HCNA Cloud BCCP Lab Guide

March 18, 2018 | Author: Rafael Ricardo Rubiano Pavía | Category: Central Processing Unit, Educational Technology, Provisioning, Computer Data Storage, Network Interface Controller



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R In addition, Huawei has built up Huawei Technical Forum which allows candidates to discuss technical issues with g Huawei experts , share n exam experiences with others or be acquainted with Huawei Products( i n http://support.huawei.com/ecommunity/) r a Le e TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential HUAWEI 1 r o    n i n    n e / e r Mo e / m o c . L i e HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manualw a u ISSUE 1.00 h . g n (For internal use only) i n r a e l / / : p t t h : s e c r u o s Re g n Huawei Technologies CO., LTD. i n All Rights Reserved r a e e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.00 INTERNAL Contents 1 Experiments on the FusionCompute ......................................................................................... 3 1.1 Objectives......................................................................................................................................................... 3 e / m 1.2 Basic Information ............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Operation Tasks ................................................................................................................................................ 3 o c . 1.3.1 Creating a Bare VM ................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3.2 Installing a VM ..................................................................................................................................... 11 i e aw 1.4 Operation Tasks .............................................................................................................................................. 15 1.4.1 Creating a VM Using a System VM Template ...................................................................................... 15 u h . 2 Experiments on the FusionManager ........................................................................................ 24 g n i n r a e l / / : p t t h : s e c r u o s Re g n i n r a Le 1.4.2 Live VM Migration ............................................................................................................................... 18 1.4.3 Online Modification of VM Specifications (CPU Parameters) ............................................................. 19 2.1 Objectives....................................................................................................................................................... 24 2.2 Experiment Deployment ................................................................................................................................ 24 2.3 Basic Information ........................................................................................................................................... 24 2.3.1 Introduction to Creating Applications ................................................................................................... 24 2.4 Operation Tasks .............................................................................................................................................. 27 2.4.1 Adding a Software Package .................................................................................................................. 27 2.4.2 Creating a VM Template ....................................................................................................................... 31 2.4.3 Canceling a Published VM Template .................................................................................................... 53 2.4.4 Deleting a VM Template ....................................................................................................................... 54 2.4.5 Creating a Service Catalog .................................................................................................................... 54 2.4.6 Creating a Service Template ................................................................................................................. 55 2.4.7 Creating an Application ........................................................................................................................ 68 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. No spreading without permission. Page 2 of 71 168. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. you will be able to:  e / m Use an ISO file to create virtual machines (VMs). Otherwise.2 Basic Information System administrator Portal IP Address Portal Account 192. If a VM is bound to a host. No spreading without permission.1 Objectives Upon completion of this chapter. Impact on the System: This operation has no adverse impact on the system. and network resources required for VM creation are ready. Possible values are: ● Cluster: The VM will be created on a random host in the cluster.30.4 admin/Huawei@123 o c .00 INTERNAL 1 Experiments on the FusionCompute 1. storage.3 Operation Tasks i e aw i n ar 1. the high availability (HA) function is unavailable.1 Creating a Bare VM e l // Operation scenario: This section provides guidance for administrators to create bare VMs on the FusionCompute Portal. Cluster01 Specifies the cluster or host on which the VM is located. Page 3 of 71 . u h . Administrators can install OSs and application software on bare VMs. : p tt Preparations Prerequisites : s e h Software commissioning is completed based on service requirements. L Bind to the select host This parameter is optional. ● Host: The VM will be created on the specified host. g n 1. c r u o s e R You have logged in to the FusionCompute Portal.3. - This parameter is valid only when Select a location is set to Host.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Data Category ng Create Location ni r a e Parameter Description Example Value Select a location This parameter is mandatory. 1. the VM can only run on this host and cannot be migrated to another host. Computing. If a graphics card is bound to a VM. the VM is automatically bound to the host on which the VM and the USB device are located. VM001 A VM name can contain only letters. the VM is automatically bound to the host on which the VM and the graphics card are located. - If any available USB device is on the host. the user can specify a USB device for the VM. Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter 32bit c r u o s e R CPU : s e h This parameter is mandatory. Number of disks This parameter is optional. No spreading without permission. o c . 1 Value range: 1–8 Default value: 1 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. e / m Page 4 of 71 . digits. Specificati ons rn ea L g n i : p tt OS type This parameter is mandatory. 2 This value cannot exceed the number of the physical CPU cores on the host.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. u h . Attach USB device This parameter is optional. Windows OS version This parameter is mandatory. and spaces.576 2 Value range: 1–11 Default value: 0 Number of NICs This parameter is optional.00 INTERNAL Category Parameter Description Example Value Advanced Settings Attach graphics card This parameter is optional. Value range: 1–64 Memory (MB) This parameter is mandatory. The VM can be migrated to another host only after the USB device is detached from the VM. nor exceed 128 characters. you can specify a graphics card for the VM. It cannot start or end with a space. g n i e aw If a USB device is bound to a VM. Properties VM name i n ar e l // This parameter is mandatory.048. 2048 Value range: 128–1. The VM can be migrated to another host only after the graphics card is detached from the VM. Standard VGA Graphics Adapter If any available graphics card is on the host. Minimum value: 1. g n ● Custom: 1–128. e l // : p tt Minimum value: 0.000 Default value: Medium CPU Reserved (MHz) i n ar This parameter is mandatory. e / m o c . maximum value: Number of CPUs x 2400 ng Default value: No limit i n r a e L 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. For example. CPU quotas are listed as follows: ● Low: Number of CPUs x 500 ● Medium: Number of CPUs x 1000 ● High: Number of CPUs x 2000 u h . the maximum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. maximum value: Number of CPUs x 2933 Default value: 0 CPU Limit (MHz) h This parameter is mandatory. this VM has the priority to use the CPU resources as twice as that of the other VM. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. For example.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. For example. : s e No limit Specifies the maximum computing capability of the VM. ● Not limit c r u o s e R ● Limited.00 INTERNAL Category Parameter Description Example Value QoS Settings CPU Quota This parameter is mandatory. i e aw No limit Specifies the minimum computing capability of the VM. the minimum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. Page 5 of 71 . No spreading without permission. Medium Specifies the proportion of CPU resources a VM can obtain in resource contention. if the CPU quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. For example. No spreading without permission. ● HA: The system automatically re-creates a VM on another host that is running properly. this VM has the priority to use the memory resources as twice as that of the other VM. Medium Specifies the proportion of memory resources a VM can obtain in resource contention. e l // : p tt Minimum value: 0. i e aw 0 Specifies the minimum physical memory resources of the VM. Possible values are: ● No processing: The system does not automatically handle the BSOD. maximum value: configured memory size Default value: 0 Advanced Attributes HA n r a Le 2014-02-07 : s e - The HA feature allows VMs to migrate to another host if the current host is faulty. the VM synchronizes with the host regularly. If this parameter is set to 0. Huawei confidential. If no. g n ● Custom: Value range: 1–209.715.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Restart Specifies the policy used when a blue screen of death (BSOD) occurs. Memory quotas are listed as follows: ● Low: Memory size x 5 ● Medium: Memory size x 10 ● High: Memory size x 20 u h . If yes. - Specifies whether the system time of the VM is synchronized with the host which the VM is on.200 Default value: Medium Memory Reserved (MB) i n ar This parameter is mandatory. ● Restart: The system restarts the faulty VM. Page 6 of 71 . the user can set the system time of the VM. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. c r u o s e R Policy for handling blue screen of death (BSOD) g n i h This parameter is optional. This parameter is optional. Clock synchronizati on policy This parameter is mandatory. the system does not reserve a minimum percentage of physical memory resources for the VM. if the memory quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. e / m o c .00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Memory Quota This parameter is mandatory. : s e o c . Disable This parameter is valid only when the VM operating system (OS) supports the CPU hot swap. g n i n ar This parameter is mandatory. Huawei confidential. Allocate a proper space for the first disk based on the OS size. e l // Port Group The NIC properties are determined by the port group on the distributed virtual switch (DVS) to which the NIC connects. Otherwise. e / m i e aw UserDVSwi tch1 UserPortGr oup01 UserDataSt ore01 The Thin provisioning mode can be selected only when virtual storage is deployed. NIC Settings Disk Settings Select Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS) Set the parameters for each network interface card (NIC). The operations performed to reduce the number of CPUs take effect after the VM is restarted.00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value CPU hot swap This parameter is optional.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. 20 Configure the capacity for each disk. In this mode. No spreading without permission. the input/output (I/O) performance of the VM is lower than that of a VM in the Ordinary mode. the system allocates part of the configured disk capacity for the first time. : p tt h Configure the data store on each disk. Le Default value: 0rdinary Capacity (GB) 2014-02-07 This parameter is mandatory. Possible values are: ● Disable: All operations performed to modify CPU properties of a VM take effect only after the VM is restarted. Do not select this mode for the first disk. Data store This parameter is mandatory. ● Thin provisioning: This mode can be selected only when virtual storage is deployed. The OS is installed on the first disk by default. Possible values are: ● Ordinary: The system allocates disk space based the configured disk capacity. c r u o s e R Configuration Mode n r a g n i This parameter is mandatory. Page 7 of 71 . u h . Ordinary Configure the allocation mode for each disk. and allocates the rest disk capacity based on the storage usage of the disk until all the configured disk capacity is allocated. ● Enable CPU hot add: The operations performed to add the number of CPUs and modify the CPU resource control policies take effect without VM restart. In the Operation area on the Summary tab page. i e aw - : p tt h On the FusionCompute. c r u o s e R The Location page is displayed. Possible values are: ● Persistent: All operations on the disk will be recorded in the disk. choose VDC Management > VM and Template. click Create VM.00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Not affected by snapshot This parameter is optional. - Set the parameter for each disk. If a disk is not affected by snapshots. u h . Persistent This parameter is optional. ● Nonpersistent: All operations on disks will not be recorded in the disk. but in a cache file stored in the data store as the disk. No spreading without permission. Page 8 of 71 e / m . 2. Persistency This parameter is valid only when Not affected by snapshot is selected.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. g n Start the VM after creation Procedure 1. Huawei confidential. i n ar e l // This parameter is optional. n r a g n i Le 2014-02-07 o c . : s e The VM and Template page is displayed. the disk data will not be backed up or restored when the VM is backed up or restored using a snapshot. All data changes will be lost after the VM stops. If you select Host. 4. HA is unavailable. e l // The Properties page is displayed. If a USB device is bound to a VM. to bind the VM to a host. The VM can be migrated to another host only after the graphics card is unbound from the VM. o c . The VM can be migrated to another host only after the USB device is unbound from the VM. g n If you want to bind a USB device. select Attach USB device under Advanced Settings and select the graphics card. If you want to bind a graphics card. 6.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. i e aw If a graphics card is bound to a VM. If a VM is bound to a host. Enter a VM name and select an OS type and a version. u h . 5.00 3. − Cluster: The VM will be created on a random host in the cluster. i n ar Click Next. 9. INTERNAL Select a location for the VM that you are creating. 7. − Host: The VM will be created on the specified host. select Attach graphics card under Advanced Settings and select the graphics card. n r a g n i c r u o s e R : s e : p tt h Le 8. the VM is automatically bound to the host on which the VM and the USB device are located. Set the following hardware specifications of the VM: 2014-02-07 − CPU − Memory (MB) Huawei confidential. No spreading without permission. the VM can only run on this host and cannot be migrated to another host. select Bind to the select host. That is. the VM is automatically bound to the host on which the VM and the graphics card are located. Page 9 of 71 e / m . The operations performed to reduce the number of CPUs take effect after the VM is restarted. − Memory Reserved (MB): specifies the minimum physical memory resources of the VM. the minimum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. - Enable CPU hot add: The operations performed to add the number of CPUs and modify the CPU resource control policies take effect without VM restart. − Memory Quota: specifies the proportion of memory resources a VM can obtain in resource contention.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. To reset QoS. If this parameter is set to 0. Click Next. 2014-02-07 o c . this VM has the priority to use the memory resources as twice as that of the other VM. In this mode. Do not select this mode for the first disk. For example. − CPU hot swap (This parameter is valid only when the VM OS supports CPU hot swap): c r u o s e R : s e : p tt h - Disable: All operations performed to modify CPU properties of a VM take effect only after the VM is restarted. Set the properties of each disk. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. Page 10 of 71 e / m . For example. − Clock policy: specifies whether the system time of the VM is synchronized with the host which the VM is on. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. if the memory quota of a VM is twice that of another VM.00 − Number of disks − Number of NICs INTERNAL 10. For example. Huawei confidential. this VM has the priority to use the CPU resources as twice as that of the other VM. the system does not reserve a minimum percentage of physical memory resources for the VM. g n i 12. Le The NIC properties are determined by the port group on the DVS to which the NIC connects. click QoS configurations and set the parameters. Set the advanced properties of the VM. If no. If yes. - Thin provisioning: This mode can be selected only when virtual storage is deployed. − Policy for handling blue screen of death (BSOD): specifies the policy for handling the VM BSOD. 13. No spreading without permission. the maximum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. VMs are automatically migrated to another host and run properly if the current host is faulty. u h . n r a The Set VM page is displayed. 14. − CPU Reserved (MHz): specifies the minimum computing capability of the VM. the system allocates part of the configured disk capacity for the first time. For example. you can manually set the system time of the VM. the VM synchronizes with the host regularly. − HA: After the HA function is enabled. if the CPU quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. and allocates the rest disk capacity based on the storage usage of the disk until all the configured disk capacity is allocated. − CPU Quota: specifies the proportion of CPU resources a VM can obtain in resource contention. − CPU Limit (MHz): specifies the maximum computing capability of the VM. − Data store − Configuration mode - Ordinary: The system allocates disk space based the configured disk capacity. g n i e aw i n ar e l // 11. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. Otherwise. Configure the DVS and port group for each NIC. u h . Verify that the information about the VM to be created. 16. g n i 18. click Query Task. On the Complete page. Impact on the System: This operation has no adverse impact on the system. − Capacity (GB): The OS is installed on the first disk by default.3. Click Next. The VM creation starts. All data changes will be lost after the VM stops. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed.00 INTERNAL the input/output (I/O) performance of the VM is lower than that of the VM in the Ordinary mode. select Start the VM after creation. g n i e aw i n ar e l // 15. 17. Click Finish. - Nonpersistent: All operations on disks will not be recorded in the disk. Page 11 of 71 e / m . − Not affected by snapshot: If this option is selected. If you want to start the VM immediately the creation is completed. but in a cache file stored in the data store as the disk. − Persistency: - Persistent: All operations on the disk will be recorded in the disk. o c . n r a Result Le On the Task Center page that is displayed.2 Installing a VM Operation scenario: This section provides guidance for service administrators to install and configure an OS and application software on a bare VM on the FusionCompute Portal. c r u o s e R : s e : p tt h The Confirm page is displayed.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. the disk data will not be backed up or restored when the VM is backed up or restored using the snapshot. No spreading without permission. view the creation progress. Confirm: [OK?]__________________ 1. Allocate a proper space for the first disk based on the OS size. select CD/DVD-ROM and select the directory containing the CD-ROM drive to be mounted. You have logged in to the FusionCompute Portal. and select Log in using VNC. e l // On the FusionCompute Portal. No spreading without permission. click Operation. click Browse. Data i e aw To install one of the following OSs. choose VDC Management > VM and Template. The VM and Template page is displayed. select File. Select the directory of the CD/DVD-ROM drive. 2. 4. the patch KB891861 (available in the OS official website) is required: u h . The VM desktop is displayed.00 INTERNAL Preparations Prerequisites You have obtained the OS ISO file to be installed. and select the ISO file to be mounted. o c . g n Windows 2000 Server SP4 Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 i n ar Procedure Mounting a CD-ROM drive 1.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. e / m The firewall on the maintenance terminal is disabled. n r a g n i Le 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Click Mount Local CD/DVD-ROM Drive. You have obtained the installation files for the software to be installed. h 3. Page 12 of 71 . : s e To mount a physical CD-ROM drive. c r u o s e R If you want to mount an ISO file. : p tt Locate the row that contains the VM to which an ISO file is to be mounted. c r u o s e R A dialog box is displayed. n r a g n i Le 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. u h . 7. Page 13 of 71 .e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. g n i e aw i n ar 5. 8. : s e h The CD-ROM drive is mounted to the VM. e l // : p tt Click Connect. the OS installation window is displayed. 9. 6. A dialog box is displayed. The VM restarts. Click OK. Click OK. After the restart is successful. No spreading without permission. A dialog box is displayed. Click OK.00 INTERNAL e / m o c . Click Restart the VM. Click OK. Page 14 of 71 .00 INTERNAL e / m o c . Click OK. On the VM desktop displayed in the VNC login window. 12. c r u o s e R Unmounting a CD-ROM drive 11. 15. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Click OK. click Unmount CD/DVD-ROM Drive. A dialog box is displayed. right-click a VM and choose Install tools from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed. 17. The VM and Template page is displayed. choose VDC Management > VM and Template. n r a Le The CD/DVD-ROM drive is unmounted from the VM. choose Start > Computer. A dialog box is displayed. On the FusionCompute. On the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) login window. Installing the PV driver 14. u h . g n i 13. 16. Click Yes. In the navigation tree on the left. g n i e aw i n ar e l // Installing an OS : s e : p tt h 10. 18. No spreading without permission.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. A dialog box is displayed. Install and configure the Windows OS on the VM based on the OS installation guide and the user requirements. Converting a template to a VM 2. go to step 2. The VM and Template page is displayed. Page 15 of 71 . Click OK.4. In the navigation tree on the left. choose VDC Management > VM and Template. Right-click the PV driver for the OS version and choose Run with administrator from the shortcut menu. 20. Confirm: [OK?]__________________ 1. g n i e aw Operation scenario: This section provides guidance for administrators to create VMs using the preset system VM template on the FusionCompute Portal.  Deploy a VM using a template: A VM is create based on e template and its parameters can be reset. Result e / m Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. Preparations Prerequisites : s e h You have obtained the ID of VM template that is used to create a VM. right-click the VM template to be converted and choose Convert to VM from the shortcut menu. The template disappears after the conversion is complete. Procedure g n i Selecting a VM creation method ea rn L 1. o c .4 Operation Tasks 1. Right-click CD Driver and choose Open from the shortcut menu. 4. go to step 9. Then install the PV driver as prompted.00 INTERNAL The Computer window is displayed. e l // : p tt Impact on the System: This operation has no adverse impact on the system. 3. A dialog box is displayed. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. c r u o s e R You have logged in to the FusionCompute Portal. On the FusionCompute Portal. Data The same as the data required by creating a bare VM. A dialog box is displayed. 19. − To deploy a VM using a template.1 Creating a VM Using a System VM Template u h . Select a creation method based on site requirements: − To convert a template to a VM. No spreading without permission. The methods for creating a VM using the system template are: i n ar  Convert a template to a VM: All parameters of the VM are from the template. Then go to step 33. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. the VM can only run on this host and cannot be migrated to another host. 13. choose VDC Management > VM and Template. e / m A dialog box is displayed. To reset QoS. If a USB device is bound to a VM. g n The VM and Template page is displayed. 12. select Attach USB device under Advanced Settings and select the graphics card. HA is unavailable. 2014-02-07 − CPU Quota: specifies the proportion of CPU resources a VM can obtain in resource contention. this VM has the priority to use the CPU resources as twice as that of the other VM. u h . select Bind to the select host. o c . right-click a template and choose Deploy VM Using A Template from the shortcut menu. select Attach graphics card under Advanced Settings and select the graphics card. Cluster: The VM will be created on a random host in the cluster.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. − CPU Reserved (MHz): specifies the minimum computing capability of the VM. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. For example. Page 16 of 71 . c r u o s e R 14. Enter a VM name and select the OS type and version. Le 17. The VM can be migrated to another host only after the graphics card is unbound from the VM. the VM is automatically bound to the host on which the VM and the USB device are located. Click OK. On the FusionCompute Portal. In the navigation tree. No spreading without permission. 8. The Location page is displayed. The VM can be migrated to another host only after the USB device is unmounted from the VM. : s e h If a graphics card is bound to a VM. Click OK. Deploying a VM using a template 9. if the CPU quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. Huawei confidential. Click Next. The Properties page is displayed.00 INTERNAL 5. Select a location for the VM that you are creating. i n ar 11. to bind the VM to a host. Set the following hardware specifications of the VM: − CPU − Memory (MB) 18. For example. : p tt If a VM is mounted to a host. If you select Host. Start the VM. the minimum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. i e aw 10. e l // Host: The VM will be created on the specified host. 6. the VM is automatically bound to the host on which the VM and the graphics card are located. Click OK. If you want to bind a USB device. 7. If you want to bind a graphics card. g n i 15. A dialog box is displayed. right-click the newly converted VM and choose Power On from the shortcut menu. That is. click QoS configurations and set the parameters. In the navigation tree on the left. n r a 16. Go to step 30. the system allocates part of the configured disk capacity for the first time. the VM periodically synchronizes its time with the host. The Set VM page is displayed. − CPU hot swap (This parameter is valid only when the VM OS supports CPU hot swap): u h . but in a cache file stored in the data store as the disk. this VM has the priority to use the memory resources as twice as that of the other VM. if the memory quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. the disk data will not be backed up or restored when the VM is backed up or restored using the snapshot. and IP address. i e aw − HA: After the HA function is enabled. If this parameter is set to 0. − Policy for handling blue screen of death (BSOD): specifies the policy for handling a VM BSOD. − Memory Quota: specifies the proportion of memory resources a VM can obtain in resource contention. g n i − Not affected by snapshot: If this option is selected. VMs are automatically migrated to another host and run properly if the current host is faulty. e l // : p tt 20. 23. If no. Huawei confidential. and allocates the rest disk capacity based on the storage usage of the disk until all the configured disk capacity is allocated. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. Set VM properties. the maximum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. the VM inherits the VM properties of the template. n r a Le − Data store − Configuration mode - Ordinary: The system allocates disk space based the configured disk capacity. VM properties include the host name. Otherwise. All data changes will be lost after the VM stops. the system does not reserve a minimum percentage of physical memory resources for the VM. No spreading without permission. o c . - Enable CPU hot add: The operations performed to add the number of CPUs and modify the CPU resource control policies take effect without VM restart. − Memory Reserved (MB): specifies the minimum physical memory resources of the VM.00 INTERNAL − CPU Limit (MHz): specifies the maximum computing capability of the VM. The operations performed to reduce the number of CPUs take effect after the VM is restarted. - Thin provisioning: This mode can be selected only when virtual storage is deployed. - Nonpersistent: All operations on disks will not be recorded in the disk. Do not select this mode for the first disk. 19. In this mode. Page 17 of 71 e / m . Configure the DVS and port group for each NIC. − Persistency: - Persistent: All operations on the disk will be recorded in the disk. password. − 2014-02-07 Do not customize: inherits the VM properties of the template. g n i n ar - Disable: All operations performed to modify CPU properties of a VM take effect only after the VM is restarted. : s e The NIC properties are determined by the port group on the DVS to which the NIC connects. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. Set the properties of each disk. Click Next.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. you can set the system time of the VM. If you do not set VM properties. c r u o s e R 22. For example. Set the advanced properties of the VM. − Clock policy: If this parameter is selected. h 21. the I/O performance of the VM is lower than that of a VM in the Ordinary mode. For example. Page 18 of 71 . enter the workgroup name. In the navigation tree on the left of the VM and Template page. click Query Task. − Customize using existing VM attributes: uses existing VM properties. VM host name. right-click the VM and choose Log in using VNC from the shortcut menu. i e aw 27. The VM creation starts. enter the domain name. If you select Customize using the Customization Wizard and want to save the properties. select Save as Computer Attributes. 31. On the Complete page. go to step 24. Logging in to the VM 33. and set VM Attributes Name and Description. : s e h 32. n r aLive VM Migration 1.00 INTERNAL − Customize using the Customization Wizard: creates VM properties. − If you select Workgroup. The Confirm page is displayed. u h . Click Next. Set the NIC properties: − IP address − Subnet mask − Default gateway − Active DNS server − Standby DNS server i n ar e l // : p tt 30. − If you select Windows Server Domain. Preparations Prerequisites You have logged in to the FusionCompute Portal. e / m 25. go to step 3. Result g n i Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. Enter the host name and administrator password of the VM. view the creation progress. Click Next. Verify that the information about the VM to be created. and domain password. Click Finish. If you want to. migrate a VM to a specified host in the cluster to which the VM belongs to implement manual resource scheduling. The NIC Settings page is displayed.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.2 e L Confirm: [OK?]__________________ Operation scenario: On the FusionCompute Portal. Click Next. 26. c r u o s e R On the Task Center page that is displayed.4. If you do not want to reset VM properties. select a domain or a workgroup for the VM. g n 28. The Customize using the Customization Wizard page is displayed. No spreading without permission. 29. o c . If the VM runs the Windows OS. Go to step 24. 24. Impact on the System: This operation has no adverse impact on the system. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. i e aw h The VM is migrated to the destination host when its state changes to Running. administrators can modify CPU properties online using the FusionCompute Portal. Migrating a VM 3. Click Migrate. No spreading without permission. select Bind to the selected destination host. The VM to be migrated is not bound to a host. 4. g n The search result is displayed. u h . 2. choose VDC Management > VM and Template. Click Next. Click OK. click Operation.00 INTERNAL The VM is in the Running state.  Enable CPU hot add: The operations performed to add the number of CPUs and modify the CPU resource control policies take effect without VM restart. 8. Searching for a VM 1. and select Migrate. On the FusionCompute Portal. Click OK.3 Online Modification of VM Specifications (CPU Parameters) i n r a e L Confirm: [OK?]__________________ Operation scenario: When the CPU properties of a VM no longer meet the service requirement. A dialog box is displayed. 6. You have obtained the name of the host to which the VM is to be migrated. i n ar The Migrate VM page is displayed. Select the host to which the VM is migrated. you can view the task progress. 9. enter the search criteria and click Search. g n 1. 7. : s e e l // : p tt A dialog box is displayed. 10.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. 5.4. e / m Procedure o c . Page 19 of 71 . The conditions for effective CPU properties are subject to the CPU hot swap policy:  Disable CPU hot swap: The policy for controlling CPU resources takes effect without VM restart. The operations performed to reduce the number of CPUs take effect after the VM is restarted. The VM and Template page is displayed. On the VM tab page. If you want to bind the VM to the host. The policies for adding CPUs and reducing the number of CPUs take effect only after the VM is restarted. Result Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. and no graphics card or USB device are bound to the VM. c r u o s e R On the Task Tracing tab page. Locate the row that contains the VM to be migrated. Select Change host as the migration mode. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Preparations Prerequisites e / m You have logged in to the FusionCompute Portal. For example. g n 2 This value cannot exceed the number of the physical CPU cores on the host. u h . No limit Specifies the minimum computing capability of the VM.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. if the CPU quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. No spreading without permission. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000.00 INTERNAL Impact on the system: Ongoing services on the VM are stopped if you restart the VM for new CPU properties to take effect.000 Default value: Medium Reserved (MHz) ng i n r ea L 2014-02-07 This parameter is mandatory. Therefore. The VM is in the Running or Stopped state. you are advised to perform this operation during non-peak hours. : p tt h CPU quotas are listed as follows: ● Low: Number of CPUs x 500 : s e ● Medium: Number of CPUs x 1000 ● High: Number of CPUs x 2000 c r u o s e R ● Custom: Value range: 1–128. maximum value: Number of CPUs x Host CPU frequency Default value: 0 Huawei confidential. Data Description Number of CPUs This parameter is mandatory. i n ar Value range: 1–64 Quota i e aw Example Value Parameter This parameter is mandatory. Minimum value: 0. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. the minimum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. o c . Page 20 of 71 . For example. Medium e l // Specifies the proportion of CPU resources a VM can obtain in resource contention. this VM has the priority to use the CPU resources as twice as that of the other VM. c r u o s e R Specify the number of cores for the VM.00 INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Limit (MHz) This parameter is mandatory. − To prevent the computing performance of the VM from decreasing. No spreading without permission. Page 21 of 71 . For example. Click the name of the VM. log in to the VM and manually modify the CPU driver.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. On the FusionCompute Portal. g n i Configure the following CPU resource control items: − CPU Quota: specifies the proportion of CPU resources a VM can obtain in resource contention. 2. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. if the CPU quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. The CPU page is displayed. this VM has the priority to use the CPU resources as twice as that of the other VM. 6. Click OK. the minimum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. The Summary page is displayed. ● Limited. n r a Le 7. For example. ensure that the number of the cores of the VM does not exceed CPU cores on the host. the maximum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. The search result is displayed. enter the search criteria and click Search. click CPU. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. − CPU Reserved (MHz): specifies the minimum computing capability of the VM. e l // The VM and Template page is displayed. − When the VM is running on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP and the number of the VM's cores is changed from one to multiple or from multiple to one. 4. For example. On the VM tab page. the maximum computing capability of the VM is 2000 MHz. − CPU Limit (MHz): specifies the maximum computing capability of the VM. No limit Specifies the maximum computing capability of the VM. maximum value: Number of CPUs x Host CPU frequency Default value: No limit u h . i e aw : s e h On the Hardware tab page. For example. A dialog box is displayed. g n Procedure i n ar Searching for a VM 1. : p tt Modifying CPU properties 3. Minimum value: 1. 5. ● No limit e / m o c . choose VDC Management > VM and Template. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. if the VM has one CPU and this parameter is set to 2000. u h . 21. A dialog box is displayed. View the current CPU hot swap policy. − If you need to change single-core to multiple-core. 10. g n i 18. − If you need to change multiple-core to single-core. The operations performed to reduce the number of CPUs take effect after the VM is restarted. − If no. Options of the CPU hot swap policy are: ea rn L − Disable: All operations performed to modify CPU properties of a VM take effect only after the VM is restarted. go to step 19. go to step 16. Determine whether to restart the VM for the new CPU properties to take effect. g n i e aw 11. The VM is restarted and its CPU properties are modified when the VM state changes to Running. update ACPI Multiprocessor PC to Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC. The following steps are performed on Windows Server 2003. click Device Manager.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. you can view the task progress. o c . update Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC to ACPI Multiprocessor PC. 12. Click OK. determine whether to modify the VM driver. expand the Computer node and double-click ACPI Multiprocessor PC or Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC. On the Driver tab page. i n ar 13. − If yes. − If yes. click Safely Restart. On the Task Tracing tab page. manually modify the CPU driver. click CPU hot swap. On the Options tab page. On the Hardware tab page. − Enable CPU hot add: The operations performed to add the number of CPUs and modify the CPU resource control policies take effect without VM restart. Click OK. e l // : p tt 14. click Update Driver. go to step 10. 15. Modifying the VM driver 9. Log in to the VM using VNC. A dialog box is displayed. The CPU hot swap page is displayed. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. INTERNAL Click OK. No spreading without permission. c r u o s e R 17. e / m When the VM is running on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP and the number of the VM's cores is changed from one to multiple or from multiple to one. In the Operation area on the Summary tab page. 19.00 8. Update the drive as instructed by the hardware update guide and according to the actual requirement. Page 22 of 71 . right-click My Computer and choose Properties form the shortcut menu. 20. − If no. Based on the VM OS type and the CPU adjustment method. On the Start menu bar of the VM. Restarting a VM : s e h 16. In the navigation tree. no further action is required. Page 23 of 71 . No spreading without permission.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.00 INTERNAL Result Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. u h . g n i e aw i n ar e l // n r a g n i c r u o s e R : s e : p tt h Le 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Confirm: [OK?]__________________ e / m o c . 6 : s e h Portal Account admin/Huawei@123 2.  Upload software. No spreading without permission. The cluster resources are computing. n r a Process Le Figure 2-1 shows the flowchart for creating applications. and storage resources. g n i Applications can only be created using service templates. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Page 24 of 71 . e l // 2. 2. You can add elastic groups and configure policies for the elastic groups to improve resource utilization.1 Introduction to Creating Applications Overview c r u o s e R Cluster resources have been deployed during the initial configuration.30.3. For details. There is only one VM and the covered software resources are: apache —> php —> extension —> discus.3 Basic Information : p tt Portal IP Address System administrator 192.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. You can also add networks to connect the VMs to the networks. Service templates consist of VM templates and software packages.00 INTERNAL 2 Experiments on the FusionManager 2. see the FusionManager Service Issuing Experiment Software Package. i n ar For details about the required software packages.  Create VM templates.168.2 Experiment Deployment u h .  Create service catalogs and applications as well as publish applications.1 Objectives Upon the completion of this chapter. g n i e aw This section provides guidance for you to provision a forum application. o c . see the FusionManager Service Issuing Experiment Software Parameters Description Linux_Discuz. you will be able to know how to: e / m  Create applications and provision applications. network.docx. e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.00 INTERNAL Figure 2-1 Flowchart for creating applications Start e / m Add a software package. o c . Add a VM template. u h . g n Create a catalog. i e aw i n ar Create a service template. e l // Create an application. : p tt End : s e h Table 2-1 describes each step included in the previous flowchart. c r u o s e R Table 2-1 Steps for creating applications No. Step Description 1 Adding a Software Package Add software packages required for application creation, and configure commands and scripts to manage the software packages. When creating service templates, theses software packages can be associated with VMs. When an application is created using a service template, the system can rapidly deploy the software package for the application based on the commands and scripts configured. 2 Creating a VM Template Create VM templates that apply to different OSs, and install software that is required. When creating a service template, you can select the corresponding VM template. In addition, VM templates can be combined with different software packages during service template creation to quickly create applications. 3 Creating a Catalog Create service catalogs to manage the service templates based on their types. n r a Le 2014-02-07 g n i Huawei confidential. No spreading without permission. Page 25 of 71 e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.00 INTERNAL No. Step Description 4 Creating a Service Template Creating service templates as required using available VM templates and software packages. You can add elastic groups to the created templates and configure policies for the elastic groups, or add networks to connect the VMs to the networks. 5 Creating an Application Select a service template to create applications for service provisioning. For example, you can use the service template where the MySQL software package and Linux VM template have been added to create a database application that can provide database services. Preparations u h . g n i e aw Table 2-2 lists the software, documents, and tools required for application creation. i n ar Table 2-2 List of software, documents, and tools Resource Type Resource Name Description Software OS ISO file Obtain this file before creating VM templates. Prepared by customers. FusionComput e V100R003C00 _GuestOS.iso This ISO file includes the PV driver and the driver for intelligent network interface card (iNIC). ● PV driver: paravirtualization driver, which is necessary for creating a VM template ● iNIC drive: required for creating a VM template when iNIC is used. The iNIC driver and the PV Driver are included in the same ISO file. http://support.huawei. com/enterprise > Software > IT > FusionCloud > FusionSphere > FusionCompute > FusionCompute V100R003C00 The client software of the FusionManager, which is required for creating VM templates. http://support.huawei. com/enterprise > Software > IT > FusionCloud > FusionSphere > FusionManager n r a Le g n i c r u o s e R puppetclient_li nux.iso puppetclient_w indows.iso e l // : s e : p tt h How to Obtain Download and decompress FusionCompute V100R003C00_Gues tOSDrivers.zip. Download and decompress FusionManager V100R003C00_tool. zip. Application software 2014-02-07 Purchase the application software (for example, WinRAR) based on site requirements. Huawei confidential. No spreading without permission. o c . Prepared by customers. Page 26 of 71 e / m e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.00 INTERNAL Resource Type Resource Name Description How to Obtain Document OS installation guide Used to provide guidance for users to install the OS on a VM template. Prepared by customers. Tool PC It is used for service provisioning. The requirements for PCs are as follows: ● A browser has been installed. Prepared by customers. o c . NOTE The browsers that are compatible with the system are:  Internet Explorer 8.0 or later  Firefox 8.0 or later ● The Java Plug-in 1.7.0_15 or later has been installed to ensure that the VM can be logged in through the PC using VNC. u h . g n i e aw i n ar e l // 2.4 Operation Tasks : p tt 2.4.1 Adding a Software Package Table 2-3 lists the data that must be ready before you add a software package. : s e h Table 2-3 Data required for adding a software package Category Basic Information ng i n r Parameter c r u o s e R Name Description Example Value This parameter is mandatory. xxx software package Specifies the name of the software package. Software This parameter is mandatory. - OS This parameter is optional. Linux Specifies the OS applicable to the software in the software package. a e L 2014-02-07 e / m Huawei confidential. No spreading without permission. Page 27 of 71 sh file. If the software package cannot be installed or uninstalled using only one command. This parameter is optional. g n i e aw i n ar e l // This parameter is mandatory. unknown Specifies the type of the software in the software package. ● If the software fails to be automatically installed and uninstalled. No spreading without permission.2 Specifies the version of the software in the software package. Version o c . select msi or rpm. that is. create a script containing all the commands required and upload the script. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. for example. Page 28 of 71 . The system automatically installs the software. install. if you specify commands. - Provides supplementary information about the software package. This option requires you to provide installation and uninstallation commands. However.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. select unknown. ● Linux: An . you do not need to specify any command for this type of software. e / m 7. Icon : p tt This parameter is optional. install. for example. ● If the software can be automatically installed and uninstalled. which can be selected from the icons provided in the system.bat file. u h . h Specifies the software package icon. the specified commands will be used when applications are created.bat The attachment must be smaller than or equal to 2 GB.00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value File Format This parameter is optional.sh ● Windows: A . c r u o s e R Description Configurati on n r a Le g n i Attachment : s e This parameter is optional. - Specifies the scripts used to manage the software. 00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value File target path This parameter is mandatory. Install command e / m o c . That ensures that the software can be started properly when the VM is started next time. write the start command in Install command. Page 29 of 71 . ● Provide installation commands if the software fails to be automatically installed. The system automatically searches this directory for the installation package and command scripts. ● Specifies the directory where the uploaded software package and attachment are saved on the target VM. choose Catalog > Software Package. This parameter is optional. and Description. ● Linux: /opt/install/a ● Windows: c:\install\a This parameter is mandatory. the system automatically references this command to start the software deployed on this VM.sh Start command This parameter is optional. Version. uninstall. The Add Software Package page is displayed. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Software.sh {ip} {user} {pwd} Uninstall command This parameter is optional. OS. These parameters are referenced in service template design and application creation. stop. : s e h startup.sh After a VM is started. File format. The Software Package page is displayed. Step 2 Click Add Software Package. install.sh Before stopping a VM. e LProcedure Step 1 On the FusionManager. g n NOTE i e aw The address. and can be regarded as parameters of the installation command. i n ar c r u o s e R Stop command n r a g n i e l // : p tt Provide uninstallation commands if the software fails to be automatically uninstalled. and password must be specified during the installation. ● The directory must have been created on the VM. the system automatically references this command to stop the software. ● If the software that the system cannot automatically start must be started immediately after being installed. Step 3 Configure the basic information about the software package. u h . Icon. The parameters to be set are Name. user name. No spreading without permission.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. This option requires you to provide installation and uninstallation commands. However.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.  Uninstall command: Provide uninstallation commands.  Start command: After a VM is started. the system automatically references this command to stop the software. you are advised to include the software package name in the attachment file path. on which you can check the configuration information. NOTE Click the image on the right of Icon and select one of icons displayed. if you specify commands. the specified commands will be used when applications are created. If the software can be automatically installed and uninstalled. Page 30 of 71 e / m .  Icon: The software package icon displayed in the service template. the entered command prevails. That ensures that the software can be started properly when the VM is started next time. If you enter an installation or uninstallation command manually.  If you select msi or rpm.  Software type: If the software fails to be automatically installed and uninstalled. if the software package name is a. : s e : p tt h  Install command: Provide installation commands.  Stop command: Before stopping a VM. select unknown. Step 10 When the "Successfully Uploaded" message is displayed. The system automatically searches this directory for the installation package and command scripts. select msi or rpm. It can be selected from the icons provided in the system. the system automatically references this command to start the software deployed on this VM. go to step 7. i e aw i n ar Step 6 Configure the commands for uploading and installing or uninstalling the software package based on the data plan:  e l // File target path: specifies the directory where the uploaded software package and attachment are saved on the target VM. The system automatically installs the software and you do not need to specify any command for this type of software. Installation and uninstallation commands are optional. For example. If you restart the software immediately after the software installation is completed. Le Step 8 Click Next. Step 9 Click Next. No spreading without permission. click Finish. go to step 6. u h . o c . The system starts uploading the software package. n r a Step 7 Upload the software package and configure commands for the software package as prompted based on the data plan. To prevent such operation failures as installation failure due to identical attachment file names. The Add Configuration Commands page is displayed. write the startup command in Install command. g n Step 4 Click Next. The Confirm Info page is displayed.00 INTERNAL  Applicable OSs: All OSs applicable to the software in the software package. Step 5 Set the parameters based on the software type:  If you select unknown. set the attach file path to /opt/install/a on Linux and to c:\install\a on Windows. ----End 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. The software package is added. g n i c r u o s e R Then go to step 8. e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.00 INTERNAL Result Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. End 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential.2 Creating a VM Template This section describes how to create a VM template on Linux. Yes Initialize the user disk. Publish the VM template. Page 31 of 71 e / m . c r u o s e R No Is an iNIC installed? : s e Yes Install an iNIC. Figure 2-2 shows the flowchart for creating a VM template. h Install the PV driver. i n ar Install an OS. For operations on the Windows. o c . Install the Puppet Client. g n Start Configure basic information. Figure 2-2 Flowchart for creating a VM template u h . e l // Disable the firewall on the VM. see the product manual. Confirm: [OK?]__________________ 2. g n i Configure a VM NIC.4. n r a Le Is the VMware Hypervisor used? No Configure a VM template. No spreading without permission. Is the VMware Hypervisor used? i e aw No : p tt Yes Install VMware tools. VM_01 e / m Specifies the name of the VM template to be created. No spreading without permission. 1GB Number of disks This parameter is mandatory. Description This parameter is optional. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. Hypervisor u h . Specifies the image of the VM template. underscores (_).00 INTERNAL Table 2-4 lists the data that must be ready before you create a VM template. Resource Cluster This parameter is mandatory. Basic VM Specifications (ss) n r a Le g n i OS type c r u o s e R OS version This parameter is mandatory. e l // fusioncubehypervisor Specifies the virtual environment to which the VM template belongs. : s e h VM template of User_01 It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. 2 Memory This parameter is mandatory. Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 32bit VMware: Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 32bit Number of CPUs This parameter is mandatory. 2 Capacity This parameter is mandatory. You can click Click to change the image to change an image for the VM template. : p tt Cluster01 Specifies the cluster to which the VM template belongs. Image This parameter is optional. The name can contain only letters. Linux This parameter is mandatory. Table 2-4 Data required for creating a VM template Category Parameter Description Example Value Basic Information Name This parameter is mandatory. and spaces. 20GB Specifies the system disk capacity (unit: GB) required by the VM. digits. o c . hyphens (-). NOTE The VM requires a minimum of 10 GB system disk to have the Puppet Client 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. g n - i e aw i n ar This parameter is mandatory.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Page 32 of 71 . 500MHz Specifies the maximum CPU resource that can be allocated by a server to a VM. Page 33 of 71 .e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. VM Specifications (QoS) 2014-02-07 Limit (CPU) This parameter is optional. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 2048. You are advised to disable thin provisioning for disks that run performance-intensive programs. g n i e aw i n ar This mode cannot be enabled for disks that do not support thin provisioning. With this function enabled. the VM will be automatically migrated to another functional host if the host providing this VM becomes faulty. Huawei confidential. u h . Default value: Do not select Synchronize with host clock. : s e h Default value: Yes HA n r a g n i c r u o s e R Le This parameter is optional. Default value: 20 Thin Provision This parameter is mandatory. e l // Default value: Disabled Affected by Snapshot : p tt This parameter is mandatory. - Specifies whether to take a snapshot for a disk when the system is taking a snapshot for a VM. the physical disk space is shared and storage space is dynamically allocated only when data is written into the disk.00 Category Parameter INTERNAL Description Example Value installed. If thin provisioning is enabled. Default value: Enabled Clock Sync This parameter is optional. No spreading without permission. because most of users do not use all the memory space allocated to them. - Indicates whether to synchronize time with the host. o c . - e / m Specifies whether to enable thin provisioning. - Specifies whether to enable the HA function for a VM. This function takes effect only when HA is enabled for both the VM and the resource cluster housing the VM. Thin provisioning allows more virtual memory space to be allocated than the real memory available. the value is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 x nMB. ● High: The quota is 2000 for each CPU and 20 for each MB of memory. The dominant frequency is automatically obtained by the system. ● Low: The quota is 500 for each CPU and 5 for each MB of memory. Value range: ● If the CPU quota is Custom. CPU Quota This parameter is optional. o c . Configuration principles: ● If users have no special requirements on VM performance indicators. NOTE If the VMware Hypervisor is used.240 memory quotas (10 x 1024). if the quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. the VM has 2000 CPU quotas (2 x 1000) and 10.00 Category Parameter INTERNAL Description Example Value It is the product of the number of configured CPUs and the dominant frequency of the server CPU. Medium Memory Quota Specify the CPU and memory quotas that a VM can obtain in resource contention. set this parameters based on user requirements. Medium u h . this VM has the priority to use the resources as twice as that of the other VM. e / m Default value: 0. ● Medium: The quota is 1000 for each CPU and 10 for each MB of memory. ● If the memory quota is Custom. if the CPU and memory resource quota is set to Medium for a VM that has two virtual CPUs and 1 GB memory. -1 indicates no limit. the value is an integer equal to (1–2000) x Number of CPUs. For example. No spreading without permission. where n is the configured 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. use the default settings. Page 34 of 71 . g n i e aw i n ar e l // ng i n r a e L c r u o s e R : s e : p tt h For example. which indicates no limit.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. ● If users have special requirements on VM performance indicators. e / m Default value: ● CPU quota: medium (1000 x Number of CPUs) ● Memory quota: medium (10 x nMB) Reserved (CPU. both VMs can obtain 1 GB memory. if the configured memory is 2 GB. No spreading without permission. ● If users have special requirements on VM performance indicators. o c . Software Installation 2014-02-07 Username This parameter is optional. n r a g n i c r u o s e R : s e h Configuration principles: ● If users have no special requirements on VM performance indicators. if a server has 2 GB memory available and the reserved value is set to 1 GB for VM 1 and VM 2 running on this server. use the default settings.960 GB. Page 35 of 71 . For example.00 Category Parameter INTERNAL Description Example Value memory size. 50 u h . ● A VM can start only when the server provides the minimum CPU and memory resources required by the VM. if the configured memory is 2 GB. ● Specifies the minimum CPU and memory resources required by the VM. Value range: ● Reserved CPU: an integer ranging from 0 to the maximum CPU limit. which indicates that no resource is reserved. the server will provide the reserved CPU and memory resources for the VM even if the server is heavily loaded.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. the maximum reserved memory is 40. where n is the configured memory size. ● If this parameter is specified. For example. Le Default value: 0. Memory) This parameter is optional. the maximum reserved memory is 2048 GB. Admin Specifies the user name of the PC Huawei confidential. set this parameters based on user requirements. ● Reserved memory: an integer ranging from 0 to 1024 x nGB. g n i e aw i n ar e l // : p tt For example. 10\iso\linux.iso.). Procedure Configuring basic information Step 1 On the FusionManager. Password This parameter is optional. periods (. you only need to enter the file path. ● If the file is not shared on the network. Shared file path This parameter is optional. - Select this option when installing an OS. hyphens (-). No spreading without permission. i e aw i n ar e l // ng i n r a e L c r u o s e R Restart the VM immediately after mounting the iso file : s e : p tt h This parameter is optional. \\182.10\iso\wind ows. Step 2 Click Create VM Template. \iso\linux. letters. and spaces. The IP address in the name of the directory storing the shared file must be the IP address of the NFS server. Page 36 of 71 . which is a string of 1 to 100 characters.00 Category Parameter Parameters INTERNAL Description Example Value sharing the OS and the application. o c . Admin123 e / m Specifies the password of the PC sharing the OS and the application. only a shared file can be used for mounting CD-ROM drives.24. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. It is a string of 0 to 63 characters. It is a string of 0 to 63 characters. which is a string of 1 to 83 characters. for example. you need to enter an IP address followed by the file path. g n Folder names and file names can contain only digits.iso u h . ● If the file is shared on the network. for example. underscores(_). choose Catalog > VM Template. Specifies the path of the PC sharing the OS and the application. Communication between the PC and the network must be normal.24. \\182.168.168. ● If the VMware Hypervisor is used. The VM Template page is displayed.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.iso. - Clock sync: specifies whether to synchronize time with the host. and Clock sync  o c . HA. e l // The Resource Pool page is displayed. OS version. enable or disable thin provisioning. b. Memory. the VM automatically synchronizes time with the host upon a restart even if the synchronization is not configured. Page 37 of 71 . Thin provisioning allows more virtual memory space to be allocated than the real memory available. Le  If yes.00 INTERNAL The Basic Info page is displayed. and Description Step 4 Click Next. c r u o s e R : s e h For a VM that runs in a VMware Hypervisor. the physical disk space is shared and storage space is dynamically allocated only when data is written into the disk. The HA function takes effect for a VM only when it is enabled on both the VM and the resource cluster housing the VM. : p tt On the Storage page. Hypervisor. go to step 7. Affected by Snapshot. Image. The Summary page is displayed.  If no. g n This mode cannot be enabled for disks that do not support thin provisioning. u h . No spreading without permission. Number of CPUs. if VMware Tools are running. You are advised to disable thin provisioning for disks that run performance-intensive programs. - HA: specifies whether to enable the HA function for a VM. the VM will be automatically migrated to another functional host if the host providing this VM becomes faulty. Step 6 Determine whether the VM template has special requirements for system performance. Choose Data Center > Data Center > Zone > Computing Resource Pool > Resource cluster. Check the availability of thin provisioning in the following way: a. i e aw Thin provisioning: If thin provisioning is enabled. Step 5 Set the following parameters about the VM: OS type. Thin provisioning. g n i NOTE n r a i n ar Choose Resource > Resource Pool. With this function enabled. - Affected by snapshot: specifies whether to take a snapshot for a disk when the system is taking a snapshot for a VM. do not enable thin provisioning.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Step 3 Set the following parameters about the VM template: Name. Resource cluster. Step 7 Click QoS Configuration to set the following QoS parameters: 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. because most of users do not use all the memory space allocated to them. check whether there are storage devices that support thin provisioning. e / m The VM Template Specifications page is displayed. Number of disks. Capacity. - If yes. go to step 9. c. - If no. ● High: The quota is 2000 for each CPU and 20 for each MB of memory. 500MHz It is the product of the number of configured CPUs and the dominant frequency of the server CPU. Page 38 of 71 . if the quota of a VM is twice that of another VM. : s e h Configuration principles: ● If users have no special requirements on VM performance indicators. the VM has 2000 CPU quotas (2 x 1000) and 10. the maximum reserved memory is 40. the value is an integer equal to (1–2000) x Number of CPUs.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. ● If users have special requirements on VM performance indicators. For example. i e aw Medium u h . Default value: 0.00 INTERNAL Table 2-5 Parameters description Parameter Description Example Value Limit (CPU) Specifies the maximum CPU resource that can be allocated by a server to a VM. use the default settings. ● Low: The quota is 500 for each CPU and 5 for each MB of memory. ● If the memory quota is Custom. NOTE If the VMware Hypervisor is used. For example. n r a Le g n i c r u o s e R Value range: ● If the CPU quota is Custom. The dominant frequency is automatically obtained by the system. Default value: ● CPU quota: medium (1000 x Number of CPUs) ● Memory quota: medium (10 x nMB) 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. CPU Quota Memory Quota Specify the CPU and memory quotas that a VM can obtain in resource contention. if the configured memory is 2 GB. this VM has the priority to use the resources as twice as that of the other VM. the value is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 x nMB. The quota indicates the relative priority or importance of a VM. -1 indicates no limit. No spreading without permission. which indicates no limit. g n Medium i n ar e l // : p tt For example.960 GB. set this parameters as required.240 memory quotas (10 x 1024). if the CPU and memory resource quota is set to Medium for a VM that has two virtual CPUs and 1 GB memory. e / m o c . where n is the configured memory size. ● Medium: The quota is 1000 for each CPU and 10 for each MB of memory. both VMs can obtain 1 GB memory. set this parameters based on user requirements. the maximum reserved memory is 2048 GB. ● If this parameter is specified. Step 9 When the VM created success message is displayed. if the configured memory is 2 GB. e l // : p tt Default value: 0. 50 e / m o c . g n i e aw i n ar Value range: ● Reserved CPU: an integer ranging from 0 to the maximum CPU limit. Page 39 of 71 .  Do not click Finish before the OS and software are successfully installed. on the VM Template Management page to enter the Software Step 10 Determine whether to install non-ISO application software for the VM template. if a server has 2 GB memory available and the reserved value is set to 1 GB for VM 1 and VM 2 running on this server. delete unnecessary VM templates on the VM Template Management page.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. click Installation page. the server will provide the reserved CPU and memory resources for the VM even if the server is heavily loaded. which indicates that no resource is reserved. use the default settings. identify the VM to which the ISO file is attached. No spreading without permission. g n i NOTE n r a Le  If an empty VM is already created. The Install Software page is displayed.  If the operation failed because the ISO file has been attached to other VMs. Memory) Specifies the minimum CPU and memory resources required by a VM. c r u o s e R : s e h The Create VM page is displayed. where n is the configured memory size. ● If users have special requirements on VM performance indicators. Configuration principles: ● If users have no special requirements on VM performance indicators. ● Reserved memory: an integer ranging from 0 to 1024 x nGB. enter the VM Template Management page.00 INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Reserved (CPU. For example. and click Detach. ● A VM can start only when the server provides the minimum CPU and memory resources required by the VM. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. For example. the template occupies system resources regardless of whether the OS and applications have been installed. Therefore.  After a VM template is created. u h . click Next. Step 8 Click Next. g n Step 12 View the name and owning cluster of the VM template. Step 17 Under Operation. If the VMware Hypervisor is used.  MAC: specifies the physical address of the NIC. NOTE : p tt You can click Advanced to search for a VM template with more criteria. Configuring a NIC Step 11 On the Install Software page. Step 16 Click the VM name. select the network to which the NIC belongs. : s e h Step 19 When the VM state changes to Stopped. u h . No spreading without permission. The Resource page is displayed. The VM Template page is displayed. and click the VM tab page in the right pane. click Change Startup Mode to change the startup mode to boot from the CD-ROM drive. Step 18 Click OK. 2014-02-07 e / m Huawei confidential. Therefore. g n i Step 20 Under NIC. choose VM Hardware > NIC.  If no. Step 22 Click Add. i e aw i n ar Step 14 In the navigation tree on the left. select the cluster housing the VM. go to step 25. Page 40 of 71 . go to step 11.  If yes. click Add. The VM NIC configuration page is displayed. NOTE If no network is available to select. c r u o s e R A dialog box is displayed. Le The parameters to be set are the name and MAC address. delete the NIC configuration after installing non-ISO application software and before publishing the VM template. Close the VM Template page. e l // Step 15 Enter the VM template information in the search field and click Search. click OK. n r a Step 21 Set the parameters of the NIC that you want to add.00 INTERNAL NOTE To install non-ISO application software for a VM template. If the VMware Hypervisor is used. you need to copy the application software package saved on the PC to the VM in shared mode. You can enter a MAC address or use the automatically assigned MAC address. click Closed.  Name: If you leave this parameter blank. check that at least one NIC on the VM belongs to the service plane. Step 13 Click Resource. A dialog box is displayed. That ensures that the VM can be automatically allocated an IP address that can communicate with the PC. The Summary page is displayed. the system automatically assigns a name. Under Select Network.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. choose Data center > Data center > Zone > Network Resource Pool > External Network and create an external network. o c . and install the package on the VM. click VNC login. and execute javacpl.iso) to mount the CD-ROM drive. enter cmd in the Search programs and files text box. and log in to the VNC again. select Always Allow Pop-ups from This Site for the browser. you i e aw can click VNC login. the system asks you whether to save the VM template being created. Step 24 You are returned to the Install Software page of the Create VM Template dialog box. i n ar When installing an OS. open the version path in the JRE program installation directory. g n i The VM page is displayed. to go to the Install Software  If the Warning . 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. CD-ROM drives cannot be mounted using a locally shared file. select Restart the VM immediately after mounting the ISO file. If the VMware Hypervisor is used and the unmounting fails. Installing an OS e / m Step 25 Set the OS parameters about the VM template as prompted based on the data plan. Then in the Java Control Panel dialog box that is displayed. No spreading without permission. To continue the installation. click the Advanced tab page. Check the version number in the command output.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. g n . you can mount the CD-ROM drive in shared mode. expand Java Plug-in. Step 23 Under Operation on the Summary page. The NIC area displayed the added NIC. NOTE : p tt A host allows only one VM template to have a CD-ROM drive mounted. eject the CD-ROM drive. : s e h A dialog box is displayed indicating that the CD-ROM drive is unmounted successfully. click Detach to unmount CD-ROM drive from the VM first. and deselect Enabling the next-generation Java plug-in. if you want to exit the Software Installation page when no software is being installed for the VM template. rn ea L NOTE  If a pop-up blocking message is displayed. select Always trust content from this publisher.exe to display Java Control Panel. Step 27 Click OK. Step 29 Click VNC Login. Then retry the VNC login.  If you click Close on the Software Installation page. Therefore. e l // The Mount dialog box is displayed. click  u h . Page 41 of 71 . and then select File (*. On the VM Template Management page. click on the VM. NOTE  If the FusionCompute Hypervisor is used. c r u o s e R The Install Software page is displayed. the VM information can be searched for on the VM Template page. Step 26 Click Mount.Security dialog box is displayed.00 INTERNAL You are returned to the NIC configuration page. Step 28 Click OK. This document uses the shared mode as an example when describing the detailed steps. click page. and try again. and enter java -version in the displayed command-line interface (CLI). click Start/Wake up.  If the VMware Hypervisor is used. right-click on the toolbar it the lower right corner of the PC and choose Open Control Panel. If is not displayed on the toolbar in the lower right corner of the PC. click Start. and click Run.  If you cannot log in to the VM using the VNC. Alternatively. If you save the VM template as prompted. An NSF server must be configured in the vCenter to communicate with the FusionManager and mount CD-ROM drives. o c . Then click Stop Firewall Now. Set the sizes of the root and swap partitions based on site requirements. The duration varies depending on the OS you use.1 Objectives 2. the OS cannot generate passwords randomly. and click Firewall in the right pane.0_15 and the version path in the JRE program installation directory is C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin. Therefore. mouse operations are not allowed if the VMware Tools is not installed and run on the VM. The YaST2 window is displayed.  When configuring system partitions. - The installation takes about 50 minutes. and they must be set to primary partitions. g n i c r u o s e R : s e : p tt h Disabling the firewall on the VM n r a Step 31 Enter the user name and password. No spreading without permission. Page 42 of 71 . Description 2. The YaST2 Control Center screen is displayed. g n 2. Le The login page is displayed. - Install the Linux OS.00 INTERNAL For example.  After the time of the Linux VM is set. select Disable Firewall Automatic.4 i e aw i n ar e l // CAUTION  Note the following points during the installation:  If you configure partitions on the Partitions page on the Summary tab page. restart the VM to ensure that the hardware time synchronizes with the system time. Step 30 Install and configure the Linux OS by following the instructions provided by the OS guide.exe in this path to display Java Control Panel. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. The installation process slightly varies according to the OS editions. if the Java version is 1.  With the VM Hypervisor used.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Step 35 Click Save Settings and Restart Firewall Now. run javacpl. you can create root and swap partitions only. About This Chapter e / m The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Title o c . choose Computer > YaST.3 Basic Information 2. If you use RAID or the LVM file system. Step 34 Under Start-Up.2 Experiment Deployment u h . use the keyboard to install the OS. Step 33 Select Security and Uses from Groups. use an Ext2 or Ext3 file system so that the random password configured subsequently can take effect. Step 32 On the desktop of the VM.7. Step 38 Click Finish.00 INTERNAL The firewall settings are saved. Step 41 Run the following command to restart the VM: i n ar reboot Replacing kernel files e l // Step 42 Refer to the following table to determine whether to replace kernel files for the VM.tar. The YaST2 window is displayed.gz kernel_patch-redhat_enterprise_linux_6.0 32-bit ● CentOS 6. g n The system enters the command-line mode.0 32-bit ● Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. A dialog box is displayed indicating whether to modify the settings of the firewall. e / m A dialog box is displayed. Step 36 Click Next.7 32-bit ● Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. No spreading without permission. go to step 44.  If no.0 64-bit n r a Le Step 43 Replace the kernel files.0.7.0 64-bit g n i h Package Containing the Kernel Files kernel_patch-redhat_enterprise_linux_4.  If yes. u h .7 64-bit c r u o s e R ● CentOS 4. o c . Installing the PV driver 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. : p tt Table 2-6 List of the OSs whose kernel files must be replaced OS : s e ● Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. Step 39 Close the YaST2 Control Center screen.7 32-bit ● CentOS 4.gz ● CentOS 6. Step 37 Click Yes. go to step 43. Page 43 of 71 .7 64-bit ● Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.tar. i e aw Step 40 Right-click the blank area of the VM desktop and choose Open in terminal from the shortcut menu. u h . the installation fails. Le Step 49 Run the following commands to mount the CD-ROM drive to the VM: mkdir xvdd mount /dev/sr0 xvdd The CD-ROM drive is mounted to the VM if the following information is displayed: mount:block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. expand Java Plug-in. right-click on the toolbar in the lower right corner of the PC and choose Open Control Panel from the shortcut menu. click VNC login. If the VMware Hypervisor is used and the unmounting fails. n r a The system enters the command-line mode. NOTE : s e h If you cannot log in to the VM using the VNC. enter cmd in the Search programs and files text box. Step 45 Click Mount.  Restart the VM before installing the PV driver. g n The Mount dialog box is displayed. NOTE o c . and try again.7. g n i Step 48 Right-click in the blank area of the VM desktop and choose Open in terminal from the shortcut menu. and execute javacpl.0_15 and the version path in the JRE program installation directory is C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin. click the Advanced tab page.  If the VMware Hypervisor is used. click Start.exe to display Java Control Panel. ensure that no software is being installed on the VM. run javacpl. Page 44 of 71 e / m . Step 47 Click VNC Login. No spreading without permission. if the Java version is 1. For example. the PV driver is not required but the VMware Tools must be installed. if you want to exit the Software Installation page when no software is being installed for the VM template.mounting read-only The mounting path varies depending on the Linux edition: 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Then in the Java Control Panel dialog box that is displayed.  Obtain the FusionCompute V100R003C00_GuestOS. Step 44 On the Software Installation page.00 INTERNAL CAUTION  Before mounting the ISO file.exe in this path to display Java Control Panel. i n ar Step 46 Click OK. : p tt The VM page is displayed. and deselect Enabling the next-generation Java plug-in.iso file. c r u o s e R If is not displayed on the toolbar in the lower right corner of the PC. eject the CD-ROM drive. click Detach to unmount the CD-ROM drive from the VM first. and enter java -version in the displayed CLI. e l // A dialog box is displayed indicating that the CD-ROM drive is mounted successfully. i e aw A host allows only one VM template to have a CD-ROM drive mounted. configure the PV driver as prompted based on the data plan. Therefore. Check the version number in the command output. Otherwise. open the version path in the JRE program installation directory. 010 g n i Step 55 Run the following command to install the PV driver: n r a sh install Le The PV driver is installed if the following information is displayed: The PV driver installed successfully. Reboot the system for the installation to take effect.9.bz2 Step 52 Run the following command to copy the PV driver installation package to the root directory: e l // NOTE The directory varies according to the software version. g n ls The command output is as follows: i e aw i n ar uvp-tools-linux-1. Step 57 Run the following command to restart the VM: 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Step 50 Run the following command to switch to the xvdd/pvDriver/linux directory: cd xvdd/pvDriver/linux Step 51 Run the following command to view the installation package of the PV driver: u h .0.tar.9.9.9. Step 56 After the PV driver is installed successfully.010.2.0. The directory in the following command is used as an example: : p tt cp uvp-tools-linux-1.9. run the following command to unmount the CD-ROM drive: umount xvdd NOTE The directory entered in the umount command must be the same as that entered in the mount command.010.6 ISO file/CD-ROM drive /dev/hdd ISO file/CD-ROM drive /dev/sr0 Red Hat 5.tar.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.2. No spreading without permission.2.5 32-bit SUSE 11 SP0 SP1 e / m o c . Page 45 of 71 .010.bz2 /root cd /root h Step 53 Run the following command to decompress the PV driver: : s e bzip2 -d uvp-tools-linux-1.bz2 c r u o s e R tar -xvf uvp-tools-linux-1.2.tar Step 54 Run the following command to switch to the directory in which the PV driver installation package is saved: cd uvp-tools-linux-1.00 INTERNAL Table 2-7 Mapping between the mounting path and the Linux edition Linux Edition Supported CD-ROM Drive Mounting Path CentOS 5.2. 00 INTERNAL reboot Step 58 Enter the user name and password. ps -ef | grep uvp-monitor root root 4561 4567 1 4561 0 Jun29 ? 0 Jun29 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/uvp-monitor 00:00:00 /usr/bin/uvp-monitor u h .6 64-bit. or CentOS 5. modify the CD-ROM drive mounting directory based on the in-use OS version by referring to related Hypervisor and OS documents. g n i e aw If the information in black is displayed as shown above. Step 59 Right-click in the blank area of the VM desktop and choose Open in terminal from the shortcut menu. The login page is displayed. g n i Step 65 Run the following commands to mount the CD-ROM drive to the VM: n r a Le NOTE If the VMware Hypervisor is used. e / m The system enters the command-line mode. and try again. eject the CD-ROM drive.  If yes. : p tt The Mount dialog box is displayed. Therefore. Step 63 Click OK. If the VMware Hypervisor is used and the unmounting fails. CentOS 5. Page 46 of 71 . the PV driver is installed successfully. Step 60 Run the following command to check whether the PV driver is installed: o c .6 32-bit.5 64-bit. NOTE h A host allows only one VM template to have the CD-ROM drive mounted. go to step 67. configure the Puppet Client as prompted based on the data plan.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. No spreading without permission. Step 64 Right-click in the blank area of the VM desktop and choose Open in terminal from the shortcut menu. c r u o s e R : s e A dialog box is displayed indicating that the CD-ROM drive is mounted successfully. go to step 69.  If no. The system enters the command-line mode. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. if you want to exit the Software Installation page when no software is being installed for the VM template. Installing the Puppet Client NOTE i n ar Obtain the puppetclient_linux.iso file.mounting read-only Step 66 Determine whether the in-use OS is Red Hat Linux Enterprise 5. click Detach to unmount the CD-ROM drive from the VM first. Step 61 On the Software Installation page that is displayed after the PV driver is installed. click VNC login. e l // Step 62 Click Mount. mount /dev/xvdd xvdd The CD-ROM drive is mounted to the VM if the following information is displayed: mount:block device /dev/xvdd is write-protected. Step 71 Type the ID of the required OS and press Enter. g n i e aw Step 68 Run the following command to set SELINUX in the /etc/selinux/config file to disabled. The four OSs displayed in the preceding command output are examples only. Page 47 of 71 .  If no. enabled /selinux permissive enforcing u h . go to step 68.sh c r u o s e R : s e The command output is as follows: ********Welcome to GalaxManager Agent Installer******** ****************************** SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64) VERSION = 11 PATCHLEVEL = 1 Please make sure if the Operation System shown upon is right and select the proper item: ****************************** Please select the Operation System you want to install the agent to : 0 Quit 1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64) 2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (i586) 3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SP1 (x86_64) 4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SP1 (i586) ****************************** Please input your choice:3 n r a Le g n i NOTE The OSs listed in the command output are the same as the OSs supported by the FusionManager. and then restart the OS: i n ar vi /etc/selinux/config SELINUX=disabled e l // :wq! reboot : p tt Step 69 Step 69: Run the following command to switch to the directory containing the Puppet Client installation package: cd xvdd h Step 70 Step 70: Run the following command to install the Puppet Client software: sh install. sestatus -v The command output containing disabled is as follows: SELinux status: disabled e / m The command output containing permissive is as follows: SELinux status: SELinuxfs mount: Current mode: Mode from config file:  If yes. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. go to step 69.00 INTERNAL Step 67 Run the following command to check whether the command output contains disabled or permissive. No spreading without permission.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. o c . choose Resource > Device and select a host. eject the CD-ROM drive. click VNC login. configure the iNIC information as prompted based on the data plan. Determine whether the NICs are iNICs according to the NIC models. reboot Step 74 On the FusionManager. Step 75 On the Hardware page. n r a Le A dialog box is displayed indicating that the CD-ROM drive is mounted successfully. Step 81 Run the following command to copy the iNIC driver to /home/linux: cp -r . e / m umount xvdd Step 73 Run the following command to restart the VM: o c . mount /dev/xvdd xvdd The system displays a message indicating that the CD-ROM is successfully mounted to the VM. Step 80 Run the following commands to mount the CD-ROM drive to the VM: NOTE If the VMware Hypervisor is used. If the VMware Hypervisor is used and the detachment fails.  Obtain the FusionCompute V100R003C00_GuestOS. click NIC. c r u o s e R : s e The Mount dialog box is displayed.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Page 48 of 71 . NOTE A host allows only one VM template to have a CD-ROM drive mounted. Step 78 Click Mount. go to step 77. modify the CD-ROM drive mounting directory based on the in-use OS version by referring to related Hypervisor and OS documents. and try again. go to step 90. click Detach to unmount the CD-ROM drive from the VM first.00 INTERNAL The Puppet Client is installed successfully if the following information is displayed: GalaxManager Agent has been installed successfully! Step 72 After the Puppet Client is installed. ensure that no software is being installed on the VM. No spreading without permission. run the following command to unmount the CD-ROM drive: cd . if you want to exit the Software Installation page when no software is being installed for the VM template. u h . Step 76 Check whether there are iNICs used on the hosts in the system. i e aw i n ar e l // Installing the iNIC driver : p tt NOTE  Before mounting the ISO file.  If no. g n i Step 79 Click OK.iso file./xvdd/iNICDriver/linux/ /home/linux 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. h Step 77 On the Install Software page that is displayed after the Puppet Client is installed. g n Check the types of the NICs. Therefore.  If yes.. 7-default/ Step 84 Run the following command to install the iNIC driver: rpm -ivh iNIC-SLES11. run the following command to unmount the CD-ROM drive: i n ar cd cd Desktop e l // umount xvdd Step 86 Run the following command to restart the VM: : p tt reboot Step 87 Enter the user name and password.gz e / m NOTE The following installation steps use the SUSE 11 SP1 64-bit installation package as an example.1-1.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. g n i Configuring a VM NIC n r a Le CAUTION To ensure that the VM created using this VM template can connect to the network and automatically obtain a dynamic IP address. o c .tar. The login page is displayed. c r u o s e R The system enters the command-line mode.d/ Huawei confidential.00 INTERNAL cd /home/linux Step 82 Run the following command to decompress the iNIC driver installation package compatible with the OS: tar -zxf suse11sp1_64_1.6.1. Step 83 Run the following command to switch to the directory containing the iNIC driver installation package: cd suse11sp1_64/2.2. and the number of NICs is the same as the number specified in the VM specifications.100.2. This section uses SUSE Linux 11 SP1 as an example.x86_64.100. For details about the configuration methods for other OSs. Step 89 Run the following command to check whether the iNIC is installed successfully: ifconfig -a If the command output contains the NIC information. see the corresponding OS guide. the iNIC is installed successfully.rpm u h .2. Step 90 Run the following commands to go to the network rule directory: cd 2014-02-07 /etc/udev/rules. g n i e aw Step 85 After the iNIC driver is installed successfully.1.32. No spreading without permission. the VM NIC must stay in the activated state and the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service must be enabled on the VM template.12-0.2. : s e h Step 88 Right-click the blank area of the VM desktop and choose Open in terminal from the shortcut menu. Page 49 of 71 . Step 93 Run the following command to switch to the directory containing the VM NIC information: cd /etc/sysconfig/network/ Step 94 Run the following command to query the VM NIC information: u h .d/70-persistent-net. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential.d/30-net_persistent-names. Step 100 Check whether the command output contains the NIC configuration file for all the eight NICs (eth0 to eth7).YaST2save root 4096 May 25 23:16 scripts NOTE 11772 May 25 20:47 config 6678 May 25 21:01 dhcp 4096 May 25 20:47 if-down.template root 239 May 5 2010 ifroute-lo root 4096 May 5 2010 providers root 26 May 25 21:15 routes root 26 May 25 21:15 routes.d 4096 May 25 23:16 if-up. go to step 96. i e aw i n ar e l // : s e : p tt h ifcfg-ethXX in the command output indicates that the NIC already has a configuration file.rules //The word in Italics are subject to the actual user environment. Step 98 Enter the following information at the end of the ifcfg-eth2 file.rules rm -r /etc/udev/rules.d 191 May 25 21:16 ifcfg-eth2 c r u o s e R o c . Page 50 of 71 e / m . g n ls -l The following command output is displayed. BOOTPROTO="dhcp" ONBOOT="yes" STARTMODE="onboot" Step 99 Press ESC and enter :wq to save the configuration and exit the vi editor. The preceding command output indicates that NIC eth2 already has a configuration file. total 84 -rw-r--r--rw-r--r-drwxr-xr-x drwxr-xr-x -rw-r--r-- 1 1 2 2 1 root root root root root root root root root root -rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r-drwx------rw-r--r--rw-r--r-drwxr-xr-x 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 root root root root root root root root 174 May 5 2010 ifcfg-lo root 27165 May 5 2010 ifcfg. No spreading without permission. and other NICs do not have.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.00 INTERNAL Step 91 Run the following command to view the files in the network rule directory: ls -l Step 92 Run the following command to delete the rule files whose file names contain persistent and net in the network rule directory: rm -r /etc/udev/rules.   If yes. Step 95 Check whether the command output contains a NIC configuration file ifcfg-ethXX. g n i If no. go to step 100. Step 96 Run the following command to create an ifcfg-eth2 file using the visual interface (vi) editor: n r a Le vi ifcfg-eth2 Step 97 Press i to enter the edit mode. To ensure that all the NICs of the VM can work properly. If the VMware Hypervisor is used.00  If yes.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. h Step 102 Run the following command on the VM to open the rc file using the vi editor: : s e  If the VM runs SUSE. go to step 102. and eth3 to eth7: cp ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-eth0 cp ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-eth1 u h . g n cp ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-eth3 cp ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-eth4 i e aw i n ar cp ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-eth5 cp ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-eth6 e l // cp ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-eth7 Configuring a VM template : p tt NOTE If you want to specify different passwords or customize computer names for the VMs that are created using a VM template. eth1. perform the following steps.  If no. Step 105 Press Esc. INTERNAL NOTE The system can have a maximum of eight NICs. run the vi /etc/rc. Initializing the user disk Step 106 Run the following command on the VM to query user disk information: NOTE If the VMware Hypervisor is used.d/rc command. add the following: sh /etc/init.sh (exit 0 is not included). No spreading without permission. o c . type wq. The following example commands are used to copy the configuration file of NIC eth2 to NIC eth0.d/rc command.d/setpasswd. Page 51 of 71 . Step 104 In front of exit 0 in the file. Le The system saves the configuration and exits the vi editor. check the target user disk for initialization based on the in-use OS version by referring to related Hypervisor and OS documents. and press Enter.d/setpasswd. The following operations take user disk named xvd* as an example. e / m Step 101 Run the following command to copy the existing NIC configuration files for the NICs that do not have a configuration file. ll /dev/xvd* 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. c r u o s e R Step 103 Press i to enter the edit mode.  If the VM runs Red Hat or CentOS.sh g n i NOTE n r a At the end of the rc file for the Red Hat or CentOS OS. run the vi /etc/init. enter sh /etc/init. go to step 101. random VM passwords are not supported. configure the configuration files for all the NICs. : s e Step 110 Run the following command to use the vi editor to open the fstab file and configure automatic disk mounting. If a new disk. Step 112 Move the cursor to the end of the file.ext3 -F /dev/xvde Step 108 Run the following command to mount the user disk to the VM: u h . 202. g n mkdir /usr/xvde mount /dev/xvde /usr/xvde/ i n ar Step 109 Run the following command to query the information about the user disk: df -h File system /dev/xvda2 devtmpfs tmpfs /dev/xvde i e aw e l // Capacity Used Total Usage Mounting point 19G 3. and press Enter. No spreading without permission. which will cause user VMs to fail to start. 202. 202. Step 107 Run the following command to format the user disk: mkfs. the automatic mounting configuration information must first be deleted. user VMs fail to start after the disk is unmounted. and xvde the user disk. xvdd the CD-ROM drive.  n r a  Le g n i c r u o s CAUTION e R Do not set automatic mounting upon system start for unformatted disks. needs to unmounted. 202. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. xvda indicates the system disk. The system saves the configurations and exits the vi editor. type :wq.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. press Enter. 0 1 2 48 64 65 66 08-15 08-15 08-15 08-15 08-15 08-15 08-15 16:13 16:13 16:13 16:13 16:13 16:13 16:13 INTERNAL /dev/xvda /dev/xvda1 /dev/xvda2 /dev/xvdd /dev/xvde /dev/xvde1 /dev/xvde2 e / m NOTE o c . for which automatic mounting upon system start has been set. vi /etc/fstab Step 111 Press i to enter the edit mode. Otherwise. 202. and add the following command: /dev/xvde /usr/xvde/ ext3 defaults 0 0 Step 113 : Press Esc. Page 52 of 71 .1G 15G 18% / 465M 108K 465M 1% /dev 465M 100K 465M 1% /dev/shm 20G 173M 19G 1% /usr/xvde NOTE : p tt h The user disk that is mounted to the VM if the disk capacity of xvde is displayed in the command output.00 brw-rw---brw-rw---brw-rw---brw-rw---brw-rw---brw-rw---brw-rw---- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 root root root root root root root disk disk disk disk disk disk disk 202. 202. Page 53 of 71 . The VM Template page is displayed. g n i Confirm: [OK?]__________________ 2. Step 3 Click OK. The VM Template page is displayed. and click column. locate the row containing the VM template to be published.3 Canceling a Published VM Template n r a Procedure Le Step 1 On the FusionManager. the CD-ROM drive mounted to the VM is automatically unmounted. e l // Step 119 Locate the row that contains the VM template to be published. e / m The Install Software page is displayed. and click in the Operation column. i n ar NOTE You can click Advanced to search for a VM template with more criteria. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. and click . Step 2 Locate the row that contains the published VM template you want to cancel.00 INTERNAL Publishing a VM template Step 114 Re-log in to the FusionManager. choose Catalog > VM Template. click Finish.4. o c . u h . Step 120 Click OK. Step 115 Choose Catalog > VM Template. Step 116 On the Install Software page. Step 118 Enter the VM template information in the search field and click Search. A dialog box is displayed indicating that a VM template is created. A dialog box is displayed. i e aw h The VM Template page is displayed. The VM template is canceled if its state changes from Publication succeeded to Creation completed. No spreading without permission. ----End Result c r u o s e R Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. NOTE If you click Finish. g n Step 117 Click OK. The state of the VM changes from Creation complete to Publication succeeded. : s e in the Operation : p tt The Publish VM Template dialog box is displayed. Table 2-8 Data required for creating a service catalog Parameter Description Example Value Catalog Name This parameter is mandatory. Step 3 Click OK. hyphens (-). e / m Confirm: [OK?]__________________ 2. System The value can be System or Organization. u h . and spaces. choose Catalog > VM Template. A catalog name can contain only letters. ----End Result . Step 2 Locate the row that contains the VM template you want to delete. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. i n ar A dialog box is displayed. Username_01 A catalog is a collection of one or more service templates and is used for classifying and managing service templates. Table 2-8 lists the data that must be ready before you create a service catalog.00 INTERNAL ----End Result Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. g n The VM Template page is displayed. Procedure Step 1 On the FusionManager. Type This parameter is mandatory. underscores (_). No spreading without permission. NOTE: A VM cannot be deleted if its state is Publication succeeded.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. i e aw : p tt h Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. and click e l // The VM Template Management page is displayed. digits.4 Deleting a VM Template o c .5 Creating a Service Catalog c r u o s Re g n i n r a Le Confirm: [OK?]__________________ A catalog is a collection of one or more service templates and is used for classifying and managing service templates. Page 54 of 71 . : s e 2.4.4. In the service template list. If you select System. go to step 5. Step 5 In the Organization drop-down list. g n i Confirm: [OK?]__________________ 2. Page 55 of 71 . go to step 6. Procedure Step 1 On the FusionManager. Le 2014-02-07 e / m Huawei confidential. i e aw i n ar Step 4 Select a catalog type and perform operations based on the selected type. g n The Service Template page is displayed. It is available only when Type is Organization.00 INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Organization This parameter is mandatory. Step 2 Click Add Catalog. No spreading without permission. select an organization as the owner of the directory.4. Step 3 Set a catalog name. : p tt Step 6 Set a description. Service template collection of User01 It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. ----End Result c r u o s e R : s e Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. choose Catalog > Service Template. Step 7 Click Add. u h . o c . you can see the newly added catalog. e l // If you select Organization. huawei Description This parameter is optional. h The Service Template page is displayed.6 Creating a Service Template n r a Figure 2-3 shows the flowchart for creating a service template. System The value can be System or Organization. Create a service template. underscores (_). 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Table 2-10 lists the required service template adding data. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. g n Publish the service template. It is available only when Type is Organization. Table 2-9 Service catalog data h Parameter Description Catalog name This parameter is mandatory. huawei Description This parameter is optional. Page 56 of 71 .00 INTERNAL Figure 2-3 Flowchart for creating a service template Start No Does a catalog exist? e / m o c . and spaces. ng Catalog type ar ni Le A catalog name can contain only letters. Organization This parameter is mandatory. i e aw i n ar End e l // The following tables list the data that must be ready before you create a service template. digits. c r u o s e R : s e Example Value Username_01 A catalog is a collection of one or more service templates and is used for classifying and managing service templates. Service template collection of User01 It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. u h . : p tt Table 2-9 lists the required service catalog data. hyphens (-). Yes Add a catalog. This parameter is mandatory. No spreading without permission. upper_limit_bw A public parameter can be referenced by the parameters that have the icon beside. and underscores (_). It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. Template_01 Public Parameters n r a Le g n i Description c r u o s e R Parameter : s e h This parameter is mandatory. Description i e aw fusioncubehypervisor This parameter is optional.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. : p tt Table 2-11 Required service template configuration data Category Parameter Description Example Value Service Template Information Template name The parameters configured when the service template is created are displayed by default. digits. The name must start with a letter or underscore (_) and can contain only letters. 2014-02-07 Service template of User_01 Huawei confidential. Integer Default This parameter is optional. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. u h . underscores (_).00 INTERNAL Table 2-10 Required service template adding data Category Parameter Description Example Value Service Template Name This parameter is mandatory. Hypervisor This parameter is mandatory. digits. e l // Table 2-11 lists the required service template configuration data. e / m A service template name can contain only letters. Service template of User_01 i n ar It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. No spreading without permission. and square brackets ([]). It is a variable and is set when creating applications. parentheses. Type This parameter is optional. g n A Hypervisor that has an organization virtual data center (VDC) is recommended. 133 Description This parameter is optional. hyphens (-). Template_01 Specifies the name of the service template. Page 57 of 71 . Upper limit for the sending bandwidth It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. pound signs (#). o c . digits. Huawei confidential. Description u h . It is a string of 1 to 15 characters. It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. o c . huawei When setting the computer name.DefaultN ic#/discuz This parameter is mandatory. and underscores (_). and underscores (_). you can enter a desired one or click reference a public parameter. address Application information such as the application name is outputted to the administrator after creating an application. g n Address used to access the service deployment forum This parameter is optional.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. Table 2-12 Required VM template data : p tt Category Parameter Description VM Template Information Name Parameters that need to be configured when the VM template is being created. Description CPU c r u o s e R Memory Computer Name ng i n r a e L 2014-02-07 : s e i e aw http://#Linux_1.00 INTERNAL Category Parameter Description Example Value Output Parameters Name This parameter is mandatory. No spreading without permission. e / m The name must start with a letter or underscore (_) and can contain only letters. You can modify the parameters as required. Value It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. digits. to A computer name must contain two among the three types of characters: letters. Page 58 of 71 . Example Value h VM_01 VM template of User_01 2 1G This parameter is optional. i n ar e l // Table 2-12 lists the required VM template data. When this option is selected and the system is taking a snapshot for the VM. Most users use only part of the allocated space. square brackets ([]). Default value: disabled Not Affected by Snapshot This parameter is optional. therefore. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. ● The default disk cannot be modified or deleted.00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value NIC Name This parameter is mandatory. A NIC name can contain only letters. You are advised to disable thin provisioning for disks that run performance-intensive programs. Disk List u h . ● The default NIC cannot be modified or deleted. ● VM template disks can be added. g n i e aw i n ar This parameter is mandatory. pound signs (#). hyphens (-). n r a g n i : p tt Capacity (GB) This parameter is mandatory. storage resources can be excessively allocated. and spaces. c r u o s e R 20GB It is an integer ranging from 1 to 2048. ● The template designing tool deletes all the NICs configured in VM template creation except the default NIC. underscores (_). no snapshot is taken for the disk. - e / m o c . the physical disk space is shared and storage space is dynamically allocated only when data is written into the disk. parentheses. deleted. If thin provisioning is enabled. Le This mode cannot be enabled for disks that do not support thin provisioning. - Specifies whether the disk is affected by a snapshot. : s e h - Specifies whether to enable thin provisioning. and modified. Thin Provisioning This parameter is optional. digits. Default value: Affected by Snapshot 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. e l // - It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. Page 59 of 71 . ● User-defined NICs can be deleted and modified. No spreading without permission. g n i e aw The parameters can be displayed only if they have been set during software package uploading. Table 2-13 Required software package data u h .sh Stop Command Parameters stop. c r u o s e R Install Command Parameters g n i : s e echo $(date) stop on vm 1 >> /tmp/jqy. e l // Table 2-13 lists the required software package data.128 usr:root pwd:123 Uninstall Command Parameters uninstall. n r a Le 2014-02-07 h It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters.log i n ar It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters.log It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. Page 60 of 71 e / m .sh {ip} {user} {pwd} command is entered when uploading the software package. ● If you enter an incorrect command. and then click Modify. the VM initialization fails. Stop Command This parameter is optional. Select the software package parameters that you want to modify.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.log It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. : p tt Category Parameter Description Software Package Parameter Description This parameter is optional. The command is executed for stopping the VM. ● This command is executed after the VM is created. the values of the following parameters are displayed: ip:10.00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Initialize Command This parameter is optional. No spreading without permission. o c .32. The command is executed for starting the VM.sh Start Command Parameters startup.sh Huawei confidential. Example Value Discuz installation package and relevant commands If the install. echo $(date) post on vm 1 >> /tmp/jqy.85. echo $(date) start on vm 1 >> /tmp/jqy. Start Command This parameter is optional. 00 INTERNAL Table 2-14 lists the required network data. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. parentheses. General elastic policy of Template_01 Page 61 of 71 . An elastic group applies to one application. the system automatically adds VMs to the application and installs software on the VMs to lower the loads and ensure that the application is running properly. digits. Table 2-15 lists the required elastic group data. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. An elastic group is a collection of VMs that apply the same elastic policy. Description This parameter is optional. hyphens (-). DefaultNetwork e / m Specifies the name of the catalog. No spreading without permission. When loads of an application are light. underscores (_). digits.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. You can modify the default value. and spaces. the system automatically reduces VMs used by the VM to release resources. underscores (_). pound signs (#). It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. 2014-02-07 i e aw Huawei confidential. o c . rn a e L g n i c r u o s e R i n ar e l // Table 2-15 Required elastic group data Example Value policy h Specifies the name of the elastic group. : p tt Category Parameter Description Scaling Group Name This parameter is mandatory. Description This parameter is optional. Table 2-14 Required network data Category Parameter Description Example Value Networks Name This parameter is mandatory. hyphens (-). u h . The catalog name can contain only letters. You can modify the default value. g n System default network resource It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. and square brackets ([]). When loads of an application are heavy. : s e A service template name can contain only letters. No spreading without permission. VDC1_policy01 Specifies the name of the intra-group policy.value. Default value: 0 Table 2-16 lists the required intra-group policy data. Maximum number of VMs This parameter is mandatory. A service template name can contain only letters. e / m o c . underscores (_). h 20 All triggering conditions are invalid during the cooling period. i e aw This parameter is mandatory. 1 Specifies the minimum number of VMs that can be deleted from the elastic group. It is an integer ranging from 1 to Max. and square brackets ([]). 2 i n ar It is an integer ranging from 1 to 200. the system automatically creates VMs of the Min.value number. parentheses. The cooling period starts from the time when the system was lastly expanded or shrunk.value. Page 62 of 71 . g n i Table 2-16 Required intra-group policy data n r a Le Category Parameter Description Example Value Intra-Group Scheduling Policy Name This parameter is mandatory. Minimum number of running VMs u h . hyphens (-). e l // : p tt It is an integer ranging from 1 to Max. pound signs (#). : s e It is an integer ranging from 0 to 30. digits. If the number of VMs which are correlated to the elastic group is less than the minimum value. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. 1 Specifies the minimum number of VMs that must be running in the elastic group.00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Minimum number of VMs This parameter is mandatory. g n Specifies the maximum number of VMs that can be added in the elastic group.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Cooling Period (min) c r u o s e R This parameter is mandatory. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. In a given statistical period. when the conditions set in Condition Configuration are met for a number of times equal to or greater than the value specified in Statistical count. In a given statistical period.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. average value. u h . The average CPU usage is equal to or greater than 50%. Intra-group elastic policy of VDC1 This parameter is mandatory.00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Description This parameter is optional. It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. Page 63 of 71 . when the conditions set in Condition Configuration are met for a number of times equal to or greater than the value specified in Statistical count. g n i e aw i n ar e l // ● 20 minutes Statistical Count e / m Specifies the number of consecutive times that the resource usage meets the conditions in one statistical period. 10 Specifies the number of consecutive times that the resource usage meets the conditions in one statistical period. In a given statistical period. No spreading without permission. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 30. This parameter is mandatory. Specifies the number of consecutive times that the resource usage meets the conditions in one statistical period. the operation specified in Operation will be performed. Default value: CPU usage. the operation specified in Operation will be performed. : p tt This parameter is mandatory. : s e h It is an integer ranging from 1 to 30. 10 Statistical Period (min) Value range: ● 5 minutes ● 10 minutes ● 15 minutes Default value: 5 ni ng r a e L c r u o s e R Condition Configuratio n o c . the operation specified in Operation will be performed. ≥ 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. when the conditions set in Condition Configuration are met for a number of times equal to or greater than the value specified in Statistical count. Step 2 Check whether the catalog of the service template to be created is included in the service template list. g n i If yes. go to step 7. The cooling period starts from the time when the system was lastly expanded or shrunk. The Service Template page is displayed. Step 6 In the Organization drop-down list. Step 4 Set a catalog name. go to step 6. e / m Default value: capacity expansion Cooling period(min) This parameter is mandatory.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. the system randomly selects the number of VMs to realize capacity expansion or shrinking. Page 64 of 71 . go to step 9. If no. such as VM capacity expansion or shrinking to be performed when the preset conditions are met. go to step 3. - Specifies the operation. n r a Adding a catalog Le Step 3 Click Add Catalog. select an organization as the owner of the directory. All triggering conditions are invalid during the cooling period.00 Category INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Operation Type This parameter is mandatory. If capacity expansion or shrinking is not performed on all of the VMs. No spreading without permission. Step (number) o c . e l // : p tt It is an integer ranging from 1 to 10. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. g n It is an integer ranging from 0 to 30. If you select System. Step 5 Select a catalog type and perform operations based on the type. 2 i e aw i n ar Specifies the number of VMs whose capacity is expanded or shrunk. 20 This parameter is mandatory. The Add Catalog dialog box is displayed. choose Catalog > Service Template. If you select Organization. Procedure c r u o s e R Checking the catalog : s e h Step 1 On the FusionManager. u h . i e aw i n ar The service template parameters to be set are: e l // Template name Template description : p tt Public parameters: Parameter name. No spreading without permission. Not affected by snapshot. Hypervisor. g n Step 11 Click OK. The VM Template page is displayed. Startup command. The information includes the name. The Create Service Template page is displayed. the physical disk space is shared and storage space is dynamically allocated only when data is written into the disk. Computer name.  The public parameters of a service template can be quoted when configuring the command parameters of the software package. and description. Initialization command. NIC name. you can see the newly added catalog. Thin provisioning. Memory. Output value. and drag the VM template into the operation area. because most of users do not use all the memory space allocated to them.  Disk name: The default disk cannot be modified or deleted. Description. It is a variable and is Step 13 Expand the VM Template list in the area on the left. and Description Output parameters: Output name. u h . n r a Le The VM template parameters to be set are: Name. Thin provisioning allows more virtual memory space to be allocated than the real memory available. In the service template list. Type. CPU. Creating a service template Step 9 Locate the row containing the catalog of the service template to be created. and click Operation column.00 INTERNAL Step 7 Set a description. e / m in the Page 65 of 71 . Disk name. Step 14 Set the VM template parameters in the area on the right. Capacity (GB). 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. g n i c r u o s e R icon beside.  Application information such as the application name is outputted to the administrator after creating an application. Step 8 Click Add.  The public parameters whose type is HostName can be referenced by the Computer Name parameter of VM templates. Step 12 Set the service template parameters in the area on the right. You are advised to disable thin provisioning for disks that run performance-intensive programs. and Description NOTE : s e h  A public parameter can be referenced by the parameters that have the set when creating applications. Step 10 Configure the basic information about the service template. and Stopping command. o c .  NIC name: The default NIC cannot be modified or deleted.  Thin provisioning: If thin provisioning is enabled.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Default value. The Service Template Design page is displayed. do not enable thin provisioning. copy the software installation file to the VM and install it.com/support/network/sb/cs-006120. Choose Data Center > Data Center > Zone > Computing Resource Pool > Resource cluster. check whether there are storage devices that support thin provisioning. On the Storage page. − Affected by snapshot: If this option is selected and the system is taking a snapshot for the VM. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. download the NIC driver for the in-use OS. Check the availability of thin provisioning in the following way: 1. enable or disable thin provisioning. u h . search for LSI20320 and download LSI20320-R_xp_50700_01034132IT_1201800_1005239.00 INTERNAL This mode cannot be enabled for disks that do not support thin provisioning. i e aw to reference a public Step 15 Expand the Software list in the area on the left. Step 18 Step 18: Set the network parameters in the area on the right. you can log in to the VNC and mount a CD-ROM drive to install an ISO piece of software.  When multiple software packages need to be added to the VM template. The Resource Pool page is displayed. n r a Le When set software package command parameters. Step 19 Hover the cursor on the VM template and then drag to move the VM template to the network.  The OS type suitable for the software must be in compliance with that of the VM. i n ar NOTE  If there is no available software package. and drag the VM template into the operation area.com/support/Pages/download-search. 3. The software package parameters to be set include installation command parameters.  If the target OS is Windows XP 32-bit.lsi. The drivers are available at:  NIC driver: On http://www. − If yes. uninstallation command parameters. e / m The Summary page is displayed. and stopping command parameters. startup command parameters. Page 66 of 71 . The parameters to be set are the name and description. o c .e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1.intel. g n When setting the computer name. install the NIC driver and SCSI controller driver for the VM. and then click Modify. and drag the software package into the VM template. Choose Resource > Resource Pool. and select the public parameters Step 17 Expand the Networks list in the area on the left. Select the software package parameters that you want to modify. e l // c r u o s e R : s e : p tt h Step 16 Set the software package parameters in the area on the right. no snapshot is taken for the disk. g n i The parameters can be displayed only if they have been set during software package uploading.  The software packages in the VM template must be installed from bottom to top.aspx. you can click set in service template configuration. 2.  SCSI controller driver: On http://www. − If no.htm. Step 20 Check whether the Add Association dialog box is displayed. No spreading without permission.zip. they must be dragged to the VM template in sequence from the area on the left. you can enter a desired one or click parameter. If you want to install a non-ISO piece of software. and associate each NIC to one network. u h . Step 27 Hover the cursor on the elastic group and then drag Le to move the elastic group to the network. Maximum number of VMs.  Minimum number of VMs: specifies the minimum number of VMs that can exist in the elastic group.  If yes. The association between the NIC and the network is added. you can set the inter-group policy of elastic groups in the VDC to implement resources scheduling in the VDC. Condition Configuration. perform step 17 to step 22. the Add Association dialog box is not displayed when adding the association between the VM template and the port group. Minimum number of VMs. go to step 25. Cooling period(min). Page 67 of 71 . Description. : s e The elastic group parameters to be set are Name.  If no.  If yes. Step 28 Determine whether to add an intra-group policy.value number. go to step 32. go to step 21. Minimum number of running VMs. the system automatically creates VMs of the Min. and Step (number). e l // Step 25 Expand ScalingGroup in the area on the left.  If no. No spreading without permission.  If yes. The cooling period starts from the time when the system was lastly expanded or shrunk. add the same number of networks as the number of NICs. perform step 29 to step 31. Step 30 Set the parameters of the intra-group policy in the area on the right. g n NOTE i e aw Each VM NIC can be associated with only one network. i n ar Step 24 Determine whether to add an elastic group. Step 23 Determine whether to add the association between the other NICs and the network. go to step 32. go to step 25. Description. h Step 26 Step 26: Set the elastic group parameters in the area on the right. If the number of VMs which are correlated to the elastic group is less than the minimum value.00 INTERNAL NOTE If only the default NIC is available for configuring the VM template NIC. If you need to associate multiple NICs with the network.  If no.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. c r u o s e R  Maximum number of VMs: specifies the maximum number of VMs that can be added in the elastic group.  If yes. select a NIC. o c . go to step 23. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. The parameters of an intra-group policy are Name. Step 29 Select ScalingGroup and click beside Intra-Group Scheduling Policy. and Cooling Period (min).  n r a g n i Cooling Period (min): All triggering conditions are invalid during the cooling period. e / m Step 22 Click OK. The Add Intra-Group Scheduling Policy page is displayed. Step 21 From the NIC drop-down list.  If no. Statistical Period (min). Statistical Count. and drag the default elastic group into the operation area. : p tt After the elastic group is created. Operation Type. that is.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Statistical Count. when the conditions set in Condition Configuration are met for a number of times equal to or greater than the value specified in Statistical count. and Condition Configuration: In a given statistical period. g n .  Cooling Period (min): All triggering conditions are invalid during the cooling period. If capacity expansion or shrinking is not performed on all of the VMs. and spaces.00 INTERNAL  Statistical Period (min). Save and verify the template. Step 31 Click OK. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. It is a string of 1 to 64 characters. when the trigger conditions are met.  Operation Type: specifies VM capacity expansion or shrinking. Confirm: [OK?]__________________ g n i 2. in the Operation : p tt The Publish dialog box is displayed. No spreading without permission. App_01 Specifies the name of the application. The service template list displays the added service template. The state of the service template changes from Draft to Published. i e aw i n ar The Service Template page is displayed. Table 2-17 lists the data that must be ready before you create an application. : s e h The Service Template is displayed. The cooling period starts from the time when the system was lastly expanded or shrunk. Step 33 Close the Create Service Template page. add or remove a VM. Page 68 of 71 e / m . Step 35 Select a publishing type as prompted and click OK. underscores (_). the operation specified in Operation will be performed. hyphens (-).7 Creating an Application ea rn L A service template has been created and is in the Published state.4. Table 2-17 Data required for creating an application Parameter Description Example Value Application name This parameter is mandatory.  Step (number): specifies the number of VMs to be added or deleted at a time. An application name can contain only letters. the system randomly selects the number of VMs to realize capacity expansion or shrinking. ----End Result c r u o s e R Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed. and click column. digits. Step 32 Click u h . e l // Publishing a service template Step 34 Locate the row that contains the service template to be published. o c . Step 5 Click Next. o c . Email service It is a string of 0 to 1024 characters. organization.00 INTERNAL Parameter Description Example Value Description This parameter is optional. The Basic Info page is displayed. The Application Configuration page is displayed. Administrators This parameter is mandatory. The Service Template page is displayed. and description. Step 4 Configure the basic information for the application based on the data obtained. n r a The search criteria include the service template name. only one can assign a virtual gateway to the VM. organization VDC. hypervisor. Procedure c r u o s e R : s e h Step 1 On the FusionManager. e l // huawei Specifies the organization network to which the NIC belongs. and creation time. Step 2 Enter the service template information in the search field.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. g n huawei i e aw i n ar VDC01 Specifies the resource used by the application. Specifies the organization to which the user belongs. : p tt If you select multiple organization networks. status. the current user is added to Selected users. u h . This parameter is mandatory. organization. user. No spreading without permission. Le Step 3 Locate the row that contains the service template. Organization Network This parameter is mandatory. User001 e / m Specifies the administrator who has the permission to manage the application. The basic information to be set includes the application name. the management permission of this application can be granted to other users. and click in the Operation column. NOTE Organization  When a system administrator creates an application. and click Search.  By default. Organization VDC This parameter is mandatory. Page 69 of 71 . type. choose Catalog > Service Template. g n i The search result is displayed. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. Step 19 Click to move the selected user to Selected. n r a The Configure Administrators page is displayed. Step 14 Repeat step 9 to step 13. go to step 15. go to step 17. The Configure Parameters dialog box is displayed. Step 22 Click Finish. go to step 9. u h . Step 8 Repeat step 7 to configure the organization network of the other NICs. and click OK. Le Step 18 In Available. i e aw e l // The Summary page is displayed. The Confirm Info page is displayed. only one assigns a virtual gateway to the VM.  If yes. only one can assign a virtual gateway to the VM. No spreading without permission. o c . go to step 16. Page 70 of 71 e / m . click INTERNAL in the row that contains the NIC. Step 17 Click Next. Step 20 Click Next. Step 11 On the Network tab page. Step 13 Select the subnet of the organization network and click Modify. g n i Step 16 Set public parameters. : p tt Step 12 Choose Resource Pool > Data Center > Data Center > Zone > Network Resource Pool > Subnet.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. Organization network: If you select multiple organization networks. select the user that is to be set as an administrator. Step 10 Choose Organization Resource > Organization.  If no. The Select Organization Network dialog box is displayed. g n Step 9 Click Resource. Step 7 Select the network to which the NIC belongs. Step 15 Check whether there are public parameters that you need to set. c r u o s e R : s e Ensure that among the multiple organization networks. i n ar The Resource page is displayed. The organization network name is displayed next to the NIC name. 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential.00 Step 6 In the Select network area.  If yes. Determine whether to select more than one organization network.  If no. Step 21 Verify that all the parameters are correctly set. h Check whether the subnet assigns a virtual gateway to the VM. view the subnet name of the organization network. the intra-group policy does not automatically start. Check whether all steps described in the previous procedure are performed.00 INTERNAL The application creation starts. and you can view the creation progress in App. Page 71 of 71 . g n i e aw i n ar e l // n r a g n i c r u o s e R : s e : p tt h Le 2014-02-07 Huawei confidential. NOTE After an application is created. ----End e / m Result o c . Confirm: [OK?]__________________ u h . No spreading without permission.e r Mo HUAWEI HCNA-Cloud Experiment Manual ISSUE 1. You need to manually start it. l 3、 Priority to participate in Huawei Online Open Class(LVC) // : all ICT technical domains like R&S. i e  Content:All Huawei Career Certification E-Learning courses  Methods to get the E-learning privilege : submit Huawei Account and email being used for Huawei Account w a u h . Content:The Huawei career certification training covering p tprofessional instructors Storage and so on. you have the privilege on http://learning. Security. g registration to [email protected] you can r a e download training material in the specific training introduction page. which are conducted by Huawei t h Method:The plan and participate method please refer to LVC Open Courses Schedule : s 4、Learning Tool: eNSP e c eNSP (Enterprise Network Simulation r Platform) is a graphical network simulation tool which is developed by u Huawei and free of charge. Huawei has built up Huawei Technical Forum which allows candidates to discuss technical issues with g Huawei experts .com . which makes the e lab practice available and easy without any real device.The privilege of HCNA/HCNP/HCIE: m o c With any Huawei Career Certification. R In addition.com/en to enjoy:  1、Comprehensive E-Learning Courses . LTD.com/ecommunity/) r a Le e TECHNOLOGIES CO. share n exam experiences with others or be acquainted with Huawei Products( i n http://support.. switches as close to the real hardware as s it possible.huawei.   2、 Training Material Download Content: Huawei product training material and Huawei career certification training material  Method:Logon http://learning. Huawei Confidential HUAWEI 1 r o    n i n    n e / .com/en and enter HuaWei Training/Classroom Training .huawei. eNSP o mainly simulates enterprise routers. UC&C.huawei.
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