HowStuffWorks _McDonald's Real Estate_.pdf

May 12, 2018 | Author: superkayasukses | Category: Mc Donald's, Restaurant And Catering, Business, Foods



6/10/2014HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate" How McDonald's Works by Jane McGrath Brow se the article How McDonald's Works How McDonald's Works Corporation Im age Gallery Trave​ l from California to Maine, and the accents and politics may change, but the Big Mac remains the same. As a fixture on the American landscape, and increasingly the world landscape, McDonald's restaurants are everywhere. Capitalizing on brand recognition, McDonald's is known for selling consistent, simple, low-priced American food. As a result, it has become the world's largest restaurant chain. The figures are staggering: McDonald's stores number more than 30,000 and are located in more than 100 countries. They collectively serve 52 million people every day [source: McDonald's Corp.]. Consequently, McDonald's is also one of the most recognizable brands in the world. One marketing firm found that, in a survey of about 7,000 people in the U.K., Germany, Australia, India, and Japan, more people could identify the golden arches of the McDonald's logo than could identify the Christian cross [source: Schlosser]. However, during more than a half century that it's operated, McDonald's Corp. has been How did McDonald's com e to be the w orld's largest restaurant chain, and w hy do som e despise the com pany and w hat it represents? See m ore corporation pictures. Shelly Katz/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images steeped in drama and scandal. Not only has it been at the center of high-profile lawsuits, but as the preeminent leader in the fast food industry, it's come to represent what some people consider dangerous about big corporations, fatty foods and the spread of American culture. Nevertheless, McDonald's has weathered every storm and responded with efforts to improve its image. Besides its many critics, there are some​ who see in its success an example of the power of the American dream. Indeed, the story behind the rise of McDonald's is the stuff of legends. Since its humble beginnings, it has succeeded due to its dedication to streamlined service, but it was an ambitious visionary who took the idea of fast food and ran with it. To understand the company that revolutionized the business of food, we'll have to go back to 1937, when two brothers by the surname of McDonald started a hot dog stand. Yeah, that's right: a hot dog stand. Launch Video Dick and Mac McDonald McDonald's, the company that would come to represent what people love or hate about America, has humble roots in the Great Depression. In the 1930s, brothers Dick and Mac McDonald were struggling to make a living running a movie theater in California when they 1/8 With a $5. But to understand what made McDonald's Corp. Tim Boyle/Getty Images opened nine outlets [source: Gilpin]. The distributor of Multimixers -. In the next six years. "If you have time to lean. He wasn't bringing in enough revenue from his franchised restaurants. the brothers would get a percentage of sales. the McDonald brothers started the Airdrome hot dog stand in 1937 [source: Kroc]. Kroc was eventually successful. we'll delve into the business side of how Kroc built the McDonald's empire. and he used the motto of "quality. The original restaurant was bustling with so much business that the brothers ordered eight Multimixers -. they moved it from Arcadia to San Bernardino and changed the name to McDonald's Barbeque [source: Young]. business was doing so well that the brothers sold 21 franchises and By sim plifying their m enu.htm/printable 2/8 . Next. service.6/10/2014 HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate" noticed that a nearby hot dog stand always seemed to do a lot of business. Kroc made short work of the rest of the competition. The Big M was run out of business. Now in control of McDonald's Corp.was so intrigued at this news that he traveled to California to see what the fuss was about. the McDonald's brothers w ere able to speed up orders and bring in hordes of hungry custom ers. He had dreams for the potential of McDonald's restaurants and asked Dick and Mac to hire him as their franchise agent. Kroc himself attributed much of the company's success to a man named Harry Sonneborn [source: Love]. Kroc opened his first McDonald's restaurant in 1955 in Des Plaines. At first. When they gave up rights to the McDonald's name.machines that made five milkshakes at one time. who were ubiquitous in the industry at the Kroc was struggling to make the business profitable. For some time after his hire. Amazed and inspired at the success of the McDonald brothers. upset over the brothers' refusal to relinquish the original restaurant. the brothers wanted to do things better and faster. you have time to clean" [source: Pepin]. In order to maintain control over http://money. The restaurant reopened to great success -. using these tactics. They called it the Speedee System.a salesman by the name of Ray Kroc -. a Multim ixer sits as a m useum piece in the replica of an early McDonald's. fries and milkshakes and got rid of those characteristic carhops. you have to look at more than the food or Dick and Mac's Speedee System or even to Ray Kroc's dedication and savvy. and in the next five years. By 1940. Kroc was dedicated to the Speedee process that made the McDonald brothers so successful. Tim Boyle/Getty Images Soon. They simplified the menu to focus on burgers. the brothers used an assembly line to prepare their food and improve the efficiency of the restaurant. he got 200 more restaurants off the ground [source: BBC]. DOG DAYS The McDonald brothers started off with a hot dog stand. Ray Kroc wrote of his aversion to selling hot dogs because the mysterious meat products that go in them don't live up to the company's standard of quality [source: Kroc​ ]. After some bumps in the road. experimental approach. cleanliness and value. In a bold move.7 million. Sonneborn worked for McDonald's for a mere 10 years. so why doesn't McDonald's bring hot dogs back? In his autobiography.. opened up a McDonald's restaurant nearby. Kroc. But by 1961. Kroc wanted in. Let's back up a few years to when Kroc and the McDonald brothers were still working together. he bought the entire business for $2. Ill. Dick and Mac reopened their original San Bernardino hamburger joint as The Big M. m achines that m ake five m ilkshakes at once. Today. Kroc often told workers." Some people say he was almost obsessed with cleanliness. Despite success. they temporarily shut down the place in 1948 and reopened with a new.​ McDonald's Real Estate You've got to admit -.a lot of people think those fries are darn good. Kroc just wanted to sell as many Multimixers as possible.their risky move not only paid off but was to soon set the standard for success in the fast food industry.howstuffworks. Adopting the process that revolutionized the auto industry.​ The McDonald brothers w ere getting so m uch business that they needed eight Multim ixers. Although Kroc's business deal with the McDonald brothers started swimmingly. but his real estate policies sealed the fate for the immensely successful company. he was ready to take on the world. relations soon soured.000 loan. In exchange for licensing the name to him. Part of his trouble was in getting the funds to pay for the land and the building for the restaurant. so successful. the three most important elements of real estate are "location. As we've seen. ensuring a steady profit for the company as long as the restaurant stayed in business. While the company acknowledges that Dick and Mac were pioneers of the fast food industry.S. the founder. developers look for a site larger than 32. this capital would fund the opening of more restaurants. The franchisee had to pay either the stipulated lease markup or 5 percent of the sales -. Overall. That all changed in 1956 when he hired Sonneborn. Many new restaurants are popping up with sleeker square meters) and a height of 22 feet (6. he would fly around in a plane or helicopter looking for the best spots to set up McDonald's restaurants. [source: Gilpin]. Bachrach/Getty Images front security deposits from the franchisees. rather than a whole slew of stores over a particular geographic zone. His wealth would amass to $500 million in the following 10 years [source: Basic Books]. This marked the beginning of McDonald's instilling brand loyalty in customers at a young age. and Kroc made $3 million.still incorporate classic production line procedures in the kitchen. near colleges or in airports [source: McDonald's Corp." a yellow arch over a restaurant [source: Gogoi].typically corners of two well-trafficked streets -. a practiced it would later be attacked for. And." Back in Kroc's days with the company. Today's McDonald's restaurants -. McDonald's typically looks for locations that are the most convenient for people -. had a vested interest in the ongoing success of its individual restaurants [source: Love]. the franchisees Kroc attracted didn't have the funds to pay for the land and the building. In terms of physical space. Unbeknownst to the franchisee. which is what other food chains did [source: Love]. to find willing landowners.and ample parking. At first. he took McDonald's restaurants outside the U. who was famous for playing Bozo the Clown. In 1965. New technology has made the process even faster and more convenient for the customer.]. McDonald's restaurants now have digital displays where the driver can look at his order. Let's get to the nitty-gritty: McDonald's looks for intersections with traffic signals -. but technology has come a long way since Multimixers.6/10/2014 HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate" operations. He specifically looked for land near Ronald McDonald w as popular w ith kids as soon as he w as introduced in the '60s and he's been instilling brand loyalty ever since. saying about $2. he introduced Ronald McDonald. but it eventually increased this to 40 percent. Tim Boyle/Getty Images schools and churches in a community [source: Kroc]. Sonneborn further developed the plan to eventually take out mortgages to own both the building and the land. and eventually to Europe and Asia. This strategy continues Kroc's tradition of getting to the heart of a community through its gathering places. Two years later. McDonald's was included in the 30-company Dow Jones Industrial Average.000 worth of stock in 1965 would translate to more than $3 million worth in 2006 [source: McDonald's Corp. the surviving McDonald brother. McDonald's restaurants are everywhere. You may have noticed that the architecture of McDonald's restaurants has begun to evolve away from the classic double-sloped roof. McDonald's Brand Loyalty This business plan gave Ray Kroc the success and leverage he needed to get the loan to buy out the McDonald brothers in 1961. location. Also in that year. McDonald's amazed many when some of the restaurants began outsourcing their drive-thru http://money. they point out that Kroc in fact founded McDonald's Corp. but he also considered himself. Increasingly automated equipment. for instance. the company went public. Kroc and Sonneborn also requested up- Ray Kroc built his fast food em pire on real estate as m uch as food sales.7 meters) [source: McDonald's Corp. Kroc opened his 500th McDonald's restaurant. But there's still a method to the madness. has also helped keep things moving faster.whichever was higher. Sonneborn's idea was to have the McDonald's company lease a plot of land and the building for each restaurant.whether cafe-style or not -.].the first McDonald's. malls. McDonald's is drenched in the business of real estate as much as it is in food. These are part of a long line of increasingly efficient practices since Kroc switched from fresh potatoes to frozen fries in 1966.htm/printable 3/8 . But that's not all: The rent due to McDonald's could be even more if the restaurant was doing well. Kroc needed to franchise one store at a time.howstuffworks. In the drive-thru. Although other chains could attract big investors. The immortal arches that don the facades have also been replaced by what's known as the "swish eyebrow. MAKING (UP) HISTORY In his autobiography. who convinced him that the real money was in real estate.000 square feet (9. the restaurant is built. not Dick and Mac. this created a symbiotic relationship between the franchisee and the company -. as most of us can see. such as those that dispense drinks and make french fries. Franchisees were responsible for insurance and taxes. The company would then sublease to the franchisee who would run the restaurant. a clown originally played by actor Willard Scott. McDonald's charged franchisees markups of 20 percent of lease costs. Today. [source: Love]. The McDonald's Web site boasts that the company has been a wise investment. Kroc fostered bitterness between himself and Dick. Twenty years after it went public. to Canada. Each employee is typically in charge of a certain task so that orders are filled quickly.McDonald's Corp. Kroc soon established the Franchise Realty Corp. These include restaurants with a cafe-style interior featuring lounge chairs to go along with the McCafe line of specialty espresso drinks. After the franchisee and the site are lined up. as we've all heard. Not only did Kroc consider the Des Plaines location -rather than the San Bernardino location -. By 1963.]. But. and 22 other training centers throughout the world. he needed a way to efficiently instill his motto of "quality. QUO VADIS. Perhaps the most important item. Continuing this tradition. who was chairman of the company. the same year that Kroc bought out the original McDonald's brothers. in 2003 McDonald's introduced the popular dollar menu. lettuce. But in a test market run. But technology aside. The company got another breakthrough in 1973. McDonald's Corp. after his Pittsburgh-area McDonald's restaurants started driving profits from the sandwich. Ray Kroc's sidekick. In 1967. the next big-ticket menu item came in a reverse process. Henry Groskinsky/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images Friday customers to competitors like Big Boy. McDonald's sought a menu item that would tackle a particular dilemma: lagging Friday sales. Tim Boyle/Getty Images McDonald's Menu and Hamburgerology Ray Kroc was a stickler for consistency and maintaining control of his restaurants. he established Hamburger University in the basement of a restaurant. mid-management and executive development [source: McDonald's Corp.htm/printable 4/8 . In 2008. Kroc's faith in the talent of McDonald's managers paid off in spades when it came to several menu inventions. brokenyolk egg with cheese and Canadian bacon on an English muffin. Ill.howstuffworks. most American Catholics were still abstaining from meat on Fridays throughout the year as a form of penance to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus (a practice still common in some Catholic populations of the world). Back then. To cater to Catholics. Big Mac and Egg McMuffin were inspirational concoctions of restaurant operators. McDonald's Corp. Herb Peterson.. in 1961. invented by a McDonald's franchisee. At Hamburger U. To make sure the right order got to each car.MW]. the Filet-o-Fish was the first item added to the original McDonald's menu [source: Clark].com/mcdonalds2. onions on a sesame-seed bun" (with a third bun in the middle to contain the mess). Criticism of McDonald's In the past few decades. another red meat alternative outperformed the Hula Burger in sales: the Filet-o-Fish. Ray Kroc wanted to introduce the Hula Burger. By the next year. consisting of grilled pineapple on a bun. McDonald's announced that it might have to adjust the menu to account for rising costs [source: Quinn]. service. which had a fish alternative. included it on the national menu [source: Reeger]. put in a request for his food supplier in 1979. The Egg McMuffin was made of a circular. w as a huge success for the com pany. a customer sued McDonald's after she http://money. Turner commissioned a "chicken finger-food without bones. pickles. which we'll talk about next. Modern drive-thrus incorporate displays to verify orders and som e even have tw o order stations to speed up the process. By perfecting other breakfast selections to accompany the McMuffin and retrofitting restaurants to serve breakfast. the business wouldn't have succeeded so well without its famous menu. DOLLAR MENU? McDonald's menu prices have been a key to its success since Dick and Mac's 15-cent hamburgers. however. One of the high-profile cases surrounds the temperature of its hot coffee. restaurant management. it was with a radically new item: a breakfast sandwich. This time. special sauce. McDonald's prepared to venture into the fast food breakfast arena [source: Kroc]. Although the Filet-o-Fish. This innovation proved to increase production and efficiency [source: Fitzgerald]. small fries and possibly. But despite the popularity of its food. however. Needless to say. came from Jim Delligatti. It offers students college credit and is respected as a corporate training program [source: CBS. about the size of your thumb" [source: Schlosser]. the owner-operator of six McDonald's restaurants. cheese. which features select items at a price of one dollar. McDonald's has come under attack for a variety of perceived offenses. including crew development. including a double cheeseburger. of "two all-beef patties. had already coined the company's first national ad slogan -. Food technicians got to work and gave him the Chicken McNugget. a camera hidden in the drive-thru menu took a photo of the driver placing the order and sent it to the restaurant employee who doled out the food at the pickup window. granted Delligatti permission to introduce the Big Mac to his McDonald's restaurants in Pennsylvania. located in Elk Grove. students can follow curricula for several career paths. it was a huge hit for the company. a side salad.when he convinced Ray Kroc to try the sandwich [source: AP]. This sandwich consists. Today. As we'll see. as his restaurants grew in number. McDonald's was losing The Big Mac."Where Quality Starts Fresh Every Day" -. McDonald's has stirred up controversy. In the 1992 McDonald's Coffee Case. the inventor of the Big Mac.]. made of mostly reconstituted white meat chicken. In the 1960s. has its own facilities and serves as a place where employees can earn a degree in Hamburgerology. So. as the immortal jingle puts it. It was immediately successful after its release in 1983. As a result. cleanliness and value" into the franchisees who would be running them. Fred Turner. Hamburger University. Invented by franchisee Lou Groen.6/10/2014 HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate" order-taking to call centers. when McDonald's announced it would no longer cook fries in beef fat. and its reputation suffered. For decades. A few years after Schlosser's "Fast Food Nation.howstuffworks. In India. vegetarians and Hindus were shocked to learn that the fries contain beef flavoring and sued. people have been blaming -. The dam age to his health alarm ed view ers and caused backlash against McDonald's. In 1990. After hearing that McDonald's had received hundreds of other complaints and was previously aware of the problem -." a documentary by Morgan Spurlock meant to highlight the dangerous health effects of eating an excess of McDonald's food. selling unhealthy food. Since the McLibel case. Spurlock uses himself as a guinea pig as he sets out on a 30-day experiment in which he eats nothing but McDonald's food and avoids exercise.rooms in hospitals that can include TVs. In 2001. Despite these enormous setbacks. This charity offers lodging to parents so that they can be close to a child who is receiving medical treatment far from home. Schlosser attacked the fast food industry and targeted McDonald's in particular. including cruelty to animals. he claims. Another significant scandal had to do with McDonald's french fries. London Greenpeace started distributing pamphlets entitled "What's wrong with McDonald's. it's important to take note of the positive things that McDonald's has been praised for as well." the 1906 novel that blew the lid off the practices of the meatpacking industry. He also discusses its role in globalization -. Although Schlosser's book was a bestseller and hard-hitting expose´. He also attacks the company for instilling brand loyalty in kids from a young age. McDonald's can counter accusations of perpetuating globalization with the menu adaptations When in Rom e … McDonald's adapts itself to the palates and religious preferences of the culture they enter. Because McDonald's Corp. public outcry and pressure on McDonald's has grown slowly but surely. Perhaps most famous is the so-called McLibel Case.the jury made McDonald's pay compensatory and punitive damages [source: AAJ]. targeting children in ads and contributing to the destruction of rainforests. But. It claims that the practice of buying land in developing countries for use in raising crops or cattle to export to industrialized societies takes away from people in those countries who are in need [source: McLibel Support Campaign]. http://money. most of the donations benefit the local chapter or programs [source: RMHC]. He addresses many issues. First. this led many people to believe the fries were vegetarian. Jeff Snyder/FilmMagic/Getty Images Praise For McDonald's Scandal sells. protest against McDonald's 50th anniversary celebrations.and occasionally suing -." McDonald's suffered another blow with "Super Size Me. Spurlock includes interviews and commentary that address the problem of obesity in America and the central role that fast food plays. of several perceived atrocities. In what would become the longest trial in England's history. Helen Steel and Dave Morris. "Super Size Me" docum entarian Morgan Spurlock took it upon him self to have a McDonald's-only diet for a m onth. As far back as 1986. McDonald's unhealthy food. In a process 5/8 . In his book. in 2002 McDonald's agreed to dish out $10 million and apologized for confusion [source: AP]. has been a major contributor to making America the fattest nation on earth. But the trial was a public relations disaster for McDonald's. One accusation concerned the company's negative impact on local communities throughout the world. many of its criticisms were nothing new. In it.6/10/2014 HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate" spilled coffee on her lap and suffered third-degree burns that hospitalized her for eight days." The pamphlets accuse McDonald's Corp. Madhuri Karia/Getty Images McDonald's. McDonald's ultimately won. for instance. industrialized culture to the entire world. and kitchens where pediatric patients and their families can relax.what's considered the imperial spread of homogenized. McDonald's has maintained its popularity. Although quick to point out that it never claimed the fries were vegetarian. investigative journalist Eric Schlosser made waves with his book "Fast Food Nation. from obesity to globalization. in the midst of the heavily publicized criticism that McDonald's has received in the past few decades." It is often compared to "The Jungle. This is due in no small part to its attempts to salvage its damaged public image. computers. provides much of the costs to run the global office of RMHC.McDonald's for what they say is its role in the obesity dilemma and for a slew of other issues. In India.htm/printable it has made for its restaurants in various countries. Later. Because the defendants were unable to prove every accusation. He points to the conditions under which unskilled immigrants work in the meatpacking field and the anti-union tactics of The London Greenpeace protesters behind McLibel. The audience watches as he gains weight and doctors observe his health decline. it offers culturespecific selections and got rid of beef to accommodate Hindus who don't eat McDonald's is known for donating heavily to Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). they put out variations of their classics but w ithout beef. Although he admits that it's a dramatization of realistic diets. the Care Mobile Program and the Family Room Program -. McDonald's restaurants often include donation boxes where customers can donate to the charity to fund the house. McDonald's sued the two environmentalists for libel in the 1990s. but rather in vegetable oil.and that its coffee is significantly hotter than homemade -. but rather than hurting them. DHL) and Sweden (via home furnishing giant. Tim Boyle/Getty Images offered." author James L. McDonald's Reputation Although people argue about how much McDonald's and other fast food chains are to blame for obesity problems and other issues. it launched an advertising campaign to tout the advantages and upward mobility of working at McDonald's. Although the term represents any job of this sort. In 2007. The exotic experience and atmosphere of McDonald's encouraged patrons to be more polite [source: Kristof]. As a result.helps people in developing economies climb out of poverty [source: Meredith]. the company has worked to improve its image. In response to critics who claim the company has a negative effect on local communities. by 2004. In the same book. Some people contend that globalization -. Lots More Information Related HowStuffWorks Articles http://money. bottled water and a pedometer. have progressively adopted McDonald's practices -efficiency. which we'll discuss next. IKEA). This sandwich graced the menu only briefly. ensuring humane methods for handling livestock -. Watson argues that the introduction of a new kind of food and food service in China encouraged customers to take on better table manners. For instance. It bragged.such as phasing out the debeaking of chickens. however." George Ritzer explains how the U. Watson explains a theory that argues that a sense of equality is developed when both customer and server are standing in this kind of setup [source: Watson].into other aspects of business and society. and many other nations. Watson credits McDonald's with raising the standards of bathroom cleanliness in Hong Kong. the McDonald's cleanup crew has been working to improve the public image. But the popularity of McDonald's restaurants' clean bathrooms caused other restaurants to permanently maintain higher sanitation practices. the majority of public restrooms were filthy by some calculability. On top of that. some people argue that fast food is inherently greener than other options due to its efficiency [source: Forbes]. low-paying job. The company enforces standards on its meat suppliers. McDonald's swiftly responded. Standing in line at a restaurant was something new to Hong Kong when McDonald's restaurants came on the scene. In addition.S. After it made its way into common parlance and even the Merriam-Webster and Oxford English dictionaries.over half of our executive team started in our restaurants. some countries like Germany (via express transportation carrier. it's based on McDonalds' occupations. As McDonald's deals with its share of criticism. it introduced the McLean Deluxe. McDonald's has earned respect for its improved animal welfare and environmental policies. McDonald's made efforts to undo this negative reputation.howstuffworks. some people would argue that the business serves up Happy Meals and more to millions of kids and kids-at-heart throughout the world. providing benefits like jobs and revenue [source: McDonald's Corp. By the 1980s. as it failed miserably in sales. the term "McJob" was coined to represent a dead-end. Before McDonald's started setting up restaurants there in the 1970s. the company pulled the "Super-size" option from its stores in an effort to make the menu more health-conscious. "The McDonaldization of Society. To help the company climb out of a bad reputation. Curran/Getty Images HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate" dubbed glocalization.. it's clear that the accusations have scarred its reputation. consisting of a premium salad. it introduced an adult Happy Meal called the Go Active! Happy Meal.htm/printable 6/8 . MCDONALDIZED! In his book. As a result. Still craving more of a fast food knowledge fix? Explore the links on the next page. Lately. McDonald's announced that it would buy coffee only from growers who are certified by the Rainforest Alliance.6/10/2014 AFP/Douglas E. Before the film had even reached a general audience. McDonald's attempts to promote its brand while keeping local cultures intact. are McDonaldizing by spreading their cultures throughout the world through their businesses [source: Ritzer]. McDonald's also faced the challenge of improving the perception of the career opportunities it McDonald's put out prem ium salads after receiving harsh criticism about its unhealthy food. The company's Web site touts the work that McDonald's does for communities. predictability and control -. Some people contend that McDonalds does affect the cultures it touches.].the very phenomenon that McDonald's is attacked for spearheading -.​ In the 2000s. McDonald's and its supporters argue quite the opposite. It also forbids suppliers from using growth hormones on livestock [source: Capell]. Not bad for a McJob" [source: BBC]. Some people say this practice encourages equality over social hierarchy. the restaurants actually benefit these cultures with lifestyle improvements. after "Super Size Me" was screened at the Sundance Film Festival. In 1991. "McProspects . In "Golden Arches East. This wasn't the first time the company sought the health-conscious demographic. The request cited that more than a thousand crew workers have risen through the ranks to own and operate McDonald's restaurants [source: AP]. McDonald's asked Merriam-Webster and the Oxford English Dictionary to change their definitions of the term "McJob" so it wouldn't offend McDonald's employees. Joe L. "Big Macs to Go. BBC.. [ "Business Heroes: Ray Kroc." Basic Books." International Herald Tribune. 2008] http://query.pdf Meredith.html McDonald's Corp. Matt." McDonald's [ Kristof. 2004.dictionary. 9. "McDonald's not lovin' 'McJob' dictionary definition. 2002. 2008] http://query." The New York Times. 2008] http://books. "McDonald's USA . [Oct. "MHU: A tradition of Haig." The New York Times." McDonald's Corp. 6. 2008] http://www." Macmillan.htm/printable 7/8 .. 2008] http://www. Jan." Business Strategy Vol. Nov. 'Slow' Food. [Oct. 9. 2007.shtml BBC. 89. Kerry. [Oct. [Oct. 1999. [ 14." USA Today. April 16. "Richard McDonald. 2008] 2007. [Oct." Kogan Page Publishers. "About McDonald's." The Rosen Publishing Group. "No fish story: Sandwich saved his McDonald's. Issue 4.html McDonald's Corp. "Egg McMuffin inventor Herb Peterson dies in California at 89." Forbes.. Nicholas D. 9. April 1987. McDonald's Corp. 2003. 14. 9. [Oct. pg. Robyn. "Community. 14." McDonald's Corp. "Big Macs.html McDonald's Corp. July" Temple University Press.businessweek.usatoday. [ 9. 2008] http://prernalal. [Oct. 2008] http://www." CBS Market Watch. John F. Updated Feb." American Association for Justice. 9. "McDonald's Offers Ethics with Those Fries. [Oct." McDonald's Corp. 9. "McDonald's Restaurant Development.howstuffworks.html?thisSpeed=15000 Frisch. Pallavi. 2008] http://images." British Broadcasting Corporation. 2008] http://www. 6. "Brand Royalty. [ =globalbiz_europe_today%27s+top+story CBS. [ "What's Wrong With McDonald's?" McLibel Support Campaign. 1998. "McDonald's Scalding Coffee Case. 2008] http://books. "Why Globalization is Good. 6. March 22. 2007. 9..stm Business Strategy Review.. 9.. 2008] http://www. [Oct. "Careers in Starting and Building Franchises.iht. 7.htm Fitzgerald. 14. "Movers and Shakers. [ 2008] http://query.html AP. 20-26. 2008] http://books.. [Oct. June 5." CBS News. 2008] [ 2006. "Grinding it Out. Carlienne March" McDonald's Corp.html?res=9C0DE2D9153AF93BA25754C0A9629C8B63 Forbes​ . March Love.nytimes. 8. 2008] Kenneth N." 2008. 1998.ap/index.htm? campaign_id=rediff Haig." Forbes. Matt. 14. 2008] http://www. "Hamburger University. [Oct. Ray. 14. 2008] http://books. and Real Estate. Winter 2005. Suzzanne Hoppough. 2008] http://www. 9.MW. "Brand Failures. "McDonald's seeks 'McJob' rewrite.6/10/2014 HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate" How Fast Food Works How Salt Works How Fats Work How Caffeine Works How Calories Work How Diabetes Works How Alcohol Works More Great Links Best Food Nation McSpotlight Sources AAJ.shtml Basic Books.html McDonald's Corp. [Oct. 10. 2002. Robert Anderson..html? res=9A07E4D61F30F931A15750C0A96E958260 Kroc. 6. "Decisions: 29 Green Choices: Fast Vs.aspx AP. 2003." McDonald's to 1973." New York Times. 2008] http://www. 14.html McLibel Support Campaign." July 18. [Oct.cbsnews. [Oct. "A Drive-Through Lane to the Next Time Zone." CNN. Capell. 47-48. Fast-Food Revolutionary. Paul. [Oct. 1998. "The Sign of the Burger. [ McDonald's Corp. [Oct.Real Estate FAQ' id=Hx7zU0WADI4C 16 Issue AP. 2008] Fries. 6. "McDonald's Tricky Makeover." Financial Executive. "McDonald's Settles Beef Over Fries. 2008] 2008] http://www.nytimes. 2008] 2008] http://news. [Oct. "The McDonald's History .." Kogan Page Publishers. Oct 6. 2008] res=9D0DE7D81630F935A25754C0A96E958260 Gogoi. "Fast Food" BBC News. 2008] http://www. 2008] http://www. [Oct. [Oct.. [Oct. 2007. "The Great Depression in America. 2008] http://books. 2007. 9. [Oct. 2008.pittsburghlive.. George. [Oct. Nancy K. William Schlosser. 9.howstuffworks." Telegraph. 2008] http://www. [Oct.html Ritzer. "Fast Food Nation. 2008] http://www. 6. ​ Young." Pine Forge Press.htm/printable 8/8 . id=QYYMqXUyjnUC http://money." Houghton Mifflin Books. Jacques. James L." Greenwood Publishing Group. [Oct. James. 2008] Reeger. 2008] http://books." Stanford University Press. "McDonald's 'Dollar Menu' may be headed for extinction. 2001. 2008] http://rmhc. "The McDonaldization of Society "Ray Kroc. [Oct. Jennifer. 14. "Young interviewer grills Big Mac inventor." TIME.. 2008] http://books. 7. Eric.time. 2006.6/10/2014 HowStuffWorks "McDonald's Real Estate" http://www. "Golden Arches Young.html Quinn. 2008] W Dec. 1998. [Oct. 6. [Oct. 22." Ronald McDonald House Charities." Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. "about Ronald McDonald House Charities: How McDonald's Helps.
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