Homoeopathic Medicines

March 25, 2018 | Author: Expressions_health | Category: Homeopathy, Mental Disorder, Psychosis, Substance Dependence, Physician



Mental problemsThe highest and most important level through which the human being functions is the mental level. The mental plane of an individual is that which registers changes in understanding and consciousness, reflecting the true essence of that person. It enables an individual to think, to complete, and to peruse the purpose of life. Disturbance of these functions in turns constitute the symptoms of mental affections, such as: 1. Anxiety especially unrelated to any identifiable cause 2. Depression, especially when it is followed by withdrawal from people or from usual occupation. 3. Loss of self confidence 4. Undue pessimism 5. Unexplainable mood changes 6. Rudeness or aggression without apparent cause or occasioned by some trivial incident. 7. An unreasonable demand for perfectionism 8. Habitual underachievement 9. The inability to accept responsibilities 10. Phobia 11. Unreasonable feeling of persecution 12. Self destructive acts 13. Sexual deviation 14. A sudden and dramatic change in sleeping habits 15. Physical ailments and complaints for which there are no organic cause Symptoms of mental mental problems         Delirium Delusion Dullness Loss of concentration Forgetfulness Paranoia Confusion Forgetfulness Emotional symptoms    Sadness Suicidal tendencies Anguish mental incapacity. esp. afraid to walk in streets. the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Argentum Nitricum Neurasthenia with nervous dyspepsia and eructations.    Phobia Anxiety Irritability Dissatisfaction Functional mental problems    Neurosis Psychosomatic disorders Personality disorders Homeopathic treatment of mental problems Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. general feebleness of brain power. despair of recovery. when left alone. or that high buildings would fall upon him. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat mental problems but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of mental problems: Anacardium This remedy has weakness of memory. imagines he is surrounded by enemies. For individualized remedy selection and treatment. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned. sensations and modalities of the complaints. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. fear of paralysis and death. and if any one approaches him. feels he should fall down in a pit. suits cases lying between neurasthenia and insanity. Avena Sativa . fearful of walking in open air. several remedies are available to treat mental problems that can be selected on the basis of cause. characteristic of this remedy is the fear of dying. over-exertion of mind. forgetful. must move constantly. better from rubbing. patient is inclined to be drowsy and listless. she is hurried in manners and is intensely jealous. constant fear of becoming insane.Weakness of nerves. dementia and delirium. uncontrollable laughter. or any nervous strain of the mind or body. dangerous and can stab and murder. Agaricus Mus Destroys things which are other-wise required. wants to be naked. talkative. Phosphorus This remedy suits cases standing on the border line of neurasthenia and organic spinal disease. the patient sings and whistles when it is not required. clairvoyance. like mania. Cannabis Indica Dual nature state. Baryta Mur When there is maddening. he will catch hold of the opposite sex even in a bazaar or in a street. time seem years. head too weak to think. some end their life by drowning. rapid change of moods. irritability and weakness. over sensitiveness to all impressions. talkative. tired brain. sometimes sad and at other times laughs. excessive sexual desire. and torpidity of body and mind. sensation as if top of head is shutting and opening. makes motions as if brushing the hair or face. gets excited on trifles. restless and quarrelsome. urine has excess of phosphates. has a great soothing influence in many nervous disorders. cases of young rapidly going lads and nervous depression from spermetorrhoea. burning in small spots. study causes heaviness in the head and limbs. sensation that the back would break on the motion. insomnia. He is fearless and threatens others. stupid. Hyoscyamus Face red and gaze wild. burning in loins and limbs. noises in ears. hallucinations and imaginations. Phosphoric Acid Debility arising from continued grief. irritability. seems foolish. Stramonium . anxiety and depression. sexual excesses. indifference or apathy. tears everything that he can lay hands upon. history of sexual excesses and occipital headache. extremely happy and contended . Moschus Fainting during attack is the keynote of Moschus. cursing an howling at night. talkativeness. cold sweat on forehead and a pale face. muscular twitching. mania with increased sexual desire. unwilling to talk. as if a nail were driven into the top of the head. foam at the mouth and may be chilly. religious mania and mania of a destructive nature. cut and tear things. wants the scalp rubbed. mania from childhood. religious mania. the globus hysterica and clavus hysterica are present. she may also be blue in the face. unsociable. covers many types of insanity. Castoreum A valuable remedy for hysteria when there is great weakness.Sees and hears imaginary things and persons. . face flushes on slightest emotion. the patient has a tendency of scolding and using strong language. may have involuntary stools and urine. Tarantula His Sudden alteration of mood. mania after giving birth to a child. always busy praying. mania during heart diseases. sensitive to music. crying and laughing alternately. claps hands. Camphora It acts like magic in paroxysms of hysteria. Veratrum Alb Sadness with stupor an mania. talkative. sad and water saying that these are poisoned. in the head there is sharp pain. aimless wandering away from home. through walking aggravates. insanity after a major operation. calls for hysterical spasms. violent with tendency to commit murder. violent spasms and constriction of the chest are also present. wants to pray all the time. insanity during pregnancy. Platinum Met Hysteria in over sexy women. destructive impulses. Does foolish things during the attack. it is greet remedy when patient has great sensitiveness for external impressions. dysmenorrhoea and irritability Ignatia Hysteria due to grief. will ask the person serving these to taste them in his presence. Hysteria due to over excitement of sexual desire. breaks and throws away costly things without any reason. must keep legs in constant motion. there may be alternate mood of joy and sadness. accumulation of wind in the abdomen. anxiety as to some impending disaster has often been removed by this remedy. flushed face. there is a bursting feeling as if everything would come out of the mouth. neuralgic and uterine cases. fear of remaining alone any time. there is constant nervous tension. the habitual discharges stop. darkness. fear of falling. fear of being poisoned. fear on account of suspicion of other. dilated pupils. fear of fantastic illusions. Hyoscyamus Fear of being pursued. noisy people. bloating and dryness of the mouth. music. as if a bird flew towards the window. Belladonna Boisterous excitement. she starts with a loud cry at any imaginary object. Nux Mos It is adapted to nervous hysterical people with sleepiness. wants to escape. apprehensive. fears loss of reason and misfortune. Belladonna Fear of dogs and animals. it has attacks of fainting and the patient is exhausted from the least efforts. Aconite Very useful for the numerous phobias of neuraesthenia. fear of entering a trolley car or railway train. it passes upwards and causes oppressed breathing.Asafoetida Sensation of a ball in the throat. red. Cimicifuga Useful for fear of death or becoming insane. fear of death. Lycopodium . Kali Carb Fear of being alone and that she will die. muscular exhaustion is a prominent symptoms. Calcarea Carb Fear of night and solitude. crowds. fears all the people around have turned against him. cervical vertebrae sensitive. forgetful. rush of blood to the head and a wild look. Gelsemium Fear of examination and stage appearance. child grabs the nurse and crib. face red. aversion to food. Aurum Triph Biting of finger nails till they bleed Stammering Bovista Due to the sensation of mind. doesn’t want to be touched or looked at. Stramonium stammering due to imperfect control of tongue. of terrifying images. child is very crossed and ill humored. in difference or contempt of others. peevish and obstinate. low spirited. Bryonia . satisfied with nothing. dis-obedient. Platina Fear of the near approach of death. with restless moving about. sulphur. very sad. cannabis. gets angry when incoherent speech is not understood. wants to be alone. very much dejected and lachrymose. cocculus. Lilium Tig Fear and apprehension of having some incurable disease. fear of losing his mind. Causticum Stammering from weakened nerve power and dysfunction of tongue. arsenic. fear about one’s salvation. rapidly increasing twitching of all muscles of the body. <evenings. irritable. wants many things but strikes it angrily to the floor if it is given. pride and contempt for others. of becoming insane. quiet when carried.Fear of imaginary phantoms. anguish and excitement when alone. Cina The child is stubborn. Chamomilla Child is cross. always wants to be carried. can hardly keep from crying. dread of solitude with irritability and melancholy. shrieks and cries when touched or looked at. Bufo Stuttering and stammering. stammering and awkwardness results and occasionally he cannot hold things and they fall from hands. till all of them are violently agitated. dread of men. child is exceedingly irritable and fretful. forgetfulness. Latrodectus mactans. A few examples are Calcarea carbonica (Calcium carbonate–CaCo3).Symphytum etc. It also contains elements such as Phosphorous. Naja tripudians (King Cobra). Individual drugs or compounds are taken and medicines are prepared. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Homeopathic medicines are derived from various sources such as: Plant Kingdom There are over 2000 homeopathic drugs that have been proved and are in use world over. etc. Tarentula hispania (Spanish spider). It comes in various potencies starting from 6x to 12x to 30c to 200c to 1000c(1M) to 50M to CM in the ascending order. Gold (Aurum metallicum) and Silver (Argentum metallicum). Bryonia alba. Phosphoric acid (Acidum phosphoricum). Phosphorus (Phosphorus).Irritable. Rhus tox. which is the core extract of the plant that may come from the roots or stem or leaves or fruit or the entire plant is prepared and then is diluted with alcohol to form various higher potencies by giving what is called as succussions. Sepia (Dried inky juice of cuttle fish). inclined to weep. The mother tincture. Vipera (Russell’s viper). Calcarea phosphorica (Calcium phosphate–Ca3 (PO4)2). Some examples or drugs from plant kingdom are Arnica montana. Natrum muriaticum (Sodium chloride–NaCl). Cinchona officinalis. Cantharis(Spanish fly). These metals are potentized with Saccharum Lacts (Lactose sugar) a procedure which minimizes the toxicity of the metals and lower concentration that is higher potencies are prepared where the medicinal powers of . Succussions are repeated beatings given to the bottle containing the mixture (mother tincture of the drug diluted with prescribed amount of alcohol) to extract the hidden medicinal powers or energy of the drug. Animal Kingdom Several homeopathic drugs are prepared from the animal kingdom which are prepared in the similar manner as that of the plant kingdom the only difference being here the part of the whole animal is taken to prepare the medicine. Iron (Ferrum metallicum). obstinate and sad. Tarentula cubensis (Cuban spider). Mineral Kingdom The drugs under this category are very useful and have a good medicinal effect. Pulsatilla nigricans. Acids are also included in this category such as Nitric acid (Nitricum acidum). Also metals are included in this category such as Copper (Cuprum metallicum). The process of preparing is unique. fear of insanity and anxious. A few examples of drugs are. The extract is similarly diluted to remove the toxicity of the drug and thereon with further succussions higher potencies are produced. Understanding the whole person gives the homeopathic doctor the means by which he can . Imponderabilia This is a very important and unique feature of Homeopathy. Alcohol is exposed to X–rays to have a drug called X–ray. After taking blood pressure and medical history. This is the essence of homeopathy. Medorrhinum (Morbid Grease of horse). That is for example. but a personal one. Homeopathic doctors treat mental illnesses such as depression. Drugs are actually prepared from universal energies.g Pancreatin (secretion of the pancreas). On the other hand. E. The doctor will ask many questions in order to develop a complete picture of the patient’s mental.these metals are obtained. Nosodes These are drugs prepared from morbid parts or secretions of animals. Higher potencies are efficacious in treatment of various disorders. anxiety. Drugs are even prepared from Moon rays. emotional. Sarcodes These are drugs prepared from healthy parts or secretions of animals. A few examples of these are. and post-traumatic stress disorder. a homeopathic doctor works diligently to determine what type of remedy is best suited for the above mentioned patient by taking not only a medical history. He or she makes an appointment to see a physician. At no time during the course of the exam would the physician try to determine what precipitates the anxiety. Anthracinum (Diseased spleen of sheep). treating the entire human being enables the homeopath to ascertain what remedy will be the most effective. and physical systems. This statement is clearly evident when you consider a typical case scenario involving a person who is suffering from anxiety. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Using Homeopathic Remedies For Mental Health Problems Mental health problems can benefit from homeopathic remedies. Thus. the patient may then be prescribed an anti-anxiety drug. It is this imbalance which homeopaths feel are the root cause of mental illness. So we can have the following 3 categories of mental strategies. Mental Symptoms of Mental Disease 2. Mental Characteristics (that individualize the patient). Those symptoms in the mental level that have no connection with the physical disorders are mental symptoms. Out of the aforesaid 3 categories Mental Characteristics are having a higher rank of Importance. The remedies used stimulate the patient’s mind and body in order to bring them into balance while. He then suggests that her condition be treated “systematically rather than symptomatically”. In traditional medicine. the illness remains. because the homeopathic doctor takes the time to find the one remedy out of those available that compliments the person and is similar to the person’s illness.assess and accurately determine how to correct the imbalance within the patient. While the symptoms are suppressed. by setting up several appointments with him so that he can determine what remedy to utilize based on her medical and personal history. and drink up to 64 ounces of water for three days to eliminate the toxins. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Additional Reading (Not required to be included) Mental Disease & Mental Symptoms Mental Diseases and Mental Symptoms are usually misinterpreted by Homoeopaths. There are some cases where homeopathic remedies can be used in conjunction with traditional medicine. Mental Symptoms that have no relationship with corporeal Disease. Traditional medications are taking a toll. This form of treatment makes sense. prescribing a drug only treats the symptom.” One such case involves a woman who suffers from severe anxiety. eliminating the symptoms. They are the symptoms of a disease. Mental symptoms and mental characteristics are also different. The result is “like cures like. and she seeks advice from a homeopath. 3. He recommends she cease all medications. at the same time. Corporeal Disease and even in psycho-somatic . particularly if the patient has severe symptoms. Those symptoms of Mental Disease are not Mental Symptoms. Mental Characteristics will guide a Homoeopath to the exact similimum or constitutional remedy in Mental Disease. 1. Homeopathy addresses the imbalance by treating the whole person. The remedies used are specific to the person. not the underlying cause. But the bottom line is that the approach to mental health using homeopathic remedies is a viable alternative to the more conventional and potentially harmful medicines used today. This is the fundamental approach on how mental health is affected by homeopathic remedies. It allows the patient to address the problem head on. are the symptoms of schizophrenia. LACH. Each disease shall be interpreted in terms of miasmatic combination with a particular ratio. Each Person has a miasmatic combination with a particular ratio. 4. STRAM etc will be the similimum if we worked out the cases with the said symptoms. Psychosis 3. Treatment taken: Homoeopathic. 1. . One thing is crystal clear. Eg: Delusions. As we know there is no existence of a single miasm in any human being. According to psychiatric terminology Non corporeal Mental diseases can be classified under the following headings. One miasm will be prominent in each and every one and in each and every disease. 1. Hallucinations. Neurosis 2. Dr. Non corporeal mental diseases are common and corporeal disease of mental origin is the commonest form of clinical presentation. So they have little or no importance in selecting the remedy in cases of schizophrenia. It is just like the step ladder fever of typhoid or flapping of ala nasa of pneumonia. Alcoholism & Drug dependency. Behavioral Abnormalities 4. Mental Disease of non-corporeal origin. 3. allopathic or any other system of medicine shall make changes in miasmatic ratio either in favor or against virulent Miasms The prominent miasm under each type of mental disease shall be interpreted as follows.disorders. Suspiciousness etc. Ayurvedic. Age – As age advances virulent miasms achieve an upper hand (If not treated prominently) 2. Hahnemann said that mental diseases are psoric in origin chronic in nature. Family History of Disease – Change of ratio is depending up on the miasmatic ratio of paternal and maternal tree. Mental Symptoms of Mental Diseases It is of least value in the selection of a remedy because it is a disease symptom only.Samuel Hahnemann Discussed about treatment of Mental Diseases in Aphorism – 210 to 230 He classified Mental Diseases in to two Mental Disease of Corporeal origin. This miasmatic ratio of person shall be changed according to the following factors. In the present era mental diseases of corporeal origin are very rare. External influences – Environment and life style shall contribute an advancement of miasmatic growth. shall be treated with antipsoric remedies. HYOSCYAMUS. Food & Drinks.1.. 1. MIND – MANIA Alternating with depression (Bipolar) MIND – EUPHORIA – Alternating with Sadness (Bipolar) MIND – SADNESS MIND – Schizophrenia MIND – Thoughts Persistent Usual Symptamatology of the said diseases are as follows. Menstruation 3. Auditory hallucinations 3. Following disorders come under Psycosis and Sycosis Prominent Miasmatic ratio. Neurosis – Psoric Prominent (Except OCN) 2. Family History of Corporeal Diseases 5.Tubercular 4. 1. Aggravation/Amelioration. . OCN (Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis) Pathological Rubrics for the aforesaid types of mental diseases are as follows. Mental symptoms may come like a land slide.Sycosis 3. Maniac Depressive Psycosis (unipolar & Bipolar) 2. Psychosis . Alcoholism & Drug Dependency – Syphilitic Among these cases most difficult to treat and cure is Psycosis – (Sycosis). In cases of Psychosis (sycosis) the physician should consider symptoms he collected from the following sectors. 1. Schizophrenia 3. Desire/Aversion. Sleep pattern 4. Delusions 5. Visual hallucinations 4. Suicidal Disposition Common Remedies emerged out of the said symptoms are the following. Those who know the symptamatology of mental diseases will recognize the mental symptoms of the mental disease as disease symptoms and they will withstand their temptation to jump in to a remedy and will restrain themselves from considering such a symptom for selection of a remedy. Behavioral Abnormalities . Fear of being attacked 6. Those practitioners who are not well versed with mental symptoms/mental disease may get exhilarated by hearing mental symptoms of mental diseases. Paranoia 4. Suspiciousness 2. Perspiration 2. It should be a patient symptom or a person symptom. SEP. Neurosis should be treated and cured with antipsoric remedies. Alcoholism & Drug Dependency: Treatment of after effects of alcoholism and drug dependency is an easy job as it is usually based on pathological symptoms of advanced pathology. Sepia ) 7. Mental Symptoms should define the constitution of the patient. DNA in high potency is also found effective. Person Mental Symptoms 2. For clinical purpose mental symptoms may be divided in to 3. Eg: Perspiration during anxiety – ACID PHOS. All cured cases of behavioral abnormalities should be followed by a dose of TUBERCULINUM in high potencies to prevent the advancement of virulent Miasms. So the sympamatology of Behavioral abnormalities are Individualizing characteristic symptoms of the patient. While selecting a qualified mental General for repertorisation it should be considered with high intensity. If a mental symptom is qualified with a physical general that can be considered with 3 mark intensity. Alcoholism & Drug dependency it self is an advanced syphilitic miasm. Qualified mental Generals (Mental Symptoms associated with a physical General eg: Irritability Before menstruation: FOLLICULINUM. Qualified Mental Generals are discussed already. Aur Sulp. Qualified Mental Symptoms. If at all a case of Psychosis is declared cured it is better to follow up the case with a nosode to prevent the recurrence. To save the alcoholics from his habit physician should create an interest for withdrawal from alcohol and drug before starting treatment. Mental Ailments from (Where family history of Mental Disease is absent) Cases with family history of Psychiatric Disorders should be treated with Nosodes preferably MEDORRHINUM. Behavioral Abnormalities: It is treatable and curable with Homoeopathic potencies. To prevent the temptation to be addicted to drug such cases should be followed with a dose of SYPHILINUM in very high potencies. ACID FLOUR. As an intercurrent remedy SULPHUR should be given to all neurosis cases except OCN. Patient Mental Symptoms 3. . Mental Symptoms Mental Symptoms and mental disease are entirely different entities.6. Behavior and character define a person. So such cases should be treated with antisyphilitic remedies in low potencies. Never give less than 2 intensity for a qualified mental General. The multitude of symptamatology of Behavioral abnormalities should not be listed under disease symptoms as it individualizes the patient. 1. by selecting COFFEA or PHOS one can cure the disease of such a person but can’t remove the creativity.C can only cure his disease not able to remove the benevolence in him. his hopefulness will persist. Positive mannerisms. HG (Hand Gestures) is one of the major person symptoms to be observed by the physician. If patient is in despair about recovery selecting. Person Mental Symptoms are a group of Never Changing Symptoms that can individualize the case. CAMPHOR or SYPHILINUM will bring hope in to the mind of patient along with curing the physical disease. gestures and personal qualities in the mental level will lead the physician to an all time effective curative remedy and that should be the area to be concentrated by those who are playing with mental symptoms. . But CARC or NAT. Ign. Stann Met. Desire for creative activity is a person symptom. CALC.Person Mental Symptoms & Patient Mental symptoms are confusing statements for one who heard these terms first time in his life. If we are practicing it regularly it is quiet interesting. Mental Symptoms that are considered along with the physical symptoms for fulfilling the concept of totality but is to be removed by the treatment are Patient Mental Symptoms. Are You Confused Again? Let us see the said Mental Symptoms through certain examples. Benevolence is a quality of a person that guides the physician for selection of a curative remedy for him like CARCINOCIN or NAT CARB. Leptandra But if patient is hopeful about recovery if at all we are selecting SANGUNARIA on the basis of that symptom. If patient is doubtful about recovery while curing his disease the doubtfulness about recovery should also be removed by selecting a remedy from the following list that can cover his physical particulars too. COLOCYNT. Lycopodium. Patient symptoms are the symptoms that can be and should be changed with a properly selected Remedy. ARS. Those Mental Symptoms individualize the patient but not to be removed by treatment are Person Mental Symptoms.
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