March 29, 2018 | Author: netozx | Category: Nut (Hardware), Screw, Building Materials, Manufactured Goods, Metalworking



Anchoring Systems4.3.2 HSL Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor Product Description The Hilti HSL Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor is a torque controlled expansion bolt designed for high performance in static and dynamic load applications. HSL anchors are available in metric sizes from 8mm to 24mm diameters with a variety of head styles such as bolt, stud, torque cap and flush. All versions are available in zinc plated carbon steel and the stud version is also available in stainless steel. HSL Heavy-Duty Anchor Minimum embedment mark Expansion sleeve HSL-I M12 Flush Anchor with Torque Nut Cone Flush mount applications accommodated by short removable stud Bolt Washer Spacer Sleeve Plastic collapsible section with anchor rotation prevention HSLB Heavy-Duty Anchor with Torque Cap HSLG Heavy-Duty Anchor with Threaded Rod Red Setting Indicator Three accurately sized shear pins are provided in the red indicator cap. On applying the required tightening torque with an ordinary wrench, the red indicator cap shears off. The green seal on the bolt head which appears indicates that the anchor has been tightened properly. Product Features • • • • • • • • • High load capacity Spacer sleeve provides enhanced shear capacity Force controlled expansion Reliable pull-down of part fastened to overcome gaps Suitable for dynamic loading (fatigue, seismic, and shock loading) Suitable for tension zone of concrete No spinning of anchor in hole when tightening bolt or nut Good performance in HILTI matched tolerance DD-B diamond core bit holes Seismic qualified under ICBO ES AC01 Guide Specifications Expansion Anchors: Carbon (Stainless) steel anchor consists of hex bolt (threaded stud), sleeve, expansion sleeve, expansion cone and collapsible plastic sleeve, (nut) and washer. Anchors shall be torque controlled expansion bolt as manufactured by Hilti, Inc., Tulsa, OK. Installation: Refer to Section and Listings/Approvals • Southern Building Code Congress (SBCCI): Report No. 9930 • International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO ES): Evaluation Report No. 3987 • City of Los Angeles (COLA): Research Report No. 25290 Combined Shear and Tension Loading 5/3 ( NN ) d rec + 5/3 ( VV ) d ≤ 1.0 (Ref. Section rec Dynamic Loading The HSL anchor has been tested under shock, seismic and fatigue (2 x 10 6 cycles) loading conditions. Contact your Hilti Field Engineer for additional information. 148 US: 1-800-879-8000 / www.us.hilti.com ❘ Hilti Product Technical Guide 2002 ❘ Canada: 1-800-363-4458 / www.ca.hilti.com 8. For pull-down of parts to be fastened.2 4.) 65 (29/16) 75 (3) 80 (33/16) 105 (41/8) 130 (51/8) 155 (61/8) t: max. fy = 65 ksi.Anchoring Systems HSL Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor 4.3 Technical Data HSL Specification Table HSL Anchor Thread Diameter (mm) Details 8 1 8 10 10 12 12 16 16 20 20 24 24 dbit: nominal bit dia. Grade ST37. thickness fastened mm 20 40 20 40 25 (in.hilti. gap2 mm (in. Type A4-70. fu ≥ 91 ksi 4.hilti.3. fu ≥ 102 ksi Stainless steel expansion sleeve conforms to DIN 17440.2 Material Specifications Carbon Steel Bolt or threaded rod conform to DIN 931.1. fy ≥ 93 ksi.) 75 (3) 85 (33/8) 100 (4) 125 (5) 150 (6) 175 (7) hnom: min.) 14-15 (9/16) 17-18 (11/16) 20-21 (13/16) 26-28 (11/8) 31-33 (15/16) 35-37 (17/16) dw: washer dia.3.ca.) (3/4) (11/2) (3/4) (11/2) (1) : anchor length mm 95 115 107 127 120 145 148 173 183 213 205 235 (in. fu ≥ 116 ksi Carbon Steel expansion sleeve conforms to DIN 2393. mm (in. base material thickness HSLB 1. Type CQ35.) (33/4) (41/2) (41/4) (5) (43/4) (53/4) (53/4) (63/4) (71/4) (83/8) (8) (91/4) hole depth hn: head height + washer 50 (2) 25 (1) 50 30 60 30 60 (2) (11/8) (21/4) (11/8) (21/4) mm (in.com ❘ Hilti Product Technical Guide 2002 ❘ Canada: 1-800-363-4458 / www.4.) 4 (3/16) 5 (3/16) 8 (5/16) 9 (3/8) 12 (1/2) 16 (5/8) 13 17 19 24 30 36 wrench HSL/HSLG — — 24 30 36 41 dh: clearance hole size (mm) mm (in.3. fu ≥ 102 ksi Stainless Steel cone conforms to DIN 17440.com 149 .) 7. tightening torque Nm (ft lb) 25 (20) 55 (40) 80 (60) 200 (150) 400 (300) 710 (525) max.2. depth of embedment mm (in.2. Class 8. 2.) 120 (43/4) 140 (51/2) 160 (61/4) 180 (7) 220 (83/4) 270 (103/4) min. fu ≥ 87 ksi Carbon Steel washer conforms to DIN 1544. US: 1-800-879-8000 / www. see section 7. Grade ST-52-3 Carbon Steel nut conforms to DIN 934. mm 12 15 18 24 28 32 h1: mm (in.) 20 (3/4) 25 (1) 30 (13/16) 40 (19/16) 45 (13/4) 50 (115/16) h: mm (in.5 (5/16) 10 (3/8) 11 (7/16) 14 (9/16) 17 (11/16) 19 (3/4) Tmax: max.us. fu ≥ 116 ksi Stainless steel threaded rod conforms to DIN 267. fu ≥ 102 ksi Stainless Steel washer conforms to DIN 17441. 74 ksi ≤ fu ≤ 103 ksi Stainless Steel nut conforms to DIN 934 Collapsible sleeve is made of Acetal resin plastic Carbon Steel cone conforms to DIN 1654. For Hilti matched tolerance carbide tipped drill bits. Grade 8. 4 MPa (6000 psi) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) M8 65 (29/16) 5.1 (9700) 62.4 (27975) 214.0 (6735) 61.2 (17570) 50.4 (12905) 35.9 (3580) 10.7 (1280) 8.0 (5165) 33.5 MPa (5000 psi) 41.3 (13790) 38.8 (13220) 43.0 (5845) 18. Definition of Nomenclature No letter: carbon steel N: slot at rod end R: stainless steel Heavy Duty Expansion Anchor 150 Metric Maximum fastened thickness (mm) HSLG-R M 12/25 blank-bolt G: stud B: torque cap I: internal thread Metric Thread size (mm).6 (33640) 102.5 MPa (5000 psi) 41.9 (36390) 114. US: 1-800-879-8000 / www.8 (17950) 50.3 (2545) M10 75 (3) 7.7 (1740) 15. The anchor material is type 316 Stainless Steel.0 (68790) 201.5 (39010) 113.5 (62615) 177.5 (1920) 6.) 13.) 13.7 MPa (3000 psi) 27.2 Anchor Diameter Embedment Depth mm (in.2 (28135) 77.7 (8020) 61.4 (8855) 25.1 (5420) 16.0 (34390) 278.5 (15855) 43.5 (23500) 213.9 (8300) 70.5 (9560) 78.4 (25500) 200.6 (1480) 9.0 (11240) 84.1 (22960) 161.3 (2090) 15.5 (7310) 57.3 (6580) 46.4 (7285) 55.8 (4460) 29. 2.4 (30890) 90.7 (19720) 57.0 (48110) 135. For HSL-I. not hole diameter (see specification following page) Example: HSLG-R M12/25 This is an HSL stud anchor.hilti.5 (12480) 37.5 (30450) 227.4 (6610) 49.9 (9860) 79. HSL-I Allowable Loads in Normal-Weight Concrete1.5 (8880) M10 75 (3) 27. HSLG.4 MPa (6000 psi) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) M8 65 (29/16) 19.4 (10430) 32.8 (4215) M12 80 (33/16) 10.3 (21875) M16 105 (41/8) 65.3 (3220) 24.1 (9460) 29.6 MPa (4000 psi) 34.1 (20205) 149.hilti.0 (2470) 9.2 (5000) 39.8 (4215) 35. HSLG.3 (8610) 32.4 (25710) 174.2 (11745) 32.3 (16245) 42.1 (8345) 29.9 (14600) 97.com ❘ Hilti Product Technical Guide 2002 ❘ Canada: 1-800-363-4458 / www.4 (5040) 14.8 (8500) 58.2 HSL Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor Carbon Steel Metric HSL.1 (13960) 48.1 (2260) 20.6 (21490) Carbon Steel Metric HSL.1 (7880) 72.9 (3790) 12. For HSLG.0 (6070) 52.us.Anchoring Systems 4.5 (12920) 90. unthreaded bolt.9 (6270) M16 105 (41/8) 18. reduce the tabulated shear loads by 18% to account for shear plane acting through the threaded rods vs.2 (39835) 306.8 (8730) 65.5 (10900) 65. reduce the shear loads by 50%.7 (20390) 64.2 Anchor Diameter Embedment Depth mm (in.2 (2070) 11.5 (3700) 26.6 MPa (4000 psi) 34.1 (39140) M20 130 (51/8) 91. HSL-I Ultimate Loads in Normal-Weight Concrete1.3 (45020) 124.3.1 (7220) 39.8 (5790) 42.5 (7520) 26.7 (4655) 12.9 (3125) 18.ca.9 (9645) 29.7 (12980) 95.7 (11180) 32.4 (14700) 125.3 (1875) 11.com .5 (48000) 128.8 (28945) 246.4 (45280) 333.5 (1680) 10.8 (6700) 23.7 (51195) M24 155 (61/8) 104.8 (33000) 102.2 (2740) 22.6 (17450) 137.8 (7370) 49.8 MPa (2000 psi) 20.8 (4000) 13.7 MPa (3000 psi) 27.8 MPa (2000 psi) 20. The thread size is 12 mm and this anchor can attach up to a 25 mm thick plate.4 (2780) 17.6 (4185) 27.4 (14700) M12 80 (33/16) 35.0 (3365) 9.9 (8065) 22.0 (55310) 153.3 (5905) 42.8 (11420) 87.5 (74965) 1.1 (6545) 38.6 (2390) 8.5 (23050) 173.6 (2155) 7.9 (11220) M20 130 (51/8) 26.1 (18900) 57.6 (20600) 146.1 (5870) 37.2 (13760) 36.3 (14675) M24 155 (61/8) 30.8 (2435) 16. 5 (14500) 15.0 (24065) 163.1 (7000) M16 105 (4-1/8) 53.6 (5760)1 30.8 (3325) 11.3 (6820) 25.7 (1955) 6.1 (2495) M10 75 (3) 6.9 (28520) 224.6 MPa (4000 psi) 34.2 (9500) 9.7 (1955) 7.1 (7000) 8.9 (2000) M8 65 (2-9/16) 22.1 (19590) M16 105 (41/8) 61.9 (11900) 30.9 (8965) 24.7 (1960) 20.6 (3515) 24.6 (3965) 34.5 MPa (5000 psi) 41.6 (2615)1 17. Carbon Steel HSL.7 (6910) 58. reduce the shear load by 50%.6 (13840) 121.4 (5030) 30.7 (1955) 7.com 151 .8 MPa (2000 psi) Embedment Depth mm (in.ca.2 (12410) 40.5 (14490) 40.8 (3560) 11. For HSL-I style anchors.5 (10005) 64. 2.2 (5000) 31.1 (2055) 14.2 (5450) 45.5 (2595) 16.8 (21535) 160.8 (4890) 13.7 (8710) M10 75 (3) 23.3 (18945) 60.4 (8175) 64. HSLG.3 (7500) 64.hilti.5 MPa (5000 psi) 41.9 (6500) 42.4 (12000) 109.3 (8830) 75.6 (5760)1 34.0 (3825) M12 80 (33/16) 8.9 (10550) M20 130 (51/8) 25.7 (36800) M20 130 (51/8) 87.7 Mpa (3000 psi) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) M8 65 (2-9/16) 6.0 (8985) 55.7 (46025) 126.1 (27220) 73.7 Mpa (3000 psi) 8.8 (5350) 47.5 (3925) 25.3 (6820) 25.9 (7165) 51.2 (1855) 12.8 (50540) 141.7 MPa (3000 psi) 27.hilti.1 (5650) 52.4 (3690) 11.4 (9090) 64.6 (5760)1 38.7 (6900) 46.1 (4300) 30.3 (24115) 204.4 MPa (6000 psi) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) M8 65 (29/16) 5.7 (41510) 107.0 (5615) M16 105 (41/8) 17.6 (9130)1 59.0 (10125) 27.2 (5430) 17.8 (1535) 13.) 20.4 (36060) 107.5 (1230) 8.8 (50540) 1. US: 1-800-879-8000 / www. Steel strength load limit based on minimum UTS.9 (13700) 87.9 (4705) 39.5 (14490) Stainless Steel HSLG-R Ultimate Loads in Normal-Weight Concrete Anchor Diameter 13.0 (24500) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) 1.3.Anchoring Systems HSL Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor 4.3 (2530) 21.3 (1650)1 11.4 (4145) M12 80 (3-3/16) 33.3 (6820) 22.5 (15845) 39.9 (2225) 7.6 MPa (4000 psi) 34.8 MPa (2000 psi) Embedment Depth mm (in.com ❘ Hilti Product Technical Guide 2002 ❘ Canada: 1-800-363-4458 / www.0 (2715) M10 75 (3) 28.4 (18300) 54.5 (19005) 157.4 (1440) 8.4 (1430) M10 75 (3) M12 80 (3-3/16) M16 105 (4-1/8) Carbon Steel HSL.2 (3430) 31. reduce the tabulated shear loads by 18% to account for shear plane acting through the threaded rod vs.2 (10835) 81.7 (7805) 20.3 (1650)1 9. the unthreaded bolt.6 (11595) 40.5 (14490) 44.1 (35320) 95. HSL-I Ultimate Loads in Lightweight Concrete Anchor Diameter Embedment Depth mm (in.5 (6175) 46.8 (3105) 23.7 (13195) 36.9 (17070) 48.3 (1650)1 8.4 (13350) M12 80 (33/16) 30.2 (4540) 11.7 (3090) 9.1 (31270) 84.0 (10335) 30.us.) 27.7 MPa (3000 psi) 13.1 (31715) 224.4 (6830) 70.3 (5245) 15. HSL-I Allowable Loads in Lightweight Concrete Anchor Diameter Embedment Depth mm (in.) 20.5 (7765) 25.0 (16420) 139.5 (2140) 18.7 (19715) 184. HSLG.3 (34910) 224.3 (9055) 57.5 (2575) 15.8 (50540) 155. For HSLG style anchors.8 (10785) 31.2 Stainless Steel HSLG-R Allowable Loads in Normal-Weight Concrete Anchor Diameter 20.4 MPa (6000 psi) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) Tension kN (lb) Shear kN (lb) M8 65 (29/16) 19.) 20.3 (12880) 40.6 (12265) 84. 89 .0 hnom.0 hef cmin = 1.0 .87 .82 .66 .17 hnom for scr > s > smin for ccr > c > cmin for ccr > c > cmin 1.85 .71 .79 .70 .41 .73 .91 .96 1.78 .72 .71 .0 .73 .88 .ca.95 1.92 1.0 smin = 1.) 65 ( 21/2) 75 ( 3) 80 ( 31/8) 105 ( 41/8) 130 ( 51/8) 155 ( 61/8) 175 ( 67/8) 195 ( 75/8) 225 ( 87/8) 240 ( 93/8) 275 (103/4) 315 (123/8) 350 (133/4) 395 (151/2) 430 ( 17) 470 (181/2) Edge Anchor Diameter Distance c M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 mm (in.0 1.0 . For hef > hnom.84 1.43 .75 .0 s = Actual spacing smin = 1.0 c = Actual edge distance cmin = 1.70 .89 1.15 + 0.55 .2 HSL Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor Anchor Spacing and Edge Distance Guidelines (see Anchoring Technology Section 4.0 1.0 .0 1.1.90 .90 .96 1.70 .0 hnom } Tension cmin c 1.com } Shear .6 .88 .0 1.55 hef c .0 hnom.92 .79 .85 .70 2.74 .0 3.55 .39 .91 .0 1.0 .90 .2 .63 .hilti.87 .52 .70 .70 .0 .88 .64 .83 1.0 hnom fRN = (0.81 .) (29/16) M12 75 (3) M16 M20 M24 80 105 (33/16) (41/8) 130 (51/8) 155 (61/8) s V hef = actual embedment depth hnom = standard embedment depth c h Anchor Spacing Adjustment Factors Edge Distance Adjustment Factors scr 3.75 .30 .76 .84 .91 .90 .94 1.30 .77 .70 .70 .0 .70 .2 .80 .85 .95 1.com ❘ Hilti Product Technical Guide 2002 ❘ Canada: 1-800-363-4458 / www.51 .0 .72 . ccr = 2.0hnom Tension ccr = 2.78 .79 .73 .0 1.71 .40 .82 .78 .82 .75 .74 . fRN) .32 .75 .8 1.59 .0 65 ( 21/2) 75 ( 3) 80 ( 31/8) 105 ( 41/8) 130 ( 51/8) 155 ( 61/8) 162 ( 63/8) 187 ( 73/8) 200 ( 77/8) 225 ( 87/8) 265 (103/8) 275 (103/4) 300 (113/4) 325 (123/4) 350 (133/4) 390 (153/8) Shear fRV Anchor Diameter Anchor Diameter M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 .3) N Anchor Size hnom M8 M10 mm 65 (in.5 hef cmin = 1.4 .72 .92 .0 1. use reduction factors from table.hilti.0 c hef smin 1.1.30 .3.59 .0 .83 . use formula to calculate fRN.33 .84 .76 .91 1.0 .74 .94 1.73 .us.85 .8 1.81 .70 .39 .92 1.73 .41 .77 .81 .80 .6 . ccr = 2.82 .0 Edge Distance Adjustment Factor (fRV. 152 US: 1-800-879-8000 / www.64 .30 .0 .71 .47 – 0.76 .92 .70 .30 .73 .84 .79 .66 .91 .30) ( ) + 0.Anchoring Systems 4.0 hnom nom scr = 3.0 Anchor Spacing Adjustment Factor (fA) 0 Load Adjustment Factors (Anchor Spacing) fA Load Adjustment Factors (Edge Distance) fR Tension fRN 1 Tension/Shear Spacing s mm (in.0 .1.95 1.80 .5 hef .) .0 hnom cmin = 1.80 . scr = 3.0 .0 .0 hef 0 ccr = 2. For hef = hnom.37 .44 .80 .0 Shear 2.0 .77 .78 .50 .0 hnom.97 1.85 .48 .70 .0 1.74 .4 .5 hnom 0 0 .86 .5 hef s fA = 0.95 1.70 .0 ccr s hef Shear & Tension 2.0 .93 1.86 .79 .97 1.30 .96 1.88 .5 hnom c fRV = 0. com ❘ Hilti Product Technical Guide 2002 ❘ Canada: 1-800-363-4458 / www. yy . Box Qty HSLG-N M 8/20 HSLG-N M 10/20 HSLG-N M 12/25 HSLG-N M 12/50 HSLG-N M 16/25 HSLG-N M 16/50 HSLG-N M 20/30 HSLG-N M 20/60 00068411 00068425 00068439 00068440 00068452 00068453 00068465 00068467 40 20 20 20 10 10 6 6 HSLG-R Stainless Steel Anchor Material: Stainless Steel AISI 316 Description Item No. (A screwdriver can be used if a setting tool is unavailable. Clean the hole using a Hilti Blow Out Pump (Item No.. 5. Caution . a standard screwdriver (or punch) can be used. A. Using a hammer. Use a box end wrench to tighten the torque nut until the torque nut shears off.hilti.3. (If there is no setting tool available.us. Caution-The torque nut shears off suddenly-Gloves are recommended. yy . Use a box end or socket wrench to tighten the torque nut until the torque nut shears off.. Insert the threaded rod through the base plate or equipment into the anchor a minimum of four full threads. The anchor should be seated firmly against the base plate. tap the preassembled anchor through the object being anchored and into the hole. Place washer and torque nut on the threaded rod and hand tighten against the concrete. Installations with stand-off connections such as raised computer floors: Insert the threaded rod into the set anchor a minimum of four full threads. yy . yy .yy .) 4. Installations with equipment or base plates: Install equipment or base plate over the anchor. 2.The torque nut shears off suddenly .com 153 .. Box Qty HSLB M 12/6 HSLB M 12/25 HSLB M 12/50 HSLB M 16/6 HSLB M 16/25 HSLB M 16/50 HSLB M 20/30 HSLB M 20/30 HSLB M 24/30 HSLB M 24/60 00045706 00067400 00067401 00045707 00067402 00067403 00067404 00067405 00260385 00260386 20 20 20 10 10 10 6 6 4 4 HSL-I Internally Threaded Version Description Item No. HSLG-N Stud Anchor Version Description Item No. Tighten bolt or nut to the specified torque. Insert the blade of the red handle setting tool into the anchor and engage the blade into the slot of the anchor.2. Drill an 18 mm hole to an embedment depth of 90 mm (3 1/2") with a Hilti metric bit (Item No. Box Qty HSL-I M 12/40 00217174 20 US: 1-800-879-8000 / www. yy . Note: When using an HSLB anchor. no torque wrench is required.2 4.. Setting Instructions for the HSL-I M12 1. Drill a hole with the prescribed Hilti metric carbide or diamond core bit.Gloves are recommended.. Use the screwdriver (or punch) and hammer to tap the anchor into the hole until the top of the anchor is 6 mm (1/4") below the surface of the concrete. 00060579) or compressed air with a nozzle (Item No. B. Box Qty HSL M 8/20 HSL M 8/40 HSL M 10/20 HSL M 10/40 HSL M 12/25 HSL M 12/50 HSL M 16/25 HSL M 16/50 HSL M 20/30 HSL M 20/60 HSL M 24/30 HSL M 24/60 00066573 00066575 00066576 00066578 00066592 00066593 00066594 00066595 00066596 00066597 00260383 00260384 40 40 20 20 20 20 10 10 6 6 4 4 3. Tap the setting tool with a hammer until flush with the concrete.) 5. 00239908) with BI connector for DD 100. using a torque wrench. yy .. The torque cap shears off at the appropriate torque value. HSL Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor 4. Place washer and torque nut on the threaded rod and hand tighten. Clean the hole using compressed air.ca.hilti. Complete the stand-off connection using two metric 12 mm nuts and washers to clamp the apparatus at the correct stand-off height.Anchoring Systems . Box Qty HSLG-R M 10/20 HSLG-R M 12/25 HSLG-R M 16/25 HSLG-R M 20/30 00067922 00067924 00067926 00067928 20 20 10 6 HSLB Torque Cap Version Description Item No. The torque nut shears off at approximately 60 ft-lbs.. yy . yy . 00063964) to reach the bottom of the hole.. yy yy . 3. . yy yy .4 Installation Instructions 1.2. 4.. yy . 2..5 Ordering Information HSL Bolt Version Description Item No...3. Turn the setting tool clockwise until snug. Use a hammer to tap the anchor flush with the concrete (do not install the threaded rod).. 00028002) TE-C+ 18/22 bit or Hilti Matched Tolerance diamond core bit (Item No. Note: Do not expand the anchor by hand before tapping it into the hole. yy . yy ..3. Note: the HSL can be installed in a bottomless hole.. The torque nut shears off at approximately 60 ft-lbs..
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