Histology Practice Practical

March 23, 2018 | Author: Deep Patel | Category: Epithelium, Tissue (Biology), Connective Tissue, Cell Biology, Human Anatomy



REVIEW FOR MP 1 LABORATORY PRACTICAL EXAM1) Identify the epithelium. A) pseudostratified columnar B) simple columnar C) simple cuboidal D) stratified squamous E) simple squamous 2) This tissue is ________. A) attached to the skeleton B) found in the heart C) found in the walls of blood vessels. 3) Which structure is highlighted? A) skeletal muscle fiber B) sarcomere C) nucleus D) cardiac muscle fiber E) smooth muscle fiber 4) Which structure is highlighted? A) cell B) nucleus C) fiber in cross section D) intercalated disc E) sarcomere 5) The highlighted sarcomere is in ________ muscle. A) smooth B) skeletal C) cardiac 6) Which structure is highlighted? A) cardiac muscle fiber B) sarcomere C) nucleus D) intercalated disc E) A band 7) Which structure is highlighted? A) cell B) intercalated disc C) fiber D) nucleus E) sarcomere 8) Which structure is highlighted? A) skeletal fiber B) nucleus C) smooth fiber D) cardiac fiber E) sarcomere . 9) This tissue is ________ muscle. A) skeletal B) smooth C) cardiac 10) Which muscle cell is highlighted? A) smooth B) cardiac C) skeletal . A) simple columnar B) simple cuboidal C) stratified squamous D) pseudostratified columnar E) simple squamous .11) Which structure is highlighted? A) intercalated disc B) sarcomere C) neuromuscular junction D) nucleus E) smooth muscle cell in cross section 12) Identify the epithelium. 13) Identify the epithelium. A) stratified squamous B) simple cuboidal C) pseudostratified columnar D) simple squamous E) simple columnar 14) Identify the epithelium. A) simple cuboidal B) simple columnar C) pseudostratified columnar D) simple squamous E) stratified squamous . non-keratinized E) pseudostratified columnar 16) Identify the epithelium. A) stratified squamous.15) Identify the epithelium. A) stratified squamous B) simple squamous C) simple columnar D) pseudostratified columnar E) simple cuboidal . keratinized B) simple columnar C) simple cuboidal D) stratified squamous. 17) Identify the epithelium. keratinized B) stratified cuboidal C) simple columnar D) stratified squamous. non-keratinized E) pseudostratified columnar 18) Identify the epithelium. A) stratified cuboidal B) simple columnar C) pseudostratified columnar D) stratified squamous. non-keratinized E) transitional . A) stratified squamous. A) urinary bladder B) stomach C) thick skin D) oral cavity E) thin skin 20) Which cell type is highlighted? A) macrophage B) simple columnar C) mast D) simple squamous E) goblet .19) This epithelium is found only in ________. 21) Which structures are highlighted? A) microvilli B) basement membrane C) cilia D) nuclei E) goblet cells 22) Where is this epithelial type located? A) anus B) thin skin C) thick skin D) esophagus E) vagina . A) simple squamous B) transitional C) stratified squamous.23) Where is this epithelial type located? A) trachea B) esophagus C) urinary bladder D) oral cavity E) thick skin 24) Identify the epithelium. non-keratinized D) stratified cuboidal E) simple columnar . 25) Which structures are highlighted? A) lamina propria B) cilia C) submucosa D) microvilli E) villi 26) What is a unique characteristic of this blood cell type? A) only blood cell to travel through blood vessels B) round-shaped C) multinucleated D) lack all organelles E) secrete antibodies . 27) Identify the connective tissue type. A) adipose B) dense irregular C) reticular D) areolar E) dense regular 28) Which structures are highlighted? A) collagen fibers B) reticular fibers C) macrophages D) fibroblasts E) elastic fibers . A) areolar B) dense regular C) adipose D) dense irregular E) elastic 30) Which structure is highlighted? A) fibroblast B) elastic fiber C) reticular fiber D) collagen fiber E) adipocyte .29) Identify the connective tissue type. A) resists pulling forces B) is part of the integument C) is found in tendons D) serves as an energy reserve E) provides a supporting framework 32) These cells release histamine during inflammation to cause ________. A) hypertrophy B) leaky capillaries C) hyperplasia D) vasoconstriction E) phagocytosis .31) This tissue ________. 33) Identify the tissue type. A) fibrocartilage B) compact bone C) spongy bone D) elastic cartilage E) regular connective tissue 34) Which structures are highlighted? A) lacunae B) osteons C) central canals D) lamellae E) canaliculi . 35) The functional unit of compact bone is the ________. A) lamella B) osteon C) trabecula D) osteocyte E) canaliculus 36) Which structures are highlighted? A) adipocytes B) lamellae C) canaliculi D) central canals E) lacunae . 37) Which structure is highlighted? A) nucleus B) neuroglia C) axon D) cell body E) dendrite 38) Which one of the following is not one of the four main tissue categories? A) muscle tissue B) neural tissue C) osseous tissue D) connective tissue E) epithelial tissue 39) Which of the following is the primary tissue type that contracts? A) epithelial tissue B) germinative tissue C) connective tissue D) muscle tissue E) neural tissue 40) Which of the following is not found in the matrix of cartilage but is in bone? A) live cells B) lacunae C) blood vessels D) organic fibers 41) The reason that intervertebral discs exhibit a large amount of tensile strength to absorb shock is because they possess ________. C) Fibers are not normally visible. D) It has more elastic fibers. A) hydroxyapatite crystals B) collagen fibers C) reticular fibers D) elastic fibers 42) What tissue has lacunae. B) It contains more nuclei. calcium salts. A) is highly vascularized C) is usually acellular B) has a basement membrane D) contains a number of neuron types 45) What feature characterizes simple columnar epithelium of the digestive tract? A) dense microvilli B) a rich vascular supply . and blood vessels? A) cartilage tissue C) osseous tissue B) fibrocartilaginous tissue D) areolar tissue 43) How is hyaline cartilage different from elastic or fibrocartilage? A) It is more vascularized. 44) Epithelial tissue ________. B) Stratified epithelia are associated with filtration.C) fibroblasts 46) Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium ________. A) organ B) tissue C) organism D) organ system 51) The shape of the external ear is maintained by ________. C) Endothelium provides a slick surface lining all hollow cardiovascular organs. A) elastic B) collagen C) reticular D) mast cells D) muscle 50) Organized groups of cells (plus their intercellular substances) that have a common purpose form a(n) ________. A) Stratified cuboidal B) Stratified columnar C) Transitional D) Pseudostratified columnar 55) A multilayered epithelium with cuboidal basal cells and flat cells at its surface would be classified as ________. D) Reticular fibers form thick. D) Pseudostratified epithelia are commonly keratinized. A) chondrocytes B) fibroblasts C) macrophages 49) The fiber type that gives connective tissue great tensile strength is ________. C) Collagen fibers provide high tensile strength. A) simple cuboidal B) simple squamous C) transitional D) stratified squamous 56) An epithelial membrane ________. collagen gives it the ability to snap back. A) usually involves transitional epithelium B) is formed of epithelium and smooth muscle C) contains simple or stratified epithelia and a basement membrane D) never contains mucus-forming cells 57) Which of these is not considered connective tissue? A) cartilage B) adipose 58) Which is true concerning muscle tissue? A) highly cellular and well vascularized C) contains contractile units made of collagen C) muscle D) blood B) cuboidal shape enhances function D) is a single-celled tissue 59) Which of the following statements is true of connective tissue? A) Elastin fibers are sometimes called white fibers. B) When connective tissue is stretched. 60) Select the correct statement regarding epithelia. A) lines the respiratory tract C) possesses no goblet cells D) cilia B) aids in digestion D) is not an epithelial classification 47) Which of the following is a single-celled layer of epithelium that forms the lining of serous membranes? A) simple transitional B) simple columnar C) simple squamous D) simple cuboidal 48) Cell types likely to be seen in areolar connective tissue include all except ________. 54) ________ epithelium appears to have two or three layers of cells. . A) adipose tissue B) elastic cartilage C) hyaline cartilage D) fibrocartilage 52) Inability to absorb digested nutrients and secrete mucus might indicate a disorder in which tissue? A) simple squamous B) transitional C) simple columnar D) stratified squamous 53) Which of the following is true about epithelia? A) Simple epithelia are commonly found in areas of high abrasion. but all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane. ropelike structures. E) all of the above. C) Mature adipose cells are highly mitotic. C) They are avascular. D) transmit electrical signals. E) A and B only are true. and interconnect other tissue types. C) these cells are probably located along portions of the digestive and urinary tracts. D) Pseudostratified epithelia consist of at least two layers of cells stacked on top of one another. C) They have few if any nerve endings. D) They cover surfaces subjected to mechanical and chemical stress. all of the above are characteristic of epithelial cells. D) They store wastes. surround. B) contract. D) a basolateral plasmalemma that is the same as its counterpart on the apical surface. D) Most of the cell volume is occupied by the nucleus. 61) Select the correct statement regarding adipose tissue. D) all of the above are true. and therefore prevent water loss. B) Its primary function is nutrient storage. C) Stratified epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important. narrow cells. and therefore respond little to sensory input. C) line internal cavities and passageways. B) They always have a free surface exposed to some inner chamber or passageway. 64) Which of the following exclusively describes stratified epithelia? A) They consist of a single cell layer. E) No exceptions. E) They support. 69) What type of epithelium lines protected regions where rapid absorption occurs. 62) Which cells are commonly found wedged between simple columnar epithelial cells? A) goblet cells B) mast cells C) macrophages 63) Muscle cells A) are underneath every exposed surface of the body. E) have all of the above attributes. B) these cells are transportation specialists. B) unevenly distributed organelles. B) They are completely impermeable. C) apical and basolateral plasmalemmas with different associated proteins and functions.A) Simple epithelia form impermeable barriers. 67) Which type of epithelium is present where mechanical stresses are severe? A) stratified squamous epithelium B) columnar epithelium C) cuboidal epithelium D) endothelium E) simple epithelium 68) Epithelial cells usually have A) a basement membrane. B) Stratified epithelia are tall. A) It is composed mostly of extracellular matrix. 66) The presence of large numbers of microvilli on the exposed surfaces of epithelial cells indicates that A) this is the area where absorption and secretion take place. 65) Which of the following is a function of connective tissues? A) They provide nutrition for underlying tissues. such as the lung alveoli? A) transitional B) stratified cuboidal C) simple columnar D) cilia . and interconnecting tissue types. B) transporting fluid and dissolved materials from one body region to another. B) crenulated muscle. D) controlled by pacesetter cells. 76) Muscle tissue located in the walls of digestive organs is called A) smooth muscle. E) connected by intercalated discs. E) all of the above. D) cartilage. B) keep epithelial surfaces moist. 71) Functions of connective tissue include A) establishing a structural framework for the body. C) squamous. B) cuboidal. C) protecting delicate organs. E) none of the above.D) simple squamous E) pseudostratified columnar 70) Epithelial tissue includes which of the following? A) bone. C) nonstriated. E) do none of the above. D) stratified. C) surface of skin. C) skeletal muscle. E) all of the above. D) cardiac muscle. 77) Skeletal muscle tissue contains large fibers that are A) multinucleated. B) fat. D) do both A and B. C) warm epithelial surfaces. 74) Membranes are organs formed by the combination of which tissues? A) epithelial and connective B) epithelial and muscle C) connective and muscle D) muscle and neural E) connective and neural 75) Mucous membranes A) line body cavities that communicate with the exterior. 72) Which of the following cells can be found in connective tissue? A) macrophages B) fibroblasts C) osteocytes D) all of the above E) A and B only 73) Which of the following means many layers? A) columnar. 78) Unique features of smooth muscle tissue include . E) all of the above. B) involuntary. surrounding. D) supporting. B) simple squamous epithelium. 86) Most energy storage in the body is accomplished by which of the following cells? A) adipocytes B) melanocytes C) macrophages D) fibroblasts E) lymphocytes 87) The wet membrane that covers cavities open to the external surface of the body is called the A) superficial fascia. D) simple columnar epithelium. D) the ability to transmit electrical impulses. E) none of the above. C) neuroglia with varied functions. packed fibers. E) only elastic fibers. B) connective tissue becomes more fragile. 82) Normal aging causes many effects on the body. E) synovial membrane. ureters. D) epithelia become thinner. E) all of the above. D) mucous membrane. E) both B and C. E) glandular D) nerve fibers E) both A and B . and urinary bladder? A) cuboidal B) columnar C) transitional D) squamous 84) The tissue lining the small intestine of the digestive tract is called A) stratified squamous epithelium. 85) Loose connective tissue contains A) fixed and wandering cells. including A) repair and maintenance activities become less efficient. C) the ability to regenerate after injury. B) cutaneous membrane. C) parallel. C) sarcolemma. C) stratified columnar epithelium. C) hormone and lifestyle alterations affect the structure and chemical composition of many tissues. E) all of the above describe neural tissue. B) cells with branching processes. 83) Which type of epithelium lines the renal pelvis. D) a solid ground substance.A) its exclusive location in the heart. 79) Which of the following are types of cells found in neural tissue? A) neurons B) neuroglia C) dendrites 80) Which of the following is exclusively found on the neuron? A) mitochondria B) cell processes C) axon D) nucleus E) intercalated discs 81) Neural tissue is characterized by A) extremely long cells. B) a tight framework. B) a single nucleus (usually) for each cell. D) intercalated discs. C) muscle tissue. E) support. E) do none of the above. A) adipose tissue. A) mitochondria B) cilia C) microvilli D) junctional complexes E) Golgi complexes 95) Dead skin cells are shed in thin sheets because they are held together by "spots" of proteoglycan reinforced by intermediate filaments. except A) providing physical protection. skin C) tendon. C) tight junctions. C) absorption. tendon. B) conduction. Such strong intercellular connections are called A) gap junctions. 90) Neurons contain which of the following features? A) the ability to divide. B) long processes called axons. B) squamous. C) use ATP as an energy source. B) intermediate junctions. 94) Epithelial cells that are adapted for absorption or secretion usually have ________ at their free surface. D) columnar. C) secretion. 96) The basic shapes of epithelial cells include all of the following. blood. E) both A and B . C) many short dendrites. D) basal tissue. D) A and B. tendon. lymph. blood. except A) oval. fibrocartilage 89) Muscle tissue is unique in its ability to A) repair itself after damage. E) B and C.88) Choose the list of supporting connective tissues that is most related. C) cuboidal. 93) Epithelial cells exhibit modifications that adapt them for A) contraction. E) junctional complexes. B) controlling permeability. E) supporting muscle cells. D) desmosomes. cartilage E) hyaline cartilage. D) do both B and C. elastic cartilage. B) connective tissue. fibrocartilage. lymph. E) apical tissue. D) circulation. 91) The tissue that always has a "top" and a "bottom" is A) epithelial tissue. B) produce powerful contractions. bone B) elastic cartilage. D) producing specialized secretions. bone. 92) Functions of epithelia include all of the following. reticular tissue D) areolar tissue. E) at the surface of the skin. C) lining kidney tubules. C) lining blood vessels. C) simple cuboidal epithelium. E) simple squamous epithelium. B) They are characteristic of regions where secretion or absorption occurs. 104) You would find pseudostratified columnar epithelium lining the A) trachea. D) forming the kidney tubules. E) lining the air sacs of the lungs. B) lining the ducts that drain sweat glands. 102) Transitional epithelium is found A) lining the urinary bladder. D) stratified cuboidal. 98) Which of the following statements about simple epithelia is false? A) They afford little mechanical protection. D) They cover surfaces subjected to mechanical or chemical stress. .97) The epithelia that line body cavities and blood vessels are classified as A) simple squamous. D) lining the stomach. 99) A type of epithelium found where absorption or secretion takes place is ________ epithelium. E) They are avascular. E) at the surface of the skin. C) lining kidney tubules. B) stratified squamous. E) stomach. The layers do not contain any blood vessels and one surface of the cells is open to the internal cavity of the organ. B) urinary bladder. D) lining the stomach. D) surface of the skin. B) lining the ducts that drain sweat glands. This tissue is probably A) epithelium. C) They line internal compartments and passageways. E) transitional. B) transitional epithelium. 103) The heart and blood vessels are lined by A) pseudostratified columnar epithelium. C) secretory portions of the pancreas. D) simple columnar epithelium. 101) Simple columnar epithelia are found A) lining the urinary bladder. 105) Close examination of an organ reveals a lining of several layers of cells. B) lining the trachea. A) simple squamous B) simple cuboidal C) pseudostratified columnar D) simple columnar E) any of the above 100) Simple cuboidal epithelium is found A) at the surface of the skin. C) simple cuboidal. E) connectin. D) neural tissue. 107) Cells that store fat are called A) cellulocytes. A) Ligaments. 109) Tissues that provide strength and support for areas subjected to stresses from many directions are A) tendons. B) macrocytes. D) podocytes. B. D) mast cells. B) macrophages. C) adipocytes. and ________ connect one bone to another. and irregular.B) muscle tissue. or supporting the trachea? A) areolar B) hyaline cartilage C) elastic D) fibrous E) dense regular 112) The three types of protein fibers in connective tissue are A) tendons. reticular. and permeable. C) adipocytes. D) collagen. D) reticular tissues. tendons E) Reticular tissues. tendons . ligaments. aponeuroses C) Tendons. E) melanocytes. E) areolar tissue. C) connective tissue. bone. and elastic ligaments. 106) Connective tissue fibers are produced mainly by A) fibroblasts. 108) The dominant fiber type in dense connective tissue is A) collagen. dense. B) elastin. B) ligaments. 113) Intercalated discs and pacemaker cells are characteristic of A) smooth muscle tissue. E) polar. C) actin. and C E) none of the above 114) ________ attach skeletal muscles to bones. E) melanocytes. and collagen. B) cardiac muscle tissue. ligaments D) Aponeuroses. B) loose. E) fat tissue. C) cartilage. and elastic. 110) What type of cell makes up almost half the volume of blood? A) erythrocyte B) leukocyte C) platelet D) monocyte E) phagocyte 111) Which type of connective tissue is found between the ribs and the sternum. cellular. D) myosin. C) skeletal muscle tissue. D) A. tendons B) Ligaments. C) dense irregular connective tissues. D) elastic connective tissue. 117) Chondrocytes are to cartilage as osteocytes are to A) blood. A) skeletal B) cardiac C) smooth D) voluntary . C) serous membranes. D) bone. E) the lamina propria. D) storing triacylglycerols. E) has cells within lacunae. C) anchoring blood vessels and nerves. E) adipose tissue. bone A) is a connective tissue. 119) Unlike cartilage. C) is highly vascular. D) synovial membranes. B) supporting epithelia. E) ligament. C) pericardium. B) epithelium. E) perichondrium. 123) Tissue that is specialized for contraction is ________ tissue. B) cartilage. B) mucous membranes. B) peritoneum. 118) Osseous tissue is also called A) cartilage. 116) Chondroitin sulfate is abundant in the matrix of A) epithelial tissue. D) bone. E) filling spaces between organs. A) loose connective B) dense connective C) epithelial D) nerve E) muscle 124) The muscle tissue that shows no striations is ________ muscle. 121) The reduction of friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces of an internal cavity is the function of A) cutaneous membranes.115) Loose connective tissue functions in all of the following ways. except A) transporting substances between cells. E) neural tissue. C) fat. D) has an outer covering. 120) Which of the following membranes line cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body? A) mucous B) serous C) cutaneous D) synovial E) pleural C) cellulite. B) has a matrix that contains collagen. D) periosteum. 122) The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is the A) pleura. C) areolar tissue. B) fat. except that A) when mature. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. B) macrophages. 127) Cells that engulf bacteria or cell debris within loose connective tissue are A) fibroblasts. C) they are composed of a soma and axon. SHORT ANSWER. B) they conduct a nervous impulse. A) connective B) neural C) areolar D) osseous 126) All of the following are true of neurons. E) epithelial 128) Identify the highlighted epithelium. E) melanocytes. C) adipocytes. D) they are a very specialized form of connective tissue. E) they are separated from one another by synapses. . they lose the ability to divide. D) mast cells.E) multinucleated 125) Tissue that is specialized for the conduction of electrical impulses is ________ tissue. . 130) Identify the highlighted fiber.129) Identify the highlighted fiber. 131) Identify the highlighted structure. 132) Identify the highlighted structures. . .133) Identify the highlighted structures. 134) Identify the highlighted fiber. 136) The epithelium is __________ columnar.135) Identify the highlighted epithelium. . 138) Identify the highlighted epithelium.137) Identify the highlighted epithelium. . 140) Which epithelial type lines the small intestine? .139) Identify the highlighted epithelium. 142) The highlighted epithelium is found only in which organ system? .141) The highlighted cells secrete ________. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) A B E B B D D A C A A B D B A A B E E E C B C A D D A A D B D B A A B E C C D C B C C B A A C A B B B C C D D C C A . 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 73) 74) 75) 76) 77) 78) 79) 80) 81) 82) 83) 84) 85) 86) 87) 88) 89) 90) 91) 92) 93) 94) 95) 96) 97) 98) 99) 100) 101) 102) 103) 104) 105) 106) 107) 108) 109) 110) 111) 112) 113) 114) 115) 116) 117) C C B A B D E D A E D C E D D A D A A E E C E E C D A A D E B E A E C C D A A D E D D A E A A A C A C A B D B C A B D . 118) 119) 120) 121) 122) 123) 124) 125) 126) 127) 128) 129) 130) 131) 132) 133) 134) 135) 136) 137) 138) 139) 140) 141) 142) D C A C B E C B D B simple cuboidal skeletal muscle smooth muscle intercalated disc nuclei nuclei smooth muscle simple columnar pseudostratified stratified squamous stratified cuboidal transitional simple columnar mucus urinary .
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