HCSMS Rev14_edit_001 EL - NPS All

May 13, 2018 | Author: SEno SnOw | Category: Arsenic, Chemical Substances, Supply Chain, Salt (Chemistry), Atoms



HCSC-G-001-14 2 / 95 INDEX ……… 2 I General Provisions   1. Purpose ……… 3   2. Scope ……… 3   3. Definitions ……… 3   4. Usage of IMDS Application ID ……… 4   5. Distributions ……… 4 ide 14 II Chemical substances controlled by Honda ial   1. Honda Chemical Substance List(Table1) ……… 5   2. Technical standard of prohibited chemical substances - 1. NH mark technical standard (Table2) ……… 48 nt S - 2. NH_BB mark technical standard (Table3) ……… 52 - 3. HRmark technical standard (Table4) ……… 53 - 4. HR1 mark technical standard (Table5) ……… 57 Co M- 5. HR3 mark technical standard (Table6) ……… 59 - 6. HRL mark technical standard (Table7) ……… 60 - 7. HRE mark technical standard (Table8) ……… 61 S - 8. Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table9) ……… 64 III Related information C nf   1. Related regulatory information - 1. Decision Laws and Regulations and Trend (Table10) ……… 72 nd H - 2. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations ……… 73   2. Comparison Table GADSL ……… 86   3. REACH,  Authorization Substance ……… 94   4. Revision record ……… 95 Ho py a Co HCSC-G-001-14 3 / 95 I. General Provisions 1.Purpose The purpose of Honda Chemical Substance Management Standard (abbrev. as HCSMS) is to: * comply with laws and regulations * decrease the impact on the environment or ecosystem. * clarify chemical substances where the use is restricted, regulated or prohibited * clarify the exemptions for some chemical substance usages or applications 2.Scope All commodities that make up Honda products(parts, raw materials/sub-materials, packing materials etc.) Substances or uses that are not subject to this HCSMS but are prohibited or restricted for use by ide 4 national or local law must also comply with the law. ial nf S 1 3.Definitions -1. Honda Classification 1) P: Prohibited substance nt A substance which is prohibited by law to use. 2) DI: Reportable substance (notification substance) A substance which is required by law to be reported. 3) DII: Monitored substance (supervision substance) Co M A substance which is monitored by the industry. 4) P7,P8,P9 : Substances which are prohibited (“P”) to be included in specific product type under biocidal purpose in EU BPR regulation. P7:”P” in PT7, P8:”P” in PT8, P9:”P” in PT9 5) D7,D8,D9 : Substances which are allowed (“D”) to be included in specific product type under biocidal S purpose in EU BPR regulation 6) A7,A8,A9 : Substance which needed to be certificated (“A”) before it included in specific product type under biocidal purpose in EU BPR regulation. C (*)Product Type ⇒ Refer Definition of Term No. 11 -2. Honda Criteria Based on regulations, inclusion criteria of chemical substances defined by Honda. nd H (Threshold shall be calculated by the weight of Homogeneous Material as the denominator.) -3. Intentional Use Prohibition Intentional use means, "to intentionally use the substance, materials and parts to maintain specific aspects or appearance of any Honda commodity," the use of which is prohibited. However, the condition on the above will not cover the substances that are used as process chemicals Ho py and their structures in the products transmute and/or dissipate for 100%.  (Process Chemical: Chemical substances not remaining in end-products due to vaporization or chemical reaction.) -4. Homogeneous Material A material that cannot be mechanically broken down into different materials. a -5. HR* Co A generic mark for HR, HR1, HR3 and HRL -6. Application ID Code number identified based on regulations and requirements in ELV Regulation Annex Ⅱ. Currently, material groups such as lead, hexavalent chrome, mercury, cadmium, nickel, PAH etc. are identified to specific applications (based on regulatory requirement conditions, usage available in defined period) in the automobile industry. -7. CAS. No (Chemical Abstracts Service) A chemical compound number of up to 10 digits to identify a chemical substance, used in Chemical Abstracts published by the American Chemical Society. -8. GADSL (Global Automotive Declarable Substance List) A substance list used in vehicles, the use of which is undesirable or restricted by law, information on which the chemical and automotive industries agreed to disclose. (Refer to "GADSL_Document" for GADSL terms.) -9. IMDS (International Material Data System) A system for collecting chemical substance and weight information in parts and materials. -10. SVHC(Substances of Very High Concern) An "SVHC" is a substance specified under the Europe REACH regulation 1907/2006/EC Article 57. 45 and 46 are limited for <0. PLEASE NOTE: Any reference to Honda should be deleted from the forwarded standard. it can not use application ID 44. 45. and 47. because of different thresholds.1wt% concentration. Usage of IMDS Application ID ・Usage of application ID 44. 46. *********************************************** Attention to Suppliers ********************************************* nt Suppliers who have supply chain responsibilities and who must communicate this standard to those suppliers will be able to copy parts of the tables from this Standard. Product Type(PT): Product Type Categories of the articles that are stated in EU BPR(Biocidal Products Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 ) It is stated in Scope of PT on Related Regulation (Page 78/95) of this standard that the active substance(s) can/cannot be contained under BPR. 4.HCSC-G-001-14 4 / 95 -11. the distribution section should promptly issue it to suppliers who receive drawings with NH and HR* marks ial nf S 1 and issue it to suppliers who receive Purchase Papers with NH and HR* marks . ・Usage of application ID 47 is limited for <0. 5.Distributions ide 4 When this standard is revised. Co M ************************************************************************************************************************ C S nd H Ho py a Co .01wt% concentration. ・In the case of packaging substance. 6-diethyl-2-methyl-      2095-01-4 DII 1.4-diethyl-6-methyl-      2095-02-5 DII a O-toluidine.2-tetrafluorethoxy)anilin 104147-32-2 DII [4-[[4-anilino-1-naphthyl][4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]methylene]cyclohexa-2. 2-methyl-5-nitro-. all members DI/P ○ ○ (SVHC) S 4-Aminobiphenyl 92-67-1 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC p-aminobiphenyl hydrochloride 2113-61-3 P ○ ○ 9 Ammonium perchlorate 7790-98-9 DII 10 Aniline and its salts. monohydrochloride 569-61-9 DII 14 Arsenic and its compounds. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark 1 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 DII 2 Acetamide. Details of the criteria for control substance according to NH or HR* mark are provided in Tables 2 to 8.) Morpholine 110-91-8 DII Piperidine 110-89-4 DII Pyrrolidine 123-75-1 DII 8 4-Aminobiphenyl and its salts. 2. Basic Blue 26) 2580-56-5 DI SVHC Methanaminium.N-Di-n-propylamine (1-Propanamine.) 624-78-2 DII Co M N-Methyl-N-phenylamine 100-61-8 DII (Benzenamine.2. Honda Chemical Substance List (Table1) Table 1 is the chemical substance list subject to Honda Chemical Substance Management Standard.) 111-92-2 DII N. N-methyl.2.4'-methylendianiline DII nd H 3.N-Dimethylamine (Methanamine.6-dimethylpyrylium hexafluoroarsenate 84304-16-5 DII/P ○ ○ 6. or 6 and it should meet Honda Criteria for each substance or usage. P : Prohibited substance ----. N-ethyl.A substance the use of which is restricted by law D I : Reportable substance I (reportable substance) ----. N-propyl. 2.4'-Carbonimidoylbis[N. 1-[(5. which can form carcinogenic Nitrosamines. 79-16-3 DI SVHC 3 Acetonitrile 75-05-8 DII 4 Acrylamide 79-06-1 DI SVHC 5 Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 DII ide 14 6 Amines.2'-Dichloro-4.(Pigment Red 251) 74336-60-0 DII 12 Antimonytrioxide (Diantimonytrioxide) 1309-64-4 DII 13 Aromatic amines. it means each substance or its usage has a restriction or an obligation of notification.3-benzenediamine.90 restriction substance SVHC Lead arsenate 7784-40-9 DI/P ○ ○ No.N-Diethylamine (Ethanamine.5-Dichloro-4-(1.I.3-Benzenediamine. N-butyl. 4-[(4-aminophenyl)(4-imino-2. * A substance marked with "O" in column "NH Mark" shows a control substance according to Table 2 and it should meet Honda Criteria for each substance or usage. unspecified 7645-25-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.2-diyldianilinium dichloride 139-93-5 DII/P ○ ○ Aluminum arsenide (AlAs) 22831-42-1 DII/P ○ ○ . N-methyl.N-Diethanolamine 111-42-2 DII ial (Ethanol.4-Diaminoanisole sulphate Co (1.) 103-69-5 DII N. selected DI/DII (SVHC) N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine 135-88-6 DII Ho py Diethylmethylbenzenediamine  68479-98-1 DII Bis(methylthio)toluenediamine 106264-79-3 DII Diphenylamine     122-39-4 DII 1.5-dien-1-ylidene] dimethylammonium chloride (C.90 restriction Lead arsenite 10031-13-7 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.90 restriction substance No.6-Dimethyl-4-phenylpyrylium hexafluoroarsenate 84304-15-4 DII/P ○ ○ 4-Cyclohexyl-2. * A substance marked with "O" in column "HR* Mark" shows a control substance according to Table 4.2-Tetrafluroethoxy)Aniline 104147-32-2 DII Salts from 4.N-Di-i-propylamine (2-Propanamine. N-(1-methylethyl)-) 108-18-9 DII N.7-dichloro-1. 4-chloro-.I. 4-methoxy-.N-Methylethylamine (Ethanamine.) 124-40-3 DII N.A substance the use of which is monitored by the industry In the Honda Classification column when there are multiple ranks.1. all members DI/DII/P ○ ○ (SVHC) Cadmium arsenide (Cd3As2) 12006-15-4 DII/P ○ ○ Chromium arsenide (Cr2As) 12254-85-2 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead arsenate 3687-31-8 DI/P ○ ○ No. 5.3'-diarsene-1.10-Anthracenedione.1. Basic Violet 3 548-62-9 DI SVHC Benzenamine.6-Dimethyl-4-(1-naphthyl)pyrylium hexafluoroarsenate 84282-36-0 DII/P ○ ○ 2.5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)methyl]-.3-benzenediamine.5-Dichlor-4-(1.2'-iminobis-) N. N-methyl. monohydrochloride    51085-52-0 DII 3.N-Di-n-butylamine (1-Butanamine. selected DII N.) 142-84-7 DII nt S N.N-Ethylphenylamine (Benzenamine. 4. coco alkyl 61788-46-3 DII 7 Amines. sulfate (1:1)) 39156-41-7 DII Benzenamine.5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]- n-methyl-. A substance marked with "O" in column "Mark Technical Standard" shows a control substance according to HES 3060 NH marks and HES A3065 HR marks. GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. N-ethyl-) 109-89-7 DII N.90 restriction Lead arsenate. n-[4-[bis[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]methylene]-2. all members DII C 62-53-3 DII nf Aniline Aniline chloride 142-04-1 DII Anilinetrifluoroboron 660-53-7 DII Benzenamine sulfate (2:1) 542-16-5 DII Salts from 2.9-dihydro-2-methyl-9-oxopyrazolo[5.1-b]quinazolin-3- 11 yl)azo].6'-Dihydroxy-3.A substance the use of which is required by law to be reported D II : Monitored substance II (Monitored substance) ----. N-methyl.N-dimethylanilin] DII 9.91 restriction Mercuric arsenate 7784-37-4 DII/P ○ ○ substance 2. hydrochloride    3165-93-3 DII 2. chloride: C.HCSC-G-001-14 5 / 95 II-1.90 restriction Lead arsenate (Pb3(AsO4)2) 10102-48-4 DII/P ○ ○ substance No. hexafluoroarsenate(1-) 68892-01-3 DII/P ○ ○ Calcium arsenate 10103-62-5 DII/P ○ ○ Ho py Calcium arsenate 7778-44-1 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Calcium arsenide (Ca3As2) 12255-53-7 DII/P ○ ○ Calcium arsenite 52740-16-6 DII/P ○ ○ Calcium arsenite (2:1) 15194-98-6 DII/P ○ ○ Calcium arsenite (2:3) 27152-57-4 DII/P ○ ○ a Cobalt arsenide (CoAs) 27016-73-5 DII/P ○ ○ 12044-42-7 DII/P Co Cobalt arsenide (CoAs2) ○ ○ Cobalt arsenide (CoAs3) 12256-04-1 DII/P ○ ○ Copper acetoarsenite 12002-03-8 DII/P ○ ○ Copper arsenate 29871-13-4 DII/P ○ ○ Copper arsenate hydroxide (Cu2(AsO4)(OH)) 12774-48-0 DII/P ○ ○ Copper arsenide (Cu3As) 12005-75-3 DII/P ○ ○ Copper arsenite 10290-12-7 DII/P ○ ○ Copper arsenite 33382-64-8 DII/P ○ ○ Copper diarsenite 16509-22-1 DII/P ○ ○ Diarsenic acid 13453-15-1 DII/P ○ ○ Diphenyldiarsenic acid 4519-32-8 DII/P ○ ○ Disodium hydrogen arsenate (Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). 4-arsenoso-. cobaltoan ○ ○ nf Arsenous acid. ammonium copper(2+) salt (1:1:1) 32680-29-8 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). sodium salt 71130-50-2 DII/P ○ ○ Boron(1+). potassium 17029-22-0 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenenous acid. sodium salt (1:2)) 7778-43-0 DII/P ○ ○ Dysprosium arsenide (DyAs) 12005-81-1 DII/P ○ ○ Erbium arsenide (ErAs) 12254-88-5 DII/P ○ ○ Europium arsenide (EuAs) 32775-46-5 DII/P ○ ○ Ferric arsenate 10102-49-5 DII/P ○ ○ Ferric arsenite 63989-69-5 DII/P ○ ○ Ferrous arsenate 10102-50-8 DII/P ○ ○ Gadolinium arsenide (GdAs) 12005-89-9 DII/P ○ ○ Gallium arsenide 1303-00-0 DII/P ○ ○ Gallium arsenide phosphide 106097-61-4 DII/P ○ ○ Digallium arsenide phosphide 12044-20-1 DII/P ○ ○ Gallium zinc triarsenide 98106-56-0 DII/P ○ ○ Germanium arsenide (GeAs) 12271-72-6 DII/P ○ ○ Holmium arsenide (HoAs) 12005-92-4 DII/P ○ ○ Indium arsenide (InAs) 1303-11-3 DII/P ○ ○ Iodonium. disodium salt. hexafluoroarsenate(1-) 27569-09-1 DII/P ○ ○ Benzenediazonium. hexafluoroarsenate(1-) 62613-15-4 DII/P ○ ○ . cobalt(2+) salt (2:3) 24719-19-5 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). hydrogen 17068-85-8 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenate(1-). monoammonium salt ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4).42 restriction substance Co M No.Ga)As) 37382-15-3 DII/P ○ ○ Ammonium arsenate 7784-44-3 DII/P ○ ○ Ammonium-magnesium-arsenat 14644-70-3 DII/P ○ ○ Antimony arsenate 28980-47-4 DII/P ○ ○ Antimony arsenic oxide 64475-90-7 DII/P ○ ○ Antimony arsenide (Sb3As) 12255-36-6 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenargentite (Ag3As) 12417-99-1 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenate(1-). bis(2. dipotassium salt 21093-83-4 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). trisodium salt 13464-37-4 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenous trichloride 7784-34-1 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenous triiodide 7784-45-4 DII/P ○ ○ Barium arsenide (Ba3As2) 12255-50-4 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Benzenediazonium. (T-4)-. trisodium salt 13464-38-5 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic bromide 64973-06-4 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic bromide 7784-33-0 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic chloride 37226-49-6 DII/P nt ○ ○ S Arsino thioxo 12044-79-0 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic sulfide (AsS2) 56320-22-0 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC Arsenic pentoxide 1303-28-2 DI/P ○ ○ No. 71130-51-3 DII/P ○ ○ Benzenesulfonic acid. hexafluoro-.101 restriction Arsenic selenide (As2Se3) 1303-36-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Arsenic sulfide 12612-21-4 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic sulfide (As2S4) 12344-68-2 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic telluride (As2Te3) 12044-54-1 DII/P ○ ○ S Arsenic trichloride 60646-36-8 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Arsenic trisulfide 1303-33-9 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic.90 restriction Arsenic acid. copper salt 10103-61-4 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). hexafluoro-. hexafluoro-.HCSC-G-001-14 6 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. trisilver(1+) salt 13510-44-6 DII/P ○ ○ No. 3-methyl-4-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-. elemental 7440-38-2 DII/P ○ ○ 12414-94-7 DII/P C Arsenopyrite. barium salt (2:3) 13477-04-8 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). lithium salt 72845-34-2 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid 1327-52-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Arsenic acid 7778-39-4 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). hexafluoroarsenate(1-) 63217-32-3 DII/P ○ ○ Benzenesulfonic acid. strontium salt (2:3) 13464-68-1 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). trilithium salt 13478-14-3 DII/P ○ ○ ial Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). manganese-doped 102110-21-4 DII/P ○ ○ 13462-93-6 DII/P ide 14 Arsenic acid (H3AsO4).4-pentanedionato-O. 4-arsenoso. 4-(ethylamino)-2-methyl-. diphenyl-. copper(2+) salt (2:3) 7778-41-8 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4).O')-. lithium 29935-35-1 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenate(1-). 4-(diethylamino)-2-ethoxy-. bismuth salt (1:1) 13702-38-0 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). hexafluoroarsenate(1-) 63217-33-4 DII/P ○ ○ Benzenediazonium. heptahydrate) 10048-95-0 DII/P ○ ○ Disodium hydrogen arsenate (Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). lead (4+) salt 53404-12-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance Arsenic acid. magnesium salt. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Aluminum gallium arsenide ((Al. chrysotile 12001-29-5 P ○ ○ Asbestos.14905 5858-63-9 DII/P ○ ○ C. zinc salt (2:3) 13464-44-3 DII/P ○ ○ 12006-40-5 DII/P Ho py Zinc arsenide (Zn3As2) ○ ○ Zinc arsenide (ZnAs2) 12044-55-2 DII/P ○ ○ Zinc arsenite 10326-24-6 DII/P ○ ○ Zirconium arsenide (ZrAs) 60909-47-9 DII/P ○ ○ Arsorous acid 13464-58-9 DII/P ○ ○ Arsin 7784-42-1 DII/P a ○ ○ No.6-triamine 21840-08-4 DII/P ○ ○ Neodymium arsenide (NdAs) 12255-09-3 DII/P ○ ○ Nickel arsenide (NiAs) 27016-75-7 DII/P ○ ○ Nickel diarsenide 12068-61-0 DII/P ○ ○ Niobium arsenide (NbAs) 12255-08-2 DII/P ○ ○ Platinum arsenide (PtAs2) 12044-52-9 DII/P ○ ○ Potassium arsenate 7784-41-0 DII/P ○ ○ Potassium arsenide (K3As) 12044-21-2 DII/P ○ ○ 10124-50-2 DII/P ide 14 Potassium arsenite ○ ○ Potassium arsenite 13464-35-2 DII/P ○ ○ Praseodymium arsenide (PrAs) 12044-28-9 DII/P ○ ○ ial Rammelsbergite (NiAs2) 1303-22-6 DII/P ○ ○ Samarium arsenide (SmAs) 12255-39-9 DII/P ○ ○ Silicic acid (H4SiO4). hexafluoroarsenate(1-) 67251-38-1 DII/P ○ ○ Silver arsenide (Ag2As) 70333-07-2 DII/P ○ ○ Sodium arsenate 7631-89-2 DII/P ○ ○ nt Sodium arsenide (Na3As) 12044-25-6 DII/P ○ ○ S Sodium arsenite 7784-46-5 DII/P ○ ○ Sodium metaarsenate 15120-17-9 DII/P ○ ○ Strontium arsenide (Sr3As2) 39297-24-0 DII/P ○ ○ Strontium arsenite 15195-06-9 DII/P ○ ○ Co M Strontium arsenite 91724-16-2 DII/P ○ ○ Strychnidin-10-one. Acid Red 24. amosite 12172-73-5 P ○ ○ Asbestos. hexafluoroarsenate(1-) 57900-42-2 DII/P ○ ○ Terbium arsenide (TbAs) 12006-08-5 DII/P ○ ○ S Thallium arsenide (TlAs) 12006-09-6 DII/P ○ ○ Thallium triarsenide 84057-85-2 DII/P ○ ○ Thulium arsenide (TmAs) 12006-10-9 DII/P ○ ○ Triammonium arsenate 24719-13-9 DII/P ○ ○ C Triethyl arsenate 15606-95-8 DI/P SVHC nf ○ ○ Triethyl arsenite 3141-12-6 DII/P ○ ○ Trimanganese arsenide 61219-26-9 DII/P ○ ○ Trinickel bis(arsenate) 13477-70-8 DII/P ○ ○ Tris[(8a)-6'-methoxycinchonan-9(R)-ol] arsenite 94138-87-1 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Tris[(8a. anthophylite 77536-67-5 P ○ ○ Asbestos.9R)-6'-methoxycinchonan-9-ol] bis(arsenate) 549-59-7 DII/P ○ ○ Vanadium(4+) diarsenate (1:1) 99035-51-5 DII/P ○ ○ Ytterbium arsenide (YbAs) 12006-12-1 DII/P ○ ○ Yttrium arsenide (YAs) 12255-48-0 DII/P ○ ○ Zinc arsenenate oxide (Zn5(AsO3)4O3).I.4-pentanedionato-O.16140 5858-30-0 DII/P ○ ○ . all members P ○ ○ Asbestos. C.I.O')-. C. C. tetrahydrate 1303-39-5 DII/P ○ ○ Arsenic acid (H3AsO4). triphenyl-. triphenyl-.HCSC-G-001-14 7 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.I. arsenite (1:1) 100258-44-4 DII/P ○ ○ Strychnine arsenate 10476-82-1 DII/P ○ ○ Sulfonium. Acid Red 4. Acid Black 132 12219-02-2 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. (OC-6-11)-.I. actinolite 77536-66-4 P ○ ○ Asbestos. C. Acid Black 29 12217-14-0 DII/P ○ ○ C. hexafluoroarsenate(1-) 437-15-0 DII/P ○ ○ N-(p-Arsenosophenyl)-1. polymer with arsenic oxide(As2O3) 68957-75-5 DII/P ○ ○ Silicon(1+). C.5-triazine-2.I.22195 2429-80-3 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Iron arsenide (Fe2As) 12005-88-8 DII/P ○ ○ Iron arsenide (FeAs) 12044-16-5 DII/P ○ ○ Iron arsenide (FeAs2) 12006-21-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lanthanum arsenide (LaAs) 12255-04-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lithium arsenide (Li3As) 12044-22-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lutetium arsenide (LuAs) 12005-94-6 DII/P ○ ○ Magnesium arsenate 10103-50-1 DII/P ○ ○ Magnesium arsenide (Mg3As2) 12044-49-4 DII/P ○ ○ Manganese arsenide (Mn2As) 12005-96-8 DII/P ○ ○ Manganese arsenide (MnAs) 12005-95-7 DII/P ○ ○ Manganese hydrogenarsenate 7784-38-5 DII/P ○ ○ Metaarsenic acid 10102-53-1 DII/P ○ ○ Methylium. crocidolite 12001-28-4 P ○ ○ Asbestos. Acid Black 209 72827-68-0 DII/P ○ ○ C.42 restriction Diphenoxarsin-10-yloxid 58-36-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Co Trisilverarsenite 7784-08-9 DII/P ○ ○ 15 Asbestos fibers.14710 5858-39-9 DII/P ○ ○ C.30336 6358-80-1 DII/P ○ ○ C. Acid Red 5. Tremolite 77536-68-6 P ○ ○ 16 Asbestos minerals.3.I. tris(2.I. Acid Black 131 12219-01-1 DII/P ○ ○ C. Acid Orange 45. all members P ○ ○ Asbestos 1332-21-4 P ○ ○ Actinolite 13768-00-8 P ○ ○ Tremolite 14567-73-8 P ○ ○ Anthophyllite 17068-78-9 P ○ ○ Actinolite 12172-67-7 P ○ ○ Chrysotile 132207-32-0 P ○ ○ Crocidolite 132207-33-1 P ○ ○ 17 Azodyes that can form carcinogenic amines.4.I. selected DII/P ○ ○ C. Acid Black 94.I. Acid Brown 415 97199-27-4 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I. tetraethyl ester.I. 21010 5421-66-9 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. C. C.I. C. Acid Red 265. Direct Orange 7. Direct Blue 21. Direct Blue 173 12235-72-2 DII/P nf ○ ○ C. C. Direct Brown 1:2.I.I.I.24415 6771-80-8 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. C.I.I.I. Acid Red 85.I.24400 2429-74-5 DII/P ○ ○ C. Basic Yellow 103 54060-92-3 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 No.24410 2610-05-1 DII/P ○ ○ No.I.31710 4623-91-0 DII/P ○ ○ No.23380 2868-76-0 DII/P ○ ○ No.33 restriction C.I. Direct Green 8:1 76012-70-9 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. C.I. C.31725 ○ ○ No.18065 6441-93-6 DII/P ○ ○ No. Acid Red 128.30045 3811-71-0 P nd H ○ ○ substance C.33 restriction C. C.I.22245 3567-65-5 P ○ ○ substance C. Direct Blue 192 71838-51-2 DII/P ○ ○ C. C. Direct Orange 10.33 restriction C. Direct Blue 15. C.23635 6459-94-5 DII/P ○ ○ C.26420 8006-06-2 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Red 1.33 restriction C.I.33 restriction C. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark C.I.I. C.23710 6420-09-3 DII/P ○ ○ C.24100 2868-75-9 DII/P ○ ○ C. Acid Red 148.30280 3626-28-6 P ○ ○ substance No. Acid Red 158. C.I.I.I.33 restriction C. C. C.I. Direct Black 29.I.I. Direct Blue 215. Direct Black 154 37372-50-2 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. C. C.22145 2429-70-1 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Green 1.I.I. C.I.I.20530 8004-55-5 DII/P ○ ○ C.30050 6483-77-8 DII/P ○ ○ No. C.I.I.I. Direct Blue 151.I. C.I.23820 6420-22-0 DII/P ○ ○ No.I.I. Direct Brown 1.I. Direct Blue 8.30120 6360-54-9 P ○ ○ substance C. Direct Brown 51.24125 6548-30-7 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I.I.I.I. C.I. C. Direct Blue 295.I.29173 6358-79-8 DII/P ○ ○ No.I.I.35660 2429-81-4 P ○ ○ substance C. Direct Blue 1. Direct Red 13.I.I.I.I. Acid Red 114.I. C. C.I. C.33 restriction C.33 restriction C.I.I. C.I.I.I.22370 54579-28-1 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Brown 6.I.I. Direct Blue 6.I. C.24175 110735-25-6 DII/P ○ ○ C.31740 3626-29-7 DII/P ○ ○ No. Direct Green 6.12245 68391-30-0 DII/P ○ ○ C. Acid Red 150. C. Acid Red 116.I.I. Direct Blue 25.I.I.33 restriction C.I. Direct Red 2.33 restriction C.36030 33363-87-0 DII/P ○ ○ 6360-29-8 DII/P Ho py C.I. C.23370 6405-94-3 DII/P ○ ○ C.26660 6245-62-1 DII/P ○ ○ C. C.I. C. C.I.I.I.I. C.I.I.I. Direct Brown 25.24340 ○ ○ No. Direct Green 8.I.I.18075 6625-46-3 DII/P ○ ○ C. C.I. Direct Brown 95. Direct Brown 79.I.I.I. Basic Red 42 12221-66-8 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I.I. Acid Violet 12.30387 72390-60-4 DII/P ○ ○ C. C.22580 3626-23-1 DII/P ial ○ ○ No.22590 2429-73-4 P ○ ○ substance C.I. Acid Red 264.23790 2150-54-1 DII/P ○ ○ C. C.HCSC-G-001-14 8 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.27190 6226-78-4 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I. C.I.30295 4335-09-5 P ○ ○ substance No. Direct Blue 3. C.I.22345 3476-90-2 P a ○ ○ substance No.I. Acid Red 119:1 90880-75-4 DII/P ○ ○ C. C. C. C.I.I. Direct Blue 9.I.I.I. Acid Red 115. Direct Green 85.I.I.I. Direct Brown 74.24145 6473-33-2 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.33 restriction C. Direct Brown 33. Direct Blue 10. Direct Brown 222. Direct Brown 27. C. C.I.I.I.22155 1937-35-5 DII/P ○ ○ . Acid Red 167 61901-41-5 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Orange 6 6637-88-3 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I. C.I. C. C. Basic Red 111 118658-98-3 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Orange 8. Basic Brown 4. Direct Orange 108.24280 2586-57-4 DII/P ○ ○ S C.I.I.I.24140 2429-71-2 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I.22130 2429-79-0 P ○ ○ substance C. C.I.30110 2586-58-5 DII/P ○ ○ No.I.I. C. Direct Black 38.23850 72-57-1 P ○ ○ substance C.I.I.I. Direct Brown 59.I.30368 64743-15-3 DII/P ○ ○ C. C. C. Acid Red 35.33 restriction C.I. C.18133 6505-96-0 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Orange 1.I.33 restriction C.I.I.I. C.I.I.I.33 restriction C.I.I.I.33 restriction C. C.27200 8005-61-6 DII/P ○ ○ C.22310 2429-84-7 P ○ ○ substance C.23500 992-59-6 DII/P ○ ○ C.30145 16071-86-6 P ○ ○ substance C.I.I.I.30245 2429-83-6 P ○ ○ substance C. C. Direct Blue 22. Direct Brown 2.I.18129 6358-43-6 DII/P ○ ○ C. C. C.23705 2429-72-3 DII/P nt ○ ○ S No.26665 6300-53-4 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Brown 101.35520 1324-87-4 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. C. Direct Red 10. Direct Black 4. C. Direct Brown 154. C. Direct Blue 2. Direct Brown 223 76930-14-8 DII/P ○ ○ No. Direct Blue 14.30140 2893-80-3 P ○ ○ substance C. C.I.I.22610 2602-46-2 P ○ ○ substance C.33 restriction C.33 restriction C.I.I.30315 5422-17-3 P ○ ○ substance C. Direct Red 7.24155 6428-98-4 DII/P ○ ○ 4198-19-0 DII/P Co M C. C.I. C.36300 8014-91-3 P ○ ○ Co substance C.I.22311 2429-82-5 P ○ ○ substance No. C. Direct Blue 35.30235 1937-37-7 P ○ ○ substance C.I. Direct Brown 31.I. Acid Red 104.I. Basic Red 76.33 restriction C.33 restriction C. Direct Blue 160 12222-02-5 DII/P ○ ○ C C. C. C. Basic Yellow 82 12227-67-7 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Red 62. C.I. C.22120 573-58-0 P ○ ○ substance No.4. C.I.(Musk xylene) 81-15-2 DI Benzenemethanaminium. C.I. C. Direct Violet 13.I. 68584-22-5 DII 28 Benzenesulfonic acid.(2-hydroxy-3.I.I.29185 6420-44-6 DII/P ○ ○ C. Solvent Red 24.I. C. Direct Red 22. Direct Red 46.26070 6250-23-3 DII/P ○ ○ nt C.(2-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)azo benzenesulp. C. Barium salts 61789-67-1 DII 19 Benzene 71-43-2 DII/P ○ ○ 20 Benzene.I.I. Disperse Yellow 7.I. C.I.I.I. Direct Red 72.22240 3530-19-6 P ○ ○ substance C.22555 6472-95-3 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.23520 6470-45-7 DII/P ○ ○ No. Solvent Red 68 61813-90-9 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. Direct Violet 4.I. 1. Solvent Red 26. sodium salts 68411-30-3 DII . disodium 3844-45-9 DII salt 22 Benzenamine.33 restriction C. C.I.23050 6548-29-4 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. C. Mordant Yellow 16 8003-87-0 DII/P ○ ○ C.22500 2302-97-8 DII/P ○ ○ C.1-dimethylethyl)benzoate 10196-68-6 DII Barium bis 5-chloro-4-ethyl-2.I.I.5-dimethyl-2.I.I.I.5-dinitro-2-oxidophenylazo)-1- 118685-33-9 DII/P ○ ○ C naphtholato)chromate(1-) nf 18 Barium compounds (organic or water soluble). N-ethyl-N-[4-[[4-[ethyl[(3-sulfophenyl)methyl]amino]phenyl](2- 21 sulfophenyl)methylene]-2. Direct Red 28. Direct Violet 22. Direct Violet 1.I.HCSC-G-001-14 9 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Disperse Orange 60 12270-44-9 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2.2-benzenedicarboxylic acid. N.I.I.I.27290 5413-75-2 DII/P ○ ○ S C.N' -mixed phenyl and tolyl derivs 68953-84-4 DII 24 1. C.29190 3687-80-7 DII/P ○ ○ No.(5-chloro-4-methyl-2-sulphonatophenyl)azo -3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 7585-41-3 DII nd H Barium 4-(1.4. Direct Red 21.I. Direct Red 67.I.22150 2769-07-5 DII/P ○ ○ C.26105 85-83-6 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. C. C. compds.I.6-disulphonato-1-naphthyl)azo benzoate (3:2) 15782-06-6 DII Barium 4.6-trinitro. C10-16-alkyl derivs.23630 6358-29-8 DII/P ○ ○ C. Solvent Yellow 72 4645-07-2 DII/P ○ ○ Trisodium bis(6-(4-anisidino)-3-sulfonato-2-(3..I. C10-16-alkyl derivs.I.I. C. C.26100 85-86-9 DII/P ○ ○ C.23505 6598-56-7 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I. Disperse Yellow 23. 67801-01-8 DII Barium bis(2-ethylhexanoate) 2457-01-4 DII Barium bis(dinonylnaphthalenesulphonate) 25619-56-1 DII Barium bis(nonylphenolate) 28987-17-9 DII Barium distearate 6865-35-6 DII Barium oxide.I.I.I. Solvent Red 23.I.22570 2586-60-9 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.I. Disperse Red 151.I. Disperse Red 221 64426-35-3 DII/P ○ ○ C. C. Direct Red 17. Direct Yellow 1. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark C. reaction products with styrene and 2.I.26090 6300-37-4 DII/P ○ ○ C.1-dimethylethyl)-3. C. 3-(1. Direct Red 44. C. C.12150 1229-55-6 DII/P ○ ○ C.22550 2429-75-6 DII/P ○ ○ C. C.. Solvent Red 1.29175 6420-43-5 DII/P ○ ○ C. Direct Red 39. C..I.I.6-disulphonato-1-naphthyl)azo benzoate 1325-16-2 DII Barium-chlorate 13477-00-4 DII Barium-chloride 10361-37-2 DII Barium-cyanide 542-62-1 DII Barium-dilaurate 4696-57-5 DII a Barium-dioleate 591-65-1 DII Barium-fluoride 7787-32-8 DII Co Barium-hydroxide 17194-00-2 DII Barium-hydroxide-octahydrate 12230-71-6 DII Barium-neodecanoate 55172-98-0 DII Barium-nitrate 10022-31-8 DII Barium-perchlorate 13465-95-7 DII Barium-permanganate 7787-36-2 DII Barium-peroxide 1304-29-6 DII Barium-sebacate 19856-32-7 DII Naphthenic acid.I. C.I.I.I.I.I.I. with 2-propanamine 68584-24-7 DII 29 Benzenesulfonic acid. C. C.23560 6406-01-5 DII/P ○ ○ C. Solvent Red 69.1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-methyl-. hydroxide. C.22010 6486-29-9 DII/P ○ ○ C. C. Direct Violet 21. Disperse Yellow 218 83929-90-2 DII/P ○ ○ C. Solvent Red 164 71819-51-7 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-3-sulfo-.23660 6459-97-8 DII/P ○ ○ ial C.4-Benzenediamine.I.I. C. selected DII Barium 7440-39-3 DII Barium 2-(2-hydroxy-3. N-phenyl-.I.I. Solvent Red 19.23565 6448-80-2 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. Direct Violet 12.4-trimethylpentene (BNST) 68921-45-9 DII/P ○ ○ 23 1.29200 8005-64-9 DII/P ○ ○ C.22480 6426-67-1 P ○ ○ substance 6472-91-9 DII/P ide 14 C.26050 6368-72-5 DII/P ○ ○ Co M C.I.I. 1-(1. Disperse Orange 149 151126-94-2 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. C13-rich 68515-47-9 DII 25 1.33 restriction C. Disperse Yellow 56 54077-16-6 DII/P ○ ○ S C. C.33 restriction C.2480 13478-92-7 DII/P ○ ○ C.I.4 Benzenediol (Hydroquinone) 123-31-9 DII Benzenepropanoic acid. Direct Red 37. Direct Yellow 24.I.I. Direct Red 24. C. di-C11-14-branched alkyl esters. C.I.I. C.I.C10-13-alkyl derivs. Solvent Red 215 85203-90-3 DII/P ○ ○ C.26120 4477-79-6 DII/P ○ ○ C.I. inner salt. Direct Red 26.22250 ○ ○ C.I.I. Direct Yellow 48. obtained by calcining witherite 1304-28-5 DII Ho py Barium(2+) hydrogen 2.26130 61968-47-6 DII/P ○ ○ C.1- 26 ethanediyl) ester 36443-68-2 DII 27 Benzenesulfonic acid. I. Direct brown 6.3'-Dimethoxybenzidine P ○ ○ Dipotassium O.3'-Dimethylbenzidine 119-93-7 P ○ ○ Co Salts from 3.I.4'-diaminobiphenyl-3.dodecyl(sulfophenoxy)-. Direct red 28 573-58-0 DI/P ○ ○ No. 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole. disodium salt 3476-90-2 P ○ ○ No.5-bis(1.17 restriction substance nd H No.sodium salt (1:1) 2492-26-4 DII 39 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4.17 restriction C. Direct brown 31. Direct green 6. all members DII Beryl ore 1302-52-9 DII Beryllate(2-). disodium salt 3626-28-6 P ○ ○ substance No.1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester 4221-80-1 DII 36 Benzothiazole-2-thiol. Direct brown 1 3811-71-0 P ○ ○ substance No. Direct violet 22.1'-Biphenyl]-4.3'-[(3. tetrafluoro-.17 restriction 72-57-1 P Ho py Trypan blue (C. 149-30-4 DII 37 2-Benzothiazolesulphenamide. 2. 139-07-1 DII 35 Benzoic acid.4'-diamine.I.I.3'-Dimethylbenzidine dihydrochloride 612-82-8 P ○ ○ 4. 5-[[4'-[(1-amino-4-sulfo-2-naphthalenyl)azo][1.I. 4979-32-2 DII 38 2(3H)-Benzothiazolethione.67 restriction Benzidine.3'-Dichlorbenzidine 91-94-1 P ○ ○ 3. Direct blue 6 2602-46-2 P ○ ○ substance No. Direct Blue 14) ○ ○ substance Benzoic acid.7-disulfo-1. disodium salt 25167-32-2 DII Benzenesulfonic acid.1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-. Direct red 37 3530-19-6 P ○ ○ substance No. trisodium salt 5422-17-3 P ○ ○ substance C nf No. disodium salt 2429-82-5 P ○ ○ S substance No.1'-Biphenyl]-4.O'-(4.I. Ni(2+) salt 67632-50-2 P ○ ○ substance [1.I.I.I.1-naphthalenediyl]azo[1. Direct brown 59. Direct green 8.17 restriction C.4'-diylazo]]bis[6-hydroxy-.5-cyclohexadien-1- 32 ylidene]methyl]phenyl]amino].I.17 restriction C.I. Direct black 38 ○ ○ No.17 restriction nt C. disodium salt 2429-84-7 P ○ ○ substance SVHC C.1'-biphenyl]-4.(Pigment Blue 61) 1324-76-1 DII 33 Benzidine and its salts. Direct blue 2.3'-Dimethoxybenzidine 119-90-4 P ○ ○ a 3. [[4-[[4-(phenylamino)phenyl][4-(phenylimino)-2.I. hexasodium salt 8014-91-3 P ○ ○ substance 3. trisodium salt 6426-67-1 P ○ ○ substance Direct Orange 1 13164-93-7 P ○ ○ Benzoic acid.17 restriction C.17 restriction C.I.I. N-dicyclohexyl. Direct green 1.6-ditertpentylphenol (UV-328) 25973-55-1 DI SVHC 40 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-p-cresol (UV-P) 2440-22-4 DII 41 Beryllium and its compounds.17 restriction C.3'-Dichlorobenzidine dihydrochloride 612-83-9 P ○ ○ 3. disodium salt 4335-09-5 P ○ ○ substance No. disodium salt 2893-80-3 P ○ ○ substance No.17 restriction S C.HCSC-G-001-14 10 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.17 restriction 7)-sulfo-4.4'-Diaminodiphenyl-2.I.17 restriction C. No.3'-ylene)diglycollate 74220-10-3 P ○ ○ 34 Benzododecinium chloride. Direct brown 2. all members DI/P ○ ○ (SVHC) Benzidine 92-87-5 P ○ ○ Benzidine acetate 36341-27-2 P ○ ○ Benzidine salt 531-86-2 P ○ ○ Benzidine sulphate 21136-70-9 P ○ ○ No.17 restriction C. 3. 3.4'-diamine.1-phenylene)azo[6(or No. sulfate (1:1) 70146-07-5 P ○ ○ 3.I. Direct black 4.17 restriction substance No.1'-biphenyl]-4-yl]azo]-2-hydroxy-. diammonium 14874-86-3 DII Beryllium 7440-41-7 DII Beryllium aluminum alloy 12770-50-2 DII Beryllium boride (Be2B) 12536-51-5 DII Beryllium boride (Be4B) 12536-52-6 DII Beryllium boride (BeB2) 12228-40-9 DII Beryllium boride (BeB6) 12429-94-6 DII Beryllium bromide (BeBr2) 7787-46-4 DII Beryllium carbide (Be2C) 506-66-1 DII Beryllium carbonate 13106-47-3 DII Beryllium carbonate 66104-24-3 DII Beryllium chloride 7787-47-5 DII Beryllium di(acetate) 543-81-7 DII Beryllium fluoride 12323-05-6 DII Beryllium fluoride 7787-49-7 DII Beryllium hydroxide 13327-32-7 DII . trisodium salt 2429-73-4 P ○ ○ substance No.17 restriction substance No. N.17 restriction C.I. disodium salt 2429-83-6 P ○ ○ ial substance No. Direct red 1.17 restriction disodium salt 2429-79-0 P ○ ○ substance No. Direct brown 95 16071-86-6 P ○ ○ substance No.4-bis(1. oxybis[dodecyl-. 2.17 restriction C.17 restriction C.17 restriction C. sodium salt (1:2) 28519-02-0 DII 31 Benzenesulfonic acid. tetrasodium salt 2429-81-4 P ○ ○ substance Co M C.2'-disulfonic acid disodium salt 27336-24-9 P ○ ○ Acid Black 7 8004-59-9 P ○ ○ No. Direct brown 154 6360-54-9 P ○ ○ substance No.17 restriction C.I. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark 30 Benzenesulfonic acid. Acid red 85 3567-65-5 P ○ ○ substance SVHC 1937-37-7 DI/P ide 14 C.5-naphthalenediyl)bis[azo(6-hydroxy-3.I.I.2'-dichloro-.17 restriction C. dihydrochloride 531-85-1 P ○ ○ [1. 5-dichloro-3H-1.4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1777-82-8 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 2-bromo-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethan-1-one 2491-38-5 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 35691-65-7 DII/P7/A8/P9 Co M 2-Bromo-2-(bromomethyl)pentanedinitrile ○ ○ 2-Chloroacetamide 79-07-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 2-methyl-4-thiazoline-3-ketone.. alkylbenzyldimethyl. 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole 149-30-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Benzoxonium chloride 19379-90-9 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Benzyldimethyl(octadecyl)ammonium chloride 122-19-0 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Benzyldimethyloleylammonium chloride 37139-99-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Benzyldodecyldimethylammonium bromide 7281-04-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ a (benzyloxy)methanol 14548-60-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Zeta-cypermethrin 52315-07-8 DII/A7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Co Bifenthrin 82657-04-3 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Bis(2-sulfidopyridin-1-olato)copper. Tetrachloroisophthalonitrile 1897-45-6 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Chlorotoluron.mu.3-bis(hydroxymethyl)urea 140-95-4 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 1. beryllium salt 35089-00-0 DII Phosphoric acid.1.2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one. bis(1-hydroxy-1H-pyridine-2-thionato-O.2'-dithiobis[N-methylbenzamide] 2527-58-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 2. Quaternary ammonium compounds.5-Dichloro-2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one.3-Hexabutyldistannoxane.3-didecyl-2-methyl-1H-imidazolium chloride 70862-65-6 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ 1-[1. 5-chloro-2-methyl-. Diazolidinylurea 78491-02-8 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ 2.'. 4-chloro-m-cresol. 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one.4H. Methylisothiazolinone 2682-20-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 2-n-butyl-benzo[d]isothiazol-3-one 4299-07-4 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ 2-Phenoxyethanol 122-99-6 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ S 2-Phenylphenol.2-benzisothiazolin-3-one 2634-33-5 DII/P7/A8/D9 ○ ○ 1.2-Dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) 10222-01-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 S ○ ○ 2.2-diol 191546-07-3 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ Copper (Cu) 7440-50-8 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ .1-dimethylurea 15545-48-9 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ No.3.2''-(Hexahydro-1.-allyloxy-2.51 restriction Chromium (VI) trioxide.3-bis(hydroxymethyl)urea.6-dimethylmorpholine 67564-91-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Clothianidin. Aluminium phosphide releasing phosphine (under BPR) 20859-73-8 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ nd H Aluminium sodium silicate-silver complex.3.2.-(acetato-O:O')]-.3.3. Tributyltin oxide (TBTO) 56-35-9 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ substance Bis(trichloromethyl) sulphone 3064-70-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Boric acid 11113-50-1 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Boric acid crude natural) 10043-35-3 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Bromochloro-5.S)copper 14915-37-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ No.alpha. 1.4-dionato-O. 3-(3-chloro-p-tolyl)-1. chlorides 8001-54-5 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Benzododecinium chloride 139-07-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Ho py Benzothiazole-2-thiol.. n-C10-16-alkyltrimethylenedi-. Biphenyl-2-ol. Trioxochromium 1333-82-0 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ substance Cis-4-[3-(p-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methylpropyl]-2. 3-Iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate (IPBC) 55406-53-6 DII/D7/D8/D9 4. mixt.4-dione 32718-18-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Bronopol.1. 4-Bromo-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-ethoxymethyl-5-trifluoromethylpyrrole-3- carbonitrile 122453-73-0 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Chlorocresol. beryllium salt (2:3) 13598-26-0 DII Silicic acid (H4SiO4). 4-chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Chlorothalonil.alpha. 1. beryllium salt (1:2) 15191-85-2 DII Silicic acid.alpha. Silver zeolite 130328-18-6 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ Aluminium sodium silicate-silver copper complex.117 restriction Bis(tributyltin) oxide. selected (○) (○) (+/-)-1-(. 4.5-dimethylimidazolidine-2. IFMB 210880-92-5 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Copolymer of 2-propenal and propane-1.4-oxotetraberyllium 19049-40-2 DII Phosphoric acid. 2-Hydroxybiphenyl 90-43-7 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ 3(2H)-Isothiazolone.5-Dichloro-2-octylisothiazol-3(2H)-one (DCOIT) 64359-81-5 DII/D7/D8/D9 1192-52-5 DII/A7/A8/P9 C 4. Silver Copper Zeolite 130328-19-7 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Amines.3. MIT.2'.'-trimethyl-1.HCSC-G-001-14 11 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.6-tetrahydro-N-(trichloromethylthio)phthalimide 133-06-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Carbendazim 10605-21-7 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Cetalkonium chloride 122-18-9 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Cetylpyridinium chloride 123-03-5 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Chlorfenapyr.mu. reaction products with chloroacetic acid 139734-65-9 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ Ammonium bromide 12124-97-9 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Benzalkonium chloride.beta.5-triyl)triethanol 4719-04-4 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ nt 2. Technical grade imazalil 73790-28-0 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ .5(2H. 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1.6H)-triethanol 25254-50-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ ial 1.4-dichlorophenylethyl)imidazole.4-dienoate 7492-55-9 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Captan.3.2-dithiol-3-one ○ ○ nf 5-Chloro-2-(4-chlorophenoxy)-phenol (DCPP) 3380-30-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-thiazoline-3-ketone 26172-55-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Alpha-cypermethrin 67375-30-8 DII/A7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Aluminium phosphide.5-triazine-1. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Beryllium iodide (BeI2) 7787-53-3 DII Beryllium nitride (Be3N2) 1304-54-7 DII Beryllium oxide 1304-56-9 DII Beryllium phosphate 13598-15-7 DII Beryllium phosphide 58127-61-0 DII Beryllium phosphide (BeP2) 57620-29-8 DII Beryllium selenide (BeSe) 12232-25-6 DII Beryllium sulfate 13510-49-1 DII Beryllium sulfate tetrahydrate 7787-56-6 DII Beryllium sulfide (BeS) 13598-22-6 DII Beryllium telluride (BeTe) 12232-27-8 DII Beryllium zinc silicate 25638-88-4 DII Beryllium zinc silicate 39413-47-3 DII Bis(pentane-2.3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2..O')beryllium 10210-64-7 DII Diethylberyllium 542-63-2 DII Disodium tetrafluoroberyllate 13871-27-7 DII Hexakis[.3-diol 52-51-7 DII/P7/A8/D9 ○ ○ C8-18alkylbis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate 68132-19-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Calcium dihexa-2. 1. with 2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone 55965-84-9 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate. beryllium salt 58500-38-2 DII DII/P/A ide 14 42 Biocidal coatings / biocidal additives.5-triazine-1.5-dioxoimidazolidin-4-yl]-1.3. 3-Phenoxybenzyl-2-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-2-methylpropylether 80844-07-1 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Fenitrothion. Metam.6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4-[(trifluoromethyl)sulfinyl]-1H- 120068-37-3 DII/A7/P8/A9 Ho py ○ ○ pyrazole-3-carbonitrile Fludioxonil. pentahydrate 12179-04-3 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ substance Diuron. 3-(4-Isopropylphenyl)-1. Disodium disulfite 7681-57-4 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ S Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate.-hydroxy-. anhydrous 1330-43-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ No. . Arsenic oxide 1303-28-2 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ ide 14 substance Diboron trioxide 1303-86-2 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Dichlofluanid. propanoate (salt) 94667-33-1 DII/A7/D8/P9 ○ ○ nt Dimethyldioctylammonium chloride 5538-94-3 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ S Dimethylfumarate 624-49-7 P ○ ○ Dimethyloctadecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride 27668-52-6 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Dimethyltetradecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyl]ammonium chloride 41591-87-1 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ No. Tetrahydro-3. dichlorophen 97-23-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Dicopper oxide 1317-39-1 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Didecyldimethylammonium bromide 2390-68-3 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) 7173-51-5 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Didecylmethylpoly(oxyethyl)ammonium propionate. Copper (II) hydroxide.N. DOWICIL* 200 PRESERVATIVE 51229-78-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ nd H Esfenvalerate.60 restriction Disodium tetraborate.6-Dihydroxy-2. Glutaraldehyde. 2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one 26530-20-1 DII/D7/D8/D9 Oligo(2-(2-ethoxy)ethoxyethylguanidinium chloride) 374572-91-5 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ . Pentane-1.60 restriction nf Disodium tetraborate.2- dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate 52918-63-5 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ No.O-dimethyl O-4-nitro-m-tolyl phosphorothioate 122-14-5 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Fenoxycarb.4-dichlorophenyl)-1.3SR)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-cyclopropyl-1-(1H-1. Bis(N-cyclohexyl. Boron sodium oxide (B8Na2O13).2-ethanediyl).3-diamine 2372-82-9 DII/A7/D8/P9 ○ ○ N. Potassium methyldithiocarbamate 137-41-7 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Metam-sodium.2.O)diazeniumato(2-)]-copper 312600-89-8 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Cybutryne.3.alpha-trifluoro-para-tolyloxy)-2-fluorophenyl]-3-(2. (2RS.alpha.2-Difluoro-1.4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-1H-imidazole 35554-44-0 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Iodine (I) 7553-56-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Isoproturon. Reaction mass of N.N'-methylenebismorpholine (MBM) 5625-90-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Nabam. Copper (II) oxide 1317-38-0 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Copper sulphate 7758-98-7 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Copper sulphate pentahydrate 7758-99-8 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Creosote 8001-58-9 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Cu-HDO.5-thiadiazine-2-thione 533-74-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ DDACarbonate.3-benzodioxol-4-yl)-1H-pyrrole-3-carbonitrile 131341-86-1 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Flufenoxuron.14 restriction Diarsenic pentaoxide. beta-cyfluthrin. Arsenic pentoxide.3.N'-dithiocarbamate) 142-59-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Naphthenic acids.74 restriction Co Formaldehyde 50-00-0 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ substance Glutaral. N-[(Dichlorofluoromethyl)thio]-N'. Copper (II) carbonate--copper (II) hydroxide (1:1) 12069-69-1 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Copper dihydroxide.1-dimethylurea 34123-59-6 DII/D7/A8/P9 ○ ○ L-(+)-lactic acid 79-33-4 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Lignin 9005-53-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Magnesium phosphide.2-di(hydroxy- .diazenium-dioxy)-copper). Ethyl [2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy)ethyl]carbamate 72490-01-8 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Fipronil. Sorbic acid 110-44-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Hexaboron dizinc undecaoxide 12767-90-7 DII/A7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Hexafluorosilicic acid 16961-83-4 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Homopolymer of 2-tert-butylaminoethyl methacrylate (EINECS 223-228-4) 26716-20-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Hydroxyl-2-pyridone 822-89-9 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Imazalil. (S)-a-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R.HCSC-G-001-14 12 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Basic Copper carbonate.N-dimethyl-ammonium carbonate and N. N'-tert-butyl-N-cyclopropyl-6-(methylthio)-1.N'-dimethyl-N-phenylsulfamide 1085-98-9 DII/P7/D8/A9 ○ ○ ial Dichlorophene.2- dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate 68359-37-5 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Cyproconazole. Disodium ethylenebis(N. copper salts 1338-02-9 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ N-Didecyl-N-dipolyethoxyammonium borate. Trimagnesium diphosphide 12057-74-8 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Margosa ext. Ethofenprox. Copper hydroxide 20427-59-2 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Copper oxide. 2RS. tetrahydrate 12280-03-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Disodium tetraborate. 84696-25-3 DII/A7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Metam potassium.5-dimethyl-1.N-dimethyl-ammonium bicarbonate 894406-76-9 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Decyldimethyloctylammonium chloride 32426-11-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Deltamethrin. 4-(2. 1-[2-(allyloxy)-2-(2. 1-[4-(2-Chloro-alpha. LZ 34000. O.-[2- (didecylmethylammonio)ethyl]. 3-(3.kappa.2-dichlorovinyl)-2. Poly(oxy-1.5-dioxyhexane 3586-55-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Etofenprox.5-dial. N-(trichloromethylthio)phthalimide 133-07-3 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ No. a-cyano-4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzyl-3-(2.6- difluorobenzoyl)urea 101463-69-8 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Fluometuron 2164-17-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ a Folpet.4-triazol-1- yl)butan-2-ol 94361-06-5 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Dazomet.1-dimethylurea (DCMU) 330-54-1 DII/D7/A8/A9 ○ ○ Dodecylguanidine monohydrochloride 13590-97-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ DOWICIL* 150 PRESERVATIVE.2-dibromovinyl)-2.N'. Sodium ethyldithiocarbamate 137-42-8 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Methenamine 3-chloroallylochloride 4080-31-3 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Miristalkonium chloride 139-08-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1. 3R)-3-(2. 5-Amino-1-[2. (S)-a-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(S)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyrate 66230-04-4 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ (ethylenedioxy)dimethanol/ 1. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Copper carbonate hydroxide. decahydrate 1303-96-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ substance C No. Bis[1-cyclohexyl-1.3RS.N'-Tetramethylethylenediaminebis(2-chloroethyl)ether copolymer 31075-24-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ N.5-triazine-2.4-diamine 28159-98-0 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Cyclohexylhydroxydiazene 1-oxide.alpha..14 restriction Co M Diphenoxarsin-10-yloxid 58-36-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ substance Dipotassium disulphite 16731-55-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Dipyrithione 3696-28-4 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Disodium cyanodithiocarbamate 138-93-2 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Disodium disulphite.omega. Didecylpolyoxethylammonium borate 214710-34-6 DII/A7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Octhilinone.N-didecyl-N.N-didecyl-N. potassium salt 66603-10-9 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Cyfluthrin.4-dienoic acid. Pentanedial 111-30-8 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Guazatine triacetate 115044-19-4 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Hexa-2. chlorides 61789-80-8 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds.2-methylenebis[4-chlorophenolate] 10187-52-7 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Sodium hydrogensulphite.3. bromides or hydroxides)/BKC NA DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ ide 14 Quaternary ammonium compounds.3H)-dione 5395-50-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulphate(2:1) 55566-30-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Thiabendazole. chlorides 68424-84-0 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds. Glass oxide. hydroxides. C12-16-ADBAC 68424-85-1 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds. hydrate 12267-73-1 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ substance Tetrahydro-1. coco alkyl. Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride. chlorides 68424-95-3 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds.3-dioxolan-2-ylmethyl]-1H-1. benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl.77 restriction Sodium pentachlorophenolate.6-trichlorophenolate 3784-03-0 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Sodium 2-biphenylate.2. sodium salt 3811-73-2 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Pyrithione zinc.2.4-triazole 60207-90-1 DII/D7/D8/D9 Pyridine-2-thiol 1-oxide.3. and soya alkyl) chlorides.E)-hexa-2.and zinc-containing 398477-47-9 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Sodium 2. benzylcoco alkyldimethyl.4-dienoate 24634-61-5 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Potassium 2-biphenylate 13707-65-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Potassium dimethyldithiocarbamate 128-03-0 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Potassium sulphite 10117-38-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Prometryn 7287-19-6 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Propiconazole.4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)pentan-3-ol 107534-96-3 DII/D7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Terbutryn 886-50-0 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ No. 2-phenylphenol. chlorides. chlorides 68391-01-5 DII/P7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds. chlorides 63449-41-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds.5-Trichloro-1. chlorides 68989-00-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds. Aluminium sodium silicate-silver zinc complex 130328-20-0 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Silver-zinc-aluminium-boronphosphate glass.42 restriction Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide.2-oxathiazine 4-oxide 163269-30-5 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride individual CAS # used none for the "reaction mass" both must be present to report DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ C nf Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 D Silver chloride 7783-90-6 D Silver (Ag) 7440-22-4 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Silver adsorbed on silicon dioxide (as a nanomaterial in the form of a stable aggregate with 1167997-68-3 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ nd H primary particles in the nanoscale) Silver chloride 7783-90-6 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Silver nitrate 7761-88-8 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Silver phosphate glass 308069-39-8 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Silver sodium hydrogen zirconium phosphate 265647-11-8 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Silver sodium zirconium hydrogenphosphate 155925-27-2 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Ho py Silver zinc zeolite.5-d]imidazole-2. 10588-01-9 DII/A7/P8/A9 Co Sodium dichromate anhydrous ○ ○ No.2-dichlorovinyl)-2. tallow alkyl. Thiabendazol. sodium salt 131-52-2 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ substance Sodium sulphite 7757-83-7 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Symclosene. Tetramethylthiuram disulphide 137-26-8 DII/P7/A8/D9 ○ ○ substance Tolnaftate 2398-96-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ . saturated and unsaturated.111 restriction Thiram.3.5(1H. [2-[[2-[(2-carboxyethyl)(2- hydroxyethyl)amino]ethyl]amino]-2-oxoethyl]coco alkyldimethyl. sodium salt 132-27-4 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Sodium bromide 7647-15-6 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ a SVHC (Sodium dichromate). inner salts 100085-64-1 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ ial Quaternary ammonium compounds. di-C6-12-alkyldimethyl. dicoco alkyldimethyl. ()-1-[2-(2.5-triazinane-2.6-tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)imidazo[4.51 restriction substance Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate 128-04-1 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Sodium hydrogen 2.4-dimethyl-3-(1. 1. bromides 91080-29-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 nt ○ ○ S Quaternary ammonium compounds. di-C8-10-alkyldimethyl.6-dihydro-1. Sodium dichromate dihydrate 7789-12-0 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ No. chlorides 68391-06-0 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds. benzyl-C8-18-alkyldimethyl. chlorides 85409-23-0 DII/A7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Co M Quaternary ammonium compounds. chlorides 85409-22-9 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds. C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl. bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl.2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate 52645-53-1 DII/A7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Poly(hexamethylendiamine guanidinium chloride) 57028-96-3 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Poly(hexamethylenebicyanoguanide-hexamethylenediamine) Hydrochloride 27083-27-8 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Poly(hexamethylenebiguanide) 91403-50-8 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Poly(hexamethylenebiguanide)hydrochloride 32289-58-0 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Poly[iminocarbonimidoyliminocarbonimidoylimino-1.4. chlorides 61789-77-3 DII/P7/P8/P9 S ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium iodides 308074-50-2 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ Bethoxazin/3-benzo[b]thien-2-yl-5.4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1.4. chlorides 61789-18-2 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds. benzyl-C8-16-alkyldimethyl. Sodium bisulphite 7631-90-5 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Sodium hydroxymethylamino acetate 70161-44-3 DII/P7/A8/A9 ○ ○ Sodium p-chloro-m-cresolate 15733-22-9 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ No. (T-4)-Bis[2-(thioxo-kappaS)-pyridin-1(2H)-olato-kappaO]zinc(II) 13463-41-7 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds (benzylalkyldimethyl (alkyl from C8-C22. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Oxine-copper 10380-28-6 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ P-[(diiodomethyl)sulphonyl]toluene 20018-09-1 DII/D7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Permethrin. 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4.6-trione 87-90-1 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ TCMTB. chlorides 61789-71-7 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds.4. benzyl-C8-18-alkyldimethyl. coco alkyltrimethyl. benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl.HCSC-G-001-14 13 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Pentachlorophenol. di-C8-18-alkyldimethyl.6-hexanediyl]. chlorides 73398-64-8 DII/P7/P8/P9 ○ ○ Quaternary ammonium compounds. benzyl-C10-16-alkyldimethyl. 2-(Thiazole-4-yl)benzimidazole 148-79-8 DII/D7/D8/D9 Thiacloprid 111988-49-9 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Thiamethoxam 153719-23-4 DII/A7/D8/P9 ○ ○ No. hydrochloride 1802181-67-4 DII/A7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine 25655-41-8 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Potassium (E. benzyl-C12-14-alkyldimethyl.4. m-phenoxybenzyl 3-(2. (benzothiazol-2-ylthio)methyl thiocyanate 21564-17-0 DII/P7/A8/D9 ○ ○ Tebuconazole.51 restriction substance SVHC (Sodium dichromate). silver. Stannane. solid solution with cadmium sulfide. 14402-75-6 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium 7440-43-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Cadmium acetate 543-90-8 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium acrylate 15743-19-8 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium arsenide (Cd3As2) 12006-15-4 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium bis(2-ethylhexanoate) 2420-98-6 DII/P nt ○ ○ S Cadmium bromide 7789-42-6 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium bromide.2. tributyl-.101 restriction aluminum and copper-doped 101357-00-0 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe). compound with cadmium (2:3) 12014-29-8 DII/P ○ ○ Boric acid. solid solution with calcium oxide and titanium oxide (TiO2). 5-Chloro-2-(2.Hg)Te) 29870-72-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Ho py Cadmium molybdenum oxide (CdMoO4) 13972-68-4 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium niobium oxide (Cd2Nb2O7) 12187-14-3 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium nitrate (Nitric acid cadmium salt tetrahydrate (Cd・2NO3・4H2O)) 10022-68-1 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium nitrate (Nitric acid cadmium salt (2:1) (Cd・2NO3)) 10325-94-7 DII/P ○ ○ 1306-19-0 DI/P a Cadmium oxide ○ ○ SVHC Cadmium oxide (CdO).101 restriction copper and manganese-doped 101357-01-1 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe). Pigment Orange 20 (Cadmium sulfoselenide orange ) 12656-57-4 P ○ ○ substance No. zinc selenide and zinc sulfide.47) 71243-75-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.117 restriction Tributyltin naphthenate. 106-99-0 DII 46 Cadmium and its compounds. No. No.101 restriction Cadmium selenide sulfide. No. solid solution with cadmium sulfide.I. 2. dichloro-N-[(dimethylamino)sulphonyl]fluoro-N-(p-tolyl)methanesulphenamide 731-27-1 DII/D7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Tosylchloramide sodium 127-65-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Triadimefon.101 restriction gold and manganese-doped 101357-03-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe). 1-(4-chlorophenoxy)-3. Pigment Red 108 Cadmium sulfoselenide red 58339-34-7 P ○ ○ ial substance Cadmate(2-).68 restriction Cadmium dinitrite 7790-83-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium diricinoleate 13832-25-2 DII/P ○ ○ C Cadmium fluoborate 14486-19-2 DII/P ○ ○ nf Cadmium fluoride (CdF2) 7790-79-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Cadmium hexafluorosilicate(2-) 17010-21-8 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium hydrogen phosphate 14067-62-0 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium hydroxide (Cd(OH)2) 21041-95-2 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Cadmium iodate 7790-81-0 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium iodide 7790-80-9 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium Litophone Yellow 90604-90-3 DII/P ○ ○ No. 101356-99-4 DII/P ○ ○ Co praseodymium-doped Cadmium oxide (CdO). C. tungsten oxide (WO3) and zinc oxide 102110-30-5 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium peroxide (Cd(O2)) 12139-22-9 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium phosphide (Cd3P2) 12014-28-7 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium propionate 16986-83-7 DII/P ○ ○ No. mono(naphthenoyloxy) derivs.101 restriction Cadmium selenide sulphide 11112-63-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium stearate 2223-93-0 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium succinate 141-00-4 DII/P ○ ○ . solid solution with cadmium sulfide. solid solution with cadmium sulfide. hydrate (2:5) 7790-78-5 DII/P ○ ○ No. 85409-17-2 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ substance Triclosan.101 restriction Cadmium selenide sulfide (Cd(Se.I. cadmium salt 51222-60-7 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 No. zinc selenide and zinc sulfide. manganese-doped 100402-53-7 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium chloride. zinc selenide and zinc sulfide.101 restriction C. zinc selenide and zinc sulfide. 77947 1314-13-2 DII/A7/P8/A9 ○ ○ Zinc sulphide 1314-98-3 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Ziram 137-30-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ 43 Bis(chloromethyl) ether (BCME) 542-88-1 P ○ ○ SVHC 11113-50-1 44 Boric acid/Orthoboric acid DI/P ○ ○ No.HCSC-G-001-14 14 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.91 restriction Cadmium Mercury Sulfide 1345-09-1 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.101 restriction europium-doped 101357-02-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe). No. all members DI/DII/P ○ ○ (SVHC) Antimony.51 restriction Cadmium chromate 14312-00-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium cyanide (Cd(CN)2) 542-83-6 DII/P ○ ○ S Cadmium diicosanoate 14923-81-0 DII/P ○ ○ No.91 restriction Cadmium mercury telluride ((Cd. solid solution with cadmium sulfide.4-Trichloro-2-hydroxy diphenyl ether. solid solution with magnesium oxide.101 restriction Cadmium selenide sulfide (CdSe0. (T-4). tetrahydrate 13464-92-1 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium carbonate 513-78-0 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium chloride 10108-64-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Co M Cadmium chloride phosphate (Cd5Cl(PO4)3) 12185-64-7 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium chloride phosphate (Cd5Cl(PO4)3).53S0.3 .101 restriction Cadmium selenide (CdSe) 1306-24-7 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe).4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol 3380-34-5 DII/P7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Troclosene sodium. No. 1. tetrakis(cyano-C)-. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 51580-86-0 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Zeta-cypermethrin 52315-07-8 DII/A7/D8/P9 ○ ○ Zinc oxide.42 restriction 10043-35-3 substance 45 Butadiene.I.101 restriction Cadmium selenide sulfide (Cd2SeS) 12214-12-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.4-triazol-1-yl)butanone 43121-43-3 DII/A7/D8/A9 ○ ○ Tributyltetradecylphosphonium chloride 81741-28-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ No.S)) 12626-36-7 P ○ ○ substance No.101 restriction manganese and silver-doped 101357-04-4 DII/P ○ ○ substance No. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 2893-78-9 DII/A7/A8/P9 ○ ○ Troclosene sodium. (Cd2SeS) 12213-70-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.4. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Tolylfluanid.101 restriction C. dipotassium. zinc selenide and zinc sulfide.3-dimethyl-1-(1. CxH(2x-y+2)Cly.3. chloroparaffins 61788-76-9 DII/P ○ ○ Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes.3.7. other CAS numbers may be used that DI/DII/P (○) (○) (SVHC) are not specific to chain length.2.9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran 55673-89-7 P ○ ○ 1. 85049-26-9 DII/P ○ ○ Alkene.8. cadmium salt (1:1) 13814-62-5 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.2.8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 57653-85-7 P ○ ○ Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 DII 1. C10-14-.7.7.7. cadmium salt (1:2) 15600-62-1 DII/P ○ ○ Dipotassium tetrachlorocadmate(2-) 20648-91-3 DII/P ○ ○ ial Nonanoic acid. unbranched.9-Hexachloro dibenzofuran 72918-21-9 P ○ ○ 1. Chloro.4. by definition: Chloroparaffins.101 restriction Selenic acid.7. chloro 63449-39-8 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorinated n-paraffins (C6-18) 68920-70-7 DII/P ○ ○ Alkane. however. C14-17.1.3. cadmium salt (1:1) ○ ○ Tetradecanoic acid. chloro 85535-85-9 DII OTHER: may or may not be short or medium chain.8. Alkanes.3. C10-13.2.4. unbranched.6.) 71-55-6 P ○ ○ 1. chloro 85535-84-8 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Alkanes.3.2 Trichloroethane 79-00-5 DII S Dichloromethane 75-09-2 DII No. C12-13. Chloro.HCSC-G-001-14 15 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Chloro.8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 35822-46-9 P ○ ○ 1. chloro 84082-38-2 DII/P ○ ○ Alkanes. by definition: Chloroparaffins.1.6.7. cadmium salt (1:1) 15851-44-2 DII/P ○ ○ 15852-14-9 DII/P Co M Telluric acid (H2TeO4). Therefore.8-Hexachloro dibenzofuran 57117-44-9 P ○ ○ 1.2.8-Pentachloro dibenzofuran 57117-41-6 P ○ ○ Ho py 1.3.7. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Cadmium sulfate 10124-36-4 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Cadmium sulfate. where x = 14-17 and y = 1-17 Alkanes.7-Dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 33857-26-0 P ○ ○ Hexachlorodibenzodioxin 34465-46-8 P ○ ○ Co Octachlorodibenzofuran 39001-02-0 P ○ ○ Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 3268-87-9 P ○ ○ Chlorinated paraffins. barium cadmium salt 37131-86-5 DII/P ○ ○ 19262-93-2 DII/P ide 14 Diphosphoric acid. 68527-02-6 DII/P ○ ○ 50 5-Chlorobenzotriazole. short & medium chain length (SCCP. cadmium salt ○ ○ Diphosphoric acid. 49 Example CAS numbers are provided below.8. C16-27-.6.3. cadmium salt 10196-67-5 DII/P ○ ○ 47 Chlorinated hydrocarbons. 84776-07-8 DII/P ○ ○ Alkane. branched.3. Chloro. cadmium salt 93820-02-1 DII/P ○ ○ Diboron tricadmium hexaoxide 13701-66-1 DII/P ○ ○ Dicadmium hexakis(cyano-C)ferrate(4-) 13755-33-4 DII/P ○ ○ Diphosphoric acid. cadmium salt (1:1) 13814-59-0 DII/P ○ ○ S substance Silicic acid (H2SiO3). chloro 71011-12-6 P ○ ○ Medium chain (MCCP).2. C16-35-. 1.8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 40321-76-4 P ○ ○ 2. CxH(2x-y+2)Cly.2. C12-14-.7.75 restriction Tetrachloromethane 56-23-5 P ○ ○ substance Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC C nf 48 Chlorinated or brominated Dibenzo-p-dioxins or Dibenzofurans.3.4. all members P ○ ○ 1. please consult your MSDS and supplier to determine product-specific chain length.(UV-326) 3896-11-5 DII .8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran 67562-39-4 P ○ ○ 1.2.7. where x = 10-13 and y = 1-13 Alkanes.8-Hexachloro dibenzofuran 70648-26-9 P nd H ○ ○ 1. C10-21. chloro.6.1-Trichloroethane (Ethane.8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 39227-28-6 P ○ ○ 1.2.4. Short chain (SCCP).7. ammonium cadmium salt (1:1:1) 14520-70-8 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphoric acid. all members: Note that the use of specific CAS numbers for these substances differs throughout the world. 85536-22-7 DII/P ○ ○ Alkane.7.7.Zn)S) 12442-27-2 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium Zink Sulfide Yellow 8048-07-5 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium zirconium oxide (CdZrO3) 12139-23-0 DII/P ○ ○ cadmium(+2) cation diformate 4464-23-7 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium-barium laurate 15337-60-7 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmiumbis(diethyldithiocarbamat) 14239-68-0 DII/P ○ ○ Carbonic acid. Chloro.7.1. cadmium salt (2:1) 14017-36-8 DII/P ○ ○ Telluric acid (H2TeO3).7.7.3. selected DI/DII/P (○) (○) (SVHC) cadmium salt (1:1) 13477-19-5 DII/P ○ ○ Sulfamic acid. MCCP).4.8-Tetrachloro dibenzofurans 51207-31-9 P ○ ○ 2. cadmium salt 93686-40-9 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphoric acid.8-Hexachloro dibenzofurans 60851-34-5 P ○ ○ 2.2. C12-24-.3. 85681-73-8 DII/P ○ ○ Alkane.3.101 restriction nt Selenious acid. 2-(2-Hydroxy-3-tert-butyl-5-methylphenyl).8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) 1746-01-6 P ○ ○ a 2. chloro 51990-12-6 DII/P ○ ○ Paraffin waxes.4.9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 19408-74-3 P ○ ○ 1.2.3. cadmium salt 13847-17-1 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphoric acid.8-Pentachloro dibenzofurans 57117-31-4 P ○ ○ 2. hydrate 7790-84-3 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium sulfide 1306-23-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Cadmium sulphite 13477-23-1 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium tantalum oxide (CdTa2O6) 12292-07-8 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium telluride (CdTe) 1306-25-8 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium titanium oxide (CdTiO3) 12014-14-1 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium tungsten oxide (CdWO4) 7790-85-4 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium vanadium oxide (CdV2O6) 16056-72-7 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium Zinc litophone Yellow 90604-89-0 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium zinc sulfide 11129-14-9 DII/P ○ ○ Cadmium zinc sulfide ((Cd. cadmium salt (2:3) 13477-17-3 DII/P ○ ○ No.4.1-trichloro.2. cobalt(2+) salt (1:1).90 restriction Lead chromate silicate 11113-70-5 DII/P ○ ○ substance S No.3. (T-4). Pigment Yellow 34) ○ ○ No. kilned Potassium chromate 7789-00-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Potassium dichromate 7778-50-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Silver chromate 7784-01-2 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC (Sodium dichromate).90 restriction Chromium lead oxide 11119-70-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance Chromium hydroxide oxide silicate 68475-49-0 DII/P ○ ○ ial SVHC Chromium trioxide (CrO3) 1333-82-0 DI/P ○ ○ No. Pigment Orange 21 1344-38-3 DII/P ○ ○ Calcium chromate 13765-19-0 DII/P ○ ○ Chromic acid. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark 51 Chromium(VI)-salts. all members DI/DII/P ○ ○ (SVHC) Ammonium bichromate 7789-09-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Ammonium chromate 7788-98-9 DII/P ○ ○ Barium chromate 10294-40-3 DII/P ○ ○ No. magnesium salt (1:1) 13423-61-5 DII/P ○ ○ Chromic acid.52 restriction Cobalt chromate (Chromic acid (H2CrO4).91 restriction substance SVHC Ho py Molybdate orange (Lead chromate pigment) 12656-85-8 DI/P ○ ○ No.42 restriction substance Chromyl chloride 14977-61-8 DII/P ○ ○ No. potassium.91 restriction substance SVHC Mercury (II) chromate 13444-75-2 DI/P ○ ○ No. chlorotrioxo-. copper(2+) salt. nickel(2+) salt (1:1) 15586-38-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Chromic acid (H2CrO4). lanthanum(3+) salt (3:2) 16565-94-9 DII/P ○ ○ Chromic acid (H2CrO4). reaction products with ammonia. 10124-43-3 DI SVHC Sodium [4-[[6-[(4-amino-6-chloro-1.42 restriction substance Strontium chromate 7789-06-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Thallium (I) chromate 13473-75-1 DII/P ○ ○ Zinc chromate 1328-67-2 DII/P ○ ○ Zinc chromate 13530-65-9 DII/P ○ ○ Zinc chromate hydroxide 15930-94-6 DII/P ○ ○ Zinc dichromate 14018-95-2 DII/P ○ ○ Zinc potassium chromate 11103-86-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Zinc yellow (Zinc chromate pigment) 37300-23-5 DII/P ○ ○ dihydroxy-dioxo-chromium 11115-74-5 DII/P ○ ○ potassium.I.67 restriction Chromic acid (H2Cr2O7). calcined Nitric acid.46 restriction Cadmium chromate 14312-00-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance C.90 restriction substance No.90 restriction substance No. dioxido-dioxo-chromium 12433-50-0 DII/P ○ ○ Pentazinc chromate octahydroxide 49663-84-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC 52 Cobalt and its compounds. barium salt.42 restriction substance dichromium tris(chromate) 24613-89-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Sodium chromate 7775-11-3 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC SVHC (Sodium dichromate). Sodium dichromate 10588-01-9 DI/P ○ ○ No. ammonium salt 14445-91-1 DII/P ○ ○ Chromic acid. all members DI/DII/P (○) (○) (SVHC) Sulfuric acid.90 restriction Lead chromate oxide 18454-12-1 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.90 restriction nf substance Lithium chromate 14307-35-8 DII/P ○ ○ Magnesium dichromate 14104-85-9 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC Mercury dichromate 7789-10-8 DI/P No. potassium zinc salt 41189-36-0 DII/P ○ ○ Chromium (VI) 18540-29-9 DII/P ○ ○ Chromium (VI) chloride 14986-48-2 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 No.HCSC-G-001-14 16 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. reaction products with ammonia. cobalt(2+) salt (1:1)) 13455-25-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance Copper chromate 13548-42-0 DII/P ○ ○ nt 13675-47-3 DII/P S Copper dichromate ○ ○ No.91 restriction nd H ○ ○ substance SVHC Mercury (I) chromate 13465-34-4 DI/P ○ ○ No. calcium salt. barium potassium salt 27133-66-0 DII/P ○ ○ Chromic acid.90 restriction Lead chromate silicate (Pb3(CrO4)(SiO4)) 69011-07-0 DII/P ○ ○ substance No. 16037-50-6 DII/P ○ ○ Chromic acid 7738-94-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Chromic acid (H2Cr2O7) 13530-68-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC No. Sodium dichromate dihydrate 7789-12-0 DI/P ○ ○ No.90 restriction Dilead chromate dihydroxide 12017-86-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Dithallium dichromate 13453-35-5 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC Co M Lead chromate 7758-97-6 DI/P ○ ○ No.5-triazin-2-yl)amino]-1-hydroxy-3-sulpho-2-naphthyl]azo]- 3-hydroxy-7-nitronaphthalene-1-sulphonato(4-)]cobaltate(1-) 100231-59-2 DII .I.90 restriction Lead chromate sulfate (Pb9(CrO4)5(SO4)4) 51899-02-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance SVHC 1344-37-2 DI/P C Lead sulfochromate yellow(C. chromic acid (H2CrO4) 100402-65-1 DII/P ○ ○ Co diammonium salt and manganese(2+) dinitrate.67 restriction Nickel chromate 14721-18-7 DII/P ○ ○ substance Nitric acid. chromic acid (H2CrO4) diammonium 99328-50-4 DII/P ○ ○ a salt and copper(2+) dinitrate. (Calcium dichromate) 14307-33-6 DII/P ○ ○ Cesium chromate 13454-78-9 DII/P ○ ○ Chromate(1-). cobalt(2+) salt 51084-32-3 DII 2(3H)-Benzothiazolethione.10.N32]cobalt 83898-69-5 DII [.3.20-Tetraphenyl-21H.3''-l:2'''.1-d]-1.14 restriction Arsenopyrite.4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid. cobalt salt 14666-96-7 DII 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-. 2-methyl-.S-dioxidato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 83847-05-6 DII ide 14 Ammonium cobalt orthophosphate 36835-61-7 DII Antimony.2.14 restriction Ho py Cobalt arsenide (CoAs3) 12256-04-1 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cobalt bis(2-ethylhexanoate) 136-52-7 DII Cobalt bis(nonylphenolate) 83970-30-3 DII Cobalt bis[citrato(3-)]di-.24-octahydro-29H.O'']cobalt nf Chloropentakis(methylamine)cobalt dichloride 15392-59-3 DII Chromium cobalt copper iron manganese oxide 102262-21-5 DII Chromium cobalt iron manganese oxide 102262-22-6 DII Chromium cobalt manganese oxide 102262-19-1 DII nd H Chromium cobalt oxide 37382-24-4 DII Chromium cobalt oxide (Cr2CoO4) 12016-69-2 DII Cobalt (II) chloride. cobalt(2+) salt 67952-53-8 DII 2-Propenoic acid.51 restriction Cobalt chromium alloy 11114-92-4 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cobalt dilactate 16039-54-6 DII Cobalt dilaurate 14960-16-8 DII Cobalt dilinoleate 6401-84-9 DII Cobalt dinicotinate 28029-53-0 DII Cobalt dioctanoate 1588-79-0 DII Cobalt dioleate 19192-71-3 DII Cobalt dipalmitate 14582-18-4 DII Cobalt disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate 15137-09-4 DII Cobalt distearate 1002-88-6 DII Cobalt disulfide 12013-10-4 DII Cobalt fluoride (CoF3) 10026-18-3 DII Cobalt glycinate 17829-66-2 DII Cobalt hexafluorosilicate(2-) 12021-67-9 DII Cobalt hydroxide 21041-93-0 DII Cobalt hydroxide oxide (Co(OH)O) 12016-80-7 DII Cobalt iodide (CoI2) 15238-00-3 DII Cobalt iron oxide (CoFe2O4) 12052-28-7 DII 182442-95- Cobalt lithium manganese nickel oxide DII 1/346417-97-8 Cobalt magnesium red blue borate 68608-93-5 DII Cobalt metasilicate 25139-08-6 DII .-[Carbonato(2-)-O:O']]dihydroxydicobalt 12069-68-0 DII [5.N32]cobalt 83863-98-3 DII Bis(N.3-b:2'. bromo-.-oxodioxodimolybdate(2-) 93776-58-0 DII Cobalt boride (Co2B) 12045-01-1 DII a Cobalt boride (Co3B) 12006-78-9 DII Cobalt carbonate 513-79-1 DI SVHC Co Cobalt carbonyl 10210-68-1 DII Cobalt chloride (CoCl3) 10241-04-0 DII Cobalt chromate No.mu. cobalt(2+) salt 58197-53-8 DII 9.4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid.N31.O. cobalt(2+) salt (1:1) 67801-57-4 DII 1.31H-phthalocyaninato- N29.N24]cobalt 14172-90-8 DII 1. cobalt salt 34262-88-9 DII 1.O')cobalt 14405-50-6 DII Bis(1-phenylbutane-1.3-diphenylpropane-1.N-dimethylpropane-1.51 restriction (Chromic acid (H2CrO4). cobaltoan 12414-94-7 DII/P ○ ○ substance Benzoic acid.14 restriction 24719-19-5 DII/P ial Arsenic acid (H3AsO4).O2)cobalt 71957-08-9 DII Bis(dibutyldithiocarbamato-S. methyl-. cobalt manganese nickel grey 99749-23-2 DII Cerium. compound with cobalt (1:5) 12214-13-0 DII Cerium.Z)-.14 restriction Cobalt arsenide (CoAs) 27016-73-5 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.17.3-dionato-O.N22. hexahydrate 7791-13-1 DII No.12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark (Ethylenediamine-N)(1-imino-1H-isoindol-3-aminato-N2)[29H.N31.14 restriction Cobalt arsenide (CoAs2) 12044-42-7 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.O')cobalt 79215-59-1 DII Bis(D-gluconato-O1. cobalt salt 7542-09-8 DII Cassiterite.15.N32]cobalt 83863-97-2 DII Bis[2-[(5-chloro-2-pyridyl)azo]-5-(diethylamino)phenolato]cobalt(1+) chloride 81342-98-5 DII S Carbonic acid. cobalt(2+) salt 54846-43-4 DII Acetic acid.31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)- N29.2'.S')cobalt 15974-34-2 DII Co M Bis(N. cobalt(2+) salt 29904-98-1 DII 2-Propenoic acid.N-dimethylpropane-1.2''-nitrilotris[ethanolato]-N. cobalt(2+) salt (2:3) ○ ○ substance No.10. cobalt salt 14666-94-5 DII Acetic acid.3-dionato-O.S')cobalt 14591-57-2 DII Bis(diethyldithiocarbamato-S.3-diamine-N')[29H. cobalt salt 42978-77-8 DII Bis(1. monomethyl ester.23H-porphinato(2-)-N21. cobalt(3+) salt 917-69-1 DII Adipic acid.HCSC-G-001-14 17 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.16. cobalt(2+) salt (1:1)) 13455-25-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cobalt chromite blue green spinel 68187-50-8 DII No. 4-amino-.3-diamine-N')[2.9.4]dithiino[2.3'-g:2''. compound with cobalt (1:1) 12052-42-5 DII No.O')cobalt 14128-95-1 DII nt S Bis(6-methylheptane-2.4-dionato-O.N30. cobalt salt 54437-56-8 DII Aluminum boron cobalt lithium nickel oxide 207803-51-8 DII Aluminum cobalt lithium nickel oxide 193214-24-3 DII Aluminum cobalt oxide 12672-27-4 DII Aluminum cobalt oxide (Al2CoO4) 1333-88-6 DII Ammonium bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(5-hydroxynaphth[2.3-oxathiol-4-yl)azo]-N- methylbenzenesulphonamide S.3'''-q]porphyrazinato(2-)-N29.23.N23.N30. compound with cobalt (2:7) 12515-29-6 DII 36217-04-6 DII C Chloro[2.N31.N30.mu. cobalt(2+) salt (2:1) 68123-03-5 DII Benzoic acid. tetrahydrate 6147-53-1 DII Acetic acid.31H- tetrakis[1. cobalt(2+) salt.O'. [3-hydroxy-4-[[1-(p-mercaptophenyl)-3-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-4-yl]azo]-o- 18285-21-7 DII nd H benzenesulfonanisididato(2-)]-. (OC-6-11)-. (OC-6-11)-. dichloro(1. 13859-51-3 DII Cobalt(3+). [29H. bis(dicyclohexylphosphinodithioato-S.2. 68475-45-6 DII Cobalt. compound with yttrium (7:2) 12052-70-9 DII Cobalt. 3252-99-1 DII Ho py Cobalt.2-propanediamine-N. tetrakis[(2. (T-4). S-(hydrogen sulfate). bis(1.2. (OC-6-11)-. [29H. [4-hydroxy-3-[[1-(p-mercaptophenyl)-3-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-4-yl]azo]-o- benzenesulfonophenetidato(2-)]-.31H-phthalocyanine-C. 14126-32-0 DII Cobalt. 60109-88-8 DII Cobalt.N')-.N30.2]octane-N1)-. compound with samarium (2:1) 12017-43-5 DII Cobalt.3-butanedione dioximato)(1-)-N.31H-phthalocyanine-C-sulfonyl chloridato(2-)-N29. compound with yttrium (5:1) 12017-71-9 DII Cobalt. C5-23-branched carboxylate naphthenate octanoate complexes 83711-44-8 DII Cobalt. 67875-38-1 DII Cobalt.N32].N'. compound with praseodymium (7:2) 12516-52-8 DII Cobalt. C5-23-branched carboxylate C4-10-fatty acid naphthenate complexes 83711-42-6 DII Cobalt. compound with samarium (17:2) 12052-78-7 DII Cobalt. bis[(2. C4-10-fatty acid naphthenate complexes 84066-85-3 DII Co Cobalt. (OC-6-22). monosodium salt 19052-32-5 DII Cobalt. bis[3-(1H-benzimidazol-2-ylamino)-1H-isoindol-1-onato]-.N31. [(2-amino-2-oxoethoxy)acetato(2-)].31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29. compound with lanthanum (5:1) 12297-66-4 DII Cobalt. (OC-6-11). bis(1. 49651-10-7 DII Cobalt. (T-4).alpha. dibromobis(triphenylphosphine)-.ON].2.N']bis(pyridine)di-. hexaammine-. compound with yttrium (3:1) 12052-62-9 DII Cobalt. [29H.O. 63287-28-5 DII Cobalt. compound with neodymium (7:2) 12516-51-7 DII Cobalt.N31.N')-. (OC-6-11)-.O'). compound with lanthanum (7:2) 12268-07-4 DII Cobalt. S-(hydrogen sulfate). (T-4). compound with gadolinium (5:1) 12017-61-7 DII Cobalt. trinitrate 10534-86-8 DII Cobalt(3+). compound with gadolinium (7:2) 11139-24-5 DII Cobalt. bis[bis(cyano-C)aurate(1-)] 68958-90-7 DII S Cobalt(2+). hexaammine-.3-tricarboxylate] 94232-44-7 DII Cobalt(2+) ethanolate 19330-29-1 DII Cobalt(2+) selenite 10026-23-0 DII Cobalt(2+) tert-decanoate 84195-99-3 DII nt Cobalt(2+).2'-(1. 3317-67-7 DII Cobalt. 62207-76-5 DII C Cobalt. bis(D-glycero-D-ido-heptonato). monosodium salt Cobalt. compound with neodymium (5:1) 12017-65-1 DII Cobalt. trichloride.S'). hexaammine-. compound with neodymium (3:1) 12187-43-8 DII Cobalt. phosphate (1:1) 55494-92-3 DII Cobalt(3+). homopolymer 68239-58-7 DII Cobalt.N30.N32]-.4-diazabicyclo[2.W)O2) 144437-67-2 DII ial Cobalt zirconium oxide (CoZrO3) 69011-09-2 DII Cobalt(2+) dibromate 14732-58-2 DII Cobalt(2+) dinickel(2+) bis[2-hydroxypropane-1. elemental 7440-48-4 DII Cobalt. 69198-43-2 DII Cobalt. (T-4). salt with trifluoroacetic acid(1:3) 59561-55-6 DII Co M Cobalt(3+). trichloride. dichloride. (SP-4-1). (Co-Co) 25971-15-7 DII . pentaamminechloro-. (T-4).3-butanedione dioximato)(1-)-N. (SP-4-1).C-disulfonyl dichloridato(2-)-N29.4-diazabicyclo[2. compound with praseodymium (5:1) 12017-67-3 DII Cobalt.N')-. tris(1.2-ethanediylbis(nitrilomethylidyne))bis(6-fluorophenolato))(2-)-N. hexaammine-. homopolymer 68239-56-5 DII Cobalt. compound with gadolinium (3:1) 12017-50-4 DII Cobalt. C5-23-branched carboxylate naphthenate complexes 83711-43-7 DII Cobalt.N30.2-ethanediamine-N.2-ethanediamine-N. dibromobis[tris(3-methylphenyl)phosphine]-. 12602-23-2 DII a Cobalt.5-dimethylphenyl)phosphine]-. bis[. ((2. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Cobalt molybdenum nickel oxide (CoMo2NiO8) 68016-03-5 DII Cobalt naphthenate 61789-51-3 DII Cobalt neodecanoate 27253-31-2 DII Cobalt nickel oxide (CoNiO2) 58591-45-0 DII Cobalt nitrate 10026-22-9 DII Cobalt octoate 13586-82-8 DII Cobalt oxide 1307-96-6 DII Cobalt oxide (Co2O3) 1308-04-9 DII Cobalt oxide (Co3O4) 1308-06-1 DII Cobalt phosphide (Co2P) 12134-02-0 DII Cobalt propionate 1560-69-6 DII Cobalt selenide (CoSe) 1307-99-9 DII Cobalt silicate 26686-74-8 DII Cobalt silicide (CoSi2) 12017-12-8 DII Cobalt succinate 3267-76-3 DII Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate 10026-24-1 DII Cobalt sulfide (Co2S3) 1332-71-4 DII Cobalt tallate 61789-52-4 DII Cobalt telluride (CoTe) 12017-13-9 DII Cobalt tetra(2-ethylhexyl) bis(phosphate) 24828-46-4 DII Cobalt tin oxide (CoSnO3) 1345-19-3 DII 12017-38-8 DII ide 14 Cobalt titanium oxide (Co2TiO4) Cobalt titanium trioxide 12017-01-5 DII Cobalt titanium tungsten oxide ((Co.N31. dibromobis[tris(3.O. compound with samarium (7:2) 12305-84-9 DII Cobalt. 13408-73-6 DII Cobalt(II) acetate 71-48-7 DI SVHC S Cobalt(II) fluoborate 26490-63-1 DII Cobalt(II) fluoride 10026-17-2 DII Cobalt(II) sulfide 1317-42-6 DII Cobalt. compound with lanthanum (3:1) 61419-68-9 DII Cobalt.Ti.N32].N']-. (OC-6-11). compound with samarium (5:1) 12017-68-4 DII Cobalt. 40621-10-1 DII Cobalt. [N-(carboxymethyl)glycinato(2-)-N. 13869-30-2 DII Cobalt. 10534-89-1 DII Cobalt(3+). bis[bis(cyano-C)aurate(1-)] 67906-18-7 DII Cobalt(2+). compound with samarium (3:1) 12187-46-1 DII Cobalt. triacetate 14023-85-9 DII Cobalt(3+). bis[2-[[2-hydroxy-5-[(methylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N- phenylbutanamidato(2-)]- 69178-42-3 DII Cobalt. bis[carbonato(2-)]hexahydroxypenta.2]octane-N1)-.-(1-oxo-1H-isoindol-3-yl)-1H-benzimidazole-2-acetonitrilato]-. hexaammine-. 68189-40-2 DII Cobalt. 68133-85-7 DII nf Cobalt.HCSC-G-001-14 18 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. bis(acetato-O)(1. [4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)][8-[(2- a hydroxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. 72403-33-9 DII nd H naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.4a. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Cobalt.N'.10a. hydrogen C nf Cobaltate(1-). [N-[8-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-7-hydroxy-1- naphthalenyl]acetamidato(2-)][3-[4. (OC-6-11). hydrogen.O. sodium Cobaltate(1-).N30. [29H. [3-[(4. sodium 75752-30-6 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium 67486-73-1 DII Cobaltate(1-).O'''''']-. (OC-6-11).4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][1-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. (OC-6-21)- 67924-23-6 DII Cobaltate (6-). sodium 103241-62-9 DII Cobaltate(1-). [2.4. [29H.O''. (T-4). 68239-47-4 DII hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.4a-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)-1- Cobaltate(1-). 15218-44-7 DII Cobalt-acetate 5931-89-5 DII Cobaltate (6-). sodium 18639-97-9 DII Cobaltate(1-). [N-[8-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-7-hydroxy-1- naphthalenyl]acetamidato(2-)][3-[(4. compound with 3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]-1. 70236-41-8 DII naphthalenyl]acetamidato(2-)]-. sodium 52729-67-6 DII Cobaltate(1-).1-d]-1. hydrogen 30638-08-5 DII Cobaltate(1-). hydrogen Cobaltate(1-). hydrogen 55668-56-9 DII Cobaltate(1-).O''''. sodium 70236-44-1 DII .N32]-.O.2-ethanediylbis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis[phosphonato]](6-)- N. [3-[[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4. [3-[[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4.HCSC-G-001-14 19 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.3-oxathiol-4-yl)azo]benzenesulfonamide .5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4- hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)][1-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. [6-amino-5-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-2- naphthalenesulfonamidato(2-)][1-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. bis[1-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. sodium Cobaltate(1-).3-oxathiol-4-yl)azo]benzenesulfonamide .O'''''']-.N30.N31.naphthalenyl]methylcarbamato(2-)]-. 83817-76-9 DII sodium Cobaltate(1-).31H-phthalocyanine-C-sulfonato(3-)-N29. hydrogen 52277-69-7 DII Cobaltate(1-).4a.pentaammonium hydrogen.31H-phthalocyanine-C-sulfonato(3-)-N29.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][1-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. [4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)][4-hydr oxy-3-[(5-hydroxynaphth[2.O''''. 73324-02-4 DII hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. bis[2-(3-chlorophenyl)-2.O.4-pentanedionato-O. 20506-24-5 DII (1.O')-.N'.O'.2-ethanediylbis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis[phosphonato]](8-)- N.N32]-. [[[1. [2. hydrogen. tris(3-bromo-2. sodium Cobaltate(1-).4-dihydro-4-[[2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl]azo]- 5-methyl-3H-pyrazol-3-onato(2-)]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- hydroxy-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato(2-)][N-[7-hydroxy-8-[[2-hydroxy-5. compound with 1. [1-[[5-(ethylsulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2.beta.O')-. bis[1-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-.pentasodium hydrogen. bis[1-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-.O''. sodium Cobaltate(1-).10a-octahydro-1. [[[1. hydrogen 31586-68-2 DII Cobaltate(1-).pentapotassium hydrogen.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][3-[(4. bis[1-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3 - onato(2-)][1-[(2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. 72928-77-9 DII hydrogen Cobaltate(1-).N'.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- nt 72845-76-2 DII S onato(2-)][4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.N31.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4- 72928-76-8 DII S hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)][1-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. [3-[(4.2. tris(2. (OC-6-21)- 68025-39-8 DII Cobaltate (6-). hydrogen 68213-72-9 DII Cobaltate(1-). hydrogen Cobaltate(1-)..N32]-.4-pentanedionato-O. hydrogen Cobaltate(1-). compound with [1R. [N.alpha. [3-[4-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-4. 53108-50-2 DII Cobaltate(1-). 68966-96-1 DII hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.9.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1- yl]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)][4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N-(1.4-dihydro-4-[[2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl]azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H- pyrazol-3-onato(2-)][N-[7-hydroxy-8-[[2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl]azo]-1. 68413-61-6 DII [(methylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-1-naphthalenyl]acetamidato(2-)]-. bis(2.4-dihydro-4-((2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo)-5-methyl-2-phen yl-3H-pyrazol- 3-onato(2-)).O'']-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4.4-dihydro-4-[[2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl]azo]- 5-methyl-3H-pyrazol-3-onato(2-)]-.10. [2. [3-[4-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-4.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- hydroxy-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato(2-)][N-[7-hydroxy-8-[[2-hydroxy-5. 73297-17-3 DII propanamine (1:1) Co Cobaltate(1-)..2-ethanediylbis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis[phosphonato]](8-)- N. 59487-93-3 DII 1H-pyrazol-1-yl]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.-dioxidato(2-)]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4. lithium 12190-79-3 DII Cobaltate(1-). hydrogen 52277-73-3 DII ial Cobaltate(1-). 70815-19-9 DII tridecanamine (1:1) Cobaltate(1-).O'.1-d]-1.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1- yl]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)][4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1. [4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)][4- hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N-(1-methylethyl)benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.-dioxidato(2-)]-. bis[1-[(2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. sodium 73297-09-3 DII Cobaltate(1-). [2.31H-phthalocyanine-C-sulfonato(3-)-N29.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4.5-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-methyl-5-oxo. 83864-24-8 DII ammonium Cobaltate(1-). 21679-46-9 DII Cobalt.O'''''']-.N-bis(carboxymethyl)glycinato(3-)-N. 72403-32-8 DII sodium Cobaltate(1-). [N-[8-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-7-hydroxy-1- naphthalenyl]acetamidato(2-)][3-[(4. bis[2-(3-chlorophenyl)-2. sodium Cobaltate(1-). sodium 73507-67-2 DII ide 14 Cobaltate(1-). 74499-63-1 DII [(methylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-1-naphthalenyl]acetamidato(2-)]-.O. 73195-17-2 DII sodium Cobaltate(1-). [2.)][methyl[8-[(5- ethylsulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-7-hydroxy-2. hydrogen.)]-1. hydrogen Cobaltate(1-). sodium Co M Cobaltate(1-). [[[1.3.O''''.N30. [2. [4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)][4-hydr Ho py oxy-3-[(5-hydroxynaphth[2. hydrogen.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][1-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. 72391-10-7 DII methylethyl)benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.alpha. [2. bis[1-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. [C-(chlorosulfonyl)-29H. [2.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][1-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. sodium 64611-71-8 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium 73507-66-1 DII Cobaltate(1-). (OC-6-21)- 67969-67-9 DII Cobaltate (CoO21-).N31. bis[2. hydrogen. compound with cyclohexanamine (1:1) 71566-27-3 DII Cobaltate(1-). hydrogen 68568-52-5 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[3-[[4. lithium 83804-08-4 DII Cobaltate(1-).5-dihydro-3-methyl-1-(4-methylphenyl)-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- hydroxy-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. compound with 1-butanamine (1:1) 72797-14-9 DII Cobaltate(1-). lithium 125252-57-5 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[[2-hydroxy-5-[(phenylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N- phenylbutanamidato(2-)]-. bis[3-[(8-hydroxy-5-quinolinyl)azo]benzenesulfonato(2-)]-. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato (2-)]-.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- 71566-39-7 DII Ho py hydroxy-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- hydroxy-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato (2-)]-. bis[3-[[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(5-hydroxynaphth[2. sodium Cobaltate(1-). ammonium 83847-06-7 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2-)]-. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. hydrogen 52256-38-9 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[3-[[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4. compound with cyclohexanamine (1:1) 71839-87-7 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)amino]-N-(3- methoxypropyl)benzenesulfonamidato(2-)-N3. bis[2-[[4-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2- )]-. hydrogen 50525-57-0 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2.O4]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- nd H hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol- nt 74082-15-8 DII S 1-yl]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N-(2- methoxyethyl)benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. hydrogen. bis[3-[(4.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)]-.5-dichlorophenyl)-4.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- hydroxy-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. hydrogen. bis[3-[(4. sodium 71735-52-9 DII Co Cobaltate(1-). ammonium 83864-23-7 DII . sodium 125378-91-8 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2- )]-. sodium 75214-67-4 DII Cobaltate(1-). hydrogen 6421-64-3 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium Cobaltate(1-).4-dinitro-6-[[2-(phenylamino)-1-naphthalenyl]azo]phenolato(2-)]-. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N-methylbenzenesulfonamidato (2-)]-. bis[2-[(2-amino-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-5-nitrophenolato(2-)]-. bis[2-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2-)]-. sodium 72403-34-0 DII a Cobaltate(1-). sodium 71735-61-0 DII Cobaltate(1-). hydrogen 72928-91-7 DII ial Cobaltate(1-). bis[3-[[1-(2. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N-(3- methoxypropyl)benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Cobaltate(1-). sodium 81361-02-6 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-N-(2-ethylhexyl)-3- oxobutanamidato(2-)]-. sodium 58302-43-5 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2-)]-. sodium 70247-76-6 DII Cobaltate(1-). compound with 2-propanamine (1:1) 71839-74-2 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium Cobaltate(1-). bis[3-[(4. sodium 34735-28-9 DII Cobaltate(1-).1-d]-1.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)]-.O3.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4- hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4-hydroxy-N-(1- methylethyl)benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. (OC-6-22')- 34664-47-6 DII S Cobaltate(1-). bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N-(1- methylethyl)benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. sodium 71839-88-8 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium 71566-26-2 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium 70281-40-2 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium 73612-40-5 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[(2-amino-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-5-nitrophenolato(2-)]-. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. compound with 2-propanamine (1:1) 71839-84-4 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium 72391-09-4 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[[2-hydroxy-5-[(phenylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N- phenylbutanamidato(2-)]-. bis[2-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-N-(2-chlorophenyl)-3-oxobutan amidato(2-)]-. sodium 72905-57-8 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium 72496-88-9 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-chloro-5-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N- methylbenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. bis[2-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2- )]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4-hydroxy-N-[3- (1-methylethoxy)propyl]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. sodium 66104-83-4 DII ide 14 Cobaltate(1-). bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. ammonium 63971-70-0 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2. sodium 71562-83-9 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-chloro-5-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-N- 70179-69-0 DII Co M methylbenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. hydrogen. sodium 83804-07-3 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2.HCSC-G-001-14 20 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol- 1-yl]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. bis[3-[[1-(3-chlorophenyl)-4. hydrogen 13011-62-6 DII Cobaltate(1-).3-oxathiol-4-yl)azo]benzenesulfon amide . ammonium 125408-78-8 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[3-[[1-(3-chlorophenyl)-4. hydrogen. sodium 72479-33-5 DII C nf Cobaltate(1-).5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4- hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. sodium 68966-98-3 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium 71701-14-9 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[4-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-4.-dioxidato(2-)]-. sodium 72403-31-7 DII Cobaltate(1-). hydrogen 67952-74-3 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium. bis[3-[4-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-4. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. hydrogen 71566-34-2 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-1-naphthalenolato(2-)]-. bis[2-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2-)]-. bis[3-[(4. bis[N-[(2-chlorophenyl)-2-[[2-hydroxy-5-[(methylamino)sulfonyl]p henyl]phenyl]azo]-3-oxobutanamidato(2)]-. dilithium 67906-22-3 DII Ho py Cobaltate(2-).(T-4). bis[2-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2- )]-.C-disulfonato(4-)-N29. sodium 83817-79-2 DII Cobaltate(1-).ON']-.31H-phthalocyanine-C.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][2-[[[4-hydroxy-3-[[2-(phenylamino)-1. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(5-hydroxynaphth[2. bis[N-[8-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-7-hydroxy-1- 68966-95-0 DII ial naphthalenyl]acetamidato(2-)]-. bis[3-[(4. bis[3-[[1-(3-chlorophenyl)-4.4-dinitro-6-[[2-(phenylamino)-1-naphthalenyl]azo]phenolato(2-)][3-hydroxy-4- [(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-. 63597-33-1 DII Cobaltate(3-).4-tetrahydro-2. bis[3-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1- naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3 - onato(2-)][2-[[[4-hydroxy-3-[[2-(phenylamino)-1-naphthalenyl]azo]phenyl]sul 82556-13-6 DII fonyl]amino]benzoato(3-)]-. 72987-06-5 DII dihydrogen S Cobaltate(2-). sodium 70247-74-4 DII Cobaltate(1-).5-dinitrophenyl)azo]-1-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-. [29H.-dioxidato(2-)]-. bis[N-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-[[2-hydroxy-5-[(methylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-3- oxobutanamidato(2-)]-. sodium Cobaltate(2-).5-dinitrophenyl)azo]-2.2'-iminobis[ethanol] (1:3) 72797-09-2 DII Cobaltate(3-). (OC-6-22')- Cobaltate(2-). 73455-76-2 DII naphthalenyl]azo]phenyl]sulfonyl]amino]benzoato(3-)]-. [1-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)][3-hydroxy-4-[(2- S hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-.N30. [[N. sodium dihydrogen 72829-33-5 DII Cobaltate(3-). (T-4).ON. sodium hydrogen 72102-52-4 DII C nf Cobaltate(2-). dilithium. disodium 70529-03-2 DII Cobaltate(2-). sodium dihydrogen 73018-84-5 DII Cobaltate(3-). disodium Co M Cobaltate(2-). tripotassium. [2.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4- 72208-07-2 DII a hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. [1-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenolato(2-)][3-hydroxy-4-[(2-hy droxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-. bis[3-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1- naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-.N-bis(phosphonomethyl)glycinato(5-)]-.2. sodium 70247-73-3 DII Cobaltate(1-).3-oxathiol-4-yl)azo]benzenesulfon amide . compound with 2-propanamine (1:1) 71839-76-4 DII Cobaltate(1-).N31.N31.N'. bis[6-amino-5-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-N-methyl-2- naphthalenesulfonamidato(2-)]-.HCSC-G-001-14 21 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. [4-amino-3-[(2-hydroxy-3. bis[2-[[[4-hydroxy-3-[[2-oxo-1- [(phenylamino)carbonyl]propyl]azo]phenyl]sulfonyl]amino]benzoato(3-)]-. 75314-27-1 DII naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-. compound with 2.2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)glycinato]](4-)-N. bis[3-[(4.C-disulfonato(4-)-N29.N30. bis[methyl [8-[[4-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl]azo]-7-hydroxy-1- naphthalenyl]carbamato(2-)]-. disodium 61045-13-4 DII Cobaltate(2-). disodium. bis[2-[[[4-hydroxy-3-[[2-(phenylamino)-1-naphthalenyl]azo]phenyl]sulfonyl]am ino]benzoato(3-)]-. hydrogen. trisodium 125378-89-4 DII Cobaltate(3-). hydrogen 55963-70-7 DII Cobaltate(1-). bis[2-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2- )]-. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Cobaltate(1-). trisodium 82556-12-5 DII Cobaltate(3-). trisodium 82457-28-1 DII Cobaltate(3-).1-d]-1.5-dinitrophenyl)azo]-1-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)][5- amino-6-[(2-hydroxy-3.2'-iminobis[ethanol] (1:2) Cobaltate(2-). bis[2-[[[4-hydroxy-3-[[2-(phenylamino)-1- naphthalenyl]azo]phenyl]sulfonyl]amino]benzoato(3-)]-. dipotassium Cobaltate(2-). (OC-6-22')- 67906-23-4 DII Cobaltate(2-). 72987-07-6 DII dihydrogen. bis[3-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1-naphthalenesulfona to(3-)]-. trisodium. bis[5-[(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-6-hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methyl-2- naphthalenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. bis[N-[2-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5- methylphenyl]acetamidato(2-)]-. compound with 2. disodium 125378-88-3 DII nt Cobaltate(2-). bis[hydrogen 3-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)azo]-7-nitro-1- naphthalenesulfonato(2-)]- 26921-01-7 DII Cobaltate(1-).N32]-. trisodium 74196-11-5 DII . [N. dihydrogen 12715-61-6 DII Cobaltate(2-). sodium 70236-43-0 DII Cobaltate(1-). disodium Cobaltate(2-). [2. [2. [6-amino-5-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-N-methyl-2- naphthalenesulfonamidato(2-)][6-amino-5-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4- hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2)]-. bis[2-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutanamidato(2- )]-. disodium 75522-91-7 DII Cobaltate(2-).4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][3-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-. bis[3-hydroxy-7-nitro-4-[(1. trihydrogen 72797-08-1 DII Cobaltate(3-).N-bis(phosphonomethyl)glycinato(5-)]-. trihydrogen. disodium 71060-75-8 DII Cobaltate(3-).O. bis[2-hydroxy-5-nitro-3-[[2-oxo-1-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]propyl]azo]benzenes ulfonato(3-)]-.31H-phthalocyanine-C. dihydrogen 29383-29-7 DII nd H Cobaltate(2-). (T-4). sodium hydrogen 71243-97-5 DII Cobaltate(2-). 67968-65-4 DII Cobaltate(3-). (OC-6-22')- Cobaltate(2-).3. lithium sodium.N'-1. (OC-6-21)- 14931-83-0 DII Cobaltate(2-). [29H. [2. [N. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]benzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. [2-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-N-(2-ethylhexyl)-3- oxobutanamidato(2-)][4-[[1-[(2-hydroxy-3. [2.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4- 75557-21-0 DII Co hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. [N.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][3-hydroxy-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-7-nitro-1-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-. bis[3-[(4. sodium 73507-63-8 DII Cobaltate(1-). sodium dihydrogen 73507-73-0 DII Cobaltate(3-). 67968-66-5 DII Cobaltate(3-).O'. bis[N-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-[[2-hydroxy-5-[(methylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-3- oxobutanamidato(2-)]-. sodium 70236-59-8 DII Cobaltate(1-). trisodium 73612-41-6 DII Cobaltate(3-). 68928-31-4 DII naphthalenyl]amino]benzenesulfonato(3-)]-.4-dioxo-3-quinolinyl)azo]-1- naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- hydroxybenzenesulfonamidato(2-)]-. sodium 71735-59-6 DII Cobaltate(1-).N-bis(phosphonomethyl)glycinato(5-)]-. sodium hydrogen Cobaltate(2-). triammonium.N32]-. bis[2-[[[3-[[1-[[(2-chlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4- hydroxyphenyl]sulfonyl]amino]benzoato(3-)]-. bis[N-[7-hydroxy-8-[[2-hydroxy-5-[(methylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-1- ide 14 naphthalenyl]acetamidato(2-)]-. tetraammonium tetrahydrogen 70833-34-0 DII Cobaltate(9-).OP'']-.6-difluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)amino]-2- sulfophenyl]amino]-1. cobalt(2+) salt (1:2) 14640-56-3 DII .OP'.hydroxy-5-sulfophenyl)azo]-2.7-naphthalenedisulfonato(4-)]-.3.5.3. 13782-01-9 DII Cobaltate(3-). hexakis(cyano-C)-. [[[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris[phosphonato]](6-)-N.O1]cobaltate(2-) 19224-80-7 DII Diphosphoric acid. bis[4-[4-[[4-[[[3-[[4.3-tricarboxylate] 94232-84-5 DII Dihydrogen bis[L-glutamato(2-)-N.6-trichloro-4- pyrimidinyl)amino]-2. bis[4-[4-[[4-[4-[[5-(aminosulfonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-4. zinc (2:3). 14049-79-7 DII Cobaltate(3-).7-naphthalenedisulfonato(4-)]-. bis[2-[[[3-[[1-[[(2-chlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4- hydroxyphenyl]sulfonyl]amino]benzoato(3-)]-. tetrasodium hydrogen 68132-93-4 DII nd H Cobaltate(5-). trisodium 77630-54-7 DII Cobaltate(3-). bis[5-[(4-amino-6-chloro-1. bis[5-[(4-amino-6-chloro-1. potassium sodium 72269-32-0 DII Cobaltate(5-). (OC-6-11). [29H. (SP-4-1)- 14285-59-7 DII Cobaltate(4-).9. (OC-6-11).5-dinitrophenyl)azo]-1-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-.eta. 75214-71-0 DII yl]benzenesulfonato(4-)]-.5-triazin-2-yl)amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5- nitrophenyl)azo]-2.OP.3.7-naphthalenedisulfonato(4-)]-. bis[7-hydroxy-8-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitro-3-sulfophenyl)azo]-6-[(2. bis[5-chloro-2-hydroxy-3-[[2-oxo-1- [(phenylamino)carbonyl]propyl]azo]benzenesulfonato(3-)]-.3. 83417-34-9 DII naphthalenedisulfonato(6-)]-. 75234-42-3 DII yl]benzenesulfonato(3-)]-. bis[5-[[4-chloro-6-[[5-[(5-chloro-2. tetrapotassium. bis[4-[4-[[4-[[[3-[(4.5. pentasodium Cobaltate(5-). hexakis(cyano-C)-.7-naphthalenedisulfonato(5-)]-. pentasodium 74196-13-7 DII Ho py Cobaltate(7-). 14564-70-6 DII Cobaltate(4-). 83417-33-8 DII naphthalenedisulfonato(6-)][4-[(5 -chloro-2.16. bis[5-[(4-amino-6-chloro-1. pentasodium 74196-19-3 DII Cobaltate(5-). trisodium 73324-01-3 DII Cobaltate(3-).OP'. trisodium. bis[4-hydroxy-5-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-3-[(2-hydroxy-3-nitro-5- sulfophenyl)azo]-2.4-diazabicyclo[2. tetrasodium hydrogen 70776-55-5 DII Cobaltate(5-).5-triazin-2-yl)amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5- nitrophenyl)azo]-2.7-naphthalenedisulfonato(4-)]-. bis[5-[(4-chloro-6-methoxy-1. (T-4)- 63588-34-1 DII Cobaltate(4-). bis[5-[(4. bis[4-[[6-[[4-chloro-6-(phenylamino)-1.7-naphthalenedisulfonato(4-)]-. hexakis(cyano-C)-. 75214-72-1 DII yl]benzenesulfonato(3-)]-. heptasodium 74196-18-2 DII Co Cobaltate(8-).OP.7. pentasodium Cobaltate(5-). [[[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris[phosphonato]](6-)-N. tris[6-hydroxy-5-nitroso-2-naphthalenesulfonato(2-)]-. trisodium 67815-64-9 DII Cobaltate(4-).OP'']-. sodium dihydrogen 73297-10-6 DII Cobaltate(3-).3.6-difluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)amino] -2- sulfophenyl]amino]-1. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-7-[(3-phosphonophenyl)amino]- 2-naphthalenesulfonato(5-)]-.3.2. (OC-6-11).7-naphthalenedisulfonato(4-)]-.N31.2]octane-N1)cobalt 68239-57-6 DII Dichlorobis(3-pyridylcarboxamide-N1)cobalt 6856-47-9 DII Dicobalt edetate 36499-65-7 DII Dicobalt orthosilicate 13455-33-9 DII Dicobalt tris(sulphate) 13478-09-6 DII Dicobalt(2+) nickel(2+) bis[2-hydroxypropane-1.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5- oxo-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]phenyl]azo]-4. trisodium Cobaltate(3-). tetrasodium. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-7-[(3-phosphonophenyl)amino]- 2-naphthalenesulfonato(5-)]-. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Cobaltate(3-).5-triazin-2. cobalt(2+) (2:3). trisodium Cobaltate(3-). 14217-00-6 DII Cobaltate(5-).4-cyclopentadien-1-yl)cobalt 12078-25-0 DII Dichloro(1.OP'.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4- Co M yl]azo]-4-hydroxyphenyl]sulfonyl]amino]phenyl]azo]-4. (OC-6-11).5-triazin-2-yl)amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2-h ydroxy-5- 104815-53-4 DII S nitrophenyl)azo]-2. tetrasodium.3.5-dihydro- nt 4-[(2-hydroxy-5-sulfophenyl)azo]-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]phenyl]amino]-1. cobalt(2+) salt 38582-17-1 DII Di(acetato-O)(1. tetrapotassium sodium Cobaltate(5-).2. bis[6-[(5-chloro-2. tetrahydrogen. (T-4)- 67968-64-3 DII ial Cobaltate(4-). 14649-73-1 DII Cobaltate(3-).5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2. bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-[(2. bis[4-[[2-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-1.3.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1.5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-2- naphthalenyl]azo]-3-hydroxy-7-nitro-1-naphthalenesulfonato(4-)]-.5-2.5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5-sulfophenyl)azo]-2. [[[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris[phosphonato]](6-)-N.6-dichloro-1.OP.2]octane-N1)cobalt 68239-55-4 DII Di-.mu.6-trichloro-4- pyrimidinyl)amino]-2-naphthalenesulfonato(4-)]-.6-difluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5- nitro-3-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonato(4-)]-. bis[4-[(5-chloro-2.31H-phthalocyanine-2. 83417-32-7 DII S yl]amino]benzenesulfonato(4-)]-. tripotassium.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4- hydroxyphenyl]sulfonyl]amino]phenyl]azo]-4. (OC-6-11). triammonium hydrogen. bis[6-amino-5-[[2-hydroxy-5-[[2-(sulfooxy)ethyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-1- naphthalenesulfonato(4-)]-. pentasodium 75284-36-5 DII Cobaltate(5-). (T- 4)- 68000-01-1 DII ide 14 Cobaltate(4-). nonasodium Cobalt-dinitrate 10141-05-6 DI SVHC Cobaltocene 1277-43-6 DII Cobaltocenium hexafluorophosphate(1-) 12427-42-8 DII Cobaltocenium.-carbonyltetracarbonylbis(triphenylphosphine)dicobalt 24212-54-2 DII Diammonium pentahydrogen bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-7-[(3- phosphonophenyl)amino]naphthalene-2-sulphonato(5-)]cobaltate(7-) 83803-62-7 DII Diboron cobalt(2+) tetraoxide 38233-75-9 DII Dicarbonyl(.3-dioxobutyl]amino]-5-methoxy-2- methylbenzenesulfonato(3-)]-. pentasodium 79817-88-2 DII Cobaltate(5-).2. (T-4)-tetrachlorocobaltate(2-) (2:1) 11077-19-3 DII Cobaltous bromide 7789-43-7 DII Cobaltous chloride 7646-79-9 DI SVHC Cobaltous sulfamate 14017-41-5 DII Cyclohexanebutanoic acid. hexakis(nitrito-O)-. 14123-08-1 DII Cobaltate(3-). tetrasodium 70851-34-2 DII Cobaltate(4-). bis[6-amino-5-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonato(3-)]-.5-triazin-2-yl)amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5- nitrophenyl)azo]-2.6-difluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)amino]-2-[ Cobaltate(7-).5-triazin-2-yl)amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5- 73038-30-9 DII C nf nitrophenyl)azo]-2.N30. [5-[[4-chloro-6-[[5-[(5-chloro-2. (OC-6-11).6-difluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)amino]-2-[[4-chloro-6-[[4-[4. trihydrogen 62598-42-9 DII Cobaltate(3-). hexakis(nitrito-N)-.4-diazabicyclo[2.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1.OP'']-. bis[6-amino-5-[(2-hydroxy-3. disodium pentahydrogen 69898-68-6 DII a Cobaltate(7-).7. hexakis(cyano-C)-. pentasodium Cobaltate(5-).5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1.3.HCSC-G-001-14 22 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.N32]-.tetrapotassium sodium 74196-12-6 DII Cobaltate(5-). tetrapotassium.23-tetrasulfonato(6-)-N29. tall oil.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 84030-59-1 DII ial Hydrogen bis[2.O'.N'-diethyl-5-hydroxybenzene-1. cobalt(2+) salt 15520-31-7 DII Selenic acid.4-dihydro-4-[[2-hydroxy-5-mesylphenyl]azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 29998-71-8 DII Hydrogen bis[2-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutyramidato(2-)]cobaltate(1-).mu. 82338-72-5 DII nt S compound with cyclohexylamine (1:1) Hydrogen bis[5. maleic anhydride. cobalt salts 70131-61-2 DII Formic acid. cobalt(2+) salt (2:1) 18718-10-0 DII Phosphoric acid. 72932-56-0 DII )]cobaltate(3-) Triphenyl(p. fumaric acid.-oxotitanium 84176-59-0 DII Thiocyanic acid.N-bis(carboxymethyl)glycinato(3-)-N. (OC-6-21)-[[N.-oxotitanium 84145-31-3 DII Tetrakis[(octanoato-O)cobalt]tetra-. cobalt(2+) salt (1:1) 14590-19-3 DII Sodium [2-[[5-(aminosulphonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutylamidato(2-)][3-[[1- (benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4-hydroxybenzenesulphonamidato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 83249-69-8 DII Sodium bis[1-[[5-(ethylsulphonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-2-naphtholato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 55870-94-5 DII Sodium bis[3-[[1-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4-hydroxybenzenesulphonamidato(2- )]cobaltate(1-) 83249-71-2 DII Sodium bis[3-[[4. tall-oil fatty acids and tripentaerythritol. pentaerythritol.7-disulphonato(4-)]cobaltate(5-) 79817-89-3 DII Perchloric acid.O'.p-triphenylphosphine imidato-N)phosphorus(1+) tetracarbonylcobaltate(1-) 53433-12-8 DII . 2.HCSC-G-001-14 23 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. ammonium cobalt(2+) salt (1:1:1) 14590-13-7 DII Phosphoric acid. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Dipotassium [[N. cobalt(2+) sodium salt (1:1:2) 69140-60-9 DII Phosphoric acid.N'. cobalt(2+) salt 52270-44-7 DII nd H Nitric acid.ON']cobaltate(2-) (2:1) 68201-98-9 DII Hydrofluoric acid. cobalt(2+) potassium salt (1:1:2) 69140-59-6 DII Ho py Phosphonic acid.5-triazin-2-yl)amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5- nitrophenyl)azo]naphthalene-2. hydrate 10101-56-1 DII a Potassium [N.N'-1.p.mu.-carbonyltetracarbonyl(pentacarbonyldicobalt)dirhodium 50696-78-1 DII Tricobalt bis(orthophosphate) 13455-36-2 DII Tricopper bis[hexa(cyano-c)cobaltate(3-)] 14518-26-4 DII Trihydrogen bis[5-[[[4-hydroxy-3-[[2-oxo-1- [(phenylamino)carbonyl]propyl]azo]phenyl]sulphonyl]amino]naphthalene-2-sulphonato(3.O'']cobaltate(1-) 63640-17-5 DII Co Propanoic acid.O. ammonium cobalt(2+) salt 13586-38-4 DII Sulfuric acid.mu. compound with 2. cobalt salt 15731-88-1 DII Heptahydrogen bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-7-[(3- phosphonophenyl)amino]naphthalene-2-sulphonato(5-)]cobaltate(7-) 65335-15-1 DII Hexa(cyano-c)cobaltate(4-) 23209-26-9 DII Hexanoic acid.3-oxathiol-4-yl)azo]-N- methylbenzenesulphonamide S.S-dioxidato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 83817-78-1 DII Sodium bis[methyl [8-[[5-(ethylsulphonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-7-hydroxy-2- naphthyl]methylcarbamato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 55870-93-4 DII Spinels. zinc ore-calcine. cobalt(3+) (2:1) 68647-47-2 DII C nf N.1-d]-1. linseedoil. cobalt(2+) salt 3017-60-5 DII Tri-.5-trimethyl-. rosin. cobalt salt 6700-85-2 DII Pentapotassium bis[5-[(4-amino-6-chloro-1. (1-hydroxyethylidene)bis-. cobalt-manufacturing A solution used in the electrolytic refining of cobalt.2-dimethyl-.3- disulphonamidato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 24215-94-9 DII Sodium bis[4-hydroxy-3-[(5-hydroxynaphth[2. (1-hydroxyethylidene)bis-.5.3. hydrate 65492-00-4 DII Tetrakis[(decanoato-O)cobalt]tetra-.8-dichloro-2-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-1-naphtholato(2-)]cobaltate(1-). (1-hydroxyethylidene)bis-.N'-Ethylenebis(glycinato-O. 3. reaction products with alumina and cobalt chloride (CoCl2) 68442-96-6 DII Hydrogen [2.N'.ON']cobaltate(2-) 14025-10-6 DII Dipotassium disulphatocobaltate 13596-22-0 DII Disodium [5-[[1-(anilinocarbonyl)-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzenesulphonato(3- )][2-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutyramidato(2-)]cobaltate(2-) 76762-27-1 DII Electrolytes. cobalt(2+) salt (1:1) 13596-21-9 DII Phosphoric acid. The composition varies according to the particular process involved.90 restriction Naphthenic acid.4-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3- onato(2-)][1-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-naphtholato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 52277-72-2 DII Hydrogen [2-[[5-(aminosulphonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutylamidato(2-)][3- [[1-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4-hydroxybenzenesulphonamidato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 83249-70-1 DII ide 14 Hydrogen bis[1-[(2-hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]naphthalen-2-olato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 32517-38-7 DII Hydrogen bis[2. cobalt lead manganese salt 61789-50-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Neodecanoic acid.2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)glycinato]](4-)- N. cobalt repulp 69012-71-1 DII Lithium [2-[[5-(aminosulphonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutylamidato(2-)][3-[[1- (benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4-hydroxybenzenesulphonamidato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 83270-30-8 DII Lithium bis[2-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutyramidato(2-)]cobaltate(1-) 83733-13-5 DII S Lithium bis[2-[[5-(aminosulphonyl)-2-hydroxyphenyl]azo]-3-oxo-N-phenylbutyramidato(2- )]cobaltate(1-) 83249-68-7 DII Lithium bis[3-[[1-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4-hydroxybenzenesulphonamidato(2- )]cobaltate(1-) 83249-72-3 DII Molybdate (Mo7O246-). compound with cyclohexylamine (1:1) 82338-74-7 DII Hydrogen bis[N-[7-hydroxy-8-[[2-hydroxy-5-mesylphenyl]azo]-1-naphthyl]cobaltate(1-) 29616-23-7 DII Isononanoic acid. The electrolyte generally 121053-28-9 DII contains high levels of cob alt ions and lower levels of impurity me Fatty acids. ammonium cobalt(2+) salt (1:2:1) 69178-34-3 DII Phosphonic acid. cobalt(2+) salt 49676-83-7 DII Hydrazinium(1+). cobalt salt 13586-84-0 DII Octanoic acid. cobalt salt.O. cobalt salt 57364-75-7 DII Co M Leach residues. cobalt(2+) salt (2:3).O'. ammonium cobalt(2+) salt (2:2:1) 13596-46-8 DII Sulfuric acid.N'-ethylenebis[N-(carboxymethyl)glycinato]] (4-)-N.ON. soya.N)cobalt 29977-10-4 DII No.2'-dodecyliminobis[ethanol] (1:1) 84030-58-0 DII Hydrogen bis[3-[[1-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-oxopropyl]azo]-4-hydroxybenzenesulphonamidato(2- )]cobaltate(1-) 83249-73-4 DII Hydrogen bis[5. cobalt nickel zinc grey 95046-47-2 DII Sulfuric acid.8-dichloro-2-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-1-naphtholato(2-)]cobaltate(1-).O. cobalt(2+) salt 13455-31-7 DII Phosphonic acid.5-dihydro-3-methyl-1-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4- hydroxybenzenesulphonamidato(2)]cobaltate(1-) 83803-65-0 DII Sodium bis[4-[(4-chloro-1-hydroxy-2-naphthyl)azo]-N.ON. cobalt(3+) salt 15520-84-0 DII Octadecanoic acid. polymers with acetic acid. 5. Pigment Blue 28 1345-16-0 DII ide 14 Cobalt aluminate blue spinel 68186-86-7 DII C.6-bis(diethylamino)-.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 134237-52-8 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC nd H (1R.Z)- 13173-04-1 DII/P ○ ○ 5. 2R.7.5.10-Trioxa-9-stannatetradeca-5. 2R. 6R. 10S)-1. 9S.I. (HBCD) 25637-99-4 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC 1.9. 68457-13-6 DII C.6. hexabromo. (HBCD) DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Cyclododecane. 2S. 9-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3.9. 6S.I.2. 1- 22535-42-8 DII/P Co ○ ○ methylethyl ester.6.5. 2S. ethyl ester.4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane) 101-77-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC 57 Diisodecyl azelate 28472-97-1 DII 58 Dimethylformamide (N.9.2.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 3194-55-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC rel-(1R.I.2. 9R.6.9. Acid Red 182 61901-42-6 DII 1-Propanamin.9-dienoic acid. 10S)-1.9. 6S.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1- phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4-hydroxy-N-[3-(1-methylethoxy)propyl]benzenesulfonamidato(2. 5R.8.N-bis[2-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino]ethyl]glycinato(5-)]cobaltate(3-) 6255-07-8 DII Trisodium bis[3-[(4. S.HCSC-G-001-14 24 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 134237-51-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC rel-(1R. 6R.9.9. 9S.I.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 678970-15-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC (1R. (Z. 5R. 10S)-1. 9S. 5R. hexabromo. 6R. Pigment Blue 72 68186-87-8 DII C. 10R)-1.N-Dimethylformamide) 68-12-2 DI SVHC 59 Diorganotin compounds DI/DII/P (○) (○) (SVHC) a Dibutyltin compounds.2.6.N-dipropyl-.2.11-trioxo-. Pigment Violet 47 68610-13-9 DII C.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 138257-19-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC (1R.9. 2R.S'-bisoctylmercapto-. 6S. 6S.9-dibutyl-2-methyl-4.I.5.12-dien-14-oic acid. 10S)-1. 5R. 9S.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 138257-17-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC (1R. 2S. 9R.6.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 169102-57-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC (1R.2.I. 9R.2. 2S. 5R. 2R. 33466-31-8 DII/P ○ ○ Acetate.5. 2R. 5S.9-dibutyl-4.8. 9. 10R)-1. 9S. 6S. 6S. reaction products with bis(acetyloxy)dibutylstannane 93925-42-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutylbis(ethyl 3-oxobutyrato-O1'.I.12-dien-14-oic acid. 10R)-1. Pigment Green 19 8011-87-8 DII nt C.7. 6S.Z). 10R)-1. Pigment Blue 36 68187-11-1 DII C.2.2. Acid Blue 51053-44-2 DII ial C.I.6.O')cobalt 15188-91-7 DII Trisodium [N. Pigment Green 50 68186-85-6 DII C. cobalt complex 75101-45-0 DII Cobalt borate neodecanoate complexes.5. tetraethyl ester. 9R.4'-((dibutylstannylene)bis(oxy))bis(4-oxoisocrotonate) 25168-21-2 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutylbis((1-oxoneodecyl)oxy)stannane 25168-22-3 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutylbis(myristoyloxy)stannane 28660-67-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutylthioxostannane 4253-22-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutylbis[(1-oxoisooctadecyl)oxy]stannane 59963-28-9 DII/P ○ ○ Silicic acid (H4SiO4).11-trioxo-.12-Trioxa-6-stannatetracosa-2. 6R. (Z.I.2. 6S.6-dibutyl-4. 9R.]naphthalene-1-sulphonato(3-)] cobaltate(3-) 84057-73-8 DII Trisodium bis[amino[(2-hydroxy-3.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 678970-16-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC (1R. 5S. 9. (Z.5. 10S)-1. cobalt(2+) salts 68955-83-9 DII Trisodium bis(2-hydroxy-5-nitro-3-((2-oxo-1-((phenylamino)carbonyl)propyl) azo)benzenesulphonato(3-))cobaltate(3-) 85959-73-5 DII Zinc chrome cobalt aluminate blue spinel 74665-01-3 DII Co M 53 Colophony (Rosin). 9S.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 138257-18-8 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC (1R.5. all members DII/P ○ ○ 3.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 678970-17-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Ho py Diamino-diphenylmethane 56 (4.5. 5S.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 65701-47-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC rel-(1R. dodecyl ester. 5R. 10S)-1.5-dihydro-4-[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)azo]-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1- yl]benzene-1-sulphonato(3-)]cobaltate(3-) 79135-28-7 DII Trisodium bis[4-hydroxy-3-nitro-5-[[2-oxo-1- [(phenylamino)carbonyl]propyl]azo]benzenesulphonato(3-)]cobaltate(3-) 83733-22-6 DII Trisodium bis[5-chloro-2-hydroxy-3-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)azo]benzenesulphonato(3-)] cobaltate(3-) 6771-86-4 DII Trisodium bis[6-amino-5-[(2-hydroxy-3.8. 10S)-1. 2S. Pigment Black 27 68186-97-0 DII S Cobalt(II) isoalkanoates(C6-C19) 68409-81-4 DII (C9-C13) Neoalkanoic acids.6. 6.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-2-hydroxy-5- nitrobenzenesulphonato(3-)]cobaltate(3-) 84204-70-6 DII Trisodium bis[3-[(5-amino-3-methyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-5-chloro-4-hydroxy-N-[2- (sulphooxy)ethyl]benzenesulphonamidato(3-)]cobaltate(3-) 83804-04-0 DII Trisodium bis[4-[4.2. 2R.11-trioxo-.9.5-dionato-O.5-dinitrophenyl)azo]naphthalenesulphonato(3-)] cobaltate(3-) 74220-71-6 DII Trisodium hexanitritocobaltate 13600-98-1 DII Xanthylium. selected DII Rosin 8050-09-7 D Colophony resin 148499-15-4 D Resin acids and Rosin acids zinc salts 91081-53-7 D 7440-50-8 DII S 54 Copper (metallic) 55 Cyclododecane.2.6. 2S. 5R.O3)tin 54581-65-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin bis(2-ethylhexyl-3-mercaptopropionate) 53202-61-2 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin bis(benzyl maleate) 7324-74-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin bis(cyclohexyl maleate) 5587-52-0 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin bis(isooctyl mercaptoacetate) 25168-24-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin bis(lauryl β-mercaptopropionate) 51287-83-3 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin bis(octylthioglycolate) 2781-09-1 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin bis(oleyl maleate) 29881-72-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin di(isooctyl 3-mercaptopropionate) 26761-46-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin diacetate 1067-33-0 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin dibenzoate 5847-54-1 DII/P ○ ○ .10-Trioxa-9-stannatetradeca-5. 5R. 10S)-1. dibutyltin 32011-18-0 DII/P ○ ○ Bis (acetato) dibutyltin 17523-06-7 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyl tin 1002-53-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltinbis(2-ethylhexyl mercaptoacetate) 10584-98-2 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutylbis(octyl maleate)tin 17036-31-6 DII/P ○ ○ Diisooctyl 4.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 4736-49-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC C nf rel-(1R. Pigment Green 26 68187-49-5 DII C.9.9. 71566-55-7 DII )]cobaltate(1-) C. 9S.10-Hexabromocyclododecane 134237-50-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC rel-(1R.9.I.Z)- 3. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Tris(heptane-3. N. bis[3-[(4.9. 5S.6.5. 15.42 restriction substance SVHC Disodium Tetraborate. 67924-24-7 DII/P ○ ○ Dioctyltin compounds. pentahydrate 12179-04-3 DI/P No.8.14.2-ethanediamine-N. 2-(2-methoxyethoxy). selected DI/P No. chloride (Basic Blue 7) 2390-60-5 DII 69 1. 68239-46-3 DII/P ○ ○ nt Tin. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Dibutyltin dibutoxide 3349-36-8 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin dichloride 683-18-1 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Dibutyltin dihexanoate 19704-60-0 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin dilaurate 77-58-7 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin dilauryl mercaptide 1185-81-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin dimaleate 10192-92-4 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyldimethoxystannane 1067-55-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin dioctanoate 4731-77-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin dioleate 13323-62-1 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin dipalmitate 13323-63-2 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin disalicylate 14214-24-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin distearate 5847-55-2 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin hydrogen borate 75113-37-0 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin isooctanoate 85702-74-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin linoleate 85391-79-3 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin linolenate 95873-60-2 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin maleate 78-04-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin mercaptoacetate 78-20-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin mercaptopropionate 78-06-8 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin oxide 818-08-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin S. 4-Metheno-1H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalene. dibutylbis(methyl 3-mercaptopropanoato-O. dibutyl(1. fatty acyloxy) derivs.4'-diethyl ester 68109-88-6 DII/P ○ ○ Di-n-octyltin bis(2-ethylhexyl maleate) 10039-33-5 DII/P ○ ○ Dioctylbis(pentane-2. 18253-54-8 DII SVHC 60 Disodiumtetraborates.1'-diisooctyl ester) 26636-01-1 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 Dibutytin di(2-ethylhexyl maleate) 15546-12-0 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin bis(C8 to C18 unsatd. 1.N32]-. dibutylbis(N.N31.3-epoxypropane) 106-89-8 DII Ethanaminium.5-dithia-4-stannatetradecanoate (DOTE) 15571-58-1 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Dioctyltin bis(isooctyl maleate) 33568-99-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dioctyltin dichloride 3542-36-7 DII/P ○ ○ 3648-18-8 DII/P C Dioctyltin dilaurate ○ ○ nf Dioctyltin maleate 16091-18-2 DII/P ○ ○ Dioctyltin oxide (Stannane.N30. all members DIDII/P ○ ○ Acetic acid.1'-(ethane-1.6.31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29.16.5-dithia-4- stannatetradecanoate (MOTE) 27107-89-7 DII/P ○ ○ Other Diorganotin compounds DII Ho py Diisobutyltin oxide 61947-30-6 DII Dimethoxybis(pentane-2.6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol 128-37-0 DII 62 6. 1.2'-[(dioctylstannylene)bis(thio)]bis-.2'-Dithiobis(benzothiazole) 120-78-5 DII 65 Dodecachloropentacyclo 1.17.5-di-tert-pentylhydroquinone 79-74-3 DII 64 2.2. 111-77-3 DII . reaction products with bis(acetyloxy)dioctylstannane 93925-43-0 DII/P ○ ○ Reaction mass of DOTE/MOTE DII/P ○ ○ 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4.HCSC-G-001-14 25 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.13.N-diethylethanamine)difluoro.O')-.4-dionato-O.10]octadeca-7.7. Mirex 2385-85-5 P ○ ○ 1.S'-bis(isooctyl mercaptoacetate) Acetic acid. 85508-00-5 DII/P ○ ○ ial Di-n-butyltin bis(methyl maleate) 15546-11-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dibutyltin diisothiocyanate 15719-34-3 DII/P ○ ○ Di-n-butyltin di(monobutyl)maleate 15546-16-4 DII/P ○ ○ Di-n-butyltin di-2-ethylhexanoate 2781-10-4 DII/P ○ ○ Tin.) 870-08-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dioctyltindineodecanoate 68299-15-0 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Silicic acid (H4SiO4).6'-di-tert-butyl-4.42 restriction a substance SVHC Co Disodium Tetraborate.05. 3. 32011-19-1 DII/P ○ ○ Tin.02.17.S).4'-thiodi-m-cresol 96-69-5 DII 63 2.5-dithia-4-stannatetradecanoate (DOTE) 15571-58-1 DII/P ○ ○ 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4-[[2-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]-2-oxoethyl]thio]-4-octyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3.18-dodecachloropentacyclo[12. (OC-6-12). 163206-28-8 DII/P ○ ○ Tin. anhydrous 1330-43-4 DI/P No.O')tin 66779-19-9 DII Tin.4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3.1. N-[4-[[4-(diethylamino)phenyl][4-(ethylamino)-1-naphthalenyl]methylene]-2.1'-diisooctyl ester 26401-97-8 DII/P ○ ○ Co M Bis(dodecylthio)dioctylstannane 22205-30-7 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Butenedioic acid. dibutyl[N-(carboxymethyl)-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)glycinato(2-)].18. tetraethyl ester.1'-(dioctylstannylene) 4. hydrate 12267-73-1 DI No. dibutylbis(2.N')bis(monoisooctyl 2-butenedioato-O').9.4-pentanedionato-O.2. decahydrate 1303-96-4 DI/P No.15- 66 diene (Dichlorane Plus) 13560-89-9 DII 67 Epichlorohydrin (1-chloro-2.42 restriction substance 61 2. 1.16. dioctyloxo.5- 68 cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-N-ethyl-. 2.2-diyl)bis[pentabromobenzene] 84852-53-9 DII 70 Ethanol. dichloro[29H.4-dionato-O. 22673-19-4 DII/P ○ ○ S Tin.9.O')tin 54068-28-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dioctylbis(stearoyloxy)stannane 22205-26-1 DII/P ○ ○ S 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4.4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3.42 restriction substance SVHC Tetraboron Disodium heptaoxide.2'-[(dimethylstannylene)bis(thio)]bis-. (OC-6-11).42 restriction substance SVHC Disodium Tetraborate. HCSC-G-001-14 26 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark 71 Ethyl-/ Methyl-glycols and their acetates DI/DII/P (○) (○) (SVHC) 2-Methoxyethanol 109-86-4 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Propanol, 2-methoxy- 1589-47-5 DII EGDME 110-71-4 DI SVHC 2-Ethoxyethanol 110-80-5 DI SVHC 2-Methoxyethyl acetate 110-49-6 DII 72 Ethyelenethiourea/Imidazolidine-2-thione 96-45-7 DI SVHC 73 Fluorotelomers, selected DII 8-2 telomer alcohol: 678-39-7 DII 8-2 telomer olefin: 21652-58-4 DII 2-(perflurooctyl)ethyl iodide, 8-2 telomer iodide: 2043-53-0 DII C8 iodide: (Octane, 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8-heptadecafluoro-8-iodo- ) 507-63-1 DII C10-2 Fluorotelomer alcohol: (1-Dodecanol, 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,12-heneicosafluoro- ) 865-86-1 DII C10-2 telomer B iodide: 2043-54-1 DII SVHC 74 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 DII/P No.42 restriction substance 75 2,5-Furandione,dihydro-3-(tetrapropenyl)- 26544-38-7 DII 76 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 P ○ ○ 77 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (HCBD) 87-68-3 P ○ ○ ide 14 78 Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma isomer, Lindane 58-89-9 DII 79 Hexamethyldisiloxane 107-46-0 DII ial 80 Hexanedioic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 103-23-1 DII 81 2-Hexyldecan-1-ol 2425-77-6 DII 82 Hydrazine 302-01-2 DI SVHC 83 Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC's), all members P ○ ○ 1,2-Dibromo-1,1-difluoroethane 75-82-1 P ○ ○ Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 P ○ ○ C2H2F2Br2: 1,1-Dibromo-2,2-difluoroethane nt 359-19-3 P ○ ○ S (Ethane, 1,1-Dibromo-2,2-difluoro-) Bromodifluoromethane 1511-62-2 P ○ ○ 1-Bromo-2-fluoroethane 762-49-2 P ○ ○ 1-Bromo-3-fluoropropane (Propane, 1-Bromo-3-fluoro-) 352-91-0 P ○ ○ Co M 3-Bromo-1,1,1-trifluoropropane 460-32-2 P ○ ○ (Propane, 3-Bromo-1,1,1-trifluoro-) 1,2-Dibromo-1-fluoroethane 358-97-4 P ○ ○ 1,3-Dibromo-1,1-difluoropropane 460-25-3 P ○ ○ 1,2-Dibromo-1,1,2-trifluoroethane 354-04-1 P ○ ○ 2,3-Dibromo-1,1,1-trifluoropropane 431-21-0 P ○ ○ S 1,1,1,2-tetrabromo-2-fluoro-ethane 353-93-5 P ○ ○ 1,1,2,2-tetrabromo-1-fluoro-ethane 306-80-9 P ○ ○ 1,1,1-tribromo-2,2-difluoroethane 7304-53-2 P ○ ○ 1,2,2-tribromo-1,1-difluoroethane 677-34-9 P ○ ○ C 1,1,2-tribromo-1,2-difluoroethane 353-97-9 P nf ○ ○ 1,1,2-tribromo-1-fluoroethane 420-88-2 P ○ ○ 1,1,2-tribromo-2-fluoroethane 598-67-4 P ○ ○ C2H3F2Br: Bromo-1,1-difluoroethane (Ethane, 2-bromo-1,1-difluoro- ) 359-07-9 P ○ ○ C3HFBr6 none P ○ ○ nd H C3HF2Br5 none P ○ ○ C3HF3Br4 none P ○ ○ C3HF4Br3 666-48-8 P ○ ○ C3H2FBr5 none P ○ ○ C3H2F2Br4 148875-98-3 P ○ ○ 1,2,2-Tribromo-3,3,3-trifluoropropane 421-90-9 P ○ ○ 460-86-6 P Ho py 1,3-Dibromo-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoropropane ○ ○ 1-bromo-1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoro-propane 422-01-5 P ○ ○ 2-bromo-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoro-propane 677-52-1 P ○ ○ 1-bromo-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoro-propane 677-53-2 P ○ ○ 2-bromo-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoro-propane 22692-16-6 P ○ ○ 460-88-8 P a 1-bromo-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoro-propane ○ ○ 1-bromo-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoro-propane 679-94-7 P ○ ○ Co 2-bromo-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoro-propane 26391-11-7 P ○ ○ Propane, 3-bromo-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoro-, (R*,S*)- (9CI) 53692-43-6 P ○ ○ Propane, 3-bromo-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoro-, (R*,R*)- (9CI) 53692-44-7 P ○ ○ C3H3FBr4 148875-95-0 P ○ ○ 1,2,3-Tribromo-3,3-difluoropropane 666-25-1 P ○ ○ 2-bromo-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoro-propane 19041-01-1 P ○ ○ 2-bromo-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropane 29151-25-5 P ○ ○ 3-Bromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropane 679-84-5 P ○ ○ 1-bromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropane 70192-84-6 P ○ ○ 1-bromo-1,2,2,3-tetrafluoro-propane 70192-71-1 P ○ ○ 3-bromo-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropane 460-67-3 P ○ ○ C3H4FBr3 75372-14-4 P ○ ○ 1,2-Dibromo-3-fluoropropane 453-00-9 P ○ ○ 1,3-Dibromo-2-fluoropropane 1786-38-5 P ○ ○ 1,3-Dibromo-1-fluoropropane 51584-26-0 P ○ ○ 1,2-Dibromo-1-fluoro-(R*,S*)-propane 62135-10-8 P ○ ○ 1,2-Dibromo-1-fluoro-(R*,R*)-propane 62135-11-9 P ○ ○ 2-bromo-1,1-difluoro-propane 430-87-5 P ○ ○ 1-bromo-1,1-difluoro-propane 420-89-3 P ○ ○ 1-bromo-2,2-difluoro-propane 420-98-4 P ○ ○ 2-bromo-1,3-difluoro-propane 2195-05-3 P ○ ○ 3-bromo-1,1-difluoro-propane 461-49-4 P ○ ○ 1-bromo-2,3-difluoro-propane 111483-20-6 P ○ ○ 1-Bromo-1,1-difluoroethane 420-47-3 P ○ ○ 1-Bromo-1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane 2252-78-0 P ○ ○ 2-Bromo-1,1,1-trifluoroethane 421-06-7 P ○ ○ No.115 restriction Ethane, 1-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,2-trifluoro- 354-06-3 P ○ ○ substance HCSC-G-001-14 27 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Ethene, 2-bromo-1,1-difluoro- 359-08-0 P ○ ○ Propane, 1-bromo-2-fluoro- 1871-72-3 P ○ ○ 84 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's), all members DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123b) 812-04-4 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2,2-Trichloro-1,1-difluoroethane 354-21-2 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123a) 354-23-4 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2-Dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane 1649-08-7 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2-Dichloro-1,2-difluoroethane 431-06-1 DII/P ○ ○ 2-chloro-1,3-difluoropropane 102738-79-4 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Dichloro-1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 111512-56-2 DII/P ○ ○ Tetrachlorodifluoropropane 127564-82-3 DII/P ○ ○ Trichlorodifluoropropane 127564-90-3 DII/P ○ ○ Trichlorotetrafluoropropane 127564-91-4 DII/P ○ ○ 2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane 128903-21-9 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorotrifluoroethane 1330-45-6 DII/P ○ ○ Tetrachlorofluoropropane 134190-49-1 DII/P ○ ○ Trichlorofluoropropane 134190-51-5 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1-fluoroethane 134237-32-4 DII/P ○ ○ Trichlorofluoroethane 134237-34-6 DII/P ○ ○ Hexachlorofluoropropane 134237-35-7 DII/P ○ ○ Pentachlorodifluoropropane 134237-36-8 DII/P ○ ○ 134237-37-9 DII/P ide 14 Tetrachlorotrifluoropropane ○ ○ Trichlorotetrafluoropropane 134237-38-0 DII/P ○ ○ Tetrachlorodifluoropropane 134237-39-1 DII/P ○ ○ ial Trichlorotrifluoropropane 134237-40-4 DII/P ○ ○ Chloropentafluoropropane 134237-41-5 DII/P ○ ○ Trichlorodifluoropropane 134237-42-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dichlorotrifluoropropane 134237-43-7 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorotrifluoropropane 134237-44-8 DII/P ○ ○ Dichlorofluoropropane 134237-45-9 DII/P ○ ○ nt 1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane 13474-88-9 DII/P S ○ ○ 1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane 136013-79-1 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Dichloro-1,2-difluoroethane 1842-05-3 DII/P ○ ○ Dichlorofluoroethane 25167-88-8 DII/P ○ ○ Dichlorodifluoroethane 25915-78-0 DII/P ○ ○ Co M Hexachlorofluoropropane 29470-94-8 DII/P ○ ○ Tetrachlorotrifluoropropane 29470-95-9 DII/P ○ ○ 2,3-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropane 338-75-0 DII/P ○ ○ Trichlorodifluoroethane 41834-16-6 DII/P ○ ○ 2-chloro-2-fluoropropane 420-44-0 DII/P ○ ○ S 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane 422-44-6 DII/P ○ ○ No.51 restriction 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 127564-92-5 P ○ ○ substance 2,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropane 422-48-0 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Dichloro-2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 422-56-0 DII/P C ○ ○ nf 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 431-86-7 DII/P ○ ○ 3-Chloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropane 460-35-5 DII/P ○ ○ 3,3-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropane 460-69-5 DII/P ○ ○ 1-chloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane 460-92-4 DII/P ○ ○ nd H 1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane 507-55-1 DII/P ○ ○ Trichlorotrifluoropropane 61623-04-9 DII/P ○ ○ 3-Chloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropane 679-85-6 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,1-Trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropane 7125-83-9 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoropropane 7125-99-7 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoropropane 7799-56-6 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,3-trichloro-1-fluoropropane 818-99-5 DII/P ○ ○ Ho py Dichlorodifluoropropane 134190-52-6 P ○ ○ Dichlorofluropropane 127404-11-9 P ○ ○ Dichlorotetrafluoropropane 127564-83-4 P ○ ○ Dichlorotrifluoropropane 116890-51-8 P ○ ○ 1,2-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane 430-57-9 DII/P ○ ○ a 1,2-Dichloro-1-fluoroethylene 430-58-0 DII/P ○ ○ 1-Chloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (HCFC-124a) 354-25-6 DII/P Co ○ ○ 1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane 75-68-3 DII/P ○ ○ 1-Chloro-1,2-difluoroethylene 359-04-6 DII/P ○ ○ 1-Chloro-1-fluoroethylene 2317-91-1 DII/P ○ ○ 1-Chloro-2-fluoroethylene 460-16-2 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethylene 359-10-4 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorodifluoroethanes 25497-29-4 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorodifluoromethane 75-45-6 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorofluoromethane 593-70-4 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorotetrafluoroethane 63938-10-3 DII/P ○ ○ Dichlorofluoromethane 75-43-4 DII/P ○ ○ Dichlorotrifluoroethane 34077-87-7 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-2-fluoro- 2366-36-1 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1-fluoro- 811-95-0 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-2-fluoro- 359-28-4 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro- 1717-00-6 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, 1,2-difluoro-1,1,2-trichloro- 354-15-4 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, 1-chloro-1,2-difluoro- 338-64-7 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro- 306-83-2 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro- 2837-89-0 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, chloro-1,1-difluoro- 55949-44-5 DII/P ○ ○ Ethane, monochlorodifluoro- 338-65-8 DII/P ○ ○ Trichlorofluoroethane 27154-33-2 DII/P ○ ○ chlorodifluoropropane 134190-53-7 DII/P ○ ○ chlorofluoroethane 110587-14-9 DII/P ○ ○ chlorofluoroopropane 134190-54-8 DII/P ○ ○ chlorohexafluoropropane 28987-04-4 DII/P ○ ○ chloropentafluoropropane 108662-83-5 DII/P ○ ○ HCSC-G-001-14 28 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark chlorotetrafluoropropane 134190-50-4 DII/P ○ ○ chlorotrifluoropropane 26588-23-8 DII/P ○ ○ chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane 75-88-7 DII/P ○ ○ Pentachlorodifluoropropane 116867-32-4 DII/P ○ ○ Pentachlorofluoropropane 134190-48-0 DII/P ○ ○ 1-chloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane 421-04-5 DII/P ○ ○ 1-chloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 431-07-2 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Dichloro-2-fluoroethane 430-53-5 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Dichloro-2,2-difluoroethane 471-43-2 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2-fluoroethane 354-11-0 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1-fluoroethane 354-14-3 DII/P ○ ○ 85 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's), all members DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Heptafluoropropane 2252-84-8 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,1,2,3,3-Hexafluoropropane 431-63-0 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane 811-97-2 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane 359-35-3 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane 430-66-0 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1-Difluoroethane 75-37-6 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2-Difluoroethane 624-72-6 DII/P ○ ○ Difluoroethane 25497-28-3 DII/P ○ ○ Difluoromethane 75-10-5 DII/P ○ ○ 420-46-2 DII/P ide 14 Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro- ○ ○ Ethane, pentafluoro- 354-33-6 DII/P ○ ○ Ethyl fluoride 353-36-6 DII/P ○ ○ ial Methyl fluoride 593-53-3 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,1,2,2-Pentafluoropropane 1814-88-6 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane 460-73-1 DII/P ○ ○ 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluorobutane 406-58-6 DII/P ○ ○ Pentane, 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoro- 138495-42-8 DII/P ○ ○ Propane, 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoro- 431-89-0 DII/P ○ ○ nt Propane, 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro- 690-39-1 DII/P ○ ○ S Propane, hexafluoro- 27070-61-7 DII/P ○ ○ Trifluoroethane 27987-06-0 DII/P ○ ○ Trifluoromethane 75-46-7 DII/P ○ ○ Vinylidene fluoride 75-38-7 DII/P ○ ○ Co M 86 Indium tin oxide (ITO) 50926-11-9 DII 87 Isodecyl diphenyl phosphate 29761-21-5 DII 88 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol (Bis phenol A) 80-05-7 DI SVHC 89 Isopropylphenyl phosphate 68937-41-7 DII 90 Lead and its compounds, all members DI/DII/P ○ ○ (SVHC) S (2-Ethylhexanoato-O)(isodecanoato-O)lead 94246-92-1 DII/P ○ ○ (2-Ethylhexanoato-O)(isononanoato-O)lead 94246-91-0 DII/P ○ ○ (2-Ethylhexanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)lead 94246-90-9 DII/P ○ ○ (2-Ethylhexanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)lead 94246-93-2 DII/P ○ ○ C nf (Isodecanoato-O)(isononanoato-O)lead 94246-86-3 DII/P ○ ○ (Isodecanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)lead 94246-85-2 DII/P ○ ○ (Isodecanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)lead 94246-87-4 DII/P ○ ○ (Isononanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)lead 94246-84-1 DII/P ○ ○ 94481-58-0 DII/P nd H (Isononanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)lead ○ ○ (Neononanoato-O)(neoundecanoato-O)lead 93894-64-5 DII/P ○ ○ .alpha.-D-Glucopyranose, 1-(dihydrogen phosphate), lead salt 68901-12-2 DII/P ○ ○ [.mu.-(4,6-Dinitroresorcinolato(2-)-O1,O3)]dihydroxydilead 84837-22-9 DII/P ○ ○ [.mu.-[[5,5'-Azobis[1H-tetrazolato]](2-)]]dihydroxydilead 94015-57-3 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, lead salt 14450-60-3 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, lead(2+) salt (2:3) 512-26-5 DII/P ○ ○ Ho py 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-, lead(2+) salt (2:3), trihydrate 6107-83-1 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, lead(2+) salt 18608-34-9 DII/P ○ ○ 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, lead(2+) salt, basic 90193-83-2 DII/P ○ ○ 1,3,5,7,9-Pentaoxa-2.lambda.2,4.lambda.2,6.lambda.2,8.lambda.2-tetraplumbacyclotridec-11- ene-10,13-dione, (Z)- 12275-07-9 DII/P ○ ○ a 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione, lead salt 54554-36-8 DII/P ○ ○ 1,3-Benzenediol, 2,4,6-trinitro-, lead salt/Lead styphnate 15245-44-0 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Co 1,3-Benzenediol, nitro-, lead(2+) salt (1:1) 70268-38-1 DII/P ○ ○ 2,4-Cyclohexadien-1-one, 3,5,6-trihydroxy-4,6-bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2-(3-methyl-2-oxobutyl)-, lead salt, (R)- 68901-11-1 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Butenedioic acid (E)-, lead salt 13698-55-0 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Butenedioic acid (E)-, lead(2+) salt, basic 90268-59-0 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Butenedioic acid (Z)-, lead(2+) salt, basic 90268-66-9 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, lead salt, basic 90552-19-5 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, polymer with ethenylbenzene, lead(2+) bis(2-methyl- 2-propenoate) and .alpha.-(2-methyl-1-oxo-2-propenyl)-.omega.-[(2-methyl-1-oxo-2- 68155-47-5 DII/P ○ ○ propenyl)oxy]poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) 3-(Triphenylplumbyl)-1H-pyrazole 51105-45-4 DII/P ○ ○ 7,11-Metheno-11H,13H-tetrazolo[1,5-c][1,7,3,5,2,6]dioxadiazadiplumbacyclododecine, 5,5,13,13- tetradehydro-4,5-dihydro-4,8,10,15-tetranitro- 19651-80-0 DII/P ○ ○ 7-Methyloctanoic acid, lead salt 97952-39-1 DII/P ○ ○ 9-Hexadecenoic acid, lead(2+) salt, (Z)-, basic 90388-15-1 DII/P ○ ○ 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-, lead salt 15347-55-4 DII/P ○ ○ 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-, lead salt, basic 90459-88-4 DII/P ○ ○ Acetic acid, lead salt, basic 51404-69-4 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Acetoxytributylplumbane 2587-82-8 DII/P ○ ○ Acetoxytrimethylplumbane 5711-19-3 DII/P ○ ○ Acetoxytriphenylplumbane 1162-06-7 DII/P ○ ○ No.14 restriction Arsenic acid, lead (4+) salt 53404-12-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance Basic lead sulfite 12608-25-2 DII/P ○ ○ Benzenesulfonic acid, 4-C10-13-sec-alkyl derivitives, lead(2+) salts 84961-75-1 DII/P ○ ○ Bis(diethyldithiocarbamato-S,S')lead 17549-30-3 DII/P ○ ○ Bis(o-acetoxybenzoato)lead 62451-77-8 DII/P ○ ○ Bis(pentane-2,4-dionato-O,O')lead 15282-88-9 DII/P ○ ○ 20-branched. . compound with lead (1:1) 12048-28-1 DII/P ○ ○ Butanedioic acid. lead salt 23621-79-6 DII/P ○ ○ Hydroxy(neodecanoato-O)lead 71753-04-3 DII/P ○ ○ a Iron lead oxide (Fe12PbO19) 12023-90-4 DII/P ○ ○ 90431-14-4 DII/P Co Isodecanoic acid. coco. hydrogenated. lead salts 61788-54-3 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Fatty acids. polymer with rosin.HCSC-G-001-14 29 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. lead salts 90342-24-8 DII/P ○ ○ Decanoic acid. lead salts 68131-60-2 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. basic 91671-84-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lauric acid.51 restriction substance No. lead salt 68989-89-9 DII/P ○ ○ Glycine. C14-26. 3124-01-4 DII/P ○ ○ Docosanoic acid. lead(2+) salt. dehydrated.51 restriction Chromium lead oxide 11119-70-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance Chromium lead oxide sulfate. lead salts 92044-89-8 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. dross 69011-60-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead antimonate 13510-89-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead antimonide 12266-38-5 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead arsenate 3687-31-8 DI/P ○ ○ No. lead salts 91031-62-8 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Co M Fatty acids. C8-10-branched.51 restriction 12017-86-6 DII/P ial Dilead chromate dihydroxide ○ ○ substance Dilead dirhodium heptaoxide 37240-96-3 DII/P ○ ○ Diphenyllead dichloride 2117-69-3 DII/P ○ ○ Diplumbane. lead salt. basic 90342-56-6 DII/P ○ ○ S Dodecanoic acid. C8-18 and C18-unsaturated. basic 90388-09-3 DII/P ○ ○ Hexadecanoic acid. lead(2+) salt (1:1) 815-84-9 DII/P ○ ○ Carbamodithioic acid. lead manganese salts 61788-53-2 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. silica-modified 116565-74-3 DII/P ○ ○ C. C9-11-branched. polymer with linseed oil. N. lead salts ○ ○ nf Fatty acids. 2-ethyl-. lead salts 85049-42-9 DII/P ○ ○ S Fatty acids. lead salts 93165-26-5 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. C16-18. lead salts 91031-61-7 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. ethylphenyl-. C12-18. lead blast furnace 70514-05-5 DII/P ○ ○ Formic acid. basic 90388-10-6 DII/P ○ ○ Hexanoic acid.R*)]-.5-trimethyl-. lead salt 20403-42-3 DII/P ○ ○ Diacetoxydiphenylplumbane 6928-68-3 DII/P ○ ○ Diamyldithiocarbamate.19-branched. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Bismuth lead ruthenium oxide 65229-22-3 DII/P ○ ○ Bismuth. basic 90431-21-3 DII/P ○ ○ Isooctanoic acid.5. Pb. castor-oil. hexaethyl. C8-10-branched.N'-1. basic ○ ○ Isodecanoic acid. lead salt 3249-61-4 DII/P ○ ○ nt Dodecanoic acid. tallow. lead salts 84776-54-5 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids.beta. lead salt 94006-20-9 DII/P ○ ○ Ho py Hexadecanoic acid. reaction products with lead oxide 94349-78-7 DII/P ○ ○ Flue dust. lead salt 27253-41-4 DII/P ○ ○ Isononanoic acid. lead(2+) salt 93892-65-0 DII/P ○ ○ Carbonic acid. C18-24.2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)-. lead salt 64504-12-7 DII/P ○ ○ Isooctanoic acid. trihydrate 6080-56-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead (II) methylthiolate 35029-96-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead (IV) acetate 546-67-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead 12-hydroxyoctadecanoate 65127-78-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead 2. C8-9. lead salt 15306-30-6 DII/P ○ ○ Leach residues. lead slag 69029-71-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead 7439-92-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead (II) acetate.14 restriction substance . lead(2+) salt 15773-55-4 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. lead(2+) salt. dross 69011-59-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead alloy. lead salt 7056-83-9 DII/P ○ ○ Gilsonite. lead salts.I. C8-10. tall-oil. lead salts 125328-49-6 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. lead salts 91031-60-6 DII/P ○ ○ 81412-57-9 DII/P C Fatty acids. basic 90431-26-8 DII/P ○ ○ Isooctanoic acid. lead salts 91697-36-8 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. lead(2+) salt. hexaphenyl.3-dihydroxy. branched.Sn. lead salt.I. basic 91671-83-9 DII/P ○ ○ Isoundecanoic acid. C8-12. 2. lead(2+) salt 25510-11-6 DII/P ○ ○ Castor oil. lead(2+) sodiumsalt (1:1:2) 22904-40-1 DII/P ○ ○ Hafnium lead trioxide 12029-23-1 DII/P ○ ○ Hexacosanoic acid. lead salts 91002-20-9 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. Pigment Yellow 34) 1344-37-2 DI/P ○ ○ No. Pigment Orange 21 1344-38-3 D/P ○ ○ Copper. C6. lead salts 84776-36-3 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids. calcium lead zinc salt 68604-05-7 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorotrimethylplumbane 1520-78-1 DII/P ○ ○ Chlorotriphenylplumbane 1153-06-6 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead sulfochromate yellow(C.[R-(R*. basic 68409-79-0 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids.-resorcylate salicylate lead complexes 68411-07-4 DII/P ○ ○ Cyclohexanebutanoic acid. lead salt. lead salts 84776-53-4 DII/P ○ ○ Fatty acids.4-dihydroxybenzoate 20936-32-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead 2-ethylhexoate 16996-40-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead 3-(acetamido)phthalate 93839-98-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead 5-nitroterephthalate 60580-60-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead acetate 15347-57-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead acetate 301-04-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead acrylate 14466-01-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead alloy. C4. lead(2+) salt. lead(2+) salt 301-08-6 DII/P ○ ○ Hexanoic acid. 2388-00-3 DII/P ○ ○ Diplumbane. lead salt. 3. lead 109707-90-6 DII/P ○ ○ Diantimony lead tetroxide 16450-50-3 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 Dibasic lead stearate 56189-09-4 DII/P ○ ○ Dibismuth dilead tetraruthenium tridecaoxide 11116-83-9 DII/P ○ ○ No. tall-oil. basic 91671-82-8 DII/P ○ ○ Isononanoic acid. lead salt. lead(2+) salt 62637-99-4 DII/P ○ ○ Decanoic acid. 14 restriction Lead arsenite 10031-13-7 DII/P ○ ○ substance Lead azide 13424-46-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead benzoate 15907-04-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(12-hydroxystearate) 58405-97-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(2-ethylhexanolate) 93840-04-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(3.5-trimethylhexanoate) 35837-70-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(5-oxo-DL-prolinate) 85392-78-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(5-oxo-L-prolinate) 85392-77-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(isononanoate) 52847-85-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(isoundecanoate) 93965-29-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(nonylphenolate) 72586-00-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(piperidine-1-carbodithioate) 41556-46-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(p-octylphenolate) 84394-98-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(tetracosylbenzenesulphonate) 85865-91-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead bis(tricosanoate) 93966-37-1 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 Lead bis[didodecylbenzenesulphonate] 85865-92-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead borate 14720-53-7 DII/P ○ ○ 41453-50-3 DII/P ial Lead b-resorcylate ○ ○ Lead bromide (PbBr2) 10031-22-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead carbonate 598-63-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead chloride 7758-95-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead chloride (V.51 restriction Lead chromate sulfate (Pb9(CrO4)5(SO4)4) 51899-02-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Lead cyanamidate 20890-10-2 DII/P ○ ○ S Lead cyanamide 20837-86-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead cyanamide 35112-70-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead cyanide 592-05-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dibenzoate 873-54-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dibromate 34018-28-5 DII/P C ○ ○ nf Lead dibutanolate 65119-94-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dibutyrate 819-73-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead didocosanoate 29597-84-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dihexanoate 15773-53-2 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Lead dilactate 18917-82-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dilinoleate 33627-12-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dimethyldithiocarbamate 19010-66-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dimyristate 32112-52-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dipalmitate 15773-56-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead diphosphinate 10294-58-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead dipicrate 6477-64-1 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Ho py Lead dipropionate 814-70-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead disulphamidate 13767-78-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead disulphide 12137-74-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead diundec-10-enoate 94232-40-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead fluoborate 13814-96-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC a Lead fluoride 7783-46-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead fluoride hydroxide 97889-90-2 DII/P ○ ○ Co Lead fluorosilicate 25808-74-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead formate 811-54-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead germanate 12435-47-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead hexafluorosilicate 1310-03-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead hydroxide 19783-14-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead hydroxide 39345-91-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead hydroxide nitrate 12268-84-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead hydroxysalicylate 87903-39-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead icosanoate 94266-32-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead icosanoate (1:2) 94266-31-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead iodate 25659-31-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead iodide 10101-63-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead isophthalate 38787-87-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead linoleate 16996-51-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead malate 816-68-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead maleate 19136-34-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead methacrylate 1068-61-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead methacrylate 52609-46-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead molybdate 10190-55-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead monoxide 1317-36-8 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead myristate 20403-41-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead naphthalate 50825-29-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead naphthenate 61790-14-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead neobate 12034-88-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead neodecanoate 27253-28-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead nitrate 10099-74-8 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead nitroresorcinate 51317-24-9 DII/P ○ ○ .14 restriction Lead arsenate. unspecified 7645-25-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.14 restriction Lead arsenate (Pb3(AsO4)2) 10102-48-4 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.N.51 restriction Lead chromate silicate (Pb3(CrO4)(SiO4)) 69011-07-0 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.) 12612-47-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead chloride oxide 12205-72-0 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC nt S Lead chromate 7758-97-6 DI/P ○ ○ No.5.A.HCSC-G-001-14 30 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.51 restriction Lead chromate silicate 11113-70-5 DII/P ○ ○ Co M substance No. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark SVHC Lead arsenate 7784-40-9 DI/P ○ ○ No.51 restriction substance No.14 restriction substance No.51 restriction Lead chromate oxide 18454-12-1 DII/P ○ ○ substance No. Zr)O3) 12626-81-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead trioxide 1314-27-8 DII/P ○ ○ Ho py Lead tungsten oxide 7759-01-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead tungsten oxide 12737-98-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead vanadate 10099-79-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead zirconate 12060-01-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) (R)-12-hydroxyoleate 13094-04-7 DII/P ○ ○ a Lead(2+) (Z)-hexadec-9-enoate 93858-24-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) 2.101 restriction Lead selenite 7488-51-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance Lead silicate 11120-22-2 DI/P SVHC nt ○ ○ S Lead silicate 13566-17-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead silicate 22569-74-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead silicate sulfate 12687-78-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead silicate sulfate 67711-86-8 DII/P ○ ○ Co M Lead stearate 7428-48-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead stearate dibasic 52652-59-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead subacetate 1335-32-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead succinate 1191-18-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead sulfate 15739-80-7 DII/P ○ ○ S Lead sulfate 7446-14-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead sulfate. 15187-16-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. hemihydrate 1344-40-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead oxide sulfate 12765-51-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead oxide sulfate (Pb2O(SO4)) 12036-76-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead oxide sulfate (Pb4O3(SO4)) 12202-17-4 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead oxide sulfate (Pb5O4(SO4)) 12065-90-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead palmitate 19528-55-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead pentadecanoate 93966-74-6 DII/P ○ ○ No. 68411-78-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead oxide (PbO). lead-contg. retort 69029-53-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead oxide phosphonate (Pb3O2(HPO3)) 12141-20-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead oxide phosphonate.-oxotri-.N30.4'-isopropylidenebisphenolate 93858-23-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) 4.6-dinitrophenolato-O1)(nitrato-O)-. 69011-06-9 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead.-[1. cyclo. 57142-78-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead.N31.2-benzenedicarboxylato(2-)]oxodi.4-dinitroresorcinolate 13406-89-8 DII/P ○ ○ Co Lead(2+) 4-(1.mu.mu. basic 90431-30-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Lead oleate 1120-46-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead oxalate 814-93-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead oxide 1335-25-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead oxide (Pb2O) 12059-89-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead oxide (PbO).101 restriction Lead selenate 7446-15-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance No. (SP-4-1). 17976-43-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead.78 restriction Lead perchlorate 13637-76-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance Lead peroxide 1309-60-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead phosphate 7446-27-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead phthalate 16183-12-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead phthalate 6838-85-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead picrate 25721-38-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead propionate 42558-73-6 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 Lead pyrophosphate 13453-66-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead ruthenium oxide (PbRuO3) 37194-88-0 DII/P ○ ○ ial Lead sebacate 29473-77-6 DII/P ○ ○ No.-oxodi-. [.HCSC-G-001-14 31 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.2-benzenedicarboxylato(2-)]dioxotri. 2-ethylhexanoate naphthenate complexes 90431-33-7 DII/P ○ ○ . 2-ethylhexanoate isononanoate complexes.mu. [1. silica encapsulated 116565-73-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead tantalate 12065-68-8 DII/P C ○ ○ nf Lead telluride 1314-91-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead tellurite 13845-35-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead tetrachloride 13463-30-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead tetracosanoate 93966-38-2 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Lead tetraoxide 1314-41-6 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead thiocyanate 592-87-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead thiosulfate 13478-50-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead tin oxide (PbSnO3) 12036-31-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead titanium oxide (PbTiO3) 12060-00-3 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead titanium zirconium oxide (Pb(Ti. tribasic 12397-06-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead sulfide (PbS) 1314-87-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead sulfomolybdochromate.6-dinitro-o-cresolate 65121-76-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) acrylate 867-47-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) decanoate 15773-52-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) heptadecanoate 63399-94-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) isohexadecanoate 95892-13-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) isooctadecanoate 70727-02-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) neodecanoate 71684-29-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) neononanoate 93894-48-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) neoundecanoate 93894-49-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) octanoate 7319-86-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(4+) stearate 7717-46-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(II) fumarate 71686-03-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(II) isodecanoate 84852-34-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(II) isooctanoate 93981-67-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(II) maleate 17406-54-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(IV) fluoride 7783-59-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. (2-methyl-4. basic 90431-31-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead.2-benzenedicarboxylato(2-)-O1:O2]]di-.N32]-.31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29. [29H. monohydrate 79357-62-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. 2-ethylhexanoate isooctanoate complexes. [1. 2-ethylhexanoate isodecanoate complexes.101 restriction Lead selenide (PbSe) 12069-00-0 P ○ ○ substance No. basic 90431-32-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead.1-dimethylethyl)benzoate 85292-77-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead(2+) 4. bis(octadecanoato)dioxotri. lead(2+) salt 122332-23-4 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphonic acid. C8-10-branched fatty acids C9-11-neofatty acids naphthenate complexes ○ ○ Lead. lead(2+) salts 93925-27-0 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphorodithioate O. mixed butyl and hexyl diesters. dross 69029-51-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. lead (2+) salts 91078-81-8 DII/P ○ ○ Naphthenic acids. diethyldimethyl. antimonial. manufacturing wastes 70513-89-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. basic 53807-64-0 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphonic acid. lead salt 67674-14-0 DII/P ○ ○ Phenol. C8-10-branched fatty acids C9-11-neofatty acids naphthenate complexes. (T-4). antimony-rich 69029-45-4 DII/P ○ ○ nt Lead. lead salt 50319-14-7 DII/P ○ ○ Phenol. basic 101012-92-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. lead(2+) salt 13826-65-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance Octadecanoic acid. 2-ethylhexanoate naphthenate complexes. 1762-27-2 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbane. C5-23-branched carboxylate C4-10-fatty acid complexes 84066-98-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. C9. lead salt 68990-75-0 DII/P ○ ○ Linseed oil. lead salt. decanoate octanoate complexes 70321-55-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. 1920-90-7 DII/P ○ ○ . C4-10-fatty acid octanoate complexes 92200-92-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. dihydroxy[2. bis(dipentylcarbamodithioato-S.90 restriction Nitrous acid. lead(2+) salt (2:1) 15521-60-5 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphoric acid. bismuth-rich 69029-46-5 DII/P S ○ ○ Lead. lead salts. 36501-84-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. 2-ethylhexanoate neodecanoate complexes. lead salt 16038-76-9 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphonic acid. C6-19-branched carboxylate naphthenate complexes 70084-67-2 DII/P ○ ○ 90431-28-0 DII/P ide 14 Lead.O2)-. dinonyl-.6-trinitro-1. 12565-18-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. isodecanoate isooctanoate complexes. antimonial 69029-50-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. 1762-26-1 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbane. isononanoate naphthenate complexes. lead(2+) salt. basic 90459-25-9 DII/P ○ ○ Neononanoic acid. tetrapropylene-.HCSC-G-001-14 32 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. lead(2+) salt (1:1) 13453-65-1 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphonic acid.51 restriction substance Ho py Naphthalenesulfonic acid. alkyls. isooctanoate neodecanoate complexes. lead(2+) salt 35498-15-8 DII/P ○ ○ Perchloric acid. C5-23-branched carboxylate naphthenate complexes 83711-46-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. dross. basic 90431-36-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. basic 125494-56-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. dross. C3-13-fatty acid naphthenate complexes 79803-79-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. copper-rich 69227-11-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. bis(diphenylcarbamodithioato-S. isooctanoate neodecanoate complexes ○ ○ Lead. lead salt. polymer with tung oil. 2-ethylhexanoate tall-oil fatty acids complexes 68187-37-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. isooctanoate naphthenate complexes 68515-80-0 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. bis(octadecanoato)dioxotri. oxidized. 15748-73-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. lead(2+) salt 91783-10-7 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbane. dross. di-. basic 90459-51-1 DII/P ○ ○ Octadecanoic acid. basic 90431-41-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. dodecyl-. lead salt 20383-42-0 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphorodithioic acid.3-benzenediolato(2-)]di. bullion 97808-88-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. lead(2+) salt 17570-76-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC SVHC Molybdate orange (Lead chromate pigment) 12656-85-8 DI/P ○ ○ No.6-dinitrophenolato-O1)(nitrato-O)di. basic 90431-35-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. dross. reaction products with lead oxide (pbo) and triethanolamine 99749-31-2 DII/P ○ ○ Petrolatum. C4-10-fatty acid naphthenate complexes 84067-00-5 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. basic 84929-96-4 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. dross 69029-52-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. C5-23-branched carboxylate naphthenate octanoate complexes 83711-47-1 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. isononanoate isooctanoate complexes. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Lead. lead(2+) salt. lead(2+) salt 61867-68-3 DII/P ○ ○ Naphthenic acids. naphthenate neodecanoate complexes. reaction products with sodium tin oxide 97953-08-7 DII/P ○ ○ No. basic 90431-37-1 DII/P ○ ○ Co M Lead.3-dimethylbutyl).S')-.-hydroxy(2-methyl-4. (T-4). basic 90459-28-2 DII/P ○ ○ Nitric acid. basic 90431-34-8 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. C5-23-branched carboxylate C4-10-fatty acid naphthenate complexes 83711-45-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. lead manganese salts 61788-52-1 DII/P ○ ○ Naphthenic acids. tetrabutyl. lead(2+) salt (1:1) 15845-52-0 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphoric acid. lead salt. diisononyl-. ethyl methyl derivitives 68610-17-3 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbane. isononanoate naphthenate complexes 84929-97-5 DII/P ○ ○ S Lead. isodecanoate naphthenate complexes. basic 90431-40-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. lead salt 15696-43-2 DII/P ○ ○ Orthoboric acid. lead(2+) salt. tribasic 52080-60-1 DII/P ○ ○ Octanoic acid. 12403-82-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. zinc dross 94551-60-7 DII/P ○ ○ Linseed oil. lead(2+) salt 63568-30-9 DII/P ○ ○ Naphthalenesulfonic acid. 2-methyldinitro-. (T-4). basic 90459-52-2 DII/P ○ ○ Octadecanoic acid. chlorotriethyl. basic 90431-39-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead.28-neocarboxylate 2-ethylhexanoate complexes. ethyltrimethyl. isodecanoate naphthenate complexes 90431-38-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. lead(2+) salt 68586-21-0 DII/P ○ ○ Phenol. reaction products with lead oxide (Pb3O4) and mastic 68152-99-8 DII/P ○ ○ Methanesulfonic acid. isodecanoate isononanoate complexes. naphthenate neodecanoate complexes 90431-43-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. basic 90431-44-0 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Lead. basic 90459-26-0 DII/P ○ ○ Co Neoundecanoic acid.mu. 96471-22-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead.O-bis(bu and pentyl) esters. C5-23-branched carboxylate octanoate complexes 84066-99-9 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. basic 84929-95-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. 75790-73-7 DII/P ○ ○ Lead.O-bis(1. 12578-12-0 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Lead. bis(2-hydroxybenzoato-O1. basic 84929-94-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. isononanoate neodecanoate complexes. basic 90431-42-8 DII/P ○ ○ C 101013-06-3 DII/P nf Lead. basic 92045-67-5 DII/P ○ ○ a Neodecanoic acid. lead salt.S')-. lead salt. mixed O. 1067-14-7 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbane. isooctanoate naphthenate complexes. vanadium-zinc-containing 100656-49-3 DII/P ○ ○ Lead. lead(2+) salt 24824-71-3 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphonic acid. neononanoate neoundecanoate complexes.4. petroleum. overbased 90431-27-9 DII/P ○ ○ ial Lead. isodecanoate neodecanoate complexes. lead salt 1326-05-2 DII/P ○ ○ Stearic acid. basic 52231-92-2 DII/P ○ ○ ial Sulfurous acid.-[Orthoborato(2-)-O:O']]diphenyldimercury 6273-99-0 DII/P ○ ○ [2.O2)mercury 94276-38-7 DII/P ○ ○ Bis(5-oxo-L-prolinato-N1.O2)mercury 18917-83-4 DII/P ○ ○ Bis(trichloromethyl)mercury 6795-81-9 DII/P ○ ○ Bis[(+)-lactato]mercury 33724-17-3 DII/P ○ ○ Bis[(trimethylsilyl)methyl]mercury 13294-23-0 DII/P ○ ○ Bromo(2-hydroxypropyl)mercury 18832-83-2 DII/P ○ ○ Bromoethylmercury 107-26-6 DII/P ○ ○ Bromomethylmercury 506-83-2 DII/P ○ ○ Bromophenylmercury 1192-89-8 DII/P ○ ○ Chlormerodrin 62-37-3 DII/P ○ ○ Chloro(hydroxyphenyl)mercury 1320-80-5 DII/P ○ ○ Chloro(o-hydroxyphenyl)mercury 90-03-9 DII/P ○ ○ Chloro[p-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)azo]phenyl]mercury 3076-91-3 DII/P ○ ○ Chloro-2-thienylmercury 5857-39-6 DII/P ○ ○ Chloro-m-tolylmercury 5955-19-1 DII/P ○ ○ . 2'. lead-zinc 93821-72-8 DII/P ○ ○ Spiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H). calcium salt.O'. basic 90583-07-6 DII/P ○ ○ Sulfurous acid.O2)mercury 94481-62-6 DII/P ○ ○ Bis(acetato-O)[.3-tetramethylbutyl)phenylmercury acetate 584-18-9 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Methoxyethylmercury chloride 123-88-6 DII/P ○ ○ 6-Methyl-3-nitrobenzoxamercurate 133-58-4 DII/P ○ ○ Barium tetraiodomercurate 10048-99-4 DII/P ○ ○ Bis(5-oxo-DL-prolinato-N1. calcium salt (1:1).O. basic 90583-65-6 DII/P ○ ○ Tetraethyllead 78-00-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC nt S Tetramethyl lead 75-74-1 DII/P ○ ○ Tetraphenyllead 595-89-1 DII/P ○ ○ Tetrapropyl lead 3440-75-3 DII/P ○ ○ Thiosulphuric acid.2''-Nitrilotri(ethanol)-N. lead (II) 6107-93-3 DII/P ○ ○ Silicic acid (H2SiO3).-[[4. copper-iron-lead-nickel matte. lead(2++) salt (1:1) 7446-10-8 DII/P ○ ○ Telluric acid (H2TeO3).90 restriction Naphthenic acid.Hg)Te) 29870-72-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance (2-Carboxy-m-tolyl)hydroxymercury. (T-4). lead(2+) salt. all members DII/P ○ ○ (2'. sulfuric acid-insol. lead salt. lead salt.9'-[9H]xanthen]-4'- 55728-51-3 DII/P ○ ○ C yl)hydroxymercury nf No. disodium 12034-30-9 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbate (PbO44-).O']]dimercury 84029-43-6 DII/P ○ ○ Bis(lactato-O1. lead nickel salt 68130-19-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance Slimes and sludges. triethylmethyl. tetrakis(1-methylethyl).-[(Oxydiethylene but-2-enedioato)(2-)]]diphenyldimercury 94070-92-5 DII/P ○ ○ [. lead salt 15906-71-5 DII/P ○ ○ Silicic acid. lead and manganese-doped 100402-96-8 DII/P ○ ○ Silicic acid (H2SiO3).-[Metasilicato(2-)-O:O]]bis(2-methoxyethyl)dimercury 19367-79-4 DII/P ○ ○ a [. monosodium salt 52795-88-7 DII/P ○ ○ (2-Carboxyphenyl)hydroxymercury 14066-61-6 DII/P ○ ○ nd H (Acetato-O)ethylmercury 109-62-6 DII/P ○ ○ (Acetato-O)methylmercury 108-07-6 DII/P ○ ○ (Bromodichloromethyl)phenylmercury 3294-58-4 DII/P ○ ○ (Dihydroxyphenyl)phenylmercury 27360-58-3 DII/P ○ ○ (Lactato-O1.3. lead salt 51325-28-1 DII/P ○ ○ No.4'-(Oxydiethylene) bis(dodecenylsuccinato)](2-)]]diphenyldimercury 93882-20-3 DII/P ○ ○ [.O. bis(carbonato(2-))dihydroxytri /Lead carbonate hydroxide 1319-46-6 DII/P ○ ○ Boric acid (HBO2).105 restriction Silicic acid.1.6'-dihydroxy-3-oxospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H). lead salt. 9CI) 10214-39-8 DII/P ○ ○ S Fatty acids. 65151-08-8 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbane. 102110-49-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Salicylate. tetrabasic 52732-72-6 DII/P ○ ○ Sulfuric acid. lead(2+) salt. lead sinter dust scrubber 70514-37-3 DII/P ○ ○ Speiss. lead(2+) salt.mu.4'.HCSC-G-001-14 33 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. lead salts. calcium (1:2). 12013-69-3 DII/P ○ ○ Potassium pentadecaoxodiplumbatepentaniobate(1-) 12372-45-1 DII/P ○ ○ No. basic 68603-83-8 DII/P ○ ○ Pigment Lightfast Lead-Molybdate Orange OS (9CI) 78690-68-3 DII/P ○ ○ 91 Mercury and its compounds. lead(2+) salt (1:1) 15851-47-5 DII/P ○ ○ Tetradecanoic acid.105 restriction Residues. C6-19-branched. lead salt 26265-65-6 DII/P ○ ○ Lead/Tin alloy 39412-44-7 DII/P Co M ○ ○ Trinitrophloroglucinol. lead-doped 99328-54-8 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 Sulfuric acid. monohydrate (8CI. lead salt.9'-[9H]xanthen]-3-one. cobalt lead manganese salt 61789-50-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Lead.2'.5'.7'-tetrabromo-3'. dibasic 62229-08-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Sulfurous acid. basic 90583-37-2 DII/P ○ ○ Sulfurous acid. 14846-40-3 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbane. barium lead salt 42579-89-5 DII/P ○ ○ Sulfuric acid.7'-Dibromo-3'.mu. lead and manganese-doped 102110-36-1 DII/P ○ ○ No.O1]mercury 5722-59-8 DII/P ○ ○ [Naphthoato(1-)-O]phenylmercury 31632-68-5 DII/P ○ ○ 2-(Ethylmercuriothio)benzoic acid 148-61-8 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Ethoxyethylmercury acetate 124-08-3 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Ethoxyethylmercury chloride 124-01-6 DII/P ○ ○ 2-Hydroxy-5-(1. tetrakis(1-methylpropyl).46 restriction Cadmium mercury telluride ((Cd.5-diylbis(methylene)-c:c'.6'-dihydroxy-. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Plumbane.3-dioxane-2. 1762-28-3 DII/P ○ ○ Plumbate (PbO22-).mu. lead (2+) salt 1072-35-1 DII/P ○ ○ Sulfuric acid.mu. lead(2+) salt (1:1) 10099-76-0 DII/P ○ ○ Silicic acid (H4SiO4). barium salt (1:1).-[1.O'']phenylmercury lactate 23319-66-6 DII/P ○ ○ Co [2-Ethylhexyl hydrogen maleato-O']phenylmercury 27605-30-7 DII/P ○ ○ [Benzoato(2-)-C2.O2)mercury 18918-06-4 DII/P ○ ○ (Maleoyldioxy)bis[phenylmercury] 2701-61-3 DII/P ○ ○ (Metaborato-O)phenylmercury 31224-71-2 DII/P ○ ○ Ho py (Phenylmercurio)urea 2279-64-3 DII/P ○ ○ [(2-Hydroxyethyl)amino]phenylmercury acetate 61792-06-1 DII/P ○ ○ [.mu. hydrogen.mu. dihydrogen. triiodo-.mu. mercury(2+) (1:1).mu. tetraiodo-. mercury(2+) salt 13170-76-8 DII/P ○ ○ Hydrargaphen 14235-86-0 DII/P ○ ○ ial Hydrogen [metasilicato(2-)-O](2-methoxyethyl)mercurate(1-) 64491-92-5 DII/P ○ ○ Hydrogen . (T-4).2.7-trimethylbicyclo[2. tetraiodo-.-carboxylato-o-anisoyl)amino]-2-hydroxypropyl]hydroxymercurate(1-) 26552-50-1 DII/P ○ ○ Iodomethylmercury 143-36-2 DII/P ○ ○ Lactatophenylmercury 122-64-5 DII/P ○ ○ nt Meralein sodium 4386-35-0 DII/P ○ ○ S Mercaptomerin sodium 21259-76-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuderamide 525-30-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurate(1-). 27685-51-4 DII/P ○ ○ Cyclohexanebutanoic acid. pure 645-99-8 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury fluoride 27575-47-9 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury fluoride (HgF2) 7783-39-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury gluconate 63937-14-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury nitride 12136-15-1 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury oleate 1191-80-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury salicylate 5970-32-1 DII/P ○ ○ . (4-carboxylatophenyl)hydroxy-. (T-4).1]hept-2- yl)oxy]ethyl]- 5326-00-1 DII/P ○ ○ No. bromo[1-(methoxyphenylmethyl)-2-oxo-2-[(1. (T-4)-. 2-ethyl-. tetrachloro-.51 restriction Mercury (II) chromate 13444-75-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Mercury (II) nitrate.mu. dipotassium.51 restriction substance Mercury diiodate 7783-32-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury dipotassium tetrathiocyanate 14099-12-8 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury disilver tetraiodide 7784-03-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury distearate. dicopper(1+). (4-carboxylatophenyl)chloro-.-[sulphato(2-)-O:O']]dimercury 3810-81-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dimethylmercury 593-74-8 DII/P ○ ○ Di-o-tolylmercury 616-99-9 DII/P ○ ○ Diphenyl[. 20582-71-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurate(2-).-hydroxy[. compound with 5-iodo-2-pyridinamine (1:2) 63325-16-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurate(2-).7.-[orthoborato(3-)-O:O']]diphenyldimercurate(1-) 94277-53-9 DII/P ○ ○ Hydrogen [3-[(. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Chloro-o-tolylmercury 2777-37-9 DII/P ○ ○ Cobaltate(2-).HCSC-G-001-14 34 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.alpha. sodium 138-85-2 DII/P ○ ○ Co M Mercurate(1-).-[(tetrapropenyl)succinato(2-)-O:O']]dimercury 27236-65-3 DII/P ○ ○ Diphenylmercury 587-85-9 DII/P ○ ○ Disodium tetra(cyano-C)mercurate(2-) 15682-88-9 DII/P ○ ○ Disuccinimidomercury 584-43-0 DII/P ○ ○ Ethyliodomercury 2440-42-8 DII/P ○ ○ Ethylmercuric chloride 107-27-7 DII/P ○ ○ Ethylmercuric phosphate 2235-25-8 DII/P ○ ○ 3570-80-7 DII/P ide 14 Fluorescein mercuric acetate ○ ○ Hexanoic acid. 13876-85-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric acetate 1600-27-7 DII/P ○ ○ S No. (T-4). compound with 3-methyl-2(3H)-benzothiazolimine (1:1) 72379-35-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurate(2-). hydrogen 59-85-8 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurate(1-).51 restriction Mercury (I) chromate 13465-34-4 DII/P ○ ○ substance Mercury (I) nitrate 14836-60-3 DII/P ○ ○ No. tetrakis(thiocyanato-N)-.14 restriction Mercuric arsenate 7784-37-4 DII/P ○ ○ substance Mercuric benzoate 583-15-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric bromide 7789-47-1 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric chloride 7487-94-7 DII/P ○ ○ C nf Mercuric cyanide 592-04-1 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric iodide 7774-29-0 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric nitrate 10045-94-0 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric oxide 21908-53-2 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Mercuric oxycyanide 1335-31-5 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric potassium cyanide 591-89-9 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric subsulfate 1312-03-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric sulfate 7783-35-9 DII/P ○ ○ Mercuric thiocyanate 592-85-8 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurobutol 498-73-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurous acetate 631-60-7 DII/P ○ ○ Ho py Mercurous azide 38232-63-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurous chloride 7546-30-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurous iodide 7783-30-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurous nitrate 10415-75-5 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurous oxide 15829-53-5 DII/P ○ ○ a Mercurous sulfate 7783-36-0 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury 7439-97-6 DII/P ○ ○ Co Mercury. monohydrate 7783-34-8 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury acetate 592-63-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury acetylide 68833-55-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury ammonium chloride 10124-48-8 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury bis(4-chlorobenzoate) 15516-76-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury bis(trifluoroacetate) 13257-51-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury bromide (Hg2Br2) 15385-58-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury bromide (HgBr) 10031-18-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury chloride 10112-91-1 DII/P ○ ○ SVHC Mercury dichromate 7789-10-8 DII/P ○ ○ No. mercury(2+) salt 62638-02-2 DII/P ○ ○ Diammonium tetrachloromercurate 33445-15-7 DII/P ○ ○ Diethylmercury 627-44-1 DII/P ○ ○ Dihydrogen [orthoborato(3-)-O]phenylmercurate(2-) 102-98-7 DII/P ○ ○ Diiodo(5-iodopyridin-2-amine-N1)mercury 93820-20-3 DII/P ○ ○ Dimercury amidatenitrate 1310-88-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dimercury difluoride 13967-25-4 DII/P ○ ○ Dimercury diiodide 15385-57-6 DII/P ○ ○ Dimercury(I) oxalate 2949-11-3 DII/P ○ ○ Dimethyl[. 537-64-4 DII/P ○ ○ Co M Mercury. compound with sodium (4:1) 57363-77-6 DII/P ○ ○ C nf Mercury. hemihydrate 13465-31-1 DII/P ○ ○ Otimerate sodium 16509-11-8 DII/P ○ ○ No. mercury(2+) salt.mu. (acetato-O)(4-aminophenyl). bis(acetato-O)(benzenamine). chloro(ethanethiolato). 15785-93-0 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. (Z). bis(2. phenyl(propanoato-O).5'.7'-tetrayl)]tetramercury 54295-90-8 DII/P ○ ○ Trimercury biscitrate 18211-85-3 DII/P ○ ○ No.4'. compound with titanium (1:3) 11083-41-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury.HCSC-G-001-14 35 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. 14783-59-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. (neodecanoato-O)phenyl. mercury salt 10451-12-4 DII/P ○ ○ Potassium triiodomercurate(1-) 22330-18-3 DII/P ○ ○ Sodium [3-[[(3-carboxylatopropionamido)carbonyl]amino]-2- methoxypropyl]hydroxymercurate(1-) 7620-30-6 DII/P ○ ○ Sodium 4-chloromercuriobenzoate 3198-04-7 DII/P ○ ○ Sodium o-(ethylmercurithio)benzoate 54-64-8 DII/P ○ ○ Sodium timerfonate 5964-24-9 DII/P ○ ○ Tetrakis(acetato-O)[. (acetato-O)diamminephenyl-. chloro(4-hydroxyphenyl). 623-07-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. (1-methoxycyclohexyl)(neodecanoato-O). phenyl(trichloromethyl). (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(1-methoxyethyl) 104339-46-0 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 Mercury. 6283-24-5 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. [2. 5954-14-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. (2'.-[dodecylbutanedioato(2-)-O:O']]diphenyldi. (T-4).S)-.O6]. 539-43-5 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. (9-octadecenoato-O)phenyl-. bis(4-methylphenyl). (2-mercaptoacetamidato-O. [. 104335-53-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. chloro(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl). (acetato-O)[3-(chloromethoxy)propyl-C. mercury(2+) salt 7616-83-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance Phenyl(quinolin-8-olato-N1. iodo(iodomethyl). 24806-32-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. 63549-47-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. bis(phenyldiazenecarbothioic acid 2-phenylhydrazidato-N2. (OC-6-1'2).N2. amminephenyl-. phenyl(phenyldiazenecarbothioic acid 2-phenylhydrazidato).4-dinitroanilino)phenyl].46 restriction Cadmium Mercury Sulfide 1345-09-1 DII/P ○ ○ substance Mercury. (2-ethylhexanoato-O)phenyl. (1-methoxycyclohexyl)(9-octadecenoato-O)-.5-cyclohexadiene-1.O8)mercury 14354-56-4 DII/P ○ ○ Phenyl(tribromomethyl)mercury 3294-60-8 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercuric acetate 62-38-4 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercuric hydroxide 100-57-2 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercuric nitrate 55-68-5 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercury benzoate 94-43-9 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercury chloride 100-56-1 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercury dimethyldithiocarbamate 32407-99-1 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercury hydroxide--phenylmercury nitrate 8003-05-2 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercury salicylate 28086-13-7 DII/P ○ ○ Phenylmercury stearate 104-59-6 DII/P ○ ○ Phosphoric acid. 104325-07-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(1-methoxycyclohexyl).mu.7'-dibromo-3'.4-dionato(2-)-O1. (1-methoxyethyl)(neodecanoato-O).5-triazine-N1.172 restriction Mercury selenide (HgSe) 20601-83-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Mercury silver iodide 12344-40-0 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury succinate 589-65-1 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury sulfide (HgS) 1344-48-5 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury telluride (HgTe) 12068-90-5 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury thallium dinitrate 94022-47-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(1+) bromate 13465-33-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(1+) ethyl sulphate 71720-55-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(1+) trifluoroacetate 2923-15-1 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(1+). (1-methoxyethyl)(9-octadecenoato-O)-. acetate 22450-90-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(2+) (9Z.118 restriction Perchloric acid.6'-dihydroxy-3-oxospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H). 1785-43-9 DII/P S ○ ○ Mercury.3. 104-60-9 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury.5-dichloro-3.S)methyl 7548-26-7 DII/P ○ ○ . 103-27-5 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury.O]. 104325-08-8 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. mercury salts 1336-96-5 DII/P ○ ○ Co Nitric acid.4.6-tri-2-pyridinyl-1. 141-51-5 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury.N6)-. 26545-49-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. chloro[2-(2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-3-benzofuranyl]. 86-85-1 DII/P ○ ○ nd H Mercury.6-dihydroxy-2. (acetato-O)(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl). disodium salt 129-16-8 DII/P ○ ○ 13302-00-6 DII/P ial Mercury.4-(3'. chloro(4-methylphenyl). 19447-62-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury.12-dienoate 7756-49-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(2+) chloroacetate 26719-07-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(2+). 629-35-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. 63468-53-1 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. 24579-90-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. methyl(8-quinolinolato-N1. 56724-82-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. 3294-57-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mercurymethylchloride 115-09-3 DII/P ○ ○ Mersalyl 492-18-2 DII/P ○ ○ Mersalyl acid 486-67-9 DII/P ○ ○ Methoxyethylmercuric acetate 151-38-2 DII/P ○ ○ Ho py Methyl mercury dicyandiamide 502-39-6 DII/P ○ ○ Methyl(pentachlorophenolato)mercury 5902-76-1 DII/P ○ ○ Methylmercury 22967-92-6 DII/P ○ ○ Methylmercury benzoate 3626-13-9 DII/P ○ ○ Methylmercury hydroxide 1184-57-2 DII/P ○ ○ a N-(Ethylmercuric)-p-toluenesulphonannilide 517-16-8 DII/P ○ ○ Naphthenic acids.O8). 103332-13-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. 33770-60-4 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. 90584-88-6 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. 68201-97-8 DII/P ○ ○ nt S Mercury. dibutyl. ○ ○ Mercury. (acetato-O)[4-[[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]azo]phenyl].12Z)-octadeca-9.9'-[9H]xanthene]- 2'. compound with sodium (2:1) 12055-37-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. (T-4). 103369-15-9 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury. 53010-52-9 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(II) oxalate 3444-13-1 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury(II) potassium iodide 7783-33-7 DII/P ○ ○ Mercury.6'-dihydroxy-3-oxospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H). Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark No. chloro[p-(2.9'-[9H]xanthen ]-4'- yl)hydroxy-. 3. triethyl-.O2)nickel 85026-81-9 DII Bis(5-oxo-L-prolinato-N1.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.Fibers with low biopersistence SVHC (selected Ceramic Fibers 142844-00-6 DI/DII substance) Calcium-Magnesium-Zirconium-Silicate Mixture 329211-92-9 DII Aluminium Chloride.2.3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol 71050-57-2 DII Ho py Aluminum boron cobalt lithium nickel oxide 207803-51-8 DII Aluminum cobalt lithium nickel oxide 193214-24-3 DII Aluminum nickel oxide (Al2NiO4) 12004-35-2 DII Aluminum.O2)nickel 71957-07-8 DII Bis(diethyldithiocarbamato-S.Non-respirable fibers DI/DII (SVHC) .1.O2)nickel 70824-02-1 DII Bis(butanedione dioximato)nickel 13478-93-8 DII Bis(D-gluconato-O1. nickel salt 7580-31-6 DII Acetic acid.31H-Phthalocyaninetriyltris(sulphonylimino-3. 25322-17-2 DII 102 2-Naphthalenol. 3.5-cyclohexadien-1- 92 ylidene]-N-methyl-. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Mercury-difulminate 628-86-4 DII/P ○ ○ Methanaminium. Basic reaction products with Silica 675106-31-7 DII 95 Miristalkonium chloride.1-phenylene)]tetrakis[3- oxobutyramidato]](2-)-N29.3-bis(hydroxyimino)butyramidato-N2.O')(2.1''.1.3-dihydroxy.S']nickel 84604-95-5 DII Bis[N-(2.O.N3]nickel 85269-39-2 DII Bis[N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methylglycinato-N. nickel(2+) salt (2:1) 67952-41-4 DII C.N''. dinonyl.1-phenylene)]tris[3- C 97404-21-2 DII nf oxobutyramidato]](2-)-N29.mu. 60223-95-2 DII 100 Naphthalenesulfonicacid.4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2.O3)nickel 85586-46-5 DII Bis(1-nitroso-2-naphtholato)nickel 12794-26-2 DII Bis(4-benzoyl-2.2. nickel(2+) salt (2:1) 55868-93-4 DII Benzoic acid.N'.4-dihydro-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3-onato-O. dinonyl-. 2.(Pigment Red 3) 2425-85-6 DII 103 2-Naphthylamine and its salts.S')nickel 52610-81-8 DII Bis(quinolin-8-olato-N1. ammonium nickel(2+) salt (2:2:1) 68025-13-8 DII 1.mu. compound with nickel (1:1) 12688-64-1 DII Butanedioic acid.2]henicosan-21-one-O21)nickel 79121-51-0 DII Bis(4-benzoyl-2.2. nickel(2+) salt (1:1) 72319-19-8 DII 2-Ethylhexanoic acid.5-bis(1.-[[1.4-triazole-3-sulphonato-N2.1.5-bis(1.N30.6-tetrabromo-. compound with nickel (1:3) 12503-49-0 DII Benzenepropanoic acid. calcium salt (2:1) 57855-77-3 DII 101 Naphthalenesulfonicacid.5.O')nickel 69524-96-5 DII Bis(5-oxo-DL-prolinato-N1. reaction products with nickel(2+) bis(2-ethylhexanoate) 79357-65-6 DII a Antimony oxide (Sb2O3). nickel(2+) salt (2:1) 52625-25-9 DII Bis(1.4-dihydro-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3-onato-O.I.2-d:4. compound with nickel (1:1) 12035-52-8 DII Co Antimony.4.1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-. nickel(2+) salt (1:1) 67952-69-6 DII nd H 1.33 restriction Benzidine.R*)]-.on]nickel 76625-10-0 DII Bismuth.4.N31.N31.4.1'.[R-(R*. nickel(2+) salt (1:1) 18824-79-8 DII No.1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-. all members P ○ ○ 2-Naphthylamine 91-59-8 P ○ ○ ide 14 2-Naphthylammoniumacetat 553-00-4 P ○ ○ 104 N-1-naphthylaniline 90-30-2 DII 105 Nickel and its compounds.3-Propanetriol.-[Carbonato(2-)-O:O']]dihydroxydinickel 65405-96-1 DII [[2.5.O'.N32]nickel 1.5.31H-Phthalocyaninetetrayltetrakis(sulphonylimino-3. 1-[(4-methyl-2-nitrophenyl)azo].5-d']bisoxazole-2. compound with nickel (1:1) 12003-78-0 DII Aluminum.HCSC-G-001-14 36 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.6-diyl)bis[4.1.S']nickel 52486-99-4 DII Bis[di(3.20-diazadispiro[5.5. 2-hydroxy-.N30.S]nickel 33882-09-6 DII [[N.8-Dichlorobenzo[1. polymer with formaldehyde and 4-(1.11.N''-[29H. 3. nickel(2+) salt (1:1) 68391-37-7 DII 1. Reactive green 12 72152-45-5 DII 182442-95- Cobalt lithium manganese nickel oxide DII 1/346417-97-8 .5-cyclooctadiene)nickel 1295-35-8 DII Bis(1H-1.1'''-[Benzene-1.4-tetramethyl-7- oxa-3. dinonyl.2.7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid.6-dichlorophenolato]](2-)]nickel 47726-62-5 DII S [[2.5-tetrayltetrakis(nitromethylidyne)]naphth-2-olato](4- )]]dinickel 22484-07-7 DII [.5-hexafluoropentane-2.2'-Thiobis[3-octylphenolato]](2-)-O. mono(dihydrogen phosphate). 139-08-2 DII 96 Monomethyldibromodiphenylmethane 99688-47-8 P ○ ○ 97 Monomethyldichlorodiphenylmethane 81161-70-8 P ○ ○ 98 Monomethyltetrachlorodiphenylmethane 76253-60-6 P ○ ○ 99 Naphthalenedisulfonic acid. chloride 569-64-2 DII 93 Methanol 67-56-1 DII/P Mineral fibers (Natural or Synthetic).2'-(4.2. 1-(dihydrogen phosphate).4-dionato-O.3. solid solution with nickel oxide (NiO) and titanium oxide (TiO2) 73892-02-1 DII Antimony.2.3-Propanetriol. nickel(2+) salt.O8)nickel 14100-15-3 DII Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)dithiocarbamato-S. Ni(2+) salt 67632-50-2 P ○ ○ substance 2.N'''-[29H.S']nickel 52486-98-3 DII Bis[2-hydroxy-4-(octyloxy)benzophenonato]nickel 15843-91-1 DII Bis[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)dithiocarbamato-S. all members except: 94 .5-trimethylhexyl)dithiocarbamato-S.O')nickel 14949-69-0 DII Bis(1.N'. N-[4-[[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]phenylmethylene]-2.3-Propanetricarboxylic acid.N32]nickel 97404-22-3 DII [[N. all members DII/P ial (○) (○) (2-Ethylhexanoato-O)(isodecanoato-O)nickel 84852-39-1 DII (2-Ethylhexanoato-O)(isononanoato-O)nickel 85508-45-8 DII (2-Ethylhexanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)nickel 84852-38-0 DII (2-Ethylhexanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel 85135-77-9 DII (Isodecanoato-O)(isononanoato-O)nickel 84852-36-8 DII (Isodecanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)nickel 85166-19-4 DII nt S (Isodecanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel 85508-42-5 DII (Isononanoato-O)(isooctanoato-O)nickel 85508-46-9 DII (Isononanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel 85551-28-6 DII (Isooctanoato-O)(neodecanoato-O)nickel 84852-35-7 DII 93920-08-2 DII Co M (Neononanoato-O)(neoundecanoato-O)nickel [. nickel-vanadium ore .N32]nickel 83898-70-8 DII Dimethylhexanoic acid. Pigment Yellow 157 ( Nickel barium titanium priderite) 68610-24-2 DII Nickel bis(benzenesulphonate) 39819-65-3 DII Nickel bis(dihydrogen phosphate) 18718-11-1 DII Nickel bis(phosphinate) 14507-36-9 DII Nickel bis(piperidine-1-carbodithioate) 41476-75-9 DII Nickel bisphosphinate 36026-88-7 DII Nickel boride 12619-90-8 DII Ho py Nickel boride (Ni2B) 12007-01-1 DII Nickel boride (Ni3B) 12007-02-2 DII Nickel boride (NiB) 12007-00-0 DII Nickel bromide (NiBr2) 13462-88-9 DII Nickel bromide (NiBr2). Lithium nickel oxide (LiNiO2) 12031-65-1 DII Molybdenum nickel oxide 12673-58-4 DII Naphthenic acids.3-tricarboxylate] 94232-44-7 DII Copper(2+).(Fe. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Carbonic acid. cobalt manganese nickel grey 99749-23-2 DII No. nickel salts 61788-71-4 DII S Neodecanoic acid. nickel(2+) salt Diphosphoric acid. 2-ethyl-. compound with nickel (1:2) 12175-27-8 DII Ethyl hydrogen sulphate. nickel(2+) salt (1:2) 14448-18-1 DII Dipotassium tetrafluoronickelate(2-) 13859-60-4 DII ial Dipotassium tris(cyano-c)nickelate(2-) 39049-81-5 DII Dysprosium.14 restriction Nickel arsenide (NiAs) 27016-75-7 DII/P ○ ○ substance nd H C. nickel(2+) salt 4454-16-4 DII S Iron alloy. such as arsenic. (SP-4-1)-tetrakis(cyano-C)nickelate(2-) (1:1) 63427-32-7 DII Copper.31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29.51 restriction Nickel chromate 14721-18-7 DII/P ○ ○ substance Nickel cyanide 557-19-7 DII No. base.2.R*)]-tartrate 52022-10-3 DII Nickel acetate 14998-37-9 DII C nf Nickel acetate tetrahydrate 6018-89-9 DII Nickel acrylate 51222-18-5 DII Nickel ammonium sulfate 15699-18-0 DII No.Residues from basic leaching of nickel-bearing vanadium ores.2. tin and zinc. nickel salt 16337-84-1 DII Carbonic acid. nickel(2+) salt (2:1) 17237-93-3 DII Cassiterite. nickel(2+) salt 3906-55-6 DII Diammonium tetrachloronickelate(2-) 99587-11-8 DII Dicobalt(2+) nickel(2+) bis[2-hydroxypropane-1.51 restriction Chromic acid (H2Cr2O7). trihydrate 7789-49-3 DII a Nickel carbide 12710-36-0 DII Co Nickel carbonate 3333-67-3 DII Nickel carbonyl 12612-55-4 DII Nickel carbonyl 13463-39-3 DII Nickel chloride 37211-05-5 DII No. tetrahydrate 13940-83-5 DII Nickel hydrogen phosphate 14332-34-4 DII Nickel hydroxide 11113-74-9 DII Nickel hydroxide 12054-48-7 DII Nickel hydroxide 12125-56-3 DII Nickel isooctanoate 27637-46-3 DII Nickel methacrylate 94275-78-2 DII Nickel nitrate 14216-75-2 DII Nickel nitrate (2+ salt) 13138-45-9 DII Nickel nitrite 17861-62-0 DII Nickel oxide 11099-02-8 DII Nickel oxide 1313-99-1 DII Nickel oxide (Ni2O3) 1314-06-3 DII . Composed primarily of silica and insoluble compounds of nickel and 84144-92-3 DII vanadium with minor quantities of other metals. nickel(2+) salt (1:1) 15586-38-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Chromium nickel oxide (Cr2NiO4) 12018-18-7 DII Chloric acid.I.N31. C8-18 and C18-unsaturated. compound with lanthanum and nickel (4:1:1) 51912-52-8 DII Cyclohexanebutanoic acid.N30. C6-19-branched. lead. bis(1.N')-. nickel salt 93983-68-7 DII Dinickel orthosilicate 13775-54-7 DII 19372-20-4 DII ide 14 Diphosphoric acid. nickel(2+) salt 84852-37-9 DII Lanthanum. nickel salts 84776-45-4 DII Hexaamminenickel(2+) bis[tetrafluoroborate(1-)] 13877-20-8 DII nt Hexanoic acid.HCSC-G-001-14 37 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. nickel salts 91697-41-5 DII Fatty acids. nickel(2+) salt 71720-48-4 DII Fatty acids. nickel salt 51818-56-5 DII Nickel 7440-02-0 DII Nickel [R(R*. ammonium nickel salt 18283-82-4 DII Cobalt molybdenum nickel oxide (CoMo2NiO8) 68016-03-5 DII Cobalt nickel oxide (CoNiO2) 58591-45-0 DII Cobalt(2+) dinickel(2+) bis[2-hydroxypropane-1.14 restriction Nickel diarsenide 12068-61-0 DII/P ○ ○ substance Nickel dibenzoate 553-71-9 DII Nickel dibromate 14550-87-9 DII Nickel dihydroxide hydrate 36897-37-7 DII Nickel dimethyldithiocarbamate 15521-65-0 DII Nickel dipotassium bis(sulphate) 13842-46-1 DII Nickel dithiocyanate 13689-92-4 DII Nickel fluoride (NiF2) 10028-18-9 DII Nickel fluoride (NiF2).3-tricarboxylate] 94232-84-5 DII Diiron nickel tetraoxide 12168-54-6 DII Diiron nickel zinc tetraoxide 97435-21-7 DII Dimethoxy[29H. nickel(2+) salt 67952-43-6 DII Citric acid . compound with nickel (1:5) 12196-72-4 DII Co M Leach residues.Ni)(ferronickel) 11133-76-9 DII Isononanoic acid.2-ethanediamine-N. 5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)phenyl]-29H.1. tetrahydrate 39430-27-8 DII Nickel. hexakis(1H-imidazole-N3)-.31H-phthalocyanine-C. 27574-34-1 DII Nickel.N')-.1'-[1.N32]-.31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29. salt with dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid (1:2) 71215-98-0 DII Co M Nickel(2+).C-tetrasulfonamidato(2-)-N29.31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29.C.31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29.N''-tris[4-(4. chlorosulfonyl derivitives. 70776-98-6 DII Nickel.O. (OC-6-11)-.2-propanediamine)-. compounds with pyridine Nickel.N31.2-benzenedicarboxylate (1:1) 108818-89-9 DII Nickel(2+). (OC-6-11)-. tris(4.N30.1.31H- phthalocyanine-C.10-phenanthroline-N1.N31.N''. (SP-4-2)- 42844-93-9 DII Nickel.N32]. hexahydrate (1:2:6) 13478-00-7 DII Nickel(II) sulfate hexahydrate (1:1:6) 10101-97-0 DII Ho py Nickel.O']-.N31.HCSC-G-001-14 38 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.N30. [29H.O6]-.N32]- 72986-45-9 DII Nickel. 2. (OC-6-11). [(2-amino-2-oxoethoxy)acetato(2-)].-(piperazine-N1:N4)]bis[3-[1-[(4.N31. 67763-27-3 DII Nickel. tris(1. [N.7-tetrachloro-1-oxo-1H-isoindol-3- 71889-22-0 DII a yl)hydrazono]ethyl]-2. chloride 53199-85-2 DII ide 14 Nickel(2+) acrylate 60700-37-0 DII Nickel(2+) methacrylate 52496-91-0 DII ial Nickel(2+) neodecanoate 85508-44-7 DII Nickel(2+) neononanoate 93920-10-6 DII Nickel(2+) neoundecanoate 93920-09-3 DII Nickel(2+) oleate 13001-15-5 DII Nickel(2+) palmitate 13654-40-5 DII Nickel(2+) selenite 10101-96-9 DII nt 21784-78-1 DII S Nickel(2+) silicate Nickel(2+) sulphite 7757-95-1 DII Nickel(2+) trifluoroacetate 16083-14-0 DII Nickel(2+).N'''-tetrakis[4-(4.N31. [[2.O1'. (carbonato(2-))tetrahydroxytri-. tris(4.N30. [N-(carboxymethyl)glycinato(2-)-N.O5. [1. [[2.N'.3-dihydro-1H- isoindol-1-ylidene]hydrazidato(2-)]- 85958-80-1 DII Nickel.mu. [. [29H.2-ethanediamine-N.S].N31.2-ethanediamine-N.N30.N32]-.N32]- 72252-57-4 DII Nickel. (SP-4-1). carbonate (1:1) 67806-76-2 DII C nf Nickel(2++). Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Nickel oxide (NiO2) 12035-36-8 DII Nickel perchlorate 13637-71-3 DII Nickel phosphide (Ni2P) 12035-64-2 DII Nickel potassium cyanide 14220-17-8 DII Nickel selenate 15060-62-5 DII Nickel selenide 1314-05-2 DII Nickel silicide (Ni2Si) 12059-14-2 DII Nickel silicide (NiSi) 12035-57-3 DII Nickel silicide (NiSi2) 12201-89-7 DII Nickel subsulfide 12035-72-2 DII Nickel sulfate 7786-81-4 DII Nickel sulfide (Ni2S3) 12259-56-2 DII Nickel sulfide (NiS) 16812-54-7 DII Nickel telluride 12142-88-0 DII Nickel tin trioxide 12035-38-0 DII Nickel titanium oxide 12035-39-1 DII Nickel titanium oxide 12653-76-8 DII Nickel titanium tungsten oxide (NiTi20W2O47) 69011-05-8 DII Nickel vanadium oxide (NiV2O6) 52502-12-2 DII Nickel zirconium oxide (NiZrO3) 70692-93-2 DII Nickel(1+). 68133-84-6 DII Nickel.2'-[methylenebis(thio)]bis[acetato]](2-)].C. (2-ethylhexanoato-O)(trifluoroacetato-O). bis[dicyanoaurate(1-)] 18972-69-5 DII Nickel(2+). dinitrate 38780-90-4 DII Nickel(2++).ON]. (SP- Co 4-2). potassium 93573-17-2 DII sodium salts.7-diphenyl-1. bis[bis(cyano-C)aurate(1-)] 68958-89-4 DII Nickel(2+).N10)-. [2-hydroxybenzoic acid [3-[1-cyano-2-(methylamino)-2-oxoethylidene]-2. (OC-6-11)-.C. [1-(2-amino-4-imino-5(4H)-thiazolylidene)-N-[1-(2-amino-4-imino-5(4H)- thiazolylidene)-1H-isoindol-3-yl]-1H-isoindol-3-aminato]-. [[1. (OC-6-11)-.10-phenanthroline-N1.3-tetramethylbutyl)phenolato]](2-)-O.S].O'.C.N'. [N-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-[3-[[[1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4.3-dihydro-5. 51467-07-3 DII Nickel(II) acetate 373-02-4 DII Nickel(II) chloride 7718-54-9 DII Nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate (1:2:6) 7791-20-0 DII Nickel(II) fluoborate 14708-14-6 DII nd H Nickel(II) fumarate 6283-67-6 DII Nickel(II) iodide 13462-90-3 DII Nickel(II) isodecanoate 85508-43-6 DII Nickel(II) isooctanoate 29317-63-3 DII Nickel(II) nitrate. [N. salt with dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid (1:2) 71215-97-9 DII S Nickel(2+). bis(1. [carbonato(2-)]hexahydroxytetra.6-bis[[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)methylene]amino]-2H-benzimidazol-2- onato(2-)-N5. sulfate (1:1) 21264-77-7 DII Nickel(2+).6-difluoro-4- pyrimidinyl)amino]phenyl]amino]sulfonyl sulfo derivitives.N30.3. (2-propanol)[[2.O2].N6.N')-.2'-thiobis[4-(1. [29H.3. hexaammine-. bis[tetrafluoroborate(1-)] 68309-97-7 DII Nickel(2+). bis(1.N'.7-diphenyl-1. bis(ethylenediamine)-.C-tetrasulfonyl tetrachloridato(2)-N29.O'.3.N10)-. sodium salts 90459-35-1 DII Nickel.N32]-. bis(1.2'-thiobis[4-nonylphenol] complexes 85480-75-7 DII .3-tetramethylbutyl)phenolato]](2-)-O. [[3-[(5-chloro-2.N')-. 1.C.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4- yl]methylene]hydrazino]-1H-isoindol-1-ylidene]-2-cyanoacetamidato(2-)]- 71889-20-8 DII Nickel. reaction products with 2-[(4-aminophenyl)sulfonyl]ethyl hydrogen sulfate monosodium salt. 20437-10-9 DII Nickel. 28680-76-4 DII Nickel. 14055-02-8 DII Nickel. [29H. [[2.6.5.O.2-phenylenebis(nitrilomethylidyne)]bis[2-naphthalenolato]](2-)-N. dihydroxide. (OC-6-11)-. hexaammine-.4(1H.C-trisulfonamidato(2-)-N29.2-ethanediamine-N.2'-thiobis[4-(1. 71215-73-1 DII Nickel.N30.3H)-quinolinedionato(2-)]di- Nickel.31H- phthalocyanine-C.2'-sulfonylbis[4-(1.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)phenyl]-29H.3-tetramethylbutyl)phenolato]](2-)-O1. 16432-37-4 DII Nickel.1. 13869-33-5 DII Nickel. 12334-31-5 DII Nickel. 56557-00-7 DII ide 14 Nickel.5. 34831-03-3 DII Nickelate(1-).N-bis(phosphonomethyl)glycinato(5-)]-. (SP-4-1).N-bis(carboxymethyl)glycinato(3-)-N.8. tetrasodium. (SP-4-1). 28984-20-5 DII Nickel. 42739-61-7 DII Nickel. [C-[[[3-[(4-amino-6-chloro-1.ON']-.N31. 15317-78-9 DII Nickel. dihydrogen.O'']-.2-dicyano-1.8.C- 72229-81-3 DII Co tris(aminosulfonyl)-29H. C5-23-branched carboxylate C4-10 fatty acids complexes 93762-59-5 DII Nickel. trisodium Nickelate(3-).N32]-.N'.N31. bis[bis(2-methylpropyl)carbamodithioato-S.O')-.N32]-.O'].5- dihydro-5-oxo-1-[5-[[(trisulfo-29H.C.N31. bis(dibutylcarbamodithioato-S.S']-. [4-[[5-[[(3.(T-4).7-naphthalenedisulfonato(5-)]-. [22-[[(4-sulfophenyl)amino]sulfonyl]-29H. sodium Nickelate(6-).S')-. bis[(cyano-C)triphenylborato(1-)-N]bis(hexanedinitrile-N. 68025-41-2 DII Nickelate(4-). [[[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris[phosphonato]](6-)-N.N30. (SP-4-1).N'.S']-. 68025-40-1 DII Nickelate(3-).31H-phthalocyaninyl)sulfonyl]amino]phenyl]-1H.2. 13927-77-0 DII Nickel.5.'). borate neodecanoate complexes 92502-55-1 DII Nickel.j]dipyrazolo[3.31H-phthalocyanine-1. 3264-82-2 DII Nickel.3-dithiolato(2-)-S.S')-. compound with zirconium (1:2) 12142-92-6 DII Nickel. 77245-35-3 DII Nickel. 79745-01-0 DII N5.10. (T- 4)- 68052-00-6 DII Nickelate(4-).N32]-. [N. hydrogen 61300-98-9 DII Nickelate(1-). ammonium 24640-21-9 DII Nickelate(2-).6-trichloro-4- pyrimidinyl)amino]phenyl]ethenyl]phenyl]-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]-4-sulfophenyl]amino]sulfonyl].OP'.N4.16.3H)-quinolinedionato].6-dichloro-4-pyridazinyl)carbonyl]amino]-2-sulfophenyl]azo]-4.OP'']-.C-trisulfonato(5-)-N29. trisodium.O'. C4-10 fatty acids octanoate complexes 93573-16-1 DII S Nickel.3-bis(hydroxyimino)-N-(2-methoxyphenyl)butanamidato]. bis[1-[4-(diethylamino)phenyl]-2-phenyl-1.2-diphenyl-1. (SP-4-2)- 70729-79-2 DII Nickelate(4-). 72453-55-5 DII 29H.31H-phthalocyaninyl)sulfonyl]amino]-2-sulfophenyl]-1H. (SP-4-1). bis[2.9. bis[N-hydroxy-3-(hydroxyimino)-N'-(2-methoxyphenyl)butanimidamidato-N'.8. bis[(2-hydroxy-4-octylphenyl)phenylmethanonato-O. 14221-00-2 DII C nf Nickel. (SP-4-1).2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1.7-tetrachloro-1H-isoindol-1-one oximato-N2. tetrapotassium. bis[2.31H-phthalocyanine-1. [22-[[[3-[(5-chloro-2.OP'. (SP-4-2)- 71243-96-4 DII Nickelate(3-).S'].4'-m][1. (OC-6-21)- 67906-12-1 DII nd H Nickelate(1-). [3.N31.31H-phthalocyanine-C.N30. (SP-4-1). (T-4). bis(dipentylcarbamodithioato-S.OP.N'-1. [[N.N20]- Nickelate(1-).2-ethenedithiolato(2-)-S.hexahydrogen Nickelate(6-). bis(diethylcarbamodithioato-S. borate C8-10-branched carboxylate complexes 90459-31-7 DII Nickel. (SP-4-1). Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Nickel. 85298-61-9 DII Nickel.ON']-.O4]- .6.C. isodecanoate naphthenate complexes 85585-97-3 DII S Nickel.S')-.O.C.15- trisulfonato(6-)-N29.O'. 36259-37-7 DII Nickel. (T-4). 36545-21-8 DII Nickel. triammonium hydrogen. 106316-55-6 DII Nickel. [5-[(4. 68912-08-3 DII Nickel. bis[1.O.N31. trisodium 79817-91-7 DII a Nickelate(3-). 63597-34-2 DII Nickelate(3-).5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-[3-sulfo-4-[2-[2-sulfo-4-[(2. bis[2-butene-2.N32]-. [N.5-triazin-2-yl)amino]phenyl]amino]sulfonyl]-C.2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)glycinato]](4-)-N.C-trisulfonato(8-)-N29. C5-23-branched carboxylate naphthenate complexes 92200-98-1 DII Nickel. C5-23-branched carboxylate C4-10-fatty acids naphthenate complexes 93573-14-9 DII Nickel.[6. hydrogen. [[[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris[phosphonato]](6-)-N.N15.11-bis(2-furanylmethyl)-1. C5-C23-branched carboxylate octanoate complexes 90459-32-8 DII Nickel. C5-25-branched carboxylate naphthenate octanoate complexes 92200-99-2 DII Co M Nickel.N32]-. 70833-37-3 DII Nickel. bis[3-[(4-chlorophenyl)azo]-2.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-[4-[[2-(sulfooxy)ethyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]-1H- pyrazol-4-yl]azo]phenyl]amino]sulfonyl]-29H. [4-[[5-[[(3. potassium.OP'']-.3.4-pentanedionato-O.N-bis(phosphonomethyl)glycinato(5-)]-.2-ethenediyl)bis[carbamato]](2-)].O1).N30.S']-.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]-4-hydroxy-3-[( 2- hydroxy-3-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)azo]-2.N31.ON.5- dihydro-5-oxo-1-[2-sulfo-5-[[(trisulfo-29H. 29204-84-0 DII Nickel.N'). 83864-02-2 DII Nickel. bis[1. aqua[2-[(4.S']-.15-trisulfonato(5-)-N29.OP'']-.3-bis(hydroxyimino)-N-phenylbutanamidato-N2.8. bis(phenyldiazenecarbothioic acid 2-phenylhydrazidato).N31. (T-4)- 63588-33-0 DII Nickelate(4-). naphthenate neodecanoate complexes 85585-99-5 DII Nickel.N10. 38951-94-9 DII Nickel.4-heptanedione complexes 90459-34-0 DII Nickel.N32]-.2-ethenedithiolato(2-)-S. 38951-97-2 DII Nickel.N30.5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)azo]benzoato(2-)]. (SP-4-1). triammonium. bis(3-amino-4.6-dichloro-4-pyridazinyl)carbonyl]amino]-2-sulfophenyl]azo]-4. 68698-80-6 DII pyrazole-3-carboxylato(8-)-N29.N'-1. [[N. (OC-6-21)- 25481-21-4 DII Ho py Nickelate(3-).12] hexaazacyclotetradecinato(2-). trisodium. isononanoate naphthenate complexes 85585-98-4 DII Nickel.S']. 51931-46-5 DII ial Nickel.HCSC-G-001-14 39 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.N30.4-f:3'. compound with niobium (1:1) 12034-55-8 DII Nickel. bis(2. C4-10 fatty acids naphthenate complexes 93573-15-0 DII nt Nickel.OP'.2-ethenedithiolato(2-)-S. [bis[[[3-[[4.4-bis[[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)methylene]amino]benzoato(3-)-N3.31H-phthalocyaninedisulfonato(6-). bis[1-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-2-phenyl-1. [C-[[[3-[[4.N-bis(phosphonomethyl)glycinato(5-)]-.11. tetrahydrogen. acetylacetone 6-methyl-2. (T-4). 90459-36-2 DII N29.O.31H-phthalocyanine-C. [N. isooctanoate naphthenate complexes 90459-33-9 DII Nickel. 51449-18-4 DII Nickel. [N.18-tetrachloro-1.N3].4(1H.6-difluoro-4-pyrimidinyl)amino]phenyl]amino]sulfonyl]- 29H. 14267-17-5 DII Nickel.ON. .N3].2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxymethyl)glycinato]](4-)-N. tetrakis(triphenyl phosphite-P)-.O'].OP.OP.O'.N30. bis(diisononylcarbamodithioato-.O3. bis[2. [[[nitrilotris(methylene)]tris[phosphonato]](6-)-N. acetate carbonate C8-10-branched fatty acids C9-11-neofatty acids complexes 90459-30-6 DII Nickel.2-ethenedithiolato(2-)-S.4-dihydro-5-methyl-4-(1-oxodecyl)-2-phenyl-3H-pyrazol-3-onato-O. 71605-83-9 DII Nickel. 93891-86-2 DII pyrazole-3-carboxylato(8-)-N29.5. (T-4)- 67968-22-3 DII Nickelate(4-). 38465-55-3 DII Nickel. trichloro-. compound with tin (3:1) 12059-23-3 DII Nickel. 68189-15-1 DII Nickel.N32]-. hexasodium Nickelate(6-). (T-4).N30. bis[[didecyl (1. tripotassium. 20- tetrahydrodibenzo[c. bis(2-heptadecyl-1H-imidazole-N3)bis(octanoato-O). N-nitrosodimethylamine Methanamine.2-ethanediylbis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis[phosphonato]](8-)]. calcium nickel salt 17169-61-8 DII Phosphoric acid. heptahydrate 10101-98-1 DII Sulfuric acid.6-pyrimidinetriol). nickel(2+). sulfuric acid-insol.90 restriction Silicic acid. reaction products with sulfurized calcium phenolate 72162-32-4 DII Sulfuric acid. 34109-80-3 DII No.14 restriction Rammelsbergite (NiAs2) 1303-22-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Silicic acid (H2SiO3). copper-iron-lead-nickel matte. ammonium nickel(2+) salt 7785-20-8 DII ial Sulfuric acid. hexasodium dihydrogen 72139-08-3 DII Nickelocene 1271-28-9 DII Octadecanoic acid. nickel(2+) salt.N30. 13782-01-9 DII Co Cobaltate(3-). (OC-6-11). nickel(2+) salt (1:1) 15852-21-8 DII Tetrahydrogen [[[(3-amino-4-sulphophenyl)amino]sulphonyl]-29H. nickel(2+) salt 2223-95-2 DII Octanoic acid. nickel(2+) salt 4995-91-9 DII Oxalic acid. Nitrite (9CI) 62076-93-1 DII No.O'. hexahydrate 13520-61-1 DII Phosphonic acid.31H- 97280-68-7 DII Co M phthalocyaninedisulphonato(6)-N29. cobalt nickel zinc grey 95046-47-2 DII ide 14 Sulfamic acid. N-ethyl-N-nitroso.1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]methyl]-. nickel(2+) salt (1:1).(OC-6-21)- 68958-86-1 DII Nickelate(6-). nickel(2+) salt (1:1) 15851-52-2 DII Telluric acid (H2TeO4). tripotassium. nickel(2+) salt (2:3) 10381-36-9 DII Potassium [N.[[[1. (1:1).N31.90 restriction Nitrous acid.N32]nickelate(4-) S Tetrasodium [[[(3-amino-4-sulphophenyl)amino]sulphonyl]-29H.compounds.90 restriction Residues. nickel salt.N31. reaction products with nickel and nickel oxide (NiO) 68585-48-8 DII Telluric acid (H2TeO3). 7CI) 105841-28-9 DII Diisopropylammonium nitrite 34915-40-7 DII Morpholin. 14649-73-1 DII Ethyl nitrite 109-95-5 DII Isobutyl nitrite 542-56-3 DII Magnesium nitrite 15070-34-5 DII Nickel nitrite 17861-62-0 DII Potassium nitrite 7758-09-0 DII Silver nitrite 7783-99-5 DII Sodium nitrite 7632-00-0 DII tert-Butyl nitrite 540-80-7 DII Dicyclohexylammonium nitrite 3129-91-7 DII Diethyldihexadecylammonium nitrite (6CI.O. nickel(2+) salt (2:1) 13770-89-3 DII Sulfuric acid.4. (OC-6-11). selected DII/P (○) (○) N-Nitroso diethanol amine 1116-54-7 DII N-Nitroso diethyl amine (Ethanamine.nickel(2+) zinc salt (2:1:2) tetrahydrate 501953-51-1 DII No. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Nickelate(6-). trisodium. hexakis(nitrito-N)-. pentasodium hydrogen.HCSC-G-001-14 40 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.(OC-6-21)- 68958-88-3 DII Nickelate(8-).N-bis(carboxymethyl)glycinato(3-)-N.2-ethanediylbis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis[phosphonato]](8-)]. hexakis(nitrito-O)-. monoethyl ester.31H- 79102-62-8 DII nt phthalocyaninetrisulphonato(6-)-N29.nickel(2+) zinc salt (2:1:2) 90053-13-7 DII nd H Phosphoric acid.5-Azobis(2.46 restriction Cadmium dinitrite 7790-83-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Calcium nitrite 13780-06-8 DII a Calcium nitrite hydrated 10031-34-2 DII Cobaltate(3-). all members DII/P (○) (○) Ammonium nitrite 13446-48-5 DII 110-46-3 DII Ho py Amyl nitrite Barium nitrite hydrate 115216-77-8 DII Butyl nitrite 544-16-1 DII No.(OC-6-21)- 68958-87-2 DII Nickelate(6-). lead(2+) salt 13826-65-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance Pentyl nitrite 463-04-7 DII Butan-2-yl nitrite 924-43-6 DII Trisodium hexanitritocobaltate 13600-98-1 DII 107 4-Nitrobiphenyl and its salts. pentaammonium hydrogen.N32]nickelate(4-) 93939-76-5 DII Tetrasodium [bis[[[4-[[2-(sulphooxy)ethyl]sulphonyl]phenyl]amino]sulphonyl]-29H. hexafluoro-. pentapotassium hydrogen. (OC-6-11).N32]nickelate(4-) Titanate(2-).5-bis(1. bis[3-[(2-amino-8-hydroxy-6-sulfo-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-2-hydroxy-5- sulfobenzoato(5-)]-. nickel(2+) salt (4:3) 31748-25-1 DII Spinels. nickel(2+) salt (1:1).O'']nickelate(1-) 63640-18-6 DII No.compounds.N30. all members P ○ ○ 4-Nitrobiphenyl (4-Nitrodiphenyl) 92-93-3 P ○ ○ 108 Nitrocellulose 9004-70-0 DII 109 N-Nitrosamines. N-methyl-N-nitroso- 62-75-9 DII/P ○ ○ N-Nitroso ethyl phenyl amine 612-64-6 DII .14 restriction Trinickel bis(arsenate) 13477-70-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance Aluminiummagnesiumnickelsiliziumoxide 198831-12-8 DII S Antimony nickel titanium oxide yellow 8007-18-9 DII Iron nickel zinc oxide 12645-50-0 DII methyl 3-chlorobenzothiophene-2-carboxylate 14406-71-4 DII 5. 102110-49-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance No. nickel complex 68511-62-6 DII Chrome iron nickel black spinel 71631-15-7 DII C nf Nickel niobium titanium yellow rutile 68611-43-8 DII Nickel phosphate 14396-43-1 DII Nickel sulfide 11113-75-0 DII Phosphoric acid. lead nickel salt 68130-19-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance 106 Nitrites.N30.31H- phthalocyaninetrisulphonato(6-)-N29.2-ethanediylbis[nitrilobis(methylene)]]tetrakis[phosphonato]](8-)].[[[1. [[3. nickel salt 20543-06-0 DII Perchloric acid.) 55-18-5 DII Dimethylnitrosoamine. nickel(2+) salt (2:1) 30947-30-9 DII Phosphoric acid.[[[1.N31. 2-ethanediyl).2-Dibromo-1-chloro-1.2-ethanediyl).15.15.2-ethanediyl).HCSC-G-001-14 41 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.1.2-difluoropropane 3182-26-1 P ○ ○ 1.21. 2.1-Trichloropentafluoropropane 4259-43-2 P ○ ○ 1.2-difluoroethane 76-11-9 P ○ ○ 1. all members P ○ ○ 1.6.) 924-16-3 DII N-Nitrosodi-n-propyl amine 621-64-7 DII N-Nitrosopiperidine 100-75-4 DII 110 Nonylphenol. alpha-(4-nonylphenyl)-omega-hydroxy-.2]-heneicosan-21-one. 26571-11-9 DII/P ○ ○ 27942-27-4 DII/P ○ ○ 4-t-Nonylphenol-diethoxylate 156609-10-8 DII/P ○ ○ ide 14 14-(Nonylphenoxy)-3.3.2-Dibromotetrachloroethane 630-25-1 P ○ ○ 1.omega.2. 2-[2-[2-[2-(4-nonylphenoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy].1-Dimethylheptyl)phenol 30784-30-6 DII 4-(1-Ethyl-1-methylhexyl)phenol 52427-13-1 DII 4-(1-Ethyl-1.2-difluoroethylene 758-24-7 P ○ ○ 2-Bromo-1. 23-(nonylphenoxy).2-Dichloro-1.2. 27177-05-5 DII/P ○ ○ Decaethylene glycol.2. alpha –(nonylphenyl)-omega-hydroxy-. alpha-(nonylphenyl)-omega-hydroxy-.2-ethanediyl).1.2.2-ethanediyl).2.2-ethanediyl). 27176-93-8 DII/P ○ ○ Ethanol.2. 104-35-8 DII/P ○ ○ p-Nonylphenol hexaethoxylate 34166-38-6 DII/P ○ ○ 112 Octadecanamine 124-30-1 DII nd H 113 Octamethyltrisiloxane 107-51-7 DII 114 7-Oxa-3.6.1. branched.1.3. 7311-27-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Ethylene oxide-Nonylphenol polymer 9016-45-9 DII/P ○ ○ nt Nonylphenol polyethylene glycol ether 20636-48-0 DII/P ○ ○ S Nonylphenol polyethylene glycol ether 27177-01-1 DII/P ○ ○ Poly(oxy- 661-97-2 P ○ ○ 1.-hydroxy.6.2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 P ○ ○ 1.-(isononylphenyl)-.2.3-Hexachlor-2.2-tetrafluoroethane 374-07-2 P ○ ○ Co 1. 4-nitroso- 59-89-2 DII N-Nitroso pyrrolidine 930-55-2 DII N-Nitrosodi-i-propyl amine 601-77-4 DII N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine (1-Butanamine.15.3-pentafluoropropane 127564-92-5 P ○ ○ 1. 26027-38-3 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Poly (oxy-1. 37205-87-1 DII/P ○ ○ Ethanol.2-trichloroethane 13749-38-7 P ○ ○ 1. ammonium salt 9051-57-4 DII/P ○ ○ Poly (oxy-1.1. 26-(nonylphenoxy).9. isononylphenyl ether 65455-72-3 DII/P ○ ○ Ethanol. branched 68412-54-4 DII/P ○ ○ Poly (oxy-1.2-Dichloro-1. alpha-sulfo-omega-(nonylphenoxy)-. 51938-25-1 DII/P ○ ○ nf Poly(oxy-1. 29-(nonylphenoxy).2-trifluoroethane 354-51-8 P ○ ○ 1. alpha-(nonylphenyl)-omega-hydroxy-.9.2-trifluoroethane 354-48-3 P ○ ○ 1. alpha-sulfo-omega-(nonylphenoxy)-. ammonium salt 68649-55-8 DII/P ○ ○ Poly(oxy-1. 27177-08-8 DII/P ○ ○ ial 3. 2-[2-(nonylphenoxy)ethoxy].3-Pentachlor-2.-(1-oxo-2-propenyl)-.-(2-nonylphenyl)-.21-Heptaoxatricosan-1-ol. 50974-47-5 DII/P ○ ○ Poly(oxy-1.4.2-trichloro- 76-17-5 P ○ ○ 1.1.3-trifluoropropane 2354-06-5 P ○ ○ Ho py 1.20-diazadispiro[5.1-Dibromo-1.1. .3.2-Trichloropentafluoropropane 1599-41-3 P ○ ○ 1.3-dimethylpentyl)phenol 186825-36-5 DII 4-(1-Ethyl-1.2-difluoroethylene 430-85-3 P ○ ○ 1. branched 127087-87-0 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC C Poly(oxy-1.3.6. sodium salt 9014-90-8 DII/P ○ ○ S Poly(oxy-1.2-ethanediyl).2. branched. .9.2-ethanediyl).2-ethanediyl).2-ethanediyl).9.4-dimethylpentyl)phenol 142731-63-3 DII Branched 4-nonylphenol 84852-15-3 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC 111 Nonylphenol ethoxylates.1.2.2-Dibromo-1.2-Tetrachlor-2.1.1-dichloroethylene 5870-61-1 P ○ ○ Bromochlorodifluoromethane 353-59-3 P ○ ○ Bromodichlorofluoromethane 353-58-2 P ○ ○ Bromofluoromethane 373-52-4 P ○ ○ Bromopentafluoroethane 354-55-2 P ○ ○ Bromotrifluoroethylene 598-73-2 P ○ ○ Bromotrifluoromethane 75-63-8 P ○ ○ Carbon tetrabromide 558-13-4 P ○ ○ Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 P ○ ○ Chlorobromomethane 74-97-5 P ○ ○ Chlorobromotrifluoroethane 74925-63-6 P ○ ○ Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 P ○ ○ chlorotrifluoroethylene 79-38-9 P ○ ○ Chlorotrifluoromethane 75-72-9 P ○ ○ Cryofluorane 76-14-2 P ○ ○ Decafluorobutane 355-25-9 P ○ ○ Dibromodichloromethane 594-18-3 P ○ ○ Dibromodifluoromethane 75-61-6 P ○ ○ Dibromotetrafluoroethane 25497-30-7 P ○ ○ . 64338-16-5 DII 115 Ozone depleting halogenated Hydrocarbons and Carbons.3.2-ethanediyl).omega. alpha –(4-nonylphenyl)-omega-hydroxy .11. all members DI/DII/P ○ ○ (SVHC) 2-(2-(4-Nonylphenoxy)ethoxy)ethanol 20427-84-3 DII/P ○ ○ 20-(4-Nonylphenoxy)-3.21. selected 25154-52-3 DI/DII/P (○) (○) (SVHC) 4-Nonylphenol 104-40-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC p-Isononylphenol 26543-97-5 DII p-(1-Methyloctyl)phenol 17404-66-9 DII p-(1.12-tetraoxatetradecan-1-ol 26264-02-8 DII/P ○ ○ 3.2-tetrafluoroethane 27336-23-8 P ○ ○ a 1. phosphates 68412-53-3 DII/P ○ ○ Poly(oxy-1. alpha-(4-nonylphenyl)-omega-hydroxy 27942-26-3 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Poly(oxy-1.alpha. phosphate 51811-79-1 DII/P ○ ○ Co M Nonylphenylpolyoxyethylene sulfosuccinate 54612-36-1 DII/P ○ ○ Poly(oxy-1.12.alpha.1-Tribromo-2.12.27-Nonaoxanonacosan-1-ol.2.1-Dichlor-1.omega.3-Tetrachlorotetrafluoropropane 2268-46-4 P ○ ○ 1. N-butyl-N-nitroso.3.3. alpha-(nonylphenyl)-omega-(sulfooxy)-. 2-(4-nonylphenoxy). . Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark N-Nitroso methyl ethyl amine 10595-95-6 DII N-Nitroso methyl phenyl amine 614-00-6 DII N-Nitroso morpholine Morpholine.1.1.24-Octaoxahexacosan-1-ol.2-Difluorotetrachloroethane 76-12-0 P ○ ○ 1-Bromo-1-chloro-2.2. reaction products with lead oxide (pbo) and triethanolamine 99749-31-2 DII/P C substance nf Perchloric acid. 2-bromo-2-chloro-1. 2. 598-16-3 P ○ ○ Ethene.90 restriction S Lead perchlorate 13637-76-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance Lithium Perchlorate 7791-03-9 DII Magnesium Perchlorate 10034-81-8 DII No. 96-76-4 DII 124 Phenol. (S).2-trifluoro. (R). 2. reaction products with dicyclopentadiene and isobutylene 68610-51-5 DII 131 Phenol. nickel(2+) salt. Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium salts DI SVHC Ammonium salts of perfluorononan-1-oic-acid 4149-60-4 DI SVHC Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid 375-95-1 DI SVHC Sodium salts of perfluorononan-1-oic-acid 21049-39-8 DI SVHC PFOA.4-bis(1. its salts. dodecyl ester.42 restriction 131-52-2 P ○ ○ Co M Phenol. 79-28-7 P ○ ○ Heptachlorofluoropropane 135401-87-5 P ○ ○ Heptachlorofluoropropane 422-78-6 P ○ ○ Heptafluoropropyl chloride 422-86-6 P ○ ○ Hexachlorodifluoropropane 134452-44-1 P ○ ○ Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 P ○ ○ Methane. all members DI/DII/P ○ ○ (SVHC) Ammonium salt of PFOA 3825-26-1 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Ethylperfluorooctanoate 3108-24-5 DII/P ○ ○ Methylperfluorooctanoate 376-27-2 DII/P ○ ○ Pentadecafluorooctyl fluoride 335-66-0 DII/P ○ ○ Potassium salt of PFOA 2395-00-8 DII/P ○ ○ Silver salt of PFOA 335-93-3 DII/P ○ ○ Sodium salt of PFOA 335-95-5 DII/P ○ ○ PFOA .6-pentachloro-. 2-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4. 2. 354-06-3 P ○ ○ Ethane.1. 353-54-8 P ○ ○ Methyl bromide (Bromomethane) 74-83-9 P ○ ○ Monochloropentafluoroethane 76-15-3 P ○ ○ Octafluoropropane 76-19-7 P ○ ○ Pentabromoethane 75-95-6 P ○ ○ Pentachlorofluoroethane 354-56-3 P ○ ○ ide 14 Pentachlorotrifluoropropane 134237-31-3 P ○ ○ Perfluoroethane 76-16-4 P ○ ○ Tetrachlorotetrafluoropropane 29255-31-0 P ○ ○ ial Tribromochloromethane 594-15-0 P ○ ○ Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 P ○ ○ Trichlorotrifluoroethane 26523-64-8 P ○ ○ Trichlorotrifluoroethane 354-58-5 P ○ ○ 116 Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 P ○ ○ 117 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its salts and esters. 354-20-1 P ○ ○ Ethane.1-dimethylethyl)-6-(1-methylpropyl)-  (UV 350) 36437-37-3 DI SVHC 129 Phenol. tetrabromo.6-bis(1. halide. 75-62-7 P ○ ○ Methane. and other 119 derivatives including polymers) (PFOS). 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1.6-bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl).1'-dimethylethyl).6-bis(1.1. 2-bromo-2-chloro-1.6-pentachloro-.4''-(1-methyl-1-propanyl-3-ylidene)tris[2-(1. 4. 2. polymers with 2-[methyl[(perfluoro-C4-8-alkyl)- sulfonyl]amino]ethyl acrylate and vinylidene chloride 306975-62-2 P ○ ○ Glycine.2-trifluoro.5. mercury(2+) salt 7616-83-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance Perchloric acid. all members P ○ ○ Perfluoroctane sulfonate acid 1763-23-1 P ○ ○ Ho py Perfluoroctane sulfonate anion 45298-90-6 P ○ ○ Perfluoro-1-octanesulfonyl fluoride 307-35-7 P ○ ○ 2-Propenoic acid.(UV 327) 3864-99-1 DI SVHC 130 Phenol. potassium salt (1:1)) 7778-73-6 P ○ ○ Sodium Pentachlorophenate No.91 restriction Perchloric acid.4. 4-methyl-. 51230-18-3 P ○ ○ Ethane.1-dimethlethyl).(UV 320) 3846-71-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC 126 Phenol. all members DII/P (○) (○) Ammonium perchlorate 7790-98-9 DII Barium perchlorate 13465-95-7 DII No.6-bis(1. all members P ○ ○ nt S Methyl(pentachlorophenolato)mercury 5902-76-1 P ○ ○ Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 P ○ ○ Potassium pentachlorophenate (Phenol.(UV 329) 3147-75-9 DII 128 Phenol. Metal salt.1.1-trifluoro-. amide. N-ethyl-N-[(heptadecafluorooctyl)sulfonyl]-. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4. 2-(5-chloro-2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4. higher homologues and 121 precursors. 128-39-2 DII 125 Phenol. 2-methyl-. Perfluorooctanoic acids C8F15O2H.3-tetramethylbutyl). 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1.4'.perfluorooctanoic acid 335-67-1 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC 122 Phenol 108-95-2 DII 123 Phenol. tribromofluoro. sodium salt (1:1) substance Zinc bis(pentachlorophenolate) 2917-32-0 P ○ ○ 118 Perchlorates. potassium salt 2991-51-7 P ○ ○ a Perfluorooctane sulfonate potasium salt 2795-39-3 P ○ ○ Perfluorooctane sulfonate ammonium salt 29081-56-9 P ○ ○ Co Perfluorooctane sulfonate lithium salt 29457-72-5 P ○ ○ Tetraethylammoniumheptadecafluoroctansulfonate 56773-42-3 P ○ ○ 120 PFNA.90 restriction Perchloric acid. esters. cobalt (2+) salt 13455-31-7 DII No. bromotrichloro.1. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Dibromotetrafluoroethane (Halon 2402) 124-73-2 P ○ ○ Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 P ○ ○ dichlorotetrafluoroethane 1320-37-2 P ○ ○ Ethane. 51230-17-2 P ○ ○ Ethane. 2-bromo-1-chloro-1. tribromo.1-trifluoro-.4.HCSC-G-001-14 42 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.1-dimethylethyl).3.3.(UV-234) 70321-86-7 DII 127 Phenol.5. 1843-03-4 DII . hexahydrate 13520-61-1 DII nd H Nickel perchlorate 13637-71-3 DII Potassium Perchlorate 7778-74-7 DII Sodium Perchlorate 7601-89-0 DII Thallium(3+) perchlorate 15596-83-5 DII Perfluorooctane sulfonates C8F17SO2X (X = OH.1-dimethylethyl)-5-methyl.1-dimethylethyl).3.1. 1-bromo-2-chloro-1. 118-82-1 DII 133 Phenol.6-Dichloro-p-phenylenediamine 609-20-1 DII 2-Ethoxy-N4.1'-Biphenyl. C7-rich 71888-89-6 DI SVHC 1. tris(2-methylphenyl) ester 78-30-8 DII 141 Phosphorodithioic acid.2'. 97063-75-7 P ○ ○ 1. zinc salts 113706-15-3 DII nt S 145 Phosphorodithioic acid.1. heptyl undecyl ester.6-pentabromo. nonyl undecyl ester.2-benzenedicarboxylic acid.1-dimethylethyl).6-tris(1. branched and linear) 111381-90-9 DI SVHC (1.1'-Biphenyl]-ar.2'.1'-Biphenyl.5.1-dimethylethyl)phenyl] phenyl ester 65652-41-7 DII 139 Phosphoric acid.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid. styrenated 61788-44-1 DII 134 Phenol.5'-tetrabromo. 1-butyl 2-(phenylmethyl) ester) 85-68-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC C nf Bis(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate (1.1'-Biphenyl. 2.4. zinc salts 84605-29-8 DII Phosphorodithioic acid. 4.2-dibutyl ester) 84-74-2 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Dihexyl phthalate 84-75-3 DI SVHC Diisobutylphthatlate (DiBP) (1.5'. selected DI/DII/P (○) (○) (SVHC) (1.4'-(1- methylethylidene)bis[phenol] 68758-75-8 P ○ ○ 1. 2. 1.N4-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine 2359-46-8 DII 2-Methoxy-5-methyl-p-phenylenediamine 5307-00-6 DII 2-Nitro-p-phenylenediamine 5307-14-2 DII 4-Chloro-o-phenylenediamine 95-83-0 DII Dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine 99-98-9 DII m-phenylenediamine 108-45-2 DII m-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride 541-69-5 DII N.2-bis(2-methoxyethyl) ester) 117-82-8 DI SVHC Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) (1.4'. 2. 2. 1.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.1'-Biphenyl. di-C6-10-alkyl esters 68515-51-5 DI SVHC S 1.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid. 60044-24-8 P ○ ○ 1. 67888-96-4 P ○ ○ 1.6'-pentabromo.5.2-bis(3-methylbutyl) ester) 605-50-5 DI SVHC Ho py Dipentylphthalate (1.1'-Biphenyl. 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid. 1. 73141-48-7 P ○ ○ 1. 66115-57-9 P ○ ○ 1.O-bis(1.4'. 1.2'. branched and linear) 111381-91-0 DI SVHC 1.4.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.O-bis(2-ethylhexyl and iso-butyl and iso-propyl) esters.6'-pentabromo.5.2-bis(2-methylpropyl) ester ) 84-69-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Diisopentylphthalate (DIPP) (1. zinc salts 68457-79-4 DII 144 Phosphorodithioic acid.2-bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester) 117-81-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC nd H Dibutylphthalate (DBP) (1. bis[(1. 2.1'-Biphenyl.1'-Biphenyl. di-C6-8-branched alkylesters. 80274-92-6 P ○ ○ 1.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.5-pentabromo.4. 2. all members P ○ ○ [1. polymer with (chloromethyl)oxirane and 4. branched and linear) 68515-44-6 DI SVHC (1. diundecyl ester) SVHC (1.2'. 77910-04-4 P ○ ○ 1. mixed decyl and hexyl and octyl diesters with ≥ 0. 2. diheptyl ester.1'-Biphenyl.6.4.4'.2-dipentyl ester) 131-18-0 DII Heptyl undecyl phthalate (1. 1. 732-26-3 P ○ ○ 137 Phenylendiamines and its salts.O-di-C1-14-alkyl esters. tetrabromo-.6-bis(1.2'.2'. 2. 88-85-7 DII 136 Phenol.HCSC-G-001-14 43 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.2'.2-benzenedicarboxylic acid.4'-tetrabromo.2'.4. 59080-40-9 P ○ ○ 1. 81397-99-1 P ○ ○ 1.1'-Biphenyl. 4-(1.6-pentabromo.3-tetramethylbutyl). 2.2'. 120-54-7 DII 149 Polyamine Curing Agents. branched and linear) 111381-89-6 DI SVHC (1. zinc salts 68649-42-3 DII 146 Phthalates. 2.5'-pentabromo.4. 88700-05-4 P ○ ○ 1.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.1'-Biphenyl.6-pentabromo.1-dimethylethyl).1'-Biphenyl. zinc 142 salts 85940-28-9 DII 143 Phosphorodithioic acid.3% of dihexyl phthalate 68648-93-1 DI SVHC Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) (1.Benzenedicarboxylicacid.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.mixed O.4.5'.4.6-dinitro.ar'-diol.O-bis(sec-butyl and isooctyl) esters. O. 2.2'. 140-66-9 DII 135 Phenol. 2.2.O-bis(iso-butyl and pentyl) esters.(1.mixed O.4'-methylenebis[2.1-dimethylethyl)phenyl diphenyl ester 56803-37-3 DII ial 140 Phosphoric acid. 2. 2. dinonyl ester.5'-hexabromo. mixed O.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid. 1.N'-Diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine 74-31-7 DII o-Phenylenediamine 95-54-5 DII o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride 615-28-1 DII Phenylenediamines 25265-76-3 DII p-Phenylenediamine 106-50-3 DII p-Phenylenediamine dihydrochloride 624-18-0 DII p-Phenylenediamine hydrochloride 55972-71-9 DII ide 14 138 Phosphoric acid. 1.3-dimethylbutyl and iso-propyl) esters.1'-Biphenyl. heptyl nonyl ester.1'-(tetrathiodicarbonothioyl)bis. 59080-39-6 P ○ ○ 1. mixed O.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.6'-tetrabromo.4.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid.3.4'.2'.2'.4.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid di-C7-11-branched and linear alkyl-esters) 68515-42-4 DI SVHC Di-isononyl phthalate 28553-12-0 DII a Di-isodecyl phthalate 26761-40-0 DII Co Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 DII Di-(C9-rich branched C8-C10­alkyl) phthalate 68515-48-0 DII 147 Phthalic anhydride 85-44-9 DII 148 Piperidine. 59080-37-4 P ○ ○ .2'.6-pentabromo.4.4. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark 132 Phenol.5'-tetrabromo.5'-pentabromo.2'.5. selected DII 2. 2.1'-Biphenyl.3. branched and linear) 68515-45-7 DI SVHC 3648-20-2 DI Co M (1.3.1'-Biphenyl.2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid. 97038-95-4 P ○ ○ 1.3. 97038-97-6 P ○ ○ 1. selected DII bis-Hexamethylenetriamine 143-23-7 DII Triethyleneglycoldiamine 929-59-9 DII Poly(propyleneglycol)triamine 64852-22-8 DII Poly(propyleneglycol)diamine 9046-10-0 DII Pentaethylenehexamine 4067-16-7 DII Hexamethylenetetramine 100-97-0 DII 150 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB). 2'.4'-dibromo.3'.5-dibromo.5-tetrabromo.5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl 32774-16-6 P ○ ○ Aroclor 1016 12674-11-2 P ○ ○ Aroclor 1221 11104-28-2 P ○ ○ Aroclor 1232 11141-16-5 P ○ ○ Aroclor 1242 53469-21-9 P ○ ○ Aroclor 1248 12672-29-6 P ○ ○ AROCLOR 1254 11097-69-1 P ○ ○ Aroclor 1260 11096-82-5 P ○ ○ Heptachloro-1.5.5-pentabromo. 49602-91-7 P ○ ○ 1.4'. Decabromodiphenyl oxide) (Benzene.1'-Biphenyl.3'. 2. octabromo deriv.6-pentabromo.5'-HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL 52663-72-6 P ○ ○ Co 2.1''-Terphenyl.4'.4.1'-biphenyl] 25429-29-2 P ○ ○ Polychlorinated biphenyls 1336-36-3 P ○ ○ Tetrachloro(tetrachlorophenyl)benzene 31472-83-0 P ○ ○ 154 Polychlorinated naphthalenes.6-pentabromo. 92-86-4 P ○ ○ 2. 64258-02-2 P ○ ○ 1.4'.1':4'. 57186-90-0 P ○ ○ 1.) 1163-19-5 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Dibromodiphenyl ether 2050-47-7 P ○ ○ S Monobromodiphenyl ether 101-55-3 P ○ ○ Nonabromodiphenyl ether 63936-56-1 P ○ ○ Octabromodiphenyl ether ('Octa') (Benzene.5'-tetrabromo.4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl 2437-79-8 P ○ ○ 2. 59080-32-9 P ○ ○ 1.3.1'-biphenyl 83929-69-5 P ○ ○ 4.3'-dibromo.4'.1'. 2.2'.5. 3.6'-Tetrabromo[1. 49602-90-6 P ○ ○ 1.3'.4'.5'.2'.2'. 3.5-trichloro.1'-Biphenyl.1'-Biphenyl.4. all members DII Dodecabromoterphenyl 79596-31-9 DII Undecabromoterphenyl 83929-80-0 DII 4-Bromo-p-terphenyl (1. 3.4.2'.1'-Biphenyl. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark 1.3'. 16606-02-3 P ○ ○ a 2.3'. 96551-70-1 P ○ ○ 1.1'-Biphenyl.6-tetrabromo.4'. 40088-45-7 P ○ ○ 1. pentabromo deriv.'. 59080-34-1 P ○ ○ 1. 1. PCAH). 4-bromo-) 1762-84-1 DII 2''-Bromo-[1. selected DI/DII/P (○) (○) (SVHC) Anthracene 120-12-7 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Benz[a]anthracene 56-55-3 DII/P ○ ○ Benz[e]acephenanthrylene 205-99-2 DII/P ○ ○ Benzo[a]pyrene 50-32-8 DI/P ○ ○ SVHC Benzo[e]pyrene 192-97-2 DII/P ○ ○ .5-tetrabromo.5-tribromo.1'']terphenyl 3282-24-4 DII 75295-57-7 DII Ho py 2"-Bromo-[1. ○ ○ 1. 2. 2.5. 59080-35-2 P ○ ○ 1. chlorinated 61788-33-8 P ○ ○ 156 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH.1'-Biphenyl.4'.4'-dibromo.3'.4.6-tribromo.1'-Biphenyl.5.4. 1. 2.6. 59080-38-5 P ○ ○ 1. 2.5. 3.2'-diol 14957-65-4 P ○ ○ nt Decabromobiphenyl 13654-09-6 P ○ ○ S Firemaster BP-6 59536-65-1 P ○ ○ Firemaster FF-1 67774-32-7 P ○ ○ Hexabromobiphenyl 36355-01-8 P ○ ○ Octabromobiphenyl 27858-07-7 P ○ ○ Co M Bromkal 80 61288-13-9 P ○ ○ 151 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).6'-tetrabromo.5-tribromo.1'-Biphenyl. 2.1"]terphenyl 4.4'. 2.5.1'-Biphenyl. 2.3'.4.4-dibromo.1'-Biphenyl.1'-Biphenyl.1'-biphenyl 53742-07-7 P ○ ○ pentachloro[1. 3.4'-dibromo.all members DI/P ○ ○ (SVHC) Decabromodiphenyl ether ('Deca'.1'-Biphenyl.1'-Biphenyl. 2. 74114-77-5 P ○ ○ 1. 77102-82-0 P ○ ○ 97038-98-7 P ide 14 1.4.4'.6. 16400-50-3 P ○ ○ 1.1'-Biphenyl.1'-Biphenyl. 2.1'-Biphenyl. 3. trichloro. 2.1'-Biphenyl.1'-Biphenyl.6'-tetrabromo. ) 32536-52-0 P ○ ○ 32534-81-9 P C Pentabromodiphenyl ether ('Penta') (Benzene. 3. all members P ○ ○ Terphenyl.1'.2'. 59080-36-3 P ○ ○ 1.6-dibromo. 60108-72-7 P ○ ○'.3.4'. chloro derivatives 70776-03-3 P ○ ○ Naphthalene. all members P ○ ○ 1.5. 1.1'-Biphenyl. 60044-25-9 P ○ ○ 1. 4.5'-tetrabromo.3.5-pentabromo.5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl 35065-27-1 P ○ ○ 3.1'-Biphenyl.4'-Dibromo-p-terphenyl 17788-94-2 DII 3-bromo-p-terphenyl 1762-87-4 DII 153 Polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCB ). 38421-62-4 P ○ ○ 1.6. 2'. 2.HCSC-G-001-14 44 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No.1'-biphenyl 28655-71-2 P ○ ○ Nonachloro-1. 59080-33-0 P ○ ○ 1.4'.6-tribromo.1'-Biphenyl.3. 2.1'-oxybis-.4-dibromo.4'-tetrabromo.1'-biphenyl]-2.4'-tetrabromo.3'-dibromo.5-tribromo.1'-Biphenyl.4.3'. 2.1'-Biphenyl. 84303-45-7 P ○ ○ 1.1'-Biphenyl. 97038-96-5 P ○ ○ 1. 2.3'. all members P ○ ○ Naphthalene.1'-oxybis[2.3'.4. 2.4'-tetrabromo. 1321-65-9 P ○ ○ Pentachloronaphthalene 1321-64-8 P ○ ○ 155 Polychlorinated terphenyls ( PCT ). 13029-09-9 P ○ ○'-Biphenyl.4'-TETRACHLOROBIPHENYL 32598-13-3 P ○ ○ 3. 64258-03-3 P ○ ○ 1.3.1'-Biphenyl.1'-Biphenyl.6'-Octabromo-4-phenoxy-1. 53592-10-2 P ○ ○ 1. 16400-51-4 P ○ ○ ial 1. 59589-92-3 P ○ ○ 1.3'.1'-Biphenyl.2'.1'-Biphenyl. 57422-77-2 P ○ ○ 1.1'-oxybis-.'-dibromo. ) ○ ○ nf Hexabromodiphenyl ether 36483-60-0 P ○ ○ Heptabromodiphenyl ether 68928-80-3 P ○ ○ Tetrabromodiphenyl ether 40088-47-9 P ○ ○ Tribromodiphenyl ether 49690-94-0 P ○ ○ nd H 152 Polybrominated terphenyls ( PBT ). 2. HCSC-G-001-14 45 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Benzo[j]fluoranthene 205-82-3 DII/P ○ ○ Benzo[k]fluoranthene 207-08-9 DII/P ○ ○ Chrysene 218-01-9 DII/P ○ ○ Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 53-70-3 DII/P ○ ○ Naphthalene 91-20-3 DII 157 1,3-Propanesultone 1120-71-4 DI SVHC 158 2-Propanone, reaction products with diphenylamine (PREPOD) 68412-48-6 DII 159 Pyrrolidones, selected DI/DII (SVHC) 1-Methylpyrrolidin-2-one (2-Pyrrolidinone, 1-methyl ) (NMP) 872-50-4 DI SVHC N-Ethyl-2-pyrrolidone (NEP) 2687-91-4 D Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides; Alkyl (C12-16) 160 dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride; C12-16-ADBAC; 68424-85-1 DII Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, chlorides, 161 compds. with bentonite 71011-24-0 DII Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, chlorides, 162 compds. with hectorite 71011-26-2 DII 163 Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, chlorides; 61789-80-8 DII Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)dimethyl, salts with 164 bentonite 68953-58-2 DII 165 Quaternary ammonium compounds, dicoco alkyldimethyl, chlorides 61789-77-3 DII ide 14 166 Resin acids and Rosin acids, calcium salts 9007-13-0 DII 167 Resin acids and Rosin acids, sodium salts 61790-51-0 DII ial 168 Resin acids and Rosin acids, hydrogenated, esters with pentaerythritol 64365-17-9 DII 169 Resin acids and Rosin acids, hydrogenated, esters with glycerol 65997-13-9 DII 170 Resin acids and Rosin acids, hydrogenated, methyl esters 8050-15-5 DII 171 Radioactive substances (including scrap metal contaminants), all members DII Plutonium 7440-07-5 DII Radium 7440-14-4 DII nt S Thorium 7440-29-1 DII Thorium Dioxide 1314-20-1 DII Uranium 7440-61-1 DII Uranium Compounds DII DII/P Co M 172 Selenium and its compounds, all members (○) (○) No.14 restriction Arsenic selenide (As2Se3) 1303-36-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Barium selenite 13718-59-7 DII Beryllium selenide (BeSe) 12232-25-6 DII Bis(ethylselenyl)diiron tetranitrosyl (6CI) 15025-89-5 DII S No.46 restriction C.I. Pigment Orange 20 (Cadmium sulfoselenide orange) 12656-57-4 P ○ ○ substance No.46 restriction C.I. Pigment Red 108 Cadmium sulfoselenide red 58339-34-7 P ○ ○ substance No.46 restriction Cadmium selenide (CdSe) 1306-24-7 DII/P C ○ ○ nf substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe), solid solution with cadmium sulfide, zinc selenide and zinc sulfide, No.46 restriction aluminum and copper-doped 101357-00-0 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe), solid solution with cadmium sulfide, zinc selenide and zinc sulfide, No.46 restriction 101357-01-1 DII/P ○ ○ nd H copper and manganese-doped substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe), solid solution with cadmium sulfide, zinc selenide and zinc sulfide, No.46 restriction europium-doped 101357-02-2 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe), solid solution with cadmium sulfide, zinc selenide and zinc sulfide, No.46 restriction gold and manganese-doped 101357-03-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cadmium selenide (CdSe), solid solution with cadmium sulfide, zinc selenide and zinc sulfide, No.46 restriction 101357-04-4 DII/P Ho py ○ ○ manganese and silver-doped substance No.46 restriction Cadmium selenide sulfide (Cd(Se,S)) 12626-36-7 P ○ ○ substance No.46 restriction Cadmium selenide sulfide (Cd2SeS) 12214-12-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.46 restriction a Cadmium selenide sulfide (CdSe0.53S0.47) 71243-75-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.46 restriction Co Cadmium selenide sulfide, (Cd2SeS) 12213-70-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.46 restriction Cadmium selenide sulphide 11112-63-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance Cobalt selenide (CoSe) 1307-99-9 DII Cobalt(2+) selenite 10026-23-0 DII Dimethylselenide 593-79-3 DII Hydrogen selenide 7783-07-5 DII Iron selenide 1310-32-3 DII No.90 restriction Lead selenate 7446-15-3 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.90 restriction Lead selenide (PbSe) 12069-00-0 P ○ ○ substance No.90 restriction Lead selenite 7488-51-9 DII/P ○ ○ substance No.91 restriction Mercury selenide (HgSe) 20601-83-6 DII/P ○ ○ substance Nickel selenate 15060-62-5 DII Nickel selenide 1314-05-2 DII Nickel(2+) selenite 10101-96-9 DII Selenic acid 7783-08-6 DII No.46 restriction Selenic acid, cadmium salt (1:1) 13814-62-5 DII/P ○ ○ substance Selenic acid, cobalt(2+) salt (1:1) 14590-19-3 DII Selenious acid 7783-00-8 DII No.46 restriction Selenious acid, cadmium salt (1:1) 13814-59-0 DII/P ○ ○ substance Selenium 7782-49-2 DII Selenium dioxide 7446-08-4 DII Selenium hexafluoride 7783-79-1 DII Selenium oxide 12640-89-0 DII HCSC-G-001-14 46 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Selenium sulfide 7446-34-6 DII Sodium-selenite 10102-18-8 DII Thallium selenide (Tl2Se) 15572-25-5 DII Thallium(I) selenide 12039-52-0 DII Zinc selenide 1315-09-9 DII 173 Silica, crystalline 14808-60-7 DII 174 Sodium azide 26628-22-8 DII 175 Styrene ( Vinyl benzene ) 100-42-5 DII 176 Styrene oxide (Epoxy styrene) 96-09-3 DII 177 Succinic anhydride, octadecenyl- 28777-98-2 DII 178 Sulfonic acids, C10-18-alkane, phenyl esters 70775-94-9 DII 179 Sulfonic acids, petroleum, calcium salts, overbased 68783-96-0 DII 180 Sulfonic acids, petroleum, barium salts 61790-48-5 DII 181 Sulfonic acids, petroleum, calcium salts 61789-86-4 DII 182 Sulfonic acids, petroleum, magnesium salts 61789-87-5 DII 183 Sulfonic acids, petroleum, sodium salts 68608-26-4 DII 184 Sulfur hexafluoride 2551-62-4 P ○ ○ 185 Tall Oil 8002-26-4 DII ide 14 186 Tall oil pitch 8016-81-7 DII 187 Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) 79-94-7 DII ial 188 Tetrachlorobenzene, all members P ○ ○ 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene 634-66-2 P ○ ○ 1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzene (Benzene, 1,2,3,5-tetrachloro- ) 634-90-2 P ○ ○ Benzene, tetrachloro- 12408-10-5 P ○ ○ 1,2,4,5- tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 P ○ ○ nt 189 Methane, tetrafluoro- 75-73-0 P S ○ ○ 190 Thallium 7440-28-0 DII Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide No.42 restriction 191 ([(H2N)C(S)]2S2), tetramethyl- 137-26-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance Co M No191same 192 Thiram; Tetramethylthiuram disulphide; 137-26-8 DII/P ○ ○ substance 193 Toluene 108-88-3 DII 194 o-Toluidine generating substances, selected DII 1,2-Di-o-tolylguanidine, DOTG 97-39-2 DII 101-37-1 DII S 195 2,4,6-Triallyloxy-1,3,5-triazine 196 Trichlorophenol and its salts, all members DII 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 DII 2,4,6 -Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 DII Trichloropropane C 197 96-18-4 DI SVHC nf ( 1,2,3 - Trichloropropane ) 198 Trimethylphosphate 512-56-1 DII 199 Triorganotin compounds, all members DI/P ○ ○ (SVHC) (2-BIPHENYLOXY)TRIBUTYLTIN 3644-37-9 P ○ ○ (Chloroacetoxy)triphenylstannane 7094-94-2 P ○ ○ nd H [1R-(1.alpha.,4a.beta.,4b.alpha.,10a.alpha.)]-Tributyl[[[1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5,6,10,10a-decahydro-7- isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyl-1-phenanthryl]carbonyl]oxy]stannane 26239-64-5 P ○ ○ 1,3,5-TRIS(TRIBUTYLTIN)-S-TRIAZINE-2,4,6-TRIONE 752-58-9 P ○ ○ 2-BUTENOIC ACID, 4-OXO-4-[ (TRIBUTYLSTANNYL)OXY]- 4027-18-3 P ○ ○ Acetic acid, 2,2',2''-[(methylstannylidyne)tris(thio)]tris-, triisooctyl ester 54849-38-6 P ○ ○ BIS(TRIBUTYLTIN) ITACONATE 25711-26-6 P ○ ○ Ho py SVHC Bis(tributyltin)oxide 56-35-9 DI/P ○ ○ No.42 restriction substance Bis(tris(2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)tin) oxide 13356-08-6 P ○ ○ Bis(tributyltin) maleate 14275-57-1 P ○ ○ Bis(tributyltin)phthalate 4782-29-0 P ○ ○ a Bis(tributylstannyl)Fumarate 6454-35-9 P ○ ○ Bromotrimethylstannane 1066-44-0 P Co ○ ○ P-NITROPHENOXYTRIBUTYLTIN 3644-32-4 P ○ ○ Stannane, acetoxytriphenyl- 900-95-8 P ○ ○ Stannane, bromotriethyl- 2767-54-6 P ○ ○ Stannane, fluorotriphenyl- 379-52-2 P ○ ○ Stannane, tributylfluoro- 1983-10-4 P ○ ○ Tributyl(lauroyloxy)stannane 3090-36-6 P ○ ○ Tributyl(neodecanoyloxy)stannane 28801-69-6 P ○ ○ Tributyl(oleoyloxy)stannane 3090-35-5 P ○ ○ Tributyltin 56573-85-4 P ○ ○ Tributyltin (and salts and esters) 688-73-3 P ○ ○ Tributyltin .alpha.-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propionate 73940-89-3 P ○ ○ Tributyltin .beta.-iodopropionate 73927-95-4 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN 2-ETHYLHEXANOATE 5035-67-6 P ○ ○ Tributyltin acetate 56-36-0 P ○ ○ Tributyltin Acrylate 13331-52-7 P ○ ○ Tributyltin benzoate 4342-36-3 P ○ ○ Tributyltin bromide 1461-23-0 P ○ ○ Tributyltin chloride 1461-22-9 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN CHLOROACETATE 5847-52-9 P ○ ○ Tributyltin cinnamate 27147-18-8 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN CYANATE 4027-17-2 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN CYANIDE 2179-92-2 P ○ ○ Tributyltin dimethyldithiocarbamate 20369-63-5 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN GAMMA-CHLOROBUTYRATE 33550-22-0 P ○ ○ Tributyltin hydroxide 1067-97-6 P ○ ○ Tributyltin iodide 7342-47-4 P ○ ○ Tributyltin iodoacetate 73927-91-0 P ○ ○ HCSC-G-001-14 47 / 95 GADSL Honda Mark Technical Standard Substance CAS-No. Remarks № Classification NH Mark HR* Mark Tributyltin isooctylthioacetate 73927-97-6 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN ISOPROPYLSUCCINATE 53404-82-3 P ○ ○ Tributyltin isothiocyanate 681-99-2 P ○ ○ Tributyltin linoleate 24124-25-2 P ○ ○ Tributyltin methacrylate 2155-70-6 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN METHANESULPHONATE 13302-06-2 P ○ ○ Tributyltin methoxide 1067-52-3 P ○ ○ Tributyltin monopropylene glycol maleate 53466-85-6 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN NAPHTHENATE 36631-23-9 P ○ ○ No.42 restriction Tributyltin naphthenate 85409-17-2 P ○ ○ substance Tributyltin nonanoate 4027-14-9 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN O-IODOBENZOATE 73927-93-2 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN P-IODOBEMZOATE 73940-88-2 P ○ ○ Tributyltin sulfamate 6517-25-5 P ○ ○ TRIBUTYLTIN UNDECYLENATE 69226-47-7 P ○ ○ 1-(Tricyclohexylstannyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole 41083-11-8 P ○ ○ Triethyltin acetate 1907-13-7 P ○ ○ Triethyltin chloride 994-31-0 P ○ ○ Triethyltin hydroxide 994-32-1 P ○ ○ Triethyltin iodide 2943-86-4 P ○ ○ Triethyltin phenoxide 1529-30-2 P ○ ○ ide 14 Trimethyltin acetate 1118-14-5 P ○ ○ Trimethyltin azide 1118-03-2 P ○ ○ ial Trimethyltin chloride 1066-45-1 P ○ ○ Trimethyltin hydroxide 56-24-6 P ○ ○ Trimethyltin iodide 811-73-4 P ○ ○ Trimethyltin sulphate 63869-87-4 P ○ ○ Trimethyltin thiocyanate 4638-25-9 P ○ ○ Tri-n-butyl tin salicylate 4342-30-7 P ○ ○ Triphenylstannyl decanoate 47672-31-1 P nt ○ ○ S Triphenyl tin chloride 639-58-7 P ○ ○ Triphenyltin dimethyldithiocarbamate 1803-12-9 P ○ ○ Triphenyltin hydride 892-20-6 P ○ ○ Triphenyltin hydroxide 76-87-9 P ○ ○ Co M Triphenyltin iodide 894-09-7 P ○ ○ Tripropyltin acetate 3267-78-5 P ○ ○ Tripropyltin bromide 2767-61-5 P ○ ○ Tripropyltin chloride 2279-76-7 P ○ ○ Tripropyltin iodide 7342-45-2 P ○ ○ S Tripropyltin iodoacetate 73927-92-1 P ○ ○ Tripropyltin laurate 57808-37-4 P ○ ○ Tripropyltin methacrylate 4154-35-2 P ○ ○ EU Index Number Tricyclohexyl Tin Compounds P ○ ○ 050-012-00-5 C nf EU Index Number Triethyl Tin Compounds P ○ ○ 050-006-00-2 EU Index Number Trihexyl Tin Compounds P ○ ○ 050-010-00-4 EU Index Number Trimethyl Tin Compounds P ○ ○ nd H 050-005-00-7 EU Index Number Trioctyl Tin Compounds P ○ ○ 050-013-00-0 EU Index Number Tripentyl Tin Compounds P ○ ○ 050-009-00-9 EU Index Number Triphenyl Tin Compounds P ○ ○ 050-011-00-X EU Index Number Tripropyl Tin Compounds P ○ ○ Ho py 050-007-00-8 200 Triphenylphosphate 115-86-6 DII 201 Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate 13674-87-8 DII/P ○ 202 Tris-(1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide 545-55-1 P ○ ○ 203 Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate (TRIS) 126-72-7 P ○ ○ 204 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate 115-96-8 DI/P SVHC a ○ ○ 205 tris(2-ethylhexyl)-benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate 3319-31-1 DII Co 206 Tris(methylphenyl) phosphate 1330-78-5 DII 207 Tris(nonylphenyl) phosphite (TNPP) 26523-78-4 DII 208 Trixylyl phosphate 25155-23-1 DI SVHC 124 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 P ○ ○ 209 zinc bis[O,O-bis(2-ethylhexyl)] bis(dithiophosphate) 4259-15-8 DII gasket 4. BGBI  IS 1138 POPs Japanese national law (Law 25637-99-4.9 for biocide National law of Canada Surface treatment of vulcanized rubber to (SOR/SOR/2005-41) Co M 43 Bis(chloromethyl) ether (BCME) 542-88-1 only All uses .etc. Honda Criteria of Table-1: D7.% Germany Consumer Product Application of leathers: Purpose of use . Co exempted. glasses. rubber/latex.4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane) than 0. Prohibited from intentional use treatment).1 wt. Corrosion preventive coatings related to bolt than 0.'metal working products' uses numbers for these substances differs 49 throughout the world.% but. and electrical goods from 1959 to 1972.1 wt. Steering handle. electronics XIV without REACH Authorization All types of asbestos REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 77536-66. all members Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 8. rubber/latex. etc. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex manufacturing which uses these substances . D8. all 'paints and varnishes'. Urethane etc. RTV sealant and adhesive. high-pressure tank safety valves. A8. Concerning the Examination and etc. 3.etc. NH Mark Technical Standard (Table 2) Products instructed by NH mark shall comply with Honda criteria shown in the table below. Also EU-R 1005/2009 nf only includes manufacturing process uses resulting 47 Chlorinated hydrocarbons. long and under 3 µm in diameter. EU-D 2000/53/EC(ELV) Cadmium and its compounds. Exempt REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex ide 4 XVII (former76/769/EEC) EU-R 1272/2008 /EEC Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Impurities in textile and leather paints 33 Benzidine and its salts. ChemVerbotsV nd H Chlorinated Paraffins. etc. Engine oils . EU-D 2000/53/EC(ELV) 14977-61.1 wt. (Materials/Parts) ID (reference) (reference) 4-Aminobiphenyl and its salts. all members 92-87-5. adhesive. MCCP). clamp. with an National law of each country aspect ratio of over 3 1332-21. Etc.1wt% XVII (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 19 Benzene 71-43-2 only All uses (except for automobile fuels) .) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 46 members 9.1 wt.com/doc uments/10906/17094/faq_organo Prohibited to use in articles or part thereof. Used as spare parts for 49 Bolts and nuts and nut assemblies for chassis applications vehicles put on the market before 1 July 2008 is exempted. Wooden REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex . however. Authorization as biocide needed for selected nt Honda Criteria of Table-1: A7. Armrest.'sealants'. biocides (including wood 1327-53-3. (SOR/SOR/2005-41) Dodecachloropentacyclo 1. All other substances except GADSL No.01wt% or less 47 Exempt ・Thick paste (ceramic substrate patterns. etc.pdf Contained in a part having constant contact for greater than the equivalent of 0. Tire .1 wt.01wt% but. 71-55-6 Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Montreal Protocol 56-23-5 All uses - C than 0. selected . Application Honda Criteria Regulations No.1wt% Antioxidants in lubricants. Act contacting the skin. all Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Impurities in textile and leather paints REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 8 92-67-1.etc.'textiles'. 4-Metheno.1wt% XVII(former76/769/EEC) All uses except Rubber . RACV.2385-85-5 65 All uses . All uses of Material of EU regional 79-01-6 paints.1 % by weight IMDS FAQ. Armrest surface 870-08-6 etc. ・Corrosion resistant surface-treated parts.etc. S XVII(former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater China ELV. Dibutyltin compounds' used in all uses except greater than the equivalent of 0. 2 substances National law of Canada please consult your MSDS and supplier to only Ho py determine product-specific chain length. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 16 Asbestos Minerals. extrusion PVC.HCSC-G-001-14 48 / 95 II-2-1.75 wt. National law of Canada paper. all members . all members etc.'plastics and 84082-38-2 Prohibited from use in concentrations greater REACH EU-R 1907/2006 members: rubbers'. hexabromo. 85535-84-8 other CAS numbers may be used that are 71011-12-6 EU 519/2012 All uses . P9 type 42 73790-28-0. Safety and Health Law ) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater ・Pigments Cadmium used in all uses except bellows .etc.mdsystem. etc. Prohibited from intentional use Brake pad/lining.% National law of Switzerland Note that the use of specific CAS products'. Prohibited from intentional use Mirex was sold as a flame retardant under the Japanese national law (Law 1H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalene. - skin textile or leather. than 1 wt. etc. all members All uses of Material of EU regional Paints. Raw material/contaminant in other chemicals than 0. Forbidden use as biocide in selected product- Honda Criteria of Table-1: P7.* POPs Flame retardant in plastics. Regulation of Manufacture.42 . ・PVC stabilizers than 0. all 7440-43. (HBCD) All uses .1 % by weight . fungicide Biocidal coatings / biocidal additives. .% Solvent and other dispersive applications. catalyst use for paints and coatings. of Chemical Substances) Diamino-diphenylmethane Prohibited from use in concentrations greater REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 56 101-77-9 only Additives for Oil or Coolant . vehicles put on the market before 1 July 2007 is •Chassis part and pipe.* REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 818-08-6 etc. preservative. foams. Regulation of Manufacture. Fuel hose *Content calculation is refering 59 Diorganotin compounds. 55 Cyclododecane.etc. POPs 48 All uses . Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 6+ Chrome used in all uses except bellows . of Chemical Substances) . and adhesives applications. adhesive.4. Prohibited from intentional use increase adhesion. Prohibited from intentional use only XIV without REACH Authorization Chlorinated or brominated Dioxins or 67562-39-4. D9 Allowed use as biocide in selected product-type Reg. is RTV sealant. etc. etc. Armrest. PT8 and PT9 Allowed use as not biocide . Should be undetectable Seat. coated parts (surface preparation).8.% ・Bolts and nuts Chromium(VI) Concentration 0. only pyrotechnic objects. than 0. Therefore. brake shoe. concentration in the article. Mirex only trade name Dechlorane. selected in impurities associated with leather. Cadmium Concentration 0. Prohibited from intentional use 0. pipe. plastics (SOR/SOR/2005-41) ial National law of Japan(Industrial 1 Safety and Health Law ) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 624-49-7 All uses Prohibited from intentional use XVII. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 17 fabrics and leather seat. National law of Canada than 0. smelted materials. and in the manufacture of National law of Japan(Industrial flame-retardant fabrics (ATSDR 1989). rubbers. body than 0. all members All uses . * https://public. Korea ELV than 0. Prohibited from intentional use Brake pad/lining. _tin_compounds. All uses. Prohibited from intentional use only agent (SOR/DORS/2012-285) trimethylpentene(BNST) Rubber uses except Tire . Hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion agent of the carbon steel cooling system in 22 Exempted Absorption refrigerators absorption refrigerators for camping cars up to 0. spare parts for a vehicle that Batteries for electrical vehicles 29 Batteries for electrical vehicles put on the market before Dec 31. selected 0. Paint etc. antimicrobial. OSHA's definition (1992): Fibers over 5 µm 15 Asbestos Fibers. Etc. Short & Medium Chain Length (SCCP. Stain proof use for hulls and parts submerged PWC hulls Outboard engine parts. metal finishes. A9 product-type S All uses except in PT7.etc. etc.. leather and textile finishes. than 0. paint. Korea ELV 51 Chromium(VI)-salts. etc.etc. Example CAS Flame retardant numbers are provided below. or part thereof. •Cylinder head cover. rubber.% but. in water Preservation of wood products.% XVII (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited to use in articles or part thereof.01wt% ・Relays. gasket XVII (former76/769/EEC) 4. Prohibited from intentional use Benzenamine. Shall not be used in articles where the XVII (Old 76/769/EEC) . spare parts etc. a •A/C evaporator. XVII (former76/769/EEC) 14 Arsenic and its compounds. Prohibitted to use as PT7.1 % by weight Seat surface textile or leather. plastics XVII (former76/769/EEC) 84282-36.1wt% Antioxidants in lubricants. IMDS Major Relevant Laws and GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No. reaction 68921-45-9 Additives. Used as spare parts for Corrosion preventive coatings 21 •AL wheel.etc. All uses .. bellows of tin. switches (electrical contacts) ・Lamps. amines.1wt% or less 45 Exempted Prohibited from use in concentrations greater •Bracket.clutch lining. Prohibited from intentional use - Furans. Prohibited from intentional use not specific to chain length. XVII (former76/769/EEC) Azodyes that can form carcinogenic 12217-14. etc. etc. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex manufacturing which uses these substances . greater than the equivalent of 0. (EU) No 528/2012 selected etc. China ELV.'leather processing - . and chlordecone was Concerning the Examination and also known as Kepone.clutch lining. N-phenyl-. Grip. TH. Heat resistant agent and Anti aging National law of Canada 22 products with styrene and 2. P8. 2008 is exempted. linings.Coolant (4. Substances and preparations - members than 0. of tin. Prohibited from intentional use Seat.4. of tin. Korea ELV 8(b) Lead in solders in electrical applications than 0. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 8(d) Lead used in soldering on glass in mass than 0. 8(f)(b) .% but.% but. Lead in vulcanizing agents and stabilizers for Prohibited from use in concentrations greater ・Elastomers and metal parts for brake hoses. rust-proof coated parts) ・Copper friction material for brake lining Steel for machining purposes and galvanized 1 Exempted Crankshafts.1wt% or less 44 Exempted ・Light bulb glass.4wt%. 1 and spare parts for capacitors. 7439-92. harness connectors 8(g) Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor Exempted. harnesses. 2017】 C Prohibited from use in concentrations greater nf All Bearing shell and Bush except in Engine. Prohibited from intentional use. all Montreal Protocol 84 812-04-4. This exemption will be reviewed in systems other than the mating area of vehicle 68 2019.% in Diethylene glycol methyl ether.etc. 2008 is exempted.etc. Prohibited from intentional use Refrigerant members EU-R 1005/2009 EU-R 842/2006 HFC's used in all uses except bellows .1 wt. oil control orifices.% but. but.% but.etc.1 wt. Etc.Lead in compliant pin connector than 0. conditioner used for Vehicles type approved Refrigerant for Vehicle Air conditioner .1 wt. and spare parts for these vehicles is exempted. ide 4 ・Motor carbon brushes ・Wheel balance weights ・Vulcanizing agents. is exempted ・Hub bosses (Pb over 0. which concentrations up to 1. 8(e) Lead in high melting temperature type Exempted. etc. black glass ceramic. Vehicles type approved 1 nt no greater than 0. before January 1. Used in vehicles and their 51 Transmission. 2016. Used in spare parts for 10 ventilation hoses.5 wt. National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005-41) Impurities of colorant Japanese national law (Law 76 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1only All uses . spark plug insulators (glaze) 1 ・Protective coating stabilizers (electro coated parts. Used in spare parts for In excess of 0. brake linings. Vehicles type approved 55 electrolyte aluminum capacitors before 1 January 2013 and spare parts for these vehicles is exempted. elastomer/metal parts in the vehicles put on the market before July 1. all Montreal Protocol 83 75-82-1. conrods.% but. Impurity and all other use (SOR/SOR/2005-41) Any other intentional use is prohibited. Prohibited from intentional use Refrigerant members EU-R 1005/2009 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's). Vehicles type approved 67 systems before January 1. bushes Transmission. a Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Lead in bonding agents for elastomers in than 0.% but.1 wt. by weight or more lead) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 8(f)(a) .% adhesives). but Vehicle Air 85 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's).3-butadiene (HCBD) 87-68-3 only All uses . steel containing lead no greater than 0.1 wt. elastomer/metal parts in the vehicles put on the market before July 1. of Chemical Substances) Used mainly as an intermediate in the National law of Canada 77 Hexachloro-1. 8(a) Lead in solders to attach electrical and electronic components to electronic circuit Prohibited from use in concentrations greater boards and lead in finishes on terminations of than 0. 2006 chassis applications.. or Air conditioner compressor spare parts put on the market before July1.5 wt. packages .1 wt.1 wt. Vehicles type approved other than soldering on electronic circuit 54 before 1 January 2011 and spare parts for boards or on glass these vehicles is exempted. oil control S 2 than 0.1 wt. 2009 applications is exempted. than 0.% but. air than 0.HCSC-G-001-14 49 / 95 Products instructed by NH mark shall comply with Honda criteria shown in the table below.% but. Prohibited from intentional use As a peptizing agent in the production of Concerning the Examination and nitroso compounds and rubber for tires Regulation of Manufacture. rocker arms.Lead in compliant pin connector Exempted. fuel tanks (turn sheets).4wt% Lead content of Aluminum 2 vehicles put on the market before July 1.4wt%. GWP 150 or less for Vehicle Air conditioner. Vehicles type approved 53 components other than electrolyte aluminum before January 1. etc. etc. (Materials/Parts) ID (reference) (reference) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Impurities in Diethylene glycol methyl ether National law of Canada 71 Ethyl-/ Methyl-Glycols and their Acetates 109-86-4 only .% but.5 wt.1 wt. stabilizers. and engine mountings is exempted. 2008 ・Mission valves. fuel hoses. Exempted. Lead used for all other purposes except Prohibited from use in concentrations greater ・Mounts.% but.4wt. air-vent tubes and vehicle bodies. heater cores (solders except for electrical parts). etc. adhesives for elastomers ial Lead Concentration 0. all members 8.% but. All uses . This exemption will be reviewed in solders (i. 【undecided at 20 Feb. Will be reviewed in 2015 orifices. Lead in vulcanizing agents and stabilizers for Prohibited from use in concentrations greater elastomers in brake hoses.35 wt.etc. dynamic dampers (vulcanizing 90 Lead and its compounds. IMDS Major Relevant Laws and GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No.35%). Used in spare parts for ・Elastomer parts for power transmission 48 Co powertrain applications vehicles put on the market before July 1. etc. caution labels (PVC stabilizers) 1. and engine mountings is exempted. Will be reviewed in 2015 Batteries 7 ・Batteries 【undecided at 25 Sep. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 8(c) Lead in finishes on terminals of than 0. As spare parts for vehicles 2 put on the market before 1 July 2005 which concentrations up to 2 wt% is exempted Co M Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0. Refrigerant 2006/40/EC before 1January 2011 and .35wt% Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Continuously Galvanized steel containing lead than 0. feed pipe guides. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater All Bearing shell and Bush in Engine. ventilation hoses. than 0. 2005 and engine mounts chassis applications.% but. Prohibited from intentional use manufacture of rubber compounds. elastomers in brake hoses. 2016】 Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0. electronic circuit boards EU-D 2000/53/EC(ELV) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater China ELV. It is also (SOR/SOR/2005-41) used in the production of lubricants EC 850/2004 Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC's). 2016 and their spare parts are exempted. This exemption will be reviewed in 59 die and carrier within integrated circuit flip chip 2019. 2017. 2017】 Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Copper alloy containing lead greater than ・Harnesses (brass). Prohibited from intentional use Refrigerant National law of Denmark 2252-84. nd H 2011. brass parts 3 than 4wt%. lead-based alloys containing 85 % 57 2019.% but. Will be reviewed in 2015 4wt% (All usage) ・Battery cable terminals. air than 0. than 0. etc. Application Honda Criteria Regulations No. All uses . Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0. feed pipe guides. all members - bellows than 0. or Air conditioner compressor vehicles put on the market before July 1. Used in spare parts for 52 ・Bearing shells. Used in spare parts for Ho py 10 fuel hoses. Vehicles type approved Vibration dampers 8 ・Dynamic dampers (main body).35wt% before 1 January 2016 and spare parts for S these vehicles are exempt.5wt% until 2wt% is exempted Prohibited from use in concentrations greater ・Mission valves. on component pins and on these vehicles is exempted.e. is exempted. 【undecided at 20 Feb. Vehicles type approved 56 airflow sensors before 1 January 2015 and spare parts for these vehicles is exempted. fuel hoses.1 wt. Exempted 10(a). navigation Japanese national law . a Button batteries except follows . Button-type alkaline manganesebatteries .1 wt. prohibited from intentional ・Lamps for lighting purposes mercury content exceeding 5 mg per lamp use after January 1. prohibited from ・Mercury content exceeds 5mg and its length intentional use for all products.% but. ATF temp sensor lead in: glass or ceramic matrix compound. 1 and spare parts for V AC or 250 V DC these vehicles is exempted. Electrical and electronic components But this exemption does not cover the use of which contain lead in a glass or ceramic. Prohibited from intentional use only XVII 81161-70-8 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 97 Monomethyldichlorodiphenylmethane All uses . Prohibited from use in concentrations greater High pressure mercury vapour lamps for . 2006.% but.1 wt. All uses . Window washer fluid.% but.1 wt. Lead in PZT based dielectric ceramic materials of capacitors being part of integrated 64 Exempted circuits or discrete semiconductors Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 10(c). Prohibited from intentional use only XVII REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 2-Naphthylamine and its salts.5m Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0. Window washer SFS 1986:8). than 0. Annex XVII) not be placed on the market after 10 October 4 substances 2017 only Poland. Button batteries prohibited from intentional use after January 1. etc. XVII (former76/769/EEC) only than 0. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0. conponents.% but. 2017. and spare parts for laminated glazing these vehicles is exempted. Additives for Oil or Coolant . EEFL(external electrode fluorescent lamps) for Prohibited from use in concentrations greater electronic displays which fall under one of the than 0. 1 and spare parts for these vehicles is exempted. and spare parts for these ・Mercury content exceeds 3.Coolant XVII (former76/769/EEC) than 0. Vehicles type approved 1 66 related deviations of sensors in ultrasonic before January 1. than 3 wt. Seat belt pretensioner before July 1. than 0. 63 ・Buzzer. (Materials/Parts) ID (reference) (reference) 8(h) Lead in solder to attach heat spreaders to the heat sink in power semiconductor Prohibited from use in concentrations greater assemblies with a chip size of at least 1 cm² of than 0. containing one or more of 4 substances shall Catalyst of Urethane. Button batteries batteries with a maercury content less than than 0.% but. 10(b). switches .1 wt. IMDS Major Relevant Laws and GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No.1 wt.% of Button batteries but. 2020. Vehicles type approved Pyrotechnic initiators 18 ・SRS in frater. and spare parts for these vehicles is exempted.1 wt.% but. Knocking sensor.1 wt.1 wt. Vehicles type approved automotive electrical applications to reduce CO - before January 1. Vehicles type approved China ELV.1wt% or less 46 Exempted XVII (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Swiss national law ・Discharge lamps for headlight application than 0. 2%. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0. 1 and spare parts for these and spare parts for these vehicles vehicles is exempted. ial 10(d). Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 103-27-5. burner C Linear fluorescent lamps for general lighting nf purposes that are 60 watts with a mercury Prohibited from use in concentrations greater content exceeding 5 mg and use Triband and . than 0.% but. or in a glass-ceramic matrix — dielectric ceramic materials of components compound.% ・Mercury switches. and spare parts for 2 emissions by recuperation of exhaust heat these vehicles is exempted. all members following lamps. 2018. Button batteries prohibited from intentional use after January 1. and Zinc Air button Prohibited from use in concentrations greater . IR sensor (TFFE) — glass in bulbs and glaze of spark plugs.% National law of Switzerland National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005-41) 109 N-Nitrosamines. vehicles is exempted. and spare parts for these vehicles is exempted.1 wt. prohibited from intentional ・Mercury switches.Coolant XVII (former76/769/EEC) members than 0. etc. Vehicles type approved 91 Mercury and its compounds. etc. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0.% of Button batteries but.% of articles or any parts thereof EU 848/2012 13302-00-6. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0. length is 0. Compact fluorescent lamps for general lighting Prohibited from use in concentrations greater purposes that are 30 watts or less with a .1 wt. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Relays. Oils .% National law of Switzerland . Lead in dielectric ceramic materials of ide 4 than 0.0005 wt.HCSC-G-001-14 50 / 95 Products instructed by NH mark shall comply with Honda criteria shown in the table below.1 wt.% but. Batteries except button batteries . 2012. 2018.etc. EU-D 2000/53/EC(ELV) Co M REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Mercury Concentration 0.5m or less systems. 2003 and to be used as spare part is exempted. 2016.0005 wt. Vehicles type approved 90 Lead and its compounds. 2018.5 mg and its ・Liquid crystal meters. 2020. After January 1. and spare parts for sonar systems these vehicles is exempted. than 0. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Mercury used in all uses except bellows - than 0.% but.1 wt.% but. Sweden (SFS 1985:840.0005 wt.% of Button batteries but. 2018. 2019. in a ・G sensor.1 wt. etc. 7439-97- CCFL(cold cathode fluorescent lamps) and 6. prohibited from intentional ・Lamps for lighting purposes general lighting purposes nd H use after December 31. in a glass. S use after December 31.5m or less ・Mercury content exceeds 13mg and its length Ho py is over 1. Application Honda Criteria Regulations No. Prohibited from intentional use only XVII 76253-60-6 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 98 Monomethyltetrachlorodiphenylmethane All uses . ・Semiconductor devise protector ceramic material. 2012. Vehicles type approved 62 glazing before January 1. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 8(j) Lead in solders for soldering of laminated than 0. Oils . prohibited from intentional ・Lamps for lighting purposes Halophosphate phosphors as main use after January 1. Prohibited from intentional use Polyurethane foams and corrosion inhibitors National law of Germany(TRGS 552.% but. than 0.1 wt. all members applications on glass except for soldering in 61 before January 1. listed under 10(b).0005 wt. (REACH EU-R 1907/2006 26545-49-3. of at least 1 A/mm2 of silicon chip area Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 8(i) Lead in solders in electrical glazing than 0.1 wt. Silver oxide button batteries with a mercury Co content less than 1%.% but.1 wt.% (See Table-10) HES D2002 99688-47-8 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 96 Monomethyldibromodiphenylmethane All uses . Prohibited from use in concentrations greater nt Lead-containing thermoelectric materials in S than 0. Vehicles type approved 60 projection area and a nominal current density before January 1.1 wt.1 wt. Lead in the dielectric ceramic materials Prohibited from use in concentrations greater of capacitors compensating the temperature. 2020.01 wt.% of Button batteries. selected 62-75-9 only All uses .% but. Korea ELV *Vehicles type approved before 1 July 2012 25 HID lamps before July 1. all Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 103 91-59-8. 62-38-4.etc. TRGS 615) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 25154-52-3 Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 110 Nonylphenol Detergent . Batteries prohibited from intentional use after January 1. 2018.% National law of Switzerland REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 107 4-Nitrobiphenyl and its salts 92-93-3 only Additives for Oil or Coolant . before July 1. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 93 Methanol 67-56-1 only Window washer . 2016. 10(c) and 10(d). etc. is over 0. Valve seat for engines Valve seat 15 ・inlet and exhaust valve sheet developed before July 1.5m and 1. Vehicles type approved capacitors with a rated voltage of less than 125 65 before January 1.% but. 2020. than 0. 2016. resin cases. Floor carpet . glasses. (Materials/Parts) ID (reference) (reference) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Detergent . 115 All uses Prohibited from intentional use Fire extinguishers Hydrocarbons and Carbons. hydraulic fluids Regulation of Manufacture.%. but exempt to 1163-19-5 U.. etc. Steering handle. etc.. etc. harness covers.01 wt. National law of Canada 1. 75-73-0 only All uses .etc. XVII (former76/769/EEC) only standard than 0. Prohibited from intentional use Flame retardant National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005-41) Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its salts. state law All uses .% ChemVerbotsV a PAHs are prohibited from use in concentrations greater than the following: Co Extender oil for manufacturing tires 37  ・BaP: 1 ppm(0. sealants REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 153 ・Paints (excluding water-based paints). China ELV Prohibited from intentional use. salts used in leather REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 117 87-86-5. Prohibited from intentional use Lubricants.001 wt.% Ho py Japanese national law (Law Concerning the Examination and Polychlorinated Naphthalenes . of Chemical Substances) EC 850/2004 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 61788-33-8 PCTs in quantities greater than the Honda Prohibited from use in concentrations greater 155 Polychlorinated Terphenyls ( PCT ) .4. Capacitors. tetrafluoro. Exempted Honda standard) 39. its salts. and other heatproof resin parts.S.etc. XIV without REACH Authorization electronics Vinyl chloride(chloroethylene) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than Aerosol REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 124 75-01-4 only Aerosol propellant . Prohibited from intentional use - (SOR/SOR/2005-41) etc. cutting oils. 2. National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) Polybrominated biphenyls 150 (PBB). Seat cover . 732-26-3 only All uses . Etc. Circuit board. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4. Prohibited from use in concentrations greater National law of Norway Surface coating for fabric or carpet - ide 4 homologues and precursors. only inks. Etc. vehicles manufactured prior to model year only China ELV 2016. pyrotechnic objects. Prohibited from intentional use glasses. carbonless copying papers XVII (former76/769/EEC) National law of Japan (Chemical ・Air-conditioning units. EU-R 842/2006 189 Methane. Window washer fluid. Montreal Protocol.6-tris(1. metal finishes. leather and textile finishes. ・Capacitors nd H ・Heat media ・Lubricants. hydraulic fluids Regulation of Manufacture. state law etc.3-dibromopropyl)phosphate [TRIS] 126-72-7 only Fiber or cloth which directly contacts skin . Convention) Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCB ). lining. 2016 1 Japanese national law (Law Phenol.1% by part weight Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Mixture - PFOA.1 wt. lining. lining. Chemical Substances Control Law in Japan REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 202 Tris-(1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide 545-55-1 only Fiber or cloth which directly contacts skin .0001wt%) Tires  ・Total amount of specified PAHs: 10 ppm Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH.etc. Perfluorooctanoic acids than 0.6.etc. pyrotechnic objects. all members 354-48-3etc. Prohibited from intentional use Seat skins. members 3. including unintentional use. Organic Pigment PCB's greater than 0. wood treatment).38. shall not be placed on the Floor carpet . all members 8. printing inks. harness covers.% term repetitive contact with the human skin PAHs other than the above (applications. hydraulic fluids POP's(Stockholm Prohibit all uses (complete elimination) ・Adhesives (excluding animal and plant- All uses including unintentional use .36. Prohibited from intentional use PWC hulls Outboard engine parts. metal finishes. resin cases. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 146 Phthalates. than 1µg/m2 shall not be placed on the market ial after 1 Jan. cutting oils. All uses .. Exempted Semiconductor processes Prohibited from use in concentrations greater All uses except bellows - than 0. IMDS Major Relevant Laws and GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No. Etc. National law of Canada 188 Tetrachlorobenzene.0005% by part weight treatment. putties. Canvas top XVII (former76/769/EEC) of at least 80 % textile fibres by weight. biocides (including wood treatment). smelted materials. regulators. Prohibited from intentional use bis(1.g. leather and textile finishes.1-dimethylethyl). (+79/663/EEC) All uses of Material of EU regional Paints. all 16606-02.005 wt. Metal salt. etc. based adhesives). etc. Hexabromo 36355-01-8 EC Regulation 850/2004 All uses . cutting oils. XVII (former76/769/EEC) (+83/264/EEC) EU-D 79/663/EEC 203 Tris(2. of Chemical Substances) Japanese national law (Law Concerning the Examination and 136 Phenol. all members REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex PBB XVII (former76/769/EEC) 59536-65- (Polybrominat All uses . 35. etc.etc. (0.1-dimethlethyl). REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 204 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate 115-96-8 only manufacturing which uses these substances . stabilizer for latex XVII (former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Perfluorooctane sulfonates C8F17SO2X XVII (former76/769/EEC) PFOS used in all uses except bellows . Application Honda Criteria Regulations No. National law of Japan (Chemical nf 151 Substances Control Law) all members ECU. (ultraviolet absorbers) Regulation of Manufacture. all members National law of Japan (Chemical Photoresists or Etchings for semiconductor Substances Control Law) . TV sets Substances Control Law) Prohibited use Organic Pigment which contain Organic Pigment . and 1763-23. etc. 117-81-7. Seat cover and Canvas top in Prohibited from use in concentrations greater REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex which water washing is presumed that consists . All uses - members than 0. XVII (former76/769/EEC) PCAH).001wt%) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 156 50-32-8. members 3. than 0. Prohibited from intentional use Seat skins. selected Rubber or plastic or paint components that EU-R 1272/2008/EEC Prohibited from use in concentrations greater come into direct as well as prolonged or short. all Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Wood preservative. etc. Paints. XIV without REACH Authorization electronics only 4 substances Co M POP's(Stockholm Convention) Circuit board. . XVII (former76/769/EEC) 199 Triorganotin compounds. than 0. Prohibited from intentional use Seat skins.S. shift lever. biocides (including All uses of Material of EU regional 84-74-2.% National law of Switzerland 26264-02- 111 Nonylphenol ethoxylates. esters.005 wt. Prohibited from intentional use Coatings for fabric parts (including labels) (X = OH.% 121 C8F15O2H. and other heatproof resin biphenyl only parts.etc. of Chemical Substances) nt S 85-68-7. market after January 2021 Ozone depleting halogenated 74-83-9.etc. 9.HCSC-G-001-14 51 / 95 Products instructed by NH mark shall comply with Honda criteria shown in the table below. Prohibited from intentional use Flame retardant U. Prohibited from intentional use only Vehicle applications (e. EU-R 1005/2009 POP's(Stockholm Convention) 116 Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 only All uses . C Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). amide. etc. all members than 1µg/m2 Prohibited from use in concentrations greater Surface coating for films or photo printings . S ed biphenyls) (SOR/SOR/2005-41) China ELV REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII (former76/769/EEC) National law of Switzerland 32534-81-9 All uses . Prohibited from intentional use Pressure accumulator National law of Denmark REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 3644-37. smelted materials. etc. tire inflator systems) National law of Denmark 12408-10-5.etc. 41 2551-62-4 Insulation medium of electric power equipment EU-R 842/2006 184 Sulfur Hexafluoride All uses . 3846-71-7 Coatings for plastic mold parts and printing Concerning the Examination and 125 All uses . XVII (former76/769/EEC) than 0. (SOR/SOR/2005-41) (PFOS). Prohibited from intentional use 84-69-5. all members 84713-12-2. etc. Prohibited from intentional use Lubricants. halide. regulators. Residual monomer in polymers XVII (former76/769/EEC) 5 ppm(0.0001 wt. all members All uses . selected manufacturing which uses these substances .0005wt%) . higher 335-67-1. National law of Canada 118 other derivatives including polymers) 1. all 70776-03- 154 All uses . Prohibited from intentional use ECU.     Mark Technical Standard (Table 3) Drawings and documents instructed by NH_BB mark are those that accept the existence of substances not complying with NH Mark Technical Standard due to exemptions. ide 4 i al nf S 1 nt Co MS C nd H Ho py a Co .HCSC-G-001-14 52 / 95 II-2-2. nd H REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Resin parts. Major Relevant Laws and GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No.42 PT7. Also includes only 0. Biocidal coatings / biocidal additives.etc. D9 73790-28-0. etc. use ChemVerbotsV . gaskets. a JAMA regulations(for motorcycles) : All applications other than the above etc. all members 1332-21-4. nt S Forbidden use as biocide in Honda Criteria of Table-1: P7. National law of Switzerland . A8.PT8 and PT9 surface treatment of vulcanized National law of Canada Prohibited from intentional rubber to increase adhesion. etc. use glues. etc.) Other National law of Netherlands 46 Cadmium and its compounds. selected in impurities associated with leather. plastics (SOR/SOR/2005-41) National law of Japan(Industrial Safety and Health Law ) Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 624-49-7 All uses use Annex XVII. National law of Canada 0. glasses. reaction products with 68921-45-9 All uses Prohibited from intentional National law of Canada 22 Stabilizing agent for Oil and Lubricant styrene and 2. paints. only use Annex XIV Authorization Chlorinated or brominated Dioxins or Furans. P9 selected product-type Allowed use as biocide in 42 Honda Criteria of Table-1: D7. <Aim> Prohibited use -Thick film pastes(ceramic substrate pattern. all members Fibers over 5 µm long and under 3 µm in diameter.002wt%.1wt% Prohibited from use in Raw material/contaminant in other REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 19 Benzene 71-43-2. only All uses(except for fuels) concentrations greater than chemicals XVII (former76/769/EEC) 0. (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) Prohibited from use in Impurities in textile and leather paints REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 8 4-Aminobiphenyl and its salts.1wt% rubber/latex. (EU) No 528/2012 Honda Criteria of Table-1: A7. etc. JAMA regulations (for motorcycles) The concentration shall be Ho py less than 0.etc. only which uses these substances without REACH and textile finishes. smelted materials.etc. Substances and preparations concentrations greater than Antioxidants in lubricants. plastics 84282-36-0 Stain proof use for hulls and parts submerged in Prohibited from intentional PWC hulls Outboard engine parts. etc. XVII (former76/769/EEC) .etc. Annex XIV Authorization electronics All types of asbestos. etc. -These details are that the prohibited substances specified in the new regulation issued and P substances specified in GADSL are added to the table 1 of the specifications for HR mark 0085Z-GHA-6005. use. selected product-type Co M preservative. Authorization as biocide Reg. National law of Netherlands applications JAMA regulations(for motorcycles) -Relay.etc. etc. Honda Criteria Regulations No. N-phenyl-. HR Mark Technical Standard (Table 4) Products instructed by HR mark shall comply with Honda criteria shown in the table below. selected etc. All uses concentrations greater than Antioxidants in lubricants. XVII (former76/769/EEC) 14 Arsenic and its compounds. selected fabrics and leather concentrations greater than seat. all members Paints. (SOR/DORS/2012-285) i al REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 1 XVII (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from use in Impurities in textile and leather paints EU-R 1272/2008 /EEC 33 Benzidine and its salts. and 79-01-6 Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 which uses these substances without REACH adhesives applications. 15 Asbestos Fibers. etc. National law of Netherlands JAMA regulations (for motorcycles) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Parts containing PVC(Harnesses. A9 needed for selected product-type All uses except in PT7. P8. etc. and in (SOR/SOR/2005-41) 43 Bis(chloromethyl) ether (BCME) 542-88-1. switches(electric contact) -Safety valve of high-pressure tank. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 17 Azodyes that can form carcinogenic amines.4. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex . leather Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 1327-53-3. all members 92-67-1 .etc. Annex XVII (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from use in 12217-14-0.) Co 71-55-6 Prohibited from use in Solvent and other dispersive Montreal Protocol 56-23-5 All uses concentrations greater than EU-R 1005/2009 applications. XVII (former76/769/EEC) 0. gaskets. grips. only All uses use the manufacture of flame-retardant National law of Japan(Industrial C fabrics (ATSDR 1989). all members plastic and rubber parts. all members 92-87-5 . biocides All uses of Material of EU regional manufacturing (including wood treatment). antimicrobial. All Substances except No. clutch linings.1wt% manufacturing process uses resulting 47 Chlorinated hydrocarbons. linings.01wt% even if REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Cadmium plating (for agricultural and road vehicles) unintentionally contained. Rubber parts Coated XVII (former76/769/EEC) Colorants (pigments. metal finishes. etc. D8. dyes) parts. XVII (former76/769/EEC) • Exempted for safety device and electrical contact Breakers. use pyrotechnic objects. All uses of Material of EU regional manufacturing foams. National law of each country with an aspect ratio of over 3 Prohibited from intentional Brake pads/linings.HCSC-G-001-14 53 / 95 II-2-3. rubbers.1wt% rubber/latex. water preservation of wood use Wooden products. clutch linings.1wt% ide 4 Additives for Tire Benzenamine. Annex XVII (former76/769/EEC) 0. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 16 Asbestos Minerals. PT8 and PT9 Allowed use as not biocide S Forbidden use as biocide in . OSHA's definition (1992): REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 77536-66-4 Prohibited from intentional Brake pads/linings. XVII (former76/769/EEC) 7440-43-9 Stabilizers Prohibited from intentional protective tubes. all 67562-39-4 Prohibited from intentional POP's(Stockholm Convention) 48 All uses - members . Safety and Health Law ) nf Prohibited from use in Batteries concentrations greater than Batteries 2006/66/EC (Battery directive) 0. etc. fungicide.4-trimethylpentene(BNST) only (except for Rubber parts other than Tire) use etc. All uses use glues.etc. . etc. from use in concentrations the model sale target age 12 year of 1.01wt%). Honda Criteria Regulations No. all members: rubbers'. Impurities of colorant National law of Canada Co M Prohibited from intentional As a peptizing agent in the production (SOR/SOR/2005-41) 76 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1. only All uses (SOR/SOR/2005-41) cyclobuta(cd)pentalene. use Substances Control Law) Prohibited to use in articles or part thereof. greater than Seat surface textile or leather. however. only Prohibited from use in Anticorrosion parts.hexabromo(HBCD) All uses Fabric of luggage box etc. all members Lead-acid batteries (according to EU Battery Exempted Directive) a Lead chemical Discharge lamps Exempted 90 National law of Denmark compound Except for Co JAMA regulations (for motorcycles) paints Paint for special uses(Corrosion prevention paint Lead-chemical containing less than 250 ppm(0.01wt%).'metal concentrations greater than National law of Switzerland . etc.mdsystem. Prohibited to use in articles ide 4 https://public.125wt%) of lead) exempted by the law Bulb glass(light sources) Exempted Glaze on spark plugs Exempted Electronic components(including PZT) Exempted Repair parts Exempted Only lead in metallic for the following use is object of Prohibited from use in the regulation.01wt%). please consult your MSDS and All uses 2 substances use National law of Canada supplier to determine product-specific chain length. all members 812-04-4 . POP's(Stockholm Convention) paint.3-butadiene (HCBD) 87-68-3. etc. all members 8. including in bearing metal 100ppm(0.'textiles'. and electrical goods Dodecachloropentacyclo 1. Dibutyltin compounds' used in all uses the equivalent of 0. only Prohibited from use in JAMA regulations (for motorcycles) Parts specified by Honda Motor Co.etc. Steering handle.1 % by Armrest surface textile or leather. MCCP). : <Aim> Prohibited use 14977-61. Ltd.. only 0. weight of tin.com/docum or part thereof.'plastics and Prohibited from use in 84082-38-2 (SCCP. concentrations greater than Seal National law of Denmark  • Seal for security/safety 100ppm(0.HCSC-G-001-14 54 / 95 Products instructed by HR mark shall comply with Honda criteria shown in the table below. BGBI  IS 1138 POP's(Stockholm Convention) 25637-99-4 Prohibited from intentional 55 Cyclododecane.The model which needs a compound in paints 15739-80-7 compound) are prohibited certificate by the third party. -These details are that the prohibited substances specified in the new regulation issued and P substances specified in GADSL are added to the table 1 of the specifications for HR mark 0085Z-GHA-6005. ents/10906/17094/faq_organo_tin_ Dioctyltin compounds. 51 Chromium(VI)-salts. Coated JAMA regulations (for motorcycles) All uses (Motorcycle parts) concentrations greater than parts(base coat).) Coated parts 1303. all members 818-08-6 etc. CPSIA16 CFR Part Lead chemical 7446-14-2 Other Lead (chemical Component of paint(Coloring agent. concentrations greater than Wheel balance weight U. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII (Old 76/769/EEC) weight of tin.* *Content calculation is refering 59 IMDS FAQ.025wt%) of lead, compound Exempted Antifouling paint for vessels containing less than which is 1250 ppm(0. Any other intentional use is prohibited.S.01wt%). paper. 4-Metheno-1H.1wt%. Example CAS 49 Flame retardant numbers are provided below.5wt% in Diethylene glycol Impurity and all other use (SOR/SOR/2005-41) methyl ether. and chlordecone Substances Control Law) was also known as Kepone.'leather processing products'. 100ppm(0. Lead(metallic form) 7439-92-1. all members 870-08-6 etc. Germany Consumer Product Application of leathers: Purpose of use contacting Seat. etc. all members 75-82-1 . 0. other CAS 85535-84-8 numbers may be used that are not specific to chain 71011-12-6 Prohibited from intentional EU 519/2012 length. All uses Refrigerant use EU-R 1005/2009 Prohibited from intentional Montreal Protocol 84 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's). (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) Chlorinated Paraffins.etc. only All uses (SOR/SOR/2005-41) use is also used in the production of EC 850/2004 lubricants S Prohibited from intentional Montreal Protocol 83 Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC's). Contained in a part having constant contact for skin the equivalent of 0.pdf spare parts etc. Therefore.) Lead(chemical compound). Lubricants. Short & Medium Chain Length 'paints and varnishes'. All uses Refrigerant use EU-R 1005/2009 C nf 2252-84-8 Prohibited from intentional EU-R 842/2006 85 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's). 3. Brake pads/linings Component in parts for electro deposition coating(stabilizer. greater than age or younger.etc.etc. rubber. Mirex was sold 65 2385-85-5.) Prohibited from use in (Vulcanization) accelerator in 18454-12-1 elastomer(rubber) Ho py All uses concentrations greater than . only All uses use of nitroso compounds and rubber for National law of Japan (Chemical tires Substances Control Law) Used mainly as an intermediate in the National law of Canada Prohibited from intentional manufacture of rubber compounds. National law of Japan (Chemical etc. .1 % by Urethane etc.etc. Prohibited from use in nt S concentrations greater than Impurities in Diethylene glycol methyl ether National law of Canada 71 Ethyl-/ Methyl-Glycols and their Acetates 109-86-4. Grip. National law of Canada Prohibited from intentional from 1959 to 1972.etc. Coloring agent in plastic Stabilizer in plastic(PVC. Major Relevant Laws and GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No. greater than Dibutyltin compounds. Mirex use as a flame retardant under the trade National law of Japan (Chemical name Dechlorane.etc.* i al 1 Flame retardant in plastics. use National law of Denmark Lead carbonate or Lead 598-63-0 sulfate are Prohibited from REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 1319-46-6 intentional use XVII (former76/769/EEC) nd H USA. state law( ME LD986 . Armrest. compounds. etc. 18454-12. WA  • Motorcycle wheel balance weight HB1033) 100ppm(0. Note that the use of specific CAS numbers for these working products' uses 1wt% substances differs throughout the world.'sealants'. It 77 Hexachloro-1. Should be undetectable Act the skin. all members All uses Refrigerant . 110 Nonylphenol. National law of Switzerland 26264-02-8 111 Nonylphenol ethoxylates. XVII (former76/769/EEC) 0. Lamps 100mg per a part or navigation system. amide.etc.1wt%.HCSC-G-001-14 55 / 95 Products instructed by HR mark shall comply with Honda criteria shown in the table below.Grease 0.etc. (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Stain proof use for hulls and parts submerged in Prohibited from intentional PWC hulls. placed on the market Ozone depleting halogenated Hydrocarbons and 74-83-9. selected 62-75-9. National law in Norway (X = H. etc. Carpet PFOA and its salts. etc. and other derivatives . and Metal salts). sensors. Parts in which water washing is presumed that concentrations greater than nd H REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Seat belt. selected Detergent concentrations greater than Window washer fluid. Prohibited from use in Batteries other than button batteries concentrations greater than Batteries other than button batteries 0. Additives for Oil or Coolant concentrations greater than Oils . only All uses Flame retardant National law of Canada use Ho py (SOR/SOR/2005-41) Prohibited from use in Wood preservative.etc.01wt%). XVII (former76/769/EEC) 1763-23-1 National law of Norway 118 Metal salt. C nf Prohibited from use in REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Detergent concentrations greater than Window washer fluid. National law of Canada including polymers) (PFOS). etc. state law (Connecticut. all members Prohibited from use in (3) Parts contains PFOA except (1) (2) (4) concentrations greater than Labels. all members 91-59-8 . etc. and video Louisiana. Prohibited from use in i al quantities greater than 1 10mg per part or in concentration greater 10ppm as mixture.etc. all members 87-86-5 .etc. halide.) 50ppm(0.01 wt. all members 354-48-3etc. mixture* Prohibited from use in Button batteries concentrations greater than Button batteries 2wt%.1wt%. shall not be XVII(旧76/769/EEC). only All uses use inhibitors National law of Germany (TRGS 552. (stain proof use) National law of Switzerland National law of Norway Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than HID lamps Backlight of screen with U. Overturning All purposes except for the above 100ppm(0. foil.1wt%. Prohibited from intentional use. In case that it is unintentionally contained. 0. -These details are that the prohibited substances specified in the new regulation issued and P substances specified in GADSL are added to the table 1 of the specifications for HR mark 0085Z-GHA-6005. salts used in REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 117 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its salts. Honda Criteria Regulations No. all members Prohibited from use in . All uses concentrations greater than leather treatment.Coolant XVII (former76/769/EEC) Co M 0. XVII (former76/769/EEC) water use etc. it ide 4 shall not exceed Antitheft sensors. Perfluorooctanoic acids C8F15O2X 1µg/m2 121 335-67-1. NH4. (4) a)Adhesive of Semiconductor.0005wt%.1wt%.005wt%) as display. Major Relevant Laws and GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No. National law of Switzerland National law of Canada Prohibited from intentional Polyurethane foams and corrosion (SOR/SOR/2005-41) S 109 N-Nitrosamines. all members . use EU-R 1005/2009 POP's(Stockholm Convention) Prohibited from intentional 116 Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5.Wheel balance weight etc. National law of Switzerland Prohibited from use in REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 107 4-Nitrobiphenyl and its salts 92-93-3. tape Exempted Semiconductor b)Surface coating for films or photo printings . XVII (former76/769/EEC) only National law of Switzerland 0. 99688-47-8 Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 96 Monomethyldibromodiphenylmethane All uses only use Annex XVII nt 81161-70-8 Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 97 Monomethyldichlorodiphenylmethane All uses S only use Annex XVII 76253-60-6 Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 98 Monomethyltetrachlorodiphenylmethane All uses only use Annex XVII Prohibited from use in REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 103 2-Naphthylamine and its salts. 2006/66/EC (Battery directive) 7439-97-6 91 Mercury and its compounds. Side net etc. only Additives for Oil or Coolant concentrations greater than Oils .Coolant XVII (former76/769/EEC) 0. stabilizer for latex XVII (former76/769/EEC) 0.1wt%.S. Prohibited from intentional Coatings for fabric parts (including POP's(Stockholm Convention) PFOS used in all uses except bellows REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex use labels) a Perfluorooctane sulfonates C8F17SO2X (X = OH. TRGS 615) Prohibited from use in REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 25154-52-3. Outboard engine parts.001 wt. consists of at least 80 % textile fibres by weight. Prohibited from intentional Montreal Protocol 115 All uses Fire extinguishers Carbons.1wt%. etc. meter. Bushing 0. all members Co Photo resist or etchings for semiconductor (SOR/SOR/2005-41) Exempted Semiconductor processes National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) Prohibited from use in (1) PFOA and Mixture concentrations greater than Oils .%.% Prohibited from use in (2) Surface coating for fabric or carpet concentrations greater than Fabric. use (ultraviolet absorber) Substances Control Law) Japanese national law (Law Prohibited from intentional Lubricants. other heatproof resin parts.0001 wt. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 156 50-32-8. National law of Japan (Chemical 125 3846-71-7. Etc. etc. PAHs: 10 ppm(0. only Fiber or cloth which directly contacts skin Cloth .etc. all members All uses XVII (former76/769/EEC) . ECU.TRX90) 0. leather Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex which uses these substances without REACH and textile finishes. 2. cutting oils.etc. glasses. 75-73-0.001wt%) selected XVII (former76/769/EEC) rubber or plastic or paint components that come into Prohibited from use in direct as well as prolonged or short-term repetitive concentrations greater than Steering handle.etc.etc. Honda Criteria Regulations No. National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) Polybrominated biphenyls 150 (PBB). hydraulic Concerning the Examination and 136 Phenol. contact with the human skin 0. metal finishes. leather 84-74-2. XVII (former76/769/EEC) only ChemVerbotsV 0. resin cases. only All uses dimethlethyl).S. etc. all members Fabric products.1wt%.. ECU. Prohibited from intentional Plastic casts. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 16606-02-3 153 Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCB ). paint.1. a Prohibited from intentional EU-R 842/2006 189 Methane. U. of 3. use etc. 155 Polychlorinated Terphenyls ( PCT ). Major Relevant Laws and GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No. XVII (former76/769/EEC) Octa BDE All uses concentrations greater than only National law of Switzerland 0. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4. Prohibited from intentional National law of Canada 188 Tetrachlorobenzene. Polybrominated diphenyl REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 151 Prohibited from use in regulators.S. ECU.% Insulation medium of electric power Ho py Prohibited from intentional equipment EU-R 842/2006 184 Sulfur Hexafluoride 2551-62-4. only All uses use Vehicle applications (e. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex PBB 59536-65-1 Prohibited from intentional Circuit board. metal finishes. 84-69-5. POP's(Stockholm Convention) unintentional use. 117-81-7.etc. resin cases. use pyrotechnic objects.HCSC-G-001-14 56 / 95 Products instructed by HR mark shall comply with Honda criteria shown in the table below.4. cutting oils. biocides All uses of Material of EU regional manufacturing (including wood treatment). all members All uses S Regulation of Manufacture. use fluids Chemical Substances) EC 850/2004 Prohibited from use in REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 61788-33-8. etc. Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 202 Tris-(1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide 545-55-1. All parts which are used for the product which is 201 Tris(1. XIV Authorization only 4 electronics substances POP's(Stockholm Convention) Circuit board. all members 32536-52-0. National law of Japan Prohibited from use in Vermont state law 13674-87-8.1-dimethylethyl). smelted materials. etc. smelted materials.0001wt%)  -Total amount of specified nd H Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH. only All uses concentrations greater than nt U. Prohibited from intentional EC Regulation 850/2004 Hexabromobiphenyl 36355-01-8 All uses regulators. printing ink. resin cases. harness covers.TRX90) 0. hydraulic 154 Polychlorinated Naphthalenes . all members 84713-12-2 All uses use (SOR/SOR/2005-41) .1wt%. of Chemical Substances) 85-68-7.6-tris(1. only Fiber or cloth which directly contacts skin Cloth .etc. harness covers. harness covers. only Paints.005wt%. Prohibited from intentional Lubricants. National law of Japan (Chemical Allowed use pigment which Substances Control Law) organic pigment contains PCB 50ppm or less organic pigment as by-product Japanese national law (Law Concerning the Examination and 70776-03. etc. Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 146 Phthalates. shift lever. etc. 40088-47-9 EU-R 850/2004 Penta BDE. state law S 0.3-dibromopropyl)phosphate [TRIS] 126-72-7. state law Prohibited from use in National law in Norway Deca BDE 1163-19-5. only All uses Pressure accumulator Co use National law of Denmark REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 3644-37-9 Prohibited from intentional PWC hulls Outboard engine parts. (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) Phenol. C nf PAHs are prohibited from use in concentrations greater than the following: Extender oil for tire manufacturing Tires  -BaP: 1 ppm(0. use XVII (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from use in Vermont state law All parts which are used for the product which is concentrations greater than Flame retardant (target product CRF50、 dealt with for the regulation 110. 36483-60-0 use U. use pyrotechnic objects. etc.6-bis(1. 204 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate 115-96-8. only Aerosol propellant concentrations greater than Residual monomer in polymers XVII (former76/769/EEC) 5ppm(0. only All uses use fluids Regulation of Manufacture.S. 32534-81-9 Prohibited from intentional National law of Switzerland All uses Hexa BDE.g. glasses.. PCAH).0005wt%) * Mixture: Substance with two or more elemental substances or compounds mixed without a chemical bond . selected which uses these substances without REACH and textile finishes. Etc. Prohibit All uses (complete All uses elimination) including Condensers.3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate concentrations greater than Flame retardant (target product CRF50、 only dealt with for the regulation 110. biocides All uses of Material of EU regional manufacturing (including wood treatment). all members All uses concentrations greater than Condensers. -These details are that the prohibited substances specified in the new regulation issued and P substances specified in GADSL are added to the table 1 of the specifications for HR mark 0085Z-GHA-6005. XIV Authorization electronics Prohibited from use in Aerosol REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 124 Vinyl chloride(chloroethylene) 75-01-4.1wt%. 732-26-3. and National law of Canada biphenyls) other heatproof resin parts. Paints. tetrafluoro. 199 Triorganotin compounds.etc. tire inflator National law of Denmark systems) 12408-10-5. state law i al National law of Japan (Chemical Hepta BDE 68928-80-3 Substances Control Law) 1 Circuit board.125. and ethers (PBDE).1wt%. XVII (former76/769/EEC) (Polybrominated All uses . all members Co M XVII (former76/769/EEC) . use XVII (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from intentional REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 203 Tris(2. (SOR/SOR/2005-41) ide 4 POP's(Stockholm Convention) Tetra BDE. use regulators. etc. and use other heatproof resin parts.125. ・Anti-corrosion surface treatment parts and All uses except below Prohibited from using it exceeding 0.1wt%. -Bolt and nuts 51 Chromium(VI)-salts. network infrastructure equipment for switching. e. Hexavalent chromium as an anticorrosion agent of the carbon steel cooling system in Prohibited to use over 0. piezoelectronic devices. 18454-12-1 etc. Major Relevant Laws GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No.2 % lead by weight S Lead in white glasses used for optical applications Exempted Lead in filter glasses and glasses used for reflectance standards Exempted Electrical and electronic components containing lead in a glass or ceramic other than Co M dielectric ceramic in capacitors. Cadmium and its compounds. 3 and 4) of Council Exempted Directive 69/493/EEC (*). Rubber parts. 7439-92-1 Lead in solders for the soldering to machined through hole discoidal and planar array 90 Lead and its compounds. members Cadmium in filter glasses and glasses used for reflectance standards Exempted Cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on borosilicate glass Exempted Cadmium alloys as electrical/mechanical solder joints to electrical conductors located directly on the voice coil in transducers used in high-powered loudspeakers with sound Exempted pressure levels of 100 dB (A) and more. etc. products shall comply with more severe Honda criteria. a painting part. Cadmium and cadmium oxide in thick film pastes used on aluminum bonded beryllium Exempted oxide.) Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts Exempted Used as spare parts put on the market before 1 July 2011 is Cadmium and its compounds in one shot pellet type exempted. May be used after that date Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of less than 125 V AC or 250 in spare parts for industrial monitoring and control V DC for industrial monitoring and control instruments. ・Thick film paste (ceramic substrate pattern etc. Exempted Lead in the plating layer of high voltage diodes on the basis of a zinc borate glass body. Expires on 31 December 2018. Lead in soldering materials in mercury free flat fluorescent lamps (which e. Free-cutting parts.35 % lead by weight Free-cutting parts. all members Exempted a 18454-12-1 etc. Coated parts. a rubber part. Lead halide as radiant agent in High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps used for Exempted professional reprography applications.HCSC-G-001-14 57 / 95 II-2-4. signaling. Exempted Lead in solders and termination finishes of electrical and electronic components and finishes of printed circuit boards used in ignition modules and other electrical and Expires on 31 December 2018 electronic engine control systems.g. notably in the seal frit and frit ring. ・Lights and high-pressure tank safety valves.1. Honda Criteria and Regulations № (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) Colorant (pigments and dyestuff) and stabilizer EU-D2011/65/EU and cadmium platings etc. Lead in solders for the soldering of thin copper wires of 100 µm diameter and less in Exempted power transformers.1 and as spare parts after that exempted. and network management for Exempted telecommunications Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor die Exempted and carrier within integrated circuit Flip Chip packages. Lead in solder in one interface of large area stacked die elements with more than 500 interconnects per interface which are used in X-ray detectors of computed tomography Expires on 31 December 2019. thermoplastic 90 Lead and its compounds. However. instruments placed on the market before 1 January 2021 Lead in platinized platinum electrodes used for conductivity measurements. Exempted ventilation. a (RoHS) 7439-92-1 coloration plastic part. Lead in solder of high temperature welding type (lead base alloy of lead 85% or more) Exempted nd H Lead in solders for servers. a lubricant. 21 July 2024 for industrial monitoring and control Lead in micro-channel plates (MCPs). A lead battery (by the EU Directive) Exempted Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes Exempted nt Lead in glass of fluorescent tubes Prohibited to contain over 0. all 46 7440-43-9 etc. ial Lead as an alloy element in aluminum 1 Prohibited from using it exceeding 0.March. marks (ink). glass etc. Used as spare parts put on the market before 1 July 2012 is C Lead used in other than C-press compliant pin connector systems exempted. air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) applications Used as spare parts put on the market before 2010. Lead in cermet-based trimmer potentiometer elements.75 % by weight in the cooling absorption refrigerators solution.1wt%. transmission. . Co Lead bound in crystal glass as defined in Annex I (Categories1. PVC part.01wt%. are used Exempted for liquid crystal displays. (RoHS) -Resin parts.24 is exempted.65 mm Used as spare parts put on the market before and less.March. instruments placed on the market before 1 January 2021. ceramic multilayer capacitors. S Lead in bearing shells and bushes for refrigerant-containing compressors for heating.9. all members 14977-61-8 etc. painting parts (groundwork processing). EU-D 2011/65/EU An electric part. Free-cutting parts.4wt%. all members All uses except below Prohibited from using it exceeding 0. if any substance is covered in both tables.24 is exempted. Prohibited from using it exceeding 0. etc. or in a glass or ceramic Exempted matrix compound Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of 125 V AC or 250 V DC or Exempted higher Lead in dielectric ceramic in capacitors for a rated voltage of less than 125 V AC or 250 Used as spare parts put on the market before 1 July 2012 is V DC until 2013. elastomer. and X-ray systems. design or industrial lighting). All uses exclude usage below and batteries. May be used after that date Lead used in other than C-press compliant pin connector systems for industrial in spare parts for industrial monitoring and control monitoring and control instruments. Lead as activator in the fluorescent powder (1 % lead by weight or less) of discharge Ho py lamps when used as sun tanning lamps containing phosphors such as BSP (BaSi 2 O 5 Prohibited to use over 1wt% :Pb) Lead in printing inks for the application of enamels on borosilicate glass Exempted Lead in finishes of fine pitch components other than connectors with a pitch of 0. etc. Expires on 31 December 2020. which for technical reasons must be mounted directly on or in the crankcase or cylinder of hand-held combustion engines Expires on 31 December 2020. 2. nf Used as spare parts put on the market before Lead as coating materials of heat conduction module C ring 2010. HR1 Mark Technical Standard (Table 5) Products instructed by HR1 shall comply with the restrictions shown in the Table-5 in addition to Table 4. Lead oxide in seal frit used for making window assemblies for Argon and Krypton laser Exempted tubes. Lead as an alloying element in steel for machining purposes and in galvanized steel Prohibited to contain over 0.24 is Lead used in C-press compliant pin connector systems exempted. Lead oxide in surface conduction electron emitter displays (SED) used in structural Exempted elements. an ide 4 electrode position painting part. instruments. etc. 2010.g. Lead as a copper alloy Prohibited from using it exceeding 4wt%. storage and storage array systems. 1wt%.5 mg shall be used per burner For general lighting purposes ≥ 30 W and < 50 W 3. Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) nd H 4 substances only Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB). Ho py a Co .g.g.7.g. members Mercury in single capped (compact) fluorescent lamps (per burner): For general lighting purposes < 30 W 2. For general lighting purposes ≥ 150 W 15mg may be used. Harness covers.1wt%. ECU. 32534-81-9 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers Substrates. not C exceeding 5 mg per lamp.1wt%. (per lamp): ial Short length (≤ 500 mm) 3. 10 and 11 Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) 146 84-74-2. market before the expiry date shown in the next column. T2) 4 mg may be used Tri-band phosphor with normal lifetime and a tube diameter ≥ 9 mm and ≤ 17 mm 3 mg may be used (e. if any substance is covered in both tables. T12) 3.g. induction lamps) 15 mg may be used ide 4 Mercury in cold cathode fluorescent lamps and external electrode fluorescent lamps (CCFL and EEFL) for special purposes. all members cases. 1163-19-5  etc.HCSC-G-001-14 58 / 95 Products instructed by HR1 shall comply with the restrictions shown in the Table-5 in addition to Table 4. Mercury switches.5 mg may be used (e.5 mg may be used For general lighting purposes ≥ 50 W and < 150 W 5mg may be used. from 2019. For general lighting purposes with circular or square structural shape and tube 7 mg may be used diameter ≤ 17 mm For special purposes 5mg may be used Mercury in double-capped linear fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes Tri-band phosphor with normal lifetime and a tube diameter < 9 mm (e.  fluorescent lamps. RoHS Annex I categorised : 1 to 7. Mercury in cold cathode fluorescent lamps for back-lighting liquid crystal displays. etc. members cases.22. all (RoHS) 91 7439-97-6 etc.1wt%. ECU.  Resin 150 59536-65-1 etc. used in industrial monitoring and control instruments placed Expires on 21 July 2017 nf on the market before 22 July 2017 117-81-7. Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) 85-68-7. All uses except below Prohibited from using it exceeding 0. etc. T5) Tri-band phosphor with normal lifetime and a tube diameter ≥ 17 mm and ≤ 28 mm 3.T9) 15 mg may be used Lamps for other general lighting and special purposes (e. T8) Tri-band phosphor with normal lifetime and a tube diameter > 28 mm (e. Honda Criteria and Regulations № (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) EU-D 2011/65/EU Mercury and its compounds.5mg may be used 1 Medium length (> 500 mm and ≤ 1 500 mm) 5mg may be used Long length (> 1 500 mm) 13mg may be used Mercury in other low pressure discharge lamps (per lamp) 15 mg may be used Mercury in High Pressure Sodium (vapor) lamps for general lighting purposes not exceeding (per burner) in lamps with improved color rendering index Ra > 60: nt P ≤ 155 W 30 mg may be used S 155 W < P ≤ 405 W 40 mg may be used P > 405 W 40 mg may be used Mercury in other High Pressure Sodium (vapor) lamps for general lighting purposes not exceeding (per burner): Co M P ≤ 155 W 25mg may be used 155 W < P ≤ 405 W 30mg may be used P > 405 W 40mg may be used Mercury in metal halide lamps (MH) Exempted Mercury in other discharge lamps for special purposes not specifically mentioned in this Exempted S Annex Mercury in hand crafted luminous discharge tubes used for signs. However. products shall comply with more severe Honda criteria. Harness covers.g. Except cables or spare parts for electronic and electrical parts which were placed on the Prohibited use it exceeding 0. Other heat-resistant  resin parts. Major Relevant Laws GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Substance CAS-No. Other heat-resistant  resin parts.g. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 84-69-5. etc. all Substrates. (PBDE).  Resin 151 32536-52-0 All uses Prohibited from using it exceeding 0. decorative or Expires on 31 December 2018 architectural and specialist lighting and light-artwork.5 mg may be used Tri-band phosphor with long lifetime (≥ 25 000 h) 5 mg may be used Mercury in other fluorescent lamps Non-linear tri-band phosphor lamps with tube diameter > 17 mm (e. All uses Prohibited from using it exceeding 0. Other heat. resistant resin parts. products shall comply with more severe Honda criteria. ide 4 ial 1 nt S Co M S C nf nd H Ho py a Co . Substance CAS-No.HCSC-G-001-14 59 / 95 II-2-5.etc.Harness covers. Honda Criteria Regulations (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) Substrates. only All uses Resin cases.1wt%. HR3 Mark Technical Standard (Table6) Products marked with HR3 shall comply with the restrictions shown in the Table 6 in addition to Table 4. Major Relevant Laws and GADS The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications L No. Furthermore. National law in Norway Exceeding 0. Prohibited from using it 151 Deca BDE(Decabromodiphenyl ether) 1163-19-5.ECU. if any substance is covered in both tables. National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005- including polymers) (PFOS). only All uses regulators. etc. ECU. All uses Condensers. (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) National law of South Korea National law of Saudi Arabia National law of Philippines National law of Malaysia National law of Mauritius All types of asbestos National law of Turkey OSHA's definition (1992): Fibers over 5 µm long Prohibited from Brake pads/linings. ECU. National law of South Africa National law of Singapore of over 3 National law of Australia National law of Chile National law of Honduras National law of Peru National law of Tahiti Prohibited from Coatings for fabric parts (including PFOS used in all uses except bellows POP's(Stockholm Convention) Perfluorooctane sulfonates intentional use labels) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII C8F17SO2X (X = OH. amide.etc. etc. all (complete elimination) POP's(Stockholm Convention) 153 16606-02-3 . resin cases. C S nf nd H Ho py a Co . and hexa-BDE 36483-60-0 intentional use other heatproof resin parts. etc. Co M members including unintentional National law in each country content. HRL Mark Technical Standard (Table 7) Products marked with HRL shall comply with the restrictions shown in the table below. gaskets. Honda Criteria No. and over 3 µm in diameter.HCSC-G-001-14 60 / 95 II-2-6.etc. etc. U. with an aspect ratio intentional use glues.etc. Prohibited from i al EC Regulation 850/2004 150 Hexabromobiphenyl 36355-01-8. harness covers. and other derivatives 1763-23-1 . National law of Israel 15 Asbestos fibers. resin cases. and intentional use other heatproof resin parts.S. National law of Japan (Chemical 1 Substances Control Law) POP's(Stockholm Convention) tetra-BDE 40088-47-9 EU-R 850/2004 Circuit board. Metal salt. state law National law of Japan (Chemical nt hepta-BDE 68928-80-3 S Substances Control Law) Prohibited all uses Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCB ). all 41) members Photo resist or etchings for semiconductor National law of Japan (Chemical Exempted Semiconductor processes Substances Control Law) ide 4 POP's(Stockholm Convention) Circuit board. GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Major Relevant Laws and Regulations Substance CAS-No. penta-BDE 32534-81-9 Prohibited from National law of Switzerland 151 All uses regulators. clutch linings. harness covers. (former76/769/EEC) National law of Norway 118 halide. all members 77536-66-4 . Rubber parts Coated parts. Dioctyltin compounds. other CAS numbers may be 84082-38-2 used that are not specific to chain length. Therefore. etc. Prohibited from intentional use. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XIV only these substances without REACH Authorization C nf Chlorinated or brominated Dioxins or Furans.1wt% chemicals (former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII (former76/769/EEC) Impurities in textile and leather paints EU-R 1272/2008 /EEC Prohibited from use in concentrations 33 Benzidine and its salts. Honda Criteria № (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) Impurities in textile and leather paints Prohibited from use in concentrations REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 8 4-Aminobiphenyl and its salts.mdsystem. contained. Also includes EU-R 1005/2009 only manufacturing process uses resulting 47 Chlorinated hydrocarbons. rubbers. 67562-39-4 POP's (Stockholm Convention) 48 All uses Prohibited from intentional use - all members etc.etc. It 77 Hexachloro-1.pdf Seat surface textile or leather. gaskets. greater than 0. all members 92-87-5 etc. plastics (former76/769/EEC) All types of asbestos REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 77536-66-4 Brake pads/linings. please consult your MSDS and supplier to determine product-specific chain length. fungicide ial Authorization as biocide needed for Honda Criteria of Table-1: A7. D9 product-type Biocidal coatings / biocidal additives. glues. gaskets. selected etc. protective tubes.* spare parts etc. 0. all members: nd H Note that the use of specific CAS numbers for these substances differs throughout the 85535-84-8 world. etc. . with an aspect ratio of over 3 1332-21-4 Brake pads/linings. clutch linings. D8. P8. The concentration shall be less than All uses exclude usage below and batteries. National law of each country µm in diameter. selected in impurities associated with leather. only All uses Prohibited from intentional use is also used in the production of EC 850/2004 lubricants . antimicrobial. however. Ho py Prohibited from use in concentrations Anticorrosion parts. A8. Used mainly as an intermediate in the manufacture of rubber compounds. clutch linings. all members 818-08-6 etc. all members etc. EU-D 2011/65/EU Co M 46 Cadmium and its compounds. etc. 0. all members 92-67-1 etc. .PT8 . https://public.* REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII (Old 76/769/EEC) 59 *Content calculation is refering IMDS FAQ. plastics 41) National law of Japan (Industrial Safety and Health Law ) 624-49-7 All uses Prohibited from intentional use REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII Forbidden use as biocide in selected Honda Criteria of Table-1: P7. 15 Asbestos Fibers. (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from use in concentrations Raw material/contaminant in other REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 19 Benzene 71-43-2 . preservative. all members All uses Prohibited from intentional use etc.HCSC-G-001-14 61 / 95 II-2-7.1wt% applications. grips. parts(base coat).1wt%. Short & Medium Chain Length (SCCP.com/documents/10 Prohibited to use in articles or part 906/17094/faq_organo_tin_compounds. (EU) No 528/2012 selected product-type 1 All uses except in PT7.1 % by weight of tin. all members OSHA's definition (1992): Fibers over 5 µm long and under 3 Prohibited from intentional use (former76/769/EEC) etc.1wt% rubber/latex.3-butadiene (HCBD) 87-68-3. All Substances except No.) Other 7440-43-9 plastic and rubber parts. etc. GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Major Relevant Laws and Regulations Substance CAS-No.1wt% rubber/latex. Contained in a part having constant contact for skin thereof. HRE Mark Technical Standard (Table 8) Products marked with HRE shall comply with the restrictions shown in the table below. glues. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 16 Asbestos Minerals. MCCP). Coated EU-D 2011/65/EU All uses greater than 0. greater than the equivalent of Co Urethane etc.42 and PT9 nt S Resin parts. all members etc.1 % by weight of tin. Example CAS numbers are provided 85535-85-9 49 All uses Prohibited from intentional use Flame retardant 850/2004 EC below. Prohibited from use in concentrations Germany Consumer Product Act Application of leathers Leather parts greater than 3 ppm(0. All uses Antioxidants in lubricants. and adhesives Prohibited from intentional use applications.0003wt%) BGBI  IS 1138 a Prohibited to use in articles or part Dibutyltin compounds. 79-01-6 All uses of Material of EU regional manufacturing which uses foams. etc. PT8 and PT9 Allowed use as not biocide Forbidden use as biocide in PT7.01wt% even if unintentionally Parts containing PVC(Harnesses. Dibutyltin compounds' used in all uses thereof. all members 870-08-6 etc. etc. S 71-55-6 Prohibited from use in concentrations Solvent and other dispersive Montreal Protocol 56-23-5 All uses greater than 0. Substances and preparations Antioxidants in lubricants. paints. greater than the equivalent of Armrest surface textile or leather. (RoHS) Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts Exempted Cadmium and cadmium oxide in thick film pastes used on aluminum bonded beryllium oxide. P9 product-type ide 4 Allowed use as biocide in selected 42 Honda Criteria of Table-1: D7. ChemVerbotsV Chlorinated Paraffins. only All uses(except for fuels) greater than 0. National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005- greater than 0. 0. A9 Reg. (RoHS) 14977-61-8 51 Chromium(VI)-salts. 73790-28-0. 2. an electrode position painting part. design Exempted or industrial lighting). all members 354-48-3etc. etc. Hexabromobiphe 36355-01-8 . etc. harness covers. regulators. greater than 0. are used for liquid crystal displays. piezoelectronic devices.g. and (RoHS) biphenyls) other heatproof resin parts. all members etc. GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Major Relevant Laws and Regulations Substance CAS-No. EU-R 1005/2009 POP's(Stockholm Convention) 116 Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 . resin cases. all members PBB Fabric products. 3 and 4) of Council Directive 69/493/EEC (*). greater than 0. glass etc.1wt%. National law of Switzerland Ho py Ozone depleting halogenated Hydrocarbons 74-83-9. a Prohibited from use in concentrations coloration plastic part. PVC part. Bushing greater than 0. ECU. ial Lead in printing inks for the application of enamels on Exempted 1 borosilicate glass Lead bound in crystal glass as defined in Annex I Exempted (Categories1. other metal use.1wt%.1w All uses except below 7439-97-6 t%.2 % lead by Lead in glass of fluorescent tubes weight Lead in solder of high temperature welding type (lead base Exempted alloy of lead 85% or more) Electrical and electronic components containing lead in a glass or ceramic other than dielectric ceramic in capacitors. EU-D 2011/65/EU (Polybrominated All uses etc.4wt%. all 335-67-1. NH4. Exempted e.1wt%.1wt%. all members (RoHS) Exempt of Lead Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection ide 4 and its between semiconductor die and carrier within integrated Exempted compound circuit Flip Chip packages.1wt%. . 59536-65-1 Prohibited from use in concentrations Circuit board.35 % lead and in galvanized steel by weight Prohibited from using it exceeding Lead as an alloy element in aluminum 0. S EU-D 2011/65/EU 91 Mercury and its compounds. National law in Norway members Prohibited from use in concentrations (3)Parts contains PFOA except (1) (2) (4) Labels. EC Regulation 850/2004 All uses Prohibited from intentional use regulators. Prohibited from using it exceeding Lead as a copper alloy 4wt%.g. all 32536-52-0 Prohibited from use in concentrations EU-D 2011/65/EU 151 All uses regulators. (former76/769/EEC) only greater than 0.001 wt% Prohibited from use in concentrations PFOA and its salts. leather treatment. Perfluorooctanoic acids (2)Surface coating for fabric or carpet Fabric. and members 1163-19-5 greater than 0. Prohibited from using it exceeding 0. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). Lead in PZT based dielectric ceramic materials for capacitors Exempted being part of integrated circuits or discrete semiconductors Co M Lead in soldering materials in mercury free flat fluorescent lamps (which e. TRGS 615) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 25154-52-3 . only All uses Prohibited from intentional use Flame retardant National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005- 41) a Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its salts. or in a glass or ceramic matrix compound EU-D 2011/65/EU 90 Lead and its compounds. Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes Exempted Prohibited to contain over 0. (former76/769/EEC) etc. All uses members greater than 0.1wt%. etc. and nyl only other heatproof resin parts. etc. harness covers. Prohibited from use in concentrations 110 Nonylphenol Detergent Window washer fluid. ECU. 32534-81-9 Circuit board. All uses exclude usage below greater than 0. (4) a)Adhesive of Semiconductor. stabilizer for latex (former76/769/EEC) Co Coatings for fabric parts (including POP's(Stockholm Convention) PFOS used in all uses except bellows Prohibited from intentional use labels) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII Perfluorooctane sulfonates C8F17SO2X (X = (former76/769/EEC) OH. a painting part. all etc. harness covers.1wt% thermoplastic elastomer. and other 1763-23-1 National law of Norway 119 derivatives including polymers) (PFOS). (RoHS) etc. a lubricant. (RoHS) Mercury in metal halide lamps (MH) Exempted 99688-47-8 96 Monomethyldibromodiphenylmethane All uses Prohibited from intentional use REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII only C 81161-70-8 nf 97 Monomethyldichlorodiphenylmethane All uses Prohibited from intentional use REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII only 76253-60-6 98 Monomethyltetrachlorodiphenylmethane All uses Prohibited from intentional use REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII only National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005- Polyurethane foams and corrosion 41) nd H 109 N-Nitrosamines. marks (ink). resin cases. foil. National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005- 41) members Photo resist or etchings for semiconductor processes Exempted Semiconductor National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) Prohibited from use in concentrations (1)PFOA and Mixture Oils . National law of Switzerland REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 26264-02-8 Prohibited from use in concentrations 111 Nonylphenol ethoxylates. and Metal salts). amide. only All uses Prohibited from intentional use inhibitors National law of Germany (TRGS 552. other heatproof resin parts. all Prohibited from use in concentrations Wood preservative. Carpet greater than 1µg/m2 120 C8F15O2X (X = H. Exempted nt S Lead in the plating layer of high voltage diodes on the basis of Exempted a zinc borate glass body. Montreal Protocol 115 All uses Prohibited from intentional use Fire extinguishers and Carbons. a rubber part. selected 62-75-9 . 18454-12-1etc. tape Exempted Semiconductor b)Surface coating for films or photo printings POP's (Stockholm Convention) Circuit board. resin cases. ECU. Lead in cermet-based trimmer potentiometer elements. Honda Criteria № (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) Solder. etc.Grease greater than 0. Metal salt. all members Detergent Window washer fluid. halide.HCSC-G-001-14 62 / 95 Products marked with HRE shall comply with the restrictions shown in the table below. etc. Lead as an alloying element in steel for machining purposes Prohibited to contain over 0. salts used in REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 117 87-86-5 etc. National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) Polybrominated biphenyls 150 (PBB). only Fiber or cloth which directly contacts skin Prohibited from intentional use Cloth . etc.001wt%) Insulation medium of electric power 2551-62-4 .etc. (former76/769/EEC) members only greater than 0.0001wt%) (former76/769/EEC)  -Total amount of specified PAHs: 10 ppm(0. cutting oils.3-dibromopropyl)phosphate [TRIS] 126-72-7 .. tetrafluoro.0005wt%) Residual monomer in polymers (former76/769/EEC) nt * Mixture: Substance with two or more elemental substances or compounds mixed without a chemical bond S Co M S C nf nd H Ho py a Co .etc. equipment EU-R 842/2006 184 Sulfur Hexafluoride All uses Prohibited from intentional use only Vehicle applications (e. of Chemical Substances) EC 850/2004 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII Polychlorinated Terphenyls ( PCT ). hydraulic Examination and Regulation of Manufacture. GADSL The applications that Honda Criteria is applied Example of main applications Major Relevant Laws and Regulations Substance CAS-No. all members All uses Prohibited from intentional use (former76/769/EEC) etc. 1 (former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 203 Tris(2. National law of Japan ial REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 202 Tris-(1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide 545-55-1 . ChemVerbotsV PAHs are prohibited from use in concentrations greater than the Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH. 75-73-0 . Honda Criteria № (Materials/Parts) (reference) (reference) POP's (Stockholm Convention) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCB ). etc. all 16606-02-3 Prohibit All uses (complete elimination) 153 All uses Condensers. 2010  -BaP: 1 ppm(0. 154 Polychlorinated Naphthalenes. all members 70776-03-3. National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) Japanese national law (Law Concerning the Lubricants.HCSC-G-001-14 63 / 95 Products marked with HRE shall comply with the restrictions shown in the table below. (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from use in concentrations Aerosol REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 124 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4. All uses Prohibited from intentional use fluids Etc. including unintentional use. tire inflator National law of Denmark systems) National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005- 189 Methane. selected * Tires produced after January 1. Extender oil for tire manufacturing following: REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 156 50-32-8 etc. Prohibited from use in concentrations 155 All uses Condensers.005wt%. only Fiber or cloth which directly contacts skin Prohibited from intentional use Cloth . etc. 199 Triorganotin compounds. all 61788-33-8 .etc. only Aerosol propellant greater than 5ppm(0. only All uses Prohibited from intentional use 41) ide 4 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII 3644-37-9 PWC hulls Outboard engine parts. (former76/769/EEC) members etc.g. Tires PCAH). e of BPR (reference) Prohibited from use in concentrations REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 8 4-Aminobiphenyl and its salts. P9:”P” in PT9 D7.5422-17-3.alpha. National law of Japan(Industrial 7. all members 92-67-1.2429-83-6.3567-65-5. 8. polymer> Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) *Active Major Relevant Laws and GADSL Substanc Substance CAS-No.2429-84-7.13164-93.12172-67-7. 3-Iodo-2- * 55406-53-6 DII/D7/D8/D9 propynylbutylcarbamate (IPBC) 4.6360-54.5-Dichloro-2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one. greater than 0. n-C10-16-alkyltrimethylenedi-. paper.2429-81-4.14567-73-8. Quaternary ammonium compounds. Honda Criteria for Packagings Regulations No. P7.3.2'.5(2H.2893-80-3.2'-dithiobis[N-methylbenzamide] 2527-58-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 * 2.531-85-1. D8:”D” in PT8.2113-61-3 greater than 0.5-triazine-1.36341-27-2. MIT.2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one. all members 1327-53-3 only manufacturing which uses these REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XIV substances without REACH Authorization REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 15 Asbestos Fibers.612-83-9. leather.3- * 78491-02-8 DII/P7/A8/A9 bis(hydroxymethyl)urea. N-phenyl-. A9:”A” in PT9 Allowed if it is in other than PT7.2429-73-4. Silver Copper * 130328-19-7 DII/D7/A8/D9 Zeolite Amines. Safety and Health Law ) Co M REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 42 Biocidal coatings / biocidal additives.'-trimethyl-1.531-86-2.6H)- * 25254-50-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 triethanol S * 1. * 8001-54-5 DII/P7/P8/P9 alkylbenzyldimethyl.4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1777-82-8 DII/P7/A8/P9 * 2-bromo-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethan-1-one 2491-38-5 DII/A7/A8/P9 * 2-Bromo-2-(bromomethyl)pentanedinitrile 35691-65-7 DII/P7/A8/P9 * 2-Chloroacetamide 79-07-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 Ho py 2-methyl-4-thiazoline-3-ketone.3811-71-0. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex ial 16 Asbestos Minerals.3.12172-73-5.5-dichloro-3H-1.3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2.67632-50-2. Prohibited from use in concentrations 33 Benzidine and its salts..P9 : Substances which are prohibited (“P”) to be included in specific product type under biocidal purpose in EU BPR regulation P7:”P” in PT7.1wt% XVII(former76/769/EEC) Benzenamine.72-57-1. rubber.A9 : Substance which needed to be certificated (“A”) before it included in specific product type under biocidal purpose in EU BPR regulation. 5-chloro-2-methyl-.3476-90-2.beta. 9 for<fiber.6426-67-1.3530-19-6.4335-09.21136-70-9.D8. 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole 149-30-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Benzoxonium chloride 19379-90-9 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Benzyldimethyl(octadecyl)ammonium chloride 122-19-0 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Benzyldimethyloleylammonium chloride 37139-99-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Benzyldodecyldimethylammonium bromide 7281-04-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 .8014-91-3.8004-59-9. Aluminum phosphide releasing phosphine * 20859-73-8 DII/A7/P8/A9 (under BPR) * Aluminum sodium silicate-silver complex. all members Prohibited from intentional use 0.alpha.27336-24-9.1wt% XVII (former76/769/EEC) Prohibited from intentional use for all uses of Material of EU regional 14 Arsenic and its compounds. Diazolidinylurea * 2.3-didecyl-2-methyl-1H-imidazolium chloride 70862-65-6 DII/P7/A8/A9 C nf 1-[1.2-benzisothiazolin-3-one 2634-33-5 DII/P7/A8/D9 * 1.12001-29-5.HCSC-G-001-14 64 / 95 II-2-8 Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) This standard is applicable to package materials (packaging/protective materials) etc.70146- S REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 07-5. * 2682-20-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 Methylisothiazolinone * 2-n-butyl-benzo[d]isothiazol-3-one 4299-07-4 DII/D7/A8/D9 * 2-Phenoxyethanol 122-99-6 DII/P7/A8/A9 a * 2-Phenylphenol.3-bis(hydroxymethyl)urea 140-95-4 DII/A7/A8/P9 * 1.4-dichlorophenylethyl)imidazole.5-Dichloro-2- * 64359-81-5 DII/D7/D8/D9 octylisothiazol-3(2H)-one (DCOIT) * 4. A8:”A” in PT8.2429-82-5. with 2-methyl-3(2H)- * 55965-84-9 DII/P7/A8/P9 isothiazolone 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate. all members National law of Canada 9.-allyloxy-2.3.P8.4.5-triyl)triethanol 4719-04-4 DII/A7/A8/P9 * 2.74220-10-3.2''-(Hexahydro-1..3.5-triazine-1..'. Silver zeolite 130328-18-6 DII/P7/A8/A9 Aluminium sodium silicate-silver copper complex.2429-79-0. The substances to contain at the package material shall comply with ”Honda criteria for Packagings” in below chart.13768-00-8.2602-46-2.2-Dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide (DBNPA) 10222-01-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 nd H * 2.17068-78-9. Technical * 73790-28-0 DII/A7/P8/A9 grade imazalil .573-58-0.42<*> shall apply the following "Honda Criteria for Packagings". 1. chlorides * Benzododecinium chloride 139-07-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Benzothiazole-2-thiol.77536-67-5.4.1937-37.77536-68-6 Prohibited from intentional use XVII (former76/769/EEC) ide 4 National law of each country 1332-21-4. XVII (former76/769/EEC) EU-R 1272/2008 /EEC 7. 8 for<Woods>.612-82-8. P8:”P” in PT8. D9:”D” in PT9 A7.132207-32.D9 : Substances which are allowed (“D”) to be included in specific product type under biocidal purpose in EU BPR regulation D7:”D” in PT7.alpha.132207-33-1 XVII (former76/769/EEC) 1 Prohibited from use in concentrations REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 19 Benzene 71-43-2 greater than 0. 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one.A8. 2-Hydroxybiphenyl 90-43-7 DII/D7/A8/D9 Co 3(2H)-Isothiazolone. mixt. A7:”A” in PT7.5-dioxoimidazolidin-4-yl]-1. selected XVII (+/-)-1-(. Active substance of GADSL No.16071-86-6. Biphenyl-2-ol.3626-28-6.4H. 4. reaction products with * 139734-65-9 DII/P7/A8/A9 chloroacetic acid * Ammonium bromide 12124-97-9 DII/P7/A8/P9 Benzalkonium chloride.12001-28-4.1wt% (SOR/SOR/2005-41) 5. all members 77536-66-4. reaction products with styrene and 2. or 9 not as "contained as biocide" Product-Type(PT) : 7 for<films or coatings>.2-dithiol-3-one 1192-52-5 DII/A7/A8/P9 * 5-Chloro-2-(4-chlorophenoxy)-phenol (DCPP) 3380-30-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 * 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-thiazoline-3-ketone 26172-55-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Alpha-cypermethrin 67375-30-8 DII/A7/P8/P9 Aluminum phosphide. National law of Canada 22 68921-45-9 Prohibited from intentional use trimethylpentene(BNST) (SOR/DORS/2012-285) nt 92-87-5. 3. Honda Criteria for Packagings Regulations No. Copper (II) oxide 1317-38-0 DII/A7/D8/A9 * Copper sulphate 7758-98-7 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Copper sulphate pentahydrate 7758-99-8 DII/A7/P8/A9 C nf * Creosote 8001-58-9 DII/A7/D8/A9 Cu-HDO. Tributyltin * 56-35-9 DII/A7/P8/A9 oxide (TBTO) * Bis(trichloromethyl) sulphone 3064-70-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Boric acid 11113-50-1 DII/P7/D8/P9 * Boric acid crude natural) 10043-35-3 DII/P7/D8/P9 * Bromochloro-5. ..2- * 52918-63-5 DII/A7/P8/A9 dibromovinyl)-2. (S)-a-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1R.2. Trioxochromium 1333-82-0 DII/A7/P8/A9 Cis-4-[3-(p-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methylpropyl]-2.5-triazine- * 28159-98-0 DII/P7/A8/P9 2. LZ 34000. Arsenic oxide * 1303-28-2 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Diboron trioxide 1303-86-2 DII/A7/D8/A9 Dichlofluanid. Copper hydroxide 20427-59-2 DII/A7/D8/A9 S * Copper oxide. 1. 3-(3-chloro-p-tolyl)-1. propanoate (salt) * Dimethyldioctylammonium chloride 5538-94-3 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Dimethylfumarate 624-49-7 P * Dimethyloctadecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride 27668-52-6 DII/D7/A8/D9 * Dimethyltetradecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyl]ammonium chloride 41591-87-1 DII/A7/A8/D9 * Diphenoxarsin-10-yloxid 58-36-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Dipotassium disulphite 16731-55-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 . potassium salt 66603-10-9 DII/P7/D8/P9 Cyfluthrin.3. Bis[1- * 312600-89-8 DII/P7/D8/P9 cyclohexyl-1. 4-chloro-m-cresol.1.2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate Cyproconazole.N-didecyl-N.N- * dimethyl-ammonium carbonate and N.5-dimethylimidazolidine-2. Basic Copper carbonate.4-diamine * Cyclohexylhydroxydiazene 1-oxide.kappa.5-thiadiazine-2-thione 533-74-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 DDACarbonate.2-di(hydroxy-.6-tetrahydro-N-(trichloromethylthio)phthalimide 133-06-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Carbendazim 10605-21-7 DII/D7/A8/D9 ide 4 * Cetalkonium chloride 122-18-9 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Cetylpyridinium chloride 123-03-5 DII/P7/P8/P9 ial Chlorfenapyr.5-dimethyl-1.S)copper Bis(tributyltin) oxide.N-dimethyl.4-dione 32718-18-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Bronopol. bis(1-hydroxy-1H-pyridine-2- * 14915-37-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 thionato-O.diazenium-dioxy)-copper). N-[(Dichlorofluoromethyl)thio]-N'. a-cyano-4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzyl-3-(2.-[2-(didecylmethylammonio)ethyl].alpha.4-dienoate 7492-55-9 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Captan.3. 2RS. Copper (II) * 12069-69-1 DII/A7/D8/A9 carbonate--copper (II) hydroxide (1:1) * Copper (Cu) 7440-50-8 DII/A7/D8/A9 * Copper dihydroxide.O)diazeniumato(2-)]-copper nd H Cybutryne. 4-Bromo-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-ethoxymethyl-5- * 122453-73-0 DII/P7/D8/P9 1 trifluoromethylpyrrole-3-carbonitrile * Chlorocresol. e of BPR (reference) * (benzyloxy)methanol 14548-60-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Beta-cypermethrin 52315-07-8 DII/A7/D8/P9 * Bifenthrin 82657-04-3 DII/A7/D8/A9 Bis(2-sulfidopyridin-1-olato)copper. 894406-76-9 DII/A7/D8/A9 ammonium bicarbonate a * Decyldimethyloctylammonium chloride 32426-11-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 Co Deltamethrin.2.N-didecyl-N.3.HCSC-G-001-14 65 / 95 Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) *Active Major Relevant Laws and GADSL Substanc Substance CAS-No. Tetrahydro-3. (2RS.3RS.6- * 67564-91-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 dimethylmorpholine * Clothianidin. N'-tert-butyl-N-cyclopropyl-6-(methylthio)-1. Poly(oxy-1.3-diol 52-51-7 DII/P7/A8/D9 C8-18alkylbis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium bis(2- * 68132-19-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 ethylhexyl)phosphate * Calcium dihexa-2. dichlorophen 97-23-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Dicopper oxide 1317-39-1 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Didecyldimethylammonium bromide 2390-68-3 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) 7173-51-5 DII/P7/D8/P9 Didecylmethylpoly(oxyethyl)ammonium propionate.2-diol 191546-07-3 DII/P7/A8/A9 Copper carbonate hydroxide. 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1.omega. 1.3-Hexabutyldistannoxane.2- * ethanediyl).2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate 42 Diarsenic pentaoxide. Copper (II) hydroxide.2- * 68359-37-5 DII/A7/P8/A9 dichlorovinyl)-2. 3R)-3-(2..1-dimethylurea 15545-48-9 DII/P7/A8/P9 nt S * Chromium (VI) trioxide. 4-chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 DII/A7/A8/D9 * Chlorothalonil. Arsenic pentoxide. beta-cyfluthrin. IFMB 210880-92-5 DII/A7/D8/A9 Co M * Copolymer of 2-propenal and propane-1. Tetrachloroisophthalonitrile 1897-45-6 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Chlorotoluron.3. 94667-33-1 DII/A7/D8/P9 hydroxy-. Bis(N-cyclohexyl. Reaction mass of N.N'-dimethyl-N- * 1085-98-9 DII/P7/D8/A9 phenylsulfamide * Dichlorophene.1.4-triazol-1-yl)butan-2-ol Ho py * Dazomet.3SR)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3- * 94361-06-5 DII/A7/D8/A9 cyclopropyl-1-(1H-1. 3-(3.3-diamine 2372-82-9 DII/A7/D8/P9 N.2-dichlorovinyl)-2.N.N'-Tetramethylethylenediaminebis(2-chloroethyl)ether * 31075-24-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 copolymer * N.N'-dithiocarbamate) 142-59-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Naphthenic acids. DOWICIL* 200 PRESERVATIVE 51229-78-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 Esfenvalerate. Potassium methyldithiocarbamate 137-41-7 DII/A7/A8/P9 a * Metam-sodium. Pentane-1.N'-methylenebismorpholine (MBM) 5625-90-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Nabam. Metam. Honda Criteria for Packagings Regulations No.1-dimethylurea 34123-59-6 DII/D7/A8/P9 * L-(+)-lactic acid 79-33-4 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Lignin 9005-53-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 Ho py * Magnesium phosphide.6-Dihydroxy-2. Disodium disulfite 7681-57-4 DII/A7/A8/P9 Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate.4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-1H-imidazole 35554-44-0 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Iodine (I) 7553-56-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Isoproturon.alpha.6-hexanediyl]. Trimagnesium diphosphide 12057-74-8 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Margosa ext. 1-[2-(allyloxy)-2-(2.5-dial.2-Difluoro-1. pentahydrate 12179-04-3 DII/P7/D8/P9 * Diuron.1-dimethylurea (DCMU) 330-54-1 DII/D7/A8/A9 * Dodecylguanidine monohydrochloride 13590-97-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 * DOWICIL* 150 PRESERVATIVE. Boron sodium oxide * 12280-03-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 (B8Na2O13). Sorbic acid 110-44-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 * Hexaboron dizinc undecaoxide 12767-90-7 DII/A7/P8/P9 * Hexafluorosilicic acid 16961-83-4 DII/A7/P8/A9 C nf Homopolymer of 2-tert-butylaminoethyl methacrylate (EINECS 223- * 26716-20-1 DII/P7/P8/P9 228-4) * Hydroxyl-2-pyridone 822-89-9 DII/A7/A8/P9 nd H * Imazalil. O.O-dimethyl O-4-nitro-m-tolyl phosphorothioate 122-14-5 DII/A7/P8/A9 ial 1 * Fenoxycarb. 2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one 26530-20-1 DII/D7/D8/D9 * Oligo(2-(2-ethoxy)ethoxyethylguanidinium chloride) 374572-91-5 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Oxine-copper 10380-28-6 DII/A7/P8/A9 * P-[(diiodomethyl)sulphonyl]toluene 20018-09-1 DII/D7/A8/D9 Permethrin. (S)-a-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(S)-2-(4- * 66230-04-4 DII/A7/P8/A9 chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyrate * (ethylenedioxy)dimethanol/ 1.5-dioxyhexane 3586-55-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 Etofenprox. Disodium ethylenebis(N.2- * 52645-53-1 DII/A7/D8/P9 dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate * Poly(hexamethylendiamine guanidinium chloride) 57028-96-3 DII/P7/A8/P9 Poly(hexamethylenebicyanoguanide-hexamethylenediamine) * 27083-27-8 DII/A7/A8/D9 Hydrochloride * Poly(hexamethylenebiguanide) 91403-50-8 DII/A7/A8/D9 * Poly(hexamethylenebiguanide)hydrochloride 32289-58-0 DII/A7/A8/D9 Poly[iminocarbonimidoyliminocarbonimidoylimino-1.6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4- * 120068-37-3 DII/A7/P8/A9 [(trifluoromethyl)sulfinyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile Fludioxonil. e of BPR (reference) * Dipyrithione 3696-28-4 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Disodium cyanodithiocarbamate 138-93-2 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Disodium disulphite. 84696-25-3 DII/A7/P8/P9 * Metam potassium. * 214710-34-6 DII/A7/D8/P9 Didecylpolyoxethylammonium borate * Octhilinone.alpha-trifluoro-para- * 101463-69-8 DII/A7/D8/A9 tolyloxy)-2-fluorophenyl]-3-(2.6-difluorobenzoyl)urea * Fluometuron 2164-17-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 Co M * Folpet. 1-[4-(2-Chloro-alpha. anhydrous 1330-43-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 * Disodium tetraborate. copper salts 1338-02-9 DII/A7/P8/A9 N-Didecyl-N-dipolyethoxyammonium borate.HCSC-G-001-14 66 / 95 Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) *Active Major Relevant Laws and GADSL Substanc Substance CAS-No. m-phenoxybenzyl 3-(2. Ethyl [2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy)ethyl]carbamate 72490-01-8 DII/A7/D8/A9 Fipronil.4-dichlorophenyl)-1. Ethofenprox. 4-(2. Sodium ethyldithiocarbamate 137-42-8 DII/A7/A8/D9 * Methenamine 3-chloroallylochloride 4080-31-3 DII/A7/A8/P9 Co * Miristalkonium chloride 139-08-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 * N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1. * 1802181-67-4 DII/A7/A8/D9 hydrochloride . Glutaraldehyde. 3-(4-Isopropylphenyl)-1. N-(trichloromethylthio)phthalimide 133-07-3 DII/D7/A8/D9 * Formaldehyde 50-00-0 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Glutaral. Pentanedial 111-30-8 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Guazatine triacetate 115044-19-4 DII/A7/P8/A9 S * Hexa-2. 5-Amino-1-[2. decahydrate 1303-96-4 DII/P7/D8/P9 * Disodium tetraborate.3-benzodioxol-4-yl)-1H-pyrrole-3- * 131341-86-1 DII/D7/A8/D9 carbonitrile nt S Flufenoxuron. tetrahydrate * Disodium tetraborate.N'.4-dienoic acid. 3-Phenoxybenzyl-2-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-2- ide 4 * 80844-07-1 DII/A7/D8/A9 methylpropylether * Fenitrothion. di-C8-18-alkyldimethyl. (T-4)-Bis[2-(thioxo-kappaS)-pyridin-1(2H)-olato- * 13463-41-7 DII/P7/D8/P9 kappaO]zinc(II) Quaternary ammonium compounds (benzylalkyldimethyl (alkyl from * C8-C22. benzyl-C8-16-alkyldimethyl. coco alkyltrimethyl.3-dioxolan-2- * 60207-90-1 DII/D7/A8/D9 ylmethyl]-1H-1. dicoco alkyldimethyl. * 61789-71-7 DII/P7/P8/P9 Co M chlorides Quaternary ammonium compounds. Pentachlorophenol. * 68391-01-5 DII/P7/D8/P9 chlorides Quaternary ammonium compounds. di-C6-12-alkyldimethyl. chlorides 61789-18-2 DII/A7/D8/A9 Quaternary ammonium compounds. sodium salt 132-27-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Sodium bromide 7647-15-6 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Sodium dichromate anhydrous 10588-01-9 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Sodium dichromate dihydrate 7789-12-0 DII/A7/A8/D9 * Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate 128-04-1 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Sodium hydrogen 2. benzyl-C8-18-alkyldimethyl. sodium salt 3811-73-2 DII/D7/A8/D9 Pyrithione zinc. Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride. benzyl-C12-14-alkyldimethyl. di-C8-10-alkyldimethyl. ()-1-[2-(2. tallow alkyl. and NA DII/P7/P8/P9 soya alkyl) chlorides.2-methylenebis[4-chlorophenolate] 10187-52-7 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Sodium hydrogensulphite. benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl.2. 100085-64-1 DII/P7/A8/A9 hydroxides. * 91080-29-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 bromides Quaternary ammonium compounds. Glass oxide.HCSC-G-001-14 67 / 95 Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) *Active Major Relevant Laws and GADSL Substanc Substance CAS-No. 2-phenylphenol. benzyl-C10-16-alkyldimethyl.4-triazole * Pyridine-2-thiol 1-oxide. * chlorides. bromides or hydroxides)/BKC Quaternary ammonium compounds. Honda Criteria for Packagings Regulations No. C12-14- * 85409-23-0 DII/A7/P8/P9 alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl. [2-[[2-[(2-carboxyethyl)(2- * hydroxyethyl)amino]ethyl]amino]-2-oxoethyl]coco alkyldimethyl. chlorides 61789-77-3 DII/P7/P8/P9 nd H 42 Quaternary ammonium iodides * 308074-50-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 Bethoxazin/3-benzo[b]thien-2-yl-5. C12.4. * 63449-41-2 DII/P7/P8/P9 chlorides Quaternary ammonium compounds. benzylcoco alkyldimethyl.2-oxathiazine 4- * 163269-30-5 DII/D7/A8/D9 oxide Reaction mass of titanium dioxide and silver chloride individual CAS # used none for the "reaction mass" both must be present to DII/D7/A8/D9 report Ho py Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 D * Silver chloride 7783-90-6 D * Silver (Ag) 7440-22-4 DII/D7/A8/D9 Silver adsorbed on silicon dioxide (as a nanomaterial in the form of a * 1167997-68-3 DII/A7/A8/D9 a stable aggregate with primary particles in the nanoscale) Co * Silver chloride 7783-90-6 DII/D7/A8/D9 * Silver nitrate 7761-88-8 DII/D7/A8/D9 * Silver phosphate glass 308069-39-8 DII/A7/A8/D9 * Silver sodium hydrogen zirconium phosphate 265647-11-8 DII/D7/A8/D9 * Silver sodium zirconium hydrogenphosphate 155925-27-2 DII/D7/A8/D9 * Silver zinc zeolite.6-trichlorophenolate 3784-03-0 DII/D7/A8/D9 * Sodium 2-biphenylate. silver- * 398477-47-9 DII/P7/A8/P9 and zinc-containing * Sodium 2.4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1. e of BPR (reference) * Polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine 25655-41-8 DII/P7/D8/P9 * Potassium (E. benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl. bis(hydrogenated tallow * 61789-80-8 DII/P7/P8/P9 alkyl)dimethyl. * 73398-64-8 DII/P7/P8/P9 chlorides * Quaternary ammonium compounds. saturated and unsaturated. * 68989-00-4 DII/P7/P8/P9 chlorides Quaternary ammonium compounds. chlorides S * Quaternary ammonium compounds. inner salts ide 4 Quaternary ammonium compounds.4-dienoate 24634-61-5 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Potassium 2-biphenylate 13707-65-8 DII/A7/A8/D9 * Potassium dimethyldithiocarbamate 128-03-0 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Potassium sulphite 10117-38-1 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Prometryn 7287-19-6 DII/D7/D8/D9 Propiconazole.6-dihydro-1. sodium salt 131-52-2 DII/A7/A8/P9 .E)-hexa-2. * 68424-84-0 DII/P7/P8/P9 nt chlorides S Quaternary ammonium compounds. C * 68424-95-3 DII/P7/P8/P9 nf chlorides Quaternary ammonium compounds. coco alkyl.68424-85-1 DII/P7/D8/P9 16-ADBAC Quaternary ammonium compounds. * 68391-06-0 DII/P7/P8/P9 chlorides Quaternary ammonium compounds. * 85409-22-9 DII/P7/P8/P9 ial chlorides 1 Quaternary ammonium compounds. benzyl-C8-18-alkyldimethyl. Aluminum sodium silicate-silver zinc complex 130328-20-0 DII/D7/A8/D9 Silver-zinc-aluminium-boronphosphate glass. Sodium bisulphite 7631-90-5 DII/P7/A8/A9 * Sodium hydroxymethylamino acetate 70161-44-3 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Sodium p-chloro-m-cresolate 15733-22-9 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Sodium pentachlorophenolate.4. chlorides Quaternary ammonium compounds. (HBCD) 25637-99-4. Mercury and Hexavalent Packaging Directive 1.13477-23-1.11112-63-3.101357-03-3.4-Trichloro-2-hydroxy diphenyl ether. 77947 1314-13-2 DII/A7/P8/A9 * Zinc sulphide 1314-98-3 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Ziram 137-30-4 DII/P7/A8/P9 S National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005-41) 43 Bis(chloromethyl) ether (BCME) 542-88-1 Prohibited from intentional use National law of Japan(Industrial Safety and Health Law ) 12014-29-8.2.14307-35-8.37131-86-5.100402-65-1.102262-19-1. Prohibited from use in concentrations Montreal Protocol 71-55-6.14721-18-7.13814-62- 5. 1. Triclosan.13755-33-4.57117-41-6.3268-87-9 Sum of concentration levels of Lead.11114-92-4.7789- 00-6. e of BPR (reference) * Sodium sulphite 7757-83-7 DII/P7/A8/P9 * Symclosene.12187-14- 3.12139-23-0.3.I.12433-50-0.1306-25-8. Short & Medium Chain Length (SCCP.3.39001.13972-68-4.12014-14. National law of Canada 02-0.5-triazinane-2.101357-04-4.16037-50-6.14402-75-6.4-triazol-1- * 43121-43-3 DII/A7/A8/P9 1 yl)butanone * Tributyltetradecylphosphonium chloride 81741-28-8 DII/A7/P8/A9 Tributyltin naphthenate.101357-01.15600- 62-1.40321-76-4.90604-89-0.102262-21-5.2223-93-0.2.7758-97-6.7790-83-2.13832-25-2.14520-70-8.11 4.13473-75-1. selected a POPs 79-01-6 Prohibited from intentional use ChemVerbotsV Co 67562-39-4.1wt% EU-R 1005/2009 47 Chlorinated hydrocarbons.7790-84-3.13548-42-0. 2-(Thiazole-4-yl)benzimidazole 148-79-8 DII/A7/D8/A9 * Thiacloprid 111988-49-9 DII/A7/D8/P9 * Thiamethoxam 153719-23-4 DII/P7/A8/D9 * Thiram.7789-10-8.7790-79-6.14486-19-2.8048-07-5.93686-40-9.11103-86-9.49663-84-5 POP's(Stockholm Convention) Prohibited from use in concentrations 55 Cyclododecane.12656-85-8.12626-36-7.1344-37-2. hydrate 12267-73-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 Tetrahydro-1.1wt% National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) .57117-31-4.12656-57-4.56-23-5 greater than 0.16565-94-9.14923-81- 0.13765-19- 0.101357-00- * 3380-34-5 DII/A7/A8/P9 dichlorophenoxy)phenol nt S * Troclosene sodium.1306-23-6.13847-17-1.17010-21-8.greater than 0.99328-50-4.5-d]imidazole- * 5395-50-6 DII/A7/A8/P9 2. Honda Criteria for Packagings Regulations No.12213-70-6.71011-12-6 MCCP). (benzothiazol-2-ylthio)methyl thiocyanate 21564-17-0 DII/D7/D8/D9 Tebuconazole. C.5-Trichloro-1. Packaging Directive Chlorinated Paraffins.70648-26-9.13444-75-2.93820-02-1.18540- 29-9.10588-01- 9.37382-24-4.100402-53-7. 1.3194-55-6 greater than 0.10294-40-3.19262-93-2.14307-33-6. all members Prohibited from intentional use 34-5. dichloro-N-[(dimethylamino)sulphonyl]fluoro-N-(p- * 731-27-1 DII/A7/A8/P9 ide 4 tolyl)methanesulphenamide * Tosylchloramide sodium 127-65-1 DII/A7/D8/A9 ial Triadimefon.13423-61-5. 0.102262-22- 6. 1-(4-chlorophenoxy)-3.10108-64- 2.13814-59-0.7789-12-0. nd H Cadmium.27133-66-0.7790-85-4.HCSC-G-001-14 68 / 95 Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) *Active Major Relevant Laws and GADSL Substanc Substance CAS-No.11113-70-5.7784-01-2.15852-14-9.34465-46-8.1wt% Substances Control Law) 0.10325-94-7.7790-81-0.101356-99-4.13701-66-1.24613-89-6. mono(naphthenoyloxy) * 85409-17-2 DII/P7/A8/P9 derivs. 5-Chloro-2-(2.543-90- C nf 8.14312-00-6.10022-68-1. Stannane. tributyl-. packaging components shall not exceed California State Health and Safety Code 25214.15743-19-8.4-triazol-1- * 107534-96-3 DII/D7/D8/P9 ylmethyl)pentan-3-ol * Terbutryn 886-50-0 DII/A7/D8/A9 * Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide.57653-85-7. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 2893-78-9 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Troclosene sodium. EU 519/2012 48 Chlorinated or brominated Dioxins or Furans.13477-17-3.20648-91-3.7790-80-9.12292-07-8.13530-68-2.12014-28-7.3H)-dione * Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulphate(2:1) 55566-30-8 DII/D7/D8/D9 * Thiabendazole.4-dimethyl-3-(1.3-dimethyl-1-(1.12214-12.71243-75-9. Mercury and Hexavalent 94/62/EC 49 85535-84-8.15930-94-6. Tetramethylthiuram disulphide 137-26-8 DII/A7/A8/P9 * Tolnaftate 2398-96-1 DII/D7/D8/A9 Tolylfluanid. hexabromo.4.1328-67-2.12018-18-7. all members National law of Japan (Chemical 3. Prohibited from use in concentrations 51 Chromium(VI)-salts.11129-14-9.14312-00-6.6-trione 87-90-1 DII/P7/A8/D9 * TCMTB.14018-95- 2.14017-36-8.13465-34- 4. Sum of concentration levels of Lead.7789-42-6.11115-74-5.7788-98-9.68475-49-0.11119-70-3.19408-74-3.37300-23-5.141-00-4.1306-24-7.12139- 22-9.14445-91-1.7738-94-5.14977-61-8.12185-64-7. all members: Chromium present in packaging or California State packaging components shall not exceed Health and Safety Code 25214.13453-35-5.101357-02-2.33857-26-0.21041-95-2.90604-90-3.16986-83-7.1345- Ho py 09-1.10196- 67-5.13530-65-9.01 wt %.41189-36-0.12254-85-2.13675-47.14986-48-2.1746-01-6. Thiabendazol.7440-43-9.12017-86-6.3. 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4.14239-68-0.12006-15-4.6-tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)imidazo[4.13477-19-5. 94/62/EC 46 Cadmium and its compounds.57117-44- 9.542-83-6.102110-30-5. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 51580-86-0 DII/A7/P8/P9 * Zeta-cypermethrin 52315-07-8 DII/A7/D8/P9 Co M * Zinc oxide.60851.7789-06-2.18454-12-1.4464-23-7.15337-60- 7.1333- POP's(Stockholm Convention) 82-0.1306-19-0.7790-78-5.13455-25-9. Cadmium.51207-31-9.513-78-0.51222-60-7.12442-27-2.7778-50-9.58339-34-7.13454-78-9.11 7789-09-5.72918-21-9.10124-36.16056-72-7.51899-02-6.39227-28-6.5(1H.29870-72-2.15586-38- 6.1344-38-3.14104-85-9.13464-92-1.69011-07. 2. all members Chromium present in packaging or 9.14067-62- 0.7775-11-3.15851-44-2.55673-89-7.12016-69-2. 1717-00-6.430-57-9.18454-12-1.134190-48-0.17523-06-7.134237-38-0.20890-10-2.354-04-1. 2195-05-3.2388-00-3.354-15-4.94246-90-9. all members 88-8.75-45-6.7784-40-9.359-28-4. nts/10906/17094/faq_organo_tin_co 6.431-06-1.26588-23-8.338-64-7.68604-05-7.93839-98-6.359-10-4.54581-65-6.84837-22- 9.39345-91-0.422-56-0.62451-77-8.354-23-4. Prohibited to use in articles or part 0.25168-22-3.359-07-9.27987-06-0.3124-01-4. Any other (SOR/SOR/2005-41) intentional use is prohibited. National law of Canada 65 2385-85-5 Prohibited from intentional use (SOR/SOR/2005-41) cyclobuta(cd)pentalene.359-04-6.762-49-2.15546-16.12608-25-2.20403-42-3. Prohibited from intentional use EU-R 1005/2009 5.14450-60-3.1649-08-7.68901-11-1. 26391-11-7.68411-07-4.90552-19-5.28660-67-5. all members 1.1068- 61-7 .93894-64-5.163206-28-8. Mirex National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) Prohibited from use in concentrations greater than 0.12612-47-4.25167-88-8. 70192-71-1.94246-86-3.32011-19-1.460-32-2 . National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005-41) 76 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 Prohibited from intentional use National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) National law of Canada 77 Hexachloro-1.25168-24-5.68131-60-2. 3. 62135-10-8.93892-65-0.75372-14-4.593-53-3.78-06-8.6080- 56-4.624-72- 6.111483-20-6.134237-34-6.818-08-6.15347-57-6.431-89-0.56189-09.90268-59- 0.22673-19-4.65119-94-0.93966-37-1.HCSC-G-001-14 69 / 95 Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) *Active Major Relevant Laws and GADSL Substanc Substance CAS-No.71753- 04-3.37240-96-3.6928-68-3.134237-36-8.125328-49-6.421-90-9. 461-49- 4.55949-44-5.430- S 58-0.354-33-6. all members 6. selected IMDS FAQ. greater than the equivalent of *Content calculation is refering 59 Diorganotin compounds.16996-40- 0.2781-10-4.134237-41-5.431-86-7.41453-50.84961-75-1.108662-83-5.93165-26-5. 53692-44-7.69011- 60-5.15306-30-6. 1.1067-33.10584-98-2.13510-89-9.29881-72-9. 1786-38-5.28987-04-4.15347-55-4.352-91-0 . Cadmium.420-47-3.430-53-5.78-04-6. all members Prohibited from intentional use nd H 6.811- 95-0.11 61-4.19651-80-0.507-55- Montreal Protocol 84 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's).10294-58-3.59963-28-9.52847-85-5.94246-87-4.com/docume 55-2.69011-07-0.127404-11-9.29470- 94-8.7324-74-5.25659-31-8. 78-1.4731-77-5.33466-31-8.23621-79-6.32011-18-0.34018-28-5.15907-04-7. Packaging Directive Cadmium.75-68-3.1153-06-6.14687-25-3. 677-52-1.94246-84-1.84394-98-9.thereof.5847-54-1.7125-83-9.1520.11 0.5847- 0.7304-53-2.598-63-0. 0.431-21-0.19041-01-1.68239-46-3.818-99.90193-83-2.138495-42-8.85049-42-9.68989-89-9.134190-52-6.26636-01-1. 430-87-5.5 wt% in Diethylene National law of Canada 71 Ethyl-/ Methyl-Glycols and their Acetates 109-86-4 glycol methyl ether.17036-31-6.11119-70-3.75-46-7.35112-70-0.3349-36-8.94246-85- 2.68409-79-0. a 5.94015-57-3.10192.127564-83-4.301-08-6.91031-60-6. 460- 67-3.127564-82-3.816-68-2.25510-11-6.116867-32-4.65127-78-8. 29151-25-5.10031-22-8.51404-69-4.53202-61-2.94246-91-0.128903-21-9.134190- 54-8.85392-78-5.1319-46-6.97952-39- Ho py 1.460-73-1.94349-78-7.27070-61.90342-56-6.17239-87-1.2587-82-8.10031-13-7.27154-33-2.359-35-3.2837-89- 0.81412-57-9.90431-21-3.2317-91-1.12023-90-4.134237-35- 7.16996-51-3.94481-58-0.7439-92-1.1 % by weight of tin.17549-30-3.460-35-5.873-54-1.109707-90-6.460-69-5.354-21-2.29597-84.01 wt %.75-10-5.41556-46- Sum of concentration levels of Lead. 353-97-9.301-04-2.62637-99.19783-14-3.338-75-0.35837-70- 8.134237-45- 9.54554-36-8.134190-51-5.25168-21-2. 679-84-5.18917-82-3.90342-24-8.13323-63-2.354-25-6.354-06-3.358-97-4. 53692-43-6.6107-83-1.20837-86- Chromium present in packaging or (2/4) packaging components shall not exceed California State 9.90268-66-9.10102-48-4.811-54-1.32112-52-0.512-26-5.819-73-8.53404-12-9.811-97-2.90388-15-1.12435-47-1.90431-26-8.136013-79-1.7758-97.26761-46-6.15546-11-9. EU-R 842/2006 85 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's).90431-14-4.Prohibited from intentional use EU-R 1005/2009 25-1.72586-00-6.12268-84-7.77-58-7.19010-66-3.25808-74-6.25497- 29-4.134190-50-4.7645-25- 2.4253-22- 9.27486-00-6 20936-32-7.359-19-3 .90388-09-3.11116-83-9.34077-87-7.75-43-4. 62135- 11-9.61788-53- 2.25915-78-0.359-08-0.7758-95-4.421-06-7.13173-04-1.91671-82-8.92044-89-8.70514-05-5.13767-78-7. 420-98-4.1814-88.11113-70-5.10101-63-0. 460- Montreal Protocol 83 Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC's). all members 4.61623-04-9.460-25-3.35029-96-0.111512- 56-2.13814- 96-5.1067-55-6.15067-28-4.22904-40- Co 1.84776-53- 4.78-20.15092-94-1.1162- 06-7.67924- 24-7 POP's(Stockholm Convention) Dodecachloropentacyclo 1.2781-09-1.16646-00-7.134237-32-4.15282-88- 9.3687-31-8. Health and Safety Code 25214.94266-32-7.420-46-2.15773-55-4.3249.110587-14-9.33627-12-2. 0.51899-02-6.mdsystem.61788-54-3.134237-37-9.51105-45-4.75113-37-0.91031-62-8.134190-53-7.7799-56-6. mpounds.431-07-2.91697-36-8.598-67-4.16645-99-1.148875-95-0.15752-86-0.7056-83-9.7125-99-7. 679-94-7.91671-84-0.84776-36-3.19136-34-6. Honda Criteria for Packagings Regulations No.16450-50-3.15245-44-0.85865-92-5.58405-97-3. 420-89-3. Chromium present in packaging or (1/4) 4.91671-83-9. 420-88-2.5587-52-0 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII (Old 76/769/EEC) .75-88- 7.12266-38-5.14255-04-0.127564-92- 5.75-37-6.27253-41-4.63938-10-3.422-01-5.13323-62-1.1842-05-3.2366-36-1.148875-98- 1 3.14119-30-3.353-36-6.12205-72-0.422-44-6.pdf 4.127564-90-3.94232-40-3.14720-53-7. e of BPR (reference) 22535-42-8.95873-60-2.338-65-8.1002-53- 5.5711-19-3.134237-43-7.13424-46-9.51287-83-3.6477-64-1.38787-87-0.354- C nf 11-0.134237-42-6.134190-49-1.460-16-2.420-44-0.13474-88-9.353-93-5. 92-4.815-84-9.116890-51-8.102738-79-4. 677-53-2.7783-46-2.97889-90-2.666-48-8.460-86-6.666.12029-23-1.1868-53-7.94246-93-2.14119-28- 9.70268-38-1.15816-77-0.68155-47-5.90459-88-4.12137-74-5. Mercury and Hexavalent 90 3.406-58-6. National law of Denmark 7.94006-20-9.1330-45- 6.15773-56- 5.75-38-7 94246-92-1.422-48-0.29470-95-9.134237-40- Co M 4.13698-55-0.93925-42-9.1185-81-5. packaging components shall not exceed California State Health and Safety Code 25214.431-63-0.01 wt %. Mercury and Hexavalent Packaging Directive 90 94/62/EC Lead and its compounds.354-14-3 2252-84-8.460-92-4.453-00-9.12017-86-6.91031-61-7.134237-39-1.12048-28-1.2117-69-3.116565-74-3.1344-37-2.814-70-0.127564-91-4.93840-04-1.69029-71-6.25497-28-3.64504-12- 7. 51584-26-0.18608-34-9.679-85-6. Sum of concentration levels of Lead.1511-62-2.592-05-2.94266-31- 6.134237-44-8.85702-74-5.2252-78-0.14214-24-5.87903-39-7. 94/62/EC Lead and its compounds.15773-53-2.* https://public. 70192-84-6. 4-Metheno-1H. ial 677-34-9.14466-01-4.85391-79-3.19704-60-0.306-83-2.12275- 07-9.65229-22-3.91002-20-9.85865-91-4.1310-03- 8. 22692-16-6.690-39-1.593-70-4.41834-16-6.84776-54.60580-60-1.683-18-1. 306-80-9.15546-12-0.471-43-2.1871-72-3 nt S 812-04-4.3-butadiene (HCBD) 87-68-3 Prohibited from intentional use (SOR/SOR/2005-41) EC 850/2004 ide 4 75-82-1.430-66-0.69011-59-2.68901-12-2.85392-77-4.421-04-5.90388-10-6.546-67-8.93965-29-8. 12344-40-0.90431-33-7.90459-28-2.64491-92-5.28086-13-7.15385-57-6.18917-83-4.627. Honda Criteria for Packagings Regulations No.31632-68- 5.306975-62-2.2440-42.5954-14-3.50319-14-7.616-99-9.90431-30- 4.867-47-0.93882- Co M 20-3.13294-23- Sum of concentration levels of Lead.6283-24-5.6107-93-3.27360-58- 3.14836-60-3.27236-65-3. packaging components shall not exceed California State Health and Safety Code 25214.13637-76- 8.85292-77-9.36501-84-5 75790-73-7.94-43-9. Sum of concentration levels of Lead.3294-57-3.83711-46-0.3294-58-4.3294-60-8. all members greater than 0.10099-74-8.62-37-3.94022-47-6.69029-45-4.92045-67-5. Etc.143-36-2.6795-81-9.506-83-2.69029-51-2.13257-51-7.1600-27-7.13465-31-1.12034- 88-7.27605-30-7.595-89-1.10045-94-0.141-51-5.539-43-5.486-67-9.68586-21-0.72379-35-2.39412-44-7.133-58-4.HCSC-G-001-14 70 / 95 Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) *Active Major Relevant Laws and GADSL Substanc Substance CAS-No.124-08-3.17406-54-1. 94/62/EC Mercury and its compounds. Mercury and Hexavalent 91 16-8.17976-43-1.151-38-2.3444-13-1.63325-16-6.1762-27-2.84929-97-5.1335-25- 7.90431-27-9.90583-65-6.27685-51-4.62229-08-7.92200-92-5.592-85-8.52732-72-6.7428-48-0.15739-80-7.10048-99-4. Packaging Directive Cadmium.61789-50-2.12055- 0.62638-02-2.01 wt %.12565-18-3.51325-28-1.84929-94- 2.93858-23-2.1-dimethlethyl).13967-25-4.15187-16-3.94070-92-5.100402-96-8.104325-08-8.100656-49- 3.11083-41-3.1762-28-3.84066-99- 9.12141-20-7.15773- 52-1.138-85-2.50825-29-1.32407-99-1.29473-77-6.26265-65- 6.14846-40-3.24824-71-3.68603-83- 8.84852-34-6.13094-04.13302-00-6.29081-56-9.7759-01-5.90431-40-6.69029-52-3.7783-39- 3.67674-14-0.96471-22- 6.27575-47-9.7778-73-6. all members Chromium present in packaging or (2/2) 2. 94/62/EC Lead and its compounds.4.10112-91- nd H 1.26719-07-3.2991-51-7.15696-43-2.70321-55-0.1320-80-5. XVII (former76/769/EEC) 1763-23-1. all members Chromium present in packaging or (1/2) 44-1.18832-83-2.15906-71-5. 0. 2.1785-43-9.52231-92-2.61867-68-3.56773-42-3 National law of Canada members (SOR/SOR/2005-41) National law of Japan (Chemical Substances Control Law) PFOA and its salts.3198-04-7.31224-71-2.15521-60-5.123-88-6..1072-35-1.335-93-3 National law in Norway NH4.90431-37-1.24806-32-4.7319-86-0.12626-81-2.593-74-8.12578-12-0.61790-14-5.25721-38-4.101013-06- 3.12065-68-8.814-93-7. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4.68152-99-8.20403-41-2.12036-76-9.13876-85-2.7446-14-2.13826-65-8.7546-30-7.94277- S 53-9. all members 87-0.14099-12-8.1191-18-0.7783-32-6.26552-50-1.6838-85-3.103369-15-9.90459-26-0.13170-76-8.2777-37-9.93966-38.12656-85-8.54295-90-8.307-35-7.90431-28-0.12068-90-5.52080-60-1.63399-94-0.1191-80-6.37194-88-0.1317-36-8. Montreal Protocol 115 Ozone depleting halogenated Hydrocarbons and Carbons.19528-55-3.13453-65-1.1067-14-7.502-39-6.01 wt %.10099-76-0.71720-55-3.97953-08.6-tris(1.12737-98-3.15682-88-9.90459-52-2.90431-38-2.108-07-6.1314-41-6.109-62-6.38232-63-2.3825-26-1.11 0.107-27-7.79357-62-3.498-73-7 C nf 631-60-7.335-95-5.69029-53-4.93894-49- 6.93981-67-0.7446-27-7.1wt% National law of Japan (Chemical 125 Phenol.10031-18-2.12059-89-1.7789-47-1.93966-74-6. 8.84929-95-3.20601-83-6.20383-42-0. Chromium present in packaging or (3/4) 2.3076.2917-32-0 greater than 0.84929-96-4. 8.623-07-4.33724-17-3.29457-72-5. and Metal salts).7784-03-4.7756-49-2.3810- packaging components shall not exceed California State 81-9.591-89-9. Mercury and Hexavalent 94/62/EC Lead and its compounds.7783- 59-7.71684-29-2.13463-30-4.12765-51- 4.14354-56-4.26545-49-3.12060-01-4.107-26-6.1335-31-5. all members Prohibited from intentional use 354-48-3 など EU-R 1005/2009 POP's(Stockholm Convention) 116 Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 Prohibited from intentional use National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005-41) Prohibited from use in concentrations REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 117 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its salts.55-68-5.90431-39-3.83711-45-9.63918-97-8. 732-26-3 Prohibited from intentional use Regulation of Manufacture.10214-39-8.537-64-4.3570-80-7.2235-25-8.65121-76-8.15851-47-5.90431-41-7.70513-89-2.131-52-2.1310-88-9.90431-36-0.8003-05-2.17570-76-2.7789-10-8.115-09-3.13465-34-4.101012-92-4.13444-75-2.69029-50-1.16038-76- Chromium present in packaging or (4/4) California State ial packaging components shall not exceed Health and Safety Code 25214.68833- 55-6.12013-69-3. 13-4.19447-62.15845-52-0.104-59-6.7783-30-4.1344-40-7.59-85- 8.10099-79-3.91783-10-7.5722-59-8.14235-86-0.7446-15-3.68515-80-0.78-00-2.15385-58-7.97808-88-3.7487-94-7.7783-35-9. Mercury and Hexavalent 91 91-3.5902-76-1.90583-37-2.35498-15. 3846-71-7 Prohibited from intentional use Substances Control Law) Japanese national law (Law Concerning the Examination and 136 Phenol.63468-53-1.42558-73-6.2795-39.99749-31-2.90459-25-9.100-57-2.1314-91-6.93925-27- 0.517-16-8. all Prohibited from intentional use 3.1-dimethylethyl).65151-08-8.78690-68-3 nt S 55728-51-3.2923-15- 1. all members 87-86-5.12397-06-7. TRGS 615) 74-83-9.6273-99-0. 37-7.52652-59.12687-78-4.1345-09-1.7616- 83-3.70727-02-5.5857-39-6.69029-46-5.7784- 37-4.61788-52-1.90431-44-0. Packaging Directive 90 Cadmium.10190-55-3.1314.104-60-9.70514-37-3.15785-93-0.22330-18-3.68201-97-8.19367-79-4.7439-97-6.589- 65-1.42579-89-5.91078-81- Sum of concentration levels of Lead.21259-76-7.84067-00- 5.63937-14-4.56724-82-4.94481-62-6.95892-13-0.645-99-8.11 9.129.5970-32-1.104339-46-0.83711-47-1.90431-43-9.3626-13-9.69227-11-8.584-18-9.1314.12202-17-4.104335-53-7.629-35-6.122-64-5.53807-64-0.90431-34-8.592-63-2.16183-12-3.90459-51-1.90-03-9.12069-00-0.148-61-8.5964-24-9.100-56- 1.15748-73-9. Perfluorooctanoic acids C8F15O2X (X = H.94551-60-7.94276- 38-7.14066-61-6. e of BPR (reference) 52609-46-8.93858-24-3.68130-19-8.102-98-7. 7.90584-88-6.103-27- Ho py 5.6-bis(1. Health and Safety Code 25214.1312-03-4. 1 0.13453- 66-2.90431-42-8.104325-07-7.10451-12-4.01 wt %.1336-96-5.10415-75-5.33770-60-4.125494-56-6.90583-07-6. all members 8.93821-72-8.18211-85-3.68411-78-9.12034-30-9. 2. National law of Norway 118 amide.27253-28-7.69011-06-9.14783.2395-00-8.587-85-9.45298-90-6.12060-00-3.01 wt %. 94/62/EC Mercury and its compounds.63568-30-9.15829-53-5.15516-76-4.85536-79-4.70084-67-2.7783-36- 0.492-18-2.13566-17-1.7774-29-0.102110-49-6.13845-35-7.75-74-1. and other derivatives including polymers) (PFOS).2701-61-3.2279-64-3.54-64-8.124-01-6.79803-79-5.57363-77-6.525-30-4.7783-34-8.33445-15-7.13478-50-7.4386-35-0.1920- 90-7.1192-89-8.0005 wt% XVII (former76/769/EEC) POP's(Stockholm Convention) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Perfluorooctane sulfonates C8F17SO2X (X = OH.1344-36-1.90431-35-9.12403-82-6.1344-48-5.11 27-8.99328- 54-8.1120-46-3. Metal salt.2949-11-3.21908-53- 2.7717-46-6.62-38-4. Packaging Directive Cadmium.122332-23-4.61792-06-1. Mercury and Hexavalent 90 7.24579-90-6.11120-22- 2.93820-20-3.103332- Sum of concentration levels of Lead.3440-75-3.90431-32-6.1762-26-1.90431-31-5.13465-33-3.22450-90-4.23319-66-6.7620- 30-6. selected 62-75-9 Prohibited from intentional use National law of Germany (TRGS 552.71686-03-8.10124-48-8.1326-05-2.86-85-1.68990-75- ide 4 0.116565-73-2.53010-52-9.628-86-4 a REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 96 Monomethyldibromodiphenylmethane 99688-47-8 Prohibited from intentional use XVII Co REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 97 Monomethyldichlorodiphenylmethane 81161-70-8 Prohibited from intentional use XVII REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 98 Monomethyltetrachlorodiphenylmethane 76253-60-6 Prohibited from intentional use XVII National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005-41) 109 N-Nitrosamines. of Chemical Substances) .12372-45- 1.12036-31-6.584-43-0.68610-17-3.20582-71-2.13406-89-8.57142-78-6.1184-57-2.51317-24-9.11 59-6.7783-33-7.16509-11-8.5955-19-1. 0.12065-90-6. Prohibited from use in concentrations 121 335-67-1.84066-98-8.592-04-1.102110-36- 1.592-87-0.7446-10- 8.18918-06-4.22569-74-0.52795-88-7. Packaging Directive Cadmium.583-15-3.67711-86-8.12136-15-1.7488-51-9.93894-48-5.22967- 92-6.84029-43-6.1335-32-6.63549-47-3. California State packaging components shall not exceed Health and Safety Code 25214.68187-37- 1. halide.7548-26- 7.1309-60-0. 41083-11-8. tetrafluoro.68928-80-3.1067-52-3.73927-93-2.81397-99-1.994-31-0. Etc.56-35-9.11097-69-1.64258-02.38421.24124-25-2.32536-52-0.47672-31-1. state law National law of Japan (Chemical 151 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).73927-97-6.12408-10-5.5847-52-9.1529-30-2. Honda Criteria for Packagings Regulations No.4342-30-7.688-73-3.13029-09-9.59080-36-3.64258-03-3. POP's(Stockholm Convention) ial REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 1.63869-87-4.1336-36-3.66115-57-9.6517-25-5.96551-70-1.4638-25- 9.49602-90-6.3267-78-5. all members XVII (former76/769/EEC) 1 21-9.84303-45-7.73141-48-7.7342-45-2.59080-39-6.14275-57-1. all members Prohibited from intentional use 2.634-90-2.12674-11-2.25711-26-6. all members Substances Control Law) Prohibited from intentional use.97038-97- 6.53466-85-6.S.53592-10-2.56573-85-4.14957-65- 4.11141-16-5. all members C Prohibited from intentional use XVII (former76/769/EEC) nf 2. state law ide 4 to model year 2016.61288- 13-9 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII (former76/769/EEC) National law of Switzerland 1163-19-5.1983-10-4.16400-50-3.59589-92-3.54849-38- 6.1461-23-0.53742-07.005wt% XVII (former76/769/EEC) ChemVerbotsV EU-R 842/2006 184 Sulfur Hexafluoride 2551-62-4 Prohibited from intentional use National law of Denmark National law of Canada 188 Tetrachlorobenzene. but 1163-19-5 exempt to vehicles manufactured prior U.13356-08-6.31472-83-0 Substances Control Law) Japanese national law (Law Concerning the Examination and 154 Polychlorinated Naphthalenes .84-74-2.56-36-0.13331-52-7.2767-54-6.1461-22- 9.85409-17-2.892-20-6.67888-96-4.1321-65-9.26239-64-5.1066-44-0.36631-23.88700-05-4.6454-35- S 9.379-52-2.59080-32-9.73927- 95-4.28801-69-6.7342-47-4. all members 634-66-2.83929-69-5. XVII (former76/769/EEC) 150 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB).4154-35-2 Prohibited from intentional use for all uses of Material of EU regional Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate 202 115-96-8 manufacturing which uses these REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XIV (TCEP) substances without REACH Authorization Ho py a Co .1118-03-2.59080-33-0.16400-51- 4. National law of Japan 9.69226-47- 7.11096-82-5.12672-29-6.13302-06-2.73940-88-2.59080-38-5.84-69-5 manufacturing which uses these REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XIV substances without REACH Authorization 68758-75-8.32534-81-9.2767-61-5.40088-47-9 Prohibited from intentional use U.1321-64-8 Prohibited from intentional use Regulation of Manufacture.13654-09-6. 16606-02-3. including unintentional use.2179-92-2.4027-18-3. REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 62-4.97038-98-7.2155-70-6.73940-89-3.59080-35-2.1118- 14-5.117-81-7..3644-32-4.2279-76-7.97063-75-7.92-86-4.60044-25-9.73927-91-0.27147-18-8.59080-34- 1.2943-86-4.1907-13-7. National law of Canada (SOR/SOR/2005-41) 77-2. all members 70776-03-3.36483-60-0.894-09- 7.49602-91-7.35065-27.59080-40-9.900-95-8.25429-29-2. 75-73-0 Prohibited from intentional use National law of Denmark 3644-37-9.3090-35-5.76-87-9. Prohibit all uses (complete elimination) 153 Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCB ).4027-17-2.97038-96-5. e of BPR (reference) Prohibited from intentional use for all uses of Material of EU regional 146 Phthalates.73927-92-1.S.74114-77-5.4027-14-9.33550-22- REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex 0.1803-12-9.4342-36-3.59536-65-1.1067-97-6.28655-71-2. selected 85-68-7.80274-92-6.95-94-3 Prohibited from intentional use Co M (SOR/SOR/2005-41) EU-R 842/2006 189 Methane.57422.97038-95-4.59080-40-9.40088-45-7.32774-16-6.5035-67-6.994-32-1.52663-72-6.56-24-6.2437-79-8.27858-07-7.57808-37- nd H 4.HCSC-G-001-14 71 / 95 Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) *Active Major Relevant Laws and GADSL Substanc Substance CAS-No.11104-28-2.60108-72-7.752-58-9.57186-90-0.77910-04-4.3090- 36-6.60044- 24-8.36355-01-8. of Chemical Substances) EC 850/2004 nt S REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex Prohibited from use in concentrations 155 Polychlorinated Terphenyls ( PCT ) 61788-33-8 greater than 0.7094-94-2.59080-37-4.32598-13-3.1066-45-1.811-73-4.67774-32-7.20369-63-5.53469.77102-82-0.681-99- 199 Triorganotin compounds.53404-82-3.40088-45-7.4782-29-0. National law of Japan (Chemical 7.639-58-7. GADSL Legal deadline № Substance CAS-No.1 wt % 84-74-2. Regulations Legal contents (Effective Date) Country <Final Law> "brake friction material for motor vehicles. Follow the table of each Mark Technical Standard in the Honda Criteria. US state law automobiles December 1. DBP and DIBP shall apply to EEE* 89 Phthalates. ial 85-68-7. 67-56-1 REACH AnnexXVII prognosis 93 Methanol Concentration less than 0. selected July.6% in Window washer EU ide 14 only (In WTO notify ) 2018.Apr.2019 EU 84-69-5. The contents in this table are only legal contents.HCSC-G-001-14 72 / 95 III-1.22. EU-D 2011/65/EU DEHP. <Final Law> 117-81-7. BBP.10 and 11(All Honda PE substances products except Outboard Engine) Co M S C nf nd H Ho py a Co ." Object:Automobile service parts and parts for new 54 Copper 7440-50-8 etc. The restriction of containing more than 0. 2023 USA Sale of brake friction material containing more than 5 % copper and its compounds by weight shall be prohibited. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations <Decision Laws and Regulations and Trend>(Table 10) Items are necessary to examine alternative technology. (RoHS) placed on the market before 22 July 2019 nt S only 4 *:EEE category 1 to7. 1.1(products Lead and its compounds Norway . " O " Correspondence.6.7.3 (RoHS) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 C Lead carbonate EU member state Annex O O O 1991.1(products Hexavalent chromium Norway .6.1 2001.7.7. * * 2013. - (2008/689/EC) (2010/115/EU) (2011/37/EU) S EU-D 2011/65/EU Lead and its compounds EU member state .27 (former76/769/EEC) Product Regulation on PFOS (Perfluorooctyl Sulphonate) Norway O O O 2007.3.1) Co (2007. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations (Appendix Table) Relevant statute list that becomes original of each mark (The regulations name in parentheses is a revised edition of original regulations of the material that becomes an object).6.1 (former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex XVII Chrysotile EU member state O O O 2005.1) Lead and its compounds Switzerland National Law O O O 2006.1.21 nf XVII(former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Lead sulphates EU member state Annex O O O 1991.1 Co M Lead and its compounds EU member state (2005/673/EC) O .8. " - " no correspondence ■EU Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Asbestos other than Chrysotile EU member state Annex XVII O O O 1993. MC and PE.1) Product Regulation on 2006. O O (2004.30 Packaging Directive Regulations on the 2006. - (2005/673/EC) (2008/689/EC) (2010/115/EU) (2011/37/EU) EU-D 2011/65/EU Hexavalent chromium EU member state .1 Restricted substances nt S 2000/53/EC(ELV Directive) (2002/525/EC) (2005/63/EC) (2005/438/EC) 2003.1) Ho py vehicles (2008. * * 2013.1 a Lead and its compounds Denmark National Law .HCSC-G-001-14 73 / 95 III- Hexavalent chromium EU member state O .21 nd H XVII(former76/769/EEC) 94/62/EC Lead and its compounds EU member state O O O 2001. " * " Correspondence of part.3 (RoHS) 94/62/EC Hexavalent chromium EU member state O O O 2001.12.12.30 Packaging Directive Product Regulation on 2006.1 (former76/769/EEC) (1999/77/EC) Asbestos European countries National Law O O O 1988~ PCB、PCT REACH EU-R 1907/2006 ide 14 (Polychlorinated biphenyls Polychlorinated EU member state Annex XVII O O O 1986.30 terphenyls) (former76/769/EEC) ial REACH EU-R 1907/2006 PFOS (Perfluorooctyl Sulphonate) EU member state Annex XVII O O O 2008.6.26 Lead and its compounds Croatia management of waste O * .6. * * Restricted substances intended for RoHS) 2000/53/EC(ELV Directive) (2002/525/EC) (2005/63/EC) (2005/438/EC) 2003. (2007.7. * * Restricted substances intended for RoHS) .11.7. Note:This list contains not all regulated substances but regulated substances considered as related to MV.7.1. 6.7.1(others) 2000/53/EC(ELV Directive) (2002/525/EC) (2005/63/EC) C (2005/438/EC) 2003.1. O O 1999.7.1 Mercury and Mercury compound Sweden National Law .31 Annex Cadmium and its compounds EU member state O O O (1994. * * intended for RoHS) .8.1(products Cadmium and its compounds Norway .1 Cadmium and its compounds Switzerland National Law O O O 2006.15 2006.3 (RoHS) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 1992. - (2005/673/EC) (2008/689/EC) (2010/115/EU) (2011/37/EU) nd H EU-D 2011/65/EU Cadmium and its compounds EU member state .HCSC-G-001-14 74 / 95 ■EU Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date Regulations on the Hexavalent chromium Croatia management of waste O * .31) vehicles EU-D 2011/65/EU PBB(Polybrominatedbiphenyls) EU member state .1 Cadmium and its compounds Croatia management of waste O O - (2008.1 Product Regulation on 2006.1.1 nt S Mercury and Mercury compound Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.7.1 EU member state O .1(products PBB(Polybrominatedbiphenyls) Switzerland National Law . (91/338/EEC、99/51/EC) 94/62/EC Cadmium and its compounds EU member state O O O 2001. XVII(former76/769/EEC) 2006.1 vehicles 2000/53/EC(ELV Directive) (2002/525/EC) (2005/63/EC) (2005/438/EC) 2003.8. 2005.5.1 nf Cadmium and its compounds EU member state O .30 Mercury Packaging Directive ial 2006/66/EEC Mercury and Mercury compound EU member state O O O 2000.21 (former76/769/EEC) ide 14 94/62/EC EU member state O O O 2001.30) Ho py XVII(former76/769/EEC) (1995. - Mercury (2005/673/EC) (2008/689/EC) (2010/115/EU) (2011/37/EU) EU-D 2011/65/EU EU member state . * * 2013. O O intended for RoHS) Restricted substances S 2008. O O 2009.6.3 (RoHS) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 PBB(Polybrominatedbiphenyls) European countries Annex O O O 1984. O O 2000.1. * * Restricted substances intended for RoHS) Regulations on the 2006.30 Packaging Directive a 2006/66/EEC Co Cadmium and its compounds EU member state O O O 2008. O O 2013.7.12.3 Mercury (RoHS) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Mercury compound EU member state Annex XVII O O O 1991. O O 2003.7. * * 2013.7.26 Battery Directive Cadmium and its compounds Netherlands National Law .12.1 Co M Mercury and Mercury compound Denmark National Law .11.1(products Product Regulation on Mercury and Mercury compound Norway .6.1 Battery Directive Mercury and Mercury compound Netherlands National Law .7.1. 12.21 nd H XVII(former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Trichlorobenzene EU member state Annex O O O 2007. .1(products PBB(Polybrominatedbiphenyls) Norway . * * 1991.17 XVII(former76/769/EEC) a Nonylphenol Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.7.8.1 Co Octylphenol Switzerland National Law O O O 2005. .20(mixture for carcinogen EU member state Annex XVII .1 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 S Polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) EU member state Annex .6.1.7.HCSC-G-001-14 75 / 95 ■EU Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date Product Regulation on 2006.1 2006.1(products intended for RoHS) ial Penta and Octa BDE Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.8. EU member state Annex * .1 XVII(former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 C Arsenic compounds EU member state Annex . * * nt S intended for RoHS) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 2003.8.8. - consumer) (former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 1995.25 .1(products Norway .6.30) XVII(former76/769/EEC) Co M Azodyes Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.1.16 DNOP) XVII(former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 1995.6.toxic of reproduction Switzerland National Law .4. 2007.20 PBDE EU-D 2011/65/EU EU member state . BBP.15 XVII(former76/769/EEC) ide 14 2006.1(products Deca-BDE Switzerland National Law . .9.1.11 Azodyes EU member state Annex O O O (2004.6.15 XVII(former76/769/EEC) Ho py REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Nonylphenol EU member state Annex O O O 2005.6.7. aromatic amines Switzerland National Law O O O 2005. - consumer) VOC(Volatile Organic Compound) EU member state EU Directive 2004/42/EC O .1(others) Deca-BDE Norway National Law .20(mixture for carcinogen.6.20(mixture for toxic to reproduction EU member state Annex XVII . - consumer) (former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 1995.8.21 nf XVII(former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Organostannic compounds EU member state Annex . .5.3 (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) (RoHS) PBDE Product Regulation on 2006. - products for supply) Methanol Poland National Law O 2013.1.8. O O 2010. DBP.mutagen. .1 REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Phthalates (DEHP.DINP.6. 2007. .1.1 1999.6. * * (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) Restricted substances intended for RoHS) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Penta and Octa BDE EU member state Annex O O O 2004. * * 1991.1 Nitroaromates. DIDP. - consumer) (former76/769/EEC) 1995.8. * O 2008.7.6.1(chemical Methanol Sweden National Law O . * * Restricted substances intended for RoHS) Hexabromobiphenyl EU member state EC Regulation 850/2004 O O O 2004.20(mixture for mutagen EU member state Annex XVII .15 XVII(former76/769/EEC) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Toluene EU member state Annex O O O 2007. * * 2013. 1) C nf Fluorinated greenhouse gasses 2007.12.1(game set and substances specified as "danger" in Annex lamp oil) EU member state O .6.SF6) (2008.1) nt SF6 EU member state EC Regulation 842/2006 O O O 2007.1 2003.1 ial PFC Denmark National Law O O O 2002.10. 2010.1.1 Chlorofluorocarbons Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.1 a Co Carbon tetrachloride EU member state EU Regulation 1005/2009 O O O 2010. Hydrobromofluorocarbons EU member state EU Regulation 1005/2009 O O O 2010.1.6.1) (HFC.7.6.1 Fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons EU member state EU Regulation 1005/2009 O O O 2010.7.1 Ho py Halons EU member state EU Regulation 1005/2009 O O O 2010.8.1 methyl bromide EU member state EU Regulation 1005/2009 O O O 2010.8. dihydrate REACH EU member state O O O 2008. .27(detergent) XVII(former76/769/EEC) 1348/2008/EC REACH EU-R 1907/2006 1970. SF6 S Denmark National Law O O O 2002.7.28 CAS No 7789-12-0 EC Regulation 1907/2006 Diarsenic trioxide REACH EU member state O O O 2008.1 Sodium dichromate. (2011.1 1. .1.10.PFC.1 New type of vehilce:2008.1 hydrochlorofluorocarbons EU member state O O O (2037/2000) HFC Denmark National Law O O O 2002.4 EU member state EC Regulation 842/2006 O O O (HFC.4-Diaminodiphenylmethane REACH EU member state O O O 2008.SF6) Existing vehicles: 2009.30 HFC Austria National Law O O O ide 14 (2003.9.28 CAS No 1327-53-3 EC Regulation 1907/2006 4.21 (2017.1.1(reduction effort 2000/53/EC(ELV Directive) for ELV) dimethylfutmarate(DMF) REACH EU-R 1907/2006 EU member state O O O 2012.8.10.5 Annex XVII EC Regulation 3093/94 1995.1) NF3 Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.28 CAS No 101-77-9 EC Regulation 1907/2006 .1 HCFC Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.PFC.7.6. .1 2002.7.6.HCSC-G-001-14 76 / 95 ■EU Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Annex DEGME EU member state .1 SF6 Co M Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.4) nd H Chlorofluorocarbons EU member state EU Regulation 1005/2009 O O O 2010.10 PFC Austria National Law O O O (2003.1.9.1-trichloroethane EU member state EU Regulation 1005/2009 O O O 2010.1. - 67/548/EEC XVII(former76/769/EEC) 2003.8.6.1 Halons Switzerland National Law O O O 2005.21 S Fluorinated greenhouse gasses EU member state 2006/40/EC O . 10 C nf PCN EU member state EC Regulation 850/2004 O O O 2012.10.28 CAS No 7646-79-9 EC Regulation 1907/2006 Alkanes. packaging and labeling of dangerous substances . C10-13.11.1 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH.10 850/2004.12.27 PCAH) EC Regulation 1907/2006 BPR Ho py Biocides EU member state O O O 2016.519/2012 CAS No 85535-84-8 Alkanes. chloro (Short Chain Switzerland National Law O O O 2005. Polychlorinated Naphthalene nd H PFOA and its salts Norway National Law O O O 2014.HCSC-G-001-14 77 / 95 ■EU Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date Diarsenic pentaoxide REACH EU member state O O O 2008.28 CAS No 120-12-7 EC Regulation 1907/2006 Cobalt dichloride REACH EU member state O O O 2008.10.28 CAS No 1303-28-2 EC Regulation 1907/2006 Anthracene REACH EU member state O O O 2008.7.10.1 EC Regulation 528/2012 76/769/EEC Restrictions on marketing and use of dangerous substances a 67/548/EEC Co Classification.10.28 ide 14 CAS No 7784-40-9 EC Regulation 1907/2006 ial Bis(tributyltin)oxide REACH EU member state O O O 2008. chloro (Short Chain EC Regulation Chlorinated Paraffins) EU member state O O O 2012.28 CAS No 56-35-9 EC Regulation 1907/2006 Dibutyl phthalate REACH EU member state O O O 2008.9. C10-13.1 Chlorinated Paraffins) Lead hydrogen arsenate REACH EU member state O O O 2008.10.28 CAS No 117-81-7 EC Regulation 1907/2006 Benzyl butyl phthalate REACH EU member state O O O 2008.28 EC Regulation 1907/2006 CAS No 25637-99-4 S Dioxine and Furane Germany ChemVerbotsV O O O 1993.7. REACH EU member state O O O 2015.6.8.1 Hexachlorobutadiene EU member state EC Regulation 850/2004 O O O 2012.10.28 CAS No 84-74-2 EC Regulation 1907/2006 nt S Bis(2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate) DEHP REACH EU member state O O O 2008.10.28 Co M CAS No 85-68-7 EC Regulation 1907/2006 Hexabromocyclododecane REACH HBCDD EU member state O O O 2008. jp/work/AIG-BPR_v1(Japanese%20version). rendering harmless. and Honda management categories PT 7:P PT 8:D Co M PT 9:P Acceptance of 11113-50-1 for each product type can be referred as:      (1) It is banned to be included in PT 7 or 9. rubber and polymerised materials preservatives ide 4 Products used for the preservation of fibrous or polymerised materials. Product-type 9: Fiber.HCSC-G-001-14 78 / 95 Related regulations "EU BPR"  1. sealants. or otherwise exerting a controlling effect on. in the form in which it is supplied to the user. a Co 3. if it is used as biocidal purpose.2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one. from and including the saw-mill stage.1a BPR): (1)“any substance or mixture. papers.pdf English:http://www. and Honda management categories PT 7:P . 2.” (3)“A treated article that has a primary biocidal function…” .g. if it is used as biocidal purpose.be/publications/article/bpr-automotive-industry-guideline Active Substance means “a substance or a micro-organism that has an action on or against harmful organisms” (Article 3. wall adhesives. if it is used as biocidal purpose when 2634-33-5 is not approved as PT 8. 1: PT where Boric acid (11113-50-1) applied. leather. S      (2) It is acceptable to be included in PT 8.      (2)It is banned to be included (used) in PT8. PT 9:D nd H  Acceptance of 2634-33-5 for each product type can be referred as:      (1) It is banned to be included in PT 7. Honda Management Categories and Product Types stated in EU BPR. deterring. 2: PT where 1. rendering harmless. Scope of Product Type(s) of the article(s) containing the biocidal active substance(s) Product-type 7: Film preservatives Products used for the preservation of films or coatings by the control of microbial deterioration or algal growth in order to protect the initial properties of the surface of materials or objects such as paints. if it is used as biocidal purpose. including insects. with the intention of destroying. 8.japia.2-benzisothiazolin-3-one (2634-33-5) applied.or. or wood products by the control of wood-destroying or wood-disfiguring organisms.1c BPR). binders.BPR Guidance ACEA/JAMA BPR guidance document Japanese:http://www. consisting of. if it is not used as biocidal purpose. Examples of Honda management categories nt e. to be used with the intention of destroying. 9 or other PT if it is not used as biocidal purpose. rubber or paper or textile products by the control of microbiological deterioration. preventing the action of.” (2)“any substance or mixture.acea. containing or generating one or more active substances. art works. deterring. such as leather. Ho py      (3) It is acceptable to be included (used) in PT 9. C e. plastics. 8.      (3) It is acceptable to be included (used) in PT 7.g. generated from substances or mixtures which do not themselves fall under the first indent. any harmful organism by any means other than mere physical or mechanical action. Product-type 8: Wood preservatives Products used for the preservation of wood. if it is used as biocidal purpose. any harmful organism by any means other than mere physical or mechanical action. ial This product-type includes biocidal products which antagonise the settlement of micro-organisms on the nf S 1 surface of materials and therefore hamper or prevent the development of odor and/or offer other kinds of benefits. or otherwise exerting a controlling effect on.      (4) It is acceptable to be included (used) in PT 7. 1. 9 or other PT. preventing the action of. PT 8:A . Biocidal product means any of the following three definitions (Article 3. This product-type includes both preventive and curative products. 1 2005. .7.5. 2007.1.1) nt S Mercury and Mercury compound Vermont US state law O O O 2006.8.2.1 Deca-BDE Oregon US state law .1. "- " no correspondence ■North America Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date PCB Canadian Environmental 2008.1 Penta and Octa BDE Illinois US state law O O O 2006.1) C nf Mercury and Mercury compound Washington US state law O O . Lead and its compounds US CPSIA O O O (2009.HCSC-G-001-14 79 / 95 III- Mercury and Mercury compound Connecticut US state law O O O (2006.1.1.2 Mercury and Mercury compound Louisiana US state law O O O (2007.1 Penta and Octa BDE Michigan US state law O O O 2006.1. O O 2014.29 Protection Act 2009.7. Note:This list contains not all regulated substances but regulated substances considered as related to MV.1. - a mercury switches) Co Penta and Octa BDE Maine US state law O O O 2006.1(PE) Deca-BDE Maryland US state law .1 nd H Penta and Octa BDE Oregon US state law O O O 2006.1 2006.1 2014.1) 2004.1) (2008.9.6.1 2013.1) Mercury and Mercury compound Rhode Island US state law O O O (2009.7.1 Penta and Octa BDE Maryland US state law O O O 2008.1 (2007.1.1 Penta and Octa BDE Washington US state law O O O 2006.8. 2006.M/C) 2009. 2003.14) (2011.1(PE) Deca-BDE Washington D. US state law O O O 2016 model year (Automobile.C.1.1 Mercury and Mercury compound California US state law O O - (2006. Mercury and Mercury compound Massachusetts US state law O O .1) (2010. * O 2011.1 Penta and Octa BDE Rhode Island US state law O O O 2007.1) S 2006.14) CPSIA Lead and its compounds US O O O 2009.8.1 2008.1. " O " Correspondence.1. 2006.1.14 16CFR1303 ide 14 Mercury and Mercury compound Illinois US state law O O O 2007.1 Ho py Penta and Octa BDE Hawaii US state law O O O 2006.5 Canada O O O Polychlorinated biphenyls Protection Act (1977~) Canadian Environmental PFOS (Perfluorooctyl Sulphonate) Canada O O O 2008. " * " Correspondence of part.1 ial Mercury and Mercury compound Oregon US state law O O .1. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations (Appendix Table) Relevant statute list that becomes original of each mark (The regulations name in parentheses is a revised edition of original regulations of the material that becomes an object).14 (children's Phthalates US CPSIA O O O products) 2004.8.7. MC and PE.7.1 Co M Mercury and Mercury compound Maine US state law O O .1(Collection of Penta and Octa BDE Minnesota US state law .1.1 Penta and Octa BDE California US state law O O O 2008.1 Penta and Octa BDE New York US state law O O O 2006.7.1 (bittering agent ethylene glycol California US state law O O O for supply) Formaldehyde California US state law O O O 2009. (plywood) . 15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. .2 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. 2005 ide 14 Canadian Environmental Protection Act Bis(chloromethyl) ether (BCME) Canada O O O 2005. - of coating) 2005.15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations.6.2 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations.) Canadian Environmental Protection Act Mirex Canada O O O 2005. VOC(Volatile Organic Compound) Virginia US state law .15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. 2005 a Canadian Environmental Co Protection Act Tetrachlorobenzene Canada O O O 2007. 2005 Canadian Environmental Protection Act Hexachlorobenzene(HCB) Canada O O O 2005.6.15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations.1 (use and sale VOC(Volatile Organic Compound) California US state law .7.6. .15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic ial Substances Regulations. 2005 Canadian Environmental Protection Act PBB(Polybrominatedbiphenyls) Canada O O O 2005.14 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations.15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. 2012 TCEP Virginia US state law O O O 2013.HCSC-G-001-14 80 / 95 ■North America Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date 2008.6.7. 2005 Canadian Environmental C nf Protection Act 2-Methoxyethanol Canada O O O 2007. 2005 Canadian Environmental Protection Act Pentachlorobenzen Canada O O O 2007. 2005 Canadian Environmental Protection Act PCT(Polychlorinated terphenyls) Canada O O O 2005. 2005 Canadian Environmental Protection Act 2-Methoxyethanol Canada O O O 2005.3.6. 2005 Canadian Environmental S Protection Act Hexachlorobenzene(HCB) Canada O O O 2005. 2005 Canadian Environmental nd H Protection Act Benzidine and benzidine dihydrochloride Canada O O O 2005.15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. reaction Protection Act products with styrene and 2. 2005 Canadian Environmental Protection Act Chlorinated Paraffins Canada O O O 2013.15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Ho py Substances Regulations. 2005 nt Canadian Environmental S Protection Act N-Nitrosodimethylamine Canada O O O 2005. Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. 2005 Canadian Environmental Protection Act Chloromethyl methyl ether (CMME) Canada O O O 2005.7. - etc.3. Canada O O O 2013. 2012 Canadian Environmental Benzenamine.7. N-phenyl-.1 (detergent.6.6. 2005 Co M Canadian Environmental Protection Act Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) Canada O O O 2005.1 TDCPP .6.2 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations.14 Prohibition of Certain Toxic trimethylpentene (BNST) Substances Regulations.7.15 Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. 13 Lead and its compounds Brazil Battery Law O O O 2009. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations (Appendix Table) Relevant statute list that becomes original of each mark (The regulations name in parentheses is a revised edition of original regulations of the material that becomes an object).7.1 ide 14 Cadmium and its compounds Brazil Battery Law O O O 2009.HCSC-G-001-14 81 / 95 III-1.1 ial nt S Co M S C nf nd H Ho py a Co . " * " Correspondence of part. Note:This list contains not all regulated substances but regulated substances considered as related to MV.1 Mercury and Mercury compound Brazil Battery Law O O O 2009. " - " no correspondence ■South America Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date Asbestos Chili National Law O O O 2001. MC and PE.7.7.7. " O " Correspondence. 1 formaldehyde Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O .1 PCB Japan National chemical law O O O 1974.1.4.1 di-butyl phthalate Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O . " * " Correspondence of part.1 styrene Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O . - (2008.4.6-tri-tert-butylphenol (TTBP) Japan National chemical law O O O 2000.4.19 2007.1 Hexavalent chromium Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O O .1 Asbestos Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O O - MC 1993.14 ide 14 Bis(tributyltin)oxide(TBTO) Japan National chemical law O O O 1989.1 4-Aminodiphenyl and its salt Japan Industrial Safety and Health Law O O O 1972. " O " Correspondence.6.10 Polychlorinated biphenyls PCN Japan National chemical law O O O 1979.1 nd H 2004.1 bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O . - (2008.6-di-tert- nt Japan National chemical law O O O import products S butylphenyl 2008.1.1) Cadmium and its compounds Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O O .4.4.27 Co M Bis(chloromethyl) ether (BCME) Japan Industrial Safety and Health Law O O O 1972.4.1 salts C 2-Naphthylamine and its salts Japan Industrial Safety and Health Law O O O 1972.1.5.1) 2007.HCSC-G-001-14 82 / 95 III-1.10.1) a 2007. " - " no correspondence ■Japan Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date Asbestos Japan Industrial Safety and Health Law O O O 2004. 2007. MC and PE. - (2008.1 S 4-Nitrobiphenyl (4-Nitrodiphenyl) and its Japan Industrial Safety and Health Law O O O 1972. 2008.1 2007.4 Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) Japan National chemical law O O O 2005. nf Lead and its compounds Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O O .4.10.1) 2007. - (2008.1 MV 1995.1) 2007.1 Mercury and Mercury compound Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O O - (2005.11.4. - Co (2008.1 2. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations (Appendix Table) Relevant statute list that becomes original of each mark (The regulations name in parentheses is a revised edition of original regulations of the material that becomes an object). - (2008.10 selected 2-(2H- 2006.1) .8.1.4. Note:This list contains not all regulated substances but regulated substances considered as related to MV. Polychlorinated Naphthalene Hexachlorobenzene(HCB) Japan National chemical law O O O 1979. acetaldehyde Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O .12.1) 2007.1 Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) Japan JAMA Commitment O O .1 toluene Japan JAMA voluntary agreement O .10.10.1 Ho py Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) Japan National chemical law O O O 2014.10. 2011.27 ial Mirex Japan National chemical law O O O 2002.8.4.1 Benzidine and its salts Japan Industrial Safety and Health Law O O O 1972.4. 1.31 Act for Recycling of EEE and New model 2008. .HCSC-G-001-14 83 / 95 III-1.1 VOC(Volatile Organic Compound) Korea SACR O . - 2010.1 Hexavalent chromium Korea O .1 Cadmium and its compounds Turkey National Battery Law O O O 2005.4.1 ial Asbestos Turkey National Law . " - " no correspondence ■Asia Oceania Pacific Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date Asbestos Korea National Law O O O Asbestos Saudi Arabia National Law O O O 1998.5. - nf Motor Vehicles Existing model 2011. 2007.1.7.1 2007.1. - Motor Vehicles Existing model 2011.1 Lead and its compounds Korea O .1 C Cadmium and its compounds Korea O .1 Act for Recycling of EEE and New model 2008.1.1.1 tightening Ho py a Co .1 nd H Chlorofluorocarbons Thailand National Law O .1 nt S Asbestos Australia National Law O O O 2003.1 Co M Act for Recycling of EEE and New model 2008. O - Existing model 2006.1 Mercury and Mercury compound Korea O . 2007. MC and PE. " * " Correspondence of part. - S Motor Vehicles Existing model 2011.5.7.1 Hydro carbon Thailand National Law O .1.7. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations (Appendix Table) Relevant statute list that becomes original of each mark (The regulations name in parentheses is a revised edition of original regulations of the material that becomes an object).1. .1.1 Mercury and Mercury compound Turkey National Battery Law O O O 2005.1 Act for Recycling of EEE and New model 2008.1.1 Asbestos Israel National Law O O - Asbestos Singapore National Law O O O 1995. - Motor Vehicles Existing model 2011. " O " Correspondence.19 Asbestos Philippines National Law O O O 2000 ide 14 Asbestos Mauritius National Law O O O 2002 New model 2004. Note:This list contains not all regulated substances but regulated substances considered as related to MV. 1.1.1 "Administrative Regulation for Restriction on the Use of ○ .1 新型 New model 六価クロム 中国 汽车有害物质和可回收利用率管理要求 2016.1 "Administrative Regulation for Restriction on the Use of ○ .HCSC-G-001-14 84 / 95 III-1.1.1 新型 New model PBB類 汽车有害物质和可回收利用率管理要求 2016. " O " Correspondence. - Cadmium and its compounds China Hazardous Substances and Recovery Rates in Automobiles" 継続 Existing model Co M 2018. " * " Correspondence of part.1.1. - Mercury and Mercury compound China Hazardous Substances and Recovery Rates in Automobiles" 継続 Existing model 2018. - Hexavalent chromium China Hazardous Substances and Recovery Rates in Automobiles" 継続 Existing model ide 14 2018.1 "Administrative Regulation for Restriction on the Use of ○ . - Lead and its compounds China Hazardous Substances and Recovery Rates in Automobiles" 継続 Existing model 2018.1.1.1 "Administrative Regulation for Restriction on the Use of ○ . Note:This list contains not all regulated substances but regulated substances considered as related to MV. MC and PE.1 新型 C nf PBDE類 New model (ポリ臭素化ジフェニルエーテル) 中国 汽车有害物质和可回收利用率管理要求 2016. " - " no correspondence ■China Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date 新型 New model 鉛および鉛化合物 中国 汽车有害物质和可回收利用率管理要求 2016. - PBDE China Hazardous Substances and Recovery Rates in Automobiles" 継続 (Polybrominated diphenyl ethers) Existing model 2018.1. - "Administrative Regulation for Restriction on the Use of 継続 S China PBB(Polybrominatedbiphenyls) Hazardous Substances and Recovery Rates in Automobiles" Existing model 2018.1 新型 ial New model 水銀および水銀化合物 中国 汽车有害物质和可回收利用率管理要求 2016.1. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations (Appendix Table) Relevant statute list that becomes original of each mark (The regulations name in parentheses is a revised edition of original regulations of the material that becomes an object).1.1.1 nt 新型 S New model カドミウムおよびカドミウム化合物 中国 汽车有害物质和可回收利用率管理要求 2016.1.1 "Administrative Regulation for Restriction on the Use of ○ .1 nd H Ho py a Co .1 (ポリ臭素化ビフェニル) 中国 ○ . hexabromo.5.5. Note:This list contains not all regulated substances but regulated substances considered as related to MV.5. MC and PE. " - " no correspondence ■Global Substance Country Regulations MV MC PE Effective Date PCB Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O 2004.17 Mirex Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O 2004.5.(HBCD) Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O UN notice C S nf nd H Ho py a Co . " O " Correspondence.17 Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O 2004. " * " Correspondence of part.17 Polychlorinated biphenyls Hexachlorobenzene(HCB) Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O 2004.17 dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) ide 14 One year later from the Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O UN notice ial One year later from the Pentabromodiphenyl ether Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O UN notice One year later from the Hexabromobiphenyl Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O UN notice One year later from the Hexabromodiphenyl ether Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O UN notice nt S One year later from the Heptabromodiphenyl ether Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O UN notice Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and One year later from the Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O its salt UN notice Co M One year later from the Perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOSF) Treaty country Stockholm Convention O O O UN notice One year later from the Cyclododecane.HCSC-G-001-14 85 / 95 III-1. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations (Appendix Table) Relevant statute list that becomes original of each mark (The regulations name in parentheses is a revised edition of original regulations of the material that becomes an object). A list of affected azo dyes has been prepared by 17 Azodyes that can form carcinogenic amines. implemented July 1. disodium salt 25167-32-2 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) . (EC) No 1272/2008. Reg. 1.1-dimethylethyl)-3. 2017. 2006.4 Benzenediol (Hydroquinone) 123-31-9 D DII 12-21/html/sor-dors293-eng. all members D DII Reg. 826 . (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg. Substance CAS-No. 49 .4-trimethylpentene (BNST) except when used in rubber parts excluding tires. carcinogen class 2.gazette.6-trinitro. 1-[(5. (EC) No 552/2009. 1. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH).gc.1 Honda Source No. oxybis[dodecyl-. Volatile corrosion inhibitors include papers. N-ethyl-N-[4-[[4-[ethyl[(3- sulfophenyl)methyl]amino]phenyl](2-sulfophenyl)methylene]. Reg. sodium salt substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 30 28519-02-0 D DII (1:2) Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 31 Benzenesulfonic acid.ca. 1-(1.HCSC-G-001-14 86 / 95 III-2. Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008 substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 6 Amines.2-benzenedicarboxylic acid. inner salt. Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008. sodium salts 68411-30-3 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Benzenesulfonic acid.gov/HazardousWaste/Perchlorate nt S 10 Aniline and its salts. (EC) No 1272/2008. Reg. Limit for all Amines.9-dihydro-2-methyl- 11 74336-60-0 D DII Reg. ide 14 (EC) No 1272/2008. No. C10-16-alkyl derivs. N-methyl.C10-13-alkyl derivs. see List A in http://www. 79-16-3 D DI class 2. Section 71. Classified as toxic to reproduction 2 Acetamide. (EC) No 552/2009. California Assemby Bill No. BNST is banned from any use 22 68921-45-9 D/P DII/P 2. coco alkyl 61788-46-3 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Legally regulated according to german TRGS 615. all members D/P P Potential to form Asbetos fibers (see entry Asbestos fibers) C nf Reg. all members P P counting purpose by OSHA in 1992; Particle with a length >5 μm. a diameter of <3µm and aspect ratio(length:width)>3:1 16 Asbestos minerals.5-dimethyl-2. C10-16-alkyl derivs. 2006 (Canadian Challenge). reaction products with styrene and Certain Toxic Substances. (EC) No 1272/2008 13 Aromatic amines. 68584-22-5 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Benzenesulfonic acid. There is Co also a temporary exclusion for the use of BNST in lubricants Canada Gazette Vol. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) Reg. selected D/P DII/P an industrial association (TEGEWA).1-b]quinazolin-3-yl)azo]. (EC) No 1272/2008 9. (EC) No 1907/2006. substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 26 36443-68-2 D DII methyl-. Definition of asbestos fiber for S 15 Asbestos fibers.5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-3-sulfo-. 1999 (CEPA. (EC) 14 Arsenic and its compounds. TRGS 614. all members D/P DI/DII/P No 1907/2006 (REACH) Reg.html Benzenepropanoic acid. di-C11-14-branched alkyl 24 68515-47-9 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment esters. Comparison Table GADSL GADSL REFERENCE LIST 2017 V1. plastic films and oils. regulations) 1 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 D DII Reg.pdf nd H 18 Barium compounds (organic or water soluble). secondary Amines in volatile corrosion inhibitors.December 9. (EC) No 552/2009. Reg. (EC) No 8 4-Aminobiphenyl and its salts.1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-5. Reg. C13-rich Canada SNAC http://www. compds. Reg.2-ethanediylbis(oxy-2. (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg. Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) disodium salt Substance is regulated under the Canadian Prohibition of a Benzenamine. which can 7 D DII selected form carcinogenic Nitrosamines.tegewa.de/uploads/media/2001_Azofarbstoffe_ge maess_TRGS_614. substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 20 81-15-2 D DII (Musk xylene) Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Ho py Benzenemethanaminium.7-dichloro-1. (EC) No 1272/2008.4.dodecyl(sulfophenoxy)-. which can form carcinogenic Nitrosamines. N. 3-(1.4. (EC) No 552/2009 Benzene.1-ethanediyl) ester Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 27 Benzenesulfonic acid. selected D DII Reg.. The Canadian Challenge is regulated 23 1.N' -mixed Ph and tolyl derivs 68953-84-4 D DII under the Part 5.2. hydroxide. 140.(Pigment Red 251) 12 Co M Antimonytrioxide (Diantimonytrioxide) 1309-64-4 D DII Reg. N-phenyl-. substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 21 3844-45-9 D DII 2. (REACH 4 Acrylamide 79-06-1 D DI Candidate List) 5 Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 D DII Reg.. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) Reg. selected D DI/DII Reg.Perchlorate Contamination Prevention 9 Ammonium perchlorate 7790-98-9 D DII Act. Dir.dtsc. GADSL Classification (Legal requirements. (REACH Candidate List) 3 Acetonitrile 75-05-8 D DII Reg.ca/rp-pr/p2/2011/2011- 25 1. (EC) No 1272/2008 19 Benzene 71-43-2 P DII/P Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008 9-oxopyrazolo[5. all members P DI/P ial 552/2009. 2007/23/EC.4-Benzenediamine. http://www. (EC) No 1272/2008.10-Anthracenedione. (EC) No 1907/2006. with 2- substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 28 propanamine 68584-24-7 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 29 Benzenesulfonic acid. 1999). of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. 106-99-0 D DII Reg. all members D/P DI/DII/P a 2000/53/EC. Report any intentional addition.(EU) No 301/2014.4. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Annex XIV see Sunset Date) • Japan Japanese Chemical Substance Control Law (importation. Example CAS 49 D/P DI/DII/P Reg. nt S Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. (EC) No 1272/2008. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) S Multiple (see below). N. 2-(2-Hydroxy-3-tert-butyl-5- 50 3896-11-5 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment methylphenyl). 4979-32-2 D DII Chemical Substance 39 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4. all members D/P DI/DII/P 552/2009. 1. 2006-11-29 Vol. rubber and polymerised materials preservatives. N-dicyclohexyl. (EU) 44 Boric acid/Orthoboric acid D/P DI/P Co M 10043-35-3 No 528/2012 45 Butadiene. Reg. manufacture and use prohibited in Japan 55 Cyclododecane. all members: Note that the use of specific CAS numbers for these substances differs throughout the world. (EC) No 1272/2008 Dir. (HBCD) D/P DI/P effective 5/1/2014 ) • CEPA Toxic Expected prohibition date aligned with other signatories to the Stockholm Convention. (EC) 58 Dimethylformamide (N. all members Chlorinated paraffins. Canadain Toxic Substances Regulation 2005 substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 34 Benzododecinium chloride. 2000/53/EC. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) Co 52 Cobalt and its compounds.1-dimethylethyl)phenyl ester Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 36 Benzothiazole-2-thiol. other CAS numbers may be used that are not specific to chain length. (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH 56 101-77-9 P DI/P (4. These requirements apply only to intended use as a biocide. (EC) No 1272/2008. Several chlorinated hydrocarbons listed are not explicitly 47 Chlorinated hydrocarbons. Reg. could be subject to future regulation • (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg.3 . Reg. REACH Annex XVII 60 Disodiumtetraborates. Reg.5-bis(1. nf Chlorinated or brominated Dibenzo-p-dioxins or 48 P P ChemVerbotsV Dibenzofurans. regulations) Benzenesulfonic acid. 2. Therefore. however.N-Dimethylformamide) 68-12-2 D DI No 1272/2008 Dir 91/689/EC 59 Diorganotin compounds D/P DI/DII/P (EU) No 276/2010.(UV-326) Reg. 2003. no testing required Diamino-diphenylmethane Reg.Documentation of the TLVs and BEIs with 53 Colophony (Rosin). Reg. leather. selected D/P DI/DII/P prohibited in applications associated with manufactured articles. (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg. Reg. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List) numbers are provided below. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List) ide 14 40 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-p-cresol (UV-P) 2440-22-4 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment 41 Beryllium and its compounds. [[4-[[4-(phenylamino)phenyl][4- substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 32 (phenylimino)-2. all members D DII Reg. Substance CAS-No. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) ACGIH Worldwide . Published in Canada Gazette Part II. all members P DI/P 552/2009. 140. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH).5-cyclohexadien-1. Reg. GADSL Classification (Legal requirements. 139-07-1 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Benzoic acid. carcinogen class 2.4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane) Annex XIV) 57 Diisodecyl azelate 28472-97-1 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment Reg. 51 Chromium(VI)-salts. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) . all members D/P DI/DII/P Reg. selected D/P DII/P/A preservatives and product-type 9: Fibre. however. Reg. 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole.HCSC-G-001-14 87 / 95 Honda Source No.1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxy-. No. (EU) No 528/2012 This list is derived from the following product-types believed to be relevant to the GADSL criteria: product-type 7: Film preservatives. nd H MCCP). (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List). Reg.(Pigment Blue 61) Reg. Reg. 24 11113-50-1 Reg. substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 35 4221-80-1 D DII bis(1. (EC) No 33 Benzidine and its salts.6-ditertpentylphenol (UV-328) 25973-55-1 D DI Reg. selected D/P DI/P Reg. hexabromo. selected D DII other Worldwide Occupational Exposure Values. Dir. (EC) No 1272/2008. Prohibition expected in 2014 to 2015. 1324-76-1 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) ylidene]methyl]phenyl]amino]. (EC) No 1272/2008 ial Reg. please consult your MSDS and supplier to determine product-specific chain length. 149-30-4 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Japan (Chemical Substances control Law) Type I Monitoring 37 2-Benzothiazolesulphenamide. 2005 43 Bis(chloromethyl) ether (BCME) 542-88-1 P P (SOR/SOR/2005-41. product-type 8: Wood 42 Biocidal coatings / biocidal additives. (EC) No 1272/2008. 3. Ho py 5-Chlorobenzotriazole. No current regulations but substance of concern in dispersive 54 Copper (metallic) 7440-50-8 D DII friction material applications due to environmental impact potential. within the EU there is a general regulatory C presumption toward substitution for industrial uses. short & medium chain length (SCCP. (EC) No 46 Cadmium and its compounds. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List). 2006-11-29 Vol. 3.5-di-tert-pentylhydroquinone 79-74-3 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 64 2. (EC) No 1005/2009.10]octadeca. The Canadian Challenge is regulated S 70 Ethanol.02. 24 1. (EC) No 1272/2008 Ethanaminium. 140.3-butadiene (HCBD) 87-68-3 P P (SOR/SOR/2005-41. and related chemicals including precursors (see S Some column B) on a global basis by 95 percent no later than year- substances 73 Fluorotelomers. 2390-60-5 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) ylidene]-N-ethyl-.6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol 128-37-0 D DII substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under REACH PACT assessment 62 6. (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg.3-epoxypropane) 106-89-8 D DII Reg. 74 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 D/P DII/P Reg. regulations) substances under REACH PACT assessment 61 2.jp/policy/chemical_management/english/cs a cl/publications. The Canadian Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations 2012 Regulation states at Section 4 that: . US EPA Class 2 84 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's). Mirex 2006-11-29 Vol. 2005 Dodecachloropentacyclo 1. of the Canadian Environmental Protection Ac t.17. chloride (Basic Blue 7) 69 1. 24 78 Hexachlorocyclohexane.16. 49 . 49 .8. No.a person must not manufacture. 81 2-Hexyldecan-1-ol 2425-77-6 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment 82 Hydrazine 302-01-2 D DI Reg.. 1999). all members D/P DII/P Kyoto Protocol 86 Indium tin oxide (ITO) 50926-11-9 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 87 Isodecyl diphenyl phosphate 29761-21-5 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) . (EU) No 528/2012 (BPR) nd H substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 75 2. In CAS#s addition the Canadian governmental agencies are also C working on a similar program which is expected to take effect nf later in 2007. 5 79 Hexamethyldisiloxane 107-46-0 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment Canada Gazette Vol. sell. (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg. 26544-38-7 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) (EC) No 1272/2008. Section 71.HCSC-G-001-14 88 / 95 Honda Source No.13. No. 140. bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 103-23-1 D DII under the Part 5. Substance CAS-No.18. Published in Canada Gazette Part II. Montreal Protocol.9.2. 2005 77 Hexachloro-1.go. N-[4-[[4-(diethylamino)phenyl][4- ial substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 68 (ethylamino)-1-naphthalenyl]methylene]-2. 13560-89-9 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment 7. Lindane 58-89-9 D DII GefStoffV with Annex IV Nr. (EC) No1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List) EPA created a Voluntary Stewardship Program to reduce facility emissions and product content of PFOA.16.15-diene (Dichlorane Plus) ide 14 67 Epichlorohydrin (1-chloro-2.dihydro-3-(tetrapropenyl).14. use. Published in Canada Gazette Part II.6'-di-tert-butyl-4.1'-(ethane-1.1. 1999). 1999 (CEPA.html Co Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. 71 Ethyl-/ Methyl-glycols and their acetates D/P DI/DII/P See below Co M 72 Ethyelenethiourea/Imidazolidine-2-thione 96-45-7 D DI Reg. 2006 (Canadian Challenge). and to work toward eliminating emissions and may not have product content of these materials by year-end 2015.7.. its higher homologues.15. all members D/P DII/P ODS 85 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's). No. 140. GADSL Classification (Legal requirements. 2006 nt (Canadian Challenge). Montreal Protocol.17. The Canadian Challenge is regulated 80 Hexanedioic acid. 4-Metheno-1H- 65 2385-85-5 P P (SOR/SOR/2005-41.5-Furandione. Section 71. all members P P ODS Reg. 140.9.2'-Dithiobis(benzothiazole) 120-78-5 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. gamma isomer. 1999 (CEPA.05. Must use BAT (Best Available Technology) to assure lowest concentration. of the Canadian Environmental Protection Ac t.18- 66 dodecachloropentacyclo[12.2-diyl)bis[pentabromobenzene] 84852-53-9 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment Canada Gazette Vol. (EC) No 1005/2009. 2-(2-methoxyethoxy).December 9.4'-thiodi-m-cresol 96-69-5 D DII substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) 63 2. No.December 9. 76 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 D/P P Japan CSCL Class 1. cyclobuta(cd)pentalene. offer for sale or import a toxic substance set out in schedule 1 or a product Ho py containing it unless the toxic substance is incidentally present.6. 111-77-3 D DII under the Part 5. US EPA Class 1 83 Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC's). selected D DII end 2010. Levels above BAT are prohibited see http://www.5-cyclohexadien-1.meti. all members D/P DII/P Reg.11. (EC) No 91 Mercury and its compounds. amide. importers and related industry in Canada have to submit information on 7-Oxa-3. 93 Methanol 67-56-1 D DII/P Denmark. 140. 140. The Canadian Challenge is regulated 102 2425-85-6 D DII Red 3) under the Part 5. (EC) No 1272/2008. 1999). GADSL Classification (Legal requirements. all members 2009/425/EC. Substance CAS-No. all members D/P DII/P Prevention Act. except: . (EC) No 103 2-Naphthylamine and its salts. Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008. nf Reg. Reg. 2.Except fibers with length weighted geometric mean diameter 94 D ide 14 DI/DII .e. (EC) No 1272/2008: CLP. 139-08-2 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) 96 Monomethyldibromodiphenylmethane 99688-47-8 P P Reg. dinonyl. and Dir. 2000/53/EC. (EC) No 1272/2008. 2006. US EPA Class 1 ODS Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. (EC) No 1005/2009. 826 . 2006 2-Naphthalenol.HCSC-G-001-14 89 / 95 Honda Source No. implemented July 1. (EC) No 1907/2006. Sweden (SFS 1985:840. (EC) No 552/2009 97 Monomethyldichlorodiphenylmethane 81161-70-8 P P Reg. all Reg. Continuous Filament . Producers and importers of this substance in Japan have to report its amount to Japanese Authority Ozone depleting halogenated Hydrocarbons and Carbons. (EEC) No 594/91. Montreal 115 P P members Protocol. (EC) No 1272/2008. Reg. and Producers. Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008 107 4-Nitrobiphenyl and its salts. No. 2000/53/EC. N-[4-[[4- substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 92 (dimethylamino)phenyl]phenylmethylene]-2. http://www.Perchlorate Contamination 118 Perchlorates. (EC) No 552/2009. 2005 116 Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 P P (SOR/SOR/2005-41. 49 . amines to 0. 60223-95-2 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Co M substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 100 Naphthalenesulfonicacid. (EC) No 552/2009. and other derivatives including polymers) P P Control Law (PFOS). Japan.dtsc.Non-respirable fibers less two standard errors > 6 micron (i. Reg. all members D/P DII/P Reg. 569-64-2 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) 1-ylidene]-N-methyl-. Finland Reg. (EC) No 108 Nitrocellulose 9004-70-0 D DII Reg. all members D/P DII/P 552/2009 Methanaminium. 25322-17-2 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) S Canada Gazette Vol. a Reg. Reg. (EC) No 552/2009 106 Nitrites. (EC) No 1272/2008. (EC) No 552/2009 California Assemby Bill No. all members D DI/DII/P Reg. all members P P Reg. (EC) 110 Nonylphenol.ca.Fibers with low biopersistence Fibers) and with < 10 days half life in short time inhalation test ial or < 40 days half life in IT instillation test substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 95 Miristalkonium chloride.4. Mineral fibers (Natural or Synthetic) except.5-cyclohexadien. TRGS 615 limit for volatile corrosion inhibitors and TRGS 905 classified as carcinogenic 109 N-Nitrosamines.(Pigment (Canadian Challenge). (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 112 Octadecanamine 124-30-1 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) 113 Octamethyltrisiloxane 107-51-7 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment Canadian Priority List in 2008. carcinogen class 2.gov/HazardousWaste/Perchlorate/ Perfluorooctane sulfonates C8F17SO2X (X = OH. Section 71. of the Canadian Environmental C Protection Ac t. selected D/P DII/P class 1. 1-[(4-methyl-2-nitrophenyl)azo]. persistent substance. chloride Norway. Reg. plastic films and oils via limiting the corresponding sec. (EC) No 552/2009 substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 99 Naphthalenedisulfonic acid. 2007/23/EC legally regulated according to German TRGS 552 limit for Ho py workplace air (value 1 µg/m3).4'-isopropylidenediphenol 80-05-7 D DI Reg. that is. Published in Canada Gazette Part II. 1999 (CEPA. (REACH Candidate List).2]-heneicosan-21-one. Dir.20-diazadispiro[5.4. carcinogen class 2. Reg. Metal salt. 2006/122EC. selected 25154-52-3 D DI/DII/P Co No 1907/2006 111 Nonylphenol ethoxylates. (EC) No 90 Lead and its compounds. Reg. No. regulations) substances under REACH PACT assessment 88 4. Reg. (EC) No 552/2009 nt S 98 Monomethyltetrachlorodiphenylmethane 76253-60-6 P P Reg. all members D/P DI/DII/P 552/2009 Dir. 24 117 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its salts.1. (EC) No 1272/2008. Japan Chemicals 119 halide. SFS 1986:8). production or import amount. Reg. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 89 Isopropylphenyl phosphate 68937-41-7 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Dir. all members .5 %. all members P P 552/2009 104 N-1-naphthylaniline 90-30-2 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment nd H 105 Nickel and its compounds. dinonyl-. Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008. Type 2 Monitoring Substance in 114 64338-16-5 D DII tetramethyl.December 9.2. dinonyl. all members P P Reg. 2006-11-29 Vol. calcium salt (2:1) 57855-77-3 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 101 Naphthalenesulfonicacid. Legally regulated for corrosion inhibition in papers. Dir. (EC) No 1272/2008. (EC) No 1272/2008 ide 14 Included in list of substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan ial 123 Phenol. and related chemicals including precursors on a global basis by 95 PFOA. (EC) No 1272/2008. 2.3-tetramethylbutyl).1-dimethylethyl).3. 2-(5-chloro-2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4.1-dimethlethyl)- 125 3846-71-7 P DI/P Chemical Substance Reg. (EC) No1907/2006 (REACH dimethylethyl). manufacture. A regulation is expected in 2014/2015.4'-methylenebis[2. its higher homologues. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1.6-bis(1.(1. and to work toward higher homologues and precussors.1-dimethylethyl)-6-(1- C nf 128 36437-37-3 D DI Reg.4.6-bis(1. 4-methyl-. reaction products with dicyclopentadiene Included in list of substances under REACH PACT 130 68610-51-5 D DII and isobutylene assessment Phenol. GADSL Classification (Legal requirements. mixed O.3. WVA vicinity . all members eliminating emissions and product content of these materials by 2015.1-dimethylethyl). regulations) PFNA. the EPA created a Voluntary Stewardship Program to reduce facility emissions and product content of PFOA. 122 Phenol 108-95-2 D DII Reg.1. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List) ammonium salts In Canada PFOAs have been declared CEPA Toxic and the government has proposed a ban on the use. 88-85-7 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) 136 Phenol.(UV 327) nd H Candidate List) Phenol. its salts.6-dinitro. 140-66-9 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 135 Phenol. Substance CAS-No. (EC) No1907/2006 (REACH nt (UV 320) S Candidate List) Included in list of substances under REACH PACT assessment Phenol. 4-(1. Minnesota) have issued drinking water guidelines for PFOA. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List) methylpropyl)-  (UV 350) Japan (Chemical Substances control Law) Type I Monitoring Phenol. The EU has issued a directive on PFOS and has PFOA under review. Phenol. In January 2006.4'. Perfluorooctanoic acids C8F15O2H. bis[(1. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4.1-dimethylethyl).1.3-tetramethylbutyl)- S 127 3147-75-9 D DII Included in list of substances under assessment in (UV 329) phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020).1-dimethylethyl).1.1-dimethylethyl)phenyl] phenyl ester 65652-41-7 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 139 Phosphoric acid.3-dimethylbutyl and substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 141 84605-29-8 D DII iso-propyl) esters. styrenated 61788-44-1 D DII assessment Co substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 134 Phenol. 732-26-3 D P Japan (Chemical Substances control Law) 137 Phenylendiamines and its salts.6-bis(1. Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and 120 D DI Reg. 2. 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4.4''-(1-methyl-1-propanyl-3-ylidene)tris[2-(1.HCSC-G-001-14 90 / 95 Honda Source No. tris(2-methylphenyl) ester 78-30-8 D DII environment Phosphorodithioic acid. release.6-bis(1. Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Ho py substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 132 Phenol. 4. toxic and dangerous for the 140 Phosphoric acid. 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(1.6-tris(1. zinc salts Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) .6-bis(1-methyl-1- 126 70321-86-7 D DII Included in list of substances under assessment in Co M phenylethyl).O-bis(1.1'- 129 3864-99-1 D DI Chemical Substance Reg. 121 D DI/DII/P percent no later than year-end 2010. esters. substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 131 1843-03-4 D DII dimethylethyl)-5-methyl.4-bis(1. (EC) No 552/2009 substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 138 Phosphoric acid. 118-82-1 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Included in list of substances under REACH PACT a 133 Phenol. USEPA has also established drinking water limits in the Parkersburg.(UV-234) phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Included in list of substances under REACH PACT assessment. 128-39-2 D DII phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Japan (Chemical Substances control Law) Type I Monitoring Phenol. Reg. 4. and import of PFOAs. Phenol. 2. Norway has recently issued a regulation for PFOA in consumer products and several US states (New Jerey. 96-76-4 D DII (CMP3) (2016-2020) Included in list of substances under assessment in 124 Phenol. 2-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4.1-dimethylethyl)phenyl diphenyl ester 56803-37-3 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Reg. selected D DII Reg. GADSL Classification (Legal requirements.3-Propanesultone 1120-71-4 D DI Reg.HCSC-G-001-14 91 / 95 Honda Source No. all members P P import. 2012 amended to prohibit the use. with hectorite Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Quaternary ammonium compounds. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Candidate List) October 15. hydrogenated. chlorides. Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Quaternary ammonium compounds. all members D DII 153 Polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCB ). 1. C12-16-ADBAC.mixed O.O-bis(sec-butyl and 144 113706-15-3 D DII phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan isooctyl) esters. dicoco alkyldimethyl. Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl 68424-85-1 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) ammonium chloride. 154 Polychlorinated naphthalenes. a Quaternary ammonium compounds. zinc salts (CMP3) (2016-2020) Included in list of substances under assessment in 145 Phosphorodithioic acid.mixed O. salts with bentonite Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Quaternary ammonium compounds. selected nd H 157 1. chlorides. sale and offer for sale any PCN effective January 1.O-bis(2-ethylhexyl and iso. selected D DI/DII Quaternary ammonium compounds. 2013.1'-(tetrathiodicarbonothioyl)bis. reaction products with diphenylamine 158 68412-48-6 D DII PREPOD as Toxic. (EC) No 552/2009 oils and extender oils in tyres. compds. chlorides. esters with 168 64365-17-9 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment pentaerythritol . regulations) Phosphorodithioic acid. benzyl(hydrogenated substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 162 71011-26-2 D DII tallow alkyl)dimethyl. calcium salts 9007-13-0 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 167 Resin acids and Rosin acids. all members P P Reg. substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 142 85940-28-9 D DII butyl and iso-propyl) esters. selected D DII to vehicle interior air quality 150 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB). 155 Polychlorinated terphenyls ( PCT ).epa. zinc salts Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Included in list of substances under assessment in Phosphorodithioic acid. chlorides. bis(hydrogenated tallow substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 163 61789-80-8 D DII alkyl)dimethyl. Ho py 159 Pyrrolidones. manufacture. 120-54-7 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Not currently regulated but releasable hexamines are relevant 149 Polyamine Curing Agents. benzyl(hydrogenated substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 161 71011-24-0 D DII Co tallow alkyl)dimethyl.all members D/P DI/P Japan Chemical Substances Control Law Co M 152 Polybrominated terphenyls ( PBT ). benzyl-C12-16- substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 160 alkyldimethyl. (EC) No 552/2009 Reg. mixed O. 2011 the Canadian government declared 2-Propanone. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) US EPA Chemical Action Plan. (EC) No 552/2009 Canadian Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances S Regulations. sodium salts 61790-51-0 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Resin acids and Rosin acids. 146 Phthalates. zinc salts 68649-42-3 D DII phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Reg.O-bis(iso-butyl and pentyl) 143 68457-79-4 D DII phase 3 of Canadian Chemical Management Plan esters.gov/oppt/existingchemicals/pubs/actionplans/p hthalates. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) 151 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). They are proposing to ban the use of this (PREPOD) substance. zinc salts (CMP3) (2016-2020) Included in list of substances under assessment in Phosphorodithioic acid. (EC) No 552/2009 Reg.O-di-C1-14-alkyl esters. O. Substance CAS-No. all members P P Reg. PCAH) in extender 156 P DI/DII/P Reg. all members P P ChemVerbotsV C nf Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH. compds. (EC) No 552/2009 nt S Reg. selected D/P DI/DII/P http://www.html substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 147 Phthalic anhydride 85-44-9 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) ide 14 substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian ial 148 Piperidine. bis(hydrogenated tallow substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 164 68953-58-2 D DII alkyl)dimethyl. substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 165 61789-77-3 D DII chlorides Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 166 Resin acids and Rosin acids. with bentonite Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Quaternary ammonium compounds. tetramethyl- D/P See GADSL Reference Biocide substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 192 Thiram. (EC) No 1272/2008 . 842/2006 190 Thallium 7440-28-0 D DII Reg. all members P P (SOR/SOR/2005-41. regulations) Resin acids and Rosin acids. methyl esters 8050-15-5 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Radioactive substances (including scrap metal 171 D DII 2013/59/EURATOM contaminants). 2006-11-29 Vol. all members 172 Selenium and its compounds. petroleum. (EU) No 528/2012 ([(H2N)C(S)]2S2). 28777-98-2 D DII nt S Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 178 Sulfonic acids. petroleum. crystalline 14808-60-7 D DII Probable Human carcinogen 174 Sodium azide 26628-22-8 D DII ide 14 175 Styrene ( Vinyl benzene ) 100-42-5 D DII EU Risk Assessment ial 176 Styrene oxide (Epoxy styrene) 96-09-3 D DII Reg. 842/2006 Ho py substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 185 Tall Oil 8002-26-4 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 186 Tall oil pitch 8016-81-7 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) a Co 187 Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) 79-94-7 D DII EU risk assessment Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations. magnesium salts 61789-87-5 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) nd H substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 183 Sulfonic acids. Reg. overbased 68783-96-0 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 180 Sulfonic acids. 75-73-0 D/P P Reg. 137-26-8 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008 D Japan:(Waste Disposal and Cleaning Law) Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide 191 137-26-8 DII/P Reg. hydrogenated. No. calcium salts 61789-86-4 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) C nf substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 182 Sulfonic acids.HCSC-G-001-14 92 / 95 Honda Source No. octadecenyl. barium salts 61790-48-5 D DII S Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 181 Sulfonic acids. esters with 169 65997-13-9 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment glycerol substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 170 Resin acids and Rosin acids. 24 189 Methane. petroleum. calcium salts. 2005 188 Tetrachlorobenzene. all members D/P D/P Japan (Waste Disposal and Cleansing Law) IARC Group 1 Carcinogen. (EC) No. sodium salts 68608-26-4 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) 184 Sulfur hexafluoride 2551-62-4 D/P P EC No. hydrogenated. Tetramethylthiuram disulphide. GADSL Classification (Legal requirements. tetrafluoro. petroleum. Toxic for reproduction-Category 3. petroleum. 193 Toluene 108-88-3 D DII Possible risk of harm to the unborn child. (EC) No 1272/2008 substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 177 Succinic anhydride. Published in Canada Gazette Part II. 140. selected D DII 195 Trichlorophenol and its salts. phenyl esters 70775-94-9 D DII Chemical Management Plan (CMP3) (2016-2020) Co M substances under assessment in phase 3 of Canadian 179 Sulfonic acids. US National Toxicology Program 173 Silica. (EC) No 1272/2008. C10-18-alkane. all members D DII Reg. (EC) No 552/2009 194 o-Toluidine generating substances. Substance CAS-No. (EC) No 552/2009.2.3 .3-dibromopropyl)phosphate (TRIS) 126-72-7 P P Dir. (EC) No 1907/2006 (Candidate List) nd H 124 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 P P Reg. 2013 except TBTs with the grouping (C4H9)4Sn which are permitted up to a max concentration of 30% (w/w).3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate 13674-87-8 D DII/P eliminated at this time http://oehha. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). 79/663/EEC Reg.4-tricarboxylate 3319-31-1 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment S 206 Tris(methylphenyl) phosphate 1330-78-5 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment C 207 Tris(nonylphenyl) phosphite (TNPP) 26523-78-4 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment nf 208 Trixylyl phosphate 25155-23-1 D DI Reg. 200 Triphenylphosphate 115-86-6 D DII Flame retardant under review ide 14 ial US California Prop 65 notify/labelling will be required.2. all members D DII Reg. import.html. (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg. all members P DI/P Regulations. GADSL Classification (Legal requirements.O-bis(2-ethylhexyl)] bis(dithiophosphate) 4259-15-8 D DII substances under REACH PACT assessment Ho py a Co . (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH 197 96-18-4 D DI ( 1. 202 Tris-(1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide 545-55-1 P P Dir. Canadian Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances 199 Triorganotin compounds. (EC) No 552/2009 Reg. Reg. Chemical Substances Control Law in Japan.gov/prop65/background/p65plain. regulations) 196 Trichlorophenol and its salts.HCSC-G-001-14 93 / 95 Honda Source No. (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008 Reg. (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Co M 204 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate 115-96-8 D/P DI/P Annex XIV) 205 tris(2-ethylhexyl)-benzene-1. 83/264/EEC nt S 203 Tris(2.Trichloropropane ) Candidate List) 198 Trimethylphosphate 512-56-1 D DII Reg. manufacture. 2012 amended to prohibit the use. Substance CAS-No. but not 201 Tris(1. sale and offer for sale of any TBT effective January 1. (EC) No 1272/2008 Trichloropropane Reg. (EC) No 1272/2008 209 zinc bis[O.ca. 2-dichloroethane (EDC) 107-06-2 2017.9.4-Dinitrotoluene (2.21 ial 56 4.21 Red 104) C nf 204 Tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) 115-96-8 2015.9. *2.2'-dichloro-4.8.21 51.22 51 Pentazinc chromate octahydroxide 49663-84-5 2019.1.42 Diarsenic pentaoxide 1303-28-2 2015.1.21 nt S 146 Dibutyl phthalate(DBP) 84-74-2 2015.21 oligomers 13530-68-2 Ho py 7789-12-0(dihydrate) 42.21 Lead chromate molybdate sulfate red (C.2.90 Lead chromate 7758-97-6 2015.11.8.21 Co M 14 Diarsenic trioxide 1327-53-3 2015.2. Information on Relevant Laws and Regulations <<Authorization Substance>> REACH EU-R 1907/2006 Authorization Substance <Decision Law> It manufactures approval material in the Europe and it is dealt with for the license application when using.1.22 .21 14.6-trinitro-m-xylene 81-15-2 2014.22 51 Potassium hydroxyoctaoxodizincatedichromate 11103-86-9 2019.4-DNT) 121-14-2 2015.22 .51 Chromium trioxide 1333-82-0 2017. oligomeric reaction products with .) Country: EU.9.21 55 Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCD) 25637-99-4 2015.2. 1.I.8. 2.Norway.21 10588-01-9 (anhydrous) 51 Potassium dichromate 7778-50-9 2017.8.5.I.21 42.21 - 2.4-Diaminodiphenylmethane 101-77-9 2014.Be able to use if the authorization permitted.4. Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether (diglyme) 111-96-6 2017.21 a 51 Ammonium dichromate 7789-09-5 2017.21 nd H 47 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 2016.90 Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.8. Pigment Yellow 34) 1344-37-2 2015.9.21 S 51.21 146 Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) 84-69-5 2015.90 12656-85-8 2015.5.21 Formaldehyde. *1.Ban to use after sunset date unless submitting the application for authorization.21 51 Sodium chromate 7775-11-3 2017.HCSC-G-001-14 94 / 95 III-3.4'-methylenedianiline (MOCA) 101-14-4 2017. Sunset Date № ide 14 20 5-tert-butyl-2.21 146 Bis(2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate)(DEHP) 117-81-7 2015. it is unapplied. Pigment 51. Liechtenstein GADSL Substance CAS-No.8.21 146 Benzyl butyl phthalate(BBP) 85-68-7 2015.5.11.22 .22 . Iceland.5.4.*2:When containing at the product and exporting to the EU. (*1. Dichromium tris(chromate) 24613-89-9 2019.21 Acids generated from chromic trioxide and their 7738-94-5 51 2017.1.9.22 51 Strontium chromate 7789-06-2 2019.51 Sodium dichromate 2017. .2.8.5. 25214-70-4 2017.22 aniline (technical MDA) 14 Arsenic acid 7778-39-4 2017.21 Co 51 Potassium chromate 7789-00-6 2017. 02.1 14 Enforcement on 2017/May/8 ・REACH SVHC added Iiyama Ishibashi .2.HCSC-G-001-14 95 / 95 Ⅲ-4. Authorization substance 07 Enforcement on 2013/Nov/1 added Iiyama Sonoda C nf ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2014.08. Revision Record Date of Issue Revision Content Issuer/Reviser Publisher Enactment on 20/Nov/2009 00 Enforcement on 1/Jan/2010 ・New establishment Kuroiwa - Enactment on 26/Dec/2009 01 Enforcement on 1/Jan/2010 ・Error correction Kuroiwa - Enactment on 15/Apr/2010 02 Enforcement on 20/Apr/2010 ・Reflection of GADSL revise Kuroiwa - ide 14 Enactment on 2011/Jul/27 ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2011.01 Enactment on 2014/Mar/21 08 Enforcement on 2014/May/21 ・REACH SVHC added Iiyama Sonoda ・Reflection of some Country Laws nd H ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2014.01 Enactment on 2015/Feb/27 10 Enforcement on 2015/May/1 ・REACH SVHC added Iiyama Sonoda ・Reflection of EU BPR Laws a ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2015.01 Enactment on 2014/Aug/29 ・REACH SVHC.01 Kuroiwa - ial 03 Enforcement on 2011/Sep/27 ・Plus many revisions to previous version ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2012.02.24 Co  Some Honda Classification changed for Enactment on 2015/Aug/31 11 Enforcement on 2015/Nov/1 Authorization substances Iiyama Sonoda ・Added Honda Criteria for Packaging substance (Table 9) Enactment on 2016/Feb/29 ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2016.15 13 Enforcement on 2016/Dec/1 ・Reflection of Exemption item of ELV revision Iiyama Ishibashi Enactment on 2017/Mar/1 ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2017.2.02.01 06 Enforcement on 2013/Apr/28 ・REACH SVHC added Iiyama Sonoda S Enactment on 2013/Sep/1 ・REACH SVHC.02.1 12 Enforcement on 2016/May/6 ・REACH SVHC added Iiyama Sonoda Enactment on 2016/Sep/29 ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2016.8. Authorization substance 09 Enforcement on 2014/Nov/1 added Iiyama Sonoda ・Reflection of some Country Laws Ho py ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2015.02.08.01 Enactment on 2012/Feb/10 04 Enforcement on 2012/Apr/10 ・Table8 added Iiyama Sonoda nt ・Error correction 05 S Enactment on 2012/08/01 Enforcement on 2012/10/01 ・REACH SVHC added ・Error correction Iiyama Sonoda Co M Enactment on 2013/Feb/28 ・Reflection of GADSL revision 2013.
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