HAZOP Work Sheet Zaltoprofen

March 24, 2018 | Author: kirandevi1981 | Category: Chemical Reactor, Filtration, Centrifuge, Personal Protective Equipment, Chemical Engineering



IPCA LABORATORIES-AnkleshwarJOGI HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.:- ZaltoProfen IPCA Work Sheet No.: (1): Work Sheet No.: 1 Stage No:- 1 (Synthesis of ZaltoProfen Crude) Process step No: Reaction (Design Intent) Process sub step No:- Node No.: 1. Charging of poly-phosphoric acid 2. Charging of DM water 3. Stirring 4. Cooling 5. Charging of Di-acid 6. Charging of Methyl cyclohexane 7. Heating 8. Distillation 9. Cooling 10. Charging Of Toluene 11. Charging Of DM Water – 12. Layer Separation 1.1.1 to 1.1.12 Ref. PFD: 1. ZaltoProfen Crude Charging of poly-phosphoric acid. Deviation Low Temperature Causes  Human keeping the valve Open/ valve passing. Consequences errorbrine brine  Poly-phosphoric acid Solidifying in the reactor  Agitator Jamming  Production Safeguards Nothing – Temperature Indicator is provided but same is not recording before and during Polyphosphoric acid Recommendations 1) ----Procedural control-operator to log the reactor temperature before charging the Poly-phosphoric acid in the reactor. 2) Action taken be on low 39 JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.:- ZaltoProfen IPCA delay  Contamination Spillage. Property damage – motor damage, agitator shaft Damage  Human error.   Wrong material used for washing Material quality degradation.  Loss production.   Leakage in reactor Material loss temperature by operator should be documented and operators to be trained validated. . 3) Low temperature sensor with automation to shut of brine inlet on predetermined low temperature to be provided  of Quality check, procedural control exists for all raw materials  Reactor thickness survey is carried out once in 2 years.  Jacket pressure test is done once in 2 years.  SOPs are available.  Training is imparted to operational staff.  Personnel vigilance.  PPEs are provided.  SCBA set is available in plant building. . 40 Power failure. Less time allowed for Agitation. 3-Stirring Agitator stopped.  may be BMR procedures followed. Human error.:.  Thick slurry formation.  Degraded quality  Personal vigilance.  Human error.  Manual vigilance.  Improper mixing.   Exothermic reaction.  Quality degradation.  Power failure.  PM of agitator & motor carried out periodically.  Low quantity  Agitator stopped.  DG set is available. No Cooling available  Power failure  Delayed batch time  SOPs are available. Human error. are meter/ quantity  water  Reaction affected.  BMR procedures followed. Improper dissolution.  Steam lined up to reactor jacket by mistake.  SOP is available.  Water Measured charging. are  Mechanical lock to be provided such that only one utility can be lined up at a time.  DG set is available.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  Agitator jammed.  Agitator jammed.  Dipstick is available to measure level in drums.ZaltoProfen IPCA 2-Charging of DM water High quantity.  Temperature increases. 41 .  Quality degradation.  Lean slurry formation.  DG set is available. Low temperature PM of agitator & motor carried out periodically.  Motor Failure.   Agitator jammed.  No cooling water available.  Human error.:.  Power Failure.  DG set is available.  Quality degraded.  PM & calibration of temperature indicator is done periodically.    Improper dissolution.  PPEs shall be worn by operational staff. PM of agitator & motor carried out periodically.  Redundant temperature indication with low temperature alarm to be provided.  Undesired reaction.  BMR procedures are followed.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  Human error. High temperature. PM & calibration of temperature indicator is done periodically.  SOP is available.  Chilling or brine lined up to reactor jacket by mistake  Faulty temperature indication.  Redundant temperature indication with alarm to be provided. Quality degradation.ZaltoProfen IPCA Less time allowed for stirring.   Faulty temperature indication.  4-Cooling 42 .  Power failure.  Mechanical assignable 5.  Delayed batch time.  Personal vigilance.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  Mechanical lock to be provided such that only one utility can be lined up at a time.:. assignable    6-Charging of Methylcyclohexane High quantity Spillage (During charging of drums )  Human error  No cause  Steam lined up to  Material loss. assignable 7-Heating High temperature lock to be 43 .  SOP is available.  SOPs are available.  No cause.  Undesired quality.  SOPs are available.ZaltoProfen IPCA High temperature Low temperature  Steam lined up to reactor jacket by mistake  No cooling water available.Charging of Diacid High quantity Spillage (During charging of drums )   Human error No cause  Material loss.  SOP is available.  Delayed batch time.  Undesired quality. assignable 8-Distillation High Temperature Low Temperature High pressure  Power failure.. .JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.ZaltoProfen IPCA reactor jacket mistake  Low temperature No cooling available.  Personnel vigilance.  Material froathing leak  SOP is available. and  Temperature control valve in steam supply to be provided. by  provided such that only one utility can be lined up at a time.  Temperature indication is available.  High steam load in reactor jacket  High rate evaporation.  SOPs are available. of  Reactor pressurization.  Temperature/flow control valve in steam supply to be provided.  Heating steam not available. over-  Batch time increases.Cooling High temperature  Steam lined up to reactor jacket by mistake  Delayed batch time.  Human error.  High steam load in reactor jacket. Personal vigilance.:. 9.  Personal vigilance. . water  No cause.  Mechanical lock to be provided such that only one utility can be lined 44 . 11. procedural control exists for all raw materials BMR procedures followed.   Suffocation.Charging Of Toluene Contamination High quantity.:.ZaltoProfen IPCA  Low Temperature up at a time.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO. are .  Material quality degradation.   Quality check.  Reaction affected.  Personnel vigilance. No assignable cause/ no hazard . Human error. No cooling water available.  SCBA set is available in plant building. Human error in manual handling of the containers.  Solvent loss. Spillage.Charging Of DM Water 45 .  PPEs are provided. Training is imparted to operational staff.  Quality degradation. may be  BMR procedures followed.  Fire  SOPs are available. are .  10.   Human error.  Loss of production. . Low quantity  Human error.  Personnel injury.  Degraded quality  Personal vigilance.  Power failure.Layer Separation Contamination  Less settling time  Product loss  Personnel vigilance  Mishandling  Quality degradation. Less time allowed for Agitation. 12.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  Dipstick is available to measure level in drums.ZaltoProfen IPCA High quantity.  Human error.  SOP is available.  PM of agitator & motor carried out periodically.  Solvent loss. Exothermic reaction.   Human error Sample is checked in QC Lab.  Temperature increases. Improper dissolution.  Steam lined up to reactor jacket by mistake. are . are  Mechanical lock to be provided such that only one utility can be lined up at a time.:.  may be  BMR procedures followed. Agitator stopped. water   Reaction affected.  Agitator jammed. No Cooling available  Power failure  Delayed batch time  SOPs are available. BMR procedures followed.   Quality degradation.  DG set is available. 46 .  Human error.  Quality degradation.  Low quantity Human error. : 2 Stage No:- 1 (Synthesis of ZaltoProfen Crude Process step No: 2 (Centrifuging and vacuum drying ) (Design Intent) Process sub step No:- 1.: (2): Work Sheet No.ZaltoProfen IPCA Work Sheet No.: 47 . Cake Unloading 4.:.IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar JOGI HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO. Charging & spinning. 2. Vacuum drying Node No. Toluene Wash 3.  Delayed batch time. High Quantity Low Quantity Less Time  Miscommunication  High pressure reactor. Manual operation.  BMR procedure place.  Property damage. in valve  Miscommunication  Human error.  Completion of filtration is ensured from sight glass in mother liquor line.  Spillage. Charging & spinning. in 48 .  Centrifuge burst.  Damage to cloth.:.  Wet cake formation.  Material loss. PFD: ZaltoProfen Crude 1.  Formation of flammable vapors in plant building.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO. charging.  Reactor passing.  Damage to centrifuge.  Human error.  Exposure of solvent to operational staff. Deviation High Pressure Causes  Consequences Improper  Centrifuge pressurized.ZaltoProfen IPCA Ref. Safeguards over  Recommendations Proper lineup is ensured before spinning.  Personnel injury.  Human error.  Inefficient filtration. SOP controlled trained persons doing centifusing  Manual vigilance. Low speed High Solids mother liquor) Wet cake.  Wet cake formation.  Solvent vapor expose to operational staff.  (in of limit Loose belt.  Mother liquor line chocking.  SOPs are available. Limit switch stops spinning in case of top cover is open (New centrifuges). Also (Centrifuge cover open during spinning).  Fire. Limit switch to stop spinning in case of top cover open to be incorporated in all centrifuges. Delayed batch time.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  Filter bag leakage.  PPEs are provided to operational staff.  Completion of filtration is ensured from sight glass in mother liquor line.:.   Delayed batch time.    Formation of flammable vapor.  SOP is available for usage of centrifuge bag.  BMR procedure place.  Inefficient filtration.  Material loss.  Filter bag choking.  Quality degradation.  Filter bag passing.)  Manual charging from centrifuge top cover.  Failure switch.   Formation of flammable vapor. Limit switch to stop spinning in case of top cover open to be incorporated in all centrifuges.  Filter bags replaced after eight batches. in Drive Failure/Stop  Power failure.  Delayed batch time.  Fire.  DG set is available.  Human error.  Failure of latch.  Solvent vapor expose to operational staff. Also (Centrifuge cover open during charging. to be are every 49 .ZaltoProfen IPCA More Time   Human error.  Delayed batch time. Speed indication provided.  Fire.  Solvent loss. Toluene Wash Contamination  Human error.  Material quality degradation.  Human error.  Wrong material used for washing .  Material loss.  Dump tank to be provided to store ML during centrifuging in case of ML pump failure.  Level gauge to be provided to ML tank. Charging without spinning.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  Spark. done starting  Centrifuge overload.  Fire.  Different speed selection to be provided during charging & spinning. Before/After (charging done before starting spinning). 2.  Centrifuge imbalanced.  ML transfer pump not working.  Mother liquor line chocked.ZaltoProfen IPCA  Low speed. No safety issue  SOP is available. High vibration   Spillage liquor) (Mother centrifuge  High vibration.  Automation (centrifuge motor shall stop at high vibration).  ML catch pot (ML tank) over flow.  Inefficient filtration.  ML catch pot capacity to be reviewed. Improper charging.  Damage to equipment.  Toxic effect. 50 .  Automation (charging block valve shall open only when centrifuge is at appropriate RPM).:. is Fire.   Fire. 3.ZaltoProfen IPCA Spillage /Exposure   Drive stop Manual activity.  Vapor exposure. Temperature indication available. vacuum drying Spillage High Temperature  Human error.  Temperature  control system failure.  Suffocation.   Low Temperature  Temperature  control system Material degraded.  Material loss.  Inefficient washing.  Material loss.  BMR procedure available. quality  Temperature indication is 51 .  SOP control  Health hazard.  DG set is available. PPEs (Organic vapor mask) are provided to operational personnel.  Use of hard tools to scrap out hard cake.  PPEs are available to operational staff.  Improper handling.:. by  Fire extinguishers are provided.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  Manual vigilance. Material degraded.Cake Unloading Spillage Also (Damage filter cloth) to is 3.  Human error  Toxic vapor exposure. Power failure  Delayed batch time.  Trained persons PPEs are worn operational staff.  Cloth damage. quality  Material loss.   Mishandling.  Delayed batch time. More Time  Human error.  Manual sampling is done for ensuring moisture content. to toxic  52 . Spillage/Dustin g.  High content. available. Powder carry over with drying air Low/No Flow  (drying air) Chocking of air  filter.  Manual activity   Poor housekeeping Exposure dust PPEs are available to operational staff.  Manual sampling is done for ensuring moisture content. High Flow  (drying air) No assignable  cause.:.IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar JOGI HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  BMR procedure inline.  Blower failure.  Power failure.ZaltoProfen IPCA failure. moisture  Manual sampling is done for ensuring moisture content. Delayed batch time. Less Time  Human error. Safeguards Quality procedural exists for materials Recommendations check.3. control all raw  SOP control. unauthorized 53 .: 3 Stage No:- 2 Process step No: (BZB-B) Purification of Zaltopren crude Reaction (Design Intent) Process sub step No:- 1.5 Purification of Zaltopren crude 1-Charging of Zaltopren crude Deviation Contamination Causes  Human error. Charging of Carbon slurry 4.1 to 1.  Loss of production. Charging of Zaltopren crude 2. Consequences  Material quality degradation.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.: (3): Work Sheet No.  No entry.  Security by device control.3. Charging of Acetone 3.ZaltoProfen IPCA Work Sheet No. PFD: Heating and stirring 1.:. Node No.: Ref.  SOP is available.  Power Failure. assignable Consequences  Material loss.  No hazard Safeguards  Recommendations SOP is available.  Undesired quality.  Improper mixing. PPE 3-Charging of Carbon Slurry Heating and stirring Deviation High quantity Causes  Spillage 4- Human error No cause. SOP. considerable Heating and stirring Deviation Agitator stopped. Less time allowed for stirring.  Vapor exposure Safeguards   Recommendations SOP is available.  Agitator jammed.  Undesired quality. only error during manual handling Consequences  Material loss.  Thick slurry formation.ZaltoProfen IPCA  Best Housekeeping practices 2-Charging of Acetone Deviation High quantity Causes  Spillage Human error No assignable cause. Causes Consequences Safeguards  Power failure.  Human error.:.  Improper dissolution.  DG set is available. Recommendations 54 .IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar JOGI HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  DG set is available.  PM of agitator & motor carried out periodically.  Manual vigilance. ZaltoProfen IPCA High temperature  Motor Failure. Low temperature  No cause. assignable Pressure filtering. .  Steam lined up to reactor jacket by mistake  Delayed batch time.:. distilling and seeding of the mass 55 . water Mechanical lock to be provided such that only one utility can be lined up at a time.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO. Work Sheet No.  SOPs are available.  No cooling available.: 4 Stage No:- 2 (BZB-B) Purification of Zaltopren crude Process step No:  PM of agitator & motor carried out periodically.  Agitator jammed.  Personal vigilance. Consequences Safeguards  High rate evaporation.: 1. over-   SOP is available.3. hazard Atmosphere heath  SOP control  SOP/ PPE Recommendations 2.1 to 1. PFD: Purification of Zaltopren crude 1.ZaltoProfen IPCA (Design Intent) Process sub step No:- 1.Distilling Deviation High Temperature Low Temperature Causes  High steam load in reactor jacket. of  Reactor pressurization..3.  Personnel vigilance. Recommendations  Temperature control valve in steam supply to be provided.  Power failure.  Temperature indication is available.5 Ref. Batch time increases. 56 .:.Distilling 3-Seeding Node No.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.Pressure filtering Deviation Choking filter of Causes the Consequences No safety Hazard Spillage Leakage filter in Safeguards Production delay the contamination.  Human error.Pressure filtering 2. :.: 4 Stage No:- 2 Purification of Zaltopran crude (BZB-B) Process step No: Centrifuging and vacuum drying (Design Intent) 57 .ZaltoProfen IPCA  Heating steam not available.No safety Issue Consequences No considerable hazard in any deviation only process delay.No safety Issue No considerable hazard in any deviation only process delay.this is process quality critical activity with no safety related safe guards required.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.No safety Issue Safeguards SOP control for process. 2.: (4): Work Sheet No. Recommendations  Work Sheet No.Seeding Deviation Causes No considerable hazard in any deviation only process delay.  Personnel injury.Acetone Wash 3-Cake Unloading 4- Vacuum drying Node No.  Human error. charging. Charging & spinning.  Inefficient filtration.  Reactor passing.  Material loss.1 to 1. PFD: MPCR/BZB-B/05 Dated:30/09/13 4.: 1.  Spillage.  Wet cake formation.  Property damage.  Centrifuge burst.  Delayed batch time. 2.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.4 Ref. in 58 .  Damage to centrifuge.  Human error. Safeguards over  Recommendations Proper lineup is ensured before spinning.:. SOP controlled trained persons doing centrifuging  Manual vigilance. in valve  Miscommunication  Human error.  Exposure of solvent to operational staff.  Damage to cloth. Manual operation.  BMR procedure  As above.4.Charging & spinning.  Formation of flammable vapors in plant building. High Quantity Low Quantity Less Time  Miscommunication  High pressure reactor.4.ZaltoProfen IPCA Process sub step No:- 1. Deviation High Pressure Causes  Consequences Improper  Centrifuge pressurized.  DG set is available.  Completion of filtration is ensured from sight glass in mother liquor line.   Formation of flammable vapor.    Formation of flammable vapor.  Filter bag choking.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.  Delayed batch time. Also (Centrifuge cover open during spinning).  Fire.  Solvent vapor expose to operational staff.  BMR procedure place. Low speed Wet cake. 59 .  Material loss.  Wet cake formation.  of limit Loose belt.  Failure of latch. Delayed batch time.  Failure switch. Limit switch to stop spinning in case of top cover open to be incorporated in all centrifuges. Also (Centrifuge cover open during charging.  PPEs are provided to operational staff.  Delayed batch time.:.  Fire. Speed indication provided. Limit switch stops spinning in case of top cover is open (New centrifuges).  Inefficient filtration. Limit switch to stop spinning in case of top cover open to be incorporated in all centrifuges.ZaltoProfen IPCA place. More Time   Human error.   Delayed batch time.)  Manual charging from centrifuge top cover. in Drive Failure/Stop  Power failure.  Human error.  Solvent vapor expose to operational staff.  Mother liquor line chocking.  Completion of filtration is ensured from sight glass in mother liquor line.  to be SOP is available for usage of centrifuge bag.  Solvent loss. Improper charging.  ML catch pot (ML tank) over flow.  Fire.  Human error.  Fire.  Material quality degradation.:.  Inefficient filtration.  ML catch pot capacity to be reviewed.  ML transfer pump not working.  Centrifuge imbalanced.  Different speed selection to be provided during charging & spinning.ZaltoProfen IPCA  Low speed. No safety issue  SOP is available. Acetone Wash Contamination  Human error.  Automation (charging block valve shall open only when centrifuge is at appropriate RPM).JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO. Charging without spinning.  Dump tank to be provided to store ML during centrifuging in case of ML pump failure.  Damage to equipment.  Wrong material used for washing . 5.  Toxic effect. Before/After (charging done before starting spinning).  Level gauge to be provided to ML tank.  Material loss. done starting  Centrifuge overload.  Automation (centrifuge motor shall stop at high vibration).  Mother liquor line chocked. High vibration   Spillage liquor) (Mother centrifuge  High vibration.  Spark. 60 .  Manual vigilance.   Fire.  Suffocation. PPEs (Organic vapor mask) are provided to operational personnel.JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO. is Fire.  DG set is available. Material degraded.  Vapor exposure. quality  Temperature indication is 61 .:.  SOP control  Health hazard.  PPEs are available to operational staff.  BMR procedure available.  Material loss. by  Fire extinguishers are provided.   Mishandling.  Improper handling.Cake Unloading Spillage Also (Damage filter cloth) to is 6.  Human error  Toxic vapor exposure. Temperature indication available.  Trained persons PPEs are worn operational staff.  Use of hard tools to scrap out hard cake.  Cloth damage. vacuum drying Spillage High Temperature  Human error. Power failure  Delayed batch time.  Temperature  control system failure.  Material loss.   Low Temperature  Temperature  control system Material degraded.  Inefficient washing. 3.ZaltoProfen IPCA Spillage /Exposure   Drive stop Manual activity. quality  Material loss.  Delayed batch time. High Flow  (drying air) No assignable  cause. to toxic  62 . Spillage/Dustin g. moisture  Manual sampling is done for ensuring moisture content.IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar JOGI HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO. More Time  Human error.ZaltoProfen IPCA failure. Less Time  Human error.:.  BMR procedure inline.  Power failure. Powder carry over with drying air Low/No Flow  (drying air) Chocking of air  filter. available.  Manual activity   Poor housekeeping Exposure dust PPEs are available to operational staff.  Manual sampling is done for ensuring moisture content.  High content.  Blower failure. Delayed batch time.  Manual sampling is done for ensuring moisture content. PFD: MPCR/BZB-B/05 Dated:30/09/13 Pulverization Deviation Causes Consequences Safeguards Recommendations 63 .1 to 1.: (5): Work Sheet No.: 5 Stage No:- 2 Purification of zaltopofren crude (BZB-B) Process step No: Pulverization & bag filling (Design Intent) Process sub step No:- 1.4.IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar JOGI HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO. Node No.ZaltoProfen IPCA Work Sheet No.: 1.4.4 Ref.:. JOGI IPCA LABORATORIES-Ankleshwar HAZOP STUDY REPORT NO.ZaltoProfen IPCA Static build Pulverization Explosion in the equipment Earthing - Nitrogen blanketing with trip of pulverizer on low Nitrogen pressure. - - 64 .:. Dust collectors Explosion in the equipment Nil - Metallic strips in dust collector and connected to earth pit. Bag filling Fire Antistatic bags are used in operationconnected to metallic chute.
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