Health Midterm Stuff

March 23, 2018 | Author: Aleah Waxali | Category: Physical Exercise, Health Education, Educational Assessment, Learning, Rubric (Academic)



Quiz 1, chapter 11. The World Health Organization definition of health includes which three domains? Student Value Response A. physical, vocational, and emotional B. physical, social, and emotional C. physical, 100% mental, and social D. physical, vocational, and spiritual Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 2. The most visible and most often considered health domain is the Student Value Response 1. physical 100% domain. 2. social domain. 3. emotional domain. 4. vocational domain. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 3. Which of the following statements best describes the interaction among the domains of health? Student Value Response 1. The domains act independently of one another. 2. Physically healthy people are usually healthy in other domains. 3. It is hard for a person with a disabling condition to be completely healthy in the other domains. 4. Each domain 100% contributes to overall personal health. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 4. In the early 1900s, the greatest number of Americans died from which of the following? Student Value Response 1. pathogenic parasites 2. chronic ailments 3. viral and 100% bacterial infections 4. fungal diseases Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 5. Today, the greatest number of Americans dies from which of the following? Student Value Response 1. pathogenic parasites 100% 2. chronic ailments 3. viral and bacterial infections 4. fungal diseases Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 6. Which of the following is NOT one of the ten great public health achievements of the twentieth century highlighted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? Student Value Response Correct Answer Feedback tobacco use. tobacco use. injurycausing behaviors. tobacco use. sexual behaviors 3. bicycle helmet use. seat belt use. 100% nutrition. Correct Answer Feedback . suicide. injurycausing behaviors. refrigeration 100% 2. nutrition. safer workplace 4. diet 4. exercise 2. homicide. alcohol/drug use.1. gun safety. exercise. diet. Which of the following lists best represents the priorities identified by the CDC for health education programs? Student Value Response 1. gun safety. family planning 3. diet. vaccinations Score: 1/1 7. every six years 3. every four years 2. every ten 100% years Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 9. seat belt use. Why do some U. every eight years 4. suicide Score: 1/1 8. alcohol/drug use. researchers predict that the steady rise in life expectancy will soon level off or fall? Student Value Response 1. the childhood obesity epidemic Correct Answer Feedback . health care shortages 100% 2.exercise. How often are new editions of Healthy People published? Student Value Response 1.S. 3. The key components for organizing effective school health programs are Student Value Response 1. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 11. Correct Answer Feedback .3. the potential of new viral diseases Score: 1/1 10. all of the above. school attendance. disease promotion. 2. health prevention. graduation rates. standardized test scores. widespread and increasing world hunger 4. 100% 4. Research confirms that participation in health risk behaviors compromises Student Value Response 1. crisis intervention. crisis intervention 100% 3. Score: 1/1 12. regulatory. medical care. and communities" is the definition of which term? Student Value Response 1. 100% 3. . 4. groups. A "planned combination of educational. health promotion. health promotion 4. disease prevention. health promotion. medical care Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 13. environmental. or organizational mechanisms that support actions and conditions of living conducive to the health of individuals. medical care. political. 2.medical intervention. disease prevention. disease prevention 2. crisis intervention. medical care. health education 2. physical education 3. nursing services Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 14. inadequate teacher preparation to teach controversial topics 3. Why might the school nurse or a community resource person come into elementary and middle school classrooms to supplement the health education efforts of the teacher? Student Value Response 1.What is the most familiar element of a Coordinated School Health Program? Student Value Response 100% 1. inadequate 0% state requirements for elementary Correct Answer Feedback . nutritional services 4. the teacher's lack of confidence and enthusiasm for teaching health education 2. 4. physical education. "A range of policies and programs designed to assess the health status of children" describes Student Value Response 1. health education. 2. superintendent 100% 2. school health 100% services. health administration. 3. teachers education 4. all of the above Score: 0/1 15. principal 3. Who has the primary responsibility for maintaining a healthy and safe environment at the building level? Student Value Response 1. playground attendants Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 16. 100% counselors. building age and condition. and counselors. adequate ventilation. classroom lighting and glare 2. 2.17. psychologists. and Correct Answer Feedback . social and psychological climate. 3. counselors. A critical but often overlooked element of a healthy school environment is Student Value Response 1. social workers. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 18. 100% 3. The professionals who most often provide mental health services for students in the school setting are Student Value Response 1. psychiatrists. 4. and social workers. psychologists. interscholastic sports 2. individual sports 4. Score: 1/1 19. psychiatrists. and psychologists. nutrition services 3. 4. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Coordinated School Health Program? Student Response 1. school environment 2. Which activity should be emphasized in the development of school physical education programs? Student Value Response 1. health services Value Correct Answer Feedback . social workers. team sports 0% 3. physical fitness Score: 0/1 Correct Answer Feedback 20.psychiatrists. 100% with control given to state and local governing bodies. with considerable autonomy to develop policies. centralized control by the federal government. the educational system is built on the concept of Student Value Response 1. 2jl2 .4. 2. chapter 2 1. so that schools can receive public monies. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 2. 4. 2jl1 In the United States. privatization. decentralization. environmental 100% services Score: 1/1 Quiz 2. exclusivity. 3. 2. The majority of their funding is generated from student tuition and fees. They provide additional funds to public schools. 2jl3 Which of the following statements best describes private schools? Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback . They were intended to give economically disadvantaged families access to a better education. 3.Which of the following statements is TRUE of tuition voucher programs? Student Value Response 1. 100% 4. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 3. They are widely supported by professional educators. 1. They operate with public monies and conform to some state standards. 2. 3. 2jl4 With which governmental body must public schools comply? Student Value Response 1. They are advocated by politicians to educate economically disadvantaged children. 4. state 3. The majority 100% of their funding is generated from student tuition and fees. They must submit an educational plan to the state department of education. Score: 1/1 4. federal 2. local Correct Answer Feedback . 4. developing curricular guidelines and performance standards 2. enforcing Correct Answer Feedback . 2jl6 The state board of education is NOT responsible for which of the following? Student Value Response 1. all of the 100% above Score: 1/1 5. 10 percent 2. 25 percent Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 6. 2jl5 About what percentage of American school age children have been diagnosed with a specific disability? Student Value Response 100% 1. 15 percent 3. 20 percent 4. live in the district. evaluating school improvement plans Score: 1/1 7. and have no financial affiliation with the school district. The person must be at least 18 years old.regulations governing federal and state programs 100% 3. 2jl7 What are the three eligibility requirements in most states for candidates running for local school board positions? Student Value Response 100% 1. The person must be at least Correct Answer Feedback . hiring local school district superintendents 4. 2. live in the district. live in the district for a minimum of 6 months. 4. and be employed by the school district. and have children attending school within the district. The person must be at least 25 years old. and have no financial affiliation with the . 3.21 years old. The person must be at least 35 years old. live in the district for a minimum of 5 years. learning takes place mostly in the cognitive domain. 3. 2jl8 Brain research related to learning indicates that students learn best when Student Value Response district. 100% 2. 4. information is new and exciting. learning takes place at the simplest level. 2jl9 . Score: 1/1 8. attitudes about learning are positive. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 9. ability to perform on tests. creative and adaptable 4. ability to solve problems. 2jl10 Research has confirmed that intelligence and learning are best measured by Student Value Response 1. 3. Correct Answer Feedback .Brain-based research suggests that which type of environment is best for learning? Student Value Response 1. performance on an IQ test. ability to complete timed tests. focused with multiple obtainable goals Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 10. 4. orderly and transparent instruction 3. 100% 2. low threat 100% but challenging 2. Score: 1/1 11. 2. 4. 2jl11 The exploration of the effect of brain function on student learning Student Value Response 100% 1. 3. 2jl12 "Authentic learning" is learning that is . has expanded because of the Humane Genome Project research. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 12. is near its end with regard to educational applications. is in its early stages. will not affect classroom curricula in the future. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 13. 2. naturalistic intelligence Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . feelings. based on the domains of learning. social intelligence 2. conventional in its approach but authentic in its classroom practice. 3. 4.Student Value Response 1. meaningful 100% and significant. 2jl13 Which kind of intelligence gives us the ability to perceive and make distinctions in the moods. and motivations of others? Student Value Response 1. intrapersonal intelligence 4. interpersonal 100% intelligence 3. a quick test for evaluation. seek information on their own. receive and recite facts. Student Value Response 1. 2. 2jl15 When they adapt previous knowledge to other circumstances. students demonstrate that they have learned to ________ new knowledge. 2jl14 During authentic instruction.14. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 15. 4. explain 2. look for meaning outside the classroom. students are encouraged to Student Value Response 1. interpret Correct Answer Feedback . have more breadth than depth of knowledge. 100% 3. 2jl17 . construct Score: 1/1 16. using teachercentered activities Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 17. 2jl16 Which of the following is NOT a developmentally appropriate guideline for learning strategies for elementary students? Student Value Response 1. using materials that are concrete and relevant to the lives of students 2. apply 4. using humor 3.100% 3. planning around human diversity 100% 4. subjective norms. introduction 100% of skill development in middle school. perceived behavioral control. instructors who professionally prepared. the variable that reflects the perceived social pressure to agree or refuse to participate in a behavior is called Student Response 1.In order to meet the needs of the widest range of learners. attitudes toward the behavior. 2. 4. accurate and current information. Value Correct Answer Feedback 100% . active and learnercentered instruction. 3. EXCEPT Student Value Response 1. 2. 2jl18 In the theory of planned behavior. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 18. health education should include all of the following. 3. reciprocal determination. 2jl19 Which of the following is NOT a common element of a sound health education curriculum? Student Value Response 1. a set of expected learning outcomes 3.4. a trained and 100% knowledgeable educator 4. assessment strategies Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 20. continuity between learning experiences 2. EXCEPT Student Value Response Correct Answer Feedback . 2jl20 Effective health education curriculum includes all of the following characteristics. Score: 1/1 19. addressing social pressures and influences. 0% 2. 0% 4. using strategies designed to personalize information and engage students.1. learning and Correct Answer Feedback . shaping social norms that reinforce a healthy lifestyle. decisionmaking for transitions into childhood. adolescence. chapter 3 1. and adulthood. 3. 2. addressing group values and individual norms. 3jl1 The primary focus of traditional health education programs has been Student Value Response 1. Score: 0/1 Quiz 3. 3jl3 One guideline that teachers can use to make decisions about the information necessary for students to know is to build health Student Value Response 1. advocacy 4. 3. Score: 0/1 2. instruction Correct Answer Feedback . core concepts 100% 2. 3jl2 The functional knowledge that students should have about disease prevention and health promotion is part of which NHES standard? Student Value Response 1. accessing valid health information 3. effective communication.practicing personal skills. the acquisition of knowledge. 4. interpersonal communication Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 3. 3jl4 Which of the following are internal influences on health behavior? Student Value Response 1. friends. 2. 100% likes. Score: 1/1 4. values. and media 3. curiosity. likes. concepts from the bottom up. friends.across an entire grade level. feelings. feelings. concepts from the top down. and values 4. 4. lessons on 100% existing student knowledge. values. likes. 3. and family 2. Correct Answer Feedback . family. I statements. refusal statements 100% 3. nonverbal cues. empathy Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 6. and feelings Score: 1/1 5. eye contact. empathy 4. nonverbal cues. eye contact. I statements 2. I statements.curiosity. nonverbal cues. 3jl5 Good listening skills include which of the following skills? Student Value Response 1. eye contact. 3jl6 . learning to become an aggressive communicator. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 7. 4. learning good safety skills. 2. .Peer resistance/refusal skills are important in Student Value Response 1. 4. 3. 100% Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 8. seriously. 2. 3. with confusion. impulsively. thoroughly. learning good nonverbal communication skills. 3jl7 Most elementary and middle school students approach the steps of decision making Student Value Response 1. countering the 100% initiation of health risk behaviors. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 9. and other people and feelings should be ignored. and they are accountable for them. and the results can be unpleasant. 2. choices have 100% consequences.3jl8 Two important lessons that children learn when they are allowed to make their own decisions are Student Value Response 1. choices have consequences. 3. speed is important. 3jl9 The quote "Healthy kids make better learners" illustrates the importance of Student Value Response 1. and most decisions are uncomplicated. 4. cornerstone CDC Correct Answer Feedback . decision making is a skill. prevention programs. effective 100% health education. the theory of Planned Behavior. 4. 3jl10 What is the overall goal of health education? Student Value Response 1. to have students adopt and maintain healthy behaviors 4. 3.initiatives. to disseminate health information 100% 3. to give students an interactive way to model relevant social skills Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . to develop productive adults 2. Score: 1/1 10. 2. providing educators with quality evaluation tools. addressing the concepts and skills students need. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 12. helping coordinate instruction across grade levels. 4. 3. EXCEPT for Student Value Response 100% 1. 3jl11 The HECAT gives all of the following as purposes for developing a scope and sequence. showing reinforcement skills without excessive repetition. 3jl12 When should student assessment occur? .11. 2. a fun activity(group or individual). a take home activity that brings all learned elements together. a closing that 100% allows student to reflect.Student Value Response 1. after the lesson concludes 4. concurrently 100% with teaching 3. 3. on preservice days Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 13. 4. 3jl13 A good learning plan ends with Student Value Response 1. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . as time allows 2. content reading. 2. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . Use many approaches. Be concrete.14. 2. Limit and 100% focus topic questions. 3jl15 All the following are suggestions for making instruction more effective for students with cognitive disabilities. Repeat key information. teacher expectations Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 15. respectability 2. 4. the bulk of information 3. broad targets 100% 4. 3. 3jl14 What do standards provide to the lesson plan? Student Value Response 1. EXCEPT which one? Student Value Response 1. self assessed. 2. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . teachers 100% 2. 3jl17 "Authentic" assessment is Student Value Response 1.16. 4. 3jl16 Assessment should benefit which group the most? Student Value Response 1. reflective of the true student. administrators 4. students 3. valued in 100% the outside world. dependent on measurable objectives. parents Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 17. 3. 18. Rubrics are frameworks for evaluating student work. 3jl18 Which of the following is NOT true of rubrics? Student Value Response 1. 4. Rubrics define evaluation criteria. Rubrics can be used by both students and teachers. 3. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 19. 3jl19 Portfolio assessment is considered what kind of task? . Rubrics are 100% a widely used type of performance task. 2. Score: Quiz 4. It cuts down on paperwork. Students know exactly what is expected. 4. 2. It is a more 0% accurate reflection of submitted work. 3jl20 Why might a rubric be preferable to traditional letter grades? Student Value Response 1. criteriabased 2. performance 100% 3. 3. chapter 4 0/1 Correct Answer Feedback . cumulative 4. dissected program Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 20.Student Value Response 1. Teacher evaluation is faster. upper elementary level 100% 4. time constraints. the lack of parental involvement. primary grades 3. preschool 2. 4. 100% 2. middle school level Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 2. community disapproval Correct Answer Feedback . 3. 4jl1 At what grade level are health education content specialists most likely to be found teaching health? Student Value Response 1. 4jl2 The biggest barrier to the implementation of an effective health education agenda in the schools is Student Value Response 1. administrative concerns.1. greater productivity. all of the following are benefits of cooperative learning. improved Correct Answer Feedback . Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 4. Score: 1/1 3. individualized instruction. direct instruction. 2. cooperative learning techniques.of controversial topics. 4. integrated instructional techniques. 3. 4jl4 According to research. EXCEPT Student Value Response 1. 4jl3 The most common curricular approach in American schools today is Student Value Response 100% 1. 2. 3. 4jl6 Individualized instruction can be used to . Score: 1/1 5. increased teacherfocused learning. group members only. 4. the teacher. the group 100% and themselves. increased interest in shared success.attitudes towards collaboration. 4jl5 In cooperative learning. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 6. 100% 4. 2. 3. themselves only. the students are responsible for the success of Student Value Response 1. Student Value Response 1. 2. replace cooperative learning.Student Value Response 1. aggressive 3. 3. reactive Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 8. 4jl8 . meet the 100% needs of students with disabilities. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 7. improve teachercentered learning. independent 100% 4. passive 2. 4. students should be ____________ learners. 4jl7 While working at a learning center. group students according to ability. Well-designed learning centers should Student Value Response 100% 1. help encourage students to work independently. 2. be the basis for direct teaching of the curriculum. 3. be located near the library. 4. emphasize students' parallel abilities. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 9. 4jl9 The use of discipline-specific instruction in the classroom encourages and reinforces the value of Student Value Response 100% 1. competition. 2. individualization. 3. age-appropriate activities. 4. cooperative learning. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 10. 4jl10 One of the underpinnings of the competitive teaching/learning philosophy is that Student Value Response 1. classmates are encouraged to help one another. 2. there is collaborative problem solving between teacher and students. 3. students are 100% encouraged to do their own work. 4. students have the opportunity to use higher-order thinking skills. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 11. 4jl11 The teaching approach that is defined as a view of knowledge that applies information from more than one discipline to a problem or experience is called the Student Value Response 1. interdisciplinary 100% instructional approach. 2. correlated instructional approach. 3. integrated instructional approach. 4. interrelated instructional approach. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 12. 4jl12 Research into the use of computer technology in the classroom indicates that many computer-based learning applications for younger students are Student Value Response 1. too difficult. 2. not developmentally appropriate. 100% 3. focused on lower-level cognitive processes. 4. focused on higher-level cognitive processes. Correct Answer Feedback 4jl14 Which of the following topics can cause controversy when included in the health instruction curriculum? Student Value Response 0% 1. the school board follows the recommendations of the community. 2. of public tax funding. the majority of parents do not want sexuality education taught in the schools. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 14. 100% 3. sexuality Correct Answer Feedback . of state and federal mandates. 4jl13 School health education programs and the educators who teach them are susceptible to controversy because Student Value Response 1. 4.Score: 1/1 13. driver education. some approaches to drug/alcohol death education. 4jl15 Which is the most effective strategy for managing controversy in a school district? Student Value Response 1. death education. administrators being very familiar with state and Correct Answer Feedback . death education Score: 0/1 15. sexuality education. safety. driver education. some approaches to drug/alcohol education 2. skill development 4. skill development 3. school health 100% advisory committee. 4jl16 School districts are more likely to avoid controversy if they establish a Student Value Response 1. 2. 3. 4. coordinated program.federal mandates 2. teacher health advisory council. school boards listening to parental and community concerns 100% 3. administrative health Correct Answer Feedback . school principals developing appropriate staff inservice programs Score: 1/1 16. district administrators anticipating the potential for negative reactions 4. teachers should Student Value Response 1. 3. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 18. say they don't know. tell students the question is inappropriate. 2. tell kids to ask their parents when they get home. answer the question if developmentally appropriate. 4jl18 Which of the following does NOT contribute to better academic performance? Student Response 1. 4jl17 When students ask questions about potentially controversial topics in the classroom. organizing Value Correct Answer Feedback . 100% 4. Score: 1/1 17.advisory council. 4jl20 . 2. allowing children to work independently on homework Score: 1/1 19. school board performance.children's time 2. reading to children 3. 4jl19 Research indicates that parents have consistent concerns about Student Value Response 1. administrative performance. 4. school nurse performance. 100% 3. teacher performance. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 20. discussing school matters with children 100% 4. Research has confirmed that there are three basic ways in which students interact during classroom learning experiences. cooperative learning 3. excel 3. learn 2. 5jl2 Which of the following is NOT listed as a symptom of ADHD? . the competitive model 2. chapter 5 Correct Answer Feedback 1. individualistic learning Score: 1/1 Quiz 5. the reliance 100% model 4. achieve Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 2. Which of the following does NOT belong? Student Value Response 1. bounce 100% back 4. 5jl1 A child who is described as "resilient" shows the ability to do what during hard times? Student Value Response 1. mania and 100% depression 2. inattention 2. peaks and valleys 4. range 3. 5jl3 The highs and lows of bipolar disorder are called episodes of Student Value Response 1. All are listed as symptoms. mood swings 4. 5jl4 Which is the most common mental disorder in children? Student Value Response Correct Answer Feedback .Student Value Response 1. hyperactivity 100% 3. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 3. euphoria and despondency Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 4. bulimia nervosa 2.100% 1. bipolar disorder 3. 5jl5 The term emaciation would be best used in describing which eating disorder? Student Value Response 1. bingeeating disorder 4. depression 4. borderline personality disorder Score: 1/1 5. 5jl6 Which of the following disorders is considered the most disabling? . Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 6. None of the above. ADHD 2. anorexia 100% nervosa 3. 4. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 8.Student Value Response 1. 5jl8 The relationship between stressful life events and risk of child mental disorders is Student Value Response 1. Correct Answer Feedback . schizophrenia 100% 3. recurrent 100% illnesses. untreatable. bipolar disorder 2. 5jl7 Mental health problems among young people often are Student Value Response 1. 3. the focus of school clinics. ADHD 4. 2. Depression Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 7. diagnosed quickly. random. 2. building Value Correct Answer Feedback 100% . a safe and caring classroom. 4. 100% 3. constant. 3. teacher empathy. social 100% 2. environmental Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 10. 5jl10 Building mental and emotional health begins with Student Response 1. well established. Score: 1/1 9. constantly being revisited. 2. 5jl9 Which of the following is NOT one of the three categories of protective factors? Student Value Response 1. individual 4. mental 3. Score: 1/1 11. the key to student success and connectivity 2. 5jl11 What best describes self-esteem? Student Value Response 1. the ability to persevere at every level of life Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 12. a need for staff and faculty 4. able to meet 100% life's challenges and be worthy of happiness 3. 4. a knowledgeable support staff. 5jl12 .security. 5jl13 In the hierarchy of needs. and stability. success. basic needs include Student Value Response 1. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 14. Erikson 3. Freud Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 13. and sleep. order. Student Value Response 1. Maslow 100% 4. 2. Piaget 2. achievement. and selfrespect.The "hierarchy of needs" was developed by _________. 5jl14 . thirst. security. 100% 4. love and acceptance. 3. hunger. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 16. security.According to the hierarchy of needs. expectations. 5jl16 . fulfillment of which need can be sought after selfesteem has been attained? Student Value Response 1. need for safety 100% 4. need for love and belonging 3. self-esteem. 5jl15 Troubled children are more likely to be violent and aggressive when criticized if they have learned to feel unwarranted high Student Value Response 1. 100% 4. 2. goal-setting. need for success 2. need for selfactualization Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 15. 3. peers Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 17. approval seeking 2. teacher 100% 3. idea promotion 3. whom do they most often name as being important in their growth? Student Value Response 1. 5jl17 What term describes a teacher sharing appropriate personal feelings? Student Value Response 1.When at-risk children become resilient adults. religious leader 4. 5jl18 Which of the following concepts is most important in building a sense of community in the classroom? . father 2. open discovery 100% 4. selfdisclosure Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 18. welcoming 4. anxiety disorder Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 20. SIDS 4. 5jl19 Which of the following is NOT a common emotional or mental problem of individual students? Student Value Response 1.Student Value Response 1. 5jl20 What location might teachers want to avoid so that they don't get bombarded with negativity? Student Value Response 1. ADHD 2. inclusiveness 100% 3. front office Correct Answer Feedback . teacher focus Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 19. caring 2. eating disorder 100% 3. chapter 6 1. during the 0% first school years Score: Correct Answer Feedback 0/10 3.2. 6jl2 When do many unhealthy eating patterns begin? Student Value Response 1. 6jl3 Attempts at weight loss are most common among which group? . 6jl1 Children with iron deficiency are at risk for Student Value Response 1. district building 3. adolescence 3. 100% 2. obesity. Type 2 diabetes. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 10/10 2. anemia. stroke. school yard after dismissal Score: 1/1 Quiz 6. before starting school 4. 4. early adulthood 2. teacher's 100% lounge 4. 3. slightly less than females. 6jl4 Comparing male and female student consumption of milk. having difficulty concentrating.Student Value Response 1. 4. athletes 100% 2. about the same amount as females. males 4. twice as 100% much as females. 6jl5 All of the following are consequences of being chronically undernourished. Correct Answer Feedback . EXCEPT Student Value Response 1. half a much as females. 2. research shows that males drink Student Value Response 1. females 3. celebrity personalities Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 4. 3. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 5. 4. 100% 3. having asthma. irritable behavior 4.2. lower achievement scores 3. lack of interest Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 7. 6jl6 Low consumption of protein has been linked to what problem for students? Student Value Response 1. loud and annoying. happy and talkative. fatigue level decreases 100% 2. achieving low math scores. irritable 100% and apathetic. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback . sad and whiny. having headaches. 3. 2. 4. Score: 10/10 6. 6jl7 When children go hungry or are undernourished. they tend to be Student Value Response 1. poverty 2. 6jl8 Which of the following factors increases the risk of food insecurity the most? Student Value Response 100% 1. 6jl10 Breakfast is an important part of a healthy diet because . Youth Mass Indicator Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 10. employment status Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 9. singleheaded household 3. multiplechildren household 4.8. WMY (Weigh Measurement for Youth) 4. BMI (body 100% mass index) 3. 6jl9 Body mass index is commonly used to classify obesity among adults. Youth Weight Calculator 2. which of the following is preferred for measuring obesity among youth? Student Value Response 1. 0% 4. 3. eating breakfast is associated with improved sleep patterns. children who eat breakfast behave better.Student Value Response 1. children who eat breakfast learn better. 3. eating breakfast is associated with reductions in absenteeism and tardiness. common place. 2. rising. holding steady. due to obesity concerns. despite Correct Answer Feedback . 6jl11 Nutrition being taught at elementary and middle school levels is Student Value Response 1. 2. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 0/10 11. budget shortfalls. Score: 10/10 12. dropping. boring. 4. healthy eaters. 6jl12 Who conducts the largest and most complete assessment of school health programs? Student Value Response 100% 1. FEMA 4. 100% due to increased emphasis on math and reading. 4. 2. 6jl14 . poor. 6jl13 Children who eat in the school meal program might be stigmatized as Student Value Response 100% 1. CDC 2. HOPE 3. 3. Action for Healthy Kids Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 13. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 14. overweight. increased substantially. 100% 4. 2. the prevalence of overweight children and adolescence has Student Value Response 1. 6jl15 During the past two decades. 6jl16 Approximately how many minutes of physical activity per day is recommended for children? Student Value Response 1. stabilized. Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 15. decreased slightly. 3. 2. adherence to USDA programs. 45 Correct Answer Feedback . Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 16. a nutritious diet. healthier 100% lifestyles. 4. increased slightly. healthy food choices at school. 3.The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is published every five years by the USDA and provides a framework to promote Student Value Response 1. nearly all 100% Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 19. more than half 3. which of the following behaviors is the most important? Student Value Response 1. nearly half 2. CDC Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 18. 6jl18 How many Americans consume more salt than they need? Student Value Response 1. HHS 100% 2. Correct Answer Feedback . LDL 3. 60 3. HDL 4. 80 4. Wash all meats.2. 6jl17 Which type of cholesterol is considered to be ³bad´ and needs to be controlled? Student Value Response 1. 90 Score: 10/10 100% 17. 75 percent 4. 6jl19 To avoid food contaminants when preparing and consuming food. flexibility activities. fructose 4. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . 100% 4. corn syrup 2. gelcose 100% Score: 10/10 Correct Answer Feedback 1. Watch expiration dates closely. 6jl20 Which of the following is NOT another name for added sugar? Student Value Response 1. B. lifestyle 100% activities. 3.2. D. Cook at appropriate temperatures. active aerobics. maple syrup 3. Wash hands. C. The base of the MyActivity Pyramid recommends participation in Student Value Response A. rest and inactivity. Score: 10/10 20. 2. exercises for strength and muscular endurance. The Third Level of the MyActivity Pyramid includes Student Value Response A. B. active aerobics and recreational activities. rest and inactivity and flexibility Correct Answer Feedback . lifestyle activities and active aerobics. 100% C. D. sports and recreational activities and flexibility exercises. The Second Level of the MyActivity Pyramid includes Student Value Response A. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 3. B. C. rest and 100% inactivity. D. strength and muscular fitness exercises and rest and inactivity. active aerobics and sports and recreational activities. . The Fourth Level of the MyActivity Pyramid includes Student Value Response A. flexibility 100% exercises. flexibility exercises. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 5.exercises. B. active aerobics. C. D. Score: 1/1 4. lifestyle activities. Participation in a pattern of consistent physical activity is associated with very positive health outcomes. School-age children and youth who participate in regular physical activity have decreased anxiety and depression. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 8. Student Response Value True 100% True Score: 1/1 Correct Answer . The recent nutritional initiatives in schools have helped decrease the number of overweight children. Children treated for obesity are about three times more expensive for medical care providers than the average child is. Student Response Value True 100% True Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 7. Student Response Value True 100% True Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 6. 9. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 10. Hispanic and black students tend to be more physically active than their white counterparts are. Increased concerns about safety have limited the time and locations in which children can play outside. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 12. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 11. Participation in vigorous physical activity has been associated with declines in student attitudes towards themselves and school. Boys are generally less physically active than girls are. Student Response Value True 100% True Correct Answer . Physical activity is defined as activity that is planned. structured. and is done for the purpose of improving or maintaining physical fitness. Student Response Value True 100% True Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 15. School-based efforts to promote physical activity among young people should not be formalized as part of the coordinated school health program. schools and communities should provide physical and social environments that encourage and enable young people to engage in safe and enjoyable physical activity.Score: 1/1 13. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 14. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 16. and repetitive. . According to guidelines established by the CDC. Research has demonstrated that the ways in which fitness activities are taught and reinforced do not contribute to student attitudes about the value of being active for a lifetime. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 19.There is not a strong relationship between physical activity and measures of physical fitness in young children. Student Response Value True 100% True Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 18. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer . Flexibility exercises are designed to improve strength and muscular endurance. Activities done as part of a typical daily routine and that involve the large muscles of the body are considered to be lifestyle activities. Student Response Value True 100% True Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 17. D. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 2. hit by a drunk driver. not restrained properly. about what percentage of high school students had ridden within the past month in a car driven by somebody drinking alcohol? . teachers are discouraged from providing time for activity in the school setting. killed by air bag inflation. sitting in the front seat.20. C. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 1. About half of the children ages 1-14 who died in automobile accidents were Student Value Response A. According to the guidelines for promoting physical activity. 100% B. at least 100% two times higher for males than females. ten times higher for males than females. slightly higher for females than males. When comparing males to females. B.Student Value Response A. about the same. 15 percent 100% C. the rate of unintentional injuries are Student Value Response A. D. 30 percent D. . 5 percent B. 45 percent Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 3. C. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 4. consistency with the previous SHPPS study. shows Student Value Response A. yearly Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 . B. every two years B. How often does the CDC conduct the SHPPS study? Student Value Response A. encouraging trends.The authors tell us the recent data. a dramatic 100% decrease in teaching safety concepts. when compared to the SHPPS 2000 data on teaching about safety and unintentional injury prevention. slightly dropping numbers. every six 100% years C. D. C. every eight years D. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 5. According to the CDC. "any unintentional or intentional damage to the body" is the definition of which of the following? Student Value Response 100% A. injury B. violence D. tragedy Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . health education curriculum and instruction B. accident C. Which of the following is NOT one of the eight major recommendations for preventing injuries? Student Value Response A. increased bike helmet awareness Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 7. staff development to promote health issues 100% D.6. appropriate crisis and emergency response C. CORE (Curriculum Overview Reliability Evaluator) D. CDC Evaluator 100% B. poisoning Correct Answer Feedback .8. child passenger safety C. HOP (Health Overview Program) Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 9. Which of the following was released by the CDC to help educators consider state of the art practice in health education? Student Value Response A. water safety B. HECAT (Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool) C. Which of the following is NOT a priority area for the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control? Student Value Response A. home fires.100% impaired drivers Score: 1/1 10. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 11. At what age do students become much more capable of understanding and acting on the connection between behaviors and injury risks? Student Value Response A. C. middle school D. high school Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . alcohol. pre-K B.D. motor vehicle accidents. B. early elementary 100% C. The leading cause of death in the United States is Student Value Response 100% A. drowning. homicide. D. which group is at particularly high risk of fire-related injury or death? Student Value Response 100% A. . billboards B. children with disabilities C. schoolbased programs 100% D. Which of the following is NOT a way to increase booster seat use significantly in targeted communities? Student Value Response A. county laws Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 13. car seat checkpoints C. the elderly D.12. According to the authors. unsupervised children Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 14. small children B. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 15. churches D." 100% B. city parks C.Almost half of playground-related injuries are considered Student Value Response A. elementary 100% Correct Answer Feedback . a result of "horse play. schools B. a result of lack of supervision. What group of school children has the highest rate of pedestrian death? Student Value Response A. D. The majority of playground injuries occur where? Student Value Response 100% A. community centers Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 16. C. severe injuries. a result of faulty equipment. Which of the following is given as the key to drowning prevention? Student Value Response A. middle school B. A latch key child Student Value Response A. arrives home 100% to an empty house. college Score: 1/1 17. C. is often the Correct Answer Feedback . comes from a broken home. knowledge of water safety 100% B. the buddy system Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 18. high school D. structured lessons D. adult supervision C. B. a dramatic decline in Value Correct Answer Feedback . most statistics show risk-taking for females at a similar level to that of males. Score: 1/1 19. D. the death toll from unintentional injuries among adolescents is slowly rising. and other risky activities. The text reports Student Response A. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 20. is often in counseling. Contrary to common belief. With the popularity of extreme sports. professional wrestling. Student Response Value False 100% False Score: 1/1 Correct Answer 1.object of extra teacher attention or administration involvement. no changes in America's health during the past 50 years. 100% C. C.America's health during the past 50 years. the environment. D. which emphasized instruction about Student Value Response A. a regression in the health behaviors of Americans. drug prevention and consequences. the body systems. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . Score: 1/1 2. 100% B. nutrition. In this chapter. B. dramatic improvements in America's health during the past 50 years. educators will notice a departure from traditional approaches to personal health. D. blood banks. EXCEPT Student Value Response A. D. C. a safe milk supply. stroke Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 4. arthritis 100% D. B. heart disease B. modern familyplanning methods.3. Type 2 diabetes C. 100% Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 5. vaccines. Which of the following is the most common chronic childhood disease? . All of the following have contributed to the decline in the infant mortality rates (death in the first year of life) since the early 1900s. Which of the following is NOT a complication for overweight children? Student Value Response A. Asian Americans Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 7. 100% B. sickle cell anemia Score: 0/1 Correct Answer Feedback 6. C. EXCEPT Student Value Response A. Correct Answer Feedback . Hispanics 100% B. European Americans D. diabetes C. asthma 0% B. Sickle cell anemia is most common within what group of people? Student Value Response A. diabetes. Research regarding chronic health conditions has determined all of the following to have a significant effect on students' achievement and ability. epilepsy. African Americans C.Student Value Response A. tooth decay D. asthma. D. tobacco use B. Which of the following is NOT one of the leading health indicators? Student Value Response A. C. The child poverty rate in the United States is Student Value Response 100% A.D. B. among the lowest in the world. sicklecell anemia. Correct Answer Feedback . Score: 1/1 8. falling. parental involvement D. immunization Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 9. among the highest in the developed world. injury and violence 100% C. rising. One of the most common ways that people catch colds is by Student Value Response A. stay away from sick people. drinking Correct Answer Feedback . Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 11. take vitamins. The best way to keep from catching a communicable disease is to Student Value Response A. sleep at least eight hours a night. B.Score: 1/1 10. wash your hands. C. D. rubbing their 100% eyes or noses after their hands have been contaminated with the cold virus. 100% B. from a water fountain after someone who has a cold virus. the learning years (58) Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 13. early teen years B. going outside without a jacket on a cold day. the first 100% two years of life D. . sitting close to someone who has a cold virus. D. Tooth decay is typically established during what period? Student Value Response A. after the loss of baby teeth C. Score: 1/1 12. C. and 12:00 p. and 10:00 a. Communicable diseases are Student Value Response Correct Answer Feedback . B.m. 100% C.m.m. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 15. ten Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 14. and 4:00 p. 7:00 a.m. six B.m. 10:00 a. Student Value Response A.m. nine D.m.Children and adolescents need at least ________ hours of sleep each night. 8:00 a. 1:00 p.m. D. eight 100% C. The most hazardous hours for exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays are between Student Value Response A. and 6:00 p. inclusive only of colds and flu. not contagious. D. B. C. infectious 100% diseases. less severe than a cold. C. B. not contagious. The flu is Student Value Response 100% A. the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. not fatal.A. Score: 1/1 16. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 17. an infection of the respiratory system. . D. To treat an infestation of head lice, you should Student Value Response A. treat the 100% infested person and the household. B. treat all household pets. C. wash your hair twice a day for two weeks. D. use fumigant sprays throughout the household. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 18. HIV is NOT transmitted through Student Value Response A. insects. 100% B. unsafe sexual contact. C. mother to fetus. D. mother to baby via breast milk. Correct Answer Feedback Score: 1/1 19. Chronic diseases are Student Value Response A. contagious. B. the leading 100% cause of death and disability in the United States. C. inclusive of AIDS and Lyme disease. D. not preventable. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 20. Type 1 diabetes Student Value Response A. is preventable. B. is the most common form of diabetes. C. is usually 100% diagnosed in children Correct Answer Feedback and young adults. D. does not usually require insulin. Score: 1/1 1. Which of the following is now recognized as a public health priority in the United States? Student Value Response A. motor vehicle injury reduction B. violence 100% risk reduction C. interfamily violence reduction D. all of the above Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 2. One of the purposes of the Report of the Surgeon General on Youth Violence was to Student Value Response A. create a profile of school Correct Answer Feedback pass more than 75 percent of their classes. B. 100% D.shooters. Score: 1/1 3. D. demonstrate periods of overachievement. generate a list of risk factors for youth violence. C. C. attend school more often. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 4. create a profile of schools susceptible to violence. 100% B. Research has shown that children who are exposed to trauma Student Value Response A. . perform at grade level. dispel common myths about youth violence. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . D. demonstrate interest in subjectspecific topics. nonexistent for 100% upper-class families. 100% C. C. both internal and external. EXCEPT Student Value Response A. earn higher grades in certain areas. D. due to desensitization. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 5. B. have low truancy rates.Students who survive violence in their home and school Student Value Response A. Researchers believe that the risk factors for intentional injury are all of the following. B. due to social changes in the family. have behavior problems. random B. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 7. accept the notion of peaceful solutions. they Student Value Response A.6. believe the 100% behavior is acceptable. D. B. tend to become less violent. common D. When children experience aggressive acts such as yelling and throwing things on a regular basis. relatively 100% rare C. uncommon but rising sharply Correct Answer Feedback . How frequent is school-site violence? Student Value Response A. C. put a stop to the cycle of violence. mandated by law. Violence prevention policies and security strategies need to be as diverse as Student Value Response A. positive and appropriate. adequate. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback . the student body. B. the school 100% community. the effectiveness of the DARE program is Student Value Response 100% A. D. B. For either substance use or violence prevention. C. parents require. D. C.Score: 1/1 8. Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 9. very successful when implemented correctly. lacking. 100% C. D. Which characteristic is an instinctive and primary coping mechanism of children who are exposed to trauma? Student Value Response A. shooters usually told other people about their intentions. school shootings are impulsive. B. having a profile of shooter characteristics Correct Answer Feedback .10. regression Score: 0/1 Correct Answer Feedback 11. avoidance 0% D. withdrawal skills C. startle reaction B. A study on school shootings indicated that Student Value Response A. shooting incidents were most often resolved by law enforcement. Score: 1/1 12. Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 13. stayed the same. varied significantly from year to year. . 100% C. B. increased. siblings 100% C. females D. Who is the most likely to perpetrate physical abuse and neglect in the home? Student Value Response A. decreased. the number of child abuse cases has Student Value Response A. Since the 1970s. males Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback effective prevention. stepsiblings B. D. stepsiblings B. neglect 100% and physical abuse D. siblings C. It is important for teachers and adult caregivers of children who have been abused to . females 100% D. physical and emotional abuse Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 16. males Score: Correct Answer Feedback 1/1 15. Which are the most common forms of abuse? Student Value Response A.Who is the most likely to perpetrate sexual abuse? Student Value Response A. neglect and sexual abuse B. sexual and physical abuse C. children usually lie about abuse.understand that Student Value Response A. all of the 0% above. the child is always the victim. children can be seductive. Abuse reinforces inappropriate reactions in social Correct Answer Feedback . Score: 0/1 Correct Answer Feedback 17. Abuse and 100% neglect occur most often in large families. C. Which of the following statements about child abuse is NOT found in the text? Student Value Response A. B. B. C. Abuse influences a child's ability to interact with others. D. is Student Value Response A. Abuse is related to poor school performance. sexual abuse. Score: 0/1 Correct Answer Feedback . maltreatment C. B. Score: 1/1 18.settings. neglect B. neglect. C. D. physical abuse. 0% D. Which of the following is the most common but does not receive much attention? Student Value Response 100% A. because the effects may not be immediate. emotional abuse. physical abuse D. sexual abuse Score: 1/1 Correct Answer Feedback 19. One of the most difficult types of abuse to prove. are mandated reporters. C.20. 0% D. Score: 0/1 Correct Answer Feedback . Teachers are at an advantage for observing changes in a student's appearance or behavior because they Student Value Response A. are skillfully trained as observers. can compare a student to their agecohort of peers. B. have contact with both the family and the child.
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