HSVF Trouble Manual(Ver-0) 20111223

March 25, 2018 | Author: Reynold Suarez | Category: Elevator, Power Supply, Manufactured Goods, Electrical Equipment, Electrical Components



Hyundai Elevator Co., Ltd.HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.0 2011.12.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL This manual is the property of Hyundai Elevator Co., Ltd and is loaned subject to return upon demand. Contents of this publication shall not be reproduced in any form without written permission of Hyundai Elevator Co., Ltd. HYUNDAI ELEVATOR CO., LTD. Rev. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 - 1 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) Hyundai Elevator Co., Ltd. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.0 2011.12.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ·············································································································································· 3 1-1. Main feature ············································································································································· 3 2. INSTALLATION ·················································································································································· 3 2-1. Safety ························································································································································ 3 3. BOARDS ADJUSTMENT ································································································································· 5 3-1. MCU Board & PIO Board Adjustment ······························································································· 5 3-2. GIO Board Adjustment ·························································································································· 6 3-3. TNP Board Adjustment ·························································································································· 8 3-4. CCB-7 Board Adjustment ·················································································································· 10 3-5. OPB-340 Board Adjustment ·············································································································· 11 3-6. HPI/HIP CAN Board Adjustment ······································································································· 12 3-7. Voice Synthesizer ································································································································· 15 3-8. CPI-CAN Board Adjustment ··············································································································· 16 3-9. LS Board Adjustment ··························································································································· 17 4. INSPECTION OPERATION ························································································································· 18 4-1. Brake line connection ························································································································· 18 4-2. Power line connection ························································································································ 18 4-3. Motor line connection ························································································································· 18 4-4. Check points after turning on the power ······················································································· 18 4-5. Operate Inspection ······························································································································· 19 5. INITIALIZING OPERATION ························································································································· 20 5-1. Purpose ·················································································································································· 20 5-2. Check subjects ···································································································································· 20 5-3. Operating Procedure ···························································································································· 21 5-4. Cautious Subjects ································································································································ 21 5-5. Initialization Flow Chart ····················································································································· 22 6. LOAD COMPENSATING DEVICE SETUP ······························································································ 23 6-1. Purpose ·················································································································································· 23 6-2. Procedure ··············································································································································· 23 Rev. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 - 2 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) Hyundai Elevator Co., Ltd. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.0 2011.12.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : 1. INTRODUCTION * The manual describes the troubleshooting method of Hyundai "HSVF" elevator system. * In this manual, elevator troubles are explained in two cases i.e. * "Condition of operation impossible" means the impossible state of starting and running of elevator by certain causes of troubles. * "Condition of operation possible" means the possible state of running, but normal service for passenger's is not made by several causes of troubles. * As troubles are describes by trouble modes and causes of troubles and troubleshooting methods are explained. * This manual shall be helpful for prompt and accurate troubleshooting of the troubles that could happen at jobsite. * System power and Boards are explained in "HSVF INSTALLATION MANUAL AND ADJUSTMENT MANUAL" * HHT use methods are explained in "HSVF HHT MANUAL". Rev. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 - 3 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) Car I/O. Group I/O. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . HHT Main Menu EL. INFO Version information PIO I/O. IN/OUT 2. RMS I/O. CAN STATUS.4 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .12.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : 2. 2) Push "ESC" and "ENTER" key for 1 seconds simultaneously. Ltd.STATUS Remark Total Information Mode 1. Erasing records.. EXT I/O Error. ID 0. 4) Please refer to "STVF7 HHT MANUAL". HHT Main Menu] Rev. Initialization. INVERTER I/O. Factory test. HHT initial menu is displayed normally. Call I/O.0 2011. TROUBLESHOOING METHOD WITH HHT 2-1. Time set up. SETUP 4. Error records. Device set up. 3) Then. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. Connection and initialization of HHT 1) Connect HHT to MCU "H8" connector at elevator stopped.Hyundai Elevator Co. ERROR 3. Load set up [Table 1. Hall Error Spec. MANAGEMENT Field test. change. Count E/L running times 5. OG Openning RG Rear Door Openning OP Open RO Rear Door Open CG Closing RC Raer Door Close CD Close ↑: Up. • : Stop. In-Car inspection Mv independent op. DLA (Space) : Service Floor.4 column 1v 1v 1v 1v 1v 1v 2v 2v 5c 6c 7c 8.No error. Total Information Mode] Rev. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . Pk Parking op. Total Information Mode C 1 3 5 6 7 8 11 15 16 V Position 1verse 1. Ltd. * : non-Service Floor No Au In On Elevator Status Door Status Direction Door zone sensor Non-Stop Floor Absolute Floor Floor display Total Floor Error display Current time Floor display on Indicator ---: --.5 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .3c 11~15c 1 A u C D ↑ ≡ 2 F 6 8 Commit 2 ( B 1 ) / 3 3 [ 0 9 : 2 5 ] Display no mode F1 1st fireman op.16c 1. DZ. ↓: Down ULA.Hyundai Elevator Co.0 HSVF Trouble manual HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL 2011. auto F2 2nd fireman op.9c 11~12c 15. Fi Initialization Eq Earthquake op. Fxx: Fxx error code Hour : Minute [Table 2.2 column 1verse 3..2. On-Car inspection Ep Emergency op.23 Document Number : 2-2. Machine room Emergency Mc El inspection Landing op.12. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. Rp Sub brake in Fr Fireman Return Ar Arrange op. . check that "PIO Input[0]" is whether .E 7 .. 41. PIO Input) SIGNAL NAME (a) HHT PIO Input [0] PIO Input [1] PIO Input [2] ① ② ③ ④ ① ② ③ ④ ① ② 8 bit8 MDN DLS MC2I BKB PDN 4 bit7 MUP PLDL MCI FMR2 PUP 30B BKS (b) 2 1 8 bit5 bit4 bit6 AUTO BKOP MCS PLDH PLDM PLUM ELDI EQP EQS RDZ FDZ EMPO PHAND PAUTO RNBL ZSP RUN DLD 4 bit3 40 PLUH PARK HOME WLS 2 bit2 41 PLUL FMR ATS PDLS 1 bit1 29 ULS RBKI MT CTOL DLA DZ ULA [Table 3.. If door zone sensors are in good condition.Hyundai Elevator Co. If limit switches are in good condition.6 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) . PLDH. PLUL. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. DZ. Ltd.. PLDL. ZSP) Rev..12.. check that "PIO Input[2]" is whether . (DLS. (MCS..... 40. (DLA.7 or not. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . PLUH.2 7 or not. check that "PIO Input[0]" is whether ..A - or not. 29) b. (2) PIO Input (1.- or not... IN/OUT >> 1-1.23 Document Number : 2-3.1 PIO input status P I O I N P U T ( 0 0 X 0 0 C 2 0 0 1 ) 7 PIO Input (0) mode DATA : 32bit hex value (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) ④ ③ ② ① ①-(b) ①-(a) ③-(b) ③-(a) : : : : 7 1 2 C => => => => 29. If elevator is in machine room inspection. If inverter is in good condition at stopped.. IN/OUT MODE (1) Method of checking IN/OUT status ex) : 1.MC2I : ON * It is same as the other in/out mode... (30B..0 HSVF Trouble manual HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL 2011. ULS) c. ULA) d. check that "PIO Input[2]" is whether .41..40 : ON AUTO : ON FMR : ON MCI... PIO Input] a. ...E (MC2. Car Input) HHT FC5 OL DCS CarSigIn [0] NDZ FULL ODD FC3 L70 DCB EVEN Signal Name FR2 FR1 ONDN ONUP ONS L30 EE SE DCL DOL DOB INS AUTO EACH MOVE PASS ATT PWR CarSigIn [1] REE CarSigIn [2] RDCS RSE RDCL RDOL RDCB RDOB CarSigIn [3] [Table 5..0 HSVF Trouble manual HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL 2011.. If elevator is stopped.. Ltd. IN/OUT >> 1-3. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. RBK.. (FWD. MC1... PIO Output) HHT XRLY PIO Output [0] MFAN SIGNAL NAME REV FWD MC2 SPO2 SPO1 ELDO MC1 BRKC RBK BRKB RST BRKA ALARM INIT [Table 4. MC1. check that "Car Input[0]" is whether ... (DOB) Rev... Car Input] a. If door open button is pushed.. MC2. PIO Output] a. RBK) b....1 F (FWD... RBK. (MC1. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 ...- or not. check that "Car Input[0]" is whether . If inspection switch on the cage is on..1 7 * SSVF7 : or not. If elevator is moving upward....1 or not. check that "PIO Output[0]" is whether . (ONS) b..23 Document Number : (3) PIO Output (1... MC1. BRKA) . IN/OUT >> 1-2.1 ...12.. BRKA) (4) Car Input (1.6 * SSVF7 : or not.Hyundai Elevator Co... check that "PIO Output[0]" is whether .7 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) . RBK) . 0 2011..Hall Status * normal : 0x0000000C * abnormal : 0x80000044 Normal/Front Hall detected ID 1~32 floor HallScan1 1-32 HallScan1 33-64 HallScan2 1-32 HallScan2 33-64 (Detected Hall ID bit is displayed "1") * example 8 floor = 0x000000FF * example 15 floor = 0x00007FFF Normal/Front Hall detected ID 33~64 floor Handicap/Rear Hall detected ID 1~32 floor Handicap/Rear Hall detected ID 33~64 floor Detected ID of OPB board : *0xHGFEDCBA Car Scan H G F E D C B A -- ExIO2 ExIO1 LS OPB4 OPB3 OPB2 OPB1 [Table 7.Hyundai Elevator Co. CAN Status) HHT CAN. Car Output) HHT CarSigOut [0] LTR DST VEQ CarSigOut [1] UDST DUP Signal Name FST FDR VOL LED3 DLOCK VWEL VFR DDN BN2 VCL VOP FR2R LED2 CLR LED1 OPR OLBZ VFD VIP NUDGR LED4 RNUGR RCLR ROPR REAR VCNCL RDOOR FDOOR CarSigOut [2] CarSigOut [3] [Table 6.Car Status Commit Car part CAN status register value : * normal : 0x0000000C * abnormal : 0x80000044 Hall part CAN status register value : CAN. Car output] (6) CAN Status (1. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.8 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) . Ltd. CAN Status] Rev.23 HSVF Trouble manual HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL Document Number : (5) Car Output (1. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . IN/OUT >> 1-4. IN/OUT >> 1-D.12. 11 0 0 2 F 1 1 F11 occurrence s e t 0 9 0 2 1 7 .1 Error List Error occurrence / cancellation list 2.12. ERROR MENU ID HHT Display Commit 2.9 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .Clear the total 64 error records. Ltd.ERROR >> 2.1 Error List) . 17 15:55:47.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : 2-4.0 2011. cancellation time in regular sequence. 2.The total number of recorded lists is 64.3 Clear Error Hall Error Clear error occurrence / cancellation list Hall board error [Table 8.ERROR >> 2. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. .1 5 5 9 5 8 . Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . ERROR MENU] 1) Error List (2. 17 15:59:58. 2. ex 1) 2009. 1 1 ex 2) 2009.Error list is recorded with error code.Hyundai Elevator Co. ex) Clear Error /Cln Error List? → push →select "yes" using C l n E r button button → push r o r L i ▶ button s t ? Y e s Rev.2 Clear Error) .1 5 5 5 4 7 . occurrence time.2 2.. 8 7 2) Clear Error (2.87 0 0 1 F 1 1 F11 cancellation c l r 0 9 0 2 1 7 . DATA is displayed “0x00000000”..ERROR >> 2. HHT HallErr. .1 33-64 HallErr.1 0 1 0 4 3 2 1 floor 0 0 1 1 * If there is no hall error. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .8 7 6 5 DATA "A3 " ---. Ltd. 2.3 2 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 3 DATA : 32bit hex value 25~3217~24 9~16 1~8 “ 0X000000A3 " ---. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.Hyundai Elevator Co.2 33-64 Commit Normal/Front Hall error 1~32 floor Normal/Front Hall error 33~64 floor Handicap/Rear Hall error 1~32 floor Handicap/Rear Hall error 33~64 floor ex) Hall ID error is detected at 1. Refer to "STVF7 ADJUSTMENT MANUAL".3 Hall Error) . 6.Undetected or dis-order hall board ID bit is displayed "1". Rev.12.Check the hall board.23 Document Number : 3) Hall Error (2.2 1-32 HallErr.0 HSVF Trouble manual HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL 2011. 8 floor H a l l E r r .1 1-32 HallErr. 1 Hall Err.10 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .1 1-32 mode 1 . Check “X29” relay of TNP board. . .1 basic>>31b Field>>B01 Total FL Num .stop running → impossible to move in any operation . Rev. .Elec. RUN" of inverter. 3B.Available running time error State . F21 Running Time Error .W.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “29” .Check H2.IN/OUT >> 1.SETUP>>3.SETUP>>3. auto operation and etc.IN/OUT >> 1. DC24V.Check power supply DC110V.HHT : 3. 4A Reference . State .Check switches of safety line.Impossible to move in inspection.Check the DPRAM cable from MCU H6 to inverter CN7.Check the signal "BKS.HHT : 3..Check HHT 1. Check Point . .diagram : COL 1A. Check Point . 1B.Hyundai Elevator Co.H3 cable between PIO board and TNP board.Elec.DPRAM cable error between MCU and inverter Reference . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. . ERROR CODES F11 Safety Line Error .MCU Bd HHT : 1. .Check the signal "FWD/REV" transmission from MCU to inverter.12.W. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .Check the DPRAM cable shield and ground.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : 3.Check inverter HHT "MONITOR>>Floor data>>1F ~ top floor.. Ltd. Point . F31 State DPRAM Error .11 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .Check total floor data between MCU and inverter. 1C Check . 3C.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] "29" .0 2011.Check brake operation.diagram : COL 3A.Safety line error(when elevator is stopped).1 basic>>31b Field>>B43 ATStall Time Reference . 4A Reference .Check PIO board. but "MC2" contactor is not off. but FWD/REV signal output to inverter.diagram : COL 1A.MCU HHT : 1.3". 1B.MCU HHT : 1.2.Check "MC2" contacts have welded or not Check .diagram : COL 4A Reference .stop running → "MC1" contactor off (turning inverter off) .(in inspection) MCU commands to stop.1 PIO Input>>PIO Input[0] "MC2I" .2 PIO Output>>PIO Output[0] "MC1" Check Point . Rev.Check "MC2" contactor connection.Hyundai Elevator Co.IN/OUT>>1.Elec.Impossible to move in any operation. Ltd.1 PIO Input>>PIO Input[0] "MCI" ."RUN" Check . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. Point .MCU HHT : 1.MCU commands "MCX2" off. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . Point .1 PIO Input>>PIO Input[2] "ZSP".Check "FWD".2 PIO Output>>PIO Output[0] "FWD".W..12 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .0 2011.MCU HHT : 1.Elec.Impossible to move in any operation. .W. State . .IN/OUT>>1.MCU commands "MCX1" on. 3C.2 PIO Output>>PIO Output[0] "MC2" .12. State . 1C Reference ."REV" signal of HHT and relay of PIO board.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F41 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : FWD/REV Error .IN/OUT>>1.diagram : COL 1C.IN/OUT>>1.Check "MC1" contactor connection. .Check PIO board. State .W.Check inverter HHT "MONITOR>>I/O>>Y1. F61 "MC2" Contactor Stuck Error .IN/OUT>>1. but "MC1" contactor is not on."REV" .MCU HHT : 1.Elec. .MCU HHT : 1. . F51 "MC1" Contactor Error .Check "MCX2" relay of TNP board.IN/OUT>>1.Check "MCX1" relay of TNP board. 0 2011. . F81 Watchdog Error . (DC 5V) .MCU HHT : 1.Impossible to move in inspection.Check switches of safety line.. .MCU "WDOG" LED Check Point . Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . 4A Reference .Check H2.Elec. Ltd. ..Check HHT 1.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “29” .Check power supply DC110V. State . Reference .12.Check power supply AC 220V.IN/OUT >> 1.Hyundai Elevator Co. auto operation and etc.None Check Point .H3 cable between PIO board and TNP board.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F71 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Safety Line Error (While Running) .Displayed at that time of booting the MCU board Reference .Repair the MCU board F91 State MCU Board Reset . DC24V.MCU board fault State .Impossible to move in inspection. 3C.Check “X29” Relay of TNP board. . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.13 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .1 PIO Input>>PIO Input[0] "29" .IN/OUT>>1.Check the push button "RESET" Rev. 3B..Safety line error (when elevator is running).W.diagram : COL 3A. Check Point . auto operation and etc.Check power input connector "CM1" of MCU board. Check the floor data of inverter "MAX FLOOR".W..12.Elec.0 2011.diagram : COL 3A.MCU HHT : 1. 1B. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . .Elec.diagram : COL 1A.14 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .W.MCU HHT : 3.inverter HHT : PROGRAM>>CONTROL>>MAX FLOOR Check . .Check TH1. DLS” Reference . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.Check DPRAM cable.Floor data error between MCU and inverter . State .Floor data error in auto operation. F42 State Initialization Error . 3B . shield and ground.Check MT relay. F22 Floor data Error . . .Motor thermal activates in running → F12 → move to near door zone .IN/OUT >> 1.Check the door zone sensor input.After initialization.Inverter HHT : MONITOR>>BASIC>>INIT OK : PROGRAM>>CONTROL>>MAX FLOOR Check Point .diagram : COL 4A (CCS/MT) Reference Check Point .Check the limit switch position.THC with tester.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F12 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : MT_Thermal / CCS Switch Error . Ltd. inverter don't output high operation signal to MCU.Hyundai Elevator Co.Check CCS switch. .Elec.SETUP>>3. .W. 1C Reference .Check floor data between MCU and inverter.Impossible to move in auto operation.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “MT” .IN/OUT >> 1. . Point .1Basic>>31b Field>>B01 Total FL Num .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “ULS.Possible to move in inspection.Compensation chain switch activates in running → F12 occurs State → move to near door zone . Rev.MCU HHT : 1. State .MCU HHT : 1. . 3B Reference .IN/OUT >> 1.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “ULS. Ltd.Check the limit switch position. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .Elec.0 2011.W.12.Check the door zone sensor input.IN/OUT >> 1.MCU HHT : 1.Check the limit switch signal. PLUM. 3B.Elec. F72 State Long Creeping Error .MCU HHT : 1. .W.ULA” Check Point .DZ.Check the floor data of inverter "MAX FLOOR".1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] “DLA. the number of door vane is different from total floor data.diagram : COL 3A.Pulse compensation error (±500mm) in auto operation. DLS” . .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “PLUH. . PLDM” Check Point .IN/OUT >> 1.Creeping time is over 15 seconds in auto operation . ? . 4A Reference . F62 Vane Count Error .Check the door vane and sensor input. PLDH.diagram : COL 4A Reference .Possible to move in inspection.IN/OUT >> 1.Check the limit switch position..F42 → move to near door zone .In initialization.Check the limit switch position.15 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) . State . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.Inverter HHT : MONITOR>>FLOOR DATA>>CURRENT POSITION Check Point .Elec.Check the floor data of inverter "MAX FLOOR". . .23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F52 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Pulse Error .MCU HHT : 1.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] “ULA.W.Redo the initialization Rev.diagram : COL 3A. DLA” .Hyundai Elevator Co. Point .MCU commands to stop communication as noise.MCU HHT : 1. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. F43 PCB WatchDog Error .D CAN Status>>CAN.OPB line is correct.IN/OUT>>1. State . F43 set. Reference . State .Possible to move in inspection.0 2011.MCU HHT : 1.. State . Reference . but communication data error occurs.Possible to move in inspection.Check ground condition of machine room.Check communication line and OPB board.Check line noise and OPB board. Reference .D CAN Status>>CAN. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .D CAN Status>>CAN. Point . Ltd.Repair or update the OPB-340 board.None Check Point .Car Status Check . F63 OPB Communication Error .23 F13 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : OPB Line disconnection Error . .12.In stopping condition.Possible to move in inspection.Car Status" : 0x000000** (normal) : 0x800000** (abnormal) F23 OPB bus off Error . impossible to move in auto operation.Car Status Check .MCU HHT : 1.IN/OUT>>1.Check the OPB line and OPB board. Reference . (all dip switches must be off) Rev.Check OPB board dip switch.16 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .Hyundai Elevator Co.OPB line disconnection error State .Possible to move in inspection.IN/OUT>>1.Car Status Check Point .HHT "CAN. . Ltd.0 2011.all communication signal of rear OPB are none Reference .MCU Bd HHT : 5. SETUP >> 3.1 Version >> 51f OPB.Hyundai Elevator Co.2 Check Point . USE Rev.12.Check rear OPB LD1 (LED flickering) and LD2 (DC 24V) .Check rear OPB ID (DIP Switch 4 on.2 Device >> 32a OPB2.17 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .MCU Bd HHT : 3. REAR/INFO >> 5. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .23 F83 State HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : OPB Communication Error (Penetration Type) . 3~1 off) . Interlock or gate switch jumper when car door is open fully.Check "CT4". Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .IN/OUT >> 1.Check hatch door interlock switch and gate switch.W.Elec. .Check door sill and obstacles. 4A Reference . F24 State Door Jumper Error .MCU HHT : 1. F34 State DCL Error .Check "DCL" signal and sensor state. 41” . 4A Reference Check Point .IN/OUT >> 1. .IN/OUT >> 1.0 2011. Rev.Elec.diagram : COL 3A. . "CT5" connectors status of TNP board.18 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) . . 3C.F14 → impossible to move in any operation.MCU HHT : 1.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “40. . Ltd. .Check "X40".Check "CC13" connector of CCB-7 board. 3C.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “40.diagram : COL 3A. .MCU HHT : 1.23 F14 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Door Error (In running) .W.W.Check "CT4".IN/OUT >> 1. DCL” Check Point ..MCU HHT : 1.No "DCL" signal input after trying to close 3 times. "CT5" connectors status of TNP board. "X41" relays status of TNP board. 6C Reference Check Point . 3B.3 Car Input >> CarSigIn [0] “DOL.diagram : COL 6A. 6B. .Check "X40". 41” . "X41" relays status of TNP board.Interlock switch or gate switch is not on while elevator running.12. .Hyundai Elevator Co.Check hatch door interlock switch and gate switch. 3B.Elec.3 Car Input >> CarSigIn [0] “DCL” . State . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. MCU commands to move E/L for next floor. Ltd. MCU commands to move E/L State for lobby.Elec. "X41" relays status of TNP board.MCU HHT : 1.IN/OUT >> 1.MCU HHT : 1.3 Car Input >> CarSigIn [0] “DCL” .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “40.1 Basic >> 31c Nonstop >> C05.And if E/L can't open the door again.W. 3B.SETUP >> 3. F64 Door Open Error (Penetration Type) . 6B.IN/OUT >> 1.MCU HHT : 1.3 Car Input >> CarSigIn [0] “DCL” Check Point . .RDCL" signal and sensor state. close . ..diagram : COL 6C .Check door sill and obstacles.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “FDZ.W.3 Car Input >> CarSigIn [2] “RDCL” .IN/OUT >> 1.MCU Bd HHT : 3.After trying to open 3 times. 3C.RDZ” Reference .12. 4A.Check "DCL.Check "CC13" connector of CCB-7 board. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. .3 Car Input >> CarSigIn [0] “DOL” . Check .MCU HHT : 1. DCL signal fault before E/L start to move State .19 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) . 6C Reference . 6A. gate.Check "DCL" signal and sensor state.Then F44 error occurs. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . 6B. F54 Door Close Error (before E/L start to move) .C06 RearNonStp Rev.0 2011.Front door opened at rear door zone in condition of arrange mode State .Check "FDZ. .IN/OUT >> 1.41” .Check "CT4".Check "DOL" signal and sensor state.Hyundai Elevator Co.IN/OUT >> 1.MCU Bd HHT : 3. .C04 Point FronNonStp .W.diagram : COL 3A.F54 → cancel calls → open.diagram : COL 6A.Elec.Interlock.IN/OUT >> 1.Rear door opened at front door zone in condition of arrange mode .MCU HHT : 1. RDZ" signal and door zone sensor state.Check "X40". 6C Reference Check Point . . .23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F44 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Door Open Error .SETUP >> 3. "CT5" connectors status of TNP board.Elec. .MCU HHT : 1.1 Basic >> 31c Nonstop >> C03. SETUP >> 3.MCU HHT : 3.1 Basic >> 31b Field >> B46 BuzzerOption >> F94 Enable Check Point .Check the lining state of brake.F94 → impossible to move in any operation.F74 → sub brake activated (RBK off) → stop .W.Check PIO Input [0] "MCI" signal off F94 Impossible To Move After Door Error (In running) .12.0 2011. COL4A Reference .20 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .MCU HHT : 4. (RBKIN) .IN/OUT >> 1.MCU Bd HHT : IN/OUT / PIO Input / PIO Input [0] "MCI" . State . 4C Reference . (Russian national code) .3 FieldTest >> 43b RopeBrkReset . COL3C.Impossible to move in any operation .W.Check the brake spring setting. 3B.Elec. Rev. . . .Check "CT4"..Check "CT51" connector of TNP board. State . "CT5" connectors status of TNP board. .E/L moves to a out of door zone without "FWD.MCU HHT : 1.Check PIO Output [0] "MC1" signal off .MCU HHT : 1.23 F74 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Abnormal Running Error (in a state of door open) .REV" signal. "MCI" signal is not off as MC1 contactor stuck.Interlock switch or gate switch is not on while elevator running.Elec.MCU Bd HHT : IN/OUT / PIO Output / PIO Output [0] "MC1" Check Point .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “40.MANAGEMENT >> 4.diagram : COL 3A.Check "X40".diagram : COL2A. "X41" relays status of TNP board.IN/OUT >> 1.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “RBKI” . State . Check Point .Check the gate and hatch interlock switch while E/L is running.Though F74 Error happened.Hyundai Elevator Co.Impossible to move in any operation.diagram : COL 3A. 3B.Elec. 3C. .W. 41” Reference .Check hatch door interlock switch and gate switch. 4A . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . COL2B. 4B.Check MC1 contactor condition . Ltd.Cancel F74 : MCU HHT "43b RopeBrkReset" → 0x00 F84 MC1 Contactor Stuck (After F74 Error) . 1C.Check the lining state of brake.12. Point .Abnormal state of inverter (30B off) in spite of MCU output reset signal 5 times at 2 second interval. . Point .S. . . 1B.W. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. .W. 1B.F15 → MC1 off → impossible to move in any operation.W.MCU HHT : 1.Check the brake spring setting.Check the 3-phase power. 2A.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] “ZSP” .Elec.diagram : COL 1A.Impossible to move in any operation.diagram : COL 1A.IN/OUT >> 1.diagram : COL 1A.Hyundai Elevator Co. Check . "RUN" or "BKS" signal of inverter is turned on .30B” Check .T) F25 Dynamic Braking Error .Despite no command. Rev.MCU HHT : 1. .IN/OUT >> 1.Elec. 2B.Check the noise in the motor encoder. F35 Inverter Setting Error .Check "CN12" of Inverter and "H9" connector of TNP board.Check the obstacles in brake.Connect HHT to inverter and check inverter error. State .Elec.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] “30B” . (R.. Ltd.0 2011. 1C Reference .BKS. 1C Reference Check Point . 1B.Despite no command.MCU HHT : 1. State .Check "H9" connector of TNP board.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] “ZSP. 2C Reference . E/L moves upward or downward State → MCU commands to brake off continuously → And dynamic braking (output "FWD" for 1 second) → F25 .21 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .Check the all data of inverter.23 F15 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Inverter Error (30B) .IN/OUT >> 1. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 . there is no "RUN" signal of inverter → F45 occurs State . State .W.22 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.Impossible to move in any operation. .23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F45 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Inverter Run Signal Error .Check the connection of U.V.MCU HHT : 1. .diagram : COL 1A. 1B. . "ZSP" signal is turned on and E/L can't move for 5 seconds. Ltd.Check "FWD.W. .Elec.Check inverter HHT "MONITOR >> I/O".IN/OUT>>1.12.2 PIO Output>>PIO Output [0] “FWD. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .Check "H9" connector of TNP board and "CN12" connector of inverter. 1B.F65 occurs → Possible to move in any operation.1 PIO Input>>PIO Input [2] “RUN” Check Point . .Check the data of inverter HHT.W between inverter and motor. 1B.R" in inverter HHT "MONITOR >> I/O" F55 State Speed Disagreement Error .Check another errors of MCU and inverter.Check "H9" connector of TNP board and "CN12" connector of inverter.. Check .At the time to start. 1C Reference .Hyundai Elevator Co.At the time to start.diagram : COL 1A. Reference .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] “ZSP” .REV" in MCU HHT . 1C .diagram : COL 1A.IN/OUT>>1. Point .Check "F.Check the motor encoder and encoder line.MCU HHT : 1.REV” .IN/OUT >> 1.Elec. F65 Inverter ZSP Error . . Check Point .Elec. 1C Reference .0 2011.Check the motor encoder and encoder line noise.Check the balance between cage and counter weight.MCU HHT : 1. .W.Inverter output speed disagreement error while E/L is running.Check inverter HHT "PROGRAM >> INTERFACE >> Zero Speed Level" Rev. 3B.MCU commands to open brake.MCU HHT : 1.IN/OUT >> 1.Check the inverter HHT "MONITOR >> ERROR" Point . 4C Reference . Ltd.Elec. 2B.23 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .F26 twice → F16 occurs .Abnormal state of inverter (30B off) while E/L is running.RBKI” . .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “BKOP.Check the "BKOP" switch and connection with MCU HHT. 1B.F26 twice → F16 occurs . 3B.W.Same as F16 State . 3A.12. State ② "RBKIN(sub brake confirm signal)" isn't activated.Check the brake line power and connection.W.. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. F16 Brake Open Error (F26 twice) .MCU HHT : 1.IN/OUT >> 1.diagram : COL 2A. 4B.Check the "CT3B" connector of TNP board. .Check "H9" connector of TNP board and "CN12" connector of inverter.0 2011.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F75 State HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Inverter Error (In running) . .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “BKOP. 3A.IN/OUT >> 1.Check the "RBKIN" line and connection in case of appling sub brake.Same as F16 Rev.Hyundai Elevator Co. 2C.Elec. 4C Reference Check Point . but brake can't be operated.diagram : COL 2A. . 2B.RBKI” .Elec.W. F26 Brake Open Error . Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .diagram : COL 1A. 1C Reference . ① "BKOP(Brake confirm switch)" isn't activated.MCU HHT : 1. 2C.Check the "CT51" connector of TNP board. Check Point .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] “30B” Check . . 4B. Elec.Check the "BKOP" switch setting.W. .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “BKB” .Check "BKB" contacts have welded or not .Check the "MCX2" relay of TNP board.F36 occurs → buzzer on .W. State Reference Check Point . .diagram : COL 4A .Despite no command.Impossible to move in any operation. Rev. .Elec. 3B .diagram : COL 3A.diagram : COL 4A . .Check brake contactor(BKB) and its connection. Ltd.0 2011. F66 MC2 Contactor Off Error (In running) . .Check the MC2 contactor and its connection.Elec. F46 Brake Contactor Stuck Error .W. 4B Reference .23 F36 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Brake activation Error . Point . HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.IN/OUT >> 1.W.MCU HHT : 1.Check the car brake state.IN/OUT >> 1. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .IN/OUT >> 1..Check the "CT51" connector fo TNP board. "BKOP(Brake confirm switch)" is activated State Reference Check Point . 3B.No car brake input in inspection or auto operation.12.Check the "CT55" connector of TNP board.diagram : COL 3A.Hyundai Elevator Co.MCU HHT : 1. brake contact can't be off.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “RBKI” Check . State Reference Check Point . . F56 State Car Brake Input Error .MCU HHT : 1.Possible to move in any operation.MCU HHT : 1. .Elec. .24 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .Check "BRB" relay of TNP board.Check the obstacles in brake.IN/OUT >> 1.No "MC2" contactor input in inspection or auto operation.Check the "BKOP" line and connection.In spite of MCU commands to turn brake off.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “MC2I” .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “BKOP” . Check "CT1".Impossible to move in any operation.25 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “ULS."PDLS" signal of CT54 in TNP board is always on.MCU HHT : 1. 3B. (PLDM). (PLDM).. (PLUM). PLDL” Check Point .Check the limit switch "PLUL.W. "CT2" connector of TNP board.No "PLU/PLD" signal input at the same time State .Check the MCU HHT data "PIO Input[0]>>ULS. 10A.Elec.W. State .No "ULS/DLS" signal input at the same time State .Hyundai Elevator Co.Check the limit switch "ULS.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F76 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : PDLS Error .diagram : COL 3A. . DLS" and its connection. . . Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .W.Impossible to move in any operation. PLDH. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.12. . PLUH. 10B Reference . (PLUM).Elec.MCU Bd HHT : IN/OUT / PIO Input / PIO Input [1] 의 “PDLS" . PLUH. PLDH.3B Reference Check Point . DLS” .Remove the jumper connector of CT54 in TNP board F17 ULS/DLS Off Error .IN/OUT >> 1.MCU HHT : 1.0 2011.Impossible to move in any operation.Elec.diagram : COL 3A. "CT2" connector of TNP board.DLS". 3B Reference Check Point . .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] “PLUL.diagram : COL. PLDL" and its connection.Check "CT1". . Rev. F27 PLU/PLD Off Error . Ltd.IN/OUT >> 1. 7A Reference .Check the gap between door zone sensors. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.IN/OUT >> 1.Check the limit switch "ULS. DZ. DLS". F57 State ULS/DLS Error (In running) . (135mm) . 3B..IN/OUT >> 1. DZ on .Check the door zone vane state. DZ off ③ ULA/DLA off. . (in case of SSVF7) F47 State Relevel Landing Error .Check inverter data "PROGRAM>>CONTROL>>RELEVEL RPM".MCU HHT : 1.Check the door zone vane and its length.26 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .IN/OUT >> 1.diagram : COL 4A.Check the "T1" harness of TNP board and CCB-7 board.Check "CT1". . DLA" .Check the "DZ" connection of EPB-100 board. 10A. Rev.W. DZ. (300mm) . "CT2" connector of TNP board.Elec.MCU HHT : 1. Check Point .Check the inverter errors and HHT floor data. DLA" and its connection.MCU HHT : 1.diagram : COL 3A.Elec.Check the door zone sensor input "ULA.Hyundai Elevator Co. 10B Reference Check Point . .Check the MCU HHT data "PIO Input[0]>>ULS. . . Ltd.Check the door zone sensor input "ULA.W. DLA" .W. DZ. State ② ULA/DLA on.DLS". Check Point . DLS" . DLA" and its connection.12.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] "ULA."ULS" or "DLS" limit switch activated in running. . its connection and position. . Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [2] "ULA.Elec.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F37 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Door Zone Sensor Error ① E/L can't be arrived to door zone for 15 seconds after deceleration.0 2011.diagram : COL 4A Reference .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] "ULS.Check the "T1" harness of TNP board and CCB-7 board.Out of door zone in door open relevel landing operation . W. State . .23 F67 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : PLU/PLD Error (Deceleration Fault) .1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] "PLUL.No PLDL switch input at bottom floor in auto operation. 10A. Check . (MONITOR>>FLOOR DATA) F87 Door Sensor Detected Error (UPDOOR + 1BC + E/L for Car) .Detected door sensor "SE. 10B Reference .IN/OUT >> 1.Check door sensor signal and line of "SE. RSE" in auto running.Check the limit switch "PLUL. .Check the inverter errors and floor data.W.Elec. . PLDL" and its position.Impossible to move in any operation. Rev.12.Check the inverter errors and floor data. "CT2" connector of TNP board.diagram : COL 3A.Check "CT1". PLDL" and its position. Ltd. MCU Bd HHT : IN/OUT / Car Input / Car Input [2] “RSE" Check Point . RSE". PLDL" .diagram : COL 3A. 10A.. "CT2" connector of TNP board. PLDL" .MCU HHT : 1.27 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .Check the limit switch "PLUL. 10B Reference Check Point .IN/OUT >> 1.Do Initializating operation again.Elec. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.MCU HHT : 1.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] "PLUL. (MONITOR>>FLOOR DATA) . . F77 PLUL/PLDL Error (Floor Confirm Error) .Hyundai Elevator Co. MCU Bd HHT : IN/OUT / Car Input / Car Input [0] “SE" -. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 ."PLUL" or "PLDL" limit switch activated in auto operation State without deceleration.Check "CT1". State .W.Elec. 3B. . 3B.0 2011.diagram : COL 4A Reference -.No PLUL switch input at top floor in auto operation. Point . MCU HHT : 1.C Group Output >>C24 GOFLAG[7]>>"0x81" .SETUP>>3. 18B . .Elec. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .W.diagram : COL 7B Reference .W.Hyundai Elevator Co.SETUP>>3.W.diagram : COL 18A."RNBL(Run-By-Limit)" switch is activated while E/L is running.Check the "RNBL" switch connection.Check GIO board connection of MCU board. F38 RNBL Error .Elec.Check the main rope tension..Elec. Point . Point .Check GIO board LED state.IN/OUT >> 1.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [1] "RNBL" Check .1 Basic>>31b Field>>B23 Group Mode ② 1.diagram : COL 3B Reference . . Check .Check the power supply of RMS board.28 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .0 2011.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F18 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Group Communication Error ① communication error in ring group State ② GIO board error in duplex group .Check the state whether in auto operation or not. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.② are possible to move in auto single operation. Ltd. .12. Rev.Possible to move in any operation. State .both ①.F38 occurs → buzzer on .MCU HHT : 3.MCU HHT : Reference ① 3.IN/OUT >> 1.Check "H1" connector of MCU board. (refer to "STVF7 ADJUSTMENT MANUAL") F28 RMS Communication Error .RMS(Remote Monitoring System) communication error State .1 Basic>>31b Field>>B22 RMS use>>"Enable" Check .Possible to move in any operation .Check MCU HHT data. Point . MCU Bd HHT : IN/OUT /PIO Input /PIO Input [1] "WLS” .MCU HHT : 3. . Ltd.LS board communication error in case of "LXVF7. HallErr.Hyundai Elevator Co.Check the CAN communication line between OPB and LS board. (refer to "STVF7 ADJUSTMENT MANUAL) Rev.Check the Hall-CAN board state and dip switch adjustment.0 2011.diagram : COL 7A Reference Check Point .3Hall Error>> HallErr.1 Basic>>31a General>>A20 Load Sensor .Elec.12. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F48 State HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Water Over Error .1.ERROR>>2.SETUP>>3.29 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .Check the LS board connection.Check the communication line.ERROR>>2. .Detected water sensor "WLS" in the pit. HallErr..W.Possible to move in any operation .diagram : COL 8A. 11A.1. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. F58 LS Board Communication Error .Check the "JU1" jumper pin of OPB board. Point .Elec.2 .3Hall Error>> HallErr.Possible to move in any operation .Hall-CAN board communication error State .2 Check .(for Lower-Driven MRL) .W.Check the water sensor "WLS" signal and its lines.Check MCU HHT : 2.W. SSVF7" State .Elec. (short) F68 Hall Communication Error .MCU HHT : 2. 11B Reference .diagram : COL 3B Reference Check Point . IN/OUT >> 1.W.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL F78 HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : MC2 Contactor Error (At starting) .2 PIO Output >> PIO Output [0] "MC2" Check Point .Impossible to move in any operation .W. 3C.Check "CT55" connector of TNP board.SETUP>>3.0 2011. Ltd.MCU HHT : 1.1 Basic>>31a General>>A20 Load Sensor . 4A Reference . . .Elec. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .30 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .diagram : COL 1C.12.MCU HHT : 1.Check the "MCX2" relay of TNP board.MCU HHT : 3..Hyundai Elevator Co.Do LS board setting according to "STVF7 ADJUSTMENT MANUAL" ① HHT : 20a LS Use → "Enable" ② 20c Sensing Data → 9000~10000 (check LS sensor position) ③ load 0% in cage Check Point ④ HHT : 20b Load Setting>>0% "settable" (check in door zone and inspection switch in Machine room) ⑤ HHT : 0% >> "YES" enter → "waiting" ⑥ 0% setting end (buzzer) ⑦ load 50% in cage ⑧ HHT : 50% >> "settable" → "YES" enter → "waiting" ⑨ 50% setting end (buzzer twice) Rev. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.No LS setting in case of LXVF7 and SSVF7 State .Check "MC2" contactor connection.IN/OUT >> 1.Elec.1 PIO Input >> PIO Input [0] "MC2I" .Possible to move in any operation . F59 LS Setting Error .No "MC2" contactor input at starting in case of SSVF7 State .diagram : COL 7A Reference . SETUP >> 3. Ltd. Rev. SETUP >> 3.MCU Bd HHT : 3.Check the mercury cell voltage (DC 3V).31 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .MCU Bd HHT : 3.Time Setting fault or time chip fault of MCU board .0 2011.3 Time & Date >> 33a Time set Reference .Hyundai Elevator Co. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV. Point .12..3 Time & Date >> 33b Date set Check .Set the time and date with HHT. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .23 F69 State HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : RTC Error . 12.0 2011. Ltd.Hyundai Elevator Co.23 HSVF SERIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL HSVF Trouble manual Document Number : Rev. Commemts : HELCO-C5-003-01 .. HSVF SYSTEM File Name : TITLE REV.32 - A4(210㎜×297㎜) .
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