How to .. Comienzo J03 BB ConfigGuide en BR

March 25, 2018 | Author: Karime Franco | Category: Accounts Payable, Payments, Interest, Invoice, Valuation (Finance)



SAP R/3 4.7 December, 2004 English Financial Accounting BR (J03) Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG Neurottstr. 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Copyright © Copyright 2004 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft®, WINDOWS®, NT®, EXCEL®, Word®, PowerPoint® and SQL Server® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM®, DB2®, DB2 Universal Database, OS/2®, Parallel Sysplex®, MVS/ESA, AIX®, S/390®, AS/400®, OS/390®, OS/400®, iSeries, pSeries, xSeries, zSeries, z/OS, AFP, Intelligent Miner, WebSphere®, Netfinity®, Tivoli®, Informix and Informix® Dynamic Server™ are trademarks of IBM Corporation in USA and/or other countries. ORACLE® is a registered trademark of ORACLE Corporation. UNIX®, X/Open®, OSF/1®, and Motif® are registered trademarks of the Open Group. Citrix®, the Citrix logo, ICA®, Program Neighborhood®, MetaFrame®, WinFrame®, VideoFrame®, MultiWin® and other Citrix product names referenced herein are trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. HTML, DHTML, XML, XHTML are trademarks or registered trademarks of W3C®, World Wide Web Consortium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. JAVA® is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. JAVASCRIPT® is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., used under license for technology invented and implemented by Netscape. MarketSet and Enterprise Buyer are jointly owned trademarks of SAP AG and Commerce One. SAP, R/3, mySAP,, xApps, xApp, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves information purposes only. National product specifications may vary. © SAP AG Page 2 of 177 SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Contents 1 2 3 ‘1Configuration Guide................................................................................................10 ‘ Purpose.............................................................................................................................. 10 Preparation.......................................................................................................................... 10 .2.1 Prerequisites................................................................................................................. 10 Organizational Structures..................................................................................................... 10 .3.1 Edit Chart of Accounts List (T004).................................................................................10 .3.2 Company Code.............................................................................................................. 11 .3.2.1 Maintain fiscal year variant.....................................................................................11 .3.2.2 Assign company code to a fiscal year variant.........................................................11 .3.2.3 Enter Global Parameters........................................................................................ 12 .3.2.4 Additional Specifications for Company Code ........................................................12 .3.2.5 Define Additional Local Currencies.........................................................................13 .3.2.6 Define Additional Local Currencies for Ledgers......................................................13 Master Data......................................................................................................................... 14 .4.1 General Ledger Master Data.........................................................................................14 .4.1.1 Edit Chart of Accounts List......................................................................................15 .4.1.2 Account Groups...................................................................................................... 16 .4.2 Accounts Receivable Master Data.................................................................................17 .4.2.1 Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers).......................................17 .4.2.2 Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts.....................................................18 .4.2.3 Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups...........................................19 4.2.5 Define Tolerance Groups for Employees...............................................................20 4.2.6 Define Tolerances (Customers).............................................................................21 4.2.7 Define Screen Layout per Activity (Customers).....................................................22 .4.3 Accounts Payable Master Data.....................................................................................22 .4.3.1 Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)...........................................23 .4.3.2 Create Vendor Number Ranges..............................................................................24 .4.3.3 Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups...............................................25 .4.3.4 Define Tolerances (Vendors)..................................................................................25 .4.3.5 Define Screen Layout per Activity (Customer/Vendors)..........................................26 .4.3.6 Change Message Control for Vendor Master Data.................................................27 .4.4 Bank Accounting – Master Data....................................................................................27 .4.4.1 Customizing for house banks .................................................................................28 .4.4.2 Set country-specific checks.....................................................................................29 Configuration........................................................................................................................ 30 .5.1 Financial Accounting – Basic Configurations.................................................................30 .5.1.1 Posting Periods and Fiscal Year.............................................................................30 Posting periods variant..................................................................................30 Assign company code to a posting period variant.........................................31 Open Posting Periods...................................................................................31 .5.1.2 Document............................................................................................................... 32 Posting Keys................................................................................................ 32 Define Posting Key for Enjoy Transactions..................................................34 Define number ranges for documents..........................................................35 Define Document Types...............................................................................36 Document Change Rules, Document Header..............................................37 4 5 © SAP AG Page 3 of 177 ..1 Withholding tax type..............................................2..................3.......2 Define reconciliation account for down payment ............1.............5.5........3.2........62 ...............1.......................3 Posting Keys for Invoice / Credit Memo...........................2.....Document Reversal....................58 5.3......51 5..6 Define Fiscal Year Default.......5..............1..5.4 Change Foreign Currency Translation.............9 Assign Field Status Variants to Company Code............................4....3.........44 5................1.42 5..................67 5...2 Allow negative posting...46 5.............................62 ......................4............2 General Ledger Accounting.........................69 5...2......3 Assign Programs for Correspondence Types ...........5....................4...2.......57 5..............65 5........63 ...................57 5.......3.......................................5 Determine Call-Up Functions...........53 5........56 5.....................1........55 5.2..........54 5....................................41 5.....4..........................5......1................51 5..5 Define Terms of Payment............................3......1...............64 5....................1.3.2 Withholding tax codes....1 Assign country to calculation schema............3.............1 Line Layout for Document Change/Display............................1.................3..............2.......................3..................2 Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases .............1................5.............39 5...........69 © SAP AG Page 4 of 177 .................69 5..5.............................6 Activate extended withholding tax calculation................3..................... 63 .....1 Accounts Payable – Down Payments........................................2....................................................49 5.....55 5......1 Define Reasons for Reversal...................5.................................................................3...............................1....5.6 Define Conditions Types and Procedures......................................................................11 Define Tolerance Groups for Employees.........................8 Change Message Control for Document Processing...........9 Check and Change Settings for Tax Processing......60 5...64 .52 5.....1..................60 ...............................10 Document Entry for Screen Variants ........................38 5......................................7 Specify base amount.....43 5.1..........4...............3................49 5..........................................1 Define Correspondence Types.....3 Accounts Payable ....................................52 5.........2..1......................................3.....4 Define Min/Max Amounts for Withholding Tax Codes.......5............................2....................8 Define Field Status Variants.1.........................3 Allow Negative Postings...................4 Define Discount Base for Incoming Invoices......3....8 Assign Company Code to Document Date for Tax Determination..1....1..................4 Define sender details for form correspondence ...3...........4......41 5........................1....................66 5....................................................2.....2 Default Values for Line Layout/Totals Variants..............3.............50 5..................................48 5......1 Define Reasons for Reversal...................................1.......................................2...................................................................5.........................59 5...........2..................................................................3..2 Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts.............3..........................61 ................4.3 Define Formula for Calculating Withholding Tax.........................5......47 5.....1.5.....3...........1............3 Accounts Payable ...............61 ...2 Define Form Names for Correspondence Print............5 Check Calculation Procedure.........................1...............1....................1......5..1.........................................1 Define down payment special G/L indicators ......................7 Accounts for withholding tax.................................................................................3...............1..1......40 5...1...................4...........................68 ...................1..........................65 5. Document Item...........................................................1...................2 Accounts Payable – Invoice.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5........................3.63 5..............................7 Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Company Code.....67 5......39 5....5 Assign Withholding Tax Types to Company Codes.................................................3....6 Document Change Rules..........4 Prepare Automatic Clearing.........................2....1..3 Define Tax Accounts...........7 Define Value Date Default.......................2......5............1................... ........... .3.......98 ...........1 Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions....4 Accounts Receivable .............2 Define reconciliation account for customer down payments (READY)....3...........................8.......5..........................................3 Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions (READY)..3......................3.........3............................5.......................................4.3 Define posting keys for clearing .1 Define account and posting keys for cash discount gain.............................1.....................4...............4......7.......81 5................9 Accounts Payable .96 5.........3.............3 Maintain Terms of Payment (ready)................3................3..............................4........1 Define additional fields (ready)...........5 Assign Payment Medium Program for Payment Method in Country (already there)..76 5...7..7............ ..........2 Install paying company codes for payments..3....................... mesage).3...7..2.....79 5.......5.........6......................7 Payment Program: Bank Determination – Itaú....8 Define Payment Instructions (didn’t find it)..100 © SAP AG Page 5 of 177 .........90 5...........................................6.................................70 5..............3...84 5........................................ 94 ...... (READY)..................................3..4 Define Accounts for Bill of Exchange Transactions (ready)........................................1 Posting Keys (ready).....72 5......7 Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable – Automatic Payment.....7...........4 Define Reason Codes: Classification of Payment Differences (not allow to do changes.........3 Define alternative Reconciliation account for bills/exch receivable (ready)....................3................4...3.......................84 (didn’t understand how to acces).......4...........70 5..5 Accounts Payable – Account Determination..2 Define Accounts and Posting Keys for Bank Charges.............................7...........5.....6 Accounts Payable – Manual Payment...............97 ...............5.3.83 5......3.................4......................4......92 ....................2 Posting Keys for Clearing (ready)...........80 5......................SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide ...............................................4 Accounts Payable – Line Item Analysis....7........................13 Form definition: payment program: assign Payment Forms for Payment Method in Company Code (ready)...............3.................................93 .....................99 5........2.......2 Define Additional Fields ............ Bradesco e CNAB ......................3......................................3.....................1 Create Reasons for Reversal READY...........................................73 5......1....91 5..........4.......................76 5....3..................95 5......................88 5......4..................................................................99 5.........3.............1 Account Receivable – Down Payments.....................................................2 Define Reasons for Payment Block............................3..........4.....77 5..97 5...........2 Accounts Receivable – Invoices...........................................8 Accounts Payable – Manual Clearing..................1...3...7.................5....................3...........89 5..........1..3 Define Tolerances (Vendors)....3.........................11 Change Message Control for Payment Block (Proposal)....... ...2 Define Discount Base for Incoming Invoices.........2 Permit Negative Postings READY)...... 82 5........79 5...10 Payment Block Reasons (ready).......1 Define special G/L down payment customers indicator (ready)...................93 5.......4.................Automatic Clearing ..........................7...........................2..97 5.......9 Define Instruction Keys (ready)............................4........3.........6.........93 5................98 5...........76 5...................5...................12 Prepare Automatic Postings for Payment Request..........6..................7...........................95 5...71 .......................3..............3 Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable – Reversal.95 5....87 5.....5.........5........................................1 Line Layout Variants for Displaying Line Items.........................8................5......................4..72 5....94 (inf... there’s just a message) .6 Install payment methods for paying company code (already has changes)..........................3..............................................7...79 5.....3.......................................4 Install payment methods for country ............73 ....7.............1 Define Default values for payment block ..........5..... 95 ..3...................3..................................3..................5.........................78 ......5...7.... ..................................6 Define Time-Based Terms (READY)........................133 © SAP AG Page 6 of 177 ...........................4.....................5 Accounts Receivable – Account Determination.............................................6 Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form (ready)...........................4 Accounts Receivable – Line Layout (same message.............................4..2 Define Interest calculation type (message)....110 5.....3..........2 Define Posting Keys and Posting Rules for Manual Bank Statement.....5....1 Tolerance Groups for Customers..................................119 ..............116 5..................3.................... 102 5..........................................1 Define Groups (READY)................114 ............................1..............4.10.........2................5 Define Reference Interest Rate (READY).........3 Create.....5..5................6.............4.....5............5 Bank Accounting.......... 115 5...........10.........................................................119 5............11 Credit Management..................................103 5.......5 Define DME User IDs......5.......2 Define risk Categories....................5.....5..........................9 Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable – Automatic Clearing (ready)............10..............5...............109 .4...................................10..1.................8 Account Receivable – Manual clearing.....1...........................5..5........4.................10.............11.........................11..................111 5..3 Manual Bank Statement (READY)................................106 5..10 Accounts Receivable ..101 5....4....5.............................4 Assign Payment Method to Bank Transaction............4..103 5..........5.........117 5............................ 114 5........................... 115 5...5.......5...................4.................4.....................108 .4......1 Cash Journal..............................................4................................................. As 5....4....................................6 Accounts Receivable – Manual Payment...........................................131 .....4..110 5....4...............4 Define form Names for Correspondence Print.5.......................8.............................................4..................................5....1..113 ..2 Tolerance Groups for Employees..................5..............3 Define posting keys for clearing READY....10......102 ..................................................................1 Maintain account determination (READY).........................2 Define posting key and account for cash discount loss (ready)............................106 5..2 Additional Fields for Line Item Display: Customers (DIDN’T UNDERSTAND) ......6 Maintain Currency Codes for DME (Brazil)............................................5.......5.....1 Define Variants for Manual Bank Statement.....................4...........4.........5.1 Define Number Ranges Intervals for Cash Journal Documents (ready it saves automatic)....4..........4...........................2..........................112 5...5......1...5..................................... Change.......4......2......................5......10..5.......................113 5........116 5.....................3 Define special fields for search and sort....................................................................4......2 Electronic Bank Statement..110 5.........118 5.5....3 Prepare Interest on Arrears Calculation (ready)....7 Enter Interest Values (READY)...1..........129 5..104 5.............Interest Calculation.........................................................6.............7 Accounts Receivable – Automatic Payment.......130 5...............5.....................7 Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form.....4.......4.....119 5..........1 Additional Fields for Line Item Display: Customers (same adjust..5.............4........ 108 ................1 Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement....4...111 5.......5............2) ......... 115 ..........................107 ................... and Delete Business Transactions ( ready)..5.....................4.....................132 5.......4 Define Accounts for Payment Differences with Alternative Currency (datos already in system).....4.......5..4.......................4..........................8 Assign Forms for Interest Indicator (READY)..2 Setup Cash Journal (ready but need exxplain).........114 5.............SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide ........4 Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation...108 5...............101 5...................................112 5..........5 Assign programs for correspondence types..5.......4........................10....2..1...............................................1 Define posting key and account for bank charges..........................................5............132 5........1 Line Layout Variants for Displaying Line Items.......................................................................4..................103 5..4... 105 ................117 5.................. . 167 ..3...................5...........................8...5......13 Edit Chart of Accounts List..........................................5............6.2.5.........5..................................2 Modelo 8 ............158 ........................................6.................6.........5..................................1...............1............6 Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation.............................2.....................5.....7.9 Enter Interest Values (no encontre procedimiento)........................................6.6................2 Receivables/Payables......1....................162 .......................148 5..162 ......................8 Define Time-Based Terms..............................................6..Special Accounts....139 5............6............................7 Assign company code to a posting period variant........ Line Item..........................2..........1 Enter Global Parameters..........3 Define Document Number Ranges.........9 Define Sort Method and Adjustment Accts for Regrouping Receivables/Payables (no entendi) .....................7............................8 Assign Field Status Variants to Company Code..................................................6..157 .................................................................7 Intercompany Settings........14 Transport Chart of Accounts: accounts in company (SKB1).6 Define Form Names for Correspondence Print. 150 5...............7.......5.................158 .................1......5..........155 5....12 Define Tolerances (Customers/Vendor)....5..........................3 Define Adjustment Accts for Changed Reconciliation Accounts....................5 Assign company code to a fiscal year variant.............................................6..................3......................6..............................7...................164 ........6......6.............................8................147 5.5....................................................7...4 Document Change Rules................................7.......158 ............7 Define Reference Interest Rate.................................................6.......3...........6................................................................138 5.......5 Define Interest calculation type.........1......5...................... 138 5...........6.......................5........7......145 5...............................2.........................................................................6...........161 ........2....8 Cash Management...2 Define Source Symbols (ready)..8.......7....................141 5..4 Define Additional Local Currencies for Ledgers....2..2 Define Retained Earnings Account..........7....142 5...................................................... 143 .............144 5..................138 5..............149 ...7.................................................6.................7 Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form...................15 Prepare Cross-Company Code Transactions...3.2 Additional Specifications for Company Code ................................3 Create and Assign Business Transactions......143 5..............150 5......................10 Specify Function Module for Interest Rate Determination (no encontre procedure)......6................................166 ..3 Closing Period Reports....1......5.....6 Assign Company Code to Document Date for Tax Determination......144 5......................5......1 Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation (READY)..........5......SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5.....................8 Define Valuation Methods (READY)...142 5....163 .......1 Define Value Date Default (READY).......137 ..........3 Define Additional Local Currencies......160 .........1.............1 Current Assets....................................6.....1 Define Tax Accounts...................................6 Closing Activities............11 Define Tolerance Groups for Employees.9 Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Company Code.............................5.......147 5......................................156 ........160 ....10 Define number ranges for documents...............140 5.............166 ................141 5...................... 157 ............5.....2......5................................................6........7.......1..167 ......... 138 ...............................6....................7..........146 5.................................165 ...............................159 ........................5.......1..........1................................3 Define Planning Levels (READY)...6....................167 .........................................5...................1 Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing...7.................................7.......3 Modelo 9 ........6...........................5......2 Define Adjustment Accts for Receivables/Payables by Maturity.......5 Define Adjustment Accts for Changed Reconciliation Accounts.168 © SAP AG Page 7 of 177 ............6..146 5.2.............................Special Accounts..5.........................5.................5.....................7............................................. ...175 .......................................8.................SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide ....................8.............5..173 .............5 Define Cash Management Account Name..6 Define Groupings and Maintain Headers................................. 171 .....169 ................5.....................................9 Configuration CATTs...............................................................172 ................4 Adjusts: Tax on Sales/Purchases VAT.. 173 ........9 Define Planning Types........1 Create Check Lots and Payments Variants...9...............................................................172 ..5.....................................2 Financial Statement Version.......3 Enter exchange rates........170 ..........8............................8.8...................5..9................................8 Define Number Ranges.....................................9...........168 ......................................5...................................................................5.......7 Maintain Structure............10 Prepare Production Startup and Data Setup...................9..................5......5...................................................................................................5................4 Define Planning Groups (READY).....5.5..........................................173 ..................... 176 ......8.......................177 © SAP AG Page 8 of 177 ........5.8......... screen titles. This includes file and directory names and their paths. Emphasized words or phrases in body text. titles of graphics and tables. and individual key words of a programming language. SELECT and INCLUDE. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. for example. upgrade and database tools. source code. Keys on the keyboard. Cross-references to other documentation. Variable user entry. Names of elements in the system. names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation. These include report names. table names. Screen output. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Example text <Example text> © SAP AG Page 9 of 177 . transaction codes. pushbuttons as well as menu names. function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. for example. messages. paths and options. program names. These include field names.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. when surrounded by body text. Exact user entry. 1 Prerequisites In order to install this building block you must first install the following building blocks: Building Block # Description B32 J02 Best Practices R/3 Installation Organizational Structure 3 Organizational Structures .Razão → Dados mestre → Preparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/FC60_B012_J03 BC-Set Edit Chart of Accounts List (T004) Use In the chart of accounts list you enter the charts of accounts that you want to use in your organization (at client level). To carry out the activity. On screen Modificar visão “Índice de todos os planos de contas”: síntese.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide ‘1Configuration Guide 1 ‘ Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually. make the following entries Plano de contas INT Denominação Idioma Compri mento 10 Integração custos Chart of Account English Creacion Manual de Costos © SAP AG Page 10 of 177 . refer to the installation guide of this building block. Procedure 1. 2 Preparation . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB13 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Ctas. If you do not want to configure manually and prefer an automated installation process using BC Sets and other tools. per.2. To carry out the activity.3. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB37 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Exercício → Atribuir empresa a variante de exercício /SMB41/V_001_U_B002_J03 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 11 of 177 . To carry out the activity. 4 X períodos extraor.contab 12 Núm.extraord.per. For the configuration data of this section please refer to the subordinate section BC Set Configuration Data. On screen Variantes de exercício:síntese.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide .2 Use Assign company code to a fiscal year variant For every company code.2.3. .exercício reduzido) /SMB41/VC_T009_B001_J03 BC-Set 2.1 Use Maintain fiscal year variant You can define the following characteristics for a fiscal year variant: • • • how many posting periods a fiscal year has how many special periods you need how the system is to determine the posting periods when posting Procedure 1. 4 Ano civil. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB29 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Exercício → Atualizar variante de exercício (atualiz. Procedure 1.2 Company Code Use This section provides an overview of the organizational elements in SAP FI and their characteristics.3. you must specify which fiscal year variant is to be used. . make the following entries Variante exercício K4 Descrição Ano Civil Núm. In addition.3. This includes. just like Filial CGC and the first 8 positions from CNPJ code. entrad. make the following entries Plano Sociedade Área Área Var Var. On screen Exibir visão “Dados globais da empresa”: detalhe. Procedure 1.2. To carry out the activity.3.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2.2. On screen Atualização dos dados adicionais para empresa BP01. To carry out the activity.4 Use Additional Specifications for Company Code You can make various global specifications for the company code.period.doc campo contas créd finance 0050 0001 0001 0001 K4 2 0001 0001 © SAP AG Page 12 of 177 . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBY6 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Empresa → Verificar e completar parâmetros globais /SMB41/V_001_B_B007_J03 BC-Set 2. among other things.3 Use Enter Global Parameters In this activity you can enter specific parameters for brazilian company code.tela p/ Var.status Var. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBY6 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Empresa → Verificar e completar parâmetros globais /SMB41/V_T001_B_B004_J03 BC-Set 2. make the following entries DadosEmpresa BP01 Variante exercício K4 . the chart of accounts and the fiscal year variant. make the following entries Filial CGC 0001 Empresa CGC 74544297 . de controle admin exerc. On screen Atribuição empresa -> variante de exercício: síntese. Procedure 1. you can look at the most important specifications of the company code at any time in the overview.contab. TxCâmbio M Moeda base 2 TpDtConv 3 . You therefore need to define another ledger with the required currencies in addition to the existing ledger.2. In this activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Plano Sociedade Área Área Var Var. Activities © SAP AG Page 13 of 177 .tela p/ Var. You can find information regarding the currency types which you can define in the activity Define additional local currencies Example You manage ledger 00 with a local currency and a group currency. entrad. To carry out the activity.period.3. Procedure 1.3.status Var.2. • Hard currency is a country-specific second currency which is used in countries with high inflation. de controle admin exerc.câmbio 10% Adm. you define additional legers in which to store other currencies. you define additional legers in which to store other currencies.contab. On screen Exibir visão “Moedas internas adicionais por empresa”: detalhe.moeda 40 Avaliação 0 Ctg. You also want to manage an indexbased currency and a hard currency.6 Use Define Additional Local Currencies for Ledgers In this activity.tx.tesouraria ativa X Propor exercício X Propor data efetiva X . make the following entries Tp. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB22 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Empresa → Moedas paralelas → Definir moedas internas adicionais /SMB41/V_T001A_B006_J03 BC-Set 2.5 Use Define Additional Local Currencies In this activity you can define additional currencies per company code which you would like to manage parallel to the local currency.doc campo contas créd finance Desvio máx. Choose Ledger -> Create 3. Now save your entries.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 1.4. The general specifications of the existing ledger are copied for the new ledger. The accounts that are used for the various Customizing settings are easily recognizable. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBS2 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Empresa → Moedas paralelas → Definir moedas internas adicionais para ledger /SMB41/OBS2_B551_J03 BC-Set 2. Retained Earnings Accounts © SAP AG Page 14 of 177 . If you do require further information. Choose Define currencies and select the currencies from the list which you wish to add.Saldos Mensa Avaliação Avaliação Legal Moedas Gravadas: 2ª Moeda Moedas Gravadas: 3ª Moeda Moeda Forte (40) Moeda ainda não definida 4 Master Data For the configuration data of this section please refer to the subordinate section BC Set Configuration Data. 4. which can be found in J03_Chart_of_Accounts_BR. To carry out the activity. you can refer to the relevant documentation.1 General Ledger Master Data Use Chart of Accounts The system features the chart of accounts INT (Plano de Contas INT). . You import the chart of accounts by activating BC Sets.xls General Ledger Account Plan The system uses the general ledger chart of accounts INT. Enter a two-character key for the new ledger. Procedure 2. Select an existing ledger by doubleclicking on it. go to Menu: Ledger > Criar: Ledger Y0 Ledger Y0 Denominação ledger G/L Moeda Forte . 2. 5. On screen “Modificar ledger: síntese”. On screen Modificar visão “Índice de todos os planos de contas”: síntese. Blocked Accounts You can block specific G/L accounts to avoid unwanted postings. The function for blocking a G/L account is available in the transaction for processing an individual G/L account master record.4.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide You assign a retained earnings account to each P&L statement account via a P&L statement account type. You can define one or more P&L statement account types for each chart of accounts and assign them to the retained earnings accounts. Procedure 2. G/L account 244000 (already set in the standard system) was used. make the following entries Plano de contas 0050 Denominação do Plano de Contas Plano de Contas 0050 © SAP AG Page 15 of 177 .Razão → Dados mestre → Transportar PlContasPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMBBR01/FC60_B012_B29/SMB41/FC61_B013_J03/SMBBR01/FC61_B013_B29 /SMB41/FC62_B014_J03/SMBBR01/FC62_B014_B29 /SMB41/FC63_B015_J03/SMBBR01/FC63_B015_B29 /SMB41/FC64_B016_J03 /SMBBR01/FC64_B016_B29/SMB41/FC66_B018_J03/SMBBR01/FC66_B018_B29 /SMB41/FC67_B019_J03/SMBBR01/FC67_B019_B29 /SMB41/FC68_B020_J03/SMBBR01/FC68_B020_B29 2.1. Transaction Code çj Menu Path (Block G/L Account) Contabilidade → Contabilidade Financeira → Razão → Dados mestre → Processamento individual → Central → Conta → Bloq. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction OB13OBY9 Code IMG Menu BC-Set Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Ctas. To carry out the activity. which has to be entered in the chart of accounts area in each P&L statement account. . the P&L statement account balance is carried forward to the retained earnings account.1 Use Edit Chart of Accounts List In the chart of accounts list you enter the charts of accounts that you want to use in your organization (at client level). At the fiscal year change. material accounts.Humanos Determin.Razão → Dados mestre → Preparar → Definir grupo de contas /SMB41/FC65_B017_J03/SMBBR01/FC65_B017_B29 2. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC-Set OBD4 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Ctas.Financ.BPfBRA Contas de Reconciliação . This enables you to set the layout of the screens. On screen Modificar visão “Grupos de contas – contas do razão”: síntese.2 Use Account Groups The account group enables you to define The interval in which the account number must be located The fields in which entries are optional/required when master records are created and changed • The fields that can be suppressed when master data is created and changed.contas Vendas . fixed asset accounts. You use the account groups to group accounts on the basis of the criteria mentioned above (P&L statement accounts.BPfBRA De Conta 100000 200000 100000 100000 300000 400000 500000 Até Conta 199999 299999 299999 299999 399999 499999 999999 © SAP AG Page 16 of 177 .BPfBRA Resultado .BPfBRA Egresos .4.BPfBRA Passivo . To carry out the activity.contas Rec.contas Contab.contas Admin. Determin.Materiais Determin. Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide X X X X X X X X Denominação contas em todos os idiomas Determin.contas Ativo Fixo Determin.1. make the following entries: Grupo de Contas YB01 YB02 YB03 YB04 YB05 YB06 YB07 Descrição Ativo . The following account groups are used: • • Procedure 1. for example).SAP Best Practices Seleção das áreas a transportar Contas no Plano de Ctas.BR Contas para Fluxo de Caixa BR Ingresos .contas Contab.Custos Determin. the customer's name.2. and billing. and dunning procedure. It also includes all the information about a customer that you need to be able to conduct business with him or her. the reconciliation account number. data on order processing. see the Sales and Distribution documentation. The general area includes. address. which uses the chart of accounts INT. you determine the account groups for customers. The master record contains data that controls how business transactions are recorded and processed by the system. You can also define reference account groups for one-time accounts. 3. . For more information. General data This is data that applies to every sales organization in your company. When creating a customer account. as previously. shipping. If you do not specify a reference account group. terms of payment. Data that is stored in this area includes. You use the account group to determine: • the interval for the account numbers © SAP AG Page 17 of 177 . Company code data This is data that is specific to an individual company code. then. 2. You can specify a reference account group under "Control" in the "General data" part of a one-time account's master data. You can use these to control the fields of the one-time account screen so that. for example.1 Use Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers) In this step.2 Accounts Receivable Master Data Use Specifications that control how an account is processed. Company code data includes. Sales area data This is data relevant to the sales organizations and distribution channels of your company. and billing.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide .4. for example. certain fields are displayed as required fields or are hidden. shipping. language. you must specify an account group. and telephone data. all fields of the one-time account screen are ready for input during document entry. for example. If you have to implement the Sales and Distribution (SD) application component in order to enter and process customer master records for order processing. for example. The following section refers to company code BP01.4. Master records are divided into the following areas so that each company code and each sales organization can store its own information for doing business with customers: 1. xls . refer to the appendix to this document (File: J03_BR_Customer_Acct_Group.2 Use Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts In this activity you create the number ranges for the customer accounts. make the following entries Account Group YB01 YB02 YB03 YB04 Name YB01 . © SAP AG Page 18 of 177 . specify the following under a two-character key: • • A number interval from which the account number for the customer accounts is to be selected The type of number assignment (internal or external number assignment) Allocate the number ranges to the account groups for customers. To carry out the activity.xls) C:\ J 03_BR_Custom er_Acct_Group. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBD2 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de clientes → Dados mestre → Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de clientes → Definir grupo de contas com estrutura de tela (clientes) /SMB41/V_T077D_B053_J03 /SMBBR01/FC65_B017_B29 BC-Set 2.4. To do this. On screen Modificar visão “Grupos de contas clientes”: síntese.BR YB02 .Emissor da ordem .SAP Best Practices • • • Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number assignment) whether it is a one-time account which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field status) Procedure 1.2.Rec da mercadoria – BR YB03-Dummy emissor ordem – BR YB04-Clientes Intercompany –BR For a detailed list of the field status of the individual account groups. Y1 XX Do no. To carry out the activity.3 Use Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups In this step you assign the number ranges you created in the preceding step to the account groups for customers.BR YB04-Clientes Intercompany -BR IntervNumeraç. make following entries: Grupo YB01 YB02 YB03 YB04 Significado YB01 . até 0001999999 ZZZZZZZZZZ X Pos Interv. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu XDN1 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de clientes → Dados mestre → Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de clientes → Criar intervalos de numeração para contas de clientes /SMB41/SNUM_B054_J03 BC-Set 2.Numeração Ext .num. Procedure 1.”: síntese.BR YB02 .Rec da mercadoria .subintervs.4. Y1 Y1 XX XX © SAP AG Page 19 of 177 .Emissor da ordem . click in the button “Mod. You can use one number range for several account groups.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1.2.” and make following entries: No. On screen Modificar Visão: “Atribuir grps. On screen “Intervalo de Numeração Clientes”. To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBAR Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de clientes → Dados mestre → Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de clientes → Atribuir intervalos de numeração a grupos de contas p/clientes /SMB41/V_077D_B_B055_J03 BC-Set 2.contas clients a interv. 0001000000 A No.BR YB03-Dummy emissor ordem . 4 Change Message Control by User (AR) Use In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them. I BTCI Standard I - 4. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de clientes → Dados mestre → Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de clientes → Modificar controle de mensagens para mestre de clientes /SMB41/T100C_B052_J03 BC-Set 2. Procedure 1.2.Msg Texto mensagem 145 Clientes com endereços idênticos. In this case.5 Define Tolerance Groups for Employees Use In this activity. the system checks whether accounts with the same address already exist when creating a new account or changing the address. the duplicates found by the system are displayed in a window. make following entries: No. If these contain the same data. On screen Modificar Visão: “Controle das mensagens pelo usuário”: síntese.2. you predefine various amount limits for your employees with which you determine: • • • • the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account the maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item the maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee. Matchcode fields are used for searching. Payment differences are posted automatically within certain tolerance groups. You can • • • determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer change warnings into error messages switch off warnings and error messages The work area is "F2" for switching on the duplicate check for customer master records. © SAP AG Page 20 of 177 . favor verificar Nome usuário Diál.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 4. This way the system can post the difference by correcting the cash discount or by posting to a separate expense or revenue account. To carry out the activity. 00 5. specify the following: • • Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing open items The handling of the terms of payment for residual items.pgto Dif.00 Mont. To carry out the activity.2.000.000 Dif.000.doc a BRL 1.000.6 Use Define Tolerances (Customers) In this step. 1. Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups. Dif.pgto % 10.000.0 0050BP01 100.0 4. Allocate a tolerance group to each customer via the master record.0 Ajuste 10.00 Dif. For each tolerance group.item Desc. you specify the tolerances for customers.00 10. To carry out the activity. Ajuste item % Mont pgto Receitas % 100. On screen Modificar visão “Tolerâncias parceiros de negócios. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPROOBA4 Contabilidade financeiraContabilidade Financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedoresContabilidade de Clientes e Fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de pagamentos → Entrada de pagamento manual → Definir grupos de tolerância para funcionários /SMB41/V_T043T_B051_J03/SMBBR01/V_T043T_B051_B29 BC-Set 2.0 10.”: síntese.pgto Mont Despesas 100. On screen Modificar visão “Grupos de tolerância (FI) para usuários. make the following entries Empresa Moed Mont.”: detalhe.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBA3 Contabilidade financeiraContabilidade Financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedoresContabilidade de Clientes e Fornecedores → Transações contábeisTransações contábeis → Entrada de pagamentosEntrada de pagamento → Entrada de pagamento manual → Definir tolerâncias (clientes)Definir grupos de tolerância para clientes /SMB41/V_T043G_B050_J03/SMBBR01/V_T043G_B050_B29 BC-Set 2. make the following entries © SAP AG Page 21 of 177 . These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment settlement.000. if they are to be posted during clearing Procedure The tolerance group “ ” (blank) with the standard settings has been created for company code BP01. This specification is linked with the field status of the account group and the company codedependent specification. followed by a display field. a required field and then an optional field.5 ajuste Cond.3 Accounts Payable Master Data Use Master Data in vendor master records controls how transaction data is posted and processed for a vendor. change) for customer master data.00 0004 0050BP01 BRL 4. By means of the link. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Contas de clientes →Dados mestre →Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de clientes →Definir estrutura de tela por atividade (clientes) /SMBBR01/V_T078D_B533_B29 BC-Set 2. which master record fields • • • are ready for input require an entry are hidden. See the file: J03_BR_SLayOut Act_Customer. make the entries.00 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide % rec 10.SAP Best Practices Empresa Moeda Mont. the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. you can see which status the fields have on the entry screen for master data. On screen Modificar visão “Seleção campos por atividade”: síntese. depending on the transactions (display.00 Mont.xls C:\J 03_BR_SLayOut Act_Custom er.7 Define Screen Layout per Activity (Customers) Use In this activity you determine.xls .0 Ajuste 2.2.pgto fixas 2. create. © SAP AG Page 22 of 177 .desp % desp 5. The vendor master record also contains all the data you require to do business with your vendors. In this case.rec 999. To carry out the activity. Hiding a field has the highest priority. Procedure 1.0 0.4. You can also define reference account groups for one-time accounts. A vendor master record contains: • • • • • • Vendor’s name. You can prevent inconsistencies in master data by maintaining it centrally.1 Use Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors) In this step you determine the account groups for vendors. For more information on this. make certain fields required fields and suppress others. If you do not specify a reference account group. you only have to enter this change once. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBD3 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de fornecedores → Dados mestre → © SAP AG Page 23 of 177 . By storing vendor master data centrally and sharing it throughout your organization. see the documentation for Materials Management. you only need to enter it once. and your accounting and purchasing departments will always have up-to-date information. all fields in the one-time account screen for document entry are ready for input (as before). In Materials Management. You can enter a reference account group in the "General data" section of the one-time account master record under "Control data". an account group must be specified.4. You can. you will need purchasing data.3. and phone numbers Tax numbers Bank details Account control data like the number of the G/L reconciliation account for the vendor account Payment methods and terms of payment set up with the vendor Purchasing data If you implement Materials Management (MM). These enable you to control the fields in the one-time account screen. When creating a vendor account. address. If one of your vendors changes their address. Via the account group you determine • • • • The interval for the account numbers Whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number assignment) Whether it is a one-time account Which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field status) Procedure 2. vendors are represented as suppliers.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide The master record is used not only in Accounting but also in Materials Management. for example. To carry out the activity. language. . 4. Procedure 3. To do this.fornecedor”. até ZZZZZZZZZZ Pos Interv. click in the button “Mod.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de fornecedores → Definir grupo de contas com estrutura de tela (fornecedores) /SMB41/V_077K_B057_J03 /SMBBR01/FC65_B017_B29 BC-Set 2. refer to the appendix to this document (File: J03_BR_Vendor_Acct_Group. On screen “Intervalo de Numeração . A No. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu XKN1 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de fornecedores → Dados mestre → Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de fornecedor → Criar intervalos de numeração para contas de fornecedores /SMB41/SNUM_B060_J03 BC-Set 4.xls . make the following entries Account Group YB09 YB10 YB11 YB12 YB13 Name YB09-Fornecedor Nacional PF-BR YB10-Fornecedor Nacional PJ-BR YB11-Fornecedor Estrangeiro-BR YB12-Fornecedor Esporádico-BR YB13-Fornecedor Funcionário-BR For a detailed list of the field status of the individual account groups. specify the following under a two-character key: • • A number interval from which the account number for the vendor accounts is to be selected The type of number assignment (internal or external number assignment) Assign the number ranges to the account groups for vendors.” and make following entries: No.subintervs. To carry out the activity.3. On screen Modificar visão “Grupos de contas fornecedores”: síntese. XX Do no.2 Use Create Vendor Number Ranges In this activity you create the number ranges for vendor accounts.Numeração Ext X © SAP AG Page 24 of 177 .xls) C:\ J 03_BR_Vendor_Acct_Group. SAP Best Practices No. Y1 Y2 Do no. 0000010000 0000020000 No. até Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Pos Interv.Numeração Ext 0000019999 0000029999 .4.3.3 Use Assign Number Ranges to Vendor Account Groups In this step you assign the number ranges you created in the preceding step to the account groups for customers. You can use one number range for several account groups. Procedure 3. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBAS Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de fornecedores → Dados mestre → Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de fornecedores → Atribuir intervalos de numeração a grupos de contas p/fornecedores /SMB41/V077K_B_B061_J03 BC-Set 4. On screen Modificar Visão: “Atribuir grps.contas clients a interv.num.”: síntese, make following entries: Grupo YB09 YB10 YB11 YB12 YB13 Significado YB09-Fornecedor Nacional PF-BR YB10-Fornecedor Nacional PJ-BR YB11-Fornecedor Estrangeiro-BR YB12-Fornecedor Esporádico-BR YB13-Fornecedor Funcionário-BR IntervNumeraç. Y1 Y1 Y1 XX Y2 .4.3.4 Use Define Tolerances (Vendors) In this step, you specify the tolerances for vendors. These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment settlement. Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups. Allocate a tolerance group to each vendor via the master record. For each tolerance group, specify the following: • • Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing open items The handling of the terms of payment for residual items, if they are to be posted during clearing © SAP AG Page 25 of 177 SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBA3SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento manual → Definir tolerâncias (fornecedores)Definir grupos de tolerância para fornecedores /SMB41/V_T043G_B056_J03/SMBBR01/V_T043G_B056_B29 BC-Set 2. On screen Modificar visão “Tolerâncias parceiros de negócios.”: síntese, make the following entries Empresa Moeda Grp. Toler, c KRE1999,00 Toler. AjusteMont. Mont.desp% % até v% receita receita despAjuste recencto desc.rec. 10,0 2999,00,00 Condiç.pgto da fatura X 105,0 1,00,5 Chv. advert. 2 0050BP01 BRL Mont. despesa 5,00 % despesa 2,5 Ajuste desc.desp. 1,00 Conceder desc.prop. X .4.3.5 Use Define Screen Layout per Activity (Customer/Vendors) In this activity you determine, depending on the transactions (display, create, change) for vendors master data, which master record fields • • • are ready for input require an entry are hidden. This specification is linked with the field status of the account group and the company codedependent specification. By means of the link, you can see which status the fields have on the entry screen for master data. In this case, the fields take on the status which has the highest priority. Hiding a field has the highest priority, followed by a display field, a required field and then an optional field. Procedure 3. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPROOB23 Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Contas de fornecedores →Dados mestre →Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de fornecedores →Definir estrutura de tela por atividade (fornecedores) /SMB41/V_T078K_B534_J03/SMBBR01/V_T078K_B534_B29 BC-Set 4. On screen Modificar visão “Seleção campos por atividade”: síntese, make the entries. See the file: J03_BR_SLayOut Act_Vendor.xls © SAP AG Page 26 of 177 SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide C:\J 03_BR_SLayOut Act_Vendor.xls .4.3.6 Use Change Message Control for Vendor Master Data In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them. You can : • • • determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or In the footer; change warnings into error messages; switch off warnings and error messages. Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the background. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade fFinanceira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedoresContabilidade de Clientes e Fornecedores → Contas de fornecedores → Dados mestre → Preparativos para criação de dados mestre de fornecedoresPreparativos para criação de dados mestres → Modificar controle de mensagens para mestre de fornecedores /SMB41/V_T100C_B059_J03 BC-Set 2. On screen Modificar visão “Controle das mensagens pelo usuário.”: síntese, make the following entries Nºmensagem 144 Diálogo I BTCi I .4.4 Bank Accounting – Master Data Use Each house bank of a company code is represented by a bank ID in the SAP system, every account at a house bank by an account ID. In the SAP system, you use the bank ID and the account ID to specify bank details. These specifications are used, for example, for automatic payment transactions to determine the bank details for payment. For Brazil, SAP provides 3 lay outs for bank business transactions: Itaú, CNAB and Febraban (CNAB240). © SAP AG Page 27 of 177 2 Transport Chart of Accounts: accounts in company (SKB1) Use In the chart of accounts list you enter the charts of accounts that you want to use with bank accounts (at company code level). To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide . select the “Bco. On screen Modificar visão “Bancos da empresa”: síntese. © SAP AG Page 28 of 177 .1 Use Customizing for house banks The following house banks have been created for company code 0050BP01: Procedure 1. The following banks accounts have been created for company code 0050BP01: 3.4. On screen Modificar visão “Bancos da empresa”: síntese.” and go to “Contas Bancárias” and create the “Entradas Novas” for following entries: Banco empresa BR01 CNAB IT01 ID Conta C/C C/C C/C Descrição Conta Número conta bancária 26760-6 69755-6 17990 Dígito Moeda de controle 5 5 5 BRL BRL BRL Conta do razão 111102 111103 111101 Conta Corrente Bradesco Conta Corrente Conta Corrente Itaú 4. click in “Entradas Novas” and make the following entries Banco empresa BR01 CNAB IT01 País BR BR BR Chave do Banco 237212345 777899999 34171234 ChvInstr 01 02 02 The following Customizing settings have been made for the data medium exchange (these settings are used by the payment program).4. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC-Set SPROFI12 Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade bancos →Contas bancárias →Definir bancos da empresa /SMB41/VC_T012_B507_J03 (Itaú)/SMBBR01/VC_T012_B507_B29 /SMB41/VC_T012_B508_J03 (CNAB)/SMBBR01/VC_T012_B508_B29 /SMB41/VC_T012_B509_J03 (Bradesco)/SMBBR01/VC_T012_B509_B29 2.empr.4. you must include rules for checking the following data: • • • Bank data Postal data Control data © SAP AG Page 29 of 177 .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB13OBY9 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Ctas.contas Contab. Denominação contas em todos os idiomas Determin.2 Use Set country-specific checks For all countries with which your company maintains business relationships. Company Code BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 G/L Account No. To carry out the activity. On screen Modificar visão “Índice de todos os planos de contas”: síntese.Financ.Razão → Dados mestre → Transportar PlContasPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/FC68_B065_J03 /SMBBR01/FC68_B020_B29 BC-Set 2.4. make the following entries Plano de contas 0050 Denominação do Plano de Contas Plano de Contas 0050 Seleção das áreas a transportar Contas no Plano de Ctas.4. 111101 111102 111103 111201 111202 111203 111301 111302 111303 111304 111305 111306 111307 111308 111309 111401 House Bank IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 IT01 BR01 BR01 CNAB CNAB IT01 X X X Account ID C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C . 1 Financial Accounting – Basic Configurations . Posting Periods and Fiscal Year 5.Fisc 2 ChavBanc ChavBanc Outros Dados Compr Regra Compr Regra X 11 4 9 2 5 Configuration For the configuration data of this section please refer to the subordinate section BC Set Configuration Data.1. On screen Modificar visão “Parâmetros globais de países”: síntese. if you manage with only a few company codes). choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC-Set OY17 Configurações gerais →Definir países →Definir verificações específicas de países /SMB41/V_005_B_B063_J03 2.1 Posting periods variant © SAP AG Page 30 of 177 . you want to use identical variants in several company codes. Thus nothing has changed in the system yet: Every company code has its own variant.1. Every company code is allocated to this variant with the same name. a separate variant for posting periods is defined for every company code. The name of this variant is identical to the company code name. If you want to and can continue working on this basis (for example.ID.Fisc 2 N. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide This data is then checked during master data maintenance. If however.Fisc 1 Compr 14 N. .ID.5.Fisc 1 Regra 4 N.1 Use In this activity. you can define variants for open posting periods.ID. To carry out the activity.1. In the standard setting. you do not have to make any changes in the configuration. you must change the default settings as described in the "Activities" section. make the following entries País Cod Postal Cod ContaBanc ContaBanc CodBanc CodBanc Regra Compr Postal Compr Regra Compr Regra 2 BR 9 7 15 1 9 N.ID.5. 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBOOB37 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc → Períodos contábeis → Definir variantes p/períodos de lançamento abertos /SMB41/V_T010O_B022_J03/SMBBR01/V_T010O_B022_B29 BC-Set 2.3 Use Open Posting Periods A correctly managed accounting system must ensure that postings can no longer be made to periods that have already been closed. To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. For this reason. you can open and close postings periods for specific company codes.1.2 Assign company code to a posting period variant Use For every company code. On screen Modificar visão: “Periodos contabeis: definir variantes”: síntese. On screen Modificar visão “Atribuição empresa -> variante de períodos contábeis: síntese”. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBP Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc → Períodos contábeis → Atribuir empresa a variantes /SMB41/V_001_R_B023_J03 BC-Set 2. you must specify which posting period variant is to be used. In the same way. it must ensure that postings cannot be made to future periods that are not yet relevant. Variant BP01 is used for the posting period and the following setting has been made: • The period 01/2000 to 16/2010 is open for postings for all accounts The variant has been assigned to company code BP01. make the following entries Variante períodos 0050BP01 Denominação Baseline BR-Variante Periodo LançtoBU SMB BrasilVariante Status Campo 5. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Variante períodos 0050BP01 5.1. Procedure 1.1. To carry out the activity. © SAP AG Page 31 of 177 . 1 Use Document Posting Keys The posting key determines the way line items are posted. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB52 Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Doc.1. which means that any changes made affect all of the company codes in this client.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. The posting keys are defined at client level.2. To carry out the activity. On the screen Atualizar config.5. © SAP AG Page 32 of 177 . →Períodos contábeis →Abrir e fechar períodos contábeis /SMB41/V_T001B_B021_J03 BC-Set 2. It determines the layout of entry screens and the type of posting (debit or credit). Doc → ControleControle → Definir chave de lançamento /SMB41/FSL_B028_J03/SMBBR01/FSL_B028_B29 BC-Set 2. Procedure 1.2 5. make the following entries Variante Conta De Ano Até Ano período 1 período 1 1 1 1 1 1 2000 12 2000 12 2000 12 2000 12 2000 12 2000 12 A D K M S De período 2 Ano 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Até Ano período 16 16 16 16 16 16 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0050BP01 + BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 2010 13 2010 13 2010 13 2010 13 2010 13 2010 13 . On the screen Modificar visão “Períodos contábeis: definir intervalos”: síntese . make the following entries.1. → Item do documentoItem.lista. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB41 Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Doc. To carry out the activity. De contabilidade: chave de lançamento . Fornec/Cré Lançamento em débito Lançament. Razão Esp.em crédito Imobilizado débito © SAP AG Page 33 of 177 . Razão Esp.Fornec/Déb Fatura Estorno nota crédito Outras obrigações Entrada de pagamento Diferenças de pgto. Razão Esp. Razão Esp.Client/Déb Crédito Estorno fatura Estorno despesas Outras obrigações Entrada de pagamento Diferenças de pgto. Outras compensações Compensação do pgto.Clien/Cré Crédito Estorno fatura Outros créditos Saída de pagamento Diferenças de pgto. Outras compensações Compensação do pgto.SAP Best Practices Chave lcto 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 50 70 Significado Fatura Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Déb/Cred Déebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito Créedito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito Deébito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito Creédito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito Déebito CréditoCredito DébitoDebito Tipo conta Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Fornecedor Conta do Razão Conta do Razão Imobilizado Estorno nota crédito Despesas Outros créditos Saída de pagamentos Diferenças de pgto. Outras compensações Compensação do pgto. Compensação Compensação do pgto. SAP Best Practices Chave lcto 75 80 81 83 84 85 86 89 90 91 93 94 95 96 99 Significado Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Déb/Cred CréditoCredito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito DébitoDebito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito CréditoCredito Tipo conta Imobilizado Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Material Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Conta do RazãoRazão Material Imobilizado crédito RegistInicEstoqSist. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXJ Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis → Entrada de © SAP AG Page 34 of 177 . Custos Diferença de preço Consumo Variação de estoque EM/EF-Crédito Saída de estoque For posting key 01.2 Use Define Posting Key for Enjoy Transactions Here you define the posting key for customer. Procedure 1. the following fields have been defined with optional entry.2. Custos Diferença de preço Consumo Variação do estoque EM/EF-débito Entrada em estoque RegistInicEstoqSist. vendor and G/L account items when entering incoming invoices and credit memos.1. as of the input of electronic bank statement: • • • • • XREF1 XREF2 XREF3 HBKID 5. To carry out the activity. .2. The standard number ranges from the R/3 System were used for company code BP01.. 2030 2002 até . →Interv.3 Use Define number ranges for documents Only one document number interval can be defined for each document type in a company code. The document number intervals in a company code must not overlap. On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade. 2030 2002 até .... To carry out the activity. make the following entries Nº 00 01 02 03 04 05 © SAP AG Page 35 of 177 Ano 2002 até . 2030 2002 até .numeração doc →Definir intervalos de numeração de documentos /SMB41/SNUM_B024_J03/SMBBR01/SNUM_B024_B29 BC-Set 2.. On the screen Atualizar subintervalos de numeração. 2030 2002 até .. make the following entries Operação AGX EGX Chave Débito 09 29 Chave Crédito 19 39 5....1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBN1 Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Doc. 2030 Do Nº 0090000000 0100000000 0200000000 0300000000 0400000000 0500000000 Nº até 0099999999 0199999999 0299999999 0399999999 0499999999 0599999999 x Ext x .. 2030 2002 até .. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide fatura/entrada de nota de crédito → Entrada fatura/nota crédito Enjoy → Gravar chave de lançamento para entrada de fatura/de crédito /SMB41/F30B_B034_J03/SMBBR01/F30B_B034_B29 BC-Set Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXW Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis → Saída de fatura/saída de nota de crédito → Saída fatura/nota crédito Enjoy → Gravar chave de lançamento para saída de fatura/de crédito /SMB41/F30B_B034_J03 BC-Set 2. .. The document types in the SAP system are client specific... assign each document type a separate number range (for invoices or for credit memos. 2030 2002 até ... To carry out the activity. → Cabeçalho do documento →Definir tipos de documentos /SMB41/V_T003_B025_J03/SMBBR01/V_T003_B025_B29 BC-Set 2... in other words... 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até ... 2030 2002 até .. In the R/3 System. make the following entries © SAP AG Page 36 of 177 . 2030 2002 até .. they are valid in all company codes. 2030 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Do Nº 1200000000 1300000000 1400000000 1500000000 1600000000 1700000000 1800000000 1900000000 2000000000 4700000000 4800000000 4900000000 5000000000 5100000000 9100000000 9200000000 Nº até 1299999999 1399999999 1499999999 1500000000 1699999999 1799999999 1899999999 1999999999 2099999999 4799999999 4899999999 4999999999 5099999999 5199999999 9199999999 9299999999 Ext 5..... 2030 2002 até .. On the screen Modificar visão “Tipos de documentos” : síntese. 2030 2002 até ... 2030 2002 até ... for example). 2030 2002 até ... choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu 0 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. 2030 2002 até .... 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até . If the documents are to be stored separately according to document type... The following document types are defined in the system: Procedure 1. 2030 2002 até .. for example).4 Use Define Document Types You can use the document types to classify the postings in line with the different business transactions (customer payment or vendor credit memo.2. each document type is assigned a number range from which numbers are assigned . 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até ..either by the system (internal number assignment) or by the user (external number assignment).1.SAP Best Practices Nº 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 47 48 49 50 51 X1 X2 Ano 2002 até . 20 ADKMS ZV X X X X X 5. Doc Docfatur Só batch Entr Liq SAP input pagamento 20 ADKMS ZP Banco reconciliação 20 ZR Pagto. 50 AMS Carga Inicial Saldos YB ADKMS YB Pagamento Rejeitado 20 KS ZR Lançto.imobiliz.por cheque 5 DKS Compensação do pgto.Euro 2 ADKMS Nº externo 2 DKS AB Documento fornecedor 17 AKMS KA Nota crédito fornec.depreciação 3 AS AF Lançto. Document Header The system contains a set of fields the header document that cannot be changed once the documents have been posted.parc X X X Inter. Tipos Tp.inventário 49 AMS SaídaMerc/fornecimnt 49 AMS Entrada mercad. 90 ADS AB Doc.imobilizado 6 ADKMS AB Documento contábil 1 ADKMS AB Lnçto. 51 AKMS RN Transf.depósito 49 AMS Entrada de caixa 13 S AB Doc.5 Use Document Change Rules. Doc Denominação Num. 50 AMS Doc.líq.2. © SAP AG Page 37 of 177 .arredond.SAP Best Practices Tipo doc AA AB AF AN DA DG DR DZ EU EX KA KG KN KP KR KZ ML PR RA RE RN RV SA SB SK SU TB TM TP TR UE WA WE WI WL WN YB ZJ ZP ZR ZS ZV Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Tp. 1 AKMS Documento do cliente 16 DS AB Nota crédito cliente 16 DS DA Fatura cliente 18 DS Pagamento cliente 14 DS DA 17 AKMS KA Fornecedor líquido 1 ASK Atualização de conta 48 ASM KP Fatura fornecedor 19 AKMS KA Pagamento fornecedor 15 AKMS KA Liquidação ML 47 MS Alteração de preço 48 MS Nota crédito liq. cta.faturam.1. estorno Lançto.Razão 12 S AB Doc.débito posterior 1 S SU 0 82 ADKMS TR 0 83 ADKMS TR 0 81 ADKMS TR 0 84 ADKMS TR Transferência dados 4 ADKMS Saída merc.pos 51 AKMS RA Entrada de fatura 51 AKMS RE Entrada fatura líq.conta do Razão 1 ADKSM AB Lançamento cta.líqu. → Item do documentoItem. cabeçalho do documento /SMB41/VV_TBAER_V1_B026_J03/SMBBR01/VV_TBAER_V1_B026_B29 BC-Set 2.1. Procedure 1.2. On the screen Modificar visão: Regras de modificação de documentos. To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1.doc → Regras de modificação de documento. make the following entries: Nome Campo BKTXT XBLNR Campo pode ser modificado X X 5. On the screen Modificar visão: Regras de modificação de documentos. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. item de documento /SMB41/VV_TBAER_V2_B032_J03/SMBBR01/VV_TBAER_V2_B032_B29 BC-Set 2. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPROOB32 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc.6 Use Document Change Rules. Document Item The system contains a set of fields in the item document that cannot be changed once the documents have been posted. To carry out the activity. make the following entries: Nome do campo BSEGDTWS1XREF1 BSEGDTWS2XREF2 BSEGDTWS3XREF3 BSEG-XREF1 BSEG-XREF2 BSEG-XREF3 Tipo de conta D D D D D D Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 Campo pode ser modificado X X X X X X © SAP AG Page 38 of 177 . → Cabeçalho do documentoCabeç. Doc → Regras de modificação de documento. then a warning appears.8 Use Define Field Status Variants You can combine several field status groups in a field status variant. which are mandatory. a maximum difference between exchange rates for postings in foreign currency. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. per company code. The field status group specifies which fields are active when you enter documents. you specify how much the exchange rate entered manually in the document header may differ in terms of percent from the one stored in the system. and which are suppressed (field status).2. If an exchange rate or the local and the foreign currency amount were entered manually during document entry.1. you define.7 Use Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Company Code In this activity.doc → Variação cambial máxima → Gravar desvio de câmbio máximo por empresa /SMB41/V_001_D_B027_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_D_B027_B29 BC-Set 2.1. To do this. If a deviation does occur and it exceeds the percentage rate specified here. Procedure 1. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Desvio máximo câmbio 10% 5.2.SAP Best Practices Nome do campo BSEGHBKIDHBKID Tipo de conta K Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Empresa BP01 Campo pode ser modificado X 5. © SAP AG Page 39 of 177 . → Cabeçalho do documentoCabeç. To carry out the activity. On the Screen Modificar Visão “Desvio máximo taxa câmbio: síntese” . then a comparison is made with the exchange rates stored in the system. SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide You can assign the field status variant to a company code. This enables you to work with the same field status groups in as many company codes as you require. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBC4 Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. → Item do documento → Controle → Atualizar variantes de status de campo /SMB41/V_T004V_B029_J03/SMBBR01/V_T004V_B029_B29 BC-Set 2. On the Screen Modif. Visão “Var. status campo”: síntese, make the following entries VStC BP01 Denominação status campo Status de Campo BP010050 3. The field status variant 0001 BP01 has been assigned the following field status groups: Grupo status campo YB01 YB02 YB03 YB04 YB05 YB06 YB07 YB08 Contas Geral – BPfBRABR Contas para Ativo Fixo - BR Contas Reconciliação -– BPfBRA Contas de Caixa (data valor opcional) BR Contas de Receitas -– BPfBRA Contas Despesas c/ C.Custo/Ordem/PEP- BR Contas de Materiais -– BPfBRA Reconciliação GR/IR -BPfBRA Texto Use Assign Field Status Variants to Company Code In this activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to use identical field status groups, to the same field status variant. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBC5SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. → Item do documento → Controle → Atribuir variantes de status de campo à empresa © SAP AG Page 40 of 177 SAP Best Practices BC-Set Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide /SMB41/V_001_P_B030_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_P_B030_B29 2. On the Screen Modificar visão “Atribuição de empresa -> variante status campo , make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Variante status campo 0050BP01 Use Document Entry for Screen Variants The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific functions. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPROOB71 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. → Item do documento →Controle →Variante de tela entrada de documento /SMB41/V_001_N_B031_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_N_B031_B29 BC-Set 2. On the Screen Modificar visão “Variante de tela para entrada de documento”, make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Variante tela 2 Use Define Tolerance Groups for Employees In this activity, you predefine various amount limits for your employees with which you determine: • • • • • the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account the maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item the maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee. © SAP AG Page 41 of 177 SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Payment differences are posted automatically within certain tolerance groups. This way the system can post the difference by correcting the cash discount or by posting to a separate expense or revenue account. Procedure 2. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBA4 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeiraContabilidade de Clientes e Fornecedores → Doc.Transações contábeis → Item do documentoEntrada de pagamento → Definir grupos de tolerância para funcionáriosEntrada de pagamento manual → Definir grupos de tolerância para funcionários /SMB41/V_T043T_B033_J03 BC-Set 2. On screen Modificar visão “Grupos de tolerância (FI) para usuários.”: detalhe, make the following entries Empresa Moeda Mont. por doc. 0050BP0 1 BRL Mont. por item de cta corrente Desc. por item 5,000,00 100.000.000,00 Dif. pgto. Dif. pgto. Ajuste desc. Dif. pgto Mont. Receitas Receitas % Receitas Mont. Despesas 100,00 10,0 10,00 100,00 Dif. pgto. Ajuste desc. Despesas.% Despesas 10,0 10,00 5.1.3 Use Taxes on Sales/Purchases The taxes on sales/purchases include input tax, output tax, acquisition tax and additional taxes. In addition to tax codes, percentage rates and tax accounts, you have to specify whether the cash discount amount reduces the tax base amount, depending on the company code. This reduction is, for example, possible in Belgium but not in Germany. The following sections describe the specifications you must make for calculating taxes on sales/purchases. Use Assign country to calculation schema The tax procedure TAXBRJ (standard) is assigned to country BR. © SAP AG Page 42 of 177 3.2 Use Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases The tax base amount is gross.Trib. To carry out the activity.T.T. To carry out the activity. Entrada para Consumo: ICMS + CompICMS + IPI Entrada para Consumo: ICMS + CompICMS + S. On the screen Modificar visão “atribuição país -> esquema de cálculo”: síntese . make the following entries. On the screen Atualizar código IVA: 1ª tela. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA →Configurações globais →Atribuir país a esquema de cálculo /SMB41/V_005_E_B037_J03/SMBBR01/V_005_E_B037_B29 BC-Set 2. make the following entries País BR Esquema TAXBRJ 5. sobre frete) Entrada para Industrialização: Sem Imposto Entrada para Industrialização: ICMS somente Entrada para Industrialização: ICMS + Sub.1. + IPI Entrada para Consumo: IPI somente Entrada para Consuno: ICMS (S.T. Tax Code: Cód. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC-Set FTXP Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA →Cálculo →Definir códigos IVA /SMBBR01/FTXP_B040_B29 2.IVA A0 A1 A3 B0 B1 C0 C2 C3 C4 C5 CF I0 I1 I2 © SAP AG Page 43 of 177 Descrição Output Processing: No Tax Output for Industrialization: ICMS only Output for Industrialization: ICMS + IPI Saída para Consumo: Sem Imposto Entrada para Consumo: Sem Imposto Entrada para Consumo: ICMS + CompICMS somente Entrada para Consumo: ICMS + CompICMS + S.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. . Procedure 1. Entrega Futura Compra para Revenda EF MP66 . 5.T. + IPI Entrada para Industrialização: IPI somente Entrada p/ Industrialização: ICMS + IPI: Revenda Entrada p/Industr: ICMS + Sub.65 Saída SD Imposto: Sem Imposto Saída SD Imposto: ICMS/IPI/Sub.Fatura EF Entrega Futura EF .1.IVA I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I9 IE IF IN K0 K1 K2 K3 K5 K6 K8 K9 P1 S0 SD SE SI SZ Y3 YE YF Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Descrição Entrada para Industrialização: ICMS + IPI Entrada p/Industrialização: ICMS + Sub.sobre frete) INSS 15% Compra para entrega Futura EM Compra para Entrega Futura EF Entrega Futura EM .Brasil) Procedure 1. To carry out the activity. Saída: Transações Isentas Saída SD imposto: ISS Saída SD imposto: ICMS Zona Franca Entrada para Consumo: Sem Imposto Saída SD Imposto: ICMS/IPI/Sub. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC-Set © SAP AG Page 44 of 177 OB40 Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA →Lançamento →Definir contas de imposto /SMB41/F30B_B044_J03/SMBBR01/F30B_B044_B29 .Trib.Trib.Todos Impostos Industrializ.Trib.Todos Impostos Industrializ.PIS 1. Consignação .Trib. Entrega Futura EF . + IPI: Revenda ISS Entrada: Transações Isentas Entrada p/Industrialização: ICMS (S.3.Abastecimento EM Consignação .3 Define Tax Accounts Use Chart of accounts 0050 (BU SMB Plano de Contas .SAP Best Practices Cód.Todos Impostos Industrializ.Trib. Saída SD Imposto: ICMS/IPI/Sub. .Operações.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2. On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos. make the following entries Operação ESA IC1 IC1 ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICZ INX MW1 MW1 MW1 MW1 MW1 MW1 MW1 O0 O1 SD SI U1 YE IF SD C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 CF SD C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 CF SD Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z6 Z7 Cód. Autom.IVA Conta débito 323200 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 323100 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 113202 113202 213000 421105 213100 216100 216100 213100 213100 216200 191999 Conta crédito 323200 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 323100 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 113202 113202 213000 421105 213100 216100 216100 213100 213100 216200 191999 © SAP AG Page 45 of 177 . For more information.3. see Specify base amount in the "Financial Accounting Global © SAP AG Page 46 of 177 .4 Use Change Foreign Currency Translation The system usually translates tax amounts using the exchange rate resulting from the tax base amounts.IVA YF Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Conta débito 213100 213000 213000 213000 216110 216110 213000 213000 216210 213000 213000 213000 216120 216120 213000 213000 216220 213000 213000 213200 216130 216130 213200 213200 216230 213200 213200 113207 113201 113202 113202 213600 Conta crédito 213100 213000 213000 213000 216110 216110 213000 213000 216210 213000 213000 213000 216120 216120 213000 213000 216220 213000 213000 213200 216130 216130 213200 213200 216230 213200 213200 113207 113201 113202 113202 213600 5.1.SAP Best Practices Operação MW1 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 PIO VS1 VS2 VS3 VST O0 O1 SD SI U1 YE YF O0 O1 SD SI U1 YE YF A0 A1 O0 O1 SD SI U1 YE YF Cód. Off. fr. On the screen Modificar visão “Conversão da moeda nos itens de imposto”: síntese . make the following entries Tipo Cond IC1C IC1O ICM1 ICM2 ICM3 ICM4 ICMF ICOP ICOT ICOX ICS1 © SAP AG Page 47 of 177 Condição ICMS Ind.1. To carry out the activity. To carry out the activity.3. If you want to enter or have the system default an alternative exchange rate for currency translation during document entry. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC-Set OBC8SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → IVA → Cálculo → Modificar conversão de moeda /SMB41/V001_V_B043_J03/SMBBR01/V001_V_B043_B29 2. Procedure 1. you can select this option here.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Settings" Implementation Guide.Clear. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA → Configurações globais→ Verificar esquemas de cálculo → Definir tipos de condição /SMB41/VVC_T682_TX_B039_J03/SMBBR01/VVC_T682_TX_B039_B29 BC-Set 2. In this activity you determine per company code whether a separate exchange rate can be entered for the translation of tax amounts when postings are made in foreign currency. offset ICMS complement ICMS complement ICMS complement 100 Sub.T. In ICMS Consumption In ICMS from SD Out ICMS from SD Out ICMS S.Tributaria In . Procedure 1. change existing procedures for tax calculation.imp 5. On the screen Modificar Visão “Condições: tipos de condição”: síntese.5 Use Check Calculation Procedure In this activity. you can check and. ICMS Industr.Clearing ICMS Ind. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Conv. if necessary. In IPI Consumption In IPI from SD Out ISS from SD Out ICMS from SD .Tributaria Out ICMS Reverse (Z.Off. IPI Industr. make the following entries Esquema TAXBRJ TAXBRJ Nível 830 840 Numerador Tipo Condição condições 0 0 JPIS JPIO Denominação PIS MP66 PIS MP66 Offset © SAP AG Page 48 of 177 .Clearing IPI Ind. you can check and.BR 5. Procedure 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA → Configurações globais→ Verificar esquemas de cálculo → Definir tipos de condição → Definir tipos de condição /SMB41/V_T685A_B549_J03/SMBBR01/V_T685A_B549_B29 /SMB41/V_T683_B550_J03/SMBBR01/V_T683_B550_B29 BC-Set 2. if necessary. To carry out the activity.T.3.F.1.Clear. Consumption In Sub.SAP Best Practices Tipo Cond ICS2 ICS3 ICZF IFR1 IFR3 IFS1 IFS3 INSS INSX IP1C IP1O IPI1 IPI2 IPI3 ISS3 YCM3 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Condição S.6 Use Define Conditions Types and Procedures In this activity. On the screen Modificar Visão “Condições: tipos de condição”: síntese.) ICMS on freight In ICMS on freight Out ICMS ST freight In ICMS ST freight Out INSS Incoming INSS offset (100-) IPI Ind. change existing procedures for tax calculation. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity.7 Use Specify base amount In this activity you determine whether cash discounts are deducted from the base amount used for calculating tax on sales/purchases for each company code. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA →Cálculo → Atribuir à empresa uma data de documento p/determin.impostos /SMB41/V_001_Z_B041_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_Z_B041_B29 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 49 of 177 .3. On the screen Modificar visão “Base de Imposto”. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Base Imp Liq 5. To carry out the activity.8 Assign Company Code to Document Date for Tax Determination Use In this activity you specify per company code the following data necessary for processing taxes with jurisdiction codes: whether the baseline date for determining the tax percentages should be the posting date (default date) or the document date.1.1. if you want the system to determine tax percentages on the basis of the document date. you must configure the system accordingly at this point.3. However. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC-Set SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA →Cálculo → Determinar montante base /SMB41/V_001_L_B042_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_L_B042_B29 2. The system usually takes the posting date for this purpose.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. Procedure 1. 9 Check and Change Settings for Tax Processing Use In this activity you specify per company code the following data necessary for processing taxes with jurisdiction codes: whether the baseline date for determining the tax percentages should be the posting date (default date) or the document date.imp 5.1.3. On the screen Modificar visão “Processo de tributação na contabilidade”. Para determinação imp”. On the screen Modificar visão “Atribuição empresa -> data doc. However. Procedure 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA →Configurações Globais→ Verificar e modificar opções p/processo de tributação /SMB41/V_T007B_B038_J03/SMBBR01/V_T007B_B038_B29 BC-Set 2. The system usually takes the posting date for this purpose. To carry out the activity. you must configure the system accordingly at this point. if you want the system to determine tax percentages on the basis of the document date.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Determ. make the following entries Operação IC1 ICC ICP ICX ICZ INX IPC ZUG ZUS Tipo imp 4 4 3 4 1 4 4 4 3 Não dedutível X X X X X X X Código de lançamento 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 © SAP AG Page 50 of 177 . You define the form names depending on the company code. TipCorrrespon. To carry out the activity. A correspondence type represents the type of letters in the system. To carry out the activity. the corresponding form must be available in the required language in the system. you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence. make the following entries Corresp. You must create a correspondence type for the possible correspondences for each type of letter which you need.1.1. Internal documents are issued in the company code or logon language.indicaç.4.2 Use Define Form Names for Correspondence Print In this activity. The system attempts to create the letters for your customers/vendors in the language specified in the customer/vendor master record. On the screen Modificar visão “Tipos de correspondência”: síntese. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Ob77OB77 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Correspondência →Definir tipos de correspondência /SMB41/V_T048_B164_J03/SMBBR01/V_T048_B164_B29 BC-Set 2.4 5.1 Use Correspondence and Default Values Define Correspondence Types In this activity.1. Denominação . Procedure 1. r conta dta data 1 YB006 YB008 YB013 YB014 Saldo Transportado Lista Partidas em Aberto Extrato de Cliente Lista Partidas em Aberto X X X X 2 1 2 1 Laçamentos De Data fixada Partidas Saldo Anterior Data fixada Partidas Saldo Atual Denominação data 2 Lançamentos Até 5. Reque Núm. To do this.4. You should therefore translate the forms into the required languages if they are not already available in the standard system.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. it is possible to store different forms for one print report. With the help of the form ID. you create your own correspondence types or change the specifications for the standard correspondence types. Procedure 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu © SAP AG Page 51 of 177 OB96SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade . print program and a form ID. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB78 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Correspondência → Definir atribuição de reports para tipo de correspondência /SMB41/V_T048B_B162_J03/SMBBR01/V_T048B_B162_B29 BC-Set 2. The selection variant is used when printing the requested correspondence.1. On the screen Modif.visão “Atribuição programas p/corr.4.4 Use Define sender details for form correspondence In this activity.3 Use Assign Programs for Correspondence Types In this activity. Procedure 1. make the following entries Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 Correspondência Nome do program de impressão YB006 YB008 YB013 YB014 RFKORD10 RFKORD10 RFKORD11 RFKORD11 Variante YB006 YB008 YB013 YB014 5. This applies to the following: © SAP AG Page 52 of 177 . make the following entries Corr.1. you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each correspondence type. YB006 YB008 YB013 YB014 Programa RFKORD10 RFKORD10 RFKORD11 RFKORD11 Variante YB006 YB008 YB013 YB014 Entries not specific to a company code: Programa J_1BLFDI Descrição Programa DIRF Certificate Fo.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide financeira → Correspondência → Gravar nomes de formulário para impressão de correspondência /SMB41/V_001F_B_B160_J03/SMBBR01/V_001F_B_B160_B29 BC-Set 2. you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code. On the screen.ID Form J_1BCERTIFICATE 5.4.automática”: síntese . To carry out the activity. SAP Best Practices • • • letter header letter footer sender address Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBB1SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Correspondência → Gravar indicações de remetente p/formulário correspondência /SMB41/V_001G_B_B161_J03/SMBBR01/V_001G_B_B161_B29 BC-Set 2. On the screen Modif. Visão “Dados do remetente para correspondência”: detalhe , make the following entries Empresa Nome prog. ID texto Texto de cabeçalho BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 RFKORD00 ADRS RFKORD10 ADRS RFKORD40 ADRS RFKORD80 ADRS SAPF130D SAPF130K ADRS ADRS HEADER HEADER HEADER HEADER HEADER HEADER Remetente SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER Texto de rodapé FOOTER FOOTER FOOTER FOOTER FOOTER FOOTER Texto da assinatura SIGNAT SIGNAT SIGNAT SIGNAT Texto standard Descrição /SMBBR01/HEADERHEADER Content of HEADER window /SMBBR01/SENDERSENDER Sender in ADDRESS window /SMBBR01/SIGNATSIGNAT Signature in document /SMBBR01/FOOTERFOOTER Content of FOOTER window Use Determine Call-Up Functions In this activity, you specify which correspondence types can be selected online within which functions. The following functions are included: • document entry © SAP AG Page 53 of 177 SAP Best Practices • • • Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide functions for payment settlement document display and document change account editing (balance display and line item processing). Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPROOB79 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Correspondência → Determinar possibilidades de chamada /SMB41/V_T048I_B163_J03/SMBBR01/V_T048I_B163_B29 BC-Set 2. On the screen Modificar visão “Possibilidade de chamar os tipos de correspondência”, make the following entries Empr.esa Corresp 0050BP01 YB006 0050BP01 YB008 0050BP01 YB013 0050BP01 YB014 Entrada dDoc X X X X Em Exibição pagament.Pgto. docExiDoc X X X X X X X X Exibição contaExbCta X X X X Use Define Fiscal Year Default In this activity, you determine that a fiscal year is proposed during document display and for document change functions. The system uses the year which was last used by the user in the work session. the work session. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB63SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. → Valores propostos para processamento de documento → Possibilitar proposta de exercício /SMB41/V_001_G_B047_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_G_B047_B29 BC-Set 2. On the screen Modificar visão “Propor exercício”: síntese, make the following entries Emprsa 0050BP01 Propor exercício X © SAP AG Page 54 of 177 SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Use Define Value Date Default When entering line items, you may need to enter a value date. In this activity you can determine, per company code, whether the CPU date is defaulted as the value date. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB68SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. → Valores propostos para processamento de documento → Propor data efetiva /SMB41/V_001_K_B048_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_K_B048_B29 BC-Set 2. On the screen Modificar visão “Empressa: propor data efetiva”: Síntese , make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Propor data efetiva X Change Message Control for Document Processing Use In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them. You can : • determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer • change warnings into error messages • switch off warnings and error messages Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. → Valores propostos para processamento de documento → Modificar controle de mensagens p/processamento de documento © SAP AG Page 55 of 177 choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Imposto retido na fonte (IRF) →Imposto retido na fonte ampliado → Calculo →Categoria do imposto retido na fonte →Definir categoria IRF: lançamento na entrada da fatura /SMB41/V_T059PI_B500_J03/SMBBR01/V_T059PI_B500_B29 BC-Set 2. This withholding tax type does not have any effect on the payment. W BTCI W - 5. To carry out the activity. On the screen Modificar visão: “Definição das categories IRF – lançamento com fatur .1.5.1 Use Withholding tax Withholding tax type In this activity you define the withholding tax type for the posting at the time of entering an invoice. On the screen Modificar visão “Controle de mensagens pelo usuário”: síntese . make the following entries Ctg IRF IC IF IN IP IR IS Descrição IRRF Pessoa Física (CPF) Funrural INSS FCPS IRRF Pessoa Jurídica ISS © SAP AG Page 56 of 177 .1.SAP Best Practices BC-Set Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide /SMB41/V_T100C_B049_J03/SMBBR01/V_T100C_B049_B29 2. Procedure 1. make the following entries Área funcional F5 FS NoMsg 671 219 Nome usuário Diál.5 5. 2% .0000 2.2 filhos IRRF CPF . On the screen Modificar visão “Código do imposto de retenção na fonte (IRF)”: síntese .0000 0. Procedure 1.0220 0.0270 11.5.0000 5.agricultor sem funcionários 2.casado . To carry out the activity.agricultor com CGC INSS 11% INSS 15% INSS 20% Autônomos Porco .5000 5.casado .IRF Denominação R0 R2 R4 R0 R1 R2 N1 N2 N3 R0 R2 R3 R5 IRRF CPF .0000 0.1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira © SAP AG Page 57 of 177 .quantidade * 0.0000 15. Procedure 1.0000 20.5.075 * preço/kilo IRRF 2% IRRF 1.3 Define Formula for Calculating Withholding Tax Use In this activity you define the formulas for calculating the withholding tax.5% ISS 5 % Fórmula X X X % 0.agricultor CPF 2.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5.2 Use Withholding tax codes In this activity you define the withholding tax codes.não casado IRRF CPF . make the following entries Ctg IRF IC IC IC IF IF IF IN IN IN IP IR IR IS Cód. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Imposto retido na fonte (IRF) →Imposto retido na fonte ampliado →Cálculo →Código do imposto de retenção na fonte (IRF) →Definir códigos IRF /SMB41/V_T059Z_B501_J03/SMBBR01/V_T059Z_B501_B29 BC-Set 2.1.0000 0.3% .7% . To carry out the activity.0000 0.4 filhos 2.0000 1.0230 0. 4 Define Min/Max Amounts for Withholding Tax Codes Use In this activity you define the withholding tax codes.00 01.999.5.00 0.2002 01.00 1.800.058.00 1.00 27.00 15.01.00 .058.999.00 9.2002 Até mont.01.00 900.00 2.01.00 25. Mont.01.00 .1996 01.115.00 01.1996 01.999.00 900.01.00 0.800.00 1.00 900. base 0.999.999.00 9.00 2.2002 01.999.115.1996 01.50 15. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Imposto retido na fonte (IRF) →Imposto retido na fonte ampliado →Cálculo →Montantes mínimos e máximos →Gravar montantes mínimos/máximos para código IRF /SMB41/V_T059M_C_B502_J03 extended withholding BC-Set © SAP AG Page 58 of 177 .00 1. make the following entries Ctg Imp IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC Cód.2002 01.800.800.00 2.00 900.00 1.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide →Imposto retido na fonte (IRF) →Imposto retido na fonte ampliado →Cálculo →Código do imposto de retenção na fonte (IRF) → Definir fórmulas para cálculo de imposto retido na fonte /SMB41/V_T059FBH_B545_J03/SMBBR01/V_T059FBH_B545_B29 BC-Set 2.999.00 1.00 .00 0.00 15.00 25.00 1.00 1.999.1996 01.01.999.999.00 900.01.00 1.00 27.00 2.999.01.01.00 2. To carry out the activity.00 0.1996 01.999.800. On the screen Modificar visão “Dados de cabeçalho para atualização de fórmulas”: .2002 01.00 0.00 0.800.2002 01.1996 01.058.999. Base 900.2002 01.00 Taxa IRF Reduç.1.999.1996 01.50 15.058.2002 01.01.00 9.00 27.01.IRF Válido a partir R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 01.999.00 0. Procedure 1.00 25.00 0.999.01.999.00 5.00 15.00 1.50 0.00 15.999.00 1.058.115. 00 0.1996 BRL 01. On the screen Modificar visão “Informação sobre IRF da empresa por ctg.00 Montante base isento IRF 0.00 0. On the screen Modificar visão “Montantes mínimos/máximos por código IRF”: síntese .00 212.00 180.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01.00 0. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Imposto retido na fonte (IRF) →Imposto retido na fonte ampliado →Empresa→ Atribuir categorias de IRF a empresas /SMB41/V_T001WT_B503_J03/SMBBR01/V_T001WT_B503_B29 BC-Set 2. make the following entries Ctg IRF IC IC IC IC IC Códg IRF R0 R2 R2 R4 R4 Válido de Moeda Montante Montante Montante min IRF max IRF minimo base 0. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 0050BP01 0050BP01 0050BP01 0050BP01 0050BP01 Cod IRF IC IF IN IP IR IS © SAP AG Page 59 of 177 .00 0.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide tax/SMBBR01/V_T059M_C_B502_B29 2.00 0.01.5. To carry out the activity.00 0.00 0.2002 BRL 5.00 360.00 424. Procedure 1.IRF”: síntese .1996 BRL 01.00 01.00 0.5 Assign Withholding Tax Types to Company Codes Use In this activity you assign the withholding tax types to the existing company codes.01.2002 BRL 01.1.1996 BRL 01.00 0. -Contas . Procedure 1. make the following entries Plano 0050 0050 0050 0050 Ctg Imposto IC IN IR IS Conta 213700 213600 213700 213200 © SAP AG Page 60 of 177 . On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos.autom.1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBWW Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Imposto retido na fonte (IRF) →Imposto retido na fonte ampliado →Lançamento → Contas para imposto retido na fonte → Gravar contas para IRF a pagar /SMB41/T030_B505_J03/SMBBR01/T030_B505_B29 BC-Set 2.7 Use Accounts for withholding tax You define the accounts to which withholding tax is posted. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 IRF ampliado X 5. Procedure 1.5.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5.1. On the screen Modificar visão “Funcionalidade ampliada IRF está ativa”: síntese . To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code SPRO IMG Menu Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Imposto retido na fonte (IRF) →Imposto retido na fonte ampliado →Empresa→ Ativar IRF ampliado /SMB41/V_T001_EXT_B504_J03/SMBBR01/V_T001_EXT_B504_B29 BC-Set 2. To carry out the activity.5.6 Use Activate extended withholding tax calculation In this activity you activate the extended withholding tax calculation to the existing company codes. Negative postings decrease the transaction figures for G/L accounts. To carry out the activity. customers.neg.5. transaction figures can.2. .2 General Ledger Accounting . Negative postings have been permitted for company code BP01. On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos. make the following entries Motivo estorno 01 02 03 04 05 Texto Reversal in current period Reversal in Closed Period Actual Reversal in Current Period Actual Reversal in Close Period Acrual/deferral Posting X X X X X X Lnçto. Dta.autom.Contas . and vendors.Lnçto. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Imposto retido na fonte (IRF) →Imposto retido na fonte ampliado →Lançamento → Contas para imposto retido na fonte → Gravar contas p/lançto. In this case. the reversal is a negative posting. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → acct receivable n payable---bussiness transactions → adjustment posting reversal → Define reason for reversal /SMB41/T041C_B104_J03/SMBBR01/T041C_B104_B29 BC-Set 2. be reset to the status they would have had before the reversed document and corresponding reversal document were posted.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 3. After contrapartida imposto retido fonte /SMB41/T030_B505_J03/SMBBR01/T030_B505_B29 BC-Set 4.Div © SAP AG Page 61 of 177 . To carry out the activity. Define Reasons for Reversal Procedure 1. On the screen Modificar visão “Motivos para estorno ou para lançamento de estorno” .1 Use Reverse postings and adjustment postings can be set as negative postings. make the following entries Plano 0050 Ctg Imposto IN Cod imposto N3 Conta 414203 . therefore. the reversal is a negative posting. therefore. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral →acct receivable n payable—bussines transactions—adjt posting reversal—allow negative postings /SMB41/V_001_NP_B103_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_NP_B103_B29 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 62 of 177 . transaction figures can. Empresa Grupo tolerância Denomin.3 Use Allow Negative Postings Reverse postings and adjustment postings can be set as negative postings.0 . On the screen Modificar visão “Tolerâncias para grupos de contas do razão”: síntese . To carry out the activity.Div . make the following entries.5. Dta. be reset to the status they would have had before the reversed document and corresponding reversal document were posted. and vendors. customers. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBA0SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade geral →Transações contábeis →Compensação de partidas em aberto →Diferenças na compensação →Definir grupos de tolerância para contas do Razão /SMB41/T043S_B100_J03/SMBBR01/T043S_B100_B29 BC-Set 2.SAP Best Practices Motivo estorno Z1 Texto Does not exist (english) Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Lnçto.neg. To carry out the activity.2. Procedure 1. In this case. The groups defined here are assigned in the G/L account master record.5.Lnçto. Procedure 1.2 Use Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts When G/L accounts are cleared. tolerance groups are used to define limits within which differences are accepted and posted automatically to predefined accounts.0 1.00 grupo de tolerância Tolerance Group BP01 Débito Crédito %deb %cred 0050BP01 1.00 1.2. After reversal. Negative postings decrease the transaction figures for G/L accounts. The clearing program clears the open items that are grouped together if their total balance equals zero in local and foreign currency. or BSIK (vendors).3 Accounts Payable . To carry out the activity. you should choose fields that are also contained in table BSIS (G/L accounts). Procedure BSID (customers). choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB74SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Transações contábeis → Compensação de partidas em aberto → Preparar compensação automática /SMB41/V_TF123_B165_J03/SMBBR01/V_TF123_B165_B29 BC-Set 2.1 © SAP AG Page 63 of 177 Accounts Payable – Down Payments The following settings have been made in Customizing for the down payments received: . You select these five additional criteria from the fields in table BSEG or BKPF.account number or a number interval You can also enter a further five criteria. On the screen Modificar visão “Atualização: lançamentos negativos na empresa” sín .account type .2. You can determine the field names by displaying the tables in the Data Dictionary.3.4 Use Prepare Automatic Clearing In this activity you enter the criteria for grouping an account's open items for automatic clearing. You must enter the following standard criteria: . On the screen Modificar visão “Regras adicionais para compensação automática”: sín .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2. make the following entries Plano de contas Tipo de conta D D K K S De conta 1 A 1 A 0 Até conta Critério 1 Critério 2 Critério 3 VBUND VBUND GSBER GSBER VBUND VBUND VBUND 9999999999 ZUONR Z Z ZUONR ZUONR 9999999999 ZUONR 9999999999 ZUONR . If possible. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 Lançamentos negativos permitidos . which you reach by choosing Tools -> ABAP Workbench and then Dictionary. 1 Use Define down payment special G/L indicators In this step. To carry out the activity. AIMB Cod RzE Chave Destino Débito 29 29 29 Chave crédito 39 39 39 5. If the special G/L indicator is used.3.Lista . Procedure 3. and setting the features of the special G/L indicator. Click in New Entries and fill with the features: Características Tp Conta K K K Cod RzE A F M X X Partida Aviso Denominação memo Compr. To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. On the screen Atualizar configur. Adiantamento ativo circulante Adiantamento/Solicitação de adiantamento Adiantam. you define a special G/L indicator for down payments for vendor account type (K). make the following entries.3. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBYR Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Adiantamentos efetuados → Definir conta de reconciliação diferente para adiantamentos /SMB41/F74_B066_J03 /SMBBR01/3305_APDOWNPM_S029_B29 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 64 of 177 . you can define other reconciliation account for vendor down payments for special G/L indicator. the down payment posting will be posting automatic in the account reconciliation of this customizing. for example the posting keys for debit or credit. Procedure 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBYR Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Adiantamentos efetuados → Definir conta de reconciliação diferente para adiantamentos /SMB41/F74U_B067_J03/SMBBR01/3305_APDOWNPM_S029_B29 BC-Set 2.1.imobilizações mater. and ignoring the account reconciliation of the vendor master contabilidade: Razão Especial .1.2 Use Define reconciliation account for down payment In this step. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu O7Z1 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de fatura/entrada de nota de crédito → Efetuar e verificar configurações do documento → Exib. To carry out the activity.3. make the following entries.Pago 3.5.2. Procedure 1. 212000 212000 212000 Conta Razão Esp. give doble click in each the Special G/L Indicator above and use the Plano de Contas 0050: Contas Plano Contas 0050 0050 0050 Tp Conta K K K Cod RzE A F M Conta Reconc. On the screen Atualizar configuração da composição.2 5.3. On the screen Atualizar configur. 114900 114901 132200 .Linhas A1 A2 ZP Denominação Conta / Título Cl/Conta/CentCust/Descrição Doc./ contabilidade: Razão Especial . On the screen Atualizar configuração da composiçã linha: Campos. you create the line layout for document for display and Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide doc.: definir estrutura de linhas /SMB41/F211_B073_J03/SMBBR01/3305_APDOWNPM_S029_B29 BC-Set linha: Lista .1 Use Accounts Payable – Invoice Line Layout for Document Change/Display In this step.Lista . make the following entries: Estrutura de Linha A1: Conta / Título Nome do Campo KONTO KOBEZ Denominação Conta Denominação Estrutura de Linha A2: Cl/Conta/CentCust/Descrição © SAP AG Page 65 of 177 ./MontLC/Mont./Modific. make the following entries: Estr. You can also assign a line layout variant to the user by entering the value as a parameter in the user master record. → Item do documento → Exib.: selecionar estrut. The following table displays the line layout variants that have been defined for the individual transactions.2 Use Default Values for Line Layout/Totals Variants The system contains default values for: • • Displaying and changing documents and Displaying and processing payment proposals This variant is used the first time you call up the display or change function provided you have not used any other line layout variant. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu O7V1 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc.Razão Especial Centro custo Conta Denominação Código de imposto Estrutura de Linha ZP: Doc./MontLC/Mont.2./Modific. Procedure doc.SAP Best Practices Nome do Campo BSCHL UMSKZ KOSTL KONTO KOBEZ MWSKZ Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Denominação Chave de Lançamento Cód. On the screen atualizar Configuração de composição de linha: Lista: make the following entries: Transaction FB02 FB03 FB09 © SAP AG Page 66 of 177 Transaction Text Change Document Display Document Change Line Items Line Layout Variant A2 A2 A1 .Pago Nome do Campo BELNR XBLNR DMBTR PYAMT Denominação Número Documento Referência Montante Moeda Documento Montante Moeda Pago 5.3. To carry out the standard /SMB41/F21V_B074_J03 BC-Set 2./Ref. The following posting keys have been defined in the system for the various transactions for the group EGR “Incoming invoices”.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide FB13 FBD2 FBD3 FBM2 FBM3 FBU2 FBU3 FBV0 FBV1 FBV2 FBV3 Release for Payments Change Recurring Entry Display Recurring Entry Change Sample Document Display Sample Document Change Intercompany Document Display Intercompany Document Post Parked Document Park Document Change Parked Document Display Parked Document A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 CC CC A2 A2 A2 A2 5.3.-Operações. To carry out the activity. Procedure 1.2. You cannot change these keys when entering invoices and credit memos. On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXJSPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de fatura/entrada de nota de crédito → Entrada fatura/nota crédito Enjoy → Gravar chave de lançamento para entrada de fatura/de crédito /SMB41/F30B_B072_J03/SMBBR01/F30B_B072_B29 BC-Set 2.3 Posting Keys for Invoice / Credit Memo Use When you enter incoming invoices and credit memos.2. the posting keys for the open items and G/L account items are generated automatically by the system.3.4 Define Discount Base for Incoming Invoices Use In the SAP system. make the following entries Operação EGK EGS EGX Denominação Vendor item in incoming invoice G/L item in incoming invoice Vendor item with special G/L indicator Débito 21 40 29 Crédito 31 50 39 5. Autom. you can specify for each company code whether the cash discount amount is to be calculated on the basis of the gross amount (including tax) or the net amount (excluding © SAP AG Page 67 of 177 . SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide tax). To carry out the activity. You assign the specified terms of payment using the key. the cash discount amount is calculated on the basis of the gross amount. make the following entries CoCd 0050BP01 DiscBaseNt -- 5.5 Define Terms of Payment Use In this step. you define rules with a four-character key. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB70SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de fatura/entrada de nota de crédito → Definir base de desconto para entrada de fatura /SMB41/V_001_M_B071_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_M_B071_B29 BC-Set 2. and installment payments. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBB8SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de fatura/entrada de nota de crédito → NT60 /SMB41/V_T052_B070_J03/SMBBR01/V_T052_B070_B29 BC-Set 2. for example) are created (or changed) The terms of payment include settings for the payment terms. The system contains the following terms: Procedure 1.3. To carry out the activity. the day limit. the baseline date for payment. On the screen Modificar visão “Base de desconto”: síntese.2. This enables the system to determine the required terms of payment automatically. make the following entries Condição pagamento NT00 © SAP AG Page 68 of 177 Dia limite -Num dias 000 . On the screen Modificar visão “Condições de pagamento”: síntese. For company code 0050BP01. The key can be • • • Stored in the master record of the customer/vendor account (in the purchasing or sales view and in the accounting view) Entered when the FI document is created (or changed) Entered when the logistics documents (in the purchase order and incoming invoice or in the order and the outgoing invoice. Procedure 1. Lnçto. If the transaction figures are to be reduced when a document is reversed.3 Use Accounts Payable .Div 5.1 Define Reasons for Reversal To reverse an accounting document. The reason for reversal is stored in the reversed document and determines whether • • A negative posting is generated when the document is reversed (this reduces the transaction figures) An alternative posting date to the one in the original document is permitted Procedure 1.5. note the following: • The Negative Postings Allowed indicator must be set for the company code © SAP AG Page 69 of 177 . in other words. make the following entries Motivo estorno 01 02 03 04 05 Z1 Texto Estorno em período corrente Estorno em período encerrado Estorno efetivo em período atual Estorno efetivo em período encerrado Lançamento de provisão Pagamento Rejeitado X X X X X X Lnçto. the transaction figures are increased when a document is reversed.Document Reversal 5.2 Allow negative posting Use In the SAP system.3.3.3. On the screen Modificar visão “Motivos para estorno ou para lançamento de estorno” . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Transações contábeis → Lançamento de ajuste/estorno → Definir motivos de estorno /SMB41/T041C_B104_J03/SMBBR01/T041C_B104_B29 BC-Set 2.3. a reverse posting is generally posted with offsetting posting keys.neg. Dta.SAP Best Practices Condição pagamento NT30 NT45 NT60 Dia limite ---- Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Num dias 030 045 060 . you need to specify a reason for reversal. To carry out the activity.3. To carry out the activity.4 Use Accounts Payable – Line Item Analysis 5.4. On the screen Modificar visão “Atualização: lançamentos negativos na empresa” sín .3. Lançamentos negativos permitidos . To carry out the activity.3.1 Line Layout Variants for Displaying Line Items Two additional line layout variants (Z02 – Reference document number and Z03 – Affiliated company) have been created for displaying the line items. Procedure 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu O7Z3SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de fornecedores →Partidas individuais → Exibir partidas individuais → Definir estrutura de linha /SMB41/F212_B075_J03 /SMBBR01/T021S_B528_B29 BC-Set 2.5. Razão Especial Moeda © SAP AG Page 70 of 177 BELNR XBLNR BLDAT UMSKZ WAERS . make the following entries Empresa 0050BP01 The Negative Postings Allowed indicator is not set for company code BP01. make the following entries: Z02 – Número Documento Referência Nº documento Referência Data do documento Cód. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral →Transações contábeis → Lançamento de ajuste/estorno → Admitir lançamentos negativosContabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral →Transações contábeis →Laçamento de ajuste/estorno → Admitir lançamentos negativos /SMB41/V_001_NP_B103_J03/SMBBR01/V_001_NP_B103_B29 BC-Set 2. On the screen Modificar visão “Alterar configuração da composição de linha: Lista”.SAP Best Practices • Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide A reason for reversal that generates a negative posting must be used when a document is reversed Procedure 1. such as User who entered the document from table BKPF or House Bank from table BSEG.2 Define Additional Fields Use The field VBUND (Trading Partner) has been included as an additional field (not contained in the standard client (000)).negócios 5.4.4. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu O7F8SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de fornecedores →Partidas individuais → Exibir partidas individuais → Selecionar campos adicionais /SMB41/F21R_B076_J03 /SMBBR01/T021S_B528_B29 BC-Set 4.Razão Especial Moeda Mont. To carry out the activity.moeda estrangeira Doc. Moeda Estrangeira Doc. On the screen Modificar visão “Alterar configuração de seleção de campos: Tela Detlh” .parc. make the following entries: Nome do Campo VBUND Denominação Soc.compensação Texto Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide WRSHB AUGBL SGTXT ZUONR BELNR BLDAT VBUND UMSKZ WAERS WRSHB AUGBL SGTXT 5.parc.negócios Cód.3 Use Define special fields for search and sort You have the option of displaying additional fields.compensação Texto Z03 – Empresa Afiliada Atribuição Nº documento Data do documento Soc.SAP Best Practices Mont. Procedure 3.3. © SAP AG Page 71 of 177 .3. Operação SKE Débito 40 Crédito 50 © SAP AG Page 72 of 177 .3.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 5. The system posts the amount to this account when clearing the open items. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXU Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Configuração para saída de pagamento → Definir contas para rendimento por desconto /SMB41/F30_B077_J03/SMBBR01/F30_B077_B29 /SMB41/F30B_B078_J03/SMBBR01/F30B_B078_B29 BC-Set 2. you define the G/L account for your cash discount received. On the screen Modificar visão “Campos especiais de variants de estruturação de li . make the following entries Tabela BSEG Campo HBKID .5. On the Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos. To carry out the activity.1 Define account and posting keys for cash discount gain Use In this step. In this step.5 Accounts Payable – Account Determination 5.5. you also define the posting keys.autom. The system uses these keys automatically when it posts the cash discount received.-contas screen. To carry out the activity. The settings are specific to a chart of accounts and have been set for the chart of accounts 0050. Procedure 1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu O7R3SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Contas de clientes →Partidas individuais → Exibir partidas individuais →Definir campos adicionais para a exibição de partidas individuais /SMB41/T021S_B528_J03/SMBBR01/T021S_B528_B29 BC-Set 6.3. make the following entries Plano de Contas 0050 Operação SKE Débito 331102 Crédito 331102 (SKE = Cash discount received) 3. autom. In this step.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. Procedure 1. The system uses these keys automatically when it posts the bank charges.-contas .3 Define posting keys for clearing Use In this step.3. On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos. you define posting keys that the system uses for automatically created line items during clearing procedures. To carry out the activity. Procedure 1.3. To carry out the activity. you define the number of your bank charges account. Operação BSP Débito 40 Crédito 50 5.2 Define Accounts and Posting Keys for Bank Charges Use In this step. you also define the posting keys. The payment program uses these posting keys as well.5. The system posts the expense amount that you specify in the bank item when you clear the payment to this account. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXH Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Configuração para saída de pagamento → Definir chave de lançamento para compensação /SMB41/F41A_B089_J03/SMBBR01/F41A_B089_B29 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 73 of 177 .5. make the following entries: Plano de contas 0050 Operação BSP Débito 431102 Crédito 431102 (BSP = Bank charges) 3. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXK Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Cnfiguração para saída de pagamento → Definir contas para despesas bancárias (fornecedores) /SMB41/F30_B087_J03/SMBBR01/F30_B087_B29 /SMB41/F30B_B088_J03/SMBBR01/F30B_B088_B29 BC-Set 2. RzE Déb (Déb) (Créd) 29 29 29 29 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 Créd 50 50 50 50 UMBUCHNG 07 For “Clearing Procedure” UMBUCHNG make also the following entries Tipo de doc.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2.RzE (Créd) 19 19 19 19 Contas Razão Op. On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos. When clearing open items.autom.4 Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences Use In this step. make the following entries Chave lçto para AUSGZAHL EINGZAHL GUTSCHRI Clientes LçtoComp LçtoComp Transp Part. para transferência Tipo doc (déb) Tipo doc(fornecedor) Tipo conta (CtaRz) AB (accounting doc) AB (accounting doc) AB (accounting doc) 5. (Déb) (Créd) Indiv (Déb) Indiv (Créd) 05 08 02 18 15 11 17 06 06 02 04 Fornecedores LçtoComp LçtoComp Transp Part. the system posts the realized expense/revenue (realized exchange rate differences). (Déb) (Créd) Indiv (Déb) 25 28 21 27 3828 35 32 37 26 26 21 24 Transp Part.5. To carry out the activity. you define the numbers of the accounts to which the system posts realized exchange rate differences automatically when it clears open items. Indiv (Créd) 36 36 32 34 16 16 11 14 Op.RzE Op. You define expense and revenue accounts for this purpose.-contas . Procedure 1.3. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB09 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Configuração para saída de pagamento → Gravar contas para diferenças de câmbio /SMB41/V_T030H_B086_J03/SMBBR01/F41A_B089_B29 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 74 of 177 .RzE (Déb) 09 09 09 09 Op. Transp Part. On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos.autom. make the following entries Plano Conta contas Razão 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 111201 111202 111203 111301 111302 111303 112000 112001 112010 113103 113301 113302 114900 114901 115800 121000 121200 132200 211501 211502 212000 212001 212002 212010 212100 214000 541000 541000 541000 212017 541000 541000 541000 541000 541000 112017 541000 541000 Moeda Tipo Ajuste Perda Ganho moeda balanço câmbio câmbio realiz realiz 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 431103 431103 331103 331103 431103 331103 431103 431103 331103 331103 431103 331103 Despesa Receita avaliação avaliação In this step. For more information. © SAP AG Page 75 of 177 .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2. refer to the section on closing operations.-contas . you can also define the accounts for valuating the open items. 2 Define Reasons for Payment Block Use In this step. To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBCSPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Configuração para saída de pagamento → Motivos p/bloqueio de pagamentos → Definir valores propostos para bloqueio de pagamento /SMB41/V_052_C_B091_J03/SMBBR01/V_052_C_B091_B29 BC-Set 2.”:s . Procedure 1. you can change (based on the payment terms) the blocking key value that is proposed as a default when entering postings to customer accounts and vendor accounts.5.pgto.3.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB27SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento manual → Controlar motivos de bloqueio de pagamento /SMB41/V_T008_B090_J03/SMBBR01/V_052_C_B091_B29 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 76 of 177 . To carry out the activity.3. make the following entries Condição pgto NT00 NT30 NT45 NT60 Dia limite 0 0 0 0 Chave bloqueio No default values have been defined in the terms of payment.6. Procedure 1. On the screen Modificar visão “Condiç.3.6 Use Accounts Payable – Manual Payment 5.1 Define Default values for payment block In this step.6. you can change (based on the payment terms) the blocking key value that is proposed as a default when entering postings to customer accounts and vendor accounts.: valores proposta p/ bloqueio pgto. 5. make the following entries Empresa Grp.00 Despesa % 0. These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment settlement.0 1. if they are to be posted during clearing Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide pagamento Revisão de faturas Compensação do pgto. you specify the tolerances for vendors.3 Define Tolerances (Vendors) Use In this step. √ √ √ √ √ 5.5 Ajuste desc até 2.6.00 © SAP AG Page 77 of 177 . On the screen Modificar visão “Tolerâncias parceiros de negócios”: síntese .3. To carry out the activity.entr.00 999. Solicit.00 10.00 10. For each tolerance group. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBA3SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento manual → Definir tolerâncias (fornecedores) /SMB41/V_T043G_B092_J03/SMBBR01/V_T043G_B092_B29 BC-Set 2. specify the following: o Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing open items o The handling of the terms of payment for residual items. * A B N P R V Ignorar conta Bloqueado p/pgto. Não l na Manuais Modificável PrpPgto Autorizado p/pgto. Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups.00 1.pgto. Allocate a tolerance group to each vendor via the master record.0 2. BR:pagam/o bloqueado Proc.00 5.5 2.00 999. On the screen Modificar visão “Motivos p/bloqueio de pagamentos: síntese” make the following entries: BloqPgto Significado Modificáve Bloqueio p/Pgtos.tole Tolerância rância até venct Mont BP01 BP01 KRE1 1 Diferenças de pagamento permitidas Receita % Ajuste desc Mont até 5. 4 Define Reason Codes: Classification of Payment Differences (not allow to do changes.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Dados para lançamentos de part.6.Crédito Desconto Excedido/Taxa de Desc. Pagamento Geral na Conta Aviso Pgto. there’s just a message) Use In this step. Débito pago em duplicidade Nota Crédito paga ao invés de descontada TpCor SAP50 SAP51 SAP52 SAP53 SAP54 SAP55 SAP56 SAP57 SAP58 SAP59 SAP60 © SAP AG Page 78 of 177 .Incorr.advert.manual) /SMB41/V_T053R_B093_J03 /SMBBR01/V_052_C_B091_B29 BC-Set 2. 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPROSPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento manual → Diferenças de pagamento → Definir motivos de diferença (saída de pagto. na conta perdido ou incomple Erro cálculo Cliente Redução Débito inst. On the screen Modificar visão “Classificação de Diferenças de pagamentos: síntese” the standard reason codes are used. X X Condições pgo fixas 0004 2 Chv. Procedure 1.residuais das diferenças de pagamento Condições pgo da fatura X Conceder desc proporc. No changes have been made. To carry out the activity. Mot Texto Breve 050 Período para Descont 051 Taxa de Desconto 052 Desconto Líquido 053 Desconto Retroativo 054 Taxa Desconto Períod 055 Pgto na Conta 056 Aviso Pgto. you can change (based on the payment terms) the blocking key value that is proposed as a default when entering postings to customer accounts and vendor accounts.Errado 057 Erro no Cálculo 058 Redução Débito 059 Débito pago em dupli 060 Nota Crédito Paga Texto Descritivo Período para Desconto Excedido Taxa de Desconto não suportada Condições líquidas para desconto Nenhum Desconto Retroativo p/N.3. do pagto. o Forms and sender details for advice notes and EDI accompanying sheets if you wish to print payment advice notes or an EDI accompanying sheet. You can define additional amount limits for the payment method.7 Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable – Automatic Payment The following section refers to company code BP01. choose the activity Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions. you make specifications for all company codes involved in payment transactions.7. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBZP Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento automática →Seleção de meio de pagamento/de banco p/programa de pagamento →Instalar todas as empresas para pagamentos /SMBBR01/V_T042_B094_B29/SMB41/V_T042_B094_J03 BC-Set 2.3. make the following entries Empresa Emissora: Empresa Pagadora: Pgto a efetuar com desconto de: Operações RzE a considerar p/pagamento . On the screen Modificar visão “Empresas”: síntese. 5. for example. Specify also the SAPscript text modules that contain details about the sender that © SAP AG Page 79 of 177 . which uses the chart of accounts 0050. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity.2 Install paying company codes for payments Use (READY) In this activity. specify the form name. To do so.3.Fornecedores: Operações RzE a considerar p/pagamento . you make the following specifications for the paying company codes: o Data for controlling the payment program Here you specify the minimum amount for which an incoming or outgoing payment is created.1 Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions Use In this activity.3.7.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide .5. o Specifications for paying with bills of exchange You can show or hide the settings for paying with bills of exchange.Clientes: SPACE 0050BP01 -FP FPJ 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBZP Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento automática →Meio de pagamento → Gravar dados de remetente p/formulários de pagamento /SMB41/V_T042T_Z_B133_J03 BC-Set 2. On screen Modificar visão “Dados do remetente (programa de pagamento)”: síntes . To carry out the activity.00 BRL √ √ Forms: Formulário p/ aviso de pgto J_1B_AVIS Sender Details: ID Cabç carta Texto Texto de rodapé Texto da assinatura Formulário nota acompanham. and the sending address in the letter window per company code. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBZP Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento automática →Seleção de meio de pagamento/de banco p/programa de pagamento → Instalar empresas pagadoras para pagamentos /SMBBR01/V_T042B_B095_B29/SMB41/V_T042B_B095_J03 BC-Set 2.EDI J_1B_DME Remet ADRS /SMBBR01/HEADERHEADER /SMBBR01/FOOTERFOOTER /SMBBR01/SIGNATATSIGNAT /SMBB 5. You can go directly from this transaction to the transaction for editing forms and text modules. To carry out the activity.7.3. Procedure 1.00 BRL 1.3 Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions (READY) Use In this activity you specify the standard texts that you want to use for the letter header.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide are to be printed on the payment advice note. make the following entries © SAP AG Page 80 of 177 . make the following entries for company code BP01: Control Data: Montante mínimo p/ Montante mínimo p/ Pagamentos Uma L/C por entrada de pgtos: saída de pgtos: L/C fatura 1. letter footer. Procedure 1. On the screen Modificar visão “Empresa pagadora”: síntese. Posting specifications You specify how the payment is to be posted. you can call up a list of all the payment medium programs available in the standard system. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBZP Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento automática →Seleção de meio de pagamento/de banco p/programa de pagamento → Instalar formas de pagamento por país para pagamentos /SMBBR01/VC_T042ZL_B096_B29/SMB41/VC_T042ZL_B096_J03 BC-Set 2. as Dscribed under Activities. You can also use the Payment Medium Workbench for the payment forms. .4 Install payment methods for country Use (READY) In this activity.Characteristics for classifying payment method Here you specify the type of payment method in question (such as check or bank transfer) and any other features of that payment method (the payment method is used for personnel payments. Note: If the required details have not been entered in the master record. To carry out the activity. make the following entries © SAP AG Page 81 of 177 .7. All the payment medium programs contain extensive country-specific documentation.Which procedure is to be used to issue the accompanying payment form One option is to use the classic payment medium programs. dependent on he country and payment method. This means that you can only select fields that are relevant for the selected payment method. the payment method cannot be used. you specify which payment methods are to be used in each country. for example). only the characteristics that are appropriate for that payment method are displayed.3. On the screen Modificar visão “Meio de pagamento/país”: síntese. . If you leave the currency table blank.Payment method either for incoming or outgoing payments . . for example (such as which document type is to be used). this means that all currencies are permitted.Required entries in master record Here you determine which specifications in the master record control whether the payment method is used (such as bank details or collection authorization). Procedure 1. You enter the following details for the payment method: o Country-Specific Specifications for the Payment Method: . When you select a payment method.SAP Best Practices Empresa ID CabçCarta Texto BP01 ADRS HEADER Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Texto de rodapé FOOTER Texto da assinatura SIGNAT Remetente SENDER 5. If required. o You also specify which currencies are to be permitted. 5.SAP Best Practices Frm Denominação Pgto Meio pgto para Entradas pgto Pagamts a efetuar Entradas pgto Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Classif Dados meio pgto necessaries registro mestre Solicitação Rua. in this activity. Transf.3.7. ZP ZP ZP ZP ZP ZV ZV ZV ZV ZV RFFOBR_U RFFOBR_U RFFOBR_U RFFOBR_U RFFOBR_U In all payment methods ALL currencies are allowed. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBZP Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto →Saída de pagamento automática → Controlar motivos de bloqueio de pagamento → Atribuir formulários de pagamento p/meio pagto.Itaú TED CIP Febraban .5 Use Assign Payment Medium Program for Payment Method in Country (already there) Also.Itaú Transferência Pagamts a efetuar Pagamts a efetuar Pagamts a efetuar Pagamts a efetuar Pagamts a efetuar M P S T U transf transf transf Transf. Cx L/C Postal Cheque Solicitação Rua.CIP BRADESCO TED STR Febraban . To carry out the activity. Cx L/C Postal transf Dados Bancários Dados Bancários Dados Bancários Dados Bancários Dados Bancários Dados Bancários Tipo doc p/ pgto ZP ZP ZP ZP Tipo Programa doc meio pgto p/ comp ZV ZV ZV ZV RFFOBR_A RFFOUS_C ‘’’’ RFFOBR_U A C D M Duplicata Cheque Boleto TED STR -– Pagamts BRADESCODOC a efetuar (COMPE) TED STR BRADESCO TED .na empresa /SMB41/V_T042Z_Z_B134_J03 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 82 of 177 . Procedure 1. for each payment method you assign the classic payment medium program (RFFO*) that is used for creating payment media in that country. make the following entries: País BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Meio pgto A C D M P S T U Nome progr RFFOBR_A RFFOUS_C RFFOBR_D RFFOBR_U RFFOBR_U RFFOBR_U RFFOBR_U RFFOBR_U Conjunto dados p/ impr 5.3.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2. o Specifications for grouping items for payment (such as single payment for marked items) o Specifications for foreign/foreign currency payments o Specifications for optimizing bank selection o Specifications for the form to be used for the payment medium o Specifications for issuing payment advice notes Procedure 1. the payment program ignores the amounts you enter here.7. make the following entries The following payment methods are used for company code 0050BP01: Meio de pagamento A © SAP AG Page 83 of 177 Denominação Duplicata . On the screen Modificar visão “Atualização dos dados da empresa de uma forma de pa . If you specify the payment method in an open item. o Amount limits for payments within which the payment program can select the payment method Note: You always have to specify a maximum amount.6 Install payment methods for paying company code (already has changes) Use In this activity. To carry out the activity. otherwise the payment method cannot be used. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBZP Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento automática →Seleção de meio de pagamento/de banco p/programa de pagamento → Instalar formas de pagamento por empresa para pagamentos /SMBBR01/V_T042E_B097_B29/SMB41/V_T042E_B097_J03 BC-Set 2. On the screen Modificar visão “meios de pagamento (programa de pagamento)”: síntese . you specify which payment methods can be used per company code and determine the conditions under which a payment method should be used. and currency.Febraban .00 9999. Specifying available amounts enables you to control which bank account is to be used for payments.01 5.99 9999. You can specify the amounts depending on the value date at the bank.999.00 5.999.7 Payment Program: Bank Determination – Itaú.00 9999. you specify which bank account is to be used for payments. taking into account the bank calendar and any individual arrangements made with the bank. Vecto.999.999.999.3.SAP Best Practices Meio de pagamento C D E M P S T U Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Denominação Cheque Boleto Pagamento a vista TED STR .999. Pgto.00 9999.00 X X X X X X X X X X S/Otimização S/Otimização S/Otimização S/Otimização S/Otimização S/Otimização S/Otimização Y_J_1B_DUPLICATA Y_J_1B_CHECK Y_J1B_BOL_ITAU Y_J_1B_BORDERO Y_J_1B_BORDERO Y_J_1B_BORDERO Y_J_1B_BORDERO Y_J_1B_DME Y_J_1B_DME Y_J_1B_DME Y_J_1B_DME Y_J_1B_DME Y_J_1B_DME 5. You can have the system determine the value date. o Available amounts For each account at a house bank. Montante Mínimo Montante Máximo Pgto.Itaú Transferência The system contains the following settings for company code BP01: Meio Pgto.000. if required).999.01 9999. choose the activity Define Value Date Rules © SAP AG Page 84 of 177 .00 0.999. Outro Formulário A C D M S T U 0.Pagto. Indv. you make settings that the payment program uses to select the banks or bank accounts from which payment is to be made.999.000. you enter the amounts that are available for the payment run.Febraban . To do so. Seleção de Banco Formulário Sup.CIP . You enter separate amounts for incoming and outgoing payments. bank account. o Value date You specify how many days elapse between the posting date of the payment run and the value date at the bank.999. You define the following: o Ranking order of banks You specify which house banks are permitted and rank them in a list. Contr.00 4.999.999. payment amount. o Bank accounts For each house bank and payment method (and currency. dependent on the payment method.BRADESCO TED STR .BRADESCODOC (COMPE) TED .7. Bradesco e CNAB (didn’t understand how to acces) Use In this activity.00 9999.999.Itaú TED CIP . SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide o Expenses/Charges You define the charges that are printed on the bill of exchange forms (standard practice in Spain). Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBZP Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento automática →Seleção de meio de pagamento/de banco p/programa de pagamento → Instalar determinação de bancos para pagamentos /SMB41/VC_BANKDET_B510_J03 (Itaú)/SMBBR01/VC_BANKDET_B510_B29 /SMB41/VC_BANKDET_B511_J03 (CNAB)/SMBBR01/VC_BANKDET_B511_B29 /SMB41/VC_BANKDET_B512_J03 (Bradesco)/SMBBR01/VC_BANKDET_B512_B29 BC-Set 2. On the screen Modificar visão “Seleção de bancos”: síntese, make the following entries Ranking order Meio pgto A A A C C C D D D M M M P S S S T T T U U © SAP AG Page 85 of 177 Moeda BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL Seq.Hier 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 23 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 Banco empresa IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 BR01CNAB BR01 IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 SAP Best Practices Meio pgto U Moeda BRL Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Seq.Hier 3 Banco empresa CNAB Bank Accounts Banco empresa BR01 BR01 BR01 BR01 BR01 BR01 BR01 CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB IT01 IT01 IT01 IT01 IT01 IT01 IT01 A C D M S T U A C D M S T U BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C 111203 111303 111203 111303 111308 111309 111303 111201 111301 111201 111301 111305 111304 111301 Meio pgto A C D M S TP U Moeda BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL ID conta C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C Subconta bancária 111202 111302 111202 111302111306 111306 111307 111302 Available Amounts Banco empresa BR01 CNAB IT01 ID Conta C/C C/C C/C Dias 999 999 999 Moeda BRL BRL BRL Disponível p/ pagamento 10.000.000,00 1.000.000,00 100.000.000,00 Entrada prevista de pagt 10.000.000,00 1.000.000,00 100.000.000,00 © SAP AG Page 86 of 177 SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Value Date You can use other value date by each payment method and house bank, but it is not contemplated for this demonstration. Expenses/Charges You can use other value date by each payment method and house bank, but it is not contemplated for this demonstration. Define Payment Instructions (didn’t find it) Use You can enter instructions that control the way in which a payment is made for a credit institute at two different points in the system: o Via the instruction key (for example, in the vendor master record) o Directly when posting the invoice This specification then overrides the specification in the master record. Invoices sharing the same instructions are grouped together for payment by the payment program. If no instructions are defined in the document, the instructions from the instruction key in the master record are used as before. You can use possible entries to display which instructions can be used per format or country. In this activity you can, where required, define the instructions that can be entered during posting. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento automática →Meio de pagamento →Intercâmbio dados por sup.magn →Gravar instruções para pagamentos /SMB41/V_T015W1_B531_J03 BC-Set 2. On screen Modificar visão “Usuário das instruções”: síntese, make the following entries Pais BR BR BR BR BR BR Campo 1 1 1 1 1 1 Instr 1 2 4 5 6 7 Palavra-code 01 02 04 05 06 07 Texto da instrução Entrada Estorno Abatimento Abatimento estornado Vencimento modificado Campo 'Uso da empresa' modificado © SAP AG Page 87 of 177 Bradesco 5.Febraban .BRADESCO BOELTO – FEBRABAN / ITAÚ I1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 CA Pmnt Type © SAP AG Page 88 of 177 . Procedure 1. MP A A D D On screen Modificar visão “Chave de instruções”: síntese. You can specify the key in vendor master records or for house banks.Febraban-ItaúBradesco DOC COMPE .9 Define Instruction Keys (ready) Use In this activity you define an instruction key.Febraban .Itaú TED CIP .3. which controls what instructions for making a payment order are sent to participating banks. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB47 Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Saída de pagamento automática →Meio de pagamento → Intercâmbio dados por sup.7. make the following entries Instr Explicação 01 02 01 02 DUPLICATA – BRADESCO DUPLICATA – FEBRABAN / ITAÚ BOLETO .magn → Definir chave de instruções /SMB41/V_T015W_B135_J03 BC-Set 2.Bradesco TED STR. To carry out the activity.Itaú TED -STR .SAP Best Practices Pais BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Campo 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Instr 8 9 1 2 3 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Palavra-code 08 09 1 2 3 1 2 0 01 03 41 41 07 08 Texto da instrução Campo 'Seu número' modificado Ato notarial Protestar dias coridos Protestar dias uteis nao protestar baixar nao baixar No days Crédito C/C .Febraban-ItaúBradesco TED -CIP . You can set the system to output a suitable warning message. The block keys '*' and '+' in the master record have certain special features.7. This block key has been deleted. You should.Entered in the document If the block is entered in the master record.3. If you set block key * in the master record. not delete 'A' or use it for other purposes. The Not Changeable indicator must be set for the block key for payment release in Financial Accounting. all the items in the account are skipped in automatic payments.BRADESCO TED STR – FEBRABAN / ITAÚ TED CIP – FEBRABAN / ITAÚ TRANSFERÊNCIA – BRADESCO TRANSFERÊNCIA – FEBRABAN / ITAÚ 5. however. You can use block keys to block an open item or an account for payment as follows: 1. A block key set in the master record does not affect manual payments. The Change in Pmnt Prop.SAP Best Practices MP M M S T S T U U Instr Explicação 01 02 01 01 02 02 01 02 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide I1 2 3 4 2 2 6 5 4 3 1 1 CA Pmnt Type DOC COMPE – BRADESCO –DOC COMPE – FEBRABAN / ITAÚ TED STR – BRADESCO TED CIP . and is. In this case. 3. If you set block key + in the master record. A block key in the document only affects manual payments if the Manual Payments Block indicator is set for the block key.Defined in the master record or . all the items that have not been explicitly assigned a payment method are skipped. 2. © SAP AG Page 89 of 177 . This indicator is only relevant for payment orders. therefore. however. indicator for the block key specifies whether a block key can be set or removed in payment proposal processing. all the open items in this account are contained in the exception list. Note that block key 'A' is usually set automatically when a down payment is entered. not set here. therefore. since these items also have to be paid. message 671 for application area F5 has been set as a warning in message control. the block becomes effective if it has been . In automatic payments.10 Payment Block Reasons (ready) Use You can set payment block reasons in such a way that manual payment is prevented in addition to payment via the payment program. * A B N P R V Ignorar conta Bloqueado p/pgto. To carry out the activity. →Valores propostos para processamento de documento →Modificar controle de mensagens p/processamento de documento /SMB41/V_T100C_B130_J03 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 90 of 177 . Descrição Autorizado p/pgto. You can : o determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or In the footer. Prop.Pgto. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto →Saída de pagamento manual → Controlar motivos de bloqueio de pagamento /SMB41/V_T008_B090_J03 BC-Set 2. √ √ √ √ Modif.7. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Doc. Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the background. o switch off warnings and error messages. Ordem de pagamento Revisão de faturas Compensação de pgto. On the screen Modificar visão “Motivos p/bloqueio de pagamentos”: síntese . Bloqueio Manual Pgto 5.pgto. To carry out the activity. o change warnings into error messages.3. make the following entries: Cód. BR:pagam/o bloqueado Proc.11 Change Message Control for Payment Block (Proposal) Use In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. Procedure 1. you can define posting keys and special G/L indicators for postings that are only needed by the payment program.7. © SAP AG Page 91 of 177 . They are copied from the standard system: Transaction ZWE (= Payt program: bill exch/bill payt reqst) Chave de Lançamento Débito Chave de Lançamento Crédito 09 39 Transaction ZWO (= Payt program: bank bill liability) Chave de Lançamento Débito Chave de Lançamento Crédito 40 50 Transaction ZAF (= Payt program: payment request) Chave de Lançamento Débito Chave de Lançamento Crédito Código Razão Especial 29 39 F In this step. you define posting keys and special G/L indicators for postings. To carry out the activity. On screen Modificar visão “Controle das mensagens pelo usuário. make the following entries Transaction ZBA (= Payment program: bank posting) Chave de Lançamento Débito Chave de Lançamento Crédito 40 50 The following two entries are not relevant. On screen.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2.12 Prepare Automatic Postings for Payment Request. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto →Saída de pagamento automática →Lançamento automático →Preparar lançamentos automáticos p/programa de pagamento /SMB41/F30B_B131_J03 /SMB41/FB30_B132_J03 BC-Set 2. Procedure 1.3. (READY) Use In this step. make the following entries Nºmensagem 671 ‘ Diálogo W BTCi W 5.”: síntese.. These are only required by the payment program. SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide meio empresa /SMB41/VC_T042F_B136_J03 BC-Set 2.3. make the following entries: Empresa pagadora BP01 Formulário p/ aviso pgto J_1B_AVIS Formulário p/ nota acomp EDI J_1B_DME 3. To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBZP Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto →Saída de pagamento automática → Controlar motivos de bloqueio de pagamento → Atribuir formulários de pagamento p/meio pagto. To carry out the activity. make the following entries: Empresa pagadora BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 © SAP AG Page 92 of 177 Frm pgto A C D E M P J_1B_BORDERO J_1B_BORDERO J_1B_DME J_1B_DME Formulário p/ aviso pgto J_1B_DUPLICATA J_1B_CHECK J_1B_BOLETO_ITAU J_1B_DME Formulário p/ nota acomp EDI J_1B_DME . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto →Saída de pagamento automática → Controlar motivos de bloqueio de pagamento → Atribuir programa de suporte de pagto. On the screen Modificar visão “Atribuir formulários à empresa que paga”: síntese .13 Form definition: payment program: assign Payment Forms for Payment Method in Company Code (ready) Use In this activity you assign the forms you created to each payment method defined for a company empresa”: síntese .7. On the screen Modificar visão “Atribuir formulários ao meio de pagto. Procedure país /SMB41/VC_T042F_B136_J03 BC-Set 4. 8 5.8. To carry out the activity.2 Use Posting Keys for Clearing (ready) In this step. you define the additional fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying line items. The system uses these keys for line items to be created automatically.3. The payment program also uses these posting keys. © SAP AG Page 93 of 177 .5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu O7F8 Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Contas de clientes →Partidas individuais →Exibir partidas individuais →Exibir partidas individuais sem visor de listas ABAP →Selecionar campos adicionais /SMB41/F21R_B076_J03 BC-Set 2.8.3. you define posting keys for clearing transactions. Procedure 1. The standard posting keys are used. make the following entries Tipo de conta Selecionar clientes Selecionar fornecedores Campos adicionais clientes Campos adicionais fornecedores Posição 04 04 11 05 Campo VBUND VBUND VBUND VBUND BSEG Tabela 5. On screen Atualizar configuração de seleção de campos.1 Use Accounts Payable – Manual Clearing Define additional fields (ready) In this step.3.SAP Best Practices Empresa pagadora BP01 BP01 BP01 Frm pgto S T U Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Formulário p/ aviso pgto J_1B_BORDERO J_1B_BORDERO J_1B_BORDERO Formulário p/ nota acomp EDI J_1B_DME J_1B_DME J_1B_DME . BSID (customers). If possible. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade geral →Transações contábeis →Compensação de partidas em aberto →Preparar compensação automática /SMB41/V_TF123_B137_J03 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 94 of 177 . or BSIK (vendors).9 Use Accounts Payable . Procedure 1.autom.Automatic Clearing (inf. make the following entries: Clearing Procedure AUSGZAHL EINGZAHL GUTSCHRI UMBUCHNG Description Saída de pagamento Entrada de pagamento Crédito Transferência c/compensação .5. On screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXH Contabilidahde financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis →Saída de pgto → Configuração para saída de pagamento→ Efetuar e verificar opções para o documento→ Definir chave de lançamento para compensação /SMB41/F41A_B089_J03 BC-Set 2.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. you should choose fields that are also contained in table BSIS (G/L accounts). which you reach by choosing Tools -> ABAP Workbench and then Dictionary. You must enter the following standard criteria: .-contas .account type . To carry out the activity. You select these five additional criteria from the fields in table BSEG or BKPF.account number or a number interval You can also enter a further five criteria.3. The clearing program clears the open items that are grouped together if their total balance equals zero in local and foreign currency. You can determine the field names by displaying the tables in the Data Dictionary. To carry out the activity. mesage) In this activity you enter the criteria for grouping an account's open items for automatic clearing. 2 Define reconciliation account for customer down payments (READY) Use In this step.limite Partida Aviso Denominação Conta RzE crédito memo Compr. © SAP AG Page 95 of 177 .Lista .1. On the screen Atualizar configur.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2. make the following entries: Plano de contas Tipo de conta K De conta Até conta Critério 1 Critério 2 Critério 3 GSBER VBUND 00000000 9999999999 ZUONR .5. for example the posting keys for debit or credit.4. Click in New Entries and fill with the features: Características Tp Cod Relev. the posting is automatically made to this account instead of to the normal receivables account(reconciliation account).de contabilidade: Razão Especial . you define a special G/L indicator for down payments for customer account type (D). choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXR Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis → Adiantamentos recebidos→ Definir conta de reconciliação p/adiantamentos de clientes /SMB41/F74U_B139_J03 BC-Set 2. make the following entries.1 Define special G/L down payment customers indicator (ready) Use In this step. and setting the features of the special G/L indicator.1 Account Receivable – Down Payments 5. In the case of down payments or down payment requests.4. D D A F X X X X Adiantamento/solicitação adiantamento Solicit.adiantamento A Cod Chave Chave RzE Débito crédito Destino 09 09 19 19 5. To carry out the activity.4.4 Accounts Receivable .1. you define an account in which the customer down payments or down payment requests are managed in the general ledger.5. On the screen Modificar visão “Regras adicionais para compensação automática”: sín . Procedure 1. give doble click in each the Special G/L Indicator above and use the Plano de Contas 0050: Contas Plano Contas 0050 0050 Tp Conta D D Cod RzE A F Conta Reconc. To carry out the activity.3 Define alternative Reconciliation account for bills/exch receivable (ready) Use In this activity you define the a special G/L indicator for bill of exchange payments for customer account type (D). To carry out the activity. for example the posting keys for debit or credit. and setting the features of the special G/L indicator. make the following entries. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXR Contabilidade financeira →Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis → Adiantamentos recebidos→ Definir conta de reconciliação p/adiantamentos de clientes /SMB41/F74_B138_J03 BC-Set contabilidade: Razão Especial .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 3. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBYN Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos →Transações contábeis → Operações por letra de câmbio → Letra de câmbio a receber  Lançar letra de câmbio a receber  Definir conta de reconciliação diferente p/L/C a receber 5.Lista .Lista . Click in New Entries and fill with the features: Características Tp Cod Relev. make the following entries. On the screen Atualizar configur.4. This configuration will be used by payment automatic program to send yours receivables for banks. Procedure 4.1. On the screen Atualizar configur. Just check and change if necessary. 112000 112000 Conta Razão Esp. 21400 21400 contabilidade: Razão Especial .limite Partida Aviso Denominação Conta RzE crédito memo Compr. D R X L/C Solicitação L/C Cod Chave Chave RzE Débito crédito Destino W 09 © SAP AG Page 96 of 177 . When you post bills of exchange.1 Posting Keys (ready) Use When you enter incoming invoices and credit memos.4 Define Accounts for Bill of Exchange Transactions (ready) Use In this step.4.1. the system will post the entries to these accounts instead of to the normal receivables account (reconciliation account).2 Accounts Receivable – Invoices 5.4. 112001 . The following posting keys have been defined in the system for the various transactions for the group EGR “Incoming invoices”: Procedure 7. This way it is possible to keep bills of exchange separate from the normal receivables.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBYN Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos →Transações contábeis → Operações por letra de câmbio → Letra de câmbio a receber  Lançar letra de câmbio a receber  Definir conta de reconciliação diferente p/L/C a receber 6. make the following entries. 112000 Conta Razão Esp.4. give doble click in each the Special G/L Indicator above and use the Plano de Contas 0050: Contas Plano Contas 0050 Tp Conta D Cod RzE R Conta Reconc. you define you define the accounts in which bill of exchange payments are recorded in the general ledger.5. the posting keys for the open items and G/L account items are generated automatically by the system. You cannot change these keys when entering invoices and credit contabilidade: Razão Especial . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXJ Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis → Entrada de fatura/entrada de nota de crédito → Entrada fatura/nota crédito Enjoy  Gravar chave de lançamento para entrada de fatura/de crédito /SMB41/F30B_B072_J03 BC Set © SAP AG Page 97 of 177 . On the screen Atualizar configur. Procedure 6. To carry out the activity. Just check and change if necessary.Lista . To carry out the activity. de contabilidade: Lançtos.2. Procedure 8. make the following entries Transactn EGK EGS EGX Description Vendor item in incoming invoice G/L item in incoming invoice Vendor item with special G/L indicator Debit 21 40 29 Credit 31 50 39 5.2 Define Discount Base for Incoming Invoices READY Use In the SAP system.4. you define rules with a four-character key.4. To carry out the activity.3 Maintain Terms of Payment (ready) Use In this step. This enables the system to determine the required terms of payment automatically. make the following entries CoCd BP01 DiscBaseNt 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores →Transações contábeis → Entrada de fatura/entrada de nota de crédito → Define Cash Discount Base for Incoming Invoices /SMB41/V_001_M_B071_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configur. for example) are created (or changed) © SAP AG Page 98 of 177 .autom – Operações. For company code BP01.2. you can specify for each company code whether the cash discount amount is to be calculated on the basis of the gross amount (including tax) or the net amount (excluding tax). You assign the specified terms of payment using the key.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide On the screen Atualizar configur. The key can be • • • Stored in the master record of the customer/vendor account (in the purchasing or sales view and in the accounting view) Entered when the FI document is created (or changed) Entered when the logistics documents (in the purchase order and incoming invoice or in the order and the outgoing invoice. the cash discount amount is calculated on the basis of the gross contabilidade: Lançtos.autom – Operações. 1 Create Reasons for Reversal READY Use To reverse an accounting document. the baseline date for payment. Procedure 9.3. of days 00 Own explanation Payable immediately Due net Within 30 days Due net Within 45 days Due net Within 60 days Due net NT30 00 Within 30 days Due net 30 NT45 00 Within 45 days Due net 45 NT60 00 Within 60 days Due net 60 .3 Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable – Reversal 5. the day limit. you need to specify a reason for reversal.5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos →Transações contábeis → Operações por letra de câmbio → Letra de câmbio a receber  Atualizar condições de pagamento /SMB41/V_T052_B070_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configur. The reason for reversal is stored in the reversed document and determines whether • • A negative posting is generated when the document is reversed (this reduces the transaction figures) An alternative posting date to the one in the original document is permitted © SAP AG Page 99 of 177 .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide The terms of payment include settings for the payment terms.autom – Operações. make the following entries The system contains the following terms: Key NT00 Day Limit 00 Text/Meaning Payable immediately Due net contabilidade: Lançtos. and installment payments. To carry out the activity. The relevant tables are described in the following section. the transaction figures are increased when a document is reversed. 5. Pos. Company Code Negative Postings Allowed © SAP AG Page 100 of 177 . Dt.4.3. Postng Alt. a reverse posting is generally posted with offsetting posting keys. To carry out the activity. make the following entries The following reasons for reversal are created: Reason 01 02 03 04 05 Z1 Text Reversal in current period Reversal in closed period Actual reversal in current period Actual reversal in closed period Accrual/deferral posting Reversal in current period X X X X X X Neg.2 Permit Negative Postings READY) Use In the SAP system. in other words. To carry out a reverse posting in the SAP system.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 10. make the following entries The Negative Postings Allowed indicator is not set for company code BP01. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral →Transações contábeis → Laçamento de ajuste/estorno → Definir motivos de estorno /SMB41/T041C_B104_J03 BC Ser On the screen Modificar visão “Motivos para estorno ou para lançamento de estorno”. To carry out the activity. If the transaction figures are to be reduced when a document is reversed. note the following: • • The Negative Postings Allowed indicator must be set for the company code A reason for reversal that generates a negative posting must be used when a document is reversed Procedure 11. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC Set SPRO Contabilidade financeira → AR/AP →Transações contábeis → adjust postin/reversal → permit negative posting /SMB41/V_001_NP_B103_J03 On the screen Modificar visão “Atualização: lançamentos negativos na empresa”: sint. . you have to set various tables in Customizing. amount).SAP Best Practices BP01 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide . Procedure 12. document number. document type. To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de clientes → Partidas individuais → Exibir partidas individuais sem ALV  Definir estrutura de linha /SMB41/F212_B143_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração de composição de linha: Lista. you determine which information is to be made available on the screen when displaying line items (for example. Clearing Document Text Customer X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Vendor X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X © SAP AG Page 101 of 177 . Currency Amount in Foreign Cur.5. Currency Amount in Foreign Cur.4. Clearing Document Text Assignment Document Number Document Date Trading Partner Special G/L Ind. These variants contain the following fields: Line Layot Z02 Z02 Z02 Z02 Z02 Z02 Z02 Z02 Z03 Z03 Z03 Z03 Z03 Z03 Z03 Z03 Z03 Field Names BELNR XBLNR BLDAT UMSKZ WAERS WRSHB AUGBL SGTXT ZUONR BELNR BLDAT VBUND UMSKZ WAERS WRSHB AUGBL SGTXT Offset 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 Length 10 16 08 01 03 18 03 50 18 10 08 06 01 03 18 03 50 Description Document Number Reference Document Date Special G/L Ind.4. two additional line layout variants (Z02 – Reference document number and Z03 – Affiliated company) have been created for displaying the line items.4.1 Line Layout Variants for Displaying Line Items Use In this step.4 Accounts Receivable – Line Layout (same message 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBVU Contabilidade financeira → Ctas. two additional line layout variants (Z02 – Reference document number and Z03 – Affiliated company) have been created for displaying the line items. To carry out the activity.4. you define special fields of a document to be used for the Sort and Find functions in line item display Procedure 14.2 Additional Fields for Line Item Display: Customers (DIDN’T UNDERSTAND) Use In this step. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de clientes → Partidas individuais → Exibir partidas individuais sem ALV  Selecionar campos adicionais /SMB41/F21R_B142_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração de composição de linha: Lista. you define the additional fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying line items Procedure 13.3 Define special fields for search and sort Use (ready) In this activity.Razão → Partidas individuais → Exibir partidas individuais → Definir campos especiais para © SAP AG Page 102 of 177 .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5.4. To carry out the activity. These variants contain the following fields: Account Type D Table Name BSEG Field name VBUND 5.4.4. To carry out the activity.1 Define posting key and account for bank charges Use (ready) In this step.5. The system posts the cash discount amount to these accounts when clearing open items.4.5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXK Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de pagamentos → Definir contas para encargos bancários (clientes) /SMB41/F30B_B088_J03 /SMB41/F30_B087_J03 BC Set On the screen Exibir configuração contabilidade. enter the following values Transaction BSP Debit 40 Credit 50 Chart of Account 0050 Account 431102 5.5.4. © SAP AG Page 103 of 177 . you define the account numbers of your bank charges accounts. The system posts the charges amount you specify for a bank item when settling payment to these accounts Procedure 15. lançtos automáticos.2 Define posting key and account for cash discount loss (ready) Use In this step. you define the account numbers for your cash discount expense accounts.5 Accounts Receivable – Account Determination 5.4. enter with new value: Table Name BSEG Field name HBKID .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide procurar e ordenar /SMB41/T021S_B528_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Campos especiais de variantes de estrutura de linha. (Déb) (Créd) Indiv (Déb) Indiv (Créd) 05 08 02 18 15 11 17 06 06 02 04 16 16 11 14 Op. Transp Part. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de pagamentos → Definir chave de lançamento para compensação /SMB41/F41A_B089_J03 BC Set On the screen Exibir configuração contabilidade: Operações de compensação.RzE (Créd) 19 19 19 19 UMBUCHNG 07 © SAP AG Page 104 of 177 . To carry out the activity.4. enter the following values Transaction SKT Debit 40 Credit 50 Chart of Account 0050 Account 431101 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBXI Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de pagamentos → Definir contas para despesas por desconto /SMB41/F30B_B145_J03 /SMB41/F30_B144_J03 BC Set On the screen Exibir configuração contabilidade.5. The payment program uses these posting keys as well Procedure 17.RzE (Déb) 09 09 09 09 Op. enter the following values: Chave lçto para AUSGZAHL EINGZAHL GUTSCHRI Clientes LçtoComp LçtoComp Transp Part. To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 16.3 Define posting keys for clearing READY Use In this step. lançtos automáticos. you define posting keys that the system uses for automatically created line items during clearing procedures. (Déb) (Créd) Indiv (Déb) 25 28 21 27 3828 35 32 37 26 26 21 24 Transp Part.RzE Op. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de pagamentos → Gravar contas para diferenças de câmbio /SMB41/V_T030H_B086_J03 BC Set On the screen Determinação de contas p/ PA de diferenças de câmbio. para transferência Tipo doc (déb) Tipo doc(fornecedor) Tipo conta (CtaRz) AB AB AB 5. To carry out the activity.4 Define Accounts for Payment Differences with Alternative Currency (datos already in system) Use In this step.5. You define expense and revenue accounts for this purpose. the system posts the realized expense/revenue (realized exchange rate differences).RzE Déb (Déb) (Créd) 29 29 29 29 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 Créd 50 50 50 50 For “Clearing Procedure” UMBUCHNG make also the following entries Tipo de doc.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Fornecedores LçtoComp LçtoComp Transp Part. Procedure 18. When clearing open items. Indiv (Créd) 36 36 32 34 Contas Razão Op. enter the following values: Chart of Accounts 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 © SAP AG Page 105 of 177 G/L 111201 111202 111203 111301 111302 111303 Bal.4.sheet adj. you define the numbers of the accounts to which the system posts realized exchange rate differences automatically when it clears open items.1 230000 230000 230000 230000 230000 230000 Realized ex. Losses Realized ex.gains 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 Valuation loss 1 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 Valuation gain 1 . if they are to be posted during clearing • Procedure 19.4. To carry out the activity.4. Allocate a tolerance group to each customer via the master record.SAP Best Practices 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 112000 112001 112010 113103 113301 113302 114900 114901 115800 121000 121200 132200 211501 211502 212000 212001 212002 212010 212100 214000 541000 541000 541000 212017 541000 541000 541000 541000 541000 112017 541000 541000 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 . Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups. specify the following: • Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing open items The handling of the terms of payment for residual items.5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu © SAP AG Page 106 of 177 SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e .6 Use Accounts Receivable – Manual Payment 5. These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment settlement.6. For each tolerance group.1 Tolerance Groups for Customers In this step. you specify the tolerances for customers. SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de pagamento manual → Definir tolerâncias (clientes) BC Set /SMB41/V_T043G_B146_J03 3.5 99.0 1.0 100.2 Tolerance Groups for Employees Use In this activity.4.00 3.0 2.02 99.0 3.00 10. This way the system can post the difference by correcting the cash discount or by posting to a separate expense or revenue account.02 Despesa % 0.00 999.5 2.0 90.00 0. X X X Condições pgo fixas 0004 Chv.00 0.advert.00 1. © SAP AG Page 107 of 177 . you predefine various amount limits for your employees with which you determine: • • the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account the maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item the maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee.00 5.00 1. make the following entries Empresa Grp.residuais das diferenças de pagamento Condições pgo da fatura X X Conceder desc proporc.00 3. • • Payment differences are posted automatically within certain tolerance groups.0 Dados para lançamentos de part.00 3.0 1.0 Ajuste desc até 2.00 10. On the screen Modificar visão “Tolerâncias parceiros de negócios”: síntese .00 5.tole Tolerância rância até venct Mont BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 DEB1 DEB2 DEB3 DEB4 0 1 2 3 3 Diferenças de pagamento permitidas Receita % Ajuste desc Mont até 5.6.00 200. 2 5.00 999.00 0.00 90.50 3.00 10. 000. you define the additional fields via which the system is to make selections when displaying line items Procedure 21. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Contas de clientes → Partidas individuais → Exibir partidas individuais sem ALV  Selecionar campos © SAP AG Page 108 of 177 .tole rância Mont BP01 Diferenças de pagamento permitidas Receita % Ajuste desc Mont até Despesa % Ajuste desc até 10.residuais das diferenças de pagamento Montante por documento 1.00 100.4. which uses the chart of accounts 0050.000.3.8 Account Receivable – Manual clearing 5.2) Use In this step.00 Desconto por item documento 5.0 . As 5.5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de pagamento manual → Definir grupos de tolerância para funcionários /SMB41/V_T043T_B147_J03 BC Set 4.000.0 10. make the following entries Empresa Grp.1 Additional Fields for Line Item Display: Customers (same adjust.7 Accounts Receivable – Automatic Payment The following section refers to company code BP01.00 10.4. Configuration already described in item 5. To carry out the activity.4.00 Montante por item conta corrente 100. On the screen Modificar visão “Grupo Tolerância (FI) para usuário.0 Dados para lançamentos de part.4.000.7 Accounts Payable .8. To carry out the activity.00 10.000.0 100.5.Automatic Payment .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 20.4. If possible. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB74SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Transações contábeis → Compensação de partidas em aberto → Preparar compensação automática /SMB41/V_TF123_B148_J03/SMBBR01/V_TF123_B165_B29 BC-Set 4. make the following entries Plano de contas Tipo de conta D D De conta 1 A Até conta Critério 1 Critério 2 Critério 3 VBUND VBUND 9999999999 ZUONR Z ZUONR © SAP AG Page 109 of 177 .4. make the following entries Account Type D Table Name BSEG Field name VBUND . To carry out the activity.9 Use Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable – Automatic Clearing (ready) In this activity you enter the criteria for grouping an account's open items for automatic clearing. You select these five additional criteria from the fields in table BSEG or BKPF. you should choose fields that are also contained in table BSIS (G/L accounts).SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide adicionais /SMB41/F21R_B142_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração de composição de linha: Lista .5. You can determine the field names by displaying the tables in the Data Dictionary. Procedure 3. which you reach by choosing Tools -> ABAP Workbench and then Dictionary. BSID (customers). or BSIK (vendors). The clearing program clears the open items that are grouped together if their total balance equals zero in local and foreign currency. You must enter the following standard criteria: . On the screen Modificar visão “Regras adicionais para compensação automática”: sín .account type .account number or a number interval You can also enter a further five criteria. Procedure 23.Interest Calculation 5. make the following: Cód Juros © SAP AG Page 110 of 177 Denominção Tp Calculo .1 Maintain account determination (READY) In this step. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBV1 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros → Lançamento dos juros  Clientes cálculo de juros de mora /SMB41/OBV1_B180_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração de composição de linha: Lista . To carry out the activity.4.5. you define the specifications for posting the interest calculated as interest on arrears. make the following: Plano de contas 0050 0050 Simbolo de conta 0001 2000 G/L 333101 ++++++ 5.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide .10. Procedure 22.10.10 Use Accounts Receivable .2 Define Interest calculation type (message) Use In this step. To carry out the activity.4. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de intereses → Configurações globais cálculo de intereses  Definir tipos de cálculo de intereses /SMB41/V_T056_B105_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração de composição de linha: Lista . you create your interest indicators and determine whether they are to be used for the item interest calculation or account balance interest calculation.4. To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros → Configurações globais cálculo de juros  Preparativos para cálculo de juros de mora /SMB41/V_T056S_B106_J03 BC Set © SAP AG Page 111 of 177 . output control and for posting.4. To carry out the activity. You can make further specifications as to the subsequent processing of interest.10. you make specifications for the selection of items as well as for calculating interest. To do this. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros → Configurações globais cálculo de juros  Preparativos para cálculo de juros de mora /SMB41/T056U_B548_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Condições de juros: Detalhe. output control and for posting. You can make further specifications as to the subsequent processing of interest. Procedure 25.10. you make specifications for the selection of items as well as for calculating interest.4 Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation Use ( READY) In this step you make general specifications for each interest indicator for the calculation of interest on arrears.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide juros B1 Cálc. Procedure 24.juros BR P 5. To do this.3 Prepare Interest on Arrears Calculation (ready) Use In this step you make general specifications for each interest indicator for the calculation of interest on arrears.4. make the following: Código de juros B1 Seleção de itens Partidas em aberto e todas partidas liquidadas Tipo de calendário B 5. 6 Define Time-Based Terms (READY) Use In this activity you specify how the system determines an interest rate for each interest indicator.2000 Moeda BRL 5.10. Procedure 26.10. All other fields are purely informative. You can make these settings based on the currency and a validity date © SAP AG Page 112 of 177 .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide On the screen Modificar visão: Condições de juros: Detalhe.00 Sem Saldo pagamento incl.5 Define Reference Interest Rate (READY) Use In this step. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBAC Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros → Cálculo de juros  Definir taxas de juro de referência /SMB41/V_T056R_B158_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Definição taxa de juros de referência. To carry out the activity. make the following: Código de juros 02 Tipo Periodicidade Calendário juros G 1 Dia Montante liquidação limite 31 make the following: Juro Referência JUROSCLI Texto descritivo Juros p/ Clientes Texto breve Juros p/Cliente Data Desde 01. you define your reference interest rates by entering a key and a mnemonic name.Juros de juros X X 5. Procedure 28. Desde 01. you can specify which form is to be used for the letter on interest on arrears or account balance interest for each interest indicator.2000 Taxa juros 17. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros → Cálculo de juros  Entrar valores de juros /SMB41/V_T056P_B157_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Valores das taxas de juros referência.4. make the following: Juros Referência JUROSCLI Val.01.10.8 Assign Forms for Interest Indicator (READY) Use In this step.2000 N Seq 1 2 Txt descritivo Juros de mora a receber Juros de mora a pagar Montante 0.00 5. you specify the required interest rates dependent on the date for the reference interest rates.10. make the following: Cód Juros B1 B1 Moeda BRL BRL Vál. To carry out the activity.4. The forms defined here are used if no other form is specified when calculating interest.00 0.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 27.2000 01.0 5.01. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros → Cálculo de juros  Definir condições dependentes do tempo /SMB41/V_T056A2_B156_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Condições de juros dependents do tempo .01.7 Enter Interest Use Values (READY) In this step. Desde 01. To carry out the activity. © SAP AG Page 113 of 177 . To carry out the activity.4. It is currently used as a selection criterion for the credit data list. you can allocate every customer to a risk category. In a second step. make the following: Grp Cr Área controle Crédito BP01 Grupo 050 Grupo SAP Best Pract 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros → Impressão  Atribuir formulários para código de juros /SMB41/V_T056D_B159_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Formulários para calculo de juros: síntese .11. you define credit risk categories per credit control area.1 Define Groups (READY) In this activity you specify how the system determines an interest rate for each interest indicator. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Administração de créditos  Conta de controle de créditos  Definir grupos /SMB41/T691B_B546_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Grupo de admnistração de crédito. To carry out the activity.11 Use Credit Management 5.2 Define risk Categories Use (READY) In this step.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 29. make the following: Código de juros B1 Empresa BP01 Formulário F_DUZI_01 .5.11.4. You can make these settings based on the currency and a validity date Procedure 30. The credit risk category will control all credit reviews. © SAP AG Page 114 of 177 .4. 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBCJC1 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Livro caixa  Definir intervalo consecutivo de numeração para docs.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 31.5. make the following entries: Classe de risco 050 Área controle Crédito BP01 Denominação Classe de Risco .1. make the following entries: Empresa BP01 N Intervalo 01 De 0100000000 Até 0199999999 Externo © SAP AG Page 115 of 177 . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Administração de créditos  Conta de controle de créditos  Definir classes de risco /SMB41/V_T691A_B547_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Grupo de admnistração de crédito.1 Cash Journal 5.livro caixa /SMB41/IMGDUMMY_B182_J03 BC Set On the screen Número dcts para livro caixa.5 Bank Accounting .5. To carry out the activity. Each document then receives a unique number that does not clash with the G/L document number.Brasil . To carry out the activity. Procedure 32.1 Define Number Ranges Intervals for Cash Journal Documents (ready it saves automatic) Use You have to define a number range interval for cash journal documents.5. Change. and Delete Business Transactions ( ready) Use In this activity. The account currency is BRL.. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBCJC2 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Livro caixa  Criar. and delete business transactions for the cash journal. make the following entries: Empresa BP01 Tp doc de Clientes DZ N Livro Caixa 0050 Nome Conta Razão 111000 Moeda BRL Tp Doc Rz AB Tp Doc a Fornec KZ Tp Docto de fornc KZ Tp Doc a Clientes DZ CAIXA PEQUENO 5.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. Procedure 33.1. To carry out the activity.5. eliminar transações contábeis /SMB41/V_TCJ_TRANSACT_B183_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Visão d/ atualização p/ nomes d/ transact livro caixa . change. To carry out the activity.2 Use Setup Cash Journal (ready but need exxplain) To set up a new cash journal for a company code.1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC Set FBCJC0 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Livro caixa  Instalar livro caixa /SMB41/V_TCJ_C_JOURNL_B181_J03 On the screen Modificar visão: Visão de atualização p/ Livro Caixa.  In the master data. modificar. account 111000 the sort key has been set to 003 (document date) and the account text has been set to “PETTY CASH”. you can create. make the following entries: Empresa N TCon Ctg Trans Conta Razão Trans Cont Livro Caixa © SAP AG Page 116 of 177 .5.3 Create. Procedure 34. 5. you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence.5 Assign programs for correspondence types Use (ready) In this activity.SAP Best Practices BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E E E E E E E E C D Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 422206 422207 422400 414300 414301 414302 414303 422200 111301 111201 MATERIAL DE ESCRITÓRIO HIGIENE E LIMPEZA ALUGUÉIS E CONDOMÍNIOS ENERGIA ELÉTRICA ÁGUA TRANSPORTE COMUNICAÇÕES CORREIOS RETIRADA ITAÚ DEPOSITO ITAÚ 5. The selection variant is used when printing the requested correspondence. make the following entries: Programa RFKORD80 Formulário F140_CASH_DOC_01 5. Procedure 35.5.4 Define form Names for Correspondence Print Use (ready) In this activity.1. To carry out the activity. Correspondence Print program © SAP AG Page 117 of 177 .1. you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each correspondence type. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB96 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira  Correspondência  Gravar nomes de formulário para impressão de correspondência /SMB41/V_001F_B_B186_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Formulários para correspondências. This is usually necessary for companies with several company codes. you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB78 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira  Correspondência  Definir atribuição de reports para tipo de correspondência /SMB41/V_T048B_B185_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Atribuição programaa p/corr automática . since you also enter the printer on which you want your correspondence to be issued in the selection variant. To carry out the activity. letter footer and sender address. To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Payment notices Account statements Bill/exch. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBB1 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira  Correspondência  Gravar indicações de remetente p/formulário correspondência /SMB41/V_001G_B_B187_J03 BC Set © SAP AG Page 118 of 177 . Procedure 37.5.charges statements Internal documents Individual letters Document extracts Customer statement RFKORD00 RFKORD10 RFKORD20 RFKORD30 RFKORD40 RFKORD50 RFKORD11 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide You can distinguish your specifications by company code. This applies to the following: letter header.1.6 Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form (ready) Use In this activity. Procedure 36. make the following entries: Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 Correspondência YB006 YB008 YB013 YB014 Programa RFKORD10 RFKORD10 RFKORD11 RFKORD11 Variante YB006 YB008 YB013 YB014 5. Procedure 38. make following entries: Empresa BP01 Programa RFCASH00 Variante CASHPT Correspondência SAP18 .  Chart of account: 0050 Procedure 39.5.5. To carry out the activity.1. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Pagamentos  Extrato eletrônico da conta  Executar opções globais para o extrato de conta eletrônico © SAP AG Page 119 of 177 .2. make the following entries: Programa BP01 Header text ADRS_HEADER Footer text ADRS_FOOTER Signature text ADRS_SIGNATURE Sender ADRS_SENDER ID ADRS 5.2 Electronic Bank Statement 5.7 Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form Use In order to print the cash journal and the cash journal receipts.5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBCJ3 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Livro caixa  Instalar parâmetro de impressão p/livro caixa /SMB41/V_TCJ_PRINT_B184_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão:param impressão visão atualização p/ livro caixa. To carry out the activity. you have to set up the corresponding print program parameters per company code.1 Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement Use (READY) In this activity you make the global settings for the account statement.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide On the screen Modificar visão: Dados do remetente para correspondência .5. ENTRADAS BR .ENTRADAS BR . Simbolo de contas APLICAÇÃO BANCO BR . the G/L Acct field can contain a masked output. you create account symbols.SAÍDAS CPMF DESPESAS_BANCAR IOF OUTROS CRÉDITOS OUTROS DÉBITOS Modificação Moeda de contas + + + + + + + + + BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL Conta do Razão ++++121500 ++++1111++ ++++1112++ ++++1113++ ++++422604 ++++422513 ++++422605 ++++113110 ++++422515 © SAP AG Page 120 of 177 . the individual account symbols are replaced by the account to which items are to be posted.SAP Best Practices BC Set Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide /SMB41/V_T028B_B513_J03 /SMB41/V_T028B_B514_J03 /SMB41/V_T028B_B515_J03 Create Account Symbols: READY In this step. Símbolo de conta APLICAÇÃO BANCO BR .SAÍDAS CPMF DESPESAS_BANCAR IOF OUTROS CRÉDITOS OUTROS DÉBITOS Denominação Aplicação Banco BR – Entradas BR – Saídas CPMF Despesas Bancárias ( IOF Outros créditos Outros débitos Assign Accounts to Account Symbol: READY In this activity you define the account determination procedure for each individual account symbol.. To avoid you having to define a separate account symbol for each individual house bank account (each with a different G/L account and separate bank clearing accounts). You will need these symbols at a later stage to define the posting specifications. Before the posting rules are used. Regra de Texto contabilização B00C B00D B02D B03D B06D BBDC BBDD BRJC BRJD BX01 BX02 BX03 BX04 BX05 BX06 BX07 BX08 BX09 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX14 BX15 BX16 BX17 BX18 BX19 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 © SAP AG Page 121 of 177 Pagamento efetuado Pagamento efetuado (débitos) Entrada confirmada Entrada rejeitada Liquidação normal Entrada confirmada Entrada confirmada Entrada rejeitada Entrada rejeitada Cheque compensado Depósito Pagamento de CPMF Pagamento de IOF Pagamento de tarifa Transferência entre contas – entrada Transferência entre contas – saída Estorno de pagamento Estorno recebimentos Estorno de CPMF Estorno de IOF Estorno de tarifa Aplicação Resgate de aplicação Pagamentos Funcionários Outros débitos Pagamento de fornecedor Devolução de cheque compensado Transf. or debit memo. such as a check received. Each posting rule represents the business transaction on the bank statement in the SAP system. interbancária DOC/TED – entrada Saque eletrônico Cobrança Depósito especial . you create the descriptions for the required posting rules. interbancária DOC/TED – saída Devolução de cheque Transf. a credit memo.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Create Keys for Posting Rules: READY In this step. The posting specifications enable you to define how a particular business transaction (such as a credit memo) is to be posted. The first posting record is called posting area 1 and usually involves a G/L account posting (BANK ACCOUNT → CASH RECEIPT.ENTRADAS 50 © SAP AG Page 122 of 177 .SAÍDAS 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 BR . or affects both bank accounting and subledger accounting. for example).SAÍDAS BANCO BANCO BANCO BANCO BANCO APLICAÇÃO BANCO BR .SAÍDAS BANCO CPMF IOF 40 BR .ENTRADAS 50 DESPESAS_BAN SB CAR DESPESAS_BAN SB CARIAS BANCO APLICAÇÃO BANCO BANCO BANCO BANCO SB SB ZR SB ZR ZR BR . Depending on whether a posting transaction affects bank accounting only. which is optional. Regra de Area Chave Simbolo de Contabilizaçã contabilização lançto conta (Debito) o B06D 2 1 1 BX01 BX02 BX03 BX04 BX05 BX06 BX07 BX08 BX09 BX09 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX14 BX15 BX16 BX17 BX18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 BR . The second posting record. is called posting area 2 (CASH RECEIPT → CUSTOMER.SAÍDAS OUTROS DÉBITOS BR . or for both the first and second posting areas.ENTRADAS BANCO BR .ENTRADAS BANCO BANCO BANCO BR .ENTRADAS Chv lançto Simbolo de conta Tp Tp Motivo de (Credito) docto lançto estorno ZR ZJ ZJ ZR ZR SB SB SB ZR ZR ZJ ZJ SB SB 8 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z1 Z1 DESPESAS_BA 50 NCARIAS BANCO BR .SAÍDAS BANCO CPMF IOF 50 50 50 50 BANCO BR .SAP Best Practices BX25 Outros créditos Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Create Keys for Posting Rules: READY In this step. for example). Posting specifications comprise one or two posting records Debit → Credit. you define posting rules either for the first posting area only. you create posting specifications for each posting rule. SAÍDAS BR .SAÍDAS BANCO BANCO BANCO 50 50 50 50 50 50 BANCO BR .SAP Best Practices BX19 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 BX25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide BR . Create Transaction Type: NO DEJO HACER CAMBIOS In this step.ENTRADAS OUTROS CRÉDITOS ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR SB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  Returns collections/direct debits are posted to the account for other interim postings. Categoria de operação ITAU BRADESCO CNAB Denominação Brasil: Banco Itaú Brasil: Banco Bradesco Bancos padrão CNAB/240 Assign External Transaction Types to Posting Rules: In this step. since they need to be post processed. The entries here are separated by operation category Banco Itaú Categoria de Operação ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU © SAP AG Page 123 of 177 Operação Sinal Externa + / 00 00 02 03 06 09 BD BD BE BE + + + + + + + Regra Algor. you assign (external) business transaction codes to a posting rule (internal). House banks that use identical lists of business transaction codes (external transactions) can later be assigned to the same transaction type.SAÍDAS BANCO BANCO BR . which enables you to use the same posting specifications for different business transaction codes. Contabilização Interpretação B00D B00C B02D B03D B06D B02D BBDD BBDC BRJD BRJC 020 020 000 000 030 000 000 000 030 030 Ctg Processamento 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . you create the names and descriptions for the various transaction types required.ENTRADAS BANCO BR .ENTRADAS BR . Contabilização Interpretação B02D B03D B06D B02D BRJD BRJC B02D 000 000 030 000 030 030 000 Ctg Processamento 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 © SAP AG Page 124 of 177 .SAP Best Practices ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU ITAU RJ RJ TA TA 101 102 103 105 105 106 109 110 201 202 203 204 206 209 213 214 110 112 113 114 119 120 + + + + + + + + + + - Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide BRJD BRJC BRJD BRJC BX01 BX16 BX09 BX12 BX05 BX13 BX10 BX03 BX04 BX02 BX23 BX20 BX08 BX14 BX21 BX24 BX11 BX17 BX15 BX22 BX07 BX18 030 030 030 030 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Banco Bradesco Categoria de Operação BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO Operação Sinal Externa + / 02 03 06 09 P22 P22 P23 + + + + + + Regra Algor. SAP Best Practices BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO BRADESCO P23 P33 P33 P3301 P3301 P3302 P3302 101 102 103 105 105 106 109 109 110 110 112 113 114 117 119 120 201 202 206 209 213 214 203 204 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide B02D B00C B00D BRJD BRJC B00D B00C BX01 BX16 BX09 BX12 BX05 BX13 BX10 BX03 BX11 BX04 BX17 BX15 BX22 BX07 BX18 BX19 BX02 BX23 BX14 BX21 BX06 BX24 BX20 BX08 000 000 000 030 030 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Banco Padrão CNAB Categoria de Operação CNAB CNAB Operação Sinal Externa + / 00 00 + Regra Algor. Contabilização Interpretação B00D B00C 000 000 Ctg Processamento 00 00 © SAP AG Page 125 of 177 . SAP Best Practices CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB 00000 00000 01 02 03 06 AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ BA BB BC BD BD BE + + + + + + + Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide B00D B00C BRJC B02D B03D B06D BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BBDD BBDC BBDD 000 000 030 000 000 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 000 000 000 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 © SAP AG Page 126 of 177 . SAP Best Practices CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB CNAB BE BF BG CA CB CC CD CE CF RJ TA TA 101 102 103 105 105 106 109 109 110 110 112 113 114 117 119 120 201 202 206 209 213 214 203 204 + + + + + + + + + + + + Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide BBDC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJC BRJD BRJC BRJD BRJC BX01 BX16 BX09 BX12 BX05 BX13 BX10 BX03 BX11 BX04 BX17 BX15 BX22 BX07 BX18 BX19 BX02 BX23 BX14 BX21 BX06 BX24 BX20 000 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 © SAP AG Page 127 of 177 . SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Assign Bank Accounts to Transaction Type In this step. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Pagamentos electronic bank statement-.5 FF.5.6 FF.2. you can specify which programs the system offers for electronic bank statement processing.5 FF.5 FF. make the following entries: Código transação FF. Chave do banco 341 3417 237 237 777 7778 Conta bancária + 17990 + 26760-6 + 69755-6 Categoria de Oper ITAU ITAU BRADESCO BRADESCO CNAB CNAB 5. Procedure 40.6 FF_5 FF_5 FF_5 Nome Report RFEBFR00 RFEBGB00 RFEBJP00 RFEBKA00 RFEBKAJ0 RFEBKAP0 RFEBFR00 RFEBGB00 RFEBJP00 X X X X Variante RNE X X X © SAP AG Page 128 of 177 . To carry out the activity.Definir seleção de report e variante /SMB41/V_T020R_B193_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Seleção de programa em transações de reports . you assign each of your bank accounts to a transaction type.2 Define Program and Variant Selection Use (standard info) In this step.5 FF. you make specifications for certain bank-related transactions (for example. you assign a payment method (such as bank bill or check) to each house bankrelated transaction Procedure 42. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBA Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Operações por letra de câmbio  Apresentar letra de câmbio a receber no banco  Definir regras de valor /SMB41/V_T012C_B516_J03 /SMB41/V_T012C_B517_J03 /SMB41/V_T012C_B518_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Regra data valor para operações bancárias.5. Procedure 41. bill of exchange presentation. To carry out the activity.3 Define Value Date Rules (READY) Use In this activity.5.Duplicata 5.SAP Best Practices FF_5 FF_6 FF_6 RFEBKA00 RFEBKAJ0 RFEBKAP0 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide X 5. To carry out the activity.4 Assign Payment Method to Bank Transaction Use (READY) In this activity.Boleto Cobrança .Duplicata Cobrança . make the following entries: Empresa Banco Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BR01 CNAB CNAB IT01 IT01 I/D Conta Operação Regra Denominação C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C 009 1111 1112 111 I112 3 3 3 3 3 Cobrança Bradesco Cobrança .2.2. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBB Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Operações por letra de câmbio  © SAP AG Page 129 of 177 . incoming checks) for each house bank and each account.Boleto Cobrança . make the following entries: Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 MP A A A D D D Banco Empresa BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 I/D Conta C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C Operação 009 1111 I112 009 1112 111 Denominação Cobrança Bradesco Cobrança .2. house bank and account ID.5 Define DME User IDs Use In this activity.5.Boleto Cobrança .Duplicata 5.Boleto Cobrança . you define the user ID for bank transactions (for example. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBD Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Operações por letra de câmbio  Apresentar letra de câmbio a receber no banco  Gravar ID de usuário IDS /SMB41/V_T045T_B522_J03 /SMB41/V_T045T_B523_J03 /SMB41/V_T045T_B524_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: ID usuário para operações bancárias. each bank provides you a different user ID that you can associate by payment method. make the following entries: Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 © SAP AG Page 130 of 177 MP A A A D D D M Banco Empresa BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 I/D Conta C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C Ident. Procedure 43. bill of exchange presentation) . To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Apresentar letra de câmbio a receber no banco  Atribuir forma de pagamento a transação bancária /SMB41/V_T012A_B519_J03 /SMB41/V_T012A_B520_J03 /SMB41/V_T012A_B521_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Atrib meio pagto  operações bancárias.Duplicata Cobrança .Duplicata Cobrança . ISD 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 . 2.6 Maintain Currency Codes for DME (Brazil) Use (READY) In this activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores  Transações contábeis  Saída de pgto  Saída de pagamento automática  Meio de pagamento  Configurações específicas de país p/meio de pagamento  Atualizar códigos de moeda do DME (Brasil) /SMB41/V_J_1BFORCODE_B525_J03 /SMB41/V_J_1BFORCODE_B526_J03 /SMB41/V_J_1BFORCODE_B527_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Atualização p/ J_1BFORCODE make the following entries: Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 Banco Empresa BR01 CNAB IT01 Moeda BRL BRL BRL Cód Moeda R$ R$ R$ © SAP AG Page 131 of 177 . To carry out the activity.5. The system uses the currency codes maintained here when it prints boletos (for Accounts Receivable ) and generates DME files (for both Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable ). For Brazil The currency key for Brazilian real is BRL.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 M M S S S T T T U U U CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 BR01 CNAB IT01 C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 123 456 789 5. you maintain currency codes as they are to be represented on payment media. and the numerical code for the currency in DME files is 09 (as defined by FEBRABAN Procedure 44. both of which are triggered by the payment program. while the currency code to be printed on boletos is R$. you can deactivate it. If you do not want to work with the standard © SAP AG Page 132 of 177 .nr/vend) Extrato 02 Conta(Ref.Banco) Extrato Conta (Ref.5.Banco) Extrato Conta (Ref.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide .3 Use Manual Bank Statement (READY) 5. New variants must be activated after you create them. One variant is delivered as a default. Procedure 45. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT43 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Pagamentos  Extrato manual da conta  Definir variantes para extrato de conta manual /SMB41/OT43_B190_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar variante de entrada: Lista make the following entries: Variante Linhas BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP02 BP02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Denominação Extrato Conta (Ref.doc.3.Banco) Extrato Conta (Ref.1 Define Variants for Manual Bank Statement In this step you can create separate account assignment variants for the manual bank statement in order to adapt the arrangement and/or the selection of account assignment fields to your company-specific requirements.doc. It cannot be modified.Banco) Coluna Offset Comprim Campos 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 8 19 35 49 60 03 08 15 13 10 10 FEBMKA-VGMAN FEBEP-VALUT FEBMKA-KWBTR FEBMKKCHECT_KF FEBMKK-KUNNR FEBMKK-BELNR FEBMKA-VGMAN FEBEP-VALUT Extrato 01 Conta(Ref.Banco) Extrato Conta (Ref. To carry out the activity.5.Banco) Extrato Conta (Ref.5. To carry out the activity. © SAP AG Page 133 of 177 . the individual account symbols are replaced by the account to which items are to be posted. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Pagamentos  Extrato manual da conta  Definir chaves e regras de lançamento p/extrato conta manual /SMB41/V_T028H_B189_J03 BC Set Create Account Symbols: In this Extrato Conta (Matchcode) Extrato Conta (Matchcode) Extrato Conta (Matchcode) Extrato Conta (Matchcode) Extrato Conta (Matchcode) Extrato Conta (Matchcode) 01 02 03 04 05 06 19 35 52 63 03 08 19 35 43 51 15 7 7 10 15 16 10 10 FEBMKA-KWBTR FEBMKK-XBLNR FEBMKK-KUNNR FEBMKK-LIFNR FEBMKA-VGMAN FEBEP-VALUT FEBMKA-KWBTR FEBMKKKUNNR_MC FEBMKKLIFNR_MC FEBMKK-BELNR Extrato 04 Conta(Ref. You will need these symbols at a later stage to define the posting specifications. Before the posting rules are used.doc.2 Define Posting Keys and Posting Rules for Manual Bank Statement Use In this activity you store the posting keys and posting rules for manual bank statement  Chart of account: 0050 Procedure 46.doc. you create account Extrato 05 Conta(Ref.SAP Best Practices BP02 BP02 BP02 BP02 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Extrato 03 Conta( Extrato 06 Conta(Ref.doc. a credit memo. To avoid you having to define a separate account symbol for each individual house bank account (each with a different G/L account and separate bank clearing accounts).SAÍDAS CPMF DESPESAS_BANCAR IOF OUTROS CRÉDITOS OUTROS DÉBITOS Modificação Moeda de contas + + + + + + + + + BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL Conta do Razão ++++121500 ++++1111++ ++++1112++ ++++1113++ ++++422604 ++++422513 ++++422605 ++++113110 ++++422515 Create Keys for Posting Rules: In this step. the G/L Acct field can contain a masked output.ENTRADAS BR . Simbolo de contas APLICAÇÃO BANCO BR . such as a check received..SAP Best Practices Símbolo de conta APLICAÇÃO BANCO BR . or debit memo. Regra de Texto contabilização B00C B00D B02D B03D B06D © SAP AG Page 134 of 177 Pagamento efetuado Pagamento efetuado (débitos) Entrada confirmada Entrada rejeitada Liquidação normal . you create the descriptions for the required posting rules. Each posting rule represents the business transaction on the bank statement in the SAP system.SAÍDAS CPMF DESPESAS_BANCAR IOF OUTROS CRÉDITOS OUTROS DÉBITOS Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Denominação Aplicação Banco BR – Entradas BR – Saídas CPMF Despesas Bancárias ( IOF Outros créditos Outros débitos Assign Accounts to Account Symbol: In this activity you define the account determination procedure for each individual account symbol.ENTRADAS BR . The posting specifications enable you to define how a particular business transaction (such as a credit memo) is to be posted. or for both the first and second posting areas. interbancária DOC/TED – saída Devolução de cheque Transf. The first posting record is called posting area 1 and usually involves a G/L account posting (BANK ACCOUNT → CASH RECEIPT. for example). © SAP AG Page 135 of 177 . interbancária DOC/TED – entrada Saque eletrônico Cobrança Depósito especial Outros créditos Create Keys for Posting Rules: In this step.SAP Best Practices BBDC BBDD BRJC BRJD BX01 BX02 BX03 BX04 BX05 BX06 BX07 BX08 BX09 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX14 BX15 BX16 BX17 BX18 BX19 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 BX25 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Entrada confirmada Entrada confirmada Entrada rejeitada Entrada rejeitada Cheque compensado Depósito Pagamento de CPMF Pagamento de IOF Pagamento de tarifa Transferência entre contas – entrada Transferência entre contas – saída Estorno de pagamento Estorno recebimentos Estorno de CPMF Estorno de IOF Estorno de tarifa Aplicação Resgate de aplicação Pagamentos Funcionários Outros débitos Pagamento de fornecedor Devolução de cheque compensado Transf. you create posting specifications for each posting rule. or affects both bank accounting and subledger accounting. Depending on whether a posting transaction affects bank accounting only. Posting specifications comprise one or two posting records Debit → Credit. you define posting rules either for the first posting area only. The second posting record. for example). is called posting area 2 (CASH RECEIPT → CUSTOMER. which is optional. SAÍDAS BR .ENTRADAS ZR ZJ ZJ ZR ZR SB SB SB ZR ZR ZJ ZJ SB SB 8 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z1 Z1 DESPESAS_BAN 50 CARIAS BANCO BR .SAÍDAS BANCO CPMF IOF 50 50 50 50 BANCO BR .ENTRADAS BANCO BR .ENTRADAS OUTROS CRÉDITOS SB SB ZR SB ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR ZR SB BR .SAÍDAS BANCO BANCO BANCO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 BR .SAÍDAS BANCO BANCO BR .ENTRADAS BR .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Regra de Area Chave Simbolo de conta Chv lançto Simbolo de conta Tp docto Tp Motivo Contabilizaçã contabilização lançto (Debito) (Credito) lançto de o estorno B06D BRJC BRJD BX01 BX02 BX03 BX04 BX05 BX06 BX07 BX08 BX09 BX09 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX14 BX15 BX16 BX17 BX18 BX19 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 BX25 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 BR .SAÍDAS BANCO BANCO BANCO BANCO BANCO APLICAÇÃO BANCO BR .ENTRADAS 50 © SAP AG Page 136 of 177 .SAÍDAS OUTROS DÉBITOS BR .SAÍDAS BR .SAÍDAS BANCO CPMF IOF 40 BR .ENTRADAS 50 DESPESAS_BANC SB AR DESPESAS_BANC SB ARIAS BANCO APLICAÇÃO BANCO BANCO BANCO BANCO BANCO BR .ENTRADAS BANCO BR .ENTRADAS BANCO BANCO BANCO BR . SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. To carry out the activity. Several business transactions usually refer to the same posting rule.3.3 Create and Assign Business Transactions Use (READY) In this step you store an indicator for each business transaction and allocate a posting rule to each business transaction. make the following entries: Operação Sinal APLC APLD CHDD CHQC CHQD CMFC CMFD COBC COBC CRED DEBT DEPC DPEC ESTC ESTD FNCD FRND IOFC IOFD SQUE TARC TARD © SAP AG + + + + + + + + + + + - Regra Contab BX14 BX13 BX18 BX20 BX01 BX10 BX03 BX23 BX23 BX25 BX16 BX02 BX24 BX08 BX09 BX15 BX17 BX11 BX04 BX22 BX12 BX05 Texto Resgate de aplicação Aplicação Devolução de cheque compensado Devolução de cheque Cheque Compensado Estorno de CPMF Pagamento de CPMF Cobrança Outros créditos Outros débitos Depósito Depósito especial Estorno de pagamento Estorno recebimentos Pagamentos Funcionários Pagamento de fornecedor Estorno IOF Estorno de IOF Saque eletrônico Estorno de tarifa Pagamento de tarifa Transferência entre contas Page 137 of 177 . Procedure 47. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT52 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade bancos  Transações contábeis  Pagamentos  Extrato manual da conta  Criar e atribuir transações contábeis /SMB41/OT43_B190_J03 BC Set On the screen Modifica visão:Operações do extrato de conta manual.5. interbancária DOC/TED . make the following entries: Plano de Contas 0050 0050 Transação Ch Lancto Deb BNG GNB 40 40 Ch Lancto Cred 50 50 Conta Conciliação Conta Ajuste 212100 212100 Conta destino 114902 212101 212100 212100 5.1.6. this activity you define the numbers of the adjustment and target accounts for the automatic postings for the GR/IR clearing account Procedure a.1 Current Assets 5.1 Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing Use (READY) The goods receipt/invoice receipt (GR/IR) clearing account is posted to whenever you receive goods that have not been invoiced yet or whenever you receive invoices for goods that have not been delivered yet.1.5. © SAP AG Page 138 of 177 . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBYP Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Reclassificar  Gravar contas de ajuste p/compensação EM/EF /SMB41/F30B_B115_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos autom .entrada TRCC TRCD TRIC TRID + + - BX06 BX07 BX21 BX19 Transferência entre contas .6 Closing Activities . interbancária DOC/TED .saída Transf.6. To carry out the activity.Contas.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide .saída Outros créditos .5.6.2 Define Retained Earnings Account Use (READY) You assign a retained earnings account to each P&L account by specifying a P&L statement account type in the chart of accounts area of each P&L account.entrada Transf. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB53 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Transportar  Determinar conta do resultado transportado /SMB41/F30_B114_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos autom .  Interv. the system carries forward the balance of the P&L account to the retained earnings account. For each number range you specify (among other things): a number interval from which document numbers are selected and the type of number assignment (internal or external) Procedure c.1.numeração doc /SMB41/SNUM_B113_J03 Transaction Code On the screen Intervalo de numeração para documento contábil.6. Procedure b. IMG Menu BC Set To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide At the end of a fiscal year. make the following entries: Plano de contas 0050 Tp conta resultados X Conta 244000 5.3 Define Document Number Ranges Use (READY) In this activity you create number ranges for documents. make the following entries: Empresa BP01 N Intervalo X1 Ano 2004 De Até Externo 9100000000 9199999999  The BC7 will create intervals from 2002 to 2030 © SAP AG Page 139 of 177 . choose one of the following navigation options: FBN1 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira  Doc. You can define one or more P&L statement account types per chart of accounts and assign them to retained earnings accounts. To carry out the activity.Contas. make the following entries: Tp Conta D D D K K K S S S S S Nome campo BSEGMWSKZ BSEGWMWST BSEGWRBTR BSEGMWSKZ BSEGWMWST BSEGWRBTR BSEGMWSKZ BSEGWRBTR COBLAUFNR COBLKOSTL COBLPRCTR Empresa Campo pode Per Contábil não ser modificado foi encerrado X X X X X X X X X X X © SAP AG Page 140 of 177 .Document change rules line item /SMB41/VV_TBAER_V2_B112_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Regras de modificação de documento. To carry out the activity.1.4 Document Change Rules. you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed. Line Item Use (READY) In this activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira  document types  Rules for changing document----.6. Procedure d.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. Procedure 48. output control and for posting. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros Contas balanço → Configurações globais cálculo de juros  Preparativos para cálculo de juros de mora /SMB41/V_T056S_B106_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Condições de juros: Detalhe. To do this.5 Define Interest calculation type Use (READY) In this step.6. make the following: Código de juros 02 © SAP AG Page 141 of 177 Tipo calendário G Periodicidade Dia Montante juros liquidação limite 1 31 0.Juros de juros X X . you make specifications for the selection of items as well as for calculating interest. Procedure 49. you create your interest indicators and determine whether they are to be used for the item interest calculation or account balance interest calculation.6.6 Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation Use (READY) In this step you make general specifications for each interest indicator for the calculation of interest on arrears. You can make further specifications as to the subsequent processing of interest. To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros → Configurações globais cálculo de juros  Definir tipos de cálculo de juros /SMB41/V_T056_B105_J03 BC Set Cód Juros B1 On the screen Atualizar configuração de composição de linha: Lista . To carry out the activity.00 Sem Saldo pagamento incl.1.1.juros BR Tp Calculo juros P 5. make the following: Denominção Cálc.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. 01. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBAC Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros Contas balanço → Cálculo de juros  Definir taxas de juro de referência /SMB41/V_T056R_B158_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Definição taxa de juros de referência.2000 Moeda BRL 5. Procedure 50.1.7 Define Reference Interest Rate Use READY In this step.2000 01. you define your reference interest rates by entering a key and a mnemonic name.2000 N Seq 1 2 Txt descritivo Juros de mora a receber Juros de mora a pagar Montante 0.8 Define Time-Based Terms Use (READY) In this activity you specify how the system determines an interest rate for each interest indicator.6. make the following: Juro Referência JUROSCLI Texto descritivo Juros p/ Clientes Texto breve Juros p/Cliente Data Desde 01. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → bank accounting→ account balance interest calculation → specify time-based terms /SMB41/V_T056A2_B108_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Condições de juros dependents do tempo . To carry out the activity.00 © SAP AG Page 142 of 177 .1.01.00 0.6. make the following: Cód Juros B1 B1 Moeda BRL BRL Vál. All other fields are purely informative.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. You can make these settings based on the currency and a validity date Procedure 51. To carry out the activity. Desde 01.01. 01. Desde 01.1.9 Enter Interest Values (no encontre procedimiento) Use In this step. make the following: Texto descritivo Juros de mora a receber Juros a receber sobre o saldo Juros de mora a pagar Juros a pagar sobre o saldo © SAP AG Page 143 of 177 Texto Breve JurReceb JurReceb JurPagar JurPagar Módulo de função CREDIT_INT_RATE_DETERMINE INT_RATE_DETERMINE DEBIT_INT_RATE_DETERMINE INT_RATE_DETERMINE . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros Contas balanço → Cálculo de juros  Definir módulo de função para determinação de taxas juros /SMB41/V_T056B_B110_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Módulo função para determinação da taxa de juros . To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Transações contábeis → Cálculo de juros Contas balanço → Cálculo de juros  Entrar valores de juros /SMB41/V_T056P_B109_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Valores das taxas de juros referência.0 5. Procedure 52. make the following: Juros Referência JUROSCLI Val. you specify the required interest rates dependent on the date for the reference interest rates.6.10Specify Function Module for Interest Rate Determination (no encontre procedure) Use In this activity.2000 Taxa juros 17.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5.6. Procedure 53.1. To carry out the activity. you can specify your own function modules instead of the function modules delivered with the standard system. Operações . make the following: Plano de Contas 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 Transação Conta Razão 111201 111202 111203 111301 111302 111303 112000 112001 112010 113103 113301 113302 114900 114901 115800 121000 Ajuste balanço 1 Dif realiz despesas 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 Dif realiz Receita 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 Avalizção despesa Avaliação receita KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF 541000 112017 541000 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 331103 331103 541000 431103 431103 431103 431103 331103 541000 431103 431103 331103 © SAP AG Page 144 of 177 .5. To carry out the activity.6.2.2 Receivables/Payables 5.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide .6. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBA1 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Transações contábeis → Encerramento  Avaliar  Avaliação em moeda estrangeira  Preparar lançamentos automáticos p/avaliação de moeda estrng /SMB41/F30B_B117_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Laçtos autom . Procedure 54.1 Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation (READY) Use I In this activity you define the numbers of the accounts to which you want the system to automatically post exchange rate differences when valuating open items and foreign currency balances. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBV Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Reclassificar  Gravar contas de ajuste para contas a receb. make the following: Plano de Contas 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 Transação V01 V01 V03 V03 V04 V04 Chv lçto deb 40 40 40 40 40 40 Chv lçto crd 50 50 50 50 50 50 Conta conciliação 112000 112010 212000 212010 212000 212010 Conta Ajuste 112009 112019 212009 212019 212009 212019 Conta destino 121009 121019 221009 221019 221009 221019 © SAP AG Page 145 of 177 . Procedure 55.2.6.Operações ./pagar por prazo residual /SMB41/F30B_B119_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Laçtos autom .SAP Best Practices 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF KDF 121200 132200 211501 211502 212000 212001 212002 212010 212100 214000 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 541000 431103 431103 431103 431103 541000 541000 541000 212017 541000 541000 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 431103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 331103 431103 331103 5.2 Define Adjustment Accts for Receivables/Payables by Maturity Use ( inf. Already there) In this activity you define the numbers of the accounts required for the adjustment postings that sort the receivables and payables according to their maturity (remaining term). To carry out the activity. SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5.6.modificadas /SMB41/F30B_B120_J03 BC Set © SAP AG Page 146 of 177 . Postings are made to these accounts to sort the open items. To carry out the activity.2.6. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBV Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Reclassificar  Gravar contas de ajuste p/contas de reconcil. Postings are made to these accounts to sort the open items.5 Define Adjustment Accts for Changed Reconciliation Accounts Use In this activity you define the numbers of the accounts for the automatic transfer postings which are made if the reconciliation accounts are changed. To carry out the activity.6.3 Define Adjustment Accts for Changed Reconciliation Accounts Use In this activity you define the numbers of the accounts for the automatic transfer postings which are made if the reconciliation accounts are changed. make the following: Plano de Contas 0050 0050 0050 0050 Transação A00 A00 A00 A00 Chv lçto deb 40 40 40 40 Chv lçto crd 50 50 50 50 Conta conciliação 112000 112010 212000 212010 Conta Ajuste 112008 112018 212008 212018 5. Procedure 57.2. Procedure 56.Operações .2. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBV Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Reclassificar  Gravar contas de ajuste p/contas de reconcil.modificadas /SMB41/F30B_B120_J03 BC Set On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Laçtos autom .4 5. make the following: Plano de Contas 0050 0050 Transação A00 A00 Chv lçto deb 40 40 Chv lçto crd 50 50 Conta conciliação 112000 112010 Conta Ajuste 112008 112018 5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira  Correspondência  Gravar indicações de remetente p/formulário correspondência © SAP AG Page 147 of 177 .2.7 Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form Use (ready) In this activity.6. you define the names of the forms which are to be used for printing the correspondence Procedure 58. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira  Correspondência  Gravar nomes de formulário para impressão de correspondência /SMB41/V_001F_B_B127_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão Formulários para correspondência.6 Define Form Names for Correspondence Print Use (ready) In this activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Laçtos autom . This applies to the following: Letter header. make the following: Programa J_1BLFDI Titulo Pgrm DIRF Formulário Y_J_1BCERTIFICAT 5. To carry out the activity.6.2. you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code.Operações . letter footer and sender address Procedure 59. To carry out the activity. Procedure 60.SAP Best Practices BC Set Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide /SMB41/V_001G_B_B128_J03 On the screen Modificar visão Dados do remetente para correspondência . To carry out the activity. make the following: Programa SAPF130D SAPF130K ID Texto ADRS ADRS Txt cabeçalho ADRS_HEADER ADRS_HEADER Txt Rodapé ADRS_FOOTER ADRS_FOOTER Txt assinatura ADRS_SIGNATURE ADRS_SIGNATURE Remetente ADRS_SENDER ADRS_SENDER 5. With the valuation method. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB59 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração geral  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Avaliar  Avaliação em moeda estrangeira  Definir métodos de avaliação /SMB41/V_T044A_B116_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão Métodos de avaliação da moeda estrangeira . make the following: Método de avaliação ZBR1 Descrição Exib Partida individual X Def Ctg Tx cambio fatura X Utilizar Garantia Cambio X Método Brasil – Avaliação Moeda Estrang(câmbio M) Tp documento SA Avaliar sempre X Ctg câmbio saldo credor M © SAP AG Page 148 of 177 . you group specifications together which you need for the balance and individual valuation. you define your valuation methods for the open items.8 Use Define Valuation Methods (READY) In this step.6.2. /SMB41/V_T044LA_B118_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão Métodos de lista ordenada. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBU Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Reclassificar  Def.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5. To carry out the activity.6. make the following: Fornecedores Matriz SAP A partir (prazo) 000 Unidade tempo Ano Significado Obrigaçs c/ prazo residual <1 Obrigaçs c/ prazo residual 1a5 Obrigaçs c/ prazo residual >5 Lçto Cliente X Lçto Forn Lçto Razão X CTA V02 SAP 001 Ano X X X V03 SAP 005 Ano X X X V04 Clientes Matriz SAP SAP A partir (prazo) 000 001 Unidade tempo Ano Ano Significado Créditos < 1 ano Créditos > 1 ano X Lçto Cliente Lçto Forn X X Lçto Razão X X CTA V00 V01 © SAP AG Page 149 of 177 . Para cada período./pagamtos.método de ordenação e contas correção reestruturação recebim.9 Define Sort Method and Adjustment Accts for Regrouping Receivables/Payables (no entendi) Use En esta actividad se define el método de clasificación. proveedor. Usted define los plazos de los restantes términos de los créditos y débitos. o G/L account. se puede especificar si la transferencia de envíos se harán para el cliente. Procedure 61.2. 6.6. make the following: Standard Posting Keys Operação ESA ESE MWS NAV VST IC1 ICC ICP ICX ICZ INX MW1 MW2 Debit 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Credit 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 © SAP AG Page 150 of 177 . To carry out the activity. Procedure 62.5.1 Define Tax Accounts Use (standard info) In this activity.  Definir contas de imposto /SMB41/F30B_B044_J03 On the screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos autom .3. The system determines these accounts for automatic postings.3 Closing Period Reports 5.Operações .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide . you specify the accounts to which the different tax types are to be posted. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu BC Set OB40 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira  IVA  Lançto. SAP Best Practices MW3 MW4 VS1 VS2 VS3 PIO COC ESA 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Tax Account determination Plano de contas 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 Operação ESA IC1 IC1 ICC ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX ICX C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 CF CT SD C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 CF SD Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 IF SD Código IVA Conta Razão 323200 213000 213000 213007 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 323100 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 Conta Razão 323200 213000 213000 213007 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 213000 323100 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 213001 © SAP AG Page 151 of 177 . SAP Best Practices 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 ICX ICX ICZ INX MW1 MW1 MW1 MW1 MW1 MW1 MW1 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW2 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW3 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 MW4 O0 O1 S0 SD SI U1 O0 O1 S0 SD SI SZ U1 A0 A1 B1 O0 O1 S0 SD SI SZ U1 ZF O0 O1 S0 SD SI U1 Z6 Z7 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 113202 113202 213000 421105 213100 216100 216100 213100 213100 213100 216200 213000 213000 213000 213000 216110 216110 213000 213000 213000 213000 216210 213000 213000 216120 216120 213000 213000 213000 213000 216220 213200 216130 216130 213200 213200 213200 216230 113202 113202 213000 421105 213100 216100 216100 213100 213100 213100 216200 213000 213000 213000 213000 216110 216110 213000 213000 213000 213000 216210 213000 213000 216120 216120 213000 213000 213000 213000 216220 213200 216130 216130 213200 213200 213200 216230 © SAP AG Page 152 of 177 . SAP Best Practices 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 PIO VS1 VS2 VS3 VST Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 113207 113201 113202 113202 213600 113207 113201 113202 113202 213600 Rules for Determination of Standard Accounts Operação AKO AUM BO1 BO2 BO3 BSV BSX COC DIF EIN EKG ESA FR1 FR2 FR3 FR4 FRE FRL FRN GBB HRC HRP HRT IC1 ICC ICP ICX ICZ X X X X X X X X X X X X Código Agrp Conta Modif Avaliação Classe Avaliação Deb/ Cred © SAP AG Page 153 of 177 . SAP Best Practices INX KDM KDR KDV KON KTR LKW MW1 MW2 MW3 MW4 MWS OFF PIO PRD PRK PRP PRQ PRV PRY QST RAP RKA RUE SKE SKT SKV TXO UMB VS1 VS2 VS3 VSK VST WGI WGR WIT WRX X X X X X X X X Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide X X © SAP AG Page 154 of 177 . 6.contas especiais /SMB41/J_1BLB08_B529_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Registro de apuração do IPI: Controle da lista de ct . Procedure 63. To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices WRY YB1 YB2 YB3 ZDI WPA WPM Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide X X 5.Special Accounts Use (no entendi procedure) In this step. you can assign the accounts from which the data for the Demonstrativo de Créditos and the Demonstrativo de Débitos of the Registro de Apuração do IPI (Modelo 8) will be taken to build up the respective rows of this report.2 Modelo 8 . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira  Contabilidade geral  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Declarar  Reporting oficial Brasil  Modelo 8 .3. make the following: Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 © SAP AG Page 155 of 177 Local de Negócio BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP02 BP02 Linha 4 5 7 10 11 12 4 5 Sequência 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 Razão 213108 213107 213109 213106 213110 213105 213114 213113 Cód Cliente/Forn Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a débito . you can assign the accounts from which the data for the Demonstrativo de Créditos and the Demonstrativo de Débitos of the Registro de Apuração do ICMS (Modelo 9) will be taken to build up the respective rows of this report.3 Modelo 9 . To carry out the activity.3. Procedure 64.6.contas especiais /SMB41/J_1BLB09_B530_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Registro de apuração do ICMS: Controle da lista de ct . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira  Contabilidade geral  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Declarar  Reporting oficial Brasil  Modelo 9 .Special Accounts Use (no entendi ptocedure) In this step.SAP Best Practices BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP02 BP02 BP02 BP02 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP01 7 10 11 12 4 5 7 10 11 12 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 213115 213112 213116 213111 213120 213119 213121 213118 213122 213117 Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a débito Somente Valores a Crédito 5. make the following: Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 © SAP AG Page 156 of 177 Local de Negócio BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP02 BP02 BP02 BP02 Linha 2 3 6 7 9 12 2 3 6 7 Sequência 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 Razão 213005 213006 213007 213008 213009 213010 213011 213012 213013 213014 Cód Cliente/Forn Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Débito . 7 Intercompany Settings This document describes the settings in the SAP R/3 component SAP FI that differ from those in the standard system.1 Use Enter Global Parameters You can make various global specifications for the company code. the chart of accounts and the fiscal year variant.period. For the configuration data of this section please refer to the subordinate section BC Set Configuration Data. In addition.contab.tesouraria ativa Propor data Adm bens efetiva materiais ativa X X X © SAP AG Page 157 of 177 . Procedure 65. This includes. you can look at the most important specifications of the company code at any time in the overview. make the following: Plano Sociedade Área Área Var Var.doc campo contas créd finance 0050 BP0001 BP01 BP01 K4 2 Propor exercício X BP01 BP01 Desvio máx.7.status Var. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira  Configuração contabilidade financeira  Empresa  Verificar e completar parâmetros globais /SMB41/V_T001_B_B176_J03 BC Set On the screen Modificar visão: Dados globais da empresa.5.câmbio 10% Adm.tx.5. among other things. de controle admin exerc. To carry out the activity. entrad. .SAP Best Practices BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP02 BP02 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP03 BP03 9 12 2 3 6 7 9 12 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 213015 213016 213017 213018 213019 213020 213021 213022 Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a Crédito Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Débito Somente Valores a Débito .tela p/ Var. It was created to enable the additional company code to use intercompany processing. TxCâmbio M Moeda base 2 TpDtConv 3 . Use Define Additional Local Currencies for Ledgers In this activity.3 Use Define Additional Local Currencies In this activity you can define additional currencies per company code which you would like to manage parallel to the local currency.2 Use Additional Specifications for Company Code In this activity you can enter specific parameters for brazilian company code. just like Filial CGC and the first 8 positions from CNPJ code. To carry out the activity.7. make the following entries Empresa BP0X Tp. On screen Exibir visão “Moedas internas adicionais por empresa”: detalhe. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB22 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Empresa → Moedas paralelas → Definir moedas internas adicionais /SMB41/V_T001A_B196_J03 BC-Set 2. you define additional legers in which to store other currencies. Procedure Transaction Code IMG Menu OBY6 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Empresa → Verificar e completar parâmetros globais /SMB41/V_001_B_B198_J03 BC-Set On screen Atualização dos dados adicionais para empresa BP0X make the following entries Filial CGC 0001 Empresa CGC 29950201 .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide . Procedure 3.moeda Avaliação 40 0 Ctg. • Hard currency is a country-specific second currency which is used in countries with high inflation.7. © SAP AG Page 158 of 177 . You also want to manage an indexbased currency and a hard currency. Activities 1.SAP Best Practices Example Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide You manage ledger 00 with a local currency and a group currency. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB37 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Exercício → Atribuir empresa a variante de exercício /SMB41/V_001_U_B171_J03 BC-Set 2. you must specify which fiscal year variant is to be used. Choose Define currencies and select the currencies from the list which you wish to add. Now save your entries. You therefore need to define another ledger with the required currencies in addition to the existing ledger. To carry out the activity.Saldos Mensal Moedas Gravadas: 2ª Moeda Moeda Forte (40) Moedas Gravadas: 3ª Moeda Versão Real Plan manual X Ledger Avaliação Y0 Avaliação Legal Moeda ainda não 1 definida X . On screen Atribuição empresa -> variante de exercício: síntese. 5. make the following entries © SAP AG Page 159 of 177 . To carry out the activity. On screen “Modificar ledger: síntese”.5. 2. Enter a two-character key for the new ledger. go to Menu: Ledger > Criar: Ledger Y0 Denominação ledger G/L Moeda Forte . The general specifications of the existing ledger are copied for the new ledger. Choose Ledger -> Create 3. Select an existing ledger by doubleclicking on it. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBS2 Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Empresa → Moedas paralelas → Definir moedas internas adicionais para ledger /SMB41/OBS2_B552_J03 BC-Set 2. Procedure 2.7.5 Use Assign company code to a fiscal year variant For every company code. Procedure 4. 4. Para determinação imp”.6 Use Assign Company Code to Document Date for Tax Determination In this activity you specify per company code the following data necessary for processing taxes with jurisdiction codes: whether the baseline date for determining the tax percentages should be the posting date (default date) or the document date. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBBP Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc → Períodos contábeis → Atribuir empresa a variantes /SMB41/V_001_R_B177_J03 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 160 of 177 .impostos /SMB41/V_001_Z_B195_J03 BC-Set On the screen Modificar visão “Atribuição empresa -> data doc.7.7 Use Assign company code to a posting period variant For every company code.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Empresa BP01 Variante exercício K4 .5. Variant BP01 is used for the posting period and the following setting has been made: Procedure 2. However.5. if you want the system to determine tax percentages on the basis of the document date. To carry out the activity. Procedure To carry out the activity.imp . you must configure the system accordingly at this point. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP0X Determ.7. you must specify which posting period variant is to be used. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →IVA →Cálculo → Atribuir à empresa uma data de documento p/determin. The system usually takes the posting date for this purpose. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP0X Variante status campo 0050BP01 © SAP AG Page 161 of 177 .5. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP0X Variante períodos 0050BP01 .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide 2. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBC5SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc. you assign the company codes in which you want to use identical field status groups.7. On screen Modificar visão “Atribuição empresa -> variante de períodos contábeis: síntese”.8 Use Assign Field Status Variants to Company Code In this activity. To carry out the activity. Procedure 3. to the same field status variant. On the Screen Modificar visão “Atribuição de empresa -> variante status campo . → Item do documento → Controle → Atribuir variantes de status de campo à empresa /SMB41/V_001_P_B194_J03 BC-Set 4. make the following entries Empresa 0050BP0X Desvio máximo câmbio 10% .7. you define. To carry out the activity. On the Screen Modificar Visão “Desvio máximo taxa câmbio: síntese” . If a deviation does occur and it exceeds the percentage rate specified here. Procedure 3.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide .doc → Variação cambial máxima → Gravar desvio de câmbio máximo por empresa /SMB41/V_001_D_B179_J03 BC-Set 4. → Cabeçalho do documentoCabeç. The standard number ranges from the R/3 System were used for company code BP0X © SAP AG Page 162 of 177 . then a warning appears.5.7.10 Use Define number ranges for documents Only one document number interval can be defined for each document type in a company code. a maximum difference between exchange rates for postings in foreign currency. To do this.9 Use Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Company Code In this activity. then a comparison is made with the exchange rates stored in the system. per company code. If an exchange rate or the local and the foreign currency amount were entered manually during document entry. you specify how much the exchange rate entered manually in the document header may differ in terms of percent from the one stored in the system. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPRO Contabilidade financeira → Configuração contabilidade financeira → Doc.5. The document number intervals in a company code must not overlap. ..... 2030 2002 até .. 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FBN1 Contabilidade financeira →Configuração contabilidade financeira →Doc.... 2030 2002 até ...7... On the screen Atualizar subintervalos de numeração......SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Procedure 3. 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até . To carry out the activity... 2030 2002 até ...... 2030 Do Nº 0090000000 0100000000 0200000000 0300000000 0400000000 0500000000 1200000000 1300000000 1400000000 1500000000 1600000000 1700000000 1800000000 1900000000 2000000000 4700000000 4800000000 4900000000 5000000000 5100000000 9100000000 9200000000 9900000000 Nº até 0099999999 0199999999 0299999999 0399999999 0499999999 0599999999 1299999999 1399999999 1499999999 1599999999 1699999999 1799999999 1899999999 1999999999 2099999999 4799999999 4899999999 4999999999 5099999999 5199999999 9199999999 9299999999 9999999999 x Ext x ..5. 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até ...numeração doc →Definir intervalos de numeração de documentos /SMB41/SNUM_B178_J03/SMBBR01/SNUM_B024_B29 BC-Set 4. 2030 2002 até .. →Interv..... 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até ... 2030 2002 até .. 2030 2002 até .. 2030 2002 até . 2030 2002 até ..11 Use Define Tolerance Groups for Employees In this activity.. make the following entries Nº 00 01 02 03 04 05 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 47 48 49 50 51 X1 X2 YB Ano 2002 até . 2030 2002 até ....... 2030 2002 até . you predefine various amount limits for your employees with which you determine: © SAP AG Page 163 of 177 .. 0 0050BP0 X 100. For each tolerance group.item Desc. To carry out the activity.000. specify the following: • • Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing open items The handling of the terms of payment for residual items. To carry out the activity.pgto % 10. Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups.0 10. Allocate a tolerance group to each customer via the master record. you specify the tolerances for customers.SAP Best Practices • • • Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor accountthe maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item the maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee. These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and residual items which can occur during payment settlement.000. 2. Ajuste item % Mont pgto Receitas % 100. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OBA3 Contabilidade financeiraContabilidade Financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedoresContabilidade de Clientes e Fornecedores → Transações contábeisTransações contábeis → Entrada de pagamentosEntrada de pagamento → © SAP AG Page 164 of 177 .”: detalhe.7.00 5.0 .doc Mont.00 BRL 1.00 Ajuste 10.00 100. Dif. Procedure 3.pgto Mont Despesas Dif.0 10.000.12 Use Define Tolerances (Customers/Vendor) In this step.000. This way the system can post the difference by correcting the cash discount or by posting to a separate expense or revenue account.5.000 Dif.pgto Dif. On screen Modificar visão “Grupos de tolerância (FI) para usuários. if they are to be posted during clearing Procedure The tolerance group “ ” (blank) with the standard settings has been created for company code BP0X. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu SPROOBA4 Contabilidade financeiraContabilidade Financeira → Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedoresContabilidade de Clientes e Fornecedores → Transações contábeis → Entrada de pagamentos → Entrada de pagamento manual → Definir grupos de tolerância para funcionários /SMB41/V_T043T_B197_J03/SMBBR01/V_T043T_B051_B29 BC-Set 2. Payment differences are posted automatically within certain tolerance groups.000. make the following entries Empresa Moeda Mont. contas Admin.0 0.5.Materiais Determin. Denominação contas em todos os idiomas Determin.contas Ativo Fixo Determin.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Entrada de pagamento manual → Definir tolerâncias (clientes)Definir grupos de tolerância para clientes /SMB41/V_T043G_B201_J03 BC-Set 2.00 % rec Ajuste 10. To carry out the activity.00 0004 0050BP0X BRL .contas Contab. On screen Modificar visão “Índice de todos os planos de contas”: síntese. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB13OBY9 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Ctas.00 Mont.13 Use Edit Chart of Accounts List In the chart of accounts list you enter the charts of accounts that you want to use in your organization (at client level).rec 999. make the following entries Plano de contas 0050 Denominação do Plano de Contas Plano de Contas 0050 Seleção das áreas a transportar Contas no Plano de Ctas.contas Vendas X X X X X X X X © SAP AG Page 165 of 177 .5 ajuste Cond.”: síntese. make the following entries Empresa Moeda Mont.Humanos Determin.desp % desp 5. Determin.7.0 2.Financ.contas Rec.Custos Determin.pgto fixas 2.contas Contab.Razão → Dados mestre → Transportar PlContasPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/FC61_B172_J03 /SMB41/FC64_B174_J03 BC-Set 2. On screen Modificar visão “Tolerâncias parceiros de negócios. Procedure 3. Denominação contas em todos os idiomas Determin.Razão → Dados mestre → Transportar PlContasPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/FC68_B173_J03 BC-Set 2. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB13OBYA Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral  Transações contábeis  Preparar operações inter-empresasPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/F01U_B170_J03 BC-Set © SAP AG Page 166 of 177 .contas Contab. To carry out the activity.15 Use Prepare Cross-Company Code Transactions In this activity you define the accounts for the clearing entries the system makes when posting cross-company code transactions.Chart of Accounts. make the following entries Plano de contas 0050 Denominação do Plano de Contas Plano de Contas 0050 Seleção das áreas a transportar Contas no Plano de Ctas.5.5. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB13OBY9 Contabilidade financeira → Contabilidade geral → Ctas. On screen Modificar visão “Índice de todos os planos de contas”: síntese. run the standard reports for G/L master data.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide . Procedure 2.7.14 Use Transport Chart of Accounts: accounts in company (SKB1) In the chart of accounts list you enter the charts of accounts that you want to use with bank accounts (at company code level). . for example S_ALR_87012326 .Financ. Procedure To carry out the activity.7. X X X  Too see the complete list of Chart of account for company code BP0X. These clearing entries represent the receivables and payables between company codes which result from central purchasing or payment. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT05OB13 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Configurações globais  Definir símbolos de origemPreparar → Processar lista de © SAP AG Page 167 of 177 . make the following entries Lançado em Compensação em Chv Lanç Débito BP01 BP0X BP0X BP01 40 40 Chv Lanç Cred 50 50 Conta Dédito 113301 113302 Conta Crédito 211501 211502 .5.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide On screen Atualizar configuração contabilidade: Lançtos autom – Contas Transitórias.2 Use Define Source Symbols (ready) In this step you define source symbols and allocate them either to the liquidity forecast or to the cash position . . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OB13OT01 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Configurações globais  Definir proposta da data efetivaPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/V_001_K_B202_J03 BC-Set On screen Modificar visão “Empresa: proport data efetiva”. You make this specification for the company codes in which you implement Cash Management.5. Define Value Date Default (READY) Procedure To carry out the activity.8. Procedure To carry out the activity.8 Cash Management .1 Use In this activity you specify whether the current date is the default value for the value date when line items are entered. make the following entries Empresa BP01 Propor data efetiva X .8.5. you specify a planning level for each cash account and allocate this planning level to the cash position by using the appropriate source symbol.Razão  Definir níveis de tesourariaPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/V_T036_B204_J03 BC-Set On screen Visão Global do conj configuração negócio.5. ContbCliFo BensImóvs.8. © SAP AG Page 168 of 177 . make the following entries Nivel FA FB FC CS Origem BNK BNK BNK Txt Breve Caixa LçMan Bcos LçMan Cx Txt Descritivo Caixa Lançamentos Manuais Lançamentos Manuais . Administração de bens imóveis Vendas+distribuição . .SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide planos de contas /SMB41/V_T039_B203_J03 BC-Set On screen Visão Global do conj configuração negócio. make the following entries Origem BNK MMF PSK REM SDF Situação caixa X Txt breve Contb.4 Use Define Planning Groups (READY) In this step.matr.Caixa . you define the planning groups for customers and vendors. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT12OB13 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Dados mestre  Ctas. Financial transactions in Cash Management are displayed using planning levels in order to explain beginning and ending account balances. A planning group represents particular characteristics.8. Procedure To carry out the activity.clientes/fornc. Vend+Distr Denominação Contabilidade de bancos Administração de materiais Contbil. behaviors or risks of the customer or vendor group.ctas.3 Use Define Planning Levels (READY) In this step.banc Admn.5. make the following entries © SAP AG Page 169 of 177 . make the following entries Grp Previsão Tesouraria YB01 YB02 YB03 YB04 YB05 Nível F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 CNT CtrDt Txt Breve ClienteNac ClienteEst FornNac FornEst Funcion. This mnemonic name is used with all functions and reports in Cash Management instead of the account number. .8.5 Use Define Cash Management Account Name In this step.5. Procedure To carry out the activity. Procedure To carry out the activity.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Therefore. Txt Descritivo Clientes Nacionais Clientes Estrangeiros Fornecedores Nacionais Fornecedores Estrangeiros Funcionários . and the type of business relationship. you assign a mnemonic name as the cash management account name to each bank account and bank clearing account. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT13 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Dados mestre  Conta terceiros  Definir grupos de tesourariaPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/V_T035_B206_J03 BC-Set On screen Modificar visão “Grupos de tesouraria”. you can break down incoming and outgoing payments according to the amount. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT16 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Estruturação  Definir nome da conta dispositivaPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/V_T035D_B539_J03 BC-Set On screen Modificar visão “Nomes da conta dispositiva”. the probability of the cash inflow or outflow. Itaú Caixa Entradas .STR Saídas . CNAB SAÍ.Bradesco . BRAD SAÍ.Banco Itaú X 111102 111103 111101 111000 111202 111203 111201 X 111307 111306 111309 111308 111305 111304 111302 111303 111301 Lançamento manual .6 Use Define Groupings and Maintain Headers In this step you define the groupings. CNAB ENT.Itaú Lançamento Manual . ITAÚ LÇ CAIXA S-BRAD-CIP S-BRAD-STR S-CNAB-CIP S-CNAB-STR S-ITAÚ-CIP S-ITAÚ-STR SAÍ. BRAD ENT.Caixa Saídas .Bradesco Conta corrente .8. make the following entries © SAP AG Page 170 of 177 .Bradesco Entradas .Itaú . and stipulate the main headings and the line headings that the system displays in the cash management position or liquidity forecast Procedure To carry out the activity.Febraban Conta corrente .5.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Nome conta Empresa APLIC/RES BANCOS C/C BRAD C/C CNAB C/C ITAÚ CAIXA ENT. ITAÚ Cta Razão 111401 Somente Adm Tesour Denominação Resgate Aplicação .Bancos Conta corrente .CIP Saídas .CNAB – CIP Saídas Cnab – STR Saídas – Itaú – CIP Saídas Itaú – STR Saídas – Bradesco Saídas – Febraban Saídas . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT18 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Estruturação  Classificações  Definir hierárquia e atualizar títulosPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/V_T038P_B540_J03 BC-Set On screen Modificar visão “Nomes da conta dispositiva”.Febraban Entradas .Bradesco . 7 Use Maintain Structure In this step.SAP Best Practices Estruturação BP01 Titulo Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Titulo de linha PosCaixa/AP/AR Posição de caixa e AP/AR . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT17 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Estruturação  Classificações  Atualizar estruturaPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/V_T038_B541_J03 BC-Set On screen Modificar visão “Administração de caixa: estrutura das hierarquias”.5. whereby "E" stands for level and "G" for the account or planning group. Procedure To carry out the activity.8. you specify: • • • The accounts you want to see in the grouping and those you want to exclude The summarization term under which you want to group together the lines for levels and the lines for groups in the display The line type. These structures enable you to group together bank and subledger accounts in the cash position or the liquidity forecast. you specify grouping structures. make the following entries Estruturação BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 © SAP AG Page 171 of 177 Tipo Seleção E E E E E G G G G G G G G G G A+ F+ M+ S+ Y+ 0000111000 00001111++ 00001112++ 00001113++ BANCOS LÇ CAIXA YB01 YB02 YB03 YB04 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 0050 Empresa Plano de contas Conc Compactação ** ** ** ** ** CAIXA BANCOS BANCOS BANCOS BANCOS CAIXA RECEBIMTOS RECEBIMTOS PAGAMENTOS PAGAMENTOS Cta Compactação . For the cash position and the liquidity forecast. 8.5. For each planning type. you specify • • • • • the level to which the planning type is allocated the archiving category in which a memo record is stored after it becomes invalid whether memo records expire automatically the number range to which the planning type is allocated which fields are displayed for the respective planning type.8. The system allocates a number from the appropriate interval to each memo record entered manually. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT20 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Estruturação  Tesouraria manual  Definir intervalos de numeraçãoPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/SNUM_B542_J03 BC-Set On screen Atualizar intervalos consecutivo de numeração.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide . and whether an entry is required or optional in the fields. Using the planning type. make the following entries Número 01 De 0000000001 Até 0999999999 Externo .9 Use Define Planning Types In this step you define the respective planning types for manual planning. you control the manual entry of planned memo records.8 Use Define Number Ranges In the "Number ranges" step. make the following entries © SAP AG Page 172 of 177 . Procedure To carry out the activity. Procedure To carry out the activity. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu OT21 Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Estruturação  Tesouraria manual  Definir tipos de tesourariaPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/V_T037_1_B543_J03 BC-Set On screen Modificar visão “Tipos de tesouraria”. you specify one or more number ranges for manual planning.5. 9. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu FDFD Tesouraria  Administração de caixa  Ferramentas  Preparar início produtivo e estrutura de dadosPreparar → Processar lista de planos de contas /SMB41/V_001_I_B554_J03 BC-Set On screen Modificar visão “Tipos de tesouraria”.1 Use In this CATT you create the data for check and boleto lots and the payment variant for automatic payment program for Bradesco (BR01).SAP Best Practices Tp Fluxo Caixa F1 FB FC Niveis Tsr Clss Arquivo F1 FB FC A A A Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Venc Autom X X X Intervalo Num 01 01 01 Txt Tp Fluxo Caixa Lanç Manual Cli/For Lançamento Manual Lanç Manual Caixa . which you can reach by means of the status buttons: 1. Febraban (CNAB) and Itaú (IT01). The program has six areas. You can activate company codes for the CM&F update: table settings are checked in the process. Cust/vend data 3. The management groups needed for the CM&F update can be entered in the customer and vendor master records. You should check the correct interval of you check lot to input in Create Check Lots and Payments Variants © SAP AG Page 173 of 177 . and partial or total reconstruction of the totals records is now much easier. Data correction 6. The following configuration is a suggestion.5.9 Configuration CATTs . Data setup 4.5. Data reconciliation 5. make the following entries Empresa BP01 Atualiz Tes Ativa X Atualiz MM X Atualizar SD X .10 Use Prepare Production Startup and Data Setup This menu supports you when you are implementing the cash management and forecast (CM&F).8. Check Customizing Procedure To carry out the activity. Activate company code 2.5. If you will print boleto. make the following entries Empresa Banco ID Intervalo De da Conta Empresa BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BP01 BR01 BR01 IT01 IT01 CNAB CNAB C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C C/C 0001 0200 0001 0200 0001 0200 Até Informação Breve 00100000 00199999 Lote 1 . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code SPROSE38 Sap Easy Accesss Menu Menu SAP  Ferramentas  Desenvolvimento  Editor ABAP /SMB41/PAYPRGVAR_R501_J03 CATT On screen Editor ABAP. printer. input the following programs and select on radiobotton the option Variantes and select Modificar.SAP Best Practices Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide your production system as a cutover activity.Cheque Febraban Payment Variants Procedure (it ask for to register in SAP Net) To carry out the activity.Cheque Bradesco 00200000 00299999 Lote 200 . choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code Sap Easy Accesss Menu SPROFCHI Contabilidade financeira  Contabilidade de clientes e fornecedores  Transações contábeis  Saída de pgto  Saída de pagamento automática  Meio de pagamento  Administração de cheques  Definir intervalos de numeração para cheques /SMB41/PAYPRGVAR_R501_J03/SMBBR01/VC_T012_B509_B29 CATT On screen Registro de Cheques”.Cheque Itaú 00200000 00299999 Lote 200 – Boletos Itaú 00100000 00199999 Lote 001 . house bank.Boletos Bradesco 00100000 00199999 Lote 001 . Check Lots (not allow to do it) error id acct Procedure To carry out the activity. you don’t need imput the boleto data. Enter the name of the new payment variants and the correspondent data (payment form. check lot number (just for checks). etc) Programa RFFOBR_A RFFOBR_D RFFOBR_U © SAP AG Page 174 of 177 Utilização Pagto duplicatas clientes Impressão Boletos Pagto Fornecedores .Cheque Febraban 00200000 00299999 Lote 200 . You can define versions for a specific chart of accounts.Brasil Idioma atualização PT Item Automático X Plano de Contas X In option Itens Balanço L/P. Following an example of a group that the CATT will create: Nivel 1 Nivel 2 Nivel 3 Nivel 4 Intervalo Intervalo Contas Contas de até 111000 111100 111100 111100 111100 111100 111100 111100 111100 111100 111100 111100 111099 111199 111199 111199 111199 111199 111199 111199 111199 111199 111199 111199 Contas ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO © SAP AG Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Caixa Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos 111000 111101 111102 111103 111201 111202 111203 111301 111302 111303 111304 111305 Page 175 of 177 . and customize the financial statement as your company needs. Procedure To carry out the activity. or without any specific assignment. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code SPROSPRO Sap Easy Accesss Menu Contabilidade financeira  Contabilidade geral  Transações contábeis  Encerramento  Documentar  Definir estruturas de balanço/L&P /SMB41/SCC1_C006_J03/SMBBR01/VC_T012_B509_B29 CATT On screen Modificar visão Estrutura de Balanço L/P.SAP Best Practices Programa RFFOUS_C Utilização Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Pagto com Impressão Cheques .9.5. make the following entries Estrutura de Balanço BP01 Denominação Estrutura de Balanço .2 Financial Statement Version Use (didn’t find procedure) In this activity you define the versions you need to create a balance sheet and profit and loss statement. for a group chart of accounts. SAP Best Practices Nivel 1 Nivel 2 Nivel 3 Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide Nivel 4 Intervalo Intervalo Contas Contas de até 111100 111100 111100 111100 111100 112000 112000 112000 112000 112000 112000 112000 112000 111199 111199 111199 111199 111199 112099 112099 112099 112099 112099 112099 112099 112099 112199 113110 113110 113110 113110 113110 113110 113210 113210 113210 113210 113210 113210 113210 113210 Contas ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO ATIVO Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Ativo Circulante Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Disponivel Contas a Receber Contas a Receber Contas a Receber Contas a Receber Contas a Receber Contas a Receber Contas a Receber Contas a Receber Contas a Receber Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Outros Créditos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Bancos Clientes Clientes Clientes Clientes Clientes Clientes Clientes Clientes 111306 111307 111308 111309 111401 112000 112001 112008 112009 112010 112017 112018 112019 112100 113101 113102 113103 113104 113105 113110 113201 113202 113203 113204 113205 113206 113207 113210 Provis Dev Duv 112100 Outros Créditos 113101 Outros Créditos 113101 Outros Créditos 113101 Outros Créditos 113101 Outros Créditos 113101 Outros Créditos 113101 Impostos Impostos Impostos Impostos Impostos Impostos Impostos Impostos 113201 113201 113201 113201 113201 113201 113201 113201 . choose one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 176 of 177 .9.3 Use Enter exchange rates In this activity you enter the new exchange rates Procedure To carry out the activity.5. indir 2.SAP Best Practices Transaction Code Financial Accounting (J03): Configuration Guide SPROOB08 Sap Easy Accesss Menu Menu SAP  Contabilidade  Contabilidade financeira  Razão  Ambiente  Opções atuais --> Entrar taxas de câmbio /SMB41/OB08_C500_J03/SMBBR01/VC_T012_B509_B29 CATT On screen Modificar visão Taxa de Câmbio.9. input the program RV80HGEN and execute (F8) © SAP AG Page 177 of 177 .2004 Cot.50 Fator 1 De BRL Cot.5. Procedure To carry out the activity.4 Use Adjusts: Tax on Sales/Purchases VAT In this activity the CATT runs the program RV80HGEN to update Requirements and Formulas for tac procedures. make the following entries Categoria Câmbio M Desde 01. Preço Fator 1 Para USD Adjusts: Tax on sales/purchases VAT .10. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code SPROSE38 Sap Easy Accesss Menu Menu SAP  Ferramentas  Desenvolvimento  Editor ABAP /SMB41/SE38_C525_J03 CATT On screen Editor ABAP.
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