Hidrojet Hydraulic
HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENTECHIPAMENT HIDRAULIC Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara - codificare Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara - codificare codificare PH 2 Tipuri de flanse .Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara . codificare PH 2 Tipuri de flanse PH 2 .flansa tip “C” .Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara . codificare PH 2 Tipuri de flanse PH 2 .Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara .flansa tip “G” . codificare PH 2 Orificii de admisie si refulare .Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara . codificare .Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara . codificare PH 3 Tipuri de flanse .Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara . codificare PH 3 Tipuri de flanse PH 3 .Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara .flansa tip “C” . Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara .codificare PH 3 Tipuri de flanse PH 2 .flansa tip “E” . codificare PH 3 Tipuri de flanse .Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara . . PH14/4.codificare PH 2 Orificii de admisie si refulare (PH 12.. PH 14.Pompe simple cu roti dintate si angrenare exterioara .) . . 00S/2 PH113 .35 PH2 .41 PH2 .250.250.11D1B5.00D/3 PH113 .16D2B1 .11.250.006 PH2 .009 PH2 .00D H15 .250.11.001 PH2 .002 PH2 .41 PH2 .010 PH2 .008 PH2 .25 PH2 .010 PH2 .250.00S/4 PH113 .250.35 PH2 . PH2 .00S/1 PH113 .005 PH2 .009 PH2 .48 P( bar ) 70 70 70 70 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 CARACTERISTICI Q(l/min) N(rot/min) 20 2200 20 2200 25 2200 25 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 35 2200 35 2200 35 2200 35 2200 35 2200 35 2200 35 2200 35 2200 41 2200 41 2200 41 2200 41 2200 41 2200 41 2200 41 2200 41 2200 48 2200 48 2200 48 2200 Psup(bar) - OBSERVATII Echiv.70.PRD2-216S Echiv.PRD2-218S Echiv.00S H15 .PRD2-217D Echiv.PRD2-216D Echiv.16S2B5 .41 PH2 .006 PH2 .250.11S1B5 .00D/2 PH113 .PRD2-218S 15 .250.PRD2-217S Echiv.19S2B5 .011 COD VECHI H13 .250.5D1A3.35 PH2 .24 PH2 .25.PRD2-214S Echiv.250.22S2B1 .00D/3 PH113 .PRD2-216S Echiv.250.70.PRD2-217S Echiv.010 PH2 .PRD2-214D Echiv.PRD2-218S Echiv.PRD2-217S Echiv.005 PH2 .48 PH2 .19D1B5 .009 PH2 .19S1B1 .24 PH2 .PRD2-216D Echiv.250.41 PH2 .011 PH2 .008 PH2 .24 PH2 .250.24 PH2 .00S/4 COD NOU PH2 .19D1B1 .00S/1 PH113 .35 PH2 .16S2B1 .00S H13 .004 PH2 .007 PH2 .PRD2-216D Echiv.24 PH2 .PRD2-217S Echiv.00D/1 PH113 .PRD2-217D Echiv.25.24 PH2 .20 PH2 .00S/1 PH113 .00S/4 PH113 .16D2B5 .00D/1 PH113 .250.19S1B5 .35 PH2 .006 PH2 .00D/3 PH113 .11D2B5 .00D/2 PH113 .41 PH2 .22S1B1.POMPA HIDRAULICA SIMPLA PH 2 COD COMANDA PH2 .25.35 PH2 .16S1B1 .250.00D/1 PH113 .250.24 PH2 .25.005 PH2 .5S1A3 .41 PH2 .16D1B5 .250.19S2B1 .007 PH2 .41 PH2 .PRD2-214D Echiv.PRD2-216S Echiv.005 PH2 .PRD2-216S Echiv.003 PH2 .11S1B1 .PRD2-214S Echiv.PRD2-214S Echiv.19D2B1.250.PRD2-217D Echiv.008 PH2 .00S/1 PH113 .007 PH2 .250.010 PH2 .00S/3 PH113 .11S2B1 .41 PH2 .00D/1 PH113 .5D1A1 .PRD2-214S Echiv.11S2B5 .00D/2 PH113 .11.00D/2 PH113 .00S/2 PH113 .19D2B5.00D/3 PH113 .PRD2-216D Echiv.24 PH2 .11D1B1.48 PH2 .70.25 PH2 .009 PH2 .00D PH113 .22S1B5.5S1A1 .00S/3 PH113 .16D1B1.250.00S/2 PH113 .006 PH2 .007 PH2 .00S/3 PH113 .35 PH2 .35 PH2 .PRD2-214D Echiv.PRD2-214D Echiv.00S/2 PH113 .00S/3 PH113 .250.11D2B1 .PRD2-217D Echiv.20 PH2 .250.16S1B5.008 PH2 . 24-FB PH2 .22D2B5.020 PH2 .24 PH2 .PRD2-214S Echiv.24-FB PH2 .00S/9 PH113 .250.250.022 PH2 .014 PH2 .22 PH2 .48 PH2 .00D/4 PH113 .PRD2-214S Echiv.la cerere ( ) se comd.250.22S2B5 .48 PH2 – 22D1B5.00D/5 PH113 .017 PH2 .la cerere ( ) se comd.250.00S/9 PH113 .24X8 PH2 .00S/8 PH113 .11S2B3 .00S/6 PH113 .013 PH2 .250.00D/5 PH113 .250.35 .48 PH2 .22 PH2 .011 PH2 .24X8 PH2 .00D/5 PH113 .11D1B3 .22D2B1.250.10S2B5 .11S1B3 .021 PH2 .00D/8 PH113 .018 PH2 .11S2B3 .012 PH2 .10S2B1 .018 PH2 .PRD2-214D Echiv.24 PH2 .00S/6X PH113 .250.16D1B3 .250.PRD2-218D ( ) se comd.24-FB PH2 .prev cu pana 16 .22 PH2 .014 PH2 .250.35-FB PH2 .10S1B1 .00D/9 COD NOU PH2 .PRD2-224Dx Echiv.48 PH2 – 22D1B1.PRD2-214 Echiv.11D2B3 .16S2B3.PRD2-218D Echiv.00S/6 PH113 .22 PH2 .la cerere ( ) se comd.250.11S1B3 .10D1B5 .11S2B3 .PRD2-218D Echiv.00D/6X PH113 .250.24X8 PH2 .250.16S1C5 .020 PH2 .00D/4 PH113 .00S/8 PH113 .la cerere Echiv.0510525319(S) Echip tractorU683 Echip tractorU683 Echip tractorU683 Echip tractorU683 FB –arb.35 PH2 .24 PH2 .016 PH2 .10D2B5 .00D/6 PH113 .11S1B3 .11D2B3.00S/4 PH113 .POMPA HIDRAULICA SIMPLA PH 2 COD COMANDA PH2 .00D/4 PH113 .250.00S/5 PH113 .00D/6 PH113 .021 PH2 .11D1B3 .16S1B3 .00S/5 PH113 .015 PH2 .250.250.019 PH2 .250.24 PH2 .10D1B1 .250.24-FB PH2 .22 PH2 .10S1B5.00S/7 PH113 .22 PH2 .PRD2-224Sx Echiv.023 COD VECHI PH113 .10D2B1 .250.250.012 PH2 .11D2B3 .48 PH2 .016 PH2 .prev cu pana FB –arb.PRD2-218D Echiv.24X8 PH2 .014 PH2 .250.250.015 PH2 .00D/6X PH113 .022 PH2 .PRD2-224Sx Echiv.00D/5 PH113 .FB P( bar ) 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 CARACTERISTICI Q(l/min) N(rot/min) 48 2200 48 2200 48 2200 48 2200 48 2200 22 2200 22 2200 22 2200 22 2200 22 2200 22 2200 22 2200 22 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 35 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 24 2200 35 2200 35 2200 35 2200 Psup(bar) 220 220 220 220 - OBSERVATII Echiv.22 PH2 .00S/6X PH113 .00S/5 PH113 .35-FB PH2 .014 PH2 .la cerere ( ) se comd.250.250.la cerere ( ) se comd.017 PH2 .012 PH2 .250.00D/8 PH113 .PRD2-218S Echiv.013 PH2 . PH113 .22 PH2 .012 PH2 .00D/4 PH113 .prev cu pana FB –arb.11D1B3 .013 PH2 .250.013 PH2 .PRD2-224Dx Echiv. . 16S2B1 .00S/10 PH113 .250. Tract.00D/12 PH2 .6D1A6 – 180.00S/X PH04-00D/X PH11 .024 PH13 .24 PH2 . Tract.035 PH2 .24 PH2 .00D/9 PH2 .11S2B9 .10S3C2 .250.35 PH2 .035 PH04 .4.16D1B9 .032 PH2 . Croatia Echip.025 PH113 .21X6 PH2 .00D/X PH113 .35 180 180 180 180 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 10 10 21 21 24 24 24 24 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 180 180 180 180 - FB –arb.cu pana Echip autogreder Echiv H 10EGOST8753 Echip.029 PH2 .034 PH2 .028 PH2 .180.030 PH2 .10X6 PH2-4.032 PH2 .034 PH2 .023 PH113 .16D2B1 .033 PH2 .24 PH2 .250.35 PH2 .250.16D1B1 .00S/X PH11 . Tract.250.11D2B9 .00D/10 PH113 .35 PH2 . Croatia Echip.70.250.16S2B9 .20 .250.FB 250 35 2200 - PH2 .00D/11 PH113 .030 PH2 .250. Croatia Echip. Tract.35 .00S FB PH2 .00S/11 PH113 .35 PH2 .16S1B1 .250.3 PH2 .11D1A7-180.21X6 PH2 .POMPA HIDRAULICA SIMPLA PH 2 COD COMANDA CARACTERISTICI COD VECHI COD NOU P( bar ) Q(l/min) N(rot/min) OBSERVATII Psup(bar) PH2 .026 PH2-027 PH2 .250.11.00S/10 PH113 .FB 70 20 2200 - PH2 .250.180.35 PH2 .00D/12 PH113 .11S1A7.6S1A6 .00S/11 PH113 .prev cu pana Echip tractorOMT150 FB-arb.24 PH2 .00SC PH2 .033 PH2 .250.11D1B9 .16D2B9 . .prev.031 PH2 .16S1B9 .250.11S1B9 .031 PH2 .16D2B3 .00D/11 PH113 .5S1A1 .10X6 PH2 . Croatia 17 .22 250 22 2200 - PH2 .250.00S/12 PH113 .35 PH2 .00D/10 PH113 .00S/12 PH113 . 002 PHD031-C1S1/X PH2.2 .003 PH2.250. PS1140S Util:comb C12M.C80.25/220.2 . Echiv PRD222241SX.2 .005 PHS033-C1S1/X PHD033-C1S1/X PHS015-C1S1/00 PH2.C140 18 .25X1 PH2.25/220.C80.10X1 250/220 25/10 2200 63 PH2.2 COD COMANDA COD VECHI COD NOU P1/P2( bar ) CARACTERISTICI Q1/Q2(l/min) N(rot/min) Psup(bar) PH2.004 PH2.POMPE HIDRAULICE DUBLE PH 2.11/11D1B3/3 – 250.11/11S1B3/3 .5/4. C70.2 – 11. PS1140S Util:comb C12M.C140 Echiv PRD222241SX.2 .175.25/220.5S1A1/6.11/4S1B3/6 .001 PHS031-C1S1/X PH2. C70.2 .10X1 250/220 25/10 2200 63 PH2.25/220.2 .2 .250.2 .25X1 PH2.11/4D1B3/6 – 250.10X2 250/220 250/220 175/220 25/25 25/25 25/10 2200 2200 2200 63 63 80 OBS.25/220.2 . 34 .20D1A1 .36S3B4 .60 .26W PH3 .00S H14/4 .010 H12 .01 .00SW H14 .SM 100 100 34 34 1300 1300 - PH3 .026 H12 .flans mod in sig W-Flansa modif(inel sig) W-Flansa modif(inel sig) Echip cu r.34 PH3 .021 PH3 .025 PH3 .017 PH3 .F PH3 – 20S1C1 – 250.60 PH3 .34 .30S3B2 .30D3B2 .6.34 .60 PH3 .20D1A1 .W 100 100 34 34 1300 1300 - PH3 .150.de ant.00W H12 .100.150.02DM PH3 .00 .01 .00 H12 .26SL H12 .100.M 150 150 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 2200 2200 2200 2200 1730 1730 1730 1730 1730 2200 - PH3 .flansa si capac fonta 19 .013 H12 . si ax fara g fil.30D1A5 .100.00SW H14/4 .40 PH3 .FSPR1 Echip cu r antr.150.36S3B4 .40 .006 COD VECHI COD NOU CARACTERISTICI Q(l/min) N(rot/min) 40 2200 40 2200 40 2200 34 1300 34 1300 34 1300 H12 .100.26X H12 .34 .X PH3 .Z 100 60 1730 - PH3 .60 .SL PH3 .60 PH3 .36D1A6 .00S H12 .26121231 S-fara roata de antrenare S/1.100. asp si ref masa de rindeluire F .26SM1 PH3 .01S H14/4 .60 .011 PH3 .30S3B2 .W PH3 .fara r.016 PH3 .26 H12 .36D3B4 .34 .01 .015 PH3.30S3B2 .00DZ PH3 .00 .00DW H14 .00DW H14/4 .01 .30D1A3 .005 PH3 .30S3B2 .012 H12 .S/1 100 34 1300 - PH3 . Z-mod.SMW 100 34 1300 - PH3 .30D3B2 .100.100.100. de antrenare W-Flansa modif(inel sig) W-Flansa modif(inel sig) M-modif cod 6.002 PH3 .100.01S H14 .26SMW PH3 .018 PH3 .30D3B2 .POMPE HIDRAULICE SIMPLE PH 3 COD COMANDA PH3 .019 PH3 .60 .008 PH3 .60 . cod 6.SM1 100 34 1300 - PH3 .36D3B4 .40 PH3 .34 .W PH3 .009 H12 .150.F H12 – 00S .014 PH3 .de ant.100.40 .100.30S3B2 .00 .007 H12 .fara r.34 PH3 .34 .60 PH3 .W PH3 .100.40 .020 PH3 .26 H12 .36S3A4 .024 H14/4 .004 PH3 .150.26S PH3 .100.30S3B2 .01 .30S1A3 .S P( bar ) 150 150 150 100 100 100 PH3 .F 250 250 40 40 2200 2200 - Psup(bar) - OBSERVATII W-Flansa modif(inel sig) Inloc.150.26S/1 PH3 .100.30S3B2 .01 .150.W PH3 .150.100. flansa.flansa si capac fonta F .60 PH3 .001 PH3 .34 .30S1A3 .022 PH3 .01 .F PH3 – 20D1C1 – 250.003 PH3 .30D1A3 .26SM PH3 .100.01 .W PH3 .01D H14 .00D H14/4 .20S1A1 .023 H14 .60 . si ax cu canelura fara gaura filet L-garn supl-locom LDH SM-prima util-autobasc SM1-prima util-autobasc si ax fara gaura filet X-cuplaj suplimentar W-Flansa modif(inel sig) SMW. 3 COD COMANDA PH3.3-36/20D3B4/1-150.40 PH3. 20 .60/150.3-36/20S3B4/1 -150.3-001 PH3.POMPE HIDRAULICE DUBLE PH 3.60/150.3-002 COD VECHI PHS1412-00 PHD 1412-00 COD NOU PH3.40 P1/P2( bar ) 150/150 150/150 CARACTERISTICI Q1/Q2(l/min) N(rot/min) 60/40 2500 60/40 2500 Psup(bar) - OBS. m.revolving sense: right to be ordered under part no H 14/4 . * Maximum speed 2500 r.m. sau ulei tip M 20 STAS751 .HYDRAULIC POMP PH 14/4 Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Debit minim 60l/min * Presiune de lucru 100 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 130 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1700 rot.00 D .5 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14/4 .POMPA HIDRAULICA .80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800C * Sensul de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar * Volum geometric 36cm3/rot * Greutate 7. TELLUS 133. * Operating fluid: TELLUS 33.clockwise (looking from drive side) * Weight 7.80.125. HYDRAULIQUE 130. TERESSO 52 SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 DIE OIL MEDIUL * Operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature 800C * Revolving sense : anti .p.cm * Maximum pressure 130 Kp/sq.p.se comanda sub reperul H 14/4 .5 Kg To be ordered part no H 14/4 . * Minimum speed 800 r.m.00 D Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Mimimum output 60l/min * Operating pressure 100 Kp/sq.01 S Variante constructive PH 14/4 D inlocuieste pompa FS PR .sens de rotatie dreapta .min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Lichidul de lucru: ulei H 38 STAS 9691 . ETNA 26 ENERGOL HL .01 S Constructive variant It replaces the FS PR 4 pump.cm * Rated speed 1700 r.100 ENERGOL CS .p. revolving sense: right rotatie dreapta .100 ENERGOL CS . * Minimum speed 800 r.00 D-F-MA .p.cm * Rated speed 1700 r.min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Lichidul de lucru: ulei H 38 STAS 9691 .cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.sens de It replaces the FS PR 4 pump.m. PH 14/4 – F .p.p.6 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14/4-01S-F H 14/4–01S–F.MA Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Debit minim 60 l/min * Volum geometric 36 cm3/rot * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1700 rot.POMPA HIDRAULICA .HYDRAULIC POMP PH 14/4 – F. HYDRAULIQUE 130. sau ulei tip M 20 STAS751 .6 Kg To be ordered part no H 14/4 .80. ETNA 26 ENERGOL HL .m. * Maximum speed 2500 r.MA Constructive variant PH 14/4 D inlocuieste pompa FS PR .se comanda sub reperul H 14/4 .80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800C * Sensul de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar * Greutate 8.m.00 D-F to be ordered under part no H 14/4 . TELLUS 133.125.MA Variante constructive Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Mimimum output 60 l/min * Vg 36 cm3/rot * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq. TERESSO 52 SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 DIE OIL MEDIUL * Operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature 800C * Revolving sense : anti .00 D – F H 14/4 .01 S-F H 14/4–01S–F. * Operating fluid: TELLUS 33.00 D-F-MA H 14/4 .clockwise (looking from drive side) * Weight 8. * Drive pover 32.POMPA HIDRAULICA . * Minimum speed 800 r.5 kw * Operating fluid: TELLUS 33. TERESSO 52 SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 DIE OIL MEDIUL * Operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature 800C * Revolving sense : anti – clockwise (S) (looking from drive side) –clokwise (D) * Weight 9 Kg To be ordered part no H 14/5 – 00S. HYDRAULIQUE 130.HYDRAULIC POMP PH 14/5 –FMA Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Debit minim 75 l/min * Volum geometric 45 cm3/rot * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1700 rot.80.p. ETNA 26 ENERGOL HL .m.FMA H 14/5-00D-FMA .p.m.125. TELLUS 133.5 kw * Lichidul de lucru: ulei H 38 STAS 9691 .cm * Rated speed 1700 r.100 ENERGOL CS .p.min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Putere antrenare 32. sau ulei tip M 20 STAS751 . orar (D) * Greutate 9 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14/5-00S-FMA H 14/5-00D-FMA Utilizare: Autoincarcator KOMATSU Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Mimimum output 75 l/min * Vg 45 cm3/rot * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq. * Maximum speed 2500 r.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800C * Sensul de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar (S).m. ETNA 26 ENERGOL HL . TERESSO 52 SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 DIE OIL MEDIUL * Operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature 800C * Revolving sense : anti – clockwise (S) (looking from drive side) –clokwise (D) * Weight 9 Kg To be ordered part no H 14/6 – 00S. * Minimum speed 800 r.p.100 ENERGOL CS .m.m.min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Putere antrenare 32.cm * Rated speed 1700 r.125. TELLUS 133. * Drive pover 32.m.p. sau ulei tip M 20 STAS751 .80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800C * Sensul de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar (S).5 kw * Operating fluid: TELLUS 33.p.HYDRAULIC POMP PH 14/6 –FMA Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Debit minim 75 l/min * Volum geometric 45 cm3/rot * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1700 rot.80. orar (D) * Greutate 9 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14/6-00S-FMA H 14/6-00D-FMA Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Mimimum output 85 l/min * Vg 45 cm3/rot * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.FMA H 14/6-00D-FMA . HYDRAULIQUE 130. * Maximum speed 2500 r.POMPA HIDRAULICA .5 kw * Lichidul de lucru: ulei H 38 STAS 9691 . 4 Kg To be ordered part no H 14/7 – 00S-FMA Constructive variant PH 14/7 D pump.m.m. HYDRAULIQUE 130. * Maximum speed 2500 r. ETNA 26 ENERGOL HL .cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.00D – FMA .p.min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Lichidul de lucru: ulei H 38 STAS 9691 .m.POMPA HIDRAULICA .sens de rotatie dreapta .00D-FMA Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Mimimum output 60 l/min * Vg 36 cm3/rot * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.revolving sense: right to be ordered under part no H 14/7 .HYDRAULIC POMP PH 14/7– FMA Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Debit minim 60 l/min * Volum geometric 36 cm3/rot * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1700 rot. * Operating fluid: TELLUS 33.125.clockwise (looking from drive side) * Weight 9. sau ulei tip M 20 STAS751 . TERESSO 52 SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 DIE OIL MEDIUL * Operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature 800C * Revolving sense : anti .80. TELLUS 133. * Minimum speed 800 r.80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800C * Sensul de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar * Greutate 9.4 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14/7-00S-FMA Variante constructive PH 14/7D.p.cm * Rated speed 1700 r.p.se comanda sub reperul H 14/7 .100 ENERGOL CS . cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.100 ENERGOL CS . sau ulei tip M 20 STAS751 .80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800C * Sensul de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar (S). * Minimum speed 800 r. * Maximum speed 2500 r.p. orar (D) * Greutate 9 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14/8-00S-FMA H 14/8-00D-FMA Identic cu PRD3-514 S Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Mimimum output 62 l/min * Vg 38 cm3/rot * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.cm * Rated speed 1700 r.m. TELLUS 133.m.5 kw * Operating fluid: TELLUS 33. ETNA 26 ENERGOL HL .m.POMPA HIDRAULICA .125.HYDRAULIC POMP PH 14/8 –FMA Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Debit minim 62 l/min * Volum geometric 38 cm3/rot * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1700 rot.5 kw * Lichidul de lucru: ulei H 38 STAS 9691 . * Drive pover 32. HYDRAULIQUE 130.min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Putere antrenare 32.FMA H 14/8-00D-FMA . TERESSO 52 SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 DIE OIL MEDIUL * Operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature 800C * Revolving sense : anti – clockwise (S) (looking from drive side) –clokwise (D) * Weight 9 Kg To be ordered part no H 14/8 – 00S.80.p.p. ETNA 26 ENERGOL HL . * Maximum speed 2500 r. TERESSO 52 SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 DIE OIL MEDIUL * Operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature 800C * Revolving sense : anti – clockwise (S) (looking from drive side) –clokwise (D) * Weight 9 Kg To be ordered part no H 14/9 – 00S. * Minimum speed 800 r.m. orar (D) * Greutate 9 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14/9-00S-FMA H 14/9-00D-FMA Identic cu PRD3-513 S Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Mimimum output 54 l/min * Vg 32 cm3/rot * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.p.p.m.5 kw * Operating fluid: TELLUS 33. sau ulei tip M 20 STAS751 .HYDRAULIC POMP PH 14/9 –FMA Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Debit minim 54 l/min * Volum geometric 32 cm3/rot * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1700 rot.m.80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800C * Sensul de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar (S).cm * Rated speed 1700 r. * Drive pover 32.min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Putere antrenare 32.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq. TELLUS 133. HYDRAULIQUE 130.100 ENERGOL CS .FMA H 14/9-00D-FMA .5 kw * Lichidul de lucru: ulei H 38 STAS 9691 .125.80.p.POMPA HIDRAULICA . cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.80. * Minimum speed 800 r.m. TELLUS 133.POMPA HIDRAULICA .5 kw * Lichidul de lucru: ulei H 38 STAS 9691 .m.min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Putere antrenare 32. * Maximum speed 2500 r.FMA H 14/10-00D-FMA .p.HYDRAULIC POMP PH 14/10 –FMA Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Debit minim 76 l/min * Volum geometric 45 cm3/rot * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1700 rot. HYDRAULIQUE 130.m. * Drive pover 32.p. ETNA 26 ENERGOL HL .5 kw * Operating fluid: TELLUS 33.125.cm * Rated speed 1700 r. orar (D) * Greutate 9 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14/10-00S-FMA H 14/10-00D-FMA Identic cu PRD3-515 S Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Mimimum output 76 l/min * Vg 45 cm3/rot * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq. sau ulei tip M 20 STAS751 . TERESSO 52 SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 DIE OIL MEDIUL * Operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature 800C * Revolving sense : anti – clockwise (S) (looking from drive side) –clokwise (D) * Weight 9 Kg To be ordered part no H 14/10 – 00S.p.100 ENERGOL CS .80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800C * Sensul de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar (S). revolving sense : right .01 26 SM It is user for weighing mashines.00 26 S ( Without drive gear ) Constructive variant H 12 .00 26 Inlocuieste pompa FS PR 1.01 26 SL It is used as transfer pump for LDH locomotive H 12 . revolving sense : left H 12 .m.01 26 SM Se utilizeaza pe autobasculanta sens de rotatie : dreapta Characteristics * Minimum output 34 l/min.POMPA HIDRAULICA .m.01 26 Cu roata de antrenare 26 12 123 1 sens de rotatie: stanga H 12 .20 W DTE OIL MEDIUM : ENERGOL CS 125. revolving sense : left H 12 .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/26 Caracteristici * Debit minim 34 l/min. sens de rotatie stanga H 12 .p.p. * Operating pressure 100 Kp/sq. TRACTOR UNIVERSAL OIL S * Operating temperature 500 C (optimum) * Maximum permissible temperature 800 C * Revolving sense: anti .01 26 SL Se utilizeaza ca pompa de transfer la locomotiva LDH H 12 . * Maximum speed 2500 r. * Operating fluid : SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 SHELL 100 .00 26 It replaces the FS PR 1pump.p. sau ulei M 20 STAS 751 .01 26 With carrying wheel 26 12 123 1.00 26 S ( fara roata de antrenare ) Variante constructive H 12 .80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500 C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800 C * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar * Volum geometric 30 cm3/rot * Greutate 7 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12 .cm * Rated speed 1300 r. MOBILUBE GEAR OIL GP 80.87. * Presiune de lucru 100 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 130 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1300rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Lichid de lucru : ulei T 7 EP 1 STAS 10667 .clockwise (looking from drive side) * Weight 7 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12 . * Minimum speed 800 r.cm * Maximum pressure 130 Kp/sq.m. 80 * Temperatura de lucru normala 500 C * Temperatura maxima admisa 800 C * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre partea antrenarii: antiorar * Greutate 8.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.00 26 S-F ( Without drive gear ) Constructive variant H 12 .m. revolving sense : left H 12 .87. TRACTOR UNIVERSAL OIL S * Operating temperature 500 C (optimum) * Maximum permissible temperature 800 C * Revolving sense: anti .01 26 SL-F It is used as transfer pump for LDH locomotive H 12 .m.cm * Rated speed 1300 r.00 26-F It replaces the FS PR 1pump.p.01 26 SL-F Se utilizeaza ca pompa de transfer la locomotiva LDH H 12 . * Vg = 30 cm3/ rot * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.3 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12 . revolving sense : right .p. revolving sense : left H 12 .3 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12 .p. sens de rotatie stanga H 12 .01 26 SM-F Se utilizeaza pe autobasculanta sens de rotatie : dreapta Characteristics * Minimum output 34 l/min.01 26-F Cu roata de antrenare 26 12 123 1 sens de rotatie: stanga H 12 .01 26 SM-F It is user for weighing mashines.00 26 S-F ( fara roata de antrenare ) Variante constructive H 12 .01 26-F With carrying wheel 26 12 123 1. * Minimum speed 800 r.clockwise (looking from drive side) * Weight 8. MOBILUBE GEAR OIL GP 80. * Maximum speed 2500 r.POMPA HIDRAULICA . * Volum geometric 30 cm3/rot * Presiune de lucru 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Turatie nominala 1300rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Lichid de lucru : ulei T 7 EP 1 STAS 10667 .20 W DTE OIL MEDIUM : ENERGOL CS 125. sau ulei M 20 STAS 751 .00 26-F Inlocuieste pompa FS PR 1.m.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/26 F Caracteristici * Debit minim 34 l/min. * Operating fluid : SHELL VITREA 31/33/37 SHELL 100 . 40 cSt at 500C and 7. * Maximum operating pressure 175 Kp/sq. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 36 .00 S Revolving sense.40 cSt la 500C si 7.cm * Output at operating pressure 40 l/min * Drive pover 15. corodarii si formarii spumei. anti .5 Kw * Revolving sense.5 Kw * Sensul de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii .00 S Sensul de rotire.4 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum oil temperature 800C * Weight 5.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12 Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Presiunea maxima de lucru 175 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 40 l/min * Volum geometric 20 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 15.1 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12 .00 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12 .p.corrosive additive Oil viscosity must be between 36 .foaming. looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti . looking from drive side: anti .m.oxidating and anti .POMPA HIDRAULICA . privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.1 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12 .00 Conctructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12 .clockwise .4 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 5. 4 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 7. * Maximum operating pressure 300 Kp/sq.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12 .40 cSt la 500C si 7.clockwise .cm * Nominal pressure 250 Kp/sq. anti . looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .foaming. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 36 .00 S.5 Kw * Revolving sense.F Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Presiunea maxima de lucru 300 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea nominala 250 kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 40 l/min * Volum geometric 20 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 15.F Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12 .9 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12 – 00.4 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum oil temperature 800C * Weight 7.F Sensul de rotire.corrosive additive Oil viscosity must be between 36 .F Conctructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12 .9 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12 – 00.cm * Output at operating pressure 40 l/min * Drive pover 15.p.5 Kw * Sensul de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii .oxidating and anti .00 S.POMPA HIDRAULICA . looking from drive side: anti .F Revolving sense.40 cSt at 500C and 7. privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.m. corodarii si formarii spumei. Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/2 F Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 140 l/min * Volum geometric 70 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.00 S-F Revolving sense.p. anti .5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.00 D-F Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12/2 . * Minimum speed 800 r. looking from drive side: anti – clockwise .p.00 D-F Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12/2 .45 cSt at 500C and 6.218 Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti . * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 9 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12/2 .oxidating and anti . Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .corrosive additive.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.00 S-F Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Utilizare: Echivalent cu PRD .cm * Output: 140 l/min * Drive pover 21.m.5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 9 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12/2 .POMPA HIDRAULICA .p.foaming.m.m.45 cSt la 500C si de 6.corodarii si formarii spumei. * Maximum speed 2500 r. 45 cSt la 500C si de 6. anti .m.corodarii si formarii spumei.corrosive additive.p. Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .m.m.POMPA HIDRAULICA .5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .00 S-F Revolving sense.oxidating and anti .cm * Output: 60 l/min * Drive pover 21.p.45 cSt at 500C and 6. * Maximum speed 2500 r. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .00 D-F Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12/3 . looking from drive side: anti – clockwise .5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 8. * Minimum speed 800 r. * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.p.00 D-F Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12/3 .foaming.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/3 F Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 60 l/min * Volum geometric 30 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.2 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12/3 .5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 8.2 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12/3 .00 S-F Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Utilizare: TRACTOR LANDINII Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r. 6 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12/4 .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/4 F Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 72 l/min * Volum geometric 36 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.00 S-F Revolving sense.foaming.m. anti .00 D-F Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12/4 .corodarii si formarii spumei.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq. looking from drive side: anti .6 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12/4 . * Minimum speed 800 r.oxidating and anti .clockwise . Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .p.5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti . Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .00 D-F Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12/4 . * Maximum speed 2500 r.corrosive additive.45 cSt at 500C and 6.00 S-F Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.45 cSt la 500C si de 6.5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 8.cm * Output: 72 l/min * Drive pover 21.m.5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 8.POMPA HIDRAULICA .5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.p. * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.m.p. * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.00 S-F1 Revolving sense.m.cm * Output: 72 l/min * Drive pover 21.p.5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 8.00 S-F1 Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.m. Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .p.foaming.clockwise .5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.corodarii si formarii spumei.p.00 DF1 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12/4 . Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/4 F1 Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 72 l/min * Volum geometric 36 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.45 cSt la 500C si de 6. * Minimum speed 800 r.corrosive additive.6 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12/4 .5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 8.00 D-F1 Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12/4 .5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .oxidating and anti . looking from drive side: anti .m.45 cSt at 500C and 6.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq. anti . * Maximum speed 2500 r.6 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12/4 .POMPA HIDRAULICA . cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.corrosive additive.m.p.POMPA HIDRAULICA .00 D-F Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12/5 .00 D-F Identic cu PRD 3-214D Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12/5 .p. anti .cm * Output: 76 l/min * Drive pover 21. looking from drive side: anti .45 cSt la 500C si de 6. * Minimum speed 800 r.00 S-F Revolving sense.m.5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 8.corodarii si formarii spumei.m.8 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12/5 . * Maximum speed 2500 r.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/5 F Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 76 l/min * Volum geometric 38 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.00 S-F Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Identic cu PRD 3-214S Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.p.oxidating and anti .5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .clockwise .45 cSt at 500C and 6. * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq. Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .foaming.8 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12/5 .5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 8. 5 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12/6 .clockwise .m.p.45 cSt at 500C and 6.cm * Output: 90 l/min * Drive pover 21.foaming. anti .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/6 F Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 90 l/min * Volum geometric 45 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.oxidating and anti .00 D-F Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12/6 .5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 9. * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.m.5 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12/6 .p.m.corodarii si formarii spumei.00 D-F Identic cu PRD 3-215D Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12/6 . Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 9.POMPA HIDRAULICA .p.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 . * Minimum speed 800 r.00 S-F Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Identic cu PRD 3-215S Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.45 cSt la 500C si de 6.00 S-F Revolving sense.corrosive additive. looking from drive side: anti . * Maximum speed 2500 r. foaming.45 cSt la 500C si de 6.p.00 D-FG Identic cu PRD 3-214D •”-1” Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12/5 . Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .m. looking from drive side: anti .5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.clockwise .00 D-FG Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12/5 .8 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12/5 . anti .8 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12/5 . * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.cm * Output: 76 l/min * Drive pover 21.POMPA HIDRAULICA .00 S-FG Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Identic cu PRD 3-214S •”-1” Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.m.oxidating and anti .5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 8.00 S-FG Revolving sense.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/5 FG Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 76 l/min * Volum geometric 38 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.corrosive additive.p.p. * Minimum speed 800 r.5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 8.corodarii si formarii spumei. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .45 cSt at 500C and 6. * Maximum speed 2500 r.m.5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti . 45 cSt at 500C and 6.foaming.5 Kg To be ordered under part no H 12/6 .5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .POMPA HIDRAULICA .5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 9.5 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 12/6 . anti .5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 9.00 D-FG Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 12/6 . * Maximum speed 2500 r.p.m.00 S-FG Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Identic cu PRD 3-215S •”-1” Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.p.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.corrosive additive.m. looking from drive side: anti .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 12/6 FG Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 90 l/min * Volum geometric 45 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.45 cSt la 500C si de 6.corodarii si formarii spumei.cm * Output: 90 l/min * Drive pover 21. * Minimum speed 800 r.m.oxidating and anti .5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 . Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .p.00 S-FG Revolving sense.clockwise .00 D-FG Identic cu PRD 3-215D •”-1” Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 12/6 . * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq. 5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.m.POMPA HIDRAULICA .cm * Output: 60 l/min * Drive pover 21.m.1 Kg To be ordered under part no H 14 .p.p.clockwise .m. looking from drive side: anti .01 D Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 14 . * Minimum speed 800 r.5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 7. anti .5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 7. Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .01 D Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 14 .45 cSt la 500C si de 6.corrosive additive.01 S Revolving sense.oxidating and anti .45 cSt at 500C and 6. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 14 Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 150 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 175 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 60 l/min * Volum geometric 30 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21. * Maximum speed 2500 r.p.corodarii si formarii spumei.cm * Maximum pressure 175 Kp/sq.5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .1 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14 .01 S Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r. * Operating pressure 150 Kp/sq.foaming. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 8.01 S-F Revolving sense.01 S-F Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.corodarii si formarii spumei. looking from drive side: anti .5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 8. * Maximum speed 2500 r. * Minimum speed 800 r.2 Kg To be ordered under part no H 14 .p.oxidating and anti .p.2 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14 .clockwise .cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.m.45 cSt la 500C si de 6.5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .corrosive additive.m.foaming.45 cSt at 500C and 6.cm * Output: 60 l/min * Drive pover 21.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 14 F Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 60 l/min * Volum geometric 30 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.p. Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .POMPA HIDRAULICA .01 D-F Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 14 .m. * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.01 D-F Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 14 . anti . p.01 S-MF Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.8 Kg Se comanda sub reperul H 14 .45 cSt la 500C si de 6.5 Kw * Sens de rotatie privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii.POMPA HIDRAULICA . * Operating pressure 250 Kp/sq.foaming.cm * Maximum pressure 300 Kp/sq.corrosive additive. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 29 .oxidating and anti .01 D-MF Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul H 14 . Oil viscosity must be beetwen 29 .m.corodarii si formarii spumei. anti .01 S-MF Revolving sense.5 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum permissible temperature of the oil 800C * Weight 9.8 Kg To be ordered under part no H 14 . * Minimum speed 800 r.5 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .5 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 9.clockwise .45 cSt at 500C and 6.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 14 MF Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2500 rot/min * Turatie minima 800 rot/min * Presiune nominala 250 Kgf/cm2 * Presiune maxima 300 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 230 l/min * Volum geometric 108 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 21.01 D-MF Constructive variant To be ordered under part no H 14 .m.m.p.cm * Output: 230 l/min * Drive pover 21. looking from drive side: anti . * Maximum speed 2500 r.p. POMPA HIDRAULICA .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 8 . HYDRAULIC PUMP PH . * Revolving sense looking from drive side: clockwise * Weight 7 Kg Hydraulic sistem section * Debit minim 40 l/min * Presiunea de lucru 120 Kgf/cm2 * Minimum output 40 l/min * Operating pressure 120 Kp/sq. TRACTOR UNIVERSAL OIL. To be ordered under part no H 8 .1 Cu roata de antrenare.pentru sectiunea instalatiei hidraulice 13 mm .D+E OIL MEDIUM ENERGOL.80. * Delivery oil temperature: . gear.01 ( with coupling drive and shaft tapend head 1:5 ) Constructive variant H 8 .01 M Without drive gear H 8 .cm * Presiunea maxima de scurta durata 150 Kgf/cm2 * Maximum pressure is limited by the * Presiunea maxima este limitata de supapa de siguranta montata in corpul distribuitorului hidraulic. fixata pe arbore cilindric H 8 -01 M Fara roata de antrenare H 8 .la verificarea debitului 50o C .for output check 50o C . pinion de antrenare.80 * Temperatura uleiului de refulare .cm * Maximum pressure for a short period 80 Kp/sq.POMPA HIDRAULICA . Pover steering section * Minimum output 10 l/m * Operating pressure 50 Kp/sq.01 Fc Cu capac de fonta. 31/33/37 sau ulei 775 EP 1 STAS 10667 . * Diametrul orificiului de admisie 34 mm * diametrul orificiului de refulare: . iar refularea separata.maxima de regim 80o C * Turatia nominala 2200 rot/min * Sensul de rotatie privit din partea antrenarii: orar * Greutatea 7 Kg Sectiunea instalatiei hidraulice Characteristics * Number of sections 2 * Common admission for both sections and separate delivery * Intel part diameter 34 mm * Delivery part diameter : . * Volum geometric 20 cm3/rot Sectiunea servo .pentru sectiunea servo-directiei hidraulice 10 mm * Lichidul de lucru ulei: M20 STAS 751 .1With drive gear fitted on cylindrical shaft H 8 .01 Fc With cast iron cap.directiei hidraulice * Debit minim 10l/min * Presiunea de lucru 50 kgf/cm2 * Volum geometric 10 cm3/rot * Presiunea maxima de scurta durata 80 Kgf/cm2 * Este prevazuta cu supapa pentru mentinerea constanta a debitului la variatia turatiei Se comanda sub reperul H 8 .cm * A valve keeps output at a constant value during the speed variation.8 Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 2 * Admisia este comuna pentru ambele sectiuni.p.for hydraulic system section 13 mm .01 .01 ( antrenare prin cuplaj cu arbore conic 1: 5) Variante constructive H 8 . conicity 1:5 .m. MOBILUBE C80 GEAR OIL GP 80.01 .conicitate 1:5 pressure relief valve incorporated in control valve body. CS 125.for pover steering section 10 mm * Operating fluid SHELL VITREA SHELL 100 W.maximum value during operation 80o C * Rated speed 2200 r. POMPA HIDRAULICA - HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 13 Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatia nominala 2200 rot/min * Presiunea maxima de lucru 100 Kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 20 l/min * Volum geometric 10 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 7 Kw * Sensul de rotire privind dinspre antrenare: antiorar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii, corodarii si formarii spumei. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 36-40 cSt la 50o C si de 7,4 cSt la 100o C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 50o C * Temperatura maxima a uleiului 80o C * Masa 2,3 Kg * Diametrul orificiului de admisie Diametrul orificiului de refulare Se comanda sub reperul H 13 - 00 Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.p.m. * Maximum operating pressure100 Kp/sq.cm * Output at operating presure 20 l/min * Drive pover 7 Kw * Revolving sense looking from drive side: anti-clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti- foaming, anti-oxidating and anti-corrosive additive. Oil viscosity must be between 36-40 cSt at 50o C and 7,4 cSt at 100o C * Oil operating temperature 50o C * Maximum oil temperature 80o C * Weight 2,3 Kg Inlet part diameter * Delivery part diameter To be ordered under part no H 13 - 00 POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 - 00 D/... HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113 - 00D/... Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. 2. 3. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 ; 1:8 (conf comenzii) canelura B 17 x 14 DIN 5482 Constructive type Fixing mode Driving Geared pump with flanges and screws 4. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 ... + 60 0 -15 0 ... + 60 0 5. 6. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 85 dB 10. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. 12. P nom. P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7. 8. 9. Reper/Item 150 mm Hg 500 - 800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar max. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 - 800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar PH 113 -00D/1 11 Putere de antrenare/ Driving power max. 6 kw PH 113 -00D/1-MA 11 16 max. 6 kw max. 6 kw orar orar 98,8 107,8 50,4 54,4 36,45 36,45 B 17 x 14 con 1 : 8 PH 113 -00D/3 16 19 max. 6 kw max. 6 kw orar orar 107,8 112,8 54,4 56,9 36,45 36,45 B 17 x 14 con 1 : 8 PH 113 -00D/4 22 max. 6 kw orar 118,8 59,9 36,45 con 1 : 8 PH 113 -00D/5 10 max. 6 kw orar 97,8 49,4 36,45 con 1 : 8 PH 113 -00D/2 PH 113 -00D/2-MA Debit/Output q cm3/rot cone 1:5 ; 1:8 (in accordance with the order) Slot B 17 x 14 DIN 5482 Sens/ Revolving sense orar X Y D Antrenare Driving 98,8 50,4 36,45 con 1 : 8 Echivalenta/ Equivalence POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 - 00 D/... HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00 D /… Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. 2. 3. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 ; 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Driving 4. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 ... + 60 0 5. 6. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 85 dB 10. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. 12. P nom. P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7. 8. 9. Reper/Item PH 113 -00D/14 PH 113- 00S/14 PH 113 -00D/20 PH 113- 00S/20 PH 113 -00D/21 PH 113- 00S/21 PH 113 -00D/21MA PH 113- 00S/21 MA 150 mm Hg 500 - 800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 ; 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 ... + 60 0 max. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 - 800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare X Y 16 max. 6 kw Con 1 : 5 109 50,5 11 max. 6 kw Con 1 : 5 103 47,5 22 max. 6 kw Con 1 : 5 122 57 22 max. 6 kw orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar B 17 x 14 122 57 Echivalenta/ Equivalence 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Driving 4.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 .4 16 max. 6 kw Con 1 : 5 107.5 11 max.4 0 510 525 022 0 510 525 315 . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max.8 54. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7.8 54. 85 dB 10. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.00S/18 PH 113 -00D/18M PH 113. 6 kw B17 x 14 103 55 16 max.5 max 6 kw Con 1 : 5 94 44 0 510 325 006 11 max. 6 kw Con 1 : 5 103 48. + 60 0 5. 8.. Reper/Item PH 05-00D-B PH 113 -00D/18 PH 113. 12.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare X Y Echivalenta/ Equivalence 5. HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00 D /… Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. 3.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 ..00S/7 PH 113 -00D/7 MA PH 113.. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. 9.. P nom. 2.00S/18M PH 113 -00D/7 PH 113. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 6 kw orar orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar B 17x14 107.. 6.00 D/. + 60 0 max. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 ..00S/7MA 150 mm Hg 500 . . 6 kw B17x14 98. 85 dB 10.8 50.00 D/. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7.9 PRD2-216D PRD2-216S PRD2-217D PRD2-217S PRD2-218D PRD2-218S .8 56.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 . Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 6 kw Con 1 : 8 112. 6 kw orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar Con 1 : 8 118. 8. P nom..800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Outp ut q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare X Y Echivalenta/ Equivalence PH 113 -00D/6 PH 113. 6 kw Con 1 : 8 98.8 50. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11..8 59. 12.. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 .9 PH 113 -00D/17 PH 113 -00S/17 22 max. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 2.4 16 max.8 56. Reper/Item 150 mm Hg 500 . P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 .00S/6 PH 113 -00D/6MA PH 113. 3. 6 kw Con 1 : 8 107. + 60 0 5. 6 kw B17x14 112. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Driving 4.8 54. 6. + 60 0 max. 9.4 19 max..9 19 max..4 PRD2-214D PRD2-214S 11 max.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 . HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00 D /… Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1.00S/6MA PH 113 -00D/15 PH 113 -00S/15 PH 113 -00D/16 PH 113 -00S/16 PH 113 -00D/16MA PH 113 -00S/16MA 11 max. + 60 0 max. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare Constructive type Fixing mode 3... 85 dB 150 mm Hg 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 ..POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 .. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . Antrenare con 1:5 . 2. Temperatura mediu ambiant Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: n min: n max: 9. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] presiunea de dascarcare a supapei/Discharge pressure of the relief valve X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pd (bar) 63 80 100 125 160 180 200 220 Identic cu PRD 2-224 DX . + 60 0 Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting 7. max. -15 0 . 6. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 5.00 D/6X HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00D/6X Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Driving 4. 85 dB 150 mm Hg min. 8. 6. 4. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare Temperatura mediu ambiant pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare caneluri 4 x 11 x 15 -15 0 ..POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 . 10. 7. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure Geared pump with flanges and screws Fluting grooves 4x11x15 -15 0 .. 85 dB 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 8. + 60 0 5.. P nom: P max: 250 [bar] 300 [bar] Constructive type Fixing mode Driving Temperature of the environment level of the noise min. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 9. + 60 0 max..00 SC HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00SC Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. 85 dB 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 {rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar . Nivel zgomot: n min: n max: max. 3. 2. 9.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar X 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 P (bar) 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Identic cu PRD 2-221 SX .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 . Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. + 60 0 max. 6. Temperatura mediu ambiant 5. 8. 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 7... 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.. 11 . + 60 0 Constructive type Fixing mode Driving P nom. 10 . driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure 150 mm Hg 500 . 12 . 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 3. pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 ..POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 04-00 S /X HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 04-00 S /X Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare 4. 2. 1:8 (conf comenzii) -15 0 . 00S HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 04 .213D PRD2 . 3..212D PRD2 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 . 9.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 04 .212S PRD2 . 6 kw max.6 94. + 60 0 5. Reper/Item PH PH PH PH PH PH 04 -00D 04 -00S 05 -00D 05 -00S 08 -00D 08 -00S 150 mm Hg 500 .6 97.8 42. 12.211S PRD2 . 6 kw max. 6 kw max. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. 85 dB 10. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .5 8 8 max. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Driving 4. 6 kw orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 91.. P nom.8 PRD2 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare X Y Echivalenta/ Equivalence 4 4 5. 8.211D PRD2 .6 97.5 5.8 45. + 60 0 max.8 44.3 44. 6 kw max.6 42.3 45. 6.6 94.. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7. 6 kw max. P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.6 91. 2..213S .00S Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 5 45 45 45 45 50 50 54 54 15 15 15 15 15 15 19 19 PH 113-00D/27 MA 26 max. 1:8 (conf comenzii) -15 0 .POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113-00D/8.. 8. 6 kw max.. 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. + 60 0 max.5 107. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure Reper/Item 150 mm Hg 500 .5 103.5 107. 2. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare 4. 6. 6 kw max. pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .. + 60 0 Constructive type Fixing mode Driving P nom. /9 Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1.. 6 kw max. 9. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . Temperatura mediu ambiant 5. 3. 6 kw orar B 17 x 14 124 62 19 PH PH PH PH PH PH PH PH Echivalenta/ Equivalence 0510625039 0510625327 (Lamborghini) .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare X Y Z 113 -00D/8 113 -00S/8 113 -00D/8MA 113 -00S/8MA 113 -00D/9 113 -00S/9 113 -00D/9-MA 113 -00S/9-MA 11 11 11 11 16 16 16 16 max. 6 kw max. 10 . 6 kw max. 6 kw orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 B 17x14 B 17x14 Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 B 17 x 14 B 17 x 14 95 95 95 95 103. 6 kw max. 12 . 11 . 6 kw max. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . /9 HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00D/8. 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 7. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 .8 50.4 50.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 .00 D/10 .4 54. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . 6 kw orar antiorar orar antiorar Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 98. + 60 0 5. 6 kw max.4 54. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 .4 Echivalenta/ Equivalence . Reper/Item PH PH PH PH 113 -00D/10 113 -00S/10 113 -00D/11 113 -00S/11 150 mm Hg 500 . 6.. 2. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7. 8. /11 HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00 D /10 .8 107. 3. P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 9.8 98. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Driving 4.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 .. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare X Y 11 11 16 16 max. 6 kw max. 85 dB 10. + 60 0 max. 12.. P nom. /11 Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1.8 107. 6 kw max.. Reper/Item PH 113 -00D/12 PH 113 -00S/12 150 mm Hg 500 . 2.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 . 3. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7.8 54. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 85 dB 10. 6 kw orar antiorar Con 1 : 8 Con 1 : 8 107.8 107. + 60 0 5. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . P nom. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Driving 4. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 ... + 60 0 max.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare X Y 16 16 max. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 ..800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 . 9.4 Echivalenta/ Equivalence . 8.00 D/12 HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00 D /12 Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 6 kw max. 12. 6..4 54. P nom. Temperatura uleiului: n min: 500 . n max: 3000 [rot/min] 10.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare X Y 16 16 max. 6. P max: Reper/Item PH 113 -00D/13 PH 113 -00S/13 pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 . Temperatura mediu ambiant 5. B17 x 14 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 .. 1:8 (conf comenzii) B17 x 14 DIN 5482 -15 0 .5 111. + 60 0 max. 6 kw orar antiorar B 17 x 14 B 17 x 14 111..5 53 53 Echivalenta/ Equivalence . driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 . + 60 0 150 mm Hg 250 bar 300 bar Constructive type Fixing mode Driving Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 3. n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare 4. 8. 2.. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: max. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 ..800 C 800 [rot/min] 9. 1:8. 6 kw max. 85 dB 7. 12.00 S/13 HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00 S /13 Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. 2. 8. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max.. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . + 60 0 -15 0 . 6. 1:8 (conf comenzii) canelura B 17 x 14 DIN 5482 Constructive type Fixing mode Driving Geared pump with flanges and screws 4. 6 kw orar antiorar B 17 x 14 B 17 x 14 cone 1:5 . n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . 9.. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. + 60 0 5. 6 kw max. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) Slot B 17 x 14 DIN 5482 max.00 S/19-MA HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00 S /19-MA Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1..800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Echivalenta/ Equivalence . P nom. Reper/Item PH 113 -00D/19-MA PH 113 -00S/19-MA 150 mm Hg 500 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare 16 16 max.. 85 dB 10. 3.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 . 12. 2. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . 6. 6 kw max.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 113 . n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 11. P max: Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 1:8 (conf comenzii) canelura B 17 x 14 DIN 5482 Constructive type Fixing mode Driving Geared pump with flanges and screws 4.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Reper/Item PH 113 -00D/23-XY PH 113 -00S/23-XY Debit/Output q cm3/rot Putere de antrenare/ Driving power Sens/ Revolving sense Antrenare 14 14 max. 12. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure 7. + 60 0 5.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Regulator q (l/min) p (bar) 10 10 90 90 . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) Slot B 17 x 14 DIN 5482 max. 8. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 6 kw orar antiorar con 1:5 con 1:5 Utilizare: inlocuieste pompa servodirectie troleibuze cone 1:5 . 9..00 S/23-XY HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 113-00 S /23-XY Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1.. 150 mm Hg 500 . 85 dB 10. + 60 0 -15 0 .. P nom.. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 3. ) 6 Max.reper: PHEF 07-00S este similar cu produsele reper: 1P2-113 A fabricat de HEMA HIDROLIC TURCIA A6XF fabricat de INDUSTRIAL TECHNIC S.5 + Produsul HIDROJET S.5 Valve press p (bar) 100 .POMPA HIDRAULICA ASAMBLATA PHEF 07-00S HYDRAULIC PUMP PHEF 07-00S Reper original 897147 M94 Caracteristici tehnice Displacement cm3/devir(rev. .370.-BULGARIA 3115.a.C. press p (bar) 210 n = 1500(rev/min) Q-Flow (l/min) 8.93/1 (897147 M94) fabricat in SERBIA Utilizarea finala – Tractor MF 285 . 2 72 - = 156 7. looking from drive side: anti – clockwise 0 C . + 60 0 P nom. 6.5 +.3 23.1 pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare B 17x14 DIN 5482 -15 0 . +0.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] max.2 34. = 55.06 120 100 +.. Antrenare Temperatura mediu ambiant 5..1. 11 .0. 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] 10 .10-00S-Z Revolving sense. 2. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 .5 +. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3.f 1 6. Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max.1 f 80 -0. 12 .5 -0.00 D-Z -0.5 204 Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1.5 = = 90 +1.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) Tr.27Caneluri DIN 5482 B 17 x 14 POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 22.11 min 12. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure 150 mm Hg 500 . 250 bar Driving Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.10 .106 14 7. + 60 0 Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws B 17x14 DIN 5482 -15 0 .. 9.2 2 f 9 -+0. 4.0.10-00S-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar t Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 22.10 .00 D-Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 22.. II dreapta 10 2200 250 80 0 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 22. I dreapta 22 2200 250 80 0 Tr. 8. Z Caracteristici tehnice: 1. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure 150 mm Hg 500 . 12 . 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom. 6.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) Tr. 8. 2. + 60 0 cone 1:5 . Antrenare 4.. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . looking from drive side: anti – clockwis Echivalent cu PRD 22-3184S 0 C .Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 22. 9..POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 22.. 5.11 -00 D . I dreapta 22 2200 250 80 0 Tr. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 7.11-00S-Z Revolving sense. 10 . 11 .11 -00 D .11-00S-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar t Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 22. II dreapta 11 2200 250 80 0 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 22. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] max. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max.. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 5..POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 16. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure 150 mm Hg 500 . Antrenare 4. 2. 8. + 60 0 cone 1:5 . 6. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .Z Caracteristici tehnice: 1. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . 7.11-00S-Z max. 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 9. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. I dreapta 16 2200 250 Tr.. II dreapta 11 2200 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH16. looking from drive side: anti – clockwis Echivalent cu PRD 22-1164 D .Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 16. 12 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) Tr..11-00S-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Revolving sense.. 10 . 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 11 .11 -00 D .11 -00 D .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 16. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 6.ZM HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 22. 11 .11 -00 S .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] max.11-00D-ZM Revolving sense. I dreapta 22 2200 250 80 0 Tr.. + 60 0 cone 1:5 .11-00D-ZM Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar t 0 Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 22. 5. 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom. 9. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 8.ZM Caracteristici tehnice: 1. Antrenare 4.11 -00 S . 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 12 .. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure 150 mm Hg 500 . 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 10 . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3.. II dreapta 11 2200 250 80 0 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 22. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .. looking from drive side: anti – clockwis C . 7.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 22. 2.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) Tr. 05 -00 S . 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. 6. Antrenare 4. 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) dreapta dreapta 16 5 2200 2200 250 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 16.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 16..05-00D-ZM Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar max. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . + 60 0 cone 1:5 . 10 . 11 .. Technical characteristics pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 9..05-00D-ZM Revolving sense. looking from drive side: anti – clockwis C . II 150 mm Hg 500 .ZM HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 16.ZM Caracteristici tehnice: 1. I Tr. 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom..800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar t 0 80 0 80 0 Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 16. 7. 12 . 8. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure Tr.05 -00 S . 5. 2. 662 3. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 7.POMPA HIDRAULICA PHS 031-C1S1/X-Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PHS 031-C1S1/X-Z 204 137 87..7 40.8 27. canalului) f36..7 f8.5 63.5 12 +0. + 60 0 Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.6 15. 6. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3..5 aspiratie M 6 (6 gauri) f 15 f 20 112 f15 15. + 60 0 max. n nom: 11.5 50 35. 12. 8. P nom.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving cone 1:5 .5 refulare 32. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure max.03 11.45 + 0.8 M12x1.5 f17 conic 1:8 35.1 0 19 71. 9. 10.2 - R8 pe ambele parti Caracteristici tehnice: 1. II dreapta 4 2200 300 X (bar) 10 63 20 80 40 125 . 2.25 f16.2 Lat. Antrenare 4.. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . P max: Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .1+ 0.15 f 30.5 (4 gauri) 4. I dreapta 11 2200 300 250 Tr. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 1:8 (conf comenzii) -15 0 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P max (bar) P nom (bar) Tr. Temperatura mediu ambiant Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: 5. 9. 1:8 (conf comenzii) -15 0 . PRD 22-2144S . looking from drive side: anti – clockwis Echivalent PRD 22-2144D. 8. + 60 0 max. II dreapta 11 2200 300 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 11. 12.11-00S-Z Revolving sense. 6.. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 .11-00 D-Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 11. Antrenare 4.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P max (bar) P nom (bar) Tr.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving cone 1:5 . 7.. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. P nom.. P max: Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . n nom: 11.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 11. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure max.11-00 D-Z Caracteristici tehnice: 1. 10. I dreapta 11 2200 300 250 Tr.11-00S-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 11.. Temperatura mediu ambiant Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: 5. + 60 0 Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 2. . 2. n nom: 11.. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure max. Temperatura mediu ambiant Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: 5. 1:8 (conf comenzii) -15 0 .16-00S-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 16. 8. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving cone 1:5 . PRD 22-2166 .16-00 D-Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 16. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. P max: Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . + 60 0 Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. Antrenare 4. + 60 0 max.. 9. 7.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P max (bar) P nom (bar) Tr. 12. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . P nom.16-00 D-Z Caracteristici tehnice: 1.. I dreapta 16 2200 300 250 Tr. looking from drive side: anti – clockwis Echivalent PRD 22-2166D.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 16. II dreapta 16 2200 300 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 16. 10. 6.16-00S-Z Revolving sense. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens g (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P max (bar) P nom (bar) Tr. Antrenare 4. PRD 22-2163S . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 .POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 16. 2.. + 60 0 max.. II dreapta 8 2200 300 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 16. P nom. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure max.08-00 D-Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 16. + 60 0 Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. P max: Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . 10. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 1:8 (conf comenzii) -15 0 . 9.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving cone 1:5 . looking from drive side: anti – clockwis Echivalent PRD 22-2163D. n nom: 11... Temperatura mediu ambiant Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: 5. 12.08-00S-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 16. 8. 6. I dreapta 16 2200 300 250 Tr.08-00S-Z Revolving sense. 7. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3.08-00 D-Z Caracteristici tehnice: 1. 6. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . PRD 22-2177S . 8. + 60 0 max. II dreapta 19 2200 300 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 19. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure Maximum pressure max.19-00S-Z Revolving sense. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3.19-00 D-Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 19. P max: Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . Antrenare 4.19-00 D-Z Caracteristici tehnice: 1. looking from drive side: anti – clockwis Echivalent PRD 22-2177D.800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens g (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P max (bar) P nom (bar) Tr... 7.. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving cone 1:5 . Temperatura mediu ambiant Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: 5. 2. I dreapta 19 2200 300 250 Tr. n nom: 11. 9. 1:8 (conf comenzii) -15 0 . 12. + 60 0 Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min..POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 19. P nom. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 .19-00S-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 19. 10. 800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar t 0 80 0 80 0 Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 11. Antrenare 4.. 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . II 150 mm Hg 500 .04-00D . 9.. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . looking from drive side: anti – clockwis C . I Tr.04-00D-ZB Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar max.04-00D . driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure Tr. 6. 7.ZB Caracteristici tehnice: 1. 11 . 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . 8. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 2.ZB HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 11. 10 . 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.04-00D-ZD Revolving sense..800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) dreapta dreapta 11 04 2200 2200 250 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 11. 12 .POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 11. + 60 0 cone 1:5 .. 5. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 7. 8.11-00D . 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.11-00D-ZBDA Revolving sense. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure 150 mm Hg 500 . 11 . looking from drive side: anti – clockwis .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] 2200 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) Tr. 6.ZBDA (ASPIRATIE DUBLA) Caracteristici tehnice: 1. 2..POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 16. 12 . 9. 85 dB n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom.11-00D – ZBDA HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 16. 5. + 60 0 cone 1:5 .. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . I dreapta 16 2200 250 80 0 Tr. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 3000 [rot/min] max.. 10 . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3.11-00D-ZBDA Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar t 0 C Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 16. II dreapta 11 2200 250 80 0 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 16. Antrenare 4.. 85 dB n nom: 1700 [rot/min] P nom. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .11-00S-FZ Revolving sense. 9.11-00D-FZ Caracteristici tehnice: 1. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 5.. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 8. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . looking from drive side: anti .11-00S-FZ Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar t 0 Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 30. 2. II dreapta 11 1700 250 80 0 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 30. 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 11 . I dreapta 30 1700 250 80 0 Tr.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 30..clockwis C . + 60 0 cone 1:5 .POMPA HIDRAULICA ..800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] max. 6.. Antrenare 4. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 7. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure 150 mm Hg 500 . 10 . 12 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] 1700 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) Tr. 2. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max.POMPA HIDRAULICA . II 150 mm Hg 500 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] 1700 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 30. 9. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure Tr. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 ... Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 30. 8. 6. I Tr. 85 dB n nom: 1700 [rot/min] P nom.800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) dreapta dreapta 30 16 1700 1700 250 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 30. + 60 0 cone 1:5 .11-00S-FZ-MA Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar max. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . Antrenare 4. 12 .11-00S-FZ-MA Revolving sense. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 . 7. 5.16-00D-FZ-MA Caracteristici tehnice: 1.. looking from drive side: anti .. 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. 11 . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 10 .clockwis Echivalent cu 0510 767 018 (prima utilizare IFRON) . 6. 8. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 .22-00D-FZ Caracteristici tehnice: 1.clockwis Echivalent cu PRD 33-2111 S . 11 . 12 . I Tr.POMPA HIDRAULICA .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 22. 7. Antrenare 4. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 10 . 5. 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. 2. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3.. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .22-00S-FZ Revolving sense.800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) dreapta dreapta 22 22 1700 1700 250 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 22.22-00S-FZ Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar max.800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] 1700 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 22. 9. looking from drive side: anti . II 150 mm Hg 500 .. + 60 0 cone 1:5 . 85 dB n nom: 1700 [rot/min] P nom. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure Tr.. 12 .. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . II dreapta 32 1700 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 32.800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) Tr. I dreapta 32 1700 250 Tr. 8.clockwis . 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 ..32-00S-FZ Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar max. 2. 85 dB n nom: 1700 [rot/min] P nom. 7. 10 . 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min.POMPA HIDRAULICA . Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure 150 mm Hg 500 . 11 ..32-00S-FZ Revolving sense. + 60 0 cone 1:5 .800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] 1700 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 32. 6. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. looking from drive side: anti .HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 32. 9. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . Antrenare 4. 5..32-00D-FZ Caracteristici tehnice: 1. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Geared pump with flanges and screws Driving Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 .. looking from drive side: anti . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 6. 10 . 8. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: 3. 85 dB 150 mm Hg 500 . 11 . 5. Technical characteristics: pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .. 12 .30-00S-FZ Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar max.POMPA HIDRAULICA .800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] 1700 [rot/min] 250 bar 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 36. II 150 mm Hg 500 .30-00D-FZ Caracteristici tehnice: 1. 250 bar Temperature of the environment level of the noise Suction depression for the initial work starting Oil temperature min. Antrenare 4. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max.clockwis .800 C 800 [rot/min] 2500 [rot/min] sens q (cm3/rot) n (rot/min) P nom (bar) dreapta dreapta 36 30 1700 1700 250 250 Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 36. 7.30-00S-FZ Revolving sense.HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 36. 85 dB n nom: 1700 [rot/min] P nom. 2.. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Nominal driving shaft speed Nominal pressure P max: 300 bar Maximum pressure Tr. + 60 0 cone 1:5 . 9. I Tr.. 16. looking from drive side: anti . 85 dB Suction depression for the initial 150 mm Hg work starting Oil temperature 500 . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) Temperature of the environment -15 0 .16. 1. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: max. 3.Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 22. driving shaft speed 800 [rot/min] Maximum driving shaft speed 3000 [rot/min] Nominal driving shaft speed 2200 [rot/min] Nominal pressure 250 bar Maximum pressure 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 22. 7.16.. Tip constructiv: pompa cu roti dintate Mod fixare: flansa si suruburi de fixare Antrenare con 1:5 . 85 dB Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: 150 mm Hg Temperatura uleiului: 500 .07 -00S.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 22.800 C min..800 C n min: 800 [rot/min] n max: 3000 [rot/min] n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom. + 60 0 level of the noise max. 2. 5. 4. 250 bar P max: 300 bar Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 22.07 -00S. 11 1.clockwis clockwis 79 . 1:8 (conf comenzii) Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 ..Z 1. 8.07 -00D-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar orar Constructive type Geared pump Fixing mode with flanges and screws Driving cone 1:5 . 6.07 -00D-Z Revolving sense.16.. 9. 85 dB Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: 150 mm Hg Temperatura uleiului: 500 . 9.800 C min.16. 250 bar P max: 300 bar Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 22. 2.. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 .. 85 dB Suction depression for the initial 150 mm Hg work starting Oil temperature 500 .. looking from drive side: anti . 4. 7. 6.16.16..800 C n min: 800 [rot/min] n max: 3000 [rot/min] n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom. Tip constructiv: pompa cu roti dintate Mod fixare: flansa si suruburi de fixare Antrenare con 1:5 . 1:8 (in accordance with the order) Temperature of the environment -15 0 .16. + 60 0 level of the noise max. 3. 1. 8.07 -00D-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar orar Constructive type Geared pump Fixing mode with flanges and screws Driving cone 1:5 . driving shaft speed 800 [rot/min] Maximum driving shaft speed 3000 [rot/min] Nominal driving shaft speed 2200 [rot/min] Nominal pressure 250 bar Maximum pressure 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 22.clockwis clockwis 80 . + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: max.07 -00S.07 -00D-Z Revolving sense.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 22.Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 22.Z 1. 11 1. 5.07 -00S. 6. 85 dB Suction depression for the initial 150 mm Hg work starting Oil temperature 500 .. 250 bar P max: 300 bar Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 04.05.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 04. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 .Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 04. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: max. 85 dB Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: 150 mm Hg Temperatura uleiului: 500 . 7.05 -00S.05. 11 1.Z 1. looking from drive side: anti .05 -00S.05 -00D-Z Revolving sense.800 C min.clockwis clockwis 81 . Tip constructiv: pompa cu roti dintate Mod fixare: flansa si suruburi de fixare Antrenare con 1:5 . driving shaft speed 800 [rot/min] Maximum driving shaft speed 3000 [rot/min] Nominal driving shaft speed 2200 [rot/min] Nominal pressure 250 bar Maximum pressure 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 04.05 -00D-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar orar Constructive type Geared pump Fixing mode with flanges and screws Driving cone 1:5 . 5. + 60 0 level of the noise max. 8. 9.. 2. 3.05..05. 1.800 C n min: 800 [rot/min] n max: 3000 [rot/min] n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom. 4. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) Temperature of the environment -15 0 .. 1. + 60 0 Nivel zgomot: max.800 C min. 11 1. 85 dB Suction depression for the initial 150 mm Hg work starting Oil temperature 500 . 2.Z HYDRAULIC PUMP PH 08. 3. 6.03 -00D-Z Revolving sense.POMPA HIDRAULICA PH 08. 5.03 -00S. 85 dB Depresiune de aspiratie pentru amorsarea pompei: 150 mm Hg Temperatura uleiului: 500 .. Tip constructiv: pompa cu roti dintate Mod fixare: flansa si suruburi de fixare Antrenare B 17 x 14 Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 .08.Z 1. 7.clockwis 82 . 8.03 -00D-Z Sens de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Constructive type Geared pump Fixing mode with flanges and screws Driving B 17 x 14 Temperature of the environment -15 0 ..08.08..800 C n min: 800 [rot/min] n max: 3000 [rot/min] n nom: 2200 [rot/min] P nom. 9. 4. 250 bar P max: 300 bar Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul PH 08. driving shaft speed 800 [rot/min] Maximum driving shaft speed 3000 [rot/min] Nominal driving shaft speed 2200 [rot/min] Nominal pressure 250 bar Maximum pressure 300 bar Constructive variant To be ordered under part no PH 08. looking from drive side: anti .08..03 -00S. + 60 0 level of the noise max. 8 50.800 C 500 [rot/min] 2500 -3500 [rot/min] Temperature of the environment level of the noise Oil temperature min. peak pressure Max. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Max..9 2500 orar antiorar Con 1 : 8 118. HYDRAULIC ENGINE MH 113-00 S/. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 ..4 3000 orar antiorar Con 1 : 8 112.9 MRD2-214D MRD2-214S MRD2-216D MRD2-216S MRD2-217D MRD2-217S MRD2-218D MRD2-218S . 85 dB 500 .8 56. + 60 0 max. P1 max: in regim permanent P2 max: in regim intermitent P3 max de varf P de iesire in rezervor Reper/Item MH 113 -00D/1 MH 113. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 .. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . output pressure 9. 3. 6.4 orar antiorar Con 1 : 8 107.... 11. 10..00S/1 MH 113 -00D/2 MH 113 -00S/2 MH 113 -00D/3 MH 113 -00S/3 MH 113 -00D/4 MH 113 -00S/4 180-210 bar 210-250 bar 230-270 bar 3 bar Debit/Output q cm2/rot P1 (bar) n max rot/min 11 210 3500 16 210 3000 19 180 22 180 Sens/ Revolvin g sense orar antiorar Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 .8 59. 85 dB 500 . 2. Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. continous pressure Max.800 C 500 [rot/min] 2500-3500 [rot/min] 180-210 bar 210-250 bar 230-270 bar 3 bar Antrenare X Y Echivalenta/ Equivalence Con 1 : 8 98.. 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Driving 4. intermittent pressure Max. 12. 8.. Nivel zgomot: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max.MOTOR HIDRAULIC MH 113-00 S/.8 54. + 60 0 5. 7.. 800 C 500 [rot/min] 2500 -3500 [rot/min] Temperature of the environment level of the noise Oil temperature min..MOTOR HIDRAULIC MH 113-00 S/..8 56.. 11. peak pressure Max. output pressure 9.4 Con 1 : 8 112.. 2.9 Echivalenta/ Equivalence .8 59.00S/1 M MH 113 -00D/2 M MH 113 -00S/2 M MH 113 -00D/3 M MH 113 -00S/3 M MH 113 -00D/4 M MH 113 -00S/4 M 180-210 bar 210-250 bar 230-270 bar 3 bar Debit/Output q cm2/rot P1 (bar) n max rot/min 11 210 3500 16 210 3000 19 180 3000 22 180 2500 Sens/ Revolvin g sense orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar orar antiorar Geared pump with flanges and screws cone 1:5 . + 60 0 max. Tip constructiv: Mod fixare: Antrenare pompa cu roti dintate flansa si suruburi de fixare con 1:5 . continous pressure Max. P1 max: in regim permanent P2 max: in regim intermitent P3 max de varf P de iesire in rezervor Reper/Item MH 113 -00D/1 M MH 113.8 54. 1:8 (in accordance with the order) -15 0 . 8. 3. 7....4 Con 1 : 8 107.M Caracteristici tehnice: Technical characteristics: 1. Temperatura mediu ambiant -15 0 ..9 Con 1 : 8 118. driving shaft speed Maximum driving shaft speed Max.M HYDRAULIC ENGINE MH 113-00 S/.8 50. + 60 0 5. 85 dB 500 . 1:8 (conf comenzii) Constructive type Fixing mode Driving 4.. 85 dB 500 . 10.. 6. intermittent pressure Max. 12.800 C 500 [rot/min] 2500-3500 [rot/min] 180-210 bar 210-250 bar 230-270 bar 3 bar Antrenare X Y Con 1 : 8 98. Nivel zgomot: Temperatura uleiului: n min: n max: max. * Maximum operating pressure 300 Kp/sq. looking from drive side: anti .2 Kg Se comanda sub reperul MH 14-00S .40 cSt at 500C and 7.40 cSt la 500C si 7.cm * Nominal pressure 250 Kp/sq. privit dinspre antrenare: antiorar Characteristics * Number of sections 1 * Rated speed 2200 r.F Caracteristici * Numar de sectiuni 1 * Turatie nominala 2200 rot/min * Presiunea maxima de lucru 300 Kgf/cm2 * Presiunea nominala 250 kgf/cm2 * Debitul la presiunea de lucru 60 l/min * Volum geometric 30 cm3/rot * Puterea de antrenare 15.F HYDRAULIC ENGINE MH 14-00S .F Conctructive variant To be ordered under part no MH 14-00D .p. corodarii si formarii spumei.oxidating and anti .corrosive additive Oil viscosity must be between 36 .cm * Output at operating pressure 60 l/min * Drive pover 15.foaming.F Sensul de rotire.2 Kg To be ordered under part no MH 14-00S .5 Kw * Revolving sense.F Revolving sense.4 cSt la 1000C * Temperatura normala de lucru a uleiului 500C * Temperatura maxima de lucru a uleiului 800C * Masa 8.4 cSt at 1000C * Oil operating temperature 500C * Maximum oil temperature 800C * Weight 8.5 Kw * Sensul de rotire privit dinspre antrenare: orar * Lichidul de lucru: ulei aditivat impotriva oxidarii .clockwise . anti .MOTOR HIDRAULIC MH 14-00S .m. looking from drive side: clockwise * Operating fluid: oil with anti .F Varianta constructiva Se comanda sub reperul MH 14-00D. Vascozitatea uleiului sa fie cuprinsa intre 36 . to limit the oil pressure * the opening pressure of the regulating valve:5+0.POMPA DE UNGERE CU ROTI DINTATE OIL PUMP WITH GEAR WHEELS Reper de livrare : 121.2bari * presiunea de refulare: 4 bari * temperatura uleiului: 95+5 C * lichidul de lucru: ulei M30 SUPER2 ulei M30 EXTRA * turatia nominala: 1364 rot/min maxima : 1450 rot/min minima : 341 rot/min * number of sections: 1 * equiped with a valve.08. 121.020 Utilizare: ungerea motorului D121 si variantele sale To be ordered under no.020 Use: lubrication of the D121 engine and it variants CARACTERISTICI TEHNICE TECHNICAL FEATURES * numar de sectiuni * echipat cu supapa de limitare a presiunii uleiului * presiunea de deschidere a supapei de limitare:5+0.08.2bar * lifting pressure: 4 bars * oil temperature: 95+5 C * the oil used: M30 SUPER2 oil M30 EXTRA oil * rotating speed: 1364 rpm maximum speed : 1450 rpm minimum speed : 341 rpm . 0355 Use: lubrication of the 2404-062A TECHNICAL FEATURES * number of sections: 1 * equiped with a valve.to limit the oil pressure 2601.0334 * inceputul deschiderii supapei : 8.0355 Utilizare: ungerea motorului 2404-062A CARACTERISTICI TEHNICE * numar de sectiuni 1 * echipat cu supapa de limitare a presiunii uleiului 2601.5+1bar * sfarsitul deschiderii supapei: max 12 bar * Debit la turatie nomonala si P1 = 1 bar … 36 l/min * Debit la turatie nominala si P2 = 4 bar … 34 l/min * temperatura uleiului: 95+5 C * lichidul de lucru: ulei M30 SUPER2 ulei M30 EXTRA * turatia nominala: 1364 rot/min maxima : 1450 rot/min minima : 341 rot/min To be ordered under no.08. 2404.08.08.POMPA DE UNGERE CU ROTI DINTATE OIL PUMP WITH GEAR WHEELS Reper de livrare : 2404.0334 * The beginning opening pressure of valve : 8.08.5+1bar * The ending opening pressure of valve : max 12 bar * output at nominal rated speed P1 = 1 bar … 36 l/min * output at nominal rated speed P2 = 4 bar … 34 l/min * oil temperature: 95+5 C * the oil used: M30 SUPER2 oil M30 EXTRA oil * rotating speed: 1364 rpm maximum speed : 1450 rpm minimum speed : 341 rpm . 009 * Destinatie : asigura transportul uleiului sub presiune in circuitul de ungere al motorului . 70CP) motor 2402 (80CP AVL) Roata de antrenare Driving Wheel Dd = 65.5-4bar) * the suction column height: 250 mm * overall dimensions: 225x128x87 mm * net weight : 4 k .POMPA DE ULEI OIL PUMP Reper de comanda To be ordered under no. CARACTERISTICI TEHNICE TECHNICAL FEATURES * debit minim: 46.6 l per min.flow: 46.(at a speed of 1885rot per min and a lifting flow 3.721 Dd = 80. H17-00 H17/1-00 Interschimbabil cu : Interchangeable with: 110 08 012 Utilizare Use motor D110 (65CP. Purpose: it assures the transfer of the pressured oil into the motor greasing circuit.(la o turatie de 1885 rot/min si o presiune de refulare 3.6 l/min.5-4bar) * inaltimea de aspiratie: 250 mm * dimensiuni de gabarit: 225x128x87 mm * masa neta : 4 Kg * min. p.5 – 9 bar * The ending opening pressure of valve : max.08.(la turatie nominala si presiune de 5 bar) Purpose: it assures the transfer of the pressured oil into the motor greasing circuit.m.0428 * Destinatie : asigura transportul uleiului sub presiune in circuitul de ungere al motorului .08. 12 bar * debit minim: 53 l/min.p.m.m.p.5 – 9 bar * Sfarsitul deschiderii: supapei: max.POMPA DE ULEI 2601. CARACTERISTICI TEHNICE * Turatie nominala: 2143 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2277 rot/min * Turatie minima 536 rot/min * Inceput deschidere supapa: 8. TECHNICAL FEATURES * Rated speed : 2143 r. * Minimum speed 536 r. 12 bar * Minimum flow : 53 l/ min ( at rated speed and a pressure of 5 bar ) . * The beginning opening pressure of valve : 8.0428 OIL PUMP 2601. * Maximum speed 2277 r. * Minimum speed 550 r.6 bar * Sfarsitul deschiderii supapei: 16 – 17 bar * debit minim: 52 l/min.p.m * The oil temperature 95 0C * The used oil is M30 Super 2 * The beginning opening pressure of valve : 13 – 13.POMPA DE ULEI 19-1A-00 OIL PUMP 19-1A-00 * Destinatie : asigura transportul uleiului sub presiune in circuitul de ungere al motorului .m.m. CARACTERISTICI TEHNICE * Turatie nominala: 2000 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2300 rot/min * Turatie minima 550 rot/min * Temperatura uleiului: 950 * Uleiul utilizat este M 30 Super 2 * Inceput deschidere supapa: 13 – 13.6 bar * The ending opening pressure of valve : 16 – 17 bar * Minimum flow : 52 l / min (at rated speed and a pressure of 11 bar ) .(la turatie nominala si presiune de 11 bar) Purpose: it assures the transfer of the pressured oil into the motor greasing circuit. TECHNICAL FEATURES * Rated speed 2000 r.p.p. * Maximum speed 2300 r. CARACTERISTICI TEHNICE * echipat cu supapa de limitare a presiunii uleiului 2601.m.08.m * The oil temperature 95 0C * The used oil is M30 Super 2 * The beginning opening pressure of valve : 8.5 – 9.0340 OIL PUMP 2601.p.5 bar * The ending opening pressure of valve : max 12 bar * output at nominal rated speed P1 = 1 bar … 36 l/min * output at nominal rated speed P2 = 4 bar … 34 l/min .p.0334 * Rated speed 2000 r. TECHNICAL FEATURES * equiped with a valve.POMPA DE ULEI 2601.5 – 9.08.08.to limit the oil pressure 2601.0340 * Destinatie : asigura transportul uleiului sub presiune in circuitul de ungere al motorului .0334 * Turatie nominala: 2000 rot/min * Turatie maxima 2300 rot/min * Turatie minima 550 rot/min * Temperatura uleiului: 950 * Uleiul utilizat este M 30 Super 2 * Inceput deschidere supapa: 8.m. * Minimum speed 550 r.p.08.5 bar * Sfarsitul deschiderii supapei: max 12 bar * Debit la turatie nominala si P1 = 1 bar … 36 l/min * Debit la turatie nominala si P2 = 4 bar … 34 l/min Purpose: it assures the transfer of the pressured oil into the motor greasing circuit. * Maximum speed 2300 r. Presiunea de actionare: 95-110 kgf/cmp.Comanda sertarelor: manual .No.lowering. .urcare.4 Kg - D7 DISTRIBUTOR CHARACTERISTICS .flotant si neutru.Driving pressure:95-110 kgf per sqcm.cu actionare independenta .cu revenire automata in pozitie neutra .floating and neutral.Nr. working pressure: 135 kgf per sqcm.Working positions:lifting.Alternativa functionare:coborare.Slide valves control: manual . .4 k .Weight: 13.with separate driving system .DISTRIBUITOR D7 CARACTERISTICI . . .Presiunea max.Greutatea:13. de lucru: 135 kgf/cmp.Capacity: 75 l per min.Max. .de sectiuni:3. .automatic return to neutral position . of sections:3.Capacitatea de trecere: 75l/min. DISTRIBUITOR D7 - D7 DISTRIBUTOR . DISTRIBUITOR D 11 CARACTERISTICI -Tipul distribuitorului:cu sertarase ,declansare automata - Nr.de sectiuni:2,cu actionare independenta - Alternative de functionare:ridicare,neutru,coborare si flotant,cu revenire automata in pozitia neutru din poz. urcare si coborare. - Presiunea de declansare a sertaraselor:120 +10 kgf/cmp. - Presiunea maxima de lucru: 150 kgf/cmp. - Capacitatea de trecere: 50l/min. - We- Greutatea; 9,5 kg ight: 9.5 kg - D 11 DISTRIBUTOR CHARACTERISTICS - Distributor type:with slide-valves,automatic control - No.of sections:2,with separate driving system - Working positions:lifting,lowering,floating, and neutral:automatic return to neutral position - Slide-valves pressure:120+10 Kgf per sqcm. - Maximum working pressure:150 kgf per sqcm. - Capacity: 50 l per min. DISTRIBUITOR SERVODIRECTIE C.S. 61-00 Distribuitorul hidraulic de servodirectie C.S.61-00 (identic cu reperul 38.33.036) se monteaza pe servomotorul hidraulic de directie tip 31.33.901 sau 38.33.902 prin intermediul caruia se modifica directia de inaintare a tractoarelor de 65 si 80 CP. Caracteristici dimensionale: * Diametrul sertarului - 25 mm * Cursa totala a sertarului - 3 mm in ambele sensuri fata de pozitia de medie. * Presiunea maxima de lucru - 80 bar. * Viteza maxima de deplasare - 25 mm/sec. cremaliera * Ulei T75 EP1 STAS 10667-80 sau echivalente la o temperatura de minim 200 C. Corp gresor .GRESOR CU BILA TIP BAIONETA GB 00-00 1. Resort 3. Bila 6 2. Stift 4. Cod gresor “M” GP 00-00-01 GP 00-00-02 GP 00-00-03 M 14 x 1. crt.GRESOR CU PALNIE GP 00-00 Nr. Capac 3.5 M 10 x 1. Corp inferior 4.5 M 8 x 1. Corp superior 2. 3.5 1. Racord . 2. 1. 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