May 30, 2018 | Author: maronnam | Category: Relay, Electrical Connector, Switch, Control System, Electrical Equipment



MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEMHEEM-SERIES MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM (HEEM-SERIES) Contents page GENERAL & TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1 OUT-LINE DIMENSION 2 TIME SETTING 3 INSTALLATION 4 SYSTEM STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 5 ~ 8 1 .MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES GENERAL & TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1. Front : Acryl Plate & I/O Jack 4. each essential auxiliary is provided with a stand-by. Bottom : Opened 9VAC 3. n. (2) 0.3A 110VAC(resistive). 2. and provides the abnormal stop signal in the event of a motor abnormal stop due to overload or blackout. (1) 1. this system has a sequential start control function after blackout (power outage). Side & Rear : Fixed Plate 5. n. rated 0. so that should a trouble.3A 110VAC (resistive). It has watchdog in control circuit so that its circuit never fall down except for power black out.2A 24VDC(resistive) or 0. n. It reduces the number of interlocking wires between the starter units.0 second timer to prevent misoperations due to chattering of pressure switch. normally open dry contact of relay (relay is de-energized and contact is open in the event of abnormal stop). (3) One abnormal stop signal. respectively. General For ship automation with unattended machinery spaces. normally open dry contact(ON to close) rated 1A 110VAC or 0.5-40 second timer to control parallel running period under low pressure condition.6VA for control of one motor. In addition to the automatic changeover function. (1) One main contactor closing signal.5-40 second timer to allow a pressure build-up during motor start pariod(inhibits stand-by start) (3) 00-100 second timer for sequential start control. It reduces the size of motor starter units.2A 24VDC (resistive) or 0. (1) 0. with coarse and fine adjustments. rated 0. (2) One stand-by indication signal. The HEEM system is a solid-state controller for motors to drive such two or more auxiliary. Color : Black 3. Material : Steel plate 2. develop in the operating auxiliary. making inspection/maintenance very simple and easy. such as an abnormal stop or low pressure. Feature n. then an automatic changeover to the stand-by auxiliary will take place. Specification Ambient Temperature External connection Mounting Accessibility Name plate Enclosure ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION Power Power Consumption Output Signals/Motor Fixed Timers Adjustable Timers -10 ~ 70℃ I/O Jack(5pin Femail connector) Surface mounting type Front Acryl plate 1. GENERAL & MECHANICAL 3. It replaces a relay control complex in the starter unit by a solid-state control circuitry of high reliability.5A 220VAC. normally open dry contact (ON in stand-by condition). equential start nal in the 1 . uxiliary.EEM-SERIES provided with velop in the e place. 4 TOP VIEW HOLE SIZE 7 .20 2 20 .5~100 SEC 226 0 00 .2 16 242 PARALLEL RUNNING TIMER 0.5~100 SEC 0 00 1 10 2 20 3 30 4 40 - 10 20 30 40 50 5 50 6 60 7 70 8 80 9 90 - FRONT 60 SEC 70 80 90 100 "A" 32 CN1 55 CN2 CN3 CN4 PLUNGER 32 55 23 226 27 242 FRONT FRONTVIEW VIEW 210 144 8 FRONT HEEM.UP TIMER 0.5~25 SEC SEQUENTIAL START TIMER 0.2 16 PRESSURE BUILD.MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES OUT-LINE DIMENSION 210 PARALLEL RUNNING TIMER 0.5~25 SEC SEQUENTIAL START TIMER 0.5~25 SEC HEEM.4 CAUTION 142 88 TYPE 27 VIEW TOP TOP VIEW 2 .30 40 50 30 REAR43 40 - 5 50 6 60 7 70 8 80 9 90 - FRONT 60 SEC 70 80 90 100 8 32 55 27 PLUNGER 32 32 CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 40 55 PLUNGER HOLE SIZE 7 .5~25 SEC PRESSURE BUILD.4 55 23 CAUTION 226 27 142 27 242 27 88 88 142 SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW 8 27 FRONT VIEW 242 TYPE 27 "A" DETAIL 226 8 HOLE SIZE 7 .10 1 10 .UP TIMER 0. First set COARSE. (2) Pressure Build-up Timer Section Turns on as soon as the timer starts and turns off ① Timer Light when the timer counts up the set time. 2. ② FINE(variable 5 50 to 60 -resistor) internal circuit resetting. That is. * Time setting NOTE : COARSE FINE 1.E.3 takes about 1 or 2 seconds to become 4 40 to 50 fully operational (time required for power build-up. adjusted after the time range is selected with the switch started below. the sequential start 8 80 to 90 signal is produced with a 1-2 second time-delay even 9 90 to 100 when the timer is set to the minimum time-delay. Adjusted to set the desired time to allow a pressure ② Setting Trimmer build-up during the starting period.B.D. A fine adjustment to set the desired time delay for ② Setting Trimmer sequential start.C. Adjusted to set the desired parallel running time ② Setting Trimmer in the event of a low pressure trouble. When the blackout condition is restored to normal 3 30 to 40 HEEM-2.F position if you turn this position sequential start time is same to position 9. 0 00 to 10 SEC. . ③ COARSE(10position 2 20 to 30 -Time range switch) 3. ③ Time Range Switch A 10-position (0-9) switch to select the adjustable range with the time setting trimmer. and program execution idle 6 60 to 70 time) Add this functional delay to the setting to obtain 7 70 to 80 the actual time-delay. and error at its maximum 1 10 to 20 setting is ±10%.MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES TIME SETTING (1) ② ① (2) ① ② (Front view) (3) ① ② ③ I/O SIGNAL CABLE CONNECTION (CN1 ~ CN4) NAME DESCRIPTION (1) Parallel Running Timer Section Turns on as soon as the timer starts and turns off ① Timer Light when the timer counts up the set time. Don’t turn the switch to A. then FINE. (3) Sequential Start Timer Section Turns on as soon as the timer starts and turns off ① Timer Light when the timer counts up the set time. Scale of FINE is linear. EM-SERIES COARSE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FINE 00 to 10 SEC. 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 90 90 to 100 . FINE . * Inspection and adjustments are possible by opening the front panel door of the starter unit compartment. remove the front nameplate/dustcover to gain access to the trimmer and switch.3 module is installed on the bottom partition of each starter unit compartment. be sure to replace this cover.MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES * When making a time setting. After the time setting. INSTALLATION * The HEEM-2. . EM-SERIES . energizes the runn'g contactor(88) and the motor of No. turning off the running contactor(88) and stopping the motor. the stand-by auxiliary's motor is automatically started. (2) If the operating auxiliary develops a low pressure trouble. in turn.1 and No. the abnormal . At the same time. but it continues to run. Manual Control Confirm that the select switches on No. which. HEEM-2 system(2 stand-by start) 1-1.1) is running. Sequential Start If power to the auxiliaries motors is restored after it was lost (blackout). the motor of the auxiliary in low pressure trouble will be automatically stopped. the previously operating motors will be started one after another according to the timing preset on their respective sequential start timers. Pushing the "START" button(3C) next energizes the starting relay(4). This abnormal stop signal is reset when the motor is re-started or the "STOP" button is pushed after the trouble is cleared. the abnormal stop signal is not produced. (b) Blackout Should a blackout occur when the motor (No.1 auxiliary is manually controlled from its starter. The following describes. At the same time. 1-1-1 Start and Running Closing the power source circuit breaker(52) or switch(89) turns on the power indicator lamp(LP). In this system. The running contactor(88) thus drops out and stops the motor. the case where the motor of No. The pressure build-up timer inhibits the stand-by auxiliary's motor from starting due to chattering of the pressure switch or on low pressure during the starting period of the other auxiliary. the stand-by motor is started instead of the running motor. Since the relay 4 self-holding. 1. the stand-by auxiliary's motor is automatically started.MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES SYSTEM STRUCTURE & FUNCTION The HEEM system is applied to the automatic change-over system. as an example. releasing the "START" button(3C) does not stop the motor. 1-1-3 Abnormal Stop (a) Overload Operation of the thermal overload relay(51) de-energizes the starting relay(4). These timers have each a 10-position switch for coarse time setting and a trimmer for fine time setting to cover a wide range of time setting from 00 to 100 seconds. the abnormal stop signal is produced. the starting relay(4) and running contactor(88) will drop out and the motor will be stopped. After their parallel running period preset on the parallel running timer. which then de-energizes the starting relay(4). 1-1-2 Stop Pushing the "STOP" button(3-O) energizes the stop relay(5). 2 or 3 motor starters are monitored and communicate with each other. When the motor is stopped by pushing the "STOP" button(3-O).1 auxiliary starts.2 starters are set to the "MANU" position. Automatic Changeover (1) If the operating auxiliary's motor is stopped by a low voltage or overload. and in case some trouble occurs to the motor that is running single or parallel. not produced. 0 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 00 to 10 SEC. 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 50 to 60 60 to 70 80 to 90 90 to 100 .zes the runn'g arting relay(4). position their select switches from "MANU" to "AUTO" or "AUTO CHANGE". After the started No.1 is pushed to reset the abnormal stop signal. When the parallel running timer for No. This also puts No. When the main power is restored and the sequential start timer counts up the set time. When No.2 abnormal stop signals are reset. the "STOP" button for No. then HEEM-2 module for No.1 will immediately relay this abnormal stop condition to No. Sequential Start Should a blackout occur when No. First. The running machine is unaffected by these switch operations but continues to run as it was.2) will be automatically reset. the "STOP" button for No. The following describes. NOTE : If you want to change from the manual mode with one of the auxiliaries in operation to the autochange mode. 1-2. though it is not operating.2 into a stand-by condition and HEEM-2 module for No.1 auxiliary is started.2 will be automatically started and run in parallel with No.1 and No. No.1 auxiliary will be re-started and the abnormal stop signal (both No. and the motor of No.2 is in stand-by condition as mentioned in 6-2 above. The output contact of HEEM-2 module for No.1 is stopped.2 has established the required pressure and the pressure switch(PS) turns off.2 is a stand-by machine. a) Abnormal Stop (due to overload or loss of control power) If the running No. where as the other machine is automatically put into a stand-by condition. No.2 side.1 is running and No. At the same time. the running contactor(88) is truned on. b) Low Pressure If the running No.1 side. as an example.1's "START" button to start it . No.1 is automatically re-started and No. whose output contact turns on to start the motor of No.1.1 counts up the set time. The abnormal stop signal will be also produced from No. the motor or No. due to loss of power.1 side. No. No. .1 (first-running machine) is automatically stopped. When the main power is restored afterwards and the sequential start timer counts up the set time.2 sends out ST-BY signal. the abnormal stop signal is produced from No. the starting relay(4) is energized. Automatic Changeover The select switches on No.2 enters into a stand-by condition again.1 develops a low pressure condition and the pressure switch(PS) turns on and remains on for 1 second or more. 1-3. push No. the motor thus continues to run.1 and No. then No.2 auxiliary.1 auxiliary is a first-running machine and No.1 is stopped due to an overload or loss of control power.1 and No.1 is put into operation HEEM-2 system automatically puts No. Since this signal is produced in response to the loss of power the abnormal stop signal will be produced from the operating motor side (No. No.MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES SYSTEM STRUCTURE & FUNCTION stop siganl will be produced.2 starters should be set to the "AUTO" or "AUTO CHANGE" position.1 will remain stopped and will be automatically put into a stand-by condition.1 is pushed to reset the abnormal stop signal. After the trouble of No.2 abnormal stop signal is also produced.1 side (overload or loss of control power) is cleared.1).1 into a stand-by condition.1 abnormal stop signal is produced.1 also turns on to keep the starting relay(4) energized. the case where No. No. Manual Control For manual operation of one or both of No.1.3 will be placed in a stand-by mode.1 auxiliary is started. if No.1) is running. the abnormal stop siganl will be produced. The output contact of HEEM-3 module for No. HEEM-3 system(3 stand-by start) 2-1.2 into a stand-by condition and HEEM-3 module for No. No.2 starter is placed in a stand-by unit and No. No.3 starters should be set to "AUTO CHANGE" position. Since the relay 4 self-holding. which. but it continues to run. overload or low pressure condition occurs to No.2 sends out stand-by signal.1 motor. Since this signal is produced in response to the loss of power the abnormal stop signal will be produced from the operating motor side (No. No.1 starter is place in a lead unit No.2 starter will be automatically start running as soon as the loss of power. the motor thus continues to run. And No.3 starters the "MANU-AUTO CHANGE" selector switches on applicable controller should be set to "MANUAL" position. the abnormal stop signal is produced. Pushing the "START" button(3C) next energizes the starting relay(4).3 that starters operating first is the lead unit. The following explanation is an example of the operation when No.2 and No. . in turn. the running contactor(88) is truned on. which then de-energizes the starting relay(4). the abnormal stop signal is not produced. At the same time.MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES SYSTEM STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 2.2 starter is an abnormal state.3 starter is placed in a normal power "ON" state 2-2-1 Start and Stand-by Press the No. the starting relay(4) is energized.1 is put into operation HEEM-3 system automatically puts No. At this time. the motor or No. (b) Blackout Should a blackout occur when the motor (No. 2-2. the starting relay(4) and running contactor(88) will drop out and the motor will be stopped.1 also turns on to keep the starting relay(4) energized.1). energizes the runn'g contactor(88) and the motor of No. At the same time. No. 2-1-2 Stop Pushing the "STOP" button(3-O) energizes the stop relay(5).1 auxiliary starts. and the motor of No. No. 2-1-3 Abnormal Stop (a) Overload Operation of the thermal overload relay(51) de-energizes the starting relay(4). When No. When the main power is restored afterwards and the sequential start timer counts up the set time.3 starter will be placed in a stand-by mode. 2-1-1 Start and Running Closing the power source circuit breaker(52) or switch(89) turns on the power indicator lamp(LP). The running contactor(88) thus drops out and stops the motor. turning off the running contactor(88) and stopping the motor.1's "START" button to start it .1. This abnormal stop signal is reset when the motor is re-started or the "STOP" button is pushed after the trouble is cleared.2 and No.1. Automatic Changeover For automatic operation.1 auxiliary will be re-started and the abnormal stop signal will be automatically reset. the "MANU-AUTO CHANGE" selector switches on No. Next No. and output a stand-by started alarm signal. When the motor is stopped by pushing the "STOP" button(3-O). releasing the "START" button(3C) does not stop the motor.2 or No. and No. 2-2-3 Low Pressure If a drop in pressure on running No.3 is placed in a stand-by mode. After this even when the power of No.3 is placed in a stand-by mode automatically and No. At this time. On the recovery of the power. No.1 to No. No.2 motor will be started and run in parallel with No.1 motor will be stopped And No. But at this time No.) occurs while No.3 will be placed in a stand-by mode and No.2 will be still running outputting an abnormal signal.MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES SYSTEM STRUCTURE & FUNCTION 2-2-2 Abnormal Stop(due to overload or loss of power) If the running No. No.2 is placed in stand-by mode again But if the power failure or fuse blowout occurs only to No.1 starter is recovered. 2-3. The parallel running continues until the parallel run time is over.1 is stopped due to an overload or loss of control power.1 starter will detect the low pressure condition.2 motor will start instantly No.2 motor is started immediately in a stand-by mode. No.1 motor is stopped and place in a steady mode.3 will not be placed in a stand-by mode.1.1 is placed in a steady mode automatically when it is recovered from the over load.2 and No.1 motor is caused by some reason and continues for a chattering time No.1.1 motor is running and No. No. The sequential timer of No. Sequential Start If the blackout(loss of power.1 is not operated and No.1 motor will stop in abnormal state and No.1 will immediately relay this abnormal stop condition to No.1 motor restarts and No.3 motor is placed in a steady mode. then HEEM-3 module for No. if the pressure does not reach to the specified value after parallel running is end.3 is placed in a stand-by mode . and No. and No.2 will be reset from the stand-by mode.1 motor will stop in abnormal state.1 is placed in a stand-by mode because No.2 motor is placed in a stand-by mode. No. so running motor is change over from No. And when the time is out.2 side.2 is running and No. MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 1. HEEM-2 system(2 stand-by start) 9 . MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 1. HEEM-2 system(2 stand-by start) 10 . MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES 2-4 Operation Flow Chart HEEM-2 SYSTEM . MOTOR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM HEEM-SERIES * TABLE OF HEEM-II INPUT/OUTPUT CONDITIONS HEEM-2 SYSTEM . ULSAN. 9TH DIVISION. CAIRO..CHIYODA-GU. .kr ELECTRO ELECTRIC SYSTEMS HEAD OFFICE 1.503.1271 SOFIA BULGARIA TEL : 359-2-938-1068. KOREA TEL : 82-52-230-8123 FAX.YURAKU-CHO. TEL : 44-20-8600-7127 FAX : 44-20-8741-5620 TOKYO 8TH FL.32817 U. : 82-52-230-8120 SEOUL HYUNDAI B/D.hhi.S. NEW MAADI. KOREA TEL : 82-2-746-7522 / 7589 FAX : 82-2-746-7648 ORLANDO 3452 LAKE LYNDA DRIVE SUITE 110.3215-7159 FAX : 81-3-3211-2093 CAIRO APARTMENT NO. SEOUL..Printed By:Maker name 2002. 1-7-1. JONGNO-GU. YURAKUCHO DENKI BLDG.27 www.TOKYO. BUILDING NO.A TEL : 1-407-249-7350 FAX : 1-407-275-4940 LONDON 11TH FL. ST. U. KYE-DONG.ROJEN BLDG. 7 BLOCK 2. ORLANDO FLORIDA. LONDON W6 ONB.MARTIN'S HOUSE..09.JEONHA-DONG. 1HAMMERSMITH GROVE. DONG-GU.JAPAN 100-0006 TEL : 81-3-3212-2076. 140-2. EGYPT TEL : 20-2-520-0148∼9 FAX : 20-2-754-7528 SOFIA 41.co. 5TH FL. EL-NASR ROAD.936-0300 FAX : 359-2-936-0742 These Specification are subject to change without notice.K.
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