Healthcare & Hospital Management

March 19, 2018 | Author: vikastater | Category: Health Care, Public Health, Alternative Medicine, Hospital, Homeopathy



HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 1 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 2 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 3 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 4 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 5 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 6 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 7 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS MEANING OF SERVICE INDUSTRY Service includes all economic activities whose output is not a physical product or construction and is generally consumed at the time it is produced and provides added value in forms (such as convenience, timeliness, comfort or health). A service is an act of –performance offered by one party to another. They are economic activities that create value and provide benefits for customers at specific time and places as a result of bringing about a desired change in /or on behalf of the recipient of the service. The term service is not limited to personal services like medical services, beauty parlors, legal services etc. According to the marketing experts and management thinkers the concept of service is a wider one. The term services are defined in a number of ways but not a single one is universally accepted. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 8 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS DEFINITION According to GRONROSS “A service is an activity or series of activities of more or less intangible nature that normally not necessarily take place in interaction between the customer and service employees and/or physical resources or goods and/or system of the service provider which are provided as solution to customer problems.” According to KOTLER AND BLOOM “Service is an activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 9 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may not be tied up to a physical product.” CHARACTERISTICS OF SERVICES 1.INTANGIBILITY 2.PERISHABILITY 3.INSEPARABILITY 4.HETEROGENEITY HEALTH CARE KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 10 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Health care industry is a general term standing for all services related to health care. It refers to the treatment and management of illness, and the preservation of health through services offered by the medical, dental, pharmaceutical, clinical laboratory sciences, nursing, and allied health professions. Health care embraces all the goods and services designed to promote health, including “preventive, curative and palliative interventions, whether directed to individuals or to populations”. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 11 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The delivery of modern health care depends on an expanding group of trained professionals coming together as an interdisciplinary team. The Healthcare industry incorporates several sectors that are dedicated to providing services and products dedicated to improving the health of individuals. The healthcare industry includes health care equipment & services and pharmaceuticals, biotechnology & life sciences. The particular sectors associated with these groups are: hospitals, biotechnology, diagnostic substances, drug delivery, drug manufacturers, medical equipment and instruments, diagnostic laboratories, nursing homes, providers of health care plans and home health care. Health care services generally consist of Hospital activities, Medical and dental practice activities, and other human health activities. The last class consists of all activities for human health not performed by hospitals or by medical doctors or dentists. This involves activities of, or under the supervision of, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, scientific or diagnostic laboratories, KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 12 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS pathology clinics, blood bank, ambulance services, medical insurance, fitness centers, yoga centers, nursing home, or other Para-medical practitioners. HOSPITALS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 13 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS A number of health problems require intensive medical treatment and personal care which is not available in patient’s home or a clinic of a doctor. This is possible only in a hospital where a large number of professionally and technically skilled people apply their skill and knowledge with the help of advance equipment and appliances. “Hospital is an integral part of a social and medical organization, the function of which is to provide for the population complete health care both curative and preventive.” Today the hospital is a place for the diagnosis and treatment of human ailments and restoration of health and well being. The basic function of a hospital is to give proper treatment to the injured and sick without having any social, economic and racial discrimination. Some of the other important functions and services of modern KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 14 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS hospitals are training of the doctors and nurses, support to medical research and assistance to all activities carried out by public health and voluntary agencies to prevent disease. Today, hospitals are usually funded by the state, by health organizations, (for profit or non-profit), health insurances or charities, including by direct charitable donations The world health organization states that the hospital in an integral part of a social and medical organization, the function of which is to provide for the population complete health care both curative and preventive in nature. The hospital is also a centre for training of health workers and bio-social research. CHARACTERISTICS OF KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 15 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS HOSPITAL INDUSTRY A service industry like hospital has to offer the best of services to the patient. A hospital has the following service characteristics: 1.INTANGIBILITY: Health services are highly intangible which cannot be tested or examined before consumption. The intangibility factor can be compensated by physical evidence like place, people, equipment, price and communication material that the patient can see. For an example, at Lilavati Hospital the aesthetics, interior decoration, the cleanliness, the hospitality and the attention paid by employees to patients, the quality of doctors etc pay an important role to reduce uncertainties with an effort to add tangibles to intangibles. 2.INSEPARABILITY: Generally, health services are characteristics by inseparability. Health services are produced and KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 16 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS consumed at the same time and cannot be separated from their providers, whether the providers are people or medicine. 3.VARIABILITY: Service variability tries to reduce the variability factor in order to standardize the quality of service. Health services are subject to a great degree of variability. There are variations in services performance offered by the providers employees depending on skills, moods, etc. as the services offered by the hospitals are highly judgmental as and individualized. The various diagnostic procedures are also not standardized. The variations in service also depend on the affordability of the patient and reputation of the hospital. 4.HEALTH SERVICE QUALITY: Word of mouth is the best form of publicity and it also plays an important role in setting the platform of ascertaining service quality. Therefore the satisfied past KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 17 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS patients of a hospital can bring more number of patients to that hospital than advertising. In this context health care organization competing in such high pitch market have to take all possible measure to provide quality service consistently. CLASSIFICATION OF HOSPITALS: ON BASIS OF MEDICINE. (A) KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 18 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS 1.ALLOPATHIC HOSPITAL Allopathic hospitals are those hospitals which use allopathic medicine as the treatment of disease using conventional medical therapies, as opposed the use of alternative medical or non-conventional therapies. 2.AYURVEDIC HOSPITALS Ayurvedic hospitals are those hospitals which uses the medicines that inherent principles of nature, to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature. 3.HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITALS Homeopathic hospitals are those hospitals which practice homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a holistic system of treatment. The system is based on the idea that substances that produce symptoms of sickness in healthy people will KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 19 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS have a curative effect when given in very dilute quantities to sick people who exhibit those same symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are believed to stimulate the body's own healing processes. (A) ON BASIS OF OBJECTIVES: 1. TEACHING CUM RESEARCH HOSPITAL: These hospitals are teaching based. Health care is their secondary objective. They are found engaged in promoting the research activities and training medical students. Different medical colleges are attached to these hospitals. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 20 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS All India Medical Institute New Delhi and Post Graduate Medical Education and Research Institute are good examples. 2. GENERAL HOSPITALS: The main objective of these hospitals is to provide medical care. They also offer teaching and research facilities but these are secondary objectives. 3. SPECIAL HOSPITALS: These hospitals concentrate on a particular organ of the body or a particular disease. The main objective is to provide specialized medical services. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 21 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS (C) ON BASIS OF OWNERSHIP 1. GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 22 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The government hospitals are owned, managed and controlled by the government 2. SEMI- GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS: The semi government hospitals are autonomous body. 3. THE VOLUNTARY AGENCIES HOSPITALS: owned and managed by voluntary They are organizations 4. PRIVATE HOSPITALS: Private parties owned and managed private charitable hospitals (D) ON BASIS OF SIZE KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 23 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS 1. TEACHING HOSPITAL: The teaching hospitals generally have 500 beds which can be increased according to the number of students. 2. DISTRICT HOSPITAL: The district hospitals generally have 200 beds which can be increased up to 300 depending on the population. 3. TEHSIL HOSPITALS: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 24 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The tehsil hospitals generally have 50 beds that can be raised to 100 depending upon the population. PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRES The primary health centers generally have 6 beds that can be raised to 10 beds. MARKETING SERVICES. MIX FOR HOSPITAL KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 25 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Marketing management helps an organization in rising its potentiality and assists the users by making available goods or services of their own choice and capacity. Thought hospital is a nonprofit making organization still the significant of marketing practice cannot be ignored. The designing of the suitable marketing mix thus becomes significant to raise the creativity, sensitivity and acceptability of making decisions. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 26 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS PRODUCT MIX: The main product of the hospital is the medical services. The services in the hospital differ from one hospital to another. There are three categories of services in hospital. They are as follows: (A) LINE SERVICES: THE LINE SERVICES INCLUDE: i) EMERGENCY SERVICES: In the emergency services, the casualty services need attention on priority basis. The round clock service is made available by the casualty department. This department is specially meant for patient having sickness of grave nature requiring immediate treatment. It also serves the injured patients. OUT-PATIENT SERVICES: In the out patient department all patients are examined irrespective of the degree of illness. This department is known as OPD. While constructing the OPD there should be a gap between the indoor KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 27 ii) HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS area and OPD. The OPD should be connected with X-ray, laboratories and other supportive services. The doctors, para-medical officers or nurses attending the OPD should be well trained. So that the nurses feel dissatisfied. The examination or investigation of diseases is the most important service offered by OPD. It is most sensitive point where the hospitals may be successful in projecting their fair image. iii) IN-PATIENT SERVICES: After the patient is examined in the OPD they are advised admission in the in-patient ward if necessary. The in-patient wards are general or private. The patient is required to take decision regarding his admission. The charges are different for private and general wards. The government hospitals do not provide private wards. INTENSIVE CARE UNIT: The ICU is considered to be the heart of the hospital. It is meant for those patients who require special treatment. The staffing pattern of the ICU should be scientifically planned so that the related KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 28 iv) HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS patient is given proper medical and without a break. v) OPERATION THEATRES: Sophisticated equipments and appliances should be made available in an operation theatre of a hospital. The standby power arrangement is very important which affects the performance of OT. It is also important that the OTs should be manned by the expert and efficient doctors, nurses and para-medical officers. An important facility that every OTs need is integration with the blood bank. (B) SUPPORTIVE SERVICES: Sterilization, supply and maintenance of instruments, materials and garments are some of the supportive services that enrich the hospital services. The catering department supplies meals in the hospitals. It comprises of kitchen, dinning, bulk food etc. Heated trolleys should be used for the transportation of meals to the patients. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 29 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The pharmaceutical services are also important and they influence the treatment programme of hospitals. The other supportive services are:         Hospital medication Official laundry Laboratories Clinical pathology Blood bank Pathological anatomy Radiology department and Nursing services (C) AUXILIARY SERVICES: The auxiliary services consists of        Registration and indoor case records Stores management Transportation management Mortuary arrangement Dietary services Engineering and maintenance and Security arrangement. PRICE: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 30 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Price is an important element in the marketing mix. Prices charged by a hospital depend on the treatment and facilities given to the patient. Since the service is intangible it is difficult to determine the price of a particular service. The pricing strategy adopted by a hospital does not depend on the price offered by competitors but the nature of facilities and service offered. The government hospitals adopt cost-free pricing strategies whereas the trust and private hospitals adopt subsidized or cost-based pricing strategies. The pricing decisions in the Indian conditions help hospitals in sub serving the interest of general masses. In a developing country like India; where the level of income of the general masses is found low, it is important that pricing decisions are liberal to the economically weaker sections of the society. The people living in a welfare state have high hopes and aspirations from the government. They like cost-free services though they belong to affluent sections of the society. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 31 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The application of marketing principles in the hospital services aims at pricing the services in tune with the paying capacity of our population. In the Indian setting, a good number of hospitals are managed and maintained by the government. Some of the hospitals are managed by the charitable trusts whereas as some are managed privately. The government hospitals generally adopt cost free pricing strategies whereas trust and private hospitals adopt subsidized or cost-based pricing strategies. Some private hospitals also adopt cost plus subsidy based pricing strategies. The basic objective of hospital is not maximization but to provide quality service reasonable price. profit at a KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 32 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS PROMOTION: In the hospital marketing, the promotion strategies also need a careful approach. It is surprising that users lack information regarding the nature and type of services made available in a particular hospital. The promotion in hospital services can be personal and impersonal. Personal promotion comes from person to person whereas impersonal promotion can be through advertising, publicity and sales promotion measures. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 33 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS In hospital services impersonal promotion is important as advertising and publicity helps the users in utilizing the services. The personal promotion measures could come from doctors, Para-medical officers and nurses and staff if they impress the users of services with their behavior. Application of social advertising in found significant in hospital service. Different advertisement covering family planning, smoking, communicable diseases and their harmful effects can reach to the target audience and bring a reduction in the number of hospital users. Publicity measures have the acceptability with high intensity. Hospitals with the support of academicians and professionals can publicize the services of hospital in journals of medical sciences and also through papers and articles. This will help hospitals in rationalizing the services vis-à-vis minimizing inconveniencies to the patients and attendants. The health consciousness or nutritional awareness is also required to be included in the promotion plan of the hospital. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 34 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS There is also a growing need for effective public relations. The opinion surveys can be carried out likewise promotional strategy can be drawn. The major difference between marketing of hospital services and other services is that the other services are required to expand the market by transforming the potential users into actual users but the hospital services have to make effort for contracting the number of users through social Advertising and Awareness. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 35 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS PLACE AND SURROUNDING: The selection of place is very important in order to avoid the inconveniences to the users in reaching to the hospital in time. Adequate transport and communication facilities should be available where the hospitals are located. Congestion and atmospheric pollution should be avoided. Beautification of the surroundings and the premises should be undertaken While selecting a suitable site for the location of a hospital, the management should see that infrastructural facilities are available. In addition the site should be free from the problem of industrial pollution and plantation, gardening and drainage plans must receive due attention. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 36 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS PEOPLE: People are also an important element in marketing mix. They play an important role in the provision of services. The behavior and the attitude of the personnel providing the services will influence the customers overall perception of the service. A satisfied customer is source of influencing other customers. It is rightly said advertising and sales promotion may create temporary customers but a satisfied customer creates a customer who in the bargain increases the chain. Hence it is necessary that the staff in the hospital are trained to provide quality patient care with a human touch. This can be done by: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 37 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS I. Motivating the employees to be efficient, dedicated and loyal to the organization. II. Use of latest technology. III. Providing employees. continuousonjob training to the IV. Using the services of professionally competent Medical Consultants. Besides this warm ambiences with cheerful and efficient staff goes along way in building long-lasting relationship. PROCESS: Process has been the subject to study in the manufacturing but of late it has been given much attention in the service sector. Process is that set of activities that takes an input, convert it, and add value to the input and creates an output finally. The processes are designed by blue prints that set a standard for action to take place and to implement the service. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 38 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS In a hospital the process is divided into 3 phases. They are: 1. The joining phase which includes: • Patient’s arrival • Registration and case paper preparation 1. The intensive consumption phase: which includes: • Patient’s diagnosis. • Treatment • Instructions to the patient regarding precautions to be taken, medicines and diet. 1. The detachment phase: • Discharge of the patient. • Payment of the bill at the billing counter. Finally at the departure stage the patient is requested to fill an evaluation form by which the hospital authorities come to know the level of satisfaction derived by the patient. The suggestion of the patient are always KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 39 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS valued and if appropriate implemented for improving the services of the hospital. Customer- supplier relationship in the process: If we take a close look at each department in the hospital we notice that each department in the hospital serves the needs of another department. For an example, the billing department serves the needs of the finance department or the purchase department serves the needs of the stores. In a way each department is a customer to another department. While at the same time it might be a supplier to another department. Each department is an internal customer of the other department. It is only when unit of the hospital understands who their customers are and what their needs; the hospital will be able to give the best service in the most efficient way to the patient. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 40 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: The environment in which the service is delivered with physical or tangible commodities and where the firm and the customer interact is called the physical evidence. Physical evidence plays a very important role in hospital services. It makes a huge impact on the customers, as it is a means through which he evaluates the service. Modern hospitals need to create good ambience because when a patient walks into the hospital he immediately form an opinion about the hospital. There is a dress code for the staff which indicates professionalism and to maintain discipline. The clientele that goes to the hospital is already disturbed and unhappy; therefore the staff is trained to be understanding, warm and comforting. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 41 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS It is necessary for the hospital to be well organized and special care should be taken to maintain hygiene, cleanliness and the whole hospital should be well lit. PRIVATE HOSPITAL A private hospital is a hospital owned by a For-profit company or a non-profit organization and privately funded through payment for medical services by patients themselves, by insurers, or by foreign embassies. PRICING STRATEGY OF PRIVATE HOSPITALS • • • • Cost- based pricing Competition based pricing Demand based pricing Perceived value REASONS FOR GOING PRIVATE a. COMFORT AND PRIVACY: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 42 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS People turn towards private healthcare for a variety of reasons. Some want the comfort and privacy of their room, a choice of menus and suite facilities. b. BETTER ENVIRONMENT: An environment of private hospital is significantly different to that of government hospitals. You will almost certainly receive a private, well appointed room, possibly with suite facilities, and partners or parents may be able to stay. c. COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES: Some services are either not available or have only limited availability in the government hospital, but are offered by private hospitals. Services such as complementary newspapers, fax, phone use etc. are provided by private hospitals. Apart from this It provides complementary therapies. d. GREATER SERVICE: EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY OF Private firms have profit incentives to cut costs and maintain a good service, which is essential for attracting KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 43 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS customers. Private firms also face competition which is another incentive of better quality services. These factors are absent in government public services. LIST OF SOME PRIVATE HOSPITALS IN MUMBAI: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Asian Heart Institute, Bandra (E) Lilavati Hospital, Bandra (W) Breach Candy Hospital, Bhulabhai Desai Road Somaiya Prakalp, Chembur Hindu Mahasabha Hospital, Ghatkopar (W) Sarvodaya Hospital, Ghatkopar (W) Hinduja Hospital, Mahim Jaslok Hospital, Peddar Road LILAVATI HOSPITAL KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 44 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Lilavati hospital & Research Center (LHRC) is a three hundred bedded multi Specialty hospital located in the heart of Mumbai which is very close to the domestic and international airport. It encompasses modern health care facilities and state of art technology dedicatedly supported by a committed staff that brings to fore our broad health care system. LHRC is a continuous commitment to Quality human care, which truly reflects the essence of our motto “More than Health Care, Human Care.”Being a center of medical excellence where technology meets international norms and standard they have got what it takes to be a Pioneering Quality Health care institute that is also one of the most sought after and ” Patient Friendly” hospitals. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 45 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS SERVICES AT LILAVATI HOSPITAL 24 Hours Chemist Shop All the medicine needs are taken care of at its day and night chemist shop. Right from rare drugs to surgical material, this shop stocks them all. Stringent quality control ensures that medicines at the shop are completely updated and are of the highest quality Ambulance Service KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 46 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS State-of-the-art Ambulances at the hospital, equipped to handle most complex emergencies are available to the patients 24 hrs of the day and night. These ambulances carry, as standard equipment, a ventilator, a Defibrillator, Oxygen and all the other life saving drugs. Staff manning these ambulances is well trained in managing emergencies in their respective fields. The hospital boasts of a cardiac ambulance service committed to provide patients with the highest level of Medicare and comfort during transport. The new air suspension technology of the vans, state of art medical equipment for monitoring and sound management of life threatening emergencies and special pick up services from airport for foreign patients helps reduce risk and provide critical care at the time of an emergency. ATM and Banking services The hospital provides ATM and BANKING services within the hospital area for the easy access of money for the customers. Cafeteria KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 47 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS First class Restaurant ambience offers a wide range of pure vegetarian cuisine to suit most tastes. From delicious Breakfasts and Lunches to mouth-watering snacks and Dinners, wide choice awaits the gourmet at this Cafeteria. This cafeteria is well supported by the central kitchen in the Hospital, which also serves the need of all the patients in the house, serving them healthy vegetarian food. Central Dispatch The Central Dispatch Department is a one-point contact for collection of reports for all its OPD patients thus facilitating a smoother flow. This department works from 9.00AM till 8.00PM everyday except on Sunday and Public Holidays. Gift Shop Gifts, Cards, Books, Mouth watering Chocolates…. some of the many things that are available at this cute store within the premises of Lilavati Hospital. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 48 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Patient Coordinator for the Critical Care Units A vital link between the relatives of the critically ill patients in an ICU and the spatial, this person is able to provide you with current and updated information on your loved ones who are getting well with it. Facilities for the stay of the relatives of Critical Patients along with free of charge tea and coffee is available in the hospital. SEWA The social service department of Lilavati Hospital serves the health needs of all the people irrespective of class, caste, religion or social background. It seeks to build a bridge between needy patients and the fast moving medical technology of the third millennium. SEWA extends a helping hand and the hope of good health regained... Deserving patients are referred to us and many have received free medical and surgical services including expensive procedures KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 49 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS like CABG, Valve replacement, Cancer and Orthopedic surgery. SEWA has undertaken numerous projects of welfare of those most in need and is always on the lookout for more ways to extend a helping hand. Temple & Meditation Room Serene and calm, this is exactly what you get in the feet of The LORD. Places where you can bow humble and leave the rest to HIM. TPA Assistance Desk One point contact to facilitate interaction between the Hospital, your insurance provider and you. This desk will assist in ensuring that all the paper work regarding your medical insurance is managed efficiently and effectively. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 50 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Yoga Center Experience the healing power of YOGA. MEDICAL CARE KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 51 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Cardiology The Department of Cardiology is one of the leading departments of the hospital and is one of the foremost in the Country. Many of Mumbai's leading Cardiologists practice at the Lilavati Hospital to ensure that comprehensive care at par with international standards is given to patients of any cardiac problem. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 52 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The 21st Century promises new excitement on the frontier of brain development. At Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre are gearing up to absorb this excitement and have established a comprehensive Neurosciences Department. This will have services to cater to problems related to Neurological diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord too. The Multispecialty Intensive Care Unit at Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre has a state-of-art unit in India. • Equipped with latest life support equipment such as the ventilator and monitoring equipment, pulse ox meters, EEG, 2-D Echo machines etc. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 53 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS • The Intensive Care unit is one of the five training centers in critical care to be recognized nationally by the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine. In a general hospital setting where the focus is on super specialty and tertiary care, Psychiatry has an important role to play. This area of functioning is known as Consultation Liaison Psychiatry. Here the psychiatrist acts as a consultant to medical and surgical units. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 54 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The daily psychiatry OPD at Lilavati Hospital caters to such needs. Patients with problems such as Depression, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders, Addictions and sexual dysfunctions are offered treatment and Counseling, Drug-Therapy, hospitalization. ECT's are the available therapeutic methods for such illnesses KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 55 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 56 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 57 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The Pathology Department of Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre constantly endeavors to provide accurate and precise diagnosis, to facilitate appropriate patient management and care. Under the expert guidance of qualified and experienced Pathologists and Microbiologist, the department updates and incorporates advanced technologies, introduces new tests from time to time, and keeps abreast with the latest developments in the field of laboratory medicine. The well equipped, laboratory with top-of-the-line automated equipment, is operated round the clock by trained qualified personnel. It offers rapid, reproducible results, maintaining a high standard, by participating in internal and external quality control programs, on a regular basis. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 58 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS HEALTH CHECK UP PATHOLOGY TESTS: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 59 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS • CBC • ESR BLOOD GROUP • • • • • TESS FOR DIABETES BLOOD SUGAR: fasting TESTS FOR LIVER DISEASES: SGOT TESTS FOR HEART DISEASES: total cholesterol TESTS FOR KIDNEY PROFILE: SERUM CREATION URINE (routine and microscopic) STOOL (routine and microscopic) • CONSULTATION: physician. • DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: ECG X-RAY CHEST VISION CHECK / OPTOMETRIST. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 60 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 61 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS TESTIMONIALS SHRI BACHCHAN December 14th 2005 KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE AMITABH 62 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS My dear Shri Narendra Trivediji, This is to put on record my sincere appreciation for the very efficient care rendered to me by your staff and doctors during my recent illness at the Lilavati Hospital. You have a very dedicated and qualified team of nurses and doctors working in great unison. This has enabled exceptional care for patients and given them a huge level of comfort. I would like to compliment the management and the organization at Lilavati for creating a wonderful atmosphere of medical proficiency and hope that you will continue to do the good work that you have set yourselves for the betterment of humanity. Please convey my very personal thanks to the concerned people, especially in the operation theatre, the ICU and the staff managing the floor I was on. I would also like you to convey my sincere regards to the security that must have gone through a trying time during this period. Warm regards once again and thank you for all the help and care. Amitabh Bachchan. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 63 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS SHRI BALASAHEB THACKERAY I visited Lilavati Hospital today. I was stunned to see such a unique landmark in the capital of Maharashtra i.e. Mumbai! It is really fantastic; large corridors, spacious rooms and on top of, large hearted people. I found them working like busy-bees. I was equally surprised when you enter any hospital in town or in any city, it smells of a very typical hospital odor, but in Lilavati Hospital, I smelled lovely aroma which makes you visit the hospital not as a patient but to watch the architectural concept. The structure does not look like a hospital but it looks like a palace! That is the beauty of it Balasaheb Thackeray 25.10.1997 GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS A government hospital is a hospital which is owned by a government and receives government funding. This type of hospital provides medical care free of charge, the cost of which is covered by the funding the hospital receives. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 64 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS PRICING STRATEGY GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS: OF LIST OF SOME GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS IN MUMBAI: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 65 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS • • • • • • J. J. Hospital, Byculla Rajawadi Hospital, Ghatkopar Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel I.I.T. Hospital, Powai Sion Hospital, Sion Harilal Bhagwati Municipal General Hospital, Borivali (W) SIR J.J. GROUP OF HOSPITALS Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals is the largest referral hospital in the Maharashtra State. Sir J. J. Hospital alone has more than 30,000 indoor admissions every year and more than 5 lakhs out patients every year. The hospital being a Government hospital is giving free service to all the patients. J. J. Hospital has played a great role in management of victims of 1992 Bombay riots, Bomb blast 1994, Bhiwandi poisoning 1997 tragedies and 2002 Mumbai twin-bomb blasts. "Jeevandayee Yojna", a novel scheme of Govt. of Maharashtra, is being implemented by J. J. Hospital for KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 66 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS patients below poverty line for expensive operations of Heart, Kidney, and Brain & Orthopaedic surgery. There is a separate OPD building. All OPD units are functioning well. There are facilities of all laboratories, Xray, ECG, C.T. Scan, MRI, minor surgery. The average daily OPD attendance is around 1500, with annual OPDs patient over 5 lakhs. CASUALTY / EMERGENCY: There is 24 hour casualty/Emergency service dept at ground floor of main building. CMOs/ RMOs are available round the clock for patient care. There are facilities for ECG, X-ray, dressing & dispensing. There is emergency ward with 20 beds and minor OT. The daily attendance is around 140 and annually around 50,000. OUT PATIENT DEPARTMENTS(OPD) KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 67 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS WARDS: There are 45 wards, with bed strength 1352. Daily in patients are around 1200. OPERATION THEATRES: There are 12 OTs with 35 operation tables. On an average 57 operations are done per day with annual total around 18,000 surgeries. SUPER-SPECIALITY DEPARTMENTS: The Patient from various parts of Maharashtra state and from all over country come for treatment at this Institute. There are super speciality depts. of Cardiology, KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 68 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Cardiothoracic surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Urology, Plastic surgery, Pediatric surgery. M.R.I./C.T. : There is facility of MRI/CT scanning CT scan Soma tom 4A and MRI Magnetom Vision is the top of the line and has sub second scanner with latest gadgets. This is first of its kind in Maharashtra State. PRE-CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS: • • • • • • Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Para-clinical Department: Pathology Microbiology KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 69 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS • • • Forensic Medicine Pharmacology Preventive & Social Medicine CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS: 1. MEDICAL SPECIALTIES • • • • • • • General Medicine Pediatrics T. B. & Chest Skin & V. D. Psychiatry Radiology Anesthesiology 2. SURGICAL SPECIALTIES • • General Surgery Orthopedics KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 70 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS • • • Ophthalmology Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) Obstetrics & Gynecology 3. MEDICAL SUPER SPECIALTIES • • • Cardiology Neurology Nephrology 4. SURGICAL SUPER SPECIALTIES • • • • • Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Neuro-Surgery Pediatric Surgery Plastic Surgery Urology. ALLIED SERVICES: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 71 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS • • • • • • • • • • Dentistry Physiotherapy Blood Bank Eye Bank Milk Bank Bio Medical waste Management Disaster Management Nursing Body/Organ donation Institute of Nursing education KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 72 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS TESTIMONIAL J.J Hospital is a multispecialty hospital for the poor and needy. It is one of the big 4 government hospitals in Mumbai. Patients ranging from all strata of society n from far off places get quality care at a very low cost. Really a boon for poor mumbaikars n Indians Positives all specialties and superspecialities are available with best doctors from all over India Negatives too much of patients which reduces the quality of care tat can be provided. Worth the price? Yes Government hospital helps the weaker section of the society for their health care by providing them the medical facilities at low cost or at free cost depending upon their income level. It is the government hospital who first takes the initiative for treating the epidemic of diseases in the country. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 73 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Since government hospitals are funded by government itself, high cost machine required for medication can be easily made available. CURRENT SCENARIO OF THE GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS IN MUMBAI: 1) Repeated visits of the patients are very common: • Because, • Doctor not available in previous visit-Failed to get appointment. • Admission to ward not available. • Operation theatre was not free. • Diagnostic lab failed to take sample. 2) The services provided by the government hospitals are rated as neither poor nor good by the customers. 3) It is sad to state that a no. of doctors in most government hospitals are open to bribe and lack behavioral training which makes the task of satisfying the users difficult. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 74 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS 4) • • • • • • • Common regularities such as, Medicines unavailable. Doctors suggest a visit to their private clinic. Doctors refer to private diagnostic centers. Over-prescription of medicines. Bribes demanded by staff. Diagnostic tests are done even when unnecessary. Doctors are absent. CHARITABLE TRUST Trust created for advancement of education, promotion of public health and comfort, relief of poverty, furtherance of religion, or any other purpose regarded as charitable in law. Benevolent and philanthropic purposes are not necessarily charitable unless they are solely and exclusively for the benefit of public or a class or section of it. Charitable trusts (unlike private or non-charitable trust) can have perpetual existence and are not subject to laws against perpetuity. They are wholly or partially exempt from almost all taxes. LIST OF CHARITABLE TRUSTS IN MUMBAI: KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 75 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) • TY BMS Sr.George Hospital • Kama Hospital, • • • • Sion Hospital (LT Hospital) K.E.M. Hospital, Parel Dr.K.B. Babha Hospital, Bandra Rajawadi Municipal General Hospital, Vidyavihar NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS Non-governmental organization (NGO) is a term that has become widely accepted as referring to a legally constituted, non-governmental organization created by natural or legal persons with no participation or representation of any government. In the cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by governments, the NGO maintains its non-governmental status and excludes government representatives from membership in the KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 76 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS organization. Unlike the term intergovernmental organization, "non-governmental organization" is a term in general use but is not a legal definition. In many jurisdictions these types of organization are defined as "civil society organizations" or referred to by other names. LIST OF NGO’S IN MUMBAI: • • • • • • C.C. SHROFF Self Health Center, Goregaon(W). Helpage India, Andheri (W). Indian Council for Mental Health, Girgaum. Seva Dhan, Andheri (w). Smile, Walkeshwar. Nirmala Niketan, Andheri. SWOT ANALYSIS INDUSTRY OF HOSPITAL KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 77 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS STRENGTH: a) b) c) d) e) Quality of doctors, nurse and staff Medical facilities and equipments & infrastructure (Ac room, phone lines etc) Ambience and general atmosphere of the hospital Attitude of staff, even the menials. Specialization. f) Low pricing in public hospitals due to government aid WEAKNESS: a) The “I DON’T CARE “attitude of the government hospitals. b) c) Medicine and drug fraud by the menials. Even organ selling by doctors to make more money. The patient is completely at the mercy of the doctors KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 78 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS OPPORTUNITY: a) b) c) More training of the staff for improving their behavior and medical knowledge. To increase the facilities they provide. To become more specialized in various fields THREATS: a) The Government is reducing the grants given to hospitals, thus making it impossible to cater to the poor people The unions of menials and even doctors, they even go on strike, disrupting the functioning of the entire health care unit Competition from new entrants. b) c) KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 79 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS CHALLENGES OF HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY IN INDIA There is a limited network of health/social security schemes such as the employees state insurance schemes [ESIS], the central government health scheme [CGHS] and some community based and employer based schemes. This covers 100 million people which is about 10% of population. In India the access and availability is less than satisfactory. Delivering health care to the rural Indian population is a great challenge as the medical infrastructure is minimal over here. Even in the urban areas where services can be more readily established little or no data for pricing the products is an issue for insurer to resolve. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 80 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The orderly development of healthcare may be hampered due to continuation of some unethical practices by some healthcare practitioners. The Indian market is very price conscious. Nearly 60 to 70 percent of the healthcare expenditure comes from the self-paid category. However the Industry is currently undergoing a dramatic transformation with new segments being defined and created within the broader health section. In spite of these, challenges with around 90% of the population depending on self-finance or state hospitals, the potential market is big for insurance, provided they capture the interest and provide relevant products and services to the Indian consumer. In India the healthcare industry is expected to grow more than double within the next decade. According to McKinsley. Report the estimated spending which was Rs. 86000 crores in 2001 would cross the Rs. 200000 croremark by 2012. In order to meet the rising demand, India would have to invest in infrastructure and create cost-effective facilities. To increase the customers all over the world, it should focus on marketing. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 81 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS The hospitals can use various strategies to retain its clients as well as increase the number of patients such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Developing infrastructure. Getting new technology. Widening the line of services. Promoting the services to customers. New methods of service delivery. Improved emergency-room services. Training and recruitment of staff. Adding new features to existing services. 9. Guest programmes to motivate employees to care for patients. 10. Implementing feedbacks and complaints. 11. Handling service recovery systems. 12. Marketing on the internet and finally, 13. Cutting cost and marketing them. Besides this the government should launch certain initiative such as stimulating private investors, inviting KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 82 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS international healthcare brands to invest Indian facilities, stimulate growth of private social and community insurance and reform the government’s role as a service provider. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 83 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS QUESTIONNAIRE OF ICON HOSPITAL Q. Ans What is the hierarchy of the hospital? The hierarchy consists of: a. b. c. The CEO- Mr. Sanjit Paul Six consulting doctors who themselves are the directors of the hospital. Three Administrative heads and two HR heads. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How many number of departments are there in the hospital? Ans. There are basically two major departments that is A. B. A. 1. 2. CLINICAL NON-CLINICAL CLINICAL DEPARTMENTS: OPERATION THEATER ICCU KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 84 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS 3. 4. 5. ICU 1 ICU 2 CARDIAC ICU 6. Other departments- Pathology, Pharmacy, Dialysis unit, City Scan , X-RAY, Sonography, ECG (Electric Cardio Graph ), 2D ECHO, Stress test, PFT(Pulmonary Function Test) B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NON-CLINICAL MARKETING HUMAR RESOURCE OPERATIONS FINANCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Number of staff in the hospital? Ans. There are 167 staff employed in the hospital which consist of : KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 85 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS a. b. 41 Nurses 44 Doctors The rest staff consist of receptionist ward boys, peons etc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What are the different types of Ambulance used? Ans. There are three types of Ambulances: a. b. c. General Advance Cardiac a) b) General Ambulance is basically a normal Ambulance generally used to transport patients from house to hospital or vice versa. Advance Ambulance is basically used for the transport of critical patient generally having four staff members along with assistant doctor. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 86 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) c) TY BMS Cardiac Ambulance is especially for heart patient who consists of 6 staff members and a major doctor with necessary machinery and equipments. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What is the procedure from admission to discharge of the patients? Ans. There era basically two types of admissions a. b. Normal admissions. Emergency admission. In the normal admission the following formalities are followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The arrival of the patient. Registration. Diagnosis. Treatment. Information about future actions. Discharge of the patients. 87 KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS 7. 8. Payment. Fill the evaluation form. In case of emergency admission, the patient is admitted first and then the registration formalities are completed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How is the payment done by the patients? Ans. 1. The hospital only accepts payments through credit cards, debit Cards and cash. 2. If any patient is in relation with any working members of the hospital than 10% discount is granted. 3. Apart from this, payments are also adjusted through med claims and insurance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 88 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Q. Who takes the major decisions in the management and services? Ans. The major decisions are taken in the board meeting of the of directors every week. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What is done in case the number of patients exceeds the hospital capacity ? Ans. In such cases, they do not admit the patients and suggest them some other hospital through their contacts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. In case of an extremely critical case if the doctor is unavailable then what are the steps taken by the hospital? Ans. Generally, such cases do not occur but if such situation arises then external doctors are called to treat the patient. KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 89 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Ans: what is the criteria for selection of the nurses and what is the nurse bed ratio? The criteria for selection of nurses is GNB (General Nursing) or BSc..If the above criteria is satisfied then personal interview is conducted through which capable applicant are selected. The Nurse-Bed ratio is 5:4 i.e. 5 Nurses for every 4 bed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Are you satisfied with the performance of internal staff? Ans: Yes, we are fully satisfied with our internal staff as they give their 100% as per the expectation. The only barrier is the language as most of the nurses come from different parts of nation. Hence, this area is improved by giving necessary training. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Like other business organization, does hospital industry have scope of staff promotion? KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 90 HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT (SSM ) TY BMS Ans: There is no scope for promotion of the doctors as such but other staff can be promoted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Do you think Indian hospital will match the management standards of international hospital? Ans: In terms of IT & Modern technology we are as per International standards but when it comes to administration, India lacks behind because of its easy going (“CHALTA HAI” kind) of attitude. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJ SOMAIYA COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE 91
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