
May 11, 2018 | Author: Mursalin | Category: Propeller, Rudder, Hull (Watercraft), Watercraft, Ships



Program HOLTROP(20-04-2000) J.M.J. Journée This still water resistance prediction method in this program has been described by: • J. Holtrop and G.G.J. Mennen, "An Approximate Power Prediction Method", International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 89, 1982. • J. Holtrop, "A Statistical Reanalysis of Resistance and Propulsion Data", International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 31, 1984. To run the Fortran/77 program HOLTROP, the Personal Computer must contain a CONFIG.SYS file with the following statements: BUFFERS=nn FILES=nn DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ANSI.SYS in which nn is generally 40 or more. For running the program under Windows, this CONFIG.SYS file must be visible in the Explorer. If not so, set in the Explorer: | View | Folder Options | Tab View | Hidden Files | Show all Files |. After these modifications: Restart your computer !!! Input Data TEXT Text line with general information SLPP SLWL BR DRAFT TRIM VOL SLCB CWP CM SHULL Length between perpendiculars (m) Length on the water line (m) Breadth (m) Amidships draft (m) Trim (m) Moulded volume of displacement (m3) C.O.B. forward of SLWL / 2 (%) Water plane area coefficient (-) Amidships section coefficient (-) Wetted area hull (m2) If unknown: SHULL = 0.0 Additional skin friction coefficient Multiplication factor for service condition Shape coefficient aft (-) U-form with Hogner stern: CAFT = +10.0 Normal form: CAFT = 0.0 V-form: CAFT = -10.0 Pram with gondola: CAFT = -25.0 SSKIN SSERV CAFT 1 8 Dome: capp(i) = 2.012 Area of immersed transom (m2) Length of the run (m) If unknown: SLR = 0.7 Bilge keels: capp(i) = 1. T and RRE Note: Start input of remaining data on a new line If NPROP = 1 or NPROP = 2: DP Diameter of propeller (m) AAE Expanded blade area ratio (-) PPD Pitch-diameter ratio (-) NV Number of ship speeds.0 If N bow thrusters: DBTT = DBTT * SQRT(N) Resistance coefficient of bow thruster tunnel If no bow thruster: CBTT = 0.SRUD CRUD SAPP CAPP ABULB HBULB DBTT CBTT AT SLR ALFA NPTOP Wetted area rudder (m2) Rudder coefficient (-) Rudder behind skeg: CRUD = 1.4 2 Cross sectional area bulbous bow (m ) No bow correction: ABULB = 0.0 Stabilizer fins: capp(i) = 2.0 Number of propellers (-) NPROP = 0: No calculation of W.0 Centroid of bulbous bow cross section to keel (m) If ABULB = 0.0 .4.2. max.0 then: HBULB can have any value Diameter of bow thruster tunnel (m) If no bow thruster: DBTT = 0.2.5 Twin-screw balance rudders: CRUD = 2.5 . T and RRE NPROP = 1: Calculation of W.0 Strut bossings: capp(i) = 3.5 .003 Thruster at the worst location: CBTT = 0.3 .000 Thruster in cylindrical part of bow: CBTT = 0.0 Shafts: capp(i) = 2.0 Half angle of entrance of the water line (deg) If unknown: ALFA = 0.0 Rudder behind stern: CRUD = 1. 25 (-) VK(1:NV) Array with NV ship speeds (kn) 2 .8 Wetted area appendages (m2) SAPP = SUM [sapp(i)] Equivalent appendage factor (-) CAPP = SUM [capp(i) * sapp(i)] / SUM [sapp(i)] Shaft brackets: capp(i) = 3.0 Skeg: capp(i) = 1.1.0 Hull bossings: capp(i) = 2. T and RRE NPROP = 2: Calculation of W. ...0 0...........0 0....O. meter meter degree 6. NV : SHIP SPEEDS (knots) ........0 9...03 0..03 % SLWL WATERPLANE AREA COEFFICIENT ..0 15... meter -0..... SAPP EQUIVALENT APPENDAGE FACTOR ..00 meter 193..........60 0....0 0.... AAE : PITCH-DIAMETER RATIO ..... BR MIDSHIP DRAFT .4 0.9000 0.......0 0....0 4......0 25..Example of an Input Data File M.......84 2..00 4. CAFT WETTED AREA RUDDERS ....00 meter : 0... CWP : MIDSHIP SECTION COEFFICIENT ............ OF BOW THRUSTER CBTT AREA OF IMMERSED TRANSOM .......0 0.70 30... meter meter meter sq.V.. DRAFT TRIM .0 0........10 196.0 60. meter sq. SSKIN SERVICE MULTIPLICATION FACTOR ......0 0. Hollandia DRAFT = 9...0 21..00 0.900 0.0 NUMBER OF PROPELLERS . SLR HALF ANGLE OF ENTRANCE ......... VK(1:NV) : 25 1.. AT LENGTH OF THE RUN ..70 meter : 30. HBULB DIAMETER OF BOW THRUSTER TUNNEL .... meter /1000 sq..4 0...010 0......0 sq. SRUD RUDDER COEFFICIENT ......0 8... DBTT RESISTANCE COEFF......0 5. VOL : C...............000 1...V....15 meter 0...10 meter : 196.....9626 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Example of an Output Data File -----------------------------------------------------------------------PROGRAM: HOLTROP VERSION: 03 APRIL 2000 JOURNEE CALCULATION OF STILL WATER RESISTANCE OF A SHIP *********************************************** HOLTROP 1984 ************ DATE: 04-04-2000 TIME: 09:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INPUT DATA: *********** M.. CAPP CROSS SECTION AREA BULBOUS BOW ....0 60..00 31282 -0...... DP : EXPANDED BLADE AREA RATIO .0 0.0 19.0 18.....708 0...000350 1. SLCB : 31282 cub....84 2.0 14. PPD : NUMBER OF SHIP SPEEDS .....15 0..963 2.... SSERV SHAPE COEFFICIENT AFT ..0 4.0 1........ ABULB CENTOID OF BULBOUS BOW TO KEEL .B... CM : 0.708 0...0 13....0 6........ ALFA : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 0..965 0. NPROP : 1 DIAMETER OF PROPELLER .00 meter MOULDED VOLUME OF DISPLACEMENT ... meter sq...010 .00 meter LENGTH BETWEEN PERPENDICULARS ....0 10..80 9.... SLPP LENGTH ON THE WATERLINE ...0 22.....0 0..0 1.0 17..0 16.0 1 6... FORWARD OF SLWL/2 ..0 7..30 0.... ISHULL ADDITIONAL SKIN FRICTION COEFF .30 0..60 0...80 meter : 9..00 0..0 20.....0 3 3.0 23.. TRIM : 193...0 12. Hollandia DRAFT = 9.0 24.0 11... CRUD WETTED AREA APPENDAGES . SLWL BREADTH .....965 WETTED AREA HULL ....... 912 2.00 21.400 1.8 61.193 0.915 2.2 11.9 97.0 2.246 0.193 0.00 15.193 0.169 3.193 0.003 3.386 1.266 0.953 3.1 928.4 1018.840 1.596 3.397 1.193 0.193 0.4 130.4 607.9 25.1 0.6 1032.3 351.3 3.983 0.193 0.983 COEFFICIENTS BASED ON: LENGTH.245 0.00 6.2 428.00 4.058 3.255 0.951 2.055 3.193 0.00 5.4 168.246 0.00 17.5 1003.7 190.682 1.9 1211.245 0.406 1.429 1.983 0.983 0.816 4.00 20.2 1.353 3.515 1.00 3.00 12.10 m WETTED AREA : 6417 m2 4 .8 6.253 0.983 0.00 16.576 1.3 0.7 4.3 40.7 578.3 12.00 25.983 0.610 1.00 11.0 210.00 24.521 1.7 3.169 3.820 3.7 27.2 203.986 2.649 2.983 0.250 0.7 1.501 1.6 44.385 1.714 1.193 0.3 45.983 0.880 3.983 0.193 0.244 0.00 9.9 2.831 1.193 0.526 1.456 1.R EFFIC (kN) FRICT COEFF *1000 (-) (kn) (kN) (kN) (-) (-) (-) 1.3 668.1 7.937 1.4 133.547 1.395 2.414 1.248 0.608 1.455 0.983 0.1 893.193 0.138 1.565 1.983 0.249 0.466 1.7 2423.980 2.671 1.1 256.4 494.287 4.00 10.983 0.193 0.247 3.2 1191.3 365.6 471.260 0.983 0.438 1.5 1380.0 67.108 3.246 0.983 0.423 1.2 68.00 19.9 249.STILL WATER PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO HOLTROP.762 1.1 2148.446 1.4 18.244 0.00 22.7 163.9 773.193 0.247 0.423 3.193 0.9 842.488 1.1 263.244 0.2 26.983 0.924 2.193 0.983 0.193 0.193 0.3 498.983 0.246 0.00 0.00 8.193 0.465 1.193 0.983 0.0 1607.00 18.193 0.8 308.00 23.9 409.7 759.7 3.4 659.477 1.193 0.4 91.0 835.1 94.193 0.2 1419.420 1.983 0.530 1.7 126.286 3.00 7.016 2.586 1.1 361.244 0.193 0.2 1870.382 1. LPP : 193.00 14.929 2.251 0.437 1.252 0.257 0.248 0.421 1.6 1112.167 2.638 1.074 3.8 10. 1984 ************************************************** SHIP SPEED FRICT RESIS RESIDU RESIS TOTAL RESIS RESIDU COEFF *1000 (-) TOTAL COEFF *1000 (-) WAKE FRACT THRUST FRACT REL.0 298.193 0.1 1313.513 3.00 13.983 0.983 0.00 2.249 0.245 0.711 1.0 13.247 0.983 0.5 681.4 537.983 0.406 1.485 1.983 0.063 4.458 1.983 0.394 1. 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 .
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