
March 17, 2018 | Author: BhadraKaali | Category: Astrology, Esoteric Cosmology, Hindu Astrology, Technical Factors Of Astrology, Divination



By G.Vijayakumareswara Sarma, India Special Thanks: YS Sarma Pasumarti, SA Co-ordinator Copy Editor: Karan Khanna [The author presents a different view at various places that might not be in conformity with the present accepted knowledge in the English reading astrology lovers of India & abroad. Instead of debating on each word of his, we must try to gather the essence of his write up. – SA] G ollakota Vijay, 80 years old, he was born on 09.06.1930 at Yellamanchili, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh. Born in a Vedic family, Sri Vijay has been attracted towards this subject at an early age of 22. The power that pulled him towards this subject is matchmaking and the influence of Mangalik in match making and predictions on his longevity. Cause the very basic verses in astrology reads “Karmarjitham poorvabhave sadadi….” which means that horoscope reads the goods and bad acquired by the native from his previous birth. Then what is the fun in match making. Starting this, he went on quarrying in the subject and thereby went through various available writings. In that quest he found some works published in the name of great authors that had contradicting versions. So, working out those contradictions, he has brought out a few works titled „Quintessence of Parasara‟ (English), „Prasara Jyothisham‟ (Telugu), „Prasara‟s Vedic Astrology‟ (English), Yadartha Parasara Hora Sastram (Telugu). Thus, he has brought out how Parasara differs from others and what is true Parasara System. T o start with let us see first who are the rishis those propagated astrology. ब्रह्माऽचामोलशळष्टशिभन् ऩौरस्यरोभळौ भयीशचयंशगयोव्यावोनायदो ळौनको बृग् च्यलनोमलनोगगग्कस्यऩश्चऩयाळय् े ब ं ीय ज्योशतश्ळास्त्रप्रलतगका् अष्टादळैतग Brahma, Aachaarya, Vasista, Atri, Manuvu, Poulastya, Lomasa, Mareechi, Angeerasa, Vyaasa, Naarada, Sounaka, Bhrigu, Chyavana, Yavana, Garga, Kasyapa, Parasara. These eighteen sagacious rishis propagated the profound science, Astrology. कारस ै फगहुदा् प्रोक्ता ळास्त्रा् सानशललक गका् ते मगाशदऴ सातव्या् करौ ऩयाळयीस्मृता् .). longevity. elaborately propagated by the ancient rishis. I started collecting and studying various available books written on Parasara‟s system and other systems also. Not only that. not Brihat Jatakam . Varahamihira said in his “Pancha Siddhanthika” that Poulastya Siddhantam and “Lomasa Siddhantam” were written by Laata Deva. raja yogas. This type of slokas we find in almost all the books and some palm leaves in Parasara‟s name. and lived after Varahamihira (123-40 B. .D. Varahamihira delivered the theory of Hora in a simple manner. In order to find the importance given to Parasara. one among the above said eighteen rishis who propagated this science. So it can be presumed that the other 16 were not written till the time of Varahamihira. According to this1 Varahamihira wrote Laghu Jatakam.) and Kalyan Varma (First Century A. by the commentary of Bhattotpala to Laghujatakam. Therefore I will extract the essential topics by avoiding the worthless topics. and his first book was Pancha 1 Query: According to What े ात ् शोया तंि ं यशचतं लयाशशभशशयेन वंषऩ 2 Reply by Author: i) According to the above said slokas by Kalyana Varma. And a translation of Brihat Jatakam by Dr Boddakoorapati Venkatarangachari. who have no knowledge in the basics of astronomy/astrology. Kalyana Varma in his „Saravali‟ says thus:- शलस्तय कृ ताशन भशनशब् ऩशयहृत्य ऩयातनाशन ळास्त्राशि याशळ दळलगग बूऩशतमोगामदागमतो दळादीनाभ ् शलऴम शलबागं स्पष्टंकतुं नतळक्यतेमतस्तेन अत एलशलस्तयेभ्यो मलन नयें द्राशद यशचतळास्त्रेभ्य् वकर भवायं त्यक्त्वा तेभ्य् वायं वभशद्रमते Leaving the topics in the sciences. ii) According to Pandit Vedam Lakshminarayana Sastry in his article „Varahamihiras History‟ in Telugu language. The other books also Laghu Samhita. There he says Sloka: Bhattotpalo laghutaram jaataka tteekam karothi Tadaya maavamtikaacaarya varaahamihiro Jyotih sastram samgraham krutva. dasavargas.. Here Bhattotpala says that Varahamihira wrote Jyothissastram in simple.C. Laghu Yatrapatalam.The knowledgeable astrologers have said many sastras in different ways is known since the beginning of the eons. Where by it is not possible to discuss the division of topics like rasi. After perusing all the available books and palm leaves written by those. dasas etc. but Parasara Muni‟s recollection is authenticating. Karkataka. Panchada Mytri in between planets was in practice mostly. 1. Astaka Varga. Subodhini. Moon.6. Please refer Yatrapatalam Adhyayanukramanika of Varahamihira. 3. mesha. Bhattotpalam.).5. Brihatjatakam‟. All brihat grandhas are written by commentators only.5.Siddhantika. Kanya. Sukra and Sani respectively. In predictive astrology Rahu and Ketu have no place till the time of Bhattotpala (Fourth Century A. Rahu and Ketu were not allotted any house.7. Here again.2. vrishabha.10. Meena and Tula are the exalted rasis for Sun.Sreepateeyam 5. Latter writers have clubbed all the systems and made a big fuss of the subject and finally massacred the DIVINE subject. Budha. Makara. Moon. . Upachayas .8. So also the Udu Dasa (120 years) is not observed till Bhattotpala‟s time. kanya. Budha. 2.Dasaadhyaayee are the five commentaries. This was said in “Ududaaya Pradeepam” (seems to be an interpolation) यव्यंगायक भंदाश्चयाहुके तूचऩाशऩन् षीिेंद् ऩाऩवंमक्तो फधोभांदीचऩाशऩन् 2 How is it being shown that Varahamihira did not write Brihat Jatakam. The opposite houses to these are debilitation houses to the planets respectively.11 Benefic Konas . All the works of the propagators wrote in simple (laghu) only.8. Guru.12 Malefic results Trikas .11 Neutral results Apoklimas – 3. Brihat Jatakam is written by a commentator.6.12 Malefic.9. 4. Vrishabha. Please have a careful study at the following.3. The other systems were in practice. above I have given the commentary of Bhattotpala to Laghujatakam. Of these Bhattotpalam is said to be famous.D.6. The basics given in almost all the books in astrology.9 For Sun.4. Amsaayudayam. Mesha. Guru. I proved this with some more details in my article „Analysis of Laghujatakam. Kendras – 1. Sukra and Sani the moola trikona rasis are simha. Kuja. in simple did by me for the liking of the Astrologers.10 Benefic results Panaparas . Kuja. dhanus. is the shloka cited above indicating that ? Reply by Author: Of the above three slokas the very first sloka says. While specifying the characteristics of planets and rasis Rahu and Ketu were ignored. tula and kumbha respectively. Sloka: skamdhav sthribhi jyotisha samgrahonyam Mayaa kruto daivagnam hitaaya Meaning: This three parts of Astrology. Naabhasa Yogaas. Mudrakshari. (this is of Jaimini) karakas.All these topics are propagated by the 18 rishis or each has said of his own? But who said what? Can any Siddhanti/Astrologer (world famous) can say?! Not only these there are some more to be questioned. Budha associated with malefic planets. shodasa (16) amasas.. Let us see. लमं ऩायाळयीशोयाभनशृत्यमकाभशत 3 Jataka Chandrika. Pure Budha. mandi. Sani. pancha bhoota. Rasis and their characteristics are same and here also acceptable. Full Moon.ऩूि ग चंद्र ळद्ध फधो गरु ळक्रो ळबग्रशा् Sun. are concerned they differ from others and are explained exclusively. Guru and Sukra are benefics. But as far as Sougnas (symbols). Almost the meaning is same. hora. Almost all the systems except Parasara say this.. No one can separate. pancha mahapurusha yogas. Laghu Parasari. cusps etc. याशळ ळीराशदकं वलग भन्यळास्त्रोशदतं वभभ ् वौसा बाल खेट परं इशोच्यते शलळेऴत् (जातकचंशद्रक – तेरृग) फध ैबागलादमस्सले सेमा वाभान्यळास्त्रत् एतच्छास्त्रानवायेि वौसा ब्रभो शलळेऴत् (रघऩयाळशय – शशंदी) ं ानांसम े ा वाभान्यळास्त्रत् याशळ नषि लृद एतच्छास्त्रानवायेि वौसाखेट परं ब्रले (फृशत्पयाळयशोयाळास्त्रं) These three slokas are from three books3 in the name of Parasara Muni. It is said that Parasara system is authentic. Aprakasa grahas. The basics of Parasara Muni. New Moon. are malefic. charadi dasa. bhava. sudarsanachakra. All are clubbed. kalachakra dasa. aroodha padham. Rahu and Ketu are malefic. Bhavaas (houses). etc. trigunaphala. ghati lagans. Kuja. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram . Others (Brahmam. The following is another method. Divyam. Savanam. Pitryam and Prajapatyam) are not essential. Sauram. Chandram.उडदामप्रदीऩाख्यं कू भो दैलशलदाभदे पराशन नषिदळा प्रकायेि शललृण्भशे दळा शलंळोत्तयीचािग्राह्मनाऽन्यभताशनलै (रघ ऩयाळशय / जातकचंशद्रक) Following the Parasara Hora Sastram we are presenting this work named “Ududaya Pradeepam” for the delight of astrologers. For this subject the measurement of time is very important. Chandram. Such 12 months make one year. one yuga is equal to five years or 1830 Savana days or 1860 Tithis or 62 Lunar months or 60 Solar months or 67 Nakshatra months. that too 120 years dasa should be followed. Araksham and Savanam are in practice. The dasa followed by Parasara is Nakshatra Manam. which is very near to the above said method: अब्ध् ऩन्चधा ऋशऴशब् ऩशयकीशतगताश्च मका चांद्रनाषिं वौयंच फाशगस्पत्यन्त वालनभ ् . In measuring the time. ब्रह्मंशदव्यं तका शऩत्र्यं प्राजाऩत्यंच गौयलभ ् वौयश्च वालनं चान्द्रभाषुं भनाशनलैनल ग शायोि वौयचान्द्राषग वालनौ् चातशबगव्यल फाशगस्पत्येनसे मभत्पातान्नान्य ै स्तशनत्यळ् Brahmam. based on nakshatras.. Pitryam. (It is clear that Hora Sastram is of Parasara Muni. Udu means nakshatram. Gauravam. Four of these namely Sauram. not any other system. I find some differences which are to be studied first before going deeply into this subject. Such 120 years is the span of life. Brahaspatyam is used in predicting natural calamities. Divyam. Prajapatyam. 27 nakshatras 27. Aarksham are the nine methods of measuring time. The predictions are explained basing on the nakshatra dasa (stellar).) In the Vedanga Jyothisa which is the ancient system. So the book they wrote is Udu Dasa Pradeepam.321582 days make one month. Such thirty days make one month and such twelve months make a year. From the end of one new moon to the end of another new moon is one month.5 seconds). the names of the year are the same and sixty in number. Sun‟s transit through the twelve rasis is one year. Guru‟s stay in a rasi is one year.The sages state that Chandram. the number of days in one year will vary from 354 to 384. In this system. In this. Just as the Sun‟s stay in a rasi is a month.321 days (27 days 7 hours 29 minutes 11. The fifth and the last is called Savanamanam in which the day is from sun rise to the next sun rise. Barhaspatyamanam is known. which lasts till the end of Amavasya (New moon). Both in the Chandramanam and the Sauramanam. A month has 27. The Nakshatramanam is based on the Moon‟s transit through all the twenty seven Nakshatras in a month. A casual glance at the above five methods indicate that all of them agree to disagree with each other. a year will have 328 days approximately. Sauram. Such twelve months make a year. Nakshatram. the number of days in a year vary from 354 to 380 days. Sauramanam is known as Surya‟s transit in a sign. दळागलशधं भावभळशन्त चान्द्रभ ् नषिशभन्दौ बगगिाश्रामाश्च वंसाभामाग् शिंळशिनं वालनभ ् As the name implies. The Moon‟s transit in the Nakshatras (all the 27) is called Nakshatra manam. Then why were they evolved? There must be some reason: What it might be? Let us study the following sloka: वौयं बास्कय याशळबोगास्तका वले वलगिोत्पातौ फाशगस्पत्यच प्रवस्यते . In this system the number of days in a year are 365 or 366 (once in 4 years) which is equal to the calendar followed by the whole world. from Guru‟s transit in a sign. This is called Sauramanam. the measurement of time calculated on the basis of moon is known as Chandramanam. In this system. Thus the year will have 360 days. Brahaspatya and Savana are the five systems of calculating time. and Savanamanam comprises of thirty days per month. as in Chandramanam. Such twelve months make one year. This system is known as Chandramanam. Chandramanam method is commended for the purpose of obsequies and rituals connected with death anniversary. I do not feel that any one is following Nakshatramanam to determine one‟s time of birth and Savanamanam for religious purposes. Nakshatramanam is used to find one‟s birth. afterwards they deduct the ayanamsa from that and prepare the Nirayana. Even then let us try to find out with the available matter as to which method is to be followed for astrological purposes. the span of life. Lagnam and Bhavas with cusps should be calculated for the birth time. the ups and downs in life. the future course of life. Geo-centric planets. tornados. etc. Can‟t they calculate the panchangas directly with Nirayana Sun and not taking Sayana into count. Savanamanam is to be considered. for finding the ancient tradition the necessary particulars are not available. Only Chandramanam and Sauramanam (in most places). wars etc. ् ल रग्नान वाधमे ् ् बालान्संशधमतान तदै त शिज (This is from Brihat Parasara Hora and Kalamritam) ् टतयान ् बूकेंद्र दृग्गशित ैक याश्माशदकान स्फ अि वामन यलेस्याशदष्टकारादशऩ खेटान ् Here. typhoons..etc. the achievements in life. It is clearly said about Sayana (Tropical) should be followed while calculating the lagna and planets. While preparing the panchangas (Almanacs) the Siddhantees follow Sayan system only. Sayana (Tropical) Sun and Planets. and the method of Barhaspatyamanam (in rare cases) are in practice that too as a regional tradition.) should be known from Barhaspatyamanam. Though we have 365 days in a year. for the astrological computation 360 days are being considered by the astrologers. Nowadays. For yajna oblations or spiritual performances etc... cyclones. fall of governments. etc. . for predicting events in one‟s life. vagaries of monsoon. Without Sayana they can‟t do anything.ृ भ् वौयभानो शललाशादौ मसादौ वालनंस्मत आशिके शऩिकामे च चान्द्रभानं प्रळस्यते जनने आममोगद्यश्च नाषिभानच्यते Natural calamities (such as earth quake. is given prominence. all these methods are not in vogue. true and clear. Sauramanam method is to be adopted for auspicious celebrations in fixing Muhurtams for marriages. celebrations known as aparakarmas or inauspicious occasions. In this connection. Now we see Ududaya Pradeepam. the position of stars and planets at that time. (27x4=108). ् बूगोऱ जामभानानभ तत्कारोड ग्रशशिते गिान रुऩ लृशत्तत्वं वूच्य वूचक बालत् Persons born on earth. show their behavior. ज्योशतश्ळास्त्रे शलशनशश्चत्य शौशयकं पर भीशयतभ ् इष्ट वाधन शवध्यधग ऩऩामोश्मं प्रदशळगतभ ् With the help of this astrology. the astrologer can ascertain the results (either good or bad). The said 108 quarters stellar wheel seems to move west wards around the sun (Meru) uninterrupted. to shun the evil and to achieve good results it shows the remedy. Next how the Zodiac is formed is explained: इष्टाशनष्टऩशयसानादशनष्टस्य प्रळांतमे ् कक ् ऩृकक ् वप्तशलंळशत तायािां दस्रादीनाभ ऩृ प्राक्प्राग्गतोड चक्रं तदिोत्तय ळतांशिकभ ् प्रत्यसभखं चरत्येल भेयोशन गत्यंप्रदशषिभ ् ग ने शळंळभाय् प्रशतशितभ ् ऩादैळचतशबगगग Beginning with Aswini 27 stars each four quarters form the Zodiac in space.So Sayana panchangam.. Tamo guna). Rajo guna. After knowing the good and bad. course of conduct.. existence etc. Here it is explained the purpose of knowing astrology and its benefits and losses. नलांशि रूशऩशि स्तिभेऴाद्यायाळम् स्मृता् . For losses it suggests some remedies to guard in advance. like an index of a book. proportionate to their gunas (Satva guna. Geo-centric planets and true planets with Rahu and Ketu and 120 year dasa with Nakshatramanam to be followed. Practically either the sun or the Zodiac are not moving. Sani and Guru are the lords of the rasis respectively from Mesham. Kanchana Saila=Gold mount. Sun. Guru. Moon. Therefore Meruvu means Sun. Budha. Kuja. Sri Ganapati Muni in his work “Indrani Sapta Sathi” sathakam-3. Tula. Guru. stabakam-2. present and future events in one’s life. Budha. Kanya. Sani. Kuja. Raajitha saila= silver mount. े भंडरा ख्यातौ कजसेज्यशवताऽशवतौ वूमदू तायाग्रशा्स्मृता् ऩंच छामाखेटौतभोध्वजौ . In other systems we don‟t find these details. Vrischikam. Meru (Gold mount) is Divine land (Devata bhoomi) and that is the Sun. and grahas as the lords of these rasis making known the past. Grahas are many crores but among them the Sun. Simham. Sukra and Sani are the main seven planets. Mithunam. The Zodiac is clearly explained here. Kumbham. Karkatakam. appearing like 12 rasis (houses) each with nine quarters. Dhanus. beginning with Mesham. Sukra. Budha. slokam 12 said like this:- कांचनळौर् वयबू् फंधय वौलाशयरुशाभ ् Meaning: Kailas (silver mount) is pitru bhoomi (ancestor’s land) or burial ground and that is the Moon. Zodiac is mere imaginary. Sukra. याशजतळैर् शऩिबूयोऴमशद यादेळमशद भेऴो लृऴश्च शभकन कशकि शवंशकभाशयका् तराशऱश्च धनन्मक्रे कं ब भीनेच याश्माशन े वप्ता् ग्रशा् ऩयभ कोटम् भख्यानाभेतऴ ग ळळी कज् वौम्यो गरुळक्र् ळशनस्तका वूमश् कजळक्रस चंद्राकग फध बागगल बूशभज् गलगशकि वौशय गयल् क्रभान्मेऴाशद नामका् The rasis are Mesham. Now to say Meru means the Sun.ग्रशा् तदीश्वया् त ैस्त कारालिाप्रदश्र्यते There. They all are very complicated. and Meenam. The planets are going round the Sun from east to west. Vrishabham. Makaram. Kuja. So the Zodiac appears to move from west to east. Moon. Budha. Guru. four.The Sun and Moon are known to be Mandala grahas. There the fifth and ninth bhavas exclusively give good fortune. ् बौ गरुळक्रौ चंद्रोभध्यभ् शनवगगबाल ळ उदावीनोफध् ख्यात् ऩाऩा् यव्याशकि बशू भजा् By nature Guru and Sukra are benefic planets. यभाऽऽख्यौभािदळभौशलष्ण्वाख्यौ बाग्मऩंचभौ Bhavas four and ten are called Lakshmi sthanas. Regarding Budha he is neither benefic nor malefic. listen. malefic planets are the Sun. seven and ten are Vishnu Sthanas. regarded as stellar (Tara) planets and shadow planets the two are Rahu and Ketu. Kuja. “Kendras are renowned as four told by rishis and philosophers. Note the difference: In Madhya Parasari all the kendras. Budha is known to be indifferent. Similarly in other topics if we see carefully we can find the differences. The Moon is mediocre. Bhavas Nine and five called Vishnu sthanas. Sukra and Sani five are. In between proportionately to be decided. In Parasari system one is Kona (benefic) and seven is its opposite . by the lordship of the planets the predictions will be said. mean one. Kuja. The same is said in “Madhya Parasari” in a different way. that is four and ten are told exclusively benefic houses. and Sani. Here the moon is malefic on new moon day and benefic on full moon day. रक्ष्मीिानं शिकोिाख्यं शलष्णिानंतकें द्रकं Thrikonas (1-5-9) are called Lakshmi Sthanas and Kendras (1-4-7-10) are called Vishnu Sthanas. अक बालाशध ऩत्येनग्रश मोगपरं शृि कें द्रा् ख्यातास्त चत्वायो भशनशब् तत्त्वदशळगशब् तेऴां भध्ये ळबौ प्रोक्तौकभग फंध ू शलळेऴत् Now. शिकोिस्याशऩ शलख्यता् िमोज्योशतऴलेशदशब् े ळबप्रदौ ऩंचभो नलभ् ति शलळेऴि The learned astrologers say Thri-Konas too are well known to be three.” But the intervening two bhavas. Note the difference between Parasara and other rishis. If they get the second lordship of konas (one or five or nine) too. The same will be said elsewhere in the coming pages. but not merely by the stay of planets in a rasi). So also in one. िान शिशतलळेन ैलं परं प्रोक्तं ऩयातन ै् वले शिकोि नेतायो ग्रशा् वबपरप्रदा् ऩतम् शिभदामानां मशद ऩाऩपरप्रदा् All the planets being the lords of trines (1-5-9 bhavas) give benefic results. Now. that the lords of bhavas 12-2-8 and 6 will give malefic results. it is said here. being the lords of 3 or 7 or 11 bhavas they give malefic results. Let us say they are rising signs. ् ं ात पराशन शभको बालेळवंफध ककमाम्यशभ ् In old days the astrologers predicted by the position of a planet in a rasi. I am saying the results by the relation between the lords of bhavas. eight and six bhavas give malefic results if they become the lords of bhavas three or seven or eleven too. then they give benefic results. these three are odd signs. शिदळेच शिकोिेच चतयश्रेच वप्तभे ऩादव्रध्या ऩश्मशन्त प्रमछ ् चशन्त ग्रशास्सले . This is a critical point to be studied. if they get the second lordship of bhavas three or seven or eleven too. It is already said that four and ten bhavas are exclusively benefic. A careful study is needed here. (Note the specialty of Parasara that he declares the results by the lords of bhavas and their relation. The trines (Konas). It means that the even signs are dependent on odd signs in giving the results. and nine only five and nine are to be accepted because one is Lagnam (ascendant).(Malefic). व्यम शितीम यंध्राशयऩतम् ऩाऩ परदा् शिभदामाशधऩत्वेश्को कोिऩत्वेत वत्फर् The lords of twelve. five. So here four and ten only to be taken. two. If they become lords of bhavas one or five or nine they give benefic results. The other three (3-7-11) are setting signs and opposite to trines and odd signs. तमोयशऩ व्यमिाने तद्द्वम ं भायकाह्वमभ ् The eighth and the third bhavas both are the houses of longevity. four and eight. the fifth and ninth bhavas both are wealth houses. शलळेऴभि लक्ष्याशभ रग्नं उदम वंशसतभ ् ् चतकुं दळभं च ैल तद्द्वम ं ळबवंशसतभ ् ऩंचभं नलभं च ैल तद्द्वम ं धन वंशसतभ ् Some special/peculiar. The twelfth bhavas of these two are called maraca sthanas (killing bhavas) (death inflicting signs).All planets have aspect on three and ten. exclusively sani three and ten. I tell you here. Lagnam (ascendant) is the rising sign. kuja four and eighth bhavas. ं ामयाह्वमभ ् अष्टभंच ितीमंच तद्द्वमह्य तिाशऩ आद्यव्यम िानादत्तयं फरलत्तयभ ् चंद्र बानू शलना वले भायकाशधऩा् भायका् There the latter is stronger than the former. and the seven bhavas respectively with ¼ . ½. ऩस्यशन्त वप्तभं वलेळशनजीलकजा्ऩन् शलळेऴतश्चशिदळ शिकोि चतयष्टभान ् All planets have full aspect the seventh bhava. Except sun and moon all the other planets by becoming the lords of the two maraca bhavas. can kill the native. The fourth and tenth bhavas both are benefic houses. ¾ and full. Note: In other systems the eighth bhava is maraca sthanam (killing bhavam) (death inflicting sign) But here in Parasara system it is better than an athi subha. ् सा् शिकवंशसका् ऴष्टाि व्यमबालानां द्य्वं मद्धालस्य परं लाच्यंतल्लग्रं ऩशयकल्प्यताभ ् . guru five and nine. five and nine. 9.Living 11. malefic bhavas.Duration of life. Eight and 12 bhavas are called trika bhavas.Gains and 12.Divine 10.Family 3. Kuja-7. Which bhava’s result is wanted to be known.Brother/Sister 4. ् तदाशद तस्य बालास्य्िादळैलभ शलकशित् ं भानभामोव्यमक्रभात ् कऱिभामदैलच From that ascendant fix 12 bhavas:1. • नयकाि भमंकारं नर ृ ोके नयजीशलतं ू ग शभत शलख्यातं जन्मकारेतजन्मबे वंऩि The human life span is 120 years in this world.Six. Expenditure respectively. nine planets are dasa lords respectively. fix that bhavam as lagnam. Enemies 7. Budha-17. Guru-16. ं ाताचभाताऩिश्चळिल् शंकटं फभ्र बृगो् कृ शत्तकाशद नलय ्षािां दळानाकास्तदा Starting from krithika nine stars.Physique 2.Mother 5. it is well known that it is full span basing on birth star at the time of birth. Rahu-18. Ketu-7.Progeny 6. अकें द बौभस्वबागन जील भंदस के तल् ऴडाशदत्यस्य चंद्रस्यदळ बौभस्य वप्तकभ ् याशोयष्टादळािास्य् गरु् ऴोडळलत्सया् एकोनशलंळशतस्सौशय् सस्यवप्तदळास्मृता के तोस्सप्त बृगोयब्धाशलंळशत् ऩयभामशऴ Sun-6.Spouse 8. Sukra-20 is the life span. Sani-19. Moon-10. जन्माद्यडदळांशळष्टाभायभ्य ैल ळबाळबभ ् गतं मदन ऩातेन दळामां तद्रतंबलेत ् . Udu Dasa of 120 years. What is not said here can be taken from others but it should not contradict that what is said here. regarding the basics. Udu Dasa manam of 27 days a month. Starting from that balance adding the rest of dasas find the benefic and malefic results in life. . In that star how much is elapsed and what is the balance in that star ? with the number of years allotted to that star and the balance in moon’s position. Parasara said Sayana.From the position of the moon at the time of birth that is the longitude of moon and the star in which is posited to be noted. True position of planets. given importance to Rahu and Ketu. Bhavas and the Cusps. signs by Parasara. by proportion find the number of years balance in that dasa. परं बलशत जातानां मालत्प्रफर भायकभ ् The results can be studied till the last dasa that takes away the life. (That is the Prabalamaraka dasa) एऴाऩयाळय प्रोक्ते ळास्त्रे वंसा शलशळष्टते अनक्तभन्यतोग्राह्यभशलरुद्धंमदश्मच This is all what is propagated.
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