Heuristic Evaluation Template

April 2, 2018 | Author: Ahmad Ghauri | Category: Web Browser, Microsoft Windows, Google Chrome, Technology, World Wide Web



12/12/13Heuristic Evaluation Report Heuristic Evaluation Report CSC-456: Human-Computer Interaction Group Members Muhammad Waseem Iqbal Ahmed Mian Aslam Kiran Khan Heuristic Evaluation of the Web Site http://www.something.com/ Report of XXth April 2013 {My instructions and comments are contained inside curly brackets. Remove them before you hand in your work!} 1 Executive Summary {Executive summary of the main results from the heuristic evaluation aimed at higher management (1 page).} {Your client's manager will not read the whole report, but only the executive summary, and wants to know how the evaluation was done and what the main findings were.} 2 Evaluation Methodology {Describe what a HE is and how it is done in your own words. Do not copy a description of HE from the web or anywhere else. Provide proper reference of the material read} A good description of the heuristic evaluation method is given by its inventor Jakob Nielsen. 3 User Profiles {Describe the kinds of user your product is trying to attract.} {Group these users into categories according to their characteristics.} file:///C:/Users/ibm/Desktop/Heuristics Evaluation/Heuristic Evaluation Template.htm 1/5 mobile internet 8 mbps. 6 Analysis of the Main Problems {One paragraph and screen shot for each of the top five most severe problems. cable Monitor S ize Monitor Colours 19" 32-bits 8 mbps.. dsl 17" 32-bits 1152x864 1152x864 2009-03-28 15:15-16:30 17" 32-bits 1280x1024 1280x1024 2009-03-29 11:00-12:30 11. which you can edit (draw on) to highlight your point. browser.. but also link to local copies of the unedited full-size originals.63 en Kiran Khan 25 female IE 8. since PNG is lossless and has very good compression. type and speed of internet connection.} 5 Evaluators and Evaluation Environment The hardware and software used by each evaluator is shown in Table 1. as shown in Figure X. dsl 7. aonKombi. Orange.1 Yellow Text The main problem with.6001 Windows Vista Home Windows XP SP3 M ac OS X Internet Connection 8 mbps.2 mbps. hardware. Make scaled-down versions of the screen shots for here (approximately 600 by 400).3" TFT 32-bits 800x600 800x600 2009-03-28 14:30-15:30 Monitor Resolution 1280x1024 browser Resolution Date of Evaluation Time of Evaluation 1280x1024 2009-03-28 09:00-10:00 Table 1: The evaluation environment used by each evaluator.3 Mian Aslam 31 male Opera 9.htm 2/5 .12/12/13 Heuristic Evaluation Report {Describe the tasks these different kinds of user might want to perform. tele2. {Tabular overview of the different evaluators and their evaluation environments: demographic data. file:///C:/Users/ibm/Desktop/Heuristics Evaluation/Heuristic Evaluation Template.} {Screen shots should always be captured in PNG format. cello.} 6. etc.} Evaluator Age S ex Web Browser Operating S ystem Muhammad Waseem Iqbal Ahmed 24 male Firefox 3.0.} 4 Extent of the Evaluation {Describe which parts of the interface were evaluated (if there was too much to evaluate it all).0.7 de Windows XP SP3 26 male Chrome 14. M yChat Options ..} Table 2 shows a list of all the problems found in the evaluation......htm . in descending order of average file:///C:/Users/ibm/Desktop/Heuristics Evaluation/Heuristic Evaluation Template. 1 S hort Description Title Yellow In the chat room.. .html and M inimalist Design Chat .12/12/13 Heuristic Evaluation Report Figure X: On the home page.} 7 List of Problems Found {Aggregated list of all problems found. Text the default text is an unreadable yellow colour.00 Aesthetic dreamland/chat. each with an illustrative screen shot.. {Here follow the next four problems in the order they appear in the final severity rankings.} {The name of each screenshot should be linked to the screenshot itself. S creenshot Heuristic n01-kascreen. sorted in descreasing order of average severity. 3/5 ..png Location (how reproducible?) MW IA MA KK MW IA MA KK Av y y 4 4 4 4 4. in descending order of average severity.. Found By S everity No. in descending order of average severity.png Aesthetic Everywhere and M inimalist Design y 0 0 1 0 0.. which conflicts somewhat with the light grey background.. Visited 2013-03-14. . Code Meaning MW IA MA KK y Muhammad Waseed Iqbal Ahmed Mian Aslam Kiran Khan Found by this evaluator Legend: Name Codes.25 Table 2: Aggregated list of all problems found.htm 4/5 . 87 Green Links Visited links are displayed in green. Severity Meaning 4 3 2 1 0 Av Catastophic problem Serious problem Minor problem Cosmetic problem Not a problem Average severity Legend: Severity Ratings. p d f file:///C:/Users/ibm/Desktop/Heuristics Evaluation/Heuristic Evaluation Template... h t t p : / / w w w . c o m / t o p i c / h e u r i s t i c e v a l u a t i o n / A Heuristics Used by the Evaluators The evaluators used the Andrews General Usability Heuristics 2013 found in file h e u r i s t i c s . n n g r o u p .12/12/13 Heuristic Evaluation Report order of average severity until. Heuristic Evaluation . References {References to related work and related studies. prob87.} [Nie2013] Jakob Nielsen. x l s .12/12/13 Heuristic Evaluation Report B Individual Evaluation Logs The individual evaluation logs are listed below.htm 5/5 . Keith Andrews available at HCI Practical Excersises file:///C:/Users/ibm/Desktop/Heuristics Evaluation/Heuristic Evaluation Template. Name Harald Roth Thomas Geer Sally Smith Log File l o g W a s e e m s . Please note that this template has been taken from the course website of Prof. t x t Christian Took etc. C Spreadsheet The filled-in spreadsheet of all problems and positives including their ratings is h e l i s t .
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