HSUPA Feature.pdf



HSUPA Feature©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. All rights reserved. HSUPA Functional Description  Background This feature provides the High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA) functionality, also known as Enhanced Uplink DCH (E-DCH). HSUPA functionality is based on the following techniques:  BTS controlled scheduling of the E-DCH within the limits set by the RNC  Physical layer retransmission handling in the BTS  Objective Increased UL average and peak data rates improve the end user experience. CAPEX and OPEX savings result from increased cell UL capacity and increased Iub and BTS HW efficiency. New data service availability increases revenue 2 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. All rights reserved. HSUPA Dimensioning in RU30  Baseband Dimensioning  HSUPA is supported only with co-existence of HSDPA  All cells in the BTS can be enabled for HSUPA  1 HSUPA BTS processing set allows to reach up to 5.8Mbps per HSUPA scheduler with minimum number of users or 24 HSUPA users with minimum throughput  Baseband reservation provided by one HSUPA BTS processing set equals to 1.5 subunit allocation  With System Module Rel.2, one HSUPA scheduler can support up to 240 HSUPA users from 1 to 12 cells.  One HSUPA scheduler can be allocated per LCG (or per System Module if frequency layer mapping to HW is used)  If more than 240 HSUPA users is needed to be supported:  Create two Local Cell Groups => up to 480 HSUPA users supported  With two System Module rel.2 and frequency layers mapping to HW up to two HSUPA schedulers can be allocated per single LCG (note that frequency mapping to HW is possible only in one LCG scenario) =>up to 480 HSUPA users supported 3 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. All rights reserved. HSUPA Feature and License  HSUPA Basic Feature and License  Maximum HSUPA Throughput 2 Mbps  Maximum HSUPA user 60 User per BTS  HSUPA Processing Set License < 3x HSUPA PS per BTS  RAN826 Basic HSUPA  HSUPA Basic 3 users per BTS  HSUPA Basic 12 users per BTS  HSUPA Basic 24 users per BTS  RAN1465 HSUPA 60 Users per BTS  RAN979 HSUPA 2. . All rights reserved.8 Mbps  Maximum HSUPA user 72 User per cell  HSUPA Processing Set License >= 3x HSUPA PS per BTS  RAN1470 HSUPA 2ms TTI  RAN981 HSUPA 5.0 Mbps  HSUPA Advanced Feature and License  Maximum HSUPA Throughput 5.8 Mbps  HSPA 72 Users per Cell 8 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. HSDPA user  Assumption total HSUPA user per site basis = 24 User. UE Cat 4.HSUPA Site Selection Criteria  Site Selection Criteria of Feature HSUPA Basic  Enabled HSDPA service with minimum configuration HSDPA 2nd carrier  Maximum HSUPA number per cell basis >= 10 User  Calculate with equation HSUPA capable UE/HSDPA capable UE x Max Simultaneous. UE Cat 6 and UE Cat 7  Maximum HSUPA User >= 60 User/BTS  No limitation of IuB Transmission capacity resource 9 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. HSUPA 5. and HSPA 72 User Per Cell)  Enabled HSUPA Basic service  Percentage of HSUPA capability UE 2ms TTI supported >= 80 % of Total HSUPA UE  HSUPA capability UE 2msTTI supported consists of UE cat 2. for 3 sector site. .8 Mbps. All rights reserved. with Baseband Simultaneous Factor =80%  No limitation of IuB Transmission capacity resource  Site Selection Criteria of HSUPA Advanced Feature (HSUPA 2ms TTI. HSUPA Feature Description & HSUPA Feature Activation      10 HSUPA Basic HSUPA 2 Mbps HSPA 72 User per Cell HSUPA 2ms TTI HSUPA 5.8 Mbps ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. All rights reserved. . . UL packet scheduling is handled by the RNC and retransmissions are handled by the RLC (as opposed to L1 HARQ retransmissions in HSUPA)  Operational aspects:  HSUPA will dynamically share the baseband capacity with DCH traffic. All rights reserved. but rest of the capacity needed is dynamically allocated to HSUPA when DCH does not need it.Basic HSUPA Feature Description (i)  Current implementation:  Prior to HSUPA. The minimum fixed reservation needs to be allocated to HSUPA. the maximum practical peak bit rate is 384 kbps. The operator can follow the capacity need from the counter indicating the number of HSUPA capable UEs in the cell  Requirement :  Software Requirement 11 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. Basic HSUPA Feature Description (ii)  Hardware Requirement  This feature does not require any new or additional Hardware  Software Sales Information 12 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. All rights reserved. . 0 Mbps per user  Requirement  Software Requirement  Hardware Requirement  This feature does not require any new or additional Hardware  Software Sales Information 13 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks.0 Mbps. corresponding to two parallel codes of spreading factor two (2xSF2) and 10 ms TTI  Benefits for the operator:  HSUPA peak rate is increased up to 2.HSPA 2. .0 Mbps Feature Description (i)  Summary:  The highest supported user peak rate on E-DCH is 2. All rights reserved. .HSPA 2.0 Mbps peak air interface bit rate. BTS supports reception of two SF/2 multi codes with 10 ms TTI  Current implementation:  The highest supported user peak rate on E-DCH is 1.44 Mbps.0 Mbps Feature Description (ii)  Functional description :  HSUPA category 5 UE is capable of 2. corresponding to two parallel codes of spreading factor four (2xSF4) and 10 ms TTI. 14 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks.g. All rights reserved. 2. HSUPA categories 4 and 6 have 2. RLC) of L2 done by L3.0 Mbps peak bit rate in case of 10 ms TTI.0 Mbps user peak rate on E-DCH is supported in RNC and BTS user plane processing and in configuration (e. To set the feature state to ON. RAN968: HSUPA BTS Packet Scheduler and RAN970: HSUPA Handovers can be activated when one of the following licenses is activated:  HSUPA Basic 3 users per BTS (feature code: 962)  HSUPA Basic 12 users per BTS (feature code: 961)  HSUPA Basic 24 users per BTS (feature code: 624)  HSUPA 60 users per BTS (feature code: 1088) Note that HSUPA can only be activated if HSDPA is enabled beforehand. use the following command:  for IPA-RNC: ZW7M: FEA=623:ON. In addition to this.  for mcRNC: set license feature-mgmt id 0000000623 feature-admin-state on Features RAN826: Basic HSUPA. All rights reserved. . Ensure that you have a valid licence. 15 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. Before configuring HSDPA and HSUPA. but it is not possible to allocate E-DCH users in the cell. It is possible to set up HSUPA configuration in the cell without HSDPA Mobility feature. and the AXC parameters using AXC Element Manager and the FTM parameters using BTS Site Manager. HSDPA Dynamic Resource Allocation also needs to be enabled. RAN973: HSUPA Basic RRM.Basic HSUPA and HSUPA 2 Mbps Feature Activation (i)  Activating Basic HSUPA:  Before start This feature belongs to application software. This feature is under licence key management. a DMPG pool needs to be configured. The RNC RNW and COCO parameters can be configured using the RNC RNW Object Browser GUI. AMRLCTXWindowSizeSRB (Check all parameters). AMRLCRespTimeHSDSCH (Check all parameters). AMRLCRespTimeEDCH. HappyBitDelayConditionEDCH. AMRLCOnFACHOfSRB (Check all parameters). EDCHCTSwitchGuardTimer. All rights reserved. AMRLCOnEDCHOfNRTPS. EDCHMACdFlowThroughputTimetoTrigger. AMRLCOnDCHOfSRB136 (Check all parameters). AMRLCRespTimeFACHAndRACH. PeriodicityForSI.Basic HSUPA and HSUPA 2 Mbps Feature Activation (ii)  Step:  Open the OMS Element Manager  Go to the Tree View  Expand the topology tree of the RNC  Open the RNC object  Select Edit parameters from the RNC object  Configure the following RNC parameters  Select Edit parameters from the RNC object  EDCHQOSClasses. AMRLCRespTimeDCH (TTI 10 ms / 20 ms / 40 ms / HS-DSCH). AMRLCOnDCHOfStream (Check all parameters). ProbabilityFactorMax 16 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. StepSizeForDCHBLER. AMRLCMaximumBufferUE. DelayThresholdMid. EDCHSlopeOfTheCurve. AMRLCOnDCHOfSRB34 (Check all parameters). EDCHMaxNumberOfHARQReTx. ThresholdMaxEDPDCHSR. EDCHMACdFlowThroughputAveWin. DelayThresholdMax. PowerOffsetForSI. AMRLCOnHSDSCHOfNRTPS (Check all parameters). FactorEDCHMaxBitRate. DCHSlopeOfTheCurve. AMRLCOnFACHOfPS (Check all parameters). . AMRLCOnDCHOfNRTPS (Check all parameters). EDCHMACdFlowThroughputRelThr. DelayThresholdMin. The UBR+ service class and the Path Selection features can be used to utilise the Iub resources more effectively. All rights reserved.  Configure FTM transport using BTS Site Manager. .  Configure AXC transport using AXC Element Manager. there is no specific Iub configuration for IP transport Configure a COCO object with HSUPA-dedicated VCC. Check that HSDPA can be carried within the other AAL2 VCCs configured for the BTS connections The AAL2UPUsage parameter needs to have the same value in RNC and in BTS.  For the AAL2 user plane link configuration. This applies only if the Path Selection feature is not purchased.Basic HSUPA and HSUPA 2 Mbps Feature Activation (iii)  Step:  Configure COCO (Only for IPA-RNC) In the mcRNC. define the planned ATM interface id/VPI/ VCI values for the AAL2 user-plane VCCs.  Configure AXC/FTM transport. 17 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. and the ATM interface id/VPI/VCI values for the related AAL2 signalling link VCC  Set the value of the AAL2UPUsage COCO parameter to HSUPA to dedicate a VCC for the E-DCH AAL2 connections. All rights reserved. . For the WRAB object. check the values of the following parameter: Default value can be used initially. set the values of the following parameters.      MaxNumberEDCHLCG HARQRVConfiguration WinLCHSUPA PrxTargetPSAdjustPeriod RRMULDCHActivityFactor (Check all parameters) Check also the parameter HSUPAXUsersEnabled and select the appropriate amount of HSUPA users per BTS.  SIRDPCCHInitialDCH (Check all parameters) 18 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. Default values can be used initially.Basic HSUPA and HSUPA 2 Mbps Feature Activation (iv)  Step:  Configure WBTS For the WBTS object.  Configure WRAB. All rights reserved. The ID of the HSPA or RT HSPA FMCS set (HSPAFmcsIdentifier or RTHSPAFmcsIdentifier) can be the same as. It is not necessary either to create a new HSPA FMCS / RT HSPA FMCS set for HSPA. Using these parameters you can adjust the sensitivity of the transfer from HS-DSCH to DCH. . for example. the ID of the RT or NRT FMCS set (RTFmcsIdentifier or NRTFmcsIdentifier) FMCS is needed if ADJS is defined for WCEL. Default values can be used initially.Basic HSUPA and HSUPA 2 Mbps Feature Activation (v)  Step:  Configure FMCS Set the values for the FMCS parameters listed below. The ID of the HSDPA FMCS set (HspaFmcsIdentifier) can. Note that it is not necessary to create a new FMCS set for HSDPA. be the same as the ID of the RT or NRT FMCS set (RtFmcsIdentifier or NrtFmcsIdentifier). the same FMCS set as for RT and NRT calls can also be used. for example. the same FMCS set as for RT and NRT calls can also be used. FMCS parameters:  EDCHRemEcNoOffset  EDCHAddEcNoOffset 19 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. which use the same frequency (UARFCN) in this BTS.  In the object tree main window. PrxLoadMarginDCH. PrxLoadMarginEDCH. PrxTargetPSMin. PtxOffsetERGCH.Basic HSUPA and HSUPA 2 Mbps Feature Activation (vi)  Step:  Configure WCEL In the WCEL object modification operation. PtxMaxEHICH.  Set the values for the following parameters. PtxOffsetEAGCH. MaxNumberEDCHCel. PrxTargetPSStepUp. SIRDPCCHOffsetEDPCH. . OCULNRTDCHGrantedMinAllocT. lock the WCEL object you want to modify. which is initiated by the RNC. Default values can be used initially. NumberEDCHReservedSHOBranchAdditions. HSPAFmcsIdentifier. PrxTargetPSStepDown. If the WCEL parameter PowerSaveHSPAType is set to HSPA0. PrxLoadMarginMaxDCH 20 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. PrxMaxTargetBTS. PrxTargetPSMax. the WCEL must be locked before changing the value of the HSUPAEnabled WCEL parameter to Enabled. All rights reserved. HSUPA must be activated at the same time in all the cells whose state is required to be administratively unlocked. HSUPA is not configured to WCEL until the RAN955: Power saving mode for BTS feature makes the HSPA05 cells reconfiguration. TargetNSEDCHToTotalEDCHPR. EDCHMinimumSetETFCI. the following alarm is set: 7772 Physical shared channel configuration failed  If the BTS informs that the Operational E-DCH state is Disabled. The expected state is Enabled  Unexpected outcome  If something goes wrong when the RNC requests configuration or reconfiguration of the HSDPA channels to the BTS. . The HSUPA state can be seen on the Operational EDCH state WCEL parameter. (2 Mbps requires an RNC licence. the following alarm is set: 7780 HSUPA failure in WCEL 21 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks.  Expected outcome  The HSUPA feature is activated in the cell(s) of the RNC. All rights reserved.Basic HSUPA and HSUPA 2 Mbps Feature Activation (vii)  Step:  Set the value for the HSUPAEnabled WCEL parameter to Enabled. This activates HSUPA functionality for the cell  Unlock the WCEL.). Set the value of MaxTotalUplinkSymbolRate to 1920 for 1. The BTS informs the RNC when HSUPA is active.44 Mbps and 3840 for 2 Mbps. All rights reserved.3 = 2.872Mbps) on top of Rel99 and HSDPA  If 2Mbps is needed (2 x 1.6Mbps is required in Iub on top of Rel99and HSDPA  If shared VCC is used for DCH and HSDPA.Transport Dependencies  ATM Transport Dependencies  HSUPA traffic is mapped on a dedicated Iub VCC. dedicated VCC needed for HSUPA  If Path selection available  HSUPA VCC  HSPA VCC can be used for both HSDPA + HSUPA (HSUPA has higher AAL2 priority) 22 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. .44 x 1. which are mapped on another VCC  Basic HSUPA bandwidth on Iub is similar to HSDPA approach  If 1. allowing Iub capacity consumption be optimized for NRT HSUPA traffic.44Mbps is needed then an additional 30% is needed in Iub to attain this throughput (1.6Mbps). while preserving the QoS of real-time services. 2.30 = 1. All rights reserved.HSPA 72 User per Cell Feature Description (i) Overview :  72 simultaneous HSPA users (HSDPA and HSUPA) per cell:  Support for high number of voice users over HSPA  Support of high number of always on users on HSPA  Increased number of HSDPA and HSUPA DL control channels Objective:  High number of users with efficient data throughput per user  Dynamic allocation of DL control channels maximizes capacity for HSDPA HSPA users 80 64 48 32 16 64 48 72 72 24 DL/cell UL/BTS RAS06 23 60 DL/cell UL/BTS DL/cell UL/cell RU10 RU20 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. . HSPA 72 User per Cell Feature Description (ii)  Summary:  This feature increases the number of simultaneous HSPA (HSDPA and HSUPA) users to 72 per cell. Due to this increase. providing an instant access to data services after momentary inactivity periods and thus improving the end user experience  Operator benefits  The introduction of this feature creates pre-conditions for support for high number of voice users  Requirement  Software Requirement 24 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. the number of DL HSDPA and HSUPA control channels is increased. Additionally. All rights reserved. . dynamic allocation of the DL code space used by these channels is enhanced  Benefits for the operator:  End user benefits  With this feature more users can be kept on HSPA. All rights reserved. the number of HS-SCCH channels is increased to four. as the DL code space is a scarce resource. On the other hand. both with dedicated and shared scheduler. a dynamic DL control channel allocation mechanism is introduced to maximize the available codes for HSPDSCHs. based on number of users.HSPA 72 User per Cell Feature Description (iii)  Hardware Requirement  This feature requires RAN1016/RAN1848: Flexi BTS Multimode System Module or RAN1671: Enhanced Ultra Site Base Band (EUBB)  Software Sales Information  Functional description:  This feature allows 72 simultaneous HSPA (HSDPA & HSUPA) users per cell. the E-HICH/E-RGCH signatures are actively reconfigured 25 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. . In order to be able to schedule and control increased number of HSPA users in a cell. In order to avoid fragmentation of the code space. E-HICH/E-RGCH codes are allocated dynamically. load and interference issues.HSPA 72 User per Cell Feature Description (iv)  System Impact:  Interdependency between Feature  RAN312: Dynamic Resource Allocation  RAN763: Basic HSDPA  RAN826: Basic HSUPA  RAN852: HSDPA 15 codes  RAN1464: HSDPA 64 Users per Cell  RAN1465: HSUPA 60 Users per BTS  Impact of Interfaces :  UU: Higher number of HSPA UEs/Cell . All rights reserved. higher ranges of UE identifiers like E-RNTI and H-RNTI  Iub: Impact on transport  Management: new classes of HSPA distribution/duration counters  Impact on Parameters : 26 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. . HSPA 72 User per Cell Feature Activation (i)  Activating HSPA 72 Users per Cell:  Before start Restart of the RNC and the WBTS is not required after activation of this feature. Make sure to have a valid license installed To set the feature state to ON. All rights reserved. . The value of MaxNbrOfHSSCCHCodes can be 4 only when the flexi release2 Hardware/EUBB is used 27 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks.  for mcRNC: set license feature-mgmt id 0000001478 feature-admin-state on RAN1686: HSPA 72 Users per Cell feature needs the following features to be activated before it can be enabled:  HSDPA  HSUPA  RAN312: HSDPA Dynamic Resource Allocation  RAN1464: HSDPA 64 Users per Cell  RAN1465: HSUPA 60 Users per BTS The value of the MaxNumberEDCHLCG parameter depends on the BTS HW. This feature belongs to application software and is under license key management. use the following command:  for IPA-RNC: ZW7M: FEA=1478:ON. enable the HSPA 72 users per cell feature with HSPA72UsersPerCell (HSPA 72 Users per Cell) management parameter  Unlock the cell  Expected outcome  Feature HSPA 72 Users per Cell has been activated 28 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. Select Edit parameters from the RNFC object. enable HSDPA dynamic resource allocation with HSDPADynamicResourceAllocation (HSDPA Dynamic Resource Allocation) configuration parameter  Lock the cell  Configure the WCEL object  Select Edit parameters from the WCEL object  Under the Admission Control tab.HSPA 72 User per Cell Feature Activation (ii)  Step:  Open the OMS Element Manager  Go to the Tree View  Expand the topology tree of the RNC  Configure the RNFC object  1. Under the Packet Scheduler tab.  2. All rights reserved. . enable HSDPA with HSDPAEnabled (HSDPA enabled) RNP parameter. and under the Packet Scheduler tab HSUPA with HSUPAEnabled (HSUPA enabled) RNP parameter  Under the Admission Control tab. 9 Mbps 5. All rights reserved.76 Mbps 11.5 Mbps 3GPP Release Release 6 Release 6 Release 6 Release 6 Release 6 Release 6 Release 7 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks.8 Mbps and HSUPA 2ms TTI Overview :  HSUPA peak rate is increased up to 5. .45 Mbps 1.45 Mbps 2 Mbps 2 Mbps 2 Mbps 2 Mbps Benefits: • Higher HSUPA peak rates up to 5.45 Mbps 2.8 Mbps • Decreased Round Trip Time Data rate with 2 ms 1.8Mbps/user  2ms TTI on the air interface and Iub  RTT is decreased 12-15 ms HSUPA category Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 x SF4 2 x SF4 2 x SF4 2 x SF2 2 x SF2 2xSF2 + 2xSF4 2xSF2 + 2xSF4 29 Data rate with 10 ms 0.HSUPA 5.71 Mbps 1. 8Mbps  Benefits for the operator:  End user benefits  End-user experience is improved as a result of shorter UL transmission time because of 2ms TTI on E-DCH.HSUPA 2ms TTI Feature Description (i)  Summary:  This feature enables HSUPA 2ms TTI (Transmission Time Interval). . All rights reserved.  Operator benefits  This feature is technically required for the RAN 981: HSUPA 5.8 Mbps. if 2ms TTI is assigned to the UE. Mapping of SRBs on UL E-DCH enables the use of 2xSF2 + 2xSF4 code in UE to support uplink HSUPA bit rate up to 5. This feature introduces mapping of SRB on HSUPA but only with E-TTI = 2ms  Requirement  Software Requirement 30 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. All bit rates above 2 Mbps need TTI of 2ms on E-DCH. It also maps the SRBs (Signaling Radio Bearer) on HSUPA. . Immediate data processing in Iub and the RNC user plane also shortens RTT. 6 and 7 Shorter TTI improves average latency in radio interface by 12ms for the first transmission. Mapping the SRBs to HSUPA enables spreading code allocation of 2xSF2 + 2xSF4 in uplink which is needed if 5. Faster retransmissions also reduce variance of the Round Trip Time (RTT). In RNC196 and RNC450 HW upgrade is needed according to feature RAN1226: HSPA Peak Rate Upgrade in RNC196 and RNC450. Support of HSUPA 2ms TTI is possible only with new HW (CDSP-DH as Feature Upgrade)  Software Sales Information  Functional description:  HSUPA 2ms TTI is used for UE categories 2. All rights reserved.HSUPA 2ms TTI Feature Description (ii)  Hardware Requirement  This feature requires RAN1016/RAN1848: Flexi BTS multimode System Module or RAN1671: Enhanced UltraSite Base Band.8 Mbps bitrate is used 31 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. 4. HSUPA 2ms TTI Feature Description (iii)  System Impact:  Interdependency between Feature  This feature requires RAN826: Basic HSUPA  Impact of Interfaces :  UU: Adaptation of RRC signaling to support 2 ms TTI and SRB on E-DCH  Iub: New set of Call Admission Control parameters related to SRB on E-DCH  Impact of Parameter : 32 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. . All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Make sure to have a valid license installed To set the feature state to ON. With the ATM Iub transport the AAL2 VCC configuration requires special emphasis once activating the SRB HSPA services.  for mcRNC: set license feature-mgmt id 0000001475 feature-admin-state on Note that the RAN1470: HSUPA 2 ms TTI feature can be activated only if HSDPA and HSUPA are enabled in a cell and the BTS type is set as WBTS beforehand. This feature belongs to application software and is under license key management. See step 4 Check and modify the ATM Iub configuration (only for IPA-RNC) 33 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. .HSUPA 2ms TTI Feature Activation (i)  Activating HSUPA 2ms TTI:  Before start Restart of the RNC and the WBTS is not required after activation of this feature. use the following command:  for IPA-RNC: ZW7M: FEA=1475:ON. the HSPA traffic type has to be added to AAL2 VCC containing the Stringent path type in the COCO object. The following AAL2 VCC combinations are recommended (the license for the RAN759: Path Selection feature is required):  Combination 1:  DCH & HSPA Stringent  DCH & HSPA Stringent bi-level  HSPA Tolerant  Combination 2:  DCH & HSPA Stringent & Stringent bi-level  HSPA Tolerant Note that ATM part is IPA-RNC specific. Note that before modifying the COCO object. In order to have SRB HSPA services carried on top of the HSDPA/HSUPA channel type. All rights reserved. . all cells under the BTS must be locked. There is no special handling in transport area for mcRNC.HSUPA 2ms TTI Feature Activation (ii)  Step:  Open the OMS Element Manager  Go to the Tree View  Expand the topology tree of the RNC  Lock the cell  Check and modify the ATM Iub configuration (only for IPA-RNC). 34 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. . enable HSDPAenabled (HSDPA enabled) parameter and under the Packet Scheduler tab.HSUPA 2ms TTI Feature Activation (iii)  Step:  In the WCEL object under the Admission Control tab. enable the HSUPA2MSTTIEnabled (HSUPA 2 ms TTI enabled) parameter.  In the WCEL object under the Admission Control tab. define the WBTS object type using the NBAPCommMode (NBAP Communication Mode) parameter.  Expected outcome  RAN1470: HSUPA 2 ms TTI feature has been activated 35 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. HSUPAenabled (HSUPA enabled) parameter.  Under the Identification tab. All rights reserved.  Unlock the WCEL object. HSUPA 5. .8 Mbps Feature Description (i)  Summary:  The peak bit rate on E-DCH for a single user is increased up to 5. All rights reserved.8 Mbps.8 Mbps on E-DCH:  It supports the reception of four codes in parallel  2xSF2 and 2xSF4 on E-DCH are supported  Benefits for the operator:  End user benefits  The end-user experiences are higher HSUPA bit rates  Operator benefits  This feature enables operator to offer higher HSUPA bit rates to premium data subscribers and increase data service revenue  Requirement  Software Requirement 36 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. It fully supports a Cat 6/7 UE to reach its peak bit rate of about 5. HSUPA 5. When four codes are transmitted in parallel. category 4. Four parallel codes are required for category 6 and 7. The maximum theoretical throughput of category 6 and 7 terminal is 5. Also intermediate bit rates are supported with 2 ms TTI. 6 and 7 UEs may transmit data with their maximum bit rate. In RNC196 and RNC450 HW upgrade is needed according to feature RAN1226: HSPA Peak Rate Upgrade in RNC196 and RNC450. Support of HSUPA 2 ms TTI is provided only with new HW (CDSP-DH). two codes are transmitted with spreading factor two (2xSF2) and two with spreading factor four (2xSF4). With this feature. Practical throughput achievable with this feature is limited by radio 37 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks.8 Mbps Feature Description (ii)  Hardware Requirement  This feature requires RAN1016/RAN1848: Flexi BTS Multimode System Module or RAN1671: Enhanced UltraSite Base Band. All rights reserved.76 Mbps. 6 and 7 support higher peak bit rate than 2 Mbps.  Software Sales Information  Functional description:  HSUPA UE categories 4. . which is achieved with an E-DCH configuration of 2 ms transmission time interval (TTI). transmitter and receiver imperfections. All rights reserved. In all practical conditions the throughput will be degraded if using coding rates close to 1.HSUPA 5. Targeting error free reception reduces the system efficiency and capacity. .  System Impact:  Interdependency between Feature  This feature requires RAN1470: HSUPA 2 ms TTI  Impact of Interfaces :  UU: Adaptation of RRC signaling to support 2 ms TTI and SRB on E-DCH  Iub: New set of Call Admission Control parameters related to SRB on E-DCH  Impact of Parameter : 38 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. radio channel and interference.8 Mbps Feature Description (iii) reception and allowed noise rise: Maximum theoretical throughput would require the use of coding rate close to 1. Quality of radio reception depends on aspects such as received signal strength. Coding rate 1 requires effectively error free reception without error correction coding. the maximum UL bit rate may not be reached.8 Mbps:  Before start Restart of the RNC and the WBTS is not required after activation of this feature. use the following command:  for IPA-RNC: ZW7M: FEA=1086:ON. it is advised to increase the value of the PrxMaxTargetBTS parameter 39 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. For more information on licensing To set the feature state to ON.8 Mbps Feature Activation (i)  Activating HSUPA 5. . Therefore.  for mcRNC: set license feature-mgmt id 0000001086 feature-admin-state on Note that the RAN981: HSUPA 5.8 Mbps feature can be activated only if the RAN1470: HSUPA 2 ms TTI feature is enabled in a cell. Note that with the current default value of the WCEL PrxMaxTargetBTS parameter.HSUPA 5. All rights reserved. HSUPAenabled (HSUPA enabled) parameter  Under the Identification tab. .HSUPA 5. enable HSDPAenabled (HSDPA enabled) parameter and under the Packet Scheduler tab. enable the HSUPA2MSTTIEnabled (HSUPA 2 ms TTI enabled) parameter  Under the Packet Scheduler tab.  Unlock the WCEL object  Expected outcome  RAN981: HSUPA 5.8 Mbps Feature Activation (ii)  Step:  Open the OMS Element Manager  Go to the Tree View  Expand the topology tree of the RNC  Lock the cell  In the WCEL object under the Admission Control tab.8 Mbps feature has been activated 40 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks. define the WBTS object type using the NBAPCommMode (NBAP Communication Mode) parameter  In the WCEL object under the Admission Control tab. set the WCEL MaxTotalUplinkSymbolRate (Maximum total uplink symbol rate) parameter to maximum 5760 kbps (2*SF2+2*SF4). All rights reserved. All rights reserved. .Thank You 41 ©2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks.
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