Hostel Building Design

April 2, 2018 | Author: Prakash Charry | Category: Beam (Structure), Stiffness, Structural Engineering, Building Engineering, Civil Engineering



1PLANNING, ANALYSIS, DESIGN OF ONE STORES SCHOOL BUILDING 2 1. INTRODUCTION 1-4 1.1 GENERAL 1 1.2 PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 1 1.3 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 1 1.4 SPECIFICATIONS 2 1.4.1 FOOTING 2 1.4.2 DAMP PROOF COARSE 2 1.4.3 PLINTH 2 1.4.4 FRAMES 2 1.4.5 SUPER STRUCTURE 3 1.4.6 ROOF 3 1.4.7 FLOORING 3 1.4.8 PLASTERING 3 1.4.9 DOORS AND WINDOWS 3 1.4.10 STAIRCASE 4 1.4.11 WHITE WASHING ,COLOUR WASHING AND PAINTING 4 2. METHODOLOGY 5 3. ANALYSIS 6-12 3.1 INTRODUCTION 6 3.2 ANALYSIS 8 3 4. DESIGN 13-35 4.1 INTRODUCTION 13 4.1.1 DESIGN OF SLABS 14 4.2.DESIGN OF BEAMS 22 4.3 DESIGN OF COLUMNS 24 4.4 DESIGN OF FOOTING 30 4.5 DESIGN OF STAIRCASE 33 5. REINFORCEMENT DETAILS 36 6. PLANS 39 7. CONCLUSION 44 8. REFERENCE 46 4 ABSTRACT The primary objective of this project is to gain sufficient knowledge inplanning, analysis, and design of school building in karimnagar. Our project deals with the plan and design of a school building. It is a reinforced concrete framed structure consisting of G +1 with adequate facilities. IS 456:2000 codes is the basic code for general construction in concrete structures, hence all the structural members are designed using limit state method in accordance with the IS 456:2000 code and design aids. The planning of any building in India will be recognized by National Building Code (NBC), hence the building is planned in accordance with the National Building Code of India. The building includes the following: 1. Principal room 2. Visitors room 3. Class rooms 4. Bath rooms 5. Student library rooms…ets.. The School building has proper ventilation, it is provided with sufficient doors, windows. Water supply and electrification are also provided. The ceiling height is provided as 3m, for assembly buildings as mentioned Building Code (NBC) is using software STAADPROV8i 5 LIST OF SYMBOLS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION D Effective depth in mm D Overall depth in mm l y Longer span length l x Shorter span length W Factored load α x Bending moment coefficient along shorter direction α y Bending moment coefficient along longer direction d req Depth required M u Bending moment M ulim Ultimate moment A st Area of steel in tension A sc Area of steel in compression f y Grade of steel f ck Grade of concrete X u Depth of neutral axis B Breadth A st (req) Reinforcement required A st (pro) Reinforcement provided P Percentage of steel Φ Diameter of bar used Peq Equivalent load 6 τv Nominal shear stress Τc Shear capacity of concrete D.L Dead load L.L Live load Lx Effective length in shorter span Ly Effective length in longer span Sv Spacing of stirrups V Shear force Vu Design Shear force Pu Ultimate axial load Ag Gross sectional area of column 7 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General The main objective of our project is to know the various design aspects like planning, analysis and design etc. We have planned to design a school building consisting of one floors (G+1).The planning is done as per the requirements and regulations given by the National Building Code (NBC) using staadprovi8 software. 1.2 Practical considerations Besides all the fundamentals of planning discussed, following practical points should be additionally considered: 1) The elements of the building should be strong and capable to withstand the likely adverse effects of natural agencies. 2) Strength,stability, convenience and comfort of the occupants should be the first consideration in planning. 3) Elevation should be simple but attractive. The number of doors and windows provided should be less for a school building. 4) The provisions of built in furniture at proper places are useful from the point of view of utility. 5) Since the plan is for a school building, the locker rooms must be secured with thicker walls than usual. 1.3 Planning considerations The plan and detailing was drawn using &Design STaADPROVi8. The proposed area of the school is 8000 sq.m. The shape of the building is rectangular in plan. The building consists of ground floor, first floor. The parking space is provided around the building.The floor height of the building is 3m.The height of the parapet wall is 1m.The staircase is provided with enough safe. 8 Area of each floor is given below Ground floor = 2000sqm First floor = 2000sqm Total area =8000sqm 9 10 11 12 1.4 Specifications 1.4.1 Footing Earth work excavation for foundation is proposed to a depth of 1.50m.below the ground level. For design, the safe bearing capacity of soil is assumed as 200KN/ .Isolated footings are provided with a concrete grade of M20. The maximum axial load 2210KN as arrived from analysis result is taken for the design of the footing. 1.4.2 Damp proof coarse The damp proof course is to be provided around the plinth level using C.M 1:3 with a thickness of 20mm. The column below the ground level are also provided with damp proof course of C.M 1:3 1.4.3 Plinth The plinth beam will be at a level of 0.5m above the ground level. M20 grade of concrete is used and Fe415 steel was used for plinth design. 1.4.4 Frames 13 All the R.C.C. structural components are designed using M20 grade steel. Each member is designed separately for its loading condition And its location as per the IS 456:2000 and SP 16 codes. The dimension of slab, beam, column and footing are designed according to the IS 456:2000 code. The column is designed as per the design principles given in SP-16 and the axial load was taken from the analysis results. 1.4.5 Super Structure The super structure is proposed in CM.1:6 using second class brick work. Brick partition walls of 110mm thick are also proposed using the C.M 1:4 with a width of 300mm as a safety measure. 1.4.6 Roof R.C.C Roof in M20 concrete is to be laid. A layer of weathering coarse using brick jelly lime mortar is to be used. Considering the future expansion of the structure, the roof slab is also designed as same as that of the floor slabs. 1.4.7Flooring In each floor, all the rooms are to be provided with P.C.C. 1:5:10 as flooring base. The floors of entrance, toilet floors, staircase and entire flat are to be finished with granite tiles over the P.C.C. 1:2:4 flooring. 1.4.8Plastering All walls and structural members including the basement will be plastered smooth with C.M. 1:5 externally and internally, using 12mm thick plastering mortar. 1.4.9 Doors and windows 14 The main door will be of steel having a sliding shutter. The other doors inside the bank are to be provided with aluminum panel. The windows are to be provided with steel and glazing is provided to supply a good light from outside. 1.4.10 Staircase The stair will be of M20 grade concrete and Fe415 steel with a rise of 150mm and tread of 300mm. The staircase is designed as spanning parallel to landing slab referring to IS 456-2000. 1.4.11 White washing, Color washing, Painting All the inner walls are to be finished with a first coat of white cement wash and then coloring as required. All the joiners and iron works are to be finished with two coats of synthetic enamel paint. The toilet walls are to be provided with mat finishing. 2.1 OPEN TYPE This hostel is planned as 8shape. Rooms of each wing of blocks are aligned in a inclined line. They shall be generally opened to verandah in front of them. Thus the orientation of all rooms is same and they shall be subjected to same advantages and disadvantages. 2.1.1 MERITS: 1. Their construction is very simple practically no skill. 2. All the rooms shall be receiving almost the same amount of wind and sun at a time and hence no preference exists for some rooms over the other. 15 2.1.2 DEMERITS: 1. they are monotonous practically with no engineering skills. 2. Invariably they of open type and hence locking the hostel at a common entrance and security for inmates are less in case of any trouble. 2.2 REQUIREMENTS OF HOSTEL Study bed: Recommended 6.7 to 7.0 sqm for single study bed 5.6 to 6.0 sqm for triple study bed Prevalent 0.6 to 9.3 sqm for single study bed Area of Dining Hall: Recommended 0.74 sqm per diner for self service 1.12 sqm per diner for self service Prevalent 1.30 sqm per diner Kitchen: Recommended 0.40 sqm per up to 400 diners 0.50 sqm per diner up to 200 diners Prevalent 0.35 sqm per diner On an average 16.25 sqm per student is considered adequate for total floor area of the hostel compared to 18.6 sqm per student according to the prevalent norms. The floor area other ancillary accommodation in the hostel may be taken as; Floor area per student in single seated room 10.00sqm Floor area per student in 3or4 seated rooms 7.75sqm Common and reading room per student 0.50sqm Dining hall per student 0.70sqm Kitchen per student 0.60sqm Separate bath, w/c and urinal - one bath and one w/c per 8 students and one urinal for 16 students. Verandah, passage, stairs etc., – 20% to 30%of the plinth area 16 Space occupied by the walls - 15% to 20%of the plinth area If the rooms are not single seated separated, study room May be provided for 25% students at 2.4 sqm per student i.e., at the rate of 0.6 sqm per student for the whole. The plinth area of hostel per student may range between 20 to 24sqm. The height of the hostel should not be less than 3.3m. One built – in ward robe should be provide for student. There should be 2.5m wide verandah in front of the rooms. All the rooms should be well lighted and ventilated. Windows and ventilators should be provided. 2.3 ASPECTS Hostels are domestic buildings in continuous occupation for all seasons of the year the aspect given to various rooms should follow the normal domestic allocations. Living rooms and bed sitting rooms should have the positions receiving from sun light even during the winter months. Less good aspect given to kitchen although pleasant working conditions should be achieved. Recreation room may be given the sunny aspect being mainly used during the wet weather or in the evening. When hostels are provided in less crowded areas it is desirable to include sufficient site area for garden and for games unless such facilities are already available in the neighborhood or at all places of work to which hostels may be attached. 2.4 VARIOUS COMPONENTS OF HOSTEL 2.4.1. Entrance: The entrance hall will serve as a reception and waiting area. It is normal for the purpose of control to have only one entrance. 2.4.2. Administrative office: 17 Hostels are generally run by the manager or looked after by a warden. An office should be located in the central place. A separate room should be provided for this purpose. 2.4.3. Visitors Room: This is usually approached directly from the entrance hall and furnished as normal sitting rooms. It is generally provided for receiving guest or as a room where visitors can sit and talk privately with inmates. 2.4.4. Recreation Room: This is usually approached directly from the entrance hall and furnished as normal sitting rooms. It is generally provided for receiving guest or as a room where visitors can sit and talk privately with inmates. 2.4.5. Kitchen Room: A pleasant outlook for the staff is desirable, especially in preparation areas of the kitchen 0.41 sqm per one diner is provided 2.4.6. Dining Room: It is a place where all the students have their meals. It should be very clean, well ventilated. The actual area for this is 146.76 sqm, 0.64 per diner is provided in the dining hall. 18 2.4.7. Store: It is for storing the materials for kitchen like rice, vegetables etc., and also for storing cooking utensils. 2.4.8. Types OF Rooms: In this hostel, two types of residential areas are provided. 2.4.8. A single rooms 2.4.8. B Triple rooms 2.4.8. A SI NGLE ROOMS The single rooms provide controlled privacy for its occupants with respective all other students. It may be opened directly to a corridor, and thus provide complete privacy. A single room should be arranged suitably, so that it is possible to study effectively with an invited second person. In addition, the student should be able to play the radio, phonograph, tape recorder or quiet instruments and to indulge in reasonable recreational activity without creating acoustical problem for his neighbors. An authority believes the single rooms are “unlikely to be really humanity satisfactory if it is less than 120 sq. ft, i.e.., and 11.09 sqm. The furniture should be movable, not fixed, to allow the student to organize in his own way”. Clear area of single room=9.182 sqm. 2.4.8. B TRI PLE ROOMS This form has been popular with some students on a small number of composes where this arrangement has been made possible a large number of different space arrangements. The resulting individually of the layout of the room would appear to be a major reason for the popularity of such space, since some students seems to prefer three seater instead of two seater room. The triple room, however, tends to breed more serious inter personal problems. In the proposed hostel all room provided are in rectangular in shape. 19 2.5 FRONT OPEN SPACE Every building facing a street shall have front yard forming an integral part of the building of the site of a minimum width of 3m and in no cases less than 1.8m. Each site shall have a minimum frontage of 6m.On any street for the buildings up to a height of 10m. No construction work of a building shall be under taken within 7.5 m from the center line of any street as determined by the authority for the individual road/ street width taking into account for the traffic flow. 2.5.1 REAR OPEN SPACE: Every building shall have a rear yard forming integral part of the site of an average width of 3m and at no place measuring less than 1.8m. Except in the case of back to back site width of the rear yard shall be 3m throughout. 2.5.2 SI DE OPEN SPACE: Every building semi-detached and detached building shall have a permanently then air space forming integral part of the site of not less than 3m in width on the sides. 2.6 AREA OF OPENING For light and ventilation a clear window area in wall abutting to air space either directly or through an open verandah or gallery should not be less than one sixth for wet hot climate. The aggregate area of door and windows need not be closed for the sake of privacy or security; total area may be provided either by doors or windows. Generally, the aggregate area of the ventilation is provided at the rate of 0.1sqm. For every 10 cum of space of such rooms. 20 Where no ventilators are provided, the windows should extend to the ceiling and preferably for such tall windows, two sheets of shutters, one in upper half and another in lower half should be provided. When lower shutters are closed for the sake of privacy, the upper half remaining open would facilitate ventilation. The sill of the window shall not be kept less than 0.75 above the floor. 2.7 SUNSHADES OVER WINDOWS AND VENTILATORS: Projection of sunshades over windows or ventilators when permitted by the authority shall fulfill the following conditions. Sunshade shall not be permitted over the road or over any drain or over any portion outside the boundaries of the site below a height of 2.8m from the road level. Sunshades provided above a height of 2.8m from ground level shall be permitted to project up to maximum width of 60cm. 21 CHAPTER – 2 METHODOLOGY NBC Planning Drawing Analysis Designing Collection of data NBC AUTOCAD BENDING MOMENT SHEAR FORCE STAADPROVi8 Software STAADPRO Vi8 Software 22 CHAPTER-3 ANALYSIS 3.1 INTRODUCTION Structural analysis is the application of solid mechanics to predict the response (in terms of force and displacements) of a given structure (existing or proposed) subjected to specified loads. Based on degree of indeterminacy the structure will be classified as i. Determinate structure ii. Indeterminate structure The determinate structure can be completely analyzed by using equilibrium equation. I.e.M =0;V=0; & H=0. Example: simply supported beam, cantilever beam, overhanging beam. In the indeterminate structure, can‟t be complete analyzed by equilibrium equations. Example: Fixed beam, continuous beam, and propped cantilever beam. Moment Area method: This method is used for analyzing cantilever and fixed beam. Theorem of three moment equation: It is more suitable for continuous beam. Moment distribution method: It is the iterative technique. Slope- deflection method: When the beam has more than four spans then the calculation is difficult. 23 Stiffness method: Force and displacements play on important role in the structural analysis. In this method the force is measured to produce a unit displacement. Flexibility method: It is the inverse of stiffness. It is defined as the measure of displacement caused by the unit load. The moment distribution method for the analysis of beam is adopted in this project. **************************************************** * * * STAAD.Pro* * Version 2007 Build 04 * * Proprietary Program of * * Research Engineers, Intl. * * Date= JAN 24, 2014 * * Time= 17:35:41 * * * * USER ID: * **************************************************** 377. YRANGE 0 12 FLOAD -6 GY 378. PERFORM ANALYSIS PRINT ALL 24 25 26 Software licensed to Part Ref 27 By Date Chd File Date/Time 1 24-Jan-14 schh.std 24-Jan-2014 17:35 2#12 @ 31.00 0.00 To 5000.00 4#10 @ 420.00 0.00 To 3333.33 4#10 @ 420.00 3333.33 To 5000.00 17 # 8 c/c 140.00 17 # 8 c/c 140.00 at 0.000 at 2499.999 at 4999.999 Design Load Mz(Kn Met) Diste t Load 20.600000 2.500000 1 -38.230000 0.000000 1 -35.810001 5.000000 1 Design Parameter Fy(Mpa) 415.000000 Fc(Mpa) 30.000000 Depth(m) 0.450000 Width(m) 0.230000 Length(m) 5.000000 STAAD.Pro Query Concrete Design Beam no. 1102 Design Code: IS-456 Print Time/Date: 24/01/2014 18:19 STAAD.Pro for Windows Print Run 1 of 1 28 CHAPTER-4 DESIGN Introduction Proper nomenclature of floors and storey‟s and also unified and improved methods of designating the structural members eliminate the possible confusion and led to less efforts and saving in time in the preparation of design calculation and drawings. There are two main methods to design the structural members, they are working stress method and limit state method. Here, we adopt the limit state method for designing all the structural members involved, in our project. The structures are designed to its elastic limit in the working stress method, whereas in the limit state method of design, the structural members are designed up to its plastic limits. Both the methods are having the safety value. But, the most economical method is the limits state method, which is adopted in every constructional design nowadays. Hence we planned to go for the limit state method of design. For our project work we took only for important structural members to design they are slab, beam, column and footing. The slab is designed by assuming it as simply supported with four edges discontinuous, for easier design calculation. The beam is designed by knowing its span and its location (inner and outer). The beam has to carry the self-weight of slab and live load of 4KN on its self-weight also. The live load on each beam will be calculated separately by considering the load transmission diagram. In some beams where the wall is constructed above it, the self-weight of wall has to be added.The column and footing design are made by 29 knowing the maximum axial load on each column. The column alone is designed by following the SP – 16 codes. 30 4.1 &BEAM DESIGN USING STAADPROi8 381. DESIGN BEAM 1 TO 161 342 TO 502 593 TO 753 844 TO 1004 1095 TO 1255 STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 882 ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 1 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 247.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 259.49 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 31.51 MX = -0.29 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -32.09 MX = -0.29 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ 32 B E A M N O. 2 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 883 SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 254.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 254.51 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 33 REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 31.84 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -31.76 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 3 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( 34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 254.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 254.46 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 884 SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT 35 SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 31.84 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -31.76 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 4 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 254.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 254.39 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) 36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 885 SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 31.84 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -31.76 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c 37 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 5 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 254.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 254.37 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í 38 REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 31.84 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 300 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -31.76 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 300 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 886 ============================================================ ================ 39 B E A M N O. 6 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 254.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 254.34 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c 40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 31.84 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -31.76 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 7 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 887 SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( 41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 254.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 254.25 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 31.85 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 42 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -31.75 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 8 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 254.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 254.36 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 888 SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 31.85 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -31.75 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c 44 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 9 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 259.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 247.68 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 4-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í 45 REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 889 SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 32.17 MX = 0.29 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 715.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -31.43 MX = 0.29 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ 46 B E A M N O. 10 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 212.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.69 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-10í 2-10í 2-10í2-10í 4-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-12í 2-12í2-12í2-12í2-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c 47 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 32.27 MX = 0.10 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -35.44 MX = 0.10 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 890 ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 11 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( 48 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 330.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.68 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.86 239.88 197.86 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-12í 2-12í 2-12í2-12í 4-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-10í 3-10í 4-10í 3-10í 2-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 49.08 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 49 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -53.69 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 12 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 891 SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 329.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.79 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.86 239.98 197.86 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-12í 2-12í 2-12í2-12í 4-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-10í 3-10í 4-10í 3-10í 2-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 49.07 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -53.71 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c 51 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 13 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 329.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.79 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.86 239.98 197.86 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 892 SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm 52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-12í 2-12í 2-12í2-12í 4-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-10í 3-10í 4-10í 3-10í 2-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 49.07 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -53.71 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ 53 B E A M N O. 14 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 329.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.79 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.86 239.98 197.86 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-12í 2-12í 2-12í2-12í 4-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-10í 3-10í 4-10í 3-10í 2-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c 54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 893 SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 49.07 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 300 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -53.71 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 300 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 15 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( 55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 329.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.79 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.86 239.98 197.86 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-12í 2-12í 2-12í2-12í 4-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-10í 3-10í 4-10í 3-10í 2-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c @ 300 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 49.07 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 56 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 300 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -53.71 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 300 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 894 ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 16 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 329.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.79 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.86 239.98 197.86 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) 57 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-12í 2-12í 2-12í2-12í 4-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-10í 3-10í 4-10í 3-10í 2-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 49.07 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -53.71 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c 58 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 17 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 895 SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 329.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.79 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.86 239.98 197.86 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm 59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-12í 2-12í 2-12í2-12í 4-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-10í 3-10í 4-10í 3-10í 2-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 49.07 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -53.71 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ 60 B E A M N O. 18 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 330.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.68 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.86 239.88 197.86 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 896 SUMMARY OF PROVIDED REINF. AREA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 3-12í 2-12í 2-12í2-12í 4-12í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) BOTTOM 2-10í 3-10í 4-10í 3-10í 2-10í REINF. 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) 1 layer(s) SHEAR 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 2 legged 8í 61 REINF. @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c @ 140 mm c/c ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT DISTANCE d (EFFECTIVE DEPTH) FROM FACE OF THE SUPPORT SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM START SUPPORT VY = 49.08 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c SHEAR DESIGN RESULTS AT 565.0 mm AWAY FROM END SUPPORT VY = -53.69 MX = 0.00 LD= 1 Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 140 mm c/c ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ B E A M N O. 19 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M20 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 5000.0 mm SIZE: 230.0 mm X 450.0 mm COVER: 25.0 mm SUMMARY OF REINF. AREA ( 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 0.0 mm 1250.0 mm 2500.0 mm 3750.0 mm 5000.0 mm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP 212.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 271.69 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) BOTTOM 0.00 197.38 197.38 197.38 0.00 REINF. (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) (Sq. mm) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. DESIGN OF COULMAN C O L U M N N O.162 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M30 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 300.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm ** GUIDING LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 91 SHORT COLUMN REQD. STEEL AREA : 316.74 REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 39592.04 MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 12 dia. (0.50%, 904.78 (Equally distributed) TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 190 mm c/c SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED (KNS- MET) 63 ---------------------------------------------------------- Puz : 2524.31 Muz1 : 147.20 Muy1 : 71.98 INTERACTION RATIO: 0.22 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000) SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT PROVIDED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- WORST LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 1 Puz : 2699.40 Muz : 193.69 Muy : 90.87 IR: 0.27 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ C O L U M N N O.163 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M30 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 300.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm ** GUIDING LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 92 SHORT COLUMN STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 1527 REQD. STEEL AREA : 488.87 64 REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 61108.42 MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 12 dia. (0.50%, 904.78 (Equally distributed) TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 190 mm c/c SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- Puz : 2575.56 Muz1 : 192.64 Muy1 : 93.35 INTERACTION RATIO: 0.19 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000) SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT PROVIDED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- WORST LOAD CASE: 2 END JOINT: 2 Puz : 2699.40 Muz : 170.19 Muy : 79.14 IR: 0.26 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ C O L U M N N O.164 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M30 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 300.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm 65 ** GUIDING LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 93 SHORT COLUMN REQD. STEEL AREA : 489.85 REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 61231.12 MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 12 dia. (0.50%, 904.78 (Equally distributed) TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 190 mm c/c SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- Puz : 2575.85 Muz1 : 192.83 Muy1 : 93.44 INTERACTION RATIO: 0.19 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000) SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT PROVIDED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- WORST LOAD CASE: 2 END JOINT: 3 Puz : 2699.40 Muz : 170.46 Muy : 79.27 IR: 0.26 STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 1528 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ 66 C O L U M N N O.165 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M30 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 300.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm ** GUIDING LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 94 SHORT COLUMN REQD. STEEL AREA : 489.76 REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 61219.68 MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 12 dia. (0.50%, 904.78 (Equally distributed) TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 190 mm c/c SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- Puz : 2575.83 Muz1 : 192.81 Muy1 : 93.43 INTERACTION RATIO: 0.19 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000) SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT PROVIDED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- WORST LOAD CASE: 2 END JOINT: 4 Puz : 2699.40 Muz : 170.44 Muy : 79.26 IR: 0.26 ============================================================ ================ 67 ============================================================ ================ C O L U M N N O.166 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M30 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 300.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm ** GUIDING LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 95 SHORT COLUMN STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 1529 REQD. STEEL AREA : 489.75 REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 61218.80 MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 12 dia. (0.50%, 904.78 (Equally distributed) TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 190 mm c/c SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- Puz : 2575.82 Muz1 : 192.81 Muy1 : 93.43 INTERACTION RATIO: 0.19 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000) 68 SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT PROVIDED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- WORST LOAD CASE: 2 END JOINT: 5 Puz : 2699.40 Muz : 170.44 Muy : 79.26 IR: 0.26 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ C O L U M N N O.167 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M30 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 300.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm ** GUIDING LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 96 SHORT COLUMN REQD. STEEL AREA : 489.75 REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 61218.80 MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 12 dia. (0.50%, 904.78 (Equally distributed) TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 190 mm c/c SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED (KNS- MET) 69 ---------------------------------------------------------- Puz : 2575.82 Muz1 : 192.81 Muy1 : 93.43 INTERACTION RATIO: 0.19 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000) SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT PROVIDED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- WORST LOAD CASE: 2 END JOINT: 6 Puz : 2699.40 Muz : 170.44 Muy : 79.26 IR: 0.26 STAAD SPACE -- PAGE NO. 1530 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ C O L U M N N O.168 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M30 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 300.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm ** GUIDING LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 97 SHORT COLUMN REQD. STEEL AREA : 489.76 70 REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 61219.69 MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 12 dia. (0.50%, 904.78 (Equally distributed) TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 190 mm c/c SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- Puz : 2575.83 Muz1 : 192.81 Muy1 : 93.43 INTERACTION RATIO: 0.19 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000) SECTION CAPACITY BASED ON REINFORCEMENT PROVIDED (KNS- MET) ---------------------------------------------------------- WORST LOAD CASE: 2 END JOINT: 7 Puz : 2699.40 Muz : 170.44 Muy : 79.26 IR: 0.26 ============================================================ ================ ============================================================ ================ C O L U M N N O.169 D E S I G N R E S U L T S M30 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.) LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 300.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm 71 ** GUIDING LOAD CASE: 1 END JOINT: 98 SHORT COLUMN 4.1 DESIGN OF SLAB 4.1.1 Slab 1: Two adjacent edges discontinuous Data Dimension of slab = 3 m × 3 m f ck = 20 N/m 2 Support width = 230 mm f y = 415 N/m 2 Live load = 4 KN/m 2 Floor finish = 1 KN/m 2 Depth of slab Minimum depth = Span / B.V × M.F B.V = 26 (For continuous slab) M.F = 1.4 Minimum depth d = 3000/(26 × 1.2) = 96.15 mm ≈ 100 mm Assume effective cover = 25 mm, Using 10 mm diameter bars Effective depth = d = 100 mm Overall depth = D = 100 + 25 + (10/2) = 130 mm - d = 100 mm - D = 130 mm Effective span The least value of: (1) (Clear span + effective depth) = (3 + 0.1) = 3.1 m (2) (Centre to centre of supports = (3 + 0.23) = 3.23 m Hence L = 3.1 m 72 Loads Self weight of slab = (0.12 × 25) = 3 KN/m 2 Floor finish = 1 KN/m 2 Live load = 4 KN/m 2 Total service load = w =8 KN/m 2 Ultimate load = w u = 1.5 × 8 = 12 KN/m 2 Ultimate moments and shear forces L y / L x = 3 / 3 = 1< 2 So it is a two way continuous slab The coefficients for the positive and negative moments are taken from IS 456 – 2000 +α x = 0.035 _ α x = 0.047 + α y = 0.035 _ α y = 0.047 M ux = α x w u x x 2 M uy = α y w u L y 2 V ux = 0.5 W l x (1) B.M along span ( +ve) = 0.035 × 12 × 3.1 2 M ux = 4.036 KN.m (2) B.M along span ( -ve) = 0.047 × 12 × 3.1 2 M uy = 5.420 KN (3) Shear force V ux = 0.5 × 12 × 3.1 = 18.6KN 73 Check for depth M max = 0.138 f ck b d 2 d 2 = 5.420 × 10 6 / (.138 × 20 × 10 3 ) d = 44.31mm < 100mm Reinforcements (Short and long span) M u = .87 f y A st d [1 –(f y A st / b d f ck )] A st = 155.10mm 2 Adopt 10mm diameter bars at 400 mm centers (A st =185.71mm 2 ) Edge strip Minimum area of steel = 0.12% A g = .12 /(100 × 1000 × 130) = 156mm 2 Provide 10mm diameter bars a st = π/4 × d 2 =78.5mm 2 Spacing = a st / A st × 1000 78.5/156 × 1000 = 509 mm So adopt 10 mm bar @ 500mm c/c Middle strip [+ve moment] M u = .87 f y A st d [1 –(f y A st / b d f ck )] A st = 201.44mm 2 Provide 10mm diameter bars a st = π/4 × d 2 a st = 78.5mm 2 Spacing= a st / A st × 1000 S= 300mm Provide 10 mm diameter bars @ 300mm c/c 74 Torsional reinforcement Single torsional reinforcement =l × /5 × l y /5 Area of torsional steel = 3/4 × maximum mid span = 3/4 × 201.44 = 151.08mm 2 Provide 8mm bars Spacing= 50.26/151.08 × 1000 = 332 mm c/c or 300 mm c/c. Check for deflection (Shorter span/depth) provided = 3000/130 = 23.07 (Shorter span/depth) permissible = B.V × M.F F s = 0.58 × 415 × (156/102) F s = 368.12 % A st = 100 A st / bd = (100 × 156) / (100 × 130) = 1.2% M.F= 1.2 (Shorter span/depth)= 26 × 1.2 = 31.2 Hence safe in deflection 75 4.1.2 Slab 2: One short edge discontinues Data: Clear dimension of slab =1.2 Step 1: Check the ratio lx ly = 2 2.56 1.2 3 > = Hence it is one way slab Step 2 Effective dept d = 26 span = 26 3000 = 115 mm D = d + 25 mm = 130+ 25+10/2 mm = 160 mm Step 3: Loads Self wt of slab = 0.16 Finishes =1KN/ Total dead load=5 KN/ Live load= 4 KN/ The effective span = 3.2 mm 76 Step 4: ultimate Moment and SF M u (-ve) =1.5(( ) ) =1.5(( ) ) = 12.75 KN.m M u (+ve) = (( ) ) = (( ) ( )) = 11.025KN.m V u =(1.5 )(5+4) = 24.3 KN Step 5 : Limiting Moment of Resistance M ulimit = 0.138 f ck b.d 2 = 0.138 × 20 × 1000 ×130 2 × 10 -6 = 46.64 KN.m M u <M ulimit , Section is under reinforced. Step 7: Main reinforcement M u = .87 f y A st d [1 –(f y A st / b d f ck )] A= 325 mm 2 Spacing a) Spacing = (a st /A st )1000 Use 10mm | bar 77 Spacing = 1000 325 2 10 π/4 × × = 230mm Step 6 : distribution Reinforcement A st = = 192 mm 2 Provide 10 mm | bar at 300 mm c/c Step 7: Check for shear stress t v = d b. u V = 130 1000 3 10 92 . 25 × × = 0.199N/mm 2 Pt = d b. Ast 100 = 130 1000 314 100 × × = 0.241 Permissible shear stress Ktc = 1.27 × 0.35 = 0.44 N/mm 2 Ktc >t v Hence the shear stresses are within safe permissible limits Step 8: Check for deflection ( ) max d L = ( ) | | kf kc kt basic d L × × × K t = 1.5 78 K c = 1 K f = 1 (Refer IS 456 – 2000) ( ) max / d L = = =34.5 ( ) actual d L/ = 130 3000 = 23 < 34 ( ) max d L > ( ) actual d L Hence design is safe. 4.4 DESIGN OF FOOTING 79 Data Factored axial load P u = 1660KN Size of Column = 600 × 300 mm Safe Bearing Capacity = 200 KN/m 2 Assume self weight of footing 10% of load Self weight of footing = 166 KN Area of footing required = Total Load / SBC = 1826/(200×1.5) =6.08m 2 Side of square footing = 2.46m Assume breadth of square footing= 3m Provide a square footing of 3m×3m = 9m 2 Net upward design pressure W=1660/3×3 = 184.4<200×1.5 Bending moment Projection of footing from column face (B-b)= (3- 0.45)/2 = 1.275m M x = 184.4×3×(1.275 2 /2) M x = 449.74 KNm Depth required M x = 0.138f ck bd 2 d =√ d = 233.06mm = 240mm Consider the effect of shear providing 2 times the depth required. Provide depth = 480mm Assume 20mm diameter and cover 40mm Over all depth= 480+10+20+40 = 550mm 80 Tension Reinforcement M max = 449.74 10 6 M u = 0.87f y A st d[1-(A st f y /bdf y )] 449.74×10 6 = 0.87 × 415 × 480[1-(A st × 415/20 × 480 × 3000)] A st = 2700mm 2 Minimum A st to be provided= (0.15/100) × 3000 × 550 = 2475 < 2700mm 2 Provide 20 mm diameter bars, Number of bars = 2700/314.15 = 8.59 ≈ 10nos Provide 10 numbers of 20mm bars (Actual A st = 3141mm 2 ) Check for one way shear The critical section for traverse shear (section yy) is at distance of 480mm (effective depth). Length of critical section = 1.275 – 0.48 = 0.795m or 795mm V u = 184.4×3×0.795 V u = 439.79 KN Nominal shear stress t v = V u /bd = 439.79/(3000×550) = 0.26 N/mm 2 From the table -19 of IS456-2000 100A st /bd = 0.24 for M 20. t v = 0.34 t c >t v , Hence safe. Checking for punching shear The critical section for shear is at distance of ½( d eff ) ie , 240mm around the face of the column. Side of the section = 450 + (2×240) =930mm 81 Punching shear across section zz V z = 184.4( 3×3 – 0.94×0.94 ) = 1496.99 KN Nominal shear stress across section zz t v = (1496.66×10 3 )/(4×940×480) t v =0.82N/mm 2 As per clause 31.6.31 of IS456:2000 Permissible shear stress in concrete = kt c For square column, k = 1.0, t c = 0.33 kt c = 0.33 Check for Safe bearing capacity Column of load = 1660 KN Self weight of footing=3×3×0.55×25 =123.75 KN Total = 1783.75 KN Pressure = 1783.75/(3×3) =198.3< 300 (200 × 1.5) Hence safe. 4.5 DESIGN OF STAIRCASE DATA: 82 Spanning parallel to landing slab (stair-1) Type: dog-legged Number of steps in the flight = 11 per flight Thread T = 300 mm Rise R = 150 mm Width of landing beam = 300 mm Width of landing slab = 1850 mm M-20 grade concrete (f ck = 20 N/mm 2 ) Fe-415 hysd bars (f y = 415 N/mm 2 ) Solution: Design of first flight Effective span = (11 x 300) + 300/2 + 1850/2 = 4375 mm = 4.375 m Thickness of waist slab = (span/20) =4375 /20) = 218.75 mm overall depth (D) = 218.75 mm Assume using 25mm cover and 10mm diameter bars Effective depth (d) = 188.75 mm LOADS: Dead loads of slab on slope (w s ) = (0.188x1x25) = 4.717KN/m Dead load of slab on horizontal span (w) =[w s √(R 2 + T 2 )]/T = [4.717√(150 2 + 300 2 )]/300 = 5.28 KN/m Dead load of one step = (0.5x0.15x0.3x25) = 0.56 KN/m Load of step per meter length =[(0.56x1000)/300]=1.875KN/m Finishes etc, = 0.6 KN/m 83 Total dead load = ( 4.72+1.86+0.6) = 7.18 KN/m Service live load = 5 KN/m 2 Total service load = (7.18+5) = 12.18 KN/m Factored load (w u ) = (1.5x12.18) = 18.27 KN/m BENDING MOMENTS: Maximum bending moment at centre of span ( (M u ) = 0.125w u L 2 = 0.125x18.27x4.3 2 = 42.235 KNm CHECK FOR DEPTH OF WAIST SLAB (d) = √[M u /(0.138f ck b)] = √[(42.23x10 6 )/(0.138x20x10 3 )] = 123.69 mm < 188.7mm Hence safe. MAIN REINFORCEMENTS M u = (0.87f y A st d)[1-(A st f y /bdf ck )] 42.23x10 6 = (0.87x415A st x188.75)[1-(415A st /10 3 x188.75x20) A st = 668 mm 2 Provide 12 mm diameter bars at 150 mm centres (A st = 678.6 mm 2 ) as main reinforcement. DISTRIBUTION REINFORCEMENT Distribution reinforcement = 0.12 per cent of cross section = (0.0012x1000x188.75) = 226.5 mm 2 Provide 8mm dia bars at 220 mm centres (A st = 251.3mm 2 ) 84 Design of second flight The design of the second flight loading above the landing slab will be the same as that of the flight below the landing slab and that design is shown above. There is only one change the landing beam and landing slab will be reversed. 85 86 5.3 BEAM- REINFORCEMENT DETAILS 87 88 150 89 CHAPTER -7 CONCLUSION In this project, PLANNING DESIGNING AND ANALYSING OF HOSTEL BUILDING. We all the members of our team has learned to plan a building with referring to National Building Code of India -2005&STAADPROVi8 This bank building project has made us to learn Drawing and drafting the building plans using Auto cad software. 90 In this bank building project we learnt to create the models by giving nodes and property to the structural elements using analysis and also we learnt to the same structure with corresponding loads as given IS 875 part 1&2 using analysis. This project is very useful in making us learn the design by referring to the IS 456:2000 for each slab and beam. SP: 16 codes alone are used for easier design of columns yet we learned to design the columns. The important thing that we done wasreferring to a lot of books for designing and we are very much satisfied with exposing to field of design. 91 CHAPTER -8 REFERENCES 1. Arul Manickam A.P (2004) „Structural Engineering Pratheeba publishers. 2. Is 456: 2000 „Plain and Reinforced concrete – code of practice (Fifth revision). 3. SP 16 „ Design for reinforced concrete‟ to 456 1978 4. Krishnaraju (2002) „Design of reinforced concrete structures‟ 5. Murugan.M (2007) „Structural Analysis‟ Samuthira Publications. 6. Varghese P.C (2002) „Limit state Design of Reinforced concrete second Edition. 7. Vaidyanthan. R. Perumal. P (2005) „Structural Analysis – Volume I‟ Laxmi Publications. 8. NBC –National building of India , Bureau of Indian Standards ,New Delhi.
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