HP 7673B - S service manual
B" Troubleshooting Section B-Contents Overview of Failure Indicators Basic Strategy of Repair : 'l'ypes of Failures lIijector Errors 'I'ray Errors ...................•............................. Controller Errors .............••.............................. Miscellaneous Errors HP-IB/Controller Board Errors Printed Error Messages B.S B-4 B-4 B.6 B-12 B.-22 B-24 B-27 B-27 8-1 i ~'.I7·n;:'~}~.\·,; ',f,.'ft,' '" .":, '!..(~~~~::",\ ;,~'J:;t.~',,',I~'~· ,":"" This section is intended to aid a trained service engineer in the troubleshooting process. Included in this chapter is an overview of the failure indicators, a basic strategy of repair, and a detailed action list for each type offailure. WAHNING HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT IN THE ELECTRICAL PORTIONS OF THIS INSTRUMENT WHEN THE POWER CORD IS CONNECTED•. TO AVOID A POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL SHOCK, BE CERTAIN THE POWER CORD IS UNPLUGGED FROM ITS POWER SOURCE BEFORE REMOVING ANY ACCESS PANELS. WAHNING MEASUREMENTS AND/OR TESTS THAT NEED TO BE MADE ON ELECTRICALLY ENERGIZED PORTIONS OF THE INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE PERFORM!D ONLY BY SERVICE-TRAINED PERSONNEL WHO ARE AWARE OF ALL INVOLVED HAZARDS. B-2 ~' -'", " Overview of Failure Indicators Failures are indicated by the light patterns of the three LEOs on the front of the inJector module and the two LEOs on the front of the controller module (Figure B-1). When the sampler is turned on, the two green LEOs should be on and the two red LEOs should be off. The yellow LED should only be on during a run. If one or both modules are not displaying the proper LED pattern, look at the chart on page fl..5 for the LED lighting pattern and refer to the corresponding page in this section. If the sampler is controlled by an external device such as an HP integrator or an HP ChemStation, the sampler will send a printed error message to the external device. Red Yelow Green Figure 11·1. Location of Sampler LED•• Basic Strategy of Repair The troubleshooting strategy is to identify the failure, isolate the defective part, and replace it. Carefully observe the operation of the falling module. Since the operations are so integrated, much can be learned by observing not only what is nonoperational, but also by what areas are working correctly. The sequence of normal functions for each module is described in other sections of this manual. For further help in identifYingthe problem, there are diagnostics modes for both the it\iector and tray modules. These are described at the end of sections C and E. Types of Failures Throurhout this section, the following symbols identify the LEOs. Injector 0 0 0 ControUer Immn 1W.LL11J I Dol Some error conditions can have more than one cause. The most frequent/simplest cause is listed first, with other possibilities listed second or third. If possible, use the diagnostic mode to isolate the problem to one of the causes and follow the steps for troubleshooting that cause. Eaoh action list contains several things for you to check. Go through each step in order, and stop when you have found the failure. You may not necessarily complete ell the actions in the list. After you have repaired the failure, retest by rpnning a normal sequence of movement or using the diagnostics mode. 8·4 Red 7 Single Aashes* CONTROLLER ERRORS B-22 B-23 MISCELLANEOUS ERRORS InJector Led Controller L'd DllcrlpUon Page Red. Green On None Green On Redan None Injector Processor Error 18~Volt Supply Error Power Supply Error B-24 B-25 B-26 * The HP. B-5 . Yellow.INJECTOR ERRORS InJector Led DllcrlpUon Page Red Steady On Red 2 Rashes Red 3 Rashes Red 4 Rashes Red 5 Rashes Red 6 Rashes Safety Error Injector Syringe Error Injector Turret Error Injector Plunger Error Incomplete Injection Error Injector Memory Error B-6 B-7 B-8 DllcrlpUon Plge Tray Not Connected VIal LosVLeftln Gripper Theta Axis Error Radial Axis Error Gripper AxIs Error Tray Processor Error Bottle Not Found B-12 B-13 B-15 B-17 B-19 B-21 B-21 Controller Led D"crlpUon Page Red 2 Double Rashes Red 3 Double Rashes Red 4 Double Rashes Red 5 Double Rashes ControDer Processor Error Controller RAM Error Conlroler ROM Error Configuration Error "8-22 B-22 B-9 B-11 B-11 TRAY ERRORS Controller Led Red Steady On Red 2 Single Rashes* Red 3 Single Flashes* Red 4 Single Rashes* Red 5 Single Aashes* Red 6 Single Aashes* . Yenow..fB/Cortrolllr BOlI"d Errors.JB/controler board also uses Algie red 1IaIhn toCOIIVTUlIcIU error cordIons flllJld durilg Is powllr-up seIf-test. See -Hp.- Table B·1. LED Error Code. Green On Red. 6. Press on door at switch. Ensure the mounting post is making contact with the mounting switch 8." '. 2. Injector Improperly Mounted 1. 8·8 . 2. 4. Injector Errors • 0 0 Red LED: On Steady -IDmn Safety Error • Injector door open. If this clears the problem. • Injector improperly mounted. Replace door switch if neeesaary. replace the front housing. Check the switch connection at the injector logicboard. Close injector door. Injector Door Open 1. 4. VerifY door switch is working properly.. 3. Remount the injector. Replace the mounting switch if necessary. Check the switch connection at the injector logicboard. Rerun the test. . If they are not at the proper voltage levels. Syringe carriage sensor inoperable. remove the belt and check movement of both the idler pulley and the motor. Check to see if the syringe carriage is moving freely on the guide rods. Although the LEDs indicate the motor windings are energized. replace it. Syr. Syringe motor inoperable. 8. 2. otherwise. Remove the motor and test it for opens and shorts.nge Motor Inoperable 1. Start diagnostics and move the syringe carriageto the home position. check the PC board connection for the motor. remove the syringe carriage and clean the rods and/or remove any obstructions. Retest the sensor with the syringe carriage in the home position. replace the syringe carriage sensor (note that thls in one of a pair of sensors and both must be replaced).v. If not. Syringe Carriage Movement Obstructed 1. observing the LEOs that indicate the motor windings are energized. If either piece is not moving. Replace motor if necessary. 2. test to see if the magnet in the carriage is installed properly (magnet faces should repel each other). If not. Check that the green LED of the irdector module is lit. Replace inJector logic board and retest. a ~IIIIIll Injector Syringe Error • Red LED: 2 Flashes • • Syringe carriage movement obstructed. If the magnet is missing or installed improperly. determine if the syringe carriage is moving properly. Check the syringe carriage for a magnet. 8. Syringe Carriage Sensor Inoperable 1. suspect sensor failure. Check for the presence of 18-V supplies at the iI\jector logic board. ensure that the syringe motor/drive belt combination is moving freely. If necessary. replace the syringe carriage. check for obstructions Of motor failure. Using the diagnostics mode. proceed to diagnose the controller module and cables. Using a known good magnet. If not. determine if the syringe motor is rotating. With the syrinp carriage removed. If it is. 4. Using the diagnostics mode. VerifY the syringe sensor is connected properly to the i~ector logic board. 2. they do not verifY that the proper drive current is being supplied to the windings. spring or mounting sleeve if necessary. replace the sensor (note that this is one of a pair of sensors and both must be replaced). 2. Replace motor if necessary. Open the uyector door and check the bottle stripper assembly. otherwise. Using the diagnostic modes. 8. determine if injector turret is moving properly. If not. continue with next step. determine if the turret motor is rotating freely and not locking at some positions. .8 . Replace irUector board and retest. It should swinr freely in and out. Check the irUector turret motor for shorts or opens. Turret Motor Inoperable 1. If it is. Manually check to see if the injector turret is able to rotate freely through a full revolution. using the diagnostics mode. Check the connection of the turret motor to the injector logic board and retest operation. check for obstructions or motor failure. VerifY that the turret sensor is connected properly to the injector logic board. Using a known good magnet.Ire 1\' Injector Turret Error 0 O· Red LED: 3 Flashes IITIIID • • • Turret movement obstructed. 8. U8ing diagnostics mode. The green LED should light when the sensor is tripped. Replace motor if necessary. test to see if the magnet is installed properly (magnet faces should repel each other). If it is not rotating freely. Turret motor inoperable. 3. Manually verify that the sensor is working. Turret Movement Obstructed 1. Turret Sensor Inoperable 1. remove the turret and check the arm for interference. Turret sensor inoperable. 4. 2. Replace the turret if necessary. suspect sensor failure.. 2. If necessary. Replace the bottle stripper assembly. Check the hijector turret for a magnet. With the syringe removed. check for obstructions or motor failure. run the diagnostics on the plunger carrier. Check to see if the motor is connected to the sensor board. Check the motor winding resistance. 8. Remove syringe and check it for plunger stickiness or binding. Plunger Motor Inoperable 1. 2. 4. Check the DC motor operation using the diagnostic mode. 8. Plunger Movement Obstructed 1. Replace the syringe carriage or plunger carriage as necessary. B-9 . Replace the injector logic board and retest. adjust the tension by adjusting the position of the plunger motor wedge. Check the viscosity of the sample. check the ribbon cable for open runs. Check the ribbon cable connections at the sensor board and the iIUector logic board. Check the belt tension on the plunger carriage. 6. Look for interference between the syringe carriage and the plunger carriage. determine if the plunger carrier is moving properly. If connections are good. Plunger motor inoperable. 2. If it is not. If it is too tight or too loose. If it not rotating. If the motor is either open or shorted. replace it. Check the solenoid lever arm and return spring to verify proper installation and operation of the stop mechanism.Injector Plunier Error ~. 4. remove the motor and check to see if the pulley is loose. Plunger carriage sensors inoperable. Replace the motor if necessary. Extremely viscous samples may have to be diluted with the proper solvent or heated using the tray's circulating water bath to allow proper movement of the plunger. Replace syringe if necessary. 5. suspect sensor failure. otherwise. 0 Red LED: 4 Flashes ~mnlD • • • Plunger movement obstructed. Using the diagnostic mode. Replace if necessary. Start diagnostic mode and manually move the plunger carriage to the top of its movement. 3. Check the ribbon cable connections at the sensor board and the iIijector loric board. Replace the injector logic board and retest. Replace the plunger sensor board by replacing the syringe carriage and retest. test the plunger carrier magnet.Plunger Carriage 'sensorts) Inoperable 1. 8-10 . If it is not good. If connections are good. With a known good magnet (faces should repel). Check that the green LED is lit. 5. Move the plunger to the bottom of the movement and check the green LED again. 4. 2. replace the plunger carrier. check the ribbon cable for open runs. Replace if necesBaIy. .. a a L. Remove the syringe from the injector end check it for stickiness and/or binding. II. Replace the injector logic board if necessary. Replace plunger carrier and/or syringe carriage if necessary. Replace ixijector logic board end retest. Verify that the injector processor (and the EPROM if present) is positioned properly and seated in the PC board socket. IITITn 1. 1.. Replace if necessary.- lDJector Memory Error Red LED: 6 Flashes • Processor on injector board is malfunctioning. Replace the injector processor (and/or EPROM) if necessary. Run the diagnostics mode for the plunger carrier. 8·11 . 2. 8. 2. 8.• a Incomplete lDJection Error Red LED: 5 Flashes • ~llnnD Plunger not sensed at bottom of movement during injection. VerifY that the connection of the cable inside the tray is secure. 2. . Check to see if the tray cable has opens or shorts. Tray Cable Not Installed 1. 8. Tray Board or Controller Board Inoperable 1. Tray board or controller board inoperable. Replace the tray board and then the controller board if necessary.Tray Errors _01 Tray Not Connected Red LED: On Steady • • Tray cable not installed. 2. Verify that the tray board and controller board are properly installed in the controller module and the connections are fully seated. Verify that the tray cable is plugged into the controller module and the fastening screws are seated. Vial switch ofT when er!pper is empty. continue. 6. If the vial magnet does not move away from the sensor. 4. Press the gripper paddle.with the lower magnetic sensor on the sensor board. Make sure the gripper is in the home position and the Z.(_)01 Vial LostlLeft in Gripper Red LED: 2 Single Ras"" • • • Tray failed to deliver vial. S. replace the gripper assembly. Make sure the connector is seated. remove it and return the vial to its position in the tray. Check the "deliver to" location for the vial and verifY that the location is empty and free of obstructions. Ensure that the connections on both the properly. 3. Replace the tray board and retest. Remove the tray arm covers and check the gripper assembly.LED is lit. Ensure that the tray is installed correctly on the mounting bracket. 6. R~flex and the theta-flex cables are installed . VI~I Switch Off When Gripper Is Empty 1. Insert a bottle into the gripper and check that the B--LED goes off. Remove the cover from the controller module and turn on the power. Replace the ann sensor board and retest. If the BoLED is not lighting properly. If there is a vial in the gripper. Remove the tray ann from the tray turret. 4. Check the tray cable connection inside the bottom cover of the tray. 2. The lever should be holding a vial magnet and it should be aligned . 2. Tray Failed to Deliver Vial 1. Remove the bottle and check that the BoLED goes on again. Gripper dropped vial. Rerun the system to observe how the eITOr may have occurred. . Check the gripper jaws for smooth spring action movement. If either gripper jaw does not close properly. Remove any obstructions that may have dislodged the vial from the gripper during tray arm movement. Make sure sample vials meet HP specifications (see HP 7673 Operating Manual Appendix A. 3. 2. Consumables). If the vials are too tall. replace gripper assembly. the vial in the gripper may be dislodged by the ones in the traY.Gripper Dropped Vial 1. 8. See f1gur.mbly will damage the th. reposition the motor using the motor locating tool and tighten the screws.I <_) C11 Theta Axis Error • Tray rotation obstructed. suspect sensor failure.r mounting of turr. 2. check for obstructions or motor failure. Check the theta-motor gear and the turret gear for missing or broken teeth. Tray Rotation Obstructed 1. IT the screws are loose. Remove any obstructions from the tray which may keep the arm from moving in its full rotation. Make sure that the screws holding the motor in place are present and tight. Remove the tray turret from the base.ta fllx elreutt. I CAUTION I Improp. Red LED: 3 Single Rash" Using diagnostic mode. Slowly rotate the arm about its angular axis. • Theta-sensor inoperable. VerifY the continuity of the tray cable lines which carty the theta-motor signals. Check the theta-motor gear for looseness. • Theta-motor inoperable. determine if the tray arm is rotating properly. 8-15 . 4. Check the connections of the tray cable to the tray board. 2. Replace motor if necessary. Replace the tray board if necessary. Check the winding resistance of the theta-motor. The arm should move approximately 856 degrees from one stop to the other. 5.. Otherwise. Replace the motor assembly and/or turret assembly as needed.tructlon•.t . Remove the bottom cover and unplug the theta motor. E·S for ••••mbly In. It should move smoothly-do not force the arm.. IT the arm moves smoothly or if the theta motor fails to stop when the arm does. 8. Theta Motor Inoperable 1.. Replace the motor assembly if necessary. Remove the tray turret from the base and replace the theta-sensor. Using the diagnostics mode. test the operation of the theta-sensor by interrupting the sensor with a thin object. Check the tray cable connections at both ends. 4. 3. Before reassembling. Replace the tray board and retest. It should be lit for half of the rotation and ofT for the other half. B-16 . check the theta axis movement.. 2. Watch the T-LED on the tray board. Check the theta-sensor connection at the termination board.Theta Sensor Inoperable 1. The R~LED should be lit. Check the resistance of the motor windings. Open tray base and remove the large R~drive gear. Replace tra.<_) 01 Rod LED: 4 SJng~ Rash. Remove the cover from the controller module and turn the power on. Tray Radial Motion Obstructed 1. 2. Radial sensor inoperable. . If the ann moves smoothly or if the R~motor falls to stop when the arm does. Check the R~motor pinion gear and the ann rack for missing or broken teeth. 8. Check arm rods and bushings for binding. Replace the motor if necessary. Remove the bottom cover from the tray and unplur the radial motor.y board and retest. Check that the pinion is free to turn in the turret. Check the radial motor gear for looseness. determine if the tra.. Replace as needed.y arm is moving forward and backward properly. otherwise. Radial Axil Error • Tray radial motion obstructed. Replace if necessary. Using diagnostic mode. Check the tray cable for continuity and proper connections. R Motor Inoperable 1. 4. check for obstructions or motor failure. 8. 2. 6. Move the arm radially-the arm should move smoothly and freely. suspect sensor failure. Replace the motor if any windings are open or shorted. Do not force the arm to move. 4. Remove any objects that obstruct the movement of the tray arm. Hold the arm in the middle and gently move the arm in its radial axis to the full back (home) position. • • R motor inoperable. 8.Radial Sensor Inoperable 1. Check the tray cable connections at both ends. Gently move the arm forward and check that the R-LED goes ofT. 2. B-18 . With the arm removed. 6. verify the continuity of the radial axis sensor's lines through the theta-flex circuit and the tray cable. Replace arm sensor board and retest. Check the connection of the R-flex circuit to the theta-flex circuit on the turret. Start the diagnostics mode. The R-LED on the tray board should be lit when the arm is all the way back (home position). 4. Replace the tray cable or the theta-flex cable if necessary. Check the continuity of the sensor lines through the R-flex circuit. 5. 7. Replace the tray board and retest. Remove the arm assembly and verifY the presence and proper installation of the magnet in the turret. Replace the arm core/motor assembly if necessary. Watch the drive pulley on the Z-motor for movement. S.I. Using the diagnostic mode. Gripper (Z) Motion Obstructed 1. The motion should be smooth until the gripper reaches the top or the bottom of the stroke. run diagnostics. Check the belt tensioner assembly to ensure that the Z-drive belt has adequate tension. check for obstructions or motor failure. With the right half of the arm removed. Check the connections for the Z-motor through the cables and reconnect or replace as necessary. Replace gripper rod and/or gripper assembly if necessary. 4. 2. Replace the tray board and retest. determine if the gripper is moving up and down properly. S. Check the Z-motor pulley for looseness. 2. suspect sensor failure. otherwise. • Z-sensor inoperable. Remove the belt from the drive pulley and verify that the gripper is able to move on the gripper rod without sticking. If the gripper moves smoothly or if the Z-motor fails to stop when the gripper does. 4.'!' (_> 01 Red LED: 5Singi. Remove the tray arm and the right arm cover and verify free movement of the gripper and drive assembly by moving the drive belt manually. Flash" Gripper Axle Error • Gripper (Z) motion obstructed.~:'!"r''''''. 8-19 . • Z-motor inoperable. • Tray firmware incompatibility. Check the gripper drive for obstructions. Z Motor Inoperable 1. Replace the gripper assembly if necessary. If the Eprom part number is 18594-80130 or less. Check the connections for the Z·axis sensor back through the flex circuits and tray cable.Z Sensor Inoperable 1. than it should be used with an 18596B tray. 2. verify that the sensor is operating. Check the gripper assembly for the presence of a magnet. If the Eprom is 18594-80235 or greater. Check Eprom on tray board. run the Z-axis test and check for sensor operation. 4. 3. Using a known good magnet. Using diagnostic mode. Tray Flrrt'aware Incompatibility 1. Replace the tray board and retest. Replace parts as needed. The Z. 8-20 .LED should be on when the gripper is at the top of its movement. than it should be used with an 18596A tray. Make sure the sample vials meet HP specifications. The tray locks on the tray mounting bracket should be inserted into the tray base. If not. 1. Z. Replace tray board's processor. troubleshoot the injector for turret errors. 2. The gripper should be aligned with the "neck" of the sample bottle. The "A" positions are for HP 6890Aand HP 5700 GCs. If the gripper is misaligned with the bottle. or theta). 6. <_) 01 Rod LED: 7 Snglo Rashes Bottle Not Found • Tray gripper failed to pick up sample bottle from injector.· The "B" positions are for the HP 5880AGC. . 5.or Error • Tray board processor failure. The right front foot pin should be inserted into the hole in the bracket disk. 3. The other three iIijector feet should be in contact with the mounting bracket. Check the standoffs connecting the tray bracket to the injector bracket.<-J 01 Rod LED: 6 Singlo Rashes Tray Procel. Check the injector for proper installation on the mounting bracket. Run a sequence and watch the tray gripper as it attempts to retrieve a bottle from the injector turret. Make sure the needle support assembly has properly enpged the injector turret during bottle pickup. 4. Check the tray for proper installation. troubleshoot the tray for the misaligned axis (R. 2. 8-22 . Replace the controller board EPROM. 1. Replace the controller board. Replace the controller board.=====1 ((_))0 Red LED: 2 Double Rashes Controller Processor Error • Controller board processor failure. Controller ROM Error" • Controller board ROM failure. Replace the controller board.Controller Errors 5::::::::. «-»)CJI Red LED: 3 Double Roshos Controller RAM Error • Controller board RAM failure. Suspect !NET or tray board failure. Replace if necessary. Option board failure. Check that all cables are connected properly. VerifY that all option boards are installed properly.«->)CI1 Red LED: 5 Doub~ Flashes Confi~ration • • Error Option boards not installed in the correct position. Option Boards Not Installed In the Correct Position 1. Option Board Failure 1. . 2. On • • Processor on injector board malfunctioning. B-24 . 2.On Green . Replace the injector processor (and/or EPROM) if necessary.On Red . 1S-V Supplies Not Available on Injector Board 1. Check the cable and connections. 2.On Yellow .Miscellaneous Errors Injector Controller Injector Processor Error Red . 8. VerifY that the injector processor (and the EPROM if present) is positioned properly and seated in the PC board socket. Check for + 18 V and -18 V at the injector logic board. Replace the injector logic board if necessary. Replace cable if necessary. 18-V supplies not available on injector board.Off Green . Processor on Injector Board Malfunctioning 1. Unload the system by pulling out all the option boards plugged into the main power supply board. Check + 18-V and -18-V fuses on power supply.On Yellow .On Green .On Red Green +18·V or -18-V supply inoperable on power supply board On Off 1. plug in one option board at a time to determine the defective board. Replace it. If system is not responding with all the boards pulled out. 8.Injector Controller IS-Volt Supply Error Red . Replace if necessary. If the + 18 V and/or -18 V works. replace the main power supply board. . 2. 2. Replace fuse if necessary. Check to ensure that bench power is available. InJector Controller Power Supply Error Red . Replace the main board if necessary. . If the + 5 V works..Off Green .•'~ . and power switch is on. Unload the system by pulling out all the option boards plugged in the main power supply board. :'. 8. Check the power supply main board for the presence of + 5 V. +5~V Supply on the MaIn Power Supply Board Inoperable 1.Off Yellow . power cord is plugged in. 2. Check that the cables are connected.Off No line voltage available + 5-V supply on the main power supply board inoperable No Line Voltage Available 1.Off Red .L 'P-'-'. plug in one option board at a time to determine the defective board. 8.. Check the line fuse located inside the line module of controller..Off Green.'::. Replace it. Tray Communications Error-A communication error occurred between the tray board and the controller.HP-IB/Controller Board Errors When a controller module containing an HP-IB/controIler board is turned on. Tray Reset Error-The + lS-volt supply from the controller was interrupted. the HP-IB board executes a self-test. lDJector Communication' Error-A communication error occurred between the injector and the controller. B-27 . lDJector Re. There is no corresponding flashing LED pattern.et Error-The + lS-volt supply from the controller was interrupted. If a problem is found. one of the following error messages will be communicated through the controller's red LED: Red LED Error Message 2 flashes Defective RAM on HP-IB/oontroIler board 3f1ashes Defective ROM on HP-IB/controller board 4 flashes Defective RAM on bar code reader board 5 flashes Defective ROM on bar code reader board 6 flashes Bar code reader cable not attached 7 flashes Bar code reader board set to test mode Printed Error Messages The following printed error messages may be sent to an !NET integrator or ChemStation. . -.... c Injector Module Section C-Contents Il\iector Operation I1\Jector Replacement Parts Injector Errors ......:r'~' ...........•.................' ::"I"'·:'~ ...... I....•. Injector Diagnostics Measuring Iniector Alignment Printed Circuit Board Component Overlays Iniector Pin Out Diagrams C~2 C~6 C~14 C~15 C~18 C~21 C~28 . The low power level is used during all other movements of the syringe. The syringe carriage is driven by the syringe motor (figure C-7). It supports the syringe needle when the needle enters a vial or the injection port." During on-column injection. C-2 . it is driven at two power levels. Syringe Carriage Homing The home position of the syringe assembly is the full up position. If the magnet was already on the sensor. the bottle stripper assembly prevents the needle from lifting a vial out of the turret (figure C-8). If the syringe carriage magnet is not on the sensor. These movements should be enough to turn the sensor off and then on again. The needle support usembly also stabilizes the injector turret whenever the tray module arm is loading or removing sample vials. The home position is checked on power-up by sensing a magnet at the bottom rear of the syringe cani. The needle support assembly is attached to the syringe carriage (figure C-4). In addition.age using a Jll88Iletic (hall effect) sensor located on the back plate (figure C-4). The syringe and the sample vial are controlled by three key assemblies: the syringe carriage.Injector Operation The HP 18593B Injector Module loads a syringe with a sample and injects the sample into an HP gas chromatograph. the assembly moves up a few motor steps. and the on-column injection parameter set to "yes. the plunger carrier. and then up until the magnet is sensed. an on-column syringe must be used. the syringe is inserted 19 mm deeper into the injection port and at a much slower speed. The bottle stripper rides along the turret and rotates away from the syringe needle during iJijection. The high power level is used during the injection. Syringe Carriage Movement The syringe carriage assembly moves the syringe up and down within the injector tower (figure C4). and the injector turret. when high torque and fast operation are required. the syringe carriage will check its position by moving a few steps down and up. The syringe motor is a two-phase stepper motor with bidirectional currents in each phase. down a few motor steps. For on-column injections. When the syringe needle exits a vial. There is an additional sensor at the full up position of the plunger. With this feedback. After receiving the sample vial. When operating with a tray. The turret rotates.Plunger Carrier Movement The plunger pulls sample material into the syringe. The plunger motor is a speed-controlled DC servomotor with tachometer feedback. the turret rotates to a specif1c position for the tray gripper to pick up or deliver sample vials. measures the volume. The plunger is held by the plunger carrier. During sample and solvent washes. Depending on the injector parameters. C-3 . with two common leads that are tied to + 12 V. the motor is driven with whatever torque is necessary to achieve the desired speed to drive the plunger. and forces it out of the syringe. The syringe carriage then engages the needle support assembly into the turret to prevent any turret rotation during vial pickup or delivery. Plung"er Carrier Homing The plunger's home position is the full down position and the magnet on the plunger carrier assembly is sensed by the magnetic sensor on the sensor board (figure C4). the plunpr will stop at one of five "steps" to measure iIijection volume. The plunger motor and tachometer are located at the top of the syringe caniage assembly (figure C4). the plunger fills 80% of the syringe volume. The turret motor is a four-phase stepper motor. the vials and bottles into the it\iector tower to allow access by the syringe. A phase is energized by driving it low. Turret Movement The iJUector turret contains five positions for holding sample vials and wash/waste bottles (figure C-5). The five steps correspond to l()-()O% of the syringe volume. The turret is mounted directly on the turret motor. the needle support is raised and the injector turret rotates to start the iIijection sequence. which is mounted on the syringe carriage. A second switch is used to determine if the injector is mounted correctly. and switches connect directly or indirectly to the iDJector main board (figure Col). Safety Switches There is a safety mechanism on the injector tower to protect the operator during injection. the turret motor rotates the turret until the magnet is sensed. all motor movement in the injector module is suspended. The iDJector draws its power supplies from the controller module through the hijector cable. The cable is also used to transmit TTL and serial communication between the injector and the controller modules. All motors. A magnetic sensor mounted behind the turret senses this magnet to find the turret home position (figure C·7). a mag-. When the plastic door covering the syringe assembly is opened. The turret sensor also will home on this magnetic insert during its homing routines. During homing. The mounting switch is located above the mounting sleeve and is closed by the mounting post when the iI\jector is seated on the mounting bracket (figure C-B>' Injector Electronics All injector functions are controlled by a microprocessor on the iDJector main board (figure C-g). netic bottle insert may be used to indicate the "last bottle" during a sequence.Turret Homing The turret has a small magnet pressed into its lower. The turret motor then rotates the turret a few steps in both directions to determine the center of the magnet. sensors. This is accomplished through a switch located inside the top right corner of the door (flgure C·6). If the sampler system is operating without a tray and is using stand-alone control. C·4 . exterior surface. l ~ JB h - ~ Plung. SlOP.r J1 ~ Syringe Motor ~ - Motor J2 Plung.nlor Mountlng IwUch I Door Switch Fiaun.Q1.rlalln Ready In Start In . J2 [ 1 J Turr. I Serial Out Rlldy Out Start Out S. Parameter Switch.nlorl . Fan .. J1 MOlor. Sol.InJector Loalc Board Controll.. J I Senior Board Plunger Solenoid I Syring.Front Pan.r Modul..1 - > - fow.. Injector block diagr8..nold J& - J8 ~ [~ J4 [ J7 r . C·l.nlor J3 Fan Switch - Turret MOlor LEOI Slart. S.r SUDpn.t S.r I. c-e . 9 Fault LEDI ....mbly Turret B..e Figure C·2. s ' .G .o Door toIyrlngl Glrrlagl . e. 'HP 18593B InJector Module.Injector Replacement Parts Fan Elletronlal houllng Start/ltop buttonl .. !~~.~.:~.. Initalllni the I)'rinie carriaie asllembly..'.::~:"" . An.mbly • Screw 0515-052.AONTVIEW RIAR VIIW Figure C-3. .' Syringe Carrlag. .. 'I,;",; Plunger Clrrllr Auembly Plunge Molor AUlmbly 07&73·110880 07873·60820 r Needle Buppon Auembly 07673·80Q7li Plunger Sorlw 07873·20li70 / Mlgnel Preu.d Inlo Back Noll: P1ungl' Darrllr with ninoIller Idl er-071173·80Q30. SiniorBOlrd Conn'cUonl Blak 01 Plunglr Carrier Showing How 10 POllllon Millor Clip Assembly Sollnold Connector Cln Go On Elth.r Way Figure C-4: Syrinie carriage 8.11embly. c-a White Samplelnllrl 07673-40226 Turret Magnet Locatldon \ Bottom Edgl , - r c .. ...... 1; ! T a - ';., .... e!!=:a.. """'IIJ: :J.( JD - e! Ie" -----...:.~~;;r - Turret A..embly ' f: ... ... I ..., V 07&13·&0505 & ! 1.00' Figure e-G., Injector turret. c-s K ¥ ... Door Switch 81U'1. 07&73-15079 ........ 0&24·06112 Fan A...mbly 35900·601120 .... ........ ........ r ....... . , "... ~=-='- NOTE: Plaltlc tabl Inap Into blckpllte. Front Hauling A..lmbly (IncIudII Door) 07e73-80ae& Back Platll/BlIti Altlmbly 07&73-150851 BlckCovlr ,J!)' 07673-400711 ~ ~ Screw 0515-0810 Figure CoS. Injector coven. C·10 Ribbon Clbl. Cllpi 07173-40170 Syring. Motor A...mbly Idl.r Pull.y Sh.n 0787a.80580 07173·2015415 Scr.w 0151G-0637 Hom. S.nlors.t (Includll Both S.nlorl) 07873·105110 \Syring. C.rrllg. S.nlor -L- Br.cket -~~~ -L- Br.cket Wllb.r 21IlO-04011 1400-02110 Syring. Motor Scr••1 '"\=:::----Ifl.-~. 0I51G-OII10 Turr.t S.nlor a:~!~~I1~ Hom. Senior Scr.w 0824-0851 "'" Turr.t "'lliID';:O"......-s.nlor Blck PIII.IBI" A...mbly 07173-&0855 FilfUre C-7. InJector tower-rear view. .mbly 07173-10810 Turrlt Motor Scriwi 015111·1380 Fipre e·s.I Anembly 07873-808155 AI. ..Bonle Stripper 07673-81005 Sleeve Brlcklt Spring 07673·00185 07673-2067$ Berl. injector tower-front view. 0515·13D1 /' Turret Motor Blck PlltlIB. 0215 Front Plnll Baird AUlmbly 07&73·10035 Screw 0381). InJeetor electronics. tit... InJlctor Clble Aaaembly <' 07873-80648 l1I ". J Screw I ~ 0518-0883 Mlln Baird Aaaembly 07873-80025 or 07873-89025 Ground Clbll 07873-80838 .~ Door 0787.I . 051a...Electronici Hauling Aaaembly Oncludel Both PinIII. 80rlw ..~ L~ : ~jA ...1Y 'F"atP. and Hlngl Screwl) 07873-80728 .. .2283 Fipioe C·B.QU24 \. HlnOl. Injector Errors An error condition is indicated if the red LED on the front panel is lit or flashing. • Il\fector installed improperly. • Wiring damaged. Refer to Section B. "Troubleshooting". • Motor failed. • Safety door open. When the fault is corrected. Errors can be caused by: • Objects obstructing the movement of any injector mechanism. ~en restart the sequence. clear the error by pressing the STOP button on the injector. C-14 . • Sensors not tripped when expected. to see a full list of error conditions and courses of action. overrides the door and mount safety switches. 2. LED Diagnostic Functions Each of the LEDs on the front of the ifUeotor has a special function for each of the three tests available in the diagnostic mode. Table c-i. The Red LED should start flashing a double flash. indicating the first test in diagnostic mode. 8. InJector Diaenostic LED. I CAUTION I The diagnostic mod. Be sure to take the syringe out of the Injector before operating It In diagnostic mod•.d by a trained service technician.agnostlcs 1..Injector Diagnostics The Injector Diagnostic Mode allows the service engineer to observe the operation of injector motors and sensors during the troubleshooting process.while you turn on the controller. This mode should only be u. . Starting Ol. Keep pressing. Simultaneously press the STOP and START buttons on the front of the injector. Turn off the controller. Telt Red LED Yellow LED OrlinLED Syringe Can1age Two flashes On when syrlnge motor Is energized On when syringe carriage magnet Is detected by syringe carriage sensor Turret Three Rashes On when turret motor Is energized On when turret orbotUe Insert magnet Is detected by the turret sensor Plunger Four Rashes On when plunger motor Is energized On when plunger magnet Is detected by upper orlower plunger sensor. Press STOP to advance to the turret test. the turret will find the original magnet again. Press START on the front of the injector. I':~. Move the turret manually to verifY the sensor trips when the magnet goes by. 4. The turret will go through its homing routine. " i'f\~'T. Press START again. They should light in the following sequence: DSl DS2 DS3 D84 ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON Table C-2.. 2.r Syringe Carriage Test 1. S. Press START. Syringe Motor Movement 4. Wait about 10 seconds for a response... The turret and syringe carnage will move to their home positions. The turret will rotate and home on the next magnet. The green LED will light whenever the syringe carriage sensor detects the syringe carriage magnet. Hold START down to run the syringe motor continuously. If there is no magnetic bottle insert. Turret Test 1.'" ~I'. 8. C·18 . LED Pattern durin. The green LED willllght when the turret sensor detects the turret magnet. Press START to drive the syringe motor one step (2 phases energized). Press STOP to advance to the plunger carrier test. The motor remains enarpzed for about 10 seconds. Note the LEDs on the injector main board (figure C-ll). The syringe motor will remain energized for a few moments. 2. 3. The plunger will go to the top of its movement while energizing the solenoid to catch the plunger carrier at each stop on the wo:y up. DSB lights when the I?rocessor is sending a signal to the plunger motor drive to enable the plunger motor. The plunger motor stalls briefly at the top and bottom of the plunger carrier travel and during the setting of the sample volume. 2. The green LED will light when the plunger carrier is at the top or bottom of its travel. Press STOP to return to the syringe carriage test.Plunger Carrier Test 1. DS5 is on except when the plunger motor is stalled. Manually move the plunger carrier up and down and verify that each sensor trips when the magnet moves by. C·17 . Press START. The plunger motor then drives the plunger carrier to the bottom of its movement. Note the LEOs on the injector main board. 7. Repeat this process with the injector turret and the injector back plate/base assembly if necessary. swing out the bottle stripper and replace the turret. the injector turret.d turret position. Install the false syringe in the syringe caniage (figure C-IO). Remove the syringe and the needle support assembly from the syringe carnage. C-18 . The false syringe should slide cleanly through the turret sleeve. Remove the turret. Rotate the turret sleeve under the false syringe. 6. and the turret motor for proper installation. Measuring Alignment Between the Syringe Carriage and the Turret 1. • Replace the syringe carriage and check alignment again. 2. 3. 4. Place a vial insert into the . Place the turret sleeve into the vial insert. 5. Manually move the syringe carriage downward. • Check the syringe carriage. The following tools can be used to determine if the injector is properly aligned: 07673-20810 07673-20800 07673-20820 False Syringe Turret Sleeve Base Plug These tools are part of the Alignment Tool Kit <HP part number 07673-60950).Measuring Injector Alignment Misalignment between key assemblies within the injector could cause errors and/or bend syringe needles. If it does not.am:nn. do the following: • Check the alignment tools for proper installation. The false syringe should slide cleanly through the base plug. Move the syringe carnage back up but keep the false syringe installed. • Replace the syringe carriage and check alignment again. do the following: • Check the alignment tools for proper installation. Place the base plug into the iniector base hole. Stand it on a flat surface. Remove the injector from the GC. Remove the turret. 1. • Check the syringe carnage for proper installation. • Replace back plate/base assembly and check alignment again. C-19 . 5. The narrow portion of the plug should face downward. 2. Manually move the syringe carriage downward. 4.Measuring Alignment between the Syringe Carriage and the Injector Base . 3. If it does not.. ....Baae Plug 07673·20820 FII. Turrlt Sleevl 07873·20800 Turrlt In. ~ ~ ! Fipre C-l0. Syrlngl 07873-20810 .. Installing injector alianment tools.. c-eo ..• .i • ..~_lll""ro--- .""M=GlJIi-A'l Injector BI..ert 07873-40160 T'"·~.. Print Circuit Boards Component Overlays Fisure C·tt: InJector main board (07678·60025). C-21 . - 0 J1 '--- 0 0 0 Fieure C-12. Injector BenBorboard (07873·60010) and injecfor control. C-22 ...0 0 a 0 840 J1 IndJ2 Ire onthe opposite sid•• I ~ 1 I J1 Il _____1 REV B . board (07673-60035).. R3 0 @!I CR2 0c:::J e R2 [ill E!lCR1 0r:::=J. R1 a 0 830 07673-60010 07673·60035 0 1:::9$:::1 ~ ~ I:::!!:::I . I J2 IL_____ JI @!I CR3 oc:::J.. C·23 . "Injector main board wirinl diagram.Injector Pin Out Diagrams READY IN FROM CONTROllE MODULE TOU23 + TURRETI~O+-_ _+-+ HOME TOU32 +5V Fiaure e-1S. J2 +12V 3 4 TURRET MOTOR WINDING RESISTANCE 78 0 .t115% EACH 1 2 II II J4 2 TO SYRINGE DRIVER BLACK 1 RED/WHITE a RED 7 WHITE a GREEN II 4 3 SYRINGE MOTOR WINDING R£8tBTANCE 0..340 j-10% EACH Figure C-14. Installlni main board wiring dialJ"am. C-24 . C-26 . Injector main board/sensor board wlr1ni diairani.J5 ON INJECTOR MAIN BD +18V SYRINGE CARRIAGE SENSOR BD r---------------~ I J1 J2 II PLUNGER STOP SOLENOID PLUNGER STOP PLUNGER MOTOR (+) TACH (+) +12V TACH PLUNGER HOME ++ 17en +12% -25% PLUNGER MOTOR un +8% -25% Figure C-llS. . .........••.......•......................... D-18 T'rL Board 0·14 HP 5880A Interface Board D..............•.•......••••..................•............ D-20 0-21 HP·ffi/Controller Board HP5880A Mainfuune Board D-22 HP 5880A Dlagnostic Mode 0·23 0·1 ....•....... ~ D-16 TraY Controller Board D-17 RS-232 Board D-18 Loop Board .....•.........••.•••............ D-19 Bar Code Reader Board ....................15 Standard Controller Board •..•............. D·10 Controller Replacement Parts D-11 Printed Circuit Board-Component Overlays D-12 Controller Main Board D·12 HP-IL Board .........D Controller Module Section D-Contents Controller Module Description D-2 Common Configurations D-5 Controller Module Block Diagrams D-6 Control Signals D-9 Fuses D-9 Power Supply Usages ..... '''':I'\'''J:'l'~I':'''ll'''I~!''''~'1~I. Controller Slot The following boards may be put into the CONTROLLER slot: Standard Controller (18594-60060) (Rebuilt 18594-69060) Coordinates the tray. Depending upon the configuration of the automatic sampler. an RS-282 board is required in the COMM slot. stand-alone. Depending upon the configuration. the bar code reader. The HP-IB/controller board does not support INET or stand-alone control (see figure D-4). "loop. The automatic sampler can be configured in several different ways. and CONTROLLER (figure D-1 ). the controller will have different option boards installed in it. up to four boards may be mounted on the power supply board.W:~~~iM\!$Jl'Hnt~~!~~t'''··7IIlW''~~~!!I "I I. For A" series 8860 LAS control. Each controller contains the power supply board (HP part number 18594-60125) which provides the necessary voltages to operate the sampler modules. 0-2 U . one or two injectors for INET.. It also acts as a controller board for these specific configurations. The slots are labeled TRAY. COMM. HP 5880A Interface (18594-60060) Provides an interface specific for HP 6880A GC control. The power supply board also provides a data bus for data communication between the option boards. Controller Module Description The HP 18594B Controller Module houses most of the electronics for an HP 7678 Automatic Sampler system and serves as an interface between the automatic sampler and other analytical instruments." or RS-282 control (see figure D-2). Hp-m/Controller (18594-60110) (Rebuilt 18594-69110) Allows HP-IB GEEE-488) communications between the HP 7678 and HP ChemStations or "A" series 8850 LAS. AUX. It provides two-way communication between the HP 5880A GC (or the HP 8888A Integrator) and the controller module (see figure D-8). 0-3 . If the TTL board is in this slot. Loop (18694-60090) Allows an HP 3350A/8367A LAS system to send the next bottle number to the 7678. The first function is the external interface for the READY IN/OUT and START IN/OUT signals. For more information see. Although the hardware on this board is !NET compatible. it can only function with a standard controller board in the CONTROLLER slot. It performs two distinct functions. the software to control it is on the controller board. If the TTL board is in this slot. Therefore. the "RS-232-C Serial Interface Manual. the position of the BCR on the tray." HP part number 18694-90800. 01-03. Valid bottle numbers with the tray module are 01-00 (where "00" is read as "100") or for an injector-only system. The BCR board contains a bank of eight dip switches to specifY beeper operation. .Communication Slot The following boards may be put into the COMM slot: HP-IL (18594-60030) INET communication board. It also acts as a TTL board. Once a valid bottle number is sent to the HP 7673. the injector should be in the front position. and the bar code label type. TTL (18594-60040) Provides remote and BCD information to the integrator. (18694-60080) Allows HP 7678 control through RS-232 communications. Bar Code Reader (18594-60100) <Rebuilt: 18594-69100) Controls the bar code reader (BCR) module. RS-232 . the sampler begins its tray and injection sequences. self-test mode. so it can replace a TTL board in this slot with no loss of functionality. The second function provides a BCD bottle number to external data handling devices. then the injector should be in the rear position. Auxiliary Slot The following boards may be put into the AUX slot: TTL (18594-60040) Provides remote and BCD information to the integrators. you must have the tray cable installed.Tray Slot If there is a tray module. R. Also. the tray board (18594·60075 or rebuilt 18594~69075) must be in the TRAY slot to control tray operation. . Theta) in the tray. when a tray board is installed. three homing sensors and the bottle sensor. The main functions of the tray board are reading the status of the. and communieating with the controller board. driving the three stepper motors (Z. .· .iMIlIli ..I IlliJ 30 I t i i 8 1 . _1·1 ~ i ~uuuuuu 100 I I Vol II £: .! 1:10I I~:=~ ....am. II t ij I. I· ! ~ iii ~ltu ~UUUUUu I·· i U I J • t:.i) ~I~ it!: I ...~ '2 ! .Common Configurations ~UUUUUu Illij il' ..G> 1 s:I i8 ~ ~ .....-.. i!! ...!) 0-5 . . w til) ~gi i· ~I!!: I lID III f !I! I I I I I I ~uuuuuu .-.- .. ....-.... 0·8 I I I I I E IIE' 1.. I l- -- .L I I If.. :~:l :::: -:: 11 H :1: I iI I g L~ I~ I I f II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1....-.. .. Controller Module Block Diagrams II I 0 -- :~ ::::::II Illi 8- II QI. u.- il I Itil I I I ~ ~- Ifi ..--. -- ~ f I .- I I • i I I 'I i .Ii 1 i .iL... I-I-I-- -I 1... IQ.. -- I I ~ l ~ IS I I r- ...i I i I I u I ..............- L _/ [:. ... f- . I lill JI [] II I i '.. 0 I l •. .~~':'t:"" ...~:..:..::::::::. El l 1 \\1:: I! . l I-- - .I .~~. . I I 0 1111. " . -- I I j I I I1 'I ...:.~. ·'...."'''I:J'l r: ..J'~'..."... I...~'l(-~".J. IIiI I I &.' " ':..-~----------------- ~ I I I I I I 111 III 11 l!t .: I II ·1 II .It !I I (]I ~ I I I I I I I I 14-- I ~-- II I 1 I t: ·• ~ :::1:. ~-- I i I II il _ 0·7 . IL I I l' .'l:~".. IlI .• j I I I I I ..~~~"~....::.·: .'i:\r.I-- f--- 10lio----1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . ...~~--- I !! ~ I-- " . :- :f{i)r .:': :'1 I ! I! I~ I I L~ .1 I I I I E:' ·• I L • • ...--. ' II II: 11 j a !! -I :{~~~~~~t:~~~~r~: II I I I) iilili l I !I! ......> 11 in! i i I I I I I I I I II • I I I I « • II II ali "'" ~ I J! ! III I I I I I 1.:.:.......::" .::...•.......II ~_ ..::.I I 0 I!I IIII i .L ..... ~-- ..'" DI ~ I "- if Iif! ~ c ! c 311 "0 c II I I I I I I f--------I I I I I I I I I I I I [] I I Ii l1.. ! BIII ... r--r--r--r--- ---------------..--- ___________________ I . When an open fuse is noticed. and a logic low at the injector is seen at the RS-282 line as + 12 volts. Occasionally. START IN A negative going logic pulse tells the injector to start an injection sequence. Controller Module Fuses 0-9 .' however. READY IN A logic high indicates system outside of the injector is ready. an opened fuse may have been caused by a short one-time surge. If the replacement blows.5A (NTO) 2110-0083 220/240 nna 2A (TO) 2110-0303 Table b-i.I. SERIALCOMM A two-way serial communication link from the injector processor's UART. They are designed to open as quickly as possible to prevent damage to other components within the circuit. intended to start the system GC and integrator. suspect a component failure. replace it.':' I~ " Control Signals The control signals used between the controller and the injector are: READY OUT A logic high indicates injector readiness. The following is a list of the fuses for the automatic sampler. Reference Designator Fuse Type HPP/N Power Supply Board F1. F2 15A 2110-0054 Una Module 100 Une 3. All these signal lines are RS-232 compatible. START OUT The injector emits a negative going logic pulse at the time of injection. it is far more common that a component within the protected circuit has failed. A logic high at the injector is seen at the RS-232 line as -12 volts.0 A (NTO) 2110-0003 120 nne 2. and they are logically inverted. Fuses Fuses have been installed at several locations within the instrument for the protection of major power circuits. . . -18'1 ~. .Power Supply Usages The main board in the controller module provides various voltages to the option boards and the sampler modules.. -23V _ ~ RMOTOR ZMOTOR THETA MOTOR TURRET MOTOR THETA SENSOR PLUNGER MOTOR CTLS RSENSOR Z8ENSOR SYRINGE MOTOR PLUNGER MOTOR PLUNGER MOTOR CONTROL SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS SYRINGE MOTOR CONTROL Fip. ·12V . ..re D-5.. ·18V . POWER SUPPLIES . The figure below shows where these voltages are used. Power supply usage•• 0·10 BCRMOTOR BCR SOLENOID SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS .. ALL m SIGNALS ALL LED. +12V _ . +5V +18V WHERE USED +5V ~ +18V _ SYRINGE MOTOR PLUNGER MOTOR PLUNGER SOLENOID . ~" POWER 8UPF'LY BOARD 1!8g.(-eo12a 1815g. Controller module replacement parts. 0-11 .(-ee 125 (REBUILT) I OPTION BOARDS SORew 1011il 0511 Figure D·G.Controller Replacement Parts PLASTIO OOVER 01Q40-40041 NAME PLATE 1MG4-001OS •. o' @~ "o. 0-12 . .J--. @l-O_.Printed Circuit Boards-Component Overlays o' -o. Controller main board (18594-80125). o fI o 8 0 a = Figure D-7... ..1 O[][]O OUiJO OCiLJO 01 O[][]O..~ ~ T2 ocmDO I oamo T1 11 I O[]IJO oamo O[]DO o []DO 0C!!!J0 .. °ODO I~ C1 0[]i]0 oCllJO 1 II J1 U1 L. 0-13 .. HP-IL board (18394-60030)..- 10 II 14 .. O(][]O O[]i]O L... o[J!Jo OCDJO FiJUre D-8. .~ J2 I K2 I K1 R2G -c:JR21 -e:JR22 -c:J- Rl1-=CRB -c:JR11 -c:JCR10-c::::J- R20-c::JC2 -e:::JC11 J1 I 0 J3 I IB~~~~ BB B U4 r+ B ~I R24 -c::::JR23 -e:::JC3 -e:::J- B B o C4-c::::r LJ • Figure D-9: TI'L board (18594a60040). lIP 8880A interface board (18594-60050). .CI r ~R1B --c::r R2 U2 I-- i J2 -e:::r r -e:J-e:J- C7 CB CII C10 OTP1 OTP2 OTP3 OTP4· OTPII o Tl'1I OTP7 OlPI OTPII OTP10 OTP11 OTP12 0-12 0+12 0+1 0+1 OGND OOND I--- Fiaure D-I0. CII -e:J.C.~ J3 ~ B E~ I-- U1 1 J1 -1 I-- d~: -e::J. D~18 . U17 Figure D~l1. Standard controller board (18594~60060).<> Ull III ~itll~ § ~+. Tray controller board (18394·60073).Figure D-12•. 0-17 . B . C1 C4--<=>- CI--<=>- ~ U1 ce--<=>- 1.B ..B B §E1 1 L.l.8 . CI--<=>J1 'iD"ii Fii\U'6 D~1S: RS~2S2 board (l8594~60080).CI ~III IDO IlIO . D~18 .I ---l • J2 12 1 11 I ~:: BG~·~ J3 '~D 1100 UK UK UK ~r --<=>.... '·':~~'II""r'.8 o[l[Jo o (liJO . 0-19 . Loop board (18594·60090).":'1" J2 111111111 It 11 0000000 1-0 C8 o c .B : .' '~.8 Figure-n·14..1"'"'' .:0 . Bar code reader board (183940060100).Figure D-13. . 0-21 . HP·m/controller board (18594·60110).-i: "J J3 o Figure D·16. !IY ~U niT WID NOlIlI o rv-J +IV D - .~ D -11V D 0 . ~:l.II - I <> Figure D-17. ~~ ~ ~:' \ .) TEST ole FAULTWrrtl J:. .O'" . 2) r~=Cii:l PABALCOMM.11) 1111110 COMM. ~ . I 014 < ON> < OFF> 7U: : : _ ) - 80411 1111110 COMM. .:~ . t <> TEST MODE INweADONS FAULT LAMP B10NUI'tmBPBETA- ~ cz nu 011 011 01 7U O C4 +Cl n w ~ n l- 01.J ~~~.~ +Q . HP 5880A mainframe board (19321-80010). Communications between the HP 5880A control board and the automatic sampler controller is encoded using + 12V and -12V. the cables. the communication is done over the standard MC5 (or MC2) bus. 19321-60500 Part No. 18594-60050 Part No.HP 5880A Diagnostic Mode The interface provides two-way communication between the HP 5880A GC (or the HP 3388A Integrator) and the HP 7673A controller module. The test covers the HP 5880A mainframe board. 19321-60010 Part No. The system consists of four assemblies: HP 5880A mainframe board HP 18594B interface board Cable (HP 5880A internal) Cable (HP 5880AlHP 18594B) Part No. The U44 code includes a system self-test program. For the purpose of this test. 19321-60510 On the HP 5880A end of the 19321-60010 mainframe board. the system is divided into 6 sections: HP 6880A communications TRAY communications INJN1 communications INJJII2 communications PARALLEL communications 0-23 . and the automatic sampler control board. a corresponding light pattern is displayed by the test LED and the failed section is tested again. If the test of the first section is successful. 3. Turn the HP 5880A power ON.Each section is tested in sequence. To get into the test mode. Turn OFF power to both the HP 5880Aand the HP 7673A instruments. and so on. After the fifth section is tested success- fully. If any of the sections fails the test. the test LED on the mainframe board for one of the flashing patterns listed under "symptom" in Table D·2. Move the "NORMAL/ TEST" Jumper on the HP 5880A mainframe board to the "TEST" position. 4.60050) toTSTMODE. Follow the corresponding "Action" instroctions to troubleshoot the failure. 6. the test program proceeds with the second section. . the followingprocedure needs to be followed. Verity that the cable (HP part number 19321-60510) is connected properly between the controller and the HP 5880A. 1. 2. the test LED (DS-1 on the control board) is turned ON for one second. and then the complete test is repeated. 5. Set all switches of Sl on the HP 5880Ainterface board (HP part number 18594. Check. . 2.~ "v. HP 5880A Dia~o. . Troubleshoot non-HP 7673A related aspects ofthe HP 5880A. SYMPTOM ACTION HP 5880A LED Signal: 1 SHORT FLASH 1.. Replace HP 5880A ROM. SYMPTOM HP 5880A LED Signal: . Replace HP 5880A Interface board (HP part I'lJmber 18594-60050) 3. Replace HP 5880A mainframe board (HP part number 19321-60010). Replace HP 5880A mainframe board (HP part number 19321-60010) 2.. Means defective communications between HP 5880A processor and the mainframe board. SYMPTOM ACTION HP 5880A LED Signal: 2 SHORT FLASHES 1. SYMPTOM ACTION HP 5880A LED Signal: ON Continuously Replace HP 5880A mainframe board (HP part number 19321-60010) Means defective microprocessor (8049) orassociated components on themainframe board.:. Check Interconnecting cables. Means defective convnunlcatlon In the tray path betWeen HP 5880A Interface board and the HP 5880A mainframe board. . 2. RAM and processor boards. Means defective convnunlcatlon between HP 5880A processor and the mainframe board (bad data). Mode <continued next pale) 0·25 . OFF Continuously AmON 1. . Check Injector and controller LEOs forproblem indications. Table D-2. RAM and processor boards. Replace HP 5880A mainframe board (HP part number 19321-60010).-r SYMPTOM ACTION HP 5880A LED Signal: 1 sec ON 1 sec OFF 1 sec ON etc.tic. Replace HP 5880A ROM.'"r. No problem In HP 5880NHP 7673A control circuits.. w60050) Means everything okay. HP 5880A mainframe board (19321-60010) and HP 5880A Interface board (18594 and cables between them are aU okay. 18594-60050). 2. This signal indicates the U44 is alive. Means defective communication In the Injector's paraDel paths between HP 5880A Interface board and the HP 5880A mainframe board. 0-28 . 19321-60010). Replace HP 5880A mainframe board (Part No. 19321-60010). Check lntercomeCUng cables. and outputs). Table D-2. inputs. clocks. 3. Replace HP 5880A mailframe board (Part No. lIP G880A Diagno. 2. SYMPTOM ACTION HP 5880A LED Signal: 5 SHORT FLASHES 1. SYMPTOM ACTION HP 5880A LED Signal: 4SHORT FLASHES. Means defective communication In the InjectorN2 path between HP 5880A Interlace board and the HP 5880A mainframe board.tic. Check Intercoooeetlng cables. Check IntercolVleeting cables. Replace HP 5880A Interface board (Part No. RJW strobes. Replace HP 5880A mainframe board (Part No. 3. 1. Test points for all the key signals are provided throughout the board (resets. Replace HP 5880A Interface board (Part No. Replace HP 5880A Interface board 3. Means defective communication In the Injector#! path between HP 5880A Interface board and the HP 5880A mainframe board. 19321-60010) 2.SYMPTOM ACTION HP 5880A LED Signal: 3 SHORT FLASHES 1. The "ALE" <Address Latch Enable) test point carries a signal that is 1/15th of U44 clock frequency. 18594-60050). ........... E-5 Tray Replacement Parts ~ E-6 Theta-Flex Assembly Procedures E-12 Tray Errors ...............•...............................•.... E-18 Tray Diagnostics ............................. Section E-Contents Tray Operation ........ E-2 Vial Movement Sequence .E Tray Module ...............•....•.............. E-14 Printed Circuit Board Component Overlays E-15 '!'ray Pinout Diagrams E-16 E-1 .............................................. The Z~motor. it pushes a lever that moves a small arm containing a magnet in the tray arm away from its magnetic (hall effect) sensor. The drive gear is attached to a pinion which. When a bottle is in the gripper. and magnets for bottle sensing and homing. To find home. The gripper's home position is a specific position at the top of the Z~axi8. in turn. the arm moves tothe full back position until the R-magnet in the turret assembly (figure E~5) is sensed by the R-sensor mounted at the bottom of the arm sensor board. It then moves back down to the center of the sensor which becomes the home reference position. To find the home position. It then moves small steps forward and backward to find the edge of the'sensor. The motor has a pressed-on gear that meshes with a larger drive gear. It continues moving back in small steps to ensure it hits the fixed stop. It drives the Z~belt which. The arm is driven in the R-axis by a stepper motor located in the tray base (figure E-G). Gripper (Z) Axis Movement/Homing The gripper picks up and releases the vials and moves up and down along the Gripper or Z-axis. It continues upward until the Z-home magnet passes the sensor. the gripper jaws. The radial (R) home position is sensed when the arm is fully back. 8. the radial (R) and the angular (theta). This position becomes the R-home position. moves the gripper in the Z~axis. is a stepper motor and is located in the arm.Tray Operation The HP 18596B Tray Module includes four tray quadrants that hold sample vials and a robotic manipulator that moves the sample vials to and from the injector module and the bar code reader module. It is only in this position that the gripper can sense whether it is holding a bottle. The Gripper (Z)Axis represents the vertical movement of the gripper. The gripper will then move up eight steps to position the bottle magnet in front of the bottle sensor. in turn. The gripper assembly (figure E-4) consists of the housing. meshes with the rack rear on the left arm cover. a series of levers. the gripper is moved up until the Z-magnet is sensed by the magnetic sensor mounted on the sensor board in the arm (figure E-U. Radial (R) Axis Movement/Homing The arm itself has two axes of movement. . The Angular (Theta) Axis represents the circular movement or the arm. The Radial (R) Axis represents the inward and outward movement of the arm. There are three axes of movement for the tray module: 1.' 2. See the HP 7678 Automatic Sampler Operating Manual for temperature and inlet pressure specifications. The direction is reversed again and the turret rotates one small step at a time until the edge of the vane is sensed. During homing. . The vane covers half of a full rotation of the turret. thus.Angular (Theta) Axis Movement/Homing The rotational axis of the arm about the center. The theta home position is determined by a photo-interrupter (emitter/collector pair) being triggered by a plastic vane molded into the turret. The direction of rotation is then reversed and the turretrotates a fixed number of steps. Tray Electronics The tray module is controlled by the tray board located in the controller module. each of which accommodates 25 sample vials. The motor rotates the turret directly through a circular gear rack molded into the tray turret. The signal paths for the tray sensors and motors travel through the tray cable and two flex circuits. This position becomes the theta-home position. the interrupter is on for half a revolution and off for half a revolution. Tray Quadrants The tray has four removable quadrants. of the tray is called the angular (theta) axis. Quadrants can be temperature controlled through the use of a circulating water bath. The R-flex circuit moves within the arm in the R·8Jds (figure E-l). The arm is driven on this axis by a stepper motor located in the tray base (figure E·6). The theta-flex circuit rotates within the tray turret. the turret rotates until a change of state (on/off) is sensed. .ure E·l.-~~~~-----------------.-------1 r--------------------. -----1 __ TRAYTUMET I I 1 --I I I I I THETA·SENSOR TRAY BASE .. E·4 .. Tray module block dlalram. THETA·MOTOR I R·MOTOR J1 I (..fLEX -----------.J IENSOR I 1 Z-MOTOR J2 R..~rr R·HOME __ _ .J--------J..// - 1 TRAY ARM 1 I -~~~~~ serne ARM SENSOR SENSOR BOARD 1 ~ I1___ __ _ _ _ __ __l-t.--~===-( J4 TRAY CABLE CONTROLLER MODULE Fla. T'I. The motions are then reversed to return the arm to the home position. E-8 . Homing Routine The arm finds its home position for the Z-axis. it is returned to its proper position in the tray. while the injector turret is stabilized by the needle support assembly.0'" ~'.J:I. the injector turret. The gripper moves down to the proper height and rotates to grip the vial's neck. The arm makes small radial adjustments during pickup to optimize alignment with the vial. Vial Check If this is a start-up after a sequence interruption. Pickup a Vial The arm moves on the R-axis to the center row and then rotates on the theta-axis to the proper angular position.. and the thetaaxis. the R-axis. It moves on the R-axis to the turret location then rotates on the theta-axis slightly to move the vial over the sample position in the hUeetor turret. The gripper rotates to disengage the vial. The gripper lowers the vial into the turret. I . and the bar code reader (if installed). The arm then returns to the home position to begin the sequence. Ifa vial is found. the tray arm checks for the presence of a sample vial in the gripper. It next moves on the R-axis to align with the vial.11. Vial Movement Sequence Start Operation The sequence starts when the START button on the front panel is pressed. Finish All tray module movement is completed before the Injector Module is activated. The gripper moves up to the Z-home position to confirm the presence of a vial.' . Deliver the Vial to the Injector The arm moves to the middle row on the R-axis then rotates on the thetaaxis to align radially with the iJijector. . or via remote signal from an external controller such as INET. helped by the cone shape of the sample position. F1lure E-1.. HP 18596B Tray Module.Tray Replacement Parts QUldrlnt Turret Arm Grlpplr Gripper Ilwl Slmpllvlll TrIYBI. E-6 . Tee Mlnlfold SNR 100361 Trey Via' Quadrant. Do not pull on circuit. Serl.0516-0886 (SII of. . Removing the tray arm assembly. I CAUTION I When unplugging flex elreu". bl elr.M or elreu" wllltllr. E-7 .) Rod Holding PIli' 11586-00015 185n-.ArmAllembly 18686·60855 -.uJ016 Figure E-3. Smooth Pulley 185118-401011 Left Arm HIli 18&116-4004& R·Flex Circuli 18&118-80038 Senior BOlrd 1811111-110035 Arm Core/Motor AllY 181596-110905 Screw 051&-0886 Right Arm Hllf 1811116-40055 Fiaure E·4. E-8 Screw 01115-08117 Screw 0515·01lU . Tray arm assembly (18596-60855). Tray turret. Rack Pinion Any 18&Q8·IOU& ~ Turret Anembly 18598·60515 (Includ81 BUlhlngl) Radial AlII Homing Magnll Connector from Thltaoflel Anlmbly Rod/Arm 1859&·20500 <II. ~ CoRing 0510·121& Flaure E-5. E·g .J CAl1TlON I Do not remove bUlhlngl from turrlt anlmbly orthl arm will become mllallgnld. ambly 1859&-8OSQ5 I CAUTION I Ulllnitanatlontooll In IIrvlal klL Sari. 1lI111-aanlor 185M-B0830 -.'. 0515-0888 Bottom Covlr 11511&..dl Drain 1859a-C0240 . ~ ""..I. OS15-0894 Tray Termination Board 18511&-80075 . ~·f Screw 0515·0886 a r.'~j T".20745 Cotter Pin 1480-0858 Screw 0515-1823 Tbeta-Motor A. E-10 .-.1~ {. Trey Cabll .".~ O-ring 01101-0583 ~ Tray Ball 18511s-&01575 FiaiJre E-6.t . Tray base.18511&-&0715 M Tray Cabll Covlr 18511540235 J8 ¥ f Sari. ure E·7.1 holelalor IGrIW. (III Inembly D9url E-8.) ~.::o.. 0.mbly 18&9&-80040 Turret Van.ntl Tbilihouid only be..nembled by tr..nlor round hollrnl on pell.Thrult Walher 1410·1229 " EYIlet TrlY Base Anembly 0381·0014 18598·8087& ~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~ T.lnld service perlonnel.fI81 An.ot-I~. Tray base/turret.flll Cover 18598-40170 Thet•._ •~ Thetl·Slnlor I 18598-80830 CAUTION' '... . . Flat Hlad Screw 0&1&-0077 Thltl.. lor Slnllnll Thlt. POlltlon Turret ~ 18&98·80&1$ FI... . I CAUTION I Orllntltlonor thlta-nel Ixtrlmely Import. Drain Hola 3 Place the square tab ofthe theta- flex within the ridges Inside the base."r-: ' Theta·Flex Assembly Procedures 1 J1 Connector Turn the turret so that the J1 connecter Ison the left. Theta-flex assembly procedures. 2 Turn the tray base so that the drain hole Is atthe front. Unwind the theta-flex-3/4 of a turn. E·12 .. Thread the J2 connector through the tray base.. Fiaure E-8. . Then restart the sequence. II to. of action. an error condition is indicated. Refer to Section B. • The tray cable not plugged in when the tray board is installed. • Damaged wirlni or flex circuits. When the fault is corrected. • Motor failure. E-13 .888 a fullllst of error conditions and courses. Errors can be caused by: • Objects obstructing the movement of the arm or gripper. "Troubleshooting. press the STOP button on the injector to clear the error.Tray Errors If the red LED on the front panel of the controller is lit or flashing. • Sensors not being tripped when expected. Setup-The gripper moves to the home position (full up) and the Z-LED lights. The arm moves one full cycle (out and back) and the R-LED lights again at home. The tray automatically starts the diagnostic tests. The Z-LED lights at the top (home position) of the cycle.T. Move the jumper on the tray board (figure D-12) to the TEST position. Turn the controller on. E-14 . The arm then rotates back to the theta home position. The B LED Is lit only when the ¢pper I. 7. To keep the tray in the same axis test. insert a vial into the gripper during the desired test. 2. R-Cycle-The arm moves to the R-home position (full hack) and the R-LED lights.Z. Note the four yellow LEDs (R. 4. Note that the B-LED Is not lit while there Ie a vialln the gripper. Tum the controller ofT. again to the stop pin. Follow these steps to take the Tray Module through its Diagnostic tests. 8. The gripper moves one full cycle (down and up). The tray repeats this pattern until the controller is turned ofT. 1. 5. The T-LED lights for half of the revolution and is ofT for half the revolution. Z-Cycle-The arm moves forward on the R-axis beyond the edge of the tray.B) on the tray board. The tray continues to cycle through the selected axis until the vial is removed or the power is turned ofT. Theta Cycle-The arm moves out to the center row and rotates counterclockwise to the stop pin on the theta-axis. empty and the ¢pper Is In the home position. 6.Tray Diagnostics The Tray Diagnostics Mode allows the service engineer to observe the operation of tray motors and sensors during the troubleshooting process. then reverses direction and rotates clockwise. The B (Bottle Sensor) LED will also light. The T-LED remains lit throughout the other tests. Tray termination board (18596-60075) and .18598·B0075 o o o o 0 I J1 I f 185116-80035 J4 C::'j o 0 J4 ON REVERSE BIDE Fllure E-9. .Printed Circuit Board Component Overlays . E-16 . arm sensor board (18596-60035). . Tray pinout diagram. _ .- FLEX 4 12 3~~ FLEX J2 3 3 15 7 1 J1 J2:: 4 8 88 15 10 10 .:-__-'l 12 a """"IIQ.15 3 4 15 GND +12V RHOME -& HOME -& SENSE 8 7 ZC 8 1 10 11 . r-~ . 12 13 18 17 18 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 1.I:I. _ . OPTICAL 3 t-.2 3.-e 2~~ 4 8 -- 10 1 7 SENSOR .-----J r--.Tray Pinout Diagrams TRAY CABLE 1.IILlI------IIILIIr.. i -e JII 12 a ~o. ' _ .--_.IJ. J .. ! IARM~ENSOR!O.-. I~:rr-"'" .4 15 7 1 11 13 115 17 11 21 23 25 8 Z03 201 RD1 R04 -&C &2 &4 OND ZHOME BOTTLE Z04 202 J3 J1 J4 a 10 12 14 18 18 20 22 24 RC R01 Roa -&01 &03 I I .III. E·18 I i . 3 .- ·l 3 11""'-+----.I.. 'I .- .-J.14 2. 15~.IJ.-/' . Fllure E-IO. _ . 1~~ -R. _2. DD II I.. Tray connector pinout diagrams. E-17 . 1 1 [!J[!]~~[!] II 1 2 1!ll!l1!ll!ll!l1 0 I J2 a a a a a1 a a a aa2 J1 SENSOR . ~:~: .I ...~' . I'...--------_ . ~~ [!][!J l!l~ I 2 D D 1 L I J 1 ~ [!] I R MOTOR 2 CONN Figure E-fl.BOARD 1 R I J2 MOTOR ARM I CONNI SENSOR I BOARD 7 & SENSOR CONN & II 10 I J3 I~-.-J.II(!)(!) J1 J2 mm DD 1 21 ~~ I !•[mDD I R I FLlX 1-------' . 10 DD 1 TERM BOARD7 J4 1 TERM BOARD5 J5 TERM BOARD ]:: 21 2 l!ll!l -- ~ [!][!l 1m 1m D D 8I I [!][!l 8 [!] ~ I I [m D D l1:lil1:li D D 2L '"""------' 2 ~~ ~ ~~ 81 I [!]~ 1 i I~r ~ I [!) eo FLEX FLlX J1 R l!l l!l [!] FLEX m 1 [!][!l 1 . .. . 10 II 1------- 1 eo MOTOa! II cONN'10 11"""1-__-----.... r-I ' I I I I 1 I I I I I 1J1 DC DD DD ~:~ DID DD lID tal DD IlIID 25 28 r---------------II ~~ 21 12 I1 12 DD J2 TERM BOARD DD I ~~ I~~I"" D a:D I I ~~ D 1m I 1 l!ll!l g 10 I IL. . The current revision is available as HP part number 18587-90120.F Bar Code Reader Module The next revision of the Bar Code Reader Service Manual will be in this smaller format. F·1 . '.J~ .: . .r. ~. T :: . . ...••••••....•.....•..G Cable Diagrams SectIon G-Contents Remote Cables ....•............ G·12 General Purpose <l8594-60520} G-18 Nelson (19164-60550) G-14 HP 85900C (85900·60850) •.................. G-15 Instrument Cables ....•.. G·11 HP 8896A (08896-60560) e-n HP 8392A/3393A (18594·60510) ..... G·16 Injector Cable (07678-60645) G-16 Tray Cable (1859B-G07l5) G·17 HP 5880A Control Cable (19821·6051O) G-18 G-1 ............... G-9 HP 5890Al85900AIB/C (85900-60820) G·lO BCD Cables ...•.......•.......................6Q680} ........•... G-2 HP 8896A <O3396-60550} G~2 HP 8892A/8898A (18694-60500) G-8 HP 5890A (18594-60570) G-4 HP 5890A/8890A <l8594-60590} G-5 HP 5700A SeriesJ8890A (18594-60600) G-6 HP 5890Al18652A (18594-60610) G-7 HP 5700A Seriesl18662A (18694-60620) G-8 HP 5700A Series <l8594................••••••........•...................................••••...............•....•.•........... ' ~ Remote Cables HP 7873AEND mr 111r~ g 2 PIN# 1 2 3 4 & e" 7 a g 10 11 12 HP 33Q8AEND i m!!=!O!lIO 13. lIP SS96A (03396-80550). G-2 .- SIGNAL NAME START IN GROUND JMPRTOtM JMPRTON3 READY OUT JMPRTO#10 START OUT 1 GROUND WIRE COLOR ORANGE BLACK BLUE BLUE JMPRT018 BROWN READY IN WHITE RED BROWN GREEN BROWN ""----J PIN # SIGNAL NAME 1 START OUT 0 3 START IN & READY IN g GROUND 13 START OUT 1 14 READYOUT 15 GROUND WIRE COLOR BLACK GREEN RED BROWN ORANGE WHITE DRAIN Fipre 0-1. "... Remote cable.-.... HP 7873A END HP 3392/93 END 12 'J1:"'~i=m. Remote cable.--L~_ PINN 1 2 3 • 15 8 7 8 g 10 11 12 81GNALNAME START IN 2 START IN 1 UNUSED GROUND READY OUT JMPRTON10 8TARTOUT1 START OUT 0 WIRE COLOR ORANGE BLACK BLUE BLUE RED BROWN GREEN BROWN JMPRTOft BROWN READY IN WHITE PINN 15 II 3 10 2 11 9 SIGNAL NAME GROUND STARTOUT1 GROUND/START IN0 READY IN 8TARTOUT2 START IN READY OUT WIRE COLOR DRAiN BLACK BROWN RED ORANGE GREEN WHITE Fipre 0-2. ..-J-l~---. lIP 8892A13393A (18394·60500). &0570). 11 12 81GNALNAME START IN GROUND JMPRTOlll4 JMPRTON3 READY OUT 1 JMPR TONtO START OUT 1 STARIOUTO READY OUT1 JMPRTOlte GROUND READY IN WIRE COLOR ORANGE BLACK BLUE BLUE BROWN GREEN BROWN BROWN WHITE PINN 1 2 3 4 Ii I 7 • I 10 11 12 81GNALNAME STARliN GROUND JMPRTO*. PINN 1 2 3 4 Ii 8 7 8 I 10. HP 5890A (18594. .HP 7&73A END = 111'~ II HP GaiDA END 11St4-1ll570 ~ ~2. JMPRTON3 READY OUT 1 JMPRTONtO START OUT 1 START OUT 0 READY OUT 1 JMPRTO'" GROUND READY IN WIRE COLOR GREEN BROWN BLUE BLUE WHITE BROWN ORANGE BLACK BROWN Figure G·S. Remote cable.1 ~121111 2- NOTE: Splde lug connection mUlt beIneched toground It the HP 71'173A for proper operltlon. :. READYOUT1 JMPRTON10 8TARTOUT1 START OUT 0 READY OUT 1 JMPRTOA4\ GROUND READY IN WiRE COLOR ORANGE BLACK BLUE BLUE PIN#.. JMPRTON3 . JMPRTON10 BTART OUT 1 START OUT 0 READY OUT 1 JMPRTOfllB GROUND IlEADY IN HP 7873A END WIRE COLOR BLUE RED BLUE BLUE WHITE BROWN ORANGE BLACK BROWN HP IiSIlOA END 'lgf~'-liL.. "Y" remote cable.:==-. G-6 .. READY OUT 1 .J-Its. 1 2 4 7 8iONALNAME STARTOUl ITARTIN1 GROUND START IN 0 WIRE COLOR BLUE GREEN RED BROWN Fisure 0-4.. HP 5890AJ8S90A (18594-80590).. 1 2 3 4 5 I 7 a II 10 11 12 SIONALNAME START IN GROUND JMPRTO*.PIN#. --s OO=m§J~..211" I -.. 2 HP 33110AEND PIN#. _ -:._. .~_ ~ 2 111 ' g2~ »> ~.. 1 2 3 4 5 • • BROWN GREEN BROWN 7 II 10 11 12 BROWN WHITE SIGNAL NAME START IN GROUND JMPRTON4 JMPRTO-. _iC'·L--..-s ..-__. "Y" remote cable..... SIGNAL NAME READY OUT 1 READY OUT 0 START IN 0 START IN 1 WIRE COLOR RED BROWN BROWN GREEN HP 57XXEND .. ..~ - I -. --::.~. ~ OO=I[g1]~."-===-J-'ts111l1UOlOO -. HP ~70OA Seriell/3390A (18~94-80600).. 2 HP USDA END PIN 1 2 • 7 * SIGNAL NAME START OUT 0 STARTING START OUT 1 START IN 1 WIRE COLOR 8HOWN BLACK GREEN ORANGE Fiaure G-~..... Q-8 ...PIN # 1 2 3 • 5 6 7 6 II 10 11 12 SIBNAL NAME START IN 2 OROUND UNUSED GROUND READYOUT1 READY OUT 0 START OUT 1 SlART OUT 0 READY OUT1 START OUT 0 GROUND READY IN WIRE COLOR BROWN ORANGE BLACK PIN# A E E E DRAIN RED HP 7B73A END 'I:~HI. "\" .. .:.2 .'. lIP 3890A/18652A (18594-60610).---~--'221'" .... _ I NOTE: Spade lug connection mUltba attached to ground It the HP 7873A lor proper operlllon...':"'J-# ----. G-7 '...=. ''Y" reinote cable.:..l1If § = SIGNAL NAME START IN GROUND JMPRTO#4 JMPRTON3 READY OUT 1 JMPRTON10 START OUT 1 START OUT 0 READYOUT1 JMPRTO_ GBOUND READY IN WIRE COLOR BLUE RED BLUE BLUE WHITE BROWN ORANGE BLACK BROWN HP SlgOA END GW!J _o.I"":..''''·''" PINN SIGNAL NAME START IN aROUND JMPRTO#4 JMPRTON3 READY OUT1 JMPRTON10 START OUT 1 B!ABTOUIO READY OUT 1 JMPRTOfMI GROUND READY IN 1 2 3 4 II 8 7 8 g 10 11 12 WIRE COLOR ORANGE BLACK BLUE BLUE PINN 1 2 3 4 ri 6 7 I g 10 11 12 BROWN GREEN BROWN BROWN WHITE HP 7673AEND ...". \ : --HP 18652A END PINN B B C C SIGNAL NAME 8TARTOUT1 8TARTIN 8TART OUT 0 OROUND WIRE COLOR GREEN BLUE BROWN REO Figure 0-6. ~ HP 7873A END """.----..... HP G700A Seriel/18652A (18594·60820).. r@ HP 1ae152A END PINN SIGNAL NAME C GROUND B START IN WIRE COLOR BROWN ORANGE Fisure G-7. . c-a .".~---- --- I . "Y" remote cable......I!:: ~ = ..~... r@ \ ~ \ ..PINN SIGNAL NAME START IN 1 OROUND 1 2 3 5 READy OUT1 9 11 12 START OUT 1 START OUT 0 READY OUT1 DRAIN READY IN e 7 e : 11'~ WIRE COLOR GREEN BROWN BLUE GRAY VIOLET ORANGE BLACK YELLOW PIN N B A E E RED SIGNAL NAME STARliN 1 READYOUT GROUND START IN 0 WIRE COLOR ORANOE RED BROWN BLACK HP87XXEND I 19t1=!O!2O 2 - ts-. r \--CDl-_--liS=...tr~-._ ..""". ".f108SO).' HP 1673AEND PINN 2 7 a 11 12 SIGNAL NAME WIRE COLOR GROUND/START IN BROWN START OUT 1 ORANGE START OUT 0 BLACK GROUND DRAIN READY IN RED PINN A E E B SIGNAL NAME READY OUT START OUT START IN 0 START IN WIRE COLOR RED BROWN BLACK ORANGE F1aure G·8. Remote cable.'":.' .. HP 5700A Series (18594. G-9 II"" ". tOI20 ts . lOY" remote cable.HP 7673 END :: . lB'~ i moo.. 2 - PINN SIGNAL NAME 1 START IN 2 GROUND 3 JMPRTO#4 4 JMPRTO#3 5 READY OUT1 8 JMPR T0610 7 START OUT 1 8 START OUT 0 9 READY OUT 1 JMPRTOltl8 10 GROUND 11 READY IN 12 PINN . SIGNAL NAME 1 2 3 4 G 8 7 I 9 10 11 12 START IN GROUND JMPRTO#4 JMPRTO#3 READY OUT 1 JMPRTOH10 8TARTOUT1 BTABT OUT 0 READY OUT 1 JMPRTO_ GROUND READY IN ...-.lUITON I/O paN ~ WIRE COLOR BROWN/RED GREEN/BLUE ORANGE WHITE/BLACK BROWN WHITE HP 5890 END WIRE COLOR BLUE RED BLUE BLUE WHITE BROWN ORANGE BLACK BROWN alOlOa • 12 2 Figure G-9.I / II WIRE COLOR ORANGE BLACK BLUE BLUE II II PINN 1 5 I 8 7 BROWN GREEN BROWN SIGNAL NAME GROUND .-\ .. G-10 . HP 5890A/35900A/B (35900-80820).. _ . '..'. BCD cable..BCD Cables " ~ o ~: ~j-- I:::T--.: .. lIP 3396A (03396-60560).' 0 SIGNAL NAME' WIRE COLOR BCD fi BCD 7 BCD II BCD4 BCDO BCD 3 BCD2 BCOt GROUND GREEN VIOLET BLUE YELLOW BLACK ORANGE RED BROWN GRAY Figure 0-10. ... PINN 1 2 3 4 fi 8 7 • I BIGNALNAME BCD fi BCD 7 BCD II BCD4 BCOO BCD 3 BCD2 BCOt GROUND WIRE COLOR GREEN VIOLET BLUE YELLOW BLACK ORANGE RED BROWN GRAY .' .. HP 338SA END HP 7873A END PINN 1 2 3 4 8 II 7 8 I °0 ( e i A .. 0-11 ...Q.~ zr' (~ ( i .'. G-12 . lIP 3392A!3393A (18594·60510).HP 71173A END HP 3392/3393A END ~~~j 0 16 0 PINN 5 a 7 II 4 1 a 2 a SIGNAL NAME BCOD BC01 BC02 Bcoa BCD4 BCD 5 BCD II BCD 7 GROUND 12 1I5M-t0510 WIRE COLOR BLACK BROWN REO ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY qp----~~PINN 7 4 12 5 9 1D 3 11 1 SIGNAL NAME 8L1 al2 8U ILl 8M1 8M2 SM4 8MB GROUND WIRE COLOR BLACK BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY Figure 0·11. BCD cable. BCD cable.. G-13 .1m 0 15 0 PINN 1 2 3 4 I 0 1 8 I 15 SIGNAL NAME BCD I BCDl BCD 0 BCD4 BCD 0 BCD 3 BCD 2 BCD 1 GROUND +5VDC WIRE COLOR GREEN VIOLET BLUE YELLOW BLACK ORANGE RED BROWN GRAY WHITE Figure 0-12.HP lOl3AEND :[{~j. aeneral purpose (18594-60520). . Nelson (19164-60330).. BCD cable. s - PINN & 8 7 I 4 1 3 2 .. SIGNAL NAME BCD 0 BCD 1 BCD 2 BCD 3 BCD4 BCD II BCD 8 BCD7 GROUND WIRE COLOR BLACK BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY PINN 1 2 3 4 & I 7 8 27 SIGNAL NAME BCD 0 BCD 1 BCD 2 BCDs BCD 4 BCDS BCD I BCD 7 GROUND .- 11 I~ ~Q .. ' FiJUl'e 0-13. 0 15 0 NELSON END . G-14 1 WIRE COLOR BLACK BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY .HP 7673A END :[~j. ..'i~"""~~""""~~''''"".~r' HP 7673 END '()" 15 ri!' •• o· 00 •• g~ 0 1 2 3 4 15 8 7 • .....~:.."fi.'"'~ 1'l"'¥'fIiF.":..· BCD cable..· ..!"~~ d~. :t~: .!0~~:'!~::'I'."~.. Q·15 ...'J!..'1'. "-'~. ""~""..'."~'(\~ HP 351100C END Ie ~:>~~~~o~---- PIN# '.lJc SIONALNAME BCDli BCD7 BCDS BCD4 BCDO BCD3 BCD2 BCD1 GROUND NIC WIRE COLOR GREEN VIOLET BLUE YELLOW BLACK ORANGE RED BROWN GRAY WHITE ~J ":?' .lJc SIONALNAME GROUND BCDO BCD1 BCD2 BCD3 BCD7 BCDI5 BCDS BCD4 N/C WIRE COLOR GRAY BLACK BROWN RED ORANGE VIOLET GREEN BLUE YELLOW WHITE Figure G-14.":J"~I't~-<~I r:rJ..·"q...~\ ' "..-- <~): ~ ·0 00 :0 6 g '--- PIN # 1 2 3 4 II S 7 8 . (.!..~'l""~~"..'.~.'I-~.\\.". ~.P'~"~ . lIP 35900C (35900-60850).-:T'""T""" . ':iB".· Injector cable (o7878·8064~)..:'-. G-18 WIRE COLOR BLACK WHITE BROWN WHITE RED WHITE ORANGE WHITE YELLOW WHITE GREEN WHITE BLUE WHITE VIOLET WHITE GRAY WHITE BLACK BROWN 1 10 .~. " Instrument Cables 21 20 CONTROLlER END PIN/f SIGNAL NAME 1 2 3 • • II' 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 111 115 17 18 18 20 GROUND +IIV SUPPLY +18 VSUPPLY +18 VSUPPLY 18VGROUND 18VGROUND -18 VSUPPLY -18 VSUPPLY POP POP SERIAL COMM OUT SERIAL COMM OUT 5VGROUND START IN II V GROUND START OUT II VGROUND READY IN IIVGROUND READY OUT INJECTOR MAIN BOARD END WIRE COLOR BLACK WHITE BROWN WHITE RED WHITE ORANGE WHITE YELLOW WHITE GREEN WHITE BLUE WHITE VIOLET WHITE GRAY WHITE BLACK BROWN PINN SIGNAL NAME 1 2 3 • IS 1 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 17 18 111 20 GROUND +11 VSUPPLY +11 V8UPPLY +18VSUPPLY 11VGROUND 18VOROUND -11 VSUPPLY -11 V SUPPLY POP POP SERIAL COMM OUT SERIAL COMM OUT ISVGROUND START IN ISVGROUND START OUT SVGROUNO READY IN eVGROUND READY OUT Fipre G·l~.1.~..I:\.~:~·I".::'\"" 'I -.. . I-MOTOR04 13 Z-MOTOR03 14 Z·MOTOR 02 15 Z-MOTOR01 18 R·MOTOR COMMON 17 RoMOTOR 02 R-MOTOR 01 18 11 R·MOTOR 04 20 R·MOTOR 03 21 mETA-MOTOR COMMON 22 mETA-MOTOR 01 23 THETA-MOTOR 02 24 mETA·MOTOR 03 215 THETA·MOTOR 04 .t-..cml PINfi 1 2 3 4 15 a 7 8 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 11 20 21 22 23 24 215 SIGNAL NAME GROUND +12VSUPPLY R-HOME mETA-HOME THETA-SENSE Z-MOTOR COMMON Z-MOTOR03 Z-MOTOR 01 R-MOTOR02 R-MOTOR04 mETA-MOTOR mETA-MOTOR 02 mETA-MOTOR 04 GROUND +12VSUPPLY INTERLOCK Z-HOME BomE8ENSOR Z-MOTOR04 Z·MOTOR02 R-MOTOR COMMON RoMOTOR 01 R·MOTOR 03 THETA·MOTOR 01 mETA-MOTOR 03 PlNfi 1 2 SIGNAL NAME GROUND GROUND 3 +12VSUPPLY 4 +12VSUPPLY 5 R·HOME a GROUND 7 THETA·HOME S Z·HOME mETA-sENSE 10 BOTTLE SENSOR 11 Z-MOTOR COMMON 12 . . HP 5880A control cable (19321·80GIO). Q·18 15 0 WIRE COLOR BROWN RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY WHITE BLACK WHIMROWN WHITElRED WHITE/ORANGE WHITE/YELLOW WH1TE/BLACK .HP 7673A END :~~J""-" Hi 0 PINN 1 2 3 4 5 Ii 7 8 II 10 11 12 13 14 11 SIGNAL NAME GROUND GROUND TRAYXMIT INJ 1 XMIT SYS READY 2 INJ 1 RCV INJ READY 1 INJ READY 2 GROUND aROUND GROUND INJ2XMIT SYS READY 1 INJ 2RCV TRAYRCV 1::3 WIRE COLOR BROWN RED ORANGE YEllOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET GRAY WHITE BLACK WHITE/BROWN WHITE/RED WHITE/ORANGE WHITE/YELLOW WH1TE/BLACK C~]: S PINN 1 2 3 4 1 Ii 7 I II 10 11 12 13 14 111 SIGNAL NAME GROUND GROUND TRAYXMIT INJ 1 XMIT 8Y8READY2 INJ1 RCV INJ RUDY 1 INJ READY 2 GROUND GROUND GROUND INJ 2XMIT SYS READY 1 INJ 2 RCV TRAYRCV Figure 0-17. Ride WOKlNQHAM BIIrklhlre.. Boxl2 A-1222 VI NNA T.tt-Packard Austr.: 0344 n3100 T.r 11 Avenu. Re.A .o1110Time EASTERN USA Hewl.: New South W.ulo T.x: 44 H!PA A NORTH~AN !UROPE H. AUSTRIA Hewl.t .nd T.t..lI. S. C~Road ROOKVILLE 2OlI8O T. n 1.f~.x: 87! L BR (om .. ! ~Iablgc" .p: EASTERN EUROPE Hewlett-Packard G••.V./N. Q~"and OftlQe Hewl.: 111-7-3Q0.I: (eoe~ -72&4 T.a: AI"'RICAAND MIDDLE EAST UNITED KINGDOM Hewl. Hewl.E.ta. Ltd•. GENEVA u. 1~=lIlRoad ~bJim~1A12 Hewl. AND .rd do Br. da.0..bane. Sw mrland t. NOATHHOLLYWOOD.ne••• 2140/60 1428 ~ENOS AIRES 1-11-1441 Hewl.'..I.. CA lill1101 T.ekard BIIllillum 8. of theae headquartera offlo.. . 5OlI3 ..'. 2113 T.lI.o Hewl.p. x7 A-1222 VIE! NA AuI1rI..x: 034-8300 Oabl..d.I:~~ Telp: 1 PA A aulo HEWPAOK S..p: BRAZIl..vlll.tr.-o. de 1!I0t. Mont..tt-P. rue du .': ~A~~~ UNITED STATES 01"' AMERICA Ouatomer information Center ~800) 71!2.ck.: IiWPARO SydMy Hewl.' de Alph. RGl13LL T.t Floor ~'deJ 8hotng Plaz. x 0118 v.lea offloe lIated 'or your are."l . ~x HM 20(11 HAMIL ON II T.tr.W.. Ru..: H!WPAOK ~~1I87 CANADA Hewlett-Packard (OM. South Il••t lurope 81.11 ~A.. 468 TodcI • S.b.. 1 i~O .1 34lil5 Deer Creek Road PALO ALTO..ekard Oornpeny 11201 Tollvlew Drive ROLLING MEADOWB.£r~ ~.I•• L~d. a.t Tower lllil Queentw. m.de Cent. CH-121 G"""'. ~a Bonlfaele.'p: 1l1l1111 hpner SOUTHEA8T EUROPE Hawl.o P. ~1-41 Str.1 1215 COlntrtn.tt-Packard S..: (~~~ T..1 • td.-n.. Melbourne. ~tt.A.tt-P.: (301) ~70 South Au.nkerlhlm Blvd...I: (818)~ Hewl. Vlel.g.I: 6lI2-l1422 b.lp:..: AOK 0 de J..lI. ~ KS .lax: 7117lil3 HPA HX O.ekard Argentln.ntro ~cl.p: ~_ Mall Addr.tt-P.~x~ In 1.ckard Au.DrIVe MISSI A Ontario L4V 1M8 T. QA 3033lil T.ckard Ltd.· l P. Llebllil·. Weluwa.wl.bl.. GENEVA Swltzerl.1: (~32-2-7111-31-11 Telaxl 114 HEWPAO BERMUDA Applied CQrnputer Techl'lCll~ Atlantlo .I: 6113~ T.. Nine Mil..tt-Packard Comp. Building P.l.d P. Hewl..bl. Vlotori...x: 38 2~ COMPUTROL 6·laxI31~4 Hewl.tt-P.l: (312)~ "'... RIQI\Ieljlro 711O-l. 100 Edlflelo Convex OliP 011400 O.1i 20 7 lil .tr..lp: 481110 me.d NOFITH RVOE.tt-Pack. Vlotori.) kA~'7 gr~ .. Ltd..tt-P.A.lla MIDW~ST~RN BARBADOS/WEST INDIES AUSTRALIA ~~Ide.1: (011)421·1 van Den Olentltlo.okard Interoontlnent... A.. CA ll4304 USA T. T. Box CH-1217 = .tt-Packard Ge•.o. U\16l11 O.h.1de Brl.A.. Hewlett-Packard do Br••11 B. 81vd de I.()ll(lO :00 AM te 6100 PM P.4133 6.1: 111=2-6811 . lloooa T.QllOO1~1 1200 USS!LS ~.wlett-Packard 8.tt-P.ckard Au. N.1 SaQ Paul~razll .~~NJ.I: ( 11\ 4 1-1311 ~~Pl (0 1) 71361 HPBR 1 -23 T.l: 01-2 .bl.A. ~~H T. .-AI.. 0. 20771 RIO DE JANEIRO AJ T.II lIlI 61 T.O. Poa. SOUTHI!RN USA WESTERN USA t.ckard All.1I01 Ed t 010 Ar~tln. NL-11~~t ~ST L haNat~= l.I: (4~-ll43O T. 30th FlOCII' Bond Center W.I: (416) 867-1601 T.S..rland (OfilJl 6:.AND. ~B'dcIJ L1d. Ltd.: HEWPARD Brllbane Offlr. contaot on.(1& BELGIUM 011400 garuer~ S. ALPHAVlLLE ~abl.RI OE JANEIRO ~ T.nto. al. RO.ax i b·able: WPARD AdeI.tt-P.1•• R~onBr~ MI I.'p: 848805/8488141 848lil12 ELSEWHERE IN TH! WORLD ASIA Hewlett-P. 228-A-II14. ICHA T.r.x: 42133 abl.nelro Van Derl Clentllie..~ fentr.S. ' ..ckard Aultr.tt-Packard OClmpany 4 Ohok. eh .b.nd 40111 T. . A. Ltd•. : 111-3-l1l111-21l1l a USA .: HEWPAOK H. .. .'~ al: 6-648T.. Alarned. ~'aan 241 P.O.rd Company 2000 South Park ATLANTA.l. 0. Wgrld Tr.I.ckard 8. 100 able: HEwPARD Melbourne Hewlatt-P.': ~1I:UeII/ACT BA T. m. ult..x: ~HPB\~R .: (404) lilM-1sao Computer and Control..h.VlIl. L~d 1 P~ROad THE .tt-P.lhR)SALES and SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by country ARGENTINA HEADQUARTERS OFFICES If there la no .ny 61111 L. Q. A . LouI. Manitoba ~ '~) lSfI4-27n Hewl. II ~lS TAUFKJACHEN . Chin.n Ol.okard (O.22n ~Itoba I.lex: 58Q 70 hpr.lex: 1 hpbIn d A NS.10 NI!!U ULM t . Hewl. 32\ Klfl...!{~?bt tell elex:3221 HewI.tt-P.d.I: (403) 235-3100 Hewlett-P. CHP Ih.tt-P. B..: 3740Q hp•• elk .da) Ltd.tt-Paokard (Oan.otlvlt.~ •• ~all.ngh.ok.ok.tt.) Avenue N.bl.. 3.) Ltd.Iex: 1 15113 HEWPA 8F PRANCE HewI.: (40) ~-22 Telex: 711 FRANC!!! H_l.rd A/B ~v~en25 OK lS ~IAKI!!PlO~ tel: 46 2"'1-8l14 .x: = Keatu Kar~r. Chemin du Plgeonnl.x tOr•• .U. 81 W~AONN2 Poattaoh 1 Tel: (O~~802-o T..tt-P. Poterle ~"i!I~rt~~utel-l!lotmel T. Hewl. -48 ~~~'l~ iW"e63 ~dt~URGlIO ~11!Zoa 11 -2-318827 Tel .t.tr. Avenld.tr..tt.nd gheman de I.rd (C.l.d KIngdom Hewl.h..ok.tt-P.0l'fl.okard (C.tt-Paok.1: 4Q-8Q-lS1-2070 .I.ckr.1.'-x: 41621 T.tt-PaQk.tem~l. ISrtl.t~ Helderl~ D-3OOO YER 81 T. Garde P 212 212 44~ NANTES Cedex T. Hewl.trl.I Ol.nce Bur••u vert du Bol...I. 70 Qu. 232~llS T. CHILE ~Ing Y CI•. ~F" W .I.x: 33571 OHPSB ON C.eraohm tt.t T _ Centre t. Q1Q47 C .P£)SALES and SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by country CANADA CHINA AI~rt.l: 2.y Al OND.x: 41 OF Quebec/Montr••1Ar•• Hewl.okard GmbH G.1 • ~~~ el: 4 1-70-0&-0 .x: ~10l1 hpmhm HONG KONG ~QUMnaWay tri7n Hong Kong 5-&48 ICELAND =tett-Paokfd Ioel.I: (~) 570lI-o T.: 44Ql0 OXUBO 00 DENMARK Hewl..ok.rd 00.d.moo PM'o ~x 111628 1 7 RAI!!US Tell 4'104Q T.1 COLOMBIA C. Trr~.x: 7 12F Hewlett-P. Merour.x: 3140Q .. .n o.: 30657l16 IPE8A GU Hewlett-Paokard GmbH Geaoh.: 34111 Shangh.1: 281-7368.ln ShU~ Vu Shu.. Ltd.tt-P.rd Fr.~ Tel: (om~ T.I.tt-P.n An Rd Eut ¥HANGHAl .. 1~ 'ID'KJAVlK T: -1"'7-1000 T.l.tt-P..okard A. 17 E8P~0 T.l: 4Q-4~ .n.I. l: 4Q~731-7O-73-0 .I. de Court.n.okard Co.r I!!leotronIO. Hewl. 2 72-1716 t~k-7~-3W12lS l1F Hewlett-P.tt-Paokard 9Y ~&ank.ok.I: ~'~o-' 12 T..lex: 41441 GUAT!!!MALA 1PE8A ~Gfc.lllonl. Ont.I.x: 44QlI2B CXOBOOO Sol.tt.INLAND Hewl.Iexl 052411115 hpmoh Hewl.n. Oedex AlX-EN-PAOVENCE t .n. .lI.. 30A Nll-.kk..d.tard France L. "~.11. ~'o 3rd .tt-p:r~[Mcr GERMAN .boeut Avenu.rd I"ranee ~mln dee MouIIlQ Ite Po.. ..aoh.I: (~~~04-0 T. ~d.1: 231471 T.t. Chin.tt-Paokard Oanad.da) Ltd.63-QlSQQ T...fIClClUVer Are.nd Id.rd France Paro d' . de.x: 8000481" MESlAJ Hewlett-P.rlo K2B 81(1 T.. Ontario Tell (51Q) lI88-Ql111 TorontQ Are.ok.I: (~1) 118211811 Te'-x: 1 218 HPHL Telex: 410 ~~t~r"WLt-430 Hewlett-P. 7 0.) k11~ld 8trHt ~ N.1 I!lranoh 23/1" h.tt-P. '~~Shellbrl~ W.n.zentrum A.d GmbH Geaoh.t.1. Sen C .x: 22601 CTSHP ON H. 3108 TOULOU8~ Oe<Mx T. ¥ALGARV.tt-P. OTTAWA.la Ltd.tt. l: 33-4a~Q-4102 . Clentl110aBlanoo y gl•.x: 0 12 llS HP ULM-O Hewl. 2nd W. .tllll. de I.fl. Hewl.I. ~b~8th8tr~ ON.XI 7 hepk ~J172~OO-O hpbhg GREAT SAITAIN S•• Unlt.::I... O.otory M.tt-P.d H.I: (7031) lI4S-o T..t~11e ~.h Columbl.1I0ina 1311 '~?a~.I."~~&1J~ Poatf~h 31 12 Tel: (2102 4Q4-o T. D-4eOO GREECE 1 Hewl.I 8an Hu.eDi!!RAL REPUBLIC Hewl. 2A lST7 T. 17600 Tran.h COlumbl.okard (Oan.d. .lI.) ~d. H anoa 1373.rtrl.okard (Oan. VlSX2W8 T. A~ Berthelot 13 1I3 L•• MUU.1: 285550 Tel. de .I.I!!.tt-Paokard Vertrlebazentrum uohen Eaohen. fr~l.22 Of.lex: 31 KJA~. ~M"Blvd. Gr_ T.okard GmbH Vertrleb~trum Nord R5J7GA 371 Hell.x: 021 032 hphh d Hewl.77 y Drive Ontario 8S1=<u'.tt-P.m 142 T.t.tlngen ~~.1.. I!lox 1MI10 4th Floor.I: ~'~244 T.I..tt-Paokard tmbH Vertrlebazentrum Itt.wlett-P. OGO A T.ck.lex: 72e5 743 hep 8ohIHf. E.x: 183QI" GERMAN FED!!!AAL A!!!PUBLIC Hewl. ao-oa BOGOTA T. "'erlpol.I: (lI04) 270-. '5d.rd GmbH Geach..: 32lSQ hphan Hewlett-Packard A.n.l: (QO~ 7-21 T. Al • T581~ T.tt-P.) Ltd. 1112 8.toh F.d 6 tmbH Hewl.•• Avenue T.ckard GmbH G••Oh.I.d. )f5A No.okatd 1~Marou"l Qm~ Vllrtrl=~ ~~ar8~&a N Poatt..nce Z.tt..1: -6-Q077ll26 T..tt-P.1 Union B~dlng 1 V.I.rd GmbH V. • erm.b.I: (1113) lI2O-&4l13 ~td.all.vlew Drlv. Brl.ck.131 I!!CULLV Cedex HQJ X8 Tel: (5~ IIQ7-4232 T.trlot . B.rd France Zone lndu..l: ( ) 4M-eeee erltl.b. Hwy South 8erv1~ Hew1. L4V 1MB tel: (4 ~ 818-l143O .tt-P.rd GmbH Onoh.: -83e44 Hewl.tt-P..Okfd Fr.A..Ijl'lo .tt.tt-Paokard (O. Hewl. Albert.-oanad.. I~ ' "I~ .II ."".'~. h. O<ItO al: "rtt 18 Telex: ~HPSa80 RS O.O..MJM Oabla: E A AH Talax: 33032 SW!DEN aot~buri Ara..e.l. Ltd.) ~vda. 12 H-<IOl57 BASEL Tal: Pax: 081-e81 081-881-::-13 Hewlett-Paokard (Sohwall) Aa Allmend 2 fH-8G67 WlOg'..chnologla.ok. Ltd.tomer Sart Cent.AO AMn~ OA G683<I el: (018 7'222 Hewlett-P.1 de\"8t. 18 Tel: (01) 837 bO tl1837 81 81 T. .6lJ&J Tell 3(3) &4 '\2 OONNEOTIOUT ~.rret• • N.lam Sakak 8/3 a. & R"'~OhCorP. WOKlNQHAM Hewlatt~~~ levard ~ 800tt trk'hlr13.6:00 pm Paello lme UNITED KINGDOM GREAT BRITAIN ALABAMA Ltd.yrettape ISTANB~ • Tal: 17 1328.var... t73 33<1<1 Telex: "2"go eozl:f3-8000 =anv ItlJ:lA . el: "8Q30 L. IN ( dltlolg Forum) Tell ("'~17' 00 Telax: "8~ V. ~x t R~ laza...p:.ard Olvl.N ell (OO<Iill7 3121 11 Telex: 'l!l'O oh Cablal AQ H W TAIWAN Hewlett-Paokard T...uttel1 Cenl« UI~~ lR ~36a44 al: (205) 7 roo el: te: 1331 1 e ex: 72882/3 Chu~ H~ao ••t Ro.oa A A GA~ tal: elex: (~l~l 1 88--48GO YUGOSLAVIA HAWAII Hewlett-P.i.[h£)SALES and SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by country PHILIPPINI!!:S Analytloal T. !il 1 T. COrner Saloado 8tr"t Leg••pl VlIlaoa M.okarcl ~"dl~ Hawlett-Paokard Ltd.~PAlN T.) Hawlett-P~kard V~'• . A.th. ~11d~~ N A OLA Tel: ( ) ~ "tfS-&4roa QEORQIA CARA= 1 )~~ Tel: ( Telex: 25t AOK ~'okard~ 2016 h Park l. Ltd..t~ In orm . onlool) 1~1l88 SWITZERLAND Hewlatt-P.okard Slng. He.&4 32 r. t r d Olvl.le Ro Wlnner.lwan ktd.O.kd. PatllOllll Avenue !ll23O La. ~ARACAS ell ~QO<I.:<1~:'1'I31Gfl2 Tal: -17r& 805-17&4 Telex: Vl HPMEEK 8J LE TA Oable: AL-KHOBAR ¢ Modem Electronlo E. 81&4230 Tel~ll: 23tee PAW PN 8305 PAW PN SAUDI ARABIA Modem I!leotronlo Elt.~ IYd.r~ Ltd.lon P.ble: ACK. aueoho (Vlmay. A.t =-~""'ckard 1:.I: (. t lon t. 1 (on Hawle~l-Paokard ~anv a ~ C'1. YU-11 QRAe T'l: (011) 3<12-&41 Telall: 11<133 P~III.A.T_ 1 ~ 8treet 1 ~O~U Tel: ( HI He13 )1s2i-1N!i .R~ t:l~:("i.lenol.• Room 201 aamboa Street.. 22016 RIY .pore gu ~802\) 8aroalona (U3)~ 2" 61132173 1 Telex: 52e03 "1008 thvIU.. R~"~'drIdJoo .katl • Matro MANILA Tel: 8180103. 8 ~ dltlolo • al: (lol<I) . 8th Floor fiO AH el: $4<1 Gt21 Telall: 1027 ~ ~~NAS 8J Oable: LEO A J DOAH Modem llleotronio E.tabll~t ~'ett . lu.tt-l"'akard Clompany ~~~t'tR=d' (203) 7fril Tal: UNITeD STAT!' ~ORIOA ~ttt-P.okard Ltd. W~ook P. 1 Road fl . Tal: ( 110 62-0000 Hourlll~: am . Hawtatt-P okard !I_lga A8 T~"Batan 1A P.~or Str"t PaR -oF. ~tepe.t lno.rd (Sohwalz) Aa glar. ~ SO a URUGUAY ~~370 Tel: 8 Telex: -aM VEN!ZU!LA An'~IO~ liJupplleI O. . iUI'1I Mor.d fA 11 el: 3lol<I-8101 8lol<1 SANKWANa Talax: Compd::-Yt t OAlJl"ORNlA ~u .tabll. A ll8O&4 ANT A Hewlett Pablo ~~ 8.okard Oompany Do~' aener.. 8183873. l1"Gfl Tal: ""1-07 18. ~ar Houle RI~ B~KNELL ~. Slng. ake~~ve Tel~85 ~tt. th Floor Hawlett-P. A~ da I centro au nt.. I. CnOIlG' 8 T": (O~ "" Telex: 4 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ~mltao UNITED STATES 8~AH HeWlatt-Paokarcl Ou..lex: 23818 64 "As' '&4 2\) 33 ~Ima•• SPAIN ntenz. oXJl: ~2123 ASTRA (031 8Q 0 00 el:thenbu~ telex: ( ) (vi.Ing North Road T I T.O.I Ke.=t ~Iett 'f.I: 822-7 10 82-27085 Telex: 387227b8 COMOON WQ TURKEY I.~7 Telex: 7" 0 VO V!!NEZUI!LA j:0nt.n.0.tr. ACC A Bldg.lan ~~21 AL.1 Lee Ruloat =1o~&3 Apart. aueteoll« Sit. Box 1&41 Tal: 01181 Talax: ea~ ~~. .. OholTa.pora ~8~pte..lon .bd SCOTLAND ~ 00urt hCent« ulte Green A el: (0 ~ Telex: .th gTOCKPORT g~~I0500 Tel: 7~710 23<1-oGlll/3 Telaxl ~l!llmonoo TH Cable: SA Bangkok TRINIDAD. 1 ~pany . R 121 al: ('1re~ "2"au Telax: 833 Hewlatt-P'ok. Spang. TOBAGO Oomputer and control. Marteet helhlr~ E~~0828 alex: ~ L1h Tr'fl~ 7t ~Ioor. 103 La. Avenlda • la 2an THAILAND ARI~ONA lett-P~~ o~ta a=x a.hmant Hew~'ok'rd OM. OOLOR~ H i ~tt-l"ack~H~ wrrJf~n.lda Parte cad Cheadle He.) 712-G40<1 Telex: ""30 HEWPACK Cable: Hl!WPACK Taipei co.. daJ~arta. I. Ar~a.1ard Company B..okard~ ~1:.do el: aokard (=\ 0c:!nPanY R 0080301 "lIQ-UU ~tt-fDack'rd ~ ~~cJ. .bll.kln K.. 3A .0. "1l1~ Telex:2020040 MEER flJ SINGAPORe Hawtett-P. .. £N v~r al: (804) 7~b- WASHINGTON Hewlatt. ~ attica P ~RT.tOO OOrnParlY IOWA Hawlatt-Paokard Company ~ft:'wataDrl~ S MOINES.ParlY 38l5l5O Orohard HII _ Dr. ~ow or.t ~ARM!L IN 4 al: (317) 844-.t ~TO OSE~ LA 70087 •• Box 448 ~NNeR. TX 76232 all (612) 484-8338 . 07662 al: ( 1) 2 ~Iatt-Paokard ~ ) MASSACHUSeTT~ LOUISIANA Hawlatt-Pa~ard ~pany 160 ~ma. LA 70083 al: (1504) 4(17-. 74138 Tall (gl ) 461-8700 OR!GON ~att-pa~d OOrn&::'J W.e~. • ~OR87070 ) -8000 at: ( P6N'oISYLVANIA Haw!ltt.[hPlSALES and SUPPORT OFFICES Arranged alphabetically by country ILLINOIS Hewla. MI 4 = Tal: (313) 200 ~NES2TA latt aokard Company 2026 W. MO r.T. Marld~tr. KY 40223 al: (602) 428-0100 NI!W JERSIY =t-PaOkard company 120 • C a n E d ~ARAM~S.t-Paokard Company 2206 • EmfJ~ StrMt P. a. WA 88OOl1 at: ( ) ll43-o4OOo4 Wl8T VlRQINIA Hawlatt. SUltll06 TlA.. . LarPAnttr. South al: (61i)~aa!~ rn OompanJk Hawlatt. 10M« g.!.l!NTUCKY Tal: N.f:lIWrfl'k~ 371132 : (8 ) eee.747 Hawlatt-Packard ~cy ~JAA~~I~O' all (214) 23\-810t 1 Hawlatt-Paokard Company 1~ ~ral P. IL 80008 Tal: (312~ Tal..ie&227 Tal: (301~ Talex: 71 -1843 Hawlatt-Paok&r'9 Company 2ehokae~R~ ~al: OOKVlLLe (301) ~ 0 (314) 344-6100 Hawlatt-Paokard ComWy ~ ~ E~land Ava. Hur8tbourna Sulta 100 tOUISVlLLE. A ~.paokard era. RPO L.:.Company .p~ok.t WV 25304 L S ON Tall (304) 826--0482 W180ON~IN it!att aokard Company .t BALTIM RE~. urAH Hawlatt-Paokard Com8any ~~OO~h AL C ur Tall (601) 874-1700 14 118 VIRGINIA Haw"tt-P~okard 4306 Cox cad Company ~NAU.:i18OO 5 ...paokrd Company 166115 8.H800 ~t-Paokard Company 1 a: ~Road . ~ Cantar t1ta~ 'r. IA Tal: (616) 224-1436 'i1711~-Paokard '1any 1 76 lnut~ ROt ~DOVER. L ~1702-180 al: (308) 682-8411 ILUNOIS Hewla.131~ al: ( 18) 841-0.rkwalo' 80.paokard company ~ar Drl".O.1 81 -1088 INDIANA Hawlatt-Paokard 11811 N. 7038 al: ( 13) 778-&400 ¥ie~sF~%J 27420 a: (1 ) M.ard company 111 ata rl~ ~8BURQ~ ~6238 al: (412) iI2 ~~f~~ V~F~llM82 T: 16) T!NNeSS!E Haw~tt. u a ~=IS~38131 al: (1101) 34ll-a370 1 ~~AROUNA tt ackard ComparlY Hewlatt-Paokard Company 44 Vantao.. ox 1 7 BLOOMIN~TON.t SCA A AY NJ 06854 Tal: (201) 682-8100 N!WYORK Hawlatt..Way SUlta 180 ~AS~E~ 37226 al: (81) 127t OHO TEXAS Hewlatt-Paokard Company 1~ Harwlq{rl~ ~ ~ON. . 6N.packard Company mJ3t~~r . 10t.paokard Ollmpany 0".paokard Company 0 r.. Avanua . rl~ a.ator..11 Hawlatt-Paokard ComParlY ~~~~~~~tD~ K.t Tarraca SUltalf KANSA CITY.100 MARYLAND Hawl~=~ 3701 • str. 144l5O al: ( 18) 223-0860 Hawlatt-Paokard Company rm~e~Blvd.tt-Paokard Company l5201 011Yl_ Drl~ ROLLINQ MEADOWS.~ata~ 00 lD WI Tal: (414) 7e. PAULI MN lt3 al: (812 144-1100 MISSOURI Hewlatt-Paokard eomParlY 1001 E. 3 th St~t . OH 44138 1) 2~7300 Hawlatt-Paokard ~ 0010 S~~o Pika ~18 ~6342 all (613) OKLAHOMA Haw\att-Paokard ComParlY ee66 South L_I.. NOVl. ONIO. 13011 Tal: (316) 461-1820 Hewlett-Packard ComParlY 3 ~IW~ Park Wa~t W 8 ~NY 1187 Tall (6ltl) -7800 i ~~l. 01 10 Ta: (817) 862-1l5OO ~leHIQAN _Iatt-Paokard :rJj. . 2-7.3-31.' HEWLETT Hewlett-Packard Company. PA 19311·0901) a:~ PACKARD Manual Update: Installing a syringe This update provides new information for installing syringesinto the HP 185938Injector Module.3-29. follow thlJ Instruction. RFI and Sound Emission Certification. Print History.2-8. TItle page.. Metal syringecUps enable you to install a syringefrom the front. • Replace these pages in the Automatic Sampler Operating Manual (manualldt part number 07673-6(995). Front ~Ing eyrtnge oap.Fli.3-30. Avondale. To update your manual. and 3-32 Printed in USA 4/91 07673-90335 . similar to the A modules. Avondale Division. . HP 7673 Automatic Sampler Operating Manual r"3 HBWLETT ~PACKARD Manual Part No. 07073-10111 Edition 2. AprIl 1"1 PrIm.d In USA . including. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental. HewldtwPackard makes no warranty of tury kind with ngard to this material. but not limited to. or use of this material. 11 by Hewlett-Pickard Company All Rightl Re.Ned . performance. No part of this document may be photocopied or reproduced. the implied warrantiu of merchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose. or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing..Printing History The information contained in this document may be revised without notice. First edition-October 1989 Printed in USA Second edition-April 1991 Printed in USA C Copyright till. or translated to another program language without the prior written consent-of Hewlett-Packard Company. 19 (lWprllfuna) . Der Deutschen Bundespost wureJe das Inverkehrbringen dieses OerAtes/Systems angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Oberprilfung der Serle auf Einhaltung der BestbnmungeneingerAumt. daB das GerAt/System HP 7673 in Ubereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen von Postverfilnung 1046/84 funkentstOrt ist. • • • • Schalldruckpegel Lp < 70 dB(A) Am Arbeitsplatz Normaler Betrieb Nach DIN 4563S T. • • • • Sound Pressure Lp < 70 dB(A) At Operator Position Normal Operation According to ISO m9 (IYpe 'Iest) Heratellerbeschelnlgung Hiermit wird 6esc:heingt.RFI and Sound Emission Certification for the Federal Republic of Germany Manufacturer' 8 Declaration This is to certify that the equipment lIP 7673 is in accordance with the Radio Interference Requirements of Directive FI'Z 1046/1984. The German Bundespost was notified that this equipment was put into circulation and the right to check the series for compliance with the requirements was granted. Diese Information steht im Zusammenhang mit den Anforderungen der Maschinenllirminformationsverordnung vom 18 Januar 1991. 1991. This statement is provided to comply with the requirements of the German Sound Emission Directive dated Januaty 18. .. Preparing the Inlet .. . .. . .. ... . . ... .. Using the Injector Fan Controlling Sample Vial Temperatures Preparing the Solvent and Waste Bottles.. . .... . .. Chapter 3. . . . . .. . ... .. . .. 14 1-7 1-13 1-17 1-24 1-28 Chapter 2. ... . Adapting for Cool On-column Injection . . . . . ... . ..... . ... Preparing the Site Installing the Injectors.... . . .. . . . . .. ......... . . . . .. . . .. ... ... . . . . ...•... . . . .. .Chapter 1. Selecting and Installing Syringes .. . ... . . . .. ... Operation Preparing Sample Vials . . • • .. ... nay Control Commands 3-2 3-8 3-10 3-16 3-28 3-34 3·36 3-37 3-46 3-47 3-50 3-54 .. .. . .. .. . Setting Up 1-2 The Modules of the Automatic Sampler... . ... ..... . . .•. Installing the Controller.. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... Using B Modules with A Modules. Checklist Running the Samples Using 1\vo Injectors. this IS-minute "dry run" illustrates how to prepare the automatic sampler and run a three vial sequence using the following methods of control: • HP 3396A Integrator with the Instrument Network (INET).. . . . . • HP 3365 ChemStation (DOS Series)......... ..... • Standalone control using the injector's control switches. Preventive Maintenance. .. .. ...... . . Example of Operation Designed for the beginner. . . ... . . . ...... .. . . .•.. . . ..... . . . • HP S880A Gas Chromatograph. .. Setting the Run Parameters.. . . ... ... . .••. .. . . ... . ... Installing the nay . .... . .. . d. PIIIII. c. a. Open the injector door. 2-7 .r Olrrler 0&0 Plualler butto. With your fingernail. lift and tum the tab of the needle support jaws so that the upper jaw of white plastic swings toward you. Slide up the gray loop of the plunger carrier and loosen the plunger screw about five turns. Close the injector door. f. allde Syrllll' 01111I Syrall' Needl' IUpport Jawl For more information on selecting and installing a syringe. However. Slide down the gray loop of the plunger carrier and tighten the plunger screw around the plunger button of the syringe.5. e. you can complete the dry run without a syringe. b. see page 3~28. Slide the loop up and down to be sure that it is holding the plunger. Install the Syringe Use a 23 gauge syringe with packed and capil1aIy inlets or a 26/23 gauge tapered syringe with on-column inlets. Uft and close the white jaw around the needle. Une up the top of the syringe barrel with the guide at the top of the metal clip and snap it into place. FRONT INJECTOll INJ /BOTTLE 2-8 a a -> Y. and data analysis. Answer yes to INET SAMPLER CONTROL by pressing (I) [ INT!!I I. 3. initial time. Turn to page 2~ 12. 717 SA SAMPLER. and set the equilibration time to zero./N]. Set the run time to 0. You can minimize the amount of time the integrator or computer collects data by turning the detector or signal off and setting the run time to about 10 seconds. Turn to the section for the controlling method that you are using and complete the list of tasks. column two for instructions on setting the run parameters.Preparing the GC and Controlling Device To minimize the amount of time between injections. You can minimize the time for the GC to be ready by setting the oven to a low temperature.1 minutes by pressing CJiMD c::J CO CW). HP 3396A Integrator 1. enter the appropriate set points for oven temperature. remove any temperature ramp program. 4. LOOP ADDU!!. 2. Begin the dialogue to prepare a sequence by pressing the keys for [PREP][SEQ). • • TIU. equilibration time. .1 STOP PUP SEQ ALS INFOIUlATION INET SAMPLEI CONTIOL [Y. Check for a rough needle. ~. Check for a sticky plunger.. Inspecting Syringes Before installing the syringe.'CAUTION I Fallur. It should move smoothly-without sticking or binding. 2. Be careful not to modify the special blunt tip of the syringe. Slide the plunger of the syringe up and down a few times. and column. The needle may contain closely spaced concentric ridges that act_like a miniature me and abrade pieces of the septum into the inlet. The ridges are easy to see under lOX magnification. 1.r. Syriap partI aDd aHdIt lnapectloD. If the tip of the needle seems to follow a circular motion.d lI.. the on-column ayrlnge when inJecting Into an on-column Inlet could damage the InJ. n••c. 3-28 . If there are ridges. Roll the syringe on the edle of a clean flat surface.ry Flpre 3·21. polish the needle by pulling it through a folded piece of fine emory paper between you rmger and thumb until the ridges are gone. to us. bend it aliJhtly ncar where it connects to the syringe barrel and check it apin. ae. ayrInge..ctor. Find the black and white plastic needle support jaws. Nudl. With your fingernail. ollpaltt. The carrier holds the plunger with a "thumb screw.clltd to ayrl. The needle is supported by a set of plastic jaws at the end of a spring loaded rod. check your work with the instructions on page 3-32. 3. Open the injector door. Syrl. 2. lift and turn the tab of the upper. 4.Installing Syring•• After completing this task.g. • • • 1. There are three functioning parts to keep in mind. 3-30 .g. white plastic jaw 80 that it swings toward you.22. Plunler carrier and needle IUPPOrt. CirrI_g. The plunger carrier moves the syringe plunger up and down. Slide the gray loop of the plunger carrier up as faras it will go. upport Jewa 3 " FIpre 3. The syringe is held onto a plastic syringe carrier by metal spring clips. .. Snapplq the ayrfnae Into place..-. Position the syringe in front of the metal syringe clips. Uft and close the white plastic jaw around the needle.---. Plaager carrier Plaager button C!> Gild..S. The top of the syringe barrel should fit into the guide. 7.---. 3-31 .. N_II lappon IIWI F"ure 3·23.---1 Syrlagl ell. TIghten the plunger screw. I )--. 6. Slide the gray loop of the plunger carrier down SO that the plunger button fits into th~ hole of the plunger carrier. Push the syringe against the clips until it snaps in place. Loosen the plunger screw about S turns. 8. Syrngl 7}------__... Move the tip of the needle into the notch of the black plastic needle support Jaw... . return to step 8.crlw The needle should be centered exactly over the hole in the septum retainer nut... o Check the alignment of the syringe needle with the cone shaped lead on the septum nut to ensure an average septum life of 200 injections. return to step 4. Follow these instructions.. Use the plastic tab on the syringe carriage.. Also check for flaws on the needle as described in "Inspecting Syringes" on page 3-29. If the jaws of the needle support do not slide up and down the needle freely. Use a small light to see that the needle will hit the septum without rubbing on the nut. Pull down the syringe carriage until the needle tip is near the top of the inlet's septum retainer nut...''N Checking Your Work o Move the gray loop of the plunger carrier up and down.. I~ 1If. 1. If the syringe plunger does not move along with the carrier.. o Be sure the jaws of the needle support are closed around the needle. Push up on the bottom of the needle support jaws (compressing the spring). Figure 3-24 shows a syringe needle over the septum retainer nut of a packed inlet. Plulglr . Be sure the plunger carrier screw is tight. 3-32 . I ~. cresc8ft wrench Attach the Tray Str1cIoffs [tZZZZ77ZZZZ711~ : Il~~ . '~ 1 / ! 3 Attach the Tray Bracket 3 standoffs (18597-20710) (Drawn fLt seas ) No.! I .ti ExpIoded~ 1 .2 POOt Pozidiv I 1 tray bl'acket (18597-00135-1) r-:: i Attach the Bracket &worts r.. ~' 3/B-il.- I I ~~ g. 2 Poilt PozOiv oo '( 2 bracket StWQrts (18597-00235) (Drawn fiJI scae ) 0l 4 pal head saews (0515-0915) (Drawn fuI selie ) o 2 1'. >- 3 pan head screws (0515-0915) ( Drawn M scale ) 1 pal head screw (0515-0910) ( Dmm MI scale) 1 flat head screw (0515-0913) ( Drawn fijJ scae ) . " No. . Push the mounting supports you installed in step 1 so they are flush against the left side panel 3. b. I I 1:. f. Line up the hole on the near side of the bracket Oabeled 5890) with the threaded hole of the front mounting support. Place the tray bracket on the mounting supports and the standoffs installed in steps 1 and 2. The top of the standoff's should fit into the . Line up the hole on the far side of the bracket Qabeled 5890) with the threaded hole of the rear mounting support. check the location of the standoffs against figure 2 on page 5.. e. i. ~'. r ~~::: ~ f. 6 7 . Figure 4..2 Point Pozidriv.\ g.. Attaching the tray bracket to the standoffs. screw in the three pan head screws through the holes labeled A and into the standoffs. H the top of the standoff's do not line up with the holes labeled with the letter A. f' ~.~_. Screw one pan head screw into the mounting support with a No. Screw one flat head screw into the mounting support with a No. r- ~ t r: ~' Figure 3. Tighten the four screws that attach the mounting supports to the side of the flow panel. Attach the Tray Bracket a.2 Point Pozidriv.. ~ ~C'.2 Point Pozidriv. ~: t ~ -c i r d. [. Using a No.. holes labeled with the letter A on the tray bracket. ~ I c. Attaching the tray bracket to the bracket supports. Double-check the following.:$ . '..i~ ~ 3 2.j~.~ ~-'i ] '. ~ Figure 2..:•~.. b. Mountinz: bracket holes for the tray standoffs.. .---~ --. Hyou do not use the correct holes. see chapter 1 of the operating manual "Setting Up.' ¥ »o-: a.".~ -::.~ j -~ All screws and standoffs are tight."~ .~ Screw the three standoffs (hexagonal posts) into the injector mounting bracket. Tighten the standoffs with a 318-in.:. . injector. the tray will not be able to deliver sample vials to the 1 ..' ~ The three screws that attach the tray bracket to the standoffs on the injector bracket must go through the holes labeled A on the tray bracket.~ '~ i "" .~. Checking Your Work o o '. ':1 ~~ --. 8 5 ." ~I . .. Attach the Tray Standoffs .. ~-:. . Use the holes identified in figure 2. .'!l -:::-. To mount the tray on the bracket and connect the cable to the controller. crescent wrench. -I . . e:.2 Point Pozidriv.:. ~ .-=-:. ~ ~_. Do not tighten the screws until the end of step 3.. ~ [" ~X... ~~ r ~ "" ~ . Attaching the bracket supports. ~ Using a No. ~~ .. ~ ... t. ~f..:.~. Attach the Bracket Supports ~ a.: j{F'10I1 " -*. 1. attach the two bracket supports to the flow panel on the left-hand side of the GC.-.·•' . ~. ~. .·: IIII !!lui~~ . f t. r ~ r ~~ Figure 1. . r i: 4 . .. . If any of the hardware is missing.............~ (fh~ Wa~ ......~ ea-:III1DiI) .... s.~-< -.. ··I·....~ ~ -..·. ..) 1 ..~ . __ ~-:-~~~ • --c...···.-..--.-~ ... ......") Tools you need for each step ..:. ~ Pats you need for each step ('IIIIa.. .. Pull out the yellow worksheet from the center of this guide.. "~ . - ~ .2. contact your HP representative.. 2 ~. ~_ -- ~ --- .···.."....··. t~ ~tJystep 2 ..~ ~ 3 ... .....} c> Exploded view with aI parts -i I _>5 . ~ ~ I fII-.0. Organize the hardware and tools for each step.@. Full-scale drawings of the screws help identify which ones you need for each step...s v " .··. _a... ....-. Installing the Tray Bracket . ···. ..~f :::. Manuals. You can also install the bracket on the support rails." ~ f ~ u ~- r ~ f f ~ ~ f. • Remove any injectors f'rom the iDject. you must do the following: f • Install the split top cover for the HP 5890 SERIES II Gas Chromatograph (Kit No. 07673-60995) after the tab for appendix C "Link.. . 07673-61 (65) (only if installing onto an HP 5890AGas Chromatograph). ~. Before You Start T " I- Before you install the tray bracket. -~~ ~.p :t- 1 ~. 18957-60655). place this link manual in the binder of your operating manual for the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler (Part No. • Install the left side panel (Part No.or mounting bracket. 05890-61480) for the HP 5890 SERIES II Gas Chromatograph (only if not already installed). © Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved ~ 2 . Ii I t After you have completed the installation. • Install the mounting bracket Cor the HP 18593B Injector Module (Kit No. Link Manual HP 7673 Automatic Sampler Installing the Tray Bracket on 5890GCs ~HEWLETT ~PACKARD Manual Part No.S.'' ' :i '.J J "~ -~j-- -~ ~ ..A.-~ <-~:~ ~ ~ "~~ ( =-= (=-= 0 .AR 0 -~ . 07673-90205 Printed fn U. October 1989 .HEWLETT-PAC K.. 7 3/8-it crescert wrench 0'0 1 qector bracket (18957-oot 75) ~ ~c tt Attach the Injector Bracket ~ (I ( Drawn 101 seale ) 1 dum1y septl. 2 poi1t Pozictiv o o 1/4-il.rn~Nuts t ~ IaIhead saewaiYer 2 i1jectoc rTKUIli1g posts (07613-61035) ~ . ( Drawn fiJI scale ) • 6 Attach the MolJ1DJ Posts m 8eptJ. 00- 3 pan head saews (0515-0915) ~ 1 flat head saew (0515-0913) ( Drawn fuI scale) ( Drawn fu1 scakl ) 1 pal head saew (0515-0910) ( Drawn fij staHl ) . 2 poD PozJiIv t>- 0- ( Drawn ftI1 scale ) P\ace the Bracket .. 'I \-.rn ru (18597-20580) ( Drawn fiJI scaM ) • I ~ '.~ 3/8-il.- D t??1 2 II I t???? 4 5 "U 3I8-i1.3 o t' f . 2 poi1t Pozktiv AIg1 the Bracket 9 2 aIitpnent tools (18597-40030) Attach the Tray Bracket No. i'Mtwreoch 4 pal head screws (0515-0915) (( / I ( . ~ • No.2 poi1t Pozidfiy '1 1 4 sta Idoffs (18597-20520) 21l=- I? I I I (( (f Attach the Tray Standoffs 1 sheet metal (18597-00245) J:- Q- 2 ~ standoffs (18597-20755) ( Inwn U scale ) b)- 4 sta Idoffs (18597-20745) ( Drawn fu1 scale ) No.0) (Drawn fIJ scale ) 8 Attach the Tray Bracket ~ . No..2 pom Pozidriv 1 tray bracket (18597-60515) 1 septlm IlJt (19243-60500) . I1Jt ctiYer . ( _ f ((.ctZ77777777ZZZ}tD 3 standoffs (18597-2071. crescent wrench 2 pal head screws (0515-0915) ( Dfawn ~ scale ) 2 stIldoffs (16597-20745) ( Drawn fu1 scale ) 1 tray bracket support (18597-00195) ( Drawn fu1 scale) No. crescenl: wrench .J. ~ J . 1lis wor1<sheet is for Ilsta1ilg the ITlOlIlti1g bracket for the HP 18593B In.~ I .0< ~. '.~~ ~i~ ~ ( i' \.. " (( I \'I' ' \'. .~~ -~ "r.. '. -'~ .ector ModLie and the HP 18596B Tray MCKUe to CI1 HP 5880A Gas ChrornatDgaJtl.. ~" .: --.".~ -'" t. - I r: ( : . The type of data-handling device and communications configuration you use may require additional cables. • Setting the run parameter. The following illustration shows bottles placed in both waste and both solvent positions. whether one or two injectors are installed. Place one or two 4-ml solvent bottles into thesolvent positions according to the run parameters. connect the HP 5880A control cable to the rear of the HP 5880A and the rear of the controller. Riling and Placing the Bottles Always place two 4-ml waste bottles into waste positions A and B on the turret. including: • Filling and placing the bottles. Refer to the HP 5880A lnstnDnent Manual for operating instructions for the GC itself. kt" ~ . Several eeamplee illustrate setting the run parameters. f' ~. This control cable is ~" r. I \l ~ 20 I 21 . t' Referring to the figure below..Yinr t.. ': Operation This section contains operating information for the automatic sampler. wID a Tray { 19321~111 . ..- ~- Connecting the Cables (: ~ 6 5 t.f . Refer to manuals for that device. Refer to the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler Operating Manual for detailed examples and information on preparing the sampler. the only controlling cable needed.. • ~ r~ T. g. J2 connector. do not use sample inserts in the turret. SAMPLE PUMPS = 6 4.. ~ A complete auto sequence table requires ten parameters. and the sample position in the injector turret is left empty.~ ~ -'. When the tray is installed. . WIthout a tray you can only ron one sample at a time by placing it in the turret's sample position. Replace the blank key caps from the terminal keyboard with the AUTO SEQ keycaps in this kit. Reinstall the boards you removed in step b. . 19 . c~ ':.. " . VISCOSITY = 0 3. There is a separate table for each injector."'J RMU'ODd lUlu IIwer I»M1I gIHts o I: 'J ~.-~~ Attach the lower board guide to the card cage with the pan-head screws. h. and ribbon cable assembly.. 2 6.~ ~ C"~ Be Sire III thread thrnp b01llIbe cnaeetor aIId List the parameters stored in the auto sequence table for the front injector from terminal 11 by pressing EJ~rn . Install the lower board guide.<. Setting the Run Parameters lqjector and sequence parameters are maintained in an "auto sequence table" within the HP 5880A. PRE-INJECTION SAMPLE WASHES = 2 2. The following illustration lists these parameters and their default values for the front injector. all sample vials are loaded into the tray. '. 'J . d. '. Directly above the selected slot. Thread the connector through the hole in the back. install the plastic board guide (notched end a'WRy from you) inthe roof of the card cage.~~ . i Attach the side panel j. .-} . I=ON COLUMN) = 0 1. 22 I w_ \' " r. MODE (O=NORMAL. o@ o . LAST BOTTLE = 1 j o . POST-INJECTION SOLVENT B WASHES = 2 7. panel labeled ALSI BCD.. INJECTIONS PER BOTTLE 1 8.~ .~ J LIST AUTO SEQ +~ INJECTOR 1: o. SAMPLE VOLUME = 1 5.''J o~ tile uameplale -~-. e.~ ---'. Reinstall the cable shielding plate.~ Route the J2 connector and cable behind the other J2 connectors.i When using the HP 5880A. FIRST BOTTLE = 1 9. The HP 5880A executes instructions provided in the auto sequence table and ignores front panel switches on the injector itself. Attach it with the small brass nuts and washers.~ -~ '~. Install the sampler board (part number 19321-60010).". A default value is used if no value is entered for a given parameter. J . POST-INJECTIOff SOLVENT A WASHES . '-'" nlue of ] [ paramettr Q) RHIne [ You can change a parameter in the auto sequence table for either injector from the same terminal. If you do not enter an injector number.e. press these keys on terminalll the same location when reinstalled. Indicate the number of the injector. the edit affects the auto sequence table associated with the terminal you are using..-. Select a slot in the card cage for the sampler board. "3" indicates that you want simultaneous injections (i. Install the Sampler Board :. or 12. ~- ~ t' rn· For example. it must be e.. b. 8 r o ~. •i. . 23 .~" .t removed ~ »... c @ For more information on simultaneous injection see "SYNC Mode" on page 28.~· . ~'... The first and last bottle parameters may be BASIC variables. 8(~l [~eter] G:J t'-" ~. As each board is removed. F t ~- ~-- i I .. All others must be simple numbers... If an incorrect entry is made for any parameter.· • The [mj II may be 3. Terminal #1 controls the front injector (Il) and terminal 12 controls the rear injector (#2).=rl rn· Injector #1 is the front injector and injector 112 the rear injector." "'\ ~ ~ 18 Any of the ten parameters can be entered or changed manually or automatically using keystroke or BASIC programs. record its location so that it can be placed in c. You can use slots 9.. •.10. front and rear injectors inject at the same time).11. to set the sample volume parameter for the front injector to 2.. Remove the boards between the selected slot and the back of the GC. Change a parameter in the auto sequence table by pressing 2. a.•. ~ . Ifan HP767ln2A board is installed.... (wg) CD c::::J CD rn· Remove the cable shielding plate.l c::::J [.. the HP 5880A will refuse the entry and indicate the cause of the error. and the value of the parameter by pressing 8 -: 11110 [iII#]1 wg I [~. the number of the parameter. ~. The on-column injection mode is used with cool on-column inlets. the injector changes the injection speed to 500 milliseconds and lowers the tip of the syringe needle an additional 19 mm (814 inch) to the column.. Replace ..:. 1. • Set to "0" for normal injection mode. -i Replace the group 4 EPROMs Oabeled G4L and G4R) with the EPROMs in this kit according to the follOwing table and illustration.•.~ . and empties it into one of the waste bottles. Insert the ROM board into slot 2..~ d...: . .so L'- The allowable values for this parameter are .. _. For viscous samples. PRE-INJECTION SAMPLE WASHES: Specifies the number . e.() to 15. Remove the right side panel of the GC.~- .t.of times the syringe is rinsed with sample before the injection. 24 17 . the pause allows the sample to flow into the vacuum created in the syringe.:: 1l :'~ ~ -~1 ~ Right (G4ID 19321-80080 19321-80100 19321-80120 . Upgrade the ROM Board a. ~~ Description of Parameters O. fills the syringe to eight-tenths its full volume.~ 2. b. The allowable values for this parameter are 0 to 15. 3. .. SAMPLE PUMPS: Specifies the number of times the syringe plunger is moved up and down while the needle is in the sample to expel air bubbles and improve reproducibility.. Use a 26123-gauge syringe. Use this setting with packed and capillary inlets.-. 1. The injector lowers the needle into the sample vial. An excessive number of sample washes can create a vacuum in the sample bottle and affect the reproducibility of the injection volume. VISCOSITY: Specifies the number of seconds the plunger pauses at the top of the pump stroke and injection stroke. The table shows which EPROMs are in each accessory and whether they go into the left or right position. -:~ The allowable values for this parameter are 0 to 7. • Set to "1" for on-eolumn injection mode. ~ . For the on-column injection mode.~ ·'i. Remove the ROM board (part number 19300-60155) from slot 2 of the HP 5880A card cage. Accessory Number HP 19321A HP 19321B HP 19321C Left (G4W 19300-80070 19300-80090 193DO-80110 . INJECTION MODE: Specifies whether the injector is in the normal or on-column injection mode. ~ f" ~. POST-INJECTION SOLVENT "A" WASHES: Specifies the number of times the syringe is rinsed with solvent from the solvent A bottle. "you do not use static protection. ~.ING TURN THE POWER swrrca ON THE GC TO "OFP' AND DISCONNECT THE POWER CORD BEFORE INSTALLING THE AUTOMATIC SAMPLER BOARD IN THE GC. each unit for a 5-~ syringe is 0.' CAUTION I An excessfve number of Injections per vIal can create a vacuum In the vial. t~-- ~ l k 16 25 .--"-- 4 • ~ ~( ~. The allowable values for this parameter are 0 to 15. For example. WARf\. ~. The injector lowers the needle into the solvent B bottle. Each volume unit corresponds to one-tenth the syringe's capacity.. Use a static control wrist strap (part number 9300-0969 for large wrist strap or part number 9301>-0970 for sman) connected to a ground.. SAMPLE VOLUME: Specifies the injection volume. The allowable values for this parameter are 0 to 5. INJECTIONS PER BOTI'LE: Specifies the number of times the ron is repeated for each sample vial. you may damage the electronics of the board or controller. ~ R. if the value is two. 7. ~ i J . "~ ~" ~ r ThIs procedure requires protection against electrostatic discharge. To save this data. The injector lowers the needle into the solvent A bottle. t . J. The allowable values for this parameter are 0 to 15. and empties it into one of the waste bottles. l.1' ~- l! CAUTION I Turning off the power immedIately erases data stored In the Instrument's memory. This may affect the reproducIbility of the injection voIum$. I The allowable values for this parameter are 1 to 5.~- ~- ~ 0" ~. fills the syringe to eight-tenths its full volume. Larger volumes cause sample to be lost through the purge vent and may contaminate carrier Inlet lines. Installing the Electrical Components 'i- ~ This section explains how to upgrade the EPROMs on the ROM board and how to install the sampler board to the GC. and empties it into one of the waste bottles.5 ~ 5.:. I CAUTION I Do not set the volume parameter for splltless Inlets to volumes more than 2 Jl. POST-INJECTION SOLVENI' "B" WASHES: Specifies the number of times the syringe is rinsed with solvent from the solvent B bottle. ~ '. 6. list the set points and programmed events..•~.1. each vial is analyzed twice. fills the syringe to eight-tenths its full volume.' I ~.' 4. For example. ~<. Reenter the data when you have completed the Instanation. This parameter may be a BASIC variable. the new septum nutts) and dummy septum nutfs) are installed i ~ ".'r..~ c~ ~ 26 15 . Without a tray..·-'. o 1 Be sure the three screws that attach the tray bracket to the standoffs i . [ST". Tray values range from 1 to 100.:. (START)! ~ J CD C:::J WCD . You can override the parameters in the auto sequence table for FIRST BOTTLE and LAST BOTTLE.ng the injector and tray.. '-'·4 Double-check.~ ...~ on the injector bracket go through the holes labeled B on the tray Starting a Run or Sequence With a tray. and the sequence will abort. GC readiness is required before injection.j .. All screws and standoffs are tight. . 9.3 ·~. or programs.")(~ )8 ..·~' rn .: .") [~:... rn. Conditions required include oven readiness and the absence of conflicting operations. press ~ bracket.~ properly.c. auto sequences. Injector turret value is L This parameter may be a BASIC variable... Each position on the tray and turret is numbered.j '-z~ :·. J An example cable diagram for your GC is in the next section.'. Tray values range from 1 to 100.~· 8." c. the HP5880A GC can only run one sample at a time. Manuals. The following example starts a sequence for sample vials in tray positions 6 through 26 using the injector associated with the terminal you use.~~ Checking Your Work .' . place this Link Manual in the binder of your Operating Manual for the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler (part number 07678-60995) after the tab for appendix C "Link. such as already running an analysis.. see chapter 1. p. . o Be sure the flat head screw for attaching the tray bracket is in the correct position. An empty bottle position between the FIRST BOTrLE and the LAST BOTTLE parameters will be interpreted as an error.~1 . LAST BOTTLE: Specifies the tray or injector turret position of the last sample vial. Injector turret value is l. •.~ ·.--0. For detailed information on mounting andconnecti.. FIRST BOTI'LE: Specifies the tray or injector turret position of the first sample vial.i· ~·:.1 After you have completed the installation.~' . the following: o Be sure. -1 (ST".o) Without a bW.•.. See page 14- o rn. '-:. " .:. "Setting Up" in your Operating Manual. 3. Place the sample in the sample position of the turret. c.r•·. !"". Reset the run parameters for the sequence you interrupted. Line up the hole on the front of the bracket (labeled 5880) with the threaded hole of the tray bracket support. Start the single run by pressing FIaIbeatIICI'IW (STAAT)( We? )8 5. 4. 1.' ~: . and restart the sequence.. Note the sample vial number currently running and interrupt the sequence by pressing iI:-:". rn. d.. r lfthe top of the standoff's do not line up with the holes labeled with the letter B.2 point Pozidriv.f ' 9. and no further injections are made.. Stopping a Sequence To slop • ron. Single Sample With a tray installed.. check the location of the standoffs against the figure on page 12. The run in progress is completed. 14 27 . e.· Place the tray bracket on the mounting supports and the standoffs installed in steps 1 and 2. Screw one flathead screw into the mounting support with a no. 2 point Pozidriv. I rn. ~ !J-: (STOP I(We? ~~ f· f ~- 2. including the FIRST BO'ITLE. This command can be used at any time. Screw one pan-head screw into the mounting support with a ne. Attach the Tray Bracket a ~ r b. ~: f _ ~. press ( STOP )( We? I rn.- ~': Using a No. screw in the three pan-head screws through the holes labeled B and into the standoffs. Change any run parameters using the EDIT SEQ keys explained on page x. t. The top of the standoffs should fit into the holes labeled with the letter B on the tray bracket. you can interrupt a sequence and run a single sample from the turret of an injector by the following procedure. 2 point Pozidriv. The command must be entered on the same terminal or channel that you started the sequence. Line up the hole on the rear of the bracket Oabeled 5880) with the threaded hole of the tray bracket support. el1 Started "". enter the parameters for each injector from its own terminal. Q-flDIl . both terminals start at the same time. attach the tray bracket support with two pan-head screws. For these types of applications... 1 ~UYH DIIIctor (JraIw DO. '1 .jj Position the new side panel (part number 19300-01260) and attach it with two short standoffs (part number 18597-20745). :i~ . - -~ ~~~ Start the synchronous sequences from the terminal associated with the greater number of runs by pressing (START) GO ('Wa' ) rn.. use the rear set of holes. ~ -~~ a Using a no. Using a no. the SYNC feature must be turned "ON" by pressing .. Remove the side panel " ~l .1. S88QA 13 . of nm) aaaanel2 28 Detector "1 8tCItI:I of."il -. The injectors and terminals must be synchronized so that they start at the same time.. . 2 point Pozidriv. the injectors inject at the same time.:~ b.~. Rear IIoIes The following illustration shows using two injectors and an oven temperature program...0:. When the synchronous mode is turned on. crescent wrench..~ . use the front set of holes. Also set the SYNC feature to "ON" on both terminals..-~ If the injector bracket is installed over the B and D inlets. When using an oven temperature program. remove the two screws that hold on the panel on the left-hand side of the GC.~ ~~ SYNC Mode -. cu..~ 8. Attach the Tray Bracket Support The synchronous mode (SYNC) is used to synchronize injectors and terminals. Tighten them with a 318-in. H there are two injectors. .. IInIJnI .~ -~4 c. 2 point Pozidriv. If the injector bracket is installed over the A and C inlets. -.;;=..::::~-. tit ~ ~ ~Co J r.~ 7. Attach the Tray Standoffs CAUTION a. Screw the three standoffs (part number 18597-20710) into the injector mounting bracket. Use the holes identified in the illustration. lfyou do not use the correct holes, the tray will not be able to deliver sample vials to the injector. "l b. Tighten the standoffs with a 31B-in. crescent wrench. ~ ~, ~ ~~ • I If you start the sequence from the termlnal associated with the smaller number of runs, the excess runs will not be performed. The following illustration shows splitting a sample and using two columns and two detectors to analyze it. The signal from each detector goes to a different terminal The terminals must be synchronized so that they start at the same time. Onl CU11e11 DItecttr f , I CU11De12 [' Deteder ~' t i I ~ ~. CAUTION I In the simultaneous Injection mode, an error will result If the two auto sequences can for the same bottle for the same Injection. In this case the error message r r E ••• ERROR ••• AUTO SEQ BOTTLE CONFUCT (~ will be printed, and the auto sequence aborted. b-~ r' For more information regarding the use of SYNC, consult the ttHP 5880A Instrument Manual." ~ , ~. t ~' -. 12 29 =. ·.-3 ..~~ -c".=; ~ 0:.-; c~ Example 1: Single Injector with a Tray l! 6. Attach the Dummy Septum Nuts and the Mounting Posts This example illustrates how to do a sequence of runs using the tray and the front injector. a The following terminal display shows editing five parameters of the auto sequence table. These parameters tell the GC that: b. • The ilQector is mounted over a packed or capillary inlet. • The injection volume is 1/1Oth of the syringe volume. • Each sample vial is analyzed three times. • The six sample vials are in tray positions 20 through 25. ~o--~} Screw on dummy septum nuts (part number 18597·20580) over the inlets that are not being used with the automatic sampler. - .~ ..';1 ...~ . 1•.. i Screw each mounting post clockwise into the threaded holes of the bracket. Tighten the posts with a flathead screwdriver. ;~'" If you are installing the tray bracket, continue on the next page. . -. ~ <~ \~ If you are not installing the tray bracket, turn to page 15. ~::l .~ '" .~ :% .~ EDIT AUTO SEQ O~ 0 ~ '-¥; EDIT AUTO SEQ 4~ ~~~ 1 '~ EDIT AUTO SEQ 7. 3 3 .--_.~ ;," ~;j ..~ EDIT AUTO SEQ 8~ 20 -. -~ EDIT AUTO SEQ 9. 25 .~ LIST AUTO SEQ 1:- l~ 30 ~ ='~ INJECTOR 1: O. MODE CD-NORMAL. 1=ON COLUMN} = 0 1. PRE-INJECTION SAMPLE WASHES = 2 2. VISCOSITY = 0 3. SAMPLE PUMPS = 4 4. SAMPLE VOLUME m 1 5. POST-INJECTION SOLVENT A WASHES = 2 6. POST-INJECTION SOLVENT B WASHES = 2 7. INJECTIONS PER BOTTLE = 3 8. FIRST BOTTLE = 20 9. lAST BOTTLE = 25 ~~ .~;~ 11 !~; ~.C~.'. r .. Ii' ~- 5. Align the Bracket Load the six sample bottles into the tray positions 20 through 25. The instrument wiD make 18 runs (three runs for each of the six vials). a. Attach new septum nuts (part number 19243-605(0) on the packed and on-eolumn inlets that are being used with the automatic sampler. Do not place septum nuts on the inlets that are not being used. ~ .• Top YIn If Quadrant H the GC has a eapi11sry inlet, route the gas lines on the inlet nut over the mounting bracket. Push the inlet nut down and turn it clock.wise. Tighten it with the inlet wrench. f ~ it The gas lines must not interfere with the feet of the injector. Small white circles on the bracket show where the injector feet touch the brackeL H necessary, gently bend the gas lines so they do not cross the white circles. it> • ". , ."' .'': b. •••••••••••••••••• t~ ~~- ; •,. . c. ! Place the plastic alignment toolls), honeycomb side up, over the inlet(s) of your GC. Move the bracket until both alignment tools fit flush on the bracket. Hyoo cannot make them fit flush by moving the bracket, you may have to adjust the position of the inlets. r '\ Start the sequence by pressing (e,"",.,) ( ~I 00. Tighten the four screws that hold down the brack.etwith a no. 2 point Pozidriv. Remove and save the alignment tools for future adjustments. ~.. f ~t [ ~. ": ,f. , t ~-. r / 10 31 In this example the instrument is used as two isothermal GCs (both channels of a dual channel instrument are used to analyze samples asynchronously; both channels have different start times and durations). This mode of operation is only practical if the oven is run isothermally. a b. OterI DeItc10r ---,:;j }]., Place the bracket on top of the standoff's. ,"-.cj £4 ~I The injector mounting bracket enables you to mount two injectors over nonadjacent inlets-either A and C positions or B and D positions. Decide which positions you need. The following illustration represents the asynchronous configuration. C~m111 ] 4. Place the Bracket Example 2: Two Injectors with a Tray ~ -¥,j1 t Line up the top of the standoffs with the slots on the bracket. Screw the pan-head screws into the threaded holes of the standoffs. Do not tighten the screws until step 5. -::~ 5i .~ -~ When installing the bracket over the A and C positions, use only three screws. Hlies for inlet Chamel2 Detector posltlu BauD ~ A This requires the SYNC mode to be turned OFF on both terminals. Press- li!IlMiil (~) Gl*l a rn i -~ i. ., ""~ on both terminals. .il R ~~:~ 1 The sequence for the front injector requires the same ron parameters as in the first example, except each vial is ron only once (one injection per vial). From the terminal controlling the front injector, edit INJECTIONS PER BOTl'LE to "1." i ;1 .~;:.-'-~ Enter the necessary changes to the rear injector on the terminal for channel 2. The sample vials for the rear injector are in tray positions 5 through 15. - - •.•...••• ..•.•....•..... . ~- ,r' . ~ . f~ ;~-~ -~# - --~ 32 .:~ 9 .'1 c~ ~ c.-.. I . POST-INJECTION SOLVENT B WASHES = 70 INJECTIONS PER BOTTLE = 1 80 FIRST BOTTLE = 20 9. Screw two brass-colored standoffs (part number 18597-20755) onto the bottom of the mounting bracket to act as support legs. silver-colored pems (small threaded washers) on the top of the bracket. EDIT AUTO SEQ 7. f t fi 1. ~- • I 0' ~. !E"~ ~ - i'":" LIST AUTO SEQ I . lAST BOTTLE = 25 INJECTOR 2: O. PRE-INJECTION SAMPLE WASHES'" 2 2. 1 .-. PRE-INJECTION SAMPLE WASHES = 2 2. POST-INJECTION SOLVENT B WASHES • 2 70 INJECTIONS PER BOTTLE = 1 80 FI RST BOTTLE '" 5 IL. VISCOSITY = 0 3. POST-INJECTION SOLVENT A WASHES • 6. r. The holes have The following illustration shows the editing commands and the auto sequence tables for both injectors.. 1 EDIT AUTO SEQ 9. Tighten the standoffs with a 1/4-in. 5 i"' ~. . POST-INJECTION SOLVENT A WASHES = 2 6. l=ON COLUMN) = 0 1. ~. SAMPLE VOLUME = 1 5. If f~~ 8 2 EDIT AUTO SEQ 8.. LAST BOTTLE'" 15 ----' 33 .. l: 'I. nut driver.9. MODE (O=NORMAL. SAMPLE PUMPS = 4 4. t INJECTOR 1: 00 MODE (O=NORMAL. SAMPlE PUMPS • 4 40 SAMPLE VOLUME = 1 5.. VISCOSITY = 0 3. r o ~ ~'" ~"'- t ~ I It U 2 EDIT AUTO SEQ 7. l=ON COLUMN) = 0 1. 15 LIST AUTO SEQ ~~. ? . use two small standoffs (part number 18597-20745) to support the injector bracket.~ ~1 ~ ~~ . " Save any standoffs you do not use for future adjustments or different configurations./ Start the sequence for the front injector from the terminal controlling the front injector by pressing the same keys. • Top Vin .~~~ r-J"l Start the sequence for the front injector from the terminal controlling the front injector by pressing (OT_I( ~:n rn· ~ ~ >f- -.~ .1 ~~ .I Load the seventeen sample bottles into the tray positions 5 through 15 and 20 through 25.. nut driver. use two steel standoffs (part number 18597-20520) to support the injector bracket.I "'01 1 _-_ci.1 tJ . 34 ~ 7 -: .--".· . When there is no inlet in a position. Replace the screws with the appropriate size standoffs. remove the small piece of sheet metal that covers the position and replace it with the piece of sheet metal (part number 18597-00245) and two steel standoffs (part number 18597-20520). b. Tighten them with a 318-in. The instrument will make 17 runs (one run for each vial). crescent wrench. Tighten them with a If4-in. Quadrant For capillary inlets.. t 'i . B ~- • • For packed inlets... ~~ . . . 35 . but there is none in the requested position. *** ERROR *** TRAY MISSING BOTTLE (I) • 6 The auto sequence calls for a bottle (Jf) in the tray. the HP 5880A may print an error message on its terminal to indicate a fault condition or certain occurrences in communications. 1'- t. r-~ 7 ['c 3.. H no tray is installed.. but no channe12 (or 1) has been configured in the instrument (no integrator/plotter 2 or 1).~' 17 The STARTAUTO SEQ command cannot be used without the tray module installed.* ~. ~~- t The instroment is running two sequences in simultaneous injection mode. ~~ a. ~. • t ~. I"'!"'... Attach the Injector Bracket Supports ~>.* ERROR "*INJECTOR 1 (or 2)NOl" INSTALLED • A START 1 (or 3) AUTO SEQ command has been attempted either with no injector on channel 1. Remove the screws that hold down the inlets with a no. ERROR *. 2 point Pozidriv. ! ~. single samples may be run by usingthe [START [injI] AUTO SEQ -J command. r The injector bracket is supported by standoffs (small hexagonal posts). The illustrations in this section show a capillazy inlet in the B position and a packed inlet in the D position. *** ERROR ***Aura SEQ BO'I"1'LE CONFLICT • J'. or with the power controller turned off. and the two sequences have called for the same bottle. The following is a list of these messages and a brief definition of their meaning: . f~ t ~. CHANNEL 2 (or 1) NOT INSTALLED The START or STOP button on injector 2 (or 1) bas been pushed. Where you attach these standoffs depends on the type and position of the inlet.' Error Messages Depending on circumstances. . ~ *** ERROR ***TRAY NOT INSTALLED ~' ~ • k . -..-" . J '~ Install the right cover (part number 19324-00(70) with two pan-head J screws.: ••• ERROR ••• INJECTOR 1 (or 2) FAILURE • . ••• ERROR ••• TRAY • ':t! INVALID BO'ITLE IN INJECTOR 1 "_- --<:-.. Turn to chapter 5.• ·i· .()()()B(). "Troubleshooting". FAILURE ~.····· •. b. ~ ···' •. It the GC has a capillary inlet lightfs).-(1 9': . INVALID BOTI'LE IN TRAY POSITION (I) ] :.~ **. 11I11 5 .** • ERROR **. .-~~ . Turn to chapter 5. c.'" - ~ ~ 11I1111111111111I11I11111I11I111I11111111111I 36 1111111111 a.. • a **. in the operating manual to troubleshoot the problem. remove the light and attach it to the new lamp holder (part number 19321.~ ..~ The tray arm is attempting to move a bottle from the injector back to a tray position that currently contains a bottle. Install the New Top Cover The tray ann is attempting to deliver a bottle to an injector that currently contains a bottle. Attach the lamp holder and the left cover (part number 19321-0(010) with two pan-head screws. Disconnect wires and route them through the tie wraps where necessary. -:. ~ . .1. in the operating manual to troubleshoot the problem. "Troubleshooting'.~~ 'II I ~ I~ I . ERROR _:i!l 2. ~: ~ ~ t!' r 4 . THE METAL SURFACES OF THE GC ARE VERY HOT AND COULD BURN YOUR SKIN. Turn the nut counterclockwise until it is off the threads and lift it out of the way.-_ ~. The braze joints that hold the ga9 nnes to the Inlet are fragne.=~ I = j -c' ~~ . 2 point Pozidriv. Side Panel. Remove the septum nuts on the packed and on-column inlets. list the set points and programmed events by pressing (UST] [ENTER]. uncovered. !<c. J CAUTION f I Tum off the gas flows before you remove the Inlet nut to &voId damaging the pecklng In the Inlet liner. loosen the inlet nut with the inlet wrench. ~ J ~:. Avoid contaminating the Inlet while" I. Remove the ExIsting Top Cover. I Turning off the power immediately eraSes data stored In the Instrument's memory. 1. ~ CAUTION ~ i l. For capillary inlets. b. ~ I TURN THE POWER SWITCH ON THE GC TO "OFF" AND DISCONNECT THE POWER CORD BEFORE INSTAlUNG THE AUTOMATIC SAMPLER BOARD IN THE GC.I WARNING ~.. To save this data. remove the top cover and left side panel of theGC. and Septum Nuts. Reenter the d8t8 when you have completed the Installation. I c.' ". ALLOW THE INLETS AND OVEN TO COOl BEFORE INSTALUNG THE INJECTOR MOUNTING BRACKET. a 7<. Using a no. ..: ". the tray bracket is packaged with the tray module.. . i r-w 1... contact your HP representative. i ExpIDded view with aI pats <. . . c. The injector bracket is packaged with the controller module.. 2 . Full-scale drawings of the screws help identify which ones you need for each step... r 1'...~-" -~I ':d ...'..' I• I ' . . . center of this link manual... ~ I J>d ..-~ 2 Installing the Brackets ..... 1 ... 0= .. .. 1 .r PCH1S yoo need for eaen step -- -. . .'... ' . . Use this worksheet to organize the hardware and tools for each step. '" '~ - Pull out the yellow...I' I• : .i'lJ The necessary hardware is packaged in several locations... .".- o i ... .... '. ' '... .worksheet from the...1 :1.. Step by step Toom you needfor each step ~ ~... . ~. ... and the top cover is packaged with the electronic materials. If any of the hardware is missing... . you may not be able to complete the instaIlation successfuIly....1. ! ~ " ... If you do not use the worksheet for this complex task.....-.} 3 . selecting consumables. i"· f r • • ~ Old EPROMI 1818-3119 1818-3120 1818-3121 1818-3122 19335-8001 0 19335-80015 NewEPROMs 19300-80070 19300-80080 19300-8000O 19300-801 00 19300-80110 19300-80120 Sample diagrams for connecting the cables for the automatic sampler to an HP 5880A GC. The following table shows what features each option supports and the associated part numbers. fP'O. V" D1ver. Before you begin check to see that you ordered the correct option. NP. . V<rNe Driver. Support" featanl VtM Drh'er. EFC.c ~c t 1 t~ ~ ~ Before You Start ~-~. Turn to page 35. EFC. Turn to page 21. @ 2 Copyright 1989. Loop. Instructions for installing the necessary electrical components (printed circuit board and EPROMs) on an HP 5880A GC. "'( ~ This link manual contains the following information: Instructions for installing the mounting brackets for the HP 18593B Injector Module and HPI8596B Tray Module on an HP 5880A GC. Optien IIIIlber 1932tA 193218 19321C AlS. including: mounting an injector. General operating instructions for using the automatic sampler with the HP 5880A GC. Turn to page 20. Common error messages. Extsma II1XJt (NO). or calculating the maximum number of samples you can run. ·. 1990 by Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved ~. WA. andSCC AlS. and 00 ALS. Turn to page 3.5. Refer to the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler Operating Manual (part number 07673-6(995) for general operating information. • • f: lc. Loop.loop.. sec. DlA.~ ~ This "link" manual contains information specific to using the automatic sampler with an HP 5880A Gas Chromatograph (00. Turn to page 16. ~~ ~ i if·· . D/A. ald DC! Il:iio ~. ~ .~~-_~r-.. April 1990 Installing and Operating the Injector and Tray on HP 5880A GCs -:-~~ --~ . ~ -~~ ._~?~i~~~~it~!:#:&0l1i$&~*) -'J .-:'--~ Unk Manual HP 7673 Automatic Sampler I t \ ~HEWLETT ~PACKARD Manual Part No..."'¥ D.0.S. HEWLETT-PACKARD .-~ :-~ \·4 "~ -I -11 r.A. I ~j {(ll=- ~. t . 07673-90235 PrInted In U.· .~ -.. ru ckiver Attach the Bracket ~ 0 0 o ( Ofawn fuI sea ) ( lXawn ftJ scale ) 0 o I 1. I I D 2 Detach the !Ret Nut 3 Piace the Bracket 4 Attach the IRet Nut 5 Aligl the Bracket i1etwrench - ~.· "'' ~. ".7 ~ .-.2 Pm Pozkiriv 2 aIigi.~. ~. o .~-- t ~ " I'~" I I I I I I 2 ilieCtDf bracI<et bust*1gs (18597-20735) ( Drawn flj SClY ) ~ 2 seff-twilg screwS (0624-os4s) til~""l2ii}e 3 standoffs (18597-20520) o o 00 I 1/4-i'1. i1}ector bracket (18957-00175) I I . c: Exploded diagcrn 1 g ~... ~ ~ 2 pal head screws (0515-0~n5) ( Ofawn UI scale ) i1Ietwrench ~ No.. I~H.. nent tools (18597-40030) ~: l! F. ~. ~ f: c' I 6 flathead saewctiver Attach the MOlilting Posts ~ £ • rl1OlI1Ii1g posts (07673-20865) ( Drawn ftJ scale ) .. c.. . ~. f b. Hold the bracket with the bend on the left side and slide it onto the cylinders that you attached to the side wall in step 1. gently bend the gas lines so they do not cross the white circles. skip to step 5. Push the inlet nut down and turn it clockwise. The gas lines must not interfere with the feet of the injector. F) ~ Figure S. t t Line up the top of the standoffs with the hole and slot on the bracket. ~. Route the gas lines on the inlet nut over the mounting bracket. For most configurations. H necessary. Placing the mounting bracket on the GC. Route the gas lines over the bracket and reattach the inlet nut.i. t.f ~/ t< 3. Allow the bracket to rest on top of the standoffs. r ~ (Read only if the GC has a spliUsplitiess Injection port.) -~ if: f: b. Place the Bracket 4.. Screw the pan head SCI'eVr'S into the threaded holes of the standoffs. Small white circles on the bracket show where the injector feet touch the bracket. Do not tighten the screws until step 5. f a. . Tighten it with the inlet wrench. Figure 6. the gas lines should be routed over the front or rear of the bracket. t1 Figure 7. Start the pan head screws into the standoffs. If not. Attach the Inlet Nut a.~. 8 9 . (Read only if the GC has a split/splitless injection port. 19245-20670). /_~ ~~ y--:. Detach the Inlet Nut Place the plastic alignment toolfs). Align the Bracket a. CAUTION I ' Turn off the gas flows before you remove the inlet nut or you may damage the packing In the inlet liner. a.. replace the cooling tower with a septum nut base assembly (Part No. ..2 point Pozidriv.-~ '~:_.: " .'#11'.•.•.. . H you have an lIP 5890 SERIES IT cool on-eolumn inlet. Save the needle guide top to realign the bracket.. Move the bracket until both alignment tools fit flush on the bracket. Detach the inlet nut and lift it out of the way. '... -. 19245-20540).... If you have an on-column inlet on an HP 5890A with a cooling tower (Part No.. over the inletts) of your GC.. skip to step 3. Remove and save the bracket alignment tools for future adjustments.-::~ Loosen the inlet nut with the inlet wrench.) ... Tighten the two screws that hold down the bracket with a No. . 90 7 .'. Avoid contaminating the Inlet while It Is uncovered.. Turn the nut counterclockwise until it is off the threads and lift it out of the way. :~-~- ..._~ 5..-:<~.~ . If not.~ e '~ Figure 8. 2. 19245-80520). you cannot replace the inlet liner without removing the bracket.." '... honeycombed side up. you may have to adjust the position of the inlets.1 . ~m-~ 10 5eptunnut base assembly ~ ~ Neede gLidetop Figure 4. The braze joints that hold the gas lines to the inlet are fragile. . Align the bracket and tighten the screws. Save the cooling tower to realign the bracket.~ . .~ t~ . Hyou cannot make them fit flush by moving the bracket." I b. .. ~ -~ :~~ .~ :::~ For a splitlsplitless inlet... route the gas lines over the bracket.. remove the needle guide top (Part No. If you do not. ~. the stability of an injector in the rear position may be affected. . this standoff could interfere with the heat sink (metal fins) around the inlet.1. ~ p. f .. Tighten the standoff with a 1/4-in... Tighten the posts with a flathead screwdriver. use only the left-hand side of the heat sink.. ... nut driver.~ 6 11 .~-' e. 1. The hole has a silver-colored pem (small threaded washer) on the top..< 6.. t ?' i> •. l r It ~: e l. t. Attach the Mounting Posts a. ~ .'1_.. ~_. . Without this standoff'. Attach the standoff to the bottom of the mounting bracket. Screw each mounting post clockwise into the threaded holes of the bracket....: Ii. ~:.. . Attach the mounting posts... Figure 9. right-hand side of the bracket. If necessary... ~. t If a purged packed inlet is installed on the GC. [f' ~ r Screw one standoff onto the bottom of the mounting bracket to act as a support leg.. " t" Figure 3. ~. do not install this standoff.- f "'. ~" r If HP 5890 SERIES n cool on-column inlets are installed in both the front and rear positions of the GC.. I'. This standoff is packaged with the accessory kit. see chapter 1 of your operating manual "Setting Up.. For detailed information on mounting and connecting the injector." Figure 2. ~ n If the rear inlet is an HP 5890 SERIES cool on-column inlet (Accessory Kit 19245B or 19245C) on an lIP 5890A GC. :1 J " ..---:::f -~~ 3 d. Checking Your Work D I I Double-check. install the tray bracket before mounting the injector. Screw two of the standoffs (small hexagonal posts) into the threaded holes located near the inlets. If you are installing a tray. ~ .. be sure the lines are not near the white circles..'~ .~l t. use a short standoff' in the rear position (Part No. _~ 12 5 . . /~ :'1 :.~ If the GC has an on-eolumn injection port. Tighten them with a 1I4-in.·•. o Check that the following are tight: o Self-tapping screws. 19245-20760). the following: t I o o If the GC has a splitJsplitless injection port. o o Pan head screws. be sure that you have replaced the cooling tower with the septum nut base assembly. o If gas lines are routed over the bracket.:.. Attach the standoffs near the inlets. . nut driver. ~ ~-p Injector mounting posts... check the inlet nut. Using a 1/4-in.. For detailed information on cabling to the HP 5890 SERIES II Gas Chromatograph.. Signal cable connections. Attach the cylinders to the side of the GC... For cabling the automatic sampler to data-handling devices. attach the two small cylinders onto the left side wall of the chromatograph.. f t ~. Remove the port pan by inserting a finger into the U-shaped cut on the panel and pulling up. rt s ~) t= ~ ~ .: . see the Site PreplInstallation Manual (Part No.. f b.. such as the RS-232-C connector. nut driver and the two self-tapping screws. Attach the Injector Bracket Supports . ~:::- ~~ .. Lift up the right-hand side of the top cover. Figure 1.-. are found on the back. . manual for the specific device or system. c. a.:::-:l ~ ~~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~- ~ t t- Connecting to HP 5890 GCs The type of data-handling device and communications configuration that you use determines how you connect the automatic sampler to the HP 5890 GCs. 05890-90280). 4 13 .~~.~ ~~~ ~~ Rea- fOO INET comectors FilUre 10.:::J I r. see the link. Other connections. ~'. This section contains some general information and two examples of cabling for the instrument network (lNET). Remote connector I ~ ~ID ."_Ie' 4 1. Signal Cable Connections r !NET and REMOTE cable connections are located under the right top panel of the HP 5890. -:-- r.:::-:l L:.. ........ 1 a.•....... <WW.......~=~ o --- - 5 ...... .-~51 Exploded view with aI pats . o ~ ... I Installing the Injector Bracket j) _~_1' .- Tools you need foreach step I I I I I I I j C I . ) ~ . 14 3 .. ..:~ ''''_~_ 3 _ ..-:II . z. .~ ··1~" ':.....:... .-.j ....... ... ..... - 2 _ . Organize the hardware and tools for each step.• ..::: ] ) . .... _. _ ..) 4 ..._-:2' I I I I I I I I " ( t .1 Figure 11...... .. ITany of the hardware is missing...:.! ( Pcr1s you need for each step S<fI1lIer I ~ ..~ '1 .. .. Step by step -. ...:~ . _ ~ --- 5890 sma I HP 5890 SfRIES I Gas ~ IN OUT II. . .. .. . - OUTI IN ' ....~ Pull out the yellow worksheet from the center of this link manual..."~ :E.~ """3.......:~ ra-- ".......-- :~ ..•...-.. - .. A Simple INET Loop .. .....-.... -~-1:\ ~-F: .... ( Catrtter&~ '~ ~~ :111 .. 3'I'w ....! Conroller -- ) . D- 2 .. Cable connections for a system using INEf.~ ......... -.2 Instrument Network (INET) The following diagrams show two !NET configurations for connecting the automatic sampler to an HP 5890. Full-scale drawings of the screws help identify which ones you need for each step. ... 8 f ~ . . contact your HP representative. ... ~~~ o~IIN ~ ~.. -. . .. e . ---." ....--'. i~ ~-...c t E 1. --.:_". I k : This manual contains the following information: ~ ~. 2 Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved 15 .~. - -- secm:I lrtePm _ ..•• -Aiibj-"" CMIlJ I . you must first install the split top cover for the HP 5890 SERIES IT Gas Chromatograph. place this link manual in the binder of your operating manual for the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler (Part No. ~ --=--- SOlD. . HP 5890A. If you have a split/splitless Injection port. t~ • • •• • WARNING _ I ~ Allow the inlets and oven to cool before InstaJllng the injector mounting bracket.' 5890 -- II RenDell BCO I StatIl I II ~. ----. o 6 After you have completed the installation. The metal surfaces of the GC are very hot and could bum your skin. 07673-60995) after the tab for appendix C "Link Manuals. • Sample diagrams for connecting the cables for the automatic sampler to the lIP 5890 Gas Chromatographs (GCs). liP 589lI SERES I Gas ~ . you could damage the column. . ·••. ~ • • •• • I c' I 5 -~ . 1 t ic " " t Before You Start A Simple INET Loop '1::. ~< • Instructions for installing the mounting bracket for the lIP 18593B Injector Module.'-..C t f. -----. CorVoIer &~ ~ ~ Figure 12. - Before installing the injector mounting bracket on an. Cable connections for a dual injector system using INET.• ..... .~ -~ .': . =-= 0=' ~ ~ » .. •.l.l ~-.~ -.A." ~...~ ..~ '· . ~ ...- ...~ ..j-. October 1989 .S. .t:' "'" -~. ~ .-~ Cc~ HEWLETT-PACKARD .~ . Link Manual HP 7673 Automatic Sampler Installing the Injector Bracket and cables to 5890 GCs ~HEWLETT ~PACKARD Manual Part No. 07673-90195 PrInted In U. ·I ·. -. '? ..~ . ( =-= { .. . ~u ~ ~~ .--'lo~~~~p....-~ 00 .D~F (tz • . liU Ill' J>'-----. ~ = • I 1 I I I I I f~ r-::-l L... Blank Bezel. EE q .O~iii~R ~[lp'~o _. •..'~---------------------------'I ~-". I 1 (> lZ I ~ I f I·IJ I . -Ii[!] ~ Item 1 Description Part No..CO a:::JELHIJ ELl LD F I fF E ! > i F I E:!:J IF E ~[TI~~ITJ~ I~ 10 I .~ ~ Contents for Accessory Kits HP 18599R and 185998 Itontents for Accessory Kits HP 18599H ...... Included in HP 185995 kit only. f II iI ~ p"'!!IU 1 I • . 1 2 rr1 c lI.----- ~ O~ • Jo ~. NNNN indicates the last four digits of the part number for most recent EPROM.IL. 3 •. . . ~.. Blank 18594-60110 8120-4654 0515-0912 2190-0065 18594-00115 18594-00116 1 1 6 6 2 2 Item 1 2 3 . QTY ControllerlHP-IB Board HP-IB Cable M3 Screws T#6 Washers Bezel.r-'I-I - .... QTY RS-232-e Board Controller EPROM Controller Board RS-232-e Manual 18594-60080 18594-8NNNN 18594-60060 18594-90300 1 1* 1** 1 Included in HP 18599R kit only.• aoI.l..~o()..' 8 . * IU I ~ Description Part No..J . . o::::J 0 CWO I~~if> • ~ II I <0 '~I~ rJ O))~. .1 ((0) ~:. -~ 3 '-t .JMJW ~ fmillcl:51 .-..:~ ffiIrn 8o:J • CD .IMWL. NNNN indicates the last four digits of the part number for most recent EPROM .. II " 8 m . c:::=3 IoN'" ~ .I :"& ~ • ). II. ~:.MtJr'rt.. Loop Board Controller EPROM Loop .! rnl rn CD i { jlO rro I%J 1!I 1 '0 r-'ii' o! II..JOi'i'tt¥l'l~ C? =t?1 ~ i ~-~~. QTY Tray Logic Board 18594-60075 1 .. II. m!ij '~I ..• ~-¥ ((fNf9~ ~ II . ··b . • " Included in 18599M kit only.g~."R ~------4! ~ -2 ':':1 --:i~ Contents for Accessory Kit HP 18596A Contents for Accessory Kits 18599L and 18599M _"-. .. ~((((ICD ••• b - '%~ ---i <~ . Item QTY 1 1" 1 1"" • r 1 Description Part No.l .··.. . iI. L..y" Cable Controller Board 18594-60090 18594-8NNNN 18594-60650 18594-60060 Included in 18599L kit only.. .~-"" ~.:!.rt~ ·.: 8cq ~ ~EI. f1 '.' ~~ .. _-~ 1 -1 i i Item 1 2 3 4 " Description Part No.1 ~ .mm EEl : QiP~~o~ ~J ).. . ill · ·I~ · 'L~ !l -}~ .§ _ 1 -~.I~c::::::::s ~ •• . iiiis rn =~ -=""'.1 . l.~ Sf ~O -00+· 0. .. ~- ~. Board . and for interpreting the turn-on behavior of the controller when the HB-IB board is installed. J ~. ~. and other devices attached to the controller. For an additional automatic sampler. Configure the board for either a ChemStation or a Lab Automation System with the fonowing instructions. f· -~ . The controllerlHP-IB board contains a control section and a communications section. ri· ~- 12 • Remove the plastic cap from the connector on the back of the ControllerlHP-IB board. t. for connecting the cables. For Use With an HP ChemStatlon (HP-UX Series) . Address SwItches The board communicates with lIP ChemStations via an lIP-IB cable. ~' CD CD Configuring the Board t ~ The following illustration shows the location of the address switches on the controllerlHP-IB board. the tray. In the illustration the example switches on the right are set to address 8. an • Select address from 1 to 29 • Must be different Ihan aD other Instrument HP-IB addresses. Be sure to properly ground yourself to eliminate any static discharge problems. • Install the controllerlHP-IB board in the CONTROLLER slot. N - Iddms IWIcIIn e::t " 2 3 4 . The address should be unique for each instnunent. choose any unused address. 13 .Hp·IB Set the HP-IB address switches on the rear panel as shown in the following illustration.I~ 0ססoo 00001 80010 00111 10100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 11010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 1eooo 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 Turn back.~ f k 4 ~ ~. to page 6 and install the HP-IB board. It is used to control the injector(s). " ~- • 1 This section includes information for configuring the board with either a ChemStation or Lab Automation System. 20 21 22 23 24 25 2& 27 28 29 . 1. Save it for later use. It communicates with lIP 3350 Lab Antomation Systems (A series only) via an RS-232-C Interface Board in the COMM slot and an RS-232-C cable to an lIP 35900B Dual Channel Interf'ace. ~~. This is the usual address for the first automatic sampler connected to a ChemStation. 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. a flat metal plate). The model designation is on the Serial Number plate on the rear panel. ':·. you must configure the HP-ill and RS-232-C boards. Set the jumper to 9. Locate the WI BAUD RATE jumper on theRS-232-C board (part number 18594-60080). Leave the plastic cap on the HP-ffi connector. ~~ ~t~· '1 There is an EPROM on the controller board and its part number is 18594-80010. Baud rate set to 9600 • • The CONTROLLER slot has a board in it with no connectors on the bezel (ie._~~:t Connecting Cables 1. Secure the plug to the connector with a small flathead screwdriver..·. Jmper 2.. Contact you HP representative to order the necessary part.1 '·~ ~. 2.~ l -~~ . . If any of the following are true. ·~-A "·. • Install the RS-232-C Interface board in the COMM slot and the HP-ffi board.····.!~~ -.6K as shown in the following illustration.~ ~ -. 1. the controller board is not compatible with the tray board. .· . .··'·· . 4 2 1 ~~ z: 1 •. Plug the tray cable into the connector of the tray board in the left-hand slot on the back panel of the controller. E -' Turn back to page 6 and install both boards in the controller. -. in the CONTROLLER slot.. This configuration requires an lIP 35900B Dual Channel Interface.~ For Use With an HP 3350 Lab Automation System (A series only) When configuring for use with a Lab Automation System. 14 11 .·.·. ~ Set the HP-IB address switches on the rear of the HP-ill board to address 8 as shown in the following illustration.. Look on the lower right-hand corner of the board. The part number for this board is 18594-60020.~ o . There is a U6 EPROM on the controller board and it has a part number whose last four digits are greater than 010 (i.a ~ RS-232-C • RS-232 COIIJICtIr EPROM ~ HP 7613A Ctmreler Pert . The following instructions include checking the configuration of the controller board and connecting the tray cable. •. Connecting Cables 1.ct -c::=J. see part number 07673-60995. • A 5880A communication board is in the CONTROLLER slot. Locate the board in the slot labeled C?~~R. ~ tF359008 .~~. For B modules. rJ ~rtL- U . 10 lIIbtr iJstrum elltS HP7673A CIIdrtIer CllenStatitn With HP 3350 Lab Automation Systems Connect an HP 17255D (or equivalent) RS-232-C cable from the connector on the RS-232-C Interface Board to an instrument port on the rear panel of an HP 35900A Dual Channel Interface.M ~ a. A picture of the board is on page 8. see part number" 07673-60990. For A modules. ~ [. DualCbameI lItet1act -c::=J.a 15 .. ~' For information on mounting and operating the tray. . DO NOT connect the cable to an HP-m ChemStation disk or printer port. •• .. There are a few cases where the controller board must be modified.~. pesslWy -c::=J. A picture of the board is on page 8. Connect an HP 8120-4654 (or equivalent) HP-m cable from the connector on the back of the board to either an instrument HP-IB port on the ChemStation or an HP-m connector on a cable that eventually reaches a ChemStation instrument port..... U U-O-~::' ~ Q? ~ ~ . :" •.'~' ~ t l f~ ~".. · . see the automatic sampler operating manual.:J r With HP ChemStations (HP-UX Series) tTray Board i. t ~. -c::J.:-cheCklng the Configuration ~ . • A controllerlHP-m board is in the CONTROLLER slot. k t.• ~. .. ~: lr <) n n~ r U..l· . If any of the following are true.e. a part number greater than 18594-80010). ". turn back to page 6 and continue installing the tray board. 3 ::-. The tray board you received with this accessory must be able to communicate with the controller board. Tighten the screws of the bezels with a No. • 5 flashes-defective ROM on a bar code reader board For the Loop board. • 4 flashes-defective RAM on a bar code reader board For the controDerlHP-m board.e.. b. '}j For an A module.~ j j~ ~. Slip on the controller top cover. ... . During initialization.2 Point Posidriv..trollerlHP-m board.: .~ ". turn to page 21. turn to the page for the board you are adding._~~ Screw on the four corners screws with a No. For a B module.'I:. - 11 ~ d. Red I I Green a. -~:~ ~~ Screw on the five screws with a No.4 .. ~ .. b. This prevents seeing any of the diagnostic flashes from the controllerffiP-m board. -_1 .-'~ When you turn on an automatic sampler containing a co:n. the fault lights (i.j -:~ The red fault light also flashes to indicate problems with the tray board. e._~ ~ 1 --. Attach the Top Plate and Top Cover ~~: .-. depending on what other boards are installed. Connect Any Cables • 2 flashes-defective RAM on the controllerlHP-m board For instructions. • 6 flashes-bar code reader cable not attached • 7 flashes-bar code reader configuration switch set to TEST . 16 9 . the controller runs a series of intem. It may may take from one to ten seconds. 5. the red light turns on and remains on. complete these steps. LEOs) on the front panel remain on until initialization is complete. .-~ ~ -j '::'_'i'- Turn-on Behavior ~j -~ 4. turn to page 11.~ .2 Point Posidriv.~ For a both modules.-~ :. initialization stops and the read fault light flashes a diagnostic code. If the tray board is installed but the ~ is not attached.al diagnostics. -==- c. complete this step.~ ~::-:-' Screw on the two screws with a No. If a problem is found. complete these steps.1 Point Posidriv. • 3 flashes-defective ROM on the controllerlHP-m board For the tray board. turn to page 15. ~ Slip on the metal top plate.1 Point Posidriv. Possible codes are: ~.. . Set the jumper to a baud rate that is supported by your computer (i. higher baud rates will result in faster communication and shorter delay times. ~-" ~~- CONTROlLER COnroIerIHP-IB Board 18594-60110 1- This section includes information for configuring the board..:_.._O~ cO . For more information on band rate selection. 4800...J.e.. Locate the WI BAUD RATE jumper on the RS-232-C board (part number 18594-60080).' pBorflI Name I PertNLJTiler Tray Board ~. . see section 3 of the "HP 7673 Automatic Sampler with RS-232-C Serial Interface Manual" (part number 18594-90300).. see section 2 of the "HP 7673 Automatic Sampler with RS-232-C Serial Interface Manual" (part number 1.OJ - • ~" 588CA ComTuicatioos Board 18594-60050 ro eI Fi:[-. 1?00.-'. .. 8 17 ..IL-- COMM • I~~ ~ 18594-903(0). 300.. 9600 or 19200 baud).. L. r' COMM RS-232-e Board 18594-60080 LoopBoa-d ~ ~ 18594-60090 . Configuring the Board i"" t For initial operation information. mBoard 18594-60040 !~. 2400. but sometimes running at very high baud rates could make it difficult for your computer to keep up with transmission from the HP 7673. Some experimentation may be necessary.~ j. 18594-60075 " cO 6 ControDer Slot Connectors ! RS-232-C Board TRAY ~.. I~J IIIII~J AU>: COMM AUX In general.II. CONTROLLER Bald rate set tI !I6GO ". . 600.. Be sure to properly ground yourself to eliminate any static discharge problems. t f l_ l'i' ~~~oo LoBpI-ad IHET Board 18594-60030 co ••. . Remove the board in the CONTROLLER slot.. e.. B SlIt c••• m. remove the board in the CONTROLLER slot and lay it on a flat surface. ~ "04:' _b_1 ~. The part number should look like 18594-80NNN. ".J ~ .-i~ • If you are using kit number 18599R.. u 8l~ ~ ~~: ~. 2. bezel from the COMM slot. SlIt Tum back to page 6. Turn back to page 6. '-~1 . bezel from the COMM slot. Without removing the board find the part number on the EPROM. remove any board or blank.OJ A EPROM IF NNN is greater than or equal to 120. <=J. Install the new EPROM (l8594-8NNNN) provided in the kit. and install the RS-232-C board in the COMM slot. '.~... go to step three. Remove the installed EPROM. d. Install the controller board (18594-60060) provided in the kit in the CONTROLLER slot.. <=J-" <=J. remove any board or blank bezel from the COMM slot. 18 7 .'1 <. Note the orientation of the EPROM currently installed. 3. a. Blaltbml IF NNN is less than 120. turn back to page 6. remove any board or blank.a -e::J. '--- <=J-. and install the RS-232-C board in the COMM slot.~ ~ .. • If you are using kit number 185998. and install the RS-232-C board in the COMM slot. Locate the board in the slot labeled CONTROLLER There is an EPROM on this board with the part number written on it. Re-instaD the board into the CONTROLLER slot.. b. go to step two.~ G · ''i."q <> • • • . go to step one. Press the board gently into place. r" e.~Cc L~ ~ . go to step two. If there is a board or blank bezel (i. Be sure the board is seated correctly at two points: ~ This section includes information for configuring the board. wiggle the bezel back. 1 Point Pozidriv. The part number should look like 18594-80NNN. <> • • • d. Locate the board in the slot labeled CONTROLLER. For the tray board. Determine in which slot the option board belongs from the table on page 8.r4 -c:::J-a G· ~ EPROM a ~. Remove any board or blank bezel from the COMM slot. ~- d. Using a No.j'. 6 19 . turn to page 10. turn to page 17. • Hyou are using kit number 18599M. metal plate or cover) in the slot. also complete this step. attach the boards bezel to the back of the ~. b.e. connecting cables. turn to page 12.~ controller with two screws.- The tab of the board is in the slot. f For the RS-232-C board.: ~ ~ - ~- Install the Board(s) Configuring the Board a. ~ a IF NNN is greater than or equal to 120. remove it. turn back to page 6 to complete the following: t· a. tum to page 19. also complete this step. Be sure to properly ground yourself to eliminate any static discharge problems. Line up the tab and plug(s) on the bottom edge of the board with the slot and eonnectorfs) on the base or the controller. • Hyou are using kit number 18599L. r:' ~. ~ l For the loop board.: ~~ 7 F· 3. ~ v For a B module. 0:.- ~ '" -c:::J. and setting run parameters. There is an EPROM on this board with the part number written on it. ~ -.. Install the loop board in the COMM slot. Without removing the board find the part number on the EPROM. 1. . c. The plag(s) is firmly seated in the conneetorfs). 10-_" ~: t • • t . and forth with the tip of your fingers while pressing down on the board. ~~ ~ Loop Board For the controDerlHP-m board. ~ ~. b. Configure the Board(s) For instructions. To be sure the front bezeltab is seated. J~ • 8l~ ~ ~~ For an A module. turn to the page for the option board you are adding. ~ -~ ~ . ~~" Screws a.. -_J~ .. d.· ':· . . to page 6 to complete the following: • Remove any board or blank bezel from the COMM slot. •.~ ~ Re-instaD the board into the CONTROLLER slot.~ Install the new EPROM (18594-8NNNN) provided in the kit.~~ '] . b...~'-~ -. Front . • · ~ . :':.qe HP 185948 j ~~ 'l . L.. Remove the board in the CONTROLLER slot.* - Turn back to page 6 and install the board in the controller to complete the following: 5. Install the loop board in the COMM slot.~ 2. Note the orientation of the EPROM currently installed. Remove any board or blank bezel from the COMM slot. Remove the installed EPROM. ..~1 B -:~ SCI'8W$ Screws 20 5 .~ J ::1 --. Insta1l the controller board (18594-60060) provided in the kit in the CONTROLLER slot. remove the board in the CONTROLLER slot and lay it on a flat surface. Install the loop board in the COMM slot. Turn back. b. ~~.i a.-~s IF NNN is less than 120. . e. 1 ~ ··.:-~~ . . '. :.2 Point Pozidriv.. c. b. secure it with the screws. r"-"-"--_·' ~I~ r'-'-'-'~ '\.~ J3 on the 18653B is used to connect remote start signals between the gas chromatograph and the 18653B. These connectors are keyed to define their proper locations..-n«face Board .3 .I 1t5S14 60650 115M-lllXl8O . Lift off the top plate.: ~C. t This task is completed the same way for either an A module or a B module.f b i": ~ ~: Connecting Cables 1. b.-" a. Remove the four screws at the corners of the top plate with a No.SI!.5 ~~ ._.J 21 . !:!os ~_ • .J 4 111&536012. GC Remove the top plate by lifting the front edge and sliding it toward the front of the controller. 2.o~J3 I I I I I . ". U'P. Remove the five screws of the top plate with a No.7!!. a. See the illustrations on the page 5. . Connect the 15-pin connector to the loop board in the controller and ~. 1 Point Pozidriv. l2.1 Point Pozidriv. Remove the controller top cover by removing two screws located on the 1.C~ _ • .. A single "Y" cable (18594-60650) is used to connect the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler to the 18653B SlECM. it ~ Plug the two plugs of the Y end of the cable into J 4 and J5 on the HP 18653B SlECM box. For a B module.' 2 Point Pozidriv. Remove the Top Plate For an A module. Loosen the four screws that hold the boards and bezels to the metal top plate with a No. complete these steps. rear edge of the plastic top cover with a No. Remove the Top Cover ~. a. complete these steps. !". ~. - UI5M-6IIIlSII ~ 1 1_ _ I· ~ 1 1- 3 .. a start signal is sent from the automatic sampler to the SlECM which starts the AID and the gas chromatograph. • _ _ it l.:. contact your lIP representative.'.' . .'!. Once a valid bottle number is sent to the automatic sampler.·1··.._ 22 r-:. '.". For more information on the control switches.- ~_ Z _RX*l 1 ~"T'c-...1 ." - ~ ..Yto..J • . ~. .. 01--"- !li~~t-~..~ -~~ You need a No.I:.~.::q-- 1 /__!---. .. '... If any of the hardware is missing.. the sampler will begin its pre-run sequence.t'~ '..--n n. "-.II5ML '*.~ "ill ~J . '··. .in':'{'. All other parameters need to be entered via the control switches on the front panel of the HP 185938 Injector Module.:.._-:f •:1 "> e-te. it sends the next bottle number to the automatic sampler indicating that a new run is being initiated. I . Check the hardware you received against the list of hardware on the yellow worksheet. 1 Point Pozidriv and a No. '~ ~~ Installing a Board .ts for Accessory Kits 19599L -.. see chapter 4.N -:tell' "i'l 2 .'" -~ ..r~I-. "Standalone Control" in the operating manual (part number 07673-60995).:.. Communication is limited to passing the next bottle number to the automatic sampler.i~· ..~ Operation The Loop Board provides communication between the Lab Automation System (HP 3350A and lIP 3357A) and the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler. --.. When an injection occurs.. ~'L..·. Valid bottle numbers with the tray installed are 01-00 (where 00 is interpreted as 100). . 1J5IfIII '*. 1 • : I .-'"T' I ' - I .-:'O.·. Valid bottle numbers when the tray is NOT installed are 01-03..~~ ~~~r·:~.~ '. • e-.....1'.:. 2 Point Posidriv to complete these instructions. ~ ~..~- Pull out the yellow worksheet from the center of this link manual Find the content list for the accessory you ordered.:n····.]~.':' . " -i.~ '0 ~~ i. . ~1il.:I11l5ll9M j Once the data system detennines that a run has finished and the next one should be started.'.1 }4I . Before you start. Modell HP 18594A) or a B module CLe. Model# HP 18594B). Before You Start r-- ~- ~ . r. you may damage the electronics of the board or controller. If you do not use static . After you have completed the installation. WARNING HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT IN THIS INSTRUMENT WHEN THE POWER CORD IS CONNECTED. I CAUTION I This procedure requires protection against electrostatic discharge. ~c.protection." © Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved 2 .. ~ This link.~ f 1 " r ~' .e... place this link manual in the binder of your operating manual for the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler (part number 07673-60995) after the tab for appendix C "Link Manuals. Use a static control wrist strap (I. part number 9300-0969 for large wrist strap or part number 9300-0970 for small) connected to a ground.. do the following: ". manual describes how to install and configure the printed-circuit board associated with the option you ordered into either an HP 18594A or HP 18594B Controller Module. AVOID ANY DANGEROUS SHOCK HAZARD BY DISCONNECTING THE CORD BEFORE REMOVING THE CONTROLLER UD.e. • Check the warranty identification label on the back of the controller to determine whether you havean A module (i..~ • Turn off the power of the controller and disconnect the power cord. .r..1 ~i ~ 1: i Link ..•~...~~·'i.>"~ .•.r-..A.• ......a ~ i ••.S.• '~'iJ •.·:' ~ ~~ ~ . HEWLETT-PACKARD .·. Manual HP 7673 Automatic Sampler Installing Option Boards f I ~HEWLETT ~PACKARD Manual Part No..·~. · 1 ') t ~~ " -~ . ~ ~l.-... November 1989 ..... 18599-90155 PrInted In U... rM ctiver Attach the Bracket ~ o 3 standoffs (18597-20520) ( Drawn flj scale ) 0 I 1 i1jectDf bfacket (18597-00205) I ~ ~ ..r f ~-- l I I r--toded ciqam uo·· ~_o. iietwrench f-:.1. 1". o I I I I I I I 2 qector bracket bust*lgs (18597-20735) ( Drawn fuIscale ) ~ I "'~ . r. 1/4-..J-. ~ ~ r. 2 point Pozktiv saewttiver ~~ ~. 2 aqrnerttools (18597-40030) . ~ 1 g '\ tr ~~ t. ~ f i. ~ ~~ ~/. .-. . 2 seff-tappilg saews (0624-0546) ( [)(awn fuI scaie ) ZZZ1ZZJ-. ~ 5 AigrI the Bracket 00.. ~ -. ~' t r: I ~ i I o ( I D 2 Detach the Inlet Nut 3 Place the Bracket 4 Attact1 the Inlet Nut net wrench I ~ ~ 2 pa1 head saews (0515-0915) ( Drawn flj scale ) ~ r' k ~... .O"". .1 \..l.~...:.. you may have to adjust the position of the inlets. t 4. the gas lines should be routed over the front or f< riht-rear corner of the bracket. 6. Route the gas lines on the inlet nut over the mounting bracket. Remove and save the bracket alignment tools for future adjustments. Push the inlet nut down and turn it clockwise. Align the Bracket a. gently bend the gas lines. ~. I: b. honeycombed side up. a. Figure 8. Place the plastic alignment toolfs). Align the bracket and tighten the screws.) . r' ~: (Read only if the GC has a split/splltless Inlet.·. Check Your Work Turn to page 16 and check your work. wrench.. Tighten it with the inlet ~ :.I ~. Attach the Inlet Nut L.•. over the inletfs) of your GC. Route the z:as lines over the bracket and reattach the inlet nut. ~. b. skip to step 5. . 10 11 . Move the bracket until both alignment tools fit flush on the bracket.• The gas lines must not interfere with the mounting of the injector.." Ix 5. If you cannot make them fit flush by moving the bracket.. For most configurations. 2 point Pozidriv screwdriver.~ ~- ~ Figure'7. Tighten the two screws that hold down the bracket with a no.. If not. If necessary. Allow the bracket to rest on top of the standoffs. Align the bracket.~ i 3. Remove the existing injector bracket and bracket supports. attach the piece ofsheet metal and two large standoffs.~~ --~~ " \~ ' ''". Figure 5.:...'i J b. Do not tighten the screws until step 5. ~~ ~i\:l . 4..j Line up the top of the standoffs with the hole and slot on the bracket. Replace the pan head screws that hold the inlets to the GC top cover with the appropriate standoffs (small hexagonal posts}.. Screw the pan head screws into the threaded holes of the standoff's.- . • .. . use the large standoffs.. Start the pan head screws into the standoffs. . This section reviews the steps for installing the upgrade injector bracket and shows an exploded View.. Attach two large standoffs to the bottom of the bracket.~ '" ':~ . Some of the parts are packaged with the upgrade bracket and the rest with the HP 5880A injector/tray mounting hardware (part number 18597-6(675). Placing the mounting bracket on the GC. 1.r. 2. 6. 12 . ~ 1 Complete the following steps to install the upgrade injector bracket. 9 . Place the Bracket a Installing on HP 5880A GCs '. . .• .---1 l§ . use the small standoffs.~ ~~ For a packed inlet.4 . • For a position without an inlet. manual "Installing and Operating the Injector and Tray on HP 5880A GCs" (part number 07673-90235). 5...~ The exploded view on the next page shows the bracket being installed over positions B and D.~ j Hold the bracket with the bend on the left side and slide it onto the cylinders that yon attached to the side wall in step 1... 3. Figure 6. . . . • For a capillary inlet.. The next step is to install the tray bracket. refer to the link.1 '~ - Place the bracket. For detailed instructions. The braze joints that hold the gas lines to the inlet are fragile. you cannot replace the inlet liner without removing the bracket. Detach the Inlet Nut t·: . H you do not.• .I ~ 2.. Installing the upgrade bracket on an HP 5880A GC. If not. route the gas lines over the bracket. 13 .) For a split/splitless inlet. '""-. Figure 4. Detach the inlet nut and lift it out 8 or the way. Avoid contaminating the inlet while it Is uncovered. I ~ CAUTION I Tum off the gas flows before you remove the inlet riut or you may damage the packing in the Inlet nner. sklp to step 3.. .. ~ ~ •. e ~ ~ . ~. Loosen the inlet nut with the inlet wrench. Figure 9."! . Turn the nut counterclockwise until it is off the threads and lift it out of the way. a.~e (Read only if the GC has a spliUsplitless inlet. nut driver. install the bracket over the rear set of threaded holes. use the largest standoffs to support the tray and the smallest standoffs to support the injector bracket. in the B position).I '~ £.e...'~ You can mount only one injector on an HP 5710130190. • For a capillary inlet. 7 --~:1 .j Complete the following steps to install the upgrade injector bracket.. Attach the appropriate standoff's (small hexagonal posts). 2.'1 .~:. To mount the injector over the front inlet (i. Installing on HP 5710/30/90 GCs .~ 1.e.':. j». ". The next step is to install the tray bracket. install the bracket over the front set of threaded holes. ~ ~. 1 ~~ . '~ This section reviews the steps for installing the upgrade injector bracket and shows an exploded view.~ . 5. refer to the link manual "In. use only the left-hand side of the heat sink. 4. ~~ '.~ '\~ '. Screw one standoff onto the bottom of the mounting bracket to act as a support leg.'J 1 '~ . Attach the standort to the bottom of the mounting bracket. Remove the existing bracket and replace the GC top cover.::i . " .. To mount the injector over the rear inlet (i. Tighten the standoff with a' 114-in. • ~.~. WIthout this standoff. the stability of an injector in the rear position may be affected.. j- If a purged packed inlet is installed on the GC. '~ :t. For a packed inlet. Align the bracket. do not install this standoff. in the A position). right-hand side of the bracket. but do not use any standoffs to support the injector bracket.'. _~ -~. Attach the plugs and septum nut.' oil Figure 3.'. Attach the injector bracket. use the medium-sized standoffs to support the tray.~ .' . For detailed instructions. The hole has a silver-colored pem (small threaded washer) on the top.~". 6. 14 ..sta. o 3.: 4 e. this standoff could interfere with the heat sink (metal fins) around the inlet. If HP 5800 SERIES n cool on-column inlets are installed in both the front and rear positions of the GC. The injector can only be used with a packed port in the B position.il .lling and Connecting the Injector and Tray on HP 5710/30190 GCs" (part number 07673-9(225). If necessary. Attach the standoffs near the inlets. I ~.f t.~~ ~ i f-"' d.'.• · .. / ~. use a short standoff in the rear position (part number 19245-20760). Screw two of the standoffs (small hexagonal posts) into the threaded holes located near the inlets. Figure 10. ~ " t~. {i· < ? f Figure 2.· ~- " k .~ 1:.' . Installing the upgrade bracket on an HP 5710/30/90 GC. ~'-.. This standoff is packaged withthe accessory kit. If the rear inlet is an HP 5890 SERIESIT cool on-column inlet (Accessory Kit 19245B or 19245C) on an HP 5890A GC. . ·. o I I f I . nut driver.'.' •. t... f. 6 15 . Ali011 IneIlI tool ~7. Tighten them with a 1I4-in. -~f e. Lift.. ~ . You. check the inlet nut. Attach the cylinders to the side of the GC.. Fipre 1.. If the GC has an on-column inlet. be sure the lines are placed according to figure 7 on page 10. b. be sure you have the correct inlet top-either the cooling tower or the septum nut base assembly with the needle guide top.~ 5 .must also remove the existing injector bracket and supports. ~ j h Self-tapping screws. Refer to "Installing the Tray Bracket on 5890 GCs" (part number 07673-90205). attach the two small cylinders onto the left side wall of the chromatograph. o Check that the following are tight: ]j If installing on an lIP 5890A GC. o If gas lines are routed over the bracket.. nut driver and the two self-tapping screws. you must first install the HP 5890 SERIES II split top cover . t~ a Remove the port pan of the split top cover by inserting a finger into tha U-shaped cut on the panel and pulling up.~ :~ i Pan head screws. Attach the Injector Bracket Supports Checking Your Work Double-check the following: o o If the GC has a splitJsplitless inlet.. ~ ~~ --~ The next step is to install the tray bracket. up the right-hand side of the top cover.~ J 3 -t 1.. Using a 1/4-in. 16 . ~ ':'-: . o o ~"o-r. ~-. ~--:--------------t-I 1 _ .... ~.. ~. 2_-__ Exploded view with aI pais ~. If any of the hardware is missing.:_- s- i.- _- .- ~- -'or=::'"_--- e-. t t ~. Pull out the yellow worksheet from the center of this link manual. t'e - 5 ..... _ - Step by step 1_2 Pa1syou need fofeach step ~..r 2 j. ~ ~---: ~ ~ ... - t "'_. contact your HP representative.' f ~'Installing on HP 5890 GCs ~ ~.. 4 - -=-s-. Full-scale drawings of the screws help identify which ones you need for each step. 0 _-I J.~•. Organize the hardware and tools for each step. _-'0) ~"- Tools you need for each step r -- I- f 3 _ .. '.'·· -•...i-..<'!l ---? I ~ -~ 3...·'1 "1 .'1' . Instructions are packaged with the tray bracket... Install the upgrade injector bracket. turn to page 14. . 4. turn to page 12.".) • 'I For an HP 5710/30190 GC. ~ ~·1 -. Install the tray bracket. L-t 3 . -y --t~ :.7•·.. Instructions are in this link "1 manual.. • .'~~ '.'•. .'1.: -~:~ ..~ :: .'. -~- • For an HP 5880A Ge.£ For an HP 5890A or SERIES IT Get turn to page 4. . • Before installing the upgrade injector bracket on an HP 5710/30190 GC.~ " 1 . r WARNING ~ ALLOW THE INLETS AND OVEN TO COOL BEFORE INSTALUNG THE UPGRADE INJECTOR BRACKET. IF YOU HAVE A SPUT/SPUTlESS lNLET.' Before You Start ~ Y.I. you must: r li.•. Install' any necessary upgrades to your gas chromatograph (GC). f In order to install the tray. .•.. ". l. • Before installing the upgrade injector bracket' on an HP 5890A. The upgrade injector bracket enables you to install an HP 1859GB Tray Module to deliver sample bottles to one or two HP 18593A Injector Modules . you must replace the GC's top cover with the new top cover.• .. 2.•. • Before installing the upgrade injector bracket on an HP 5890 SERIES n GC with a serial number less than 2938Axxxx.'~- 'f~ e Copyright 1989 by Hewtett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved 2 ..~ . you must first install the split top cover (part number 07673-61065) and the left side panel (part number 18597-607(5). . -.. ~ '. Remove the existing injector bracket. 1. YOU COULD DAMAGE THE COLUMN. THE METAL SURFACES OF THE GC ARE VERY HOT AND COULD BURN YOUR SKIN.. . ~. you must first install the new left side panel (part number 18597-60705)... ". December 1989 HP 7673 Automatic Sampler InstaiUng the Upgrade Injector Bracket ll -:~ .<f HEWLETT.A. --1 --~ ~-l .L~ --~~I :'T: ._--~~ -. 1 r ~HEWLETT ~PACKARO Manual Part No.:. - "1 'j .f A c~ ( :II {=a= ":F: ~ Oa' --~ ". .:.. & Link Manual <! ~ ] . 18597-90150 PrInted In U.~ .t '.PACKARD ~.~ .1...:~1J .S.~ -~j .. t ~'~" v.m rut (18597-20670) Attach the Bracket SJ.i ~. 5 PM head screws (2510-0099) 00 I 2 No. tl.2poi1t Pozidriv Attach the Injector Bracket' 00 o . os t$ <I \~ 1/4-in.:: : : : :::'}_ t 4 1 seph. 1 ExpIoded~ R~e the GC Top Gover g.worts C': :: f ( chwn fuI scale ) DOo~ 00 e. 4 pal head screws (2510-0099) ( drawn fiJI scale) 1 injector bracket (18957-0(175) w. i ~.. % o tl. I I .- tl -~ ~. • I ~1:' I I 1\ I:" •f I . I 00 10 00 00 1 top cover (18597-00185) 00 0 0 Attach the PkJgs and 5eptlm 2 plugs (6960-0085) ( chwn fuI scale ) I 3 I h os. I-_~» . II " \. - ( Drawn fIJI scae ) ". 0 .2 paR Pozidriv 0'0 o g.::::. rut ciiver 4 stalcIoffs (18597-20660) ( drawn fuI scale) 2standoffs (18597-20650) ( li'awnf1iJ scae ~ 2 Strldoffs (18597-20640) with packed ir*t ( Drawn 0/1 scale) No. ~ . . Crescent wrench ~~'7~?7~7Zl'.~-_ ~ 8 Attach the Tray Bracket NO. • - 00 I a- 3 pan head screws (0515-0915) ( dIawn fij sca)e ) QIII 1 PCfl head screw (2510-0099) ~ 1 flat head screw (251 0-0121) ( <hwn fUl scale) Og._~ 3I8-il.) 3 standoffs (18597-20710) (drawn fljj Tlis worksheet isfor instaIi1g the rnot.2 point Pozictiv :~ j 2 arvrnent tools (18597-40030).rFfilg bfackets forthe HP 185938 Ir1ector Mo<lie cr1d the HP 185968 Tray Me>roe to an HP 5710/3CV90 Gas Chromatogaph.. ..Jmo sc. ( drawn fIJI scale ) .~ 5 Aign the Bracket i NO.. ~ ~ f 7 Attach the Tray StMdoffs ~ f~ ~.-..---'" :~ .] 6 Attach the MourJ!i1g Posts '. .<'~ Flat head saewaiYef YJ..:h . :~:i 2 mountilg posts (07673-61035) . ~ "I "i~ ..2 poilt Pozkiiv 1 tray bracket (18597-60515) • o• 0 .-:j . ~ 6.. continue on the next page. ~ it. ~ I l': ~: ~ e ~ t. yon may have to adjust the position of the inlet. Place the plastic alignment tool. honeycombed side up.- fI.·.•·. If you are installing the tray bracket. . Align the Bracket . Screw each mounting post clockwise into the threaded holes of the bracket.~ t: a.. turn to page 12. 2 point Pozidriv. • ~" 1. Tighten the four screws that hold down the bracket with a no. If you cannot make it fit flush by moving the bracket."'-' e ~: 8 9 . Remove and save the bracket alignment tool for future adjustments. over the inlet of your GC. ~. Move the bracket until the alignment tool fits flush on the bracket. t f b. Attach the Mounting Posts 5. If you are not installing the tray bracket. r [ a. Tighten the posts with a flathead screwdriver. . b.~ 'I Line up the top of the threaded washers or standoffs with the holes on the bracket... ·1. the tray will not be able to deliver sample vials to the injector. Attach the Tray Standoffs a. a. Tighten the standoffs with a 318-in. Screw the pan head screws (English thread) into the threaded holes of the standoffs. Allow the bracket to rest on top of the threaded washers or standoffs..'~ "':"~. ~ 4. Hold the bracket with the bend on the left side.~ I e "A 6) 11 dll 10 I ~e ! I . Attach the Injector Bracket Screw the three standoffs (hexagonal posts) into the injector mounting bracket. 7 .~ ~j~ ..1'. ·:. • ..·. ~- ~.' "1 ·cJ 7. 8~ /.:1. crescent wrench.-1 1 e 4 .~ I ' I . If you do not use the correct holes.-. . 1 ::~ ~ :] . b. ~I .J .~~ oI ~.. Use the holes identified in the illustration.. ~ Tlnadd wathen tor: I' . Attach the Bracket Supports The injector and tray brackets are supported by standoffs (small hexagonal posts) that screw into threaded washersattached to the top cover. For a capillary inlet use the two largest standoffs (part number 18597-20650) to support the tray and the two smallest standoffs (part number 18597-20660) to support the injector bracket. d. Place the tray bracket on the five standoffs installed in steps 3 and 7. but do not use any standoffs to support the injector bracket.. threaded washers. a.- ~ Using a no. Screw one flat head screw (English thread) into the mounting support with a no.. ? ~~ { ~ r / 6 11 . c. 2 point Pozidriv. but not with one in the A position. Line up the hole on the far side of the tray bracket Oabe1ed 5700) with the threaded hole of the rear standoff'. 2 point Pozidriv.. ~. • Ii' b. . ~~. - If the top of the standoffs do not line up with the holes labeled with the letter A. check the location of the standoffs against the figure on page 10.. Attach the necessary standoffs to the threaded washers on the top cover i that you installed in step l. Which threaded washers you use depends on the type and position of the inlet. a. 1'. • For an inlet in the A position attach any standoffs to the rear set of . 2 point Pozidriv. • -c. ~ 8. screw in the three pan head screws (metric thread) through the holes labeled A and into the standoffs. Tighten the standoffs with a V4-in. b.: ~. nut driver. The injector can be used with a packed port in the B position. Screw one pan head screw (English thread) into the mounting support with a no. Attach the Tray Bracket For an inlet in the B position attach any standoffs to the front set of threaded washers. t· ~ ~. Save any standoffs you do not use for future adjustments or for different configurations. For a packed inlet use the two medium-sized standoffs (part number 18597-20640) to support the tray. I • ~..3. ••.. Line up the hole on the near side of the tray bracket Oabeled 57(0) with the threaded hole of the front standoff'.. see chapter 1. "Setting Up". ".:0:. ~. . b.' ..~ Replace the existing septum nut with the one supplied in this kit.' ~~ -~ . place this link manual in the binder of your operating manual for the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler (part number 07673-60995) after the tab for appendix C "Link Manuals. in your operating manual ~ e e PllIgs e After you have completed the installation.. the automatic sampler is limited to delivering sample to one inlet and cannot be used with an on-column inlet. D The flat head screw for attaching the tray bracket is in the correct position."~ '-). Attach the Plugs and Septum Nut With the HP 5710/30190 GC.~ ~ " 12 5 .i . " . Double-check the following: D The new septum nut is properly installed." l. 8eptumnut For detailed information on mounting and connecting the injector and tray. There are two holes on the right-hand side ofthe top cover for an on-column capillary inlet. D The three screws that attach the tray bracket to the standoffs on the injector bracket must go through the holes labeled A on the tray bracket. 3 2.1 '-. Checking Your Work 1 a. e D All screws and standoffs are tight. See page 11. Cover one or both holes with the plastic plugs. art BUlUlIf 03396-60629 E: ~. b. I ~. you may have to remove hardware that is attached to the existing top cover (e. ~- r'i f: ~.v. 4 1. d. Lift off the existing top cover. . Replace the GC Top Cover u To replace the top cover. r.. I I I I \'. ~. ~ a. Position the new top cover. the inlet control module).' c.. Using a no. 2 point Pozidriv.. . attach the top cover with 5 screws (English [~~. Using a no. ft. thread). remove the 5 screws that hold on the top cover of the GC. Connect the remote startlstop cable between the integrator and the GC.~ ~. 4 13 .g. Fe ~:f The type of data-handling device and communications configuration that you use determines how you connect the automatic sampler to the HP 5710130190 GCs. 03392 ·60800 • t ~ • Fir HP 3396 Iltegrator USI . This section contains diagrams for controlling with the instrument network (INET) or with stand-alone control. Connecting the Cables . 2 point Pozidriv. I ~~ I I t r ~ ~ 0: t. ~ t Instrument Network (INET) Connect the !NET cables between the !NET board in the controller and the integrator. Iio) ~?~ .... the injector bracket.~ '-I' 3 ._-~- Exploded view with aI pats HP5700 B 18594-80530 14 ..-:' .... contact your HP representative. -- ( 3 _OR __ = ... Organize the hardware and tools for each step... Find the injector bracket in the controller box and the tray bracket in the tray box.....i t .. ~ [ -c:::r. '~ .. J ..) . I'~ I . 1:::)1 -- .... .\~ -ci ...... ~ <---... ...4 2 Stand-alone Control with a Remote Start/Stop Signal Connect the remote startJstop cable between a chart recorder or integrator and the GC with a"T cable. -..0IW~ - .... except for the brackets... 2......... ~ ' -'-....... _ . 1894-50&00 step by step WIthout a chart recorder." i ""~~ 4 Pull out the yellow worksheet from the center of this link manual. I # 'it ...~ ::'..~ I......~ Your special hardware kit contains all of the hardware you need to install the new top cover. Parts you need for each step Tools you need foreach step RMT . ." ..~ 2=::)... ~ ) ~"1 ~ .. connect a cable between the controller and the GC.."- Installing the Brackets RMT '·...~ . ~n... .~ .. If any of the hardware is missing..... Full-scale drawings of the screws help identify which ones you need for each step...s -:. and the tray bracket for the automatic sampler.......----(--III .......'..... e- IIIIII-=-t-~ ) 00 ~-1 ':z 1.. ~ ~'.·. you must change the position of the mounting bracket. © Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved 2 15 . connect the three instruments with the appropriate cable or cables.I: J & ! 1 F"' With an AID converter. To mount the injector over the rear inlet (i. in the B position). ~ f • r . in the A position). THE METAL SURFACES OF THE GC ARE·VERY HOT AND COULD BURN YOUR SKIN. To mount the injector over the front inlet fi..'" t .-. install the bracket over the front set of threaded holes. ~ ~.i. install the bracket over the rear set of threaded holes. The following illustrations show two example.c-.' t • Instructions for installing the new top cover on an HP 5710/30/90 Gas Chromatograph (GC).. ....14 1!'7 AEIIlOTE ~"\- " START 35900-M620 .•.e. 35900-60800 . 1\ ~_: 1 a594 -60820 \ To change the position of the injector.~." . E RIfT ~ J4 ROIOT£ START Sample diagrams for connecting the cables for the automatic sampler to an HP 5710/30190 GC. f' :< . ~\Before You Start f This manual contains the following information: !J.e. ~~ WARNING f ALLOW THE INLETS AND OVEN TO COOL BEFORE INSTALUNG THE NEW TOP COVER AND INJECTOR MOUNTING BRACKET.. • Instructions for installing the mounting brackets for the HP 18593B Injector Module and HPl8596B Tray Module on an lIP 5710/30190 GC. You can mount only one injector on an HP 5710/30190. rr. i:•.]I (~ 0..~~ -.. ~-.• . Link Manual --:. 07673-90225 .' . .A. ( .• t Printed In U. •. '. '-~ .1 c~ HP 7673 Automatic Sampler InstalHng and Connecting the Injector and Tray on HP 5710/30/90 GCs I• ~HEWLETT ~~PACKARO Manual Part No.:1 '.HEWLETT.\ ~~.~- 0- I '~ . •.PACKARD c~ l~~ .i . December 1989 ~1 .-:.S. I I g ~ J . ~ ~ ..A"~ .8 • I ~~ ' .. 2 Poirt Pazkiiv 2 aig IlllllU toots (1 8597-400(0) fio· r"- ~ t· . 6 . E l-'-_ t. ! . I 2 ~b~~ 3 Place tie Bracket 4 5 Attach the IlietNut AIr.i&' ~ I ExpkxIed dagrrfn 1 ~-:.. f Attach t1e Mou1i1g Post Iattleadscrewdiver j nfu1li1g post (07673-20865) ( Inwn f1j seale ) . I 1"" I I• I I I..J1 the Bracket i1etwnn:h ~ 2 pal head screws (O515-0915) ( Drawn f1j scaie) net 'M'eI'dI ~ No.: "! 0 o ' 1/4-it fllt diYer Attach the Bracket ~ 00 2 qector bracket busmgs (18597-20735) ( Drawn f1j scaie) ~ 2 seI-twilg saews (0624-0546) tzzzzzzzzl- 3 saIdoffs (18597-20520) L-...Jo CJ 0 <?'~ ~n 0 ( Inwn f1j seale ) ( DfIwn U scale ) 00 o 1 i1)eckr tncket (18597-00205) I I 0 I D n i .::- ~.." . -' . replace the cooling tower (part number 19245-20540) with a septum nut base assembly (part number 19245-8(520). remove the needle guide top (part number 19245-20670).. ~ :.•.••.- ti ~:~ . }-~: 10 11 .t base assen1lIy ~ ~ =-~8 'i _ >' •. Tighten the two screws that hold down the bracket with a No.•..•. Save the needle guide top to realign the bracket. Screw the mounting post clockwise into the threaded hole of the bracket. 6. ~- b. Attach the mounting post.• . Place the plastic alignment toolfs). }- { ~. ~ The A module needs the cooling tower or needle guide top to be inplace. ~ '. Attach the Mounting Post - a. ~. t ~: ~.•.•. honeycombed side up. Save the cooling tower to realign the bracket. .•. ~ ~' r :>c. .. The A and B injector modules need different parts when mounting over a coolon-column inlet. Fi!UU 8... Figure 9. Remove and save the bracket alignment tools for future adjustments.~ To mount over an HP 5890A on-eolumn inlet.c . Tighten the post with a flathead screwdriver. over the inletfs) of your~. . To mount over an lIP 5890 SERIES n cool on-eolumn inlet.c The B module needs the following: 5.2 point Pozidriv. Move the bracket until both alignment tools fit flush on thebrackeL If you cannot make them fit flush by moving the bracket. Align the Bracket a. ~-~ Septlrn rJ. Align the bracket and tighten the screws.:.-. you may have to adjust the position of the inlets. Route the gas lines over the bracket and reattach the inlet nut.:. ". 1. the gas lines should be routed over the front or rear of the bracket. .---'.· .~ ~--. ~cf: Installing on HP 5880A GCs '.. b.0J '"-__--o-:f-. attach the piece of sheet metal and two large standoffs. 3. skip to step 5. Push the inlet nut down and turn it clockwise. ~-l . You can mount two injectors on an HP 5880A GC in positions A and C or B and D. Route the gas lines on the inlet nut over the mounting bracket. 5. Complete the following steps to install the hybrid injector bracket. • For a position without an inlet.yo c.~ 4. The exploded view on the next page shows the bracket being installed over positions B and D. Small white prcles on the bracket showwhere the injector feet touch the bracket. Attach the Inlet Nut i (Read only if the GC has 8 split/splitless Inlet. manual "Installing and Operating the Injector and Tray on HP 5880A GCs" (part number 07673-90235). f'. The parts are packaged with the HP 5880A injector/tray mounting hardware (part number 18597-60675) J~ a.. refer to the link.·.1. Remove the existing injector bracket and supports. -. Attach the mounting post.. To mount the injector over positions A and C. ~~. For most configurations.._ "F ."... align the bracket over these positions.:..'" "~ The gas lines must not interfere with the feet of the injector.• 3 . For detailed instructions. c~~- j":· . Attach the appropriate standoffs (small hexagonal posts) next to the inlets. Place the bracket.. If not. • For a capillary inlet.. replace the pan head screws with the large standoffs.-1 .: .·.1. Align the bracket. ·•. ~ This section reviews the steps for installing the injector bracket and shows an exploded view. ::.:--::-. 12 9 .:"..'-~ 2. 4. If necessary. --~ .. Tighten it with the inlet wrench.) . _ ~. replace the pan head screws with the small standoffs. gently bend the gas lines so they do not cross the white circles.I .. • For a packed inlet..-.-j . ~ Figure 7. Installing the hybrid bracket 00 an HP 5880A GC.. Placing the mountlng bracket b. .. 00 the GC. F. r ~:. I t'f Figure 5. Line up the top of the standoff's with the hole and slot on the bracket.. :... < ~f .'. 8 Start the pan head screws Into the standoffs. ~' :f ~: [ & ~ Figure 10. Hold the bracket with the bend on the left side and slide it onto the cylinders that you attached to the side wall in step 1.C . . Screw the pan head screws into the threaded holes of the standoff's. 13 .. l· ~ ::: ~ •.•.~ t~. . " . ~" ~.•.. E ~ Figure 6. Allow the bracket to rest on top of the standoff's. ..... l ~. Do not tighten the screws until step 5. 3." ~L ~~~ ~. c. Place the Bracket a.r I· ~ . . . Detach the Inlet Nut (Read only if the GC has a spllt/splitless Inlet.. This section reviews the steps for installing the injector bracket and shows an exploded view.• 1. a :~ Loosen the inlet nut with the inlet wrench.. 5. lfyou do not. use the medium-sized standoffs to support the tray. use the largest standoffs to support the tray and the smallest standoffs to support the injector bracket.I. ~>c. '--~ .~~ Replace the GC top cover and attach the plugs and septum nut.~ '~J 1:'1 For a split/splitless inlet..) '. 2. . If not.e. install the bracket over the rear set of threaded holes.port in the B position. i~ Figure 4. 1! 3. I. in the A position). Turn the nut counterclockwise until it is off the threads and lift it out of the 'Nay. 1. 6. You can mount only one injector on an lIP 5710130190. ? Complete the following steps.. in the B position).! Attach the injector bracket. To mount the injector over the rear inlet (i.nject.•. To mount the injector over the front inlet a. but do not use any standoffs to support the injector bracket.e.~ :1 For a packed ~. CAUTION '~i I . Attach the appropriate standoffs (small hexagonal posts). There is only one mounting post..· '1" ·lH . Detach the inlet nut and lift it out of the way.~ :~ 4 Installing on HP 5710/30/90 GCs ~ 2. • • 4.• • c•. For detailed instructions. t ~ For a eapillaITinIet. Avoid contaminating the Inlet while it Is uncovered. Align the bracket. install the bracket over the front set of threaded holes.~ 14 7 . The i. you cannot replace the inlet liner without removing the bracket. refer to the link manual "Installing and Connecting the Injector and Tray on lIP 5710130190 GCs" (part number 07678-90225). Attach the mounting post. Remove the existing injector bracket.•. route the gas lines over the bracket.d Tum off the gas flows before you remove the Inlet nut or you may damage the packing In the inlet liner.••. skip to step 3. to install the hybrid injector bracket. '~~~ . The braze joints that hold the gas lines to the inlet are fragile..or can only be used with a packed. .·..:: "~I . '~ . . use only the left-hand side of the heat sink. itt ~ If a purged packed inlet is installed 00 the GC. 6 15 . Without this standoff.. nut driver. e. Figure 3. Screw one standoff onto the bottom of the mounting bracket to act as a support leg. do not install this standoff. Attach the standoff to the bottom or the mounting bracket. Tighten the standoffwith a 1/4-in. ii.".. ~- ~. right-hand side of the bracket. Installing the hybrid bracket on an HP 5710/30/90 GC.. this standoff could interfere with the heat sink (metal 'fins) around the inlet. If necessary. AiIIllMlJt tool MeDDtiII post ~ ~~ ~ ~ f ~ o ~. }f ~.. the stability of an injector in the rear position may be affected. Figure 11. The hole has a silver-eolored pem (small threaded washer) on the top.. •• 1": If lIP 5890 SERIES n cool on-column inlets are installed in both the front and rear positions of the GC. ~.. nut driver. Connecting the adaptor cable. use a short standoff in the rear position (part number 19245-20760). E J If the rear inlet is an HP 5890 SERIES II cool on-column inlet (Accessory Kit 19245B or 19245C) on an lIP 5890A GC.. Screw two of the standoffs (small hexagonal posts) into the threaded holes located near the inlets. 16 5 ~ . Attach the standoffs near the inlets. Figure 12. 8 IniedIr cabI. 2~ U I I - .t~: :... -~~ W~ .'~'-::-~ 5 '.~~ d.:. This standoff is packaged with the accessory kit. Tighten them with a 1/4-in..~ 1-t Connecting the Adapter Cable ~-~ The following diagram illustrates how to attach the adapter cable required to connnect an HP 18593B Injector Module to an HP 18594A Controller Module. :~ I A controIItr AIIaptw ea'il i Figure 2.. I . ~ . Checking Your Work panel and pulling up. attach the two small cylinders onto the left side waD of the chromatograph. 6 t 1. be sure that you have the correct inlet top: either the cooling tower or the septwn nut base assembly. Using a 1/4-in. Injector mounting posts. ~. Attach the Injector Bracket Supports If installing on an HP 5890AGC. -iI e ic ~' r- o o If the GC bas a splitJsplitless inlet. ~ 4 17 . Lift up the right-hand side of the top cover.~~ ~~. r rr. Instructions for installing the tray bracket are packaged with the f' tray. you must first install the necessary upgrades listed on page 2. nut driver and the two self-tapping screws. c. Pan head screws. with or without the needle guide top. ~x. If you are installing a tray. o o o l Self-tapping screws. Remove the port pan by inserting a finger into the U-shaped cut on the a f". install the tray bracket before mounting the injector. o Check. I. Attach the cylinders to the side of the GC. Figure 1. check the inlet nut. r Double-check the followingt ~' ~ b. that the following are tight: If the GC bas an on-column inlet. ·•~. ~ .. - __ ---l - (..3 _ ..':.· 1·· ....'l'r ----~1IlI_) 2 .."'IIIal) J .· ·:·..·.. _ A e _ . · •.. contact your HP representative.·..~ ._.·.---- ... --. _ QID 6 . Organize the hardware and tools for each step... Full-scale drawings of the screws help identify which ones you need for each step...':~.: :.-t.!I........ If any of the hardware is missing.~ '. . ~ ~ .. • .:·'.. Tools you need for each step -- .:~ .-.. ~ F 1 . '.~ -~~ J " 3 .1 - Expoded view wirh aI parts ...._--_...~ I I b"~ . Step by step Parts you need for each step ---r-'-a .- '.0- 2 . _.2 Installing on HP 5890 GCs Pull out the yellow worksheet from the center of this link manual. -" :"5'... po L ~?~ 1 ¥. ~ ~. Before You Start i--x " -------------The hybrid injector bracket enables you to mount an HP 18593A Injector Module over the front inlet and/or an HP 18593B Injector Module over the rear inlet of your gas chromatograph. I ~:> ,. To install the hybrid bracket, remove the existing bracket and bracket supports. ~ • ~ For an lIP 5890A or SERIES II Ge, you can mount both injectors at the same time. Turn to page 3. I' s- Before installing the hybrid injector bracket on an HP 589OA, you must first install the split top cover for the HP 5890 SERIES n GC. il:, - Hyour automatic sampler includes a tray. you must install the new tray bracket onto the existing tray bracket supports (often called side rails). Directions for installation are packaged with the new tray bracket. " ~_: r. ~- t • For an HP 5880A Ge. you can mount both injectors over inlets in positions A and C or B and D. Turn to page 12. • For an HP 5710/30/90 Ge. you can mount only one injector at a time. Turn to page 14. • Toattach the adapter cable required to connnect an HP 18593B Injector Module to an HP 18594A Controller Module, turn to page 16. r k I' WARNING ALLOW THE INLETS AND OVEN TO COOL BEFORE INSTALLING THE HYBRID INJECTOR MOUNTING BRACKET. THE METAL SURFACES OF THE GC ARE VERY HOT AND COULD BURN YOUR SKIN. IF YOU HAVE A SPUT/SPUTLESS INLET. YOU COULD DAMAGE THE COLUMN. ~, r ~ k ,r· , e Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved 2 ~ ; . . ";" ~ -'.-!> ..-,~' ---:-ji .-~7; j 1 , --..:;~ , .' I } ( :II {:-= 0=' .. Link Manual '-1 ..J--1 iI ; "':..(;-~ "D, ~oj o.] HP 7673 Automatic Sampler Installing the Hybrid Injector Bracket ,i ".. fi~ HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD J ManuaJ Part No. 18597·90140 Printed In U.S.A. December 1989 -a , ':S . •. ~. -.'.:-, :.~;; '~:"-- .. ~~ "''" ff Exploded clagran Remove the 5890A Top Cover 1/4-i1. rwt driver 2 Assemble the New Top Cover No.2 Point Pozidriv g I ,. 0 1 id shaft (05890-2<1780) 1 rigt side of top cover (05890-00402) \i '\' ~. ~ 1 I I ~ o o ~ r• ~ -, < ( 0 1 flat washer (3050-1178) (rnwn fuI scale ) g- - .3 1 pal head saew (0515-0904) ( Drawn fuIscale ) 1/4-it ru cliver Attach the New Top Cover ( o ( ) 1 flatwasher (3050-1178) 0>--, ~. lo, 4 t t r ~ ] ,,' I NO.2 PoD Pozidriv Attach the New Fronl Pm Bezel i rg c- ~ i' 1 seff--twflg screw (0624-0665) ( Drawn fuIscale ) 1 font pa18I bezel (05890-40242) 3 pal head saews (0515-0910) ( Drawn flil scaI e) ~- 1':' , ~I==~. ~ 5 - SOC(l on the New Port Perl r o I 1000- 1 port pa1 (5890-40072) c •. . ............... r IF 1- 2. Assemble the New Top Cover a. f" I,. Using a No.2 Point Pozidriv, a flat washer, and the largest pan head screw, attach the cylindrical lid shaft to the right-hand section of the new top cover. 3. Attach the New Cover a. Place the cupped end of the lid shaft over the knob on the left-hand side of the GC. ~ P' i / Figure 5. The left-band side of the binge. t Figure 4. Assembling the new top cover. ! ""~ ' {t ',. ~~- ;. b. Push the hole on the right-hand side of the top cover over the knob on the right-handside of the GC. c. Using a 1/4-in. nut driver, a flat washer, and a self-tapping screw, secure the top cover to the right-hand side of the GC. H the GC has a grounding wire, attach it to the threaded post with the lock washer and nut that you removed in step 1. Figure- 6. Attaching the right-hand side of the hinge. ~~ \. 7 6 Dismantling the hinge of the top cover. 8 Dismantling the hinge of the top cover.~ c I Figure 7..0'-.:". . Attaching the front grill. remove the screws and washers that make up the hinge of the top cover..~ . disconnect it by removing the nut and lock washer with a 9/32-in. . nut driver. :.2 Point Pozidriv. c."'-.j .. ~ -~--:~ Remove the top cover by pushing one of the metal tabs over the knob with your thumb... b. . Start each of the three pan head screws from below with your fingers. --~:'4 .~ . Using a 1J4-in. 5 ..•. .. 4. .. :...'-"-S"- ~'~ ..- -~ -~ .~ .ii Figure 2.... Attach the New Front Panel Bezel a. Open the oven door and place the front panel bezel (or grill) on the top front edge of the GC.~- :~~ '~~ b. If the GC has a grounding wire. . Figure 3. Tighten each screw with a No.:.. nut driver.1 j"". .0'1 <)'.~ . ·t. Remove the 5890A Top Cover a ~/ l-: [~' Remove the injection port pan from the top cover by pushing in the sides and lifting up.. t " ~_. Pop out the injection port pan. Lift the port pan off the top cover. The right-hand side should pop out of the top cover. b. Using the thumbs of both hands. The left-hand side should pop out of the top cover. !' ~ Figure 8.) a Close the oven door and lower the right-hand side of the top rover.- t. Push the back edge with the U-shaped notch down until the port pan snaps into place" Next. Place the front edge of the port pan on the front bezel. ~\ (-- I • ~ •. l t[ Figure 1. Snap on the New Port Pan (Only If you are not Installing an Injector at this time. . f 5. Attaching the new port pan. ~- 9 4 . push to the left and lift the left-hand side oftha port pan. 1.~. The next two paragraphs describe one method. pull up on the right-hand side with your fingers.. . ....... install the injector mounting bracket." ... 2 _ ...." . ... . ~~ 05 .~ I 1 ( j . fl lOa] ......~ -:~ ~ .. ~: .." If it is not Pull out the yellow worksheet from the center of this link manual..:: r -.... install the left side panel of the HP 5890 SERIES II Gas Chromatograph... 1 ...-~ IIa-II~ ..-.. The instructions are packaged with the controller. ~....- 1 _.•.~ 1 .IT 3 Checking Your Work Be sure that all the screws are tight.. If any of the hardware is missing.0.~ >~ .. _ _ Next.. The instructions are packaged with the left side panel. Tools you need for each step -- -4. Step by step Pm you need fO( each step If you have already installed the left side panel... _--'1' ~h-~ ~ 10 3 ... ~- ""1 . . contact your HP representative. .. flush. "1 e---::a .. Full-scale drawings of the screws help identify which ones you need for each step......-..::....~ >~ Installing the Split Top Cover Double-check the following: o 2 .:-.. .-) . o Be sure the edge of the top cover is flush with the front grill..~ --._-- •.. go back to step 4... Exploded view will aI pats .... Organize the hardware and tools for each step.:J.....----... _ z::c::::::: If' Ii I ~ ..... The SERIES II design enables you to open and close the top cover while the injector mounting bracket is installed. must open the oven door to complete step 4. t ~. ~ ~ ~:~. ti' . ~c f . WAR.F" ~. 07673-60995) after the tab for appendix C "Link Manuals. tum off the oven and allow to cool.- ~. Before You Start t-" ." l.~- f.NING Before Installation. I I. 1 ~ ~ ~-. You must upgrade the top cover of an lIP 5890A Gas Chromatograph (GC) with the split top cover of the HP 5890 SERIES II GC before installing the mounting bracket for the HP 18593B Injector Module..t" ( . place this manual in the binder of your operating manual for the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler (Part No.~ ~. ~- ~-.- ~ .~- '--~ ~..<. - You After you have completed the installation. ~ @ 2 Copyright 1989 by Hewlelt·Packard Company All Rights Reserved '~2 . ~. A.~ o ~ . r. ..'" ' .~ \ ~~~ " i~ ( =. . .I t .S..".•.x ~-- HEWLETT-PACKARD Ai "..~~ . 07673-90215 Installing the HP 5890 SERIES II Split Top Cover .. Printed In U.·~.~ HEWLETT ~PACKARD Manual Part No. ~ I -'~ -. ... October 1989 .~ . . (~ e Link Manual i -~ ~ l~ HP 7673 Automatic Sampler 1.0.. _.--.... '.c.~~ j. . Attach the New Left Side Panel ~. Double-check. Attaching the new left side panel. the following: o o ~~p IIIIIIIIIIiIII 1 Be sure the front edge of the left side panel is seated into the GC. install the injector mounting bracket. ~> ~. Place the new left side panel on the GC and slide it forward. place this link manual in the binder of your operating manual for the HP 7673 Automatic Sampler (Part No. The instructions are packaged with the split top cover. 11111111111111111 1l\' ". b. Be sure the gas lines are not in the way. II tie. a." 111~1I11I1i1"1 -: <. Using a No. t ~. Next. After you have completed the installation. L J !i ~ 4 5 . Be sure aD screws are tight. The instructions are with the mounting hardware that is packaged with the controller. f t ~ Checking Your Work . screw the two pan head screws into the side of the GC. install the split top cover for the HP 5890 SERIES II Gas Chromatograph. -: f'e t f • I Figure 3. 07673-6(995) after the tab for appendix C "Link Manuals. If the split top cover is already installed.2 Point Pozidriv. ~~. Be sure the front edge is seated.~-: I 3 2. 2 . . Figure 2.. Remove the Old Left Side Panel a Using a No.·. 1. remove the two pan head screws that hold the existing left side panel onto the left side of the GC. b.·•.( 11111 11111 Row access door .<t). ~-t ':. ~-j .1'.·'.··· 1 '..-. '-~ Installing the Left Side Panel.·.. Lift off the old left side panel.2 Point Pozidriv.'~ .•.1 ~. Removing the old left side panel. 3 . Figure 1 lists the hardware and tools that you need to complete the installation. © Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved 2 .2 Poit Pozkiiy . 111111 ~1111 ~1I1111 2:~ :-. Parts list... Dan- 2 pal head screws (0515-0982) (Drawn fiJI scale) Figure 1. o: -- 111111111111111 NO.. If any of the hardware is missing. contact your HP representative. I~ L ~ .• Il 0 1 leftside palBI (05890-61480) IIIIII~ 11111111.1 Before You Start You must upgrade the left side panel of the HP 5890A Gas Chromatograph (00 before installing the mounting bracket for the HP 1859GB Tray Module. .. 185i7-90170 PrInted In U.HEWLETT-PACKARD ~. October 1989 .· .S. ( =-= (~ 0.A. Link Manual HP 7673 Automatic Sampler Installing the HP 5890 SERIES II Left Side Panel ~HEWLETT ~PACKARD Manual Part No. 12 cIBar 5080-8779 f. ilserts (B) 5181-1269 5181-3375 5181-3376 5181-1270 5181-33n 100 clear ~ 9301-09n 11-nvn kI crinp top. 2-m1 glass sam.t ilsefts nicn:lIIiaI inserts (A) IirnIBd YOI.':. 1OQ-pJ ~5ned sanple rnicroviaIs c&r'witKUcaps 5180-4197 ctEa' '«til caps &beD: 5061-3350 amber wIhcU caps 5061-3369 lInber wQh caps &bat 5061-3348 _ _ with ilserts withot.f'. i.J glass Slmpie micro¥iaIs. 1QO. raQ'ofange septa L ~ ~ A-12 100 100 100 100 akrT*un metaJ blue metal IJ'88I1 metal red metal 5181-1210 5181-1215 5181-1216 5181-1217 A-13 .p.: ~~- ~- A B ~. inckIdes recVcnnge S8JD • 2-m1 screw cap.t ilserts ~ withot. Clil be used wIh glass microYiaI ilserts 100 100 100 100 500 11-mm id crimp top.~ ~.' .58-fmI. 2-m1 sample vials. 11-mm crin1t top. ~_I 100 500 500 500 11-mm criTCJ 1Dp. 5.Sample Vials and caps with Injector Only sample Vials and Caps The following sample vials and caps should not be used with a tray.lIe vials. ~ t~ 11-mm wkje oprilg crin1> top. glass sampia vials 5181-1259 100 100 cIecI' 9301-1128 Screw caps wiholt S8I:ia 100 9301-1131 PaVocange S8JD 10r snap caps ()( screw caps 100 9301-1130 11-nvn crI:n1J caps with Te6on-coatBd. 1OQ-pJ ~ (al plastic) scmpie ITlicnMaJs 1000 clear 9301-0978 ~ Payethy\ene snap caps. and septa are an important part of operating the lIP 7673 Automatic Sampler.. 9301-1031 The following example illustrates the organization of the information.3 Solvent and Waste Bottles •T HP Recommended Supplies 4-mI soh'ent orwash tQIJe wih screw cap 144 c&I' 9301-0723 j ~ This sectioecontains a list of supplies available from Hewlett-Pactard's Analytical Direct. 500 anmer willcaps & box 500 anDlrwithott caps PIrt . s-aJ lIescriptioI _~ . see the current issue of the Chroma/Qgrophy Usen Couz/og... By using Hewlett-Packard rerommended supplies... Diffusk)n caps 12 07673-40180 $epa ~ 4-ml1xdes 144 Selecting and ordering the correct consumables like sample vials... you can help maintain the reliability of the automatic sampler. A-14 ': A-11 .... For more information... syringes._ Or dIM 11-1T1Tl crln1l top.. 2-m1 glass sanpIB vials.itnetlt.. ~ ~q:wlIhcaps~ ... ess inlets. fbced needle 1~ removable neede 5-pJ.ally.. The single taper liner without the glass wool plug is usoaDy better when the anaIytes tend to degrade in the inlet..ended for use with the automatic sampler. you may also try these liners: ~ • 4-mm sitanired. fixed neecIe 5-pJ. you may try these liners: • 4-mm. borosilicate glass liner with single taper and S1la n ized. Period. WIth splitless inlets. part ramer 5181-3321 Q" 5181-1265 3 5181-3319 The flow inverter liner (part number 18740-60840) and the quartz splitless liner (part number 18740-80220) are not reoomm. ~ 23n6 tapEIfed IlBEde syrilge for gennllUJlOS8 a1d HlpI. fixed neecIe 1D-pJ.. remo¥abIe neecIe 5181-1267 5181-3360 5181-1273 5181-3321 5181-1265 4-mm S1lantm1. the liner must be replaced or cleaned and deactivated.. borosilicate glass liner with single taper (part number 5181-3316) The single taper liners with or without the glass wool plug are possille choices for many environmental analyses.SyrInges Inlet Uners You must use the correct inlet liner or insert with the automatic sampler. glass wool plug (part number 5062-3587) . WIth split or spIitI.n.. ZV26 tapered repiacement neecIes fa syri1ges. borosilicate glass liner with glass wool plug (part number 23gauge syriIgefor nets ether than on-<:cUnn 1 6 1 1o-~ fbced neecHe 1~ fixed neEde 5-~ fixed neecIe 9301-0713 9301-0725 9301-0892 19251-60540) • f 4-mm sitantred.. A-10 A-15 . If you do not. Practically every sample rontains nomoIati1e material that accumulates and partially pryolyzes in the liner.. borosilicate glass liner with a double taper' (part number 5181-3315) • on-caum iEts 1 6 1 1 1 1D-pJ.B. you may introduce peak area discrimination prOOlems into the analysis. Type ci lnIet Gas ctvornatogra. ~lIIII 11-mm low bleed septa tor aI packed 1RI spfitr'sPftless i. I R J CAUTION I • Red: Recommended general purpose septa good foe inlet temperatures ~ ~oC. Septum size.Inlet septa Inlet septa Inlet septa should last at least 200 injections before there is any sign of leakage.5-rrm Septa are made from materials that give off volatiles especiaJly in heated inlets. • Gray: General purpose septa good for inlet temperatures ~ 350°C. 11-fT1Tl ~ 101' use wih G('JMass SpectrometeI. said se. and installation. ITmIffiI.. installation. red. will 1fJ5890 SERIfS I. and condition..r8 350°C 25 I I 5181-1263 • • ~ A-16 A-9 . H not swept away in a septum purge design. sold 5080-8896 • Injector mounting bracket alignment • InIettemperature. sold 'i Change septa at the end of the day's work.gt 9301-1263 5-rrm <Isle sepia 1a cool. oo-coIumn iIleCtbl with HP 5890 SERES I. wIh HP 589OA. type. max!nun t81Tlpelahre 350°C e-Dbt 5181-1260 5181-1261 Packed { Sp!i/ SpfiUess ~rnn HP5890 11-nvn 5-mm HP 5880A 11-mm 5-mm HP 5700 series 9. IMI'e rreq. Select the proper septa diameter for your GC from the following diagram. . It takes several hours for the gas flow to sweep out any contaminants introduced to the inlet and for the flow rate to equi1iJrate.. with 00Ie red. red lew bleed septa are DOt l'eCO'MH'aded fer use witIltile HP 7673Autoautic S8D1p1er. 588OA. . TIte smaller septa teIKI to . . 25 25 red.IIl temperatl.ncy of septa.5-. I11iIldnun tBlIlpenmn 350°C 25 - LiIer red. The following list of inlet septa may help you select the correct type.w replacement The SyringeseIection. The following factors impact the life expecta. or571~ maxInun ~ 350°C 24 Cool ~ cI lIIeI e ~ gray.lction.tI. sokI 11-fT1Tl Ow biBecI S8JD fa aD packed andspIIspIIess qectioo. these volatiles may interfere with the analysis. 5 3.0 3.J 10u.f The following diagram illustrates the shapes of the two fixed needles. 23. ~. ec.0 1 1 W/siaIized glass wool pkJg 5062-3587 wihoU: glass wool plug 5181-3316 Glass liner (0) for use with til HP 5890A Of 1-1' 571 tV'2W3G'9OA packed coIurm inlets. . . Inlet Uners ~ .tie taper tor use will spIIess inlets.0 1. .0 2. The nomilaI . and whether the injector is set up for nanoIiter injection (lIP 18599N Nanoliter Adapter)..J 0. 8an1*l voome settilg t f 1 2 ~ r 3 SniloeSize Halder IlIiectk!1I 5pJ 10u. 1 5181-3315 4-nrn id borosic*l glass liner (B) with sftarized glass wool plug for use wIh spitIspIIess inlets.0 1. metal 1 adap: to1/B-it metal 25 ~ ilIet inIlr 19359-20550 18745-80010 18709-80030 5080-8732 Inserts 10r coo oo-coIufm nets usilg HP 5890 SEAlES Y 530-p. i€-: ~ A ]I C 4-nJn kI siaIized.0 1.0 4.J 0. . .. . Standard kpetioo 5u. the size of the syringe.5 5 2.0 2. ' • ~0T k'. F.2 0. .0 19251-60540 25 5080-8732 Uners fa use witt an liP 5880A pacted cokJrm JnIets Cool o. coUnns 1 tor stalldald COOJm 19245-20580 I R--bIsert A-a A-17 . 4-nrn Id borosIIcaE glass liner (C) with one tapered end 101' use will spiVspIIess i1Iets. 1 k&F] ~. YOUne Is 1000)ll.0 1.. . borosicatB glass Iinef (A) with do..1 as 4 2. Injection volumes vary with the sample volume parameter set on the controlling device..0 1.5 5...rge The following table mts the aWllwmate injection volumes available with the automatic sampler.0 2.5 1. ~- D ~~.c 0k • kill s ~e I 1 stalldlld 1 _ to 1/4-il. wIh Of wiIXUsepurn p. • • f. The oominaI IinBr volume Is 800 ul..0 4. 11..g.001 to 2.001 kJ 4. porged-pack:ed. ..000 label appicatoc 5958-9450 5958-9441 5958-9442 5958-9443 5958-9444 5958-9445 5958-9446 5958-9447 FIXedand removable needle syringes are available to use with the automatic sampler. easioa II .001 to 7. Some of the dimensions are too difficult to measure without special instruments..•. • 23/26 gaugetapered needle used with on-column mlets. When used with the automatic sampler.tip 18587-00120 18587-D0130 RIIU.. Also. ..00110 8.001 to 5..1 'U n ~1 rr--=1U . • 23 gauge needle used with packed. 1'1 A-18 A-7 .(XXl 1. I ------JH.000 7.000 8.: n ¥ n AI . These dimensions do not mate up a complete set of specifications.001 kJ3.000 4.001 to 9.001 to 6.~ ~ . Do not use sharp-tipped needles (e.--:J Syringes 18587A Blr' Cooe Reader labels NlJrDlred 1 to 1.000 2. 5958-9448 18587-60560 Label klcator tor cawed vials IIf"NlIImf1 TestviaJ vials sw. these needles tear the inlet septum causing leaks. .000 6.000 5. sharp-tipped needles wipe off on the septum as they exit resulting in a large solvent tail on the chromatogram. The syringe needle must have a flat tip. TIm syringe can be used as a general JKlIpose syringe with all inlets.Bar Code Supplies C. 18587-60540 The following diagram illustrates some of the aitical syringe dimensions.000 3.. and spIitIsplitless inlets. U±D. point style 2). 5 ml in the bottle. ~ ~ ~:.. the rate of diffusion out of the bottle is less with a diffusion cap than with a septum that has been punctured with a standard syringe needle.U 4 ~. • ~? The diffusion cap allows multiple entrances into a bottle without contaminating the liquid inside the bottle with small pieces of septum material E _. ~~ Vial racks 5 5 plastic. the syringe needle cannot reach the last 2. ~: f For many common solvents. hokIS50 vials 9301-0722 9301.. .. .----== ~\ ~: ~ set of tray quadrcns A!~ ~ . DiInIoICI' ~...... ". r ~ ~ 12£ 11-1Ml cr'~ lQ tOO 871D-0979 11-mm deCapping tea 5181-1213 ~.- ~~ ..~ ·.cap ~. During a solvent wash. R~./ screw tor hokmg syrtnge pIooger 01673-20570 A-19 .Q967 foam. 4-ml bottles are placed in the injector turret to bold solvents used for washing the syringe between samples and to hold the solvent and sample rinses. ~ . HP reoommends diffusion caps over septa fOf' two reasons..~~- 18596-40015 11-1TIll ~ I*Jg 1000 9301-0990 ser.~--. see "Filling and Placing the Bottles" on page 3-17.. ho6ds 50 viats You can use diffusion caps or septa on these bottles to reduce evaporation and diffusion of your solvents and waste.. ~ 4-al1IInII1I'waslllIatUt A-6 . ~'. c-...- • &C.Miscellaneous Solvent and Waste Bottles ~ ..sa. For more information. intended primarily for aqueous liquid fill products with a pH range 4-0-7.naI)'sis. .*I A. Least resistant to solvents after puncture.il'.. Use amber glass vials for light-sensitive samples. A-20 A-5 .b. A high quality. may cause • syringeerror.113"') Basic ~ KI 6 144 144 1000 5 144 07673-60840 1Q-p..." AI fiIIeaIots II 1Il1n.5I (0.cm ~ '.eHed U5 (0..~ I Black septa made fI'MI Vitae are BOtrecoII1DleDded Cor use with the UP 18593A ud B IDjec:ter Modules." e. Parts for HP 5890 SffUES II cool on-coIurm inlet NeecIe gtide top 8eJmn oot base assentit Spri1g Injection port ru101" 1 '* 5880A MolI'Iting post 1 • 19245-20670 19245-80520 19245-60760 • Red: Made from silicone rubber coated with Thfloo. There are three types of septum used in vial caps. Somewhat resistant to solvents after puncture.l2:Vl61aA*ed syrilges 4-mI soMIlfIu. GIllie TIf ~. A general purpose rubber formulation . Slightly poorer resealing characteristics when application calls for multiple injections from the same vial • Black: Made from Vrton e ..on the sample side. Most resistant to solvents. the sample may interact with the septum material and affect the a. 1~~ 07673-61035 Pcrtirlg or SlWCrt rod for use wit! HP 5890 SERIES I GCs wih SIN greater than 3033A32100 1 ~1525 Redlorange: Made from natural robber and coated with Thfloo.h baties wIh caps dffuslon caps 2-m sam.. Do not use screw cap vials with the tray. low extractable silicone rubber intended fOr' applications requiring resistance to high extremes of heat.:E vials wih cri11l caps viaf racks 11-rrm 5eJD . e I Dbt: se. I-Sprag R-Iaert Once the vial septum is punctured by the ~ needle.5.... Each has a different resistance to interaction with solvents. UsiDc VitoB. NalOOlef adaPer 1 HP 18599N i. H you are loading vials directly into the injector turret. ~ The following diagram illustrates the recommended and minimum diameter for vial septa.. you can use 2-ml sample vials with screw caps. I CAUTION .221 iL) rtCOII.11 ..on both sides. ~ ~ The following diagram illustrates most of the aitical dimensions for the sample vials and microria1 inserts. .. These dimensions do not make up a complete set of specifications.. Service calls and repairs found to be due to vials that do not meet these specifications are not oovered under either warranty or service oootraet.:- f . 2U to-- r ~ 11.I •• fIj .WIaert f\ 1 t· 1--5 I g..sample Vials and caps 'Ib maintain the tray gripper's reliability.. I I [---r U-=1~---L I f .."- ..Some of the dimensions are too difficnh to measure without special instruments.7 :i: ~ '" AD dl.. I.. ~.. 1'111 hI • ~ i' [... you must use glass vials which meet lIP specifications.. IIIa... . ~..1IiIIl1Itters A-4 ( . ')i -~---~ ". the reliability of the automatic sampler may be affected.i 5 '? )i '- --~ 1 A-3 . syringes.I 2 Selecting Consumables ~ Thissection oontains infonnation to help you select eonsumables to use with the lIP 7673 Automatic Sampler. Some aitical dimensions are provided for samplevials. If you are using consumabIes that do not have these dimensions. and septa. 'Ibis section is divided into five parts. e- '. Inlet septa.1 Introduction This is an integral part cl the lIP 7673 Automatic Sampler Operating Manual (part number 07673-60995). • >"-- ~~-- - ~ ~. • Sample vials and caps. A list cl Hewlett-PactaId supplies recommended for the lIP 7673 and available from Analytical Direct.. It is designed to be updated on a regnIar basis and kq)t in the manual's binder after the chapter tab for appendix A. e A-2 Copyrtght 1989.. "Cons:mnahles. I • Detailed infoonation to heIp)'OU select the appropriate eonsamables fOl' the lIP 7673. • • Syringes. 1991 by HewIeIl-Packard company AI RIghts Reserved . ~r·. • Inlet liners.~ · 'Ibis booklet contains basic information on bow to select and order consnmables foc the automatic sampler. • Solvent and waste bottles. It is dirided into two parts. 1990. - U en Q) c . " -'.. CD C.""·":1\: .. ·.::' ...1 a ~ -c .a ~ ~ I f--4 f--4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ::c I:D« Ii [0/ I E .!I'~/' -. CD c( ::E: .\ ·"-. ctn as 0 E 0•• 0 c:( .I ~'..~ "tJ c « M '" '" a. U ::J :I ..'f I- ~ ~I ~~I~. c. tn CD E -ca ca .:-:'. 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