Hrm Mobilink SAm



HUMAN RESOURCE MANGEMENTPresentation GROUP MEMBERS AROUSH IKRAM MARYAM ZAMAN FARRUKH AFZAL MUHAMMAD ADEEL ASIM MEHMOOD Company Background & History  Pakistan Mobile Communications Limited, better known as Mobilink GSM. Mobilink has 24 million customers. Mobilink's Head office is located in Mobilink House, 1 A Kohistan Road, F-8 Markaz Islamabad. Mobilink started operations in 1994 as the first GSM cellular Mobile service in Pakistan. Company Background & History There are about 5000 employees currently working in Mobilink of which 4500 are working on permanent basis and 500 on temporary basis. . Introduction to HRM . MOBIlLNK professional  Commitment to the organization .HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT AT MOBILINK  Effective  HR and productive working human with resourse. Components of a HRM System Human Resource Planning Career Development Compensation & Benefits Recruitment/ Decruitment HRM Performance Management Selection Orientation Training/ Development . Mobilink GSM in context with HRM . Recruitment &SELECTION . identifying. and attracting capable applicants. .Recruitment  The development of a pool of job candidates in accordance with a human resource plan  It is the process of locating. Education.       Knowledge skill & aptitude. . Experience Intelligence & Medical test Interviews References.General Conditions for Recruitment MOBILINK GSM Recruitment is done through human resources Department. Recruitment Policies of Mobilink GSM  Source : Current Mobilink Employees Internal and external Advertisements Data Bank Employment Agencies and consultants . .  Heads are responsible for hiring procedures  Human resources jointly with the department heads decide the salary range  Minimum qualification must be a bachelor degree.Mobilink GSM Guidelines External Recruitment:  No candidate under age of eighteen can apply for the job  Candidates can’t apply for the job if their blood relations work in PMCL-Mobilink.  Selected candidates are required to join the new job/position after getting clearance from supervisor and will be on probation for a period of three months. .Mobilink GSM Guidelines (continued) Internal Recruitment:  Internal candidates has to be a confirm employees of Mobilink of who have completed a one year of service in their existing designation. Selection . Selection  The process by which organization choose the candidate who best meet the selection criteria  The scheme used for optimally staffing the organization . Selection Criteria of Mobilink GSM  Qualifications and job description is provided by the company  Pre-Employment forms  Approval of Divisional/Department Head and HRM department . . .Selection Criteria of Mobilink GSM (continued) Appointment Letters: Mobilink’s appointment letters for successful candidates spells out the terms and conditions of the employment and benefits applicable to the position. Training . .Training and development • On the Job training • Training is basically teaching them the ropes and the basics of everything. Types of Training in Mobilink  Soft skill training Technical Training . Soft skill training • Conflict management training • People management training • Communication skills • Anger management • Time management training • Teamwork training etc . Technical training • • • Customer Services training Sales related training Marketing and technology training etc. . Training and Development in Mobilink GSM The human resource department conducts a meeting  focus on the individual discipline and performance .  Give them advance jobs. They prefer their own employees and go outside only when fully qualified person is not obtainable. . Analysis of Training at Mobilink • A lot of effort is put by Mobilink in Training its human resource • Training is compulsory • They welcome other manager to come in HR training courses • A number of training methods are practiced at Mobilink . Why Training and Developmental Program?  To improve three types of skills 1) Technical skills 2) Interpersonal skills 3) Problem solving skills . Performance Appraisal . job description. Performance appraisal should be based on job analysis.Performance Appraisal A process of systematically evaluating performance and providing feedback upon which performance adjustments can be made. . and job specifications. identifying deserving raises or promotions. . and identifying those in need of further training”.Types of Performance Appraisal Informal Performance Appraisal: “The process of continually feeding back to subordinates information regarding their work performance” Formal Performance Appraisal: “A formalized appraisal process for rating work performance. 360 Degree Feedback Written Essays Multiperson Comparisons Performance Appraisal Methods Graphic Rating Scale BARS Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales Critical Incidents . Performance Management in Mobilink GSM  Performance appraisal is done on an annual basis (from January 1st to December 31st)  To give a chance to subordinates to evaluate their seniors a 360 degree evaluation. .  Bonuses are given but the employee must have to complete 6 months in the company service.  Promotions is given on good performance after completing two years in the current grade.  The immediate supervisor prepares an annual report in December of each year of each employee.  Increments are also given at the end of the year. Customer focus. Problem solving & decision making. . Initiative and drive.Performance Management in Mobilink GSM (continued)  Mobilink asses the employee on: Leadership. Communication skills. Team work and Co-operation. Flexibility. Polices regarding the reward system are practiced quite strictly at Mobilink. They are special achievement awards. Reward are performance based.Reward System at Mobilink: The basic purpose of reward system to motivate employees. individual basis. . . Their R&S practices are very strong & well.  Their internal environment should be as strong as described they will perform well in highly competitive environment.Recommendation:  Mobilink is doing very well. They adopt R&S practices very effectively & efficiently.  Mobilink should target those areas for new franchises. which are less developed for providing their services to get maximum profit. Conclusion To conclude Mobilink has a strong HR system. There are some minor discrepancies but they are adjustable with little effort. what policies state and what employees say. That is the reason we didn’t found much discrepancies in what management says. 90 % of the times they were same. . . .Any Question……. #0.94-3 W TS_U \a^\[_W [X ^WcS^V _ _`W `[ [`bS`W W\[ WW_  [UW_ ^WYS^VZY `W ^WcS^V _ _`W S^W \^SU`UWV ]a`W _`^U` S` [TZ WcS^V S^W \W^X[^SZUW TS_WV W S^W _\WUS SUWbWWZ` ScS^V_ ZVbVaS TS__ .7/$8902. 42203/.943  [TZ _ V[ZY bW^ cW W^  \^SU`UW_ S^W bW^ _`^[ZY  cW W SV[\`  \^SU`UW_ bW^ WXXWU`bW  WXXUWZ`   [TZ _[aV `S^YW` `[_W S^WS_ X[^ ZWc X^SZU_W_ cU S^W W__ VWbW[\WV X[^ \^[bVZY `W^ _W^bUW_ `[ YW` S a \^[X`  W^ Z`W^ZS WZb^[ZWZ` _[aV TW S_ _`^[ZY S_ VW_U^TWV `W c \W^X[^ cW Z Y U[\W``bW WZb^[ZWZ` .#0. 43.:843 [ U[ZUaVW [TZ S_ S _`^[ZY  _ _`W S` _ `W ^WS_[Z cW VVZ` X[aZV aU V_U^W\SZUW_ Z cS` SZSYWWZ` _S _ cS` \[UW_ _`S`W SZV cS` W\[ WW_ _S  #  [X `W `W_ `W cW^W _SW W^W S^W _[W Z[^ V_U^W\SZUW_ Ta` `W S^W SVa_`STW c` ``W WXX[^` . 3":08943 .
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