March 19, 2018 | Author: Janjan Javarez Noche | Category: Dominican Order, Catholic Church, Trinity, Jesus, God



University Vision StatementHoly Trinity University, an OP-Siena Institution and an agent in the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church, envisions to become a premier higher education institution in the fields of education, science and technology, social development, environmental research and Palawan studies. University Mission Statement HTU INSTILLS, NURTURES, and LIVES the values of Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity for the integral formation of persons for service and leadership in social transformation. The University provides excellent and family-oriented Catholic education, engages in relevant research and extension services to form ethical, proficient, productive and service-oriented persons who live their faith in a rapidly changing society. she prostrated herself before St. Maria Ana de Fuentes (blood-sister of Mother Francisca). Juan de Santo Domingo. and Fr. Dominic. the erstwhile Director of Third Order. Catherine of Siena) Francisca de Fuentes was born to Don Simon de Fuentes and Doña Ana Maria del Castillo y Tamayo in the City of Manila in 1647. by the inscrutable design of God. Juan de Santo Domingo was enlightened and became one of powerful supporters of the Beaterio project. Under his . who approved it on January 11. Juan with tone of prophecy: “Father Prior. and Sebastiana Salcedo requested that they be allowed to live together in a life of prayer and the practice of the virtues while continuing their social apostolate. Francisca then dedicated her time to prayer and social service helping many poor and sick in the city. she chose to be a Dominican. Juan de Santo Domingo was assigned to his Place. MOTHER FRANCISCA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO (Foundress of the Congregation of DominicanSisters of St.” the Fr. and she got scolded for her “impertinence. 1688. She chose the name “Francisca del Espiritu Santo. Dominic. leaving her a childless young widow.THE THREE PILLARS OF HOLY TRINITY UNIVERSITY 1. Francis and St. and Your Reverence will see it. Francisca grew up to be a fine lady. their request was sent to the Master General of the Order of Preachers in Rome. but Mother Sebastiana prophesied that although she and Mother Antonia would not live to see it. the Beaterio would be a reality.” But bravely. Mother Francisca was progressively maturing spiritually and her desire for serving the needy grew more and more. Francisca. The desire for the realization of the Beaterio also grew more intense so that one day. who favored the request of the ladies. In a vision in which she saw St. after confession. she opened once more the subject to Fr. The new Director was against the project and the proposal was laid aside. After a brief hesitation. Meanwhile. Fr. Antonia de Jesus Esguerra. Juan de Santa Maria. Because of this.” In 1686. she told Fr. the beaterio will be established. and she was given in marriage to a gentleman who. Mother Francisca and her companions were deeply dismayed. being admitted as a tertiary in 1682. did not live long. was assigned to Bataan. direction. having. for in 1703. they went into “exile” at the Santa Potenciana College. The permit from the Archbishop is dated 26 March 1706. To avoid scandal. The conflict grew until Archbishop Camacho excommunicated Mother Francisca. their former opponent Archbishop Camacho changed heart and began to show himself sympathetic to the Beatas. but with heroic courage. there were lay Sisters and a girl who eventually donned the habit. Manila Archbishop Don Diego Camacho wanted the Beaterio under his jurisdiction. Mother Francisca and her Sisters returned to their original home. Juan de Santo Domingo. Mother Juana de la Santisima Trinidad. very valuable help came from a lay Dominican Tertiary. and put the other Sisters under interdict. there to stay for over two years in what is called the Beatas’ ”Babylonian Exile”. With Mother Francisca at the time of their return were 15 Sisters including a novice. instructing them in the 4 . The Community was placed under the patronage of St. The time of triumph came in 1706 when after some negotiations. It was in the same year that the Beaterio became a Beaterio-Colegio which admitted Spanish girls. the Beaterio was formally established with Fr. Mother Francisca suffered the trials. there to live under the rule set for them as prescribe by the Archbishop. then Provincial. Anne in 1696. Mother Francisca and her companions lived at first in the house Mother Antonia de Jesus Esguerra who had by then died. The first community consisted of Mother Francisca. On the feast of St. who in 1704 assured the Beatas an annual subsidy through the Dominican Province of the Holy Rosary of two thousand pesos a considerable sum in those days. “mestizas” and natives. she increased their religious fervor faithfully their religious life hoping most under these grave and most of the sisters and continued to live for the day of victory. With the help of the Governor General and the Dominican Fathers. Mother Maria del Espiritu Santo. donned once more their Dominican habits. the beatas removed their habits and with the help of the Governor General and counsel from the Dominican Fathers. presiding. Mother Lorenza de Jesus Maria. and in addition. and Mother Rosa de Santa Maria. Catherine of Siena. But their joy was not to last very long. and on this joyful occasion. Don Juan de Escaño y Cordova. Since part of the opposition against the beaterio was a question of finances. and accepted in the Provincial Chapter of 1698. Mother Francisca was appointed first and founding Prioress for life. edifying everyone with her extraordinary spiritual life. the Fathers of San Juan de Letran College. His spiritual Director was Fr. Catherine of Siena. Like the brave and strong woman that she was. 1 No. In 1367. in the City of Siena. . She led a very holy life. her prayers eventually prevailed. in the absence of a Chapel for the Blessed Sacrament in the Beaterio. she was invested with the holy habit of the Dominican Sisters of Penance. She influenced public affairs and she was very active. She insisted upon the urgency of reforming the highest Government of the Church and in 1377 she convinced the Pope to return to Rome from Avignon and in 1380. etc. July-September. she was born to eternal Life. she was mystically betrothed to Jesus Christ. To do this. Reading. she governed the Beaterio with great prudence and fidelity to the Rule. Mother Francisca continued with even greater ardor pursuit of spiritual perfection for herself and for her spiritual daughters. so that she became the spiritual guide to many. Writing Embroidery. She joined the third order of the Dominicans and in 1363. she became ill and was suffering with heroic resignation and humility for several months. Raimondo who helped her in the reorganization of the Church. 1995 Issue) 2. CATHERINE OF SIENA Catherine was born along with her twin sister Glovanna. Bartholomew on August 1711. at the same time very prayerful. Even as a young girl showed signs of unusual sanctity. 1. and on the feast of St. making the Eucharist the sublime center of the community’s spiritual life.R’s Religion. and Arithmetic with Music. Flower Making. Florentino Hornedo. The major trials having passed. Worn-out physically by her perpetual acts of mortification. (Dr. Caritas et Missio. she importuned. leaving behind her the living witness to her love of God and neighbor the Beaterio de Santa Catalina de Sena which lives vigorously as ever up to this day as the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. ST. Italy from hardworking parents Giacomo Benincasa and Mona Lapa in 1347. to build a corridor connecting the Beaterio to the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church of Letran. she proclaimed Pope Urban VI to be the true Pope and Vicar of Christ. and her continual struggle to secure the solid establishment of the Beaterio. against many difficulties. Vol. As always. P. St. In 1216 Pope Honorius III confirmed the Order of Preachers (O. Dominic dispersed the brethren to the Theological centers of Christendom. Dominic De Guzman was born in Calaruega. Pope Paul VI proclaimed St. He began his studies for the priesthood at the University of Palencia. He established the new community at Toulouse which is considered as the cradle of the Dominican order. . He died in 1221 at Bologna on the feast of St. He founded the community of nuns at Prouille which he made as his base of operations. Sora. was ordained priest in 1195 and performed his priestly duties as Canon in Osma. He was elevated to the altar by Pope Gregory IX in 1234.) after which. ST. Sixtus. Spain in 1170 from an illustrious family Don Felix de Guzman and Doña Joana de Aza.She wrote the “Dialogue of Divine Providence. DOMINIC DE GUZMAN St. Catherine as DOCTOR of the Universal Church in 1970. In 1206 he decided to stay in Narbonne and undertook the mission for the Conversion of the Albigenses.” She died a saintly death in Rome and was canonized in 1461 by Pope Pius II. 3. Spain. White means purity of intention and aspiration for things spiritual. it also embraces the following ideals and virtues as represented in its logo: Golden rope stands for the unity. Cloak found on top of the shield. Green stands for the university support for the preservation and creation of a green environment. Shield stands for defence against ignorance of God’s will and against new ideologies which corrupt Christian values. . and solidarity of the people in the university community. Dominic.very lively and full of high spirit. Black signifies death to sin and reminds one that he/she is a sinner. Black & white they are the official colours of the Dominican Order. Holy Trinity University embraces the ideals and virtues of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. The star stands for the star of St. a source of knowledge that will ultimately lead to Wisdom-to be able to discern God’s will. Yellow stands for the exuberance of the institution. 1940 year when HTU was established Book symbolizes what a university is. Heart symbolizes love and compassion for humanity as exemplified by Christ’s death on the cross to save humankind. Red this colour stands for the warmth of the university community and passion for the things they do.THE UNIVERSITY LOGO The university logo embodies the ideals and virtues which the university stands for. It also stands for the strength of the institution when its people are united for the university common goals. a light to those who stand in the shadow of sin. In addition. Rose represents the Mystical Roses of Mary and the 15 mysteries of the Holy Rosary devotion to which the university inculcates among the students. Catherine of Siena. 8-point star found in the middle of the shield. Cross it denotes the sacrificial aspects of the Dominican lifestyle which serves as an example to the students on how they should consider life. It stands for cloak of excellence which the university continuously and assiduously strives for. .In Servitudine Veritatis This is the university motto. It means In the Service of Truth. It means that the students should always be the bearer and defender of Truth. it is necessary to grasp the true meaning of the Catholic Philosophy of Life. that is. Rationale A. as meaningfully expressed in the community life. defending the faith. Hence. FOUNDATION OF THE HOLY TRINITY UNIVERSITY Introduction The true Philosophy of Life is the foundation of every system of true education. formation and service. teaching and enlightening the mind. It upholds a definite set of truths. The Holy Trinity University integrates this Dominican charism into the academic curriculum. sharing viewpoints. Catherine of Siena.” This means explaining the TRUTH. to interpret the Catholic Philosophy of Education. “IN THE SERVICE OF TRUTH” To become Apostolic Proclaimers of truth made alive and relevant by our contemplation. in an ambience of prayer and study. FOUNDATION OF MAN The Holy Trinity University believes in a Philosophy of life that is founded in the Catholic vision of man and inspired by the Dominican ideals. Holy Trinity University subscribes to a Philosophy of Education that is founded on the Catholic Philosophy of Life. The school administration sees to it that the learning process takes place in a truly Christian community. joyful spirit and assiduous study of the Word and the World. to understand a particular Philosophy of Life from which it grows.THE HOLY TRINITY UNIVERSITY DOMINICAN CHARISM Holy Trinity University is a school of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. theology becomes an essential and integral part of all curricula. . namely:  God is the creator of the whole universe and a provident provider. It therefore participates in the charism of the Congregation which is: “Preaching the Doctrine. hence. the HTU Catholic education incarnates the messages of Christ in the world through a continuing process that develops students’ awareness to changing realities. thus coming into a true manhood that approximates the completed growth of Christ that will eventually contribute to the growth of the Kingdom of God. It seeks to establish. It works toward the formation of the total human person in view of his final end and as an Apostolic Proclaimer in the society where he belongs. therefore. The HTU education. As part of its growing concern for others. God offered a covenant to man even when he disobeyed and lost His friendship. the Savior a Man like man in all things but sin. God formed man in His own likeness and set him over the whole world to serve Him as creator and to rule over all creatures. The student’s understanding of his society must be underscored so that he can easily and logically commit himself toward facilitating his/her growth. maintain. in the fullness of time. This leads to the development of the Filipino student to attain his sense of personhood and nationhood. Man should live for God in his creative response into his concrete historical situation. C. This education trains the individual students to live his own life in a new self. FOUNDATION OF FILIPINO EDUCATION The Holy Trinity University serves the Filipino students in accordance with the existing demands of the Philippine setting. and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the Filipino people and Philippine society. self-actualization and intensification of the life of the spirit. God sent the Holy Spirit to complete His work on earth and bring man to the fullness of grace so that man might live no longer for himself but for God and other men.   B. justified and sanctified by the truth. and support a complete. adequate. In . must be an education toward good citizenship. He sent. FOUNDATION OF THE CATHOLIC EDUCATION The Holy Trinity University (HTU) offers a Catholic education from kindergarten to collegiate and graduate levels. Jesus Christ. Value clarification is used by HTU in appraising today’s societal conditions. Learning is the change effected in the life and behavior of the student because of exposure to an experience in the classroom. E. the country and the Church. The school provides the students with a systematic and formal training on Christian character formation. student and administrative services. imbued with the Spirit. student activities and school practices. Dominic” to effectively let the student witness God in the world. Thus. HTU subscribes to the following beliefs: 1. and skill necessary to make him/her a productive member of the Christian family. The Dominican Charism is integrated in academic affairs. Aware of the changing realities. study and service. direction and effectiveness. . It seeks to grow in the lifestyle “Charism of St. AS A SCHOOL THAT IS RESPONSIVE TO THE LOCAL COMMUNITY The Holy Trinity University.this manner. Jesus Christ is the foundation stone of the school. This experience takes place through encounters and camaraderie with other students that are characterized by respect and acceptance. expressed through the apostolate in education and other ministries. “In the Service of Truth” is the conviction to share and serve Christ in the Church. D. concern and sharing for a common good. EDUCATION “CONTEMPLATA ALIIS TRADERE” (to contemplate and to share the fruits of contemplation with others) is the guiding Spirit in Dominican Education. a thorough development of his/her potentialities of mind and will. the student realizes that he/she has a valuable role to play in the total effort of nation building. “CONTEMPLATA ALIIS TRADERE” stands out to be “In the Service of truth” in the local church if the Apostolic Vicariates of Puerto Princesa and Taytay. Palawan. 3. HTU endeavors to serve the local church at its best through effective service to the students so that they become Apostolic proclaimers in their concrete historical Kingdom of God. FOUNDATION OF O. As an institution.P. From Him. 2. the school gets its inspiration. the mystical extension of His humanity. Theology is the core of the curriculum and the teaching-learning process is enhanced in the Christian school community by an ambience of prayer. The administration. and this duty leads to the very formation of a person at the Holy Trinity University. in the spirit of charity and service. Christ is the goal of the school community. Justice and Peace. and sincere interest in the work among the personnel. F. This is achieved by radiating in simple and unaffected way the faith that goes beyond current values and the hope in something unseen and unimaginable. Each one has the inescapable duty to make one a neighbor of every man. 2) Just as the community centered character is perfected and fulfilled in the work of Jesus Christ. HTU strives to make every student and personnel become truly human in order to be truly divine. psychoemotional. The curriculum guides the students in the development of his talents. The administrator sets an example of mutual respect. thus building a community of Christian faith within the school. CHRIST-CENTERED COMMUNITY The aggregate of personnel and students is centered on one common faith that has its apex on Christ. God did not form a community. no matter who he/she is. sensitiveness to the various dimensions of human life. and wherein Christian living is integrated in the different subject areas. 7. The learning experience is enhanced by a school ethos of reflective thinking. socio-cultural. guides the personnel and utilizes the facilities of the school to bring about the coordinated thrust toward Christian formation and provision of skills. He “willed to make man holy and save them.4. but to make into a people who might acknowledge Him and serve Him in Holiness” (Lumen Gentium. The teacher is a “prophetic” person committed to facilitate growth towards human perfection in students. loving fellowship and meaningful celebration. the focal point of every activity. open discussion. shared responsibility. 6. and the fulfillment of all . It is a holistic device of planned experiences and disciplines to effect transformation. THE FORMATION OF AN INTEGRATED HUMAN PERSON: Holy Trinity University seeks to develop the individual to became an integrated human person whose basic human. so does the HTU work to imbue Christ’s teaching in the very kernel of the community. 5. the joy all hearts. moral and spiritual life is developed and formed in order to became a more effective Filipino Christian and proclaimer of Truth. and to serve one’s fellowmen in the name of Christ. 110) APOSTOLIC PROCLAIMER IN WORD AND IN DEED Holy Trinity University seeks to provide the students and personnel with an education which facilitates their total formation as persons. Through a Gospel-centered education each one is imbued with the mission of the Church to proclaim Jesus Christ and build up the Kingdom of God. The HTU community presses onwards to “unite all things in Him. to build His Kingdom. and a trusting faith in God.aspirations. B. namely: to be able to preach the doctrine of Christ.” (Eph. PERSONNEL SERVICE-FORMATION PROGRAM • Facilitates the personal and professional development of the personnel along the line of pray together. . • Motivates the personnel to internalize the Dominican charism in the service of truth. things in heaven and things on earth. A. a strong sense of values. play together. FORMATION PROGRAM The Holy Trinity University commits herself to provide the personnel and students with a functional and effective Christian Service-Formation Program. STUDENTS SERVICE-FORMATION PROGRAM 1. • Facilitate a Christian loving relationship with others and a deep compassion to those who need their assistance. Religious Service-Formation Program • Facilitates the students’ acquisition if the three fruits of Christian education. a deep social consciousness and involvement. G. and translate this into their life and work. study together and serve together. Every student is an Apostolic Proclaimer in word and in deed through the acquisition of competence of skills. personnel. • Intensifies the building of the Christian community in the school to provide students. school practices and student activities. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY SERVICE-FORMATION PROGRAM • Integrates and translates the school’s philosophy and objectives in all classroom work.• Develops the students to become instruments of promoting a wholesome Christian environment at home. and service orientation by letting them participate in the various community extension services and parish-oriented activities. • Equips students. personnel. parents and alumni with a deeper sense of awareness. ADMINISTRATORS SERVICE-FORMATION PROGRAM • Provides for specialized and ongoing formation program for administrators to make them more responsive to the needs of the institution. . responsiveness. Academic Service-Formation Program • Provides for disciplined acquisition of knowledge. D. thereby preparing them for a life of active participation in their respective Basic Ecclesial Communities. • Creates a functional community service program wherein pupils. values and skills in an atmosphere of reflective thinking with a sentence openness to the divine dimension of human life. and parents with necessary exposure and experience of a Basic Ecclesial Community. • Integrates Christian values in the academic subjects and in student activities to provide the student opportunities to acquire a value system where integrity is valued most and passion for truth and justice developed. C. students and personnel can actualize service projects. and to enable them to constantly grow in professional competence and leadership in order to be more effective in their ministry. in school and in their respective Basic Ecclesial Communities. 2.
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