HNLU IMUNC Brochure.pdf



InternationalModel United Nations Conference Organized by Hidayatullah National Law University 11th – 13th March, 2016 helping those in need through their inquisitive mind and hard work. Following the motto of ‗Dharma Sansthapanartham‘ or ‗for the sake of establishing the primacy of the laws of eternal values‘. Hidayatullah National Law University not only aims to produce top notch lawyers.CHIEF’S DESK : Hidayatullah National Law University has come a long way from its inception twelve years ago. It gives me immense pleasure to introduce the First Edition of Hidayatullah National Law University International Model United Nations Conference (IMUNC). Apart from the countless achievements that our illustrious students and alumni can pride themselves upon.) Sukh Pal Singh Vice-Chancellor.IN . sensitive and socially aware citizens of today‘s society. but more importantly to produce individuals relevant to the country and the world. the university has emerged as one of the frontier institutions in providing legal education in India. HNLU . Prof. (Dr. It is my sincere hope that their endeavor at HNLU IMUNC remains fruitful and provides a learning experience. teaching them to embrace modernity while assimilating the beauty of our multi-cultural and diverse tradition. With Blessings and Best Wishes. this university has remained unwavering in its quest to not only educate young minds upon law but also hone them to be responsible. I also would like to wish all my students involved in the event the heartiest success. diplomacy and international relations. I welcome all participants and wish them my very best. International diplomacy remains a matter of considerable significance in the world today and it is my humble belief that the world will truly benefit if the current generation is aware about international politics. The University aims to inculcate modern scientific temper while remaining true to Indian ethos.FROM THE PATRON . (Dr. Chief Justice of India is the Visitor. Thakur. High Court of Chhattisgarh is the Chancellor and Prof.) Sukh Pal Singh. Chief Justice. Hon'ble Mr. established by the Government of Chhattisgarh under the Hidayatullah National University of Law. Justice Navin Sinha. and Ph.A. HNLU is a residential University and sixth in the series of National Law Schools in India.. S. 1956 and has been declared fit to receive Central assistance in terms of the rules framed under Section 12 (B) of the UGC Act. Hon'ble Mr. Raipur. Justice T.M. . Chhattisgarh. HNLU has been included in the list of the Universities maintained by the University Grants Commission under Section 2(f) of the UGC Act. The university is recognized by the Bar Council of India under section 7 of the Advocates Act. The university offers courses of B.10 of 2003). is the Vice-Chancellor of the University.D.LL. 1956. LL.B. Act (Act No.ABOUT HIDAYATULLAH NATIONMAL LAW UNIVERSITY "Dharma Sansthapanartham‖ (for the sake of establishing the primacy of the laws of eternal values) is the motto of Hidayatullah National Law University. and wish to experience the multiplicity of views on current international disputes. Yours sincerely. Put on your diplomatic attire. this city is steeped in knowledge and culture that I hope that you will all take in. we have National Coordinator for UNA-Italy and an elected WFUNA‘s Youth Advisory Council Representative for Europe Mr. and the array of social events planned will put smiles on the faces of even the most demanding participants. I am asking you for innovative proposals that will form a new future characterized by a secure. and to profess how gratifying I feel for having the opportunity to be the Secretary General of its inaugural edition. and not of violence. including the sciences. literature. As the Secretary General of HNLU-IMUNC 2016. I can assure you that both the academic value of the conference. you will be arriving in Chhattisgarh‘s historic capital city and will hopefully be astonished by the beauty of its architecture. Through the sessions that are to come. and draw on. politicians and philosophers. Home to greats from numerous fields. I welcome you to HNLU-IMUNC 2016! In a couple of months‘ time. it is indeed my honor.FROM THE SECRETARY GENERAL’S DESK : It gives me great pleasure to extend to you all a very warm welcome to the HNLU International Model United Nations Conference 2016. and the curiosity of its cuisine. Edoardo Morgante as our Chief International Advisor for the conference. the friendliness of its people. To ensure the International Standards of the MUN Conference. With no further delays. choose a country that you would like to represent and prepare for the ever-inspiring and rewarding talks. So if you enjoy intense debates. for the first time in India. HNLU-IMUNC is the perfect conference to attend during this summer. Mahip Singh Sikarwar Secretary General . during your debates. I look forward to seeing passionate delegates who believe in the doctrines of tolerance. prolific conversations. pleasure and privilege to officially welcome you all to the inaugural edition of HNLU International Model United Nations Conference 2016.On behalf of the entire Secretariat. and safe environment. Among various training programs and event conferences. he was elected WFUNA‘s Youth Advisory Council Representative for Europe. he spent one semester at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna as an Erasmus student and one month of research abroad at the Peking University in Beijing and the Fudan University in Shanghai. He holds a Bachelor degree from La Sapienza University of Rome. he has also served as Liaison Officer at the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (second semester of 2014).INTRODUCING THE CHIEF INTERNATIONAL ADVISOR Edoardo Morgante is an Italian young professional with broad and substantial experience in the field of international relations and diplomacy. Beyond his MUN experience. and as Scientific Coordinator and Secretary-General of the Rome Official Model United Nations (ROMUN 2015). In 2011. when MUNs in Europe were not yet as widespread as today. a Master from LUISS University and a Diploma of Higher Education in Diplomatic Studies from the Italian Society for International Organisation (SIOI). he was the Head of State of the Italian Youth Delegation at the Europe‘s Voice in Brussels and at the G8 & G20 Youth Summits in Paris. that took place in Vancouver from 18 – 22 November 2015. with a particular focus in organising high profile events and meetings. he participated in the 2012 World Federation of the United Nations Associations (WFUNA) Human Rights Training for UNA Youth in Geneva. as well as Project Coordinator for UNA-Italy for the first edition of the WFUNA International Model United Nations (WIMUN 2014). During the 2nd WFUNA Youth World Forum. The following year he was Head delegate of the European Union Youth Delegation at the Y20 México and Sherpa of the EU Youth Delegation at the G8 & G20 Youth Summits in Washington DC. he served as a Trainer at the 2014 WFUNA Youth Forum in Seoul. . He has been participating in and organising Model United Nation conferences since 2010. He was the National Coordinator of the United Nations Youth Associations of Italy (UNA-Italy) from 2011 – 2012. During his studies. It is a great honour and pleasure for me to serve as Chief International Advisor at the inaugural edition of HNLU International Model United Nations Conference (HNLU-IMUNC 2016). I believe that young people today are more active and included than ever I n the decision-making process at all levels. has always been a great source of motivation for me to work as hard as I can to drive change. I will do my best to ensure its highest international exposure and outreach‖.FROM THE INTERNATIONAL ADVISOR’S DESK : ―Enhancing and strengthening the dialogue among people with a particular focus on youth. Nevertheless. we should work tirelessly to further improve this reality in order to contribute more effectively and at the best of our capacities to shape a sustainable future for all. Edoardo Morgante International Advisor . . its inaugural edition of the (IMUNC) International Model United Nations Conference scheduled to be held from 11th to 13th march 2016. Raipur announces with great pleasure and honour. delegates are given valuable insights into the functioning and working of the United Nations inculcating its object and core values that has lead United Nations emerge at the international level seeking dispute resolution for maintaining peace and security. The students are encouraged to debate. Moreover the values of mutual co-operation.ABOUT HNLU INTERNATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS Hidayatullah National Law University. At HNLU IMUNC the delegates will take away the art of striking a balance between national interests and needs of the international community. holistic development and International peace are inculcated into the participants. analyze and discuss contemporary modern day problems that are faced by world leaders and diplomats. At HNLU IMUNC. protests and political diplomacy. reporting. All India Political Party Meet An unconventional stage characterized by heated debates. International Press The IP seeks media-oriented.COMMITTEES United Nations General Assembly The primary deliberative. United Nations Security Council Responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security. press conferences. United Nations Human Rights Council UNHRC promotes and safeguards the fundamental human rights. . press releases and interviews. journalists who deals with news articles . policymaking and representative organ of the UN. walkouts. and development. Debate in the GA is spirited. ranging from disarmament and security to law. and the committee as a whole. Delegates emerge from a GA committee with a thorough understanding of the promises and pitfalls of international diplomacy. health. the GA remains true to the original premise of the UN. It is the main global forum for discussing international political cooperation.‖ all 193 member states and two observers of the United Nations. Every nation plays an important role. one vote.UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY General Assembly committees deal with a wide variety of issues. delegates from China and Botswana negotiate and debate as equals on issues of great global importance. By espousing the principle of ―one nation. . threats to peace and economic development. humanitarian and cultural issues that come under the remit of the United Nations. as delegates attempt to balance their responsibilities to their nations. regional blocs. as well as the huge range of social. UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY – R I S E I N C O M M U N A L I S M A N D WAY S T O C U R B T E N D A N C I E S O F R E L I G I O U S H AT R E D A N D INTOLERENCE AGENDA Attacks based on religious bias took place in 1 in every 5 countries in 2012. a Uyghur in China. That was especially found in the Middle East and North Africa. France. The survey found three-quarters of the world's population lives where overall levels of religious restrictions or hostilities were high or very high. Europe saw the biggest increase in government restrictions on religion and a corresponding rise in hostilities. The survey pointed to one example. religious violence and intolerance is on the rise around the world. Take a look at the news: Whether you're a Coptic Christian in Egypt. •Which countries saw the greatest increase in religious hostilities and why? Is there a correlation between governments that oppress minority religions and social hostilities? . in March 2012. Hostilities increased in every major region of the world except the Americas. in which a rabbi and three Jewish schoolchildren were killed by an Islamist extremist in Toulouse. One third of the nearly 200 countries surveyed saw a rise in social hostility against those of minority faiths or pressure to conform. a Buddhist in Sri Lanka or a Muslim in Myanmar. Under the Charter.UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL "Essential and inalienable human rights should be respected even during the vicissitudes of war. The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression. and each Member has one vote. It calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement. the Security Council can resort to imposing sanctions or even authorize the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security. It has 15 Members. the Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. . all Member States are obligated to comply with Council decisions. In some cases." -UN Security Council Resolution 237/ 1967 (14th June 1967) Under the Charter. The harmful consequences of such a situation risk having very profound impacts on Syrian society.049 civilian deaths from violence. In Syria. human trafficking and drug mafia. . as well as on neighbouring countries. The Syrian civil war is one of the worst humanitarian crisis the UN has had face. Syrian political scientist. This is the third highest civilian death toll after 2006 and 2007. especially peacekeeping organizations like the United Nations.UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL – PROLONGED CONFLICT AND INSURGENCY IN THE MIDDLE EAST WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IRAQ AND SYRIA A G E N D A "Declarations and good intentions do not feed the starving and they do not shelter refugees.With the failure of the national authorities to tackle the situation. The prolonged conflict and political instability in the middle east apart from being a security threat also serves as a breeding ground for terrorism. it has become inevitable for the international community to intervene. half the country‘s pre-war population —more than 11 million people have been killed or forced to flee their homes. December 2012 The issue of the long drawn conflict has been of great concern for the international community as a whole. Solutions are needed not only with regard to the political instability and lack of security but also with regard to the prevention of insurgency and social economic deprivation of the people. In 2014 Iraq Body Count (IBC) recorded 17." -Salam Kawakibi. language. color. place of residence. . or any other status. interdependent and indivisible. The Human Rights Council replaced the former United Nations Commission on Human Rights and is made up of 47 United Nations Member States. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. It meets at the UN Office at Geneva. whatever our nationality. the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of humans rights violation and make recommendations on them. The HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations responsible for strengthening.UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL “Human Rights are inherent to all human beings. These rights are all interrelated. sex. It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year. national or ethnic origin.” – United Nations. which are elected by the UN General Assembly. religion. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL AGENDA . and strengthening accountability for serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. . treated without dignity. targeted on purpose. have specific needs and are entitled to special attention. such as the right to supplies essential to their survival. such as children. And. Under humanitarian law. some groups among the population. During recent armed conflicts. conflicts around the world were still characterized by a ―prevailing disrespect‖ for the core principles of international humanitarian law. wounded. The grave challenges remain in enhancing compliance with international humanitarian. and deprived of their basic rights as human beings. women. increasing numbers of civilians are being killed. persons with disabilities and displaced people. ensuring humanitarian access to affected populations. It is the duty of the state to provide adequate care and respect to the civilians. However. the elderly. forced to leave their homes. the civilian population in general is protected from dangers arising from military operations.INCREASE IN COUNTRIES ROLE TO ENSURE PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS DURING ARMED AGRRESSION Despite recent strides in strengthening the ability of the United Nations to protect civilians. human rights and refugee law. arbitrarily detained and separated from their families. cross talks. unlike other conventional MUN committees is characterized by heated debates. walkouts protests and high levels of negotiations and political diplomacy. we are soon going to turn into active citizens of this country. . without any legislative provisions and for a purpose serving as a forum for unrestricted political debate which the constraints of the Parliament procedures and disruptions do not at all times allow. The AIPPM is a stage where delegates are given a chance to showcase the politician that lies within them by stepping on their shoes.ALL INDIA POLITICAL PARTY MEET The AIPPM was created as a body supplementary to the Parliament. As students. Sitting amongst the countries top leaders and arguing for something which might not essentially be correct. The flexible rules of procedure further facilitate debate and make the committee interesting enough for everyone present at the conference wishing to catch a glimpse. but is in the interest of your party at large is not as easy as it seems. and it is our responsibility to know about the various policies of the government that are of utmost importance to shape our future. The All India Political Parties Meet. AIPPM has recently gained popularity in various academic simulations throughout India. Recent events in the country that includes ‗Intolerance remark by stars. But. ‗Beef Ban‘ and incidents like Dadri Lynching could be testimony to the ideologue that there is growing communal intolerance in the country.ALL INDIA POLITICAL PARTY MEET A G E N D A : REVIEW OF COMMUNAL INTOLERANCE I N T H E C O U N T RY The AIPPM at the HNLU IMUNC 2016 will discuss the ―Review of communal intolerance in the country‖. . AIPPM will review whether there exists communal intolerance in India. ‗Conversion and love Jihad‘. ‗Award. ‗Saffronisation of Education‘.Wapsi‘. there are groups and people who differ. participants will be assigned to a committee and they will have primary responsibility for reporting on that committee throughout the Conference. Prior to the conference. As members of the International Press. this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek.INTERNATIONAL PRESS Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. -Article 19. which is prepared by the International Press Head. and read by all participants. . conduct interviews. and also that of questioning their stance and holding them accountable for their actions inside and outside the conference. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Free Press: An institution that keeps governments and organizations ticking. In doing so. Reporters will be both passive and active participants in the MUN’s simulations. reporters will investigate committee debates. keeps the masses informed. and plays a vital role in not only forming public opinion but also voicing it. receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. We are of the belief that a conscientious Press is of vital importance because it has the role of informing the delegates of the day-to-day happenings of the conference. The articles written by reporters will be published in the MUN’s newsletter. edit articles. Instead of representing the interests of a single country. and cover press conferences. whether it be gathering basic information on relevant topics or conducting interviews. the International Press Delegation allows participants to act as unbiased journalists and photographers. reporters will be responsible for conducting their own background research. MEET THE TEAM Mahip Singh Sikarwar Va r u n K h a r e Secretary General Deputy Secretary General Nitesh Dhankhar Shikhar Shrivastava Director General Deputy Director General . Logistics USG – Editorial Pintu Babu USG .MEET THE TEAM Wishvesh Ranjan Gaurav Khetpal USG .Designing .Delegate Affairs USG .Communication Ravilochan Manasvini Mukund USG – Academics & Research USG .Workshops Sumit Sharma Shrivalli Ghosh USG . » There are four committees in the conference with an International Press. Application Procedure • As an individual delegate. » All members of the delegation must be from the same • In the case of delegation. food. There must be representation in all committees and the press. a representative can send in the application on behalf of the entire delegation. send in your application individually by filling the given form. accommodation and social nights) • Indian delegates .google. https://docs.INR 1500 (with registration kit. and social nights) • International delegates –INR 5000/USD $75 . Conference Fee (3 Days) • Indian delegates .JOIN US! Who can apply? • Anyone between the age of 16 and 25 interested in HNLU International Model United Nation Conference.INR 800 (with registration kit. food. com/hnlumun @hnlumun @hnlumun . .com Mob.facebook. feel free to contact : Mahip Singh Sikarwar Secretary General Email – [email protected] Va r u n K h a re Deputy Secretary General Email – hnlumun@gmail. C.CONTACT US For other queries. Contact : 077130-57604 https://www.G. – 09691582270 Registrar Hidayatullah National Law University Naya Mob. PLACES TO VISIT IN RAIPUR Shahid Veer Narayan Singh International Cricket Stadium Taj Gateway hotel Ghatarani Waterfalls MM Fun City Ambuja City Center Mall Magneto .The Mall . G.HIDAYATULLAH NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY Post .492002 (C. Naya Raipur .in .) Phone: Tel-Fax: 0771-3057666 E-mail: [email protected].
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