High perfomance gear coupling LOVEJOY.pdf

May 17, 2018 | Author: Rafo Vega Guerovich | Category: Gear, Machines, Mechanical Engineering, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics, Manufactured Goods



High Performance Gear CouplingsOverview HP HP-1 the unique requirements of individual applications will customize a coupling design. Body fitted bolts in reamed holes. ! WARNING You must refer to page iv for Important Safety Instructions and Precautions for the selection and use of these products. Major diameter fit gear teeth. gas turbines. Fasteners are weigh balanced in sets. Failure to follow the instructions and precautions can result in severe injury or death. Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Couplings The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath F Series High Speed gear couplings are designed for exacting high speed.  Available in sizes from 1 through 30 depending on model. etc.  Components are standardized. test stands.High Performance Gear Couplings Overview Lovejoy High Speed and Engineered Special Gear Couplings The High Performance group of gear couplings consists of coupling designs that require additional engineering. but the special requirements of certain applications will customize each design. and spacers are alloy steel. Piloted gear fit. While standard components do exist. Many of the components are standardized. HP-2 . sleeves. Features and Benefits:  Custom design assistance. Typical applications include high speed centrifugal and axial flow compressors. yet design flexibility allows for modifications to specific applications. Fasteners are weigh balanced. and high quality components help to reduce the potential unbalance in the coupling assembly. These couplings require specific customer input to properly design the coupling to suit the application. Lovejoy Engineered Couplings Our other product lines of engineered couplings are designed to suit special applications. steam turbines. Hubs. HP Features and Benefits:       Dynamically balanced. High speed couplings are dynamically balanced as assemblies and match marked. high efficiency performance beyond the ranges and limits of standard coupling specifications. Precision manufactured close tolerances. precision machined tolerances. 5 minimum on the Rockwell 15N scale. For nitrided gear teeth. have a piloted gear fit. specify Class AAN and a surface hardness of 85. High Speed Marine—“FHSMA” The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Marine gear couplings have a core hardness of RC 30-35 and are magnetic particle inspected. specify Class PAAN and a surface hardness of 90 minimum on the Rockwell 15N scale. In addition. have piloted gear fit. These couplings are dynamically balanced. In addition. In addition. if required. They have close tolerances and precision manufactured mating surfaces with bores ground to accurate tolerances. They also have low moment of inertia and are extremely light weight. High Speed Ultra Precision—“FHSPAA” The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Ultra Precision gear couplings are made of Nitralloy 135 modified with a core hardness of RC 32-36 and they are magnetic particle inspected. For nitrided gear teeth.5 minimum on the Rockwell 15N scale. They also have a larger shaft capacity. if required. Component balancing is available and may result in lower maximum speeds. The low overhung moment reduces bearing loads. HP-3 . Balancing bands will be included. gear couplings are dynamically balanced. The low overhung moment reduces bearing loads. They also have low moment of inertia and are extremely lightweight. For nitrided gear teeth. High Speed Standard —“FHSA” The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Standard gear couplings are made of alloy steel with a core hardness of RC30-35. The maximum speed is for assembly balanced couplings. They are precision manufactured with ground bores and close concentricity for dynamic stability. and they are magnetic particle inspected. and have body-fitted bolts in reamed holes.High Performance Gear Couplings Overview Lovejoy/Sier-Bath “F” Series High Speed Couplings High Speed Close Coupled—“FHS” This coupling is made from AISI 1045 steel. The design is similar to the standard “F” except the components are machined to tighter tolerances and controlled fits to allow higher operating speeds. They have close tolerances and precision manufactured mating surfaces with bores precision-ground for extremely high accuracy. and have body-fitted bolts in reamed holes. have a piloted gear fit. For nitrided gear teeth. They are precision manufactured with ground bores and concentricity for dynamic stability. gear couplings are dynamically balanced. These gear couplings are dynamically balanced and have a piloted gear fit to insure balance integrity during operation. and have body-fitted bolts in reamed holes. they have body-fitted bolts with reamed holes. specify Class MAN and a surface hardness of 85. High Speed Precision—“FHSAA” HP The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Precision gear couplings are made of alloy steel with a core hardness of RC 30-35 and are magnetic particle inspected. Balancing bands will be included.5 minimum on the Rockwell 15N scale. specify Class AN and a surface hardness of 85. 503 18.400 859 113.000 9.750 42 254 6. 1/2º for larger couplings and 1/4º high speed couplings.000 1.200 1¹⁄₂˚ X Shear Pin FSHP 1 7 1. misalignment per gear mesh should not exceed 3/4º for small couplings.625 42 202 6.900 813.000 1.100 16.625 6.000 42 254 7.500 712 60.125 42 170 18.250 6. For reasonable life expectancy and low reactionary loads.500 712 60.125 56 157 11.512 10.Selection Data High Performance Gear Couplings Engineered and Heavy Duty Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed F Series Maximum Bore in mm Maximum Torque T Capacity in-lb Nm Maximum Speed RPM Maximum Angular Misalignment Torque Range Low Med High Coupling Type T Code Standard FHS 1 7 1.Class “MA” High Speed Spacer 1¹⁄₂ 6 2.100 1¹⁄₂˚ ³⁄₄˚ X X Standard .625 42 202 6.136 91.000 ¹⁄₂˚ X X Precision . These are maximum values.000 38 162 12.000 2.136 91.136 91.512 7.625 56 208 18.869 20.300 535.750 7.949 14.625 6.600 1.125 42 170 18.300 1¹⁄₂˚ X Notes: HP-4 1.424 82.750 7.125 7.300 535.700 6.500 712 60.512 3.750 9.869 20.900 813.280 20.008.900 ¹⁄₂˚ X X Ultra Precision .300 177.000 2.900 813.000 ¹⁄₂˚ X X Maximum Speed RPM Maximum Angular Misalignment (Double Engagement) HP Size Range FHSMA Lovejoy Engineered Series Size Range Maximum Bore in mm Maximum Torque T Capacity in-lb Nm Torque Range Low Med High Coupling Type T Code 20˚ Pump Coupling FAC 1 3¹⁄₂ 2.Class “A” High Speed Spacer FHSA 1¹⁄₂ 6 1.900 ¹⁄₂˚ X X Marine . X .Class “PAA P ” FHSPAA PAA P PAA High Speed Spacer 1¹⁄₂ 6 1.000 2.700 1¹⁄₂˚ X Cut-out (Shifter Collar) FCS 1 5¹⁄₂ 1.000 9.600 1.869 18.200 3.900 ¹⁄₂˚ X Cut-out (Pin) FCP 1 5¹⁄₂ 1.000 2.000 9.000 1.300 535.Class “AA” High Speed Spacer FHSAA 1¹⁄₂ 6 1.000 9.600 731.500 6.625 9. 000 176 380 173 8262.900 0.70 0.9 0.3 35.625 4.1 kg 5.3 64.00 14.625 97 4.3 9. Weight.84 92.250 3.500 9.0 177.750 42 9 4 18.7 161. Metric inch mm 1.000 14.3 34.72 1160 731.19 51/2 6 1190 749.7 158.5 113.600 9.750 254 950 431 32162.8 3.4 kg 6.5 15.08 7 1600 1.1 1573.60 .00 7.70 3.125 84 3.55 74 46.125 170 Nominal BSE inch 5.00 0.625 124 5.4 34. Parallel Keys Weight Inertia Stiffness (x 106) 1 Sq.0 31.875 73 34 15 149.41 123.94 68.500 225 650 295 17258.79 89.0 113. 1 Red.0 3.93 525 330.400 14.00 mm 127.200 0.3 6719.8 177.800 0.08 31/2 4 350 220.052 1.0 54.80 1. inertia.33 0.6 398.2 17.000 6.2 Weight lb 12.0 4116.8 4.375 5.17 4.93 1.58 0.5 1.30 13.3 85.00 5.42 36 22.088 2.20 1.9 60.68 6.2 78.4 8.2 239. “FHSAA” High Speed Precision Capacity HP Torque Size 100 RPM in-lb Nm x 103 FHSAA x 103 11/2 30 18.300 12.99 4.9 36.250 107 80 36 656.1 470.3 8758.2 6.8 110.7 1.00 38.7 49.8 203.08 5.0 Weight lb 15.5 659.04 3.8 27.000 Maximum Bore Keys 1 Sq.6 6.77 Inertia GD2 WR2 2 lb-in Nm2 35.125 2.9 0.90 3100 0.000 18.4 83.600 0.0 20.000 137 5.2 56.40 7.8 1.23 5.00 8.20 5.12 980 617.000 10.4 74.10 0.8 128.000 8.700 17.7 35.0 164.0 49.125 140 5.0 177.6 144.7 6.7 77.2 213.00 5.2 254.200 0.00 7.31 10.6 24.00 5.1 103.79 51/2 6 1290 813.12 4. Maximum speed is based on safe rim stresses and assembly balanced. HP-5 HP Size FHSA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Capacity HP Torque 100 RPM in-lb Nm x 103 x 103 20 12.7 0.091 2.000 162 Nominal BSE inch 5.78 3.0 7.00 13.31 333 209.4 76.2 203.0 108.70 4.0 127.875 124 130 59 1482.9 189.91 0.6 362. Speed RPM 18.00 5.2 93.00 8.00 7.4 Torsional Stiffness ( x 106) in-lb Nm radian radian 2.30 2.83 937 590.17 240 151. and torsional stiffness are based on nominal BSE and maximum bore.375 88 54 25 339.000 11.100 11.2 389.46 910 573.9 2.Performance Data High Performance Gear Couplings “FHS” High Speed Close Coupled Capacity Maximum Bore Torsional Torque Max.00 1.1 2.6 2.71 3.00 5.008.6 51.58 10. Weight.61 1.4 35.22 18.300 0.0 58.043 1.0 7.625 42 2.00 mm 127.0 77.8 242.9 23.2 203.6 5.0 91.8 177.5 10.028 0.750 2.00 8.86 14.5 66.000 15.0 127.33 69.30 17.97 31/2 4 350 220.4 4639.00 25.9 146.10 10.00 18.625 150 6.38 20.200 0.0 254. Metric inch mm 1.07 31.6 1.5 317.4 2178.47 480 302.1 16.09 7.41 7.14 120.8 7.0 254.4 13.20 100 63.4 100.5 4.6 1169.625 1.000 9.0 25.8 37.1 128.000 9.1 8993.00 0.6 47. Metric WR2 GD2 in-lb Nm Size in-lb Nm Speed1 Misalignment 3 3 2 x 10 RPM inch mm inch inch mm lb kg lb-in Nm2 radian radian FHS x 10 1 12 7.600 16.9 15.101 2.20 2.00 7.50 43.3 3.058 1. inertia.0 127.500 167 250 114 4285.86 Note: Max.14 10.28 29.0 43.4 9.8 2.1 2997.5 94.10 30 18.075 1.3 3. Angular misalignment is reduced to /4º per gear mesh for sizes 1 through 51/2 and + 1/2º per gear mesh for sizes 6 and 7.19 4.8 177.0 127.5 13797.3 163.8 2.11 700 441.56 157. Weight and inertia are based on maximum bore.2 Inertia GD2 WR2 lb-in2 Nm2 25.375 7.36 47.500 7.76 21/2 3 150 94.125 111 4.125 56 2. and torsional stiffness are based on nominal BSE and maximum bore.54 41/2 5 690 434.000 10.7 1.030 0.40 11/2 2 50 31.900 0.7 84.2 341.00 10.500 114 5.8 16.625 70 3.8 203.0 82.6 69.38 41/2 5 760 479.000 81 3.12 21/2 3 160 100.000 107 4.56 9.1 222.02 12.0 163.2 0.00 7.5 24.1 369.92 5.000 16.2 17.500 150 6.7 3.111 2.500 15.90 7. 2.2 25.0 127.7 706.9 11.5 0.00 10.6 0.8 11.066 1.7 53.1 180.500 65 3.00 8.0 8.7 184.800 0.9 18.1 35.4 1.625 147 190 86 2722.500 38 2.000 52 2.45 9.5 28.72 493 310.800 0.080 2.68 215 135. Speed RPM 20.2 66.900 0.00 10.00 3.00 5.94 90 56.5 3.7 8.14 2 45 28.900 Maximum Bore Keys 1 Sq.7 198.27 108 68.9 325.53 3 + Notes: 1.6 17.3 7.000 13.9 0.4 7.7 4.000 4.9 5.625 202 520 236 12779.2 25. HP 100 RPM “FHSA” High Speed Standard Note: Max.70 10.500 95 4.2 Torsional Stiffness ( x 106) in-lb Nm radian radian 1.39 240 151. Torsional stiffness is based on nominal bore equal to coupling size.000 17.250 56 19 9 64.9 2.0 127.7 49. 86 Max.00 Max.6 398.100 7.5 Torsional Stiffness ( x 106) in-lb Nm radian radian Inertia WR2 GD2 2 lb-in Nm2 41.0 100. Speed RPM Maximum Bore Keys 1 Sq.9 28.3 22.400 14.5 76.700 17.2 220.0 47.00 10.00 5.00 13.0 177.5 2.625 5. and torsional stiffness are based on nominal BSE and maximum bore.12 11.7 122.0 35.08 24.4 74. inertia.1 138.2 70.4 kg 6.8 177.38 2.125 5.1 103.3 63.0 2.0 19.9 298.3 163.625 5.3 136.2 239.06 0.0 16.00 10.0 127.0 1.00 127.20 7.0 127.1 2.12 69.5 7.00 7.9 60.10 165.0 127.125 2. HP “FHSMA” High Speed Marine Capacity HP Torque Size 100 RPM in-lb Nm FHSMA x 103 x 103 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Note: 30 45 100 160 240 350 525 760 980 1290 18.625 6.7 179.9 36.0 885.00 10.500 15.00 8.8 479. “FAC” Engineered Centrifugal Pump Type Size FAC 1 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 Note: HP-6 Capacity HP Torque 100 RPM in-lb Nm x 103 x 103 18 36 62 110 187 281 11.2 254.08 1.125 3.14 3.4 42.4 74.19 0.60 86.00 5.5 10200. Speed Balanced Unbal.0 100.8 389.3 229.2 68.1 31.0 254.200 6.000 10.1 156.08 24.6 464.9 301.00 8.2 95.84 10.7 6459.8 479.06 0.000 18.625 2.6 596.00 127.250 6.0 617.500 9.4 1.86 6.500 5.2 55.900 1.33 20.1 180.600 16.00 127.9 28.625 3.93 1.8 203.625 56 70 84 97 124 140 150 186 192 208 Nominal BSE Weight inch mm lb 5.1 3052.0 2.3 10.0 108.0 617.0 254.8 288.20 54.0 69.950 Maximum Bore Parallel Key Misalignment 1 Sq. RPM RPM 16.79 91.0 177.9 189.4 0. and torsional stiffness are based on nominal BSE and maximum bore.00 7.41 7.000 15.0 Weight and inertia are based on nominal BSE and solid rigid hubs.625 6.Solid inch mm lb kg 5.8 203.2 1.39 17.0 177.86 Max.8 177.83 13.625 3.30 0.900 9.2 78.00 10.125 5.3 63.875 5.00 10.45 1.12 69.0 15.10 123.36 5.2 95.250 3.5 12.6 813.20 118.6 3.125 2.00 7. inertia.08 0.93 37.0 184.8 130.1 42.00 7.0 127.000 16.41 13.8 177.33 7.80 216.38 54.8 16.5 30.6 6719.93 37. Metric inch mm 20.70 47.38 54.6 51.100 6.5 317.6 330.125 7.3 118.8 177.9 2.750 4. Metric inch mm inch inch mm 0.0 2.0 219.7 19736.14 3.17 9.1 226. 1 Red.9 104.125 2.3 1169.000 14.74 13.00 8.0 68.7 39.79 1.7 767.20 29.39 17.00 7.6 3.3 83.70 0.0 .4 8.6 13.625 7.2 22.813 3.000 2.3 35.250 4.1 19.125 3.8 254.0 254.30 7.00 7.9 43.00 10.00 12.000 13.000 17.34 18. Weight.6 144.02 1.0 177.Performance Data High Performance Gear Couplings “FHSPAA” High Speed Ultra Precision Size FHS PAA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Note: Capacity HP Torque 100 RPM in-lb Nm x 103 x 103 30 45 100 160 240 350 525 760 980 1290 18.6 26.300 12.5 1.3 kg 7.73 24.1 0.00 10.5 1.900 10.8 151.625 2.000 9.6 813.4 25.00 5.000 8.0 8. Weight.9 270.125 42 56 70 84 97 111 124 140 150 170 Nominal BSE Weight inch mm lb 5.2 1926.625 4.2 254.5 5.000 10.000 11.500 5.00 5.100 11.0 254.20 7.8 19.7 8993.7 0.8 27.00 7.04 0.5 1.20 69.0 3695.06 0.7 Torsional Stiffness ( x 106) in-lb Nm radian radian Inertia WR2 GD2 2 lb-in Nm2 35.6 Inertia WR2 GD2 lb-in2 Nm2 37.8 659.2 4.4 2178.2 220.2 203.56 4.28 3.40 92.2 203.28 2.00 9.700 12.500 9.000 3.70 20.49 1.40 34.100 8.5 113. 2.625 4.0 1.3 396.125 4. Speed RPM Maximum Bore Keys 1 Sq.2 4116.37 0.12 11.20 20.2 25.6 330.125 56 76 95 114 134 157 Nominal BSE Weight .00 10.6 43.9 11.500 4.3 77.600 9.55 2.3 1398.79 91.8 16.70 4.700 10.0 0. Metric inch mm 18.31 3.2 117.00 8.0 254.8 151. Shrouded bolts are standard on sizes 1 through 51/2.00 3. if desired.25 18.63 2.91 7.81 9. 2.56 12. When ordering.38 25.50 26.00 8.50 6.91 0.91 5.31 10.50 10.69 1.00 9 12.25 7. Sizes of keyways.625 2.38 23.25 10.375 176 202 12.00 6. Required bore diameter of both hubs.250 73 88 5.69 0.50 4.75 11.13 9.13 15.75 10.03 0. with tolerance.50 4.500 7.00 8.000 254 17. please specify: 1. Component balancing is available and may result in lower maximum speeds.50 8.19 0.75 15.31 0.91 4. The maximum speed is for assembly balanced couplings.00 7 9.03 6.00 11.75 2 21/2 2. HP-7 .00 0.31 17.31 3.38 4 41/2 5. For Performance Data see page HP-7.000 312 22.59 4.19 6.00 11.750 3.50 5 51/2 6.000 147 167 9.50 11.97 2. 3.50 13. Speed and Horsepower of driving unit.13 0.50 3.38 7.38 4.00 4.56 6. key metric key inch mm OAL inch FD inch D inch HD inch LTB inch BSE inch CAC inch 1 11/2 1.38 6 8. HP Size F Maximum Bore sq.91 5. The design is similar to the standard “F” except the components are machined to tighter tolerances and controlled fits to allow higher operating speeds.00 6.41 0.00 14.38 14.13 4.25 11.00 1.19 4.75 5. Set screws not supplied unless specified.00 7.00 14.375 6.25 0.00 20.13 3 31/2 4.75 20.125 42 56 3.06 3.44 11.38 20.31 16.00 8 11.50 Notes: 1.31 0.25 8.63 9.44 3.00 4. 2.000 225 15.625 107 124 7.13 18.Dimensional Data High Performance Gear Couplings Lovejoy/Sier-Bath “F” Series High Speed High Speed Close-Coupled—“FHS” This coupling is made from AISI 1045 steel.13 0.50 7.63 9.000 340 23.000 4.50 0.50 15.50 26. Exposed bolts are standard on sizes 6 through 9.63 6.94 12.19 0.75 13.94 0.31 13.38 17.38 8. 83 4.3 2.000 5.74 D1 12.0 3.6 To find the Stiffness Factor for a coupling assembly with a spacer “n” inches longer than standard: Let kx=new stiffness factor n=number of additional inches of spacer ks=stiffness factor for standard coupling from table ki=Stiffness factor for 1” length of standard spacer body from table.5 minimum on the Rockwell 15N scale.15 47.3 4. HP 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 20 36 74 108 215 333 493 700 937 1.58 4.41 86.46 1.5 1.450.000 13. S 12.2 28.69 120. WR2 and Torsional Stiffness based on maximum bore.55454 . gear couplings are dynamically balanced.500 3.997.500 5.797.1 100.500 4.8 7.787.758.48 2.9 19.03 31.95 1.2 39.215 68. Per Dim.2 767.3 462 31.83 8.9 393.63 1. kx = 1.64 2.76 3.71 184.0 55 5.269 89.4 4.7 8.13 .0 706.9 2.7 1.0 2.1 1.18 6.94 41.60 362.10 7.0 Spacer Per Dim.000 14.4 1.71 .3 2.1 49.3 318.000 590.773.13 128.28 Size FHSA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Hub 1.81 242.03 18.5 145.8 215.2 632.7 901.900 310.4 13.78 15.7 85. and they are magnetic particle inspected.12 62.7 Complete Cplg.846.16 56.n 1/ki Note: All weights.0 10.5 69.0 815 43.12 35.0 Sleeve 5.Dimensional Data High Performance Gear Couplings Lovejoy/Sier-Bath “F” Series High Speed High Speed Standard—“FHSA” The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Standard gear couplings are made of alloy steel with a core hardness of HRC 30-35.573.2 18.000 2.5 325.6 545.23 10. They are precision manufactured with ground bores and concentricity for dynamic stability.34 63.5 37.77 7.78 Max. Bolts Per Flange 6-1/4 8-3/8 10-3/8 10-1/2 12-1/2 12-5/8 14-5/8 14-5/8 14-3/4 16-3/4 .8 74.84 6.18 4.000 18.9 17. BSE (ks) Inch (ki) 2. Then 1/kx=1/ks + n 1/ki Example: What is new stiffness factor for size 11/2 coupling if spacer length is 3” longer than standard? 1/kx = 1/2 + 3 x 1/55 = .80 17.1 195.6 53.97 32.308.53 86.600 46.000 10.3 5.66 1.00 20.47 1. Per Flange Dim.500 6.5 129.000 135.68 10.225. Capacity Size HP Torque FHSA 100 RPM in-lb. have a piloted gear fit.4 3.09 40.5 89.4 163.76 11.1 1. For nitrided gear teeth.9 2.303.000 16.7 Spacer Body Per Inch 1.600 68.9 27. In addition. and have body-fitted bolts in reamed holes.60 4.7 945.27 5.600 22.0 2.04 2.24 72.1 120 10.51 .000 17.33 3.79 27.799 157.500 2. .00 77. S 1. Bore 1. BSE .84 2.64 15.10 470.000 4.499 D2 L OAL G 3 33/4 43/4 51/2 61/2 73/8 85/8 93/8 103/8 117/16 213/32 1/2 91/8 1/16 31/8 21/32 97/8 1/16 4 425/32 53/4 65/8 73/4 81/2 99/16 109/16 3/4 111/16 123/16 133/8 161/2 175/8 191/16 211/4 223/4 13/16 1 11/16 11/8 15/16 13/8 11/2 1/16 3/32 3/32 3/32 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 WR2 (lb-in2) Bolts & Complete Nuts—One Cplg.000 15. the formula becomes 1/kx=1/ks .000 11.500 209.600 9. Per Body Per Dim.950 120.18 3. BSE 25.639.8 298 18.7 2.02 26.12 Spacer Body Per Inch .000 3.000 Hub Sleeve Spacer Per Dim.000 FD SD D HD LTB HL F 49/16 31/16 23/8 23/16 21/16 21/16 3/32 6 7 83/8 97/16 11 121/2 135/8 155/16 163/4 331/32 31/16 27/8 27/16 27/16 3/32 429/32 529/32 629/32 729/32 91/4 103/8 119/16 1213/16 37/8 411/16 55/8 63/8 71/4 81/4 91/4 101/4 35/8 41/4 51/4 6 67/8 73/4 83/4 95/8 31/32 319/32 43/16 43/4 55/16 61/32 65/8 73/8 31/32 319/32 43/16 43/4 55/16 61/32 65/8 73/8 3/32 3/32 3/32 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 BSE S 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 413/16 413/16 413/16 413/16 413/16 63/4 63/4 63/4 73/4 73/4 Weights (lb) Size FHSA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Size FHSA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 HP-8 Torsional Stiffness in-lb/Radian x 106 Spacer Spacer Cplg.09 51.48 3. specify Class AN and a surface hardness of 85.700 441.000 9.9 147.500 731.803 If coupling spacer is shorter than standard.160 Max RPM 12. 1 Spacer Body Per Inch .81 6.2 Sleeve 7.82 79.125 5 57/8 67/8 83/16 9 10 115/8 13 141/2 153/4 D HD LTB HL F 31/2 SD 21/2 29/16 21/8 21/8 9/32 45/16 33/16 33/16 21/2 21/2 9/32 55/16 61/8 7 77/8 91/8 101/2 111/2 123/4 4 411/16 59/16 63/4 73/8 83/4 91/2 107/16 4 43/4 51/2 63/8 7 71/8 83/4 93/8 31/8 35/8 41/4 47/8 51/2 61/4 63/4 71/4 31/8 35/8 41/4 47/8 51/2 61/4 63/4 71/4 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 BSE S 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 10 10 10 47/16 47/16 47/16 67/16 67/16 77/16 77/16 97/16 97/16 97/16 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Hub 2.3 .00 5. and have body-fitted bolts in reamed holes. . Balancing bands will be included.8 Complete Cplg.06 52.600 330. The low overhung moment reduces bearing loads.0 82.5 minimum in the Rockwell 15N scale.5 16.5 6.1 204.192 HP-9 HP 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 30 45 100 160 240 350 525 760 980 1. They have close tolerances and precision manufactured mating surfaces with bores ground to accurate tolerance. have a piloted gear fit.5 57.92 36.000 617.0 387.500 9.2 167. .000 20.27 1.2 923 41/2 5 69.625 6.2 40.500 15.6 To find the Stiffness Factor for a coupling assembly with a spacer “n” inches longer than standard: Let kx=new stiffness factor n=number of additional inches of spacer ks=stiffness factor for standard coupling from table ki=Stiffness factor for 1” length of standard spacer body from table.125 2.800 151.54 113.900 Max.625 5.80 19. 1/kx = 1/1.5 76.32 17.7 141.51 .400 14.32 163.69 10. Per Flange Dim.116.192 If coupling spacer is shorter than standard.465.96 11.87 Spacer Per Dim.99 59.6 6. S 14. gear couplings are dynamically balanced.22 3.83823 .000 10.900 28.6 218.4 122.3 1.7 8. For nitrided gear teeth.28 10.66 Sleeve 2.Dimensional Data High Performance Gear Couplings Lovejoy/Sier-Bath “F” Series High Speed High Speed Precision—“FHSAA” The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Precision gear couplings are made of alloy steel with a core hardness of HRC 30-35 and are magnetic particle inspected.72 25.20 36.94 60.9 189.54 68. kx = 1. BSE 35. WR2 and Torsional Stiffness based on maximum bore.16 239.9 21.9 1.69 1.7 23.3 1.290 Max RPM .7 408.4 1804 92.625 3. Per Body Per FHSAA Dim. They also have low moment of inertia and are extremely light weight.7 12 11/2 2 4. Then 1/kx=1/ks + n 1/ki Example: What is new stiffness factor for size 11/2 coupling if spacer length is 3” longer than standard? 1/kx = 1/1.50 39.8 7.7 1.9 324.39 .77 7.6 11.600 16.4 Spacer Per Dim.8 389.8 659.125 3.48 7.807. if required.200 220.7 42.100 11.259.5 797.2 281 31/2 4 29.0 31 9.178. BSE (ks) Inch (ki) 1.54 2.7 + 3 x 1/12 = .300 12.9 29.125 4.40 Spacer Body Per Inch .76 3.7 2.3 738.125 5.63 8.1 74.22 78.600 813. S 5.169.1 1.86 Torsional Stiffness in-lb/Radian x 106 Spacer Spacer Size Cplg.7 51.02 1.000 100.8 1.7 508 47.89 Size FHSAA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Hub 2.76 29.0 72 21/2 3 12.56 3.36 3.18 4. Per Dim. specify Class AAN and a surface hardness of 85. Capacity Size HP Torque FHSAA 100 RPM in-lb.719.18 5.50 52.0 586.4 2.6 2.26 77.7 + 3 x 1/12 = .1 2422 51/2 6 123.47 .1 62. 11/2 18. In addition.50 317.300 63.84 99.74 D2 L OAL G 2 25/8 33/8 4 47/8 57/8 61/2 73/4 81/2 91/4 11/2 3/16 91/4 1/16 21/8 1/4 27/8 33/8 41/4 51/4 55/8 63/4 71/2 81/4 1/4 10 111/4 141/4 151/2 173/4 19 221/2 231/2 241/2 1/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/16 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 8-5/16 8-3/8 10-3/8 10-1/2 12-1/2 12-5/8 12-5/8 14-5/8 14-3/4 16-3/4 WR2 (lb-in2) Weights (lb) Size FHSAA D1 Bolts Per Flange 15.993. the formula becomes 1/kx=1/ks . kx = 1.23 3.625 2.043.2 4.58 4.7 3.196.63 1.1 104.47 1.700 17.625 4.83823 .79 18.52 .18 6. BSE . Bore FD 1.n 1/ki Note: All weights.48 38.50 16.4 1.34 13.000 18.774.800 479.31 28.60 398.3 3167 Bolts & Complete Nuts—One Cplg.2 148 20.22 25.089. 089. they have body-fitted bolts with reamed holes.5 797.125 2.2 167. Bolts Per Flange 8-5/16 8-3/8 10-3/8 10-1/2 12-1/2 12-5/8 12-5/8 14-5/8 14-3/4 16-3/4 .54 68.87 5.54 113.72 25.7 3.2 281 29.58 4.7 1.18 4.7 42. Per Dim. the formula becomes 1/kx=1/ks .500 15.400 14.22 78.500 9.96 11.200 220.600 330.290 18.000 18.900 Max.60 398.7 51.74 D1 15.50 317.625 3.3 738.0 387.56 3.40 Spacer Body Per Inch .32 17.5 6.5 57.27 1.1 74.5 76.125 5 57/8 67/8 83/16 9 10 115/8 13 141/2 153/4 D HD LTB HL F 31/2 SD 21/2 29/16 21/8 21/8 9/32 45/16 33/16 33/16 21/2 21/2 9/32 55/16 61/8 7 77/8 91/8 101/2 111/2 123/4 4 411/16 59/16 63/4 73/8 83/4 91/2 107/16 4 43/4 51/2 63/8 7 71/8 83/4 93/8 31/8 35/8 41/4 47/8 51/2 61/4 63/4 71/4 31/8 35/8 41/4 47/8 51/2 61/4 63/4 71/4 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 9/32 BSE S 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 10 10 10 47/16 47/16 47/16 67/16 67/16 77/16 77/16 97/16 97/16 97/16 Weights (lb) Size FHS PAA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Size FHS PAA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 HP-10 Hub Sleeve Spacer Per Dim. For nitrided gear teeth.192 If coupling spacer is shorter than standard.69 1.7 23.47 1.0 82.2 148 20. specify class PAAN and a surface hardness of 90 minimum on the Rockwell 15N scale.8 659.6 To find the Stiffness Factor for a coupling assembly with a spacer “n” inches longer than standard: Let kx=new stiffness factor n=number of additional inches of spacer ks=stiffness factor for standard coupling from table ki=Stiffness factor for 1” length of standard spacer body from table.50 52.47 .169. Size FHS PAA HP 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Capacity HP Torque 100 RPM in-lb.76 3.8 1.36 3.3 .993.99 59.125 3.4 2.4 122. Per Flange Dim.0 586.63 1.625 5.4 Spacer Per Dim.7 + 3 x 1/12 = .600 16.80 19.20 36.700 17.900 28. BSE 35.196.94 60.2 4.86 Torsional Stiffness in-lb/Radian x 106 Spacer Spacer Cplg. 30 45 100 160 240 350 525 760 980 1.800 151.600 813.6 11.18 6. Bore FD 1.26 77.7 2.22 25.6 2.16 239.7 12 4.125 5.4 1804 92.000 617.1 1.02 1.22 3.5 16.7 8.3 3167 D2 L OAL G 2 25/8 33/8 4 47/8 57/8 61/2 73/4 81/2 91/4 11/2 3/16 91/4 1/16 21/8 1/4 27/8 33/8 41/4 51/4 55/8 63/4 71/2 81/4 1/4 10 111/4 141/4 151/2 173/4 19 221/2 231/2 241/2 1/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/16 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 WR2 (lb-in2) Bolts & Complete Nuts—One Cplg.625 4.774.3 1.23 3.n 1/ki Note: All weights.79 18.1 204.178.9 189.719.50 39.Dimensional Data High Performance Gear Couplings Lovejoy/Sier-Bath “F” Series High Speed High Speed Ultra Precision—“FHSPAA” The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Ultra Precision gear couplings are made of Nitralloy 135 modified with a core hardness of HRC 32-36 and they are magnetic particle inspected.1 2422 123.81 6.8 7.2 Sleeve 7.18 5. Balancing bands will be included.9 1.9 21.2 923 69.2 40. kx = 1.6 218.300 12.1 Spacer Body Per Inch .31 28.66 2. They have close tolerances and precision manufactured mating surfaces with bores precision-ground for extremely high accuracy.89 Size FHS PAA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Hub 2.0 72 12.83823 .51 .39 .625 6.28 10. S 14. BSE .125 4.9 29.800 479.7 508 47.32 163. BSE (ks) Inch (kI) 1.7 408.77 7.0 31 9. .000 10.7 141.116.300 63.00 5.34 13.52 . Per Body Per Dim.100 11.92 36. WR2 and Torsional Stiffness based on maximum bore. S 2.9 324. if required.043. These gear couplings are dynamically balanced and have a piloted gear fit to insure balance integrity during operation.8 Complete Cplg.8 389.1 104.76 29.4 1.48 7.3 1.6 6. The low overhung moment reduces bearing loads.48 38.84 99.06 52.54 2.1 62.625 2.63 8. They also have low moment of inertia and are extremely lightweight.465.807.000 100.259. Then 1/kx=1/ks + n 1/ki Example: What is new stiffness factor for size 11/2 coupling if spacer length is 3” longer than standard? 1/kx = 1/1.82 79.000 Max RPM 20.69 10. In addition.50 16. 3 14.6 Complete Cplg.625 7.18 6.1 Spacer Per Dim.459.6 790 86.625 4.1 Sleeve 7.000 Max.980 165.03 7.77 7.7 120 21/2 3 20.57 .40 69.9 635. Bore FD 2.290 18.n 1/ki Note: All weights.2 67.47 .200 220.8 57.7 4.51 .2 1.54 5. have piloted gear fit.22 3.74 HP 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Max RPM 16.425 41/2 5 118.0 219.18 95. They are precision manufactured with ground bores and close concentricity for dynamic stability.58 4. WR2 and Torsional Stiffness based on maximum bore.95 1.44 57.70 74. BSE .000 14.389 If coupling spacer is shorter than standard.70 37.04 68.139 WR2 (lb-in2) Bolts & Complete Nuts—One Cplg.20 7.72 5.4 65.6 7.92 2. BSE 41.92 11.59 2.86 301.30 229.625 3.625 5 57/8 67/8 83/16 97/16 11 121/2 135/8 155/16 163/4 SD 31/2 45/16 55/16 61/8 7 77/8 91/8 101/2 111/2 123/4 HD LTB HL G BSE S D1 D2 OAL Bolts Per Flange 33/16 4 5 53/4 63/4 73/4 9 101/8 11 121/2 21/2 31/8 35/8 41/4 51/4 6 65/8 71/8 8 83/4 21/2 31/8 35/8 41/4 51/4 6 65/8 71/8 8 83/4 3/32 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 10 10 10 413/16 413/16 413/16 613/16 63/4 73/4 73/4 911/16 911/16 911/16 23/8 3 33/4 41/2 51/8 6 7 73/4 81/2 91/4 13/4 23/8 31/8 33/4 43/8 5 57/8 65/8 71/2 81/4 10 111/4 121/4 151/2 171/2 20 211/4 241/4 26 271/2 8-5/16 8-3/8 10-3/8 10-1/2 12-1/2 12-5/8 14-5/8 14-5/8 14-3/4 16-3/4 3/32 3/32 3/32 1/8 1/8 1/8 5/32 5/32 5/32 Weights (lb) Size FHSMA Hub Sleeve Spacer Per Dim.76 3.1 208.3 1.000 15.3 26 11/2 2 7.3 + 3 x 1/26 = .72 83.47 1.62 1.32 31.7 78.26 Spacer Body Per Inch .000 17.75 .99 18. 30 45 100 160 240 350 525 760 980 1.8 3.8 11.70 13.096.125 7.42 39.1 1.000 11.6 464. HP-11 .000 617. These couplings are dynamically balanced.20 20.4 411.2 117. BSE (ks) Inch (kI) 3.61 4.7 28.807.600 330. the formula becomes 1/kx=1/ks .2 1.41841 .58 To find the Stiffness Factor for a coupling assembly with a spacer “n” inches longer than standard: Let kx=new stiffness factor n=number of additional inches of spacer ks=stiffness factor for standard coupling from table ki=Stiffness factor for 1” length of standard spacer body from table.4 1248.37 2.2 95. Then 1/kx=1/ks + n 1/ki Example: What is new stiffness factor for size 11/2 coupling if spacer length is 3” longer than standard? 1/kx = 1/3.926.600 9.900 28.85 5.42 3.320.90 8.0 57 13.7 578.000 16.12 32.000 100. Per Dim. S 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 4.600 813.63 1.7 3.125 3. For nitrided gear teeth.95 97.64 33.736.52 17.5 minimum on the Rockwell 15N scale. kx = 2.5 1.2 381 31/2 4 54.178 51/2 6 216.7 19.0 3.60 46.06 15.24 209.72 27.93 Size FHSMA 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 Hub 10.800 479.39 13.125 5.66 76.64 43.929.53 98.Dimensional Data High Performance Gear Couplings Lovejoy/Sier-Bath “F” Series High Speed High Speed Marine—“FHSMA” The Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Marine gear couplings have a core hardness of HRC 30-35 and are magnetic particle inspected.625 5.696.5 1.5 869.0 Spacer Body Per Inch .66 123. Per Body Per FHSMA Dim. Per Flange Dim.56 26.45 3.249.5 1. and have body-fitted bolts in reamed holes. Capacity Size HP Torque FHSMA 100 RPM in-lb.50 19.84 5.300 63. .190.03 49.0 885.7 6.2 27.000 9.125 2.20 1.000 18.4 378.54 Torsional Stiffness in/lb/Radian x 106 Spacer Spacer Size Cplg.4 2216.000 13.38 1.32 396.14 156.2 238.56 596.625 6.9 27.52 4. S 4.82 3.000 10.5 10.4 250 34.7 305.200. specify Class MAN and a surface hardness of 85.18 4.3 141. They also have a larger shaft capacity.800 151. 700 12.19 .06 3. infinitely adjustable BSE.44 11.94 2.16 . Bore Sq. and is precision manufactured.6th edition.12 10.00 3.100 8. Key Metric Key inch mm 2. Four sizes accommodate 80% of all normally used shaft diameters.97 4.875 5. center assembly independently replaceable.00 7. efficiently designed to reduce spare part inventory.91 7.00 8. Its precision balanced parts are made of high strength alloy 4140 steel. Bolts are weigh-balanced as sets.22 5.41 3.28 2.00 7.50 3.00 3. Size FAC HP 100 RPM Max.56 12. Speed RPM 1 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 18 36 62 110 187 281 16.81 16.00 10.69 11. and conforms to API 610 .700 10.00 7.91 3.813 3.00 7.00 10.84 2. G G HD FD DC LTB1 D OPTIONAL RIGID HUB DESIGN LTB BSE LTB OAL HP Individual components are easy to assemble and easy to replace. It is easy to install and replace. Other features include extended time between lubrications.91 1.91 5.97 .900 HP-12 Max.56 1.125 2.50 1.500 4.81 17.100 6.38 9. Component balanced parts eliminate your need to keep complete couplings in stock.25 1.625 56 76 95 114 134 157 FD inch HD inch D inch LTB inch G inch BSE inch OAL inch 4.900 9.56 6.250 4.91 6.19 . vertical modification. M-F pilot for proper fit.Dimensional Data High Performance Gear Couplings Lovejoy Engineered Series Engineered Centrifugal Pump Type — “FAC” This coupling is designed specifically for centrifugal pumps and compressors.16 . Grease seals are replaceable without major disassembly.75 4.88 .00 8.16 . continuously lubricated. Standard High Speed Continuous Sleeve Coupling Continuously Lubricated For lighter weight. Materials. heat treatments. grease packed applications where flange joint is not required. Sizes and specifications similar to those shown on the previous pages. Standard High Speed Continuous Sleeve Coupling Grease Packed For lighter weight. Materials.High Performance Gear Couplings Overview Lovejoy/Sier-Bath “F” Series High Speed Standard Couplings Additional Standard Designs HP Standard High Speed Flanged Coupling Continuously Lubricated For close coupled. continuously lubricated applications where flange joint is not required. and precision manufacturing methods outlined on previous pages apply. close coupled. heat treatments. and precision manufacturing methods outlined on previous pages apply. high speed applications. HP-13 . close coupled. 5 and the weight is 19. the overall length is 55. AMS material with magnetic particle inspection. maximum speed 25. The overall length is 29. vacuum melted.High Performance Gear Couplings Overview Lovejoy/Sier-Bath High Speed Special Couplings Transmission Test Stand High Speed Spacer Coupling Self-contained oil lubrication. Single Flange This High Speed Spacer coupling is grease packed and operates at a maximum speed of 8. normal speed 16. Maximum speed of 7.4 lbs.000 RPM. The total assembly weighs 19 lbs with an overall length of 19.000 RPM. Based on a size 3. with an overall length of 35 and a total weight 29 lbs. HP Transmission Test Stand Test Stand High Speed Spacer coupling with internal support for instrumentation wires. Transmission Test Stand This High Spees Spacer coupling is grease packed and operate at a maximum speed of 6.000 RPM. Light Weight Coupling Made of extremely light weight. HP-14 . The dimensions are similar to a size 21/2.000 RPM.000 RPM. At no load conditions the tooth ends are designed to eliminate edge loading and give proper tangential contact. Available in several designs up to 40-inch diameter. Any variations of the designs shown can be incorporated to fit your application. we design special Vari-Crown tooth forms. HP-15 .High Performance Gear Couplings Dimensional Data Lovejoy/Sier-Bath Flanged Sleeve Series Spindle Couplings Special Load and No Load Applications For cases where a spindle coupling operates under a load at a given misalignment angle and requires a higher no load misalignment angle. HP Flanged Sleeve Main Drive Spindle Coupling Replaceable Gearing Spindle Coupling Leveling and Pinch Roll Spindle Coupling Special Indexing Spindle Coupling Special Roll Drive Spindle Coupling Only a few special types of couplings are illustrated. Additional special types are available on request. Such forms have compound curvature wherein the Vari-Crown is used for maximum radii of curvature at the load angle. DOUBLE ENGAGEMENT . and misalignment capability as the standard group of couplings. are shown on this page. Consult Lovejoy for other variations. Offers vertical adjustment by rotating a SINGLE SLEEVE COUPLING threaded center ring. Can be bolted to a rotating fly-wheel. Will maintain shaft alignment after bolts shear. if desired. Replaceable brakewheel piloted on outside diameter of a standard sleeve and rigid hub. Other Gear Coupling Types: COMBINATION HIGH SPEED GEAR COUPLING  Differential Tooth  Jordan Type  Oil Collector  Misalignment Measuring Systems for Spacer Couplings VERTICAL ADJUSTABLE RIGID GEAR COUPLING HP-16 COMBINATION HIGH SPEED GEAR COUPLING . Commonly used on vertical pumps where impeller position is critical. This coupling has the same features. shaft. Consult us with complete details of the application. SPINDLE GEAR COUPLING SPINDLE GEAR COUPLING Double Engagement. A few examples. Half Gear Coupling Brakewheel Gear Coupling HP Both internal and external teeth in a single sleeve.High Performance Gear Couplings Lovejoy Engineered Special Couplings Lovejoy has the qualified expertise to take you beyond standard catalogued gear couplings.1/2 GEAR Vertical Adjustable Rigid Gear Coupling PE WSS L Overview SHEAR BOLT GEAR COUPLING BREAKWHEEL GEAR COUPLING BREAKWHEEL GEAR COUPLING Shear Bolt Gear Coupling Primarily used under heavy torque without disassembly is mandatory. Allows bolting to an existing rigid flange. In addition to those shown as examples. we welcome the opportunity to design special couplings to suit your specific requirements. from a large library of standard and special variations. This allows the driver and driven shafts to be positioned to suit the application. or drum to connect driver or driven machine with a shaft extension.1/2 GEAR DECKDOUBLE TYPE WSS SINGLE SLEEVE COUPLING ENGAGEMENT . Offers choice of applying braking effort to the load or driving motor. Generally used on low speed applications. SHEAR BOLT GEAR COUPLING loads where bolt replacement COMBINATION HIGH SPEED GEAR COUPLING VERTICAL ADJUSTABLE RIGID GEAR COUPLING SHEAR BOLT GEAR COUPLING DECK TYPE WSS SINGLE SLEEVE COUPLING Combination High Speed Gear Coupling This coupling is a combination of two High Speed coupling sizes. Large size coupling half can be RIGID used atGEAR one COUPLING end to accommodate even ADJUSTABLE larger shafts or a specific mass elastic requirement. ratings. Larger bore capacity is available without increasing coupling size.
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