Hay Diet - Digestive Friendly Food Combinations

March 28, 2018 | Author: Richard Hollingsworth | Category: Body Mass Index, Obesity, Fruit, Nutrition, Calorie



Hay Diet Definitionhttp://www.diet.com/g/hay-diet The Hay diet is named for the New York physician who created a plan that prohibited the consumption of starches and proteins during the same meal. William Howard Hay began developing the food-combining diet in 1904 to treat himself for medical conditions including a dilated heart. He lost 50 (22.7 kilograms) pounds in approximately three months and recovered from the conditions. Origins When William Howard Hay (1866–1940) graduated from New York University Medical College in 1891, he practiced medicine and specialized in surgery. That changed 16 years later when his own medical troubles led him to research the connection between diet and health. Hay then weighed 225 pounds (102 kilograms) and had high blood pressure and Bright’s Disease, a kidney condition. Hay discovered that his heart was dilated while running to catch a train. The dilated heart caused by weakened heart muscles meant that his blood could not pump efficiently. Hay knew from treating patients that his future did not “look overlong or very bright,” according to his 1929 book Health via Food. The title described Hay’s health theories, his condition, and treatment. Hay diagnosed the causes of his conditions as the “very familiar trinity of troubles” that then ranked as the primary cause of death: the combination of high blood pressure, kidney disease, and dilated heart. Hay wrote that his legs had swelled; and he slept seated because he was afraid he would drown in his fluids if he slept lying down. He wasn’t able to lose the weight through exercise and what he thought was a proper diet. Hay wrote that the dilated heart made his prospects were bleak. He knew from treating patients that there was no medical treatment for a dilated heart. He advised them to prepare for the “final hop-off” (death). With that diagnosis applied to himself, Hay looked at his life to evaluate his own situation. He described himself as a “strong man of splendid heredity,” so Hay looked at his eating habits. Plain food of the American table After graduating from medical school, Hay ate at hotels, boarding houses, and restaurants for 11 years. He then married, and his wife prepared meals for the following five years. As a married man, Hay wrote that. fats. dates. and nuts and seeds Sweet fruits Acid fruit and other food groups Melons Eat alone All groups Protein Meat. Low and nonOther Drink milk fish. raisins Cantaloupe.Food combining guidelines Food groups Foods Combine with Do not combine Exceptions Acid fruits Grapefruit. papaya. soy beans. and fruits peanuts. not berries. tofu . seeds pineapples. limes. nectarines. nuts & seeds. coconut. and seeds mango. and nuts grapes. poultry. dried fruits. soy products. and nuts and lemons. dry vegetables carbohydrates beans/peas. pomegranates. kiwi. starchy proteins. honeydew. peaches. pears. and starches. both. eggs. fruits. strawberries Bananas. alone dairy. Acid or sweet apricots. tomatoes Sweet fruit Tomatoes and other can be food groups eaten with low and nonstarchy vegetables and avocado Other food groups Sub-acid fruits Apples. plums. prunes. watermelon Sub-acid fruits. Sub-acid fruit oranges. and protein sesame. starchy can be coconut. avocado. Low and non. and canola oils (Illustration by GGS Information Services/Thomson Gale. peppers. parsley. vegetables pumpkin. Protein. broccoli. yams Fats Fruits and protein Avocado. carrots. his food preferences were formed during hid years of “public eating. flax. onions. he could control what he ate. cauliflower. artichokes. cream. and starches beets.). . green beans. pasta. fruits Avocado olives. vegetables.Food groups Foods Combine with Do not combine Fruits Exceptions Low and nonstarchy vegetables Asparagus. and starches. peas. mushrooms. cucumber. carbohydrates. turnips. celery.”. fats. garlic. lettuce.Protein. carbohydrates fruits and olive. However. Low and nonand starches grains/cereals. zucchini Carbohydrates Bread. eggplant. starchy potatoes. eaten with butter. and fats winter squashes. cabbage. Horace Fletcher. The slowchewing technique became a popular weight-loss method known as “Fletcherism. overweight. the Russian physiologist known for his research involving dogs. Hay wrote that his craving for coffee ended in two weeks. Meat and potatoes were long part of a traditional American meal. with a range of weight-loss solutions proposed during the 1890s. However.” His meal ended with pastries and two to three cups of coffee that he sweetened with sugar and cream. the index rates a person’s weight as healthy. the unit of energy needed to raise the temperature of one liter of water by one degree centigrade at sea level.4 kilograms). Hay’s eating habits weren’t unusual. Americans during the early 1800s tended to eat large meals. but continued to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. . Developing a new diet Hay started his special diet by eliminating two meals and eating only vegetables for the third. underweight. each of Hay’s meals consisted of meat or other concentrated protein. Hay described this meal as the “plain food of the American table. examining those issues from the conventional and alternative perspectives. A nutritional calorie equals 1. he gave up smoking. In addition. Excess weight was regarded as a sign of prosperity.At home. He lost 40 pounds (18. A carbohydrate provide 4 calories of energy per gram. That perspective began to change later in the century. a businessman. KEY TERMS Body Mass Index—Also known as BMI. By the third month. or obese. Hay weighed 175 pounds (79. Several months later. He usually combined this with white bread and generally ate a potato of some form.”. Edward Hooker Dewey’s plan involved skipping breakfast.1 kilograms) by slowly chewing his food until it liquefied. Hay considered that a normal weight. His research included studying the work of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. He spent the next four years researching diet and exercise. it could take 13 hours to digest a mixture of protein and starch. Pavlov’s studies of the digestion process of dogs indicated that it took about two hours to digest starches and four hours to digest proteins.000 calories. created a plan after he couldn’t get life insurance because of his weight. Dr. He then swallowed it. He stopped drinking coffee. Carbohydrate—A nutrient that the body uses as an energy source. Calorie—The nutritional term for a kilocalorie. Hay said that after changing his eating habits that his blood pressure was lower. The Hay diet was credited with curing the doctor. Hay linked the combination of foods to medical conditions like Bright’s disease and diabetes. The Medical . the accumulation of excess acid in body fluids. Hay maintained that the solution was to eat proteins at one meal and carbohydrates at another. Fiber—A complex carbohydrate not digested by the human body. The digestion of proteins involved acid. Obese—A person with a high amount of body fat.Edema—Swelling caused by caused by the buildup of fluid in the body’s tissues. surgery and administering drugs. The wrong combinations “drained vitality” and caused people to gain weight. the condition of someone with a BMI of more than 40. Hay labeled vegetables in the neutral category that could be consumed with either group. and he could run quickly and at a distance. the alkaline process was interrupted by the acid process. He also advocated the daily administration of an enema to cleanse the colon. He pointed out in Health via Food that the book was written 24 years after his bleak diagnosis. Combining incompatible foods caused acidosis. Overweight—A person is too heavy for his or her height. The body uses an alkaline digestive process for carbohydrates. He classified fruits with acids. If carbohydrates and proteins were consumed at the same time. someone with a Body Mass Index of from 25 to 30. Fat—A nutrient that the body uses as an energy source. Proteins produce 4 calories per gram. the group that Hay classified as consisting of starchy foods and sweet things. someone with a Body Mass Index of 30 or higher. Hay introduced his diet in 1911 and spent the rest of his life promoting it. He lectured in the United States and Canada and wrote books. He believed that his eating plan was more beneficial. Morbidly obese—Also known as extremely obese. Hay’s research led to a diet based on the theory that health was affected by the chemical process of digestion. the swelling caused by fluid was gone. He gave up his traditional medical practice. Protein—A nutrient that the body uses as an energy source. Fats produce 9 calories per gram. Plants are the source of fiber. steamed chicory. Dessert was lemon fluff. The dessert was fresh peaches with unsweetened cream. He worked as the medical director of the East Aurora Sun Diet and Health Sanatorium in New York state from 1927 through 1932. and black coffee. pears. and apricots for dessert. Hay concluded that the solution was a lifetime of his diet and a daily enema. and dessert consisted of lemon ice. Description William Howard Hay evaluated health theories and weight-loss methods while developing his plan. and a salad of shredded cabbage. onions. steamed kale. butter. A Saturday plan started with a breakfast of wholewheat muffins. Hay regarded the enema as vital to providing relief to the colon and eliminating the toxins produced by a poor diet. The slow-chewing method could aid in the digestion of incompatible foods in some cases. and a salad of grapefruit and sauerkraut with mayonnaise dressing. steamed carrots. but the process wasn’t effective with foods like cheese. Mayonnaise dressing was allowed. Hay said. steamed celery. Hay used the diet to treats patients at sanatoriums. Dinner was broiled fish or steak. and grapes. The Hay diet menus for the summer included the following meal recommendations:. . In addition to writing diet books. and radishes. Salad was served with mayonnaise dressing. He then founded the Pocono Haven Sanatorium Hotel in Mount Pocono.Millennium was published in 1927. followed by Health via Food in 1929 and A New Health Era in 1939. He pointed out that some patients were constipated for two weeks because of their poor eating habits. Lunch was cream of carrot soup. Lunch was tomato bullion. Bread could be chewed into a liquid. he saw some benefits in Fletcherism. Exercise did not provide the answer. Hay’s eating plan was the forerunner of late 20th century food-combining diet including Stephen’s Twiggs’ Kensington Diet and Judy Mazel’s New Beverly Hills Diet. When he concluded that proper food combination was the solution to improved health. a tomato-and-cucumber salad with mayonnaise dressing. Hay wrote in Health via Food. and a salad of pineapples. steamed cauliflower. Dinner was broiled lamb chops. Pa. a baked onion. He served as its director until he died in a traffic accident in 1940. honey. He pointed out that farmers who were physically active were diagnosed with some of the same conditions that less sedentary people were. • • A Friday plan began with a breakfast of orange juice and milk. haricot beans. Proteins and Neutral Foods may be combined. . bread. and Jerusalem artichokes. fish. and dieters are advised to wait at least four hours before consuming a meal from an incompatible category. Extremely ripe fruit is not allowed because the sugar content is higher. berries. grapefruit. limes. and tangerines. raspberries. cherries. poultry. but combines well with fruit. pinto beans. pumpkins. mangoes. dates. and products made from flour and whole-grains such as wheat. kidney beans. lemons. cream. Melons are in this category but should be consumed separately. The Protein category consists of:. Sweet fruits such as raisins. In this category are apples. grapes. Some versions of the Hay diet recommend eating small portions of proteins. apricots. strawberries. soy beans. Some plans allow alcoholic beverages. cheese. starches. sweet grapes. garbanzo beans (chickpeas). lychees. and yogurt. • • • • • • • • Meat. The diet consists primarily of fruits and vegetables. Starches. oats. margarine. Milk should be avoided with meat. eggs. and Neutral Foods. Beans including lentils. and barley. and lima beans. rice. prunes. corn. and cider In the Neutral Foods category are: All vegetables except those in the Starches category. figs. gooseberries. Beverages in this category are whisky and gin In the “Starches category” are: • • • Cereal. and Neutral Foods may be combined with Starches. The combination of Proteins and Starches should be avoided. and fats. and ripe bananas. and dairy products including milk.The contemporary Hay diet Contemporary versions of the Hay diet no longer recommend a daily enema. The Hay diet meal plan is based on the categories of Proteins. sweet potatoes. egg yolks. white wine. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes. passionfruit. along with the rules about how the foods are combined at mealtime. All nuts except peanuts. guavas. others prohibit processed foods with ingredients such as refined sugar. Fats including butter. The eating plan still follows Hay’s classification of foods into three categories. currants. and white flour. pears pineapples. The majority of fruits. nectarines. There is also an emphasis on eating wholegrain products and unprocessed starches. Beverages allowed are red wine. kiwis. oranges. and olive oil. Benefits Hay wrote in Health via Food that he saw “the comeback of thousands of patients” who followed his regimen. . Those are low-calorie foods that are rich in fiber. Advocates of natural health maintain that the plan reverses conditions such as arthritis. the Hay diet is used as a weight-loss plan by the general public and people interested in alternative treatments. Function Hay created his meal plan to treat medical problems associated with obesity. Those recommendations are also found in the Hay diet. people may miss out on vitamins and nutrients by restricting food groups to one meal per day. arthritis. The Hay diet is also regarded as a natural method for providing relief to people diagnosed with asthma and allergies. Precautions Although there are some nutritional aspects of the Hay diet. In addition. indigestion. He claimed that a change in eating habits rather than medication was beneficial in the treatment of conditions such as cardiac disease. and asthma. Their recommendations call for eating lean meat and poultry that is that is prepared by grilling and baking. In contemporary times. the American Dietetic Association. people should not rely solely on the Hay diet to treat condition such as heart disease. The diet does not include serving sizes and portion control is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy weight. Nutritional guidelines also advocate the consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables. and kidney disorders. The Hay diet features some nutritional principles endorsed by organizations including the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). and flatulence. there are some flaws. Eating high-fiber food produces the sense of fullness more quickly than the consumption of foods with fat does. Whole-grain products also contain fiber. kidney disease. allergies. constipation.• Beverages in this category are beer and ale. People who follow those recommendations and fill up on fruits and vegetables will lose weight. Risks Although the consumption of fruits and vegetables will help to relieve constipation. People diagnosed with those conditions may need medication and should consult their physician before undertaking the Hay diet or any weight-loss plan. and the medical community. Resourcestop BOOKS . grains. his food-combining plan has been criticized over the years. While research proved that Hay was correct about those nutritional. The guidelines prepared by the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services recommended the consumption of a variety of foods within each of the five food groups: fruits. and proteins. They also pointed out that some foods contained both carbohydrates and proteins. However. Information about the plan was posted on several websites in the United Kingdom in the spring of 2007. Eating an assortment of foods was also recommended in Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. General acceptance The Hay diet brought people to sanatorium hotels during the first three decades of the 20th century. It was modified into other food-combining diets towards the end of the century. Critics countered that the human digestive system was able to process the proteins and starches from one meal.Research and general acceptance The Hay diet as designed by the late doctor featured variety within all food groups. Hay’s diet remained popular with natural-health advocates. Contemporary research also showed that eating high-fiber foods helps people to feel full. QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR DOCTOR • • • • • • How much weight do I need to lose? Will the Hay diet’s food-combining rules help me to lose weight more quickly? Does the Hay diet help to improve conditions like diabetes or indigestion? Would any health condition prevent me from starting the Hay diet? Should I avoid certain foods because of medications I’m taking or because of a health condition? What portion sizes do you recommend from each of the food groups? principles. and eating less means that people will lose weight. calcium-rich foods like milk and cheese. vegetables. html> (April 20. (800) 877-1600. “Logic behind call to avoid certain food combinations is faulty. Soil and Health Library. PERIODICALS Blonz. Ed.” The San Diego Union Tribune (Sept. William Howard. 2007).uk/healthnews/hay_diet19991130.S. 2007). 14. Sun-Diet Health Service. http://eatright. U. http://www. .soilandhealth.health. Liz Swain. 120 South Riverside Plaza. http://www. 2005): http://www. 2007).org/02/0201hyglibcat/020165.hay.co. Public domain material. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services.Hay. OTHER Synergy UK Natural Health Directory: Hay Diet.h tml> (April 20.synergyhealth. http://www.signonsandiego. ORGANIZATIONS American Dietetic Association.pdf> (April 20. Suite 2000.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/document> (April 9. Chicago. Health via Food. 2007). IL 60606. 1929.com/uniontrib/20050914/news_lz1f14focus.org>.
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