Hieronymus Machine

March 26, 2018 | Author: Anonymous jGdHMEODVm | Category: Parapsychology, Inductor, Capacitor, Radiation, Electrical Connector



HIERONYMUS MACHINE MANUAL (Ver. 1.8) ~ Operating Instructions and Course ~ By Bill Jensen INTRODUCTION What does this machine do? Overview: The Medical Analyzer of Dr. Thomas Galen Hieronymus is a 1949 U.S. patented machine that manipulates an unknown type of energy, which Hieronymus called Eloptic Energy. He found that all things emanate this energy, including living plants, animals, microorganisms, viruses, and inorganic materials. The Medical Analyzer is most often used to Analyze and Treat plants, humans, animals, livestock, pests, bacteria, and viruses. He found that the actual patient, or a representation of the patient, could be used in the machine. He called this sample representation a Witness. Also, the patient did not need to be present in order to be affected by the machine. Analysis function: Patient diagnosis for the underlying problems Determining if something is beneficial or harmful to a patient Determine what method of treatment is best suited for a patient Treatment function: Healing of patients General Anapathic healing Specific targeted healing with rates or reagents Creation and intensification of reagents and Homeopathic Reagents Elimination of pests Energize foods Transmit real medicines / pills / herbs or reagents to patient Vitalize seeds Rid weeds and pests Change the weather Fertilize and vitalize the soil Rid poisons and chemicals Controversial Uses: Manifestation, questions Tracking astronauts Life on other planets Superluminal communication Chakras, spiritual, acupuncture points, metaphysical, mind expansion Find missing persons Finding objects or materials like gold Each Course Level builds on your mastery of the previous level Course Level 1 No stick reaction needed: general treatment on rates. Conductors and Insulators. anapathic.How do I learn to operate it? This Manual has been organized in 5 lessons or Course Levels. Immediate operation of the machine. Course Level 2 Stick reaction needed: Diagnosis leading to specific treatments Course Level 3 Thought projection needed: Getting special answers and treatment rates Course Level 4 Controversial procedures: from finding missing persons to superluminal communication. Appendix Different Hieronymus Machines. homeopathic. and Optional Attachments .  A drop of blood sealed in a vial. Dry with tissues (no lotion). They serve to represent the patient. Otherwise. Never place any poison or toxic substances directly in the well. Place the Q-tip in a neutralized vial and screw down the top. In this case. Do not use alcohols or stronger cleaning chemicals.COURSE LEVEL 1 No stick reaction needed. Here are some different types of witnesses. Care of the Machine    Only 1 person should use your machine as a rule of thumb. o A neutralized piece of white paper with the patient’s signature or writing. neutralize it by turning on the machine and flipping the Neutralize button down to “N” for 20 seconds.  Fingernail clippings sealed in a vial. The simplest method of allowing a patient’s energy to enter the machine is to connect the patient directly to the machine. and turn off the machine.  A neutralized Q-tip with a very little dried sputum from the patient’s inside cheek. Vials should be Pyrex or borosilicate glass with plastic screw tops that seal and don’t leak. Cut out just the patient’s image if it is a busy photograph. It may irreversibly taint your machine. use neutralized and clean tweezers. The patient holds the end of each of the 2 wires.  Bodies of living pests sealed in a vial. The other end of the wires connect by a banana jack to the two input terminals on the left of the machine. you can wave a magnet over the stick pad to neutralize just the stick pad. and the well is not used. Return the switch to the up position. there is no witness needed. one in each hand. Twenty 1” hairs should be sufficient. Keep the machine clean with mild pure soap (like Ivory soap) and water rinse.  A group of hairs cut with clean scissors. o A witness in a vial to be placed in the well. Be sure to keep the stick pad and interior of the well clean in this way. Types of Witnesses    Witnesses are used in the Well. o A photograph of the patient. You can safely have the patient place the paper in the well with their fingers. .  Leaves of a plant sealed in a vial. If another person has used your machine. and sealed in a vial. Although not supplied with my machine. you can purchase a pair of electrodes at an additional cost. Alternatively. and allow their energy to course through the machine in order to perform a function. Use clean glass vials and screw tops to hold items like Q-tips. If you follow these instructions. scissors. drop of blood. things that touch the witness. Once the witness has been prepared. You may need to cut out just the patient in the photo. clippings. to the down “N”eutralize position for 20 seconds. Use mild soap and water and rinse to clean the tubes if necessary. hair. Wood and cardboard are fine. Don’t use fingers! Use tools to handle witnesses such as tweezers. the witness will be good for years. and set aside on a clean tissue for future use. The negative to the image must not be destroyed or enclosed in a metal or plastic box. A Polaroid photograph in its entirety is rolled face out and placed in the well. leaves. rolled or folded image side out. but be sure not to separate the 2 layers of the Polaroid since the black backing is the negative adhered to the positive image on the front. . follow this procedure: o Use a clean tissue or tweezers to transfer object(s) to be neutralized into the well. etc. keep it from strong light (sunlight or powerful fluorescent lights). Kleenex without additives such as lotion. vials. the stick plate (unless the procedure commands it). To Neutralize an object. o Turn off the machine o Remove the object(s) from the well with a clean tissue or tweezers. magnetic fields from electronic devices (one foot is plenty). and other contamination. o Flip the Neutralize button back up for normal operation of the machine. test tubes. Only use one witness in your well at a time. before using them. The special storage requirements of the negative may not be a requirement. or the part of tools that touch the witness. Advanced photographic witnesses that seem to work: (nonHieronymus)  Digital inkjet or laser print of the patient subject  Google map printouts  Google aerial view printouts Preparing and Handling Witnesses       Don’t leave fingerprints or microscopic sweat on and samples. Neutralize all tools. If the patient is a field of plants. etc. o Turn on the machine o Flip the Neutralize button located below the well from its normal up position. an aerial photographic view is highly recommended.   A color or black and white print can be the witness to place in the well. fingerprints. 6. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 3. The vial is now a general healing potion to be ingested. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes From the patient to an ingestible potion (Anapathic) 1. Connect a red Input wire to the patient’s left hand (not supplied) 3. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes . Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). From the patient back to the patient. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). or transmitted as shown in the next procedure From a potion to a remote patient 1. fight diseases. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. Neutralize a vial of distilled water. Place the patient’s potion in the well. 2. 5.Generalized treatment of all conditions at once (dials 0. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). 3. 2. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. 6. The symptoms may aggravate for a day as the patient’s systems detoxify. In general. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. Set the intensity knob to 0. 2. Place a witness of the patient in the well. 2.100) This is a rigorous treatment for all diseases at once. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes 7. it is not necessary to leave the treatment on for more than an hour at most. connected to the machine 1. Place a witness of the patient in the well. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. 3. Keep the stick pad clear since it’s coil will be used to broadcast.0 or 0. Set the intensity knob to 0. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. Connect a one or two Output wires to the patient’s hand(s) (not supplied) 5. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes From a witness back to the patient. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). Turn on the machine for 5 minutes From a witness to a remote patient (Broadcasting) 1. 5. Place a witness of the patient in the well or connect one or two Input wires to the patient’s hands (not supplied) 5. Connect a red Output wire to the patient’s right hand (not supplied) 4. connected to the machine 1. Place the cleared vial of water on the stick pad. Set the intensity knob to 0. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 4. Set the intensity knob to 0. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 4. Create an ingestible potion in the procedure above 2. 4. Keep the stick pad clear since it’s coil will be used to broadcast. 4. and begins to heal. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 3. 2. 3. Connect two Output wires to the patient’s hands (not supplied) . Set the intensity knob to 0. 6. 5. 2. Connect a red Input wire to the patient’s left hand (not supplied) 5. They will not be harmed in any way. 2. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 3. 4. 3. Neutralize a vial of distilled water that will become the potion. They will not be harmed in any way. It is not necessary to leave the treatment on for more than an hour. 4. Look up a particular treatment rate in the Eloptic Medical Directory. Set the intensity knob to 0. Connect two Output wires (not supplied) to the patient’s hands. and the Right dial is the Location in the patient. Energy from a vital young person to a remote patient 1. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 5. Set the intensity knob to 0. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes From a witness back to the patient. Set the intensity knob to 0. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 4. connected to the machine 1. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes Specific treatment of a known patient malady (rate from books) Left dial is Condition in the patient. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. 3. 2. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 3. Have the patient ingest the potion. or drained of energy. Set the intensity knob to 0. They will not be harmed in any way. Connect two Input wires (not supplied) a young child’s hands. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. 5. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. Set the rate dials to this rate. Connect two Input wires (not supplied) a young child’s hands. Look up a particular treatment rate in the Eloptic Medical Directory. 2. Create a witness of the patient and place it in the well. or drained of energy. Connect a red Output wire to the patient’s right hand (not supplied) 6. connected to the machine 1.Energy from a vital young person to patient (vitality transfusion) 1. Set the rate dials to this rate. or drained of energy. Place the cleared vial on the stick pad. Keep the stick pad clear since it’s coil will be used to broadcast. Turn on the machine for 20 seconds 7. 4. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). 4. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 5. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). From the patient back to the patient. Connect two Input wires (not supplied) a young child’s hands. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes Energy from a vital young person to an ingestible potion 1. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes .6. 1. Duplicating a reagent into a vial of water (1C). Turn on the machine for 5 minutes Make. 1. Combining multiple reagents into one vial of water. gems. Set the intensity knob to 0. Look up a particular treatment rate in the Eloptic Medical Directory. herbs. 4. herb. and set the rate dials. substances. No chemical materials needed. color. combine. . and then turn it off. Place the master reagent vial in the well. 3. No percussing. Look up the rate for a reagent. Set the intensity knob to 0. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 6. Charging. colors. 6. Place this vial (the combination to be made) on the stick pad 3. 8. No percussing is necessary. 7. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). Turn on the machine for 20 seconds. Make a reagent from rate in the Hieronymus Homeopathy book. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 5. etc. and sources. Make reagents from actual chemicals. 6. duplicate. Put some distilled (not de-ionized) water in the vial and neutralize it 3. Create a witness of the patient and place it in the well. Keep the stick pad clear since it’s coil will be used to broadcast. 2. Use clean tools and clean vials with stoppers 2. sound. Charging. Store reagents the same as if it was a witness. Store reagents the same as if it was a witness. It will be good for years. 4. flower essences. crystals. 7. Place the master reagent vials (as many as you want) in the well. 4. Neutralize a vial of distilled water in the well for 20 seconds. Remove created reagent from the stick pad with a clean tissue. 5. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 5. gem. and intensify Reagents of all types Reagents are as diverse as commercial homeopathic solutions. Place this vial (the duplicate to be made) on the stick pad 3. Set the rate dials to this rate. crystal. The vial on the stick pad is now a duplicate of the master vial. Put some distilled (not de-ionized) water in the vial and neutralize it 3. 2. Leave the well empty.From a witness to a remote patient (Broadcasting) 1. Neutralize a vial of distilled water in the well for 20 seconds. Place the vial on the stick pad. 1. Add a few drops of the chemical reagent into the vial of water. or flower essence to create. Set the intensity knob to 0. Use clean tools and clean vials with stoppers 2. Turn on the power for 20 seconds. 2. It will be good for years. 1. then turn it off. using tissues to handle the vial and stopper 4. The vial on the stick pad is now 4C. 2. 3. In a neutralized glass beaker. Rid weeds and pests using a Hieronymus reagent . Set the intensity knob to 0. 3C. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). Put the energy vial on the stick plate. place a batch of all the seeds on the stick plate. Place the final energy vial in the well. Select 10 of the biggest and healthiest looking seeds and place them in the seed vial. 5. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 9. Set the intensity knob to 0. Called vial 2. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes 14. medicines. 13.4. Place this vial 2 (the intensification to be made) on the stick pad 6. Duplicate your master reagent as described above. Neutralize vial 1 (2C) so it gets erased and we can intensify again. you increase the output vial another C. 2. Put the seed vial in the well. and 2C vial 1 (now erased) on the stick pad. which we will call the energy vial 3. Turn on the power for 20 seconds. Create a witness of the patient and place it in the well. 11. 4. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). 2. 12. Neutralize a vial of distilled water in the well for 20 seconds. 12. We will call it the seed vial. Plant the energized seeds. Gather your reagents. Transmit the effect of Reagents. Neutralize a vial of distilled water. and then turn it off. pills. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) Keep the stick pad clear since it’s coil will be used to broadcast. 5. 6. 11. 5. 4C. Set the intensity knob to 0. 6. 1. Charging. The vial on the stick pad is now a 3C intensification of the master vial. Charging. Neutralize a vial for the seeds. and then turn it off. and then turn it off. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 4. 3. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). 9. Obtain some seeds of a particular type you want to energize and grow. Call it vial 1 (2C). Turn on the machine for 20 seconds 10. real medicines. etc. Turn on the machine for 20 minutes Vitalize seeds to boost growth 1. to a patient 1. For each time you repeat the steps 10-12. 7. Place the master reagent vial 1 in the well. 7. The vial on the stick pad is now a combination of the master reagents. 13. etc). Remove the vials from the machine. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) Turn on the power for 20 seconds. 10. Intensifying reagents (Aqua Potentia process) into a vial of water (2C. 4. Set the intensity knob to 0. 8. 7. which removes any Eloptic energy filtering. No percussion is necessary. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100). 5. and place also in the well. 8. Put 3C vial 2 in the well. You can follow the procedure for intensifying this energy vial reagent at this point. 6. Turn on the power for 20 seconds. and pills. Obtain a reagent that is beneficial to the soil. Place the witness and the reagent into the well 4. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 6. from the Cosmiculture Manual. 3. 6. 5. Set the intensity knob to 0. Set the intensity knob to 0. Create a witness for the area. Set the rate dials to this rate. Set the intensity knob to 0. Turn on the machine for 20 minutes Changing the weather 1. 4. Look up a particular energy rate in the Eloptic Medical Directory. balance. Turn on the machine for 20 minutes Fertilize.1. 2. 2. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 12. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100) which removes any Eloptic energy filtering 11. It should be an aerial photograph. It can be an aerial photograph or a sample. 2. It should be an aerial photograph. Set the intensity knob to 0. Place the witness and the reagent into the well 10. Place the witness into the well Set the rate dials to the rate you found. 9. Obtain a weather rate from the Cosmiculture Manual. It should be an aerial photograph. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) Turn on the machine for 20 minutes Energize foods with a rate 1. 6. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100) which removes any Eloptic energy filtering 5. . from the Cosmiculture Manual. from the Cosmiculture Manual. It can be an aerial photograph or a sample. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) 6. 5. 4. 3. 8. 5. and rid toxins from the soil using a rate 1. Place the food in this container. Turn on the machine for 20 minutes Rid weeds and pests using a Hieronymus rate 1. Set the rate dials to the rate you found. Create a witness for the weed or pest. balance. Place the witness into the well Set the rate dials to the rate you found. Create a witness for the field. Obtain a reagent rate that is beneficial to the soil. 2. 2. Neutralize a glass container for the food. 4. Create a witness for the field. 3. Never use poisons in the machine 3. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) Turn on the machine for 20 minutes Fertilize. Set the intensity knob to 0. Place the witness and the reagent into the well 4. and rid toxins from the soil using a reagent 7. Create a witness for the weed or pest. Obtain a reagent rate that is detrimental to the witness. Obtain a reagent that is detrimental to the witness. from the Cosmiculture Manual. Never use poisons in the machine! 3. 5. 6.5. Set the intensity knob to 0. 8. 8. 7. (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) Place the food on the stick plate. Place the food in this container. Place the reagent in the well. 4. 6. 2. Neutralize a glass container for the food. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes The food is ready to eat . (Signal not attenuated for powerful treatment) Place the food on the stick plate. Turn on the machine for 5 minutes The food is ready to eat. 7. 3. Energize foods with a reagent 1. Set the rate dials to 0-0 (or 0-100) which removes any Eloptic energy filtering Set the intensity knob to 0. Do analysis (stick reaction) with either power on or off Do use the neutralize button (clears well. and plate) after each use Do swirl your fingers about 2 times a second. . (for example. all work fine. there will be a point where the stick reaction will come in. The wiring is also found in both 1986 Eloptic Medical Analyzers that I have had. ruins them for many days Do not clean the stick plate with alcohol. (Filament light bulbs) Do work by candlelight if you want to impress your friends. in a3” oval pattern. That is the proper intensity to record for this rate. and possibly other modern instruments. you will Not have an immediate stick reaction for the 2 dial rate you have set. or chemicals Do not apply floor wax to the stick plate Do not work if you are sick (difficult to get stick reactions) Do not apply poisons to stick plate or any part of the machine Do not wire yourself up to the inputs while trying to get a stick reaction Different modes of stick reactions:   This instrument is designed so that when the intensity dial is at Zero. Mattioda. circuits. especially long tubes Do not wash your hands with strong solutions Do not apply bleach to your fingers. This mode of behavior follows the convention of modern instruments. general vitality at 9-49). or west. Dos and Don’ts: (synopsis of Hieronymus and others) Do work by incandescent lighting. there is Zero resistance in the rate dials circuit. south. This wiring is also found in the Atomic Analyzer (the machine that was patented in 1949). This is different than the wiring of the Kelly. Do face any compass direction. As you increase the intensity while rubbing the stick plate. Do apply to fingers if necessary: Sparse cornstarch or talcum powder to make fingers less sticky. Do keep the temperature around 72 degrees F. east. North. There was no Hieronymus machine that I analyzed that was wired any other way. ammonia. This wiring is found in the Pathoclast machine ca 1945 that Hieronymus wired up with his first tube Eloptic amplifier.COURSE LEVEL 2 Stick reaction needed: Diagnosis leading to specific treatments. I have wired it this way to remain historically accurate to all the Hieronymus instruments I have had. Sparse rosin to make fingers stickier. The conventional mode of stick reaction is that when the Intensity is set at Zero (fully counter-clockwise). Do wash your hands with mild soap (no additives) and water rinse Do wash the stick plate with mild soap and water rinse if necessary. Do not let direct sunlight fall on your work area Do not work under fluorescent lighting. about 2 times a second. read the next sections. There is some indication in the Hieronymus information that the opposite mode of stick reaction will happen. About . When not in use the rate knobs should be set for 0-0 or 0100. Plug your power supply into the wall. 6. Are you getting NO stick at zero intensity? This is the first more common mode. 5. If you are unsure. Get a piece of white paper about 1” by 3” that will be your witness later on. and slide on the pad. It seems that a change in stick behavior is what is important. The pendulum will change the direction of rotation at the point where the stick changes. you can assume the more popular mode of stick reaction illustrated in step 9 below. That paper is your personal witness. Practice with different pressures of you fingers on the pad. Insert it in the well. and the machine. Swirl your right finger pads on the stick pad in a 3” oval. and skip this procedure. It is not necessary to actually power up the machine to get a stick reaction. Use you left hand to slowly rotate the Intensity knob clockwise while you are rubbing to see if there is a point that the stick goes away to verify it. 11. 9. Sense what it is like to have you fingers stick to the pad. This means 9 on the left dial. 2. 10. The intensity should be fully counter clock-wise to Zero. 49 on the right dial. If you use a witness for another person. 8. The Neutralize button should be up (not neutralizing). Are you getting a stick at zero intensity? This is the second less common mode. there will be a point where the stick goes away. It can be destroyed if it is neutralized. and place it back in the well. A similar thing is reported in using the pendulum over the stick pad. stick plate. The power transformer should be disconnected. Waving a magnet over the well. and when you increase the intensity. 1. More about this later. but I do it anyway. Remove the paper from the well. You get a stick at Zero intensity. With this rate you will be testing the general vitality (life force) of a subject in the witness. It takes practice. write your name on the paper. This neutralizes the whole machine and witness paper from any previous use or contact. 3. or in a rush. Set the rate dials for 9-49. Turn on the power switch. The power switch should be down (power off). There should be nothing in your clean well. make sure you handle your sample correctly as described in Course 1. You need to program the pendulum to go clockwise or counter clockwise for a stick reaction. Determine your personal mode of stick reaction: First you need to determine which mode of operation of the stick reaction is working for you. 7. Open your machine. Flip the neutralize button down (towards the ‘N’) for 20 seconds. and then back up. Follow this procedure with the instrument. Otherwise try step 10 below. Use you left hand to slowly rotate the Intensity knob clockwise while you are rubbing to see if there is a point that the plate becomes sticky to verify it. Decide which mode is working for you and remember it. If you are not sure about what the stick reaction feels like. and machine is a primitive way of doing the same thing. 4. but even years later it may come in. Slowly release the pressure till the stick goes away and it is smooth again. ca 1940 Do not expect to master the stick reaction in a few minutes. If you use too much. Not completely stuck and not too smooth all the time. After getting a little bit of the powder on your fingers and upper palm. 60% need lots of practice or instruction. You should not have so much powder that it smears on the stick plate. You want your fingers to have just the right amount of baseline stick. Restore the machine to step 1 when you are done. Your hand must be clean. (Note the section above on other personal modes of stick reaction that can occur). Do not use more unless you wash your hands. Then try the stick plate again. Practice at least a dozen times. and 20% don’t get it at this point. and is detailed in Course level 3). Keep the stick pad clean by rubbing with a clean towel. radio waves. as it is not a psychic generator (Note: modern studies suggest that it can be. and microwaves that are also on the rise over the years. This is how hard you need to be pressing. Practice is the keynote of becoming a good operator of the instrument. (To make it stick more). Before rubbing the plate. Put a little bit of powder on another smooth surface. try some talcum powder. wipe both hands together so that only a very little powder will remain. You should practice the reaction with the general vitality 9-49 with a witness of yourself in the well. you fingers are ready to respond to the stickiness that develops. In some cases. Do not intentionally affect the instrument with your mind. Place the palm of your right hand on the plate and make continuous circular counter clockwise motions. Warm it ever so slightly if the stick plate is too cold. but at some higher number it should come in. ca 1970 Place your right hand on the stick plate. it will defeat the purpose and you will be too sticky.20% of people get it right away. If the plate is cold you will have a harder time to get a stick reaction. radar. The tips of your four fingers and part of your palm should be used. Too much heat will spoil your reactions. If your fingers are sticking all the time. Stick method 1 from the Hieronymus Eloptic Medical Directory. and free from all oily or sticky substances. touch the tip of your finger in a tiny bit of Rosin. Move your hand in a circular clockwise motion. Just smooth enough that when the energy come through the stick pad. increasing . Stick Method 2 from the Hieronymus sanctioned Pathoclast Manual. the readings on the intensity dial are increasing for the same measurement. A little bit is plenty. then place you right hand on the powder to make you hand move more smoothly. It has been noted that as the years have progressed. Stroking does not work as well. the stick is so strong that the pad could move if it is not solidly mounted. dry. You should not get a stick at zero intensity. Apply a good firm pressure down with your hand until it is hard to move. This is what a stick feels like. Hieronymus attributed this effect to the rise of energies in the air such as nuclear tests. When you are ready to practice on a real sample. Start your intensity at a high value (seven rotations = 700).. Don’t try any stunts like doing it with your eyes closed or looking away until you are absolutely sure about yourself.. Thomas Galen Hieronymus Machine Copyright . We do not know why this occurs.William D. Tennessee . Plans for the Dr. stop and record the number. Set the rate dials to 9-49. You will notice that as you work with a sample. At that point on the intensity dial. While rubbing the plate with your right hand. (Note the section above on other personal modes of stick reaction that can occur)... your hand will move haltingly. and rotate the intensity counter clockwise gradually but fairly quickly. markedly slowed. and when you do. Repeat the process again and note the stick should occur at about the same intensity reading. etc.. Stop when your hand sticks. Keep the same motion.. and start over. the intensity dial will read a bit higher on all stick reactions as you go. When you get the stick.. and rotational speed. Practice this time and again. an added pull on the hand will be felt.and decreasing the pressure so you get the feel of a stick reaction. If you move too slowly. do not question but accept it. put it in the well. your reactions will be blurred. downward pressure. Once you stick. it will be back to normal.. Jensen March 6.. You should be expecting it. If you stop for a minute. or you will have to exert more force to keep it moving. 2007 Knoxville. that is a Yes. They can be consumed later. many other experiments have been performed: 1.Version 1. etc.com/hieronymus/Plans. If it feels sticky. The subject does not need to be connected to the machine to receive the treatment. Hieronymus invented various specialized models of the Hieronymus Machine. which makes them simple to produce with currently available parts. A specific disease state is looked up in Hieronymus’ Eloptic Medical Directory. Additionally. or Genuine Hieronymus Machine. and order parts online. Instead of looking up a disease. Eloptic Analyzer. you can determine the severity of a disease in the plant or animal. and the book tells you how to set the two Rate Dials. It is possible to cause harm to the plant or animal (such as pests) so you need to be very careful that you fully understand the operation of the machine before you use it. sugar cubes. Note that people who are good at building Hieronymus Machines often have a problem getting a stick reaction. These plans are for his most popular machine. If you use the Intensity knob. It is well within the reach of experimenter who can solder. and he sold over 200 of them for about $1500 each. Portable Analyzer. . These plans use his transistor version of the amplifier. What does this machine claim to do? It performs two major functions: 1. It was produced in the greatest quantity during his lifetime. The first is Diagnosis of the state of disease or health in plants or animals. you can set the dials to determine the healthiness of the plant or animal. Diagnosis / Treatment Analyzer. Think of the two dials as asking the question: “Does the plant or animal have This disease?” The Yes or No “answer” is determined by swirling your hand on the Stick Pad. This machine is the most widely known.0 Resources Link to my Hieronymus machines: wdjensen123. If it feels smooth. handle hand tools.htm What is covered in these plans? Dr. 2. The second is Treatment of the plant or animal to either eliminate a disease. that is a No. into water. or increase its health. variously called the Medical Analyzer. read schematics. Impart and amplify positive energies specific to a patient. A sample of the plant or animal is placed in the Well. For example. color therapies. Dr. 4. he began to . It is also called the Industrial Analyzer. it could tell if a meteorite under test contained Iron. Disclaimer Hieronymus placed the following disclaimer on his machines: This is an experimental instrument.2. 1953 Primitive Transistorized Hieronymus Machine In 1953. or Prism Analyzer. Determine the efficacy of pills. 5.’ He began to concentrate on making strides in the simpler Hieronymus Machine proper. He formed a new company called ‘Advanced Sciences Research & Development Corporation. etc. Hieronymus abandoned the complicated Atomic Analyzer. and the relative quantity of that iron. and roughly their quantities. There is no ill effect to the original healthy person. an Intensity dial. Hieronymus probably did not sell any of these machines. 3. and some he gave to Universities. Hieronymus formed a company called ‘Radiation Laboratory’ and made 10 of these Atomic Analyzers. included in this auction. It consisted of a Specimen Well. herbs. 1949 Atomic Analyzer is a vacuum tube Hieronymus Machine In 1949. Hieronymus was awarded a United States patent for his Atomic Analyzer. since sales and demand was non-existent. Prism. and reagents. Locate missing objects or people. two Rate Dials. The primary function was to determine what element or elements were in an unknown sample of material. They use three vacuum tubes to amplify the Eloptic energy. 6. and have fully documented their construction on my more complete 3 CD set. It is not intended that this instrument be used in violation of any Federal or State law that applies. Amplify the vitality of seeds so that they grow better. and a Stick Pad. Allow you to determine the Rate Dial settings for new or unusual disease states not mentioned in the Eloptic Medical Directory. it became identical to the Medical Analyzer. It was a generalized machine that could perform two functions.The second function was that by shorting out the prism unit. I have helped restore all three known existing Atomic Analyzers. and impart it to ingestible reagents or the patient directly. Inc. Then transmit that benefit to the patient without consuming the agent. Although he made vast improvements in vacuum tube amplifiers. Amplify the positive energy of a healthy person. but cannibalized many of them for other machines he tried to invent. and Amplifier. 4.5” Plain pine wood. Four vertical corner wood supports for control panel. Hardware or hobby store.5”. 10. ¼ Watt for LED. 6. cylindrical in shape. Hardware store. 14” x 10”. Radio Shack. I have obtained. lid depth 1. These plans are based completely on this design at the pinnacle of his development. Panel mount plug to mate with 12VDC power jack. Radio Shack. 1/8” thick. bottom half of box depth 2. and documented this production machine. Ebay. Radio Shack. cut to fit in box. 11. 14. Ebay. 12VDC >100mA power adapter that plugs into 120VAC wall power. Radio Shack. Toggle power switch with two terminals. 12. Dimensions can be larger. no spout desired. Panel mount LED. 50 or 100 mL. but the CK722 transistor he used is now a rarity.experiment in the groundbreaking technology of transistors to create a working Hieronymus Machine. Radio Shack. I also compiled information I have extracted from 12 boxes of files and original machines Hieronymus’ widow abandoned in a Georgia warehouse after his death. He was successful. black insulation. Handle to put on the box. 1. any color. Radio Shack. You need to know what conducts and insulates Eloptic energy in order to make viable substitutions. analyzed. McMaster-Carr. Hardware store. 18 gauge solid wire. 8. 1500 to 2500 ohms. 13. included in this auction. Parts and Suppliers Do not substitute alternative parts or it probably won’t work. Pyrex beaker. 5. 4 panel screws for control panel corners. 3. disassembled. Mat black enamel paint. with output jack. Radio Shack. Black Garolite. Plastic is better than metal. Bakelite control panel. Resistor. 2. 7. 1986 Advanced Transistorized Hieronymus Machine Hieronymus developed and began wider sales of the most modern Hieronymus Machine he ever produced. I have spent a lot of time selecting modern parts that duplicate the machine exactly. Rare audio tapes have also been collected and all of this information is summarized and digitized in the more advanced 3 CD set. . 24 gauge enameled wire. ½” x ½” by a length so that the control panel will recess into the bottom half of the box. 9. Wooden box with hinged lid and latch. Hardware store. Observe the polarity. Get the power supply (7) and connect the jack. Black Plexiglas rectangle about 5” x 4” and 1/8” thick. Glue the four wood supports (2) vertically into the corners of the bottom half of the wood box (1). 19. Drill a hole in the control panel and mount the Pyrex beaker (13) into it with epoxy glue (27). two red. I use center of the jack terminal as +12 VDC. set screw. set screw. 16. Mount the two capacitors (18) on the control panel as in the picture. 24. Momentary switch with three terminals. Wired so CCW is 0 ohms. Mount the power switch (12) on the control panel as in the picture I. Digikey. 28. E. Circuit board. two black. Mount the 100K potentiometer (19) on the control panel as in the picture. metal inside with ¼” shaft hole. 100K ohm precision potentiometer. Any pF rating. M. Paint the wood box on the outside (and inside if you wish) with the black paint (4) D. Put the black bakelite control panel (5) on the vertical supports (2) and screw it down with the 4 screws (6) one in each corner. K. 1. F. One 0 to 100 Intensity scale printed on paper as seen in the pictures. semicircular plates ONLY (linear taper). 22. no metal pads. 0. Three N-FET transistors type 2N5670. panel mounting threaded holes. predrilled. Metal pointer attached electrically to shaft. Mount the four banana jacks (17) on the control panel as in the picture. Two knobs. 1” to 2” diameter. 27. 21. ten turn. Surplus. Mount the momentary switch (16) on the control panel as in the picture. 26. McMaster-Carr. Four nuts and flush head bolts to secure the Plexiglas to the control panel. 23. L. Attach the handle (3) to the box on any side you desire. 25. Ebay. Mount the LED (9) on the control panel as in the picture H. Surplus. 20. Red goes above black when looking at the panel. . J. You can also use the circuit board pattern pictured below. ¾” to 1” diameter. clockwise is high capacitance. C. Two air variable tuning capacitors. Epoxy two part glue. Radio Shack. 180 degree rotation ONLY. 3 terminal. Mount the power plug (8) to the bottom center of the control panel. Four panel mount female banana jacks. Wood dowel 3/8” to ½” diameter. wire wound. Assembly Procedures A. Radio Shack. Counterclockwise is low capacitance. bakelite is best (but plastic is OK). metal inside with ¼” shaft hole. 29. Two 0 to 100 Rate Dial scales printed on paper as seen in the pictures. Lip should overhang the hole. Hardware store. 18. 17. We will define the bottom of the control panel as the side away from the hinges. One knob. ¼” shaft ½” to ¾” long.5” long. Black electrician’s tape. Hardware or hobby store. Make a cutout for the spout if present. Allied Electronics. Digikey. Surplus. Metal pointer.15. bakelite is best (but plastic is OK). Hardware store. B. G.1” centered holes in rectangular grid. Use black insulated wire (11) and keep the runs as short as possible. Q. The rotors are the contacts that have the moveable fins. Make sure it is cleaned out. The metal pointer should be long. Neutralize it for 15 seconds to clear it of previous influences. Set the pointer at zero on the scale. dual coil (S). U. Depress the Neutralize button for 15 seconds to clear out the well of previous influences. These precautions are critical to getting the machine to work. Attach the intensity knob (21) to the potentiometer when it it fully counterclockwise. As per the schematic. T. Turn the intensity dial fully counter-clockwise to zero. Drill a hole 1/8” under where the stick Plexiglas plate will go. Attach the two rate dial knobs (20) so that when set for fully meshed capacitance. resistor (10). That means 9 on the left dial. and 49 on the right dial. Place the Plexiglas (25) over the coil completely and fasten the Plexiglas down to the control panel with the nuts and bolts. make sure the well is empty. Wave a magnet over the stick pad to erase previous influences. then wipe with pure water. All ends should have 6” free. S. Wrap the coil and exposed glass with tape (15). and connected to the shaft electrically. Run the 2 wires of the coil from (P) into the hole and lay the coil flat. O. Anywhere is OK. Power up the machine. Use the enamel wire (14) to wind on the wood dowel. but be close to it. R. Give yourself a foot of free wire extending out the back of the control panel. Attach a second piece of enamel wire and wind 8 turns the other direction. Strip and tin the ends. so that it can be covered by the Plexiglas (25). Wind a coil of enamel wire (14) with 8 turns 4” diameter. Don’t let it rub on the scale. Both coils need to be turning in the same direction. Tie it with thread to keep it together. Space these coils over an inch. Drilling a through hole at each end of the dowel (across its diameter) will help secure the wire from unraveling. Leave 6” and strip the end.N. Prepare a sample to put in the well – Get a small Pyrex test tube that will fit in the well. Start the winding at the side closest to the mouth of the beaker. etc. P. wire up all the components including the circuit board (22). Wind 8 turns around the Pyrex beaker (13) with enamel wire (14). Clean the stick plate and well with water using a Kleenex (not the type with additives in it like lotion) and a little Ivory soap if needed. Set the Rate Dials to 9-49. Place it in the well. Use clean sissors or swabs to gather samples such as . at your choice. Only handle it with tissue from now on. transistors (23). Leave 1” on each end for soldering later. Counter-sink the Plexiglas so that the heads are below the surface of the Plexiglas. the metal pointer points to 100 on the scale. Basic use of the Hieronymus Machine Prepare the machine for operation – With the power off. You MUST make sure you wire the rotors of the capacitors together or it won’t work. Obtain a sample of the plant or animal to put in the bottom of the test tube. try rate 9-49 which is general vitality. you can now determine the intensity of the condition. move your fingertip in a circular pattern to see if you get a stick reaction.482. Preliminary Report on the Patented Hieronymus Machine by William D. slightly turn the knob clockwise till the stick in your swirling right fingertips goes away. Their signature works as well. turn on the machine and do not touch the stick pad. and mainstream science is perplexed that his patented device does work.leaf ends. by analyzing the previously unknown “Eloptic” radiation that seemed to emanate from all materials. after three years of very careful consideration by the United States Patent Office. or healing rate. look up the 2 rates for the condition you want to check for. Jensen Hieronymus patented a machine that operates on the real and psychic worlds Dr. only to prove That it worked. The machine does not need to be turned on for Diagnosis. With your left hand on the intensity knob. fingernail clippings. At first glance. sufficiently enough to have undeniable merit. turning off the machine between treatments. where an invention seems to defy the basic precepts of science. In addition. A live subject always has vitality. With the sample in the well. the invention had to be useful for at least one believable thing that could not be done before. If you have problems with getting a stick reaction. Be careful that you set them properly. because a person can be harmed by setting the wrong values. Diagnosis – In the Eloptic Medical Directory. A “utility patent” for a machine must be something new. Miraculously you can use a photo print or Polaroid of the subject in the well as long as the negative has not been destroyed. Treat for 15 minutes at each rate. His secret ingredient was that the experimenter became a part of his own machine. and unobvious. These points are easy to satisfy. hair. no one has tested that method. That means the condition exists. Treatment – Choose Rate settings from the Eloptic Medical Directory for the disease you want to treat. Remember to restore the Intensity knob counter clockwise when you are done. Thomas Galen Hieronymus has the unique distinction of having the only US patent of a psychically operating machine. With your right hand. so you should get a stick reaction with the intensity set at zero (fully counter clockwise). Set the Rate Dials for this condition and location. Remove the sample from the well when you are done. The coil in there is now acting as a radiator which will remotely transmit a beneficial effect corresponding to the settings you have set on the rate dials. Each full revolution of the intensity dial adds 100 to the amount shown on the scale.773 was awarded in 1949. Patent number 2. No one had ever thought of such a machine. He did not need to explain How it worked. saliva on a swab (let dry before analyzing). what he invented was a machine to detect the type and quantity of any material matter under scrutiny. If it does exist (stick). Not a digital print though. bridging the real and psychic worlds. extra proof . Under extraordinary cases. There are strict criteria that must be satisfied before a patent is awarded. unusual. they become replaced by psychic parts within the experimenters themselves. is a working model of a psychically operating machine. It was further discovered that a photograph of the person would also work. Thus. It proceeds from the 1) Object. In either case. such as a tree or person. But the story doesn’t end there. the Detection would still work with a leaf. The patented Hieronymus machine is a Receiver instrument. such that science cannot explain why the variations will still work. psychic machines fall under the Parapsychological field of Psychotronics. that in addition to using the whole object. or Eloptic Radiators. What this might mean is that as the machine is built to contain fewer parts in the material world. the machine will work for 80% of the population. etc. The percentage is even higher if you have the will and desire to be successful with the machine. There are two basic types of Radionic instruments: Receivers and Transmitters. We will mention how each particular sub-system can be generalized. drop of blood. replaced by symbolic representations. like channel signals on a radio. sometimes called Eloptic Beam Projectors. Hieronymus backed up his claims with live plant experiments. healing. But few individuals are immediately able to operate it with proficiency. on the part of the subject. and made working models of his invention. flat coils. made symbolic. as they gain proficiency. Radionics is a specialized field within Psychotronics where the machines have electronic components that operate in the region of radio waves. the device is an objective incremental teaching tool that can provide a fundamental starting point for the psychic studies in radiasthesia. and a willingness to participate.is requested by the Patent Office. It has been found that each of the subsystems in the machine can be unbelievably generic. Since the patent is required to fully disclose construction methodology so that independent experimenters can reconstruct the machine. 2) Pickup – The patent explains that the pickup can be very generic. cylindrical coils. Hieronymus also made Transmitters of Eloptic radiation. From tests by Hieronymus and other independent researchers. or eliminated altogether. inter-dimensional communication. remoteviewing. dowsing. 5) Amplifier. The pickup can be direct connections. We will present some of the uses of his Radionic devices later. also known as a Detector. These transmitters could be made to store the radiation in alcohol or other materials. This is a phenomenal rate of success in a psychic experiment. Traditionally. these generalizations are significant. clairvoyance. electrodes. and ends with the 6) Stick-pad. touching or not touching the object. Let us examine in sequence. It amplifies and detects the presence of Eloptic rays which occur at different vibrational frequencies coming naturally out of elements. the subject could be 1000’s of miles away. The symbolic machine triggers your own psychic consciousness and abilities What we have from the patent. 1) Object – It was found by Hieronymus and others. plates. All that was needed was a mental focus or representation of the object. and living things. 3) Tuner. the component parts of the Hieronymus Receiver. to the 2) Pickup. which illustrate how mysterious the machine can be. It means that Hieronymus tested . They projected specific frequencies of Eloptic radiation into materials. 4) Refractor. or eliminated. or single hair. The assembly was eliminated. it does not even need to be present for the machine to operate. The patent procedure states that you coarsely adjust the Refractor first. I propose that any functionally equivalent symbol of a pickup will work as well.all these methods with himself and others. How can a Hieronymus machine help me develop my psychic abilities? For the general student of the aforementioned psychical studies. from a diagram of an amplifier drawn in India ink on paper. 5) Amplifier – The electronic amplifier consisted of 3 electronic tubes. He specifies in the patent that under certain situations. It provides a reliable scientific control. and came to the conclusion that any sort of pickup would work. They are not tuning to an electronic frequency at all ! 4) Refractor – This assembly contained a prism which bent the invisible Eloptic rays to different angles. It was made more generic in the patent. The capacitors did not even need specific values. as measured from the face. will assist even the most skeptical. subject. Adepts discovered that no machine was needed at all.5 degree incidence from the perpendicular to give a proper spread of 10 to 40 degrees out of the prism. Then you adjust the Tuner knobs. and remote viewing. of even in close proximity if coils are used. a hand hovering over the pad. for a stick reaction to the Stick-pad. for them to get the same results. The knobs each had arbitrary scales 0-100 known as “Rate 1” and “Rate 2”. 6) Stick-pad – was defined in the patent to be a plate or flat coil of wire. an Hieronymus machine of the basic type set forth in the patent can be a common point of departure in psychic studies. from which to begin training in mental visualization. Later experimenters found that they could sense the Stick response by pendulum. did not even require this prism assembly to work. He suggests a 5. Although the patent specifies a glass lens. etc. The signal could hop between the stages through coils or resistors. with a high probability of success. Once again. is uncertain. The Hieronymus machine has been used by various people to detect the type and quantity of unknown materials. John Campbell discovered that the machine still worked without power. 3) Tuner – The machine uses two dials which merely intensify and make more pronounced the stick effect from adjusting of the Refractor. because it did not matter! Otherwise he would have been required to disclose the values in the patent. These must have been important for them to be mentioned explicitly. The only quantitative construction hints in the patent come from the prism assembly. and the world. You had to re-ink the batteries to keep the amplifier functional. especially designed by Hieronymus for medical diagnostics. then fine-tune the refractor again to get the final accurate response. The very fact that it is an officially patented device. This is one of the strongest cases for hypothesizing that the whole machine is actually a symbolic representation of a process that is occurring in the mind of the experimenter. It could be directly connected to the amplifier. or if it works because you believe it works. Hieronymus later discovered that even thin plastic blocked the Eloptic rays. by a separate embodiment that proposed substituting a convex lens. who may have found that other psychical experiment to have failed for them. Later machines. It has been used for detecting and diagnosing energy flaws in animals and . or miraculously. an example of the knobs being symbolic. depending on the element that naturally produced it. for a better stick reaction. Whether the machine works on its own. agriculture experiments. finding lost objects. measuring vital signs of remote individuals. perform dowsing. I can take an ordinary empty cigar box and mount a tuning dial on top of it. contained in these CDs. Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird. and most of them are in the Eloptic Medical Directory. I think they do this because they believe that they are using the box. I use Paypal for all payments. as well as produce a few instruments for fellow researchers into Eloptic energy to help pay for further research. to purely psychical function in the adept student. and radiasthesia. chakra healing. . . Superluminal communication. It is his goal to create practical schematics and diagrams. Cosmiculture Manual. to incrementally progress from the original machine’s function. Who knows what new purposes may be discovered by individuals with open minds. . said: Is the force and its manipulations basically in the realm of the psychic? We know that powerful psychics such as Frances Farrelly can produce results with no help whatsoever from a device. in reality. some psychics have been able to cure a given disease. and research notes from Hieronymus. but other seem to be helped by a radionics instrument even when. they are using only psychic ability. when. As quoted in a conversation to the authors of The Secret Life of Plants.By properly setting the dial at a given tuning. communication through time? Where can I obtain plans or purchase my own Hieronymus machine? The author is in the process of completely analyzing an original Hieronymus machine which is the same date and design as the one detailed in the 1949 patent. a patent holder of a radionics device. locating hidden materials. like the De La Warrs. they have well-developed psychic powers.plants. finding lost children. . Galen Hieronymus. Planning is underway on how to present a program that can be used with the machine. . There are many other modes of operating the Hieronymus Machine.
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