HSE Contractors (EDU)

March 23, 2018 | Author: rury_purwantoko | Category: Polychlorinated Biphenyl, Occupational Safety And Health, Safety, Labour, Nature



Occupational Health, Safetyand Environment Induction for Contractors h e a l t h s a f e t y e n v i r o n m e n t Property and Facilities Division October 2006 Issue 3 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors Contents Page Part 1 The University of Queensland Workplace 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1 2. Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................1 3. Occupational Health and Safety Policy........................................................................................2 4. Reporting Line - Contractor Issue Resolution .............................................................................3 5. Asbestos.......................................................................................................................................4 6. Cables and Services .....................................................................................................................4 7. Confined Spaces...........................................................................................................................4 8. Emergency Services.....................................................................................................................5 9. Injuries, Illnesses and Incidents...................................................................................................6 10. Hazardous Areas You May Come Across....................................................................................6 11. PCBs in Fluorescent Lights..........................................................................................................7 12. Access to Rooftops ......................................................................................................................7 13. Indoor Air Quality........................................................................................................................8 14. Signs You Will See.......................................................................................................................8 Part 2 Requirements and Site Rules 1. Alcohol and Other Drugs.............................................................................................................9 2. Barricades and Hoardings............................................................................................................9 3. Behaviour on Site.........................................................................................................................9 4. Hazardous Substances..................................................................................................................9 5. Hot Work....................................................................................................................................10 Hot Works for Contractors - Rules & Responsibilities..............................................................10 6. Legislation..................................................................................................................................10 7. Non-Compliance........................................................................................................................ 11 8. Site Specific Safety Plans .......................................................................................................... 11 9. Conducting Risk Assessments ...................................................................................................12 10. Smoke Free Environment...........................................................................................................13 11. Timing of Work..........................................................................................................................13 12. Specific Policies.........................................................................................................................13 13. Training Responsibilities............................................................................................................13 Part 3 The Environment 1. Environmental Legislation.........................................................................................................14 2. Legal Duties and Responsibilities..............................................................................................14 2.1 Executive Officer Liability.........................................................................................14 2.2 General Environmental Duty......................................................................................14 2.3 Duty to Notify Environmental Harm..........................................................................15 3. The University OF Queensland’s Environmental Policy...........................................................15 4. Environmental Risks..................................................................................................................17 5. Contractor’s Environmental Risks.............................................................................................17 6. Air Emissions.............................................................................................................................17 6.1 Dust.............................................................................................................................17 6.2 Chemical Off Gassing.................................................................................................17 6.3 Plant Exhausts.............................................................................................................17 6.4 Odour ..........................................................................................................................18 6.5 Monitoring..................................................................................................................18 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors Contents Page Part 3 The Environment (cont) 7. Hazardous Substances.................................................................................................................18 7.1 Types of Hazardous Substances......................................................................................18 7.2 Hazardous Substance Management.................................................................................18 8. Wastes .......................................................................................................................19 9. Waste Management .....................................................................................................................19 9.1 Liquid Wastes..................................................................................................................19 9.2 Wastes of Value...............................................................................................................19 9.3 Legal Requirements for Wastes.......................................................................................19 9.4 General Waste Handling Rules........................................................................................20 9.5 Wastes in Laboratories ....................................................................................................20 10. Land Management.......................................................................................................................20 10.1 Contamination.................................................................................................................20 10.2 Restricted Land Uses.......................................................................................................21 10.3 Soil Characteristics..........................................................................................................21 11. Stormwater and Erosion..............................................................................................................21 11.1 Stockpiles .......................................................................................................................21 11.2 Stores of Hazardous Material ..........................................................................................21 11.3 Exposed Sites..................................................................................................................21 12. Water Conservation.....................................................................................................................22 13. Vibration and Noise.....................................................................................................................22 13.1 Vibration and Noise Management...................................................................................22 13.1.1 Building Works....................................................................................................22 13.1.2 Regulated Devices...............................................................................................23 13.1.3 Vibration..............................................................................................................23 14. Flora and Fauna .......................................................................................................................23 14.1 Plants .......................................................................................................................23 14.2 Animals .......................................................................................................................23 15. Heritage and Cultural ..................................................................................................................23 15.1 Heritage and Cultural Controls .......................................................................................24 16. Contingencies/Emergencies ........................................................................................................24 16.1 Contingencies/Emergencies Controls..............................................................................24 Part 4 Format for Contractor’s Safety and Environmental Plan Section A - Tender Submission Stage (confirmation in writing)...............................................................25 Section B - Contract Stage (before starting contract - confirmation in writing) .......................................26 Section C - Post Contract Stage................................................................................................................26 Section D - Environmental Guidelines .....................................................................................................27 Section E - Associated Forms...................................................................................................................28 1. Hot Works Permit Form PF220 (P&F form) 2. Contractor’s OHS&E Declaration Form PF397 (P&F form) 3. Contractor’s Site Handover Certificate PF398 (P&F form) 4. Asbestos Permit Form PF430 (P&F form) 5. Confined Space Entry Permit Form (UQ form) Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 1. Introduction This manual has the very important task of explaining your health, safety and environmental obligations as a staff member or contractor when working on University sites. It is also designed to make you aware of the unique health, safety and environmental issues which you may come across on University sites. The Property and Facilities Division is responsible for the construction of new buildings, alterations to existing accommodation, maintenance of University grounds, and the security, maintenance and cleaning of over 100 buildings on the main St Lucia campus, 20 buildings on the Ipswich campus, as well as a further 272 buildings on the Gatton campus and other external properties such as the Mayne Graduate Medical School at Herston and the research sites at Heron Island, Indooroopilly Mine, Low Isles, and Charters Towers. The gross floor area of buildings on the St Lucia campus is 265,956 square metres, 10,237 square metres on Ipswich campus and 58,620 square metres on the Gatton campus, with the total gross floor area for all sites being 397,430 square metres. It also provides services for University stores, mail, transport and furniture. The Property and Facilities Division is certified, by NATA Certification Services International (NCSI), for the management of a Quality Management System (QMS) and Safety Management System (SMS) against the requirements of the international and Australian standards AS/NZS ISO 9001and AS 4801 respectively. The P&F Division also manage an Environmental Management System (EMS). These integrated systems demonstrate that the Division is focused on a continuous improvement cycle of information, feedback, audit and review. The non-conformance system, locally known as the ‘feedback system’, is aimed at providing information relating to non-conformance as well as initiatives for corrective and preventive management of our processes and services. If you have identified a non-conformance, please contact the relevant UQ Project Manager/ Supervisor or the Works Control Centre on (07) 336 52222. If you have an improvement suggestion, please contact the Quality Officer on (07) 336 54895 or email [email protected]. 2. Disclaimer The University of Queensland Property and Facilities Division has prepared this handbook in order to assist staff, contractors and their staff to work safely on University sites and abide by the University of Queensland requirements relating to people, property and the environment. Every effort has been made to explain the local conditions, site rules and legal obligations, however, responsibility to understand and observe relevant legislation remains with the staff and contractors at all times. Further information about legal requirements can be obtained from the University’s Occupational Health and Safety Unit or the Division’s Health & Safety Coordinator (HSC) for OH&S issues, and the Division’s Environmental Engineer (EE) for environmental issues. PART 1 – UQ WORKPLACE The Property and Facilities Division’s mission is “to provide comprehensive facilities management, using integrated systems and services, to support the University’s goals and its environment. This will be achieved throughout the Division in the core areas of service delivery, risk management, customer service, and resource and systems management.” In fulfilling the mission the Division is committed to ensuring a high standard of health, safety and environmental control for all projects. By reading and understanding this booklet, everyone working on University sites will be able to play their role in protecting the safety of themselves, others and our environment. The purpose of this induction manual is to advise you of: • OH&S obligations as per the Workplace Health and Safety Act; • environmental duty of care; • identification and management of hazards unique to our sites; and • any relevant operational issues. We have tried to keep this manual as brief as possible without affecting the integrity of the information. If you have any comments or need further information, please contact the Health & Safety Coordinator, Property and Facilities Division on (07) 334 69268. Page 1 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 1 – UQ WORKPLACE 3. Occupational Health and Safety Policy p r o p e r t y & f a c i l i t i e s d i v i s i o n p&f occupational health & safety policy Alasdair McClintock Director, Property & Facilities Division July 2006 Under the Workplace Health & Safety Act, staff at all levels have a responsibility to ensure they: • comply with the instructions given for workplace health and safety at the workplace by the employer at the workplace and any principal contractor for construction work at the workplace; • use personal protective equipment if the equipment is provided by the worker’s employer and the worker is properly instructed in its use; • not wilfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided for workplace health and safety at the workplace; • not wilfully place at risk the workplace health and safety of any person at the workplace; • not wilfully injure themselves; and • report any hazards and risks they have become aware of. staff responsibilities In fulfilling the objectives of this policy, management is committed to: • consultation with employees to ensure that health and safety issues are regularly reviewed; • compliance with relevant legislation which apply to the workplace; and • providing training and awareness for P&F staff and its contractors and consultants. management duties The P&F Division is committed to: • establishing measurable objectives and targets aimed at reducing, and where possible, eliminating, work-related injury and illness; • to introduce and follow safe systems of work in every P&F Section; and • to provide adequate training, resources and facilities. objectives As part of the University of Queensland, P&F is required to adhere to the University’s OHS policies and procedures. Through these policies and procedures the Division seeks to provide a safe environment for its staff. mission The structure for occupational health and safety at the University of Queensland, is such that the OH&S Unit, a part of the University’s HR Division, is charged with the overall health and safety of staff, students and visitors to the University as well as ensuring that areas of risk are appropriately managed – (such areas of risk include: Confined Space, Indoor Air Quality, Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation, WHSO Structure, Workplace Ergonomics and Manual Tasks, Incident & Injury Reporting System, Health Surveillance and Monitoring, Fire Safety, University Security, Electrical Safety, Diving Safety, Asbestos Management, Hazard Identification & Reporting System, Legionella (Cooling Tower Management), Contractor Management and Roof safety – working from heights.) The OH&S Unit seeks advice from the Property & Facilities (P&F) Division on the development of these management plans. P&F carries out work on behalf of the UQ OH&S Unit, who is ultimately responsible for UQ occupational health and safety plans, policies and procedures. The scope of the P&F safety management system, which is certified to AS4801, is strictly inclusive of how the Division itself complies with both corporate and divisional plans, policies and procedures in its own workplaces and for/by its own staff. scope Page 2 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 4. Reporting Line - Contractor’s Issue Resolution WHSO WHSO PART 1 – UQ WORKPLACE Is activity life threatening? NO YES Documents filed Advise contractor to stop activity. Contact Site Manager (Contractor) or HSC or own Supervisor to resolve issue. OHS&E issue identified on-site. Identifier makes a note in diary about issue. Contractor Evaluation System Identifier contacts Project Officer (PO). PO diarises issue and uses own authority to resolve issue. Contact EE or HSC for advice as required. Is issue resolved? NO YES PO/HSC/EE completes appropriate paperwork & monitors contractor’s performance. PO contacts HSC or EE. HSC or EE attempts to resolve issue with contractor. HSC or EE: • reports issue to relevant authorities • completes & files appropriate paperwork • informs UQ OH&S Unit of non-compliance If still NO Definitions: PO - Project Officer EE - Environmental Engineer HSC - Health and Safety Coordinator Page 3 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 5. Asbestos Like many buildings built before the early 1980s, a number of buildings at the University of Queensland used asbestos- containing products at the time of construction. These products include floor tiles, asbestos cement piping and sheeting, pipe and boiler insulation, ceiling tiles, insulation around heater banks in air conditioning duct work, laboratory equipment such as autoclaves, old electrical switchboards etc. An Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) has been developed to deal with the identification, management and removal of asbestos from all University sites. Staff and contractors must adhere to the Management Plan whenever dealing with asbestos. Before commencing any works with the potential to impact on asbestos you must obtain a PF430 Asbestos Permit to Work available from Property & Facilities or the website at www.pf.uq.edu.au/policy-procedures.html The Asbestos Management Plan contains: • scope and limitations of the AMP; • overview of the risk assessment process; • asbestos-related regulatory requirements; • UQ organisational responsibilities; • principles of asbestos management; • description of the standard asbestos survey report/register utilised by the University and its application; • management of in-situ asbestos materials; • safe working practices; • requirements for asbestos removal; • emergency response procedures; • training; and • future initiatives. The Asbestos Management Plan is available from the P&F Health & Safety Coordinator on (07) 334 69268. Alternatively visit this web address for further information: www.uq.edu.au/ohs/pdfs/asbesplan.pdf. 6. Cables and Services 7. Confined Spaces A number of confined spaces exist at the University of Queensland and it is recognised that activities undertaken in confined spaces can be inherently hazardous to the worker’s health and safety. A confined space is considered to be any space which, because of its location, contents and the activities performed within it, may be deficient in oxygen or contain flammable/toxic vapours and gases. It may be of any size. Confined spaces There are numerous underground services throughout the University of Queensland, including electrical cables, pipes, gas and telecommunication services. Check for locations before you dig. The University of Queensland has maps documenting service locations throughout University sites. The relevant UQ Project Manager/Officer/Supervisor, in the case of external contractors, or the relevant trade supervisor, in the case of in-house staff, must be contacted prior to conducting any excavation or other work, which could potentially damage services. Where any work requires the isolation of services, notice must be given to either the University Project Officer or trade Supervisor who will organise the relevant notification. Shutdown procedures must be used and users of the service must be notified. usually have limited openings for entry and exit and unfavourable natural ventilation. They are generally not designed for continuous worker occupancy. Examples of common confined spaces include drains, sumps, gas tanks, silos and degreasing baths, and at the St Lucia campus the Great Court tunnel, and some air-conditioning plant rooms, particularly in the heritage-listed buildings. DO NOT ENTER A CONFINED SPACE WITHOUT AN ENTRY PERMIT. PART 1 – UQ WORKPLACE Page 4 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 1 – UQ WORKPLACE Emergency Contacts: Hazard What to Do Who to Contact Extension Fire • Contact Security • Use preventive measures (e.g. fire extinguishers to contain fire) Security 3365 3333 Explosion • Contact Security Security 3365 3333 Spill • Contact Security • Alert people in the areas Security 3365 3333 • Alert relevant Department First Aid • Contact Security Security 3365 3333 Medical • Contact Security Security 3365 3333 8. Emergency Services Detailed procedures are displayed in all buildings at the University of Queensland describing the type of alarms, emergency exits, fire fighting equipment, muster areas, the name and location of the building for notification and location of manual alarms or telephones. A documented job procedure, which includes an entry permit, is required for all work in a confined space. For further information, refer to the following web address: www.pf.uq.edu.au/pdf/ConfinedSpace.pdf. The Confined Space Management Plan and entry forms are also available from www.pf.uq.edu.au/policy-procedures.html The University has 3 categories of confined space: Category 1 – high risk (UQ Confined Space Entry Permit required); Category 2 – medium risk (UQ Confined Space Entry Permit required); and Category 3 – low risk. Important Contacts: Subject Contact Person Extension Fire Safety Advice P&F Security Section Fire Safety Officer 3365 2329 Environmental Contingency Issues P&F Operations Environmental Services Section 3365 2076 Hazards, Risks and P&F Occupational Health P&F Health & Safety Coord 3346 9268 Emergency Advice & Safety Emergency P&F Security Section Security Officer on Duty 3365 3333 Don’t Panic. Keep calm in all situations. IN AN EMERGENCY PHONE 3365 3333 Page 5 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 9. Injuries, Illnesses and Incidents Report all injuries, illnesses and incidents involving health, safety and environment issues, no matter how small, to the Contract Supervisor using the reporting line highlighted on page 5. For occupational health and safety matters a ‘Workplace Injury, Illness and Incident Report’ form must be filled out for any occurrence involving a contractor, student, staff member or visitor, as soon as possible, but at least within 24 hours. Environmental matters must be reported to the Environmental Engineer. You are no help to an injured colleague if you panic. In an emergency situation follow these procedures: 1. Assess the Situation a) look for other dangers; b) administer immediate first aid; c) initiate any required immediate corrective action; and d) seek assistance and notify security. 2. Decision to be Based On a) your own competency in relation to the action required; b) the situation i.e. electrocution, fire, machinery failure; and c) the resources immediately available etc. Do not make yourself a casualty or create further complications by undertaking action beyond your control. 3. Get Assistance Contact Security and notify emergency services as required. Obey all directions from Security or emergency services in relation to the emergency (either over the phone or on site). 10. Hazardous Areas You May Come Across Due to the variety and nature of activities carried out at the University of Queensland for teaching, research and development, you may come across areas which are unique when compared to the average workplace where you carry out contracting work. In many cases these areas can be hazardous if the correct controls are not followed. You should not enter, and will need to undergo specific induction procedures before carrying out work in, the following locations: • Animal Houses Due to potential allergies, bites, scratches, kicks or infections associated with zoonotic diseases, specific procedures documented in the University of Queensland’s Animal Houses’ policy must be followed prior to entering areas where animals such as rats, mice, cats, monkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, dogs, sheep, goats, bats and small native animals are kept. Alternatively, visit this web address for further information: www.uq.edu.au/ohs/pdfs/ animalhouses.pdf • Laboratories (including magnet houses and lasers) There are a variety of laboratories at the University of Queensland including chemical and biological laboratories where pathogens, carcinogens, lasers, radioactive material and recombinant DNA work is carried out. Do not enter a laboratory to carry out work or for any other reason without having been given a specific induction for the laboratory concerned. All laboratories do not have the same procedures. Many laboratories have a significant number of fume cupboards in operation and care should be taken when doing any work in and around these fumecupboards. Please refer to the P&F procedures in the Operations and Safety Workbooks or ask the Project Manager/Supervisor for a copy. You must ask the Contract Supervisor to arrange a specific induction for each laboratory you are required to enter. • Chemical Store/Depot There are various chemical depots at the University of Queensland. No repairs or construction work is to be undertaken in a depot unless the risk to a person’s health or safety has been assessed and where required, all hazardous substances or dangerous goods have been removed and cleaned from the depot. Consult the Contract Supervisor before working in or around a chemical depot. • High Voltage Substations Access to high voltage substations at the University of Queensland is to be arranged through the Contract Supervisor. Only appropriately licensed and trained persons will be granted access to high voltage substations. • Broken Pit Lids Broken or damaged pit lids have been identified as a potentially serious health and safety risk. Pit lids are the access covers for electrical, communications, water, irrigation and sewerage pits and also storm water grates. If, during the course of doing work at any University campus, staff or contractors damage a pit lid or notice a damaged pit lid they should report it immediately to the relevant Works Control Centre – St Lucia phone (07) 3365 2222 or Gatton/Ipswich 54601226. PART 1 – UQ WORKPLACE Page 6 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 12. Access to Rooftops A Roof Safety Management Plan (RSMP) has been written for the University of Queensland. The plan contains: • objectives; • legal requirements and responsibilities; • hazard identification; • roof safety survey; • risk assessment; • control measures; • register of roofs; • safe work practices; • emergency response procedures; and • training. DO NOT ACCESS ANY ROOFTOP WITHOUT OBTAINING A COPY OF THE ROOF SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN AND FOLLOWING THE ROOF SAFETY PLAN FOR THE BUILDING ROOF YOU ARE ACCESSING. Contact Property and Facilities Operations Manager phone 3365 1163 or the P&F Health and Safety Coordinator on 3346 9268 for details. For further information visit the following web address: www.uq.edu.au/ohs/pdfs/roofsafety.pdf. The Roof Safety Management Plan and associated form are also available from www.pf.uq.edu.au/policy- procedures.html 11. PCBs in Fluorescent Lights Due to the hazardous nature of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) to both human health and the environment, precautions are required to be taken with any items at the University of Queensland that contain PCBs. PCBs were commonly used as dielectric fluids in electrical equipment such as transformers and capacitors and can be found in metal-cased capacitors in fluorescent lights at the University of Queensland. Generally, short term exposure to PCBs such as accidental spills or release of vapours due to overheating of a leaking capacitor does not lead to any long term health effects. However, excessive amounts of PCBs can cause irritation to the eyes and long term health problems with skin, hair and liver. PCBs are listed as a probable human carcinogen, i.e., repeated exposure over a period of years may lead to cancer. Personal protective equipment and clothing required for the handling of PCBs and PCB- contaminated equipment in light fittings include: • nitrile/neoprene rubber gloves; and • safety goggles. For detailed procedures on the removal, safe disposal, handling of spills etc. for PCBs, contractors must consult the University of Queensland ‘Safety Guidelines - PCBs in Fluorescent Lighting’. Alternatively, visit this web address for further information: www.uq.edu.au/ohs/pdfs/pcbs.pdf. All contractors should consult the Register of Known Product Names that contain PCB’s. Please contact the Environmental Engineer on (07) 3365 51587 or the Supervisor Electrical on (07) 3365 3219. PART 1 – UQ WORKPLACE Page 7 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 13. Indoor Air Quality An Indoor Air Quality Management Plan (IAQMP) has been developed to provide staff and contractors with an increased understanding and awareness of indoor air quality and to provide guidance on the prevention of IAQ-related problems. Indoor air quality refers to a range of characteristics including: • air purity; • air movement; • the ratio of fresh air to recirculated air; and • the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Indoor air quality is typically associated with office-type buildings that are ventilated by mechanical ventilation systems. For the purposes of this document, indoor air quality shall apply to any building that is normally occupied and which may or may not be fitted with mechanical ventilation systems. The main objectives of the management plan are: 1. to ensure that the air quality supplied to the occupants of buildings, either owned or maintained by the University, is satisfactory and does not cause harm or discomfort; 2. to ensure that when air quality problems do arise they are contained and eradicated, thereby minimising their impact on the building occupants; and 3. to ensure the University complies fully with its legal requirements in relation to Indoor Air Quality. Contact Property and Facilities Operations Manager phone 3365 1163 or the P&F Health and Safety Coordinator on 3346 9268 for details. For further information visit the following web address: www.pf.uq.edu.au/policy-procedures.html. 14. Signs You Will See The University of Queensland has adopted the requirements of AS1319 for safety signage. Safety signs are not decoration. They have been erected to give specific information to protect your safety and health and should be obeyed. Safety signs of different colours and shapes mean different things. Some examples are shown below: • A red circle with a line through it means this is something you must not do: Do Not Enter Do Not Smoke • A yellow triangle warns you of a danger, or risk to your health: Caution Caution Caution Risk of Fire Risk of Ionising Chemical Radiation Hazard • A blue circle tells you that you must wear some special safety equipment: PART 1 – UQ WORKPLACE Eye Protection Needed A Hard Hat Needed Respiratory (breathing) Needed Safety Boots Needed Hearing Protection Needed Safety Gloves Needed Page 8 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 3. Behaviour on Site During any construction or maintenance work on site all University staff, contractors and their staff are to ensure the least amount of disruption as possible to students, staff and visitors to the University of Queensland. Offensive behaviour by any party will not be tolerated at the University of Queensland. Offensive behaviour includes: • all behaviour and language that reinforces inappropriate, demeaning or discriminatory attitudes or assumptions about persons based on age, race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, transgender status,or marital status; and • behaviour such as whistling, unsolicited remarks of a sexual nature and swearing. Noise near buildings should be kept as low as possible and loud radios and other music are not permitted. 2. Barricades and Hoardings All construction and maintenance work is to be isolated from other activities, students, staff and visitors to the University of Queensland. Where this cannot be controlled by closing off areas of buildings or using a spotter to stop access temporarily to an area, then barricades or more substantial hoardings are required to be used. If at any stage during construction or maintenance work, or from past experience, a chosen method of isolation is found not to be successful, then a more appropriate control is to be implemented. Under no circumstances is construction or maintenance work to be carried out above a workplace while a staff member is there, or in a way that exposes others to an increased risk of injury. 1. Alcohol and Other Drugs The risk level related to hazards at a workplace can be significantly increased by alcohol and other drugs. Contractors are required to ensure persons affected by alcohol or other drugs are not permitted to carry out work on University grounds. The consumption or abuse of drugs, including alcohol, is not permitted on construction or maintenance workplaces at the University of Queensland. Visit these web addresses for further information: www.uq.edu.au/about/index.html?page=5289 and www.uq.edu.au/ hupp/ (section on Alcohol on University sites). 4. Hazardous Substances There are a large range of hazardous substances, including chemicals, stored and used on University sites. Project Officers, contractors and staff should be aware of this and check with relevant staff in the various departments to ensure that the workplace is safe and, if necessary, any hazardous substances are removed or made safe before work is commenced. No substance is to be brought onto site without full details, including those detailed below, being supplied to the University of Queensland by the user of the substance: • A full description including product name, use, quantity, etc. • A copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). • A copy of the risk assessment relating to its specific use. • Work procedures required for safe storage, use and disposal. • Training details of those required to use the substance. The University has developed a Chemwatch program, and procedures for waste disposal are included in this boolket. For further information visit this web address: hazsafety.pf.uq.edu.au/chemwatch/default.htm PART 2 – REQUIREMENTS AND SITE RULES Page 9 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 6. Legislation University staff, contractors and their staff must comply with all provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety Act and the subordinate regulations, advisory standards and codes of practice to this legislation. Everyone working at the University of Queensland is obligated to: • ensure their own safety and health; • not place at risk any other person; • not interfere with or misuse anything provided for safety and health at the workplace; • use the necessary personal protective equipment; and • comply with instructions given for safety and health at the workplace. If you identify a hazard and cannot undertake necessary rectification work to prevent a possible injury, notify the Contract Supervisor/UQ Project Manager/Officer/Supervisor. No activity or task is so important or so urgent that it releases a contractor or individual from the responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. 5. Hot Work Hot work, including welding, thermal or oxygen cutting or heating and other related heat or spark producing operations, are not to take place in any building area without a hot work permit (form PF220). Staff and contractors must comply with the Division’s Hot Work Permit Program. The Project Officer/Trades Supervisor/Contractor is responsible to ensure all their staff adhere to that program. P&F staff can obtain the Hot Work Procedure in the P&F Safety Work Book, available from www.pf.uq.edu.au/qms-procedures.html A hot work permit must be submitted to the Contract Supervisor before work commences - permits are available from www.pf.uq.edu.au/policy-procedures.html. Lab Managers must be contacted before commencing work. Contractor Hot Work Information and Responsibilities As a contractor at the University, you are a partner in our continued success in preventing loss of life and increasing our levels of safety. We encourage your suggestion on how hot work can be avoided by using alternative methods. If hot work cannot be avoided, you are expected to strictly follow our procedures. We will guide you in following our procedures for Hot Work and, if appropriate, you will be introduced to other University staff to discuss any unique conditions you should be aware of before commencing hot work. Please read the University’s hot work rules, listed below, and assist us to maintain and improve our safety standards and protect against loss from possible fires. Contractor Hot Work Rules 1. A Hot Work Permit PF220 is required for any maintenance or construction procedure involving hot-work in any area. Hot work includes, but is not limited to, heat, open flames, sparks or other ignition sources which may cause smoke or fire, or which may trigger detection systems. Examples are oxyacetylene heating, cutting and welding, arc welding, thawing pipes, sweating pipes or applying roofing materials with torches. 2. Responsible contractor/trade supervisor/person will determine if welding, cutting, soldering and heating must be done as part of the work order or project. 3. If there is a more practicable and safe method to complete the works without hot work being done, this method is to be used. 4. Hot Work Permit form PF220 must be obtained and authorised prior to commencement of hot works. 5. The form may be obtained from the P&F Works Control Centre (WCC) during normal working hours or from Security after-hours and will be the only recognised form or from the web at www.pf.uq.edu.au/policy- procedures.html 6. The details of the hot work must be registered at WCC on form PF450 Hot Work Register. 7. The form must be returned to the WCC on completion of the work. Note: Contractors must contact Lab Managers before commencing work. Note: Hot work should be indicated on the site specific safety plan. PART 2 – REQUIREMENTS AND SITE RULES Page 10 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 8. Site Specific Safety Plans Site Workplace Health and Safety Plans are to be produced by every contractor engaged in, high risk work, construction or building work, specified work, and anyone deemed as an employer that intends to work at the University of Queensland. A copy of this plan is to be given to the UQ Project Supervisor/Manager prior to starting work on the site. All contractors should refer to Part 4 of this booklet – Format for Contractor’s Safety and Environmental Plan. A detailed safety plan as in Part 4 of this booklet is required for: • Each “Specified work”- Specified work is classified as construction or building work where someone can fall 2.4 metres or more, excavating where the excavation is 1.5 metres deep, or any work removing, sealing or inspecting asbestos. For all “specified work” projects over $80,000, notification must be given to the Division of Workplace Health and Safety. This is done via the Portable Long Service Leave form. • Any high risk work, and • Any contractor classed as an Employer and working for P&F. Low risk work – A risk assessment will be conducted by Project Managers/Supervisors/ Officers to determine the risk associated with the work/project. If it is determined that the risk is low, self-employed contractors are not required to submit a safety plan, however, they will be required to sign a declaration that he/she will abide to P&F’s OH&S policies. These policies will be made available to the contractor on request. Safety Plan produced by contractor is required to cover a number of issues, including the following, for the work being carried out on site: • the hazards to health and safety; • an assessment of the risk that may result from the hazard; • the control measures to prevent or minimise the risk; • how monitoring and reviewing of the control measures will occur; • how and to whom additional hazards are reported; and 7. Non-Compliance Non-compliance with workplace health and safety and environmental legislation or the University of Queensland health, safety and environment requirements will be taken very seriously. The University of Queensland assesses contractors not only on their ability to meet construction requirements of the job, within time and cost restraints, but also on their willingness to perform their work at a high level of safety and health. Should any staff, including contractors and their staff, observe or become aware of their employees acting in an unsafe manner, they will be required to take immediate action. The Contract Supervisor will be advised and the incident will be recorded. Contractors or their staff may be asked to leave the site. Principal Principal Contractor Work Contractor Work Plan Plan Builders Name: Builders Name: ........................... ........................... Address of Site: Address of Site: .......................... .......................... Principal Principal Contractor Work Contractor Work Plan Plan Builders Name: Builders Name: ........................... ........................... Address of Site: Address of Site: .......................... .......................... Employers Work Employers Work Plan Plan Subcontractors Subcontractors Name:.......... Name:.......... Address of Site: Address of Site: ...................... ...................... Employers Work Employers Work Plan Plan Subcontractors Subcontractors Name:.......... Name:.......... Address of Site: Address of Site: ...................... ...................... PART 2 – REQUIREMENTS AND SITE RULES • have you been trained in these procedures by your employer? If you are unaware of the Workplace Health and Safety Plan for your work at the University of Queensland, you should discuss this with your employer immediately following this induction. Page 11 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 9. Conducting Risk Assessments As the University of Queensland’s primary goal is to eliminate Very High/High and Substantial/Moderate risk potential from the workplace, these should be the primary focus of the contractor’s risk assessment and work method development. If a Moderate to Very High risk is identified, the subsequent work method must show that risk has been removed, isolated or reduced to a Low risk or satisfactory protection provided. Note: If a Low potential effects members of the public, it must be addressed as a Substantial/Moderate risk. Areas that are not classified as Low risk are to have safe work procedures/detailed work method is developed and documented. An acceptable work procedure must clearly spell out the work sequence highlighting the procedures required to remove, reduce or manage each Very High/High and Substantial/Moderate potential risk identified in the risk assessment. All staff involved in the activity are to receive safe work procedures training (formal briefing) and the following must be clearly stated: • Step by step work sequence; • Safe procedures (who, when, how and why); • Safety equipment to be used (detail who, when and how); • Emergency procedures, if any; • Restrictions, if any; • Safety inspections and controls (who and when); • Provision of direct supervision by a qualified tradesman for new employees (if applicable); • Acknowledgement that sub contractors will adhere to OHS requirements; • Ensure all persons wear PPE as and when required; • Ensure work area(s) safe (audit program); • Provision of proper signage; • Acknowledgement of safe disposal of waste; • Restrict access to hazardous areas (if applicable); • Acknowledgement that all tools, tackle, gear, scaffolds, staging, ladders, hoisting arrangements, machines, explosives, electrical and mechanical appliances and all other plant, machinery and equipment are maintained in sound condition, and are safe for use and used in a safe manner; • Acknowledgement that all electrical power leads and tools shall be tested in accordance with Code of Practice for Safe Electrical Work and the tools shall be subjected to the audits by OH&S unit/Project supervisors; • Acknowledgement that the Contractor will promptly remove from the work site any employees or representative who by their irresponsible conduct, create any danger or injury to any persons on or about the site; • Acknowledgement to appoint a competent member of the Contractor’s full-time staff as WHSO, whose duties throughout the currency of the contract shall include co-operation with all relevant Authorities, and ensuring that all works are carried out in a safe manner with full and adequate precaution taken to prevent danger or injury to any persons on or about the site; and • Acknowledgement to provide and maintain adequate first aid kit on site for their employee. The information above should form part of the contractors’ safety management system but does not need to be disclosed as part of the Safety Plan submitted to HSC/EE. Page 12 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 11. Timing of Work The University of Queensland needs to maintain an environment which is conducive to learning and research. Excessive noise can impact on this and all people working on University sites, either University staff or contractors, must be mindful of sensitive periods during the year. In particular, the planning of any work must be done in consultation with staff who may be affected by noise due to their proximity to the work site. This would include not only staff directly within a building but also staff who may be adjacent to the workplace, e.g. work being done outside a building but which may impact on the occupants of the adjacent building/s. All workers should take the following circumstances into account when planning work: • examination periods; • teaching times; • planned seminars; • laboratory experiments; • where dust or vibration may impact; and • graduations. 10. Smoke Free Environment Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings and vehicles. The University of Queensland upholds the right of an individual to work in a smoke-free environment. 12. Specific Policies The University of Queensland has developed specific guidelines and policies on a number of safety and health issues. If these guidelines and policies cover issues relevant to your work as a contractor on site, you must make yourself aware of the University of Queensland’s requirements by consulting the Contract Supervisor or by visiting the University of Queensland’s web page at www.uq.edu.au/ohs/. Specific guidelines and policies exist for the following issues: • accident/incident/injury and hazard reporting; • animal houses - health and safety guidelines; • asbestos safety guideline; • asbestos management plan; • confined spaces - management of work; • electrical safety; • fire and emergency evacuation procedures; • flammable and combustible liquids; • hearing conservation policy; • indoor air quality; • job descriptions and performance standards for occupational health and safety; • labelling of chemicals; • office copying machines; • organic solvents; • PCBs in fluorescent lighting; • personal protective equipment; • roof safety management plan; • sunlight - occupational exposure; and • scaffolding policy (P&F procedure). PART 2 – REQUIREMENTS AND SITE RULES 13. Training Responsibilities Contractors are obliged to advise the Property and Facilities Division of any staff changes in their organisation so that safety induction training can be organised. Please contact the Health & Safety Coordinator on (07) 334 69268. Page 13 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors 1. Environmental Legilsation The University and its contractors are bound by the relevant environmental legislation. Individuals must also meet all their responsibilities under this legislation while working for the University. Relevant legislation includes, but is not limited to: • Environmental Protection Act (1994) • Environmental Protection Regulations (1998) • Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulations (2000) • Environmental Protection Policies • Air (1997) • Noise (1997) • Water (1997) • Waste Management (2000)+ Interim Waste (1996) • Dangerous Goods Codes PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 2. Legal Duties and Responsibilities All individuals involved in projects at the University retain a degree of responsibility under Environmental Legislation for ensuring protection of environmental values. 2.1 Executive Officer Liability (EPA s493) (Applicable to University Project Manager/Project Officer (PM/PO), Principle Contractors, Site Foreman and any individual with a supervisory role – for sub-contractors and/or employees). Any person with a supervisory role has a responsibility to ensure their company (and therefore employees and contractors) do not cause environmental harm and therefore breach the Environmental Protection Act. To satisfy this requirement, persons should: • Be familiar with the environmental effects of their activities • Identify who has responsibility for environmental management • Be familiar with, and ensure procedures exist to minimise environmental impacts that meet, legislation, industry standards and risk assessments • Demonstrate environmental responsibility to stakeholders (employees, public, etc) • Exercising control over environmental performance of individual contractors • Keeping records to show compliance with environmental requirements This may mean systems and procedures exist for reacting to potential incidents, ongoing audits, training for employees and defined authority for reacting to failures. 2.2 General Environmental Duty (EPA s319) (Applicable to every individual. For supervisors, this is in addition to the Executive Officer Liability – though many requirements overlap.) An individual must take all reasonable steps to minimise environmental harm associated with all activities they undertake. To determine what measures a person should take with the activity they are undertaking to meet this requirement they should consider: • The nature of any potential pollution. • The sensitivity of the environment where the pollution may end up. • Financial implications of the actions. • The current technology available. • The likelihood of success of the implemented actions. It may also be a defence if it is demonstrated that a relevant code of practice, industry standard, or environmental system or procedures (as developed by the company) was followed. Page 14 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT If an individual thinks the processes or procedures are inadequate, they should tell their supervisor and not undertake the activity until they are satisfied with the measures put in place. A person is also required to notify of any activity they believe may be causing environmental harm (pollution) under this responsibility. 2.3 Duty to Notify Environmental Harm (EPA s320) (Applicable to all individuals) If you become aware of an incident where actual or potential environmental harm is or may be caused, you must immediately notify the EPA. This is regardless of whether you have been involved in the incident or if you observe others causing it. Under the legislation this responsibility requires that you notify the company. At the University of Queensland, an individual fulfils this duty by: • Notifying your supervisor. It is then their responsibility to notify their supervisor and so on until Environmental Engineer (EE) is made aware. For example, if you are an employee, notify your supervisor. A sub-contractor, the site foreman or principle contractor. If working directly for the University then it is the PM/PO. * If you are unable to contract your direct supervisor then you must notify the next person in the hierarchy. This may mean going directly to EE or even the EPA. Should you need to contact the EPA directly, they have a direct contact number: 1300 130 372). • EE will attend site and investigate the incident and determine if it needs to be reported to the EPA. • If the incident warrants notification, provide all information requested by EE. Any information provided to the EPA cannot be used if the agency decides to pursue a prosecution. The more information you provide, the less information left to be found by the agency. • You may be asked to complete a University Environmental Incident form which will be provided to you by EE. When faced with an environmental incident and if it is safe to do so, try to minimise any environmental impact (e.g. use spill kits). The EPA does not override WH&S Legislation. 3. The University Of Queensland’s Environmental Policy The University of Queensland ‘s Environmental Policy applies to anyone who is on a University campus or site; this applies to all contractors, their sub contractors and staff. The Environmental Policy is a document authorised by the Vice Chancellor and therefore known to all staff and students across the University. What this means for contractors is that almost everyone you see whilst at the University is aware of the requirements of the policy and what you should be doing to comply with it. As a contractor, you must comply with the requirements of the policy which may mean: • Ensuring that all staff are competent to undertake their tasks (particularly focussing on environmental responsibilities) by providing training on/induction to applicable environmental procedures. • Developing and ensure that procedures are followed that minimise environmental risks (impacts) associated with the work you are undertaking. • Ensuring compliance with Environmental Legislation. • Making available the resources to ensure you are able to comply with the requirements of this policy. Compliance with the policy may be checked by site audits by EE, HSC or UQ PM/PO. These audits may be undertaken as part of a random or programmed audit schedule or be undertaken in response to an incident or received complaint (remember, almost everyone at the University is aware of the requirements of the policy and what you should be doing to comply with it!). As for OHS issues, continued and/or wilful non-compliance with the policy will result in corrective actions as detailed in the OHS Section of the induction. Page 15 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors Page 16 Environmental Management System Environmental Policy Approved: 30 August 1997 Revised: 10 March 2003 The University of Queensland Environmental Policy The University of Queensland acknowledges the importance of protecting environmental values as part of a global community. Through its planning and practice, the University is committed to ensuring the protection of the environment by keeping environmental impacts to a minimum in a sustainable, financially rewarding and technically feasible manner. In addressing this statement, the University of Queensland will: • Consider sustainability issues in the decision making process of planning and managing the University’s operations and activities. • Facilitate and enhance the decision making process by seeking opinions, feedback and participation from the University’s stakeholders on environmental management issues on University campuses and sites. • Promote and encourage environmental awareness and training to ensure individuals throughout the University are aware of their environmental responsibilities. • Strive for continuous improvement of environmental performance by identifying and addressing environmental risk. Make available procedures for minimising risks that comply with local, state and federal environmental legislation with the goal of attaining best environmental practice. • Make available resources to implement and meet the requirements of the environmental policy. • Offer, encourage and develop subjects, courses and research of environmental and sustainable content. Promote external awareness by supporting projects that seek solutions to environmental problems in order to improve the sustainability of the global environment. Professor John Hay Vice-Chancellor Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 5. Contractor’s Environmental Risks Contractors are responsible for identifying, accessing and addressing the environmental risks associated with their projects. Risks presented by contractor activities may present environmental hazards that can affect or cause the following: • Air • Hazardous Substances • Wastes • Land Management • Stormwater and Erosion • Water • Vibration and Noise • Flora and Fauna • Heritage and Cultural Issues • Contingencies/Emergencies 6. Air Emissions Common types of air emissions from contractor’s works may include: • Dust from demolition, earthworks, etc • Chemical off gassing from paints, chemicals and solvents • Plant exhausts when operating machinery • Odour from sources such as sewers, effluent ponds, chemicals etc If there is a risk that any air emissions are likely to impact or effect areas external to the University, the contractor must consider control measures. 6.1 Dust: Dust must not leave a contractor’s work area or site. This can be achieved by suppressing dust or containing it within the work area. Common practices include: • Wetting or keeping work surfaces moist to prevent dust being generated (in accordance with council guidelines). • scheduling or planning activities that may generate dust to reduce the likelihood of dust leaving the site (i.e. not undertaking earthmoving on very windy days) • contained working areas where dust is generated (possibly in conjunction with mechanical separation equipment). A workshop with an exhaust system and a cyclone system is an example. 6.2 Chemical Off Gassing: Volatile chemicals will escape to the air when they are left open and exposed to the atmosphere. To prevent environmental harm and/or occupational health and safety issues, the amount of chemicals lost can be minimised by: • only opening small quantities. The less chemical exposed to the atmosphere, the less lost. • using volatile chemicals in purpose built or appropriate areas. Typically, this will be in areas with appropriate extraction systems and/or filtering/scrubbing equipment on exhausts. 6.3 Plant Exhausts: Machinery and other combustion equipment and engines exhaust greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. These can be minimised by: • Ensure all plant is serviced regularly • Use the appropriate fuels/mixes • Switch off plant when it’s not required. Page 17 4. Environmental Risks An Environmental risk is any activity or process that is likely to harm the environment . Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 6.4 Odour: Measures should be taken to minimise any odours leaving the workplace: • Treat the odour as a chemical off gas and handle as detailed above. • Consider odour masking only as a last resort. 6.5 Monitoring As a mechanism for checking the effectiveness of air emission controls, you may consider monitoring. Depending on the emission the following may be used: • Gas meters to detect emissions of chemicals. • Dust monitors to determine levels of dust and particles. These may be pumps or settling pads depending on the dust. If working with asbestos, dust monitoring is compulsory . Odour monitoring. (This is complex and not effective for determining instantaneous levels. It would only be considered on large scale works to determine exposures and if controls would be needed) 7. Hazardous Substances A hazardous substance can usually be identified by a dangerous goods diamond on the packaging. However, any other material that may have a negative effect on the environment should also be considered a hazardous substance. A hazardous substance may be a something a contractor brings to site to use, could be generated as a result of the work being undertaken or could be a waste that has to be removed from site. Various terms are used in different pieces of legislation to describe these materials. The following terms should all be considered to mean the same thing: • Dangerous Goods • Hazardous Substance • Regulated Wastes • Prescribed Substances • Trackable Wastes 7.1 Types of Hazardous Substances Common types of hazardous substances found across University sites include: • Chemicals • Pathogens • Poisons • Radioactivity • Asbestos 7.2 Hazardous Substance Management No hazardous substances should not be released to the environment. If using them on University sites the following should be considered: • Do not store any hazardous substances in areas where they could reasonably be expected to be lost (either through normal storage or from a spill). Don’t store them on soils or gravels, near stormwater drains or gutters, etc. • Decant liquids/fuel plant in areas where spill can be contained and controlled. • Have appropriate spill equipment for the material that you are using. • Hold or know where to access an MSDS for the hazardous substance you are working with. • If it is a waste, dispose of in accordance with waste guidelines. Page 18 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 8. Wastes A waste is any gas, liquid, solid or energy or combination of these that is left over, or an unwanted by-product or surplus to the activity generating the waste. Wastes from University contract sites can typically be considered as one of the following: • General (incl. builders and maintenance waste). • Recyclable. • Hazardous. 9. Waste Management Waste must be managed in the most environmentally sound manner. In the first instance, waste should be minimised following the waste hierarchy : • Avoid generating the waste by ordering exact volumes and amounts of materials, • Re-use materials. When possible, reuse off-cuts and wastes on other projects and jobs, • Recycle wastes by providing them to recycling contractors or others who can use the waste, • Energy Recovery (limited opportunities). Providing wastes to facilities to burn for energy generation • Disposal as a final option. Know how to handle and dispose of wastes you generate. Different types of waste have different legal requirements: 9.1 Liquid Wastes Solid wastes (provided they are not hazardous) can be disposed of in skips and bins. If it is a liquid waste, other considerations have to be made: • Liquid wastes cannot be placed in bins or skips. • Depending on the nature and risk posed by the liquid waste, one of the following is usually the most appropriate disposal method: stormwater, sewer, stormwater, or disposal at a licensed site. • Sometimes a cheap and easy pre-treatment system may be utilised to reduce the risk of a waste and allow a cheaper method of disposal. Some hazardous wastes may require this. • If you intend to connect to a sewer, ensure appropriate approvals have been sought 9.2 Wastes of Value Some waste may be of value to others. Often, there is an opportunity to recover costs on these types of wastes. Consider the following when evaluating your waste disposal options: • Can it be reused on the current or upcoming project to offset new products? • Can it be sold to a third party (i.e. metals, green waste, even piggery sludges)? • Can it be auctioned? 9.3 Legal Requirements for Wastes (Hazardous Materials) Some materials are considered “regulated wastes” under the Environmental Protection Regulation (1998). If you are handling one of these wastes do you: • Need an approval or license to generate the waste? • Need approvals of licenses to transport the waste for disposal? • Know where the waste can be disposed? “Regulated and Trackable wastes” which have requirements under the Regulations and the Environmental Protection (Waste) Policy have very specific requirements. If generating these wastes you should consider: • If you need a licence to generate the waste. • Do you have a licensed contractor to transport the waste (if you have more than 200kg). • Do you know where you can dispose of the waste and, if it needs to be, is it a licensed facility? • Are you aware of the paper work that needs to be completed when giving the waste to a waste contractor? For both these wastes, these issues should be resolved before they are generated Page 19 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 9.4 General Waste Handling Rules Regardless of the type of waste, all contractors have specific responsibilities as follows: • Contractors are responsible for all wastes they generate. They must make arrangements to remove them from site themselves. University bins should not be used for disposing of wastes unless you have specific permission from the PO/PM. • Segregate all wastes. You will always pay for the most hazardous/contaminated component of the waste if you leave them mixed. • It is recommended that all wastes are transported by a licensed company and disposed of at a licensed site (not just regulated and trackable wastes). This will ensure you are disposing of the wastes legally and if there is paper work to be completed, the transporting company will provide it to you. To be sure, ask for a disposal receipt. If you are disposing of asbestos, this is compulsory as the receipt must be provided to P&F Health & Safety Coordinator (HSC). 9.5 Wastes In Laboratories If you are working in a laboratory and have been given permission to dispose of wastes in University bins, tell the laboratory manager at the induction what wastes you are generating and clarify where they can be disposed. The wastes streams in laboratories are not always intuitive and some harmless wastes may need special disposal to prevent confusion at the disposal facilities. Bins in the University are typically colour coded and/or labelled as follows: 10. Land Management When impacting on University land, particularly for earthworks, several aspects may have to be considered: • Contamination. • Restrictions on land can be use and/or movement of materials to and from it. • Soil Characteristics 10.1 Contamination Many of the University sites have registered actual or potentially contaminated areas. If working in these areas, precautions have to be taken to prevent the spread of any of these materials. Measures that must be taken include: • Sampling of soils. This may be required to determine if the area is contaminated at all, or to determine the extent of contamination. As an indication, contaminated soils must be sampled at 1 sample/50m 3. • An approval must be gained from the EPA to remove the soil from site. This approval will have conditions that must be met by the contractor. • Contaminated soil must be contained on site. It must also be ensure that material being removed from site is not lost from the transport vehicles. Contaminated soil is a trackable and regulated waste and must be transported by a licensed contractor. Yellow = Clinical Purple = Cytotoxic Red = Radioactive Brown = Recycled Lab Glass Green with Yellow Lid = Recyclables “Incinerable Biological” = Animal Carcasses “Paper” = Paper Page 20 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 10.2 Restricted Land Uses Some restrictions that may be imposed on land use and materials include: • Seeking approvals for disturbing land in fire ant control zones or the moving material from them. • Ensure materials from fire ant control zones are certified fire ant free. • Do not store hazardous liquids or other materials directly on soil, dirt or gravel areas. If you intend to park or traverse land, ensure you have permission from your PM/PO 10.3 Soil Characteristics The characteristics of some soils may require special controls. • Releases from acid sulphate soils into natural water ways must be managed. This is most likely when disturbing these soils on river and creek banks. • If soils are saturated they may be inappropriate for traversing, parking, excavation and storage. Any damage, such as destroying grass cover or creating tracks will have to be repair by the contractor. 11. Stormwater and Erosion Any materials that may wash, flow or blow off the site must be managed in such a manner as to prevent loss from the site (and prevent contamination). This could include: • Stockpiles of soil and waste . • Stores of hazardous material . • When exposed sites are created (bare soil from clearing). 11.1 Stockpiles Stockpiles of material must be prevented from being washed or blown off site. Some measures that may be taken include: Cover with tarpaulins to prevent wind and water disturbance. • Keep loose material moist to the point that they stick together. Over wetting will cause runoff and erosion. • Planting and maintaining grass on soil stockpiles to hold the material together. • Using stormwater controls around bases of stockpiles. 11.2 Stores of Hazardous Material All hazardous materials must be prevented from leaving the work site and the potential for contaminating the site minimised. Ideally, these materials should be stored on hardstand areas (concrete, compacted soils, etc) and bundled. Storage in purpose built containers will also achieve this. 11.3 Exposed Sites When a site is exposed (i.e. cleared of vegetation and hard cover and is left as bare soil), most critically, soil cannot enter any stormwater or natural water systems. Containing water and materials on site is an effective way of achieving this while some control measures can be implemented off the site. Some options for achieving this control include: • Diverting stormwater around the site using gullies and drains to prevent it picking up soil in the first instance. • Intercept stormwater leaving the site and filtering it with silt fences, hay bails, socks, etc. • Use of purpose built interceptors at release points. In some cases, cages can be built to fit into curb side drains to achieve this. This measure does not prevent the material leaving the site. • Slowing or pooling stormwater on exposed surfaces to allow soils to settle out before leaving site by terracing, maintaining flat surfaces and use of bund walls or ponds. • Replanting or covering exposed areas as soon as work is completed. Page 21 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 12. Water Conservation The University encourages the conservation of resources at all of its campuses and locations. Many of the campuses and sites lie in drought affected regions and are under some level of water restrictions. This will differ depending on what local government (council) area the site is in. Be aware of the restrictions applicable to the site you are working and ensure compliance with them. In relation to contractor works, restrictions may exist for: • Cleaning and washing buildings, windows, pathways hard surfaces, particularly externally. • The use of water on construction sites (e.g. for dust suppression). • The use of water in building and construction processes. • Watering of gardens, lawns and landscaped areas. • Washing of vehicles. 13. Vibration and Noise Noise is tightly regulated under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy (1997) and the Environmental Protection Regulation (1998). It is critical that noise (and vibration) does not cause nuisance to properties neighbouring the University. Nuisance impacts from contractors can usually be considered as 1 of 3 types: • Building work: Noise from building work on any site. • Regulated devices: Any noise generating plant or tools: e.g. pneumatic tools, compressors, lawnmowers, chainsaws, concrete cutters, etc. • Vibration: Any vibration carried through structures or the ground e.g. jack hammering, rock breaking, blasting, etc. The University considers any premises used for residential accommodation to be a neighbour. Not only does this mean properties external to the University but also internal locations such as: • Colleges • University Rental Houses 13.1 Vibration and Noise Management Audible noise (nuisance) must not affect neighbours unless permissible as detailed below, Audible noise means any noise that can be heard by someone occupying affected premises. This applies to the part of the premises most affected by the noise (i.e. the balcony or verandah of a house is considered part of the premises). If you can undertake your work and the noise is not audible at a neighbouring property then there are no restrictions. Prevent audible noise (noise that can be heard inside a neighbouring residential property) outside excluded times. The following time restrictions are state regulations. Local government (councils) may have bylaws that further restrict this. University contracts and site rules may also impose more stringent controls. For example, the rules for St Lucia Campus, does not permit building work to commence before 7.00am . 13.1.1 Building work • Audible noise can only be generated Monday to Saturday between 6.30am and 6.30pm . • There is no limit on how loud the noise can be. • Work can still be undertaken outside these times, provided it cannot be heard at neighbouring properties. Other controls may be possible such as the use of noise enclosures Page 22 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 13.1.2 Regulated Devices • If a regulated device is used on a building site, its use must comply with building work requirements. • Audible noise can only be generated Monday to Saturday between 7am and 7pm and Sunday and Public Holidays between 8am and 7pm . Regulated devices can still be operated outside these times, provided it cannot be heard at neighbouring properties. 13.1.3 Vibration Any vibrations that may damage property beyond the construction site must be prevented. To achieve this, contractors may have to look for alternatives to minimise this risk. Be aware of the area you are working in too. If you think it likely that pre-existing damage may be perceived as being a result of your work, you may wish to consider recording evidence of the damage prior to starting (i.e. photographing and dating it). 14. Flora and Fauna Impact on all significant plant and animal species on University sites must be minimised. 14.1 Plants If your activities are going to affect plants, trees, gardens, lawns or landscaped areas you must: • Confirm all clearings with the PM/PO. Grounds, if they choose to do so, can relocate rare/ significant plants beyond the impact or the work area. • Rehabilitate/Replant areas as soon as possible as part of the project. • If you are working in particularly sensitive environments (such as river, creek and lake banks) additional protective measures may be required. 14.2 Animals Your activities may affect animal habitats or animals may become a nuisance in your work site. The following measures can be taken to minimise these impacts: • If animals are identified in your work place speak to your project officer. Animals such as snakes and possums can be captured and relocated by licensed people. • Prevent encouraging rodents (e.g. rats, crows, ibis) by maintaining a tidy site and clearing waste at regular intervals. • If you are undertaking pest control use poisons that only affect the pests being targeted. 15 Heritage and Cultural Most University campuses and sites have identified buildings and areas of heritage and cultural significance. As contractors, you are not expected to know or be able to identify these areas, but be aware that additional measures may have to be taken in locations such as: • Any older buildings, structures and/or the grounds near or surrounding them. In some instances, the entire site has been identified as having heritage significance. These areas include the Great Court ( St Lucia ), Herston Medical School , Gatton Campus and Ipswich campus. • Grounds, particularly near permanent waterways. These areas may require approvals from the Native Title Holders before commencing work. Other locations specially identified by the University where consultation with indigenous groups is undertaken as part of the management of the site (i.e. Stradbroke Island Research Station and Samford Bora Ring). Page 23 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 3 – THE ENVIRONMENT 15.1 Heritage and Cultural Controls When working in these areas, the destruction of the cultural and heritage values must be prevented and maintained for future generations. Measures that may be required in these locations include: • Approvals may be required from the Environmental Protection Agency to undertake the work. This will be obtained by PO/PM. • Where an approval is required, and it has conditions, or the University imposes conditions, the contractor must ensure they comply with the conditions relative to their work. • Where there may be pre-existing damage in the area you are working, you may wish to consider taking evidence of that damage (i.e. a dated photograph). 16. Contingencies / Emergencies Contractors must be prepared for any reasonably expected emergency, failure or accident. When considering contingencies, these should be identified as part of the risk assessment process when looking at each of the activities of the project. The control measures would then be detailed as part of the management of that risk (i.e. under stormwater control or noise management). Situations that have previously occurred on University sites include: • Hazardous material spills. • Fires and explosions. • Improper/illegal dumping. • Failure of stormwater controls. 16.1 Contingencies / Emergencies Controls Once possible emergencies have been identified, the appropriate tools for reacting to the situation should be held. These should be referred to in the contingency procedures and if applicable, refer to items such as: • Appropriate spill equipment. • Appropriate fire retardants/extinguishers. • The application of absorbent to isolate stormwater systems. For example, if large quantities of fuel are stored on site, absorbent cannot be held to contain all of it, but enough could be held to isolate stormwater drains. • The reporting structure to ensure that incidents are reported correctly and in a timely fashion. The basic information that should be recorded should an incident occur includes: • Time • Location • Known/Probable Cause • Environmental harm caused • Immediate corrective action • Actions to prevent reoccurrence If EE is required to attend site to ascertain if the incident needs reporting to the EPA, this information will be asked for. Page 24 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 4 – FORMAT FOR CONTRACTOR’S SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN SECTION A - TENDER SUBMISSION STAGE (CONFIRM IN WRITING) A Contractor’s Safety Plan is required under the Workplace Health and Safety Regulation. In accordance with this, the University of Queensland requires a safety plan for all specified work, all high risk work, and any contractor deemed as an employer. This plan shall reflect the Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental systems that will be adopted by the contractor to provide safe systems of work and compliance to, the Workplace Health and Safety Act, and Environmental Protection Act 1994. The safety plan is then to be reviewed, by both the contractor and the UQ project officer/trades supervisor, and P&F Division’s OH&S Coordinator at regular intervals throughout the contract. The following criteria must be addressed in each contractor’s safety plan before they are permitted to commence work on site. During the tendering process, you are required to submit your Health, Safety, Environmental plan/ programme as outlined below. Please be advised that if you fail to submit Section A of the Health and Safety plan during tender submission stage you will not be eligible for the contract. 1. Criteria 1. Full company details must been provided – (name, address, ABN). 2. Evidence of commitment to duty of care to workplace health and safety and environmental matters – eg. a current OH&S and environmental policy statement signed and dated by management. 3. Evidence of Principal Contractor appointment (for construction projects only). 4. Appropriate scope of works – this is to be a simple, brief description of the scope of work included in the contract. The description should be such that a person without first-hand knowledge of the contract would gain an understanding of the type of work being carried out and under what conditions or restrictions. The scope of work must include, but is not limited to, the following: • A list of the major tasks/activities and types of work. • Details of conditions in the work areas that may increase the difficulty of the work. 5. Details of the type of construction work (for construction projects only) – e.g. demolition work. 6. Date of commencement. 7. Estimated completion date. 8. Please specify if there is a Workplace Health and Safety Officer and their name. 9. Please specify if there is an Environmental Officer and their name. 10. Please specify if there is a Workplace Health and Safety committee. 11. Risk assessment/work method statement – we do not need to know your procedure for performing a risk assessment, what we require is a completed site specific risk assessment. 12. Frequency of site inspection – these are contractors own audits of their sites . 13. Proposed method of keeping the P&F EE informed of environmental incidents. 14. Proposed method of keeping P&F HSC/PM informed of serious bodily injuries. 15. Proposed method of keeping P&F HSC/PM informed of statistics? – the statistics required are copies of audit reports conducted by contractors on their sites. 16. Proposed method of keeping P&F EE/PM informed of statistics? – the statistics required are copies of audit reports conducted by contractors on their sites. Page 25 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors PART 4 – FORMAT FOR CONTRACTOR’S SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT PLAN 2. Roles and Responsibilities No one person or department is responsible for health and safety within an organisation. Each level within the company has a responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of fellow workers, contractors and the public. Therefore, detailed responsibilities in the form of duty statements for each person or level within the company should be developed to ensure health and safety management is an integral function of their role. It should be made clear that health and safety responsibilities are no less important than any other duties which a manager or worker may have. Copies of responsibility statements are to be included in the site specific health and safety plan. In the case of sole operators this may simply be a statement to the effect that they individually have the responsibility for workplace health and safety. • Person(s) or sub-contractors to be used on the project & their trade qualifications/certification; • Contractor acknowledges its responsibility to provide safe plant and equipment and systems of work; • The Contractor will use UQ permit to work system for high voltage work, confined space entry, hot work, asbestos work (if applicable); and • Formally acknowledges that all its personnel will conform to UQ security, safety, health and environmental requirements. SECTION C - POST CONTRACT STAGE • Acknowledgement that all work have been completed as per OHS&E Plan contract agreement; • Acknowledgement that any defective work will be rectified by the Contractor; • Acknowledgement that all hazards and potential hazards resulting from this work have been controlled; • Acknowledgement that the area has been left in a safe condition; • Acknowledgement that until handover has taken place, the Contractor shall be solely liable for any accidents, injuries, damages or loss to any person, or to property of any person arising from the carrying out of these works. Handover of site will not be effective until the Site Handover Certificate has been signed by all listed parties. SECTION B - CONTRACT STAGE – (BEFORE STARTING CONTRACT CONFIRMATION IN WRITING) • Contractor to acknowledge that Site Manager/WHSO/ supervisors, who have attended P&F induction will disseminate the information to the Contractor employees; • Provide evidence that Contractor employees/sub-Contractor have been inducted to P&F OHS&E Policies, and site induction (site induction checklist to be signed by employee); • Provide evidence that your risk assessment has taken the following into consideration: a) List hazards regarding the work (preferably broken into tasks) to be completed; b) Assess the level of risk for the hazards; c) Identify the control measures proposed; and d) Detail the method of maintaining and reviewing implementation and effectiveness of the controls. Page 26 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors SECTION D - ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES All Contractors on the premises of The University of Queensland (UQ) are bound by the University’s Environmental Management Plan. Any works conducted by the Contractor on the premises of the University must conform to these Environmental Guidelines. Not withstanding this, all Contractor must ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection Act. The University of Queensland has developed an environmental policy (refer to Part 3 of this booklet) aimed at ensuring the relevant environmental laws and regulations are complied with and protection of the environment is enhanced. If the Contractor fails to comply with the necessary Environmental Guidelines he/she will be liable for restoration. Contractors are required to comply with the University of Queensland’s procedures, environmental laws and regulations, and put in place controls to protect the environment during all work. Depending on the extent of a contractor’s work and the degree to which the environment is to be impacted upon, an Environmental Management Plan may be required. If any potential impacts are identified, the contractor must develop a plan, prior to commencing work, that includes the following: • Environmental approach including: • Company policy statement and/or Project Environment Policy, • Documentation, • Project organisational chart (highlighting the environmental responsibilities of individuals, • Process for monitoring environmental performance, • Environmental training/instruction for contractor’s staff, • Environmental Management Strategy. This should be comprised for each activity that impacts on the environment and include: • Objective/s, • Identified risk, • Strategies, • Control Actions, • Monitoring and reporting, and • Corrective Actions; and • Contingencies. In order to manage the risks associated with these activities, identify controls to be implemented in regard to: -air emissions; -liquid discharges; -solid and liquid wastes; -hazardous substances; -land disturbance and use (i.e. site clearing and excavation); -erosion and stormwater control; -vibration and noise; -flora and fauna; and -heritage and cultural issues. The OH&S and Environmental Services, retains the right to inspect the Contractor’s worksite at anytime to ensure all safety procedures and rules are being followed. Failure to follow such rules and procedure is a breech of the contract and violation of the Workplace Health and Safety Act and EPA Act 1994. Signing the declaration is an acknowledgment that you clearly understand the prerequisite of this document and your obligation to Occupational Health and Safety, and Environment. PART 4 – FORMAT FOR CONTRACTOR’S SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT PLAN Page 27 PART 4 – FORMAT FOR CONTRACTOR’S SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT PLAN The following pages include copies of P&F forms for your use: These forms are available from our website at www.pf.uq.edu.au/policy- procedures.html 1. Hot Works Permit Form PF220 2. Contractor’s OHS & E Declaration Form PF397 3. Contractor’s Site Handover Certificate Form PF398 4. Asbestos Permit Form PF430 5. Confined Space Entry Permit Form UQ form SECTION E - ASSOCIATION FORMS Page 28 Health, Safety and Environmental Induction for Contractors Property and Facilities Division Form 10/01/05 HOT WORK PERMIT PF220 (Hot Work is not permitted unless this form is completed and signed by Responsible Officer and WCC notified of hot works location.) Name of person/company performing Hot Work: Date of Work: ___________________________ Permit No:______________________ (Work Order Number) Location of Work: (be specific including building and roomnumber) Description of Work: This permit is valid from am/pm on ___/___/___ to am/pm on ___/___/___ Special Precautions: The work site has been inspected by me, I have arranged for the fire panel to be isolated and all other necessary precautions taken. Name: Signed: Date: (Person performing the work) The fire alarm and panel has been isolated and the work site has been inspected by me, and declared safe for hot-work to proceed. Name: Signed: Date: (Responsible Officer) FIRE WATCH (if required) Work site and all adjacent areas where sparks may have spread were inspected by me during, and for at least thirty (30) minutes after the work was completed and no fire conditions were noted. The fire panel has been de-isolated. Name: Signed: Date: (Fire Watcher) The fire alarms and thermal/smoke detectors must be isolated before hot works commences. This is done by informing security (07 3365 1234 or internal 51234) of location of hot works and requesting a fire alarm isolation. Hot works commenced at am/pm Hot works completed at am/pm * This form to be filed for review by Insurance Officer. * PRECAUTIONS CHECKLIST GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Yes No N/A Are flammable and combustibles removed or protected? Are available sprinklers, hose streams and extinguishers in service/operable? Is floor swept clean and wet down where necessary? Is arc flash shielding in place? Is ventilation adequate? Is hot-work equipment in good repair? Is fire watch required? Is fire panel isolated? (Checked with Security) Are smoke/thermal detectors isolated? (Checked with Security) Has Works Control Centre (WCC) been informed of details of hot work? PRECAUTIONS WITHIN 12 METRES OF WORK Are combustible liquid, vapour, gasses removed or protected? Are combustible floors protected? Are flammable liquids, dust, lint removed or protected? Is explosive atmosphere in area eliminated? Are all wall and floor openings covered? WORK ON WALLS OR CEILINGS Is construction non-combustible and without combustible coverings or insulation? Are combustibles on the other side of wall or ceiling moved away? Are fire resistant coverings under works to collect sparks? WORK ON ENCLOSED EQUIPMENT Is enclosed equipment cleaned of all combustibles? Are containers purged of flammable liquids/vapours? FIRE WATCHER Is Fire Watcher required? If required, has Fire Watcher been organised? Is Fire Watcher trained in use of this equipment and sounding alarm? Is Fire Watcher supplied with appropriate fire extinguisher? Has fire panel been de-isolated? Other precautions taken: **All questions are to be answered.** Property and Facilities Division Form 02/02 CONTRACTORS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT DECLARATION FORM PF397 CONTRACTOR’S DECLARATION Declaration in relation to: Occupational Health and Safety, and Environment (OHS & E) obligation for Contractors. Contractors to complete declaration and return, prior to commencement of work. I,....................................................................................................................................................................................... (Company name) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... (Company address) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... (Name and position of person making the declaration) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... (Signature of person making the declaration) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... (Date of signing the declaration) do solemnly and sincerely declare that The Contractor engaged by The University of Queensland, Property and Facilities Division, hereby agrees to comply with and adhere to the Property and Facilities OHS & E policy. Property and Facilities Division Form 02/02 CONTRACTOR SITE HANDOVER CERTIFICATE FORM PF398 PROJ ECT:....................................................................................................................................................................... LOCATION:.................................................................................................................................................................... The Contractor is to verify that the following points have been addressed: All works have been completed as per The University of Queensland Contract Agreement, Any defective work will be rectified, All hazards and potential hazards resulting from this work have been controlled, The area has been left in a safe condition. Until hand over has taken place, the Contractor shall be solely liable for any accidents, injury, damage or loss to any person, or to property of any person arising from the carrying out of these works. Hand over of site will not be effective until this form has been signed by all listed parties. Work has been completed on this project except for the items listed below (delete where not applicable): ........................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................... Signature of the Contractor: .............................................................................................................................................. Name: ..................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................ Signature of Project Manager/Supervisor/Officer:............................................................................................................ Name: ..................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................ Property and Facilities Division Form 10/05/06 ASBESTOS PERMIT TO WORK PF430 Building and/or maintenance work in areas known to contain asbestos containing materials is prohibited, unless an Asbestos Permit to Work has been issued to the Contractor or Property & Facilities personnel involved. Asbestos containing materials have been used in various locations throughout the University of Queensland. Before approval is granted to proceed with work, you are required to confirm the following: l. Has the Asbestos Register been examined jointly by the Contractor and UQ Property & Facilities Staff (Project Manager/Trade Supervisor/HSC)? YES/NO/NA 2. Has the area where the intended works are to be performed been examined jointly with the appropriate UQ P & F Division personnel? YES/NO/NA 3. Are there asbestos containing materials present in the work area? YES/NO/NA 4. Will the works impact on or disturb the asbestos containing materials? YES/NO/NA 5. If YES to question 4 above, are the appropriate asbestos work as outlined in the University of Queensland Asbestos Management Plan documented and understood? YESNO/NA 6. If YES to question 4 above, have you submitted a risk assessment and/or a work method statement for the task that you intend to undertake? YES/NO/NA 7. Are UQ personnel, students, visitors and/or members of the public at risk from airborne asbestos? YES/NO/NA 8. Is it necessary to evacuate UQ personnel, students, visitors or members of the public prior to work commencing? YES/NO/NA 9. Has the Person in charge of the building been notified of the asbestos removal including all details? YES/NO 10. What is the risk category of the Asbestos? HIGH/MED/LOW 11. What is the type of Asbestos ? CHRYSOTILE/AMOSITE/CROCIDOLITE All works are to be performed in accordance with the special requirements or work procedures outlined in the University of Queensland Asbestos Management Plan and Safety Workbook procedures. If any unknown materials, or materials suspected of containing asbestos are encountered, work is to cease immediately and UQ Property and Facilities Division notified. This Asbestos Permit to Work is issued to the nominated recipient for the specific occasion stipulated below: • Work Permit No. (Issued by P & F Works Control Centre): ......................... Date of Issue: ................................................... • This Permit is issued to (Company/Contractor/P & F Staff Member): ..................................................................................... • Contact Telephone Number (Office): .............................................. Mobile: .......................................................................... • Asbestos Removalist Licence Number:................................................................................................................................... • Location of Works:.................................................................................................................................................................. • Description of Works: ............................................................................................................................................................. • Duration of Works: ................................................................................................................................................................. • This Permit is Valid up to : ..................................................................................................................................................... • Type of ACM : ....................................................................................................................................................................... I have read and understood the requirements and procedures described in the University of Queensland Asbestos Management Plan or, if applicable, the P & F Safety Workbook procedures, and the requirements of this permit to work: I hereby authorize The University of Queensland to engage a licensed asbestos removalist to clean any asbestos particles/debris/hazards that was created as a result of work carried out by my/our Company and the removal cost will be payable by................................. Name of Recipient (please print): .................................... Signature of Recipient: ................................:......... P & F Div. Rep. Signature: ..................................... Asbestos Permit to Work Checklist (Tick if Applicable) Division of Workplace Health and Safety Asbestos Removal Licence required- Mandatory Health & Safety Plan/Work Method Statement to be prepared and approved prior to works commencing Health & Safety Coordinator (HSC) to be present whilst work is being carried out Health & Safety Coordinator (HSC) to make frequent site inspections during job Low speed power tools only allowed Personal protection equipment to be worn No air conditioning to be running on affected building/floor 'Asbestos No Entry' signs to be placed at each end of affected floor and in the lift lobbies Barricades and 'Asbestos No Entry' signs to be placed around perimeter of job site Special black plastic lined bins required for removal of asbestos waste Occupants of building/floor to be advised of the work and that entry will be barred during the work time Procedures documented in asbestos removal technical specifications/procedures for this work to be adhered to Air monitoring required during work period and upon completion of work Air monitoring required upon completion of work - Mandatory Visual clearance inspection by independent party only required The Health & Safety Coordinator (HSC) to sign acknowledgement if required to be in attendance when Permit is issued _______________________________ Health & Safety Coordinator Copy to OHS Unit Noted. PF430 – Asbestos Permit to Work Form Page 2 of 2 Confined Space Management Plan PERMIT FORM FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY Category 1 and 2 type spaces 1. Name and Address Contractor’s Name …………………………………………………………………. Location of work …………………………………………………………………. Name(s) of workers …………………………………………………………………. Trades supervisor (UQ) …………………………………………………………………. 2. Description of work to be undertaken (Describe briefly the work to be undertaken) 3. Isolation of confined space (Tick the items below which have been isolated or made safe): Pipelines (water, steam, gas, etc.) Mechanical/electrical drives Sludges/deposits/waste Harmful materials Electrical services Warning notices, locks or tags have been fixed to means of isolation Radiation services Mechanical services 4. Hot work (Tick the items below which will be observed if hot work is performed) Area clean and free of all readily combustible material All drains within 15m covered with fireproof wet blanket Appropriate fire extinguishers on site near source of ignition Welding machine/gas cylinders located (not within 8m of any drain) Welding machine earthed directly to equipment being welded as close to welding point as possible Power leads not draped across pipelines or access ways The University of Queensland Confined Space Management Plan April 2005 Page 13 of 27 Confined Space Management Plan 5. Hazards likely to be encountered (Identify what hazards may be encountered during the work – include any work materials which might be used e.g. 2-pack epoxy paints and cleaning products. Also consider what types of contaminants are generated in confined space environments e.g. phosphine is produced when grain dust is wetted or where welding occurs in this type of environment) 6. Atmospheric test requirements (Fill in the details below relating to atmospheric conditions. Indicate time of measurement.) Atmosphere Acceptable conditions Result Time….. Result Time….. Result Time….. Result Time….. Result Time….. Oxygen-min >19.5% Oxygen-max <23.5% Flammability <10% LEL/UEL Hydrogen sulphide <10ppm Chlorine <1ppm Carbon monoxide <30ppm Sulphur dioxide <2ppm Other Test initials 7. Stand-by personnel and rescue arrangements Stand-by person(s): ………………………………………………………………… Emergency procedures are understood and are available 8. Personal Protective Equipment (Tick the personal protective equipment which will be worn): Supplied-air respirators Air-purifying respirator (filter type ………………………….) Safety harness and/or safety line or lifeline/rescue Eye protectors Hand protection Foot protection Protective clothing Hearing protectors Safety helmets The University of Queensland Confined Space Management Plan April 2005 Page 14 of 27 Confined Space Management Plan 8. Ventilation/ Requirement for purging (Specify ventilation method required) 9. Authorisation Trade Supervisor / Project Officers The confined space described above is in my opinion in a safe condition for the work to be done provided that the precautions above are fully observed. Signed____________________date/time______________ . Approval I certify that I have re-examined the above confined space and that it will be safe to enter without/with approved breathing apparatus from ___________on___________ to____________on______________ . Signed____________________ date/time______________. Renewal I certify that I have re-examined the above confined space and this permit is extended to ______________________ on___________________. Signed____________________date/time_______________ . Tradesman Acceptance I have read and understood the above safety requirements and will ensure that they are strictly followed. Signed___________________date/time_______________ Completion I certify that work has been completed and that all personnel, tools and equipment have been withdrawn, all guards and covers replaced and all barriers and notices withdrawn. Signed___________________date/time________________ Extension Request Work has not been completed and an extension is requested. Signed___________________date/time________________ Inspection & Recommissioning The above confined space has been inspected by me and is safe to be taken back into service. Signed___________________date/time________________ The University of Queensland Confined Space Management Plan April 2005 Page 15 of 27 NOTES: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
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