How to Egr Dpf Delete 2

May 7, 2018 | Author: Isrraelito | Category: Turbocharger, Engine Technology, Systems Engineering, Vehicles, Vehicle Parts



Deleting the After-treatment system on the ISX EngineThese parameter changes completely remove the logic for the DPF and After-treatment (Dosing) injector. It took many hours of research and comparison of CAL files to get the proper changes. These changes should work on ALL CM87x engines that have a DPFand no DEF system. The Information has been verified and tested as well. After making these adjustments, Remove the DPF and DOCand hollow them out with a hammer and chisel, or replace them with a muffler. The main Wiring harness going to the DPF then needs to be unplugged and wrapped to prevent corrosion. Please take note that these changes do NOT affect the EGR system itself, only the After-treatment system. If the vehicle has more that 200k+ miles on it, then the IMAP (Intake Manifold Air Pressure Sensor) should alsobe removed from the intake and replaced or cleaned thoroughly with a dry toothbrush to ensure accurate charge pressure feedback to the ECM. This will ensure maximum horsepower and fuel efficiency as the ECM will now rely heavily on this sensor for its torque curves because of the lack of extra sensors that were arranged at the DPF. Here are the changes that need to take place.. . Disable DPF… T_OCL_FacePlug_Disable 1 C_PTM_ATM_Input_Override_En 1 T_OCL_FacePlug_Disable 1 T_EMD_Low_Eff_ErrReset_Enbl 1 C_EPD_Derate_Suppress_En 1 C_APM_NR_OverTemp_SysIO 01D90E3F C_APM_NR_OverTemp_SysPerf 006EC103 C_APM_tm_DPFOut_HiTmptr 10 P_OCD_fn_DOC_NmlEff 1 C_EPD_Soot_Spd_Derate 1900 C_OFC_FCEnable 0 C_PTM_AppLbl_Monitor_ En 0 C_PTM_SwitchTest_Enable_Time 0 C_PTM_DL_RTD_InhibitRegenEn 0 C_PTM_IneffDesoot_NoLamp_Enable 0 C_PTM_IneffDesoot_YLamp_Enable 0 C_EMO_DocFacePluggedEnable 0 C_EMO_SwappedThermistorEnable 0 C_PTM_MobileRegenVehSpdDisEnable 0 C_EMO_HiEOPMEnable 0 C_EMO_HiEOPMEnable 0 C_PTM_MobileRegenVehSpdDisUserSel 0 T_TFC_Texh_ULim_Allowed 0 C_AIM_FT_DPFDeltaP_Enbl 0 C_SRegen_Switch_Mux_User_Selectable 0 C_AIM_FT_DPFOutTmptr_Enbl 0 T_SRegen_Switch_Mux_Enable 0 C_CHH_EGRTubeClogEnable 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_Init_Enbl 0 C_EMO_DocMissingEnable 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_DeGreening_Ext_UserSelect 0 C_EMO_DPFMissingEnable 0 C_EMO_DPFPluggedEnable 0 C_EMO_EgrOffEPD_Enable 0 C_ATD_RTD_T1T3Field_En 0 can be damaged over time. There is a second problem that is created by the higher exhaust temps as well.. The only other alternative to this is to replace the turbo with an older-style turbo that is less fuel efficient. If pulling up a steep hill and the turbo casing reaches 850+ Degrees F. or exhaust components.C_EMO_HiEOPMEnable 0 C_DLC_BAS_Zero_Fuel_Ndot_Enable 0 C_AIM_FT_DOCInTmptr_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_DOCOutTmptr_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_DeGreening_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_DeGreening_Ext_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_DeGreening_UserSelect 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_Init_UserSelect 0 C_APM_DOCDelta_Hi_Select 0 C_APM_NR_HCDesorb_Check 0 C_ATD_FT_AFT_History_Enbl 0 C_ATD_FT_HET_Setup_UserSelect 0 C_HIM_FT_DoserTest_Enbl 0 C_HIM_FT_DoserTest_UserSelect 0 C_HIM_FT_Dosing_Enbl 0 C_HIM_FT_Dosing_UserSelect 0 C_SFP_FT_Soot_Fill_Enbl 0 C_SFP_FT_Soot_Fill_UserSelect 0 C_CCP_Mod_Err_En 0 T_ATD_FT_HET_Setup_Enbl 0 T_ATM_Enbl 0 T_HIM_Enbl 0 C_RegenInPTOUserSelectable 0 T_OCM_Enbl 0T_SFM_Enbl 0 C_CCP_Least_sev_Err_En 0 T_DOP_DPFLampEnable 0 C_EPD_AECD_Trq_Drt_En 0 T_EPD_CCP_Torque_Derate_En 0 C_SRegenSwitchUserSelectable 0 C_EPD_Soot_Trq_Drt_En 0 T_OCD_DOCD_LoEff_Keyon_Clr_En 0 A WARNING BEFORE CONTINUING. DISABLING / DELETING YOUR EGR WILL KILL YOUR TURBO IF PRECAUTIONS ARE NOT TAKEN ! The main problem that is created whenever the EGR on a newer engine is disabled is that Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is nolonger regulated. this extra heat MUST be bled off before the engine can be shut down..00 Pyrometer in the dash of the truck and put the sensor on the OUTSIDE of the exhaust housing of the turbo. a clean burning diesel can have EGT's as high as 1400+ Deg F or more during a hard pull. After high torque conditions. the turbo. Exhaust gas is regulated to roughly 570 Deg Fahrenheit. With NO EGR. Newer VGT turbo's are not designed to withstand the higher exhaust gas temperatures created when there is nolonger EGR. the engine must be idled for . Modern VGT Turbo's like the Holset brandcan handle 1350 Deg F for only 3 minutes at a time. then the driver will need to back off the accelerator. The easiest and cheapest way to do this. and an outer casing temperature of no more than 900 Deg F at the exhaust housing. is to install a $50. What this second problem translates to is that after a hard hill climb. or other heavy torque conditions. yet again. and that is the accumulation of heat on the exhaust side of the engine overall. With EGR in place. including. What this means is that SOMETHING or SOMEONE (the driver) will have to manually regulate this temperature while driving under heavy torque conditions. choose a lower gear. and use less torque. destroyed turbocharger(s) and possibly a cracked head or gaskets. The only thing that will make it happy so that it runs the engine as efficiently as possible while the EGR is actually off. THE PROPER WAY is to leave the EGR logic ON. but causes other problems. by editing how the engine calculates EGTmakes the Emission Mgr want far less EGR. but some aren't. like PDI and others. or a very crappy aftermarket exhaust brake. poor timing control. is that the Combustion Mgr needs the correct Altitude for the engine to keep combustion efficiency at its peak. is if it is being told to do so by the 'Emissions Manager'.. After spending several thousands of dollars to these over-priced crooks. so this leaves only one obvious option left. Again. including its hardware. The 'Combustion Manager' has the final say. These things help keep the engine and turbo healthy. After all.This warning is from experience and from researching and performing failure analysis on several dozen failed turbo's after an EGR delete was performed. but the Emissions Mgr will stop. and know full well that THE ECM CAN IN FACT OPERATE THE ENGINE VERY WELL with its existing VGT and EGR switched OFF. and $3. This means that if EGT werevery low. like a 'Turbo or Pipe cleaning cycle'.I was challenged with these same problems when researching this subject. and all the Managers happy about it. This is the start of how I got the EGR turned OFF. NOT!!!. as well as little or no control by the ECM to maintain decent combustion efficiency. and if you decide to keep your existing VGT. and others do not. or redundancies. a runaway engine.. so this is a viable option. and Instead. or while the engine is below 140 degrees for the same reason. There are a few places out there that have figured out some of the changes needed. Secondary effects include excess head and exhaust pressures. It can also request an 'off condition' if there is a fault in one of the EGR components. Lowering Exhaust Gas Temps by a large amount. and comes up with some results. The same problem exists for the engine temperature. That is why some people get away with unplugging their EGR valve or EGR Temp sensor. and that is Component Failure. the Combustion Mgr does not use EGT in its calculations. that it can actually shut OFF the EGR just for that reason alone.Knowing all that would make it Easy right?. or perhaps get stuck while performing other tasks. it is safe to turn off your engine without causing heat damage to the turbo.. Someones first assumption would be to make the engine think its at high Attitude all the time. Some calibrations are lenient on this. is an engine that cannot control the turbocharger correctly. as to weather or not the EGR should be on or off. then BOTH managers will be happy. is for you to buy some Over priced After-Market Mechanical Turbo for several thousand more dollars. It uses EGT. It can be so much less. so how do we 'Get our Cake and Eat it Too'?The Emissions Mgr determines how much EGR we need by calculating it. The Entire ECM and all of its programming was re-designed for just that purpose. but NONE OF THESE BUTCHER SHOPS HAVE ACCOMPLISHED IT CORRECTLY SO FAR!!! What you end up with. I just set some insurances.several minutes before shutting it off. The Emissions Manager is the only thing in the ECM has this ability because the EGR can actually cause the engine to stall and shut down when it is being operated in extreme high altitudes (like the top of veil pas at 12. After that. convince theEmissions Manager that there are conditions present where there is no need for it to be on. It cannot be satisfied by disabling the EGR logic or any components. in place to ensure the conditions are permanent no matter the actual engine . Their solution to try and cover these facts up..Component failure does in fact work to disable the EGR.000 ft). some pretty tricky thing shave to be done. The EGR logic on the ISX CM87x engines is deeply embedded. and making it WANT the egr off is the problem. or at high altitude conditions. even with EGR still active because the exhaust gas is allowed to get 800+ degrees at times during Regen cycles. Suppressing these errors is easy. that Pyro gauge on the outside of the turbo housing can help you with this. so don't say I DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER when your looking at a popped turbo. poor cylinder compensation.000 plus just to get a new turbo. To completely remove the EGR from the engine. Also Fortunately. BOTH must be happy for the engine to run as efficiently as possible. but the problem with that. unless it becomes excessive. and various other sensors and tables to do this. This is actually a problem that exists on most all bigger diesel engines. The end result is an engine that has no more engine brake. When the Pyro gaugeis less than 450-500 Deg F. Switching OFF EGR. {THIS MUST STAY ON Or VGT Turbo will not <.} T_INM_EGRT_Lead_Enable 1 become Eratic During Turbo CleaningCycle.{THIS MUST STAY ON Or VGT Turbo will Suppress EGR Missing Component Errors and Allow for ON / OFF Switch to be wired into Engine Fan Solenoid… CAGT_Block_Fault_Codes CFTR_Block_Lamp_Fault_Codes . but not necessary to block / remove the EGR cooler. Give it some breathing room to do it Turn Off / Delete EGR… C_EGR_Enable 1 function Properly. It knows what to do. This will improve horsepower and fuel mileage by allowing the combustion manager to move the VGT where it needs to for full non-egr operations. 'Egr Temp Sensor'. Egr Valve.. 'DeltaPSensor'. the component faults. Now..conditions. with both Managers happy.It is NOT recommended to remove the 'Exhaust Back-pressure sensor' or the 'Turbo Inlet Temp Sensor'.. These help with engine and turbo efficiency. removal.} T_CBL_EGR_Frac_User_Override 1 C_CBR_EGR_Off_Override_Value 1 T_CBR_EGR_Off_User_Override 1 T_EMO_Cap_EL_User_Override 1 C_EPD_EMT_Virtual_Sensor_En 1 C_TPE_Exhaust_Offset_Parameter 1 C_TPE_Exhaust_Boost_Parameter 1 C_EPD_EGR_RPM_Drt_Err_Sev 511 C_AIP_EGROrificeTmptr_Ovrd_Val 260 C_CBL_EGR_Frac_Override_Value 0 C_CSE_EGR_Frac_Cmd_On_Thd 1 C_EMO_Cap_EL_Override_Value 16 C_TGC_ULim 65C_TGC_LLim 5 C_EMO_EgrOffEPD_Enable 0 C_CHH_EGRTubeClogEnable 0 C_EPD_AECD_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_EGR_RPM_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_EGR_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_EGR2_Trq_Drt_En 0 T_AIP_EGROrificeTmptr_Ovrd_En 0 T_EGA_DL_AZ_Enable 0 T_EGA_DL_CS_Enable 0 T_EGA_DL_Pos_Estimate_Enable 0 C_EMO_VGT_EGR_Chi_Allowed 0 T_EMO_AAP_AECD_Enable 0 T_EMO_Air_Handling_AECD_Enable 0 C_EGRDeltaPEnable 0 T_EGR_DP_IR_Enable 0 T_CIT_Adj_Enable 0 T_TIB_Fuel_Adjustment_Enable 0 <. It is however perfectly OK. do not interfere with their operations. and/or block the EGR mixing pipe after the parameters are changed. IT IS ALSO HIGHLY RECOMENDED to re-map the turbocharger for optimal NON-EGR performance via the 'TGC Min/Max Closing Tables'. etc. so higher values should be avoided. This double-actionof resistance makes the engine brake for the ISX one of the strongest in its class of engines.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2367 2368 111 2375 2377 1667 2274 1893 2254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3385 2375 2377 1667 2274 1893 2254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tweaking the Engine Brake. TheVGT has a travel range from 0 to 100%. making it harder for the engine to compress the cylinders as well. there is little increase in boost gain. The sound is almostIdentical in nature to the sound produced if the turbine were to touch the housing. If this vibration becomes severe to the point of fluctuating the engine during over-closed conditions. so between 70% and100%. the VGT is used to produce back-pressure to place resistance on the engine.1 = Engine Fan is used to help engine brakes C_FCC_Engine_Brake_Time 15000 <-. but can easily confuse a driver or mechanic into thinking the turbo is bad. The condition is known a VGT OC or Over-Closedcondition.15000 = Make fan come on after 15 seconds.. and it also needs the ability to force the turbo past its normal 'Boost-Providing' range of operation. Usually. This annoying 'squeal' is actually not nearly asharmful as it would seem. C_FCC_Engine_OverSpd_Thd 2500 <-. but above 70%. although it will provide boost. it will provide the excess back-pressure needed to force exhaust gases into the EGR system. T_FCC_Engine_Brake_En 1 <-. Engine Brakes… T_ERC_ServiceBrkActivateEn 1 <-. the ECM must have control of the VGT. so that it can 'Overcome' thatboost at the intake manifold. Please note that values above 90% closing can be difficult for the VGT Actuator to achieve or maintain as the outer retaining ring gets worn.. It is this same excess in exhaust back-pressure that is needed for the engine brake. For this to happen properly. When this is happening.Max RPM Engine Fan can spin before it Explodes! Use VGT to make Engine Brakes Stronger… . In an Over-closed condition. Here are the tables that control the Over-Closing limits during engine braking events with modified values to provide maximum braking ability. then it is time to replace the turbocharger. the rest of the turbo will show signs of failure as well. This also results in increased charge pressure at the intake manifold. by the time it get sthis worn. From about 5-70%. it will provide boost for combustion. The ISX uses charge pressure to increase the strength of the engine brakes.1 = Engine Brake Activates when Brake Pedal is pressed (and Jakes are turned on in thedash). but much back-pressure gain. the turbo's actuating ring is extended past the main housing and relies on a keyed retainer ring in the most rear housing to keep it in place. This retainer ring suffers heat expansion on a constant basis and has been known to vibrate at high frequency as it gets worn. Shifting the timing forward to improve fuel economy works well. Thia means that when the timing is zero. The default hydraulic delay set in [ CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c ] of 1. once it has been deleted. these tables are best left alone. there is a slight power increase due to timing. witch now includes the engine lash. as well as make the fueling rate more stable. a slight shift forward in Hydraulic delay during the timing actuator process. Because of this. and when this parameter reads 1. so if you are not planning on doing something radical with the engine. but also an increase in actual EGT's. Having lead compensation in the engine timing on the fly will allow the engine to run slightly smoother.witch saves fuel. you will quickly notice that it will swing both Positive AND Negative.01 TDC. Shifting this delay forward a bit will cause interference from the cam (and also increases timing slightly)..01 Degrees forward of this parameter. and the result is a mechanically compensated timing offset. and is set for very good fuel efficiency vs power already. wich help protect the turbo and improve fuel mileage at the same time. The Engine Timing can be monitored via Parameter [ Final_Timing ].3 ensures the timing cycle ends before the mechanics takes over. When watching this parameter. It is not the absolute timing of the engine. or lack thereof. The ECM has the ability to alter the engine timing greatly. there is little or no live 'lead compensation' for mechanical lash in the engine concerning timing. the mechanical timing is actually 8.0. The Timing is generally retarded a bit by defaultdue to EGR. The actual timing is 7. the higher risk of . There is however the issue of EGR. Studying the mechanical process heavily. Studying how the injectors are actually primmed during a fueling/timing cycle actually revealed that the timing actuators actually finish their cycle very close to when the overhead cam starts to compress the injector for combustion. The engine is mapped correctly. the timing can be advanced easily via a 'Timing Shift' to further improve engine fuel efficiency. This means that without EGR. Too much shift and the timing cycle becomes erratic. and is mapped via several timing and fuel tables. Lowering EGT's as well.. the mechanical Timing is at 7.4 seems to work quite well for this on engines that do not have other timing or actuator problems. would result in the cam actually ending the timing cycle mechanically just ahead of the solenoid.01 Degrees. but the further the shift. I also noticed that when it comes to timing. A value of 2. Without EGR. and too little causes the timing to become very unstable. The lash in the cam itself will alter the timing.C_TGC_E_Brake_OC_ULim_Table C_TGC_Exh_E_Brake_OC_ULim_Table RPM % 500 6 600 6 700 30 800 50 900 80 1000 90 1100 90 1200 90 1300 90 1400 90 1500 90 1600 90 1700 90 1800 80 1900 80 2000 72 2100 72 2200 72 2300 72 RPM 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 % 6 6 30 50 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 80 80 72 72 72 72 Engine Timing. but rather an Offset to the mechanical timing set when the engine is built. 4 1 8 Cruise Control. it is inevitable. or the valves if it is not kept in check.Make Cruise Control Operate Down to 3 MPH.. I have some parameter examples.Incal is a set of software disks that have ALL of the latest .cylinder flashing. This is NOT the same as lowering the power. the timing is actually cut short from the actualnumbers used for the shift. Can be as much as 2+ MPG. hotter burn. hotter burning fuel.3 1 -0. lower EGT's. but rather an actual trade-off of fuel economy. Since the burn is faster. the injector. Most documents on this subject for diesel engines agree that the problem will not likely occur under heavy engine load until the timing shifted forward morethan +12-14 degrees. and less engine strain at the expense of direct torque. less residual heat is produced. but also. (Great for long hill climbs)… C_CC_MaxRoadSpdLowerLim C_CC_MinReferenceSpeed C_CC_CancelSpeed C_Road_Speed_Limit_Default 5 5 5 140 Reading Incal Files.5 Trade 5% power for Much Better Fuel Economy and Lower EGT'S… CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c T_CBL_SOI_Increment_Enable C_CBL_SOI_Increment 2. This must be kept in mind if you plan on performing any timing shifts to improve fuel mileage.. and is slightly less For Best Power and Performance (Lower Fuel Economy and Higher EGT's) … CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c T_CBL_SOI_Increment_Enable C_CBL_SOI_Increment 1.cleaner. or slowing acceleration rates on the engine to save fuel.4 1 0. or compare your edits to a factory calibration for a particular engine.4 1 3 Max Fuel Economy Possible via Timing Shift. With lessforward compression and a lower angle on the piston arm.7 For Best Power vs Fuel… CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c T_CBL_SOI_Increment_Enable C_CBL_SOI_Increment 2. At some point. You are going to need to reference. Please note also that with the hydraulic delay set further ahead. but much higher combustion temps will occur. resulting in a faster... This canresult in burning the tops of the pistons and / or scoring them. top end torque will suffer resulting in slightly less power. Very Low EGT's (8-10% Power loss on top end)… CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c T_CBL_SOI_Increment_Enable C_CBL_SOI_Increment 2. The further the shift in timing. the better fuel mileage will become on the ISX. With all that said. there is less resistance for engine cam to be pushed forward. To Uncompress a particular calibration file. After decompressing it. so they will have to be uncompressed before Calterm will read them. The pw is either going to be 'ndse' or 'ocec' (special thanks to Simmax for providing these passwords) depending on what kind of file it is. thats all I wish to elaborate on for now. You can aslo use them for making Compare files. it will ask you for a password. you will need WinRar to De-compress it.Anyways. Of coarse. and of coarse. but Calterm will not read them in their current format. especially engines with edited calibrations from other companies. Calterm will read it just fine. This is extremely handy in identifying what settings have been altered in an engine. just copy it from the CD. These files are stored on the disks in their various folders and can be easily searched for.factory calibrations for ALL engines. then re-name it. I hope this helps those out there that are willing to experiment a bit and are not afraid to 'Brick' their ECM like me. changing its extension to '.rar'. . The files on the disks are compressed and password protected.
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