Hello Tomorrow Challenge



APRIL 19th, 2014... TECCHSAfAR~ Hello Tomorrow Challenge 24 hours & 161ocations Program: www.hello-tomorrow.org/safari The free citywide tour of the most exciting innovations and technology places in Paris! Sensecube SoScience! 50partners LOpenLab Xebia Créatis Vibreight Startup42 La Fonderie TheFamily Executive Bus Acc. Petit Poucet Laptop Carrefour Num WoMa La Paillasse 2 ®-0 ®-r7 TIMETABLE SPONSORS &FOOD SPEAI<ERS GRAND FINALE SPEAI<ERS & JURY STARTUPS PARTNERS CONVENTION CENTER MAPS FRENCHTECH SAFARI AMPHITHEATER LOUIS ARMAND _:-. I I ®-~ @J AMPHITHEATE GASTON BERGER I Meet with the 25 selected startups and friends of the Challenge! THINGS VOU SHOULD I<NOW HTC 2014 - download our application, available for mobile (iPhone and Android in the App store) and deshtop (www.ddut.ch/hellotomorrow). What's in: agenda, speakers bio, attendees, live feed...This unique gateway to the conference is also a way for you to message attendees. WiFi - it's free, it's public, it's brilliant: FDOTI4 is the name of the networh. #FDOTI4 - one hashtag to rule them all - share the love! Join the adventure - follow the Hello Tomorrow Challenge on Facebooh, and subscribe to our newsletter on www.hello-tomorrow.org. Emergency - in case of emergency, contact the Hello Tomorrow staff at the entrance. Kairos Society HELLO TOMORROW FACTS ENTRANCE @ REGISTRATION @ 13countries are represented in the Hello Tomorrow Challenge semi-finals: Bulgaria (I), France (8), Greece (I), Israel (I), Italy (I), Lithuania (I), the Netherlands (I), Portugal (1), United Kingdom (2), Spain (I), Sweden (I), Switzerland (5), Turtley (1) 60 HTC ambassadors - our amazing community that allowed us to shine in dozens of countries - and most of them are here today! -I~ ,,,.m•• l'Atelier BNP 3LEVELS J~ . I. lSI la 90 partners - a big thanh to all of them as they helped us gain a paneuropean dimension in our first edition 1,200+ candidates for our first edition; the vast majority of European countries is represented €15,OOO:the prize devoted to category winners €100,OOO: our Grand Prize, no strings attached To understand what the challenge really is, a Fewadditional figures can help: 10 months of preparation, 3,200 unanswered emails, 20 pumped-up French volunteers (-4.5 FTEs),147meetings, hundreds ofnc', 2 interns, 630 Google Hangouts or Stlype sessions, 1job resignation, 248 ambassador leads, laughter, determination & a strong will to achieve our vision More than anything, we want to thann all our partners, Friends& networhs who made it possible. Thanhs again! AMPHITHEATER Welcome GASTON BERGER AMPHITHEATER LOUIS ARMAND Speech - Joël de Rosnay 9:40 PRODUCTION PARTNERS 9:50 - 1:50PM PITCH ARENA I3IGDATA FINALISTS XDiscovery./ta/y MEDIA PARTNERS [RUDEL__ [BAGUETTE] TOMORROW RESEARCH 9:45 - /0:50 ~Ie ~ .:::.agorize dcobledotch //:::... ANDRE & ASSOCIES tAUII, TILLY ddyness raZZI Giovanni Salvatore. ETH Zurich Flexible electronics for biomedical applications Max Versace. Boston University Machines to life Patric Couvreur. CNRS Nanotechnologies for the treatment of severe diseases Marll Post. Maastricht University Can lab-grown meat revolutionize the way we eat? Zoltan Tallats./mperia/ College From the analytical laboratory to the surgical theatre Joël de Rosnay. Universcience President of the session .. '·"·'·1'.11 a:(9TELIER ___ • I4Recherche @ OnlightTechnologies. Pzartech./srae/ Streamroot. France Little Big Data. France Fractal Up. Peru/Spain Stat.io. UI< Carbon Analytics. U/( .bUlkr ..,.. "._.... __"""'.tu"".... "'lAl."'lIlIynA.l1 _ ........ SOON . SOONP-'f SOON '7J. " rnmm ~ BUSINESS IT-COM FINALISTS Playful Vision. Switzer/and Bu/ga®. ~ :\, ACCELERATORS & INCUBATORS .TAR~:OC'\ TOMORROW STARTUPS Jean-Louis Constanza. CR/TEO The power of Big Data Rich Wailler. Shadow Robot Company Developing robotics Andrew Dawood. Digits2Widgets From Digits to Widgets 11.DO - 11:50 Beacon Lab. Lithuania ~ .....~ seedcamp. lisbon~ ~, YESlDeift j InDUSTRID -=IDxe Ieo OoOo"!'· OXYGEN ACCELEAATOR • ~ 0° II .. ENERGY FINALISTS g_ar~ Talent challenge eleven DEMO •.. ~synBlo.axlr8r ef ITUCEHlfdEH H-FARM· Tim Gardner. Riffyn The industrial revolution of genetic engineering Nadine Bongaerts./(airos Society President of the session œ _ WatchLive Electrochemistry. France Visionarity. Switzer/and Agronergy. France Solar Swing. Nether/ands Grafenfeh, Turkey rli:'~ Orange Fab .O.IIlIlllTICW'_ I!.:IItIrtaIlIIDIIClmD .!~....._-- k STARTU '42Spj!ag LUNCH BREAI< TOMORROW FUNDING I.DO- 1:50 PM Stephen Piron. Briçht'Sun Revenge of the nerds: how algorithms will fix venture capital Bill Liao, SOS Ventures Disruptive Investment Vincent Schachter. TOTAL New Energies When corporations and startups collaborate to bring technologies to marhet Liz Wald./ndiegogo The evolution of NO to YES Romain Lavault. Partech Ventures President of the session I3IOTECH-MEDTECH FINALISTS Miroculus. Greece Archimej Tech. France G-Therapeutics. Switzer/an Swecure. Sweden DAMAE Med. France FRIENDS & NETWORI<S g:6cience! STARTUPTOUR It ~NEW(ITIES fOUNDATION -ESSIe ~......_ CCe';;kK~k· Osandbox O"• ." .....ptI>l.. Qu.UUu G r_ fmfonderle ...... ..._"...~ 815 m IIGELS 5RIl11 K GoSense. France Gimball.Switzer/and Is2you. Portugal O OJUMPSTAllltA .. ~ ~c ........ :snips ... " ~:::::- ~i:fDTl.ab l _ ....._w ____ ~SYNBIO CON!tVUIN. ., .. r..... r'f CS 1'11(,\ let:'leq HARDWARE FINALISTS Beta-I ---_ .... bluenod ~::,l t..ï 0 • stlrtup LlfWL!~ '·'·'1 FIVE 00 ... "--.'.6.~.J?,!::! ~ synbiobeto oat, 1111 :.. n II BY FIVE TeamStarlETH. SWitzer/and Leila. France GLOBAL PARTNER ORGANIZER Hello Tomorrow ~ AMPHITHEATER GASTON BERGER AMPHITHEATER LOUIS ARMAND TOMORROW MOBILITY powered by MICHELIN Nicolas Meilhan, Frost & Sullivan Andy Elwood, WAZE EriR Grab, Michelin Frédéric Mazzella, BlaBlaCar Philippe Reynaud, Renault Pedro Costa, Michelin - Moderator TOMORROW DO IT YOURSELF TOMORROW HEALTHCARE powered by ESSEC Chair of Therapeutic Innovation Cécile Grosshopf, Roche Alexandre Mignon, iLUMENS Jessica Richman, uBIOME Elaine Warburton, QuantuMDx Gregory Katz, ESSEC - Moderator TOMORROW powered CONNECTED CITIES Challenge by New Cities Foundation DIAMOND PARTNERS Massimo Banzi, ARDUINO Benjamin Joffe, HAXLRBR Ellen Jorgenssen, Genspace Philippe Dewost, Caisse des Dépôts Jean-Louis MissiRa, Paris City Hall Romain Lacombe, Etalab Pierre Tabary, Schneider Electric Mathieu Lefevre, NCF - Moderator TOMORROW powered CONNECTED OBJECTS TOTAL Thomas Landrain, La Paillasse - Moderator TOMORROW powered CLEANTECH by TOTAL by ORANGE Kamil Adarnczyh, IntelClinic Ludovic Le Moan, SigFox Sebastien Payen, Fruition Sciences Thomas Serval,/(olibree Inser AIRBUS • unlversclence bp!france ~I.re .mi:mu Marc Delcourt, Global Bioenergies Laura Pargade, Sunna-Design Gildas Sorin, Novaled Jean-Marc Bally, Aster Capital Vincent Schachter, TOTAL - Moderator Luc Bretones, Orange - Moderator BREAK GRANDE FINALE - HELLO TOMORROW CHALLENGE Announcement of the 5 trach finalists Live pitch of the 5 trach finalists CLOSING KEYNOTE Demis Hassabis, DEEPMIND Election of the Grand Winner Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière, Orange Xavier Duportet, Hello Tomorrow Challenge Marjorie Paillon, France24 - Moderator 6PM SAPPHIRE PARTNERS .gaz rf1'1lth SAINT-GOBAIN u fRENCH TRACEON.f· .ceeltf." Iftnllu!loll COCKTAIL - DINNER "Tech Me Out" PARTY @ TRABENDO CLUB TECH Tomorrow RESEARCH Joël de Rosnay Giovanni Salvatore Max Versace IT-COM ....pzortech pzartech PlAYFULVISll N Playfulvision ISRAEL SWITZERLAND Oliuht TeCh".1I1e5 UNIVERSCIENCE ETH ZURICH BOSTON UNIVERSITY StreamRoot Onlight technologies Beacon Lab FRANCE BULGARIA LITHUANIA BIOTECH & MEDTECH Zoltan Tahats G-Therapeutics G-Therapeutics SWITZERLAND IMPERIAL COLLEGE 9A¬ Cure Tomorrow STARTUPS Jean-Louis Constanza Nadine Bongaerts Swecure Dt~EM\t01 FRANCE DAMAE Medical . ..~.~, ."~ ~mirOculus Miroculus GREECE ARCHIME.J TECHNOLOGY ~ Archimej Technology Sweden FRANCE ENERGY E+',i!1â=Ii jâM Grafentetl visi.narity Visionarity CRITEO SHADOW ROBOT I<AIROS SOCIETY TURKEY SWITZERLAND ,I ..-,.. ~. Watchlive Electrochemistry Agronergyf Agronergy swing Solarswlnç HjERGY FRANCE FRANCE NETHERLANDS ROBOTICS HARDWARE II GoSen:.e Go Sense Gimbal! FRANCE SWITZERLAND Tomorrow IS2you )' !MNI1CDrop11. ... Ie....... S«l~ FUNDING Romain Lavault Stephen Piron Bill Liao leka •• Smart Toys TeamStarlETH Is2you Letia SWITZERLAND RIFFYN BRIGHT'SUN SOS VENTURES PORTUGAL CARBONANAL YTICS Managingcarbon made easy FRANCE BIG DATA ~ fractalup Vincent Schachter Liz Wald Fractal Up ({Qstat.io Statio Carbon Analytics UI< ! UK BI ITT .4 ~ XDiscovery LittleBigData TOTAL NEW ENERGIES INDIEGOGO PERU/SPAIN ITALY FRANCE IT-COM Gilles Babinet Luc Bretones Romain Lavault Tomorrow MOBILITY EUROPEAN COMMISSION ORANGE PARTECHVENTURES ® Massimo Banzi L. Dumas-Crouzillac IDINVEST Laurent I<ott Roxanne Varza Nicolas Meilhan IT TRANSLATION MICROSOFT FROST& SULLIVAN ROBOTICS& HARDWARE Max Versace Tomorrow HEALTHCARE ARDUINO NEURALAIBOSTON UNIV @ Elsa Keita Alexandre Mignon Cécile Grosshopf AIRBUS iLUMENS ROCHE BIG DATA James Cameron Romain Lalanne Roseline Kalifa Tomorrow CONNECTED CITIES Mathieu LeFevre Jean-Louis Missiha ACCEL PARTNERS SNCF ORANGE NEW CITIES FOUNDATION PARIS CITY HALL Antoine Durieux Gilles Bouchard Youssri Helmy Philippe Dewost Pierre Tabary ALI<EMICS EBA NEWBURY VENTURES CAISSE DES DEPOTS SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Tomorrow DO IT YOURSELF Massimo Banzi ARDUINO Marjorie Paillon Demis Hassabis M-N Jégo-Laveissière Xavier Duportet FRANCE24 DEEPMIND ORANGE HELLO TOMORROW CHALLENGE Benjamin Joffe Thomas Landrain HAXLRBR LA PAILLASSE Tomorrow CONNECTED OBJECTS SIGFOX ENERGY Jean-Marc Bally Gildas Sorin François Badoual ASTER CAPITAL NOVALED TOTAL 00 Thomas Serval Karnil AdamczyR Van Thoinet Vincent Kientz Sebastien Payen FRUITION SCIENCES I<OLlBREE INTELCLINIC CLEANTECH BA ENEA CONSULTING Tomorrow CLEANTECH Jean-Marc Bally Vincent Schachter • Dominique Bellet Vohan Le Men Jessica Richman BIOTECH & MEDTECH INSTITUT CURIE INSERM-TRANSFERT uBIOME ASTER CAPITAL TOTAL NEW ENERGIES cu Gildas Sorin Laura Pargade Hemai Parthasarathy Marc Delcourt Cécile GrossRopf NOVALED SUNNA-DESIGN BREAI<OUTLABS GLOBAL BlOENERGIES ROCHE More From BRETONESSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextRencontre Annuelle Institut G9+ du 8 décembre 2009 "l'Entreprise Face Aux Reseaux Sociaux"S’engager dans la solidarité numérique pour relever le défi de la société connectéeIls font parler les datas pour accélérer l’innovation !Start-ups, des fonds pour grandir - Capital août 2014Keynote d'intro 16è Rencontre annuelle Institut G9+ par Benoît Flamant, Dirigeant Fourpoints Pourquoi l’opacité de gestion des données personnelles des acteurs d’écosystème web (les fameux « OTT ») altère-t-elle la confiance des internautes ?Voeux 2015 de l'Institut G9+16ème Rencontre Annuelle de l'Institut G9+ "L’économie numérique, mutation à grande vitesse. Quels seront les champions de demain ? Leur stratégie ?"Le parisien "Orange initie les salariés en insertion à l'informatique"L’Effet Whuffie de Tara Hunt vient de paraître - Extrait de la postface de Luc BretonesAméliorer l’efficacité de l’innovation pour accélérer la croissanceCentrale Marseille une école pionnière qui porte haut les valeurs de la solidarité socialeCapital Spécial Start-ups France "Pourquoi on va s'en sortir"CP Institut G9+ L’économie numérique Cloud Computing Saas Conference Institut G9+ - 100531 - Table Ronde n°2Les réseaux sociaux, piliers des écosystèmes d’entreprise !Nicolas Auray 2009 WEB 2 Telecom ParisTech VL Sur Site G9+Livre Blanc 2009 de l'Institut G9+Malika Haimeur, le parcours exceptionnel d'une femme ingenieurL'Internet mobile va révolutionner nos viesPortrait Sylvie Bretones DAF DFCG FinanceCompte-rendu rencontre annuelle Institut G9+ "l'Entreprise face aux reseaux sociaux" - 8 decembre 2009L'Entreprise face aux réseaux sociaux - Programme de la soirée du 8 décembreKSI Junior Entreprise Centrale MarseilleDossier Reseaux Sociaux Web 20 - Revue L'ingénieur, Centrale LilleCloud Computing Saas Conference Institut G9+ - 100531 - Table Ronde n°1CR light conférence Livre Blanc Institut G9+ du 1er juillet avec NKMStart Up Weekend Paris - SWPA Préface traduction premier chapitre "The Whuffie Factor"Footer MenuBack To TopAboutAbout ScribdPressOur blogJoin our team!Contact UsJoin todayInvite FriendsGiftsLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSupportHelp / FAQAccessibilityPurchase helpAdChoicesPublishersSocial MediaCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Browse Books.Site Directory.Site Language: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaSign up to vote on this titleUsefulNot usefulYou're Reading a Free PreviewDownloadClose DialogAre you sure?This action might not be possible to undo. 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