Hptu Mba Final Syllabus

March 29, 2018 | Author: Vikas Dadhwal | Category: Cost Of Capital, Statistics, Capital Structure, Regression Analysis, Correlation And Dependence



H.P.TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY HAMIRPUR (HP) Syllabus [Effective from the Session: 2012-13] MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1 MBA COURSE STRUCTURE FIRST YEAR SEMESTER-I Course Code Course Title MBA-101 MBA-102 Management Process Organizational Behavior Business Statistics MBA-103 L Periods T P Division of Marks Theory Sessional Total and 3 1 - 60 40 100 3 1 - 60 40 100 Managerial Economics 3 1 - 60 40 100 MBA-104 Marketing Management 3 1 - 60 40 100 MBA-105 Communication for Management 3 1 1 60 40 100 MBA-106 Accounting for Managers 3 1 - 60 40 100 MBA-107 Computer Management in 3 1 2 60 40 100 MBA-108 Principal and Practice of Management 1 - 60 40 100 Course Code Course Title MBA-201 MBA-202 MBA-203 MBA-204 MBA-205 MBA-206 MBA-207 MBA-208 Applications 3 Periods Quantitative Methods and Operations Research Business Environment Human Resource Management Financial Management Production and Operations Management Research Methodology Organizational Effectiveness, Change & Organizational Development Cost & Management Accounting Division of Marks L 3 T 1 P - Theory 60 Sessional 40 Total 100 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 - 60 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 100 100 100 100 3 3 1 1 -- 60 60 40 40 100 100 3 1 - 60 40 100 2 SEMESTER-II SECOND YEAR SEMESTER-III Course Code Course Title MBA-301 MBA-302 MBA-303 Strategic Management Business Law Human values and Professional ethics Specialization Group– (major) MBA-304 Periods Specialization Group–(major) Specialization Group – (minor) Summer Training Report (i) seminar presentation 40 (ii) project report 40 (iii) viva-voice 20 Division of Marks L 3 3 3 3 T 1 1 1 1 P - Theory 60 60 60 60 Sessional 40 40 40 40 Total 100 100 100 100 3 3 1 1 3 - 60 60 40 40 100 100 100 100 SEMESTER-IV Course Code MBA-401 MBA-402 MBA-403 MBA-404 Periods Division of Marks Course Title Entrepreneurship Development Management Information System Supply Chain Management Specialization Group– (major) Specialization Group–(major) Specialization Group – (minor) Research Project (i) seminar presentation 40 (ii) project report 40 (iii) viva-voice 20 L 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 P 2 Theory 60 60 60 60 60 60 Sessional 40 40 40 40 40 40 100 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Each student will have to choose research project based on his major specialization in consultation with his allotted project guide. 3 SPECIALIZATIONS FINANCE 3rd Semester (i) Advanced Financial Management (FM-01) (Major) (ii) Security Analysis and Investment Management (FM-02) (Major) (iii) Management of Banking Operations (FM-03) (Minor) 4th Semester (i) Principles of Insurance and Banking ( FM-04) ( Major) (ii) Strategic Financial Management ( FM-05) ( Major) (iii) Management of Financial Services ( FM-06) ( Minor) MARKETING 3rd Semester (i) Advertising and Sales Management ( MK-01) (Major) (ii) Consumer Behaviour (MK-02) ( Major) (iii) Marketing Research ( MK-03) (Minor) 4th Semester (i) Marketing of Service ( MK-04) ( Major) (ii) Retail Management (MK-05) ( Major) (iii) Sales & Distribution Management ( MK-06) ( Minor) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ( HRM) 3rd Semester (i) Management of Industrial Relations (HR-01) ( Major) (ii) labor Legislation (HR-02) ( Major) (iii) Industrial/Organizational Psychology ( HR-03) ( Minor) 4thSemester (i) Human Resource Planning and Development ( HR-04) ( Major) (ii) Team Building & Leadership ( HR-05) ( Major) (iii) Personal Growth and Training & Development ( HR-06) ( Minor) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) 3rd Semester (i) Relational Database Management System ( IT-01) (Major) (ii) E-commerce and IT enabled Services ( IT-02) ( Major) (iii) System Analysis & Design & Software Engineering( IT-03 ) ( Minor) 4th Semester (i) Data Communication & Networks ( IT-04) ( Major) (ii) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ( IT-05) ( Major) (iii) Internet & Web Designing ( IT-06) ( Minor) 4 . At the end of second semester. Paper Pattern will be in the following manner: Sections Marks Section A: Covering 10 questions of 2 marks each from whole syllabus (10 x 2) Section B:Covering 6 questions of 5 marks each from whole syllabus (4 x 5) Do any 4 Section C: Covering 4 questions of 10 marks each from whole syllabus (10 x 2) Do any 2 TOTAL 20 20 20 60 Passing Requirement: A candidate will be deemed to have passed the subject only if he scores 40% overall marks in external and internal examination. The course structure of the programme is given here under. a student shall have to choose 3 optional papers in third and 3 in fourth semester from the list of optional papers announced at the beginning of each semester. in addition to compulsory papers and project studies. Each student will be required to submit a project report to the Department for the work undertaken during this period within one month of the commencement of the third semester for the purpose of evaluation in the third semester. 5 .8 weeks with an industrial. and 50% in aggregate of all the four semesters. all students will have to undergo summer training of 6 . business or service organization by taking up a project study. he/she should obtain at least 40% pass marks in external exam only. unless he/she obtains at least pass marks in all the courses prescribed for all the semesters. However.INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ( IB) 3rd Semester (i) International Marketing ( IB-01) ( Major) (ii) International Business Environment and Foreign Exchange Economics ( IB-02) ( Major) (iii) Export Management And Documentation ( IB-03) ( minor) 4thSemester (i) International Logistic Management ( IB-04) ( Major) (ii) International Financial Management ( IB-05) ( Major) (iii) International business ethics and social responsibility (IB-06) (Minor) The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a two-year full-time programme. SECOND YEAR During Second year. The condition of successfully completing the programmers’ shall not be deemed to have been satisfied unless a student’s undergoes summer training under the supervision of the department in the organizations as approved by the Department/Faculty from tune to time. The list of optional papers for third and fourth semesters shall confine to the availability of teachers / as per the directions of the university. A student will specialize in two areas (one major and second minor) by opting 4 papers from major specialization and 2 paper from minor specialization in 3rdand 4th semester. A Candidate shall not be declared successful in the Master of Business Administration examination. Examination Pattern Syllabus is divided into 4 SECTIONs. SEMESTER-I 6 . Group Cohesiveness. Stages of Group Development. Leadership styles in Indian Organisations. 30%. Personality: Concept. In this section. Nature. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Organizational Behaviour: Cognitive Framework. Behavioristic Framework and Social Cognitive Framework. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Dysfunctional Groups. Attitudes and Workforce Diversity. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Motivating a Diverse Workforce. SECTION B(10 Sessions) Perception and Attribution: Concept. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. SECTION C (10 Sessions) Motivation: Theories of Motivation: Early and Contemporary views. T. 1. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Types and Theories of Personality Shaping. Leadership: Style and Theories of Leadership-Trait. Models of Organizational Behaviour.0 Name of Course Management Process and Organizational Behavior Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. SECTION A (8 Sessions) Definition. Formal and Informal Groups. Nature. Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship. Nature. B and C. 3. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Management and Behavioural Applicationsof Perception. Three level Work Motivation Model.3. 7 . Process and Importance. Group Dynamics: Definition. Management Challenge. Learning: Concept and Theories of Learning. nature.Management Process and Organizational Behavior (MBA-101) Course Code MBA-101 L . Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. help student to trace the evolution of Management Thought and appreciate the various functions of management. P . all the questions are COMPULSORY. Attitude Measurement. Personality Attitude and Job Satisfaction. Functions of a manager. Attendance: 10 %. Behavioural and Situational Theories.1. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Conceptual Foundations and Importance. Characteristics. Attitude: Concept. 2. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Process. Introduction of OB: Concept. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. purpose and scope of management. Group Processes and Decision Making. A Paradigm Shift. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Objectives: The objective of the paper is to acquaint student with the importance of management in our day to day life. Relationship with Other Fields. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Importance. SECTION D (12 Sessions) Organisational Power and Politics: Concept, Sources of Power, Distinction Between Power, Authority and Influence, Approaches to Power, Political Implications of Power: Dysfunctional Uses of Power, Knowledge Management & Emotional Intelligence in Contemporary Business Organisation Organisational Change : Concept, Nature, Resistance to change, Managing resistance to change, Implementing Change, Kurt Lewin Theory of Change. Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Functionality and Disfunctionality of Conflict, Classification of Conflict Intra, Individual, Interpersonal, Intergroup and Organisational, Resolution of Conflict, Meaning and Types of Grievance and Process of Grievance Handling. Stress: Understanding Stress and Its Consequences, Causes of Stress, Managing Stress. Organisational Culture: Concept, Characteristics, Elements of Culture, Implications of Organisation culture, Process of Organisational Culture. Suggested Readings: 1. Schermerhorn:Management and Organizational behavior essentials, Wiley India 2. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich: Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Robbins, Stephen P, Management, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc, 1996 4. Schermerhorn:Organizational Behaviour 10ed,Wiley India 5. Kamran Sultan: Organizational Behaviour,Dreamtech press 6. Robbins, Stephen P, Organizational Behaviour; Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, Prasad, 7. LM; Organizational Behaviour; Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 202 8. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr.: Management Prentice Hall India, New Delhi 9. Heinz Weihrich& Harold Koontz: Management (A Global Perspective) Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 10. Stephen Robbins & Coulter: Management Prentice Hall India 8 Business Statistics (MBA-102) Course Code MBA-102 L - 3, T- 1, P - 0 Name of Course Business Statistics Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39, T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. 30%, Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %, Attendance: 10 %. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A, B and C. 1. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. In this section, all the questions are COMPULSORY. 2. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. 3. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Objectives: The objective of this paper is to train the students to use various statistical methods in order to understand, analyze and interpret various business, managerial and economic problems. SECTION - A Classification of data and construction of Frequency Distribution: Graphic Presentation of Data. Introduction of Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency; Measures of DispersionRange, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, and Standard Deviation, Skewness & Kurtosis. Index Numbers: Definition and Methods of Construction of Index Numbers; Problems in Construction, Importance of Index Numbers in Managerial Decision Making. SECTION - B Theory of Probability: Basic concepts, Additive and Multiplicative Rule, Idea of Conditional Probability, Concept of Random Variable and its mathematical expectation. Theoretical Distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution. SECTION - C Statistical Inference: Concept of Sampling Distribution, Parameter & Statistics, Standard Error. Theory of Estimation: Point and Interval Estimation, Construction of Confidence Limits for Mean. Testing of Hypothesis: Large Sample Tests, Small Sample Test (t Test-single sample mean and difference of means tests; F test-Variance Ratio test; Z test-single proportion, difference of proportions single sample mean and Difference of Means; (chi square) test-Independence of Attributes, Goodness of Fit and Test of Homogeneity. 9 SECTION - D Correlation Analysis: Rank Method and Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation and Properties of Correlation. Regression Analysis: Simple Linear Regression Model, Specification of the Model, Assumptions, Least Square Estimates of Parameters and their properties, Coefficient of Determination and Interpretation of Coefficients. Time Series Analysis: Components, Measurement of Trend by Least Squares Method, Straight Line and Quadratic Trend; Importance of Time Series Analysis in Managerial Decision Making. Suggested Reading: 1. Kenblack: Business statistics for contemporary decision making 5ed,Wiley India 2. J. K. Sharma: Business Statistics, Pearson Publication, New Delhi. 3. Johnson; Business statistics,Wiley India 4. Amir D Aczel & Sounderpandian: Complete Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 5. Levin &Kapoor: Statistics For Management, Prentice Hall 6. U.K. Srivastava, Shenoy & Sharma: Quantitative Techniques for Management, New Age International, New Delhi. 7. P.N. Arora& S. Arora: Statistics for Management, S. Chand &Co., New Delhi. 8. M. P. Gupta & S. P. Gupta: Business Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. 9. R. S. Bhardwaj: Business Statistics, Excel Publishers. 10. S. P. Gupta: Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. 10 The Five Fundamental Concepts – The Incremental Concept. Relationships among various costs. Time Series Analysis-Trend Projection. Competition Oligopoly. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Objectives: To provide students with an understanding of basic economic principles of production &exchange-essential tools in making business decisions in today’s global economy. 3. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Elasticity of Demand: Concept. The Discounting Principle. The concept of Time Perspective. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.A Introduction to Managerial Economics: Nature Scope and Importance of Managerial Economics. P . 11 . Break-even Analysis. Demand Forecasting: Sources of Data-Expert Opinions. Kinds of Demand. Attendance: 10 %.Managerial Economics (MBA-103) Course Code MBA-103 L . 1. Measurement and importance. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Demand Schedule and Law of Demand. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. The Opportunity Cost Concept. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Determinants of Demand. Returns to Factor and Returns to Scale. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Distinction between micro and macroeconomics. SECTION . SECTION . The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Incrementalism and Marginalism. 30%. Demand Functions. T. Barometric Forecasting-Leading Indicators. SECTION – B Demand Concepts and Analysis: Individual Demand.0 Name of Course Managerial Economics Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39.C Production Function: Concept and types. Monopolistic. Law of Variable Proportions. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Cost concepts and Analysis: Concept of Cost. In this section. Composite and diffusion Indices. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. 2. Functions. Revenue Curves: Concept and Types. Short run and Lung-run Cost Curves. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Market Demand. Monopoly.3. B and C. Types. Pricing in various markets: Perfect Competition. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each.1. Surveys and Market Experiments. The Equimarginal Principle. L. Chand & Sons. Mark. Varshney& K. Maheshwari: Managerial Economics. S. Lewis and Jain: Managerial Economics. Dr. Jaswinder singh: Managerial Economics. 8th Edition. Suggested Readings: 1. Paul Gupta: Managerial Economics. Inflation: Meaning. Thomson 6. Theories. Craig Peterson. William Samuelson and Stephen G. V. Limitations of National Income.PandurangaRao: Microeconomics-IBS Publication 7.Wiley India 3.Dreamtech press 5. K.SECTION – D National Income: Conceptual Framework. Types. Investment Multiplier. Managerial Economics. S. Pearson Education 8. Balance of Payments Monetary and Fiscal Policies. Keat: Economic Tools for Today’s Decision Makers.K.Wiley India 4. Mark Hirshey: Managerial Economics. Truett & Truett:Managerial Economics Analysis: Problem Cases. Credit Multiplier. Causes. Dewett: Modern Economic Theory. Measures of National Income. New Delhi 10. Effects and Control. Chand & Sons. Mote. Methods of Measurement. New Delhi 9. R. Pearson Education 2. Vikas Publisher. New Delhi 12 .L. advertising. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. SECTION – C Promotion decisions – promotion mix.1. sales promotion. channel design decisions. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. 13 . publicity and personal selling. Criticism of multilevel marketing. Targeting and Positioning. product life cycle. (iii) To learn to take marketing decisions. tasks and the environment under which marketing operates.3. new product development. In this section. Attendance: 10 %. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. T. Branding and packaging decisions. 30%. 3. Channel conflict. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Pricing methods and strategies.Marketing Management (MBA-104) Course Code MBA-104 L . B and C. (ii)To study the theory. need and importance of multilevel marketing. Meaning. Understanding consumer and Industrial markets. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. 2. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.Marketing Information System and Marketing Research. Vertical marketing – Implementation and systems. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. P . Distribution Decisions: Patterns of channels and types of intermediaries. Forms of direct marketing. Product decisions – product mix. all the questions are COMPULSORY. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. principles and practical aspects of various marketing functions. SECTION – B Market Segmentation. The marketing environment and environment scanning . 1. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Benefits and growth of direct marketing. Ethical issues in direct & multilevel marketing. SECTION – A Nature and scope of marketing. Multi level marketing. SECTION – D Direct Marketing: Meaning. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Advantages. types and functions of wholesalers and retailers.0 Name of Course Marketing Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Objectives: (i) To understand the nature. Emerging trends in retailing. Corporate orientations towards the market place. J. Marketing Management : Analysis. Neelamegham. 1997.P. 9.Kotler.Ramaswamy. S.K.M. Principles of Marketing. 8. New Delhi. Green marketing. 7. G. New York. New Delhi. Planning.Control. McGraw Hill. MacMillan. and Namakumari. New Delhi. Philip.1988. McGraw Hill.Chopra:Marketing Management:Dreamtech press 4. Philip and Armstrong.Kotler. V S and Namakumari. New Delhi. S.S. Enis. Legal issues. Marketing Classics : A Selection of Influential Articles.. New Delhi.Organizing and implementing marketing in the organization.Wiley India 3. 1994.Control. B. Marketing Management :Planning. V. Fundamentals of Marketing. PrenticeHall of India. 1990. Implementation andControl. Stanton. Consumerism. Suggested Readings:1. 2.Ramaswamy. Marketing Management :Planning. Marketing In India : Cases and Readings. 1991. S. William.Dalrymple:Marketing Management. New York. 1994. 14 . 6. 5. Vikas. Prentice Hall of India. Prentice Hall of India. 1994. Evaluation and control of marketing efforts New issues in marketing – Globalization. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. writing technique. all the questions are COMPULSORY. videoconferencing SECTION B(8 Session) ORAL COMMUNICATION What is oral Communication. case analysis approaches (systems. Attendance: 10 %. strategy). effective listening. Layout of business letter. EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATION: Writing CVs. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. kinds and objectives of reports. Intranet. principles of successful oral communication. non–verbal communication. clarity in writing. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. SECTION C (12 Session) BUSINESS LETTERS AND REPORTS Introduction to business letters. reading a case properly (previewing. interview. dos’ and don’ts for case preparation 15 . Interviewers preparation. overcoming the difficulties of the case Method. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. two sides of effective oral communication. decision. Internet. teleconferencing. 3. P . reading. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. 2. T. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 7 C’s of communication. analyzing the case. Types of business letter. SMS. skimming. writing memos. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. electronic writing process. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Body language. process of communication. scanning). Paralanguage. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Purpose of writing. Communication networks. purpose of communication.3. defining and classifying communication. SECTION A(10 Session) INTRODUCTION: Role of communication. importance of communication in management. B and C.1. In this section. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. principles of effective writing. e mails. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. communication structure in organization. what is a report purpose. candidates preparation. different types of cases. Impact of Technological Advancement on Business Communication.1 Name of Course Communication for Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39.COMMUNICATION FOR MANAGEMENT (MBA-105) Course Code MBA-105 L . 30%. barriers & gateway in communication. types of interview. Group discussions. behavioral. writing reports CASE METHOD OF LEARNING Understanding the case method of learning. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. 1. K. types of visual aid. Media management. 6. objectives. Business etiquettes. press conference. Lesikar RV & Pettit Jr. Planning meetings.Wiley India 3.SECTION D (10 Session) PRESENTATION SKILLS What is a presentation: elements of presentation. 1st Edition 2006). Advanced visual support for business presentation. GROUP COMMUNICATION Meetings. Rajendra Pal . Chaturvedi – Busines Communication (Pearson Education. Sehgal& V. 10th Edition). 5. 7. media interviews.Scot Ober:Contemporary Business communication.Business Communication (Sultanchand & Sons Publication). the press release. M. workshop.Biztantra Publication 4. venue of meetings. TaylerShinley – Communication for Business (Pearson Education. 8. conferences. Khetrapal .Sangeeta Magan:Business communication. designing a presentation. participants.D. Seminars. timing. P. JD – Basic Business Communication : Theory & Application (Tata Mc Grow Hill. Notice.Business Communication (Excel Books).Stuart:Integrated Business communication.Biztantra publications 2. Practicing delivery of presentation. Appearance & Posture. Suggested Readings: 1. leading meetings. Minutes of Meeting. 4th Edition) 16 . 1. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Meaning of Financial Statement. Recording of Journal Entries. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. 2.Accounting for Managers (MBA-106) Course Code MBA-106 L . Meaning and Objectives of Financial Statement Analysis. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Comparison between Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement. 30%. Treatment of Adjustments. 17 . Objectives. Limitations. Concepts and Conventions in Accounting . Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Ledger Posting. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Difference between Cash Flow Statement and Cash Budget Limitations. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Limitation of Financial Analysis. SECTION -B Meaning of Management Accounting: Nature. Tools and Techniques of Management Accounting. Limitations of Ratio Analysis. SECTION . Interpretation. Meaning of Fund Flow Statement. The course attempts to build potential to use appropriate accounting tools and techniques of financial accounting and management accounting for preparing and analyzing financial statements. P . Preparation of Cash Flow Statement (as per AS-3). Significance. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Trial Balance. Classification of Ratio. Procedure of Preparing Fund Flow Statement. In this section. Balance Sheet. B and C. T. Relationship between Financial and Management Accounting. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Rules regarding Journal Entries. Functions of Management Accounting. 3. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Ratio Analysis: Meaning. Importance and Limitations of Financial Statement.C Fund Flow Analysis: Meaning and Concept of Funds. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Preparation of Final Accounts: Trading Account. Significance. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Classification of Cash Flow. Cash Flow Analysis: Meaning. Limitations.0 Name of Course Accounting for Managers Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Attendance: 10 %. Objectives: The objective of this course is to develop acquaintance with basic techniques of accountancy.3. Cash Book. Scope. Meaning of Fund Flow.Accounting Cycle.1. Subsidiary Books. Double Entry System.A Accounting and its functions. SECTION . Profit& Loss Account. Horngren.Jiambalwo:Managerial Accounting. Tata McGraw Hill 6. Advantages. Social Accounting: Concept of Social Cost Benefit Analysis.Wiley India 2. Disadvantages. Hilton: Managerial Accounting. Prentice Hall 7. Hanif: Financial Accounting.Dreamtech press 5. Pearson Education. HRA in India. Mukherjee. Cost-volume profit analysis. Marginal Costing and Break-even Analysis: Concept of marginal cost. Need. make or buy decisions and discontinuation of a product line etc. Methods of Human Resource Accounting. Decisions regarding sales-mix. Social Accounting Approaches. Objections Against Human Resource Accounting.analysis. Marginal costing and absorption costing. Methods or Techniques of Price Level Accounting. Need.SECTION –D Price Level Accounting: Meaning.Wiley India 4. Human Resource Accounting: Meaning.Goyal:Accounting for Managers. 3. Meaning of Social Accounting. Sunden and Ostratton: Introduction to Management Accounting. McGraw Hill 18 . Sunden Elliott and Philbrick: Introduction to Financial Accounting. Assumptions and practical applications of breakeven. Suggested Readings: 1.Balakrishnan:Managerial Accounting. Horngren. Breakeven analysis. Marginal costing versus direct costing. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. working with texts and graphics in Power Point. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. HTTP. Artificial Intelligence Flow charts and data flow diagrams SECTION – B Networking concepts: Internet and intranet.l Wide Area Network. 1. Surfing in Net and Using E-Mail. word basics. ISO-OSI Protocol.3. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. P . Topologies. In this section. SECTION – A Introduction to Computers: Classification.K. Suggested Readings: 1. chart features and working with graphics in Excel. Local Area Network. search engines and protocols. Metropolitan Area Network.1. footnotes. T. sending and reading e-mails. Creating and delivering presentations SECTION – D Computer Networks and Internet: Goals and Objectives of Computer Networks. Attendance: 10 %.2 Name of Course Computer Applications in Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39.Computer Applications in Management (MBA-107) Course Code MBA-107 L . Objectives: This course offers a good understanding of basics of Information Technology. Ron Masfield : MS-Office Tech Publication 19 . Foley. graphics. Internet. Sen&Martin : Information Technology Tata McGraw Hill 6. B and C. Components of Computer System. 30%. Lynx. Excel formatting techniques. Applications Basic concepts of operating systems. working with header and footer.Sinha: Fundamental of Computers BPB 3. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Introduction to High level and low level languages. formatting text and documents. tables and sorting. 2. ITL Education Solutions Limited: Introduction to Information Technology 4. 3. Rearranging. FTP. endnotes. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Practical on Internet using emails. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. TCP/IP. applications. Leon &Leon : Internet for Everyone Leon Tech World 5. P. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. using formulas and functions. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Software: Application Software and System Software. Power Point: Basics. TCP/IP: Protocol.Niranjan Shrivastava:Computer Applications in Management. Worksheets. all the questions are COMPULSORY. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Use of search engines Fundamentals of website design End User Computing using MS-Office 2000: Word processing: MS-Word. SECTION – C Spreadsheets and their uses in business: Excel basics.Dreamtech Press 2. Telnet. Curtin. mail merge and macros. Recruitment & Selection. Barriers to Effective Planning. SECTION A (8 Sessions) Management: Concept. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Organisational Design. Performance Appraisal Directing: Concept. Decision Making. 2. Direction and Supervision Motivation: Concept. Organizing: Concept. Bureaucracy. Quality of Work Life. 1. Administration. Management As a Profession. SECTION C (10 Sessions) Staffing: Concept. Management Skills.3. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 30%. Decision Theory Approach. Characteristics of Quality Managers. Objectives and Significance of Planning. Taylor and Scientific Management. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Social Responsibility of Managers and Ethics in Managing. SECTION B (10 Sessions) Introduction to Functions of Management Planning: Nature. Motivation and Performance. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Management Vs. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. In this section. Scope. Forms of Organisational Structure.1. Delegation of Authority. Evolution of Management: Early contributions. Management : Art and Science.0 Name of Course Principles & Practice of Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Process of Planning. Manpower Planning. Span of Control. Training & Development. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Importance. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. 3. Fayol’s Administrative Management. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Key to Planning. Combining Jobs: Departmentation. Authority & Responsibility. Special Motivational techniques: Money. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Organisation Theories. reward systems. Attendance: 10 %. Types of Planning.PRINCIPLES & PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT (MBA-108) Course Code MBA-108 L . Social System Approach. Job Design. Hawthorne Experiments and Human Relations. System Approach. 20 . INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Job Enrichment & Morale Building. T. Nature. Levels of Management. B and C. participation. Planning Premises and Forecasting. P . Robbins & Coulter . 6thEdition) 5. Freeman & Gilbert Jr . Developing a Quality Control System. Process and models of Leadership Development.Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications (Pearson Education.Dreamtech press 3. Biztantra Publications 4.P.Vijay Pithadia: Introduction to Management.Management (Prentice Hall of India.Management: A Global and Entrepreneurial Perspective (Mc Graw Hill. The Quality Concept Factors affecting Quality. Types of Control. 9thEdition) 7. Total Quality Control. 5th Edition 2008) 6. Methods: Pre-control: Concurrent Control: Post-control. Contemporary views on Leadership: Transformational-Transactional. Concurrent Control of Operations.Dr. 6th Ed. and Decenzo David A.SECTION D (12 Sessions) Leadership: Concept and Functions. Charismatic-Visionary leadership.Management (Prentice Hall of India.Wiley India 2. .Dr.Kiran Nerkar:Principles and Practics of Management. . Stoner. Controlling: Concept. Weihrich Heinz and Koontz Harold . Pre-control of Inputs. 8.Schermerhorn: Introduction to Management. Koontz Harold &Weihrich Heinz – Essentials of management (Tata McGraw Hill. Post Control of Outputs. 12thEdition 2008) 21 . Suggested Reading: 1. Robbins S. An Integrated Control System. SEMESTER II 22 . Decision making under uncertainty. Characteristics. Average waiting time for single service station. SECTION . Costs associated with Inventory Elementary. to grasp the various optimization techniques. SECTION . derivations of Average length. Scope and Necessity of OR. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.0 Name of Course Quantitative Methods and Operations Research Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. 23 . Decision making under certainty. Replacement Theory: Replacement Problems. Float. B and C. OR Models: Principles and Types. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. SECTION . Graphical Method. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. CPM. Models of Inventory. Phases of a Project. 30%. T. P . The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Duality Project Management: PERT. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Crashing the Network. Objectives: To equip the students with techniques of data analysis. 3. Slack.A Operations Research: Introduction to OR: Definition. Critical Path. Criteria of choosing strategies and simple numerical problems based on these. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Decision making under risk. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Simplex Method. queue disciplines. Assignment Models. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Decision making: Decision making environment. number of units in the queue.3. Network Arrow Diagrams. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.1. Decision Tree Analysis. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Replacement Models. SECTION . Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Waiting Lines: Applications of waiting lines. Attendance: 10 %.D Inventory Management: Definition of Inventory.Quantitative Methods and Operations Research (MBA-201) Course Code MBA-201 L .B Linear Programming : Problem Formulation.C Transportation Models: Transshipment Problem. Duopoly Two Person Zero Sum Game. Pure and Mixed Strategies. 1. Competitive Strategies: Theory of Games. all the questions are COMPULSORY. 2. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. In this section. 10. 6. Vohra: Quantitative Techniques in Management.Wiley India 5. 2nd Tata McGraw Hill. KantiSwaroop: Operations Research.K. 8. 1st Macmillan. C. V. H. 7th Tata McGraw Hill. Sharma: Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions. N. Hiller and Lieberman: Introduction to Operations Research. Hira Gupta: Operations Research.Ravindran:Operation research.A. Taha: Operations Research. J.K.K. Kapoor: Operations Research. Tulsian and Pandey: Quantitative Techniques. 1st Pearson Edn. 24 . 7th Sultan Chand 4. Sultan Chand.Suggested Readings: 1. 7. New Delhi. 9.D. Mustafi: Operations Research. 2. 3. Ethics and social responsibility of management.C Social Responsibility of Business: Concept. SECTION . Attendance: 10 %. Devaluation of Rupee. T. 3.1. B and C. India’s Trade Policy. Salient features of Economic Systems: Capitalist system/Market economy. Government Business Relationship.0 Name of Course Business Environment Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. WTO-its role and functions. Socialist system and Mixed Economy. Control of Foreign Direct Investment. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Micro and Macro Environment. SECTION -B Economic Policy. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. SECTION -D International Economic Environment: Emergence of Globalization. EXIM Policy. Privatization. Globalization and its Implications for India. Basic Features of Indian Economy. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Different Aspects of Business Environment. Benefits and Problems from MNCs. Objectives: The objective of the subject is to provide the insight to the students about the changes that are taking place in the Business Environment. 1986. the effect of these changes on business and the demand placed on managers regarding national and global business environment. Aspects of Economic Reforms: Liberalization. In this section. 30%. 25 . Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. rationale. FEMA(Foreign Exchange Management Act). SECTION . P .Business Environment (MBA-202) Course Code MBA-202 L . dimensions models of social responsibility and barriers of social responsibility. implications for India. 1. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Monetary and Fiscal Policies in India. Another major aim of this subject is to help the management students identify economic trends and business currents that affect individual firms and the wider industry.A Need for Environmental Scanning. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. The Environment Protection Act.3. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Industrial Policy and Industrial Licensing in India. 2. Ltd.K. M. Ltd. S. Ltd.Rama Krishna & A. Ltd. 3. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Mungekar. K. Himalaya PublishingHouse Pvt.Ashwathappa: Economic Environment of Business in India 12.V. 5. 4. R. Das: WTO Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Banking. Ltd. S. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.G.S.Chand& Co. G. 26 . 7.R. M. 8. R.Kamat&PulakChakarvarty: Management of Co-operatives.Ltd.Nachana&ManoharRao: Indian Economy in the New Millenium.M. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Retrospect and Prospect. G. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Francis Cherunilam: Global Economy and Business Environment.Suggested Readings: 1.Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. N. Badi: Indian Business Environment. Ltd. 2. Moss V.Misra&Puri: Indian Economy (Its Development Experience). Misra&Puri: Economic Environment of Business. 6.Sengupta: Government and Business in India 11.K. 9.P. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Sundaram: Indian Economy.Adhikari: Economic Environment of Business 10.Ltd.uddarDatt& K.Suguna: Economic Reforms in India. P .0 Name of Course Human Resource Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Demographic. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. 3. It is basically concerned with managing the human resources. In this section. Approaches to Personnel Management. Changing Nature of Employment Relationship. Strategic Planning and HRM. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 1. Interview and Promotion Socializing the new employees. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.1. B and C. Societal and Workforce Trends. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. 27 . . SECTION – B HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING & TRAINING Importance of Human Resource Planning. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Methods of HRP. Responsibilities of a Personnel Managers. Approaches to HRP.Human Resource Management (MBA-203) Course Code MBA-203 L . 2. Recruitment. all the questions are COMPULSORY. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Recent Changes and Development of Personnel Management.3. which is the most challenging and daunting look for any organization today. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Evaluating Training Effectiveness Methods for developing managers. Personnel Managementand Professionalization. Contemporary Challenges in Human Resource Planning. Evaluating Effectiveness of HRP. Growing Importance and functions of Human Resource management Important Environmental Influences on HRM. SECTION – A Introduction to human Resource Management. Objectives: The objective of the paper is to make student aware of the various functions and importance of the HR department in any organization. Challenges to Personnel Management. Methods of Training. Managerial Development. Factors affecting HRP. HRP Process. 30%. Training. T. Attendance: 10 %. Selection and Placement. whereby the underlying objective is to attract retain and motivate the human resources in any organization. Various workplace safety and health issues and management of these issues. Keith Davis.Principles of Personnel Management 4. Objectives. Fringe Benefits – Meaning. Disciplinary action dismissal and retrenchment. theories. Cultural & behavioral differences and its relevance and importance in IHRM. Le on C. Discipline meaning and importance. IHRM trends. issues and challenges & theory development. Importance and Types. Barriers to effective global HRM. Megginson Personnel and Human Resources Administration 28 .Gupta.Human Resource management 8.Decenzo Robbins:Human Resource Management. Human Relations at work.Human Resource Management.Debashish Sengupta. Factors Influencing Employee Remuneration. Essentials of effective Performance Appraisal system. Human Resource Management. 6. Employees’ grievance handling mechanism and procedure.Biztantra publications 2. Cross cultural studies. Challenges of remuneration. Robert L. Introduction to IHRM. Tandon (edited) Human Resource Development.K. Methods and techniques of Performance Appraisal.P.) 7 V. Types and administration of Benefits. Issues in IHRM. DISCIPLINING THE EMPLOYEES & IHRM Maintenance and disciplining the employees. SECTION – D MAINTENANCE. P. Suggested Readings:1.Wiley India 5.SECTION – C PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT Performance Appraisal: Meaning.Edwin B. Mathis and John H.S. Purpose. Job Evaluation: Meaning.Dreamtech press 3. Incentives: Concept. Various Components of Performance Appraisal. Remuneration methods.RAO:. Personnel Human Resource Management (4th ed. Arya and B. Concept of IHRM. Flippo :. Process and Methods of Job Evaluation. Managing Compensation: Employee Remuneration: Concept. 9.B.P.P. Equity Capital. Facets of Cash Management. Retained Earnings. Private Equity GDR. Right Issue. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Weighted Average Cost of Capital. Determinants.3. Capital Structure and Taxation. Types. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. SECTION . Optimal Cash Balance. 29 . 1. 30%. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Sources of Finance: Features. Control of Account Receivable. Receivable Management: Meaning. Cost of Capital: Meaning. 3. ADR. Estimation of WC. Inventory Investment Analysis. 2. Management of Working Capital: Meaning of WC. In this section. Preference Shares. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.Financial Management (MBA-204) Course Code MBA-204 L . Assumptions. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Motives for Holding Cash. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Preference Capital. Traditional Position. Term-Loans. EBIT and EPS Analysis. B and C. Operating Cycle. Need to hold Inventory. Operating and Combined Leverage. Debentures. Finance Function. Financial Goals.B Capital Structure: Meaning. T. Credit Evaluation.C Cash Management: Meaning. Venture Capital. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Net Income and Operating Income Approach. SECTION . Calculation of Cost of Debt Capital.0 Name of Course Financial Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Objectives: The course has been designed to develop understanding of different concepts and theories underlying financial management and implications of various financial techniques.1. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. SECTION . The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Agency Problem. Advantages and Limitations of Equity Shares.A Introduction to Financial Management: Meaning. Attendance: 10 %. Leverage Analysis: Meaning. Inventory Management: Meaning. Short-Term and Long-Term Cash Forecasting. Scope. Objective of Inventory Management. Estimation of Financial. M-M Position. Determinants of WC. Credit Decisions. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Relation of Financial Leverage with Risk and Return. P . Inventory Control System. Need of WC Management. Credit Policy Variable. Pay back Method.M. Walter Model.Wiley India 8. Dividend Decisions: Meaning and Types of Dividend. Investment Criteria. Gordon Model. Net Present Value Method. Tata McGraw Hill 30 . Capital Rationing. Vikash Publishing House 3. Traditional Model. Khan and Jain: Financial Management.Financial Management.Paresh Shah.D Capital Budgeting: Meaning. Introduction to Basic Techniques of Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting.Dreamtech press 4.SECTION . Prasanna Chandra: Financial Management. Pandey: Financial Management. Bonus Shares and Stock Splits.Anil kumar Dhagat:Financial Management. I.Breadly and Myres: Principles of Corporate Finance. Internal Rate of Return. Tata McGraw Hill 5. Issues in Dividend Policy. Accounting Rate of Return Method. James C.Aswath Damodaran:Corporate finance theory and practice.Biztantra Publication 2. Van: Financial Management.Wiley India 9. Benefit-Cost Ratio. Miller and Modigliani Model. Robert Parrino:Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. Pearson Education Horne Policy Asia 7. Tata McGraw Hill 6. Basic Principles of Costs and Benefits. Suggested Readings: 1. Classification.Production and Operations Management (MBA-205) Course Code MBA-205 L . Objectives. 2. Suggested Readings: 1. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Maintenance Management: Concepts. Prentice Hall India 4. Objectives. Basic Types of Layouts. 30%. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Capacity Planning: Concepts. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. ABC Analysis. Kanban System. Capacity Planning Decisions. Process Selection: Project.C Materials Management: Concepts.0 Name of Course Production and Operations Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Buffa & Sarin: Modern Production/Operations Management. Factors in Location Analysis. SECTION . In this section. Re-order Level. SECTION . Procedure. Product Development Process (Technical). B and C. Tata McGraw Hill 31 . Advantages. Objectives Introduction to modem Productivity techniques: Just in time. Objectives. Factors Affective Capacity. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Product Design & Development: Product Design and its Characteristics. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. SECTION . John Wiley 3. Pearson Education Asia 5.B Facility Location: importance. Objectives: To understand a systems view of operations. Functions Work Study: Productivity.3. Nair: Production & Operation Management.D Stores Management: Types of Stores. Tata McGraw Hill 2. Mass & Process types of Production Systems. SN Chary: Production & Operations Management. Functions. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. P .A Operations Management: Concepts. all the questions are COMPULSORY. 3. Product Development Techniques. 1. Job. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Inventory Costs. Batch. Functions Purchasing Management: Objectives. Basic EOQ Model. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Method Study. to understand the conversion of inputs into outputs with various technology. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Attendance: 10 %.1. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Adam & Ebert: Production & Operation Management. Value Analysis: Concepts Inventory Management: Concepts. Coding Methods. Location Analysis Techniques. Facility Layout: Objectives. Functions. Production Planning & Control (PPC): Concepts. Functions. T. Krajewski & Ritzman: Operations Management. Methods. Types of Maintenance. Work Measurement. Planning. Total quality Management &six sigma. Factors Affecting Inventory Control Policy. Functions. ProductProcess Mix. SECTION . 2nd ed. and Types.Dreamtech press 3. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %.David J and Ronald S.. 1983. SECTION . Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.A Introduction to Research: Definition. O. B and C. coding. Factor Analysis.Kothari .B Research Designs: Exploratory.D Testing of Hypothesis. Selecting an Appropriate Statistical technique. Jr. 30th ed. Multidimensional Scaling and Clustering Methods Suggested Readings:1. Field Work and Tabulation. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR.Research Methodology 4. literature review.C Sample Design. Objectives of Research.L. T. M. 2. SECTION . Luck.Aaker:Marketing Research 10ed.Wiley India 6. Gupta. S. F.Wiley India 2. Attendance: 10 %. Motivational Research Techniques. C.Uma Sekaran:Research method for business. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.C. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. New Delhi. Andrews. B.Research Methodology (MBA-206) Course Code MBA-206 L . Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Analysis of Data. 1993. S. Statistical Methids. 201. Excel Books 5. NY. 10.Prentice Hall India Ltd. In this section. 7.SECTION . Discriminant Analysis. P .1. Techniques for Data Analysis –ANOVA. Descriptive and Experimental Research Design Data Collection: Secondary Data. H.Rubir Marketing Research .0 Name of Course Research Methodology Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. SECTION . Roger: Management Research. Witey Social Indicators of will Being. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.Research Process. Survey Methods..Gupta . 3.R.. 8. Fowler. 9. Interpretation of Data and Report Writing. Sultan Chand. . 1.5ed. Scaling Techniques. 1976. Editing. Plenum Press. Sage Pub. Objectives: The object Research Methodology of the course contents is to make the learner aware of the basic concepts of Research Methodology and prepare them for conducting research project. and S.. Floyd J. Primary Data and Methods of Collection. Conjoint Analysis.Marketing Research. P.G. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each.Ramamurthy:Research Methodology. Bemnet. 32 . all the questions are COMPULSORY. 30%. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min.3. Scope. significance Limitations. Attitude Measurement Techniques. Change & Organizational Development (MBA-207) Course Code Name of Course MBA-207 L . Change & Organizational Development Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. characteristics. likert systems – four. team building. role analysis technique. is an emerging behavior discipline that provides a set of Methodologies for systematically bringing about organization change and improvement.Definition.D. 3. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. confrontation meeting. models of OD. Organizational stress: causes. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. stages of OD programme. effecting the functioning of organization and develop sensitivity to improve the effectiveness. managerial grid. Third party peacemaking. life and career planning. Organizational development: .B Organizational diagnosis: Methods. OD Interventions – II: MBO. transactional analysis. 2. sensitivity training. survey 33 . change process. 1. P . Resistance to Change Organizational effectiveness. dimension of change. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. SECTION . objectives. SECTION . counseling. socialization process.3. types of interventions.Organizational Effectiveness. implementation of organizational change-strategies leadership and Involvement. B and C. learning styles and development. process consultation. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. approaches and its determinants.C OD Interventions – I:Meaning.A Management of Change: Organization culture. It helps to understand the dynamics of changes. the students would be able to apply the knowledge of behavioral science in solving sociotechnical problems as well as improving and maintaining the effectiveness of the organization. T. collection of data and identification of problems. both inter and intra to the organization. In this section. Objectives: O. 30%. effects and coping with stress. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. change agent.1. Attendance: 10 %. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. concepts.0 Organizational Effectiveness. After the study of this course. SECTION . all the questions are COMPULSORY. organizational mirroring. action research. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Irwon Dorsey: Homewood. Dalton. Developing future organization through OD efforts – future prospects of OD. Organization Development: Its nature. W. Suggested Readings:1.(eds. G. 1969. Bennis.Beckhard. :New York.SECTION . 1969Organistion in Development : Strategies and Models. 5. Organisation Development for Survival. 1999 Organization Development. R. Shein. BennisW. American Management Association Inc. Addision. 1970 Organization Change and Development.&Griener. . Wendell L. & Cecil H. P.G. E. A.H. 4. Addison Wesley: Reading.Biztantra publication 2.Lawrence. French.Wesley: Reading 3. Wesley :Reading 6.. Kuriloff. Beckhard R. 1972. Prentice Hall of India : 34 .D The Future of OD: Role of OD in changing global business environment. 7.) 1969 Organization Development.Bell. OD in IndiaOpportunities &Challenges. Origins and Prospects.Bhupen Srivastava:Organisation design and development. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Methods of calculation of these costs and their role in management decision making like sales. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and P/V Ratio Analysis and their implications.COST & MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (MBA-208) Course Code MBA-208 L . SECTION A (8 Sessions) Introduction: Accounting for Management. Comparison of Management Accounting and Cost Accounting. replacement. In this section. 2. and Overhead Variance.1. Capital Expenditure Budget and Master Budget. SECTION B (10 Sessions) Marginal Costing: Marginal Costing versus Absorption Costing. Sales Budget. and its applications and implications. replacement. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Standard Costing: Concept of standard costs. Methods of Costing. Concept and uses of Contribution & Breakeven Point and their analysis for various types of decision-making like single product pricing. Preparation of Cash Budget. Production Budget. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. establishing various cost standards. Role of Cost in decision making. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. types of cost.Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounting. Elements of cost Materials. calculation of Material Variance. sales etc. all the questions are COMPULSORY. B and C. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. SECTION C (10 Sessions) Budgeting: Concept of Budget. 3. T.0 Name of Course Cost & Management Accounting Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. preparation of Cost Sheet. 30%. Materials Budget. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Advantages and Limitations of Budgetary Control. Labour Variance. Budgeting and Budgetary Control. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Types of Budget. buying etc.3. P . Attendance: 10 %. Differential Costing and Incremental Costing: Concept. 1. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Labour and overheads and their Allocation and Apportionment. multi product pricing. 35 . Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Static and Flexible Budgeting. uses and applications. cost concepts. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. types & importance . Neo Concepts for Decision Making: Activity Based Costing. 12th edition) 2) Jiambalvo.) 8) Arora M N – Cost and Management Accounting (Vikas.Management Accounting (Tata McGraw-Hill. 1st Ed. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1) Horngren et al . Cost Management. Kishor – Advanced Management Accounting (Taxmann.Introduction to Management Accounting (Pearson. Target Costing & Life Cycle Costing : concept. 1st Ed.) 6) Ravi M.Accounting for Management (Vikas.) 3) Pandey I M . 2004. Value Chain Analysis.SECTION D (12 Sessions) Responsibility Accounting & Transfer Pricing: Concept and various approaches to Responsibility Accounting.) 5) Sahaf M A . cost center. 2000. 2002.) 7) Ravi M. 8th Ed 36 . concept of investment center. Transfer Pricing : concept.Wiley India 2) Khan and Jain .) 4) Bhattacharyya S K and Dearden J .Management Accounting: Principles and Practice (Vikas. Kishor – Cost & Management Accounting (Taxmann. 1987. 3rd Ed. 2000.Management Accounting (Vikas. profit center and responsibility center and its managerial implications. 8th Ed. 1st Ed.Managerial Accounting 4ed. strategies and applications of each. 3rd Ed. SEMESTER III 37 . 1. Differentiation and Focused strategies.0 Name of Course Strategic Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. all the questions are COMPULSORY. 2. Mission Goals and Objectives.Product Life Cycle matrix. related and un-related diversification.External Factor Evaluation matrix. Objectives: The course aims at imparting knowledge of formulation. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. SECTION . Competitive advantage and Core competency.Levels of strategy. P . 1. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR.3.Strategic Management (MBA-301) Course Code MBA-301 L . Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.Characteristics of a good mission statement. Industry analysis – Porter’s five forces model.C Portfolio strategies: BCG Model. SECTION . Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. strategic out sourcing. 3. 30%. Corporate restructuring. key success factors .B Internal environment analysis: Resource based view of an organization. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix. Strategic group mapping.Defining strategic intent: Vision. Attendance: 10 %. Value chain analysis.A Understanding strategy and strategic management: Strategic management process. international entry options. T. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Corporate level strategies: Growth strategies – horizontal and vertical integration. implementation and evaluation of Business Strategies. B and C. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Synergy. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. harvesting and retrenchment strategies. GE Business Planning Matrix. Environmental scanning techniques: ETOP and SWOT analysis etc. External environment analysis: Strategically relevant components of external environment. Location and Timing tactics 38 . In this section. Strategic decision making . Shell’s Directional Policy Matrix . Business level strategies: Porter’s framework of competitive strategies: Cost leadership. SECTION . industry. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. andStickland A.Dreamtech press 4.SECTION .Robert Grant. developing and modifying organizational structure. Robinson Strategic Management. 7. Andrews : Concepts of corporate Strategy.John Parnell: Strategic Management. Suggested Readings: 1. Leadership and organization culture.J. Benchmarking. 5.: Strategic Management . 8.B. 39 . A. the balanced Score Card. Kennth. Jauch&Glueek : Business Policy and Strategic Management.D Strategy implementation: Strategy-structure fit. AzharKazmi : Business Policy and Strategic Management.Alpana Trehan. Stanford: Management Policy 10. Melvin J. Strategy Evaluation and Control: Nature of strategy evaluation.Biztantra publication 6.Strategic Management.Contemporary Strategic Management. Michael Potter: Competitive Advantage of Nations. 9. John A. Pearce Hand R.Wiley India 2.Concept and cases. 3. Strategy evaluation frame work. Thampson LA. Impossibility and Frustration. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Legality of object. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Conditions and Warranties. Damages for breach of a contract. Registration and Incorporation. Companies Act. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Winding up.1. Attendance: 10 %. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Quasi contracts. 1930 Definition of a Contract of Sale.3. Sale of Good Act. 3. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Directors: Their powers and duties. Crossing of Cheques. Consideration. Memorandum of Association. 1932 Definition of Partnership and its essentials. 30%. T.BUSINESS LAWS (MBA-302) Course Code MBA-302 L . Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee. Holder and Holder in due course. SECTION A (10 SESSIONS) Contract Act. Discharge of a Contract by performance. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Bill of Exchange and Cheques. Bailment and Pledge. Dissolution of firms. Negotiation. Capacity to Contract. Promissory Note. Passing of Property. Noting and Protest. Kinds of Companies. Meetings. Remedies for Breach. 40 . Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. all the questions are COMPULSORY. SECTION B (12 SESSIONS) Partnership Act. Bouncing of Cheques. 1. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Presentment. Registration of Firms. SECTION C (10 SESSIONS) Negotiable Instrument Act. Breach. Presumption. Free consent. 1956 Nature and Definition of a Company. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Formation of a valid Contract . B and C. Kinds of negotiable instruments. Articles of Association. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Rights and Duties of Partners : Types of Partners. 1881 Definition and characteristics. Discharge from Liability.0 Name of Course Business Laws Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. 1872 Definition of a Contract and its essentials. Doctrine of Implied Authority. Prospectus. P . 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.Offer and Acceptance. Minor as a partner. Agency. In this section. Right of Unpaid Seller against the Goods. SECTION D (8 SESSIONS) Consumer Protection Act, 1956 Aims and Objects of the Act, Redressal Machinery under the act, Procedure for complaints under the act, Remedies, Appeals, Enforcement of orders and Penalties. The Information Technology Act, 2000 Definition, Digital Signature, Electronic Governance, Attribution, Acknowledgment and Dispatch of Electronic Records, Sense Electronic Records and Sense Digital Signatures, Regulation of Certifying Authorities, Digital Signature Certificates, Duties of Subscribers, Penalties and Offences. Suggested Readings – 1.P.K.Goel:Business Laws for Managers,Biztantra publications 2.Gulshan J.J. - Business Law Including Company Law (New Age International Publisher, 13th Edition) 3. Kuchhal M.C. - Business Law (Vikas Publication, 4th Edition) 4. Avtar Singh - Principles of Mercantile Law (Eastern Book Company, 7th Edition). 41 HUMAN VALUES AND PROFESSIONAL & ETHICS (MBA-303) Course Code MBA-303 L - 3, T- 1, P - 0 Name of Course Human Values and Professional & Ethics Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39, T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. 30%, Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %, Attendance: 10 %. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A, B and C. 1. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. In this section, all the questions are COMPULSORY. 2. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. 3. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. SECTION A Concept of Values; Types of Values; Human Values in Management; Relevance of Values in Modern Management; Values for Managers. Leadership and Human Values; Interpersonal Relations and Human Values; Stress Management and Human Values; Team Building and Values. SECTION B Value Education; understanding value education, self-exploration as the process of value education, continuous happiness and prosperity-the basic human aspirations, right understanding ,relationship and physical facilities ,happiness and prosperity –current scenario SECTION C Harmony in the human being: understanding human being as the co- existence of self (I)and the body ,Discriminating between the needs of self (I) and the body ,the body as an instrument of (I) ,under standing harmony in the self I ,harmony of the self (i) with the body ,program to ensure sanyam and swasthya. SECTION D Harmony in the family and society : harmony in the family –the basic unit of human interaction ,values in human to human relationship, trust –the fundamental values in the relationship, respect –as the right evaluation ,understanding harmony in the society vision for the universal human order Harmaony in the nature( Existence ): Understanding harmony in the nature, interconnectedness , self regulation and mutual fulfillment among the four order of nature ,realizing existence as co –existence at all level, Suggested Books 1. Human values and professional ethics- R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria (excel books) 2. C.S.Bajaj: Business ethics, Biztantra publication 42 MBA-III SEMETER SPECIALIZATION SUBJECTS 43 Determination of the Exchange ratio. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. SECTION-C Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis under conditions of Uncertainly. Business Failure and Reorganization— Application of Multiple Discriminant analysis. Technique in Financial Decisions Making Areas: Corporate Debt Capacity Management Decisions. Englewood Cliffs New Jersey. SECTION-B Decision Tree Analysis. 3. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Takeover code. and Sarnat H.1. 30%.0 Name of Course Advanced Financial Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. P . Prentice Hall of India.. James C.: Buy Decision. Prentice Hall Inc. Estimation and Projection of Working Capital Decisions. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Legal and Proceduralaspects of Merger Decision. Prentice Hall Ins. B and C. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. H. Fogler. Regression analysis and Simulation.. In this section. Sapirio. Objectives The basic objective of this course is to impart an intensive. Van Home. New Jersey. 2. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.1982. 4. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Capital Expenditure Decision Under Conditions of Risk and Uncertainly. Englewood Cliffs. Prentice Hall Inc. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Replacement Decisions. Lease Vs. Englewood Cliffs. : Financial Management and Policy. Sequencing of Decisions. Suggested Readings: 1.3. Edverd. H and Ganpathy : Financial Econometrics Englewood Cliffs. Financial Decision Analysis. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. New Jersey. 44 . Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. 1990 5. knowledge about the use of quantitative techniques in specified financial decision—making areas. T. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. 1982. New Jersey. Attendance: 10 %. Ievy. Mergers and Acquisitions. 1. SECTION-A Application of Linear Programming: Goal Programming. Capital Investment and Financial Decision. 3. all the questions are COMPULSORY.Advanced Financial Management ( FM-01) Course Code FM-01 L . Bierman. Harold. 2. SECTION-D Dividend Valuation Model. Features of Investment Avenues. Actual Yield. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Investment and Gambling. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Discounted Cash Flow Techniques. Accounting Analysis. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Difference between Technical and Fundamental Analysis. Financial Analysis. 45 . Holding Period Yield. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Relationship between Risk and Return. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Evaluation of Technical Analysis. In this section. 2. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Forecasting.Perpetual Bonds.3. Sensitivity of Business Cycle.Security Analysis and Investment Management (FM-02) Course Code FM-02 L . and Estimation of Intrinsic Value. Approaches to Investment. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Testing Technical Trading Rules. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Industry Life Cycle Analysis. Porter Model of Assessment of Profit Potential of Industries Company Analysis: Meaning of Company Analysis.0 Name of Course Security Analysis and Investment Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Valuation of Security: Valuation of Equity Shares: Balance Sheet Techniques. Concept of Return. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Regression Equation. Strategy Analysis. 1. Types of Management Strategies. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. P . Valuation of Preference Shares. Tools. Attendance: 10 %. Difference between Investment and Speculation. B and C. Investment Management Process. Valuation of Bonds: Bonds with a Maturity Period. Objectives: The course has been designed to develop understanding of different concepts relating to analysis of investment and portfolio management. 3.1. T. Industry Analysis. Risk and Return: Concept of Risk. Expected Yield. Investment Alternatives. Dow Theory. Components of Investment Risk. 30%. Covariance. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Meaning of Investment Management. SECTION-A Introduction to Investment Management: Concept and objectives of investment. Assumptions. Measurement of Risk through Standard Deviation. SECTION-B Economic and Industry Analysis: Macro-Economic Analysis. Relative Valuation Techniques. Technical Analysis: Meaning. Capital Market Theory.SECTION-C Portfolio Theory: Merits of Diversification: Diversification and Portfolio Risk.Chand Publication 46 .Fredrick Amling: Investment. Rules Regarding Formula Plans. Prentice Hall Pub.An Introduction to Analysis and Management. Traditional Portfolio Building. Fabozzi.Bhatt:Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Objectives. Efficient Frontier for securities. Single Index Model. Variable Ratio Plan. Efficient Frontier and Portfolio Selection. Calculation of Portfolio Risk. Jack Clark Francis: Management of Investment. 8.Biztantra 3.Wiley India 5. Constant Rupee Value Plan. V. Correlation Co-efficient. CAPM. Sharpe’s Model. SML. Elton:Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis. Prentice Hall Publications 4. Rupee Averaging Technique. Risk and Investor Preferences. Zero Beta CAPM.Lofthouse. Tata Mcgraw Hill Pub. Optimal Portfolio. Cut-off Rate and New Securities. Portfolio Revision: Meaning. 6. Beta. Portfolio Return and Risk. John Wiley & Sons Publications 2. K. Efficient Frontier for two securities. Mc-Graw Hill Pub. Stephen: Investment Management. Forms of CAPM. 7. Formula Plans. SECTION-D Portfolio Selection: Concept of Portfolio Selection. Markowitz Theory Risk –Return Optimisation. Constant Ratio Plan. Modifications. Prasanna Chandra: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Arbitrage Pricing Theory. Techniques of Portfolio Revision. Need. Investment Constraints. Optimal Portfolio.Suyash N. Tax adjusted CAPM. Interactive Risk through Covariance. Suggested Readings: 1. Three securities Model. S. Frank J. Bhalla: Investment Management. Beta Generation in Efficient Frontier.: Investment Management. Portfolio Analysis: Concept of Traditional and Modern Portfolio Analysis. process. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. B and C.Interest rate risk and systematic risk. all the questions are COMPULSORY.Liability Management. reserve requirements. The Fee based services.The New Basel AccordImplication for Banks. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. 47 .Management of Banking Operations (FM-03) Course Code FM-03 L . Sources of bank funds: Deposit products. Off Balance Sheet activities. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. SECTION-C Banking regulations:Role of RBI. Objectives The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the accounting needs of international financial Markets and to analysis the accounting measurement and reporting issues unique to multinational business transactions.Types of Bank Deposits. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %.Risk management strategies. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Deposit Insurance. Off shore Banking and Multi National banking. Computation of interest on Deposits. mode of lending and basic requirements for lending. capital Adequacy. Interest rate determinants in banks. Need for Credit Policy.1.operational. 3. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. In this section. Subsidiary Services. Attendance: 10 %. CRAR and Prudential norms for asset classification. Composition of Credit Policy.0 Name of Course Management of Banking Operations Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Liquidity. SECTION-B Investment: classification and valuation. Risk Management in Banks: Basic concepts. Credit Policy.banking consolidation. Composition of Bank Deposits. Types of loans. SECTION-A Evolution of modern commercial banking in India: Bank’s financial statements: Basic concepts. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. 1. Banking sector reforms in India. P .3. Need/purpose. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. 2. T. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Bank Guarantees. Banking structure. New Forms of Banking: Wholesale and Retail Banking. income recognition and provisioning. Deposit Schemes. Asset. Anti money laundering and KYC norms. Bank assurance. Uses of Bank Funds: Lending activities. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. different types of risk sin banks. 30%. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. capital risk. Letter of credit. Management of capital funds: Functions. Universal and Narrow banking. Corporate Banking. Credit risk. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Lee H. S i. productivity and improvement. Services area approach. : International Accounting & Reporting London. Priority sector lending. New Jersey. Butterworth. MICR. Cboi.Prentice Hall Inc. 3. Bimal. 1986.. Harper& Row. : International Accounting and Multinational Enterprises.. Suggested Readings: 1. : Multinational Accounting. Englewood Cliffs. 1 93. Customer Relationship Management. 4. Cheque Truncation and ATM.Cyber law. NewYork. 48 . Evans. Gray. New York. 6. Arpon. J9g4. Shirin. ISO 9000 certification in Banking services. Legal aspects and framework. 7. Holzer. London. Englewood Cliffs. : International Accounting and Transnational Decisions. Prodhan. Jeffrey S and Radebaugh. Internet/Phone/Mobile Banking. Social Banking: Need. EFT. MacMillan. : International Accounting. Croom-HeIm.Benefits. RTGS. Prentice Hail Inc. 5. concerns. Genesis of Microfinance. Determinants of quality. E-payment and settlement system: Plastic cards. importance of six sigma in banks.SECTION-D Service Quality Metrics: Core factors. New Jersey. Thomas G. 1985. John Wiley. Frederick D S and Mueller Gerhard G. ECS. Electronic Banking: Concepts. 1985. 1984. H Peter : International Accounting. Challenges. : lnternational Accounting. London. policy initiatives. 2. Rathore. Role and process of capability of Managing services. • Advertising Media – Media Planning. Layout. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Benefit Positioning. New Adopter Model. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Competitive Parity Method. • Advertising and Product Life Cycle. • Social and Cultural Consequences of Advertising – Advertising and Stereotyping. Hierarchy of Effects Model. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. 30%. 3. 2. • Advertising Budget – Top Down Methods: Affordable Method.3. T. Formulating Positioning Strategy. • Ethical Aspects of Advertising – Misleading Advertising. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. SECTION-A Introduction to Advertising • Nature and scope and functions of Advertising.Advertising and Sales Management (MK-01) Course Code MK-01 L . Copy. Build-up Approach: Objective and Task Method. Advertising as an element of Marketing Mix. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Advertising as a Tool of Communication. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Objectives: To make the students understand the basics of Advertising and Promotion required by them in their career.0 Name of Course Advertising and Sales Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. all the questions are COMPULSORY. In this section. Media Selection and Scheduling. Classification of Advertising. Role and Functions. 1. AIDA Model. P . User Positioning and Competitive Positioning. Setting Advertising Objectives. • Behavioral Dynamics – The DAGMAR Approach. SECTION-B Managing an Advertising Program • Message Structure – Appeals. • Developing Segmentation and Positioning Strategies for Advertising – Segmenting on the Basis of Usage Patterns and Commitment Level. 49 . • Economic Effects and Legal Aspects of Advertising. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. • Measuring Advertising Effectiveness – Pre-testing and Post-testing copy. B and C. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. • Advertising Agencies – Types.1. Segmenting Business Markets. Deceptive Advertising and Shock Advertising. Percentage of Sales Method. Attendance: 10 %. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Tata McGraw Hill. Belch. 4th Edition..SECTION-C Sales Management • Nature and Scope of Sales Management. Richard R Still. Michael A. Designing Sales Territories and Sales Quotas – Suggested Readings: 1. Spiro. George E. “Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion”.Pearson Education. Semenik. and Belch. 5th Edition 4. Personal Selling Objectives. Chris T. John G. SECTION-D • Managing Sales Training Programs – Need and Objectives. Batra. Cundiff W Edward Govoni A P Norman. and Aaker. Guinn. Sales Meetings and Sales Contests. • Sales Force Recruitment – Process and Sources. Stanton and Rich “Management of a Salesforce”. 3. Pearson Education. • Sales Force Organization – Nature and Types. Rajeev. “Advertising and Promotion”. • Sales Force Selection Process. Allen. • Motivating Sales Personnel – Significance. Financial and Non-Financial Reward System.. Tata McGraw Hill. 11th Edition 5. 5th Edition 50 . David A. Thomson – South Western. “Advertising Management”. Richard J. 6th Edition 2. Mayers. “Sales Management: DecisionStrategy and Cases”. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 2. Family Life Cycle Social Class: Categories. Objectives: The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the consumer decision – making process and its applications in marketing function of firms. Characteristics and Effect on Consumer Behaviour. Family decision making. Types of Family: Functions of family. Attitude formation Theories ( Tricomponent. Types of sub culture. Designing persuasive communications SECTION-C External Influences on Consumer Behaviour Culture: Values and Norms. Self Concept. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Vanity Consumer Perception: Concept and Elements of Perception. Process of motivation. In this section. Attendance: 10 %. Cross cultural consumer behaviour Group Dynamics and Reference Groups: Consumer relevant groups. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Types of Needs Personality: Theories. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. 1. P . T. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Consumer Imagery. importance and interdisciplinary nature Consumer Research Process: Qualitative and Quantitative research Market Segmentation: Uses and bases of segmentation Evolution of Consumer Behavior: Introduction to Consumer Decision Making Models: Howard-Sheth. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. SECTION-A Introduction to Consumer Behavior: Consumer Behavior: Scope. Perceived Risk Consumer Learning: Behavioural and Cognitive Learning Theories Consumer Attitude: Functions of Attitude and Sources of Attitude Development. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each.1. Measurement and Applications of Social Class 51 . EngellKollat-Blackwell and Nicosia Models of consumer decisionmaking SECTION-B Individual Determinants of Consumer Behavior: Motivation: Nature and Types of Motives.3. 3. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %.Consumer Behaviour (MK-02) Course Code MK-02 L . The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each.0 Name of Course Consumer Behaviour Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Multi attribute and Cognitive Dissonance). Attitude Change Strategies. Product Personality. B and C. 30%. Tata McGraw Hill 3. D.Hoyer:Consumer behavior. L. Consumer Behavior.. Blackwell..W. L. Assael.F. Thomson Learning. Prentice Hall of India 3. Miniard. 52 .SECTION-D Consumer Decision Making Process Personal Influence and Opinion Leadership: Process of Opinion Leadership. R. Profile of Opinion Leader.D.Biztantra Publications 2. Consumer Behaviour. .G. and Bitta. J. H. Consumer Behaviour.Evans:Consumer Behaviour. D.. Adoption Process. Schiffman.L.. Loudon. and Engel. Cengage Learning 4. P. Consumer Behaviour in Action. Opinion leadership and Firm’s Promotional Strategy Diffusion of innovations: Diffusion Process. and Kanuk.Wiley India 2. Profile of Consumer Innovator Suggested Readings: 1. Brand Positioning. Sample size determination. tests of significance (Parametric & non –parametric) Univariate. Objectives: The purpose of this course is to enable students learn the process. Marketing research process. Organization of MR Department. SECTION-D Applications of Marketing Research: Sales Analysis. 3. Test Marketing. bivariate and multivariate data analysis. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Report preparation and presentation. T. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. online surveys. 53 . International marketing research. Sampling techniques. Sales Forecasting Market Segmentation. Advertising Research: Media Research.1. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. SECTION-B Data Resource: Secondary data sources and usage. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. 30%. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Product Research: New Product Development Process. marketing information system and marketing research. P . Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Problem Identification and Research Design: Problem identification and definition: Development of a research proposal: Types of research designs. B and C. SECTION-C Data Collection: Organisation of field work and survey errors – Sampling and non – sampling errors. Data Analysis: Hypothesis testing.Marketing Research (MK-03) Course Code MK-03 L . Attendance: 10 %. Primary data collection methods – questioning techniques. SECTION-A Introduction to Marketing Research: Importance. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. sample frame and sampling unit. Ethical issues in MR. Online data sources. MR in India. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR.0 Name of Course Marketing Research Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. In this section. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Aptitude measurement and scaling techniques: elementary introduction to measurement scales.3. 1. Copy Testing. observation method. tools and techniques of marketing research. 2. Motivation Research. Market Potential Analysis. Sampling Plan : Universe. nature and scope of marketing research. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Role of MR Agencies. Questionnaire preparation. Beri. peter M: The Essence of Marketing Research. New Delhi. A : Basic Marketing Research. Irwin. Prentice Hall. Donald and Hawkin.Wiley India 2.Aaker:Marketing Research 10ed. Dryden Press. Tata McGraw Hill. 8. G.J. Starsh : Marketing Research: Text and Cases. Tull.Wiley India 5.F. Del : Marketing Research : Measurement and Method. Prentice Hall. Tull and Gerald Albaum : Research for Marketing Decision. Richard D.C. New Delhi. H.Luck. : Marketing Research. Prentice Hall. Prentice Hall. 10.Parasuraman:Marketing Research.Green Paul E. 6. New Delhi.Suggested Reading: 1. Boston. Boston.Carl Mcdaniel:Marketing Research.Dreamtech press 3. New Delhi.Chisnall. : Marketing Research.W.Churchill. 4. Donald S. New Delhi. Ralph Westfall and S. 9. D.Boyd. 7. Gilbert. 54 . 1969 55 . Impact of CB and workers participation in management on IR SECTION . Approaches. System approach to IR-Actors. Kogent:Industrial Relation and Labour Laws. Conciliation. Objectives: To familiarize students in the major industrial relations systems operating in different economic. political and cultural contexts. Japan & Russia The industrial Disputes Act.A Industrial Relations: Concept. Blain Pane International Encyclopedia of Industrial Relations 6. impact of trade unions on wages The Trade unions Act. B and C. 3. S. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. 1926 {with amendments} SECTION . Context. Theories and Evolution.0 Name of Course Management of Industrial Relations Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Mamoria& Dynamic of Industrial Himalaya MamoriaRealtions in Indai Publishing House 5. technique & Strategies to collective Bargaining. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.Dunlop Industrial System 2. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. ArunMonappa Industrial Relations Tata McGraw Hill 4. all the questions are COMPULSORY. 2. Attendance: 10 %. 30%. arbitration and adjudication SECTION . out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Johan.C.3.Patil Collective Barganing University Press 8. 1. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. P . Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Process of Collective Bargaining. T. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. SECTION . Clark KlerLabour&Managemnt in Industrial society 7.C Collective Bargaining: Concept.Srivastava Industrial Relation &Labour Laws 9. In this section. Report of National Commission on Labour.B Grievance Handling Tripartite and bipartite bodies Anatomy of Industrial disputes.1.Dreamtech press 3.D Industrial relations in UK & USA. 1947{with amendments} Factories Act {with amendments Suggested Reading: 1.N.T.Management of Industrial Relations (HR-01) Course Code HR-01 L . T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. C. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Web of Rules & Ideology Trade UNIONSIM. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. meaning and objectives. The Minimum Wage Act. BOOKS RECOMMENDED:1. 1965. SECTION A Employees State Insurance Act. Mishra S. 1948. 1947. The Maternity Benefits Act. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. 1. In this section. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.Labour and Industrial Laws. B and C. SECTION D The Payment of Bonus Act. 30%. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. all the questions are COMPULSORY.LABOUR LEGISLATIONS(HR-02) Course Code HR-02 L . INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. T. 1948.0 Name of Course Labour Legislations Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Attendance: 10 %.Dreamtech press 56 . SECTION C The Workmen Compensation Act. The Trade Union Act. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. N. 1923. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 1926.3. . 2. Kogent:Industrial Relation and Labour Laws. D. 1936. . Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Kapoor N. The Payment of Wages Act. 1948. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. 3.Elements of Industrial Laws. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. 3. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.1961.1. 2. The Factories Act. P . SECTION B The Industrial Disputes Act. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students about the Psychology of the executives in the organization and then to use it to enhance the productivity. Tests on the basis of intelligence personality and interests. Accident Prevention : Introduction. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. SECTION . Individual Differences & their evaluation.C Motivation at work: Motivation: Introduction. Study Motion Hawthorne Study. Attendance: 10 %. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Individualized training. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. effecting Fatigue. Scope &Importance. Human Engineering: Introduction. Types & Uses of Tests: Placement. Selection: Selection of right candidate: By Interview & Application Blank. 2. Industrial safety programmes. 1.A Introduction to Industrial Psychology: Meaning.1.Industrial/Organizational Psychology (HR-03) Course Code HR-03 L . Financial& Non-Financial aspects. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each.B Training: Meaning. Need. fatigue tests. Concept. Personnel Tests. Time Study. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Promotion etc.3. Factors affecting morale. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. B and C.I : Purposes & Validity of Tests. fatigue reduction. Fatigue : Nature. Nature. In this section. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. How to increase job satisfaction. Methods of measuring attitudes. Personnel Tests-I I: Kinds of Tests and their efficiency. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. environmental condition. How to improve morale monetary: Causes & how to reduce monotony at workplace. Morale & Monotony: Introduction. Occupational Information and its importance in Industrial Psychology. Scope causes of accidents. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. SECTION . Attitudes & Job Satisfaction: Introduction. 57 . The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. P . Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %.0 Name of Course Industrial/Organizational Psychology Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39.. 3. Fundamentals. Measuring morale. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Methods. SECTION . factors influencing job satisfaction. Importance of Industrial training. T. 30%. How to resolve conflicts in organizations. Industrial Psychology : Thomas Willard Harrell. Supervision: Introduction. Industrial Psychology :M. steps & Techniques of counseling. Suggested Reading: 1.L.SECTION .Nayur (CBS Publishers) 58 . Psychological aspects of Labour relations: Introduction.C. practices of high and low producing supervisors. Union Mgt relations: Sources of conflicts . Training supervisors. group dynamics formal & informal communication.D Personnel Counselling: Objectives. (Oxford IBH Publishing Co. extent & types of Counseling .Blum. J.) 3.Landy:Work in 21st century:An Introduction to Industrial & Organizational Psychology 2. Meaning and evaluation. Henry F. (Data An Introduction to Database Systems .Galgotia) 8. Introduction to SQL. DML. Attendance: 10 %. McGraw hill) 59 . design of distributed databases. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. 1.Distributed databases.J. SECTION A Overview of DBMS. D. Korth&Silbersollatz. multivalued dependencies. DDL. Galgotia) 9. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. relational calculus. References: 1. comparison of network. Bayros Commercial Application Development using ORACLE Developer 2000 6.1. DCL Statements in SQL. Database System Concept 5.hierarchical and relational models. structure of distributed databases. Architecture of DBMS. Ullman &Widom(First course in Database Systems. Ullman (Principles of Database Systems . Desai ( An Introduction to Database System . database integrity. 30%. functional dependencies. 3. relational algebra. concurrency. recovery.Basic DBMS terminology. client/ server architecture. Introduction to . security. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Abraham (Database System Concepts. SECTION D Relational query language: SQL. object relational database. Galgotia) 2. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.3. SECTION B Introduction to data models: entity relationship model. T. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. relational model. C. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.Kroenke (Database Processing.Narosapublishers) 7. data warehousing. object oriented database. In this section. 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.korth. data independence. P .data mining. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Data Introduction in Database System 4. B and C. Working with common database objects. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each.0 Name of Course Relational Data Base Management System Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. comparison of OOD & ORD. and normalization. SECTION C Relational model: storage organizations for relations. hierarchical model: from network to hierarchical.PearsonEducation) 3.RELATIONAL DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM( IT-01) Course Code IT-01 L . out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. .asax file. Hierarchical Names. Creating tables. Bharat Bhaskar.3. Comments. caching. SOAP.Net. Chris Hart. Database connectivity through ADO. Language description. E-Business security. integrity of XML with databases. FTP. Deployment. UDP. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. SMTP. P . Variables. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.Wiley India 5. Internet Domain names. 2.1. Content Pages. An Introduction to AJAX. Tata McGraw-Hill 4. all the questions are COMPULSORY. John Kauffman et al. Styling with themes. 30%. Wrox 2. SECTION B Domain Name System: Name for Machine. WWW: The Client Site. Events and code. static creation of HTML web pages. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %.Henry Chan:E-Commerce. usability. variables and data types. Server Site. ECOM and Portals. BPB Publications 6. SECTION C An Introduction to Java Script: Statements. 3. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Use of XML.Web Enabled Commercial Application Development. ASP.0 Name of Course E-Commerce & IT Enabled Services Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Attendance: 10 %.An overview of XML. Jay ElynnWron Publications 60 . Introduction of Web Services. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. BPO. Builds and Finishing Up. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. 1. Stephen Walther. Introduction to . Suggested Books: 1. Patrick Rengler. Sams 3. SECTION A Internet Basics: What is internet? What Special about Internet? Internet Protocols: TCP. Objects. Ivan Bayross. B and C.Net (Active Server Pages) An Introduction to ASP. Electronics Commerce. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Domain Name Revolution. BirnEranics. Operators.config file. Use of web.HTML: Basic HTML and tags.net by James Conard. Flat Name Space.0. E-Business models. Site Design: Creating Master Pages.NET Unleashed. global. Electronic Business system. In this section.NET 2.Functions. SECTION D ASP. HTTP. T. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min.E-Commerce & IT Enabled Services (IT-02) Course Code IT-02 L . IPv4. IPv6. Loops. forms and their advantages. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.net. Beginning ASP. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Steps in Feasibility Analysis Feasibility Report. SECTION-A (10 Session) Systems Concept. 1st Ed. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. B and C. Investigation. System Development Life Cycle. 7 Ed.) 5. 2. Elements of System. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each.E-commerce –Security. Virus Control. Attendance: 10 %. T. SECTION-D (12 Session) Basics of Information Security. Intrusion Detection Risk Management. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Feasibility Considerations. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Types of Attacks. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. 3. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Determining the User's Information Requirements.) 61 .Dimensions of Planning. Data Dictionary. Creating a secure environment. Feasibility Study. Managing Risk. Decision Tree & Decision Table.0 Name of Course System Analysis & Design and Software Engineering Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. P . Cryptography and authentication. Analysis. Internet Security Standards Suggested Readings: 1. Grienstein and Feinman. Elias M Awad – SAD (Galgotia Publication. Overview of Risks associated with Internet. Characteristics of a System. 2nd Ed. Process Modeling : Structured English. all the questions are COMPULSORY. 2nd Ed. In this section.) 4. 1st Ed. Risk Management and Control (TMH. Singh B –Network Security (PHI Publication. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.3. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Hackers. Entity Relationship Diagrams. Needs Identification. SECTION-C (8 Session) Tools of Structured Analysis : Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Disaster Recovery Plan. 1. SECTION-B (10 Session) Systems Planning and Investigation: Basis for Planning in Systems Analysis . Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Object Oriented Design (OOD).) 2.1. Post Implementation Review and Maintenance. Information Security Policy. Initial Investigation. Implementation. Design. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. AnkitFadia -Encryption-Protecting your Data (Vikas Publication. Types of Systems.) 3. Decision Support System. Viruses. 30%. Kenneth E Kendall and Julie E Kendall – SAD (PHI Publication.SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (IT-03) Course Code IT-03 L . out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Legal Environment. Marketing Information System. Management Contracts.Legal Systems. Market Analysis Foreign Market Entry Strategies – Exporting. Turnkey Operations.Marketing Information Sources. Free Trade Zones SECTION C (10 Sessions) International Marketing Decisions . Transfer Pricing. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 62 . Price Distortion. Pricing Decisions. Legal Form of Organization. International Pricing Strategy. Counterfeiting.Role of Pricing. SECTION B (8 Sessions) Planning for International Marketing: Marketing Research .INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (IB-01) Course Code IB-01 L . T. 2. Branch v/s Subsidiary. P . Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. International Dimensions of Marketing. Gray Market. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Attendance: 10 %.Political Systems. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Process of Internationalization. International Packaging. 1.Culture and its Characteristics. Developing an International Product Line. B and C.Product Design and Standardization. Acquisitions Franchising. Price Standardization. 3. Assembly Operations .I: Product Policy and Planning. International Branding Decisions. Multiplicity of Legal Environment. Domestic v/s International Marketing. Cultural Universals.1. Cultural Environment. Bribery. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Methods of Financing and Means of Payment International Channels of Distribution – Channel Members.3. Analysis and Measures to minimize Political Risk. Joint Ventures.0 Name of Course International Marketing Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. In this section. SECTION A (12 Sessions) Overview of World Business and Framework of International Marketing: Definition of International Marketing. Benefits of International Marketing. Foreign Product Diversification. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. International Warranties and Services. Political Risks. Licensing. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Channel Management. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Indicators of Political Risk. Influence of Culture on (a) Consumption (b) Thinking (c) Communication Process. 30%. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Retailing in International Scenario. International Physical Distribution. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Strategic Alliances. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Terms of Sale. World Market Environment: Political Environment. Counter Trade. J .Shaw. Bhattacharya B .International Marketing (Pearson. Promotion and Communication. International Sales Negotiations International Advertising – Patterns of Global Advertising.) 4) Cherunilam F . 2007) 5) Varshney R. 9th Ed.International Trade and Export Management (Himalaya.Promotion Mix.L.S.) 6) Czinkota .International Marketing Management (Sultan Chand & Sons. 8th Ed. Global Advertising Regulations .) 7) Cateora Graham .SECTION D (10 Sessions) International Marketing Decisions . Personal Selling. 3rd Ed.International Marketing (TMH. 10th Ed. – International Marketing (Thomson) 63 .II: International Promotion Strategies. Standardized International Advertising International Organizational Control SUGGESTED READINGS 1) Siddiqui – International Marketing(Wiley) 2) Lascu – International Marketing with case book(Wiley) 3) Onkvisit .International Marketing (Thompson. Advertising Media.) 8) Jain S. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Hecksher-Ohlin Theory. Attendance: 10 %. SAARC. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1) Czinkota – International Business(Wiley) 2) Chary – International Business(Wiley) 3) Agarwal Raj .INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE ECONOMICS (IB-02) Course Code Name of Course IB-02 L . 3. Changing Environment of International Business. T.W. . Effects and Benefits of Globalization.International Business (Pearson.) 5) Daniels .) 6) Black J . SECTION A (8 Sessions) An Overview of International Business: Introduction. Anti-dumping Policy. Trends in Globalization.International Trade (Excel. SECTION D (12 Sessions) International Institution: UNCTAD. Voluntary Export Restraints. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 1st Ed. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Role of IMF. Levels of Economic Integration.International Business Environment (Anmol) 64 .S.3. 30%. Product Cycle Theory. Its Basic Principles and Major Achievements. 2. Regional Economic Integration in Europe.Tariffs. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. 1st Ed.. SECTION C (8 Sessions) Foreign Exchange Determination Systems: Basic Concepts Relating to Foreign Exchange. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Various types of Exchange Rate Regimes. Import Quotas.1. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.K. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.International Business Environment (Prentice Hall) 7) Bhalla V. ASEAN. Regional Economic Integration in U. all the questions are COMPULSORY. WTO. Integration for Business. Subsidies. IBRD. Globalization of Markets. Features of IBRD. Administrative Policy. P . IMF. 1. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Regional Economic Integration: Introduction. B and C. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. . Definition of International Business. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.A. Brief History of Indian Rupees Exchange Rates. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.) 4) Hill C. 5th Ed. Absolute Advantage Theory Comparative Cost Theory. In this section. SECTION B (12 Sessions) International Business Theories: Introduction Mercantilism. Role and Advantages of WTO.International Business (TMH.0 International Business Environment and Foreign Exchange Economics Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Factors Affecting Exchange Rates. Instruments of Trade Policy. Postshipment Finance.0 Name of Course Export Management and Documentation Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. SECTION C (8 Sessions) Export Finance and Pricing Preshipment Finance. Export Prospect for Small Firms. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Selecting Products for Manufacturing and Export. 65 . Mechanism of Price Fixation. P . Benefits arising from Export. Attendance: 10 %. Methods of Identifying Export Winners. Selection of Products and Identification of Export Markets: Choosing a Product. Sources of Export Information.3. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. B and C.C. Direction of Exports from India. Criteria for Grouping Countries. Importance of Exports to India.EXPORT MANAGEMENT AND DOCUMENTATION (IB-03) Course Code IB-03 L .C. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Benefits to India Exports. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. E. SECTION B (8 Sessions) Export Marketing Channels and Export Sales Contract: Concepts of Distribution Channels. Important Incoterms. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Definition of Export.International Channels Distribution. In this section. T. Suitability of a Product for A company. Important Publications. 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Nature of Exports Sales Contract. Recent Trend in India’s Export. 3. Important Organizations. Selection of Export Markets. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Methods of Locating and Selecting an Agent.G. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. 30%.1. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Settlement of Disputes. Signing the agreement. Process of Export Marketing. SECTION A (12 Sessions) Introduction to Export Management: Introductio0n. Export Pricing. Agents in Exporting. Special Financial Facilities. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Export Import Bank of India. 1. Terms of Payment in Export. Main Commercial Documents. 2007) 2) Kotabe – Global Marketing Management. Opening a Bank Account.International Trade and Export Management (Himalaya. of India . Registration with Appropriate EPC’ /CB’s Defining Export Documentation. General Registrations. Registration with Licensing Authorities. form of Ownership. 9th Ed.) 66 . 5ed (Wiley) 2) Varshney R.) 3) Govt.L. India) 4) Keegan J Warren – Global Marketing Management (Pearson. Statutory Documents for Imports Country and Documents for Claiming Export Benefits. F .Hand Book of Export Import Policy 2002-2007 (Ministry of Commerce. SUGGESTED READINGS 1) Cherunilam. 7th Ed. Registrations with RBI. Additional Commercial Documents. Bhattacharya B-International Marketing Management (Sultan Chand & Sons.SECTION D (12 Sessions) Formalities of registration and Export Documentation Naming the Enterprise. and Statutory Documents for Export’s Country. SEMESTER IV 67 . Theory of Entrepreneurship. B and C. Concept of Entrepreneurship. 30%. 3.3. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 68 . Project Planning: Evaluation.0 Name of Course Entrepreneurship Development Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Internal and External Factors.ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (MBA-401) Course Code MBA-401 L . Functions of an Entrepreneur. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. P . 1. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Innovation. Feasibility Analysis: Economic. SECTION A (10 Sessions) Entrepreneurship: Definition of Entrepreneur. Institutional support for new ventures: Supporting Organizations. Role of Woman entrepreneur. Monitoring and Control segmentation. Value Analysis. In this section. Development of entrepreneurship. Nature and Overview. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.1. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. SECTION D (10 Sessions) Family and Non Family Entrepreneur: Role of Professionals. Policies for SSIs. SECTION B (10 Sessions) Creativity and Entrepreneurial Plan: Idea Generation. Govt. stages in entrepreneurial process. SECTION C (10 Sessions) International Entrepreneurship Opportunities: The nature of international entrepreneurship. Stages of economic development. Financial Institutions and Small scale Industries. Incentives and facilities. 2. Brainstorming. Entrepreneurial motivation and Barriers. Attendance: 10 %. Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics. Classification of Entrepreneurship. Venture Capital: Venture capital. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Synectics. Professionalism vs family entrepreneurs. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Marketing. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Importance of international business to the firm. Screening and Project Identification. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. International versus domestics’ entrepreneurship. T. Financial and Technical. locating venture capitalists. Culture. Venture capital process. Creative Performance. Couger.Wiley 2. 5.Understanding Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Palgrave. Holt . .Suggested Readings: 1. 1998) 4. Dollinger M J . Schaper: Entrepreneurship and small Businees 3rd asian pacific ed.Entrepreneurship (Prentice-Hall.Alpana Trehan: Entrepreneurship. Joe Tidd: Managing Innovation.Innovation & Creativity (Crest) 2001. 1999) 8. 2003) 7.Creativity and Innovation (IPP. Hunger J D and Wheelen T L . Nina Jacob. 7. Dreamtech press 6.Entrepreneurship : New Venture Creation (Prentice-Hall) 1998. Jonne&Ceserani .Wiley India 2.. 1999) 3. 1999) 69 . Bridge S et al. C.Strategic Management (Addison-Wesley.Creativity in Organisations (Wheeler. Data and Information. Basic H/W required. Supply chain Management systems. 70 . customer relationship management system. management opportunities challenges and solutions. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Sorting and indexing Printing reports and Labels. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Channel features and concept of Distributed Data bases. System Evaluation and Maintenance. 1. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Managing Global Systems. SECTION-B Planning for MIS. Executive support in the enterprise. Managing International Information Systems:Organizing International Information Systems. 2. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. SECTION-C Introduction to Data Base and Access: Viewing and editing data.System implementation Strategies and process. Telecommunications and networks: An overview of telecommunications.0 Name of Course Management Information Systems Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Enterprise application and business process integration: Enterprise systems.3. System Development Methodologies.Conceptual and detailed designs of MIS. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Technology Issues and Opportunities. Decision Making and role of MIS. SECTION-A MIS need and concepts: factors influencing MIS and characteristics of MIS.Technology of MIS. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. B and C. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. In this section. P . intranet and extranet. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Attendance: 10 %. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Networks and distributed processing. internet.Management Information Systems (MBA-402) Course Code MBA-402 L . 3. Managing Multiple tables. Reports.Structure of MIS. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. 30%. enterprise integration trends.Forms. Group decision support system (GDSS). Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. SECTION-D Enhancing Decision Making for Digital Firm:Decision Making and Decision Support System (DSS). T. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.Data communication. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.1. Queries. 1984. Ltd. 5. Laondon&Laodon: Management Information System. 71 . 1999. 3rd edition. London. “Management Information Systems”. 2nd edition. Rahul De:MIS Management Information systems.Biztantra 4. Lane P. Ltd. PHI.Suggested Readings: 1.. New Delhi. Jerome Kantler : Management Information System. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 2. Kenneth C.New Delhi. Prentice Hall of IndiaPvt. 6. Tata McGraw Hill Publications.Shubhalakshmi Joshi: Management Information System.Ltd.New Delhi. and London..Wiley India 2.1984. 3. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Davis and Oslon: Management Information System. Murdick& Ross: Information Systems for Modern Management. 1984.New Delhi.. B and C. Distribution and warehousing management. SECTION D (8 Sessions) Recent Issues in SCM : Role of Computer/IT in Supply Chain Management. re-order point/ re-order level fixation. Gopal . Purchasing & Vendor management: Centralized and Decentralized purchasing.) 4. Various flows (cash.0 Name of Course Supply Chain Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39.3.K. (Pearson.Sanders: Supply chain Management(A global Perspective). Value Addition in SCM-concept of demand chain management. SDE/ VED Analysis. Logistics costs.Wiley India 3. lead time reduction. T. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. P . accounting for materials. SECTION A ( 8 Sessions) Introduction: Basic Concept & Philosophy of Supply Chain Management.I.Supply chain management (Pearson. Raghuram G. logistics subsystem.). ABC. Sahay B. SECTION C (12 Sessions) Inventory Management: Concept. single vendor concept. SUGGESTED READINGS 1.Material Management. bullwhip effect in logistics. 1st Ed. benefits and case examples. 3rd Ed 72 . 3. Benchmarkingconcept.Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Macmillan. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.) . Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Features and Implementation. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Outsourcing-basic concept. various costs associated with inventory. inbound and outbound logistics. . Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. all the questions are COMPULSORY. In this section.A Text Book of Logistics and Supply chain management (Macmillan. different models. value and information). 1. functions of purchase department and purchase policies. various EOQ models. CRM Vs SCM. 6. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min.1. Key Issues in SCM.) 7.) 5. buffer stock (tradeoff between stock out/working capital cost). Krishnan Dr.Supply Chain Management (Macmillan. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Essential features. .M. Agarwal D.A. 2.Use of mathematical model for vendor rating/ evaluation. Chopra Sunil and Peter Meindl . 5th Ed. 1st Ed.Biztantra 2. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Just-In-Time &Kanban System of Inventory management.SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (MBA-403) Course Code MBA-403 L . exercises –numerical problem solving . Attendance: 10 %. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. 30%.New Delhi.S. (I. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. management of stores. SECTION B (12 Sessions) Logistics Management: Logistics as part of SCM.Mohanty:Supply chain Management(Theory & Practice). Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. 1st Ed. 30%. Conditions. Policy Document. principles. Policy Options. 73 . Various Life Insurance Policies of Different of Insurance Companies. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. SECTION . Disability. Types of Group Insurance. P . 1934 and Negotiable Instruments Act. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. 1. Classification of Annuities. Benefits. Renewal Notice. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.3. Uses of Annuity. Documents.1. Further Classification of Life Insurance Policies. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Underwriting Procedure.B Special Policy Combination & the Best Policy Insurance in pension plans & Group Insurance: Introduction of Pension Plans. Living. Principles. Proposal Form. Endorsement. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Social & Rural Insurance: Introduction. Limitation of Annuity. and RBI Act. Riders. Social Insurance. 2. Policy Guarantee. NPA and Capital Adequacy in Indian Banks. First Premium Receipt. 3. Evolution of Banking Law: Main provisions of Banking Regulation Act. Riders. Annuity Policy: Introduction. Prospectus.0 Name of Course Principles of Insurance and Banking Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. B and C. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Group Insurance. Type of Pension Plans. SECTION . out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR.C Insurance Documents: Introduction. General Insurance: Types. T. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Rural Insurance. Bonus Notice.Principles of Insurance and Banking (FM-04) Course Code FM-04 L . In this section. SECTION . Basis of Annuity Income. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Policies. Attendance: 10 %. Objectives: The course will provide an in-depth study of all aspects of life insurance business. Legal Provisions. accident. 1949.A Life Insurance Products: Introduction. 1881. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Options and Guarantees: Introduction. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Extra Premium . N. Suggested Readings: 1. Guaranteed Surrender Value.. Bonus. Guaranteed Additions. Shuntich: Life Insurance Handbook.Extra Premium. S.SECTION . Marketplace Books Publications 6. Chand and Co. Lester William Zartman: Life Insurance. Claims: Introduction. Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 4. New Delhi. Mishra: Principles & Practice of Insurance. Vaughan:Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance. Surrender Value. Shashidharan K. Nomination & Assignment.General Books Publications 5. Maturity Claim. Factors of Calculating the Premium. Computation of Benefits: Introduction. James L Athearn: Risk and Insurance. Age Factor.. Louis S. 2.Wiley India 74 . Kutty: Managing Life Insurance. Death Claim.M.Ltd.D Computation of Premium: Introduction. Paid Up Value. Prentice-hall Of India Pvt Ltd 3. Mode of Premium Payable. Examples. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. governance and financial architecture. LBO. 2. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Corporate strategy and high technology investments.3.risk adjusted discount rate. Forecasting Financial Statements. Strategic planning process. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Corporate Valuation and Value Based Management SECTION .A Financial Policy and Strategic Planning: Components of financial strategy. sensitivity analysis and simulation method. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. statistical method. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. SECTION . Spin-off. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Portfolio Tools. In this section. Objectives and goals. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Financial models. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. certainty equivalent factor. 30%. Mean-Variance Analysis and Capital asset pricing model. Evaluation of merger proposal. Demerger and reverse merger. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Determination of swap ratios. SECTION . all the questions are COMPULSORY.0 Name of Course Strategic Financial Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. SECTION . reasons for merger. B and C. Sell-off. P . Corporate and distress restructuring. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.C Financial analysis and planning. 3. 75 .D Expansion and Financial Restructuring: Mergers and amalgamations – corporatere structuring. 1. Factor models and Arbitrage Pricing Theory. Cross sectional analysis of financial statement information. legal procedure for merger.B Investments Decisions under Risk and Uncertainty: Techniques of investment decision. benefits and cost of merger. Attendance: 10 %. T. Buy-back of shares. Control.Strategic Financial Management (FM-05) Course Code FM-05 L .1. Brealey. George: Financial Statement Analysis.: Principles of corporate finance. Koller. T. Mark and Titman. and Cooper. Copeland. Robin: Cost & effect: using integrated cost systems to drive profitability and performance. 8..E. Tata McGraw Hill. New York. 7. International Edition. Stewart C. Tata McGraw Hill. Pearson Education. 10. CIMA/KoganPage. 5. Chandra. Prasanna: Financial Management. Harvard Business Press. Meena Goel:Strategic Financial Management. New Delhi. Richard A. Foster. London. J: Valuation: Measuring and Managingthe value of Companies. D: An Introduction to Strategic Financial Management. Delhi. 76 . and Myers. 9.Grinblatt. T. Jone: Financial Decision Making. Hampton. Allen. Robert S. T and Murrin. Tata McGraw Hill.Addison-Wesley 6. Copeland. John Wiley. 2.Biztantra Publication 3. Kaplan.Suggested Readings: 1.F: Financial Theory and Corporate Policy. Sheridan: Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy. J. PHI. 4. and Weston.. Insurance Services Introduction. Demat and Remat . types of leasing business. Credit rating: the concept and objective of credit rating. Venture capital: concepts and characteristics of venture capital. various credit rating agencies in India and International credit rating agencies. Objectives: The main objective of this course is to help students to learn the various financial services and their role in the overall financial system. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. guidelines for venture capital. 3. SEBI regulation. origin and growth of mutual funds. and custodians. advantages and disadvantages in mutual fund schemes.0 Name of Course Management of Financial Services Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39.Classification of mutual fund schemes. Latest guidelines of SEBI w.Introduction.State of mutual funds in India. 2.Sponsors. In this section. 30%. Types of Insurance. T. SECTION-B Mutual funds and AMCs: concept. Principles of insurance.Depository . Constitution & management of MFs .3.Online Vs Offline Trading.Traditional and ULIPs. process of switching over to depository systems. NAV and pricing of mutual fund units. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Attendance: 10 %. advantages to lessor and lessee. 1. SECTION-A Financial Services: Meaning. depository participants. B and C. Merchant Banking: Origin and development of merchant banking in India scope. functioning ofdepository systems. business. organizational aspects and importance of merchant bankers. factors affecting creditrating& procedural aspects. 77 . Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Securities Trading . venture capitalin India. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Concept. types and their importance. Trustees. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. AMCs. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. benefits. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.LifeInsurance Products. sdepository systems in India. all the questions are COMPULSORY.1. SECTION-C Leasing: concept and development of leasing.r.t Merchant bankers. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. P .Management of Financial Services ( FM-06) Course Code FM-06 L .difference between leasing & hire purchase. E. Discount market and market for financial guarantees.Wiley India 2. pros and cons. L M Bhole Financial Institutions & Markets Tata McGraw-Hill 8.Gordon& K. Plastic Money: Concept and different forms of plastic money . S Gurusamy Financial services & system Thomson 5. procedural aspects infactoring. Credit process followed by credit card organizations. Natarajan Financial Markets & Services Himalaya 3. financial aspects. Factors affecting utilization of plastic money in India. Factoring: Development of factoring types & importance. LalitK. Suggested Readings: 1.Nalini P T Financial Instruments and services PHI 6. Gordon &Natarajan Financial Markets & Services Himalaya 78 . Bansal Merchant Banking & Financial Services Unistar Books 9.SECTION-D Call money market. Market forCPs and CDs.Shanmugham:Financial services. Treasury bill market. Commercial Bill market.credit and debitcards.Bansal Merchant banking & Financial Services Unistar Books 4. Lalit K. M Y Khan Financial Services Tata McGraw-Hill 7. prospects of factoring in India. Rama MohanaRao . Marketing Mix Strategies with Special Reference to Credit Cards. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Marketing of Telecom/ Insurance Services. Characteristics of Services Classification of Services. 3rd Ed. 2. Segmenting. Zeithaml . Devising Financial Services. T. Role of Technology in Services Marketing. Service Pricing Strategy. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. People and Internal Communication. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Developing the Service Product/ Intangible Product.) 4. Understanding Customer Expectations and Zone of Tolerance. In this section. Services Strategy and Organizing for Global Marketing.MARKETING OF SERVICES (MK-04) Course Code MK-04 L . Home Loans.) 3. Insurance and Banking.The Essence of Service Marketing (Prentice Hall of India) 6. 3. Targeting and Positioning of Financial Services. Baron S and Harrisk .0 Name of Course Marketing of Services Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Targeting and Positioning of Services SECTION B (16 Sessions) Services Marketing Mix: Augmented Marketing Mix. Understanding the Customer Expectations.1. Payne Adrian . Woodruff Helen . out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Suggested Readings: 1. Importance of Customer Relationship Management : Specific for Service Industry.Services Marketing (Tata McGraw Hill.Service Marketing (Macmillian. 1st Ed.Services Marketing. GovindApte . 1. Key Decisions in Global Marketing. Segmentation and Zone of Tolerance.Services Marketing: People.Services Marketing (Oxford University Press) 79 . The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.) 5.3. Paradigms in Services Marketing.Services Marketing: Text and Cases (Palgrave.Wiley India 3. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Principal Driving Force in Global Marketing of Services. (Person Education. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Services Promotions. 5th Ed. 2nd Ed. P . Process of Operations and Delivery of Services. SECTION C (8 Sessions) Marketing of Financial Services: Deciding the Service Quality. Service Product Planning.) 2. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.) 7. Service Marketing System: Service Quality. Attendance: 10 %. 1st Ed. Physical Evidence: Role of Communication in Service Marketing. B and C. Technology and Strategy (Pearson Education.Gronrooves: Service Management and Marketing. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. 30%. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Services Distributions. SECTION A (8 Sessions) Introduction: Difference between Product and Services Marketing. Love lock Christopher . SECTION D (8 Sessions) Services in Global Perspective: International Marketing of Services Recent Trends. Retail Organisation and Operations Management. The Store and itsImage. Motivation and Perception. Definition and Concept. Mapping OutSociety. 30%. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Structural Change. Going International. Development and Control.0 Name of Course Retail Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Visual Merchandising and Atmospherics. SECTION C (8 Sessions) Managing Retail Business: Retail Organization and HRM. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. People in Retailing.3. Market Structure. Managing Retail Services. Internal Store. International Retailing: Internationalization and Globalization. SECTION D (14 sessions) Delivering the Product: Retail Information Systems. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Display. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Building and Sustaining Relationships. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Shopping at World Stores.. Site Selection. 2. Web. Branding. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.Merchandise Management Retail Pricing. Strategic Planning. Service Characteristics. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Culture. Attitude. Functions of Retailing Driving Forces for Retailing. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. The Customer and Retail Business: Knowing your Customers. SECTION A (8 Sessions) Overview of Retailing Environment and Management: Retailing. Targeting Customers and Gathering Information. 80 . Promotional Strategies used in retailing. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. 1.Communicating with Customers.1. T. Learning. Store Design and Layout. Attendance: 10 %. Focusing on the Consumer. P . In this section. Type of Retail Outlets. SECTION B (10 Sessions) Situational Analysis: Retail Institutions by Ownership. Retail Institutions by Store-based Strategy-Mix.RETAIL MANAGEMENT (MK 05) Course Code MK-05 L . Development and Implementing Plans. The External Store. Business and International Management.Nonstore-based and other Forms of Non Traditional Retailing. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Retail Planning. B and C. Choosing a Store Location: Trading Area Analysis. 3. The Internalization Process.Financial Dimensions. Perceptions of Service Quality. R . Cox Roger and Brittain Paul .Retail Management (Pearson Education.J..) 8. 5th Ed. Gibson-Retail Management.Retailing (Cengage Learning. Michael Levi M and Weitz BW .) 4. Vedmani G.Biztantra Publication 2. Dunne Patrick M. Newman and Cullen .) 5.Retailing (Cengage Learning.James R.) 7.) 3. 9th Ed. and Cullen P . 1st Ed. Newman A. Ogden:Integrated Retail Management. Berman B and Evans J.Functional Principles & Practice (Jaico Publications. Lusch Robert F. 5th Ed.) 6.Retailing: An Introduction (Pearson Education. and Griffith David A . 1st 81 . 4th Ed.Suggested Readings: 1.Retailing : Environment and Operations (Vikas. 1st Ed.Retailing Management (Tata McGraw Hill. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Attendance: 10 %. Evaluation and Analysis. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT (MK-06) Course Code MK-06 L . Primary Distributors. Johnson and Marshall .) 5.Sales Management: Decisions. Cron: Sales Management. Sales Management and Salesmanship. 7th Ed. Role of Sales Manager. Designing Sales Territories and Sales Quota. Still Richard R. Preparation of Sales Budget. 1. Qualities of a Successful Salesman. 30%. Distributors Selection and Appointment.Sales Force Management (Tata McGraw Hill. SECTION A (14 Sessions) Introduction: Selling as a Part of Marketing. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Channel Conflicts and their Resolutions. Sales Management Process. Recruitment and Selection of Sales Force. SECTION C (8 Sessions) Introduction to Distribution Management: Concept of Distribution Channel. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. 5th Ed. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Distributors: Policies and Strategies.3. SECTION B (10 Sessions) Sales Force Management: Organising the Sales Force.) 7. Analyzing Market Demand and Sales Potential..1. P . Jobber David and Lancaster Geoff . Coughlan A. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR.Marketing Channels (Prentice Hall of India. Stern Louis W. Training the Distributors Sales Team. The Ones of Personal Selling. Training and Compensating the Sales Force. Techniques of Sales Forecasting. B and C. Spiro . 2. Formulating Selling Strategies.) 6. Donaldson B . Leading and Motivating the Sales Force. Specialized Distributors and Participants. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Importance of a Channel.Sales Management : Theory and Practice (Palgrave) 2. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.0 Name of Course Sales and Distribution Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Rosenbloom– Marketing Channels (Cengage Learning.. 3. 6th Ed.Sales Force Management (Tata McGraw Hill.Wiley India 3. Strategies and Cases (Pearson Education. 11th Ed. Cundiff Edward W.I. Suggested Readings 1. Types of Channels. Designing the Structure and Size of Sales Force. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. T. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Concept of Personal Selling.P .T. Process of Personal Selling. 8th Ed. Goals in Sales Management: Goal Setting Process in Sales Management. Sales Contests. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.) 82 . In this section. and Anderson E .Selling and Sales Management (Pearson Education) 4.) 8. EL-Ansary A. and Govoni Norman A. SECTION D (8 Sessions) Channel Management: Forces of Distributing Systems. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Performance planning. SECTION – A Micro level manpower planning and labour market analysis. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Task analysis and individual analysis. off-the job. 2. Career Development. Job rotation. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. HRD experiments and cases – In India and other countries. HRD Strategies. Quality Circles. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Employee Counselling. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Potentials appraisal and career developmentMeaning. Kaizen.3. Training evaluation. 1. designing training programmes.1. role of trainer. NSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Out bound training. Dimensions & Dynamics of HRD. Career Management and career planning. Suggestion schemes. HRD Model. SECTION – C Competency mapping. Strategic Human Resource Development. In this section. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Scope. P . HRD Systems. HRM & HRD. Career strategy. Approaches of HRD. 83 . challenges and strategies and enrich them with concept of quality of worklife. on the job. Organisational human resource planning. Techniques of Assessment of SECTION – B HRD needs: Organizational Analysis. team development. 30%. Career Planning. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Attendance: 10 %. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. T.Human Resource Planning and Development (HR-04) Course Code HR-04 L . 3. Job redesigning. MDPs. Employee Powerment. HRD strategies: Individual development. Objectives: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with HRD approaches. Job enlargement.0 Name of Course Human Resource Planning and Development Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. SECTION – D Quality of Worklife. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Training methodology. Job enrichment. Challenges of HRD. B and C. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Problems and Prospects of HRD in Indian Organization. 6.: Reading in HRD.Suggested Readings: 1. Oxford & IBH.H. Englewood Cliffs.V. N. 1992. 8. T. Pareek. Oxfor. J. Rao. Prentice Hall Inc. : Human Resource Development. J. Blackwell. T. etc. and Belkaoui. M. : Career Management. Greenhaus. Thomson. Mishra:Human Resource Planning and Development.P. JM & Harris. 9. G. Dale. R. 2. 4. A. B. 10. 1995. PWS-Kent. 84 . 1993. 5. Arthur. Boston. J.L. Dryden.Dreamtech press 3. : Strategic Human Resource Management. 1987.V: Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems. Werner. M. Greenwood. UdailRao. Blackwell. 1995. : Human Resource Valuation: A Guide to Strategies and Techniques. 11. : Total Quality and Human Resources: An Executivew Guide. D.M. Kavanagh. : Human Resource Information System: Development and Applications. Universities Press. Rajsekharan.M. Oxford. Desimone. Oxford & IBH. : Career Theory Handbook.: Competency Web.. R. Mabey. Belkaoui. New York. Quorum Books. 1991 7. C and Salama. Concepts and Myths about Leadership. In this section. T. Groups – Nature.Leadership. Yukl G . Leadership and Values.0 Name of Course Team Building & Leadership Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Stages of Group Development. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Group Roles.Effective Team Work (Excel Books.TEAM BUILDING & LEADERSHIP (HR-05) Course Code HR-05 L . Building High Performance Teams. SECTION C (10 Sessions) Groups. Curphy . 6th Ed. Leadership Behaviour.Leadership (Crest Publishing House) 85 . Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Ginnett. Hughes. 2. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.Leadership in Organisations (Pearson. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Advanced Leadership Skills.3.) 5. all the questions are COMPULSORY.Teams and Their Leadership.Assessing Leadership & Measuring Its effects. Ginnetts Team Effectiveness Leadership Model. Follower sand situation. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Dubrin:Leadership research Findings Practice and Skills. SECTION A (10 Sessions) Leadership – Meaning. 30%. P .1. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Enhancing The Lessons of Experience (Tata McGraw Hill.) 2. Contingency Theories of Leadership. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. 1. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.Leadership Traits. Group Norms. Team Building for Work Teams. Attendance: 10 %. Sadler Philip .Teams – Effective Team Characteristics and Team Building. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Group Size. Suggested Readings : 1. Building Technical Competency. 3. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. B and C. SECTION B (10 Sessions) Focus on the Leader – Power and Influence. 5th Ed. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. SECTION D (10 Sessions) Leadership Skills – Basic Leadership Skills. West Michael . Components of LeadershipLeader. Leadership and Change. Group Cohesion. 1st Ed.) 4.Biztantra publications 3. Hall Calvin S. Johari –Window. SECTION B (8 Sessions) Personality Determinants : An overview of Personality determinants. Psychodynamic Theories .) 8. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.K. In this section. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Personal Effectiveness. Lynton &Pareek . SahuR. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. 30%.. Understanding Process of Learning. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each.Biztantra Publications 3. Evaluation of Personality : Sick Personalities and Healthy Personalities. 2. B and C.Theories of Personality (Wiley-India Text Books. Types of Training.Designing Training Programmes.1. 1. 4th Ed 86 .. Personality & Personal Effectiveness : Psychometric Theories –Cattele and Big Five.) 6. T. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Role. UdaiPareek . 1st Ed. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Hurlock. Methods of conducting Training. B. .Carl Jung and MBTI.0 Name of Course Personal Growth and Training & Development Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39.) 4. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. 1st Ed.Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research (Pearson) 7.Training & Development Concepts &Application(Ane Books. 2nd Ed. Elizabeth B .et al . Approaches to Training Needs Assessment. 3. SECTION C (8 Sessions) Training : Concept. Attendance: 10 %. P .Training for Development (Excel Books. all the questions are COMPULSORY. Transactional Analysis. 2nd Ed. 6th Ed.3. Moulding the Personality Pattern. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. SECTION A (12 Sessions) Personality : Meaning & Concept. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.) 2.Persistence& Change. TNA Cycle of Events.Personality Development (Tata McGraw Hill. Tapomoy Deb .Understanding Organizational Behaviour (Oxford. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Need and Importance of Training.Training for Development (Vistaar Publication. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Personality Patterns.Janakiram:Training & Development. Developing an Integrated Approach of Learning in Training Programme. Evaluation of Training Programmes. SECTION D (12 Sessions) Training Need Assessment: Determination of Training Needs.) 5. Friedman &Schustack . Symbols of Self.PERSONAL GROWTH AND TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT (HR-06) Course Code HR-06 L . Suggestion Readings : 1. Communication Links. In this section. Communication System Formats. Cables. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Server.DATA COMMUNICATION & NETWORK (IT-04) Course Code IT-04 L . 2. PM.Computer Networks (Prentice-Hall.Types of signals: AM.Communication Networks (Tata McGraw Hill.1. ATM. Hamming codes.) 4) Stallings W . Routers. TDMA. 1999. Infrared & Light Waves. Bridges. PCM. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Concepts of Port. PDM. ISDN. WAN. Broadcast Radio. B and C.) 87 . Interference. Broadcasting.Computer Networks and Internets (Pearson Education.Computer Networks. SECTION D (10 Sessions) Mobile Communication: Applications of Mobile Communication. SDMA. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. 30%. Linux. WAP. T. ASK. Hub. FSK. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. 4th Ed. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Socket. 7th Ed. Windows.3. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Optical Fibers. FDMA. P . Wireless Communication: Bandwidth.Wiley India 6) Tanenbaum . Network Operating systems: Unix. IP Addressing. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Transmission Impairment. Asynchronous and Synchronous Data. Networks and accessories: LAN. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Digital Data Rates. Character Codes. MAN. 2004. Virtual Private Network. Wireless TCP& UDP. Broadband and base-band. Tunneling. FM. 2003. Terrestrial Microwave.) 7) Black . Network Interface Card. SECTION B (8 Sessions) LAN topologies: Workstation. PSK Features: Error detection and correction codes.) 5) Olifer. CDMA. 2nd Ed. Gateways Cell Relay. Multicasting.Computer Networks (Prentice-Hall. all the questions are COMPULSORY. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Attendance: 10 %. Types of Ethernet. 1. 2000) 3) Comer . B-ISDN SECTION C (12 Sessions) OSI Model. Mobile Internet & WML: Mobile IP. 3. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.Wiley India 2) Widjaja L G . Frame Relay. WML SUGGESTED READINGS: 1) James Irvine:Data Communication and Networks.Data Computer Communication (Pearson Education. Switches.0 Name of Course Data Communication & Network Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. 4th Ed. Point-to-point communication. SECTION A (10 Sessions) Fundamentals of Communication System. SECTION-B BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING:Conceptual foundation of Business Process Re-engineering Role of Information Technology in BPR. Definition. all the questions are COMPULSORY. 2. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Project management. Evaluation of Commercial Software. Features of each of the modules. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Scheduling. Financial justification of ERP. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. 3.0 Name of Course Enterprise Resource Planning Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. 30%. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40.ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING ( IT-05) Course Code IT-05 L . Problem of System islands. T. MRP. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. In this section. Attendance: 10 %. ERP products and Market. need for system Integration. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. MRP and MRPII. Distribution. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter.3. Post implementation issues. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Finance and HRP. Education and training. Maintenance. Sales order processing. Hardware Platform.Man Management for BPR implementation. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. SECTION-D IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES:Pre-implementation issues.Process improvement and Process Redesign. Process identification and mapping. B and C. Opportunities and problems in ERP selection and implementation. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. SECTION-A ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING: Evolution of ERP. Performance measurement. SECTION-C ERP MODUELS/FUNCTIONALITY:Functional modules of ERP system.1. Elements. Technologies required for ERP. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. Forecasting. Description of data flows across each module: Overview of the supporting data bases. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. P . Objective: The main objective aimed at to introduce the students with latest technologies of Business era and its integration with Information Technology. 88 . During implementation issues. Communication and networks. 1. 1997. Hammer. New Delhi. Kanter. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. New Delhi. 1996. Prentice Hall (I). Carr. 6. 89 .K. H. Managing with Inforamtion. Tata McGraw. J.K. Enterprise Resource Planning: Concepts and Practices. Evolution of E-Commerce. Leon. Venkitakrishnan. 1995. 5. future growth of E-business. Micheal and JamtsChamby Reengineering the corporation. security and privacy issues. 4. Dey :Business process re-engineering.Internet banking and related technologies.INTEGRATION OF ERP WITH NET TECHNOLOGIES: Net technologies. Alexix Countdown 2000. Internet in ERP. K. V. New York.J.EDI and E-business. Prentice Hall (I) 1999. McGraw Hill. Best Practices in Re-engineering. Garg and N. and Johansson.Biztantra 3. 2. Evolution of Internet. Creating Image Maps. Tauber. New RidersPublishing. Internet Get Started: BPB Publications. all the questions are COMPULSORY. James Jaworski. Working with Image Files. “Making Java Script and JSCRIPT”. Loren Buhle. “Mastering Front Page 2000” BPB. Routing Protocol. Data. Table layout. 3G etc.Kogent:HTML 5 Black book. Newsgroups. 90 . Internet Application. HTML Form. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Domain Names Registration process. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. 2G. Tables. Images. Bandwidth. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. 30%.Internet Technology – WI-FI. SECTION C HTML . Real Time Activity. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. DNS. FTP Archive. Standard HTML Formatting. Suggested Readings: 1. Adding Graphics with the Image Element. SECTION B TCP/IP Connectivity . SECTION D Cascading Style Sheets. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. URLs. Internet Features (Electronic Mail. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. T. World Wide Web. 4. Menus & Image Maps. Border Gateway Protocol. Video. HTTP. BPB Publications.Dreamtech press 2. Rick Darnell “HTML 4”. Hyperlinks. Introduction to XML. Graphics and Type. 5. Routing with TCP/IP Basics. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR.IP addressing. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Adding Graphics. Embedded objects in HTML. Web Typography. Approaching Web Typography. Hardware and Software Requirements for Internet. Techmedia. Audio. 7. Search Engine). Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each.3. Type forms. NNTP.1. Embedding of CSS In HTML. In this section. “Webmaster Professional Reference”. Families and Faces. WWW Servers. Understanding CSSI’s Advantages and Limitations.Deven Shah:A Complete guide to Internet and Web Programming. 1. SECTION A Introduction to Internet. Multi-Routing Protocol Environments). WWW Browsers.Dreamtech press 3. Attendance: 10 %. Static Routing.). 3. 2.Text formatting. 6. Learning How CSSI Works. P . B and C. Layout Technology. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Types of Internet Connections(Broadband/DialUP/Lease Line/ISDN/DSL etc.0 Name of Course Internet and Web Designing Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39.Internet and Web Designing (IT-06) Course Code IT-06 L . Frames. HTML Interactivity. Open Shortest Path First Protocol. Color and Type. Tables. Using images as links. SECTION C (8 Sessions) Freight Structure and Role of Intermediaries: Principles of Freight Rates. Classification of Constraints in Containerization. Conference System. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.0 Name of Course International Logistic Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Controlled Cargo. Shipment of Govt. International Air transport: Concept of Air Transport. Wood D.A. Freight Forwarders Stevedores.C. Tramp Freight Structure. World Tonnage. 1. Chartering. In this section. P . 2007) 5. all the questions are COMPULSORY. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. Attendance: 10 %. Johnson J.Ports Infrastructure Development.Linear Freight Structure. Developments in India Shipping. 30%. SUGGESTED READING: 1. Freight Brokers. Volume and value of World Trade. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.D’s.1. Shipping Agents. Importance of Logistics. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Khanna K K . T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. SECTION D (12 Sessions) Indian Shipping and Containerization: Ports in India.System Elements.Dornier.INTERNATIONAL LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT ( IB-04) Course Code IB-04 L . Constraints.Contemporary Logistics. Advantages of Air Transport.Concept of Containerization.3. KrishnaveniMuthiah. 2. Air Cargo. Shipping Association. B and C. I. 2.A. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. Logistics Excellence. I.Global Operations and Logistics(Wiley) 4.T. SECTION B (12 Sessions) Structure of Shipping Industry and World Seaborne Trade: Different type of Ships.Logistics Management and World Seaborne Trade (Himalaya. Flags of Convenience. 3.Physical Distribution Management : Logistical Approach (Himalaya. Scope and Objectives of Logistics. 2007) 91 . out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. SECTION A (8 Sessions) Introduction to Logistic System: Concepts of Logistics. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. T. David – International Logistics(Wiley) 3. Operating Ships-Linear and Tramp. Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.Shipping Routes. Tariff Structure. Relevance of Logistics to Expert Management. Organization of Shipping Company. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. the securities market. trade & capital flow.0 Name of Course International Financial Management Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Shapiro: Multinational Financial Management 8ed.. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. role of financial futures. SECTION .Basic instruments.B Foreign direct investment & foreign institutional investment foreign collaboration trends since liberalization. T. futures markets in growing world.3. V. Attendance: 10 %. private non-bank sources of finance. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. SECTION .D New developments in international finance: country funds. exchange control & currency devaluation. ex-proprietary action etc.K. Luxemburg.Anuj Verma: International Financial Management. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. swap markets. Export & import financing: role of commercial banks. ADR.Alan C. ADB. Biztantra 4. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. fixed rates currency. foreign portfolio investment. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Different types of risks: country risk analysis. interest rate. Bhalla Management Text & Cases Anmol Publications 92 . Apte International Financial Management Tata McGraw Hill 8. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. private investment companies.Srinivasan: International Financial Management. P .INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (IB. GDR. 2. their process of issue.S.05) Course Code IB-05 L . 1. regional & national development finance.Wiley India 2.P. third world and Asian stock exchanges: working and their influences. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. SECTION . ECBs. bond market. International stock exchanges: New York.1. medium & long term national currency financing foreign currency financing. Levi International Finance McGraw Hill Inc. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. P.C Financial innovation & risk sharing: introduction. Maurice D. 30%. Sharan International Financial Management Prentice Hall India 5. International financial environment: international transactions & financial market. FEMA. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. inflation. 6 MadhuVij International Finance Excel Books 7. basic swap structure. currency coupon types. SECTION . T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. B and C. V. EURO issues. 3. benefits. limitations & specific guidelines issued by Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB). Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. In this section. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A.G.International financial investment strategies and regulations for Indian Companies. all the questions are COMPULSORY.A International Finance: concept & role of international finance manager in multinational corporations. Financial operations of multinational corporation: sources & investment: short. financial future trading. Dramatic press 3. London. Multilateral financial institution : WB/IMF. Suggested Readings: 1. O. practices. expectations. Marks: 24 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Human dignity.0 Name of Course International Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Lectures to be delivered 52 (L-39. Employee wellness. Oxford University Press 5. In this section. International Importance of integrity. Chakraborty. T-13 for each semester) Semester End Examination MM: 60 Min. Continue Assessment (based on sessional tests 50%) Tutorial/ Assignment: MM: 40. Corporate Governance2/e Mallin.Business Ethics.P. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUESTION PAPER SETTERS The question paper will consist of THREE sections A. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks each. Balance between profit and social / moral obligations and survival. Sustainable development. Legal compliances. Business Ethics. SECTION D Cases. Attendance: 10 %. 2.INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (IB-06) Course Code IB-06 L . competitiveness and fair trade practices. Cost benefit analysis of corporate social responsibility and good corporate citizenship. Role of international trade and business organizations Concept of Ombudsman Books Recommended: 1. Section C will contain FOUR Essay Type Questions of 10 marks each. out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO. Importance of doing business on merit. SECTION A Fundamental principles of ethics . all the questions are COMPULSORY. Its only Business.1.Analysis of failure of leading corporate and top auditing firms due to lapses in ethics and social responsibilities. P . Sarham Oxley Act (SOX). judicious use of natural resources. Section A will contain TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. 30%. The weightage is based on the teaching hours specified against each chapter. rights Balanced global environment Kyoto Protocol concern of global warming. avoidance of corrupt. Maintenance of ecological balance. Ethics in international business .Serrell:Biztantra Publications 2.3. Oxford University Press 93 . Quiz/ Seminar: 10 %. The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject.Normative and relative ethics. concept and choice. Ethics and human.C. T. 1. 3. Business Ethics. Values and Ethics for Organizations. Crane& Matten Oxford University Press 4. SECTION C Wider concept of social responsibility. Mitra Oxford University Press 6.Bajaj:Biztantra Publications 3. B and C.S. Meeting stake holders. Home and host country’s regulations and compulsions of international agencies SECTION B Corporate governance beyond legal compliance. 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