Homework Class 10th Tsvs

April 2, 2018 | Author: Anthony Gonzalves | Category: Area, Ammonia, Acid, Mitosis, Nazi Party



Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of StudiesHOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : ART Work Specification : Composition/Nature study Still life Instructions / Guidelines : Composition Original figurative Composition in colour based on themes – 1. Dance festival 2. Any event from Myth or Nature study 1. Sketching with shading – any three kinds of flowers with their particulars. 2. Detailed study of three types of leaves in colour Still life 1. Pencil shading –still life on theme toys 3 items only. 2. Color composition of still life on theme ‘Utensil ‘or’ The kitchen’ Any other Information : Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : BIOLOGY Work Specification : PRACTICAL FILE AND WORKBOOK Instructions / Guidelines : GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Draw on the blank pages only with pencil (HB) 2. Write on the ruled side with pen only, black ink preferred. 3. The writing of the experiment to be beside the diagram of that experiment. If required use two / three pages for writing. 4. After each set of experiment for a particular topic leave a page blank to write the heading of the topic along with definition e.g.– transpiration, photosynthesis etc. 5. On the page of the diagram leave roughly 1cm boarder on all sides. 6. Draw roughly at the centre of the page a little towards the left so that you can get space to label on the right. 7. Try to label on the right side of the diagram if possible or on right and left. 8. Give the heading of the experiment very clearly on the top or bottom of the diagram and underline it. (Same place in all pages) 9. Please do not shade the diagrams. 10. Accuracy of the diagrams will be appreciated. 11. To be submitted on the first day of the biology class after summer vacation. 12. You might need more pages so use the extra botany sheets provided from school. A. SPECIFIC TOPICS FOR PRACTICAL FILE 1. Diffusion, Osmosis and Absorption 1. Demonstration of diffusion (visual). 2. Demonstration of osmosis by potato osmoscope – 3 cups. 3. Demonstration of osmosis by thistle funnel method. 4. Demonstration of absorption in plants (test tube, with plant and oil). Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies 2. Transpiration 1. To show that plants transpire. (potted plant, polythene bag) 2. To show that plants transpire through aerial parts (three bell jar experiment). 3. To demonstrate unequal transpiration from the two surfaces of a dorsiventral leaf. (CoCl2 paper) 4. To determine the rate of transpiration by a Ganong’s potometer. 3. Photosynthesis 1. To test a leaf for starch. 2. To show that light is necessary for photosynthesis. 3. To show that CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis. 4. To show that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis. 5. To show that oxygen is released during for photosynthesis. 4. Cell Division (Mitosis)- points to be written for each phase 1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Telophase 5. Cytokinesis B. Solve the WORKBOOK questions of the topics covered till date – 1. Absorption 2. Transpiration 3. Photosynthesis 4. Cell division 5. Genetics Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : CHEMISTRY Work Specification : Worksheet based on Study of compounds, periodic table, chemical bonding, Analytical chem. Instructions / Guidelines : Solve the worksheet given below in your H.W copy and do paste the worksheet. Study the chapters thoroughly on which worksheet is based before solving it. Read the question properly. Answer in accordance to the question. example:- If name is asked , do not write the formula. Balance the equations Write the correct Q.nos. Answer all the parts of the question. Any Other Information: You have to submit the assigned work on 18-June-2012. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies Holiday H.W /Worksheet on study of compounds, Analytical chem.,Chemical bonding/X/Chemistry Q.1 Complete and balance the following chemical equation :- [10] (i) Red lead + Conc. HCl (ii) Copper with dilute nitric acid (iii) Aluminium nitride is hydrolysed. (iv) Dilute HCl with Lead nitrate. (v) Excess of Chlorine with ammonia (vi) Action of hot alkali on aluminium (vii) Cupric sulphate with NH 4 OH (viii) Sulphur with conc. Nitric acid (ix) Zinc oxide with caustic soda. (x) Sugar is charred. Q.2 State your observation for the following cases : [10] 1. Ammonia gas is burnt in an atmosphere of oxygen in the absence of a catalyst. 2. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is added to lead (IV) oxide with warming. 3. Neutral litmus solution is added to an alkaline solution. 4. Ammonium hydroxide is added to iron (III) sulphate solution. 5. Lead nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution are mixed. 6. Conc. Sulphuric acid is added to sugar. 7. Ammonia reacts with chlorine in excess. 8. Ammonia gas is passed through lead oxide. 9. When the bottle of HCl is opened. 10. Copper reacts with conc. nitric acid. (You are not required to say what is happening nor it is necessary to name the products.) Q.3 Complete the following table (Copy it) [5] Aqueous solution of salts Colour of the ppt. when NaOH is added in small quantity Nature of the ppt.(Soluble or insoluble)when NaOH is added in excess. i) CuSO 4 ii) Zn(NO 3 ) 2 iii) Pb(NO 3 ) 2 iv) CaCl 2 v) FeSO 4 vi)FeCl 3 Q.4 Draw the structures of the following:- [5] i) Magnesium Chloride ii) Nitrogen molecule iii) Ammonium ion iv) Hydronium ion v) Marsh gas Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : COMMERCIAL APPLICATION Work Specification : Assignment: 1,2 and 5 from suggested list of assignments which are mentioned in syllabus breakup. Instructions / Guidelines : Conceptual understanding and good presentation skills. Proper computations if required. Resources: - Text books, Reference books, Case studies and Internet. Guidelines for Marketing and advertising :- 1. Planning: Choose the right model. Collect information and relevant data appropriately. 2. Organisation: Do comprehensive reference work. Show ability to analyze and assemble the materials collected. 3. Presentation: Methodical, precise and clarity of expression. Neat and tidy presentation. Any other Information: The report should be kept simple but neat and elegant. Project file should be prepared in the following sequence: 1. Title page- Name of the school, session, subject, student’s name & class. 2. Acknowledgement. 3. Contents. 4. Introduction. 5. Purpose/Objective of the project. 6. Details of products, marketing, product life cycle and stages of PLC. 7. Bibliography. 8. Conclusion on the basis of your observation. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : COOKERY Work Specification : Project work: Topic: Meal Planning and balanced diets. Instructions / Guidelines : Meal Planning and balanced diets: Use of five food groups as suggested by ICMR. Students will plan the breakfast, lunch and dinner of a day for six people using all food groups as suggested by ICMR, For various age groups. Choosing nutritionally rich but economical foods within the five food groups. Planning balance meals according to ICMR nutrients allowances for pre- school, school going children, special needs of adolescents and the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. Components of the project file : Cover Page, Title, Acknowledgement, Index, Content, Observation (if applicable), Conclusion, Bibliography Add pictures, photographs, press-release, wherever necessary. Cover the File. Write the project title, your name, ID, class, Name of the School, academic year and name of the subject teacher on the cover page. Any other Information: You may collect the necessary information from the net. Use a separate file for this project. Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while making the project file. The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment. Date of Submission: 20-07-2012 Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : ECONOMIC APPLICATIONS Work Specification : Make a list of products for which you think demand is price elastic and price inelastic. Specify the reasons relevant for your analysis. Instructions / Guidelines : Do a detailed survey for authenticity. Project file should be prepared in the following sequence: 1. Title page- Name of the school, session, subject, student’s name & class. 2. Acknowledgement. 3. Contents. 4. Introduction. 5. Purpose/Objective of the project. 6. Details of products, marketing, product life cycle etc. 7. Bibliography. 8. Conclusion on the basis of your observation. Project should be hand-written. Any other Information: The report should be kept simple but neat, elegant & comprehensive. Segregate the products into necessities & luxuries. DATE OF SUBMISSION: - 27 th JUNE (MONDAY) 2012 Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : ENGLISH Work Specification : PROJECT WORK Instructions / Guidelines : The students are required to do three assignments to complete the project work: A. On the play, ‘As you like it’ B. On either one poem or one short story, choosing one question/theme from each genre. C. Any one Composition out of the choices given. The entire project has to be completed in 1500 words. You are free to divide them between the play and the poem/short story in any way that suits you. Please remember that these projects will be assessed for the ICSE Board examination and will constitute a part of the marks awarded for internal assessment. It is also to be kept in mind that marks will be awarded for good, appropriate expression, vocabulary, content and presentation. Any other Information : The details of assignments to be done is attached with this document. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies ENGLISH HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SUMMER PROJECT 2012-2013 CLASS X Details of assignments to complete the Project. A. Drama – As You Like It -- By W. Shakespeare. [Do Any two] A) Discuss why the play has been set in the Forest of Arden. Is the forest a mere background, or has it any special significance? Describe how it affects the characters in the play. B) Who is Corin? What does he wish to know from Touchstone? Why is there contradiction in Touchstone’s mind about the life in the Forest of Arden? What is Corin’s philosophy? What does it convey about his attitude towards the Forest of Arden? C) Differentiate between Rosalind’s healthy humour, Touchstone’s professional humour, Jaques’ satirical humour and Corin’s natural humour. D] Write short notes on the following : i) Uses of Adversity ii) The consequences of the wrestling Match iii) Jacques’ moralising on lonely and pitiable condition of the deer. B. Poem OR Short Story: [Attempt one question on poem and one on the short story out of the choices given below] Poem: i) How is the poem, ‘The Frog and the Nightingale,’ symbolic of a modern society where the untalented commercial and crafty people dominate over the people gifted with art and culture? ii) How is the poem, ‘A River’, by A. K. Ramanujan, a satire on the attitudes of people in their everyday life? In your answer bring out the literary devices such as irony and repetition used by the poet to bring out his point of view. Short Story: i) Bring out the humour and irony in t he short story, ‘Dusk’ by Saki. ii) How is ‘The Case For Defence a story with a twist in the tail? Elaborate. ENGLISH LANGUAGE C. Write a Composition ( 350- 400) words on any one of the following:- a) You are fast asleep when a noise wakes you up. You look at the window and see a parrot perched on the sill. You approach the parrot and it begins to talk. Describe what happens after that. b) Teenage is the best time of the life. Express your views on this statement. c) Write an original story beginning with the line,’ Hurry up! It’s time to go.’ d) Homework should be abolished. Write your views ‘for’ or ‘against’ this statement. e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. .Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or may take suggestion from it, but there must be some clear connection between the picture and the composition. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies GUIDELINES: GENERAL FORMAT It must be written on A4 size paper. Your full name and class must be written CLEARLY on the cover. Make the cover attractive. Index/ Table of Contents. Each item must begin on a fresh page. Put a Bibliography at the end. Overall presentation: layout/ neatness/ grammar, spellings/ illustrations/hand written. Final project (all assignments) MUST be written legibly. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies ENGLISH HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SUMMER PROJECT 2012-2013 CLASS X Details of assignments to complete the Project. A. Drama – As You Like It -- By W. Shakespeare. [Do Any two] D) Discuss why the play has been set in the Forest of Arden. Is the forest a mere background, or has it any special significance? Describe how it affects the characters in the play. E) Who is Corin? What does he wish to know from Touchstone? Why is there contradiction in Touchstone’s mind about the life in the Forest of Arden? What is Corin’s philosophy? What does it convey about his attitude towards the Forest of Arden? F) Differentiate between Rosalind’s healthy humour, Touchstone’s professional humour, Jaques’ satirical humour and Corin’s natural humour. D] Write short notes on the following : i) Uses of Adversity ii) The consequences of the wrestling Match iii) Jacques’ moralising on lonely and pitiable condition of the deer. B. Poem OR Short Story: [Attempt one question on poem and one on the short story out of the choices given below] Poem: i) How is the poem, ‘The Frog and the Nightingale,’ symbolic of a modern society where the untalented commercial and crafty people dominate over the people gifted with art and culture? ii) How is the poem, A River by A. K. Ramanujan, a satire on the attitudes of people in their everyday life? In your answer bring out the literary devices such as irony and repetition used by the poet to bring out his point of view. Short Story: i) Bring out the humour and irony in t he short story, ‘Dusk’ by Saki. ii) How is ‘The Case For Defence a story with a twist in the tail? Elaborate. ENGLISH LANGUAGE C)Write a Composition ( 350- 400) words on any one of the following:- a) You are fast asleep when a noise wakes you up. You look at the window and see a parrot perched on the sill. You approach the parrot and it begins to talk. Describe what happens after that. b) Teenage is the best time of the life. Express your views on this statement. c) Write an original story beginning with the line,’ Hurry up! It’s time to go.’ d) Homework should be abolished. Write your views ‘for’ or ‘against’ this statement. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. .Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or may take suggestion from it, but there must be some clear connection between the picture and the composition. PROJECT GUIDELINES: GENERAL FORMAT It must be written on A4 size paper. Your full name and class must be written CLEARLY on the cover. Make the cover attractive. Index/ Table of Contents. Each item must begin on a fresh page. Put a Bibliography at the end. Overall presentation: layout/ neatness/ grammar, spellings/ illustrations/hand written. Final projects MUST be written LEGIBLY. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS (Group 3) Work Specification : Project Work and Case study to be completed Instructions / Guidelines : Number of PROJECT to be completed - 1 No. of CASE STUDIES to be completed- 2 General guidelines for completing project and case studies FOR COVER PAGE: * ACKOWLEDGEMENT – 1 PAGE * INDEX WITH PAGE NUMBER – 1 PAGE * INTRODUCTION OR PROJECT OVERVIEW – 1 PAGE * CONTENT OR BODY FOR PROJECT- 15-20 PAGES OR MINIMUM 3000 WORDS WITH HEADINGS, SUBHEADINGS. * CONTENT OR BODY FOR CASE STUDY- 10-15 PAGES OR MINIMUM 1500 WORDS * CONCLUSION – 1 PAGE * BIBLIOGRAPHY – MENTION COMPLETE LINKS WITH SITES- 1 PAGE * ATTACH PRINT OUT MATERIAL IF TAKEN AFTER BIBLIOGRAPHY. * STICK PHOTOGRAPHS WHERE EVER NECESSARY. * SUPPORT YOUR PROJECT OR CASE STUDY WITH STATISTICS, GRAPHS, CUTOUTS, TABLES ETC * USE BLACK OR BLUE INK TO WRITE. USE PROJECT SHEETS TO WRITE. PUNCH THEM AND DO SPIRAL BINDING. Any other Information: Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while organizing the project file. THE SANSKAAR VALLEY SCHOOL PROJECT/ CASE STUDY NAME OF THE TOPIC: NAME OF THE STUDENT: STUDENT ID NUMBER: CLASS & SECTION: SESSION: Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment. HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES(Gp 2), Work Specification : Do a Project and two Case studies (For further details on project topics and case studies refer to syllabus/Rules and Regulation booklet.) Instructions / Guidelines : For both project and case studies students have to make a document consisting of following pages. *COVER PAGE: *ACKOWLEDGEMENT – 1 PAGE *INDEX WITH PAGE NUMBER – 1 PAGE *INTRODUCTION OR PROJECT/CASE STUDY OVERVIEW – 1 PAGE *CONTENT OR BODY FOR PROJECT- 15-20 PAGES OR MINIMUM 3000 WORDS WITH HEADINGS, SUBHEADINGS. *CONTENT OR BODY FOR CASE STUDY- 10-15 PAGES OR MINIMUM 1500 WORDS *CONCLUSION – 1 PAGE *BIBLIOGRAPHY – MENTION COMPLETE LINKS WITH SITES- 1 PAGE *ATTACH PRINT OUT MATERIAL IF TAKEN AFTER BIBLIOGRAPHY. *STICK PHOTOGRAPHS WHERE EVER NECESSARY. *SUPPORT YOUR PROJECT OR CASE STUDY WITH STATISTICS, GRAPHS, CUTOUTS, TABLES ETC * USE BLACK OR BLUE INK TO WRITE. USE PROJECT SHEETS TO WRITE. PUNCH THEM AND DO SPIRAL BINDING. Any other Information: Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while organizing the project file. The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment. THE SANSKAAR VALLEY SCHOOL PROJECT/ CASE STUDY NAME OF THE TOPIC: NAME OF THE STUDENT: STUDENT ID NUMBER: CLASS & SECTION: SESSION: Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : Geography Work Specification : 1. Geography project to be completed. 2. Customized question + answers and map work to be completed. Instructions / Guidelines : 1. Project - Instruction sheet already circulated. Please complete the same in a project file. 2. Q + A - Instruction sheet already circulated. Please complete the same in your Home Work Note Books. Any other Information: DATE OF SUBMISSION OF PROJECT :- 15 TH APRIL, 2012 DATE OF SUBMISSION OF CUSTOMISED Q + A: - 25 TH JUNE, 2012 Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 Any Other Information: SUBJECT : Hindi Work Specification : PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED Instructions / Guidelines : ·÷¤ -n n l(¬~¤ ¬i¤¬i ¬ri¤ni r n l·¤ n¤ r | ¬i¤ ¬¤·i ;·si· ¬iº l(·i¤i ¬i ·i¤· ¬º ¬¬n r | z÷ni· l(·i¤i ¤º ri ¤lº¤i¬·i ¬i¤ ¤¸ºi ¬il¬¤| ·i l(¬~¤i ¤º raa ºi·· l¬ªi ¬i º ¤¬ l(·i¤ ¤º zra ºi··i ¬i ¤lº¤i¬·i--¬ ¬i¤ n ¤iº ¬il¬¤| 3&l¬¬i l(·i¤ ¤º ¤ -ni( ¬ ªi· ¤i ¬ªi ¤i - ri(º ¤( ¬i¬i l·n¤i ¬i ¬i·iiº «·i¬º ¤i ¬¤·i ¤i- ¤ ¤ -n¬i - ¬ l¬¬i ¤¬ ¤¬i¬i ¤i ¬¤·¤i¬ ¬i ¬iºi’i ¤i l¬¬i ¤i¤ ¬i ¤lº¤÷l¤¤ºi ¤i l¬¬i ¬ªi¬ ¬i ¬i(· ¤lº¤ ¤i -(·si· ¬iº l¬¬i ¤ -n¬ ¬i ¤«¬º ¬¬¬i ¬-i·ii ·ii l¬ªi ¬¬n r | «÷¬¤· ¬i¤ ¬ ¬i ··¤ ¬i ««i· r n ¬ ··º ¬ªi· - ri l¬ªi· ¬i ¤ ¤i¬ ¬º| l¤¤i,¬¬i ¬il·¤i ¤( (il·¤i ¬i ·i l(l·i·· ·¤l·n¤i , ¤ -n¬i , ¬-i¤iº ¤¤i ¤i- ¤¤ -n¬i ¤( - ·¬i· ¬il· ¬i ¬ri¤ni ¬ ¬i¤ ¬ ··º «·i ¬¬n r | r÷¤l· ¬i¤ l¬¬i ¤ -n¬ ¤i ;·-º·- ¬ ¬i; ¬i·¬iºi ¤i ¬¸¤·i ¬n r ni ¬¬¬ ¬ªi¬, ¤ -n¬ ¬il· ¬i ·i- ,¤ ·- ¬ª¤i, («¬i;- ¬i ·i- ¬(º¤ l¬ªi| c÷l¤¤ -(l·l- n ¬·i(i ¬ri ¬ ¬i-¬º ·ii ¬¬·· ¬º ¬¬n r | /÷¤ ·- ¬ ¤¬ ri ¬i º l¬ªi | s÷¬¤· ¤lº¬- ¬ ri ¤lº¤i ¬·ii ¬i¤ ¤¸ºi ¬º | lgkrkFkZ fodYi%& ·÷¬i¬ ·’i ¬i ¬il·i ¬ ¤( ¬i-il¬¬ l-·iln - ¤n· ¬ ·¤i÷·¤i ¬iººi r ` ¬¬ ¬ ·iiº· ¬ ·¤i÷·¤i ¬¤i¤ ¬º· ¤ilr¤| ¬¤· ºi··i - ¤ -n n l(·i¤ ¤º ¬¤· l(¤iº l¬lªi¤| z÷l¬¬- ¬i ªi¬ ¬i¬ ¬-¤¸ ºi l(’( - ¬¤·i ¤¬ l(’i·i -·ii· ºªini r | ;¬ ªi¬ - ¬i¤ ¤lº(n ·i ¤º ¤¬ ¬ªi l(-niº ¬ l¬lªi¤| :÷-i«i;¬ ¬¤¬ººi ¬ r-iº ¬i(· ¤( ¬-i¬ - ¤ (’i ¬ ·¤i÷·¤i ¬i·i ¬i º ril·¤i rini r ` ¬¤· ºi··i - ¤ -n n l(·i¤ ¤º ¬¤· l(¤iº l¬lªi¤| «÷¬·i ¬¬ nnºi s¬¬n ¬i¤, ¬i- ¬ ¬i- n -l¬¤i ¬ ·i-, ¬i¬-i· ¬ lnºi ªi¬¸º - ¬-¬i ¬il· ¬i ¬il·n¤i ¤º ¬i·iilºn ¤¬ -i l¬¬ ¬ri·i l¬lªi¤| r÷¬¤·i ¤i- ¤ ¤ -n¬ - ¤¬ l¬¬i ¤¬i¬i ¤i ¬¤·¤i¬ ¬i ¬iºi ’i ¤i l¬¬i ¤i¤ ¬i ¤lº¤÷l¤¤ºi l¬lªi¤| c÷l¬¬i ·ii ¤ l¬· ·i, l¤ ¤ ¤i ¤ º¬ ·¤l·n ¬ ¬i(· ¤lº¤ ¬ «iº - l¬lªi¤| Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : History/Civics Work Specification : Specified project. Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic. The topics for the PROJECT may be selected from the list of suggested assignments given below. Instructions / Guidelines : Topics: Rise of Nazism in Germany OR The revolt of 1857 OR Picture perception OR Partition of Bengal. The project should include; • CONTENTS (All topics and sub topics) • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (People who have helped/inspired you for this project) • INTRODUCTION (Brief outline of the topic chosen) • OBJECTIVE (Reason of choosing your topic) • SCOPE Rise of Nazism in Germany Treaty of Versailles Weimar Republic and its weakness Nazi Party March in Rome Elections 1932 Hitler as Chancellor Anti Semitic Policy of Hitler The Final Solution Aggressive foreign policy of Hitler Domestic policy of Hitler Death of Hitler OR The revolt of 1857 Political causes Social causes Military causes Main events Drawbacks Results and effects Interesting facts on any two leaders who played a vital role in the uprising Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies OR “Dilemma to be or not to be Kept the world confused in 1918 It is when the brother big intervened that I culminated into an identity. For peace prosperity and ‘PANIC’ my existence became an actuality “I always shall be by our side…. In spirit and in ideals,” was how the brother defined , Defined his presence Indeed a shallow statement….. Save me I am in pain. My identity an illusion… a far away dream Why do I close my eyes to the pain of millions in Far East? Why do I appease an ideology so narrow? Why do I stand immune to the non- democratic ways of revengeful nations? Why do my eyes blur to the German aggression and the Italian Aspirations? Will someone ever speak for me or shall I be another name humored in the sands of time?????? Let’s put our thinking caps on!! According to you Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies who is the rightful author of the poem? Which country is referred to as “Big Brother”? How have the objectives of the organization been planned for establishment of world peace? Why has the organization kept silent in the activities of aggression in the Far East? What is appeasement? Who are the revengeful nations and explain their ideologies? Highlight the foreign policy of the revengeful nations. How far was the organization successful in its objective? Why do you think the organization fears about its existence being humored in the times to come? Observe the three animations and create your own history. You could also add on some more animations to grow your story. OR Bengal Partition Bengal the epicenter of nationalism Policies of Lord Curzon 16 th October 1905 Reasons given by the British Actual reasons Reaction of the people ( in-depth) Swadeshi Boycott movement Differences between the Moderates and the Radicals Surat split (Congress) MAIN BODY (The core content of the topic chosen) PICTURES ( To be pasted / drawn neatly) CONCLUSION (Your deductions and suggestions) BIBLIOGRAPHY (Mention the sources of reference) Any other Information : Date for submission -15 th July. Page Limit :- 20 written pages. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies SUMMER PROJECT 2012 Teacher’s Name Subject Class VNC/SWN HISTORY X Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic. The topics for assignments may be selected from the list of suggested assignments given below. Your SYLLABUS BOOK has the evaluation criteria. Please keep it in mind when you are going about with your project. DATE OF SUBMISSION :- 15 JULY, 2012 Topics: Rise of Nazism in Germany OR The revolt of 1857 OR Picture perception OR Partition of Bengal The project should include; • CONTENTS (All topics and sub topics) • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (People who have helped/inspired you for this project) • INTRODUCTION (Brief outline of the topic chosen) • OBJECTIVE (Reason of choosing your topic) • SCOPE Rise of Nazism in Germany Treaty of Versailles Weimar Republic and its weakness Nazi Party March in Rome Elections 1932 Hitler as Chancellor Anti Semitic Policy of Hitler The Final Solution Aggressive foreign policy of Hitler Domestic policy of Hitler Death of Hitler OR The revolt of 1857 Political causes Social causes Military causes Main events Drawbacks Results and effects Interesting facts on any two leaders who played a vital role in the uprising OR Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies “Dilemma to be or not to be Kept the world confused in 1918 It is when the brother big intervened that I culminated into an identity For peace prosperity and ‘PANIC’ my existence became an actuality “I always shall be by our side….In spirit and in ideals,” was how the brother defined Defined his presence Indeed a shallow statement….. Save me I am in pain My identity an illusion… a far away dream Why do I close my eyes to the pain of millions in Far East? Why do I appease an ideology so narrow? Why do I stand immune to the non- democratic ways of revengeful nations ? Why do my eyes blur to the German aggression and the Italian Aspirations? Will someone ever speak for me or shall I be another name humored in the sands of time?????? Let’s put our thinking caps on!! According to you who is the rightful author of the poem? Which country is referred to as “Big Brother”? How have the objectives of the organization been planned for establishment of world peace? Why has the organization kept silent in the activities of aggression in the Far East? What is appeasement? Who are the revengeful nations and explain their ideologies? Highlight the foreign policy of the revengeful nations. How far was the organization successful in its objective? Why do you think the organization fears about its existence being humored in the times to come? Observe the three animations and create your own history. You could also add on some more animations to grow your story. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies OR Bengal Partition Bengal the epicenter of nationalism Policies of Lord Curzon 16 th October 1905 Reasons given by the British Actual reasons Reaction of the people ( in-depth) Swadeshi Boycott movement Differences between the Moderates and the Radicals Surat split (Congress) MAIN BODY (The core content of the topic chosen) PICTURES ( To be pasted / drawn neatly) CONCLUSION (Your deductions and suggestions) BIBLIOGRAPHY (Mention the sources of reference) Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : Computer Application Work Specification : Complete (10) Java programming exercises given (3 pages) using Bluej environment as per following instruction/guidelines mentioned below: Instructions / Guidelines : As per the guideline for maintaining Java assignment practical file for each programming exercise: • program statement • Program listing & Output of the program (Hard copy) • Variable description table- (Hand written) Question 1: Define a class employee having the following description:- Data members/ int pan to store personal account number Instance variables int eno to store employee number double tax_income to store annual taxable income Member Functions:- input() To store the pan, eno, tax_income calc() Calculate income tax for an employee display() Output details of employee in the given format Write a program to compute the tax according to the given conditions and display the output as per the given format: Total Taxable Income Tax Rate Up to Rs 1,00,000 No Tax From 1,00,001 to 1,50,000 10 % of the income exceeding Rs 1,00,000 From 1,50,001 to 2,50,000 Rs. 5,000 + 20 % of the income exceeding Rs 1,50,000 Above Rs 2,50,000 Rs 25,000 + 30 % of the income exceeding Rs 2,50,000 Output: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Employee Number Tax Rate Taxable Income Income Tax ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Luv 10% --- ----- ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Question 2: Write a program to generate a triangle or an inverted triangle till N terms based on the user’s choice of triangle to be displayed. Example 1: Example 2: Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies Input: Type 1 for triangle and Input: Type 1 for triangle and Type 2 for an inverted triangle Type 2 for an inverted triangle 1 2 Enter the no of terms Enter the no of terms 5 6 Output: Output: 1 666666 22 55555 333 4444 4444 333 55555 22 1 Question 3: Write a class with the name volume using function overloading that computes the volume of a cube, a sphere and a cuboid. Formula: Volume of a cube vc= s*s*s Volume of sphere vs = 4/3 * 22/7 * r * r *r Volume of a cuboid vcd= l * b * h Question 4: Write a menu driven program to accept a number as input and gives the output using that number as per the choice made by the user from the menu options given below. The process of accepting choice and displaying output must continue till user says “no” to exit. Enter 1 to Check for Perfect Number Enter 2 to Check for Palindrome Number Enter 3 to Check for Armstrong Number Enter 4 to Print Prime numbers below the given number-n Enter 5 to Print Factorial of given Number Make use of function for each option and call those function in main() with in switch-case option. 1- Perfect number-A number is called perfect number if it is equal to the sum of its factors other than the number itself. Example- 6 = 1 + 2 +3 2- Palindrome number- A number is palindrome which when read in reverse order is same as read in the right order. Example- 11, 1221, 191 etc 3- Armstrong number- A number is Armstrong number if the sum of the cube of its individual digits is equal to the number itself. Example- 153= 1 3 + 5 3 + 3 3 4- Prime Number- A number is a prime number, if it has only two distinct divisors i.e. one and itself 5- Factorial- the factorial of the number is the product of all the numbers between 1 to the number. Example- factorial of 5= 5*4*3*2*1 or 1 * 2*3*4*5 Question 5: Write a program to input a number and print whether the number is a special number or not. A number is said to be a special number, if the sum of the factorial of the digits of the number is same as the original number. Example- 145 is a special number, because 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145 Where ! stands for factorial of the number and the factorial value of a number is the product of all integers from 1 to that number. Example- factorial of 5= 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 or 1 * 2*3*4*5 Question 6: Design a class “draw” to overload function polygon() as follows: Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies (a) void polygon(int n, char ch) with one integer argument and one character type argument that draws a filled square of side n using the character stored in ch. (b) void polygon(int x, int y) with two integer that draws a filled rectangle of length x and breadth y, using the symbol ‘@’ (c) void polygon() with no argument that draws a filled triangle shown below. Example: (a) input value of n=2, ch=’O’ Output: OO OO (b) Input value of x=2, y= 5 Output: @@@@@ @@@@@ (c) Output: * ** *** Question 7: Write a program to create a class fibonacci to generate Fibonacci series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,…… ( Fibonacci series is generated by adding two previous terms by taking 0 and 1 as starting terms.) Data members/ int first to store first term of series Instance variables: int second to store second term of series int third to compute third term Member Functions: fibonacci () to initialize 0 to first and 1 to second void printseries() to print Fibonacci series up to 20 terms Question 8: Write a program to input an integer and print the greatest and smallest digits present in the number. For Example- if input: N= 45768 then output: Greatest digit= 8 and Smallest digit = 4 Question 9: Write a program to create an array of store 10 integers and print the largest integer and the smallest integer in that array. Question 10: Input 10 numbers from keyboard print the sum of all prime numbers entered by user. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS Work Specification : Holiday Home work(Projects): [April 2012] Instructions / Guidelines : General Guidelines for Students: 1. You have to submit any Three Assignments in Mathematics in class X . 2. The assignments should be related to different branches of Mathematics e.g. One from Statistics, second from geometry, third from commercial mathematics,etc. 3. The assignment/ project should be ideally between 8 to 12 pages. A good project must have : • Cover Page [ It includes School’s name,Mathematics project,Topic/topics,name of the student, class and section] • Introduction (what the assignment is about/ what problem is being tackled) 1page • Main content ( how problem is being tackled 4 to 8 pages) • Conclusion & Analysis( what is the solution of the problem, 1page) (use of computer for research and design purposes will be appreciated.) • Bibliography 4. The projects should be submitted positively as per the dates mentioned below. • First project by 30 th of June. • Second project by 15 th of August. • Third project by mid of October. Note : It is strongly recommended to plan and prepare rough draft for all three assignments in summer vacation so as to utilize your time effectively later in the academic year. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies Some recommended topics are mentioned below: You may choose any actual problem facing society or community and solve it applying your knowledge of Mathematics. Commercial Mathematics 1. Comparative study of various services(saving rates, home loans, car loans etc.) of different banks[ atleast five nationalized banks]under following heads:- Start with introduction: (i) Rate of interest (ii) Margin Money (iii) Period of processing (iv) Eligibility factors to get loan. (v) Miscellaneous Represent the above in tabular form + any two graphical forms{Bar,Pie,etc} End with Conclusion[ learning outcomes] 2. To use a newspaper to study and report on shares and dividends. Important points: 1. Introduction 2. Business News 3. Meaning of shares and dividends. 4. Discussion of various shares and dividends of different companies. 5.Comparative study of shares of different companies. 6.Comparative study of profit on sale/ purchase of shares of different companies. 7. Conclusion. 3. Or comparative study of shares & dividends of two companies, analysis of rise & fall of market value (Commercial Mathematics) Geometry 4. Designing a water tank for the school community. (Mensuration) Work out the daily amount/ quantity of water required by our school community, then work out the possible shape & size of the tank, justify the design (why this shape & size).Is cuboidal tank better or cylindrical? 5. Create 4 Designs using geometrical figures only. These can be used in jewelry, fabrics & architecture or logo of a company[one from each] (Geometry).Design your own jewelry, logo and fabric design and write about your design.[1 pg intro+1 pg designs+1 pg write up for all three +1pg conclusion]. 6. Design a lay out plan :Mention the plot size( 40x 60 ) etc, Material used, Quality, cost, duration, Labour cost, front view, top view ,etc. Also workout the estimated areas & costs of construction. 7. Observe various patterns in nature and architecture. Make a record of it. Are there lines of symmetry? Collect at least six different patterns in nature. Comment upon their significance. Introduction:What is symmetry?where do you find it ? what is it Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies used for & why is it important? -Symmetry in nature -symmetry in Mathematics( geometrical figures,curves,etc.) -Symmetry in Architecture -Symmetry in animals -Symmetry in Alphabets -Importance/Significance of symmetry -Types of symmetry a) Reflectional (b) Rotational (c) more if any -Conclusion: What do you realize after doing the project? 8. Study & analyze the usage and importance of circles & similar triangles in various aspects of our daily life. Analyze functional purpose of different geometrical shapes. 9. An eccentric artist says that the best paintings have the same area as their perimeter(numerically). Let us not argue whether such sizes increases the viewers appreciation, but only try and find what sides(in integers only) a rectangle must have if its area and perimeter are to be equal( note there are only two rectangles). Also find other figures with the same area as their perimeter [eg. Square, circle, etc] 10. Cutting a circle into sections of a small central angle to find the area of a circle by using the formula Area = Πr 2 Statistics 11. Collection of data, processing of it, representation & analysis of data on any actual problem facing society/state/country/world e.g. Boy/girl ratio in various states of India or the literacy rate in various state of our country. 12. Critically analyze & Compare Sports Budget for the following countries. [ USA, Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, UAE].Represent it by graph .Find out the reason and the remedy and write under conclusion. 13. . Planning a Home Budget 1. Introduction 2.Monthly Income of family 3.Monthly Expenditure of family 4. family Size 5. Savings 6. Conclusion Represent the above in tabular form + any two graphical forms{Bar,Pie,etc} End with Conclusion[ learning outcomes] 14. Compare the value of various currencies ( e.g US Dollar, Euro, GB Pound, Yen, Indian Rupee etc.) for a period of 15 days. - Graph these readings. - Analyse the reasons for appreciation and depreciation. - Analyse the impact of these fluctuations on economy of countries. Trigonometry 15. Calculation of Height of a building/ hill/ tower/tree using trigonometry & apparatus for measuring angle of elevation.(how to make a Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies clinometer www.wikihow.com) (Trigonometry) 1.Mr. Rajesh- 9977004389 , [email protected] 2.Mr. Shridhar- 9893498996, [email protected], 3. Swapna - 9425171622 , [email protected] 4. Mrs Rita – 8889299482, [email protected] Any other Information : Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies HOLIDAY HOMEWORK: Class 10 Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : Physics Work Specification : Holiday Home work (project) Instructions / Guidelines : General guidelines for students: Prepare project files on the topic (i) Paste a photocopy of an electricity bill and calculate the energy consumption shown in it. (ii) List 5 natural phenomenon (pictures) taking place in our surroundings due to atmospheric refraction, scattering and dispersion keeping in mind following things: 1. Project report should be between 10-15 pages (A4 Blank Sheet) (Photocopy Paper). 2. Report has to be hand written. 3. Report should be written on single side of the paper. 4. Project report should be neatly bound or filed. 5. Before using the page for writing, draw a border preferably of 1 to 1.5 cms, and keep it same on all the pages. 6. Page numbers to be put on the extreme below right corner of the page. 7. Project report should include following points: a. First page: Cover page (May be Printed) (Name of student, class, section, session, topic of project are essentials) b. Acknowledgement (Thanks giving for those who has supported in completion of project) c. Index page (Content with exact page numbers) d. Second Page: Introduction (General introduction of the topic) e. From next page to the second last page. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies (i) Content (ii) pictures, photographs, coloured print and the photocopies (iii) Discussion on the topic. f. Last page: Bibliography (Name and source of materials, like some reference book, internet sites etc) 8. Content from some original and genuine sources will be appreciated. 9. Use of printout of the engines is advisable and will be appreciated. 10. Better presentation of content, better grades. 11. Supplement your report with facts and figures. 12. Non compliance with any of the instruction will attract negative marking. Go through the ICSE question papers of physics ( from 2008 – 2012) and trace out the questions related to the topic taught in your class and write the answers in your homework copy and submit it on 19 th June 2012. Resources Separate Guideline Sheet Attached Required Yes/No Dean of Studies Academic Coordinator The Sanskaar Valley School HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT : Summer Vacation 2012 CLASS : 10 Work to be done Subject Adult Supervision Required Time to be Spent (___ Hours per day for ___ Days) : HISTORY 45 minutes per day for two weeks No EVS GEOGRAPHY Yes Yes Yes Yes Project Work for assessment Internet/Books 30minutes per day for two weeks Text book, Internet Collect information, plan & prepare for three internal assignments for mathematics. These must be from various branches of maths. Finally a report of around 10 pages/ assignment is to be submitted.Choosing interesting topic/ problem is vital.A separate guidance sheet is provided for this. ICSE PROJECT 60 minutes per day for two weeks 1hour per day for a week Yes HINDI MATHEMATICS Text book, Internet Yes Yes Yes yes Yes 30minutes per day for two weeks You are advised to do thorough research on internet in the planning stage. One Project and two case studies already assigned to the children. Details are given in the separate sheet. ICSE PROJECT History text book, Internet Project Work and customised questions for Internal Assessment. ENGLISH Yes Books, Internet 40 minutes per day for 10 days Page 1 of 3 Resources Separate Guideline Sheet Attached Required Not Required Science students are requested to ignore EVS homework and vice versa. Gr-3 Homework is assigned wherever applicable. Do as per your subject choice ECONOMIC APPLICATIONS ICSE Project Work for the subject to be completed Text book, internet No 45 minutes per day for a week No ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS One Project and two case studies already assigned to the children. Details are given in the separate sheet. Books, Internet Yes 45 minutes per day for 10 days Yes Yes PHYSICS CHEMISTRY The Sanskaar Valley School CLASS : 10 Subject COOKERY 1 hour per day for a week No Yes Time to be Spent (___ Hours per day for ___ Days) : BIOLOGY Yes Yes No No Textbook 1 hr for 10 days 1 hr for 7 days HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT : Summer Vacation 2012 40 minutes for 3 days No Holiday homework (project) and the answer of the questions according to the guideline. Practical file and workbook completion, of the specified topics and chapters. Adult Supervision Required Worksheet based on study of compounds, chemical bonding and Analytical chemistry Work to be done ICSE Project Work for the subject to be completed Project file completion, of the specified topics Ten Java Programs Internet and reference books, Newspapers and Magazines Internet, textbook. Textbook, workbook, lab manual and stationery COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 1 hr for 10 days Yes Text Book, Computer, Printer and Bluej Java Software Yes Yes Yes Text book, internet 1 hr for 15 days COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS ART Drawing on Composition/Nature Study and Still Life to be completed Art Material, Internet, Drawing Sheets No 1 hour per day for a week Yes DANCE Write the Answers to the given question in your notebook Internet, Notes Provided No 30 minutes per day for a week Yes Page 2 of 3 HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation, 2012 SUBJECT : BIOLOGY 10 Work Specification : PRACTICAL FILE AND WORKBOOK Instructions / Guidelines : GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Draw on the blank pages only with pencil (HB) 2. Write on the ruled side with pen only, black ink preferred. 3. The writing of the experiment to be beside the diagram of that experiment. If required use two / three pages for writing. 4. After each set of experiment for a particular topic leave a page blank to write the heading of the topic along with definition e.g.– transpiration, photosynthesis etc. 5. On the page of the diagram leave roughly 1cm boarder on all sides. 6. Draw roughly at the centre of the page a little towards the left so that you can get space to label on the right. 7. Try to label on the right side of the diagram if possible or on right and left. 8. Give the heading of the experiment very clearly on the top or bottom of the diagram and underline it. (Same place in all pages) 9. Please do not shade the diagrams. 10. Accuracy of the diagrams will be appreciated. 11. To be submitted on the first day of the biology class after summer vacation. 12. You might need more pages so use the extra botany sheets provided from school. A. SPECIFIC TOPICS FOR PRACTICAL FILE 1. Diffusion, Osmosis and Absorption 1. Demonstration of diffusion (visual). 2. Demonstration of osmosis by potato osmoscope – 3 cups. 3. Demonstration of osmosis by thistle funnel method. 4. Demonstration of absorption in plants (test tube, with plant and oil). Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies 2. Transpiration 1. To show that plants transpire. (potted plant, polythene bag) 2. To show that plants transpire through aerial parts (three bell jar experiment). 3. To demonstrate unequal transpiration from the two surfaces of a dorsiventral leaf. (CoCl2 paper) 4. To determine the rate of transpiration by a Ganong’s potometer. 3. Photosynthesis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To test a leaf for starch. To show that light is necessary for photosynthesis. To show that CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis. To show that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis. To show that oxygen is released during for photosynthesis. 4. Cell Division (Mitosis)- points to be written for each phase 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis B. Solve the WORKBOOK questions of the topics covered till date – 1. Absorption 2. Transpiration 3. Photosynthesis 4. Cell division 5. Genetics Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies Solve the worksheet given below in your H.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation. 2012 SUBJECT : CHEMISTRY 10 Work Worksheet based on Study of compounds.W copy and do paste the worksheet. do not write the formula. Specification : chemical bonding. Answer in accordance to the question. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . Answer all the parts of the question.nos.If name is asked . Instructions / Guidelines : Read the question properly. example:. periodic table. Analytical chem. Balance the equations Write the correct Q. Study the chapters thoroughly on which worksheet is based before solving it. Any Other Information: You have to submit the assigned work on 18-June-2012. 3 Complete the following table (Copy it) Aqueous solution of salts Colour of the ppt. (x) Sugar is charred. 8. Ammonia reacts with chlorine in excess. Neutral litmus solution is added to an alkaline solution. Sulphuric acid is added to sugar. 5. 4.. Q. Ammonia gas is passed through lead oxide. When the bottle of HCl is opened.Holiday H. 10. Analytical chem. (v) Excess of Chlorine with ammonia (vi) Action of hot alkali on aluminium (viii) Sulphur with conc. 6.W /Worksheet on study of compounds. Q. when NaOH is added in small quantity i) CuSO4 ii) Zn(NO3)2 iii) Pb(NO3)2 iv) CaCl2 v) FeSO4 vi)FeCl3 [5] Nature of the ppt. 3. (iv) Dilute HCl with Lead nitrate.Chemical bonding/X/Chemistry Q. 2. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is added to lead (IV) oxide with warming. Nitric acid (vii) Cupric sulphate with NH4OH (ix) Zinc oxide with caustic soda.1 Complete and balance the following chemical equation :(i) Red lead + Conc. Ammonia gas is burnt in an atmosphere of oxygen in the absence of a catalyst. HCl (ii) Copper with dilute nitric acid (iii) Aluminium nitride is hydrolysed. (You are not required to say what is happening nor it is necessary to name the products.(Soluble or insoluble)when NaOH is added in excess. 9. Lead nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution are mixed.2 State your observation for the following cases : [10] [10] 1. Conc.) Q. Ammonium hydroxide is added to iron (III) sulphate solution. 7. Copper reacts with conc.4 Draw the structures of the following:i) Magnesium Chloride ii) Nitrogen molecule iii) Ammonium ion iv) Hydronium ion v) Marsh gas [5] Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . nitric acid. Acknowledgement. Instructions / Guidelines : Conceptual understanding and good presentation skills. Title page.Name of the school. Guidelines for Marketing and advertising :1. 3. Conclusion on the basis of your observation. 2. 5. Planning: Choose the right model. marketing. Contents.2 and 5 from suggested list of assignments which are mentioned in syllabus breakup. 2. session. 3. Resources: . Reference books. Any other Information: The report should be kept simple but neat and elegant. 4. Introduction.Text books. Details of products. Purpose/Objective of the project. Case studies and Internet. Collect information and relevant data appropriately. precise and clarity of expression. Project file should be prepared in the following sequence: 1. Bibliography. Presentation: Methodical. product life cycle and stages of PLC. 8. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . 2012 SUBJECT : COMMERCIAL APPLICATION 10 Work Specification : Assignment: 1. 7. 6. student’s name & class. Proper computations if required. Organisation: Do comprehensive reference work. Neat and tidy presentation.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation. subject. Show ability to analyze and assemble the materials collected. wherever necessary. Bibliography Add pictures. Title. Name of the School. Any other Information: You may collect the necessary information from the net. Date of Submission: 20-07-2012 Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . pregnant and lactating women. Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while making the project file. school going children. Choosing nutritionally rich but economical foods within the five food groups. lunch and dinner of a day for six people using all food groups as suggested by ICMR. ID. academic year and name of the subject teacher on the cover page. class. Content. Planning balance meals according to ICMR nutrients allowances for pre. The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment. special needs of adolescents and the elderly. photographs. Observation (if applicable). For various age groups. your name. Acknowledgement. press-release. Write the project title. Meal Planning and balanced diets: Use of five food groups as suggested by ICMR. Students will plan the breakfast. Use a separate file for this project. Cover the File. 2012 SUBJECT : Work Specification : COOKERY 10 Project work: Topic: Meal Planning and balanced diets. Conclusion.school.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation. Index. Instructions / Guidelines : Components of the project file : Cover Page. Instructions / Guidelines : Any other Information: The report should be kept simple but neat. product life cycle etc.Name of the school. student’s name & class. 2. Details of products. 3. 5. Contents. Title page. DATE OF SUBMISSION: . Project file should be prepared in the following sequence: 1. 4. subject. Acknowledgement. Segregate the products into necessities & luxuries. Specify the reasons relevant for your analysis. 8. Bibliography. elegant & comprehensive. Project should be hand-written. Conclusion on the basis of your observation.27th JUNE (MONDAY) 2012 Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . marketing. 2012 SUBJECT : ECONOMIC APPLICATIONS 10 Work Specification : Make a list of products for which you think demand is price elastic and price inelastic. 7. Do a detailed survey for authenticity.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation. Introduction. session. Purpose/Objective of the project. 6. On either one poem or one short story. Instructions / Guidelines : The entire project has to be completed in 1500 words. 2012 SUBJECT : ENGLISH 10 Work PROJECT WORK Specification : The students are required to do three assignments to complete the project work: A. content and presentation. vocabulary. Any other Information : The details of assignments to be done is attached with this document. It is also to be kept in mind that marks will be awarded for good. Any one Composition out of the choices given. C. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . You are free to divide them between the play and the poem/short story in any way that suits you. On the play. Please remember that these projects will be assessed for the ICSE Board examination and will constitute a part of the marks awarded for internal assessment.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation. appropriate expression. choosing one question/theme from each genre. ‘As you like it’ B. You approach the parrot and it begins to talk. Describe what happens after that. or has it any special significance? Describe how it affects the characters in the play.ENGLISH HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SUMMER PROJECT 2012-2013 CLASS X Details of assignments to complete the Project. ‘The Frog and the Nightingale. ii) How is ‘The Case For Defence a story with a twist in the tail? Elaborate. but there must be some clear connection between the picture and the composition. Poem OR Short Story: [Attempt one question on poem and one on the short story out of the choices given below] Poem: i) How is the poem. You look at the window and see a parrot perched on the sill. by A. Jaques’ satirical humour and Corin’s natural humour. b) Teenage is the best time of the life. c) Write an original story beginning with the line.’ Hurry up! It’s time to go. Ramanujan.Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or may take suggestion from it. Write a Composition ( 350. e) Study the picture given below. A. a satire on the attitudes of people in their everyday life? In your answer bring out the literary devices such as irony and repetition used by the poet to bring out his point of view. . Is the forest a mere background.By W.’ d) Homework should be abolished. ‘Dusk’ by Saki. Shakespeare. Express your views on this statement. B. K.400) words on any one of the following:- a) You are fast asleep when a noise wakes you up. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . ENGLISH LANGUAGE C. [Do Any two] A) Discuss why the play has been set in the Forest of Arden. B) Who is Corin? What does he wish to know from Touchstone? Why is there contradiction in Touchstone’s mind about the life in the Forest of Arden? What is Corin’s philosophy? What does it convey about his attitude towards the Forest of Arden? C) Differentiate between Rosalind’s healthy humour. D] Write short notes on the following : i) Uses of Adversity ii) The consequences of the wrestling Match iii) Jacques’ moralising on lonely and pitiable condition of the deer. Short Story: i) Bring out the humour and irony in t he short story. Touchstone’s professional humour. Write your views ‘for’ or ‘against’ this statement. Write a story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Drama – As You Like It -. ‘A River’.’ symbolic of a modern society where the untalented commercial and crafty people dominate over the people gifted with art and culture? ii) How is the poem. Final project (all assignments) MUST be written legibly. spellings/ illustrations/hand written.GUIDELINES: GENERAL FORMAT It must be written on A4 size paper. Overall presentation: layout/ neatness/ grammar. Your full name and class must be written CLEARLY on the cover. Each item must begin on a fresh page. Make the cover attractive. Put a Bibliography at the end. Index/ Table of Contents. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . ENGLISH LANGUAGE C)Write a Composition ( 350. Ramanujan. You approach the parrot and it begins to talk. b) Teenage is the best time of the life.ENGLISH HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SUMMER PROJECT 2012-2013 CLASS X Details of assignments to complete the Project. B. Jaques’ satirical humour and Corin’s natural humour. Express your views on this statement.’ Hurry up! It’s time to go. Poem OR Short Story: [Attempt one question on poem and one on the short story out of the choices given below] Poem: i) How is the poem. Write your views ‘for’ or ‘against’ this statement. Is the forest a mere background. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . Short Story: i) Bring out the humour and irony in t he short story. ii) How is ‘The Case For Defence a story with a twist in the tail? Elaborate.’ d) Homework should be abolished. Describe what happens after that.’ symbolic of a modern society where the untalented commercial and crafty people dominate over the people gifted with art and culture? ii) How is the poem. You look at the window and see a parrot perched on the sill. a satire on the attitudes of people in their everyday life? In your answer bring out the literary devices such as irony and repetition used by the poet to bring out his point of view. A River by A. or has it any special significance? Describe how it affects the characters in the play. ‘Dusk’ by Saki. D] Write short notes on the following : i) Uses of Adversity ii) The consequences of the wrestling Match iii) Jacques’ moralising on lonely and pitiable condition of the deer.400) words on any one of the following:- a) You are fast asleep when a noise wakes you up. c) Write an original story beginning with the line. ‘The Frog and the Nightingale. A. Touchstone’s professional humour. Drama – As You Like It -. [Do Any two] D) Discuss why the play has been set in the Forest of Arden. Shakespeare. K.By W. E) Who is Corin? What does he wish to know from Touchstone? Why is there contradiction in Touchstone’s mind about the life in the Forest of Arden? What is Corin’s philosophy? What does it convey about his attitude towards the Forest of Arden? F) Differentiate between Rosalind’s healthy humour. Final projects MUST be written LEGIBLY. but there must be some clear connection between the picture and the composition. . Each item must begin on a fresh page. PROJECT GUIDELINES: GENERAL FORMAT It must be written on A4 size paper.Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or may take suggestion from it. Make the cover attractive.e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your full name and class must be written CLEARLY on the cover. spellings/ illustrations/hand written. Put a Bibliography at the end. Index/ Table of Contents. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . Overall presentation: layout/ neatness/ grammar. 10-15 PAGES OR MINIMUM 1500 WORDS * CONCLUSION – 1 PAGE * BIBLIOGRAPHY – MENTION COMPLETE LINKS WITH SITES. 2012 SUBJECT : ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS (Group 3) Work Specification : Project Work and Case study to be completed Number of PROJECT to be completed . * ACKOWLEDGEMENT Any other Information: Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while organizing the project file. of CASE STUDIES to be completed. * CONTENT OR BODY FOR CASE STUDY.15-20 PAGES OR MINIMUM 3000 WORDS WITH HEADINGS.1 No. SUBHEADINGS.2 General guidelines for completing project and case studies FOR COVER PAGE: THE SANSKAAR VALLEY SCHOOL PROJECT/ CASE STUDY NAME OF THE TOPIC: NAME OF THE STUDENT: STUDENT ID NUMBER: CLASS & SECTION: SESSION: Instructions / Guidelines : – 1 PAGE * INDEX WITH PAGE NUMBER – 1 PAGE * INTRODUCTION OR PROJECT OVERVIEW – 1 PAGE * CONTENT OR BODY FOR PROJECT. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . GRAPHS. TABLES ETC * USE BLACK OR BLUE INK TO WRITE. * SUPPORT YOUR PROJECT OR CASE STUDY WITH STATISTICS. * STICK PHOTOGRAPHS WHERE EVER NECESSARY.1 PAGE * ATTACH PRINT OUT MATERIAL IF TAKEN AFTER BIBLIOGRAPHY. CUTOUTS. PUNCH THEM AND DO SPIRAL BINDING. USE PROJECT SHEETS TO WRITE.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation. PUNCH THEM AND DO SPIRAL BINDING. Do a Project and two Case studies (For further details on project topics and case studies refer to syllabus/Rules and Regulation booklet. GRAPHS. Any other Information: Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while organizing the project file.10-15 PAGES OR MINIMUM 1500 WORDS *CONCLUSION – 1 PAGE *BIBLIOGRAPHY – MENTION COMPLETE LINKS WITH SITES. USE PROJECT SHEETS TO WRITE. The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment.15-20 PAGES OR MINIMUM 3000 WORDS WITH HEADINGS. *CONTENT OR BODY FOR CASE STUDY. TABLES ETC * USE BLACK OR BLUE INK TO WRITE.1 PAGE *ATTACH PRINT OUT MATERIAL IF TAKEN AFTER BIBLIOGRAPHY.The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment. 2012 SUBJECT : Work Specification : ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES(Gp 2). *SUPPORT YOUR PROJECT OR CASE STUDY WITH STATISTICS. SUBHEADINGS. CUTOUTS.) For both project and case studies students have to make a document consisting of following pages. HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class 10 Summer Vacation. *COVER PAGE: THE SANSKAAR VALLEY SCHOOL PROJECT/ CASE STUDY NAME OF THE TOPIC: NAME OF THE STUDENT: STUDENT ID NUMBER: CLASS & SECTION: SESSION: Instructions / Guidelines : *ACKOWLEDGEMENT – 1 PAGE *INDEX WITH PAGE NUMBER – 1 PAGE *INTRODUCTION OR PROJECT/CASE STUDY OVERVIEW – 1 PAGE *CONTENT OR BODY FOR PROJECT. *STICK PHOTOGRAPHS WHERE EVER NECESSARY. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . Instruction sheet already circulated. 2.25TH JUNE. Project . Please complete the same in a project file. 2.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation.Instruction sheet already circulated. Q + A . Specification : 1. Geography project to be completed. 2012 SUBJECT : Geography 10 1. 2012 DATE OF SUBMISSION OF CUSTOMISED Q + A: . Customized question + answers and map work to be Work completed.15TH APRIL. Instructions / Guidelines : Any other Information: DATE OF SUBMISSION OF PROJECT :. 2012 Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . Please complete the same in your Home Work Note Books. d ekSfyd dgkuh fyf[k. gSaA vki viuh bPNkuqlkj fo"k.d ys[k foLrkj ls fyf[k.dkadh .ks lh +Mh + fofHkUu O.k fdlh ys[kd dk thou pfj= .oa lekt esa izos’k ls D.Z dks c<+kus gsrq lqUnj ys[ku esa gh fy[kus dk iz.ksa ij gh ifj.A 6&fdlh Hkh izfln~/k] fiz.kZ fo’o esa viuk .A 3&fdlh fo"k.] vke ds vke xqBfy.kl dk lkjk¡¡’k .k&D.k viuh ikB~.Z rS. fy[ksaA 6&fp= LofufeZr vFkok dgha ls dkVdj Hkh layXu dj ldrs gSaA 7&i`"B ds .d . djus pkfg.Z lqUnj cuk ldrs gSaA 5&.A 2&fØdsV dk [ksy vkt lEiw.dkadh .rk ls dk.ksa dk Pk.k fdlh ik= dk pfj=&fp=.oa ohfM. ij vius fopkj fyf[k.k dkj.d fo’ks"k LFkku j[krk gSA bl [ksy esa vk.fDr ds thou pfj= ds ckjs esa fyf[k.rk gsrq fn. .Z iw.k mik.k eqqgkojs .u dj ldrs gSaA 2&rhu fo"k.A s Any Other Information: Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies .k LosPNkuqlkj fdlh iqLrd dks i<+dj mldh leh{kk Hkh fy[k ldrs gSaA 4&vius dk. iqLrdksa esa ls fdlh .kZ dhft. ij izLrko ys[ku .Z iw.k miU.fn vki fdlh iqLrd .kl dk lkjk¡¡’k . 2012 SUBJECT : Work Specification : Hindi 10 PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED Instructions / Guidelines : 1&izLrqr fodYi vkidh lgk.k] osclkbV dk uke vo'.A vius 'kCnksa esa izLrqr fo"k.iqLrdksa .kZ djsaA lgkrkFkZ fodYi%& 1&vkt ns’k dh vkfFkZd .k lwpuk ysrs gSa rks mlds ys[kd] iqLrd vkfn dk uke ]i`"B la[.d gh vksj fy[ksaA 8&vius ifjJe ls gh ifj.oa yksdksfDr.ks .oa eSXt+hu vkfn dh lgk.k gSa \ mls lq/kkjus ds D.k ds gekjs thou .A 3&eksckby midj.ksa dks vk/kkj cukdj .k .HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation.d fdlh .ksa ds nke] vkleku ls fxjk [ktwj esa vVdk vkfn yksdksfDr.k fyf[k.fDr.d fo"k.k ys[k .k&D.k¡ gksrh gSa \ vius 'kCnksa esa izLrqr fo"k. iqLrd esa .kj dhft.k izjd O.oa lkekftd fLFkfr esa iru ds D.A 5&viuh ikB~.A nks fodYiksa ij 500 'kCn fy[ksa vkSj .ksa ij vk/kkfjr .ksa] iqLrdksa] lekpkj i=ksa ikB~.kstuk dk. ij vius fopkj fyf[k.ZZ ds lkSUn.k ykHk vkSj gkfu. ifjorZuksa ij . x.kstUkk dk.k bUVjusV ls dksbZ tkudkjh .A 4&v/k ty xxjh Nydr tk.kstukRed dk.k fdlh ik= dk pfj=&fp=.kl djsaA fp=ksa]dyk vkWfM.k miU.k&D. ij 250 'kCnksa dk ifj. The project should include. The topics for the PROJECT may be selected from the list of suggested assignments given below. 2012 SUBJECT : History/Civics 10 Work Specification : Specified project.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation. Topics: Rise of Nazism in Germany OR The revolt of 1857 OR Instructions / Guidelines : Picture perception OR Partition of Bengal. • CONTENTS (All topics and sub topics) • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (People who have helped/inspired you for this project) • INTRODUCTION (Brief outline of the topic chosen) • OBJECTIVE (Reason of choosing your topic) • SCOPE Rise of Nazism in Germany Treaty of Versailles Weimar Republic and its weakness Nazi Party March in Rome Elections 1932 Hitler as Chancellor Anti Semitic Policy of Hitler The Final Solution Aggressive foreign policy of Hitler Domestic policy of Hitler Death of Hitler OR The revolt of 1857 Political causes Social causes Military causes Main events Drawbacks Results and effects Interesting facts on any two leaders who played a vital role in the uprising Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic. . Defined his presence Indeed a shallow statement….” was how the brother defined . In spirit and in ideals. My identity an illusion… a far away dream Why do I close my eyes to the pain of millions in Far East? Why do I appease an ideology so narrow? Why do I stand immune to the non.democratic ways of revengeful nations? Why do my eyes blur to the German aggression and the Italian Aspirations? Will someone ever speak for me or shall I be another name humored in the sands of time?????? Let’s put our thinking caps on!! According to you Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . For peace prosperity and ‘PANIC’ my existence became an actuality “I always shall be by our side….OR “Dilemma to be or not to be Kept the world confused in 1918 It is when the brother big intervened that I culminated into an identity. Save me I am in pain. OR Bengal Partition Bengal the epicenter of nationalism Policies of Lord Curzon 16th October 1905 Reasons given by the British Actual reasons Reaction of the people ( in-depth) Swadeshi Boycott movement Differences between the Moderates and the Radicals Surat split (Congress) MAIN BODY (The core content of the topic chosen) PICTURES ( To be pasted / drawn neatly) CONCLUSION (Your deductions and suggestions) BIBLIOGRAPHY (Mention the sources of reference) Any other Information : Date for submission -15th July. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies .20 written pages.who is the rightful author of the poem? Which country is referred to as “Big Brother”? How have the objectives of the organization been planned for establishment of world peace? Why has the organization kept silent in the activities of aggression in the Far East? What is appeasement? Who are the revengeful nations and explain their ideologies? Highlight the foreign policy of the revengeful nations. Page Limit :. How far was the organization successful in its objective? Why do you think the organization fears about its existence being humored in the times to come? Observe the three animations and create your own history. You could also add on some more animations to grow your story. 15 JULY. • CONTENTS (All topics and sub topics) • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (People who have helped/inspired you for this project) • INTRODUCTION (Brief outline of the topic chosen) • OBJECTIVE (Reason of choosing your topic) • SCOPE Rise of Nazism in Germany Treaty of Versailles Weimar Republic and its weakness Nazi Party March in Rome Elections 1932 Hitler as Chancellor Anti Semitic Policy of Hitler The Final Solution Aggressive foreign policy of Hitler Domestic policy of Hitler Death of Hitler OR The revolt of 1857 Political causes Social causes Military causes Main events Drawbacks Results and effects Interesting facts on any two leaders who played a vital role in the uprising OR Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . DATE OF SUBMISSION :.SUMMER PROJECT 2012 Teacher’s Name Subject Class VNC/SWN HISTORY X Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic. The topics for assignments may be selected from the list of suggested assignments given below. Your SYLLABUS BOOK has the evaluation criteria. 2012 Topics: Rise of Nazism in Germany OR The revolt of 1857 OR Picture perception OR Partition of Bengal The project should include. Please keep it in mind when you are going about with your project. .In spirit and in ideals. How far was the organization successful in its objective? Why do you think the organization fears about its existence being humored in the times to come? Observe the three animations and create your own history. You could also add on some more animations to grow your story.“Dilemma to be or not to be Kept the world confused in 1918 It is when the brother big intervened that I culminated into an identity For peace prosperity and ‘PANIC’ my existence became an actuality “I always shall be by our side…. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies .” was how the brother defined Defined his presence Indeed a shallow statement…. Save me I am in pain My identity an illusion… a far away dream Why do I close my eyes to the pain of millions in Far East? Why do I appease an ideology so narrow? Why do I stand immune to the non.democratic ways of revengeful nations ? Why do my eyes blur to the German aggression and the Italian Aspirations? Will someone ever speak for me or shall I be another name humored in the sands of time?????? Let’s put our thinking caps on!! According to you who is the rightful author of the poem? Which country is referred to as “Big Brother”? How have the objectives of the organization been planned for establishment of world peace? Why has the organization kept silent in the activities of aggression in the Far East? What is appeasement? Who are the revengeful nations and explain their ideologies? Highlight the foreign policy of the revengeful nations. OR Bengal Partition Bengal the epicenter of nationalism Policies of Lord Curzon 16th October 1905 Reasons given by the British Actual reasons Reaction of the people ( in-depth) Swadeshi Boycott movement Differences between the Moderates and the Radicals Surat split (Congress) MAIN BODY (The core content of the topic chosen) PICTURES ( To be pasted / drawn neatly) CONCLUSION (Your deductions and suggestions) BIBLIOGRAPHY (Mention the sources of reference) Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . . Luv 10% ------……………………………………………………………………………………………….001 to 1. Example 1: Example 2: Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies .00.000 From 1.(Hand written) Question 1: Define a class employee having the following description:Data members/ int pan to store personal account number Instance variables int eno to store employee number double tax_income to store annual taxable income Member Functions:input() To store the pan.000 10 % of the income exceeding Rs 1.50.000 + 20 % of the income exceeding Rs 1.000 + 30 % of the income exceeding Rs 2.50.00. Employee Number Tax Rate Taxable Income Income Tax ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5.00.000 Rs 25.000 No Tax From 1. eno.50. 2012 SUBJECT : Work Specification : Computer Application 10 Complete (10) Java programming exercises given (3 pages) using Bluej environment as per following instruction/guidelines mentioned below: As per the guideline for maintaining Java assignment practical file for each programming exercise: Instructions / Guidelines : • program statement • Program listing & Output of the program (Hard copy) • Variable description table.000 Rs.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation..000 Above Rs 2.50.50. Question 2: Write a program to generate a triangle or an inverted triangle till N terms based on the user’s choice of triangle to be displayed.50.001 to 2.000 Output: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. tax_income calc() Calculate income tax for an employee display() Output details of employee in the given format Write a program to compute the tax according to the given conditions and display the output as per the given format: Total Taxable Income Tax Rate Up to Rs 1. if the sum of the factorial of the digits of the number is same as the original number.e.6 = 1 + 2 +3 2.Prime Number.A number is palindrome which when read in reverse order is same as read in the right order. Example.A number is a prime number.factorial of 5= 5*4*3*2*1 or 1 * 2*3*4*5 Question 5: Write a program to input a number and print whether the number is a special number or not. Example. A number is said to be a special number.Factorial. Example. Formula: Volume of a cube vc= s*s*s Volume of sphere vs = 4/3 * 22/7 * r * r *r Volume of a cuboid vcd= l * b * h Question 4: Write a menu driven program to accept a number as input and gives the output using that number as per the choice made by the user from the menu options given below. 1221.Input: Type 1 for triangle and Type 2 for an inverted triangle 1 Enter the no of terms 5 Output: 1 22 333 4444 55555 Input: Type 1 for triangle and Type 2 for an inverted triangle 2 Enter the no of terms 6 Output: 666666 55555 4444 333 22 1 Question 3: Write a class with the name volume using function overloading that computes the volume of a cube.11.the factorial of the number is the product of all the numbers between 1 to the number.A number is Armstrong number if the sum of the cube of its individual digits is equal to the number itself. one and itself 5. if it has only two distinct divisors i. 1. 191 etc 3. Example.factorial of 5= 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 or 1 * 2*3*4*5 Question 6: Design a class “draw” to overload function polygon() as follows: Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . Example.145 is a special number.Palindrome number. The process of accepting choice and displaying output must continue till user says “no” to exit. because 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145 Where ! stands for factorial of the number and the factorial value of a number is the product of all integers from 1 to that number. Enter 1 to Check for Perfect Number Enter 2 to Check for Palindrome Number Enter 3 to Check for Armstrong Number Enter 4 to Print Prime numbers below the given number-n Enter 5 to Print Factorial of given Number Make use of function for each option and call those function in main() with in switch-case option. Example.Armstrong number. a sphere and a cuboid.Perfect number-A number is called perfect number if it is equal to the sum of its factors other than the number itself.153= 13 + 53 + 33 4. 3.) Data members/ int first to store first term of series Instance variables: int second to store second term of series int third to compute third term Member Functions: fibonacci () to initialize 0 to first and 1 to second void printseries() to print Fibonacci series up to 20 terms Question 8: Write a program to input an integer and print the greatest and smallest digits present in the number. 1. y= 5 Output: @@@@@ @@@@@ (c) Output: * ** *** Question 7: Write a program to create a class fibonacci to generate Fibonacci series: 0. with two integer that draws a filled rectangle of (b) void polygon(int x. ch=’O’ Output: OO OO (b) Input value of x=2. 1.…… ( Fibonacci series is generated by adding two previous terms by taking 0 and 1 as starting terms. Question 10: Input 10 numbers from keyboard print the sum of all prime numbers entered by user. char ch) argument that with one integer argument and one character type draws a filled square of side n using the character stored in ch. 13. 8. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . 5. For Example.if input: N= 45768 then output: Greatest digit= 8 and Smallest digit = 4 Question 9: Write a program to create an array of store 10 integers and print the largest integer and the smallest integer in that array. Example: (a) input value of n=2.(a) void polygon(int n. using the symbol ‘@’ (c) void polygon() with no argument that draws a filled triangle shown below. int y) length x and breadth y. 2. g. 1page) (use of computer for research and design purposes will be appreciated. Note : It is strongly recommended to plan and prepare rough draft for all three assignments in summer vacation so as to utilize your time effectively later in the academic year. third from commercial mathematics. second from geometry. 3.name of the student. • First project by 30th of June.HOLIDAY HOMEWORK : Class Summer Vacation. You have to submit any Three Assignments in Mathematics in class X .) • Bibliography • Instructions / Guidelines : 4.Mathematics project. The assignments should be related to different branches of Mathematics e.etc. The assignment/ project should be ideally between 8 to 12 pages. class and section] Introduction (what the assignment is about/ what problem is being tackled) 1page • Main content ( how problem is being tackled 4 to 8 pages) • Conclusion & Analysis( what is the solution of the problem.Topic/topics. A good project must have : • Cover Page [ It includes School’s name. The projects should be submitted positively as per the dates mentioned below. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . One from Statistics. 2. 2012 SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS 10 Work Holiday Home work(Projects): [April 2012] Specification : General Guidelines for Students: 1. • Third project by mid of October. • Second project by 15th of August. These can be used in jewelry. Designing a water tank for the school community. Create 4 Designs using geometrical figures only. cost.[1 pg intro+1 pg designs+1 pg write up for all three +1pg conclusion]. home loans. car loans etc. Observe various patterns in nature and architecture. (Mensuration) Work out the daily amount/ quantity of water required by our school community. Business News 3.etc} End with Conclusion[ learning outcomes] 2. Comment upon their significance. duration. Meaning of shares and dividends. 3. Conclusion. 4. Introduction 2. Are there lines of symmetry? Collect at least six different patterns in nature. To use a newspaper to study and report on shares and dividends. Or comparative study of shares & dividends of two companies. justify the design (why this shape & size).Design your own jewelry. front view. top view . fabrics & architecture or logo of a company[one from each] (Geometry). Comparative study of various services(saving rates.Is cuboidal tank better or cylindrical? 5.Comparative study of shares of different companies. 7. Design a lay out plan :Mention the plot size( 40x 60 ) etc. Commercial Mathematics 1. then work out the possible shape & size of the tank. Important points: 1. logo and fabric design and write about your design. Labour cost. Discussion of various shares and dividends of different companies.) of different banks[ atleast five nationalized banks]under following heads:Start with introduction: (i) Rate of interest (ii) Margin Money (iii) Period of processing (iv) Eligibility factors to get loan.etc. 7.Comparative study of profit on sale/ purchase of shares of different companies. 5. 6. Material used. Quality. 6. analysis of rise & fall of market value (Commercial Mathematics) Geometry 4.Some recommended topics are mentioned below: You may choose any actual problem facing society or community and solve it applying your knowledge of Mathematics. Also workout the estimated areas & costs of construction. Introduction:What is symmetry?where do you find it ? what is it Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . (v) Miscellaneous Represent the above in tabular form + any two graphical forms{Bar.Pie. Make a record of it. Graph these readings. Let us not argue whether such sizes increases the viewers appreciation. . Savings 6.g US Dollar. Euro.used for & why is it important? -Symmetry in nature -symmetry in Mathematics( geometrical figures. processing of it. UAE].Analyse the impact of these fluctuations on economy of countries. but only try and find what sides(in integers only) a rectangle must have if its area and perimeter are to be equal( note there are only two rectangles). Analyze functional purpose of different geometrical shapes. etc] 10. Square. .Pie.etc} End with Conclusion[ learning outcomes] 14.g.Monthly Expenditure of family 4. Yen. Cutting a circle into sections of a small central angle to find the area of a circle by using the formula Area = Πr2 Statistics 11. Also find other figures with the same area as their perimeter [eg. 12. 9. Planning a Home Budget 1. Calculation of Height of a building/ hill/ tower/tree using trigonometry & apparatus for measuring angle of elevation.Monthly Income of family 3.) for a period of 15 days.curves. Brazil. China. Collection of data. Germany. An eccentric artist says that the best paintings have the same area as their perimeter(numerically). [ USA.Analyse the reasons for appreciation and depreciation. Trigonometry 15. Compare the value of various currencies ( e. Japan.Represent it by graph . family Size 5.) -Symmetry in Architecture -Symmetry in animals -Symmetry in Alphabets -Importance/Significance of symmetry -Types of symmetry a) Reflectional (b) Rotational (c) more if any -Conclusion: What do you realize after doing the project? 8. Study & analyze the usage and importance of circles & similar triangles in various aspects of our daily life. circle. representation & analysis of data on any actual problem facing society/state/country/world e.Find out the reason and the remedy and write under conclusion. Introduction 2. Conclusion Represent the above in tabular form + any two graphical forms{Bar. . India. Indian Rupee etc. Critically analyze & Compare Sports Budget for the following countries. .etc. GB Pound. Boy/girl ratio in various states of India or the literacy rate in various state of our country.(how to make a Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . 13. 3. Shridhar. shridhar. Rajesh.wikihow.9893498996. Mrs Rita – 8889299482.9977004389. Swapna .com 2.Mr. [email protected] www.com 4. [email protected]@gmail.9425171622 .com) (Trigonometry) 1.Mr.com Any other Information : Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . ritalakshmi@rediffmail. Second Page: Introduction (General introduction of the topic) e. Page numbers to be put on the extreme below right corner of the page. scattering and dispersion keeping in mind following things: 1. topic of project are essentials) b. (ii) List 5 natural phenomenon (pictures) taking place in our surroundings due to atmospheric refraction. Project report should include following points: a. 2012 SUBJECT : Physics 10 Work Holiday Home work (project) Specification : General guidelines for students: Prepare project files on the topic (i) Paste a photocopy of an electricity bill and calculate the energy consumption shown in it. Project report should be neatly bound or filed. Acknowledgement (Thanks giving for those who has supported in completion of project) c. From next page to the second last page. Report should be written on single side of the paper. Before using the page for writing. 6. First page: Cover page (May be Printed) (Name of student. Report has to be hand written. 3. Instructions / Guidelines : Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . class. Index page (Content with exact page numbers) d. and keep it same on all the pages. section. draw a border preferably of 1 to 1. 4. Project report should be between 10-15 pages (A4 Blank Sheet) (Photocopy Paper).HOLIDAY HOMEWORK: Class Summer Vacation. session.5 cms. 2. 7. 5. like some reference book. internet sites etc) 8. Non compliance with any of the instruction will attract negative marking. photographs. Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Dean of Studies . 12.(i) Content (ii) pictures. Supplement your report with facts and figures. f. coloured print and the photocopies (iii) Discussion on the topic. Use of printout of the engines is advisable and will be appreciated. 9. Better presentation of content. Content from some original and genuine sources will be appreciated. better grades. 10. 11. Last page: Bibliography (Name and source of materials. Go through the ICSE question papers of physics ( from 2008 – 2012) and trace out the questions related to the topic taught in your class and write the answers in your homework copy and submit it on 19th June 2012. The Sanskaar Valley School HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT : Summer Vacation 2012 CLASS : 10 Resources Required Adult Supervision Required Separate Time to be Spent (___ Hours per Guideline Sheet Attached day for ___ Days) : Yes/No 30minutes per day for two weeks yes Subject Work to be done ENGLISH Project Work for assessment Text book.A separate guidance sheet is provided for this. Yes 60 minutes per day for two weeks Yes HISTORY ICSE PROJECT History text book. plan & prepare for three internal assignments for mathematics. Details are given in the separate sheet. Finally a report of around 10 pages/ assignment is to be submitted. Internet Yes 45 minutes per day for two weeks Yes EVS One Project and two case studies already assigned to the children. These must be from various branches of maths.Choosing interesting topic/ problem is vital. Internet No HINDI ICSE PROJECT Internet/Books Yes 30minutes per day for two weeks Yes MATHEMATICS Collect information. You are advised to do thorough research on internet in the planning stage. Internet Yes 1hour per day for a week Yes GEOGRAPHY Project Work and customised questions for Internal Assessment. Text book. Books. Internet Yes 40 minutes per day for 10 days Yes Dean of Studies Academic Coordinator Page 1 of 3 . of the specified topics and chapters. Holiday homework (project) and the answer of the questions according to the guideline. Printer and Bluej Java Software Text book. Internet. of the specified topics Yes 1 hr for 15 days 45 minutes per day for a week 45 minutes per day for 10 days 1 hour per day for a week 30 minutes per day for a week 1 hour per day for a week Yes ICSE Project Work for the subject to be completed Text book. Do as per your subject choice Page 2 of 3 . Computer. Details are given in the separate sheet. Notes Provided No Yes DANCE No Yes COOKERY ICSE Project Work for the subject to be completed Internet and reference books. Internet Yes Yes ART Art Material. Drawing on Composition/Nature Study and Still Life to be completed Write the Answers to the given question in your notebook Books. Gr-3 Homework is assigned wherever applicable. chemical bonding and Analytical chemistry Ten Java Programs Textbook. textbook. Worksheet based on study of compounds. workbook. Newspapers and Magazines No Yes Not Required Science students are requested to ignore EVS homework and vice versa. internet No No One Project and two case studies already assigned to the children. Drawing Sheets Internet.The Sanskaar Valley School HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT : Summer Vacation 2012 CLASS : 10 Resources Required Adult Supervision Required Separate Time to be Spent (___ Hours per Guideline Sheet Attached day for ___ Days) : Subject Work to be done BIOLOGY Practical file and workbook completion. lab manual and stationery Internet. Textbook Text Book. internet No 1 hr for 10 days Yes PHYSICS CHEMISTRY COMPUTER APPLICATIONS COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS ECONOMIC APPLICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS No No 1 hr for 7 days 40 minutes for 3 days 1 hr for 10 days Yes Yes Yes Yes Project file completion. Documents Similar To Homework Class 10th TsvsSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextMaths Project on Home BudgetMaths Project CrypteritmReport on Dividend policyAdd Math Project Work 2/2013A Project Report on Comparative Analysis of the New Indian Express, Times of IndiaShares and DividendsWildlife Conservation Efforts in IndiaX ICSE Geography 02Geography Notes - Class 10Class 10 Chemistry CBSEBanking Maths ProjectMaths ProjectICSE MARCHbanking maths projectFamily Budget (Monthly)1Apex Calculus Version2Paper 6 Chemistry General NotesAPlus NumberSense SequenceChart Rev1617Add Math Project 2009Grade 10 math for Apprentices BC mock examDiscovering the Area Formula for TrianglesGMAT List of Study Topics (MGMAT)Finding the Surface Area of a ConePrinceton's ACT StrategiesForce and Energy Intervensi-year 4Modern Maths Igcse SyllabusGeometry Problemsadmathh[1]Art of Problem Solving.pdf2003QFooter MenuBack To TopAboutAbout ScribdPressOur blogJoin our team!Contact UsJoin todayInvite FriendsGiftsLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSupportHelp / FAQAccessibilityPurchase helpAdChoicesPublishersSocial MediaCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Browse Books.Site Directory.Site Language: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaSign up to vote on this titleUsefulNot usefulMaster your semester with Scribd & The New York TimesSpecial offer for students: Only $4.99/month.Master your semester with Scribd & The New York TimesRead Free for 30 DaysCancel anytime.Read Free for 30 DaysYou're Reading a Free PreviewDownloadClose DialogAre you sure?This action might not be possible to undo. 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