Hetero Chromatic Flicker

March 20, 2018 | Author: Mihai Bogdan | Category: Arduino, Visual Perception, Perception, Integer (Computer Science), Frequency



HeterochromaticFlickerSimplified demonstration of heterochromatic flicker photometry on Arduino Updated Sep 3, 2012 by [email protected]  Introduction  Details o Arduino sketch (heterochromaticFlicker.ino)    Counting the "button presses" during sampling period  Limiting how often subject can confirm Arduino Debug ( heterochromaticFlickerExclIncrementDecrements.ino) o Python GUI (heterochromaticFlicker.py) o LabVIEW VI (heterochromaticFlicker.vi) Scientific References o Heterochromatic flicker photometry  o Commercial products Critical Flicker Fusion (CFF) measurements  Commercial products Introduction Demonstration how to alternate between different LED channels as is needed to implement psychophysical techniques such as heterochromatic flicker photometry or critical flicker fusion measurement. Arduino had been used similarly in the work of Sun et al. (Hillman Lab, Columbia University) to control LED lights in their open-source SPLASSH framework for multispectral in vivo image acquisition. SeeHeterochromaticFlicker#Scientific_References for further information. Demonstration of heterochromatic flicker technique using our proposed Arduino-based system and LabVIEW Details The basic idea for the heterochromatic flicker photometry implementation is that there are two LEDs of different color (heterochromatic) which are switched on in counter-phase. the subject of the experiment is faced with a flickering annulus (ring of light) and is asked to adjust the intensity of only the other LED. a sampling rate of 1 Hz for digital input in theory would be sufficient if subject pressed long enough the buttons and joystick. LED 1 is ON for first 500 ms of 1000 ms while LED 2 is OFF during this period 2. Thus. The other LED is set at fixed level by the experimenter. in our case only one was sufficient but in some other applications this check could be useful. see the tutorial of LadyAda or our other example CueLightTask. thus the digital inputs are buffered during the whole second cycle and decision of whether subject asked is done based on these buffered samples.ino) Compared to other examples (ControlPWM and CueLightTask). in practice we get around 20 samples per second with current settings. until the perception of flicker is eliminated or minimized. For tutorial on debouncing the digital input (filter noise). additional conditional rules need to be introduced to make sure that the system behaves as we like it to behave: Counting the "button presses" during sampling period We can count how many times the subject presses the button during the 1 sec sampling period. We don't want to change the light intensity during the 500ms/500ms flicker period. Arduino need to return the intensity values (duty cycles in other words) of the both LEDs when the subject presses the confirm button (which can be combined with some other data if needed in the Python GUI and written to disk as a text file for example using ttylog) Arduino sketch (heterochromaticFlicker. The resolution of counting depends on the digital sampling rate. In our application. In our implementation. and 1 digital input is needed to read the "confirm"button that the subject is instructed to press when he perceives no flickering. The variables are initialized as following: . Thus. LED 1 is OFF for the second 500 ms of 1000 ms while the LED 2 is ON during this period This is considered to flicker at a frequency of 2 Hz maybe counter-intuitively to people with engineering background that might take this scheme to have to rectangular signals having a frequency of 1 Hz to be phase-shifted 180 degrees in respect to each other. The subject responses are read using digital inputs of which 2 are needed for 1-axis joystick indicating subject's desire to increase or decrease light intensity. We can then set a threshold of for counts that can be considered as a "real press". the joystick and the button are connected to a 5V power supply and ground via pulldown resistors and when pressed the Arduino detects that digital pin to be HIGH.1. in milliseconds delay(flickerPeriod / numberOfDigitalSamples). analogWrite(ledOut_ch2Pin. } else { analogWrite(ledOut_ch1Pin. i++) { int numberOfDigitalSamples = 10. analogWrite(ledOut_ch2Pin. ledOut_ch2). int boolean_joystickDown = LOW. int boolean_buttonPressed = LOW.e. the number of each channel pressed during // the 1 second period (2xflickerPeriod) int count_joystickUP = 0. } if (digitalValues[2] == HIGH) { count_buttonPressed++.ladyada. // read input value digitalValues[2] = digitalRead(pinmap[2]). int count_joystickDown = 0. 0).g. i <= 2. for (int j = 1. } .net/learn/arduino/lesson5. j <= numberOfDigitalSamples. int count_buttonPressed = 0. ledOut_ch1). // e. // read input value digitalValues[1] = digitalRead(pinmap[1]).html // We can now simply calculate the number of HIGH signals // from each channel. j++) { // Read the digital inputs digitalValues[0] = digitalRead(pinmap[0]). 500 ms } // write the PWM values now to all the channels if (i == 1) { analogWrite(ledOut_ch1Pin.// i. and if the channels are very noisy // we can use some threshold values to determine whether // the button/joystick was actually pressed by the subject if (digitalValues[0] == HIGH) { count_joystickUP++. The basic for-loop in The Arduino sketch for the flickering scheme looks like the following: for (int i = 1. } if (digitalValues[1] == HIGH) { count_joystickDown++. 0). // if pressed or not int boolean_joystickUP = LOW. // read input value // if you need to "filter" spurious button noise // check LadyAda's tutorial on digital inputs // and button debouncing: // http://www. } // delay in each loop. thus it is not possible that subject would like to confirm every second.} In the code we count the number of HIGH's per channel (variables count) and end of each loop delay is introduced which is as long as the desired flicker period). first in the setup of the sketch // additionally we want to limit the possible // frequency of "confirm presses" as it not possible // in the study paradigm really to confirm the flicker // fusion every second #define noOfHistorysSamples 6 int confirmButtonHistory[noOfHistorysSamples]. it takes several tens of seconds for the subject to find the point on which he confirms the "nulling" of flicker. ledOut_ch1--. In practice this can occur if the subject presses the confirm button very long or near the end of the 1 sec sampling period. the button press extending to the subsequent 1 sec sampling period. ledOut_ch1++. } // Evaluate whether the buttons are really pressed if (count_joystickDown >= pressThreshold) { boolean_joystickDown = HIGH. so that on the first execution of the for' (when i == 1) the LED 1 is switched on with desired duty cycle. After the for-loop (~500 ms) the duty cycles of the LEDs are updated. } Limiting how often subject can confirm In practice. this is implemented as following. and on second execution the LED 2 with desired duty cycle while the other LED is off (duty cycle of 0). } // Evaluate whether the buttons are really pressed if (count_buttonPressed >= pressThreshold) { boolean_buttonPressed = HIGH. In the Arduino sketch (heterochromaticFlicker.ino). Which defines a vector with noOfHistorySamples (6 samples now) integer values called confirmButtonHistory. After this we can compare the counts again the set threshold for number of presses: // Evaluate whether the buttons/joysticks are really pressed if (count_joystickUP >= pressThreshold) { boolean_joystickUP = HIGH. Above we defined the rules whether the button (or joystick) . then we can say that sufficient time has // passed since the previous button press if (buttonCount == 1 && boolean_buttonPressed == HIGH) { boolean_buttonPressedAfterHistoryCheck = HIGH.was really pressed. k < noOfHistorysSamples. l++) { if (confirmButtonHistory[l] == HIGH) { buttonCount++. } // calculate the number of presses in the history int buttonCount = 0. k++) { confirmButtonHistory[k] = tempHistory[k]. } } // now after HISTORY CHECK if only one button press // is found. l < noOfHistorysSamples. Only when when number of button presses is 1 ( buttonCount == 1) and a real button press is detected (boolean_buttonPressed == HIGH) final button press is accepted (boolean_buttonPressedAfterHistoryCheck = HIGH). .6 seconds) during which no confirm button is allowed. for (int k = 0. the scope in second is 6 times 1 sec . } So the above introduced noOfHistorySamples is the scope of the history examined (when sampling period is 1 sec. for (int k = 1. k++) { tempHistory[k-1] = confirmButtonHistory[k]. } tempHistory[noOfHistorysSamples-1] = boolean_buttonPressed. for (int l = 0. Example of button confirmation. being limited by the noOfHistorySamples Note that in the current implementation joystick presses are not limited in similar fashion as it was not needed in our experimental paradigm. k <= noOfHistorysSamples-1. and we can extend this to check how many previous presses there were during previous cycles as following: // Add the newly read boolean_buttonPressed after // making "room" for it using a temporary array int tempHistory[noOfHistorysSamples]. but could be modified to be switch-controlled from the Python GUI for example. // so we return then Serial. // prints a tab Serial. if (count_joystickUP >= pressThreshold) { boolean_joystickUP = HIGH. widget): .print("\n"). // prints a line change } The correct behavior of the Arduino sketch can now be monitored using the Serial Monitor of the Arduino IDE without having to having to have a software front-end.Finally the LED intensity valued are returned for example to be read using Python: // PRINT NOW THE VALUES Out if button is pressed if (boolean_buttonPressedAfterHistoryCheck == HIGH) { // Upon confirm we want to know to which intensity // values the user confirmed the fusion.ino'.print(ledOut_ch1).print("\t"). // ledOut_ch1++. } // Evaluate whether the buttons are really pressed if (count_joystickDown >= pressThreshold) { boolean_joystickDown = HIGH. This was omitted from the example from the sake of simplicity.ino) Slight modification of the actual 'heterochromaticFlicker. // prints a tab Serial. Arduino Debug ( heterochromaticFlickerExclIncrementDecrements. } Now the user control of the LED is hard-wired only the 'ch1'.print(ledOut_ch2). Python GUI (heterochromaticFlicker. This is useful when you don't have anything connected to Arduino Pins when the state of the digital pins are not necessarily LOW and the Arduino can then behave as it would receive "phantom" joystick presses from user.py) The basic implementation of Python GUI is simple with only two sliders for adjusting the intensity of the flickering lights: def on_changed(self.print("\t"). Serial. // ledOut_ch1--. Serial. The detection of joystick presses do not know lead to increase/decrease of LED intensity. val = widget. LabVIEW VI (heterochromaticFlicker.get_value() name = widget.get_name() if name == "Channel1": self.ser. LabVIEW can be used to control the LEDs using Arudino.ser.write("b" + chr(int(val))) elif name == "Channel2": self.vi) As shown in ControlPWM. .write("g" + chr(int(val))) else: print "ERROR: Invalid widget name. in on_changed function" The case conditional to identify which LED channel want to be modified is implemented similarly as for other examples (ControlPWM andCueLightTask) Screen capture of the heterochromatic flicker Python GUI. You need to upload the Arduino sketch LVIFA_base. the company behind LabVIEW and vast selection of data acquisition instruments). The example is modified from the example "Simple LED" provided by NI.pde in order to make Arduino responsive to commands sent from LabVIEW: .Demonstration of how to use LabVIEW with Arduino is done using the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA) package provided by National Instruments (NI. .pde with its accompanying files.Screen capture of LVIFA_base. 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