March 25, 2018 | Author: lasiafjmc | Category: Web Server, Internet Information Services, World Wide Web, Technology, Microsoft Sql Server



HYPERION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT TECHNICALCOURSE Lesson Plan 1. Introduction to HFM ‡ What is HFM for? ‡ Important terminology ‡ Tasks Performed ‡ HFM as a Data Source 2. Architectural Overview ‡ Characteristics ‡ N-Tier 3. Configuring Security ‡ ‡ Types of Security Configuring security 4. Installing HFM ‡ ‡ Prerequisites Planning the Install 5. Installing the HFM Application Server ‡ ‡ ‡ Installing Configuring the HFM Application Servers DCOM Security 6. Installing HFM on the IIS Web Application Server ‡ ‡ Installing IIS Settings and Properties 7. Testing the Installation ‡ ‡ Building the Simple Demo Application Testing The Web Site 8. HFM System 9 Overview Lesson 1: Introduction to HFM What is HFM? Hyperion Financial Management is a Web based (architected), financial consolidation, analysis and reporting product. Companies use HFM to consolidate data from various systems to create a global view of information. ‡Journals for Adjustments ‡Inter-company transactions ‡Consolidation of Data ‡Translation of exchange rates ‡Reporting and data loading through Excel ‡Data analysis and report writing through Hyperion Analyzer and Hyperion Reports ‡Data Entry Forms ‡Data Grids ‡Rules ‡Process Management ‡Security ‡Related Content ‡Workspaces Terminology HFM Dimensions: Scenario ± Set of related Data ± Eg: Actual, Forecast, Budget Year ± Years ± Eg: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Period ± Sub division of years ± Eg: Trimester, Quarters, Months, Weeks, Days« Entity ± Management and reporting structures - Eg: companies, regions, divisions Value ± input Currency, Parent Currency, Adjustment currency and consolidation detail. Account ± Hierarchy of Account ± Eg: Chart of Accounts Inter-Company ICP ± Used for inter-company eliminations View ± Data representation modes Eg: Periodic, YTD Custom 1,2,3,4 ± Used for more detailed analysis Eg: Product, Region, Customers Allows for Web based report output in HTML or PDF Hyperion Analyzer ± Online analysis reporting tool (Read Only).Graphical report writer (Read Only).Terminology Hyperion Reports . Web Based Graphical Output Hyperion Application Link (Read Write) Smart View ± Microsoft Excel Add-in (Read Write) Extended Analytics ± (Read) . Lesson 2: Architectural Overview . This is where all HFM data is stored.N-Tier HFM is a multi tier system There are three tiers in total: Client Tier ± The main user interface. This is where all the data processing occurs and is the tier where html/asp pages are generated to be sent to the end user. Benefits Scalability Reliability Efficiency Database Server .Application Servers and IIS Web application Servers layer. Middle Tier . Access methods mainly use HTTP(S) through the Internet Explorer Web Browser or through Microsoft Excel. Data Tier ± Consists of the relational Database tier. This is the way most users will interact with HFM from their workstations. N-Tier MS Windows NT4/2000/XP IE6/IE7/Mozilla MS Office 2000/XP/2003 HFM Win32 Client HFM Smart View Client Tier Win32 Client Web/Excel WAN/LAN/Web HTTP WAN/LAN DCOM Middle Tier Web/App Servers MS Windows 2000/2003 IIS5/IIS6 HFM Web Components MS Windows 2000/2003 HFM Application Server Components Database Tier DB2/MS SQL/Oracle Server LAN OLE DB Platform Independent MS SQL/Oracle/DB2 . exe process running for each active application on each application server.exe process. once the user selects an application the HSVDatasource. The HFMService ± The HFM Service is an optional component which will force the HSXServer. 2.exe process and Two HSVDatasource. independent of the fact that there may be no user activity on the system. For example.exe ± There is one HSVDatasource.exe processes. This Process stays active till all users have logged out of the HFM Applications.The HFM Processes  1. HSXServer.When HFM is active there is one HSXServer.exe process is responsible for presenting the user with a list of available applications. If There are 3 HFM Applications but only two of the applications are being accessed we would expect to see one HSXServer.exe Process to start and ALL the HSVDatasource.exe is started and controlled by the HSXServer.exe process active on each HFM Application Server. HSVDatasource. . The main work horse in an HFM system are the two processes that run on the HFM Application Server. 3.exe .exe Processes running. The HSXServer. The DCOM User must have sufficient rights to start the Processes on the local HFM Application Server. These Processes are normally run by the ³DCOM User´. ³Log on as a batch job´ On windows 2003 ± Anonymous Launch must be allowed for the HFM Processes   . ³Act of part of the operating system´ 2. The Require Rights:  The DCOM user should be a member of the local Administrators Group  The DCOM User should have the rights to: 1. As well as have the rights to launch the HFM services on any other sibling HFM application servers.The HFM Processes   In a multi Application server environment these server processes communicate between each other. Used for communication between Internet Explorer/Excel Smartview workstations and the HFM Web Server. Ports Used: HTTP = 80 & HTTPS = 443 DCOM and DCE/RPC Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) is a Microsoft proprietary technology for software components distributed across several networked computers to communicate with each other. HFM processes use a UDL file to interface with the database. Ports Used: MS SQL Server = 1433(TCP) & 1434(UDP) Oracle = 1521 1526 1575 1630 .Protocols HTTP and HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the method used to transfer or convey information on the World Wide Web. Ports Used: RPC = 135 and then a dynamic port range (This can be fixed for compatibility with firewall environments) OLE DB Object Linking and Embedding for Databases. Nearly all functionality in HFM is accessible through the HFM Web site. DCOM communication is the only way different components can talk with the core HFM processes. is a means Microsoft uses for accessing different types of data stores in a uniform manner. Protocol Overview (As Per Pre-System9 PreArchitecture) . Lesson 3: Security/Authentication . often a local user on the individual application servers. to perform certain tasks. HFM Uses this to authenticate a user only.The actual End Users IDs and passwords this is normally the company¶s Primary Domain Controller. The local security rights required by the HFM processes just to run. Often referred to as the ³DCOM user´ User Authentication . HFM checks the users rights to view certain data. to create delete information. Once a users username and password has been verified. . This can be NTLM (old) or MSAD or LDAP (eDirectory) User rights within HFM Financial Application.HFM Security Security for HFM is configured on three levels. 0 or higher Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD). Windows 2000 SP3 or higher Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) version 3 or higher .Security Options Authentication Providers Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) on NT 4. Lesson 4: Planning The Installing HFM . 2 / 8. Windows 2000 SP3 or higher Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) version 3 or higher Microsoft 2000/2003 Servers Read through the HFM Installation Documents and README for the release you are installing .3rd Party Installation Requirements Relational Database Management System Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3. 10g IBM DB2 7.1 Authentication Providers Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) on NT 4.0 or higher Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD). SQL Server 2005 Oracle 8 / 9i. Lesson 5: Installing HFM Application Server . Prerequisites Relational Database Microsoft SQL Server ± Database and User Oracle ± Tablespace and User . Language & TOC .Starting the HFM Install. HFM Installation Directory Selection Default: C:\Program Files\Hyperion Solutions\Hyperion Financial Management Clients will more than likely like to install to x:\Hyperion Directory For Common Components . Selecting the components to install . The Installation . Members of this group will be given rights to Perform Administrative Tasks e.g.log file. View Users on system etc. Information to be used by Extended Analytics (Exporting of data to a second database to be used by e. by third party OLAP/Analysis Tools . The DCOM user Either a local user.Application Server Configuration Screen Working Folder were the HFM Application server will write files to eg the HSVEventlog. If blank then everyone can create applications within HFM. Optional: To specify database tablespaces where the Hyperion Financial Management data tables and indexes are created Maximum Number of pooled DB connections If using a local user do not include a domain name. If blank then everyone can create applications within HFM.g Manage Servers. *If the user does not exist. then HFM will automatically create the user locally with all the required user rights to run the HFM Processes Must be enabled when more than one Application server is being used A Domain group. Members of this group will be given rights to create Applications. or a domain user with the rights to run the HFM processes locally The UDL File used to tell HFM how to connect to the database. Data Source Name. A Domain group. If the primary server is unavailable then one of the other servers will become the primary server. Not enabling multi server support in a multi Application server environment will cause undesirable/erratic results.MultiMulti-Server The Multi-server option MUST be enabled when more then one HFM application server is used. The primary server is the the server which keeps track of data locks and consolidation. In a multi server environment the application servers talk to each other. When more than one application server is used one of the application servers will appoint itself the Primary server. . Information about the multiple active servers is kept in the Database. 14 Result 1 app = 38 connections 2 apps = 68 connections (30 in each hsvdat + 8 in hsxserver) Allowing too few connections will result in temporary connections being created. yielding a performance hit .Database Connections Changes from 3.UDL .8 connections per application (hsvdat) Error Pool (hsvdat) ± 8 connections per application (not created until first error) System Hardcoded (hsvdat) .5 (Clients may not be aware of this) Value defined in HFM Config Tool is Maximum How it works ± system HSXServer ± 8 connections for logons (grows by 4) Error Pool(hsxserver) ± 8 connections (not created until first error) System Pool . Connect to the Database Server Right Click Database Create a new database. User: sqladmin Password: Password@1 . Name the database with your name and what the database will be used for eg: TESTHFM Make the SQLadmin user the owner of the database.Creating the Database Launch the MS SQL Enterprise manager (In case you are using SQL Server 2000 SP3). else please follow the necessary steps to create a database in any other supported Database Server (in case of Oracle you need to create a HFM Schema). UDL File To create the udl file. Right click and Opening the UDL file will allow the correct provider to be selected and database user to be entered. Test Connection to see if the information is correct .udl extension. Create a text document and rename it with the . Registry Setting The configuration in formation is stored in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hyperion Solutions\Hyperion Financial Management\Server . In HFM 4.0. we can create more than one cluster. From System 9 onwards. Enter a cluster name and populate this with HFM Application Server(s) .Application Server Cluster Use this dialog to create a cluster of application servers for load balancing. This information is stored centrally in the database and is shared between all application servers.2 and earlier versions only one cluster can be created. ³Use one Server Only´ This tells the HFM Win32 client which HFM Application Server or HFM Cluster to connect.g. ³Use Automatic Load Balancing´ Register an HFM cluster.Client Server/Cluster Registration This is used to configure the HFM ADM and tells it which application servers are available to connect to e. an application server name which is a member of the cluster should be used here. The HFM Application server will automatically update the client with all the servers which are in the cluster. More than one server can be configured here. HFM Win 32 ³Fat´ client or Hyperion Reports. . Hyperion Analyzer and HAL. once HFM is registered with Shared Services. The above configuration has been taken care by Shared Services in System 9. We do not need to make any changes in the registry.Configuring External Authentication By default (out of the box) HFM Application server will us NTLM authentication. When a user logs in the Application server will try to connect and authenticate the user against any available NTLM servers.xml HKLM\Software\Hyperion Solutions\Hyperion Financial Management\Server\Authentication\ProviderType: Value: 0 (Use External Authentication) Generally HUB is used to configure external authentication for HFM. . it would automatically accept any userID that has been configured / provisioned to use HFM under Shared Services. Configure External Authentication Edit Registry Entries HKLM\Software\Hyperion Solutions\Hyperion Financial Management\Server\Authentication\ConnectionInfo: Value: file:C:\Hyperion\CSS. Lesson 6: Installing HFM On the IIS Server . What are we installing . Net Framework Web Server HFM Requires Windows 2000 Server IIS5 or Windows 2003 IIS6 ASP.Web Server Prerequisites HFM Web Server requires the ASP .NET also required Active Server Pages also needs to be Allowed . The client components are not necessary for correct functioning.Starting the Install The Installation is much the same as the HFM Application server installation except we would not normally chose to install the Application Server Components on the Web Server. Smart View is the Excel Add-in and connects using HTTP (s) This is usually installed on the same server as the HFM Web Site . HFM ASP Web Application Accessed through an Internet browser by the end user Smart View Web Site files. but they are an invaluable help when trouble shooting problems later. As with all HFM installations we would always recommend you install ALL the client components on the web server. .Configuring the HFM Web Server Register the HFM Application Servers and Application Server Clusters here that you want this Web Server to connect to. which are selectable from within HFM . The Maximum Uplload and Download allowed ASPMaxMaxEntityAllowed ASPMaxBufferingLimit Links to other HFM products. Path to the HFM Web Directory This should be the directory where the Default.asp file is located.Configuring the HFM Web Server Use the Web Server config tab to create the HFM Website with in IIS. Temporary storage folder or uploaded and downloaded files when loading or extracting from HFM. SmartView Timeout. Smartview timeout is not controlled by the HFMOfficeProvider virtual directory options in IIS.Configuring Smart View (Excel Add-in) AddSmartview Configuration will automatically create the HFMOfficeProvider folder in IIS. . IIS 6 Web Server Extensions The major differences between IIS 5 and IIS 6 is that IIS 6 has increased security and application Isolation. . These need to be enabled. By default IIS6 has the ASP page server extensions disabled. . This will help ensure that if there is a problem in one website or ISAPI extension then only that application pool will be effected and the other websites will continue to work correctly.IIS 6 Application Pools If your server is hosting more than one website or ISAPI filters it is recommended to run each of these in their own application pool. Should be set to the ASP Session timeout interval. 3.Recycle worker process (Number of Requests) Disable this. 4. When Enabled this recycles the application pool and all ASP session information is lost. Application Pool . Application Pool .Disable this. The ASP Session Timeout setting on the HFM website. Application Pool .IIS ASP Session Timeout Generally on an IIS6 default installation these are the settings which need to be adjusted:  1. if set shorter peoples sessions will be terminated before their ASP session timeout is reached.Shutdown worker processes after being idle for (minutes). When Enabled this recycles the application pool and all ASP session information is lost.Recycle worker processes (Minutes) . 2. . .IIS ASP Session Timeout Settings The ASP Session Timeout setting on the HFM website. IIS ASP Session Timeout Application Pool . if set shorter peoples sessions will be terminated before their ASP session timeout is reached Recycle worker process (Number of Requests) Disable this. When Enabled this recycles the application pool and all ASP session information is lost Shutdown worker processes after being idle for (minutes).Recycle worker processes (Minutes) Disable this. When Enabled this recycles the application pool and all ASP session information is lost . Should be set to the ASP Session timeout interval. Data Grid ± Scenario ± Actual ± Year ± 2004 ± Entity ± Connecticut.Testing the Web Server Create an Application Find Data.Stamford Load WDEFs View System Messages Running Tasks Run Consolidation Open the ICT Module . Lesson 7: Testing the HFM Website . This will open up the HFM login screen.Testing the HFM Web Site For Testing the HFM Web Site you need to put the HFM Web link: http (s)://<HFMWebServerName>:80/HFM You may not need to put in the port number as by default IIS will run HFM on port number 80. You can select the application to open it. . After inputting the proper credentials on the login page you will have to select the Server/Cluster after which it will display the applications that are available on the HFM Server. Lesson 8: HFM System 9 Overview . HFM System Architecture Overview Database Server License Server Shared Services Server . GLOBAL BUSINESS IMPACT THANKS YOU FOR YOUR TIME .
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