0-T51: Tensile properties at various temperatures 'Thmpemture OF 'Thosile strength MPa ksi "C Yieldstrength!a) MPa ksI Alloy 355.0-T71: Tensile properties at various temperatures Elongation.5 6 41 41 40 38 32 36 33 26 19 14 24 18 13 9 6. h 0.5 1.5 1. % Sand castings -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 227 193 193 193 165 95 67 40 25 33 29 28 28 28 24 14 9.5 262 235 227 215 200 180 90 35 21 14 38 34 33 31 29 26 13 5 3 2 1.5 270 260 250 235 206 240 205 160 125 83 130 97 76 55 41 39 38 36 34 30 35 30 23 18 12 19 14 11 8 6 240 235 230 215 185 230 170 130 97 35 34 33 31 27 33 25 19 14 230 220 205 170 140 170 140 110 33 32 30 25 20 25 20 16 105 83 59 41 15 12 8.0: Typical mechanical properties for separately cast test bars 'Thmper 'Ilmslle strength ksI MPa 'Thosile yield strength MPa ksl 195 240 270 260 240 28 35 39 38 35 160 170 240 250 200 205 290 310 275 250 30 42 45 40 36 165 185 275 205 215 Compressive yieldstrength ksi MPa Elongation.R. HB Shear strength MPa ksI Fatigue strength(h) MPa ksI 23 25 35 36 29 1.5 235 220 215 193 180 90 35 21 14 34 32 31 29 28 26 13 5 3 2 1. % Hardness(a).5 6 3.1 1 10 100 1000 Rupture stress MPa ksi MPa ksI MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi 285 285 275 260 220 250 230 180 130 97 165 125 90 62 45 275 270 260 250 215 250 220 120 130 90 145 110 83 62 45 40 39 38 36 31 36 32 25 19 13 21 16 12 9 6.0 1.2% offset -195 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 371 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 (a) 0.5 2 3 8 16 36 50 317 345 262 248 227 200 130 67 41 25 46 50 38 36 33 29 19 9.1% 83 59 41 12 8.5 1% 0. Moore type test Alloy 355.5 1. R.5 2.5 6 3.0 3.5 2 2.5 10.0 9.5 1. (b) At5 x 10 cycles.5 185 165 160 160 152 130 70 35 21 14 27 24 23 23 22 19 10 5 3 2 1.5 6 .2% offset Alloy 355.5% 0.0 9.2% 0.1 I 10 100 1000 0.5 185 172 165 165 165 138 70 35 21 14 27 25 1 1. % Sand castings -195 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 371 'Thnsile strength MPa ksi YIeld strength!a) MPa ksI Elongation.5 1.1 1 to 260 500 100 1000 0.5 3.5 3 4 8 20 40 50 60 200 Permanent mold -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 24 24 24 20 10 5 3 2 (a) 0.0 4.5 2 3 4 19 33 38 60 200 -195 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 371 Permanent mold -195 -80 -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 371 'Thmpemture OF °C -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 282 255 248 240 235 207 117 67 41 25 41 37 36 35 34 30 17 9.256/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Alloy 355.0 75 90 105 85 85 165 235 250 205 185 24 34 36 30 27 69 69 69 69 10 10 10 10 165 185 275 205 215 24 27 40 30 31 Sand cast T51 T6 T61 TI TIl Permanent mold cast T51 T6 T62 TI TIl 8 (a) 500 kg load.5 65 80 90 85 75 150 195 215 195 180 22 28 31 28 26 55 62 66 69 69 8.0 165 180 255 260 205 24 26 37 38 30 24 27 40 30 31 2.0 1.5 1.5 2 3 8 16 36 50 255 240 215 207 193 160 103 67 41 25 37 35 31 30 28 23 15 9.0 10.5 1.5 6 3.0 0. 10 mm ball.5 6 3.5 1.0-T61: Creep-rupture properties for separately cast test bars StressCorcreep DC: 'Thmpemlure OF -c 150 300 205 400 nmeunder stress. water-cooled cylinder blocks.5 60 70 75 60 140 180 165 140 20 26 24 20 55 60 62 60 27 24 5.0 3.5 2.0 (a)Basedonrotating-beam testsat room temperature andcantileverbeam (rotatingload)testsatelevated temperature 356.0 3. 356.45 Mg.3Mg) Specifications U.notspecified Thmperature OF Faligue streogth(o) Numheror cycles "C 24 75 260 500 5 10 106 7 10 108 5 X 108 105 6 10 7 10 108 5x108 MPa ksI 195 130 110 100 95 125 80 50 40 35 28.35 Zn max. High iron decreases strength and ductility Applications Mechanical Properties Alloy 356.5 5.0 3.Mooretypetest Faligue streogthCc) MPa 90 ksI 8.0 19. See Table Alloy 356.5 7. 4284. 0.0 18. 0.05 others (each) max.R. A356. Fonner ASTM. Foreign. 6.5 6.25 Ti max. 356. Government. A356.25 Cu max.0 8. A356. A356.0-T61: Fatigue properties for separately cast test bars Compressive yield strengthCe) MPa ksI 215 230 275 215 205 195 31 33 40 31 30 28 (a)Classes1. nuclear energy installations. 323.0: J452.0-T61: Minimum mechanical properties of castings 'llmsileyleld strength(b)Cc) MPa ksi ThnsUe strength ·CIassCo) 1 2 3 10 11 12 MPa ksi 285 305 345 285 255 240 41 44 50 41 37 35 215 230 275 215 205 195 ElongationCd). balAI aircraft fittings and control parts. and3(levelsofproperties) obtainableonlyatdesignated areasofcasting.5 9.R.0 6. SG70A.0 ElongotlonCo)(b).Aluminum Casting Alloys /257 Alloy 355. bal AI.0 80 70 205 170 30 25 75 (a) In 50 mmor 2 in.0 14.0: MIL-C21180 (class 12). Hardness(b).5 14.(c)At5 x 108 cycles. See Table Aging Temperature.05 others (each) max.0: A13560.0: aircraft structures and engine controls. A356. automotive transmission cases. 0.classes 10. (b) In 50 mm or 2 in. 0.5 13 11 yield strength MPa ksI 145 170 215 150 21 25 31 22 185 165 27 24 .0 (7Si-O. 356. AMS. A356. and other applications where high-strength permanent mold or investment castings are required decreasesductility and resistance to corrosion.(b) SpecifiedinMIL-A-21180. 0.0 Yield strengthCo) MPa ksi 165 140 60 35 20 24 20 8.0 (a)Strengthsandelongationsremainunchanged or improveat low temperatures. 0.10 Zn max. SAE.20 to 0.Highpropertiesareobtainedby advancedfoundrytechniques andbycarefulcontrolof traceelementsat lower levels than specifiedfor alloy 355.0: aircraft pump parts. 10 mm ball. Same as alloy 514. 0. 0.20 Cu max.5 5.4285. See Tables Creep Rupture Properties % See Table 3.5 to 7. (b) 500kg load.0: 4218. where d is diameterof reducedsectionof tensile-test specimen.0 11.0 castings. % HB Shearstrength MPa ksl 20 24 30 21 2.0.(d) In 4d.0. 356. 11.25 to 0. Composition Limits. 6. Tensile Properties. 0.4286. Fabrication Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Temperature.15 others (total) max.0: A03560. 356.0: 0. UNS number.15 others (total) max. QQ-A-596.5 to 7.0 16. % 31 33 40 31 30 28 3 3 2 3 1 1 Alloy C 355. 0.and 12maybeobtainedfromany locationincasting.5 4.10 Mn max.4261. and/or Foreign.5 5. 0.20 Ti max.0: QQ-A-601.5 Si.2% offset.45 Mg.0.6 Fe max.0: Typical mechanical properties for separately cast test bars Thmper Sandcasl T51 T6 TI TIl Permanent mold T6 TI Thnsile strength MPa ksi YIeld strength MPa ksl 172 228 234 193 25 33 34 28 140 165 205 145 262 221 38 32 185 165 Compressive FJongalionCo). ISO: AISi7Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.35 Mn max.5 Si.0: 0.4260. SG70B.20 Fe max. High copper or nickel Chemical Composition. A356. (c) 0. 0.0 18 35 60 Joining. 356.2.0: 4217. 356. and good resistance to corrosion are required. 0. (e)Designvalues. pressure tightness. 0.0 8. Other applications where excellent castability and good weldability.S. Typical Uses.0-T6: Typical tensile properties of separately cast test bars Thmperature OF -c 24 150 205 260 315 Thnsile strengthCo) MPa ksi 75 300 400 500 600 230 160 85 50 30 33 23 12 7. 0: Heat Treatments for separately cast test bars Purpose (and Yield strength MPa ksl 535-540 995-1005 12(a)(b) 225-230 150-155 225-230 245-250 435-445 305-315 435-445 470-480 7-9 2-5 7-9 2-4 535-540 995-1005 8(a)(b) 150-155 305-315 3-5 (a) Soaking-time periodsrequiredforaveragecastingafterloadhas reachedspecifiedtemperature. 50°C (120 "F) Alloy A356.5 240 220 215 207 193 138 58 34 Alloy 356. (c) No solutionheat treatment. 0.2%offset (a)0.5 3.877.1% Alloys 356.5 275 248 165 220 185 160 83 50 28 17 40 36 34 32 27 23 12 7 4 2.5 5 3 2 5 5 5 5 6 10 30 55 70 80 (a) 0. MPo ksI % 275 240 227 227 2W 160 83 53 28 17 40 35 33 33 32 23 12 7.5 193 172 165 165 165 138 58 35 21 14 28 25 24 24 24 W 8.5% MPa ksl 0. and3 (levelsofproperties) obtainableonlyat designated areasofcasting.2%offset. 21 14 35 32 31 30 28 20 8.(e)Designvalues. (b) Coolin wateral65 to 100°C (150to212 "F).2% offset Alloy 356. D/cm2 Stress forcreep oC: Temperature TIme under Rupture stress stress. Compreosive yield strength(e) % MPo ksl 5 3 3 5 3 2 195 205 235 195 185 150 28 30 34 28 27 22 (a)ClassesI. whered is diameterofreducedsectionoftensile-testspecimen.5 4 6 18 35 60 80 330 275 270 262 207 145 83 53 28 17 48 40 39 38 30 21 12 7.0-T61: Creep-rupture properties for separately cast test bars Alloy A356.6x 1020 9.5 5 3 2 6 6 6 6 10 20 40 55 70 80 34 Thmpemture % DC Yield strength(a) ThnsiJe strength MPa ksl OF Sand castings -195 -320 -112 -80 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 371 700 Permanent mold castings -195 -320 -80 -112 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 600 315 371 700 Elongation.5 3.classes10.0-T7: Tensile properties at various temperatures 'Iemperature OF °C Sand castings -195 -320 -80 -112 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 371 700 Permanent mold castings -195 -320 -80 -112 -28 -18 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 371 700 Thnsile strength MPa ksl y.. Timecan be decreased or mayhaveto be increased.1 I 10 100 1000 235 235 230 200 165 34 34 33 29 24 1% MPa ks\ 0.2x loW 5. b CIoss(a) Sand castings Solution Aging T51(c) T6(d) TI(d)(e) TII(d) Permanent mold castings Solution Aging(f) T6(d) 230 255 290 315 375 Controlsample 2.5 3.5 2W 193 185 185 172 117 58 34 21 14 32 28 27 27 25 17 8. (d)Stan with sclutionheat-treated material.5 4 2.(e)U.irradiation temperature. (f)Exceptfortemperlistedunderthishead.0 and A 356.2% MPa ksi MPa ks\ 215 215 205 195 165 205 200 195 185 160 195 185 180 170 185 180 170 165 31 31 30 28 24 30 29 28 27 23 resulting lemper) Thmperature °C 28 27 26 25 27 26 25 24 % 180 200 230 290 360 33 37 42 46 54 26 29 33 42 52 4 6 6 6 3 Note:Separatelycast testbars.258/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Alloy 356. 11.0-T61: Effect of neutron radiation on 'tensile properties Thnsile strength MPa ksl Fast neutron Dux.822.ldstrength(a) MPa ksl 283 248 235 235 207 160 83 53 28 17 41 36 34 30 23 12 7.5 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 18 35 60 80 207 180 172 165 160 138 58 34 21 14 30 26 25 24 23 20 8.-A-2I 180.0x 1019 1.dependingon experiencewithparticularcastings.S.and 12may be specifiedat anylocationin casting.h MPa ksi °C OF 150 300 0.0-T6: Tensile properties at various temperatures Elongation.5 4 2. temperature valuesfor all tempersare thesanne as for sand castings I 2 3 10 11 12 ThnsiJe streogth(b) MPa ksl 260 275 310 260 230 220 38 40 45 38 33 32 Thnsile yield strength(b)(c) MPa ksl 195 205 235 195 185 150 28 30 34 28 27 22 Eiongallon(d).0-T61: Minimum mechanical properties for alloy castmgs temperature.5 5 3 2 3. 2.5 4 2.8x loW TIme at OF Eiongallon.not specified ..(c)0.Patent1.(d) In 4d.(b) Specifiedin Mll. 05 others (each) max. (d) In 4d.2% offset.5 10 100 0. O. 6.0: Minimum mechanical properties of castings Class(a) Thnsile strengtb(b) ksI MPH ThnsiIe yieldstrengtb(b)(c) MPH ksi EIoogaUon(b)(d). A357.10 Mn max. MIL-A-21180 Chemical Composition.6 Mg. hal Al Applications Typical Uses.5 Si. Composition Limits. 0. b 0. A moderately high-strength permanent mold casting alloy having superior casting characteristics Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. A357.5Mg) Specifications U. 0.5 to 7. See Tables Hardness.0: MIL-A-21180 Chemical Composition. SG91A. then 155°C (310 "F) for 10 to 12 h (T61 temper). 0.20 Fe max.15 others (total) max.05 Zn max. not specified 1imeat temperature. 0.04 to 0.40 to 0.6Mg) Specifications U. A357.15 Fe max. 8.5 10 100 0. % Compressive yieldstrengtb(e) MPa ksi T61. 0.S. 0.Aluminum Casting Alloys /259 357. T6 temper: 170°C (340 "F). 0.5 to 9.20 Cu max. 0.S.15 others (total) max. 0.0 (7Si-O. 0. classes 10 and 11may be obtained from any location in castings.15 others (total) max.0. 6. UNS number.0.0: 0. hot water quench Aging Temperature. and/or Foreign. 357. care should be taken not to inhale fumes during welding Alloy A357. Government. Former ASTM. permanent mold castings 1 10 46 317 283 41 248 214 36 31 3 3 310 345 262 283 45 50 38 41 241 276 193 214 35 40 28 31 3 5 5 3 T62 castings 1 2 10 11 241 276 193 214 35 40 28 31 (a) Classes 1 and 2 (levels of properties obtainable only at designated areas of casting).0-T62: Typical mechanical properties of separately cast bars at various temperatures Thmpemlure OF -c -196 -80 -28 24 100 -320 -112 -18 75 212 150 300 175 350 205 400 230 450 260 500 315 600 Fabrication Characteristics Joining.5-100 1000 10000 0. or 170°C (340 OF) for 6 to 10 h (T62 temper) .0 (9Si-O. 0. 0.05 other (each) max.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.0: A13570. hold at temperature 10 to 14 h. hold at temperature 3 to 5 h Applications Typical Uses.20 Fe max. A357. bal AI Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Temperature. 0.20 Cu max.20Ti. See Tables Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Temperature. 0.7 Mg.07 Be.7 Mg. hot water quench 60 to 80°C (140 to 175 OF) Aging Temperature. hold at temperature for 8 h.5 10 100 1000 10000 0. and/or Foreign. T61 temper: 100 HB Alloy 357.45 to 0. A357. 540°C (1005 OF). 540°C (1000 "F).20 Ti max.lOZn max.0: A03570. where d is diameter of reduced section of tensile-test specimen. (b) Specified inMIL-a-21180. 357. 0.10 Zn max. 0. A03590.10 to 0. (c) 0.5 30 18 13 22 11 7 9. 0.0: 0. Because of the beryllium content.05 Cu max.50 to 0. where d is diameter of reduced section oftensile-test specimen 359.5 Si.03 Mn max.5 to 7. (e) Design values.05 others (each) max. 0. Composition Limits.5 E1ongation(a) % 6 6 6 8 10 8 6 10 9 7 7 20 7 6 7 19 35 6 7 23 40 50 9 13 45 16 23 55 35 (a) In 4d.20 Ti max. 0.5 Si. 0. 0.10 Mn max. Government. bal AI.5 10 100 1000 10000 0. Room temperature for 8 to 16 h after solution treatment. 0. UNS number.5 Thnsl1e strength ksI MPa 425 380 370 360 315 315 330 270 285 290 260 160 255 275 240 150 90 250 205 160 85 70 215 130 95 160 85 55 70 62 55 54 52 46 46 48 39 41 42 38 23 37 40 35 22 13 36 30 23 12 10 31 19 14 23 12 8 10 YIeld strengtb ksi MPH 330 310 305 290 270 275 310 240 255 275 250 145 235 260 230 140 75 240 195 145 70 50 205 125 90 150 75 50 65 48 45 44 42 39 49 45 35 37 40 36 21 34 38 33 20 11 35 28 21 10 7. Critical aerospace applications and other uses requiring heat-treatable permanent mold casting that combines ready weldability with high strength and good toughness Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. b 100 1000 10000 0.0: J452.0-F and A360.5 10 100 0.5Si-O.50 Zn max.0: A03600. Poor weldability and brazeability. 9.5 4. 0. 170 MPa (25 ksi).0: AI3600. A360.25 others (total) max.4 4 4 5 6 10 11 30 25 40 50 55 60 50 60 65 55 (a) In 4d.0.50 Zn max.not specified Alloy 359. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Government.50 Ni max.0: QQ-A-591 Chemical Composition. 360.5 7 6 5 6. 2. Other applications where excellent castability.5 10 100 1000 10000 0.s.SAE. A360.5 170 170 165 95 50 30 20 25 25 24 14 7. yield strength.0: SGlOOA.5 4 90 45 28 15 3 2 4 8 20 35 . 320 MPa (46 ksi). Same as alloys 413. 0.15 Sn max. 360. 0. 360.5 4..) ksl MPa 4 3 4 3 241 262 234 207 Eloogatlon(b)!d). as-cast.50 Ni max.5 ThIISU.15 Sn max. ~ 47 47 45 38 34 14 17 8. 0.(b) SpecifiedinMlL·A·21180.0 Fe max..0 aluminum 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 250 500 315 600 370 700 Thnsile strengtb MPa ksI Tensile Properties.lve yieldstrengtb!. 0. (d) In 4d.Fonner ASTM. 2.0 (9. See Table Fabrication Characteristics Joining. where d is diameter of reduced sectionof tensile-test specimen. Die castings requmng improved corrosion resistance compared to 3800. resistance to hot cracking. strength at elevated temperatures. increasing iron lowers ductility.. 1. General-purpose casting alloy for such items as cover plates and instrument cases Alloy 360.0-T6: Typical tensile properties of separately cast test bars 'Iemperature of -c -196 -320 -80 -112 -28 -18 150 300 260 315 370 500 600 700 TIm. UNS number.6 Cu max.5 4. yield strength.0 Si.5% in 50 mm or 2 in. elongation. 305 MPa (44 ksi). elongation.classes10 and 11maybe obtainedfromanylocationincasting. 0.5% in 50 mm or 2 in. 0.5 7 7.5 4 2. Increasing copper limits lowers resistance to corrosion.0aluminum 24 75 100 212 150 300 205 400 250 500 315 600 370 700 A36O.35 Mn max. and/or Foreign.0 to 10.35 Mn max..0 and A413.5 8. 360. Mechanical Properties Yieldstrengtb!a) MPa ksi 43 34 21 11 6. Typical for separately cast test bars. 0.0: SGlOOB.5 3 40 315 295 235 145 75 45 30 46 165 165 160 24 24 23 13 6.0: tensile strength.4 325 325 310 260 235 95 115 60 50 40 35 45 40 30 28 EIongatlon!a). ~ 325 305 240 150 85 50 30 47 44 35 22 12 7 4. A360.3 Fe max.0-F: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars at elevated temperature Thmperature OF -c 360. 0.5 5.40 to 0.25 others (total) max. Composition Limits.5 7.2%offset. 0.6 Mg.0: tensile strength.0 Si.0 to 10.0: 0. 360.6 Mg. whered is diameter ofreducedsectionoftensile-test specimen 360.0-T61: Minimum mechanical properties CIass!a) 1 2 10 11 ThIlSiJe streDB!b(b) lui MPu 310 324 310 276 45 47 45 40 ThllSiJe y\e/dstreogtb(b)!c) MPa ksI 241 262 234 207 35 38 34 30 ~ Comp. bal AI. pressure tightness.(c)0.0: 0.5 6 5. strengtb MPa ksl 435 380 360 290 250 125 125 65 60 50 50 50 40 40 30 YIeld strengtb MPu lui 63 55 52 42 36 18 18 9.(b) In 50 mmor2 in.0 E1ongation(b). 0. (e) Designvalues. A360. AMS.260 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Alloy 359.6 Cu max. 309.2%offset. 9. at temperature. 170 MPa (25 ksi). 3.5 5 3 5 14 30 45 45 (a)0. Decreasing silicon reduces castability Applications Typical Uses. A360. A360. and ability to be electroplated are required. 35 38 34 30 (a)Gasses 1and2 (levelsofproperties) obtainable onlyfromdesignated areasofcasting.5Mg) Specifications u.0:4290F. 0040 to 0.360. elongation. SCI02A.0 ductility. Relatively large quantities of impurities may be present before serious effects are detected Recommended Heat Treating Practice Applications Annealing Temperature. SAE. 0. Typical for separately cast test bars. hold at temperature 4 to 6 h. max. fair pres- Stress Relief Temperature. 0.50 others (total) max. A380. 1. furnace cool or cool in still air Typical Uses. 0. % 2. hold at electrical industries such as motor frames and housings. A380. fair strength at elevated temperatures Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.0 Cu. 0.50 Ni max. A380. and brazeability.10 Mg max. A03830 Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.5Si-3. 0.3 Fe max.0: 4291.0: SC84A. hold at temperature 4 to 6 h. 2.10 Mg max. Composition Limits.0 Cu. 0.10 Mg max. cool in still air Alloy 380. 165 MPa (24 ksi).S. Composition Limits. UNS number. 383. bal AI.5 to 11. 0. A380. and/or Foreign. Typical for separately cast test bars.5 3 3 4 5 8 20 30 35 (a) 0. A380. 330 MPa (48 ksi).0: A03800.5 Si. 380.50 Mn max. 0. 1. elongation.and/or Foreign. 380.35 Sn max. 0.50 others (total) max.5 Elongation.5 Si. poor weldability. 0. and strength at elevated temperature.strength ksI MPa 407 338 338 330 310 235 165 90 49 28 59 49 49 48 45 34 24 13 7 4 YIeldstrength!a) MPa ksI 207 165 165 165 165 152 110 55 28 17 30 24 24 24 24 22 16 8 4 2. 3% in 50 rom or 2 in. Poor weld ability and brazeability.0 Zn max. parts for automotive and Stress Relief Temperature. 160 MPa (23 ksi) Fabrication Characteristics Joining.5 si. Vacuum cleaners.5 to 9.0: 308.0: tensile strength. For increased ductility.0 to 4. 380. Increasing iron will lower aluminum die casting alloy. 7.50 Mn max.Aluminum Casting Alloys /261 380.0 Fe max. Fonner ASTM. A380.50 Ni max.0-F: Tensile properties of die cast alloy at various temperatures Temperature OF °C 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 'Thnslle strength ksi MPH 330 310 235 165 90 50 30 48 45 34 24 13 7 4 Yieldstrength MPa ksI 165 165 150 110 55 30 15 24 24 22 16 8 4 2.5Cu) Specifications U.0: A13800. 0.0.0: 3.5 Elongation. bal Al Hardness.0: 3. 3. 3.0-F: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars at elevated temperature Alloy 380.S. 380. Most widely used temperature 4 to 6 h. A380. Government. Foreign. furnace cool or cool in still air . 3.5Cu) Specifications U. 10 rom ball) Applications Recommended Heat Treating Practice Typical Uses. 7. floor polishers.5 2. % 3 4 5 8 20 30 35 'Thmperalure OF °C -195 -80 -26 24 100 150 205 260 315 371 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 'Thmu. 2.50 others (total) max.0 Zn max. 0.0 and A413. yield strength. For increased ductility.0: QQ-A591.50 Mn max.5% in 50 rom or 2 in.0 Cu. hold at temperature 4 to 6 h. 3. AMS. yield strength.0 (8. SAE.5Si-2. anodizing quality is poor Annealing Temperature.0 Zn strength. 260 to 370°C (500 to 700 "F). UNS number. 75 HB (500 kg load. A380. yield strength.5 to 9. CSASC84 Chemical Composition.0: 306. 175 to 260°C (350 to 500 oF).2% offset 383.0 (10. Former ASTM. as-cast: tensile Chemical Composition. as-cast. Applications requiring good die filling capacity. 380.30 Ni max. cool in still air sure tightness I electroplating and machining characteristics. 9. 0.0: SC84B. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 380.0 to 3.3 Fe max. 0.0: tensile strength. 310 MPa (45 ksi). 260 to 370°C (500 to 700 "F). Same as alloy 413.35 Sn max.15 Sn max. 325 MPa (47 ksi). 0.0 to 4. 175 to 260°C (350 to 500 "F).0: Canada. 150 MPa (22 ksi). 35 Sn max. 330 MPa (48 ksi). 0.0: 85 HB (500 kg load. 0.5 Fe max. A390. but resistance to corrosion is reduced and lowers as copper increases Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.10 Mn max. 2. Freon compressors. 1. Composition Limits.5% in 50 mm or 2 in.0. 0. Temper 0.50 others (total) max. Automotive cylinder blocks.10 others (each) max. A384. A384. 0.0 to 18. SC114A. pumps requiring abrasive resistance. 0. A390.0 Zn max.35 Sn max. A03900.45 to 0. 384.0: tensile strength.45 to 0. A390. 0. hold at temperature 4 to 6 h.10 others (each) max.S. 390.20 Ti max.0: A03840. 495°C (925 oF) OF Acurad castings Applications gines.0 (17.0 to 4.0: A13840. 1. T5 and T7 tempers: 230°C (450 "F).5 Cu. 260 to 370°C (500 to 700 OF). furnace cool or cool in still air Applications Typical Uses.0 die cast- Alloy 390.5 to 12. 10.0 to 18. sand and permanent mold castings.65 Mg. 0.0: 4.2Si-3. Poor weldability and brazeability 390. 3. Fonner ASTM. 390.0. 0. 303. pulleys.3 Fe max. 0. low coefficient of thermal expansion.20 others (total) max.10 Zn max. and/or Foreign. T6 temper: 175°C (350 "F).5 Mn max.0: 3. as-east. 0. 10. Government.S. hold at temperature for 8 h 28 28 26 22 14 30 32 28 23 12 52 48 44 Die castings F Solution Temperature. UNS number. 175 to 260°C (350 to 500 "F).0 Zn max. Hardness. 1. Typical for separately cast test bars.20 others (total) max. 384.0Si-4.0 Si. 0.5Cu-O.6Mg) Specifications U. 165 MPa (24 ksi). 0. 0. 0. and/or Foreign.10 Mg max.10 Zn max.0: 4.50 Mn max. 16.0 and A384. bal AI. UNS number.8Cu) Specifications U. Other applications where high wear resistance. Composition Limits.10 Mg max. 16. A384. For increased ductility. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. and good fluidity are required Yield streogth(o) MPo ksi -c (a) Based on cast-to-size test specimens tested after 1000 h holding at test temperature . and brake shoes.10 Mn max. bal AI.0. yield strength. Generally insensitive to minor variations in composition.0 Si.0 si.65 Mg.3 Fe max. elongation.3 Fe max. 0. good elevated-temperature strength.0 and A384.262/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 384. 384. Die casting applications where fair pressure tightness and fair strength at elevated temperatures are required. 1. 384.0 to 5.5 to 12. See Table Recommended Heat Treating Practice 38 95 150 205 260 38 95 150 205 260 38 95 150 205 260 38 95 150 205 260 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 195 195 180 155 100 210 225 195 160 85 365 335 305 235 70 280 270 245 195 70 34 10 40 39 35 28 10 38 95 150 205 260 100 200 300 400 500 260 285 265 210 125 37 41 38 30 18 Aging Temperature. SAE. 0.0 to 4.5 Cu. cool in still air Annealing Temperature.0: QQ-A-591 Chemical Composition.0: 3. 0. air compressors.0 (11.50 others (total) max. A13900 Thmperalure Chemical Composition.0 to 5. Better die filling than 380. hold at temperature 4 to 6 h.0: Typicalelevated-temperature tensile yield strength for separately cast test bars ings. 384.0 Si.0 Cu. See Tables Hardness. 0.50 Ni max.0.0 Cu. four cycle air-cooled en- Mechanical Properties T6 T7 Tensile Properties. 0. 0. 10 mm ball) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relief Temperature.20 Ti max. 0. bal Al F T5 Typical Uses.50 Ni max. 0. yield strength normallyequals tensilestrength because0. A413. elongation. yield strength.0 Fe max. For 390.5% in 50 mrn or 2 in. conventional die castings 40. Foreign. increasing silicon content may lead to machining problems Applications Typical Uses. Rivet compositions: 6053-T4.sand castings 26 F. and pressure tightness are required Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.2% offset. 0.5in. France: NF A-S13.0. then use methods applicable to copper-base alloys. permanent mold castings F. B85 SI2A. Soft solder: After copper plating.5 2 2 2.0. 0. A413. ISO: AlSi12 Chemical Composition.0 to 13.5% in 50 mrn or 2 in.0: 13.5 2. 3. Miscellaneous thin-walled and intricately designed castings.15 Sn max.)diameter for die castings and tested without machining the surface. elongation.2% offsetis not reachedprior to fracture. 2.7 mm(0.4rrun(0.)diameterforsand.0-F: Typicaltensile properties for separately cast test bars at elevated temperature Temperature OF -c -195 ~O -28 24 100 150 205 260 315 370 -320 -112 -18 75 212 300 400 500 600 700 Tensile strength MPa ksi 360 310 303 295 255 220 165 90 50 30 (a)0.pennanentmold. Increasing copper lowers corrosion resistance. 0.0 and A390. 413. Other applications where excellent castability.25 in.15 Sn max. CSA SI2P.0: 1.2% offset. SAE. 0.and/or Foreign.5 120 125 140 20 110 110 150 125 90 95 13 14 17 16 115 110 (a)Tensilepropertiesand hardnessaredetennined from standardcast-to-sizetensilespecimens 12.T5 180 T6 40 275 T7 36 250 A390.35 Mn max. resistance to corrosion. bal AI Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 10mm ball. 11. 0.0: S12B. increasing iron and magnesium lowers ductility.0 Cu max.0 Si.0: A04130. HB 180 275 250 26 40 36 100 140 115 200 310 260 29 45 38 110 145 120 240 260 35 38 195 200 365 275 28 29 53 40 Fatigue strength(d) MPa ksi 105 15 115 100 17 14. 413.5 Eiongation(h).0 and A39O. % 1. Fonner designation.0 to 13. 1.T5 29 200 45 T6 310 T7 260 38 390. 0.0. A413. bal AI. 305.0: tensile strength. 290 MPa (42 ksi). yield strength.0.25 others (total) max. See Table Fabrication Characteristics Joining. A413.25 others (total) max.0. Acurad castings F 30 205 T5 205 30 T6 53 365 40 T7 275 Hardness(a)(c).50 Ni max. A413.0: J453. Government.3 Fe max.0.0: QQ-A-591 (class 2). (b) 0.0: 1. (b) In 50mmor2 in. 130 MPa (19 ksi). 52 45 44 43 37 32 24 13 7 4.50 Zn max. Fonner ASTM.Moore type test 413. 0.5 5 8 15 30 35 40 .0: A14130.0 castings.10 Mg max. 300 MPa (43 ksi). A413.10 Mg max. (d)At 5 x 108 cycles.R. 2.andAcuradcastingsand6.35 Mn max.Aluminum Casting Alloys /263 Alloys 390. Typical for separately cast test bars. A413. as-cast.5 Yield strength(a) ksi MPa 160 145 145 145 140 130 105 60 30 15 23 21 21 21 20 19 15 9 4. 145 MPa (21 ksi). Resistance welding: flash method Alloy413. 0. 0.0 Si.0 Cu max.50 Ni max. 0. 11. 413.S. Canada: A413. 0. 413.R.0: tensile strength.0: A13 Specifications U. 6053-T61.(c) 500 kg load.0: Typical room-temperature mechanical properties for separately cast test bars Temper Yield strength(h) MPa lIsi TeIl5iJe strength(a) MPa lIsi >\390. 6053-T6. 0.5 F 280 T5 43 295 390.0 (12Si) Commercial Names.50 Zn max. Composition Limits. UNS number. 413. Content of impurities may be quite high before serious effects are detected. 5 to 4. For sand and permanent mold cast alloys.6 Cu max. neutral flame. 0. 0.25 others (total) max.8 Fe max.S.8 Fe max.0-F. SAE. Rivet compositions: 6053-T4. 443.15 Cu max.50 Zn max.8 Fe max. 0. or manganese decreases strength and ductility. 0. and flash methods for sand and pennanent mold cast alloys Chemical Composition. ksl 443. 0. C443.50 Mn max. Rivet compositions: 6053-T4. 22 flux. 3. UNS number. 4.S. 0.25 Cr max. For die cast alloy. Alcoa No.25 Ti max. Foreign. Rub-tin with Alcoa No. 802. bal Al Mechanical Properties Consequence of EXceeding Impurity Limits. Cooking utensils.5 110 110 105 85 40 25 15 16 16 15 12 6 3. 0. relatively large quantities of impurities may be present before serious effects are detected.35 Mn max.0-F. yield strength.25 others (total) max.05 Mg max. 145 MPa (21 ksi). Sand and pennanent mold casting alloys (unless otherwise noted): braze with Alcoa No. iron. 6053-T61. 443. 27 flux. 4.0:S5B. A443. 0. Foreign. See Table Hardness.0: 0.50 Zn max. 6053-T6.35 Si max. Atomic-hydrogen weld with 4043 alloy. 0. 4.0 (sand castings): 40 HB. Braze with Alcoa . See Table Hardness. or nickel decreases ductility and resistance to corrosion. 2. no flux or rub-tin with Alcoa No.15 Sn max. seam. Die castings: applications where good pressure tightness. Government.35 others (total) max.50 Ni max. Alcoa No. Oxyacetylene weld with 4043 alloy. and excellent resistance to corrosion are required.5 to 6.0. Fonner designation. 0.0 (5. 514. food-handling equipment. ksi Elong8lion(b).35 Mn max.0 Fe max.5 Mg. 24 flux (automatic). 0. UNS number.0 (4Mg) Commercial Names. C443.25 Ti max. and/or Foreign. 717. 50 HB (500 kg load. 802 for sand and permanent mold castings. 0. (b)In50mmor2in. C443.0: A04430.0-F: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars Temperature OF OC 'IensUestrengtb MP.0: A34430. Metal-arc weld with 4043 alloy. A05140. 0.0%.2Si) Commercial Names.0 Si. SAE. 0.5 to 6. 0. 8443. Alcoa No. 0. 0. B443. no flux. 0.0. 22 flux. 0. High iron. 802. A443. Resistance weld: flash method for die cast alloys.35 Mn max.443. B443. 0. spot. Government. 6053-T61. High copper or nickel greatly decreases resistance to corrosion and decreases ductility. cooking utensils. Fonner ASTM.15 Zn max. increasing iron and magnesium tends to lower ductility. 0. Alcoa No.5 9 9 10 25 30 35 35 (a) 0. 0. elongation.2% offset.0: 0. 0. bal AI. 3.5 to 6. high copper. A443. 27 flux (manual). above-average ductility. Fonner designation.35 others (total) max. Tensile strength. 0. 0. 0.0 (die castings): 65 HB (500 kg load. 0. 0.15 others (total) max. 802. Carbon-arc weld with 4043 alloy. B443. C443. Composition Limits. C443. QQ-A-60l (class 5).264/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 443. no flux. 8443.0: A24430. Increasing copper tends to lower resistance to corrosion.25 Cr max.25 Ti max.0 Si.30 Cu max.0: S5A. F temper: 443. 0. silicon.6 Cu max. C443. 0. 'I 19 55 8 8 23 60 9 10 33 28 22 16 9 5 3.0: 0. 443. bal AI. Soft solder with Alcoa No. Fonner ASTM. 43 Fabrication Characteristics Specifications U. Use Alcoa No.5 to 6. United Kingdom: DID 165. Tin reduces resistance to corrosion Tensile Properties. Sand and permanent mold castings: applications where very good castability and resistance to corrosion with moderate strength are required Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. B443.50 Fe max.0 si. fittings for chemical and sewage use.0. Alcoa No. 0.0 (permanent mold castings): 45 HB.50 Zn max. 0.50 Mn max. Alcoa No. C443. 0.) MP. Typical. 33 flux. Tungsten-arc argon-atmosphere weld 4043 alloy. Canada: CSA S5 Joining.05 Mg max.0: 0. flame either reducing oxyacetylene or reducing oxyhydrogen.0: S5C. Composition Limits. 10 rom ball) Fabrication Characteristics Joining. ISO: AIMg3 Typical Uses.10 Mg max.0-F sand castings 24 130 75 B443. 6053-T6.0: Al4430.05 Mg max. C443. 4. G4A.and/or Foreign.0: QQ-A-601 (class 2). F temper. 95 MPa (14 ksi).0-F die castings 24 230 75 100 195 212 150 150 300 205 400 110 260 500 60 315 600 35 370 700 25 Yieldstrengtb!.5 2.0: 304.25 Ti max. Soft solder with copper plate and use methods applicable to copper-base alloys for die castings. 10 rom ball) Alloy 443.35 Zn max.0. Increasing magnesium reduces ductility Applications Typical Uses. Canada: CSA G4.0: QQ-A-591.05 others (each) max. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 214 Applications Specifications U. 320. miscellaneous thin-section castings. 0. B443.0-F permanent mold castings 24 160 75 C443. Dairy and food-handling applications. bal AI.15 Cu max.0 Si. Other applications where excellent resistance to corrosion and tarnish are required Chemical Composition. marine fittings. Oxyacetylene weld with 4043 alloy. bal Al Hardness. ornamental hardware.25 Cu max. 'IImsIJe strenglh MP. Typical. Rub-tin with Alcoa No. difficult to attain a uniform appearance after anodizing. Poor weldability and brazeability. poor castability (is hot short). 0. Non-heat treatable. MP. yield strength. Alcoa No. 80 HB (500 kg. 22 flux.6 Mg. 1. 10 rnm load) 520.211> yleldstrength ksI MPa 170 130 80 50 25 25 19 11. Soft solder with Alcoa No. elongation.Aluminum Casting Alloys /265 No. 9. 0. Government. Government. Rivet compositions: 6053-T4. 802. bal Al Applications Typical Uses.QQ-A-591 Chemical Composition. Aircraft fittings. 180 MPa (26 ksi). high ductility. High copper or nickel greatly decreases resistance to corrosion. Former designation. 0. 22 flux.). Foreign. Composition Limits.15Nimax. miscellaneous castings requiring strength and shock resistance. QQ-A-60l (class 16).5 EIongatlon(. 27 flux. 0. Carbon-arc weld with 4043 alloy. railroad passenger-car frames. 10 rnm ball) Fabrication Characteristics Joining.0-F: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars 'Thmperature OF °C 24 150 205 260 315 75 300 400 500 600 'Thnsile strength lis. AMS. Alcoa No. 6053-T6. Takes a high polish. 0. no flux. 5 to 8% in 50 rnm or 2 in. High iron.5 to 10. 0. G8A. 0. ornamental automotive parts. France: NF A-GIO.8Femax.2% offset 518.15 Sn max. no flux.. Alcoa 27 flux (manual). Alcoa No. II> 9 7 9 12 17 (a) 0. yield strength.0. and flash methods Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.5 7. ksl 315 240 150 105 70 46 35 22 15 10. 33 flux.25 Si max.25 Ti max. 190 MPa (28 ksi). Atomic-hydrogen weld with 4043 alloy. 0.15 others (total) max. 170 150 125 90 60 25 22 18 13 9 YieldS\ftngth(.0 (8Mg) Commercial Names.5 Mg.0-F: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars at elevated temperature 'Thmperalure OF -c 24 150 205 260 315 75 300 400 500 600 (a) In 50mmor2 in. Former AS'IM.15 Zn max. 717.15 Mn max. 324. Canada: CSAGIO. Alcoa No. 0. flame either reducing oxyacetylene or reducing oxyhydrogen. 0. 6053-T61. ksi 85 85 85 55 30 12 12 12 8 4 Elongation.35 Mnmax. Former AS'IM. ISO: AIMglO Chemical Composition.5 3.5 to 8. flame neutral. F temper. 75 HB (500 kg load. See Table Alloy 520. 7. 310 MPa (45 ksi). SAE. Resistance welding: spot. Hardness. elongation in 50 mm or 2 in. seam.S. 16%. Tensile strength. silicon.25 Cu max.05 others (each) max. A05200.) MP. A05180. UNS number. Other applications where excellent machinability and resistance to corrosion with highest strength and elongation of any aluminum sand casting alloy are desired Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. Metal-arc weld with 4043 alloy. 218 Specifications U. 4240. and flash welds Alloy 514.5 0. and/or Foreign. 0. Alcoa No. Used for die cast marine fittings. Alloy has excellent corrosion resistance and machinability.S. 802. or manganese contents adversely affect mechanical properties Applications Typical Uses. Resistance welding: spot. Former designation.30 Fe max. GIOA. Typical. 330 MPa (48 ksi). and other applications requiring the highest corrosion resistance Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. UNS number. 24 flux (automatic). seam.0 (10Mg) Commercial Names. T4 temper: tensile strength. 0. Composition Limits. 0. II> 14 16 40 55 70 . 0. Tungsten-arc argon-atmosphere weld with 4043.35 Si max. and/or Foreign.25 others (total) max. 220 Specifications U.15 Zn max. 6 Cr. most castings from 535. 0. High microfinishes can be achieved at high Alloy 535.10 to 0.4 ksi). heat 10 h at 200°C (400 OF).0 to 6. 4239.10 Cu max. 0. Where high dimensional tolerance is required.5 to 7. 5%. bal AI. dimensional stability. 140 MPa (20 ksi). minimum.5 Zn. F and T5 tempers: 535. 535. 0.10 to 0. 6.05 others (each) max. See Table .0 will have full hard and physical properties and will be stable. and/or Foreign. 0.0: 0. " 11 14 14 13 13 12 (a) In 50 nun or 2 in.15 to 0. D612.0. Former designations. Use sulfuric acid process to produce a pure satin white finish capable of being dyed to brilliant pastel colors Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.0. 0. 535. 13%.0 aluminum.2 to 7. A535.40 to 0. 5%.10 Mn max. 265 MPa (38.05 Mn max.65 Mg.. 170 MPa (25 ksi). 535. Used in parts in computing devices. 0.007 Be. 125 MPa (18 ksi). Minimum: 70 HB Chemical Properties General Corrosion Behavior. Can be welded by any inert gas shielded-arc systems using filler material of 5356 or 535.0 can be rough and finish machined without breaking into the machining sequence Weldability.0-F: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars at elevated temperature Thmpernlure OF °C 150 175 205 260 315 370 300 350 400 500 600 700 Thmile strength list MPa 260 235 220 180 140 105 37.5 Mg.003 to 0. Superior. Typical: 60 HB. 535. 6. A535. UNS number. 0. 535.0.0: A218.20 Si max.05 others (each) max. Fonner ASTM.50 to properties is required without heat treatment: shock and corrosion resistance. 535.5 to 7.0: GM70B. minimum. 0. elongation in 50 mm or 2 in.0: 0.5Cr-O. bal Al Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. 5.: typical.0: 0.6Mg-O.15 Fe max.15 Fe max.0 takes a very high mirror polish. cycle between -73 to 100°C (-100 to 212 "F) 25 times (30 h/cycle).15 others (total) max. yield strength. elongation.05 others (each) max. Elongation in 50 mm or 2 in.20 Fe max.0.10 Cu max. Maximum properties are available immediately after casting without the aid of heat treatment or natural aging. After being stress relieved. 0. but it can also be used for die castings.0: B218 Specifications U. no distortion in heat treating 0. A535.15 others (total) max. 0. can be milled at speeds four times faster than other aluminum casting alloys. A535.002 B max. 0. Former ASTM. Yield strength: typical. On air cooling from 370 °C (700 OF). Government. 0.and/or Foreign.0: QQ-A-601. Former designations. cycle between -73 to 100 °C (100 to 212 "F) five times (30 h/cycle).20 others (total) max.S. 0. B535. 0.5 34 32 26.30 Si max.0. 6.0.8Zn-O.50 Fe max. 0. Creep resistance at 370°C (700 OF) is very low. 240 MPa (35 ksi).S. 0. Because of the beryllium content in alloy 535. aircraft and missile guidance systems.0 may be stress relieved at approximately 370°C (700 OF) for 5 h.25 Cu max. F or T5 temper. 712. 535. 0.25 Ti. heat at 200°C (400 "F) for 14 h.5 Mg. UNS number.25 Mn.0: A25350. Composition Limits. Highly useful in marine and other corrosive-prone applications speeds. permitting plastic flow under the load of locked-up stresses and resulting in stress-free castings. 0. 0. minimum. 8. and B535.5 Mg. 0. 0.10 to 0. 535.266/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 535. D712. 4238A. B535. the following procedure should be used: rough machine parts.15 Si max. 0. 40E Specifications U. QQ-A-601 (class 17) Applications Typical Uses.0: Almag35. See Table Hardness.0: A05350.25 Ti max. A535. ZG61A. finish machine. Government. Typical tensile strength. 0. 0.5 20. Normally this alloy is used for sand and permanent mold castings. 0.0: A15350.05 Cu max. Composition Limits. B535. air cool. B535. Low-temperature strength after 24 h at -70°C (-94 oF): tensile strength. and electric equipment where dimensional stability is essential. 0.25 Ti. Applications where a good combination of mechanical Chemical Composition. bal Al Applications Typical Uses. 240 MPa (35 ksi).0 (5. 0. QQ-A-371 Chemical Composition.25 Mn. SAE. bal AI. A47120. 310.25 Ti.2Ti) Commercial Names. 535.5 15. machinability.15 Si max.5 EIoogation(a). care should be taken not to inhale fumes during welding Anodizing.0%.10 to 0.0 (7Mg) Commercial Names. Fonner AMS.0: Tensile strength: typical.0 has the highest resistance to corrosion of any of the common aluminum casting alloys Fabrication Characteristics Machinability. 275 MPa (40 ksi). Welding fluxes should be avoided if possible. Permanent mold castings.13Cr) Commercial Names.10 others (each) max. it ages naturally. anodizes with good clean appearance. Very good dimensional stability. 10 mm ball) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Aging Temperature. Special procedure should be followed in welding to ensure good results.0 (7ln-O.15 Si max. 315. 0. 713. shielded-arc methods can be used with filler alloys 5154 and 5356 Brazeability.40 to 1. The resulting product is a stress-free. of length. 0.5 Zn.0 and 319. Government.0-F: Typical tensile properties for separately cast test bars at elevated temperature Thmperature 0C OF 79 120 175 175 250 350 'Thnsile strength MPa ksi 235 205 135 0.S. 7. 0.20 to 0. It can be finished machined in one clamping operation to flatness tolerance of 0. Former ASTM. 0.0 to 8.0-T5 has good stability and machinability. It can be milled five times faster and hole worked at twice the speed of alloys such as 356.35Mg) Commercial Names.6 Mn max. 771. Chemical Properties General Corrosion Behavior. T5 temper: room temperature for 21 days or at 157 °C (315 "F) for 6 to 8 h Alloy 712. Permanent mold casting: tensile strength.Aluminum Casting Alloys /267 Hardness. 0. This reduces total cost of machining over most casting alloys. 0. 0. Sand casting: tensile strength. Composition Limits.0% in 50 mm or 2 in. Good machinability and polishing characteristics. Sand castings. Not subject to acceleration of corrosion by stress or to stress-corrosion cracking as determined by the standard test of exposure for 14 days to the corrosive medium while under a continuous load of 75% of yield strength Fabrication Characteristics Machinability.15 others (total).0 Mg. For high-strength welds. 6. 0. Cast aluminum furniture and other very large casting applications that require high strength without heat treatment. 205 MPa (30 ksi). 0. UNS number. elongation. Sand castings. yield strength: ISO MPa (22 ksi).10 to 0. elongation.0 Cu. 0.0. 0. Permanent mold castings: QQ-A-596 (class 12) Chemical Composition. QQ-A-601 (class 22). Former SAE. bal Al Applications Typical Uses.50 Mg.8 to 1.5 25 17 E1ongation(a). and/or Foreign. B108 ZC8lB.10 Cu max. aged at room temperature for 21 days or artificially aged at 120 ± 5.S. Fully aged material shows a decrease in length of less than 0. Applications where dimension stability is important.0 ages at room temperature to produce mechanical properties equivalent to those of common heat-treated aluminum cast alloys.0% in 50 mm or 2 in.2 % yleldstrength MPa ksi 34 29. 0. A07710. See Table Chemical Composition. balAI Applications Typical Uses. 220 MPa (32 ksi). 70 HB (500 kg load. % 3 2 6 (a)In50mmor2in.15 Ni max.0 Zn. 4.5 19. Can be welded by either gas tungsten-arc or gas metal-arc welding using 5356 rod or wire. full-strength casting. Readily brazed at 540 to 595°C (1000 to 1100 "P) using any of the common brazing methods 771.0: ZG71B.15 Fe max. 0.5 to 7.10 Mn max. Former ASTM.5 °C (250 ± 10 OF) for 16 h. Composition Limits. 771. and/or Foreign. A typical corrosion test showed no loss in mechanical properties after immersion for 90 days in aerated 3% salt-water solution.25 Si max.5 210 175 115 30. 613.25 Ti max. 0.1 min/in.25 others (total) max.20 Cr. . 0. yield strength: ISO MPa (22 ksi).0 (7. 1.9Mg-O.5Zn-O.05 others (each) max. 0. This is not possible with any heat-treatable aluminum alloy Weldability.0: QQ-A-60lE Tensile Properties.001 in.06 to 0. Tenzaloy Specifications U.0 is given a stress-relief treatment of 6 h at 450°C (850 "F) and air cooled. which require two clamping operations to obtain this type of flatness tolerance Weldability. equivalent to aluminum-silicon alloys. Good resistance to corrosion. 0. If713. 771.20 Ti. These properties develop in 10 to 14 days at room temperature or in 12 h at 120°C (250 "F) Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. Good corrosion resistance Fabrication Characteristics Machinability. Government. Polishes to a high luster. 0. 3. Precedent 71A Mechanical Properties Specifications U. B26 ZC81A. 713.35 Cr max.1 Fe max.7Cu-O. Former designation. A07130. Typical for T5 temper. UNS number. Former designation. 0.10 Mg max. or magnesium decreases ductility and increases hardness. coolfrom415 to 345°C (775t0650°F)in2hor more..cooloutsidefurnace ioroomtemperature in stillair. they are heated to 415°C (775 OF). 10 mm ball) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Aging Temperature. AMS.3 Cu.7 to 1.5 to 7. UNS number. welded hot. 75 MPa (11 ksi). 10mrnbaIl 'frealmeDl 'Iemper T51 T52 TIl Holdat415± 14°C (775±25 OF) for5 h.30 others (total) max.0: Heat treatments T2 Alloy 771. 10% Hardness. hold at temperature for 8 h . High silicon modifies bearing characteristics Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.. Items to be used in the T51 temper are heated to 205°C (405 "F). High iron. If welding is to be done on T6 or 17 I parts. elongation in 50 rom or2 in.0 100 85 85 90 120 (a) 0. and welded while hot. 230°C (450 OF). 0. Permanent mold casting: 4275.agebyholdingfor 3 h at 130°C (265oF)followed bycoolingin stillair Agebyholding8t205 °C (405oF)for6 h.0 Sn. (b) In 50mmor2 in. Repair weld parts should be heated and welded as described above The T5 temper should not be welded but can be welded if the procedure for T51 is used Recommended Heat Treating Practice See Table Alloy 771. yield strength.cooloutsidefurnace to roomtemperature in stillair.S. manganese. Typical for T5 temper: tensile strength.268/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys If parts are to be welded. If the parts are to be used in the T52 or T2 temper.coolfrom345to230°C (650to 450 "P) innotmorethan0. taken from the furnace.agebyholdingat 140°C (285oF)for IS h followed bycoolingin stillair. and/or Foreign.0: Minimum mechanical properties for separately cast test bars T5 T6 'Iemper T5 T51 T52 T6 TIl ThosiIe strength (min) ksI MPa 290 220 250 290 330 42 32 36 42 48 YlOId strength (Min)(a) MPa ksI 260 185 205 240 310 38 1:1 30 35 45 E1ongatlon(b). The parts are then returned to the furnace and the T6 and 171 heat treatments continued. taken from the furnace. 0. 0.5 3. removed from the heat-treating furnace.7 to 1. the castings are heated to 580°C (1080 "F).coolfrom 120°C (250oF) to roomtemperature instill air outsideoffurnace.0 1. 160 MPa (23 ksi). . 0. 0. welded hot.2%offset. coolfrom230 to 120°C (450to250 oF)inapproximately 2 h. 750 Applications Specifications U. cool in still air Holdat415 °C(775±25 oF)for5 h. Similarproperties can be obtainedbyagingat ISS°C (310°F) for3 h 850. 0. bal Al Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Applications where excellent bearing qualities are required Chemical Composition.10 Mn max. QQ-A-596 (class 15) Typical Uses. T5 temper: 45 HB (500 kg load. the operation should be made part of the heat-treating cycle.5 5. in air Holdat 180± 3 °C (355± 5 oF)for 3 to 5 h. cooloutsidefurnacein still air to room temperature Hold8t580 to 595°C (1080to 1100oF)for6 h. A08500.0 (6.5h (20 mindesirable). cooloutsidefurnacein stillair toroom temperature.7 Si max.0 2.. then returned to the furnace and T51 treatment continued. 0.hardenbyreheatingto 165°C (330"P) for6to 16h andcoolingoutsideoffurnace in still air Holdat 580to 595°C (1080to 1100oF)for6 h. hardenbyreheatingto 180±3 °C(36O±5 OF) for4 h.28n-1Cu-1 Ni) Commercial Names.20 Ti max. (c)500 kg load.3 Ni. 5.7 Fe max. DB 1. Former designation. Hardness(c). Composition Limits. then returned to the furnace and the heat treatment continued. and the resultant roughness-induced crack closure. aluminumlithium alloys show greater retardations on the application of single-peak tensile overloads. 2219 in the T87 temper. at cryogenic temperatures Recommended Heat Treating Practice Like other age-hardened aluminum alloys. gas metal arc. and even stronger without cold work (1'4). 5. As shown in adjoining Figure. The precipitate structure is sensitive to a number of processing variables. 1.4 Ag. and its ductility increases significantly up to 24%. Tensile strengths of 700 MPa (100 ksi) have been attained in both T6 and T8 tempers produced in the laboratory. The ability of Weldalite 049 to attain high strength without cold work is particularly beneficial for forgings. Superior fatigue crack propagation resistance in comparison with that of traditional2xxx and 7xxx alloys. Minor alloying elements can also have a significant effect on the aging process by changing the interface energy of the precipitate. However. in fact. The alloy is available as sheet. Weldalite 049 an AI-Cu-Li alloy Chemical Composition. Its natural aging response is extremely strong with cold work (temper TI). certain aluminum-lithium alloys exhibit more damage tolerance. A mean VPPA weldment strength of 370 MPa (54 ksi) has been obtained by welding Weldalite 049 with 049 filler. including. These limitations have precluded the direct substitution of aluminum airframe alloys. A weldable alloy for aerospace applications. or 45 ksi. anisotropy of in-plane propeties. However. Weldalite 049 is compared with 7075-T651 In welding applications for sheet. the degree of cold deformation prior to aging. 0. each: 0. where the uniform introduction of cold work is often impractical. the yield strength of Weldalite 049 is also relatively unaffected by prior cold work The ability of Weldalite 049 to attain high strength without cold work is particularly beneficial for forgings.Heat Treating Aluminum-Lithium Alloys Commercial aluminum-lithium alloys are targeted as advanced materials for aerospace technology primarily because of their low density. bal Al Product Forms. and variable polarity plasma arc (VPPA) welding. 0. where the uniform introduction ofcold work is often impractical (see adjoining Table). Extremely high weldment strengths have been reported using conventional 2319 filler. Nominal. the quenching rate following the solution heat treatment. it displays no discernible hot cracking in highly restrained weldments made by gas tungsten arc. strength. High strengths (310 MPa. aluminum-lithium alloys lose their fatigue advantage over conventional aluminum alloys in compression-dominated variable-amplitude fatigue spectra tests. it is compared with 2219 Characteristics Joining. by increasing the vacancy concentration. it has a stronger natural aging response than that of any other known aluminum alloy.5 to 9%) of cold work prior to aging. aluminum-lithium-base alloys also gain increased strength and toughness from deformation prior to aging.4 Ag. and even higher weldment strengths have been obtained with the use of a proprietary Weldalite filler (see adjoining Table). Like some other age-hardened 2xxx aluminum alloys. such as propellant tanks for cryogenic service. and extrusions Applications. and/or by raising the critical temperature for homogeneous precipitation. Weldalite 049 undergoes reversion during the early stages of artificial aging. For example. See Table for tensile properties in various tempers and product forms Mechanical Properties Fracture Toughness. but not limited to. forgings. ultimate tensile strength) have also been attained with tungsten inertgas welds Forging. Weldalite 049 small-scale forgings and commercial Boeing hook forgings have displayed tensile strengths of greater than 700 MPa (100 ksi) . 0. for example. the need for cold work to attain peak properties. Weldalite 049 was designed to replace major aluminum alloys such as 2219 and 2014 in launch system applications In high strength plate and forging applications. is primarily due to high levels of crack tip shielding. and accelerated fatigue crack extension rates when cracks are microstructurally small.4 Mg. The principal disadvantages of peak-strength aluminum-lithium alloys are reduced ductility and fracture toughness in the short-transverse direction. See Figure for the yield strengths of Weldalite 049 and another aluminum-lithium alloy. Weldalite 049 small-scale forgings and commercial Boeing hook forgings have displayed tensile strengths of greater than 700 MPa (100 ksi). the fact that these alloys derive their superior properties extrinsically from the above mechanisms has certain implications with respect to small-crack and variable-amplitude behavior. and the aging time and temperature.14 Zr. This unusual phenomenon has given rise to a number of thennomechanical processing steps for aluminum-lithium alloys aimed at optimizing mechanical properties after artificial aging Weldalite 049 shows high strength in a variety ofproducts and tempers (see adjoining Table). Weldalite 049 has very good weldability. plate. in tension-dominated spectra. aluminum-lithium alloys achieve precipitation strengthening by thermal aging after a solution heat treatment. and corrosion resistance than other aluminum-lithium alloys. and extrusions.3 u. plate. See Table for plain strain fracture toughness of Weldalite 049 extruded bar Yield Strength. specimens of Weldalite 049 in the peak-aged condition all have essentially the same level of hardness despite varying degrees (from 0. and excellent fatigue and cryogenic toughness properties. However.4 Cu. forgings. high specific modulus. Other. meandering crack paths. (d) Commercial hook forging II> .~ VJ / Stretch 00.5 mm (0.9 28. -:". or 340 of.0 98.) thick T6B. {{. 5 (0..A ~ 80 ~ g>~ c: 'E '" 70 :r: ii.4 5.7 94.2 in.0% A 6.) extruded plate. . lD .1 27.8 96.8 18. -~ . 2. 2 0...5 101. \ .) thick Forging(d) T4.0% !'>.6 15.0 IDID (2 in. 5 (0.7 5.375 in.1..) mm thick T6A." .3 96.) thick T6A.2 3.2 .1 392 658 56. (b) Rolled from 180 kg (400 lb) pilot commercial ingots..25 in..35 mm (0. . 60 50 .1d strength MPa ksi 405 350 350 605 605 455 455 59 51 51 88 88 66 66 (a) L-T..).2 in.2 5.2% 09.. Aging response of Weldalite 049 with various amounts of deformation prior to aging.A -: .5 16.5% .3 95.3 97.1 101.0 66.1 27.2 3.0 10.5 mm (0. (c) For tankage.2 in.0 97.0% ".9 95.7 100.5 5.7 93.38 in.5 mm ( .5 99. naturally aged for lOOOh Slightly underaged (l70°C. --:::::.3 90.. crack plane parallel to extrusion direction Weldalite 049: Mean longitudinal tensile properties of Weldalite 049 in various tempers and product forms Data for 2219-T8 provided for comparison.. Extruded products(a) T3 T4 Reversion T6 TS 2219-TSI Minimum Typical Rolled products(b) TS.2 104.8 30. 6.7 5. Approximate aging temperature.4 103.8 30 29 31.6 5.270 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Weldalite049: Aging...~ en 'J r 5 10 20 50 I I 100 200 - - 500 Aging time.7 85. 90 '.4 28...) mm thick T6B..5 48. \ " \ ".6 100.. T-L.7 24. ..) thick(c) T6. 6. . .6 28.. crack plane perpendicular to extrusion direction.35 mm (0.9 77 530 485 485 650 650 615 615 70 70 94 94 89 89 y.0 51.0 643 625 642 662 671 668 650 93.0 420 455 61. h Unaged Weldalite 049: Plane-strain fracture toughness (Kid of extruded bar Thmperature OF °C 21 21 21 21 21 -195 -195 70 70 70 70 70 -320 -320 'Iemper Orientation(a) 1'3 1'3 1'3 L-T T-L T-L L-T L-T T-L T-L T6E4 T6E4 1'3 1'3 Tensile strength MPa ksi Kr< designation MPaw ksl'llii:' 33.3 303 352 44.2 in.5 mm (4x 0.4 529 591 484 720 713 76.'l. . '.5 Ipt . 9.7 5. .0 63.9 30.3 5.7 70.5 559 702 81.3 26.0 6. 170°C (340 OF) 100 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~.1 96. -I'r -- - "0- ''-- t 0. Uhanate Descriptionand/or temper Elongationin 50 Yieldstrength ksi MPa tensilestrength ksl MPa 407 438 331 680 692 59.) thick(c) T6A.25 in.3 664 660 665 686 700 692 672 96.9 29.1 36. for 20 h) (a) Most are 100 x 9... ~. 3 42.00 temperature.0 52. %. 1.90 to 2.375 As-welded As-welded As-welded As-welded As-welded As-welded As-welded Naturallyagedfor 800 h 60· borizontal 60· horizontal 60° horizontal Venical 60· horizontal Vertical 60° horizontal 60· horizontal 9.25 Mg.9 1. Yield strengths of two aluminum-lithium candidate alloys for cryogenic tankage applications. some material features vary somewhat from those of the conventional aluminum alloys and should be considered during the design and material selection phase Two examples: • Elevated-temperature exposures of the peak-aged tempers (T86. the engineering characteristics of aluminum-lithium alloys are similar to those of the current 2. T81. t--150 -100 -50 500 600 I <.6 7.Aluminum-Lithium Alloys /271 Weldalite 049: Mean tensile properties of Weldalite 049.~ ~ 15 350 Ternperature.500 0. 0. Strain rate.60 Li.5 9. (b) Allfractures occurredin theheat-affected zone. and extrusions are used in aerospace structures.2 188 290 360 427 27. 4 x 10-4/swith a 0. Behavior is similar to that of other 2.8 45. and 7xxx alloys.375 0.375 As-welded As-welded As-welded As-welded Ultimate tensilestrength MPa ksi Yieldstrength MPa ksi Elongation.230 0. 0.3 23.5 3.0 59.6 4.5 0.7 3.4 3. Registered Limits.1 47.08 to 0.)plate Weldalite 049: Yield strength.375 in.(e) 100 x 9.1 7.5 9.5 9.0 140 154 161 156 147 248 249 290 20. 400 .05 others (each).9 73. In this instance the alloy is similar to 2219 and 2024 Alloy 2090 and its tempers are relatively new and in different phases of registration and characterization.15 Ti.105 ~ - ~ 90 c 75 ~ 60 45 :. 30 .8 1.0 36.5 0.7 4.) 50 mm (2 in.5 1.5 9.0 8. plate.3 39.9 7. and T83) show good stability within 10% of original properties. PoSlWeld temper Weldposllion and 7xxx high-strength alloys used by the aerospace industry.40 to 3. data for some forms may be incomplete.5 9.120 ]1 . plate.375 0.375 0.15 Zr.10 Si. OF -400 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view III ::2 800 ~ 700 ~ 600 c -200 -100 1000 900 11. in 25 mm (1 in.) 273 283 325 252 285 274 315 372 39. A high strength alloy with 8% lower density and 10% higher elastic modulus than 7075 T6. and extrusion forms are given in adjoining Table Tempers and their characteristics in various product forms are given in an adjoining Table. 0.1 9. Current mechanical property limits (tensile and toughness) in sheet. 2.5 9.0 1.-~ 250 ~ 300 . 2090 Chemical Composition.5 5.05 Mn.375 0.5 9.8 13 6. 2090.5 41. The alloy is available as sheet.4 22.7 21. A combination of weldability and cryogenic properties make it suitable for superplastic forming applications Characteristics In general. u. 0.2 61.15 others (total). and extrusions Applications. and 2219 weldments with conventional and Weldalite filler Thlckness Base 'Thmperature(a) metal/filler VPPAsquore butt weldments(b) 2219/2319 RT 22191049 RT 22191049 RT 209012319 RT 20901049 RT 049/2319 RT 0491049 RT 0491049 RT VPPAweldments of extruded plote(c) 175°C (350 oF) 0491049 0491049 RT -195°C (-320 oF) 0491049 -253 °C (-423 oF) 0491049 mm in.1 42. ~ 2219 (T87 temper) -200 400 Weldalite 049 (T8 temper) 200 100 -250 300 ..3 36.05 Cr..12 Fe.5 (a) RT. 0.6 41.6 54. plate. --.0 4..5 mm (4 x 0.255 0. 0.375 0.10 Zn.5 h hold at temperature Temperature.7 54. .1 1.4 22..9 5.0 287 372 413 505 41. -300 J-- -r-- :2 500 Q) 0 100 - I u-- t---<I-- . Is intended to compete where medium-strength sheet.375 0. Al bal Product Forms.7 5. 150 200 r.. 0. However. 0.~ 300 ~ 200 0 50 100 "' <.0 1. As a result.375 0. However the underaged temper (T84) requires significant additional aging • Cold work is needed to obtain optimum properties.1 36.135 I :. and T86 extrusions have demonstrated excellent resistance to exfoliation corrosion in extensive seacoast exposure tests. longitudinal. Test indicate that the machinability of plate is comparable to that of B-rated aerospace alloys. -TIl. plane-strain fracturetoughness.000-0.499(h) 13-38 0. 2024-TI51. Actual time depends on time required for load to reach temperature.(e)TheTI tempercanbe agedto the1'83or T84 temper.. gas tungsten arc.249 AMSOraft 089 L LT 45° L LT 45° L LT 45° LT LT L 530(550) 505 440 483 455 385 495(525) 475 427 317 min 213 max (570) 77(80) 73 64 70 66 56 72(76) 69 62 46 min 31 max (83) 517 (517) 503 440 483 455 385 455 (470) 415 345 214 min 193max (517) 75 (75) 73 64 70 66 56 66(68) 60 50 31min 28 max (75) L L L LT 517 545 550 525 75 79 80 76 470 510 517 483 68 74 75 70 L L LT (565) 517 (550) 517 (82) 75(80) 75 (510) 483 (517) 470 (74) 70(75) 68 TI(e) 0 7075-T6 Extrusions 1'86(g) Plate 7075-T6 '1'81 (t) (t) 0."20 (K. Sheet is treated at 540°C (1000 "P) to obtain The stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) resistance of 2090 is strongly influenced by artificial aging.0-3. Data for alloy 7075-T6 are included for comparison. and the biaxial stretching modes. (h)Nominaldiameteror leastthickness (bars.35-12. Specification Dlrection(a) MPa ksi MPa ksi Shfet 1'83 0.% Direction(b) and(K. the quenching rate following the solution heat treatment.126-0.) Toughness KlcorKc MPaViil ksrI'iiL 4 5 3(5) 5 7 6 min 11 min (11) 4 4 5 (11) 4(8) 3 ~2 (a)L. (c)Xc.032-0.crackplaneanddirection perpendicular to theprincipaldirectionofmetalworking (rollingorextruslon). and suitably cooled so it stays below 38°C (100 OF) during quench cycle Forming. and/or by raising the critical temperature for homogeneous precipitation.125 AMS4351 1'83 3. In tests of 2090-0. alloy 2090 has a substantially higher toughness at cryogenic temperatures Properties Corrosion. and electron beam welding h to obtain T83 temper Precipitation Heat Treating.50 AMS4346 Elongation in SO min (210. The precipitate structure is sensitive to a number of processing Cold working after solution treatment and before precipitation hardening is necessary to get specified properties in this temper (T3) 2090: Tentative mechanical property limits Typical values are given in parentheses. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within ±6 °C (±IO "F) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Like other age-hardened aluminum alloys.65(h) 0. and T86 tempers the TI temper Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace.249(h) 088BE 6. T81. wire. including. unless otherwise indicated water should be at room temperature. may be more susceptible to SCC than the near-peak-aged T83. and 7075T651 Cold working after solution treatment and before precipitation hardening is necessary to get specified properties in this temper (T3) Weldability.032-0.2-6. Resistance is superior to that of 7075-T6. -TI. results were compared with those for 2024-TI and 7075-T6. stretch-bending.crackplaneanddirectionparallelto thedirection of metalworking.249 AMS4351 1'84 0. such as T84.32 0. XIc. LT. (f)No enduserspecification.8-6. which.) sheetpanel.8-3.) or 3 (6) 5 L-T(Kc) (44)(d) (40)(d) L-T(Kc) T-L(Kc) 49 (71)(d) 49(d) 45 (65)(d) 45(d) L-T(Kc) (71)(d) (65)(d) L-T(XIc) L-T(KIc) L-T(KIc) (27) ~7(7l) (25) :m(65) .longtransverse. and the aging time and temperature.T-L.32(h) 0. can suffer very severe exfoliation during a two year seacoast exposure Solution Heat Treating.32 0. Alloy 2090 sheet and plate. Thnsileproperties Ultimatetensile streogth Thickness 2090temper Yletd strength mm In.shapes)or nominalwallthickness (tube) . Example: In down flange minimum bend tests.plane-stress fracturetoughness. Gas metal are. aluminum-lithium alloys achieve precipitation strengthening by thermal aging after a solution heat treatment. Sheet is treated at 165°C (325 "F) for 24 have "good" ratings Time at temperature in precipitation heat treating is approximate. the degree of cold deformation prior to aging.1 24(h) AMSOraft 3. Changes in strength and toughness at cryogenic temperatures are more pronounced in 2090 than in conventional aluminum alloys.50-1.175-6. aluminum-lithium-base alloys also gain increased strength and toughness from deformation prior to aging.125-0.). TIl. rod. but not limited to. When quenching is by total immersion in water. Like some other age-hardened 2xxx aluminum alloys. and T-83 sheet in the binding.175 0.15(h) 0. in some product forms.25lUl. (b) L-T. (g)Temperregistration requestmadetotheAluminum Association. by increasing the vacancy concentration. the 0. and TI tempers of Alloy 2090 and the T6 temper of 7075 outperformed 2090 in the T83 temper Nominal temperatures listed should be reached as rapidly as possible and maintained with ±6 "C (±IO "F) of nominal during time at temperature Machinability. 7075-T651.272/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys variables. (d)Toughness limitsbasedon limiteddata and typical values(in parentheses) for 405 x 1120mm (16x44 in. Tempers that are underaged. This unusual phenomenon has given rise to a number of thermomechanical processing steps for aluminum-lithium alloys aimed at optimizing mechanical properties after artificial aging but the Alloy 2090 tempers exhibit higher strength than other alloys at elevated temperatures. Minor alloying elements can also have a significant effect on the aging process by changing the interface energy of the precipitate.)(. <:' 80 15> Furnace cooling Forced air cooling c: ~ LIVE GRAPH 'til "0 a. quenchedin room temperature water) 85 °Cls (13romplate.6 mm (0. willapproachT83 orT84 properties afteragingby user Moderate formability.plate Sheet.) thick 2090 plate. aged 24 h at 120°C c 0 'g e u..75 in.01 0.. peak aged A 7150.) thick 2090 sheet L--I 800 um L--' 50 IJm (0) (b) 2090: Effectof average quench rate on tensile properties Tensile strength(a) MPa ksi slrength(a) MPa ksi 162 448 128 338 24 65 19 49 334 513 312 476 48 75 45 69 2 5 12 6 As-quenched 138 6%stretch+ aged8 h at 190°C 530 20 77 331 570 48 83 16 9 As-quenched 139 6%stretch+ aged8 h at 190°C 526 20 76 331 570 48 84 17 7 As-quenched 135 6%stretch+ aged8 h at 190°C 535 20 78 349 575 51 83 19 7 Averagequenchrateat center orplate 0.. aCts 2090: Unrecrystallized microstructures.Aluminum-lithium Alloys /213 2090: Quench sensitivity.plate .. quenched inroomtemperature water) 46 °Cls (13romplate. maximum fonnability Goodformability.extrusions D(a) T86 T83(a) T8I(a) T84(a) T6(a) (a)Registered withAluminum Association Sheet. quenchedinice brine) 2090: Tempers and corresponding products forms Yield Condltlon As-quenched 6%stretch+ aged8 h at 190"C As-quenched 6% stretch+ aged8 h at 190"C (a) Dataareaverages from4 specimens Elongatlonta). can be agedtoT83 andT84 properties bycustomer Strengths similartothoseof7075-T6511 Strengthssimilartothoseof7075-T6 Strengths similartothoseof7075-T651 Strengthandtoughness similartothoseof7075-T76 Solutionheattreatedandaged byuser Sheet. % Temper Characteristics Product forms 0 1'3I(a) Annealed. Click here to view '.& 7475.0 Alloy and condition (Source: Ref 1) o 8090. loweststrength.. peak aged 41 2090.plate Sheet.5 °Cls (13romplate. 0 0. aged 24 h at 120°C . quenched inboiling water) 48 aCts(13romplate.:' d ~ . (b) 1. (a) 45 mm (1.063 in. air cooled) 36°Cls (38romplate. Comparative quench sensitivity of 2090 and other aluminum alloys as a function of quench rates 100 ~ .extrusions Extrusions Sheet Plate Sheet.1 10 WQ Average cooling rate. Like some other age-hardened 2xxx aluminum alloys. the behavior of 2091 is similar to that of other 2xxx and Txxx alloys.6 4000 5i~ t.70 to 2.toughness.5 mm (0. and suitably cooled so it stays below 38°C (100 "F) during quench cycle Nominal temperatures listed should be reached as rapidly as possible and maintained with ±6 °C (±1O OF) of nominal during time at cold working after solution treatment and before precipitation hardening is necessary to get specified properties in this temper (T3) Precipitation Heat Treating. corrosion resistance. and the aging time and temperature. like that of 2024.maximum formability Solutionheattreatedand stretched. aluminum-lithium alloys achieve precipitation strengthening by thermal aging after a solution heat treatment.. 1. bal Al u.6 +100 . 2091-T8 "f 1000 r-- 2000 3000 5 +7.. Alloy 2091 is also suitable for use in secondary structures where high strength is not critical The microstructural relationship for stress-corrosion cracking in sheet products is the converse of that for exfoliation. Actual time depends on time required for load to reach temperature.10 to 1. 1. 0._~~iT452 0 :E~ 5= 1i -50 -100 ~~ ~~ ~~ .26 ~m a>g' .and corrosionresistancefor damage-tolerant applications Medium-strengthproduct Underageddamage-tolerantproduct Sheet.T84(a) T851 T8X51 Characteristlcs Forms Annealed. The precipitate structure is sensitive to a number of processing variables.274/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2091 Chemical Composition. and/or by raising the critical temperature for homogeneous precipitation. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within ±6 "C (±1O"F) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~ C +100. water should be at room temperature.. The properties of 2091 after elevated-temperature (:=..) have an unrecrystallized microstructure. or 260 "F) exposure are relatively stable in that changes in properties during the lifetime of a component are acceptable for most commercial applications Structures. Registered Limits. -7.------. the exfoliation resistance of2091 is generally comparable to that of similar gages of 2024-TI Like other age-hardened aluminum alloys. As the microstructure becomes more fibrous.10 Ti. 1. including. unless otherwise indicated.10 Mn...6 . Alloy 2091 depends less on cold work to attain its properties than does 2024. aluminum-lithium alloys have the best forming properties in the as-quenched condition.26 ~ •• ii -60 ~~ +50 I/~ ~ :E. The more unrecrystallized the structure. aluminum-lithium-base alloys also gain increased strength and toughness from deformation prior to aging. The microstructure of 2091 varies according to product thickness and producer.£ 2091: Registered temper designations of bare and aluminum-dad sheet Temper a TI(a) T8. 2£ -c C ~.30 Fe..plate Holding time.. by increasing the vacancy concentration. and fabricability. damage tolerance. data may be incomplete for some forms. but not limited to..50 Cu. 0. Data for aluminum alloys 2024 and 7010 are included for comparison -c (250 OF) for 24 h Extruded bar is peak aged at 190°C (375 "F) for 12 h Time at temperature in precipitation heat treating is approximate.. This unusual phenomenon has given rise to a number ofthermomechanical processing steps for aluminum-lithium alloys aimed at optimizing mechanical properties after artificial aging Solution Heat Treating.. However.'in -.15 others (total)..16 Zr.2091 recrystallizedsheets have better formability than that of 2024 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics A variety of tempers is being developed to offer useful combinations of strength.: ~ +60 +7. The exfoliation resistance of 2091-T84. 0.plate Sheet Plate Thick sheetand plate .140 in. 0.. 0. Material characteristics that have been cause for concern in other aluminum-lithium alloys are of less concern in 2091...125 °C.1--.. the SCC threshold increases. ~ ~ 1. Sheet and extruded bar are available Applications. For thicker unrecrystallized structures and thinner elongated recrystallized structures. +14. 1..80 to 2. Because alloy 2091 and its tempers are relatively new and in different phases of registration and characterization. the more even the exfoliation attack.. which is quite good compared to that of 2024-TI Forming.04 to 0. 0.05 others (each).26 ~'in o 7010-T7- o +14. and lighter gages feature an elongated recrystallized grain structure Corrosion. it is possible to attain an sec threshold of 240 MPa (35 ksi). 0. Product Forms. h (a)OnlyT84 is registeredwith the AluminumAssociationat thistime Sheet.90 Mg.has thebest combinationof strength.can be aged toT84 temper Underagedtemper.---r-----. ~u . a major high-toughness damage-tolerant alloy currently used for most aircraft structures.20 si.30 0.10 Cr. In this condition.6 ~ C ~ 1.lowest strength.. Minor alloying elements can also have a significant effect on the aging process by changing the interface energy of the precipitate. the degree of cold deformation prior to aging. Variation in room-temperature ultimate tensile strength and yield strength for aluminum-lithium alloy 2091 after holding at 130°C (265 OF) at indicated times. the quenching rate following the solution heat treatment.. In general. in general. When quenching is by total immersion in water. 0 ~~ s.25 Zn. . Generally. Sheet is treated to the T84 temper at 120 2091: Tensile strength + yield strength.§ 5 0 -100 -14. gages above 3. Sheet and extruded bar are treated to the TI temper at 530°C (990 OF) Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace.. varies depending on the microstructure of the product and its quench rate.. 0..26 -14.-------.§ -7. Alloy 2091 was developed to be a damage-tolerant alloy with 8% lower density and 7% higher modulus than 2024-TI. 1 65 65 63.1 47.5 6.2 4.-I I ~ 42 1--+--+-:.8 47..j---+--1-4---I-:.). or powders with only slight separatlcn of metal..--.8 57..575 38. Tl..1 52.. flakes.1 46.25 0.2% yield Elongation.. MPa %(0) ksi tensile strength Elongation.¥=::. Natural aging of 2091 and 2024 aluminum alloy.300 - - G> 55~ ~~ :i~25~024 g.7 10 10 236 34.As-quenched . JA facility...5 42. E 15 EE w lil 5 0 2091 2 4 6 8 10 12 Amount of cold working.125 0. (b) prEN specifications issued by the AECMA standards organization in Europe 2091: Exfoliation from seacoast exposure and EXCO testing Thmper Plane EXCOtesting(o) 4-<1ay exColiation roting(h) T8 T3 T8 T8 T8 T3 T8 T/2 T/2 T/2 T/2 T/2 TIIO T/2 T/2 EA (superficial) EB (moderate) EB (moderate) EB (moderate) EA (superficial) EA (superficial) P(pitting) EA (superficial) Goge Product mm in.4 40 (a) Elongation in 50 mm (2 in. pitting.b '-'t----lI--.2% yield strength MPa ksi Productthlclmess mm in.236 265 334 38.236 0.130 0.---.1 51. Longitudinal tensile properties of alloys 2091 and 2024 as a function of cold working prior to aging..0 6.--I Aging al -5°C /'- " / ~ 38 1--h"e--+-+--+--1--">"'+--¥--+---\ i ~ J: / >-1 34 1.tiny blisters. thin slivers.14 0..2 256 37. 90 I -- /" ~ 100 -E .8 60..2 12.0 0.Aluminum-Lithium Alloys /275 2091: Preliminary European Normale (prEN) specifications for minimum tensile properties of bare and aluminum-clad sheet and light-gage plate 0.5 48.45-6.. (c) Seacoast exposure at Point Judith.04-0.As-quenched + 2%slrelch ~ 120 ~ 110 :!l.. EB (moderate).81-3.t--.031-0. Aluminum alloy 2024 is naturally aged.3 3.4 41.5 364 418 52.-------r-.4 10 10 10 8 265 285 285 275 379 398 398 394 55 57.7 52..5 41.- G> • 500 i5 ~ 450 g' ~ co / ..1 384 418 55.4 394 448 448 438 57.---..I---l Alloy 2024 1---30 '----'-_-'----L----'"-----L_-'---'-_-'---' 1 10 100 Aging lime.----. Longitudinal properties Ultimate tensile strength Elongation. %(0) Aluminum-clad products (prEN 60(3)(b) 0.. Aging done at room temperature (22 °C.136-0.7 60. (e) Sheet and plate fabricated at Davenport.1 350 364 50.136 0. or 71 OF) except where indicated LIVE GRAPH 2091: Tensile Properties.--.1 52.2 52.130-0.j:i ~ / -. % 14 ~ . (g) Fokker data 2091: Aging.~400 ~ V ~ ~ V V - V V - 70 .0-3. h - .2 15 15 15 13 Bare products (prEN 6OOS)(b) 0.472-1. Sheeted) Sheet(e) Sheet(e) Sheet(e) Sheet(e) 1. EA(superficial).3-6.1 52. aluminum-lithium alloy 2091 is aged to temper TaX LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 140 ~ 130 .f-t-..+--+. notable layering and penetration into metal. (d) Pechiney data. E 550 '.2 3.8 57.§ - 65 £ 60 ~ - 45 2024 2091 I-- ~ i"'"' c *.125 0.032-0.3 3.8 0.--- ~~ 500 := co - G>£ ~ ~ 450 I ~2024 ~ _~091 I- I--" S Ii: 400 80 Alloy 2091 70 46 r-""T'"-.8 15 15 290 359 359 354 42.0-12 12-40 0.5 10 8 8 7 295 325 325 320 42..236-0.4 408 359 359 423 59.2% yield Ultimate strength MPo ksl 0. %(0) MPo ksl strength MPo ksi 45°properties Ultimate tensile strength MPo ksi Long-transverse proper1ies 0..047 0..45 3.7 10 8 265 290 38. / - I ...19 Sheet(g) Plate(e) 1.79-3.C . ExColiotion rotlng(h) EB (moderate)(f) P(pitting) EB (moderate) 6 12 12 (a) Exfolialioncorrosion (EXCO)teslingper AS1M G 34. (b) Exfoliation rating perAS1M G 34: P.7 0. (f) Exfoliation more advanced on Point Judith panel than on EXCO panel.1 61.472 0..5 Seacoast exposure(c) Month. . and forgings. and fabricability. by increasing the vacancy concentration. Alloy 8090 extruded bar is treated to the T3 temper at 540°C (1000 oF) Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. 1. two commonly used aluminum alloys The chemical composition of 8090 has been registered with the Aluminum Association.6) (a) Sodiumhydroxide.. bal Al Product Forms.30 Fe. Thick products with unrecrystallized microstructures have good SCC resistance in the long-transverse direction.5 (2. ponse 201Af/075 2091 0.35(89-93) Elchrateperside. short-transverse SCC resistance is best in the peaked-aged temper.0) AIIoy .7-2.05 (each). others 0.00 to 1. 0. but there has been no official registration in the United States for any of these tempers or for any of the product forms.triethanolamine(I'EA). corrosion resistance. whereas those with recrystallized structures have a lower SCC threshold Forming. 0. Descriptions of commonly used unofficial temper designations are given in an adjoining Table Strength and Toughness. and suitably cooled so it stays below 38°C (100 OF) during quench cycle . and electron beam processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Like other age-hardened aluminum alloys.5-1.60 Cu. the quenching rate following the solution heat treatment.70 u. When quenching is by total immersion in water. This unusual phenomenon has given rise to a number of thermomechanical processing steps for aluminum-lithium alloys aimed at optimizing mechanical properties after artificial aging Solution Heat Treating. 0. extrusions. placing more importance on 45° and shear properties • Recrystallized damage-tolerant sheet and recrystallized mediumstrength sheet show much less anisotropy of tensile properties than do the unrecrystallized products Corrosion Properties. 0. extrusions.15 (total).8(70) 63.10 Ti.6) 1. property data are incomplete. 11m Qiin.8 (135-150) 38-46 (1.6) 1.80-0.276/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 2091: Resllonse of aluminum-lithium alloys 2090 and2091 to chemical milling Respo. 8090 has a substantially higher strength and toughness at cryogenic temperatures (see Table) Microstructure. forgings. damage tolerance.04 to 0. The alloy is commercially weldable with the gas metal arc. Bend tests indicate that 8090 has a lower material springback than that associated with conventional aluminum alloys Welding.25 Zn.) 3. Plate..60 to 1. 2.9-1. aluminum-lithium-base alloys also gain increased strength and toughness from deformation prior to aging. cbarac:leriolk 2090 Standard chemical millIng solution (NaOH + Na2S) Roughness. and the aging time and temperature.16 Zr.5) 0. 0. Minor alloying elements can also have a significant effect on the aging process by changing the interface energy of the precipitate.30 Mg. 0. Corrosion performance by product and temper for various types of corrosion tests is summarized in an adjoining Table Alloy 8090 has displayed generally good exfoliation resistance in atmospheric exposure. others 0. unless otherwise indicated water should be at room temperature. aluminum-lithium alloys achieve precipitation strengthening by thermal aging after a solution heat treatment.25-2. Like some other age-hardened 2xxx aluminum alloys. And a variety of tempers have been developed that offer useful combinations of strength.85(31-34) 40 (1.20 Si. the degree of cold deformation prior to aging.11M Qiio.. Registered Limits. Because alloy 8090 and its tempers and product forms are relatively new and unregistered. 0. Changes in strength and toughness at cryogenic temperatures are more pronounced in 8090 than in conventional aluminum alloys.4-3.lIm1min (milslrnin) TEA-modified chemical milling solutlon(a) Roughness.10 Cr.20 to 2. but not limited to.10 Mn.. including. The precipitate structure is sensitive to a number of processing variables.8) Elchmte perside. and some medium-strength sheet) is higher in 8090 than in conventional alloys. Performance is a strong function of the degree of artificial aging and the microstructure. 0. The medium-strength products of alloy 8090 are aged to near-peak strength and show small changes in properties after elevated temperature exposure (see Table). gas tungsten arc. and sodiumsulfide 8090 Chemical Composition. For thick products. Welded products also are available Applications. Product forms include plate.lIm1min(mils/min) 43-50 (1. Higher-strength sheet is available with a recrystallized or unrecrystallized microstructure (see Figure) Other considerations: • The in-plane anisotropy of tensile properties for unrecrystallized products (plate.) 2. The very underaged (damage-tolerant) products will undergo additional aging upon exposure to elevated temperatures. and forgings have an unrecrystallized microstructure.0 (36-41) 40 (1. extrusions.65(65) 66 (2.. damage-tolerant sheet has a recrystallized microstructure. Aerospace applications are based on two critical requirements: damage tolerance and lowest possible density Characteristics Alloy 8090 was developed to be a damage-tolerant medium-strength alloy with about 10% lower density and 11% higher modulus than 2024 and 2014. Available data for the current capabilities of 8090 products and tempers are given in an adjoining Table. and/or by raising the critical temperature for homogeneous precipitation. recrystallized.(d)Ratingat a plane locationofTl2.D ksilll. K 295 76 20 4 Direction Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Yield strength ksl MPa ThnsUe strength MPa lui 217 208 248 241 272 268 280 270 326 348 458 450 609 592 605 597 31. very severe-penetration to a considerabledepth and loss of melal.Aluminum-Lithium Alloys /277 Nominal temperatures should be reached as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O "F) of nominal during time at temperature Precipitation Heat Treating. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within ±6 °C (±l0 OF) 8090: Tensile properties and fracture toughness MInImum and Ifill<al(b) fracture toughnesnw.)(e) 8-lOtyp 10-12 14typ 4-5 4-7 4-11 4-8 4-8 4-10 4-6 min 4 min I. Alloy 8090 extruded bar is peak aged at 190°C (375 oF) for 12 h Cold working after solution treatment and before precipitation hardening is necessary to get specified properties in this temper (f3) Time at temperature is approximate. (b) Unlessotherwisespecifiedas onlya minimum(min)or a typical(typ)value.(c) K c.5 65 88.5 66.5 min 62-72 59-69 59-65 67-74 295-350 290-325 265-340 380-425 350-440 305-345 325-385 325-360 325-340 380-450 365 min 360typ 340 min 345-370 325 min 275 min 340-415 325-395 305-395 395-450 43-51 42-47 38.140in.55mm (0.rT(Kc) 75typ 68typ 20-35 13-30 16 type 18-32 12-27 14. whereT is a platethickness . plane-stressfracturetoughness. the two valuesgivenfor a propertyrepresentits minimumand typicalvalue.5-49 55-62 51-64 44-50 47-56 47-52 47-49 55-65 53 min 52typ 49 min 50-54 47 min 40 min 49-60 47-57 44-57 57-65 Fracture Elongation InSOmm orientotlon!!!!d (11n.) S-L(KIc) I.). (a) R. unreerystallized.EA SCCthreshold 60% of yieldstrengthin the L-T direction 75% of yieldstrengthin the L-T direction 105-140MPa (15-W ksi)short-transverse threshold 75% of yieldstrengthin theI.rT(KC> T-L(Kc) S-L(Kc) 94-165 85 min 86-150 77 min I. Actual time depends on time required for load to reach temperature. % 12 14 22 20 28 25 26 24 18 26 27 37 28 27 28 29 47 50. ). moderate.plane-strainfracturetoughness 8090: Cryogenic tensile and toughness properties of 8090·T3 ThnsiJe properties Thst temperature.5min 5 min 5 min 8 min 6-8 3-6 2-6 3-6 toughness \file T-L(Kc) S-L(Kc) I. 8090-T6511 UR 345440 385-450 380-435 470-490 450-485 380-415 420-455 420-440 420-425 460-515 435 min 465typ 420 min 435-450 435 min 425 min 425-495 405-475 405-450 460-510 50-64 56-65 55-63 68-71 65-70 55-60 61-66 61-64 61-62 67-75 63 min 67typ 61 min 63-65 63 min 61. ED.or hand forgings Extrusions UR 8090-1'8511.flakesor powderswith onlyslight separationofmetal. superficial-tiny blisters.(b)Toughnesswitha T-Lcrackorientation(crackplaneand growthdirectionparallelto the rollingdirection) 8090: Exfoliation ratings and SCCthresholds Exfoliation rating(a) Product Mierostruelure EXCO lest(b) lest(e) Atmospherie exposure Sheet Sheet Extrusions Plate Plate Sheet Forgings Recrystallized Recrystallized Unrecrysta11ized Unrecrystallized Unrecrysta11ized Unrecrystallized Unrecrystallized EA ED EA EA P.5typ 35-49 30-44 25typ 30typ 20typ 15typ 32-45 27-40 23typ 27typ 18typ 14typ 1-1.rTcrack orientation(crackplaneand growthdirectionperpendicularto therollingdirection).rT direction 140MPa (20 ksi) short-transverse threshold (a) Bxfoliarion ratingper ASTM G 34: P.EA P MASTMAASIS Thmper 8090-1'81 (underaged) 8090-1'8 (peakaged) 8090-1'8510111 (peakaged) 8090-T877I. (b) Exfoliationcorrosiontestper ASTMG 34. % In area.rT(KIc) T-L(KIc) S-L(KIc) 'Ibnghness voJuWf! MPa{.notablelayeringand penetrationinmeta1. (c)MASTMAASIS.3 86 88 86.rT(KIc) T-L(K".D ~ 97(a) 6O(b) 88(a) 55(b) 74(a) 5O(b) 67(a) 45(b) (a)Toughnesswithan I..rT(KC> T-L(Kc) S-L(Kc) I.5 'Ibugbness MPa{. 8090-T65I (peakaged) Medium-strength plate UR 8090-1'8151 (underaged) Damage-tolerant plate UR 8090-1'852 Die forgingswith cold work.KIc.8090-T65I (peakaged) 8090-1'851 8090-1'8(peakaged) 8090 (peak aged) SurfaceP EC(d) EC EB(d) EB SurfaceP P.) thick Medium-strength sheet R Longitudinal Long transverse 45· Longitudinal Long transverse 45· Longitudinal Long transverse 45· Longitudinal Long transverse Short transverse 45· Longitudinal Long transverse 45· Longitudinal Long transverse 45· Longitudinal UR 8090-78X Medium-strength sheet R 8090-T8771. EA.EB. UR.The minimumvaluesareproposedbyvariouscustomerand nationalspecifications and do notreflecta uniformregistration.thinslivers. Minimum nndtypkal(b) tensile properties Ultimate tensUe 0.modifiedASTMaceticacidsalt intermittentspmy.51n.pining..2% yield strength strength lui lui MPa MPa Groin Thmper 8090-1'81 (underaged) 8090-1'8X (peakaged) Product form stmeture(a) Dlreetkm Damage-tolerant bare sheet<3.rT(KIc) T-L(KIc) S-L(KIc) I.5 30 36 35 39.5 39 41 39 Eiongalion 1n38mm Reduetlon (l.% (KkorK. / h 400 'iii r c 300 ~ 200 I 10 5 1. °F/s 10 10 2 10 3 ~ 600 80 Xi ~. 500 --+::. Quench sensitivity of alloy 8090 and other alloys as a function of average quench rates.278/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 8090: Microstructure of 8090 sheet.> ~ 10 4 1 7178-T6 7075-T6 7050-T73 ~ 80 7075-T73_ 2014-T6 2024-T4 .'_ _--' 20 >= >= 2 3 4 1 10 10 10 10 Average quenching rate from 400-290 DC. (b) Unrecrystallized grain structure /---1 (a) (b) 100 11m 8090: Quench sensitivity. peak aged '" 7150... (b) Tensile strength after aging of eight wrought alloys.... ':.. or 900 OF) LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Average cooling rate from 750-550 of.. (c) Relative quench sensitivity of two aluminum-lithium alloys (2090 and 8090. °C/s (b) 100 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view a'< -SOJ Furnace cooling 80 c ~ tl "0 a.- 500 10 3 1 wo c ~ . °C/s (e) 'iii ""-S c e OJ tl ~ 'iii 6061-T6 I 10 1 (a) p- r/ . 0 0._ .-"""'-. "0 200 a.-----1-s 0.. both solution treated for 40 min at 480°C. 400 1-----"""---'-----+---~:7'"1f='" 60 g> c ~ ~ 300 40 tl tl "0 a.._ . aged 24 h at 120°C c 0 . peak aged • 2090. °F/s Average quenching rate from 750-550 of.. aged 24 h at 120°C II. 7475.~ e u..' o 5 ..: . °C/s 10 2 1 10 1 700 ~'" 600 -SOJ c ~ tl I-? . both solution treated for 1 hat 520°C. or 965 OF) and two Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloys (7150 and 7475.01 0. 0 Alloy and condition (Source: Ref 1) a 8090.. (a) Recrystallized grain structure.. 100 L -_ _L . (a) Yield strength after aging of four wrought alloys.100 607'0-T6~ 60 I 10 2 10 3 10 4 - 40 10 5 Average cooling rate from 400-290 DC.J L .1 10 Average cooling rate. )(b).3 73 76 75 77.5 75 Elongation in SOmm (2in.7 Cu.5 6. peak-aged forgings Sheet Sheet Plate Plate Extrusions Forgings (a) Temper designations are not registered. (b) Data are averages from two specimens 8090: temper designations Temper(a) 1'8.17Fe-0.% 7. Like some other age-hardened 2xxx aluminum alloys.86Cu-0. with soak time measured from time load reaches temperature within ±6 °C (±1O OF) .1 7.89Mg-0.5 4. and suitably cooled so it stays below 38°C (100 OF) during quench cycle Nominal temperatures listed should be reached as rapidly as possible and maintained within ±6 °C (±1O "F) of nominal during time at temperature Cold working after solution treatment and before precipitation hardening is necessary to get specified properties in this temper (T3) Precipitation Heat Treating. Nominal.90Mg-0. aluminum-lithium-base alloys also gain increased strength and toughness from deformation prior to aging. When quenching is by total immersion in water.4 70 70.1'8511110 1'8771.2 8.12 Zr Product Form. the quenching rate following the solution heat treatment. 2. by increasing the vacancy concentration. Extruded bars Recommended Heat Treating Practice Aluminum-Lithium Alloys.2 6.3 (a) Solution treatment of 550°C 0020 "F) for I h. Extruded bar is treated to 1'3 temper at 540°C (1000 oF) Material should be quenched from solution treating temperature as rapidly as possible and with minimum delay after removal from furnace. 1'852 Characteristics Forms Near-peak-aged medium-strength sheet product Underaged damage-tolerant sheet Near-peak-aged plate Underaged damage-tolerant plate Medium-to-high-strength peak-aged extrusions Medium-strenglh.04Si Air cool (-0.7 6. TIE20 1'8151.0 8.8 5.5 70 70 71. but not limited to. The precipitate structure is sensitive to a number of processing variables.2 u.25 °Cls) Polymer quench (-18 °Cls) Water quench (-120 °Cls) Stretch. Minor alloying elements can also have a significant effect on the aging process by changing the interface energy of the precipitate. and the aging time and temperature.Aluminum-Lithium Alloys /279 8090: The effect of quench rate on the mechanical properties of age-hardened aluminum-lithium alloy 8090 Ultimate tensile CooUngfrom solution . this listing is a recap of designations used by producers and users CP276 Chemical Composition. This unusual phenomenon has given rise to a number of thermomechanical processing steps for aluminum-lithium alloys aimed at optimizing mechanical properties after artificial aging Solution Heat Treating.0 7.36Cu-0.06Si Air cool (-0.25 °Cls) Polymer quench (-18 °Cls) Water quench AJ-2. 0.13Zr-0. the degree of cold deformation prior to aging.8Li-0. T651. aluminum-lithium alloys achieve precipitation strengthening by thermal aging after a solution heat treatment.13Fe-0.1'8ES7 T651l.13Zr-0. % Aging treatment 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 190°Cfor 16h 170°C for 24 h 190 °C for 16h 170°Cfor24h 190°Cfor 16h 170°C for 24 h 190°C forl6 h 170°C for 24 h 190°Cfor 16h 170°C for 24 h 190°Cfor16h 170°C for 24 h Yieldstrength(b) MPa ksi strength(b) MPa ksl 380 401 415 415 428 417 417 442 448 448 464 448 465 481 481 492 483 485 503 524 519 535 517 55 58 60 60 62 60 60 64 65 65 67 65 446 64.5 67.trealment(a) AIIoycomposllion AJ-2.5 Mg. 0. Extruded bar is treated to peak aged temperature at 190°C (375 oF) for 12 to 15 h· Time at temperature is approximate.0 8. As with other age-hardened aluminum alloys.1'8X T81 1'8771. Actual time depends on time required for load to reach temperature. 2.58Li-l. unless otherwise indicated water should be at room temperature.5 6. and/or by raising the critical temperature for homogeneous precipitation. including. Applications Alloys 60 lAB.25 1. with up to 8% elongation. Ultimate tensile strengths of 358 to 400 MPa (52 to 58 ksi).Heat Treating Aluminum P/M Parts Commercially available aluminum powder alloy compositions consist of blends of atomized aluminum powders mixed with powders of various alloying elements such as zinc. are possible with 201AB heat treated to the T4 condition. Heat treated to the T6 condition. and silicon (see Table for compositions). with 8 to 18% elongation.0 4. Heat Treatable Grades These grades are comparable to the 2xxx and 6xxx series wrought aluminum alloys. Properties of cold-formed aluminum PIM alloys are increased by a combination of strain-hardened densification and improved interparticle bonding.5 1.5 1.5 1. Yield strength for this condition is 386 to 414 MPa (56 to 60 ksi). 202AB develops 280 MPa (40.0 0.2 ksi) yield strength. or as-cold formed. They develop high strength and offer moderate corrosion resistance. and 202AB are designed for forgings. with 6 to 16% elongation in 25 mm (1 in. magnesium. Forging normally is in a confined die so that no flash is produced and only densification and lateral flow result from the forging step.0 to 49% lACS).3 ksi) tensile strength and 241 MPa (34.0 2. Alloys 201AB and MD-24 are most similar to wrought alloy 2014. These alloys have high strength. Alloy 202AB is especially well suited for cold forging. Strain hardening (28% upset) results in 221 MPa (32 ksi) tensile and 203 MPa (29. A sintered compact is coated with a graphite lubricant to permit proper metal flow during forging. the tensile strength of 201AB increases from 393 to 434 MPa (57 to 63 ksi).9 ksi) yield strength after forming to 28% upset.3 0. It is used for isostatic and die-wall-lubricated compaction.4 1.4 ksi) yield strength.4 0. providing a wide range of properties. and yield strengths of255 to 262 MPa (37 to 38 ksi). Heat Treating Technology All of the aluminum powder alloys respond to strain hardening and precipitation hardening.8% density. hot forging of alloy 601AB-T4 at 425°C (800 oF) followed by heat treatment gives ultimate tensile strengths of221 to 262 MPa (32 to 38 ksi). Conductivity of 602AB ranges from 24 x 10 to 28 6 X 10 Slm (42. Yield strength is 303 to 317 MPa (44 to 46 ksi). and elongation ranges from 0. hot forging at 300 to 450°C (575 to 850 "F) is recommended for parts requiring critical die fill.0 2. and can be specified for anodized parts.6 4. Forging of PIM preforms is a well established technology. good ductility.8 0. In the as-formed condition.5 1. Forged aluminum PIM parts have densities of over 99. Alloys 601AB and MD-69 are similar to wrought alloy 6061. Properties for the T4 and T6 conditions do not change notably between 3 and 28% upset. copper. are similar to conventional forging.5 0. Alloy 601AC is the same as 601AB.5 to 8%. When high conductivity is require1 alloy 602AB often is used. increases the yield strength significantly. % Si 60IAB 201AB 602AB 202AB MO-22 MO-24 MO-69 MO-76 0. In the T8 condition. Forging pressure usually does not exceed 345 MPa (50 ksi). which approaches 50%. depending on the type of heat treatment selected. Alloy 602AB has moderate properties with good elongation. The part is either hot or cold forged.9 0. with 3% elongation at the 19% upset level. The T6 temper parts achieve 255 MPa (37 ksi) tensile strength and 227 MPa (33 ksi) yield strength. When heat treated to the T6 condition. Alloy 601AB achieves 257 MPa (37.6 ksi) tensile strength and 250 MPa (36.3 ksi) for 92.5 . and in many ways.7 ksi) for 96. Scrap loss is less than 10% compared to conventional forging. Strengths are higher than those of nonforged PIM parts. Alloy 202AB is best suited for cold forming.0 0. 601AB has ultimate tensile strengths of 303 to 345 MPa (44 to 50 ksi). to 281 MPa (40.5% of theoretical density.5 1. Treating to the T2 condition.5 1. Highest cold-formed properties are achieved by 201AB.6 0. yield strength increases from 209 MPa (30.25 4. 201AB. Forming pressure and percentage of reduction during forging influence final properties.6 0. corrosion resistance. For example. Fatigue endurance limit is doubled over that of nonforged PIM parts.5 0.5 1. 602AB.5% density. but does not contain an ad-mixed lubricant.5 1. Compositions of typical aluminum P1M alloy powders Grade Cu Mg ComposItion.).6 AI Lubricant bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal 1. and a yield strength of 138 MPa (20 ksi).4 1. MD-24. and MD-76 are set forth in a Table.55 10.58 413 30 95 2.29 Greenstrengtb psi MPa 3.5 25 24 26 36 24.0 2.9 33.6 29.55 345 25 95 2.3 39.2 21.5 17.5 9 9. Solution treating and aging procedures for MD-22.58 110 8 85 2.nsit~ % glcm 85 2.3 2.6 34.45 Thmper TI T4 T6 165 602AB 12 90 2.5 0. cold worked and naturally aged. parts have been solution treated and naturally aged. The information includes procedures for heat treating these alloys to the T6 temper.7 2.4 1500 6.4 780 92.1 23. MD-69.2 600 91.4 2.53 180 13 90 2. MPa (ksi) Tensile strength.2 28.7 26.4 21. %IACS MD-22 MD-24 MD-69 MD-76 520(970) 30 Air H2O 500(930) 60 Air H2O 520(970) 30 Air H2O 475 (890) 60 150(300) 18 Air 150(300) 18 Air 150(300) 18 Air 125 (257) 18 Air 550(80) 200(29) 260(38) 3 74 36 495(72) 195(28) 240(35) 3 72 32 435 (63) 195 (28) 205 (30) 2 71 39 435 (63) 275 (40) 310(45) 2 80 25 Air H2O (a) T6. Typical heat-treated properties of nitrogen-sintered aluminum P/M parts Heat-tmded Gmdes variablesand properties Solution treatment Temperature. In the T6 condition.56 Cold-fonned parts (19% strain) 180 13 90 2.52 96.7 3 .4 2.5 12. quenched.42 345 25 95 2.8 40.2 31 47.0 2.5 25. In the T4 condition.50 8.55 165 12 90 2. parts have been solution treated. °C (oF) Tirne.9 2.5 20.0 2. HRE Electrical conductivity. 176 238 121 121 179 131 134 186 169 210 248 201 245 323 209 262 332 160 194 227 238 236 274 280 (a) Tensile properties determined using powder metal flat tension bar (MPIF standard 10-63).58 93.4 8.6 46.6 Yield strength(a) MPa ksi 48 96 176 88 114 224 94 117 230 59 62 169 62 65 172 145 179 248 170 205 322 181 214 327 75 119 147 216 148 173 250 7 14 25. plus the mechanical properties obtained. solution heat treated. sintered 15min at 620 °C (1150 "F) in nitrogen 16 20.5 36 29.6 32.49 5.53 5 2 10 8 7.7 17 33. strengtb!a) MPa ksi 110 141 183 139 172 232 145 .7 16. °C (oF) Time.1 2.2 Elongation.5 26.3 31.3 38 48. % Hardness 6 5 1 5 5 2 6 6 2 55-60HRH 80-85HRH 70-75HRE 6O-65HRH 80-85HRH 75-80HRE 65-70HRH 85-9OHRH 80-85HRE 55-60HRH 65-70HRH 55-60HRE 55-60HRH 70-75HRH 65-70HRE 6O-65HRE 70-75HRE 80-85HRE 70-75HRE 75-80HRE 85-9OHRE 70-75HRE 80-85HRE 90-95HRE 55-60HRH 70-75HRH 45-50HRE 80HRE 70HRE 85HRE 87HRE Ii 7 2 9 10 3 2 3 0 3 3.8 2000 97.8 30.5 27 24.3 8 8.5 30.5 13.3 1200 92.4 1500 96.36 4.4 780 92.5 26 19 19.1 36.9 34.0 2.8 46.5 10.56 201AB TI T4 T6 T1 T4 T6 T1 T4 T6 T1 T4 T6 T1 T4 T6 T1 T4 T6 T1 T4 T6 T1 T4 T6 T2 T4 T6 T8 ThosU.h Atmosphere Heat-treated (T6) properties(a) Transverse-rupture strength.0 2. quenched.1 24.2 35.64 13. MPa (ksi) Yield strength. MPa (ksi) Elongation. min Atmosphere Quench medium Aging Temperature.Aluminum P/M Parts /281 Parts in the T2 temper have been cooled from an elevated temper shaping process.1 450 Sintereddensity glcm' % 91.55 950 93.49 5. % Rockwell hardness. and artificially age hardened Typical properties of nitrogen-sintered aluminum P/M alloys Compacting pressure Alloy 601AB MPa lsi 96 7 Green d.70 202AB Compacts 180 13 90 2.9 17.6 21 25.5 9 24.42 6. and artificially aged.2 33 33.5 17.55 950 10. Copper Alloys . furnace design. Homogenizing is applied to copper alloys to improve the hot and cold ductility of cast billets for mill processing. Cl7200. annealing. ductility. if desirable. Annealing is primarily a function of metal temperature and time at temperature. rates of heating and cooling are relatively unimportant. and cooling.Heat Treating Copper Alloys Heat-treating processes for copper and copper alloys include homogenizing. or the rapid cooling of permanent mold or die castings. stress relieving. holding. On the other hand. temperature. and to castings. including certain precipitationhardening alloys and alloys susceptible to fire cracking. such as manganese bronzes and aluminum bronzes. solution treating. For aluminum bronzes. Except for multiphase alloys. seeTable4 for temperatures forspecificalloys. and uniformity ofresults obtained. atmosphere. can produce microstructures resulting in high hardness and/or low ductility and occasionally inferior corrosion resistance. CI3000 C14500 C14700 C15500 Oxygen-free copper Oxygen-free silver-bearing copper Oxygen-free low-phosphorus copper Electrolytic tough-pitch copper Electrolytic tough-pitch. It is applied to wrought products. and quench hardening and tempering. to correct the effects ofmold cooling. rapid cooling by water quenching or high-velocity air is advisable. CI1400. and a proper process description should include heating rate. The process includes heating.650 475-750 400-475 375-650 375-650 400-650 425-650 425-650 475-525 7llO-1200 425-750 775-925(a) 700-800 375-650 800-1400 1425-1700(a) 13llO-1500 700-1200 Wrought coppers C10100-C10300 CI0400-CI0700 CI0800 CllOOO ClllOO Cl1300. during and after mill processing. CI2700. C1l600 CI2000 C12200 C12500. The extremely slow cooling of sand and plaster castings. C17500 C19200 Cl9400 Cadmiumcopper Beryllium copper (continued) (a)Solution-treating temperature. highresidual phosphorus Pire-refined. prolonged high-temperature soaking is used to reduce chemical or metallurgical segregation commonly known as coring. by heating beyond the recrystallization temperature to initiate grain growth. or toughness requirements. (c)Air cool(coolingmethodimportantin determining resultof annealing) . which occurs as a natural result of solidification in some alloys. Annealing Annealing softens and increases the ductility and/or toughness of metals and alloys. time at temperature. anneal-resistant copper Silver-bearing toughpitchcopper Phosphorus-deoxidized copper. the source and application of heat. furnace atmosphere. and shape of the workpiece are important because they affect fmish.(b) Coolrapidly(cooling methodimportantin determining resultof annealing). Homogenizing In this process. and occasionally is applied to castings to meet specified hardness. Temperatures commonly used for annealing cold-worked coppers and copper alloys are given in Table I. CII500. tellurium-bearing copper Sulfurcopper 9llO-14OO 7llO-1200 5llO-1200 9llO-14OO 75()'900 7llO-1200 7llO-1200 75()' I200 800-1200 8llO-1200 9llO-IOOO Wrought copper alloys C16200 C17000.tough-pitch copperwithsilver Phosphorus-deoxidized. Castings. Annealing is applied to castings of some duplex alloys. and cooling rate where each may affect results. cost of annealing. Table 1 Annealing temperatures for widely used cold-worked copper and copper alloys AnnealIngtemperature Alloy Commonname -c OF 375-650 475-750 375-650 25(). Typical annealing treatments are in the range of 580 to 700°C (1075 to 1300 OF) for I h at temperature. Cold-worked metal is annealed by heating to a temperature that produces recrystallization and. lowresidual phosphorus Phosphorus-deoxidized copper. precipitation (age) hardening. C75200 C754OO. 10% Coppernickel.C35300 C34000. may stress-corrosion crack in more severe environments.C35000 C35600 C36000 C36500. Because plastic strain is accompanied by elastic strain. C67500 C68700 C68800 C70600 cnooo." can occur if sufficient amounts of residual tensile stress and trace amounts of atmospheric ammonia are present.Coppernickel. residual stresses remain in the product and can result in stress-corrosion cracking ofmaterial in storage or service.C46400-C467OO C48200. C33500 C33200. In brasses that contain more than 15% Zn. stress-corrosion cracking. C61400 C61800.C36600. unpredictable distortion during cutting or machining.cnsoo C72500 C74500.C77000 C78200 Cast copper alloys C95300-C95800 Gildingmetal Commercial bronze Jewelrybronze Red brass Low brass Cartridgebrass Yellowbrass Muntzmetal Leadedcommercial bronzes Low-leaded brass High-leaded brass Medium-leaded brass Extra-high-leaded brass Free-cutting brass LeadedMuntzmetal Free-cutting Muntzmetal Forgingbrass Architectural bronze Inhibitedadmiralty brasses Navalbrass Leadednavalbrass Phosphorbronze Phosphorbronze Free-cutting phosphorbronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Low-silicon bronze High-silicon bronze Manganesebrass Manganesebronze Aluminumbrass Coppernickel.C48500 C50500 C5looo. C31600 cnceo.czrooo.C36700. 20%. such as cold-worked aluminum bronzes and silicon bronzes.C62300-C625OO C61900 C63000 C63200 C64200 C63800 C65100 C65500 C66700 C67OOO. C44400. and hot cracking during processing.(c) Air cool (coolingmethodimportantin determiningresultof annealing) Stress Relieving This process relieves internal stress in materials or parts without appreciably affecting their properties.C534OO.C60800 C61000 C613OO. . or welding. Treatments are applied to wrought or cast copper and copper alloys. C54400 C60600. Other copper alloys. or "season cracking. C27400 C28000 C314OO.seeTable4 for temperatures for specificalloys. C75700.C521oo. During the processing or fabrication of copper or copper alloys by cold working.286/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 1 (continued> Annealing temperatnre Alloy Common name C19500 cztooo C22000 C22600 C23000 C24000 C26000 C26800.C524OO C53200.30% Nickelsilver Nickelsilver Leadednickelsilver Aluminumbronzecastings °C OF 375-600 425-800 425-800 425-750 425-725 425-700 425-750 425-700 425-600 425-650 425-650 425-650 425-650 425-650 425-600 425-600 425-650 425-600 425-600 425-600 425-750 475-750 425-600 425-600 425-600 475-650 475-675 475-675 550-650 615-900 750-875 600-650(b) 550-800 6oo-700(c) 625-700(c) 600-700 400-600 475-675 475-700 500-700 425-600 425-600 4llO-600 600-825 650-825 675-800 600-750 600-815 500-620 750-1100 800-1450 800-1450 800-1400 800-1350 800-1300 800-1400 800-1300 800-1100 800-1200 800-1200 800-1200 800-1200 800-1200 800-1100 800-1100 800-1200 800-1100 800-1100 800-1100 800-1400 900-1400 800-1100 800-1100 800-1100 900-1200 900-1250 900-1250 1000-1200 1125-1650 1400-1600 l1oo-1200(b) 1000-1450 l100-1300(c) 1150-1300(c) 1100-1300 750-1100 900-1250 900-1300 930-1300 800-1100 800-1100 750-1100 1100-1500 1200-1500 1250-1475 1100-1400 1100-1500 930-1150 620-670 1150-1225 (a) Solution-treating temperature. brazing.(b) Cool rapidly(coolingmethodimportantin determining result of annealing).C34200. C674OO. strength and hardness increase as a result of plastic strain.C44500 C46200.C36800 C37000 C37700 C38500 C41100 C41300 C42500 C443OO. (a) °C(OF) Electrolytic tough-pitch Phosphorus deoxidizedDLP Phosphorus deoxidizedDHP Phosphorus deoxidizedDPA 180(335) Gilding. Typical temperatures for selected coppers and copper alloys are given in Table 2 (wrought products) and Table 3 (cast products).65-15 Nickelsilver. Table 3 Typical stress-relieving temperatures for cast copperalloys Copperalloy number °C OF CB1300-C82200 C82400-C82800 C83300-C84800 C95200-C95800 C96600-C978oo C99300 260 200 260 315 260 510 500 390 500 600 500 950 Thmpemture Note:Time is 1 h per 25 mm (I in. . Low-Temperature-Hardening Alloys.arsenical Coppernickel. Usually quench-hardened alloys are tempered to improve toughness and ductility and reduce hardness in a manner similar to that used for alloy steels. C65500 C68700 C69700 C70600 C71500 C73500 C74500 C75200 C75400 C75700 C77000 product. (a)Extrahard. Quench-hardening alloys comprise aluminum bronzes. and those that are hardened by quenching from high temperatures through martensitic-type Annealingtime for tube is 20 min.llen. (b) Halfhard.C22600 C23000 C26000 C27000 C31400 C33000.) Hardening Copper alloys that are hardened by heat treatment are of two general types. Rod(b) 'Thhe(.65-18 Nickelsilver.65% Leadedcommercialbronze High-andlow-leadedbrasses Low-leaded brasses Medium-leaded brasses Leaded.. and order-hardening types.65-12 Nickelsilver.55-18 OC(OF) Wire(c) °C(OF) °C(°F) 180(335) 180(355) 180(355) 180(355) 275 (525) 275 (525) 275 (525) 260(500) 260(500) 260(500) 260(500) 275(525) 275(525) 275 (525) 275 (525) 275 (525) 275 (525) 420(790) 460(860) 380(715) 420(790) 460(860) 380(715) 380(715) 380(715) 340(645) 'Thbe(d) OC (OF) Part.) of sectionthicknessexceptfor copperalloy C99300. as well as typical heat treatments (precipitation hardening and spinodal hardening) and attainable property levels for these alloys.C33200 C33500 C34000.C356OO. For purposes of comparison.95% Commercial bronzeandjewelrybronze Redbrass. 300(570) 300(570) 290(555) 290(555) 300(570) 260(500) 260(500) 250(480) 250(480) 260(500) 275 (525) 275 (525) 260(500) 260(500) 275 (525) 290(555) 250(480) 260(500) 290(555) 300(570) 250(480) 260(500) 260(500) 275(525) 290(555) 300(570) 300(570) 300(570) 300(570) 250(480) 260(500) 260(500) 275(525) 260(500) 275 (525) 275 (525) 275 (525) 275 (525) 360(680) 360(680) 360(680) 400(750) 340(645) 350(660) 290(555) 380 (715) 320(610) 400(750) 350(660) 350(660) 300(570) 380 (715) 340(645) Parts 340(645) Note: Annealingtime is 1h with the exceptionoftube. Admiraltybrasses Navalbrasses PhosphorbronzeA PhosphorbronzeC PhosphorbronzeB-2 Siliconbronzes Aluminum brass.10% Coppernickel.Copper Alloys I 287 Table 2 Typical stress-relieving temperatures for wrought coppersandcopper alloys St.timefor it is 4 h per 25 mm (l in. spinodal-hardening. nickel-aluminum bronzes.C37700 C43000 C43400 C44300-C445OO Stress-relief heat treatments are carried out at temperatures below those normally used for annealing.65-10 Nickelsilver.30% Nickelsilver. andforgingbrasses 275(525) 275 (525) 275 (525) 260(500) 260(500) Nam. Alloys that harden during low-to-intermediate-temperature treatments following solution quenching include precipitation-hardening.low brass Cartridgebrass Yellow brass.) °C(OF) °C(OF) 220(430) 240(465) 260(500) 200(390) 220(430) 240(465) 330(625) 320(610) 290(555) 275(525) 260(500) 260(500) 320(610) 260(500) 320(610) 260(500) 330(625) 290(555) 480(895) 520(970) 420(790) 460(860) Part.C46400-C467OO C51000 C52100 C54400 C651OO.C35000 C353oo... those that are softened by high-temperature quenching and hardened by lower-temperature precipitation heat treatments.(c)Spring. and a few special copper-zinc alloys. C36000.mpemture ror Sheeland strip Rod andwire Flat Copperor copper alloy number Coppers Cl1000 C12000 C12200 C14200 Copper alloys C21000 C22000. Table 4 lists examples of the various types of low-temperature-hardening alloys. Aluminum bronzes with 9 to 11.particularlyfor thinsections Table 6 Typical conditions of copper-beryllium mill products Tensile strengtb before aging Temper Description MPa ksI TBOO Solutiontreated Solutiontreatedand cold workedto quarterhard Solutiontreatedandcold worked 10half hard Solutiontreatedandcold workedto hard 480 550 625 7fIJ 70 80 91 110 TOOl TD02 TD04 . Table 7 lists the properties typically specified for mill products of the common copper-beryllium alloys. (b) Shortertimesmaybe desirableto minimizegrain growth. In general. respond in a practical way to quench hardening by a martensitic-type reaction. the greatest response to aging occurs in material in the cold-rolled hard temper. C17300 C175OO. better age hardening characteristics can be obtained if the material is cold worked after the solution anneal.5-3 0. solution treating is not typically a part of the fabricating process unless it is necessitated by a special requirement such as softening of the material for additional forming or is used as a salvage operation for parts that have been incorrectly heated for precipitation hardening. work hardening offers no advantage beyond the hard temper because formability is poor and control of the precipitationhardening treatment for maximum strength is critical. In addition.5-3 0. however.3fIJ 800-1400 6f1J-680 1-2 4 86HRC 32HRC 4-4 Solullon-trealing temperature(a) Alloy Precipitation hardening C15000 C17000. The cold working of solution-treated copper-beryllium alloys influences the strength attainable through subsequent aging. Precipitation Hardening. C63800. Solution Treating.heaviersectionsrequirewaterquenching. CI7600 CI8000(c). as well as nickel-aluminum bronzes with 8. C68800. OF °C b 775-800 775-800 775-800 900-925 900-925 1425-1475 1425-1475 1425-1475 1650-1700 1650-1700 0.b Hardneu Eledrlcal conductivity. %IACS(b) 980 760-800 900-950 980-1000 775-800 885 1795 1400-1475 1650-1740 1795-1830 1425-1475 1625 500-550 300-350 455-490 425-500 305-325 482 930-1025 575-660 850-915 800-930 580-620 900 3 1-3 1-4 2-4 5 I 30HRB 35-44HRC 95-98HRB 68HRB 180HB 170HB 87-95 22 48 80 15 17 900-950 815-845 1650-1740 1500-1550 425-7fIJ 35Q. The low-temperature order-annealing treatment also acts as a stressrelieving treatment. Thin sections such as stripcan be cooled in circulatingatmosphere.CI85oo. wire is drawn to higher levels of cold work prior to precipitation hardening.5 to 11. Heat treatment typically consists of solution annealing. Quench Hardening and Tempering.191. C61500. Optimum mechanical and physical properties for specific applications can be attained by varying these schedules.5% AI. Quench hardening and tempering (also referred to as quench and temper hardening) are used primarily for aluminum bronze and nickel-aluminum bronze alloys.flJl) in orderto developthe higherlevelsofelectricalconduclivityandhardness Order-Hardening Alloys. but the temperatures and times given in the adjoining Table constitute the most conventional practice and typically provide maximum tensile strength.288/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 4 Typicalheat treatments and resulting properties for severallow-temperature-hardening alloys Aging treatment °C of °C of Time. Table 5 gives recommended schedules for the solution treating and precipitation hardening of the five major copper-beryllium alloys that are produced in wrought form. For some applications. Strengthening is attributed to the short-range ordering of the dissolved atoms within the copper matrix.5-3 0. followed by precipitation hardening. Table 5 Solution treating and precipitation hardening of copper-beryllium alloys Alloy C17000 CI7200 C17300 C17500 C17510 Solution treatmenna) Thmperature 'llme(b).CI72oo. and those with lower aluminum contents do not contain enough high-temperature ~ phase to respond properly.(b) International AnnealedCopperStandard.5% AI. (c) AlloyC18000(81540)mustbe doubleaged. beryllium-copper alloys are precipitation hardenable. which raises yield strength by reducing stress concentrations in the lattice at the focuses of dislocation pileups. Certain alloys. and C69000 are examples of copper alloys that exhibit this behavior. Generally alloys higher in aluminum content are too susceptible to quench cracking for this treatment. Copper-Beryllium Alloys Because the solid solubility of beryllium in an a-copper matrix decreases as the temperature is lowered. Material in these conditions can be fabricated without further heat treatment. °C OF b 300-330 300-330 300-330 455-480 455-480 575-625 575-625 575-625 850-900 850-900 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 (a) All alloysare cooled immediatelyandrapidlyfromthe solution-treating temperature. Wrought copper-beryllium alloy mill products are generally supplied solution treated or solution treated and cold worked (Table 6). typically3 h at 540 °C (1000 oF) followedby 3 h at 425°C (800 "P) (U. undergo an ordering reaction when highly cold worked material is annealed at a relatively low temperature. generally those that are nearly saturated with an alloying element dissolved in the a phase.5-3 0.C815oo C94700 C99400 Spinodal hardening C71900 C72800 Temperature (a)Solutiontreatingisfollowedby waterquenching. Patent 4. Thus.5-3 Aging treatment Temperature Time. which greatly impedes the motion of dislocations through the crystals. and occasionally for some cast manganese bronze alloys with zinc equivalents of37 to 41%.CI8400.S. 040in.95 90-110 110-135 145-175 135-175 160-190 150-190 175-200 170-200 180-205 175-205 35-55 10-35 4-10 2-8 3-8 3-8 2-5 2-5 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 600 650 600 625 600 625 600 625 415-540 515-605 585-690 690-825 1035-1240 1105-1275 1105-1310 1170-1345 1170-1380 1240-1380 1240-1450 1275-1415 60-78 75-88 85-100 100-120 150-180 160-185 160-190 170-195 170-200 180-200 180-210 185-205 170-365 310-515 450-620 550-760 895-1105 860-1140 860-1140 895-1170 895-1170 965-1240 965-1240 1070-1345 25-55 45-75 65-90 80-110 130-165 125-165 135-170 130-170 145-175 140-180 155-180 155-195 35-60 1040 10-25 2-8 4-10 4-10 3-6 3-6 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 47-78HRB 68-9OHRB 88-96HRB 96-102HRB 33-39HRC 34-4OHRC 34-4OHRC 36-41HRC 36-41HRC 38-42HRC 38-42HRC 39-43HRC 17-19 16-18 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 600 650 600 650 415-585 585-895 1035-1240 1105-1275 1140-1380 1205-1415 60-85 85-130 150-180 160-185 165-200 175-205 185-205 515-725 860-1070 930-1140 930-1140 965-1170 20-30 75-105 125-155 135-165 135-165 140-170 35-60 10-20 4-10 4-10 2-5 2-5 45-85HRB 88-103HRB 32-39HRC 34-40HRC 36-41HRC 38-42HRC 17-19 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 900 850 900 850 240-380 515-585 690-760 725-825 760-860 795-930 35-55 75-85 100-120 105-120 110-130 115-135 185-205 380-550 550-690 550-725 690-825 725-860 20-30 55-80 80-100 80-105 100-120 105-125 20-35 3-10 10-20 8-12 8-15 5-8 20-43HRB 78-88HRB 92-1OOHRB 93-1OOHRB 95-103HRB 97-104HRB 25-30 20-30 45-60 45-52 45-60 45-52 17-19 15-17 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-i5 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 ucts Annealed Hard Annealed Annealed(d) Hard Hard(d) None None 3 3 2 2 480 455 480 455 (a)At 0.flatprod- h None None None None 3 Heat treatmentthatprovidesoptimumstrength.25 1 0.25 None None None None 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 None None 3 3 2 2 Temperature OC 315 370 315 370 315 370 315 370 315 315 315 370 315 370 315 370 315 370 315 345 315 330 315 330 315 330 315 345 315 345 of ThosUe strength MPa ksi Yieldstrength!a) ksi MPa 600 700 600 700 600 700 600 700 415-540 515-605 585-690 690-825 1140-1345 1105-1310 1205-1415 1170-1380 1275-1485 1240-1450 1310-1575 1275-1480 60-78 75-88 85-100 100-120 165-195 160-190 175-205 170-200 185-215 180-210 190-220 185-215 195-380 415-550 515-655 620-770 965-1205 895-1205 1035-1275 965-1275 1105-1345 1070-1345 1140-1415 1105-1415 28-55 60-80 75-95 90-112 140-175 130-175 150-185 140-185 160-195 155-195 165-205 160-205 35-60 1040 10-25 2-8 4-10 3-10 3-6 2-6 2-5 2-5 1-4 1-4 45-78HRB 68-9OHRB 88-96HRB 96-102HRB 35-40HRC 34-40HRC 37-42HRC 36-42HRC 39-44HRC 38-44HRC 4o-45HRC 39-45HRC 17-19 16-18 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 600 600 415-585 585-895 1140-1345 1205-1550 60-85 85-130 165-200 175-225 185-205 515-725 1000-1205 1035-1380 20-30 75-105 145-175 150-200 35-60 10-20 3-10 2-5 45-85HRB 88-103HRB 36-4IHRC 39-45HRC 17-19 15-17 22-25 22-25 600 700 600 700 600 700 600 700 450-590 620-795 760-930 895-1070 1140-1310 1105-1310 1205-1415 1170-1415 1310-1480 1275-1480 1345-1585 1310-1585 65-85 90-115 110-135 130-155 165-190 160-190 175-205 170-205 190-215 185-215 195-230 190-230 185-240 485-655 620-760 760-930 1000-1205 930-1205 1105-1310 1035-1310 1205-1380 1170-1380 1245-1415 1205-1415 20-35 70.33 2 0.5 0.plate Annealed Hard Annealed(d) Hard(d) Wire(e) Annealed Quarterhard Ha1fhard Threequarterhard Annealed(d) Annealed Quarterhard(d) Quarterhard Halfhard(d) Half hard Three quarterhard(d) Three quarterhard C17000 Flatproducts Annealed Quarterhard Half hard Hard Annealed Annealed(d) Quarterhard Quarterhard(d) Half hard Halfhard(d) Hard Hard(d) Rod.5 2 0.2%offset.25 1.Copper Alloys /289 Table 7 Properties and precipitation treatments usually specified for copper-beryllium alloys E1ongation(b). (e)For wire diameters greaterthan 1.3mrn( Annealed Hard Annealed Annealed(d) Hard Hard(d) C17500.5 2 0.25 2 0. II> Hardness(c) Electri<al oondu<tivlly.) thick.050in. (h) In 50 mrn(2 in.) . II> lACS Standard agingtreatmeDl TIme.(c)Rockwell B and C hardnessvaluesare accurate onlyif metalis at least 1 mm (0. initial oondiwn Cl7200 Flatproducts Annealed Quarterhard Halfhard Hard Annealed(d) Annealed Quarterhard(d) Quarterhard Halfhard(d) Halfhard Hard(d) Hard Rod.plate.).25 None None 3 2 None None None None 3 0.C17510 Rod. anddrawn30% AlloyC81500 Cast. (c) 0. the aging temperature is reduced to the range of 370 to 480°C (700 to 900 OF)for 1 to 4 h.aged. h Condhlon Solutiontreated At 900 °C (1650 OF) At 900 °C (1650 oF) and cold worked At 980°C (1795 OF) At 980 °C (1795 oF) and cold worked 3 3 3 3 930 750 1020 840 500 400 550 450 The increase in the strength of zirconium-copper depends primarily on cold working. A typical aging cycle is 4 h or more at 455°C (850 OF).). it can be cold worked in a manner similar to that for unalloyed copper. water quench. therefore. its chief effect is to increase electrical conductivity. Table 8 Typical effects of heat treatment and cold work on properties of Cu-l % Cr alloys Condition % Hardness Electrical conduclivlly. (b) In 50 nun (2 in.h 3 3 3 3 3 3 (a) Hold 30 min. as the solution temperature is increased from 900 to 980°C (1650 to 1795 "F). (a) AIO.5%extensionunder load.and aged Eiongalion(b).). Although aging results in some increase in strength.290 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Copper-Chromium Alloys After being solution treated.0% Cr are solution treated in molten salt or in controlled-atmosphere furnaces (to avoid scaling) at 980 to 1010 °C (1800 to 1850 OF) and rapidly quenched. Typical effects of heat treatment and cold work on the properties of chromium-copper are shown in Table 8.and aged Solutiontreated. The properties developed by various combinations of heat treatment and cold working are given in Table 9.5 to 1. Aging treatments that produce the best combination of mechanical properties and electrical conductivity are: Time.30% Zr consists of heating to 900 to 980°C (1650 to 1795 OF) and quenching in water.5% extensionunderload 'Thoslle strength MPa ksi 310 425 200 270 440 205 205 330 330 495 470 45 62 29 39 64 30 30 48 48 72 68 FJectrical Yield strength MPa ksI 260 380 41(c) 250(c) 420(c) 90 90 260 275 440 425 38 55 6(c) 36(c) 61(c) 13 13 38 40 64 62 Baroness Eiongalion(h). The material may then be precipitation hardened for 1 to 4 h at 500 to 550°C (930 to 1020 OF). (b) In 50 nun (2 in. Table 9 Effect of heat treatment and cold work on properties of copper-zirconium alloy C15000 Solution_ling lempemlure(a) OF ·C 900 900 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 1650 1650 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 Amount orcold work. Solution-treated chromium copper is soft and ductile. (c) 500 kg load Copper-Zirconium Alloys Temperature The solution treatment of zirconium-copper containing 99. % HRB 25 12 54 26 19 51 49 31 28 24 23 48 64 37 73 50 57 79 74 conductivily. Normally.solutiontreated. % lACS 85 min 85 min 64 64 64 87 95 80 92 85 91 . % lAC 15 40 45 56 62 42 15 15 18 18 50HRF 90HB(c) 65HRB 68-75HRB 75-80HRB 3542 75-82 40 80 80 40 17 105HB(c) 75-80 Ultimate leoslle strength MPa ks! Yield strengthCa) MPa ksi 240 350 415 435 480 35 51 60 63 70 105 275 310 385 425 350 51 275 AlloyC18200 Solutiontreated Solutiontreatedand aged Solutiontreatedand drawn40% Solutiontreated. the aging temperature should also be increased to maintain high electrical conductivity. If cold working is done prior to aging. Copper-chromium alloys with 0. the material may be aged for several hours at 400 to 500 °C (750 to 930 OF) to produce special mechanical and physical properties.harddrawn.7% Cu (min) and 0.13 to 0. % 20 80 None 20 80 None None 20 20 85 85 Aging 'Thmperature -c OF 475 425 885 795 500 550 400 450 400 450 930 1025 750 840 750 840 Time. it is important that aluminum bronzes be cooled rapidly using water quenching.5% extension underload. Table 10 Typical heat-treating schedules and resulting properties for precipitation-hardening miscellaneous alloys Alloy C94700 C94800 C96600 C99400 C99500 Solution treatment Thmperature OF OC Time. Table 11 Typical heat treatments and resulting properties for complex (a-p> aluminum bronzes 'JYpical Alloy C62400 C63000 C95300 C95400 condition(a) As-forgedor extruded Solutiontreatedat 870°C (1600 "P) andquenched. In the selection of tempering temperatures. and the com- plex.tempered2 h at 650 °C (1200"F) As-cast Solutiontreatedat 855°C (1575 oF) andquenched.(c) 3000 kg load Spinodal-Hardening Alloys Spinodal structures are composed of a fine. After the tempering cycle has been completed. (h) AtO. The phases of the spinodal product differ in composition from each other and from the parent phase but have the same crystal structure as the parent phase. heavy or complex sections should be heated slowly to avoid cracking. Normal tempering time is 2 h at temperature. consideration must be given to both required properties and the hardness obtained upon quenching.5% extenslon underload forall other alloys.tempered2 h at 620 °C (1150"F) As-cast Solutiontreatedat 870°C (1600 "P) andquenched. (c) In 50 mm (2 in.tempered2 h at 620°C (1150"P) As-forgedor extruded Solutiontreatedat 855°C (1575 "P) andquenched. typically in the range of 565 to 675 °C (1050 to 1250 "F). Moreover.tempered2 h at 620°C (1150"P) C95500 As-cast Solutiontreatedat 855°C (1575 oF) andquenched. Unlike steels. spray cooling. Slow cooling through the range of 565 to 275°C (1050 to 530 OF) can cause the residual tempered martensitic ~ phase to decompose.min 305-325 305-325 510 480 480 580-620 580-620 950 900 900 300 360-1000 180 60 60 Thosilestrength MPa ksi Yield strength(a) MPa ksl 585 415 760 545 595 415 205 485 370 425 85 60 110 79 86 Eloogation(h).tempered2 h at 650°C (1200"F) Thosile strength MPa ksl 620-690 675-725 730 760 495-530 585 585-690 655-725 640-710 775-800 90-100 98-105 106 110 72-77 85 85-100 95-105 93-103 112-116 Yield sirength(b) MPa ksi 240-260 345-385 365 425 185-205 290 240-260 330-370 290-310 440-470 35-38 50-56 53 62 27-30 42 35-38 48-54 42-45 64-68 E1ongation(c) % Hardness HB 14-16 8-14 13 13 27-30 14-16 14-18 8-14 10-14 10-14 163-183 187-202 187 212 137-140 159-179 156-179 187-202 183-192 217-234 (a) As-cast condition is typical for moderatesectionsshaken out at temperatures above 540 °C (1000 "F) and fan cooled or mold cooled. or fan cooling. special alloys C99400 and 99500. Copper-Aluminum (Aluminum Bronze) Alloys The microstructures and consequent heat treatabilities of aluminum bronzes vary with aluminum content in much the same manner as steels do with carbon contents. The fineness of spinodal structures is characterized by the distance between regions of identical composition. Table 11 gives typical tensile properties and hardnesses of a-~ aluminum bronzes after various stages of heat treatment. which is of the order 50 to 100 A. (h) In 50 nun (2 in.2%extensionunderload for C966OO. at 0.).mio 775-800 1425-1475 120 995 885 885 1825 1625 1625 60 60 60 Thmpering treatment Thmperature OF OC Time.Copper Alloys /291 Miscellaneous Precipitation-Hardening Alloys Other alloys that can be age hardened are the nickel-tin bronze alloys C94700 and C94800.) . homogeneous mixture of two phases that form by the growth of composition waves in a solid solution during a suitable heat treatment. forming the embrittling a-~ eutectoid. aluminum bronzes are tempered above the normal transformation temperature. % 10 8 7 60 30 70 54 62 8 Hardness HB(c) 180 120 230 170 196 (a) At 0. The solution-treating and precipitation-hardening treatments for these alloys are shown in Table 10. and fan (rapid)cooled. copper-nickel-beryllium alloy C96600. annealedat 620°C (1150 "F). properties. small amounts of alloying elements (such as beryllium. Table 12 Nominal compositions of principal copper casting alloys UNS number ASTMB22 C86300 C90500 C91100 C91300 ASTMB61 C92200 ASTMB62 C83600 ASTMB66 C93800 C94300 C94400 C94500 ASTMB67 C94100 ASTMB148 C95200 C95300 C95400 C95410 C95500 C95600 C95700 C95800 ASTMB176 C85700 C85800 C86500 C87800 C87900 C99700 C99750 ASTMBS84 C83450 C83600 C83800 C84400 C84800 C85200 C85400 C85700 Common name PreviousASTM designation Cu Sn B22-E B22-0 B22-B B22-A 62 88 84 81 10 16 19 Valvebronze 88 6 Leadedredbrass 85 5 High-lead tin bronze High-leadtin bronze Leadedphosphorbronze High-leadtinbronze 78 70 81 73 7 5 8 7 High-leadtinbronze bal 5. will diminish castability and can result in castings of lower quality.5 Manganesebronze Tin bronze Tin bronze Tin bronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Aluminumbronze Nickel-aluminum bronze Silicon-aluminum bronze Aluminumbronze Nickel-aluminum bronze Yellow brass Yellowbrass Manganesebronze Siliconbrass Siliconyellowbrass Whitemanganese bronze Whitemanganese bronze Leadedredbrass Leadedredbrass Leadedredbrass Leadedsemiredbrass Leadedsemiredbrass Leadedyellowbrass Leadedyellowbrass Leadednavalbrass B 148-9A B 148-9B B 148-9C B 148-90 B 148-9E Z30A ZSI44A . On the other hand. The copper-base castings are designated in the Unified Numbering System (UNS) with numbers ranging from C80000 to C99999. Also. zinc. and final cost. copper alloys in the cast form are sometimes classified according to their freezing range (that is. tin. Compositions of copper casting alloys (Table 12) may differ from those of their wrought counterparts for various reasons. Alloys containing such high percentages oflead are not suited to hot working.or medium-speed bearings. casting permits greater latitude in the use of alloying elements because the effects of composition on hot. porosity problems.5 5 4 3 3 I I I Pb Composition Zn Fe AI Otber 24 3 6 3Mn 2 . and trace amounts of certain impurities in some alloys. the temperature range between the liquidus and solidus temperatures). machinability. For example. impurities that inhibit response to heat treatment must be avoided both in castings and in wrought products. The tolerance for impurities is normally greater in castings than in their wrought counterparts because of the adverse effects certain impurities have on hot or cold workability. Often. and the formation of internal cavities. and chromium) are used to improve the casting characteristics of copper. or other special properties. several alloys listed in Table 12 have lead contents of 5% or more.or cold-working properties are not important. ZS331A B 145-4A B 145-4B B 145-5A B 145-5B B 146-6A B 146-6B B 146-6C 88 89 85. it is more economical to produce a part as a casting than to fabricate it by other means. but they are ideal for low. where the lead prevents galling (and excessive wear if a lubricant is not present). The choice of an alloy for any casting usually depends on five factors: metal cost. Generally.292/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Copper Casting Alloys Copper alloy castings require superior corrosion resistance. high thermal or electrical conductivity. imbalances among certain elements. Larger amounts of alloying elements are added for property improvement. castability. Certain cast alloys may also be unsuitable for wrought products.5 61 58 58 82 65 58 58 88 85 83 81 76 72 67 61 (continued) 2. However. good bearing surface qualities. silicon. Because pure copper is extremely difficult to cast and is prone to surface cracking. nickel. Casting makes it possible to produce parts with shapes that cannot be easily obtained by fabrication methods such as forming or machining.5 84 81 91 75 81. (d) 3000 kgf (6600Ibt) load.(t) At 0.5 7. % lACS 18min 24 min 18 30 2 0.O.0 12. % Hardness.(g) Solutionannealof760 °C (1400 oF) for4 h.2 15. HB(e) Electricalconductivity.5%extensionunderload. waterquench.4 13.0 10.5 4 2 3 1 1.5 1 1 7 9 10 15 25 1 5 2 2 5 10 4 2 20 8 2 Oiber 3Mn 3Mn O.0 10.6 9.5S1 4S1 4S1 4S1 5NI 5NI 5NI IONI.Copper Alloys /293 Table12 (continued) UNS number Common name C86200 C86300 C86400 C86500 C86700 C87300 C87400 C87500 C87600 C87610 C90300 C90500 C92200 C92300 C92500 C93200 C93500 C93700 C93800 C94300 C94700 C94800 C94900 C96800 C97300 C97600 C97800 High-strength manganese bronze High-strength manganese bronze Leadedmanganesebronze Manganesebronze Leadedmanganesebronze Siliconbronze Leadedsiliconbrass Siliconbrass Siliconbronze Siliconbronze ModifiedG bronze Gbronze NavyM Leadedtin bronze Leadedtinbronze High-leadtinbronze High-leadtin bronze High-leadtin bronze High-leadtin bronze High-leadtinbronze Nickel-tinbronze Leadednickel-tin bronze Leadednickel-tinbronze Spinodalalloy Leadednickel-silver Leadednickel-silver Leadednickel-silver PrevIous ASlM designation Cu B 147-8B B 147-8C B 147-7A B 147-SA B 132-B B 198-12A B 198-13A B 198-13B B 198-13C B 198-12A B 143-1B B 143-1A B 143-2A B 143-2B 63 62 58 58 58 95 82 82 91 92 88 88 88 87 87 83 85 80 78 70 88 87 80 82 56 64 66 BI44-3B BI44-3C B 144-3A B 144-30 B 144-3E B292-A B292-B B 149-IOA B 149-11A B 149-11B Pb Sn Composition Zn Fe A! 27 26 38 39 34 3 3 1 1 2 4 6 0.temperedat 590 °C (1100 "F).0 10.andthen age at315 °C (600 "P) for5 h and air cool .3 13.(e)Heat treated at 900 °C (1650 "F).5 3.3 15 100 14 32 62 15. (b) At a permanentset of 0.5 8 10 6 8 10 7 5 10 7 5 5 5 5 8 2 4 5 14 14 5 4 4 2 3.5 225(d) 75 135(d) 170(d) 8.). 200 186 255 317 255 400 303 545 234 310 255 29 27 37 46 37 58 44 79 34 45 37 38 25 17 15 17 12 12 5 18 26 25 120(d) 14O(d) 170(d) 195(d) 170(d) 225(d) 200(d) 248(d) 14O(d) 180(d) 160(d) 380 55 205(t) 30(t) 15 22.1 7.2% offset.(a)At 0.2Nb 12NI 20NI 25NI Table13 Typical properties of coppercasting alloys UNSnumber ASTMB22 C86300 C90500 C91100 C91300 ASTMB61 C92200 ASTMB62 C83600 ASTMB66 C93800 C94300 C94400 C94500 ASTMB67 C94100 ASTMB148 C95200 C95300 C95400 C95400(Hf)(e) C95410 C95410(Hf)(e) C95500 C95500(Hf)(e) C95600 C95700 C95800 ASTMB176 C85700 C85800 C86500 C87800 C87900 Elongation.0 620 400 90 58 205(t) 205(t) 30(t) 30(t) 25 15 6.5 Compressiveyieldstrength(b) MPa ksI 'Thll'lUe strength MPa ksI Yieldstrength(a) MPa ksl 820 317 241 241 119 46 35 35 468 152 172 207 68 22 25 30 490 71 125min 165min 280 41 110 16 240 35 105 221 186 221 172 32 27 32 25 138 207 138 30 20 241 35 12.9 8. (c) 500 kgf (1100Ibf)load.8 8.5 1 2 0.0 105 15 45 64 14.001 in.2 8.0 110 90 110 83 16 13 16 12 83 76 12 11 20 15 18 12 58 48 55 50 11.4 8.0 (continued) Note: HT indicatesalloy Inheat-treatedcondition.0 20 97 14 15 44 552 517 620 758 620 793 703 848 517 655 662 80 75 90 110 90 116 102 123 75 95 96. waterquenched.4S1 3.025 mm (0.5Mn lMn 2Mn lMn.0 10. waterquenched. 0 60 85 130(d) 5. water quenched.0 11. (g) Solution anneal of760 °C (1400 "F) for 4h.06Be 99Cu-1Cr 97Cu-1. (a) At 0.7 6. water quench.8 4.6Cu-2. (d) 3000 kgf(6600 lbf) load.3 12. ksl % Hardness E1ecIricaI conductivity. tempered at 590 °C (1100 "F). and then age at315 °C (600 oF) for 5 h and air cool Table 14 Composition andtypicalproperties of heat-treated coppercasting alloysof highstrength andconductivity MP. .8 16.4 18.0 34 32 28 28 37 40 37 43 20 18 20 40 20 35 30 17 20 35 30 30 45 32 30 30 20 30 20 15 35 10 35 15 min 3 min 25 22 16 62 62 60 55 59 46 53 76 180(d) 225(d) 108(d) 130(d) 155(d) 85 70 115 135(d) 85 70 75 70 72 67 60 67 58 48 85 21O(d) 80 20.4Be 97Cu-2.3Si 96.1 8.4 8.5 14. (c) 500 kgf(1100 lbf) load.).5Be 98Cu-1.8 7.8 12. % lACS 15 120(d) 3.5Co-O.6Be-O. ksi MP.6 9.5 16.5Ni-0. ks! C99700 C99750 415 60 180 26 255 241 241 234 262 262 234 352 662 820 448 489 586 400 379 469 456 400 310 317 283 290 303 262 221 269 221 186 345 620 310 262 min 862 min 248 324 379 37 35 35 34 38 38 34 51 96 119 65 71 85 58 55 68 66 58 45 46 41 42 44 38 32 39 32 27 50 90 45 38 min 125 min 36 47 55 103 103 110 97 103 90 83 124 331 469 166 179 290 172 165 207 221 172 138 152 110 138 138 117 110 124 110 90 159 483 159 97 min 689min(1) 117 179 214 15 15 16 14 15 13 12 18 48 68 24 26 42 25 24 30 32 25 20 22 16 20 20 17· 16 18 16 13 23 70 23 14 min 100min(1) 17 26 31 Elongation.9 4.1 6. HB(c) E1ecIricaI concluclivily.8Cr-0.1 15.7 6.1 11.6 19.5Be 97Cu-2Be-0.3 20.0 10. (e) Heat treated at 900 °C (1650 "F).0 19.4 10.3 10.294/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 13 <continued) Tensile strength Compressive yield slrength(h) MP.6 21.5Co-O.5Co-IAg-0.4 15.0 15.3 16. ksi MP.5% extension under load.5Co-O.2% offset.0 6.9 14. (b) At a permanent set of 0.3Si Elongalion. % lACS 365 350 705 660 655 1105 1140 53 51 102 96 95 160 165 250 275 515 515 515 1035 1070 36 40 75 75 75 150 155 11 17 8 6 7 1 1 69HRB 105HB 96HRB 96HRB 96HRB 43HRC 46HRC 70 85 48 48 48 20 18 Yield strength Thnsile strength UNSnumher Nomlnal composition CSI400 CS1500 CS1800 CS2000 CS2200 CS2500 CS2800 99Cu-0. water quenched. % Hardness.025 rom (0. (I) At 0.1 12.5 ASTMBS84 C83450 C83600 C83800 C84400 C84800 CS5200 CS5400 C85700 C86200 CS6300 C86400 C86500 C86700 CS7300 CS7400 C87500 C87600 C87610 C90300 C90500 C92200 C92300 C92600 C93200 C93500 C93700 C93800 C94300 C94700 C94700(H1)(g) C94800 C94900 C96800 C97300 C97600 C97800 69 97 83 10 14 12 90 62 62 13 9 9 352 489 159 166 51 71 23 24 131 19 179 26 131 90 103 103 69 83 19 13 15 15 10 12 124 83 76 18 12 11 159 23 64 Note: H'l'Indicates alloy in heat-treated condition.0 12. ksi Yield strength(.001 in.) UNSnumher MP. MIL-W-3318 C10100.95 Cu + Ag min Specifications (U. B 2. Govemmentspecifications (CIOIOO). F 68.. B 272. Wire: B I.. upset. B 133. Composition Limits (C10100). . spun. OF -400 -300 -200 -100 600 n--. F 68. B 152..-. QQ-W-343. Flat products: B 48. B 395. The scattered back dots along the edge of the fusion zone are gas porosity.:--: . B 280. B 447. roll threaded. Readily soldered.- ""-:--j------t-----(-------t----j <. B 298. B 272. 99. B 188. Tubing: WW-T-575.---r---r-. Results in oxyfuel gas welding are fair.'" I 125 V"""""" I c:: HS10temper- 100 ~ ~ --. F 68. Pipe: B 42. B 187. bent. 80 500 t--~---t-------t-------r---j--------:::J 70 Characteristics Machinability...--.. ClOl00: Oxygen-free. B 372. ASTM (CI0200). Flat products: QQ-C-576. B 187. Joining._. B 359. Wire: QQ-C-502. B 49. B 187.--. B 124. electron beam welded without filler metal. . C10100: Microstructure. B 49. Readily formed by variety of hot and cold methods. or Copper Handbook published by Copper Development Association) Hot Working. Rod: B 12. C10200: OF Recommended Heat Treating Practice Chemical Composition. 100 mL Hp. Wire: B I. B 286. F 68.. Shapes: B 124. B 3. Shielded metal arc and most resistance welding methods are not recommended Designations. gas metal arc electronic copper. B 355. . brazed. B lll. B 75. F 68. 35x *c 60 'iii 40 r-. B 432. B 187. B 280.---. gas tungsten arc welded. coined.--.Wrought Coppers and Copper Alloys C10100 and C10200 Commercial Names. tubing: B 372. or upset welded. F 68. B 188. Oxygenfree copper welded.40 -200 -150 -100 -50 Ternperature. B 133.--. sheared. B 3.. ASTM (C 10100). 061 temper 100 20 k-=~+---t----t----t-----t-----j 10 0'--_-'--_-'-_----'-_--'-_--' . B 68. B 47. Government specifications (C10200).. C10200: Mechanical properties.~ .-. ClOl: OFE... Low-temperature mechanical properties of C1 01 00 or C1 0200 bar LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature. B 187. B 116. o OJ c: o 'ol1 t~Jer~ . Rod: QQ-C-502. B 370. 65% of C37700 (forging brass) Formability.. B 133.X. B 188. 99. Previous trade names.-. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability.S. ' -_ W / ' HSO temper 0'--_-'--_-'-_----'-_--'-_--' ~1~ ~ :B '" V. B 187. and knurled Tensile strength. Rod and shapes: QQ-C-502. B 88. Rod: B 12. Temperature range is 375 to 650°C (710 to 1200 "F) 170. Temperature range is 750 to 850 °C (1380 to 1560 oF) Composition Limits (C10200).----r--r-. Columnar grains in fusion zone (middle) and original equiaxed grains in base metal. . B 33. Etchant 1 g (Fe(NOs)s. B 432. B 246. ... Easily stamped.. . Pipe: B 42. Shapes: B 133. 061 temper 0.. Common name. B 133.2% yield strength. C10200: Oxygen-free copper.99 Cu min.-. 80 r"T1'---. OFE copper bar. B 75. B 2. B 189. swaged.::-i_7'" . forged. Flat products: B 48. (specific limits in ppm for 17 other elements are named in ASTM B Annealing. o LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view . B 133. B 188. and/or Foreign). Tubing: B 68. 50 mm (2 In.) in diameter M20 220 32 69 M30 220 32 69 OS050 220 32 69 H80(l5'1o) 275 40 220 10 25 40 50 60 62 35 60 Fatigue strengtb(b) MPa lui Sbearstrength MPa ksi Hardness HRB HR30T 25 36 50 57 63 64 45 63 35 76 11 90 90 95 13 13 14 115 17 (a) At 0.) in diameter H80(l6'1o) Wire.0 (a) Parentheses indicateextrapolated values.). (e) Elongationin 254mm (10 in.065 ln.5'10 extensionunderload. 25 mm (1 in.) C10100 and C10200: Creep properties Thst Stress(a) forcreeprateof temperature Condltlon andgrainsize °C OF OS025(b) 43 120 150 205 260 370 480 43 120 150 370 480 650 150 205 110 250 300 400 500 700 900 110 250 300 700 Cold drawn4O%(c) Cold drawn84'1o(d) 10"%[h MPa ksi 11 3 0.).(d) 55'10 reductionin area.3) (s95) 250 (39) (17) 6 (43) 36 (5.6 1.) thick H04 Rod.6) (2. 6 mm (0. 220MPa(31.2 0.65) 55 12 8.) thick M20 05025 05050 HOO HOI H02 H04 H08 HI0 Flat products.9 ksi MPa 170 125 110 25 18 16 45 35 29 1.) outside diameter x 1.7 1.65 mm (0.04 ln.25 ln.5 0.5(f) 45 165 200 230 24 29 33 11 10 32 50 45 45 25 8 45 40 77 95 160 150 180 200 23 22 26 29 10 10 10 32 50 50 50 30 45 45 45 150 150 150 180 22 22 22 26 235 235 220 250 260 240 345 380 395 34 34 32 36 38 42 50 55 57 69 76 69 195 205 250 310 345 360 10 11 10 28 30 36 45 50 53 45 45 45 30 25 14 6 4 4 45 45 40 60 70 84 90 94 95 220 220 250 260 345 32 32 36 38 50 69 69 195 205 310 10 10 28 30 45 50 50 40 35 12 40 40 60 70 310 45 275 40 380 55 345 220 220 330 32 32 48 69 69 305 310 45 275 240 380 455 35 55 66 Thhing.2 mm (0.5) (0. (b) Al 108cycles. 6 mm (0.7 (4.45 48 39 34 3.5 (40) (23) (5.1 10"'%[h MPa ksi 25 10 3 3.3 3 3.0 35 5.9ksi)8121 °C (70 oF).296/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C10100 and C10200: Typical mechanical properties Thnsile strengtb MPa ksl Temper Flat products.1ksi)at21 °C (70 oF). 25 mm (1 in.0 4.% HRF 160 160 150 170 170 180 195 200 200 23 23 22 25 25 26 28 29 29 90 10 25 50 150 150 170 170 195 22 22 25 25 28 20 85 45 180 26 50 10 94 80 200 29 10 10 44 55(c) 55(c) 16(d) 40 40 87 47 150 150 185 22 22 27 40 20 85 45 180 26 35(e) 1.7 10·1%[h ksi MPa 185 150 130 27 22 19 200 165 150 29 24 22 21 9. (d)Thnsile strength.1 1. 352 MPa(51.(b)Tensilestrength.376 MPa(54.) in diameter H80(40'1o) Rod.5ksi)8121 °C(70 oF) .6 13.6 310 240 200 11 900 1200 300 400 10-"%[h MPa 10-'%/b lui 89.) in diameter M20 05050 H80(35'1o) Rod. 1 mm (0.6 0.5 0.25 in.8 1.5(f) 1.50 In.) in diameter 05050 H04 H08 Elongation in SO mm Yield strenglb(a) ksl MPa (210. (f) Elongation in 1500mm (60 in.8 1.9 330 270 235 26 8.) thick M20 05050 HOO HOI H04 Flat products.4 10"'%[h MPa 55 33 12 ksl 8. 13 mm (0.) wall thickness OS025 235 34 76 05050 220 32 69 H55(l5%) 275 40 220 H80(4O'1o) 380 55 345 Shapes. 25 mm (1 ln.08 in.(c)70'10 reductionin area.0 1. (e)Tensile strength.4) 0.8) (3. 1 ksi) at 21 'C (70 'F).J / 1400 I Elongation ..3 106 15. (d) Tensile strength.' ~ 800 600 ~ 400 '" ::.> o o 700 1200 ~eductlon \ 40 1000 . 60 400 ~ :J Q) 0 '\.:::.- Click here to view 800 600 400 I -.30 .OC C10100 and C10200: Stress-rupture properties Stress(a)for rupture in Temperor condition OS025(b) Cold drawn 40%(e) H80(d) Testtempemture 'C 'F 150 200 120 150 450 650 300 380 250 300 840 1200 lOOb lOb MPa 33 9.3 (245) (35. Etchant 20 mL NHpH.9 39. 0-20 mL Hp mL 3% HP2' 91Ox C10100...001 in. Large.:. OFE copper. 1180temper LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature. hot-rolled bar...Ii 20 ~...s. 426 MPa (61.75 147 21.. 10-mm (0. equiaxed. o 1000 """" ~ength . 80 ~ 200 '" c tj ~ 100 100 - - ~ t!.8 ksi)at21 'C(70'F) .4 18.375-in. rolled to 1.- V ~ -. --- 500 600 20 10 o 800 100 200 Temperature. Elevated-temperature tensile properties of C10100 or C10200 rod.2) 17 5.) diam rod. (b) Tensile strength.OC C10200: Microstructure. 8"20 mL 3% H20 2 • 100x l. Crack formed at the intersection of shearing grain boundary and the surface. twinned grains. (e) Tensile strength.3-mm (0. 352 MPa (51.03 mm/s (0.. 300 0. of 300 400 500 600 800 700 Temperature.- -5 .4 lOOOb ksi MPa ksi MPa 161 130 272 241 23.8 1. 238 MPa ( ksi 4. 70 - 60 - 50 o 100 200 300 40 .5 ksi) at 21 'C (70 'F). Etchant 20 mL NH40H.052 in..2% yield strength~ 1400 1200 c 200 .4 0.) strip and annealed.6) (215) (31.--' »-:: In area --- .2 (a) Parentheses indicate extrapolated values.. C10200: Tensile properties.0 2.4 35. OF copper. 0-20 mL H20.Wrought Copper I 297 C10100: Microstructure.: 400 Temperature.. The specimen was tested at 550°C (1020 OF) with an extension rate of 0. of 200 500 a.... Thbing: B 68.95 Cu + Ag min.l. winding. Oxygen free. commutator segments. wave guide tubing.) wall thickness OS050 OS025 H80(l5%) H80(4O%) 220 235 275 380 32 34 40 45 63 Pipe. Same as those of ClOlOO and C10200 Chemical Composition. Trade name.95 Cu + Ag min. Many applications are based on good creep strength at elevated temperatures and the high softening temperature of these alloys Composition Limits: (C10700). 0.95 Cu + Ag min. and/or Foreign).25 ln.6 mm (0.085 Ag min Machinability.% Hardness Thnslle strength MPH ksi Yieldstrengthfa) MPH ksi 220 235 250 260 290 345 32 34 36 38 42 50 69 76 195 205 250 310 10 11 28 30 36 45 45 45 30 25 14 6 40 220 250 345 220 32 36 50 32 69 195 310 69 10 28 45 10 50 40 12 50 40 310 45 275 40 20 85 380 330 310 55 48 45 345 305 275 50 44 40 20 16 20 85 10 11 32 50 45 45 25 8 40 55 69 76 220 345 345 50 310 45 220 275 32 40 69 220 10 32 Shear strength HRJOT MPH ksi 25 36 50 57 150 160 170 170 180 195 22 23 25 25 26 28 10 50 150 170 195 150 22 25 28 22 45 180 26 94 60 87 47 45 200 185 180 29 27 26 45 77 95 35 60 150 160 180 200 22 23 26 29 10 90 50 195 28 50 30 40 35 150 180 22 26 HRF HRB Flal products. Busbars. 99. OFXLP Typical Uses. clad product.) thick H04 Rod. Flat products: B 133. Composition Limits. Composition Limits (C10400). 0. B 133.. B 359. B 75.65 mm (0. commutators. B 280. automotive gaskets and radiators.04 ln. B 306.C10500. Same as those of ClOlOO and C10200 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.SPS H80(30%) Shapes.65 in. B 188.5% extension under load C10400. 0.50 in. B 251. B 187.298/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C10300 Common Name. 25 mm (1 in. conductivity wire. BIll. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 oF) C10300: Typical mechanical properties Thmper ElongHtion in SOmm(2ln. Oxygen-free. 99. 6 mm (0. 0. electrical conductors and terminals. tubular busbars. 99. Temperature range is 375 to 650°C (710 to 1200 "F) Hot Working. B 152. B 302. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Specifications (U.) in diameter H80(4O%) H80(35%) H80(l6%) Thbing.S. printing rolls. Pipe: B 42..) outside diameter x 1. Busbars. printed circuit foil.027 Agmin .J. B 187. 99. B 88. B 372. chemical plant equipment. radio parts.005 P min.C10700 Commercial Names.95 Cu + Pmin. AMSIL copper. 25 mm (1 in. Rod: B 12.S. contacts. 20% of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Specifications (U. 0. B 188. 1 mm (0. Shapes: B 133.001 to 0. B 395. See adjoining Table for ASTM specifications Other Fabrication Characteristics.034 Ag min Typical Uses. 13 mm (0. B 432. and/or Foreign).25 ln. thermostatic control tubing Chemical Composition.05 others max (total) Machinability.) thick OS050 OS025 HOD HOl H02 H04 45 60 70 10 25 84 40 90 50 Flat products. B 272. ASTM. switches.) thick OS050 HOD H04 M20 60 90 40 FllIt products. silver copper Characteristics Composition Limits (C10500). B 157. B 447 Other Fabrication Characteristics.) section size OS050 H80(15%) (0) At 0. extra-low phosphorus copper Characteristics Designation. Common name. QQ-C-576 QQ-C-576 QQ-C-502 QQ-C-502 QQ-C-502 QQ-B-825.) in diameter H80(4O%) Rod. and Cl 0700: Summary of ASTM and government specifications ClOOlO CIOSOO CI0700 600 B 48. B49. Cl0500. 25 rom (l ln.) in diameter H80(16%) Wire.08 in. B 152. B 133.B2.OC 0 600 Cl0400. MIL-B-19231 QQ-B-825 QQ-W-343.B 188 B 12. MIL-W-3318 Xi .0 in.= 40 b> b> c: ~ . and Cl0700: Typical mechanical properties Temper Flat products. B 272 B 152.065 in. B3 B 152. :.5(c) 69 220 69 69 10 32 10 10 50 30 50 50 40 40 40 150 180 150 150 69 76 220 345 10 11 32 50 45 45 25 8 40 45 77 95 150 160 180 200 (a) AtO.B49.25 in. C10500.) in diameter OS050 H04 H08 Shapes.5% extension underload.). Temperature rangeis 750 to 875°C (1380 to 1610OF) LIVE GRAPH Cl0400. Also see adjoining Figure Hot Working.5(c) 1.04 ln.. B 187 B 187 B 188 B I.) thick H04 Rod. 6 mm (0. -e c 0.65 rom (0. 25 mm (1 in.B 187 B 187 B 188 B \. % HRF 11 28 30 36 45 50 53 10 45 30 25 14 6 4 4 45 45 60 70 84 90 94 95 45 10 25 40 50 60 62 69 195 205 310 69 10 28 30 45 10 50 40 35 12 50 40 60 70 90 40 10 25 50 45 275 40 20 85 380 55 345 50 10 220 330 220 32 48 32 69 305 69 10 44 310 45 275 240 380 455 35 55 66 220 275 220 220 32 40 32 32 Thbing. 25 mm (1. (c) Elongation in 1500 nun (60 in. MIL-W-3318 ~ .) and then annealed 0. B 133.) 35 35 60 45 62 22 .B2. 50 mm (2 in. 6 mm (0. of 300 600 900 700 70 ASTMnumbers Flat products Pipe Rod Shapes 1\100 Wrre Government numbers Flat products Rod Shapes 1\Ibe Wrre 60 Silver-free 60 If.B 3 MWproduct Click here to view Temperature. Data are for copper wire cold worked 90% to a diameter of 2 mm (0.044 Ag 30 200 QQ-C-502.". (b) Elongation in 25 nun (10 in. MIL-W-3318 10 0 As drawn 200 400 300 Temperature. B 187. B 272 400 B 188 B 12.2 mm (0. QQ-C-576 QQ-C-502 QQ-C-502.) diameter x 1.) in diameter OS050 H80(35%) M20 Rod. B 187. 1 mm (0..5 h at various temperatures Annealing. Cl 0500. C10700: Softening characteristics.) section size OSOSO H80(15%) M20 M3a Tensilestrength MPo ksi Yieldstreng1h(a) MPo ksi 235 250 260 290 345 380 395 235 34 36 38 42 50 55 57 34 76 195 205 250 310 345 365 69 220 250 260 345 220 32 36 38 50 32 310 Hardu ess HRB HR30T Elongation in SOmm (1 iIL).Wrought Copper I 299 Recommended Heat Treating Practice C10400.B272 B42.B 2.50 in. 13 rom (0. .= 300 20 100 QQ-B-825 QQ-W-343. B 133.B49.25 m.08 ln.) thick OS050 HOO HOI H04 M20 Flat products. QQ-B-825 QQ-B-825 QQ-W-343.B 187 B 133.B3 B 188 B 12. Temperature rangeis 475 to 750°C (890 to 1380 OF).) thick OS025 HOO HOI H02 H04 H08 HIO M20 Flat products. B 187. B 133. >= >= QQ-C-502.) wall thickness OS050 32 220 OS025 235 34 H80(l5%) 275 40 H80(50%) 380 55 Shear strenglh ksi MPo 160 170 170 180 195 200 200 160 23 25 25 26 28 29 29 23 150 170 170 195 150 22 25 25 28 45 180 26 94 60 200 29 40 87 40 47 10 55 16 55 150 185 150 22 27 22 40 20 85 45 180 26 165 200 230 24 29 33 22 26 22 22 22 23 26 29 25 36 50 57 63 64 35(b) l. Softening characteristics of oxygen-free copper containing various amounts of silver.B 187 B 188 B I. but traces can cause C11000 to be slightly ferromagnetic Sulfur causes spewing and unsoundness. Sheet and strip: 4500. B 88. Temperature range is 375 to 650°C (710 to 1200 oF) Hot Working. Pipe: B 42. Tubing: B 68.3/4 SPS H80(30%) 345 8 (a) Al 0. 50 mm (2 in. gutters. steam and water lines. B 280. pulp and paper lines. Trade name. gaskets. bus- .) thick 05025 HOO HOI H02 H04 H08 235 250 260 290 345 380 34 36 38 42 50 55 76 195 205 250 310 345 11 28 30 36 45 50 45 30 25 14 6 4 45 60 70 84 90 94 Flat products.) in diameter H80(35%) 330 48 305 Rod. 0. 1 mm (0. B 302. Same as those ofC10100 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. MIL-W-6712 Characteristics Typical Uses.012 P min Specifications (U. B 188. (b) Al 10 cycles C11000 (99.) thick H04 310 45 275 40 20 Rod.003% in ordinary refining practice Specifications (U. but does raise recrystallization temperature and tends to produce fine grain copper Iron in commercial copper has no effect on mechanical properties. thermostatic control tubing. roofing.040) Common Name.95 Cu + Ag + P. B 360. flashing. Composition Limits. Refrigerator and air conditioning tubing and terminals. kettles. condenser and heat exchanger tubes. J463. screening. B 543 Characteristics Typical Uses. B lll. clad products. Composition Limits. ASTM. AMS. radiators. B 152. See adjoining Table. 99. B 357. B 306.). low phosphorus copper Chemical Composition. ASME. 6 mm (0. tough pitch copper Designation. B 372.5% extension under load. B 447. 25 mm (l in. plate for welded continuous casting molds. AMAX-LP copper.005 to 0. 99. Rod: B 12. tank gage lines. Government. % HRF Flat products. Rod for locomotive stay bolts: SBI2. Common name. Flat products: B 113. Oxygen-free.S.) in diameter H80(4O%) 380 55 345 50 Rod.) thick 05050 HOO H04 M20 220 250 345 220 32 36 50 32 69 195 310 69 10 28 45 10 50 40 12 50 40 60 90 40 Flat products. Electrolytic. plumbing pipe and tubing. Plate for locomotive fire boxes: SB11. oil burner tubes. 25 mm (1 ln. B 251. B 75. B 395. B 133.'!ensilestrength MPa ksi 'Iemper Yield s1reoglh(a) MPa ksl ElongaUon In SOmm(2 In. Shapes: B 133.) wall thickness 32 34 40 55 69 76 220 345 10 11 32 50 45 45 25 8 40 45 77 95 35 60 50 310 45 10 90 50 45 63 Pipe. 25 mm (1 in. 6 mm (0. Wire: MIL-W-3318.) outside diameter x 1. Federal specifications: see adjoining Table. ASTM.65 mm (0. gas and burner lines and units.065 OS050 220 OS025 235 H55(l5%) 275 H80(4O%) 380 Hardness HRB HRJOT Shear strength MPa ksi 160 170 170 180 195 200 23 25 25 26 28 29 10 50 150 170 195 150 22 25 28 22 85 45 180 26 20 94 60 200 29 44 16 87 47 185 27 40 20 85 45 180 26 150 160 180 200 22 23 26 29 195 28 10 25 40 50 60 25 36 50 57 63 Fa!lgue streogth(h) MPa ksl 76 11 90 90 97 13 13 14 115 17 ln.25 ln.25 in. and/or Foreign). tanks.) in diameter H80(16%) 310 45 275 Thbing. C11000 is produced in all forms except pipe.95Cu-0.300 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C10800 Commercial Names. is kept below 0. Military specifications: Rod: MIL-C-12166. SAE.S. Typical uses: downspouts. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 "P) Cl0800: Typical mechanical properties . B 432. B 187. ETP Chemical Composition.04 in. and/or Foreign).90 Cu min (silver counted as copper) Silver has little or no effect on mechanical and electrical properties. and rotating bands Fabrication Characteristics. Wire: 470. .r--.. Variation of tensile properties and grain size of electrolytictough pitchcopper and similarcoppers 400 LIVE GRAPH j\\ II .. switches.\ I I I Click here to view 0. rotating bands. soldering copper.030 c c. stranded conductors. radio parts.l 1 .Cold drawn to H04 temper and annealed 1 h at temperature \ 1ii I- 1200 I ". cotter pins. brazing.. brazing and resistance butt bars... 0. roadbed expansion plates welding properties are good.Wrought Copper 1301 Joining. as in annealing..~ C1 --100 200 300 / ~/ 0.. contacts.. Click here to view 350 11l c.: ----. butts.---.. tacks. printing rolls. But tough pitch copper is susceptible to embrittlement in reducing atmospheres. Temperature range is 475 to 750°C (890 to 1380 "F). OF 800 400 I ~f\....1 1600 I ... 65% that of C37700 (forging brass) Hot Working.~ 0...-I .. Cold working and hot forming properties are excellent 'IYpical Softening Temperature is 360°C (680 oF) C11000: Tensile properties.. shielded metal are. ball floats.. Soldering properties are excellent. / UJ 1-'" .'" / 1. nails. Gas shielded. pans..020 ---- / --.. resistance spot and resistance seam welding Caveat: Cll00 is subject to embrittlement when heated to 370°C (700 "F) or above in a reducing atmosphere.. ~--- I. 20% that ofC36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability.. Tough pitch copper is considered to be immune in stress corrosion cracking in ammonia and other agents that induce such cracking of brasses.. arc welding properties are rated fair.- LIVE GRAPH *'c' .i.Cold drawn to H10 temper and annealed '12 h at temperature _ . 40 .. ::i: £ 0> e e Annealing temperature.~ - .- ./ / 400 500 600 Annealing temperature.040 V E E .. rivets. Not recommended: oxyfuel gas.. chemical processing equipment. Copper often is used where resistance to corrosion is of prime importance. especially those containing hydrogen Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Sometimes it is better to use a copper alloy instead of an unalloyed copper. kettles.~ C --..010 As-drawn 30 ---. electrical wire. Embrittlement can be rapid if hydrogen or carbon monoxide is present in reducing atmosphere General Corrosion Behavior. °C 700 800 900 .> . Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 "F) Formability. Also see adjoining Figures concerning variations in tensile properties and grain size also time-temperature relationships in annealing Machinability. . \ \ 300 \ \ \ ~ 'iii c '" \ 250 200 60 r\' Click here to view 0 I 11l '" 0 iii 20 0 0.050 LIVE GRAPH .. or welding. 5(e) 1.) in diameter OS050 H80(15%) M20 M30 35 40 40 (a) At 0..) in diameter H80(l6%) Wire.50 in. (c) At3 x 10K cycles in a rotating beam test.) in diameter OS050 H80(35%) M20 Rod.) thick OS050 HOO HOI H04 M20 10 10 25 50 90 Flat products.0 in.)..).) in diameter OS050 H04 H08 35(d) 1.251n.. (d) Elongation in 250 nun (lOin. 6 mm (0.25 in..oC 500 600 60 t l: ~ o o - 20 e ~ 200 400 700 800 1000 1200 I I -/ ..50 ~02temper ~ 061tem~ 100 200 300 40 ~ 30 .0 in.2 mm (0.) wall thickness OS050 OS025 H55(l5%) H80(4O%) 220 235 275 380 32 34 40 55 69 76 220 345 10 11 32 50 45 45 25 8 40 45 77 95 220 275 220 220 32 40 32 32 69 220 69 69 10 32 10 10 50 30 50 50 40 35 60 45 63 Shapes. /H02 telmper 10 -o Click here to view Temperature.5% extension under load..) thick H04 Rod. t e. (b) At 10Kcycles in a reversed bending test.065 in.) diameter x 1. ~ . 200 ~ 100 l: -. (e) Elongation in 1500 nun (60 in. 25 mm (1..~ ~ ----r-- 400 Temperature./I.5(e) 66 Thbe. 13 mm (0.- 10-061 temper r: 0 e '" 0 600 I ~ 40 iii 20 . Short-time elevated-temperature tensile properties LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH 200 400 .3021 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Cll000: Typical mechanical properties Tensile strength ksi MPa Temper Yield strength(a) ksi MPa Elongation in SOmm (2 In.0 ln..l mm (0.. % HRF 45 45 30 25 14 6 4 4 45 40 45 60 70 84 90 94 95 45 40 60 70 Shear strength MPa ksi Hardness HRB HRJOT Fatigue strength(b) MPa ksi Flat products.08 in.~ . 6 mm (0.65 mm (0..) in diameter H80(4O%) Rod.) thick OS050 OS025 HOO HOI H02 H04 H08 HIO M20 10 11 28 30 36 45 50 53 150 160 170 170 180 195 200 200 160 22 23 25 25 26 28 29 29 23 150 170 170 195 150 22 25 25 28 22 45 180 26 94 60 200 29 55 16 55 40 87 40 47 150 185 150 22 27 22 20 85 45 180 26 165 200 230 24 29 33 150 160 180 200 22 23 26 29 150 180 150 150 22 26 22 22 220 235 250 260 290 345 380 395 235 32 34 36 38 42 50 55 57 34 69 76 195 205 250 310 345 365 69 220 250 260 345 220 32 36 38 50 32 69 195 205 310 69 28 30 45 10 50 40 35 12 50 40 310 45 275 40 20 85 380 55 345 50 10 220 330 220 32 48 32 69 305 69 10 44 10 310 45 275 40 240 380 455 35 55 10 10 25 40 50 60 62 25 36 50 57 63 64 76 11 90 90 13 13 97 14 115(c) 17(c) Flat products. OF o o 100 200 300 400 Temperature.OC 500 600 700 . 50 mm (2.0 in. . 25 mm (1.04 in.- . OF Click here to view Temperature. 25 mm (1.f 400 -- 600 800 I I 1000 1200 80 - 300 :.) C11000: Tensileproperties. B496 B286.andingotbars Anodes Dieforgings B248 B 152 BIOI B370 B272 B451 QQ-C-576 QQ-C-502 B249 B 133 B49 B 124 B 187 QQ-C-502....slabs. % 80 Cll000: Typical impact strength Impact strength Product and condition J ft·lhC 96 71 11 43 8 32 52 35 38 26 54 45 40 52 53(a) 39(b) 26(a) 12(b) 38 39(a) 29(b) 19(a) 9(b) Charpy V-notch Hot rolled. and shapes Generalrequirements for copperand copperalloyrod.andshapes Rod. LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . a. E . cakes.strip..: .strip. c % 40 .) in diameter. and represent the time-temperature combination necessary to produce a 5% reduction in tensile strength 300 LL Source A oU 0 I-_~ ~.. rods.ingots. billets. ae .B226. bar. c' 0 °t '" e 0 iii 20 0 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view r. Spe<lf'icalIon number Federal "" Variation of tensile properties with amount of cold reduction by rolling LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 400 Cll000: ASTMand federal specifications 50 300 40 rf..annealed Charpy keyhole-notch As-cast As-hotrolled Rod Annealed Commercial temper bod Rod Annealed and drawn 30% Drawn 30% Plate As-hot rolled Annealed Cold rolled 50% 33 (a) Parallelto rollingdirection.B 173 B229 B 188 QQ-B-825 WW-P-377 B447 B224 B5 QQ-A-673 B283 200 C11000: Stress relaxation curves.B470 B 172.leadcoated Sheetandstripfor buildingconstruction Stripand flatwire Foil. ASlM Product and condition "..B 116 QQ-W-343 QQ-W-343 QQ-W-343 B 174 B 8.(b)Transverseto rollingdirection Flat products Generalrequirements forcopperand copperalloyplate.androlledbar Sheet. h ~. 100 Sheet..Wrought Copper I 303 C11000: Tensile properties.Source B f! 200 E Source C I- ~ 50 100 0 1 10 100 Duration of heating.andsheetfor printedcircuits Rod. Data 150 are for H80 temper wire. r-.08 ln.s::.QQ-C-576 QQ-C-5Ol QQ-B-825 B250 Bl B246 B2 B246 B3 B 189 8355 B48.and shapes Wire Generalrequirements forcopperand copperalloywire Harddrawn Tinned Medium-hard drawn Tinned Soft Lead alloy coated Nickel coated Rectangularand square Tinned Silvercoated Trolley Conductors Bunchstranded Concentric-lay stranded Conductors forelecironicequipment Rope-laystranded Compositeconductors (copperpluscopper-clad steel) Tubular products Bus pipeandtube Pipe Weldedcopperrube Miscellaneous Standardclassification of coppers Electrolytic Cu wirebars. 2 mm (0.' 30 200 In e ~ 20 i.strip. a.andshapes Rod.B272 B33 B298 B47. 00 20 40 60 Reduction of thickness.plate.andshapesfor forging Busbars. 100 10 0 20 0 60 40 80 Reduction of thickness.hotrolled Rod. r-r-----" 300 I----+_'I.s V W .2 .304/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C11000: Tensile properties.- 40 ...) in diameter.7 Wavelength..08 in.0 -150 -100 -50 <! 50 o Ternperature... ETP copper..6 x w "0 . 2 mm (0._ :2 ~ £ w~ g... r-. '\ 0...8 0.----. % 60 70 C11000: 0. 40 L-!--r r 's 'Bw 'tcr: ..6 0. Variation of hardness with amount of cold reduction by rolling LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 120 L-. ~ 12 .. 200 1--+----1'---+----+------=1 w w~ 1001----+_- *' -- .. static cast.3 ---- V V - V 0.2 C11000: Hardness...~ EIOngarOn 8 0 VI 20 -200 ...... urn 0.. - - -: 75 w 10 +--...... C11000: Optical properties at 21 °C (70 oF) 0.~ > 100 J: c~: 80 V "E '" J: 60 40 V r-.4 16 "0 " .5 0. 5x 10' Stress cycles 10' LIVE GRAPH Click here to view C11000: Microstructure...s ... Rotating-beam fatigue strength of C11000 wire..4 0..--r-". hot-rolled rod.' Click here to view 100 g> ~ ~ LIVE GRAPH *'i 50 &.9 C11000: Fatigue strength.250x .. .. ETP copper..8 r-.. ~ cr: 1 Reduction in area --_ / 50 . Excellentdefinition of dendritic structure.2: O'--_-'-_-''--_--'-_----'_---J 80 1-./ 25 1...~ t £5 60 " 1'. OF Click here to view -300 -200 -100 100 400 rT~-r--..----... 1J 0. Low-temperature tensile properties LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature. Transverse section shows equiaxed grains and dispersion of Cup particles.. 1. H80 temper V V o 10 30 40 50 20 Reduction in thickness. ) diam bar.. W-type void formation..5 r---.~ . 800 Click here to view 800 <..r--. cold-rolled bar...1 ~ I-..~21% <l> "'--r-. rzs. --.. --... (a) Total thermal expansion from -190°C (-310 OF)... of 1200 1600 2000 2400 800 »> 600 V 1/ V --- o ~ o -200 ~ 200 ./ 200 o 400 600 Tarnperature.""- ~ ..o a. E 600 $ Cl ..X' Click here to view ~ r> 400 LIVE GRAPH (0) :.. 600 V (b) 450 400 ~ V Temperature../ . (b) Enthalpy (heat content) above 0 °C (32 OF) Temperature. 3-20 mL 3% HP2' 160x . .Wrought Copper I 305 C11000: Thermal expansion... r- Cold worked 1"'----... a....-5% '""'"'-< "". E $ . then tungsten arc welded in two passes using straight-polarity direct current and copper 11000 filler metal..'- ra--.. K 1000 C11000: Annealing. 020 mL Hp. annealed approximately 1 h by holding at 375°C (710°F). lime-temperature relationships !..~ 300 m c c <{ 250 -..r-.. -- 700 10 100 Duration of heating. min C11000: Microstructure.. ETP copper..00114 in./s)..~1% --.. 2!' :::J ~ 350 I .. tested at 350°C (660 OF) at an extension rate of 0. of 800 1200 400 1600 400 2000 800 Temperature.......625-in. 2x 1200 1400 LIVE GRAPH 2!' LIVE GRAPH Click here to view :::J ~ I-- <l> r-... Etchant 20 mL NHpH... 200 0.03 mm/s (0. ETP copper......... 16-mm ( 800 1000 1200 »> o ~ 200 ""~ <..-- m c: 500 ~ CII --.----iCII 10' ---- 400 10' CHOOO: Microstructure. 085 Ag max. CU500.~ B '-. C11400. These coppers may be low resistance lake coppers or electrolytic copper to which Ag has been intentionally added .95Cu-0. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 "F) Product Bar Bar. i.94 '\ :. vacuum annealed 12 h at 970°C (1775 OF) and flat rolled. J463. See adjoining Table Characteristics TYpical Uses.054 Ag max. Common name. B 286 B47 B 116 Annealing. metal arc and resistance spot and seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Hot Working. and drawn LIVE GRAPH /c Click here to view . Composition Limits. anneal resistant. rod Wire.. Limits on 0 and Cd or other elements making this copper anneal resistant are established by conductivity tests and/or stress relaxation tests. Excellent for cold working and hot forming. harddrawn Wire.40) Commercial Names.. Gas-shielded.. D. plate. 99. vacuum annealed 4 hat 600°C (1110 OF). B 226.. Anneal-resistant. electrolytic copper Typical softening temperature is 355°C (670 OF) Chemical Composition.bus Sheet Strip Tubing.034 Ag max. stranding Joining. C11500.B 173. rather than by chemical analysis Cl1100: Specifications Specifications (U.. Mainly for electrical power transmission wire where resistance to softening under overload is needed Fabrication Characteristics. Oxygen limit: 0.flat Wife. and/or Foreign). vacuum annealed 12 h at 880°C (1615 OF) and cold drawn.bus Pipe. ASTM. tough pitch copper. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability. Bar.-<. B 228.bus Shapes Shapes.88 A .. Previous trade name.. 8. 0.medium-hard drawn Wife. sheet. Composition Limits. 0.coated With tin With lead alloy With nickel With silver Wlre. -..B 172. Not recommended: oxyacetylene coated. Silver limits: Cl1300... 0.trolley Federal QQ-C-502.3061 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 8.00 to 99.0 o 20 40 60 80 100 Amount of reduction.04% 0 max. Copper limits: 99. drawing. 65% that of C37700 (forging brass) Formability..e. vacuum annealed 12 h at 995°C (1825 OF) and cold drawn.. Same as those for CIOWO Machinability.. Excellent solderability. <. C11400..96 8.96Cu + Ag .. Government. Tough pitch copper with silver. arc welding: fair.. SAE.bus Wire.S.90 8. C11600 (99.. hot rolled. stranded Wire.92 'in c: o" .. C. i 8.. strip: J461. See adjoining Table. STP Chemical Composition. A.90 Cu min. S. 0. Variation of density with amount of cold reduction by rolling. C11000: Density. QQ-C-576 QQ-B-865 QQ-B-825 QQ-C-576 QQ-B-502 QQ-B-825 QQ-C-502 QQ-B-825 QQ-C-576 QQ-C-502.01 Cd) Commercial Names. B 133 B246 B334 B 159 B355 B298 QQ-C-502 QQ-W-343 Bl B2 B8. Silver-bearing. stamping. Electrolytic.. Cl1600.B 174.040-0. bus Plate Rod Rod. tough pitch copper Designation. B 229.027 Ag max. Previous trade name. % C11100 (99. QQ-C-576 QQ-B-825 ASIM B49.::: -.0. Temperature range is 475 to 750°C (890 to 1380 OF) C11300.90 Cu. Brazing and resistance butt welding: good. Common name. B 272(e) B 506(a) B 188(a) QQ-B-825(t) B 246. printing rolls. Cl1400. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 OF) Wrre. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability.50 in.) 50 30 50 50 40 35 40 40 .soft Wrre. B 334(e) B 189(e) B355(e) B298(e) B 272(e) B l(e) B2(e) B49(e) B 3(a). B 113. medium-hard drawn Wrre. Cl1500. C11500. sheet. QQ-C-516(0 B 181(a) B 152(a) B506(a) B 152(a).) diameter H8O(16%) Wire.).5(e) 1. switches. arc welding: fair.c1ad Tube. conductivity wire. clad metals. (b) Elongation in 250 mm (10 in. and Cl1600: Specifications and trolley wire (C113OOonly):4701. CII400. B 1143. printed circuit foil Machinability. Brazing and resistance butt welding: good. C11400. and C11600) and plate (C113OO and C11400): J463.04 in. All product forms except pipe and tubing.bus Wrre. Cl1400. Military.bus Pipe. stranded Hot Working.0 la. busbars.6 mm (0.trolley Characteristics Typical Uses.5(e) Shapes. B 226. terminals. coaled with Tin Lead alloy Nickel Silver Wrre. B 286(e) B41. Federal.f1at Wire. Cold working and hot forming rated excellent Joining. Soft wire (all alloys) Cl1300. QQ-C-502(b) QQ-B-825(a) QQ-B-825(a) QQ-B-825(a) QQ-C-502(0 QQ-B-825(0 QQ-C-502(0 QQ-B-825(0 QQ-C-516(0 QQ-C-502(e) QQ-C-502(b). 25 mm (l in.5% extension under load. 25 mm (1. (d) Cl1400 and CI1600. radiators.) thick 08050 HOO HOI H04 M20 Flat products.) in diameter H80(4O%) Rod.) thick H04 Rod. and C11600. See adjoining Table.bus Shapes Shapes.25 In. ASTM. Not recommended: oxyacetylene coated metal arc and resistance spot and seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice ASTM Federal B 152(a) B 181(a) B 188(a) B 152(a) B49(e) B 181(a) QQ-C-516(a). and CI1600.0 in. B 48(e) B 8. and Cl1600: Typical mechanical properties 'Thnslle strength 'Thmper Elongation In SOmm!21n. 6 mm (0. 51 mm (2.B 116(e) QQ-C-502(a) QQ-W-343(e) QQ-W-343(e) QQ-W-343(e) QQ-W-343(g) (a) CI1300. Cl1500. 65% that of C37700 (forging brass) Formability. 2 mm (0. Soldering: excellent. windings. (e) C11300. Examples: gaskets. (0 C11300 only C11300. and/or Foreign). See adjoining Table. Bar.) thick 08025 HOO HOI H02 H04 H08 HIO M20 160 110 110 180 195 200 200 160 29 29 23 10 25 50 150 110 110 195 150 22 25 25 28 22 85 45 180 26 10 94 60 200 29 10 44 10 55 16 55 40 81 40 41 150 185 150 22 21 22 40 20 85 45 180 26 165 200 230 24 29 33 150 180 150 150 22 26 22 22 10 25 40 50 60 62 25 36 50 51 63 64 23 25 25 26 28 Flat products. C 11400. chemical processing equipment. hard drawn Wire.25 In. (c) Elongation in 1500 mm (60 in. SAE. strip (C11300. AMS. Temperature range is 475 to 750°C (890 to 1380 "F) Bar Bar.bus Plate Rod Rod. 1 mm (0. B 228.) diameter OS050 H04 H08 35(b) 1. contacts.Wrought Copper I 307 Specifications (U.08 ln. Soft wire (all alloys) and trolley wire (11300 only): MILW-3381. B 112. Commutator bar (11600 only): MIL-B-19231 Product Annealing.13 mm (0.S.) diameter 08050 H80(15%) M20 M30 69 220 69 69 10 32 10 10 (a) At 0. (c) Cl1400 only. radio parts.% HRF 11 28 30 36 45 50 53 10 45 30 25 14 6 4 4 45 45 60 10 84 90 94 95 45 69 195 205 310 69 10 28 30 45 10 50 40 35 12 50 40 60 10 90 40 45 215 40 20 380 55 345 50 220 330 220 32 48 32 69 305 69 310 45 215 240 380 455 35 55 66 220 215 220 220 32 40 32 32 MPa ksi Yieldstrength!a) MPa ksi 235 250 260· 290 345 380 395 235 34 36 38 42 50 55 51 34 15 195 205 250 310 345 365 69 220 250 260 345 220 32 36 38 50 32 310 Hardness HRB HR30T Shear strength ksl MPa Flat products.bus Sheet Sheet.c1ad Strip Strip. commuter segments. ASME. Strip (C11300only): SB152.).) diameter 08050 H80(35%) M20 Rod.rod Wrre. Gas-shielded. B 229. (b) C11600 only. C12900.50 ln. contacts. CI3000). Pressure welding: use roll weld proprietary method. C12800. Hot or cold forming excellent. commercial solder fluxes. Rod: B 12. Common name. MlL-W-3318 C12500: Microstructure. or rosin. and C13000: Typical mechanical properties Thmper Thnsile strength ksi MPa Yieldstrength At0.5(b) Shapes. C12800. 25 mill (1 in. Se and Te greatly affect recrystallization and grain growth Specifications (U. Riveting: use copper rivets. and/or Foreign). coke. (b) Elongation in 1500mm (60 in. Electrical: busbars. slab. Shapes: B 124. or copper-zinc (see ASTM B 260). radio parts. using copper-phosphorus. 0.012 As max.003 Sb max.C12900. Caveat: this copper is subject to embrittlement when heated in a reducing atmosphere. Architectural: building fronts.2% offset MPa MPa ksi ksi ElongationIn 50 mm (2IlL). screen. commutator segments. FRTP.5 in. hot-rolled strip 12. fire-refined. gutters. flashing. or welding at temperatures of 370°C C12500. 0. 0. but should not be heated for forming or annealing in a reducing atmosphere Joining. Lake copper wirebar. silver. B 216.05 Ni max.04 ln.88 Cu + Ag min (may be specified by agreement). B 124. tough-pitch copper (12500). C12700. 0.003 Bi max.) thick.) thick OS025 HOO H02 H04 H08 HIO M20 11 235 250 290 345 380 395 235 34 36 42 50 55 57 34 76 195 250 310 345 365 69 28 36 45 50 53 10 220 330 220 32 48 32 69 305 69 10 44 10 240 380 455 35 55 66 220 275 220 220 32 40 32 32 235 270 327 360 370 34 39 47.) in diameter OS050 H04 H08 35(a) l. Generally other welding methods are not recommended. radiators. 0. Structure consists of twinned grains of copper. Others: FRTSP Chemical Composition. B 133. Satisfactory fluxes are commercially available. FRTP copper. Government. B 124. kettles. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Silver braze with all types of flame. billet. roofing.025 + Te max. Temperature range is 750 to 950 °C (1380 to 1740 "F) Note: Bi and Pb can cause hot workability problems if composition limits are exceeded. as in annealing. % HRF 45 30 14 6 4 4 45 45 60 84 90 94 95 45 55 16 55 40 87 40 Hardness Shear strength HRB HR30T 10 40 25 50 57 63 MPa ks1 160 170 180 195 200 200 160 23 25 26 28 29 29 23 ISO ISO 22 27 22 165 200 230 24 29 33 150 180 22 26 22 22 Flat products. B 272. C12500. 2 mm (0.5% extension underload At 0. Use gas shielded arc welding processes with recommended filler metals.). Temperature range is 400 to 650°C (750 to 1200 "F) Hot Working. tough-pitch copper with silver (C12700. downspouts. embrittlement can be rapid Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.7 mm (0. B 133. chemical process equipment. Fire-refined. 13 mm (0.) 69 220 69 69 10 32 10 10 50 30 50 50 40 35 40 40 ISO ISO .l mm (0. and pans Machinability.5(b) 1. brazing. Miscellaneous: anodes. Previous trade name. and ingot: B 4. C12900. B 133. ASTM.004 Pb max (700 "F) or above. with stringers of Cup particles resulting from segregation of the oxide in the ingot during casting. B 152.3081 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 12800. Fire-refined copper Designation.) In diameter OS050 H80 (I 5'70) M20 M30 (a) Elongation in 250 mm (10 in.5 52 54 50 60 62 64 Rod. Composition Limits.S. 200x Characteristics Typical Uses.C13000 C12500. Soldering: soft solder with all grades of solder. Commercial Names. Flat products: B 11. (per ASTM B 216): 99. C12700.08 in. depending on application. terminals. Automotive: gaskets.) in diameter OS050 H80(35'7o) M20 47 185 Wire. If hydrogen or carbon monoxide is present. 0. spouting. switches. ) diameter H02 295 43 H04 365 53 13 mm (0. Cadmium: C14300. 0.0. Common name. Copper: 99. Phosphorus deoxidized.Ii 275 340 40 49 76 275 305 Hardness. or rolling): excellent Joining.Iiolrlet SO mm.) diameter C14500 (99.15 Cd.10 others max (total).6Cu-O. Forgeability.3 Cd Hot Working. Shapes: B 124. B 301. Flat products and rod: B 301 . Cold working and hot forming: excellent 05025 H04 H08 HI0 220 310 350 400 32 45 51 58 75 275 330 385 11 40 48 56 42 14 7 3 Joining. 65% that of C37700 (forging brass) 'Thmper MPo ksi MPo ksl '.1 to 0. forging.(2 in. and/or Foreign).5%extensionunderload C14700 (99.Te) Commercial Names.05 to 0.004 to 0. Hot forming (generally extrusion. Composition Limits.S.04 in.90Cu-O. HRB Shear strength MPo ksi 18 10 43 54 180 200 26 29 11 46 40 W 15 43HRF 43 48 150 180 185 22 26 27 40HRF 42 48 150 170 185 22 25 27 42 170 25 44 69 275 305 10 40 44 50 25 20 270 39 35 (a)Al 0.). Not recommended: coated metal arc and resistance. ASTM. Temperature range is 535 to 750°C (995 to 1380 "P) Cu.). C14300: Cadmium-copper. plumbing fixtures.90 Cu + Ag + Te min. C1431 0 (99. Composition Limits.2 '. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 "F) Characteristics C14300and C14310: Typical mechanical properties Machinability. 0. Not recommended: arc welding. and gas-shielded. 0.012 P. Composition Limits. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Thnsile strength Yield strength FlongaIIonIn at 0. brazing. DPTE Chemical Composition.01to0. oxyfuel gas welding. '. and copper color. Typical parts: electrical connectors.60 Te Specifications (U. C1431O. sulfur copper Chemical Composition. and most resistance processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. B 283 Characteristics Typical Uses.) diameter H02 290 42 Yield strength(a) Eiongalion In MPa ksl SO mm(2in. Previous trade names. Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 "F) Hot Working. Soldering.25ln.20 to 0. Free-machining copper. Flat products and rod: B 124. 0.Wrought Copper 1309 C14300.5Cu-O. metal arc welding: excellent.2Cd) Commercial Names.S.3 to 1mm(0. 99. welding torch tips. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 oF) C14500: Typical mechanical properties of rod 'Thnsile strength 'Thmper MPa ksi 6 mm (0. and/or Foreign). 99. 0. ASTM.50 S.Ii Formability. Free-machining copper Designation.) diameter 05015 230 33 H02 295 43 H04 330 48 25 mm (1 in. 0. Forgings and screw machine products requiring high conductivity. or combinations thereof.45) Commercial Names.50in. soldering tips. seam and spot welding Note:Values forstrip. rolling or swaging): good. Common name. extensive machining. and parts assembled by furnace brazing Machinability. Oxyacetylene welding and resistance butt welding: good.80 to 99. 85% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass). motor parts.) diameter 05050 220 32 H02 290 42 H04 330 48 SO mm (2 ln. deoxidized Chemical Composition.1 Cd.90 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. transistor bases. Carbide-tipped tools should be used Formability. Soldering and brazing: excellent. Cold working (usually drawing. Previous trade name.40 to 0. Sulfur bearing copper. bal Cu + Ag Specifications (U.8Cu-O. tellurium-bearing copper. switch parts. corrosion resistance. Previous trade name. 20 Zr Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. Common name.50 in.13 to 0. Temperature range is 600 to 700°C (1110 to 1290 OF) Characteristics Zirconium copper is best treatable and retains much of its room temperature strength up to 450°C (840 OF) Aging. resistance welding tips and wheels. and switching components. furnace brazed components. bending. Screw machine products and parts requiring high conductivity. and welding torch tips Recommended Heat Treating Practice C14700: Microstructure. which improves machinability. cold worked to 50% reduction. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) C15000: Stress-rupture properties.) diameter H02 42 290 (a) At 0. Transverse section shows dispersion of round particles of CuS. resistance to corrosion.OIl15Zr) Commercial Names. 85% of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Typical Uses.. then age 1 to 4 h. N-4 alloy. 0. Brazing or resistance butt welding: good. "" ~ Ii) .) diameter H02 H04 43 53 295 365 275 340 40 49 18 10 43 54 180 200 26 29 76 275 305 11 40 44 46 20 15 43HRF 43 48 150 180 185 22 26 27 69 275 305 10 40 44 50 25 20 40HRF 42 48 150 170 185 22 25 27 270 39 35 42 170 25 13 mm (0. TH08 temper. h '.) diameter OS015 H02 H04 230 295 330 33 43 48 25 mm (1 in. temperature range is 500 to 550 °C (930 to 1020 OF).5 Cu + Ag + Zr min. Other applications include electrical connectors. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 "F) C14700: Typical mechanical properties of rod Temper Tensilestrength ksl MPa Yieldstrength(a) MPa ksi Elongation in Hardness. Zirconium copper Chemical Composition. 99.. cold worked and aged. heading. or forging.). rivets. Trade name. quenched. plumbing fittings. 200x Annealing. or 1650 to 1695 OF). or a combination thereof. switches and circuit breakers for high temperature service. 375 to 475°C (710 to 890 OF) Hot Working. Composition Limits. commutators. solderless wrapped connectors Machinability. motors.25 in. Sulfur-bearing copper rod. Aging time and temperature are based on section size and amount of previous cold work Annealing. Steel bases for power transmitters and rectifiers.310 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Characteristics Machinability.. Caveat: forging should be discontinued if temperature falls below 800°C (1400 OF). Amzire Brand copper. soldering coppers. % HRB Shear strength MPa ksi 6 mm (0. Stress-rupture properties. 50mID (2 ln. extensive machining.) diameter OS050 H02 H04 32 42 48 220 290 330 50 mm (2 ln. Material was solution treated 1 hat 950°C (1740 OF). and aged 1 hat 425°C (795 OF) 400 Formability. e Ii) 40 250 35 30 1000 Rupture time.5% extension under load C15000 (991185Cu. Cold working and hot forming: excellent. Generally fabricated by swaging. Solution treat 5 to 30 min at temperature (900 to 925°C. Aged only. Temperature range is 900 to 950 °C (1650 to 1740 "F) Typical Uses. Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 "F) Hot Working. cold worked 85%. Soldering: excellent.. Part must be reheated to at least 900 °C (1650 OF) before forging can be resumed Joining. Not recommended: other welding processes LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 55 350 50 iii 300 45 If :. /" r---. °C 600 C15000: Typical creep strength lOst tempersture OF -c l000b ksi MPa THOltemper(17% cold work) 300 570 277 350 660 217 400 750 150 450 840 98 500 930 88 600 1Il0 28 TH02 temper (43 % cold work) 250 480 343 300 570 325 350 660 247 400 750 176 450 840 100 500 930 74 600 IIlO 18 TH04 temper (82 % cold work) 250 480 321 300 570 305 350 660 257 400 750 201 450 840 77 500 930 63 600 lliO 5.2 208 185 102 51 16 7.8 7.0 0.6 673 711 775 820 838 411 423 453 458 446 59.5 13 16 19 22 25 32 Wire I 2..25 76 10(d) 80 56 61 50 48 48 32 44 47 31 34 52 47 17 98(e) 62(e) 0.8 25.5 21.2 77.THoa temper .2 6.2 31...4 2.(c) In 2 diameters..6 2. standard10mm (0. the TH08 temper material was cold worked 84%. The TH03 temper material was cold worked 54%.7 7. of5. (b) For I h or more at 400 10425°C (750to 795 oF).1 1I2.(f)OS025temper .3 0.8 1..2 5.4 64.1 30.7 4.75 0.3 46.7 2. 200 ~ . c lii 200 ~ c o - co .5 67.62 0.5 23..7 14..25 0.thenaged I hat 425 °C(795 oF) in.5 1. Material was solution treated 15 min at 900°C (1650 OF).8 31.22 0.7 47...9 10.50 O(d)(f) 30(d) 430 285 470 460 440 435 430 430 413 525 495 200 205 255 365 62 41 68 67 64 63 62 62 60 76 72 29 30 37 53 Yield strengtb(c) ksi MPa 385 250 440 435 430 420 415 415 400 495 470 40 90 75 340 Elongation in SO mm(2in.2 12.0 17. r--- 100 e LIVE GRAPH ~ Click here to view 'iii 20 c OJ I- 0 I ~ OJ O) 40 c lii ~ 100 * 100 ..0 1.0 34.5% extensionunder load.87 1.0 24.4 7.0 C15000: Typical mechanical properties Stress for1% creepin 10000b MPa ksi l00000b MPa ksi 40.2 26. (d) Charpy Vnotch.5 10.2 46. cO .37 0.8 14.2% offset. Short-time elevated-temperature tensile properties..6 10.50 0.09 0 0 6 Note: Data arefor materialssolutiontreated.coldworkedthe indicatedamount.2 35..8 43.-. Coldwork.41 0. l!! 80 'iii ""-E- "\ . and aged. then aged 1 hat 400°C (750 OF).44 312 271 238 161 53 41 2.'7 ..Next Page Wrought Copper /311 C15000: Typical low-temperature mechanical properties 'IOst.).6 103..7 1. quenched..)squarespecimen 500 e 400 Test temperature.0 121. 60 ..2 ILl 9.7 Yield strengtblbl MPa ksl 97. :2 -E300 0) ..4 85...25 303 240 219 139 44 28 1.1 241 166 123 70 39 15 35.5 30.2 16.emperature °C 22 -78 -197 -253 -269 'IOnsile stnmgtb OF 72 -108 -323 -423 -452 No/cbed tensile strengtb(a) MPa ksi MPa ksi 445 463 534 587 591 64. then aged 1 hat 375°C (710°F) 1000 - 500 200 300 400 Test temperature.4 119.6 14. cold worked.5 7.7 66. (c)At 0.S c 'fl 60 "a:: 40 o ... (b) At 0. e C15000: Tensile properties..----. % 56 36 64 63 62 61 60 60 58 8 34 72 1...2 37.(d) Mill annealed.8 20. % 16 62 66 71 20 26 37 36 Impact strengtb(d) J ft·lbr 121 142 155 155 72 89 105 114 114 69 Note: Dataare forTH04 tempermaterialssolutiontreatedat 950 °C(174OOF).39in.7 Eiongallon(c). (a) For K..25 0.0 39. OF 400 600 800 --. _..6 330 297 212 142 74 53 12 47.4 5.2 39..3 29.8 317 272 181 1I4 51 39 8..%. Reduclion % inares.7 20.2 85..0 0..5 26.75 0. after Thnsile strength Solulion trealing(a) Aging(b) MPa ksi 13 0.6 61. and aged I h at 450 °C (840 "F).3 34.3 Ll 49.20 0.5 44..TH03 temper 'iii f'!..5 3 54 49 50 23 68 6 13 II 49 II 15 15 15 15 15 18 (a) At 900 10925°C (1650101695 oF)...0 44.6 1..4 4. thenaged. (e) Solutiontreated.04 0.7 6...cold workedthe statedamount. r-..3 65. cold worked85 to 90%. -.2 0...0.14 Seellonsize rom Rod 5 6 9.2 650 1200 3.7 45. 75 Cu min.200 in.01 Al + Mn + Fe max. Temperature range is 450 to 550 °C (840 to 1020 "F) Hot Working. good bendability. Recommended Heat Treating Practice resistance welding electrodes.Previous Page 312/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C15100 (99.0 mm (0.0 75. % Hardness.0 71. clamps. 0.) MP. Resistance spot welding only. 65% that of C37700 (forging brass) Characteristics Joining.5 22. bal Cu ductivity. Solderability: excellent. Temperature range is 750 to 875°C (1380 to 1610 "F) (a) At 108 cycles C15500 (99. Brazing and resistance butt welding: good. ksi At 0.s% extension under load MP.08 to 0. Cold working and hot forming: excellent to 0. 1. 5.75Cu-0. 0. Typically used for combination of properties: high con- Al max. diaphragms. ksi Yietd strength Ato. EIong. ksi MP. light duty springs. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Fotigue strength(.1 Zr) Trade Name. % Hardness HRF HRB Fatigue strength MP. connectors. 99. connectors.0 73.8 47. Temper HOI H02 H03 H04 HOO H08 295 325 360 400 430 470 43 47 52 58 62 68 240 295 345 385 415 455 35 43 50 56 60 66 22 10 5 3 2 2 32 38 48 57 60 62 strength Yield strength HRB Machinability.05 to 0.) thick Light anneal (050) Quarter hard (HO1) Half hard (H02) Hard(H04) Spring (H08) Extra spring (HIO) Super spring Special spring 275 310 365 425 460 495 515 550 40 45 53 62 67 75 80 125 250 325 393 450 470 480 495 275 310 40 45 125 248 72 18 36 47 57 65 68 70 72 123 247 324 394 462 490 503 517 17. electronic components Annealing.2% olTset ksi MP. Other welding processes not recommended.005 Fe max.080 P. Temperature range is 485 to 540°C (905 to 1000 "F) Machinability. electrical contacts.9Cu-0.04 to 0. 0.0 mm (0.2 67.11 Mg-0. 0. 0. 0. ksi Formability. 20% that ofC36000 (free-cutting brass) Hot Working.0 162 155 23. Composition Limits. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 oF) C15500: Mechanical properties of flat products 'Iemper Thnsilestrength MP. good resistance to stress relaxation. ksi Elengation in SOmm (2 ln).06P) Chemical Composition. ksl 103 15. and switch blade pieces C15100: Nominal mechanical properties of rolled strip Tensile MP. Not recommended: other welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice 95 14 Annealing. 0. High conductivity.7 40 28 70 89 92 97 100 80 82 84 Section size.15 Zr. Solderability: excellent. Applications include lead frame for high-power electronic circuits.005 Typical Uses.13 Mg Hot Forgeability. moderate strength.) thick Light anneal Quarter hard 70 89 .0 57. Hot forming and cold working: excellent Joining. 0. ZHC copper Characteristics Chemical Composition.8 35.005 Mn max. Brazing: excellent Typical Uses.tion in 50 mm (2 In.5 Section size.027 Formability.7 35.). Composition Limits.10 Ag. electrical fittings.0 34 25 13 5 4 3 3 3 18 36 122 246 17.040 ln. 05 0. Applications include rolled and drawn strip.01 in.5% 99.85 Cu.depending onextrusion rallo and temperature C15720 (99. and coated metal arc welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. SOmm(21o.depending onextrusion ratio and temperature . wire. inorganic insulated wire. Resistance spot and seam welding: poor. rod and wire for electrical connectors. rotor bars.4AI 2 0 3 ) Chemical Composition.69 to 99. Resistance butt welding: fair.94 in. light-duty.) diameter 21 nun (0. 0.8 0. 0.63 0. drawn bar. Not recommended: oxyacetylene.Wrought Copper I 313 Chemical Composition.15 C15710: Typical mechanical properties to 0.63 in.) thick 0.5% 061 99. particularly after exposure to high manufacturing or service temperatures. thermocouple wire.72 in. gas-shielded are.60 Cu. Hot forming: poor Joining.) diameter Amountoroold 'Thoslle worklngor temper slreogtb(a) deslgoatlon ksl MPa Yleldstrengtb 8tO. circuit breaker parts. Rod 24 22 19 16 10 6 Amountorcold workingor temper designation 0. Brazing: good.6Cu-O.75 0. Temperature range is 650 to 925°C (1200 to 1695 OF) Size Flat products 0.5 0.50 in. Rolled strip.04 0 max Characteristics Typical Uses. 0.03 in.006 in. resistance welding electrodes and wheels.49 to 99.0 in.) diameter 102 nun (4.5 061 .) thick 0.Iead wire.iii BRB MPa 91% 570 83 545 79 7 95% 585 85 565 82 6 97% 605 88 580 84 5 98% 615 89 585 85 3. 99. Brazing: good.35 C15720: Typical mechanical properties to 0. gas shielded are. Resistance butt welding: fair. Where parts require combination of high strength and conductivity.51 nun (0.iii BRB 20 18 16 12 10 10 20 60 65 70 70 72 74 60 Wire 2 1 0. ksl SOmm (210.) thick 0. Composition Limits.) diameter 13 nun (0. and coated metal arc welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Not recommended: oxyacetylene.25 nun (0.03 0. and shapes for relay and switch springs.04 0 max Characteristics Typical Uses. lead frames.211i olrset(a) MPa ksl 'Thnsile streogtb(a) ksi MPa 0% 13% 39% 56% 82% 93% 061 325 345 415 450 510 530 325 47 50 270 330 60 400 65 74 47 425 470 485 275 39 48 58 62 68 70 40 98. rolled flat wire.01 Fe max.25 Ah03.81 in. 0. Temperature range is 650 to 875°C (1200 to 1610 OF) Diameter mm 10. 0. 0. Cold working: excellent.38 0. 485 70 380 55 13 0% 470 68 365 53 19 74 26% 495 72 470 68 16 77 42% 410 74 485 70 14 78 56% 530 77 495 72 13 79 72% 540 78 505 73 11 79 82% 550 80 510 74 10 80 M30 525 76 510 74 13 78 M30 460 67 395 57 20 68 (a) Properties will vary.88 0.45 Al203. Composition Limits. rod.25 Yieldstrengtbat 0. and connectors Formability.) thick Rod 24 nun (0.9% 85% 061 565 650 325 685 455 725 475 345 82 94 47 99 66 105 69 50 540 620 275 650 420 690 450 290 78 90 40 94 61 100 65 42 77 Elongationin IIardoess.) diameter 18 nun (0.76 nun (0.152mm (0. Resistance spot and seam welding: poor.2% olfset(a) ElongationIn HanIness.). Cold working: excellent.94 0.09 0.0 in. 99. heat sinks Formability.01 Fe max.01 Pb max. current carrying springs. contact supports. Soldering: excellent.) diameter 76nun (3.02 (a) Properties will vary.).) diameter 16 nun (0. Soldering: excellent. 0. heat sinks.8% 65% 99.) diameter 10nun (0. resistance welding electrodes for aluminum. rolled flat wire. Hot forming: poor Joining.02 in. 0.01 POmax.38 in. 3 Cu. Hot forming: poor Joining. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 OF) Yieldstrength(. Resistance spot and seam welding: poor.0{b) 83 12 50 380 455 55 66 6 2 1. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability.01 ln.60 to 1. Not recommended: shielded metal are.21 Ni + Co min. 0. om Pb max. SAE. Where parts must retain high strength and conductivity after exposure to high temperatures. ASTM.) diameter 38 OS025 anneal 260 (0. Applications include rod for resistance welding electrodes.). feed-through conductors. Brazing: good. spring contacts.025mm grainsize) 485 70 Hard Spring 550 80 Drawn(>96%) 88 605 J463 Characteristics Typical Uses.2 Cd. J463.5% extension underload.025mm grainsize) Half hard(25%) 400 58 Hard 505 73 Wire.6 Ni + Fe + Co max.7 C16200: Typicalmechanical properties 'Iensile strength MP. 13 mm (0. Common name.04 0 max Characteristics Typical Uses. Cold working: excellent. Forgings and extrusions: B 570. Beryl- Specifications (U.65 to 0.tion In 0. 99. Soldering: excellent.7Be-O.) C17000 (98Cu-1. Class IV Chemical Composition.7 12 9 65HRB 73HRB 1. HRB 16 77 13 13 80 83 76 78 75 Elong.S.19 to 99. 1. Soldering and brazing: excellent.5{b) (a)At 0. springs. Trade name. gas shielded are.50 in. rail bands. and coated metal arc welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Rolled strip. electrical and electronic .) MP. fuse clips.314/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Chemical Composition.050mm grainsize) OS025 anneal 250 36 (0. Temperature range is 425 to 750°C (795 to 1380 OF) Hot Working.25 mm (0. Temperature range is 650 to 925°C (1200 to 1695 OF) C15735: Typicalmechanical properties of rod Diameter mm in. Cadmium copper Chemical Composition. 24 19 16 64 76 102 0. Flat pmduets.2% offset!. high-strength transmission lines.79 Be. I mm (0. Wire: B 9.94 0.04 In. Oxyfuel gas. ksl 485 550 585 490 565 515 70 80 85 71 82 75 Yieldstrength at Elong. QQ-C-533: Resistance Welding Manufactures' Association. Resistance butt welding: fair. ksi 5Omm(2in.) diameter Drawn(>99%) 690 100 Wire. Cold working: excellent.) MP. 0. Bellows.) MP. Previous trade name.0 4. Composition Limits. cable wrap. rod. connectors. 165 alloy Rod. lock washers. and/or Foreign). 98.025 mm grainsize) 415 60 Hard 440 64 Spring 72 495 Extraspring Rod.63 2.) thick 35 240 OS025 anneal (0.08 ln.depending on extrusion ratio and temperature C16200 (99Cu-1 Cd) Commercial Names. 0.0 Amount of cold workingor temper designation 0% 39% 56% M30 M30 M30 Thnsile strength!. Composition Limits. lium copper. circuit breakers. Composition Limits. Flat products: B 194. 0. bar: B 196.75 0.) diameter 240 35 OS050 anneal (0. Not recommended: oxyacetylene. motor parts Formability.75 Ah03. 0.5 3. and resistance butt welding: good. % Hardness 10 16 11 (a)Properties will vary.78 to 99.lion In 50 mm (2 Ia). 0. Bourdon tubing. fasteners. (b) In 1. SAE. ASTM. 0. bal Cu Characteristics Typical Uses. waveguide cavities Machinability. ksi 76 11 52 54HRF 310 45 405 59 5 3 1 64HRB 73HRB 75HRB 48 7 56 46HRF 83 12 57 46HRF 310 474 45 68.35 Cu.01 Fe max. Hot forming: good Joining. diaphragms.S. % 420 540 565 415 540 485 61 78 82 60 78 70 Hardness.and/or Foreign). resistance spot and resistance seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. B 105. Government. 2 mm (0. switch and relay parts. gas shielded are. and wire for trolley wire. Berylco 165. ksl to 1.5 mm(60in. heating pad and electric blanket elements.02 Fe max Temper Specifications (U.3Co) Commercial Names. 0. seat sinks. switch gear components. 1% Hydrofluoricacid. plate. Strip. spline shafts. nonsparking safety tools C17000: Approximate corrosion resistance Good Formability.01in.001-0.) of thickness Solution Heat Treating.).cold.moistor warm Aniline Chromicacid Bromine.(b) Aged3 h at 315°C (600 "F). water quench.over0.025-2.) 10-25 mm (0. freshor saIt Aceticacid.lyear)penetration C17000: Typical mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of strip Tensile strength MPa ksi 'Iemper raoo TOOl TD02 TD04 TFOO(b) THOI(c) TH02(c) TH04{c) TMOO(d) TMOI(d) TM02(d) TM04(d) TM06(d) TM08(d) 410-540 520-610 590-690 690-825 1030-1240 1100-1280 1170-1340 1240-1380 690-760 760-825 825-930 930-1030 1030-1100 1100-1210 60-78 75-88 85-100 100-120 150-180 160-185 170-195 180-200 100-110 110-120 120-135 135-150 150-160 160-175 PropoI1ional Umit at 0. marine Benzene Borax Boricacid Brine Butane Carbondioxide Carbontetrachloride Chlorine.25mm1year (0. tubing. Maximum strength is obtained by aging 1 to 3 hat 315 to 345°C (600 to 650 "F). pierced. Temperature range is 260 to 425°C (500 to 795 OF). moistor warm Ferrous chloride Hydrochloric acid.).up to 0.dilute Lacticacid. machining. (c)Aged2hat315 °C (600 "F).tubing All sizes <10 mm «0.industrial. bar. Resistance to specific corrosive agents: see adjoining Table Caveat: contains beryllium. retaining or aerated Hydrofluosilicic acid Mercuricchloride Hydrogenperoxide Mercury Nitricacid.cold.25mmlyear(O.(b)0. unaerated Alcohols Ammonia. unaerated Tartaricacid. valves.over0.2 % offset MPa ksl 190-370 310-520 450-620 550-760 895-1140 930-1170 1000-1210 1070-1240 520-620 620-760 690-860 760-930 860-965 965-1140 28-53 45-75 65-90 80-110 130-165 135-170 145-175 155-180 75-90 90-110 100-125 110-135 125-140 140-165 Elongation in Electrical conductivity. Larger sections: 1 h for each 25 mm (I Aceticacid. Not recommended: oxyfuel gas welding General Corrosion Behavior.2% offset MPa ksi 140-205 860-1070 515-725 930-1140 515-725 930-1140 515-725 930-1140 275-345 485-515 170-205 725-930 140-205 860-1070 20-30 125-155 75-105 135-165 75-105 135-165 75-105 135-165 40-50 70-75" 25-30 105-135 20-30 125-155 Electrical conductivity. blanked. Basically same as pure copper.dry Carbonicacid Ferricchloride Ferricsulfate Coppernitrate fluorine. dry Hydrocyanic acid Hydrochloric acid. drawn./year)penetration. brazing.% Hardness %lACS 35-60 4-10 10-20 2-5 10-20 2-5 10-20 2-5 15-30 10-25 25-45 1-4 35-60 4-10 45-85HRB 32-39HRC 92-I03HRB 364IHRC 91-102HRB 35-4OHRC 88-101HRB 34-39HRC 80-85HRB 18-25HRC 65-75HRB 30-38HRC 45-85HRB 32-39HRC 17-19 22-25 15-17 22-25 15-17 22-25 15-17 22-25 16-22 18-23 13-18 18-25 17-19 22-25 . Note: all annealing of this material is a solution treatment Aging. and resistance spot welding: good. Soldering. (b) Aged2 to 3 h at 330°C (625 oF) 60-85 150-180 95-130 175-200 90-120 170-195 85-115 165-190 75-85 95-100 60-75 140-170 60-85 150-180 Yield strength at 0. (d)Proprietary millheat treatmentintendedtoproducethe statedtensileproperties C17000: Typical mechanical properties and electrical conductivities of rod. rolling mill parts.) >25 mm (>I in. aerated Ammonia.1% Ferroussulfate fluorine.unaerated Phosphoricacid. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Acetatesolvents Aceticacid.dry Atmosphere./year)penetration.aerated Potassiumhydroxide Sodium hydroxide Picricacid Potassiumcyanide Sodiumhypochlorite Silverchloride Sodium peroxide Sodiumsulfide Sodiumcyanide Stannicchloride Sulfur Sulfuricacid.aerated Sulfurchloride Sulfurousacid Sulfuricacid. % %IACS 35-60 10-35 5-25 2-8 4-10 3-6 2-5 1-4 18-22 15-19 12-16 9-13 9-12 3-7 17-19 16-18 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 20-33 20-33 20-33 20-33 20-33 20-33 Fatigue strength(a) ksi MPa 190-230 200-235 220-260 240-270 240-270 250-280 250-290 260-310 230-255 230-260 240-270 250-280 255-290 230-310 28-33 29-34 32-38 35-39 35-39 3641 3642 3845 33-37 34-38 35-39 3640 3742 3345 (a) Rotatingbeam at 108 cycles.Wrought Copper I 315 components. thin rod. dry Freon Gasoline Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxalicacid Potassiumchloride Potassiumsulfate Propane Rosin Sodiumbicarbonate Sodiumchloride Sodiumsulfate Sulfurdioxide Sulfurtrioxide Water.up to 0. Can be formed. gas shielded arc welding.(c)>0. Elongationin SOmm(2in.moist Hydrofluoricacid.OI in. bar. pumps. rural.1% Mercurysalts Phenol Nitricacid. Ventilation must be provided for dry sectioning and grinding.aeratedor hot Ammoniumsulfate Chlorine. welding equipment. a potential hazard to health.plate. and any other process that produces metal dust or fumes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. welding.10 in. depending on amount of cold work preceding aging Hot Working.1% Phosphoricacid. wire: temperature range is 775 to 800°C (1425 to 1475 OF) for 10 min.375-1 in.) Billet 'Iemper rnoo TFOO(a) TD04 TH04(b) TD04 TH04(b) TD04 TH04(b) As-cast Castandaged(a) rsoo TFOO(a) Forgings TBoo TFOO(a) 'Iensde strength MPa ksl 415-585 1035-1240 655-895 1205-1380 620-825 1170-1345 585-795 1140-1310 515-585 655-690 415-515 965-1170 415-585 1035-1240 (a) Aged3 h at 350°C (660 oF). melting. Temperature range is 650 to 825 °C (1200 to 1520 OF) Hot-shortness temperature: 845°C (1555 OF) PoorreslslOllCe(c) Fairreslslaoce(b) reslslan<e(a) Machinability.375 in.002 % offset ksi MPa 100-140 280410 380480 480-590 550-760 620-795 660-860 690-930 480-590 520-660 550-690 590-725 590-760 620-795 15-20 40-60 55-70 70-85 80-110 90-115 95-125 100-135 70-85 75-95 80-100 85-105 85-110 90-115 YIeld strenglh at 0. and machined in unhardened condition or aerated Zincchloride (a)<0. Resistance seam and resistance butt welding: fair. billets. shielded metal arc welding. Temperature range is 760 to 790°C (1400 to 1455 "F).moist Aceticanhydride Ammoniumhydroxide Acetylene Ammoniumnitrate Ammoniumchloride Bromine. and forgings Productform Rod. roll pins.concentrate Hydrogensulfide.5mm1year (0. 50 mm (2 in. 80 to 2. Strip: QQ-C-533 (CI7200 only). and wire: temperature range is 760 to 790 °C (1400 to 1455 OF) for 10 min. Wire: B 197 (CI7200 only). Etchant should be freshly made A common etchant for swabbing is potassium dichromate. and temper or condition of metal. and/or Foreign).S. Flat products: 4530.5 others max (total) bal Cu. Beryllium copper Resistance to specific corrosive agents: see adjoining Figure Chemical Composition. along with good electrical conductivity and/or magnetic characteristics. Bourdon tubing. combined with good electrical conductivity and resistance to corrosion. Rod and bar: MIL-C-21657. Examples: navigational instruments. Temperature range is 650 to 800 °C (1200 to 1470 OF).C17300 Commercial Names. other properties are not changed by the presence of lead Ni + Co min. J463 (CI7200).9BB-O.00 Be. is especially intended for machining parts.60 Pb (CI7300).25Co. 1. valves. CI7200: 25 alloy. machining. or any other fabrication or testing process that produces dust or fumes 80 1000 1200 I I 1400 I I I 1600 I Cu-1.6 Ni +Co + Fe max (CI7200) or 0. SAE. depending on the state of heat treatment. C 17300: Alloy M25. then remove stain with single wipe of the dichromate etchant Hot Working. CI7200: 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass). Composition Limits. alloy 25. ASTM. and etching time. Excessive Sn and Pb cause hot shortness Specifications (U. QQ-C-530. washers. All annealing of this material is a solution treatment Microstructure. B 196. 0. firing pins. For strip. pumps. Machining parameters depend on shapes. contact bridges. Temperature range is 760 to 790°C (1400 to Characteristics 1455 OF). grinding. and resistance to fatigue and creep. diaphragms. 0. bolts. AMS. Previous trade names. bushings. shafts. OF Typical Uses. melting. 4532. C17300: 50% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass).20 Machinability. Forgings and extrusions: B 570 (CI7200 only). and rolling mill parts Still other applications require high strength. Adequate ventilation should be provided for dry sectioning. water quench. and screws Caveat: beryllium content presents potential hazard to health. welding. bar. Temperature range is 260 to 425 °C (500 to 795 "F). Both alloys are used for parts subjected to severe forming and have a combination of requirements: high strength. nonsparking safety tools.) per cross section Solution Heat Treating. and forgings: 4650. Aging. Wire: 4725. Both alloys are readily machined by all conventional methods. Government. Effect of solution-treating temperature on hardnessafter aging LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Solution-treating temperature. Larger sections: hold 1 h per 25 mm (1 in. Resistance Welding Manufacturers' Association: Class IV Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Cl7300 cannot be hot rolled or forged but can be hot extruded Recrystallization temperature is approximately 730°C (1345 OF) Hot shortness temperature is 845 °C (1555 OF) C17200: Hardness.) or fraction of a mm (in. This etchant reveals general details of microstructure. 0. retaining ring In other applications. particularly when heavily decorated with discontinuous precipitate. Caveat: excessive P and Si decrease electrical conductivity. Rod. machining method. depending on amount of cold work Drip sectioning and grinding should be done in a ventilated area One of the common etchants for immersion etching is ammonium persulfate. C17300. bellows. Common name. General Corrosion Behavior. etchant concentration. Flat products: B 194 (CI7200 only). Basically same as that of pure copper.20 to 0. This etchant emphasizes grain boundaries. which contains lead. °C . flexible metal hose. anelasticity. Examples: electrochemical springs. Rod and bar: B 196. parts require high strength or wear resistance. Conventional metallographic techniques may be used. thin rod. matrix is stained blue to deep lavender. Examples: a wide variety of springs. aged z lil lC 60 :x: m c: ~ 40 :x: 20 500 ( J) 600 700 800 900 Solution-treating temperature. clips. An effective procedure: first etch with ammonium persulfate.316/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C17000: Typicalhardness of strip 'Iemper HV Standanl RockweU SuperlldoJRockwen TBOO 90-160 150-190 185-225 200-260 320 min 343 min 360 min 370 min 200-235 230-265 260-295 290-325 320-350 434-375 45-78HRB 68-9OHRB 88-96HRB 96-102HRB 33-38HRC 35-39HRC 37-40HRC 39-41HRC 18-23HRC 21-26HRC 25-30HRC 30-35HRC 31-37HRC 32-38HRC 45-67HR30T 62-75HR30T 74-79HR3OT 79-83HR3OT 55-58HR30N 55-59HR30N 56-80HR30N 58-61HR30N 37-42HR30N 42-46HR30N 46-50HR30N 50-54HR30N 52-56HR30N 55-58HR30N TOOl TD02 TD04 TFOO TIIOI TII02 TII04 1M00 1MOI 1M02 1M04 1M06 1M08 C17200. Maximum strength is obtained by aging 1 to 3 hat 315 to 345°C (600 to 650 "F). 5mm (0.38in.) >25 mm (l in.5mm (0.1~ offset MPa ksl Propol1lonal Omitat 0. conductivity.5mm (0.) Billets Ascast Castandaged(a) TBOO TFOO(a) Forgings TBOO TFOO(a) ThnsBe stre ogth MPa ksi Yield st".ngthal0.t MPa ksl 60-78 75-88 85-100 100-120 165-190 175-200 185·210 190-215 100-110 110-120 120-135 135-150 150-160 160-175 175-190 105-140 275-415 380-485 485-585 690-860 760-930 825-1000 860-1070 450-585 515-655 585·725 655-795 725-825 760-860 795-895 195-380 415-605 515-655 620-770 965-1205 1035-1275 1105-1345 1140-1415 515-620 620-760 690-860 795-930 860-965 1000-1170 1070-1240 15-20 40-60 55·70 70-85 100-125 110-135 120-145 125-155 65-85 75·95 85-105 95-115 105-120 110-125 115-130 J!jongatlon In 50_(210.Wrought Copper /317 Cl7200 and C17300: Tensile property ranges forstrip of various tempers ThmBe st". bar. (b)Aged2t03hat330°C(625 oF).) 9.) 2-9.) 9.38 in..08in.) lH04(d) 2-9.5mm (0.) >9. plate.310-1590 1280-1480 1240-1450 58-78 130-155 95-130 90-120 165-190 190·230 185-215 180-210 140-240 760-930 515-725 515-725 1000-1210 1240-1410 1210-1380 1140-1380 20-35 110-135 75-105 75-105 145-175 180-205 175-200 165-200 35-55 2-8 10-35 10-35 3-8 1-3 2-5 2-5 515-585 725-760 415-515 1070-1210 75-85 105-110 60-75 155-175 275-345 515-550 170-205 860-1030 40-50 75-80 25-30 125·150 15-30 10-20 25-45 1-3 80-85HRB 20-25HRC 65-75HRB 36-42HRC 16-22 18-23 13-18 18-25 415·585 1140-1310 60-85 165-190 140-205 1000-1210 20-30 145-175 35-60 3-10 45-85HRB 36-41HRC 17-19 22-25 17-19 15-17 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 (a) Aged3h at330 °C (625 oF).). (b)Coldrolledand aged2 h at315 °C (600 "F).ngth Thmper HV HRC HRJON ~IACS MPa ksI TBOO TOOl T002 TD04 TFOO 90-160 150-190 185·225 200-260 343 min 370 min 380 min 385 min 200-235 230-265 260-295 290-325 320-350 343-375 370-400 45-78HRB 68-90HRB 88-96HRB 96-102HRB 31-41 38-42 39-44 40-45 18-23 21-26 25-30 30-35 31-37 32-38 33-42 45·67HR3OT 62-75HR30T 74-79HR30T 79-83HR3OT 56-61 58-63 59-65 60-65 37-42 42-47 45-51 50-55 52-56 55-58 56-63 17-19 16-18 15-17 15·17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 20-28 20-28 20-28 20-28 20-28 20-28 20-28 205-240 215-250 220-260 240-270 240-260 240-270 270-295 285-315 230-255 235-260 240-295 260-310 260-310 260-310 275-330 30-35 31·36 32-38 35-39 35-38 35-39 39-43 41-46 33-37 34-38 35-43 38-45 38-45 38-45 40-48 rnoi lH02 lH04 TMOO TMOI TM02 TM04 (a) TMOO TM08 (a) Proprietary millheat treatmentto producetensilestrengthof 1030-1100 MPa(150to 160ksi) ..) TRlO(a) All sizes lH04(c) <2 rnm(0.5mm (0. (c)Proprietarymilltrealmenttoproducetheindicatedtensileproperties Cl7200 and Cl7300: Property ranges forvarious mill products Thmper ThIckness ordiameter Rod. ~ 28-55 60-88 75-95 90-112 140-175 150-185 160-195 165-205 75-90 90-110 100-125 115-135 125-140 145-170 155-180 35-60 10-36 5-25 2-8 4-10 3-6 2-5 1-4 18-23 15-20 12-18 9-15 9-14 4-10 3-9 (a)Soluliontreatedandaged3 h 31315°C (600 "P).5-25mm (0.08 in.. and fatigue strength forstrip of various tempers Elec:trkal conductivity.5 rnm(0.ngth MPa ksl Thmper TBOO TOOl TD02 415-540 515-605 585-690 690-825 1140-1310 1205-1380 1275-1450 1310-1480 690-760 760-825 825-930 930-1035 1035-1105 1105-1205 1205-1310 TD04 TRlO(a) lHOl(b) lH02(b) lH04(b) TMOO(c) TMOI(c) TM02(c) TM04(c) (c) TMOO(c) TM08(c) Yield stnmgth at0.) >25 mm (l in. (c)Aged 1hat330°C(625 oF).38-1in.38in.38in.5t03 hat330°C(625 oF) Cl7200 and C17300: Hardness. Hardness Fatigue .38-1in.1~ offset MPa ksI EIectricalcondU<tlvity.) Wire TBOO All sizes TD04 <2 mm (0.) TRlO(a) All sizes lH04(b) <9.38in.002 ~ off.5-25mm (0.08-0.. ~ ~IACS 415-585 655-900 620-825 585-790 1140-1310 1280-1480 1240-1450 1210-1410 60-85 95-130 90-120 85-115 165-190 185-215 180-210 175-205 140-205 515-725 515-725 515-725 1000-1210 1140-1380 1140-1380 1030-1340 20-30 75"105 75·105 75-105 145-175 165-200 165·200 150-194 35-60 10-20 10-20 10-20 3-10 2-5 2-5 2-5 45-85HRB 92-103HRB 91·102HRB 88-102HRB 36-40HRC 39-45HRC 38-44HRC 37-43HRC 17-19 15·17 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 22·25 22-25 400-540 895-1070 655-900 620-825 1140-1310 1.) >9.. and tubing TBOO All sizes TD04 <9. (d)Aged 1.). Elongation in SO mm(2 In.08-0.38in. dry Hydrochloric acid. Longitudinal section shows elongated grains of the ex phase and cobalt beryllides.1% Oxalicacid Phenol Potassium chloride Phosphoric acid. moistor warm Hydrochloric acid.0 2.(c) >0.dry Boricacid Carbonicacid Brine Coppernitrate Butane Ferrouschloride Carbondioxide Ferroussulfate Carbontetrachloride Fluorine.overO.400x .5 Cl7200 and C17300: Approximate corrosion resistance Good resistanceta) Fairresistancetb) Acetatesolvents Aceticacid.1% Freon Hydrofluoric acid.dry Chlorine.5 Thickness of strip. cold rolled full hard and precipitation hardened at 315°C (600 OF) for 2 h to achieve maximum hardness.dilute Gasoline Hydrofluosilicic acid Hydrogen Hydrogenperoxide Nitrogen Nitricacid.up to0.25mmfyear (0. Strip.lyear) attack C17200: Microstructure. Striations are caused by metastable precipitates not resolved by optical microscopy.318/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C17200: Aging. Effect of metal thickness and heating medium on aging time required to develop maximum strength in strip LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 0 Thickness of strip. 400x 80 80 60 c 'E . Longitudinal section shows elongated grains of ex phase and cobalt beryllides.up to 0.(b) Ammonia. rural.001-0.10 in."E'" 40 c: ~ 20 0.cold. mill hardened to XHMS (TM08) temper for high strength and limited formability.5 mmfyear (0.aerated Aceticacid. Longitudinal section shows elongated grains of ex phase and cobalt beryllides.over0. Strip.concentrated Hydrogen sulfide. solution annealed. dry Ammonium chloride Atmosphere.l% Hydrocyanic acid Hydrofluoric acid.unaerated Potassium sulfate Potassium hydroxide Propane Sodiumhydroxide Rosin Sodiumhypochlorite Sodiumbicarbonate Sodiumperoxide Sodiumchloride Sodiumsulfide Sodiumsulfate Sulfur Sulfurdioxide Sulfurchloride Sulfurtrioxide Sulfuricacid. 0.aerated Picricacid Potassium cyanide Silverchloride Sodiumcyanide Stannicchloride Sulfuricacid. aeratedorhot C17200: Microstructure. Strip. 20 40 60 C17200: Microstructure. solution annealed at 790°C (1455 OF) and cold rolled at 37% to full hard temper. moist Ammonium hydroxide Ammonium nitrate Bromine. indusAmmonium sulfate trial. freshorsalt Zincchloride Poorresistance(c) Aceticacid.unaerated Aceticanhydride Alcohols Acetylene Ammonia.025-2.cold.unaerated Water.01 inJyear) attack. moist Lacticacid. moistor warm Chromicacid Ferricchloride Ferricsulfate Fluorine. Striations result from precipitation of metastable phases not resolved by optical microscopy.0 1.1% Phosphoric acid.aerated Sulfurousacid (a) <0.01 in. marine Benzene Aniline Borax Bromine.25 mmfyear(0.hotoraerated Mercuricchloride Mercury Mercurysalts Nitricacid. 400x Chlorine.lyear) attack. mm 2.5 1.001 in. 765 l . ...... C17200 strip ~ 700 Ii- 350 1------->.L -'- ----J'-- 4 5 2 E 600 s C17200: Time-temperature relationships...2l 0 wwwl As-received ~Aged 90 :........ quarter hard.~. « . < _ .. . and hard C17200 strip aged at various temperatures in a recirculating-air furnace LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Cl c: '0..Wrought Copper I 319 400...) thick and was aged 3 h at 315°C (600 OF).... Variation in hardness for 50 batches of aged spring contact receptacles stamped from quarter hard C17200 strip 15 C17200 Aim '" CD J:: sm r« ~ 10 ..- ..----+------+----+-- '" 1il ..._ _ 1 ~ a m :::l ~ :.0 5 0 75 76 77 Hardness...0075 in.17 to 0.0 ._ + .. CD a...0 E :::l 60 Z 30 0 1520 Tensile strength.. . HR15N 78 79 Spring contact receptacle .. Time-temperature relationships in aging of C17200 strip.J 500 6 C17200: Tensile strength... ....... ...L- o ._ _ _ I .... The number of tests of each group was 200 Tensile strength. ..._ ...0 0...." " .----r-------r-----r-----r-------._ + _ .. E :::l z 0.. half hard.. ksi 100 150 120 110 190 200 120 1----/------1.....0121 :.19 mm (0.0065 to 0. showing aging time required for the development of maximum strength in annealed.------... Cl c: -- ~ 250 L.. The strip was 0.0131 0.... : : _ l _ _ : .L.... MPa • C17200: Hardness. 2l . Variation in tensile strength of hard C17200 strip after aging.... E a. Strip and wire.0. resolidifies as p phase. Strip heated to 885°C (1625 OF) and water quenched. Strip.2Cu". diaphragms.. and machining operations Machinability. switch parts. Temperature range is 450 to 550°C (840 to 1020 "F) Typical Uses..5HT HT Thnsllestrength MPa ksI 725 830 105 120 YIeldstrength MPa ksi 620 760 90 110 Elongation in SOmm(2 in. 99. Other welding processes are rated fair. springs. Structure is equiaxed grains of supersaturated solid solution of beryllium in copper. Composition limits.35 to 0.0. 400x C. grinding. Safety precautions are mandatory for all melting. Partial melting at the grain boundaries.320 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C17200: Microstructure. lead frames.3Be".20 Al max.15 to 0. brazing. 0. die casting plunger tips. 15 12 95 95 min HRB Fatigue strength MPa ksI 300 43 . tooling for plastic molding. Temperature range is 650 to 925 °C (1200 to 1695 "F) C17410: Nominal mechanical properties of mill-hardened strip Temper 0. Typical hardness is 62 HRB. and resistance spot welding is rated good. Joining by soldering.5 Cu min + Ag + named elements Characteristics Formability. 300x C17200: Microstructure.5Co) Chemical Composition. 25% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Hot Working. The microstructure shows "burned metal" caused by solution annealing at too high a temperature.20 Fe max. caused by extreme temperatures.% Hardness. Not recommended: oxyacetylene welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Cold and hot forming capability are rated excellent. Beryllium copper. welding.20 Si max. and electrical connectors.. 0.). which appear as dark nodules in a light matrix. Rod and plate go into resistance spot welding tips.17200: Microstructure. solution treated 10 min at 790°C (1455 OF) and water quenched. solution annealed and aged at 370°C (700 OF) for 6 h to attain an overaged condition. 0. a potential health hazard. 0.5 Be.60 Co. fasteners. The structure shows y precipitates in the grain boundaries. Caveat: the alloy contains beryllium. fuse clips. 0. 700x C1 10 (99. its prior heat treatment. The microstructure of strip and rod is fine-grain. tubing. All annealing of this alloy is a solution treatment. bal Cu Specifications (U.130 240-380 35-55 690-825 100-120 ProportiollJlllimit at 0.10 Fe max.e. quenched rapidly to room temperature and precipitation hardened at 480 °C (900 OF) for 3 h to achieve maximum hardness.40 to 0.30 45-60 5Q. The beryllide (Cu. plate.70 Be. i. Rod.S.14O 50-75 20-35 3-10 10-20 8-15 1-4 8-15 28-50 70-80 92-100 98-102 98-103 79-88 2Q. Commercial practice: 2 to 3 h at 470 to 495°C (890 to 900 OF). uniformly dispersed beryllides. Regardless of product type there is little difference in microstructure between the annealed and aged conditions. Resistance Welding Manufacturers' Association. Common name. bar: MIL-C-46087. OHSArequirements must be strictly observed-normally those involving flooding and/or special ventilation to prevent the inhaling or ingesting of metal dust Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Annealing. HRB ElectricnJ conductivity. 2.95 8Q. and/or Foreign). 400x C17500: Typical mechanical properties and electrical conductivity Temper Strip TBOO H04 TFOO TH04 HTR(b) HTC(c) Rod.Wrought Copper /321 C17500 (97Cu. Berylco 10.(b)Proprietary millhardening formaximum strength. Aging. with small. Provides combination of high strength and electrical conductivity. is ordered body centered cubic of the CsCl (B2) type.. The cobalt-beryllide phase is uniformly distributed. Strip. C17500 is readily machinable by all common methods. 0.2% offset MPa ksl Elongation inSOmm (2 in. bar. Appearance of the matrix of the beryllides depends on the extent of deformation and the state of heat treatment. (c)Proprietary millhardening maximum electrical conductivity . equiaxed alpha copper. bar.26O 35-38 205-240 30-35 140-205 380-550 550-690 690-825 760-965 345-515 20-30 55-80 80-100 100-120 1!Q. Temperature range is 700 to 925°C (1290 to 1695 oF) Hot shortness temperature: 980 °C (1795 oF) C17500: Microstructure. wire: 10 min at 900 to 955°C (1650 to 1750 "F). For strip. For maximum strength: 3 to 6 h at 425°C (795 oF). Solution Heat Treating. Alpha copper with beryllium in solid solution and with (Cu.50 other max (total). water quench.120 20-35 lQ. % Hardness.15 10-25 10-20 20-50 60-80 92-100 95-102 2Q. 10 alloy. Low beryllium copper Chemical Composition. SAE. depending on degree of cold work.6O 140-205 20-30 550-690 80-100 20-35 10-25 20-50 92-100 2Q. ASTM.Co) Be. Government. Cooling rate after aging is not critical (see adjoining Figure) Hot Working. Composition Limits. and type of machining operation.).30 2Q. Class III Ordinary metallographic techniques are used with one exception: OSHA requirements should be strictly observed. Rod. bar: B 441..2. For large sections: 1 h perinch or fraction of an inch at 900 to 925°C (1650 to 1695 OF). 0.70 Co. alloy 10.30 2Q.50Be. Recommended machining conditions depend greatly on part shape. rod. Strip: MIL-C-81021. Flat products: B 534.130 825-1035120-150 515-585 75-85 240-380 450-550 690-825 760-895 35-55 65-80 100-120 1!Q.1!0 30-60 Yieldstrength at 0.002% offset ksi MPa 69-140 240450 380-515 485-655 550-760 205415 10-20 35-65 55-75 7Q. J463.40 to 2. The alpha copper solid solution is face-centered cubic. mainly spherical. solution annealed at 900 °C (1650 OF).30 45-60 5Q.6O 45-60 60 min 140-205 380-515 550-690 690-825 20-30 55-75 80-100 1OQ. grinding must be done in a vented area Machinability. Crystal Structure. 0.O. water quench Microstructure. tubing TBOO H04 TFOO TH04 Forged products TBOO TFOO 'Thnsile strength ksi MPa 240-380 35-55 485-585 70-85 690-825 100-120 760-895 1!Q.30 45-60 (a) Reversed bendingat 108 cycles.. and metastable hardening precipitates are not resolved.5Co) Commercial Names. Microstructure shows equiaxed grains of supersaturated solution of beryllium and cobalt in copper. %lACS Fatiguestrength(a) MPa ksi 205 30 205 30 240 35 24Q.CO) Be beryllide inclusions. . .... solution annealed...t·C-- o .. W 15 o 10 60 ~ 40 r/ 1'i :I w /··t~·~ ----~25.. h (b) Solution-treating temperature..l_ _ o 2 4 6 Aging time..../480J~ .1/ v ... 370·C / ... / 20 l.L_..... °C 1000 C17500: Microstructure../ I: 400 ~ 400 40 200 30 200 20 *-1:' . -..C ..:.. (a) T800 temper. co .... *- C 0 20 ...:.~ Cl I: Cl I: 0 540·C. I: o 30 f .....~ m (e) 1400 ~ '~ 30 I . 15 25 900 Solution-treating temperature...c C..... .. 400x ..===::r::=-----..... 370 ·C \540·C-- 2! '0. " ... ... Strip. and precipitation hardened at 480°C (900 OF) for 2 h to achieve maximum hardness. OF al100 a: ::c > Q) C17500: Aging. ---.....A--=----+_...- y 42JC ~ 0 W *. ---_ ....--1--------::::425·C"370 ·C I /:315·C-: V- 20 As-rolled 4 6 Aging time.. I: f-- BOO Click here to view -- ti '0.... I: ti .. :ifF~-~. ....... _~ -----370 ·C y Click here to view 1600 I I 1800 I Cu-o. " en /540 50 I------. "0 . ..•. LIVE GRAPH /425 ·C --_... ... 40 0 roo /' 540 1·C ....322/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C17500: Aging curves......• 480·C 10 V \ .. aged m I: 'E co ::c 80 60 700 V V »: 800 s :J.. (b) T002 temper 1000 . Q) III C.--:.6Be-2.... . ..... ..£-t-... cold rolled.....c e I: e 600 2! -0:-:-::..' .. .. and metastable hardening precipitates are not resolved... g '~ -.- I~/ - .":1::.5Co.0..... Elongated grains are the result of cold work.480 ·C :f ( """'I" 60 . h 120 <l: '..... Structure consists of the <X phase and a uniform distribution of the beryllide phase. LIVE GRAPH 1000 140 Click here to view 480 ·C J co 0- ~ co BOO BOO 0~ . Effect of solution-treating temperature on hardness of C17500 after aging LIVE GRAPH I 50 .. I. OHSA requires ventilation.20Cr. (Cu. All annealing of this alloy is a solution treatment Aging.% Hardness.90 Co + Ni + Fe max Specifications (U. tubing. 50 alloy. Composition Limits. seam. Common name.90 to 1. Larger sections are annealed I h per inch or fraction of an inch at 900 to 925°C (1650 to 1695 OF). Composition Limits.550 690-825 76(). Resistance welding electrodes and wheels. Common etchants for inunersion etching are 3 part concentrateNH40H. Temperature range is 600 to 700°C (1110to 1290 OF) . quenching is in water Solution Heat Treating. 0.030 to 0. For producinglH04 temper. and seam resistance welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0.10 Ag.50 Be. and uniformly distributed Conventional metallographic techniquesare used. HRB %IACS 240-380 45(). beryllides are small.50 Cu + Be + additives min 0.120 (a)ForTBOO temper:solutiontreatstrip.70Co.120 110-130 140-205 38()'515 550-690 690-825 20-30 55-75 80-100 100-120 20-35 1()'15 10-25 10-20 20-50 60-80 92-100 95-102 20-30 20-30 45-60 50-60 31()'415 415-515 275-345 655-760 45-60 6(). Matrix is alpha copper.04Mg) Chemical Composition. alloy 50. Previoustrade name.For agingcast billetsor producingTFOO temper. quenching is in water. and projectionwelding methods. 99. switches.25 to 0. is ordered.060 Mg Characteristics Typical Uses.). heat sinks. Alpha copper solid solution is face-centered cubic. and continuous casting molds Formability. semiconductorbases.flash. Beryllium-copper Chemical Composition. welding.050to 0. SAE.0. wire.16Zr-0. This high conductivity alloy is designed especially for resistanceweldingelectrodesfor spot. J463 (CAI76). wire. mainly spherical. Rating for both cold and hot forming is excellent Joining. I part 3% H202. Commercial practice:2 to 3 hat 480°C (900 "F). circuit breakers.high-temperature wire. grinding.age 3 h at 470 to 500 °C (880 to 930 oF). bar.2 parts 10% (NH4)S203.40 to 1. Maximum strength is obtained with 3 to 6 h at 425°C (795 "F).2% offset MPa lui Electriall condnctMty. and/or Foreign). andtubing 10 min at 900 to 955°C (1650 to 1750 "F) andwaterquench:solutiontreatthicker productssuch as billet 1h for each 25 mrn (1 in.S.body-centeredcubic of the CsCI (B2) type Microstructure. Temperature range is from 750 to 925 °C (1380 to 1695 OF) Hot shortness temperatureis 975°C (1785 OF) C17600: Typical mechanical properties and electrical conductivity heat treated to various tempers 'Thmper(a) Rod. In dry grinding. 1. and 7 to 10 parts H20.30 Zr. and 100 mL H20 Typical Uses. 8 mL H2S04. plate TBOO H04 TRIO lH04 Billet As-cast Cast andaged TBOO TRIO Forged products TBOO TRXl 'Thnsile strength MPa ksi Yield streogtb at 0.age 2h at 470 to 500 °C (880 to 930 oF) C18100 (99Cu-0.75 40-50 95-110 105-240 205-380 69-115 515-550 15-35 30-55 10-17 75-80 15-25 10-20 20-40 3-15 60-65 65-90 10-45 92-100 32-37 40-50 22-28 50-60 140-205 20-30 550-690 80-100 20-35 10-25 25-45 92-100 20-30 50-60 240-380 35-55 69()'825 10(). 1. electrical connectors.Wrought Copper /323 C17600 Commercial Names. In wrought products with large amounts of deformation. Result is combinationof high strength and electrical conductivity Hot Working. Common etchants for swabbing are 3 g K2Cr207. Not recommended: oxyacetylene. and bar is from 900 to 950°C (1650 to 1740 "F) for 10 min.Co) Be. rod. 1. brazeabilityand weldabilitywith gasshielded arc method are rated good. Elongation in50 mm(2iu. Solderabilityis excellent.40 Co + Ni min. the beryIIide. rod. Temperature range for treating strip.)of thickness or fractionthereofat 900 to 925°C (1650 to 1695 "F) andwaterquench. 1.5 g NaCl. Caveat: OHSA requires ventilation during melting. Class ill Characteristics Crystal Structure.8Cr-0. Resistance WeldingManufacturers'Association. Butt resistance welding is fair. and all machining operations 1. smaller Widmanstlitten beryllide in the grain.9OO 35-55 65-80 10(). The alloy is machinableby all conventionalmethods Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. clip. large and sharply angular bluegray beryIIide inclusions in grain boundaries of cast product. 40 to 1.) diameter mos lH08 TFOO(b) 1D04 lH04(c) lH03. Soldering properties are good.) wallthickoess 060 275 40 105 15 50 59HRF Thbe.ngth ksi MPa Yleldst_gth MPa ksi Elongation in (Zin.04 ln. switch gears. impacting. 0. 0.20 others max (total).10 Si max. HRB 16 59 Flat products. CA185. circuit breaker parts. C18500) C18200.ngth MPa ksl Yieldst". Wire: F9. ASTM.l00 mm (4. CA182.08 to 0.ngth(a) ksi MPa Elongation in SO mm(Zin.) diameter TFOO 495 Rod. Temperature range is 790 to 925°C (1455 to 1695 "F) Strip 10wIIe st".324/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Solution Heat Treating. flash welding tips. electrical and thermal conductors requiring more strength than that provided by unalloyed coppers.212 fn.09410.12 Ag.) thick TFOO Rod: 4 mm (0. Temperature range is 400 to 500°C (750 to 930 OF) for 1 h 'Thmper Hot Working.75 mm (3. 75 mm (3.) outside dlameter x 2. aged 460 495 67 72 430 455 62 66 6 10 WIre Cold worked (60% reduction) Cold worked (60% reduction). 0.005 Ca max. and switch contacts Machinability. bal Cu + Ag Composition Limits (C18500). 0. 0. electrode holders. bal Cu +Ag Composition Limits (C18400). followed by necessary heat treatment. Composition Limits (C18200).4 mm (0. Bar. seam welding wheels.5 mm (0. solution annealed or drawn temper) by drawing.04 P max. SAE.). 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. CA184. Temperature range is 800 to 925°C (1470 to 1695 "F) Chemical Composition.8 mm (1. 0. Not recommended: oxyfuel gas. Chromium-copper Aging. shielded metal arc. 9. J463 (C18400 only).) diameter 380 Thbe. Temperature range is 900 to 975°C (1650 to 1785 "F) for 1 h C18l00: Nominal mechanical properties of strip and wire Aging. current carrying arms and shafts. 0. bending. (b) Aged 3 h at 500 °C (930 oF).4 mm (0.5% extension under load. 0.00 Cr. aged 480 515 495 550 500 585 70 75 72 80 73 85 435 470 455 475 455 515 63 68 11 6 66 5 12 4 75 13 66 69 Hardness. 0.C18400. and suited for cold working (in soft. HRB 80 C18200. spot welding tips.0 ln.) diameter 74 86 505 530 73 77 5 14 TBoo 45 70 57 77 77 97 380 385 450 460 14 55 56 65 67 40 21 16 19 70 65 82 83 72 450 65 18 80 TFOO 485 Rod. strip: MIL-C-19311 (CI8400.50 In.60 to 1. Suited for hot working by extrusion. and/or Foreign). 0.005 As max. 50 mm (2. 0.50 others max (total). Chrome copper 999 (CI8200).05 Li max. coupled with medium-to-high conductivity.0 ln. rod.05 Pb max. Temperature range is 980 to 1000 °C (1795 to 1830 "F) for 10 to 30 min. 'J> Cold worked (40% reduction) Cold worked (40% reduction). 0.0 ln. and C18500: Typical mechanical properties 'Iemper 10nsilest".15 Fe max. 50 mm (2.) outside dlameter x 5. 0. aged Cold worked (90% reduction) Cold worked (90% reduction). Properties developed in heat treatment are lowered by welding and brazing temperatures. cable connectors.l mm (0. 0. bal Cu + Ag Specifications (U.) diameter 65 380 55 18 70 TFOO 55 295 43 25 68 TFOO(b) 1D04 lH04(c) 66 Plate.7 Zn max.05 Pmax. quenching is in water T004 lH04.015 Pb max. 31. C18400.10 Si max. rolling.) thick TBoo 235 350 365 460- 34 51 53 67 130 250 350 405 19 36 51 59 40 22 6 14 79 400 58 290 42 25 70 385 56 275 40 30 68 510 595 Rod. molds.40 to 1. Temperature range is 425 to 500°C (795 to 930 "F) for 2 to 4 h Hot Working.375 in.20 Cr. Previous trade name.25 in. and resistance seam welding TFOO Plate. 0.C18500(99Cu·1C~ Commercial Names. 0. or swaging Joining. (e) Aged 3 h at 450°C (840 oF) . Government. heading.0 in. cold worked 6% 310 485 395 530 530 11 Rod. 0.0 in.10 Fe max.) wallthlekness Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. resistance spot. For applications requiring combination of excellent cold workability and good hot workability. and forging (subsequent solution treatment required). 0.) diameter 70 450 65 18 75 TFOO 450 Rod. such processes normally applied to material in soft condition.) thick Characteristics Typical Uses.0 in. Common name. forgings. cold-worked 28% 405 475 59 69 395 435 57 63 21 26 67 84 (a) At 0.04 Li max.). aged Cold worked (75% reduction) Cold worked (75% reduction).13 mm (0.25 mm (1. Uses include resistance welding electrodes.S.156 In. 0.20 Cr. 'J> Banlness. Wrought Copper /325 C18200: Microstructure. 85% that ofC36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. temperature.46 0. Temperaturerange is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 "F) Hot Working. % Hardness.1 Pb) Commercial Names. B 469 Characteristics TYpical Uses. contact springs. 0.50 Pb. switch parts. Not recommended: most arc.80 to 1. Tubing: Bill. flexible hose.70 to 99.97Cu". Oxygen-free grades are those containing deoxidizers (such as P. embrittlement can be rapid Machinability.04 P Specifications (U. lead fumes Machinability. if all chromium goes into solid solution. 6 13 19 25 0. bal Cu. Rod J463 Annealing. automotive hydraulic brake lines cable wrap. starting where there is the most cold work before heat treatment (right). gift hollowware.80 to 1. H04 temper Diameter mm in. eyelets. HRB 10 11 12 14 55 50 50 50 Shear strength MPa ksi 200 205 200 195 32 30 29 28 C19200 (98. 0.10 other max (total).25 0. brazing is good. electrical connectors and terminals. alloy is subject to embrittlement when heated in a reducing atmosphere (as in annealing or brazing) at temperatures of350 °C (660 "F) or above. However. Solderability is excellent.O..0Fe". gas. rod: B 301. om to 0.95 1. and/or Foreign).). cold work. and resistance welding processes Chemical Composition.S. Common name. fuse clips. ASTM. 0. B 359. 0. Caveats: unless specifically deoxidized. circuit breaker components. which gives higher hardness after quenching and aging.18 0.c:: (J 0.45x 0. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 "F) Characteristics Typical Uses.. Free-machining copper Joining.03P) Chemical Composition. motor parts. those for hot forming.58 ~ 0 E ::I ·s. 20% that of C3600Q (free-cutting brass) .75 1. poor C18700: Typical mechanical properties of rod. Chromium copper. Leaded copper. applications requiring resistance to softening and stress corrosion. uncontrolled grain growth results.0 Tensilestrength MPa ksi 415 380 365 350 60 55 53 51 Yieldstrength MPa ksi 380 345 330 315 55 50 48 46 Elongotion in 50mm (2 ln.8% Cr. SAE. chromium content. Flat product. Electrical connectors. Rolled strip and tubing for air conditioning and heat exchanger tubing. Excessive grain growth embritties grain boundaries.50 0. B. B 395. Previous trade name.1 . or Li) may be specified Recommended Heat Treating Practice Specifications (U.S. Solutionizing increases solubility of chromium. Cold working properties are good. 0. and time at temperature must be controlled to prevent complete solution of chromium and uncontrolled grain growth. Composition Limits.20 Fe.19 Cu. and/or Foreign).5 10 15 20 30 Percent reduction before heat treatment C18700 (99Cu". solutionized 5 min at 1010 °C (1850 OF).. ASTM. 0. Composition Limits. and screw machine parts requiring high conductivity. 98. If hydrogen or carbon monoxide is present.75 0 . 60 Fe.19 in.15 P. plus high strength and conductivity. Both cold and hot forming properties are excellent Temper Tensilestrength ksi MPa Yield51rength ksi MPa Joining.35Fe-O. 65% that of C37700 (forging brass) C19200: Typicalmechanical properties Joining. and terminals Machinability. brazing.15 Fe. drawing.5 mm (0. and coated metal arc welding properties are rated excellent.. lead frames. spinning. 0.15 others max (total).04 P.8 mm (0. Applications include circuit breaker components. 1 mm (0. Appropriate temperatures are found in adjoining Table . hot forging and pressing. and/or Foreign).03P) Chemical Composition. bending.) diameter 060 082 H02 H04 H06 H08 HI0 310 395 395 450 485 510 530 45 57 57 65 70 74 77 140 min 20 min 305 44 44 305 60 415 460 67 490 71 510 74 .04 in. 0. and upsetting. Flat products: B 465. coppersrnithing. High-strength. Soldering. Soldering.20 Zn. Not Recommended: gas shielded are. welded condenser tubes. spot.03 in. 2. electrical connectors. heading. semiconductor lead frames. electrical clamps. and terminals. 0. modified copper. ASTM. B 586 Characteristics Typical Uses. % Hardness. and gas-shielded arc welding properties are excellent. ASME. 0.) outside diameter x 0.2% offsel under load MPa ksl MPa ksi Tensile strength MPa ksi Eiongalion in SOmm (Z ta). Alloy may be formed by blanking. resistance and oxyacetylene welding properties are good. and cable shielding Chemical Composition.) outside diameter x 3 mm (0.326/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Forgeability. Butt. Not recommended: coated metal are. 48 mm (1. plug contacts.87Cu-O. and stamping Joining. bal Cu Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 25 min 20 9 7 3 2min 2 min 38 55 55 72 75 76 77 HRB Strip.S. Temperature range is from 700 to 815°C (1290 to 1500 OF) Hot Working.05 to 0.05 Machinability. Composition Limits. Thblng. squeezing. flexible hose.12 ln.. % 13 6 4 2 C19400 (Cu-2. Oxyacetylene welding properties are rated good. springs. spot and seam resistance welding HOI H02 H04 H08 345 390 440 490 330 385 435 480 50 57 64 71 48 56 63 70 Elongation in SOmm(Zln).03 Sn max. Where requirement calls for excellent cold and hot workability. coining. bal Cu Specifications (U. Previous trade name. Composition Limits. roll threading and knurling. Temperature range is 700 to 900 °C (1290 to 1650 "F) Typical Uses. piercing and punching.015 to 0. and gas tungsten arc welding properties are excellent Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. gaskets. gift hollowware. brazing. Soldering. 0.) wall thickness 050 290 42 160 23 150 22 30 060 255 37 83 12 76 11 40 H80(4O%) 385 56 360 52 360 52 7 Thbing. Temperature range is from 825 to 950°C (1520 to 1740 oF) Temper Yieldstrength Al 0. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) to 0. HSM copper rivets. Weldedtubing:SB543.025 to 0. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) C19210: Nominal tensile properties of sheet Formability. 0. fuse clips.10 to 2. Air conditioning and heat exchanger tubing. shearing. brazing.03 Pb max.) wall thickness H55 290 42 215 31 205 30 35 C19210 (99. contact springs.1 Fe-O. and butt welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0.12Zn) Commercial Names. welded tubing: B 543. Temperature range is 450 to 550°C (840 to 1020 "F) Hot Working.03P-O.88 ln.5% exleusion At 0. Formability. resistance seam. 2 19.04 in.1 31.4 43.64 mm (0.Wrought Copper I 327 C19400: Typical mechanical properties Yield strenglb at 0. %IACS 460 450 440 415 415 400 385 350 315 310 305 305 67 65 64 60 60 59 56 51 46 45 44 44 450 435 415 385 360 345 310 220 140 115 110 110 65 63 60 56 52 50 45 32 20 17 16 16 3 5 9 12 14 16 17 23 33 34 36 36 64(a) 52 51 49 48 48 510 495 485 330 325 315 315 310 305 295 290 285 74 72 70 48 47 46 46 45 44 43 42 41 490 460 415 170 145 140 140 130 130 115 110 105 71 3 5 8 25 27 28 31 33 34 34 35 35 65 66 67 71 74 69 64(a) 58 52 49 48 48 67 60 25 21 20 20 19 19 17 16 15 66 67 68 68 72 71 (a) Conductivitymaybe restoredto about70% lACS by holdingat 500 °C (930 "F) for I h .8 171 148 125 105 82 65 47 24.5 73.4 17.8 (a) Stresscausingsecondarycreep of0.. 25 mm (1 in.5 73 55 66 28 16 9 4 3 2 1 9 2 Thbing.0 45.8 29.) thick 060 310 050 345 082 400 Flat products. 1 mm (0.9 21.000h (extrapolatedfrom 10.9 12.0 13.01% per 1000h in a 10.4 6.5 20.5 Yieldstrengtb at 0.000h) C19400: Typical room-temperature and low-temperature (cryogenic) properties Temper Tensile strengtb ksi MPa Room-temperature properties 061 47 325 H02 405 59 H04 66 455 Cryogenic properties: -196°C (-320°F) 061 475 69 H02 570 83 H04 615 89 YIeld strength at 0.) outside diameter x 0.1 15..1 Tensilestrength Temper MPa ksi Flat products.9 20. 0. iIe strength.9 20.4 18. mln(a) MPa ksi 190 171 143 124 110 96 84 74 27.OllO-h test.5 60 66 68 69 69 60 66 8 (a) At 10 cycles as detennined by therotating-beamtest C19400: Typical elevated-temperature properties of annealed strip Testlempernture OF °C Te.).. % HRB 45 50 58 150 max 160 255 22 max 23 37 29 min 28 15 38 45 58 65 70 73 77 80 min 315(d) 380 465 486 507 530 min 46(d) 55 67.).8 18.5 47.1 38.2%olfset SOmm(21n.) thick H02 400 H04 450 H06 485 H08 505 Hl0 530 H14 550 min Elongafion in SO mm (2 In. % MPa ksi Electrical conductlvily.) wall thickness 060 310 45 050 345 50 WM02 400 58 WM04 450 65 WM06 485 70 WMOB 505 73 WMlO 525 76 H55(15%) 400 58 H80(35%) 470 68 Faligue strengtb(a) MPa ksi HR30T 66 69 71 72 74 >73 38 45 61 73 74 75 76 61 73 110 16 145 21 148 141 21.025 In.2% olfset MPa .6 36.5 70.6 19. min MPa ksi 150 144 144 144 139 135 131 131 127 123 116 22.5 41.9 40. min MPa ksi Ambient 65 95 120 150 175 205 230 260 290 315 341 324 313 300 289 276 266 253 235 219 203 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 49.0 19.0 16..8 20.2 11.8 16.5 77 min 18 7 3 3 2 max 2 max 68 73 74 75 77 165 205 365 435 465 486 505 380 455 24 30 53 63 67. mln(b) MPa ksl Creep strengtb.9 20.5 70.8 Stress-rupture stress.2%olfset MPa ksi Elongation In SOmm(21n.2 10.0 20.8 34. % 170 360 405 25 52 59 28 15 10 195 425 485 28 62 70 38 30 23 C19400: Annealing response of strip Annealing temperature OF OC H04temper 100 212 205 400 315 600 370 700 425 800 480 900 540 1000 595 1100 650 1200 705 1300 760 1400 815 1500 HI0temper 100 212 205 400 315 600 370 700 425 800 480 900 540 1000 595 1100 650 1200 705 1300 760 1400 815 1500 Tensllestrength MPa ksi YIeld strength at Elongation In 0.).2%olfset.9 mm (0.9 9.035 in.0 18.6 24. (b) Stresscausingrupture in 100. and lead frames C19700: Nominal mechanical properties of strip Machinability. Temperature range is from 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 oF) . drawing. metals. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Specifications (U. 0. Face centered. jewelry plaques.05 Co. Temperature range is from 450 to 600°C (840 to 1110 "F) HotWorking. 0.40 P..00 Co. 0. CA210 Crystal Structure. sockets. Rolled bar.10 to 0.20 Fe. Wire: B 134.015 to 0. Generally suited for parts requiring excellent formability. and high conductivity . Wire: QQ-W-321. Previous trade name. Temperature range is from 375 to 600°C (710 to 1110 OF) to 1. Machinability.08 to 0. Government. base for vitreous enamel Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. (See adjoining Figure showing variation in tensile strength with annealing temperature.2P-0.00 to 96. 0. high strength.70 Fe. Strescon Recommended Heat Treating Practice Chemical Composition.{.5Fe-0. SAE.30 to 1. terminals. '. Composition Limits. Applications are in two categories: (1) Parts requiring a combination of strength and exceptional resistance to softening.6 Annealing. J463. max)..15Cu-0. HRB 170min 395-530 505-605 585-650 650 min 25 min 57-77 73-88 85-94 94 min 25 min 11-17 3-13 2-5 2 max 81-89 85-88 87-90 90 min atO.{. bal Zn. Alloy is suited to forming by bending.05 others max (each). and/or Foreign). Temperature range is from 750 to 950 °C (1380 to 1740 oF) Typical Uses. 0.2 Sn and Zn (each. 0. and stamping C19700 (99. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) ThnsUe strength 1<51 MPa Thmper 061 050 H02 H08 HIO 360 min 520-590 565-620 605-670 670 min MPa ksl ElongationIn 50 mm (1 IlL).328/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C19500 (97Cu-1.6Fe-0. 0. shells.02 AI max. cable sheathing. tokens. and strip: B 36. combined with high strength and conductivity.8 Cu + named elements min Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Ni. circuit breaker components. Gilding metal.) Machinability.1 P-0. 0. bal Cu Characteristics C19500: Typical mechanical properties Yieldstrength Typical Uses. 0. Composition Limits.6Sn) Trade Name.05 Fe max. 0. Hardn. base for gold plate.05 Pb max. '.10 others max (total).{. Temperature range is from 425 to 800°C (795 to 1470 "F) HotWorking. (See adjoining Figure for effect of Zn content on properties. Sheet and strip: MIL-C-21768 Recrystallization. ASTM. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent Elongation in 50 mm 'Iemper ThnsUe strength MPa 1<51 MPa 1<51 (:!ilL).12 P. 0. 99. 1. coining.00 Cu. fuse clips.S. (2) Parts requiring excellent cold and hot workability. max). Temperature is 370°C (700 oF) for 50% reduction and 0. sheet. 95%.70 Sn.1'.40 to 0..0. emblems. 94. and lead (each.) Characteristics Typical Uses. Hardness. HRB H02 H04 H06 H08 380 450 480 500 315 415 470 490 46 60 68 71 10 6 3 2 68 70 73 75 55 65 70 73 YIeld strength C21000 (95Cu-5Zn) Commercial Names. 0. and other currentcarrying parts. Composition Limits. ftring pin supports. 0.05Mg) Chemical Composition.02 Pb max. Coins. fuse caps and primers. cubic alpha ChemicalComposition.8Co-0. plate. bullet jackets.070 mm initial grain size. Mn. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability.0&1 52min 75-85 82-90 88-97 97 min Formability.30 to 1. clips. Cold and hot forming properties are excellent Joining. Examples: electrical and electronic connectors. such as electrical springs.20 Zn max. connectors. 45 80 100 90 600 40 70 80 Q.0 4. ~ £500 C. % Hardness.5 0 c 40 20 30 Zinc content. (/) 30 U 50 25 300 40 200 80 40 100 30 60 40 20 80 Reduction of area by drawing.2 Cu 10 30 20 Zinc content. 75 's E 11. % c: . a: :f :I: '" "E u> 60 35 Q) . 0 ~ '385 "t:J E c 80 0 s 75 tCu ::> .g Cl c E E 1ii 60 ~400 u> c: 1ii ~ 'iii c: < ~ u.6 3. '. % 'iii .2 64 70 73 45 45 42 25 12 5 4 4 10 11 14 32 40 50 55 58 Shear strength MPa ksI Hardoeu HRB HR30T ElongationIn 50mm!% In. % 'iii c: {!!.015mrn grainsize) Quarterhard Halfhard Hard Extrahard Spring 34 35 38 42 48 56 61 64 235 240 260 290 330 385 420 440 69 76 97 220 275 345 380 400 46HRF 52HRF 60HRF 38 :. :I: 21 r::: 11.Wrought Copper /329 C21000: Typicalmechanical properties 'IIm.l> Yieldstrength!a) MPa ksI 4 15 44 54 60 64 66 28 30 32 34 37 39 40 195 205 220 235 255 270 275 Note: Values for flatproducts.04 in.4 .4 \ Density and velocity of sound 8. c: 20 Q) 11...050mrngrainsize) 05035 anneal (0. Variation of propertieswith zinc contentfor wroughtcopper-zincalloys LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 700 .1 mrn(0.e 90 C) 13 '" 12. % 30 Thermal (% of copper) 50 c: 0 25 Electrical (%IACS) 0 11 30 Electrical and thermel conductivities .5 0 12 .J!. % LIVE GRAPH -!!! 9.).(a)At 0. cold drawn tempers Elongation 100 22 060 temper 90 12. c0 ~::l. I I 20 Zinc content.J!.6 0 ~ 0 ~ 'u 8.~ ti::> "t:J 0 o "t:J 10 20 Zinc content. 00 ~ a: 80 Cl :I: 0 '" "E c: ~ u> W '0 Q) c: .Q Q) \ > \ 3.lIestrength MPa ksi Thmper 05050 anneal (0..0 ~ ~ .5% extensionunderload LIVE GRAPH Click here to view C21000: Properties.)thick.035mrn grainsize) 05015 anneal (0.8 '"E .5 c 'iii 40 100 Click here to view Jj -ce 20 Zinc content. tl 18 10.5 'i c: '3~. c: ::> -g 0 :I: 50 {!!. {!!..0 1ii E E LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 50 Cu 9.8 3. 70 c: o 'iii -'" .!:! Cl i- 'iii c: Q) 0 ::> 8. '" 0.2 50 30 Cu 40 10 20 30 Zinc content.5 17 10 0 ~ l!! c: 60 ::> Q) Q) 10 !i: II 8 0 70 '0 0 Cu 10 LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Click here to view 40 . % 40 3.0 !i: Q) 0 u> ::> u> 19 10.0 8. . Characteristics CA220 Typical Uses. ASTM... Rolled bar. 20 C) o 400 E N ".'" /7"0-. Strip: B 36 and B 130. and/or Foreign). 200 200 - ~ . rivets. Variation of tensile strength with annealing temperature..015 to 0... Sheet and strip: MIL-C-21768. rotating bands for projectiles: MIL-B-20292. 0. aluminum..) Annealing... 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Specifications (U. Grain size before annealing was 0. Hardware: escutcheons. As-rolled - C21000: Tensile strength. Wire: B 134. Face-centered. Recrystallization temperature. line clamps. Bands. 500 --. iron. waveguides 0. Variation of tensile strength and grain size with annealing temperature.Grain size . grillwork.070 mm 400 ~ 'iii LIVE GRAPH Click here to view c OJ 40 I- t--.) in diameter that was cold drawn to a 37% reduction in area and then annealed 1 h at the indicated temperature. Miscellaneous: compacts.- c (29) As-drawn ~/ / 60 700 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . rectangular waveguides: MIL-W-85.. bal Zn. Commercial bronze..04 in. (58) 300 'iii (43) ~ 200 / 100 200 300 / V""" L 40 '" 'iii c ". Government. plate. rectangular waveguide: B 372..070 mm grain size ----'. base for vitreous enamel. °C 500 600 C22000: Tensile strength.) thick ready-to-finish strip that was cold rolled 50% then annealed 1 h at the indicatedtemperature. 0.. Rolled bar. Tubing. strip. SAE.05 Fe max. 90%. Temperature is 370 °C (700 oF) for 37% reduction and 0. screen wire. cadmium. rotatingprojectile: MIL-B18907. 89. OF 500 (721 200 400 I I' 600 800 . Wire: QQ-W-321. marine hardware. cubic alpha sheet: B 36. Munitions: primer caps. MIL-W-6712.---- 30 700 600 Annealing temperature. plate. Architectural: etching bronze. screw shells.00 to 91.002 in. Previous trade name.---. Blanks. and seamless tube: J463 (CA220). weather stripping. Seamless tube: B 135. bullet jackets: MIL-C-3383. (See adjoining Figure concerning variations in tensile strength and grain size with annealing temperature. ornamental trim. OF 500 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 I I I I I ~ r- --- ~0. Data are for rod less than 25 mm (1 in. Note: see comments on consequences of impurity limits (for lead.. rotating bands.r-.J' r---. chromium. and Crystal Structure. Temperature range is 425 to 800 °C (795 to 1470 oF) Hot Working. Temperature range is 750 to 875 °C (1380 to 1610 oF) Annealing temperature. bullet jackets: B 131. Cups. °C C22000 (90Cu-10Zn) Commercial Names. Tube.330 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Annealing temperature.00 Cu.050 mm (0..050 mm ::I. and phosphorus in article on C26000. 370 °C (700 OF) for initial grain sizes of 0. lipstick cases. sheet. Chemical Composition.015 -I"- mm grain size 60 'iii 300 -'" £ 0> <: OJ 50 ~ "'~-. Data are for 1 mm (0. Composition Limits.. nickel.) For effect of zinc content on properties.. Seamless tubing for microwave usage: MIL-T52069 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Recrystallization. " 100 70 .05 Pb max. arsenic. see Figure in article on C21000 Machinability.. costume jewelry.~ .. screen cloth. Cups...S. kickplates.r--_ Annealing temperature. I' 1000 1200 I I ~nsile strength 'iii ~ co 400 0- :2 ~<: ~ ~ <..) initial grain size. screws. 2 mm (0. emblems. lipstick containers.) diameter 05050 05035 05025 05015 HOO HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 275 285 295 310 325 385 470 570 615 670 40 41 43 45 47 56 68 83 89 97 (a) At 0. n.) wall thickness 05025 H8O(b) 260 415 38 60 275 310 40 45 83 365 12 53 50 6 57 69HRB 50 25 55 42HRB 12 62 Rod. 87.5Zn) Commercial Names.) outside diameter x 1. 86.Next Page Wrought Copper /331 C22000: Typical mechanical properties Thmper Yield ThMiIe strength MPa ksi strengthen) MPa ksl 255 260 270 280 310 360 420 460 495 270 37 38 39 41 45 52 61 67 72 39 69 83 97 105 240 310 370 400 425 97 10 12 14 15 35 45 54 58 62 14 45 45 44 42 25 11 5 4 3 44 53 57 60 65 42HRB 58HRB 70HRB 75HRB 78HRB 60 260 360 255 38 52 37 83 310 69 12 45 10 50 15 45 57 58HRB 53 275 290 305 345 415 510 570 620 40 42 44 50 60 74 83 90 Hardness IIRF HRJOT Eioogalion in SOmm(210.) diameter 05035 HOO (a) AtO. 'Iemper Thnslle strenglh ksl MPa Yieldstrengthen) MPa ksi Eiongnlion in SOmm(21o. fasteners.5%.7 mm (0. channels. 25 mm (1 in.) thick 05050 05035 05025 05015 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 M20 19~ 6 12 16 26 44 56 63 67 69 205 215 220 230 240 260 275 290 215 28 30 31 32 33 35 38 40 42 31 205 240 195 30 35 28 205 220 230 235 255 290 30 32 33 34 37 42 220 230 32 33 Flat products. Temperature range is 750 to 900 °C (1380 to 1650 OF) 05050 05035 05025 05015 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 270 275 290 305 325 370 455 495 545 39 40 42 44 47 54 66 72 79 76 90 105 110 255 325 385 415 425 11 13 15 16 37 47 56 60 62 46 45 44 42 25 12 5 4 4 90 105 115 125 240 360 415 440 450 455 13 15 17 18 35 52 60 64 65 66 44 42 40 38 26 12 7 5 4 3 Wire.) thick Characteristics Typical Uses. Hardware: chain. Previous trade name. Architectural: angles.) diameter 05035 05015 HOO HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 50 48 27 13 6 4 3 3 Thbing. Jewelry bronze.) strip rolled to six Brown and Sharpe numbers hard from a 0.% Hardness 55HRF 59HRF 64HRF 68HRF 47HRB 61HRB 73HRB 78HRB 82HRB 200 205 215 220 235 250 275 290 305 29 30 31 32 34 36 40 42 44 70HRB 200 205 215 220 235 250 275 29 30 31 32 34 36 40 Shear strength MPa ksI 0.250 ln.08 in. (Also see adjoining Figure.001 in.65 mm (0. eyelets. Jewelry bronze C22600: Typicalmechanical properties Chemical Composition. Temperature range is 425 to 750°C (795 to 1380 OF) Hot Working.080 in.04 in.05 Pb max.005 Fe max. base for gold plates Machinability.00 Cu. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Recrystallization. Composition Limits.5% extension underload.00 to 89.04 in. costume jewelry.065 in.) grain size. 1 mm (0. bal Zn Flat products.2 mm (0.5Cu-12.5% extensionunderload . % Shear strength MPa ksi Flat products.040 ln. 6 mm (0. CA226.) thick 05035 H02 M20 Wire. plaques. Novelties: compacts.). Common name.035 mm (0. Temperature is about 330°C (625 OF) for 1 mm (0.). etched articles. 0.500 in. slide fasteners.) Annealing. (b) Drawn35% C22600 (87.l mm (0. ) and annealed 1 h at various temperatures 50 tl 40 ~ 30 c: ( L-/ II E 0. sheet. weather strip. forgings..065 in.001 in. 500 ~ . and/or Foreign).=c: . Plate. shapes.zinc content. tags Machinability. Seamless tubing: B 135.035 mm that was cold rolled 50% to a thickness of 1 mm (0. Finned tubing: SB359.) wall tbickness 05050 275 40 83 12 60 15 55 05015 305 44 125 18 45 71 38 H55(15%) 345 50 55HRB 54 275 40 30 H80(35%) 485 70 365 53 8 77HRB 68 Pipe. Industrial: condenser and heat exchanger tube. Condenser tubing: SBlll.. Pipe: WW-B-351. Red brass Chemical Composition. traps. Red brass.050 e C) j 70.Previous Page 332/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Annealing temperature.-::*'c: o .025 o 200 ~ 400 / 600 800 1000 Annealing temperature. radiator core.5% extension under load Shearlilrength MPa ksl 215 215 215 220 230 240 255 290 305 315 31 31 31 32 33 35 37 42 44 46 215 220 230 240 260 295 330 370 31 32 33 35 38 43 48 54 .) outside diameter x 1.040 In.r: 60 ""'\ 200 60 20 w~ 0 0.) SPS 05015 305 44 125 18 71 45 (a) At 0.05 Fe max.) initial grain size Annealing. rod. Electrical: conduit.035 mm (0. U-bend tubing: B 395. CA230. Composition Limits.125 ~ 0. lipstick containers. 0. sockets. . Architectural: etching parts. ASME. 0.:2 400 ~-S c: '" 300 ~:ii 1. Condenser tubing: B 111. 85%. screw shells. Sheet.'Jp 48 47 46 44 42 25 12 5 4 3 HanIneso HRF IIR30T 56 59 63 66 10 14 22 28 71 38 55HRB 65HRB 77HRB 83HRB 86HRB 54 60 68 72 74 48 25 11 8 6 Thbing.00 to 86. Temperature is about 350°C (660 OF) for I mm (0.06 Pb max. pickling crates. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Recrystallization.. flexible hose. sheet. Wire: QQ-W-321 Characteristics Typical Uses. compacts. Temperature range is 800 to 900 °C (1470 to 1650 OF) C23000: Typical mechanical properties Thnsile Thmper stnmgth MPa ksl YIeld strength(a) MPa ksl Flat products. Finned tubing: B 359. 25 mm (1 ln. strip.e "- LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~ . N ~ 1~1~1~1~1~ g. SAE. fasteners. trim. Wire: B 134. ASTM.04 in..08 in. Seamless tubing: WW-T-791. 40 C22600: Annealing characteristics. Previous trade name. strip. dials.75ln. See adjoining Figure on annealing characteristics Hot Working. service lines. Plumbing: plumbing pipe. 19 mm (0. seamless tubing: J463 (CA230). nameplates. pump lines. hot-rolled bar: QQ-B-613. OF /:.MIL-T-20168. 84.S.. Data are for jewelry bronze strip with an initial grain size of 0. Temperature range is 425 to 725°C (795 to 1335 OF). Pipe: B 43. Plate. etched articles. See article on C22000 for Figure showing variance in properties due to.- .).) diameter 285 41 43 295 310 45 345 50 405 59 495 72 605 88 725 105 05070 05050 05035 05025 05015 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 Wire. bal Zn. strip. 1 mm (0. Jbends. Bar. Government. costume jewelry.00 Cu.) sheet rolled six Brown and Sharpe numbers hard with a 50% reduction and 0.04 in. Common name. °C C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) Commercial Names. 2 mm 05035 05025 05015 HOO HOI H02 H04 H08 Elongation in SO mm (210.100 E cD 0.65 mm (0. U-bend tubing: SB395. Miscellaneous: badges.) thick 270 39 69 10 275 40 83 12 285 41 97 14 295 43 110 16 310 45 125 18 345 50 270 39 340 49 395 57 485 70 395 57 420 61 540 78 580 84 435 63 (0. fire extinguishers.S 0. Hardware: eyelets.075 / / N 'iii . strip: QQ-B-626.. (See comments in article on C26000 for consequences of exceeding impurity limits.) Specifications (U. Pipe: SB43.~ -~ "+:. hot-rolled bar: B 36. Wrought Copper /333 C23000: Annealing characteristics. Data are for 1 mm (0.04 in.) thick red brass sheet, H06 temper, annealed 1 h at various temperatures LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Annealing temperature, of 600 8!. 600 ::::i: £ 500 f 1000 80 gj -, 400 70 \ VI ~ 300 ~ 200 60 ·~t g'E 20 LUg 0 .QE / ~ LIVE GRAPH 0 200 '"c: '" / 0.080 .~ 0.040 -200 I 100 ~ .-/ 400 I / 'iii 600 0 I 200 .r: 80 .~ 60 ~ 400 ~) § 800 Click here to view Testing temperature, of V" E (!) 30 ..., E 0.120 i!i C23000: Impact strength. Charpy keyhole specimens were machined from 061 temper material, then tested at the indicated temperatures. Impact strengths represent energy absorbed without fracture - /" 1a~ 40 ~ c: 60 ~ 50 ~ 40 '\?j - c: c: #. 1800 1400 40 -200 1000 -100 0 100 200 - 70 ;e - 60 ~ - 50 ~ - 40 f2l I'" § - 30 300 Testing temperature, °C Annealing temperature, °C C23000: Creep rates. Minimum creep rates for C23000 wire. Data are for red brass wire, 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) in diameter, that was cold drawn to size, then tested in the as-drawn or annealed condition LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1000 I I I Testing temperature - ---150°C - - - - 205°C - - - - - - 260°C ~ H08temper 100 /" V 60 - 40 - 20 - 10 ...- V .> /V V ----:::-- ---- -V--- -V 100 ../' ~ V H03 _ V 1-- O~ I--/ 061/ / H08 / // -- -- ".- 10 , 1--- , ,, ,'H03 , ,, ,, H08, , , , - , , , , , , , , , , , - - 2 0.6 1 10-6 10-5 10-4 Minimum creep rate, %/h - 0.4 - 0,2 10-3 334/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) Commercial Names. Trade name. Low brass, 80%; CA240; Common name. Low brass C24000: Typical mechanical properties Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 78.50 to 81.50 Cu, 0.05 Pb max, 0.05 Fe max, bal Zn Thmper Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM. Flat products: B 36. Wire: B 134; SAE. Sheet, strip: J463 (CA240); Government. Finished edge bar and strip, forgings, rod, and shapes: QQ-B-626. Rolled bar, plate, sheet, strip: QQ-B-613. Wire: QQ-W-321. Brazing alloy wire: QQ-B-650 Yield strength!u) MPu ksi ThD5ile strength ksi MPu E1ongution in 50rom!2 ln.), % Hardness HRF HRJOT Shearstrength ksi MPu FIat products, 1 mm (0.040 in.) thick OS070 OS050 OS035 OS025 OS015 HOI H02 H04 H08 Characteristics Typical Uses. Ornamental metal work, medallions, spandrels, electrical battery caps, bellows and musical instruments, clock dials, flexible hose, pump lines, tokens 290 305 315 330 345 365 420 510 625 42 44 46 48 50 53 61 14 91 83 91 105 115 140 215 345 405 450 12 14 15 11 20 40 50 59 65 52 50 48 41 46 30 18 1 3 51 61 66 69 15 55HRB 10HRB 82HRB 91HRB 8 16 28 32 42 54 64 11 11 220 32 230 250 210 295 330 33 36 39 43 48 220 32 230 255 290 325 365 33 31 42 41 53 415 60 Wire, 2 mm (0.08 in.) diameter Crystal Structure. Face-centered, cubic alpha OS050 OS035 OS015 HOO HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 Machinability. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Recrystallization. Temperature is about 400°C (750 OF) for 37% reduction and 0.060 mm (0.002 in.) initial grain size Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 700°C (795 to 1290 OF). See adjoining Figure on tensile strength and grain size versus annealing temperatures 44 46 50 56 68 82 107 116 125 305 315 345 385 410 565 140 800 860 55 50 41 21 12 8 5 4 3 (a) AtO.5% extension under load Hot Working. Temperature range is 825 to 900 "C (1520 to 1650 OF) Annealing temperature, OF 600 (87) 'iii 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 I I I I I I ~ <, 500 (72) ~ ~ e 400 (58) c: {'!. Grain sizeI 300 (43) 1/ I I --- 200 / 0.080 I / .... 1,.-/ 300 400 500 600 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view "0; .~ o - (29) 200 N c: I / r--/ 100 E E ai I I~ 'li) ~ '0; 0.120 I TOO'' ' ...... a. ::! 0.160 I I ~ ~ <1l C24000:Tensile strength. Tensile strength and grain size versus annealing temperature for C24000 annealed from HC2 temper. Data are for low brass with an initial grain size of 0.060 mm that was cold drawn 37% to a diameter of less than 25 mm (1 in.) and annealed 1 h at the indicated temperature 700 0.040 o 800 Annealing temperature, °c C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) Commercial Names. Previous trade name. Cartridge brass, 70%; CA260; Common name. Cartridge brass, 70-30 brass, spinning brass, spring brass, extra-quality brass Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 68.50 to 71.50 Cu, 0.07 Ph max, 0.05 Fe max, 0.15 others max (total), bal Zn (See article on C21000 for Figure showing effect of zinc content on variations in properties.) Wrought Copper I 335 Magnetic Properties. Iron above 0.03% can precipitate from alloy during suitable, low temperature anneals. Precipitation is slow and occurs chiefly in nonmagnetic form, which is converted to ferromagnetic structure on subsequent cold working Effects of other elements on properties are as follows: • Lead. Content should be kept under 0.01 % for hot rolling. Additions up to 4% improves machinability of copper processed by extrusion and by cold working. Lead lowers room temperature ductility of brass, and it leads to hot shortness at temperature above 315°C (600 OF) • Aluminum. Levels as high as 2% have no adverse effect on cold or hot working properties, but annealing and grain size are affected • Arsenic. Does not affect cold or hot working, but tends to refme grain size, which lowers ductility • Cadmium. Effects not universally agreed upon. Some say as much as 0.10% has little effect. Others believe content should be held under 0.05% • Chromium. Affects annealing temperature and grain size. Condition is aggravated by presence of iron • Iron. Chiefly affects annealing and magnetic properties • Nickel. Restrains grain growth • Phosphorus. Has no adverse effect up to 0.04%; does restrain grain growth, increases tensile strength, and lowers ductility to some extent General Corrosion Behavior. Resists corrosion in wide variety of coaters and chemical solutions; can undergo dezincification in slowly moving salt solutions. Susceptible to stress corrosion cracking, especially in ammonial environments Machinability. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Cold working and forming properties are excellent, but only fair for hot forming. Directionality in brass is more readily developed with high zinc content. Earing usually occurs 45° to direction of rolling, and is aggravated by heavy final reductions, low ready-to-finish annealing temperatures, and high finish annealing temperatures Joining. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent, welding properties are good for oxyfuel gas, resistance spot, and resistance butt processes. Not recommended: other welding processes Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). AMS. Flat products: 4505, 4507. Thbing: 4555; ASTM. .Flat products: B 19, B 36, B 569. Cups for cartridge cases: B 129. Thbing: B 135, B 587. Wire: B 134; SAE. J463; Government. Flat products: QQ-B-613, QQ-B-626, MIL-C-50. Rod, bar, shapes, forging: QQ-B-626. Thbing: MIL-T-6949, MlL-T-20219. Wire: QQ-W-321, QQ-B-650. Shim stock, laminated: MlL-S-22499. Cups for cartridge cases: MIL-C-10375 Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 750°C (795 to 1380 "F) Characteristics Hot Working. Temperature range is 725 to 850 °C (1355 to 1560 oF) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Recrystallization. Temperature is about 300°C (570 "F) for 0.045 mm (0.001 in.) initial grain size and a cold reduction of 50% Typical Uses. Architectural: grillwork. Automotive: radiator cores and tanks. Electrical: lead chain, flashlight shells, reflectors, lamp fixtures, socket shells, screw shells. Hardware: eyelets, fasteners, pins, hinges, kickplates, locks, rivets, springs, starnpings, tubing, etched articles. Munitions: ammunition components, particularly cartridge cases. Plumbing: accessories, fittings. Industrial: pump andpower cylinders, cylinder liners. Caveat: alloy is highly susceptible to stress corrosion cracking in ammonial environments C26000: Typicaltensile properties of cold-rolled and annealed sheet 1Onsil. strength MPH ksi Direction In sbeet ParallelloRD 330 305 325 45° to RD 48 44 47 EloogHUoo, % 59 66 61 Crystal Structure. Face-centered cubic 90°to RD Microstructure. Single phase alpha, with extensive pattern of annealing Note:Approximatevaluesfor materialgivena ready-to-finish annealat 400 °C (750 "F), thencold rolled70% and annealed 1h at 575°C (1070oF). RD,rollingdirection twins Annealing temperature, of 800 (116) 200 I) 400 1000 1200 I I I I ~ "",,,, os Q. 400 (58) """'\ 0.160 I I ~ e ~ c: 800 I 600 (87) ~ 600 I 0.120 I I E E I I ~r---- ~ 1/ - l!i 0.080 "w of!c: o / / / 200 (29) Grain size / 0.040 / ",'" o Yf- Asdrawn - ----100 200 300 --- '" 400 Annealingtemperature, °C 500 600 700 C26000: Tensile strength. Tensile strength and grain size as a function of annealing temperature for rod. Data are for cartridge brass rod less than 25 mm (1 in.) in diameter that was cold drawn 50% (from starting material having a grain size of 0.045 mm), then annealed 1 hat the indicated temperature LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 336/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C26000: Tensile properties. Low-temperature tensile properties of C26000 rod, 061 temper LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature,of -300 500 -200 <, V I 200 - .. ~.1 % yield strength _ 1- . .- ........ - 45 60 ~ 10- 300 ~ Tensilestrength, ksi '- 70 Tensile strergth U-- 8!. :; tc: 100 I i'o.. 400 o -100 C26000: Tensile properties. Typical distribution of tensile properties and hardness for C26000 strip, H01 temper. Data are for cartridge brass strip 0.5 to 1 mm (0.020 to 0.040 in.) thick ...... - 50 ~ ~ 15J c: 40 :en 30 1;; $ '0 c: .~ 60 Cl c: o \ m 40 90 I I .c E :::J z 0 ~ I $ ~~ I I 15 15 I I~ 30 Q; - 20 100 <fl 80 PIentA 209 tests VI I PlentB 49 tests 10 '0 Q; .c E :::J I 5 Z 0 vr '"" -: 70 -200 -150 -100 ~ I~ ..f\ ~ o -50 50 20 PientA 180 tests Temperature,oC VI 15 1;; LIVE GRAPH C26000: Minimum creep rates Click here to view s '0 Q; 10 .c 1000r-----.------:----,------, 100 E :::J Z H02 temper, fine grain 32 40 44 48 52 36 Elongation in 50 mm (2 In.), % 15 10 ,O-----'-;:------''-;----.J 10-6 ~ '0 Minimum creep rate, %/h 10 Q; 1000r - - - - - . - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - , .c E 100 :::J 5 Z H02 temper, coarsegrain G!. PlentB 86 tests 0 ::E 1 100 10 44 ~ Q; 48 52 56 Hardness, HRS 60 C26000: Damping. Damping capacity of annealed C26000 Minimum creep rate, %/h LIVE GRAPH 100 r - - - - , - - - - - - - , - - - - - , 10 Click here to view Annealing temperature, of If 1000 ::E ~ 10 Q; 36kHz H02 temper, fine grain H08temper, fine grain H08temper, coarse grain V / t> .... ,'", , 500 Minimum creep rate, %/h 1200 i-'~ '" '\ -- -- 6 kHz 1400 1600 1800 ...... }~ , , r-0' "' , , , 12~HZ I' ' 600 700 800 900 1000 Annealing temperature, °0 '--------------------------' Wrought Copper /337 C26000: Annealing data. Finish rolling reduction 40.6% LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 200 400 120 600 c 800 1000 1200 I I I '\' -. :c 110 ex: :c liOJ 100 I <, 90 ~ -. 200 300 400 500 r-. 600 20 600 --- ~ - 500 III a.. c: I 300 - 200 - 700 800 1 1/ ~ ~ 100 o o o o 100 200 Click here to view 1200 , I 1400 I I-- - -- 200 200 0.24 I - 70 - 60 300 - 50 40 30 r-, - ----r-- 100 <, 300 400 500 600 700 400 800 LIVE GRAPH 1000 -- I Temperature, °C ,/Tensile strength Yield strength (2% offset) Yield strength (1% offset) ~ 1400 I ~6000 400 Temperature, of 600 800 1000 1200 I I I I C26000 - 80 1'( <, e en I 1\ / 400 ~ ~ 800 I / Ol Click here to view Temperature, of 600 1200 I -: c o W LIVE GRAPH 400 1000 I If Temperature, "C 200 800 I V 40 'iii <, 100 Temperature, of 600 .S .S c: o <, o 80 'if( I 400 !::! 60 E E ro 80 200 1400 C26000 "C :c Click here to view Temperature, of 500 600 700 I 9.4 C26000 0.20 ] E E -SOl '" c ~ en I / 0.16 N 'iii 0.12 c '§ CD 0.08 / 20 0.04 - 1400 I 800 Temperature, "C C26000: Microstructure. Cartridge brass, annealed. Polarized light illumination was used to increase contrast of the microstructure.55x o - o 100 200 300 400 500 6.3 .5 ;; o d 4.7 l\f 'iii c '§ 3.1 CD 1.6 l-/ 10 o 1/ 7.9 600 700 o 800 Temperature, "C C26000: Microstructure. Cartridge brass, drawn cup. Because grains are small, cup has a smooth surface 338/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C26000.: Microstructure. Cartridge brass tube, drawn, annealed and cold-reduced 5%. Typical intergranular stress-corrosion crack, with some branching. NH 40H + H202 • 150x C26000: Microstructure. Cartridge brass, showing a transgranular corrosion crack. Note the lack of branching in the inner (fatigue) section of the crack. 130x C26000: Microstructure. Cartridge brass hot rolled to 10 mm (0.4 in.) thick, annealed to a grain size of 15 J.1m, cold rolled to 40% to 6 mm (0.24 in.) thick, and annealed to a grain size of 120 J.1m. Diagram in lower left corner of each micrograph indicates the view relative to the rolling plane of the sheet. Nominal tensile strength of 296 MPa (43000 psi). 75x C26000: Microstructures. Cartridge brass, processed to obtain various grain sizes. Preliminary processing: hot rolled, annealed, cold rolled, annealed to a grain size of 25 urn, cold rolled to 70% reduction. Final anneal temperature gives difference in grain sizes. (a) Grain size is 5 J.1m; final annealed at 330°C (625 OF). (b) Grain size is 10 J.1m; final annealed at 370°C (700 OF). (c) Grain size is 15 J.1m; final annealed at 405°C (760 OF). (d) Grain size is 20 J.1m; final annealed at 425°C (795 OF). 75x (a) (b) (c) (d) Wrought Copper I 339 C26000: Microstructure. Local plug-type dezincification (dark, at specimen surface) consists of a spongy mass of copper that resulted from the selective removal of zinc. 150x C26000: Microstructure. Cartridge brass, cast, slowly cooled, and quenched. Primary dendrites aligned in <100> crystallographic directions. The fine, quenched structure has the same orientation as the coarse dendrites. 30x C26800, C27000 (65Cu..35Zn) Commercial Name. Previous trade name. C26800: Yellow brass, 66%. C27000: Yellow brass, 65; Common name. Yellow brass eyelets, fasteners, grommets, kickplates, push plates, stencils, plumbing accessories, sink strainers, wire, pins, rivets, screws, springs Chemical Composition. Composition Limits (C26800). 64.00 to 68.50 ce, 0.15 Pb max, 0.05 Fe max, bal Zn Crystal Structure. Face-centered cubic alpha Composition Limits (C27000). 63,00 to 68.50 Cu, 0.10 Pb max, 0.07 Fe max, bal Zn. (See Figure in article on C21000 showing effect of zinc content on properties.) Machinability. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). AMS. Wire: 4710,4712; ASlM. Flat products: B 26 (C26800). Tubing: B 135 (C27000), B 587 (C26800, C27000). Wire: B 134; SAE. J463; Government. Flat products: QQ-B-613. Bar, rod, forgings, shapes: QQ-B-626. Wire: QQ-W-321, MIL-W-6712 Characteristics Typical Uses. Architectural grillwork, radiator cores and tanks, reflectors, flashlight shells, lamp fixtures, screw shells, socket shells, bead chain, Microstructure. Single phase alpha Recommended Heat Treating Practice Recrystallization. Temperature is 290°C (555 OF) for strip rolled 50% to 1 mm (0.04 in.) thickness and having an initial grain size of 0.035 mm (0,002 in.) Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 700°C (795 to 1290 OF). Maximum cold reduction between anneals is 90% Hot Working. Temperature range is 700 to 820 °C (1290 to 1510 "F) 340 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 400 1000 &. :2 800 .£Cl c: ~ 600 800 II -- 120 - 100 ---- - e o 200 400 600 E 60 ::I. al N 2 'iii c: / 'iii c: ~ 60 1/ .£Cl 1;) - 80 <; .~ 40 ~ 40 20 800 V Annealing temperature, °C Click here to view 200 .~ 400 800 r I C27000wire ~ /'" E 40 E V 1200 ~ 700 Click here to view \I~ :::l ( ~Q) o 1400 20 Cl .s 'iij Cl c: c. E 1000 2! Cl 500 .s 'iij Q) Q) 0 o 200 400 600 Annealing temperature, °C c: c 300 <{ 800 ae Q) c. 700 E 2! .~ Ie) 600 500 !;J 900 ~ It> o W 400 LIVE GRAPH (b) .s s 300 Annealing temperature, °C Annealing temperature, of <f!. 60 V L.--- o LIVE GRAPH (a) / 80 c: - 200 'iii .>< 400 I 1200 I 1000 I C27000wire - 2 'iii c: 800 II 100 C27000wire 1;) ~ 600 1200 I C27000: Effects of annealing temperature. Effects of annealing temperature and time on characteristics of C27000 wire and strip. Effects of annealing temperature (annealing time. 1 h) on (a) tensile strength, (b) grain size, and (c) elongation of C27000 wire hard drawn 63%. (d) Effect of annealing time on grain size of C27000 strip 1.3 mm (0.050 in.) thick Annealing temperature, of Annealing temperature, of 10 1 600 1000 100 c: c: <{ Duration of annealing, min LIVE GRAPH (d) Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Click here to view C26800 and C27000: Typical mechanical properties 'Thnslle strength ksi Yieldstrength!a) ksi Elongation in 50mm!2Ia), % Hardness HRF HR30T 'Thmper MPa Flat products, 1 mm (0.040 in.) thick 05070 05050 05035 05025 05015 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 HIO 315 325 340 350 365 370 420 510 585 625 675 46 47 49 51 53 54 61 74 85 91 98 97 105 115 130 150 275 345 415 425 425 435 14 15 17 19 22 40 50 60 62 62 63 65 62 57 55 54 43 23 8 5 3 3 58 64 68 72 78 55HRB 70HRB 80HRB 87HRB 90HRB 91HRB 330 380 48 55 110 275 16 40 65(b) 48(e) 65 330 345 360 370 400 485 605 760 825 885 48 50 52 54 58 70 88 110 120 128 110 125 145 160 315 395 420 16 18 21 23 46 57 61 64 60 58 55 35 20 15 8 4 3 MPa 15 26 31 36 43 54 65 70 74 76 77 Shearrtreogth MPa ksi 220 230 235 32 33 34 35 36 36 40 43 45 47 240 250 250 275 295 310 325 Rod, 2S mm (1.0 in.) diameter 05050 HOO!6%) Wire,2 mm (0.08 In.) diameter 05050 05035 05025 05015 HOO HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 (a) At 0.5% extension under load. (b) 75% reduction in area. (e) 70% reduction in area ... 235 34 36 230 235 240 250 290 33 34 35 36 38 42 380 55 415 60 55 260 Wrought Copper I 341 C28000 (60Cu..40Zn) Commercial Names. Previous trade name. Muntz metal, 60%; CA280; Common name. Muntz metal ammonia peroxide; is dark when etched with ferric chloride. In grain size determination, beta phase should be ignored Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 59.00 to 63.00 Cu, 0.30 Pb max, 0.07 Fe max, bal Zn. (See Figure in article on C21000 showing effect of zinc content on properties.) General Corrosion Behavior. Typically good. Has better resistance to sulfur-bearing compounds than that of higher copper alloys Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASME. Condenser tubing:SB111; ASTM. Thbing: BIll, B 135; Government. Flat products: QQ-B-613. Bar, rod, forgings, shapes: QQ-B-626. Seamless tubing: WW-T-791 Forgeability. 90% that of C37700 (forging brass) Machinability. 40% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Characteristics Formability. Cold working properties are fair. Hot forming properties are excellent Typical Uses. Architectural panel sheets; structurals, such as heavy plate; bolting and valve stems; tubing for heat exchangers; brazing rod for copper alloys and cast iron; hot forgings Joining. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent. Welding properties of three processes are rated good (oxyfuel gas welding, resistance spot welding, and resistance butt welding). Gas shielded arc welding is rated fair C28000 has poor cold drawing and forming properties in comparison with those of higher copper alloys. Hot working properties are excellent. Is strongest of copper-zinc alloys but less ductile than higher copper alloys. Is subject to dezincification and stress corrosion cracking under certain conditions Microstructure. Two-phase: face-centered cubic alpha plus body-centered cubic beta. Beta phase appears lemon yellow when etched with LIVE GRAPH Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 600°C (795 to 1110 "F) Hot Working. Temperature range is 625 to 800 °C (1155 to 1470 OF) C28000: Microstructure. Muntz metal ingot, as-cast. Structure is dendrites of a phase in a matrix of ~ phase. 21Ox Click here to view C28000: Mechanical properties. Typical mechanical properties of extruded and drawn C28000. Data are for Muntz metal rod less than 25 mm (1 in.) in diameter that was extruded and then cold drawn to various percentages of reduction in area 700 600 ~ \/ -: 500 ~ 400 .:«:' Tensile strength f- ::;; tc 100 I V /A 300 / It' '\ - 80 _...... -- .AI' 0.5% yield strength - 40 200 - 20 tf II r----... <, C28000: Microstructure. Muntz metal ingot, as-cast, showing a feathers that formed at ~ grain boundaries during quenching of the all-~ structure. 105x )..... o ..(C70 <, 75 ~c 50 "E '" I ~ ~ ;--0--< II CD a: ~ tf 40 100 I ~ :5 -: 25 M30 temper 20 40 Amount of cold work, % 60 342/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C28000: Typical mechanical properties Tensilestrength ksl MPa Temper Yieldstrength(a) ksl MPa Elongation In 50mm (2 In.), % Hardness, HRF Shear strength MPa ksi Flat products, 1 mm (0.04 ln.) thick M20 061 HOD H02 370 370 415 485 54 54 60 70 145 145 240 345 21 21 35 50 45 45 30 10 85 80 55HRB 75HRB 275 275 290 305 40 40 42 44 140 145 345 20 21 50 52 50 25 78 80 78 270 275 310 39 40 45 Rod, 25 mm (1 in.) diameter M30 061 HOI 360 370 495 52 54 72 (a) At 0.5% exteosion under load C28000: Annealing curves. Data are for Muntz metal rod less than 25 mm (1 in.) in diameter that was extruded, cold drawn 30%, and annealed 1 h at various temperatures LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Annealing temperature, OF 200 600 <1l n, 400 600 I ~~ --0-. K ~ ~ ~ (]) c 800 I 1200 I 1000 I 400 - .~ - <1l n, :2 I - -u...... %300 200 <f- lO d 100 Asdrawn (( 100 200 300 400 Annealing temperature, 400 ~ - E E 0) c 800 1000 1200 I I l l I I ./ 40 0 ~ 1O ,S: 60 .!!! c 0 .~ ~ .cr" 20 / c 0 iIi o 50 'iii -'" 40 ~ tc 1ii "0 Qj ';;' <f- I r---o--o. 500 I- 600 20 / V oi N 'iii c .~ (9 0.020 0---0' d o .f'. 700 °c C28000: Microstructure. Muntz metal ingot, hot-rolled plate. Uniform (layer) dezincification. Alpha grains remain in the corroded area (top). 90x I E E 0,040 1O - ~ 0) 50 30 600 ~ .,; 0.060 - Annealing temperature, OF .£ I I \ r-, ~ "0 t I ~ c 70 '-..r-. - 300 400 80 'iii c ~ 200 <f- 60 - ) :2 £ 500 ~ Click here to view ~ ./ /I » Asdrawn 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Annealing temperature, 'C C28000: Microstructure. Muntz metal ingot, drawn and annealed tube. Uniform dezincification, with ex grains in the corroded area (dark at the surface). 250x Wrought Copper /343 C31400 (89Cu-9~1Zn-1.9Pb) Commercial Names. Previous trade name. Leaded commercial bronze; CA3l4 Machinability. 80% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Cold working properties are good; hot forming properties, Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 87.50 to 90.50 Cu, 1.30 to 2.50 Ph max, 0.10 Fe max, 0.7 Ni max, 0.5 others max (total), bal Zn poor Joining. Soldering properties are excellent; brazing properties good; resistance butt welding properties are fair. Not recommended: all other welding processes Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM. B 140 Characteristics Typical Uses. Screws, screw machine parts, pickling racks and fixtures, Recommended Heat Treating Practice Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 oF) electrical, plug-type connectors, builders' hardware C31600 (89Cu-8.1 Zn-1.9Pb-1 Ni) Commercial Names. Previous trade name. Leaded commercial bronzenickel bearing; CA3l6 Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 87.50 to 90.50 Cu, Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 "F) 1.30 to 2.50 Pb, 0.70 to 1.20 Ni, 0.1 Fe max, 0.040 to 0.10 P,0.5 others max (total), bal Zn C31600: Typicalmechanical properties Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM. B 140 Temper Characteristics TensUeslreog1b MPa ksI Yieldslrengtb(a) MPa ksI Elongation in SOmm (2 in.), % Hardness, HRF Sbearstrength MPa ksi Drawn bar, 6 mm (0.25 ln.) diameter Typical Uses. Electrical connectors, fasteners, hardware, nuts, screws, H04 screw machine parts. Most commonly used as rod or drawn bar Rod, 13 mm (0.50 in.) diameter Machinability. 80% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Rod, 25 mm (1 ln.) diameter Formability. Cold working properties are good; hot forming properties 05050 H04 H04 are poor Joining. Soldering properties are excellent; brazing properties good; re- 435 460 255 450 63 67 37 65 385 56 12 70 405 59 13 72 275 40 83 395 12 57 45 15 55HRF 70 165 270 24 39 (a) At 0.5% extension under load sistance butt welding properties are fair. Not recommended: all other welding processes C33000 (66Cu-33.5Zn-O.5Pb) Commercial Names. Previous trade name. Low leaded brass (tube); Common name. High brass, yellow brass Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 65.00 to 68.00 Cu, Characteristics Typical Uses. Alloy is for general purpose usage where a combination of 0.2 to 0.8 Pb, 0.07 Fe max, 0.5 others max (total), bal Zn. Note: Pb content may be less than 0.2% for tubing with an OD greater than 125 mm (5 in.) some degree of machinability and moderate cold working properties are required, i.e., primers for munitions. Plumbing applications include J-bend, pump, and trap lines Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). AMS. 4555; ASTM. B 135; SAE. J463; Government. WW-T-79l; MlL-T-46072 Machinability. 60% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Cold working properties are excellent; hot forming properties are poor C33000: Typical mechanical properties oftubing 'Iemper Tensile "reog1b MPa lIsi OS050 OS025 H58 H80 325 360 450 515 47 52 65 75 YIeld "reog1b(a) MPa IIsl 105 135 345 415 15 20 50 60 Elongation in SOmm (2 ln.), % 60 50 32 7 Hardness HRF HRB HR30T 70 85 26 36 66 76 64 75 lOll Note: Values for tubing, 25 men(1.0 in.) outside diameter x 1.65 mm (0.065 in.) wall thickness. (a) 0.5% extension under load Joining. Soldering properties are excellent; brazing properties good. Joining properties of three welding processes are good (oxyfuel gas, gas-shielded are, and butt welding methods). Not recommended: all other welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 "F) Recrystallization. Temperature is 290 °C (555 oF) 344/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C33200 (66Cu-32.4Zn-1.6Pb) Commercial Names. High leader brass (tube); Common name. Free- Recommended Heat Treating Practice cutting tube brass Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 65.00 to 68.00 Cu, 1.30 Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 "F) Recrystallization. Temperature is 288 °C (550 oF) to 2.00 Pb, 0.07 Fe max, 0.5 others max (total), bal Zn Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). AMS 4558; ASTM B 135; (Government) Mll..-T-460n C33200: Typical mechanical properties of cold drawn tubing LIVE GRAPH Characteristics Click here to view Typical Uses. General purpose, screw machine products 8!. 600 Machinability. 80% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) ::2 Formability. Cold working, fair; hot forming, poor C> c Joining. Soldering, excellent; brazing, good; resistance butt welding, fair. ~ 300 i Not recommended: all other welding processes 400 .2'- 40 n;~ C33200: Typical mechanical properties of C33200 tubing Thmper 08050 OS025 H58 H80 ThnsUestrength MPa ks! 325 360 450 515 105 135 345 415 47 52 65 75 Elongation In 50 mm (1 In.), % 15 20 50 60 ~ c ~ 200 c: i!- 60 'c~ YIeld strength(a) MPa ksi --- £ 500 g'E .QE Hardness HRF HRB HRJOT 64 75 100 60 50 32 7 70 85 26 36 66 76 wii: 0 l; 100 :I: 80 ~c 60 12 "E I1l :I: Note: Values for tubing, 25 nun (1.0 in.) outside diameter x 1.65 nun (0.065 in.) waUthickness. (a) 0.5% extension under load - 20 40 ~ o L.---10 L..-- ~ 80 ~ ~ c 60 ~ CD 40 ~ ~ ~ r--- e-- 20 30 40 Amount of cold work, % C33500 (65Cu-34.5Zn-O.5Pb) Commercial Names. Previous trade name. Low leaded brass Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 62.50 to 66.50 Cu, 0.30 to 0.80 Pb, 0.1 Fe max, 0.5 others max (total), bal Zn Specifications (U.S.and/or Foreign). (ASTM) Flat products: B 121, Rod: B 453; (Government) Flat products: QQ-B-613. Bar, forgings, rod, shapes, strip: QQ-B-626 Characteristics Typical Uses. Hardware such as butts and hinges; also watch backs C33500: Typical mechanical properties Thmper 08070 08050 OS035 OS025 HOI H02 H04 H06 Thnsile strength MPa ks! Yield streogth(a) ksi MPa 315 325 340 350 370 420 510 580 97 105 14 15 115 17 130 275 345 415 19 40 50 60 46 47 49 51 54 61 74 84 Elongallon in SO mm (1 In.), % 65 62 57 55 43 23 8 Machinability. 60% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Hardness HRJOT HRF 58 64 68 72 55HRB 70HRB 80HRB 86HRB 15 26 31 36 54 65 69 74 Note: Values for flat products, 1 nun (0.04 in.) thick. (a) 0.5% extension under load Shear strength MPa ks! Formability. Cold working properties are good; hot forming, poor. Commonly fabricated by blanking, drawing, machining, piercing, punching, and stamping processes 220 32 Joining. Soldering properties are excellent; brazing, good. Four welding 235 34 250 275 295 36 40 43 methods are rated fair (oxyfuel gas, gas shielded are, resistance spot and butt welding). Not recommended: shielded metal arc and resistance seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 700°C (795 to 1300 oF) Wrought Copper /345 C34000 (65Cu-34Zn-1 Pb) Commercial Name. Previous trade name. Medium leaded brass, 64.5% C34000 Typical mechanical properties Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. 62.50 to 66.50 Cu, 0.80 to 1.40 Pb, 0.10 Fe max, 0.50 others max (total). bal Zn Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). (ASTM) Flat products: B 121. Rod: B 453; (Government) Flat products: QQ-B-6B. Bar, forgings, rod, shapes, strip: QQ-B-626 Characteristics Typical Uses. Flat products: butts, disc, engravings, gears, instrument plate, nuts, or drawn shells all involving piercing, threading, or machining. Rod, bar, and wire: couplings, free-machining screws and rivets, gears, nuts. tire valve stems, screw machine products involving severe knurling and roll threading or moderate cold heading, spinning or swaging Machinability. 60% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Cold working properties are good: properties for hot forming are poor Joining. Soldering properties are excellent; brazing properties, good; resist butt welding, fair. Not recommended: all other welding properties Thmper Th",Ue strength MPa lIsi Yield streogth(a) MPa lIsi Elongation in50mm (2in.), % Hardness HRB BR30T Sheantreogth MPa ksi Flat products, 1 mm (0.04 in.) thick OS035 OS025 HOI H02 H04 H06 340 49 115 51 350 130 370 54 275 420 61 345 74 415 510 585 85 425 Rod, 2S mm (1.0 in.) diameter 17 19 40 50 60 62 54 53 41 21 7 5 68HRF 72HRF 55 70 80 87 OS025 H03 H02 20 60 40 30 70HRF 60 68 345 50 135 380 55 290 63 330 435 Wire, 2 mm (0.08 ln.) diameter OS025 HOO HOI H02 345 400 485 605 42 48 31 36 54 63 70 73 50 30 13 7 50 58 70 88 225 235 250 275 295 310 33 34 36 40 43 45 235 250 275 34 36 40 235 260 290 315 34 38 42 46 (a) 0.5% extension under load Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 OF) Recrystallization. Temperature is 288 °C (550 OF) C34200 (62Cu-36.2Zn-2Pb) C35300 (62Cu-36.2Zn-1.8Pb) Commercial Name. Previous trade name. High leaded brass; Common name. Clock brass. engraver's brass, heavy-leaded brass Chemical Composition. Composition Limits (C34200). 62.50 to 66.50 Cu. 1.50 to 2.50 Pb, 0.1 Fe max, 0.5 others max (total), bal Zn; Composition Limits (C35300). 59.00 to 64.50 Cu. 1.30 to 2.30 Pb, 0.1 Fe max, 0.5 others max (total), bal Zn Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). (ASTM) Flat products: B 121. Rod: B 453; SAE J463; UNS number C34200, C35300; (Government) Flat products: QQ-B-613. Bar, forgings, rod, shapes, strip: QQ-B-626 Characteristics Typical Uses. Flat products: gears, wheels. nuts, plates for clocks, keys, bearing cages, engraver's plates. Rod: gears, pinions, valve stems, automotive screw machine parts that need more severe cold working than can be tolerated by free-cutting brass, i.e., processes such as knurling and moderate staking Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 600°C (795 to 1100 OF) Recrystallization. Temperature is 320 °C (610 oF) Hot Working. Temperature range is 785 to 815°C (1445 to 1500 "F) C34200 Typical mechanical properties Thmper Thmile strength MPa ksl Yield strength(a) MPa lIsi Elongation in 50 mm (210.), % Hardness HRB BRJOT Shear strength MPa ksl Flat products, 1 mm (0.04 in.] thick 24 20 17 15 40 50 60 62 45 48 52 55 38 20 7 5 78HRF 76HRF 68HRF 66HRF 55 70 80 87 18 39 45 50(b) 28(e) 23(d) 66HRF 65 72 OS015 OS025 OS035 OS050 HOI H02 H04 H06 370 360 340 325 370 420 510 585 54 52 49 47 54 61 74 85 Machinability. 90% that ofC36000 (free-cutting brass) 165 140 115 105 275 345 415 425 Rod, 2S mm (1.0 in.) diameter Formability. Cold working properties are fair; hot forming properties, poor 050 H55 H02 325 400 450 47 58 65 Joining. Soldering properties are excellent; brazing properties good; resistance butt welding properties, fair. Not recommended: all other welding processes (a) 0.5% extension under load. (b) Reduction in area 65%. (e) Reduction in area 50%. (d) Reduction in area 35% Crystal Structure. Face-centered cubic alpha Microstructure. 1\\'0 phase: alpha and lead 125 270 310 41 37 32 28 54 63 71 75 255 250 235 225 250 275 295 310 37 36 34 33 36 40 43 45 00 Cu.c 15> c: l!! 60 "-----.50 Pb. plumbing goods. 19 mm (O.5% extension under load .) thick strip cold rolled from 08035 temper starting stock 100 LIVE GRAPH Ol a. Not recommended: shielded metal arc and resistance seam welding Yield strength(a) MPa ksi OS015 HOI 385 380 470 56 55 68 Wire.75ln. good. 0. brazing properties. poor Annealing. 600 :2 ~ c: 500 "\ ~ .~ o 0. 6 mm (0.25 in.040 o 200 I - / l-/ 400 600 Annealingtemperature. 25 mm (l. °C 800 C34900 (62Cu-37.3Pb) Chemical Composition. 6 mm (O.080 "iii V c: . bal Zn C34900: Typical mechanical properties Characteristics Thmper Typical Uses. Curves are for 1 mm (0. drilled and tapped rivets.10 to 0.00 to 64. 45 / r::' o 1a C) 30 c: o m 15 V o 0.5 others max (total).) diameter OS050 330 48 (a) At 0.04 in.). 61. Builders' hardware.Next Page 346/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Annealing temperature.5Zn-O. 50% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Joining. gas-shielded are. and parts requiring moderate cold working and some machining Tensilestrength ksi MPa OS035 365 53 HOI Wire.) diameter Formability. Temperature range is 675 to 800 °C (1245 to 1470 OF) Hardness Shear strength MPa ksi 165 24 50 75HRF 235 34 290 42 42 70HRB 250 36 150 380 22 55 48 18 70HRF 72HRB 240 285 35 410 110 16 72 67HRF 220 32 Rod. Composition Limits. Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 OF) Elongation in SO mm (2in. saw nuts.120 E ~ 0. 0. hot forming properties. OF 400 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 I 1 I 1 C34200: Annealing behavior of C34200. Cold working properties are good.-J-- <fi. --1 1ii ~ 'iii c: ~ 40 1 1/ . and resistance spot and butt welding methods is rated fair.25ln.O in. Soldering properties are excellent. welding with oxyfuel gas.1 Fe max.80 \ l!! 1ii 400 "iii c: ~ 300 200 60 Click here to view 'iii "'" . 0. % Rod.) diameter Machinability.160 J I 1 I 1 / E 0.) diameter Recommended Heat Treating Practice Hot Working. fair. Rod: B 453. 60.35 Fe max. Free-turning brass. 0. strip: QQ-B-626 Characteristics Typical Uses. engraving plates. Temperature range is 425 to 600°C (795 to 1110 "F) Hot Working.). rod. hot working properties.10 Fe max. 1 mm (0. lock parts. Composition Limits. templates. % 50 35 20 7 Hardness HRB HRJOT 68HRF 55 70 80 31 54 65 69 (a) At 0. Cold working and hot forming properties are fair Joining. 0.5 others max (total). hinges. resistance butt welding properties.5Zn-3Pb) Commercial Names. Cold working properties are poor. resistance butt welding properties.S ln. sink strainers. Previous trade name. book dies. good. brazing properties. Not recommended: all other welding processes Thmper ThnsUe streog1h MPa ksl Yieldstreog1h Elongation 0. SAE J463.00 Cu. shapes. keys. 12 mm (O. clock gears and wheels. clock plates.70 Pb. (ASTM) B16. 62% C35000: Typical mechanical properties Chemical Composition. rod.00 to 63. type characters. Temperature range is 700 to 800°C (1290 to 1470 "F) Specifications (U. shapes.5 others max (total). Bar. 0. 2. 0.) thick C35600 sheet and strip 'Iemper OS035 HOI H02 H04 Thnslle strength MPa ksI 340 370 420 510 49 54 61 74 Yieldstrength!a) MPa ksi 115 275 345 415 17 40 50 60 Elongationin 50rom (2 in.2%otTset in SOrom underload (21n.).5Cu-35. rod. % MPa ksI ksI MPa Hardness HRB HR30T 57 54 50 46 43 29 17 10 5 61HRF 67HRF 70HRF 74HRF 66 75 80 86 52 60 68 71 75 56 46 42 22 65HRF 85HRF 60 80 25 50 57 70 Shear strength MPa ksi FIat products. strip: QQ-B-626 Characteristics Typical Uses. 100% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Medium-leaded brass. hose couplings.5Zn-2. (Government) Flat products: QQ-B-613.5%euenslon 0.1 Pb) Commercial Names.50 to 3. Bearing cages. forgings. bal Zn Specifications (U. Previous trade name. Industrial: channel plate Machinability. good. nuts.5% extension under load C36000 (61. bal Zn Annealing.S. strike plates. shapes. 0. Rod: B 453. and/or Foreign). Soldering properties are excellent.50 ce. lock tumblers.04 ln.40 Pb. gears. 50% that of C37700 (forging brass) Formability. (ASTM) Flat products: B 121.80 to 1.Previous Page Wrought Copper /347 C35000 (65. high-leaded brass Chemical Composition. Temperature range is 425 to 600 °C (795 to 1110 OF) Hot Working.) diameter OS050 330 48 110 OS0I5 380 55 170 HOI 400 58 305 H02 485 70 360 13 16 20 25 32 45 53 60 65 90 110 135 170 235 310 380 415 475 13 16 20 25 34 45 55 60 69 16 25 44 52 235 250 260 290 34 36 38 42 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. forgings. Bar.5 others max (total). 0. 59.5Pb) Commercial Names. strip: QQ-B-626 .00 Cu. fair. 70% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability. fair Joining.00 to 64. Temperature ranges from 760 to 800°C (1400 to 1470 oF) C35600 (62Cu-35. and/or Foreign).00 to 64. AMS 4610. bal Zn Specifications (U. and wear plates Machinability. and/or Foreign). 2.00 to 3. brazing properties. Composition Limits. SAE J463. Hardware: clock plates and nuts. clock and watch backs. Not recommended: all other welding processes C35600: Typical mechanical properties of 1 mm (0. 59. (ASTM) Flat products: BI21. Composition Limits.00 Pb.04 in.) thick OS050 OS035 OS025 OSOl5 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 310 325 330 350 370 415 460 505 580 45 47 48 51 54 60 67 73 84 90 110 135 170 220 310 365 415 450 Rod. Soldering properties are excellent.S. (Government) Flat products: QQ-B-613. free-cutting yellow brass.1 Fe max.S. meter parts. 0. washers. extra-high-leaded brass Recommended Heat Treating Practice Chemical Composition. Previous trade name (free-cutting brass). Bar. (Government) Flat products: QQ-B-613.5Cu-36. Common name.4Zn-1. NHpH + HP2 + Hp..) in diameter from M30 temper (as-extruded) starting stock.. Etchant.25 ln.5% extension under load. °C 600 700 800 Asdrawn 100 200 300 - /' 1400 I /' I 0. 200 200 300 400 500 Annealing temperature.040 E l!f 'w Grain size. highspeed screw machine parts Thnsile strength MPa ksi Temper Yield strength(a) MPa ksl Elongation in50mm (2 In). 8-20 mL 3% H20 2·50x C36000: Microstructure. (b) Cold drawn 25%.060 E 0. and lead Machinability. light gray) are solid that was present before casting. (d) Cold drawn 18%. (c) Cold drawn 20%.) diameter H02(b) 470 68 360 Rod. 400 . HRB Shear strength MPa ksl Microstructure.. °C 600 . Usually is three phase: alpha. fair.. Hardware: gears.QE 50 ~ 800 1000 I I V- 40 V E'Ong7 ~~ Wo 20 ~ to o 300 As. The large particles (white. brazing properties. Free-cutting brass.. pinions. (e) Cold drawn 15% Hot Working. Free cutting brass semi-solid processed plumbing fitting. Industrial: automatic. Also see annealing curves in adjoining Figure Rod.) diameter 18 45 53 25 58 50 68HRF 78 205 235 30 34 H02(d) 52 75 220 32 68HRF 62 205 230 30 33 061 H02(c) 380 55 305 44 32 340 385 49 56 125 310 18 45 50 20 Shapes M30 H01(e) (a) 0.020 c 'iii Cl o 700 800 . 310x C36000: Annealing curves. 60 I--. the matrix was rapidly solidified to produce the structure shown. as-cast. Cold working properties are poor. 50 mm (2 ln.70 ~ <. cold drawn 30% to 19 mm (0. Temperature range is 700 to 800 °C (1290 to 1470 OF) Recrystallization. Data are for free-cutting brass rod. 6 mm (0. Not recommended: all other types of welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. OF 600 800 1000 1200 1400 I I I I I sr <U 80 ~ n. beta. 25 mm (1 ln. tc ~ ~ 'w c 60 500 I-- r-. hot forming properties.t-- - l?'E .75 in.348/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Characteristics C36000 Typical mechanical properties Typical Uses. 0-20 mL H20. % Hardness. 0." 100 drawn Q) c 600 CO '8~ ~ 400 ~ ~l!! 1il I"-. Temperature is 330°C (625 OF) C36000: Microstructure. % Reduction in ares. then annealed 1 h at temperature LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Annealing temperature.- 500 Annealing temperature. of 600 200 400 Click here to view Annealing temperature. 20 mL NHpH. Temperature range is 425 to 600°C (795 to 1110 OF). -400 1200 -. ::. resistance butt welding properties. Soldering properties are excellent.. good.) diameter 52 18 48 80 260 38 340 49 125 310 400 58 Rod. fair Joining. Solid-state transformation makes this structure appear unlike an as-cast structure. 100%-the standard for the machinability of all other copper alloys Formability. forgings.) outside diameter x 3 mm (0. 0. and/or Foreign). uninhibited leaded muntz metal. Die forgings: B 283. bal Zn Specifications (U. phosphorized leaded muntz metal.1 others max (total). C36600. 0. Beta phase appears lemon yellow with ammonia peroxide-etch.5 others max (total). Forging brass Crystal Structure. Face-centered cubic Chemical Composition. forging rod: 4614. Temperature range is 625 to 800°C (1155 to 1470 oF) C37000 (60Cu-39Zn-1 Pb) Commercial Names.5% extension underload. (ASME) Die forgings: SB283. Ferric chloride darkens beta phase.10 P Specifications (U. 80% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability Rating.25 Sn max. Main tube sheets for condensers and heat exchangers.02 to 0. resistance butt welding). may be darkened with Annealing. Temperature range is 425 to 600 °C (795 to llIO "F) Hot Working. C36600. Bar. Temperature range is 425 to 600°C (795 to llIO "F) 75 67 Hot Working.S. Beta phase appears lemon yellow with ammonia peroxide etch. Soldering properties are excellent. which provides high resistance to dezincification Machinability.(Government) Flat products: QQ-B-613. Clad plate: B 432 ferric chloride etch.00 Cu. As. Not recommended: all other welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0.10% of an inhibitor element (arsenic.S. C36600.00 Cu. 0. Composition Limits.40 Pb. support sheets. Temperature range is 625 to 800°C (1155 to 1470 "F) (a) At 0.00 to 62. shapes: B 124. forgings. inhibited leaded muntz metal Chemical Composition. C36800 (60Cu-39. Automatic screw machine parts C37000: Typical mechanical properties Thnsile strength Temper MPa ksi Yield strength(.25 in. 38 mm (1. 0.90 to 1. antimony. C36700. hot working properties. (ASME) Plate. Characteristics Typical Uses. Sb. P (see below): 0. 0. Antimony or phosphorus limits. baffles Welding properties with three processes are rated fair (oxyfuel gas. Forgings and pressings of an kinds Alloy is nonmagnetic Machinability. bal Zn Specifications (U. (ASTM) Bar.50 others max (total). excellent Joining. 0.) outside diameter x 6 mm (0. Cold working properties are fair. Composition Limits. Not recommended: all other welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Crystal Structure. Thbing: MIL-T-46072 Characteristics Typical Uses.3 Fe max. Two phase: alpha and beta. resistance butt welding properties. 0.00 to 62. and/or Foreign). 50 mm (2 In. good. Alpha and beta with undissolved lead. Die forgings: MIL-C-13351 Characteristics Typical Uses. 60% of C36600 (free-cutting brass) Formability. 1. condenser tubing: SBI71. Each inhibited alloy contains 0. Lead appears as insoluble gray particles randomly distributed throughout structure General Corrosion Behavior. C36500. 58.50 Pb. and/or Foreign). rod.5 in. (b) Cold drawn35%. Soldering properties are excellent. arsenical leaded muntz metal. Free-cutting muntz metal Chemical Composition.02 to 0. C36700. Composition Limits. brazing properties. (AMS) Die forgings. 0. Common name.00 to 61. % Thbe.125 in. (ASTM) Plate.) MPa ksi Machinability. (Government) QQ-B-626.) wall thickness H80(c) 485 70 310 45 10 Joining. bal Zn. fair. 0.Wrought Copper /349 C36500. C36800. 59. antimonial leaded muntz metal.50 Microstructure. none specified.15 Fe max.6Pb) Commercial Names. rod.40 to 0. Previous trade names.00 Cu. C36500. Alloys have good resistance to corrosion in fresh and salt water.10 Sb. strip: QQ-B-626. 0. (ASTM)Thbing: B 135. C36500 is an uninhibited alloy and is subject to dezincification.) wall thickness 050 370 54 140 20 40 H8O{b) 550 80 415 60 6 HRB HRJOT 80HRF 85 43 74 Thbe. Leaded muntz metal.02 to 0. brazing properties. Previous trade name. gas shielded are. Previous trade name. 58. (c) Cold drawn25% C37700 (60Cu-38Zn-2Pb) Commercial Name.02 to 0. C36700. 100%-the standard to which other copper alloys are compared . with undissolved lead. Face-centered cubic Microstructure.S.15 Fe max. 70% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Hardness Elongollon In SO mm (2 fn. C36800.). good.4Zn-O.10 As. condenser tubing: B 171. Lead appears as gray particles to 2.90 Pb. or phosphorus). 0.1 60 tfJ " #... Composition Limits. Temperature range is 425 to 600°C (795 to 1110 oF) Hot Working. excellent Joining.:. excellent Joining..---'--. Architectural: extrusions.350 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Formability.. good.5% yield strength 200 ~ CO - lU a.80 Pb.. storefronts. Cold working properties are poor. % I ~ c ~ 'A- I - 40 g'E .. <D c .. Soldering properties are excellent. Temperature range is 625 to 725°C (1155 to 1335 OF) . bal Zn Specifications (U.£ 1a~ we II} 0 m 80 a: 1 30 Amount of cold work.. good... ::. 300 ~ g' 200 '~i 60 80 40 60 . and annealed 1 h at various temperatures Annealing temperature. Not recommended: all other welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.) in diameter that was extruded. 60 rff-"""'-"---"'-TT'"--r.QE 20 Tensile strength 'i_ -5 20 100 1 Iu.S. brazing properties. fair.-T""'T-' 70 'E 20 :@ J M30 temper I lU Elongation 10 lini :::><D I -.---'--L. Temperature range is 650 to 825 °C (1200 to 1500 oF) LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view C37700: Typical mechanical properties.. Not recommended: all other welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. resistance butt welding properties. resistance butt welding properties. then cold drawn to various percentages of reduction in area C37700: Annealing curves. 1 1 ~ '-0- As. Typical mechanical properties of extruded and drawn C37700. Industrial: forgings Machinability. and/or Foreign).s m vi '" 10 20 5.>- • - I 0. thresholds.- 40 we II} 5* ~(ij a: .£... Previous trade name.. OF 600 Tensile strength 80 500 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 500 -v- lU a.- . Data are for forging brass rod less than 25 mm (1 in. Hot forming properties.~ L. brazing properties.. (ASTM) Shapes: B 455 Characteristics Typical Uses..L.100 200 300 400 500 600 700 drawn Annealing temperature..rf-'--L. cold drawn 18%.. 55... 90% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. ~ o a: ~~ g'E .. and trim. Temperature range is 425 to 600°C (795 to 111 0 "F). c ~ 'iii "" . Soldering properties are excellent.. hinges... Architectural bronze Chemical Composition. 2..-=f!!!~f-- g* gm 50 ~lU a: ... Typical data are for forging brass rod less than 25 mm (1 in..Q E 20 I I ~ 40 20 .= 40 ::. Hardware: butts. Also see adjoining Figure on annealing curves Hot Working. 0. '-'rl: K. fair. 0..00 to 60.00 Cu.---I 40 '-" f'ul rt\. hot forming properties. 0C C38500 (57Cu-40Zn-3Pb) Commercial Name.= c.. c 300 400 ~ <D '" -E 60 40 lU I 20 60 -+-. 400 60 ..5 others max (total)..1 tfJ 100 i .) in diameter that was extruded..35 Fe max..00 to 3. lock bodies. c. Cold working properties are poor.. resistance spot and butt welding.1 mm (0. terminals. washers from rolled strip. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent. 0.5% extension underload At0. 0. 89.). 0.05 Fe max. and/or Foreign). gas shielded arc.1d strength Elongation At 0.05 Fe max.Wrought Copper /351 C40500 (95Cu-4Zn-1 Sn) Commercial Names.5% extension Elongation underload At 0.30 Typical Uses. Temperature range is 510 to 670 °C (950 to 1240 "F) Hot Working. Rolled strip.00 to 93. flexible metal hose. 0.20 Sn.1 Pb max.) thick. Rolled strip for electrical connectors 05035 290 42 05025 305 44 05015 310 45 HOi 345 50 H02 370 54 H03 425 62 H04 460 67 H06 73 505 H08 545 79 HlO 545(a) 79(a) Machinability.00 to 96. % ties. 94.2% offset 1050nun (210. Common name. bal Zn ing sleeves. rod.).00 ce. relay springs.00 Cu.5Sn) Commercial Name.00 to 96..% MPa ksl MPa ksi 90 97 105 270 315 360 395 420 455 515 13 14 15 39 46 52 57 61 66 75 310 380 415 485 540 565 580 45 55 60 70 78 82 84 43 43 42 24 12 6 5 4 3 3 Hardn ess HRB HR30T 60HRF 22 65HRF 26 69HRF 31 50 54 62 65 72 67 76 70 82 73 85 77 84(a) 75(a) Shear ~ MPa ks! 230 235 235 250 260 280 295 310 330 340 33 34 34 36 38 41 43 45 48 49 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. and electrical connectors Specifications (U.2% offset IoSOmm MPa IIsI MPa ksl (210. ASTM B 591 Characteristics Chemical Composition.S. Trade name: High conductivity bronze.70 to 1.5Zn-0.04in. Previous trade name. terminals. Not recommended: resistance spot and seam welding Yieldstrength At 0. 0. Composition Limits. Composition Limits. Wire: B 105 Machinability. Properties for oxyacetylene. and resistance butt welding are good. bal Zn Typical Uses. fuse chips. 0. contact springs.)thick OS035 OS025 OS015 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HlO 270 280 290 325 360 400 440 475 510 540 39 41 42 47 52 58 64 69 74 78 83 83 90 250 295 340 380 415 435 485 12 12 13 36 43 49 55 60 63 70 69 76 97 250 345 385 425 460 495 525 10 11 14 36 50 56 62 67 72 76 49 48 47 30 15 12 10 7 4 3 55HRF 58HRF 64HRF 46 60 67 72 76 79 82 10 13 24 47 56 62 65 69 71 72 215 230 230 240 255 260 270 280 295 310 31 33 33 35 37 38 39 41 43 45 Joining.05 Fe max. Composition Limits. Meter clips.70 Sn. Lubaloy Characteristics Chemical Composition. hot forming properties. (a) min Hot Working.05 Pb max.04 in. 1. and/or Foreign). connectors. rolled bar. fair Joining. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) C40500: Typical mechanical properties 'lemper ThnsIIe strength MPa lIsi Formability. bear- to 0. Temperature range is 830 to 890 °C (1525 to 1635 OF) C41100 (91 Cu-8. Oxyacetylene and resistance seam welding properties are fair.S. 0. 94.05 Pb max. Penny bronze Specifications (U. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Not recommended: coated metal arc welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) . welding properties are good for three processes: gas-shielded are. sheet Machinability.80 to 2. bal Zn C40800: Typical mechanical properties Specifications (U. B 591. (ASTM) Flat products: B 508. thrust washers.00 Cu. hot forming proper- Y.30 Sn. and sheet for bushings.S. and/or Foreign). Temperature range is 450 to 675°C (840 to 1245 OF) Note: Values for flat products. (ASTM) Flat products: B 591 'leoslle strength MPa ksi Characteristics 'Iemper Typical Uses. rolled bar. 1 rrun (0. Cold working properties are excellent. good Shear IIardoess ~ HRB HR30T MPa ksi Flat products. Temperature range is 830 to 890°C (1525 to 1635 oF) C40800 (95Cu-2Sn-3Zn) Chemical Composition. Cold working properties are excellent. Solder and brazing properties are excellent. Temperature range is 500 to 700 °C (930 to 1290 OF) Hot Working.10 ln. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent.) diameter 08050 08035 08025 08015 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HIO Wire. Properties for gas-shielded arc and resistance butt welding.04 In. oxyacetylene.5% extension 115 17 125 18 44 180 280 365 26 41 53 185 27 370 54 42 28 16 450 490 505 515 65 71 73 75 455 515 570 605 66 75 83 88 5 4 3 2 Note: Valuesfor flat products. 1 rom (0. good. gas-shielded arc. good Joining. 6 mm 11 11 12 12 38 47 52 55 60 70 62 83 97 105 280 365 400 440 485 515 525 72 9 12 14 15 41 53 58 64 70 75 76 Shear HIII'IIness ~ HRB lIR30T MPa ksl 58HRF 60HRF 68HRF 7lHRF 52 62 70 76 78 81 83 44 43 41 40 23 14 6 5 4 3 2 220 32 230 33 235 34 58 60 66 69 71 250 36 275 40 72 73 2(a) H80(70%) 560 81 Wire.50 C41500: Typicalmechanical properties to 2. 1 mm (0.05 Fe max.2% Elongation underload oll'set inSOmm MPa ksl MPa ksl (2 In. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Brazing. hot forming properties. Rolled strip for spring applications in electrical switches 08035 315 46 08025 08015 345 50 HOI 345 50 H02 385 56 H03 435 63 H04 485 70 H06 525 76 H08 560 81 560(a) 81(a) HIO Machinability. bal Zn Specifications (U.04 In. 0. and resistance butt welding).2Zn-1.1 Pb max.) diameter H80(98. Temperature range is 730 to 845 °C (1345 to 1555 "F) Yield strength At 0. and/or Foreign). 0.S. Soldering properties are excellent. Resistance spot welding processes are fair. Cold working properties are excellent. (b) Elongation in 1500 rom (60 in. Not recommended: coated metal arc and resistance seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Properties for three welding methods are good (oxyacetylene. % 0. Not recommended: coated metal arc and resistance seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.).) diameter R80(95%) 705 102 WIre. % 0.20 Sn.7%) 730 106 1(b) 0.352/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Formability.2% Elongation underload olrset inSOmm MPa ksi MPa ksl (2 In. Composition Limits.) thick. ASTM B 591 'Thnsile strength MPa ksi Characteristics 'Thmper Typical Uses. and resistance spot welding properties are fair. Temperature range is 830 to 890°C (1525 to 1635 OF) 'Thnsile strength MPa ksl 'Thmper Yieldstnmgth At 0. fair Joining.25 ln.) C41500 (91 Cu-7 .). (a) min Fatigue Hardness HRB lIR30T 64HRF 24 68HRF 29 74HRF 36 62 58 74 65 78 68 72 83 86 73 90 75 89(a) 74(a) strength MPa ksl 240 35 250 36 280 290 305 305 345 360 41 42 44 44 50 52 .l mm (0.9(b) (a) Elongation In 254 mm (10 in. Cold working properties are excellent.) thick 260 38 76 270 39 76 280 41 83 290 42 83 330 48 260 325 380 55 415 60 360 380 455 66 495 72 415 540 78 485 495 550 80 (0. hot forming proper- C41100: Typicalmechanical properties ties.).00 Cu. 3 mm (0. Temperature range is 400 to 705°C (750 to 1300 "F) Hot Working.5% extension Flat products.85n) Chemical Composition.05 in. 1.00 to 93. 89. Temperature range is 480 to 680°C (900 to 1250 OF) Yieldstrength 010. 0. 4. 0. 1 mm (0. Not recommended: coated metal arc and resistance spot and seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. 87.35 Pmax. 0. Composition Limits. 0.S.I> extension 0.05 Pb max. and resistance butt welding).00 Sn.05 Pb max.(a) min 15 18 19 46 59 65 73 79 85 89 49 48 47 35 20 15 9 7 4 2 70HRF 72HRF 79HRF 60 75 80 86 90 92 92(a) 32 36 45 56 68 70 73 74 76 76(a) .1 Sn) Commercial Names.05 Fe max.2'.) thick. Three welding processes are rated good (oxyacetylene. hot forming properties. Composition Limits.4Zn-1. 0.05 Fe max. Tin brass ~41900: Typicalmechanical properties of C41900 strip Chemical Composition.50 Hot .1> ol&el underload ksI MPa ksi MPa 15 16 17 40 51 55 65 68 73 75 105 110 115 275 350 380 450 470 505 515 14 15 19 39 57 64 70 76 81 84 97 105 130 270 395 440 485 525 560 580 Elongation ln50mm IIanIness (2 In.40 Sn.10 Pb max. 0. terminals. Previous trade name. Lubronze Hot Working.). fuse clips. Previous trade name.5Cu-9. Not recommended: oxyacetylene welding Thmper Thmilestrength ksI MPH OS035 OS025 OS015 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HlO 295 305 315 360 415 455 505 550 600 605(a) 43 44 46 52 60 66 73 80 87 88(a) YIeldstrength At At 0. Electrical connectors Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 1.15Sn) Commercial Names. Cold working properties are excellent. hot forming properties.04 in. 0. Temperature range is 830 to 890 °C (1525 to 1635 oF) Chemical Composition.).35 P max. and/or Foreign).) thick. Temperature range is 790 to 840°C (1455 to 1545 oF) to 3.5% exlemlon At 0. Temperature range is 425 to 700 °C (795 to 1290 OF) 45 46 47 54 63 68 76 82 89 92(a) 125 125 135 310 345 395 435 485 515 525 18 18 20 45 50 57 63 70 75 76 105 125 130 315 405 450 505 545 585 615 Note:Values forflatproducts.00 to 90. bal Zn Specifications (U.(a) min Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.S.). ASTM B 591 Characteristics C42500: Typicalmechanical properties Typical Uses. HRB 92 95 C42200 (87. Cold working properties are excellent. rolled bar and sheet for sash chains. % IIanIness HRB HR30T Machinability. gas-shielded arc. Composition Limits.5Cu-11.2'. spring washers.00 Cu. connectors. bal Zn Thmper Characteristics 061 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 Typical Uses. 1 mm (0.% 67HRF 64 73 78 87 42 25 14 5 4 3 2 19 46 57 65 74 77 80 HardDess. Soldering and gas-shielded arc welding properties are excellent. '. good Joining. rolled bar and sheet for electrical switch springs. contact springs. fair Joining.80 to 5. ASTM B 591 C42200: Typicalmechanical properties Characteristics Typical Uses. Temperature range is 500 to 675°C (930 to 1245 OF) C42500 (88.50 Sn.04 in. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent. 0.05 Fe max.00 Cu.1> olJset underload MPa ks! MPa ksi Elongation ln50mm (2 In. Resistance seam welding and brazing properties are fair. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Resistance spot and butt welding properties are good.00 Cu. terminals.00 to 92.MPa ksl Thmlleslrength ksl MPa 340 130 315 395 450 510 530 550 49 58 68 75 82 93 102 400 470 515 565 640 705 FJongalion ln50mm (2 In. 89. Rolled strip. 86.Wrought Copper /353 C41900 (90.80 to 1.00 to 89. and weather stripping Thmper Thmllestrength MPa ksl OS035 OS025 OS015 HOl H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HIO 310 315 325 370 435 470 525 565 615 635(a) YIeldstrength AI0. bal Zn Specifications (U.5Zn-2Sn) Chemical Composition.35Zn-5.2% orr. Rolled strip.I> HRB HR30T 46 45 44 30 12 6 4 3 2 2 65HRF 27 70HRF 31 75HRF 40 54 56 70 64 77 68 81 70 72 84 87 73 86(a) 74(a) Note: Values forflatproducts. pen clips.5Cu-4. and electric connectors Machinability.5'. and/or Foreign). CA419. fuse clips. Common name. 0. resistance spot and butt welding). Soldering and brazing properties are excellent. Temperature range is 425 to 625°C (795 to 1155 "F) C44300. and heat exchanger tubing: ferrules. 0. When fabrication results in residual stresses. bal Zn. hot forming properties. Cold working properties are excellent.05 Pb max.% 125 46 18 HRF Hardness lIRB lIR30T 69 55 30 34 39 57 73 79 84 81 91 9O(b) 72 77 53 62 365 425 495 540 605 650 620(b) TI5 380 450 460 485 495 505 72 78 88 94 9O(b) 40 55 65 67 70 44 25 13 10 5 4 3 72 73 57 65 69 73 75 77 75(b) Note: Values for flat products. Temperature range is 425 to 700 °C (795 to 1290 oF) C43400 (85Cu-14. bal Zn Hot Working.05 Fe max. Resistance spot welding has a fair rating. and resistance butt welding). (a) At 0.02 to 0. Previous trade names. Composition Limits. B 543 Characteristics Typical Uses. Sb. 0. or P (see below).10 Pb max. C44400: Antimonial admiralty metal. SB543. C44500: 0. and P. 0.00 Cu.06 Fe max.8Zn-2.80 to 1. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. gas-shielded are. Cold working properties are excellent. 0. contacts Machinability.S. Composition Limits.90 to 1. Tubing: SB1II.40 to 1. Four welding processes have good ratings (oxyacetylene.25n) Chemical Composition.) thick. 0. and condenser tube plates. (ASTM) Flat products: B 591 Hot Working. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability.S. and weather stripping Machinability.3Zn-O. 0. gas-shielded are. Limits for As. Temperature range is 790 to 840°C (1455 to 1545 oF) Specifications (U.00 to 73.S. (b) min Annealing.).00 Cu. good Joining. 1.10 P Specifications (U.00 to 87.02 to 0.354/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C43000 (87Cu-10. B 395. 84. When possible. (ASME) Condenserplate: SB171.75n) Chemical Composition. hot forming properties. distiller. C44300. % 310 315 330 360 405 470 510 580 620 605(b) 45 46 48 52 59 68 74 84 90 88(b) 105 110 115 280 350 405 460 490 510 515 15 16 17 41 51 59 67 71 74 75 49 48 47 28 18 10 7 5 4 3 Hardness lIRB HRJOT 64HRF 65HRF 70HRF 54 66 73 80 83 86 84(b) 22 26 30 55 63 68 71 74 76 74(b) Shear strength MPa ksi 250 255 255 275 290 310 340 360 370 385 36 37 37 40 42 45 49 52 54 56 Note: Values for flat products.04 in. Composition Limits. C44400: 0.00 Cu. (ASTM) Flat products: B 951 C43000: Typical mechanical properties Characteristics Typical Uses. Rolled strip and sheet for electrical switches. bal Zn Specifications (U.70 to 2. and/or Foreign). 1 rom (0. Not recommended: coated metal arc and resistance seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Thmper 05035 05025 05015 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HIO 'Ienslle strength MPa ksI 315 Yield Elongation strength(a) ksl MPa in50mm (2io. admiralty brass Chemical Composition.10 As. 70. strainers.00 Sn.00 to 87. Inhibited admiralty metal. Condenser. Common name. C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-15n) Commercial Names. 0.20 Sn (or 0. C44300: 0.10 Sb.70 Sn. spring. they should be used in annealed condition. arsenical admiralty metal. B 359.). SB359.5% extension underload. C44400. (ASTM) Condenser plate: B 171. three welding methods are rated good (oxyacetylene.07 Pb max. I rom (0. 84.) thick. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent. parts should be stress relieved . and/or Foreign). (b) min Annealing. Not recommended: resistance seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Thmper 05035 05025 05015 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HIO Thuslle Yield Elongation strength ksI MPa strength(a) MPa ksl IoSOmm (210. fuse and pen clips. Caveat: all three alloys are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking. good Joining. Tubing: BIll. relay springs. C44500: Phosphorized admiralty metal. and/or Foreign). Temperature range is 790 to 840 °C (1455 to 1545 "F) C43400 Typical mechanical properties Char:acteristics Typical Uses. 0. Sb.20 Sn for flat-rolled products): As.04 in. (a) 0. blades.5% extension under load. Rolled strip for electrical applications: switch parts.02 to 0.05 Fe max. ) wall thickness 08025 365 53 152 22 65 75 HOI 434 63 45 86. 125 MPa (18 ksi) C44300.4 80.2 79. Not recommended: shielded metal arc welding and resistance seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Machinability.8 60. 25 mm (1 in.065ln.\.3 ksi).5% extensionunderload. 20 mL NHpH.Apparentelasticlimit(tubing).). 92 MPa (13. and flash welding.0006 in.015mm) 330 48 62 60 97 14 9 H04 607 88 109 496 72 4 90 37 78 81 84 °C 20 3 -18 -30 -50 -SO -115 OF J 68 38 o -25 -60 -110 -175 Impact strength D·llif 82. 0-20 mL Hp. C44400. 320 MPa (46.015 mm (0. drawn and relieved.65 mm (0.6 58. drawn stress C44300: Microstructure.) dinmeter M20 330 48 124 18 65 70 Strip.).75 in. A different inhibitor is added to each alloy to protect against dezincification welding.) C44300: Microstructure. Uniform dezincification.8 mls (6 ft/s) cause impingement attack. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Annealing. 64 HRF 20 20 76 (a) At 0.4 82. resistance spot Recrystallization.5 59. hot fanning proper- Hot Working. Temperature is 300 °C (570 OF) for 1 mm (0.7 82. Temperature range is 650 to 800°C (1200 to 1470 "F) ties.9 61. thencold drawn to 19.8 58. 20 mL NHpH.) strip cold rolled hard (50% reduction) from grain size of 0. C44500: Typical Charpy impact strength data Elongation inSOmm (2 ln.2 mm (0. 8-20 mL 3% H202 • 250x Joining.080mm) 310 45 90 13 69 59 9 060(0.) diameter 060(0._. Etchant. % Thsttempemlure Hardness HRF HRIST HR30T Thbing.0 mm (0.5%. 1 mm (0.04 in.~""'-'-. fair for the following: silver alloy brazing. 83. hot rolledto 22. with a grains in corroded area (dark at the surface).3 60. yieldstrength. cut from 19 mm (0.Wrought Copper /355 General Corrosion Behavior.elongation.750 in.8 60.2 Annealedspecimens.875 in.(b) Nearlyzero . Tensilestrengthat 20 °C (68 "F).)diamrodintokeyhole-notch bars. Arsenical admiralty tube. Water velocities above 1. Alloys have good resistance to salt and fresh water at low velocities.4 79. and bent 180 0 • Transgranular stress-corrosion crack. Etchant. 25 mm (1 in.5 H02 503 73 29 90 H03 565 82 15 90 H04 669 97 4 92 Plate. Arsenical admiralty tube.Values areaveragesof datafromthreetests(specimens didDOt fracture). oxyfuel gas welding.5 ksi). 0-20 mL H20. Temperature range is 425 to 600 °C (795 to 1110 "F) Formability. Soft soldering properties are excellent. hardness. C44400.).) outside diameter x 1. C44500: Typical mechanical properties 'Iemper Thnsile strength MPa ksi Yield strength(a) MPa ksi C44300. C44400.(a) No measurable flow. 8-20 mL 3% HP2' 200x annealed. Properties are rated good C44300._------ Values for rod.9 83. ------------------'. C44500: Typical creep datar'.04ln. Cold working properties are excellent. r-.s 1000 I ~ c 1/ E E g I I 800 I 60 /-- ~ ~ c ~ 40 600 II U- 60 ~ - 400 tI: I ~ "iii 200 60 100 s: TElnsile strength -I----L. Bar and flat products (C46400 only): QQ-B639.02 to 0. Data for inhibited admiralty metal tubing (71Cu-28Zn1Sn). arsenical naval brass. rivets. and P content: C46400. 59. 0. C46700. and C46700 to protect against dezincification Machinability.2Zn-O.10 Fe max.150 E E / Q) -. °C Annealing temperature. Common names: Naval brass.10 Sb. Soft soldering and silver soldering properties are excellent.200 r-.356/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C44300. valve stems. Previous trade names.80 ]l \ . ~ o 300 <.050 400 I'.~ 120 Annealing temperature. I I I <. (AMS) Bar and rod (C46400 only): 4611.8Sn) Commercial Names. Has good resistance to corrosion in fresh and salt water. 4612. bolts. Thbing (C46400 only): MlL-T-6945 Characteristics Typical Uses.--I Apparent elasticlimit I 80 V 40 c o ~ 0> 5 20 iii o 100 I ~ ~ 80 I ~ 40 0. of 1200 I 1000 I - ~~ '\r-. C44500: Properties vs. '" 0.S.20 to 0. C46600. inhibited naval brass Chemical Composition. \ \ \ / --.02 to 0. cold drawn 50% and annealed 1 h at temperature LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 800 I 600 I 400 800 Click here to view Annealing temperature.50 to 1. propeller shafts. C46700 (60Cu-39. Sb. 90% that of C37700 (forging brass) Formability. C46600. C46700. (ASlM) Bar. cold forming properties. B 124. welding rod. fittings Crystal Structure. Different inhibitor elements are added to C46500. Condenser plate: B 171. antimonial naval brass. J463. C46400: Uninhibited naval brass. As. . none specified. nuts. phosphorized naval brass.20 Pb max. 0. o 100 . (Government) QQ-B-626. C46600. 0.00 to 62. " .10 As. Condenser plates. and shapes (C46400 only): B 21. (ASME) Condenser plate: SBI71. fair Joining. and/or Foreign). Composition Limits. 0. C46600.~ o 0. airplane turnbuckle barrels. Bar. 1'. shapes. Forgings (C46400 only): B 283. C46500. (SAE) Bar. 0. C44400. grain size and annealing temperature.00 Cu. C46500. of 500 600 700 100 200 300 --V 400 1/ L 500 600 700 Annealing temperature.20 ( . 0.00 Sn. balls. marine hardware. rod. I I / 0. ---- l/ 200 1200 I . bal Zn. rod. rod and shapes (C46400 only): J461. °C C46400.10 P Specifications (U. Properties of three welding methods are rated good (oxyfuel gas welding.100 c . 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability. Face-centered cubic alpha and body centered cubic beta Microstructure. forgings and wire (C46400 only): QQ-B-637. Generally two phases-alpha and beta General Corrosion Resistance. Hot forming properties are excellent. C46500. ) thick 060 25 400 58 172 050 414 193 28 60 Flat products. drawn... Temperature range is 650 to 825°C (1200 to 1520 OF) C46400.) wall thickness 18 H80(35%) 607 66 40 95 88 455 061 427 62 207 30 45 25 Extruded shapes M30 400 58 40 170 25 44 (a) 0.- .) thick 207 30 050 427 62 HOI 58 483 70 400 Flat products. Structure shows twinned grains resulting from annealing. 300x Elongation inSOmm (2m).040 . 25 mm (1. Not recommended: shielded arc welding Recrystallization.2Zn-0. 1000 1 1 800 10 200 o 300 400 500 600 Annealingtemperature.0. 1 mm (0.04 in. of 800 1000 1200 1 1 1 1400 600 1- - 100 50 800 90 40 ~ r-.% Shear strength ksi MPa 40 17 60 75 283 296 41 43 49 45 56 58 275 283 40 41 50 55 275 40 45 40 25 20 60 55 50 45 56 60 80 85 275 290 296 310 40 42 43 45 47 40 27 20 60 55 50 45 55 60 78 82 275 290 296 303 40 42 43 47 43 35 60 55 50 55 60 75 275 290 296 40 42 43 275 40 Thbing. C46600. 25 mm (1.5% extension under load C46400." I 0.- -: 1400 1200 1 I»>: . and grain size with annealing temperature.orC46700: Typical mechanical properties 'Thnslle strength ksi MPa 'Iemper C46400: Microstructure.0 ln.) thick M20 172 25 379 55 Rod and bar./ . °C 700 800 ..9 mm (0.030 I / / Grain size E E <If I 0. Uninhibited naval brass extruded. C46700: Variation of properties in strength.Wrought Copper I 357 resistance spot welding. Grain size before cold drawing. Maximum between anneals is 30% Annealing. Data for 19 mm (0. OF 600 700 1 Annealingtemperature. cold drawn 30% and annealed 1 h attemperature.375 in. Also see adjoining figure showing variations in properties with annealing temperatures Recommended Heat Treating Practice Cold Reduction.°C 700 .~ / Cl 0.0 in.) diameter 060 386 56 172 25 050 427 62 193 28 HOI (8%) 462 40 67 276 Hardness. 6 mm (0.75 in.0 ln. BRB Reduction in area.8Sn).-------lJ.75 in.) diam naval brass rod (60Cu-39. Temperature range is 425 to 600 °C (795 to 1110 OF) Hot Working. In the fair category are gasshielded arc welding and resistance seam welding.25 ln. Temperature is about 350°C (660 OF) for 19 mm (0.097 ln. C46500. and annealed.010 50 300 200 ..020 .25 ln.) diam rod cold drawn 30%. and flash welding). ductility. Etchant.) diameter 060 400 58 186 27 207 30 050 434 63 HOI (10%) 482 70 331 48 H02(20%) 552 80 393 57 Rod and bar.) outside diameter x 2.C46500. 0.- --1-.5 mm (0.~ c: I . 400 "'""'°1 - ~ - I-- - 20 300 500 600 400 Annealingtemperature. <.C46600. 6 mm (0. 51 mm (2. % Yield strength(a) MPa ksi Flat products.025 mm LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Annealingtemperature. 59 g FeCla and 96 mL ethanol.) diameter 060 393 57 172 25 207 050 434 63 30 HOI (8%) 476 69 317 46 H02(20%) 517 75 365 53 Rod and bar. . Not recommended: oxyfuel gas welding.5 in..) diameter 060 050 HOI (8%) H02(20%) Forgeability. Uninhibited naval brass. as-cast. and most resistance welding processes (a) At 0. Uninhibited naval brass. Marine hardware. Generally is three phase: alpha. screw machine products.) diameter HOI (4%) M30 Hot Working. Etchant. 30x C48200 (60. silver brazing properties. and lead General Corrosion Behavior. 0.00 Pb. Flash welding properties. shapes. Temperature range is 650 to 760°C (1200 to 1400 OF) Hardness. 0. 50% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Temper Tensile strength MPa ksl 395 435 475 515 57 63 69 75 060 050 HOI (8%) H02(15%) 385 425 460 485 56 62 67 70 55 60 78 82 260 270 275 285 37 30 17 55 60 75 78 260 270 275 285 38 39 33 43 78 275 40 230 33 34 60 270 39 275 40 32 75 275 40 170 205 315 365 25 30 46 53 170 195 275 360 25 28 40 52 40 230 40 35 20 15 38 39 40 41 40 41 435 63 Bar.. medium leaded: CA482. 76 mm (3.) diamrod cold drawn 30% Shenr strength MPa ksl Rod..).5x C46400: Microstructure. 25 mm (1. beta.% Rod.40 to 1. 90% that of C37700 (forging brass) Annealing. bal Zn Specifications (U.00 to 62.O. Naval brass. 0. Hot working properties are good.) diameter Bar.8Sn.7Pb) Commercial Names.O. B 124 (C48200). valve stems Microstructure.0 in.0 in. (Government) QQ-B-626.75 in.38 in. and shapes: B 21 (CA482). wire: QQ-B-637. rod. Composition Limits. 0-20 mL Hp. 10 mm (0. arc welding.50 to 1. Common name. forgings. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Elongation in SO mm !2in.S. good. (ASTM) Rod. Leaded naval brass C48200: Typical mechanical properties Chemical Composition. Higher magnification reveals dendritic microstructure. 20 mL NHpH. Temperature range is 425 to 600 °C (795 to 1110 OF) Yield strength!a) MPa ksl 435 455 63 66 .38Zn. Various concentrations HNO a • 1.. and/or Foreign).0 ln. Temperature is about 360 °C (680 OF) for 19 mm (0.5% extension under load Recrystallization. Bar.. 38 mm (1. fair. Previous trade names. 8-20 mL 3% HP2' then 59 9 FeCla and 96 mL ethanol.10 Fe max.) diameter poor HOI Joining. Soft soldering properties are excellent. Transverse macrosection showing the columnar structure of the outer edges of the casting that results from more rapid cooling near the surface of the casting.00 Sn. cold working properties. Bar and plate: QQ-B-639 Characteristics Typical Uses.358/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C46400: Microstructure. as-cast. bar.00 Cu. Transverse macrosection showing the columnar structure of the outer edges of the casting that result from more rapid cooling near the surface of the casting. 51 mm (2.5Cu. Good resistance to seawater and marine atmosphere Machinability. 59. HRB Rod.) diameter Formability. and shapes: B 21 (CA482). good. Thmper Thosile s1renglh MPa ksi 060 HOI (8%) H02(20%) 393 476 517 172 317 365 40 20 15 55 78 82 57 69 75 25 46 53 Shear streogth MPa ksl HRB 248 269 276 36 39 40 (a) Values for rod. Composition Limits. Forgings: B 283 (CA485).- 70 . c: ~ 400 - 80 '(.25% Sn) Specifications (U. Flash welding..030 I E E <Ii I ~/ 20 0. Previous names. Hot working properties are good. Wire: B 105 Chemical Composition...020 . bal Cu. shapes.Wrought Copper /359 C48500 (60Cu-37.30 to 2.100 - <ll 600 <.75 in. 70% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability. 0. (Government) QQ-B-626. °C Annealing temperature.S. Common name. and/or Foreign).~ o / I Grain size -. CA505. Maximum between anneals is 20% Microstructure. Marine hardware.00 to 62. Grain size before cold drawing. and lead C48500: Typical mechanical properties General Corrosion Behavior.) diameter C48500: Variation of strength.025 mm LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Annealing temperature. 1.) diam rod cold drawn 30%. 0.20 Pb. 1. Common name. Composition Limits.) diam high-leaded naval brass (60Cu-37.QE Wo ~ '(.5Zn-1. Temperature is about 360°C (680 "F) for 19 mm (0.7Sn) rod that was cold drawn 30% and annealed 1 h at temperature. and wire: QQ-B-637.10 Fe max.). % Hardness. beta. fair.010 o 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Annealing temperature. 99.05 Pb max. ::a: . 0. forgings. rod.25% E. Phosphor bronze (1.50 300 100 800 I 600 '" 0. Also see adjoining Figure showing variation in properties with annealing temperature Characteristics Typical Uses. c: - 60 ~ .S. Leaded naval brass Chemical Composition. Data for 19 mm (0.75n) Joining. and/or Foreign).10 Fe max. 25 mm (1.50 to 1. 1. silver alloy brazing. (ASTM) Rod. Temperature range is 425 to 600°C (795 to 1110 "F) Hot Working. cold working properties. B 124 (C485OO). High-leaded naval brass.7Cu-1. screw machine products.£ ~ 1U~ g'E . flexible hose. 0. a. Soft soldering properties are excellent.8Pb-0.-- .040 I><'" Elongatioj 0_ o 800 / 1000 I c'2" 0·- 0. 0. Variation of properties in ductility.and grain size with annealing temperature. °C C50500 (98. Temperature range is 650 to 760 °C (1200 to 1400 oF) Recrystallization.= 2' - ~ V 200 300 400 500 600 700 1200 1400 I I ~ / V III . Bar and plate products: QQ-B-639 Annealing. valve stems Cold Reduction. (ASTM) Strip: B 105. Phosphor bronze. 90% that of C37700 (forging brass) Formability.70 Sn./ 10 100 '" 0.~ 1/ c: .00 to 1. Good resistance to seawater and marine atmospheres Machinability.8Pb-O. 0. arc welding. Previous trade names.5Zn-1. bar.0 in. Electrical contacts.35n) Commercial Names. Not recommended: oxyfuel gas welding.35 P max. and most resistance welding processes Commercial Names. Bar. Usually is three-phase: alpha.50 Cu + Sn + P min Characteristics Typical Uses.00 Sn. 59.= 2' ~ 500 400 40 I 90 30 ~ ~ '(. poor Yield Elongation s1reogth(a) MPa ksi JnSOmm (2in. bal Zn Recommended Heat Treating Practice Specifications (U. -'£ -. OF 700 400 600 I 800 I 1000 I 1200 I 1400 1.00 Cu. pole line hardware .75 in. CA485. of Click here to view Annealing temperature. QQ-W-321.035 0. shapes: B 139. % 11 13 51 52 60 63 66 69 69 73 73 75 HRll Fatigue strength(h) MPa ksI 59. bending. Wire: B 159.S. stamping. drawing. and annealed 30 min at 565°C (1050 OF). tubing: 4625. 0. Flash welding. shielded metal arc. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. and resistance seam welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. MIL-B-13501.Data in this table were interpolated from A5lM 5TP I. Not recommended: other welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice 0.0 3. hot forming properties.3 Zn max Specifications (U. (a) At 0.04 in. 4 mL NaCI (saturated solution). diaphragms. squeezing.035 0.35 P. 0.0 BO. These processes have fair ratings: oxyfuel gas.015 strength MPa ksi Yield strength(a) ksI MPa 276 290 365 372 421 441 462 483 483 510 510 524 76 90 352 359 414 434 455 476 476 503 503 517 40 42 53 54 61 64 67 70 70 74 74 76 Elongation in so rom (2 ln).0 76.05 m.0 12. rod.03 to 0. 64 58 52 50 28 10 6 4 3 26 28 30 34 78 87 93 95 97 nan 130 140 145 150 380 515 550 19 20 21 22 55 75 80 450 65 25 80 400 58 25 78 140 415 550 20 60 80 58 24 8 5 3 2 .1 mm (0.05 Pb max. bourdon tubing.O 114 121 162 172 179 190 172 193 197 203 197 210 Hardness. Structure consists of recrystallized ex grains with annealing twins. extruded..0 3.) diameter H02 480 70 Wire. Rod: QQ-B-750. Cold forming properties are excellent.0 3.0 67. wire brushes. gas metal arc welding properties.0 60. Industrial: chemical hardware.SSn. brazing. 93. Excellent properties for cold working by blanking. B 139. Phosphor bronze. Phosphor bronze.5 30. Rod.035 0. perforated sheets. and brazing properties are rated excellent.360 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Machinability. upsetting. 13 mm (0.040 in. rod.2P) Commercial Names.Q15 0.0 5.Q15 0. 25 mm (1 ln. (Government) Flat products: bar. fasteners. (ASTM) Flat products: B 100. Bar. gas metal arc and resistance spot welding are rated good.0 47. bending. soldering. 5% A.Q15 0. Parts commonly are fabricated blanking. shearing. cold drawn. good.0 .5 23.60 Cu.035 0. switch parts.60 to 95.) thick. SAE J463. springs.2% offset. and resistance butt welding properties are excellent..8Cu. (AMS) Flat products: 4510. 5% A Chemical Composition.0 3.0 16. Etchant.10 Fe max. B 103. Bar: B 103.0 3.. 0. knurling..0 78. 500x 'Iemper MPa ksI Flat products.035 0. welding rods Machinability.Q15 0. lock washers.0 69. Wire: 4720. 2 g K2C rP 7' 8 mL H2 S0 4 . Hardware: beater bars. 0. MIL-W-6712 Characteristics Typical Uses.5% extensionunder load Yield strength(a) MPa ksl Elongation in SO rom (2 In.Q15 0.08 m. Temperature range is 800 to 875°C (1470 to 1610 OF) C50500: Typical mechanical properties Thnslle 'Iemper 05035 05075 H02 H04 H06 H08 HIO Grain slze.0 13. Architectural: bridge bearing plates.0 69.5 17. shapes: QQ-B-750. forming. Temperature range is 475 to 650°C (890 to 1200 OF) Hot Working. sleeve bushings. Composition Limits.80 Sn.035 0. truss wire.) thick 05050 325 47 05035 340 49 05025 345 50 05015 365 53 H02 470 68 H04 560 81 H06 635 92 H08 690 100 HIO 740 107 Rod.(b) At 108 cyclesoffully reversedstress CS1000 (94.5 25 28 28. Soldering. Previous trade name. cotter pins. and swaging Joining. 100 mL Hp.5 25 26 27. fair. 47.20 to 5. textile machining. % Hardness.0 5. Hot forming properties are poor Joining. roll threading.). Temperature range is 475 to 675°C (890 to 1245 "F) C51000: Typical mechanical properties Thnslle strength C51000: Microstructure. shearing.) diameter 05035 345 50 HOI 470 68 H02 585 85 H04 760 110 H06 895 130 H08 965 140 (a) At 0. bellows.5 29 28. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. clutch discs.0 73.2 mm (0. Wire: QQ-B-750. and/or Foreign).) diameter H02 515 75 Rod.0 75.5 Note: Values for flat products 1 mm (0. 4. forming. fuse clips.0 3. Bearings: MIL-B-13501. textile machining. Soldering. sleeve bushings. knurling. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. shearing.30 Cu. Hardware: beater bars. wire brushes. Industrial: chemical hardware. Architectural: bridge. shearing and stamping. 1 mm (0. Oxyfuel gas. Hot forming properties are poor Joining. Good capacity for cold working by blanking. fuse clips. YIeldlllreogth aIO. shielded metal are. textile machining Machinability.05 Pb max. shielded metal are. ~ HRF Hardoeso IIR30T HRB Flat products. bearing plates. fasteners. cotter pins.) diameter H02 Wire.50 to 96.08 ln.Wrought Copper /361 C51100 (95.).50 Recommended Heat Treating Practice to 4. Gas metal arc and resistance spot welding properties are good. Wire: B 159. roll threading. switch parts. diaphragms.20 Zn max Specifications (U. Hot forming properties are poor Joining. forming.). and resistance seam welding are fair Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.05 Pb max.6Cu-4.35 P. Excellent capacity for cold working by blanking. fuse clips. B 139. drawing.04 in. brazing.S. Previous trade names. 0. bellows. (Government) MIL-E-23765 Characteristics Typical Uses.) thick 55 08050 380 08035 58 400 08025 415 60 08015 62 425 H02 525 76 93 H04 640 H06 106 730 H08 770 112 HIO 120 825 Rod. shapes: B 139.) diameter 415 560 725 895 965 60 81 105 130 140 (0) At 0. lock washers.00 to 9.90 Sn. switch parts. B 103 Characteristics Annealing. 13 mm (0. and/or Foreign).03 to 0. and/or Foreign). springs.2P) Chemical Composition.2~ offset MPa ksi 46 48 50 51 55 62 74 80 92 98 103 110 130 145 160 295 385 495 530 615 655 675 Thmper 'IensDe strength MPa 08050 08035 08025 08015 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 H10 315 330 345 350 380 425 510 550 635 675 710 EIoDglltioo in SO (110. Phosphor bronze. Hardware: beater bars. perforated sheets. terminals. 0. (ASTM) Flat products: B 100. perforated sheets. 94. bourdon tubing.8 Cu. Composition Limits. 0. diaphragms. tress wire. Properties for oxyfuel gas. sleeve bushings. 0. Soldering. 90. forming. bending. drawing.) thick strip Typical Uses. 7. Temperature range is 475 to 675°C (890 to 1245 OF) Thmper ThosIJe strength ksi MPa Yield strength(a) ksi MPa FJODglltioo inSOmm (110.30 Zn max Specifications (U. welding rods Machinability.2Sn-0.04 In. fasteners. clutch discs. and seam welding properties are fair b. 0. 8% C C52100: Typicalmechanical properties Chemical Composition. lock washers. ~ 16 19 21 23 43 56 72 77 89 95 98 48 47 46 46 36 19 11 7 4 3 2 IIardoera HRB IIR30T 70HRF 73HRF 75HRF 76HRF 48 70 84 86 91 93 95 45 65 72 74 78 79 80 C521 00 (92Cu-8Sn) Commercial Names. SAE J463. 2 mm 08035 HOI H02 H04 H06 80 550 (0. For more severe service than that tolerated by C51100 alloy. 0. Gas metal arc and resistance spot welding properties are good.50 to 92.003 to 0. springs. Rod.00 Sn.10 Fe max. 3. bending.5 ln. bellows. Industrial: chemical hardware. and resistance butt welding properties are excellent. Temperature range is 475 to 675°C (890 to 1245 "F) C51100: Typical mechanical properties of 1 mm (0. and stamping. Architectural: bridge bearing plates. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. clutch disks. Composition Limits.5% extension under load 70 65 63 60 32 10 4 3 2 165 24 380 495 550 55 72 80 450 65 33 165 24 65 75 80 82 85 50 84 93 96 98 100 85 73 78 80 81 82 . connectors.10 Fe max. (ASTM) Flat products: B 103. brazing. 0. and resistance butt welding properties are excellent. Bar: B 103. 0.S.35 P. and/or Foreign).. Alloy has good capacity for cold working by blanking.08in. 9.. Wire: QQ-B-750 C52400: Typical mechanical properties Characteristics Typical Uses.. Composition Limits. bridge and expansion plates and fittings. . 0. '" 01 c: 0 l!! iii iii o Elongation • Ultimate tensile strength 6. % Hardness.. Bar: B 139.07 Cu. shielded metal are. (Government) Flat products. Oxyfuel gas. and shearing. shapes: B 139.) thick 05035 455 H02 570 H04 690 H06 795 H08 840 H10 885 Wire. °C C52400 (90Cu-10Sn) Commercial Names. brazing.03 to 0. particularly in fatigue Machinability.00 Annealing. Previous trade name.. I ~ I ~ e:2: I 300 (44) 01 ~ I v--: -- • ~ 60 50 ~ <Fe:' 40 I c: . bending.) diameter 05035 455 HOI 650 H02 815 H04 1013 Elongation in 50 rom (1ial... and resistance seam welding properties are rated fair ThllSlJestrength Thmper MPa Flat products. 83..30 to 90.2% yield strength 250 (36) 200 (29) 150 (22) . 10% D Recommended Heat Treating Practice Chemical Composition.20 Zn max Specifications (U... forming.35 P.. 0. ~ 500 30 600 700 10 o 800 900 Temperature. Rod.04 ln. .00 Sn.. fro- .! mm (0. Phosphor bronze. HRB 66 83 100 115122 128 68 32 13 7 4 3 55 92 97 100 101 103 66 93 118 147 70 ksi . 1% yield strength '" 0. Effect of annealing temperature on the mechanical properties of an alloy C521 00 slab. Heavy bars and plates for severe compression loads. 6. Temperature range is 475 to 675°C (890 to 1245 "P) to 11. Soldering....05 Pb max. Wire: B 159.4 h Temperature. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Also for products requiring extra spring qualities and optimum resiliency.. requiring good resistance to wear and corrosion.. Annealingtime.. of 930 750 450 (65) 1110 1290 1470 1650 70 ( 400 (58) 350 (51) -5 V "-.. (ASTM) Flat products: B 103.. 100 (15) 400 r------- 20 6. 2 rom (0. Properties for gas metal arc and resistance spot welding are good.0. Hot forming properties are poor Joining.10 Fe max. 0. 0.S. and resistance butt welding properties are excellent.362/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C52100: Annealing temperature.. Hardness.35 As. Alloy is produced as sheet.50 Fe max.50 P.and/or Foreign). Bearing alloy: J460 (791). Temperature range is 550 to 650°C (1020 to 1200 OF) Hot Working. brazing properties. 0. Temperature range is 475 to 675°C (890 to 1245 OF) Stress Relieving. Good lubrication and cooling are essential to a good finish. and P causes problems in welding and hot working Specifications (U. 5% aluminum bronze. and/or Foreign). screw machine products. 0. Aluminum bronze. Aluminum bronze A. is commonly fabricated by machining. (AMS) Strip: 4520. 92. (Government) Bar and rod: QQ-B-750 Characteristics Typical Uses. 444 bronze. Bearings (sleeve and thrust). uses include fasteners.003 in.02 to 0. Temperature is 350°C (660 "F) at 44% reduction and 0.). drawing. 48 47 46 46 19 7 4 3 2 70HRF 73HRF 75HRF 76HRF 70 86 91 93 95 70 HRB . shafts. Strip: QQ-C-450. good. B 395 . valve parts Machinability.50 others max (total).75 ln. Composition Limits.) initial grain size C60800 (95Cu-SAI) Commercial Name.) thick H04 415 60 Flat products. Sheet and strip.S. 92.00 to 7. Zn.5% extension under load Annealing.50 to 4.50 Pb.10 Fe max.00 to 6. B 139. 3. 0.0 in. see article on C61400. SAE J463.00 Cu.50 to 94. gears. and/or Foreign).) thick 05050 05035 05025 05015 H02 H04 H06 H08 HlO 315 330 345 350 425 550 635 675 710 46 48 50 51 62 80 92 98 103 370 510 54 74 550 80 Flat products. 1 mm (0. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass). 0. bushings. (Government) Bar. Common name.00 AI.) diameter H04 75 515 Rod. Caveat: alloy is not suitable for use in oxidizing acids Microstructure. SB395. Not suitable for nitric acid application.80 Cu.S. deep drawn.S. Not recommended: other welding processes Recommended Heat Treating Practice 380 470 55 68 (a) At 0. 80% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Tensile streogtb MPa ksi YIeld slrength(a) MPa ksi Elongation in 50 mm (210. Zn. B 359. Has good cold working properties. QQ-C-465 Characteristics Typical Uses. face-centered cubic General Corrosion Resistance. 5. stringy chips. SB359. Composition Limits. and parts requiring resistance to corrosion. forming. (ASTM) Tubing: B 111. bal Cu 99. Previous trade name. 19 mm (0. pinions.04 in. 0. 0. Oxidizing salts such as chromates and metal salts such as ferric chloride generally are corrosive to C60600 Machinability.50 to 4.Wrought Copper I 363 CS4400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn-4Zn) Commercial Names. Not recommended: hot working and hot forming H04 240 35 25 Rod. Alloy has been used in sulfuric acid pickling applications where oxygen content is low. Common names: Free-cutting phosphor bronze. Caveat: excessive Pb. 1. ASTM B 103.38 in. Composition Limits. but presence of moisture causes stress corrosion cracking. (ASME) Tubing: SBlll.) thick 310 45 20 Formability. Has been used in anhydrous NH40H applications. Alloy tends to form tough.5 Cu + Pb + Sn + Zn + P min Temper Specifications (U. for treating parts.) diameter 435 63 15 83 H04 395 57 20 80 Joining. rod. Previous trade name..50 Zn. Sheet and plate: QQ-C-450. For discussion of general corrosion resistance. and rolled bar. Phosphor bronze B-2.50 to 4. Soldering properties are excellent.00 to 96.075 mm (0. and P will cause hot shortness and problems in welding Specifications (U. 8 mm (0. (ASTM) Flat products: B 169. 5% Chemical Composition. "gold" decoration. Has alpha structure. Aluminum bronze...10 Pb max. 0. fair. Carbide or tool steel cutters are used Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Temperature for treating rod is 300 °C (570 OF). flash welding properties. blanking. shapes: QQ-C-645. forgings. shearing. Common name.50 Sn. 275°C (530 OF) C60600 (95Cu-SAI) Commercial Names. bearing bronze C54400: Typical mechanical properties Chemical Composition. bending.10 Fe max. Temperature range is 815 to 870 °C (1500 to 1600 "P) Recrystallization. 25 mm (1.50 AI. Caveat: excessive amounts of Pb. thrust washers. CA606. 4. 13 mm (0.50 in. strip.01 to 0. 3. 5% Chemical Composition. 8% aluminum bronze Forgeability. 0. Produced as rod or wire and used to make bolts.S. 0. 88. sheet. Has good capacity for both hot forming and cold working. presence of moisture can cause stress corrosion cracking. and roll threading Specifications (U. 70% that of C37700 (forging brass) ChemicalComposition. resistance spot welding. bar. pipe. Joining. Good fmishes required adequate lubrication and cooling. Zn.00 Fe. Joining. Also used as a welded overlay on steel to improve resistance to wear Annealing. Has been used in sulfuric acid pickling operations where oxygen content is low. and resis- (Government) QQ-C-450. 2. Cold working properties are good.00 to 7. Applications include tube sheets. Temperature range is 760 to 875 °C (1400 to 1610 "F) C61300 (90Cu-7 AI-0. it has been used to make acetic acid distillation columns The alloy is highly resistant to dealloying and to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in steam and hot oxidizing aqueous solutions and vapors. and/orForeign). drawing. and calcium chloride The alloy resists nonoxidizing mineral acids. (Government) Flat products: QQ-C-450 Characteristics Typical Uses. seawater piping for sec- . and corrosion resistant vessels Microstructure.50 Fe max. ASTM B 169. and pump parts. 0. Temperature range is 550 to 650°C (1020 to 1200 "F) Hot Working.) initial grain size C61000 (92Cu-SAI) Commercial Names. 0. and/or Foreign). sodium chloride. Alloy is produced as seamless tubing and ferrule stock for Machinability.20 Zn max. Has alpha structure. Common name. and welded pipe. acid resistant piping. Brazing proper- Annealing. with iron rich precipitates General Corrosion Resistance. 0. Oxidizing salts such as chromates and metal salts such as ferric chloride generally are corrosive Recommended Heat Treating Practice Formability. But it is highly resistant to SCC in anhydrous ammonia. 0. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Hot Working. C61300 is susceptible to SCC in moist ammonia and mercurous nitrate solutions.02 Pb max. cold heading. especially when moisture content is below 500 ppm and temperature is below 85°C (180 "F) Because of its high resistance to corrosion in salt water. 7% Chemical Composition. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass).15 Ni (+ Co) max. face-centered cubic ties are fair. magnesium chloride. Alloy is produced in a number of forms: rod.00 to 8.S. Temperature range is 600 to 675°C (1110 to 1245 oF) Machinability. Properties for arc welding. MIL-E-23765 Characteristics tance butt welding are rated good. condenser tubing. single phase.50 Cu. see article on C61400.003 in.10 Mn max.50 Sn. columns. Composition Limits. seamless tubing. Common processes include blanking.05 Zn max.Q75 mm (0. For discussion of general corrosion resistance. water boxes. bending.50 AI. Temperature is 350°C (660 "F) at 44% reduction and 0. forming. Caveat: excessive Pb. Caveat: not suitable for use in oxidizing acids fair Microstructure. 0. 6. heat exchanger tubing. 6. or Si can cause problems in hot working and welding Specifications (U.50 others max (total). In anhydrous NH40H application. hot forming properties. plate.Next Page 364/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Characteristics Typical Uses. (ASME) SB169.02 to 0.5 AI. Presence of tin in 7% aluminum bronze evidently renders the alloy immune to SCC in these environments. Temperature range is 800 to 875 °C (1470 to 1610 "F) Recrystallization. the alloy is used in a variety of components for marine and desalting plant service • Examples include tube sheets for condensers in nuclear and fossil fuel power stations.00 to 3. Not suitable for use with nitric acid. soldering and resistance seam welding properties. shafts.50 to 91. Chips tend to be tough and stringy. P. See article on C61400 for discussion of general corrosion resistance The alloy is very resistant to neutral and nonoxidizing salts. Not recommended: soldering and oxyfuel gas welding GeneralCorrosion Resistance.05 max others. Alloy has alpha structure. Arc and resistance welding have good ratings. Composition Limits. and other applications requiring corrosion-resistant seamless tubing. 0. Examples: • Has been used in tanks containing hydrofluoric acid in glass etching applications • In organic acid service. However. Not recommended: brazing and oxyfuel gas welding Typical Uses. balCu Formability.10 Si max. Carbide or tool steel cutters are used heat exchanger tubing. 0. tie Recommended Heat Treating Practice rods.3Sn) Commercial Name. 0. Examples include: • Extended service in potash solutions of potassium chloride. fair. cooling tower transfer piping.01 Pb max. Aluminum bronze. 0. tube sheets.OC -182 -295 --60 -75 -29 -20 20 70 205 400 315 600 425 800 540 1000 Annealed -182 -295 --60 -75 -29 -20 20 70 205 400 315 600 425 800 540 1000 50 (a)AI0.3 44.). Good lubrication and cooling are essential. Resistance tends to decrease with increasing concentration of dissolved oxygen or oxidizing agents. plate. nonoxidizing acid salts and many organic acids and compounds. lactic. finishing speed is 350 mlmin (1150 ftImin) with feed of 0. Practice for tool steel cutters: roughing speed 90/min (300 ftImin) with feed of 0. Excessive Pb.1 583 84. Composition Limits.S.0 174 25.8 9. neutral salts such as sodium chloride. Common name. hydrochloric.6 87. Aluminum bronzes resist dealloying. (ASME) Flat products: SB169. Aluminum bronze D. 88.00 Mn max. depending on alloy composition General Corrosion Resistance.2 10. especially when stress levels are high Microstructure. 40 ~ "c t"l a . Arc and resistance welding properties are good.50 Cu. SAE J463.L-_----' -200 200 400 600 Temperature. and piping for geothermal heat transfer systems Joining. temperature.9 85. Cold working and hot working properties are rated good Hot shortness temperature is 1010 °C (1850 oF) C61300: Charpy V-notch.01 Pb max.3 mm1rev (0. shapes. forgings: QQ-C-465.8 40.3 mm1rev(0.6 48. rod. velocity. Chips tend to be stringy and gummy.9 6. Structure is alpha solid solution. Oxidizing acids. Temperature range is 785 to 870°C (1445 to 1600 "F) Formability.6 522 75. especially as temperatures increase above 55°C (130 "F) Aluminum bronzes are generally suited for service in alkalies. and bar. sheet.§ 20 20 L. and amount of any impurities in the solution Aluminum bronzes are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking in moist ammonia and mercury compounds. and phosphoric acids. 1.3 347 305 303 288 276 256 123 68 50.9 52 47 44 45 34 30 60 36 51 57 56 56 32 27 55 33 139 176. oxidizing salts.8 11. aeration.0 f-----l-~"L--+-~~-+-----=l60 :.1 17. The alloy also resists anhydrous ammonia. alkalies such as sodium or potassium hydroxide.7 9. Applications include condenser and heat exchanger tubing.2 46. In general.5 185 162 161 155 142 134 84 Temperalure.5 130 81 67 45 20. When stress levels are high. the alloys also may be susceptible to stress corrosion cracking in purified steam or in steam containing acidic or salt vapors Applications include systems that contain mineral acids.8 397 335 339 318 298 271 105 71 57. (Government) Flat products: QQ-C-450.8 18.Previous Page Wrought Copper /365 ondary cooling systems in nuclear power plants.9 41. with precipitates of iron-rich phase Aluminum bronzes resist nonoxidizing mineral acids. and heavy metal salts are corrosive.20 Zn max. such as sulfuric.-_---'-_ _--'-_ _.5 12. or oxalic. shapes: SB150. chlorinated . and organic acids such as acetic. brazing properties.B 171.1 37. SBI7l.5 172 136. (ASTM) Flat products: B 169. Temperature range is 600 to 875°C (1110 to 1610 "F) Forgeability. but care must be taken to exclude moisture to avoid stress corrosion cracking.3 15. In addition." ModIWsof ~ GPa~poi IIardneso. 0.6 12.lrev).7 21. QQ-C-465. welded and seamless pipe.6 24. Not recommended: soldering and oxyfuel gas welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Machinability. Bar. the alloy resists anhydrous. and corrosion resistant vessels. Alloy is produced as seamless tubing. Fair to poor.00 to 8.011 in.5 77. fasteners.7 6.3 50 45 44 42 35 22 52 27 49 55 58 59 32 24 41 26 156 149 172 126 128 88 48 45 22.6 610 88. Si. 1. HB(b) MPH ksi MPa ksI 718 611 606 590 532 432 170 88 104. (b)3000kg(66151b)load C61400 (91Cu-7AI-2Fe) Commercial Names. rod.5%exlensionunderload. rod. shapes: B 150.2 25. 7% Chemical Composition. fair. Previous trade name." Inarea.3 92 13. but to different degrees.6 24. neutral salts.6 25. 6.8 6. 0..50 Fe. Caveat: not suitable for use in oxidizing acids.011 in. Flat wire: QQ-C-465 Characteristics Typical Uses. Bar. OF Cold finished 80 .9 19.2 62. or P causes hot shortness and cracking during hot working and welding Specifications (U. corrosion resistance is mostly influenced by solution concentration. Susceptible to stress corrosion cracking in moist ammonia or in steam environments.00 AI.7 49.50 to 3.5 others max (total).6 186 170 162 157 144 137 83 49 707 102. Bar. Zn. 0.lrev) Annealing. Aluminum bronze.0 18.015 P max. 0.4 600 87. Temperature range is 800 to 925 °C (1470 to 1695 oF) C61300: Typical mechanical properties of C61300 and C61400 rod at various temperatures ThnsiIe 'IOmperalure OF "C I\reogtb YIeld otreogtb(a) FJongalion InSOmm Redudlon (2in.3 43.1 88.00 to 92. rod. and/or Foreign).1 43. Variation in Charpy V-notch impact strength with temperature for C61300 and C61400 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Hot Working.3 18.7 427 62. 50% that of C37700 (forging brass) Recrystallization.3 39. 8 161 155 40.1 88. 1. Temperature range is 600 to 900 °C (1110 to 1650 OF) Hot Working.).1I> Reduction in area.) thick 400 Rod.011 in.6 186 170 162 157 144 137 83 49 52 47 51 57 139 20. Hardware. oxyacetylene. Not recommended: Oxyfuel gas welding .3l in. OF Size Thnsilestrength MPa ksi Yield strength(a) Elongation in MPa ksf SOmm(2in.5 142 134 84 50 24 Annealed 800 1000 583 92 60 36 (a) At 0. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass).OC 13 mm (0.0 18.7 62. hot forming properties. decorative metal trim.50 in. 50% that of C37700 (forging brass) Characteristics Formability. (b) 3000 kg (66151b) load C61400: Typicalmechanical properties Temperature.)diameter (a) At 0. such as carbon tetrachloride.8 9.3 mmlrev (0.9 6. Variation in Charpy V-notch impact strength with temperature for C61300 and C61400 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view C61400: Typical mechanical properties of C61300 and C61400 rod at various temperatures Thnsile strength MPa ksi Yield strength(a) MPa ksi 718 611 606 590 532 432 170 88 104.8AI. O. coated metal are. Temperature range is 800 to 925°C (1470 to 1695 OF) Recrystallization.5 25.3 87. finishing speed.9 136. soldering and brazing properties.3 50 45 44 42 35 22 52 27 49 55 58 59 32 347 305 50.6 303 288 75. II> 57. II> Shear strength MPa ksi 80 Flat products.4 -29 20 -20 70 600 205 315 425 540 400 600 522 427 174 Thmperalure OC OF Elongation inSOmm (2in. H04 temper 20 20'--_-----'_ _--'-_ _-'--_ _-' -200 200 400 600 Temperature.9 41.9 85.) diameter 51 mm(2.011 in. Alloy has tendency to form continuous. stringy chips. springs. Composition Limits.5 19. 7.12 in. extrusion.5 77. 350 mlmin (1150 ftlmin) with feed of 0."L---+~*-t----=I 60 J. Slight directionality in bending Typical Uses. Not recommended: soldering.8 44 45 56 56 172 24.0 t----1f--.00 in.8 397 335 339 318 298 271 105 71 -182 -295 --(i() -75 707 610 102.50 Cu.1 84.30 AI. fasteners. good (with use of mildly aggressive fluxes).) thick 13mm (0.1 43.oI5Pb max Forgeability.lrev). and stamping. giftware.3 13.3 15.31 in. blanking.70 to 8.8 11. Lusterloy Machinability.50 in.) thick 565 550 535 525 82 80 78 76 310 275 240 230 45 40 35 33 40 40 42 45 615 585 550 535 89 85 80 78 415 370 310 60 58 54 45 32 35 38 40 585 565 550 85 82 80 310 275 240 45 40 35 35 35 35 310 290 275 275 45 42 40 40 330 310 275 48 45 40 Flat products.1 17.3 44.5% extension underload.00 to 90. deep drawn articles.) diameter 25 mm(1. good Joining.lrev) Formability. Typical practice for tool steels cutters: roughing speed. Good lubrication and cooling are essential.3 18. Temperature range is 785 to 870 °C (1445 to 1600 oF) Hot shortness temperature is 1010 °C (1850 oF) C61400: Charpy V-notch. Properties for gas-shielded are. and resistance welding are good. Previous trade name.6 48.2 62. interior furnishings. fair. E 3 mm (0. architectural panels and structural sections. Properties for gas-shielded arc welding.3 276 256 123 68 Modulus or elastici\t GPa 10 Psi Hardness.) thick 8 mm (0. Suitable forming processes include bending. 90 mlmin (300 ftlmin) with feed of 0. 89.50 in. and carbon arc welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.00 in. deep drawing.6 88.3 mmlrev (0.0 25. tarnish-resistant articles General Corrosion Resistance.1 37.7 21.80 to 2.6 24. and resistance welding are excellent. but the presence of moisture makes these chemicals corrosive Machinability.2 176.).12 in.2Ni) Commercial Name.00 in.7 6.6 25.2 46. Tool steel or carbide cutters may be used. ~ c: g" 40 c.) thick 13 mm (0. H04 temper 3 mm (0. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Chemical Composition.2 10.366/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys hydrocarbons.6 87.20 Ni. HB(b) Cold finished -182 -295 --(i() -75 -29 -20 20 70 400 205 315 600 425 800 540 WOO 41 26 156 149 172 126 128 88 48 45 22.7 49.6 12. Cold working properties are fair.00in. Excellent-Similar to that of other aluminum bronzes Joining.7 9. Cold working and hot forming properties are excellent.5% extension under load C61500 (90Cu. drawing. shielded metal are.3 39.6 185 162 43. 060 temper .9 34 30 32 27 55 33 130 81 67 45 18. brazing properties.) thick 25 mm (1.) thick 25 mm (1.) thick 8 mm (0.5 12.8 6. forging. 88. 0.% In area. HR30T 42 70 81 83 84 84.00 Ni (+ Co) max. body-centered cubic beta with iron-rich precipitates Forgeability. Excessive AI reduces ductility and resistance to corrosion Specifications (U. 0. and all types of resistance welding.) thick sheet and strfp Annealing. Cold and hot working properties are good Modulus or Elongation elasticity In 50 mm Reduction intension Hardness.4 43. and products Thmperature OF Yield strength(a) MPa ksl 778 682 663 652 550 465 196 103 112. nuts. Temperature range is 620 to 675°C (1150 to 1245 OF) Aging Temperature.50 Mn max. 8.8 22.t or 1% lOll> MPa ksi MPa ksl 485 450 415 70 65 60 825 675 6W 120 98 90 2011> MPa ksi 965 930 895 140 135 130 .9 193 170 168 165 152 148 98 54 125 121 124 120 138 79 73 51 18.00 Fe.5 16.3 47. 107 m1min (350 ft/min) with feed of 0. 350 m1min (1150 ft/min) with feed of 0. Caveat: not suitable for use in oxidizing acids 114 85 54 41 18.5 86.S.4 7. (210. Applications include bearings. In addition.0 17.) 360 345 315 52 50 46 Compressivestrength at pennanent .00 to 4.211> ollset MPa ksi 150 345 515 6W 690 725 965 Elongation In SOmm(21o. cams.5 10.15 mm1rev(0.5 79. Aluminum bronze. Properties are good for gas-shielded are.1I> 22 50 75 90 100 105 140 IIardneu. 0. alloy resists dealloying.3 mmlrev (0. 75% that of C37700 (forging brass) C62300: Typical mechanical properties of rod at various temperatures -c requiring resistance to corrosion. Forgings: B 283.3 37 34 34 34 22 10 32 18 41 41 44 44 22 13 33 29 127 108 114 -60 -29 20 205 315 425 540 -295 -75 -20 70 400 600 800 1000 762 664 647 620 534 448 210 94 110.5 12. H50 temper Rod diameter 0. Temperature range is 600 to 650°C (1110 to 1200 "F) Hot Working..50 to 11. rod.lrev) Joining.) Hot Working. bushings.9 5.8 67.4 15.0 30.7 47.006 in. pumps. but hydrochloric is more corrosive than other acids of this type. rod.Wrought Copper /367 Recommended Heat Treating Practice C61500: Typical mechanical properties of 1 mm (0.9 42. shielded metal are. then stress relieved for 1 h a1300 °C (570 "P) C62300 (87Cu-10AI-3Fe) Commercial Name.2 94. 2.1 16.5 49.20 to 89. which greatly impedes dislocation motion. (ASME) Bar. 300°C (570 OF) for I h (a low temperature annealing treat that permits short range ordering of solute atoms within a matrix. but to lesser extent than C61300 and C61400. 1. C62300 cannot be used in oxidizing acid such as nitric Machinability.5 15.3 46.6 7. shapes: SB150. Not recommended: soldering and oxyfuel gas welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Cold finished -182 General Corrosion Resistance. 9% Chemical Composition. (Government) Forgings: MIL-B-16166 Characteristics Typical Uses. Also.8 41.5 18.8 98.9 46. and good finish is possible.5 others max (total). Order strengthening.1 17.6 43.7 16.2 12. Temperature range is 700 to 875 °C (1290 to 1610 "F) Hot shortness temperature is 1010 °C (1850 OF) Annealed -182 -60 -29 20 205 315 425 540 -295 -75 -20 70 400 600 800 1000 (a) At 0. and/or Foreign).6 377 330 323 294 302 288 153 84 54. Composition Limits. (b) 3000 kg (6615Ib) load C62300: Typical compressive properties for rod.011 in. fmishing speed. Produced in rod and bar forms.5 55 36 15 5 4 3 1 Fatigue strength at II/ cY£1es ksi MPa 260 38 270 39 275 40 (a) Cold worked 50%.5 13.0 390 340 326 320 296 296 138 92 56. SAE J463. shapes: B 150.4 20.3 93. see article on C61400 Formability. Carbide and tool steel cutters are used. 0. gears.25 Si max. II> GPa 10· psi HB(b) ThmUe strength MPa ksi Microstructure.5% extension under load.Caveat: Excessive P causes hot shortness. Has duplex structures of face-centered cubic alpha plus metastable.0 77. (ASTM) Bar. excessive Si causes loss in ductility.0 20.8 90. Temperature range is 815 to 870°C (1500 to 1600 OF) Thmper ThlL'lUestrength MPa ksl 060 485 050 585 H02 725 H04 860 H06 930 H08 965 HR06(a) 1000 70 85 105 125 135 140 145 Yieldstrength at 0.) 50-75 nun (2-3 in.5 65.5 28. For general corrosion behavior.0 11.4 195 171 168 161 151 146 97 46 111 Annealing. bolts. Fair. valve guides.50 Cu.).lrev).) 25-50 nun (1-2 in.).111> MPa ksI g5 nun (:!>1 in.5 96. Typical practice with steel cutters: roughing speed.04 in.00 AI.6 Sn max.9 96. brazing properties are fair.0 43.0 13.2 35 33 31 32 20 10 46 27 38 39 38 39 21 13 39 32 Alloy resists nonoxidizing mineral acids. 011 in. Carbide and tool steel cutters are used. Also. reduced wear resistance. cams.50 to 13.lrev) Practice with carbide cutters at rate of 2.l~ l~ 400 330 10~ 16S 158 158 C62500 (82. cams.) cut: roughing speed. Alloy resists nonoxidizing mineral acids. 0. and Si in more than trace amounts can cause hot shortness.50 AI. 53 mlmin (175 ftlmin) with feed of 0. wear Annealing. Typical practice for tool steel cutters: roughing speed.50 Fe. fmishing speed.) 25-50mm (1-2 in. and/or Foreign). drift pins. but heat treatment provides relief. H50 temper Compressive strengthat pennanenl oel of Ulllmale Rod diameter MPa ksl MPa ksi MPa ksi oompresslve strength MPa ksi 525 mm (SI in. 0.00 to 11. Similar to that of C62300 Duplex microstructure consists of alpha plus metastable beta phases and iron-rich precipitates Recommended Heat Treating Practice Typical Uses. close-packed. Variation in Charpy V-notch impact strength with temperature Temperature.4 mrn (0. but hydrochloric is more corrosive than other acids of its type.7Cu-4. P. Aluminum bronze. 0.004 in. 12. bal Cu. 10. nuts.50 others max (total). Caveat: presence of elements such as Pb.50 forming dies.368/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C62300: Charpy V-notch. Temperature range is 760 to 925°C (1400 to 1700 oF) C62400: Typicalcompressive properties for rod.YO C62400 (86Cu-11AI-3Fe) Common name. Caveat: excessive Si and Al reduce ductility Specifications (U. SAE J463 (0. wear strip.80 to 88. alloy isn't suitable for use in oxidizing acids General Corrosion Resistance.30 Mn max.3 to 6.20 Sn max. Produced as rod and bar which are used in gears.011 in. 90 mlmin (300 ftlmin) with feed of 0. Primarily body-centered cubic beta phase with small crystals of ordered.09 to 0. bushings. 2. For general corrosion behavior. Also. Zn. Corrosion resistance is adequate in Machinability. f 60 I----+----+---+------j ~ jCOld finished 40 ~ 40 /' '\ 1 j 20 / / ' I~i""ealed o -200 0 200 ~~ 400 0 600 Temperature. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) . of -200 80 0 200 400 600 800 1000 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view -. alloy's resistance to corrosion is inferior to that of aluminum bronzes containing less aluminum General Corrosion Resistance. Include guide bushings. 82. Composition Limits. 2. sheet metal Chemical Composition. Chips break readily.) 50-75mm(2-3 in. Trade names: AMPCO 21. 0.1 mm1rev (0. tie rods.lmin) Characteristics Weldability.3Fe-13AI) Commercial Name. hexagonal gamma phase Characteristics ambient moisture and industrial atmospheres.S. finishing speed.50 others max (total).3 mm1rev (0. 3. 50% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass).25 Si max. General corrosion properties are inferior to those of C62400 and C62300 Low ductility and low resistance to impact make it advisable to provide adequate structural support for C62500 components subjected to shock loads or high stress. Wearite 4-13 Typical Uses.00 to 4.00 Fe.lrev).50 AI. Temperature range is 600 to 700 °C (1110 to 1290 "F) plates. 0. alloy is susceptible to dealloying. Caveat: Parts can lose ductility with prolonged heating in range of 370 to 565°C (700 to 1050 "F).25 in. Also. 290 mlmin (950 ftlmin) with feed of 0. In addition.3 mm1rev (0. 11% Chemical Composition. But the alloy rarely is used in strongly corrosive environments.011 in. see article on C61400. alloy can't be used in presence of oxidizing acid like nitric Machinability. 38 to 45 mlmin (125 to 150 ftlmin) with feed of 0.00 Cu.) 290 220 175 42 32 25 470 68 58 48 885 825 795 128 120 115 1140 1090 1090 O.lrev). Composition Limits.3 mlrev Hot Working. and forming rolls to 5. and increase tendency to spall Microstructure.00 Mn max. Gas-shielded arc and shielded metal arc welding properties are good. bending. <: 30 ~ o I lo .. -. Not recommended: oxyfuel gas welding and soldering Hot Working. Temperature range is 745 to 850 °C (1375 to 1560 "P) C63800 (95Cu-2. Incoloy 800 (ASTM B 408). oxidation resistance is excellent.. Temperature range is 600 to 650°C (1110 to 1200 "F) Joining. Cold working is not recommended Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. switch parts.40Co) Commercial Name.55 Co.05 Pb max. .2'h offset MPa ksI 'Iensilestrength ksi MPa 56 82 93 99 109 385 565 640 680 750 780 800 820(a) 33 17 10 8 5 4 3 2(b) 113 116 119(a) 94 97 98 99 100 100 lOO(a) C63800: Tensile properties. 200 ~ E E 150 . . and all forms of resistance welding Thmper 061 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HIO 82 96 106 111 120 124 130 130(a) 565 660 730 765 825 855 895 895(a) FJongatioo 105Omm (110. Hot forming properties are excellent.50 to 3.. glass sealing. Also to 2. and are close to phosphor bronzes in performance. (b) max LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Hardneos HRB IIRJOT J 50 o 100 l-----' V 200 300 400 500 Testtemperature.\ 900 . HOB temper. Temperature range is 400 to 600°C (750 to 1110 "F).10 AI.~ 1100 I . Annealresistanceof C63BOO strip. C60600. Springs. contacts. 0. 0.. shearing. the alloy was consistently superior to Nickel 270. 1. Soldering usually is done with standard fluxes. bal Cu see adjoining figure on anneal resistance Characteristics Typical Uses.. porcelain enameling C63800: Typical mechanical propertiesofsheet and strip General Corrosion Resistance.10 Fe max. :2 ... Trade name: Coronze Recommended Heat Treating Practice Chemical Composition..l'\ \\ j - ~ <: I Tinsile strength I .'h YIeldslreogth at 0.10 Ni max. . Resistance to crevice corrosion is far superior to that ofmost other copper alloys.80 Zn max.50 Annealing.. . OF iii 700 74 78 80 81 82 82 83 83(a) (a) min.t-. Composition Limits. Annealing temperature. o "6> <: (f) o o f--- ~ 90 ~ £ 60 200 V. brazing and resistance welding properties.... Commonly used joining processes are brazing.10 Mn min.8Si-O. r-.8AI-1.. C63800 is more resistant to stress corrosion than the nickel silvers.10 Si... Cold working and hot forming properties are excellent.... gas-shielded arc welding.. I Yield strength r--.!. fair. Parts are formed by blanking. drawing..Wrought Copper /369 Formability.25 to 0.90 II Il) l---- / h 100 0 ii Ol <: 0 V As. On the basis of weight gain after heating 2 to 24 h in air at temperatures of600 to 800 °C (1100 to 1300 OF).. Typical room-temperature tensile properties for material annealed 1 h at varioustemperatures Click here to view 400 1000 BOO III n.f- 600 Testtemperature. 0. OF 300 :2 120 \ 400 III 1000 1200 I BOO n. relay springs. and stamping Joining. type 301 stainless steel. At elevated temperatures. 30 Yield I"ensile strergth strengt~\\ " I~ 250 Q) I "#. 2. 0. °C ... Typical short-time tensile properties of H02 temper Click here to view C63800:Tensile properties. 0. Nichrome (80Ni-20Cr).£ ~ ~ 600 - 600 BOO I -.). °C 600 .200 300 400 500 600 rolled Annealing temperature. 0. 400 200 700 0 I r 500 '. Superiority was especially evident at 800°C (1300 OF) Formability. 0. 2. 25 mm (1 ln.010 to 0. 0.44 ln. fair Yield strength(a) MPa ksi strength MPa ksi 435 550 655 435 485 490 63 80 95 40 45 50 53 30 20 12 Thbing.).) outside diameter x 1. rivets. Soldering and brazing properties are good.370 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C65100 (98. High silicon bronze Chemical Composition. Low-silicon bronze B. Composition Limits.1 Cr) Chemical Composition.).5Sn-O.) waU thickness 05015 ~~~ 310 45 m 140 e ill 20 40 55 68HRF W ~HRB (a)At0. bal Cu . welding rod C65100: Typicalmechanical properties ThnsIJe Temper 275 485 620 40 70 90 Wire. and/or Foreign}. 0. Wire: B 99.0 ln.80 Fe max. gas-shielded arc. 1. Tubular products: B 315. coated metal arc welding has fair rating Temper HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 H08 HI0 Tensile strength MPa ksI 570 655 725 790 825 890 930 83 95 105 115 lW 129 135 Yield strength MPa ksi 415 585 635 700 760 815 860 60 85 92 102 110 118 125 Elongation in 5Omm(2in. rod.20 to 1.) diameter Formability.65 mm (0.% Rod. Temperature range is 700 to 875 °C (1290 to 1610 OF) C65400 (95. Temperature range is 400 to 600 °C (750 to 1110 OF) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) Commercial Names.25 mm (1. (ASME) Bar.70 Mn max.12 Cr. Provides high strength and good formability in combination with good resistance to stress relaxation.00 Si. cable clamps.065 in.50 Zn max. Previous trade name.50 Pb max. Aircraft: hydraulic pressure lines. 0. bolts. Bar. 0.90 Sn. 0. bal Cu C65400: Nominal mechanical properties of C65400 strip Characteristics Typical Uses.08 in. 11 mm (0.5%extensionunderload Annealing.80 Si. Hardware: anchor screws. Industrial: electrical conduits. Uses include contact springs. 0. High silicon bronze A. heat exchanger tubes. 0.60 Ni max. shapes: B 98. shielded metal arc welding properties. (Government) QQ-C-591 Characteristics Typical Uses. connectors.) diameter ~ _ ~ Shear strength Bardeess MPa ksI 105 380 460 15 55 67 50 15 12 55 HRF 80HRB 310 90HRB 345 45 50 % ill 40 40 ~ ~ mew ~ ~ ill H02 H04 H06 550 690 725 63 70 71 15 11 10 310 345 365 80 100 105 Wire.0Si-1. Composition Limits. 2. 1. Previous trade name. Composition Limits. Temperature range is 475 to 675°C (890 to 1245 OF) Hot Working. Cold working and hot forming properties are excellent HOO(21%) H02(37%) H04(60%) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Elongation inSOmm (2in. nuts.S.80 to 2.5Si) Commercial Names. (ASTM) Flat products: B 97. resistance spot and resistance butt welding are excellent. Low silicon bronze Chemical Composition. cap screws. 0. Common name. 30 W 13 6 5 3 2 82 92 95 97 99 100 101 HRB Fatigue strength a110' cycles MPa ksI 235 34 255 37 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. bal Cu Specifications {U.80 Fe max. 0. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Joining.50 Zn max. U-bolts. Properties for soldering. marine hardware.4Cu-3. 2 mm (0. pole line hardware. 1.) thick 05035 H04(36%) H06(50%) Machinability. 1.50 Mn max.50 Zn max.5Cu-1. Thbular products: SB315. and wiring devices Machinability. oxyfuel gas and resistance seam welding properties are good. brazing. % Hardness. shapes: SB98.70 to 3. machine screws. rod.80 to 3.05 Pb max. welding properties are rated excellent for all forms of resistance welding and gas-shielded arc welding. Common name. Cold working and hot forming properties are excellent Joining.05 Pb max.40 Si. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. 3. 0.l mm (0. Tubing: MlL-T-8231 C65500: Typicalmechanical properties ThllSile Thmper strength MPa ksl Yield strength(a) MPa ksi Shear strength MPa ksl Elongation inSOmm (2 In. Temperature range is 700 to 875°C (1290 to 1610 OF) 08070 08035 08015 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 385 415 435 470 540 650 715 760 56 60 63 68 78 94 104 110 145 170 205 240 310 400 415 427 21 25 30 35 45 58 60 62 63 60 55 30 17 8 6 4 40 62 66 75 87 93 96 97 290 295 310 325 345 390 415 435 42 43 45 47 50 57 60 63 150 310 380 415 22 45 55 60 60 35 22 13 60 85 90 95 295 360 400 425 43 52 58 62 170 275 330 395 450 485 25 40 48 57 65 70 60 35 20 8 5 3 295 330 360 400 450 485 43 48 52 58 65 70 Rod. drawing. (Government) QQ-C-591. pole line hardware.65 mm (0. bal Zn (25.S. chemical equipment. plug receptacles. Suitable forming processes include blanking. kettles. Alloy is more resistant than C26000 to corrosion and stress corrosion cracking Formability. relays. Times and temperatures for the treatment vary.80 AI. bushing. Composition Limits.10 to 27. shearing. depending on the cold-worked temper.) outside diameter x 1.30 to 74. respectively. No increase in susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking results from the treatment . gas-shielded arc. hinges.4Co) Commercial Name. B 97. fair Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. 0.) diameter 08035 HOO HOI H02 H04 H08(80%) 415 485 550 675 860 1000 60 70 80 98 125 145 Thbing. cotter pins. Wire: B 99. Is soldered with mildly activated commercial fluxes. and all forms of resistance welding. Specific times and temperatures for the treatment may vary. screws.0 ln.08 in. Is also joined by brazing and resistance welding processes (430 OF) undergoes an ordering reaction that increases strength (see adjoining Table). cable. and/or Foreign). Cold working and hot forming properties are excellent. and stamping. Hardware: bolts. B124. shafting. terminal. bending.Wrought Copper /371 Specifications (U. Temperature range is 475 to 700 °C (890 to 1290 OF) Hot Working. Bar. contacts. the ranges are 280 to 320 °C (540 to 610 OF) and 10 min to 2 h. connectors General. 25 mm (1. (AMS) Bar. Temper rolled C68800 when heated to 220°C Specifications (U. channels. depending on cold worked temper. Tradename: Alcoloy Recommended Heat Treating Practice Chemical Composition. Temperature range is 400 to 600°C (750 to 1110 "F) to 3. clamps.70 Cu.25 to 0. 40% that of C37700 (forging brass) Formability.2% offset yield strength.Corrosion Resistance. There is little change in 0. 0.S.) diameter 08050 H02(20%) H04(36%) H06(50%) 400 540 635 745 58 78 92 108 Wire.04 in.5Cu-22. Caveat: susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking increases dramatically with an increase in the degree of ordering Stabilization. nuts.065 in. and/or Foreign).010 others max (total).0 ln.55 Co. SAE J463. shapes: B 98. Parts should be given this treatment after forming because ductility is reduced. 25 mm (1. heat exchanger tubing. The purpose of this treatment is to enhance stress relaxation.7Zn-3. Tubular products: SB315. burrs. Bending characteristics are nearly nondirectional for all annealed and rolled tempers Joining. Springs. B 100. Cold working and hot forming properties are excellent Joining. Tarnish resistance is substantially better than that of most alloys.). 'I Flat products.00 Annealing.) thick Characteristics Typical Uses. tanks. parts should be stabilized after forming. shapes: SB98. butts. piston rings.10 Al + Zn) Order Strengthening. rod. Industrial: bearing plates. To gain maximum benefit for stabilization. Tubing: 4655. (ASTM) Flat products: B 96. Aircraft: hydraulic pressure lines. Bar. rod: 4615.) wall thickness 08050 H80(35%) 395 640 57 93 70 22 45 92 (a) At 0.4AI-O. rivets. screen plates. Marine: propeller shafts Machinability. 72.5% extension under load C68800 (73. screen cloth and wire. Properties are excellent for brazing. nails. (ASME) Flat products: SB96. Soldering and oxyfuel gas welding properties are good. rod. (ASTM) Flat products: B 592 Characteristics Typical Uses. Tubular products: B 315. 2 mm (0. switches. marine hardware. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability.05 Pb max. shielded metal arc welding properties. Forgings: B 283. ) thick strip C68800: Typicalmechanical properties after low-temperature thermal treatment As-rolled ThIisllestrength Yield strength .2 % offset Thmper MP.50 to 0. and/or Foreign).50 to 4.70 Ni. Temperature range is 400 to 600 °C (750 to 1110 "F). in terms of uniform rate of corrosion and resistance to stress corrosion Formability. 72. ksi 365 475 525 635 705 750 785 805(b) 53 69 76 92 102 109 114 117(b) FJongation inSOmm (210. contacts.5 95 78 81 82. relays.5Cu-14. 0. bending.025 Pb max. Hot Working. bal Zn Specifications (U.5 1. (b) Stabilization treatment is not effective on HOO or HOltemper material. (b) min.t Provides significantly better resistance to corrosion than C26000. stamping. Valve stems requiring a combination of corrosion resistance and high strength. Similar in behavior to C26000 in blanking. Resistance welding properties are good.7Zn-3.00 to 83. 0.2% offoel MP. (ASTM) Rod: B 371 (CA694) Characteristics Typical Uses.5Zn-4Si) Commercial Name. (e) max C69400 (81.5 2.3Cu-22. Cold working and hot forming properties are excellent Joining. but directionability is lower in bending cold worked tempers.50 Si. 06O(a) 050 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 HlO 565 615 650 725 780 825 885 895(b) 82 89 94 105 113 120 128 130(b) Yield strength . bal Zn Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Annealing.5 95 97 98 96 99(b) 84.). high strength shells General Corrosion Resistance. strength .30 Pb max. Not recommended: oxyfuel gas and arc welding C69000: Typical mechanical properties Thmper OS025 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 HlO EHT(a) Thnsilestrength MPo ksl 565 650 715 780 825 870 895(b) 930 82 94 105 113 120 126 130(b) 135 Yield strength .5 84(b) 97 98 99 99(e) (a) Annealed C68800 usually has a very fine grainsize (OmO mm or less).to.6Ni) Chemical Composition. and other cold forming operations.50 Cu.S.5 2(e) I IIardne5s HRB HR30T 69 90. 30% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Forgeability. stress relief annealing is carried out at 225°C (440 "F) for 1 h Typical Uses. drawing.). ksi MP. (e) max C69000 (73. 3.04 in.00 to 74.30 to 3. 80.5 83 83. 0. Previous trade name.) Yieldstrength ThnsB. soldering and brazing properties. CA691 Chemical Composition.4AI-O.372/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C68800: Typical mechanical properties of 1 mm (0. connectors.2% offset MP. 0. Composition Limits. (b) min. 0. ksi 725 780 910 960 965 105 113 132 139 140 690 740 895 925 945 100 107 130 134 137 (a) Heated 1h at 205 to 230°C (400 to 450 "P). 80% that of C37700 (forging brass) . Electrical Temperature range is 790 to 840°C (1455 to 1545 "F) springs. (e) min Thmper Thnsllestrength ksl MP. switches.2%off""t ksi MPo 360 525 635 700 750 785 805 875 52 76 92 102 109 114 117 127 Elongation inSOmm (210. fair-if an active flux is used.20 Fe max.50 AI. Composition Limits.05 Fe max.5 9 4. forged or screw machine parts Machinability. % 35 19. Silicon red brass. % 35 30 20 9 5 3 2 2(e) IIon1nes!I HRB HR30T 78 69 90.00 Cu.5 (a) Cold rolled 50% and stress relief annealed I hat 220°C (430 oF). ksi H02(b) H04 H06 H08 HlO 695 750 101 109 122 129 13O(e) 640 93 97 110 114 117(e) 840 890 895(e) 670 760 785 805(e) Stablllzation treated(. ksi MP. 3. . Condensers. (ASTM) Pipe: B 466. B 432. properties for coated metal arc and resistance spot. 1. B 543. condenser plates. salt water pipe.30 to 0. B 467. SB395.20 Ni. Tubing: B 111. Common name. Condenser tubing: MIL-T-15OO5 F Characteristics Typical Uses. B 402.30 to 1. rod: MIL-C-15726 E(2).80 to 6. Properties for soldering. Temperature range is 650 to 875 °C (1200 to 1610 OF) 'ThosIJe olrength MPa ksi Section size mm 10. ferrules. MIL-T-23520 A(4). (110. Composition Limits. Previous trade names.)outside diameter x 1.. brazing.. evaporator and heat exchanger tubing...Wrought Copper /373 Formability.80 Mn. 90-10 cupronickel Chemical Composition. 0.. flat products. Temperature range is 815 to 950 °C (1500 to 1740 oF) Characteristics Typical Uses. Not recommended: arc welding Thmper Recommended Heat Treating Practice 060 YIeldstreoglh HOO 621 586 550 689 0. Tubing: SBlll.00 to 11. SB467. 0. B 467.. CA706. 90 85 80 100 (0. Temperature range is 565 to 815°C (1050 to 1500 "F) Hot Working.6Mn) Chemical Composition. Hot forming properties are excellent. B 543 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.25 mm (l. shipboard condenser intake systems Machinability. and butt welding are good.00 to 1. Copper-nickel 10%. fair C70400: Typicalmechanical properties Thmper Thnsile strength MPa lui Strip 061 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 260 350 395 440 485 530 Yieldstrength At 0.65mm (O. ferrules. Composition Limits.. B 171.00 Zn max.5"" At 0. good. 4.00 Ni. B 359.5 1. (SAE) Plate and tubing: J463.). MIL-T1638 C(2).. and gas-shielded arc welding are excellent.75 13 25 51 19 Annealing.4Cu-5.5Fe-O. SB402. (Government) Bar. 0.0 0. oxyacetylene properties.05 others max (total). (ASME) Flat products: SBI71. Rolled strip. 0.1.S.5Ni-1. bal Cu Specifications (U. hot forming properties..5. boat hulls . B 552. and tubing for industrial applications.065 in. condenser plates..80 Fe. 1. B 395. evaporator and heat exchanger tubing. forgings. 1.05 Pb max Specifications (U. Pipe: B 466. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. oxyfuel gas welding and resistance welding properties. Hardoeoa BRB HRJOT 41 21 11 5 3 2{a) 8 54 57 67 65 72 68 75 69 76{a) 70{a) Thbing. Tubing: MIL-C-I6420. BRB 20 85 85 85 95 310 296 276 393 45 43 40 57 25 25 21 C70400 (92. good Joining. Tubing: B 111. salt water piping.05 Pb max.00 Zn max.S. seam. distiller tubes.. Rod: B 151. condensers.00 Mn max. and/or Foreign). 91.) waUthickness 08015 285 41 97 14 46 58 HRF H55 330 48 250 36 18 67 HRF (a) min C70600 (90Cu-10Ni) Commercial Names.70 Fe. Cold working properties are excellent. B 395..otrJel extensionUDder load MPa list MPa lui 38 51 57 64 70 77 83 12 275 280 435 475 525 40 55 63 69 76 Ebogalioo 1050mm (110. SB359. cold working properties are poor C69400: Typicalmechanical properties of copper alloy C69400 rod Joining.0 2. Temperature range is 425 to 650°C (795 to 1200 OF) Hot Working. Soldering and silver brazing properties are excellent. SB466. Pipe: SB466. lithium bromide absorption system tubing.20 Cu min. SB467. 1. sheet. exleDsioo Ebogation underload) ksi MPo IoSOmm Bardoeoo. B 359. SB543.). B 466.0 in. 1. 9.. (ASTM) Flat products: B 122. and/or Foreign). Weld made with 2.374/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys LIVE GRAPH Click here to view General Corrosion Resistance.080 in. 2 mm (0.) tbick 05050 350 51 90 05035 358 52 98 05025 365 53 110 HOI 415 60 330 H02 468 68 425 H04 518 75 490 H06 540 78 518 H08 565 82 540 HIO 585 85 540 13 14 16 48 62 71 75 78 78 90 98 110 338 435 500 525 545 545 13 14 16 49 63 72 76 79 79 'w -'" . 200 mL Hp.. 2.8 mm (0. Copper-nickel.- 1:' 25 76 I I- ~ <. good. Temperature range is 850 to 950 (1560 to 1740 "F) ~ I . Laser welded to 1020 steel base.20 Elongation in SO DlDl Hardness (2in.) diameter HIO 655 95 585 85 5 73 75 92 100 1\ I---- <J) <J) 80 V Q) c .lmin). 10% Ni. properties for oxyfuel gas welding.) outside diameter x 1.. ::.5 0) 40 c ~ (j) / 200 Temper Yield strength at 0.4 mm/s (40 to 60 in. -7 Rockwell B / 40 / / o o 20 40 60 80 Cold reduction.0 kW of laser input energy at travel speed of 17 to 25.. 1. fair 500 I Tensile strenglh .V ~ V .) and a wall thickness of 4.04 in.). 1 mm (0. 1 part acetic acid.) thick.: 400 Recommended Heat Treating Practice III a. Mechanical properties of cold drawn C70600 tubing..375 in.8 g NH4CI. Properties for cold working and hot forming are good C70600: Mechanical properties.. Data for variation in mechanical properties with amount of cold reduction for tubing with a diameter of 60 mm (2..2%offset MPa ksi MPa ksI 60 /\ V . Temperature range is 600 to 825°C (1110 to 1520 OF) . properties for shielded metal arc and resistance spot and seam welding. Microstructure shows the distinct segregation of the copper-rich phase (dark) and the nickel-rich phase (light). Annealing. 1 part HN03 .1875 in. % C70600: Microstructure. 10 mL HN03 . 2 parts acetone. 10% Ni.065 in.5 300 c ~ Tensile strength MPa ksi Flat products. Etchant. Etchant.) wall tbickness 05025 338 49 125 18 40 H55 468 68 430 62 14 Wire.5% extensionunderload At0.) wall Joining. 15x ..' 0) Hot Working..% HRF HRB 35 35 35 20 8 5 4 3 3 72 25 27 30 58 75 80 82 84 86 Thbing. No melting of the steel base occurred. Properties for soldering.3 mm (0. 20% that ofC36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. semicontinuous cast.. III 72 <. 50x C70600: Microstructure. 25 mm (1 in..090 in. Copper nickel. Rockwell F / /.- .05°(°_ extension under load / 1/ C70600: Typical mechanical properties of C70600 and C71000 Yield strength At0. brazing.65 mm (0. gas-shielded arc and resistance butt welding are excellent. Alloy has excellent resistance to seawater Machinability. 169 c-o. Pipe: B 466. (ASME) Pipe: SB466. bal Cu Joining. B 467. B 395.) diameter HIO 72 25 76 .50 others max (total). 100 mL Hp. Wire: B 206. Copper nickel.S. as are properties for hot forming Chemical Composition.00 Fe max. fair Tubing: SBIIl.00 Zn max. condensers. Composition Limits.04 in. properties for oxyfuel gas welding.065 in. CA71O. 1 mm (0. Common names: 8020 cupronickel Machinability. Copper-nickel.05 Pb max.00 Ni. Previous trade names.2% offset ksi MPa Elongation in SO nun (210.00 Mn max. Properties for shielded metal arc welding are good.080 ln. and/or Foreign). electrical springs. forming. (ASTM) Bar and flat products: B 122. SB467. Properties for soldering.) wall thickness 08025 H55 338 468 49 68 125 430 18 62 40 14 655 95 585 85 5 Wire. Properties for cold working by blanking.).) thick 08050 08035 08025 HOI H02 H04 H06 H08 HIO 90 98 no 338 435 500 525 545 545 13 14 16 49 63 72 76 79 79 35 35 35 20 8 5 4 3 3 73 75 92 100 Thbing.2 mm (0. 1. gas-shielded arc welding. B 359. flat products. and Specifications (U.00 to 23. B 467. ferrules. (SAE) Bar. evaporator and heat exchanger tubing. and bending are good. 25 mm (1 ln. 20%. B 466. tubing: J463 Annealing. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability.5% extensionunder load MPa ksi 350 358 365 415 468 518 540 565 585 51 52 53 60 68 75 78 82 85 90 98 110 330 425 490 518 540 540 13 14 16 48 62 7l 75 78 78 At 0. condenser plates. 10% Ni.% Hardness HRF HRB 72 25 27 30 58 75 80 82 84 86 FIat products.20Ni) Commercial Name. 0. brazing. showing the grain-boundary cracks (dark areas) typical of stress-rupture failure. 1.) outside diameter x 1. SB395. Temperature range is 875 to 1050 °C (1610 to 1920 OF) Characteristics Typical Uses. SB467.. SB466.Wrought Copper I 375 C70600: Microstructure. SB359. Temperature range is 650 to 825°C (1200 to 1520 OF) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Hot Working. 4 mL NaCl. 0. Tubing: BIll. 2 g K2CrP7' 8 mL H2 S0 4 . resistors C71000: Typical mechanical properties of C70600 and C71000 Yieldstrength 'Iensile strength 'Iemper MPa ksi At 0. Communication relays.65 mm (0. 19. 1. Etchant. all types of resistance welding are excellent. 300x C71000 (80Cu. ) outsidediameterx 1. (ASTM) Flat products: B 122.) wallthickness Tensile strength ksi Thmper MPa M20temper 061temper(b) H80temper 380 380 580 55 55 84 061temper(c) H80 temper(d) H02 temper(e) 380 585 515 55 85 75 061 temper(b) H80temper OS025temper OS035temper 340 580 415 370 49 84 Yieldstrength(a) MPa ksi 140 125 545 140 540 485 170 60 20 18 79 45 36 3 36 20 78 70 45 15 15 37 81 80 50 4 45 45 45 36 25 54 Elongation in 50 mm(21n. B 552.) outsidediameterx 1. all forms of resistance welding.(e) Colddrawn20% C71500: Microstructure.5%extensionunderload. The grains are inclined upward from horizontal by up to 30° due to convection in the initial state of freezing. (c)Annealedat760 °C (1400 "F). 0. Previous trade names. 30%: CA715.05 Pb max. flat products. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Temperature range is 925 to 1050 °C (1695 to 1920 OF) C71500: Typical mechanical properties size Flat products 25 mm (I in. condenser plates. tubing: J463. salt water piping Machinability.30Ni) Commercial Names. (SAE) Bar.65mm(0. 96 mL ethanol. MIL-T16420. (ASME) Flat products: SB171. wire: MIL-C-15726. 1 part H3P04 . B 467. (b)Annealedat705 °C (1300 "P). % 40 86 (a)0. B 467. B 402.065in. rod. SB467. Copper-nickel. evaporator and heat exchanger tubing. flat products. Etchant.75 in. Properties are excellent for soldering.).00 Ni. 1. 29. Rod: B 151. SB402. Temperature range is 650 to 825°C (1200 to 1520 "F) Hot Working.39 in.3x C71500: TypicalCharpy impact strengths Thsting temperature "C OF -115 -18 3 20 65 120 205 -175 o 38 68 150 250 400 Charpy Impact strength(a) J R·!bf 81 81 87 89 72 72 68 60 60 64 66 53 53 50 (a) For 10 mm (0.)outsidediameterx 2. Has good properties for cold working and hot forming by bending and forming Joining.049in. Composition Limits. 0. 0.5in.00 to 33.S. (Government) Bar. Longitudinal section showing columnar structure near the surface of the billet.)plate I mm (0.376/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C71500 (70Cu. B 395.00 Mn max.)diameter Thbing 29 mm (0.40 to 0. forgings. SB543. SB467. properties for oxyfuel gas welding are good. Tubing: SBll1. as-cast.)strip Rod <25mm(l in. distiller tube. brazing.) square keyholespecimensmachined fromannealedrod . SB395. then 59 g FeCI3 . B 171. Pipe: SB466. Pipe: B 466. Caveat: stress relieving or full annealing should precede exposure to solders of all kinds Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. bal Cu Specifications (U. 5 parts HN03 . 70-30 cupronickel Chemical Composition.5 others max (total). Common name.) wall thickness 114mm(4.109 in.) wallthickness 25 mm (I in. Tubing: MIL-T-19005. B 359. (d) Colddrawn50%. and/or Foreign). MIL-T-22214 Characteristics Typical Uses. Condensers. 0. 30% Ni.75mm(0.00 Zn max. 1. ferrules.25mm (0. 5 parts acetic acid.04in. Copper nickel.70 Fe. B 466. Tubing: B 111.)diameter 25 mm(1 in. B 151.. SB466. SB359. ci Cold drawn 40% . Common name. e 60 400 t. and all forms of arc welding are excellent.ri 600 800 o 1000 Testing temperature. In seawater.!!! 300 ~ 40 ° 061 temper '. Cold drawn 70% 100 • -5 N • Cold drawn 26% 200 400 200 20 o Cold drawn 25% and annealed 100 ~~ 800 400 600 800 0 1000 o -400 -200 o Testing temperature. Copper-nickel. 600 " ~ <. c: Xl . '. c: ~ £>.: v Cold drawn 70% and annealed 0 -400 1200 '200 400 ~ ~. although C71900 has higher tensile and yield strengths at any given reduction..00 Ni. This value can be raised to 345 MPa (50 ksi) by a postweld heat treatment: 1 h at 480°C (900 OF) Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Typical Uses..00 to 32. seawater pipe Full properties of the spinodally decomposed condition can he obtained by furnace or still air cooling through the temperature range of 760 to 425°C (1400 to 795 "F) from a soaking temperature of 900 to 1065 °C (1650 to 1950 OF) General Corrosion Resistance. CA719.8 mls (6 ftls). thencold rolled60% . 0. 2.. Welding does not have an adverse effect on corrosion resistance. 80 500 500 If ::. 28.!!! '..then cold rolled 37%..5 Fe max. °c I 100 80 ~'\ 1\ ~\ ~ - \ ~ • Cold drawn 40% and annealed +200 1600 I -. and the alloy appears to be immune to stress-corrosion cracking in seawater Formability. % EIongalionln Hardness.20 to 1. cast billets should be homogenized 3 to 4 h at 1040 to 1065 °C (1905 to 1950 OF) before being extruded Joining.: If ::.20 Ti.00 Mn. or less than 4 mils/yrin seawater flowing at velocity around 1. Previous trade names.25 Zr.). chromiumbearing. Composition Limits. C71900 is readily hot worked from a starting temperature of 1040 to 1065 °C (1905 to 1950 OF).. ferrules. Because of microsegregation. C71900 can be cold worked in a manner similar to that for C71500. (d) Spinodally decomposed. Typical properties of C71500 rod LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 700 Click here to view Testing temperature. as-welded. (c) Spinoda1ly decomposed.1 mm/yr.then cold rolled 20%... 20 -a. 0.. bal Cu ing is not recommended. (b) Spinodallydecomposed. Material thick enough to require multipass welds develops a minimum yield strength of 345 MPa (50 ksi).r: t: .. of o --400 <. 0.10 to 0. e I!! I!! t: .25 Si max.Wrought Copper /377 C71500: Tensile and yield strengths.: .2Cu-30Ni-2. °c C71900 (67.. tube sheets.04 C max.8Cr) Commercial Name. 0. 0. Single pass welds develop a minimum yield strength of 275 MPa (40 ksi) aswelded. Corrosion rate is low-generally less than 0.2% offset MPa ksI Heattreated(a) Half-hard temper(b) Hardtemper(c) Springtemper(d) 600 730 780 835 87 106 113 121 365 685 740 800 'Thll'lile strength 53 99 107 116 so mm (2 in. Cupronickel with Cr Chemical Composition. but hot working should not be continued below 840°C (1545 "F) because ofreduced ductility. Properties for soldering. water boxes. About 25 % more extrusion pressure is required in comparison with practice for C71500.02 to 0. Oxyfuel gas weld- C71900: Typical mechanical properties Yield strength Condllion MPa ksi at 0. Heat exchange tubing.50 others max (total).40 to 3.20 Cr. 0..' 300 t :E ° '#. '" c I!! 400 t: -e Q.. Resistance welding normally is not used. 0.r: t. HRB 32 14 8 6 87 100 100 101 (a)Spinodallydecomposedby air coolingfrom 900 °C (1650 "F). C71900 resists both general and localized attack. brazing. of --400 T400 700 100 600 Testing temperature. optical. 0.80 Zn. Temperature range is 730 to 815°C (1345 to 1500 OF) Typical Uses.5 others max (total). 0. Temperature range is 650 to 800°C (1200 to 1470 "F) Hot Working. shapes. Properties are good for gas-shielded are. properties for oxyfuel gas welding are fair Temper Thnsllestrength MPa ksl under load MPa ks\ Elongation 0. and swaging Joining.2 Mn max.50 Cu. (Government) Flat products: QQ-C-585.) diameter Annealed(a) .50 to 68. bending. and all types of resistance welding. % Hardness. 2 mm (0. Relay and switch springs. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent.5 Mn max. (ASTM) Flat products: B 122. 9. forming.50 Ni. lead frames. 0.). brazing.03 Ti max. Composition Limits. knurling. rivets. Temperature range is 900 to 1040 °C (1650 to 1905 OF) C72500 (88. HRB 35 18 6 3 2 1 1 42 71 78 85 88 90 99 Flat products. shearing. gas metal arc and resistance seam welding properties are fair.00 to 11. drawing.08 in.04 In. 0. Properties are good for oxyfuel gas. 0.40 to 0. brazing. Cold working properties are excellent. Nickel silver. Copper-nickel.10 Pb max. roll threading. 0. resistance spot and resistance butt welding. Cupronickel with Cr Chemical Composition. Alloy has excellent resistance to corrosion in seawater Machinability. chromiumbearings. stamping. Rod: B 151. and resistance seam welding. 0. Properties for gas-shielded arc welding are excellent. 63.S.5 others max (total).30 to 0. Rod. shielded metal are. plater's bars Formability. flat wire: QQ-C-586. 0.015 mm C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-10Ni) Commercial Name. 1.03 Si max. Cupronickel with Sn Chemical Composition.90 Mn.00 Ni.5Ni-2. balZn ties are poor Specifications (U.50 to 1. squeezing. 15.00 to 18.5Cr) Commercial Names. optical parts. 0. slide fasteners.378/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C72200 (83Cu-16. CA725. Miscellaneous: etching stock. hollowware. 8. and/or Foreign). Temperature range is 600 to 750°C (1110 to 1380 "F) . connectors. heading. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Chemical Composition.5 % extension Typical Uses. B 151.50 to 10. Condenser and heat exchanger tubing.70 Cr. Wire: QQ-W-321 Characteristics Typical Uses.00 Ni. upsetting. 0. Not recommended: shielded metal arc welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Copper-nickel. saltwater pipe Hot Working. bal Cu Formability. Bar: QQ-C-585. Previous trade names. Properties are good for soldering. screws. Previous trade names. Bar: B 122. and resistance spot and butt welding. brazing alloy General Corrosion Resistance.2% offset MPa ks\ in SOmID (2 In. name plates. 0. Common name. coining.5Ni-O. Composition Limits. Wire: B 206. 65-10 Machinability.6 Fe max. 415 60 150 365 450 515 555 570 570 22 53 65 75 81 83 83 170 25 150 400 475 555 590 620 740 22 58 69 81 86 90 108 (a) Grain size.00 Fe.25 Fe max. oxyfuel gas welding properties are fair Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Annealing.3Sn) Commercial Name.80 to 2. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Hardware. 0.) thick Annealed(a) Quarter hard Halfhard Hard Extrahard Spring Superspring 380 450 490 570 600 625 770 55 65 71 83 87 91 112 Wire. 0. 0. 0.2Cu-9. balCu Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Properties are excellent for soldering.2 others max (total).05 Pb max. Has good properties for cold working and hot forming Joining. 1 mm (0. control and sensing bellows. Temperature range is 850 to 950 °C (1560 to 1740 "F) C72500: Typical mechanical properties Yield strength 0. Composition Limits. hot forming properJoining. Has excellent capacity for cold working and hot forming by blanking. spinning. tin-bearing.03 C max. CA722. Common name. 0. shielded metal arc welding. 63.50 Mn max. Longitudinal section shows equiaxed crystallized grains of a solid solution containing twin bands. table flatware.. 2000 mL Hp. Bar: QQ-C-585. radio dials Machinability. Nickel-silver 65-18 Chemical Composition. Wire: QQ-W-321 Characteristics Typical Uses. nameplates.) thick. Bar: B 122. shapes. 0. 2. 16. (ASTM) Flat products: B 122.10 in.50 to 19. Composition Limits. Rod. templates.). Rod: B 151. annealed at 650 to 700°C (1200 to 1290 OF).sI Yield streugthta) MPa k.50 Ni. and/or Foreign).100x C75200 (65Cu. 0.50 Cu. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability.17Zn) Common Name.18Ni. Cold-rolled sheet. Wire: B 206.00 to 66. Hardware. camera parts. truss wire.) diameter 340 350 365 385 415 415 450 505 590 655 49 51 53 56 60 60 65 73 86 95 05070 05050 05035 05025 05015 Hoo(IO%) HOI (20%) H02(37%) H04(6O%) H06(75%) H08(84%) 345 360 385 400 435 450 495 585 725 825 895 50 52 56 58 63 65 72 85 105 120 130 125 130 140 160 195 240 310 415 515 525 18 19 20 23 28 35 45 60 75 76 49 46 43 40 36 34 25 12 4 3 67 71 76 80 85 22 28 35 42 52 60 70 80 89 92 30 34 38 44 51 55 63 70 76 78 285 41 295 310 345 380 405 43 45 50 55 59 50 48 45 40 35 25 10 7 5 3 1 (a) At 0. 0.08 in.04 in.5% extensionunderload C74500: Microstructure.sI Elongation in SOmm!2ln. poor .1 Pb max. 0. Government QQ-C-585. QQ-C-586. etching stock. Etchant. costume jewelry. Miscellaneous: base for silver plate. flatwire: QQ-C-586..25 Fe max. zippers. % HRF Hardness HRB HR30T Shear strength MPa ksi Flat products. hot forming properties. bal Zn Specifications (U.S. SAE J463. B 151.50 others max (total). 60 g FeCls' 20 g Fe(NOs)s.Wrought Copper /379 C74500: Typical mechanical properties Temper Tensile strength MPa k. screws. hollowware. rivets.) thick 05070 05050 05035 05025 05015 Hoo HOI H02 H04 H06 Wire. core bars. Cold working properties are excellent. 1 mm (0.5 mm (0.2 mm (0. optical goods. IIardneos HRF ORB IIR30T Flat products. resistance spot and resistance butt welding. properties are good for oxyfuel gas.).04 ln. 0. spinning. Hot forming properties are poor Common Name.25 Fe max. Cold working properties are excellent-Processes include blanking.08 in.5% extension under load 18 19 21 24 28 35 49 62 75 79 Elongation in SOmm (1 In.).. heading. jewelry Recommended Heat Treating Practice Machinability. properties are to 16. fair. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent. bending. Temperature range is 600 to 750°C (1110 to 1380 OF) 400 415 450 510 585 58 60 65 74 85 170 205 345 427 510 25 30 50 62 74 40 32 20 8 3 170 415 25 60 42 20 170 205 450 550 620 25 30 65 80 90 45 35 16 7 3 85 09 40 55 73 83 87 65 72 75 Rod.. Composition Limits. Temperature range is 600 to 815°C (1110 to 1500 "F) Formability.) diameter 08035 H02(20%) 385 485 56 70 78 Wires. . 13 mm (O. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Annealing.04 in. drawing.Sln. 43 42 40 37 34 30 21 10 3 2 Hordness HRF HR30T 69 73 79 82 89 60HRB 70HRB 80HRB 87HRB 90HRB 27 33 41 46 53 55 63 70 75 77 Shear strength MPa ksi 285 295 305 325 360 370 41 43 44 47 52 54 . 1 mm (0. C75400: Typical mechanical properties of sheet or strip.00 Joining.50 Cu. 0. etching stock. Not recommended: shielded metal arc welding C75200: Typical mechanical properties 'Thmper Recommended Heat Treating Practice 'ThnslJe strength ksI MPa Yield strength(a) MPa IIsI Eiongationin SO mm(11o..00 Ni.5% extension under load C75400 (65Cu-20Zn-15Ni) knurling. Nickel-silver.) diameter 08035 08015 HOI H02 H04 400 415 505 590 710 58 60 73 86 103 (a) At 0. gas metal arc and resistance seam welding properties.380 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Joining. Not recommended: shielded metal arc welding Characteristics Typical Uses. 0. roll threading. swaging. shearing. 0. optical equipment. 14.50 Mn max. 1 mm (0. forming.) thick 'ThnslJe 'Iemper MPa ks1 Yield strength(a) lIsi MPa 08070 08050 08035 08025 08015 HOO HOI H02 H04 H06 365 380 395 405 420 425 450 510 585 635 53 55 57 59 61 62 65 74 85 92 125 130 145 165 195 240 340 425 515 545 strength (a) At 0. squeezing.2 mm (0. 63.) thick 08035 08015 HOI H02 H04 Annealing. bal Zn good for oxyfuel gas resistance spot and resistance butt welding.. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent.50 to 66.. 65-15 Chemical Composition. upsetting. gas metal arc and resistance seam welding properties are fair. Camera parts.50 others max (total).10 Pb max. WIre:B 206.) diameter OS035 415 60 H08 (68%) 1000 145 Machinability. knurling. 2 mm (0. 0.5 40 2 Hardness HRB HRJOT 55 91 % 99 77 80 81 . Nickel-silver. 0. bending.50 to 19. heading. hot forming properties are poor Joining. Ili HRF 40 90 3 2. (ASTM) Bar. properties are good for oxyfuel gas. forming. (ASTM) Flat products: B 122.). Composition Limits. shearing. 55-18 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Chemical Composition.50 Cu.25 Fe max. 0.00 Ni. Slide fasteners. and/or Foreign).25 Fe max.50 to 56. nameplates Recommended Heat Treating Practice Machinability. 65-12 Chemical Composition. Wire: B 206. (Government) Wire: QQ-W-321 C75700: Typical mechanical properties of sheet or strip.50 others max (total).and/or Foreign).04 in.S. spinning. bal Zn Formability. 0. Composition Limits. gas metal arc and resistance seam welding properties are fair. Wire: QQ-W-321 C77000: Typical mechanical properties Thnsilestrength MPa ksi Yield strength(a) Characteristics 'Iemper Typical Uses. etching.S. Rod: B 151.) thick 'Iensllestrength 'Iemper MPa ksi YIeldst">ngth(a) MPa ksi OS070 OS050 OS035 OS025 OS015 HOO HOI H02 H04 H06 360 370 385 405 420 415 450 505 585 640 52 54 56 59 61 60 65 73 85 93 125 130 145 165 195 240 310 415 515 545 Elongation ln 18 19 21 24 28 35 45 60 75 79 50 IDDl (2 ln.08 in. Bar: QQ-C-585. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent. Bar: B 122. (Government) Flat products: QQ-C-585.10 Pb max.04 In. Cold working properties are excellent-processes include blanking. shapes. bal Zn Annealing. Not recommended: shielded metal arc welding Typical Uses. resistance spot and resistance butt welding. drawing. roll threading. Temperature range is 600 to 825°C (1110 to 1520 "F) Specifications (U. Soldering and brazing properties are excellent. optical parts. B 151. shearing. Rod. rod: B 151.00 to 13. 16.). Temperature range is 600 to 825°C (1110 to 1520 OF) Specifications (U. bending. 30% that ofC36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. 20% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Annealing. Nickel-silver. SAE J463. swaging. 53.50 Ni. Gas metal arc and resistance seam welding properties are fair. camera parts.50 to 66. resistance wire Flat products. etching stock. springs. Not recommended: shielded metal arc welding (a}At 0.5% extension under load MPa ksi 27 85 90 Elongation ln 50 IDDl (210. 11.50 others max (total). upsetting. Hot forming properties are poor Characteristics Joining. 63. 0. properties are good for oxyfuel gas. squeezing. 1 mm (0. Properties are good for cold working by blanking.50 Mn max. 0.) thick OS035 415 60 185 H04 690 100 585 H06 745 108 620 H08 795 115 Wire. Ili HRF 48 45 42 38 35 32 23 11 69 73 78 82 88 4 2 Shoarstrength ksi Hardness HRB HRJOT 22 30 37 45 55 60 70 80 89 92 MPa 27 33 38 44 51 55 63 70 75 77 285 41 295 305 325 360 385 43 44 47 52 56 (a) At 0.5 2.1 mm (0. 0. flat wire: QQ-C-586. 0. QQ-C-586.50 Mn max.5% extension under load C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) Common name. Optical goods.50 Cu. resistance spot and resistance butt welding. forming.05 Pb max.Wrought Copper I 381 C75700 (65Cu-23Zn-12Ni) Common Name. 0.35 Fe max.00 to 67. and resistance welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.) MP. milling. 63.5% extension under load 23 27 42 58 63 73 76 Ekmgatkm inSOmm (2in. HRB 78HRF 85HRF 65 78 84 87 90 Shear strength MP. Cold working properties are good.) thick sheet Thmper Thnsile strength MP. hot forming properties. poor.10 others max (total).04 in. brazing properties.50 to 2. drilling Joining. 7. Temperature range is 500 to 620°C (930 to 1150 "F) C78200: Typical mechanical properties of 1 mm (0. 0.00 to 9. bal Zn Characteristics Typical Uses. lui Yield strength(. are.50 Mn max. 60% that of C36000 (free-cutting brass) Formability. Commonly fabricated by blanking. Ioii 275 295 305 325 350 370 400 40 43 44 47 51 54 58 . 1. 0. lui 05035 05015 HOI H02 H03 H04 H06 365 405 425 475 540 585 625 160 185 290 400 435 505 525 53 59 62 69 78 85 91 (a>At 0. Key blanks. watch plates.382/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C78200 (65Cu-25Zn-8Ni-2Pb) Chemical Composition.). Generally not recommended: oxyfuel gas.00 Ni. Composition Limits. good. % 40 32 24 12 5 4 3 Hardness.00 Cu. Soldering properties are excellent.50 Pb. watch parts Machinability. abrasive blasting. polishing. Because of the high solution temperatures necessary to develop the desired mechanical properties. (Cu + sum of named elements shall be 99. Melting. Temperature range is 980 to 1010 °C (1800 to lium-copper ChemicalComposition. arc cutting. arc cutting. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Typical Uses.20 Be. Be-modified chrome copper ChemicalComposition. Melting. CA815. Previous trade name. abrasive-wheel operations.S. Exhaust ventilation.6 to 1. 0. casting.50 Cr.0 to 99. Temperature is 260 °C (500 OF) C81400 Commercial Names. Higher-hardness electrical and thermal conductors Recommended Heat Treating Practice Precautions in Use.15 max other (total) Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. Chrome copper Chemical Composition.02 to 0. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis. grinding. Electrical parts that meet RWMA Class 11 standards. Composition Limits. 0. Common name. Previous trade name.6 to 1. abrasive blasting. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. welding. a chronic lung disease. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryl- lium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA.Copper Casting Alloys C81300 Commercial Names. a chronic lung disease. welding. abrasive-wheel operations. 0. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. flame cutting. Temperature is 480°C (900 oF) C81500 Commercial Names.0 Cr. polishing. polishing. Electrical and/or thermal conductors used as structural Recommended Heat Treating Practice members in applications requiring greater strength and hardness than that of cast coppers C80100 to C81100 Solution Heat Treating. a chronic lung disease. 0. thus allowing the production of chrome copper castings of consistently high quality Precautions in Use.0 Co. 0.015 Pb max.5% minimum. Temperature is 480°C (900 oF) . Beryllium-eopper 7OC. Solution Heat Treating. Exhaust ventilation. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involing beryllium alloys.6 Cu. Melting. Previous trade names.04 P max. flame cutting. grinding. abrasive blasting.5 Cu min. grinding. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA.) 1850 oF) Aging. Temperature range is 1000 to 1010 °C (1830 to 1850 OF) Aging. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential.5 Cu min. welding. Chromium-copper.CA814. Beryl- Applications Exhaust ventilation. 0040 to 1. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. and/or Foreign). 0. 98.10 to 0. casting. RWMA Class 11 Applications Typical Uses. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis.10 Be Specifications (U. abrasive-wheel operations. Temperature is 480°C (900 "P) Stress-Relieving. Composition Limits. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Typical Uses. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis. Common name. and 1850 OF) Aging. 98. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. Common name. arc cutting. 98. CA813. Temperature range is 1000 to 1010 °C (1830 to Precautions in Use. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. The beryllium content of this alloy ensures that the chromium content will be kept under control during melting and casting. 0. flame cutting. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. elements that enter into solid solution must be held to close limits Applications buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. Elements that contribute to hot shortness must be avoided. Composition Limits. casting. CA820. for continuous casting installations. flame cutting. Previous trade name. 0. abrasive blasting.12 Ag.55 Be. electrical conductivity is lowered. Temperature is 480 °C (900 oF). Generally.4 to 1. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits . casting. MIL-C-19464 (Class I) Applications Typical Uses. C82000 castings are used when a combination of high conductivity and high strength is required. 0. arc cutting. Composition Limits.2% offset. Previous trade name.4Be) Commercial Names. 0.5Be) Commercial Names. 2.r-- f--- I 3 4 5 6 7 8 Aging lime. 0. Melting. 0.002 Pb max. Applications include resistance welding tips. 0. High Sn.384/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C81800 (97Cu-1. flame cutting.10 Al max. Common name.02 Pb max. and/or Foreign). Beryllium-copper casting alloy lOC Chemical Composition. polishing. Zn. Melting. High Fe raises magnetic susceptibility.10 Zn max. circuit-breaker parts. welding.10 Fe max. 0.15 Si max. concasting molds. the principal means of achieving compliance with 300 Q) <:: 200 <1l I 150 100 I r/ o 2 As-cast Cast and aged(c) TBOO(c) TFOO(c) 345 450 310 705 50 65 45 102 YIeldstrength(a) MPa 1<51 140 275 83 515 20 40 12 75 Elooga. Zn. 0. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA.10 Sn max. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. holders and arms.7 Co.5Co-0.4 to 2./' :r: Thnslle strength MPa 1<51 Thmper Click here to view \ "E C81800: Typical mechanical properties LIVE GRAPH 400-425 ·C ::f Solution Heat Treating.5Co-1 Ag-0. plunger tips for die casting. 0.S. or Pb causes hot shortness. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis. The silver content of C81800 provides an improved surface conductivity over other RWMA Class III alloys. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. 0. abrasive-wheel operations. Beryllium-copper alloy lOC. polishing. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis. High Sn. switch gear parts.10 Zn max. abrasive-wheel operations.). 0. Exhaust ventilation. GovernmentQQ-C-390 (CA820). Temperature range is 900 to 925°C (1650 to 1700 oF) C81800: Aging curves for cast and solution-treated C81800 I 250 lD Recommended Heat Treating Practice Aging. welding. 0. HRB 20 15 25 8 50 70 40 96 (a) At 0. 1. (b) In 50mm(2 in.ion(h). bal Cu Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. soldering-iron tips. 0.10 Al max.20 Ni max. Typical uses are resistance welding electrode tips and holders and arms Precautions in Use. High Fe raises magnetic susceptibility. and whenever RWMAClass III properties are required Precautions in Use. Generally.30 to 0. 0. 0. bal Cu Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. RWMA Class III Typical Uses.10 Sn max. CA818 Chemical Composition. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. electrical conductivity is lowered. grinding. (c) Aged 3 hat480·C(900°Fj \ (/ "". 0. a chronic lung disease.10 Fe max.10 Cr max.45 to 0.10 Cr max. Composition Limits. Beryllium-copper alloy SOC. a chronic lung disease. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits --I 540 ·C 370°C - . 0.15 Si max. h C82000 (97Cu-2. or Pb causes hot shortness. 0. High Cr diminishes response to precipitation hardening Specifications.20 Ni max. brake drums. abrasive blasting. High Cr diminishes response to precipitation hardening Specifications (U. See adjoining figure Applications :r: these limits. casting. grinding. 0. % Hardness.7 Co. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA.8 Be. Exhaust ventilation. arc cutting.8 to 0. 20 Co max. Temperature range is 900 to 925°C (1650 to 1700 oF) Thmper ThmUe strengtb MPa Iud Aging. CA822. Exhaust ventilation.10 AI max. clutch rings. Seam welder electrodes. High Fe raises magnetic susceptibility. Beryllium-copper alloy 3OC. (c)Aged 3 h al480 °C (900 "P).Copper Casting Alloys /385 Recommended Heat Treating Practice C82000: Typicalmechanical properties Solution Heat Treating. HRB 20 52 70 40 96 12 25 6 (a)At 0. 0.5Be) Commercial Names. MPa 170 275 85 515 25 40 12 75 E1oogaoon(b). a chronic lung disease.projection welder dies. or Pb causes hot shortness.0 Ni. 0. casting. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. welding. arc cutting. brake drums Precautions In Use. (h) In 50 mm (2 In. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. flame cutting.10 Zn max. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis.(d)Solutiontreated at 900 to 950°C (1650to 1750oF). 0. Composition Limits. Temperature range is 445 to 455 °C (835 to 850 oF) Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. polishing. HRB 20 15 30 7 55 75 30 % (a)Al 0. Temperature is 480 °C (900 OF) As-cast Castandaged(c) TBOO(d) TFOO(d)(e) 345 450 325 660 50 65 47 % Yieldstrengtb(a) MPa IIsI 140 255 105 515 20 37 15 75 EIoogaoon(b). arms bushings for resistance welding. 0. 0. abrasive-wheel operations.10 Sn max. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. Beryllium-copper casting alloy 30C. and buffmg under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA. h C82200 (98Cu-1. electrical conductivity is lowered.5Ni-O.). Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits C82200: Typicalmechanical properties Thmper As-cast Castandaged(c) TBOO(d) TFOO(d)(c) 'Iensilestrengtb MPa ksi 345 450 310 655 50 65 45 95 YIeldstrengtb(a) lis. grinding. 'J> lIBrdnes8. Zn. 35C. Common name.02 Pb max. spot welding tips. 0.2%offset. 0. Generally. (c)Aged2 h at 480 °C (900oF).(e) Aged3 h at 480 °C (900°F) 300 250 al :I: ~ c: 200 ~ r r> 150 100 / / 1/ / :I: C82000: Aging curves for cast and solution-treated C82000 I 425-480°C o 1/ /400°C LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~ V / V 370°C/ / 540°C / / 1/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Aging lime.35 to 0. or 53B Chemical Composition. bal Cu Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. Temperature range is 900 to 955°C (1650 to 1750 oF) Aging. 1. High Sn. (d)Solutiontreatedat 900 to 955°C (1650to 1750oF) .0 to 2.15 Si max. beam welder shapes: water-cooled holders. 0. 'J> Hardness. 0.8 Be.10 Cr max.S. RWMA Class III Applications Typical Uses.10 Fe max. Melting. abrasive blasting. and/or Foreign).(h) In 50 mm (2 In.2% offset. High Cr diminishes response to precipitation hardening Specifications (U.). Previous trade name. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Specifications (U. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. Previous trade name. gears. polishing. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis. C82400 exhibits greater-than-normal toughness.25 Fe max.10 Sn max. 0. Molds for forming plastics. 0. bearings. 0.20 to 0.75 Be. Generally. plunger tips for die casting. bushings. valves. bushings. abrasive blasting. Temperature is 345 °C (650 oF) C82500: Typical mechanical properties Temper Tensile strength MPa ksi As-cast Castandaged(c) TBOO(d) 1FOO(d)(c) 515 825 415 1105 75 120 60 160 Yield streogth(a) MPa ksi 275 725 170 1035 40 105 25 150 Eiongaoon(b). and structural members Precautions in Use. 0. 0. die casting plunger tips.2% offset. (d) Solution treatedat 790 to 800 °C (1450 to 1475 oF) . 0.S. Exhaust ventilation. 0. 0. polishing.386/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C82400 (98Cu-1. Temperature range is 790 to 815°C (1450 to 1500 oF) Typical Uses.7 Co. 0. casting. 0. abrasive-wheel operations. 1. sleeves.02 Pb max. Common name. safety tools. Melting.5 Cu min.20 to 0. holders. % Hardness 15 2 35 1 81HRB 30HRC 63HRB 43HRC (a) At 0.02 Pb max. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryl- Aging. or Pb causes hot shortness. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis. Composition Limits. a chronic lung disease. flame cutting. valves.35 to 0. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. and gears Precautions in Use. Temperature is 345 °C (650 oF) C82400: Typical mechanical properties Temper Tensile strength MPa ksi Yield streogth(a) MPa ksi As-cast Castandaged(c) TBOO(d) 1FOO(d)(c) 485 690 415 1070 275 550 140 1000 70 100 60 155 E1ongation(b). wear parts. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. High Sn. Previous trade name. arc cutting. Exhaust ventilation. (Other) ICI-Cu-2-10780 Applications Typical Uses. Zn.10 Cr max. (b) In 50 nun (2 in.15 AI max. 0.3Co) Commercial Names.2Cu-2Be-O. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryl- Iium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA. or Pb causes hot shortness.10 Ni max.7Be-O. bearings. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-C-390.10 Zn max. % Hardness 15 3 40 1 78HRB 21HRC 59HRB 38HRC 40 80 20 145 (a)At 0.20 Fe max. Its lower beryllium content compared to C82500 makes this alloy the least expensive of the commercial high-strength beryllium-copper alloys. Beryllium-copper 2OC. grinding. High Cr diminishes response to precipitation hardening lium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA. Zn. High Cr diminishes response to precipitation hardening Specifications (U. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential.65 to 1. a chronic lung disease. cams. Melting. (c) Aged 3 h at 345°C (650 oF).and/or Foreign). High Sn.).2% offset.10 Cr max.25Si) Commercial Names. Beryllium-copper casting alloy 165C Chemical Composition. pressure-tight casting material. abrasive blasting. welding. casting. 0.15 AI max.S. centrifugal castings: QQ-C-390. 0. Standard beryllium-copper casting alloy Chemical Composition.10 Zn max. 0.35 Si. cams. 0. investment castings: MIL-C-22087. High Fe raises magnetic susceptibility.15 Be. arc cutting. 0. safety tools. molds for forming plastics. 1. bal Cu Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. electricalconductivity is lowered. 0. Common name. grinding.10% Ti added as a grain refiner Consequence of EXceedingImpurity Limits. flame cutting.10 Sn max. Government QQ-C-390 (CA824) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Applications Solution Heat Treating. 95. C82400 was developed for use in marine service as a corrosion-resistant. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. resistance welding electrodes and inserts. MIL-C-19464 (class 2). (AMS) Investment castings: 4890. (b) In 50 mm(2 in.02 to 0. When its hardness is relatively low. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. electrical conductivity is lowered.20Ni max. (d) Solution treatedat 800 to 815 °C (1475 to 1500 oF) C82500 (97. Composition Limits.90 to 2. CA824. Generally.40 Co. Temperature range is 790 to 800°C (1450 to 1475 OF) Aging. High Fe raises magnetic susceptibility. precision castings: MIL-C-1l866 (composition 17). (c) Aged 3 h at 345°C (650 "F). Typical uses include various parts for the submarine telephone cable repeater system and hydrophone. pump parts. MIL-C-17324.).5Co-O. CA825. Available with or without 0. Beryllium-copperalloy 165C. and/or Foreign). structural parts. welding. abrasive-wheel operations. Beryllium-copper 245C. .. C82600 is used primarily to produce molds for plastic parts.10 Sn max. It exhibits better fluidity. bal Cu Consequence of EXceedingImpurity Limits. Temperature is 345 °C (650 "F) C82600: Typical mechanical properties Temper Tensile strength MPa ksi As-cast Castand aged(e) TBoo(e) TFOO(d)(e) 550 825 485 1140 80 120 70 165 Yield strength(a) MPa ksi 345 725 205 1070 50 105 30 155 EIongalioo(b). grinding. Exhaust ventilation... High Cr diminishes response to precipitation hardening Specifications (U. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. arc cutting. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential.... C82600 is intermediate in beryllium content between C82500 and C82800.20 Ni max. electricalconductivity is lowered. a chronic lung disease.15 Al max.). 0. (d) Solution treated at 790 to 800 °C (1450 to 1475 oF) . 2. flame cutting. Beryllium-copper casting alloy 245C Chemical Composition.. --=:.25 Fe max.. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis. Composition Limits. 0. Government QQ-C-390 Applications Typical Uses." 290°C I ~ I 3~oC '- I 426°C 250 200 150 100 o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Aging time.20 to 0.35 to 0. or Pb causes hot shortness. 0. the lower pouring temperature results in longer tool life than for similar castings of C82500 Precautions in Use. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits.4Be-O. Common name. 0. 0.2% offset.25 to 2.Copper Casting Alloys /387 C82500 (beryllium-copper alloy 21C): Agingcurves for solution-treated alloy LIVE GRAPH 450 Click here to view 316°C 400 350 L!Vv:: :I: 300 ~.10 Cr max.7 Co. 0. In pressure castings.45 Be. and/or Foreign). Melting.10 Zn max..S. High Fe raises magnetic susceptibility. polishing. 0. (b) In 50 mm (2 in.(c) Aged 3 h at 345°C (650 "F). "E '" :I: -. 0. abrasive-wheel operations.35 Si. Previous trade name. Temperature range is 790 to 800°C (1450 to 1475 OF) Aging.02 Pb max. % Hardness 10 2 12 I 86HRB 31HRC 75HRB 45HRC (a) At 0.5Co) Commercial Names. I--- " co 34loc -. and hardness than C82500 and better toughness and lower cost than C82800. 0. h C82600 (97Cu-2. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. welding. High Sn. casting. abrasive blasting. castability. Zn. Generally. ordnance. abrasive-wheel operations.15 Al max.. 0. 0. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. bushings. Exhaust ventilation.. Beryllium-copper casting alloy 275C Chemical Composition. Previous trade name..50 to 2. High Cr diminishes response to precipitation hardening Specifications (U. (Government) QQ-C-390.3Si) Commercial Names. 0. and precision cast parts for the communications. Generally. business machine.6Be-O.10 Sn max. 0. firearm.10 Cr max Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. abrasive blasting.25 Fe max. High Fe raises magnetic susceptibility. pump parts. High Sn. 0.. 0. (d) Solution Ireatedat790 to 800 °C (1450 to 1475 oF) C82800: Aging curves for solution-treated alloy LIVE GRAPH EIongotion(b). Other ICI-Cu-2-10785 a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis.7 Co. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating.S. % 4 Aging time. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. bearings. sleeves.35 Si.02 Pb max.20 to 0.2% offset. grinding. valves.10 Zn max.6Cu-2. h 6 8 . Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. textile. (b) In 50 mm(2 in. a chronic lung disease. instrument. 2. flame cutting. Zn. thus creating C82800: Typical mechanical properties of sand cast test bars Thmper Thnslle strength MPo ksI Yieldstrength!o) MPo ksi As-cast Cast and aged(c) TBOO{d) TFOO(d)(c) 550 860 550 1140 345 760 240 1070 80 125 80 165 50 110 35 155 Click here to view 450 I---- ~ ~ 345°C 400 7 -I---- 370°C 'I 350 I <ll J: ~ -- --1/ ---. arc cutting.).5Co-O. (c) Aged 3 h at 345 °C (650 "F). 0. MIL-C-19464 (Class IV). Composition Limits. Typical uses are molds for forming plastics. See adjoining figure . aerospace.Applications Typical Uses.20 Ni max. MILT-16243. electrical conductivity is lowered. 94.37 to 0.. welding. 29o-\15°C ~ r-425°C --- 'E '" J: 250 II 200 150 o 2 3 IIordne5s 10 2 88HRB 31HRC 85HRB 46HRC 10 1 (a) At 0. Beryllium-copper alloy 275C. 0.8 Cu min. high-fluidity casting alloy developed for molds for forming plastics and other applications where the casting process should replicate finest detail with maximum fidelity and the resultant part must exhibit maximum hardness and wear resistance for a cast beryllium-copper alloy. Temperature range is 790 to 800°C (1450 to 1475 OF) Aging. Melting. 0.388/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C82800 (96.and/or Foreign).. casting. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA.75 Be. cams. C82800 is a special-purpose.-----r-. and other industries Precautions in Use. Temperature is 345 °C (650 "F). - 300 . or Pb causes hot shortness. CA828. Common name. polishing. sand castings. " /' I <. B 30. Temperature is 260°C (500 "F) C861 00.0 Sn.0 Zn Specifications (U. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.5 to 5.S.~~ 160 \. bal Zn..0 Ni max. Common names. sand castings... MIL-C-22229 (composition 9). 1. and/or Foreign). Composition Limits.2 Pb max. 4. C86100: 66. MIL-C-11866 (composition 20)..0 to 4. and/or Foreign). QQ-C-523.5 to 5. Terminal ends for electrical cables CopperSpecification.S.0 Fe. MIL-C-22087 (composition 7). precision castings.. SAE J462.0 Mn. 2.0 Cu.0 to 2. copper may be indicated as balance.0 Cu.0 Pb. Composition Limits.0 to 6. 1200 *- 800 I . 0.o.2 Sn max..0 Ni max.0 to 68 Cu.V 200 300 400 600 Temperature. In reporting chemical analyses by the use of instru- Recommended Heat Treating Practice ments such as spectrograph. 2. 0. 100 ~ ~' \\ 600 . bal Zn MIL-C-22229 (composition 10). Manganese bronze (90. 1. 60.. ASTM C86100: none. 2. of 200 1400 400 600 I - . MIL-C22087 (composition 9). °c C83300 Commercial Names. CA833. gears. 3. (Former alloy number: 430A). 0. Marine castings. Ingot code number 423 Applications Typical Uses. 400 3 c' ~ .000 psi). B 505.0 to 4.. Contact metal ChemicalComposition. 2.2 Pb max...5 to 5. B 271.f 1000 ::E ti Click here to view ~ 800 ~nsile strength . centrifugal castings. 1. investment castings.0 to 68. 2. Common name. bushings.Copper Casting Alloys /389 C82800: Typical tenslle properties. (Government) QQ-C-390. TFOO temper. continuous castings. 0.5 AI. Temperature is 260°C (500 "F) . _ Proportional (J) 2 LIVE GRAPH . C86200: investment castings. In reporting chemical analyses obtained by wet methods.. 92. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) Commercial Names. sand castings. and atomic absorption.0 Mn. gun mounts. MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 5). C86100: centrifugal castings. C86200: ings Ingot. B 584.2 w I - o o r--.200 (J) - 100 . x-ray.. CA861. Ingot code number 131 Applications Typical Uses.0 to 7.5 AI.0 to 2. C86200. then aged at 345°C (650 OF) Temperature..0 Fe. Sand cast test bars were solutiontreated. and bear- Specifications (U.2 Sn max. High-strength yellow brass. CA862 Chemical Composition. Previous trade name.0 to 94. zinc may be indicated as balance for alloys with over 2% Zn Stress-Relieving. 1. pump bodies Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.0 to 68. QQ-C-523.and/or Foreign). Sand castings. AMS 4860A.0 Fe max. Leaded high-strength yellow brass. ingot: B 30. ingot: B 30. or highly corrosive atmospheres Specifications (U. Common name.5 Mn max.0 Ni max. centrifugal castings: B 271.4 to 2.0 to 62. Composition Limits. ~ ~OkglOad 0- a:l 200 r-.5Mn) Commercial Names. Ingot code number 421 I Applications I Typical Uses. Excessive Sn causes ings. QQ-C523. and other parts in contact with salt and fresh water. centrifugal castings. hydraulic cylinder parts brittleness.5 Sn max. Extra-heavy duty. 0. investment castings. continuous castings: B 505.5 to 5. SAE J462. SAE J462.0 Ni max. 3. MIL-~-15345 (Alloy 6).S. ° F Specifications (U. Manganese bronze (110.S. Centrifugal castings. excessive Pb or Ni decreases elongation Precautions in Use. 2. CA863 Chemical Composition. 1.25Fe-0. centrifugal castings: B 271. 2. investment castings. blades.2 Sn max. and/or Foreign). screw-down nuts. Temperature is 260°C (500 "F) C86400 (59Cu-0.0 Cu. (ASTM) Sand 100 castings: B 584.75AI-0.0 to 60. 1. 1. 0.5 to 1. marine castings and fittings. 2. stem manganese bronze. ~. MIL-C-22229 (composition 8). B 584. precision castings. AMS 4862. bear- Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.0 Fe.0 Mn.2 Pb max. MIL-C-22229 (composition 7).755n-0. 1. liners o 100 300 90 <. Composition Limits. Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) 400 1 J. 0. c ~ 80 70 -50 0 50 100 150 Temperature.0 Sn max. 60. Ingot code number 420 C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1. (Government) QQ-C-390. bridge parts. ingot: B 30. Composition Limits.5 AI. 56. sand castings.0 Cu. Common name. high-strength alloy for gears.000 psi) Chemical Composition.0 Cu. High-strength yellow brass. balZn Applications Typical Uses. 200 250 .0 to 4. bal Zn C86500: Typical Brinell Hardness LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature. 0. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 584. 0.000 psi). MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 4). MIL-C22087 (composition 5). (Government) QQ-C-390. Free-machining manganese bronze for valve stems. 55. 1. Ingot code number 424 Applications Typical Uses.and/or Foreign). centrifugal castings: B 271. Not to be used in marine atmospheres. Manganese bronze (60.OC Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.5 to 1.000 psi) Chemical Composition. bal Zn (composition 9). cams.3Fe-1 AI-0. High-strength yellow brass.5 AI. Previous trade name.5 Pb. 1.0 Fe.0 to 7.75Pb-37Zn-1. Propeller hubs.5Mn) Commercial Names.390 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) Commercial Names. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 22.S. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) Specifications (U. 1.4 Pb max.5 Mn max. 0.5 Al max. MIL-C-1l866 (composition 21). Common names. gears. 1. ammonia. Previous trade name. Manganese bronze (65. MIL-C-22087 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. (Government) QQ-C-390. 5 to 4. x-ray. In reporting chemical analyses by the use of instruments such as spectrograph.0 Ni.>-- .0 to 3.. 600 o 100 200 I I I 300 LIVE GRAPH 400 . B 30. Nickel-manganese bronze max.. 1. ~ ~ .. 1. 53. and atomic absorption.In l. 400 r---.= -: -50 V /1-0.5 Pb. Composition Limits. 0.. 0.. ingot.60 50 -: I I ..0 to 3.20 Pb max.. B 584. CA867.0 to 2. 2.5 Fe. 250 :2 tc 200 ~ "0 150 >= ~ 80 60 .Copper Casting Alloys I 391 C86500: Typical tensile properties Temperature...5 to 4.20 ~ 15 >= v---- I m 60 ti 40 ~ ~ ~ c I CO 'g1 35 25 Click here to view ~ 30 j.70 "0. 1. .. 2. 1. bal Zn.Q E we 40 10 20 *- lif --- 80 <U c o Q) a: 20 --: . 80. CA868.S.0 Cu... Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) C86800 Commercial Names.5% extension under load . Ingot for remelting specifications may vary from the ranges shown Copper and Zinc Specifications.0 Al max. 2.5 Sn max. 55.0 Ni max.0 Mn.0 AI.. of 8!.. Common name. Previous trade name.--U 0 50 100 150 200 250 Temperature..000 psi tensile manganese bronze Chemical Composition. B 271. In reporting chemical analyses ob- tained by wet methods. ancIJor Foreign).0 Cu.0 Fe.0 to 3..2%0Ilset Qi g> ..s :::J "0 I ~ c ~ ..i5~ g'E .. ASTM Centrifugal. 1. High-strengthfree-machiningmanganese bronze valve stems Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. '00 c ~ 300 <U a.. B 763 Applications Typical Uses.°C C86700 Commercial Names.0 Zn. Composition Limits.5 to 1.0 to 38. Previous trade name. Leaded high-strength yellow brass. copper may be indicated as balance.0 Sn Copper and Zinc Specifications...5 to 57. In reporting chemical analyses by the use of instruments such as spectrograph. 1. ~I I II II I 0.. sand. Ingot for remelting specifications may vary from the ranges shown Chemical Composition. 30.5 Mn. 1./ - I I 100 ~ - 0.0 to 60.80 :2 ~ c ~ ~ 500 ~ ""'C. x-ray. zinc may be indicated as balance on those alloys with over 2% Zn Specifications (U. Common names. and atomic absorption. 0 to 7.0 to 5.5 min Specifications (U. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) Specifications (U. 3. max. Composition Limits. 99. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) C87300 (formerly C87200) Commercial Names. Common names. Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) . (ASTM) Ingot: B 30. valves. B 763. Herculor.20 Fe max. 90. B 584.5 min Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. sand. 0. 0. As a substitute for tin bronze where good physical and max.5 to 5. statuary and art castings Cu + Sum of Named Elements. 0. 3. B 271. B 30. pump and valve components. CA876 Applications ChemicalComposition. Bearings. Government QQ-e-390.20 Pb Typical Uses. B 176. WW-V-1967. corrosion-resistant castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.5 Si. QQ-C-390. Navy Tombasi1.0 Cu min. 99. 99. impellers. bells. and/or Foreign). 0. MIL-C-22229.20 Fe max. 3.0 Si. (Other) Ingot code number 500D C8761 0 Commercial Names.89-6-5 Applications Typical Uses. 88. J 462. 94. Marine fittings and propellers Specifications (U. (Other) Ingot code number 500E marine fittings. Common name.50 Pb Typical Uses.0 to 5. 0.5 to 4. Composition Limits. pump and valve components. 3. (Govern- Recommended Heat Treating Practice ment) Sand. 0. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) Chemical'Composition.392/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys copper may be indicated as balance.0 Cu min. impellers. marine fittings.0 Zn. Composition Limits. ingot. Trade name. and/or Foreign).20 Pb C87600 Commercial Names. 0. Bearings. 0. WW-V-1967 Applications Stress-Relieving.5 min Recommended Heat Treating Practice Specifications (U. Military MIL-C-1l866 (composition 19). SAE J 461.S. bells.25 Zn max. (ASTM) Ingot. zinc may be indicated as balance on those alloys with over 2% Zn Typical Uses. (ASTM) Die. B 585. (ASTM) Centrifugal. Valve stems max. Common name. sand. 95-1-4.S.25 Mn max Cu + Sum of Named Elements.0 Cu min. In reporting chemical analyses obtained by wet methods. B 30.5 Mn corrosion resistance are required.20 Fe max. (Other) Ingot code number 50DA Stress-Relieving.and/orForeign). 92-4-4. B 763.S.5 Si. 4. Low-zinc silicon brass.8 to 1.S. Everdur.0 Zn. and/or Foreign). 0. Silicon bronze.25 Mn max Cu + Sum of Named Elements. 0. Silicon bronze Applications Chemical Composition. S. 0. Common names. x-ray. In reporting chemical analyses obtained by wet methods.0to 5. 0. flanges and fittings.50 Al max.0Pb.15 Fe max. and atomic absorption.05 As max.05 S max.. bearing races.15 Pb max. Common name. J462.~ 60 55 -50 400 500 II I 500 kg load "E I 300 IQ :I: c Temperature.25 Sn max. small boat propellers Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.5 P max for continuous castings). (1.0 to 83.25 max others (total). Tombasil. 0. 0. 3.S. B 61. Ingot code number 5000 Applications 'TYpical Uses. pressure-containing parts at temperatures up to 290°C (550 "F).5Pb-4. 0.0 min Cu.0Nimax. SAE J461.50 Pb max. r-. 63. and stresses up to 20 MPa (3 ksi) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.5 Sn.0 to 16. 0.. Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-1. 82-4-14 Chemical Composition. Common name.40 Fe max.5% minimum Copper and Zinc Specifications. valve stems. 88-6-1. rocker arms. oil pumps. Composition Limits.25 Si. copper may be calculated as Cu +Ni Specifications (U. 0. brush holders. SAE J462 (C92200).5 to 6. B 30. 0. Silicon brass.25 Fe max. B 271. 0.5-4. C87800: die castings. 12. 3. sand castings. Bearings. 0. Government MlL-B-15894.0 Zn.Copper Casting Alloys /393 C87500. 0.S.2 Si.05 S max.15 Mn max. zinc may be indicated as balance on those alloys with over 2% zinc. QQ-C-390.75 to 4. 1. C87800: 80. (ASTM) Ingot: B 30. but As. 0. 1.25 Pb max. Trade name. QQ-B-225 (Alloy number I).05 Sb max. and P not to exceed 0. 0. C87500: 79. Composition Limits.0 Cu.0 Si. Silicon yellow brass.. 0. (Other) Ingot code number 500T Applications 'TYpical Uses. Total named elements shall be 99. ° F o 0 . 86. 0. 30. bushings. and/orForeign).0 Cu. 0. 0.5 Chemical Composition. 0. 50 100 150 200 Temperature..01 P max.05 each. 0. gears. (Other) Ingot code number 245 Applications Typical Uses.15 Al max..5Zn) Commercial Names. Sb.50 Ni (including Co) max. 0.01 Mg max. impellers. MlL-C-22087 (composition 4). B 584. B 176. bearings.0 to 2. 0. 0.8 to 1. SAE J 462.15 Al max. °c 250 300 . Component castings of valves. and S not to exceed 0. Government C 87500: sand castings. 5. MILB-15894 (class 3). B 505. Composition Limits.005 Si max. General-purpose die-easting alloy having moderate strength Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.0 to 5. and/or Foreign). B 271. invest- ment castings. B 30.15 Mn max.0 Cu min. gears. MlL-B-1654I. C87800: die castings. steam bronze. 0. 0.01 Specifications (U. die: B 176. Government CA922.0 Zn.o. copper may be indicated as balance.25 Sn max. CA879 ChemicalComposition. bal Zn. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) C87900 Commercial Names.0 to 90.0 to 36.amI/or Foreign). 100 200 I I I 65 \ . Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) C92200: BrinellHardness LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 75 In 70 ~. In determining Cu min. ASTMB 584. In reporting chemical analyses by the use of instruments such as spectrograph. 0.25 Sb max Specifications (U. Navy "M" bronze. (ASTM) C87500: ingots. centrifugal castings. backing for babbitt-lined bearings. MIL-B-15345. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) Commercial Names. 3.05 Pmax.0Zn. and/or Foreign).0 Pb max. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 584.5 to 5. 1. 35 >- 0 c: o 400 I I 0- t.. 1. <. Strong general-utility structural bronze for use under severe conditions. (ASTM) Continuous castings: B505.. (Other) Ingot code number 230 Applications Typical Uses. SAE J462. -: " I~ ::J 30 -50 o I II 50 100 150 Temperature. :::E. 0.0 Cu.5 Ni.35 ~ "'-" 50 o --n. ii- ~ c '" e '" 15 :ii 100 t: 't:l 50 -50 50 150 100 Temperature. Temperature is 260°C (500 "F) C92500 (87Cu-11 Sn-1 Pb-1 Ni) Commercial Names. valves.0 Sn. Leaded tin bronze. I <. Centrifugal castings: MlL-C-15345 (Alloy 10).394/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C92200: Tensile properties LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 300 Temperature.0 Ni max. 0.5 P max for continuous castings).J!! 150 a. ° F 200 300 E 40 E o e t: 30 . expansion joints.25 Sb max.S. 0. 1.~ Q) 20 .005 Al max Specifications (U.05 S max. 85. Gears. 0.c . 7.. 87-11-10-1 ChemicalComposition. cu a. 0.!: . Composition Limits. 30 r-.8 to 1. steam pressure castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.5 Pb. leaded Navy "G" -bronze.S. 0.0 Cu. 10 ]i Qi >= I LO .0 Zn.05 P max (1.005 Si max.25 I- 150 I Temperatu re.0 to 9. 640. 87-8-1-4 ChemicalComposition.30 P. ingot: B 30. 2. SAE J462.oC 200 -..0 to 12. Composition Limits. continuous castings: B 505.25 Fe max.. 0.and/or Foreign). automotive synchronizer rings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. 250 500 400 ~ i ~ <. '~ '" c: ~ 20 45 I I cu' ~ 40 .0 to 88. of 200 300 100 o I ~ '-n. 250 300 C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-1 Pb-4Zn) Commercial Names. Common names. centrifugal castings: B 271. 10. I *' I I r--. 85. Leaded tin bronze. 0. Government QQ-C-390.oC 200 250 300 ~ 500 II I <.0 Sn. 0.0 to 89./ *' 'f. 0.15 Fe max.!: c: o 't:l 1l a: I v--.5 Zn max. special high-pressure pipe fittings. ingot: B 30.20 to 0. :::E 100 ~ . ~ 200 c ~ E 40 c cu .0 to 1. .005 Al max Specifications (U. 0. Common name.>l. Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) . (Other) Ingot code number 250 Applications Typical Uses. 0. Leaded nickel-tin bronze. MIL-C-1l553 (Alloy 12). wear plates and guides.50 max other (total) Applications Typical Uses.0 Pb. and/or Foreign). gears Specifications (U.5 Pb. steam pressure castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. and/or Foreign). Ingot code number 215 Applications severe conditions.5 Cu. (Other) Ingot code number 206 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. 2. Government QQ-C-390.5-0-3. 83-7-7-3 Chemical Composition. 84-102.0 to 88.8 to 4. 0.25 Prnax. minimum may be calculated as Cu + Ni Other Phosphorus Specifications.0 Zn. B 271. Temperature is 260°C (500 "F) Typical Uses.r.15 Fe max. automobile fittings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.5 P max for continuous castings. MIL-B-16261 (Alloy vn. Commercial bronze for high-duty bearings where wear resistance is essential.005 Si max. Common name. 0.8 to 1.005 Al max Specifications (U. 1. 0. valves.5 Sn. piston rings. 0. 0. Composition Limits. 81.15 P max.7 Znmax. 0. 0. High-leaded tin bronze. 0. Composition Limits. cams Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.Copper Casting Alloys /395 C92600 (87Cu-1 05n-1 Pb-2Zn) Commercial Names. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) Specifications (U. SAE J462. SAE J462. valve components. ingot: B 30.0 to 8. 0. nuts.S. (83Cu-75n-7Pb-3Zn) Commercial Names.005 Al max Typical Uses. 2.5 Cu.15 Fe max. Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) . bolts. steam fittings.50 P max. expansion joints. continuous castings: B 505. 0. Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) C92900 (84Cu-105n-2. In determining Cu.S. and/or Foreign). QQ-L-225 (Alloy 12). 0.03 P max.0 to 3.08 S max. Gears. SAE J462 C93200. 9.0 Sn. Composition Limits. MIL-C15345 (Alloy 17). 88-10-2-0 Applications Chemical Composition. 0. Bearings. QQ-C-525. Common name. centrifugal castings. and/or Foreign).0 to 11.5 Chemical Composition. ingot: B 30.05 S max. 6.5 Zn. 0.ore 2. bushings.3 to 7. strong general-utility structural bronze for use under C92700 (88Cu-105n-2Pb) Commercial Names.0 se. Leaded tin bronze. 9.2 Pb. ingot: B 30.3 to 10. pump pistons.003 Si max. 0. 9.75 Ni max.S. 86.0 Cu. Common name. Common name.S.2 Pb.5Ni) Commercial Names. special high-pressure pipe fittings.0 Cu.0 to 11. pump impellers. 0. Composition Limits.3 to 2. elevator components.5 Sn. continuous castings: B 505. (ASTM) Sand and centrifugal castings: B 427. 6. gears. 86.0 Ni. 1.0 to 4. (ASTM) Continuous castings: B 505. 1. 0.0 to 85. 0. Leaded tin bronze Chemical Composition. 0. 2.20 Fe max. 0.0 to 89. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 584. 0.25 Sb max.35 Sb max.50 P max for permanent mold castings Specifications (U. 81.0Ni max.5Pb-3. (Other) Ingot code number 315 Applications Typical Uses. bearing bronze 660. heavy-pressure bearings and bushings to use against hardened steel. General-utility bearings and bushings.50 N max.0 to 85. 08 S max. centrifugal castings. B 271. continuous castings: B 505. phosphorus shall be 1. minimum may be calculated as Cu + Ni Specifications (U. and/or Foreign). Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-1 Zn) Commercial Names. 8. 0. continuous castings. Small bearings and bushings. 0. SAB J462. x-ray. (AMS) Sand and centrifugal castings: 4842.0 to 11.0 Sn.15 Fe max. (Other) Ingot code number 326 Applications Typical Uses. In determining Cu. Ingot for remelting specifications vary from the ranges given Copper and Zinc Specifications.8 Zn max.0 Cu.S. 2.005 Al max.005 Si max. copper may be indicated as balance. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) C93700 (80Cu-10Sn-10Pb) Commercial Names. 4. ingot. and atomic absorption.50 Sb max. 78.-C-22229. Bearings for high speed and heavy pressure. CA934.50 Sb max.QQ-L-225 (Alloy 14).0 Pb. 0.05 P max.396/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C93400 Commercial Names.0 max. In reporting chemical analyses ob- tained by wet methods. In reporting chemical analyses by the use of instruments such as spectrograph. Mll.0 se.0 to 9. 0. 0. Ni (including Co) 1.08 S max. (ASTM) Continuous. 0. Composition Limits. Mll. (Other) Ingot code number 305 Applications Typical Uses. Common name.0 to 10.0 Zn max.003 Si max.-B-13506 (Alloy A2).003 Si max Specifications (U. impellers.0 sn.02 P max (1. B 505.70 Ni max. bronze backings for babbittlined automotive bearings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. 0. 0. 7. applications requiring corrosion resistance. 9. Mll. C93700. Composition Limits. B 505.70 Zn max.5 P max for continuous castings). ingot: B 30.30 Sb max.0 Cu. 8.-C-22087. 0. 0. B 584.0 to 82. 0. CDA and UNS number. 0. and/or Foreign). High-leaded tin bronze. Composition Limits.08 S max. centrifugal castings: B 271. Government QQ-C-390. zinc may be indicated as balance on those alloys with over 2% zinc Specifications (U.0 to 9. High-leaded tin bronze. Government QQ-C-390.0 Pb.5 to 6. B 30. SAB J462.S.0 Pb. 0. pumps. 83. 82. 0. 0.-B-11553B (Alloy 14). 0. ingot. 7. 85-5-9-1 ChemicalComposition. pressure-tight castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.20 Fe max. 0. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) . 80-10-10 . High-leaded tin bronze.0 Cu. Mll. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 584. Common names.20 Fe max. 0. 84-8-8-0 ChemicalComposition.0 to 86. B 30. and/orForeign). 0.5% maximum).50 Ni max. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 22. Bearings and bushings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.0 to 11. Common name. bushing and bearing bronze. Chemical Composition. (Other) Ingot code number 310 Applications Typical Uses. Government QQ-C-390. 0.S.50 P max (for continuous castings.0 to 85. :::J al 0:: 15 -50 0 50 100 150 Temperature.005 Al max.70 Znmax.0 to 79. 0.- '" c: c: '" 25 t en t en LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 20 50 -50 15 Yield strength (0.70 Sb max. (Other) Ingot code number 319 Chemical Composition.15 Fe max.. B 584. High-leaded tin bronze.Yc Temperature. In determining Cu. 0. of 100 200 300 o E 30 E ~ I ~ ~ 25 c: - :j~ 20 15 ~ 30 ~ . 0. centrifugal castings: B 271./ n 'fl --0 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view I .003 Si max.2 w I I . 0... Aluminum or silicon causes lead sweating during solidification and may cause a substantial portion of castings to be unsound Specifications (U...0 Pb. pump impellers. and/or Foreign). continuous castings: B 505..0 Cu.oC 200 250 C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) Commercial Names. MIL-B-16261 (Alloy IV). ingot: B 30. c: o 400 20 <.05 P max. and wedges... QQ-L-225 Typical Uses...70 Nimax.08 S max. minimum may be calculated as Cu + Ni Applications Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.. Typical tensile properties at various temperatures 50 45 40 "- '" 35 'en -E- 30 -" ::!!: -f.. Composition Limits. .78-7-15 (Alloys 19 and 7). shoes..0 to 16.. 0..s'" 25 1'\ 1\ ".. general-purpose wearing metal for rod bushings. QQ-C-525 (Alloy 7)...2% offset) 50 0 10 150 100 200 250 Temperature..5 Sn. -. Common name.3 to 7. Government QQ-C-390.... and bodies for use in acid mine water Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. Locomotive engine castings and general-service bearings for moderate pressure. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 66. 0. SAE J462. Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) . 75. 6. 0.Copper Casting Alloys /397 C93700: Tensile properties. '" g> . anti-acid metal.S. 0. freight car bearings.. 13.0.. backs for lined journal bearings for locomotive tenders and passenger cars. bearings. Possible hot shortness. Ampco B2. marine equipment. (Other) Ingot code number 415 Applications Typical Uses. OF 100 200 300 '-- 11m ~ 500 ::!: £ 'g> 400 ~ 300 f . °C C95300 (89Cu-1 Fe-1 OA1) Commercial Names. ingots: B 30. as-cast LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.5 Fe. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. Common names.0 AI. Temperature range is 595 to 650 °C (1100 to 1200 "F) . sand. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 148. nuts. Trade name. Common name. Acid-resisting pumps. continuous castings: B 505. continuous castings: B 505.398/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9AI) Commercial Names. centrifugal castings: B 271. pump rods. (ASME) Sand castings: SB148. 88-3-9 Chemical Composition.. gears. 2. 86 Cu min. 8. valve seats. plungers.0 max other (total) C95200: Tensileproperties. Aluminum bronze 9B._ 200 Typical Uses. Possible hot shortness and/or hot cracking. embrittlement. Composition Limits. bushings. 1. welding jaws. nonsparking hardware 400 500 600 I' I .0 to 11. 600 centrifugal castings: SB271. Not suitable for use in oxidizing acids I Tensile strength I ~~ """ "- 20 ~ 10 'if.5 to 9. (Other) Ingot code number 415 Applications Temperature. Not suitable for exposure to oxidizing acids. Ampco AI.0 max other (total Consequence of EXceeding Impurity Limits. Typical short-time tensile properties of C95200.8 to 1. pre- cision castings: MIL-C-11866. -~.5 AI. and/orForeign). 89-1-10 Chemical Composition. SAE J462.5 to 4. centrifugal castings: B 271. 1. 40 100 ---= 90 Yield strength 100 Precautions in Use.. SAE J462. loss of casting soundness. 50 'if..S. Composition Limits. :::J 20 t--+-+----t--+--I----*i------l 13 ~ 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature. and reduced soundness of castings 700 Specifications (U. nonsparking hardware Precautions in Use. steel mill slippers. 9. Aluminum bronze 9A. (ASTM) Sand Castings: B 148. pickling hooks.~% i~tensi~n) "'" 80 70 60 ~ tc: 50 ~ 40 30 20 .i---+-+----1I--l----j nJ ... 86 Cu min. Temperature range is 650 to 745°C (1200 to 1375 OF) ~ 30 cO o c: o iii - ~ ~ (O. 0. and/or Foreign). gears. embrittlement. composition 22. 50 ~ 40 1-~@h. (Government) Centrifugal and sand castings: QQ-C-390. and continuous castings: QQ-C-390. (Government) Centrifugal. Previous trade name. Pickling baskets.S. Prolonged heating in the 320 to 565°C (610 to 1050 "F) range can result in a loss of ductility and notch toughness Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.0 Fe. reduced response to heat treatment Specifications (U. sand castings: MIL-C-22229. ingot: B 30.~o 30 ~-+-(::~~. 10. SAE J462. 3. Aluminum bronze 9D.0 to 8. 6. gears. 99. 1. 0. Typicalshort-time tensile properties of C95400.5 max other (total) C95400: Tensile properties.0 to 5. 3. 3. 415.Copper Casting Alloys /399 C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-11 AI) and C9541 0 Commercial Names. Common names.--rr-TT-' #.. sand castings: B 148.0 AI. continuous castings: B 505. MIL-C-22229 (composition 6).5 Ni max (+ Co). centrifugal castings. centrifugal castings: B 271. Composition Limits.5 AI.0 to MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 14).5 Ni (+ Co). 10.81-4-4-11 ChemicalComposition.. investment castings. worms. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 148. Aluminum bronze 9C. MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 13).3 Si . 0.50 Mn max. Possible hot shortness. Valve guides and seats in aircraft engines.S. (ASTM) Ingot: B 30. 500 tc 400 t-----t--t-----t--t--+-+---=J ::< ~ 300 t-----t-~I_ 100 '--'-_"'--'-_-'----'-_. 78 Cu min. bushings. slides.. 1. Temperature is 620 °C (1150 oF) C95500 (81Cu-4Fe-4Ni-11AI) Commercial Names. centrifugal castings: B 271. nonsparking hardware Temperature. Temperature range is 620 to 705°C (1150 to 1300 "F) C95600 (91Cu-2Si-7AI) Commercial Names.. embrittlement. 85-4-11 ChemicalComposition. 10. Government QQ-B-675. increased quench-cracking susceptibility. MIL-C-22229 (composition 6). agitators Specifications (U. 83.0% min Chemical Composition. bushings. corrosion-resis- welding. embrittlement and loss of heat treating response Specifications (U.---'-_-'----' o Precautions in Use. ingots: B 30. ingots: B 30.5 min Consequence of EXceeding Impurity Limits. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Precautions in Use. MIL-C-22087 (composition 8).1. sand castings. 3.25 Ni Specifications (U.0 Cu min. OF Click here to view 101---9"-- O'--'-_. Government QQ-C-390.0 to 5. 88. 83 min Cu. °C heating in the 320 to 565°C (610 to 1050 "F) range can result in loss of ductility and notch toughness Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.0 Fe. rolling mill LIVE GRAPH Composition Limitsof C95410. B 763. Composition limits of C95400.5 to 2. Government QQ-C-390.0 Fe. (Other) Ingot code number 415 600 8!.0 to 11. Common names. Trade name. continuous castings: B 505.--1 30 r-"TT'"--. Not suitable for use in oxidizing acids. Aluminum-silicon bronze Cu + Sum of Named Elements. and/or Foreign).0 to 11. Arnpco 04. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 148. 0. and/orForeign). Possible hot shortnessin Typical Uses. G5. (ASME) Sand castings: SB148. (Other) Ingot code number 415 11. AMS 4880.0 to 5.and/or Foreign). 0.--'-_.5 Ni (including Co). pickling hooks and baskets.5 max other (total) Applications Consequence of EXceeding Impurity Limits. Composition Limits.0 to 5. bearings.L.5 Mn max. 3.rr---r-. 0.L. reduced casting soundness.~ Applications g Typical Uses.0 Fe. Excessive Si can cause machining difficulties tant parts. worms. Sand castings. MIL-V-11-87. valve Cl seats and guides.8 to 3. 99.5 AI.0 Cu min. Previous trade name.5 AI.S. Common name. MIL-C-22087 (composition 8). possible loss of heat-treating response. Ampco C3.S. Prolonged 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature. centrifugal castings.50 Mn max Cu + Sum of Named Elements. (Other) Ingot code number 415E (including Co) max. 2. Not suitable for use in strong oxidizing acids Annealing. gears. 20 I---__+_. investment castings. Pump impellers. and/or Foreign). welding. abrasive blasting. gears.5 Mn. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits . possible hot shortness. Composition Limits. Common names. possessing twice the strength. abrasive-wheel operations. Beryllium cupro-nickel alloy 71C. Common name. seawater line fittings. Superstone 40. 75-3-8-212 Chemical Composition. continuous castings: B 505.0 Ni. Manganese-aluminum bronze. arc cutting. 71. High Pb will cause hot shortness Specifications (U.15 Si max.5 to 9. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. Previous trade name. 0. stator clamp segments.8 to 1. Exhaust ventilation.7 Be. (Government) Sand and centrifugal castings: QQ-C-390. Propeller blades and hubs for fresh.1 Fe. 0. Temperature is 620°C (1150 OF) C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-1 Mn) Commercial Names.40 to 0.5 to 3. terminals.0 Ni (+ Co). bal Cu Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 11. welding rods. centrifugal castings: B 271.0 Cu min. gears. Previous trade name. valve stems. fittings. pump bodies. valve guides and seals.10 Si max. 0.0 Mn max.S. Typical uses are high-strength constructional parts for marine service. grinding. pump casings. 0. pressure housings for long. 8.S. marine hardware. unattended submergence. Composition Limits.0 to 5.5 AI. Novoston. 7. Temperature is 260°C (500 oF) C95700 (75Cu-3Fe-8AI-2Ni-12Mn) Commercial Names. impellers. valve bodies.0 to 4. 0. Slow cooling or prolonged heating in the 350 to 565°C (660 to 1050 "F) range may cause embrittlement. 1.5 AI. (Other) Ingot code number 415 Chemical Composition. and/or Foreign). 29. flame cutting. Composition Limits. 3.S. pole-line hardware Stress-Relieving. possible weld cracking Precautions in Use. propeller bronze B-24480: centrifugal castings only: MIL-C-15345. and release mechanisms Precautions in Use. MIL- Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing. SAE 1462. (Government) .5 max others (total) Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 0.5 Fe. CA966. gimbal assemblies. Temperature range is 650 to 705°C (1200 to 1300 "F) C96600 (69. a chronic lung disease. marine low-tide hardware.0 Mn.0 Fe. worms. Cable connectors. marine fittings Precautions in Use. C96600 is a high-strength version of the well-known cupro-nickel alloy C96400.0 to 8.and salt-water service. polishing. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. worm wheels. Beryllium cupro-nickel Chemical Composition. Like C96400. ingot: B 30.03 Pb max. and/or Foreign). Not suitable for use in oxidizing acids Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.Sand castings: MIL-C-81519 Applications Typical Uses.0 to 14. An excessive amount of Si will increase as-cast hardness and lower ductility. structural applications Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. ingots: B 30.8 to 1. Propellers. Alloy 28. casting. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 148.0 Cu min.5Cu-30Ni-O. Possible hot shortness and reduced cast strength Specifications (U. 2. 0. 0. 79. 4. Melting. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 148. embrittlement. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis. 0. valves. Not suitable for use in oxidizing acids or strong alkalies Specifications (U. Alpha nickel-aluminum bronze. safety tools. Hard spots.03 Pb max. and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA. Ampcoloy 495. Common name.01 Pb max.0 Ni. 1.400 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Applications Recommended Heat Treating Practice Typical Uses.10 Simax Applications Typical Uses. C96600 exhibits excellent corrosion resistance to seawater.0 to 33. (Government) Sand castings: MIL-B-24480 Applications Typical Uses. 0.5 to 4.5Be) Commercial Names. bal Cu Typical Uses. and pumps Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.20 Sb max.0 Mn max. Investment. Temperature is 510 °C (950 oF). 0.5 Fe max.5 Sn.S. 66-5-2-2-25 Chemical Composition. 4. Previous trade name.005 Al max Applications Typical Uses.05 P max.0 Cu.50 to 5. 53. leaded nickel bronze. investment.05 P max. electrical parts. 64-4-4-8-20 Chemical Composition. (ASTM) Centrifugal castings: B 271. Investment.0 to 4. Temperature is 260°C (500 "F). gears for mining equipment.5Cu-5Sn-1. Previous trade name.5 Ni. valve bodies. ingot: B 30 Applications Typical Uses. and other environmental uses where resistance to dezincification and dealuminification is required . continuous. 0. Temperature is 260°C (500 "F) C99400 (90.15 Si max.0 Ni. statuary. Leaded nickel bronze.0 to 67. 0. 1. and/or Foreign).S. (ASTM) Centrifugal castings: B 271. 12% nickel silver. Composition Limits. 1.) of section thickness C97800 (66.0 Fe. Temperature is 260°C (500 "F).005 Al max Specifications (U.2Ni-2. sanitary fittings. 1 h for each 25 mm (1 in. ornamental hardware.50 Mn max. 0.0 Pb. valves and valve trim. 1. 0.0 to 5. 0. Dairy metal.0 Pb. 64. 0.0 to 3. ingot: B 30 Applications Typical Uses.0 Cu. NDZ Applications Chemical Composition.0 Mn max.0 to 67.5 to 4. 1. ingot: B 30. Composition Limits. 0.0 Zn. Previous trade name.0 to 58. (ASME) Sand castings: SB584.0 Ni. Common name. 0. and sand castings for hardware fittings.0 Cu. 11. (Government) Sand castings: MIL-C-17112. 1.08 S max. investment. 0. Composition Limits. 1.0 Zn.5 Fe max. (Other) Ingot code number 412 (1 in. Leaded nickel brass. and/or Foreign). 0.08 S max.0 AI.Copper Casting Alloys I 401 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Aging.25 Sb max. centrifugal.) of section thickness C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn-20Ni) Commercial Names. valve seats. 3. permanent mold. 17. Centrifugal.25 Pb max. Temperature is 995°C (1825 OF) C97300 (56Cu-2Sn-10Pb-20Zn-12Ni) Commercial Names. 0. and musical instrument components Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. (ASTM) Centrifugal castings: B 271.5 Ni.0 to 27.0 Zn.0 to 25. 19. 3. 24.5 to 3. permanent mold.0Zn) Commercial Names.0 Sn. I h for each 25 mm Specifications (U.0 to 2. 0. 0. Common name. sand castings: B 584. 0. Centrifugal. 0.0 to 21. marine hardware. 3. valves. Nondezincification alloy.0 to 14. 20% nickel silver.5 Fe max. and sand castings for valve stems.2Si-3.05 P max. Common name. 0.S.5Pb-2Zn-25Ni) Commercial Names. 3 h Solution Heat Treating.0 to 11.0 to 5. sanitary fittings.0 Zn. propeller wheels.50 to 2.0 Si.0Fe-1. 0.50 to 2. and sand castings for ornamental castings.15 Si max. 1. 1. Common name.5 Pb. 63. outboard motor parts. sand castings: B 584. 1.0 to 3. Typical aging time. 0.35 Sb max. sand castings: B 584.005 Al max Specifications (U. 25% nickel silver. 0.15 Si max. and/or Foreign). and ornamental castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.50 Mn max. 56-2-10-20-12 Chemical Composition. 8.0 to 9.5 Sn. and sand castings for marine castings. 1.2AI-1.4Cu-2. 0. Composition Limits.08 S max. ) of section thickness C99500 Commercial Names.0 Zn. 1 h for each 25 mm (1 in.0 to 1. 0. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 763 resistance to dezincification and dealuminification is required. Exhaust ventilation. Temperature range is 790 to 800°C (1450 to 1475 OF) Aging.S. 5. electrical conductivity is lowered. 1 h for each 25 mm (1 in. % 25 5 40 1 75HRB 30HRC 63HRB 42HRC . The 1%Co content is a strong grain refiner. and as a result. electrical parts.402/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. High Fe raises magnetic susceptibility. 2. arc cutting.25 to 3. Temperature is 340 °C (650 "F) Typical Uses. marine. 1. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis.0 to 61.0 to 23.0 Fe.10 Zn max. 0. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. Temperature is 260°C (500 OF) Specifications (U. and/or Foreign). Common name. 0.0 Mn. 3.5 Pb.50 to 2.).25 Pb max. Temperature is 315°C (600 OF) C99750 Chemical Composition.50 to 2.50 to 2.10 Sn max. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential. or Pb causes hot shortness.5 to Typical Uses.25 Be. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving Berylliumcopper 21C: Typical mechanical properties Thmper MPa ksi Yield strength MPa ksi As-cast Castand aged(a) Solutiontreated(b) Solutiontrealed(b) andaged(a) 515 825 415 1105 75 120 60 160 275 725 170 1035 Thnsilestrength 40 105 25 150 (a) Aged 3 hat345 °C(650°F).2 Co.25 Fe max. 0.0 AI. Melting. 1 h at temperature Stress-Relieving. 0. NDZ-S Applications Chemical Composition.50 to 2. 0. (ASTM) Die castings: B 176 Beryllium copper 21C (97Cu-2Be-1Co) Commercial Names. Valve stems. propeller wheels. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution Heat Treating. 0. welding. 0. a chronic lung disease.10 Cr max Consequence of EXceeding Impurity Limits. gears for mining equipment and outboard marine industry.50 Mn max. Typical uses are comparable to those of beryllium-copper alloys C82400 and C82500 Precautions in Use. 0. 0. Temperature is 480°C (900 oF).40 Si. polishing.S.) of section thickness Aging. Composition Limits.0 to 5. abrasive-wheel operations. Trade name. Grain-refined beryllium-copper casting alloy 21C Chemical Composition.0 Cu. bal Cu Specifications (U. The higher cobalt content imparts better wear resistance but less desirable polishability and machinability.20 to 0.0 Si. Zn. grinding.0 AI. 0. Temperature is 315°C (600 "F). 17. High Sn. 0. 0. and/or Foreign). 0. and other environmental uses where 5. flame cutting.00 to 2. same as C99400 but used where higher yield strength is required Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving.0 Fe max (iron content shall not exceed nickel content) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress-Relieving. this alloy is used instead of beryllium-copper alloys C82500 and C82400 when thin sections must be cast at high temperatures or when thick and thin sections are present within the same casting in order to achieve a uniform fine-grained structure.5 Ni. Temperature is 885°C (1625 OF). and buffing under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryllium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA.0 to 23. Composition Limits. High Cr diminishes response to precipitation hardening Applications beryllium alloys. 0.0 Ni max. Composition Limits. 3. 55.15 Al max. 1.0 Zn. abrasive blasting. casting. Generally. (b) At790 to 800 °C (1450 to 1475oF) EIongalion in SO mm (2 in.20 Ni max. 17.02 Pb max. Temperature is 510 °C (950 oF) Beryllium copper nickel 72C: Typical mechanical properties of cast beryllium cupro-nickel alloy 72C Thmper As-castandaged(a) Solutionlreaied(b)andaged(a) ThnsUestrength MPa ksi 555 860 81 125 YIeldstrength MPa ksi 310 550 Elongation in 50 mm (1 In. and buffmg under improper conditions may raise the concentration of beryl- Solution Heat Treating. Composition Limits. Melting.0 to 33.15 Si max.1 Pb max. The good castability of 72C allows it to be cast into tooling of fine detail Precautions in Use. 0. thus creating a potential for personnel to contract berylliosis.10 to 0. 1. High lead will cause hot shortness. 0. as well as to decompositional products of PVC that contain HCI.20 Ti. High carbon will result in undesirable carbides lium in the air to levels above the limits prescribed by OSHA. 0.2Be) as-cast hardness and lower ductility. 0. abrasive-wheel operations. arc cutting. alloy 72C tooling is resistant to corrosion by the foaming agents used. is a specific OSHA requirement for processes involving beryllium alloys. the principal means of achieving compliance with these limits. bal Cu Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. flame cutting. Its field of application is the plastic tooling industry.). Exhaust ventilation. casting. its increased beryllium content providing improved castability. a chronic lung disease.7 to structural plastics that generate ammonia at elevated temperatures. Modified beryllium cupro-nickel alloy 72C Chemical Composition.0 Fe. polishing.7 Mn max. 0.8Cu-30Ni-1. 29. abrasive blasting. Additionally. welding. Actual exposure of workers should be continually monitored using prescribed air-sampling and calculation methods to determine compliance or noncompliance with OSHA limits Applications Recommended Heat Treating Practice Commercial Names. Temperature is 995°C (1825 "F) Aging. bromine-boron. grinding. chlorinated paraffins and phosphates. Common name. 0. Alloy 72C generally is ceramic mold cast into tooling used for molding flame-retardant plastics containing bromine. Alloy 72C is a modified version of beryllium cupro-nickel alloy 71C. and other halogens.1 to 1. Careful attention to the exhaust-ventilation requirements of these and any other effluent-producing operations is essential.2 Be. High silicon will raise Typical Uses.10 to 0. (b) Waterquenched from995°C (1825 oF) 15 70 90HRB 26HRC .20 Zr.Copper Casting Alloys I 403 Beryllium copper nickel 72C (68.0 Ni.% Hardness 45 80 (a) Aged3 h at510 °C (950 oF). 5 to 8 h. In general. the strengthening contribution of any cold work imparted before the original age-hardening treatment is erased. thin strip or wire can be annealed in less than 2 min. For wire. Annealing at temperatures above the maximum can cause excessive grain growth or induce incipient melting. and Overaging Treatments Material that has been aged for an insufficient amount of time to attain the maximum possible hardness at a particular temperature is said to be underaged. The annealing practice for beryllium-copper is in distinct contrast to that for many copper alloys that do not strengthen by heat treatment. extended dwell time can promote undesirable secondary grain growth. This is caused by the annealing out of quenched-in vacancies at these lower quenching rates. they require re-solution annealing to restore the age-hardening response. If parts are inadvertently overaged to lower-than-desired hardness. cold working the alloy between solution annealing and age hardening increases both the rate and the magnitude of the age-hard- ening response in wrought products. At the high end of the annealing temperature range. higher-temperaturelshorter-time) or overaging (higher-temperaturellongertime) heat treatments can be used to attain the desired properties. Too Iowa temperature can also result in the dissolution of an insufficient amount of beryllium for satisfactory age hardening. Temperatures below the minimum can result in incomplete recrystallization. for increased ductility. In this case. then rapidly quenching the material to room temperature to retain the beryllium in a supersaturated solid solution. These alloys are typically subjected to lower-temperature and longer-time annealing for recovery ofcold-working strains and control of recrystallized grain size. the maximum peak-age hardness increases.1 to 4 h. Peak Aging. The use of thermal measurement equipment is helpful in establishing these parameters because they depend on the size and quantity of parts being treated. When strength less than maximum is desired. Commercial alloys intended for user age hardening are limited to a maximum of about 37% cold work in strip (H temper). heavy-section products usually are held at the annealing temperature for 30 min or less.Heat Treating Beryllium Copper Alloys Solution Annealing This treatment is performed by heating the alloy to a temperature slightly below the solidus to dissolve a maximum amount of beryllium. Underaging. age hardening is typically at temperatures of 260 to 400 DC (500 to 750 OF) for 0. It is important to be sure to reach the set temperature. Typical annealing temperature ranges are 760 to 800°C (1400 to 1475 OF) forthe high-strength alloys and 900 to 955°C (1650 to 1750 "F) forthe high-conductivity alloys. Interrupted or slow quenching rates should be avoided because they permit precipitation of beryllium during cooling. peak aging at intermediate temperatures is relatively insensitive to minor fluctuations in temperature. Users of beryllium-copper alloys are seldom required to solution anneal. this operation is almost always done by the supplier. as a guide. cold work can be reduced and underaging (lower-temperature/longer-time. Age Hardening The treatment involves reheating the solution-annealed material to a temperature below the equilibrium solvus for a time sufficient to nucleate and grow the beryllium-rich precipitates responsible for hardening. it is not necessary to hold the metal at the annealing temperature for more than a few minutes to accomplish solution treatment. Within limits. Further cold work beyond this point is nonproductive and results in decreased hardness after age hardening and diminished ductility in the unaged condition.5 to 1 h per inch of thickness. resulting in an unacceptably high level of as-quenched hardness and an inadequate final age-hardening response. and the maximum strength attainable in the salvaged components is that available from solution-annealed and peak-aged material. Prolonged annealing time does not increase the solution of beryllium at a given annealing temperature. Considerable latitude exists for obtaining target strength levels with combinations of cold work and age-hardening temperature and time. the maximum amount of cold work is commonly somewhat greater. As cold work increases to about a 40% reduction in area. Once the set temperature is reached. for example. Material aged beyond the relative maximum in the aging response curve is said to be overaged. From a process control standpoint. Appreciable extension in time beyond that to attain the aging response . overaged material does not. Material aged at time-temperature combinations resulting in maximum attainable hardness is said to be peak aged. The high-conductivity alloys are age hardened at 425 to 565°C (800 to 1050 "P) for 0. Underaged material retains the capacity to increase in hardness through additional age hardening. For the high-strength alloys. heat-up time is usually estimated as 0. 3-12.05-0.40-2. nesc:ripllon 'Iemper TBOO TOOl TD02 TD04 Thoslle strength beCore aging MPa ksi 70 80 91 110 480 550 625 760 Solutiontreated Solutiontreatedandcold worked10quarter-hard Solutiontreatedandcold worked10half-hard Solutiontreatedand cold worked10hard Beryllium-copper alloys: Solution treating and precipitation hardening Alloy C17000 CI7200 CI7300 CI7500 C17510 Solution trealmentla) Thmperature Time(h). yield strength.3-12.05-0.20 C82510 1.90-2.25-2.7 0.2ll-O.50 0. Peak-aging treatments are ideally suited for hardening large lots of components on reels or in baskets or trays. and elongation Age hardening response of annealed C17510 in TBOO temper Temper designations for beryllium-copper strip Properties obtained in precipitation treatment of CI7200.80 0.85 0.60-1.35-0.05-0.00 0.5-3 0. Greater precision is needed to select the correct temperature and time to achieve the desired properties when using (in order of increasing need for precision) overaging.35-0. (b) Shortertimesmay be desirableto minimizegrain growth.80-2.5%min Beryllium-Copper Wire: Mechanical and electrical properties Electrical Wire diameter Temper deslguations AS'IM Commercial Aging treatment mm in. CI7000.0 0. Furnace loads must be evenly distributed to ensure uniform heating rates and soaking times in all components for a consistent part-to-part aging response.2ll-O. C17500.20 min 0.08 0.5 0. 99.05-0.Beryllium Copper Alloys /405 plateau is tolerable.2ll-O.80 1.7 1. low-temperature underaging.65 C82400 1.0 C82200 0.5 0.6 0.ll-2.25 0.15 0.3-12. WI~ Co+Ni Co+Ni+Fe Si Cn Pb Wrought alloys 0.0 1.7-30 54-75 80-110 94-126 2ll-6O 2ll-30 2ll-30 45-60 48-60 41ll-54O ezo-soo 2-W 10min 10min .3-12. ~ ~IACS Cl72ooandC17300 'raoo A TOOl TD02 Too3 TD04 Quarter-H Half-H 'Three quarter-H H TRlO xr THOI Quarter-HT TH02 Half-HT TH03 Threequarter-HT TH04 HT C17510 and C17500 TBOO A TD04 H TFOO xr TH04 HT 75ll-94O 890-1070 960-1140 1100-1380 1200-1450 127ll-1490 131ll-1590 134ll-159O 59-78 90-116 110-136 130-155 140·165 160-200 175-210 184-216 190-230 194-230 130-210 51ll-730 620-870 790-1040 89O-1110 990-1250 1130-1380 1170-1450 1200-1520 124O-15W 19-30 74-106 9ll-126 115-151 129-161 144-181 164-200 17ll-21O 174-2W 18ll-2W 3ll-6O 3-25 2-15 2-8 1-6 3 min 2 min 2 min 2 min I min 15-19 15-19 15·19 15-19 15-19 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 24ll-380 44ll-56O 68ll-900 75ll-970 35-55 64-81 99-130 109-140 60-210 370-520 550-760 650-870 8.particularlyfor thin sections • • • • • • • • • • • Compositions of commercial beryllium-copper alloys Phase diagrams for beryllium-copper alloys Solution treatments and aging treatments Typical tempers of mill products Properties obtained in precipitation treatments Influence of cold reduction and age hardening on mechanical properties Age hardening response curves for tensile strength.3-2.2ll-O.35-0.5-3 0.0 1.85 bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal bal Note:Copperplus additions.05-0.08 0. h 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 575-625 575-625 575-625 sso-soo sso-soo (a)All alloysare cooledimmediatelyandrapidlyfrom the solution-treating temperature. microstructures of a C82500 alloy casting and a CI7200 alloy strip are provided.00 0.35 1. high-temperature underaging.3-12.35 C82500 1.79 CI7510 0.3-12.65 0.08 0.08 3 h a148ll-495 °C 2 h at 48ll-495°C 1.35-0. Thin sections such as stripcan be cooled in circulatingatmosphere. The low sensitivity of final strength to aging conditions once this plateau has been attained accounts for the recommendation of age-hardening temperatures of 315°C (600 OF) for the high-strength alloys and 480 °C (900 OF) for the high-conductivity alloys.5 ThnsUestreogth MPa ksi Yield strength ksi MPa Elongation.0 1.05-0.heaviersectionsrequirewaterquenching.55 0.2ll-0.5 0.7 1.20 min 0.3-12.20 min 0.6 1.5h at 315-330·C I hat315-330°C IhaI315-330·C 1. Age-hardening treatments involving precise temperature and time combinations pose problems for batch-type heat-treating processes.7 1.70 0.05-0.7 1. and C17510 in various product forms Effects of special precipitation hardening treatments on mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of CI7200 and C17500 strip in various conditions Compositions of commercial beryllium-copper alloys UNS number Be Co NI Composition.4-2. OF OC h 775-800 775-800 775-800 900-925 900-925 1425-1475 1425-1475 1425-1475 1650-1700 1650-1700 0.45-0.5 0. conductivity.5-3 0.05-0.6 max C17200 1.35-0.00-1. The furnace should be backfilled with an inert gas to provide a more uniform convective heat transfer to the load than that which can be achieved by radiation alone.5 0.6 max C17000 1. For further information see the following Tables and Figures accompanying this article: Beryllium-copper mill products: Typical conditions In addition.4-2.15-0. and aging to the relative maximum hardness at higher temperatures.60 Cast alloys 2.70 C82800 2.6 max CI7300 1.5 0. 3hat315-330°C 2hat315-330°C 1.70 C82000 0.5ll-2.05-0.5 0.5 0.5-3 Aging treatment Thmperalure OF -c 300-330 300-330 300-330 455-480 455·480 Time.3-2.3-12.3-2.05-0.05-0.80-2.60-1.05-0.2-0.3-12.5 0.05-0.3-2.7 1.2 2.3-12.35 C82600 2.2ll-O.7 C17500 0.90-2.5-3 0.7 1.7 1.4·0.7 1.7 C17410 0. The use of vacuum furnaces for age-hardening necessitates the shielding of parts from direct radiation.05-0.7 1.35 0. 25 h at 370°C 2hat315°C 0.4Be-l.25 h at 370°C 2hat315°C 0. (c) Two heat treatments given for comparison .8Cu-o.2%offset FlectricaI ksi Eloogatloo. (b) M.4061 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Beryllium-copper strip: Temper designationsand properties forvarious conditions Temperdesignnlloos ASIMB601 Commercial Ioltial cODditIoD(a) Agiog treatmentfb) TellSile strength MPa ksi Yieldstrength atO.25 h at 370°C M M M M M M M 410-530 410-540 510-610 580-690 680-830 1130-1350 1105-1310 1200-1420 1170-1380 1270-1490 1240-1450 1310-1520 1275-1480 680-760 750-830 820-940 930-1040 1030-1110 1060-1210 1200-1320 59-77 59-78 74-88 84-100 99-120 164-195 160-190 174-206 170-200 184-216 180-210 190-220 185-215 99-110 109-120 119-136 135-150 149-160 154-175 174-191 190-250 200-380 410-560 510-660 620-800 960-1205 895-1205 1030-1275 965-1275 1100-1350 1035-1345 1130-1420 1105-1415 480-660 550-760 650-870 750-940 860-970 930-1180 1030-1250 28-36 29-55 59-81 74-95 90-116 139-175 130-175 149-185 140-185 159-196 150-195 164-206 160-205 70-96 80-110 94-126 109-136 125-140 135-171 149-181 35-65 35-60 20-45 12-30 2-18 3-15 3-10 3-10 2-6 1-8 2-5 1-6 1-4 16-30 15-25 12-22 9-20 9-18 4-15 3-12 45-78HRB 45-78HRB 68-9OHRB 88-%HRB 96-102HRB 36-42HRC 34-40HRC 36-43HRC 36-42HRC 38-44HRC 38-44HRC 38-45HRC 39-45HRC 95 HRB-23 HRC 20-26HRC 23-30HRC 28-35HRC 31-37HRC 32-38HRC 33-42HRC 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 17-28 17-28 17-28 17-28 17-28 17-28 17-28 750-900 109-130 650-870 94-126 7-17 95 HRB-27 HRC 45-55 240-380 240-380 480-590 725-825 680-900 680-900 792-950 750-940 750-940 820-1040 510-590 35-55 35-55 70-85 105-120 99-130 99-130 115-138 109-136 109-136 119-150 74-85 130-210 170-320 370-560 550-725 550-690 550-690 725-860 650-830 650-830 750-970 340-520 19-30 25-46 54-81 80-105 80-100 80-100 105-125 94-120 94-120 109-140 49-75 20-40 20-40 2-10 8-12 10-25 10-25 5-8 8-20 8-20 1-5 8-20 20-45HRB 20-45HRB 78-88HRB 93-looHRB 92-1OOHRB 92-1OOHRB 97-104HRB 95-I02HRB 95-102HRB 98-I03HRB 79-88HRB 20-30 20-30 20-30 45-60 45-60 45-60 45-52 48-60 48-60 48-60 60 min Cl7200 (98. MPa %IACS C17000 (97. % Rockwell hardness conductivity.2SCo) and C17410 (99.7Be) TBoo TOOl T002 TD04 TRlO(c) A A{planish) Quarter-H Half-H H AT Annealed Annealed Quarter-hard Half-hard Hard Annealed THOl(c) Quarter-HT Quarter-hard TH02(c) Half-HT Half-hard TH04(c) HT Hard AM Quarter-HM Half-HM HM SHM XHM Annealed Quarter-hard Half-hard Hard Hard Hard 'raoo lMoo lMOI lM02 lM04 lM05 lM06 3hat315°C 3hat345°C 2hat315°C 3hat330°C 2hat315°C 2hat330°C 2hat315°C 2hat330°C M M M M M M 410-530 410-540 510-610 580-690 680-830 1030-1250 1105-1275 1100-1320 1170-1345 1170-1380 1240-1380 1240-1380 1275-1415 680-760 750-830 820-940 930-1040 1030-1110 1060-1210 59-77 59-78 74-88 84-100 99-120 149-181 160-185 160-191 170-195 170-200 180-200 180-200 185-205 99-110 109-120 119-136 135-151 149-161 154-175 190-250 200-380 410-560 510-660 620-800 890-1140 860-1140 930-1210 895-1170 1030-1250 965-1240 1060-1250 1070-1345 480-660 550-760 650-870 750-940 860-970 930-1140 28-36 29-55 59-81 74-96 90-116 129-165 125-165 135-175 130-170 149-181 140-180 154-181 155-195 70-96 80-110 94-126 109-136 125-141 135-165 35-65 35-60 20-45 12-30 2-10 3-20 4-10 3-15 3-6 1-10 2-5 1-6 2-5 18-30 15-25 12-22 9-20 9-18 3-10 45-78HRB 45-78HRB 68-9OHRB 88-96HRB 96-102HRB 33-38HRB 34-4OHRC 35-40HRC 36-41HRC 37-42HRC 38-42HRC 38-44HRC 39-43HRC 98HRB-23HRC 20-26HRC 24-30HRC 28-35HRC 31-37HRC 32-38HRC 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 22-28 18-33 18-33 18-33 18-33 18-33 18-33 3hat315°C 0_5h31370 °C 2hat315°C 0.SSBe-2.SCo) HT Hard M C17SOO (96.3Be-O.9Cu-l.8Ni) TBoo TBoo TD04 TRlO(c) A A (planish) H AT Annealed Annealed Hard Annealed lMoo TH04(c) AM HT Annealed Hard HM Hard Hard Hard lM04 HTR HTC 3hat455°C 3hat480°C M 2hat455°C 2hat480°C M M M (a) All annealing is solution treating.9Be) TBoo TBoo TOOl T002 TD04 TRlO(c) A A (planish) Quarter-H Half-H H AT Annealed Annealed Quarter-hard Half-hard Hard Annealed THOI(c) Quarter-HT Quarter-hard TH02(c) Half-HT Half-hard TH04(c) HT Hard AM Quarter-HM Half-HM HM SHM XHM XHMS Annealed Quarter-hard Half-hard Hard Hard Hard Hard lMoo lMOI lM02 lM04 lM05 lM06 lM08 C17400 (99'sCu(rninHI.5 Cu(rnin)-0. and all alloys are annealed prior to roll hardening and/or heat treatment where applicable.1Cu-l.30Be-O.9Cu-o. mill hardened with special mill processing and precipitation treatment.SSCo) and C17S10 (97. (b) In 50 nun (2 in. OF h OC None None None None 3 0.plate.25 2 0.5 0.) Annealed Hard Annealed Annealed(d) Hard Hard(d) Cl7SOO.25 None None 3 2 None None None None 3 0. (e) RockwellBand C hardnessvalues are accurateonly if metalis at least I nun (0. % llanlness(c) % lACS 600 700 600 700 600 700 600 700 415-540 515-605 585-690 690-825 1140-1345 1105-1310 1205-1415 1170-1380 1275-1485 1240-1450 1310-1575 1275-1480 60-78 75-88 85-100 100-120 165-195 160-190 175-205 170-200 185-215 180-210 190-220 185-215 195-380 415-550 515-655 620-770 965-1205 895-1205 1035-1275 965-1275 1105-1345 1070-1345 1140-1415 1105-1415 28-55 60-80 75-95 90-112 140-175 130-175 150-185 140-185 160-195 155-195 165-205 160-205 35-60 10-40 10-25 2-8 4-10 3-10 3-6 2-6 2-5 2-5 1-4 1-4 45-78HRB 68-9OHRB 88-96HRB 96-I02HRB 35-4OHRC 34-4OHRC 37-42HRC 36-42HRC 39-44HRC 38-44HRC 4O-45HRC 39-45HRC 17-19 16-18 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 600 600 415-585 585-895 1140-1345 1205-1550 60-85 85-130 165-200 175-225 185-205 515-725 1000-1205 1035-1380 20-30 75-105 145-175 150-200 35-60 10-20 3-10 2-5 45-85HRB 88-103HRB 36-41HRC 39-45HRC 17-19 15-17 22-25 22-25 600 700 600 700 600 700 600 700 450-590 620-795 760-930 895-1070 1140-1310 1105-1310 1205-1415 1170-1415 1310-1480 1275-1480 1345-1585 1310-1585 65-85 90-115 110-135 130-155 165-190 160-190 175-205 170-205 190-215 185-215 195-230 190-230 185-240 485-655 620-760 760-930 1000-1205 930-1205 1105-1310 1035-1310 1205-1380 1170-1380 1245-1415 1205-1415 20-35 70-95 90-110 110-135 145-175 135-175 160-190 150-190 175-200 170-200 180-205 175-205 35-55 10-35 4-10 2-8 3-8 3-8 2-5 2-5 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 600 650 600 625 600 625 600 625 415-540 515-605 585-690 690-825 1035-1240 1105-1275 1105-1310 1170-1345 1170-1380 1240-1380 1240-1450 1275-1415 60-78 75-88 85-100 100-120 150-180 160-185 160-190 170-195 170-200 180-200 180-210 185-205 170-365 310-515 450-620 550-760 895-1105 860-1140 860-1140 895-1170 895-1170 965-1240 965-1240 1070-1345 25-55 45-75 65-90 80-110 130-165 125-165 135-170 130-170 145-175 140-180 155-180 155-195 35-60 10-40 10-25 2-8 4-10 4-10 3-6 3-6 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 47-78HRB 68-9OHRB 88-96HRB 96-I02HRB 33-39HRC 34-4OHRC 34-4OHRC 36-41HRC 36-41HRC 38-42HRC 38-42HRC 39-43HRC 17-19 16-18 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 '22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 600 650 600 650 415-585 585-895 1035-1240 1105-1275 1140-1380 1205-1415 60-85 85-130 150-180 160-185 165-200 175-205 185-205 515-725 860-1070 930-1140 930-1140 965-1170 20-30 75-105 125-155 135-165 135-165 140-170 35-60 10-20 4-10 4-10 2-5 2-5 45-85HRB 88-103HRB 32-39HRC 34-4OHRC 36-41HRC 38-42HRC 17-19 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 900 850 900 850 240-380 515-585 690-760 725-825 760-860 795-930 35-55 75-85 100-120 105-120 110-130 115-135 185-205 380-550 550-690 550-725 690-825 725-860 20-30 55-80 80-100 80-105 100-120 105-125 20-35 3-10 10-20 8-12 8-15 5-8 20-43HRB 78-88HRB 92-IOOHRB 93-IOOHRB 95-103HRB 97-I04HRB 25-30 20-30 45-60 45-52 45-60 45-52 17-19 15-17 15-17 15-17 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 22-25 (a) At 0.5 2 0.3nun (0. (d) Heat treatmentthatprovidesoptimumstrength.25 I 0.33 2 0.25 None None None None 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 None None 3 3 2 2 None None 3 3 2 2 315 370 315 370 315 370 315 370 315 315 315 370 315 370 315 370 315 370 315 345 315 330 315 330 315 330 315 345 315 345 480 455 480 455 Electrical Thnsile strength MPa ksi Yield strength!a) ksi MPa conductivlty.).(e) For wire diametersgreaterthan 1.) .5 2 Annealed Hard Annealed(d) Hard(d) Wrre(e) Annealed Quarter-hard Half-hard Threequarter-hard Annealed(d) Annealed Quarter-hard(d) Quarter-herd Half-hard(d) Half-hard Threequaner-hard(d) Threequarter-hard C17000 Flatproducts Annealed Quarter-hard Half-hard Hard Annealed Annealed(d) Quarter-hard Quaner-hard(d) Half-hard Half-hard(d) Hard Hard(d) Rod.25 1.050in.2% offset. Cl7S10 Rod.Beryllium Copper Alloys 1407 Beryllium-copper alloys: Properties and precipitation treatments usually specified Initialcondition C17200 Flatproducts Annealed Quarter-hard Half-hard Hard Annealed(d) Annealed Quaner-hard(d) Quarter-hard Half-hard(d) Half-hard Hard(d) Hard Rod. Elongatlon(h).bar.040 in.flatproducts Annealed Hard Annealed Annealed(d) Hard Hard(d) Standard aging treatment Thmpemture TIme. 5 115 63.0 21.5 27.3 19.5 19.0 26.0 20.5 154 145 141 80.5 W.5 18.0 18.5 197 190 188 180 176 250 695 1055 1060 1055 1040 980 485 945 1115 1125 1060 1000 970 555 885 1110 1175 1180 1105 1040 1035 860 690 1125 1195 1170 1105 1090 1055 350 805 835 805 795 440 985 915 850 800 51 117 121 116.5 22.O 18.5 49.5 18.4081 Heal Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Cu-Be strip: Effectsof special precipitation-hardening treatments on mechanical properties and electrical conductivity Initial condition AlloyCl7200 Annealed Quarterhard Halfhard Hard AlloyCl7500 Annealed Hard Aging treatment TIme. Microstructure consists of Chinese-script beryllides in a copper-rich a solid-solution matrix.5 128 161 170.5 171 160 150.5 205 30 255 37 2W 32 290 42 230 230 295 305 305 295 275 275 200 270 33 33 43 44 44 43 315 46 115 120 125 125 130 130 130 115 125 130 130 130 130 130 115 125 125 130 130 130 130 130 130 120 125 130 130 130 130 130 16.5 106 188.5 19.0 17.5 102 30 14 14 14 16 2 11 13 13 12 25 44 48 48 48.5 19.5 26.5 25.0 19.0 25 91 98 91 87 61.5 17.3 20.5 133 123 116 170 625 675 625 600 425 860 800 760 705 Elongalion(h).5 27. with angular ~ phase transformed to a lamellar aggregate of a and y phases.0 18.0 45.5 18.0 26.0 47. Modulus or elasticity Fatigue EIecIJical strength!c) % %IACS MPa ksI GPo lOOps. (c) 107 cycles C82500 Alloy Casting: Microstructure.0 21.0 19.5 167 82.5 23.0 18.5 18.0 19.0 16.3 20. Temperalure min None 5 15 30 60 120 240 None 5 15 30 60 120 240 None 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 420 None 5 15 30 60 120 240 None 120 120 120 120 None 120 120 120 120 °C of 370 370 370 370 370 370 700 700 700 700 700 700 370 370 370 370 370 370 700 700 700 700 700 700 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 370 370 370 370 370 370 700 700 700 700 700 700 425 455 480 510 800 850 900 950 425 455 480 510 800 850 900 950 Tensile slreogth Yield strength!a) MPa ksI MPa 465 855 1195 1260 1240 1195 1150 570 1115 1250 1290 1230 1185 1155 605 1010 1280 1310 1325 1280 1200 1185 1010 730 1300 1360 1310 1295 1240 1215 67.5 18.5 142.0 20.5 137 162 163.5 172 167.0 20.0 24.0 18.0 19.0 18.0 27. 36 101 153 153.0 24.5 185.5 26.0 20. Striations are the result of metastable precipitation in the alloy.2%offset.5 18.0 17.5 186 190 192.5 26.5 18. conducllvlty. Solution annealed at 790 DC (1450 OF) and aged to peak hardness at 315 DC (600 OF) for 3 h.0 27.5 125 116 110.5 87.0 18.).5 18.0 19.5 17.0 25.0 W.5 146.8 44.0 15.5 162 181 187 178.5 150 125 100 163 173 170 160 158 153 49 18 10 6 5 6 6 21 9 6 4 3 4 6 17 11 3 2 2 2 3 3 10 5 3 2 1 1 2 2 18.0 23.5 25.5 124 173 182.5 27.(b) In 50 mm(2 in.5 180 173.0 18.5 174 172 146.5 27.0 18.0 18.0 23. 400x .0 18.0 ksi 40 40 29 39 215 31 250 36 (a)At 0.0 19.5 19.0 110 135 140 140 140 125 140 140 140 140 16.5 153 151 142 70.0 18.0 17. ... 2010 Liquid 900 a+-y ~ 1830 Solution treatment (anneallngj' a ~ 1290 ::J s CD Q E CD 1110 ~ E 600 ~ ~ Age hardening 930 500 930 750 400 750 570 300 570 390 200 I----.Q 10 w 500 f---t----#+-+---j---+---/---j-----+---1 70 .. 100 ~ a ~ ..6 0.8 Beryllium-Copper Alloy C17510: Age Hardening... Nil beryllide E ~ 1650 1470 ~ ~ 700 1290 ~ 1110 ~ / 400 <..... Age-hardening response curvesfor annealed(TBOO temper) LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 900 r--r----r-..a a+J3 / . 15 ~ ~ .. 1100 1650 ..~ s...' Time at temperature 1 .. 900 ~ a+~ .. ...r----. Binary composI- Phase diagram for Beryllium-copper alloy...2 Beryllium. 480 ·C........ r---..Yield strength 400 L..----.-. wt% 0. - 455 ·C..liquid L ~7 800 f----.. ~ <. 130 35 120 30 110 ... . wt% 0. SIOIUtiOn treatment (annealing) V 500 Liquid 2010 o 4 10 3 30 IL----Minutes-----'------Hours . 700 I--+----f-h~'--I---+--+--I-----f----l a..Tensile strength . 1000 1830 J3... Pseudobinary tion for high-strength alloyssuch as C17200 composition for a high-conductivity alloy..L...L..---r-----r----. ~ .LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Beryllium Copper Alloys I 409 Phase diagram for beryllium-copper alloy. 1000 r-...Age hardening 200 o 3 390 0 6 0..... 510 ·C C> c: .._---'_--'-_ _L-----'-_ _--'-_ _L-_---'_ _--J 60 1 30 I 4 5 I Time at temperature ~ ~ ::J a+ (Cu.4 Beryllium... C17510 1100 r-... 300 / -..£.1470 800 ~ <.... £ £ ~ m~ ~ oom 80 E 20 E a III c ....------.. ........Heat treated .. 0 v----~ 120 ~ • ~ ----- ."" ...S c: 0 ...Heat treatable 0'---_...Heat treated at 480·C .:.:= -::-."""""::--r-----.--::.. % 40 30 LIVE GRAPH (a) Click here to view LIVE GRAPH 100 100 Click here to view 1380 (200) r--.oo... E 60 E 0 In ...7 Elongation "-.2% offset yield • 0...fl. --. % 80 60 a: 50 100 (b) C17200 Alloy Strip: Microstructure.~ a: c: --..-' ~---- "IV"...-.. (a) C17510 aged at 480°C (895 OF) for 2 or 3 h. _ 1100 (160) I-~+---I----+---+ ~ z 66 g vi lh ~ 825 (120) I-----I----I--=-"~~---I'-------l :::!: .- 40 60 Cold reduction..I 40 Cl I 0 W 20 vi 80 lh 'c": "C / iu /\ ILl o o o (') s: 70 ~ ~ () 0 1\..=-:=- o "'~" Cl :fI:::....e tii ca s: a...400x .......S II' '.: ~---. 20 -. /' I 140 Copper-Beryllium Alloys: Mechanical Properties."" V'" /. 6 Ultimate tensile strength • 0.-_ -..-+-.01% offset yield .£ 0> c l!! tii 415 275 ....410 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys u ~ 825 690 ca ~ 550 -..--...-_-'-_--'-_---'-_--' 20 o 40 60 80 100 Cold reduction.... -- 40 ........ Solution annealed at 790 °C (1450 OF) and cold rolled at 37% to full hard temper. '"". 74 ..Heat treatable - 10 Click here to view 80 'iii _-::::. .£ 550 (80) h". Influence of cold reduction and age hardening on the mechanical properties of beryllium-copper alloys..J!L--I-----t--I------l '" 58 -E g.. (b) C17200 aged at 315°C (600 OF) for 20r3h 140 965 / .1.----.. Longitudinal section shows elongated grains of ex phase and cobalt berylIides. // ~/ .. % /.....-""!!--... ----.----.. c e 60 tii -. 275 (40) I-:-<''--+---I----+--I----l ..-:::--=-- 20 I o LIVE GRAPH 100 o 20 Cold reduction. ...o:::::Q ::::.--- 90 t- Hardness ~ ~o 0 80 . ... /V V-- '>< - - ~370'C --K-..-------.. I-..s: V C... --- 0--- /' ~2~'C K <... > 700 500 It V 7 V t-- - ~ -: / 0...____ - 100 500 30 70 .. t--.. ~sO'C > 100 ~ c: e 1ii ...--.c E E c o iii (a) 130 100 190 425'C ..c I- V 700 500 1300 ./ ~~ ~ ..--+>r-+_-+I\.-----+_. ~ /370 'C .... .E ~ 20 a III . c ~ 900 "0... ~ ...-A25·C L--. (a) Annealed (TBOO) temper./ 190 1/~o'C V 700 1300 40 -=::-r----r-./---+~d-----''tt-f---+--f----l--------j ~ V V 1ii KO~ j l?. c: 900 e "0... b? 100 V V 900 V k-i'so 'C j - l?: ~~ / / 70 190 'iii ~~c .. and elongation.-------..- 160 p /2S0 'C I -- .J r V 1300 J~~'c . 1100 315 0.-370 'C . r-- / f15'C > 70 30 I--'I. ~ . t--..s: a....315~ o 30 1 ! Time at temperature Time at temperature (b) 160 6o. 20 I--.... 130 »> ~ "0.g Ol 10 E::::~ ~ b:::= Ol c: o iii 4 -- •.5 c / '" / 700 E E / -... ~ l.--------r-.. . ~ (.~ - -... 1100 ..>< ..Beryllium Copper Alloys /411 Copper-Beryllium Alloy C17200: Age Hardening... 0.. c e 900 1ii ~ 'iii ...s: I--"'" a.s: a.5 c: .~ 1100 Vt>< r--- "315'C V 160 ~ .E o .. yield strength. Age-hardening response curves for the tensile strength...----------.. (b) Roll-hardened (TD04)temper LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 1300 190 1500 215 ~ V rx V V-11 1/ I~ I-- f-... Reduction of the copper oxides that may surround each copper powder particle and reduction of tin oxide formation allow for increased diffusion rates.0 -2. After powder blends have been tested and adjusted to provide an approximation of target dimensions. The leaded brasses shown in Figures (80Cu-20Zn and 70Cu-30Zn) are commonly used for structural parts fabrication.Sintering Copper-Based Materials Production Sintering of Bronze LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Sintering Time and Temperature. may be effectively controlled by manipulation of sintering time at the appropriate temperature. Factors affecting the ultimate.5%.. Nickel silver may be sintered at 870 to 980°C (1600 to 1800 "F).5% Pb. other elements that affect dimensional and mechanical properties usually are not added to powders. as well as the sintering temperature itself. Dimensional and mechanical properties of brasses and nickel silvers are primarily affected by compact density and the amount of time at temperature. sintered properties. Each alloy exhibits unique dimensional characteristics-a 90Cu-IOZn brass compacted at 414 MPa (30 tsi) and sintered for 30 min at 870°C (1600 oF) may shrink 0.0 'if!. For example. responses to sintering parameters that affect dimensional and mechanical properties of brass are equally applicable to nickel silver. dimensional values include physical characteristics of the constituents and compacted density.0 -3. Consequently. Ductility is increased for subsequent forming operations. Sintered Properties. min Production Sintering of Brass and Nickel Silvers Sintering temperatures for standard brasses range from 760 to 925 °C (1400 to 1700 "F). Sintering characteristics are similar to those of the brasses. especially dimensional change.c: E is -1. required dimensional change. copper-tin blends composed of relatively coarse powder sinter to higher growth values than a blend composed of finer powders. because the homogeneity of the sintered structure affects the resultant secondary forming and operational characteristics of the finished part.0 Cl c: s: IV u iii c: ±O 0 'iii . Sintering atmospheres should be protective and reducing to facilitate sintering. Currently.0 0 10 15 20 Total time. The leaded alloy composition contains 1. Typical sintering furnace temperatures for bronze range from 815 to 860°C (1500 to 1580 "F). Dimensional change in an elemental bronze blend (90Cu10Sn) as a function of time and temperature. Absolute sintered dimensional characteristics typically are unique to a specific source of copper and tin powders. Temperature selection depends on the brass alloy being sintered and the mechanical properties desired after sintering.375% zinc stearate at 414 MPa (30 tsi).5%. Densities shown are "average" for compacting lubricated prealloyed powders containing 0. A typical sintering/dimensional change pattern is shown in an adjoining Figure. Generally. As shown. it has nominal composition of 64Cu-18Ni-18Zn. Generally. or peak. close dimensional control may be obtained with a minimum reduction in mechanical properties after 15 min at temperature.375% lithium stearate and 0. . Control of sintered dimensions in premix systems is achieved by manipulating sintering time and/or temperature. a starting temperature of 100°C (180 "F) below the solidus temperature (as determined from any copper-zinc binary alloy constitutional diagram) is suitable. Effective sintering is essential.. Figures show typical property relationships that can be controlled through manipulation of time at temperature. and most importantly. while a 70Cu-30Zn brass similarly treated may shrink 2. depending on the furnace temperature selected. which illustrates the relationship of a "medium growth" copper-tin system as a function of total time in the furnace hot zone. only one base alloy is used for the manufacture ofPIM structural parts..0 Green density. . As mentioned above. Sintered in hot zone at 845°C (1555 OF) in dissociated ammonia atmosphere +3. therefore. +1. sintered dimensional consistency may be obtained by blending two or more base copper powders that exhibit different growth characteristics and/or by use of tin powders that also exhibit different growth characteristics. Lower brasses with higher zinc contents and lower melting points are sintered at the lower temperature. However. g/cm 3 +2. final adjustments are made during production sintering to obtain dimensional precision. Dimensional Change. the presence of an optimum alpha grain structure. total sintering time within the hot zone may range from 15 to 30 min. faster sintering rates and more homogeneous structures can be obtained. 5% Pb).!! i'" 'iii c: Q) 10 Zinc stearate.7 7.17 g/cm 3 green density I Zinc stearate. Effect of lubricants and sintering time at temperature on tensile properties. Lubricant: 0. Direct exposure to the sintering atmosphere may also cause objectionable surface dezincing. 7. Although dry hydrogen or dissociated ammonia provides the best sintering atmosphere. compacts should be protected from direct impingement of furnace flame curtains and atmosphere gases by partially or fully covering loaded trays to minimize zinc loss. 25 '" E ::J C. Q) Q) ~~ -. ~ Bti :E~ 0 ti-0. min 30 .5% Pb) 1% lubricant 456 MPa (30 tsi] Dissociated ammonia atmosphere Click here to view 225 '" 200 C. '" J: 0 (ij ~ ~ 15 '" III 30 45 -4.. sintered density. • 7.5 1J 1J Q) 2!c: Ui 7. Green density: 7.~ c: '" ::::J ::::Jill W ~ ~ ::J ::J '" ~.Sintering Copper-Based Materials /413 such as sizing.44 g/cm 3 green density -1. Atmosphere protection is required for sintering brasses and nickel silvers to prevent oxidation and to ensure effective sintering. and dimensional change of brass compacts LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH -0. min -1.0 ~. ~-5 "t~~ m-s Q.6 '" e ~ 150 c: ~ 'c:" '" £ "iii $ ti- 30 'iii 7.0 ~C) ~ ~ 60 C 70Cu-30Zn: Properties vs. Effect of varying sintering time on properties of prealloyed 70Cu-30Zn leaded brass (nominal 1. Typically.44 g/cm 3 green density 20 0 '" E . finished parts may be rejected because of color differences. c: J: tl (ij 0 c: $ E 80Cu-20 Zn brass $ (nominal 1. Compaction pressure. cold re-pressing for densification.1 30 0 15 Time at 870°C (1600 OF). overheating may melt brass parts that may fuse to the mesh belt.44 g/cm 3 -1.g w I 'iii 'iii 20 c: 125 I Stearic acid. surface finish is diminished. A variety of protective sintering tray arrangements can be. used.5% Pb) 15 E 1% lubricant E 100 ::J 456 MPa (30 tsi) Dissociated ammonia atmosphere 75 Lithium stearate.8 r:: 0 green density 0 ti- '" c: '" 7.3 g/cm 3 • Sintering temperature and atmosphere: 870°C (1600 OF) in dissociated ammonia r::0 E c: E Furnace Design. In the case of brasses. 7.375% zinc stearate.4 / Lithium stearate.2 80Cu-20Zn brass (nominal 1.0 c: 0 'iii 60 c: Q) E Time at temperature. Conversely. Use ofIithium stearate as the base lubricant allows the use of most common sintering atmospheres over a wide range of dew points. covered tray setups should facilitate free venting oflubricant gases to the flowing furnace atmosphere. Because it has a high vapor pressure at standard sintering temperature (boiling point of pure zinc is 906 "C. To avoid or minimize the deleterious effect of residual lubricants.g> 65 c:_ ~ ~ '" (fJ LIVE GRAPH '" '" Click here to view c: -2. pink copper or zinc-depleted areas are apparent. c: 175 0- ::i: £ ~ tl ~ Lithium stearate ". including graphite trays with full covers and graphite base plates with steel covers. or 1663 OF).17 glcm 3 '------'" green density 15 Time at 870°C (1600 OF). compacts with excessive internal lubricant residuals may not be salvaged by additional passes through a full sintering cycle. or coining. consequently. 7. excessive heat and direct impingement of flame curtain gas through the mesh may impair effective sintering due to oxidation and premature partial lubricant removal. 7. Also. min 0 80Cu-20Zn: Tensile Properties. Excessive residual lubricant within the compact inhibits sintering. When sintering. Sintering Times.c ~:2. extremely gastight protective sintering setups should be avoided. 414 MPa (30 tsi).375% lithium stearate and 0. +-' * "T' ~ e 30 25 *~ 25 ti- 15 . because lubricant decomposition products may not be completely volatilized. Sintering of brasses on open belts is not common practice for several reasons. Although superficial zinc losses do not adversely affect sintered properties. comparable properties can be obtained with nitrogen-based or partially combusted hydrocarbon gas atmospheres.44 g/cm 3 green density I ' Stearic acid. for example.0 c: Q) . for example. by increasing sintering time. mechanical properties are adversely affected. zinc may be lost to the atmosphere as it diffuses through to the particle surfaces. Loss of excessive surface zinc results in a change in surface composition. -0. .. ::J ::J III ~(I) r: '. 25 'ij) 250 ~ ~ 30 200 """~-+-+---II------1 15 0 C'Oc . min .5% Pb). -E roC» .414/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys ~~~. 35 ~ ~~~~ .::. Lubricant: 0. Effect of varying sintering time on properties of prealloyed 80Cu-20Zn leaded brass (nominal 1. '" Ol C 0 150 L-_--'--_----'_ _-' iii 80Cu-20Zn: Properties vs. Sintering Times.§ ~ ~ .375% lithium stearate and 0. Green density: 7.375% zinc stearate. Compaction pressure: 414 MPa (30 tsi).§ ~ 25 ..6 g/cm 3 • Sintering temperature and atmosphere: 870°C (1600 OF) in dissociated ammonia LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 15 30 Time at temperature. Magnesium Alloys . or a combination of solution treatment with strain hardening and artificial aging. As applied to castings. AZ81A. AZ92A) Magnesium-zinc-zirconium (examples: ZK51A. HZ32A) • Magnesium-zinc-copper (example: ZC63A) In most wrought alloys. Stress relieving is used to remove or reduce residual stresses created in cold and hot working. ZK61A) Magnesium-rare earth metal-zinc-zirconium (examples:EZ33A. For certain magnesium alloys. shaping and forming. straightening. for example. ZH62A. Occasionally.T6 T4. Annealing of products lowers tensile properties considerably and increases ductility. and on anticipated service conditions. This procedure usually will provide a product with the maximum anneal that is practical. will substantially improve mechanical properties. the necessity of avoiding warpage and distortion. Annealing. the need for fully annealed wrought material is less than with many other metals. Stress Relieving of Castings. increasing the aging time for some magnesium alloy castings considerably increases yield strength (although with some sacrifice of ductility). ZFAIA) Magnesium-rare earth metal-silver-zirconium. for one or more hours (Table 3). Table 4 gives recommended stress-relieving times and temperatures. the extremely pronounced grain-refining effect of the zirconium also plays a very important role in improving mechanical properties. Artificial aging (precipitation heat treatment) after solution treatment gives maximum hardness and yield strength. Although magnesium castings do not normally contain high residual stresses. thereby facilitating some types offabrication.T6 TS (a) Indicated by temper designations (see Table). Casting alloys can be grouped into seven general classes of commercial importance on the basis of composition: • • • • • Magnesium-aluminum-manganese (example: AMl00A) Magnesium-aluminum-zinc(examples:AZ63A. Because most forming operations on magnesium are at elevated temperature. Solution heat treatment improves strength and results in maximum toughness and shock resistance. however.63A AZSIA AZ9lC AZ92A EZ33A EQ2lA HK3IA HZ32A QE22A QH2lA WFA3A WE54A ZC63A ZE4IA ZE63A ZH62A ZK5IA ZK6lA T4. (d) Mill modification of1'8 to improve mechanical properties . 1'8. and artificial aging are applied to alloy HM2lA sheet to improve mechanical properties over those attainable by solution treating and artificial aging alone. the low modulus of elasticity of magnesium alloys means that comparatively low stresses can produce appreciable elastic strains. HM31A) Magnesium-zinc-zirconium (example: ZK60A) Magnesium-zinc-copper (example: ZC71A) Types of Heat Treatment Commonly used heat treatments for wrought and cast alloys and the tempers on which they are based are listed in Table 1 and Table 2. but with some sacrifice oftoughness. T6.T5. Wrought magnesium alloys in various conditions of strain hardening or temper can be annealed by being heated at 290 to 455°C (550 to 850 OF). Wrought alloys that can be strengthened by heat treatment are grouped into five general classes according to composition: • • • • • Magnesium-aluminum-zinc (example: AZ80A) Magnesium-thorium-zirconium (example: HK31A) Magnesium-thorium-manganese (examples: HM21A. strain hardening. and welding. and generally they are either used without subsequent heat treatment or merely aged to a T5 temper. to obtain the most desirable combinations of properties. T61(b) T4. The type of heat treatment selected depends on alloy composition and form (cast or wrought). For example. development of properties depends almost entirely on heat treatment.T6 TS T6 T6 T5 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 TS T6(c) TS TS T4. with or without thorium (examples: QE22A. The mechanical properties of most magnesium casting alloys can be improved by heat treatment. Stress Relieving of Wrought Alloys. and the desirability of preventing stress-corrosion cracking in welded magnesiumaluminum casting alloys make it mandatory that castings be substantially free from residual stresses. the lower stress-relieving temperature and longer time should be used to minimize distortion. with or without zinc (examples: HK31A.T6 Wrought alloys AZSOA HM2IA HM3IA ZC7IA ZK60A T5 TS. however. AZ91C. combinations of solution treating. When extrusions are welded to hard-rolled sheet.T6 T4 T4. (b) Same as T6 except aged for longer time to increase yield strength. Also. depending on alloy. Table1 Heat treatments commonly applied to magnesium alloys Alloy Heal lrealmenl(a) Casting alloys AMlOOA 1\l. (e) Thermal treatment must include hydriding. solution treatment.Heat Treating Magnesium Alloys Magnesium alloys usually are heat treated either to improve mechanical properties or as a means of conditioning for specific fabricating operations. Individual datasheet articles on each ofthe alloys named in Table 1 follow this introduction.T5. artificial aging without prior solution treatment or annealing is a stress-relieving treatment that also somewhat increases tensile properties. QH21A) • Magnesium-thorium-zirconium. In magnesium-zirconium alloys.1'81(d) TS F. use 150°C (300 "F) for 60 min rather than 260 °C (500 "F) for 15 min. Modifications of these basic treatments have been developed for specific alloys. maximum mechanical properties are developed through strain hardening. Machining of castings to close dimensionallimits. T5. 5 hat415±6°C(775 ±1O°F)(c). it is important to bring the load to temperature as rapidly as possible to avoid grain coarsening.5hat41O±6°C(765± IO°F)(c) 0. I h or more Table 5 Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Alloy Weldingrod AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) AZSIA AZ91C AZ92AorAZIOI AZ92Aor AZI OJ AZ92A AZ92A EQ21A EZ33A HIGIA HZ32A QE22A QH21A WE43A WE54A ZC63A ZE4IA ZH62A ZK5IA EQ21A EZ33A HK3IA(g) HZ32A(g) QE22A QH21A WE43A WE54A ZC63A ZE4IA(g) ZH62A(g) ZK5IA(g) Thmperbeforeweldlng F F T4 T40rT6 T4 Desiredtemper after welding T4 T4 T6 T4 T6 T4 T4 T40rT6 T4 T40rT6 T40rT6 ForT5 T40rT6 ForT5 T40rT6 T40rT6 T40rT6 T40rT6 T40rT6 ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T4 T6 T6 T5 T6 T5 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T5 T5 T5 T6 Postweklbeat treatment 12h at385 ±6 °C (725± 100F)(b) 12hat385 ±6 °C (725± 100F)(b).and artificiallyaged Solutionheat 16 It at 175°C (350 oF). OF min OC Bard rolled Thmpemture 'lime. OF -c min 345 650 120 150 300 60 345 650 120 205 400 60 345 230 650 450 60 290 555 30 370 400 700 750 30 30 180 Extrusionsand forgings Thmperature 'lime. seeVolume2 oftheASM Handbook series Table 4 Recommended stress-relieving treatments for wrought magnesium alloys Sbeet Alloy AZ31B AZ3IB-F AZ6IA AZ6IA-F AZSOA-F AZSOA-T5 HK3IA HM2IA-T5 HM2IA-TB HM2IA-TBI HM3IA-T5 ZC7IA-T5 ZK60A-F ZK60A-T5 Annealed Thmperature TIme. Table 3 Annealing temperatures for wrought magnesium alloys Annealingtemperafureta) Alloy AZ31B AZ3IC AZ6IA AZSOA HIGIA HM2IA HM3IA ZK60A Original temper F. Machining operations also can result in residual stress and require intermediate stress relieving prior to final machining. or H Annealed(castproductsonly) Solutionheat treatedand cold worked Solutionheat treated Artificiallyaged only Solutionheat treatedand artificiallyaged Solutionheat treatedand stabilized Solutionheat treated. (b)Preheatto260°C (500°F). heat to specifiedtemperatureat no more than83 0C/h(150 °FIb).T6 H24 T5. and/or5 h at215 °C (420oF).5h at415 ±6 °C (775± 10°F)(c) 0.5 h at 385± 6 °C (725± 10oF) 0. quench. quench. parts should be loaded into the furnace at approximately 260°C (500 OF) and then raised to the appropriate solution-treating temperature slowly. quench. results are closely similar for the alternative treatments given.T5. See Table 5 for postweld heat treatments.T6 650 650 650 725 750 850 850 555 1'3 T4 TS T6 T7 1'8 1'9 TIO Note: For moreinformationon the designationsoutlinedhere.(e) Alternativetreatment: I h at315 °C (600oF). or from quenching.plus5 hat 220°C (430oF) 0. there is a choice ofartificial aging treatments for some alloys.16h at 205°C (400°F) 2 hat330 °C (6250F)(f) 12h at 250°C(480 0F)(f) 2 h at 330°C (625oF). to avoid fusion of eutectic compounds and resultant formation of voids. Schedules for solution treating and aging of magnesium alloys are summarized in Table 6.HII. to prevent stress-corrosion cracking. For alloy HK3IA. (f)Alternativetreatment: 2 h at 330°C (625 oF).H26 345 345 345 385 400 455 455 290 F F necessaryonly for alloys thatcontainmorethan 1.plus4hat215°C(420°F)or 16hatI70°C(340°F) 0. and section thickness of the parts.H24. from nonuniform cooling after heat treatment.or 24 h at 220 °C (430oF) 16hat205°C(4OO°F)(e) 16hat315°C(600°F) I hat51O±6°C(950± 10°F). held for the appropriate period.16hat205 °C (400°F) I hat51O±6°C(950± 10°F). The time required to bring the load from 260 °C (500 "F) to the solution-treating temperature is determined by the size of the load and by the composition. 16hat205°C(4OO°F) I hat510±6°C(950± IO°F).16hat205 °C(4OO°F) I hat51O±6°C (950± IO°F).16h at 205°C (400oF) 2 h at 345°C (6500F)(d). weight. As indicated in Table 6.418/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Residual stresses may arise from contraction due to mold restraint during solidification.cold worked.quench.and coldworked Artificiallyaged and cold worked F o H HI H2 H3 W T 1'2 Solution Treating and Aging.recrystallized(wroughtproductsonly) Strainhardened(wroughtproductsonly) Strainhardenedonly Strainhardenedand partiallyannealed Strainhardenedand stabilized Solutionheat treated. magnesium alloy parts should be loaded into the furnace at the treatment temperature. and then cooled in still air. OF OC min 260 500 15 260 260 205 500 500 400 15 15 60 370 700 30 430 330 260 150 800 625 500 300 60 60 15 60 Note: Stressrelievingafterwelding. 0.(c) Usecarbon dioxideor sulfurdioxide atmosphere. plus5 hat220 °C (430°F) 0.quench.T5.plus4 h at 260°C (500°F) or5 h at220°C (430°F) I h at 505± 6 °C (940± 10oF).5h at 385± 6 °C (725± 10oF). Weld repairs may introduce severe stresses and should be followed by some type ofheat treatment to prevent subsequent movement and cracking.T81 T5 F. plus 16h at 175°C (350oF) (a) AZ63Arod must be usedfor weldingAZ63Ain theF temperbecause12h at385 °C (725 "F) causesgermination in welds madewith AZ92Arod:AZ92A rod normallyis usedfor weldingAZ63Ain the T4 orT6 conditionunlessAZ63Arod is requiredby specifications.artificiallyaged.(d) Heatingfor2 h at 345°C (650 "F) resultsin slightlossofcreepstrength. All other heat-treatable magnesium alloys can be loaded into the furnace at the solution-treating temperature. During aging. In solution treating of magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloys.quench. but 2 h is a typical time.HIO.(g) Or EZ33A .5 hat415±6°C(775± IO°F)(c) 0.T8. size.H23.16h at 205°C(4OO°F) I hat425±6°C(795± 10°F).5%aluminum (a) Tune at temperature. The following heat treatments for castings will provide stress relief without significantly affecting mechanical properties: Table 2 Basic temper designations for magnesium alloys ElqIlanation Designation As-fabricated Annealed.unstabletemper Heat treatedto producestabletempersother 16h at 205°C (400 "F).5hat41O±6 °C(765 ± IO°F)(c). 6.b 230 218 450 425 5 25 218(f) 425(f) 5(f) 4(f) 16(g) 4 350 16 600 16 625(n) 2(n) 625 350 350(q) 300 2 16 12(q) 48 355 Aging after solutiontreating 'fimperature OF 16 (a) Agingto theT5temperis done fromtheas-fabricated(I) condition. (b) Alternativetreatment: 5 to6 h at215 ±6 °C (420± 10 "F).lOh at415 ±6 °C (775± 10oF). or if the castings have been aged excessively by slow cooling after solution treating. Followingsolutiontreatment. To prevent germination in Mg-AI-Zn alloys. 2 h at 352 ± 6 °C (665± 10 "F). However.(q)Alternativetreatment: 8 h at 218± 6 °C (425± 10oF).25in.(g)Alternative treatment:4 h at 215±6 °C (420± 10"F). if the microstructures of heat-treated castings indicate too high a compound rating.±6(b) Magnesium-aluminum-zinc castings(d) AM100A T5 230 T4 T6 T61 26O(f) AZ63A T5 T4 T6 AZS1A T4 AZ91C T5 168(g) T4 T6 AZ92A T5 260 T4 T6 Magnesium-zinc-mpper castings ZC63A(k) T6 Magnesium-zirconium castings EQ21A(k) T6 EZ33A T5 175 HK3IA(m) T6 HZ32A T5 315 QE22A(k) T6 QH21A(k) T6 WE43A(k) T6 WE54A(k) T6 ZE41A T5 330(n) ZE63A(P) T6 ZH62A T5 330 plus: 177 ZKS1A T5 177(q) ZK61A T5 150 T6 Wrought products ZC71A(k) T5 180 ZC7IA(k) T6 °F.(r)Alternativetreatment: 10 h at480 ± 6 °C (900± 10oF) .castingsare cooledto roomtemperature by fast fan cooling.Mg-AI-Znalloys areloadedinto !he furnaceat 260 °C (500 "P) and broughtto temperatureovera 2-hperiodat a uniformrateof temperatureincrease.±10(b) Time. When reheat treating of alloy HK31A is necessary.5 to 1.±6(b) °F. 10h at 410 ± 6 °C (765± 10 "F).) in section thickness.Use carbon dioxide.except where otherwiseindicated.(n)Thistreatmentisadequatefor developmentof satisfactoryproperties.asaguide. 2 h at352±6 °C (665± 10oF). waterspray. Table 6 Recommended solution-treating and aging schedules for magnesium alloy castings and wrought alloy ZC71A For castings up to 50 mm (2 in. and 19mm (0.±10(b) 'Dme. reheat treating is called for.Hydridingtimedependsonsectionthickness. Under normal circumstances.or air blast. (c) Aftersolutiontreatmentand beforesubsequentaging.(p) AlloyZE63Amustbe solutiontreatedin a specialhydrogenatmospherebecauseits mechanicalproperties are developedlhroughhydridingofsomeofits alloyingelements.(f) Alternative treatment: 5 hat230±6 °C (450± 10°F).±1O(b) 'Dme. however. reheat treating is seldom necessary. to prevent germination(excessivegraingrowth):6 h at415 ±6 °C (775± 10°F). (j)Alternativetreatment. when mechanical properties are within expected ranges and the prescribed heat treatment has been carried out. ZE63Ashouldbequenchedin oil. solution reheat-treating time should be limited to 30 min (assuming proper solution treatment of thick sections during prior heat treatment).5%sulfurhexafluoridein carbon dioxideas a protectiveatmosphereabove 400 °C (750 "F). (k) Quenchfromsolution-treating temperatureeitherin waterat 65°C (150oF)or in other suitablemedium.b 450 5 500(f) 335(g) 500 ·C.(m)AlloyHK31Acastings must beloadedinto!hefurnacealreadyat temperatureand broughtbackto temperature as quicklyas possible. to preventgermination(excessivegraingrowth):6 h at41O±6 °C (765± 10 "F).75in.4mm(0.or 0.b °C 425(e) 425(e) 425(e) 795(e) 795(e) 795(e) 16-24(e) 16-24(e) 16-24(e) 435 435 435 810 810 810 385 385 415(e) 725 725 775(e) 10-14 10-14 16-24(e) 390 390 418 735 735 785 415(e) 415(e) 775(e) 775(e) 16-24(e) 16-24(e) 418 418 785 785 168(h) 335(h) 16(h) 410(j) 41O(j) 765(j) 765(j) 16-24(j) 16-24(j) 415 415 775 775 218 425 5 440 820 4-8 445 830 200 390 16 520 965 4-8 530 985 200 390 16 565 1050 2 570 1060 205 400 16 525 525 525 527 970 970 970 970 4-8 4-8 4-8 4-8 540 540 535 535 1000 1000 995 995 205 205 250 250 400 400 480 480 8 8 16 16 480 900 10-72 490 910 140 285 48 500(r) 930(r) 2(r) 500 930 130 265 48 430 800 4-8 435 810 180 355 16 °C. the castings should be checked carefully for evidence of germination. (d) For solutiontreating.Magnesium Alloys /419 Reheat Treating. Most magnesium alloys can be reheat treated with little danger of germination (excessive grain growth).(e) Alternativetreatrnenr. Solutiontreallng!c) Maximum temperature Aging!a) Alloy Final temper Temperature Temperature ° may be followedby 16 h at 177± 6 °C (350± 10oF)to providevery slightimprovements inmechanicalproperties.)sections requireabaut72 h. heavier sections may require longer times at temperature.±6(b) °F.)sectionsrequireapproximatelylOb.sulfurdioxide.(b) Exceptwherequoteddifferently. No general rule exists for estimating time of heating per unit of thickness for magnesium alloys. 3.9 26.) ksI MPa 158 182 190 190 22. 10th ed.:~=~=~0 co . Section Size and Heating Time.2 39.)diarnseparately castspecimens. 10th ed. °C 560 Sources Information in this introduction and in the 24 datasheet articles that follow is from three volumes in ASM International's Handbook Series: • Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Special-Purpose Materials. OF Fig. The heat-treating times given in Table 5 have been found to be satisfactory for normal furnace loads and for castings of moderate section thickness. 40 ~ . However.. because of the high thermal conductivity of these alloys. The effect ofquenching media on properties is an example of another important consideration. or 1 in.---TT'"----. . but usually over 50 mm.~ 5l= m c dl -=-f---+----'~_+--__l Elongation oL. Vol 2..5 27.5 EIoogallon(b). See Table 7. 1 to 4.2%offset. • Heat Treating. the usual solution treatment for AZ63A castings is 12 h at about 385°C (725 "F). 200 i----::jI.(b) In 50mrnor2 in.4 27.). Table 7 Effectof quenching medium on average tensile properties ofQE22A-T6 Queochlogmedlum Stillair(c) Airblast(c) Waterat65°C (150°F)(c) 30%glycolatroomtemperature(d) Thnslle strength ksI MPa 232 250 270 269 33.::~=:::. this examination will reveal a low compound rating. the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys can be varied within wide limits by varying the heat-treating times and tempera- tures.0 Yieldstrength!.. The bars were held at temperature for 4 h 1040 300. In the heat treating of magnesium alloy castings with thick sections (occasionally as low as 25 mm.0 (a) AI 0.----.) diam cast specimens. For example. 10th ed. Vol 4.-.6 36.0 3. relation of casting size to volume capacity of the furnace.J 550 Solution-treating temperature.420 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Effects of Major Variables Casting size and section thickness. parts reach soaking temperature quite rapidly. Solution-treating temperature.8 3. a good rule is to double the time at the solution-treating temperature. while 25 h at about 385°C is suggested for castings with section thicknesses greater than 50 mm (2 in.. Data were obtained from test bars of casting alloy QE22A-T6 machined from 25 mm (1 in. The usual procedure is to load the furnace and to begin the soaking period when the loaded furnace reaches the desired temperature. or 2 in. As demonstrated by the data in Fig. • Metallography and Microstructures.2 39... (c)Properties determined on barsmachined from25 mrn(l in..._ _---L_ _ 520 530 540 --'-~'__. Vol 9.::::::::====<>::::::::::-t\-4 30 ] £m £ m 20 c .------'--r-:--. 1 Tensile properties as function of solution treating temperature.)..5 3. Heat-Treating Time and Temperature.. and arrangement of castings in the furnace are mechanical considerations that can affect heat-treating schedules for all metals.-_--J. (d)Properties determined on barsmachined fromcastings LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . The best way to determine whether additional solution-treating time is required is to cut a section through the thickest portion of a scrap casting and examine the center of the section microscopically: if heat treatment is complete. combined with their low specific heat per unit volume. ~ m i100 10 QE22A-T6 1~ ~:::.. Tensile properties as functions of solution-treating temperature. ../' / V . o o / - 5 Elongation 250. Data were obtained from test bars of casting alloy QE22A-T6 machined from 25 mm (1 in... rb.-- 40 200°C -1\ 250°C - ~ ~ 150°C Tensile strength - ------ 30 200 °C I/" 7 / V V r---.oC / - \ 0 10 200°C \ 15 ~ -u 25 20 -30 35 40 Duration of aging.T6 as functions of aging time and temperature.~ Cl c: o W 10 I 150°C r-. temperature. 0.Magnesium Alloys /421 Fig.1% offset) 1/ - 10 50 25 o o 20 ~ cO o . :2 160 i5Cl c: ~ 140 20 tl il 120 18 >= 16 100 Solution heat 0. 20 £ i5Cl Cl 18 c: ~ 16 tl ~ 120 tl il100 ""0 Qi 14 >= 150°C 80 Solution heat 0.. 3 Variation in yield strength vs. t--- -.. h 10 100 e tl ""0 Qi >= .. --. 2 Tensile properties as functions of aging time and temperature.>< £ 22 0.. 100 75 .. 180 22 :2 140 ~ .0 ~ 150°C Yield strength (0.. ~.1 Duration of aging.. h Fig.. Variation of yield strength with aging time and temperature for sand cast AZ63A and AZ92A LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 160 190°C AZ63A <U 0.. 250°C A -.1 Duration of aging. 'iii 24 ....n. Tensile properties of alloy QE22A. aging time. h 10 12 100 >= 26 AZ92A <U 0. c: e 125 U5 .) diam cast specimens LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 275 250 225 200 175 <U ~ 150 £ . ~ 4 I&. 4 Effect of aging time on hardness.g 100 (14.85 'E '" s: . Effect of aging time at 250°C (480 OF) on the hardness and tensile properties of WE54A-T6.>< s" Tensile strength I e 75 10 Yield strength - 8 '#. 30 0 _ (43.6 ..--c V 40 (58 ~ vi ~ /il ~- Hardness s: vi 95 (I) G> c: .) sand cast plate LIVE GRAPH Click here to view I I--. J . Elongation WE54A 0 o 10 20 30 I I 40 50 Aging time.5 ) '\.. h - 2 o 60 70 '"g Ol iii . tensile properties.422/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Fig.. C . I I G> .5 ~ 8!.. Data derived from test bars cut from 25 mm (1 in. 105 I )II" • 20 (29 ) /~. sand castings. and die castings: B 93. 0. yield strength. (Government) Permanent mold castings: QQ-M-55 Characteristics Product Forms. Increased amounts ofZn decrease pressure tightness. SAE J465. Solution Treating for T4 Condition. 10 hat 415 ± 6°C (775 ± 10 OF) Aging. Investment castings: B 403. and Fe. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80. For T61 condition: heat at 425°C (795 OF) for 16 to 24 h. Use carbon dioxide. For T5 condition: alloy is in F condition. Permanent mold castings. More than 0. 0. except where otherwise indicated.2 precipitate.5% Si decreases elongation Specifications (U. Mg-AI-Zn alloys are loaded into furnace at 260°C (500 OF) and brought to temperature over 2 h period.01 Ni max. Gas-shielded. Heating is at 425°C (795 oF) for 16 to 24 h. sulfur dioxide.30 Si max. For solution treating. % HB HRE 2 10 1 2 1 53 52 69 58 67 61 62 80 70 78 (a) Values are the same for tensile and compressive yield strengths Hardness Shearstrength MPa ksi 125 140 145 18 20 21 . castings are cooled to room temperature by fast fan cooling. Pressure-tight sand and permanent mold castings with good combinations of tensile strength. and/or Foreign). 0. T5 condition (artificially aged only). 0. 500x Alternative treatment to prevent germination (excessive grain growth): heat 6 h at 415 ± 6 °C (775 ± 10 OF).30 Zn max. Ingot for sand.7 AI. and elongation Mechanical Properties See Tables for typical mechanical properties of sand castings. Former SAE alloy number: 502. Maximum temperature is 430°C (810 OF) Alternate treatment to prevent germination (excessive grain growth): Heat 6 h at 415 ± 6°C (775 ± 10 OF). 2 h at 350 ± 6°C (665 ± 10 OF).Cast Magnesium Alloys AM100A A magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy Chemical Composition. at a uniform rate of temperature increase. or 0. Ni. and for typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated and subzero temperatures Fabrication Properties Weldability. Investment castings: 4455. maximum temperature is 435°C (810 OF) Alternative treatment to prevent germination (excessive grain growth): Heat 6 h at 415 ± 6°C (775 ± 10 OF). For T6 condition: 230°C (450 oF) for 5 h Solution Treating. 9. Normal air cooling produces this type of segregated eutectic. For T61 condition: heat at 220°C (430 OF) for 24 h Before aging. investment castings. 10 h at 415 ± 6°C (775 ± 10 OF) Solution Treating for T6 Condition.10 Cu max. 2 h at 352 ± 6 °C (665 ± 10 OF). T6 condition (solution treated and artificially aged). (AMS) Permanent mold castings: 4482.3 to to. UNS Mto100.5% sulfur hexafluoride in carbon dioxide as protective atmosphere above 400°C (750 OF) AM100A: Typical mechanical properties of sand castings at room temperature Temper F T4 T61 T5 T7 Tensile strength MPa ksi 150 275 275 150 260 22 40 40 22 38 Tensile or compressive yieldstrength(a) ksi MPa 83 90 150 110 125 12 13 22 16 18 Elongation in SO mm(2In. Heat at 425°C (795 "F) for 16 to 24 h. metal arc process with AM 1OOA rod has "very good" rating Recommended Heat Treating Practice Tempering Treatments. 0. Maximum temperature is 435°C (810 "F) AM100A-F: Microstructure. As-cast. Corrosion resistance decreases with increasing amounts of Cu. 0. Commonly used treatments are for T4 condition (solution heat treated). 2 h at 350 ± 6 °C (665 ± 10 OF). bal Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.10 Mn min.S. and T61 condition (same as T6 except aged longer for higher yield strength) Solution Heat Treating. permanent mold. and die castings ApplicationslTypical Uses. Massive M917A1 12 compound containing globular magnesium solid solution and surrounded by lamellar M917AI. Permanent mold castings: B 199.).5 to 1. to h at 415 ± 6°C (775 ± to OF) Aging after Solution Treating. Heating is at 230°C (450 OF) for 5 h Aging after Solution Treating.30 max other (total). Composition Limits. 5 5.0 9. (ASTM) Ingot: B 93. Lamellar M932(AI. or 0. Weldability rating is "Fair. Maximum temperature is 390°C (735 oF) To obtain T6 condition. Use carbon dioxide. Excessive Cu degrades mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.5% sulfur hexafluoride in carbon dioxide as protective atmosphere above 400 °C (750 OF) T6 is heated to 218°C (425 OF) for 5 h in aging after solution heat treatment An alternative aging treatment: 5 h at 230 ± 6°C (450 ± 10 OF) Aging. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56. and/or Foreign). 5.7 AI. 0.30 other (total). heat to 385°C (725 "F) for 10 to 14 h. and T6 (solution treated and artificially aged) are the commonly used heat treatments for this alloy Solution Heat Treating.5 to 1. 4424. and toughness Mechanical Properties See Table for typicaltensilepropertiesof sand castings at elevatedtemperatures Fabrication Properties Weldable casting alloys. T5 temper. Former SAE alloy number: 50. 0.Zn)49 discontinuous precipitate (dark) near some grain boundaries.15 Mn min. (Foreign) Elektron AZG Characteristics Product Forms. Alloy AZ63A-T6 sand casting. ductility." Gas-shielded metal arc welding with AZ63A or AZ92A rod.30 Si max. % 7 1. T4 (solution heat treated). (AMS) Sand castings: F temper. except where otherwise indicated.3 to 6.25 Cu max. bal Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.5 -78 150 205 260 315 370 -108 300 400 500 600 700 'Iensileyieldstrength MPa ksi Elongatlonin 50mm (2in.01 Ni max.5 180 62 45 28 17 10 26.0 270 165 115 83 59 38 39 24 17 12 8.5 1.0 6. Sand and permanent mold castings ApplicationslTypical Uses. heat to 385°C (725 "F) for 10 to 14 h.0 T4temper -78 -108 93 200 150 300 260 500 T6 temper(a) 260 235 160 83 38 34 23 12 125 18. 0. In solution treating. 0. SAE J465.5 Zn.S. T5 (artificially aged only).Cast Magnesium Alloys I 433 AM1OOA: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated and subzero temperatures Testing temperature OF °C Thnsile strength MPa ksi Ftemper -78 -108 150 22 125 18. Mg-AI-Zn alloys are loaded into furnace at 260°C (500 OF) and brought to temperature over 2 h period at a uniform rate of temperature increase To obtain T4 condition. 2. Permanent mold castings: QQ-M55. Maximum temperature is 390°C (735 OF) Aging After Solution Treating. Former is preferred Recommended Heat Treating Practice Tempering Treatments. T4 temper. Sand castings with good strength. 4420. some particles of Mg2Si and manganese-aluminum compounds. 0.). Excessive Si causes brittleness. AZ63A in the F condition is heated at 260°C (500 OF) for 4 h to obtain the T5 condition An alternative aging treatment: Heat 5 hat 230 ± 6 °C (450 ± 10 "F) Note: See Table for postweld heat treatments of AZ63A AZ63A: Microstructure. Sand castings: B 80. Note: Before aging in this instance.5 4. 250x . UNS Ml1630. 4422. Composition Limits. castings are cooled to room temperature by fast fan cooling. sulfur dioxide.0 2.5 to 3. Excessive Ni degrades corrosion resistance Specifications (U.5 9 22 2 4 25 45 60 100 (a) Elevated-temperature properties were determined after prolonged heating AZ63A A magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy Chemical Composition. 6 5. (d) Heating for 2 h at 345°C (650 oF) results in slight loss of creep strength.3 10.0 15. (b) Preheat to 260 °C (500 "F).quench.0 9.0 8.7 36.8 36.0 32.).5 20.5 30.quench.0 11. (I) Alternative treatment: 2 h at 330°C (625 "F). plus4h at 215°C (420 "P) or 16h at 170°C (340 oF) 30 min at41O±6 °C (765 ± 1O°F)(c) 30minat41O±6 °C(765± 10 °F)(c). heat to specified temperature at no more than 83 0C/h (150 °FIh). plus 5 h at 220 °C (430 oF) 30minat415±6°C(775± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30minat415±6 °C(775± 1O°F)(c) T4 or T6 T6 30minat415 ±6 °C(775± 1O°F)(c).3 16.3 94 13.6 30. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) 1 hat51O±6°C(950± 1O°F).0 7.5 50. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) 2 h at 330°C (625 0F)(I) 12h at 250°C (480 0F)(I) 2 h at 330°C (625 oF).0 33.plus4h at 260 °C (500 "P) or 5 h at 220°C (430 oF) I h at 505 ± 6 °C (940 ± 10 oF). 16h at 205°C (400 oF) I hat 51O±6 °C(950± 10 °F).4 14.0 22.9 94 13. (c) Use carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere.6 10.Zn)49' then with 10% picral to darken the matrix.434/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys AZ63A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Alloy Weldingrod AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) AZSIA AZ91C AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ92Aor AZIOI Temper Desired before temper after welding welding Tested as soon as specimens reached testing temperature Postweldheat treatment F T4 12 h at 385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 0F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12 h at 385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 0F)(b).0 20. 16 h at 205°C (400 oF) 2 h at 345°C (650 °F)(d).5 3. % Ftemper 24 65 93 120 150 205 260 75 150 200 250 300 400 500 197 210 208 191 166 105 71 28. then with 5% HF to blacken Mg 17A112 and distinguish it from M9 32(AI. Massive Mg32(AI.6 10.0 8. plus 16 h at 175°C (345 OF).0 T4temper 24 65 93 120 150 205 260 T6temper 35 93 120 150 205 260 315 AZ63A: Microstructure.5 38.quench.5 12.Zn)49 (white) in ascast specimen etched with 50% picral to protect M9 2Si (hexagonal particle) from HF.2 122 119 114 103 83 61 39 17. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) I hat425±6°C(795± 1O°F). plus 16 h at 205°C (400 "F).0 4.or 24 h at 220°C (430°F) 16hat 205 °C(4OO°F)(e) 16hat315 °C (600°F) I hat51O±6 °C(950± 10 °F).0 75 150 200 250 300 400 500 254 253 236 207 154 101 75 36.quench.7 34.4 24.0 26. (g) Or EZ33A Testingtemperature of -c Tensilestrength MPa ksi YIeldstrength ksi MPa Elongation in 50 mm (210.0 17.1 15.5 17.0 95 200 250 300 400 500 600 232 248 223 169 121 83 57 33.0 9.8 5.0 12. quench. plus 5 hat220°C(430°F) 30 min at 385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 oF) 30 min at 385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 "F).5 15. 500x . and/or 5 h at215 °C (420 oF).5 11.3 30.7 4. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) I hat51O±6 °C(950± 10°F).7 17.5 16 h at 175°C (345 "P) AZ92A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HZ32A QE22A HK3IA(g) HZ32A(g) QE22A T40rT6 ForT5 T4 or T6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ZE4IA ZH62A ZKSIA ZE4IA(g) ZH62A(g) ZKSIA(g) ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 AZ63A: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures (a) AZ63A rod must be used for welding AZ63A in the F temper because 12 h at 385°C (725 "F) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63Ain the T4 orT6 condition unless AZ63Arod is required by specifications.0 15.quench.7 24.1 27.2 38. (e) Alternative treatment: 1hat 315°C (600 oF). (British) BS 2970 MAGI.quench.1 AI. are used in the solution treated condition (T4 temper) Mechanical Properties See Tables for typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures. at a uniform rate of temperature increase AZ81A-T6: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures Properties determined using separately cast test bars 'ThsIing temperature OF 21 93 150 205 260 YIeld strength MPa ksi 'Thnsile strength MPa ksi 0C 70 200 300 400 500 275 260 190 140 97 12. plus 16h al175 °C(345 oF). % 72 15. (French) AIR 3380 G-A9 Characteristics Product Forms.5 29.(Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56. 16h al205 0C(4OOoF) I hat 510 ± 6 °C(950 ± 10 oF). (e) Alternative treatment: 1hat315 °C(600°F). 16h at205°C(4OO°F) I h al425 ± 6°C (795 ± 10 oF).1% MPa ksi MPa ksi MPa ksi 39 37 36 5.0 6. Former SAE alloy number: 505. (d) Healing for 2 h al345 °C (650 oF) results in slight loss of creep strength.or 24 h at 220 °C (430 oF) 16 h at 205°C (400 °F)(e) 16 hal315 °C(600°F) I hat51O±6 °C(950± 10 oF). (g) OrEZ33A See Table for postweld heat treatment of AZ81A In solution treating. Sand and permanent mold castings ApplicationsITypical Uses. and/or 5 hal215 °C (420 oF).7 1. 16 h al205 -cr400 oF) I hat51O±6°C(950±1O°F).plus4h al215 °C (420 oF) or 16hal170°C(34O°F) 30 min al410 ± 6°C (765 ± 10 °F)(c) 30 min al410 ± 6 °C (765 ± 10 °F)(c).0 20. quench. 2 h at 352 ± 6°C (665 ± 10 OF).4 4. 0. Mg-AI-Zn alloys are loaded into furnace at 260°C (500 "F) and brought to temperature over 2 h period.quench. plus 4 h al260 °C (500 oF) or 5 h al220 °C (430 oF) I h at 505 ± 6 °C (940 ± 10 "F).1 1.0 41 21 12 6.0 10.5 62 46 9.0 11. Investment castings: B 403.0 Zn. bal Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 0.4 to 1. plus 5 hal220 °C (430 oF) 30 min al385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 oF) 30 min al385 ± 6°C (725 ± 10 oF).4 5. plus 16hal205 0C(4OO 0F).2 53 45 24 7.0 to 8. 0. (c) Use carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere. plus 5 h al220 °C (430 oF) 30 min al415 ± 6 °C (775 ± 10 °F)(c) T4 T4 30 minal415 ±6 °C (775 ± 1O°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 30 min at415 ±6 °C (775 ± 1O°F)(c). A281Ais treatedat415 °C (775 F) for 16 to 24 h. Permanent mold castings: QQ-M-55. Permanent mold castings: B 199. 0. metal arc welding with AZ92A rod has "very good" rating Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution treating to the T4 temper is the most commonly used heat treatment Solution Heat Treating. Ingot: B 93..0 AZ81A-T6: Typical creep properties of sand castings Properties determined using separately cast test bars 'Thnsile stressresultingIn tola!extension(a) or TImeunder Ioad. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80.Cast Magnesium Alloys I 435 AZ81A A magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy Chemical Composition. Excessive Si causes brittleness.S.0 7. which have good strength combined with excellent ductility and toughness. (Foreign) Elektron A8. plus 16hal175 °C(345 oF) EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HIOIA HIO I A(g) T40rT6 HZ32A HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A QE22A T4 or T6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A T6 QH21A Postweld heat treatment T40rT6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T4orT6 T6 ZE4IA ZH62A ZK5IA ZE4IA(g) ZH62A(g) ZK5IA(g) ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 (a) AZ63Arod must be used for welding AZ63Ain the Ptemper because 12h al385 °C (725 oF) causes germination in welds made wilh AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63Ain the T4 orT6 condition unless AZ63Arod is required by specifications. 0.16h at205°C(4OO°F) I ha151O±6 °C(950± 1O°F).5 11.4 86 83 81 12. 7. Excessive Cu degrades mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. 16 h al205 0C(4OOoF) 2h al345 °C (650°F)(d).01 Ni max. Sand and permanent mold casting.5812. quench. and/or Foreign). (German) DIN 1729 3.7 6.0 12. hearto specified rernperanireat no more than 83 0C/h(150 °FIh).30 max other (total).6 1 10 100 3. UNS M1181O.0 2.8 1 37 10 28 100 15 At 20S °C (400 oF) 5.5 12. 16 h al205 °C (400 oF) 2 h at 330°C (625 0F)(f) 12 hat250 °C(480 0F)(f) 2 hat330°C (625 oF).5 83 83 80 76 40.4 1.5 27.2 58 55 51 8.5 20.0 At 93°C (200 oF) I 10 100 At lSOoC (300°F) 23 12 7 (a) Total extension equals initial extension plus creep extension .2% 0.5% 0. 10 h at 415 ± 6 °C (775 ± 10 "F) AZ81A-T6: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Desired berm. 0.7 21 3. Materialis treated 6 h at 415 ± 6 °C (775 ± 10 "F).quench. Gas-shielded.10 Cu max.0 24. and for typical creep properties of AZ81A-T6 sand castings Fabrication Properties A castable.0 3.0 14. (b) Preheat 10260 °C (500 "F).4 8.0 11.5 3.13 Mn min.0 ElongationIn 50 mm (2 in).6 5. weldable alloy. (f) Alternative treatment: 2 hat 330°C(625 oF).0 37.30 Si max. Composition Limits. Maximum treatment temperature is 420°C (785 OF) Alternative solution treatment: purpose is to prevent germination (excessive grain growth). temperafter welding welding 'Iemper Alloy Welding rod AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) AZSIA AZ91C AZ92A AZ92Aor AZ101 AZ92Aor AZI01 AZ92A F T4 12hat385±6 °C(725 ± 10 0F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12ha1385±6 °C(725 ± 10 0F)(b).0 35. quench.h 0. Excessive Ni degrades corrosion resistance Specifications (U. SAE J465. or Ni content. (Government) Die castings: AZ9lA.30 max other. 8.5% sulfur hexafluoride in carbon dioxide as protective atmosphere at temperature above 400 °C (750 OF) See Table for postweld heat treatment of AZ9lA-T4 and T6 castings . bal Mg Composition Limits of AZ91 D.0) • For solution treating: Treat at 415°C (775 OF) for 16 to 24 h. Cu.4 to 1. AZ91 H.). QQ-M-56. 0.MPa (ksi) Bearingyieldstrength.10 Cu max. 0. 0. AZ9lC and AZ9lE can be readily welded by the gasshielded arc process using AZ9lC or AZ91A rod. 0.30 Si max. 4490.MPa(ksi) Ultimatebearingstrength. 0. AZ91C.40 to 1.01 max other (each). Sand castings: AZ9lC and AZ9lE. 8.4 (1.0 Zn. reducing the cost of the alloy. 0. 0. AZ9lC Mechanical Properties See Table for typical room-temperature properties of AZ91A. More than 0.3 to 9.58) 55 62 4.005 Fe max.3 AI.5912 Characteristics Product Forms. 0.35 Mn. permanent mold castings.35 to 1. Use carbon dioxide.7 AI. AZ91D.436/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys AZ91A.0010 Ni max. except where otherwise indicated.AZ91C. 0. 0.5% Si decreases elongation. Sand castings: AZ9lC. 2 h at 352 ± 6 °C (665 ± 10 OF).S. If Fe content exceeds 0. SOIA. (German) DIN 17293.7 AI.10 Si max. 0. 0. 504. and MIL-M-46062. 0. (Foreign) Elektron AZ91. Mg-Al-Zn alloys are loaded into furnace at 260 °C (500 "F) and brought to temperature over 2 h period at a uniform rate of temperature increase Aging.35 to 1. 0.3 to 9. AZ9lA.13 Mnmin.AZ91 C. (French) AIR 3380 G-AZ91.0) HB lIRE OJarpyV-notch impact strength. B 94. B 80. and AZ9ID.AZ91B.1 (3.35 Cu max. AZ9lC: M119l4.J (ft . 0.030 Cu max. 0.0 Zn. AZ9lC is used in sand and permanent mold castings when maximum corrosion resistance is not required Corrosion Properties For excellent corrosion resistance: AZ91D and AZ91E. Investment castings: AZ9lC and AZ9lE. and corrosion resistance will rapidly decrease.20 Si max. 2 h at 352 ± 6 °C (665 ± 10 "F). AZ9lC. or 0.30 max other.5 to 1. 8. 0. 10 h at 415 ± 6 °C (775 ± 10 "F) Note: In solution treating. 0.03 Ni max. B 199. and investment castings ApplicationslTypical Uses. QQ-M-38.3 AI.02 max other (each). 0. 8.AZ91D. AZ9lA and AZ91B can be made from secondary metal. 0.MPa (ksi) Elongation in 50 rom(2 in. Maximum treatment temperature is 418°C (785 OF) • For aging: Treat at 168 °C (335 oF) for 16 h • Alternative solution treatment. (ASTM) Die Castings: AZ9lA.10 Cu max. and AZ91 Ecastings AZ91A.0 Zn. AZ9lE castings See Table for typical tensile properties of A29l sand castings at elevated temperatures Fabrication Properties Weldability.79 (0. AZ9ID: M119l6. Maximum treating temperature is 418°C (785 "F) Alternative treatment for AZ9l-C-F to T4 temper: purpose is to prevent germination (excessive grain growth): 6 h at 415 ± 6°C (775 ± 10 OF). stress relief required.032. 0. 10 h at 415 ± 6°C (775 ± 10 "F) • Alternative aging treatment: 5 to 6 h at 215 ± 6 °C (420 ± 10 "F) Note: After solution treatment and before subsequent aging. Composition Limits of AZ91 A. % Compressive yieldstrengthat 0.0 Zn.005 Fe max.03 Ni max. AZ9lE. sulfur dioxide. 0. 0. the permissible Fe-Mn ratio will not exceed 0.13 Mn min.1 to 9.01 Ni max.7 AI. 0. bal Mg Composition Limits of AZ91 C. and nickel contents) are die casting alloys used in the as-cast condition (F temper).50 Si max.3 max other (total).015 Cu max. AZ9IB. Former SAE alloy numbers: AZ9lA. Ingot: B 93. 8. B 403. 501.0) 70 77 1. AZ9IB. Corrosion resistance decreases with increasing Fe. and AZ91D not weldable Hot-Shortness Temperature. 4437. 0. Permanent mold castings: AZ9lC and AZ9lE. 0.AZ91E A magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy Chemical Composition. (British) BS 2970 MAG3. 4446.7(2. bal Mg Composition Limits of AZ91 E. sand castings. and AZ91D (which have the same nominal composition except for iron. bal Mg Composition Limits of AZ91B.5 97 (14) 275 (40) 90(13) 15 90(13) 275 (40) 145(21) 6 130(19) 415(60) 275(40) 415 (60) 305 (44) 515 (75) 360(52) 60 66 0.002 Ni max. For less than maximum corrosion resistance: AZ91A. AZ9IB. Specifications (U. copper. 0.2%offset.17 to 0. Sand castings: AZ9lC. and AZ91D AZ91Cand AZ91E Property Flemper Flemper T4lemper T6lemper Tensilestrength. AZ9lE: M1192l. AZ91 D. Products include die castings.13 Mn min. Purpose is to avoid germination (excessive grain growth): 6 h at 415 ± 6 °C (775 ± 10 "F). 0. 400°C (750 OF) Recommended Heat Treating Practice A29lC is commonly solution treated to T4 temper or solution treated and artificially aged to T6 temper Solution Heat Treating. AZ9IB. it is the most commonly used magnesium die casting alloy.1 to 9.0 Zn.15 Mn min.005% in AZ9lD or AZ9lE. QQ-M-55 and MIL-M-46062. AZ9lA. SAE J465. Ibf) 63 75 2.O. AZ9IB. AZ9lE is a high-purity alloy with excellent corrosion resistance used in pressure-tight sand and permanent mold castings with high tensile strength and moderate yield strength. AZ9lC-FtoT4 temper: 415°C (775 OF) for 16 to 24 h. AZ9lDis a high-purity alloy which has excellent corrosion resistance. UNS AZ9lA: M1191O. and/or Foreign).50 Si max.3 to 9.MPa (ksi) Tensileyieldstrength. (AMS) Die castings: AZ9lA. AZ9lC in F temper is aged toTS temper by heating to 168°C (335 OF) for 16 h Alternative treatment for AZ91C-F to T5 temper: 4 hat 215 ± 6°C (420 ± 10°F) Solution Treating AZ91-C-F to T6 Temper and Subsequent Aging: AZ91: Typical room-temperature mechanical properties of AZ91A. Permanent mold castings: AZ92C. 0. AZ9lB: M119l2. 0.MPa (ksi) Hardness 230(33) 150(22) 3 165(24) 165(24) 97 (14) 2.30 max other (total) Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. AZ9IB. 0. AZ9IB. castings are cooled to room temperature by fast fan cooling. 0. they must be used when maximum corrosion resistance is not required.35 to 1. 16h at 205°C (400oF) 1hat51O±6°C(950± 1O°F).(c)Usecarbondioxide or sulfur dioxideatmosphere. 16h at 205°C (400oF) 2hat 345°C (650°F)(d).quench. 500x AZ91C-T6: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures Thnsile strength Thstingtempernture 0C OF 150 205 300 400 Thnsile yield strength Elongation in MPa ksi MPa ksi 50 mm (2 in). Segregation (coring) in the grains and absence of precipitated discontinuous M9 17A112 are results of the rapid cooling rate of die castings. quench. quench. plus 16h at205°C (400"F). % 185 115 27 17 97 83 14 12 40 40 AZ91: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Temper Alloy A263A AZ63Aor A292A(a) AZ8IA AZ91 A-F: Microstructure. 75x AZ91A-F: Microstructure.(e)Alternativetreatment: I hat 315°C (600"F). Segregation of thin oxide skin in an AZ91 A-F die casting.16h at 205°C (400oF) I hat51O±6°C(950± 10°F). AZ91A-Fdie casting. Hot tear in an AZ91A-F die casting.16h at 205°C (400oF) 2 h at 330°C (6250F)(t) 12hat 250°C (4800F)(t) 2h at 330°C (625oF). plus 16hat 175°C(345 oF) A292A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HK3IA(g) T40rT6 HZ32A HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A QE22A T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T4orT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ZE4IA ZE4IA(g) For T5 ZH62A ZH62A(g) ForT5 ZK51A ZK5IA(g) ForT5 T5 T5 T5 (a) AZ63Arod must be used for weldingAZ63A in the F temperbecause 12 h at 385°C (725 "F) causes germination in welds made with A292A rod: A292A rod normally is used for welding A263A in the T4 orT6 conditionunlessA263Arod is requiredby specifications. 250x A291C Desired hefore temperafter Welding rod welding welding AZ92Aor A2101 A292Aor A2101 Postweld beattreatment F T4 12hat385±6 °C(725± 10 0F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat385±6 °C (725± 100F)(b). quench. (d) Heatingfor 2 h at 345°C (650 oF)results in slight loss of creep strength. cored grains. Tear occurred in an area of compound segregation that was last to solidify and least resistant to stress caused by mold restriction during solidification shrinkage.Cast Magnesium Alloys I 437 AZ91A·F: 16h at 175°C (345 "P).and/or5 hat215 °C(420 oF). (g) Or EZ33A . plus4h at215 °C (420OF) or 16hat 170°C (340oF) 30minat41O±6°C (765± 1O°F)(c) 30 min at41O± 6 °C (765±10 °F)(c). This type of skin forms whenever molten metal surfaces are exposed to the atmosphere for a few seconds.quench.or24h at220°C(430 oF) 16hat205 °C (4OO°F)(e) 16hat315 °C (600oF) 1hat51O±6°C(950± 10°F). Massive M917A112 compound at the boundaries of small.16h at 205°C (400oF) 1hat 510 ± 6 °C (950± 10"F).16h at 205°C (400oF) 1hat 425 ± 6 °C (795± 10 "F). (b)Preheatto 260 °C (500"F). quench. plus5 h at 220°C (430oF) 30 minat415 ±6 °C (775± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30minat415±6°C (775± 1O°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30minat415 ±6 °C(775 ± 1O°F)(c).plus4h at 260°C (500oF)or5 h at 220°C (430oF) 1h at 505± 6 °C (940± 10"F). (t)Alternative treatment: 2 h at 330 °C (625oF). heatto specifiedtemperatureatno morethan830C/h(150°FIh). plus5h at 220 °C(430 oF) 30 min at 385± 6 °C (725± 10oF) 30 min at 385± 6 °C (725± 10oF). Material is aged at 260°C (500 "F) for 4 h AZ92A: Microstructure. arc welding with AZ92A rod is rated "Good. ThnsUe strength Temper F T4 T5 1'6 T7 MPa 170 275 170 275 275 ksi 25 40 25 40 40 Yield strength MPa ksi 97 97 115 150 145 14 14 17 22 21 Elongation. M917A1 12 compound: Massive (outlined) at grain boundaries. 0. at uniform rate of temperature increase. investment castings ApplicationsfTypical Uses. permanent mold castings. UNS M11920.30 max Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. 2 h at 352 ± 6°C (665 ± 10 "F). sulfur dioxide. %(a) 2 10 1 3 3 (a) In 50 mm (2 in. 0. T6 temper: 81 HB or 88 HRE. or 0. It consists of treating 6 h at 410 ± 6°C (765 ± 10 "F). Excessive Cu or Ni degrades corrosion resistance. bal Mg om Ni max.3 to 9." Stress relief after welding is required Recommended Heat Treating Practice Common heat treatments are for solution treated T4 temper and for solution treated and artificially aged T6 temper Solution Heat Treating. SAE J465.5 to 1. Investment castings: B 403. Composition Limits. To obtain T4 temper. Maximum treatment temperature is 415°C (775 OF) • Aging is at 218 °C (425 OF) for 5 h • An alternative solution treating procedure is designed to prevent germination (excessive grain growth). Pressure-tight sand and permanent mold Solution Treating to T6 Temper Followed by Aging: • Solution treating is at 410 °C (765 OF) for 16 to 24 h. Aging to T5 temper is done in the as-fabricated F condition. 0. Permanent mold casting. Gas-shielded. and/or Foreign).S. Use carbon dioxide. Purpose is to prevent germination (excessive grain growth): Treat 6 h at 410 ± 6 °C (765 ± 10 "F). 50 rom (2 Ia) % days(b) 16 12 2 3 36 34 80 160 160 40 'Ienslle strength MPa ksI 25 200 300 400 500 170 150 110 83 200 300 400 500 275 180 115 76 40 26 17 11 8 40 41 52 160 160 160 40 200 300 400 500 260 170 115 76 38 25 17 12 7 40 43 47 160 160 160 40 22 (a)Testedafterprolongedheatingat testingtemperature.438/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys AZ92A A magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy Chemical Composition. Permanent mold castings: B 199. Permanent mold castings: QQ-M-55 and MIL-M-46062 Characteristics Product Forms. 10 h at 410 ± 6°C (765 ± 10 OF) Note: In solution treating. except where otherwise indicated. Slower cooling rate than that of die castings has resulted in larger grains. Sand Castings.4 Zn. precipitated (dark) near grain boundaries.30 Si max. castings are cooled to room temperature by fast fan cooling. T4 temper: 63 HB or 75 HRE. (AMS) Sand castings: 4434. material is treated at 410 °C (765 OF) for 16 to 24 h. 8. 250x .5% Si decreases elongation Specifications (U. Permanent mold castings: 4484. other (total). More than 0.6 to 2.) Mechanical Properties See Table for typical tensile properties of AZ92A sand castings at elevated temperatures Hardness. (b) Prior to testing Fabrication Properties A weldable casting alloy. Sand castings: B 80.10 Mn min. 10 h at 410 ± 6°C (765 ± 10 oF) Note: After solution treating and before aging. 2 h at 352 ± 6 °C (665 ± 10 "F). Mg-AI-Zn alloys are loaded into furnace at 260 °C (500 OF) and brought to temperature over 2 h period. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56 and MIL-M-46062.25 Cu max. Investment castings: 4453. Maximum treatment temperature is 415°C (775 OF) Alternative treatment for T4 temper. (ASTM) Ingot: B 93.5% sulfur hexafluoride in carbon dioxide at temperatures above 400°C (750 "F) See Table for postweld heat treatments for AZ92A castings in T4 and T6 tempers castings with high tensile strength and good yield strength AZ92A: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures Typical tensile properties of AZ92A sand castings TIme at 'Iestlna °C Properties determined using separately cast test bars. Former SAE alloy number: 500. 0.7 AI. T5 temper: 69 HB or 80 HRE. 1. T7 temper: 78 HB or 86 HRE tempemture(a) F'temper 93 150 205 260 T41emper 93 150 205 260 T61emper 93 150 205 260 OF Elongation in temperature. F temper: 65 HB or 76 HRE. Aging. (I) Alternative treatment: 2 hat330°C(625 oF). 1.quench. and/or Foreign). as-cast.01 Ni max. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) 2 h at 330°C (625 0F)(I) 12h at 250°C (480 °F)(I) 2h at 330°C (625 °F).plus 5 h at 220 °C (430 oF) 30minat415±6 °C (775 ± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30minat415±6°C(775± 1O°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30minat415±6 °C (775 ± 10 °F)(c). bal Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.7 Ag. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) I hat 510±6 °C (950± 1O°F). 1500x AZ92A-F: Microstructure. Normal air cooling of zinc-containing magnesium-aluminum alloys produces this type of completely divorced eutectic.plus4h at 215°C (420°F) or 16h at 170°C (340 oF) 30minat41O±6 °C (765 ± 1O°F)(c) 30minat41O±6°C(765± 1O°F)(c). and/or 5 hat215 °C (420°F).S. 500x (a) AZ63A rod must be used for welding AZ63A in the F temper because 12 h at 385°C (725 OF) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod nonna11y is used for welding AZ63A in the T4 or T6 condition unless AZ63A rod is required by specifications.5% may result in somewhat coarser as-cast grains and lower mechanical properties Specifications (U.3 to 1. (b) Preheat to 260°C (500 OF).quench.quench. plus 5 h at 220°C (430 oF) 30 min at 385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 "F) 30 min at 385 ± 6°C (725 ± 10 oF).16h at 205°C (400 oF) I hat51O±6 °C (950 ± 1O°F). 16h at 205°C (400 oF) I hat51O±6°C(950± 1O°F). (e) Alternative treatment: I hat315 °C(600 "F). Investment castings: B 403.75 to 2.heat to specified temperature at no more than 83 °C/h (150 °F/h). (c) Use carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere. (g) Or EZ33A EQ21 A magnesium-zirconium-alloy Chemical Composition. UNS M16330. 16h at205°C(4OO°F) I hat425±6 °C(795 ± 10°F). 0. a mixture of magnesium solid solution and M9 17AI 12 . (d) Heating for 2 h at 345°C (650 OF) results in slight loss ofcreep strength. quench. was retained in this form by a rapid quench from above the eutectic temperature.3 max other (total). quench. 0.plus4h at 260 °C (500 oF)or 5 h at 220°C (430 oF) I hat505±6 °C (940 ± 10°F). 16h at 205°C (400 OF) 2h at 345 °C (650 °F)(d).plus 16hat 175 °C(345 oF) AZ92A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HZ32A QE22A HK31A(g) HZ32A(g) QE22A T40rT6 ForT5 T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ZE41A ZH62A ZKSIA ZE4 IA(g) ZH62A(g) ZKSIA(g) ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 Postweld heat treatment AZ92A-F: Microstructure. AMS 4417. Permanent mold castings: B 199. AZ92A-F. The appearance of the interdendritic eutectic. (Foreign) (British) BS 2970 MAGl3 .10 Cu. AZ92A-F sand casting. or24h at220°C (430°F) 16hat205°C(4OO°F)(e) 16h at315 °C(600°F) I h at51O±6 °C(950± 10°F). plus l6h at 205 °C (400°F).05 to 0. quench.0 Zr. 1.Cast Magnesium Alloys I 439 AZ92A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Alloy Welding rod NZ63A NZ63Aor AZ92A(a) AZ8IA AZ91C AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ92Aor AZIOI Desired Temper before welding temper after welding F T4 12hat385 ±6 °C (725 ± 100F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat385±6 °C(725 ± 100F)(b). 0. Massive M917AI 12 compound surrounded by lamellar M9 17AI 12 precipitate.4 to 1. (Government) Sand and permanent mold castings: MIL-M46062. Zr content below 0. Composition Limits. plus l6h at 175°C (345 oF). 0.5 Nd-rich rare earths. 0 Zr.50 to 1.0 rare earths.(g)Or EZ33A EZ33A A magnesium-chromium alloy Chemical Composition. plus 16 h at 205°C (400 "P). Stress relief is required after welding EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 Recommended Heat Treating Practice EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 EQ2lA is commonly solution treated and artificially aged to T6 condition HK31A HK31A(g) HZ32A HZ32A(g) QE22A QE22A T4orT6 ForT5 T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 Solution Heat Treating. (British) BS 2970 MAG6. weldable alloy.plus4h at 260°C (500oF)or 5 h at 220°C (430°F) 1 hat505±6°C(940± 10°F). (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56. bal Mg Specifications (U. elongation is 2% in 50 mm (2 in.quench.16h at 205°C (400oF) 1 hat 425 ± 6 °C (795± 10oF).and/or5 hat215 °C (420oF).quench. Permanent mold castings: B 199. weldable alloy.16h at 205°C (400oF) 1hat510±6°C(950± 10°F).16h at 205°C (400oF) 2 h at 330°C (6250F)(t) 12h at 250°C (4800F)(t) 2 h at 330°C (625oF). 65 to 85 lIB 'Thmper before welding Desired temper after welding F T4 12hat385±6°C(725± 10 0F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12 hat 385 ±6°C(725 ± 10°F)(b). and/or Foreign). Preheating may be used.queneh. The alloy is artificially aged at 200°C (390 OF) for 16 h ZE41A ZE41A(g) ZH62A ZH62A(g) ZKSIA ZKSIA(g) PostweldbeatImltmeot (a) AZ63Arod must be usedfor weldingAZ63A in the F temperbecause 12h at 385°C (725 oF) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod nonnaUy is used for welding AZ63Ain theT4 or T6 conditionunless A'ZfJ3A rod is requiredby specifications.1 Zn. investment casting A castable. tensile strength is 235 MPa (34 ksi). (c)Usecarbondioxide or sulfur dioxideatmosphere.16h at 205°C (400oF) 1 hat51O±6°C (950± 10°F). Investment castings: B 403. permanent mold castings.plus4h at215 °C (420oF)or 16hat170°C(335 OF) 30minat41O±6 °C(765± lO°F)(e) 30minat410±6 °C(765± 10°F)(e). Sand castings. 50 HB or 59 HRE Fabrication Properties Characteristics Product Forms. Permanent mold castings: QQ-M-55. 0. (b)Preheatto 260 °C (500°F).10 Cu max. using A292A rod. (AMS) Sand castings: 4442. Pressure-tight sand and permanent mold castings relatively free from microporosity. (French) AIR 3380 ZREI ApplicationslTypical Uses. 0.16h at 205°C (400oF) 1 hat510±6°C(950±10°F). Sand and permanent mold castings used in the solution-treated and artificially aged condition (1'6 temper). UNS M12330.S. SAE J465. Welding is with gas-shielded arc process. T5 temper. used in T5 condition for applications requiring good strength properties up to 260°C (500 "F) Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. tensile strength is 160 MPa (23 ksi).01 Ni max. (t) Alternative treatment: 2 h at 330°C (625oF). Former SAE alloy number: 506. with high yield strengths at service temperatures up to 200°C (390 OF).plus5 h at 220°C (430oF) 30 minat385± 6 °C (725± 10oF) 30 minat 385± 6 °C (725± 10oF).quench. yield strength is 110 MPa (16 ksi). Postweld heat treatment is required . (ASTM) Sand castings: B 16 h at 175°C (345 oF). (d) Heating for 2 hat 345°C (650 "F) results in slight loss of creep strength. (Foreign) Elektron ZRE1.0 to 3. Maximum treatment temperature is 530°C (985 OF). Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. Composition Limits.quench. Sand castings. using EZ33A rod) are excellent.or 24 h at220°C (430oF) 16hat205 °C (400°F)(e) 16hat315 °C (600oF) 1hat51O±6°C (950± 10°F).heattospecifiedtemperature at nomorethan83 0C/h(l50°FIb).) Hardness. elongation is 3% in 50 mm (2 in. Quenching from solution treating temperature is either in water at 65°C (150 "F) or in some other suitable medium Aging After Solution Treating. 2. and investment castings ApplicationslTypical Uses.30 max other (total). 0.5 to 4.16h at 205°C (400oF) 2 h at 345°C (650°F)(d). Welding properties (gas-shielded metal arc process. EQ21A is solution treated at 525°C (970 "P) for 4 to 8 h.5103.Next Page 440 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Characteristics Product Forms.(e) Alternative treatment: 1 h at315 °C (600 "P). In T6 temper. yield strength is 170 MPa (25 ksi). but it isn't necessary.quench.plus5 h at 220°C (430oF) 30minat415±6 °C (775± lO°F)(e) T4 T4 30 minat415 ± 6 °C (775± 10°F)(e) T40rT6 T6 30minat415 ±6 °C(775 ± lO°F)(e).) EQ21A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Alloy Weldingrod A'ZfJ3A A'ZfJ3Aor AZ92A(a) AZS1A AZ92Aor AZl0l AZ91C AZ92Aor AZ101 Hardness. 0.plus16h at 175°C(345oF) Fabrication Properties AZ92A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 A castable. 2. Welding rod: MIL-R-6944. (German) DIN 1729 3. permanent mod castings. Castings have excellent short-time elevated-temperature mechanical properties and are pressure tight and weldable. and for typical tensile properties at various temperatures Composition limits of AZ31C.5 AI.005 Fe max. (Foreign) Elektron AZ31 (extruded bar and tubing).0 6. (British) Sheet. following 15% cold work Hot Working Temperature.0 44. annealed (0).5 4. AZ31Band AZ31C are used in the as-fabricated (F). UNS AZ3IB: MI13ll. extruded bar and tubing.60 to 1.0 13.5 to 3.0 32.5 41. AZ31B forgings: B 91. 0.0 338 303 262 228 200 148 117 100 49. Resistance welding.5 29. excellent. Extruded rod.15 Mn min.0 38. 230 to 430°C (450 to 800 OF) AZ31B: Typicaltensile properties at various temperatures Testingtemperature OF ·C Sheet.0 14. BS 3373 MAGIll. 0. AZ31B and AZ31C: Forgings and extruded bar. shapes. extruded tubing. Excessive Cu.0 2.0 23. 250x Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.0 34. AZ31C is the commercial grade. QQ-M-31B.10 Si max. sheet. showing elongated grains.03 Ni max.5 12.5 6. which resulted from warm rolling of the sheet. BS 3370 MAG1l1.5 37. Ni. stress relief required. Longitudinal edge view of worked structure.5 26. and plate. bar. rod.0 7. Former SAE alloy number: 510. rod. and/or Foreign). and good weldability.5 MPa Yieldstrength ksi Elongationin 50 mm(2 in.50 to 1. QQ-M-40.0 21.4 Zn. Takes place after 1 hat 205°C (400 OF). 0.10 Cu max.0 45. HIl. 0.30 max other (total). (SAE) AZ31B: J 466. 0. and wire: B 107. or Fe degrades corrosion resistance AZ31B only: Sheet and plate with good formability and strength.20 Mn min. 0. and tubing with moderate mechanical properties and high elongation.). Alloy AZ31 B-H24 sheet.0 38.0 4. and mechanical twins. (Government) AZ3IB: Forgings. Composition limits of AZ31B. 2. and shapes.Wrought Magnesium Alloys AZ31B.25 h Recrystallization. (German) DIN 97153. shapes.05 Cu max.0 234 234 221 145 90 59 31 21 14 34.AZ31C Chemical Composition. with the same properties as AZ31B but higher impurity limits AZ31B-H24: Microstructure.0 45. tubing. high resistance to corrosion. AZ31C: M1l312. 0.<. hard rolled . 0. extruded bar.005 Ni max. 4376. H24 temper. Gas-shielded arc welding with AZ61A or AZ92A rod (AZ61A preferred). H24.0 -112 -27 -18 21 70 100 212 150 300 205 400 260 500 315 600 370 700 Extrusions.0 30. WW-T-825B. 0.0 15 30 45 55 75 125 140 434 359 314 283 262 238 217 179 63. H23. 0. bal Mg fabrication Properties Consequence of Exceeding Impurity limits. AZ31B sheet in annealed condition is treated at 345°C (650 OF) for 2 h AZ31B-F extrusions and forgings are treated at 260°C (500 OF) for 0.6 AI.0 21.0 11.4 to 3. (French) AFNOR G-A37 1 Weldability.0 15.04 Ca max.0 42.0 52.0 8. as fabricated -185 -300 -130 -200 -73 -100 -18 0 21 70 93 200 120 250 150 300 Tensile strength ksi MPa 331 310 290 207 152 103 76 41 28 48. and H26 conditions and AZ31C in F condition are annealed at 345°C (650 OF) for 1 h or more Stress Relieving Treatments. excellent Characteristics Hard rolled. and hard-rolled (H24) tempers Specifications (U. structural sections. AZ31B sheet is treated at 150°C (300 OF) for 1 hr ApplicationslTypical Uses. 0. (AMS) AZ31B sheet: 0 temper.0 22.S.10 Si max.5312. AZ31B in the F. bal Mg Mechanical Properties See Tables for room temperature mechanical properties. 2.5 3. HIO.0 33. 4357. 0.5 Zn.5 17.0 34. (ASTM) Sheet: B 90. 0.5 9.5 15.5 31. % .0 29. (French) AFNOR G-A6Z1 Characteristics Applicationsrrypical Uses. Forgings: B 91. (German) DIN 97153. Forgings: QQ-M-40B. Former SAE alloy numbers: 520 (extrusions) and 531 (forgings). Extruded tubing: WW-T-825A. 0.30 max other (total). Forgings: 4358. Stress relief is required after welding.05 Cu max. BS 3372 MAGl21. (AMS) Extrusions: 4350. (British) Extruded bar.5612. 0. Resistance welding properties are excellent . Ni. and tubing.8 to 7.5612.S. Alloy AZ318 tooling plate. and/or Foreign). Particles of manganese-aluminum compound (dark gray) and fragmented Mg17A1 12 (outlined). Composition Limits.2 AI.424/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys AZ31B: Typical room-temperature mechanical properties Produet form 'Ienslle strength MFa ksi Thnsile yield strength(a) MFa ksl Sheet.19in. Longitudinal edge view. 10romball. Used in sheet form for battery applications F temper (as-fabricated) Mechanical Properties See Tables for typical room temperature mechanical properties.005 Fe max. Longitudinal edge view of structure recrystallized by annealing. (Government) Extruded bar. or Fe degrades corrosion resistance Specifications (U. DIN 17293. bal Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.2% offset. 0.andsolidshapes Extrudedhollowshapesandtubing Forgings 255 290 255 241 260 150 220 200 165 170 37 42 37 35 38 22 32 29 24 25 Elongation. sections.rod.40 to 1.hardrolled Extrudedbar. %(h) 21 15 12 16 15 Hardness RD(e) lIRE 56 73 49 46 50 67 83 57 51 59 Shear strength MFa ksi 145 160 130 21 23 19 130 19 Compressive yield strength(a) MFa ksl Ultimate bearing strength(d) MFa ksi Bearingyield strength(d) ksi MFa 110 180 97 83 485 495 385 290 325 230 16 26 14 12 70 72 56 42 47 33 (a) At0. forgings.15 Mn min. rod. SAE J466. 200x AZ31 B: Microstructure.annealed Sheet. 5.).75 rom(0.005 Ni max. UNS M1l61O. and for typical tensile properties of extrusions at various elevated temperatures Fabrication Properties General-purpose extrusions have good properties Forgings have good mechanical properties In gas-shielded arc welding. (ASTM) Extrusions: B 107. Alloy AZ318-0 sheet. castings.5 Zn. (b) In 50 rom(2 in. AZ61A or AZ92A rod is used (the former is preferred). 0.(d) 4. 0.(e)500 kg load.)pin diameter AZ31B-O: Microstructure. outlined particles of fragmented M917AI12 • 200x AZ61A Chemical Composition. BS 3373 MAGl21. Essentially recrystallized structure resulting from anneal flattening.10 Si max. and shapes: QQ-M-3IB. 0. (Foreign) Elektron AZ61 (extruded bar. 0. sections. and tubing). Excessive Cu. 0. and shapes: QQ-M-3IB. 0. equiaxed recrystallized grains. 0.rod.20 to 0.(c)500 kg load. Ni.2%offset. bar. stringers of fragmented Mg17AI 12 • 250x AZ61A-F: Microstructure.80 Zn.0 41.0 19.5 48.12 Mn min.0 7. Forgings: B 91. making stringers of fragmented Mg17A112 more visible. % 4 6. IOmmball. Excessive Si. equiaxed recrystallized grains. (ASTM) Extruded rod.and/or Foreign). Fonner SAE alloy numbers: 523. (Government) Extruded bar.). Material in F condition is treated at 345°C (650 OF) for 1 h or more -c Thstlng temperature Stress Relieving Treatments.0 45. Annealed sheet is treated at 345°C (650 OF) for 2 h. Small. following 20% cold work Hot Working Temperature.5 70 AZ61A-F: Typical room-temperature mechanical properties Fonn andcondition Thnsile strength MPa ksi Thnslle yield strength(a) MPa ksi Forgings Extrudedbar. 0. 0.30 max other (total).0 5.5 13 16 23 32 48. Forgings: QQ-M40B .10 Si max. Longitudinal View of hot-worked structure.S.).5 33. 1 h at 285°C (550 oF). AZ61A-F extrusion. 415°C (775 OF) OF -300 -200 -100 0 70 200 300 400 600 'Ienslle strength MPa ksi YIeld strength MPa ksi 379 355 331 317 310 286 217 145 52 317 296 265 238 228 179 134 97 34 55.0 26. Composition limits.5 46.0 Elongation in 50 nun (2 in.5 21.005 Fe max. UNS MII800.05 Cu max.andshapes Extrudedtubingandhollowshapes Sheet 295 305 285 305 180 205 165 220 43 44 41 44 26 30 24 32 Elongation.0 46. or Fe degrades corrosion resistance Specifications (U. Cu.8 to 9. SAE J466. and shapes: B 107. Extruded tubing: WW-T-825. %(b) 12 16 14 8 Hardness IID(c) HRE 55 60 50 66 72 60 Shearstrength MPa ksl 145 140 21 20 Compressive yield strength(a) ksi MPa 125 130 110 150 18 19 16 22 UltJmate hearing Bearingyield strength(d) MPa ksi MPa ksi 470 285 41 68 strength(d) (a) At 0.5 31.0 43. Small.) pin diameter AZ61A-F: Microstructure. 7. bal Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.005 Ni max.19 in.2 AI. AZ61A-F extrusion. 250x AZ80A Chemical Composition. Hard rolled sheet is treated at 205°C (400 OF) for 1 h -185 -130 -73 -18 21 93 150 200 315 Recrystallization Temperature.0 38. rod. Longitudinal view of hot-worked structure.Wrought Magnesium Alloys /425 Recommended Heat Treating Practice AZ61A-F: Typicalproperties of extrusionsat various temperatures Annealing. 0. Specimen is not etched. 230 to 400°C (450 to 750 "F) Hot Shortness Temperature.5 34.75 mm(0.5 14. (b) In 50 mm(2 in. 0.5 9. (d) 4. (AMS) Forgings: 4360.0 51. 5 17.). Extruded products and press forgings. This alloy can be heat treated T5 temper (artificially aged only) is commonly applied Mechanical Properties See Tables for typical room temperature mechanical properties.0 28.5 16.0 51.5 36.0 57. I h at 345°C (650 "F). showing large. small amount of M917A112 discontinuous precipitate at the grain boundaries. Material in the F. ill gasshielded arc welding.0 39.0 25.0 Elongation in 50 rom (2 in.5 10.Next Page 426/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice ApplicationsITypical Uses.0 . AZ80A-T5 forging. 250x AZ80A-T5: Microstructure. Longitudinal view showing much mottled M917A1 12 discontinuous precipitate near the grain boundaries.0 44.5 35. and welding.5 49. Small.25 h Recrystallization Temperature. Longitudinal view of hot-worked structure. stress relief is required. and T6 conditions is annealed at 385°C (725 OF) for I h or more Stress Relieving Treatment. AZ6lA or AZ92A rod is used (the former is preferred).5 11. and for typical mechanical properties at various temperatures Fabrication Properties Fabrication processes include extrusion.5 11. % 8.0 25.0 36. forging.0 18. After welding with this process. following 10% cold work Hot Shortness Temperature. AZ80A-F extrusion. Longitudinal view of hot-worked structure. 415°C (775 oF) AZ80A-T5: Microstructure. recrystallized grains and spheroidized M917A1 12 discontinuous precipitate mainly in the grains near the boundaries. T5.5 35. 250x AZ80A·F: Typical mechanical properties at various temperatures Testingtemperature OF °C Tensilestrength ksi MPa Yieldstrength ksi MPa -73 -18 21 93 150 205 260 386 355 338 307 241 197 110 269 252 248 221 176 121 76 -100 0 70 200 300 400 500 56. Resistance welding properties are rated excellent AZ80A-F: Microstructure. For extrusions and forgings. equiaxed recrystallized grains. 260°C (500 OF) for 0. resulting from the artificial aging treatment. AZ80A-T5 extrusion. 200x Annealing.0 32. ).0 Th. a casting alloy is available For hard rolled sheet. UNS M1331O. bal Mg Specifications (U. 10 mm ball HK31A Chemical Composition. Also. Former SAE alloy number: 507.3 Zn max. 0. For annealed sheet. 500x . 290°C (555 OF) for 0. and shapes As-extruded Aged (f5 temper) Compressive yield strength MPa ksl strength MPa ksl Thusileyield strength(a) MPa ksi 330 345 48 50 230 250 33 36 11 6 69 72 80 82 150 160 22 23 170 195 25 28 340 380 49 55 250 275 36 40 11 7 67 80 77 88 150 165 22 24 240 35 Elongation. 2. showing structure with less Mg4Th precipitated in grains and more at the elongated grain boundaries.0 Zr. Resistance welding properties are also excellent. Sheet and plate can be stress relieved.). In gas-shielded metal arc welding. but it is not required HK31A-H24: Typical tensile properties of sheet at elevated temperatures Testing temperature -c 21 150 205 260 315 345 OF 70 300 400 500 600 650 Thusilestrength MPa ksl MPa ksi Elongation in SOmm(21n.2% offset. 0. om Ni max. % 260 180 165 140 89 55 205 165 145 115 48 28 30 24 21 17 7 4 8 20 21 19 70 >100 38 26 24 20 13 8 Yieldstrength HK31A: Microstructure. 0. Material in strain hardened condition (H24) is treated at 400 °C (750 OF) for 1 h or more Stress Relieving Treatments. (Government) Sheet and plate: MIL-M26075 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Basic temper designation T6 (solution treated and artificially aged is the common heat treatment for this alloy) Annealing.S. HK31A or EZ3A rod is used (latter is preferred). (ASTM) Sheet and plate: B 90.Previous Page Wrought Magnesium Alloys I 427 AZ80A: Typical room-temperature mechanical properties Teusile Form and condition Forgings As-forged Aged (f5 temper) Bar. High strength is maintained up to 315°C (600 OF).1 Cu max. Longitudinal edge view. (AMS) Annealed sheet and plate: 4384E.5 to 4. rod. and/or Foreign).3 max other (total).5 h Mechanical Properties See Table for typical tensile properties at elevated temperatures See Figure for typical stress-strain curves for sheet Fabrication Properties Sheet and plate have excellent formability and weldability. (b) In 50 mm (2 in. HK31A-H24 sheet. Composition Limits. %(h) Hardness BB(c) lIRE Shear strength MPa ksi Ultimate hearing strength MPa ksi Bearing yield strength MPa ksi 550 350 80 51 (a) AtO.4 to 1. 345°C (650 "F) for Characteristics 1h Product Forms. 0. SAE J465. (c) 500 kg load. Sheet and plate. 4 Strain..-----.) thick HK31A-H24 sheet LIVE GRAPH 300 .. % LIVE GRAPH 1.. 200 t .' 0 o 0..4 0.... Longitudinal edge view of structure recrystallized by annealing. % 1. 149 ·C 204 ·C '" <Il 150 260·C ~ e ] 20 en 100 t--j'4-jf---t-----t----j ~ en 100 316·C 10 10 50 H..I ...064 in....r----.8 1.2 lB ~_--l _ _--J.+ ....428/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys HK31A: Typical stress-strain curves for 1.:.63 mm (0. % 300 . 50 371 ·C -L-Il---+---r-OL-_---J'--_----'_ _.-.I LIVE GRAPH 300 250 30 200 f ..L_ _.+ .. Click here to view 0._ _.~I---+----+--.6 Strain.---. % HK31A: Microstructure.2 0 0 1..6 Strain..L---::Jl_=--I---t---j 50 371 ·C 0 0.2 0 1..f .t .. Click here to view 300 Longitudinal tension LIVE GRAPH Transverse tension 40 250 t---II---I---t---::-:-:::-i 24 ·C Click here to view 40 250 30 200 I----+--§--l---_l_ 30 200 'iii "" '" <Il 20 ~ en io a....2 1...8 Strain...-------r---.8 40 Longitudinal compression Click here to view 40 Transverse compression 250 I ..+ ..j .6 0 0.-F----t---+---I 20 l!? ~ en en 100 10 10 50 f-Ic.----.. ~ Ii 150 I-----A'-n..4 0._ _--l.j ] '" <Il 20 l!? en 100 t----1I1-1I-----t---t---I 30 <Il ] a.' 0..f .4 0.+ ..8 1.. 250x . Most of the M94Th precipitate shown in microstructure for HK31A-H24 sheet has redissolved. HK31A-O sheet..-----. See also microstructure for unetched HK31A-O sheet.-----. Alloy is usable for service at 345°C (650 OF) and above Mechanical Properties See Tables for typical tensile and compressive properties at elevated temperatures. for T6 (solution treated and artificially aged). (e) Rapid heating.5 Th. HK31A: Microstructure. Forgings: B 91.Wrought Magnesium Alloys I 429 . (d) In 25 mm (I in. (Government) Sheet and plate: MIL-M-8917. (b) Under 100-hexposure.1 Mn. bal Mg Specifications (U. T8. UNS M1321O. %(a) HM21A-T8 sheet(b) 21 205 260 315 370 70 400 500 600 700 235 125 110 97 76 34 18 16 14 11 170 115 105 83 55 25 17 IS 12 8 130 105 105 83 55 19 15 15 12 8 8 30 25 IS 50 230 110 90 76 33 16 13 140 90 76 55 20 13 11 8 115 17 15 49(d) 37(d) 43(d) HM21A-T5 forgings(c) 21 205 315 370 70 400 600 700 11 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Commonly applied heat treatments are for T5 (artificially aged only). 500x HM21A Chemical Composition. both as outlined particles of fragmented massive compound and as precipitate within grains and at boundaries of the elongated grains.). Extrusions and forgings are treated at 370°C (700 OF) for 0. Longitudinal edge view of worked structure. 0.5 to 2. except for forging tested at 21 'C (70 'F). Material in T5. cold worked.5% Al (a) In 50 mm (2 in. 500x . Forgings QQ-M40 Characteristics Product Forms.) HM21A: Microstructure.30 max other (total). HK31A-O sheet. Gas-shielded metal arc welding with EZ33A rod is rated excellent. 1.5 h Hot Working Temperature is in range of 455 to 595°C (850 to 1100 "F) Fabrication Properties Testingtemperature good" rating. and for T81 tempers. and/or Foreign). Resistance welding has "very HM21A: Typical tensile and compressive properties at elevated temperatures -c 'F Tensilestrength MPa ksi Tensile yleldstrength MPa ksi Compressive yieldstrength MPa ksi Elongation. (AMS) Sheet and plate: 4390. showing M94Th. and forgings are available. HM21A-T8 sheet. 0. and T81 conditions is treated at 455°C (850 OF) for 1 h or more Stress Relieving Treatment. Longitudinal edge view of structure recrystallized by annealing. but not etched. T81 is a mill modification of T8 to improve mechanical properties Annealing. Forgings: 4363. and for typical creep properties of sheet The alloy is forged. which has added to the visibility of fragmented massive M94Th compound. plate. to prevent stress corrosion cracking is necessary only for alloys containing over 1. and welded. Composition Limits. (ASTM) Sheet and plate: B 90. Stress relieving after welding. Sheet.45 to 1.S. SAE J466.0 2. and for typical creep properties of extrusions Characteristics Recommended Heat Treating Practice Product Forms.30 max other (total).S. 2 ) in area Testing temperature OF °C 21 150 205 260 315 370 425 480 70 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 'Thnsile strength MPa ksi 283 195 165 145 115 90 55 14 'Thnsile yieldstrength MPa ksi Compressive yieldstrength MPa ksi 230 180 160 140 110 83 48 7 165 170 160 140 110 41 28 24 21 17 13 8 2 33 26 23 20 16 12 7 1 Elongationin 50mm (2 ln.and elevated-temperature properties. 2.2% (total) 0. and/or Foreign). % 24 25 23 20 16 10 30 32 25 22 35 60 100 HM31A: Typical creep properties of extrusions Testingtemperature OF °C 205 260 315 400 500 600 0.3 11.2% (total) 0. Extruded and aged: 4389. UNS M13312. and tubing The alloy is commonly heat treated to T5 (artificially aged only) temper Fabrication Properties/Applications. HM31A: Typical tensile and compressive properties of extrusions up to 2600 mm 2 (4 in. Superior elastic modulus. shapes. Small. other sections require aging to the T5 temper. recrystallized grains. dark M94Th grain-boundary precipitate.5 9. Range is 370 to 540 °C (700 to 1000 OF) HM31A: Microstructure. in 100h. Longitudinal view of banded hot-worked structure. Material in H24 condition is treated at 400°C (750 "F) for 1 hormore Stress Relieving Treatment. Composition Limits.0 2. Extrusions and forgings in T5 condition are treated at 430°C (800 oF) for 1 h Recrystallization Temperature.2 Mn min.9 13.1% (creep) MPa ksi 150 205 260 315 370 103 92 55 34 16 300 400 500 600 700 Stress to produce.3 8. and tubing.1% (creep) MPa ksi 110 76 41 16 11 6 Stress to produce.430 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys HM21A-T8 Sheet: Typical creep properties Thstingtemperature OF -c 0.5 108 93 62 41 24 HM31A Chemical Composition." Stress relief after welding is not necessary Specifications (U.5 7. 0.5 10.5 Th. following 50% cold work Hot Working Temperature. rod.6 15.5 to 3. HM31A-T5 extrusion. light islands are solid solution rich in thorium and so more resistant to hot working. 1. Exposure to temperatures up to 315°C (600 OF) for 1000 h causes virtually no change in short-time room. in 100h.6 13. (AMS) As-extruded: 4388. Primarily bar. extensionof 0.5% (total) MPa ksi MPa ksi 83 69 41 12 10 6 115 83 48 17 12 7 Annealing. particularly at elevated temperatures. Resistance welding is rated "very good.0 5. rod. Weldable alloy was developed primarily for elevated-temperature structural service in the form of extruded bar. 500x .).0 5. 1 h at 400°C (750 "F).0 3. bal Mg Gas-shielded arc welding with EZ3A rod is rated excellent. extensionof 0.0 6. Although certain extruded sections developed optimum properties in the as-extruded (F) temper. gray particle is manganese. Government MIL-M8916 Mechanical Properties See Tables for typical tensile and compressive properties ofextrusions. shapes.5% (total) ksi MPa ksi MPa 80 72 48 34 18 14. 0 to 1. Longitudinal view of banded hot-worked structure. bal Mg Recommended Heat Treating Practice The alloy is commonly heat treated to T5 condition (artificially aged only) Specifications (U. but not recommended-because the alloy is prone to hot shortness cracking. balMg Specifications (U. 315°C (600 OF) ZK60A: Microstructure. 0. shapes. T5. 250x ZK60A: Microstructure. ZK60A in the F. 6. 0. and T6 temper Stress Relieving Treatment. 510°C (950 OF). ZK60A-F extrusion.20 Si max. Precipitate formed during aging is not resolvable by microscopy. recrystallized grains. SAE J466. 4.0 Mn. Forgings: 4362.5 Cu. bar. Welding is with gas-shielded arc process. have high strength. However. welds free of cracks exhibit high welding efficiency. Quenching from solution treating temperature is either in water at 65°C (150 OF) or in other suitable medium Solution Heat Treating. Extrusions Mechanical Properties Alloy has good mechanical properties and high elongation Recommended Heat Treating Practice ZC71A is commonly heat treated to the F. ZK60A-F extrusion artificially aged to T5 temper. (ASTM)Extrusions:B 107. ZC71A extrusions in T5 condition are stress relieved at 330°C (625 OF) for I h Aging. (British) BS 3373 MAG161. 1. bar. Structure appears to be the same as that of ZK60Aextrusion in F condition. ZK60A is aged at 150°C (300 OF) for 24 h in the air. and/or Foreign).0 Zn. 0.S. the alloy is solution treated at 430 ± 6 °C (800 ± lO oF) Aging after Solution Treating. (ASTM) Extrusions: B 107. Ranges from 315 to 400 °C (600 to 750 OF) .Wrought Magnesium Alloys I 431 ZC71 Chemical Composition.5161. and shapes: QQ-M-31. 0. For wrought product. using ZC71 rod ZK60A Chemical Composition.OlO Nimax. and good ductility. (Government) Extruded rod. Resistance welding has excellent rating Hot Shortness Temperatures. Extruded tubing: WW-T-825. UNS M1660.UNS M167lO Characteristics Product Forms. Composition Limits.45 Zr min.30 max other (total). Gas-shielded metal arc welding is possible. (AMS) Extrusions: 4352. ZK60 sheet in the F condition is annealed at 230°C (450 "F) for 3 h Characteristics Extrusions are treated at 260°C (500 OF) for 0.5 to 1. 500x Hot Working Temperature. Small. In T6 condition. In T5 condition. O. or T6 conditions is annealed at 290°C (555 OF) for 1 h or more Extruded products and press forgings are weldable. Composition Limits.30 other max (total). light islands are solid solution deficient in zinc and zirconium (due to alloy segregation) and so more resistant to hot working. (Foreign) Elektron ZW6. extrusion alloy.S. 0.0 to 7. and forgings ZK60A-T5 extrusions are treated at 150°C (300 "F) for 1 h Fabrication Properties Aging.2 Zn. Forgings: B 91. For cast product. Alloy is aged at 180 ± 6 °C (355 ± lO OF) for 16 h Fabrication Properties A weldable.25 h Product Forms. Extruded rod. T5. and/or Foreign). (German) DIN 9715 3. (French) AFNOR G-Z5Zr Stress Relieving Treatment. ZC71A is aged at 180°C (355 OF) for 16 h. followed by air cooling Annealing.8 to 6. Former SAE alloy number: 524.Forgings: QQ-M-40. permanentmold castings. yield strength is 105 MPa (15 ksi). 0. Permanent mold castings: B 199. then brought back to temperature as quickly as possible Solution Heat Treating. EZ33A·T5 sand casting: Microstructure. 0. tensile strength is 220 MPa (32 ksi). h 0.0% ksi MPa ksi MPa ksl MPa 1 10 100 1000 41 41 34 28 At 260 °C (500 oF) 6 6 5 4 69 62 55 41 10 9 8 6 89 83 69 48 13 12 10 7 105 89 76 55 1 10 100 1000 34 28 14 14 At 315°C (600 oF) 5 4 2 2 55 34 21 14 8 5 3 2 69 48 28 14 10 7 4 2 83 55 34 21 12 8 5 3 1 10 100 1000 2 2 2 1 21 14 7 7 3 2 1 1 28 21 14 7 4 3 2 1 34 21 14 7 5 3 2 1 ksi At 205°C (400 oF) 14 14 14 7 15 13 11 8 (a)Totalextensionequalsinitialextensionpluscreepextension HK31A A magnesium zirconium alloy (See also wrought alloy HK31 A) Chemical Composition. Welding is with gas-shielded arc process. (AMS) Sand castings: 4445.S. using EZ33A or HK31A rod (former is preferred). or 0. 66HRE A weldable casting alloy. elongation is 8% in 50 mm (2 in. % 3 10 20 31 50 EZ33A-T5: Typical creep properties of sand castings Properties determined using separately cast test bars. 0. Sand castings for use at temperatures up to 345 -c (650 oF) Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. T6 temper.5% 1. Aging takes place at 175 ± 6 "C (345 ± 10 OF) over 16 h period EZ33A·T5: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures Properties determined using separately cast test bars. 100x 'Iensile stress resulting intotalextenslon(a) of TImeuuder load.0 Zr. Investment castings: B 403. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80. SAE J465.1% MPa 0. sulfur dioxide.5 sulfur hexafluoride in carbon dioxide as protective atmosphere when furnace temperature is above 400 -c (750 OF) . Alloy is in F (as-fabricated) condition." Sand castings that have been welded require stress relief Recommended Heat Treating Practice HK3lA is typically heat treated to the T6 condition (solution heat treated and artificially aged) Note: HK31A castings must be loaded in furnace which is at temperature. Former SAE alloy number: 507. om Ni max. UNS M1331O.30 Zn max.The precipitate in the dendritic grains of magnesiumsolid solution is not visible. T6 temper. and/or Foreign). castings are cooled to room temperature by fast fan cooling.5 to 1. Testing temperature °C 24 150 205 260 315 OF 75 300 400 500 600 'Iensile strength MPa ksl 160 150 145 125 83 23 22 21 18 12 Yield strength MPa ksi 110 97 76 69 55 16 14 11 10 8 Elongation in 50 rom(2 In). Use carbon dioxide. See Figure for typical stress strain curves for sand cast test bars Specifications (U. 2.10 Cu max.5 to 4.Previous Page Cast Magnesium Alloys /441 See Tables for typical tensile properties of EZ33A-T5 sand castings at elevated temperature. bal Mg See Tables for typical tensile properties of HK31A-T6 sand castings at elevated temperatures. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56 and MIL-M-46062.2% 0. and for creep properties ofHK31A-T6 sand castings. Rating is "very good. and for typical creep properties of EZ33A-T5 sand castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice EZ330 is generally heat treated to the T5 temper (artificially aged only) Aging. Interdendritic network of massive MggR compound. Composition Limits. investment castings Applicationsrrypical Uses.) Hardness. 0. The alloy is treated at 565 ± 6 "C (1050 ± 10 OF) for 2 h. Maximum heat treatment temperature is 570 "C 0060 "F) Note: After solution treating and before aging.30 max other (total).0 Th.40 to 1. Sand castings. Permanent mold castings: QQ-M-55 and MIL-M-46062 Fabrication Properties Characteristics Product Forms. except where otherwise indicated. 4 4..0 0 1.4 2. plus5 h at 220°C (430 OF) 30 min at 415±6 °C (775± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30minat415±6 °C (775± 1O°F)(c) welding T40rT6 T6 AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T4orT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HIOIA HK3IA(g) T40rT6 HZ32A HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A QE22A T4orT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A T6 T4orT6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 ZC63A ZE4IA ZE4IA(g) ZH62A ZH62A(g) ZK5IA ZK5IA(g) HK31A-T6: Creep properties of sand castings Properties determined using separately cast test bars. quench.1 72 50 24 10 10.3 0.1 1.3 9. The precipitate in the grains of magnesium solid solution is not visible.4 71 68 66 63 10.1 69 59 43 29 10.4 12. plus 16hat205 °C(4OO°F).8 5. quench.5 9.2 0. LIVE GRAPH 'Thsting temperature Click here to view HK31 A: Typical stress-strain curves for separately sand cast test bars 150 0C OF 24 205 260 315 370 75 400 500 600 700 Yield strength MPa ksI 'Thnsile strength MPa ksi llO 31 24 23 20 215 165 160 140 89 16 14 13 12 8 97 89 83 55 13 Elongation in 50 mID (2 in.).6 6. % 6 17 19 22 26 20 125 16 '" 0.6 0.8 Strain. :2 100 12 ~ t> 75 <: Q) ~ t> .4 85 60 28 II 12.7 6.and/or5 h at 215 °C(420°F).2 7.2 3.55 30 16 7 4 4.7 4.0 15. Sand casting.!!! .5 1.8 107 100 84 52 15.quench.(c)Use carbondioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere. (f)Alternative treatment:2 h at 330°C (625 oF).442/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Aging.!!! 'iii ] ui lI) ui lI) HK31A-T6: Microstructure. Intergranular particles of massive M9 4Th compound (gray.0 15. 16h at 205°C (400 "F) I hat 510 ± 6 °C (950± 10 "F).2 97 88 67 47 14. quench.4 3.h AZ92A QH21A Postweld heattreatment MPa At 205 °C (400 oF) I 10 100 1000 At 315 °C (600 oF) I 29 10 22 15 100 1000 6 At 350 °C (600 oF) I 10 100 1000 44 4.0 16hat 175°C(345 oF) (a) AZ63A rod must be used for welding AZ63A in the F temper because 12 h at 385°C (725 OF) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63A in the T4 orT6 condition unless AZ63Arod is required by specifications. plus4h at215 °C (420 oF)or 16hat 170°C (340°F) 30minat41O±6 °C (765± 1O°F)(c) 30minat41O±6 °C(765 ± 10°F)(c).0 16.15 3.7 9.2 43 33 20 8 6.8 6.plus5 h at 220 °C (430 oF) 30 min at 385 ± 6 °C (725± 10oF) 30 min at 385 ± 6°C (725± 10 "F).3 1.(b)Preheatto 260 °C (500 "F): heat to specifiedtemperatureat no more than 83 0C/h(150 °FIh).3 8. % 1.15 0.63 41 22 9 5 6.4 0. 16h at 205°C (400oF) I h at 425 ± 6°C (795± 10 "F).5 6.2 4.2 HK31A-T6: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Alloy Welding rod AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) AZ8IA AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ91C AZ92Aor AZIOI 'Iemper Desired before welding temperafter F T4 12hat385±6 °C(725± 10 0F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat385 ±6 °C (725± 10 0F)(b). outlined).0 3. 'Thnsile stressresulting intotalextension(a) of TImeunder 30minat415 ±6 °C (775± 1O°F)(c).plus 16h at 175°C (345 OF).0 14.0 0.2% 0.6 54 31 17 7.3 3.72 .0 12.5 2. 16h at 205°C (400OF) I hat 510 ± 6 °C (950± 10OF).5 14. 16hat205 °C (400°F) 2 hat330 °C(625 0F)(f) 12hat 250°C (480°F)(f) 2 hat330 °C(625 oF).8 9. quench. quench.0 16.16h at 205°C (400 OF) 2 h at 345°C (650 °F)(d). or24h at 220 °C (430°F) 16h at 205°C (400°F)(e) 16hat 315°C (600 oF) I hat 510 ± 6 °C (950± 10OF).94 (a)Total extensionequals initialextension plus creep extension 1.(e) Alternativetreatment: I hat315°C(6oo°F).5 3.5 85 66 43 22 12. See micro of HK31A-T6 sand casting Properties determined using separately cast test bars. (d) Heating for 2 h at 345°C (650 "P) results in slight loss of creep strength. 16h at 205°C (400 "F) I h at 510 ± 6 °C (950± 10 "F).0 8.25 2.9 1.0 5.4 7. (g) Or EZ33A 0. 500x 'iii c ~ 50 I- 25 0.75 2.3 9.6 5.0 llO llO llO 109 16.plus4h at 260 °C (500 OF) or 5 h at 220°C (430oF) I h at 505 ±6°C (940± 10oF).5% 1. After solution treatment castings are treated 205 ± 6 °C (400 ± 10 OF) for 16 h HK31A-T6: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures See Table for postweld heat treatment of HK31A-T6.0% ksi MPa ksi MPa ksI MPa ksi 41 I 10 40 100 39 37 1000 At 260 °C (500 oF) 6.8 I 36 10 30 100 24 21 1000 At 290 °C (550 oF) 5.3 4.25 4.2 load.1% 0.1 103 103 103 97 15. Sand castings. 0.10 rare earths max. Rating of process: "Fair." Stress relief is required after welding castings with heavy sections Characteristics Product Forms.1% rare earths causes a loss in creep resistance Specifications (U. See Figure for typical stress-strain curves for sand cast test bars Fabrication Properties A weldable casting alloy..) Hardness.t .4 '0.0 Th. 250x . bal Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Intergranular MgTh compounds: Bunches of acicular compound (dark gray) and small areas of massive M94Th. The precipitate within matrix grains is not Visible.. 0. Sand castings Applicationsrrypical Uses. Sand castings used in the artificially aged condition (T5 temper).). using gas-shielded metal arc process and H232A or EZ33A rod.8 Strain. Castings are pressure tight. (British) BS 2970 MAG8. Castings are treated at 315 ± 6°C (600 ± 10 "F) for 16 h For postweld heat treatment. (AMS) Sand castings: 4447. see Table in datasheet for HK3l A HZ32A·T5: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures Testing temperature -c ·F 24 93 150 205 260 315 370 75 200 300 400 500 600 700 Tensile strength MPa ksi Yield strength ksi MPa 200 180 150 115 97 83 69 105 97 83 69 63 55 48 Elongation in SOmm(2in. When treated.. Typical stress-strain curves for separately sand cast test bars Recommended Heat Treating Practice HZ32A is typically heat treated to T5 temper (artificially aged only).. castings are in F condition (as-fabricated) Aging.01 Ni max.% 140 20 24·C 120 15 100 29 26 22 17 14 12 10 15 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 15 23 33 33 28 29 149 ·C I '" c. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80.2 e'" en ~ '0.Cast Magnesium Alloys I 443 HZ32A A magnesium-zirconium alloy Chemical Composition.. tensile strength is 185 MPa (27 ksi).30 max other (total). (Foreign) Elektron ZTl.0 Zr.S.10 Cu max. 55 HB See Table for typical tensile properties of HZ32A-T5 sand castings at elevated temperatures. % 1. 1.t .t . 204 ·C :2 80 0.-M-46062. c 60 ~ I 427 ·C 40 20 H + .HZ32A-T5: Microstructure.5 Zn. -" 260 ·C I 316 ·C 10 tl '--371 ·C ~ e'" I en tl ~ '0. 0. T5 temper.. elongation is 4% in 50 mm (2 in.. with moderate strength and an optimum combination of properties for medium..j 0.5105 Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.50 to 1. Mll. and under long-time exposure can withstand higher stresses and higher temperatures than any other commercially available magnesium alloy HZ32A-T5..and long-time exposure at temperatures above 260°C (500 OF). yield strength is 90 MPa (13 ksi).7 to 2. UNS M13320. 2. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56. and/or Foreign). c . 2% nital. 0. 0. (German) DIN 17293. Composition Limits. More than 0.5 to 4. 5 110 16.S.0 78 11. and for long time creep properties of QE22A sand castings.16hat 205°C (400 oF) I haI51O±6°C(950± 10°F). plus 5 h al220 °C(430°F) 30minaI415±6°C(775± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30 min al415 ±6 °C (775 ± 10°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 T4 T4 or T6 T4 T6 30minal415 ±6 °C (775 ± 10°F)(c). Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. (e)Altemalivetreatment: 1 haI315°C(6OO°F).6 8. Tensile 16hat 175 °C(345 oF). 0.4 22 5.quench.5 165 23.h Thosile stressresulting in creepexlensioD(a) oC 0. Welding is with gas-shielded arc process using QE22A rod.0% ksi MPa At 150°C (300 oF) 10 100 1000 150 21.1% MPa 0. 2.5% ksi MPa 1. and/or Foreign). Composition Limits. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56B. Maximum treatment temperature is 540°C (1000 oF) Castings are quenched from solution treating temperature in water heated to 65°C (150 OF).8 . 16 h at 205°C (400 oF) 2 h al330 °C (625 0F)(t) 12 h al250 °C (480 0F)(t) 2 h at 330°C (625 oF).3 40 15. plus 16 h at 175°C (345 oF) welding EQ2IA EQ21A T4 or T6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HZ32A QE22A HIOIA(g) HZ32A(g) QE22A T40rT6 ForT5 T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ZE41A ZH62A ZK5IA ZE4IA(g) ZH62A(g) ZK5IA(g) ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 Solution Heat Treating. Zr content below 0. 65 to 85 HB See Tables for typical tensile properties of QE22A sand castings at various temperatures. elongation is 3% in 50 mm (2 in. for effect of temperature on elastic modulus of QE22A sand castings.8 125 18. use carbon dioxide.0 to 3. plus4h al 260 °C (500 oF) or 5 h al220 °C (430 oF) I h at 505 ± 6 °C (940 ± 10 "F). UNS M18220.0 140 20.3 max other (total). 0. Permanent mold castings: QQ-M-55.75 to 2. Investment castings: B 403.5 to 1.5 41 26 10 (a) Does not include initial extension 6. Castings have excellent short-time elevated-temperature mechanical properties and are pressure tight and weldable may result in somewhat coarser as-cast grains and lower mechanical properties Mechanical Properties Specifications (U.0 105 32 16 4.) (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80.0 Ag. 1. plus4h at 215 °C(420°F) or 16halI70°C(34O°F) 30 min a141O±6 °C (765 ± 10°F)(c) 30 min a1410±6 °C (765 ± 10 °F)(c).5% sulfur hexafluoride in carbon dioxide as protective atmospheres when furnace temperatures exceed 400°C (750 oF) See Table for postweld treatments of castings QE22A: Long-time creep properties of sand castings TIme under load. (b) Preheat to 260 °C (500 "F). castings are cooled to room temperature by fast fan cooling.2% IIsI MPa IIsI 0. 0.quench. heal 10specified temperature at no more than 83 0C/h (150 °PIh). yield strength is 195 MPa (28 ksi).05% MPa ksi 0.7 At 205°C (390 oF) 10 100 1000 83 55 12. Permanent mold castings: B 199.6 120 17. T6 temper.0 Zr. quench. (Foreign) Elektron MSR-B. except where otherwise indicated. (German) DIN 17293. 16 h at 205°C (400 oF) 2h at 345 °C (650 °F)(d). QE22A is treated to T6 condition at 525 ± 6 °C Postweldheat treatment (a) A7f>3A rod must be used for welding AZ63A in the F temper because 12 h at 385°C (725 "F) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod nonna1ly is used for welding A7f>3A in the T4 orT6 condition unless AZ63A rod is required by specifications. sulfur dioxide. (French) MSR-B AECMA MG-C-51.0 3.4 to 1.0 105 15.5164 Characteristics Hardness. or 0.6 87 55 12.16hal 205°C(400 oF) I hat425±6 °C(795 ± 10 oF).quench. (d) Heating for 2 h al345 °C (650 "F) results in slight loss of creep strength.444/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys QE22A A magnesium-zirconium alloy Chemical COlT'lposition.7 2. (g) OrEZ33A (970 ± 10°F) for 4 to 8 h. Aging after Solution 5 h al220 °C(430°F) 30 min at 385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 oF) 30 min al385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10°F). Sand castings. tensile strength is 260 MPa (38 ksi). (British) DTD 5055.1 Cu max. Castings are treated at 205 ± 6 °C (400 ± 10 oF) for 8 h Note: After solution treatment and before aging.7 1.quench. 0. and for short-time.7 2.01 Ni max.0 8. See Figures for effect of temperature on strength of QE22A sand castings.5 Nd-rich rare earths.5 105 15.2 26 3. or 24 haI220°C(430°F) 16haI205°C(4OO°F)(e) 16 h al315 °C (600 oF) I hat 510±6°C(950± 1O°F). or in some other suitable medium. Sand and permanent mold castings: MIL-M-46062B. investment Fabrication Properties castings A weldable casting alloy.5% ApplicationsfTypical Uses.0 150 21. (t)A1temative treatment: 2 h at 330 °C (625 OF).3 At 250 °C (480 oF) 10 100 1000 32 17 4.16hal 205°C(400 oF) I haI510±6°C(950± 10°F). with high yield strengths at temperatures up to 200 °C (390 OF). bal Mg . creep-rupture properties of QE22A sand castings Product Forms. 16hat 205°C(400 oF) I haI51O±6°C(950± 1O°F). (AMS) Sand castings: 4418C.(c) Use carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere.8 3. plus 16hat205°C(4OO°F). Sand and permanent mold castings used in the solution-treated and artificially aged condition (T6 temper). Process rating is "Good" QE22A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings QE22Ais typically heat treated to T6 temper (solution treating and artificial aging) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Alloy Weldingrod A7f>3A A7f>3Aor AZ92A(a) AZ8IA AZ91C AZ92A AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ92A Temper Desired beCore welding temper after F T4 12 h a1385±6 °C(725± 10 0F)(b) F T6 T4 T4orT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12 h at 385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 0F)(b). andlor 5 h at 215°C (420 oF).quench.0 73 10. permanent mold castings.4 90 13.0 72 10. .::.. ~ 23 --=::l 22 105 Time...... resulting from partial solution and coalescence of the magnesium-didymium eutectic.!! ~ 120 ~ 26 5% 0.1 34. ~ 110 t------i-----t-----j-------I---=~ 25 ---l 104 .:.. 4 '8 E c: .. Massive MggR compound is present at the boundaries of grains of magnesium solid solution.Cast Magnesium Alloys /445 QE22A: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at various temperatures -c Testinglemperature ·F 20 100 205 300 Tensile strength ksl Yieldstrength ksl MPa 68 212 392 572 263 235 193 83 MPa 38.l LIVE GRAPH 180 29 103 ..s QE22A-T6: Microstructure..i ... 6 en :::> :.~ 28 21 ~ :2. 2! 100 100 200 Temperature. 18 ~ 16 100 ~ ~. characterized by intragranular precipitation of didymium and zirconium hydrides (formed during solution treatment by reaction with water vapor) and by less MggR at grain boundaries than normal. Sand casting. Sand casting.r-----n---..-_ _-'--1 10 102 400 I gf 40 ~ c 200 /1. ·F 20 .0 208 193 166 69 30. ~' . ·C ~ o CJ 200 ~="'i"--k:::~.. 500x .~ c o 100 200 300 o ~ 400 Temperature...J----!---9 30 Click here to view Temperature.t ...1 28. 180 }------+-----t=""""-=-t----1---.:::::l 26 ~ 1..2 ..0 12. Q) ~ 20 ~ :..I .2 28. 60 40 <Il ~ £ g.~ QE22A-T6: Short-time creep-rupture properties of sand castings -L 600 r--- E 5 10 <i) 150' . Alloy segregation (coring). g> '8 £ 300 ~ 20 o -100 "". .' .0 10 QE22-T6: Effect of temperature on the elastic modulus of sand castings QE22A-T6: Effect of temperature on the strength of sand castings LIVE GRAPH o LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature...r-----==f"'-""""=--j-------I---.0 24... ·F 200 400 600 300 r---n----..---... 100x LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 160 24 22 :2 140 ~' .s QE22A-T6: Microstructure.~ ~ 14 12 80 1 10 103 102 104 105 Time...j .::::"..8 '[1 '"o .. ·C 190 t-------"o"...~ 24 150·C (300·F) 160 t ... 6 to Fabrication Properties 1.". h .quench.S.10 Cu max.plus4h at215 °C (420oF)or 16hat 170°C (340oF) 30min at41O±6 °C (765± 1O°F)(c) 30minat41O±6 °C (765± 1O°F)(c).2 A weldable.16h at 2050c(400oF) 2 h at 330°C (6250F)(I) 12h at 250°C (4800F)(I) 2 h at 330°C (625oF).2 40.quench. 30 ~ ~ 'in 'in ~ ~ c: c.6 Th. Solution Heat Treating. Unexposed(a) Exposed500h at 200°C (390oF) Exposed1000h at 200°C (390oF) 276 284 282 40. 16h at205°C (400oF) I hat51O±6°C(950± 1O°F).~ :.(e)Altemativetreatment:I hat315 °C (600oF).446/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys QH21A A magnesium-zirconium alloy Chemical Composition. (c)Usecarbondioxide or sulfur dioxideatmosphere.. (b)Preheatto 260 °C (500"F).01 Ni max. 16h at205 °C (400oF) I hat425±6°C(795± 10°F). ' .. 0. Optimum total for Th plus rare earths. 2. This alloy is of particular interest to designers and stress engineers for highly stressed components operating at temperatures up to 250°C (480 "F). heattospecifiedtemperature at nomorethan830C/h(150 °FIh).7 29.(d) Heatingfor 2 h at 345°C (650 "F) results in slight loss of creep strength. Alloy is treated at 525 ± 6 °C (970 ± 10 oF) for 4 to 8 h.40 to 1. h Click here to view 40 If :. QH21A is aged at 205 ± 6°C (400 ± 10 oF) for 8 h See Table for postweld heat treatments of castings Mechanical Properties See Table for properties before and after exposure to elevated temperatures See Figures for effect of temperature on strength of sand castings. for effect of temperature on strength of QH21A.0 Ag.0 4 8 8 QH21A-T6: Creep propertiesof sand castings 110 15 100 14 If .L_-----l~~ ---l 10 LIVE GRAPH Time. plus5 h at 220°C(430 oF) 30minat385±6°C (725± 10°F) 30 minat 385± 6 °C (725± 10 "F). 0. and/or Foreign).(I)Altemative treatment:2 h at 330 °C (625 oF).0 41.. quench. EQ21A ZC63A Thllllile yield strength MPa (a) Room-temperature valuesdeterminedusingseparatelycast lestbars 12hat 385±6 °C (725± 10 0F)(b) EQ21A QH21A Thllllile strength Exposure condition Postweld heattreatment T4 F QH21 A-T6: Typical tensile properties of castings before and after exposure to elevated temperature 30 min at415±6 °C (775± 10°F)(c).quench. using QH21A rod Specifications (U. fme grain casting alloy. Ideally suited for aircraft and aerospace components.quench. ~ . 90 I----~ . plus5 h at 220°C (430oF) 30min at415±6 °C (775± 10°F)(c) T4 T4 30minat415±6 °C (775± 10°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HK3IA(g) T40rT6 HZ32A HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A QE22A T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ZE4IA ZE4IA(g) ForT5 ZH62A ZH62A(g) ForT5 ZKSIA ZKSIA(g) ForT5 T5 T5 T5 EIongatlon In lIsi MPa ksi so mm(2 in.and/or5 h at215 °C (420°F).6 to 16h at 175°C (345oF) (a) AZ63Arod must be used for weldingAZ63Ain the F temperbecause 12h at 385°C (725 "F) causes germinationin welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63Ainthe T4 orT6 conditionunlessAZ63Arod isrequiredby specifications. (Foreign) Elektron QH21A Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics QH21A is typically heat treated to T6 temper (solution treated and artificially aged) Product Forms. Composition 16h at 175°C (345 oF). 1.16h at 2050C(4OO oF) 2hat345 °C (650°F)(d).6 to 1. Fully weldable with gas-shielded arc process.30 max other (total). 'in c: t- c: ~ 12 80 11 70 '-- .0 29. especially where pressure tightness is required. for fatigue characteristics of sand castings.20 Zn max.9 207 205 200 30. or in some other suitable medium Aging.I6h at205°C (400oF) I hat510±6°C(950± 1O°F). 0.5 rare earths (composed of at least 70% Nd). Sand castings ApplicationslTypical Uses. 0.plus16h at205 °C (400°F). .(g) Or EZ33A ~. 0. bal Mg.. Castings used in solution-heat-treated and artificially aged condition (T6 temper). 0. or24 hat220 °C (430°F) 16hat205°C(4OO°F)(e) 16hat315°C(6OO°F) I hat51O±6°C(950± 10°F).. 16h at205°C (400oF) I hat510±6°C(950± 10°F). plus4 h at260°C (500oF)or5 h at 220°C (430oF) I h at 505± 6 °C (940± 10 "P)..:\-----I---------d 13 ~ 1.0 Zr... and for creep properties of sand castings QH21A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Alloy Temper before Welding rod welding AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) AZSIA AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ91C AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ92A AZ92A Desired temper after welding F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat385 ±6 °C (725± 100F)(b).0 to 3. ~ t: 5 ~ ~ 1. 3 104 20 10 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Time.). 0. Maximum treatment temperature is 540 ± 6 °C (1000 ± 10 "F) Alloy is quenched from solution treating temperature with water heated 65 °C (150 OF)..quench. 3. Sand castings used in the solution-heattreated and artificially aged condition (T6). Permanent mold castings: B 93. Y is present in a nominal80Y-20HRE mixture) Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. yield strength is 162 MPa (23.4 to 1. elongation is 2% See Figure for effect of test temperature on tensile properties...Cast Magnesium Alloys I 447 QH21A-T6: Effect of temperature on the strength of sand castings Temperature.>< 15 +1 ~ 10 E ::I E ·x ~ 25 106 Cycles of stress Cycles of stress LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view WE43 A magnesium-zirconium alloy Chemical Composition. UNS M18430 Characteristics Product Forms. 150 - I'. See Table for elevated temperature properties of sand cast specimens .15 Mn max.7 to 4. ba1 Mg. "--- 20°C (68 of) -. ~ "'.~ ::.. 50 \ 25 20 . Sand castings. -- - 20 ~ e:2 ~ +1 +1 15 t. Castings retain properties at elevated temperatures (~250 °C.r-. Composition Limits.S. U·notched (K t = 2 ) - 25 125 ~ 100 5 75 E .""c: ~ 100 10 0 100 0 300 200 0 Ternperature. Er. 0. 0."c: ~ ~ .3 ksi).4 rare earths. 0.f'C QH21A·T6: Fatigue characteristics of sand castings. and they are pressure tight and weldable Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. or 480 OF) for extended periods of time (>5000 h). tensile strength is 250 MPa (36.01 Si max.5% may result in somewhat coarser as-cast grains and lower mechanical properties Specifications (U. investment castings ApplicationslTypical Uses. 2.2 Zn max. T6 temper. permanent mold castings.UnnOtched " <. 0. 20 .005 Ni max. Zr content below 0.5% Nd with the remainder comprising heavy rare earths (HRE). 0.03 Cu max. Dy. Rotating beam (Wohler) tests. 0.3 Y. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80.0 Zr.2 Li max...5 ksi). and/or Foreign). I\. principally Tb.>< ~ t.0 to 2. machine speed.4 to 4. and Gd. Rare earths consist of 2. 0. Investment castings: B 199. of 300 400 500 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view s::2 30 200 . The HRE fraction is directly related to the Y content ofthe alloy (that is.!! . 2960 Hz 175 150 ~ 125 :2 +1 ~ 100 E ::I E 75 t: ·x ~ 50 \ 25 J 175 Un~otched 20°C (68 F1 -. r-- ~50 °c (480 of) . 0. Er.quench. <.75) = ~ 1"-0. 4-8 8-14 15-20 30-50 Desiml tempera/ler welding POIlWeld heal treatment F T4 12hat385 ±6°C (725± 10°F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat 385±6°C(725± 1O°F)(b).plus5h at220°C (430°F) 30 minat385± 6 °C(725± 10oF) 30 minat385±6 °C(725± 10°F). or24h at 220°C(430oF) 16hal 205°C(400°F)(e) 16h al315 °C(600oF) I hat510±6°C(950±10°F).oC 10 300 20 g' o o iii 25-26 23-26 22-25 16-19 240-250 240-260 210-230 ISO-170 35-36 35-38 30-33 22-25 EIoogatloo. IV 100 (14. 16h at 175°C(345oF) AZ92A(a) See Table for postweld heat treatments of castings Click here to view 170-180 160-180 150-170 110-130 ThnoiIe ot""'ph lui MPa WE43: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Aging after Solution Treating.plus5 h at220°C(430°F) 30minat415 ±6 °C(775± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30mlnat415 ±6°C(775± 1O°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30minat415±6 °C(775± 10°F)(c). -I---. Maximum treatment temperature is 535°C (995 OF) Castings are quenched from the solution treating temperature in water heated 65°C (150 "F).1 to 0. 75 to 95 HB Corrosion Resistance." 60*C 50 (7.0 to 4.15 Mn max. and Gd. Temperature.16h 81205 °C(400oF) 2 h at330°C (6250F)(f) 12hal250 °C(4800F)(f) 2 h at330°C(625oF).5) -.5% may result in somewhat coarser as-cast grains and lower mechanical properties .03 Co max. (d) Heatingfor 2 h at 345°C (650 "F) results In slight lossof creepstrength. 4.2 Zn max.0 rare earths.75 to 5.quench. Dy. ASlM B 117 salt fog test.01 Si max.8 5. Rare earths consist of 1.2% yield strength 200 ~ ::!!.5 to 2.quench. Zr content below 0.. 0.7 5.25) Elongation ____ o 570 ltreng!h 0. The HRE fraction is directly related to the Y content of the alloy (that is. 0.) thick pate 'ThII temperature OF Fabrication Properties OC A weldable casting alloy. using WE43 rod 200 Recommended Heat Treating Practice 250 300 WE43A is typically heat treated to T6 temper (solution treated and artificially aged) Solution Heat Treating. bal Mg.4 to 1.quench.448/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous AUoys Hardness. or in some other suitable medium 150 YOW!lI'smodulus GPa 10'pst 47 39 36 36 6. princi- pally Tb. plus4 h at215°C(420°F)or 16hal170°C(34O°F) 30 minat41O±6 °C(765± 10°F)(c) 30 minat410±6 °C(765± 1O°F)(c).plus 16h 81175°C(345oF). Composition Limits. OF 210 300 390 480 o 50 40 . Y is present in a nominal80Y-20HRE mixture) Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits.. (f)Altematlve treatment: 2 h al330 °C (625oF).005 Ni max.25) (29) ~ 150 (21. Castings are treated at 250 ± 6 °C (480 ± 10 OF) for 16 h LIVE GRAPH G.16h at205°C(400oF) I hat 510±6°C(950± 1O°F). plus4 h al260 °C (500oF)or 5h al220 °C(425oF) I hat 505±6°C(940± 1O°F). 2. \.. 250 ( 16h al205 °C(400°F).5 Y.2 mg/cm2/day WE43: Elevated-temperatureraroperties taken from specimens of sand cast 25 mm (1 in.(c) Usecarbon dioxideor sulfur dioxideatmosphere.0 Zr.quench.2 5.0% Nd with the remainder comprising heavy rare earths (HRE). and/or5h at215°C (420oF).quench.2 'hield strength MPa lui AZ92A AZ92A T4 T4orT6 T4 T6 EQ2IA EQ21A T40rT6 T6 FZ33A FZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HK3IA(g) T4orT6 HZ32A HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A QE22A T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH2IA QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ZE41A ZE4IA(g) ForT5 ZH62A ZH62A(g) ForT5 ZKSIA ZKSIA(g) ForT5 T5 T5 T5 (a) 1\'Zf)3A rod must be usedfor welding1\'Zf)3A in lheF temperbecause12h 81385°C (725 "P) causes germination in weldsmade wilh AZ92Arod: AZ92A rod nonnally is used for welding 1\'Zf)3A in the T4 or T6 conditionunlessAZ63Arod isrequiredby speciflcatlons.2 300 390 480 570 Alloy 1\'Zf)3A 10mper belo". 16h 81205 °C (400oF) I hat430±6°C(795± 1O°F).(g) Or FZ33A WE54 A magnesium-yttrium-rare earth alloy Chemical Composition.16h at205°C(400oF) I hat510±6°C(9SO±IO°F). 0. WE43A is treated at 525 ± 6 °C (970 ± 10 oF) for 4 to 8 h. \ .(e)Alternative treatment: I hal315 0C(6OO 0F). 16h at205°C(400oF) 2 h at345°C(650°F)(d).16h 81205 °C(400oF) I hat51O±6°C(9SO± 10°F).2 / 100 150 200 250 Temperature..5) -- . ..2 Li max. Welding is with gas-shielded metal arc process. 0. 0. WeldiDgrod weldiDg AZSIA AZ91C 1\'Zf)3Aor AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ92Aor AZIOI WE43: Effect of test temperature on the tensile properties 120 300 (43. 0.(b) Preheatto 260°C (500 "F):heal to specifiedlemperatureal no morethan 83 °CJh(150 °FIh). plus5h at 220°C (430°F) 30min at415 ±6 °C(775 ± 10°F)(c) T4 T4 30minat415±6°C(775± 10°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30 min at415 ±6 °C(775± 10°F)(c).1 26 45 60 3.5 ksi).2 24. ~ li Temperature. Castings retain properties at high temperatures (300°C.5) 250 (36. 75 to 95 HB ± 10 oF) for 16 h See Table for postweld heat treatments of castings WE54: Effect of test temperature on the tensile properties LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 120 --- 300 (43.9 16hat 175°C (350oF). heat tospecifiedtemperature at nomorethan83 0C/h(150°FIb).16h at 205°C (400oF) 1hat510±6°C(950± 1O°F).2 110 16 0.. 16h at205°C(400°F).. % 0. 16h at 205°C (400oF) 1hat425±6°C(795± 10°F). OF 210 300 390 480 1 ensr'1 e stren -. Alloy is treated at 527 ± 6 °C (980 ± 10 oF) for 4 to 8 h.1 90 13.quench. Investment castings: B 403. % 0.. permanent mod castings.0 23. % 0. 1hat315 °C (600°F). Welding is with gas-shielded metal arc process.16h at 205°C (400oF) 1 hat510±6°C(950± lO°F). (b) Preheatto 260 °C(500 "F).plus5h at 220°C (430oF) 30 minat 385±6 °C (725± 10oF) 30 minat 385±6°C(725± 10°F). T6 temper.7 16 32 48 2.3 'nmper Desired berore temperafter welding Welding rod weldlng F T4 12hat385±6°C(725± 100F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat385±6°C(725± 10°F)(b).16h at 205°C (400°F) 1 hat510±6°C(950± 10oF).2 Mglcm Characteristics Fabrication Properties Product Forms. ASTM B 117 salt fog test.quench.(e)Alternativetreatment.6 7. Permanent mold castings: B 199.and/or Foreign).05 0.quench. (f)Alternative treatment: 2 h al330 °C (625oF).. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80.16h at 205°C (400oF) 2 h at 330°C (6250F)(f) 12 hat 250°C (4800F)(f) 2 h at 330°C (625oF).1 0. See Table for creep rupture properties 2/day Corrosion Properties. using WE54 rod ings Applicationsrrypical Uses.S.~ 20 g> 300 o ~ WE54: Creep properties Stressto produceindicatedcreepor total strain in Typeand amount oCstrain lOb MPa lOOb ksi Creep strain at 200 °C (390 °Fl. 570 th WE54: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings -.7 QH21A ZC63A ZE41A ZE41A(g) ZH62A ZH62A(g) ZKSIA ZKSIA(g) Postweld heal trealment (a) AZ63Arod must he used for weldingAZ63A in the F temperbecause 12 h at 385°C (725 "P) causes gennination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63Ain theT4 or T6 conditionunlessAZ63Arod is requiredby specifications. or 570 OF) for short-term applications (up to 1000 h) and are pressure tight and weldable WE54A is typically heat treated to T6 temper (solution treated and artificially aged) Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.2% yield strengt~ <. r-.1 to 0.7 80 102 132 11.7 1 140 20.1 0. AMS 4426.8 19. % 0. WE54Ais treatedat250±6 °C (480 Hardness..9 ksi)..2 56 8. (191 150 (21.8 8..2 Total slrain al200 °C (390°Fl.0 41 75 90 5. Sand castings used in the solution-heat- Recommended Heat Treating Practice treated and artificially aged (T6) condition.5 108 15. UNS MI8410 See Figure for effect of test temperature on tensile properties.Cast Magnesium Alloys I 449 Specifications (U.9 13. Maximum treating temperature is 535°C (995 oF) Quenching is from solution treating temperature in water heated to 65°C (150 oF). r-. tensile strength is 250 MPa (36.8 11.1 0..5 8.(e)Use earbondioxide or sulfurdioxide atmosphere.2 126 18.5 Creep strain at 250°C (480 °Fl.oC 50 AZSIA AZ92Aor AZlOl AZ91C AZ92Aor AZlOl 60 "1fl.and/or5 h at215 °C (420°F). Solution Heat Treating..75) AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) y ~ en 100 (14.plus4h at 260°C (500°F) or 5 h at 220°C (430°F) 1 hat505±6°C(940±10°F).3 47 61 81 6.or 24 h at 220°C (430°F) 16hat205°C(4OO°F)(e) 16hat315°C(600°F) 1 hat510±6°C(950±10°F)..8 6..3 4.6 Thtal slrain at 250°C (480°Fl. 16h at205°C(400°F) 2 h at345°C (650°F)(d). 0.5) 50 (7. investment cast- A weldable casting alloy.5 135 19.(d) Heatingfor 2 h at 345°C (650 "F) resultsin slight loss of creep strength. elongation is 2% Aging after Solution Treatment.6 14.25) Elongation o o 100 150 200 250 16h at 175°C (345oF) AZ92A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A FZ33A ForT5 T5 HK31A HlGIA(g) T40rT6 HZ32A HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A QE22A T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 lOOOb MPa ksi MPa ksi 131 160 170 19. C 40 . or in some other suitable medium yield strength is 172 MPa (24..quench.(g) Or EZ33A . Alloy \ 0.25) 200 ~ 8!.plus4h at215 °C (420°F)or 16hat170°C(340°F) 30 minat41O±6 °C(765 ± 10°F)(c) 30 minat41O±6 °C(765 ± 10°F)(c).quench.quench. Sand castings. weldability also may decrease strength up to 93°C (200 OF). 5.0 Zn. Specifications (U. Can be welded Desired lemper after Alloy Characteristics ApplicationsfTypical Uses. elongation.S. (German) DIN 1729 3. quench. 0. Superior properties to AZ91Capplications with better castability. yield strength of 125 MPa (18. heatto specified temperature at no more than 83 0C/h (150 °PIh). plos5 h at2WOC(430°1') 30minat415 ±6°C(775± 10°F)(c) T4 T4 30 min at415 ±6 °C (775± 10°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30 minat415 ±6 °C (775 ± 10°F)(c). (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80.30 max other (total).5 Zn.75 to 1.(c) Use carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere.30 max other (total). 0. 55 to 65 HB Fabrication Properties A weldable casting 5 h at2WOC(430°1') 30 min at 385 ±6 °C (725 ± 10°1') 30 min at 385 ±6 °C (725 ± 10°1'). (British) BS 2970 MAG5.6% soluble Zr may increase grain size and thus reduce mechanical properties. Composition Limits. and for creep properties of ZE41A sand castings Characteristics Product Forms. plus 16 hatW5 °C (400°F). Useful in pressure-tight applications. and/or 5 hat 215°C (420 oF).10 Cu max. and/or Foreign).75 Mn. Investment castings: B 403. Has better castability than ZK51A and good . 0. using ZC63 rod AZSIA AZ91C AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ92A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ2lA EQ2lA T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HZ32A QE22A HK3IA(g) T40rT6 HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 See Table for postweld heat treatments WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 Recommended Heat Treating Practice WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 The alloy is commonly solution treated and artificially aged to the T6 condition ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ZE4IA ZH62A ZK5IA ZE4IA(g) ZH62A(g) ZK5IA(g) ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 Solution Heat Treating.5 to 6. 0. Sand castings. 3. Sand castings used in the solution-heat- before Thmper (a) AZfJ3A rod must be used for welding AZfJ3A in the F temper because 12 h at 385°C (725 oF) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63A in the T4 or T6 condition unless AZfJ3Arod is required by specifications. 16h at 205 °C (400 01') I hat425±6°C(795± 10°F). 140 MPa (20 ksi). Sand castings ApplicationsfTypical Uses. or in some other suitable medium Pootweldheat treatmeoI Weldingrod Product Forms. and/or Foreign).S. 16 h at 205°C (400 oF) I hat51O±6°C(950± 1O°F).010 Ni max. investment treated and artificially aged (T6) condition. 204 to ZC63: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings 3. Hardness. 55 to 65 HB or 72 HRE UNS MI64lO. (French) AIR 3380 RZ5 See Figure for stress-strain curves for ZE41A cast test bars. Useful in pressure-tight applications. the alloy has a tensile strength of 210 MPa (30.quench. (t)A1temative treatment: 2 h at 330°C (625 oF). balMg Specifications (U. 0040 to 1. and 3 to 5% elongation Hardness. The alloy is treated at 200°C (390 oF) for 16 h Note: Quenching from the solution treating temperature is in water at a temperature of 65°C (150 OF). permanent mold castings. (Foreign) Elektron RZ5.1 ksi).0 Cu. or 24 h at 220°C (430 01') 16hat205°C(4OO°F)(e) 16hat315°C(600°1') I hat51O±6°C(950± 10 oF). plus 16hat 175°C (345 oF) castings Mechanical Properties In T6 temper. 16h at205°C(4OO°F) I hat51O±6°C(950±10°I'). plus l6 h at l75 °C (345 oF). 0.15 Mn max. 0. Maximum treating temperature is 445°C (830 "F) Aging after Solution Treating.quench. Can be welded. Permanent mold castings: B 199. (d) Heating for 2 h at 345°C (650 01')results in slight loss of creep strength.75 rare earths (as mischmetal).quench. 205 MPa (30 ksi). plus4h at 260 °C (500 oF) or 5 h at 2WoC (430 oF) I hat505±6°C(940± 10°F). Content of less than 0.450 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys ZC63 A magnesium-zinc-copper alloy Chemical Composition.5 to 5. 3. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) I hat 510 ± 6 °C (950 ± 10 "F).5101. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80. yield strength. ZC63A is treated to the T6 condition at a temperature of 440°C (820 "F) for 4 to 8 h. Welding is with gas-shielded arc method.16h at 205°C (400 oF) 2 h at 345°C (650 oF)(d). (g) Or EZ33A ZE41A Chemical Composition. Composition Limits.25 to 0. (e)Altemative treatment: I hat315 °C(600 "P).5% . plus4h . Stress relieved at 345°C (650 "F) Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties.0 Zr. UNS Ml6631 welding welding AZfJ3A AZfJ3Aor AZ92A(a) F T4 12hat385 ±6 °C (725 ± 10 01')(b) F T6 T4 T4orT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat 385 ±6 °C (725 ± 10 01')(b). 16h at 205 °C (400°F) 2 h at 330°C (625 0F)(t) 12 hat250 °C (480 0F)(t) 2 hat330 °C (625 OF). T5 temper: Tensile strength.quench. 0. bal Mg Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Sand castings used in the artificially aged condition (T5 temper). See Tables for typical tensile properties ofZE41A at elevated temperatures.01 Ni max. (b) Preheat to 260 °C (500 "F). 0.20 Si max. 0.quench.5 ksi).at215°C(4W°F)or l6hat 170 °C (340°1') 30 minat410±6 °C (765 ± 1O°F)(c) 30 min at410±6 °C(765 ± 10°F)(c). Timeunder Ioad.. (b) Preheat to 260 °C (500 "F).7 10.---. 16 h at 205 °C (400 oF) 2 h at 345°C (650 °F)(d).0 19.1 6.3 6.0 9.6 3.5 4. using ZE41A rod." All welding must be completed before hydrogen treatment.h Temper Desired before temperafter welding welding (a) AZ63A rod must be used for welding AZ63A in Ihe F temper because 12 h at 385°C (725 "P) causes germination in welds rnade wilh AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63Ain Ihe T4 orT6 condition unless AZ63Arod is required by specifications..5 1 10 100 1000 43 43 41 34 At 20S °C (400 oF) 6. welded castings must be stress relieved ZE41A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Alloy Welamgrod ZE41A in F (as-fabricated) condition is typically heat treated to T5 temper (artificially aged only) AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) Aging.0 18.1 16.9 9. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) 1 hat425±6°C(795± 1O°F).4 1 10 100 1000 4.Cast Magnesium Alloys I 451 Fabrication Properties See Table for postweld heat treatments for castings A weldable casting alloy.0 74 71 68 63 10.1 112 105 99 86 16..5 I 10 100 1000 38 33 23 14 At2600C (500°F) 5. plus4h at 215°C (420 oF) or 16 h at 170°C (340 oF) 30rDin at41O±6 °C (765± 10 °F)(c) 30 min at410±6 °C (765 ± 10 °F)(c).0 55 35 21 10 8.------.0 5.0 3. Result is slight improvement in mechanical properties AZSIA AZ91C ZE41A-T5: Creep properties of sand castings MPH 0.1 2.7 (a) Total extension equals initial extension plus creep extension Postweldheat t.3 12.or 24 h at 220 °C (430 oF) 16 hat205 °C (4OO°F)(e) 16 h at 315°C (600 oF) 1 hat51O±6°C(950± 1O°F).0% ksi I 10 100 1000 T4 AZ92A TewilJe stress resultingin total extewilon(H) or 0.8 135 130 125 115 20. plus4h at 260 °C(500 oF) or 5 h at 220°C (430 oF) 1 hat 505±6 °C(94O± 10 oF). Click here to view 25°C 25 150°C 20 150 lU ~ 0.2 1.1 13.3 1.7 8.-----.4 . This treatment is adequate for development of satisfactory properties.0 1. % ---l. (t) Alternative treatment: 2 h at 330°C (625 of).quench.L -_ _ 1.3 9.6 1. Process is rated "good. Welding is with gas-shielded arc process.0 --'0 .6 6. Alloy is treated at 330 ± 6 °C (625 ± 10 "F) for 2 h.8 6.84 39 23 12 7 5. 1.0 5.4 85 83 76 68 12.7 5. plus 16 h at 175°C (345 oF).2 0.2 3. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) 1 hat51O±6 °C(950± 1O°F).3 12..16h at205°C(4OO°F) I hat51O±6 °C(950± 10°F).2 6. heat to specified temperature at no more than83 0C/h (150 °F/h).plus 5 h at 220 °C (430 oF) 30rDinat385±6 °C (725 ± 10°F) 30 min at385±6 °C (725 ± 10°F).5% MPH ksi MPH ksl 6.3 104 91 74 37 15..4 2.0 11. 16h at 205 °C (400 oF) 2 h at 330°C (625 0F)(t) 12 h at 250°C (480 0F)(t) 2h at 330 °C (625 °F).-----.quench. plus 16 h at 205°C (400 oF).4 ---' --1.1 5.8 3. plus 5 h at 220 °C (430°F) 30 min at415±6 °C (775 ± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30 min at415±6 °C (775 ± 1O°F)(c) T4orT6 T6 30 min at415±6 °C(775 ± 10 °F)(c).1 3..3 15. (g) Or EZ33A ZE41A: Typical stress-strain curves for separately cast test bars LIVE GRAPH 200 r----r----. ::2 e 1ii Vi II> 205°C Vi II> 15 100 260°C ~ ~ ~ 'iii c: 'iii c: 10 ~ 315°C ~ 50 1L-_ _----JL.8 1.4 MPH ksi At 93°C (200 oF) 47 46 42 37 At 156 °C (300 oF) 28 16 7 6 12h 31385 ±6 °C (725 ± 100F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12 h at 385 ± 6 °C (725 ± 10 0F)(b).16h at 205 °C (400 oF) 1hat51O±6°C(950± 10°F).8 Strain. 0.1 67 56 41 23 9. and/or 5 h at 215°C (420 oF).quench.0 0.1% 0.2 10.quench..-_ _---' 0. Treatment may be followed by 16 h at 177 ± 6 °C (350 ± 10 OF).2 14.-------.. (c) Use carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere.1% 66 43 25 12 9.(e) Alternative treatment: I hat 315°C (600 oF).quench...quench.4 1.tment F AZ92Aor AZ101 AZ92Aor AZ101 Properties determined using separately cast test 16hat 175 °C(345 oF) AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HZ32A QE22A HK31A(g) HZ32A(g) QE22A T40rT6 ForT5 T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ZE4IA ZH62A ZKSIA ZE4IA(g) ZH62A(g) ZKSIA(g) ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 1.6 0. (d) Heating for 2 h at 345°C (650 oF) results in slight loss of creep strength.5 6. the alloy should be quenched in oil.40 to 1.25 in.9 69 193 172 141 114 88 20.0 25.16h at 205°C (400 oF) 2hat345 °C (650 °F)(d)." Welding must precede heat treatment Recommended Heat Treating Practice Alloy is typically heat treated to T6 temper (solution treating and artificial aging) The alloy must be solution treated in a special hydrogen atmosphere because its mechanical properties are developed through hydriding some of its alloying elements.) sections require about 10 h.30 max other See Table for postweld heat treatments of castings (total).0 18. tensile strength is 300 MPa (44 ksi).0 EIougolion in SOmm(2ln. 4h at215 °C (420 oF) or 16hat 170°C (340°F) 30 min at4LO±6 °C (765 ± LO°F)(c) 30 min at4LO±6 °C (765± LO°F)(c). plus 16 h at 205 °C (400°F). Welding is with gas-shielded arc process. 16h at 205°C (400 oF) 1 hat510±6°C(950± LO°F).5 12. as a guide.quench. or24 h at 220°C (430 oF) 16haI205°C(400°F)(e) 16hat315 °C (600 oF) 1 hat510±6°C(950±10°F). (c) Use carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere. Weldingrod AZ92Aor AZI0l AZ92Aor AZLOI yield strength is 190 MPa (28 ksi).4 mm (0.10 Cu max. and/or Foreign). ZE63A is treated at 480 ± 6 °C (900 ± 10 oF) for 10 to 72 h. or air blast Solution Heat Treating.5 to 6.01 Ni max. and/or 5 h at215 °C (420 oF). (f) Alternative treatment: 2h at 330°C (625 oF). 2. 16h al205 °C (400 oF) 1 hat5LO±6°C(950± LO°F).1 to 3. (g) Or FZ33A . 0.0 20. 0. Sand and investment castings used in solution-heat-treated and artificially aged condition (T6 temper).0 rare earths. Process rating: "Very good. (British) DTD 5045 ZE63A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloycastings Characteristics Alloy Product Forms.75 in. using ZE63A rod. and for creep properties of ZE63A sand castings Fabrication Properties A weldable casting 4 h at 260°C (500 oF) or 5 h at220°C (430°F) Ihat505±6°C(940±10°F). 5. Maximum treatment temperature is 490°C (910 "F) Aging after Solution Treating.) sections require about 72 h. (e) Alternative treatment: I h at 315°C (600 oF).16h at 205°C (400 oF) 1 hat510±6°C(950± 10°F).16h at 205 °C (400°F) 2 h al330 °C (625 0F)(f) 12 h at 250 °C (480°F)(f) 2 h at 330°C (625 oF). (d) Heating for 2 h at 345°C (650 oF) results in slight loss of creep strength. UNS 16h at 175°C (345 oF) AZ92A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A FZ33A ForT5 T5 HK3IA HK31A(g) HZ32A HZ32A(g) QE22A QE22A T4orT6 ForT5 T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 ZE41A ZE41A(g) ZH62A ZH62A(g) ZKSIA ZKSIA(g) PosIweldheallreotmenl (a) AZfJ3Arod must be used for welding AZfJ3A in the F temper because 12 h at 385°C (725 "F) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZfJ3Ain the T4 or T6 condition unless AZfJ3Arod is required by specifications. 0.452/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys ZE41 A-T5: Typical tensile properties of sand castingsat elevated temperatures Properties determined on separately cast test bars. spray. 60 to 85 HB See Tables for typical tensile properties at various temperatures. T6 temper.quench. bal Mg Specifications (U. 'Il>sling lemperature "C OF 93 ISO 205 260 315 200 300 400 500 600 'Thmlle s1reogth Ml'II ksJ 'ThosiJe yields1rength MPa ksJ 138 130 106 28. plus 16h at 175°C (345 oF).plus 5 h at 220°C (430 oF) 30 minat 385 ±6 °C (725 ± 10°F) 30 min at 385 ± 6°C (725 ± 10 "F). (AMS) Sand castings: 4425. 19 mm (0. (Government) Sand castings: MIL-M-46062B. quench.S.65 fA Hardness. (b) Preheat to 260 °C (500 "F). 16h at 205°C (400 oF) 1 hat425±6°C(795±LO°F).8 16. (Foreign) Elektron ZE63A. Sand and investment castings AZfJ3A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) Applicationsf1\tpical Uses.4 82 11. Composition Limits.0 Zr.7 10.5 15. Hydriding time depends on section thickness. Following heat treatment. Castings are treated at 140 ± 6 °C (285 ± 10 "F) for 48 h 'Thmper Desired before lemperafter welding welding F T4 12 h a1385± 6 °C (725 ± LO 0F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12 hat 385 ±6 °C (725± LO°F)(b). Special heat treatment in hydrogen is required to develop properties Mechanical Properties AZSIA AZ91C Tensile Properties.0 Zn. elongation is 10% in 5.quench. Especially useful in thin-section castings for applications requiring high mechanical strength and freedom from porosity.quench. water. plus 5 h at 220 °C (430 oF) 30 minat 415 ±6 °C(775 ± LO°F)(c) T4 T4 30 minat415 ±6 °C (775 ± LO°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30 min at 415 ±6 °C (775 ± LO°F)(c).). heat to specified temperature atno more than 83 0C/h (150 °FIh).'" 8 12 31 40 45 ZE63A A magnesium-zirconium casting alloy Chemical Composition. 6. 0% 2.0 289 235 187 131 68 212 300 390 'Iensile yield strength MPa ksI 173 131 111 25.8 62 9.2 Th.(c)Usecarbondioxide or sulfurdioxideatmosphere. i6h at205DC (400OF) 1hat 510±6°C(950± 10°F).2 Zn.50 to 1. plus 177 ± 6 See Table for postweld heat treatment of ZH62A castings ZE4IA ZE41A(g) ZH62A ZH62A(g) ZK51A ZK51A(g) Postweld beattreatment (a) AZ63Arod must be used for weldingAZ63Ain the F temperbecause12h at 385 DC (725oF) causes genninatlonin welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod nonna11y is used for welding AZ63AintheT4 orT6 conditionunlessAZ63Arodisrequiredbyspecifications. 0. (AMS) Sand castings: 4448. plus4h at260DC (500oF)or 5 h at220DC (430oF) I h at505± 6 DC (940± 10OF). 16h at205DC (400OF) 1hat510±6°C(950± 10°F).75% 1.25% Thoe.1 97 390 (a)Totalextensionequalsinitialextension pluscreepextension ZH62A A magnesium-zirconium alloy Chemical Composition. and/or Foreign).30 max other (total).0% At 100 °C (212oF) 46 25 6.15% 0. Welding properties are "poor. plus5 h at220DC (430oF) 30minat385± 6 DC (725± 10oF) 30minat385 ± 6 DC (725± 10oF). Sand and permanent mold castings ApplicationslTypical Uses.1 650 120 1440 480 30 530 156 8 5 960 135 IS 20 100 l50 1250 280 1400 912 50 35 12 5 720 335 135 35 840 1200 350 550 90 145 200 920 290 350 'Iensile strength ksi MPa Thsting temperature -c OF 41.01 Ni max. (b)Preheat to 260 DC (500oF).5% 0. Castings should be heat treated after welding WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ForTS ForTS ForTS T5 T5 T5 Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. plus16hat 205DC (400OF).2 to 6.2% 0. 5. Alloy is treated at 330 °C (350 ± 10 "F) for 16 h ± 6 °C (625 ± 10 "F) for 2 h. tensile strength is 240 MPa (35 ksi). (f)Alternative lreabnent: 2 h at 330DC (625oF).0% 3. SAE J465.10 Cu max. 16h at205DC (400OF) 2h at345DC (650°F)(d).5102. 0. (German) DIN 1729 3.1 77 11.0 16. plus5 h at220DC (430oF) 30 minat415±6 DC (775± IO°F)(c) T4 T4 30 minat415±6 DC (775± IO°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30minat415±6 DC (775± lO°F)(c). using EZ33A or ZH62A rod.16h at205DC (400OF) 1h at510±6°C(950± 10oF). yield strength is 150 MPa (22 ksi). (Foreign) Elektron 1£6.0% 4. and/or5h at215DC (420oF). Former SAE alloy number: 508.1 14.1 19. balMg Specifications (U.plus4h at215 °C(420°F)orI6hat 170DC (340OF) 30minat410±6 DC (765± lO°F)(c) 30minat410±6 DC (765± lO°F)(c). (d) Heatingfor 2 h at 345 DC (650 oF)resultsin slightloss of creep strength. (French) AIR 3380 1£6 Characteristics ZH62A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Alloy Weldingrod AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) AZ8IA Product Forms.) Hardness.7 62 9. casting alloy.1 16hat 175DC (345oF) Desired welding AZ92A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForTS T5 HK3IA HK31A(g) HZ32A HZ32A(g) QE22A QE22A T40rT6 ForTS T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 Fabrication Properties QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 A weldable.1 92 13." Process is gasshielded arc method.S.9 34.quench. (British) BS 2970 MAG9.quench.1 27.4 to 2. and for microstructure ofZH62A-T5 Recommended Heat Treating Practice ZH62A is typically heat treated in F condition (as-fabricated) to T5 temper 16h at 175DC (350oF). h. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56.(g)OrEZ33A . (e)Alternativefreatment: 1hat315 DC (600OF). Highest in yield strength of all magnesium AZ92Aor AZlOl AZ91C AZ92Aor AZlOl 'Iemper before welding temperafter F T4 12hat385 ±6 DC (725± 10°F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat385 ±6 DC (725± 100F)(b). or 24h at220DC (430oF) 16h at205DC (400°F)(e) 16hat315°C(600°F) 1hat510±6°C(950± LO oF). quench. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80.quench. 0. MIL-M-46062. 1.Cast Magnesium Alloys I 453 ZE63A: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at various temperatures ZE63A: Creep properties of sand castings Stress MPa ksI 0.0 70 10.quench. elongation is 4% in 50 mm (2 in. 70 HB See Figures for distribution of tensile properties of ZH62A-T5 cast test bars.3 At 150°C (300oF) 39 5.0 Zr.toreach totaIextension(a) of 0. Composition Limits.7 70 46 6.0 77 11.quench. UNS M16620. Sand and permanent mold castings used in artificially aged condition (T5 temper) for room-temperature service.heattospecifiedtempemtureat nomorethan830C/h(150°FIh).7 20 54 7. 16h at205DC (400OF) 2hat330°C(625 0F}(f) 12h at250DC (4800F)(f) 2h at330°C (625°F). 0. T5 temper.3% 0.16h at205DC (400OF) 1h at425± 6 DC (795± 10oF). (Foreign) Elektron Z5Z. 250x ZK51A A magnesium-zirconium alloy Chemical Composition.50 to 1.10 Cu max. UNS M1651O.. ZH62A-T5 sand casting. or filigree. 0. T5 temper. Sand castings used in artificially aged condition (T5 temper). Former SAE alloy number: 509. Solution treatment is not required Alloy in F (as-fabricated) condition. with E33A or ZH62A rod. Process used: Gasshielded arc method. elongation is 3.454/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys ZH62A-T5: Distribution of tensile properties for separately cast test bars of ZH62A-T5 15 ~ ~ .01 Ni max.). Sand castings Hardness. Q..5% in 50 rum (2 in. Castings should be heat treated after welding ApplicationslTypical Uses.6 to 5. 0.0 Zr. with high yield strength and good ductility.. 0. -g 51------- :> z o' . is typically heat treated to T5 (artificially aged) temper Mechanical Properties Aging. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56A. (AMS) Sand castings: 4443. 2% nltal. 3. casting alloy.".-----------------~ 49 tests 101-------------. form of eutectic magnesium-thoriumzinc compound at the boundaries of grains of magnesium solid solution.S. Composition Limits. 62 HB or 72 HRE See Tables for tensile properties of ZK51A-T5 at elevated temperatures.. (British) BS 2970 MAG4.. (French) AIR 3380 Z5Z Characteristics Product Forms. SAE J 465.5 Zn. bal Mg Specifications (U. MIL-M-46062.) See Table for postweld heat treating of castings Recommended Heat Treating Practice An alternative treatment: 8 h at 220 ± 6°C (425 ± 10 OF) . ZK51A-F is treated at 177 ± 6 °C (350 ± 10 "F) for 2 h Tensile Properties. MPa (ksi) 4 6 8 10 Elongation in 50 mm (2 in. and/or Foreign). and for creep properties of ZK51A-T5 sand castings See Figure showing microstructure ofZK51A-T5 Fabrication Properties A weldable.= 250 (36) 260 (38) 275 290 (40) (42) 305 (44) Tensile strergth. Welding properties are poor. tensile strength is 205 MPa (30 ksi). MPa (ksi) 165 (24) 180 (26) 195 (28) Yield strength. Characteristic lamellar. yield strength is 140 MPa (20 ksi).30 max other (total)... 0.' . % ZH62A-T5: Microstructure. (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80. This alloy is suggested for highly stressed parts that are small or relatively simple in design.----------1 48 tests 50 tests (. 8 138 20.0% MPa ksl Testing temperature OF °C Tensile strength MPa ksi Yield strength MPa ksi 275 205 160 115 83 55 180 145 115 90 62 41 Elongation in 50mm(2In.3 6.quench.0 9.5 Alloy 15.6 3.6 6.4 8.).0 5. heat tospecifiedtemperatureat no more than83 0C/h(150 °FIh).3 12.16h at 205 °C (400oF) 1 hat51O±6 °C(950± IOOF).4 85 83 76 68 12.4 1.4 75 200 300 400 500 600 Welding rod AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) 66 43 25 12 9.7 10. Properties determined using separately cast test bars.2 14.250x AZ81A AZ92Aor AZ101 AZ91C AZ92Aor AZ101 40 30 23 17 12 8 8 12 14 17 16 16 Temper before welding lemperafter welding F T4 12hat385±6°C (725± 10 0F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12h at385 ± 6 °C (725± 100F)(b).5 4. (b)Preheatto 260 °C (500 "F). 16h at 205 °C (400oF) 2 h at 345 °C (650°F)(d).0 125 18.1 4.6 1.2% 0. TIme under laad.1 6.8 3.0 104 91 74 37 55 35 21 10 16.8 6.0 5.quench.(g) Or EZ33A .16h at 205 °C (400oF) 1 hat51O±6 °C(950± 10°F).1 114 16.1 3.3 15. plus 16hat205°C(4OO°F).0 74 71 68 63 10. ZK51 A-T5 sand castings.Cast Magnesium Alloys I 455 ZK51A-T5: Creep properties of sand castings ZK51 A-T5: Typical tensile properties of sand castings at elevated temperatures Properties determined using separately cast test bars.andlor5 h at 215°C (420 oF).or24h at 220°C (430oF) 16h at 205°C (400°F)(e) 16hat315°C(600°F) I hat51O±6°C(950±1O°F).1 13.1% MPa ks! Tensile stress resulting in totalexteusiontej of 0. quench. 16h at 205°C (400oF) I 11 at425 ±6°C(795 ± 10°F). 16h at 205 °C (400OF) 1 hat51O±6 °C(950± 1O°F).3 9.quench.9 9.7 8.16h at 205 °C (400oF) 2 h at 330 °C (6250F)(f) 12h at 250 °C (480°F)(O 2hat330 °C(625 oF).5% MPa ksl MPa ksi 1.(d) Heating for 2 h at 345 °C (650 oF)results in slight loss of creep strength.2 6.8 1.0 0. degenerate eutectic magnesium-zinc compound at the grain boundaries.1 2. plus4h at215 °C (420oF)or 16hat170°C (340°F) 30 minat41O±6 °C(765± 10 °F)(c) 30 min at41O±6 °C(765 ± 1O°F)(c). plus5 h at 220 °C (430oF) 30 min at385 ± 6 °C (725± 10 "F) 30 min ill385± 6 °C(725± 10 "F).plus4h at 260°C (500oF)or 5 hat 220°C (430oF) I h at 505 ± 6 °C (940± 10"F).2 3.3 5.1 112 105 99 86 ZK51A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings 1 10 100 1000 At 260 °C (500 oF) 38 33 23 14 1 10 100 1000 28 16 7 6 5. (c)Usecarbondioxide or sulfur dioxide atmosphere.h A195 °C (200 oF) 1 10 100 1000 At 150°C (300 oF) 1 10 100 1000 At 205 °C (400 oF) 0.5 6.(e)Alternativetreatment:I hat315°C(600°F).3 12.84 67 56 41 23 39 23 12 7 9.0 11.0 131 16h at 175°C (345oF).5 25 95 150 205 260 315 43 43 41 34 6. The grains of magnesium solid solution are essentially homogeneous.1 5.7 5. % 47 46 42 37 6.4 2. plus5 h at220°C (430oF) 30 min at415±6 °C (775± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30 min at415±6 °C(775± 1O°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30 min at415 ±6 °C(775± 1O°F)(c). Fine.0 1.3 1. (l)A1temative treatment:2 h at 330 °C (625 oF).quench.2 10.7 (a) ToW extensionequals initialextensionpluscreepextension ZK51 A: 16hat175 °C(345 oF) Desired AZ92A AZ92A T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 HK31A HK31A(g) T40rT6 HZ32A HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A QE22A T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A ZC63A T40rT6 T6 ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 ZE4IA ZE41A(g) ZH62A ZH62A(g) ZK51A ZK51A(g) 26 21 17 13 9 6 Postweld heat treatment (a) AZ63Arod must beused for weldingAZ63A in the F temperbecause 12 h at 385°C (725 "P) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63A in theT4 orT6 conditionunlessAZ63Arod is requiredby specifications.0 3. and/or Foreign).plus4h at215 °C (420oF)or 16hat 170°C(340°F) 30 minat41O±6 °C(765± 1O°F)(c) 30minat41O±6 °C(765± 1O°F)(c). plus5 h at 220°C(430°F) 30minat415±6 °C(775± 1O°F)(c) T4 T4 30 minat415±6 °C(775± 1O°F)(c) T40rT6 T6 30 minat415±6 °C(775 ± 1O°F)(c). plus5 h at 220°C (430°F) 30 minat385±6°C(725± 10°F) 30 minat 385± 6 °C(725± 10"F). Segregation of zinc-zirconium-iron compound in a ZK61A-F sand casting. except where otherwise indicated.5 to 6. castings are cooled to room temperature by fast fan cooling. Maximum treatment temperature is 502°C (935 "F) Alternative treatment: 10 h at 480 ± 6 °C (900 ± 10 "F) Note: After solution treating and before aging. quench. 0. or 0.quench. tensile strength is 310 MPa (45 ksi). (fj Altemativetreatment: 2 h at330°C (625 "F). (ASTM) Sand castings: B 80.456/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys ZK61A A magnesium-zirconium alloy Chemical Composition. Composition Limits.S. plus 16hat 205 °C (400 "F). 0.16h at 205°C (400oF) I h at51O±6°C(950± 1O°F). yield strength is 195 MPa (28 ksi). the two can be distinguished by etching with 10% HF. 16h at 205°C (400oF) I hat51O±6°C(950± 1O°F). elongation is in 50 mm (2 in. plus 16h at 175°C (345 "F). Castings are treated at 130 ± 6 °C (265 ± 10 "F) for 48 h See Tabie for postweld heat treatments ZK61A: Microstructure. Former SAE alloy number: 513. 0.5 Zn. 0. Not readily welded.quench. (c)Usecarbondioxide or sulfur dioxideatmosphere. Castings are treated at 500 ± 6 °C (930 ± 10 "F) for 2 h. Castings are treated to T5 temper at 150 ± 6 °C (300 ± 10 "F) for 48h Solution Heat Treating.quench.0 Zr. highly stressed castings of uniform cross section. UNS M1661O.5 to 1. Thorium or rare earth additions decrease porosity and improve weldability HK3IA HK3IA(g) T40rT6 HZ32A HZ32A(g) ForT5 QE22A QE22A T40rT6 T6 T5 T6 Recommended Heat Treating Practice QH21A QH21A T40rT6 T6 Alloy (in F. (d) Heatingfor 2 h at 345°C (650 "F) results in slight lossof creep strength.and/or5 hat215 °C (420°F). Sometimes used in the artificially aged condition (f5 temper) but usually in the solution-heattreated and artificially aged condition (f6 temper) to develop properties fully Desired temper after welding welding before AZ8IA AZ92Aor AZIOI AZ91C AZ92Aor AZIOI F T4 l2hat385±6°C (725± 100F)(b) F T6 T4 T40rT6 T4 T6 T4 T4 12hat385 ±6°C (725± 100F)(b). 10% Fabrication Properties Aging.(e)Altemativetreatment: I h at 315°C (600 "F). Sand castings Applicationsfrypical Uses. plus 16hat 175°C (345oF) AZ92A AZ92A T4 T4orT6 T4 T6 EQ21A EQ21A T40rT6 T6 EZ33A EZ33A ForT5 T5 Castable alloy with limited weldability. 16h at205°C(4OO°F) I h at51O±6°C(950± 1O°F).5% sulfur hexafluoride in carbon dioxide as practice atmospheres if furnace temperatures exceed 400 °C (750 OF) ZC63A ZE4IA ZE4IA(g) ZH62A ZH62A(g) ZK5IA ZK5IA(g) Postweld heattreatmenl (a) AZ63Arod must be used for weldingAZ63Ain the F temperbecause 12h at 385°C (725 "F) causes germination in welds made with AZ92A rod: AZ92A rod normally is used for welding AZ63AintheT4 orT6 conditionunlessAZ63Arodisrequiredbyspecifications. 16h at 205°C (400oF) 2 h at330°C (6250F)(t) 12hat250°C(480°F)(t) 2hat330°C(625 OF). 16h at 205°C (400oF) I hat425 ±6°C (795± 1O°F). (b)Preheatto260 °C(500 "F).quench.).30 max other (total). Simple. SAE J465. T6 temper. Use carbon dioxide. dioxide. 5.or24 h at 220°C (430oF) 16h at205°C (400°F)(e) l6hat315°C(600°F) I h at51O±6°C(950± 1O°F).01 Ni max. bal Mg Specifications (U.plus4h at 260°C (500oF)or 5 hat 220°C (430°F) I h at505± 6 °C (940± 10"F). heattospecified temperature atnomorethan83°CIb(150°FIb).10 Cu max. This compound and Zr 2Zn a form under similar conditions. (g) OrEZ33A Artificial Aging. 250x . sulfur.16h at 205°C (400oF) 2h at345 °C(650°F)(d).which attacks Zr ~na but not zinc-zirconiumiron.quench. (Government) Sand castings: QQ-M-56B Characteristics ZK61A: Postweld heat treatments for magnesium alloy castings Temper Alloy Welding rod AZ63A AZ63Aor AZ92A(a) Product Forms. High in cost. as-fabricated condition) is typically heat treated to T4 (solution treated) and T6 (solution treated and artificially aged) tempers WE43A WE43A T40rT6 T6 WE54A WE54A T40rT6 T6 ZC63A T4orT6 T6 ForT5 ForT5 ForT5 T5 T5 T5 Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. Intricate castings subject to microporosity and cracking due to shrinkage.6 to 1. Titanium Alloys . 5Si (lMl550) TJ-4A1-4M0-4Sn-0. sizes.5Mo-O. For p alloys. {c)±35. When these alloys are exposed to selected elevated temperatures. The response of these alloy types to heat treatment is briefly described below.5Sn (BetaIll) Ti-3A1-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo (BetaC) Ti-l0V-2Fe-3A1 Ti-I5V-3A1-3Cr-3Sn (a)±20.5Si (lMl551) Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4M0-4Cr(1i-17) Ti-7A1-4Mo TJ-6A1-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0.0. cool at 50 °CJh(90°FIb)to 760°C (1400"F).2Si (lMl685) Ti-5.3Si (lMl829) TJ-5. Subsequentagingcausesprecipitation of lX phaseto forman lX-~ mixture phase decomposes and strengthening occurs.2Si. fatigue strength.3Mo-O. comprise both a and p phases at room temperature.5Al-3.(d)±50 "C. and distributions can be manipulated by heat treatment within certain limits to .(b)In moreheavily~-stabilized alloyssuchasTi-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6MoorTi-6AI-6V-2Sn. Alloy Types.5Sn-3Zr-lNb-0.5V Ti-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo TJ-4Al-4Mo-2Sn-0. 2% or less). In addition.25Si Ti-8Mn JI or near-jl alloys TJ-13V-llCr-3A1 Ti-lI.waterquench(b)and age for 2-8h a1535-675 °C (995-1250oF) Betaanneal Solutiontreat ai-15°C (30 "F) above Tp. as the name suggests. plustempered lX' or a P-lX mixture Widmanstatten lX-~ colony microstructure Temperedri Equiaxed n wilh ~ at grainboundary triplepoints Incompletely recrystallized lX wilha smallvolumefraction ofsmall~ particles (a)Tpis Ihe ~ transustemperature fortheparticularalloyinquestion. Alpha and near-alpha titanium alloys can be stress relieved and annealed. or p alloys.enhance a specific property or to attain a range of strength levels.air cool and age for 2-8h at 540-675°C (1000-1250 oF) Solutiontrealandage Solutiontreatat-4O °C (70 oF) below Tp. Based on the types and amounts of alloying elements they contain.5Cu(lMl230) TJ-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Ti-6Al-5Zr-0.5Sn and Ti-2. The commercial p alloys are.5Mo-O.5Mo-6Zr-4.5Sn Ti-8Al-IMo-tV Ti-2.8Mo Ti-0. When the heat treatment involves heating near the p transus. solutiontreatment isfollowed by air cooling.5Cu. not all heat treating cycles are applicable to all titanium alloys.:lZ5 910 945 1675 1735 1050 1040 895 995 1020 1015 1045 1015 880 1925 1900 1645 1820 1870 1860 1915 1860 1615 l000(a) 1010 945 935 940 975 1050 900 1000 970 800(c) 183O(b) 1850 1735 1715 1720 1785 1920 1650 1840 1780 1475(d) 720 760 795 805 760 1330 1400 1460 1480 1400 + + .Heat Treating Titanium Alloys Titanium and titanium alloys are heat treated in order to: • Reduce residual stresses developed during fabrication (stress relieving) • Produce an optimum combination of ductility. metastable p alloys. because the various alloys are designed for different purposes. Near-a alloys are alloys with predominantly a stabilizer. Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo and Ti-6AI-5Zr-0. These are the most common and the most versatile of the three types of titanium alloys. Beta transus temperatures for various commercial titanium alloys are listed in Table 2. in reality.5Zr-0. for weldability. Ti-5AI-2. the retained p Table 1 Summary of heat treatments for a-p Ti alloys Heallrealmenl designation Duplexanneal Heallrealment cycle Solutiontreatat 50-75°C (90-135oF) belowTp(a).waterquenchand temperat 650-760°C(1200-1400oF) for2 h Recrysta1lization anneal 925°C (1700"F) for4 h. and annealing and solution treating may be identical operations. stress-relieving and aging treatments can be combined. plus Widmanstlinen lX-~ regions Primary a. but high strength cannot be developed in these alloys by any type of heat treatment (such as aging after a solution beta treatment and quenching). and dimensional and structural stability (annealing) • Increase strength (solution treating and aging) • Optimize special properties such as fracture toughness.5Mo-0. titanium alloys are classified as a. A summary of typical heat treatments for a-/3 titanium alloys is given in Table 1. Table 2 Beta transformation temperatures of titanium alloys Betatramus Alloy Commercially pureTi. (b)±30.40 Oz max a or near-a aUoys Ti-5Al-2.25 02 max Commercially pure'Il. machinability. the transus temperature of each heat in a lot must be accurately determined.0. for high strength at low-to-moderate temperatures. and high-temperature creep strength Alloy Types and Response to Heat Treatment The response of titanium and titanium alloys to heat treatment depends on the composition of the metal and the effects of alloying elements on the a-p crystal transformation of titanium. Ti-6AI-2Nb-lTa-lMo and Ti-6AI-4V-ELI. and Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn. Alloys Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr (commonly called Ti-17) and Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo are designed for strength in heavy sections.aircoolandstabilizeat 650-760°C(1200-1400 oF) for 2 h Betaquench Solutiontreatat-15°C (30 oF) above Tp. and Ti-lOV-2Fe-3Al. near-a. a-p. air cool Millanneal lX-~ hot workplus annealat705 °C (1300 oF) for30 min to several hoursand air cool Microstructure Primarya.8A1-4Sn-3.3Mo-0.±15 °F.8Ni rncode12) a-Jlalloys Ti-6Al-4V Ti-6Al-7Nb (IMI 367) Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn (Co + Fe) Ti-3Al-2.7Nb-0. for creep resistance. plus limited p stabilizers (normally. Phase compositions. Alpha-beta alloys are two-phase alloys and. for resistance to stress corrosion in aqueous salt solutions and for high fracture toughness.3Si (IMI 834) Ti-6Al-2Cb-lTa-0. Ti-6Al-4V. 5Mo-6ZJ"-4. Furnace or air cooling is acceptable.8AI-4Sn-3.25-4 0.5Sn 11-8AI-IMo-IV 11-2.5-2 1450-1500 0.followby 0.25-2 0.5ZJ"-0. then air cool.0833-0. then air cool.3Mo-O. -c OF h 480-595 900-1100 0.5Si (IMlSSl) 11-SAI-2Sn-4Mo-2Zr-4Cr (11-17) 11-7Al-4Mo 11-6AI-2Sn-2ZJ"-2Mo-2Cr-0.5AI-3.8AI-4Sn-3. ductility at room temperature.5Si (IMl550) 11-4AI-4M0-4Sn-0.167-1 Air or water 127S-14OO 0.5-1 Air Air or fumace Air Air (c) (c) 790-900 1450-1650 1-4 Air 705-790 700 70S-81S 6S0-76O (c) (c) (c) (c) 70S-79O 70S-81S 6S0-76O 1300-1450 1300 1300-1S00 1200-1400 (c) (c) (c) (c) 1300-14S0 1300-1S00 1200-1400 1-4 1-2 0. thenaircool (plus2 h atS9S°C.25Si Ti-8Mn Por near-jl titanium alloys 11-13V-11Cr-3Al 11-l1.25 Air (a) Forsheetand plate.0833-0.7Nb-0. but the two methods may result in different levelsof tensile properties.5-1 0. Oil or water quenching should not be used to acceleratecooling because this can induce residual stresses by unequal cooling.5Sn 11-8AI-IMo-IV 11-2.0833-0.7Nb-O.(c)Not normallysuppliedor usedin annealedcondition(seeThble3).25 1300-1400 0.5Sn-3ZJ"-1Nb-0.SSi (IMlSSO) 11-4AI-4M0-4Sn-O. 'ThmperalW'e Alloy Commercially pure11 (all grades) a or near-a titanium alloys 11-5AI-2.SSn (BetaTIl) 11-3AI-8V-6Cr-4ZJ"-4Mo (BetaC) 11-10V-2Fe-3Al 11-1SV-3Al-3Cr-3Sn °C OF Time. If distortion is a problem.5 1250-1300 0.SV 11-6AI-2Sn-4ZJ"-6Mo 11-4AI-4Mo-2Sn-O.25-4 24-48 1-3 1-3 0.5Sn (BetaTIl) 11-3AI-8V-6Cr-4ZJ"-4Mo (BetaC) 11-IOV-2Fe-3Al 11-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn Time.S-2 Air or furnace Air Air or furnace Air 1-8 1-2 O.167-4 1-8 0.2Si (IMl685) 11-5.25-4 540-650 595-705 400-600 595-705 530-570 610-640 625-750 595-650 480-595 1000-1200 1100-1300 750-1110 1100-1300 980-1050 1130-1190 1160-1380 1100-1200 900-1100 0. the cooling rate should be uniform down to 315°C (600 "F).in certainapplications).5Mo-O.5-2 0.5Cu (IMl230) 11-6A1-2Sn-4ZJ"-2Mo 11-6AI-5ZJ"-0.3Si (IMl829) Ti-5.8Mo Ti-O.8Ni (11Code 12) a-p titanium alloys Ti-6AI-4V 11-6AI-7Nb (IMl367) 11-6Al-6V-2Sn (Cu+ Fe) Ti-3AI-2.25 Table 4 Recommended annealing treatments for titanium and titanium alloys Temperature Alloy Commercially pure11(all grades) a or near-a titanium alloys Ti-5AI-2. Annealing The annealing of titanium and titanium alloys serves primarily to increase fracture toughness.5Mo-O. Either air or furnace cooling may be used.3Si (IMl834) Ti-6Al-2Cb-lTh-0.3Mo-O. The temperatures used for stressrelievingcomplex weldments of a or a-~ alloys should be near the high ends of the ranges given in Table3.Many titaniumalloys are placed in service in the annealed state.5Mo-O.25-4 2-4 2-4 1-4 1-8 1-4 0.25 h at790 °C (14S0"F).5Cu (IMl230) Ti-6AI-2Sn-4ZJ"-2Mo 11-6AI-5ZJ"-0.followby 8 h atS9S °C (1100"F).3Si (IMl834) 11-6A1-2Cb-lTa-0.5Mo-O. the annealing cycle should be selected according to the objective of the treatment.S-1 Air Air (d) 70S-79O 690-760 790-81S (c) 790-81S 1300-14S0 0. (d)Furnaceor slowcoolto S40°C(1000oF).5V 11-6AI-2Sn-4ZJ"-6Mo 11-4AI-4Mo-2Sn-O.3Mo-O.25-1 Air or water (c) 14S0-1S00 0.then air cool .25 h at 790 °C (l4S0°F).460 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Stress Relieving Table 3 Recommended stress-relief treatments for titanium and titanium alloys Parts can be cooled from stress relief by either air cooling or slow cooling. dimensional and thermalstability. or 1100OF. then air cool. h Cooling method 650-760 1200-1400 0. Weldments. Because improvement in one or more properties is generallyobtained at the expense of some other property. however.10-2 Air 720-845 790(a) 780-800 9OO(b) (c) (c) 1325-1550 1450(a) 1450-1470 165O(b) (c) (c) 0. Table 3 presents combinations of time and temperature that are used for stress relieving titanium and titanium alloys. Uniformity of cooling is critical.5ZJ"-O. The rate of coolingfrom the stress-relievingtemperatureis not critical.7S-4 0.25-4 0. It may be difficult to prevent distortion of close-tolerance thinsections duringannealing.8Mo a-p titanium alloys 11-6AI-4V 11-6A1-7Nb (IMl367) 11-6A1-6V-2Sn (Cu+ Fe) 11-3AI-2. Titanium and titanium alloys can be stress relieved without adversely affecting strength or ductility.followby 0.5Sn-3ZJ"-1Nb-0.167-0.(b) Forsheet.25-2 705-730 720-730 705-760 675-705 790-815 1300-1350 0. Forplate.0833-0. and creepresistance.25Si 11-8Mn Por near-jl titanium alloys 11-13V-11Cr-3AI 11-11.5Mo-6ZJ"-4.167-1 Air or water 14S0-1S00 0.5Si (IMl551) 11-5Al-2Sn-4Mo-2ZJ"-4Cr (11-17) 11-7AI-4Mo 11-6A1-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0. particularly in the temperature range from 480 to 315°C (900 to 600 "F).5-24 0.5Al:3. Common annealing treatments are: • • • • Mill annealing Duplex annealing Recrystallizationannealing Beta annealing Recommended annealing treatments for several alloys are given in Table 4.3Si (IMl829) 11-5.25-4 480-650 500-600 480-650 540-650 595-705 600-700 600-700 480-650 480-705 480-650 480-595 900-1200 930-1110 900-1200 1000-1200 llOO-1300 1ll0-129O 1ll0-129O 900-1200 900-1300 900-1200 900-1100 1-4 1-4 1-4 0.2Si (IMl685) Ti-5.25 1325-1350 0. 5Mo-O.5Si (lMJ 550) TI-4Al-4Mo-4Sn-O. (c) For thin plate orsheet.25-1 0. Solution-treating temperatures for ~ alloys are above the ~ transus. Although preheating is not essential.5Si (lMJ 551) TI-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr TI-6Al-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-025Si Pornear-p alloys TI-13V-IICr-3Al TI·II. Like the a-~ alloys. because no second phase is present. appreciable diffusion may occur during cooling. then water quench.3Si (lMJ 834) a-ll alloys TI-6AI-4V TI-6Al-6V-2Sn (Cu + Fe) TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo TI-4AI-4Mo-2Sn-O. is preferred because it minimizes distortion. grain growth can proceed rapidly.2Si (lMJ685) TI-5. Beta alloys are generally air quenched from the solution-treatingtemperature. (b) Temperature should be selected from transus approachcurve togive desired a content.8Al-4Sn-3.5Sn (Beta III) TI-3Al-8V-6Cr-4M0-4Zr(Beta C) TI-IOV-2Fe-3Al TI-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn Solution temperature OF -c Solution tlme. Time/temperaturecombinationsfor solution treating are given in Table 5.3Mo-0. 1. air or fan cooling may be adequate. (d) This treatment isused to develop maximum tensile properties in this alloy . the origin of heat-treatingresponsesoftitanium alloys lies in the instability of the high-temperature ~ phase at lower temperatures. decompositionof the unstable ~ phase occurs. generally supplied in the solution-treatedcondition. Beta alloys are normally obtained from producers in the solutiontreatedcondition.5-1 0. Solution treating of titanium alloys generally involves heating to temperatureseither slightly above or slightly below the ~ transus temperature.5Cu (lMJ230) TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo TI-6Al-5Zr-O. Table 5 Recommended solution-treating and aging (stabilizing) treatments for titanium alloys Alloy a ornear-a alloys TI-8Al-IMo-IV TI-2. need only be aged. The rate of cooling from the solution-treatingtemperature has an important effect on strength.then air cool orfaster.h CooUngrate °C OF tlme. With the exception of the unique Ti-2. Water. If reheating is required. Selection of a solution-treatment temperature for a-~ alloys is based on the combination of mechanical properties desired after aging. The effectof quenchdelays on Ti-6AI-4V bar is shown in Fig. solution temperature can be used down to890 °C (1650 "F) for 6to 30min. in order to provide maximumresponse to aging.This partitioningof phases ismaintained by quenching.5-1 2 Air 955-970(c)(d) 955-970 885-910 845-890 890-910 890-910 845-870 870-925 1750-1775(c)(d) 1750-1775 1625-1675 1550-1650 1635-1670 1635-1670 1550-1600 1600-1700 I I I I 0.5Cu alloy (which relies on strengthening from the classic age-hardening reaction of Ti2CU precipitation similar to the formation of Guinier-Preston zones in aluminum alloys). If the rate is too low.3Si (lMJ 829) TI-5. a 5% brine.5Al-3. To obtain the best combination of creep strength and fatigue strength. Quenching. providing high strength. some a-~ alloys can tolerate a maximumdelay of? s.7Nb-O. use solution temperature of890°C (1650 "F) for Ih.h 565-595 390-410 465-485 595 540-560 615-635 625 1050-1100 735-770 870-905 1100 1005-1040 1140-1175 1155 8-24 (step I) 8(step 2) 8 24 2 2 900-1100 1300-1400 900-1100 1075-1125 915-950 915-950 1075-1125 900-1100 4-8 2-4 4-8 4-8 24 24 4-8 4-8 800-900 900-1100 850-1000 925-975 950-1100 4-100 8-32 8-24 8 8-24 Aging temperature 980-1010{a) 795-815 1800-1850(a) 1465-1495 I 0. Heating an a-~ alloy to the solution-treating temperature producesa higher ratio of ~ phase. and decomposition of the altered ~ phase during aging may not provide effective strengthening. Commercial ~ alloys. A change in the solution-treating temperature of a-~ alloys alters the amounts of ~ phase and consequently changes the response to aging (see Table 6). A load may be charged directly into a furnace operating at the solutiontreating temperature. The solution-treating temperature selected depends on the alloy type and practical considerations briefly described below. Near-Alpha Alloys. on subsequentaging. so that only 10 to 15%of primary (untransformed) a remains.125-1 I I 0.Titanium and Titanium Alloys /461 Solution Treating and Aging A wide range of strength levels can be obtained in a-~ or ~ alloys by solution treating and aging.5Mo-O. whereasmore highly ~-stabilized alloys can tolerate quench delay timesof up to 20 s. For alloys relatively high in ~-stabilizer content and for products of small section size. it may be used to minimize the distortion of complex parts.5-1 Oil or water Air orwater 955-980 1040-1060 1040·1060 1020(b) 1750-1800 1905-1940 1905-1940 1870(b) I 0. soak timesshouldbe only as long as necessary to obtain complete solutioning. Depending on the mass of the sections being heat treated.5Zr-O. the solution temperaturemust be very close to but below the transus. where allowed by specified mechanical properties.5-1 I I Water Water Water Air Air Air Water 480-595 705·760 480-595 580-605 490-510 490-510 580-605 480-595 775-800 690·790 815-925 760-780 790-815 1425-1475 1275·1450 1500-1700 1400-1435 1450-1500 0. or caustic soda solution is preferred for quenching a-~ alloys because these quenchants provide the cooling rates necessary to prevent the decomposition of the ~ phase obtained by solution treating. solution treatment above the ~ transus provides optimum creep resistance at the expense of reduced ductility and fatigue strength.The need forrapid quenching is further emphasized by short quench-delay requirements.5Mo-6Zr-4. such slow cooling.5Sn-3Zr-INb-O. Alpha-Beta Alloys.25 Air orwater Air orwater Water Water Air 425-480 480·595 455-540 495-525 510-595 Oil Air oroil Oil Air Aging (a) For certainproducts.5-1 0. . and air cooled LIVE GRAPH .!! .... 1 Effects of quench delay on tensile properties of li-6AI-4V bar.!! .25 in. ':..r:: 120 800 20 40 80 60 Time delay. 140 . 13 mm (0. s Air cooled LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 30 "" c' . . 1000 (.... 160 "0 (a)Propertiesdeterminedon 13nun (0. air cool.)bar aftersolutiontreating.5 in.'" '? 20 c . (b) At 0.. Click here to view 200 1400 :< >< .r:: 50 c ~ 180 50 1200 :.2% offset 0. .' (.) in diameter..462/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 6 Variation oftensile properties ofTi-6AI-4V bar stock with solution-treating temperature Solution-treating lempemture "C 845 870 900 925 940 OF 1550 1600 1650 1700 1725 Room-lempemlnre tensile propel1ies(a) Thnsile strength YIeld strength(b) MPa ksi ksi MPa 1025 1060 1095 1Il0 1140 149 154 159 161 165 980 985 995 1000 1055 142 143 144 145 153 Elongation in4D. water quenched. Q. ~ "0 0. ~ c ~ . 5 I- .andaging. aged 6 h at 480°C (900 OF). :.. % 18 17 16 16 16 Fig.Aging treatment: 8 h at 480°C (900 "F)..quenching. was solution treated 1 h at 955°C (1750 OF).'? w 10 20 40 60 Aor cooled Time delay. Bar. Titanium and its alloys suffer hydrogen damage primarily by hydride phase formation. magnetic field strength. Effect of grain size on tensile yield strength obeys the Hall-Petch relation.001 0.56 K have been reported (T. Common names for this grade are iodide Ti or electrolytic Ti.05 <0. Hardness Properties.High Purity Titanium This grade has half the oxygen content of commercial pure (ASTM grade 1) titanium. crystal bars.) Sheetup to 1.001 0. (b) Frictionstressfor a strainrate 00 x 10-4/s and thin oxide films form in air temperatures between 315 and 650°C (600 and 1200 "F).001 0. General corrosion becomes a concern in reducing acid environments.007 0. and polycrystalline wrought forms.06 <0.002 0.62H. annealed. as well as on direct measurement (see adjoining figures for phase diagrams). for example. and the unprotected metal is oxidized to the soluble trivalent ion (Ti3+ + 3e).25mm (0. will have a different color than a clean surface.002 <0. Care must be used in estimating temperature due to the time factor mentioned. and current density are all below the critical levels. Roberts. Beta Transus. Series 2.04 K (B.. 1952.001 0. The reason for the decrease in grain size distribution is not completely clear. NBS Technical Note 983). This property does not differ significantly from that of ASTM commercially pure titanium grades I and 2 (UNS R50250 and R50400).8ksi) 270-350MPa (39-50ksi) 30% IT 2T High-purity Titanium compositions SpeciJ1calion designalion Form(s) C 1}tpical %. 250N.IodideTi IMI 110. where d is the averagegrain size.2% yieldstrength Ultimatetensilestrength Minimumelongationon 50 mm (2 in. 25 C.003 1ibal 99. At atmospheric pressure. Critical temperatures as high as 0. p 703-708). 18C.5 "F) to the beta (bcc) structure. Trans. Ingot melted from electrolytic titanium has a typical hardness of70 to 74 HB. Properties of Selected Superconducting Materials. Characteristics Typical uses include experimentation and research and commercial applications requiring minimum interstitial alloying elements (oxygen. Critical Temperature of Superconductivity. Corrosion resistance. 90 Fe Iodide 300. magnetic field <He).005 0 Cu 0. stress relieved. The three critical parameters of temperature (Tc). but the effect is less pronounced for the more pure grades of titanium (see adjoining Figure). Depends on the formation of a protective oxide layer.) Effect of Impurities. Vol 88. Oxidation. or thresholds. but it becomes darker and thicker with increasing temperature and time at temperature.128in.001 0. 25C.) 130MPa (18. which can be correlated to the hardening effect of the impurities (see adjoining Figures). See adjoining Figure for effect of annealing temperature and degree of deformation on grain size.86 266 18 14 175 137 0.83-3.050 0.002 0. The amount of hydrogen necessary to induce ductile-brittle transition behavior in CP titanium is one-half the amount needed in pure titanium.05 0. ppm A70(ASTM 2830 O.004 0. See adjoining table for specifications and compositions. oil on the surface.004 0.002 0. Increasing the amount of cold work before annealing also decreases the spread in grain volume distribution (Met. Tensile Properties.32 0. and the oxide color at a given temperature is strongly influenced by the cleanliness of the surface.02 <0. A UNS number has not been assigned. and current density (Ic).) Maximumbendradius: Sheetup to 1.008 0. particularly as acid concentration and temperature increase. The oxide film is barely perceptible after exposure at 315 °C (600 "F). 1978 Supplement. Phy. Smith and 1. the He decreases with increasing temperature or current.073 0. Oxygen content usually is in the neighborhood of 500 ppm or less.G. Grain Size Effect. A state of superconductivity is stable only if temperature. increasing amount of cold work prior to annealing decreases the subsequent recrystallization temperature and grain size (see Figure).005 0.83mm (0.G25 <0. Interstitial impurities have a strong influence on tensile properties.020 0. For example. Rev. 110N.18H HB1I-Pelcb Caclol'5(a) Friction stress (m)(b) GrainSizeconsl~ MPa kgf/mm' kgf/mm'!z MP 40 390 0.G2 0. Commercially pure titanium is more sensitive to hydrogen damage..072in. Hydrogen Damage. and hydrogen). 3700 Fe grade4) Battelle 3300.009 0. are closely interdependent.001 0. Pure Ti is supplied as single crystals. The assumed transformation temperature of880 ± 2 °C is based on phase diagram data for binary Ti systems.S. Daunt. Product conditions are cold worked.02 Fe Mn Sn Si Zr CI Mg 0. Heat Treating Properties In keeping with commonly observed behavior. Superconductivity. carbon.14ON.47 99 145 (a)Factors in the HaIl-Petchrelation:yieldstress = OJ + KVd. A surface exposed to elevated temperature with. Atypical value for pure titanium is 0. Voll6A.electrolytic Ti Typical%.W. May 1985.2% offset) • 50% elongation in 50 mm (2 in.87 . nitrogen. 67 H.037 0. Typical room-temperature tensile properties ofpure titanium are: • 235 MPa (34 ksi) ultimate tensile strength • 140 MPa (20 ksi) tensile yield strength (0.02 H N 0. Pure Titanium: Effect of grain size on room-temperature yield strength of three purities of titanium Material Impurilies (bywelgbt).maxwt% Crystalbar Sheet 0.003 0. The changes in surface color can be used as a rough guide of exposure temperature in air (see Table). In strong and/or hot reducing acids (in the absence of inhibitors) the oxide film can deteriorate and dissolve. P 1I72). while time at temperature becomes a more significant factor for temperatures above 500 °C (see Figure). titanium has the alpha (cph) structure at low temperature and transforms at 880 ± 2 °C (1615 ± 3. See adjoining Figures for effect of impurities on hardness and correlation of tensile properties with hardness.40 ± 0.837 99. Ingot produced from iodide titanium has a hardness of 65 to 72 HB. IMlll0 titanium sheet: Guaranteed mechanical properties MinimnmO.03-0. E 400 Sources: ~ roTi o 75Zil 65Bun 63Jay A ° 200 o o J ~ 532 a~ ro o 4 8 Pressure. 620·C aTi :::J :::J ~ Q) 1032 ~ o sE o° a.).1 atomic pct at room temperature..:0 "5 £ 2 10 .L. at. 1000 °C vacuum annealed.... . This treatment gave an average equiaxed grain size of 0.020 to 0.L. kbar 80 40 120 160 2032 1000 882. cold rolled to 0.. Pressure-temperature phase diagram o Click here to view Pressure...!:.-_ _--L h LIVE GRAPH 6 Click here to view A Q) UJ • 01 ~ 0 10 • 0._ _----lL. the decrease in solubility being greatest down to 125°C LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 600 0 Single phase alpha Alpha plus hydride Alpha plus transformed beta A 0 500 Alpha + beta p 400 00 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 Alpha + hydride 0.._ _----' 9 10 Pure Titanium: Effect of impuritieson tensile strength. mechanically cleaned..L.020 ln. GPa 12 High PurityTitanium: Lowtemperature ex solubility limitfor hydrogen.C 800 1532 pTi ° P € 600 ~ € 89 kbar.040 in.1 1 Composition of binary alloys.025mm ~ . -L. Titanium ingots having dilute carbon. nitrogen.L-_ _---I..5 mm (0. 456 Atomic Percent Hydrogen 3 Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Iron o E :.-_ _----' 7 8 --L. and oxygen impurity levels were cold rolled to 1 mm (0.) thick sheet.464/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys LIVE GRAPH PureTitanium: Equilibrium crystal structure. The solubility of hydrogen in ex titanium decreases from about 8 atomic pct at 300°C to about 0.. o ~ 1000 0 ~ • ~c: A • ~ 1ii Q) ~ c ~ 100 Q) 1a .P' 0 .Q1 0. High-purity iodide titanium.% . and finally were annealed for 1 hat 700°C in vacuum. -:::l30 m 40 0.0. % 100 High purity titanium sheet: Cold rolled and annealed 1 h at 700°C (1290 oF). Equiaxed.. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192).~ Ol 300 Q) Ol (!! Q) ~ 200 100 o 20 40 60 80 Cold deformation.. mm'1/2 Nitrogen.15 0.Click here to view Click here to view 1000 620 70 4601--'--------cV'------t--------j ~ ~~ ~ :6 ~ 0> w~ m~ ~ g.c-t-----.!::! '"c 1200 400 . 250x .. l!! t----r-'----:7'f-----=-.. lowe --I yield: i I "iii >= I .~ 10 '"E E 6o ~ ~ cQ) 4o ~ en .---' J.. recrystallizedgrains of alpha. 110 ppm N) tested at a strain rate of 3 x 10-4/s i 15 20 25 30 35 o 40 d....1I2..2"1 plast c offset i I 5 8o 0.-- '0 "iii 2o >= Iodide . wt% Iodide Titanium: Grain size vs.. annealing and deformation..05 0. Influence of annealing temperature (1 h duration) and degree of deformation on the grain size of cold-deformed sheet-strips of iodide titanium 600 E ::t 500 <Ii .- o o r'... I I 400 200 »> ~ Pure Titanium: Effect of nitrogen on tensile properties.. Room-temperature strength of ASTM grade 4 titanium (A-70) and iodide titanium (30 ppm 0.> C ~ '0 I 300K 3)( 10-4/s 800 - c: 100 ! I 54o11----~+_--~'c7''F__---____l80 ~ III High Purity Titanium I 465 LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH ~ ~I i <.1 I 0> wi ~ E - ~ C 600 .. A-70 .- ---' -cr. ..% to 2...t:f1:::=-~~--+--+_-___1 'Oxygen Carbon I ~ . 50 e.. HV (5 kg load) 200 220 (b) LIVE GRAPH 60 0 A Click here to view ~ 500 ::< 0 ~ 0 ~ v / 0 D u ~ 80 70 ~ .: 0 ! o /' 0> c 0 ""'" I ill 10 .04 at.4 Composition.020 in. - v ....025 mm s 240 ~ 220 .../ Ternary Binary • . <.040 in.: 100 140 160 180 Hardness.020 to 0..6 0..c :-/ o 100 120 220 ~ 1o o 120 100 (a) 30 Qi o 200 g> 20 .. 40 ~ ..5 mm (0. mechanically cleaned.>< . nitrogen and oxygen impurity levels were cold rolled to 1 mm (0. cold rolled to 0..c 300 r-i.~gen ~ e 200 Q.~ ~ 30 ~ 0 D Of- 20 Ternary Binary • 1o II o 120 100 ~ ::J o 140 160 180 Hardness.3 0.0 E 180 c ~ :l ~ c / 160 'E ~ 140 ~ Ql tj 120 s 100 r o g V 0.. 0. at.5 o 0.c 600> c Ql 50 -v.. wt% (b) LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 0.% (a) r: 0. and finally were annealed for 1 h at 700 DC in vacuum. ::< ! I c o ~ 20 Ol c ~ .1 0... Titanium ingots having dilute carbon.1 ..4 Composition. HV (5 kg load) 200 220 (e) Pure Titanium: Effect of impurities on Vickers hardness.5 0. Impurity contents of binary alloys range from 0. 1000 DC vacuum annealed.) thick sheet.).6 . high-purity titanium LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 70 ~ I I 0 • 60 c .. Annealed..2% offset Ternary Binary ~ V 50 'iii . < 240 ~ 220 ~ e 2001-----I+------:.> s ."-.. ~ 200 V Qi ~ . '" ~ 30 0 400 - I I I 70 0.0 at... ~ 40 ---- ~ 500 ~ '" D./ . HV (5 kg load) 40 ~ i i 60 140 160 180 Hardness.466/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Pure Titanium: Correlation of tensile properties with hardness..%.2 0....2 0.. Treatment gave an average equiaxed grain size of 0.3 0. but its elevated-temperature tensile strength and creep resistance are superior to those of other commonly available alpha and alpha+beta titanium alloys. The alloy is produced on all types of commercially available forging equipment. and oxalic acids also are damaging. The Ti-8Al-IMo-1 V alloy contains a relatively large amount of the alpha stabilizer. and even in pressurized hydrogen at cryogenic temperatures. the ~ phase is sufficiently enriched in molybdenum and vanadium to be retained. Boeing Document T6-314. particularly if temperatures on the . Successful application of Ti-811 can be expected in mildly reducing to highly oxidizing environments in which protective oxide films spontaneously form and remain stable. and commercial compositions Characteristics ProductCondition/Microstructure. The ~ transus of this alloy is higher than Ti-6AI-4V. plate. structure is predominantly a. however. The filler metal must be the same as the base metal Machining. Austin. with small amounts of ~. On the other hand. The alloy has high susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking. however. Ti-8AI-IMo-IV is one of the most susceptible titanium alloys to stress-corrosion cracking (SCC). long-term creep resistance. Available forms include billet. The a phase may also undergo a metallurgical reaction. including a "premium grade" (triple melted) and a "rotating grade. resulting in an ordered structure (D019-type superlattice) of the type found in binary titanium-aluminum alloys. and fairly small amounts of the beta stabilizers. indicates repassivation behavior that is similar to that of CPTi and Ti-6Al4V in neutral salt solution (see Figure). whereas a sheet may be heat treated to produce a formable condition Stress Relief Annealing. See Tables for specifications and compositions. because the major commercial application for the alloy is high-volume turbine engine compressor blades and vanes. and this permits higher hot work temperatures. unless they contain inhibitors. In general. Ti-811 is an a alloy that is commercially produced in all forging product types. and the mechanical properties desired. also cause attack. Although this is a metallurgically alpha-beta alloy. service environment. although closed die forgings and rings predominate. sheet.E. all acidic solutions that are reducing in nature corrode titanium. Ti-811 has a room-temperature tensile strength similar to that ofTi-6AI-4V. molybdenum and vanadium (plus iron as an impurity). because they keep tool temperatures down and produce coarse chips. and stiffness. and/or screw presses are the primary equipment used to forge this alloy. Approximately 1040 °C (1905 OF) with normalinterstitial contents ProductForms. Past work on the phase relationships of Ti-8AI-IMo-IV (D. R54810 Chemical Composition. machining of Ti-811 is comparable to that of a good grade of stainless steel. Differences in cooling from the stress-relief annealing temperatures.Previous Page 498/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-8AI-1 Mo-1 V Common Name. Oxygen and nitrogen contamination can occur in air at elevated temperatures and such contamination becomes more severe as exposure time and temperature increase. forming temperatures between 715 and 745°C (1320 and 1375 OF) are required. Like the alpha-beta alloys. Ti-811 is predominantly an engine alloy and is available in three grades. Like other titanium alloys. Ti-811 is used for airframe and turbine engine applications demanding short-term strength. bar. Ti-811 UNS Number. Slower speed and heavier cuts are preferred. rapid-strain-rate hammers. a variety of heat treatment conditions are possible with Ti-811. like other alpha or near alpha alloys. such as sodium fluoride and hydrogen fluoride. concentrated. The ~ phase decomposes during tempering below about 450°C (840 OF). including anhydrous red fuming nitric acid and 90% hydrogen peroxide. Complete relaxation occurs in about 2 h at 595°C (1100 "F) to about 15 to 20 min at 785°C (1445 OF). phosphoric. or 1895 "F) produce coarser grain size than is characteristic of finishing below the ~ transus." for use in rotating engine components Use Limitations. Ti-811 was developed for engine use. fabrication history. Strong oxidizers. It has been suggested that the presence of the ordered structure is responsible for the differences in mechanical properties between duplex and mill annealed material and is also responsible for the poor stress-corrosion resistance of this alloy Beta Transus. activate the surface and can cause rapid corrosion. A particular condition is usually selected on the basis of part section size. and for severe operations. The alloy is forged to precise airfoil shapes requiring minimal final machining. Treatment should consist of thermal exposures that do not disturb the metallurgical stability of the alloy. Annealing data for temperatures between 595 and 785°C (1100 to 1445 "F) have been developed. a thick section product for engine use may be most desirable in the duplex annealed condition having maximum creep strength. Duplex annealed Ti-811 can be hot formed in a broad temperature range without reduction in properties provided the material after forming is heat treated to 785°C (1445 "F) for 15 min followed by quick cooling Welding. Sheet forming is more difficult than in Ti-6AI-4V. has good weldability. Warm or concentrated solutions of hydrochloric. and extrusions Applications. in air or reducing atmospheres at elevated temperatures. the small amount of beta stabilizer in this grade (1Mo + IV) permits only small amounts of the beta phase to become stabilized. thermal stability. principally as forgings. Like other a alloys. Ionizable fluoride compounds. low-pH chloride salts corrode titanium. but lower in ductility. For example. mechanical presses. very sharp tools with a slightly larger rake angle and very keen edge work quite well. Forming practices for Ti-811 are similar to those of other a-rich alloys. In general. Thicker walled tube requires a heavy flood of coolant to remove heat and chips Recommended Heat Treating Practice Like Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo. Ti-811 is susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement in hydrogenating solutions at room temperature. aluminum. hot. Below this temperature. Ti-811 is generally subtransus forged Ti-8ll: Forging process temperatures Melaltempera1urn OF Process Conventional forging 900-1020 1650-1875 Forming. 1965) indicates that the ~ phase transforms to martensite at temperatures in the a-~ field from the transus down to about 900°C (1650 OF). but few published data are available on the general or localized corrosion of Ti-8AI-IMo-lY. Dry chlorine gas is especially harmful Stress Corrosion Cracking. Finish working temperatures above the ~ transus (approximately 1035 °C. One study. which stems from the increased tendency to form the highly ordered ThAI (a2) phase when aluminum content exceeds 5 wt% Fabrication Properties Forging. The alloy. Weldments are similar in strength to the base metal. Ti-811 is susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking in hot salts (especially chlorides) and to accelerated crack propagation in aqueous solutions at ambient temperatures General Corrosion Properties. Ti-811 has the highest tensile modulus of all the commercial titanium alloys and exhibits good creep resistance at temperatures up to 455°C (850 OF). Drilling of thin-walled titanium is not much of a problem as long as the drill is sharp. 25 0.75-1.12 0.05 0.75-1.08 0.08 0.balTi balTi OT 0.75-1.YO..005.05 0.25 0.05 0.25 balTI balTI Ti-8AI-l Mo-l V: Specifications and compositions Composition.3 0.3 0.5 7.75-1.006-0.008 Om5 0. longer exposure time followed by slow cooling at about 55 °C/h (100 °F/h) from 785 to 480°C (1445 to 900 OF) results in the mill-annealed condition.12 0.35-8. A 20-min exposure followed by faster cooling (785 to 480°C.35 0.35 Sh StepPItAnn ShStrpPItAnn ShStepPltDupAnn ExtRugSHT/Stab WeldFillWir BarWrrRngBil SHT/Stab AMS4973C Frg BilSHTlStab AWSAS.5-8.4.0]5 0.005.3 max 7.3 0.35-8. WI% Specification France Ugine Germany DeutscheT Japan Kobe USA Chase Ext.05 0. followed by water quenching.35 0.12 max 0.25 7.YO.0]5 0.75-1.1max.3 7.75-1.12 0.idely used.) sheet.04 max 0. balTi Si 0.05 0.YO.25 OTO.4.63 in.balTi OTO.12 0.Y 0.balTi 0. WI% Specilication UNS China Designation Descriplion R54810 AMS4915F AMS4916E AMS4933A AMS4955B AMS4972C L-7102 7.35 0.04 max 0.005.75-1.0rom(0. In the shop.75-1.others total C Fe H Mo N 0 V 8 Ti-8AI-IMo-IV Spain UNE38-717 USA AMS4915C AI balTi 0. OREMET RMI Timet Designation Description AI C Fe H Mo N 0 V Other UTA8DV BarFrgDA 7.08 0.75-1.35-8.OE 0.0]5 0.25 0.25 OTO. butspringbackis greaterandmoreerratic 400 Ti-8AI-l Mo-l V: Commercial compositions Composition.008max.015 max 0.25 0.35-8.56-16.75-1.08 max 0.75-1.3 0.5-8.YO.75-1.35 7.35-8. Strengthening is limited to smaller sections and is not w.75-1.12 0. In the above cases.75-1.75-1.75-1.15 0.25 0.3 0.25 OTO.02 max 0.3 max 0.35-8.05 0.015max 0.25 OTO.25 0.35-8.Ni 0. and effect of cooling on properties Ti-811: Forming temperatures Tempemture Method Hotsizing Brakeforming Drophammer Stretching 785 730 730 Drawing Spinning 785 Pressforming Hydropress Matcheddie Rollfonning 730 785 540 Creepforming Joggling Dimpling 785 Comments ·F OC 1445 15-minexposure.25 balTI ContimetAIMoV8-1-1 PltBarFrgAnn 7.balTi 0.15 0.75-1.25 OTO.35 0.5 ShStepPlt BarExtAnn 7.25 0.05 0.08 0.25 0.08 max 0. stress relief.25 0.35 7.08 0. Alphacaseremovedperpass 1445 750 0. i.08 7.0]5 0.75-1.75-1.75-1.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 499 high side of the range are used.07max.12 max 0.4.25 0. forming.08 0.05 0.YO.0]5 0.balTi 0.35 0.I6-70 ERTI-8Al-IMo-IV WeldFillMet MlLF-83142A Comp5 FegAnn MILT-81556A CodeA-4 MlLT-9046J CodeA-4 ShStepPltAnn MlLT-9047G Ti-8AI-IMo-IV BarBiiDupAnn SAEJ467 Ti-8-1-1 OT.05 0.YO.05 0.05 0.75-1.35 7. See Table for typical heat treatments and Figures for volume fraction of alpha and beta.03 0.15 7.75-1.15 0.08 0.15max 0. Solution treatment is performed high in the a-~ field at 900 to 1010 °C (1650 to 1850 OF).4. Usually aging is accomplished at intermediate temperatures in the 480 to 650°C (900 to 1200 OF) aging temperature range.75-1.4.25 balTI KS8-1-1 BarFrgSTA 7.75-1.75-1.015 0.15 max 0.25 0.ceramicdies 1345 Severeforming 1345 Severe Temperatures above540·C (1000oF) arerequired before significantimprovement in stretchability is obtained 1445 Betterfonnabilitystartsat 540·C (1000"F) and increases rapidlyat 650°C (1200 oF) 1345 Severe 1445 Severe 1000 I Tbend radiusafter20 roll passeswithrollsheatedto95 to 260°C (20510500 oF).3 0. or joining operations may require reannealing to regain the properties inherent in the as-received metal.75-1.05 max 0.08 0.35-8.25 OT 0.YO.75-1.25 0.35- 0.l5 max. balTi 0.05 0.35 0.4.25 0.35 0. or 1445 to 900 OF in less than 1 h.08 0.e.3 0.35 0.25 0.35 0.35-8.balTi 0.75-1.022100.05 0.5 0.75-1.35-8.12 0.5 0.05 0.balTI .015 0. it is possible to control the annealed properties by thermal exposure time and terminal cooling rate in the same way that is used by the mill in supplying the two conditions-mill and duplex annealed Reannealing.3 7.4.12 0. Intermediate cooling rates result in mechanical properties that are intermediate to those of mill and duplex-annealed material Strengthening Heat Treating.4max.75-1. machining. This may be a step beyond stress relief annealing.0]5 0.12 0.0]5 0.05 0.balTi OTO.35-8.08 Other 0.12 0. balTi 0.35-8.015 max 0.lower temperatures are permissible.75-1.12 0.35 7.015 om 0.75-1.3 0.25 0.3 max 0.25 0.0]5 0.3 0. balTi 0.005max.25 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 0.25 OTO.05 max 0.25 I OTO.75-1.25 balTI 8Al-IMo-IV TI-8-1-1 RMI8AI-IMo-IV TIMEfAL8-1-1 MuitFormsDA Ann 7. may significantly affect mechanical properties.75-1.4.25 0.005.75-1.25 0.35-8. balTi 0.1 max 0.75-1.005.08 0.25 0.005.08 7.5-8.005.3-8.35-8.05 0. air cooling is quite satisfactory) results in the duplex-annealed condition.4.25 0.3 7.balTi OTO.25 SiO.0]5 0.12 0. although it may be accomplished in much the same way.3 0.12 0.08 8 0.3 0. When stress relief annealing is at 760 to 785°C (1400 to 1445 "F).75-1. Ti-811 may be strengthened by solution heat treatment followed by aging.0]5 0.75-1.25 0. ppm HRC 17 17 17 17 0. 15 min...01wt%N. TI-6Al-4V.35 2.2.TI-5AI-2.673 0.500 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-8AI-1Mo-1V: Tensile modulus of duplex annealed sheet.5 0.E. Ti-11.025-n..T15) Finish turning Brazedcarbide(C3.015 0. 0 200 -200 L -0) 13 0 >- .TI-6Al-6V-2Sn. millannealed As received. Ti-6Al-2Nb-ITa.5Sn.98 wt%Mo.E. furnacecooled Annealed at 870°C (1600"P) in vacuum. 18 0 "iii 16 '. hydrogenated. TI-4Al-3Mo-1V./rev mfmin .TI-5Al-2. h OC of 600-700 760-790 980-1010 565-595 1ll0-1290 1400-1455 1795-1850 1050-1100 900-1010 600-745 1650-1850 1110-1375 760-790 600-790 1400-1455 1ll0-1455 0.010-0.597 Thmperature.C C. 8 h.0. °C 300 § 0 >- 450 Ti-8ll : Typical heat treatments Heat . T5.35 0.7.10 0. e :.5Sn No alloysotherthanTi-8Al-1Mo-1V RT Mercury(liquid) Ag-5Al-2.620.- E --~~~--~ 16 14 o °TI-6246 -TI-6242 "TI-811 60.015 21-42 46-60 73-22O(b) 70-140 150-200 240-72O(b) A. TI-13V-11Cr-3Al.010-0. iii :. 0. mm In. and9 Unalloyed Ti (with oxygencontent>0.25 0.. 300 Temperature.E.F 0.673 0.tment Stressrelief Millannealing Solutiontreating Aging Duplexannealfor thicksections(a) 1ststage stabilization Duplexannealforsheet lst stage (mill anneal) 2nd stage Thmperature Cooling method Time..010 27-47 50-56 73-183(b) 90-155 165-185 240-6OO(b) (a) See accompanyingtablefor toolgeometrycodes. (b) Thesehigh speedswould be loweredif slowerfeedsand deepercuts aremade withhigh-speedsteelcutters ..L- o 12 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~ :.25 0. 18'" lU D.H asindicated. mmfrev In.35 2.25-0.025-n.38 0.25 0..03wt%C.] 600 0 ~ .: 17~ <J) 10 450 800 Click here to view 0 :g 120 ! --' 150 600 LIVE GRAPH o "tJ ~ 90 iii 400 20 lU D. TI-8Mn. TI-4Al-3Mo-1V.F 2.340 300-500 Ti-5Al-2.2Si(IMl-679).38 0.Chemicalcompositionwas 7. Grade4TI.1O 0. of 400 600 800 200 1000 150 20 -400 'iii Q. furnacecooled 15 0.6 mm (0.13-0.5Sn." :.0. .Q.] :..635-2.3%) Ti-2.TI-13V-llCr-3Al 788 lIT 230-430 370 340 Mostcommercialalloysexcept grades1.673 (twice) Annealedat 870°C (1600"F). furnacecooled Thlckn.5Mo-6Zr-4. millannealed Annealedat 870°C (1600oF) in vacuum..10 0.025 in. 15 min. T5.010-0. °C ~ o ~ 'iii 19".C A.E..5Sn (Betaill) No alloysotherthanTI-8Al-1Mo-1V Ti-5Al-2. 4 h.Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo (BetaC).8 h.5Sn RT NoalloysotherthanTI-8Al-1Mo-1V RT 370.5Mn (bracealloys) Miscellaneous Distilledwater Chlorinegas 10%HCI Moltenchloridelbromide salts Alloywas received in the hot rolled and mill annealedcondition.5-6. TI-5Al-2. °c Medium Air cool Air cool 1-8 7 36 36 33 33 39 21 33 -30 14-21 14-21 5 see Environment TI-6Al-4V. 8 h. furnacecooled 17 0.10-0.5AI-lMo-llSn-5Zr-n.13-0. Hydrogen..10-0.25-0.010 0.11wt% 0.635-2.25-0. Ti-3Al-11Cr-13V.005-0. grade2TI.5Sn.12.11. Hardness.C2) High-speed steel (M3.TI-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo TI-13V-l1Cr-3Al TI-6Al-4V RT 288 35.5Sn TI-5Al-2.25-4 Air orslowcool 1-8 Air orfurnacecool 1 Oilor waterquench Air coot Ti-8AI-l Mo-l V: Environments known to produce Organic compounds Methylalcohol(anhydrous) Air orfurnace cool Aircool Methylchloroform Ethylalcohol(anhydrous) Ethyleneglycol Trichloroelbylene Trichlorofluoroethane Salts Hotsalt:chlorideandother halidesalts/residues SeawaterlNaOsolution (a)Treatmentfor goodcreep strength Ti-8AI-l Mo-l V: Effect of hydrogen content on hardness Pro<essingfcondlllon Asreceived. n6Al-4V. and 1.92 wt%Al.] "tJ o 15:g ° 14 ~ ° E 100 <J) '" c: 0 :. 815 TI-5Al-2.25 0.5-6.010 0. AC Ti-8AI·1Mo-1V: Tensile modulus comparison Temperature.) sheet duplex annealed at 1010 °C (1850 OF)..F A.005-0.005-0.F B.0.0.25 0.635-2. 0.TI5) Thol Depthorcnt Feed Speed geometry(a) mm In. vi OF 140 o 120 Temperature. TI-13V-11Cr-3Al TI-5Al-2. AC + 750°C (1380 OF)..673 0.015 0.01 wt%V Othertitanium alloys withknown suoceptibillty Ti-8ll : Turning parameters for annealed material Thol IIllIlerial Rough turning Brazedcarbide(C2) Throwawaycarbide(C2) High-speedsteel (M.25 0.15wt%Fe.673 Annealed at 1065°C (1950"F) in vacuum.T 12 80 -300 -150 0 150 Temperature.5-6.38 0.5Sn.025-0.C2) Throwawaycarbide(C3.5 0.] lU :.- "tJ o -.13-0.D.5 0.rm A.5Sn 370 TI-6Al-4V.10-0. 250x . 0.) square bar stock.06 wt% Fe. 0.300 ~ ~ c '0. h 10.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 501 Ti-8AI-1Mo-1V: Effect of solution temperature on hardness.5 ln. Alloy was supplied in the form of 64 mm (2./ e 900 I~ OJ a.6 wt% AI. Hardness was also determined for Jominy bar that had been sectioned along the center line and surface ground. 0. 0. mm/mm a P 1000 ~ . 0. and 1. Hardness measurements were made on 13 mm (0.0 Ti-811: Microstructure.09 wt% 0.. AISI 4340 a11260'e 1 :> c.) cubes in the plane normal to the rolling direction. If Q 1200 1000 i 0. followed by brine quench Solution temperature.5 in.2 0. Forging pressures at 10% upset reduction with 4340 steel presented for comparison ---- 700 600 100 til '(ij 60 0. 60 u. 0 20 100 ----~ -7~5 ~e -'" </) ~ 100 80 Ti-13V-l1er-3A~ oi' :. then cold worked 1. which is below the normal temperature range for forging this alloy. :> </) </) a.050 ln. Structure: equiaxed 0: grains (light) in a matrix of transformed ~ (dark).0 2000 e .6 Volume fraction 0. 80°C) .80 AISI 4340 at 1095 -c 0 ~ c>'!.056 in. '"5 > ~ Ol 50 0 25 25 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 0 600 1000 800 Solution temperature. 200 u.4 0. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). Ti-13V -11er-3AI al 980°C Ol e Ol c 'e> 10 Strain rate. 1.1 ~ a 1800 ~ 1600 b ~a.008 wt% N.1 wt% V.) sheet mill annealed at 785°C (1445 OF) for 8 h. 2 800 Ol c 'N 'c . E 2 f 1400 g' 0 'N c. Forged with a starting temperature of 900°C (1650 OF). 1.-/ LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view ! 595°C 20 LIVE GRAPH 1100 650°C 0:: 40 0 102 Ti-811: Volume fraction of IX and p E 0 ~ ~ a.1 wt% Mo.0 Heating time. Specimens were solution treated in air for 1 h.) and mechanically polished..022 wt% C. OF 1600 1800 2000 1400 1200 150 45 ST 6 STA (24 h. 40 Ti-8AI-1Mo-1va~ (.8 'e o '5 '"5 (/) u· 500 0.005 wt% H. 400 </) 120 785°C Ti-BAI-l Mo-l V at 760°C ~ 500 Ti-811: Stress relief.0 1.- 0.2 700 '5 '"5 (/) 600 _ -- J . Chemical composition was 7.3 mm (0. "C 1200 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ti-811: Forging pressure. Cube surfaces had been ground at least 1.4 mm (0. Percent bet o 40 0 125 100 0:: :c gOJ 35 75 c Bela transus "E til :c 30 0>'!. 75Sn-4Zr-0. The starting temperature for forging was 1095 °C (2000 OF). It also transforms to a Widmanstat- .4Mo-0. is the result of a development program to determine the effects of tin. Thus. • Aluminum: The aluminum level in the new alloy was kept at 6% due to stability problems at higher levels and strength problems at lower levels.l. Equiaxed grains of "primary" a (light) in a matrix of transformed ~ (dark) containing fine acicular a. which is above the ~-transus temperature. 410 MPa (59 ksi) test condition. and air cooled. • Zirconium: Zirconium was kept high to promote a uniform distribution of silicides in light of the high silicon level. 0 ~ 1000 150. The structure consists of transformed ~ containing coarse and fine acicular a (light). Ti-1100 UNS Number. iron. -'" c0 (/) . molybdenum.Furnace cool heat treatment followed by air cooling Furnace cool heat treatment followed by air cooling 16 1050 0 . with stability sacrificed above the 3% level. and stability properties. which is a modification of Ti-6242-Si. silicon. 250x TIMETAL®1100 Ti-6AI-2.. Chemistry differences between the two alloys appear to be subtle.5% silicon. and the finished forging was rapidly air cooled.2% creep strain at the 510 °C (950 OF). Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). Sheet cooled from 785°C (1445 OF) after heating 8 h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1100 o 0 18 . Typical microstructures for Ti-llOO include equiaxed a-~ for billet and sheet stock. strength. oxygen. :. and aluminum on creep. and uniformity See Table for typical composition range Characteristics Phases and Structures. • Iron: Iron demonstrates a strong effect on time to 0. but they are quite dramatic in their effect on creep response. but also for stability. c C ~ e en 140 950 en ~ 14 0> C 0 ill Elongation 12 TYS AC Q 900 LIVE GRAPH 10 Click here to view 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 Cooling rate between 785 'C and 425 'C/h WQ 10 6 Ti·811: Microstructure. as indicated by the following findings: • Silicon: Creep resistance is significantly enhanced up to 0. but beyond that point post-creep ductility (stability) is compromised with no further creep enhancement. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). the chemistry of this alloy was optimized not only for creep strength. Unassigned Chemical Composition. strength. zirconium. The composition of this alloy. Forged with starting temperature of 1005 °C (1840 OF).5021 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-811: Effect of cooling on properties.c UTS 0.. necessitating iron levels well below those typically encountered in the Ti-6242-Si alloy.45Si._ .• ° ro 11. which is within the normal range. • Tin: A similar relationship exists for tin. 250x 10 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 Cooling rate between 785 'C and 425 'C/h 6 10 Ti·811: Microstructure. 8 h 1095 °C (2000 oF).3 6. beta annealed (T> 1065 "C.4 71.0 64.8 h 1l50°C (2100 oF). Subtransus forging and beta heat treatment are not currently recommended because Ti-l ltx). Ih+595 °C (1100 oF).] 100. fan cooling or oil quenching may be required to achieve final part mechanical properties. WI% Fe Mo Sl 5.3 43. Stabilization treatments are generally in the range of 500 to 650°C (930 to ]200 "F) Casting. Ti-1100 has been processed to billet.2 39. Very rapid quenches increase strength and decrease elevated-temperature creep resistance. early forging operations may be conducted subtransus. Forgings have been produced using isothermal and warm die methods.7 53.7 3. beta processing with rapid cooling results in a Widmanstiitten structure. preform block) may be conducted in the subtransus field with the finish forging conducted in the ~ field. 1100 OF) and (2) alpha-beta processed. if multiple forging steps are required (e.1 57. As with other difficult to fabricate near-a alloys. In a study. Forging below the ~ transus followed by a beta anneal to obtain the appropriate microstructure generally is not recommended.8 h 995°C (1825 oF).FAC + 595°C (1100 oF).5 4. Ti-1100 has limited cold formability and behaves similarly to Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo in cold and hotforming. early forging operations (e. fracture toughness. creating a transformed. In addition to a and ~ phases. The a-2 solvus is approximately 740°C (1365 oF). OQ + 595°C (1100 oF).4 3. preform. The ~ transus is nominally 1015 -c (1860 OF) Product Forms.03 c above the silicide solvus-1040 "C (1905 °F)-to avoid excessive silicide formation.04 Note: As expected. thus.07 N.4 MPa 0. and weld wire. 1950 oF) and annealed (T= 595°C. thennomechanical processing work with the alloy suggests that ~ forging.8 h 1095 °C (2000 oF). which may lead to undue surface cracking in forging deformation. hot working above the ~ transus is not cumulative. as a near-alpha alloy. Ti-ll00 is designed to be beta processed. The silicide solvus has been measured at between 1030 and 1065 "C (1885 and 1950 OF).9 39.6 48.3 43.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 503 ten or colony a+~ structure depending on cooling rate. beta forging reductions of 50 to 75% are recommended for Ti. with the finish forging being conducted above the transus with a sufficiently high level of work. The resulting properties will vary depending on the effective cooling rate and strain rate of the defonnation process.5 64. The alloy has only a slight response to cooling rate or section size from the solution treatment (or processing) temperature. However. No data are available on PIM products Applications.g.2 45. Ti-1100 may be hammer forged or press forged using isothermal. FAC+ 1095°C (2000 oF).. and stability of any commercially available titanium alloy. Ti-lloo is somewhat weaker in thick cross sections than thin ones and exhibits a significant creep advantage relative to Ti-6AI-2Sn4Zr-2Mo. and foil has been produced for use in metal matrix composites. creep resistance.7 6. and final stabilization thermal treatment provide optimum properties. 1100 OF).09 0.9 69. High-pressure compressor disks. Supratransus. Welding and brazing properties ofTi-1100 are similar to those of Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Rolling characteristics and texture formation are similar to Ti-6Al-2Sn4Zr-2Mo Recommended Heat Treating Practice In surface treating. for thicker section forgings. with minimum grain boundary a. It was developed to be used primarily in the beta-processed (beta-worked or beta-annealed) condition.FAC + 1095 °C (2000 oF). is characterized by high unit pressures.FAC+ 705 °C (1300 oF).7 58. However. Ti-1100 is designed for applications requiring excellent creep strength or fracture properties at temperatures up to approximately 600°C (1110 OF).8h 995°C (1825 oF).. Ti-1100 may be sensitive to the excessive formation of a case during reheating processes. precoats or other surface coating techniques are essential on billet stock and intermediate forging shapes during fumacing for forging operations. The two standard conditions recommended for the alloy are (1) beta processed (T> 1065 -c. 8h Fracture tougbness lKJ.FAC + 995°C (1825 oF). sheet. To date. the alloy has demonstrated superplasticity in a simulated manufacturing environment Machining. As with other a alloys. beta forging of Ti-l100 significantly reduces unit pressure requirements and crack sensitivity and is conducted from a temperature Ti-ll 00: Typical composition range Minimum Maximum Nominal AI Sn Zr Composition.9 63.9 48. block. 0.7 53. 1950 "F) plus anneal (T= 595°C.2 57. 1 h + 595°C (1100 oF).4 35. followed by an appropriate post-forging cooling process based on section size.40 0.35 0.g. low-pressure turbine blades.0 2.6 36. Typically.50 0. Widmanstatten a-type microstructure. bar. The post-forging cooling rate is not highly critical. care must be exercised if the use of dry abrasive grinding techniques used for crack repair Recommended Forging Temperatures. Finer structures will result in higher tensile strength at the expense ofcreep strength at high temperatures. the strength of cast Ti-1100 was found to be equivalent to cast Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo at 540°C (1000 "F).8 30. To achieve desired elevated-temperature and creep performance characteristics.45 O. Although the a + ~ window is relatively small. and finish).0 2. O. Final stabilization age thermal treatments may be adjusted to modify final strength properties.8 h 1095 °C (2000 oF). and automotive valves are typical examples Fabrication Properties Forging.6 41. the alpha-beta heat treated material has the lowest fracture toughness ksi'IiiL . whereas slower cooling after ~ processing results in a colony structure. However. The effects of cooling rate on the transformed ~ structure are as follows: alpha-beta processing with a normal cooling rate results in equiaxed primary a plus transformed ~ with a colony structure plus silicides.) Exposed at 650 oc (l200l Cor 300 h As~essed MPa~ ksI'liii:' 62.50 0.5 40.5h+595 °C (1100 oF). but was stronger at 595°C (1100 "F). It also has higher low-cycle fatigue strength at 550°C (1020 "F) than Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Forming.6 48. various silicides exist for both a + ~ or ~ processed conditions. The recommended beta forging range is 1090 to 1120 "C (1995 to 2050 "F).4 40. 0.5 4.5h +595 °C(Il00°F). Low levels of deformation above the ~ transus should be avoided Post-Forging Treatment. the alloy is expected to behave essentially as Ti-6AI2Sn-2Mo Ti-1100 is designed for elevated-temperature use up to 600 "C (1110 "F).0 0. Ti-ll00 offers the highest combination of strength.5 75.0 44. but it is provided in an equiaxed alpha-beta condition for the product forms to enhance processibility Ti-ll 00: Fracture toughness of beta forged and annealed material Heat treatment 1095 °C (2000 oF). and generally an air cool is sufficient.35 0. Ti-11oo machines essentially the same as Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr2Mo Joining.3 27.02 0. warm die. 0.. Investment castings have been produced.FAC + 995°C (1825 oF). or conventional die methods. Ti1100 generally is used in the beta-processed or beta heat-treated condition. This structure is amenable to an age-hardening reaction similar to that in the conventional AI-Cu-Mg type of alloy. See Tables for recommended heat treatments and for typical room temperature properties of a variety of products in different heat treated conditions IMI230: Specification properties Uhlmate tensile strength MPa ksi Condition andform Annealed sheet STAsheet Annealed barandforging stock STAbarandforging stock Spocllkalion Bendmdlus BSTA21 BSTA52 BSTA22 and23 BSTA53 and54 2T(max)(a) 2T(max)(a) 540-700 690-920 540-770 650-880 Thnsileyield strength (min) MPa ksi 78-101 100-133 78-lll 94-127 460 550 400 525 66.5T 1. The aging treatment causes precipitation of a finely divided compound. It is possible to make brazed joints. (a)BendradiusfromO. Minimum % % 18(b) 10(b) 16(e) 10(e) 35 25 RA. with only a slight loss in tensile or bend ductility. rod.9 mm(0. If the alloy is to be used in the annealed condition. and pressure welding..2%yieldstress . since they do not interfere with subsequent aging at 400 to 475 °C (750 to 890 oF).respectively.3 0. IMI 230 is an easier alloy to work than the well-known Ti-6AI-4V alloy at their recommended forging temperatures. resistance.1 and0. plus24 h at 400 °C (750oF). AECMA Ti-P11 Chemical Composition.5 2T Uhlmate tensile strength ksi MPa 620 620 770 770 655 630 793 740 630 790 90 90 112 112 95 91 115 107 91 115 0. bar. and extrusions for fabricating components such as bypass ducts of gas turbine engines Fabrication Properties Forging.1% yieldstressunlessnoted. though a preheating temperature of 850 °C (1560 "F) is commonly used.5 wt% copper. and bar for machining are supplied annealed.3 Bend mdlw 0.035in.5041 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IMI230 Ti-2. be permissible to go as high as 875°C (1610 "F) for initial roughing operations. Preheating time should be kept as short as possible consistent with uniform heating. 8 h 8t475 °C (890 oF). See Table for specification properties.5to3 mm(0. IMI Titanium 230 is very easy to forge.0210 0. or 750 "F) or after duplex aging gives material which. IMI 230 can be joined by fusion. IMI 230 may in fact be cold worked at any stage after solution treatment. extruded sections. Sheet.5 h per 25 mm (1 in.7 80 58 76 MInImum elongation. creep at 200 "C).)only. 895 ± 10 °C (1645 ± 20 oF) Product Forms. % 24 24 22 24 27 27 22 22 30 28 45 41 40 30 (a)0. IMI 230 combines the formability and weldability of unalloyed titanium with improved mechanical properties. Available forms include billet. as a rough guide. ThCo. The cold working of sheet after partial aging (24 h at 400°C. Fusion welds can be made by both argon-arc and elec- tron-beam welding.)withthickness above0. With adequate control of welding techniques. has higher yield and tensile strength and only slightly lower ductility than if it had been cold worked in the solution-treated condition and then fully aged (see Table). Annealed sheet Solution treated sheet(transverse) STAsheet(e) STAsheet(transverse) Annealed bar Solution treated bar STAbar(e) STAbar Annealed exnuslon STAexbUsion 1.12in. See Table for effect of cold working on aged properties Recommended Heat Treating Practice IMI 230 has a structure consisting mainly of a supersaturated solid solution • of copper in alpha (close-packed hexagon) titanium in the solution-treated state. then welding should be followed by stress relieving for 0. flash-butt. a preheating time of 0. (c)STAlreatment: 850°C (1560oF).5 97 Elongation. provided that a reduction of at least 2-fo-l or 4-to-l is subsequently carried out at the lower temperature. Aging treatmentraises room-temperature tensile properties by about 25%.1 %~.(b)0. This alloy can be used at temperatures up to 350°C (660 oF) and is used in the annealed condition as sheet.2 % tensile yield strength(a) \lsi MPa 480 510-530 585 650-660 480 500(d) 620 580 500 670 70 74-77(b) 85 94-96(b) 70 72 90 84(d) 72. and sheet.(b)Elongation on50 mm(2 in.) of section thickness should be allowed Welding.05 1. and almost doubles the elevated-temperature properties (e. particularly at elevated temperatures. wire.). The ideal forging preheating temperature is 800 to 820°C (1470 to 1510 "F).(c)Elongation on 5D IMI230: Typical room-temperature properties IMI230 is relatively free from directionality apart from yield strength which is about 30 to 80 MPa (4 to 12 ksi)higher in the transverse direction.(d)0.2%yieldstress.5 h at 600°C (1110 "F) Brazing.5Cu.g. giving the usual strainhardening effect. Condition andform Thkkness mm in. welds of 100% strength can be obtained.05 13 0. when fully aged. air cooled. It may. Warm forming temperatures of 350°C (660 "F) or below are preferable.5 13 0. forgings. but difficulty arises owing to the formation ofbrittle intermetallic phases between the titanium and the filler metal Forming. extrusions.. on occasion. Characteristics Beta Transus. IMI 230 is a binary alloy containing 2. Although forming operations are often performed prior to aging. and solution treated (suitable for aging) Applications. A certain amount of forging in the alpha+beta field is required to develop optimum properties. As 2 + 30%coldwork+ 8 h/475·C 6...5 0.0 5.5 630 690 820 900 900 880 955 865 Eiongalion on25mm(lo.G3 0.006 Compositionanddensityare identical10IMI 834 IM1417: Effect of primary alpha content and aging on tensile properties MelalJurgkaI condition Alpha phase. See datasheet article on IMI834 Applications. %.5 125 Trealmenl Stressrelief Annealing Solutionheattreat Aging(frrststage)(b) Aging(secondstage)(b) 21 21 16 10 10 9 8 8 -c ·F Dumlion t:oollog method 600 675-785 850 400 475 1110 1250-1450(a) 1560 750 885 Ih 0. As 3 +30%coldwork 8.10 0. al: 700·C and 50 MPa 6OO·C and 125 MPa 600 OCand 150 MPa 32 22 31 23 17 0. For thinner sections.072 0.(b) Two-stage aging is recommended IMI417 Chemical Composition.04 0.) % 91 100 119 130 130 127. T 7. the carbon addition in IMI 417.5 138. Product manufacture may differ for IMI 417 applications versus the aerospace IMI 834 alloy See Table for effect ofprimary alpha content and aging on tensile properties Recommended Heat Treating Practice Like IMI 834.0 3. ST + 24 h/400·C 3.150 0. Current experience indicates that for sections exceeding 15 mm. widens the a + Pphase field and thus allows solution treatment high in the a + Pfield for a combination IM1417: Typical composition range (wt%) and density Minimum Maximum Nominal AI Sn Zr Nb Mo 5.5 1. and tensile strength/ductility.5 SI C Fe 0.082 0.5102h(a) 0. highest tensile strength and creep resistance are obtained by heat treatment for 2 h at temperature followed by oil-quenching and aging at 700°C for 2 h.2% yield stress MPa streogthMPa 625 700 625 700 750 943 957 949 945 942 1092 1086 1086 1079 1058 15 12 14 12 12 Reduction 10.0 4.0 0.0 3.054 0. air cooling or equivalent inert gas quenching after vacuum heat treatment is adequate.1% proof stress MPa lid Sheet I..8 3.Duration dependson product lhickness.0 5. IL 0.6 0.20 0. Solutiontreated(m 2. ST +duplexage 4.193 0.06 0.5 6..5 15 Room-temperature tensile properties E1ongallon Thoslle (5D) % AgIng lempemlure.151 0. IMI 417 is the general engineering version of ofexcellent creep resistance.7 0.As 3 + 30%coldwork+ 6h/475·C 550 580 685 810 800 780 895 700 Thnsilestrength MPa lid 80 84 99 117.08 0.130 0.054 0.As 2 +40% coldwork+ 8h/475·C 7. See Table for typical composition range and density. ·C 0.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys 1505 IMI230: Recommended heat treatments IMI 230: Effectof cold working on aged properties Thmpemture 0. For optimum ductility after heat treatment. A target primary alpha content of 12 to 15% is recommended for solution treatment of IMI 417. max) fatiguesensitive applications.35 0. The two alloys have identical composition specifications and are ideal for high-temperature (600°C.As 2 + 20%coldwork+ 8 h/475·C 5.5 116 113 130 101.075 0. N. aging at 625°C for 2 h.. air cool. fatigue strength.5h 8h 8h Air cool Aircool Forced air Air cool Air cool (a) Annealingfrom 675 to 700·C (1245to 1290·F) is frequentlyusedfor fullannealing.25 0.1 5. air cool.146 . the IMI 834 near-alpha alloy. % l00-h total plastic strain.110 0.75 0. is recommended. This is equivalent to a heat treatment temperature of 1020 to 1025 °C (1875 to 1880 OF) for a typical transus approach curve. Major uses include cast or wrought parts for turbine ann internal combustion engines.136 0.05 0. 0 4.and forgingsper BSTA25. E Q) 1500 t- o °C OF Duration Cooling method 480-510 900 900-950 1650 5toIOh lto2h 500 930 24h Aircool Air cool or oil quench Aircool :::I ~Q) al 700 a+ TIsSi3 f Treatment p + Ti sSi3 1000 50 0 IMI 679: Recommended heat treatments u.25AI-1 Mo-O. 500 °CJ24h1AC Aircooledandaged:900 75(b) 3(b) °ClAC.0 0.50 0. Thin sections.25Si Chemical Composition. For comparable products in the annealed condition.. See Ti-Si diagram and time-temperature transformation diagram Recommended Heat Treating Practice Prime Transus/Beta Transus. ° 2000 ~ 1 2 Weight percent silicon 3 . (c) Slightlylowervalues arequoted in AMS 4974 andMIL-T-9047D g- ~ a+p 900 .84 glcm (0. are more usually oil quenched and aged. The alloy may be classified as both a weakly stabilized. and a beta transus of 950 ± 10 °C (1740 ± 20 "F) Applications.. has been found to produce the best combination of creep strength and ductility. I ----/ V 'Iemperature Stressrelief Solutiontreatment Aging c.. creep strength of oil-quenched material is slightly lower than that of air-cooled material.. (b)Bar. 26. The normal preheating temperature for forging is 900 to 920°C (1650 to 1690 "F). mediumzirconium.2 1.0 0. See Figure for tensile properties as a function of thermal exposure IMI 679: Typical composition range (wt%) and density AI Minimum Maximum Nominal 2. C 0.175Ib/in. The combination of low-aluminum. followed by air cooling and aging 24 h at 500°C (930 OF). At elevated temperatures. are usually air cooled and aged.and20. Welding is not recommended Phases and Structures.0 5.5 11.andforgingsperBSTA18.respectively. It displays the isothermal transformation characteristics of two-phase titanium alloys. hot working should be restricted to the alpha+beta+compound field and a maximum temperature of925 °C (1695 OF) is recommended.10 0.25 Sn Zr Mo Si Fe 10. the strength of IMI 679 from room temperature to 540°C (1000 OF) exceeds that of Ti-6AI-4V and Ti-8AI-IMo-IV and is about equal to Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo. such as gas-turbine compressor blades..5061 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IMI679 Ti-11 Sn-5Zr-2.500°CJ24 Minimum Minimum ultimate tensile strength tensUeyleld strength IMI-679: n-si diagram elongation Click here to view MPa ksi MPa ksi % RA % 1110 161 970 140 8 25 1030(c)149(c) LIVE GRAPH Minimum 150 0 1300 2500 880(c) 127(c) 8 30 »: . Its creep strength is superior to Ti-8Al.0 6. IMI679 has a maximum use temperature of about 450°C (840 OF) and appears to be metallurgically stable up to 455 °C (850 OF). martensitic alloy and an active eutectoid. The alloy has a prime transus of 870 to 890°C (1600 to 1635 OF).5 2. respectively.0 2. Faster cooling from solution-treatment temperature by oil quenching significantly increases the tensile strength while slightly decreasing ductility.20 0.J) IMI 679: Minimum tensile properties at room temperature CondJlion Rulingsection IDOl in.. and 27.forgingstock. See Tables for recommended heat treatments and for minimum tensile properties at room temperature obtained with aging and different quenching practices. and high-tin strengthens and stabilizes the alpha phase.. See Figure for resistance to deformation Solution treatment at 900 °C (1650 OF).125 bal 3 DensityofIMI 679 is 4.19. See Table for typical composition ranges and density Fabrication Properties Characteristics Forging and machining properties are comparable to those ofTi-8Al-IMo1V. this alloy is less fatigue resistant than Ti-8Al-lMo-IV and Ti-6Al2Sn-4Zr-2Mo.5 11.forgingstock.20 Ti N. but inferior to Ti-6Al2Sn-4Zr-2Mo at temperatures above 480°C (900 "F). IMI 679 is a high-temperature alloy for jet engine components./ o /' °ai 1100 :.25 0. thicker sections. but has been superseded by other alloys such as Ti-6242S. such as discs and spacer rings. Considerable strengthening at all temperatures is derived from the active eutectoid compound TixSiy .lMo-lV and Ti-6AI-4V at all temperatures. Above 450°C (840 OF).8 1. To develop optimum mechanical properties. hlAC ~ Q) (a)Bar.. Forging. Oil quenchedandaged: 50(a) 2(a) 900°CIWQ. '\. 8°C 90 o . -1 600 Start LL I -1 500 Finish I I I !5 I ~Q) i -1 400 ~ c. 10 I ! I I 20 40 30 Ms -. 8°F -90 o IMI834 IMI829 IMI685 40 --------- -100 -50 Degrees from optimum temperature. . min LIVE GRAPH IM1679: Resistance to deformation Click here to view -270 300 -180 Degrees from optimum temperature..Y'~ : o °i :J 800 ~ Q) c. E Q) ..: ---\ -. E i ! u + f3 + Compound \ °c» -1 300 I 1 i I 600 o <. 700 I I f3-7U I- -1 700 . . u'transus _ I . -1 200 50 Time.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 507 LIVE GRAPH IM1679: Time-temperature transformation diagram Click here to view 100o All beta I -1 800 I 1730 OF I 900 u+ f3 + Compound ~ . -. Yield slrenglh .) specimen 600 700 800 Exposure and test temperature.. Each point an averageof ten tests on 6. °c LIVE GRAPH (8) Click here to view 600 500 100 . -.. Q. °c LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~ 650 750 .0 ... .and aged bar: 900°C (1650 OF) for 2 h.--- /~ / 40 I / . .. {!!. 'Q 0 {... AC.. -6o <.. ~ :=:::::::::::::'-- lZ -. eo 500 ~ 0 ~~ I. ~= i -8 o <.. ~ U :::J Cl Exposure and lesllemperalure. AC. ~ .--.25 hr 10 hr 100 hr 1000 hr 60 1100 1200 1300 / 0/ / RA .-.. 0 8 Ol- D {. ""' Q.- I!! 700 1ii Q) l. .:::. ...--- Elongalion 20 -4> • 0 o 250 (b) 350 450 550 Exposure and lesllemperalure. of 800 900 1000 {.~ ~ c: ""Cl t-.air cooled..0.25 in. of 900 1000 1100 1200 I 1100 Exposure lime Unexposed 0..1001ii Q) -. plus 500°C (930 OF) for 24 h. '#... 700 Exposure lime Unexposed 0. Solutiontreated.- ~ c: {!!.120 OJ 0. 300 400 300 700 600 500 Exposure and lesllemperalure....25 hr 10hr 100 hr 1000 hr • 0 0 900 {.5081 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IM1679: Tensileproperties as a functionofthermal exposure. UTS -1 40 . "0- -.35 mm (0. 0 5 0. weldability. 110~ Ql e 1001. and represented a significant step forward in combining good creep strength. Characteristics Preheat times in the beta field should be the minimum necessary for uniform soaking of the material prior to forging Chemical Composition.62 1. See Tables for typical room temperature tensile properties. OQ 1050 °C.75 0. Preheating in the beta field at temperatures up to 20 to 30°C (35 to 55 "F) above the beta transus is permissible provided sufficient work is introduced per heat to avoid undesirable grain coarsening effects.7 6. and for the effect of cooling rate on creep resistance and post-creep tensile properties after aging.5 6.62 1.25 0.08 0. temperature. 1000 983 Elongation on5D% Reduction in area % Notched\ensilemtioKt = 3 10 22 26 25 20 1.05 0. The alloy can be joined by the processes normally used in the fabrication of titanium. :::.. Material should be fully heat treated prior to welding.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 509 IMI68S Ti-6AI-5Zr-O.20 0. and ease of working Welding. IMI 685 is an alloy developed to meet aerospace-engine requirements.03 0. and also given a suitable postweld treatment (for example. electron-beam.45 glcm 3 (0..25 0. to those of the parent metal Fabrication Properties Recommended Heat Treating Practice Forging. If small reductions IM1685: Typical composition range (wt%) and density AI Zr Mo 81 Fe C 0.5Mo-O. including argon-arc. OQ 1050°C.15 0. alpha-beta forging from 980 to 1000 °C (1795 to 1830 oF) is recommended. °C 600 . delay 30 S. per product form and heat treatment. and hence similar properties.2% yieldstre. OQwithin 15 s 1050 °C.AC 924 881 873 858 134 128 126. ~20 1) ::> 0 Ql t- 400 30 "iii -" c ~ C Ql 130 120 800 ~ c 'iii 40 140 l- 10 LIVE GRAPH 70 Click here to view 200 400 Temperature.01 Minimum Maximum Nominal '11 bal Density ofIMI 685 is 4. 1ij 0-2% proof stres 90 600 80 LIVE GRAPH 0 ~ 'iii c '#. for recommended solution treating and aging (STA) treatment for optimum creep resistance. IL 5.5 mm.65 10 10 10 IMI685 rod: Typical tensile properties vs. See Table for typical composition range and Applications. Beta heat treated rod 1000 Tensile strength os Q. and friction welding. 4 to 8 h at 550°C).64 1. The aim is to provide a material which on subsequent treatment in the beta field recrystallizes to a fine uniform beta grain structure of average grain sizes less than 1.3 6 4. The weld zone of material treated in this way will have similar structure. delay 60 S. N.35 0.161Ib/in?) IM1685: Effect of cooling rate on room-temperature tensile properties after aging 'Il!nsiIe strength Heat treatment MPa kst MPa kst 1050 °C. It was the first of the near-alpha alloys. for the effect of cooling rate on room temperature properties after aging.25Si density per heat are likely.5 0.50 0. °C 60 600 I Elongation on 501 0 0 Click here to view 200 400 Temperature.5 124 1060 1030 153 149 145 142. 5 mm (0. IMI 829 is readily forgeable by conventional hammer.) Parts are typically beta solution treated. The alloy is available in the form of bar. is recommended IMI829 Ti-5AI-3.).0 0.20 0. IMI 829 develops its properties from a combination of solid-solution strengthening and "beta" heat treatment which produces an acicular transformed structure.35 0.0 3.053 920 133 0. plate.2 in.1641b/in. Cast properties approach. billet.03 0. the alloy has a microstructure of acicular transformed beta with a grain size typically -0.) thick. IMI 829 is lean in beta stabilizers.5h 2h Oil quench(a) Air cool (a) For sections less than 30 mm (1. wire. press.50 0.0 4.T.6 (K t =3) Fracture Toughness.OQ 0. 310 MPa a1520 ·C 1050·COQ within15s 1050·C.54 glcm3 (0.) of thickness 24 hours Oil quench(a) Air cool (a)The transfertime betweenfurnace and oil bath should not be prolonged. heat treated IM1829: Typicalcomposition range (wt%) and density Minimum Maximum Nominal AI So Zr Nb Mo 51 Oz Nl lL 5.. sheet. Air cooling is recommended when parts are under 30 mm (1. IMI 829 is an excellent casting alloy because it is designed to be Characteristics Phases and Microstructure. delay 30s. Typically -75 MPa-frll (68 ksiVin. Aging is at 625°C (1155 OF) for 2 h. Amaximum of 15to 30 s. Its flow stress is a little higher than most other titanium alloys and forging temperature must not be allowed to drop excessively.5 3. dependingon part mass.5 11 19 IM1685: Recommended STA heat treatment for optimum creep resistance 'Iempemture Treatment Solutiontreatment Aging 0C OF Duration Coating method 1050 550 1920 1020 30 min per 25 mm (I in. Typically 1.055 890 129 Elongation Reduction onSD In area % % 146.7 5.20 0. Typical forging temperature is 1000 °C (1830 oF) Forming. those of wrought products Forging.5 ksi) Fabrication Properties See Table for typical composition range and density Casting. IMI 829 is a near-alpha alloy of medium strength and high-temperature capability up to -540°C (1000 OF). Ti-5331S Chemical Composition.3Si Common Name. IMI 829: Room-temperature tensile properties Property IMI 829: Recommended heat treatments Typical MinImum 860(125) 950(142) 820(119) 930(135) 9 15 'Iempemture 0. At 540 °C (1000 "F) a total plastic strain of less than 0.5 3. -75 mm (3 in. IMI 829 is regarded as having good creep performance up to around 550°C (1020 "F) and somewhat higher for short-time applications.e.0Zr-1 Nb-O.) in diameter. The treatment consists of 30 min at 1050 °C (1920 "F). aircooling is recommended Discs. delay 6Os.5 2.5 13 20 1000 145 11 19 990 143.2 5. For high creep resistance. or isothermal forging.15 0.2 yield stress MPa ksi 'Iensile strength MPa ksi 0. High Temperature Strength. The alphalbeta to beta transus temperature for 1M! 829 is 10 15°C ± 10 °C (1860 OF ± 20 oF) Product Forms.30 0.2% PSMPa (ksi) D. IMI 829 can be superplastically formed although it requires a relatively high temperature to achieve the required two-phase microstructure (at about 975°C.25 0.MPa (ksi) El(5D)% Reductionin area % 11 19 Treatment Solutiontreatment Aging -c ·F Duralion Coating method 1050 625 1920 1155 0. IMI 829 is weldable using all of the normal techniques for titanium.5Sn-3.25 in.0Q 1050·C. Hardenability is limited.02 in.). or are better than.1 % in 100 h is achieved under a stress of about 300 MPa (43.J) .0 0.)ruling section. Heat treated IMI 829 is typically 320 HV (20 kg) or 32 HRC Notch Tensile Ratio. Properties of welds are comparable with those of the parent metal Discs and blades in aerospace compressors represent the major use Recommended Heat Treating Practice Mechanical Properties Hardness.0060 Density of1Ml829 is 4. used in the microstructural condition analogous to casting (i. See Table for recommended heat treatments.115 0. beta heat treated). and castings Applications. followed by oil quenching. followed by air cooling. IIi the beta solution treated aged condition.6 3.510 IHeat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IM1685: Effectof cooling rate on creep resistance and post-creep tensile properties after aging Heal treatment 'Ibtal plastic straln % in 100 h.7 1.3 1.09 0. Property levels are good in sections up to about 75 mm (3 in.041 920 133 1010 0.S. or 1785 OF) Welding. 0 t- I 300 o 284 30 50 Click here to view Temperature.8 ksi). It can be fabricated in sheet and plate form.5Mo-D. It retains a good level of properties in sections up to around 75 mm (3 in. IMI 834 has a low beta stabilizer content and therefore has limited hardenability.---J I . OF 400 600 800 300 400 500 Temperature. 'iii c (!!. 1il 1000 1200 140 . The alloy is available as bar. Typical sheet properties are shown in an adjoining Table.5 (Kt = 3) Impact Strength.. I 400 i v.. ! <.. and heat treatment high in the alpha+beta phase field.1 % total plastic strain in 100 h at 600°C (1110 "F) under a stress of150 MPa (21. High Temperature Strength. welding.8AI-4Sn-3. billet. or isothermal techniques. temperatures.) diameter.) in heat treated discs.. Typical Charpy (Usnotch) impact strength is 15 J (11 ft .2%P~ s ress ~ 'iii cQ) i 40 i 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature.35Si Chemical Composition. 800 m700 -.. but it has good forgeability at its recommended forging temperature. ::< I\. and castings Applications. or 152 ksi) and temperature capability up to about 600°C (1110 OF) combined with good fatigue resistance. the alloy has less than 0. Forging. Typical tensile properties at room temperature and at 600 °C (1110 OF) are given in Tables. 7Nb-D. IMI 834 is stiffer than most other titanium alloys. 600 120 i J"-. IMI 834 has very limited cold formability./ I ~ ~ V o o . 1 00 ~ 1il ~I r--. °C 600 0 60 700 :/ I I .) ruling section LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 100 200 l'" 900 r1. Ibf) at room temperature Fracture Toughness. Heat-treated disc forging -75 mm (3 in. Typically. Compressor discs and blades for the aerospace industry are the main applications Mechanical Properties Hardness. 500 Te nslle strength . See Tables for recommended solution treating and aging treatments.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 511 IM1829: Typical tensile properties vs. sheet.5Zr-D. The alloy has medium strength (typically 1050 MPa. . °C t:longallon 600 700 IMI834 Ti-5. plate. of 538 792 I I e ~ Temperature. Typically 1. wire. Typical forging temperature is around 1010 °C (1850 OF). with small reductions in strength in larger sections.. All established titanium welding techniques may be used Forming. The addition of carbon facilitates treatment by widening the heat treatment window. in area I ! : 100 ~ctlon ~ i 10 200 1300 1046 :. Typically 45 MPa'-'ll1(40 ksi-. but good hot formability.Jin. See Figure for tensile properties at different temperatures See Table for composition range and density Fabrication Properties Characteristics Casting. Cast IMI 834 has lower tensile ductility than the alpha-beta wrought product but has better creep performance Product Forms. Superplastic forming is also possible at about 990°C (1815 OF) Recommended Heat Treating Practice See Figure for Young's modulus (dynamic) The alloy derives its properties from solid-solution strengthening.. temperature. See Table for flow stress at different temperatures. . <. and for typical tensile properties after recommended solution treating and aging treatments.. press.~ 80 0.. <. IMI 834 can be cast using the normal techniques developed for titanium alloys. IMI 834 has useful strength up to 600 °C (1110 OF) and provides long term creep performance up to around 600°C (1110 "F) and good short term performance up to significantly higher IMI 834 is normally alpha+beta solution treated. IMI 834 is readily forgeable using conventional hammer. Heat treated IMI 834 typically has a hardness of 350 HV (20 kg load) or about 35 HRC Notch Tensile Ratio. 0 10 6 7 23 29 16 16 52 AC+2h7oo°C AC+2h7oo°C 966 898 901 950 Cast + ~Hll' + 2 h 700 °C Wrought(15%alpha)OQ + 2 h 700 °C 50 mm bar(2 in.055 0.3) Solutiontreatment(15%alpha) Aging 0. lh 5. Reduction tn area.2 671 720 702 728 716 729 97.9 105.0 Ulllmate teosile strength MPa ksi 1071 Reduction Elongation in area 155.0 3.04 0.8 155.7 74.2 148.4 77.5 99.05 0.5 6.0 5.1 83.6 in.2% MPa (ksi) U.8 ksi) at 600 °C (1110 "F) for 100 hours 0.10 0.8 18 14 16 18 12 12 High-temperature (600 0c) properties RoUed+ *Annealed(800 "C) *1025°C (aI~)AC+2h 700°C *1060°C(~)AC+2h7oo°C (a) An asterisk * indicatesa heating durationonOminutes. air cooling is recommended IMI 834: Properties of 2 mm sheet Yield strength Material condition(a) Room-temperature properties RoUed+ *Annealed(800 "C) *1025 °C(aI~)AC+2h7oo°C *1060°C(~)AC+2h7oo°C (0.0 3.5 0.) bar IMI 834: Typical tensile properties after recommended heat treatment (STA) IMI 834: Recommended heat treatments Thmpemlure Roomtemperature 600°C 1110OF Treatment 950(138) 1050(152) 12 520 650 20 50 (75.55 glcm3 (O.0 75.3 663 96.0 5.6 147.2 144.3 130.) 140. sIrain(h).08 0.213 0.25 0.4 160.T. % % OrienlatloDS MPa ksl L T L T L T 996 1014 998 1009 947 963 144. % Reductionin area.7 162.2%) Bar 1070°C Eiongatlon. (b) Totalplastic strainafter exposureof 150MPa (21.5 166.247 0.20 0.2 130.2 80.~ Cast IMI 834: Tensile properties at 600°C Cast IMI 834: Room-temperature tensile properties Yield strength Bar condition (0.35 0.9 1072 1040 1025 1070 155.5 1.5 75.1 5.2 6 16 515 467 472 518 74.Q75 0. % 20 1015±5 700 1860±9 1290 Dumtion Cooling method 2h 2h Oil quench(a) Air cool (a) For sectionsless than about IS mm (0.7 67.75 0.150 0.I64lb/in.8 1114 U20 U45 Ull 1098 1103 161.60 0.03 0.).5 0.6 147.4 139.S.512/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IM1834: Typical composition range (wt%) and density Minimum Maximum Nominal AI Sn Zr Nb Mo Si C Fe Oz N.7 0.2 159.0 4.8 146.4) (94.2 161.2 79.7 103.1 82.06 0.8 68.4 137.4 % % 5 7 Yield strength condition Cast+(a+~)Hll'+ Ullimate tensile strength ksi MPa (0.8 137.0 0.8 3.6 105.1 U.5 11 6 6 L T L T L T 473 510 518 546 554 532 68.2 5 6 4 13 9 10 9 23 Cast+ ~Hll'+2h7oo°C Wrought(15%alpha)OQ + 2 h 700 °C 50 mm (2 in.064 .5 11.5 12 U.2%) MPa ksi Cast+«(l+~)Hll'+ 1070°C 944 137. % % MPa ksl 526 76.006 Density ofIMI 834 is 4.2%) Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksi Creep Elongation (SOmm).MPa (ksi) Elongation(in 50).4 104.2 669 566 575 682 97. 95 IMI834 :> :> vi :> 's '0 0 E E o s: c.05 'E os c: >. 'C o ~ 15... 0 c: 85 tJ 80'- ---' 1000 980 1020 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 70'- o 1060 1040 ~ 200 400 --' 10. of 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 50 Reduction in area 40 Elongation 10 ------------ O'-_.. Betatransusapproach curvesof IMI 834. andTi-6AI-4V LIVE GRAPH Click here to view IM1834:Young's modulus (dynamic). <Do e ai E vi 110 '0 > 90 :. As-rolledbar tested with a plastometerup to 1100°C (2010 OF) at a strain rate of 15/s Temperature. °C 1050 1100 . The dynamicmodulusof IMI 834 is typical of other near-alphatitaniumalloys... Heat treateddiscs LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Temperature. °C (b) IMI 834: Flow stress.15 800 600 Ternperature.95 c.J.L-_--'-_---'_ _.f'O Temperature.. D. :fl II: LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 0'---- 850 --'0 900 950 1000 Temperature. Heat treated bar Temperature. ~ m 0 .L..85 'iii os 'i. of 200 1800 100 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 130 18._--'-_----I o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature.~ 90 13.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 513 IMI834: Beta approach curve.. of 1700 1600 300 1800 1900 2000 i JMI829 -1 40 j I ~ r:: ~30 ~ i § i ~ .- I. I OJ U ~20 ~ Ti·6AI·4V 1~ -110 . IMI829.-_. °C IM1834: Typical tensile properties. 10 C wt. this grade has an annealed alpha structure in wrought.0.03 0.12 baITi T2 DTI KS40 KS40LF KS40S KS50 KS50LF RodBar ShStrpFrgAnn Sh StrpThPitWrrBarPipAnn LowFe grade Ann Ann Low Fe grade 0.2 0. and anodes ofvarious types. Grade 1 lacks resistance to biofouling. it can be welded.05 0.% max.06 015 0.0125 0. and similar applications. nitric.040 in. Applications Typical uses are in chemical.1 0.03 0.15 baITi baITi baITI baITi baITi baITi Sumitomo ST-40 (continued) .05 0. and best room temperature ductility and formability. lowest strength. chlorite. and like other grades of titanium.1 0.1 0. This grade has impurity limits of 0. parts are air cooled Commercially pure (99%) titanium sheet: As-rolled to 1 mm (0.08 0.03 0.15 0. and cast. In addition. However.03 N.01 0.15 0. Grade 1 can be used in continuous service up to 425°C (795 OF) and in intermittent service up to 540 °C (1000 OF). Grade 1 has the highest purity.1 0. condenser tubing. are classified in terms of their mechanical properties because small variations in interstitial properties may raise yield strengths above maximum permitted values or lower ductility below minimum specifications. Grade 1 is available in all wrought forms. grade 1 is an ideal material for a wide variety ofchemical reactor vessels because ofresistance to attack by seawater. Yield strength is comparable to that of fully annealed 304 stainless steel. moist metallic chlorides. hot worked.Commercially Pure and Modified Titanium Unalloyed Titanium. it has good impact properties at low temperatures. Alpha grains have been equiaxed by cold working. UNS R50250 Chemical Composition.03 0. and 0. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving. by comparison.13 0.18 0. Typically. cold worked.) at 760°C (1400 OF).1 0.03 0. Temperatures range from 650 to 760°C (1200 to 1400 OF). air cooling or step cooling processes are used Annealing. and hypochlorite solutions. Hydrogen content as low as 30 to 40 ppm can induce severe hydrogen embrittlement in all grades of CP titanium.01 0.20 Fe. Characteristics Among the four grades. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). times range from 15 min to 4 h. ASTM Grade 1. and PIM forms.01 0. times range from 6 min to 2 h. The list includes heat exchangers. It should be used where maximum formability is required and where low iron and interstitial contents might enhance resistance to corrosion. including chlorides. This grade has excellent resistance to corrosion in highly oxidizing to mildly reducing environments. pickling baskets. marine. cast.01 0.01 0. and chromic acids.03 0. 250x Unalloyed titanium grade 1 compositions: Producer specifications Specillcalion Designation Description Contimet30 C Fe H N 0 Si OE OT Other Germany DeutscheT Fuchs Japan Daido Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Sh StrpPltBarWrr Frg Pip Frg 0. 0. In the chemical and engineering industries.05 0. The other three grades of unalloyed titanium.180. components for chemical processing and desalination equipment. moist chlorine. machined. Temperatures range from 480 to 595°C (900 to 1100 OF). 05 0.1 0.12 0.1 0.6 0.013 0.013 0.468/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Unalloyed titanium grade 1 compositions: Producer specifications (continued) SpeclIkation Desigoallon Description UK Imp.0125 0.015 0.013 0.02 0.15 0.2 0.1 max 0.6 balTi balTi balTi POI POI POI ShSlIp ShSlIpAnnHR ShSlIpAnnCR 0.1 balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi TIClass 1 TP28H1CClass 1 TR28H1CCIass 1 TTP28DIE Class 1 TTP28WIWDClass 1 TTH28D Class 1 TTH28WIWDClass I TB28aH Class 1 TW28Class 1 HRCRSh HRCrSlIp SmIspipe As-weldlweld & drawn pipe SmIs tube for heat excn Weld tube for heat exch HWCDBar WIre 0.3 0.16-70 AWSA5.001 0.008 0.18 0.18 0.0125 0.12 0.2 0.90013-71 VTl.08 0.1 0.2 0.08 0.2 0.2 0.15 max 0.013 0.4 0.03 0.1 0.03 0.05 0.013 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.05 T-35 Sh Strp 0.15 0.05 0.2 0.1 0.04 0.1 0.05 0.08 0.15 0.04 0.Rodney 1MCA UNS UNS UNS UNS CDXGR-l TI-l RMI25 A35 TIMEfAL35A TI-l R50100 R50120 R50125 R50250 China GB3620 TA-l TIMEr Ann balTi 0.2 0.15 0.18 balTi 0.015 0.03 max 0.0125 0.02 0.0125 0.4 0.2 0.1 balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi 0.05 0.05 0.4 0.05 0.08 0.03 0.05 0.2 0.1 0.16-70 AWSA5.4 0.015 0.2 0.3 balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi .6 0.1 0.1 0.006 0.015 0.1 0.05 0.18 0.2 0.8 balTi Chemical/marine/airframe apps 0.03 0.18 0.005 0.03 max 0.03 0.3 0.1 Fmnce AIR 9182 balTi 0.2 0.15 0.6 0.005 0.04 0.008 0.05 0.2 0.0125 0.15 0.03 0.1 Ti99.05 0.4 0.015 0.18 0.08 0.04 0.1 max 0.2 AWSA5.15 0.2 0.2 0.15 Ti99.Q2 0.015 0.1 0.008 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.1 0.18 0.2 0.16-70 MIL T-81556A MIL T-81915A MILT-0946J EIm-l EIm-2 EIm-3 Weld ftIl met Weld ftIl met Weldftllmet EXIBar Shap Ann 0.7025 3.3 0.05 0.1 0.015 0.0125 0.013 0.2 0.2 0.05 0.013 0.04 0.015 DTD5013 0.15 0.2 0.18 0.015 0. OREMEI RMI Tel.08 0.2 0.()() Sh PIIStrp Foil Rod Frg Ann UK BS2TA.7025 3.2 0.2 Sl Otber USA ChaseExI.1 0.18 balTi balTi balTi balTi 0.18 0.l 2TA.08 0.04 0.012 max 0.l ShSlIpHT 0.01 BarBiI 0.08 0.2 0.18 0.05 0.015 0.2 0.08 0.015 0.05 0.02 0.02 max 0.7025 PII Sh Strp Rod Wir Frg Ann Sh Strp Pit Rod Wrr FrgAnn ShSlIp Rod WIre Frg 0.1 0.05 3.05 0.2 0.1 0.015 0.012 0.015 0.05 0.15 0.18 max balTi 0.2 0.2 CF4 Invesr Cast CF4 Sh StrpPit Ann 0.15 0.008 0.2 0.05 0.008 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.05 0.1 max 0.15 balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi 0.004 0.Metal Imp.18 0.18 0.05 0.03 0.013 0.015 0.1 0.1 0.015 0.0125 0.0125 0.015 0.015 0.008 0.1-0.015 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.015 0.08 0.04 Germany DIN 17850 DIN 17850 DIN 17860 DIN 17862 DIN 17863 DIN 17864 Japan nsClass I nsH4600 nsH4600 nsH4630 nsH4630 nsH4631 nsH4631 nsH4650 nsH4670 Til Russia WeIdel WeIdel All forms 0.05 0.18 0.7025 3.05 0.2 0.03 0.03 0.01-0.03 0.1 0.78 min' balTi USA AMS4951E ASMESB-265 ASMESB-381 ASTM B265-79 ASTMB337-87 ASTM B338-87 ASTM B348-87 ASTMB381-87 ASTM F467-84a ASTMF467M-84b ASTMF468-84a ASTMF468M-84b ASTMF67-88 AMS4951 TIGradeI F-l TIGradel TIGradel TIGradel TIGrade 1 F-l TIGradel TIGradeI TIGradel TIGradeI TIGradeI Fill met gas-mel W arc weld Sh Strp PltAnn FrgAnn Sh Strp Plr Ann Weld smIs pipeAnn SmIs weld tube Exch Conds Ann Bar Bil Ann FrgAnn NUl Metric Nut Boll Screw Stud Metric Boll Screw Stud SurgimpHWCWFrgAnn 0.12 om 0.1 0.18 0.015 0.05 0.08 0.Metal IMIllO IMI1l5 OE or C Fe H N 0 Rod Allfonns 0.05 0.03 0.1 0.1 Europe AECMAprEN2525 AECMAprIN3441 AECMAprEN3487 0.2 0.03 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.013 0.08 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.08 0.15 0.2 0.05 om om OST 1.1 0.15 0.7025 3.03 0..15 0.1-0.2 0.1 0.05 0.3 0.05 0.15 0.08 0.015 0.005 max 0.03 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.013 0.15 0.08 0.01250.05 0.05 0.6 0.1 0.15 0.08 0.03 0. 6 min T1X Si OR OT Olher ST-50 ST6 TIB TIBLF TIC TICLF Low Fe 0.03 0.25 0. cast.06 0.25 balTI balTi RMl40 A40 MultformsAnn 0. is not heat treatable.02 lMl125 lMl130 Multforms ShBar 0. Characteristics Grade 2 is the workhorse in industrial applications.25 0.3 0.08 0. good ductility. sulfides.15 0.2 0. time ranges from 15 min to 4 h.01 0.2 0.0125 0. Further. and electrochemical processing equipment. and many industrial gaseous atmospheres.05 0.05 0.2 0. cooling is in air Unalloyed titanium grade 2 compositions: Producer specifications Spedllcatlon France Ugine Ugine Germany OtloFuchs Thyssen Thyssen Japan Daido Kobe Kobe Nippon Sumitomo Sumitomo Thho Toho Toho Toho Designation Description lIT35 UT40 C Fe H N 0 Sh PItBarFrgAnn Sh PitBarFrgAnn 0. but the gain is at the expense of ductility (20% elongation for Grade 2 vs.15 0.1 0. The material can be used in continuous service at temperatures up to 425°C (795 OF) and in intermittent service up to 540 °C (1000 "F).01 0. Major applications are in aircraft. air cooling or step cooling processes are used Impact properties at low temperatures are good.18 to 0. 24% for Grade 1).25 0. Related applications include high efficiency. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving.3 0.1 0. 170 MPa. moist chloride. or 40 vs.03 0. having a combination of a guaranteed minimum yield strength of 275 MPa (40 ksi). condenser tubing. nitric and chromic acids. reaction vessels and heat exchangers.2 0. Applications Effectof Impurities.0125 0.005 0. OREMET RMl TeI.05 0. with those of Grade I. heat exchanger systems for electrolytes. Temperatures range from 480 to 595°C (900 to ] 100 OF).15 0. Increased iron and oxygen concentrations. and good formability.0)5 0.2 0. pickling baskets.5 balTi balTi DT2 KS60 KS60LF RodBarShSIJpFrgAnn ShSIJpThbPitWrrBarPiAnn Low FeAnn 0.005 0. Reaction vessels and heat exchangers are major applications because of the material's resistance to attack by seawater. Annealing. and cold worked.30% max). impart additional tensile strength (345 vs.08 0.05 0.2 balTi TIMErALSOA Ann 0. 35 ksi) and yield strength (275 vs. and a maximum oxygen concentration of 0.1 0.03 0.7 min TI99. It is available in all wrought product forms.05 0. 25 ksi) to Grade 2. Yield strength is comparable to that of annealed austenitic stainless steel. chlorite and hypochlorite solutions.030% max).Q3 0. cast.25%.005 0.2 max LowFe UK Imp.013 0. Temperatures range from 650 to 760°C (1200 to 1400 oF). Higher iron and interstitial contents also may degrade corrosion resistance in comparison with that of Grade 1.0125 0. cryogenic vessels.05max balTi .03 0.7 min TI99. This grade has same nitrogen content as Grade Grade 2 can be welded.D2 0.40% range for the other three ASTM grades.25 balTi balTi T3 Contimel35 Contirnel35D Frg ShSIJpPItBarWrrPipAnn MultformsAnn 0.08 0.08max 0. heat exchangers. time ranges from 6 min to 2 h.0125max 0. vessels.03 0. hydrogen content as low as 30 to 40 ppm can induce hydrogen embrittlement. machined.5 0. anodes. components for chemical processing and desalination equipment.2 0.013 0.18 0.2 0.013 0.Rodney TIMEr TMCA CDXGR-2 TI-2 TI2 0.005 0. and piping systems.compared The list of typical uses includes airframe skin and nonstructural components.2 0. moist metallic chlorides.03 0. It is the choice where excellent formability is required and where low interstitials might enhance resistance to corrosion. which is about midway between the 0.D2 0.MetaI Imp.0) 0. pumps.25 TI99. ASTM Grade 2.6 min TI 99.1 0.0)5 0. has an annealed alpha structure in wrought. 240 MPa. and PIM forms.2 balTi balTi balTI balTi 0. organic acids.05 0.03 0. resistance to erosion and corrosion by seawater and marine atmospheres is excellent.25 0.06 0.1 0.MetaI USA Chase Ext.06 0. shafting. 1 (0. The insulating property of the anodic film on titanium makes Grade 2 an ideal and cost efficient material for anodizing jig and plating baskets.Commercially Pure and Modified Titanium I 469 Unalloyed Titanium.0) 0. or 50 vs.013 0. the same iron content limits as Grade 3 (0.25 TI99. UNS R50400 Chemical Composition. 3 0.78 min Ti 99.25 max 0.D15 0.05 0.25 0.D15 O.25 0.6 max 0.D15 0.1 max 0.03 0.1 0.0125 max 0.25 0.4 2TA.2 0.1 max 0.1 0.08 max 0.25 0.06 0.D15 0.3 max 0.25 0.04 0.2 0.D1 0.2 0.25 2TA.25 0.D15 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.08 max 0.3 balTI baITI baITI baITI balTi balTI balTI balTI baITI balTI balTI balTI baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI balTI baITi balTi .1 max 0.6 max 0.2 0.013 0.05 0.25 0.D15 0.2 max 0.05 max 0.0125 0.08 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 max 0.05 0.03 0.7035 WL3.25 max 0.oI5 0.25 max 0.05 max 0.7035 3.1 max 0.D15 0.1 0.0125 max 0.06 max 0.2 BS2TA.25 0.D1max 0.D1 0.D15 0.08 0.6 max baITI balTI balTI balTI balTI baITI balTI balTI France AlR9182 AlR9182 TI99.2 max 0.2 max 0.05 0.2.1 0.08 0.05 max 0.25 max 0.15 0.25 max 0.2 0.0125 max 0.05 max 0.06 0.69 min 0.05 0.25 max 0.015-0.25 0.1 0.08 0.2 0.25 0.0125 max 0.25 0.2 max 0.3 0.013 max 0.06 max 0.25 0.05 max 0.05 0.05 max 0.0125-0.2 0.25 max 0.6 max 0.2 L-7001 L-7002 ShPlt Strp Bar Wir Ext Ann Sh Pit Snp Bar Wir Ext Ann 0.25 0.15 0.4 0.2 0.25 0.013 max 0.470 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Unalloyed titanium grade 2 and equivalents: Specifications and compositions Specilleation Designation UNS UNS R50130 R50400 Description C Fe H N 0 0.D15 0.015 max O.25 0.015 max 0.05 0.08 max 0.03 0.03 max 0.08 0.008 0.013 max 0.D15 0.D15 0.3 0.D15 0.78 min Ti 99.03 0.05 0.1 max 0.05 0.08 0.D15 0.3 0.baITI Spain UNE 38-7 II UNE38-712 balTI baITI UK BS2TA.25 max 0.7055 3.01 0.08 max 0.013 0.05 0.03 0.015 max O.0125 max 0.3 0.5 ShSIrpHf BarHT FrgHT FrgHT Thb 0.2 baITi balTI baITI balTi balTi balTI balTi balTI balTI Russia OST 1.25 max 0.oI5 max 0.25 max 0.3 0.0125 max 0.07 0.08 max 0.3 0.25 0.08 0.03 0.1 max 0.D15 0.1 0.01 0.2 Si OE OT Other balTI baITI China GB3620 TA-2 baITI 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.3 2TA.03 max 0.7035 Sh Strp Pit Rod Wir Frg Ann Sh Strp Pit Rod Wif Frg Ann Pit Sh Strp Rod wuFrg Ann Sh Plt Strp Rod Wif Frg Ann ShSIrp Rod Wif Frg Sh Wir Ann Sh Bar Frg Wif Ann 0.25 max 0.3 baITI WO.05 max 0.3 0.25 0.0125 0.7035 3.6 max 0.79 min TI99.16-70 MIL T-81556A MlLT-81915 MlLT-9046J ShStrpPltAnn TlGrade2 F-2 TIGrade2 TI Grade 2 TI Grade 2 TI Grade 2 11 Grade 2 11 GradeF-2 TIGrade2 TI Grade 2 11 Grade 2 TI Grade 2 11Grade 2 EIITi-4 CodeCP-3 'JYpeICompA CodeCP-3 WeidThbAnn SmlsThbeAnn ShSIrpPltAnn FrgAnn Sh Strp Pit Ann PipAnn Tubefor heat exchlcond BarBilAnn Cast FrgAnn NUl Nut Met Bit Scr Sid BltScrStdMet SurgimpHWCWFrgAnn Weld Fill Met ExtBar ShpAnn Air/chern/marine apps CastAnn Sh StrpPltAnn 0.3 max 0.6 baITI baITI baITi balTI balTi balTi baITi baITI balTI balTI Japan TISH436 I nSH4600 TISH4600 nSH4630 TISH4630 TISH4631 TISH4650 TISH4670 Class 2 TfH 35D Class 2 TP35 HlC Class 2 TR 35 HlC Class 2 TTP 35 DIE Class 2 TTP35 WfWD Class 2 TfH 35 WfWD Class 2 TB 35 CJHClass 2 TW35Class2 SmlsThb ShHRCR SIrpHRCR SmlsPip Weld Pip WeldThb Bar Rod HW CD Wif VTI-O VTlL Mult Forms Ann Cast 0.2 0.05 max 0.08 max 0.04 0.25 max 0.2 max 0.1 max 0.1 OJ OJ 0.78 min balTl USA AMS4902E AMS4941C ASM4942C ASMESB-265 ASMESB-381 AS1MB265 AS1MB337 AS1MB338 AS1MB348 AS1MB367-87 AS1MB381 AS1MF467-84 AS1MF467M-84a AS1MF468-84 AS1MF468M-84b ASTMF67 AWSAS.05 0.25 max 0.2 0.3 0.4 max 0.12 0.1 max 0.013 max 0.3 0.015 0.3 0.08 max 0.05 0.oI5max 0.69min TI99.08 0.25 0.06 0.06 max 0.2 max 0.013 0.0125 max 0.25 0.1 max 0.6 max 0.08 max 0.4 0.3 0.D15max 0.03 0.2 0.2 0.05 0.25 max 0.D1 0.1 max 0.1 max 0.1 max 0.05 0.3 max 0.D15 0.08 0.1 max 0.0125 0.0125 max 0.6 max 0.05 max 0.05 max 0.3 0.6 0.0125 max 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.08 0.5 DTD5073 Ti 99.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.05 max 0.3 BS2TA..08 0.12 0.25 0.0125 0.05 0.08 max 0.06 0.90000-76 OST 1.7024 WL3.2 0.25 max 0.3 0.25 max 0.2 max 0.1 max 0.25 max 0.3 max 0.3 0.06 0.7035 3.08 0.4 BS2TA.6 0.D15 0.0125 0.05 0.3 0.08 max 0.25 max 0.4 max 0.15-0.2 max 0.013 0.2 0.05 0.06 0.90060-72 0.25 max 0.013 0.4 max 0.D1 0.05 0.0125 max 0.6 0.05 max 0.0125 max 0.1 max 0.D2 0.05 0.25 0.7034 0.008 0.1 0.25 max 0.15 max Europe AECMAprEN2518 AECMAprEN2526 AECMAprEN3378 AECMAprEN3442 AECMAprEN3451 AECMAprEN3452 AECMAprEN3460 AECMAprEN3498 TI-P02 TI-P02 TI-P02 TI-P02 TI-P02 TI-P02 TI-P02 TI-P02 ShSIrpBar Sh Strp Wif ShSIrpAnnHR FrgNHf FrgAnn Bar Ann Sh Strp Ann CR T-35 T-40 ShCR Sh TIll TIrn WL3.D15 0.1 max 0.25 max 0.05 0.013 0.1 max 0.25 max 0.4 max 0.08 max 0.06 max 0.04 Germany DIN 17850 DIN 17850 DIN 17850 DIN 17850 DIN 17860 DIN 17862 DIN 17863 DIN 17864 WL3.05 max 0.2 0.D1max 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.3 max 0.2 0.08 0.25 max 0.25 0.15-0.25 0.25 max 0.4 0.3 max 0.02 0.D15 0.3 max 0. 2 max 0.78 min baITi baITi baITi USA AMS4900J AMS 495 IE ASMESB-265 ASMESB-381 ASTMB265 ASTMB337 ASTMB338 ASTMB348 ASTMB381 ASTMB367-87 ASTMF67 MIL T-81556A MILT-9046J Grade 3 F-3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 GradeF-3 C-3 Grade 3 CodeCP-2 CodeCP-2 ShStrpPltAnn WeldWII' Sh StrpPlt Ann FrgAnn Sh StrpPltAnn Weld SmIs Pip Ann Smls WeldTub Ann BarBilAnn FrgAnn Cast Surglmp ExtBarShpAnn Sh Strp PltAnn 0.05 0. Grade 3 is available in all wrought product forms.015 0.3 0.3 0.1 max 0.3 0.OE OT Other 0.35 0.78 min Ti99.05 max 0.1 max 0.3 0.0125 0.013 0.9 DTD5023 DTD5273 DTD5283 ShStrpHT BarHT Frg FrgHT ShStrp Bar Frg Ti99.1 0.Dl5max 0. Iron limits are lower than those for Grade 4 (0.07 0.4 max 0.3 0. machined.01 0. The list includes chemical and marine applications.3 0. Another plus: good impact toughness at low temperatures.3 0. and of the four unalloyed grades.3 baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi 0.015 0.06 max 0.3 0.013 max 0.015 0.35 0.3 0.25 max baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi 0.0125 max 0. Applications Nonstructural aircraft parts and a variety of other parts requiring resistance to corrosion are typical applications.2 0.4 0.05 0.3 0.015 0.25 max 0.3 0.015 0.05 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 max 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.1 0.35 max 0. it bridges the gap between steel and aluminum and provides many of the desirable properties of each.015 0.1 0.08 0.3 0.35 0.015 0.5 wt% max).1 0.06 max 0.015 0. cryogenic vessels.07 0.013 max 0.015 0.3 0.05 max 0.35 0. cooling is in air Unalloyed titanium grade 3 and equivalents: Specifications and compositions Specilkation Designation UNS R50550 Description C Fe B 0.06 max 0.4 max 0.4 0.07 0.18 max 0. and cast. combining excellent resistance to corrosion in highly oxidizing to mildly reducing environments. components for chemical processing and desalination equipment.07 0.1 max 0.7055 Sh Strp PItRod Wir FIg Ann Pit Sh Strp Rod WII'Frg Ann ShStrp Rod WII' Frg Gas.3 0.07 0.1 max 0.08 max 0.35 0.35 0.6 BS2TA. Most forming operations are at room temperature.01 0.08 0.25 max 0.08 0.1 max 0. times range from 6 min to 2 h.3 0.3 max 0.1 0.3 0.79min Ti 99. and an excellent strength to weight ratio. heat exchangers.3 max 0.1 max 0.01 0.015 0.3 max 0. Hydrogen content as low as 30 to 40 ppm can induce hydrogen embrittlement. air cooling or step cooling processes are used Annealing.2 max 0.54min Germany DIN 17850 DIN 17850 DIN17860 DIN 17862 DIN 17863 DIN 17864 Japan ns llSH4600 llSH4600 nSH4630 llSH4630 llSH4631 llSH4631 nSH4650 nSH4670 UK BS2TA. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving.013 0.05 max 0.06 max 0.Commercially Pure and Modified Titanium /471 Unalloyed Titanium.3 0.3 0.015 max 0. Higher iron and interstitial contents can affect corrosion resistance. Excessive impurities may raise yield strength above maximum permitted values and reduce elongation or reduction in area below minimum values.35 wt%).35 0.3 0. Warm forming reduces springback and power requirements.05 0.013 max 0.6 max 0.05 0. Temperatures range from 650 to 760°C (1200 to 1400 oF). including chlorides.07 0.05 0.015 0.015 0.015 max 0.07 0.4 0.015 0.3 0. Temperatures range from 480 to 595°C (900 to 1100 OF).3 0.2 max 0.3 0.7055 3.2 0. condenser tubing.25 max 0.35 0.1 max 0. and can be welded.3 0.1 max Si .25 max 0.07 0.1 max 0. 3 TP49 HlC Class 3 TR49 HlCClass 3 TTP49 DIE Gass 3 TTP49 WIWD Class 3 TIH 49 D Class 3 TIH 49 WIWD Class 3 1'849 CIH Class 3 TW49 Class 3 ShHRCR StrpHRCR SmIs Pip Hot Ext CD Weld Pip SmlsThbCD WeldThb BarHWCD WII' 0.005 max 0.013 max 0.07 0.4 0.35 max 0.0125 max 0. Like other titanium metals and alloys. airframe skin and nonstructural components.015 0.1 max 0. times range from 15 min to 4 h.7055 3.015 0.2 max 0. Characteristics Grade 3 is the general purpose grade of unalloyed titanium.07 0.0125 0.3 0.015-0. ASTM Grade 3.013 0.3 wt% vs.4 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0. and pickling baskets.3 baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi .015 0.05 0. 0. UNS R50550 Chemical Composition.05 max 0.4 max 0.3 max 0.0125 max France AIR9182 T-50 ShAnn 'TIN WL3.2 0.05 0.2 0.4 baITi N 0 0.07 0.35 0.013 0.7 BS2TA.07 0.1 0.3 max 0.7055 3.8 BS2TA. Only Grade 4 has higher strength levels. has the highest oxygen content (0.3 max 0.4 max 0.7065 3.05 0.3 0.3 0.05 0.015 0.3 0.08 0.78 min Ti 99.04 Ti99. times range from 15 min to 4 h.04 0. Stress required to cause failure (several millions of cycles) is 50% higher vs. The strength-to-weight ratio is higher than that of AISI type 301 stainless steel at temperatures up to 315°C (600 "F). that for K-Monel or AISI type 431 stainless steel.05 0. Higher iron content and interstitials can reduce corrosion resistance.05 0.35 0.013 0.07 0. Warm forming at 150 to 425°C (300 to 795 "F) reduces springback and power requirements.05max 0.Imax 0.35 haiTI SI France Ugine Germany Thyssen TItan Japan Daido Kobe Kobe Sumitomo Toho Conlimet55 lIT 20 MultFonnsAnn 0. cooling is in air Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving.0125 0.05 0.06 0. strongest of the four unalloyed grades.3 0.Gl 0.472/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Unalloyed titanium grade 3 compositions: Producer specifications Specification Deslgnatlon Deouiption UTSO OE OT Other C Fe H N 0 ShBarFrgAnn 0. and PIM forms. Forming generally is at room temperature. welded.3 TI99.05 0.AJw FeMultFonns Ann 0.0125 0.3 haiTI haiTI haiTI 0. Grade 4.25 0. cast.3 haiTI O.Gl 0. Of the four unalloyed grades.08 0.3 0.35 0.015max 0.2 0. air cooling or step cooling processes are used Annealing.4min UK Imp. Also.08 0. Resistance to corrosion fatigue in salt water is outstanding. Temperatures range from 650 to 760°C (1200 to 1400 "F). this one is the highest in oxygen content (0.50 wt%).05 0.3 haiTI haiTI DT3 KS70 KS70LF ST-70 TID MultFonns Ann Ann I. Because of its excellent resistance to corrosion and erosion. Metal lMI130 0.1 0. . Characteristics Grade 4 typically has an annealed alpha structure in wrought. Temperatures range from 480 to 595 °C (900 to 1100 "F). hydrogen content as low as 30 to 40 ppm can induce hydrogen embrittlement.Gl5 0.013 0.35 0.05 0. Warm forming is required for complex shapes. also provides good ductility and fair formability.3 0. this grade has a wide range of chemical and marine applications where it is often used interchangeably with Grade 3.3 0. It can be in continuous service at temperatures up to 425°C (795 "F). and cold worked.01 0. Grade 4 is available in all product forms.25 0.05 0.Rodney A55 TIMETAL65A TIMET TI3 TMCA OREMEr MultFonns Ann Ann Unalloyed Titanium.1 0. times range from 6 min to 2 h. and can be machined. cast. Strengthllightness benefits are retained at moderate temperatures.2 max 0. oF). and intermittent service up to 540°C (1000 This grade. UNS R50700 Chemical Composition.40 wt%) and iron content (0.35 max haiTI USA O1aseExt CDXGR-32 TI-3 RMI RMI55 Tel.G7 0. 4 max 0.1 0.08 max 0.1 0.015max 0.3 max 0.0125 O.5 max 0.6 max 0.2 max 0.05 0.2 max 0.4 max 0.07max 0.4 max 0.05 0.7065 3.35 max 0.0125 0.2 max 0.5 O.0125max 0.3 O.0125 0.08 max 0.2 0.3 balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi YO.1 0.ol5 0.08 0.07max 0.4 0.05-0.4 max 0.0125 max 0.Commercially Pure and Modified Titanium /473 Unalloyed titanium grade 4 commercialequivalents:Compositions SpeeUkaIIoo Franc:e Ugine Germany 0110 Fuchs Japan Daido Kobe Sumitomo UK Imp.35 0.1 max 0.05 0.15 max 0.0125max 0.0125max 0.5 0.6 max 0.Q7 0.07 max 0.4 0.5 0.05 0.4 max 0.07 max 0.0125max 0.5 max 0.07 max 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.05 0.1 max 0.4 0.05 0.5 0.4 balTi balTi IMI 155 IMII60 SI1 RodBarBilWrr 0.05 max 0.3 0.1 max 0.2 max 0.Ql5 0.0125max 0.05 0.4 0.6 max 0.05 0.2 0.7065 ShRodBarFrg Ann SI1Strp Rod Wrr Frg L-7004 MultFormsAnn ShStrp Bar Frg C Fe B N 0 0.1 max 0.08 max 0.013 max 0.08 0.OO5.3 max 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.4 max 0.0125 max 0.08 max 0.4 Si OK OT Otber Deslgnation Descriplion Uf60 Bw:FrgSI1 PItAnn T6 Frg DT4 KS85 ST-80 BarRodSl1pFrg Ann SI1 StrpPitWrrBarAnn 0.7065 3.07 0.35 max 0.ol5 max O.3 0.1 0.4 max 0.07 max 0.07max 0.08 max 0.1 0.Ql 0.2 0.ol5 0.4 max 0.3 max balTi balT! balTi balTi balTi 0.4 0. Crucible OREMEl' RMI Tel.ol5 0.6 0. Rodney TIMEr TIMEr TMCA C Fe H N 0 0.ol5 O.0125 0.4 0.1 0.Ql max 0.07 max 0.4 balTi 0.05 0.08 0.0125 O.07 max 0.3 max 0.3 0.5 max 0.08 max 0.05 0.1 0.4 0.0125 0.5 0.ol5 0.4 0.3 max 0.1 max 0.4 balTi balTi CDXGR-4 A-70 Ti-4 RMI70 A40 Ti-75A TIMErAL lOOA Ti4 Ann Ti99 0.1 0.017 0.0125max 0.1 0.1 max 0.3 0.08 0.08 max 0.4 max balTi balTi MultFormsAnn Ann Ann balTi Unalloyed titanium grade 4 and equivalents:Specifications and compositions Speellkation Deslgnation UNS China GB36W Europe AECMAprEN2519 AECMAprEN2520 AECMAprEN2527 AECMAprEN3443 AECMAprEN3453 AECMAprEN3461 AECMAprEN3496 AECMAprEN3499 France AIR 9182 Germany DIN DIN 17860 DIN 17862 DIN 17863 DIN 17864 Spain UNE38-714 UK BS2TA6 BS2TA7 BS2TA8 BS2TA9 USA AMS490IL AMS492IF ASTMB265 ASTMB348 ASTMB367 ASTMB367 ASTMB381 ASTMF467-84 ASTMF468-84 ASTMF67 MlLF-83 142 MILT-81556A MlLT-9046J MILT-9047-G MlLT-9047G RS0700 Description TA-3 Ti-P04 Ti-P04 Ti-P04 Ti-P04 Ti-P04 Ti-P04 Ti-P04 Ti-P04 BarFrg SI1 Strp Frg ShStrp StrpShAnnCR FrgNHT BarAnn FrgAnn ShStrpAnnCR T-60 ShAnn 3.04 balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi Ti 99.013 0.07max 0.Ql5max 0.1 max 0.05 0.01-0.08 0.0125 Frg Grade4 Grade4 GradeC-2 GradeC-3 GradeF-4 Grade4 Grade4 Grade4 Compl CodeCP-I CodeCP-I SP-70 Ti-CP-70 ShStrpPltAnn BarWrrFrgBilRngAnn ShPlt StrpAnn BarBilAnn Cast Cast FrgAnn Nut BltScrwStd SI1StrpBarHRCRAnnFrg FrgAnn ExtBarSlIpAnn ShStrpPltAnn Bar BarBilAnn Si OK OT Other 0.08 0.35 max 0.Q7 max 0.4 max 0.ol5 0.4 0.1 max 0.0125max 0.25 0.05 0.15 balTi 0.4 0.015 max 0.baITi .6 max 0.6 max 0.4 max 0.6 max 0.1 max 0.2 max 0.1 0.2 max 0.6 max 0.3 0.ol O.5 0.05 max 0.4 0.013 max 0.08 max 0.1 max 0.03 0.013 max 0.0125 0.0125 max 0.1 max 0.5 0.35 0.ol5 O.05 0.4 0.4 0.3 max 0.0125max 0.08max 0.2 max 0.08 max 0.3 max O.1 max 0.0125 0.5 0.35 0.07 max 0.4 max 0.2 max 0.05 max 0.1 max 0.2 max 0.4 balT! balTi 0.08 0.7065 3.5 0.05 0.5 0.ol5 O.4 balTi 0.4 0.3 max 0.1 0.08 0.2 max 0.1 max 0.Q7 0.ol max 0.7064 3.07max 0.0125-0.08 max 0. Metal USA ChaseExI.4 0.015-0.4 0.2 max 0.4 0.05 0. Metal Imp.Ql max 0.35 max 0.5 O.4 max 0.1 max 0.4 max 0.4 0.Q7 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.38 0.05 0.07 max 0.ol5 0.56min balTi balTi balTi balTi 0.013 max 0.08 0. 15·0.1 0. Cold pressed plate/frame heat exchangers and chlor-alkali anodes are examples.08 0.25 0.2 0.15 to 0. air cooling or step cooling processes are used Annealing.013 0.05 0.05 0. UNS R52250 Chemical Composition.15 0.013 0. MetaI Imp.25 0.12-0. Most forming operations are at room temperature. Higher oxygen content (0.15 0. and hot worked.15 baITi baITi 0.05 0.25 0. and 12.1 0.05 0.1 0.013 0.05 0.15-0.05 0.05 0.005 0. Hydrogen as low as 30 to 40 ppm hydrogen can induce embrittlement of both grades. Grade 7 is comparable to Grade 2 in strength.2 baITi Contimet Pd 02130 Contimet Pd 02135 Contimet Pd 02135 D RT 12(Pd) RTI5(Pd) RT 18(Pd) Mult Forms Ann MultFormsAnn MultFormsAnn Sh Strp Bar Frg 0.25 0. times range from 15 min to 4 h. applications are for chemical industry equipment and where requirements for corrosion resistance are special.03 0.01 0.25 0.005 0.03 0. Palladium content extends the range of titanium applications in hydrochloric. machined.02 0.06 0.15-0.08 0.25 baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi baITi KS40PdA KS40PdB KS50PdA KS50PdB KS70PdA KS70PdB ST-40P ST-50P ST-60P MultFormsAnn MultFormsAnn MultFormsAnn Mult Forms Ann MultForms Ann MultFormsAnn 0.2Pdgrades 7 and 11 compositions: Producer specifications Spe<ilkation OT C Fe R N 0 Pd Sh Pit Bar FrgAnn 0.015 0.17-0. Temperatures range from 650 to 760°C (1200 to 1400 "F).02 0.005 0. which has a maximum oxygen content of 0.08 0.2 0.05 0.3 0.05 0.15 0. tubing.2.3 0. UNS R52400.2Pd). phosphoric. such as mild sulfuric and hydrochloric acids.01 0.01 0. Grade 7.2 0. wire.08 0.15-0.25 baITi baITi baITi baI11 baITi baITi 0.05 0. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving.05 0.25 0.15-0.12-0.15 0.1 0.2Pd TIMErAL35APd TIMErAL50APd Ti-7 Ti-11 MultFormsAnn 0.2 min 0.2 0.12 0.06 0. cooling is in air Ti-O.2 0.3 0.08 0.015 0.013 0.03 0.25 0.013 0.17-0.05 0. along with their strength properties. but provides higher strength than Grade 11. Applications Typically.2 min baITi baITi baITi baITi 0.06 0.15 min 0.013 0.20 wt%) permits the use of unalloyed titanium in stronger reducing media.2 0.2 .01 0. extrusions. A relatively small addition of palladium(0.474/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Modified Ti (Ti-O.20 wt%. Warm forming is done at 150 to 425°C (300 to 795 OF).06 0.25 0. are similar to those of corresponding grades of unalloyed titanium.12-0.005 0.06 0.3 0. They can be cast.01 0. Characteristics These two grades have better resistance to crevice corrosion at low pH and elevated temperatures than ASTM Grades 1.01 0.30 wt%) in the Grade 7 alloy reduces ductility and cold formability. while Grade 11 is comparable to Grade 1 in strength.2%Pd Ti-0.25 0.08 0.25 0.2 0.25 wt%) and higher iron content (0. times range from 6 min to 2 h. Fabrication and welding properties of the two grades. Both grades are available as flat rolled products. Both grades can be used in continuous service up to 425°C (795 "F) and in intermittent service up to 540 °C (1000 OF).15 0.05 0.05 0. and are recommended for chemical industry applications when environments are moderately reducing or fluctuate between oxidizing and reducing.01 0.03 0.2 0.15-0.05 0.17-0.2 baITi Designation Description Uf35-02 Si Other France Ugine Germany Deursche T DeutscheT DeutscheT DeutscheT DeutscheT DeUlscheT Frg Japan Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Sumitomo Sumitomo Sumitomo Toho Toho Toho Toho 15PfJ 0.1 0.18 0.015 0. Temperatures range from 480 to 595°C (900 to 1105 OF).1 0.18 wt% and a maximum iron content of 0.015 0.03 0.03 0. and sulfuric acid solutions.15 min 0. Good cold formability is another plus. Grade 11.03 15PBT 20PfJ 20PBT UK Imp.15 0. Both grades have annealed alpha structures. welded. MetaI 1MI260 1MI262 Sh Mult Forms USA Crucible OREMET OREMET RM1 TIMEr TIMEr TIMEr TMCA TMCA A-40Pd 11·11 11-17 RMIO. and pipe.25 0.01 0. 25 max 0.12-0.25 max 0.25 0.D3 0.06 max 0.08 0.2 0.12-0.2 max 0.15·0.2 max 0.12-0.25 0.05 max 0.12-0.015 0.2 0.4 0.05 max 0.25 max 0.12-0.05 max 0.D3 0.18 0.06 max 0.15-0.0125 max 0.25 0.3 0.15 max 0.25 max 0.25 0.25 max 0.25 0.7235 3.25 0.12-0.12-0.2Pd grades7 and 11 andequivalents: Specifications and compositions Spedflc8lion De<ignation Description C Fe H N 0 Pd UNS UNS UNS Germany DIN 17851 DIN 17851 DIN 17851 Japan TIS H 4635 type 11 TIS H 4635 type 11 TIS H 4635 type 11 TISH4635 type 11 TIS H 4635 type 12 TIS H 4635 type 12 TISH4635 type 12 TIS H 4635 type 12 TIS H 4635 type 13 TIS H 4635 type 13 TIS H 4635 type 13 TIS H 4635 type 13 TIS H 4636 type 11 TIS H 4636 type 11 TIS H 4636 type 11 TIS H4636 type 12 TIS H 4636 type 12 TIS H 4636 type 12 TIS H 4636 type 13 TIS H 4636 type 13 ns H 4636 type 13 TIS H 4655 type 11 TIS H 4655 type 11 TISH4655 type 12 TISH4655 type 12 TIS H 4655 type 13 TIS H 4655 type 13 TIS H 4675 type 11 TIS H 4675 type 12 TISH4675 type 13 Russia R52250 R52400 R52401 Grade 11 Grade7 Filler 0.7255 TIP28PdD TIP28PdE TIP28PdW TIP28PdWD TIP35PdD TIP35PdE TIP35PdW TIP35PdWD TIP49PdD TIP49PdE TIP49PdW TIP49PdWD TIH28PdD TIH28PdW TIH28PdWD TIH35PdD TIH35PdW TIH35PdWD TIH49PdD TIH49PdW TIH49PdWD TB28PdC TB28PdH TB35PdC TB35PdH TB49PdC TB49PdH TW28Pd TW35Pd TW49Pd SmlsPipCD SmlsPipHE WeldPip WeldPip CD SmlsPip CD SmlsPip HE WeldPip WeldPip CD SmlsPip CD SmlsPipHE WeldPip WeldPip CD SmlsPip CD WeldPip WeldPip CD SmlsPipCD WeldPip WeldPipCD SmlsPip CD WeldPip WeldPipCD Rod BarCD RodBarHW BarRod CD BarRodHW BarRod CD BarRodHW WIT WIT WIT 4200 Spain UNE38-715 1.3 max 0.25 0.0013 max 0.12-0.25 0.4 0.015 max 0.015 max 0.15 max 0.15-0.25 0.25 0.07 max 0.2 max 0.18 0.15 0.D3 0.4 max 0.3 3.25 0.1 0.07 max 0.25 0.015 max 0.3 max 0.12-0.07 max 0.05 max 0.015 max 0.25 0.D3 0.008 0.3 max 0.3 max 0.25 0.25 max 0.1 0.2 max 0.4 0.D3 0.015 max 0.3 0.015 0.0125-0.12-0.015 max 0.25 0.2Pd ShPltSIIp Ann Sh StrpPltAnn SmlsWeldPip WidSmlsPip Ann SmlsWeldThbAnn SmlsWeldThbAnn BarBilAnn BarBilAnn Cast FrgAnn FrgAnn Nut MetNut BitScrwStd Met Bit Scrw Std WeldFillMet 0.2 max 0.25 0.25 0.15 max 0.015 0.015 max 0.015 0.015 max 0.12-0.25 0.18 0.015 max 0.07 max 0.D3 0.2 max 0.18 0.4 0.015 max 0.25 0.02 0.015 0.15 max 0.25 max 0.2 max 0.3 max 0.015 max 0.01 0.3 max 0.12-0.05 max 0.2 0.05 max 0.06 max 0.25 Si OT Other balTi balTI balTI 0.015 max 0.1 max 0.0125 max 0.3 max 0.25 0.1 max 0.25 0.25 0.0125 0.015 max 0.015 max 0.05 max 0.05 max 0.25 0.15 max 0.25 0.015 max 0.12-0.2 max 0.015 0.12-0.015 0.25 max 0.2 0.25 0.3 max 0.12-0.2 max 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.4 0.015 max Om5 max 0.25 max 0.1 0.12-0.25 max 0.12-0.015 max 0.05 max 0.3 max 0.05 max 0.4 max balTI balTI balTi balTi balTI balTI balTI balTi balTi balTI balTI balTi balTi balTI balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTI balTi balTi balTI balTi balTI balTI.12-0.2 max 0.25 0.12-0.1 0.03 0.Q7 0.-7021 Sh Pit Sup Bar Wrr ExtAnn 0.12-0.03 0.25 0.4 balTi balTi balTI balTI balTI balTi balTI balTI balTI balTI balTi balTI balTi balTi balTI balTI .2 max 0.015 Om5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.3 max 0.15 max 0.05 max 0.12-0.1 0.07 max 0.3 0.3 max 0.12 0.4 0.015 max 0.05 max 0.015 max 0.25 0.015 max 0.05 max 0.25 0.015 max 0.05 max 0.3 max 0.05 max 0.12-0.1 max 0.05 max 0.25 0.12-0.15 max 0.15 max 0.12 0.2 max 0.12-0.05 max 0.12-0.15 max 0.0125 max 0.12-0.2 max 0.2 max 0.05 max 0.015 max 0.12-0.1 0.18 max 0.25 0.12-0.25 0.16-70 Grade 11 Grade7 Grade 11 Grade7 Grade 11 Grade7 grade 11 Grade7 GradeTI-Pd7B GradeF-11 GradeF-7 Grade7 Grade7 Grade7 Grade7 ERTi-O.2 max 0.0013max 0.1 0.4 0.05 max 0.4 max 0.02 0.25 0.05 max 0.3 max 0.0013 max 0.12-0.25 max 0.2 max 0.D3 0.7225 3.12-0.25 0.2 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.12-0.12 max 0.25 0.12-0.D3 0.18 0.25 0.2 max 0.25 USA ASTMB265 ASTMB265 ASTMB337 ASTMB337 ASTMB338 ASTMB338 ASTMB348 ASTMB348 ASTMB367 ASTMB381 ASTMB381 ASTMF467-84 ASTM F467M-84a ASTMF468-84 ASTMF468M-84b AWSA5.3 0.05 max 0.25 0.3 max 0. balTI balTI balTI balTi 0.12-0.4 0.25 0.12-0.3 max 0.4 0.2 0.2 max 0.25 max 0.12-0.0125 max 0.05 max 0.25 max 0.12-0.D7 max 0.12-0.12-0.1 0.3 0.12-0.25 max 0.25 0.D7 max 0.12-0.25 0.1 0.12-0.2 max 0.015 max 0.05 0.25 0.05 max 0.D3 0.05 max 0.015 max 0.07 max 0.4 0.25 0.05 max 0.3 max 0.D3 0.25 max 0.05 0.015 max 0.12-0.3 max 0.008 0.3 balTi balTI 0.25 0.25 0.3 max 0.015 0.2 max 0.25 0.05 max 0.25 0.05 0.15 max 0.15 0.12-0.12-0.12-0.12-0.2 max 0.12-0.015 max 0.25 0.25 max 0.25 0.25 0.015 max 0.05 max 0.3 max 0.04 0.25 0.Commercially Pure and Modified Titanium I 475 Ti-O.1 0.1 0.3 max 0.25 max 0.25 0.3 max 0.4 0.25 0.15 max 0.18 0.07 max 0.12-0.015 max 0.0125 0.015 max 0.1 0.3 max 0.3 max 0.25 0.12-0.07 max 0.05 0.18 0.25 0.12-0.015 0.1 max 0.01 0.2 0. 2-0. salt evaporators. pressure vessels. and can be cast.O. Also. hydrogen content as low as 30 to 40 ppm can induce hydrogen embrittlernent Characteristics Designed for corrosion resistant applications. welded. high pressure applications.25 OT Other balTi USA ASTMB265 ASTMB337 ASTMB338 ASTMB348 ASTMB381 Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 Grade 12 GradeF-12 Sh Strp PItAnn Smls WeldPip Ann Smls WeldThb Ann Bar Bill Ann FrgAnn 0. and machined. Grade 12 is superior to unalloyed titanium in several respects.D15 0. better resistance to corrosion in acids than the unalloyed grades (but less resistance.3 0.4 0. brines. designations. moist chlorine at temperature above 120°C (250 OF).3 0. molybdenum and nickel.4 0. In near neutral brines.D15 0.6-0. Applications include heat exchangers. brackish.. and oxygen levels comparable to those of Grade 2 and Grade 7.2-0.8Ni grade 12 and equivalents: Specifications and compositions Specification Designation UNS R53400 Description C Fe H Mo N Nl 0 0.2-0.8Ni.O. oxidizing acids.3 balTi balTi balTI balTi balTi .08 wt% vs.25 0.4 0. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Stress Relieving. Grade 12 has allowable nitrogen. than Ti-Pd). piping.6-0. or saline cooling waters.6-0. designations. Equiaxed grains of alpha.0 wt% max).6-0.3 0. 88 mL Hp.25 0. cooling is in air Ti-O.D15 0.2 0.. crevice corrosion properties are similar to those of Ti-Pd.3 0.08 0.03 0. ASTM Grade 12. Except for a lower carbon content (0.3Mo". hot process streams containing chlorides where crevices may be present.25 0.25 0.2-0.2-0.08 0. air cooling or step cooling processes are used Annealing. Tensile and yield strengths are higher than those Of Grade 2 and Grade 7.9 0.0125 0. Tensile and yield strengths are double those of Grade 11. carbon.6-0.25 0. chlorine cells. Grade 12 has less resistance than Ti-Pd to crevice corrosion resistance at low pH «3 pH).4 0.03 0.9 0. Suitable environments include seawater.3 0. in this instance. and significantly greater strength than unalloyed grades in high temperature.9 0.. Grade 12's titanium content is lowered through the addition of two beta stabilizers.08 0. Grade 12 products typically have an annealed alpha structure. Fabrication Properties This grade is readily forged and can be cold worked on equipment used for stainless steels.9 0.03 0. and slowly cooled. times range from 6 min to 2 h. product forms.08 0. including: better resistance at lower cost to corrosion in hot brines (protection is similar to that provided by Ti-Pd).9 0.2Pd): Hot rolled with starting temperature of 760°C (1400 OF).9 0. and compositions. Temperatures range from 650 to 760°C (1200 to 1400 "F). annealed for 2 h at 705°C (1300 OF).476/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Modified Titanium Sheet (Ti-o. such as in equipment for the chemical and marine industries. times range from 15 min to 4 h.4 0. 2 mL HF. 10 mL HNOa. and combinations of the preceding conditions with hot.6-0. 0. and compositions. and pollution control equipment.03 0.03 0. Applications Grade 12 is typically used where moderate strength and enhanced resistance to corrosion are needed.4 0. product forms. iron. and adjoining Table for international specifications.08 0. Temperatures range from 480 to 595 °C (900 to 1100 OF). dilute reducing acids.D15 0. See adjoining Table for specifications.3 0. R53400 Chemical Composition. 250x Ti. hydrogen. iron-stabilized beta (black dots).3Mo-O. The last named advantage often permits use of thinner wall sections in pressure vessels and piping.08 0. It is available in all wrought forms.03 0.D15 0.3 0. 2·0.4 0.6-0.3 max 0.25max baITi USA OREMEf TIMET 1MCA 0.9 0.2-0.01 0.3 0.9 0.2·0.9 0.03 max 0.6-0.06 0.4 0.015max 0.08 max .2 baITi baITi 0.01 0.Commercially Pure and Modified Titanium /477 Ti-O.013 0.3 0.4 0.03 0.4 0.9 0.3Mo-O.25 0.8Ni grade 12 commercialequivalents: Compositions Specillcalion Germany DeutscheT Japan Kobe Kobe Designation Descripllon ContimetTJNiMo83 Ann KSG12 KSG12S MultFormsAnn SoftMu1tFormsAnn 11-12 TIMETAL Code12 1112 HeatExch OT Other C Fe H Mo N Ni 0 0.6-0.03 0.2-0.03 0.6-0.25 0.25 baITi 0. large amounts of cold working produce and elongated structure of a grains.5V has a high strength-to-weight . Hardness is highly dependent on annealing temperature Microhardness. In some cases. tennis racquets. See accompanying Figures comparing corrosion rates of CP Grade 2 and several Ti alloys. See accompanying Figures and Table on: effect of annealing temperature on hardness. Like Ti-6AI-4V. R56320 Chemical Composition.5V seamless tubing was originally developed for aircraft hydraulic and fuel systems and has a proven performance record in high-technology military aircraft. With a phase structure consisting mostly of a grains. Corrosion of Ti-3AI-2. In production shops.5V is similar to that of unalloyed titanium. Ti-3AI-2." High impurity levels may raise yield strength above maximum permitted values or decrease elongation or reduction in area below minimum values.5V are the morphology of the a phase and the alignment (texture) of the a crystals. Ti-3AI-2.5 wt% vanadium as a beta stabilizer. ASTM Grade 9 UNS Number. or fissures at the inner and outer surfaces.5V tubing is influenced by its crystallographic texture by residual stresses produced in straightening operations. The general corrosion behavior ofTi3AI-2.5.5V than for commercial-purity titanium. medical and dental implants. However. and bending stresses in the flattened tube wall. Can be heat treated to high strength.5V was more stable than that at a CP TiIPTFE gasket contact. Knoop hardness vs. and rolled products. Tubing is readily welded by standard gas tungsten-arc welding with inertgas shielding and by use of automatic welding tools with built-in inert-gas purge chambers Applications. See accompanying Tables for specifications and compositions and commercial compositions Characteristics Product ConditionlMicrostructure. the passive region of Ti-3AI-2. See accompanying Figures showing isothermal transformation and continuous cooling transformations Product Forms. increasing impulse fatigue life. Over-pressurization of tubing (auto-frettage) can decrease flattening. with small amounts of ~ titanium in the matrix and grain boundaries. and expensive ballpoint-pen casings Use Limitations. certain alloying elements may accelerate corrosion. Ti-3AI-2.5V. and hardness vs. Annealing recrystallizes the cold-worked structure to more rounded grains. but it has very limited hardenability. This alloy also can be readily rolled in strip and foil.5V is also immune to hot-salt cracking. When texture is developed in highly worked Ti-3Al2. effect of heat treatment on hardness. Can vary from 5 to 80% equiaxed alpha. Relatively thin-wall tubing should be bent using tubing fillers or other inside-diameter constraints. and ovality. thus. For example. plus comparative Crevice Corrosion properties of CPTi and Ti-3AI-2. when anodic polarization tests were performed in seawater at 96°C (205 OF). Accompanying Figures show cryogenic tensile properties of annealed sheet and tubing and cryogenic tensile properties of tubing Fabrication Properties Ti-3Al-2. Vickers hardness typically ranges from 220 to 300 HV. seamless tubing. The rotary flexure fatigue life of pressurized Ti-3Al2. the shape of the Knoop indenter results in anisotropic hardness readings.5V has better crevice corrosion resistance than CP titanium. under active conditions in which titanium exhibits significant general corrosion. 935 ± 15°C (1715 ± 25 OF) Alpha Morphology. Ti-3AI-2. With 3 wt% aluminum as an alpha stabilizer and 2.5V in Seawater. cold worked and stress relieved tubing generally is not bent to radii less than 3 times the outer diameter.5V have been tested in boiling seawater for 130 days with no detectable pitting or crevice corrosion.5V Common Name. Although CP titanium has a higher pitting potential than Ti-3AI-2. Crevice corrosion specimens ofTi-3AI-2. The alloy is available as foil. Grain refinement during forging develops more slowly for Ti-3AI-2. CP titanium may be susceptible to crevice corrosion in an environment that contains more than 1000 ppm chloride at temperatures of about 75°C (165 "F). surface roughness. mostly in tubular form. depending on the amount of working and recrystallization. with the ~ phase strung out at the grain boundaries. Production defects may be inclusions. Like CP titanium.5V is intermediate in strength between unalloyed titanium and Ti-6AI-4V. and bicycle frames). transformation products can be obtained by heat treatment Beta Transus. and commercial aircraft. Tubing alloy. spacecraft. although radially textured tubing can be bent to 1.5V is essentially immune to stress-corrosion cracking in boiling seawater and simulated sour-gas well brines at room temperature (Te-Lin Yau. Flattening during bending operations reduces the impulse fatigue life of tubing as a result of the superposition of three additive stresses: residual stresses due to flattening. The reliability of tubing is adversely affected by cracking in service resulting from internal and surface irregularities. annealing temperature. forgings. Typical hardness of about 24 HRC has been reported with a range of 15 to 27 HRC. in various nonaerospace applications such as sports equipment (golf-club shafts. Seamless tubing is readily cold formed on the same type of conventional tube-bending equipment used for forming stainless steel. However. Ti-3AI-2. pipe. in Corrosion 89. Surface damage usually takes the form ofchafing or denting General Corrosion Properties. Therefore. This near-alpha alpha-beta alloy is generally used in the cold-worked and stress-relieved condition. homogenizing heat treatment/cooling Cryogenic Properties. Ti-3AI-2. As a tubing material. small additions «2 to 3%) of most commercially used alloying elements or trace alloy impurities generally have little effect on the basic corrosion resistance of titanium in normally passive environments. The nature of the oxide film on titanium alloys basically remains unaltered in the presence ofminor alloying constituents.5V in seawater. Ti-3AI-2.5V Hardness. titanium alloys with improved crevice corrosion resistance are desirable for marine applications. 1989).5V is sometimes referred to as "half 6-4. membrane stresses following pressurization.5V is also employed.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys Ti·3AI·2. separations in the tubing wall.depending on heat treatment. The structure is typically cold worked and partially recrystallized. the major microstructural features of Ti-3AI-2. 5V offers excellent cold formability in combination with 30 to 50% higher tensile strengths than unalloyed titanium.0070 wt% N. and Figures showing effect of aging on strength and tensile strength vs. Ti-3AI-2. a small age hardening response is possible from the solution heat treated condition. 0.1 wt% AI.0035 wt% H. Extruded tube intermediates can be cold worked to a moderately high-strength ductile product. Slower speed and heavier cuts are preferred because they maintain lower tool temperatures.s . and aged 8 h at 510 °C (950 oF) produces strengths only 138 to 172 MPa (20 to 25 ksi) greater than the annealed values and not much different from those achieved by cold working and stress relieving. In general. With the use ofconventional machining techniques. Ti-3AI-2. Texture variations of Ti-3AI-2. For higher strengths and potential weight savings on aircraft hydraulic tubing. 0. Thbing should be left in its protective sleeve or separator tray and handled carefully in bending to prevent surface damage that will reduce the fatigue life of the tube assembly.064 wt% Fe. annealing temperatures Ti-3AI-2.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 479 long as the drill is sharp. respectively. Extruded tube intermediates may be cold worked to final tube sizes with appropriate intermediate annealing treatments as required. Only a small increase in strength is possible in thin sections by solution treating and aging. Typically.0795 wt% 0. 1. 0. abrasive wheel cut-off.5V tubing provide a useful means of tailoring properties.5V can be cold worked 75 to 85% to result in moderately high strength and good ductility Machining. 0. Thicker walled tube requires a heavy flood of coolant to remove heat and chips ratio and is lighter than stainless steel. and a radial texture has the characteristic of increasing both tensile yield strength and elongation (see Figures). Ti-3AI-2. ingot breakdown may occur at temperatures above the ~ transus. Drilling of thin-walled titanium is not difficult as See accompanying Table for typical heat treatment conditions. It has comparable weldability. Drawability of Ti-3AI-2. like all titanium alloys. and ordinary tube cutters are used in cutting tubing. bal Ti LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 980 1800 ~/a+ ~ 1700 1600 870 ~---ta P Ms e! ~ ~ Q) c. Both annealed and cold worked plus stress relieved conditioned tube can be readily formed at room temperature using the same dies and plug mandrels used in forming stainless steel tubing. Welding.5 and 3. Cold Working.5 v is used in the annealed or in the cold worked plus stress relieved conditions.5Vincreases as the fraction of a phase increases.5V: Isothermal transformation. Figure compares hot ductility of CP-50 and several alloys BendingProperties. Not a common practice on titanium alloy tubing. which can exhibit variations in crystallographic orientation ranging from a radial texture to a circumferential texture. titanium alloys are comparable to machining a good grade of stainless steel. and fmal primary fabrication steps at ambient temperatures with appropriate intermediate annealing Recommended Heat Treating Practice Ti-3AI-2. For example. Composition: 3. Bend radii of 2.4 wt% V. due to the small amount of ~ stabilizer present. very sharp tools with a slightly larger rake angle and a very keen edge are suitable. The best combination of strength and drawability is obtained by quenching from just below the ~ transus Mill products other than tubing can be produced following similar schedules. Accompanying Table gives examples of primary working temperature. a seamless Ti-6AI-4V tubing product has been developed. Filler Metal. 2. However. Spring back is about 15 to 25°. whereas low drawability occurs even after tempering of ~ quenched material. Accompanying Figure shows effect of tube reductions on texture and properties Primary Working.7 mm (0. Hack sawing. M. Recommended mler metals are AWS Ti-9 and ER Ti-9ELI. Ti-3AI-2.5V is used primarily as seamless tubing. 0.5V has good weldability and.0 times the OD are typical for annealed and cold worked plus stress relieved tubing. and is much more amenable to cold working than Ti-6AI-4V (which does not have good cold forming properties).006 wt% C. Extrusion of billet to shapes such as tube hollows may be accomplished at temperatures of less than 870°C (1600 "F). is weldable by all methods except shielded arc welding and submerged arc welding (because no flux is permitted) Ti-3AI-2.) sheet solution treated 15 min at 910°C (1670 "F) water quenched. Cleaning and pickling operations are included at appropriate intervals.070 in. 760 E ~ a" a + ~(~m S 750°C) 1200 650 1100 10 2 10 Time. major working of bloom and billet to intermediate section thickness at a-~ temperatures (see Table).5V has 20 to 50% higher strength than unalloyed titanium at both room and elevated temperatures. 5 E Q) 0 o 15 0- 0 0 o 0. General corrosion in Ti-3AI-2. 50 ~ c > 0 'iii g "iii 0. 0.) wall. Ti alloys. 0/0 -1 0. S Ti-3AI-2.5 2. 2. ~ Q) Q) ~ 650 s: P 0 I- 1200 ~ I- III 1000 540 800 430 10" 4 3 2 10 6 10 10 10 10 Time.. Annealing temperature.5V had a more stable passive region than CP titanium.9 mm (0.0795 wt% 0. and crevice corrosion occurred inconsistently at the CP Ti/PTFE-gasket contact.625 in. 0. Test conditions: Pickled sample.8 mm (0. OF 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 30 25 oa: J: • • • • • • • • • • gf 20 Q) c "E <ll J: 15 400 500 600 1000 Ti-3AI-2. annealed 2 h in vacuum. vacuum cooled to 425 DC (795 OF).1 1 10 /1 Alcm .5 1 1.5V: Corrosion rate vs.0070 wt% N. °C 800 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 900 .038 in..4 wt% V.0035 wt% H. Composition: 3. 6 V/h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH 100 Click here to view 2 ~ 1. 0. Alloy supplied as tubing 15. Ti-3AI- naturally aerated HCI solutions 2.5 2 -0.01 0. 0.5V: Effect ofannealing temperature onhardness.5V: Anodic polarization in seawaterat 96 DC.5V: Continuous cooling transformations.5 Concentration of HCI. 0.064 wt% Fe. air cooled • • • • • • • 10 100 2 • •-• • • 700 Annealing temperature.1 wt% AI.006 wt% C. 0. bal Ti LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 980 1800 870 1600 o lL 1400 0_ I!! 0_760 I!! :::l ~ 0.) 00 by 0. scan rate.480 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-3AI-2. 50% cold worked (CW).5 'E . 5 0.OEO.005.bal Ti YO.15max.) squarebillet 250mm (10in.5 2.5-3.5-3.015max 0.5V: Specifications and compositions Spedllcation DeslgD8tlon Description UNS UNS Cbina R56320 R56321 WeldFillWtr TI-3Al-2.5 2.5 0.5-3.5-3.013 0.12 0.5 2.3 0.12 2-3 balTI OT Other S~-325 325~ TI-3Al-2.5 2. balTI 2.oI5 O.bal Ti YO.oI5 0.1 0.3 0.4 max ThbCWSR SmlsThb 2.12 max 2-3 2-3 0.5 2.5t02 0.02 0.02 0.I6-70 MILT-9046J MlLT-9047G Fe H 2.03 0.12 0.5-3.02 0.5 2.12 max 2.balTI YO.05 0.3 0.5 Ti325 BarThbStrpAnn Bar'Iub StrpAnn BarThb StrpCWSR 2.) squarebilletforgedto203 mm (8 in.12 2-3 balTI Pit ShWtrBarAnn 2.008 O.3 max O.6.5 0.013 0.25 0.5-3.oI5 0.12 0.5V Europe AECMATI-P69 Russia GOST GOST USA AMS4943D AMS4944D prEN3120 ThbCWSR ASTMB337 ASTMB338 ASTMB348 ASTMB381 ASTMB265-79 AWSAS.12 0.04 0.04 0.5 0.5V RMI3AI-2.02 0. 5 to7 h.05 0.005max.0125 0.12 2-3 balTI 2.5-3.4 0.015max 0.OEO.5-3.12 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 0.5 2.02 0.1 0.25-0.5 2.16 2.4 0.013 0.0125 0.3 0.4 2.04 max balTI Si 0.) squarebilletforgedto355mm (14in.05 0.I max. bal Ti ThbAnn SmlsThbCWSR 2.02 0.12 0.02 max 0.WI % Spedllcatlon Germany DeutscheT Japan Kobe Sumitomo Toho USA Cabot Crucible OREMEf RMl RMl RMl T1MEf TMCA DesIgD8tlon Description Contirnet AlV32 KS3-2.4 Ti-3AI-2.3 max O. and annealingin the ~ phasefieldreducesimpactstrength Product Corm/condition 660mm(26in.05 0. WI% N 0 AI OT V 0.5V T1MEfAL3-2.1 max 0.005max.05max 0.12 max 2-3 2-3 0.5V: Examples of primaryworkingtemperatures "C OF Thn.25 0.4 Grade9 Grade9 SmlsWeldPip Ann SmlsWeldThbCW SR Grade9 BarBiiAnn GradeF-9 FrgAnn Sh StrpPit EIm-3AI-2.12 0.25 0.3 0.5 min 0.02 0.25 0.05max 0.5-3.5 2.02 0.25 0.oI5 0.)diarningot.oI 0.)squarebillet 355 mm(14in.25 0.5-3.(b)Heating to705 "C (1300 "F) for 2 h appearsto developa fullyannealedcondition.5 0.05 0.preheatedto(200 oF).4 0.bal Ti 0.5V-I WeldFillMet EIm-3AI-2.02 0.02 0.05max 0.5V BarBilAnn YO.There is no advantagein annealing above 800 °C (1470 oF).3 max 0.5V WeldFillMet CodeAB-5 ShStrpPltAnn TI-3Al-2.0125 O.3 O.5 0.02 max 0.5-3.OEO.5 0.02 0.3 0.25-0.)diarneterbillet Note: Intermediateconditioningoperationsas required Worldngtemperature 900to 1095-c (1650to2000 oF) 900to 1035°c (1650to 1895oF) min 900to980°C (1650to 1795OF) min 785 to 900°C (1455to 1650oF) min 900 -c(1650oF) ..5 0.0125 0.4 max 2.05 0.5 2.5 2.3 0.5-3.5-3.) squarebilletforgedto 150mm (6 in.5-3.oI5max 0.02 0.5 0.25 0.005.12 0.25 0.5V: Typical heat treatment conditions Heat treatment Minimumstressrelief 'Iypical stressrelief(a) Annealing(b) Solutiontreating Aging Temperature Ti-3AI-2.oI5 0.5 t020r3 0.5-3.02 max 0.5 0.5V RMI3Al-2.012 0.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 481 Ti-3AI-2.5-3.005max.013 0.05 max 0.12 0.25 max 0.5-3.05 0. h CooUng method 315 370-650 650-760 870-930 480-510 600 700-1200 1200-1400 1600-1700 900-950 0.4 0.05 0.05 0.1 2-3 2-3 baITI baITI 2.)squarebillet 457 mm(18 in.3 max O.) squarebillet 203mm(8 in.bal Ti balTI balTI balTI balTI balTI balTI balTI balTI Y 0.12 max 2-3 SiO.05 0.I max. forgedto457 mm(18in.04 0.5-3.5 0.oI5max 0.5V U3-25 RMI3AI-2.l6-70 AWSAS.005 0.015max 0.05 0.02 0.5-3.012 0.35 0.08max 0.1 0.)squarebilletforgedto250mm (lOin.12 2-3 2-3 2-3 balTI balTI balTI Ti-3AI-2.3 O.5-3.02 0.05 0.12 0.5-3. balTi Y 0.05 0.1 max.005 0.005.5-3.5 AI C Fe H N 0 V Pit BarFrgPipAnn 2.5-3.5-3.5 2 3 3 Powd AMS4944D AMS4945 Other C AK2 IMP-7 Composition.25 0.12 0.02 max 0.0125 0.5V: Commercialcompositions Composition.15 max 0.5 2.4 0.33 2t08 AC AC AC WQ AC (a)Heatingabove 540°C (1000 "F) substantially reducedstrengthand hardness.3 0.015 0.12 2-3 2-3 0.12 0.5 0.5V 3Al-2. and air cooled. 500°C (930 oF) 5 h. OF 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 100 AasalPole Hexagonal unit cell I::tJ:J . WQ 800°C (1470 oF) 20 min.. 500°C (930 oF) 5 h. OF 1400 1500 1600 1700 2400 Water quenched Air cooled Furnace cooled 325 o Oi 300__---__-----"~-1__---1___--_l a a LIVE GRAPH • ~ Click here to view / ~ • / I 2751__---.7 mm (0. °C 770 840 910 Homogenizing heat treat temperature. WQ. WQ.3 minimum CSR for most tube sizes.03in. WQ.AC 950°C (1740 oF) 20 min.annealedsheet0. The contractile strain ratio (CSR) is the ratio of diametral to radial strain from a given stress..) wall. WQ 'Thmpered 750°C (1380 oF) 20 min. 500°C (930 oF) 5 h. AC 800°C (1470 oF) 20 min.. Low and high CSR both reduce fatigue strength.. 500°C (930 oF) 5 h.5V: Knoop hardness vs. The different data points indicate the results of using various indenter orientations Annealing temperature for 105. Effect of homogenizing heat treat temperature and cooling rate from that temperature on microhardness of small samples taken from forged billet.-\____. annealing temperature.. °C 1200 Ti-3AI-2. "E ~ 250~---Ja-:!c\t*+-lL_---~--_1 • ~. WQ 900 °C (1650 oF) 20 min. annealed for 1 h.Heat treatmentswere carried OUI in vacuum(10 10 10-slorr) ..) 00 by 0./ ...5V: Effect of heat treatment on hardness Heattreatment condition As-quenched 750 °C (1380 oF) 20 min. WQ.5V: Hardness vs. 500°C (930 oF) 5 h.033 in..5V .5V and unalloyed titanium do not exhibit a "hot ductility dip" as in other alloys containing more aluminum LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 800 1000 Break temperature.. AC 261 258 257 299 304 263 254 278 301 292 Note:Commerci~ produced. AMS 4945 specified a 1.->.5V: Hot ductility.n--~}--_p. °C 1400 Ti-3AI-2.__--1___--_l • 0 <Ii VI o Q) c •• . The on-cooling hot ductility behavior of titanium alloys with varying aluminum content. LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 225'---------''''--_'--_--'-_'-600 '-----_ _--' 800 1000 1200 Annealing temperature for 10 5. .AC 850°C (1560 oF) 20 min.. homogenizing heat treatment/cooling. 55% cold worked and partially recrystallized at 600°C (1110 OF) for 1 h.. WQ 850°C (1560 oF) 20 min.AC 900 °C (1650 oF) 20 min. of 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 1200 Ti-3AI-2.. whereas a midrange CSR increases fatigue strength 980 Ti-3AI-2.ft. As-forged hardness was about 210 HV Homogenizing heat treat temperature./ . Alloy supplied as tubing 13 mm (0.5 in.)thick.8 mm (0..5V: Effect of tube reductions on texture and properties. WQ. 60 '0 c 0 U :J Ti-BAI 40 /' "0 Q) ll: 20 Random texture l Random texture l Large wall reduction (high a) Large diameter reduction l l ~0 ~ Radial texture (high eSR) High eSR increases: • Tensile strength • Tensile elongation • Burst strength 0 400 600 (Iowa) 00 ri?W Circumferential texture (low CSR) Low CSR increases: • Wall thinning • Flattening • Flaring • Swaging 800 1000 Break temperature. ~ CP-50 80 TI·3AI·2.WQ 950 °C (l74O oF) 20 min.482/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-3AI-2. li-3AI-2. particularly in hardware for service at cryogenic temperatures Precautions in Use. The nature of the oxide film basically remains unaltered in the presence of minor alloying constituents.625 in. On heating lX to 13 at 955 to 985°C (1750 to 1805 "F) Beta Transus of ELI Grade. £ Ti-3AI-2. and gas turbine parts. aerospace structural members in hot spots (near engines and leading edges of wings). depending on prior processing. This alloy is being replaced by Ti-6AI-4V.5Sn was designed as an intermediate strength.5Sn or Ti-5AI-2. It is used in applications requiring ductility and toughness greater than those of the standard grade. although at some sacrifice in strength. oxidation resistance. often referred to as strain-induced porosity Applications.5 and Ti-5-2. 'F 800 1000 1200 1400 UTS ~.5 mm (0. Ti-5AI-2. but it is available from all producers Product Condition/Microstructure. Few published data on the general corrosion rates of Ti-5AI-2. The 13 phase transforms to lX on cooling at 1040 to 1090 °C (1905 to 1995 oF) Alpha Transus. Use of Ti-5AI-2. It has very high fracture toughness at both room temperature and elevated temperatures and is used only in the annealed condition. This occurs at 1010 ± 15°C (1850 ± 25 oF) Product Forms. 600 400 TYS :::.5Sn (ELI) Beta Transus. wire. h 0 900 Ti·5AI·2. plate. See adjoining Tables for specifications and compositions Characteristics One of the first alloys to be developed commercially.8 mm (0.5Sn (like all titanium alloys) in contact with liquid oxygen.."-. Effect of 540°C (1000 OF) age on room-temperature tensile properties of 3. chemical-processing equipment requiring elevatedtemperature strength superior to that of unalloyed titanium and excellent weldability.5Sn Common Name.5Sn is either acicular or equiaxed o.5Sn ELI is employed for liquid hydrogen tankage and high-pressure vessels at temperatures below -195°C (-320 OF).) OD x 0.96 mm (0.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 483 Ti-3AI-2. '\ 800 '" Click here to view 1000 - 1000 g'"" LIVE GRAPH 1600 LIVE GRAPH :. 2 h in vacuum. Ti-5AI-2.5V: Effect of aging on strength.c~"- '" a. With a room-temperature full hard strength of 999 MPa (145 ksi) UTS and 896 MPa (130 ksi) tensile yield strength. ----:l 140 s. ordnance equipment.5Sn (UNS R54521) is especially well suited for service at cryogenic temperatures and exhibits an excellent combination of strength and toughness at -250°C (-420 "F).5Sn is available as bar. AC 600 1200 Anneallemperalure. weldable alloy.. constitutes severe fire and explosion hazards General Corrosion Properties. Ti-5AI-2.140 in.) strip after solution treatment at 910°C (1670 OF) for 15 min and water quench 20 iil ~ c I!! 700 100 iil TYS"".5V: Tensile strength vs. strip. It can be used in mildly reducing to highly oxidizing environments in which protective oxide ftlms spontaneously form and remain stable.B 600 T L 0 • UTS ·TYS 0 500 0 2 4 6 90 80 8 Age time. Consequently. both yield and tensile strengths increase and fracture toughness decreases. and other applications demanding good weld fabricability. 'C -II . The microstructure of Ti-5AI-2. forgings. There commonly is a very small amount of 13 in microstructures ofTi-5AI-2. 120 I!! 100 80 60 Full hard (50% CWj 0 400 500 600 700 800 Anneal temperature. As interstitial element content increases. sheet. followed by annealing in the lX field. rocket motor casings. structural members for aircraft. -. Acicular lX is observed after thermal excursions above the 13 transus.5Sn is an all-alpha titanium alloy. or in contact with gaseous oxygen at pressures above approximately 345 kPa (50 psi). 15. and intermediate strength at service temperatures up to 480°C (900 oF). R54520/R5452l Chemical Composition. The extra low interstitial (ELI) grade of Ti-5AI-2. Ti-5AI-2. and extrusions.5Sn is used for gas turbine engine castings and rings.038 in.5 ELI UNS Numbers. In boiling . stress-corrosion resistance of this alloy in the presence of solid salt is lower than that of other commonly used titanium alloys. 160 800 "'" 110 en c ~ iff el c ~ 40 200 300 140 130 Click here to view ~.) wall 50% CW + anneal.5Sn are available. Ti-5-2. Ti-5AI-2. particularly when converting from ingot to billet because of shear cracking. The ELI grade is quite difficult to hot work into some product forms. vacuum cool to approximate 425°C (800 OF)..5Sn that contains high iron. Primary usage was in products requiring moderate strength combined with excellent weldability. aircraft forgings and extrusions. 120 'iii <U a. small additions (<2 to 3%) of most commercially used alloying elements or trace alloy impurities generally have little effect on basic corrosion resistance in normally passive environments. The elevated temperature. Effect of 2 h annealing (or stress relieving) temperature on room-temperature tensile properties of full hard (50% cold worked) tubing. anneal temperature. Equiaxed lX is most frequently encountered in mill products of either standard Ti-5AI-2. . Equiaxed alpha results from working the metal below the 13 transus. Ti-8A1-IMo-IV. Drilling of thin-walled titanium is not a problem as long as the drill is sharp.5Sn alloy is expected in hot. Ti-8Mn. Corrosion of the Ti-5AI-2. concentrated. TI-7A1-2Nb-lTa. Ti-3AI-llCr-I3V. tensile and fatigue specimens prepared from butt-fusion-welded sheet were found to change in strength and ductility after a 500-h. and is fabricated on all commercially available types of forging equipment. Mild forming 1000-1300 Severeformingabove540 °C (1000 oF).Ti-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Ti-8A1-IMo-IV. Most forming and welding operations are followed by an annealing treatment to relieve residual stresses imposed by the prior operation Machining. alloy.5Sn is not as readily formed into complex shapes as other alloys with similar room-temperature properties. Ti-6A1-6V-2Sn. The only changes in properties due to thermal exposure that have been observed are believed to be traceable to the relief of residual stresses. Like step-cooled Ti-8AI-IMo-lV.Ti-6A1-4V.063 in. Measurements made by comparing room-temperature properties before and after thermal exposure (stressed or unstressed) have indicated that this alloy is metallurgically stable under any conditions of stress. including anhydrous.5Sn is comparable to grade 2 titanium. In general. In general. which may restrict the amount of reduction possible in a given forging step.3%): lIT Ti-2.0 28.5Sn is good.GPa (106 psi) 1YPe of fracture Because Ti-5AI-2. it is weldable by all methods except shielded arc welding and submerged arc welding (because no flux is permitted) Fabrication Properties Filler Metals. h Cooling method 0. maximumstretchof 12. They are characterized by high unit pressures (flow stresses) and crack sensitivity in all types of forging processes.6rom (0. all acidic solutions that are reducing in nature corrode titanium. Strong oxidizers.2) structures.4 TI. activate the surface and can cause rapid corrosion. Like all titanium alloys. which are more difficult to ignite.2%offset). Machinability is comparable to that of a good grade of stainless steels.Gr.5Sn lIT 230-430(450-800) Mostcommercialalloysexcept grades 1. followed by air cooling or faster quenches prior to annealing.2(15. Ti-ll.0) 1041(151. Gr.0 39.1(127. in some cases.. °C (OF) Othertilanium alloyswithknown susteptihility OxidIzers Ti-SAI-2.Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo.3 (14. the Ti-5Al2.Ti-6AI-4V TI-6A1-4V. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Ti-5AI-2.8mm(O. MeChod "C Hot sizing 650 Brakeforming Drophammer 205-315 540-705 Stretching Drawing Spinningor shear forming Pressforming Matched die Hydropress Roll forming Creepforming Dimpling 540-705 650-760 OF Comments 15 min forO. Ti-4A1-3Mo-lV. phosphoric. unless they contain inhibitors.5Sn is a single-phase a.5 cup Property urs (0.5Mo-6Zr-4.4) flat 0.TI-6A1-4V. Final thermal treatments consist of an anneal at 705 to 815 °C (1300 to 1500 "F). TI-13V-llCr-3A1 370(700) Ti-8A1-IMo-lV lIT Ti-8A1-lMo-IV. Ti-5AI-2. Consequently. Ti-5AI-2. Ti-4A1-3MoIV.6(175. Ti-5AI-2. low-pH chloride salts. and simple forming may be done at room temperature.MPa (ksi) Tensileyieldstrength. % RA. etc. Ti-5AI-2. MPa (ksi) Elongationin 50 mm(2 in.g.6(122. closed die forgings.20 min for 1.12. Moderately severe Ti-SAI-2. rings.25 to 1 0.7) flat0.0) 517(75.II. for example..SSn: Environments known to promotestress-corrosion cracking Medium Thmperature. Recommended ftller metals are AWS Ti-6 and ER Ti-6 ELI Forging.).2.SSn: Effect of annealing on tensile properties Annealed Colddrawn 15% 982.5Sn alloy is susceptible to corrosion cracking in distilled water forming can be done at 150 to 315°C (300 to 600 OF). red fuming nitric acid and 90% hydrogen peroxide.TI-6A1-4V. such as sodium fluoride and hydrogen fluoride. Ti-13V-llCr-3A1 788(1450) 315-370(600-700) No alloyotherthanTi-5A1-2. Severe forming operations may be accomplished at temperatures up to 650°C (1200 "F).% Elasticmodulus..) 400-600 .5. heat treatment is confined to stress relief or full annealing Temperatures above 870°C (1600 OF) are seldom used for annealing. temperature. Dry chlorine gas is especially harmful. and time up to the annealing temperature.5) 879.5Sn(BetaIIl) lIT 230-480(450-900) 7A1-4Mo Ti-8A1-lMo-IV 35-340(95-645) . open die forgings.5%.5A1-lMo-IISn-5Zr-02Si (IMl-679).5Sn is one of the titanium alloys most susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking. Except for some forging operations.. 7. Alpha phase predominates the final microstructure of Ti-52. with. Because tin and aluminum promote the formation of ordered ThAI (a. 370°C (700 OF) exposure Ti-SAI-2.2TI.5V UnalloyedTI (withoxygencontent>0. because excessive grain growth and oxidation can occur.6%at480 °C (900oF) in annealedcondition Thmperatures above540 °C (1000 oF) are requiredfor significantimprovementin stretch formability 1000-1300 1200-1400 Thmperatures up to 870°C (1600 oF) maybe neededfor spinning 1200 480-540 205-315 900-1000 400-600 540-705 870-980 1000-1300 1600-1800 Severeforming Mild forming Nitricacid (red fuming) Organic compounds Methylalcohol (anhydrous) Methylchloroform Ethylalcohol(anhydrous) 1iicWorofluoroethane Chlorinateddiphenyl Salts Hotchlorideandother halidesalts/residues SeawaterlNaOsolution MIscellaneous Distilledwater Agmetal+AgO IO%HCl lIT Ti.5 (142.5) 844.5 cup 1206.andTi-3A1-2.)sheet. For example.SSn: Recommended heat treatmentconditions Thmperalure Heat treatment Stressrelief Annealing 540-650 705-870 1000-1200 1300-1600 Time. temperature range imparts or restores optimum ductility and toughness Thermal Stability. also cause attack. it is not thermomechanically processed in forging manufacture. fabrication of Ti-5AI-2.0 108. very sharp tools with a slightly larger rake angle and very keen edge are suitable. Warm or concentrated solutions of hydrochloric.. to refine a.Ti-8Mn.5Sn is used commercially in the full range of forging products. Weldability ofTi-5AI-2.TI-13V-llCr-3A1 Ti-8AI-IMo-IV. and oxalic acids also are damaging. e. TI-8AI-IMo-IV.0) 10.0 99.032in.. Thicker walled tube requires a heavy flood of coolant to remove heat and chips Welding. a subtransus solution treatment at 1010 or 995°C (1850 or 1825 "F) for the two alloy variants. Ionizable fluoride compounds. Annealing in the preferred a.5Sn and its extra-low interstitial (ELI) grade are among the most difficult to forge of all titanium alloys. grain size Forming. Slower speed and heavier cuts are preferred because they maintain lower tool temperatures and produce coarse chips.16t04 AC AC Ti-SAI-2.MPa (ksi) Proportionallimit.SSn: Forming temperatures Thmperalu.484/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys HCI concentrations below 0.5) 17.5Sn is conducted at temperatures where the structure remains all a. 012 0.5 0.5-5.5 max 0.% Elasticmodulus.08 0.05 0. balTi VT5-1 Sh PItStrpRod FrgAnn 4-6 0.Typical transusis 1050·C (1920 oF) forTi-5Al-2.03 0.5 0.D15 0.3 AMS4910J AMS4924D ShStrpPltAnn EU BarFrgRngAnn 4.75 4.02 0.02 0.includingupset- tingand open dieforging.05 0.035 0.15 2-3 L-7101 Sh Strp PItBar FrgExt 4.12 2-3 2-3 0.05 0.75 4.5 max 0.5 0.25 0.02 0.5 0.02 0.4 GOSTI9807-74 Spain UNE38-716 UK BSTAI4 BSTAI5 BSTAI6 BSTAI7 USA AMS4909D Sh Bar Frg Frg Grade6 Grade6 GradeC-6 GradeF-6 ERTI-5Al-2.05 0.4 0.02 0.5-5.08 0.02 0.5SnELI Supratransus forging(*) ·C ·F 900-1010 885-995 PT+30t055 ·C 1650-1850 1625-1825 PT+50to 100°F (*) Due to thehighflowstresses.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.0125 0.5Sn: Typical tensile properties UItimotelemlle strength Grade MPa ksi Standard EU 861 779 125 113 Thmileyieldstrength (0.75 4.2 0.4) Flat 0.15.I.02 0.12 0.035 0.2 0.75 0.1 0.2 max 2-3 SiO.25 0.005 0. % 120 104 15 17 Ti-5AI-2.05 0.05 0.05 0.5-5.3 0.08 max 0.D7 0.5Sn TI-5AI-2.05 0.05 0.4 0.4 0.5 max 0.I6-70 AWSAS.5-5.3 0.2 0.D15 0.05 0. WI%(a) Speci.7-5.04 0.1 max 0.08 0.08 0.5 cup 1206 (175.005: balTI YO.4 0.2 2-3 baiTI 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 0.12 2-3 0.4 0.25 0.12 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 0.2 0.7-5.5 0.6 4.02 0.75 4.5 max 0.7-5.1 0.05 0.03 0.25 0.04 0.12 2-3 0.2%) MPa ksi 827 717 EJongationID so mm(2 la).5 2-3 2-3 baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI 4-6 0.05 0.7115 Sh StrpPItRod wu PitSh StrpAnn VT5-IKT Other OT AI C Fe H N 0 So 4-6 5 4.7-5.2 0.5 4-6 406 0.005 0.4 0.4 0.02 0.0125 max 0.5-5.0125 0.2 0.5 0.035 0.5 0.1 0.25 0.75 4.3 0.175 0.0125 0.5Sn ConventionalforgingofTI-5AI-2.005:balTi YO.0 39.5 0.05 0.5Sn-1 ERn-5Al-2.75 4.05 0.035 0.7114 TI-5Al-2.05 0.75 4.5 0.1: baiTI :a0.D2 0.12 0.5 0.0) 517 (75.02 0.0125 max 0.5Sn: Forging process temperatures Metaltemperature Process Conventional (subtransus) forgingofTI-5AI-2.005. MnO.6 0.25 0.012 0.08 max 0.005: balTi baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI Y0.75 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4. MPa (ksi) TYS (0.5 0.08 0.4 0.5-5.3 max 0.5-5.5 0.005.5 0.l5 max:balTI 4.5-5.0125 0.05 0.005:balTi (a) Maximumunless a range is specified Ti-5AI-2.5-5.5Snand 1035°C (1895 oF) forTi-5Al-2.2 0.08 max 0.2%offset).Ikalion DesignaJlon Description UNS UNS UNS UNS China GB3620 Germany R54520 R54521 R54522 R54523 EU WeldFiUMet EUWeid FiU Met DIN 17851 DIN 17851 Russia GOST TA-7 WL3.02 0.0) 1041(151.2.2 0.4 0.balTi Y0.2 0.7-5.05 0.6 4.Pforgingmay be used inearlyforgingoperations.6 4.4 0.0 108(15.5) 879(127.5Sn WL3.2 0.008 0.08 0.5 0.0 99(14.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 485 Ti-5AI-2. % RA.I6-70 MIL F-83142A MILF-83142A MILF-83142A MILT-81556A MILT-81556A MILT-81915 MILT-9046J MILT-9046J MILT-9047G MILT-9047G BarWtrBilRngAnn WeldFillWlf FrgAnn ShStrpPit Ann BarBilAnn Cast FrgAnn EUWeldFiUMet WeldFiUMet FrgAnn FrgHT EUFIgAnn ExtBarShpAnn EU ExtBarShp Ann CastAnn ShStrp PItAnn EUShStrpPltAnn BarBilAnn ELIBar BilAnn 4-6 4.005:0 + Fe =0.2 0.5-5.4 0.035 0.12 0.5-5.08 0.0) 10.5Sn: Specifications and compositions ComposilloD.015-0.GPa (106 psi) Typeof fracture Annealed Cold drown 15% 982(142.5 0.05 0.32: baiTI YO.008 0.2 0.005: balTi YO.08 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.3: Si 0.5) 844(122.5 0.75 0.5Sn: Tensile properties of annealed and cold drawn specimens Property trrs.05 0.035 0.2 0.02 0.5Sn Comp2 Comp2 Comp3 CodeA-I CodeA-2 lYpe II CompA CodeA-I CodeA-2 TI-5AI-2.0125 0.02 0.05 0.4 0.05 0.5SnELI .0 28.08 0.2 0.0125 max 0.05 max 0. Si 0.1 0.04 0.05 0.4 0.5-5.1 0.05 0.02 0.5 0.12 0.5) 17.015 max 0.08 0.4 0.75 4.3 Y0.D15 0.08 0.25 0. 0 + Fe = 0.75 4.02 0.2 0.05 0.1 2-3 2.5-5.12 0.5 0.75 4.5 0.15 0.2 2-3 2-3 2-3 4-5.5 0.3 0.MPa (ksi) Proportionallimit.4 baiTI baiTI baiTI :a 0.0125 0.7) Flat0.05 0.5Sn ELI 0.1 0.32: baiTI Y 0.015 max 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 baiTI baiTI baiTI baiTI EUSh StrpPltAnn 4.6 0.25 0.MPa (ksi) ILin 50 mm(2 in).5-5.4 0.0125 0.08 0.05 0.5-5.4 AMS4926H AMS4953D AMS4966J ASTMB265 ASTMB348 ASTMB367 ASTMB381 AWSAS.5 cup Ti-5AI-2.1 0.05 0. 5 0.13 0. mmfrev in.03-0.05 0.0125 0.25-0.5-5.08 0.13-0.5Sn:Toolgeometrycode Thol angles andnose radius forIndicated 1001 geometry code Backrake.75 4-6 4.03 0.0(0.1 149. % % 12.-~ extruded) 153.2 138.5 4.4 139.635-2.5-0.6 138.7 43.486/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-5AI-2.08 0.4 .005-0.035 0.5 0.2 max 0.5EU 5137 SAT-525 525AT Ann EUAnn 4-6 4.10-0.5-5.25 0.25-0.4 146.05max 0.7 16.5ELI MultFonnsAnn ELIMultFonnsAnn Ann Ann 4-6 0.5 TIMErAL5-2.010-0.3 43.5 0.5 0.0 151. degrees Siderelief.035 0.10 0.Q2 0. T5.Tl5) Feed Thol geometry(a) mm Depth ofcut in. aircool 1010°C(1850oF).05 0.5 0.75 0.35 2.12 2-3 2-3 baITi baITi ContimetAlSn52 ContimetAISn52 ELI TL52 ShStrpPitBarFrgPipAnn EUPlt BarFIg PipAnn Frg 4.05) Oto+5 +5to+15 5-7 5-7 5-7 15-20 0.04) 5 15-45 15-45 0.010 50-65 67-76 146-290(0) 165-215 220-250 480-960(0) Speed (a) Thesehighspeedswouldbeloweredifhigherfeedsand deepercuts are madewithhigh-speedsteelcutters Ti-5AI-2.rm A.5Sn:Turningparameters for annealed material Thot material Rough turning Brazedcarbide(C2) Throwaway carbide(C2) High-speed steel(M3.02 0.010 0.7 25.2(0.35 0.2 Elongation Redudioo in4D.1 max 0.F.13-0.7 15.05 0.25 0. waterquench 1010°C(1850oF).12 2-3 2-3 baIti baITi 0.7-1.10 0.G B.010-0.0(0.015 0. furnacecool 870°C (1600 oF).03 4-6 4.10-0.06 0.3 7.5 16. degrees Siderake.Tl5) Finish turning Brazedcarbide(C3.2 131.0125max 0.C C.7 50.0125-0.5Sn ELI TIMETAL5-2.7-5.7-1.6 0.7(0.38 0.5 4.25 0.08 0.05 0.2 0.5-6.5-5.9 50.025-0.0 15.5 max 0.T5.05) D E F G o o 50r6 5 5 15ar5 15 1.Q2-0./rev mfmiu .12 max 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 baITi baITi baITi 115-2.04) Ti"5AI-2.635-2.38 0. degrees Noseradius.5 144.03-0.E 2.E.5 baITi baITi baITi KS5-2.025-0.5 0. field causes loss of ductility.2 {).003-0.2 0.5 0.05) 15 5 5 10-15 15to 45 1.0 141.02 0.degrees Endrelief.7-5. Quenching reduces the loss. waterquench 1150°C (2100oF).E 0.5-5.635-2.5 8.02 0.38 0.0125 0.35 2.G A.2(0.7 16.0175-0.035max (a) Maximumunlessa range isspecified Ti-5AI-2.05 0. WI%(aj Specification Designation France Ugine Ugine Germany Deutsche'T Deutsche T Fuchs Japan Kobe Kobe MMA Sumitomo Toho USA OREMET RMI RMI TIMET TIMEr Description AI C Fe H N 0 Sn OT Other UTA5E UTASEL ShBarAnn EU BarAnn Composition.015 0.5 RMI5Al-2.25-0.5 0.5-6. furnace cool 1010°C(1850oF).degrees Sidecuttingedge (lead).6 5 0.013 0.5Sn: Effectof coolingfrom ~ anneal on tensileproperties Heating into the ~ field without subsequent working in the a.3 2-3 baITi 0.05 0.10-0. aircool 1055 1027 1046 1008 989 994 954 1006 1052 957 973 906 958 973 908 987 Note: Annealedalloyextrudedat 925°C (1695"F) (a.2 13.8 146. orarea.25max 0.015 42-55 43-67 110-290(a) 140-180 140-220 36O-96O(a) A. C2) Highspeedsteel(MS.D.25 0.B.C A.005-0.2 0.F. aircool 1150°C (2100oF).15 0.15 0.13-0.5Sn RMI5Al-2.8 141.7-5.25 0. C2) Throwaway carbide(C3.10 0.2(0.010 0.Q3) Oto+1O Oto+l0 6-8 6-8 5-10 0-30 +6 to +10 Oto+15 6-10 6-10 5-15 0-45 0.0 152.25 0.010-0.75 0.3 143.07 0.5 16. degrees Endcuttingedges.05 0.25 0.Q2 0.B.05max 0.0 45.5-6.2 131.8 143.E.25 0.025-0. aircool 650°C (1200oF). Annealing treatment UIIimale lensile strength ksi MPa Tensile yield strength MPa ksl 1150°C (2100oF).) A B C -5 -5 5 +5to-5 +61000to-6 5-10 5-10 6-15 5-20 0.02max 0.25 0.12 2-3 2-3 2.8-1.005-0.5 KS5-2. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192)..looh.5Sn: Forging pressures at 870°C.5Sn: Residual stress relief :2 26 32 27 21 27 37 :2 2001---------1--------='.6 MP. 100x . ksi MP.2 125.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 487 Ti-5AI-2. FC to 500 °C (930oF). Coarse. Hot worked below the 0: transus.2 126. platelike 0:. AC+595 °C (1100°F).4 140. Forging pressures for a 10% upset reduction at 870°C (1600 OF) Click here to view Air ksi 30 Time.~ 28 35 29 23 29 40 0.120h 900 °C (1650oF).8 135. 400 (ij :J "0 '00 Q) IT: 200 o o ~1-0--r---.WQ 1095°C(2000 OF).3 139.AC 900 °C (1650oF).\Iiii" Click here to view 1 ~ ksi'Ai" LIVE GRAPH iiled water \ 0"".00 Yield Strength (0. forgings.WQ 953 911 898 964 933 965 138.000 689 689 100 100 620 620 90 90 10 10 10 10 or distance between Ultlmate parallel sides tensile strength mm 550 >50-100 >2. ksi MPa ksi L Elongation 1n4D.2 132. which is above the p transus.2h. w O~~ 100 80 gj 60 1il w 480°C lI) lI) Q) 1.5Sn: Stress-corrosion cracking in distilled water 180 LIVE GRAPH 140 N K.= ro 20 o MP.AC(inargon) 760 °C(1400°F). and rings Nominal diameter In.AC 9OO°C(1650°F).11 118. and furnace cooled to room temperature in 2 h. "'-: ~ t:-20 ~ (ij :J "0 40 595°C 2o 650°C 705°C 10 40 :J Ti·5AI·2. MP.8 h.00-4. en ..~ 1001--~.5Sn: Microstructure. min- ro 60 kSi'Jlii:" lZ No faiiure 2 72 90 92 46 103 119 79 99 101 50 113 130 K..% LT ST 20 15 15 15 10 Ti-5AI-2.---- K" 300 1 0 129. 760 °C (1400oF).. min 40 50 0 60 .LC----j Strain rate.L-=------b~=-o 3%8all u.1 1 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 80 0 3~0 °c 0 0.7 130.\Iiii" Ti-5AI-2.. min 6 2o 8 '-----------------'0 0. annealed 30 min at 1175 °C (2145 OF)..10h. 30 min.5Sn Ell: Minimum tensile properties of bars.5 124. furnace cooled to 790°C (1455 OF) in 6 h.1 130. i ~ ea... % LT ~2. 2h.5Sn: Room-temperature properties after various treatments Tensile yield strength (0. 4 Time.~ IT: 1 Ti·5AI·2.I h.2%offset) ST 6 L Reduction of area.0 890 862 818 899 856 873 Ti-5AI-2.2%) Ultimatetensile strength Heattreatedcondition MP. For optimumtoughnessin deep submersibles.5Sn: Microstructure. or grain-boundary a.1 Ta". Ti-621/0. June 1969) . The individual plates tend to have different crystallographic orientations. Prlor-B grains are outlined by the a. Stress-corrosion cracking threshold in seawater has been estimated at 77 to 90 MPa-{ffi (70 to 82 ksifu) (Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook.O.8 UNS Number. On the basis of fracture appearance. for pressure vessels. phase during aging at 500 °C (930 OF) Product Forms. it is considered resistant to seawater stress corrosion. R56210 Chemical Composition. annealed 30 min at 1175 °C (2145 OF). in preceding Figure.6AI. Ti-621/0.8 is susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement in hydrogenating solutions at room temperature. sustained-load tests on precracked specimens indicate that the load-carrying ability of this alloy is reduced in seawater. The environments in which this alloy is to be used should be carefully controlled to prevent degradation of properties General Corrosion Properties. in contrast to the colony microstructure formed by nucleation and growth. and for other high-toughness applications Precautions in Use. Like most titanium alloys with alpha-beta microstructure. hydrospace.2Nb".that was first to transform. The rapid cooling produced fine acicular o. and continuous or noncontinuous. By suitable selection of working and annealing temperatures with respect to the ~ transus temperature. Battelle Columbus Laboratories. ductility. annealed 30 min at 1175 °C (2145 OF). Ti-621/0. wire. precipitates that nucleate and grow below the ~ transus produce a Widmanstatten structure. TbAI may precipitate in the a.8 is available as bar. the weld metal develops the same strength. Oxygen and nitrogen contamination can occur in air at elevated temperatures. The platelike a. The Ti-721 alloy was developed specifically to avoid weld cracking problems encountered in Ti-821 thick plate. medium.8 was developed as a modification of Ti-72I to achieve resistance to stress-corrosion in salt water Effect of Impurities.058 to 0. Oxygen content influences the strength and toughness of this alloy. sheet. See Tables for specifications and compositions and for commercial compositions Characteristics Product ConditionlMicrostructure.8Mo Common Name. Hot worked below the a. Microstructure can be varied greatly by modifications in primary processing procedures and heat treatment. which is itself a modification of the original Ti-8AI-2Nb-ITa (Ti-821) alloy. in air or reducing atmospheres at elevated temperatures. although no evidence of stress-cracking was observed on the fracture surfaces of failed specimens. transus.8 is used for hulls of marine. and air cooled from the annealing temperature instead of furnace cooled. transus. which is above the ~ transus. extrusions and billet.10%. Ti-621/0.8 is a near-alpha titanium alloy for applications requiring high toughness and moderate strength.Ti-621/0. Martensite may form in quenched alloys with a platelike or lath morphology. 250x Ti". and they often have an internal structure.8 is susceptible to stresscorrosion cracking in hot salts (especially chlorides) and to accelerated crack propagation in aqueous solutions at ambient temperatures. similar to Ti-6AI-4V. in a transformed ~ matrix. and even in pressurized hydrogen at cryogenic temperatures. Hot worked below the a.8 is a modification of Ti-7AI-2NbITa (Ti-72l) composition.%.100x Ti-5AI-2. both phases can be fine. platelet. plate. Ti-621/0. presumably because of autocatalytic nucleation. which is above the ~ transus.488/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-5AI-2. and toughness as those of the base metal Applications. Code 3720. The plates often precipitate in colonies of the same crystallographic orientation. but water quenched from the annealing temperature instead of furnace cooled and shown at a higher magnification. The alloy has excellent weldability. The faster cooling rate produced acicular a. microstructures can be developed having equiaxed. Ti-621/0. A prtor-B grain boundary can be seen near the center of the micrograph. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). and deep-submersible vehicles. oxygen content should be kept below 0. A modest but consistent increase in smooth tensile strength accompanies an increase in oxygen level from 0.122 wt. However. The alloy has a typical hardness of 30 HRC.5Sn: Microstructure. Ti-621/0. and such contamination becomes more severe as exposure time and temperature increase. In addition. and other interstitials should be limited to minimum levels.. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192).. or coarse. that is finer than the platelike a. 16-70 MILT-9046J ERI'i-6Al-2Cb-lTa-IMo COdeA-3 WeldFillMet ShStrpPItAnn 5. the alloy has been commercially produced in forgings for several applications including pressure vessels. and armor where its excellent weldability is beneficial. AC+700°C.5 0. Like other titanium alloys.4Omin.FCin 10°Csteps. Anneal: 1050°C.5 0.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 489 Fabrication Properties This alloy is used commercially in the full range of forging product types and is produced on all types of forging equipment. Ti-6211 is similar to Ti-5AI-2.8 may be processed in the alpha-beta field. Anneal. A small increase in strength can be obtained by solution treating and aging.0125 0. 6h.2h.15-1.AC Mkrostruclure Temperedmartensite Widmanst§tten ex+ P Widmanst§nen ex+ ~ + martensite Hydrochloricacid +0. which results in improved strength at some sacrifice in toughness.40 min.020 1. Normally preformed in the beta-phase region.07 0. As-received Anneal:950°C.5-2.2h. Anneal:1050°C.1050°C. but at a sacrifice in ductility and toughness.5 10. Hot working in the Ti·6211: Recommended heat treatment conditions Heat \realmeDl 'IOmperature Stressrelief Annealing Solutiontreating Aging "C OF h CooUng method 595-650 790-900 1010 620 1100-1200 1455-1650 1850 1150 0. As with other a titanium alloys. 2h. 2h. Anneal:800°C.5-2.0125 0.8-8 Other 1h balTt 2 USA AWSAS. The final microstructure of Ti-6211 is manipulated by thermomechanical processing in forging manufacture using combinations of sub.5-6.AC 8. However. I h.5-1. it is weldable by all methods except shielded arc welding and submerged arc welding (because no flux is permitted).AC Anneal:IOW°C.6h.2h.05. Anneal:10S00C. Anneal: 1050°C. exhibiting high flow stresses and crack sensitivity.AC+950°C.2h. at 705 to 815°C (1300 to 1500 "F) and for some applications.05.5 5.AC Anneal:900°C. Final thermal treatments consist of an anneal.5 C 0. reactor components. Ti-6211 has excellent weldability. WQ+500°C.5-6.WQ+500°C.4Omin.5 1.25 0.AC 7.2h. AC+700°C.6h. However.5 0.25t02 1104 1 2 AC AC WQ AC TIme.AC 5. WQ + 500 °C. WI% Speclllcalion Deslgnalion Deseription AI Fe H Mo N Nb 0 5.03 1.1 0.5 0.6 exceptforprior ~ grain size) Temperedmartensite Ti-6211: Forging process temperatures I.0 5 Boiling Boiling Boiling Boiling nil 0.AC 9.5-6.AC+700°C. AC+ 700°C. Ti-62110.5 exceptfor prior ~ grainsize) Widmansl§nen ex+ P(same asNo.2h.8Mo: Commercial compositions Composition.2h. Of 0. holding 4hateachstept0980°C.5-2. For further information on heat treating this alloy.blockyprimaryex in fine Widmanst§nen ex + ~ matrix Fine Widmansllltten ex+~ WidmanstlUten ex+ ~ Ferricchloride Hydrochloric acid 10 0.WQ+700°C.5 CO.5-1 0. duplex annealing.40 min.1 1.2h.5 0. balTi Ti-6AI-2Nb-1Ta-O. 2.4Omin.5 0. AC + 950°C. AC 11.051 Fine Widmansllltten ex+ ~ (same as No.balTt CO.2h. see adjoining Figures Ti-6211 is characterized by high unit pressures (flow stresses) and crack sensitivity in forging processes.AC 6.2h.8Mo: Specifications and compositions Composition.1 % FeCI) MelIIltemperalure Process Conventional forging Betaforging °C OF 940-995 1040-1120 1725-1825 1895-2050 .2h.04.012 0.AC 10.6h. 4.5-1 0. alpha-beta field is difficult due to the alloy's relatively high cracking tendency Recommended Heat Treating Practice Ti-6211 generally is used in the as-fabricated or fabricated plus annealed conditions. 40 min.AC+700°C. Ti-6AI-2Nb-1Ta-O.5-1.15 0.4.25 0.5-1. Heattreatment Medlum % "C nnnJyr Widmanst§tten (1+ ~ Widmanst§llen ex+~ Widmansl§llen ex + ~ Coarse. Corrosion rate.5Sn in this respect Welding. 3. Ih.AC+700°C.AC+700°C.005 0. 'IOmperalure.03 0. Recommended filler metal is the same as the base metal Hot Working. Anneal:9S00C.AC 12. Anneal: 1050°C.WQ + 800°C. it is difficult to fabricate into forgings. bal Tt Ti-6211: Summary of heat treatment and microstructure of the Widmanstatten-type structure Ti-6211: Corrosion rates in specific media Concenlration.and/or supra-beta transus forging followed by thermal treatments. WIII> Spedlkallon Deslgnatbn UNS Desaiplion Fe AI R56210 H 6 Mo N 0 Nb 0. a sub-transus solution treatment at 995°C (1825 OF) followed by air cooling prior to anneal is used to refme the final structure and enhance strength or fracture-related properties Machining.1 Other USA RMI Timet RMI6AI-2Cb-lTa-lMo TIMEfAL6-2-1 0. 6 819. solution treatment.5 28. •0 1100 1850 1900 1950 170 L T 160 I 150 ~ 1000 i :. 8 E E l!f 2.1 wt% oxygen.aircooled:990°C (1815"F).3 32. I h.8 744.2 27. Sample ~-annealed: heated to 1065 °e (1950°F) for 2 h in a vacuum. wt% 0.2 41.1 712.5 31. 1 h.9 740. WQ u-p solutiontreated.7 I f I 940.8 24.9 759.1 101.4 0..) specimen blanks.0 101.!- 70 Oa- 975 Ti-6211: Tensile strengths vs.7 38.3 Oxygen content.1 . 2 h. °e ~ ii5 110 100 LIVE GRAPH 90 Click here to view 1100 .t. WQ Psolutiontreated.075 to 0.1 0. Grain size is reduced by a factor of three when the oxygen content is increased from 0.5 23.".2 Drop weighl tear energy al 0 (32 oF) -c 23.0 23..2 o o 0.2 107.0 29.0 118.0 99..6 807. followed bv a moderate coolino rata in ~ hAliJ 1m ". wt% Solution temperature.quenched:990°C (1815 oF). Sample ~-annealed: heated to 1065 "O (1950 OF) for 2 h in a vacuum.490 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6211: Effect of heat treatment on impact strength of 25 mm (1 in..) rolled plate Thst Condition dlm:lion As-rolled L T L T L T L T L T L T L T L T uannealed: 870°C (1600 oF).6 34. 0..4 103.6 717.6 44.4 110. 1 h..2% oxygen. Each data point is an average of two tests.3 36. The ~ transus temperature increases in a linear manner with oxygen content at an approximate rate of 13 "O (23 OF) per 0.0 117.8 32.2 37.5 26.a..3 44. Quenched plate.AC u-p annealed.2 r 1 T --l.9 683. WQ + 595°C (1100oF). 5 1820 2. i ~ 90 0 c: ~ 0- ii5 80 0 ! - g> -.8 31.7 104.290%.5 673.(a)In a separatestudy on thissameheal.4 J /l·1hf 3072 2909 3312 3858 3471 3072 3471 3312 2828 2583 3549 2665 3072 3072 2336 2909 2266(a) 2146(a) 2442 2846 2560 2266 2560 2443 2086 1905 2618 1966 2266 2266 1723 2146 Note: All valuesaverageof two testsexceptdrop weight tear values.AC Psolutiontreated. 2 h.1 116..5 39... o -L i 0. 1h.8 105. aircooJed:1035°C (1900oF).2 108. WQ + 595°C (1100oF). 1 h.0 28.9 101.) plate solution treated.2 32. LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ti-6211: Effect of oxygen content on grain size. water quenched as 25 by 150 by 150 mm (1 by 6 by 6 in.5 29. m I 0. AC lOmBeyield Chorpy V-nolch impacl strength at RT MPa ksI toughness at -62 °C(-80 OF) J /l·1hf 701. 1 h. ~ .4 801.7 747. 2000 <r~ TenSilj yield strength i 1000 1025 I ! ! i 1050 1075 Solution temperature. 120 Ullimate tensile strength . 1 'iii c 'ii! Cl ~ o 1. re.4 744.7 43.3 Oxygen content. thefollowingresults wereobtained:3232 J (2384 ft ·Ibf) and 2418J (1784 ft ·Ibf) T direction Ti-6211: Effect of oxygen content on ~ transus temperature.2 30.0 697.8 699.4 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view \ \ ~ \ ~I <.-I.6 43.9 723. 1000 3.AC Pannealed.2 31.2 25.0 38.aged:990 °C (1815 oF).0 33. The grain size is more sensitive to oxygen content in low levels up to about 0. 1 h.. OF 1750 1200 Il 1800 .quenched:1035°C (1900 oF).4 97.4 108.2 108.2 39. 1h.L-_ _--l...AC u-p solutiontreated. 25 mm (1 ln. beyond which further addition of oxygen does not significantly alter the ~ grain size.which areindividualresults.aged: 1035°C (1900oF).I Il ~"'i I 60o As rolled 950 140 ~ £ 130 .L-_ _--I 0.. followed by a moderate cooling rate in a helium atmosphere.2 32. water quenchedas 25 by 150 by 150 mm (1 by 6 by 6 in.5 I o V I I 360 -: LIVE GRAPH 33. ~39 0 / /- > I I /' Click here to view o ~ VI ~ 380 'E lU I 370 31.87 at.. AC FC from solution temperature to 1650 °c (900 of). s • ~ ~ . 'l I I I -• I ~ (jj 85 0 -- 800 ..075 to 0. ~ 2200 2100 i I I 1050 Click here to view Solution temperature. :2 900 sO rnc ~ (jj : . Air-cooled plate.) plate solutiontreated 1 h. L L T T -- 10 100 600 60 80 70 Quench delay.290 wt% (0. 1095 °C (2000 OF). 1100 0 "- • .2 Oxygen content. LIVE GRAPH 1600 1700 1800 1100 1000 lU n. s 90 100 . solution treatment. I o o . " 40 L L T T 150 Ultimate tensile strength ~ : 800 ==: 700 Tensile yield strength S LIVE GRAPH 30 140 ~ 130 ]1 sO rn 120 ~ (jj 110 c Q) ~ 20 Q) n.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 491 Ti-6211: Effect of oxygen content on hardness.Each data point is the averageof two tests.. 0 .•- LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 90 50 ° Elongation in 25 mm (1 In. AC I -1 50 _ . 900 c I j I i I i I i i i -- 0 . were preparedin 125-lb heats and fabricated by upset forging and hot rollingat 1065 °C (1950 OF) followed by an annealingtreatmentat 925°C (1695OF) for 1 h and air cooling. ~ : 900 • o 1000 950 r o • Tensile yield strength 0 I- : 850 • 0 -+ ! 700 As rolled . AC FC from solution temperature to 1650 °c (900 of).Eachdata point is an averageof two tests.. ranging between0.3 0. 5 ! LIVE iGRAPH Click here to view -: I 400 I c.) Click here to view 40 Reduction of area 90 100 0 40 50 60 70 80 Quench delay. f: 0 750 i I -.) specimen blanks.e 0- L. delay (in air)... wt% o 0. 5 uI VI Q) I uI c: ~ 30. Specimens were25 mm (1 in.1 0.) plate.: / .. AC T AC from solution temperature AC from solution temperature FC from solution temperature to 1650 °c (900 of).. • . 25 mm (1 in. 950 :2 sO 0.) specimenblanks.2 Oxygen content. -- - --- 0 .... FiveTi-6211 alloyswith varying oxygencontents. 410 34. Ultimate tensile strength ~ .. wt% 0.22 to 0.... Sampleswere then heat treatedat 1065°C (1950OF) for 2 h and air cooled. of 1900 2000 'I I 1050 1100 Solution temperature.1 0. 1000 lU c. 0 0.lZ.. 1 h.. 0 /' 27.140 - -----= 1 -1 20 - I I I I 1150 1200 1250 -1 10 1300 °c Ti-6211: Effect of quench delay on tensile properties. as 25 by 150 by 150 mm (1 by 6 by 6 in. Solutiontreated tensile properties of plate specimens air cooled or furnacecooled fromvarioussolutiontemperatures.%)./ 28.0 . 2300 L AC from solution temperature AC from solution temperature FC from solution temperature to 1650 °c (900 of).3 Ti-6211:Tensile strengths vs. 1095 °C (2000 OF). 25 mm (1 in. 900 a- 50 :2 600 a+~ ui' (J) ~ t> '0 Q. air cooled 25 by 150 by 150 mm (1 by 6 by 6 in. Since it is weakly beta stabilized. The 6 percent aluminum addition in the Ti6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo composition is a potent alpha-phase stabilizer. The tin and zirconium additions are solid-solution strengthening elements that are neutral with respect to phase stabilization.6AI".. hot rolled with starting temperature below the ptransus of about 1000 °C (1830 OF). c m Q) 110 400 Unaged 500 100 90 600 700 800 Aging temperature.2 400 30 g '0 . ~ 1800 L L " Click here to view til Temperature.oC Ti·6211: Microstructure. water quenched + 500°C (930 OF). Ti-6242S Ti-6242Si UNS Number. Ti-6211: Effect of annealing temperature on yield strength.>< ~ 0. 1 h.Om08Si Common Name. c . . intergranular p (dark). 85 mL Hp. Plate. water quench + age. annealed 40 min.:: Tensile yield strength 600 60 til 'iii ~ 1100 80 70 " 800 130 Click here to view °c 1000 900 800 1000 140 Ultimate tensile strength . the alloy is also properly described as a near-alpha. Effect of annealing temperature on yield strength and ductility of WidmansUitten a + p material. 5 mL HN0 3 . Structure: acicular a (light). 10 mL HF.492/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6211: Effect of aging temperature on tensile strengths. Q) 200 0 800 " 20 a: As quenched TYS TYS RA 900 10 0 1000 1100 Temperature. Structure: slightly elongated a grains (light) and intergranular p (dark). Plate..) plate. The original composition of this alloy contained no silicon. all producers had added silicon to the original Ti-6242 composition. 85 mL Hp. with boundaries of elongated pgrains. 5 mL HN03 . 100x 40 ~ ai ~ til ~ . hot rolled with a starting temperature of 1150 °C (2100 OF).2Sn". of 800 1000 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 LIVE GRAPH 900 a~ 0. Before any major commercial applications were developed. but RMI introduced a nominal 0. 100x Ti". alpha-beta alloy. which is above the ptransus. 70 s delay (in air). The net effect of this combination of alloying elements is the generation of a weakly beta-stabilized. R54620 Chemical Composition. alphabeta alloy. I~ 1000 °c Ti-6211: Microstructure.08% silicon content which allowed the alloy to meet the creep requirements forits intended jet-engine applications. 2 h. annealed for 30 min at 900°C (1650 OF) and air cooled. while the 2 percent molybdenum addition represents only a moderate quantity of this potent beta-phase stabilizer. ~: ° 0 :2 800 iii 700 • o 0 120 " ~ .4Zr". 2 h. AC. 10 mL HF.2Mo". LIVE GRAPH Temperature.) specimen blanks. Each point is an average of two tests. resistance is probably comparable to grade 2 titanium or Ti-6AI-4V Fabrication Properties Forging. The molten weld metal and adjacent heated zones must be shielded from active gases (nitrogen. Limited hardening of TI. Proper heat treatment is important in allowing the alloy to develop its maximum creep resistance. The silicon-modified version. and duplex and triplex annealing strengths Ti-6242S: Forging process temperatures MetaIlemperalure OF °C 900-975 1010-1065 Process Conventional forging Betaforging 1650-1785 1850-1950 Ti-6242: Annealing treatments for bar and forgings 'Iemperature Stress Corrosion Cracking. The alloy is fabricated using all commercially available types of forging equipment. plate.. The corrosion resistance ofTi-6242 in various media is not well documented. and air cooling are recommended. Because the ~ content of this a-~ alloy is small. Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo has been shown to be subject to stress-corrosion cracking (SCC)-at room temperature in the presence of aqueous chloride solution and a preexisting crack (the so-called accelerated crack-growth type of salt-stress corrosion) and at elevated temperatures in the presence of a halogen salt (e. Ti-6242 may be heat treated to obtain higher uniaxial tensile strengths by conventional solution heat treatment and aging exposures. as with other alloys. See adjoining Tables and Figures for information on general types of heat treatment.08Si (Ti-6242S or Ti-6242Si). NaCI). where high strength and toughness. For turbine engine disc forgings. Triplex annealing appears to improve resistance to cracking slightly versus a duplex anneal 'treatment 0C Sections <63. Ti-6242S is one of the most creep-resistant titanium alloys and is recommended for use up to 565°C (1050 "F). Degradation of mechanical properties from oxidation at longer times and usual service temperatures has not been observed. and warm forming (425 to 705°C. solution annealing for I hat 900 to 955°C (1650 and 1750 OF) plus stabilization annealing for 8 h at 595°C (1100 OF). and are present in greater proportion than in forgings.) diameter bar are as follows: Strengthening Heat Treating. because the final forging temperature is normally higher than the final rolling temperature used for sheet. or a fully transformed structure that maximizes creep resistance. In a strong oxidizing environment. 995 ± 15°C (1825 ± 25 oF) Product Forms. part section size. Ti-6242S has fair weldability. small amounts of residual Bphase can be observed metallographically within the transformed Ill/l portion of the structure. oxygen. In ambient salt solution. In this condition. strip. Available mill forms include billet. As in other near-a alloys. The structures of Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo alloy are typically equiaxed a in a transformed ~ matrix. A general annealing treatment consists of a I to 8 h exposure at 705 to 845°C (1300 to 1555 "F) followed by slow cooling to 565 "C (1050 "F) and subsequent air cooling. Ti-6242 (and its modification Ti-6242S) is a near-alpha alloy produced commercially in all forging product types. The equiaxed a grains found in sheet products tend to be smaller than those found in forgings.g. Furthermore.alongwith the 595°C (1i00 "F) stabilizationanneal. Primary a is typically about 80 to 90% of the structure in sheet products and can be somewhat lower than this in forged products.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys /493 See adjoining Tables for specifications and compositions and commercial compositions Characteristics Product ConditionlMicrostructure. and impellers. toughness. Under stress. Ti-6242S.6242S can be done by solution treating and aging. The molybdenum content of Ti-6242 is not high enough to impart additional corrosion resistance in reducing environments.provides somewhathighertensilestrengthsat roomand elevatedtemperatures. hot die and isothermal forging technologies are important forging fabrication methods. and extrusions.) dlam Anneal 955 Stabilization 595 Sections >63. annealing treatment for bar and forgings. For bar and forged sections. although it is probably comparable to other Ti-6AI-base alloys such as Ti-6AI-4V. The crevice corrosion resistance of Ti-6242 is probably less than grade 2 titanium. particularly rotating and static parts in turbine engines and heated airframe structures. Proper treatment is needed to develop good creep resistance. A particular condition is usually selected on the basis of product type. sheet. disks. creep strength. Breakup of lamellar a into equiaxed a occurs during working (see Figure) Beta Transus.) diam Anneal 900 or 955(a) Stabilization 595 Cooling method OF 1750 liOO 1 8 AC AC 1650or 1750(a) liOO 1 8 AC AC (a) The 900 °C (1650 "P) treatment. predominates in commercial forging applications and is a preeminent titanium alloy for elevatedtemperature service criteria. and hydrogen) Recommended Heat Treating Practice A variety ofheat treatments for Ti-6242 are possible. or 795 to 1300 "F) is employed when necessary. Some forming operations can be carried out at room temperature. but to its superior creep performance.5 In. annealing treatments for sheet.whereasthe955°C (1750 oF) treatmentcombinedwith595 °C (IiOO"F) stabilizationas aboveresultsinsuperiorcreepresistance at thehigher temperaturesand improvedstability . the guaranteed room-temperature properties of 25 mm (I in.5 mm (2. Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0. and high-temperature stability for long-term applications at temperatures up to 425°C (795 OF). bar. but in its normal heat treated condition this alloy has a structure better described as alpha-beta. Cast Ti-6242S products constitute about 7% of cast titanium products Applications. material in the solution treated and aged condition has lower creep strength than that is the annealed-plus-stabilized condition. A blue oxide film typically forms in about 6 to 10 h in exposures not exceeding 540°C (1000 "F). typically between the acicular a grains of the transformed phase.5 ln. the response to such a strengthening heat treatment is not great. Choice depends on the product form and the section size of the product as well as on the properties desired (see Tables). and also in sheet-metal form for engine afterburner structures and for various "hot" airframe skin applications. because crevice corrosion generally is associated with acidification from oxidant depletion Oxidation. is an elevated-temperature alloy with an outstanding combination of tensile strength. excellent creep resistance.5 mm (2. and stress stability at temperatures up to 565°C (1050 OF) are required General Corrosion Properties. although closed die forgings and rings predominate. Several different annealing treatments are available. producing near-net closed die forged product with significantly less machining ForminglWelding. the SCC threshold of Ti-6242 in the STA condition in comparable to mill annealed (MA) Ti-8AI-IMo-lY. and properties desired Annealing. TI-6242Sis sometimesdescribed as a near-alpha or super-alpha alloy. Ti-6242S is used primarily for gas turbine components such as compressor blades. The SCC susceptibility ofTi-6242 in hot salt appears to be less than that of Ti-8AI-IMo-IV and Ti-6AI-4V (see Figure). 12 0.8-2.8-2.8 h.l max.08.05 0.OTO.2 1.SiO.05 0.25 0.3.15 0. 1 h.5 0.1 max 1.6-4.5-6.4.8-2.2 0.4 AMS4976C AMS4976D FrgSTA FrgHT 5.12 1.AC 900 °C (1650 oF).12. OT 0.5 5. AC+595°C (1100oF).05 0.2 1.bal TI CO.5 0.5% ksi 89.Q15 max 0.8 h.5·6.OTO.6-4.25 wt% Si a + Pforged + 965°C (1770 "F). 30min.2 4 3.bal TI CO.5-6.25 0.15 0.8-2.8-2.25 0.25 0.4 CO.12 1.05 0.5 1.2 2 0.3.8-2.CrO.05.5-6.4 0. bal TI Specllication Designation UNS UNS Germany R54620 R54621 Description WeldFill Met WL3.6-4.4 3.04.5 0.Si 0.05 0. 1 h.AC (a) No failure. AC + 595°C (1100oF). Si 0.05max.5-6.8-2. 15 min. AC pforged+%5°C(I770°F).8-2.25 0.8-2.4 3.5-2.4 3.Q15 0.005.8-2..12.5-6.015 0.8-2.05.15 0.5-6.OTO.5 0.15 0.OTO.2 1.8 h.2 1.015 1.2 0.05 0.05 0.4 baITI CO.4 3.i: bal TI C 0.8-2.3.4 3.8-2.5 0.1. balTI CO.005..06-0. bal TI C 0.lOSi TIMETAL6-2-4-2 Bar Bil PItSh STA BarBilPltShSTA 5.5-6.4 3.5 0.8 h.8-2.05 max.6-4. 30 min.0125 0.4 AMS4919G AMS4975E AMS4975F Sh Strp PItDA 5.8-2.1.2 1.1 max.25 0.OTO.2 3.05 0.5·6.5 5.6- 0. AC p forged+ 965 °C(1770°F).AC a+ pforged+%5°C(I770°F).2 3.5 Bar WrrRug Bil STA 5.005.05 0.8 h.5-6. OEO.0125 max 0.05 max.4 C 0. OTO. Y 0.Q15 1.SiO.05.5 5.0125 max 0.015 0. OEO.5-6.04 0.2 3.06-o.2 0.5 ContimetAlSnZrMo6-2-4-2 ContimetAlSnZrMo6-2-4-2 LT24 TL62 PItBar FrgAnn PltBarFrgSTA Aged Frg 5.AC ThnsiIe yield strength MP.Q15 0.05 max 0.12 max 1. WQ + 595°C (1100oF).4 CO.5-6.5-6.2 1.OTO.15 0.05 0.1.5 67.15 0.5-4.5-6.3 max.25 0.8-2. AC + 595°C (1100oF).3 2 1.05.2 1. FC 900 °C (1650 oF). air cool +595 °C (1100 oF).05 max 0.05.05 KS6-2-4-2 BarFrgSTA 5.0125 1.05.l.75-2.005. OTO.3 max. YO.6-4.25.4 balTI 0.) 730°C (1345 oF).25 0.1 max 1.6-4.1.OTO.8-2.3. wt % Other AI Fe H Mo N 0 So Zr 6 5.25 0.CI Broke on loading I min 7 min >73h(a) >42h(a) >43h(a) >68h(a) >48 h(a) >42h(a) >24h(a) >2h(a) Condition Ti-6242 a+ p forged +STA(a) Ti-6242 + 0.2 0.8-2.5 5.l max.2 3.8-2.15 0.15 max 1.005.25 1.494/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.8-2.04 0.4 3.YO.2 1.6-4. OTO.04 0.8-2.balTi 5.15 1.6-4.25 0.balTI CO.05.8-2.05.8-2.2 1.0125 0.005max.15min.8- 0.2 1.8-2.SiO.05 0.04 0.5 BarRng HT 5.1.2 CO.2 0.06-o. Y 0.15 0.8-2.6-4.6-4.5 6 0.Q15 0.ition.005max.6-4.6-4.015 2 1.balTI balTI 3. OEO.5 CO. AC+595 °C (1100oF).8-2.2 1.6-4.08.06-0.5 5..4 3.2 1. 617 466 308 551 586 689 758 551 586 620 689 Ti-6242: Effect of thermomechanical processing on tensile properties in3.SiO.OTO.15 max 1.04 0.6-4.SiO. OTO.6-4.2 3.1.bal TI Ti-6242: Effect of heat treatment on saltwater SCC of sheet (precracked) Applied Heat treatment(. bal TI C 0.015 1.5 1.6-4.3.2 2 3.8-2.5-6.7 44.5 0.6-4.015 0.5-6.04 0.lest discontinued Time10 rupture net stress MP. sio.bal TI C 0. ksi UItimote temlle strength ksi MP.005 max.5-2.4 3.5-6.2 1.5-6.8-2.5 5.balTI CO.35 0.25 0.25 0.015 1.06-0.08Si: Compositions Specllication France Ugine Germany DeutscheT DeutscheT DeutscheT Fuchs Japan Kobe USA OREMET RM1 TIMEr Designation Des<ription Fe AI Mo H Compo.05.05.8-2.8-2.2 1.6-4.lh.3.05 max 0.2 1.8h.4 3..12 0.8-2.12 0.bal TI 3.5-6.YO.OS.25 Other Sn 1.AC + 785°C (1455 OF).5 5. Y 0.6-4.Q15 0.8-2.bal TI CO. % % 1028 149 938 136 16 35 1007 146 1063 154 13 34 1090 158 1187 172 12 20 952 138 1035 150 11 25 1042 151 1145 166 7 15 (a) STA= 985°C (1805 oF) (Tp-15 °C (27 0F). bal TI CO.Q15 0.05.75-2.2 1.8-2.01-0.5 0.6-4.15 1.06-0.2 0..5 0. bal TI C 0.005.5 CO.8-2.AC+785°C (1455 oF).25 0.8-2.75-2.25 0.8-2.5-6.2 1.25 1.25 max 1.7144 Spain UNE38-718 USA AMS4919C L-7103 MILT-81556A MILT-81556A MILT-81915 MILT-9046J MILT-9046J MILT-9047G MILT-9047G CodeAB-4 CodeAB-4 JYpeillCompB CodeAB-4 CodeAB-4 Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo TI-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.7 80 85 100 110 80 85 90 100 N. Si 0.2 1. Si 0.2 1. or.2 3.5 5.Q15 1.15 1. RedudioD Elongation.YO.5-4.lh.YO.4 3.2 0. bal TI CO. OTO.08Si: Specifications and compositions Composllion.5 5.Q15 0.06-0.5 5.01-0.25 0.2 1.8-2.1.2 TI-6242 RMI6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.Si 0.2 3.8 h.05.4 ExtBar ShpAno Ext Bar Shp STA CastAno ShSIrpPltDA ShSIrpPItTA Bar BilDA BarBilSTA 5.5-6.0125 0.bal TI ShSIrpPlt 5.8-2.8-2. YO.25 0. air cool . bal TI CO.3 max. wI% 0 N UT6242 BarFrgAno 5. YO.balTI Sh StrpPltAnn 5.3.4 4 0.25 1.. Si 0.5-6.5-6.2 3.12 1.3.75-2.15 0. / ~40: E I 1400 750 (1. solution temperature. 30r iii 1900 P o I o 'I /r: ___~/-_o.(e) Estimatedvalue Ti-6242: General types of heat treatment Heat Ti-6242: Annealing treatments for sheet Temperature Stressrelief(a) Annealing Solutiontreating Aging 480-700 900-1295 0. h CooUog °C 900 785 1650 1455 0. forgings.(b) Cross-sectional arealess than 103em (16 in.3 ~ C E o -----''-----60 1700 e- :::l /' 70'_' -70 . and triplex annealed sheet Product Ultimatetensilestrength MPa IIsI Basis Bar and forgings s:TS mm (3 ln.64 to 1.062in.t 501 0 60l Y P -40 E OJ 1500 {!!.andST directions. A°C -50 -30 -20 0 e- 1600 ~ a.(e)Cross-sectionalarealess than58 em2 (9 in. 1 h. AC OF Duration.57mm (0. 'I 827(e) 862(d) 903(d) 827 120(e) 125(d) 131(d) 120 lO(e) 25(e) lO(e) 25(c) 930(g) 135(g) (g) 2 Note: Propertiesapplicablein L. Solution treated.Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 495 Ti-6242: Design tensile properties of duplex annealed bar.(a) S-basis. 'I RA(a). OJ a. t- Beta transus ----'" -10 Solution temperature below transus. (b) Creeprupture:565°C (1050 "F). (g)8% for 0. h MPa'liii lIsi'liii:' TIS MPa lIsi 81 -71(e) -49(e) -38(e) -55 (e) -77(e) -82(e) 83 79 903 924 951 1068 896 930 937 896 841 325 199 169 56 19 164 185 160 116 134 (u+IWP (u+P)/P (u+ P)/(u+b) (u+P)/P (u+P)/(u+P) p/(u+P) p/(u+P) p/(u+P) PIP RT Creep rupture 275 74 -65(e) -45(e) -35(e) -50(e) -70(e) -75(e) 76 72 131 134 138 155 130 135 136 130 122 4800C TIS MPa ksI Elongation. 172MPa (25 ksi). 8 h.a shorterannealtime at 900 °C (1650 "F) is recommended.5 mm (2.) thick STA(duplexannealed)bar(b)perAMS4975 S 896(e) 951(d) 993(d) 896 130(b) 138(d) 144(d) 130 S 999(g) 145(g) S A B STA(duplexannealed) forgings(e) per AMS4976 Triplex annealed (TA)sheet(t) Sheet~.1 mm (0. 'I 537 565 593 855 565 579 78 82 86 124 82 84 13 11 15 5 17 17 889 129 10 565 551 82 80 15 12 924 882 134 128 12 12 (a) Creepcondition:565°C (1050 "F). htoO.125in. AOF -90 -120 -60 o -30 o Ti·6242: Time-temperature-transformation diagram LIVE GRAPH 10 1 1050 Click here to view 20 : 993°C 1800 1 -a.57mm (0. / !!.187in. h OF °C treatment method AC or slowcool WQ AC (a) Stressreliefvariesdependingon theportionof residualstress to be relieved Ti-6242S: Alpha content vs.75 mm (0.25 2 AC AC AC Temperature 'Ireatmeot Duplexanneal 1ststage 2ndstage Triplexarmeal(b) 1ststage 2ndstage 3rdstage method (a) For sheetless than 3. 'I 13 10 14 3 14 11 10 11 7 (900°F) Post-«eep Elongation.\ (t) S-basisvaluesare representative oftest specimensexcisedfromduplexannealedmaterialand then treatedto achievea triplexannealedeonditionin the labomtory. LT.025to 0.' 700 1 10 Time.5(a) 0.(d)Longitudinaldirectiononly. 344MPa (50ksi).25 AC AC 900 785 595 1650 1455 1100 2.) in thickness.062in.) and 10%for thieknessabove 1.? . (b) The advantage of triplex anneal is higher uniaxialstrength Solution temperature below transus. Ten minutes has been suggested.exceptas noted.).5(a) 0.) Ti-6242S: Mechanical properties of alloy forgings Forgel healtreat conditious Creepta).25-4 Variesbyproduct form 1750-1795 1 1000-1100 8 955-980 540-595 Cooling Time. AC + 595°C (1100 OF).5 in.\ (e)Applicablein LTand ST directioniftransversedirectionis greater than63. 'I TIS MPa ksI Elongation.2'1 strain KI< time(h).)perMIL-T-9046 TeIl5iJe yieldstrength MPa IIsl EIongatioo(a). (f) Specifiedonly inL andLTdirections. s LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1300 100 . .5 mm (1. As received • 10 h o LIVE GRAPH .~ P 1000 1700 u. 500 600 ..040 in. !II !II til ~ 150 110 ~ Ul TYS(0.496/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6242: Effect of silicon on beta transus temperature Ti-6242: Comparison of CCl diagram and isothermal diagram LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1010. 1830 ° • / vi til ~ illc: til c: jg m~ «l 1820 ::.) thick..08 0. :E vi 800 700 140 130 'iii 120 "". Ultimate tensile strength. ~ 32 L 100 h . Specimens were 28.s 870 P u.1850 1000 .) diameter bar duplex annealed at 970°C (1775 OF). Effect of heat-to-heat variations. E ~ontinuous cooling a+p 200 P e 760 !' P - --Duplex anneal Triplex anneal UTS 1000 ~ 80 vi !II l'! 'lii 70 E ~ E . a. E Gl 1400 I- Gl 1600 ~ ~ 1500 700 Click here to view ~ l'! Time.L-_~~~~"--"-'h200 1 transformation 650 0. OF 400 600 800 Click here to view 1000 1100 ~O_ .12 0.0 mm (0. Duplex annealed sheet. rotating beam tests 700 1300 10 '-----~_~~~. 1000 h l'! c . 8 h.2 750 Gl --Heat A HeatB HeatC HeatD Gl I- 705 650 0.-----------------.. Exposure time ~ J1300 1200 38 100 10 Time. 1 h. Elongation ductility is similar for both treatments 90 :E • 30'--- Click here to view RT «l600 .~ 60 :E 50 300 «l 900 n. and air cooled Click here to view I 400 Temperature. .. on continuous cooling transformation LIVE GRAPH 815 ptransus a+p Gl __'__ _____' 0. AC. tensile yield strength. 958 MPa (139 ksi). then for 15 min at 790 °C (1455 OF).1006 MPa (146 ksi). / 990 • I i • • 1810 Click here to view o 0..~ 300 450 Temperature. 1.- :E 400 480°C (900 OF) 600 750 200 Temperature. within specification.24 j'000.. smooth.' C J: I .125 in. 800 E I- 1800 Ti-6242: Continuous cooling transformation diagram. of 600 800 1000 ~ 36 ~~' li 34~ .04 900 p e! ~ e 0. high-temperature exposure.16 Silicon. heat treated for 30 min at 900°C (1650 OF) and air cooled. 1600 ° .2%) 100 90 600 80 500 4 10 5 10 6 10 Cycles to failure ~a.oC LIVE GRAPH 100 ~- li 'lii 500 E ~ E ~ 150 Ti-6242: Duplex and triplex anneal strength. j. wt% Isothermal transformation 850 LIVE GRAPH 980'--_---'---_~ _ __'___~_ 1800 P 950 1840 7 10 6 10 0 100 200 300 400 Temperature.1 Ti-6242: RT hardness vs. 100 LIVE GRAPH Ti-6242: RT and 480°C fatigue properties of duplex annealed bar.~O a+p a. AC + 595°C (1100 OF)..s n. frequencv. 120 cvcles/s 300 315°C (600 OF) ro 250 c. AC. The slices are from two ingot locations. 8 h. Test bar was etched with Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192).~ :2 150 -.20 Notched specimens. 0. K." which represent minor composition fluctuations.63x Ti-6242: Fatigue strength of duplex annealed forgings at 315 and 480 °e. The microstructure consists entirely of alpha prime. Test bar taken from finished forging was reheated to 995°C (1825 OF). ~ 1ii 200 E ~ 480°C (900 OF) .. the beta-transus temperature.Next Page Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys I 497 Ti-6242: Microstructure.. = 3 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ti·6242: Microstructure. :2 ~40 . Specimens were stress relieved at 540°C (1000 OF). AC + 595°C (1100 OF). 1 h.. Alpha-beta forged billet macroslice illustrating "tree rings. 2 h in vacuum before testing. 100x . R = -1. Reverse bending (cantilever). Specimens were compressor disk forgings duplex annealed at 955 °C (1750 OF). followed by an air cool. Ti-17 is a high-strength. which precipitates both during cooling and subsequent heat treatment: The second solution treatment is done at 800°C (1470 "F) and nucleates additional acicular a and produces a ~ matrix. It is used only by General Electric Melallemperulme Process Conventional forging Belaforging °C OF 800-845 915-940 1470-1555 1680-1725 Recommended Heat Treating Practice Fabrication Properties The recommended heat treatment depends on process history. or 1570 OF) produces higher toughness as a result of an increased amount of acicular or. and particularly low-cycle fatigue properties. Typical hardness is 39 to 40 HRC. deep harden able. Ingot. An aging treatment of 620 to 650°C (1150 to 1200 "F) for 8 h is recommended for both the a-~ and ~ processed material. Ti-17 UNS Number. At moderate cooling rates. at 800 °C (1470 "F). and creep strength than the beta alloys. thick) for gas turbine engine components and other elevated-temperature applications demanding high tensile strength and good fracture toughness. and for typical notch tensile properties of parts under same conditions. Corrosion may be similar to that of Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo given the comparable compositions Mechanical Properties. the heat treatment consists of a double solution treatment followed by aging. billet. and for typical creep properties of parts under same conditions . Ti-17 is a highly forgeable alloy with lower unit pressures (flow stresses). although more consistent and slightly higher strengths are achieved with a water quench. the a forms first on the grain boundaries and then grows into the ~ matrix. forgings Applications. and it is superior to Ti-6AI-4V in creep behavior. that is responsive to subsequent aging. but it should be susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking because its aluminum content is above 3 wt%. With hardenability characteristics comparable to those of some beta type alloys. may be used to improve toughness and creep properties. followed by water quench or fan air cool for thin sections. Ti-17 has strength properties superior to those of Ti-6AI-4V. Heat treatment of ~-processedmaterial includes only a single 800 °C (1470 OF) 4 h solution treatment. and less crack sensitivity than the a-~ alloy Ti-6Al4Y. The first solution treatment should be done at 815 to 860°C (1500 to 1580 "F) for 4 h.or three-step practices of single or two-step solution treatments followed by quenching and aging. because it has a beta-stabilizer (Mo + Cr) content of 8% See Tables for specifications and compositions. At high isothermal temperatures or low cooling rates. Ti-17 is a high-strength.Alpha-Beta Alloys Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr Common Name. This alloy is used for heavy-section forgings up to 150 mm (6 in. a-~ (near-beta) alloy whose primary commercial application is turbine engine rotating components. It can be fabricated into all forging product types. The higher temperature (855°C. For a-~ processed material. highly beta-stabilized. Supratransus thermomechanical processes (beta forging followed by subtransus thermal treatments) achieve transformed. Thermomechanical processes use combinations of subtransus and/or supratransus forging followed by subtransus thermal treatments to fulfill critical mechanical-property criteria. with some preference for a formation at prior ~ grain boundaries as cooling rates increase Beta Transus. such as disks for fan and compressor stages. resulting in near-net closed die forgings with reduced final machining. Various types of phase transformations can be achieved by the decomposition of ~ during continuous quenching and isothermal treatment of Ti-17. The prior ~ phase transforms to a Widmanstiitten a + ~ mixture by nucleation and growth according to the classical Burger orientation. No data are available on the corrosion of Ti-17. Below 500°C (930 "F). Ti-17 retains a high fraction of its strength at elevated temperatures. Aging treatment is conducted at 620°C (1150 "F). Forging. Ti-17 may be classified as a "beta-rich" alphabeta alloy. a solution anneal at 855°C (1570 "F). and for commercial compositions Characteristics Phases and Structures. forging alloy that was developed primarily for gas turbine engine components. followed by rapid air cooling. R58650 Chemical Composition. Turbine engine disks are fre- Ti-17 can be heat treated to yield strengths of 1030 to 1170 MPa (150 to 170 ksi). Ti-17 is lower in density and higher in modulus. Subtransus thermomechanical processes (forging and thermal treatment) for Ti-17 forgings achieve equiaxed (20 to 30%) a in transformed ~ matrix microstructures that enhance strength. At temperatures above 500°C (930 "F). ductility. the transformation structure has a characteristic Widmanstiitten or basketweave appearance. and also exhibits higher creep resistance at intermediate temperatures. General Corrosion Properties. a precipitates and grows throughout the ~ matrix as well as in the ~ grain boundaries. 890°C (1635 OF) See Figures for continuous cooling transformation diagram. with a thick a layer initially nucleated along grain boundaries.) thick. Fan air cooling may be used from the second solution treatment for sections up to 75 mm (3 in. and for isothermal transformation diagram quently produced using hot die or isothermal forging techniques. Widmanstiitten a microstructures that enhance creep and/or fracture-related properties Ti-17: Forging process temperatures Product Forms. because acicular a is already nucleated or precipitated during cooling from the forging temperature. Ti-17 is commercially fabricated on all types of forging equipment. Solution treatment is subtransus. Its notched tensile to tensile ratio is also stable at elevated temperatures. The final microstructure of Ti-17 forgings is developed by thermomechanical processing in forging manufacture tailored to achieve specific microstructural and mechanical-property objectives. Final thermal treatments for Ti-17 forgings include two. the fineness of the a structure increases and is fairly uniform over the matrix. It is more ductile than Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn. See Tables for typical tensile properties of parts at various temperatures after solution treating and aging. For forgings fabricated conventionally. although closed die forgings and rings predominate. improved forgeability. MPa ksi nmeto O. CO.1 max.1max.5 8 >140 -16 Note: Spoolforgingswereheattreatedat 845·C (1555 "P) for 4 h.Alpha-Beta Alloys /515 In addition.3 max. h 0.4 1.3.5-4.5 MnO.08-0.3 1.5-2.08-0.5 0. Cooling h method 860 800 620 1580 1470 1150 2 4 WQ AC 8 AC 800 635 1470 1175 4 8 AC AC 550 480-650 1020 900-1200 4 1-4 AC AC or slowcool . and effect of solution treatment on aged strength See Table for three treatments: double solution treat and age.4 1.5-2.5 0. OJ 0.5 0.05.5-5. '1> 160-180 150-160 135-145 135-145 125-135 Stress OF MPa ksi 205 400 315 600 425 805 480 510 900 999 982 979 965 948 896 793 482 482 145 142. aircooled.5-4.0125 Composition.5-2.balTI 1.005.5 142 140 137.5 AMS4997 Powd 4.5-5.4 Ti-17:Creep-rupture of a-p processed forging Temperature '1> 8-15 8-15 8-15 8-15 8-15 205 400 315 600 425 805 Stress (a)K.5 Mn 0.5-2.4 1.005.balTI 1. CO.5-4.3 0.04 max 1.5-2.5-2.5-5.5 >721.5 1.05.1 >670.5-4.5 130 115 70 70 950 20-45 30-45 30-45 30-45 30-45 Ti-17: Typical STA creep properties 'Iemperature OF °C NTSjUTS 1.0125 max 3.1 max.5 Mn 0.5 3.and aged at 620 °C (l150 "F) for 8 h.13.5 1.04 Other Sn Zr 1.5 00.0 °C orarea.=4.1 max.5 3.04 1.OEO. CO.h 793 814 690 724 745 241 310 345 414 115 118 100 105 108 35 45 50 60 2200 400 1000 500 125 150 75 75 30 Ti-17: Recommended heat treatments nme. effect of solution temperatures on tensile strength. see Figures showing the effect of aging temperature or tensile yield strength.5 0.13.3 0.5-4.5-4.5-5. and stress relief Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr: Specifications and compositions UNS R58650 Composition.005max. furnaceair cooled.01 >671.08-0. air cooled Treatment Double solution treat and age STI ST2 Age Solution treat and age ST Age Stress relief Beforemachining Other Tempemture OF °C Duration.5-2.5-4.OTO.1max.Y0. YO.OT 0. solution treat and age.5 0.3 0.00.5 3.3.9 793.5 0.6 0.5 Other Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr: Comrnerclal'Composltlons Specill<ation Japan Kobe USA OROMEl' Designation Desaiption KS5-2-2-4-4 BarFrgSTA AI Cr Fe H 4.5 3.05max.0125 3.04 1.OTO.1 max.balTI Specillcation Designation Description USA AMS4995 BUSTA 4. WI '1> Mo N 3. OJ 0.then800 °C (1470"F) for 4 h.12. YO. bal Ti TI-17 TIMETAL17 TIMEf Ti-17: Typical STA tensile properties 'IenslJe yield 24 93 205 315 370 Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksl strength 'Iemperature "C OF 75 200 400 600 700 MPa ksi 1035-1075 930-1000 795-860 760-825 700-760 150-170 135-145 115-125 110-120 100-110 1105-1240 1035-1105 930-1000 930-1000 860-930 Ti-17: Typical STA notch tensile properties 'Iemperature OF °C 24 93 205 315 370 75 200 400 600 700 Notched tensile strength(a) MPa ksi 1380-1515 1450-1515 1380-1450 1275-1345 1275-1345 200-220 210-220 200-210 185-195 185-195 Reduction Elongation.2'1>.5 0.3 max 0.5-2. OJ 0.5 0. wt'1> N Sn AI Cr Fe H Mo 4. ) diam x 50 mm (2 in..-_1137 _~ 800 825 900 Ti·17: Effectof solution temperature ontoughness.>l ::i:. 800 °C (1470 OF). Alpha-beta processed disks heat treated at 855°C (1570 OF). 600 n-17: Effectof solution temperatures on tensile strengths. Alpha-beta processed disk forgings heat treated at 855°C (1570 OF). and aged at 635°C (1175 OF) for8 h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1300 1400 1600 200 lU a- 180 ::i: ~ 1200 ::i: 1300 ~ N ~ .) thick disk forging. °c 900 700 Temperature..125-175mm ~ 140 ~ iii >= 130 120 750 110 550 650 Aging temperature. 620°C (1150 °F).£: ~ ~~ B 401-------+-----.. WO.(9~ 50 -. OF 1500 1400 1300 1400 160 iii >= >= 150 150 1000 1000 700 750 800 850 Solution temperature. l3m '" m c c . Indicated solution temperature plus 785°C (1445 OF).+----+----::1 B ~ ~ ~ 1124 MPa (163 ksi) YS ~a ~ I ~ MPa (165 ksl)'--'YS 20L. 4 h. 4 h. a- .. AC 700 750 "c Ti·17: Effectof solution treatmenton aged strength. WO. of 1200 1100 1300 180 1250 170 1150 160 lU 00.. WO + 620°C (1150 OF). AC.60/-----f----+-----cf--+------1 ". water quench (WO) or oil quench (00) or fan air cool (FAC) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Aging temperature. Solution treated at indicated temperature for 4 h. 8 h 70 -. of 1480 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 80 in. 4 h. 8 h.516/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti·17: Effectof agingtemperature on tensileyieldstrength. 1200 0> c I ° lU a- 190 1300 Solution temperature. 1050 s: wa/oa 0> c ~ 1ii u iii 150 950 >= 850 ~ c ----"""-25 mm -50mm ----+--125-175 mm FAC -025mm -050mm -tJ. 4 h. °c ~ ---'- --'20 875 900 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view .c 170 ~ ~ I 1600 200 190 ~ I : 'i 180 0> 170 ~ e 1ii 1ii u iJ 1100 160 1100 ~ s: 0> c Ii) Ii) Beta-processed Alpha·bela processed II 0 . AC + solution treated.£: .) thick compact tension specimen from 457 mm (18 in. 25 mm (1 E ~ a::i: ~ 800 850 750 Solution temperature. 4 h. . Ti-6246 UNS Number. i I I 200 ~. Solution treated at 930°C (1700 OF) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1000 I I Start Finish i LL °ai -1000 :. Solution treated at 930°C (1700 OF) for 30 min LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 100 0 I I j . I Undercooled p phase o I 1 10 ~ a+ pmixture i I I . ~ I Ol c.: ". Ti-6246 is a solid-solution-strengthened alloy that responds to heat treatment as a result of the beta-stabilizing effect of its 6% molybdenum content. See Tables for specifications/compositions and for commercial compositions . ~Fine G:ain boundary '. '-:- Ol c. 1 I'-- '-- --'- I --'- --' 10 Time.- JI - 800 o ° PI II I ! 600 ~ - - _ . E 400 - - { IX L "Start 1 I . S Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Common Name. Silicon additions (0. .1 500 Widmanstiilten IX plates LL phase - : : Finish - °PI ":'1 000 ::> ~ Ol c.: - - . As for all alpha-beta alloys.500 I ! I Time. i a layer '\. R56260 Chemical Composition. and nitrogen can decrease ductility and fracture toughness. I ~ i .z . s Ti-17: Isothermal transformation diagram.-.08 wt%) improve creep resistance.. oxygen.Alpha-Seta Alloys /517 Ti-17:Continuous coolingtransformation cliagram. E I ~ II . I Undercooled p phase E 400-. excessive amounts of aluminum._ p_tr~nsu~ - ~.. ~ I ! 01.. stress relief in the 595 to 705°C (1100 to 1300 "F) range is satisfactory Superplasticity. Primarily billet and bars for forging stock Applications.. hardenability. crevice corrosion is usually the result of acidification in the crevice region by oxidant depletion. particularly during final melting. although closed die forgings and rings predominate. Ti-6246 is designed to combine the long-term. Widmanstatten a microstructures that enhance creep and fracture-related properties such as fatigue-crack growth resistance suspect Product Forms. As previously described. Therefore. In contrast to the anodic breakdown associated with pitting. If relatively high fabrication temperatures are used. Ti-6246 may be formed similar to Ti-6AI-4V alloy. and this effect is evidenced by the general corrosion of Ti-6246 in HCI solutions. and particularly low-cycle fatigue properties. double solution treatments-the first at a high temperature. 1985." Forging and heat treating practices require special controls to minimize beta flecks. forgeability. and crack sensitivity similar to the a-~ alloy Ti-6AI-4V. Machining practice for Ti-6246 in the as-forged condition is similar to that of annealed Ti-6AI4V and Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn. which could result in "beta flecks. annealing temperatures. Duplex annealing also improves cracking resistance in salt water Welding. Adjoining Tables and Figures provide information on such topics as typical heat treatment conditions. The increase in reducing environment resistance is achieved. ductility. Because Ti-6246 is less resistant to oxidizing media than CP Ti. however. Aging is conducted at 535 to 620 °C (995 to 1150 OF). which result in a microstructure having about 10 vol% equiaxed primary a and a relatively coarse transformed ~ matrix.08Si (fi-6242S) . solution treatment conditions. at the expense of oxidizing environment resistance. aging. which could result in microregions of high strength and low fracture toughness. practice is similar to that of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn in same type heat treated condition Stress Corrosion Cracking. Supratransus thermomechanical processes (~ forging followed by subtransus thermal treatments) achieve transformed. In the solution treated and aged condition. Ti-6246 is a reasonably forgeable alloy with unit pressures (flow stresses). The microstructure of Ti-6246 is typically equiaxed primary a in a transformed ~ matrix. which can be categorized as anneals. molybdenum. which represent conservative measures of anodic pitting below which pitting cannot be sustained Crevice Corrosion. it is expected that pitting resistance would likewise suffer. particularly in compressor disks and fan blades. This alloy is used at lower temperatures than Ti-6242S. This is indeed the situation observed for repassivation potentials. . Science and Technology. and toughness in forgings are obtained by superimposing the heat treatments on processing schedules.5 and 6. Flow stresses and strain rate sensitivity of a + ~ preforms indicate superplastic behavior (High-Temperature Deformation of Ti-6246. limited cold forming is possible. As-forged hardness is reported to be about 33 to 38 HRC. Beta flecks are less of a problem for Ti-6246 than for Ti-17. depending on processing and heat treatment history. Ti-6246 should be very resistant to crevice corrosion due to its reducing environment resistance from molybdenum Ti-6246: Forging process temperatures Process Conventional forging Belaforging -c Metal temperature 845-915 955-1010 1555-1680 1750-1850 Forming. and effect of aging on transverse temperature properties of sheet. Molybdenum addition greater than 4 wt% improve the corrosion resistance of titanium alloys in reducing media. Solution treatment is subtransus at 870 to 900°C (1600 to 1650 OF). but should be considered for long-term load-carrying applications at temperatures up to 400°C (750 OF) and short-term load-carrying applications at temperatures up to 540 °C (1000 oF) General Corrosion Properties. elevatedtemperature strength properties of TI-6Al-2Sn4Zr-2Mo-0. Depending on property requirements. followed by water or oil quenching and/or fan air cooling for thin sections. The the same as the base alloy Ti-6246 may be used in a number of heat treated conditions. Thrbine engine disks are frequently produced using hot die or isothermal forging techniques. Ti-6246 is very difficult to weld. The 1020 °C transus in figures on p 520 is final microstructure of forgings is developed by thermomechanical processing in forging manufacture tailored to achieve specific microstructural and mechanical-property objectives. for Ti-6246 ranges between 3. Typical room temperature hardness in the solution treated and aged condition (STA) ranges from 36 to 42 HRC. stress relief annealing would not ordinarily be required. solution heat treatment on the low side of the range can be used. duplex annealing (DA) and triplex annealing (fA) on properties such as hardness and tensile strength Recommended Heat Treating Practice Fabrication Properties Forging. and toughness contains about 10% equiaxed a (primary a) plus a transformed ~ matrix with relatively coarse secondary a and aged ~ Beta Transus. Vol2. Dec 1968). P 745-752) Machinability. with much-improved short-term strength properties of a fully hardened alpha-beta alloy. Special ingot melting practices must be employed. Resistance to stress-corrosion cracking in salt water is reported to be better after ~ forging than a-~ forging (WymanGordon Co. Ti-6246 is commercially fabricated on all types of forging equipment. If moderate a-~ fabrication temperatures are used. ductility.0 for solution treated or duplex annealed sheet. 935°C (1715 oF). lt is used for forgings in intermediate-temperature sections of gas turbine engines. Adjoining Figures show the effects of treatments such as solution treating.518/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Characteristics Phases and Structures. Hot forming and sizing of sheet may be accomplished in the 595 to 705°C (1100 to 1300 "F) range using the usual titanium forming techniques. resulting in near-net closed die forgings with reduced final machining. Thermomechanical processes use combinations of subtransus and/or supratransus forging followed by subtransus thermal treatments to fulfill critical mechanical-property criteria. DGM. ductility. the second at about 845°C (1555 °F)-should result in the desirable structure. this can vary. A microstructure with an optimum combination of strength. to minimize microsegregation of the beta-stabilizing element. optimum combinations of strength. Ti-6246 can be fabricated into all forging product types. Subtransus thermomechanical processes (forging and thermal treatment) for forgings achieve equiaxed a (20 to 40%) in transformed ~ matrix microstructures that enhance strength. although the reported bend properties are somewhat inferior. The room-temperature minimum bend radius. If hot forming is performed in the 595 to 705 °C (1100 to 1300 OF) range. Titanium. Recommended filler metal is Mechanical Properties. Final thermal treatments for forgings include two-step practices of solution treatments followed by quenching and aging. Project EM-06-1. or solution treatment and aging (see Tables). AC+595 °C (1100oF).15 0. + 75 of).6-4.0125 5. balTi CO.0125 max 5.4 3. Kr<!Ko) MPa'liii'ksI'1iii" MP.25 3.4 CO.) for material: Specimen location Centertangential Outsidetangential Centerdiametral IX+ 6 fO~ at 8BO ·C (1620 oF) MP.4 6 5.5-6.25 1.5 5. 8 h.04max.04 0.04 0.I h.HRC Other Cooling metbod WQ or OQ Quench(a) WQorOQ (a) Solution treatmentof sheet may be followedby a stabilizationexposure of 0. 1 h.75-2.5 5.47 26.5-4.005.005. % 37 42 42 41 13 Ti-6246: Solution treatment conditions Thmperature Common Sheet Forgings ·C 870 870 845-900 ·F 1600 1600 1555-1650 Duralion. I h.. ksI IX+~forged 1116 IX+~forged+S'D\(a) +STA(a) (10%primarya) (50%primaryIX) IX + ~ forged+ anneaIed(b) (50%primaryIX) ~ forged+ STA(a) UItbnate lensile streogtb Elongation.75-2. (c) STA=985 °C(l805 "F).5 5.balTi CO.Heat treatment was at 870°C (1600 of) for 1 h.52 Nole: Klcvalues determined with precracked three-pointnotched bend specimens.F) MPa ksI~ 21.5 5. (b) 705 °C(13OO°F).5 0.5-6.0125 0.15 1.2 3.49 25. I h. I h.5-6.9 Ti-6246: Typical variations in tensile properties with heat treatment/condition Thnsileyield strengtb ThmperalUre Heat Hardness. aircool + 595°C (1100 "F).3 38.5 0.15 max 1.5-6.balTi 0. air cool + 705°C (1300 "F).YO.0125 0.100of).5-6.85 21. AC + 595°C (1100oF).4.25 3.tetensile Elongation.AC Ti-6246: Fracture toughness of STA forgings: two forging conditions and three specimen locations Fracture toughne.5 0.8h.5 5.04. I h.25 3.I h.AC (~I - 100°f). then at 595 ·C (1100oF)for 8 h. m ksi'liii" 28.25 Uptol 595-705 815-930 580-605 >650 1100-1300 1500-1700 1080-1120 >1200 'lime.0125 0.11 IIfO~II0I0 OC (1850 . AC+ 705°C (1300oF).5-6.5-4.8-2.YO.5-6.OTO.0125 AI Fe H Mo N 0 Sn Zr 0.OTO.15 0. I h.5-6.81 19.5 5.0125 5.04 0.25-4 1 4-8 Air or slow cool Wateror oil quench AC method Ti-6246: Fracture toughness of forgings (a) STA= 885°C (1625 of). AC 885°C (1625of).75-2.25 3.5 0.5 CO.0125 5.6-4. air cool.15 max 0. (KI. waterquench.balTi Specilkation Japan Kobe USA Astra Howmet MartinMar Oremet Ti-6246: Rockwell hardness of different forging and treatment conditions Ti-6246: Typical heat treatment conditions Forging conditions Heattreatmenl treatment IX-~ forge(Pt.25 1.1 h.balTi CO.4.5-6. air cool Product OF (a)Seeseparatetablefor specifictemperaturesby productform.04.AC ~ forge (~.74 22.15 0.04.5 3.5 0.AC 885°C (1625oF).04 0.5 0.5-6.5-6.15 1.5 0.04 max 0.AlIVac Timet TlMEfAL6-2-4-6 DA 5.6-4.5-6. ksi % 10 to 20% primaryIX + STA(a) 10 to 20% primaryIX + STOA(b) 1118 1021 1152 1070 1049 162 148 167 155 152 1214 176 158 180 166 174 13 16 14 14 6. Sheetmay beage hardenedto optimumproperties in as little as 2hat595 °C (1100 of) (air cooled) ThnsUe yield strengtb Condition MP.100of).5-6. (b) STOA= 885°C (1625 "F).15 0. (Pt-15 "C).25 1.AC IX-~ forge(Pt.04 0. b Cooling 0.15 max 0.5-6.5-4.6-4. AC 39.15 0.04.8 h. air cool .5 5.baITi ThI.5-6.27 24. AC+ 595°C (l1OO°f). AC + finish (~tl. AC + finish 885°C (1625of).04 0.15 Other Sn 0 balTi C 0.04.25 °f).4 MP.75-2. air cool.75-2.28 24.75-2.5 0. strengtb Condiuon Stressrelief Solutiontrealing(a) Aging(b) Overaging OC 39.Alpha-Beta Alloys /519 Ti 6246: Specifications and compositions Composition.5-4.25 h at 720 to 730 °C (1325 to 1345 oF)withan air cool priortoaging.15 0. ksi MP.15 0. b Up to I 0. ksi % 162 1213 176 13 34 31 1150 166 1240 180 14 26 23 1061 154 1130 164 13 26 23 1047 152 1199 174 7 57 52 (a) 885 °C(l625 OF).15 0.l max.15 0.15 1.(b) The mostcommonlyusedaging temperatureis 595°C (1100oF) Ultim.04 Ti 6246: Commercial compositions Designation Description KS6-2-4-6 BarFrgSTA 5.5 balTi Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Bar 5.5 40 to 50%primaryIX + STA(a) 40 to 50%primaryIX + STOA(b) ~ forged+ STA(c) 1090 1242 1145 1201 Reduellon orarea.5 0. air cool +595 °C(l1OO°F}. balTi RMI Ti-6246 6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo BarBilS'D\ 5.45 19. wi % Specilkation Deslgnation UNS USA AMS4981B MlLF-83142A MlLF-83142A MlLT-9047G R56260 Description Fe AI H Mo 6 Compll Comp11 Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo BarWrrFrgBil FrgAnn FrglIT BarBUDA N Zr 2 4 1.5 CO.5-6.4 3.75-2.AC. Isothermal aging curves for alloy aged at 773 and 873 K after water quenching from the ~ field. E Q) I-- a -'1500 ~ a i!! . Click here to view 1200 I-- ..520 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6246: Annealing treatments Temperature -c 'fiealment Solutionannea1 (SA) Duplexanneal Firsl stage (SA) Second stage (age) Triplexannea1 SA stage First age(a) Second age(a) Ti-6246: Effect of aging on transverse tensile properties of sheet Cooling of method 815-930 1500-1700 AC 815-930 540-730 1500-1700 1000-1345 AC AC 815-925 540-730(a) 540-730(a) 1500-1695 l000-1345(a) l000-I345(a) AC AC AC Tempemture AgInglrealmenl(a) TIme.072 wt% Fe.-. air cooled Ti-6246: Continuous cooling transformation and aging dlagram Ti·6246: Continuous cooling transformation diagram LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1200 Solution annealed at 900°C for 20 min 1000 ~ E Q) I-- 1000 c:= 800 M. Chemical composition: 5. ~500 200 -. AC.94 wt% Sn. AC LIVE GRAPH 200 Temperature.00 wt% Zr.2000 13. and 4.01 0.500 0 1 10 2 10 10' s 10 4 10 1 2 10 10 Time. Duplex annealed 870°C (1600 OF) 15 min..s Ti-6246: Effect of aging on Vickers hardness.a I-- ~1000 ~ E Q) 400 a 200 0 i!! :> ~ M.-~_"'-~~"""'~~""""~~""""L. 0.. 1. -. 0..1500 ~ ~ ll! -11000 ~ E Q) 600 Q) c. (a)Solutiontreatmentfor0. 6.. Beta transus temperature was 1211 K. 239 229 216 220 212 204 188 182 168 1455 1420 1379 1386 1365 1337 1261 1220 1110 211 206 200 201 198 194 183 177 161 3 4 6 3 6 7 9 6 12 (a) Firstaginghigherthanthesecond .r:- ic: e.48 wt% AI. ksi MPa ksI .004 wt% N. h 120 100 600 LIVE GRAPH • strength~ 100 1000 200 400 Temperature. Alloy used was in the form of flat bar stock previously warm worked in the cx+~ field. = 1020 °C.083 wt% 0.35 wt% Mo. 870°C (1600 "F)..~"""'" 0. 700°C (1290 OF). = 1020 °C i!! :> 600 ~ Q) c. Hardness determinations were obtained on electropolished specimens using a Zwick diamond pyramid hardness tester at a load of 10 kg 10' Time. c: 140 ~ ~ en C/) 900 Tensile yield 0 Click here to view Aged at 773 K o Aged at 873 K 350L. 0. -.1 10 Time. OF 400 600 BOO Click here to view 1000 1500 200 / Ultimate tensile strength 1BO 500 'iii "" 160.~ ~ 800 i!! I 400 Solution annealed at 1050 °C at 20 min -i2000 13.s 4 10 s 10 Ti·6246: Tensile strength of duplex annealed sheet.. 15 min..h 1 16 1 2 16 1 16 1 16 540 1000 595 1100 650 1200 705 1300 TYS UTS OF °C MPa 1648 1579 1489 1517 1461 1406 1296 1255 1158 Elongation.25 600 . l. solution treated 1 hat 870°C (1600 OF). Variation of room-temperature tensile properties across a 150 mm (6 in. 88 mL H20 .. °C Center Out 140L-. AC.-_-'--_. of 200 400 600 800 8? 190 1000 1200 1400 1500 200 ~ 170 1000 :2 ~ Tensile yield strength . In. AC Ti-6246: Hardenability. which reduced the amount of "primary" ex grains in the ex + p matrix. which reduced the amount of ex grains and coarsened the acicular ex in the matrix. solution treated 2 h at 870°C (1600 OF). AC Temperature...Next Page Alpha-Beta Alloys I 521 Ti-6246: Tensile strength of triplex annealed sheet.. 595°C (1100 OF).500x . as the result of water quenching.. FAC. 2 h.. s 160 m c. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). 500x Ti-6246: Microstructure.. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192)..) section. air cooled..70 OF). 10 mL HN03 . c ~ (jj 180 500 50 150 Out 0'---_ _-'--_ _-'-_ _--'_ _---'0 o 200 400 600 800 Temperature. Forged at 870°C (1600 OF) solution treated at 915 °C (1680 OF). and aged 8 h at 595°C (1100 OF). except that.L_--'-_--'-_.. Ti-6246: Microstructure. Forged at 870°C (1600 OF). 855°C (15. aged 8 h at 595°C (1100 OF).l-_'----' 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Section location and dimensions. 500x Ti-6246: Microstructure.. no acicular ex is visible. Forged at 870°C (1600 OF) solution treated at 930 °C (1700 OF). solution treated 1 hat 870°C (1600 OF). 2 mL HF.. 250x Ti-6246: Microstructure. 595°C (1100 OF). Elongated "primary" ex grains (light) in aged transformed p matrix containing acicular ex. 15 min. Triplex annealed sheet. WQ + aged 8 h. and air cooled. water quenched. 730°C (1345 OF) 15 min. The structure is similar to that in preceding microstructure. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). Bar forged at 870°C (1600 OF)... stress-corrosion resistance. Conversely. See Tables for Ti64 and equivalents: specifications and compositions and commercial equivalents: compositions Characteristics Product Forms. other annealing treatments are utilized. R56400 (normalinterstitial grade). and powder metallurgy (PIM) forms. especially at cryogenic temperatures. The resulting structure is coarse. Although Ti-6AI-4V is commonly used in the mill-annealed condition. stress-corrosion resistance.2% (by weight). Wrought Ti-6AI-4V applications include armaments. good tensile and fatigue strength.05%. R56401 (extra-lowinterstitial grade). and the vanadium content may reach 4. The principal compositional characteristics are low oxygen and iron contents Ti·6AI-4V-Pd. In the automotive industry. Properties vary depending on interstitial contents and thermal-mechanical processing Wrought Product Forms.5%. lower additions of oxygen. and rocker arms. The major reason for using the PIM products is to produce near-net shapes Applications. and biological compatibility. hydrofoils. the aluminum content may reach 6. The higher the content of these elements. acicular <X (light) and aged transformed ~ (dark). 500x Ti·6246: Microstructure. discs. Depending on the application. Forged at 870°C (1600 OF) but solution treated at 955 °C (1750 OF). and crack growth resistance will be comparable to that of annealed wrought Ti-6AI-4V PIM Products. the mechanical and fatigue properties of castings will be slightly lower than for the wrought product. valve springs. fracture toughness.2 wt% Pd) for enhanced corrosion resistance. For example.Previous Page 522/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6246: Microstructure. such as valves.75%.. and capsules for telephone-cable repeater stations. and good corrosion resistance Aerospace Applications. nitrogen. Engine components include blades. usually in reciprocating and rotating parts. and wheels. stability at temperatures up to 400°C (750 "F). and quenched in water. Wrought Ti64 is a useful material for surgical implants because of its low modulus. which is above the ~ transus. sonar equipment. particularly oxygen and nitrogen. the oxygen content may vary from 0. Ti-6AI-4V of the same chemistry as for wrought materials has excellent casting characteristics.08 to more than 0. above the ~ transus. Casting applications include water-jet inducers for hydrofoil propulsion and seawater ball valves for nuclear submarines Product Condition/Microstructure Annealed Condition. 6AI-4V. Sumitomo Titanium has produced this grade. but fracture toughness. the nitrogen content may be adjusted up to 0. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). and aluminum will improve the ductility. solution treated 2 h at 955°C (1750 OF). In general terms. Ti-6AI-4V has a high specific strength (strength/density). the higher the strength. annealing just above the beta transus. the high reactivity of titanium in the molten state requires suitable casting technology and has limited the number of titanium foundries. Ti-6AI-4V is available in ELI (extra-low interstitial) grades with high damage-tolerance properties. or annealing high in the <X + ~ . cast. Forging.. Designed primarily for high strength at low to moderate temperatures.6AI. Ti64. Aerospace casting applications include the range from major structural components weighing more than 135 kg (300 Ib) each to small switch guards weighing less than 30 g (l oz). connecting rods. and resistance against crack growth ELI Grade. wrought Ti-6AI-4V is used in special applications in high-performance and racing cars where weight is critical. 50 Ox Ti. Effects of Impurities and Alloying. Ti64 is produced in a number of formulations. Wrought Ti-6AI-4V is used extensively for turbine engine and airframe applications. deep-submergence craft. Wrought forms are used for airframe components. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). Ti-6AI-4V is available in wrought. 6-4 UNS Number.4V Common Name. However. Ti-6AI-4V is available in a wide range of wrought product forms Castings. A grade that has palladium additions (about 0. The structure consists entirely of <X/ (martensite). R56402 (fillermetal) Chemical Composition. g. fusion welding is performed principally in inert-gas-shielded arc and high-energy beam welding processes. Normal production hot forming is usually at 650°C (1200 "F). Residual a case must be removed with chemical cleaning before bending procedures can be used Oxidation. closed die forgings. solution treating. and heat treatment. forging process. for forging properties (minimum room temperature) per composition. oil or air) and annealing or aging (STA or STAN). A more reproducible equiaxed structure is obtained by a recrystallization anneal of 4 h at 925°C (1695 OF) followed by slow cooling. Ti-6AI-4V may be forged using either conventional (sub-B transus) or ~ (supra-B transus) forging techniques. Are obtained by extensive mechanical working (>75% reduction) the material in the (a + ~)-phase field. while quenching from the 750 to 900°C (1380 to 1650 "F) temperature range produces an orthorhombic martensite (a'') Equiaxed Microstructures. Beta forging of Ti-6AI-4V creates an acicular a microstructure that is preferred for service conditions where fracture-related and/or creep properties are highly critical Thermomechanical Processing. see Figure). the machinability of Ti-6AI-4V in the annealed condition is 22. Quenched components contain high residual stresses which may not be fully relieved upon aging at low temperatures. but is less difficult to forge than most nickel. If the sheet has a case on the surface. stresses are self-relieved Although not as corrosion-resistant as commercially pure titanium alloys. The reaction rate laws range from logarithmic (at 300-500 "C) to parabolic (500-750 "C) to linear (above 750°C) with increasing temperatures of oxidation Bending. The resulting lamellar structure is fairly coarse and is often referred to as plate-like alpha. and beta annealing (BSTAN or BA). Solution-treated and quenched alloys may either have an acicular a'-martensite structure (quenched from above ~-transus) or mixed a' + a microstructure (quenched from 900-1000 0c) or mixed a" + a microstructure (quenched from 800-900 °C).Alpha-Seta Alloys I 523 phase field. of which the latter is exceptionally soft and ductile. The resulting structure is fairly coarse with an o-grain size of about 15-20 11m that is welded in the ~ annealed/solution treated and aged condition followed by stress relieving. which gives a microstructure that is very dependent upon previous working. This bend radius will usually cover both longitudinal and long-transverse grain (sheet rolling) directions Hydrogen Damage. but hot forming temperatures can be between 540 and 760 °C (1000 and 1400 "F). For production operations on mill annealed Ti-6AI-4V sheet. Generally. composition (oxygen content). See Tables for more information on: • Gas tungsten arc welding • Gas metal arc welding . Superplastic forming performance is affected by several factors. and for typical microstructures after working and annealing Corrosion and Chemical Properties Forming. such as annealing (A). Conventional forging of Ti-6AI-4V predominates commercially because it achieves an equiaxed a in a transformed ~ matrix microstructure that is preferred for many applications. quenching (water. and creep resistance. Based on a rating system in which AISI B1112 steel has a machinability rating of 100. Textured sheet can also exhibit variations on the order of200 MPa (30 ksi) as a function of direction Weldments. the room-temperature bend radius is essentially 6t. Slow cooling into the two-phase region from above the ~ transus leads to nucleation and growth of the a-phase in plate form starting from ~-grain boundaries. and texture (primarily in sheet). for the effect of different thermomechanical processes. Alloy Ti-6AI-4V has moderate sensitivity to hydrogen damage Typical Room Temperature Properties Room-temperature tensile properties are affected by heat treatment (microstructure). Air cooling results in a fine needle-like alpha phase referred to as acicular alpha.. Ti-6AI-4V has excellent corrosion resistance compared to other alloy systems. Ti-6AI-4V has excellent hardenability in sections up to about 25 mm (l in. rings. creates a Widmanstiitten or lamellar a + ~ microstructure with good fracture toughness. where the breakup of lamellar alpha into equiaxed alpha depends on the exact deformation procedure (e. strengths as high as 1140 MPa (165 ksi) may be achieved at aging temperatures between 300 and 600°C Lamellar Structures. The exceptional corrosion resistance is due primarily to oxidefilm formation Surface Treatment. Tensile strength can be changed by more than 200 MPa (30 ksi) by heat treatment and about 70 to 100 MPa (10 to 15 ksi) by oxygen content. Recrystallization annealing of wrought alloy improves tensile ductility and fatigue performance Solution Treated.) thick. or even higher for superplastic forming. The oxidation behavior of Ti-6AI-4V alloy is similar to that of unalloyed titanium. Such components may distort during machining. and the effect of processing Fabrication Properties Forging. and crack growth resistance. recrystallization annealing (RA). and Aged Ti-6AI-4V Alloy. In the United States. Bending properties of Ti-6AI-4V sheet vary with processing temperature. stress-corrosion resistance. the effect of texture. See Table for comparative machinability ratings of different metals Welding Processes. Failure is normally in the base metal. including open die (or hand) forgings. Ti-6AI-4V may be welded by a wide variety of conventional fusion and solid-state processes.and cobalt-base superalloys. Quenched. Forming and bending must be done with sheet free of a case. The damage is caused by hydrides. Thermomechanical processing is a key to obtaining selected microstructures in forging Ti-6AI-4Y. Most procedures are based on Ti-6AI-4V sheet. Ti-6AI-4V is supplied in several forging types. Subsequent annealing at about 700°C (1290 OF) produces the so-called "mill-annealed" microstructure. The exception to this is material Superplastic Forming. it will crack when bent. See Tables and Figures showing minimum and typical tensile properties. which form as hydrogen diffuses into the material during exposure with either gaseous or cathodic hydrogen. It is more difficult to forge. weld strength is higher and ductility is lower. They serve as starting conditions for subsequent aging treatments. Can be readily controlled by heat treatment. Ti-6Al-4V typically is hot formed above 540°C (1000 OF). See Tables and Figures for recommended forging temperatures. as measured by flow stress and crack sensitivity. At 760°C (1400 "F). forging equipment and die temperatures. Several final treatments are available. and precision forgings. See Tables for forming temperatures Machining Properties. the effect of oxygen. there may be a peak in hydrogen embrittlement as a function of temperature. Both techniques are used in combination with annealing and solution treating and annealing or aging thermal treatments. Because the phenomenon depends on both hydrogen diffusion and hydride formation. Other thermal treatments such as recrystallized annealing and/or ~ annealing or ~ solution treatment and annealing may be combined with conventional forging to achieve tailored properties. Quenching from temperatures greater than 900°C (1650 OF) results in a needlelike hcp martensite (a'). Hydrogen damage of titanium and titanium alloys is manifested as a loss of ductility (embrittlement) and/or a reduction in the stress-intensity threshold for crack propagation. than most ferrous alloys (and all aluminum alloys). Water-quenching from the ~-phase field followed by annealing in the (a + ~)-phase region leads to a much finer lamellar structure. although its chemical reactivity typically requires special procedures and precautions. Certain intermediate cooling rates develop Widmanstiitten structures. Vol 4.1875to 3 in. At 595 °C (1100 OF). MCIC-HB-02.$4-5I1b. On cooling. (0. and aging and cooling Furnaces and Atmospheres. Stress relaxation data can often be fitted to a timetemperature parameter such as the Larson-Miller parameter.$3·4I1b.$9·1211b. Beta annealing should not be used on sheet gages due to the possible incidence of a single prior ~ grain across the entire thickness.8.)diamto about355mrn (14in. resulting in the transformed structure. stainlesssteelandAI. which improves damage tolerance properties. Structure and Properties of Nonferrous Alloys. p 763-774 • R.2.and3 m (72.01lto0. The processing steps include heating slightly above the ~ transus temperature to form the ~ phase. A recent patent (Patent No.Inco718. the higher the fracture toughness and crack growth resistance. although this is not a common heat treatment.187 in. and there should be no flame impingement on the part.). This refines the transformed structure. Molten salt and fluidized beds should not be used.and3 m (72. American Society for Metals. Brooks. 1956. Hanink. 300seriesstainless ln. Heat treatment should be in atmospheres free of reducing gases and other contaminants that might produce excessive hydrogen pick up.7 to 19 mm (0. a 50% stress relief would take about 1 hat 595°C (1100 OF) or 5 h at 540°C (1000 "F). and for processing cycles used to obtain fme microstructures in alpha + beta alloys • See Figure for microstructure of equiaxed a and a" Ti·6AI·4V: Wrought products Product SizeIlIId weighl ranges Pricecomparison(&) Ingot Billet 3200to 13.118. Width:915 and 1220mrn $24I1b.125in.andabout13 13·8PH. 96. PA) has been issued for improving mechanical properties of forgings. Pittsburgh. AI. p 361-376 • lA. but fatigue performance and ductility are improved.000Ib) Nonnally100mrn(4 in. The first anneal of a duplex anneal is high in the a-~ phase field. purged. temperature. $8I1b. but is sometimes used in the solution treated and aged (STA) condition.$IOIlb. This. HeatTreating of Titanium and Titanium Alloys.and 120in.600kg (7000to 30.$IOllb (36and48 in. The RA treatment uses a slower cooling rate.)forsmallcirclesizes.016to 0.4..stainless steel.$8Ilb 'Iyplcaldimensions: Thickness: 5 to75 mrn Plale (0.8moremeterialby volumethan lIb of steelor nickel-basealloy . A283.5 in. Vol 91 (No. The higher the first anneal temperature. strengths as high as 1110 MPa (160 ksi) can be achieved in section thicknesses up to 12. except the cooling rate from the first anneal temperature is faster.7101.butthisis nOI necessarily the upperlimit Cross-secrions up to0.8. which contains lower oxygen.480in. Titanium Alloy Handbook.3I1b maximumsizerelatedto ingotsizeandthe amountof work thatcan be impartedtothe forgedblock Extrusion Fromcirclesizesofaboul25 to760 mrn(Ito 30 Ti. 1972 For further information see: • Table listing heat treatments and procedures • Table listing mechanical properties obtained with different heat treatments • Figure indicating stress relief obtained at different times • Nomograph for stress relief showing relationship of time. and percent of stress relief • Figure showing effect of temperature on tensile properties • Table showing variation in tensile properties of bar stock with solution treating temperature Beta Heat Treated Microstructures • Figure for heat treatment cycles of transformed beta Alpha + Beta Annealed Microstructures • Figures for typical microstructures.AI. Herman et al.$301lb. Sheet (0..4 m (16 x 16in. This heat treatment is very similar to RA. 1982.and 120 in.75mrn Ti. reheating the billet (which now has a fine ~ transformed structure) to 855 to 925 °C (1570 to 1695 "F). Recrystallization annealing (RA) also increases damage tolerant properties.4 to4.R. wire: n.K. Burger and D. Fracture toughness and crack growth resistance are typically not quite as good as BA. Wire $6IIb.)diam 8740. See MIL-H-81200 for further guidelines Stress Relieving.$7. American Society for Metals. ALCOA. results in reduced ductility (although the material would still have at least 5% elongation) and reduced fatigue strength. Favor.6). Another option for achieving improved damage tolerance over mill annealing is a duplex anneal. Length:1. Heat Treatment. 9th ed. followed by rapid cooling. The use of inert gas or vacuum atmospheres minimizes contamination when properly controlled.Billetsupto 5000Ib havebeensold.301lb (a)Duetoitslowerdensity. MInimumthicknessof about3 mrn steel.75 in.2. Gas-fired furnaces should have oxidizing flames.501lb. SELECTED REFERENCES • C. 0.5Q.4 x 0. the ~ at temperature transforms to a lamellar a-~ structure. 1981. Such a diagram is extremely valuable in selection of thermal treatments to reduce residual stress levels.) Typicaldimensions: Thickness: 0.)diam orsquare. AI7075. Prog. Heat Treating Titanium and Its Alloys. Length:1.$16Ilb. p 657-676 • W.) Tube Specialty item Ti. p 70-75 • ASM Trans.$3I1b. The high-temperature anneal is followed by a full anneal or mill anneal.363.5kg to >1300kg «lib to >3000Ib) Ti.). which provides a totally transformed ~ structure. fatigue strength diminishes until the anneal temperature exceeds the ~ transus. stainlesssteel. $261lb.281012.2mrn(O.) Warn. the extra-low-interstitial (ELl) grade.) Damage tolerance properties are optimized (fracture toughness is maximized and the crack growth rate is minimized) by ~ annealing (BA).).$llIb.25 in.$2. Battelle Memorial Institute. June 1957.$13·15Ib. $2411b mrn(0. often referred to as mill annealed. Wood and R. 5. and tested for hydrogen pickup prior to heat treating the first load of titanium parts. To maximize damage tolerance properties. AI. Improvements in fatigue performance can be achieved by water quenching from above the ~ transus temperature of 995 °C (1825 "F)..5 to 0. Width:915and 1220mrn (36and48 ln.) Bar Dieforging From<0. resulting in a predominantly equiaxed structure Thermomechanical Processing. The effect of time and temperature on stress relieving at elevated temperatures is shown in the nomograph for Ti-6AI-4V.). however.4. forging to obtain a reduction ratio of about 3:1. should be used with both the recrystallization anneal and the ~ anneal.I. Met. Heat Treating. 15·5PH. Furnaces used above 650°C (1200 OF) that have contained endothermic or dissociated ammonia atmospheres should be equipped to prevent leakage. it takes 50 h to achieve a full stress relief.Llbof'titanlurnisapproximately 1. Ti-6AI-4V is most commonly used in the fully annealed condition. Metals Handbook. It has limited hardenability. Forgedblock Available in a widerangeof sizes. 96. stainless steel.A.524/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys • • • • Plasma arc welding Electron beam welding Laser beam welding Resistance spot welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.)forlargecirclesizes 'Iypicallymanufactured in sizesrangingfrom 0. Using STA. cooling and solution treating to form primary a particles.with $2. 2-6 3.balTI SiO.O+N= 0.5-4.5-6.5-4.05max 0.75 0.Q3 EUFillMetWrr 5.25 0.balTI ZrO.4 YO.15 0.25 0.5-4.5 0.5-4.4 AMS4905A AMS4906 AMS4907D AMS4911F AMS4920 AMS4928K AMS4930C AMS4931 AMS4934A AMS4935E AMS4954D AMS4956B AMS4965E PitBetaAnn 5.5-4.05 0.5 3.Q15 0.3 0.2 max 0.75 0.2 max 0.05max 0.08 0.5 0.5-6.25 0.12max 3.75 0.5 3.08 0.2 max 0.015max 0.3 max 0.5-6.5 3.05max 0.W 0.5-6.l max.5-6.5 3.3 0.5 3.90060-72 R56400 R56401 R56402 WeldWrr 0.5 0.5 3.5-6.05 0.0125 0.5-6.3 max 0.balTi OEO.2 max 3.08 max 5.08max 0.3 max 0.75 5.2 max 0.5 3.5-6.4max 0.8 5.3 0.3 0.balTI OEO.4 balTI YO.08max 5.75 0.5 3-5 3.4 max 0.2 0.1max. balTI YO.3 0.5-6.75 0.l5.75 0.5·6.5 0.balTI 0.012 0.balTI OEO.3 max 0.OEO.3 max 0.75 0.0125max 0.005.5-4.lO ShStrplIT BS2TA.05max 0. TI88.4 0.5 3.5-6.12 0.5 3.1 0.05 0.5-6.5-4.03 0.5-4.08max 5.05max 0.0125 0.5-4.0125max 0.balTI OEO.75 0.4 max 0.5 3.4 0.4 YO.75 0.5-6.max.015 max 0.5.75 0.05 max 0.3 max 0.07 0.05max 0.05 0.Q3 0.3max 0.5-6.4 max 0.5-4.3max 0.2 3.O+N= 0.3 0.4 max 0.balTI OEO.0125max 0.5-6.5-7 5-6.balTI OEO.5-4.balTI OEO.5-6.0125 0.05 max 0.5-4.5 3.-7301 ShPitStrpBarExAnn ShPitStrpBarExlIT 5.5-6.2 max 0.5-6.05max 0.125 0.balFe 0.0125max 0.012 0.2 0.08 0.75 0.5-4.0125max 0.75 5.balTI 0.2 max 0.2 0.4 balTI balTI 5.7164 3.balTI 0.7165 3.5-6.4max balTI OEO.5-6.5 3.05 0.5 3.5 3.4 max 0.2 max 3.5 3.5-6.5-4.25 y'3.75 5.balTI 0.3 (continued) 0.3 0.005.05max 0.l max.2 FillMet 5. balTI TI88.05 max 0.05 0.7615 ShStrpPItBarFrgAnn CastAnn PltShStrpRodWrrAnn ShPltStrp RodWrrAnn ShStrp Rod Frg 5.5-6.3 max 0.5.5 TI-P63 ShStrpPitBarAnn BarAnn FrgAnn FrgNHf BarAnn FrgAnn FrgNHf BarS'D\ FrgSTA lov CastAnnIllP BarWrrSTA ShAnn ExtAnn ShStrpAnn FrgNHf BarWrrAnn PItAnn RemeltNHf 5.08max 5.4 max 0.5-4.05 0.5 L-7301 1.5 3.5-4.5-4.l max.3 max 0.5-6.3 0.05 0.lmax.3 max 0.25 0.3 max 0.TI88.015 0.2 max 0.5 EUPlt 5.3 0.balTI OE0.5-6.05 0.4 max 0.18 max.05 0.75 BarFrgRugSTAlMach Pressyes 5.4max YO.13 0.005.5-4.5-4.4 YO.5-4.Q1 Om5 max 0.5 3.25 0.l max.2 0.2 3.75 0.0125-0.75 5.2 max BSTA.08 max 5.Q15 0. TI88.0125max 0.5-6.4 YO.75 5.1 BU Bar Wlr FrgBilRugAnn 5.3 0.22 max 0.2 max 0.7615 3.08 ExRngSTA 5.3 0.5-4.75 0.4 max 0.4 YO.08 max 5.08 EU BarFrgBilRng 5.05max 0.2 max 0.5-4.5·6.Q15 0.5 3.05max 0.005max.05 0.18max.balTI YO.3max 0.5 3.75 0.05max 0.75 0.5-7 5.1 3.0125max 0.5-4.3-6.balTI 0.5 3.3 0.5 3.3 max 0.2 max 0.3 0.balTI OEO.6-6.04 0.3 0.5 3.l max.08 max BUSh StrpPItAnn 5.25.3 0.5-4.l max.75 0.05 0.balTI OEO.5-4.125 0.5 0.90000-70 OSTl.3 max 0.08 0.5-6.3 0.05 0.15 max 0.4 0.3.2 0.05 0.3 balTI 0.5-4.75 5.05max 0.15.l max.13 0.5-4.08 FrgAnn 5.6-6.05 0.25 max 3.2 BS2TA.005 0.5 3.25 0.Q1 0.19max.75 0.4 0.4 0.015 0.5-4.2 max 0.2 max 0.5-4.4max YO.2 max 3.Q15 max 0.12 max 0.7264 3.005 0.012 0.2 max 0.7165 3.08max 5.5-4.75 5.59 DTD5303 DTD5313 DTD5323 DTD5363 USA AMS4905A ShStrp BarAnn FrgAnn FrgAnn Cast 5.05max 0.3 max 0.2 0.5 0.75 0.3 max 0.75 0.5-6.05 max 0.balTI OEO.5-6.2 max 0.5-4.4 0.4 0.05 0.08 ShStrpPltAnn 5.5 3.3 0.08max 5.balTI OEO.2 0.balTI balTI balTI UK 0.3 0.balTI OEO.1 max 5.1 YO.1 ExRngAnn 5.5 3.2 0.05 3.007 0.5-4.18 max.5·6.5-4.1 0.08max 5.75 5.1 BarWrrFrgBilRugAnn 5.08 max 0.l2 BS2TA.7615 3.balTI balTI balTI balTI N+O=O.l max.0125 0.4 max 0.5·6.0125max 0.2 0.15.5-6.0125max 0.08 max 0.75 0.4 max 0.3max 0.07max 0.balTi OEO.005.2 0.2max.75 5.3 0.25 N+O=0.015 0.1 0.3.75 5.3 0.0125max 0.5 3.75 0.05 0.01 Bar 5.5-6.5 3.27.3 max 0.08 max 0.5 3.0125max 0.05max 0.balTI OEO.75 0.75 5.2 max 0.05 max 0.05 Om5 0.5-4.l max.4 0.75 0.5 3.08max 0.5 0.03max 0.3 max 0.5-6.Alpha-Beta Alloys I 525 Ti-6AI-4V andequivalents: Specifications andcompositions Spe<i!katlon Designation Description AI C Fe H N 0 V UNS UNS UNS Europe AECMAprEN2517 AECMAprEN2530 AECMAprEN253l AECMAprEN33LO AECMAprEN3311 AECMAprEN33l2 AECMAprEN3313 AECMAprEN3314 AECMAprEN3315 AECMAprEN3352 AECMAprEN3353 AECMAprEN3354 AECMAprEN3355 AECMAprEN3456 AECMAprEN3457 AECMAprEN3458 AECMAprEN3464 AECMAprEN3467 Fmnce AIR9l83 AIR9184 Germany DIN DIN DIN 17850 DIN 17851 DIN 17860 DIN 17862 DIN 17864 Russia GOST19807-74 OST 1.75 0.75 BS2TA.5-4.4max 0.5-6.2 0.5-4.5-7 0.5-4.3 max 0.5 3.05 ShStrp 5.08max 5.6-4.5 3.75 5.3 0.balTI 0.5 3.5-4.75 5.5-4.08max 5.5-6.5-4.4 max 0.2 max 0.05 0.5 3.75 6 5.ll Other OT ~alTI balTI balTI 0.05max 0.5-4.08max 5.5 3. TI88.08 0.3max 0.4 YO.5-6.l.08 max 5.08 max 5.75 0.5-6.0125max 0.0125max 0.Q1 0.5-6.4 max 0.1 0.5-6.19max.08 5.5-4.75 0.0125 0.3 max om 0.5-4.5 4.1 0.0125 0.5-4.5 3.5-4.25max 0.5-6.2 max 0.5 3.2 0.75 5.75 0.3 0.l max.5-6.75 5.3.0125max 0.0125 0.08 0. balTI 0.5-6.05 max 0.13 0.75 0.005.balTI .3 max 0.5-6.5-6.lmax.balTI 0.015max 0.5-4.5 Spain UNE38-723 UNE38-723 5.SiO.3 max 0.4 max 0.05 max 0.5 V.0125max 0.05 max 0.3 0.5 balTI balTI balTI balTI balTI balTI balTI 0.Q15 0.5 3.1 FillmetgasrnetlW-arc weld 5.3 0.5-4.5 3.05max 0.5-4.1 0.5-6.2 0.2 0.Q15 Om5max 0.5-4.75 0.5 4 3.005.28 BS3531 Pan2 BSTA.5-4.l max.13 BS2TA.005.3max 0.5-6.05max 0.5-4.3 ZrO.56 Frg FrglIT WrrFrglIT Quen SrgImp Pitto 100romlIT 5.5-4.2 max 0.08 max 5.lmax.5 3.5-6.05 max 0. balTI 0.01 max 0.5-6.3 0.2 max 0.TI88.2 max 0.Q1 0.5-4.2 max 0.Ol25max 0.05 0.6-4.5 3. SiO.0125max 0.18 0.005 max.3 max 0.4 3.4 max 0.balTI 0.0125max 0.5-6.25max 0.15 0.05 0.Q15 0.l max.2 0.08 max VT6S VT6 VT6L ShPItStrpFoilRodAnn ShPItStrpFoilRodFrgAnn Cast 5.005.5-6.lmax.0125max T-A6V T-A6V BarRodFrg BIt 3.5-4.2 0.5 3.0125 0.75 0.5-6.balTI OEO.08 0.005.0125 0.Q3 0.Ol25max 0.75 0.05 0.5-4.75 0.15 3. 5 3.0125max 0.5-4.13-0.5 3.75 5.05 0.3 to20 min for 1. baITI baITI 0.5-6.04max 0.1max.0125 0.2 0.5-6.2 MoO.1 max.5-4.5 3.4 0.4 0.OOI.5 5.5 3.5-4.05 0.2 0.75 0.25 0.08 0.5-4.ol5 0.08 0.5-6.1 0.5-6.05 0.75 5.5-6.1 0.1 0.5 3.75 5.baITI 0.5 3.3 0.25 0.04 0.5 3.5-4.2 0.04 0.1 max.05 0.4 0.5 ShStrpPlt Ann BarBilAnn cast FrgAnn EU WroughtAnnforSurgImp B1tScrStd BltScrStd WeldFillMet WeldFillMet WITRod 5.08 0.SnO.5-4.1 0.5-6.4 0.NaO.5 3.'llle strength Maleria! TI-6Al-4V TItaniumaIloys Alloysteel Aluminum Copper Stainlesssteel MPa ksl 895-1250 240-1500 100-2300 70-700 170-1500 400-1500 130-180 35-215 15-335 10-100 25-220 60-220 .5 3.5-4.005.4 YO.13-0.25 0.3 0.08 0. becausethe titaniumsurfaceis embrittledby oxygenabove 540 °C (1000 "F) as a functionof time and temperature.08 0.5-4.02 0.5-6.005.)sheet. 'Ao Iledudion inaroa.5 3.5 AMS4996 EUBU 5.01 0.4 0.4 0.13-0.5-6.5 3.05 0.5-4.2 max.5-6.15 0.1 max 0.75 5.75 5.5-6.2 0.baITI 0.5-6.5 3.5 3.05 0.75 6.08 0.08 0.026 0.1 0. voooi.5-4.5-4.13 0.15.75 5.5 3.5-6.75 5.ol5 0.25 0.005 0.19 AMS4998 Powd 5.75 0.05 0. MnO.4 0.ol5 0.05 0.5-6.6mm (0.5-4.5 ASTMB265 ASTMB348 ASTMB367 ASTMB381 ASTMF136 ASTMF467-84 ASTMF468-84 AWSAS.0125 O.baITI 0.5-4.4 0.08 0. baITI 0.5-4.4 SiO.2h is maximumfor 705°C (1300"F).5-6.1 0.5 5.I6-70 AWSAS.5 5.andfinalstressrelief Ti-6AI-4V: Tensile strength compared to other materials Thll.05 0.5-4.08 0.22 0.2 0.3 0.2 max YO.13 0.5 3.75 0.5-6.75 5.oolmax.5-6.005.012 0.02 0.015 O.5 CastAnn PowdSintNuts 5.3 0.3 0.2 0.Cl 0.08 0.3 0.0125 0.13 0.5-6.13 0.1 max 0.3 AMS4996 BillPowdAnn 5.)sheet 128 154 Ultimate tOll.5 3.05 0.YO.5 3.25 0.5-6.3 0.75 0.012 0.5-4.5-4.4 max 0.'llleyield strength ksl MPa Longitudinal(a) Transverse(b) 883 1063 lest Method Hotsizing 650 1200 540-650 540-785 870-925 540-785 540-785 205-315 480-540 480-785 540-650 1000-1200 1000-1450 1600-1700 1000-1455 1000-1455 400-600 900-1000 900-1455 1000-1200 Brakefanning Drophammer Superplastic Drawing Spinning Hydropress Pressforming Matched die Creepforming 0.75 5.5-6.5 5.ol5 0.1max.4 0.5 3.75 5.5-6.012 0.05 0.4 max 0.19 3.5 3.08 0.005.4 0.ol5 0.3 max 0.ol5 0.05 0.3 0.5 5.5 3.5 5.4 YO.75 5.5 AMS4998 EUPowd 5.15.1 max 0.008 0.75 5.5-6.Cu 0.097 3.2 0.063in.75 5.3 0. Mn 0.25 0.032in.5-6.05 0.0125 O.4 baITI 0. (b) Parallelto highdensityofbasaI poles Temperatures up to 870°C (1600 "F) maybeneeded Temperatures up to 870°C (1600 "P) maybe needed Temperatures up to 870 °C (l600 "F) maybeneeded Mild fanning Hydrofonn andfinishdie Temperatures up to 870°C (1600 "F) may beneeded (a)Temperatures shouldbe held to a minimumto reducescaling.5-6.05 0.5-4.lmax.023 0. intermediatestressrelief.08 0.5 3.4 0.5-4. These are accumulatedtimes to includeheatingtimes for singleor multistagefanning.0125 O.3 0.3 max 0.0125 max 0.1 3.2 max 0.5-6.3 0.1 0.1 max.75 5.25 0.3 0.05 0.:aO.5-4.1 0.05 max 0.0 21.4 0.4 0.'llle strength MPa ksI 918 ll32 133 164 Elongation.05 0.OEO.5-4.0125 max 0.2 0.3 0. baITI Y 0.1 max.5 3.05 max 0.OEO.16-70 MlLA-46077D MlLF-83142A MlLF-83142A MlLF-83142A MlLF-83142A MILT-81556A MILT-81556A MILT-81556A MlLT-81915 MlLT-9046J MlLT-9046J MlLT-9046J MlLT-9047G MlLT-9047G MlLT-9047G SAE J467 BarFrg RngMachlSTA Pressves Cast Ann Grade5 Grade5 GradeC-5 GradeF-5 Grade5 ElITi-6AI-4V ElITi-6AI-4V-I Comp6 Cornp6 Comp7 Comp7 CodeAB-I CodeAB-I CodeAB-2 TypeIIICamp A CodeAB-I CodeAB-I CodeAB-2 MIL-T-9047G Cast Ann Sh StrpPitAnn Sh StrpPitSTA EU Sh StrpPitAnn BarBilSTA EUBar BilAnn BarBilAnn EU Ti-6AI-4V: Forming temperatures direction Thll.0125 O.4 baITI baITI baITI baITI balTI Comments 3 to 15min for 0.5-4.SnO.0125 0.5 5.05.3 0.08 0.526/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6AI-4Vand equivalents: Specifications and compositions (continued) Specilicatlon AMS4967F AMS4985A AMS4991A AMS4993A Designation Description AI C H Fe OT N 0 V 3.3 0.75 0.005.5-4.2 0.15 O.baITI 0.5-6.1 max 0.0125max 0.1 0.008 0.5 WeldArmorPitAnn FrgAnn FrgHT EUFrgAnn EUFrgHT Ex BarShpAnn Ex BarShp STA ELIExtBarAnn 5.18 0.13-0.13 0. Generally.5-6.015 0. 20 min is maximumfor 870 °C (1600 "F).1 max.5-6.5-6.2 E (a) Normalto highdensityofbasaI poles.4 baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI baITI YO.5 3.05 0.baITI MoO.14 0.5-6.25 0.2 0.5 3.75 5.2-0.05 0.5-4.ol5 0.0125 0.5-4.2 0.2 0.0125 0.2 max 0.08 0.05 0.5-4.3 0.4 baITI baITI 0.bal TI 0.4 0.75 5.13 0.5-4.19 3.2 0.3 0.05 0.3 0.5-6.5-4.75 5.1 0.2 0.:a0.0125 0.0125 0.04 0.05 0.5-4.05 0. Thmperalure(a) OF °C 0Iher Y 0.08 0.1 max.0125 0.baITI baITI Ti-6AI-4V: Effect of basal texture on tensile properties Normal production hot forming usually is done at 650°C (1200 OF).05 0.8 mm (0.18 3.Cu 0.04 max 0.0125 O. 'Ao GPo lO'ps 13 16 32 33 llO 146 16.2 0.TImeat temperatureis important.4 0.75 0.5-6.1 max.05 0. baITI YO.5-6.75 5.lmax.005.25 0.5 3.5-4.015 0.04 0.3 0.5-4.2 max vuoor max.08 0. 75 5.03 0.2 0.75 Ann ELIAnn log Bil Bar PItSh Sir STA 0.54.2 0.07 0.9 6 856 124 911 132 15.05 0.20 wt% oxygen(plate) Condition 0.54.4 0.5 baITI baiTi LT31 TL64 TL64ELI ContimetAIV64 ContimetAlV64 ContimetAlV64ELI Ann Frg ELIFrg PitBar FrgAnn PItBarFrgSTA ELIPItBarFrgPip Ann 5. % % 12.015 max 0.05 0.2 0.3 0.5-6.5 3.4 36 Ti·6AI·4V: Forging equipment and die temperatures 130 10.5 3.5-6.54.3 0.08 0.3 0.015 0.0125 0.05 max 0.4 0.75 5.05 0.5 4 3.Q7 0.54.5 3.(c) 0.08 0.25 0.5 3.ot5 0.0125 max O.5-6.2 max 0.ors Other Ti·6AI·4V: Minimum and typical tensile properties (a) 0.5 baITI balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi STA Ti-6A14V 6Al4V-ELI 6AI4V 6A1-4V Allvac64 TIMErAL64 TIMErAL64 ELI TIMErAL64 STA 0.0125 0.54.13 0.5 5.5-6.5-6.5 4 4 3.75 0.2 0.54.5-6.19 wt% oxygen.5-6. % % Alloy 11 11 16 14 12 13 6 10 23 20 47 33 36 6Al4V 6 20 Conditlon Ultimate tensile strength(a) MPa ksl Annealed 900-993 130-144 Solutiontreated 1172 170 + aged 830-896 120-130 6Al-4V(lowoxygen) Annealed Thnsile yield strength 0.5-6.2 0.05 0.75 5.015 0.5-6.1 0.5 5.18 0.54.06 0.3 0.5-6.25 0.3 0. or 1300°FI2hiAC Ilforged+ WQ (BQ)+ 705°C.2 0.54.75 5. Fuchs Fuchs Thyssen Thyssen Thyssen Japan Daido Daido Daido Kobe Kobe Toho Toho UK IMI USA Orernet RMI RMI RMI Tel.75 5.015 O.1 0.05 0.05 0. or 1300°FI2hlAC a+ IlforgedDA(870°C.2 3.75 5.5 3. or 1600°FI2hlAC + 705°C.oms om-o.5 5:5-6.75 0.1 0.6-6.0125 0.13 max 0.2 23 863 125 932 135 5.08 0.75 5.1 0.05 0.5 baITI baITI baITI baITI balTi balTi DAT5 DAT5 DT5 KS6-4 KS6-4ELI 64AT 64AT RodBarRng Frg Ann RodBar RngFrgSTA RodBar FrgRng STA PltShWITBarAnn ELIPltShAnn 5.54.5 3.54. or 1095oF) Ilforged+ AC (BA)+ 705°C.ot5 0.Allvac TIMEr TIMET TIMEr Designation Description lTfA6V UTA6V AI C Fe H N 0 V ShStrp PItBar Frg Ann Sh StrpPItBar Frg STA 5.4 0.2 Reduction of area.54.05 0.08 max 0.08 0.25 0.013 0.3 0.03 6 ELI BarBil Ex PltShStrp Ann BarBilExPltShStrpWlrAnn BarBil Ex PItSh Strp WIT 5. 124 144 141 151 127 156 135 156 Thnsileyield strength ksI MPa om-oms om.5-6.ot5 0.2 0.12 W1% oxygen.0125 0.05 0.013 0. or 1300°FI2h1AC) 711 103 876 127 828 120 897 876 127 904 0.08 0.1 max 0. (b) 0.2 0.75 5.6-6.5-6.015 0.25 0.75 5.2 0.3 0.5 3.5 3.75 0.15 0.5-6.13 3.25 OT Alloy Belatransus OF °C Ti-6A14V 995 1825 Ti-6Al-4VELI 975 1785 Forging process Conventional Bela forging Conventional Bela forging Metal temperature OF OC 870-980 900-1065 870-950 990-1045 Elongation.54.05 0.75 6 5.54.05 Elongation.1 Ti·6AI·4V: Effect of oxygen content on tensile properties Oxygen Condition BA STOA RA BQ centent Low(a) Standardtb) Low Standard Low Standard(c) Low Standard Thnsileyleld strength MPa ksi 773 883 904 945 711 1055 863 980 112 128 131 137 103 153 125 142 Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksI 856 994 973 1042 876 1076 932 1076 a + Ilforged+ recrystallization annealed(a) a + Ilforged+ mill annealed (minimumvalues) a+ Ilforged+STA(aged4h at 590 DC.13 0.05 max 0.Alpha-Beta Alloys I 527 Ti·6AI·4V commercial equivalents: Compositions Spedllcalion France Ugine Ugine Germany DeutscheT.05 0.5 3.5-6.0 25 Forging type/ equipment 938 136 15.5- 34 131 973 141 15.2 0. or 1095oF) a + Ilforged+ STOA(aged 24 hat 590 DC. ksI MPa % 830-924 120-134 1103 160 14 10 760-827 110-120 15 (a)Lower values areminimumsand uppervalues areaverages Ti·6AI·4V: Recommended forging temperatures Ti·6AI·4V: Effect of thermomechanical processing on tensile properties Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksI 0.5-6.08 0.3 47 (a) 925°C (1695 °F)/4 hlcool at 50 °C (90 0F)lh to 760 °C (1400 °F)/air cool Opendie forging Ringrolling Closeddieforging Hammers Upsetters Mechanicallscrew presses Orbital forging Spin forging Roll forging Hydraulic presses Hot die forging Isothermal forging 1600-1795 1650-1950 1600-1740 1815-1915 Die temperature 150-260 95-260 300-500 200-500 95-260 150-260 150-315 150-315 95-315 95-260 315480 705-870 930-980 200-500 300-500 300-600 300-600 200-600 200-500 600-900 1300-1600 1700-1800 .3 0.4 max 0.2 3.5 3-5 3-5 balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi balTi IMI318 ShRodBarBil WirPItEx 4 balTi 3.1 0.25 max 0. Reduction orarea.015 O.5 6 6 5.Q7 0.05 0.5 3.54.5 47 773 112 856 124 11.5 3.54.75 5.2% oII"set(a} Elongation. beta preformblock.187 0.5%(a) 13.700 "F): Stretch./min A voltage.001 0.15 Fracture toughness MPa'lii: ksI'1iii:' % 44-45 60-71 77-88 82-93 88-99 66-77 71-88 82-93 40-50 55-65 7Q.RA. beta preformingonly.013 0.5 I 5-7 3.13 0. Current Arc (DC EN). ELI.15 1Q.5 8% 12.25 1.5% 17% 1.051 0. 0. 0.013 0. % of'area.002 Ti·6AI·4V: Formability comparison MInImum bend. controlledcomposition. recrystallized anneal.051 0.135 125-130 12Q.528/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti·6AI·4V: Effect of commercially available thermomechanical processing routes Forging Composition(a) Std CMG Std Ell Std Std Ell Std ELI Std Ell Std Ell Std CMG process(b) Heat trealment(c) alP alP alP alP pI P2 P2 pHDF POOP alP alP P2 P2 alP alP MA MA RA RA MA MA MA MA MA pA C'JA DuplexSTAN DuplexSTAN DuplexSTA DuplexSTA Strength K" Smooth HCF Notched HCF FCGR LCF (+) (-) (+) (=) (=) (=) (=) ~) (+) (++) (=) (-) (-) (-) (-) ~) ~) (+) (+) (+) (+) H (++) (++) (++) (-) (+) (~ (++) (-) (-) (-) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (=) (=) Product cost Product unironnily 100 105 105 115 95 90 95 110 115 105 115 102 110 110 115 100 100 120 130 90 85 95 110 110 130 150 110 115 120 120 Baseline (=) (-) (-) (-) (-) (=) (-) H (-) (=) (-) (+) (++) (++) (=) (+) H (-) (=) (=) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (++) (+) (++) (++) (+++) (+) (++) (=) (=) (+) (++) LEGEND: (a) Std.BA.2AI.5 2.0.5 1.SSn ~Al4V 11-13V-11Cr-3Al 3.013 0. (b) alP.025 0.0. Rh Longltudloal(a) Tnwsvene(h) 70 400 600 795 1000 1200 1400 1500 necessary perside nun Jolnllype Ti-6AI-4V: Minimum bendradius 21 205 315 425 540 650 760 815 Time. high interstitial composition. (c)MA.950 oF) (a)Bendaxisperpendicular to rollingdirection.30other Ti·6AI·4V: Typical parameters andconditions for plasma-arc welding Travel speed.pOOF.15 2Q.25 2Q.25Fe.015H. 0.max Shrink. betaanneal.5 3-3. solutiontreatedandaged/annealed Ti·6AI·4V: Forging properties (minimum room temperature values) Forging Heat Composition process treatment Standard(a) Standard(a) Special(b) Standard(a) Special(b) Standard(a) Standard(a) Special(b) l1+P l1+P l1+p l1+P l1+P p preform.5V.0125H.135 125-130 12Q.11 + P fmish MA RA RA PA pA MA MA DuplexSTAN Thmlleyleld strength MPa Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksI ksi 12Q.n'/h Orilke Shleldlog gas gDJ . CMG. 4 12 2 6 1 2 12 I 2 0.05 N. Ti-6AI·4V: Typical alpha case afterhotforming Amount orremoval Thmperature "C OF 540-595 1000-1100 595-650 1100-1200 Squareburt V-groove 650-705 1200-1300 Note: Backinggas and trailingshieldrequired. 705-760 1300-1400 Thickness.700 oF) Maximumstretchwrapat RT Maximumskinstretchat 455-510°C (85Q.187 in.5-4. 0.max Joggle-depth ratio at: RT 315-370°C (60().10 C.001 0.001 0.390 0.025 0. standardcomposition.20 0.025 0.5 3.600 8 18 32 27 30 60 60 60 60 60 Squarebult Squarebult Square butt In.5-4 3.5T 16% 5% 3% 5% 4% 10% 6% 4 4.5-6.25 15-20 IQ. 3. 11+P working.125 135-145 12Q.05 N. In.0005 0. 0. In. 10 10 10 6-8 6-8 10 8-10 6-8 2Q. mill anneal.500 0.125 896-931 862-896 827-862 931-1000 827-862 896-931 862-896 827-862 uo-izo 118-123 118-123 110-115 Reduction FJongolion.002 0.11 + Pfmish P preform.STNSTAN.5T 4. V Shleldlng gDJ 20 13 10 10 7 185 175 225 270 250 21 25 38 36 39 Argon Argon 75He-25Ar 50He-50Ar 50He-50Ar Gasllow.5. p2.11 + p blockandfmish p preform. 0.00 5.keyholetechniqueused with orifice-to-work distanceof 0.0.5-4.(b)Specialcomposition: 5.125 115-120 110-115 115-125 827-862 793-827 758-793 793-862 758-827 813-848 813-848 758-793 13Q. 0.08 C.0005 0.125 13Q.5-6 3. h 4.betahotdie forged.125 0.(b)Bendaxis parallelto rollingdirection (a)Solutiontreatedcondition 11-SAl-2.001 0.p block.25 2Q. 0.0 3.p block.5-4 2-3 1.5-2 1 Process Brakepress(min radius at KI) Drophammer (max stretch)at 455-510°C (850-950"F) Hydropress (trapped rubber)at315-370°C (60().0005 0.5 3-5.5V.5 2.30Fe. 0. 0. PI.5T 13% 13% 1. 3.5 2.75AI.5-6.5-3 2-2.5%(a) .5% 4.25 1Q.80 75-85 80-90 60-70 65-80 75-85 (a)Standardspecimen: 5.5-6.025 0.40other. in. voltage(d).50 Travel speed(c).5 600 1500 2400 (a)RWMAclass2 copperalloyelectrodes.188 V-grooveand fillet welds 1/8 1/8 0.6 5.250 0. Improveddamagetolerance aircool. 940 0c( 1725oF). aircool Fullannealing 2 h. (d) DCEP. hot rolled. 940°C (1725oF). mA Travel rate.093 1/16 3/32 0.(b) 0.[lnln ft'/b A V Travel rate.0 3.093 10. gos IIow(c). corrosionresistance.0 2. In.5 12.500 0. gasOow. Filler rod dlometer. aircool Duplexannealing 10 min.[lnln I Note: Tungstenusedfor the electrode.This cycleonlyprovidesa partia1 stress relief.062 0. BetaSfA waterquenchplus4h. Higheststrengthcondition. Nozzle Shielding Welding Number size ID. but improvedductility anddamagetolerance overaging 675°C (1245 oF).5 13. Similarto betaannealwithimprovement in fatigue BetaSTOA waterquenchplus2to 4 performance.[lnln 5. HR.first choice2% thoriatedEWTh2. Usedto maximizedamagetoleranceproperties. Withoutbackingor chill bar.5 20 28 45 36. Loserbeompower(o). but improved °C (1400 oF) at 55°C damagetolerance(fracture toughness.50 (a) CO2laser. 735± 15°C (millannealing) (1355±25 oF).[lnln 200-225 300-320 375-400 400-425 380 550 36 36 36 50 36 50 250-260 300-320 340-360 350-370 320-350 20 30 40 45 36 33 15 15 15 15 20-23 25 Arc (a)Groove weldsproducedin flat position. andfracture toughness than waterquench. in. decreasecurrent20%. currentlb).0 60-70 50-60 NA 0.035 0. plus5 min 595°C (1100oF). stress(100 0F)lh (orslower). aircool ductility anda significant fatigueloss. 940°C (1725"P).pIus4 h.024 1/16 0.HT. in. in.5 5.125 0.625 l. forming. annealed.StrengthislowerforELImaterial at 370°C (700 0F)lh (or faster).(c)Per pass Ti-6AI·4V: Machinability comparison/ratings ABoy 2017aluminum Leadedbrass B1112.cold drawn.230 0. stressSolutionheat treatmentand corrosionresistance.goodductility Mostcommonheattreatment.plus4 h 675°C (1245"P). In. thIcIwess.A trailinggasshieldis also recommended. Argonis preferred. Electrode Coree(o)./mIn 95 170 275 375 450 500 30 98 45 44 26 20 'l\mg!ten Materiot electrode tbielme&ol(o). in. butat a (1245to 1345oF) costin damagetolerantproperties 10 min. aircool Recrystallization 4 or moreh. 940°C (1725oF). aircool properties comparedtoSTA Annealingfor continuously rolledsheet Ti-6AI-4V: Typical parameters and conditions for electron beam welding Material Ae<eIerating vobge. treatmentand waterquench. solutionheat treatedand artificially aged.140 0.Q&T. Use ftIlermetalone or twogradeslowerInstrengththanthe basemetal.0 Beam current. Strengthintermediate between annealedandSfA.Adequategas shieldingis essentialnotonly for the arc.on thickermaterialuse argon-helium mixture. Not treatment to beusedas a finalcondition dueto instability 10 min. 1035°C (1895oF). kV 0.25 1/8 1/8 0.ln. in.(e)Multipassweld Ti-6AI-4V: Typical parameters and conditions for resistance spot welding Materiol tbielmm. in. 75 mm (3 in.66 1. etc. (b) Directcurrentelectrodenegative. kA Ib 0.Afull annealmustbeusedforfullstress relief. Strength oF).5 45 90. good ductility Approximately thesamestrengthandductilityas above. aging 510 to 540 °C (950to annealed 1000"P).A. 0. furnacecoolto760 annealing comparabletoaboveconditions.but for heatedmaterialalso. aircool Relievesresidualstressesfromwelding.Lowstrength. hasgoodoverall properties combinations. 925°C (1695 UsuallyusedforEUmateriai.125 0.quenchedand tempered. aircool Solutionheat 10 min.secondchoice 1% thoriated BW1h I. diamfillerwire. Betaannealing aircool. Usedasan intermediate stepfor formingmaterial Solutionheat waterquench ultimately to beusedin the STAcondition. aircool 30 min. Welding current. resulfurized steel 1020carbonsteel 4340alloysteel CPTI Type302stainlesssteel TI-5A1-2. In. solutiontreated and aged.Forhigherheatinput.375 5/32 1/8 0.125 1/8 3/32 2h.062 in.continuouspower Ti-6AI-4V: Parameters and conditions for gas metal-arc welding Material thlckness(o). rapidfurnacecooled.) faceradius Weld time. in.Alpha-Beta Alloys I 529 Ti-6AI-4V: Typical parameters and conditions for gas tungsten-arc welding Ti-6AI-4V: Heat treatments Comment! Heat treatment Stressrelief annealing 2t04h595 °C (1100OF).plus4 h.130°C Theseproperties are attained witha slightlossof (1345oF). May be preferable to betaanneal h. 510 to680°C (950to 1250oF) 30 min.CD. Lowstrength.675 t0730 °C becauseof improved fatigueproperties.00(e) Wire Shielding- Ceed speed(b). cycles(60 Hz) 7 10 16 .(c) 75% Ar+ 25% He. of ft'fh A puleS 3/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 18 18 25 25 25 20-35 85-140 170-215 190-235 220-280 I I I 2 6 6 8 8 8 5/8 3/4 3/4 30 35 40 275-320 300-350 325-425 2 2 3 8 6 6 Square-groove and fillet welds 1/16 0. kW Travel rate.00(e) 2.A preliminary treatmentfollowed suchas annealing 30 min.5Sn A4340alloysteel TI-8Mn TI-6A1-4V TI-8A1-IMo-IV TI-6A1-6V-2Sn TI-6A1-4V TI-6A1-6V-2Sn TI-13V-llCr-3A1 TI-13V-llCr-3A1 A4340alloysteel HS25(cobaltbase) Rene41 (nickelbase) Condltlon(o) Rotlng(b) T4 300 200 100 70 45 40 35 30 25 25 22 22 20 18 16 16 12 10 10 HR CD A A A A Q&T (40 HRC) A A A A HT HT A HT Q&T (52 HRC) A HT 6 (a)T4.(b) Basedon AlSIBI1l2 steelsas 100 Ti-6AI-4V: Typical parameters and conditions for laser beam welding Materiolthiclmess. diameter. Welding current.20 0.Backinggas is recommended at all times. (a) Or filletsize. 1035°C (1895oF).063 1/16 3/32 0. reducedcrackgrowth coolto 480°C (900 oF) rates).butwithimprovedfracture toughness 5 min 870°C (1600oF). 1035°C (1895oF). E ~ 500 a. % 18 17 16 16 16 (a)Propertiesdetennioed on 13mm(0. heat treatment Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksi Tensile yield strength MPa ksi 1020 930 930 148 135 135 951 869 860 138 126 125 1000 1000 145 145 895 938 930 1000 135 145 860 990 Heat treatment Mill anneal STOA ELl STD Recrystallize anneal ELl STD Betaanneal ELl STD Duplexanneal ELl. % Reduction of area.~+a A p Ms - .5 56 60 134(b) 99 I22(b) 90 Solutiontreat 47 (a) Estimated.aircool. bar ELl.quenchingand aging. 1000 E Q) f- 800 Ti-6AI-4V: Variation of tensile properties of bar stock with solution treating temperature Room-temperature tensile propertlesta) Sotution-treating -c temperature OF 845 870 900 925 940 1555 1600 1650 1695 1725 Tensile strength MPa ksi Yield streugth(b) MPa ksi 1025 1060 1095 1110 1140 980 985 995 1000 1055 149 154 159 161 165 142 143 144 145 153 Elongation in4D. sheet STD.5in. bar Beta. % K" MPa\liii' ksi'Jiii:' 43(a) 39(a) 15 10 20 55 50 130 136 12 30 60 47 55 43 860 931 125 135 10 25 83 56 75 51 125 144 795 910 115 132 8 11 20 20 99 95 90 86 892 931 945 1014 9343 129 135 137 147 136 814 903 895 903 832 118 131 130 131 121 12 16 15 17 13 36 124(b) 112(b) 176(e) 16O(e) 90 82 938 972 1172 1270 1186 1117 136 141 170 184 172 162 860 900 1069 1181 1069 951 125 130 155 171 155 138 II 9 8 16 16 17 18 13 15 41.(b) KIc invalid.Aging treatment: 8h at 480 °C(900 OF).(e)K c Ti-6AI-4V: Time-temperature-transformation diagram.(bj At 0. Equiaxed a (dark) and a" (light) .'- 1200 e:> ::> ~Q) ~ 600 Q) a.530 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6AI-4V: Mechanical properties vs. - -- - - 1400 ~+a - - - !.STD Soluticntreatand age Elongation.)baraftersolutiontreating. Solution annealed at 1020 °C (1875 OF).2% offset Ti-6AI·4V: Microstructure (TEM). forged STD.STOA ELl STD BetaSTA. plate ELl. and quenched directly to reaction temperatures LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 900 p 1600 800~~ 700 ~:J ~---. . Ti-6AI with a continuous 0: phase and Ti-6AI-4V exhibit a maximum in crack growth susceptibility near 0 °C (32 OF). 1980. p 1391-1400 o 200 100 ---------7-=--. Metall. -'" ~ 10. 1972. .!!! E 10-2 E A 0 Metall.. p 2107-2113 Vol 11A._-----------+_--·Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn---­ 38 ppm H s: ~ 10-5 Ti-6A1 100 ppm H 0. 1980. whereas Ti·6AI·6V-2Sn with continuous p phase exhibits a maximum near 50°C (120 OF).£ Ti-6AI-4V 233-255 ppm H 0 10-7 Ti-6AI-4V 50-70 ppm H 10-8 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 Temperature..ym (45 ksifu) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view -300 -400 10-1 l> . Metall..500x . Metall. Temperature. 1980. Trans. P 23-29 Vol 11A.Alpha-Beta Alloys /531 Ti-6AI-4V: Thermal treatments with three different cooling rates T 1050'C 850'C ® 800'C c<. 650'C V Ti-6AI -100x -lOOx . Trans.5Sn at the temperatures tested.. Metall.-----------j . Trans. p 973-981 Vol 9A. temperature. All crack-growth rates correspond to an applied stress intensity near 50 MPa. 0 ..500x Ti-6AI-4V: Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility vs. 1978... No maximum was observed for Ti-5AI-2.. Trans.-----~---------___. p 1391-1400 Vol 11A.OC o 50 100 .-1 ~ 10-3 ~ ~ 10-4J-. OF -100 -200 Vol 3. Trans. 532/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6AI-4V: Typical microstructure after working and annealing lamellar structure following "beta-processing" Rolled 30% 955"C Annealed 925°C 2 hr - Rolling Direction Forged 70% 955"C Annealed 925°C 2 hr Forging Direction t Extruded 140% 955°C Extrusion Direction Annealed 925°C 2 hr . l Mo-l VI(DA) . Each data point represents an average of at least four tests Ti-6AI-4V: Stress relief vs. I I I I 1400 . Although not indicated here.: --. 950 / tc: 900 ~50'nIt\--+---f----+-----'----~ I 1140 ur ur II) II) ~ I· 50 OJ ~ g> '0 'iii OJ OJ ([ ([ 25 ~ ~ .. of 600 800 I i Ti-6AI·4V (STA) : iTi-6AI-6V-2Sn (ANN) o 120 0 200 I I . 'lii . :::.18 0.8AI. AC \ fin'e coarse a' lamellar lamellar time -- time __ Ti-6AI-4V: Effect of temperature on tensile strength (0.Alpha-Beta Alloys I 533 Ti-6AI-4V: Tensile properties of annealed castings vs. 25 Time -'----- 0...I. I 'lii ~ "iii ~ 100 0 f- I T.252 in.. c: ~ I Ti-6AI-4V (ST) ------ V ~ Ti-6AI-4V (DA) . acicular. Test specimens 6. I I I 90 0 -100 o TI-6AI-4V (MA) I I I 100 200 I -1 70 I ~ -1 60 ~ £ '\ C. ~ ::> ::> ~250·1-+--f-----c--+-~-+---+-----l £ 130 ~ 480°C (gOO of).5 h exposure) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 400 Temperature.Transus i3-Transus t t T T we.16 Oxygen content. time Click here to view 260°C (500 of)' LIVE GRAPH Ultimate tensile strength . Specimens were annealed in argon at 705°C (1300 OF) for 2 h.150 300 400 Temperature.J 0. wt% Ti-6AI-4V: Heat treatment cycles of transformed p. oxygen. air cooled. • ~ • • n.--h--j0 . Click here to view 1000 LIVE GRAPH iii 595 °c (1100 of) 850 30 15 120 8ooL- ---'- 0. c: ~\ -~ ~ ..) in diameter were cast to size and polished with grit paper..~ / / 1200 1000 -1 40 800 .14 45 min 50 ----. or coarse lamellar) Processing cycles for fine microstructures in a + palloys. °c 500 600 700 ~ "iii c: {!? <. I ~ 110 0 £ C. Cooling rate through the transus determines the fineness of transformed structures (<t. . 100 .12 60. I I .4 mm (0. recrystallization anneal has the slower cooling rate 13. temperature. 106 10.....000 5000 500 ·C 100 10 5 1000 500 1000 85 Stress relief.. .......... % 60 1100 5 25 1200 -L. Relationship of time. .534/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6AI-4V: Stressreliefnomograph.._ _-L --J ... Twoexamples(50% and 100% relief)shown 900 ... ...L. .. and percentof stress reliefofli-6AI-4V....... ..... . . . . ....... .... Alpha-Beta Alloys I 535 Ti-6AI-4V: Typical microstructures.. (a) Transverse view of mill annealed textured plate. E Q) I- 550 0 e Aging range 400 Aged. Mill annealed treatment: 690°C (1275 OF) for 2 h. Recrystallization anneal: 980°C (1795 OF) for 30 min. (b) Conventionally processed plate (recrystallization annealed). 500x (b) (a) Ti-6AI-4V: Quenching and aging process schematic.- Ptransus p quench U 0 u+P BOO Boooe Soft quench i:J ~Q) 600 a. which generally favors the formation of orthorhombic (0:') martensite upon quenching 1200 1000 . AC. fine u+P Primary u and aged fine u+P u and aged 350 0 e 200 Primary u+a' As-quenched structures u+u" (soft martensite) a+P . Lower solution temperatures allow higher amounts of solute. FC. . No effort is made to distinguish between a' and secondary a in the transformed region. Plate. Acting together. annealing treatments (-760°C or 1400 "F) moderately low in the two-phase a + p field after normal a + p processing result in microstructures with a high volume percentage of primary a with stabilized p at the equiaxed a grain boundaries. Excessive macrosegregation results in ''beta flecks. excessive amounts of aluminum. As for all alpha-beta alloys. The primary a lamellae segments are divided into recrystallized grains. and extrusions are also available Applications. Beta stabilization is accomplished by nominal additions of 6% vanadium. Both structures develop acceptable mechanical properties.. resulting in primary equiaxed a and some p. From above the p transus. and for commercial compositions Totally transformed p structures are often considered unacceptable." which are harder. For solution treatments up to 825°C (1520 "F). Ti-662 contains a total of about 1% (Cu + Fe) in approximately equal proportions. less-ductile areas after heat treatment.. and nitrogen can decrease ductility and fracture toughness. for isothermal transformation diagrams. If the processing involves less exposure time or less working in the a + p region and is subsequently annealed at approximately 760°C (1400 OF). and 0. This alloy was developed as a higher strength version of Ti64. Annealing temperatures and cooling rates determine the presence and the coarseness of secondary a (transformed P). Excessive amounts of beta stabilizers (molybdenum and vanadium) affect the stability of the alloy and increase its heat treatability. with an ultimate tensile strength of 1200 MPa (175 ksi) in the heat treated condition in diameters up to 25 mm (1 in.6AI. therefore making control of properties more difficult. are required to minimize segregation during solidification. A broad primary a lamellae recrystallized into a string of a grains and is surrounded by transformed p. Alloy Ti-662 is normally processed in the a + p two-phase field. wire.and elevated-temperature strength properties than those of Ti-6AI-4V and other lower-alloy phase-beta compositions. As a neutral stabilizer.536/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-6AI-4V: Primary a and transformed p: Microstructure. Excessive impurity levels may raise yield strength above maximum permitted values or decrease elongation or reduction in area below minimum values. Pdecomposes completely to martensitic a.5% iron. Channeling contrast SEM Ti. the M. P is sufficiently enriched with vanadium to prevent decomposition into martensitic a.6V. which give it much-improved heat treatability. 4300x Ti-6AI-4V: Needlelike «' and prior primary a: Microstructure. Cooling from above this temperature with little concurrent or subsequent deformation generally results in inferior ductility. sheet. For example..2Sn Common Name.S. 945 ± 10 °C (1735 ± 20 oF) to 955 ± 5 °C (1750 ± 10 oF) See Figures for time-temperature transformations from 850°C (1560 "F). titanium melters as bar and billet for forging stock. Detrimental effects of beta flecks have not been demonstrated for this alloy Exceeding Composition Limits. Ingot composition must be controlled within specified limits. and special melting practices. and for phase transformation diagram Product Forms. Between these two temperatures. temperature is about 420°C (790 OF) Beta Transue. the primary a grains appear more elongated. Its nominal 6% aluminum content stabilizes the alpha phase and increases the hot workability range by raising the beta transus temperature to approximately 945°C (1735 OF).). particularly for the final melt. R56620 Phases and Structures. provides better room. oxygen. although acicular products do have advantages. Ti-662 Characteristics UNS Number. partial transformation of poccurs (see the isothermal TIT diagram after quenching from 850°C or 1560 OF). the 2% tin strengthens both the alpha and beta phases. and the volume percentage is high. TEM micrograph. 0. Ti-662 is produced by all U. See Tables for equivalent specifications. these elements permit heat treatment of the alloy to high strength levels by solution treatment and aging Alloy Segregation. and in combination with the aluminum. At temperatures above 900 °C (1650 OF).5% copper. Chemical Composition. This alloy can be fabricated into all forging product types.Alpha-Seta Alloys I 537 Ti-662 is used as sheet. and for effect of thermomechanical processing on properties Forming. Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn is readily formable in the annealed condition. Solution treated and aged microstructures are 10 to 20% equiaxed a. followed by water quenching. The ductility of Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn weldments is poor unless a postweld annealing treatment is used. Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn has less corrosion resistance in reducing media than several other titanium alloys. Solution treatment above the transus results in a severe loss of ductility. The stress and temperature limits below which these changes will not occur have not been established for this alloy Chemical/Corrosion Properties. See Figures for corrosion resistance in HCl solutions. Annealing is conducted at 705 to 760°C (1300 to 1400 OF). See Tables for forging process temperatures. Annealed microstructures consist of 40 to 80% a. Sheet or plate is generally used in the annealed condition. although closed-die forgings predominate. 885°C (1625 "F) is a workable solution temperature for a wide range ofproducts and applications. When Ti-6Al6V-2Sn sheet and plate are hot formed at any temperature over 540°C (1000 OF) and air cooled. followed by air cooling or furnace cooling. Slow cooling.75-4 Air or slowcool{a) 1-4 2 (a)Annealing at thehighertemperature. and less crack sensitivity than the a-13 alloy Ti-6AI-4V. Annealing at temperatures higher than 760 °C (1400 OF) is also possible Solution Heat Treating. Ti-662 is used for aircraft structural members. Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn forgings may be supplied in an annealed condition to facilitate machining and subsequently solution treated and aged to optimum strength levels. and small forgings when service requirements call for high strength at temperatures up to 315 °C (600 "F). Ti·6AI-6V-2Sn is a reasonably forgeable alloy with lower unit pressures (flow stresses). This alloy is so highly beta stabilized that annealing should ideally be terminated by slow cooling from the annealing temperature to an intermediate temperature. It also is one of the least resistant to crevice corrosion in salt solution. Air cooling may be used from annealing temperatures below 760°C (1400 OF). followed by a furnace coolto595°C (11OO°F) thenair cooling toroomtemperature isrecommended . and rocket-engine parts Limitations in Use. Solution heat treatment followed by water quenching does not improve weld ductility. About 30% primary a. The final microstructure of Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn forgings is developed by conventional thermomechanical processing-a combination of subtransus forging followed by subtransus thermal treatments Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn: Temperatures for hot forming -c Alloy CPTI(allgrades) Alphaand near-alpha alloys TI-8Al-IV-IMo 11-5Al-2. solution treatment and annealing (STAN). the material should be stabilized by reheating to 540 °C (1000 OF) followed by air cooling able in the annealed condition. which consists of about 2 to 8 h of exposure at 705 to 760°C (1300 to 1400 "F). Aging is conducted at 510 to 620 °C (950 to 1150 OF) depending on strength mechanical-property objectives for the STA condition. followed by air cooling has been recommended Machining. Forgings may then be annealed or aged. and for Knoop hardness after oxidation Fabrication Properties Forging. and solution treatment and aging (STA). with final thermal treatment selected based on strength requirements. at 845 to 900°C (1555 to 1650 "F). centrifuge parts. See Figures for variations in Rockwell C hardness. and for solution treatment and aging. Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn is one of the strongest titanium grades availMetaltempelllture Process Conventional forging Supratransus forging -c OF 845-915 1555-1680 (a) (a) (a)Supratransus may be usedinearlyforging operations. but strength will generally be lowered. and for effect of solution treatment on tensile properties (a) and (b) Ti-662:Stress relief and annealing treatments Heat 'Iemperature treatment Typlcal stressreliefrange 50 to90%relaxation ofresidual stress Typical anneal Extended annealrange 480-650 595 705-760 705-815 900-1200 1100 1300-1400 1300-1500 Time. extrusions. The treatment of 4-h exposure at 725°C (1335 "F). is found in the microstructure after this treatment. Like all titanium alloys. As is characteristic of other titanium alloys. improved forgeability. Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn is difficult to weld. See Tables for stress relief and annealing treatments. it is weldable by all methods except shielded arc welding and submerged arc welding (because no flux is permitted). balance 13 phase. produces maximum annealed strength.5Sn Alpha-betaaUoys 11-6Al-6V-2Sn Beta alloy 11-13V-11Cr-3Al Forming temperature OF 480-705 900-1300 790± 15 620-815 1455±25 1150-1500 790± 15 1455±25 605-790 1120-1455 Note: Annealedor solutiontreatedmaterial Welding. h Cooting method Air or slowcool Air cool 2-8 Air or slowcool 0. light gage plate. such as furnace cooling. Solution of the weld metal ductility problem is possible in some applications by using an annealing treatment. Solution treatment is subtransus. and high-cycle fatigue properties. but it mustbe followed by sufficient subtransusreduction Final Thermal Treatments. Water quenching is the standard method of terminating solution heat treatment. and subsequent aging of such conditioned material results in weld metal embrittlement. and for crevice corrosion in saturated brine Mechanical Properties. exposure to stress at elevated temperature produces changes in the retained mechanical properties. Treatments for forgings include. Subtransus thermomechanical processes (forging and thermal treatment) for Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn forgings achieve equiaxed a in transformed 13 matrix microstructures that enhance strength. ductility. annealing (A). See Table for typical hardness at room temperature. See Figures for effect of 565°C (1050 "F) aging on tensile properties (a) and (b). although fast air cooling achieved by forced air stream may be satisfactory for thin-section material because the 13 phase in this alloy is fairly stable. Machinability is comparable to that of a good grade of stainless steel Recommended Heat Treating Practice Ti-662:Forgingprocess temperatures Annealing. usage generally is limited to secondary airframe structures because the attractiveness of higher strength efficiency is minimized by lower fracture toughness and fatigue properties. 5-2.04 0.7 (nom) CO.05.2 0.35-1 0.balTI 0.04 max 0.02 max 0.04 0.7174 Sh Strp PItBarFrgAnn 5-6 0.arO.2 0.bal Ti 5-6 CO.5-2.0125 0.04 0.005.2 0.balTI C 0. balTI CO.2 max 1.OTO.3.2 1. orua max.OTO.04 0.5-2.a max.05max.balTI CO.04 max 0.OTO.5 5-6 C 0.bal Ti 5-6 CO.05.04 0.35-1 0.5-2.005 max.2 max 1.5 1.YO.0.balTI 5-6 C 0.balTI 5-6 C 0.5-2.balTI 5-6 enos. OE 0.2 0.04 0.YO.5 5-6 5-6 CO. (p.5-2.5 1.35-1 0. OTO.5 5-6 AECMATI-P64 prEN3319 BarAnn 5-6 0.005.538/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-662: Equivalent specifications Specillcalioo UNS Desigoalioo RS6620 China GB3620 TC-I0 AI Other Cu Fe H N 0 So 2 V 5.5 1.OTO.35-1 5-6 0.arO.35-1 AMS4936C Sh StrpPlt Ann ExtRngAnn Ext RngSTA BetaExt AnnRng Rsll WId 5-6 5-6 506 5-6 AMS4971C AMS4978B AMS4978C BarFrg WIT Rng BilAnn Bar WITFrg Bil RngAnn BarFrgRngAnn 5-6 506 5-6 Spain UNE38-725 UNE38-725 L-7303 L-7303 CO.04 max 0.35-1 0.3.balTI 0.35-1 0.Y0.05.5-2.04 0.05.5-2.1 max.35-1 0.04 max 0.balTI 0.oI5 O.35-1 0.7174 Sh Strp Pit BarFrg STA 5-6 0.5 5.5 1. OEO.1 max.OTO. YO.YO.04 max 0.2 0.5 0.0125 max 0.35-1 0. Si 0.5-2.balTI 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 (a) OT.OEO.05.04 0.35-1 0.OTO.4.015 0.OEO.SiO.04 max 0.35-1 WL3. OEO.5-6.5 1.5-2.4. OTO.006 max.oI5 0.05max.35-1 0.4.balTI CO.2 0.5 5-6 CO.balTI CO.05max.35-1 0.35-1 0.balTi 5-6 CO.hal TI 5-6 C 0.5-2.05.05max.2 0.4max. OTO.05max.04 0.04 0.35-1 0.35-1 0.5 0.005.l max.2 max 1.2 1.4max.04 0.oo5.2 max 1. bal TI 5-6 CO.4.2 max 1.35-1 O.Ni 0.-110 ·C) u' Q) E Primary n :::J '0 <I3+«' -) u+p Ms""""" > p+u' Low ~ -) High Solulion lrealmenllemperalure 10 10 Time.oI5 O.35-1 5.2 0.05. OTO.05.05. ffl os s: Q.05.1 max. max.5-2.35-1 0.04 0.5-2. min 600 2 ~ .YO.35-1 5-6 0.35-1 0.05.5-2.5 5.5 1.3.2 0.5-6. OE. OEO.5-2.0125 max 0.5 1.OTO.OTO.Q2max.04 0.04 0.04 max 0.4.oI5 O.35-1 0. Solution treatment tem- Ti-662: Isothermal transformation diagram. '0 c: o u £ 830·C .5 1.35-1 0.0125O.15max.005.balTI 5-6 C 0.35-1 5-6 0.5-2.5 1. 1400 .balTI CO. balTI CO.05 max.balTi 5-6 5-6 C 0.3.0125 0.35-1 0.OTO.oI5 O.oI5 0.0125 max 0.oI5 O.5-2.5 1. Quenched from perature field to temperature indicated 1600 '$.OTO.1 max.5 hal1i(a) 5.04 0.1 max.5-2. .2 0.015 O.0125 max 0.05.15 O.05max.5 (nom) C 0.35-1 0.oI5 0.balTI 5-6 CO. balTI Europe AECMATI-P64 prEN3316 Sh Strp Ann 5-6 0.35-1 0.5 1.balTI 5-6 C 0.015 0.2 0.2 1.4max.35-1 0.05.5 (nom) 0.04 0.3.35-1 0.05.04 max 0.35-1 0.005.l max.5 5-6 AECMA TI-P64 prEN3318 FrgNlIT 5-6 0.YOJlO5.5 0.35-1 5-6 0.4.5 1.balTI CO.1 max.5 5-6 Germany WL3.5-2. OTO.35-1 0.5-2.015 max 0.05.35-1 0.35-1 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 0.3.2 0.005.oI5 max 0.5-2.015 O. single valuesare maximums LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ti-662: Phase transformation diagram.4.oI5 0. OTO.5-2.oI5 O.5-2.0125 max 0. OTO. others total.5 5-6 AECMATI-P64 prEN3317 PltAnn 5-6 0.35-1 5-6 0.35-1 0.2 max 1.01250.35-1 0.5-2.2 0.2 0.05.5 2 (nom) USA AMS4918F AMS4936B AMS4936B AMS4979B MILF-83142A Comp8 FrgAnn MILF-83142A Comp8 FrglIT MIL T-81556A CodeAB-3 Ext BarSlipAnn MIL T-81556A CodeAB-3 Ext Bar SlipSTA MILT-9046J CodeAB-3 Sh Sup PItAnn MILT-9046J CodeAB-3 Sh Strp PItST MILT-9046J CodeAB-3 Sli Strp P]tSTA MILT-9407G Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn BarBilAnn MILT-9047G Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn BarBilS'D\ SAEJ467 Ti662 5-6 0.5 1.5 Des<riplioo C 0.35-1 max 1.balTI CO.OTO.04 0.04 0.4max.3. OTO.OTO.2 0.015 O.35-1 0.35-1 0.oI5 max 0.05.YO.YO.4. oro.OTO.5-2.balTI 0.05.35-1 0.5- 1.35-1 0..l max.5 O.35-1 Sh Strp PItBarExt Ann Sh Strp Pit Bar Ext lIT 5-6 5-6 0.4.35-1 0.5 5-6 AECMATI-P64 prEN3320 FrgAnn 5-6 0.5 1.OEO.oI5 0.OT0.04 0.5 0.5 1.35-1 0. others each.35-1 0.35-1 0.35-1 0.7 (nom) 0. balTI 5.YO.5-2.4max.2 max 1. 5-2.015 0. extrusions No crevice corrosion 7 17 16 19 15 11 12 9 10 Ti-662: Solution treatment and aging 9 8 Kk MPa LIVE GRAPH 100 of area.35-1 0.2 0.04 0.05max.5 141 1164 1128 1110 1095 1089 1068 1094 1090 1110 1076 169 163 161 159 158 155 158.05max 0.Ql5 0.5-2.0125-0.Alpha-Beta Alloys I 539 Ti-662: Commercial compositions Specification France Ugine Ugine Germany DeutscheT Deutsche T Designation Description AI Cu Fe H N 0 So V Other Uf662 Uf662 ShPltFrgAnn ShPltFrgQA 5-6 5-6 0.5-2.35-1 0. °C 71 69 'Thmpemlure 'fteatment SoluIion treatments Typicalfor mostproducts Sheet<3.5-2.5-2.2 0. Dire<:tion Ti-662: Crevice corrosion in saturated brine 80 Reduction Elongation.22mm (0.35-1 0.35-1 0.35-1 0.5 5-6 5-6 5-6 Timet T1METAL6-6-2STA BilBarPitShStrSTA 5-6 0.2 5-6 5-6 balTI balTi STA 5-6 0.35-1 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.2 1.0125-0.35-1 0. 5 4 • 3 • Crevice corrosion BP 2'---_---I----L~_ ___'_ __'__.2 max 1.Ql5 0.)thick Sheet>3.0 148.5-2. balTI CO.125in.5 5-6 Singlevaluesare maximums Ti-662: Effect of thermomechanical processing on properties Microstructural observation of thermomechanical processing options for T1-662 suggest that a morphology is the key microstructural feature affected by this processing route. extrusions Aging 'tYPical Low agingtemperature Overage Flatrolledproducts Bar. balTi DeutscheT DeutscheT Japan Kobe Kobe Sumitomo Toho USA OREMEf RMI RMI Timet Ti6-6-2 RMI6AI-6V-2Sn RMI6A1-6V-2Sn T1METAL6-6-2 MultFonnsAnn MultFonnsSTA Ann 5-6 5-6 5-6 0.2 0.Ql5 0.04 0.5 5-6 CO. Alloy 'lMPoplion Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Std a+ ~ forgeJMA a + ~ forgeJRA Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Eli a + ~ forgeJRA Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Std ~ prefonnIMA ~ prefonnlblockIMA 'Thnsileyield UltimatetensJle strength strength 120 ksi MPa ksi % % MPa'lm' ksi'liii:" L T L T L T .05.015 0.04 0.35-1 0.2 1.Ql5 0.35-1 0.Ql5 0.5-2.015 0.2mm (0.35-1 0.L T L T 1094 1049 1041 1028 1022 993 1032 1021 1024 973 158 152 151 149 148.015 0.5 1.05.forgings.5 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 CO.35-1 0.5 1.05.35-1 0.5 5-6 5-6 balTI balTI ContimetA1VSn6-6-2 Contimet AIVSn6-6-2 LT33 LT33 PItBarFrgPipAnn PitBarFrgPipSTA FrgAged FrgAnn 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 0.35-1 0.5-2.35-1 0.35-1 0.35-1 0.balTi CO.1 161 156 18 15 31 24 33 29 37 29 22 23 19 22 39 35 50 45 74 68 58 59 67 62 52 53 64 63 Temperalure.35-1 0.forging.balTI CO.balTI CO.04 0..5 1.08.35-1 0.6 158.2 0.04 0. However.balTi C0.35-1 0.05.35-1 0.35-1 0. Cost and product uniformity implications are similar to those for T1-6AI-4V. a grain size modification is least significant.l-_ _1 25 100 125 50 75 Temperalure.2 1.35-1 0.2 0.2 0.5-2.5 1.05.35-1 0. CoolIng °C OF Dumtion method 885± 15 830-870 845-885 845-900 1625±25 1525-1600 1555-1625 1555-1650 60 min 5 to 15min 30 min 60 min WQ WQ WQ WQ 540-620 480-540 595-650 565-620 510-595 1000-1150 900-1000 1100-1200 1050-1150 950-1100 408h AC AC AC AC AC 4h 4012h . balTi CO.2 1.0125 0.015 0.04 0.)thick Bar.5-2.35-1 0.5-2.2 0.04 0.04 0. OF 140 160 180 200 0 0 Click here to view 220 240 6 • • o J: a.05.125in.08.Ql5 0.balTi CO.0125 0.5 1.12-0.04 0.5 1.2 144 150 148.balTI KS6-6-2 KS6-6-2 Ti-6A1-6V-2Sn 662AT PltShAnn PItShSTA 5-6 5-6 0. 66 Cu. 730°C (1350 OF) (B) ~ ~8 h.5 o 20 1 1.55 mm (1. ~ is sufficiently enriched with vanadium to prevent martensitic transformation. 705°C (1300 °F)(D) :. followed by a conventional Jominy end quench..41 V. 650°C (1200 oF) (E) 8 h. 0. General corrosion of annealed titanium alloys in naturally aerated HCI solutions 3 100 ~ ~ ~ ~2 80 ai c: ai 60 ~ c "iii "iii g1 g 1!! 0 "E 0 40 0 0 0 0 20 LIVE GRAPH 0 0 0. and 5. 36 3 Hours 4 5 .. D 300 Ti·662: Knoop hardness after oxidation 120 ~ Depth of visible a case 60 0 ~ Click here to view 2.) were trepanned longitudinally from a position approximately halfway from the center of a 150 mm (6 in..65 AI. mils LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 5 Ti-662: Variations in Rockwell C hardness.--==-.. E 550 ui f- III Ql 500 c: ~42 J: • 450 400 2 5 Seconds Minutes Time ---.F 6 h. 1.>: 750 As quenched Aged 480°C (900 oF). 3 h Aged 620°C (1150 OF).) and length of 125 mm (5 in.. { :""? ::: ---= . llIT1 40 60 80 100 70 0 J: ui 2 E.5 Distance from surface. Aged specimens were held at indicated temperatures for 3 h and air cooled." (l+~+Y . % 1 :l!500 c: "E '0. 5. Dilatometric tests indicated M.5 Concentration of HCI. Q+P Q. Hardness measurements were performed along the length of the bar on which a surface flat had been ground at the center line of the bar LIVE GRAPH Ti-662: Time-temperature transformations from 850°C (1560 OF).1 0 h.172 0.35 Sn.5 V.Next Page 540 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti·662: Corrosion comparison in HCI solutions. 2. and X-ray measurements indicated that a. .--=-12 h. yA B' <... 0.125 in. 650°C (1200 of ) (F) 20 0 o 234 Distance from surface... 0..55 Fe.""" 700 if.002 H. \6 in. U+P+l a+~ a+~ .40 " 0 o s: o ~ 16 h. 800 .-.~--=. Bars were solution treated at 870 °C (1600 OF) for 2 h. temperature of 640°C (1185 OF). Jominy bars with diameter of 28. 25 mm (1 in. 0.08 AI. 0. Chemical composition (wt%): 5.j .62 Fe 850 Click here to view 51 o • I:> .) diam specimens solution treated at 850°C (1560 OF) for 1 h. 0. o ~45 ...02 N.650 i!! " 1!. 0. Measurements indicated the disappearance ofli 3AI(y) beyond line C.' martensite formed when isothermal holds were stopped by quenching before line A.5 Cu. 705°C (1300 oF) (C) C \ ~. Composition (wt%): 5. Beyond line B. 3 h 600 a' ----.) diameter forging. 730°C (1350 oF) (A) .--=.78 Sn.. o 6 12 18 24 30 Distance from quenched end of Jomlny bar. plate.Previous Page Alpha-Beta Alloys /541 treatm~nt temperature (1 h exposure terminated by water quenching) on the aged tensile properties of die forgings aged 3 h. This improvement reflects itself in increased resistance to deformation at forging temperatures in comparison with Ti-6AI-4V. 6'-. Compared with Ti-6AI-4V. 1. both the alpha and beta phases are more highly alloyed and consequently stronger. Ti-7Al4Mo is used primarily in the form of light and intermediate forgings and extrusions .5 mm (0. air cooled Ti-662: Effectof solutiontreatment on tensile properties. and for commercial compositions Product Forms. wire. i!! 190 til '$.Beta transus <. OF Solution temperature... improves heat treatment and strengthens beta by solid solution. OF Click here to view 1 / ~sforged 800 I RA I \: l\~ 900 1000 Solution temperature. h / / 10 (b) Ti·7AI·4Mo UNS Number.1 3 1 0. 6 -c-. Effect of solution heat LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH 1300 40 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 1500 1400 1500 1600 1700 (} 1400 '" :.. bar. C o ~5 Ol <: o iii EI 4 180 1200 0. The strength of Ti-7Al4Mo is about 100 MPa (15 ksi) higher than Ti-6AI-4V in the annealed condition and about 170 MPa (25 ksi) in the solution treated and aged condition. 585°C (1090 OF). although this difference may be small.. Billet. Guaranteed minimum tensile properties for reforge and upset tests are 10% higher than those ofTi-6AI-4V beta phase.. The depth of hardening is similar to that of Ti-6AI-4V.. .1 10 -: Aging time. water quenched LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 1500 7 210 '" 1400 0:. 0 160 1100 700 °c 1900 2000 J 1. - 30 200 190~ ~ 1300 ~ 0 til 0 <: e <: 180 til 0 1200 1100 900 800 --- Elongation 170 • As forged »: 700 •- 1000 Solution temperature. in stabilizing the Product ConditionlMicrostructure.060 in. Ti-7AI-4Mo is an alpha-beta alloy with more beta in the annealed condition than Ti-6AI-4V because ofthe much lower solubility of molybdenum in alpha. 0. h (a) 1 Aging time. See Tables for equivalent specifications.) sheet solution treated 15 min at 885°C (1625 OF). extrusions are available. £ . 'iii -" 0- 1800 I 210 e Click here to view Solution temperature. <: e TYS til 1300 "0 ~ <: <. R56740 Characteristics Chemical Composition.--- <. The molybdenum addition. 1100 °c (b) (a) Ti-662:Effectof565°C (1050of) agingontensileproperties. The replacement of vanadium with molybdenum and the addition of 1% aluminum are the reasons why the elevated-temperature properties of this alloy are better than those of Ti6Al-4Y. 1987. in transformed ~ matrix microstructures that enhance strength. with higher unit pressures (flow stresses). and for minimum room temperature tensile properties in solution treated and aged condition Fabrication Properties Ti-7AI-4Mo can be fabricated into all forging product types. % L 20 20 20 20 T 12 10 15 20 8 4 15 12 .) maximumusing3 to 1ratio. General corrosion data on Ti-7AI-4Mo Mechanical Properties Annealing is conducted at 815°C (1500 "F). Molybdenum also is usually beneficial for stresscorrosion cracking (SeC) resistance. depending on strength objectives for the STAcondition. Recommended filler metal is the same as the base metal.5 0.5 >0.5 0.25 0.1 U1Iin:uile tensile strength 'Ienslle properties (guaranteed mloimum) Thnsile Yield Eloogalion in strength 4D.875in. followed by water quenching. although closed die forgings predominate.5-7. Aging is typically at 535 to 620°C (995 to 1150 OF).875 square ". whereas solution treated and aged microstructures are 10 to 20% equiaxed o.% (0.08max 0. Ti-7AI-4Mo is a heat-treatable alloy with roughly 10% higher strength than Ti-6AI-4Y.0125 3. Usage is primarily for horns on ultrasonic welding equipment. but sec thresholds in salt solutions are comparable to Ti-6AI-4V with similar yield strengths (see Table). It offers a considerable improvement in creep resistance at temperatures up to 480°C (900 OF) over Ti-6AI-4V. and high-cycle fatigue properties. Ti-7AI-4Mo is used up to 455°C (850 "F). Subtransus thermomechanical processes (forging and thermal treatment) for forgings produce equiaxed a.1 max 0.5 >0. and forging stock are in limited use for jet engine disks.5-1 >1-2 >2-4 1 0.5-4..13 max 0. Vol 13. Thicknessas heatjreated IDOl in. although it offers good stability under stress at temperatures at least as high as 480 "C (900 "F) for prolonged loading times.2% 011"0 MPa ksi MPa ksi L 1240 1170 1105 1035 1170 1170 180 170 160 150 170 170 1135 1105 1035 965 1105 1105 165 160 150 140 160 160 8 8 8 8 1105 160 1035 150 6 Nole: Specimenswereheattreared. Ti-7AI-4Mo: Commercial compositions Spedlication Designation Descriplion France Ugine USA FrgQuenAged RMl Timet UTA7D Ti-7AI-4Mo Bil TIMETAL7-4 Ann OT AI C Fe H Mo N 0 Other 6. and higher crack sensitivity than Ti-6AI-4V.08 0. forgings. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Ti-7AlAMo is used in the annealed or solution treated and aged condition. less forgeability. Machinability is comparable to that of a good grade of ties are higher than the guaranteed minimums (see Table). Short-term high-temperature tensile properties are improved as well. Ti-7AI-4Mo is weldable by all methods except shielded arc welding and submerged arc welding (because no flux is permitted).01 3. Welding.5 >1-2 >2-4 >4(a) >4(b) $13 >13-25 >25-50 >50-100 25 22 >100-150 >4-6 $25 $.5 0.3 0. or when STA material has been worked in the ~ phase field prior to heat treatment.25 max 0.5-4. compressor blades and spacers This alloy is reasonably forgeable. Hardness. Weldability of Ti-7AI-4Mo is fair.5-7. In the annealed condition.13 >13-25 >25-50 >50-100 >100(a) >100(b) $.5-7. Forgings may then be annealed or aged. followed by fumacecooling to 565°C (1050 "F) and then air cooling. 9th ed. The final microstructure of Ti-7AI-4Mo forgings is developed by conventional thermomechanical processing-a combination of subtransus forging followed by subtransus thermal treatments Final thermal treatments for forgings include annealing and solution treatment and aging.5-4.2 bam 6. Corrosion. It is commercially fabricated on all types of forging equipment. See Table for typical heat treating procedures.2 max bam bam Ti-7AI-4Mo: Minimum RT tensile properties in STA condition Thickness as rol1ed orforged mm in. Reported typical hardness value range is 32 to 38 HRe for solution treated and aged material See Table for forging process temperatures are limited. Lower strengths occur in the annealed condition. (b) Reforgedto22 mm (0.05 max 0. General Corrosion Properties. Hot-salt sec of a Ti-7AlAMo power plant component has been observed in conjunction with silver coatings (Metals Handbook.)square T 6 6 8 Reduclionof area.3 6. Forgings may be supplied in an annealed condition to facilitate machining and subsequently solution treated and aged to optimum strength levels. Annealed and solution treated and annealed microstructures consist of 40 to 80% o.5 3.5 0. Solution treatment is subtransus at 925 to 955°C (1695 to 1750 OF). P 1039-1040) Typical Tensile Properties. Molybdenum additions may increase corrosion resistance in reducing (nonoxidizing) environments at the expense of less resistance in oxidizing environments.542/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Applications.05 max 0. ductility.(a) Upsetforged10 25 mm (l in. ". Bar.3 max 0. stainless steel See Tables for Vickers hardness. which vary with section size. with final thermal treatment selected based on strength requirements. Like all titanium alloys. Typical room-temperature tensile proper- Machining. 8 to 102 rom (0. The transformed p microstructure is typically a colony structure after air cooling. Beta processing is used to improve yield and reduce the cost of processing in cases where the p structure is acceptable such as industrial .41 rom (0. 480°C (900 oF) 16h. 480°C (900 oF) 16h.1 164.e.2 0.5 166.3 0.3 173. balTI Y 0.3 0.4 0.05 m (10 ft) and lengths up to 10.).07 wt% oxygen is equivalent to (or provides) about a 60 MPa increase in strength (i.25%) resulted in unacceptable post-creep ductility • Although annealing treatment had only a minor effect on creep properties (700°C anneal was worse than 790°C). then air cool Solutiontreatmentrange 870-980 Recommendedsolutiontreatment 930-955 Aging range (min to max) 510-620 Typicalage 565 1600-1795 1700-1750 950-1150 1050 0.0 169.1 Si Common Name. The microstructural response of 62S to heat treatment is quite similar to that of Ti-6AI-4V.5 rnm (0.) diameters in masses ranging from 3180 through 6365 kg (7000 through 14000 lb).013 0.6 166. 62S Characteristics UNS Number.AC 0 OT Other barn 0. WQ.5-7. Plate is available in thickness from 4.3 Ti-7AI-4Mo: Vickershardness Heat treatment N 0.2 0. and in general low iron. balTI 4 6.4%) and high oxygen (0.4 Y 0.2 170.2 166. the following conclusions were made: • On average. about 8.5-7.05 0.5 MPa per 0. low oxygen.67 m (35 ft).3 6.5 166.1 0. Finish grinding on both sides is standard procedure. or rectangles.2 to 4 in.1 0.01 wt% oxygen) • On average. an increase of about 0.5-4.5-4.005.8 rom (0.815.005.3 6. nealed conditions • Post-creep ductility was maximized by the 790°C (1455 "F) anneal.013 3.5-4.5 3.375 in. but can be Widmanstiitten for more rapid cooling.5-7.1 0.013 0. Bloom is a semifmished form forged from above the p transus. Cut lengths beyond 4880 mm (192 in. Unassigned Phases and Structures.5 Ti-7AI-4Mo: Forgingprocess temperatures Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksI 1148 1147 1138 1135 1128 1139 1146 1168 1196 1165 1168 1148 1145 1150 1153 1174 1198 1248 166.5 to 1.) are not standard.016 in. a 1 wt% change in iron content resulted in only about a 40 MPa increase in strength • For all heat treated conditions. the combination of high iron (2. Ingot is available in 710.3 0.). WQ. Forging billet and bar are available as rounds. balTI Y 0.05 0.) in widths up to 3.4 0.05 0. the solution treated and aged condition provided substantially better properties than both an. 62S is typically processed to plate or billet either in the p or ex-p temperature fields.Alpha-Beta Alloys I 543 Ti-7AI-4Mo: Equivalentspecifications Specification Designation UNS R56740 USA AMS4970E MILF-83142A Comp9 MILT-9047G TI-7A14Mo Descriplion AI Fe C H Mo 7 Frg Bar Wrr BilSTA FrgHf BarBiiSTAAnn 845°C (1555 oF) I h.1 166.3 165.. HV 400 360 388 376 373 365 349 366 386 348 347 355 348 348 356 360 367 364 Note: Measurements were made from consecutive 9.5 3. Sheet widths are available up to 1220 mm (48 in. or 865 rom (28 to 34 in.4 165.5 169.). Alpha-beta processing results in a structure consisting of primary ex with transformed 11 The transformed p structure varies with the cooling rate Chemical Composition. The distinction between plate and sheet is made at 4.) locations on a standard Jominybar Conventionalforging Supratransusforging 900-985 1650-1805 (a) (a) (a) Bela forgingcan be performed in earlyforging operationsifit is followedby substantialsubtransus working Ti-7AI-4Mo: Heat treatment conditions Heat trealment -c Thmperalure OF TIme. In a study of the effect of iron and oxygen contents on the properties of this alloy. squares. See Table for typical composition range Product Forms. The standard sheet thickness minimum is 0.8 167.5 I Upl024 4-8 WQ WQ Stressrelief Annealingrange Recommendedanneal AC AC TIMETAL® 625 Ti-6AI-1.8 181.19 in.3 169.7 163. Cooting h method 480-705 705-790 790 900-1300 1300-1455 1455 1-8 1-8 I Air or slow cool Air cool Furnacecool to 565°C (1050 oF).2 0.0 Metallemperature °C Process Hardness.5 173.005.7Fe-O. Sheet and plate are also available.AC 870°C (1600 oF) I h. 5 6. forming. % 62S TI-6AI-4V 930 895 895 825 130 120 10 10 135 130 OF Duratlon. SP-700 is a ~-rich a-~ titanium alloy designed to offer superplastic formability properties superior to those of Ti-6AI-4V. pH3.65°C (145oF) Seawater.3 2. The alloy consists of a very fine microstructure in all heat treatment conditions-for example.boiling Seawater.775 3. The microstructural response of 62S to heat treatment is quite similar to that of Ti-6AI-4Y.62S and11-6AI-4V a-p processed plus annealedat700 to790 °C (1290to 1455oF) for2 h. alloy 62S has a lower formulation cost than most titanium alloys.65 Composltlon. results in excellent superplastic formability at a temperature level of 700°C (1290 OF). SP-700 is superplastically formed into such components as aerospace parts. Ti-6AI-4V Fabrication Properties. Unassigned Chemical Composition.0%HCI.5%HCI. and hot forgeability. recrystallization anneal. pH3.boiling 0. mill anneal.5AI-3V-2Mo-2Fe Common Name.boiling 1. which provides the origin of the name SP-700.25%HCI.h CooHng method Stressmlief(a) 480-650 700-790 Millanneal Recrystallization anneal 970 900-1200 1290-1455 1775 Ito 4 2 1 Solution treatment Age Pr-llO°F 1000 1 8 Aircool Aircool furnace coolto 760°C (1400 oF).0%HCI. See Table for composition requirements Characteristics Beta Transus. SP-700 is specified in either the annealed or the solution-treated and aged condition. fanaircool Waterquench Aircool 'Ireatment strength Note: Aonealed plateand forgings to 75 rom(3 in.).boiling Seawater. The alloy exhibits excellent heat treatability. and metal balloons.0 1.10 0. See Table for minimum tensile properties of 62S vs. WI% Oz SI 0.W 0. Alpha-beta processing is used for applications such as armor for improved ballistic response Applications. Because iron is used as a stabilizer in lieu of more expensive elements. tensile properties are comparable to those of Ti-6AI-4V.625 625: Typical composition range Minimum Maximum Nominal AI Fe 5. 625: General corrosion rates for The alloy has industrial. Creep properties and Larson-Miller plots are also expected to be essentially the same as similarly processed Ti-6Al-4Y.15 O.45 5. 900 ± 5°C (1650 ± 9 OF) Product Forms.15 4.675 11. hold2 h. SP-700 UNS Number.50vol%formic acid.3475 8. etc. and defense applications General Corrosion Properties.19 2. SP-700 is available in all mill product forms (plate. The combination of reasonable cost and excellent mechanical properties makes 62S a practical substitute for other engineering materials in numerous industrial applications that require low weight and high corrosion resistance.10vol%formic acid. round bar. the primary a grains are typically smaller than 3 11m in the recrystallization armealed condition. metal wood golf club heads.0%HCI.07 0. Bulk working. It can be hardened to 450 HV or higher by solution treatment in the a + ~ region followed by short-time aging. The fine microstructure results in an excellent combination of mechanical properties.65°C (145oF) 5.45 0. and mountain-climbing equipment .65°C (145oF) 3. and welding properties are similar to those of Ti-6AI-4V Recommended Heat Treating Practice See Table for typical treatments: stress relief. pH 1. yet properties and processing characteristics are equivalent to or better than those of Ti-6AI-4V. machining. automobile parts.and alpha-beta processed conditions. sheet.boiling 1.13 0.5 6. as well as in cast and powder metallurgy (P/M) forms Applications.0.0 1.boiling 50 vol%acetic acid. automotive. mm/year Solutionfcondltlon 0. cold formability. wrist watch casings. See Table listing general corrosion rates for alpha-beta processed sheet Mechanical Properties.boiling 1. air cooled ·C Pr-60°C 540 (a)StressreliefsameasTI-6Al-4V Ti-4.000 1.) thick.35 1.5.00375 0.18 625: Typical heat treatments 'Iemperature 625: Minimum tensile properties 'Thnsile yield Alloy Ultimate tensile st".boiling 10vol%aceticacid.ngth MPa ksi MPa ksI Elongation. In both the beta.0%HCI. The low flow stress of the alloy. and aging a-p processed sheet Conuslon rate.5. Other uses include working tools. together with its fine microstructure.544/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys applications (in which the corrosion resistance and low density are the primary reasons for use) and automotive applications (in which improved creep strength may be used). The alloy has a relatively high modulus-to-density ratio. 8-2.T 2.8 nun (0. Solution treated and aged SP-700 offers a wide range of hardness. Recrystallization annealing (see Table) provides maximum cold working capability.6 1240 180 1371 200 11.40max bal Coldrolling reduction limit. air cooling (see Figures).15max 0.0\ max 0. Corrosion resistance in acid solutions depends on concentration and temperature 1380 "F) followed by furnace or air cooling. SP-700 has better hardenability than Ti-6AI-4v' SP-700 is also less sensitive to section size on quenching.3 0.Tensiletestingwasperformed on 6.6 in. followed by Recrystallization-annealed SP-700 has a hardness of 280 to 320 HV.6in. See Tables for: • • • • Minimums of annealed sheet Comparison of annealed tensile properties Properties of heat treated plate Recommended heat treatments See Figures for: • • • • • • Effect of aging temperature on hardness and tensile properties (a).1 2.005max Other Each Total Titanium 0.)thicksheet SP-7oo Ti-6Al-4V Element Aluminum Vanadium Molybdenum Iron Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen Hydrogen yttrium 4.) gagelengthfor a 3. The corrosion resistance of SP-700 depends on the formation of a protective oxide layer. SP-7oowas recrystallization annealed.5 1. more than 100°C (180 "F) lower than the Ti-6AI-4V forming temperature See Table comparing cold formability vs. SP-700 is relatively insensitive to quench delays of up to 30 s. 40%. and Figure comparing forgeability with that of Ti-6AI-4V Cold Formability. depending on solution treating and aging conditions.5-3.Maximumreductionlimitswereobtainedby cold rolling tests Alloy SP-700: Composition requirements Dire<tion(a) Heat treatment Mill annealing (720gC/1 WAC) Recrystallization annealing (800 -oi WAC) Sf (WQ) andaged (850°C/I hlWQ + 560°C/6WAC) Sf (AC)andaged (850°C/I WAC + 510°C/6WAC) Ti-6AI-4V Mill annealing (720gC/1 WAC) SfA(955-cn hlWQ + 538gc/6 WAC) streogth lis! MPa '!ensUe streogth IIsI MPa Reduction Elongation.) gagelength .25 nun (0. longitudinal. SP-700 resists corrosion under a salt environment and has slightly higher corrosion resistance in hot or concentrated solutions of reducing acids such as hydrochloric and sulfuric acid than pure titanium and Ti-6AI-4V.) diamroundspecimens with a 25 nun (1 in. was retained for the annealing at 800°C (1470 OF) Mechanical Properties Solution Heat Treating.)wide.0 1114 162 1213 176 14.25 in.25 nun(0. ~ L T L.) thick.08max 0.16in. (b) Aging response Effect of delay time of quenching on strength Effect of cooling rate on strength Effect of quenched section size on strength SP-700: Cold formability versus Ti-6AI-4V Alloy SP-700: Comparison of annealed tensile properties among product forms 0.0 2. A relatively short aging period is enough to achieve an excellent combination of strength and ductility (see Figure) See Table for typical tensile properties of sheet Fabrication Properties Forgeability.6 38.8 22.1 4 69 58 20 SP-700: Properties of heat-treated 15 mm (0. T.9 917 133 966 140 20.) thickplateand a 22 nun (0. followed either by water quenching to obtain very high strength or by air cooling to obtain high strength with good ductility Hardness.) diamround specimens with a 25 nun (1 in. Requires 1 to 6 h at 450 to 600 °C (840 to 1110 "F). such as commercially pure titanium.8 61.15in. Ti-6AI-4V was mill annealed.5 to 2 h at temperature range of 800 to 850°C (1470 to 1560 "F).9in.2 ~ Yield strength 'Thn5IIe streogth Elongollon.7-2.and 4 nun (0. It is also less sensitive than Ti-6AI-4V with regard to cooling rate down to about 1 °C/s (2 °F/s) and relatively insensitive to cooling rate in the range of about 7 to 150 °C/s (13 to 270 °F/s).0 1129 164 1205 175 10.)bar. Mill annealing requires 0.) gagelengthfor a 15 nun (0.2~ YIeld SP-7OO Wt~ Bend factor(RIl) (a) L.Alpha-Beta Alloys I 545 Annealing. transverse. Requires 0.and on rectangularspecimenswitha 6 nun (0. of area. The highest volume fraction of ~ phase.5 in. ~ ~ 972 141 1023 148 19.2 1.4 39.) long. that ofTi-6AI-4V.5 31.24in. SP-700 has much better cold formability in comparison with Ti-6AI-4V Superplastic Formability. 140nun (5.) plate 0.10max 0.8in.0-5.5 to 2 h at 650 to 750°C (1200 to Corrosion Properties General Corrosion.6 945 137 1003 145 19. See Figure for effect of temperature on flow stress. The greater stability of the ~ phase of SP-700 compared to Ti-6AI-4V provides greater flexibility during heat treatment. (c) Effect of aging time on tensile properties (a).4 Tensiletestingwas performed on 6. from 350 to 510 HV. The alloy can be fusion and spot welded Recommended Heat Treating Practice SP-700 is specified either in the annealed condition or in the fully heattreated condition Hardenability.05max 0.6 28. SP-7OO exhibits much higher resistance to hot deformation cracking than Ti-6AI-4V.4 Mill-annealed material.25in. (b).0 61. SP-700 shows excellent formability at 775 °C (1425 oF).8 18. Mill-annealed SP-700 has a hardness of 300 to 330 HV Aging. Product ronn MPa IIsI MPa ksI ~ Plate Sheet Bar 990 949 936 144 138 136 1028 1025 1007 149 148 146 16.) widthand a 25 nun (l in. and Figure (a) and (b) comparing superplastic fonnability with that of Ti-6AI-4V Weldability.Bendfactorsweredetermined bybendingtestson specimens 20 nun (0. Tension testing was performed on 5 mm (0.4 ln.·.) thick mill-annealed sheet. as elongations up to 2000% have been reported for this material. Mill-annealedsheet.2in.2 15. vi lI) "'/ Open: L direction Solid: T direction 1400 / Crack " 'e 1300 1600 1300 100 Click here to view Ti-6AI-4~ SP-700 0 'll)ai 900 (b) SP-700: Forgeability.7 22.f'c 1000 (a) 600 SP-700: Effect of temperature on flow stress.24 in.8 21. 13. High-temperature tensile testing was performed on 5 mm (0.) wide rectangular specimens with a 5 mm (0.) width and a 25 nun (1 in.) gage length LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH 800 Temperature.5 mm (0.50-2. °c 600 Temperature.2 in.5·2 0.53 in. % lOA 10.. 3 mm (0. 20 No crack 0 0 750 700 10'3 400 500 12 l!! V / 14 ca c.15 L T L T L T L T 0. Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V <.24 in. Tensiletestingwas performedon rectangular specimenswith a 6 nun (0. of Click here to view 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 3000 Strain rate = 3 x 10-3S" Temperature.8 0.5-2 0.00nun (0.·.5-2 1-6 FCorAC FCorAC WQorAC AC mm in. longitudinal. Closed circles denote samples that showed cracking 102 700 800 Temperature. of 1000 1100 1200 900 1 t: . 700 800 Temperature. Hot compression testing was performed on specimens 6 mm (0. Dlrectlon(a) 0.078in.12 3.2 in.00nun (0.. compared with Ti-6AI-4V. 2000 ca 200 C e.08 3.0 0.) Elongationin 2.5 19..2 13. o ~ t: l!! I 40 30 SP-700 l:f o [j] Strain rate = 3 x 10-3 S·1 100011- iii ··. of 100011001200130014001500160017001800 300 '#.) in diameter and 10 mm (0.8 0.~ 10' 1 80 iii / ~ 60 1ii .2 in.) gage length LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature.079·0. Open circles denote samples that did not exhibit cracking at 70% height reduction.0 (a)L.: 40 0 it V V Crack 2 / o.24 in.lransverse.) 960MPa(l40ksi) 900 MPa (130 ksi) 8% 10% SP-700: Recommended heat treatments Thmpemture 'ftealmenl Mill anneal Recrystallizationanneal Solutiontreatment Aging Dumtion.12 in.546/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys SP-700: Superplastic formability.······· /' 100 '\ 10 -.02-0.T. 850 °c 800 °c SP-700: Typical tensile properties of sheet Thickness Minimums of annealed SP-700 sheet: Ultimatetensilestrength Tensileyieldstrength Elongationin 0. 0'-- -' 600 500 900 700 800 Temperature.) gage length . compared with Ti-6AI-4V.) long with a circumferential notch.0 0.2% Yield strength MPa ksl 1023 1023 953 924 910 1009 949 929 148 148 138 134 132 146 137 135 'IensUestrengtb MPa ksi 1073 1073 1014 996 1020 1042 1025 1015 156 156 147 144 148 151 149 147 Elongation.01-5.) diam round specimens with a 6 mm (0.0 18.03 2. Data for Ti-6AI-4V are not necessarily representative.) diam mill-annealed bar. Cooling "C OF b method 650-750 750-850 800-850 450-600 1200-1380 1380-1560 1470-1560 840-1110 0. ..) thick plate was solution treated at 850°C (1560 OF) for 1 h.. of 900 1000 1100 800 1700 TS 1600 ~ ::?. A 15 mm (0.2% VS I----- 0 2 4 6 o 8 Aging time. A 15 mm (0. of 900 1000 1100 800 550 ~ 800 60 Solid: we Open: AC 50 - 500 Click here to view 1200 60 50 ~ RA / o S450 I ~ 40 > J: ~ <Ii 8:400 c: 'E OJ J: 1200 Aging temperature. 0... 600 650 °c (b) (8) Aging temperature. • 1200 1700 1600 OJ 1500 ~ 1500 £ f Solid: we Open: AC • 1400 1400 ~~ 'lii j e! ~ :::TS~~:: j --'" -t'> 1100 0. 80 Solid: we Open: AC 80 1600 TS 1500 60 co 'iii 40 ~ Dl 0--- c: o iii c t.~ f!!.r--- ::?.L400 (0) 450 1100 ~ 500 550 Aging temperature. 650 600 - ~ L-o- 450 400 °c 0/ 40 of e! OJ 30 'l5 c ! . followed by air cooling LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Aging temperature. g '0 Qj 20 . followed by either water quenching or air cooling. followed by air cooling .!!! - 1200 ...6 in.1 ~ 60 ~ ~ Solid: "<.. followed by either water quenching or air cooling. --'1000 600 °c 650 ilQl LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . 1200 ~ a: ~ _--6 1300 ~ -g 20 OJ n. hr LIVE GRAPH (8) Click here to view 8 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view (b) SP-700: Effect of aging temperature on hardness and tensile properties.- 1100 0. 1400 ::?..) thick plate was solution treated at 850°C (1560 OF) for 1 h...6 in. I~ l~V 10 300 400 »> ° 0 o ti 20 EL a: ~. of 1600 we Open: AC . of 900 1000 1100 I I Solid: we Open: AC -0-- 350 0_ 0- C o 'iii -. OJ 40 'l5 RA o o £1400 e! --- "'--.Alpha-Beta Alloys J 547 SP-700: Effect of aging time on tensile properties.. . Aging was done at temperatures from 450 to 600°C (840 to 1110OF) for 1 h...EL • _ _ i 'lii -<> - TS N ci f-~- "- 1100 ~ 1300 .2% VS Ql c: o - 500 0.2%VS £ 1000L-_---i. 30 Dl c: o iii 20 o 450 500 550 Aging temperature. Aging was done at 510°C (950 OF) for 1 to 6 h. 1o o 500 550 Aging temperature. hr 1000 1000 246 Aging lime. - . aged at 510°C (950 OF) for 6 h. followed by air cooling LIVE GRAPH SP-700: Effect of quenched section size on strength.5 ln. aged at 540 °C (1000 OF) for 6 h.0 10 3.5to 80 mm (0. followed by air cooling.-- 5. TS 0> s: c: 0. LIVE GRAPH Cooling rate.---"l1600 > J: 40011----""""""1---~_=.. followedby water quenching.- 300L- ---''-- 0. aged at510 °C (950 OF) for6 h.25 to 48 h.!! Solutiontreated at 950°C (1740 OF) for 1 h. aCts 1700 tl 'C Qi Ql 1100 ~ ~ Ql I- N TI-6AI-4V ci o 900 10 Delay time of quenching.06 to 150°C/s (0. '" ::::.5 in. mm 80 100 SP-700: Effectof coolingrate on strength..>< 20 40 60 Thickness. hr ---' 100 e tl 'C m ~ > ~ "l 1000 ~ ffi TS 1000 I- o 0. SP-700: Solutiontreated at 850°C (1560 OF) for 1 h..3 in. aCts .. Solution treatment was done on plates with thicknesses ranging from 12." -...-:-::+---11400 8!.. followed by air cooling. aged at 510°C (950 OF) for 6 h.) for Ti-6AI-4V.2%YS 'C Qi > TS ~ ~ 1100 0-.-----. followed by cooling at a ratethat varied from 0. SP-700: Solution treated at 850°C (1560 OF) for 1 h.----___i ~ OJ 14001---+--+-----:+--="'.. ~ t ~ 12001---+--+t--~q---::74-------I1200 c: ~ 'E '" J: 3 5 0 1 . followed by air cooling LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 500 'i$.. 900 1 -. followed by water quenching..5t03 in. '" ~oi Click here to view ::::.0 4..1 L10 Aging time... followed by air cooling LIVE GRAPH Click here to view o ~ 1600'.aged at 540 °C (1000 OF) for 6 h. ~ 'iii c: <. followed by water quenching.2% YS 0.. followed by air cooling Click here to view 1700 1500 5030 '" 1500 ~ s: 1500 a... followedby water quenching...1 to 270 °F/s)for SP-700 and from 1 to 150 °C/s (2 to 270 °F/s) for Ti-6AI-4V.aged at 540°C (1000 OF) for 6 h.---... i 0.) forSP-700 and from 12.Aging was done at 480 to 540°C (900 to 1000 OF) for 0. '" a. Ti-6AI-4V: Solution treated at 950 °C (1740OF) for 1 h.. Ti-6AI4V: Solutiontreated at 950°C (1740 OF) for 1 h. -- 0.5 to 1. c: e c: l!! tl Ql > 1100 1100 I<.l 1 . followed by water quenching.""""".0 1500 TS a. Solution treatment was performed at 850°C (1560 OF) for 1 h.5mm (0..2% YS 1 10 Cooling rate.548/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys SP-700:Effectof delaytime of quenching on strength.-----. s: ::. followed by water quenching.45011------.::::::::~~-=. followedby water quenching.) thick plates.5t032 mm (0.2%YS .followed by a quench delay rangingfrom 2 to 30 s before water quenching.) thick plates.---.5 mm (0. Solution treatmentwas done on 12. Solution treatment was done on 12. s 900 100 900 0 SP-700: Aging response. Ql 1300 ~ tl ~ 1300 0. followedby air cooling... SP-700: Solution treated at 850°C (1560 OF) for 1 h.. s: 1300 1300 ::::. Beta extruded materials exhibit lower ductility. IMI 550 is readily forgeable by conventional hammer. plate. IMI 550 is also very amenable to superplastic forming. Major usage is in the aerospace industry. Electron beam welded compressor discs are in service in military aeroengines Fabrication Properties Recommended Heat Treating Practice Casting. IMI 550 can. and stress relief). Normal usage is in the solution treated and aged (STA) condition. Useful creep performance ranges up to about 400°C (750 OF). Extrusion.25 0. as airframe and aeroengine components.0 6. 1010 ± 15°C (1850 ± 30 OF) Product Forms.0 0. See Table for typical composition ranges Characteristics Product ConditionlMicrostructure.5Si Trade Names.50 7. It has similar flow and "castability" performance to that of Ti-6AI-4V (IMI318). to the wrought product and to cast Ti-6Al-4V.30 to 4 in. and castings Applications.1631b/in. or 1 by 3 in.) bar Applications. or isothermal forging and is one of the easier titanium alloys to forge. Because of the significant level of beta stabilizer content. and silicide Product Forms. and temperature capability up to about 400°C (750 OF).50 7.8). 5. Typical forging temperature is 900°C (1650 "F) Flow stress of IMI 550 at its typical forging temperature is slightly stiffer than that of Ti-6AI-4V. See Table for typical composition range Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Heat treatment is a 1 h anneal at 700°C (1290 "F). N.05 0. which has a microstructure of primary alpha. transformed beta. Plastic strain is less than 0. IMI 550 can be alpha beta or beta extruded. billet. sheet. This medium strength alloy has a typical ultimate tensile strength of lIOO MPa (159 ksi). Property levels in the alpha beta extruded condition are similar to those of the forged or rolled forms.Alpha-Bela Alloys /549 IMI367 Ti-6AI-7Nb Chemical Composition. Heat treated hardness typically is 360 HV (50 kg). The flow stress of IMI 550 increases slightly more rapidly than that of Ti-6AI-4V as temperature falls See Table for typical mechanical properties of extrusions Forming. followed by air cooling Beta Transus. Hot forging procedures and mechanical working practices are the same as those for standard interstitial Ti-6AI-4V Minimum Maximum Nominal AI Nb 1ll Fe C 0. press.) thick. IMI 367 is a high strength alloy developed for femoral components in hip prostheses Fabrication Properties.20 0. Mechanical property levels of cast IMI 550 are generally equivalent.1 % total in 100 h at 465 MPa (67 ksi) welding techniques.50 0.009 n bal 3 DensityoflMI 367is 4. The alloy is available as bar. H. The alloy derives its properties from solid solution strengthening and age hardening. its fine grain size giving good flow characteristics and high m values (about 0. Plate and sheet can be produced by conventional rolling techniques.3) IMISSG Ti-4AI-4Mo-2Sn-O. The alloy is available as 8 to 100 mm (0. IMI 550 exhibits a useful aging response in sections up to 150 mm (6 in. IMI 550 is weldable using controJled electron beam or laser .) rod IM1367: Typical composition range (wt%) and density and as rectangular (25 by 75 mm.08 0. and tensile properties after various heat treatments Welding. Tensile ductility and low-cycle fatigue performance are inferior in both instances See Tables showing recommended heat treatments (alpha-beta solution treating. in general. IMI 550 (Previously Hylite 50) Chemical Composition.50 6. See Table for tensile properties of superplastically formed sheet See Figure showing creep properties at 100 and 300 °C. or superior.52g/cm (0. only be formed hot. but better fracture toughness than the equivalent alpha beta extruded product Forging. aging. and it can be treated in the same way as other high-strength alpha-beta alloys such as Ti-6AI-4Y. IMI 550 can be cast using the normal techniques developed for titanium alloys.50 6. Typical components are flap-tracks and engine compressor discs Mechanical Properties. 2% 100 300°C Temperature 'Ireatmenl Alpha-betasolution treatment Aging Stressrelief Duration CooUng method 90 600L-~~~~"_____'"~.0 4 1.--- 110 iii Ul e en _0... STA. 900 °C/O. See Tables for typical composition range... and other high-speed rotating and reciprocating components Mechanical Properties. LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Thnsile Elongation Reduction strength (lnSD) lnarea.0 57. 900 500 650 1650 930 1200 1h 24h 2h Air cool Air cool Air cool 10 IMI551 Ti-4AI-4Mo-4Sn-O.. IMI 551 has a higher beta transus temperature than most other titanium alloys. despite the high ..3L-T 62..05% -----.. strain rate 2 x lO-4/s 0..60 g/cm3 (O. annealed prior to fanning.. See Table for typical tensile properties for various section sizes Fabrication Properties Forging.. and useful creep properties up to 400 °C (750 OF)...3) (a) 'Iestpiecestaken from the flange were not deformed in the superplastic formed (SPF) condition but were exposed to the SPF heat cycle..7 0..5Si Chemical Composition.0 5..7L-T 48. IMI Titanium 551 belongs to the same alloy group as IMI 550.5 hlAC Fully aged.... MPa ksi % % 1080 157 1200 174 1130 164 12 14 12 40 42 42 120 CU 800 a.0 5.166lb/in. Beta transus is 1050 ± 15°C (1920 ± 30 "F). % % ~ MPa'liil kSi'Iii: 161 163 172 179 14 14..5 2 0.. while preserving good forging characteristics.-.. and pump casings where strength is required at low weight. with room-temperature strengths ranging from 1250 to 1400 MPa (181 to 203 ksi). Ih 3. connecting rods.08 in.solution treated and aged.u-___'. ksi Elongation..5 2...2 3...5 40 40 53... axial and radial compressor parts.7 42.27 0. however.5 12.550 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys IMI 550: Typical mechanical properties of extrusions Testpiece(a) direction Section shape and extrusion type(a) Extrudedin a+ Pfield L T L T Extrudedin Pfield 0.5 0.3 0.8 strength 139 147 145 146 24.9T-L 64.. Heattreated bar 9 0 0 ... This alloy is also suitable for general engineering and chemical applications such as steam-turbine blades. ~ 0.~~.) sheet..2%Proof stress MPa ksi AI (in SO mm). .6T-L 46. IMI551 is one of the strongest of the commercially available titanium alloys...1%Proof stress MPa ksl Thnslle MPa 957 1016 998 1009 1107 1127 1183 1236 Reductlon Fracture in area. This permits a fairly high forging temperature to be used so that. The alloy is primarily intended for airframe structural forgings and machined parts such as undercarriage components..130 IMI 550: Tensile properties after various heat treatments 'Ireatment So Density ofIMI 550 is 4. and for British standard specifications Characteristics Applications.0 4 0.5 10..5 hlAC + 500 °C/24 hlAC Stress-relieved650 0C/2hlAC 930 135 1070 155 1020 148 Fe Mo Si Oz+2N.5 16 (a) Testpieces taken from heat treated web sections IMI 550: Tensile properties of superplastically formed sheet Condition SPF SPF SPF SPF+ STA Approximate SPFstrain % O(a} 100 100 100 0.1%Yield stress MPa ksi 908 937 965 1126 Thosile strength MPa ksi 132 136 140 163 1097 1109 1123 1338 IMI-550: Typical composition range (wt%) and density Elongation % 12 7 5 7 159 161 163 194 Minimum Maximum Nominal Solution treated900 °ClO. Material/Iest conditions: 2 mm (0.. mounting brackets. and for gas-turbine engine components.0125 IM1550: Creep properties at 100 and 300°C. the higher alloying content of IMI 551 increases strength at room temperature.1 58..:::::- iii ~ en 700 IMI 550: Recommended heat treatments ~ 100°C ======:=---8:a~~ .... Alpha-Seta Alloys I 551 room-temperature strength of the alloy.0 4.0 5. it is only marginally more difficult to forge than Ti-6AI-4Y. 3:1 upset. heat treated Transverse.AC 1310 1h 900 DC. It is better to slow down the cooling rate of thin sections (for example.62 rlcm J (O.05 0.1671bf/in. An air cool from the solution treatment temperature provides adequate heat treatment response.AC 1390 1h9OO°C. Cooling rates from the solution treatments must be controlled within a given window to provide desired strengths.AC. and nitrogen can reduce ductility and fracture toughness. To obtain good properties in a finished component.05 0.24h5OO°C.0 5.20 % % Minimum Maximum Nominal 3 10 13 9 28 47 (a)0. See Table for typical tensile properties of small rod after different heat treatments Welding.heattreated Longitudinal.) or less are air cooled.125(a) Ti·6·22·22S Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-O. Exceeding impurity limits may decrease ductility and fracture toughness below required minimums due to the associated increase in strength.2% yield stress Product Sample MPa ksi MPa ksi 175nun (7 in. 24 h 1240 500 °C. squarebarheat treated Transverse.).0 4.3 0.) 'Ireatment Tensile stress strength MPa ksi MPa 1h9OO°C. The retained 13 contains a fine acicular a precipitate due to aging. coolin vermiculite. With solution treatments below about 850°C (1560 "F).3) 3. or when thicker sections are water or oil quenched.)diam billet 100to 125nun(4t05 in.0 3.7 0. Composition limits are established (except Si content may be reduced). So as to ensure that no part of the forging exceeds the beta transus temperature as a result of internal work. 24 h 500°C. higher tensile strengths Up to 25 nun (I in. Triplex heat treatment results in a coarse lamellar a structure in a transformed 13 matrix. The only specifications for Ti-6-22-22S to date are those written by LockheedIBoeing/General Dynamics for the ATF fighter. center Longitudinal. The preheat temperature should be reduced to 930 °C (1700 "F) for subsequent forging operations to obtain the optimum combination of strength and ductility can be developed on aging.7 in. in a box filled with refractory material) to avoid the undesirable effects of an excessive cooling rate (see Table). excessive aluminum.5 190 191 183 189 215 25 to 50 nun (1 to 2 in. with equiaxed <X in a 13 matrix.5 0. As with other a-13 titanium alloys.2% yield on5D % Elongation Fe c 0.).) Over25 and up to 75 mmtt toa in. The annealed condition consists basically of equiaxed a with intergranular 13. surface Longitudinal.)squarebillet 75 nun (3 in. the alloy should be given at least a 4: 1 forging reduction in the alpha + beta phase field. Very fine.)rod Typical tensile properties after various heat treatments of small rod. submicron-size silicides have been observed in this alloy.25 0.15 wt% maximumofH2 in forgings.25Si UNS Number. but only at the expense of ductility and creep strength.0 SI 3. but 900 °C (1650 "F) followed by air cooling has been found to give the best strength.625 in.AC ksl 200 190 180 1650 1450 1410 240 210 205 Elongation Reduction on5D In area ReductIon in_ % 9 10 13 16 12 10 25 30 40 37 40 28 IM1551: Typical composition range (wt%) and density AI 0.WQ. oxygen.0 0. 16 mm diameter (0.0 4. followed by air cooling and aging for 24 h at 500°C (930 OF) and again air cooling. while avoiding the low ductility brought about by oil or water quenching. 3:1upset. Material in the solution treated and aged condition is very similar to that of Ti-6AI-4V.625in. 13 phase at temperature . may result in higher strength than desired Sheet can be used in the annealed or solution treated and aged condition. Unassigned Characteristics Chemical Composition. it is recommended that the initial forging preheat temperature should not exceed 950°C (1740 OF). Generally. Effects of Impurities and Alloying.20 0. alloy is not weldable Recommended Heat Treating Practice IMI Titanium 551: British Standard Specifications Recommended practice consists of solution treatment at 900 °C (1650 "F) for 1 h per 25 mm of section thickness (1 h/in.Typical densityis 4.)rod 16nun (0. chromium and molybdenum. limiting nillng ••dlon When small-diameter sections of 16 mm (0.0 5. High amounts of the 13 stabilizers. Various solution-treatment temperatures have been suggested for IMI 551. See Table for minimum and maximum compositions Phases and Structures. center Center 1140 1200 1210 1150 1140 1340 165 174 175 167 165 194 1300 1310 1320 1260 1300 1480 188.) Barfor IIllIChining Forging IIIock Forgings TA38 TA40 TA39 TA41 TA42 IMI-551: Typical tensile properties for various section sizes TeoslIe streogth 0. and aging. followed by air or fan cooling.25 1. Characteristics are similar to those of Ti-6AI-4V.25 1.960°C (1760oF) 'fieatment Ti-6-22-22S is a reasonably forgeable alloy with comparable unit pressures (flow stresses). Primary interest lies in improved damage tolerance properties with respect to strength in relation to Ti-6A1-4V Corrosion Properties Stress Corrosion Cracking. forgeability. except for sheet. Ti-6-22-22S can be used in the annealed and heat treated conditions. A strong effort is underway to develop thermomechanical processing procedures to optimize strength. See Table for forging TMP conditions and mechanical properties Other Fabrication Methods Rolling. plate.04 0. compressive. Sheet is rolled below the ~ transus and has a very small grain size Forming. Superplastic forming properties are similar to those of Ti-6-AI-4V Machining.13 0. is on a triplex heat treatment involving a ~ solution treatment with a controlled cooling rate followed by an a-~ solution treatment followed by aging to maximize damage-tolerant properties. which provides a strength minimum in the solution treated condition. and crack growth rate properties in sheet.27 0. See Table. and preliminary investigations indicate that Ti-6-22-22S may machine slightly easier than Ti-6AI-4Y.)plate 150 mm(6 in.25 1. plate. are done at 30°C (50 OF) below the ~ transus temperature. Because Ti-6-22-22S is an age-hardenable alloy.)plate 1138 1103 1076 165 160 156 1020 979 958 Elongation. and shear properties • Mechanical properties after aging See Table for typical mechanical properties of alpha-beta processes STA products See micros (a). Forgings treatments include two. The rolling schedule is very much like that for Ti-6AI-4V.20 0.8 h. beta processed plate solution treating. Ti-6-22-22S has been produced in standard wrought product forms such as sheet.75 2.)plate 100mm(4in. There are no production applications at this time. Ti-6-22-22S: Recommended forging process temperatures Process Thmpemture parameter 865-930 980-1015 'IOnsUe yield strength Product MPa !<si strength MPa ksi 50mm (2in. a range of tensile properties is attainable. (b). It is commercially fabricated on all types of forging equipment at the process temperatures indicated (see Table).75 2.28°C (50·F) for I h.5% NaCI solution Tensile Properties. % 10 10 10 17 15 15 148 142 139 Il-r.) thick. Ti-6-22-22S was conceived to provide high strength in heavy sections with good fracture toughness and to retain that strength up to moderate temperatures through the addition of silicon. although closed die and precision forgings predominate. solution treating temperature • Effect of solution temperature on tensile properties • Yield strength vs. and forgings Applications. The alloy can be fabricated into all forging product types.25 6. Boeing has reported the stress-corrosion threshold for this alloy to be about 55 MPa-JiD (50 ksi'J'ifi.75 2. The alloy can be heat treated in sections up to 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 in.or threestep practices of single or two-step (duplex) solution treatments followed by controlled cooling and aging (stabilizing). Subtransus thermal treatments.AC °C Metaltemperature Conventionalforging Beta forging(a) Die temperatures Ultimatetensile 1590-1700 1795-1860 Ti-6-22-22S: Typical heat treatments Thmpemture (a) Betatransus. (c). wi % Minimum Maximum AI So Zr Mo Cr Sl Fe 0 C N B 5. Final microstructure is developed by thermomechanical processing---combinations of conventional (subtransus) and/or ~ (supratransus) forging followed by subtransus and/orsupratransus thermal treatments Mill anneal Sheetsolutiontreatment PlateJbillet solutiontreatment First stage (supratransus) Second stage (subtransus) Betaprocessed platesolutiontreat Age(allproductforms) °C OF Thne/Cooling 730 1l-r-28 1345 1l-r-50 30minlAC 1l-r+28 1l-r-28 1l-r-28 540 1l-r+50 1l-r-50 1l-r-50 1000 2h1AC IhlAC IhlAC IhlAC 8h1AC Ti-6-22-22S: Composition limits Composition. See Figures for: • Strength and ductility vs. The main emphasis at present. Formability is similar to that of Ti-6AI-4V with slightly higher pressure required for hot forming due to higher strength of Ti-6-22-22S. aging temperature • Effect of aging temperature on tensile properties See additional Tables for: • Effect of temperature on tensile.25 0. Effect of post superplastic forming-aging on sheet Recommended Heat Treating Practice See Table for typical heat treatments (mill annealing. See Figure for mill annealed microstructure Product Forms.. Aging (stabilization) is at 480 to 540°C (900 to 1000 "F).25 1.) in an aqueous 3.03 125ppm . Sheet should be used in the a-~ processed condition. (d) for effect of solution treating and cooling Fabrication Properties Ti-6-22-22S: Typical mechanical properties of p-processed STA products Forging.15 0. % Reduction orarea. Ac/54O·C (IOOO·F) age.552/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys will be retained upon cooling (for sheet gages with an air cool). Solution treating at temperatures above this results in increased amounts of martensite formation as the temperature is increased and higher strengths. and crack sensitivity to Ti-6AI-4V. Strength is not very sensitive to aging temperature over a fairly wide temperature range. toughness.75 2. sheet solution treatment (first and second stages). solution treatment and aging can provide significant strengthening. used in combination with conventional and/or ~ forging processes. and forged forms. but it is bill-of-material for the aft fuselage of the F-22 ATF fighter. Final thermal treatments. bar. ~ BBO .050 in.: 0 ~ 0 10 600 0 • 400 Ultimate tensile strength Tensile yield strength Elongation " 0 150 1000 25 l!. OF 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 Click here to view sonmon (reatlng temperature.. 160 400 500 600 Aging temperature.: 0 10 ~ c '" 0 iii 5 0 650 . ~ ~ 0 ~ c::: '" iii C> c::: 6 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view B20 B40 B60 BBO 900 920 Solution treallng temperature. 1.050in. LIVE GRAPH 5 200 700 '" S iii 0 700 750 BOO B50 900 Solution temperature. °C 950 1000 Ti-6·22·22S: Effect of solution temperature on tensile properties..'""=~=..) thick STAsheet. OF 1550 1600 1650 900 • 14 0 1700 12 1300 '" 1300 <fl 10 .. 0 4 940 Ultimate tensile strength Tensile yield strength Elongation 300 450 1200 20 LIVE GRAPH 1500 . As annealed As annealed <fl. 0 ~ • l!. ~ 170:91 Qj 1100·· '" 1000 D. Click here to view • • D.) sheet heat treatedas indicated Aging temperature. 1. 1. Aging temperature. tc::: Click here to view 1BOO ~ 1200 200 190 - :.. 1.-. of 1400 1500 1600 1700 1300 1400 ~ 1300 >= ... 1200 .: o ~ c::: 1 til iii 5 . °C 950 (8) --' B50 900 Solullon treating temperature. solution treating temperature.) thick sheet Ti-6·22·22S: Yield strength vs.062 in. OF 900 1000 1100 BOO 1500 • 1400 '" :::!E 1200 • 210 ~ e! " 1BO 0 0 ..6 mm (0..2 mm (0.062 in. °C Click here to view :=:~ 900 700 500 (). D.. solution treated at 870 no aging °C (1600 OF) 1500 1500 1400 Solution treallng temperature. :::!E i c::: 0 BOO C> c::: e! "0 til >- Solullon treated at 900°C Solution treated at 925°C . LIVE GRAPH Solution temperature.Alpha·Beta Alloys I 553 Ti·6·22·22S: Effect of solution treating temperature on tensile properties. °C 20 <fl 15 .: :::!E 0 ~ 1200 c::: e! til B 1100 1000 900 BOO '''':::.. AC... /. Ti·6·22·22S: Effect of aging temperature on tensile properties.6 mm (0.~\ ... OF 1550 1600 1650 1700 1500 15 .6 mm (0. °C BOO 950 (b) Ti-6·22·22S: Strength and ductility vs. °C 15 <fl .063in. Solution treated at B70 °C • l!.) thick sheet heat treatedas indicated LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Solution treating temperature.... 1. ····140 e! / c::: o 120 7BO 6BOL- '-- BOO 0'-- ~100 B50 900 Solution treating temperature.2 mm (0.) sheet solution treated 30 min. OF 1100 1000 600 500 550 Aging temperature. 1BO UTS 11BO 160 9BO\. 10 • EI . 1100 D. aging temperature.. Times to half temperature for the various cooling rates were: (a) 100s. and (d) 2880 s (a) 011 quench. (c) 2000 S.554/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti·6·22·22S: Cooling rate/microstructure correlation. 150 mm (6 ln.) p forged billet machined to 100 mm (4 in. 140 ksl UTS + psolution .) thick with a treatment. 169 ksl UTS (c) Slow oven cool. 154 ksl UTS (b) Fanalrcool. (b) 1000 s.160ksiUTS (d) ST In vacuum. OF 1500 1600 I~ ~ 160 ~ c tc o ~ 10 tJi ill ~ 840 880 920 1700 15 J 800 1600 As annealed 170 Ol c o 5 150 lO00L-_ _'--_ _'--_ _'--_ _-'--_--' 760 1500 1400 20 1700 ~ 1050 Click here to view Temperature. % 425 795 480 900 510 950 540 1000 565 1050 595 1100 620 1150 L ST L ST L ST L ST L ST L ST L ST 1048 (152.0) 1042 (151.2)(a) 74 (67.2) 1096 (159.6) 1224(177.0 6.0 8.' 960 760 800 840 880 920 960 Ternperature.) MPaf.-p rolled plate heat treated as follows: Reduction of area.062 in.1) 1113 (161.1 8.3) 1162 (168.5 10.7) 1139 (165.1) 1096 (159. MPa (ksi) Ultimate tensile strength._ _.7) 1106 (16004) 1024 (148.050 in. OF O'--_ _.3 16.0) 980(142.9 6.Alpha-Beta Alloys I 555 Ti-6-22-22S: Mill annealed microstructure.1) 1218 (176.2 10.2 Note: 50 mm (2 in..' -_ _--I.8 10.5 704 Fracture toughness (K.3)(a) 11.6 12.1 9.~9th1 1.7 36.0 10.) thick a. + age as indicated for 8 h.) sheet annealed at 730°C (1345 OF)... (a) T-Ldirection .3 8.0 10.8) 1183 (171.L-_ _. solution treated at 925 °C (1695 OF) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Aging temperature.0) 1121 (162. 15 min.0) 1049(152.MPa (ksi) Elongation. 1.3 21.3 9. As-formed properties at 75% strain LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1400 1200 ~ 1150 0 ~' As annealed f1100.5) 1030(149.5) 1206 (175..8 12. air cool.6) 1138 (165.3)(a) 87 (79.2 mm (0.3)(a) 49 (45.7 13. OF 900 1000 1100 1200 20 250 ~ 200 ·~~~:i~ey::~s~~~~. fan cool.. 1.6 mm (0. °C Ti·6·22·22S: Effect of superplastlc forming temperature on tensile properties of sheet.6) 1061 (154.) thick STA sheet.ll (ksi~) 88 (80.1 P.' -_ _.7 16.7) 1223 (177.0) 1011 (146.Xl (a) (b) Ti-6-22-22S: Mechanical properties after aging Aging temperature °C OF Direction Tensileyield strength.6 9.0) 1028 (149. Temperature.6) 1102 (l~9.5 9.9) 7.5 6. % 7. reheat to 40 °C (70 "F) below Ph air cool.8Xa) 62 (56.X. AC Ti-6-22-22S: Effect of aging temperature on tensile properties.6) 1155 (167.6 10.8) 1157 (167.' tJi Temperature.5) 1205 (174.8)(a) 85 (77 A)(a) 83 (76. plus 28°C (50 "F).0 13.1) 1117 (162.4) 1197 (173.: 500 550 ~ co 10 ~ Ol c ~~~ 100 15 o ill 5 600 Aging temperature. extruded. the temperature is 1000 °C (1830 oF).~ ~prefonn ~prefonn ll'~ fmish (25%) a·~fmish(50%) ll'~ finish (50%) a·~fmish(50%) n-Bpreform a·~prefonn 1 h. graphite artificial resin.8h. and control of environmental conditions should be used Machinability. which do not react due to high heat conductivity Click here to view 1000 1800 900 1600 P l. Ti-5Al- Chemical Composition. Properties are better than those of Ti-6AI-4V in the alpha + beta and beta phase fields due to lower flow stresses Ti·5AI·2. 0.0(62) 58. in the ~ phase field. feed. sheet.AC Fracture toug\lne8s MPa~·ruL) 25 15 17 90.5Fe can be welded. or drawn round bar is available. 1 h. FAC + 540 °C(1000 oF). Comparable to that of Ti-6AI-4V in the alpha + beta and hardening is possible.. AC ~. postheating.5Fe has a typical Vickers hardness of 320 to 340 HV. Poor at room temperature. Investment casting is possible LIVE GRAPH with special molding materials that exhibit a limited reaction with molten material. and 0... FAC+ 540 °C(I000 oF). thermodynamic stable oxides or oxide binders (fh02.%N. are readily produced Weldability. and depth of cut should be used Extrusion. min 2 10 3 10 4 1690 "F). Like other titanium alloys. Hot rolled.0. 1 h.5 h.8h. Centrifugal casting is possible with permanent molds of copper.. A special application: porous implant devices. but only under wellcontrolled conditions. DIN 3. control of interpass temperature. e!. See Table for minimum and maximum composition of annealed sheet or bar 2.45 wt.1 (68) 85. FAC + ~. AC 958 (140) P. as well as square and flat bar with a maximum cross-sectional width-to-thickness ratio of 5:1 Applications.%Si. Redudion ofarea. Tikrutan LT 35 Mechanical Properties Common Name. FAC+540°C(lOOO oF)..4(82) 87. cooling method Ti·5AI·2. reduced rates of speed. Pore size (>50 11m) makes it possible to secure implants via tissue growth into the pores. 8h.1 (77) Note: Heal treatment sequence temperature. and high-melting metals/oxide binders (tungsten and molybdenum). This alloy is designed for permanent implants in the human body. 'TiFe start 600 1000 Powder Metallurgy. Deformation in the ex + ~ phase field and annealing at 850°C (1560 "F) produces a fine-grained ex + ~ microstructure.5Fe: TTl diagram Castability.09wt. After undergoing deformation at 850°C (1560 oF).14 wt. . CaO). Ti-5AI-2.7110 Hardness. Temperature range is 800 to 920 °C (1470 to 10.4(53) 75. FAC + 540 °C (1000 oF). Good formability (even superplastic deformation) is achieved in the ex + ~ phase field at 850 to 950°C (1560 to 1740 OF).01 wt. Hot rolled strip. Y203.15 wt. Examples for such devices are heart pacemaker electrodes and dental implants Recommended Heat Treating Practice Annealing.-22 °C(4O°F). Characteristics See Figure for effects of aging on hardness Fabrication Properties Phases and Structures.AC 1027 (149) ~.AC ThnslJe yield strength UltlmalelenslJe strength Elongation. time.FAC+54O°C(1000°F).0.8 h.5 h.8 h. + 28 °C (50 "P).(I000 oF).%Fe. 1 h.6(79) 68. Similar to that of other alloys. AC + 540 972(141) °c.AC 1034(150) ~.%AI. i.~ ~ finish 28°C (50 oF)above ~ IraIlSUS ~ finish 50°C (90 oF)above ~ transus ~. Like other titanium alloys.+ 28 °c.5Fe Trade Name.025 wt. Q. Precautionary procedures such as preheating.'- ~ 1400 :::J :::J e!.e. Temperature is 850°C (1560 oF) Solution Heat Treating. aging is 400 to 700°C (750 to 1290 oF) Aging.2. Formability. or plate can be manufactured upon request.-22 °C(4O°F).%H. a. but preferably by the more sophisticated methods such as gas tungsten-arc and electron beam welding.5Fe is readily machinable.(50 oF).50°C (90 "P). 0. 1 10 10 Time.lh.E I- ~ r - - - - 1200 ~ {3!. MPa(\<sl) MPa(\<5i) % % 1110(161) 1117 (162) 1124(163) 1117 (162) 1110(161) 1096 (159) 11 12 12 12 10 10 21 21 25 993 (144) 1000(145) ~.-22 °C (40 oF).556/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti·6·22·22S: Forging thermomechanical processing conditions and mechanical properties Preform forging Finish forging Heal treatments a.% O. beta phase The ex + ~ transus is 950°C (1740 "F) for an alloy composition of 5. Ti-5AI-2.8h.0.. Age Forgeability. Cast implant devices.-22 °C(4O°F). Temperature range is 400 to 700 °C (750 to 1290 oF) . such as sockets of hip prosthesis. as well as good formability in the ~ phase field at temperatures above 950°C (1740 oF) See TTT diagram Product Forms. excessive aluminum. heavy feeds. elongation. correct tool angles. In grinding operations. 830 MPa (120 ksi).8 mm (~0. A semicommercial alloy developed for use in aircraftcomponents subjected to prolonged exposure near 500°C (930 "F). Ti-5522-S UNS Number. 25%.8 mm «0. but warm (425 to 700 "C. 5. Hardness. Bend radius recommendations: • For t < 1. Isothermallyaged after annealing 10 min at 1000 °C (1830 OF).015 N c 0. 900 MPa (130 ksi). wi % o H 3.5Fe: Effects of aging on hardness. 517 MPa (75 ksi). rigid tool supports.25Si Common Name.070 in. Exceeding impurity limits may result in raising yield strength above maximum permitted or in lower elongation or reduction in area below minimum. This alloy is unaffected after 1000 h in the standard ASTM salt-spray test Mechanical Properties. MIL-T-9047. Minimum room temperature properties (no heat treatment specified) include: tensile strength._~:::--------- 800·C 900 ·C 10 10 2 Time. Ti-5A1-5Sn-2Zr-2Mo-0. R54560 Chemical Composition.Alpha-Beta Alloys /557 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ti-5AI-2. Ti-5522-S exhibits good tensile. and aim compositions. Heat to and start forging at 925 to 955°C (1695 to 1750 OF). It can be welded. slow speeds. Properties at 535°C (995 "F). stress rupture. or 795 to 1290 OF) forming is sometimes employed.0 t Grinding. yield strength. that are separated by films of p-phase. the alloy requires many of the same precautions against surface damage as other titanium alloys Welding. reduction in area. The corrosion-resisting characteristics of Ti-5522-S are comparable to unalloyed titanium and to other near- alpha and a-p titanium alloys. Ti-5522-S should be forged at the lowest possible temperature to minimize surface contamination by oxygen. minimum values: tensile strength. 4.5 t • For t ~ 1. 35%.0 2.2 5.25Si is listed in government specifications MIL-T-9046. maximum.). oxygen. 15%. Ti-5522-S has a room temperature hardness of 32 to 38 lIRe Mechanical Properties.0 3. Ti-5522-S has a seizing tendency and requires sharp tools. 10%. See Table for typical tensile properties Fabrication Properties Forging.0 0. Beta annealing results in a long a-platelet structure while p-working results in a shorter a-platelet structure Beta Transus. and adequate coolant . min Ti-5AI-5Sn-2Zr-2Mo-O. elongation. formed at room temperature. Oxyacetylene welding and other forms of welding using active gases. it is produced as a special wrought product in the form of plate and sheet Applications.08 Ti-5AI-2. making it more difficult to control properties Characteristics Phases and Structures. In addition. using it as the filler metal. and water quenching 500·C 600 ·C 700 ·C --. For minimum. It is a beta-lean a-p alloy with relatively low content of P-stabilizing elements.05 0. The alloy has a beta transus of980 ± 15°C (1800 ± 25 "F) Product Forms. Annealed Ti-5522-S has a hexagonal closedpacked crystal structure with a small amount of beta phase at room temperature. 689 MPa (100 ksi). Ti-5522-S can be welded readily by inert-gas shielded arc welding. finish at 790 to 815 -c (1455 to 1500 oF) Forming. yield strength. Most forming operations can be done at room temperature. Excessive beta stabilizers (for example. Like many titanium alloys. reduction in area. or at warm forming temperatures of 540 to 700 "C (1000 to 1290 OF) Corrosion/Chemical Properties. or fluxes are not recommended because the gases tend to embrittle the titanium and make it impossible to produce ductile welds Machining.070 in. Microstructures resulting from cooling through the p-transus temperature typically consist of packets of a-platelets.).. molybdenum or vanadium) affect the stability of the alloy and increase its heat treatability. and creep properties at elevated temperature into the 425 to 540°C (795 to 1000 OF) range.0 0.5Fe: Chemical composition of annealed sheet or bar Minimum Maximum AI Fe Composition. As for all a-p alloys. Alloy Ti-5522-S is available in standard wrought product form as a forged billet or bar. similarly aligned and crystallographic ally oriented. electrode coatings. see Table Specifications. and MIL-T-81556 Effects of Impurities and Alloying. and nitrogen can reduce ductility and fracture toughness. full anneal.75 2.15 0. A beta anneal enhances creep resistance and toughness.7 975°C (1785 oF) 0. it may need stress relief or a full anneal.5 5 1.AC lIT 315.25 0. AC + 595 °C (1100 oF) 2h. % 12 18 20 20 13 15 17 19 Reduction in ares.6 537.04 0.75 2.6 537. % 35 41 50 50 Min Max Aim AI Sn Zr Mo Si Fe C N 0 4.5 426. beta anneal Ti·5522·S: Typical heat treatments Heat Heat treatment Reheat Time Cooting method 2 1 1 Air Air Air Temperature Stress-relief anneal Fullannea\ Betaannea\ °C OF 595-650 955 1015 1100-1200 1750 1860 Condltlon Mill annealed lIT 315.5 h.25 2 1. The alloy cannot be hardened or strengthened by any thermal treatment. See Table for typical heat treatments: stress relief anneal.13 n bal .5 5. After cold or warm forming.5 426.25 2 0.5 5 4.20 0.7 lIT 600 800 1000 lIT 600 800 1000 mlimaletenslle strength MPa ks! 965 813 745 730 1048 793 780 690 140 118 108 106 152 115 113 100 Time Cooting method 595 595 1100 1100 2 2 Air Air Ti·5522·S: Typical composition Ti·5522·S: Typical tensile properties Tempernlure OF °C OC OF Temperature Yield strength MPa ks! 868 586 558 552 965 565 530 503 126 85 81 80 140 82 77 73 Elongation.5 5.03 0.558/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Recommended Heat Treating Practice The alloy is usually given a full anneal with a reheat.30 0. niobium. unit pressures (flow stresses) are comparable. Aircraft fasteners. A similar advantage was observed in boiling H2S04. See Figure for effect of aging on Rockwell hardness Fabrication Properties Forging. The alloy can be fabricated into all forging product types. or tantalum are immune to aqueous stress-corrosion cracking. 4. "Stress Corrosion Cracking in High Strength Steels and in Titanium and Aluminum Alloys. Beta III UNS Number. Beta III forms less a case from heating operations than other alloy classes. In the solution treated and aged condition. Cold workability is particularly advantageous for rivets and other fasteners. Aging is conducted at 565 to 595 -c (1050 to 1100 OF). bar. Both zirconium and tin strengthen the alpha and beta phases of titanium and are soluble in both phases Characteristics Phases and Structures. Addition of halide ions such as Cl". and lab foil following solution treatment. Beta III has lower strengths. the HCI concentration limit is about 5%. Forming at 510 "C (950 OF) appears to be required for obtaining a precise shape.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys Ti·11.5 Sn wt%) is a solute-rich composition developed by a semi-empirical balancing of desired properties. Molybdenum is a strong beta stabilizing element completely soluble in beta titanium at elevated temperatures. Either cold or warm forming followed by a hot-sizing operation. Zirconium and tin.5Mo·6Zr·4. Pitting and repassivation potential are expected to be lower than that of most other titanium alloys. Br". The high molybdenum content of Beta III alloy imparts excellent corrosion resistance under reducing conditions and should provide excellent crevice corrosion resistance (because crevice corrosion is generally associated with acidification from oxidant depletion in the crevice region). but Beta III has the lowest yield strength combined with excellent ductility of any of the beta compositions. See Tables for specifications and compositions. About 760°C (1400 "F) at nominal molybdenum concentrations. the general corrosion of Beta III alloy in HCI of concentrations up to about 20% is acceptable. Beta III is commercially fabricated on all types of forging equipment. Beta III parts can be warm formed to eliminate the springback that occurs during some cold forming operations. All of the 13 titanium alloys are highly cold formable. as with all 13 alloys. and for commercial compositions. Solution treated material may be formed at temperatures as low as 315°C (600 OF) where yield strength may be as low as 550 to 620 MPa (80 to 90 ksi) and elongation as high as 25%. Solution treatment is conducted at 690 to 730°C (1275 to 1345 OF). It is generally recognized that co phase formation leads to ductility losses. and I" increase susceptibility in Beta III and can induce susceptibility in other alloys that are immune to stress-corrosion cracking in distilled water Mechanical Properties See Table for typical mechanical properties of rivet wire. At room temperature. has a higher affinity for hydrogen than other alloy classes. augment the beta phase stabilization in the quantities used in the Beta III alloy. and sheet metal parts where cold formability and strength potential can be used to greatest advantage. often called neutral stabilizing additions to titanium. which becomes enriched with molybdenum in some regions during aging through alloy partitioning as alpha-phase precipitation occurs. Beta III forms athermal coduring quenching and isothermal co during aging at low temperatures. for unalloyed titanium." Naval Research Labs. meaning less metal removal in chemical pickling (milling processes). Hot draw forming at 200°C (390 "F) was found to result in considerable springback. as in other 13 alloys Beta Transus. Beta III is a highly forgeable alloy (when forged above the 13 transus) In comparison with a-f3 Ti-6AI-4V.E Brown. Beta III solution annealed above the transus is completely 13. and crack sensitivity is reduced. Beta alloys solution treated to contain 100% beta stabilized by molybdenum. although closed die forgings predominate. although no data are available Stress Corrosion Cracking. especially rivets. The high molybdenum content of Beta III is also probably responsible for its relatively good resistance to stress-corrosion cracking in aqueous-chloride and hot-salt environments. although proper control of cophase volume fraction can lead to high strength and reasonable ductility Product Forms. however. Beta III has exhibited stress-corrosion cracking susceptibility in distilled water (B.5Sn Common Name. and the nominal composition of Beta III contains enough of this element by itself to stabilize the beta phase to room temperature.5 Mo. Beta III. R58030 Chemical Composition. 1972). Commercial applications have included springs and orthodontic appliances. Availability of all mill products is limited Applications. deep hardenability. and resistance to stress corrosion are required and somewhat lower ductility is acceptable Chemical/Corrosion Properties. temperatures of 510 to 540°C (950 to 1000 "F) were found to minimize springback in hot sizing (see Figure). plate. Final thermal treatments for Beta III forgings include solution treating and aging. forgeability is better. followed by water quenching. which can be a part of the aging heat treatment. Possible use: in plate and forging applications where high strength. Forgings may be supplied in the solution treated condition and/or fully aged. Enhanced corrosion resistance in reducing environments (from molybdenum) is obtained at the expense of corrosion resistance in oxidizing conditions. sheet. In the solution treated condition. 13 decomposition can be sluggish in Beta III. But control of chemical removal processes is essential to preclude excessive hydrogen pickup Beta Ill: Forging process temperatures Melallemperalure Process Betaforging ·C 700-955 1300-1750 Forming. appears as an acceptable method of processing parts . Consequently. As with other 13 alloys this enrichment affects the lattice parameter and makes the 13 phase more stable at lower temperatures. The chemistry balance (1l. On the other hand. but much higher ductility and toughness than in the solution treated and aged condition. 6 Zr. vanadium. Beta III: Solution treatments /: 2 min 315°C (600 OF) + 2 min 370°C (70 III Annealing.) thick at a width of 635 mm (25 in. OF 900 950 1000 1050 £ 2000> c ~ ~ ~ 1ii .. age temperature. Effect of 8-h aging temperature on tensile strength of specimens solution treated at 730 to 745 °C (1345 to 1375 OF) 850 See Tables for: LIVE GRAPH 75 0. except shielded arc and submerged arc welding (because no flux is permitted). 0..- ': .) Welding..CW . wire. A stress relief annealing treatment is not required See Figures for: 10 min ~1 ~ o_C ~6QO ~Fl 2 min 315°C (600 OF) + The best combination ofproperties is obtained after solution treatment near the ~ transus '" :::. Like all titanium alloys. s j 1200····· (... generally for short times and usually followed by either water quenching or air cooling. 'E '" J: - - . Treatment may consist of re-solution heat treatment or an aging heat treatment. min 'Iemperature TypicalST LowSTforrod..CW Q) - ~- £i Ol c ~ 180 'lil .1 • • • • Solution treatments Aging vs. The recommended annealing temperature range for Beta III alloys is 705 to 760 °C (1300 to 1400 oF).. or re-solution treatment prior to aging may be preferred to achieve maximum ductility and toughness in heavily worked areas of the aged part.9! '0. • Effect of pre-aging and cold work • Tensile strength vs. respectively.. Stress Relief Annealing.. HighSTforthickersection <..but may be longerfor thickersections 1100 210. 1400 D.. min .560 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Rolling Sheet. Solution heat treated 5 min at 730 °C (1345 OF) and water quenched priorto cold working or pre-aging LIVE GRAPH 1600 ~ 0C Note:The bestcombination of properties is obtained by solutiontreatmentnearthe beta transus.. (b)Exposureis usuallyshort.. The resistance to rolling is about the same for Beta III and unalloyed titanium. Weldability of sheet and plate is considered to be very good. as determined by the onset of edge cracking. Effect of pre-aging heat treatments with and without prior cold work on tensile strength of aged (450 °C.....025 mm (0.etc....450 ---' . ~c ~ 1ii Q) ~ 1200 Pre-aged 2 min 315°C + 2 min 370 °C 220 ~ \ 20o.. min 1000 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Aging temperature.) ACor WQ ACorWQ ACorWQ 5 5 5(b) Click here to view 1500 .. The overall cold rollability of Beta III is at least as good as that of commercially pure unalloyed titanium. depending on treatment selected).. tensile properties of sheet Effect of pre-age and cold work on age time Aging vs. c 160 $ fJ / No pre-aging E "'-No prlorCW 140 1000 os cw 200 5 .- Q) c y<r. cQ) 180 -. -._ TIme... Because ofthis capability and ease for cold work. Ductility is better if aging is done after welding Recommended Heat Treating Practice Beta III may be supplied in either the solution treated (highly formable) or the solution heat treated plus aged condition (high strength or moderately high strength. Heat treatment may consist of simply aging the material from the solution treated condition supplied. Practice is the same as that for solution treating. 190 .j E 1705 5"" 110°L.001 in.. 2 10 10 Aging time. An overaged condition may be achieved by exposure for 8 h at 595 °C (1100 OF) and air cooling..... Re-solution treatment may be accomplished in as short a time as 1 to 2 min at 715 to 730 °C (1320 to 1345 "P). The cold rolling limit.9! 1300 '0. thin strip and foils and other sophisticated mill products can be produced in Beta III relatively inexpensively.160 600 730-785 690-730 815-870 1350-1450 1275-1350 1500-1600 Cooling methOO(.. Precipitation of the IX phase in 8-h exposure in the 480 to 595 °C (900 to 1100 "F) temperature range results in tensile strengths in the range 1380 to 930 MPa (200 to 135 ksi).. °C . aging temperature • Effect of aging temperature and cold work on tensile properties (a) and (b) -. z ~ a:J: - eli 80 - .01 The recommended aging heat treatment for producing the' high strength condition in Beta III alloy is 8 h at 480 °C (900 "F) followed by air cooling. tensile properties of sheet Heal Click here to view 'Ireatment 5 min 370°C (700 OF) 100 1 10 840 OF aging time.-- 10 mln 370·0 (700 oJ.. (a) Eitheraircool(AC)or waterquench(WQ) mightalloythesameagingresponsedepending onsectionthickness. Welds have good ductility with strength comparable to solution treated and aged material. 1400 0> c OF Beta III: Effect of pre-aging and cold work. Beta III: Tensile strength vs. 500 550 Aging temperature.... followed by either water quenching or air cooling.A c $ ~ 5"" • 10o. c .9! '0. 840 OF) specimens. Beta III: Effect of aging on Rockwell hardness 85 YF.. is reported to be somewhat greater than 90% reduction. Foil has been made down to 0.. Beta III is weldable by all methods.. 7 10. Redudlon oCarea. waterquenched.2 10.8 10.) thick washot rolledto 13mm (0.thick 0.2% offset.0 1158 1262 1344 168 183 195 1082 1186 1276 157 172 185 6.4 29.4 131.6 mm (0.0 194. (d) Longitudinalproperties.2 10 17 5 9 (a)At -40 °C (-40 "P).0 34.1in.4 10.thick 480 0.6 8.0 ln.0 6.1 Elongation 1n4D.1 165.6 182. Platestraightened warmwithoutreheating. lemperalure lensUe strengfh OF OF -c -c s MPa ksi As hotrolled(a) 785(b) 1450(b) 73O(b) 73O(b) 1350(b) 1350(b) 15 480 540 595 900 1000 1100 480 510 540 565 595 900 950 1000 1050 1100 480 540 595 900 1000 1100 15 30 992 922 1359 1297 1086 834 1343 1288 1219 1143 1090 949 1397 1255 1036 143.3 8.005in.6 125.1 174.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 561 Beta III: Typical mechanical properties Aging temperature -c Rivet wire(c) As solutiontreated 480 510 540 565 590 Bar.7 11.6 181.9 mm (1.010in.9 165.0 900 1000 (a)0.) thlck(c)(d) Assolutiontreated 480 510 540 590 Sheet 1. % % 900 950 1000 1050 1100 993 1365 1303 1186 1089 986 144 198 189 172 158 143 792 1269 1213 1124 1034 945 115 184 176 163 150 137 24 15 18 21 25 27 65 36 38 44 56 65 900 1000 1100 855 1386 1165 1041 124 201 169 151 752 1317 1096 1007 109 191 159 146 21 11 17 17 72 33 63 67 900 950 1000 1100 896 1351 1289 1255 1041 130 196 187 182 151 827 1262 1200 1179 979 120 183 174 171 142 22 3 5 4. aged 8 h.3 148.8 8 15 8 14.010in.7 22.8 8 8 13.2 11 26 10.2 4.7 197.005 in.(b) In 2 in.6 mm (0.0 20.8 158.5 in.thick 540 0.0 2. 760°C(1400oF) 0.3 10.0 10.0 153.0 8.5 2.002in.) thickness usingfurnacetemperature925°C (1700"F).9 176.9 186. final passexittemperature895°C (1640"F).0 6. or 4dwhere d is diameterof reducedsectionof tensiletestspecimen. (b)Plate27.8 26.0 6.) thick plate as rolled.5 23.thick ThnsUe yield strength(a) MPa ksl Ultimate IeIl5ile strength ksi MPa OF EIongallon(h). (e)Solutiontreated.5 1282 1510 1586 186 219 230 1248 1413 1538 181 205 223 6. 720°C(1325oF) Aircooled Waterquenched 480 540 Solutiontreated.0 Reduction ofarea.7 12.5in.2 %) ksi MPa 921 862 1281 1207 1026 728 1248 1200 1137 1057 1023 906 1277 1158 979 133.063fn.1 148.8 20.3 ThnsiJe yield strength (0.5 6. CluupyV-DOlch impaclloug~(a) % J I\·lhf 67. (c) Solutiontreated730 to 790 °C (1350to 1450"F).descaledandpickled.3 168.002in.0 4.4 185.0 20.thick 0.2 13.1 157.002in.6 121. reheattemperatureof925 °C (1700 oF).0 150.2 137.8 105.0 8.0 5.0 8.7 202.) thick Solutiontreated.5 8.9 133.7 12.2 69.0 4.0 13.3 24 900 1000 972 841 1413 1158 141 122 205 168 882 738 1317 1089 128 107 191 158 17 20 7 8 45 52 29 45 900 1000 896 827 1310 1138 130 120 190 165 834 745 1234 1062 121 108 179 154 18 21 6 8 45 48 35 42 1000 979 1014 145 142 147 958 924 958 139 134 139 8.0 142. 770°C (1425oF) Aircooled Waterquenched 480 540 Lab foil specimen(e) Assolutiontreated.6 68.522in.thick 0.tensile properties of sheet Room-temperature tensile properties of 13 mm (0.7 56. solution treated.5 8. and aged Solution Quench 8-haging Ulthnate Irealmenllemperature delay.thick 0. % 20.1 14.) diam(c) As solutiontreated 480 540 590 Plate 13 and 25 mm (0. 13.5and 1.9 175.1 185.8 11 62 6.7 4.9 35.005in.0 4. Note:Panelswerelaboratory solutiontreatedfor 15minat theindicatedtemperature and waterquenchedwith theindicateddelaytime .2 188.aged8 h Beta III: Aging vs.thick 0.thick 0.010in.5 13. 5 4. 730 °C (1350 oF) and water quenched None 480 900 510 950 540 1000 L T L T L T L T (a) Tensile properties are average of duplicate tests Beta III: Specifications and compositions SpeciJlcatloo Designation UNS R58030 Description Composilion.1 900 901 1350 1397 1208 1297 1117 1100 903 130.1 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 Other 0.).5-7.75-5.5Mo 0.7 205.1 159.015 max 0.5-7.2%) OF "C direcllon MPa ksi MPa ksi In SOrom(2 in.1 0.5-7.1 0.05 0.balTI OTO.l max.75-5.5 5.35 max 0.5 4.1 177.25 4.005.75-5.2 200.02 0.1 max 0. bal TI OTO.18 0.5 4. bal TI OTO.75-5.5-7.8 202.25 3.25 3. bal TI OTO.2 66.5-7.5 134.2 52.18 0.75-5.18 0.0 3.7 2.05 0.6 170.1 0.25 3.75-5.5 4.005.18 max 0.75-5.35 0.2 26.5-7.4.5 4.8 140.5 6.25 3.35 0.05 max 0.2 37.3 33.6 174.1 180.6 175.5 4.25 3.02 10-13 BarWrrSill Bar WrrSTA ShPltStrST PipST lObe Heat Ex/Con Sill Bar Bil FrgAnn FrgHT ST BarBiiSill 0.4.02 0.) thick hand sheet as solution treated and after various aging treatments 8-haging UllhnatelensUe TensUe yietd temperature Spechnen strength(a) strength(0.0 56.18 0.4. balTI OTO.02 0.35 0.05 0.8 10.25 4.balTI OTO.7 195.4.02 10-13 0.4 179.l max. bal TI Spain UNE38-730 L-7702 USA AMS4980B AMS4980B ASIMB265 ASIMB337 ASIMB338 ASIM B348(10}-87 ASIM B348(10}-87 MIL F-83142A MILF-83142A MILT-9046J MILT-9047G Grade 10 Grade 10 Grade 10 Comp13 Comp13 CodeB-2 TI-4.4 198.35 max 0.6 131.25 3.5 4.0 11.9 185.3 5.1 0. Y 0. min.7 190.75-5.5 4.3 188.562/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Beta III: Commercial compositions Specillcalion Designation Descripllon Ugine Ugine USA IDI2ZrE IDI2ZrE BarSh Quen BarSh Quen Aged Crucible Crucible Orernet Betam Betam TI Beta 3 Ann ill C Fe Composillon.05 0.02 max 0.5 OTO.4max. YO. an 315"C (600 oF) 0 2 2 2 2 10 0 370"C (700 oF) 0 10 2 2 2 0 5 Coldwork.5 4.5 0.3 26.75-5.005.5 4.6 196.35 0.9 37.75-5.25 4.25 3.4.7 7.4 837 809 1370 1419 1348 1354 1237 1288 121.balTI OTO.4.2 29.0 2. bal TI OTO.3 171. 730 °C (1350 oF) and air cooled None 480 900 510 950 540 1000 595 1100 L T L T L T L T L 955 925 1397 1418 1311 1383 1201 1184 966 138.5 11.18 max 0.OEO.5-7.1 40.5 4.75-5.5 29.02 0.18 3.4 18.2 104.5 30.05 0.35 0.1 162.0 5. tensile properties of sheet Room-temperature tensile properties of 1.18 3.5-7.05 0. WI % (nomlnalcontentonly) Mo N 0 H Sn Zr Other 11.5 4.067 in.35 0.35 0.02 0.2 9.8 195.2 202.2 62. bal TI OTO.1 0.2 194.7 mm (0.18 0.4 19.1 0.0 10.35 0.5 6 6 balTI balTI Fmnce Beta III: Aging vs. % Elongation Reduction ofarea.1 0.35 0.1 0.5 11.4.4 117.18 0.25 3.4.02 0.4 186.05 0. % Solution treated 3 min.5-7. % 0 0 0 10 20 0 0 TImeto fuU strength.05 Sh Str Bar Frg lObe ill 0.18 3.0 7. OEO.4.35 0.8 Solution treated 3 min.5-7.5-7 4. YO.35 0.5-7.9 753 718 1337 1407 1247 1279 1173 1233 109. balTI OTO. min 1440 2 10-20 7 3 20 100 Note: Effects pre-aging and cold work on aging time al450 °C (840 oF) to reach full strength .0 204.05 0.02 Beta III: Effect of pre-age and cold work on age time Pre-age.7 205.2 23.25 3.5 OTO.015 0.6 130.05 max 0.05 0.75-5.4 max.18 0.1 0.5Sn-6Zr-11.8 5.25 3.4.5-7.18 0. bal TI 0.5 4.75-5.5 5.1 0.7 4.5 6 6 balTI baITI 11.05 0.015 0. WI % 0 C Fe H Mo N So Zr 0.0 61.1 max 0.4 11. although p grain growth is not a problem. As a solute-rich p alloy. Titanium Alloys Handbook. 730°C (1345 "P). For effect of aging temperature on hardness. and billet. Beta C™. Beta C is a very high strength. except for a pphase stabilized by the eutectoid elements manganese and chromium. Section 1-12. Previously published Figure. Type 2 ex occurs during certain aging treatments. 200 C. with lower unit pressures (flow stresses). such as TiCr2 in Beta C can be expected to degrade cracking resistance Mechanical Properties Hardness. This increase in reducing environment resistance is achieved. at the expense of corrosion resistance in oxidizing environments such as nitric acid. Recrystallization occurs after short times above the ~ transus. with a fine recrystallized prior ~ grain size. 795°C (1465 "F). ·F 700 800 900 600 1000 5 /20% cold rolled 240 ~ 1500 ::! . . ·C 500 550 (b) Ti·3AI·8V·6Cr·4Mo·4Zr (Beta C) Common Name. s: s: C. 38-6-44 UNS Number. because no microstructural advantages are gained and there is a significant increase in unit pressure requirements . ·C 350 600 (s) 400 450 Aging temperature. strength. improved forgeability. . no cold roiling 1000L-300 ----' 400 500 Aging temperature. It is slightly more beta-stabilized than Ti-ll. see Figure Tensile Properties. Beta C is not subtransus (a + P) forged. Peak aging occurs at around 480°C (900 "F). Battelle Columbus Laboratories. and less crack sensitivity in forging than the a-p alloy Ti-6AI-4Y. chromium. vanadium. molybdenum and vanadium. plate. In contrast to the anodic breakdown associated with pitting. 220 No cold rolling ~ No cold rolling 10% cold rolled . particularly with fine ex precipitates formed at lower aging temperatures. Beta C is thermomechanically processed in forging manufacture to achieve the desired final microstructure of fine transformed p. Effectof prior cold work on the tensile properties of aged specimens._ 20% cold rolled o ~ 1250- 180 TYS. In ~ titanium alloys. 1972.5Sn (Beta III) and less beta-stabilized than Ti-13V-I1Cr-3Al Characteristics Phases and Structures.Flow stresses and unit pressures exceed that of the near-B alloy Ti-lOV-2Fe-3Al. See Tables for specifications and for commercial compositions. R58640 Chemical Composition. p 72-1) Beta Transus.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 563 Beta III: Effect of aging temperature and cold work on tensile properties. Oxidizing agents such as ferric chloride (FeC13) have a similar adverse effect on corrosion in sulfuric acid Crevice Corrosion. is too high ChemicaVCorrosion Properties. Prior cold work accelerates the formation of intragranular ex and also reduces the extent of grain boundary ex. spring wire.A. limited grain boundary films. Intergranular cracking has only been observed in a few aged p alloys. crevice corrosion is usually the result of acidification in the crevice region by oxidant depletion. Solutionheattreated5 min at 730°C (1345 OF) and waterquenchedpriorto cold working or aging. and fatigue properties. although closed die forgings predominate. sheet. see Figure Fabrication Properties Forging. fastener stock. metastable p alloy. Beta C is formulated by depressing the beta transus with the beta isomorphous elements. and smaller quantities of ex (in the form of coarse precipitates) are found at higher temperatures. Wood and RJ. pipe. Beta C is expected to outperform CP Ti in terms of crevice corrosion resistance Stress Corrosion Cracking. deep hardening. Molybdenum additions improve the corrosion resistance of titanium alloys in reducing media.5Mo6Zr-4. depending on alloy composition and microstructure. and this effect is evidenced by the general corrosion rates of Beta C in reducing media such as hydrochloric and sulfuric acid. in preparation for final thermal treatments. The highly refined microstructures of Beta C forgings are responsible for its excellent corrosion. the ~ phase may be susceptible to either transgranular or intergranular stress-corrosion cracking (SCC). precipitation of ex within the solute-lean p regions (~') of Beta C is slow. or tantalum is immune to SCC. OF 700 800 900 1000 1100 Click here to view Aging temperature. c: ~ lii c: lii 'o" 10% cold rolled __ . Although p + 0} phase structures appear to be highly resistant. niobium. however. Beta C is a highly forgeable alloy (when forged above the p transus). It can be fabricated into all forging product types. For typical room temperature tensile properties of strip._. Beta C is forged above the transus through one or more forging operations. the precipitation of compounds. Therefore. Reheating for subsequent forging operations recrystallize the alloy from prior hot work refining prior p grain size. Agingtimesnot given (they are peak agingtimes) LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Aging temperature. Favor. The possibility of a second phase responsible for inhibiting grain growth above the p transus has been suggested (R. and the sluggish beta eutectoid element. Beta phase stabilized by either molybdenum. MCIC-HB-02. 8 x 2. Vickers hardness measurements were carried out at 10 kgf Beta C: Microstructure.5 3.Q3 0.5-8. solution treated 30 min at 815°C (1500 OF).c: {'! ~ <.5 3.14 0. The material is markedly strengthened by cold work to about 60% but further cold work has little additional effect. % N 0 V 'h other USA Astro Oremet RMI Teledyne Timet Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Zr4Mo BarSprgPip TI-38-644 3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr4Mo ShPItBarBilWirEx Tel-TI-3Al-8V-6Cr4M04Zr TIMETAL 3-8-644 IngBiiSTA 0.5 3.5 7. 1500 to 1545 OF) may be used for products such as wire and sheet.54.02. ductility. Annealing for Beta e is the same as solution treating Solution Heat Treating. However.CO. 925°C) are generally favored for thicker section products such as plate and bar. and aged 6 hat 675°C (1245 OF).) to remove oxide scale and the contaminated layer and were polished and buffed to smooth surfaces. '" -. and in certain cases where the material is to be used in the aged or Beta C: Effect of aging temperature on hardness. 4 350 5 . Specimens were mounted in resin.g. Beta e has lower strength. depending on processing history and heat treatment. A typical recommended solution annealing treatment for Beta e is 30 min at 815 "C (1500 OF) (terminated by either water quenching or air cooling). Data suggest that aged material would not be very workable below about 540 "C (1000 oF) Aging. -. For thick section Beta e forgings.) were cut from hot rolled plate and solution treated at 750°C (1380 OF) 30 min. prior cold work accelerates the aging reaction.5 0. Forgings may be supplied in the annealed or solution annealed (ST) condition and/or fully aged (STA). overaged condition. good properties (high ductility in the solution annealed condition and combinations of good strength and ductility in the aged condition) also may be obtained by solution annealing at temperatures up to 925 "C (1695 OF).03 0. Blocks 5 x 20 x 60 mm (0. Full annealing may be used to alleviate undesirable residual stresses in Beta e. Solution annealing temperature has a significant effect on the ductility of plate.05. Temperatures range from 455 to 540 "C (850 to 1000"F).14 0. In the ST condition.5-8. and fatigue.balTI HO. Typical aging times range from 6 to 12 h at the aging temperature. plus 20 h age at indicated temperatures.balTI 3. rod.5-8.5 3. 0 ~ '1 III 81400 c: 'E 0"c / os "- / . followed by air cooling. show effect of aging time on room temperature tensile properties and effect of aging and cold work.5 Fe Mo Composition.5-6.5 0.. strip. but little effect on the properties of small-diameter rod For effect of thermomechanical processing on properties.balTI .54.564/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Final Thermal Treatments. cold drawn.3 in.5-8. Solution treatment is conducted at 815 to 925 "C (1500 to 1695 OF). Figure (a) and (b) in both instances.5-6. and foil products..14max 7.3 3.14 7. The higher temperatures (e. A wide range of aging heat treatments may be used for Beta e to achieve a preferred strength level and associated mechanical properties.5-4.5 CO. stress relief annealing may be accomplished simultaneously with the aging or overaging heat treatment.5 C0. and the mechanical properties expected.2 x 0. As in other ~ titanium alloys. and the capacity for cold work enhances the manufacture of seamless tubing.5 3. 250x Aging temperature. Limited information is available on warm working of Beta C. but much higher ductility and toughness than in the STA condition (not recommended for high-temperature use).05max.04 in. 300 330 380 430 480 530 580 630 Aging temperature.3 0.g.54. WO. see Table Forming. <.5-6.03max 0. Total cold reductions of 60 to 70% are common for Beta C.5 5.g450 -'<: --4>. whereas the lower temperatures (e. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Beta e is capable of achieving many strength/ductility combinations.5 3-4 3-4 3-4 5. wire.5-4. 815 to 840 "C.3 0. Aging is conducted at 455 to 540 "C (850 to 1000 OF).5 7. it has been reported that a three-step heat treatment process improves the overall combination of strength. Aging is terminated by air cooling. although 12 to 24 h exposure may be used to age material to maximum strength at aging temperatures of 455 to 465 "C (850 to 870 OF).54. Precipitated IX (dark) in grains of ~.05.5 5.5-6. its processing history. Treatments for Beta e forgings include annealing or solution annealing and aging.03 0. and a fine. 'C Beta C: Commercial compositions Specification Designation Description AI Cr 3-4 5. Some care should be exercised in matching the solution annealing treatment with the mill product form being used. but good results would be expected in the 230 to 345 "C (450 to 650 "F) range. 'F 700 800 900 1000 1100 500 LIVE GRAPH > :r: Click here to view .5-4. toughness. Rod. Kroll's reagent (ASTM 192). Testing surfaces were planed 1 mm (0.5 3.5-4. uniformly dispersed IX precipitate may be obtained. 1200L- ..1.042 in.2nun (0. 19 mm (0.) wall.7mm(0. 500 (8) 550 600 Aging temperature.. ID) Fastenerstock. Aged for 6 h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1000 Aging temperature.12nun (0. annealed 220 20 200 ~ .solutionannealed Beta C: Aged tensile properties vs. g 'D -g 20 Q) «'" 14001t-------+-----+-------tft.) diam Billet.. 2.95in..050in.l. 5. • 14001-:--~---1-'----- ~ 11 o 25 UTS.)diam 'Thmlle yield strength VIIlmate temlle strength direction Product L-edge L-midradius Lcenter 37 21 13 16 25 50 44 28 18 17 16 Note: STA..l:_---+_-----l 180 tiJ~ 10001----t----"'''''--=-''+'''''''-~~::I_-c::L--l .0 mm (0. 00.solutiontreatedandaged:SA. annealed YS.7"'-=-+----------. v-- --- LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~v !. cold work.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys /565 Beta C:Typical RT tensile properties Elongation. 815 °cl ~ v-------~ . °c 650 700 . cold reduced YS.- 40 60 Cold reduction. Effect of aging temperature variation and of cold work plus aging temperature on the tensile properties of tubing.229in. oi40 .) OD x 1. 1800f-------t-----+----------I ~ '" c '0 160011-:-----===-"""'F-------:. OF 1100 1200 1000 700 (b) Anneal~d (Jo \ 0/ / min.. OF 1100 1200 I 1600 .75 in. ID (2. ~ c 800L-_ _----''--_ _--'- 160 fJ) '" 0 140 5 •° -'-_ _----'120 o 650 500 °c Aging temperature.150nun (6 in. Reduction ofarea. ~ 1200I-=·-=~::-I-~-___.J o t.) L SA T STA L STA SA STA CW+age STA L L L L T Pipe.8mm(0.4.:!.- . MPa ksl MPa ksl II II SA STA SA L L L STA L 896 1338 896 931 1372 1441 924 924 1276 1296 1151 876 11I7 1469 1193 1207 1220 130 194 130 135 199 209 134 134 185 188 167 127 162 213 173 175 177 855 1241 883 917 1276 1344 896 910 1179 1207 1014 862 1048 124 180 128 133 185 195 130 132 171 175 147 125 152 1145 1151 1158 166 167 168 16 7 10 6 8 5 14 6 II 9 II 27 18 12 9 9 9 'Thst Condition Strip.75 nun 00 x 50 in.5nun (0.---- \ Cold reduced (48%) 550 600 Aging temperature.) Sheet.. % 80 (b) (8) Beta C: Effect of aging and cold work (6 h age).500in... ~ 5i Click here to view .187in.) diam Springwire. cold reduced UTS.---0- ~ 40 60 Cold reduction. 5 .0.Q20 in. Effect of increasing amounts of cold work on the room-temperature tensile properties of aged alloy cold drawn as indicated plus aged for 6 h at 480°C (900 OF) and air cooled 2000 60 LIVE GRAPH 280 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view al ~ a.) T T Plate.L.00in.. % 20 ~ a: ---J180 o 80 20 I--- .c e.:!. 03 0.12 0.5 5. A major advantage of Ti-1O-2-3 over commercially available alpha-beta compositions of similar strength levels is its toughness in air and salt water environments.8h 910 "C.5-6.12 0.1 to 0.5-4.5 3. 8h 91O"C.OTO.5 5. Recrystallization and grain structure of Ti-lOV-2Fe3AI are influenced greatly by minor modifications in thennomechanical processing.5 5. Ti-lOV-2Fe-3AI generally is not solution treated above the p transus because ductility and toughness are lower than that of <X1p solution treated material. which detracts from ductility. is necessary to meet fracture toughness requirements.005.5 7.5-4. See Tables for AMS specifications and compositions.03 0.1 eKlrlYsl (b) Mih is the threshold stress-intensity in fatigue crack growth rate tests.4.5-6.YO. 8h Thnsileyield Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksi strength MPa lIsi 1123 1199 1190 1151 1179 1262 1258 1192 163 174 172 167 171 183 182 173 Reduction Elongation. ec)Smooth fatigue stress at 10 cycles.5 3.8h 815 "C.balTI H 0.4986. Major advantages are its excellent forgeability. 2. its high toughness in air and saltwater environments.12 0. with the lower strengths being utilized when higher fracture toughness is required.5 F=30 10 125 Hz Ti·10V·2Fe·3AI Common Name. with a range of 790 to 805°C (1455 to 1480 OF) Physical Properties. Coarse. As a solute-lean p alloy.05. Forging route ~. Mill products are billet.12 HO.5-8. This near-beta alloy was developed primarily for highstrength and toughness applications at temperatures up to 315°C (600 "F) and tensile strengths of 1240 MPa (180 ksi) in order to provide weight savings over steels in airframe forging applications. OTO.5 5.) thick. lests conducted al R = 0.3.5-4.005.5-8.12 0.03 0.4.5 4 USA AMS4957 AMS4958 MILT-9046J MILT-9046J MILT-9047G MILT-9047G Code B-3 Code B-3 Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4M04Zr Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4M04Zr BarWlfCD BarRodSTA Sh Strp Pit SHT ShStrp Pit STA BarBilSTA BarBilSHT 0.5 5.10 0.5-6.5-8.5 3. is produced during solution treatment in the ex + p lamellar ex as a result of <X111 work. whereas high volume fractions of ex retard recrystallization. 125 mm (5 in.02.05. CO.9 3. plate.CO. ofarea. Ti-1O-2-3 is a near-beta alloy. Ti-1O-2-3 has a near-beta composition and is slightly more beta stabilized than Ti-ll.5-4.03 0. YO.5 3.YO. The precise microstructural characteristics depend on the deformation and heat treatment history of the alloy. phosphorus.5 3. Ti-1O-2-3 UNS Number.+195"C ~. Ti-lOV-2Fe-3AI is capable of being heat treated to provide a wide range of properties. and its high hardenability.5 Fe Mo N Composition. and for commercial compositions Characteristics Phases and Structures.566/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys BetaC: Specifications SpeeillcaJion Designation UNS R58640 Description AI Cr 3 6 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 5.5Sn (Beta III).5-8.0 0.4. and 4983A) covering strengths ranging from 965 to 1240 MPa (140 to 180 ksi).5Mo-6Zr-4. There are four AMS specifications (AMS 4984.3 0. and plate Applications. High amounts of deformation and high temperatures enhance dynamic recrystallization and the formation of equiaxed p.5-4.5 7. C 0. High deformation also reduces the aspect ratio of ex platelets. Chemical microsegregation (or beta flecks).5-4.5-6. Unassigned Chemical Composition.005. bar.4. and silicon can occur. it is being used for components by much of the aerospace industry.4 4. Forgings are normally beta forged followed by ex-p forging.5 3.5 0.3 0.03. CO. See TTT diagram for beta solution treated alloy Beta Transus. The remnant acicular alpha.03 0.5-8.5 3. Ti-1O-2-3 is used where medium-to-high strength and high toughness are required in bar.12 0.CO.5-4.03.5 7.03 0.3 0. AC+565 ·C.5-4. It is used by the aerospace industry.5-6. Inclusions rich in titanium. capable of attaining a wide variety of strength levels depending on selection of heat treatment.4. wi % V 0 Zr Other 8 4 balTi 7. which has little effect on strength but has desirable effects on ductility. is due to iron segregation Specifications.02.05. See Figure for effect of solution temperature on primary alpha content.balTi HO.(h) MPa'liii' ksl'liii:" <4.5-4.3 0.5 7. It can . = 1. with about 10 or 15 to 25% reductions (for high-strength condition) to break up grain-boundary ex and recrystallize some of the primary ex to a globular shape for improved ductility.balTI HO.5 1.5 3.4 <4.5-4.5-8. extreme overaging of p quenched material can restore ductility and toughness to acceptable levels Grain Structure. Of special interest for high-strength forgings.AC+535"C. their resistance to crack growth is generally inferior to a + ~ alloys.12 Smoothfatigue llK".5 3.4. AC+535 "C.+85"C ~. sulfur.+85"C Heat treatmeDl 535 "C.bal Ti HO. See Table for corrosion rates in specific media Product Forms. Ti-1O-2-3 has the best hot-die forgeability of any commercial titanium alloy and is often used fornear-net-shape forging applications.OTO. globular ex. 4987. % % 6 8 3 11 14 7 22 9 Fracture toughness ~KI') MPa m ksi'fut 53 48 50 57 48 43 45 52 Critical crack length(a) mm in.005.075 0. the microstructure of Ti-lOV-2Fe-3AI typically has a bimodal (equiaxed and lamellar) ex phase in a p matrix.5-6. which is found in other p alloys and even some ex + p alloys. bal Ti BetaC: Effect of TMPon properties Due to the fine microstructural features of aged ~ alloys.3 0.071 0.5-4. or forged sections up.CO.4 <4 <4 4 stress(c) MPa lIsi 790 800 700 780 114 116 114 113 7 (a) Critical crack length.balTI HO.5 7. 800°C (1470 "F) is often reported as the typical transus.8 1.5 3.02.+85"C ~. OTO.3 3.OTO. However. becauseotherformsofcorrosion. The preferred forging process to meet the preceding mechanical-property criteria is controlled ~ forging followed by controlled aJ~ forging. The formation of ro will provide high strengths. insitutestingmay providemorereliabledata . is a function of both hydrogen concentration and thermal processing prior to and/or subsequent to hydrogen introduction. 300 to 470 HV Typical Rockwell C Hardness. There are applications in which it may be desirable to create a stable microstructure that will not change greatly with service exposure at intermediate temperatures. globular primary a provides higher ductility at a given strength. The alloy is capable of being heat treated to 1190 MPa (173 ksi) in section thicknesses up to 75 mm (3 in. In the STA condition. Treatments for forgings include twoand/or three-step subtransus solution treating. and 565 to 620°C (1050 to 1100 "F) for the lower strength. Ti-IOV-2Fe-3Al is among the most forgeable of all titanium alloys.10 0. The intrinsic embrittling effect is generally observed as decreased ductility and a reduction in tensile strength. A final long-time (48 h) age at 480°C (900 "F) would further stabilize the alloy. and aging. The second hydrogen effect results from hydrogen being a powerful beta stabilizing element. In general. and 965 MPa (140 ksi) ultimate tensile strength and 88 MPa-frll (80 ksi--fuL) fracture toughness (KIc). improved forgeability.and otherfactors. Forgings are supplied at three major strength/fracture toughness combination levels: 1190 MPa (173 ksi) ultimate tensile strength and 44 MPa-frll (40 ksi --fuL) fracture to. allowing the tailoring of properties. Microstructural objectives range from fully transformed. OC Cormskm rate. ductility will then improve with increasing amounts of primary a. In general terms. thermomechanical processing (TMP) of Ti-lOV-2Fe-3Al achieves desired final microstructure through manipulation of a phase morphology. 510 to 540 °C (950 to 1000 "F) for the intermediate strength. Ratesmay varydepending on changesin mediumchemistry. andlordynamicenvironments. Medium Ferricchloride Hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid+0. and significantly less crack sensitivity in forging vs.5 5 'Thmperatnre.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 567 be heat treated over a wide strength-toughness range. high Cl blended elemental powder compacts. for a given microstructure. mmfyr Boiling Boiling Boiling nil 1. Hydrogen can display two separate types of effects in Ti-I 02-3. characterized by extremely fme secondary (aged) a. followed by furnace cooling to an overaging temperature. quenching. See Table for typical tensile properties of various product forms Effect of Microstructure. and for thermomechanical treatments for forgings Recommended Heat Treating Practice Ti-IOV-2Fe-3Al is used in the solution treated and aged condition. The addition of hydrogen can strongly influence tensile properties in Ti-IO-2-3. The very high hardnesses obtained by aging at temperatures of 370°C (700 "F) or below are due to the precipitation of omega at these low temperatures. It is selected for applications requiring uniformity of tensile properties at surface and center locations. The major user. but poor ductility. Incomplex. Forgings may be supplied in the annealed or solution and aged (STA) condition and/or overaged (STOA) conditions.variable. See Tables for typical heat treatments and for heat treating schedules for forgings.!!Shness (K~ 1100 MPa (160 ksi) ultimate tensile strength and 60 MPa"m (55 ksi--fuL) fracture toughnesUKIc). and then decrease again as the amount of primary a is increased. ductility. overaging. See Figure for effect of aging on Vickers hardness RT Tensile Properties. The aging temperature should be at least 475 °C (890 OF) to avoid the formation of ro phase. One way to achieve this is to solution treat. with water and/or other quenchants (including polymers) for thicker section forgings. suchas localizedattack.maybe limiting. fatigue. the a-~ alloy Ti-6AI-4Y. the first is as an intrinsic embrittling agent. Thermomechanical Processing. the alloy achieves high strength and fatigue properties and superior ductility. See Tables for effect of microstructure on tensile properties. Solution treatment is conducted at 745 to 765°C (1375 to 1410 "F) followed by air cooling or faster for very thin section precision forgings. and toughness than in the STA condition. Hydrogen is a ~ stabilizer. Changes in tensile properties may be a direct result of hydrogen-induced changes in microstructure. Totalalloysuitabilitycannotbeassumedfrom thesevaluesalone. The latter microstructure is preferred for most aerospace applications and forms the basis for most commercial use of the alloy in forgings. and for tensile properties of selected microstructures. Boeing.1% FeCh % 10 0. but has poor toughness and fracture-related properties Ti-l OV-2Fe-3AI: Forging processtemperatures Mechanical Properties Hardness. lengthof exposure. The ductility of a microstructure with no primary a will be minimum. 32 to 41 HRC See Table for effect of forging conditions on Rockwell hardness. so high H2 concentrations stabilize the ~. with lower unit pressures (flow stresses). This. in combination with final thermal treatment.) thick with uniform properties. The type and magnitude of hydrogen effects. Unlike other ~ alloys. Aging is conducted at 480 to 525°C (900 to 970 "F) for the highest strength. The strength-ductility-toughness relationship is dependent on the microstructure (and the processing which provides the microstructural variations). Two exceptions: castings (Ti-IO-2-3 is not considered a casting alloy) and the conventional. often nil Effect of Hydrogen. akin to the hydrogen embrittlement observed in other metals. Uniform properties can be obtained for heavier section thicknesses at lower strength. With such conventional processes. Generally. and fracture-related properties.008 Thesedatashould beusedonlyas a guidelinefor alloyperformance. higher ductility. hot-die and conventional forgings. Ti-IOV-2Fe3Al has lower strengths. hydrogen introduced into the material after final thermo mechanical processing results in an intrinsic effect. making the aging reaction more sluggish TYpical Vickers Hardness. aged strength can be increased by increasing the solution temperature or decreasing the aging temperature. and air cooling. temperature. See Tables for mechanical properties offorgings solution treated and aged and solution treated and overaged. See Figure for effect of Hz concentration on yield strength Fabrication Properties Forging. provides the optimum combination ofstrength. Uses include aerospace airframes. Ti-IOV-2Fe-3Al may be conventionally a + ~ forged and thermally Metal temperature Conventional forge Betaforge 700-785 815-870 1300-1450 1500-1600 Final Thermal Treatments. Almost all product forms are capable of being heat treated over the strength range cited in the adjoining Table. See Figures for effect of solution treatment on tensile properties and for effect of aging on ultimate tensile strength Ti-l OV-2Fe-3AI: Corrosion ratesin specific media Concentration. The highly refined microstructures achieved in Ti-IOV-2Fe-3Al forgings are responsible for its superior strength and high-cycle fatigue properties and excellent fracture toughness and low cycle fatigue properties. toughness. and other forged parts. uses the alloy at service temperatures up to 260°C (500 "F) treated. aged ~ structures to controlled amounts of elongated primary a in an aged ~ matrix. 05 0.7 0 4.. 9.25 in. toratlure. Designation USA AMS4986 AMS4983A AMS4984 AMS4987 Description AI C Fe H N FrgSTOA FrgSTA FrgSTA FrgSTOA 2. ...3.005 0.05 0.3 3.2 0.4 0.3.6-3. (b) Criticalcracklength.7 35 32 2.005 0.2 1..13 0.l3 0. Designation Description KSIO-2-3 BarFrgSTA TIMETAL10-2-3 Frg Fe H N 2.6-2.fYS)2.) in diarnand3. Reduction ofarea. 44 40 54 80 1.) mm in.d Ultimate tensile strength MPa k. 1300-1380 1230-1350 1275-1310 1240 188-200 178-196 185-190 l80 1200-1255 1145-1280 1150-1160 1170 174-182 166-185 167-168 169 3-6 4-10 5-8 4 5-13 5-28 5-29 29 44-60 47 26 40-54 43 1310 1345-1400 1195 1228-1275 190 195-203 173 177-185 1205 1240-1305 1110 1185-1245 175 180-189 161 172-180 9 6-8 3. Reduction ofarea. HIP+ isothermal forge PIS(0.6-2.9 0 17.Q15 C AI wt'" 0 V 0.2 1.d 741 107 262 38 1218 176 Brittle.05 1.balTI OTO.balTI Ti-l OV-2Fe-3AI: Commercial compositions Specillcalion Japan Kobe USA Timet Composition.1 10..5 7-9 13 15-28 28 25 28-29 25-26 1060-1100 965 1110-1170 1125-1145 1120-1160 1105-1130 l54-159 140 161-169 163-166 162-168 160-164 985-1060 930 1000-1105 1050-1090 1070-1105 1010-1030 143-154 135 145-160 152-158 155-160 146-149 8-12 16 6-7 13-15 9-10 6-10 22-32 50 10-18 37-45 70 100 45-48 55 32 64 92 41-44 50 29 6-15 Ti-l OV-2Fe-3AI: Mechanical properties of forgings Thoslle yield Heat lreatmenl(a) MPa ksi U1limate tensile strength MPa ksi STA STA STOA 1100 1000 895 160 145 130 1195 1100 965 strength Reduction ofarea.6-2..Q15 0.4 yield 1063 154 1225 177 862 878 1266 125 127 183 1430 207 1106 1243 160 180 Unlfonn elongation..005 OTO.58 0 8.5 8..6-3.Forgingprocessis ~ hot die forgeor ~ block/a + ~ finish perAMS4983.05 yield 1240 180 Brittle. The strainrate was 0.4 2.9 895 860 830 130 125 120 (a)STAiSTOA: singleor duplexsolutiontreatedand aged or overaged.05 0.1 4.Q15 0.13 0..05 0..3 18.13 9-11 9-1I 9-11 9-11 0.16 0.568/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-l OV-2Fe-3AI: Typical tensile properties of various productforms Thnslle peWstrength MPa k.25 0 16 0 58 14 .13 9-11 balTI 0..3.2 1.7 l5..2 0.2 cm (1.4 1. HIP Prealloyed. .42 Smooth Fatigue I!reSS(dl ksI MPa AKth(c) MPa'liii ksI'AiL lengthlbl ksi'AiL 60 88 15 20 Critkalcrack Fracture toughness MPa~ 4.3.1 (Kr.l to 0.0 4.Specimenswerepulledwith the rollingdirectionparallelto the tensileaxis .640em (0. .6 2.3.6-2.6-3.testsconductedat R O.05 0.balTI OTO.19wt%Cl max) PIS+ HIP Reduced strength condition Isothermal forgings Pancakeforgings Extrusions PIMprealloyedHIP+ isothermal forge PIMP/S+HIP Castings Elongation.4 2. (c) 7 dKlhis the thresholdstress-intensity in fatiguecrack growth ratetests. .(d)Smoothfatiguestressat 10 cycles.3In.13 9-11 balTI Other Y Ti-l OV-2Fe-3AI: Effect of microstructure on tensile properties Microstructure 20%primarya + ~ + athermalOJ ~ + athermalro a + ~ + isothermalOJ ~ + isothennalOJ 20%primarya+~+a(unifonn) ~ + a (uniform) 20%primarya + ~ + a (sympathetic) ~ +a (sympathetic) Heat treatment 730°C (1345oF)(48 h)+ WQ 850°C (1560oF)(2 h) + WQ 700°C (1290oF)(300 min) + WQ+ 250°C (480°:"> (6000min) 850 -c (1560oF)(2 h)+ WQ + 250°C (480°F) (10 min) 720°C (1330oF)(100min)+ WQ + 370°C (700°F) (1000min) 850°C (1560 "P) (100min)+ WQ + 370°C (700oF)(1000min) 730°C (1345oF)+ WQ + 500°C (930oF)(60 min) 850°C (1560oF)(100 min) + WQ+ 500 °C (930oF)(240min) Thnsile yield strength MPa ksi UltJmate tenslle strength MPa k.05 0.00055Is.6-3.4986.2 0.6-2.015 0. ~ 1.d Product fonn High-strength condition Isothermal forgings Conventional forgings Pancakeforgings Extrusions PfM high strength Prealloyed. l73 160 140 4 6 8 ~Kr.balTI OTO.6-3. Note: Tensiletestingwas performedon an Instron machineusing a clip-onextensometer.6 21..)in length.8 0.6-2.6-3.05 wt'" 0 V Y Other 0.6 3..7 3. F 30 to 125Hz = = Ti-l0V-2Fe-3AI: Specifications and compositions SpedfJC8tion Composition.005 0.4 2.Q15 0.7 0..05 0. and the tensilespecimengage sectionswere0.Q15 2.8 4.07 0. Elongation.7 0. Elongation .26 0 2. and4987. f3 + martensite 400 f3 + OJ + o martensite - .....lh.... Solutiontreatment(o) 'Iempemture below transus 1350 1300 40 ~ 10 "<...J600 100 1000 10000 10 100000 Time...AC Solutiontreatand overage Stabilize Beta anneal and overage Click here to view Solution treatmenttemperature.--'_....--L--r..8 h....3 2.8 h..... differential thermalanalysis 900 1600 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 800 _ f3transus 5% a 790°C (420 OF) • 700 oU 1400 • o u. :::> '1: o. (e)Conver- sionsfor l!...17 0.a ... Solutiontreatedat 860°C (1580 OF) for 240 s OTA.11 Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI: ITT diagram.6 10...99 0.......1h.23 0.AC 765°C (1400oF).. 800 300L..... DC (a) Holdfor a minimumof30 min....._ ...ngth Elongation..... 500 i .g 173 160 140 180 o 700 725 750 775 K 825 800 Solution treatmenttemperature. -Ii- E -0---6- 1oo0{!!..5 3...WQ+ 350°C (660 oF)103 min 35%primarya + OJ 0% primarya + largesecondary« + grainboundary a -10% primarya + largesecondary a -30% primarya + smallsecondaryn 1218 1182 1298 1239 176 171 188 180 1266 1265 1381 1395 184 183 200 202 0.."""-'-_ _.02 0.6 3...16 Elongated primary « 700°C (1290oF)8 h....... WQ+ 500°C (930oF)4 h (salt) 760 °C(l4OOoF)75 min....-_--L_...Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 569 Ti-l0V-2Fe-3AI: Heat treatingschedules for forgings Solutiontreat andage Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI: Effect of solution temperature on primary a content LIVE GRAPH 75010765°C(l385 to 1410°F).2 % oifoet) ksi MPa M1crollrncture treatment Ultimate tensile lI .... (!!.AC 480°C (900 oF).8 h.....AC 580 to595°C (1075to 1l00°F).........._ _..... :::> .48 h. Aging tempemture(b) 1400 <.... Fe to565°C (1050oF) 565°C (1050oF)... WQ + 500°C (930°F) 1h(salt) 780°C (1435°F)3h. OF E 51 30 'S S- II E Ti-l0V-2Fe-3AI: Heat treatmentper AMS specifications 20 <... WQ+ 500°C(930oF)1h (salt) 700°C (1290oF)75min........°C perspecification Ti-l OV-2Fe-3AI: Tensile properties of selected microstructure Heat ThwiIeyield strength (0...e! o Ms 555 °c E 0 Q) Q.... 8h..I.1h. WQ+ 200°C (390oF)6800min 850°C (1560oF)2h.. 1h.. WQ+500°C (930°F) 1 hfair) 850°C (1560oF)2h. (b) Hold within±5 °C (10 "F) for not less than8 h. AC(optional) 815°C(1500°F).......AC 730°C (1350oF).. WQ 48010495 -c(90010950oF)..19 0... <.09 0..AC 620°C (1150oF). Stroln MPa 1<51 % 10 fracture Primary« 725°C (1330oF)20h.olo.. Q......... ~ Q) MlnUTS MPa l<5i Speeillcotion AOC AOF OC OF AMS4984 AMS4986 AMS4987 AMS4983A 15-4O(e) 15-4O(e) 15-4O(e) 60-100 60-100 60-100 480-510 510-540 565-620 480-510 900-950 950-1000 1050-1150 900-950 1190 1100 965 1240 1450 1500 <. WQ+370°C (700°F) 103 min 780°C (1435°F)3h...7 7...63 0. s . <.I-_ _..4 3.9 0. WQ+ 500°C (930oF)4h (salt) 30%primarya +largesecondary a 30%primary a + smallsecondary a 10%primarya + largesecondary a 10%primarya +smallsecondary a 0% primarya + grainboundary a + largesecondary a 1063 1246 1202 1445 1250 154 181 174 209 181 1106 1419 1247 1544 1308 160 206 181 224 190 17.. o 1200 i:J ei 600 l'l. WQ + 500°C(930 oF)1h (salt) 725 °C(1330°F) 100min..8 4..9 0... 50 nunlrnm (inlin. a.75 75 0.9 37.03 3.0125 wt% N. 0.75 75 0.00 3.) in diameter.0 40.08% other total.00 0.03 3.75 0. % % 20 26 28 22 21 30 34 31 27 53 52 (a) Block is the initialprocess.6 4.020%N. 1. 2 h. \.themost usefulaging temperatures are480 to 540°C (900 to 1000 "F).finalpolishingwas donewith4OO-grit siliconcarbide paper Stressrelief Beta Solutiontreatingrange Agingrange Overage 'ThmpemlUre LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 500 450 > J: °C OF min Cooling method(h) 657-700(a) 1500 730-775 480-62O(b) 580-620 1250-1300(a) 815 1325-1425 900-1100(b) 1075-1150 0.9 35. 0.(d) Metaltemperature.00 3.90% Fe. ACprior to solution treatment.051% H.9 19. days 10 .(b)Single:Solutiontreatmentat IItransus30°C plus quench.98 wt% Fe. Hardness as a function of aging time at various temperatures for solution treated alloy processed at 780 °C (1435 OF). (a)Agingat 480°C (900 "F) andabovealsoeffectivelystressrelieves.75 0.7 16.7 3\.7 18 30 35 50 67 74 88 110 109 133 139 165 199 233 269 312 2.Materialwas obtainedfromTitaniumMetalsCorporationof Americafroma singleheatof?5 cm (3 in.1480 wt% 0.20 wt% AI.041 wt% C.!in. 0. 0.75 75 0.fmin HRC MPH ksi 0. in a ~ matrix.50in. Alloy was supplied in the form of round bars.Forhigh to intermediate strength.8 34.3 32.24 wt% V.0 45. was 830 + 10°C (1525 + 18 OF).Hardnesswas determinedfor eachringspecimenforgedtoO.1 34.00 3. mmfmin in.3 5.0 34.00 0.9 28. (f) Controlledcoolingrate plusdirectaging Ti-1 OV-2Fe-3AI: Effect of forging conditions on Rockwell hardness Forging temperature OF -c 954 871 788 760 732 954 704 871 677 788 643 760 732 704 677 643 1750 1600 1450 1400 1350 1750 1300 1600 1250 1450 1190 1400 1350 1300 1250 1190 Forging speed Calculated now stress Hardness.00 32.Jme.03 0. Surfaceswerepreparedby grindingandetching. Ultimate tensile Fradure \O!. 18 mm (0. (K~ MPH~ ksilD.2.7 in.7 12.8 39.95%AI.) in diameter.008%C.2 Note: Hardnessmeasurements for alloyforgedisothermallyto 0.75 0.00 3. at 780°C (1435 OF) for 2 h and water quenched. Age hardening response of the alloy was observed by means of Vickers hardness measurements • • 525°C (975 OF) 10-1 1 Aging time.(nominal)at each temperature andspeedindicated. Specimens were solution treated below the ~ transus temperature.(b)Aging temperature should beatleast475 °C (885 oF) toavoidformationofro phase.2 9.1 33.03 3.255 11m.03 3. and 10. ·C MPH ksi strength MPH ksi WQ WQ WQ WQ AC!WQ WQ WQ 510 510 510 510 495 540 580 1296 1158 1179 1268 1213 1048 990 188 168 171 184 176 152 143 1365 1269 1317 1413 1268 1144 1049 198 184 191 205 184 166 152 10 6 3 2 7 11 14 28 18 6 5 10 24 33 25 32 46 43 51 73 99 22 29 42 39 46 66 90 WQ WQ 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 540 540 590 590 1158 1220 1172 1193 1144 1144 1199 1158 1207 1227 1193 1240 1034 1069 938 958 168 177 170 173 166 166 174 168 175 178 173 180 150 155 136 139 1269 1316 1269 1289 1254 1260 1330 1248 1351 1365 1303 1372 1131 1138 1027 1006 184 191 184 187 182 183 193 181 196 198 189 199 164 165 149 146 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 13 11 9 13 13 9 7 16 16 15 19 23 16 21 51 46 55 46 55 64 48 55 57 48 52 56 66 68 90 89 46 42 50 42 50 58 43 50 52 43 47 51 60 62 82 81 Conventional closed die forgings Single alP alP Single alP P Single alP II Single P P Duplex alP P Single alP II Single alP II Hot die/isothermal forging Single P<d) lI(e) lI(d) Single lI(e) lI(d) lI(e) None lI(d) Single allI(e) lI(d) alp(e) Single alp(e) P(d) None allI(d) lI(e) Single allI(d) pee) Single alP(d) lI(e) None alp(e) allI(d) Single allI(d) allI(e) Single allI(d) allI(e) None lI(d) Single lI(e) lI(d) None lI(e) lI(d) lI(e) Single lI(d) lI(e) None (f) WQ AC (f) WQ AC (f) WQ AC (f) WQ (f) WQ (f) Elongation.5-2 Air or slowcool 1 8 8 WQ AC AC Time.5 33. with globular a.finish is the finalprocess in closeddie forging.1 33.10%V. respectively 400 vi IIIc: ~ 350 J: Ti-1 OV-2Fe-3AI: Typical heat treatments Heat Treatment Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI: Effect of aging on Vickers hardness. 0. Composition. 10.)diambar.0 15. (e)Die temperature.8 10.2 23. Quenching lempemlUre(c).8 35..03 0.6 32. Isothermal aging treatments were performed in salt baths or in an air furnace on cylindrical blanks 14 mm (0.75 0.2 3\.8 33. The transformation temperature.116% 0.03 0. 0.Q3 0.6 35. (c) 8-haging treatment. 0.Duplex:Solutionannealat p transus25°C.75 75 75 75 75 75 0. microscopically determined. 0.Measurements weremade at randomlocationswith at least ten measurements per specimen.570 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-1 OV-2Fe-3AI: Thermomechanical processing route for forgings Forging processCH) Block Finish 'Thnslle yield strength AgIng Solution beal trealmenl(h) Reduction ofarea.mean grain diameter. Microstructure in the as-received condition was fully recrystallized.00 0.3 20.) (nominal)at variousconditions.55 in. water quenched. Chemical composition: 3.1 7. + ~ forged. a / ~ Q) 1000 ~ Q.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 571 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI: TTT diagramfor /3-solution treatedalloy. Sievert's charging was done prior to heat treating to establish the desired microstructure 100 OJ 600 a. E ~500 Q) i l- 800 Transition 400 ~ '--300 Uniform --- Unifonn _00 200 0.. at. OF Solution treatmenltemperature.===~0 720 740 760 780 Solution treatment temperature. 800 The base hydrogen level was 0.% were obtained by this method (although not for each microstructure). °c 800 950 1000 1050 1100 200 OJ 190 ~ 1300 50 UTS TVS RA 900 ~ 0- .~ ~ Cl t ~ 1200 "iii ~ j 5 180 g> I!! 170 ~ o 1ii 2 ~ £ o ~ 160 ~ 1100 Q) o 150 o 1000 140 o 900L. 40 30 EL .450 -'500 550 Aging temperature. OF 850 1400 13OO1~1~1~1~1~01~1~14M 1600 1500 70 LIVE GRAPH 60 Click here to view 0 o: . °c ----' 600 ~ :s . All specimens were solution treated at 750 DC (1380 OF) followed by water quenching._ _. 1000 10 900L 700 20 -:.:::::.-. No appreciable difference in /3 grain size was detected due to varying the hydrogen charging temperature within this range. Aging time was 8 h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Aging temperature...1 100 10 IX IX ~ finish 600 start start (approximate) 1000 400 100000 10000 Time.% (40 ppm).2 at.% Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI: Effect of solution treatment on tensile properties.u / / i:::l 600 IX Sympathetic IX start start ~ 1400 Sympathetic IX tinish 1200.... 80 g>4oo I!! 60 'iii "'" ~c: ::!: £ I!! 1ii 1ii 0 "0 Qj >= ~ 0 200 "0 ~ 0 Qj 40 >= 0 20 LIVE GRAPH 0 10 0 Click here to view 0 30 20 Hydrogen concentration. Typical properties after solution treating for 8 h at various temperatures and aging at 500 DC (930 OF) for 60 min Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI: Effect of aging on UTS. Hydrogen levels greater than 29 at. Qualitative diagram illustrating the competition between nucleation regimes 900 1600 I3transus Grain bounda 800 700 .min Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI: Effectof H2 concentration on yield strength.---. Additional hydrogen was introduced into the test material with the use of a Sievert's apparatus at temperatures ranging from 765 to 800 DC (1410 to 1470 OF).IL i . As a high-strength fastener material it has cold headability and shear strengths over 825 MPa (120 ksi). R58010 Chemical Composition. however. and a relatively high tolerance for hydrogen Chemical/Corrosion Properties. Current usage is confined to some sheet metal airframe parts and for springs.05 wt%).13V.572/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI: Microstructure. (a): 60 mLHp. and for TTT diagram Product Forms. Ti-13V-llCr-3Al has a 13 transus of about 700°C (1300 OF). In salt-spray tests. It has little directionality in sheet and strip.. low scratch sensitivity. (b) shows recrystallized structure. Specimen was recrystallized at 925°C (1695 OF) for 1 h in a vacuum of 10-lltorr.. plate. For lower oxygen concentrations (0. Deformation can accelerate the decomposition of 13.40 mLHNOa. As might be expected. Normal air cooling from above the 13 transus retains a room-temperature 13 structure that is metastable. for phase diagram with variable aluminum content.3AI Common Name. It was used for airborne structures that must live in temperatures up to 650°C (1200 OF) for short periods and for lightweight pressure vessels that operate at temperatures of -54 to +315 °C (-65 to +600 "F). oxidizing media. Its high strength and low density make one of the most efficient structural materials available. Strengthening of Ti-13V-llCr-3Al occurs from the precipitation of TiCr2 and ex in solute-lean 13 regions (W). Ti-15-3.40mLHNOa. the alloy does not appear to discolor and scale . Deformed at 1150 °C (2100 OF). It has good ductility for ease of fabrication. Wrought forms include billet. but it does not contribute to the titaniumchromium eutectoid relationship. In hot air. salt. Prior unrecrystallized structure can still be observed as ghost boundaries remnant from the initial overetching. Magnification not known (a) (b) Ti. Its corrosion resistance in reducing environments appears to be less than other titanium alloys. bar. Ti-13V-3Al base plus 11 percent chromium and low oxygen content. The chemical reactivity of Ti-13V11Cr-3Al is fairly typical of titanium alloys. However. also known as BI20VCA. As a solute-rich beta alloy. For several years. (b): 60 mLHp.. 10 mLHFfor30 min + thermally etched at 925°C (1700 OF) for 1 h in vacuum (10-lltorr). and wire. and can be solution treated without distortion because it can be air cooled. Ti-13-11-3 was the only beta alloy of commercial significance. and Beta C Applications. alkalies. (a) demonstrates the as-deformed structure that has been heavily etched. Ti-13-11-3 contains a relatively large amount of beta-stabilizer elements and relatively small amounts of alpha-stabilizer elements. Ti-13-11-3 UNS Number. inhibited reducing acids. however. is suitable for operation in the range from -54 to +315 °C (-65 to +600 "F) and higher in certain uses. Its decline came with the advent of such alloys at Ti-I-2-3. It is highly ductile in the solution-treated condition and can be severely cold worked without intermittent annealing. Ti-13-11-3. it can be hardened to extremely high strength levels. 10 mLHFfor30min. The alloy is cold rollable. long periods at solution treatment temperatures result in undesirable grain growth and the associated breakdown of favorable nucleation sites for strengthening precipitates Beta Transus. the alloy is hypoeutectoidal.11Cr. decomposition of 13 below about 315°C (600 "F) is essentially nonexistent for practical purposes. The high vanadium content contributes to the stabilization of the beta phase. it resists corrosion in seawater. In either the solution treated or aged condition. See Tables for specifications and for commercial compositions Characteristics Phases and Structures. At nominal alloying concentrations and commercialgrade oxygen contents of 0. See Figure for phase diagram with variable chromium content. the 13 transus is lowered to about 650°C (1220 OF) Transformation Products. When aged. Recrystallization caused thermal etching of the recrystallized grains. aged Ti-13V-11Cr-3Al exhibits no pitting and experiences no general corrosion or degradation in mechanical properties. sheet. and metallic chlorides at room temperature. because the decomposition of metastable 13 is so sluggish in this solute-rich f3 alloy. other natural environments.15 wt% 02. At the nominal composition. in the production of rod and wire products aimed at spring manufacture. However. Ti-13-11-3 is a very high strength. metastable /3 alloy.950MPa (138ksi) urs Knoop hardness RockwellC hardness 300 30. Residual strain energy accelerates the aging reaction and imparts somewhat better ductility for some strength levels Solution Heat Treating. The alloy can be fabricated into all forging product types. Beta Titanium Alloys. some residual strain energy should promote aging response. thus refining prior beta grain size. with a significant increase in unit pressure requirements Final Thermal Treatments. its flow stresses are among the highest of commonly forged titanium alloys. Fusion weldments in 6. Like most titanium alloys. The desired final microstructure is transformed /3 with a fine recrystallized prior /3 grain size in preparation for final thermal treatments.965 MPa (140 ksi) urs Single-bead weld. Ti-13-11-3: Forging process temperatures Belaforge Ti-13-11-3 in the solution treated condition is more amenable to cold forming than any other of the high-strength titanium alloys. Much of the available data on stress relief annealing pertains to weldments. See Figures for: • • • • Aging response variations (a) and (b) Grain size at solution temperatures Effect of solution treatment on hardness Effect of working on aging (a) and (b) Ti-13V-ll Cr-3AI: Knoop and Rockwell hardness Condition Unwe1ded sheet. However. Wood. Forming by all conventional methods is possible. AC 1 h at 540°C (1000 OF). Ti-13-11-3 requires hot work sufficient to reach final macrostructure and microstructure objectives. and for effect of cold work on tensile properties of solution treated and aged sheet Fabrication Properties Forging. p 26) Recommended Heat Treating Practice High strength can be achieved by solution treating and aging.6 30. Aging is at 425 to 480°C (795 to 900 OF) Beta Forging Working. See Tables for room temperature tensile properties of forged and heat treated bars. reductions in any given forging process are 30 to 50% to achieve desired dynamic and static recrystallization. 1972. <30 min at 650°C (1200 oF). See Table for environments known to promote cracking Mechanical Properties Typical Tensile Properties. Battelle Columbus Laboratories. reduction in area at room temperature Process Forming. such as spinning or deep drawing. stepcooled Ti-13V-llCr-3Al is highly susceptible to SCC in neutral salt solutions. In severe cold forming. followed by air cooling. there is little change in aging response. Similarly. Very low levels of /3 reduction are not recommended. improved forgeability. Within the broad solution treatment range of 705 to 1035 °C (1300 to 1895 OF). Cold working or warm working can be used to achieve the residual strain required. Ti-13V-llCr3Al can be fairly resistant to aqueous halide stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) when used in its standard metallurgical condition. Reheating for subsequent forging operations recrystallizes the alloy. See Figure for forging pressures oF) In /3 titanium alloys. particularly with fme a precipitates formed at lower aging temperatures. as with all /3 alloys. Although Ti-13-11-3 is cold worked in other product forms (sheet). initial fabrication at elevated temperatures may be followed by cold working to improve the finished surface and the mechanical properties of the finished product. Intergranular cracking has only been observed in a few aged /3 alloys. Generally. Ti-13-11-3 has lower strengths but much higher ductility and toughness than in the STA condition. In the solution treatment annealed condition. control of chemical removal processes is essential to preclude excessive hydrogen pick up. All types of forging equipment are used. and for stress relief and annealing treatments. Strength and ductility combinations from aging and the rate of aging depend on the processing history of the metal being heat treated. Forgings may be supplied in the solution treatment annealed (ST) condition and/or fully aged (STA). The alloy normally is fabricated to flat rolled products in the /3-phase temperature field. except where it might aid in removing heat from thick sections. See Tables for solution treating and aging practice. in that loading of smooth samples can show cracking susceptibility. Solution treatment is at 775 °C (1425 "F). AC . It has been reported that 15 min at 760°C (1400 "F) or 5 min at 980 °C (1795 OF) results in weld embrittlement (R.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 573 as badly as other titanium alloys at temperatures 260 to 315°C (500 to 600 case from heating operations than other alloy classes. Treatments include solution treatment annealing and aging. Water quenching from the solution heat treatment temperature does not offer a significant advantage over air cooling. aging time and for Rockwell hardness vs. It also has good cold heading properties. the /3 phase may be susceptible to either transgranular or intergranular see in aqueous media. has a higher affinity for hydrogen than other alloy classes. and less crack sensitivity in forging than the a-/3 alloy Ti-6Al-4V. Ti-13-11-3 is typically forged above its transus through one or more forging operations. However. Therefore.250 in.1 320 . See Figure for Rockwell hardness vs.A. more than double that of the near-B alloy Ti-lOV2Fe-3Al. AC <30 min at 595°C (1100 oF). although closed die forgings predominate. with higher unit pressures (flow stresses). long periods at solution temperatures degrade ductility. Hardness.) plate are reported to be stress relieved to zero residual stress levels by any of the following treatments: • • • • 4 h at 480°C (900 OF).4 mm (0. -c 650-955 Metal temperature OF 1200-1750 Ti-13-11-3 is a moderately forgeable alloy (above the /3 transus). Due to the high alloying content ofTi-13-11-3. depending on alloy composition and microstructure. Although Ti-13-11-3 forms less a See Table for hot forming temperatures in treating annealed or solution treated material Welding. AC A 285°C (550 OF) preheat may also reduce residual tensile stresses in weldments. See Tables for Knoop and Rockwell hardness of unwelded sheet and single bead welded sheet. presumably from grain growth and the breakdown of nucleation site distribution. intermediate anneals may be advisable. Ti-13-11-3. forgings are not cold worked Surface Treatment. the fmal fabrication of sheet by rolling to finish gages is often done cold to obtain improved flatness and gage uniformity. Ti-13-11-3 may be subtransus (a + /3) forged in final stages. Optimum aged properties are obtained when the prior history of the metal is such that it creates a favorable nucleation distribution. Stress Corrosion Cracking. and for Vickers hardness ofweldments subjected to different treatments. 5 2.574/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-13V-llCr-3AI: Specifications Composition.-7701 ERIi-13V-11Cr-3Al Compl2 Comp12 CodeB-1 ClxleB-l TI-13V-llCr-3AI TI-13V-llCr-3Al C AI Cr Fe H N Other V 0 sliStrPit WrrBar Ann Sh Strp Pit WrrBarHf 2.35 0.17 0. TI-SMn. TI-5Al-2.17 12.TI-6Al-2Nb-1Ta. Ti-6AI6V-2Sn. 7.5 12. Ti-SV-3Al-6Cr4Zr4Mo (Beta C).12 0.TI-6Al4V.5 2.17 0. YO.005.4.5 2. Gr.3%) RT Ti-2. balTI OTOA.5 OTO.17 12.03 O.5 12.5 2. °C OF 730-760 1350-1400 54O(a) 700-7S5(b) looo(a) 1300-145O(b) Sarneas solution treatment min Ti-13V-llCr-3AI: Environments known to promote cracking Environment Medium Temperature OC OF Organic compounds Methyl alcohol(anhydrous) RT RT 370 790 700 1455 Methylchloroform Trichlorofluoroethane Salts Chlorideand otherhalide salts/residues SeawaterlNaCI solution 230430 RT Othertitaniumalloys with known suoceptihility TI-6Al4V. wt% Specification Designation UNS Russia R5S010 3 11 13 balTI IMP-lO 3 11 13 balTI Spain UNE3S-729 UNE3S-729 USA AMS4917D AMS4917D AMS4959B AWSA5.025 0. % Specification Designation Description KS13-11-3 KS13-11-3 BarFrgSHT BarFrgSTA 2.35 0.5-3. TI-8Al-IMo-IV AC 15 5-15 AC AC ACorWQ (a) Stressrelief if aging is not planned.05 0.35 max 0.5 2.35 0.5-14.5-3. bal TI WlfRod FrgAnn FrgHf Sh Str Pit SHf ShStrPltSTA BarBilSHf Bar Bil S'D\ OTO.5 0.17 12.5 balTI balTI 0.005.025 0.35 0.5-14.bal TI OTO.4.Y0.025 0. TI-5Al-2.15-0.OOS 0.5 OTOA.5Al-IMo-11Sn-5Zr-O.grade2.and9 UnalloyedTI(withoxygencontent>O.5-3.5-3.Ti-6Al4V.05 0.balTI Ti-13V-ll Cr-3AI:Commercial compositions Composition.2Ti.17 0.5Sn a-~alloys Ti-6AI·6V-2Sn /Jalloy TI-13V-11Cr-3Al Ti·13-11-3: Stress relief and annealing treatments Thmperature 1reatment Interstage annea1 ofsheet after severe defonnation Stressreliefof ST stock Typicalstressrelief Typicalanneal Duration.02 0.05 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 0.4Ti.5-3.17 0.5-14.16-70 MlLF-S3142A MlLF-S3142A MlLT-9046J MlLT-9046J MlLT-9407G MlLT-9047G Des<ription L-710I £.05 max 10-12 0.5-14.5 2.4.5-14.5 12.4. h Cooling method >760 775-S00 >1400 1425-1475 0. stress reliefcartbe accomplishedduring4S0 °C (900 "P) aging.15-0.5 2. 2.5-3.5-3.05 O.5 12.5-14.5-14.05 0.025 0.05 0. (b) Stress relieffor materialother than weldments Ti-13-11-3: Solution treatment and aging Thmperalure OC OF Time. TI-5Al-2.17 0.5-3.balTI OTOA.5 Other Cr Fe H N 0 V 10-12 10-12 0.5Sn.05 0.03 0.balTI OTOA.5Sn Ti-SAl-IMo-IV.5-3.5Sn.35 0.5-14.35 0.05 10-12 10-12 0. 11.5-3.D25 0.35 0.05 0.17 0.25-1 ACorWQ ACorWC 700-1040 425-540 425-510 1300-1900 0. balTI balTI OTO.5 2. TI-6Al4V 700 GrATI.5-3.05 0.5-14.05 0.025 0. TI-6Al4V.4.Ti4Al-3MoIV.4. Ti-SAlIMo-I V.25 0.05 0. balTI OTO.35 0.5-3.05 0.17 0.05 0.35 0. Ti-SAI-IMo-IV.05 0.05 0.5Sn Ti-SAl-IMo-IV.05 0.5" log PItSh Sir STA 2.5-3. Ti-6Al4V 445-S05 Mostcommercialalloysexcept grade I.05 0.05 max 0.5 balTI C AI Japan Kobe Kobe USA Astro RMI Teledyne Timet Ti-13-11-3: Hot forming temperatures for annealed or solution treated material Fonnlngtemperature Alloy CPTI (allgrades) °C OF 4S0-705 900-1300 790± 15 620-S15 1450±25 1150-1500 790± 15 1450±25 605-790 1125-1450 aand near-aalloys TI-SAI-IV-IMo TI-5AI-2.25-1 SOO-950 20-100 ACorWQ AC AC Heat 'Ireatmenr Typicalsolutiontreatment Narrowsolutiontreating range BroadST range Agingrange Typicalage aoo-iooo .35 0.5 2.35 0.5-14. balTI ShSlrPltSHf Sh Str Pit STA 2.5-14.17 0.5 TI-13V-llCr-3Al 13V-11Cr-3Al Tel-TI-13V-llCr-3Al TIMETAL13-11-3 BarBilSprg 2.5-14.5 12.005.D25 0.02 0.35 0.5 12.05 0.5 12.2Si (lM1-679).IS 12.5-14.05 0. YO.5-14.5 balTI 0.05 0.05 0.5 2.balTI OTO.Ti-5Al-2.25-1 0.5 2. TI-4Al-3Mo-IV.5 12.5 12.05 0.5-3.5 12.05 0.05 0. Ti-6AI-2Sn4Zr-6Mo Metal embrittlement Cooling method Cadmium(solid +liquid) Mercury(liquid) 25·600 370 75-1110 TI-SMn.12.025 0.05 10-12 0.5 0.5 12. balTI OTOA.025 0. Gr.5-14.17 12.35 0.05 0.5-3.025 0.025 0.IS O.35 0.17 0.025 0.5-14.5-3. .9 194.05w10/0°2 !I:::> 1200 c.). then quenched in water.0 6. Aging was done in salt baths held at 250 to 500°C (480 to 930 OF) to 1000 h 14 Ti-13V-11Cr-3AI: TTl diagram LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 800 60 1400 Beta transus te'!!R-erature ~ - I ~ 1300 U so II: 1100 @ :J ~ 500 \ As solution trea ~" 55 1200 ~ (3/ --- I 400 2 3 4 Aluminum content. .2 8.1 213.. Several coupons were solution treated at 900 °C (1650 OF) and water quenched.2 % % 8.8 As welded Weld + 2h 315°C (600°F) Weld+4h 315°C (600°F) Weld + 8 h 315°C (600 oF) (a) Spot weldingcharacteristics were investigated by hardnesstestinga cross sectionof the weld nugget.4 212.-_-'-_---I.0 15.' .l 8 5 6 9 10 11 12 Chromium content. w1% 1100 f- 550 Q) 1000 500L.9 180. oil or air.0 10.6 201.0 10.6 204.h 6 L 48 T 100 4 48 L T 75 3 L 48 T 30 L T 50 2 30 L 30 1. Increasein hardnessis confinedto theweldmetal.0 4. E Q) a+ (3 + TICr2 oxygen content :::> U i a ~ 650 1400 i! 650 700 1300 !l- ~ 600 ---.2 20 L T Ultimate lensUe strength MPa ksl 'Iensileyield strength (0.2 169.0 7.6 186.._ .0 12. The rapid increase in hardness that follows the initial stages of aging occurs at times corresponding to the appearance of the ex phase. HV HAZ Weldzone 280 257 287 265 278 287 291 281 253 315 368 383 Reduction Elongation.6 12.5 194.4 9.5 11. E Q) a+(3+TiCr2 0.0 13. E ~ 600 ~600 1200 f! Q) c.5 12.0 6..6 Ti-13V-ll Cr-3AI: Vickers hardness of weldments Post-weld b. 150 480 0C (900 OF) aging treatDirection menf.tment BasemetaJ Hardnessla).6 198.::: As solulion treated "<. wt% 13 1000 Ti-13V-11Cr-3AI: Rockwell hardness vs..5 214.0 5.3 6.5 5..Barsageddirectlyfromforgingoperation Click here to view 800 Nominal aluminumcontent fBeta transus with high oxygeniontent I _ 750 Ti-13V-11Cr-3AI: Phase diagram with variable chromium content LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 800 I P 700 t IBeta transus with highe 1300 o i! Q) c.. Coupons were prepared from rolled material and solution treated at 800°C (1470 OF) for 90 min in purified helium. Strips from sheet were vacuum annealed at 850°C (1560 OF) for about 4 h and cold rolled to a thickness of0.g load) Ti-13V-11Cr-3AI: Phase diagram with variable aluminum content LIVE GRAPH Centerofbar samples..3 189.L-_---''--_-'-_---' 2F Q) e 1100 f- 0.1 198._ _.3 188. 1000 d 900 --.0 178.05wt%02 500L-_-'-_ _L-_-'-_ _' .2 % offset) MPa ksl 1264 1297 1474 13% 1478 1462 1438 1407 1368 1340 1424 1153 1169 1388 1307 1369 1364 1341 1288 1241 1232 1290 183. 167. h 1000 .7 187.4 206.0 4.(a 15Q. aging time..The hardnesssurveyindicatedthatdecomposition takesplaceaftershort-termthermal exposureat 315°C (600 "F).-l _// 2F --+~ P 700 i:::> aE Nominal chromium content 750 1400 -.0 3..0 8._ .6 197...9 202.+ 25% cold worked 10 Time.1 .Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 575 Ti-13V-ll Cr-3AI: RTtensile properties of forged and heat treated bars Harsize nun In. h ~ I iii LIVE GRAPH Click here to view ~400°C(7S0°F) ---+--450 °C (840 OF) --o--SOO °C (930 OF) 45 III Q) o -640 l- I ~ --300°C (570 OF) --+--350 °C (660 OF) iii 35 30 2 10 10 100 Aging time.4 mm (0..015 in.. ofarea.7 8. . Effect of aging time on the longitudinal tensile properties of sheet 30 1600 '" 15001-----+---' 425 DC n.-"~M---I\___:::!<... ~ 540 ~C aging 1300 III ~ s01 ! ~ 180 .treated plus aged 100 h at 480°C I 300 2200 I 500 450 Click here to view I -/ t / .:. !fl LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 20 0..__'i9rl_\~.. reduction of area at room temperature 50 Shear formed • '" E E ..I II Beta transus 720°C . Hardnesses shown are averages of five impressions.01 I- ::l. 0 . AC 0 0.J:) 0. 24 h.l.2 %l MPa lis! 0 10 20 30 40 50 924 1013 1117 1206 1289 1372 1434 1489 1537 134 147 162 175 187 199 208 216 223 903 951 1013 1103 1193 1268 1337 1399 1482 60 70 80 131 138 147 160 173 184 194 203 215 o'-o 100 -'--25 _ Elongation in50mm(2ln.. % % 25 17 12 8 6 6 5 4 2 50 42 36 32 28 25 22 22 16 _ . OF 1400 1600 1800 2000 1200 II I" II • > J: 400 ui III 01 C ~ 350 J: ../ 0 250 500 rl ~ Solution. ... 50 Aging time.01 25 0 75 50 0 256 Reduction.1 'e! "E J: 30 c '" 0. using a 5-kg load LIVE GRAPH 1000 Solution temperature. % Tlme.. °c 1300 . 30 min 700 900 1100 Solution temperature.-....-->..~ 1200 160 0 \ 5 1000j--. h LIVE GRAPH Ti-13V-ll Cr-3AI: Effectof cold work on tensile properties of STA sheet reduction.03 E :::l c 01 N 'iii 01 J: ui LIVE GRAPH 01 Click here to view III C E . ::l.l"Y-"c---+~--+-425 ~ a Ino----I 25 50 Aging time.. o _ i Click here to view (a) 540 DC ~ ~ 595°C aging 1100 ic 100 75 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view (b) Ti~13-11-3: Effect of solution temperature on hardness.. 'c" '" '" 'e! Cl c c 'E" 01 ::l. Solution treated only. 01 Cl ST Reduced + age 480 ·C (900 ·F). AC + age 480 ·C (900 ·F).Linoo C. h ~ 75 140 Cold U1limaletensile Thll'lileyield sIre'Wh % MPa ksi s1rength (0..min Ti-13-11-3: Aging response variations.02 0. 24 h.: ~40 650·C 760·C 870·C 980·C D 0 ~ 0 Iii . Effect of solution temperature on the annealed and annealed plus 480 °C (900 OF) aged Vickers hardness. Reduction ofarea... AC Reduced + ST 770·C (1425 ·F).Next Page 576/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-13-11-3: Grain size at solution temperatures Ti-13V-llCr-3AI: Rockwell hardness vs. £ 14001-----+----. 8 16 24 32 40 48 Aging lime. It is used in a variety of airframe applications. Strong oxidizers.) prior to the formation of uniform. The tendency to form grain boundary a is more pronounced because the nucleation kinetics of grain boundary a is not as solute sensitive as the kinetics of homogeneous 0: precipitation Product Forms. war~ . which is very difficult to resolve optically as it is extremely fine Beta Transus. ASM International. Ti-15-3 is formulated by depressing the beta transus with vanadium and chromium additions. sheet. c ~ 1300 / • s Ql ~ 1100 / . Ti-15-3 is expected to be less susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) than Ti-6AI-4V due to its high vanadium content and lower aluminum content. h 140 (a) 56 64 o o 72 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view rolled 20% at 760 DC - /~ 900 o ~ '-.. / V--f-.1. age-hardenable.---plus aged ~ 5 jnneatd PI. Subsequent aging produces a fine a phase. recrystallized grain size Transformation Products.. activate the surface and can cause rapid corrosion. -1 1 -r 8 rOlljd 16 - r--< - - i-- PIUj age1 24 32 40 Aging lime. castings. hot.~d 20% at 760 DC $~ 60 ~ r-.' ::E £ 1400 0.-' "'" . See Tables for effect of warm work-extrusion on Rockwell hardness. Unassigned Chemical Composition. Effect of warm and cold rolling on longitudinal aged tensile properties ~J 1600 Aging at 480 DC os 1500 ll. Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Titanium Alloys. seamless tubing. because of the much higher solubility of hydrogen in the beta phase than in the alpha phase of titanium. (R. but its formation requires longer aging times because of slower nucleation kinetics (compared to solute-lean p alloys). Ti-15-3 is used primarily as sheet metal applications because it is strip-producible. and welded tubing Applications. c ~ 180 . h (b) 48 56 64 72 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ti·15V·3Cr·3AI·3Sn Common Name.I 30 Aging at 220 I -. for effect of heat treatment on Knoop hardness. However. Schutz. As a solute-rich p alloy. Ti-15-3 can retain an all-beta structure with sufficiently rapid cooling (e. and for the effect of aging time on hardness . They include ingot. This uniformly dispersed a provides strengthening. including anhydrous red fuming nitric acid and 90% hydrogen peroxide. air cooling of a 6.S agjd DC... .---. Ti-15-3 undergoes a phase separation into a solute-rich phase (P) and a solute-lean phase (P. Ti-15-3 UNS Number.g. Dry chlorine gas is especially harmful Stress Corrosion Cracking. V y <. and for commercial compositions. like other beta titanium alloys. A p phase stabilized by vanadium (or molybdenum.. and fasteners. in many cases replacing hotformed Ti-6AI-4V. niobium. It is less beta-stabilized than Ti-13V-ll Cr-3AI Characteristics Phases and Structures. / v Wa~ rOIl... Ti-15-3 can also be produced as foil.. warm or concentrated solutions of hydrochloric. Ionizable fluoride compounds.. strip.. or tantalum) is immune to SCC in aqueous media. High strength castings are in use Use Limitations. high-strength hydraulic tubing.5-mrn thick section from the p field). 750 to 770 DC (1380 to 1420 oF) See Figure for annealing time vs. In general. needle-like a within the W.~ 1200 5"" 1000 I. Ti-15-3. unless they contain inhibitors.. The refinement of the size and spacing of a precipitates can be achieved by minimizing the amount of recovery and recrystallization after deformation.Previous Page Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 577 Ti-13-11-3: Effect of working on aging. t--. Ti-15-3 is also susceptible to the formation of grain boundary a. is highly susceptible to hydrogen pickup and rapid hydrogen diffusion during heating. phosphoric and oxalic acids also are damaging.--- . --. plus red I 1 V jO ~ Cold rolled plus aged "'- . and chemical milling.-.91 . 1992) Mechanical Properties Hardness. billet. Annealed plus aged £ 2000. all acidic solutions that are reducing in nature corrode titanium. in Stress-Corrosion Cracking: Materials Performance and Evaluation. low-pH chloride salts corrode titanium. and has also been evaluated for aerospace tankage applications. Ti-15-3 tolerates mildly reducing to highly oxidizing environments in which protective oxide films spontaneously form and remain stable. this alloy has a higher tolerance to hydrogen embrittlement than the alpha or alpha-beta alloys Corrosion Properties. concentrated. See Tables for specifications and compositions. plate. such as sodium fluoride and hydrogen fluoride. and highly cold-formable.. Like other solute-rich palloys. also cause attack. Stored energy (deformation) alters the aging kinetics of uniform a and generally produces a finer precipitate. On the other hand. An accelerated rate of intragranular a formation also reduces the extent of grain boundary a formation. is an excellent casting alloy. pickling. 13 0.4. however. Ductility. See Figures for typical aging curves for sheet. For the aged condition. Ti-15-3 may be isothermally or hot die forged. 2. See Table for effect of post-forge heat treatment on properties Form ing. but much higher ductility and toughness than in the STA condition. because there is no microstructural advantage and there is a significant increase in unit pressure requirements.5 0. These values are small. The very fine micros- Metal temperature Betaforge Temperaturerelative to transus(a) -c OF 790-925 30 to 65 above transus 1450-1700 55 to 120 above transus (a) Subtransus forging ofTi-15-3 has not been found advantageous due to high unit pressures Final thermal treatments for forgings include solution annealing and aging. when compared with unalloyed titanium strip or ex-~ alloy sheet. flow stresses are almost double those of the near-B alloy Ti-lOV-2Fe-3AI. tructural features of Ti-15-3 achieved in forgings are responsible for its excellent strength. Recommended Heat Treating Practice Heat treatment See Tables for stress relief and solution annealing treatments. corrosion. and fatigue properties. For more information on study. See Figures for: Hardness. 3 h 268 474 481 303 • Effect of cold work on strength and ductility • Effect of aging on tensile properties (a) and (b) • Effect of aging on property scatter Ti-15-3: Specifications and compositions Spe<ilicatioo Desaiptioo AI Cr Fe H ShStrpSHT ShStrpSTA 2. the latter being larger.13 .WI% N 0 So v Olber 2. fully aged strength is a linear function of aging temperature. Test direction differences typically are small. Due to the high alloying content. Ti-15-3. Ti-15-3 can be welded in the solution-treated condition.5-3.5-3. In general. Ti-15-3 sheet can be aged to a tensile strength of at least 1310 MPa (190 ksi) while guaranteeing ductility in excess of 5%. Ti-15-3 requires hot work sufficient to reach final macrostructure and microstructure objectives. A study of the tensile properties of various castings and suppliers does not show any significant trends regarding strength as a function of supplier. Aging at 455 to 480 °C (850 to 900 "F) would be recommended only in those situations requiring the highest possible strength and where ductility is of lesser importance. Few published data on the corrosion resistance of weldments are available for most ~ alloys.05 0. although closed die forgings predominate. Care is necessary in pickling to minimize hydrogen absorption. Solution treatment is conducted at 785°C (1445 "F).5 2. Reheating for subsequent forging operations recrystallizes the alloy. Ti-15-3 is a moderately forgeable alloy above the ~ transus. Under marginal or active conditions (for corrosion rates ~. Thus.5 2. has a higher affinity for hydrogen than other alloy classes. In the ST condition. See Tables for room temperature formability comparison of annealed alloys. but can amount to 30 MPa (4 ksi). Between aging temperatures of 510 and 540°C (950 and 1000 OF). with limited grain boundary films and with a fine recrystallized prior ~ grain size in preparation for final thermal treatments. Sample location within a coil is oflittle consequence. and for effect of prior cold work on aging Process Annealed Tensile Properties. Cold working is not used for forgings. See Table for typical annealed tensile properties Cast Tensile Properties. thicker material exhibits a slightly lower average tensile strength. Cold deformation over the range of 20 to 60% has an approximately linear effect on strength. See Figure for forming limit diagram. Typical variations of tensile properties in the annealed condition are from test direction and lot-to-lot differences. OTO. thus refining prior ~ grain size.015 Composition. Ti-15-3 has lower strengths. aging temperature. The desired final microstructure from thermomechanical processing of Ti-15-3 during forging manufacture is fine transformed ~.5 14-16 14-16 C 0. Although Ti-15-3 forms less ex case from heating operations than other alloy classes. OTO.05. cold deformation of up to at least 40% does not significantly affect the relationship between aged strength and ductility. 4 h Quenched + 565°C (1045 "F). Aging is at 480 to 620°C (900 to 1150 "F) Beta Forging Working. does exhibit significant variation from supplier to supplier and as a function of thickness.5 2. UK (500 g) Quenched from 900 °C (1650 oF) Quenched + 300 °C (570 oF).25 0. followed by air cooling or equivalent cooling rates. and for aging treatments. control of chemical removal processes is essential to preclude excessive hydrogen pickup.015 0.578/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Tensile Properties.5-3.5 2. Very low levels of ~ reduction are not recommended. bal n USA AMS4914 AMS4914 0.4. and for typical formability of annealed alloy Welding. Ti-15-3 is generally not subtransus (ex + ~) forged. Forgings may be supplied in the solution armealed (ST) condition and/or fully aged (STA). the lot-to-lot difference can be up to about twice as much. as with all ~ alloys. however.5-3. Ti-15-3 approaches the formability of the higher strength commercial-purity grades of titanium.25 0.05 0. The alloy can be fabricated into all forging product types. It should be noted that a material with a higher oxygen content was not associated with higher strength or lower ductility.5 h Quenched +345°C (650 oF). however.1O mm/year or 4 mils/year) weldments may experience accelerated corrosion attack relative to the base metal Ti-15-3: Effect of heat treatment on Knoop hardness Hardness drops below peak values when samples are annealed at higher temperatures. bal n C 0. see (a) and (b) in Figure titled variation in tensile strength Fabrication Properties Forging. Ti-15-3 is typically forged above the ~ transus through one or more forgings operations.05. welding is not recommended after solution treating and aging. reductions in any given forging process are 30 to 50% to achieve desired dynamic and static recrystallization. Ti-15-3: Forging process temperatures See Table for tensile properties vs.5-3.5-3. Generally. 6) 987 (143.)wall mbe.5-3.3) 1169(169. Gages: 0.) 4.5 in.080 0.5 2.600 in. aging temperature 14-baging temperature 510°C(950 oF) Ultimate tensile strength.3.5-3.040 0.75 in.0 0.99% point Mean(a) 0.4/ 2.5 3. transferredautomaticallyto the press and extruded over a mandrel.1) 1245(180.1) 1009(146.) aD x 7.5) 1276(185.l [KtJYSf (b) Mob is the thresholdstress-intensityin fatigue crack growth rate tests.4 in.7) 1202 (174. 2.080 Minimum Strelcb bend rormlimit.5-3.8h STA785°C.9) 10.3) 1105(160.11 0.430in.05 0.8h 1192 1055 1165 1096 1275 1151 1234 1158 173 153 169 159 FJoogalion.1 0.99% point Mean(a) 0.6%(a) 15°at 90° 62-64 66-67 61-62 62 Note: Holed extrusionbillets (machinedfrom as-quenchedforging)were coated with lubricant.25 0.4in.5-3.2) 927 (134. fatigue(c) MPa ksi M.0 Typicalstressrelief Solutiontreatingrange Typicalsolutiontreatment °C OF TIme.5 14-16 14-16 balTi balTi Japan Kobe Kobe USA Timet Timet Ti-15-3: Tensile properties vs.MPa (ksi) Mean(a) 0.5-3.) Ol) x 15 mm (0.05 0.5-3. not of material. % Stretcb Shrink 12 20 12 12 8 8 Ti-15-3: Stress relief and solution annealing treatments Heal treatment 1. 840°C (1545 "P) continuousanneal 44 mm (1.300in.9) 1047(151. AC + 535°C.4/ 3.5 2.oI5 O.5-3.6 (a)Means and percentagepoints calculatedby regression technique.0/ 3.0 2.4 840 810 830 810 4.0 2.)Ol) x II mm(0.13 0. (a) Criticalcrack length ~ l.5 2. BRA 63 mm(2.89 to 1.oI5 0.5 2. Reduction ofarea. miD Cooling metbod 650 790-815 790 1200 1450-1500 1450 12 5-30 15 AC AC AC 'Iemperature .13 2.62 mm (0.8 4.14 0. 1.2) 1075 (155.25 O.(b) MPa'frii' ksl'liii:" 4. radius % 2.4) 540OC (1000oF) L T 1225 (177.600 in.Regresseddata from four lots.) Ol) x 15 mm(0. testsconductedat R = 0.MPa (ksi) Elongation S25OC (975oF) T T L 1335(193.)wall tube.30 in.5) 1190(172. 800°C (1475 oF) continuousanneal 20% I%(b) 5 Springback Room~emperalUre form 2.6) 1126(163.6) 1205(174.8 5.The extrusion process was essentially isothermaland was characterized by a slow extrusionspeed (<30 inlrnin) with relativelylow extrusionratios (<20).13 0.25 0.) wall tube 44 mm(I.66% point 'Iensile yieldstrength.430in.) Ti-15-3: Effect of post-forge heat treatment on properties Port-forge treatment Thwileyield rtrength ksi MPa mUmate tensile rtreogtb MPa ksi STA785°C.2) 1161(168.0 122 117 120 117 Note: Likemost commercial palloys.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 579 Ti-15-3: Commercial compositions Composition.5 1. as reducedfrom 86 mm(3.6 mm (0.4 4.5 2.(c) Smooth fatigue stress at 10 cycles.2 8. inductionheated to 595 to 980°C (1100-1800"F).Extruded tube was cold reduced as indicated (a) Limit of dies.035 to 0.6 10..) wall mbe.080 0. F= 30 to 125 Hz Ti-15-3: Typical formability of annealed alloy Ti-15-3: Effect of warm work-extrusion on Rockwell hardness Product bend radius Cup height Draw Flange Stretch Shrink Joggle Ud 2 d/I hardness.25 O.040 0.16 Smootb .070 in.Ti-15-3does not respond 10 thermomechanicalprocessingto improve fractureproperties because a morphology is not Significantly modified.5 0.AC+51O°C.)wall tube.5-3.0/ 7.7/ 5.09 0.5-3.78 mm (0.6 mm(O.040 0.5 14-16 14-16 balTi balTi TIMEfAL 15-3 TIMEfAL 15-3 StrpPitSh FrgSHT StrpPItSh Frg STA 2.5 0.5/ 28 20 20 7 7 Hydrofonn limit.7 L 1114(161.) wall tube 63 mm (2. as reducedfrom 86 mm (3.5 2.13 2. % % 9 II 10 12 22 30 24 32 185 167 179 168 Fracturetoughness ~KI') MPa ksl'Jiii:" 57 61 59 67 52 55 53 61 Crltlcalcmck Iengtb(a) rom in.6 2.0 1.) aD x II mm (0. 8 h DA51O°C.5-3. WI% SpeciJication DesIgoatlon Description AI Cr Fe H N 0 So V Other KSI5-3-3-3 KSI5-3-3-3 PItSh SHT PItSh STA 2.05 0.8h DA535°C.05 0.oI5 O.) Ol) x 7.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.75 in.0/ 4.2 7.3ooin.5in.6) 1090(158.0) 1059 (153.(b) Specialprocedurescan improve this significantly Ti-15-3: Room-temperature formability comparison of annealed alloys Alloy Thnsileyield strength MPa ksi Ti-15-3 758 110 CPTi 275 40 Ti-6AI-4V 827 120 Gage mm in.0 4.4) 1096(159.6) 1311(190.6) 1313(190.3) 954 (138.1 to 0.5-3.5-3.0) 1222(177.5 2.4) 12.oI5 0. . Ti-15-3: Effect of aging time on hardness. :2 £ 1600 ~ 1400 Qj >= - 1----- 1200 . recrystallized grain size. EL -7% ]1 ~ .. »~ sh. 10 . and 565°C for time periods ranging from 30 min to 20 h •'" • 1 ° 0 O. dJ".128 Fe.. MPa 1600 1800 AgIng lime. s 1 480 DC 565 DC ~ J: ~350 540 DC ~ s Gl c: ~ LIVE GRAPH .. 16 h. c: 150 ~ 1ii "0 140 ~ 130 800 120 o 2 4 6 8 10 Aging time. Alloy in the as-received condition was fabricated by press forging at 1090 °C (1995 OF) followed by hot rolling at 925°C (1695 OF) to 38 mm (1. 3. 0. Chemical composition (wt%) was 2.. Unrecrystallized regions were present for annealing times of 1 s and for several samples with grain sizes less than 20 11 m 100 [ •• 0 .~ • Cl co.• §. 80% cold rolled.• 1200 1ii 200 ~ LIVE GRAPH 1000'-- 1300 220 ~ EL-4% .06 Cr.79 V.shortesttimeswill be quitesatisfactory .s::: 300 8 Click here to view ~ Room temperature 250L-~~~~ .J 2 3 10 10 10 Aging time.~~ 1200 1400 Tensile strength. min Ti-15-3: Effect of prior cold work on aging 2000r--------------.. 41 ppm hydrogen 280 ° • 1800 470 DC (875 OF).03 Sn.. • Ol a.eet .llnn.78 mm (0._~~~~'__~~~~u. age Ti-15-3: Typical aging curves for sheet LIVE GRAPH 260 Click here to view Ol a. 170 ~ :2 £ 1100 0. >= 180 Click here to view -'160 o 20 40 Cold roiling.. OF h 565 1050 1000 950 900 8-16 8-24 8-32 16-48 510 480 Solution treat pius cold work plus ~ age trend line tempemture "C 540 ""Nndllne 60%CW '" Cold work onlY'" '" -no age I '" 4 800 240 20% CW + VAR age 40%CW VAR age 60%CW VAR age Note:Useoflbe longestagingtimesis recommended whenit is desirabletominimizepropertyscatter... and 14... 0.91 AI.. Samples were isothermally annealed at 480. 0.) plate thickness.009 N.540. h 12 14 16 Ti-15-3: Effects of cold work on strength and ductility LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 120 Tensile strength. 16 h.580 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-15-3: Annealing time vs... age 510 DC (950 oF).. 900 160 £ 0.122 0.. ~ ~ 540 DC m 1000 Qj __~ -nnn A 56~ >= 80 180 1. % 60 Aging temperature 5100~ .07. 3.>> c: ~ 240 EL-2% 0. ksl 160 180 200 220 140 28 • 24 0 '" 20 g-16 ~ g> 12 o iii 8 260 Solution treat plus ~20%CW ~O%C"'f"' ~ o 1000 Ti-15-3: Aging treatments AgIng :0 ~. Beta transus temperature was between 750 and 770°C (1380 and 1420 OF).1 Annealing temperature: 720°C 850°C 800°C 850°C LIVE GRAPH 900°C Click here to view 0C 1000 1000 10 100 Annealing time.&' • 0 00 I ~ 400 • IJl c: .In manycases.5 in. ) (b) t> 12.0 in.r:.5 to 1 in. mm 15wide 30 wide 45 wide 150 x 150 (dry) 150 x 150 (Tellon) 150 x 150 (Duck butter) Necked 0 0 0 0 l( l( 0 0 0 0 Bo ndary zone v 0 0 0 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Minor strain.) Ti·15·3: Forming limit diagram. c: e ~ 1250 D Do ~ to DD c s 1225 Ql 1ii @1200 ::J 1175 I'- Ql 1ii (4) (11) i @1200 5"" ::J 1175 (6) 180 ~ D 1ii 170 (2) "'" zf 0. The castingswere all hot isostatically pressed at either 895°C. followed by directaging at 525°C (970OF) for 12 h.) Ti-15-3sheet.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 581 Ti·15·3: Variation in tensile strength.!! 1250 "iii c: $ 1225 s - (4) 1150 D 190 "iii 1ii . 5 'ar v ::i: 40 • ° 0 0 20 • l( 60 X Size.040 in.) in size. after HIP and prior to aging.2 h (1750 of.7to 25. 1 h.5 in. 103. rectangular cast test barsfrom 25.080ln. 2 h).7 mm (0.) specimens run at 510 mm/min(20 in. Sources are identified randomlyas SourcesA through E The startingmaterialwas selectedwith a rangeof sectionsizes and consistedof roundcast test bars from 12.4mm (1 x 1 to 1 x 6 ln.0 mm (0.8 to 25." ~1275 C '" ~1275 190 iii r--- ::i: 1300 £ B 1325 E D $ Ql 1ii E 5 ~-- (14) (4) (3) 170 (2) 1150 (a) t < 12. Howmet.0 mm (0. ::i: 1300 0.4 mm (0./min) except for some 150 x 150 mm (6 x 6 in. and complexcastingswith gages ranging from about 2 mm (0.4 x 152. Numbersin parentheses are the numberof tests for each source 1350 1350 1325 A '" B C ll.4 mmto 25. 2 h) or 955°C.2 h (1645 of. c: .4MPa.~ Ql ~ E D ll. 15 ksi.7 mm (0. cast test plate from 3. and Precision Castpartsfromthe UnitedStates. The castingsobtained by the Universityof Daytonweresolutiontreatedat 955 °C (1750OF).!! Ql E '--- D .) in diam. liline. 15 ksl.) to 50 mm (2 in. 103. Forminglimit diagramfor 2./min) LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 100 Fractur region 80 v 0 • v ~ c ~ 6. "'" .08in.) in thickness.4 mm (0.15 to 1 in.4MPa.5 In. The oxygen content rangedas high as 0.13%). Castingsweresuppliedby TiTech.4 x 25. The compositions were within the requirements of AMS 4914 for Ti-15-3 sheet except for oxygen.1645wt% (the specification maximum is 0. % 20 30 40 50 60 . and from lital in Germany.!! 180 . Unlubricated (dry)punchesexcept as noted with teflon (Withrodraw 525) and duck butter of 1.) in thickness. Punchspeeds were 25 mm/min (1.) thick film on punch side. . 50 50 Tensile strength -'0 100 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Ti-15-3: Effect of aging on property scatter. which precipitates a to provide strengthening on aging.7~--_. 20 ~ OJ "'E " 10 ~ 'S: OJ "'E 100 " ~ III «l ~ 50'J-----. ~c / ' _-e------.. Beta-2lS is also well suited for metal matrix composites because it can be economically rolled to foil and is compatible .7Nb-O.30 :: f -.r--1n-J----"'. and aim).~Iongatlon ~ ~ 1000 til ~ - ~ 20 lJ. Effects of aging temperature and time on scatter of transverse tensile strength Ultimate tensile strength..582/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-15-3: Effect of aging on tensile properties. The principal aging product is a (close- packed hexagonal a). titanium silicides are present. Oxidation and corrosion resistance are rated as excellent Characteristics Phases and Structures. The morphology and distribution of the a depend on the heat-treatment temperature and the oxygen content. . and bloom. ~ . 795 to 810 °C (1460 to 1490 OF) Product Forms. 2 mm (0.2% proof stress.(T--t----t---'i"-'----I----j E 8l OJ Q.' f'-. plate. It is typically provided in the beta solution treated condition. _ - Tensile . strip...25Si Common Name. The microstructure of Beta-2lS consists of recrystallized J3 grains with occasional unrecrystallized J3 grains.) sheet solution treated at 800°C 1600 500 °c8ge 140 0 ! «l ~ 120 0 ~ 100 0 til BOO - 1600 40 140011---------t----------140 0. stripproducible alloy for economical processing into foil.. max. higher aging temperatures and lower oxygen result in lath-type a. ill addition. See Table for typical composition range (min. ksi 140 160 1BO 200 120 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 220 200 ~ ~ ~ co g-150J----1----.08 in. h 1o BOO .. 600 1 ~ «l £ 'y '" 600 °c age ~ 1200'I---=:----:c-----t--------. R58210 Chemical Composition.2% proof stress ' ~tJ. Beta-21S is available as cut sheet.- - Elongation 10 Aging time. h LIVE GRAPH Click here to view (b) (8) coO> ---J. Strip is the main product form.- o 600L- 100 m - -I - __ .. The metastable J3 alloy can be processed to very high strengths. Beta-2lS UNS Number. though it would not be a problem with proper heat treatment Beta Transus. Omega (ro) also has been observed. ~ en '-------'------'-----'-------'0 950 1150 1350 Ultimate tensile strength..~JT-~ ' ""I---~ .10 ---L 10 Aging time.. bar.. Lower heat-treatment temperatures and higher oxygen contents result in homogeneous spheroidal a.. billet. Composition is based on the objective of obtaining a cold rollable. MPa 1550 TIMETAL® 21 5 Ti-15Mo-3AI-2.. Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 583 with most fibers. Limited forming data indicate a similarity to Ti-15V-3Cr3AI-3Sn (Ti-15-3).5 and 1.deaerated 0. the difference between yield. 10%aceticacid. Molybdenum improves corrosion resistance in reducing media. Crevice corrosion resistance improves with molybdenum additions.01 0. with thermal stability up to 625 °C (1155 OF) and creep resistance comparable to Ti-6A1-4V.15 0. welding.09% oxygen to 12 MPa (1. Nl IL 0. See Figures for tensile strength vs.14 and 0. Very low levels of beta reduction are not recommended Hydrogen.127 4. and this well-known effect is apparent when the corrosion rate of Beta 21S and grade 2 Ti are compared in HCI solution (see Figure). refining the grain size.boiling 2%HCI.0 0. Thermomechanical Processing. improved forgeability. has a high affinity for hydrogen. Skydrol). Developing commercial applications include forged prosthetic devices and cold rolled foil for metal matrix composites. solution annealed. with limited grain boundary films and a fine.25 0. and brazing of Beta-2lS is typical ofbeta alloys and is considered similar to that ofTi-15-3 See Table for general corrosion behavior Tensile Properties. The latter properties have led to a number of aircraft engine applications. an increase in the tendency to neck locally and fail during stretching or drawing operations.05 0. Recommended Heed Treating Practice See Table for selected heat treatments: Solution treatment (beta anneal).deaerated 10%formicacid. which could be important in certain types of forming operations.012 to 0. pH adjusted to 0. and there is a significant increase in unit pressures. and ultimate tensile strengths decreased as the oxygen level increased from 42 MPa (6. Beta-21S is most useful for applications above 290°C (555 "F). and/or fully aged (STA).25 wt% oxygen showed a deleterious effect on ductility for the higher oxygen content in the series aged at 595°C (1100 OF).16 0. Beta-21S is generally not subtransus forged because there is no microstructural advantage. Generally.4 0. aging time. In cases where high-temperature exposure is anticipated.05 O. In the annealed condition. and resistance to aerospace hydraulic fluids (e.0 0. High hydrogen levels (2000 ppm) will slow down aging kinetics.5%HO. Final thermal treatments for Beta-21S include a simple anneal (or solution anneal) for low-modulus applications. boiling 3%HC1.0050S 0.0 2.100 in. oxygen content 8eta-21 S: Typical composition range Fabrication Properties Forging.OI77S 0. boiling 0.0 16. and duplex age-first stage and second stage. there is another effect of oxygen. flow stresses are higher than those of the near-beta alloy Ti-IOV-2Fe-3AI. Annealing or solution annealing generally is conducted at 815 to 870°C (1500 to 1600 "F)..7 ksi) at 0.15 0. The high temperature age "weakens" the grains relative to the grain boundaries and the second age stabilizes the grains against embrittlement See Table for RT tensile properties of sheet and bar vs. improved oxidation resistance up to 650°C (1200 OF). Although oxygen levels below 0.20 Composition. This behavior implies a decrease in work-hardening capability with increasing oxygen and.5 3. boiling 2S%HCI.0 Hydrogen Damage. In the annealed condition. Beta-2lS can be fabricated into all forging product types.0 2. WI \lo Fe C 0.1 ksi) at 0. Beta-21S retains ductility up to hydrogen levels of 2000 ppm.) Applications. although closed die forging predominates. Corrosionrnte.01016 O.g. boiling 1%HCI. recrystallized prior 13 grain size in preparation for final thermal treatments .33 wt% do not appear to significantly affect the strength/ductility relationship.0) indicated a chloride crevice corrosion threshold between pH 0.0 15. boiling 4% HCI.boiling.33% oxygen.boiling. aging time. minimum 24h Sh Sh 690 650 1275 1200 Sh Sh 900 Duplexage First stage Second stage (a) Three selectedaging treatmentsthatcoverstrengthlevels likely to be used in commercialapplications n Medium mmJyear 3% boilingH2S04 10%FeCb.02794 0.boiling 10%HC~ boiling 15%HCl.5%HO.3 0. this alloy has higher unit pressures (flow stresses). aging. 8eta 21 S: Selected heat treatments 'Ireatment Solutiontreatment {betaanneal) Aging(a) 'Iempemture OF °C Duration Cooling metbod AC AC AC AC AC SOO-SI5 480 540 595 1470-1500 1000 1100 4 min. results of tests on sheet from two heats containing 0.11 0. A chloride crevice corrosion test (5% NaCI at 90°C. However.00254 0. control of chemical removal processes is essential to preclude excessive hydrogen pickup Recommended Forging Metal Temperatures. concomitantly. Reheating for subsequent forging operations recrystallizes the alloy from prior hot work. Special properties include a modulus that is comparable to bone. Although Beta-21S forms less a case from heating operations than other alloy classes.5%HCI.boiling 1. and less crack sensitivity in forging. the increased resistance from molybdenum in reducing media generally comes at the expense of resistance in oxidizing media. Compared with Ti-AI6-4V.5 mm (0. Excellent corrosion and hydrogen embritdement resistance have led to chemical and offshore oil use Corrosion Resistance.5 3. The desired final microstructure from thermomechanical processing of Beta21S during forging manufacture is a fine transformed 13.4 3.5 and 1.2 0.04064 0. Machining.0 15. and for ultimate tensile strength vs. Aging is conducted at 540 to 595 °C (1000 to 1100 oF). Range is 790 to 850 °C (1455 to 1560 oF) Formability.S 14. Minimum Maximum Aim AI Nb Mo Si 2. reductions in any given forging process are 30 to 50% to achieve desired dynamic and static recrystallization. Strip is available in gages from 0.3 to 2. as with all beta alloys.0 55. The fme microstructural features of Beta-2lS achieved in forgings are responsible for its excellent mechanical properties and fatigue resistance. Due to the high alloying content of Beta-2IS. Beta-21S is a reasonably forgeable alloy above its beta transus.oI5 bal 8eta-21 S: General corrosion behavior Beta annealed material. Beta-2IS. Forgings may be supplied annealed. or solution anneal and aging for higher strength levels.13 0. a duplex overage is used to retain ductility.boiling 2.0 . 0 23. (e)Annealed885°C Beta-21S: Tensile yield strength vs.3 1541.06 in.229(d) 0.2 1319..229(d) 0. Beta-CEZ® Characteristics Chemical Composition.5 6.4 1024.2 119.1 195.6 1415.2 Ultimatetensile Hoirolled bar 'ThnslJe yield Ileduction strength strength or.130 0.7 1462.2 156. In the solution treated and aged condition.0 11.4 132. oxygen content Simulilled strip(b} 'ThnslJe yield UItimale lellSile Heal t.4 118.130 0.6 1232.229(d) 0.3 1202.4 146. the microstructure consists of (X + ~ phases.0 845°C(1555°F).7 1434.4 1258.4 123.4 1010..0 19.9 118.8 1583.5 mm (0.1 61.. EIonglll\on. (d)Annealed 870DC.8 180.8 1306.0 182.l!! 120 ~ E 100 :5 80 50 Ti-5AI-2Sn-4Zr-4Mo-2Cr-1 Fe Common Name.334(d) 813.4 199.8 970.4 4.0 7.9 22.4 874.8 4..5 1254.9287 Aand c =4.1 937.1 148.4 187.1 1540.6 178..9 135.9 958.2 192..1 132.8 5.183(c) 0.1 211.6 859.5 4.0 10. 19.5 4.4 1447.3 191.8 12. AC strength strength ksi MPo 771. .120 0.0 159. 837.8 209.~ a.1 1346.10min.3 1425.. aging time.4 16.4 5.6 135.5 14.2 117.4 174.5 1431.9 126. high toughness. (b) Coldrolled50%prior10annealing.0 6.1 3.9 12. The lattice parameters of the closepacked hexagonal (X phase are a =2.06 ln.6 223.1 13Q. 10min.120 0..2 61.0 13.10min.5 213. Crystal Structure.5 1325.090 0.7 169. 8 h.r:: 1100 15> c: l!! 0 '" I I 20 30 Time.2 35.5 206. and intermediate-temperature creep resistance.5 24.584/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Beta-21 S: RTtensile properties of sheet and bar vs.10min.5 1084.130 0.3 3.0 6.6 66.0 26.8 874.0 23.8 947.334(e) 0.4 1434.3 (a) Annealing limefor sheet was 10min. h 40 " ~ (.9 795.5 1467.5 ksi ksi MPo .6 160.9 122.7 171.) sheet aged for indicated times and temperatures LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Beta·21S: Ultimate tensile strength vs.8 h.9 223.2 111.6 1375.8 193.5 194..0 10.334(e) 0.183(c) 0.7 126.2 1099. aging time.8 1223.5 1388.3 205.9 166.8 1166.6 1395.5 199.1 13?1.5 2.0 2. ~ • • 200 0 .8 847.6 229. AC 845°C (1555 oF).2 178.130 0.3 217. 0 cu .8 912.1 17.) Oxygen. See Table for chemical composition.0 44.2 26.3 1341. MP.5 r msheet 10 20 '" 180 • 482 °C(900 oF) 540°C (1000 OF) 595°C (1100 OF) I I 30 Time.AC 0.9 132.0 9.for bar 1h.3 143.4 212.2 1326...7 822. .6 1157.2 15..) sheet aged for indicated times and temperatures LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1500 1500 0 0 1300 . (c)Annealed 857°C.4 181.4 888.3 171.3 122..j CD 900 CD P 100 80 50 :5 • 700 500 '" 0 E -r-a • '" 1ij j 200 ~ 180 ~ c: ~ 1100 iij 0 • 0 • ~ 160 ~ c 140 ~ 120 0 0 ~ 1300 . MPo ksi 845°C (1555oF).3 882.0 987.4 139. Processing flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications .120 0.5 930.2040 A Beta-CEZ® is a multifunctional near-B titanium alloy exhibiting high strength.4 192.090 0.2 1352..8 167.5 9.0 1314.183(c) 0..5 173.1 1259. EIong.229(d) 0.lmenl(. AC + 540°C (1000oF).1 917.14 h.1 167.6 986.9 1329.6 189.334(e) 0.8 4.2 208.5 66.8 229.183(c) 0.0 140.090 0..5 146.4 1421. AC + 595 (1100 OF).1 1037.8 197.0 1194.2 1289.3 27.3 24.6 115.2 132Q.090 0.3 15Q.0 1332.7 1443.0 143.0 1253.1 913.120 0.9 153.4 21.8 182. whereas the lattice parameter of the body-centered cubic ~ phase is a = 3.9 8.8 63.2 8.3 3.4 122.3 8.5 12.2 1494. .0 1068.6 208.8 206. AC + 480°C (900 oF).6 1146.5 1152..3 1103.4 19.8 66.6 819.4 196.5 35.6 1232.5 1501.9 128.0 216.7 1579.8 201.4 202.0 192.9 8.tion.8 190.0 7.8 1148.6 1359..3 201.8 1336.9 154.9 209.0 1060.6 5.AC 845°C(l555 °F). "'''' '" '" 0 '" ~ '" 900 Qj 0 >= • 700 500 o '" 1. Beta annealed 1. Beta annealed 1.6 899.6 24.1 1011.5 16.3 8.8 1.7 1377.7 843.5 r msheet o 10 480°C (900 OF) 540 °C (1000 OF) 595°C (1100 OF) 160 ~ CD 140~ .6606 A.6 1470.9 1443.8 209. h 40 1.0 47.4 17.9 853.2 1045.0 207.8 20.5 7.8 1461.3 193.8 128.5 10.4 22.1 847.8 15.6 890.2 166.3 18..8 129.8 2.4 1081.3 137.0 124.7 815.3 212.3 900.6 1180.0 121.7 151.4 118.5 mm (0.0 7.6 191.5 169.8 1243.8 130. 8 h. as well as hydrogen uptake and embrittlement are currently being studied.8h.AC 830°C (1525oF).1h.5 1.L Asrolled. The microstructure is fine and equiaxed Fabrication Properties Forming. WQ + 600 °C (1110oF).AC 600°C (1110oF).2% yield streogth Ultimate strength MPa lui MPa lui EIoogaIIoo.8h. Products are supplied in the forged or solution treated conditions.AC 860°C (1580oF).1h.8h.1 h. WQ+600°C(1ll0°F). See Table for hardness kinetics for equiaxed microstructures Compooltion. 8 b. which leads to an excellent combination of strength.8 b. Forged or rolled bars exhibit an equiaxed microstructure.1 h.AC.1h. Beta-CEZ® can maintain a high strength level at high temperatures for both the equiaxed or lamellar microstructures. A patented technique that results in a "necklaced" microstructure. the time difference between grain boundary and intragranular precipitation is about 1 h when cooled at 1°C/min (1. Superplastic properties of Beta CEZ® alloy are obtained at temperatures as low as 725°C (Scripta Met. wQ +600 °C (1l1OoF). Maximum hardness is about 560 HV. Typical product forms consist of forged billets in diameters ranging from 150 to 300 mm (6 to 12 in. WQ + 600°C (1ll0 oF). Because the strain-rate sensitivity exponent of Beta-CEZ® is rather high compared to conventional alloys (0.8h.AC 830°C (1525oF).)diam"through the transus" processed Heal treatment As forged 830°C (1525oF). 890°C (1635 OF) Chemical Corrosion Resistance.1 h.WQ +550 °C (1020oF).5-5.) diamrolledbar 25 mm (1 in. Rolled plate and sheet are also available in thicknesses ranging from 25 to 3 mm (1 to 0.AC 860°C(l580°F). WQ +570°C (1060 ~F). plastic flow is more stable and enhances formability.5-2. As a function of aging time.5 1. WQ + 600°C (1110oF). a temperature around 920°C (1690 "F) is suggested to obtain a lamellar structure by pprocessing "Through the Transus" Processing.) and forged or rolled bar in diameters ranging from 10 up to 110 mm (0.1h. T 860°C (1580oF). either equiaxed or lamellar.AC. Diffusion bonding is being studied. T 600 °C (1110oF).3 in.5-4. Vol 29. The metastable nature of the alloy lowers its sensitivity to temperature.5-4.8h. and fasteners Solution treatment is at 750 to 860°C (1380 to 1580 "P) for from 1 to 4 h. Alpha precipitation occurs first at p grain boundaries and secondly inside the grains. springs. respectively.1 h.5 800-1300ppm <150ppm Aluminum Tin Zirconium Molybdenum Chromium Iron Oxygen Hydrogen Beta-CEZ®: Typical tensile properties Product fonn 150 mm (6 in. BetaCEZ® is a structural alloy with very high strength and a good combination of strength. The alloy displays superplastic properties between 725 and 775°C (1335 and 1425 "F).).7 mm(~in.8h.) diamJ}-processed pancake 300 mm (12 in. Optimum toughness is obtained with lamellar primary a microstructures Transformation Products. L 860°C (1580oF).8b. whereas p processed and "through the p transus" processed pancakes exhibit lamellar and necklaced microstructures. 8b. and toughness. A temperature of>750°C (1380 "F) is recommended for solution treatments below the transus.5 3.AC 830°C (1525oF). Mechanical Properties Beta-CEZ®: Chemical composition Tensile properties depend strongly on microstructure.5-1. WQ+600°C(lllO°F).AC 0. L 830°C (1525OF). p 503-508) Recommended Heat Treating Practice Applications. ductility.AC As rolled 830°C (1525oF). hardness evolves rapidly.5 0.8 h. Element See Table for typical tensile properties Aging is at 525 to 650°C (970 to 1200 "F) for from 30 min to 8 h. WQ +600 °C (1110oF).) thickrolledplate 300 mm(12 in.8h.8h.) and 500 mm (20 in. WQ+550°C(I020°F).1 h. Component applications are as forged parts.1 h.3 for Beta-CEZ® versus 0.AC. toughness.4. Near-net shape forgings are possible due to the excellent formability of the alloy. 1 h. 8h.AC 830°C (1525oF).2 for Ti-6Al-4V).AC. and toughness Superplastic Forming.AC As rolled.WQ + 600°C (1110oF).) diamforged bar 12. % 1040 1601 1283 1557 1370 1490 1506 1373 1723 1540 1222 1260 1334 1351 1405 1418 1608 1357 1326 1227 1314 1263 150 232 186 226 198 216 218 199 250 223 177 182 193 196 203 205 233 197 192 178 190 183 960 1518 1208 1478 1304 1345 1460 1349 1683 1485 1124 1163 1287 1300 1338 1340 1472 1171 1188 1138 1200 1170 139 220 175 214 189 195 211 195 244 215 163 168 186 188 194 194 213 170 172 165 174 169 18 2 II 2 5 II 13 15 7 9 15 II 13 12 10 6 2 5 6 10 10 II .4 to 4. Corrosion resistance in acid or seawater.1 b. wi % 4. No.AC 830°C (1525oF). ductility.8 h.1 in. Hot working in the a + p range is recommended at 800 to 860°C (1470 to 1580 oF) to maintain a fine equiaxed microstructure.) wide. ductility.8h. WQ+600 °C(lllO°F). Typical applications include heavy section forgings for medium-temperature compressor disks in which an optimum combination of strength. Ib. It is applied to a 100% p metastable structure below 890°C (1635 "F). and creep resistance is required. 1000% ductility can be reached at strain rates as high as 8 x 10-4 S-1. For instance. In the p range.WQ+550°C(l020°F). The continuous cooling (CCT) diagram for Beta-CEZ® is similar to that ofTi-17.5-2. 8 h. WQ + 570°C (1060oF). WQ+550°C(I020°F).T 830°C (1525oF).5 3.AC 860°C (1580oF). Data are not available Product Forms.8 of/min) from the pfield.1 h. The microstructure is typical of pmetastable alloys and may be p or a + p. whereas aging treatments are performed below 700°C (1290 oF) Beta Transus. Highest strength and ductility are achieved with an equiaxed primary a phase and a finely precipitated secondary a phase microstructure. WQ + 600 °C (1l1OoF). 1993. Lamellae in the core of the grains and fine equiaxed grains at the boundaries are thus obtained.AC 830°C (1525oF).AC 860°C (1580oF).1 h.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 585 Grain Structure.1h. AC+8h. 960 139 1027 149 22 703 102 875 127 930 135 24 662 96 682-703 99-102 .5 8. and for tensile properties of rod and wire vs. Intermediate annealing may be necessary during these cold working operations Characteristics Product Forms.6 2. Through the use of conventional titanium welding practices. except650 °C (1200 oF) aging strength MPa ksl Ultimate lemile strength MPa ksI % Shear strength MPa ksi Elongation. heavy feed. and structural forging alloy. t. such as HR + CR + 8 h at 480°C (900 "F). its deep hardenability. Also. Ti-8823 is machinable by most conventional techniques. The recommended hot working temperature is 760 to 980°C (1400 to 1795 OF) with breakdown at the higher temperatures and finishing at the lower temperatures. per heat treatment. strip.for RTshear and tensile properties vs.586/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys 8eta-CEZ®: Hardness kinetics for equiaxed microstructures Aging lime.and for tensileproperties of welded sheet at 315°C (600 oF) Forming. aging.0 C Oz 0. spring alloy.05 IL 0.4 3.5 8.05 0. cold rolling and heat treatment. properties of welded material using a postweld aging treatment are somewhat less desirable than those of unwelded solution treated plus aged material Recommended Heat Treating Practice See Table for recommended heat treatments: solution treatment (anneal). and thermal stability at least to 315°C (600 OF).). and air cooling Ti-8823: Mechanical properties of fastener stock Thnsile yield Heat treatment Ti-8823: Typical composition range Minimwn Maximum Nominal AI V Fe Mo 2.0 7. modulus of elasticity. slow speed. Product form IJ). usage is limited to about 315°C (600 "F). aging temperature See Tablesfor mechanicalpropertiesof fastener stock.2 h. and wire. notch fatigue strength.AC Unspecified. See Figures for: • Tensile properties of sheet • Vickers hardness • Tensile properties vs.650°C(l200°F). plate.1 0. It is more easily machined in the solution treated condition than in the aged condition. WQ + 550°C (1020 oF). which translate to high stnictural efficiency.650°C(12OO°F). processing and heat treatment. smooth specimens of the Ti-8823 alloy do not appear to have the fatigue strength that might be expected from such a"hightensile strength material. tolerably low work-hardening characteristics. The as-welded material exhibits properties similar to those of solution treated annealed material. HV 345 380 440 470 485 480 465 460 460 Ti-8Mo-8V-2Fe-3AI Common Name. stress-corrosion resistance. 0. for tensile properties of foil vs. Limitations are consistent with some of the disadvantages in general of beta titanium alloys.0 1. Ti-8823 has fairly good weldability and weld stability. relatively poor creep strength at moderately high temperatures.) and possibly up to 150 mm (6 in. and this characteristic allows an excellent combination of strength and ductility to be achieved for certain applications. rod. and adequate coolant Welding. As with most beta titanium alloys. section size and location. The good formability of Ti-8823 in the annealed condition. Cold working is used to finish such products as sheet. AC+8h.5 8. and marginal weld properties in the heat-treated condition.AC 20 min.0 7. except for lowered tensile ductility.5 8. and capability for heat treatment to very high strength levels are consistent with the general advantages of beta titanium alloys.16 N. Generally.) diamforgedbar min As forged 860 °C (1580 oF). See Tables for tensile properties of heavy sections vs. such as higher density (than for example alpha-beta alloys). Ti-8823 Fabrication Properties Chemical Composition. Heal treatment 150mm(6 in. and high ductility in tension and compression Machining. formable sheet alloy Applications. 785 °C(I445 oF). It has been considered as a possible fastener alloy. such as annealing and stabilization. The alloy has hardenability in sections up to 100 mm (4 in. Ti-8823 also suffers from melting problems due to its high molybdenum content Tensile Properties. Primarily a high strength. Ti-8823 should be hot forged and hot rolled above its beta transus temperature of775 °C (1425 OF). overage (stabilization). Additionally. 775 °C(1425 oF). Ti-8823 is cold workable.Ql5 15 min. Ti-8823 has good fracture toughness.4 2. cold work or heat treatment. The formability of the Ti-8823 alloy in the annealed or solution heat treated condition is excellent. It has relatively low yield strength. this alloy can be joined and useful mechanical properties maintained. It requires rigid set up.6 3. High strength levels can be obtained in this alloy. See Table for typical composition range Forging.AC o I 3 to 30 100 300 1000 3000 Hardness (30kg). % 1.5 169.5 3. cold workor heat treatment Diameter In.191 0. AC + weld 800°C (1470oF). 495 °C (920°F).0 16.0 15.AC+8h.5 Young's modulus lO'ps.7 171. 775°C(1425°F). 1 h.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 587 Ti-8823:Room-temperature shearand tensile properties vs.5 2.30min.).9 13.8 7.0 5.5 4.1 14.775 °C (1425°F). AC L-C 200 mm (8 in.6 10.1 11. MPa ksi % % 1133 1150 1160 1120 1165 1146 1103 1148 1155 164.0 166.775 °C(1425°F).AC 86 88 88 185 188 182 89 86 89 123 118 119 160 159 1041 167 161 161 Eloogalion in: 50mm (2 lu).2 17.)square.1 14. 8 h.8 h.2 5. CondltloD/ beattreatmenl mm 20 min.5 5 2 2 1 5 5.1 14.5 2.0 8. WQ + 540°C L-MR (1000 oF).495°C(920°F).312 0. 16 h. AC 800°C (1470oF). 3h.9 13.0 166.5In. AC + weld 800°C (1470oF).6 173. Reductlon Or&Ie8.9 15.8 7.9 4. AC L-C 1210 1197 1182 1186 1232 1213 1183 1213 1226 175.AC + 595°C (1100 oF).6 13.208 0.2 %) (40).3 162. AC L-C L-O 150mm (6 in.0 6. 650 °C (1200°F).800°C L-O (1470 "P).1 109 100 95 14.0 9. 510°C (950°F)(d) ThIl'lileyield strength MPa ksi Ullimate lensile strength MPa IIsI 1268 937 184 136 1365 944 198 137 1 7 82 96 12 14 1110 161 1179 171 8 124 18 930 1441 135 209 986 1530 143 222 13 5 110 131 16 19 Elongation. AC + weld + 480°C (900 "P).7 13.8 h.AC Hotrolled HR+14%CR HR+36%CR HR+53%CR HR + 53%CR + 8 h.6 176.3 160. 785°C (1445°F)(a) Stabilized4 h.(d) (a) treatment plus the 510 °C (950 "P) treatment.5 4.4 14.(h) Slow cool in vacuum. 8 h.8 h.9 0.800°C L-O (1470 oF).(h) Sufficientrate to prevent uformation Ti-8823:Tensile propertiesof foil vs.AC + weld + 480°C (900 "F).6 16.9 7.30 min.8 ThIl'lileyield Elongation Reduction strength(0. % % 29 8 17 28 24 21 12 12 6 10 9 22 24 58 21 58 64 68 64 57 57 18 52 35 129 195 135 126 141 150 171 182 241 189 242 149 135 Double shear strength ksI MPa 655 834 662 620 95 121 96 90 655 696 703 924 724 951 703 662 95 101 102 134 105 138 102 96 Ti-8823:Tensile properties of welded sheet at 315°C (600 OF) strength MPa ksI Thnsile yield strength MPa ksI 593 605 605 1275 1296 1255 613 593 613 848 813 820 1103 1096 161 1151 1110 1110 579 600 593 1193 (a) (a) 600 579 586 731 675 799 1013 1041 151 1082 1061 1041 UltImatetensile Heattreatment 800 °C (1470oF).5 . 16 h.0 10.4 166.5 2.0 177. GPo lJmm ThtaI (0.191 0.0 6.AC+8h.5 0 2.7 15.30min.) square.AC 7.284 0.5 3 3 3 14 12 18 6 2 2 10 16 14 8 2.(c) (a) treatmentplus (h) treatment.312 Thnsile yield strength IIsI MPa UltImatetensile strength MPa lIsi 862 1268 889 862 937 993 1151 1220 1599 1282 1613 958 875 889 1344 930 868 972 1034 1179 1255 1661 1303 1668 1027 930 125 184 129 125 136 144 167 177 232 186 234 139 127 Elongation.30 min.6 14.30 min.AC + 480°C (900 oF).8 4.5 2 2.0 171.785 °C(1445°F).208 0.0 im 6.9 7. % Ti-8823: Tensile properties of heavysections vs.7 15. 650 °C (1200°F). I h.190 0.5 172.800°C (1470oF).AC 20 min.vacuumcooled SecUon stul heatlreatmeol Uilimale tensile strength lIsi Location MPa lOOmm (4in.9 7.1 178. 495°C (920°F). 1 h.5 8.0 7.9 14.312 0. cold rolling and heat treatment Condilion 93% coldroUed Annealed2 min.312 0.0 8. WQ + 540°C L-MR (1000 oF).0 24.9 168.5 4 3.3 4.312 0.800°C (1470 oF).3 5.8 12.AC+8h. AC + weld 800°C(1470 °F).AC 15min.AC 15min.AC HR+61%CR HR+61%CR+8h. ohrea.8 4.244 0.5 167. 785°C(1445°F).2 6.AC 20 min. WQ + 540°C L-MR (1000 oF).AC + 595°C (1100 oF). 675°C (1245°F)(h) Annealed+ stabilized(c) Annealed+ 6 h.6 5.7 176.5 2.) square. % Local 84 87 86 173 (a) (a) 87 84 85 106 98 116 147 151 5 157 154 151 35 30 45 15 5 5 25 40 35 20 5 20 5 10 0 10 10 10 Uolform 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 2 3 2.AC 15min.8 14.8 (a) Brokebeforereachingyieldstress Ti-8823:Recommended heat treatments Cooling 'trealmeot Durnlion Solutiontreatment(anneal) Aging Overage(stabilization) 785-800 48G-51O 650 1455-1470 900-950 1200 (a) 8h method ACor OQ(h) AC AC (a) Durationdependson thickness.5 4 104 4 4 4 101 106 102 105 117 110 69 104 82 96 90 102 101 94 15. section size and location Modulus or elastkllv GPa lolpsi (a) Fastcool in vacuum.190 0.8 h.5 4.AC + 595 °C(1100 oF). DC .~~-_f_--__j J: '6>160 c ~ 10 30°t-ir-TT----::::.312 0.. Effect of aging heat treatment hard- Ti-8823: Tensile properties vs.) Ti-8823: Tensile properties.208 0.3 4.3 5..244 0. Reduclion ofmeo mm In.AC HR+CR HR+CR+8h.48O°C(9OO°F).. h 20 24 550 650 Aging temperature.3 1.) diameter rod solution heat treated 15 min at 785°C (1445 OF).AC HR+CR 14 14 36 36 36 53 53 53 61 61 61 91 96 99 68 10 33 57 11 30 57 18 38 52 35 13 3 10 12 6 10 9 10 46 12 O.244 0.9 7.284 0.2 7.8 4.. DC 550 650 ___ Ultimate tensile strength 40 ~ 170 > s: CD til 150 '" 140 ~ 3501/1----".:~z::::.5 mm (0.t---+-f-r>rt----+--F---. h 32 24 0 0 4 8 12 16 Aging lime. processing and heat treatment ProcessIngf beat treatment Cold work. Effect of aging heat treatment variables on the tensile properties of 1.. water quenched LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 1600 --Ultimate tensile strength -Tensile yield strength 220 I 480 °c (900 OF) 200 '" Q..AC HR+CR HR + CR + 8 h. '6> c:: 'iii 10 til iii s: ~ 425°C (800 OF) 140 C 0 Ol c:: 0 5 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 120 8 16 Aging time.256 in.6 0.Q 450 200 4251----+---480 DC(900 OF) 190 400t----+--------.191 0. aging temperature.036 None 937 993 1489 1151 1751 1572 1227 1599 1468 1282 1613 1489 136 144 216 167 254 228 178 232 213 186 234 216 972 1034 1586 1186 1827 1675 1255 1661 1523 1303 1668 1544 1324 1330 1365 141 150 230 172 265 243 182 241 221 189 242 224 192 193 198 24 21 64 As hot rolled HR+CR HR + CR + 8 h.SF~~F=+===lj " " 650 DC(1200 OF) 4 8 750 50 12 16 Aging time.208 0.) sheet solution heat treated 30 min at 800°C (1470 OF) and air cooled h aging temperature on tensile properties of 6.8 2. % MPH ksi MPo ksi % % 7.15(b) 0. air cooled LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 450 ~ .588/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti·8823: Tensile properties of rod and wire vs.208 0.9 0.27-mm (0."=::i==::::~~?i~1 ~ 325t---+_f_-7'<----~ol-. 480°C (900 oF).AC HR+CR + 8h.2 6.2 5.3 5.AC HR +CR + 8 h. 510°C (950°F).050-in. Diameter ThD5ile yield Ulllmale lensiJe s1reng1b strengtb Eiongation(o).l9(b) 0. 510°C (950 °F).--+---__j 180 / c ~ / / 160 ~ 'if.) sheet solution heat treated 15 min at 815°C (1500 OF).8 4..191 0.-""'---+----j--_f_--__j 180 ~---I---t-----jI---1 ~ ~ 375t----+-r--- Aging temperature.244 0. 480 °C (900 oF).14(b) 58 65 59 (a) In 4D exceptas indicated.AC HR+CR HR + CR + 24 h.060 in.191 0. 480°C (900 oF).284 0. ::! ~ 1200.430°C (800 oF).063 0.5 mm (0.090 0.AC HR +CR +4 h.2 6. Effect of 8- ness of 1.(b) In 250 rom(10 in. h 20 24 28 Ti-8823: Vickers hardness.2 6. ). /' _. Properties are similar to those of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3AI or Ti15Mo-5Zr-3Al Machining.0 mm (0. wire.m Product Forms. The maximum amount of a phase is obtained at around 500°C (930 "F). a phase precipitates without embrittlement. AC. cold rolled sheet. = I {1122}jl{200}p LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 600 Temperature. See Table for chemical composition of bar. In addition. I h.5 mm (0./ -" I'"~ .6 I _8 oj gj 0. for amount of alpha and alpha phases during aging (a and b). and high corrosion resistance. Filler rod ofTi-15Mo-5Zr is recommended. (2) suppress 0) transformation to prevent embrittlement. or bar in the p temperature fields. The practical high-strength aging temperature ranges from 450 to 500 °C (840 to 930 OF). Forging billet and bar. It has better corrosion resistance in boiling hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid solutions than commercially pure titanium.). Beta transus: 730°C (1345 oF). Ti-15Mo-5Zr can be welded with commercially pure titanium as well. I h. Products usually are supplied in the annealed condition. DC 600 350 (b) --:: IIf 20 min 0 450 Temperature. It isP stabilized by molybdenum to enhance corrosion resistance to reducing atmospheres.2 J \ "100 min ~ ~2 ~ Ql E 0 300 (a) BOO 6 5000 min Temperature. billet. Hardness increases minimally in the heat-affected and fusion zones. Cold rolled sheet is available in thicknesses up to 0. See Table for mechanical properties of hot rolled bar at room temperature Crystal Structure. good cold formability. A maximum tensile strength is obtained by aging Solution treating at 730 °C (1345 "F). Ti-I5Mo-5Zr has high corrosion resistance to reducing atmospheres.. and for isochronal curve of tensile properties vs.004 in. Mechanical Properties The ductility of Ti-15Mo-5Zr is approximately twice that ofTi-6AI-4V at the same strength level. The P grain size after annealing ranges from approximately 20 to 100 IJ. 9. Close-packed hexagonal 0) phase and cph phase a are precipitated during aging below 400°C (750 oF). aging temperature Ti-15Mo-5Zr: Amount of 0) and a phases during aging.and above 450 °C (840 "F). Corrosion and wear resistance of parts made of commercially pure titanium can be enhanced by overlay welding and hardening Recommended Heat Treating Practice Applications. The optimum combination of strength and ductility can be obtained by solution treating and aging at 730 °C (1345 "F).1 in.4 i 5000 min '. X-ray diffraction analysis. and sheet Characteristics at around 400°C (750 "F). it is used as an erosion-resistant overlay for steam turbine blades in which 0) phase is intentionally used to obtain an extremely high hardness in spite of being brittle Ti-15Mo-5Zr typically is processed to plate. Ti-I5Mo-5Zr is a metastable P type alloy that exhibits good cold formability and age hardenability. Annealing is carried out just above the p transus temperature for a fine-grained recrystallized microstructure. TI-I5Mo-5Zris used in the chemical industry because ofits high strength. Zirconium additions of 5% minimum are used to enhance thermal stability. air cooling is acceptable. during aging over 450°C (840 "F). the alloy is highly strengthened but is extremely brittle because of 0) phase precipitation. Additionally. and cold drawn wire are available. Solution treatments in the p region are used to obtain low flow stress and high ductility for cold processing.1 in. respectively. Recommended aging temperatures are 450 to 500°C (840 to 930 OF).1 mm (0.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 589 Ti-15Mo-5Zr Chemical Composition. Ti-I5Mo-5Zr has higher erosion resistance compared to Ti-6AI-4V or other p titanium alloys. OF BOO 900 700 1000 1100 700 0. water quenching + 475°C (890 OF) for 100 to 1000 min.35 in. The grain structure and distribution of phases depend on thermomechanical history. In = I {1010}JI{200}p I. 0. The standard cold drawn wire diameter minimum is 1. 550 °c 650 . and (3) to improve thermal stability of the p phase. hot rolled plate and bar. Zirconium is added to (1) enhance corrosion resistance above the level achieved by molybdenum. 98% reduction. Characteristics are similar to other p titanium alloys Welding. but elongation is very low because of 0) phase precipitation. S tl '0 '0 ~ ~ 0.04 in. Corrosion Resistance.) Fabrication Properties Forming. See Figures for aging transformation diagram. Click here to view 1100 1200 -. See Figure for corrosion resistance at 90 °C (195 "P) After aging at low temperatures of around 400 °C (840 OF). Omega phase is usually avoided because it causes embrittlement Grain Structure.) or wire of diameters less than 3 mm (0. followed by water quenching is recommended. Body-centered cubic single-phase ~ is obtained in the solution treated condition.) diameter bar hot rolled at 880°C (1615 OF). l'i 4 OJ s: s: 0. With sheet thicknesses less than 3 mm (0. OF 900 1000 0 400 500 Temperature. However. L- . of 600 700 800 900 .35 in.e .411+----¥---~.--__l LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 400 200 800 600 Time.2~H---+---+--'-"--T-==L--\---------j oj Cl c: "ficu :<:Cl ~ 0.i > .15Mo-5Zr: Isochronal curve oftensile properties vs.'100 min 2 0f-------. ---l 300 350 .i > ...i->: . WQ.. Typical corrosion in 12 wt% H2S04 ..:..) diameter hot rolled bar at 880 DC (1615 OF).. V ' / ~ ~~ - ~~k'iV- -------- V ~ '" /- £-..5 mm (0.6 1..'100mln -"-1000 min .. Specimens were 9. 2 wt% ZnS04 . and 66 wt% H20 1. /" '/ ....- . " ". 98% reduction..5000min ~ 15 c:o :.. p. -l000 min .~=~~+_1. aging temperature. /. Aged as indicated Temperature.5000mln -. LIVE GRAPH .L.l 140 L- Click here to view (a) Temperature. h Ti... of 600 800 700 900 2100 1100 1000 300 ---0--20 min ..e ... 500 °c 550 600 .- 350 LIVE GRAPH (b) y /' / iB 10 ['\ 1100 1000 I 25 Click here to view 400 450 Temperature. Solution treated at 730 DC (1345 OF).590 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti·15Mo-5Zr: Corrosion resistance at 90 DC.L. ---0--20 min ./ 280 260 160 900l... / r-..811-+---+--+---+-----+----------j 0.. Cl c: /~ A 5 300 /. 20 wt% Na2S04 .~ o\ - " "-. " ""~~ ~~y 2. 400 450 500 600 550 °c Temperature. (2) suppress 0) transformation to prevent 0) embrittlement. Moreover.5-5. tJ. .5 mm (0. The standard cold drawn wire diameter minimum is 1.20 0. Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI has high corrosion resistance to reducing atmospheres.. Forging billet and bar. the strength.(b)Annealed. respectively. However. it is a candidate material for sour gas weII plants because of its high strength-to-density ratio and resistance to atmospheric stress-corrosion cracking. aluminum enhances post-aging strength and resistance to oxidation as well Characteristics Crystal Structure.. Molybdenum enhances corrosion resistance to reducing atmospheres. For example.' 500 i:::l ~ Ol a. Close-packed hexagonal ~ phase and 0) phase precipitate during aging above and below 425°C (795 "F). 9. Its corrosion resistance is superior to that of Ti-0. Compared with Ti-15Mo-5Zr. Stress-corrosion cracking properties in a H2S-saturated solution with 5% NaCI and 0..2%) MPa ksi 139 162 59 139 145 922 1069 323 892 951 133 155 47 129 138 (a)Solutiontreated. good cold formability. and in particular. and sheet Chemical composition. wire. Xray diffraction analysis 1100 600 • !. % Fe(a) Zr H(a) O(a) N(a) 0. and toughness of Ti15Mo-5Zr-3AI are superior to Ti-15Mo-5Zr. With optimum heat treatment this aIloy can reach a tensile strength of 1470 MPa (213 ksi) with an elongation of 15%. ductility. Zirconium additions of 5% minimum are required to enhance thermal stability.020 0. . Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI is characterized by high strength. Iougbnea. and cold drawn wire are available: Cold roIled sheet is available in thicknesses up to O. hot rolled plate and bar. and it is used as an erosion shield as well as Ti-15Mo-5Zr.35 4. 900 tJ.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 591 Ti-15Mo-5Zr: Mechanical properties of hot rolled bar at room temperature Alloy Uhimate tensile strength ksi MPa TI-I5Mo-5:lI(a) Ti-15Mo-O.2Pd(a) CPTi(b) TI-6AI-4V(b) Ti-5AI-2Cr-1Fe(b) 961 1118 412 961 1000 Reduction CJuupy impact Elongation.35 in. An aluminum addition of 3% is needed to suppress 0) transformation effectively at lower temperatures and longer times. and (3) to improve thermal stability of ~ phase.0 rem (a)Maximum 1000 u.) diameter bar hot rolled at 880°C (1615 OF). Body-centered cubic ~ phase is obtained after solution treating in the ~ temperature region and quenching. % % J/em' Hardn . oCarea..Source:Kobe Steel Ti-15Mo-5Zr: Aging transformation diagram. Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI can be used in various applications where many other titanium aIIoys cannot be used. min Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI Chemical Composition..0 mm Applications... It is currently used as an erosion shield material for 1015 mm (40 in. 600 300 10 700 100 1000 10000 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Time.. cold rolled sheet. See Table for chemical composition. high corrosion resistance to reducing atmospheres. I mm. .) titanium turbine blades in power plants Corrosion Properties.0-16. 785°C (1445 OF) Product Forms. E ~ 400 • • J3+a Ti-15Mo-5Zr: Chemical composition of bar. The grain structure and distribution of phases depend on the thermomechanical history of the material. HV 25 20 41 13 19 65 55 70 35 40 59 39 176 39 49 283 278 140 330 320 Thmiley\eld strength (0. E Ol I- J3+ro .5 Mo 1'1 14. 98% reduction.05 0.2Pd. A higher tensile strength of over 1570 MPa (227 ksi) can be obtained by duplex aging.5% CH3COOH for solution treated and aged samples are shown Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties. . embrittlement caused by 0) phase does not occur as predominantly because the amount of 0) phase is reduced by the 3% aluminum additions Grain Structure. The grain size obtained by solution treating above the ~ transus generally ranges from approximately 20 to 100 11m Beta Transus. Zirconium is added to: (I) further enhance corrosion resistance above that achieved by a single molybdenum addition. J3+ro+a tJ. Its erosion resistance is somewhat inferior to that of Ti-15Mo-5Zr.. 800 ° i ~ Ol a.. Condition: Solution treated LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Solution temperature.. duplex aging is sometimes used. 98% reduction. ~ • 830'-- -'-- 735 785 835 885 Solution temperature...\.592/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys See Tables for mechanical properties of aged specimens. .. o 935 735 935 785 835 885 Solullon temperature. . the material should be solution treated just above the I} transus (785°C.······ .. Specimens were solution treated for one hour and aged at 500 °C (930 OF) for indicated times LIVE GRAPH Solution temperature. 200 'iii "" V~ ~ . Water quenching is preferable for cooling after solution treating Aging. In the former case.~. . --- A . °C . To obtain a higher strength. LIVE GRAPH Solution temperature. Solution treatment is carried out alternatively either in the I} temperature field (at 800 to 850°C..... . . i!! Iii 900 Click here to view 1700 340 TYS 300 ~ oi sc 'if!. ·----0 . See Figures for: Recommended Heat Treating Practice Solution treatment conditions depend on subsequent product application. • ..6 ... I} transus is 785°C....35 in.. °C Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI: Effectof solutiontemperature on tensileproperties. OF 1500 1600 Click here to view 1700 1565 1460f· ..·························. Maximum strength can be obtained after aging at temperatures of 425 to 450°C (795 to 840 OF). and for mechanical properties of duplex aged specimens Fabrication Properties Forming.. or in the a-I} field at 735 °C (1355 "F) for a good combination of strength and ductility after aging... OF 1500 1600 J 0 20 _.2 0 min '100 min . OF 1500 1600 1400 1400 1700 80 1100 ~ 1000 :::! Solullon temperature.<· 1400 Click here to view 1700 25 220 .. ...... However. .) diameter bar hot rolled at 880°C (1615 OF).. 9.5 mm (0. Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI is hot worked or cold worked. _ .5 to 1 h. To obtain a better combina- • • • • Effect of solution treating temperature on tensile properties Effect of solution temperature on STA tensile properties Aging transformation diagrams Amount of alpha phase during aging Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI: Effectof solutiontemperature on tensileproperties. the microstructure consists of a small amount of a phase and recovered I} phase. OF 1500 1600 ~ . . When cold formability is required.35 in.. See Table for effect of solution treatment temperatures on n-value tion of strength and ductility after aging. The first aging is carried out at 425°C (795 "F) for a phase to precipitate finely. °C 935 . Prior to cold working..... but long times are required.. 9. Products usually are supplied in the solution treated condition..) diameter bar hot rolled at 880°C (1615 OF)... r-... ~c:: UTS 150 . the material should be solution treated at735 °C (1355 "F) for 0.5 mm (0.. 98% reduction. the material is solution treated to obtain low flow stress and high ductility. and the second aging at 475 to 500 °C (890 to 930 "F) is used to accelerate the growth of the a precipitates..·······. or 1455 OF). age hardening occurs relatively rapidly at temperatures of475 to 500 °C (890 to 930 oF).... or 1470 to 1560 "F) for cold formability.. 1 ci 0 260 :::- ': 40 '"c::'" 0 --0 .... .-...... 1000 min -0- 5 - 935 - . iii EI 1 20·· III "E 220 ~ 120 0 800 735 785 835 885 Solution temperature.. °C 935 735 180 785 835 885 Solution temperature....0 --.. Treatment should be carried out at temperatures of 425 to 500 °C (795 to 930 "F). . -. I. -: r 1100 1000 f--. 30 min. WQ + 86%.0 rem o 350 400 '.5-3. ~ I Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI: Mechanical properties of duplex aged specimens 425°C(795°F). c P 550 • • p +a • ~ 0 ~450 I I- LIVE GRAPH 0'-- ---' 400 800 750 850 Solution temperature.T • • • l!!' 500 :::l _.% Fe(a) AI Zr 0.35in. °C 550 -r-o 600 .35 in.) diameter bar hot rolled at 880°C (1615 "F). MPa (ksi) !t- 300 • 700 1000 • • P+ OJ 0 ---1 • • A 0" -.. (a) Notched tensile strength/tensile strengthratio wilh notch factor (K. <.020 0.98% reduction. °C 900 • 900 ~ BOO E A -.. cold rolled + ST. 1/ . WQ Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI: Aging transformation diagrams. % Hardness. WQ Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI: Chemical composition H(a) O(a) N(a) Chemicalcomposition.plate 4.% Reductionof area.05 0.HV (1Okg) NTSIIS ratio(withK. 98% reduction... min Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI: Mechanical properties of aged specimens Tensilestrength.06{a) 3.5 (a)Maximum. 10 10 Ql 1475(214) 14 59 412 1. ... HV 1585 230 10 52 413 1558 225 10 58 417 Note: 9. 9.. <. % (lOkgl.. WQ + 500 °C{930 oF).1 0 600 o~· o 0 I Ql :::l ~ 0. 9.06 685(100) A 2 700 A A 10 600 10 4 3 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Temperature. 98% reduction. min. m1cm2 Fatigue strength.-- 8 5000 mn / - ~ 1000 n In . sheet..20 0.. I· t 'A -. '0 = /{101O}) 1{200}~.35 in.. 0. 9.35 2.) diameter bar hot rolled at 880 °C (1615 oF). 10 .5 Mo 'Ii 14. X-ray diffraction LIVE GRAPH Click here to view . 30 min. wire.1ooomin+475°C (890 oF)..0-16.5 mm (0..) diameter bar hot rolled at 880°C (1615 OF).5 mm (0. 1 mm (0. = 5.. . 98% reduction.~ -- / 20 min l-/ 450 500 Temperature. hot rolled + ST.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 593 Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI: Effect of solution treatment temperatures on n-value.1000min+ 500 °C (930 oF).) indicated Aging treatmeot(a) l!!' :::l Time.35 in. kg ...3) Charpy impactstrength. 90%. % Hardness ElongatIDn.MPa (ksi) Elongation. I • .0 : · "".60 min.5 mm (0. 0. phase during aging..1000min Reduetkm oforea.-e.04 in.) thick cold rolled sheet heat treated at 1100 QC (2010 QF).1000min.(a) Solution treatment:735°C (1355 oF).5-5./' '!ensile strength MPa ksi Ql I- Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3AI: Amount of a.1000min 42SOC(795oF).) diameter bar hot rolled at 880 DC (1615 OF). . All product forms bar. X-ray diffraction Note: Specimensaged at 735 °C{1355 "P). P 350 Click here to view • Co "lol Ql --<>--L 1100 A E . OF 800 900 700 .5 mm (0.051· ·/ / •• 1200 650 o· . 3 2.1 0.2 2.) plate producedfrom 820 kg (1800 Ib) ingot.5-12.0 3.0±2.0 18.3 ThIL'Jile yield strength MPo ksI 593±16 520±8 365±27 295±14 86.7 27.6 0. undergoes strain-initiated.005 max Residualelements Each Total TItanium 0.(a)Interpolatedvalues Aluminum Carbon Transage 129: Recommended heat treatments Thmpernlure 'Iemperature Nitrogen Oxygen TIn Vanadium(a) Zirconium Boron Hydrogen (a)The vanadium-aluminummasteralloy (nominally 15to 17 W!%aluminum)additionis to be calculated toobtain the nominalvanadiumcontent of 11. and forgeable.Beta solutionannealedat815 °C (l5oo "F).0 14.5±0. weldable.) from surfaces .4± 1.2 52. I h.9±3. Transage 129. Trade names.7± 1.7 3. solution annealing • Ductility vs.0 39.(a)Milled 0. The alloy has excellent net-shape capability by isothermal forging.9 121. Cooling h method 0.7 0. It is a noncommercial. Oxide and excase depth vs.9 33.6 1l9. T 129 UNS Number.7-2..3±0. solution annealing Fabrication Properties Transage 129: Oxidation and contamination The alloy is formable.6 19. age-hardenable.5-2. In the age-hardened condition.0 ± 0.and oxide dissolutionat the interfaceis fasterthanoxide formation.0±0.g.7±2.3 75. experimental alloy Characteristics Product Forms. Uniform age hardening is obtainable in heavy sections that are air cooled from beta solution heat treatment to achieve strengths of 1240 MPa (180 ksi) or higher.1 2. Sand blasted 10 remove oxide scale.20 max 0. (b) Solution treatment and isothermal transformation (STlT)produceshighertoughnessthanSTA.4 mm (0.36 0. Transage 129 is especially recommended for cold formable sheet applications and it can be welded by all methods.4 2. it has exceptionally high hardenability. Transage 129 is a martensitic. Transage 129 can be produced in all mill product forms Applications. Transage 129 is less sensitive to the usual impurities than other (non-Trans age) titanium alloys and has excellent fatigue resistance under a triaxial stress state. It has good formability and can be drawn at room temperature into deep cups with reasonable die radii. e.1 ±3.05 max 0.015 max 0. Transage 129 Treatment Solution(~) annealof sheet 760 1400 Solution(~) annealof heavy sections 815 1500 Aging (after solutionanneal) 455-565 850-1050 425-540 795-1000 Isothermal transfonnation(b) Triplextreabnent(c) See above 1st stage (~ anneal) 2nd stage (ex-~ anneal) 650 1200 3rd stage (age) 425-480 8OD-9oo °C OF 677 732 760 788 815 871 1250 1350 14OO(a) 1450 1500 1600 Oxide fllm Ihkkness JlID 0.010 in.0-12.26in.(c) For superiorfatigue resistance 66 68 76 98 Note: From730 to 815°C (1345 to 1500 "F) intergranulardiffusionof oxygen is faster than intragranular.8±2. high-hardenability. solution annealing • Mechanical properties vs. If aging follows solutionanneal. although beta forging at 760 to 815 °C (1400 to 1500 OF) is considered optimum Recommended Heat Treating Practice Transage 129 is typically aged to strength levels of 1240 MPa (180 ksi) or higher.I5max 1.3±0.8 27 61 Transage 129: Composition limits of wrought alloy Compooltloo.5 W!% Transage 129: Effect of ex case on tensile properties Queocbing Fan air cool Fan air cool Water Water Milled!o) No Yes No Yes Ultimate tenslle strength MPo ksi 781±6 834±0 788±4 824±2 113.08 max 0.4 0. Larson-Miller parameter for heating in air for l-h exposure Weld efficiency of 100% has been demonstrated to strength levels to 1446 MPa (210 ksi) for two-pass electron beam transverse weldments on 1.6±0.3 1 24 24 Fan air cool Waterquench(a) Air cool Air cool 1 24 Fan air cool Air cool Air cool (a) Waterquenching for heavy sectionfor maximumformability.0 2.056 in. Reduction iii or area. In common with other Transage alloys.5 10.7 Note: 6. highstrength titanium-base alloy.3 0.0 the tip of a crack loaded in tension. Tensiletest valuesgiven are average and standard deviationfor three tests.40 max bal Iron Duration. The alloy is intended to improve structural efficiency in chemical and air frame applications.3 25 53 56 58 62 83 1.0±0.0 11.594/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-11. iii 9. which can be done at temperatures as low as 650°C (1200 "F).0 0. Unassigned Chemical Composition.03 max 0. See Tables for composition limits of wrought alloy.5V-2AI-2Sn-11 Zr Commercial Names.25 mm (0. See Tables for: • Recommended heat treatments • Oxidation and contamination • Effect of alpha case on tensile properties See Figures for: • Mechanical properties vs.6 Contwnlnation 'lbtaI o>dele and depth oontwnlnation mils JlID mils JlID mils 2 8 9 10 14 15 1. Common name.4 3. the two rates areabout equal.10 max 0.At 870°C (1600 "F).6 2. wt iii Element yttrium 1.1 2.) sheet.5 10.8 42. any convenient cooling rate may be used.6 mm (0. stress-induced transformation.2 13. Transage 129.. This is an energy-absorbing phenomenon that increases resistance to crackpropagation.3±0. . continuous grain-boundary must be controlled.--0 ~ gf 35 Q) c: -E. :::J a 30 • ~ :::J o ~ 25 TYS 175 170.1-. 200 mm (8 in. and for effects of heat treating variables on double-aged mechanical properties. Transage 134 is a high-strength titanium-base alloy recommended for applications where high strength and high fracture toughness are desired in heavy sections. Transage 134 has exceptionally high hardenability. a 45 kg (100 lb). Transage 134. Continuous grain-boundary a does not result when an a-~ solution anneal follows a water quench from ~ solution anneal because of the differences in the mechanisms ofage hardening between orthorhombic (stress-induced) martensite (o") and hexagonal close-packed (hcp) (a'). Common name. Aged at 510°C for 24 h. and forgeable. • "0 c: I1l Elongation ~ 5 . The solution heat treatments were followed by a water quench.. For example. castable. and the alloy has net-shape capability by isothermal forging. Effect of solution heat treatment temperature on tensile properties and fracture toughness of 25 mm (1.L.!! 15 § RA \ ~ 01 s 10 Gi V ----. AC 1400 1500 -'-----_ _~ 1600 Temperature. Continuous a in prior-B grain boundaries results when a cooling rate from ~ solution annealing slower than a water quench is followed by an a-~ solution anneal. experimental alloy. Weldability and castability are good. For typical applications. which can be performed at temperatures as low as 650°C (1200 oF)..) diam billet was air cooled from ~ solution heat treatment and age hardened uniformly to a yield strength of 1014 MPa (147 ksi)._ _-'-_ _--'-_ _-'-_ _-'-_ _--' 1800 1700 1300 OF 1400 1500 1600 Temperature. <. Unassigned Chemical Composition. See Table for wrought and cast compositions Characteristics Product Forms. Transage 134. 1700 1800 OF (b) (8) 20 \ LIVE GRAPH Click here to view \ ._ _-'-_ _---'--_ _-----' 1300 Transage 129: Mechanical properties vs. Transage 134 can be produced in all mill product forms Applications.) Transage 129 plate.._. :J 20. solution annealing. 1700 1800 OF (c) Ti·12V·2. For maximum fracture toughness and fatigue resistance at strength levels higher than 1240 MPa (180 ksi) . Trade names.Tl34 UNS Number. Transage 134 is a noncommercial.---G-- G-- -0 -~ O.5AI·2Sn·6Zr Commercial Names. See Tables for recommended heat treatments. In common with other Transage alloys.0 in.. Transage 134 is an age-hardenable ~ alloy that partially transforms to martensite during quenching. Like Transage 129 and 175. although 815 °C (1500 OF) is considered optimum Recommended Heat Treating Practice Transage 134 has exceptional hardenability. At high strength levels it has the highest fracture toughness of the Transage alloys. This grain-boundary a is detrimental to fracture toughness..L. ._ _--'-_ _---L-_ _----'--_ _.'_ _----' 1300 1400 1500 1600 Temperature. Uniform age hardening is obtainable in heavy sections air cooled from ~ solution heat treatment to achieve strengths of 1140 MPa (165 ksi) or higher Fabrication Properties The alloy is weldable. Transage 134 can be aged to strength levels of 1140 MPa (165 ksi) or higher.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 595 195 45 LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 190 Click here to view ~40 UTS / . of'area.5 in.4mm (0. 815°C (1500 °F)lI hlAC (averagecoolingratefrom650t0315 °C (1200to 600 oF) 8 °Clmin (14 OF/min) Cast-to-size andIDPbars.7 Note: Conclusionsfrom thislimitedstudyare thatfor higherstrengthand slightlyhigherfracturetougbness: (1)solutionannealat 815°C (1500 "F) rather thanat 870 °C (1600 "F).5 650(1200) 538 (1000) 4 2 1151 167 1082 157 6.5 hlFAC 25 mm(1 in. 45 kg (100lb)ingot.0 540(1000) 552(1025) 24 2 Transage 134: Effectsof heat treatment variables on double-aged mechanical properties Ulthnate temile strength Variable Direclion(a) MPa 870°C vs.)blockisothermal1y forged initially at 815°C (1500oF) andfmishedat732°C (1350 oF).but do not waterquench(WQ) (a)The vanadium-aluminum masteralloy(nominally15to 17 Wl% AI)additionis to be calculated to obtainthenominalvanadiumcontentof 12. 595 ·C/2 hfWQ.75x4x48in.1 181 174 +7 1200 1138 +62 174 165 +9 7.) platerolledfrom815°C (1500oF).5-2.0 +3. AC.8 14 45 8. cast: Composition (wt%) Element Thmperature wt% -c 'freatment Aluminum Carbon yttrium 2.0 2 1227 178 1165 1014 169 147 5.596/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Transage 134: Recommended heat treatments Transage 134.08 max 0.5 0. 480 ·C/4 hfAC WQ 1248 L AC 1200 L Net change +48 815·C/I h/FAC.1 55. and (3)followwithwaterquenchingratherthan air cooling.)reducedsection.fITSt agingfollowedbyWQ 19x 102x 1220mm(0.40 max bal Iron Nitrogen Oxygen Tm Vanadium(a) Zirconium Boron Hydrogen OF 815 Betasolutionanneal 440-525 Agefor maximum strength (1l70-1585MFa. 815°C (1500°F)ll hlACin ordertoestimatethe age-hardening responseof a 1364kg (3000lb) S!reSS joint °C(°F) h 440(820) 455(850) 595 (1100) 24 24 1 No.4mm (0.3 +0.5 7.3 50.8 +0.6 50. 815 ·C/I hfAC.0 17 7 +10 53.05 max 0.longitudinal.T.oI5 max 0.jbarextruded from815°C (1500oF) from273 kg (600lb)as-eastingot. 455 ·C/24 hfAC 565°C (1050 oF) T 1207 595°C (1100oF) 1131 T Netchange +76 Yield strength Reduction Fracture tougl1na> Elongation.03 max O. 565 °C/l hf AC.5 9. wrought. 6.815°C (l500°F)lI hlAC 13mm (0. 273kg (600Ib)ingot.0-3.056in.5-6.5 45.coldrolled28%reduction 760°C (14000F)lO.0Wl% Transage 134: Typical tensile properties Material andsolullon healtreatment Aglng treatment Fin! 1.3 1.) diam45 kg (100Ib)forgedbillet. or 170-230ksi) Doubleagefor maximum toughness: 550-595 First age 455-480 Second age Treatment for maximumtoughnessandfatigueresistance: 815 Solution anneal 650-705 aJ~ anneal 455 or 480 Age CooUng method Duration 1500 820-970 0.7 +2.0 0.815°C (1500°F)lI hiAC.4 -2. % % 225 216 154 1.25-lh Ih 24h WQ ACor OQ(a) AC (a)Oilquench(OQ)forheaviersections. (2) firsttemperature age at 565°C (1050 oF) ratherthanat 595°C (1100 "P).005 max Other Each Tola! Titanium 0.10 max 0.3 48. ksi MPa ksl % % MPa'liii" ksl'JiiL 174 184 -10 1138 1213 -76 165 176 -11 7.15 max 1.0 -1.0 4.815°C(1500 °F)ll hlFAC. or Second °C(°F) h specimen Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksi ThmUeyield strength MPa ksI 1593 1531 1138 231 222 165 1551 1489 1060 Redudion Elongation. transverse .0 10.3 52. 565 OC vs.0 6. 480 ·C/4 h/AC 870°C(I600 oF) L 1200 815°C (1500 oF) L 1269 Netchange -69 870°C/l hfAC.0 5.25in.8 46.)sheet.0 +0.25-1h ACorOQ(a) 24 h below480°C AC (900 oF). or 4 h for higher temperatures 1020-1100 850-900 2h 24h WQ AC 1500 1200-1300 850-900 0. averagecoolingrate35 °Clmin(64OF/min) 203 mm(8 in.) platerolledfrom870°C (1600"P).815°C (1500°F)lI hlFAC 127mm(5 in.(a)L. 273 kg (600Ib) ingot. !irstagingfollowedby FAC 51 x51 x76mm(2x2x3 in. 815°C (15000F)l 1 hlAC. of area.5 11. 565°C/l hfWQ vs.0-13.5 25 480(900) 4 3 2 2 595 (1100) 480(900) 4 2 1193 173 1135 165 595 (1100) 480(900) 4 3 1205 175 1135 165 10 29 2 1197 174 1142 166 5 9 524(975) 4 705 (1300) 480(900) 4 2 1289 187 1172 170 4 6.5 12 17 -5 55.20 max 0.)hanunerforged bar273kg (600lb) ingot.4 175 164 +11 1131 1069 +62 164 155 +9 9.0 33 33 0 51.4 48.0 +2.815°C (1500°F)/24hlAC.4 -2.1 50. -- 170 1400 0 50 200 II..ageal455 °C (850"P) or highertemperature.0 in. Tension test properties versus isothermal forging temperature ofa+ ~ preforms upsetto 62% reduction. See Table for tensile properties of electron beam welded specimens Recommended Heat Treating Practice 1\vo types of heat treatments may be applied to Transage 175: (1) solution anneal.. Common name.. In steel terms. See Tables for typical heat treatments. See also Table for tensile properties vs.. Trade names.7AI-7Sn-2Zr Commercial Names.fanair cool. o.. o. air cooling for thin sections to be cold formed. OF Click here to view 1300 1500 140OI- '" :2 1350 . Transage 175 exhibits particularly good fatigue resistance in wrought and cast forms. In forming sheet.. 700 • 1450 ~I'-o-.. Transage 175. for21024 h Castings STA:900°C(1650"P) for2 h.42 mm/s (1.- ~ E\Ongation o. radial RA. Castability is rated good. it may be necessary to determine the aging temperature by trial to get a desired combination of strength and ductility and/or toughness.. or followed by any convenient cooling rate in preparation for age hardening.. high strength alloy is castable. OF 750 -775 Temperature.age at 540°C(1000oF) for2 h. DC - - • .. This type of heat treatment produces yield strength up to 1450 MPa (210 ksi). WO...lmin) platen speed.). See Table for recommendations for the production of near-net shape and net-shape forgings. tangential 1300 60 210 ~ c ~ .. However. For a given aging temperature.. radial Elongation. DC e 0 • 800 1350 180 til 'if. air cool. tangential -... Transage 175 is an experimental alloy. and extrudable.ageat540°C (1000"F) for2 h.. the lower the yield strength obtained. 1400 1450 1500 I I UTS. Net shape parts can be isothermally forged.. 1:.-"'" til 1200 . radial TYS.coolingrateoptional fromair cool10 waterquenchdepending onsection size. tangential Elongation. The alloy can be produced to all mill product forms Applications... Extrusion properties are excellent. the slower the cooling rate from the solution anneal... See Figure for effect of forging temperatures on mechanical properties. It has demonstrated good endurance limits under various types of fatigue loading and at various temperatures Mechanical Properties. AC LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Temperature. See Tables for typical mechanical properties and for typical tensile properties Fabrication Properties This age-hardenable..Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 597 Ti-13V-2.. air cool Transage 175: Effect offorging temperature on mechanical properties..0 in.forcedgascool. Yield strength can vary from 895 to 1450 MPa (130 to 210 ksi) in inverse relation to age hardening temperature. 190 ~ r--- -- c UTS 0 . See Table for chemical compositions of wrought and cast Transage 175 Characteristics Product Forms. Transage 175 can improve the structural efficiency of and reduce cost-of all applications for titanium alloys. Weld repair capability. The annealing temperature required to obtain the lowest strength state is 815°C (1500 OF) for 15 min to 1 h followed by rapid air cool or water quench depending on section size. Transage 175 has exceptional hardenability. all cold and hot forming methods generally used for titanium alloys are applied.air cool HIP:900°C (1650oF).) round./ 20 -- 10 160 825 o I:. is excellent. preferably at 815°C (1500 OF) for 15 min to 1 h followed by fan Transage 175: Typical heat treatments STAwrought bar 815°C (1500oF) for I h. tangential TYS.) round at 730°C (1345 OF) for 58% reduction to make a-~ preform stock. forgeable. ~ -1:. depending onstrength desired andapplication temperature.3 in.. and (2) solution anneal followed by aging at 425 to 565°C (795 to 1050 "F) depending on strength level desired. The alloy readily age hardens to strength levels of 1170 MPa (170 ksi) or higher. 0 800 825 . per se. ---<> TYS 1100 700 725 750 775 Temperature. partial or total age hardening facilitates machining because the workpiece is more stable geometrically as metal is removed.or forced gascool. '" - 725 1500 RA.. the ideal round size exceeds 200 mm (8. o. and for effect of solution temperature.. 0 l:.. Heat treated at 720°C (1325 OF). 40 0_ RA( ~30 U :::l o .. 24 h.. from the standpoint of stress relief. radial UTS. 1:. age hardening.... eliminates residual stress due to the unique age-hardening mechanism of Transage titanium alloys... 103MPa(15 ksi) for2 h. weldable. Preforms were upset isothermally at various temperatures and 0. ~ 1300 Click here to view Temperature. For a given component. following the slow cooling rates imposed by hot isostatic processing facilities and by superplastic forming operations. Compared to the most commonly used titanium alloys.. it can extend service temperature ranges. then cogged to 100 mm (4. by titanium alloy standards. treatment temperature of cast impeller . Specimens were 818 kg (1800 Ib) ingots processed to 160 mm (6. 480°C (900 OF).... Consequently. Unassigned Chemical Composition.0 in. 2 h. Transage 175 and T175 UNS Number.. 0-14.2 EIoogation.03 max 0.7 930°C (1700 oF).20 max 0.3 2.8 9. gasfan cool. 2 h.2 3.21mm1s (0.of EBpasses Avg.4 3.2 7. heat treated at 900 °C (1650 OF).598/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Transage 175: Effectof solution temperature Transage 175: Recommendations for the production of near-net-shape and net-shape forgings RTtensile properties of cast impeller after aging at 540°C (1000 OF).a 356mm (14in.4 191. 22 h.9 3.1 900 °C (1650 oF).5-2. c ~ en . thenremovedfromfurnaceandair cooled.4x 25 mm (0.0 1.8 200.7 4.9 3.The alloywillflow at constantload as long as the load per unit plan areaexceeds the flow stress.1 2.0 0.2%) MPa ksi MPa ksi No homogenization(a) 1193 173 1261 183 1193 173 1165 169 1268 184 845°C (1555 oF). 2h. erarea. each Residualelements.) .15 max 6. dependingon strenglhdesired.7 198.24 h for long-timestrenglhat elevated temperatures and agingtemperatures below480°C (900 "F) Aircool Note: At 815°C (1500"F).2 0.4 1226 177.070in.20 max 0.0-3. 2 h(b) 1202 174. 182.7 167. 103 MPa (15 ksi).40 max bal (a)The vanadium-aluminum (nominally15to 17 wt% aluminum)masteralloyadditionis to becalculatedtoobtainthenominalvanadiumcontentof 13. 540°C (1000 OF).8 0.or waterquench Aircool 455t054O±5 °C (850to lOoo± 10 oF).0 1.9 3.1 1133 164.08 max 0.05 max 0.3 184.4 1196 173.0 0.0-13.5 inJmin) 815 °C±15°C (l500±25 oF) 0.2 3.5-7.6 172.1 4.5 in. furnace cooled to 540 °C (1000 OF).0 3.25x 1 in.2 1161 1163 1155 168. % 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 Fracture IIlte BM BM BM BM Note:The rnaterial .3 1215 176. Transage175 has a flowstressof 43 MPa (6200psi).was preaged510°C (950 "F).and the gage dimensionswere6.5 3.5 4. - 1100 0 1000 800 '" -- 1 1 Thnsile yield strength (0.9 homogenization. temperature of 2-h solution heat treatments.L 180 <. total TItanium 'Irsnsage175.8 3. '!\yo Avg.Testspecimenswereaxial.1 186.03 max 0.1 3.6 4. ACfor stabilityin machining.0 1211 175.8 195.9 0.AC LIVE GRAPH Vanadium(a) Zirconium Boron Hydrogen yttrium Residualelements.005 max 0.2 3.caotiugo 2.0 190. 2 h.08 max 0.5 12.4 199.2 187. 2 h(b) 164. 2 h(b) 1152 167.7 1135 1147 166. Processing: HIP 815 °C (1500 OF).7 1262 183. ~ £ C.) diameterspin-forgedcylindermachinedto 1. Strenglhrange from 1520to 1170MPa (220to 170ksi) 4 h forshort-timestrenglh. post-weld aged at 525 °C (970 OF).0 160.AC Aluminum Carbon Iron Nitrogen Oxygen Tm Transage 175: Tensile properties vs.0 5.welded. solution treatment temperature of cast impeller. 900°C (1650 OF) appears to be optimum for solution heat treatment or HIP temperature. % % 1186 1261 1172 1165 1255 172 183 170 169 182 0.3 3. AC Avg. 2h.5 194. 22 h.2 4.and post-weld aged 525°C (970 oF). 2h.2 %) IW MPa strength MPa ksi None 1256 1284 1270 1293 1340 1317 1317 1310 1313 1330 1352 1341 1340 1374 1357 1350 1384 1367 150 950 °c Uhhnate lensBe No.D15max 0. <. (b) Plusfurnacecooledto 540 °C (1000 "F).4 0. 2 h(b) 1110 161.4 bal 2.5 168.15 max 6.0 wt% for wroughtproductsand 12.10 max 0.2 Equipment Thmperature of diesand workpiece Platenspeed Solutionheattreatment Temperature Time Coolingrate Heavy sections Light sections Agingtreatment Temperature Time Coolingrate 1195 1235 173.3 870 ~C (1600 oF). AC. 2 h.2-3. One UTS TYS 850 900 Solution treat temperature.9 159.9 Reduclion Elongation.0 1137 1096 1194 164.05 max 0.4 0.5tolh Fan aircool.5 0.) thickness.8mm (0.0 173.015 max 0. AC Ultimatetensile Thnsileyield Slnmgth strength (0.5 1204 174.10 max 0.3 196.5 11.1 3.4 2.1 194.3 0.2 Isolhermalpress 815°C ± 15(1500± 25 oF) 0. gasfancooledandaged540 °C (1000 "F).If shape is to be net.5-2.5 194.0 190. 2 h. Speclllcatlonrequirements wt% (a)Baseline.6 1089 1107 1192 158. Tensile properties of specimens containing transverse EB weldments.Solutionheat treatedat 815°C (1500"F). OF 1550 1600 1650 1700 Transage 175: Tensile properties of electron-beam welded specimens 1300 ~ / ~ 1200 '~ V. 815°C (1500"P). chemicalmill to removesurfacecontaminationand to meet drawingdimensions Transage 175: Chemical composition Composillon. then AC.0wt% for electrodestockforcastings Click here to view 1500 Solution treat temperature.0 191.wrought 'ftansage175C. 2 h.5 192.9 0. Tensile properties with standard deviation bars for specimens taken from the base of 267 mm (10.5-7.4 179.) diameter cast impeller vs.5 0.6 3.8 5.005 max 0. 16 mm (0..l-_--L_ _. h 20 180 0 24 0 4 8 12 16 Aging time.. See Tables for: • • • • • Typical heat treatments Guaranteed STA room temperature properties Annealed room temperature tensile properties Effect of cooling on STA properties Effect of aging on RT tensile properties Fabrication Properties See Figures for: Forging. sc s:: 220 g. 8 h..-- • Ultimate strength Yield strength 260 80 250 70 240 60 230 '.. 760°C. Unassigned Welding. r--- ° Reduction of area .625 in. LIVE GRAPH ... WQ + 540°C.~ n ° ~ \ Elongation (25 mm) 0 o 190 760 780 800 Solution temperature. 760°C. WQ + 480°C. 30 200 20 190 10 1200. See Table for typical composition Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics Product Forms.. CD .. AC AC AC AC Reduction of area :Ii 40 c 760°C.) diam bar 1800 .. 1 h. Ti-8V-5Fe-IAI is a metastable ~-titanium alloy that is capable of achieving an ultimate tensile strength of more than 1380 MPa (200 ksi) and a shear strength of more than 795 MPa (115 ksi).. 1 h.>< 220 Cl ° " . WQ + 480°C. s:: <» ~ 1500 1ij "0 CD -: - »< ~ Cl « 1400 1300 740 (a) Y • 0 0 / .) diam bar. WQ + 540°C.L-_--L_---' o 4 8 12 16 Aging time..L-_--L_ _. h 20 24 Ti-8V-5Fe-1 AI: Effect of solution treatment temperature on tensile properties.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys I 599 Ti·8V·5Fe·1 AI UNS Number. TI-8V-5Fe-IAl is readily forgeable... .. ::!. Special precautions must be taken when melting the alloy because of the segregation tendency of iron. 16 mm (0. Not recommended Chemical Composition. Ti-8V-5Fe-IAI has been used for aerospace fasteners and has potential in applications where high ultimate and shear strengths are critical The alloy can be hardened by solution treating and aging.'-"_ Click here to view 1700 . OF 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 1700 17 J Ultimate Jength lU 1600 0. °c Click here to view 1500 240 Yield strength c/ Solution temperature.. OF 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 820 740 (b) i I_ !~ 0 760 780 800 Solution temperature. 1 h. (b).625 in. It has a beta transus of 830 ± 14°C (1525 ± 25 "F). The alloy is supplied only on special order. 1 h. However. °c 820 . 760°C.. water quenched + 540°C (1000 OF). 50 s :5Cl Click here to view ~ 210 ~ CD C/) 0.. generally as bar and billet Applications. and (d) LIVE GRAPH Ti-8V-5Fe-1AI: Effect of aging on RT tensile properties.. solution treated 1 h... ~ 1ij 210 -g Cl « ~ 20 ~ g "0 "0 CD ~10 200 • ~ r--- .> 0 1380 30 230 '.. (c).. air cooled LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Solution temperature.: . the material should receive final reductions of at least 50% below 815°C (1500 OF) to optimize ductility • Effect of solution treatment temperature on tensile properties (a) and (b) • Effect of solution treatment and aging on tensile properties (a). 0625 in... solution treated 0.)specimens from9...AC 1263 1210 1179 1236 183.775 °c ----t---_=___~ 760°C 745°C 1250L...5 h.. of 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 1700 240 230 III 15501t-----=. 675°C (1245 oF)..MPa(ksi) Elongation (in4D).Fe to 480°C (900°F).25in..5 20.-.600 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Ti-8V-5Fe-1 AI: Effect of solution treatment and aging on tensile properties.0 16.MPa(ksi) Tensile yieldstrength. 745 °c <Ii 4O't------+--=__--=:::'----+-''-----~L--l ~ cf!. °c 540 (8) (b) 930 Aging temperature.1 1233 1170 1151 1214 178..5 YJe1d lilreogth Ultimate Anneallng strength Reduction Elongation or....625 in.9 Thnsile properties of6. 14 mm (0. GPa 114 101 16.t .0 13..± : .-~ -:-.. water quenched.. co '0 o 0 151 Cl -620'1-------+c::.5 47.)bar annealedas indicated MinImumvalue(a) 1448(210) 1380(200) 6.5 14.3 170.% Ultimate shearstrength. of 950 960 970 980 940 CD a: LIVE GRAPH - - - 990 1000 . ". room-temperature tests LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 930 Aging temperature..J 510 525 Aging temperature...5 166. % Reduction inarea.4 mrn(0..9 179.-- c o ti Aging temperature. aged 2 h.0 \75..745°C -.) diam bar. °c 510 525 Aging temperature.0 12..760°C .AC 675°C(1245oF).. of 950 960 970 980 940 990 1000 930 20 60 --7750C 760°C . ..MPa(ksi) (a)Minimums forsizesup to 27 mrn(1.)in diameter 16.0 52.... air cooled. treatment MPa IIsI MPa lis! ..- »: .- 230 ~ ---l. ~ 'lij ~ 5E 1400 ~ 220 ~ c: ~ 1500 190 ----I 495 ~ 16001t------""k----t--------t 210 s ~ = 5 --775°C 7600C 745°C " 200 ..38in.AC 720°C (1325 oF).7 Solutiontreated + aged GPa 10' psi 114 100 Ti-8V-5Fe-l AI: Guaranteed STAroom-temperature properties Property Ultimate tensilestrength.5 14. °c (d) Ti-8V-5Fe-1AI: Elastic modulus Ti-8V-5Fe-1AI: Annealed room-temperature tensile properties Elasticmodulus 'Thmperature of "C lIT 315 600 540 Annealed 10'ps.. 30 min..5mrn(0.5 47.8 175. 30 min.. °c 495 (c) 510 525 Aging temperature.0 793(115) Ti-8V-5Fe-1AI: Typical heat treatments 'Thmpemture 'fteatmeot Suess relief Anneal Alternate production anneal Solution treat Alternate solution annealing range Aging "C OF DllI8tion Cooling 540-590 675 675-730 760 730-79O(a) 480-540 1000-1100 1245 1245-1345 1400 1345-1455(a) 900-1000 Ih Ih 1-2h Ih Aircool Pumacecool Air cool Waterquench 2h Air cool (a)Depending on productformanddesiredproperties .t ~ 220 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1450 210 ~ o 00 ~ ~ 200 ~ m >= 1350 ...7"""----+-------j iii c: --775°C .7 43. 30 min..AC 760°C (1400oF).-.7 169.-..-' -~ :/ LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 0 510 525 Aging temperature.9 15.. of 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 930 1650 Click here to view Aging temperature. 30 min. 5A1 consists of all Il phase.2 102 103 14. Alloy was developed for high strength sheet applications Ti-16V-2.4 14.5AI has good forgeability. Like most Il titanium alloys.aircooledand aged at 52510530°C (970 to 985 oF) for 4 to 6 h .063 Machining. Phases and Structures. Not available See Table for room temperature moduli of STA sheet Product Form.5 0. the microstructure consists of fine a in a Il matrix A range of tensile properties is attainable.5AI: Room-temperature moduli of STA sheet in aircraft Sheet thkkness DUD 10.1 14.2 13.9 14. The formation of stress-induced martensite in solution-annealed material can result in a relatively low ratio ofyield to tensile strengths. Thnsilemodulus IO'psi GPa 99.0 13.2 0. After aging.5 14. In the solution-treated condition. with yield strength values greater than 1240 MPa (180 ksi) possible. Ti-16V-2.0 Solutiontreatedat750 to 765°C (1380101410 "F) for 30 min.2 96.5AI UNS Number.2 'J7.8 97.6 0.8 14. Ti-16V-2.9 95.0 Compressivemodulus 10' psi GPa 'J7.5AI is expected to have machinability similar to other metastable Il titanium alloys. The alloy is relatively lean in Il-stabilizers and can form stress-induced martensites when deformed in the solution annealed condition.1 14.3 96. Alloy is available only (as sheet) on special order Applications.Q2 Final forging temperatures should be maintained in the a-Il phase field 1.125 L T L T L T Fabrication Properties Forging. Unassigned Recommended Heat Treating Practice Characteristics The alloy is strengthened by solution treating and aging. such as Ti-15V-3Sn-3Zr-3Cr and Ti3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr 3. Ti-16V-2.5 95. Direction 0. Beta Transus.Beta and Near-Beta Alloys 1601 Ti·16V·2.8 15. and high-temperature hydrogenation (HTH) methods are shown in an adjoining Figure. Also. Excellent-quality weld deposits are routinely obtained in proper practice. and the individual ex plates. such as HlP-induced surface depressions or surface-connected pores that did not close during the HIP cycle. This practice has been shown to reduce the scatterband of fatigue property test results and improve fatigue life significantly. Those differences may be eliminated by a postweld solution heat treatment. welding rods containing lower oxygen-content alloys are commonly used. advances are being made in the thermal and thermochemical methods of heat treating cast and PIM titanium. Alternate heat treatments for property improvement. HIP temperature may coarsen the ex platelet structure. the main goal has been to eliminate the grain-boundary ex phase. As can be seen from the photomicrographs. and the practice is widely used for' aerospace cast parts. This is accomplished either by solution treatments or by a temporary alloying with hydrogen. causing a slight loss in tensile strength. Weld Repair The weld repair of titanium castings is an integral step in the manufacturing process and is used to eliminate surface-related defects. these treatments eliminate the large ex plate colonies and the grain-boundary ex phase. but standard practice is for stress relief or anneal only. Recently. castings must be chemically cleaned prior to heat treatment if diffusion of surface contaminants is to be avoided. Generally. A substantial improvement of both tensile and fatigue properties results. As with HlP and weld repair. In the case of titanium alloy castings. Most of the new treatments can be applied to both cast parts and PIM compacts. the large ex plate colonies. ~ solution treatment (BST). which limits the options for controlling microstructures. Conventional heat treatment of titanium castings is for stress relief anneal after any weld repair. The Ti-6AI-4V alloy is typically heat treated at 730 to 845°C (1350 to 1550 "F). and it can be expected that solution-treated and aged or other postcast thermal processing will eventually become specified on cast and PIM parts requiring certain property enhancement such as fatigue or tensile strength. . This is commonly achieved through a combination of cold or hot working followed by the heat treatment known as thermomechanical processing. a HIP pressure of 206 MPa (30 ksi) has been employed in the hot isostatic pressing of high-temperature titanium alloys to ensure pore clo- sure in these harder-to-deform materials.Heat Treating Cast and P/M Titanium As the adjoining Table indicates. much microstructural modification development work has been done recently." Modifying Microstructure Most Ti-6AI-4V titanium castings produced commercially today are supplied in the annealed condition. Hot Isostatic Pressing Hot isostatic pressing may be used to ensure the complete elimination of internal gas and shrinkage porosity. but the benefits of HlP normally exceed the decrease. Thngsten inert-gas (TIG) welding practice in argon-filled glove boxes is used with weld filler wire of the same composition as the parent metal. broken-up structure (BUS). This is done in a vacuum to ensure the removal of any hydrogen pickup from chemical milling and to protect the titanium chemically milled surface from oxidation. where it is typically subjected to an argon pressure of 103 MPa (15 ksi) at 900 to 955°C (1650 to 1750 "F) for a 2 h hold time (Ti-6AI-4V alloy) for void closure and diffusion bonding. Net shapes such as castings or PIM products cannot be worked. such as the solution treating and aging of castings are outlined in the Table titled ''Treatments for modifying the microstrucure of cast and PIM titanium products. The typical resulting microstructures of the ex-~ solution treatment (ABST). Weld deposits may have higher strength but lower ductility than the parent metal because of microstructural differences due to the fast cooling rate of the welding process and some oxygen pickup. However. Modification of microstructure is one of the most versatile tools available in metallurgy for improving the mechanical properties of alloys. the hydrogen and solution treatments are combined. In some cases. all weld-repaired castings are stress relief annealed. The cast part is chemically cleaned and placed inside an autoclave. Cast and P/M Titanium 1603 Photomicrographs of Microstructures. Photomicrographs of microstructures resulting from a variety of hydrogen and solution heat treatments used to eliminate large a plate colonies and grain boundary a phase in a+ ptitanium alloys. (a) ASST. (b) SST. (c) SUS. (d) HTH (0) (b) (0) (d) Treatments for modifying the microstructure of cast and P/M titanium products Method(a) Typical Hydrogenation solution treatmcnt(h) temperature OF °C BUS GTEC 1040°C(1905 OF) for0.5h 1050°C (1920 oF) for0.5h BST ABST HVC (Hydrovac process) TCT CST 1040°C (1905oF) for0.5 h andGFC 955°C (1750"F) for I h andGFC HTH 1040°C (1905oF) for0.5 h Intermediate treatment(c) °C OF Dehydrogenation temperature OF °C Typical annealing or aging treatment 845°C (1555 oF) for24 h 845°C (1555 "F) for0.5h and 705°C (1300 oF) for 2 h 540 °C (1000 oF) for8 h 540°C (1000 oF) for8 h 650 595 870 1200 900 1650 llOO 1600 870(e) 1600(e) CooltoRT No intermediatestep (continuousprocess) CooltoRT Applied to product forms(d) Ref Cast,PIM, JJM Cast 34-37 38 39 39 40,41 41-43 45 760 760 815 1400 1400 1500 Cast,JJM Cast,JJM PIM,JJM Cast, PIM, JJM Cast 705 1300 Cast, PIM,JJM 44 (a)Most data apply to Ti-6AI-4V, ~ transustemperature approximately 995°C (1825 "F), (b) GFC, gas fan cooled.(c)RT,room temperature. (d) PIM,powdermetallurgy; JJM, ingot metallurgy. (e) Glass encapsulatedprior to heat treatment 6041 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Typical room-temperature tensile properties of titanium alloy castings (bars machined from castmgs) Standard industry specifications applicable to titanium castings Specification minimums are lessthan these typical properties. MIL-T-81915 AMS4985A AMS4991 ASTMB367 MIL-STD-2175 MIL-STD-271 MIL-STD453 MIL-Q-9858 MIL-I-6866B MIL-H-81200 ASTMEI55 ASTMEI92 ASTMEI86 ASTME446 ASTMEI20 ASTME8 AMS-2249B AMS4954 AMS4956 AIJoy(a)(b) Yieldstrength MPa ksl Commercially pure(grade2) TI-6Al4V,annealed TI-6Al4VEU TI-Il00, Beta-STA(e) TI-6Al-2Sn4Zr-2Mo, annealed IMI-834, Beta-STA(e) TI-6Al-2Sn4Zr-6Mo, Beta-STAle) Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr4Zr4Mo, Beta-STA(e) Ti-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn, Beta-STA(e) 448 855 758 848 910 952 1269 1241 1200 65 124 no 123 132 138 184 180 174 Ultimate strength ksI MPa 552 930 827 938 1006 1069 ,1345 1330 1275 80 135 120 136 146 155 195 193 185 Elongation, ReduclloooC ... 18 12 13 11 10 5 1 7 6 area,'" 32 20 22 20 21 8 1 12 12 (a) Solution-treated and aged(STA) heat treatments may be variedto producealternate properties. (b) ELI,extralowinterstitial. (c)Beta-STA, solutiontreatment withP-phase fieldfollowedbyaging TItanium andtitanium alloycastings, investment Titanium alloycastings, investment orrammed graphite Titanium alloycastings, investment TItanium andtitanium alloycastings Castings, classification andinspection of Nondestructive testingrequirements for metals Inspection, radiographic Qualityprogram requirement Inspection, penetrantmelhod of Heattreatment oftitanium andtitanium alloys Reference mdlographs forinspection ofaluminum andmagnesium castings Reference mdlographs, investment steelcastings Reference radiographs, steelcastings 50-102mm(24 in.) Reference radiographs, steelcastings upto50mm(2 in.) Standard melhods forchemical analysts oftitaniumandtitanium alloys Melhods oftension testingof metallic materials Chemlcal-check analysis limitsfortitanium andtitanium alloys Titanium alloyweldingwireTi-6Al4V TItanium aIloyweldlng wireTI-6AI4V,extralowinterstitial Comparison of Fatigue Properties. Comparison of wroughtannealedTi-6AI-4V scatterband with (a)li-6AI-4V investment castingssubjectedto variousthermaland hydrogentreatmentsand (b) heat-treated ptitaniumalloycastings.Fordata in (a),smoothaxialfatiguemeasuredat roomtemperature with R = +0.1 ; frequency = 5 Hz usingtriangularwave form 1200 LIVE GRAPH 160 Click here to view «l CL 1000 140 ]I ::; ui ui ~ 'lii E :::> E '" l!! 120 'lii 800 E :::> E 100 'iii ::; 'iii ::; 600 80 60 400 10 3 10 4 10 5 106 10 7 108 Cycles to failure, N, (a) 1200 LIVE GRAPH 3 - - - Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo(Bela-C) 10 - - Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI Click here to view «l CL 1000 ----------- '\ ::; ui '" ~ 800 160 - - - - - 3,3 140 ]I gj -----3,2 -----3.1 l!! 120 'lii E :::> E 100 'iii ::; 'iii ::; 600 80 400 10 3 60 10 4 10 5 106 Cycles to failure, M (b) E :::> E 107 108 Cast and PIM Titanium 1605 Compositions andcomparisons of cast titanium alloys Alloy TI-6Al-4V TI-6Al-4V EU(b)(cO Commercially puretitanium (grade2) TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo TI-5Al-2.5Sn TI-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo (Beta-C) TI-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn (11-15-3) TI-11oo IMl-834 Thtal Eotimated relatlwwe orcastings 85% 1% 6% 7% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% 100% 0 N C H AI 0.18 0.11 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.16 0.10 0.12 0.07 0.10 0.015 0.010 0.015 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.04 0.G3 0.G3 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.G3 0.04 0.06 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 6 6 <a> Superior,relativetoTI-6AI-4V. (b)lIT,roomtemperature. <c) ELI.extralow interstitial 6 6 5 3.5 3 6.0 5.8 Nominalcomposition,w i '1> Fe V Cr 0.13 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.02 0.02 Sn Mo Nb Zr 4 4 2 2 2.5 8.5 IS 6 3 3 2.75 4.0 2 6 4 4 4 4 0.4 0.5 0.7 4.0 3.5 Si Special pl1lpertles(o)(b) Generalpwpose Cryogenic toughness Corrosionresistance Elevated-temperature creep Elevated-temperature strength Cryogenic toughness lITstrength lITstrength 0.45 Elevated-temperature properties 0.35 Elevated-temperature properties Zinc Alloys Heat Treating Zinc Alloys Zinc alloys are used extensively in both gravity castings (permanent mold and sand castings) and in pressure die castings. On occasion, heat treatment is required for some of the various alloys. Alloys requiring treatment are generally the Zamak die casting alloys (No.2, No.3, No.5, and No.7) and the ZA alloys (ZA-8, ZA-12, and ZA-27), which are used in both permanent mold castings and in pressure die castings. Slush casting alloys, such as An-4 and 75Al-O.25Cu, do not require heat treatment. Forming die alloys, such as Zn-0.08PB, typically are applied as-cast. Wrought alloys, such as the rolled zinc alloy, Zn-1.OCu, normally do not require heat treatment. Heat Treatment of Zamak and ZA Alloys 1\vo treatments are available for pressure die castings of both types of alloys: stress relief and stabilization. A different stabilization treatment is available for ZA-27 die castings because they are more susceptible to aging than ZA-8 and ZA-12. A homogenization treatment is also available for ZA-27. Heat treating practices for these alloys are spelled out in the datasheet articles that follow. Reasons for Heat Treating The rapid chilling rate inherent in zinc die castings results in minor property and dimensional changes with time, particularly if castings are quenched from the die rather than air cooled. As-cast properties (tensile strength and hardness) of pressure die cast Zamak and ZA alloys are adversely affected by wall thickness and by significant aging that takes place with time at room temperature. In the aging process, the thinner the wall the greater the reduction in tensile properties. In addition, tensile and yield strength drop markedly with increases in temperature. At 100°C (212 OF) tensile strength and hardness are 65 to 75% of those at room temperature. Creep strength is similarly reduced. Also, ZA permanent mold and sand castings sometimes contain residual stresses due to high thermal gradients during solidification. Supporting Documentation The effects of temperature on mechanical properties of both Zamak and ZA alloys are given in Table 1. Table 2 gives nominal compositions of rolled zinc alloys. Table 3 lists applications of wrought zinc and zinc alloys. The effects of aging time on the tensile strengths of ZA-27, ZA-8 and alloys No.2, No.3, and No.5 are shown in Fig. 1. Aging results in a general reduction in tensile strength and hardness. The thinner the wall, the greater the degree of reduction. In comparing the performance ofZA-8 with that of the No.3 and No.5 alloys, it appears that ZA-8 is less susceptible to aging, indicating that it would be the most suitable of the three alloys in applications requiring retention of properties. Tensile strengths ofZA-8, No.3, and No.5 die cast strip as a function of time at room temperature are shown in Fig. 2. Tensile strengths ofZA-8, No.3, and No.5 die cast strip as a function of aging time at 100°C (212 "F) are shown in Fig. 3. Vickers hardnesses of ZA-8, No.3, and No. 5 die cast strip as a function of aging time at 100 °C (212 OF) are shown in Fig. 4. Percentage of elongation in 2.54 cm (1.00 in.) gage lengths of ZA-8, No.3, and No.5 are shown in Fig. 5. Tensile strengths ofas-cast ZA-8, No.3, and No.5 as a function of wall thickness after aging 4 h at 100°C (212 oF) are shown in Fig. 6. Individual datasheet articles, including heat treating practices for the Zamak and ZA alloys, follow. Heat treatment of permanent mold and sand castings is not covered in the datasheets, with the exception of ZA alloy castings. 6101 Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Table 1 Effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of zinc-alloyand zinc-aluminum alloy castings Fracture lougJme!oo (averageKkl Alloy Thmperature OF °C designation Conventional die casting alloys No.2 NO.3 21 70 -40 -40 -20 0 21 24 40 95 -20 0 21 40 95 -4 32 70 75 104 203 -40 -4 32 70 104 203 -40 -40 -20 -10 0 20 50 95 150 -4 14 32 68 122 203 302 -40 -40 -20 -10 0 20 24 40 50 60 80 100 -4 14 32 68 75 104 122 144 176 212 -40 -40 -20 0 20 24 40 50 60 80 100 150 -4 32 68 75 104 122 140 176 212 302 -40 -40 -20 -10 0 24 20 40 50 60 80 100 150 -4 14 32 75 68 104 122 140 176 212 302 -40 No.5 No.7 Zinc-aluminum casting alloys ZA-8 ZA-12 ZA-27 Thosilestrength(al ksl MPa Impactenergy(b) J ft·lbr 359 308.9 301.3 284.8 282.7 52.1 44.8 43.8 41.3 41.0 47.5 2.7 5.4 31.2 58.3 35 2 4 23 43 244.8 195.1 337.2 340.6 333.0 328.2 295.8 242.0 308.9 299.2 35.5 28.3 48.9 49.4 48.3 47.6 42.9 35.1 44.8 43.4 282.7 41.0 232.4 193.1 120.0 33.7 28.0 17.4 57.0 54 2.7 5.4 55.6 65.1 62.4 58.3 1.4 1.9 2.4 3.8 54.2 58.3 54.2 43.4 42 40 2 4 41 48 46 43 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.8 40 43 40 32 409.6 402.7 59.4 58.4 382.7 373.7 55.5 54.2 1 1 2 2 42 1 1 1.5 1.5 31 54 40 56 65 63 1.5 1.5 3 29 41 48 46 1 1 1.7 21 35 26 40 46 46 29 33 34 328.2 Pressure dieeast MPa~m ksNin. Sand east MPa~m kII'lin. 10.1 9.2 12.3 11.2 10.2 9.3 12.6 11.5 27.7 11.2 25.2 10.2 9.8 8.9 14.4 13.1 14.5 13.2 29.0 26.4 29.1 26.5 11.9 10.8 16.4 14.9 20.2 18.4 23.7 21.6 35.2 32.0 42.1 38.3 47.6 224.1 450.2 32.5 65.3 434.4 403.4 63.0 58.5 349.6 50.7 228.9 119.3 520.6 500.6 33.2 17.3 75.5 72.6 497.1 72.1 425.4 61.7 397.8 57.7 259.3 129.0 37.6 18.7 2 3 7 1.5 2.5 5 13 15 9.5 11 16 16 16 12 12 12 (a) As-cast. (b) As-cast. unnotched 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) square specimen. Source: Engineering PropeniesofZinc Alloys. International Lead-Zinc Research Organization. 1989 and the Noranda Technology Center Table 2 Nominal compositions of rolled zinc alloys per ASTM B69 Alloy UNSnumber Cu Ph Cd Composition, % Femax AImax Other max Zn Zn-0.08Pb Zn-O.06Pb-O.06Cd Zn-0.8Pb-0.3Cd Zn-ICu Zn-lCu-O.OlOMg Z21210 Z21220 Z21540 Z44330 Z45330 0.001 max 0.005 max 0.005 max 0.85-1.25 0.85-1.25 0.10 max 0.05-0.10 0.25-0.50 0.10 max 0.15 max 0.005 max 0.05-0.08 0.25-0.45 0.005 max 0.04 max 0.012 0.012 0.002 0.012 0.015 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 bal bal bal bal bal Zn-0.8Cu-0.15Ti Zn-0.8Cu Z41320 Z40330 0.50-1.50 0.70-0.90 0.10 max 0.02 max 0.05 max 0.02 max 0.012 0.01 0.001 0.005 0.001 Sn 0.001 Sn O.OOISn 0.001 Sn 0.006-0.016 Mg O.OOISn 0.12-0.50110.001 Sn 0.02Ti Commondesignalion bal bal Zinc Alloys /611 Fig.1 Effect of Aging Time on Tensile Strength of Zinc Alloys. Aging temperature, 100°C (212 OF). (a) 0.76 mm (0.030 in.) casting wall thickness. (b) 1.52 mm (0.060 in.) casting wall thickness. (c) 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) casting wall thickness. Source: Noranda Technology Center LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view p 440 - 65 ,~ >-- 400 ~ " ~ .~ 360 .!!! .;;; c ~ 320 - 240 o r - 65 - 60 - 55 400 - 50 co 'in n, ~- :2 £ ~ tn c e" ., 1;; ~ ., ., ~ .," ~c I- I I 2 4 6 Time, h 280 - 40 .. No.3 o No.2 - I 8 35 10 e 1;; '" ~ -- t-. 2 (b) Applkalioll'l Deep-drawn hardware. expanded metal Buildingconstruction materials, deep-drawn hardware, coinage Roofing. gutters, anddownspouts; building construction materials; deep-drawn hardware; address plates; solarcollectors Zn-Pb-Cd-Fe Buildingconstruction materials. dry-cellballe!)' cans,deep-drawn hardware, address plates,electrical components Zn-Al(superplastic zinc) Shapedcomponents suchastypewriter casings, computer panels, and COVelli Purezinc Zn-Cu Zn-Cu-Ti Source:Engineering Properties ofZinc Alloys, International Lead-Zinc Research Organization,1989 ~c &. 4 Time, h 8 jI.-.. 0 :2 tc e 1;; ., ~ c ., 360 r-, ~ p " - 50 0 ~ 45 - 280 40 35 10 240 (e) ~~ \ ~ o 2 - 45 - 40 r-- . 4 .!!! 'in .," I- 320 - ~ t ~ ~ I-- I'-a-:Lr, ';;; I- - 240 o 50 ~ ~ 45 ~ £ tn c 320 - 55 --.. ""'(~ ~ >- .;;; - ~~ 360 Table 3 Typical applications of wrought zinc and zinc alloys Alloy 440 0 ~ o ZA-27 • ZA-B 6. No.5 65 - 60 v 400 Cl -,, ~ 60 - 55 ~~ 480 440 ~i1. 280 (8) Click here to view 480 480 ...:2co t LIVE GRAPH 6 Time, h 8 35 10 612/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Fig. 2 Tensile strengthof (a) 0.76 mm (0.030in.), (b) 1.52mm (0.060in.), and (c) 2.54 mm (0.100in.) thick strips of ZA-8, No.5 and No.3 as a function of time at roomtemperature, 20°C (68 OF). Source: NorandaTechnology Center Tlme,d Time,d Tlme,d 0 70 2.54 mm (0.100 In.) 60 ~ "--- :=-----a ~ (lJ n, :::i!: £ c. c: 300 ~OJ 1ij c: '"...0 50 40 30 {!!. 200 o ZA-8 o No.5 • No.3 oZA-8 o No.5 • No.3 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view o ZA-8 o No.5 • No.3 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH Click here to view x '1' .5 fl £ C. c: ~ CD ~ c: {!!. 20 100 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 0 2,000 4,000 Time, h 6,000 8,000 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 10 10,000 Time,h Time, h (a) 6,000 (c) (b) Fig. 3 Tensile strengthof (a) 0.76 mm (0.030in.) (b) 1.52 mm (0.060in.), and (c) 2.54 mm (0.100in.) as a function of agingtime at 100°C (212 OF). Source: NorandaTechnology Center LIVE GRAPH Click here to view LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) 1.52 mm (0.060 in.) 60,000 400 400 o ZA-8 o No.5 • No.3 o ZA-8 o No.5 • No.3 55,000 CIl (lJ .5 e, :::i!: £ C. c: I!! 'Iii 50,000 fl £ 45,000 1ij c: ~ Q) 'iii c: {!!. 280 40,000 o ZA-8 o No.5 • No.3 240 0 2 4 6 8 10 240 0 Time, h (a) C. c: I!! 'Iii 2 4 6 8 10 240 0 Time, h (b) 2 4 6 Time, h (c) 8 35,000 10 {!!. Zinc Alloys /613 Fig.4 Vickers hardnessof ZA-8, No.5, and No.3 as functionof aging time at 100°C (212 OF): (a) 0.76 mm (0.030 in.), (b) 1.52 mm (0.060 in.), and (c) 2.54 mm (0.100 in.). Source: NorandaTechnical Center LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 180 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 180 180 0.76 mm (0.030 In.) 1.52 mm (0.060 In.) 160 Cl .>< 2.54 mm (0.100 In.) 160 160 140 140 II) ~c: 'E III ..c: e JJ0 s o ZA-8 o NO.5 • No.3 80 60 0 2 80 4 6 o ZA-8 o NO.5 • No.3 60 0 8 o ZA-8 o NO.5 • No.3 80 4 2 Tlme,h 6 60 0 8 2 4 Time, h (8) 6 8 Time, h (c) (b) Fig.5 Percentageelongationover 2.54 em (1.00in.) gage lengthof ZA-8, No.5, and No.3 as a function of time at 100 °C (212 OF): (a) 0.76 mm (0.030 in.), (b) 1.52 mm (0.060 in.), and (c) 2.54 mm (0.100 in.). Source:NorandaTechnical Center LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 24 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 16 12 12 12 f- 8 8 8f- 0.76 mm (0.030 In.) 2.54 mm (0.100 In.) .5 o :s E 0 ~ C\i .5 ZA-8 o No.5 • No.3 ~ 0 r: .2 roCl c: 0 iii o ZA·8 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 Time,h (8) 0 o ZA·S 4 o No.5 • NO.3 4~-u o NO.5 • No.3 2 4 6 8 10 0 Tlme,h (b) u I I I I 2 4 6 8 Tlme,h (c) 10 614/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Fig.6 (a) Tensile strengthof as-cast No.3, No.5, andZA-8 as functionof wallthickness. (b) Tensile strengthof the alloysafter aging for 4 hat 100°C (212 OF) as function of wall thickness. Source: NorandaTechnical Center LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view Thickness, in. 0.030 0.060 Thickness, In. 0.100 400 400 - 380 380 - 360 360 III a.. ~ c: ~ .!!! 'iii c: ~ - 340 - 340 0.100 I I o ZA-8 - 60,000 o NO.5 ~ - 55,000 "'. .!: ,e - 50,000 c: Q) - 45,000 300 - 300 260 280 - o ZA-8 o No.5 • No.3 240 0.76 - 40,000 260 l- 240 1.52 2.54 I I I 0.76 1.52 2.54 Thickness, mm Thickness, mm (b) §; ~ 320 - 320 280 (8) 0.060 I 420 - 420 ::! 0.030 35,000 1ij c: ~ Conventional Zinc Die Casting Alloys AC43A Zn-4AI-2.5Cu-O.04Mg Commercial Names. Trade name. No. 2 die casting alloys; Previous trade name. Zamak 2; Foreign. Mazak 2 some loss of impact strength and ductility. Alloy No.2 has good bearing properties Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. ASTM B 86: 2.5 to 4.3 AI, 2.5 to 3.0 Cu, 0.020 to 0.05 Mg, 0.100 Fe max, 0.005 Pb max, 0.004 Cd max, 0.003 Sn max, bal Zn Typical Uses. Die castings such as automotive parts, household appliances and fixtures, office and computer equipment, building hardware Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Alloy becomes subject to intergranular corrosive attack and fails prematurely by warping and cracking Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM B 86: Alloy AC43A (die castings). B 240: Alloy AC43A(ingot); SAEAlloy 921; UNS Z35540 (ingot), Z35541 (castings); (Foreign) AFNOR-ZA4U3G; BS 1004; DIN1743 Characteristics Alloy No.2 has the highest tensile strength, creep strength, and hardness of all alloys in the hypoeutectic Zamak series ofdie casting alloys. The high copper content (3.0% Cu) causes some dimensional instability and leads to a net expansion of approximately 0.0014% after 20 years. It also causes Recommended Heat Treating Practice For Stress Relief of Alloy No.2. Temper at temperatures up to 100°C (212 OF) for 2 to 10 h. Above this temperature die castings blister due to the presence of gas porosity For Stabilizing Treatment of Alloy No.2. Treat at temperatures up to 100°C (212 "F) for up to ten days, depending on degree of stability required • Full treatment is used for exceptional dimensional stability • In other applications, treatment time of 2 to 5 h suffices Treatment is also used prior to secondary operations, such as post die forming (upsetting) or for staking to enhance ductility AG40A Zn-4AI-O.04 Mg Commercial Names. Trade name. No. 3 die casting alloy; Previous trade name. Zamak 3; Foreign. Mazak 3 Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. ASTM B 86: 3.5 to 4.3 AI, 0.020 to 0.05 Mg, 0.25 Cu max, 0.100 Fe max, 0.005 Pb max, 0.004 Cd max, 0.003 Sn max, bal Zn Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Alloy becomes subject to intergranular corrosive attack and fails prematurely by warping and cracking Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM B 86: Alloy AG40A (die castings). B 240: Alloy AG40A (ingot); SAE J468, alloy 903; UNS Z33521 (ingot), Z33520 (castings); U.S. Government QQ-Z-363; (Foreign) AFNOR-ZA4G; BS I004A; CSA HZ-3 (ingot), HZ-ll (castings); DIN-1743; JIS H 2201 class 1 (ingot), H 5301 ZDC 2 (castings); SAAAS1881 Characteristics Alloy No. 3 is the most widely used zinc die casting alloy in the United States. It provides the best overall combination of strength, castability, dimensional stability, ease of finishing, and cost Typical Uses. Die castings such as automotive parts, household appliances and fixtures, office and computer equipment, building hardware Recommended Heat Treating Practice For Stress Relief of Alloy No.3. Temper at temperatures up to 100°C (212 OF) for 2 to 10 h. Above this temperature die castings blister due to the presence of gas porosity For Stabilizing Treatment of Alloy No.3. Treat at temperatures up to 100 °C (212 "F) for up to ten days, depending on degree of stability required • Full treatment is used for exceptional dimensional stability • In other applications, treatment time of 2 to 5 h suffices Treatment is also used prior to secondary operations, such as post die forming (upsetting) or for staking to enhance ductility 616/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys AC41A Zn-4AI-1 CU-O.05Mg Commercial Names. Trade name. No. 5 die casting alloy; Previous trade name. Zamak 5; Foreign. Mazak 5 Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. ASTM B 86: 3.5 to 4.3 AI, 0.75 to 1.25 Cu, 0.030 to 0.08 Mg, 0.100 Fe max, 0.005 Pb max, 0.004 Cd max, 0.003 Sn max, bal Zn Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Alloy becomes subject to intergranular corrosive attack and fails prematurely by warping and cracking Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM B 86: alloy AC41A (die castings); B 240: alloy AC41A (ingot); SAB J468, alloy 925; UNS Z35530 (ingot), Z35531 (castings); Government QQ-Z-363; (Foreign) AFNOR-ZA4UIG; BS 1004A; CSAHZ-3 (ingot), HZ-ll (castings); DIN1743; JIS H 2201 class 2 (ingot), H 5301 ZDC I (castings); SAA-AS1881 Characteristics Alloy No.5 produces castings that are both harder and stronger than those made from alloy No.3. However, these improvements come at the expense of ductility: and postforming operations such as riveting, swaging, or crimping must be done with additional care. The creep resistance of alloy No. 5 is second only to that of alloy No. 2 among the hypoeutectic zinc-aluminum alloys Typical Uses. Die castings such as automotive parts, household appliances and fixtures, office and computer equipment, building hardware Recommended Heat Treating Practice For Stress Relief of Alloy No.5. Temper at temperatures up to 100 °C (212 "F) for 2 to 10 h. Above this temperature die castings blister due to the presence of gas porosity For Stabilizing Treatment of Alloy No.5. Treat at temperatures up to 100 °C (212 "F) for up to ten days, depending on degree of stability required • Full treatment is used for exceptional dimensional stability • In other applications, treatment time of 2 to 5 h suffices Treatment is also used prior to secondary operations, such as post die forming (upsetting) or for staking to enhance ductility AG40B Zn-4AI-O.015Mg Commercial Names. Trade name. No. 7 die casting alloy; Previous Typical Uses. Die castings such as automotive parts, household appli- trade name. Zamak 7; Foreign. Mazak 7 ances and fixtures, office and computer equipment, building hardware Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. ASTM B 86: 3.5 to 4.3 AI, 0.25 Cu max, 0.005-0.020 Mg, 0.Q75Fe max, 0.003 Pb max, 0.002 Cd max, 0.001 Sn max, 0.005-0.020 Ni, bal Zn Recommended Heat Treating Practice Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Alloy becomes subject to intergranular corrosive attack and fails prematurely by warping and cracking For Stress Relief of Alloy No.7. Temper at temperatures up to 100°C (212 OF) for 2 to 10 h. Above this temperature die castings blister due to the presence of gas porosity Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM B86: Alloy AG40B For Stabilizing Treatment of Alloy No.7. Treatattemperatures up to (die castings). B 240: Alloy AG40B (ingot); UNS Z33522 (ingot), Z33523 (castings) 100 °C (212 "F) for up to ten days, depending on degree of stability required Characteristics • Full treatment is used for exceptional dimensional stability • In other applications, treatment time of 2 to 5 h suffices Alloy No.7 is essentially a high-purity version of alloy No.3. Because of its lower magnesium content, alloy No. 7 has even better castability than alloy No.3, enabling excellent reproduction of surface detail in castings. Alloy No.7 has the highest ductility among the hypoeutectic alloys Treatment is also used prior to secondary operations, such as post die forming (upsetting) or for staking to enhance ductility nc-Aluminum Casting Alloys ZA·8 Zn-8AI-1 CU-O.02Mg Commercial Names. Trade name. ZA-8, zinc foundry alloy Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. ASTM B 669 (ingot): 8.2 to 8.8 AI, 0.8 to 1.3 Cu, 0.020 to 0.030 Mg, 0.065 Fe max, 0.005 Pb max, 0.005 Cd max, 0.002 Sn max, bal Zn. ASTM B 791 (castings): 8.0 to 8.8 AI, 0.8 to 1.3 Cu, 0.Ql5 to 0.030 Mg, 0.075 Fe max, 0.006 Pb max, 0.006 Cd max, 0.003 Sn max, bal Zn ZA·S: Microstructure. As-cast in a permanent mold. Coarse zinc-rich dendrites in a matrix of IX + 11 eutectic phase. Microstructure finer than that obtained in sand casting. Etchant: 200 g cro; 15 g Na2S0 4 , 1000 mL Hp. 500x Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Alloy becomes subject to intergranular corrosive attack and fails prematurely by warping and cracking Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM B 791 (castings), B 669 (ingot); UNS Z35635 (ingot), Z35636 (castings); (Foreign) BS DD 139 (castings) Characteristics Alloy ZA-8 is the only member of the hypereutectic alloys that can be hot chamber die cast along with the hypoeutectic alloys. It is equivalent to alloy No.2 in many respects, but ZA-8 has higher tensile, fatigue, and creep strengths, is more dimensionally stable, and has lower density. Alloy ZA-8 castings can be readily finished, combining their high structural strength with excellent appearance Typical Uses. For pressure die castings and gravity castings wherever high strength is required: automobiles, general hardware, agricultural equipment, electronic and electrical fittings, domestic and garden appliances, computer hardware, business machines, recording machines, radios, and hand tools Recommended Heat Treating Practice For Stress Relief of ZA·S, ZA·12, and ZA·27 Die Castings. Temper at temperatures up to 100°C (212 OF) for 2 to 10 h ZA..12 Zn-11 AI-1 CU-O.025Mg Commercial Names. Trade name. ZA-12, zinc foundry alloy; Previous trade name. ILZRO 12 Chemical Composition. Composition Limits. ASTM B 669 (ingot): 10.8 to 11.5 AI, 0.5 to 1.2 Cu, 0.020 to 0.030 Mg, 0.065 Fe max, 0.005 Pb max, 0.005 Cd max, 0.002 Sn max, bal Zn. ASTM B 791 (castings): 10.5 to 11.5 AI, 0.5 to 1.2 Cu, 0.015 to 0.030 Mg, 0.075 Fe max, 0.006 Pb max, 0.006 Cd max, 0.003 Sn max, bal Zn Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. Alloy becomes subject to intergranular corrosive attack and fails prematurely by warping and cracking. High iron causes excessive tool wear Specifications (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM B 791 (castings), B 669 (ingot); UNS Z35630 (ingot), Z35631 (castings); (Foreign) BS DD 139 (castings); SAA-ASI881 Characteristics Alloy ZA-12 has very good castability in cold chamber die casting machines. It is lower in density than all other zinc alloys except ZA-27, and it is frequently specified for castings that must combine casting quality with optimum performance. The plating quality of ZA-12 is lower than that of ZA-8, but it has excellent bearing and wear properties 01 to 0. 0. zinc alloys have a damping resistance equal to that of cast irons at elevated temperatures. computer hardware. general hardware. and strongest of all the zinc alloys. 0. casting quality can suffer unless care is taken. Because of the wide freezing range of ZA-27. Alloy ZA-27 demonstrates the highest sound and vibration damping properties of all the zinc casting alloys. particularly at elevated temperatures.002 Sn max. High iron causes excessive tool wear Specifications (U. but it has relatively low ductility and impact strength when pressure die cast. 0. 0..020 Mg. 0. followed by furnace cooling. Temper at temperatures up to 100 °C (212 OF) for 2 to 10 h ZA.005 Cd max. It does have the highest creep resistance of all zinc alloys.006 Pb max.075 Fe max. ZA-8 has better primary creep strength.618/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Typical Uses. for these reasons. 0.5 Cu. ASTM B 791 (castings). 27 Zn-27AI-2Cu-O. however.0 to 2. Trade name. Pressure die casting results in a much finer microstructure.0 to 28. ZA-8 often is used in its place Typical Uses. ASTM B 669 (ingot): 25. as a group. Treat at a temperature of 320 °C (608 OF) for 3 h. and heavy-duty hand and work tools.02 Mg. This alloy is extensively used in bearings and bushings for high-load low-speed applications Recommended Heat Treating Practice Temper at temperatures up to 100 °C (212 "F) for 2 to 10 h Dimensional changes in permanent mold and sand castings due to aging of ZA-27 are greater than those for ZA-8 and ZA-12. For pressure die castings and gravity castings wherever high strength is required: automobiles. Z35841 (castings). domestic and garden appliances. Two special treatments are available for this alloy: For Stabilization of ZA-27. Composition Limits. Coarse zinc-rich dendrites in a matrix of eutectic a + 11 phase. Ductility and impact strength are increased . but it is difficult to manufacture and suffers from melt instability. followed by furnace cooling For Homogenizing of ZA-27.072 Fe max. 0.S. electronic and electrical fittings. This alloy is used in bearings ZA-12: Microstructure. UNS Z35840 (ingot). 2. 0. bal Zn. business machines. ASTM B 791 (castings): 25.012 to 0.003 Sn max. SAA-AS1881 Characteristics Alloy ZA-27 is the lightest.0 AI. recording machines.0 to 2. and/or Foreign). and ZA-27 Die Castings. 0.5 to 28. 2. hardest. agricultural equipment. B 669 (ingot). agricultural equipment. ZA-27. bal Zn Consequence of Exceeding Impurity Limits. domestic and garden appliances. zinc foundry alloy Chemical Composition. radios. 0. As pressure die cast. Alloy becomes subject to intergranular corrosive attack and fails prematurely by warping and cracking. Treat at a temperature of 250 °C (482 OF) for 12 h.005 Pb max. 500X Recommended Heat Treating Practice For Stress Relief of ZA-a. Etchant: 5 mL HN03 and 100 mL H20. The secondary creep strength ofZA-27 is better than that of all other zinc alloys except for the now rarely used ILZRO (International Lead-Zinc Research Organization) 16. (Foreign) BS DD 139 (castings).0 AI. general hardware. For pressure die castings and gravity castings wherever very high strength is required: in automobile engine mounts and drive trains.006 Cd max. and hand tools.015Mg Commercial Names.5 Cu. Alloy ILZRO 16 was developed specifically for optimum creep resistance. ZA-12. Lead Alloys . At higher concentrations. In alloys ofthe lead-tin system. as indicated in adjoining Figures. Transformations that are induced in steel by heat treatment do not occur in lead alloys. Solution Treating and Aging Useful strengthening of lead can be attained by adding sufficient quantities of antimony to produce hypoeutectic lead-antimony alloys. Solid-Solution Hardening In solid-solution hardening of lead alloys. and these effects are enhanced by solution treating and rapid quenching prior to aging. As shown in adjoining Figure. The absolute melting point of lead is 327. for example). for example. At suitable solute concentrations in lead-antimony alloys. attempts to strengthen lead have met with some success. Hardness Stability. the alloys with 2 and 4% Sb harden comparatively slowly. Therefore. for example. A useful level of strengthening normally requires solute additions in excess of the room-temperature solubility limit. Alloys that exhibit precipitation hardening typically are less susceptible to overaging and therefore are more stable with time than alloys hardened by GP zones. homogenization and rapid cooling result in a breakdown of the supersaturated solution during storage. alumina.3 "F). and strengthening by ordering phenomena. Although this breakdown produces coarse structures in certain alloys (lead-tin alloys. Alloys that contain these elements can be processed so that no homogenization results. however. and the alloy containing 6% Sb appears to undergo optimum hardening. Dispersion strengthening also has been achieved through powder metallurgy methods in which lead oxide. it produces fine structures in others (such as lead-antimony alloys). the solution-treated specimens were harder than the quench-cast specimens. has no practical significance. Dispersion Hardening Another mechanism for strengthening oflead alloys involves elements that have low solubilities in solid lead. aging may produce precipitation hardening as discrete second-phase particles are formed. the rate of increase in hardness generally improves as the difference between the atomic radius of the solute and the atomic radius of lead increases. the initial hardening produced by alloying is quickly followed by softening as the coarse structure is formed. . or similar materials are dispersed in pure lead. Yet. and in certain other systems. Battery grids also require improved hardness to withstand industrial handling. For any given alloy. The resulting structure is more stable than those developed by other hardening processes. such as in the formation of lattice superstructures. both heat treatments result in somewhat comparable hardnesses after I min and after 2 years. Attempts to strengthen the metal by reducing the grain size or by cold working (strain hardening) have proved unsuccessful. In most lead alloys. For most of the two-year period.Heat Treating Lead and Lead Alloys Lead is normally considered to be unresponsive to heat treatment. Despite these obstacles. such as copper and nickel. Lead alloys for battery components. recovery and recrystallization processes and creep properties have great significance. Lead-calcium and lead-strontium alloys have been observed to age harden through discontinuous precipitation of a second phase-c-PbjCa in lead-calcium alloys and Pb3Sr in lead-strontium alloysas grain boundaries move through the structure. most of the strengthening that occurs is developed through dispersion hardening. in applications in which lead is used. can benefit from improved creep resistance in order to retain dimensional tolerances for the full service life. some means of strengthening lead and lead alloys may be required for certain applications. may recrystallize immediately and completely at room temperature.4 °C (621. Lead-tin alloys. Other investigations have also shown that alloys cooled slowly after casting are always softer than quenched alloys. with some solid-solution hardening taking place as a secondary effect. the structure may remain single phase with hardening by Guinier-Preston (GP) zones formed during aging. Lead-silver alloys respond in the same manner within two weeks. Small amounts of arsenic have particularly strong effects on the age-hardening response of such alloys. but exposure to elevated temperatures could have reduced this performance substantially.. > 20 1000A 30. care must be taken in fabrication as well. or a coarse structure will be extruded at a temperature above the breakdown temperature. Age hardening of lead-antimony alloys..---. Some cable-sheathing alloys....o time.----.----. Cooling a homogenized Pb-2Sb alloy to -10 °C (15 OF)and holding for one or two days prior to room-temperature aging results in increases in both the rate of age hardening and the maximum hardness attained. This behavior has been explained as the result of a reduction in the mobility of quenched-in free vacancies and a consequent reduction in their annihilation.. solution treated 4 h at 250°C (480 oF) and water quenched LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 30.----r---. The process allows the vacancies to form complexes with solute atoms. for example.. when this occurs. > :I: 20 :I: <Ii III <Ii III 600A Q) c: "EIII Q) c: "E 400A :I: III :I: 200A 10 4008 2008 1h 1 day 1 week 1 year 1h 0 0 2 3 L09. Castings should be cooled rapidly to a temperature below that at which the structure breaks down.. homogenization after rolling is required if age hardening is to produce a beneficial response. solidified and water quenched Age hardening of lead-antimony alloys.------.. Service Temperatures Service temperatures for lead alloys must be kept low to prevent overaging... Cold Storage Cold storage has been shown to improve the response of lead-antimony alloys to age hardening.o time.. Rolled alloys often are processed at insufficient temperatures. min 4 5 6 .---.622/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Fabrication Although alloy selection is important.---.----. min 4 5 6 1 day 1 week 1 year 0 0 2 3 L09. and these complexes improve the efficiency of nucleation during aging.---. and extrusions should not be allowed to cool slowly.---... Even the normally stable age-hardened lead-antimony and lead-calcium alloys can be altered detrimentally by high service temperatures or excessive working. have retained most of their creep resistance for up to 20 years.------. .L-.J..l 5 101-"=::::..----.............Heat Treating lead and lead Alloys I 623 Age hardening of lead-antimony-arsenic alloys.----. solution treated 4 h at 250 °C (480 ° F) and water quenched Age hardening of lead-antimony-arsenic alloys....-_ _--I-_ _---l_ _....o time...-----r---. 1825x 1 year 1 day 1 week 01. 1 part 30% HP2' then in ammonium molybdate reagent...----. as-cast... Small particles of Pb3Ca phase (dark) that precipitated near a grain boundary. _ _----JL..--J 5 6 Pb-5Sb.L-_---l.o time. 5 parts acetic acid.-----.-_--L o 2 3 Log. solidified and water quenched LIVE GRAPH LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Click here to view 40. min ..058Ca. Section through the connection tab of a battery grid showing dendritic grains..I.... 15 g citric acid + 9 g ammonium molybdate in 80 mL H2 0 2 • 100x ..------r------.-.I.l.-_-I-. 2 3 4 o Log.---.I...-----r---...--+---1------!----+---+----I 6 Pb-0..-_ _. 40.-----.L-..-_--L. o 615A > > I I ~ c -e m c -e I'" '" I 101ll-l'l----+-----A---+----l----+-------'j 1h OI.. min 4 1h 1 year 1 day 1 week .-_-J. slowly solidified. 1 part acetic acid. 325x . 8 parts glycerol.6Sn·5. Light gray lead-rich grains with dark gray tin precipitate in grain boundaries and within grains.5As) beneath four coats of paint (top).624/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Can solder (Pb-2Sn). Dark lead-rich grains and intergranular ternary eutectic of antimony-tin phase and antimony (both light) and lead (dark). showing body solder (Pb2. 98 mL methanol.25Sb·O. 400x Section through automotive body. 1 part HN03 . 2 mL acetic acid. Refractory Metals and Alloys . Vapor degreasing and hand or automatic washing with detergent solutions both work well. Stress-relief annealing reduces the level of residual stress in components and restores some of the ductility exhausted by the heavy cold reductions used in making mill products. markedly affect the recrystallization of molybdenum and tungsten and therefore also have a strong effect on the choice of stress-relief conditions. Cleaning of molybdenum and tungsten is desirable to remove compounds that could cause carbon contamination during heat treatment. especially for thin products such as sheet and foil. stress relief and recrystallization annealing are the common heat treatments. Stress-relief annealing of tungsten and molybdenum may be accomplished by annealing slightly below the temperature required to initiate recrystallization. The common commercial alloys of tantalum and niobium are listed in the adjoining Table. Stress-relief annealing of material to be further worked is usually performed at lower temperatures to avoid a partially recrystallized microstructure. and plate can frequently tolerate surface recession due to oxidation and are sometimes annealed in air-atmosphere furnaces.6 mm (0. In the as-rolled condition. alloys are susceptible to cracking during forming. niobium. but are also useful for estimating the behavior of other gages. Thick-section products such as rod. or 800 "F) followed by hot water rinsing effectively removes heavy surface oxides. Thinner sections.625 in. Both hydrogen and nitrogen may be considered inert to pure molybdenum and tungsten.) vacuum arc-cast sheet. along with typical stress-relief and recrystallization annealing temperature. and hafnium. having greater degrees of cold work. Adjoining Figure shows the recession of molybdenum in a variety of oxygen-containing atmospheres. The specific temperature required depends on the degree of cold work and the processing history of the alloy. molten caustic (1. The tendency to form brittle surface carbides and the phenomenon of volatile oxide evaporation indicate that carbon.Heat Treating Refractory Metals and Alloys Most commercially available refractory metals (molybdenum. Typically they involve annealing to obtain a controlled amount of recrystallization in the microstructure. It is strongly recommended that users consult with a primary producer of molybdenum and tungsten to specify the appropriate product for a particular application or to optimize a specific property. Adjoining Figure shows the effect of recrystallization on the ductile-brittle transition in bending for unalloyed molybdenum sheet. and tantalum) derive their strength from either cold work or solution hardening. It also allows annealing to be confirmed by either simple hardness testing or metallographic observation. Stress-relief annealing is mandatory after welding these materials and may also be employed after extensive machining operations. such as the amount of reduction prior to annealing and the temperature at which deformation takes place. Consequently. Recrystallization destroys the strengthening developed by cold working and raises the ductile-brittle transition temperature to relatively high levels. Prior processing parameters. and stamping. Molybdenum and Tungsten Annealing Practice Furnace atmosphere considerations are important when choosing heat-treating equipment for molybdenum and tungsten because both metals form carbides and volatile oxides. Proprietary stress-relief annealing practices used by the manufacturers of molybdenum and tungsten mill products are designed to optimize fabrication properties such as the capability for hot spinning. Thicker sections will recrystallize at higher temperatures. A variety of cleaning agents may be used to remove oils and hydrocarbons.and oxygen-containing atmospheres are to be avoided. will have curves shifted to lower temperatures. The effect of degree of working is shown in adjoining Figure for molybdenum rolled at 1200 °C (2200 OF). tungsten. General Annealing Treatments Molybdenum and tungsten alloys are normally cold worked plus stress relieved to develop their best mechanicalproperties such as low ductilebrittle transition temperatures. Producers are also a valuable resource for advice on the heat treatment of fabricated molybdenum and tungsten products. This treatment produces optimum ductility without significant loss of strength. . bar. Stress-relief treatments are typically used after welding to reduce residual thermal stresses and after forming operations to eliminate residual forming stresses. a stress-relief temperature is chosen to produce a small amount (<10%) of recrystallization in the microstructure. permitting further fabrication with less danger of cracking and delamination. Tantalum and niobium differ greatly from molybdenum and tungsten in that these metals are ductile in the recrystallized condition. zirconium. Normally. drawing. Data for the Figure were obtained on 1. but internal nitriding can occur in alloys containing titanium. High-quality vacuum systems may also be used to anneal these materials. along with typical temperature ranges for stress-relief and recrystallization annealing. the thermal treatment involved in the coating process itself usually provides sufficient stress relief. Working of mixed microstructures can lead to variable properties and ductility problems in the finished product. Precipitation is not used as a primary strengthening mechanism for any of the commercial refractory metal alloys. High-purity dry hydrogen is the preferred atmosphere for annealing molybdenum and tungsten because of its compatibility with the metals and because it improves surface cleanliness by reducing surface oxides during annealing. The adjoining Table lists common commercial alloys of molybdenum and tungsten. they and their alloys are most frequently recrystallized prior to fabrication or use. For this reason. For chemical cleaning. Recrystallization behavior of molybdenum is shown in adjoiningFigure. If components are coated after welding or forming to provide oxidation resistance.5 to 3% sodium nitrite in sodium hydroxide at 425°C. 260 5: 240 vi ~ 220 I-f-----': c 'E ~ 200 1--1---180 I--I----+160 L. WC lZr. cooling in the presence of hydrogen should be avoided. Cleaning and degreasing present no special problems. nitrogen. Good practice dictates that furnaces be heated to a temperature 100°C (180 "F) above the annealing temperature in the empty condition to remove adsorbed gases. and hydrogen from the atmosphere as temperatures increase above 650°C (1200 "F). Argon must be free of hydrogen and have a dew point below -50°C (-60 OF). Hydrogen embrittlement may occur in hydrogen-containing atmospheres.15Nb 7.. It is suggested that users contact the supplier of the primary fabricated metal to review plans and procedures prior to any thermal treatment of tantalum. tube. AHoy designation Annealin~ temperatures for molybdenum and tungsten and their commercial alloys Alloy Nominalalloy deslgnatiou additio ns. Leak rate control is the key to the successful heat treating of tantalum and niobium alloys. and the oxidation rate increases with increasing temperature.07si. Recommendations in the Table probably do not apply to most clad materials. and strip.7Zr 800 1470 875-1150 1610-2100 1000 1830 900 1650 2100 1150 (a)Powdermetallurgy.5 W. Hot-wall argon atmosphere furnaces have also been used to anneal tantalum and niobium. Because these alloys are easily contaminated during annealing.L.01 Pa (10 torr) or greater and have low leak rates.05K Thngsten alloys W None Annealing temperatures Stress-relief Re<r)'Slolli7Jltlon 0C OF 0C OF 850-950 1100-1300 1100-1350 1150-1200 1250-1350 1100-1200 1560-1740 2010-2370 2010-2460 2100-2190 2280-2460 2010-2190 1000-1200 1350-1475 1400-1600 1300-1450 1400-1600 1250-1350 (a) Arc-castorpowdermetallurgy: allothercompositions powdermetallurgy 1830-2190 2460-2690 2550-2910 2370-2640 2550-2910 2280-2460 1300 lhntalum alloys Th Th FS63 FS61(KBI-6) Th-IOW (FS6O..O. All surface contamination must be removed by machining or grinding and pickling before annealing because of the embrittlement mentioned previously..WC291 Nb752 C129Y FS85 C103 WIlli °C OF OC OF 1830-2280 2190-2460 2190-2370 2550-2820 2370-2910 None None(a) 2... but adsorbed gases and metals on hot furnace walls are likely to cause contamination. Furnace Selection..O..5Zr IOW. Although this provides a method of hydrogen removal.lOW IOW..4Hf. although hot caustics must be avoided. all othercompositions arc-cast 900-1200 1150-1250 1650-2190 2100-2280 1150-1200 1300-1400 1150-1250 1300-1400 1250-1375 2100-2190 2370-2550 2100-2280 2370-2550 2280-2510 .. It is defined as the pressure rise (typically in torr) per second. and prior history that current practice is to anneal pilot samples to ensure that the correct temperatures are used..IOHf.0. and support fixtures are normally used when heat treati~ niobium and tantalum. These furnaces operate at vacuums of 0.. KBI-l) SNb291.) vacuum arccast molybdenum sheet.. °C Annealin~ tem~eratures for tantalum and niobium and their commercial al oys Annealing tempernture Stress-relief Re<rystallizatlon Nominalalloy addltlous.-I. Furnace Cleanliness. The trend toward bonding tantalum and niobium to other metals presents special problems that must be carefully reviewed from a metallurgical standpoint.2.625 in..5W(a) lOW 850 1000 1000 1560 1830 1830 1100 2010 1000-1250 1200-1350 1200-1300 1400-1550 1300-1600 8W.--r----r--. OF 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 280 . special care must be exercised in furnace selection. Hydrogen absorption in tantalum and niobium takes place at low temperatures but desorption occurs as temperatures increase from 200 to 1000 °C (400 to 1830 OF).5TI. Furnace atmosphere control during the heat treatment of tantalum and niobium is even more important than it is for tungsten and molybdenum... as reflected by room-temperature hardness after 1 h anneals at the indicated temperature Reheating temperature. such as low-gage wire..0.-/}-r--r-T-. tantalum foil is frequently used as an outer wrapping on parts to react with impurities in the furnace.0. Carbon can also be absorbed if the carbon potential of the furnace atmosphere is sufficient. 1TI. Furnaces must be clean and usually must not be used for other operations or other metals unless a given practice has been found to be satisfactory. amount of cold work. and annealing practice. especially with products having high surface-to-volume ratios.05C Mo-30W(a) 30W DopedMo 0.0. Time at temperature is typically 1 h.. permanent hearth materials. Furnaces previously used to perform brazing operations should not be used. primary heat shields.03C Mo-MHC(a) 1Hf. Recrystallization behavior of 1. cleanliness of work. that is.1 Zr.1Y 28Th. Leak rate must be measured in a stabilized system.. The recrystallization temperature is so highly dependent on purity. one that has pumped for a period of time and is no longer outgassing..8 Zr IOHf. 0.11W. KBI·I0) T111 T222 Niobium alloys Nb Nb-1Zr(FS80. The surface oxidation of both metals occurs in air above 300 °C (570 OF).r--.I)~_.0.2Hf 9W. per liter of chamber volume. As further insurance. Recrystallization annealing is the most common thermal treatment applied to tantalum and niobium alloys. WI% Molybdenum alloys Mo(a) None Mo-1ZM(a) 0.6 mm (0. or their alloys. Conventional methods and materials may be used.O.-_---:: As-rolled 1000 1100 1200 Reheating temperature.2.0IC 1100 1100 2010 2010 1400-1650 2550-3000 1400-1650 2550-3000 None lZr IOTa. Cleaning of tantalum and niobium is a critical step in preparation for heat treatment. niobium.628/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Tantalum and Niobium Annealing Practice The Table below lists general recommendations for annealing temperatures of tantalum and niobium materials. These metals absorb oxygen. Cold-wall radiant-heated furnaces with refractory metal heating elements. 2800 8- s g 1400 ....----..t ...----.t ..Refractory Metals and Alloys /629 Oxidation of molybdenum in pure oxygenand air... .+ ..~ :~ c.. ..+ . . fast flowing o 102 I ...+ .. E \ a..J. .t ..3000 :....... t..3200 ::.. ....--------....E l!! ~ E . K-l Effect of degree of cold working on the minimum temperature for completerecrystallization of unalloyed arc-castmolybdenum LIVE GRAPH Click here to view U B...----r----r----......... ·C 700 900 800 300 . E .. 1800 .. 1200 1600 2000 LIVE GRAPH Click here to view Air.....l a:: 0 20 40 60 Reduction bV rolling...- --'- 8 6 4 104/ T...2600 ~ ..+ .. ~ 1200 .T...... flowing 30 I----------+"""""""------+-----"I~----t----j 10 I .r----.2400 :~ 80 a c... temperature Temperature..E ..... 2200 ~ ~ a:: ----L 10 ...j 31----------\-----~-_+-------T-____t---__j 0.. 1600 .3 '-- .£ ..------r---. ~ .£ .j Air.. % .---... 6 mm (0.040in.) diam. and annealed. Ta-10W alloy 1.) molybdenum sheet LIVE GRAPH Click here to view 140 -20 Testing temperature.5li alloy. Longitudinal section of fully recrystallized structure showing typical banding. 250x 120 :3 100 eCl Ql "0 80 cD 0> c: 60 ro '0 c: Ql !Xl 40 20 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Testing temperature. Tungsten wire (not doped). Final annealed in vacuum at 1480 °C (2700 OF). equiaxed grains. of 20 60 100 140 180 220 Niobium Alloy: Microstructure. Longitudinal section showing fully recrystallized structure and banding. ASTM grain size 6. Electron-beam melted. cold rolled and annealed by heating to 1315 °C (2400 OF). Final anneal in vacuum at 1315 °C (2400 OF) for 1 h. Mo-0. Murakami's reagent (mod). 50 to 75% reductions between anneals. warm rolled at 705°C (1300 OF). Fully recrystallized.) thick sheet. 0. 2. Arc melted. 200x Molybdenum Alloy: Microstructure.625 ln. 250x Tungsten Wire: Microstructure.2-mm (0.8-mm (0. Etchant: ASTM 163. °C Tungsten Alloy: Microstructure. hot extruded.630 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Effect of annealing practice on the bend transition temperature of 1. cold rolled. annealed at 2700 °C (4890 OF) for 5 min.007-in.110-in. ASTM grain size 7. Etchant: ASTM 163. Murakami's reagent. 200x . The structure consists of elongated grains.) thick sheet. FS-85 niobium alloy (Nb-28Ta11 W-0. warm forged.8Zr).0-mm (0. Tin-Rich Alloys . tin-lead. During this tempering treatment. and room temperature (about 295 K) is well over one-half the absolute melting point. or 18 months at room temperature. and cadmium. The time required varies from 3 h at the lower temperature to a few minutes at the higher temperature.4 ksi) can be increased to 26 HB and 65 MPa (9. A tin alloy containing 6% Sb and 2% Cu hardens to 90% of the hardness of the as-cast material after annealing for 1 h at 200 °C (390 OF). The maximum combination of strength. then aged for either 24 h at 100°C (212 "F). optimum properties (tensile strength: 92 MPa. Binary Alloys Tin-antimony. the strengthening effect of cadmium in the terminal solution tin phase (alpha) is much greater than that of antimony. This alloy consists of finely divided sigma and epsilon phases in a matrix of alpha. In studies of cold workable alloys containing 3 to 8% Cd and 1 to 9% Sb. Longer annealing times at lower temperatures have smaller but similar effects on the recovery from work softening. This alloy is tempered for 48 h at 100 °C (212 "F) after being quenched from 225°C (435 "F). only the tin-antimony alloys can be permanently strengthened by heat treatment. In work on alloys containing 7 to 10% Sb and 0 to 3% Cd (for bearings serving at mildly elevated temperatures). antimony. The greatest improvement obtainable in binary tin-antimony alloys occurs in the alloy that contains 9% Sb. all other tin-rich binary alloys will gradually soften at room temperature.4 ksi). Pewter The hardness values of spun pewterware.4 ksi) were obtained in a Sn-9Sb-1. For example. even at room temperature. or 13. High-temperature behavior such as recrystallization and recovery can occur in fairly short times. and hardness is obtained in alloys that have finely dispersed precipitates of the sigma and " epsilon phases in an alpha matrix. or of other articles that have been manufactured by mechanically working the metal.Heat Treating Tin-Rich Alloys In heat treating these alloys. ductility. . Tin melts at 232°C (505 K). or finely dispersed epsilon in a matrix of alpha with a eutectoid of alpha plus gamma (cadmium-rich solid solution). Alloys containing cadmium generally have compositions that restrict the formation of the primary (CdSb) epsilon phase. and tin-silver alloys can all be temper hardened by solution treatment and aging. Tin is also an unusual metal because it can work soften under certain conditions. it was found that a maximum tensile strength of 101 MPa (14. can be restored by heat treatment at temperatures from 110 to 150°C (230 to 300 OF). Other compositions also provide improvements in permanent properties. a hardness of 21 HB and a tensile strength of 51 MPa (7. and so heat treating can be used in these cases to restore some of the original hardness and strength.5Cd alloy quenched from 220°C (430 oF) and then aged for 10000 h at 140°C (285 "F). Ternary Alloys Permanent effects produced by heat treatment also carry over into ternary alloys of tin. or 2 in.). These structures are typically achieved by quenching or rapid cooling from elevated temperatures to avoid precipitation of primary sigma and epsilon. it is difficult to secure an effective and permanent degree of hardening.6 ksi) can be obtained with an Sn-3Cd-7Sb alloy quenched from 190°C (375 "F). However. tin-bismuth. ductility decreases from 20 to 10% elongation (in 50 rnm. Structure shows a thermal fatigue crack propagating through the tin-lead fillet. along with some interdendritic eutectic. Structure consists of CuaSn s needles and SbSn crystals (both light) in dendrites of tin-rich solid solution. The tinlead structure has coarsened in the highly stressed region near the crack. tin in lead (gray). 150x Sn-40Pb alloy. 80x Sn-31Pb-18Cd alloy. and cadmium in lead (dark). Structure is a lamellar ternary eutectic of solid solutions of cadmium in tin (light). 375x .634/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Sn·12Sb·10Pb·3Cu alloy. section of a wave-soldered printed circuit board joint that was thermally cycled. Glossary . or (c) both. breaks. Compare with natural aging. Annealing in a protective medium to prevent discoloration of the bright surface. Specific process names in commercial use are cycle annealing.aryof A age hardening.artificial aging. but also to simultaneously produce desired changes in other properties or in microstructure. The change in properties is often. age softening. full annealing. A twin formed in a crystal during recrystallization. recrystallization annealing. but is not confined to: improvement of machinability. See also aging. The salt addition improves the efficiency of water at the vapor phase or hot stage of the quenching process. bright annealing. The result is expressed as the Brinell hardness number. carbonates. used primarily to soften metallic materials. When the term is used without qualification. annealing cycles are designed to: (a) remove part or all of the effects of cold working (recrystallization mayor may not be involved). but never involves a change in chemical composition of the metal or alloy. final annealing. annealing. due to a phase change (precipitation). 1 Macroscopic appearance of ductile (a and b) and brittle (c and d) tensile fractures (a) (b) (e) (d) . (b) cause substantially complete coalescence of precipitates from solid solution in relatively coarse form. interrupted aging. annealing twin. A quench in which brine (salt water-chlorides. See also age hardening.los!. aging. the process is properly called stress relieving or stress-relief annealing. Aging above room temperature. black oxide. Spontaneous decrease of strength and hardness that takes place at room temperature in certain strain hardened alloys. A test for determining the hardness of a material by forcing a hard steel or carbide ball of specified diameter into it under a specified load. natural aging. and/or increase in stability of dimensions. progressive aging. . full annealing is implied. and anneal to temper. quench aging. A black finish on a metal produced by immersing it in hot oxidizing salts or salt solutions. A generic term denoting a treatment. The purpose of such changes may be. When applied only for the relief of stress. natural or artificial aging in ferrous and nonferrous alloys) or after a cold working operation (strain aging). precipitation hardening. brine quenching. usually after rapid cooling or cold working. Fig. Hardening by aging. Producing a beta phase by heating certain titanium alloys in the temperature range at which this phase forms followed by cooling at an appropriate rate to prevent its decomposition. and cyanides) is the quenching medium. overaging. Creases or ridges usually in "untempered" or in aged material where the yield point has been exceeded. depending on composition and material condition. improvement of mechanical or electrical properties. but not always. stress-reliefannealing. In nonferrous alloys. anneal to temper. A change in the properties of certain metals and alloys that occurs at ambient or moderately elevated temperatures after hot working or a heat treatment (quench aging in ferrous alloys. consisting of heating to and holding at a suitable temperature followed by cooling at a suitable rate. precipitation heat treatment. beta annealing. especially those of aluminum. flame annealing. artificial aging. which is the value obtained by dividing the applied load in kilograms by the surface area of the resulting impression in square millimeters. A final partial anneal that softens a cold worked nonferrous alloy to a specified level of hardness or tensile strength. and strain aging. partial annealing. Brinell hardness test. See also aging. facilitation of cold work. intermediate annealing. step aging. A carburizing flame is a reducing flame. caustic quenching. It is used to find the temperature at which phase changes occur. expensive. conditioning heat treatment. Contrast with hot working. temperature and pressure. and is limited to smaller parts with large surface areas. or internal damage. continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagram. Cold die quenching is slow. cold-worked structure. An increase in the grain size. granular appearance and exhibit little or no necking (Fig. or shaped dies to extract heat from a part. getting the work hot enough to cause discoloration or to change the microstructure by tempering or hardening. Also called general precipitation.638/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Fig. Also called check marks. close annealing. 2). For the term to be meaningful. which occurs over a range of temperature (Fig. Cooling from an elevated temperature in a predetermined manner. c carburizing flame. Set of curves drawn using logarithmic time and linear temperature as coordinates. 1. (2) In an equilibrium diagram. Same as transformation temperature. CCT diagram. but not necessarily. because the strain is small. 3 Dendritic structure in the columnar region of a Cu-30Ni ingot showing coring (variation in solute concentration). Checks may appear during processing or during service and are most often associated with thermal treatment or thermal cycling. Usually. continuous precipitation. (2) In grinding. Numerous. heat checks. or combinations thereof. 2 Columnar structure as seen through the transverse section of a commercially pure aluminum ingot. critical strain. which define for each cooling curve the beginning and end of the transformation of the initial phase. The introduction of one or more elements into the outer portion of a metal object by means of diffusion at high temperature. at which the phases of a heterogeneous system are in equilibrium. grain. They usually are randomly oriented. Continuous precipitates grow from nuclei distributed more or less uniformly throughout the matrix. results from nonequilibrium solidification. A curve showing the relation between time and temperature during the cooling of a material. See overheating. columnar structure. Deforming metal plastically under conditions of temperature and strain rate that induce strain hardening. there is no discernible phase boundary. as during a gas welding operation. (1) The union of particles of a dispersed phase into larger units. Fig. coalescence. coherent precipitate. Brittle tensile fractures have a bright. A condition of variable composition between the center and surface of a unit of microstructure (such as a dendrite. A preliminary heat treatment used to prepare a material for desired reaction to a subsequent heat treatment. critical point. Separation of a solid accompanied by little or no macroscopic plastic deformation. 1). A gas flame that will introduce carbon into some heated metals. grain-boundary liquation. See phase diagram. cold working. Car furnaces are used for lower stress relieving ranges. phase or physical properties occurs. coarsening. Acoarse structure of parallel elongated grains formed by unidirectional growth. usually only a few percent. conducted at room temperature. (1) Permanently damaging a metal or alloy by heating to cause either incipient melting or intergranular oxidation. (2) Growth of grains at the expense of the remainder by absorption or the growth of a phase or particle at the expense of the remainder by absorption or reprecipitation. but a reducing flame is not necessarily a carburizing flame. usually. very fine cracks in a coating or at the surface of a metal part. The strain just sufficient to cause recrystallization.5x brittle fracture. See continuous cooling transformation diagram. A batch-type furnace using a car on rails to enter and leave the furnace area. cracking. cementation. coring. cooling curve. 20x cold die quenching. cooling stresses. controlled cooling. 3). constitution diagram. recrystallization takes . to avoid hardening. or to produce desired microstructure or mechanical properties. Quenching with aqueous solutions of 5 to 10% sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Compare with discontinuous precipitation and localized precipitation. Because the lattices fit at the interface between precipitate and matrix. that specific value of composition. Residual stresses resulting from nonuniform distribution of temperature during cooling. the exact heat treatment must be specified. usually effected at temperatures below the fusion point. A crystalline precipitate that forms from solid solution with an orientation that maintains continuity between the crystal lattice of the precipitate and the lattice of the matrix. burning. but may form a Widmanstiitten structure. carbide particle). car furnace. Precipitation from a supersaturated solid solution in which the precipitate particles grow by long-range diffusion without recrystallization of the matrix. usually accompanied by some strain in both lattices. brittle fracture occurs by rapid crack propagation with less expenditure of energy than for ductile fracture. Typically. but sometimes in structures resulting from diffusional growth accompanied by a solid-state transformation. checking. A microstructure resulting from plastic deformation of a metal or alloy below its recrystallization temperature. (1) The temperature or pressure at which a change in crystal structure. A quench utilizing cold. Same as box annealing. most often observed in castings (Fig. by grain growth. flat. checks. but not necessarily. diffusion. Many forms of embrittlement can lead to brittle fracture. pressure is usually considered constant. A temper of nonferrous alloys corresponding to the condition of minimum hardness and tensile strength produced by full annealing. (2) An alloy having the composition indicated by the eutectic point on an equilibrium diagram. which produces a recrystallized structure consisting of very large grains. embrittlement. See dislocation. pressure. A factor of proportionality representing the amount of substance diffusing across a unit area through a unit concentration gradient in unit time. extra hard. the number of solids formed being the same as the number of components in the system. (2) The spontaneous movement of atoms or molecules to new sites within a material. dendrite. which is the preferred term. The temperature and pressure at which a gas begins to condense to a liquid. usually a metal or alloy. measured by elongation or reduction of area in a tensile test. An instrument for measuring the linear expansion or contraction in a metal resulting from changes in such factors as temperature and allotropy. A graphical representation of the temperature. Measured in units of length. dislocation. Melting oflocalized microscopic areas whose composition corresponds to that of the eutectic in the system. (2) An alloy having the composition indicated by the eutectoid point on an equilibrium diagram. (2) The temperature above which the vapor phase cannot be condensed to liquid by an increase in pressure. A crystal that has a treelike branching pattern. eutectic melting. A change in the form of a body due to stress. or solid. and composition limits of phase fields in an alloy system as they exist under conditions of complete equilibrium.Glossary of Terms Related to Heat Treating /639 Fig. change in moisture. Contrast with brittle fracture (see also Fig. dendritic segregation. critical temperature ranges. The severe loss of ductility or toughness or both. (1) An isothermal reversible reaction in which a liquid solution is converted into two or more intimately mixed solids on cooling. Two basic types are recognized: (I) an edge dislocation corresponds to the row of mismatched atoms along the edge formed by an extra. liquid. Misnomer for tempering. (1) Spreading of a constituent in a gas. Inhomogeneous distribution of alloying elements through the arms of dendrites. which is any combination of an edge dislocation and a screw dislocation. Many forms can occur during thermal treatment or elevated-temperature service (thermally induced embrittlement). being most evident in cast metals slowly cooled through the solidification range (Fig. characterized by a distortion that joins normally parallel planes together to form a continuous helical ramp (with a pitch of one interplanar distance) winding about the dislocation. 4 Scanning electron micrograph of dendrites in a Cu-10Co casting. deformation. An annealing process employing a predetermined and closely controlled time-temperature cycle to produce specific properties or microstructures. double aging. Contrast with ordered structure. The first aging treatment. cycle annealing. The ability of a material to deform plastically without fracturing. Various types of both thermally induced embrittlement and environmentally assisted embrittlement are defined in the ASM Handbook series and in the ASM Materials Engineering Dictionary. I accompanying brittle fracture). Fracture characterized by tearing of metal accompanied by appreciable gross plastic deformation and expenditure of considerable energy. dew point analyzer. partial plane of atoms within the body of the crystal. Discontinuous precipitates grow into the matrix from nuclei near grain boundaries. Most prevalent is the so-called mixed dislocation. eutectoid. An atmosphere monitoring device that measures the partial pressure of water vapor in an atmosphere. (1) An isothermal reversible reaction in which a solid solution is converted into two or more intimately mixed solids on cooling. (2) screw dislocation corresponds to the axis of a spiral structure in a crystal. discontinuous precipitation. a desired stress distribution or variation in properties is present within the object. by height of cupping in an Erichsen test. drawing. equilibrium diagram. diffusion coefficient. thermal change. 150x place from only a few nuclei. elastic limit. or by other means. sometimes referred to as intermediate or stabilizing. Precipitation from a supersaturated solid solution in which the precipitate particles grow by short-range diffusion. (3) An alloy structure of intermixed solid constituents formed by a eutectoid reaction. As applied to heterogeneous equilibria. Often referred to as cellular or nodular precipitation. (3) An alloy structure of intermixed solid constituents formed by a eutectic reaction. the number of solids formed being the same as the number of components in the system. Synonymous with transformation ranges. Compare with continuous precipitation and localized precipitation. of a material. ductility. is usually carried out at higher temperature than the second. eutectic. ductile fracture. the transformation of one phase into two or more new phases of different composition. or other causes. dew point. critical temperature. differential heating. D dead soft. In metal systems. . The crystal structure of a solid solution in which the atoms of different elements are randomly distributed relative to the available crystal lattice sites. A temper of nonferrous alloys and some ferrous alloys characterized by tensile strength and hardness about one-third of the way from ful! hard to extra spring temper. Compare with order-disorder transformation. after cooling. dilatometer. Other metals and alloys can be embrittled by environmental conditions (environmentally assisted embrittlement). Employment of two different aging treatments to control the type of precipitate formed from a supersaturated matrix in order to obtain the desired properties. disordered structure. accompanied by recrystallization of the matrix in the region of precipitation. The maximum stress that a material is capable of sustaining without any permanent strain (deformation) remaining upon complete release of the stress. 4). E edge dislocation. Heating that intentionally produces a temperature gradient within an object such that. forming cells of alternate lamellae of precipitate and depleted (and recrystallized) matrix. dissociation. (I) Synonymous with critical point if the pressure is constant. tending to make the composition of all parts uniform. A linear imperfection in a crystalline array of atoms. The term refinement is usually used to denote a chemical addition to the metal (Fig. grain refiner. The manipulation of the solidification process to cause more (and therefore smaller) grains to be formed and/or to cause the grains to form in specific shapes. a phenomenon occurring fairly close below the melting point in which the larger grains grow still larger while the smallest ones gradually diminish and disappear. That temperature range between liquidus and solidus temperatures in which molten and solid constituents coexist. For aluminum. the atoms in each grain are arranged in an orderly pattern. grain-boundary liquation. fixturing. The temperature at which hot working is completed. the grain size refers to that of the matrix unless otherwise specified. 5) but can refer to control of the cooling rate. full annealing. (l) An increase in the average size of the grains in polycrystalline metals. A small precipitation domain in a supersaturated metallic solid solution. fog quenching. Measures of the characteristic grain or crystallite dimensions (usually. fluidized-bed heating. Grain sizes are reported in terms of number of grains per unit area or volume. See also recrystallization. For metals. A temper of nonferrous alloys and some ferrous alloys corresponding approximately to a cold-worked state above full hard beyond which further cold work will not measurably increase the strength and hardness. (2) In polycrystalline metals. 5 As-castAI-lSi ingotsshowingthe effectsof grain refinement. the composition and starting condition of the material and the time-temperature cycle used must be stated. Both 2x (a) extra spring. (b) G grain. forced-air quench. The placing of parts to be heat treated in a constraining or semiconstraining apparatus to avoid heat-related distortions. a reduction of about 50 to 55%. a full hard temper is commonly defined in terms of minimum hardness or minimum tensile strength (or. thus separating one grain from another. A device designed to hold parts to be joined in proper relation to each other. An imprecise term used to denote the last anneal given to a nonferrous alloy prior to shipment. (a) No grain refiner. See also racking. for austenitic stainless steels. Guinier-Preston (G-P) zone. usually expressed as an average when the individual sizes are fairly uniform. A heat treatment that produces excessively large grains in polycrystalline metals. a range of hardness or strength) corresponding to a specific percentage of cold reduction following a full anneal. diameters) in a polycrystalline solid. or as a grain-size number derived from area measurements. An imprecise term that denotes an annealing cycle to produce minimum strength and hardness. grain refinement. full hard. average diameter. For the term to be meaningful. a full hard temper is equivalent to a reduction of 75% from dead soft. alternatively. An individual crystal in a polycrystalline material. A material added to a molten metal to induce a finer-thannormal grain size in the final structure (Fig. grain boundary. A temper of nonferrous alloys corresponding approximately to a cold-worked state beyond which the material can no longer be formed by bending. freezing range. A quench utilizing blasts of compressed air against relatively small parts such as a gear. Usually determined by microscopy. it mayor may not contain twinned regions and subgrains. In specifications. grain size distribution. fixture. grain growth. Heating carried out in a medium of solid particles suspended in a flow of gas.640 I Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys Fig. 5). In metals containing two or more phases. Quenching in a fine vapor or mist. (b) Grain refinedwith AI-5Ti-1 B addition. F final annealing. or of their populations by size increments from minimum to maximum. usually as a result of heating at elevated temperature. An advanced stage of overheating in which material in the region of austenitic grain boundaries melts. finishing temperature. a measure of the areas or volumes of grains in a polycrystalline material. grain size. A G-P zone has no well-defined crystalline . Also termed burning. grain coarsening. A narrow zone in a metal corresponding to the transition from one crystallographic orientation to another. usually by indentation. When castings are hot isostatically pressed. Method used to test heat extraction rates of various quenchants. thus avoiding any strain hardening. any alloy whose composition has an excess of alloying element compared with the eutectoid composition. K Knoop hardness test. heat-treatable alloy. which define for each level of temperature the beginning and end of the transformation of the initial phase under isothermal conditions. the following more specific terms should be used for nonferrous alloys: age hardening and precipitation hardening. Heating for the sole purpose of hot working is excluded from the meaning of this definition. or to resistance to scratching. hardness. hypereutectoid alloy. hardness profile. intergranular fracture. or cutting. See also Grossmann chart. holding. A change in phase that takes place at a constant temperature. However. holding temperature. and whose equilibrium microstructure contains some eutectic structure. and Vickers. interrupted aging. Resistance of metal to plastic deformation. When applicable. intercritical annealing. that form the material. An indentation hardness test using calibrated machines to force a rhombic-based pyramidal diamond indenter having specified edge angles. Also called intercrystalline fracture. hypoeutectoid alloy.) to both elevated temperature and isostatic gas pressure in an autoclave. Also called intercrystalline. formed on the surface of metals during heat treatment. (2) A process that subjects a component (casting. hot working. Set of curves drawn using logarithmic time and linear temperature as coordinates. creep. under specified conditions. and cooling to room temperature after each step. the term may also refer to stiffuess or temper. (1) The plastic deformation of metal at such a temperature and strain rate that recrystallization takes place simultaneously with the deformation. any alloy whose composition has an excess of alloying element compared with the eutectic composition. Increasing hardness by suitable treatment. In an alloy system exhibiting a eutectoid. hypereutectic alloy. depends on the amount of supercooling below (or superheating above) the equilibrium temperature for the same transformation. Any annealing treatment that involves heating to. Contrast with transgranular. intergranular. Holding at high temperature to eliminate or decrease chemical segregation by diffusion. holding time. interval test. See also coring. hot isostatic pressing. hardening. hot quenching. Same es full hard temper. isothermal transformation. This test measures the increase in temperature of a quenchant when a standard bar of metal is quenched for five seconds. Between crystals or grains. interrupted quenching. See also aging. or crystals. followed by either slow cooling or holding at a temperature below the lower critical temperature. An alloy that can be hardened by heat treatment. heat-treating film. and whose equilibrium microstructure contains some eutectoid structure. any alloy whose composition has an excess of base metal compared with the eutectoid composition. into the surface of the material under test and to measure the long diagonal after removal of the load. Faster heat-extracting quenchants will permit more electric current to pass through a standard wire because it is cooled more quickly. In an alloy system exhibiting a eutectic.Glossary of Terms Related to Heat Treating /641 structure of its own and contains an abnormally high concentration of solute atoms. any alloy whose composition has an excess of base metal compared with the eutectic composition. etc. hard temper. and whose equilibrium microstructure contains some eutectoid structure. The constant temperature at which the object is maintained. and diffusion. Time for which the temperature of the object is maintained constant. intense quenching. In an alloy system exhibiting a eutectoid. Coloration of a metal surface through oxidation by heating to reveal details of the microstructure. Faster quenchants will exhibit greater temperature increases. usually involving heating and cooling. Contrast with cold working. isothermal transformation (IT) diagram. I induction heating. and compare with progressive aging and step aging. a temperature between the upper and lower critical temperatures to obtain partial austenitization. Also called intercrystalline cracking. Heating by combined electrical resistance and hysteresis losses induced by subjecting a metal to the varying magnetic field surrounding a coil carrying alternating current. In an alloy system exhibiting a eutectic. heat checks. A thin coating or film. The formation of G-P zones constitutes the first stage of precipitation and is usually accompanied by a change in properties of the solid solution in which they occur. usually an oxide. heat treatment. Heating and cooling a solid metal or alloy in such a way as to obtain desired conditions or properties. An imprecise term used to cover a variety of quenching procedures in which a quenching medium is maintained at a prescribed temperature above 70°C (160 OF). The time required for transformation to be completed. by steps. and holding at. Contrast with transgranular fracture. homogenizing. intergranular cracking. Also referred to as hot forging and hot forming. powder forging. and in some instances the time delay before transformation begins. Method used to test heat extraction rates of various quenchants. Hardness as a function of distance from a fixed reference point (usually from the surface). hot-wire test. Brittle fracture of a polycrystalline material in which the fracture is between the grains. the simultaneous application of heat and pressure virtually eliminates internal voids and microporosity through a combination of plastic deformation. Annealing wrought metals at one or more stages during manufacture and before final treatment. such as Brinell. The most widely used pressurizing gas is argon. See checks. . (2) Controlled mechanical operations for shaping a product at temperatures above the recrystallization temperature. . abrasion. intermediate annealing. (1) A process for simultaneously heating and forming a compact in which the powder is contained in a sealed flexible sheet metal or glass enclosure and the so-contained powder is subjected to equal pressure from all directions at a temperature high enough to permit plastic deformation and sintering to take place. Indentation hardness may be measured by various hardness tests. A quenching procedure in which the workpiece is removed from the first quench at a temperature substantially higher than that of the quenchant and is then subjected to a second quenching system having a different cooling rate than the first. heat tinting. Contrast with transgranular cracking. Rockwell. The portion of the thermal cycle during which the temperature of the object is maintained constant. Quenching in which the quenching medium is cooling the part at a rate at least two and a half times faster than still water. and whose equilibrium microstructure contains some eutectic structure. Aging at two or more temperatures. hypoeutectic alloy. Compare with hot-wire analyzer. A temper of nonferrous alloys characterized by tensile strength about midway between that of dead soft and full hard tempers. Knoop. H half hard. Cracking or fracturing that occurs between the grains or crystals in a polycrystalline aggregate. an approximation to an equilibrium diagram. plastic deformation. the temperature at which martensite formation on cooling is essentially finished. See nucleus. nucleus.the temperature above which metals lose their magnetism. the degree of cold work. or small particle. See also aging. The lowest temperature at which partial melting can occur in an alloy that exhibits the greatest possible degree of segregation. and possessing an interface with the parent matrix. A gas flame produced with excess oxygen in the inner flame. It is not a full anneal and may leave traces of cold or warm working in the microstructure of heavily worked products. A generic term for microstructures formed by diffusionless phase transformation in which the parent and product phases have a specific crystallographic relationship. A graphical representation of the temperature and composition limits of phase fields in an alloy system as they actually exist under the specific conditions of heating or cooling (Fig. See also saponification number: nucleation. liquation temperature. or incoherent twin boundaries. The initiation of a phase transformation at discrete sites. The term is also applied to a foreign particle that initiates such action. 6). Segregation within a grain. neutral flame. oxidation. the temperature at which martensite starts to form on cooling. the indentations are so small that they must be measured with a microscope. oxygen probe. Capable of determining hardnesses of different microconstituents within a structure. For any alloy system. or of measuring steep hardness gradients such as those encountered in case hardening. To be meaningful. (2) A corrosion reaction in which the corroded metal forms an oxide. the overheating is known as burning. For any alloy system. mill scale. Spontaneous aging of a supersaturated solid solution at room temperature. A compound that causes oxidation. and compare with artificial aging. Quench-hardening treatment involving cooling in oil. Thermal energy absorbed or released when a substance undergoes a phase change. overheating. Compare with equilibrium diagram. An imprecise term used to denote a treatment given cold-worked material to reduce the strength to a controlled level or to effect stress relief. The hardness of a material as determined by forcing an indenter such as a Vickers or Knoop indenter into the surface of a material under very light load. Aging under conditions of time and temperature greater than those required to obtain maximum change in a certain property. the new phase growing on nuclei. martensitic transformation. 7). the type of material. optical pyrometer. polymorphism. partial annealing. liquid spray quench. mill annealing. or by a combination of working and heat treating. Mr temperature. phase diagram. neutralization number. oxidizing agent. Precipitation from a supersaturated solid solution similar to continuous precipitation. such as diamond and graphite. A general-purpose treatment given to all mill products. A phase diagram may be an equilibrium diagram. except that the precipitate particles form at preferred locations. Oxygen from ambient air is used to complete the combustion of C02 and H2 produced in the inner flame. Heating a metal or alloy to such a high temperature that its properties are impaired. 500x latent heat. See also Knoop hardness test and Vickers hardness test. thereby itself becoming reduced. . grain boundaries. 6 Plate-shpaed appearance of martensite in a Cu-12AI alloy. M. M magnetic quenchometer test. The test works by utilizing the change in magnetic properties of metals at their Curie point . by mechanical working. with the formation of an acicular structure called martensite. overaging. so that the property is altered in the direction of the initial value. and the time-temperature schedule must be stated. The permanent (inelastic) distortion of metals under applied stresses that strain the material beyond its elastic limit. such as air. martensite. Martensite is characterized by an acicular pattem in the microstructure in nonferrous alloys (Fig. microsegregation. Synonymous with constitution diagram. Method used to test heat extraction rates of various quenchants. (1) A reaction in which there is an increase in valence resulting from a loss of electrons. usually applied to reaction with a gas containing elemental oxygen.642/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys L Fig. such as along slip planes. See also full annealing. microhardness. An atmosphere-monitoring device that electronically measures the difference between the partial pressure of oxygen in a furnace or furnace supply atmosphere and the external air. localized precipitation. The first structurally stable particle capable of initiating recrystallization of a phase or the growth of a new phase. A reaction that takes place in some metals on cooling. Same as spray quenching. or a representation of metastable conditions or phases. usually. The heavy oxide layer formed during hot fabrication or heat treatment of metals. p natural aging. temperature. An ASTM number given to quenching oils that reflects the oil's tendency towards oxidation and sludging. crystal. oxidizing flame. The property of a chemical substance crystallizing into two or more forms having different structures. See also aging. particularly sheet. A gas flame in which there is no excess of either fuel or oxygen in the inner flame. When the original properties cannot be restored by further heat treating. An instrument for measuring the temperature of heated material by comparing the intensity of light emitted with a known intensity of an incandescent lamp filament. o oil hardening. Heating weldments immediately after welding. 3000 r-----. For the term to be meaningful. preheating. This process avoids part distortion. or both. those with close to 12% Si as eutectic.---r--. Fracture of a metal during quenching from elevated temperature. The atmosphere in a heat treating or sintering furnace designed to protect the parts or compacts from oxidation. for stress relieving. the separation of a new phase from solid or liquid solution. A quench in which hot dies are pressed and aligned with a part before the quenching process begins. to homogenize the structure before working. quench cracking. precipitation. quench aging.-.. 20% Si 50%Si protective atmosphere. caustic quenching. fog quenching. combusted fuel gases. 7 Aluminum-silicon phase diagram and cast microstructures of pure components and of alloys of varying compositions. 99. or for providing a controlled rate of cooling to prevent formation of a hard or brittle structure. When applicable. interrupted quenching. Heating before some further thermal or mechanical treatment. for tempering. Aging by increasing the temperature in steps or continuously during the aging cycle. Aging induced by rapid cooling after solution heat treatment. and vacuum. precipitation hardening. A term used to describe the placing of parts to be heat treated on a rack or tray. Any heat treatment that follows the welding operation. hydrogen. For some nonferrous alloys. pressure. brazing. usually with changing conditions of temperature.-----. time quenching. and water/polymer quenching. selective quenching. A temper of nonferrous alloys characterized by tensile strength about midway between that of dead soft and halfhard tempers. A device for measuring temperatures above the range of liquid thermometers. forced-air quenching. and those with over 12% Si as hypereutectic. Examples are inert gases (e. quenching. pot annealing. precipitation heat treatment. nitridation. press quenching.. See also age hardening and aging.g.Glossary of Terms Related to Heat Treating /643 Fig. spray quenching. See fixturing. process annealing. the condition ofthe material and the time-temperature cycle used must be stated. Same as box annealing.----r--. progressive aging. See also aging and compare with interrupted aging and step aging. heating to a high temperature for a long time. intense quenching. water quenching. Alloys with less than 12% Si are referred to as hypoeutectic. cutting. press quenching. Most frequently observed in hardened steels. Rapid cooling. An imprecise term denoting various treatments used to improve workability. the following more specific terms should be used: brine quenching. R racking. postweld heat treatment. Then the part is placed in contact with a quenching medium in a controlled manner.~~~~~~~ 12% Si postheatlng. Artificial aging in which a constituent precipitates from a supersaturated solid solution. In welding and related processes. heating to an intermediate temperature for a short time immediately before welding. Q quarter hard.. hot quenching. cold die quenching.--.95% AI ~-:r~ \ I=-~ . In metals. or other contamination from the environment. or thermal spraying. pyrometer..----y----. Hardening caused by the precipitation of a constituent from a supersaturated solid solution. soldering. . This is done to keep parts in a proper position to avoid heat-related distortions and to keep the parts separated. argon). See aging. Reduction or removal of work-hardening effects. The electromotive force generated in a circuit containing two dissimilar metals when one junction is at a temperature different from that of the other. Annealing cold-worked metal to produce a new grain structure without phase change. selective heating. strain aging. Either a 1200 diamond cone with a slightly rounded point or a 1.125 in. The process by which a few large grains are nucleated and grow at the expense of a fine-grained. Time. A low-temperature heat treatment used to balance stresses in cold-worked material without an appreciable decrease in the mechanical strength produced by cold working. expressed in terms of the Grossmann number (H) number. step aging. phase changes. . severity ofquench. (2) The approximate minimum temperature at which complete recrystallization of a coldworked metal occurs within a specified time. as a measure of hardness.0625 in or 0. spinodal structure. recrystallization annealing. as occurs on heating or cooling through a critical temperature. repeatedly heating a ferrous part to or slightly above its normal operating temperature and then cooling to room temperature to ensure dimensional stability in service. recrystallization. holding long enough to reduce residual stresses. The time and temperature are selected so that. Stresses in metal resulting from nonuniform temperature distribution. The component of either a liquid or solid solution that is present to a lesser or minor extent. These arrests are manifested by changes in slope of the plotted or mechanically traced heating and cooling curves. Cooling below the temperature at which an equilibrium phase transformation can take place. and compare with interrupted aging and progressive aging. recrystallization.6 or 3. supercooling. Intentionally heating only certain portions of a workpiece. Same as dead soft temper. the method is commonly used for determining certain critical temperatures required for the construction of equilibrium diagrams. (2) The change from one crystal structure to another. purity of the metal. and then cooling slowly enough to minimize the development of new residual stresses. An internal stress not depending on external forces resulting from such factors as cold working. Sintering strengthens a powder mass and normally produces densification and. or both. solute. Quenching only certain portions of an object. the component that is dissolved in the solvent. saponification number. Heat treatment carried out in a bath of molten salt. although recrystallization is complete. thermal stresses. A gas flame produced with excess fuel in the inner flame. spring temper. Also known as work hardening.) diam steel ball is used as the indenter. thermal electromotive force. Amethod for determining transformations in a metal by noting the temperatures at which thermal arrests occur. recrystallized grain size. sintering. soft temper. The phases of a spinodal structure differ in composition from each other and from the parent phase but have the same crystal structure as the parent phase. superplasticity. without cooling to room temperature after each step. (2) In aluminum and magnesium alloys. strain-free grain structure during prolonged heating. When such data are secured under nearly equilibrium conditions of heating and cooling. reducing flame. s salt bath heat treatment. Heating to a suitable temperature. without actually obtaining the transformation. refractory. Prolonged holding at a selected temperature to effect homogenization of structure or composition. secondary recrystallization. but essentially strain-free matrix. The quench rate is controlled by the velocity and volume of liquid per unit area per unit of time of impingement. strain hardening. which thereby helps evaluate the condition of these oils in service. spalling. Ability of quenching medium to extract heat from a hot metal workpiece. and then cooling rapidly enough to hold these constituents in solution. See also recrystallization.and titanium-base alloys) to develop extremely high tensile elongations at elevated temperatures and under controlled rates of deformation. superheating. A chipping or flaking of a surface due to any kind of improper heat treatment. soaking. (1) A material of very high melting point with properties that make it suitable for such uses as furnace linings and kiln construction. usually accomplished by heating. thermal analysis. An increase in hardness and strength of metals caused by plastic deformation at temperatures below the recrystallization range. The bonding of adjacent surfaces in a mass of particles by molecular or atomic attraction on heating at high temperatures below the melting temperature of any constituent in the material. A single. solid solution. essentially no grain growth occurs. thermal fatigue. See aging. A number given to quenching oils that reflects the oils' amount of compounding with fatty materials. without regard to grain growth or the recrystallized conditions. selective quenching. A fine homogeneous mixture of two phases that form by the growth of composition waves in a solid solution during suitable heat treatment. homogeneous crystalline phase containing two or more chemical species. Before finishing to final dimensions. (1) The grain size developed by heating coldworked metal. See also neutralization number. and characterized by a certain structure. without motion oflarge-angle grain boundaries. The ability of certain metals (most notably aluminum. under constant load. Aging at two or more temperatures. spinodal hardening. Heating an alloy to a suitable temperature. A temper of nonferrous alloys characterized by tensile strength and hardness about two-thirds of the way fromfull hard to extra spring temper. A quenching process using spray nozzles to spray water or other liquids on a part.644/ Heat Treater's Guide: Nonferrous Alloys recovery.2 mm (0. mechanical properties. See also thermocouple. recrystallization temperature. Heating above the temperature at which an equilibrium phase transformation should occur without actually obtaining the transformation. (2) The quality of resisting heat. holding at that temperature long enough to cause one or more constituents to enter into solid solution. See also primary recrystallization. Rockwell hardness test. and prior deformation are important factors. or temperature gradients. solution heat treatment. stress relieving. by steps. solid. (1) The lowest temperature at which the distorted grain structure of a cold-worked metal is replaced by a new. Fracture resulting from the presence of temperature gradients that vary with time in such a manner as to produce cyclic stresses in a structure. or reduction in area during cold working. residual stress. Also known as abnormal or discontinuous grain growth. thermal shock. in powdered metals. In nonferrous alloys the hardness and strength produced by mechanical or thermal treatment. stress equalizing. Aging following plastic deformation. strain-free structure from that existing in cold-worked metal. The development of a steep temperature gradient and accompanying high stresses within a structure. (1) The formation of a new. An indentation hardness test based on the depth of penetration. stabilizing treatment. spray quenching. the grain size after recrystallization. T temper. thermocouple. . sometimes overlapping but never coinciding. Same as thermal-mechanical treatment.from soft lead to cemented tungsten carbide.or the lowest temperature at which the fracture is 100% ductile (100% fibrous criterion). A quench in which water is the quenching medium. The term is sometimes used to denote the limiting temperature of a transformation range. time quenching. Also called transcrystalline fracture or intracrystalline fracture. u undercooling. Also known as the diamond pyramid hardness test. time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram. The DBTT is commonly associated with temper embrittlement. 420x thermochemical treatment. Also called transcrystalline cracking. The major disadvantage of water quenching is its poor efficiency at the beginning or hot stage of the quenching process. Fracture through or across the crystals or grains of a metal. Contrast with intergranularfracture. Also called intracrystalline or transcrystalline. A temper of nonferrous alloys characterized by tensile strength and hardness about midway between those of halfhard and full hard tempers. (1) An arbitrarily defined temperature that lies within the temperature range in which metal fracture characteristics (as usually determined by tests of notched specimens) change rapidly. Those ranges of temperature within which a phase forms during heating and transforms during cooling. (2) Sometimes used to denote an arbitrarily defined temperature within a range in which the ductility changes rapidly with temperature. the other as the twin. enabling the use of one hardness scale for all ranges of hardness . or FATT). 8 Widmanstatten precipitation in a Cu-3Ti alloy aged 10 h at 730°C (1345 OF).by appropriate heat treatment (Fig. Contrast with intergranularcracking. transgranular fracture. The two ranges are distinct. A structure characterized by a geometrical pattern resulting from the formation of a new phase along certain crystallographic planes of the parent solid solution. 1\vo portions of a crystal with a defmite orientation relationship. Vickers hardness test. such as the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DB'IT). Annealing carried out at subatmospheric pressure. toughness. thermomechanical working. Same as supercooling. but is readily produced in many alloys ferrous and nonferrous . transformation temperature. consisting of lengths of two dissimilar metals or alloys that are electrically joined at one end and connected to a voltage-measuring instrument at the other end. The orientation of the twin is a mirror image of the orientation of the parent across a twinning plane or an orientation that be derived by rotating the twin portion about a twinning axis. twin. the most common being the temperature for 50% ductile and 50% brittle fracture (50% fracture appearance transition temperature. See also annealing twin. The structure was originally observed in meteorites. w water quenching. particularly during cooling. The ability of a metal to absorb energy and deform plastically before fracturing. The temperature at which a change in phase occurs. A general term covering a variety of processes combining controlled thermal and deformation treatments to obtain specific properties. See also transformation temperature. A microindentation hardness test employing a 136° diamond pyramid indenter and variable loads. Heat treatment carried out in a medium suitably chosen to produce a change in the chemical composition of the object by exchange with the medium.Glossary of Terms Related to Heat Treating /645 Fig. The orientation of the lattice in the new phase is related crystallographic ally to the orientation of the lattice in the parent phase. A term used to describe a quench in which the cooling rate of the part being quenched must be changed abruptly at some time during the cooling cycle. When one junction is hotter than the other. transgranular. A device for measuring temperatures. The limiting temperatures of the ranges depend on the composition of the alloy and on the rate of change of temperature. transformation ranges. The DBTT can be assessed-in several ways. Widmanstiitten structure. one may be regarded as the parent. See isothermaltransformation(IT) diagram. 8). transgranular cracking. transition temperature. three-quarters hard. Cracking or fracturing that occurs through or across a crystal or grain. a thermal electromotive force is produced that is roughly proportional to the difference in temperature between the hot and cold junctions. Through or across crystals or grains. v vacuum annealing. Conversion Tables . 01 = 0..4884 x 10' Pa 9.. Symbols for units with specific names are given in parentheses. . degree Fahrenheit foot foot" foot" foot-pound-force foot-pound-force/minute foot/second' gallon (U..1 yard3 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rn" atmosphere (760 mm Hg) Btu (International Table) Btu (International Tablet/hour calorie (International Table) centipoise centistoke.731 765 x 10-< m" N 4. . . . . fluid) ounce-force (avoirdupois) ounce-mass (avoirdupois) ounce-mass/It" ounce-mass/yard' pint (U. . .1 m 9. Metric Units and Conversion Factors 'Ib convert from Quantity Unit Base units length.000 001 = 0.930 711 x 10.000 000 000 000 001 = 0. . . . . . . volt per metre Vim electric inductance henry (H) V's/A electric potential difference . liquid) horsepower (electric) inch inch' inch" inch of mercury (60 F) inch of water (60 F) kilogram-force/centimetre' kip (1000 IbO kip/inch' (ksi) ounce (U.957 353 x 10. . . liquid) pound-force (lbf avoirdupois) pound-mass (Ibm avoirdupois) pound-force/inch' (psi) pound-mass/inch" pound-mass/foot" quart (U. . . . .144 OOO(a) x 10. .10 m tC = (tF . .071 847 x 10' Pa 1. . . . . . . . ..186800(a) 1.460000(a) x 102 W 2.333 22 x 10' 3. . . .638 706 x 10-5 m" Pa 3.2 m" J . watt per metre-kelvin W/m·K metre per second velocity m/s Pa s pascal-second viscosity. . .18 Prefix SI symbol tera giga mega kilo hecto(a) dekala) deci(a) centila) milli micro nano pico femto atto T G M k h da d c m !L n ~ a . . 2000 Ibm) torr (mm-Hg) watt-hour Pa J W ~:~~2::: :: ::::: ::: :: ::: ::: :::: :::~. volume cubic metre m3 wavenumber reciprocal metre (wave)/m work joule (J) N'm r Multiply by 'Ib 1. . . .1 kg Pa 6. (a) Exact Multiplication Factors Multiplication factors 1 000 000 000 000 = 1 000 000 000 = 1 000 000 = 1000 = 100 = 10 = 0. . customary units to SI units. luminous intensity kelvin (K) mole (mol) candela (cd) Supplementary units plane angle solid angle radian (rad) steradian (sr) Metric Conversion Factors Formula metre (rn) kilogram (kg) second (s) ampere (A) Derived units acceleration .1 = 0. . . .048 OOO(a) x 10.048 OOO(a) x 10.. . . adapted from the revised Metric Practice Guide. .767 990 x 10< kg/m3 1.806 650(a) x 10< Pa N 4.000 000 000 000 000 001 = (a) 'Ib be avoided where possible 10 12 10' 10 6 10 3 10' 10 1 10. .535 924 x 10. 8.15 10.. .. .. . hertz (Hz) (eyclel/s illuminance lux (lx) lm/rn" luminance candela per square metre cd/rn" luminous flux lumen (lm) cd v sr magnetic field strength ampere per metre A/m magnetic flux weber (Wb) V 's tesla (T) magnetic flux density Wb/m' ampere (A) magnetomotive force power watt (W) st« pressure pascal (Pa) N/m' quantity of electricity coulomb (e) A· s quantity of heat joule (J) N'm radiant intensity watt per steradian W/sr specific heat joule per kilogram-kelvin J/kg' K stress . . .785412 x 10-3 m 7.1 m(s2 3.1 J 4. .000 000 001 = 0. .361 274 x 10. thermodynamic temperature amount of substance . .259 697 x 10-' W 3. . . . . pascal (Pa) N/m' thermal conductivity . . 8. .601 846 x 10 9.001 = 0. . ohm Co') VIA electromotive force volt (V) W/A energy joule (J) N'm entropy joule per kelvin J/K force .8 °C 3. .013 25 x 105 1. volt (V) W/A electric resistance. . . . .831 685 x 10.448222 4. .000 OOO(a) x 10.. . .1 10-' 10. . . .. s 1.451 600(a) x 10-< m' 1. . . . .067 075 x 10.3 Pa .5 m" 2. .834 952 x 10-' kg kg/m' 3. .780 139 x 10.463 529 x 10-< m" kg 9. . . electric current .32)/1. Circular mil.894 757 x 103 kg/rn" 2.600 OOO(a) x 103 J 9. . . . 1. . . S. 8. dynamic square metre viscosity. It is built upon seven base units' and two supplementary units. .1 N 2. includes a selected list of factors for converting U. . mass time . .6 10-' 10-1 ' 10. . . The information supplied in this Data Sheet. .. Derived units are related to base and supplementary units by formulas in the right-hand column. radian per second squared rad/s' angular velocity radian per second rad(s area square metre m density kilogram per cubic metre kg/rn" electric capacitance '" farad (F) A· s/V electric conductance siemens (8) A/V electric field strength . . .390 575 x 10-' kg/m 4. newton (N) kg vm/s" frequency . S. . .1 2 3. . . liquid) ton (short. . . .355818 2.055 056 x 10 3 2. .051 52 x 10.290 304(a) x 10-' m" 2. .6 m:/s 5. . .1 8. . .000 OOO(a) x 10. .894 757 x 106 Pa 2. .448 222 x 103 6.376 85 x 103 2.645 549 x 10. . Standard E380 ASTM. . . kinematic per second m'/s voltage volt (V) W//'>. metre per second squared mis' activity (of a radioactive source) disintegration per second (disintegrationl/s angular acceleration .Conversion Tables /649 Common Units for Converting From the English to the Metric (SI) System The International System of Units (SI for short) is a modernized version of the metric system. .540 OOO(a) x 10-' m 6. .1 7. . .. . .3 10. . . .000 000 000 001 = 0. . . . . Cross Reference . A1c1ad 2024 5056. UNSR50700 UnalloyedTitanium. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium.Grade 4.5Mg) 514.ISi) 2014. M13.Alclad 3004 4043 Page Australia 182 185 Austria Onorm AlCuMgl AlCuMg2 AIMg5 AlZnMg-Cul.AZ31C AZ61A AZ91A. B443. UNS R504ll0 UnalloyedTitanium.04Mg AC41A.AZ91B. The specifications are listed alpha-numerically by country of origin.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2.AZ91C.0.Alclad 7075 7075.Grade4.0 (118i) 355. UNS R50250 UnalloyedTitanium.0.AZ91B. UNSR50700 Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V UnalloyedTitanium.0 (8.ASTM Grade2.5V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6A1-4V Ti-6A1-4V Ti-6A1-4V Ti-6AI-6V-18n Ti-6A1-6V-2Sn Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Ti-6A1-6V-2Sn Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V UnalloyedTitanium.Grade 4. UNS R50250 UnalloyedTitanium.5Sn Ti-6A1-6V-2Sn Ti-3A1-2.0 (4Mg) 520.Alclad 2014 2011 2024. Zn-4A1-0.0 (12Si-2. Alc1ad 3004 4043 336.ASTM Grade 1. UNS R50250 UnalloyedTitanium.5Cu) 6151 4032 336.05Mg AG4OA. For further information on the chemical compositions and mechanical properties of the alloys listed in this index the reader may find it useful to consult such publications as the Worldwide Guide to Equivalent Nonferrous Metals and Alloys. 3rd edition. Alclad3003 3004. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium.A380.04Mg AC41A. ASTM Grade2.ASTM Grade2. ASM.0 (l2Si-2:5Ni-lMg-lCu) 7075. UNSR50700 Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6A1-4V 435 436 450 453 454 440 467 469 469 471 472 522 522 QE22A 444 5005 5050 5052 5454 5086. UNSR50700 UnalloyedTitanium.Alclad 5056 7075.A1c1ad 5056 5052 5154 5254 6061.5MC A-G4MC A-G5 A-GSIL A-GSUC A-GlO A-GC3 A-MI A-MIG A-S5 A-SI2N2G A-SI2UN A-SI3 A-U2GN A-U4G1 A-U4N A-U4NT A-U4Pb A-U4SG A-U6MT AZ31B.04Mg AC41A. 8th Edition.AZ9IC. Designation Alloy Name A3004 B4043 3004.5V Ti-8A1-lMo-lV UnalloyedTitanium. UNS R50550 UnalloyedTitanium. UNS R50400 prEN2526Ti-P02 prEN2527Ti-P04 prEN2530 prEN2531 prEN3120Ti-P69 prEN3310 prEN3311 prEN3312 prEN3313 prEN3314 prEN3315 prEN3316Ti-P64 prEN3317Ti-P64 prEN3318Ti-P64 prEN3319Ti-P64 prEN3320Ti-P64 prEN3352 prEN3353 prEN3354 prEN3355 prEN3378Ti-P02 prEN3441 PO1 prEN3442 Ti-P02 prEN3443Ti-P04 prEN3451 Ti-P02 prEN3452Ti-P02 prEN3453Ti-P04 prEN3456 prEN3457 prEN3458 prEN3460Ti-P02 prEN3461 Ti-P04 467 prEN3496Ti-P04 469 prEN3498Ti-P02 472 483 536 478 498 Europe AECMA prEN2517Ti-P63 prEN2518Ti-P02 prEN2520Ti-P04 prEN3464 prEN3467 prEN3487POI China GB3620TA-l AECMA prEN2519Ti-P04 prEN2525POI Canada CSA 990C 9950 C4 C541N CB60 CE42 CM41 CN42 G4 GlO GM31N GM41 GM50P GM50R GR20 GR40 GR40 GSllN HZ-3 HZ-3 HZ-ll HZ-II MCIO S5 S5 Designation 522 469 prEN3499Ti-P04 Alloy Name UnalloyedTitanium. UNSR50700 UnalloyedTitanium.AZ91E ZE41A ZH62A ZK51A EZ33A UnalloyedTitanium.Alclad 6061 AG4OA.0 (5Si-1.Zn-4A1-lCu-0.05Mg 423 424 431 615 615 616 AZ81A AZ91A. 1994.Grade 4. UNSR50400 UnalloyedTitanium.Zn-4A1-lCu-0.ASTM Grade I. UNS R50250 UnalloyedTitanium.5Cu-0.A1c1ad 5086 5356 6101 6061.0(118i) 2618 2024.ASTM Grade2.3Cu-0. Zn-4Al-0. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium.0 (5.0 (10Mg) 5154 3003.5 E-AIMgSi 2017 2024.ASTM Grade2. A1c1ad 2024 2218 242.Grade 4. UNSR50700 Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V UnalloyedTitanium. UNS R504ll0 UnalloyedTitanium.ASTM Grade 3.ASTM Grade2. AZ9lD.Alclad 3003 4043 443.0 (lOMg) 5454 5083 5356 5056.0.ASTM Grade2.0 (4Cu-2NI-2. It is recommended that this index serve only as a guide.Grade4.6 A-Gl A-G2. UNSR50700 Page 472 472 467 469 472 522 522 478 522 522 522 522 522 522 536 536 536 536 536 522 522 522 522 469 467 469 472 469 469 472 522 522 522 469 472 522 522 467 472 469 472 Foreign Elektron A8 AZ31 AZ61 AZ91 AZ81A AZ3IB. C443. A1clad 2219 185 186 187 194 191 194 209 201 265 191 180 182 185 252 184 263 179 159 173 249 155 155 174 .0. ASTM Grade 1.5Mg) 380.ASTM Grade2. Alclad 2024 2017 242. UNSR50400 UnalloyedTitanium.ASTM Grade 2. 1995 and Waldman s Engineering Alloys.5V Ti-8A1-lMo-IV Ti-6AI-4V UnalloyedTitanium. Alclad7075 159 159 188 221' 209 151 149 250 155 155 159 159 249 264 265 194 189 194 188 187 191 193 201 615 616 615 616 180 185 264 263 255 261 209 184 252 221 221 GB3620TA-2 GB 3620TA-3 GB3620TA-7 GB 3620TC-1O Ti-3A1-2.2Si) 413.ASTM Grade 1. Any determination of the true equivalence of any two alloys should only be made after careful comparison of their chemical compositions. A1c1ad 7075 6101 S12P SC51 SC84 SGIIP SGl21 SN122 ZG62 ZG62A1c1ad 1100 1050 295. ASM. UNS R50250 UnalloyedTitanium.0.5Cu-l.5Mg) 2011 2014. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium. UNSR50700 UnalloyedTitanium.ASTM Grade 1.Zn-4A1-ICu-O.Grade 4.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys The following index was developed to help the Heat Treater cross-index chemically similar specifications.0.C355.05Mg 3003.M13.5Ni-lMg-lCu) 4032 413.Grade4.ASTM Grade2. UNSR50700 Ti-5AI-2.AZ31C AZ61A ZK60A AG4OA. AZ91E 435 423 424 436 Designation Alloy Name Elektron AZG MSR-B QH21A RZ5 1'26 Z5Z ZE63A ZREI ZTl ZW6 AZ63A QE22A QH21A ZE41A ZH62A ZK51A ZE63A EZ33A HZ32A ZK60A Page 433 444 446 450 453 454 452 440 443 431 France AFNOR G-A371 G-A6Z1 G-Z5Zr ZA4G ZA4U3G ZA4U1G AIR 3380G-A9 3380G-AZ91 3380RZ5 33801'26 3380Z5Z 3380ZREI 9182T-35 9182T-35 9182T-40 9182T-50 9182T-60 9183T-A6V 9184T-A6V MSR-BAECMA MG-C-51 NF A-GO. AZ9lD. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium. A1c1ad 2014 2219. Zn-4A1-2.5Si-3. Zn-4A1-0.0 (4.Grade4. ASTM Grade2. UNSR50700 Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-3AI-2. A1c1ad 6061 520.A443.Grade4.5C A-G2.04Mg AC43A.0. 5Sn 17851 WL 3. Alclad 7075 1050 1350 6101 522 467 469 471 472 522 467 469 Designation ThyssenLT 24 31 33 ThyssenRT 12(Pd) 15(Pd) 471 472 18(Pd) 467 469 Titan RT 20 471 472 522 155 159 159 155 185 187 194 191 189 188 180 182 185 221 149 154 209 Alloy Name Thyssen Contimet Pd02l35 D Modified Ti (Ti-Q.05Mg 1743 AC43A. Grade 4.2Pd). ASTM Grade 2. UNS R52400. ASTM Grade 2.7115 Ti-5AI-2. ASTM Grade 3. Grade 7.5312 97153. UNSR50700 Ti-6Al-4V Unalloyed Titanium. Alclad 3004 4043 7075.7065 17864 3.7164 3. Grade 11.5 E-AlMgSiO. Grade 4. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSR52250 TiNiMo83 Ti-0.2Pd). UNS R50550 17850 WL 3. Grade 7. Zn-4AI-0.5Sn Ti-6AI-4V Ti-7AI-4Mo Ti-8AI-IMo-IV 159 149 154 151 559 469 474 469 471 472 536 492 483 483 522 541 498 Germany DIN 17293. ASTM Grade 12. ASTM Grade 2. 221 472 522 522 469 469 483 492 536 Italy Unalloyed Titanium.1325 3. ASTM. UNSR52250 17851 3. Grade 4. UNS R50550 Unalloyed Titanium.04Mg AC41A.5Sn Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O. Grade 7.08Si Ti-6A1-4V Ti-6A1-4V Unalloyed Titanium.9 P-AlMg1. Grade 3. ASTM Grade 2. UNSR52250 17851 Ti-5Al-2.AZ91B. ASTM Grade 3. ASTM Grade 2.2Pd). ASTM Grade 3. AIclad 2024 2014.5V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6Al-4V Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Modified Ti (Ti-0. ASTM Grade 2.2245 3. Grade 4.5612 17293.3Mo-O. ASTM Grade 2. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.7Mn AlMg4 AlMg4.7165 Ti-6A1-4V 178513. ASTM Grade 1.2Pd). UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSR52250 467 469 472 483 492 522 522 UNI P-AlCu4. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50550 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50550 Ti·8Al-IMo-IV Ti-5AI-2.7035 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade I. Grade 2.7065 178623.7024 3. Alclad 7075 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSR50700 Ti-6Al-4V Unalloyed Titanium.08Si Ti-3AI-2. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.2Pd). Alclad 2014 5005 5052 5454 5086. UNS R50400 17850 WL 3.7114 3.5MgMn P-AlMgO. ASTM Grade 2.3207 3.3457 3. UNS R50550 178513.7055 Unalloyed Titanium.5 AlMg2.7255 Modified Ti (Ti-0.5Mn AlMg5 AlMn AlMnlMgl AISi5 AIZn-MgCu1.5 E-AI99. AZ9lD. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.7165 17850TiI Unalloyed Titanium. Unalloyed Titanium. R53400 Werkstoff-Nr 3. Grade 7. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-Q.5102 17293. UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM . Grade 4.ASTM Grade 2.2Pd). ASTM 17850Ti II Grade 2. UNS R52400.5161 ZK60A AZ3IB.7065 17864 3.5103 17293.4365 3. ASTM Grade 3.5812 17293.5Cu-0. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.2Pd). UNSR50700 Ti-5Al-2.7225 Modified Ti (Ti-0.7064 3.7035 178633. UNSR50700 Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6Al-4V Unalloyed Titanium. UNSR50700 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade I. UNS R50250 178603. ASTM Grade 3.5Sn Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 11.08Si Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Modified Ti (Ti-Q.7055 178623. Grade 11. ASTM Grade I. UNS R50550 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSR50700 Ti-6A1-4V 2011 2017 2024.5Sn Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.AZ31C 97153. ASTM Grade 3. Alclad 5056 3003. UNSR50700 Ti-6A1-6V-2Sn Ti-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.7025 Unalloyed Titanium.7144 3. ASTM Grade I. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 11.5105 17293. Grade 11. Zn-4AI-2.04Mg 97153. UNS R52400. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.7065 Unalloyed Titanium.7055 Unalloyed Titanium.7174 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.7615 AICuBiPb AICuMgl AlCuMg2 AlCuSiMn AlMgl AIMg2.5Sn Ti-5Al-2. UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium.7055 17864 3.04Mg 1743 AG40A.08Si Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Page 474 476 492 522 536 474 474 474 471 159 185 209 189 . UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade 3. Zn-4AI-1Cu-0. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50400 Ti-5AI-2. Grade 11. ASTM 17850Tiill Grade 2. UNS R50550 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50400 Modified Ti (Ti-0.5Sn Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O. Alclad 2024 5657 5050 5052 4032 6101 JIS Class 1 Ti Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 H 2201 Class I H 2201 Class 2 H 4361 TTH 35D Class 2 H 4600 TP 28 HlC Class 1 Unalloyed Titanium.5Sn Ti-5Al-2. Grade 3.7025 17864 3.05Mg Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52400. ASTM Grade I. Grade 2.7025 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade I.7025 17863 3. UNS R50550 . UNS R52400. UNS R52400.7065 Unalloyed Titanium.7615 178633.2Pd).5Sn Ti-5AI-2. ASTM Grade I. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.7025 178623. UNS R50550 17860 3.5912 Designation ZE4IA ZH62A EZ33A HZ32A QE22A AZ6IA AZSIA AZ91A.5101 17293. UNS R50400 17850 WL 3. UNS R52400.08Si Ti-5Al-2. UNSR50700 450 453 440 443 444 424 435 436 616 615 615 431 423 424 467 522 17860 3.8Ni.7615 17862 3. Grade 11. Alclad 3003 3004. UNS R52400. Grade 7.5612 AZ61A 17850 3. UNS R50250 Ti-6Al-4V 178503. Grade n.2Pd). ASTM Grade 3. Grade 11.5 A199.5164 17293. ASTM Grade 2.5Sn 17860 3. Alclad 5086 5083 5056. ASTM Grade 2. ASTM Grade I.5 Otto Fuchs TI 467 TI 469 T6 469 471 469 469 471 522 TL52 TL62 TL64 TL64ELI Thyssen Contimet 30 35 35D 474 55 474 474 483 483 467 AlMoV8-1-1 AISn52 AlSn52ELI AISnZrMo 6-2-4-2 AIV32 AIV64 AIV 64 ELI AIVSn6-6-2 Pd 02130 469 471 472 Pd 02135 Ti-6A1-4V Unalloyed Titanium. . UNSR52250 178513.7035 178623.AZ9lE 1743 AC41A. Zn-4AI-1Cu-0. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 7.7035 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM . ASTM Grade I. ASTM. Grade 4. Grade 7. ASTM Grade 2.2Pd).7264 WL 3. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.AZ91C. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.7235 Modified Ti (Ti-0.7034 3. Zn-4Al-O. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50400 17860 3. Grade 4. ASTM Grade I. Grade 11. UNS R50250 467 469 471 472 522 467 469 471 615 616 469 467 . UNS R52400.7055 178633.7035 17864 3. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 7. ASTM Grade 3. UNS R50400 17850 TiN Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52400.5Mo-6Zr-4. UNS R50550 AG4OA. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade 2. Grade 7. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-Q.5 P-AISi 12MgCuNi P-AISiO DTI 469 DTI 469 DT4 471 498 483 483 492 478 522 522 536 DT5 474 159 198 186 187 184 209 Japan Daido DTl 467 474 2024. UNS R50550 2017 4043 6101 5083 7075. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.654/ Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys Designation Alloy Name Page NF A-U46 A5 A5/L A45 Uglne TD12ZrE UT35 UT35-02 UT40 UT50 UT60 UT662 UT6242 UTA5E UTA5EL UTA6V UTA7D UTA8DV Alloy Name Page DIN 2017 1050 1350 1100 Ti-l1. Grade 7.5 P-AlMg2. Grade 4. ASTM Grade 2. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. ASlM Grade 2. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7.2Pd). UNS R52400.2Pd). ASlM Grade 2. ASlM Grade I.2Pd).3Mo-O. Grade II. UNS R52400. UNS R50550 Unalloyed TItanium. UNS R52250 Page 469 471 Designation JlS H4636 type 12 TTH35PdW H 4636 type 12 TTH35PdWD 467 469 471 H 4636 type 13 TTH49PdD H 4636 type 13 TTH49PdW 467 467 469 469 471 471 467 467 469 471 471 474 474 474 474 474 474 H 4636 type 13 TTH49PdWD H4650TB28 CIHClass I H4650TB 35 CIHClass2 H4650TB49 ClHClass 3 H 4655 type 11 TB28PdC H 4655 type 11 TB28PdH H 4655 type 12 TB35PdC H 4655 type 12 TB35PdH H 4655 type 13 TB49PdC H 4655 type 13 TB49PdH H4670TW28 Class I H4670TW35 Class 2 H 4670 TW49 Class 3 H 4675 type II TW28Pd H 4675 type 12 TW35Pd H 4675 type 13 TW49Pd 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 H 5301 ZDC 1 H530I ZDC2 Kobe KS3-2.2Pd). ASlM Grade I.Grade 7. ASlM Grade 3. ASlM Grade 2. Grade II. Grade II. UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 11. Grade 7.2Pd). Grade 11.5V Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr Ti-5AI-2. ASlM Grade 2.2Pd). UNS R52400. UNS R52400. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-Q. UNS R52250 Unalloyed Titanium. ASlM Grade 2. Grade 11. Grade 11. ASlM Grade 3. UNS R50550 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 11. UNS R52400. ASlM Grade I. Grade 11.2Pd).04Mg Page Designation Kobe KS40S 474 KS50 KS50LF 474 KS50PdA 474 KS50PdB 474 KS60 474 KS60LF 467 KS70 469 KS70LF 471 KS70PdA 474 KS70PdB 474 KS85 KSGl2 474 KSGl2S 474 474 MMA 5137 TlX Sumilomo SAT-325 467 467 467 474 474 469 469 471 471 474 474 472 476 476 Ti-5AI-2. ASlM Grade 3. UNS R50400 Unalloyed TItanium.Grade 7.2Pd). Zn-4AI-lCu-0. ASlM Grade I. Grade 7. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. ASlM Grade 12. Grade 11. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.08Si Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Ti-6Al-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Ti-8AI-IMo-IV Ti-IOV-2Fe-3Al Ti-13V-11Cr-3AI Ti·15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. ASlM Grade 2. UNS R52400. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. ASlM Grade 3. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52400. UNS R52400. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-O. Grade 11.5ELI KS6-2-4-2 KS6-2-4-6 KS6-4 KS6-4ELI KS6-6-2 KS8-1-1 KSIO·2-3 KS13·1I·3 KSI5-3-3-3 KS40 KS40LF 474 KS40PdA 474 KS40PdB 474 Alloy Name Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R50400 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 11. UNS R50250 Modified Ti (Ti-Q. UNS R50400 469 Ti-3AI-2.2Pd). UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52400. Grade 11. UNS R52400. UNS R52400. UNS R50550 Unalloyed Titanium.2Pd). Grade 7. UNS R50550 Modified Ti (Ti-O. Grade 7. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R52400. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.5 KS5-2.2Pd). Grade 7. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.5Sn 474 474 474 474 522 478 483 . UNS R52400. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. ASlM Grade I. R53400 Ti-0. UNS R52400.5V Ti-5Al-2. Grade 11.3Mo-0. ASlM Grade 3. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7. ASlM Grade 2. UNS R50550 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 11. Grade II. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 11. Grade 7. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R52400. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7.Grade 7.2Pd). UNSR50700 Ti-0. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7. UNS R50550 Unalloyed TItanium. ASlM Grade I. Grade II.2Pd).05Mg AG40A. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-Q. Grade 7. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7.5Sn Ti-5AI-2. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.5Sn Unalloyed Titanium. ASlM Grade 3. UNS R52400.2Pd).2Pd). ASlM Grade 3. Grade 7. UNS R52400. ASlM Grade 3.5V 478 Ti-5AI-2. Grade II. ASlM Grade I. UNS R52400.2Pd). UNS R52400. UNS R52400. Grade 4.2Pd). UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R52400.2Pd). ASlM Grade I. Grade 7. Grade 11. UNS R52400.8Ni. Grade 11. Grade 11. Grade 7. UNS R52400. UNS R52400.2Pd).2Pd). Grade 7. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.5Sn 483 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50400 Unalloyed TItanium. ASlM Grade 3. UNS R52400. Grade 11. Grade 7.2Pd). UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. ASlM Grade I.2Pd). UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 7. ASlM Grade 12. ASlM Grade I. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 7. Grade 7. Grade 7.2Pd). ASlM Grade 2. UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.2Pd). UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7. Grade 7.2Pd).2Pd). UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNSR52250 Ti-6AI-4V Ti-3Al-2.5 KS5-2-2-4-4 KS5-2. UNS R50550 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNSR50700 Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn 483 469 471 SAT-525 ST-6 ST-40 474 ST-40P 474 ST-50 474 616 615 ST-50P ST-60P Ti-3AI-2. ASlM Grade 3. UNS R52400. UNS R52250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52400. UNS R52400. Grade 7. Grade 7.2Pd). Grade 11.2Pd). ASlM Grade 2. Grade 7. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52250 AC4IA. ASlM Grade I. Grade 11. Grade II. Grade 11. Grade 11. ASlM Grade 2. UNS R52400. Grade 7. UNS R52400. UNS R52400. R53400 Page Nippon 474 467 Alloy Name 478 514 483 483 492 517 522 522 536 498 566 572 577 467 ST-70 ST-80 Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn 467 474 469 474 474 471 472 536 Toho 15PAT 15PBT 20PAT 467 20PBT 474 474 469 MAT 325AT 525AT Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7. UNS R52400. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti·0. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52400. UNS R52400. ASlM Grade I. Grade 7. Grade II. Grade II. Grade 11. UNS R50550 Unalloyed Titanium. ASlM Grade 3.2Pd). Grade 11.2Pd). Grade 7. UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium.2Pd). UNS R52400.2Pd). Grade 7.2Pd). ASlM Grade 2.2Pd). UNS R52400. UNS R52400. UNS R52400. Grade 11. UNS R52400. Grade 7. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7. Grade 11. Grade 7. UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 7.2Pd). ASlM Grade 2. Grade 7. Grade 7. Grade 11.2Pd).2Pd). UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R52400. UNS R52400. Grade II.2Pd). UNS R52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 11.2Pd).5Sn Ti-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0. Grade 11. UNS R50250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.2Pd). Grade 11. Grade 11. UNS R50250 Modified ri (Ti-O. UNS R52400. UNS R52400. Grade 11.2Pd).8Ni. UNS R50550 Unalloyed TItanium.2Pd). Grade 7. Grade 11. ASlM Grade 1. UNS R50550 Modified Ti (TI-0. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys I 655 Designation JlS H 4600 TP 35 HlC Class 2 H 4600 TP 49 HlC Class 3 H 4600 TR 28 HlC Class 1 H 4600 TR 35 HlC Class 2 H 4600 TR49 HlC Class 3 H 4630 TTP28 DIE Class 1 H 4630 TTP28 WfWDClass 1 H 4630 TTP 35 DIE Class 2 H4630TTP35 WfWD Class 2 H4630TTP49 DIE Class 3 H 4630 TTP49 WfWDClass3 H4631 TTH28 D Class 1 H4631 TTH28 WfWDClass 1 H4631 TTH35 WfWD Class 2 H463I TTH49 DClass 3 H463I TTH49 WfWDClass3 H 4635 type 11 TTP28PdD H 4635 type 11 TTP28PdE H 4635 type 11 TTP28PdW H 4635 type 11 TTP28PdWD H 4635 type 12 TTP35PdD H 4635 type 12 TTP35PdE H 4635 type 12 TTP35PdW H 4635 type 12 TTP35PdWD H 4635 type 13 TTP49PdD H 4635 type 13 TTP49PdE H 4635 type 13 TTP49PdW H 4635 type 13 TTP49PdWD H 4636 type 11 TTH28PdD H 4636 type 11 TTH28PdW H 4636 type 11 TTH28PdWD H 4636 type 12 TTH35PdD Alloy Name Unalloyed TItanium. Grade 4.2Pd). Grade 7. Grade II. Zn-4AI-0. UNS R50550 Unalloyed TItanium. 2Sn-lCu-INi) 1050 1060 1100 1145 118 119 119 244 245 246 248 248 249 250 251 251 252 252 252 253 253 255 257 259 259 260 261 261 262 262 263 264 264 265 265 266 266 267 267 268 149 150 151 153 . AZ91D.0 712. UNS R50550 UnalloyedTitanium.Alclad2219 UnalloyedTitanium.25Mg-O.0 390. ASTM Grade2.Grade4.5Si-2.6Mg) 413. Alclad3003 5154 5056. ASTM Grade3.0 (12.0 413.0 (6.5Zn-0. A390. AZ9IB.0 713.0%Mg) 336.0 (4.5Cu0.0 (7Zn-0.Grade4.90060-72 VT6L Ti-6Al-4V 1.0.A357.AZ91E ZKSIA ZE4IA EZ33A HZ32A ZH62A EQ21 AZ3IB.0 360. Zn-4AI-lCu-0.0 535.90000-70 VT6 Ti-6AI-4V 1.0 (4.Zn-27AI-2Cu-0.B443. UNSRS0700 Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6Al-4V 5073 436 454 450 5273 440 5283 443 453 439 423 424 423 424 431 522 617 617 618 214 155 189 208 179 155 201 154 159 221 221 180 191 188 185 185 194 483 483 483 483 522 522 467 469 469 469 469 471 472 471 472 471 472 471 472 522 522 522 522 522 DID 1050 5050 6101 2017 AC43A.6Cu-0.0 (4.0(4.0 (9Si-1.0 850. Alclad2024 2218 38-712L-7002 38-714L-7004 38-715L-7021 38-716L-7101 38-717 L-7102 38-718L-7103 38-723L-7301 38-725L-7303 38-729L-7701 38-730L-7702 Al 99.ASTM Grade 2. UNS RS2400.0 295. UNS R50550 UnalloyedTitanium. Alclad7075 2218 6101 7075.22Ti) 208.5Cr-0.0.ASTM Grade2. UNS RS0250 UnalloyedTitanium.0. ASTM Grade I. UNSRS2250 Ti-6Al-4V 469 471 471 522 522 522 522 467 467 469 469 471 472 472 474 474 522 United States 201. Grade7. ASTM Grade2.0 (12Si-2.25Ti) 204.17Ti) 206. UNSRS0700 UnalloyedTitanium.ASTM Grade2.5Cu-2.0 514.05Mg AG40A. Alclad7075 3003.5Cu) 319. UNSRS2250 GOST 1.5Mg) 355. UNS RS0400 19807-74VT5-1 Ti-5AI-2.Grade 11.35Mg) 771.0%Si-0.0.A380.0 359.ASTM Grade3. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium. Grade7.0%Mg-2.015Mg 6463 2011 5083 6066 2618 2014.6Cu-0.5%Si-3.5Cu) 384.3Mg) 357. Grade7. Grade7.08Si Ti-6Al-4V Ti-6Al-6V-18n Ti-13V-11Cr-3AI Ti-11. Zn-llAI-lCu-0.ASTM Grade2.A443.ASTM Grade3.Grade4.5Sn 19807-74VT6S Ti-6Al-4V AK2 Ti-3AI-2.5E L-314 L-315 469 469 472 7075. UNS RS0400 UnalloyedTitanium. UNSRS0250 UnalloyedTitanium. UNS R50550 UnalloyedTitanium.0 204.Zn-4A1-ICu-0.25Mg-0.04Mg AZSIA Deslgnallon 514.0 (6Si-3. ASTM Grade2. Alclad7075 5050 FCI H8 Hll HI2 HI5 H2O Ll8 L95 L96 N3 N5 N62L58 N21 N41 N51 TAI4 TAI5 TAI6 TAI7 TA56 TA59 2TAI 2TA2 2TA3 2TA4 2TA5 474 483 498 492 522 536 572 559 154 159 173 Switzerland Alclad AI-Zn-Mg-Cu-Al VSMAI-Cu-Ni VSMAI-Mg-Si VSMAl-Zn-Mg-Cu VSMAI1.5Si-4.90000-76 VTI-O UnalloyedTitanium.B535.13Cr) 850.ASTM Grade2.0 771.2Pd).ASTM Grade3.ASTM Grade I.0 242.5Mg) 359.17Fe0.656/ Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys Deslgnallon Alloy Name Page Alloy Name Page BS Thho 662AT TIB Ti-6AI-6V-18n UnalloyedTitanium.5Sn 1350 2024.5Si-3.0 (10Mg) 535.0.5Sn Ti-8AI-1Mo-IV Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.0 383. ASTM Grade2. UNS R50550 UnalloyedTitanium.5Mo-6Zr-4.Grade4.9Mg-O.Zn-8AI-ICu-0.35Mg-0.6Mg) 360.0 (5.ASTM Grade3.ASTM Grade2. UNS RS2400.0.0.5Ni-IMg-1Cu) 339.Zn-4AI-0. Zn-27Al-2Cu-0.0%Si-1.lSi) 296.0 443.5V IMP-IO Ti-13V-llCr-3AI VT5-IKT Ti-5AI-2.2Pd).0(9. UNS RS0400 UnalloyedTitanium.025Mg ZA-27. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium.5Sn Ti-5Al-2.0 308.0 380. UNSRS0700 UnalloyedTitanium.0 (9Si-0. UNS RS0550 UnalloyedTitanium.ASTM Grade I.0(5Si-I. ASTM Grade I.2Pd). UNS RS0400 UnalloyedTitanium.A413.0%Cu-1. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium.0.0 (4Mg) 518. UNS RS0400 UnalloyedTitanium.0 (5. Grade 11.AZ31C AZ6IA ZK60A Ti-6AI-4V ZA-8.0 (4Cu-3Si) 238.5Cu-0.0 319.5Mg) 380.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2.5Mg) 356.0 206.Zn-4AI-0.015Mg 469 467 522 469 483 522 478 478 572 483 615 616 617 618 UNE UnalloyedTitanium.7Cu-0.5Si-0. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium.5Cu) 383.A384. UNSRS0700 ModifiedTi (Ti-0. Zn-llAI-lCu-0.2Si-3.0.5Sn 474 AG40A.0(11.7Ag-0. UNS RS0400 1.2Ti) 713.5Sn Ti-5AI-2.Grade4.90060-72 VTIL UnalloyedTitanium.ASTM Grade2.0(7Si-0.0 518.ASTM Grade2.Grade4. UNS RS2400.0 354.30Mn0.AZ3IC AZ6IA AZ3IB.ASTM Grade2.0 339.0 (1O. UNS RS0400 UnalloyedTitanium.0 332.5Sn Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V UnalloyedTitanium.0 (7.8Cu-0. UNS RS0550 TIBLF TIC TICLF TID 536 469 469 469 469 471 Russia 4200 ModifiedTi (Ti-0.0 520. UNS RS0250 Unalloyed Titanium.0 238. A356.ASTM Grade2.Alclad6061 1350 2017 7075.0 356.2Pd).C355.0 336.0. UNS RS0400 UnalloyedTitanium. UNSRS0700 UnalloyedTitanium.8Zn-0.C443.025Mg ZA-27.0%Cu-4.0. AZ9IC. UNS RS2400.0.04Mg AC41A.35Mn0.0Si-4.Alclad2014 6061.5Cu-l.04Mg AC4IA.0.0 (9.ASTM Grade I. UNSR52250 ModifiedTi (Ti-O.0%Ni1.0(118i) 443.A360. UNSRS2250 Ti-5AI-2.0 296. UNS RS0250 1.5Si) 308.Grade4.0(8. UNS RS0550 ZE63A QE22A 264 174 467 471 452 444 5303 5313 5323 5363 IMI 110 115 125 130 130 155 160 260 262 318 UnalloyedTitanium. ASTM Grade3.0 384.Grade II.0 (5. UNS RS0550 TI-6Al-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6Al-4V TI-6AI-4V UnalloyedTitanium.05Mg ZA-12.5V IMP-7 Ti-3Al-2.2Si) 514.0(7Mg) 712.3%Mg) 242. Zn-4AI-2.0.0(7Si-0. UNS RS0400 UnalloyedTitanium.0 355.ASTM Grade3.90013-71 VTI-OO UnalloyedTitanium.ASTM Grade3.3Cu-0.A206.5Mg) 295.A535. UNS R50550 UnalloyedTitanium.8Cu) 390. UNS R50250 UnalloyedTitanium.0 (4Mg) 2219.0 (4.5Mg 2970MAG4 2970MAG5 2970MAG6 2970MAG8 2970MAG9 2970MAGl3 3370MAGill 3372MAGl21 3373 MAG11I 3373MAGI21 3373MAGl61 3531 Part 2 DD 139 DD 139 DD 139 IE Spain 38-711L-7001 2970MAG3 E6 522 South Africa SAA-ASI881 SAA-ASI881 SAA-ASI881 SAA-ASI881 2TA6 2TA6 2TA7 2TA7 2TA8 2TA8 2TA9 221 173 209 221 186 United Kingdom BS 1B 3L44 91E 150A 1004 1004A lOO4A 2970 MAGI Designallon 2TA9 2TAIO 2TAll 2TA12 2TA13 2TA28 149 186 209 159 615 616 615 435 165 5004 5013 5023 5045 5055 Alloy Name Page DID AZ9IA.0 16-25-6 17-14CuMo 19-9DL 201.02Mg ZA-12. Alclad7075 7075.0 (10.5Sn Ti-5AI-2. UNSR50700 UnalloyedTitanium.ASTM Grade2.Grade 11. Alclad5056 4043 5005 5454 Ti-5AI-2. UNS RS0400 UnalloyedTitanium. UNSRS0700 ModifiedTi (Ti-0.6Mg-0.0 (8Mg) 520.ASTM Grade3.0 357.0 208.0(17.5Cu-0.5Cu) 332. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium.25%Cu) 354. AlcIad3003 3004. UNS RS0250 UnalloyedTitanium.5Fe 11-5A1-2. Ti-6AI-1.AZ91C. Zn-4AI-0. Alclad 2219 2319 2618 3003. AlcIad7075 7175 7178.5AI TIMETAL21S.2Be) CP276 CustomAge 625 PLUS D-979 Page 153 154 155 155 159 159 169 271 274 171 173 174 178 179 180 182 184 184 185 185 186 187 188 189 191 191 192 193 193 194 194 195 197 198 198 200 200 201 201 206 208 208 209 209 211 211 212 213 214 214 215 217 218 221 221 238 239 241 276 108 616 615 615 616 106 432 17 423 424 433 425 435 436 438 402 403 279 40 19 Designation Alloy Name Page Discaloy Elgiloy EQ21 EZ33A HastelloyB HastelloyB-2 Hastelloy C HastelloyC-4 HastelloyC-276 HastelloyN HastelloyS HastelloyW HastelloyX Haynes 25. AlcIad3004 3105 4032 4043 5005 5050 5052 5056.7Fe-0.35Si IN 100 IN 102 Incoloy800 Incoloy801 Incoloy802 Incoloy807 Incoloy825 Incoloy901 Incoloy903 Incoloy907 Incoloy909 Incoloy925 Inconel6oo Inconel601 Inconel604 Inconel617 Inconel625 Inconel702 Inconel706 Inconel718 Inconel721 Inconel722 Inconel751 InconelX 750 ModifiedTi (Ti-0.015Mg Air-Resist213 AMlOOA Astroloy AZ3IB. UNS R52400.Zn-4AI-lCu-0.02Mg ZA-12. Zn-8Al-lCu-0. AZ91E AZ92A Berylliumcopper 21C (97Cu-2Be-lCo) Berylliumcopper nickel72C (68.25AIIMo-O.noo Udimet500 Udimet520 Udimet700 Udimet710 UMCo-50 UnalloyedTitanium.8Ni. Ti-6Al-2Sn-2Zr2Mo-2Cr-O.25Si 11-6-22-22S. AlcIad2014 2017 2024. Ti-5AI-3.8Mo TI-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.5Zr0.025Mg ZA-27. Grade 7.04Mg AG4OB.5Mo-0.5Mo-0.25Si IMI 829.AECMATi-Pll IMI 367. Grade 11.95Cu-0.7AI-7Sn-2Zr 11-15Mo-5Zr 11-15Mo-5Zr-3A1 11-15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn 11-16V-2. Ti-llSn-5Zr-2.2Pd).5AI-2Sn-6Zr TI-13V-llCr-3Al TI-13V-2. Ti-4A1-4Mo-4Sn-0. Zn-4Al-0.04O) 300 446 120 97 63 63 68 69 98 98 476 478 563 544 556 483 514 584 557 551 488 492 517 522 536 541 498 586 599 566 559 594 595 572 597 589 591 577 601 582 543 502 69 70 70 74 107 467 469 471 472 74 107 112 112 76 447 448 269 617 617 618 450 431 450 452 453 454 431 456 .8AI-4Sn-3.25Si 11-6Al-2Nb-lTa-0.Ti-5. Alclad 6061 6063 6066 6070 6101 6151 6201 6205 6262 6351 6463 7005 7039 7049 7050 7072 7075.5Cu.5Sn TI-l1.08Si 11-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo 11-6Al-4V 11-6A1-6V-18n 11-7AI-4Mo 11-8AI-IMo-lV 11-8Mo-8V-2Fe-3Al Ti-8V-5Fe-IAI TI-I0V-2Fe-3AI TI-l1.25Si T1METAL 618. Ti-15Mo-3AI2.45Si.Ti-6Al-2. Ti-2. AlcIad2024 2048 2090 2091 2124 2218 2219. UNSRS0700 UnitempAF2-IDA V-36 V-57 W-545 Waspaloy WE43 WE54 Weldalite049 ZA-8.015Mg ZC63 ZC71 ZE41A ZE63A ZH62A ZK51A ZK60A ZK61A 122 444 CI1000 (99.ASTM Grade 3.5Mo-6Zr-4. UNSRS2250 Monel 400 MoneIK-500 MonelR-405 MP35N MPI59 N-155 NA-224 Nickel 200 Nickel 201 Nimonic75 Nimonic80A Nimonic86 Nimonic90 NimonicPEI6 Nimonic PK33 Pyromet31 Pyromet860 Pyromet CfX-l Designation 120 106 439 440 33 33 35 36 37 37 37 38 38 99 102 39 40 40 121 463 427 441 429 430 443 504 549 505 549 550 506 509 510 511 19 25 112 114 115 115 115 26 117 117 117 118 81 88 88 88 88 41 29 41 59 59 33 30 474 127 127 127 105 106 119 97 126 126 97 60 40 62 81 81 59 62 122 AMS 470 Alloy Name Page PyrometCfX-3 QE22A QH21A RA-330 RA-333 Refractory26 Rene 41 Rene 95 Rene 100 S-816 Stellite6B TI-0.75Sn4Zr-0.5V-2AI-18n-llZr 11-12V-2.AlcIad5056 5083 5086.3Si IMI 834.RS3400 TI-3Al-2.AlcIad5086 5154 5182 5252 5254 5356 5454 5456 5457 5652 5657 6005 6009 6010 6061. UNS R50400 UnalloyedTitanium. AlcIad7178 7475 8090 A-286 AC41A.5Si IMI 551. UNS R50550 UnalloyedTitanium. Zn-27Al-2Cu-0.AZ91B. Ti-6AI-5Zr-0.4Mo-0.5Sn-3.5Sn 11-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4M0-4Cr 11-5Al-2Sn-4Zr-4Mo-2Cr-lFe 11-5AI-5Sn-2Zr-2Mo-O.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys /657 Designation Alloy Name 1199 1350 2011 2014.5Cu-0.7Nb-0.AZ31C AZ61A AZ63A AZ80A AZ81A AZ91A.5V 11-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) TI-4.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe Ti-5Al-2.05Mg AC43A. Ti-4Al-4Mo-2Sn-0.04Mg AG40A. n.ASTM Grade 2. Zn-l1AI-lCu-0.Zn-4AI-2.0ZrINb-O.ASTM Grade I.8Cu-30Ni-I. L-605 Haynes 188 Haynes214 Haynes230 Haynes242 Haynes 556 High Purity Titanium HK3IA HK31A HM2IA HM31A HZ32A IMI 230.3Mo-O.ISI TIMETAL1100.5Si IMI 679.7Nb-0. AZ9ID.Grade 4.25Si IMI 685. ASlM Grade 12.Ti-6Al-7Nb IMI417 IMI 550. lSi) 295. Alclad 2014 2219. Alclad 7178 7178. Alclad 7075 6061. AlcIad 2024 2024. Cll400. C 17300 CI7200. Alclad 7075 7075. C46500.0. C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) C26800.5Mg) 380.3Cu-0.0 (4.5Si-0.96Cu+Ag-OAO) C26800. Alclad 2024 2024.35Mg-0. Alclad 2014 2014. A206. Alclad 2024 6061. Alc1ad 2024 Designation 2024.0 (7SI-0.3Cu-0. Alclad 2024 2024.0. C355.5Mg) 296. A1clad 7075 7050 7178. AlcIad 2024 6061.3Mg) 360.5Mg) 355.0 (4.25Mg-O.35Mn0.25Mg-O.22Ti) 520. C46700 (6OCu-39.35Mn0. A1clad 2024 2024.5Mg) 242. A1clad 7178 7049 6061. C355. Alclad 2024 3003.0. Alclad 2024 7475 7475 2219.8Cu-5Sn-O. Alclad 6061 6061.C27000(65Cu-35Zn) C51000 (94.0 (4. C355. C1l600 (99. Alclad 6061 2024. Alclad 6061 6061. A1clad 7178 6061.2P) CI72oo.0 (5Si-1. C 17300 C93700 (80Cu-IOSn-IOPb) 246 246 246 265 257 257 268 255 255 251 251 257 257 257 260 261 4Z4 431 423 424 425 431 429 423 427 430 430 429 439 444 433 433 433 452 448 438 436 440 454 441 436 443 453 438 432 432 438 436 300 334 334 360 363 316 316 334 343 344 347 356 356 349 370 360 316 370 306 339 339 360 316 396 . AlcIad 7075 7075. A1cIad 6061 7075.5Mg) 355.2P) CI7200. A356. A356.0 (8. A356.0. Alclad 6061 2219. A206.22Ti) 206. AZ9ID. Alclad 2219 2219. AlcIad 2024 7075.3Mg) 356. A356.0.0 (7Si-0. Alclad 2024 2024.0. C 17300 C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C33000 (66Cu-33. Alclad 2014 7075.25Mg-O. A1cIad 2024 2024.AZ91E EZ33A ZK51A HK31A AZ91A. Alclad 7075 7075. AlcIad 2219 2024. AlcIad 6061 6061. A1clad 6061 6061. A356.5Si-3. Alclad 2024 2024. A1clad 7075 7075. A1clad 7075 2024. Alclad 2024 2014.0.0 (5Si-1. A1cIad 3003 2024. A1clad 6061 6061.3Mg) 356.AZ3IC HK31A HM31A HM31A HM21A EQ21 QE22A AZ63A AZ63A AZ63A ZE63A WE54 AZ92A AZ91A. A1c1ad2024 7075.3Mg) 242.0. Alclad 2024 2024. C 17300 C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C1l3OO.3Cu-0.3Cu-0. C46700 (6OCu-39.04O) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C51000 (94. Alclad 6061 7175 llOO 5056.2Sn-1Cu-1Ni) 355.3Mg) 356.0 (lOMg) 356. Alc1ad 2014 5052 5052 5052 5154 5154 6061. Alclad 2024 2024.0 (5Si-1. Alclad 2219 4032 6061.2Zn-0. AlcIad 2024 llOO 3003. AlcIad 6061 6061. A1clad 2014 7075.0 (4.2P) C54400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn-4Zn) CI7200. AZ9ID.0 (7Si-0.5Cu) AZ61A ZK60A AZ3IB.5Mg) 356. Alclad 6061 6061. A1clad 7075 7075.0 (4. A1c1ad2024 2024.3Cu-0. A1clad 2024 7075. Alclad 7075 7075.25Ti) 295.30Mn0. Alclad 7075 2218 2219. Alclad 2024 2014. A1clad 6061 2618 2014. A1cIad 6061 6061.0. Alclad 6061 2024. Alclad 2024 355. Alclad 2024 2024. Alclad 7075 7075.7Ag-0. A360.30Mn0. C355.5Mg) 201.0. Alclad 6061 7475 7475 2024. Alclad 2024 2024.2Zn-0.0 (4. Alclad 2219 2024. Alclad 5056 3003.0 (7Si-0. A1clad 6061 2014.5Cu-0. A1clad 7075 7075.6Cu-0. Alclad 7075 7075.8Cu-5Sn-0. AZ9IB.95Cu-0.35Mg-0. Alclad 5056 4043 2024. A1cIad2014 7075. A356. Alc1ad 6061 6061. AlcIad 2024 2024. C466OO. Alclad 2219 2024.lSi) 159 171 151 159 159 159 159 218 218 238 217 159 201 187 201 201 201 159 159 155 221 221 221 209 201 201 201 179 155 155 155 221 173 174 174 184 201 238 238 201 159 155 221 206 217 239 217 201 201 174 174 159 159 221 221 221 221 201 201 238 151 188 185 159 159 159 159 255 255 255 257 257 249 249 244 244 250 250 4235 4236 4237 4240 4260 4261 4275 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4290F 4291 4350 4352 4357 4358 4360 4362 4363 4376 4384E 4388 4389 4390 4417 4418C 4420 4422 4424 4425 4426 4434 4437 4442 4443 4445 4446 4447 4448 4453 4455 4482 4484 4490 4500 4505 4507 4510 4520 4530 4532 4555 4555 4558 4610 4611 4612 4614 4615 4625 4650 4655 4701 4710 4712 4720 4725 4842 206. Alclad 2024 2024. Alclad 2024 2024. AlcIad 3003 1145 2014. C355. AZ91C.30Mn0.5Zn-0. Alclad 3003 5052 5052 5052 2024. AZ9IB.8Sn) C37700 (6OCu-38Zn-2Pb) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C51000 (94. AZ91 B. A206.8Cu-5Sn-O.0 (9. AlcIad 3003 3003.658/ Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys Designation Alloy Name Page AMS 4000 4001 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4010 4011 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4023 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4031 4033 4034 4035 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4065 4067 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 Designation Alloy Name Page 150 151 151 187 188 180 159 180 180 153 155 187 187 187 191 191 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 155 155 174 159 159 159 159 221 221 159 159 159 201 221 221 221 221 221 221 218 239 239 201 189 189 189 189 159 159 151 180 180 187 187 187 159 159 159 159 221 201 201 201 201 201 241 241 159 159 159 241 241 174 174 174 159 159 4099 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4127 4128 4129 4132 4133 4134 4135 4139 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4148 4149 4150 4152 4153 4154 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4167 4168 4169 4170 4172 4173 4179 4180 4182 4190 4192 4193 4194 4195 4210 4212 4214 4217 4218 4220 4222 4228 4229 4230 4231 Alloy Name Page AMS AMS 1060 llOO llOO 5052 5056.0.AZ91E HZ32A ZH62A AZ92A AM100A AM100A AZ92A AZ91A.5Cu-35.5Cu-0. Alclad 2024 2024. C46500. C466OO. A1cIad2014 2014.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2. AZ9ID. Alclad 2219 2219.0. A356.0 (7Si-0. Alclad 7075 6061. A1cIad 2024 2024. Alclad 6061 6061.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2.5Si) 356.0. Alclad 2014 2014. Alclad 6061 6061.8Sn) C46400. A1cIad 6061 6061. Alclad 3003 3003.0 (5Si-1. AZ91C.0 (4.0 (4. AlcIad 7075 7075.AZ91E CllOOO (99.3Mg) 850. A380. Alclad 6061 5052 6061.0 (6.0.5Cu-2.3Mg) 356.0.5Si) 296. Alc1ad 2024 2024.5Pb) C33200 (66Cu-32. Alclad 6061 5083 5083 5083 5083 2024.6Pb) C36000 (61. Alclad 7075 6151 6061.6Cu-0.0 (4.0 (5Si-1.0. AZ91C.0 (7Si-0. Alclad 2219 2219. Alclad 7075 6063 7049 7178.5Cu-2.5Zn-3Pb) C46400. Alclad 6061 6061.5CU-l.5Cu-0.5Cu-1. AlcIad 6061 6061. Alclad 6061 6061. Alclad 2024 2024.25Ti) 201. A1clad 2024 7050 7050 7175 7049 2024. Alclad 6061 7175 7175 6061.7Ag-0. Alclad 7075 7075. A1clad 2219 2219.22Ti) 206.5Mg) 355.AZ31C AZ61A AZ80A ZK60A HM21A AZ3IB. Alclad 2024 2024. A1clad 6061 6061.0 (7Si-0. A1cIad2024 2124 llOO 2024.4Zn-1.0. C1l5OO. C466OO. C114OO.95Cu-0.CI0500.5Sn Ti-6AI-4V TI-7Al-4Mo TI-6AI-6V-2Sn TI-8AI-IMo-IV Ti-BAI-IMo-IV TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.5Mn) C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) C95500 (8ICu-4Fe-4Ni-I1AI) C82500 (97.96Cu+Ag-0.75Al-0. C13000 C36000 (61.95Cu-0. Alclad 3003 6063 3003. C465OO.4 H38. UNS RS0550 Unalloyed Titanium.04O) cnioo (99.08Si TI-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0. UNS RS0400 Ti-3AI-2.40) CI6200 (99Cu-ICd) C125OO.7Pb) C48500 (6OCu-37.5Cu-1. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.5Sn Ti-5AI-2.96Cu+Ag-o.75Pb37Zn-I. C46700 (60Cu-39. C127OO. Alclad 3003 6063 2014. C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-ISn) 159 159 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 300 300 332 370 370 370 332 341 SB381 F-3 SB395 SB395 SB395 SB395 SB395 SB402 SB402 SB466 SB466 SB466 SB467 SB467 SB467 SB543 SB543 SB543 SB543 SB584 354 363 373 375 376 398 ASTM Bl BI Bl BI BI 399 365 367 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 306 364 365 349 B3 B3 B3 B3 354 B4 356 365 373 376 151 180 180 155 159 151 159 180 206 180 151 180 206 155 180 471 467 469 398 349 370 370 332 354 B5 B8 B8 B8 B9 BI1 B B B B B 12 12 12 12 12 B 16 B 19 B21 B21 B 21 (CA482) B22 B22 B 26 B 30 B 30 B30 B30 B 30 Alloy Name Page C60800 (95Cu-5AI) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) cnooo (80Cu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) Unalloyed Titanium. Alclad 7178 514 522 41 41 30 239 H38.8Sn-0.2Zn-0. Alclad 3003 2014.5V Ti-3AI-2. CI1400. UNSRS0700 Ti-5AI-2. C127OO. C1l5OO. CI2900. ASTM Grade 2. C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-ISn) C464OO.04O) cmoo (99.03P-0.CI1600 (99.8Sn) C61400 (9ICu-7AI-2Fe) C70600 (90Cu-IONi) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) 1100 3003.40) C125OO. Alclad 2014 2024.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys I 659 Designation AMS 4860A 4862 4880 4890 4900J 490lL 4902E 4905A 4906 49070 49090 4910J 4911F 4914 4915C 4915F 4916E 49170 4918F 4919C 4919G 4920 4921F 49240 4926H 4928K 4930C 4931 4933A 4934A 4935E 4936B 4936C 4941C 4942C 49430 49440 4945 495 IE 495IEAMS4951 49530 49540 4955B 4956B 4957 4958 4959B 4965E 4966J 4967F 4970E 4971C 4972C 4973C 4975E 4975F 4976C 49760 4978B 4978C 4979B 4980B 4981B 4983A 4984 4985A 4986 4987 4991A 4993A 4995 4996 Alloy Name Page C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1. CI15OO.CI0500. C129OO.95Cu-0.CI0500.08Si TI-6AI-6V-2Sn TI-6AI-6V-2Sn Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Ti-l1. Alclad 3003 Unalloyed TItanium.08Si Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0. C444OO. ASTM Grade 3.75Sn-0. C105OO. Alclad 3003 3003. C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) C861OO.0ICd) Cll3OO.04O) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C65100 (98.5Cu-35. Alc1ad 3003 1100 3003. ASTM Grade I.5Cu-38Zn-0.8Sn) C48200 (60. Alclad 2024 1100 2024. C1l5OO. ASTM Grade 3.5Cu-1.25Si) Unalloyed Titanium.95Cu-0.5Si) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C443OO. C13000 CI1000 (99. Grade 4. cusoo. CI1400.5Zn-3Pb) C26000(70Cu-30Zn) C46400. UNS RS0250 Unalloyed TItanium.CI1400. C444OO. C128OO. ASTM Grade 2.CI0700 Cl1000 (99.5Co-0. UNS RS0400 Ti-6Al-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-5Al-2.C367OO. CI1600 (99.CI0700 Cl1000 (99. CI27oo. C128OO. UNS RS0400 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade 3.08Si Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.40) ciotoo and CI0200 CI04OO.3FeIAl-0.5Sn Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-8AI-IMo-IV Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade 2.08Si Ti-6AI-4V Unalloyed Titanium.8Pb-0. Alclad 2014 3003.40) C61000 (92Cu-8Al) C61400 (9ICu-7AI-2Fe) C365OO. C444OO.CI0700 CI0800 C125OO. Cl1400.C368OO (60Cu-39. CI1600 (99.7Sn) C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) C93700 (80Cu-IOSn-IOPb) C268oo.5V Ti-3AI-2. Grade 4. ASTM Grade 2.08Si TI-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.040) cmoo (99.2Cu-2Be-0. UNSRS0700 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50400 C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9AI) C37700 (60Cu-38Zn-2Pb) C65100 (98. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) C86400 (59Cu-0. C465OO.2Zn-0.5Sn Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Ti-lOV-2Fe-3Al Ti-lOV-2Fe-3Al Ti-6Al-4V Ti-lOV-2Fe-3Al Ti-IOV-2Fe-3Al Ti-6AI-4V TI-6AI-4V TI-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr TI-6AI-4V 390 390 399 386 471 Designation Alloy Name AMS 4997 4998 5662 5664 5667 Alclad 7178 Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr Ti-6AI-4V lnconel718 Inconel718 lnconel X 750 7178.95Cu-0. C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-lSn) C60800 (95Cu-5AI) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) cnooo (80Cu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9Al) C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-IIAI) and C95410 C61400 (9ICu-7AI-2Fe) C62300 (87Cu-IOAl-3Fe) C1l3OO.96Cu+Ag-0.5Mo-6Zr-4.5Mn) C86700 467 469 471 332 363 373 375 376 373 376 373 375 376 373 375 376 326 354 373 376 401 306 295 298 300 306 306 295 298 300 306 308 300 300 306 306 314 308 295 298 298 300 308 347 334 356 358 359 390 396 339 389 390 390 390 391 . ASTM Grade I.12 469 522 522 522 483 483 522 577 498 498 498 572 536 492 492 522 ASME B209 B 210 B211 B 221 B234 B 241 B 345 B404 B 483 SBI1 SB12 SB43 SB96 SB98 SB98 SBlll SBI11 SBlll SBlll SBI11 SBII1 SBlll SBI48 SBI48 469 SBI50 SBI50 SBI52 469 478 478 478 SBI69 SBI69 SB17l 471 SB171 467 483 522 498 522 563 563 572 522 483 522 541 536 498 498 492 492 492 492 536 536 536 559 517 566 566 522 566 566 522 522 514 522 SB171 SB171 SB17l SB171 SB209 SB209 SB210 SB211 SB211 SB221 SB221 SB221 SB221 SB234 SB241 SB241 SB241 SB247 SB247 SB265 Grade 3 SB265 Ti Grade I SB265 Ti Grade 2 SB271 SB283 SB315 SB315 SB359 SB359 Designation ASME SB359 SB359 SB359 SB359 SB381 F-I SB381 F-2 ANSI 472 472 483 483 522 522 522 498 522 522 536 536 Page 2017 2017 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 Cl1000 (99.96Cu+Ag-o.96Cu+Ag-0.5Sn Ti-5Al-2.95Cu-0.35Fe-0.04O) CI1000 (99. C444OO.95Cu-0. UNS R50550 C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C60800 (95Cu-5AI) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) cnooo (80Cu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) C71500 (7OCu-30Ni) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) cnooo (80Cu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) (8OCu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C19400 (Cu-2.04O) Cl1000 (99. ASTM G rade 2.4Zn-0. CI28oo. C129OO.6Pb) C443oo. ASTM Grade I.95Cu-0.5Zn-1.25Fe-0.04O) CI13OO.5Sn Ti-6AI-4V Ti-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn Ti-8AI-IMo-1V Ti-8Al-IMo-IV Ti-8AI-IMo-1V Ti-13V-I1Cr-3AI Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.C366OO.04O-0.5Sn Ti-6AI-4V Ti-8AI-IMo-IV Ti-6Al-4V Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) TI-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) TI-13V-I1Cr-3AI Ti-6AI-4V TI-5AI-2.04O-0.04O-0.0ICd) Cll3OO.12Zn) C443OO. C13000 crotoo and CI0200 CI0300 CI04OO.5Mn) C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1. CI1600 (99.95Cu-0. C115OO. ASTM Grade 3. C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-ISn) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn-20Ni) 363 373 375 376 cioioo and CI0200 295 298 300 306 cnooo CI04OO.5V Unalloyed Titanium. CI0700 Cl1000 (99. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.40) cioioo and CI0200 CI04OO.0ICd) Cll3OO. C1l6OO (99. C46700 (60Cu-39. UNS RS0250 TI-5AI-2. UNS RS0550 Unalloyed Titanium. Alclad 2024 3003.5Si) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C28000 (60Cu-40Zn) C443OO.95Cu-0. UNS RS0550 Unalloyed Titanium.3FelAI-0. C466OO. CII600 (99.5Ni-1.5Fe0.040) C11I00 (99.4Zn-l.5Pb) C70600 (90Cu-l0Ni) C71000 (80Cu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-lONi) C75200 (65Cu-18Ni-17Zn) C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) Page 456 616 615 615 616 295 298 300 423 427 429 423 424 425 429 431 432 433 435 436 438 447 436 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 360 361 370 300 360 361 361 362 363 314 351 359 423 424 425 431 431 295 298 300 325 332 341 354 363 373 373 375 376 300 295 300 306 306 344 345 345 347 347 373 375 376 378 379 381 Designation Alloy Name ASTM 8124 8124 B 124 cioioo and CI0200 cuooo (99.5Cu-5Sn-1.96Cu+Ag-0. C128OO. C44400.C27ooo(65Cu-35Zn) C28000 (6OCu-40Zn) C33000 (66Cu-33.96Cu+Ag-0. C12900. CI2900. CII600 (99.CI0700 cneoo (99.5Zn-2.Zn-4AI-0.04O) CII3oo.015Mg croioo and CI0200 CI0300 CI0800 AZ3IB.95Cu-0.6Cu-4.5Sn) C50500 (98.1Zn-l.5Zn-0.5Ni) C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) C93400 C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-IZn) C93700 (80Cu-l0Sn-IOPb) C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9AI) C95300 (89Cu-lFe-l0Al) C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-IIAI) and C95410 C95500 (81Cu-4Fe-4Ni-llAI) C95600 (91Cu-2Si-7AI) C95700 (75Cu-3Fe-8AI-2Ni-12Mn) C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9A1-4Ni-lMn) C97300 (56Cu-2Sn-IOPb-20Zn12Ni) C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn-20Ni) C97800 (66.CI0500.CI0500.AZ91B. AZ9IB.04O-0. AZ9ID.040-0.96Cu+Ag-O.7Pb) C48500 (6OCu-37.97Cu-1. C1l5OO.2P) C52100 (92Cu-8Sn) C52400 (9OCu-IOSn) C54400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn-4Zn) C16200 (99Cu-lCd) C41100 (91Cu-8. C1l5OO.40) cioroo and CI0200 CI0400.CI0700 CI0800 C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) cunoo and CI0200 cnoeo (99.5Pb) C34000 (65Cu-34Zn-IPb) C34200 (62Cu-36.4Cu-5. Zn-4AI-1Cu-0. C128OO.AZ31C HK31A HM21A AZ3IB.96Cu+Ag-0.40) C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-l.5Cu-36.IZn-1.C1I5OO.CI0500.AZ9IC.C367oo.95Cu-0. AZ9ID.2Zn-0. CI0700 CI0800 cneoo (99.04O) Cll100 (99.660 I Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys Designation Alloy Name Page ASTM 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 B30 B30 B30 830 B30 B30 B30 B 33 833 836 B36 B 36 836 836 B42 B42 842 B42 B 43 B 47 B47 B47 B47 B48 B48 B48 B 48 B49 B49 B49 B49 B49 861 B66 B 68 868 B68 B75 875 B75 B80 B80 B80 B 80 B 80 880 880 880 880 B 80 B 80 880 B80 B80 880 880 C87300 (formerly csno» C87600 C87610 C875OO.CI0700 cueoo (99.4Zn-0. CII600 (99.5Zn-0. CI3000 CI0300 cmoo(99. C465OO. C1l4OO.IPb) C35600 (62Cu-35.95Cu-0.5Si) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C65100 (98.5Cu-1. C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-lSn) C46400.7Sn) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C22000 (9OCu-10Zn) C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) CI0100 and CI0200 CI0300 CI0400.8Sn) C48200 (6O.CI28oo. C127OO.2P) C52100 (92Cu-8Sn) C52400 (9OCu-IOSn) C54400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn-4Zn) C31400 (89Cu-9.CI0500.04Mg AG4OB.5Cu-l. AZ91E AZ92A EQ21 EZ33A HK31A HZ32A QE22A WE43 WE54 ZC63 ZFAIA ZH62A ZK51A 392 392 392 393 393 393 394 394 395 395 395 396 396 396 397 398 398 399 399 399 400 400 401 401 401 295 300 328 330 332 334 334 295 298 298 300 332 295 300 306 306 295 298 300 306 295 298 300 306 306 393 397 295 298 300 295 298 300 432 433 435 436 438 439 440 441 443 444 447 448 450 450 453 454 Designation ASTM 880 886 886 886 886 888 888 888 890 B90 B90 B 91 B 91 891 B91 891 893 893 B93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B94 B96 B97 B97 B98 B98 899 B99 B 100 B 100 B 100 BIOI B 103 B 103 B 103 B 103 B 103 B 105 B 105 B 105 B 107 B 107 B 107 B 107 B 107 B11I 8 III Bill B11I Bill 8111 BIll B11I B11I 8111 Bill Bill B 113 B 116 B 116 8116 8116 B 121 B 121 B 121 B 121 B 121 B 122 8122 B 122 B 122 8122 B 122 Alloy Name ZK61A AC41A. C465oo.5Pb-3. AZ91B.95Cu-0.04O-O.04O) C21000 (95Cu-5Zn) C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) cioioo and CI0200 CI0300 CI0400.04O) 8124 8124 B 124 8124 8124 8124 B 129 8130 Bl3l B 133 B 133 B 133 B 133 B 133 B 133 B 133 B 134 B 134 B 134 B 134 B 134 B 134 B 135 B 135 B 135 B 135 B 135 B 135 B 135 B 135 B 139 B 139 B 139 B 139 B 140 B 140 B 148 B 148 B 148 B 148 B 148 B 148 B 148 B 150 B 150 B 151 B 151 B 151 B 151 B 151 B 151 B 152 B 152 B 152 B 152 B 152 B 152 B 152 B 157 B 159 B 159 B 159 B 159 B 169 B 169 B 169 BI71 BI71 B 171 Page C125OO. C12900.C11600 (99.8Cu-5Sn-O. C1l4OO.04O-0.2Sn-0.03P) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C28000 (6OCu-4OZn) C443OO.04O) C51000 (94. C35300 (62Cu-36.95Cu-0.40) C33500 (65Ca-34.Te) C37700 (6OCu-38Zn-2Pb) C46400.0Fe-0. C114OO.5Pb-4.95Cu-0.5Si) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C65100 (98. AZ91C. C1l5OO.AZ91E AZ92A WFA3 AZ91A. AZ9ID.5Pb) C33200 (66Cu-32.5Pb-2Zn25Ni) cioioo and CI0200 cnooo (99.95Cu-0.95Cu-0.5Zn-1.2P) C65500 (97CU-3Si) cnooe (99.0ICd) CI25oo. Zn-4AI-2.04O) Cl13OO.6Cu-4.5Si) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C51000 (94. C13000 C21000 (95Cu-5Zn) C22000 (9OCu-10Zn) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C268oo.7Cu-1.0ICd) CII3oo.AZ3IC AZ6IA AZSOA ZC71 ZK60A ctoioo and CI0200 CI0300 CI0800 C19200 (98. C1l6OO (99.95Cu-0.40) C125OO.95Cu-0.6Pb) C37000 (6OCu-39Zn-IPb) C51000 (94.5Cu-38Zn-0.8Pb-0.8Cu-5Sn-0.C27ooo(65Cu-35Zn) C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C268oo.9Pb) C31600 (89Cu-8.8Sn) 295 300 308 309 349 356 358 359 370 334 330 330 295 298 298 300 300 306 308 328 330 332 334 334 339 330 332 334 339 341 343 344 349 360 361 362 363 343 343 398 398 399 399 399 400 400 365 367 373 376 378 379 381 381 295 298 298 300 300 306 308 298 306 360 361 362 363 364 365 349 354 356 .6Mn) C70600 (9OCu-10Ni) C71000 (8OCu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) CI0800 cioioo and CI0200 cueoo (99.05Mg AC43A.2Zn-0. C127OO.4Zn-1.C1I5OO.2Zn-2Pb).2Zn-1.2P) C51100 (95.9Pb-INi) C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9Al) C95300 (89Cu-lFe-l0A I) C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-llAI) and C95410 C95500 (81Cu-4Fe-4Ni-IIAI) C95600 (9ICu-2Si-7AI) C95700 (75Cu-3Fe-8AI-2Ni-12Mn) C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-IMn) C61400 (91Cu-7AI-2Fe) C62300 (87Cu-IOAI-3Fe) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-IONi) C75200 (65Cu-18Ni-17Zn) C75700 (65Cu-23Zn-12Ni) C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) CI0100 and CI0200 CI0300 CI04oo.04Mg AG4OA. C44400. C1I4OO. C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-lSn) C60800 (95Cu-5AI) C70400 (92. C46700 (60Cu-39.C368oo (60Cu-39. C466OO.95Cu-0.04O) cmeo(99.5Zn-0.5Cu-1.5Zn) C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-IPb-4Zn) C92500 (87Cu-IISn-1 Pb-lNi) C92700 (88Cu-l0Sn-2Pb) C92900 (84Cu-lOSn-2.8Pb) C35000 (65.0ICd) C51000 (94.2P) C52100 (92Cu-8Sn) C52400 (9OCu-10Sn) C60600 (95Cu-5AI) C61000 (92Cu-8AI) C61400 (91Cu-7A1-2Fe) C365oo.04O-0.5Cu-0.5Pb-4.95Cu-0. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) C87900 C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-l. CI05oo.2P) C51100 (95.8Cu-5Sn-0.8Cu-5Sn-0.CI0700 CI0800 cuooo (99. AZ91E C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C65100 (98.CI27oo. C1I4OO.95Cu-O.95Cu-0. C46700 (6OCu-39.04O) ciuoo (99.6Pb) C443OO. Zn-4AI-0. C13000 C14500 (99.3Sn) AZ3IB. C466OO.C36600. AZ91C.8Sn-0.5Cu-0.2Sn-0.AZ31C AZ61A AZSOA HM21A ZK60A AMlOOA AZ63A AZ81A AZ91A.40) CI0100 and CI0200 CI0400.01Cd) Cl13OO.5Zn) C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) ClOloo and CI0200 CI0300 CI0800 croioo and CI0200 CI0300 CI0800 AMlOOA AZ63A AZ81A AZ91A.01Cd) C1l3OO.96Cu+Ag-0. Alclad 2024 2219.04O) C11300. CI0700 B 272 C11000 (99.3Mo-O. C 17300 C17000 (98Cu-1. Alclad 6061 6262 7075. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) C87900 C99750 C10100 and C10200 C10300 CI0400. C11600 (99. C11500. UNS R524OO. Alclad 2219 3003. Grade 12. Alclad 6061 6063 7075. Alclad 7178 5083 C10100 and CI0200 C11000 (99.95Cu-0. C17300 AMl00A AZ81A AZ91A. Alclad 7075 CI2500. Alclad 2219 B 247 2618 B 247 3003. Alclad 2024 2219. UNSR52250 B 265 Grade 10 TI-11.040) C11100 (99.CI0700 C10800 Cll000 (99. CI2700. UNSRS0550 B 265 Grade 4 Unalloyed Titanium.04O-Q.96Cu+Ag-0.4O) C17000 (98Cu-1. Alclad 3003 5050 5052 5083 5154 5456 6061. C114OO.04O) C11300.04O) C11100 (99. Cl1600 (99.40) C10100 and CI0200 C11000 (99.AZ91B.95Cu-0. Alclad 7075 7178.96Cu+Ag-0. A1c1ad 3004 3105 5005 5050 5052 5083 5086.75Al-0.25Fe-0.7Be-0.3Co) CI7200. Grade 11. Grade 11.95Cu-0.96Cu+Ag-0.95Cu-0. C10500.5Cu-5Sn-l.5Mo-6Zr-4.040) C11100 (99.7Be-0. Alclad 5086 5254 5454 5456 5652 6061. CI1500.04O-0.96Cu+Ag-0.5Cu-0.040) C11300.Q4(}.01Cd) CI1300.2Pd).75Pb37Zn-l.04O-0.5Mn) B271 C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1.95Cu-0. Alclad 2024 3003.04O) C11100 (99.4O) C11100 (99.96Cu+Ag-0.04O) Cl1100 (99. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) B271 C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-1.95Cu-0.AZ91C. Grade 7.95Cu-0.5Pb-4.5Mn) B 271 C86700 B271 C87300 (formerly C87200) B271 C87500.95Cu-0. Alclad 3003 Page 239 151 155 155 159 180 186 187 189 191 195 201 206 212 221 151 155 155 159 159 174 180 187 188 191 201 212 221 308 151 155 159 174 180 182 187 189 191 191 194 195 200 201 206 208 212 213 214 214 221 239 300 300 306 306 306 306 300 306 306 154 154 154 180 187 194 201 154 616 615 615 616 151 155 159 174 180 Designation ASTM B 241 B 241 B 241 B241 B 241 B 241 B241 B241 B 241 B241 B 241 B 245 B246 B246 B246 B246 Alloy Name Page 5052 5083 5086.4O) 1350 1350 1350 3003.0ICd) CI1300. C114OO.4O) C10100 and C10200 CI0300 CI0400. C11600 (99. Alclad 2014 B247 2219. Alclad 2219 3003. C12800. Alclad 3003 B247 4032 B 247 5083 B247 6061.01Cd) CI1300.5V B 265-79 Ti Grade 1 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 4.96Cu+Ag-0. Alclad 3003 3004. Alclad 7178 1100 2011 2014.96Cu+Ag-0.5Zn) B271 C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-lPb-4Zn) B271 C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) B271 C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-lZn) B271 C93700 (80Cu-l0Sn-l0Pb) B271 C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) B271 C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9AI) B 271 C95300 (89Cu-lFe-IOAI) B 271 C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-IIAl) and C95410 B 271 C95500 (81Cu-4Fe-4Ni-11AI) B 271 C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-IMn) B 271 C97300 (56Cu-2Sn-l0Pb-20Zn12Ni) B 271 C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn-20Ni) B271 C97800 (66.01Cd) CI1300.CI0500.OICd) C11300. Alclad 2014 2024.95Cu'0. C114OO. C11400. Alclad 6061 6063 6262 7075.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys /661 Designation ASTM B 171 B 171 B 171 B 172 B 172 B 172 B 173 B 173 B 173 B 174 B 174 B 176 B 176 B 176 B 176 B 187 B 187 B 187 B 187 B 187 B 187 B 188 B 188 B 188 B 188 B 188 B 188 B 189 B 189 B 189 B 194 B 194 B 196 B 196 B 197 B 199 B 199 B 199 B 199 B 199 B 199 B 199 B 199 B 199 B 199 B 199 B206 B206 B206 B206 B206 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 B209 Alloy Name C61400 (91Cu-7AI-2Fe) C70600 (90Cu-l0Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C11000 (99. CI0500. Alclad 2014 2024. Alclad 2014 2024. C10700 C10800 C11000 (99.015Mg 1100 2014. A1c1ad 7178 C11000 (99.95Cu-0. AZ91E AZ92A EQ21 EZ33A "lOlA QE22A WE43 WE54 ZC63 C71000 (80Cu-20Ni) C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-lONi) C75200 (65Cu-18Ni-17Zn) C75700 (65Cu-23Zn-12Ni) C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) 1100 2014. ASTM Grade 1.04O-0.04O) C11000 (99. C11500. C11600 (99. Alclad 3003 5052 5056.0ICd) C86800 C87500. Alclad 7075 7178.04Mg AG40B.04O-0.04Mg AG4OA.40) CIIOOO (99. Alclad 2219 3003. C11600 (99. Alclad 5086 5154 5252 5254 5454 5456 5457 5652 5657 6061. C1I4OO. Alclad 2219 3003. C11600 (99. Alclad 6061 6063 6066 6262 6351 6463 7005 7075. Alclad 5086 5154 5454 5456 6005 6061. Alclad 2024 2219.95Cu-0. Alclad 6061 1350 AC41A. C11600 (99. Alclad 2014 2024.96Cu+Ag-0. CI1600 (99.C11500. C11500. Zn-4AI-0.8Ni.95Cu-0. Alclad 5056 5154 6061.95Cu-0. Zn-4AI-0. UNSRS2250 B 265 Grade 12 TI-0. C11500. C114OO.0.04O) 187 189 191 193 194 195 198 201 206 221 239 189 295 300 306 306 151 155 174 179 180 184 189 201 221 300 300 300 298 300 471 472 522 483 474 559 474 476 469 478 467 389 390 390 390 391 392 393 393 394 395 396 396 397 398 398 399 399 400 401 401 401 295 298 298 300 .4O) Cll000 (99.95Cu-0. C11500. C11500. Alclad 3003 3004. Alclad 7075 C11000 (99.75Sn-0.04O) B249 B250 CI1000 (99. AZ9ID.5Pb-2Zn25Ni) B 272 CI0l00 lind CI0200 B272 CI0300 B272 CI0400.04O) C11100 (99. UNSRS0700 B 265 Grade 5 TI-6A1-4V B 265 Grade 6 TI-5A1-2.95Cu-0.Alclad3003 5052 5454 6061.4O) CI1000 (99. Grade 7.95Cu-0. UNSR50400 B 265-79 TI-3AI-2.95Cu-0. Alclad 2024 2124 2219. Alclad 3004 5052 5083 5086.95Cu-0. C11400.04O) B 251 C10300 B 251 C10800 B 265 Grade 3 Unalloyed Titanium. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5A1-4Mn) B271 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) B271 C86400 (59Cu-0.40) B247 1100 B 247 2014. C11500. C11600 (99. UNS R50250 B271 C86100.2Pd). C13000 1100 2014.05Mg AC43A. Alclad 7075 1100 2011 2014.01Cd) CI1300. R53400 B 265 Ti Grade 2 Unalloyed Titanium.3Co) CI7200.96Cu+Ag-0.Alclad2014 2017 2024.95Cu-0. C114OO. Alclad 6061 7072 7075.5Sn B 265 Grade 7 Modified Ti (Ti-Q.95Cu-0.3Fe-1 A1-0.5Sn B 265 Grade 11 Modified Ti (Ti-Q. C11400. Grade 3. Alclad 6061 B 247 7075. Zn-4AI-2.04O-0. CI2900. Zn-4AI-lCu-0. Alclad 7075 Page 365 373 376 300 306 306 300 306 306 300 306 391 393 393 402 295 298 298 300 300 306 295 298 298 300 300 306 295 300 306 314 316 314 316 316 432 435 436 438 439 440 441 444 447 448 450 375 378 379 381 381 151 155 159 171 174 180 182 184 185 186 187 189 191 191 193 193 194 195 197 198 198 201 221 221 Designation ASTM B209 B 210 B210 B210 B 210 B210 B210 B 210 B 210 B 210 B 210 B210 B210 B210 B210 B211 B211 B211 B211 B211 B211 B211 B211 B211 B 211 B211 B 211 B211 B216 B 221 B221 B221 B221 B221 B221 B 221 B 221 B221 B 221 B221 B221 B 221 B 221 B221 B221 B 221 B221 B221 B 221 B221 B 221 B224 B226 B226 B226 B228 B228 B229 B229 B229 B230 B 231 B232 B234 B234 B234 B234 B236 B240 B240 B240 B240 B241 B241 B241 B 241 B241 Alloy Name 7178. C17300 CI7200.95Cu-0. UNS R524OO.04O) B248 C11000 (99. Grade 2. 95Cu-0. ASTM B 338-87Ti Grade I. UNS RS24oo.5Ni-1.8Sn) C62300 (87Cu-IOAI-3Fe) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C48500 (6OCu-37.5Mo-6Zr-4.03P) B 359 C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) B 359 C44300.4Zn-O. C12800.95Cu-0.5Sn B 348 Grade 6 Modified Ti (Ti-0.95Cu-0. UNSR50700 Ti-6AI-4V B 381 Grade F-5 Ti-5AI-2.95Cu-0.40) Unalloyed Titanium. Grade ll.8Pb) 345 C35000 (65. Grade 4. Grade 7.8Ni.8Ni. UNS RS2250 Unalloyed Titanium.8Pb-0. Alclad 3003 180 B404 187 5052 B404 194 5454 B404 6061. C11600 (99.2Pd).2Zn-2Pb).96Cu+Ag-0. Alclad 5056 6061.2Zn-0.662/ Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys Designation ASTM B272 B 272 B280 B280 B280 B283 B283 B283 B 283 B 283 B283 B 283 (CA485) B286 B 286 B286 B286 B298 B298 B298 B298 B301 B 301 B 301 B 302 B 302 B306 B 306 B 313 B 313 B313 B 313 B 313 B 313 B 313 B 313 B 315 B 315 B 316 B 316 B 316 B 316 B 316 B 316 B 316 B 316 B 316 B316 B 317 B 324 B 334 B 334 B 337 Grade 3 B 337 Grade 7 B 337 Grade 9 B 337 Grade 10 B 337 Grade 11 B 337 Grade 12 B 337 Ti Grade 2 B 337-87Ti Grade 1 B 338 Grade 3 B 338 Grade 7 B 338 Grade 9 B 338 Grade 10 Alloy Name Page C11300. RS3400 Unalloyed Titanium.5Sn Modified Ti (Ti-0.5Sn B 367 Grade C-6 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 4.5Cu-0. B 348 Grade 11 UNS R52400.8Ni. Cl1400.04O) B 370 B 371 (CA694) C69400 (81.40) C12500. B432 C36800 (60Cu-39.0Fe-0. UNS R50550 B 381 Grade F-4 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM B 348 Grade 12 Grade 12.95Cu-0.01Cd) Cll300. Grade 7. Grade 11.6Pb) 349 C70600 (9OCu-10Ni) 373 B432 C17500 (97Cu-0. C12700. C44400. ASTM B 367-87Ti Grade 2. UNS RS2400.AZ91C. Grade II. UNSR52250 Ti-3AI-2.5Mo-6Zr-4. ASTM B 348 Ti Grade 2 Grade 2.5Zn-2. ASTM B 348 Grade 3 Grade 3. UNSRS2250 474 B 381 Grade F-9 TI-3AI-2. B 381-87 F-l UNSRS0250 467 CI0l00 and CI0200 295 B 395 298 B 395 CI0300 C10800 300 B 395 C19200 (98. Alclad 7075 7178. Grade 7.AZ91B. Alclad 6061 201 B404 C92900 (84Cu-l0Sn-2. B453 C35300 (62Cu-36.5Cu-14.2Pd).2Pd). UNS R50400 Grade 2 cioioo and CI0200 B 370 cnooo (99.5V B 348 Grade 9 Modified Ti (TI-0. Cl1400. C11600 (99.40) CI0800 B357 C10100 and CI0200 B 359 CI0300 B359 C19200 (98. ASTM Grade 12. UNS R50550 Unalloyed Titanium.97Cu-1. ASTM Grade 2.6Mn)373 B395 C70600 (9OCu-10Ni) 373 B 395 C71000 (80Cu-20Ni) 375 B 395 C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) 376 B 395 185 5005 B 396 185 B 397 5005 211 6201 B 398 211 6201 B399 154 B400 1350 154 1350 B401 C70600 (9OCu-10Ni) 373 B 402 C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) 376 B402 432 AMlOOA B403 435 AZSIA B403 AZ91A.8Ni. UNS R50250 Grade 1 3003. Grade ll. ASTM B 338 Grade 12 Grade 12.040) ClllOO (99.35Fe-0.12Zn) 326 B465 C70400 (92. C115OO.95Cu-0.Grade 7. UNS R524oo.5Cu-O.5Zn-1.OFe-o. Alclad 6061 WI B429 206 6063 B429 CI0100 and C10200 295 B432 298 CI0300 B 432 C10800 300 B 432 C365oo. UNS R50550 Modified Ti (Ti-0. ASTM Grade I.04O-0.040-0. C44500 B 359 (71Cu-28Zn-ISn) C60800 (95Cu-5AI) B 359 C70400 (92.5Ni-1. UNS RS0550 Unalloyed Titanium.6Mn) 373 C70600 (9OCu-10Ni) 373 B466 C71000 (8OCu-20Ni) 375 B466 C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) 376 B466 C70600 (9OCu-IONi) 373 B467 cnooo (80Cu-20Ni) 375 B467 C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) 376 B467 C19200 (98. CII600 (99.4Zn-l. Grade 11.2Pd).45) C18700 (99Cu-lPb) C10300 C10800 C10300 C10800 !lOO 3003. C11500.5Pb) 344 B453 C34000 (65Cu-34Zn-IPb) 345 B 453 C34200 (62Cu-36.5Sn Designation Alloy Name Page ASTM B 381 Grade F-7 ASTM B 338 Grade 11 306 308 295 298 300 300 309 349 356 367 370 359 295 300 306 306 295 300 306 306 309 309 325 298 300 298 300 151 180 182 186 187 191 191 201 370 370 151 159 159 180 185 187 188 201 221 239 209 154 306 306 471 474 478 559 474 476 469 467 471 474 478 559 Modified Ti (TI-0. Grade 7.5Fe-0.95Cu-0. Grade 7.2Pd). UNSR52250 Ti-3AI-2.2Pd).04O-0. AIc1ad3004 5050 5052 5086.Te) C37700 (60Cu-38Zn-2Pb) C46400. Alclad 3003 5005 5052 5056.5Co) 321 B441 croroo and CI0200 295 B447 298 CI0300 B447 300 B447 CI0800 cneoo (99. RS3400 Unalloyed Titanium.5Mo-6Zr-4.95Cu-0.96Cu+Ag-0. UNSR52250 Ti-0. UNS R52400. UNSR50400 469 Unalloyed Titanium.5Fe-0. UNS RS2400.5Ni) 395 B427 6061.04O) 300 B 451 C33500 (65Ca-34. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSRS0700 Unalloyed Titanium.50Be-2.7Sn) CIOIOOand CI0200 cueoo (99. AZ91E 436 438 AZ92A B403 439 EQ21 B403 440 EZ33A B403 441 HK31A B403 QE22A 444 B403 448 WE54 B403 450 ZC63 B403 3003. C44500 B 395 (?lCu-28Zn-ISn) 354 C60800 (95Cu-5Al) 363 B 395 C70400 (92.3Mo-0. C11600 (99.04O) C14500 (99. UNSR52250 Ti-0.04O) 300 B447 cnooo (99. Grade 4.40) C14500 (99. Alclad 6061 C65100 (98. UNS R524oo. ASTM B 381 Grade F-3 Grade 3. ASTM Grade I.lPb) 347 B453 C35600 (62Cu-35.01Cd) B355 C11300.5Sn B 381 Grade F-6 Designation 474 476 469 467 180 191 201 206 208 213 471 472 522 483 474 478 474 476 469 559 467 295 300 306 306 300 295 298 325 332 354 363 373 373 375 376 300 472 472 522 483 474 471 469 295 300 372 295 298 300 330 153 471 472 522 483 Alloy Name Page Modified Ti (11-0. ASTM Grade 3. AStM Grade 2.3Mo-0. Alclad 7178 6101 1350 cmoo (99. CII400.97Cu-I.04O) B 355 C11100 (99. Grade 11.96Cu+Ag-0.01 Cd) C11300. Alclad 3003 3004. Alc1ad 5086 5154 6061. C12900. ASTM B 338 Ti Grade 2 Grade 2.5Pb) 347 B453 C38500 (57Cu-40Zn-3Pb) 350 B455 C19400 (Cu-2.Te) C14700 (99. UNSRS2250 474 B 381 Grade F-12 TI-0. AIc1ad5086 B 345 6061. UNS RS2400. Cl1400.5Pb-3. RS3400 476 B 381 Ti Grade F-2 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS RS0550 Modified Ti (Ti-0. B 348 Grade 7 UNS RS2400. C44400. Grade II. ASTM G rade 3. Alc1ad 6061 7075. Grade 4.5Si) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) 1100 2017 2024.6Mn) C70600 (9OCu-IONi) B 359 cnooo (80Cu-20Ni) B359 C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) B359 C10800 B 360 B 367 Grade C-2 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSR52250 Ti-3AI-2.5Zn-4Si) cioioo and C10200 B 372 C10300 B 372 B 372 CI0800 C22000 (90Cu-l0Zn) B 372 1145 B 373 Unalloyed Titanium.95Cu-0. UNS RS0250 Unalloyed Titanium. C367OO. Grade 7.3Mo-O. Alclad 2024 3003. B 348 Grade 4 UNSRS0700 Ti-6AI-4V B 348 Grade 5 Ti-5AI-2. R53400 Unalloyed Titanium.0Fe-0. C11500. Grade 7.95Cu-0.2Zn-1.2Pd).5Cu-1.97Cu-1.3Mo-0. AIc1ad3003 B 345 5086. C11600 B355 (99.o3P) 325 B 395 C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) 332 B 395 C44300. AIc1ad6061 B 345 6063 B 345 6070 B345 6351 B345 Unalloyed Titanium.2Pd).5NiB466 l. ASTM Grade 12.4Cu-5. UNS RS0250 CI0100 and C10200 B 355 cuooo (99. Grade Ti-Pd 7B Grade 11.5V Ti-11.C46500.5Sn B 348(10)-87 B 348-87 Ti Grade I Unalloyed Titanium.C46600.5FeB 359 0. C11500. C13000 C10100 and C10200 CI0300 CI0800 cueoo (99. B403 AZ9ID. B 367 Grade 7.C46700 (60Cu-39.5V Ti-II.95Cu-0.03P) 325 B469 cnooo (99.03P-0.04O) 300 B470 . Grade 11. CII500.6Cu-0.5V 478 B 381 Grade F-II Modified Ti (Ti-O. ASTM Grade I.4Cu-5. B 367 Grade C-3 UNSR50700 Ti-6AI-4V B 367 Grade C-5 Ti-5AI-2.96Cu+Ag-O. UNS RS0400 Unalloyed Titanium.95Cu-0.040) Clll00 (99. UNS RS2250 Ti-0. C366OO.4Cu-5. UNS R50400 Ti-I1.5Zn-0.040-0.2Pd).96Cu+Ag-0.5Cu-36.40) CIOIOOand CI0200 cnoeo (99. ASTM B 367-87 C-3 Grade 3. Cll400.0ICd) CII300. 015Mg 618 201 6061. ASTM Grade I. UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys I 663 Designation ASTM B483 B483 B483 B483 B483 B483 B483 B483 B491 B491 B491 B491 B496 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B505 B506 B508 B 531 B534 B543 B543 B543 B543 B543 B544 B547 B547 B547 B547 B547 B547 B547 B547 B547 B549 B552 B552 B569 B570 B570 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 B584 Alloy Name Page 1100 3003.04O) C86100.0 (4.5V-I Ti-3AI-2.5V Modified Ti (Ti-Q. A413.5Ni) C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) C93400 C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-IZn) C93700 (80Cu-IOSn-IOPb) C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9AI) C95300 (89Cu-IFe-lOAl) C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-IIA1) and C95410 C95500 (8ICu-4Fe-4Ni-11AI) C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-IMn) C11300. C 17300 C86100. Alclad 3004 5050 5052 5083 5086.5Zn) C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-IPb4Zn) C92500 (87Cu-lISn-IPb-INi) C92700 (88Cu-IOSn-2Pb) C92900 (84Cu-lOSn-2. Grade 11. 474 UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade 2. Grade 11.5Sn-1 Ti-5AI-2. Grade 7.0.5Mn) C86700 C87500. ASTM 467 Grade I. A535. C18500 324 (99Cu-ICr) 522 Ti-6AI-4V Unalloyed Titanium. Alclad 6061 C70600 (9OCu-IONi) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C26000 (70Cu-3OZn) C17000 (98Cu-1.5Pb2Zn-25Ni) 151 180 185 186 187 201 206 212 149 151 180 206 300 389 390 393 394 394 395 395 395 396 396 396 397 398 398 399 399 400 306 351 185 321 300 326 354 373 373 154 151 180 182 186 187 189 191 191 194 201 373 376 334 314 316 389 390 390 390 391 393 392 393 394 395 396 396 397 Designation ASTM B585 B 586 B587 B587 B591 B591 B 591 B 591 B 591 B 591 B591 B592 B609 B632 B669 B669 B669 B763 B763 B763 B763 B 791 B 791 B791 B 808 B 951 B 1743 F9 F 136 F 467-84 Grade 4 F 467-84 Grade 5 F 467-84 Grade 7 F467-84 Ti Grade 2 F467-84a Ti Grade I F467M-84a Grade 7 F467M-84a TiGrade2 F467M-84b Ti Grade I F468-84 F 468-84 Grade 4 F 468-84 Grade 7 F468-84 TiGrade2 F468-84a TiGrade I F468M-84b Grade 7 F468M-84b Ti Grade I F468M-84b TiGrade2 F67 Grade 3 F67 Grade 4 F 67 Ti Grade 2 F 67-88 Ti Grade I 401 401 401 F68 SB209 SB210 Alloy Name Page C87300 (formerly C872(0) 392 C19400 (Cu-2.0.5V Page 474 467 467 467 478 478 469 483 483 488 522 522 498 572 Ti-3Al-2.7Sn) 354 C68800 (73. UNSR50400 469 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52400. Grade 4.l6-70 ERTi0. Alclad 3003 5005 5050 5052 6061.5Zn-0. UNS RS0400 Unalloyed Titanium.5Zn-O. Alclad 3003 3004. 474 UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium.5Sn Ti-5AI-2.96Cu+Ag-0. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3Al-4Mn) C86400 (59Cu-0.025Mg ZA-27.5Cu-11AZn-I.96Cu+Ag-0.5Zn-2Sn) 353 C43400 (85Cu-14. Grade 7.2Pd).35Mg) 295.0.5Zn-O.0 (7.5Cu-l.35Fe-Q.5Mo-6Zr4.5Sn 472 559 FormerAMS 4238A 4239 535. CDX 8Al-IMo-IV GR-I GR-2 GR-4 R-32 Crucible 3AI-2. UNSRS0550 471 Unalloyed Titanium. B535.2Pd).0 (7Mg) 267 263 267 250 249 Chase Ext.16-70 ERTi5AI-2. UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium. Alclad 5086 5154 5454 6061. ASTM Grade 2. Grade 11. UNS R50550 498 478 Beta III Ti-3AI-2.35Mn0.5Co) CI0800 C19400 (Cu-2.5Sn A5. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) C87600 C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-I.35Mg) 413. ASTM 469 Grade 2. ASTM 467 Grade I.7Ag-0.4O) C18200. ASTM Grade I.5Ni1.5Cu-5Sn-I.16-70 ERTi6AI-4V-I Ti-6AI4V A5.0 (7Mg) 535.3Zn-0.8Zn-2. C1I500.02Mg ZA-12.2Sn) C11300. Zn-11Al-ICu-0.5Mn) C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-I.5Fe-0. Zn-27AI-2Cu-0. A535.0 (7Mg) 266 266 713. UNS RS0250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Grade 4. UNS R52400.6Mn) C70600 (9OCu-lONi) 1350 1100 3003. C1I500.50Be-2. 472 UNSR50700 Unalloyed Titanium. 472 UNSR50700 Modified Ti (Ti-0. Zn-27AI-2Cu-0.0 (8Mg) 520. UNS RS0250 522 Ti-6AI-4V Unalloyed Titanium.0.7Cu-0.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2.5V A-4OPd A-70 FormerASTM B26ZC81A B85 SI2A B108 ZC81B C4A CN42A CQ51A CS43A G4A G8A GlOA GM70B 467 469 472 471 474 244 248 264 265 265 266 . C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-1. Grade 11.95Cu-0.16-70 ERTi8AI-IMo-IV Ti-8Al-IMo-IV A5.5Mg) 201.16-70 ERTi6AI-4V Ti-6A14V A5.25Fe-Q.6Cu-0.7Cu-0. ASTM Grade 3.16-70 ERTi-4 Unalloyed Titanium.5Cu-9.2Pd). 469 UNSR50400 Unalloyed Titanium.7Be-0. Alclad 6061 201 617 ZA-8.7Zn-3AAI371 OACo) 154 1350 6061.1Sn) 353 C42500 (88.8Sn) 352 C42200 (87. ASTM Grade I.35Mg-Q.5Cu-22.16-70 ERTi-6AI2Cb-ITa-IMo Ti-6AI-2Nb-1Ta-0.0 (12Si) 713. Zn-8Al-ICu-0. UNS R52400. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSRS0700 Ti-11.16-70 ERTi-2 A5. Grade 4.8Mo A5.0. C11600 (99.5Sn) C41500 (9ICu-7. Alclad 3003 6063 C11000 (99. ASTM Grade 2. ASTM Grade I. B535.5Sn A5. C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) 339 C40500 (95Cu-4Zn-ISn) 351 C40800 (95Cu-2Sn-3Zn) 351 351 C41100 (9ICu-8.l6-70 ERTi13V-11Cr-3Al Ti-13V-lI Cr-3Al Cabot Ti-3AI-2. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.03P-0.5Pb-3.5Sn) 5005 C17500 (97Cu. C11400. ASTM Grade I. ASTM 467 Grade I. A535. ASTM Grade 2.75AI-0.2Pd).4O) C41100 (9ICu-8.I2Zn) 326 C26000(70Cu-30Zn) 334 C26800. UNS R50400 A5. C44500 (71Cu-28Zn-ISn) C70400 (92ACu-5. C18400.35Fe-0.5V A5. C11600 306 (99. ASTM Grade 3. Alclad 6061 354 C43000 (87Cu-1O. UNS R52400. B535.0 (4.12Zn) C44300.l6-70 ERTi-1 A5. UNS R50250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.5Pb-4.0 (4Cu-3Si) 514. Zn-IIAI-I Cu-0.16-70 ERTi-3Al-2. 467 UNSRS0250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R52400. ASTM 469 Grade 2. UNS R50250 A5.25Ti) 208.5Zn) C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-IPb4Zn) C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb·IZn) C93700 (80Cu-IOSn-lOPb) C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) C97300 (56Cu-2Sn-IOPb· 20Zn-12Ni) C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn-20Ni) C97800 (66. Zn-8AI-ICu-0. Grade 11.03P-0.16-70 ERTi-3Al-2. Alclad 6061 6063 6262 1050 1100 3003.0. 472 UNSR50700 522 Ti-6AI-4V Modified Ti (Ti-0. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.2Pd). Grade 7.16-70 ERTi-5AI-2.0 (4Mg) 518. C44400. UNS RS0400 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 7.2Pd).ISi) 242.3FeIAI·0.75Pb37Zn-I.75Sn-Q.0. 474 UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium.2Zn-1. ASTM Grade 2.3Co) CI7200.Grade 7. UNS R52400.015Mg 391 C86700 C87300 (formerly C872(0) 392 392 C87600 C95600 (9ICu-2Si-7AI) 399 617 ZA-8. Grade 4. 474 UNSR52250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50250 467 ClOlOO and CI0200 295 1060 150 1060 150 Designation Alloy Name ASTM SB221 SB234 SB241 1060 1060 1060 150 150 150 Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) 563 Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Ti-13V-IICr-3Al 517 572 Astro Ti-3AI-8V6Cr-4Zr-4Mo Ti-6AI-2Sn4Zr-6Mo Ti-13V-11Cr-3AI AWS A5.0. ASTM Grade I.5V 478 Ti-8AI-IMo-IV Unalloyed Titanium. UNSRS0700 Unalloyed Titanium.5V A5.0 (IOMg) 535.02Mg 617 ZA-12.025Mg 617 618 ZA-27. Grade 4. Cl1400.5Zn-O.l6-70 ERTi-3 Modified Ti (Ti-0.0 (7.2PdGrade 7 A5.5V Ti-3AI-2.5Pb-4. UNS R50400 469 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade II. 5Zn-0.2Si-3.5Si-2.5Pb) 343 C33200 (66Cu-32. C127OO.0 (12Si-2.2Si) 443. Alclad 5056 187 188 C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-IZn) C51000 (94. AZ9lE 436 AZ92A 438 EQ21 439 HK31A 441 HZ32A 443 ZH62A 453 ZK51A 454 QE22A 444 ZE63A 452 3003. Alclad 3003 180 6061. AZ91 C.5Co-0.5Mg) 355.8Sn) 356 C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) 334 6061.0 (8.8Cu-o.3Cu-0.2Zn-0.50Be-2. C46700 (60Cu-39.0. A443. Alclad 2024 159 C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) 330 C95600 (91Cu-2Si-7Al) 399 6061.3Mg) CI72oo.0 (4Cu-3Si) AZ92A AZ91A.AZ9lE AMlooA AZ91A.0. AZ9lB.5Zn) lloo 2014.0 (7Si-0.2Si) 443.0 (5Si-1.0. B443.0 (5.0 (9Si-l.25Si) 386 C82800 (96. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) 392 389 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) 390 C95300 (89Cu-1Fe-l0AI) C11000 (99.5Pb-4.5Pb-4. C1l4OO.8Cu) 356.3Cu-0.3Mg) 356.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2.0 (9. AZ9lD.0.0 (5. C13000 308 .0 (7Si-0. A357.8Cu-5Sn-0. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) 398 300 349 390 389 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) 390 C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-1Pb-4Zn) C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-llAl) and C95410 399 C95500 (81Cu-4Fe-4Ni-llAI) 399 C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) 395 C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-1Mn) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C70600 (90Cu-l0Ni) C70600 (90Cu-IONi) C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn-20Ni) C82500 (97.5Mg) AZ63A 713.0.5Zn) C87900 396 393 393 C875OO.0.5Cu) 380. C355.664/ Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys Designation Alloy Name Page FormerASTM S5A S5B S5C Sl2B SC51A SC5lB SC64A SC64D SC84A SC84B SC92A SC102A SC103A SC114A SG70A SG70B SG91A sorcox soiooa SNI22A ZG61A ZG7lB 264 264 264 263 255 255 251 252 261 261 253 261 252 262 257 257 259 260 260 252 266 267 238.0%Cu-1.0 (9.5Mg) 359. A443. C86200 389 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) C861OO. Alclad 6061 201 C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) 330 C10100 and CI0200 295 C104OO.5Zn) C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) Cl04OO.5Mg) 383. Alclad 6061 201 7049 217 HM31A 430 HM21A 429 HK31A 427 AZ91A.0 (5.0 (9Si-0. A360.5Mg) 336.3%Mg) 248 242.2Cu-2Be-0. AZ9lD.3Si) 388 C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) 376 C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) 376 C23OOO(85Cu-15Zn) 332 C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) 334 C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) 376 C70600 (9OCu-IONi) 373 03000 (66Cu-33. Cll600 (99.0 (l0.5Cr-0. A380.96Cu+Ag-0.0.5Mn) C861OO.8Cu-0.AZ91B.95Cu-0. A356.5Cu) 332.04O) 300 C125OO.5SI-3.0 (1O.0 (7Si-0. C18500 (99Cu-1Cr) 400 376 373 373 401 386 394 324 C82500 (97. Alclad 7075 354.0.5Co-O.0 (7.3Mg) 359.6Mg) 2014. Alclad 2219 2024. A384.040) C37700 (60Cu-38Zn-2Pb) C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1. A380.6Be-0. C 17300 C21000 (95Cu-5Zn) C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) C82500 (97.138 Designation MIL-A-815% MIL-A-815% MIL-B-11553B (Alloy 14) MIL-B-13501 MIL-B-13506 (AlloyA2) MIL-B-15345 MIL-B-15894 MIL-B-15894 (Class 3) MIL-B-16166 MIL-B-16261 (Alloy IV) MIL-B-16261 (Alloy VI) MIL-B-16541 MIL-B-18907 MIL-B-1923I MlL-B-19231 MIL-B-20292 MIL-B-24480 MIL-B-24480 MIL-C-50 MIL-C-3383 MIL-C-10375 MIL-C-1l553 (Alloy 12) MIL-C-1l866 (Composition 17) MIL-C-1l866 (Composition 19) MIL-C-1l866 (Composition 20) MIL-C-1l866 (Composition 21) MIL-C-11866 (Composition 22) MIL-C-12166 MIL-C-13351 MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 4) MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 5) MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 6) MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 10) MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 13) MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 14) MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 17) MIL-C-15345 (Alloy 28) MIL-C-15726 MIL-C-15726 E(2) MIL-C-I6420 MIL-C-171l2 MIL-C-17324 MIL-C-19311 MIL-C-19464 (Class 2) MIL-C-19464 (Class IV) MlL-C-21180 (Class 12) MIL-C-21657 MIL-C-21768 MIL-C-21768 MIL-C-22087 MIL-C-22087 MIL-C-22087 (Composition 4) MIL-C-22087 (Composition 5) MlL-C-22087 (Composition 7) 5052 5056.3FelAl-0. Cl2900.C128OO.0. C443.0%Cu-4.0%Mg) 208.0 (9.0.0%Mg) 384.0.5Cu) 380.2Cu-2Be-0.0 (5.2Cu-2Be-0.5Mg) 360.5Si-3. A356.0.5Zn-0. Alclad 2219 2618 6061.6Mg-0. A360.5Mg) 355. Cll5OO. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1. A443.6Mg) 360.0.0.AZ91C.AZ91B. C443.AZ9lE AZS1A EZ33A HK31A HK31A ZH62A ZK51A ZK61A AZ61A AZSOA ZK60A AZ61A 249 433 267 252 248 438 436 435 440 427 441 453 454 456 424 425 431 424 C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-l.5Be) 400 151 1100 178 2319 185 4043 194 5356 C52100 (92Cu-8Sn) 361 C61000 (92Cu-8Al) 364 6061.5Cu) 354.0 (9.l3Cr) FormerCS 104A.2Si) 413.3Cu-0.5Co-0.3Si) 388 356.0 (9Si-0.5Ni-1Mg-1Cu) 712.5Pb-4.5Cu) 319.0.Cl07oo C113OO. Alclad 6061 201 C65500 (97Cu-3Si) 370 C70600 (9OCu-IONi) 373 C82800 (96.5Co-O.0%Si-0.0. Alclad 2014 2219. B443. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn3Fe-5AI-4Mn) 393 390 389 Designation Government MIL-C-22087 (Composition 8) MIL-C-22087 (Composition 8) MIL-C-22087 (Composition 9) MIL-C-22087 (Composition 9) MIL-C-22229 MIL-C-22229 MIL-C-22229 MIL-C-22229 (Composition 6) MIL-C-22229 (Composition 6) MIL-C-22229 (Composition 7) MIL-C-22229 (Composition 8) MIL-C-22229 (Composition 9) MIL-C-22229 (Composition 10) MIL-C-46087 MIL-C-81021 MIL-C-81519 MIL-E-16053 MIL-E-16053 MIL-E-16053 MIL-E-16053 MIL-E-23765 MIL-E-23765 MIL-F-17132 MIL-H-6088 MIL-M-8916 MIL-M-8917 MIL-M-26075 MIL-M-46062 MIL-M-46062 MIL-M-46062 MIL-M-46062 MIL-M-46062 MIL-M-46062 MIL-M-46062 MIL-M-46062B MIL-M-46062B MIL-P-25995 MIL-P-25995 MIL-R-430 MIL-R-6944 MIL-R-24243 MIL-S-22499 MIL-T-1638 C(2) MIL-T-6945 MIL-T-6949 MIL-T-7081 MIL-T-8231 MIL-T-15OO5F MIL-T-16243 MIL-T-16420 MIL-T-19OO5 MIL-T-20168 MlL-T-20219 MIL-T-22214 MIL-T-23520A(4) MIL-T-46072 MIL-T-46072 MIL-T-46072 MIL-T-50777 MIL-T-52069 MIL-V-11-87 MlL-W-85 MIL-W-85 MIL-W-3318 MIL-W-3318 MIL-W-3318 MIL-W-3318 Alloy Name Page C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-11AI) and C95410 399 C95500 (81Cu-4Fe-4Ni-11Al) C861OO. C355. Alclad 2024 3003.5Si-0. Alclad 6061 6151 7075. AZ9lD. Alclad 3003 393 151 155 201 208 221 253 255 259 259 155 174 179 201 209 221 189 195 189 195 189 195 208 174 159 180 FormerSAE 39 50 315 332 380 500 501 50lA 502 504 505 506 507 507 508 509 513 520 523 524 531 436 436 432 Government CA922 MIL-A-12545 MIL-A-12545 MIL-A-12545 MIL-A-12545 MIL-A-12545 MIL-A-21180 MIL-A-21180 MIL-A-21180 MIL-A-21180 MIL-A-22771 MIL-A-22771 MIL-A-22771 MIL-A-22771 MIL-A-22771 MIL-A-2277I MIL-A-45225 MIL-A-45225 MIL-A-46027 MIL-A-46027 MIL-A-46083 MIL-A-46083 MlL-A-461 04 MIL-A-46118 MIL-A-81596 MIL-A-81596 Alloy Name Page Government 443.6Be-0.95Cu-0.AZ9lE AZ91A. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) C62300 (87Cu-IOAI-3Fe) 393 367 C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) 397 C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-l.0.5Si-4. cinsoo.6Cu-2.5Co-0.5Co-0.6Cu-2.2Ti) 771.0 (8. C465OO. AZ9lB.5%Si-3. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) 389 321 C17500 (97Cu-0.2P) 396 360 C93700 (80Cu-IOSn-IOPb) C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-l. C355. AZ91C.0 (5Si-1.3FelAI-0. AZ9lD.0 (9SI-I.6Pb) 344 07000 (6OCu-39Zn-1Pb) 349 2024.2Cu-2Be-0.0 (5Si-1.AZ91C.0.0 (12Si) 355.25Si) 386 C87300 (fonnerly C872OO) C861OO.40) C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) C95700 (75Cu-3Fe-8AI-2Ni-12Mn) C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-IMn) C26000 (7OCu-30Zn) C22000 (90Cu-l0Zn) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) 395 393 330 298 306 330 400 400 334 330 334 C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) 395 C82500 (97.5Co) C96600 (69.5Si-0.Cl05oo.5Mg) 357.0 (7Si-0. Cl0700 298 C11000 (99.50Be-2.5Cu-30Ni-0.0.5Mg) 308.5Mn) 399 389 399 390 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) 390 C861OO.0 (l1. A413.0 (6Si-3.5Co) 321 C17500 (97Cu-0. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn3Fe-5AI-4Mn) 399 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) C87300 (fonnerly C872OO) C93400 C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9AI) C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-11Al) and C95410 390 392 396 398 C95500 (81Cu-4Fe-4Ni-llAI) C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1. B443. Alclad 6061 6070 7075.0 (7Zn-0.25Si) C182OO. C443.0 (5.9Mg-O. C184OO.35Mg) 332.5%SI-3.25Si) C93400 257 316 328 330 386 396 C875OO.0%Cu-1.5Mn) C861OO. Alclad 2014 6061. Alclad 7075 5083 5456 5083 5456 5083 5456 6070 2219.0.0. A356.0.C466OO.4Zn-1.8Zn-0. Alclad 6061 201 2017 159 EZ33A 440 5052 187 C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) 334 C70600 (9OCu-l0Ni) 373 C46400.7Cu-0.3FeIAI-0. Alclad 6061 7075. A356.5Zn-2. Alclad 2014 2014. C466OO.5Cu) Page 306 151 185 300 330 339 360 201 201 194 180 221 155 159 189 191 194 195 201 208 239 239 159 151 180 155 155 159 187 201 221 151 180 221 155 159 159 189 191 187 195 201 221 239 239 221 191 195 239 239 239 171 174 212 155 155 173 174 179 184 189 201 208 209 217 221 266 151 159 159 174 180 185 187 188 201 221 178 260 261 Designation Alloy Name Page Government QQ-A-591 384.0 (l1.2Zn-0. Alclad 7075 5086.5Cu-36. A384. A1c1ad 5056 6061.8Cu) 262 QQ-A-591 443.5Zn-3Pb) 347 QQ-B-613 C37000 (60Cu-39Zn-lPb) 349 QQ-B-626 C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) 332 QQ-B-626 C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) 334 QQ-B-626 C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) 334 QQ-B-626 C268oo.0.95Cu·0.5Mn) 390 QQ-C-390 C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1.4O) 1100 4043 C11000 (99.4O) 306 QQ-B-865 ciuoo (99.2Cu-2Be-0. Alclad 2014 2024. Alclad 3003 7075.5Cu-2.040) 300 QQ-A-1876 1100 151 QQ-A-1876 1145 153 QQ-B-6B C34000 (65Cu-34Zn-lPb) 345 QQ-B-225 (Alloy number 1) C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-1. C1I4OO.5Si-0.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2.2Zn-1.0 (5. Alclad 2024 5083 5086. C355. A1c1ad 2014 2218 2219.95Cu·0. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Pe-5A1-4Mn) 389 QQ-C-390 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Pe-3AI4Mn) 390 QQ-C-390 C86400 (59Cu-0.5Zn-0.35Mg) 267 QQ-A-596 (Class 15) 850.04O) 300 QQ-C-576 cmoo (99.0 (5.5Co-O.04O-{).ISi) 250 QQ-A-601 (Class 5) 514.25Pe-0. B443.8Sn-0.5Zn-0.5Mg) 249 QQ-A-596 (Class 4) 296.0 (7Mg) 266 QQ-A-601 443. C46400. C35300 (62Cu-36.0 (l2Si-2.5Cr-0.C465oo.0. Cll5OO.2P) 6061.0.5Pb) 344 QQ-B-626 C34000 (65Cu-34Zn-lPb) 345 QQ-B-626 C34200 (62Cu-36.8Sn-0.0 (7.1Pb) 347 QQ-B-613 C35600 (62Cu- 255 QQ-A-596 (Class 9) 336.5Mg) 249 QQ-A-601 (Class 8) 208.5Pb) 344 QQ-B-613 C34200 (62Cu-36.7Pb) 358 QQ-B-639 C48500 (6OCu-37.7Cu-0. C443. Alclad 7178 7178.4Be-0.8Sn-0.04O) 300 QQ-C-502 ciuoo (99. C1I5OO.8Cu-5Sn-{). C35300 (62Cu-36.2Sij64 QQ-A-591 518. Alclad 7075 2014. C46700 (60Cu-39.75AI-0.6Be-0. A356. C465OO.96Cu+Ag-{). C11600 (99.0 (5Si-1.2Zn-1.95Cu-0.5Co-O.C46600.75Pb-37Zn1.5Si) 370 QQ-C-591 C65500 (97Cu-3Si) 370 QQ-C-645 C60600 (95Cu-5AI) 363 QQ-L-225 (Alloy 12) C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) 395 .04O-0.3Co) 314 QQ-C-533 CI72oo.5Cu-1.0 (5. Alclad 3003 5005 5052 5056.3Cu-0.5Mn) 390 QQ-C-525 C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) 395 QQ-C-525 (Alloy 7) C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) 397 QQ-C-530 CI72oo. Alclad 6061 6066 7178.3Sn) 364 QQ-C-450 C61400 (91Cu-7AI-2Pe) 365 QQ-C-465 C60600 (95Cu-5AI) 363 QQ-C-465 C61400 (91Cu-7AI-2Fe) 365 QQ-C-502 cioroo and C10200 295 QQ-C-502 CI0400. A1c1ad 2024 2219.5Zn-1.8Sn) 356 QQ-B-637 C48200 (60.40) 306 QQ-C-585 C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-l0Ni) 378 QQ-C-585 C75200 (65Cu-18Ni-17Zn) 379 QQ-C-585 C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) 381 QQ-C-586 C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-l0Ni) 378 QQ-C-586 C75200 (65Cu-18Ni-17Zn) 379 QQ-C-586 C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) 381 QQ-C-591 C65100 (98.5Cu-l.5Si-3.2Zn-2Pb). C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) C51000 (94. A1c1ad 7178 7178.0 (4. Alclad 6061 5454 3003. B535.2Ti) 266 QQ-A-601 (Class 22) 713.0 (7Zn-0.5Co) 387 QQ-C-390 C82800 (96. C1I600 (99. Alclad 2219 3003.0 (9. Alclad 6061 7075.0.04O) 300 Cl1100 (99.7Cu-0. A1c1ad 5086 5052 5456 6061.75Sn-0.0 (4Mg) 264 QQ-A-601 (Class 6) 242.8Sn) 356 QQ-B-639 C48200 (60.96Cu+Ag-{). Alclad 7178 7075.5Pb) 347 QQ-B-613 C36000 (61.3Cu-0.5Zn-1.0 (8.95Cu-0.5Cu-36.0 (6.0 (4. A443. 7Be-0. C114OO.3Mg) 257 QQ-A-596 (Class 3) 242.C467oo (60Cu-39.5Cu-38Zn-0. (Class 2) C443. AIclad 2219 6262 2014.0 (4Cu-3Si) 248 QQ-A-601 (Class 10) 355. C466OO.0. Alclad 2024 5052 6061.8Sn) 356 QQ-B-626 C48200 (60.96Cu+Ag-{).5Co-O. C 17300 316 QQ-C-576 C10100 and C10200 295 QQ-C-576 CI0400.2Zn-0. C115OO.5Cu-35. C355.5Pb-4. C1I4OO. CI05oo.2Zn-0.5Cu) 251 QQ-A-596 (Class 6) 355. Alclad 2024 2024. Alclad 2014 2024.2P) 360 QQ-B-750 C52400 (9OCu-10Sn) 362 QQ-B-750 C54400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn4Zn) 363 QQ-B-825 CI0400.5Ni-lMg-lCu) 252 QQ-A-596 (Class 12) 713. C 17300 316 QQ-C-533 C 17000 (98Cu-1.0 (7Mg) 1100 2017 2024.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys I 665 Designation Government MIL-W-3381 MIL-W-6712 MIL-W-6712 MIL-W-6712 MIL-W-6712 MIL-W-6712 MIL-W-6712 MIL-W-23068 MIL-W-23351 QQ-250/10 QQ-A-2oo/1 QQ-A-2ooll QQ-A-2ool2 QQ-A-2ool3 QQ-A-2oo/4 QQ-A-2oo/5 QQ-A-2oo/6 QQ-A-2oon QQ-A-2oo/8 QQ-A-2oo/1O QQ-A-2oo/13 QQ-A-2ooIl4 QQ-A-22215 QQ-A-2251l QQ-A-22512 QQ-A-22513 QQ-A-225/4 QQ-A-225/6 QQ-A-225n QQ-A-225/8 QQ-A-225/9 QQ-A-2501l QQ-A-25012 QQ-A-25012 QQ-A-250/3 QQ-A-250/4 QQ-A-250/5 QQ-A-250/6 QQ-A-250n QQ-A-250/8 QQ-A-250/9 QQ-A-2501l1 QQ-A-2501l3 QQ-A-250/14 QQ-A-2501l5 QQ-A-2501l8 QQ-A-250/19 QQ-A-250120 QQ-A-25012l QQ-A-250122 QQ-A-250128 QQ-A-250129 QQ-A-250130 QQ-A-255/1O QQ-A-365 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-367 QQ-A-37I QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-430 QQ-A-566 QQ-A-591 QQ-A-591 Alloy Name C113OO.0. A360.95Cu-0.4Zn-l.CI0500. A443.04O-{).0 (8Mg) 265 QQ-A-591 (Class 2) 413.0 (5Si-1.96Cu+Ag-0.0.0 (7.OICd) 306 QQ-C-502 Cll3OO.5Zn-0.0 (l2Si) 263 QQ-A-596 356.01Cd) 306 QQ-C-390 C82500 (97.0. C465oo.l3Cr) 267 QQ-A-673 C1IOOO (99. Alclad 5086 5456 7178.7Sn) 359 .CI0500.0.3Si) 388 QQ-C-390 C861OO.7Pb) 358 Designation Government QQ-B-637 QQ-B-639 Alloy Name Page C48500 (6OCu-37. C10700 298 QQ-B-825 C11000 (99. Alclad 6061 7075.5Mg) 255 QQ-A-601 (Class 16) 520.IPb) 347 QQ-B-626 C35600 (62Cu-35.0.0. Alclad 3003 2011 2014.04O-Q. Alclad 7178 7178. Alclad 7075 2014. C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) 339 QQ-B-613 C28000 (60Cu-4OZn) 341 QQ-B-613 C33500 (65Ca-34.2Sn-lCu-lNi) 268 QQ-A-601 356. A413.8Pb-0.25Fe-0.0ICd) QQ-B-825 306 QQ-B-825 Cll3OO. Alclad 5086 5454 5456 6061. A535. B535.8Pb) 345 QQ-B-626 C35000 (65. A535.3Mg) 257 QQ-A-601 535.95Cu-0. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5A1-4Mn) 389 QQ-C-523 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Pe-3AI4Mn) 390 QQ-C-523 C86400 (59Cu-0.0 (7Si-0. C115OO.5Cu-38Zn-0.01Cd) 306 QQ-B-613 C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) 332 QQ-B-613 C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) 334 QQ-B-613 C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) 334 QQ-B-613 C268oo.3Pe-lAI-0. Alclad 6061 6061.2Si-3.0.7Be-0. AIclad 2219 2618 4032 5083 6061.8Pb-0.0 (lOMg) 265 QQ-A-601 (Class 17) 712.0.0 (7Si-O.2Si) 264 QQ-A-601 (Class 4) 295. B443.40) 306 QQ-C-523 C861OO. Alclad 2024 5083 5086.7Sn) 359 QQ-B-637 C464OO.5Zn) 393 QQ-B-502 cnroo(99. Alclad 7178 2017 1100 3003. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) 393 QQ-C-390 C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-lPb4Zn) 394 QQ-C-390 C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) 395 QQ-C-390 C93400 396 QQ-C-390 C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-lZn) 396 QQ-C-390 C93700 (80Cu-lOSn-lOPb) 396 QQ-C-390 C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) 397 QQ-C-390 C95200 (88Cu-3Pe-9AI) 398 QQ-C-390 C95300 (89Cu-lPe-lOAl) 398 QQ-C-390 C95400 (85Cu-4Pe-11Al) and C9541099 QQ-C-390 C95500 (8ICu-4Pe-4Ni-11AI) 399 QQ-C-390 C95800 (82Cu-4Pe-9AI-4Ni-lMn) 400 QQ-C-390 (CA820) C82000 (97Cu-2.4Zn-1.5Si) 251 QQ-A-596 (Class 6) 308.5Cu-38Zn-0.35Mg) 267 QQ-A-60lE 771.25Si) 386 QQ·C-390 C82600 (97Cu-2. C1I600 (99.0.5Zn-0.95Cu-0.5Cu-35. Alclad 6061 6066 6151 7049 7075.0.5Zn-3Pb) 347 QQ-B-626 C37000 (60Cu-39Zn-IPb) 349 QQ-B-626 C37700 (60Cu-38Zn-2Pb) 349 QQ·B-626 C464OO.7Sn) 359 QQ-B-650 C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) 334 QQ-B-650 C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) 334 QQ-B-675 C95600 (91Cu-2Si-7Al) 399 QQ-B-750 C51000 (94.8Pb) 345 QQ-B-613 C35000 (65.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2.8Cu-5Sn-0.CI0700 298 QQ-C-502 cuooo (99. Alclad 7075 535.75AI-0.95Cu-0. Alclad 2014 2024. A1c1ad 7178 7178.0 (5.5Pb) 347 QQ-B-626 C36000 (61. C1l6OO (99.0.75Pb-37Zn1.95Cu-0.5Mg) 380.04O) C22000 (9OCu-lOZn) C268oo.9Mg-O.8Pb-0.040-0.5Zn-2.5Be) 384 QQ-C-390 (CA824) C82400 (98Cu-1.3Co) 386 QQ-C-450 C60600 (95Cu-5A1) 363 QQ-C-450 C61000 (92Cu-8A1) 364 QQ-C-450 C6I3OO (9OCu-7AI-0. C1I4OO.75Sn-0.7Pb) 358 QQ-B-626 C48500 (60Cu-37. Alclad 7075 2319 360.01Cd) 306 QQ-C-576 Cll3OO. A380.6Cu-2.8Zn-0. Alclad 7075 1100 3003. C46700 (60Cu-39. Alclad 7075 7178.5Si-4. AIc1ad7178 2124 2219.5MJllO QQ-C-390 C86800 391 QQ-C-390 C87300 (formerly C87200) 392 QQ-C-390 C875OO.6Mg-0. Alclad 3003 7075.5Zn-1. C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) 339 QQ-B-626 C28000 (60Cu-4OZn) 341 QQ-B-626 C33500 (65Ca-34.95Cu-0.2Zn-2Pb).CI0700 298 QQ-C-576 cuooo (99. UNS R50550 TI-3AI-2.AZ91C. ASTM Grade 2.25Si) 386 C82800 (96.2Cu-2Be-0. Zn-4AI-0.5Zn-0.04O) 3004. A413.AZ9IB. UNS RS0400 492 OREMET Ti Beta 3 Ti-l Ti-3 Ti-3-25 472 471 469 467 469 TI-5AI-2.0 (12Si) 7075.5V 467 483 483 488 498 522 522 536 492 478 572 559 563 472 471 469 522 472 478 563 559 483 483 492 517 536 541 498 572 472 559 467 469 471 478 .5Sn 483 Ti-6AI-4V 522 Ti-6At-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.5 AlMg3Mn AlMg4 AlMg4. Alclad 6061 3003.3Si) 388 424 500A 500D 500E 500G 500T 389 C83300 C92700 (88Cu-IOSn-2Pb) 395 C92600 (87Cu-IOSn-IPb-2Zn) 395 C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-IPb-4Zn) 394 C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-1. UNS RS0550 Unalloyed TItanium.AZ91C.5V 3AI-2. C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) C51000 (94. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) 389 C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) 390 C87300 (formerly C87200) 392 C87600 392 C87610 392 C87900 393 C87500.08Si TI-3Al-2.666/ Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys Designation Government QQ-L-225 (Alloy 14) QQ-L-225 (Alloys 19 and 7) QQ-M-31 QQ-M-31B QQ-M-31B QQ-M-31B QQ-M-38 QQ-M-40 QQ-M-40 QQ-M-40 QQ-M-40B QQ-M-40B QQ-M-55 QQ-M-55 QQ-M-55 QQ-M-55 QQ-M-55 QQ-M-55 QQ-M-55 QQ-M-55 QQ-M-56 QQ-M-56 QQ-M-56 QQ-M-56 QQ-M-56 QQ-M-56 QQ-M-56 QQ-M-56 QQ-M-56A QQ-M-56B QQ-M-56B QQ-R-566 QQ-R-566 QQ-R-566 QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-32I QQ-W-343 QQ-W-343 QQ-W-343 QQ-W-343 QQ-W-343 QQ-Z-363 QQ-Z-363 WW-B-35I WW-P-377 WW-P-402 WW-T-575 WW-T-700/1 WW-T-700n WW-T-700/3 WW-T-700/4 WW-T-700/5 WW-T-700/6 WW-T-79I WW-T-79I WW-T-79I WW-T-825 WW-T-825 WW-T-825A WW-T-825B WW-V-1967 WW-V-1967 Bowmet Howmet Alloy Name C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-1Zn) C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) ZK60A AZ3IB.6Cu-2.08Si T-9047G Ti-6AI2Sn-4Zr-6Mo TI-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo T-9047GTi6Al-6V-2Sn Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn T-9047GTITi-7AI-4Mo 7AI-4Mo T-9047GTiTi-8AI-IMo-IV 8AI-IMo-IV T-9047GTiTI-13V-11Cr-3AI 13V-IICr-3AI T-9047G Ti-CP-70 Unalloyed Titanium. AZ91E AZ31B.5Pb) AZSOA ZK60A AZ6IA AZ3IB. Alclad 2024 5052 5086.0 (4.5 AlMg2. AZ9ID.5Mn AlMg5 AlMglO AlMgSiCu AlMnlCu AISi6Cu4 AlSi7Mg AISi12 AIZn6MgCu 1100 242.5 AlMg3 AlMg3.5Mo-6Zr-4.0 (4Cu-2Ni-2. ASTM Grade 2. UNSRS0700 Unalloyed Titanium. C11500. UNS RS0400 Unalloyed TItanium.0 (6Si-3. UNS R50250 Ti-5Al-2.3Fe-IAI-0. ASTM Grade I.40) AC4IA.5Sn Ti-5AI-2.25Fe-0.5Co-0.AZ3IC HM21A ZK60A AZ6IA AZSOA AMlOOA AZ63A AZSIA AZ91A. ASTM Grade I.5Sn Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) Unalloyed Titanium.5Cu-l. AZ31C C86800 C87300 (formerly C87200) Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Page 396 397 431 423 424 425 436 423 429 431 424 425 432 433 435 436 438 440 441 444 433 435 436 438 440 441 443 453 454 444 456 151 185 194 328 330 332 334 334 339 360 378 379 381 381 295 298 300 306 Page Designation Alloy Name ICI ICI-Cu-2-10780 ICI-Cu-2-10785 C82500 (97.5Pb-4.5V T-9047G Ti-3AI-8V6Cr-4Mo-4Zr TI-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) T-9047G Ti-4.75AI-0.5Sn Ti-5AI-2.08Si Unalloyed TItanium.5Sn Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade 2. Grade 4. Alclad 5056 520. Zn-4AI-lCu-0.5Mn) 390 C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-1.AZ91B.5Sn6Zr-11.5Sn Ti-8AI-IMo-IV Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-4V Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn Ti-7AI-4Mo Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Ti-13V-11Cr-3Al Ti-11.5Zn) 393 C92500 (87Cu-IISn-1Pb-1Ni) 394 C93700 (80Cu-IOSn-IOPb) 396 C93400 396 C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) 395 C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) 397 C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-IZn) 396 C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn-20Ni) 401 C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9Al) 398 C95300 (89Cu-IFe-IOAI) 398 C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-11AI) and C954IG99 C95500 (8ICu-4Fe-4Ni-11AI) 399 C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-IMn) 400 C95600 (9ICu-2Si-7Al) 399 C86400 (59Cu-0. Alclad 3003 319.lSi) 2014.5Sn 5AI-2.5Co-0. AZ9IB. Grade 4. Grade 4. C11400. UNS R50700 Ti-5AI-2.AZ91E AZ92A EZ33A HK3IA QE22A AZ63A AZSIA AZ91A. Alclad 2014 5005 5050 5052 514.95Cu-0. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.CI0500.5Sn TI-5Al-2. UNS R50400 Ti-6AI-4V Unalloyed Titanium.5V TI-13V-11Cr-3AI TI-I1. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) 393 ISO A199. ASTM Grade I. Alclad 5086 6061.5Sn Unalloyed TItanium.04O-0. ASTM Grade I.5Cu) 356.5Sn TI-6AI-2Nb-1Ta-0. Grade 4.5Mo-6Zr-4.5MlJ¥) C86tOO.5Mg) 295. UNS RS0250 Ti-5AI-2.08Si Unalloyed Titanium.95Cu-0.AZ3IC AZ61A AZSOA AZ91A.75Pb-37Zn1. Grade 4. ASTM Grade 2. ASTM Grade 3.3Mg) 413. AZ9ID.8Cu-5Sn-0. UNS R50700 Unalloyed Titanium.5Be) Unalloyed Titanium.AZ91E AZ92A EZ33A HK3IA HZ32A ZH62A ZKSIA QE22A ZK61A 1100 4043 5356 caiooo (95Cu-5Zn) C22000 (90Cu-IOZn) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C26800. UNS RS0250 Unalloyed Titanium.0.5Mo-6Zr-4.0 (7Si-0.05Mg AG40A. Alclad 6061 C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C28000 (60Cu-40Zn) C33000 (66Cu-33.0 (4Mg) 5154 5454 5086. ASTM Grade 3.0. Alclad 7075 151 249 250 155 185 186 187 264 191 194 191 189 188 265 201 180 252 257 263 221 Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo 517 7039 7039 7039 Ti-6A1-4V C82000 (97Cu-2. UNSRS0700 Ti-2 467 483 483 498 TI-6AI-4V Ti-11.5Sn T-9047GTi5AI-2. AZ91C.5Sn Ti-5AI-2.04Mg C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) cuoco (99.75Sn-0.96Cu+Ag-0. Aldad 3003 2024. C11600 (99.5Mo Ti-11. Alclad 3004 CIOIOOand C10200 1100 3003.5Sn T-9047GTITi-5AI-2.5Sn ELI T-9047G Ti-6Al2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0. A356.5Co-0. ASTM Grade 3.5Mo-6Zr-4.0ICd) C11300.0 (IOMg) 6061. UNS R50550 Unalloyed TItanium. Alclad 5086 5083 5056.5Sn Ti-8Al-IMo-IV 215 215 215 522 384 421 423 Martin Mar 306 616 615 332 300 182 295 151 180 159 187 191 201 332 341 343 425 431 424 423 391 392 517 Martin Mar MIL A-2277 I A-45225 A-46063 A-46077D C-19464 (Class I) F-83142 Comp I F-83142A Comp 2 F-83142AComp 3 F-83142A Comp 5 F-83142A Comp 6 F-83142A Comp 7 F-83142A Comp 8 F-83142A Comp 9 F-83 142A Comp 11 F-83142AComp 12 F-83142AComp 13 T-0946J Code CP-4 T-81556ACodeA-1 T-81556A Code A-2 T-81556A Code A-4 Alloy Name Page MIL Ingot code number 131 206 215 230 245 250 305 310 315 319 326 412 415 415 415 415 415 415E 420 Designation 472 483 483 498 522 522 536 541 517 572 559 T-81556A CodeAB-l T-81556A CodeAB-2 T-81556A CodeAB-3 T-81556A CodeAB-4 T-81556A CodeCP-1 T-81556A CodeCP-2 T-81556A CodeCP-3 T-81556A CodeCP-4 T-81915 Type I CompA T-81915 Type II CompA T-81915 Type ill CompA T-81915 Type ill CompB T-81915A T-9046J Code A-I T-9046J Code A-2 T-9046J CodeA-3 T-9046J Code A-4 T-9046JCodeAB-t T-9046J Code AB-2 T-9046J Code AB-3 T-9046J Code AB-4 T-9046J Code AB-5 T-9046J Code B-1 T-9046J Code B-2 T-9046J Code B-3 T-9046J Code CP-I T-9046J Code CP-2 T-9046J Code CP-3 T-9047G T-9047G SP-70 522 TI-6AI-4V 522 TI-6A1-6V-2Sn 536 TI-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.8Mo Ti-8AI-IMo-IV Ti-6AI-4V TI-6AI-4V TI-6AI-6V-2Sn TI-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.04O) ClllOO (99.6Be-0.95Cu-0.CI0700 cuooo (99.2P) C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-IONi) C75200 (65Cu-18Ni-17Zn) C75700 (65Cu-23Zn-12Ni) C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) CIOIOOand C10200 CI0400.0Cu AlCu4Ni2Mg2 AICu4Si AICu4SiMg AlMgl AlMg1. AZ9ID. UNSRS0700 492 T-9047GTiTi-3AI-2. AZ9ID. UNSRS0700 TI-7AI-4Mo 492 517 522 522 536 498 572 RMI 0.0 (lOMg) 319.5Ni-1Mg-1Cu) 355.5Cu-l.5Si-4.0 (8.01Cd) C113OO. UNSRS2250 Ti-o. A360.8Cu-5Sn-o.2Pd).5Sn TIMETAL 5-2.5Mg) 712. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) C87900 C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-l.01Cd) C464oo.50Be-2.5Mg) 356. Grade 11. ASTM Grade 3. Alclad 2219 343 Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) 563 Ti-13V-11Cr-3Al 572 TI-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Ti-6Al-4V 517 522 345 347 347 356 360 361 363 365 367 368 370 373 375 376 379 381 432 433 435 436 438 440 427 441 453 454 456 423 424 425 430 431 522 498 536 615 616 174 Thledyne AilVac Te1. Alclad 5086 5154 5252 5254 5454 5456 5652 6063 6066 6070 6101 6151 6201 6262 6463 7072 7075.5Sn 5AI-2.5Cr-0. Alclad 5056 5083 5086.2Pd Modified Ti (Ti-0.2Zn-0.0 (4.0.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys I 667 Designation OREMET Ti-4 Ti-5-2.0 (7Si-0.95Cu-0.5Cu-0. UNS R52400. UNS RS2400.5 ELI TI-5Al-2. ASTM Grade 3.0 (l2Si) 380.0.5Si-0. Alclad 3003 3004.0.0.2Ti) 514.3Co) C 17300 cnzco. ASTM Grade 2. AZ31C AZ61A AZ80A HM31A ZK60A Ti-6Al-4V Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn AG40A.0.8Mo TIMETAL 6-2-4-2 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O. ASTM Grade 12.5Zn-0.08Si Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo TI-6Al-4V Ti-6AI-4V TI-6Al-6V-2Sn Ti-8AI-1Mo-1V TI-13V-11Cr-3Al Unalloyed Titanium.3Cu-0.0.96Cu+Ag-OAO) C16200 (99Cu-1Cd) C17000 (98Cu-l.7Ag-0. Zn-4AI-1Cu-0.8Cu) 443.040-0. Zn-4AI-2. C114OO.0 (5. Grade 4. ASTM Grade I.5Co) C17600 C81800 (97Cu-l.8Zn-0. UNS RS2400. UNSRS2250 TI-3Al-2.5Cu-35. UNSRS2250 Ti-75A Unalloyed Titanium.1Si) 384.5Sn Ti-6Al-2Nb-lTa-0.95Cu-0.2Zn-2Pb). A356.7Be-0.5Cu-2. UNSRS2250 TI-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.5Pb-3. UNSR50700 TIMETAL 3-2.35Mg-0.04O) C11100 (99.0.5V TIMETAL 3-8-6-4-4 TI-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) TIMETAL 5-2.0.95Cu-0.2Zn-0. A360.5Pb) C34200 (62Cu-36.10Si 6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo 6AI-4V 6AI-4V-ELI 6AI-6V-2Sn 8AI-1Mo-1V 13V-11Cr-3AI 25 40 55 70 Ti-7AI-4Mo 467 469 471 472 541 SAE 38 303 304 305 306 308 309 310 320 321 322 323 324 326 330 380 382 383 510 921 J451 J452 J452 295. Alc1ad 7178 C54400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn-4Zn) C11100 (99.0 (9. ASTM Grade 1.2Pd). Grade 4.04Mg 6005 356. C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) cnzco.0 (1O.5Be) C17000 (98Cu-l.5Co-1Ag-OABe) C82200 (98Cu-1.5Co) C17600 C182OO. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 7.35Mn0.5Si-2.5Cu) 360.5Mg) 250 262 264 263 261 261 260 266 264 252 255 257 265 252 251 251 244 261 423 615 200 257 260 Designation SAE J453 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J454 J460 (791) J461 J461 J461 J461 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J462 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 (CA176) J463 J463 J463 J463 (CA220) J463 (CA230) J463 (CA240) J463 J463 AiloyName Page Designation AiloyName Page SAE 413.5 Ti-5AI-2. Grade 4. A356. A413.5Zn) C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-IPb-4Zn) C92500 (87Cu-11Sn-IPb-1Ni) C92700 (88Cu-10Sn-2Pb) C92900 (84Cu-10Sn-2. Zn-4AI-0. C11600 (99.50Be-2. 383 321 323 384 385 314 316 Modified TI (Ti-0. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.2P) C52100 (92Cu-8Sn) C54400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn-4Zn) C61400 (9ICu-7AI-2Fe) C62300 (87Cu-10AI-3Fe) C62400 (86Cu-llAl-3Fe) C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C70600 (9OCu-10Ni) C71000 (80Cu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C75200 (65Cu-18Ni-l7Zn) C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) AMIOOA AZ63A AZ81A AZ91A.5Mn) C87300 (formerly C872OO) C875OO.25TI) 383.0 (5Si-l. UNS RS2400.5Pb-4.0. A413. B443.5Ni-0.AlIVac Allvac6-4 Thledyne Rodney A35 A40 A40 A55 Unalloyed Titanium.3Mg) 360. UNSRS0700 TI-5Al-2.5Cu) 296.5Sn ED 6AI-2Cb-1Ta-1Mo 6AI-2Sn-4Zr2Mo-O.0 (9.0 (l2Si-2.2Pd).040-0.5Zn-3Pb) C464OO.6Mg-0.04Mg AC4IA.5Si-0. C466OO. ASTM Grade 2.0 (4.5Si) 20l. C443.5Cu-36AZn-l. A380.3Fe1Al-0. A384.6Cu-0.5Ni) C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-1Zn) C93700 (80Cu-IOSn-IOPb) C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9AI) C95300 (89Cu-1Fe-IOA1) C95500 (8ICu-4Fe-4Ni-11AI) C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-1Mn) C11000 (99. R53400 Modified Ti (Ti-0.0 (4.0 (1l.5V 3AI-8V-6Cr4Zr-4Mo 5AI-2. UNS R50550 467 469 472 471 TIMET Ti-0.5Sn TIMETAL 6-2-1 Ti-6AI-2Nb-lTa-0. UNS RS0550 Unalloyed Titanium.0 (5. C355.0 (12Si) 1060 1100 2011 2017 2024. UNS RS0700 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS RS0400 Unalloyed Titanium.0. Grade 11. Grade 7.8Pb) C35000 (65. Grade 7. AZ9IB.0 (8.AZ91E AZ92A EZ33A HK31A HK31A ZH62A ZK51A ZK61A AZ3IB.0.C465OO.8Ni.C86200 (64Cu-24Zn3Fe-5AI-4Mn) C86300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe-3AI-4Mn) C86500 (58Cu-39Zn-l.8Mo 563 483 483 488 TI-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0. Alclad 2024 2218 2618 3003. C35300 (62Cu-36.08Si TIMETAL 6-2-4-6 Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo TIMETAL6-4 TI-6Al-4V TIMETAL 6-4 ELI Ti-6AI-4V TIMETAL 6-4 STA TI-6AI-4V TIMETAL 6-6-2 Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn TIMETAL 6-6-2STA TI-6AI-6V-2Sn 474 472 478 563 483 483 488 492 517 522 522 522 536 536 .5 TI-3Al-2. C18400. Alclad 3004 3105 4032 4043 5005 5050 5052 5056. C465OO.7Be-0. Grade 4.5Cu) AZ3IB.5Cu) 308.0 (5. Alclad 7075 7178.08Si TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo Page 472 483 536 522 498 474 476 474 514 563 492 517 Resistance WeldIng Manufactnrers' Association Classll Classill Classill Class ill Classill Class IV Class IV C81400 C17500 (97Cu-0.5 Ti-6-6-2 Ti-6Al-4V TI-8-1-1 TI-11 Ti-12 Ti-17 Ti-17 Ti-38-6-44 Ti-6242 Ti-6246 AiloyName Unalloyed Titanium.5Sn Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn TI-6Al-4V TI-8Al-1Mo-1 V Modified TI (Ti-0.0.05Mg 2219.2Si-3. UNS RS0250 Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 11.2%Pd 3AI-2.0 (6Si-3.8Sn) C51000 (94.0.5Si-3.3Co) C 17300 C17500 (97Cu-0. Grade 7. A443.5Si-3.5Sn Ti-5Al-2.0 (4Mg) 336. 263 150 151 155 159 159 173 179 180 182 184 184 185 185 186 187 188 189 191 191 193 193 194 195 198 206 208 208 209 209 211 212 214 221 221 239 363 306 356 392 393 389 390 390 392 393 393 393 394 394 395 395 395 396 396 397 398 398 399 400 300 306 306 314 314 316 321 323 324 325 328 330 332 334 334 339 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J463 J465 J465 J465 J465 J465 J465 J465 J465 J465 J465 J465 J466 J466 J466 J466 J466 J467 J467 J467 J468 J468 J474 Ti-8-1-1 Ti662 (Alloy 903) (Alloy 925) Teledyne Tel-Ti-3AI-8V6Cr-4Mo-4Zr Tel-TI-BV11Cr-3AI C33000 (66Cu-33.3Mo-O.2Zn-l. C18500 (99Cu-1Cr) C18700 (99Cu-1Pb) C21000 (95Cu-5Zn) C22000 (9OCu-IOZri)' C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C268oo.5Cu) 380. AZ91C.0 (7Si-0.AZ31C AC43A.C466OO.8Sn) C87300 (formerly C872OO) C87900 C861OO. Grade 11. A380.2Si) 413.C46700 (60Cu-39.3Mg) 520.lPb) C36000 (6l.5V 474 478 TI-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta C) TI-5Al-2.2Pd). C115OO.C46700 (60Cu-39. ASTM Grade 2. B443.0 (1O.6Pb) C37000 C37000 (6OCu-39Zn-IPb) C37700 C37700 (6OCu-38Zn-2Pb) C38500 C38500 (57Cu-40Zn-3Pb) C40500 C40500 (95Cu-4Zn-l Sn) C40800 C40800 (95Cu-2Sn-3Zn) C41100 C41100 (9ICu-8. A380.0 (5.8Si-0.0.0 (11.3Cu-0.3Mg) 357.5Cu-11.C444OO. C27000 (65Cu-35Zn) C28000 (6OCu-40Zn) C28000 C31400 C31400 (89Cu-9. Grade 7.03P-0.6Cu-o.2P) C51100 C51100 (95.2Si-3.6Cu-0.0 (7Si-0. UNSR52250 Ti-0. Alclad 2219 2319 3003. C466OO.0 (4.0 (7.0.1Sn) C42500 C42500 (88. CI27oo.0. C11600 (99. C465OO. A357.2Pd).0. UNS R52400.06P) CI5710 CI5710 (99.I 6ZrO.5Cu-0.5Fe-0.0. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.8Cu-0.4Zn-0.87Cu-0.0 (4Cu-3Si) 242.0. RS3400 Ti-3AI-2.IZn-1.2Zn-1.0 (8Mg) 520.2Cu-0.0 (l2Si) 443. UNSR52250 TIMETAL50A Unalloyed Titanium.2Zn-2Pb).8Ni. A360.C465OO. C114OO.2Pd).2Cd) CI4500 CI4500 (99.85Cu-0.5Mg) 360.5Cu-9.0. A39O.95Cu-0.2P-0. A360. M43.5%Si-3.3Mo-0.0.5Cu-4.0 (5.ICd.5Si-0.3Be-0. A380. C443. UNS R524oo. A535. B535.8Cu-5Sn-0.25Ti) 208.0.3Sn) C61300 C61400 (9ICu-7AI-2Fe) C61400 C61500 (9OCu-8AI-2Ni) C61500 C62300 (87Cu-IOAI-3Fe) C62300 C62400 C62400 (86Cu-ll AI-3Fe) C62500 (82.668/ Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys Designation Alloy Name TIMET TIMETAL 7-4 TIMETAL 8-1-1 TIMETAL 10-2-3 TlMETAL 13-11-3 TIMETAL 15-3 TIMETALI7 TIMETAL35A Ti-2 Ti-3 Ti-4 Ti-7 Ti-ll Ti-12 Ti-325 Unalloyed Titanium.2Si) 712.CI0500.9Mg-0.5Zn-0.0 (7Zn-0.8Cu) 390. ASTM Grade 3.8AI-1.5Zn-2Sn) C43000 C43000 (87Cu-IO.Te) CI4700 CI4700 (99.3Fe-13AI) C62500 C63800 C63800 (95Cu-2.0 (5Si-1. Grade 11.7Sn) C50500 C50500 (98. B443.75Cu-0. ASTM Grade 12. Grade 11.IZn-1. UNSR50700 Modified Ti (Ti-0.7Cu-1.0.8Pb0.0 (8. UNS R50250 TIMETAL 35A Pd Modified Ti (Ti-0. A535.7Ag-0. Alc1ad 3003 3004.5Cr-0.0 (9Si-0.0 (5. Alc1ad 2014 2017 2024.03P) CI9200 CI9210 CI9210 (99.5Cu) 384.0 (4.5Sn) C41500 C41500 (9ICu-7.7Be-0.0 (11.3Zn-0. C18400.2Si-3.15Zr) CI5100 CI5100 (99.4Cu-3.0 (7Si-0.40) CI25oo.5Mg) C 10100 and CI0200 CI0300 CI0400.0 (l2Si) 244 248 249 250 251 252 252 255 257 259 259 260 261 261 262 262 263 264 264 265 265 266 267 267 268 252 257 259 260 261 262 262 263 A 14430 AI5350 A22950 A24430 A25350 A34430 M7120 A91050 A91060 A91100 A92011 A92014 An017 An024 A92048 A92124 A92218 A92219 A92319 A93OO3 A93OO4 A95OO5 A95050 A95052 A95056 A95086 A95154 A95252 A95254 A95356 A95454 A95456 A95457 A95652 A95657 A96oo5 A96oo9 A96010 A96061 A96063 A96066 A96101 A96151 A96201 A96205 A9635 I A96463 A97oo5 A97039 A97049 A97050 A97072 A97075 A97175 A97178 A97475 AC3540 cioioo. M13. CI27oo. A384.8Pb) C34900 (62Cu-37.8Ni.5CU-1. Grade 4.45) CI5000 CI5000 (99.0. C35300 (62Cu-36.5Zn-0.0%Cu-1.0.5Si-3. AIc1ad7178 7475 354.5Cu-38Zn-0.4AI203) 264 266 251 264 266 264 266 149 150 151 155 155 159 159 169 171 173 174 178 180 182 185 186 187 188 191 191 193 193 194 194 195 197 198 198 200 200 201 201 206 208 209 209 211 211 213 214 214 215 217 218 221 221 238 239 241 253 295 298 298 300 300 306 306 308 309 309 309 310 312 312 313 313 Designation Alloy Name UNS CI5735 CI6200 C17000 CI72oo.5Zn-1.5CU-I.0.0 (7Mg) 443.2Zn-1.CI0700 CI0800 cuooo (99. B535.3Sn) C51000 C51000 (94. C443. CI4310 CI43oo. A443. ASTM Grade I.5Cu) 383.5Si-2. CI43 10 (99.9Pb) C31600 C31600 (89Cu-8.2Sn-0.8Cr-0. ASTM Grade 12. A357.6Cu-4.8Sn) C4 I900 C41900 (9O.2AI203) C15720 C15720 (99.5Zn-0.5Cu) 332. A384.4Zn-I.5Si) 443. C355. C35300 C35300 (62Cu-36.0Si-4.0.50Be-2.5Mg) 295.ICr) cneoo 314 314 314 316 320 321 323 323 324 325 325 326 326 328 328 328 330 331 332 334 334 339 341 343 343 343 344 344 345 345 346 347 345 347 347 349 349 349 350 351 351 351 352 353 353 353 354 354 354 356 358 359 359 360 361 361 362 363 363 363 364 364 365 366 367 368 368 369 370 370 .0 (4Cu-2Ni-2.5Mg) 380.5Si-4.0.0 (7Mg) 296.6Pb) C33200 C33500 (65Ca-34.2Sn-ICu-INi) 336.1Si) 308.5Mg) 359. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.0 (l7.35Fe-0.8Co-0.3Pb) C34900 C35000 (65. C44400.0. C443. A535.0Si4.5Cu-0.4Zn-1. UNS R524oo.5Zn) C23000 (85Cu-15Zn) C23000 C24000 (80Cu-20Zn) C24000 C26000 (70Cu-30Zn) C26000 C268oo.0.04Mg) CI82oo.7AI203) CI6200 (99Cu-ICd) C17000 (98Cu-1.8Zn-0. Alclad 2024 2048 2124 2218 2219. C1l3OO.6Mg) 360.5Cu-12.35Zn-5.35Mn0.0.0.5Mg) 356.0%Mg) 355.13Cr) 850. C366OO.05Mg) (95Cu-5Zn) czrooc C22000 C22000 (9OCu-IOZn) C22600 C22600 (87. C367OO.5Cu) 319. Alc1ad 5086 5154 5252 5254 5356 5454 5456 5457 5652 5657 6005 6009 6010 6061. C466OO. C105OO.5Zn-3Pb) C365OO. Grade 11.0.12Zn) CI9500 (97Cu-1. UNSR50700 TIMETALCode 12 Ti-0.7Cu-4. C1I6OO C115OO.0. A356. C367OO. Alc1ad5056 5086.8Cu-0.8Pb) C35600 C35600 (62Cu-35. UNS RS0550 TIMETAL looA Unalloyed Titanium. ASTM Grade 2.IPCI9500 0.0 (7Si-0. Grade II.5Mg) 380.6Mg-0.0. Grade 7. C443. A390.2Sn) C43400 C43400 (85Cu-14.9Cu-0.0. C27000 C268oo.0 (IOMg) 535.0.2Si) 535. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0.0.C366OO. ASTM Grade 3.7Pb) C48500 C48500 (60Cu-37.2Ti) 1050 1060 1100 2011 2014.C35300 C34200 (62Cu-36.35Mg-0.6Sn) CI9700 (99.3Mo-0.5Zn-0. UNS R524oo.5Zn-2. A443.5Si) C65400 C65400 (95. CI28oo.0.0 (7Mg) 713.3Co) CI72oo. C128OO. A443.5Co) CI7500 (97Cu-0.96Cu+Ag-0.9Pb-INi) C33000 (66Cu-33.3Mg) 357.0 (6Si-3.040) cmoo C11100 (99.8Cu-0. UNS RS0550 Unalloyed Titanium.5Pb) C33500 C34000 C34000 (65Cu-34Zn-IPb) C342OO. UNS RS0400 TIMETAL 50A Pd Modified Ti (Ti-0. C129OO.97Cu-1.5Ni-iMg-lCu) 356. C44500 C44500 (7ICu-28Zn-ISn) C464OO.0 (5.5V 541 498 566 572 577 514 467 474 469 474 471 472 476 467 469 471 472 474 474 476 478 UNS A02010 A02080 A02420 A02950 A03080 A03190 A03320 A03550 A03560 A03570 A03590 A03600 A03800 A03830 A03840 A03900 A04130 A04430 A05140 A05180 A05200 A05350 A07130 A07710 A08500 A 13320 A 13560 A 13570 A 13600 A 13800 A13840 A 13900 A14130 Designation Alloy Name Page UNS Ti-7Al-4Mo Ti-8AI-IM(}-1V Ti-IOV-2Fe-3AI Ti-13V-lICr-3AI Ti-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn Ti-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4M(}-4Cr Unalloyed Titanium. Grade 4. ASTM Grade I.0 (l2Si-2.2Zn-0.5Zn-0.6Mg) 413.2Zn-1.IZr) CI5500 CI5500 (99.0Si-1.2Pd).2Zn-2Pb).3Cu-0. CI0200 CI0300 C104OO. AIc1ad3004 5005 5050 5052 5056.5Cu-0.IPb) C35000 C34200 (62Cu-36.0 (9.0 (17 .0 (4.5Cu-35. C13000 C13000 CI43oo.5Si-0. C365OO.8Sn) C48200 C48200 (60.7Sn) C443OO. B535.0Fe-0.15Sn) C42200 C42200 (87.5Si-3. M13. CI0700 CI0800 C11000 443.4OCo) C65100 C65100 (98.0.0 (9.0.2P) C52100 C52100 (92Cu-8Sn) C52400 C52400 (9OCu-IOSn) C54400 (88Cu-4Pb-4Sn-4Zn) C54400 C60600 (95Cu-5AI) C60600 C60800 C60800 (95Cu-5AI) C61000 (92Cu-8AI) C61000 C61300 (9OCu-7Al-0.5Cu) 384.03P) CI9400 C19400 (Cu-2. C464OO. C36800 C36800 (60Cu-39.l5Cu-0. C17300 C17410 (99. C17300 C17410 CI7500 CI7600 CI8100 Page CI5735 (99.8Zn-2.95Cu-0.0.0 (5.5Pb) C33000 C33200 (66Cu-32.040-0.90Cu-0. C129OO. C443OO. C1I4OO. 99.0 (7Si-0.0 (6.5Co) C17600 CI8100 (99Cu-0.5Cu-2.35Mg) 771.0 (9Si-I. A356.0. RS3400 TMCA Ti-I Page 201. CI25oo.0 (8. C46700 C46700 (6OCu-39.0.0ICd) C113OO.0.6FeCI9700 0. Grade 7. C182OO.8Cu) 390.0 (4Mg) 518. UNSR52250 TIMETAL65A Unalloyed Titanium.0 (9.5Sn-0. CI8500 (99Cu-ICr) CI8500 CI8700 CI87oo(99Cu-IPb) CI9200 (98.IFe-0.5Cu-36. C1I5OO.2Si) 535.4Zn-I.7Cu-0. Alc1ad 7075 7175 7178.0 (5. C18400.11Mg-0.2Si) 514. Grade 7. B443.0.6Mg) 413.6Cu-0.5Pb) C36000 C36000 (61. B443.2Pd).8Sn0. AIc1ad6061 6063 6066 6101 6151 6201 6205 6351 6463 7005 7039 7049 7050 7072 7075. 5Zn-4Si) C70400 (92. Grade 4. AZ9ID.5Sn TI-3AI-8V-6Cr-4M0-4Zr (Beta C) TI-5AI-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr AG4OA. Grade 11. AZ91C.025Mg ZA-12.AZ91B.Cross Reference to Nonferrous Alloys I 669 Designation Alloy Name Page UNS C65500 C68800 C69000 C69400 C70400 C70600 C71000 C71500 C71900 C72200 C72500 C74500 C75200 C75400 C75700 C77000 C78200 C8l300 C81400 C81500 C81800 C82000 C82200 CB2400 C82500 C82600 C82800 C83300 C86100.5Ni) C93200 (83Cu-7Sn-7Pb-3Zn) C93400 C93500 (85Cu-5Sn-9Pb-lZn) C93700 (80Cu-IOSn-lOPb) C93800 (78Cu-7Sn-15Pb) C95200 (88Cu-3Fe-9Al) C95300 (89Cu-lFe-lOA 1) C95400 (85Cu-4Fe-llAl) and C95410 C95500 (81Cu-4Fe-4Ni-llAI) C95600 (9ICu-2Si-7AI) C95700 (75Cu-3Fe-8Al2Ni-I2Mn) C95800 (82Cu-4Fe-9AI-4Ni-lMn) C96600 (69.3Mo-O. ASTM Grade 2. Grade 7. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. Zn-4Al-O. ASTM Grade 1.4Be) CB2000 (97Cu-2.5Cu-5Sn-1. AZ9lB.AZ9lE AZ92A AZ91A.7Zn-3.2Pd). AZ9ID.5Sn Ti-5AI-2. C87800 (82Cu-4Si-14Zn) CB7600 CB7610 CB7900 C92200 (88Cu-6Sn-1.75Al-0.AZ9lE AZ91A.5Co-IAg-0. C86200 C86300 C86400 CB6500 C86700 C86800 C87300 C87500.02Mg ZA-27.AZ91C.7Be-0.04Mg AG4OB.2Cu-2Be-0.AZ9lE AZ91A. C95410 C95500 C95600 C95700 C95800 C96600 C97300 C97600 C65500 (97Cu-3Si) C68800 (73.015Mg Page 19 35 37 38 37 33 19 117 117 117 105 119 102 99 98 467 467 467 469 467 469 471 472 474 474 474 476 483 483 483 483 492 492 498 488 517 478 478 522 522 522 541 572 559 563 514 615 615 616 616 616 616 615 615 617 617 617 617 618 618 .8Ni.AZ31C AZ61A AZ63A AZSOA AZSIA AZ91A.5Zn) C92300 (87Cu-8Sn-lPb-4Zn) C92500 (87Cu-l1Sn-1Pb-lNi) C92600 (87Cu-l0Sn-lPb-2Zn) C92700 (88Cu-lOSn-2Pb) C92900 (84Cu-lOSn-2.5Co0.OZn) C99500 C99750 5182 19-9DL Discaloy A-286 W-545 V-57 ZK60A AMl00A AZ3lB.6Mn) C70600 (9OCu-10Ni) C71000 (80Cu-20Ni) C71500 (70Cu-30Ni) C71900 (67.25Fe-o.5Be) C82400 (98Cu-I.5Ni-0.025Mg ZA-8.2Cu-30Ni-2. AZ9ID. Grade 7.08Si TI-8Al-IMo-IV TI-6AI-2Nb-ITa-0.5Cu-14.4Al0.25Si) CB2600 (97Cu-2. UNSRS0700 Modified Ti (Ti-o.5Ni-0. UNS RS0550 Unalloyed Titanium. C87800 C87600 C87610 C87900 C92200 C92300 C92500 C92600 C92700 C92900 C93200 C93400 C93500 C93700 C93800 C95200 C95300 C95400. UNSRS2250 TI-0.08Si TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O. UNS RS2400.2Cu-9.2Pd).75Pb37Zn-l. Zn-8AI-ICu-0.3Cu-22.75Sn-0.AZ91C.05Mg AC43A.4Cu-5.5Ni-l. ASTM Grade 3.5Sn TI-5AI-2. UNS R52400. L-605 S-816 Unalloyed Titanium. UNSRS2250 Modified Ti (Ti-o. Zn-27Al-2Cu-0.5Co0. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium.015Mg AG40B.5Pb-3. Zn-llAl-lCu-0.5Cu-30Ni-0. AZ9ID.6Cu-2.6Be-0. Zn-4Al-lCu-o. Zn-4Al-2. Zn-4AI-2.5Fe0.5Be) C97300 (56Cu-2Sn-l0Pb-20Zn12Ni) C97600 (64Cu-4Sn-4Pb-8Zn20Ni) 370 Designation UNS C97800 371 C99400 372 372 C99500 C99750 J95182 K63198 K66220 K66286 K66545 K66545 M1660 MI0l00 M11311 M1l312 M1l61O M1l630 M11800 M11810 M11910 373 373 375 376 377 378 378 378 379 380 381 381 382 383 383 383 384 384 385 386 386 387 388 389 389 390 390 390 391 391 392 393 392 392 393 393 394 394 395 395 395 395 396 396 396 397 398 398 399 399 399 400 400 400 401 401 M11912 M11914 M11916 Ml1920 M11921 M12330 Ml3210 M13310 M13310 Ml3312 Ml3320 M16330 MI64lO M16510 Ml6610 M16620 M16630 M16631 M16710 M18220 M18410 M18430 N0660 NOOOOI N06002 N06102 N06230 N06455 N06601 N06625 N07001 N07031 N07041 N07080 N07090 N07263 N07500 N07702 N07716 N07718 N07721 N07722 N07750 N08330 N08800 N08801 N09706 N09901 N09925 Alloy Name C97800 {66. Grade 11.04Mg ZA-12. AZ9lB.4AlO. Zn-4Al-0.5Cr) C72500 (88. AZ91C. AZ9lB.5Sn Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-O.4Be-0. UNS R52400. AZ91C.AZ9lE AZ91A.0Fe1.5V TI-6Al-4V TI-6AI-4V TI-6Al-4V Ti-7Al-4Mo TI-13V-llCr-3Al TI-l1.015Mg AC41A.8Cr) C72200 (83Cu-16. RS3400 Ti-5Al-2. Zn-4AI-0. Grade 7.AZ91B. Zn-llAI-lCu-0.5Co) CB2800 (96.7Zn-3. C86200 (64Cu-24Zn-3Fe-5AI-4Mn) CB6300 (64Cu-26Zn-3Fe3Al-4Mn) CB6400 (59Cu-0.2Si-3.05Mg AC41A.3FelAl-0.3Si) CB3300 CB6100. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50250 Unalloyed Titanium. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.5Sn TI-5Al-2.4Cu-2. ASTM Grade 2.AZ31C AZ3lB.6Ni) C69400 (81.5Co-O.2Pd).2Al-1.5Mn) C86700 CB6800 CB7300 (formerly C87200) CB7500.4Co) C69000 (73.5Be) C82200 (98Cu-1.2Ni-2. Zn-4Al-lCu-o.3Sn) C74500 (65Cu-25Zn-lONi) C75200 (65Cu-18Ni.5Cu-0.5Mn) CB6500 (58Cu-39Zn-I. ASTM Grade 12.5Pb2Zn-25Ni) C99400 {9O.5Pb4. Zn-27Al-2Cu-0. Zn-8AI-lCu-(l.8Mo TI-6Al-2Sn-4Zr:6Mo TI-3AI-2.5Cu-22. AZ9ID.5V TI-3AI-2. Zn-4AI-O.015Mg ZA-27.5Ni-2. ASTM Grade I.02Mg ZA-8. UNSR52250 Modified Ti (Ti-0. ASTM Grade I.5Cu-0.04Mg AC43A.3Co) CB2500 (97. Grade 11. ASTM Grade I.17Zn) C75400 (65Cu-2OZn-15Ni) C75700 (65Cu-23Zn-12Ni) C77000 (55Cu-27Zn-18Ni) C78200 (65Cu-25Zn-8Ni-2Pb) CBl300 CB1400 CB1500 CB1800 (97Cu-1.04Mg AG4OA. UNS R50400 Unalloyed Titanium.5Mo-6Zr-4. AZ91E EZ33A HM21A HK31A HK31A HM3IA HZ32A EQ21 ZE41A ZK51A ZK61A ~2A 3A ZC63 Ze71 QE22A WE54 WE43 Inconel600 HastelloyB HasteUoyX IN 102 Haynes 230 Hastelloy C-4 Inconel601 Inconel625 Waspaloy Pyromet31 Rene 41 Nimonic80A Nimonic90 C-263 Udimet500 Inconel702 Custom Age 625 PLUS Incone1718 Inconel721 Inconel722 Inconel X 750 RA-330 Incoloy 800 Incoloy 801 Inconel706 Incoloy 901 Incoloy 925 Page 401 401 402 402 192 119 120 108 112 112 431 432 423 423 424 433 425 435 Designation UNS N09979 Nl0002 Nl0003 Nl0004 N10276 NI0665 Nl3100 N19903 N19907 N19909 R30035 R30155 R30188 R30605 R30816 RSOl00 RS0120 RS0125 436 RSOl30 436 RS0250 436 RS0400 436 438 RS0550 RS0700 436 440 429 427 441 430 443 439 450 454 456 453 452 450 431 444 448 447 81 33 38 25 40 36 88 88 76 59 63 60 62 59 69 41 40 41 59 59 30 120 112 114 29 26 118 R52250 R52400 R52401 R53400 RS4520 R54521 R54522 RS4523 R54620 RS4621 RS4810 R56210 R56260 RS6320 RS6321 R56400 R56401 R56402 RS6740 RS8010 R58030 R58640 R58650 Z33520 Z33521 Z33522 Z33523 Z35530 Z35531 Z35540 Z35541 Z35630 Z3563 I Z35635 Z35636 Z35840 Z3584 I Alloy Name D-979 HastelloyC HastelloyN HastelloyW Hastelloy C-276 Hastelloy B-2 In 100 Incoloy 903 Incoloy907 Incoloy 909 MP35N N-155 Haynes 188 Haynes 25. 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