Hawai Place Names
Hawaiʻi Place NamesHawaiiana / reference "An excellent book for Hawaiʻi's people as well as visitors who want to gain a better understanding of and appreciation for our beaches." Esther Mookini, Hawaiian language scholar and author "John Clark relates fascinating facts and local lore that would otherwise be forgotten. This is local history at its best!" Carol Silva, Hawaiian historical researcher and educator "You never know the true meaning of a name unless you know the moʻolelo, or story, that goes with it." In this latest book, John Clark, author of the highly regarded "Beaches of Hawaiʻi" series, gives us the many captivating stories behind the hundreds of Hawaiʻi place names associated with the ocean—the names of shores, beaches, and other sites where people fish, swim, dive, surf, and paddle. Significant features and landmarks on or near shores, such as fishponds, monuments, shrines, reefs, and small islands, are also included. The names of surfing sites are the most numerous and among the most colorful: from the purely descriptive (Black Rock, Blue Hole) to the humorous (No Can Tell, Pray for Sex). Clark began gathering information for the "Beaches" series in 1972, and during the years that followed interviewed hundreds of informants, many of them native Hawaiians, and consulted dozens of Hawaiian reference books, newspapers, and maps. A significant amount of the oral history he collected was unrecorded and remained only in his notebooks and memory. Hawaiʻi Place Names: Shores, Beaches, and Surf Sites is the final product of those years of research, and like its popular predecessors, it benefits substantially from Clark's having spent a lifetime surfing and swimming Hawaiʻi's beaches. Presented in the same convenient format as Pukui, Elbert, and Mookini's Place Names of Hawaii, this rich compendium of information on Hawaiʻi's surf, shore, and beach sites will satisfy visitors and residents alike. JOHN R. KUKEAKALANI CLARK, a former lifeguard, is deputy fire chief of the Honolulu Fire Department. Cover Photo: Pōhaku Lānaʻi, Haleʻiwa, Oʻahu. Legendary limestone pedestal, or "balancing" rock in Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. Photo © 2001 Mike Waggoner. All rights reserved. Cover design by Santos Barbasa Jr. University of Hawaiʻi Press Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96822-1888 www.uhpress.hawaii.edu HAWAIʻI PLACE NAMES Shores, Beaches, and Surf Sites JOHN R.K CLARK Hawaiʻi Place Names Kailua Beach, Kailua, Oʻahu. North end of Kailua's famous 2.5 mile-long beach. HAWAIʻI PLACE NAMES Shores, Beaches, and Surf Sites JOHN R. K. CLARK UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIʻI PRESS Honolulu © 2002 University of Hawaiʻi Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 07 06 05 04 03 02 6 5 4 3 2 1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Clark, John R. K., 1946Hawaiʻi place names : shores, beaches, and surf sites / John R. K. Clark. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8248-2451-2 (alk. paper) 1. Names, Geographical—Hawaii. 2. Hawaii—Gazetteers. 3. Hawaiian language—Etymology—Names—Dictionaries. 4. Hawaii— History, Local. I. Title. DU622 .C546 2002 919.69'001'4—dc21 University of Hawaiʻi Press books are printed on acidfree paper and meet the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Council on Library Resources. 2001037027 Designed by Santos B. Barbasa All photos © 2001 Mike Waggoner. All rights reserved. Printed by Versa Press, Inc. For my parents, who started me on my journey with a love of the ocean and a Hawaiian sense of place. Aloha ʻia no ka huakaʻi mai ka hikina i Kumukahi i ka welona i Lehua, Hoʻi mai ka manaʻo i na moʻolelo o na pana o ke kai. Beloved is the journey from the sunrise at Kumukahi to the sunset at Lehua, Our thoughts return to the stories of the famous places of the sea. CONTENTS Preface ix ______________ Acknowledgments ______________ Glossary 1 xv ______________ References 401 ______________ PREFACE In 1966 the University of Hawaiʻi Press published the first edition of Place Names of Hawaiʻi. Written by Mary Kawena Pukui and Samuel H. Elbert, it contained 1,125 entries, all of which were place names in the Hawaiian language. In 1974 the press published the second edition by Pukui, Elbert, and Esther T. Moʻokini. It contained some four thousand entries, and this time it included place names in English and other languages. This edition, in the words of the authors, provided "a glossary of important place names in the State, including names of valleys, streams, mountains, land sections, surfing areas, towns, villages, and Honolulu streets and buildings." During the years that have followed its publication, the second edition of Place Names of Hawaiʻi has become a standard reference in the literature of Hawaiʻi. In May 1972, I began gathering information for a book that I had decided to write about Oʻahu's beaches. My idea was to identify every beach on the island and describe its physical characteristics, including its dangers, its use as a recreational resource, and its value as a historic and cultural site. As a result, the University of Hawaiʻi Press published The Beaches of Oʻahu in 1977, The Beaches of Maui County in 1980, Beaches of the Big Island in 1985, Beaches of Kauaʻi and Niʻihau in 1990, and Hawaiʻi's Best Beaches in 1999. My original idea for a book on Oʻahu's beaches evolved into the beaches of Hawaiʻi series that inventories and describes every beach in the Hawaiian Islands. During the course of writing these books, I interviewed hundreds of informants to gather information, many of whom were native Hawaiians. I soon realized that many of the place names I was collecting were not in standard references such as Place Names of Hawaiʻi and that much of the anecdotal information I was being given to describe the shores and beaches was not recorded. In an effort to preserve some of this information, I put as much as I thought appropriate into the beaches of Hawaiʻi books, but a significant amount still remained only in my notebooks and in my memory. I have always thought that the glossary approach in Place Names of Hawaiʻi is a good format for presenting and consolidating large amounts of diverse information, so in 1998 I asked the University of Hawaiʻi Press if they would be interested in a shores and beaches supplement to Place Names of Hawaiʻi. In it I proposed to include all of the information that I have gathered from researching the beaches of Hawaiʻi series and from spending a lifetime swimming and surfing on Hawaiʻi's beaches. They agreed, and the result is this volume, Hawaiʻi Place Names: Shores, Beaches, and Surf Sites. During the last century, more new place names were added to Hawaiʻi's collective body of place names than at any other time in the postcontact period—the period beginning in 1778, the year of Captain Cook's arrival. The twentieth century was a time of phenomenal growth in population and infrastructure in the Hawaiian Islands. Streets, subdivisions, homes, hotels, condominiums, office buildings, boat ramps, harbors, military bases, pineapple canneries, sugar mills, and myriad other structures built across the Islands made lasting marks on the land and gave us thousands of place names. Street names on the island of Oʻahu alone now number over seven thousand. All of these land-based names have been recorded in telephone books, maps, magazines, newspapers, construction plans, land sale contracts, and other similar documents. In addition, the use of computers and the development of the Internet have revolutionized record keeping and made records and names accessible to everyone. At the same time that Hawaiʻi experienced its explosive growth of population and infrastructure on land, an equally explosive growth took place in the ocean. The Hawaiian Islands offer almost every type of ocean recreation activity in the world, so new residents and visitors followed the Hawaiians into the ocean. Hawaiʻi saw the rise of swimming and the rebirth of surfing in the early 1900s, the development of outrigger canoe racing in the 1930s, the introduction of scuba diving and the rise of body-surfing during the 1950s, the international explosion of surfing in the 1960s with the introduction of mass-produced foam surf- boards, the rise of the spin-off sports of bodyboarding and wind-surfing in the 1970s, and the introduction of extreme, or tow-in, surfing and kite surfing in the 1990s. These activities and many more spawned an ocean recreation industry that is a significant source of revenue in the state and that has contributed thousands of new place names. The place names on our shores and beaches, however, have been largely unrecorded, historians having judged them colorful but ephemeral. It is true that many names of ocean recreation sites are short-lived, especially those introduced by commercial tour operators who may be in business only a short time. They introduce names that they believe will have commercial advertising value—names that will attract customers—and often only their company uses these names. During the past twenty-five years, for example, "turtle" names have proliferated, the assumption being that visitors want to swim with turtles when they snorkel and scuba dive. Yet in spite of the constant inundation of ephemeral and esoteric names, many place names on our shores and beaches have survived the test of time. They have passed from one generation to the next and from one user group to another. These are names that I have attempted to record. The 2,500 entries in this book are names that are associated with the ocean. They are the names of shores, the lands at the edge of the ocean; the names of beaches, the dynamic sites on the shores that are composed of loosely consolidated material such as sand, cinder, or pebbles; and of the names of sites on or near the shores and beaches where people practice recreational and subsistence activities such as beachcombing, bodyboarding, body-surfing, boating, fishing (pole, spear, surround net, and throw net), gathering (seaweed, sea cucumbers, sea anemone, shellfish, salt, and sea urchins), kayaking, paddling, sailing, scuba diving, skimming, snorkeling, surfing, swimming, waterskiing, and wind-surfing. The entries are also the names of significant features or landmarks on or near the shores such as fishponds, monuments, navigational lights, and shrines, in addition to significant sites off-shore such as buoys, channels, reefs, rocks, and small islands. Entries that include two or more sites with the same name are listed alphabetically by island, and if the sites with the same name are on the same island, they are listed alphabetically by district. Surfing sites, with over six hundred entries, comprise the largest single group of shore and beach place names. Surfers and other wave riders, including bodyboarders, bodysurfers, and windsurfers, are always looking for new, uncrowded sites, so many of the English entries reflect the sport and its culture as new sites are named. Surfers, like fishermen, name sites for the landmarks they use to triangulate their spots, typically a house or some other feature on the beach. Brown's, Horner's, Fujioka's, Kamisugi's, Paty's, and Ruddle's are sites that are or were off someone's home. Iron Bridge, Lighthouse, Pillboxes, Pinetrees, and Shipwrecks are sites named after features onshore. Other site names suggest the dangers of the sport, such as Gas Chambers, Impossibles, Insanities, Razors, and Suicides; describe wave characteristics, such as Infinities, Pipeline, Pounders, and Wrap Arounds; identify geographical features, such as Black Rock, Blue Hole, and Rocky Point; and show humor, such as Dog Bowls, No Can Tell, and Pray for Sex. During the 1980s, younger surfers began modifying many of the existing place names by shortening and pluralizing them. The trend continued through the 1990s, so many names today are abbreviated versions of former names, and almost all of them end with an s. Ala Moana Bowl is Bowls, China Wall is Chinas, and Sandy Beach is Sandys. During the last century. that goes with it. and like the culture they are dynamic and subject to change no matter how established or traditional they are. Collecting moʻolelo. especially as the number of native Hawaiian speakers—individuals raised in Hawaiian-speaking families—has significantly decreased. on Tshirts. Secondary site names do not get the publicity that primary sites do. each of them may have a different name for the site and each group will think that theirs is the correct name. and as the language of our daily activities. in books. and understand the story behind its name. Anyone can take a Hawaiian place name. all you really have is an educated guess. University of Hawaiʻi Press. or even a misspelling of the original name. Entries without translations are those that are too obscure for even an educated guess. Place names are a reflection of culture and history. a shortened form of the original name. and make an attempt at a literal translation. or other valid sources are prefaced by the word perhaps to indicate that they are educated guesses made by contemporary Hawaiian linguists. In the interest of preserving Hawaiian place names. They are a reflection of the who. so they often have more than one name. It gives us a sense of ownership. land court documents. The number of names they have depends on how many different groups use the sites and how much interaction there is between the groups. event promoters use them as venues for competitive events. the Hawaiian Dictionary (Pukui and Elbert. Hawaiian translations in the text that are not from references such as Place Names of Hawaiʻi. Without the moʻolelo. is an exciting pursuit. especially our surfing and diving sites. what. and I have tried to learn the stories behind every place name—whether of Hawaiian. Today many of our shores and beaches have English names. and so on. it is the dominant language of our new place names and modern moʻolelo. 1986). and I cross-referenced it with all of the variant names. English. and while some of these names may not be familiar to everyone. Naming a site or knowing its name is important for most of us. tradition. Translations of these names should be left to the families who have these names. One of the important rules about place names in the Hawaiian language is that you never know the true meaning of a name unless you know the moʻolelo. secondary or lesser-used sites often have more than one name. and why at the time they were given. and by the media. or legend behind the name. if I knew the Hawaiian name for a site. then we are part of the place. We feel like we belong there. or story. I included it whether it is in use or not. If we use a place. separate it into its component parts. they are names that are in use by at least one generation or user group. Other entries without translations are surnames. old books. while primary or more frequented sites usually have one popular name that is known to everyone. English is the common denominator of culture in Hawaiʻi today. where. Primary place names are reinforced to all of us on signs. ancient and modern. All of the names in this book are connected to exact sites.One of the challenges in collecting Hawaiian place names is that thousands of them are found in legends and other accounts in Hawaiian language newspapers. the influence of English on our shores and beaches was considerable and many Hawaiian place names were replaced. know its name. we do not know if a place name is a proper name. a geographical feature. but many of them are not connected to an exact site. I have always kept the moʻolelo rule in mind. and government agencies turn them into parks. with one exception. or other origin. In general. when. but unless you know the original story. a reflection of us. . If there is no interaction between the user groups. As I have gathered information over the years. Guidebooks and literature for tourists identify popular places. and surf sites. Ronnie Aikala. They kindly answered my questions and contributed invaluable information to the entries in the book. On our shores and beaches. Mahi Beans Beans Bechert. All of them graciously shared the stories of their places with me and made this book possible. Don . Ann Bacon. Henry Avant. Nick Beck. Charles Aikau. Nat Bass. that meet our individual needs. a small token of my appreciation. John Akau. Francis Aiu. Clyde Aikau. Arine. however. The entries span a period of approximately a hundred years—the twentieth century. Doug Beck. Doug Ah Sam. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The real history of a place can only be found in the stories of its people. place names identify localities that are significant resources. Ernie Akana. Torako Armitage. Solomon Aila. These are the places that have value for us. and the oldest of my informants was born in 1887. Steven Bieber. Beaches. beaches. corrections. Ackerman. which follow. we name the places that we want to go back to. Although many of these sites are in the ocean. and this shows clearly in the information provided by the informants. I interviewed over nine hundred people as I gathered information about Hawaiʻi's shores. Elizabeth Beck. Stella Akana. Everyone whose name I was able to record is listed below. but whether they identify primary or secondary sites. Jr. Wiley Avishham. Maui News From 1972 to 2001. In general. Brant Ackerman. Dave Bethel. James Kahea Berkemeyer. Inez Auhoy. I began interviewing people in 1972. our needs today are primarily for recreational activities and secondarily for subsistence activities. —Ron Youngblood. Most of the informants I interviewed over the years are identified in the acknowledgments. Bill. I assume complete responsibility. I will address them along with my own revisions in the next edition of Hawaiʻi Place Names: Shores. Alex Beck. they are still just as important as golf courses. The last hundred years have been a time of major transition for the Hawaiian Islands. Jimmy Bacon. Dottie Awai. and they should be recognized for their value as resource sites. Fanny Auwae. or comments. changes. and Surf Sites. Ken Ashdown. soccer fields. for any errors or oversights and invite the reader to contact me by mail or email through the University of Hawaiʻi Press with any additions. William Aiu.In addition to reflecting culture. place names recognize value. William Beckley. Betty Asano. Bill Beamer. or gardens on land. Suzanne Bond. Bob Barnes. Glenda Birnie.Akeo. Eve Anderson. Ian Bishop. Bruce Clark. Patty Ching. Ronald Brady. Dougie Davidson. Irmgard Anderson. Hattie Donohugh. Mozelle Apo. Jr. Dave Clark. George Chu. Duane Blaich. Johanna Davidson. Aaron Alford. Craig Bowman. Beryl Blaich. Kent Brown. Jr. Edean Diffenderfer. Henrietta Bacon. Ken Baird. Michael Clissold. Pierre Bowman. Gary Blakemore. Edean Barnes. Joe Brennecke. Agnes Clark. Don Doty. Aileen Brown. Harold Akina. Elizabeth Bowman. Charlie Akiyama. Danny Black. Emma Akuna. Robin Boshard. Joseph Angel. Henry Bartram. Adam Baker. Val. Bud Downing. George Dowsett. Nancie Chang. Mary . Paul Blanchard. Pearl Dodge. Peter Baker. Steven Desha. Preston Barnett-Sallee. Jean Bredin. Mike Dinson. Abraham Alapai. Floyd Christian. Edgar Davis. Barlow Chun. Jean Clark. Carlos Andrews. Harriet Clemens. Jack Bregman. Paul Bieber. Pat Bail. Deborah Chang. Alan Davis. Lani Bowman. Linda Bailey. Kenneth Choquette. Elden Char. Carol Dowsett. Adolph "Swede" Desha. Kelii Brown. A. Yan Hoon Clarey. Winifred Boyd. Shorty Chung. Pierre Bowman. Gerald Ako. Dorothy Barrett. Sue Dawson. Wayne Ching. Eddie Chang. Reid Andrade. Andre Derby. Ben Blankenfeld. Domingo. Barry Blomfield. Chris Brown. Emily Kainanui Blanchard. Mae Boynton. Chong Kee. Betty Ann Barrère. Puna Delos Santos. Henry Bland. Bernie Balazs. Bruce Blomfield. Tinker Bollin. Henry Bouret. David Duarte. Alex Akina. Ron Brennan. Charlie Bailey. Jose Angel. Alexander Brown. Grant Cluney. Lisa Choy. George Barnes. John Aluli. Wade Doyle. David Bradbury. Agnes Christenson. Robert. Kolohe Blomfield. Jamie Davis. Marvin Brenner. Allen Cornuelle. Francine Dunford. Rex Ellis. Moana Dudoit. Mark Bumatay. John Campbell. Woody Brown. Buck. John Greenwell. Bill Enos. Edna Ettinger. Paul Chang. Reginald Conrad. Yaichiro Hoshijo. Raul Farden. John Hooper. John Fleming. Jean Cauldwell. Blake Busby. Bob Carter. Floyd Hoopii. Jeff Coakley. Arthur Howard. Doug Hoopii. Meredith Fernandez. David Crusat. Del Eberle. Kona Hoshiko. Lucy Farm. Lani Cockett. Ruth Cole. Mark Collins. Eric Dairo. David Cowan. John Cates. Gail Cachola. Don Hosaka. Fred Cambra. Jr. Pardee Estrellas. Jay-nyn Cunha. Brian Coakley. Edwin H. Chris Cook. John Dudoit. Barbara Bryan.. Tom Evensen. Mark Curtis. Richard Cowden. Bobby Cauldwell. Timothy Brown. George "Peppy" Cooke. Kellen Dungate. Kenneth English. Valentine Dunbar. Terry Carper. Joseph Enoka. Irma Cunningham. Jean Graham. James Durkin. Ruby Erdman. Loretta Dudoit. Beverly Farr. Albert Fiene-Severns. Keoni Fairfull. Dale Hosaka. John Carr. George Farr. Howie Howard. Dougie Carroll. Tom Falau. Jean Greenwell. Roy Dudoit. Marc Greenwell. Jeanette . Sonja Fairbanks. Elizabeth Emmons. Zadock Bruce. Agnes Damron. Agnes Cook. Wayne Greenwell. Jackie Elliott. Lei Colotario. Richard "Ditto" Cowan. Bruce Griffey. David Butchart. Robert Brundage. Charles Butchart. Norman Greenwood. James Kimo Cano. Charlie Cox. Lloyd Cater. Sonny Hope. Edward Burley. Keith Cauldwell. Tessa Dykes. Betsy Curtis. Peter Dunn. Kippy Duncan. Brian Emory. Frank Cooke.Brown. Roy Green. Pauline Fink. Pat Dye. Bill Grace. Pat Corell. Peter Coleman. Alan Greenwell. Minnie Kaden. Bob Kaeo. Ivan Harris. Ellen Funai. Reid Isaacs. Heather Foster. David Fleming. Pauline Kahana. John Frias. Paul Getzner. Alice Hapai. Jeanette Foti. Kurt Hillen. Virginia Gomez. Annie Hookala. Scott Hoeppner. Destry Forrest. Guy Fukunaga. Manuel Jahrling. Mona . Todd Ishikawa. Lou Iaea. Kent Hanson. Michael Goldstein. Greg Inenaga. Yvette Jackson. Kaipo Hoddick. Hamasaki. Elton Gaffney. Tommy Holt. Bill Johnson. Tadashi Fullard-Leo. Tom Frederick. Paul Frazier. Goro Fujio. Chris Gaudet. Donna Gardner. James Flores. Henry Gordon. Mark Frazier. Jackson "Chip" Harvey-Hall. Dennis Griffin. Teene Froiseth. Kevin Johnson. Aloha Kaeo. Henrietta Holt. Bill Guerrero. James Hong. Sid Gilman. Philip Gayner. Atherton Gleason. Robert. Gerald Inouye. Patricia Hapai.Fleming. Steve Holmes. Anna May Kaawaloa. Mike Gorst. Alan Hookala. Carroll Hoeppner. Stephen Johnston. Jim Hubbard. Fred. Louis Huddy. Aka Hodgins. Fred Hendricks. Alice Johnson. January Kahele. Anthony Ho. Illinois Isayama. Rachael Johnson. Ho. Gilbert Kahele. Roger Hartman. Bernadette Ho. Pete Gaudet. Michael Gouveia. Howard Hodgins. Barbie Helms. June Haley. Thurston Hind. Bill Goto. Jr. Vicki Gerard. Kaniu Harada. Daniel Howe. Larry Johns. Bulla Ikeda. Mike Joao. Dave Gulick. Bill Hoepfl. Norman Johnson. J. Mark Hoffman. Chuck Johnson. Paul Kaaiea. James Holmes. Jr. Harry Ho. Garner Jackman. Mike Furutani. Brian Furukawa. David Hemmings. Wally Fujikawa. Kathy Froiseth. Robert Jewett. Hugh Gutmanis. Don Grout. Skipper Fortner. Hartman Jardin. Frank Jensen. Pete Herrman. John Kaanehe. Bill Huntley. Rick Garcia. Ralph Gough. Wade Ivey. Karen Gleason. John Fragale. Pilali Johnson. Eugene Ku. Momi Keaulana. Lani Kapuniai. Kinney Lovell. Glenn Lutkenhouse. John Lyman. Jack Lee. Herbert. John Kalima. Joe Kuloloio. Mary Kaluahine. Paula Lopes. Elvin Kamoku. Michael Lee. Steve Kon. Jimmy Lucas. Jane Littlejohn. Arthur Lyman. George Kuala. Bruce Lee. Ivar "Little Joe" Kalama. Dallas Kalili. David Kuramoto. Martha Keliiliki. Makahiwa Lucas. Hans Louie. Clyde Kaleikini. Rachel Lee. Jr. Jacob. Bill Kimak. Abraham Lovell. Bertram Mahoe. Mark Mahaulu. James Kalua. Dan Luuwai. Rick Kin In. John Kelly. Colette Machida. Robbie Logan. Kent Kamaka. Aileen MacPherson. Louis . Sol Kaowili. Marion Kenn. Alice Makaiwa Lum. Steven Kapuni. Lucy Kaopuiki. Ben Lani. Greg Kekona. Peter Kauahikaua. Gordon. Kalepa. Annabel Lipp. Herbie Kohn. John Lindsey. Leroy Kelly. Charles Kalama. Curt Lum. Barbara Lyman. Kamano. Kaha'i Loomis. Keoni Kliks. Gary Lum King. Bucky Kini. Sr. Kam. Michael MacPherson. Red Kaokai. Mike Kamisugi. Harold Kanahele. Sam Lee. David Kamakeeaina. Dwayne Kanuha. Rodney Kaimikaua. Virginia Machado. Leslie Kupele. Helen Keoho. Danny Lyman.Kahoohanohano. Eddie L'Orange. Clorinda Lucas. Larry Keaulana. Sr. Daniel Kau. Michael Magelssen. Charles Kenolio. Stephen Lightfoot. Bobby Lind. Tim Lum. Haywood Kalua. Whitey Kaido. Wally Kaona. George Kerr. Jay Lambert. Russell Lambert. Richard "Buffalo" Kikuchi. Chris Kaipo. Henry Lung. Pualani Kanuha. Wayne Lua. Charles Lake. Lorre Lui-Kwan. Art Kamoku. Sid Kino. Kimo MacDonald. Helen Lauer. Hazel Kekipi. John Kaona. Archie Kalepa. Steve Lane. Michael Knudsen. Ha'aheo Logan. Pualani Kainard. Lydia Kaopuiki. Brian Keaulana. George MacPherson. Muriel Pavcek. Ann Ke. Richard Matney. Haunani Olds. Annette Orr. Ella Olsen. Calvin McGregor. Vance Paakonia. Norberto Paty. Sarah Moore. Scott Moniz. Dennis Maio. Leinaala Lee Loy. Willy Kawamoto. Joe Motteler. Michael Munro. Harold Moncrief. Herman Paauhau. Heidi Meheula. Mo Maynard. Bill Morris. Stanford Morris. Marie Olsen. Harold Matthew. Kiyoshi Orcutt. Daniel McShane. Curtin Lett. B'Gay Matthews. Kenny Oliveira. Nancy Myers. David Maliikapu. Barbara "Bobbie" Meheula. Bill Paty. Kauluokala Kauwe. Moses Malo. Greg Matsuura. Mike Marsteller. Clarence "Mac" Maki. Dick Nakahara. Sidney Nakama. R. Noah . Kaimi Manantan. Keo Nakoa. Mark Manner. Francis Kauhane. Clarence Murphy. Rachael Naone. Samuel Lelepali. Teddi Murata. Sherwood McCloskey. Jeff Morgan. Charles Panui. Ed McGregor. Robert Manley. Paul Lightfoot. Lillian Padeken. J. Gwen Moana Leser. Winona Liebke. Charles Myers. Rawlins "Sonny" Kaupiko. Solomon Mahoney. Michael Palumbo. Amy Myers. Rick McClure. Eugene Kaupiko. Hector Mur.Kauwe. Turner Levy. J. Claude Morelock. Russ Moses. Alapai Keawe. Pili Lee Loy. Noel Martinez. Mundon. Russell Moore. Kala Keakealani. Marshall Manner. Richard Olds. Chuck McGrath. Marion Lee Loy. Keith McConkey. Willy Onuma. Howard Okita. Daniel Marvin. Elroy Makia Mamuad. Masa Oshiro. Johnny Meeker. "Mac" McCrary. Craig Matthews. Kula Kauhane. Marsue Medeiros. Arthur Leong. Rose Leong. Max Moon. John Owen. Mildred Markrich. Henry Maki. Randy Pavao. Don Mossman. James Morinaka. Ann Martin. Lee S. Annie Orr. David Pegeder. Dionne Pekelo. William Pascua. John Moody. Joe Pedro. George Padeken. Blakey Mahoe. Ralph Moir. John. Lowrey Preece. Henry Profilet. Ann Marie Nottage. Tony Shepard. Jimmy Renner. Allan Sutherland. Kalaʻi Mills. Ben Nihipali. Ida Nihipali. Anson Reid. Larry Rice. Bernard Pupule. Henry Penhallow. Jerry Shindo. Luika Perry. Jerome OʻBrian. Bob Moncrief. Joe Sylva. Karen Swapp. Robert Schultz. Billy Schoenstein. Dodie Nihipali. Mitchell. Francis Shigeta. Terry Okawa. Donald Kilolani Mitsumura. Ilima Piianaia. Fred Sutton. Rob Napoka. Jr. Ben Naughton. Chris Miyao. Susan Puleloa. Leo Pua. Albert Shimizu. Moncrief. Nathan Nary. Chester Shigeoka. Rose Poepoe. Barbara "Bobbee" Mills. Richard Pereira. Bolo Miller. Nancy Pfund. Roy Meyers. Randy Rath. Jock Sutter. Earl Nonaka. Audrey Sutherland. Norman Pili. Tom Ogata. Danny OʻBrian. Richard Mikasobe. John Neill. William Mesker. Alika Neill. Larry Niino. Ted Michaelson. Atherton Rietow. Geoff Midgett. Alex Miller. Joe Minvielle. Robert Raymond. Paul Shimoda. Bill Punikaia. Tim Ramos. Char . Dwight Pelekai. Bernice Rapoza. Alan Robello. Mary Pfluger. Glen Moberly. Stanley Schmidt. Edmund Petro. Barbara Sherman Cheryl Shigeoka. Jerry Nishikawa. Stanley Rego. Gary Shipley. Janet Requilman. E. Kimberly Mikami Swanson. Roy Nishida. Arthur Richards. Richard Takahashi.Meheula. James Sutherland. Meli Pili. David Rarick. Kalehua Meheula. Pat Piianaia. Lucy Milikan. Sue Svetin. Thomas Pestana. Jackie Rath. Roy OʻHalloran. Jean Nishihira. A. Titai Pfluger. Richard "Black" Perry. Mac Power. Florence Seddon. Mel Norton. Joaquin Phillips. Rene Sylva. "Toots". Wylie Swezey. Jr. Caroline Neves. David Nozawa. Gavin Sutherland. Sybil Scholtz. Jack Silva. Sarah Rhodes. Ed Simeona. Joe Tojio. Sara Thronas. Teruo Uno. Bill Sproat. Yasukei Uchimura.R. Alfred Solomon. John. Curt Santos. Robert Simeona. Lori Sadowski. Lui Sallee. Roy Toms. Wayne Sox. Mike Takamoto. Robert Thompson. Jon Williams. William Taylor. Henry Thurston. John Sadowski. Don Walker. Richard Scelsa. Harriett Sallee. Kevin Tom Richard Tomita. Kathy Wagner. Steve Smythe. Tommy Rocheleau.Roberson. Eric Schmitt. Michael Tracy. Kerry Tester. Sr. Violet Sasaki. Summers. Glenn Sawyer. Vernon Teller. Wesley Terukina. Kale Smith. Annie Ryan. Kenny Ryan. John Roblin. Ralph Samala. Palani Souza. Arthur Suganuma. Robert Silva. Gary Sanburn. Keith Thomas. Hamilton Rodrigues. Leighton Taylor. Donald Tamura. Jr. Ann . Bob Rodrigues. Kenneth Silva. Herbert Santos. Catherine Summers. Robert E. May Cunha Rothstein. Pilipo Springer. Larry Sato. Clyde Sproat. Tom Stone. Theodore Tsark. Dale Sproat. George Smith. Jimmy Tanoura. Russell. Chuck Smith. Dane Silva. Joe Ross. L. George Tanabe. Mrs. Ron Walker. Bud Schatteuer. George Schimmelfenning. Tom Stubenberg. Lani Tsutsumi. Jr. Helen Tongg. Howard Takayama. Warren Tsuji. Christine Takata. Sanford Smith. Thelma Sproat. Andy Smith. Robert Takata. Bruno Samura.. David Stapleton. Maili Sizemore. Suzanne Teraoka. Tommy Soria. William Stevens. Donald Uchimura. Donna Willars. Francis Solomon. Takume Tannehill. Larry. Steve Rust. David Springer. Frankie Stephenson. Jackie Simmons. Colin Rodrigues. Steve Wilmington. Robert Tiepel. Rosa. Harry B. Souza. Clyde Sasaki. Skip Trent. Mary Takahashi. Clyde Tom. Chad Schladermundt. George Tanemoto. Jerry Rowland. Nelson Tsuneishi. Tim Sablas. Grant Tavares. Kamakani Souza. Emily Vogt. I would like to thank my family and friends for their support during the compilation of this book and the years of research that contributed to it. Attilio Logan. George Clark. Cline Mookini. Danny Woods. Rosalynn Picadura. Bill Ursal. Greg Bartram. George Vasconcellos. Dale Ventura. Carol Wilcox. Eric Wagner. Aaron Young. Masako Leonardi. Linda Moriarty. Ben Ushio. Martha Yonover. Dwayna Logan. Megan Warrington. Carol Smith. Mary Mowat. Christine Yamada. Janyce Bowen. Debbie Finally.Upchurch. Ester "Kiki" Moriarty. Ambrose. Debbie Webb. John Watson. Jason Clark. William Higdon. J. Kathy Longstaff. Alice Stanley. Bo Tsukazaki. Farley Waterhouse. Mike Werjefelt. Adrian Weir. Mary Whitney. Gayla Mowat. Dennis Hamilton. Bridget Mowat. Richard Mace. Robbie Silva. Stephen Youngblood. Jeff Walsh. Randy White. Nakoolani Watanabe. Val Valier. Julie Ushio. John Wilson. Peter Walker. Piilani Hakes. Betty Young.B. Alan "Soupy" Chip. Mel Victor. Charles Wirtz. Bob Valentine. Angeline Vierra. Kainoa Makua. Bill Vogt. Ron Ziemke. Wilson. Kalani Young. David Wayman. Elmer Winsley. Kalele Longstaff. Ronald Wallace. Paul Blair. Harry Stanley. C. Harry James Perez. Sam Waggoner. Sai Ushio. Kathy Van Gieson. Francis Ward. Joe Wietecha. Hannah Moriarty. Graley Velzy. Carter Desha. Daryl Pierceall. Katheryn Kekapa Wayman. Irene Wessel. Mike Rath. Riley Soria. Reuben Clark. Andrea Woolaway. Betty Campbell. Nelson Mann. Dahlia Villa. Dan Moriarty. Lei Clark. Cable Wong. Tom Yent. Macy Yee. Robert Young. Gordon Vincent. Barney Wilcox. Donald Moriarty. Ross Makua. Christian Wessel. Bill Mowat. Koji Clark. Brady . Mickey Wagenman. Alexis Ikeda. Sachi Davis. William Waddoups. George Winstedt. John Bushnell. Larry Tannehill. Maui. Kahakuloa. on to and past Launiupoko. In surfing. ʻAʻawa Iki. Lit. on to and past Awalua. Mākena. Pat Leilani GLOSSARY AA AA Buoy. Pālima Point. Maui. Fish aggregating device. Pualewa gives a series of Maui shore place names.. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Rodney Young. 40 feet high). Name of a wind. Kamaʻalaea. He [ʻEleʻio] exerted himself and ran past Ukumehame. Kahakuloa.9 acres. Leatherman. edition of the Hawaiian language newspaper Ka Nūpepa Kūʻokoʻa. ʻAʻawa Nui. Acid Drop. while describing how ʻEleʻio ran from the ghost ʻAʻahualiʻi: "Thus they ran until they passed Wailuku. Maui. ʻAʻalaloloa. the cliff of ʻAalaloloa. wrasse fish. ʻAʻawa. Stephen Mowat. Surf site. Landmarks: Kokole Point. Karl Ortiz. A Buoy. Island (." Also known as Lahaina Pali. Named in 1968 by a surfer from Poʻipū who was into the psychedelic lifestyle of the day.. The surf site is on the reef off ʻAnae-hoʻomalu Point at the north end of the bay. on to and past Kulanaokalaʻi. Fish aggregating device. Buoy anchored at approximately 900 fathoms. John C. Diane "Ting" Pedro. A-Bay. and on to Wainanukole. Sea cliffs. 1863. Island (. Pāpalaua. and Makahūʻena Point Light. There ʻAʻahualiʻi almost caught up with him.. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. on to and past Olowalu. The name is a play on the word drop. Maui. N. In telling the legend of ʻEleʻio." or taking lysergic acid diethylamide . Poʻipū. Hawaiʻi. Surf site. At Nahuna Point.35 acres. Stuart Lane. and at the time this name was given. Hanapēpē Buoy Light. Steep wave that breaks on a shallow reef. the north point of Mākena Bay. large wrasse fish. including the name of the cliffs. the drop is the travel distance from the takeoff to the bottom of the wave. The cliffs are named in the September 5. Landmarks: South Point. writer W. Fishing site.Kiang. South Point. and down the incline of Papalaau [sic]. A-Bay is an abbreviation of ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. Kauaʻi. Buoy anchored at approximately 960 fathoms. 40 feet high). small wrasse fish. Port Allen. Lit. "dropping acid. Kauaʻi. " After awhile the name spread. I started surfing other places and started meeting other surfers. so I started surfing the breaks out there with them. Mākena. so one day after we rode it big. it gets really mean. was a popular psychedelic phrase. a brackish pool warmed by a thermal spring. Part of the ʻAhihi-Kinaʻu Natural Area Reserve. I applied. D. and the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V. the Legion of Merit." He was also an active community leader in Honolulu. Established in 1973 by the State Board of Land and Natural Resources. the peak is steep and really throws out. and named for Admiral Bernard "Chick" Clarey (1912-1996). The 4.S.700-foot-long bridge that joins Ford Island in Pearl Harbor with Makalapa on the shore of Oʻahu. I lived in Kekaha and decided to take up surfing. an illegal hallucinatory drug. Navy's most highly decorated officers. Also known as Alan Davis. Davis' home on Kalama Stream was near the surf site. Bridge. Āhole. and he was into the psychedelic lifestyle of the sixties. snorkeling site. the reserve includes (1) the lava flows forming Cape Kinaʻu and their developing dryland vegetation. When it's over 6 feet. When you take off.S. the owner of Wāwāmalu Ranch from 1932 to 1946.15 acres. Then a south swell hit and it got big. Gaylord and Mike. Clarey was one of the U. with three Navy Crosses. 2000 Admiral Clarey. D. Steven Bethel. 40 feet high). Ahelu. ʻAhihi-Kinaʻu. are the initials of Alan Davis. the Silver Star. Maui. Two guys that I became good friends with. Left Point. See Hot Pond. Island (. A. Beach. and the rest of the guys on Kauaʻi started calling it Acid Drop. We should call it 'Acid Drop'. A.A. Surfers in the 1960s believed that the drop here was comparable to that at Sunset on Oʻahu. It was dedicated on April 15. Surf site. Waiheʻe. 1998. Maui. but no one ever surfed it. When it gets bigger. Section of beach near the mouth of Waiheʻe Stream. So an acid drop would be an extremely steep drop. "You know that drop—it's like taking acid. ʻAhihi Bay. U. Mākena. Oʻahu. Pearl Harbor. five Distinguished Service Medals. (2) an inshore marine eco-system. and it can get pretty scary on the takeoffs because it's so shallow. lived at Poʻipū in a house near Spouting Horn. and (3) the mixohaline ponds. moʻolelo I was living in L. after I was discharged from the navy. Dive site. As I got better. Ahalanui. Fishing site. That was the summer of '68. Maui. We could see Acid Drop from their house. he said. Site of Hot Pond. Adult Hawaiian flagtail fish (Kuhlia sandvicensis). I started at the small breaks right in front of Kekaha and actually learned to surf pretty quickly. One day we decided to try it and ended up surfing it almost every day for about two weeks on the usual small waves. Oʻahu. Pacific Fleet. the drop is vertical and you can see the bottom.'s. Section of Kamākaʻipō Beach that was a thrownet . Kamākaʻipō. The park is in the land division of Ahalanui. got the job. Pohoiki. Consumptive activities are prohibited on the lands and in the waters of the reserve. Natural area reserve. Also known as Ford Island Bridge. Maui. Mike was from the mainland. and moved to Kauaʻi in May 1968. and I heard about a job for an air traffic controller at Barking Sands. October 25. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi Kai. Kīpahulu. Molokaʻi. a former commander-in-chief.(LSD). Āholehole Flats. Beach park (6 acres). Ahuʻena. it is a popular picnic and recreation site for boaters in Kāneʻohe Bay. Remnant of the large reef that was dredged during the 1940s during the construction of the seaplane runways in Keʻehi Lagoon and at ʻĀhua Point. Shrine fronting Kamakahonu Beach that was part of King Kamehameha Iʻs royal residence until his death in 1819. both constructed of rocks. Kahoʻolawe. Bay. On March 17.9 acres)... filled in the 1970s to accommodate the Reef Run-way. Heiau. of Ahupū. The dive site is off the park and is used for beginning divers.. 1978. Hawaiʻi. he was a crew-member on the Hawaiian sailing canoe Hokuleʻa when it swamped at sea in the Molokaʻi Channel.site for āholehole. northwest shore. Ahukini Terminal Company constructed a 300-foot pier and breakwater and dredged a turning basin. altar [for] many [blessings] or many altars. āhole sled ramp. Lit. The facilities at Ahukini were abandoned by 1950. Lit. and in 1978 the state converted the landing into a park. State recreation area (20 acres). small Ahupū (heap together). Oʻahu. Ahupū Iki. Oʻahu. ʻĀhua. Best-preserved sled ramp (hōlua) in Hawaiʻi. Lit. Historic site. Bay. West of Hickam Harbor and off Fort Kamehameha housing. Plaque at Waimea Bay for Eddie Aikau (1946-1978). Hawaiʻi. 1998. red-hot heap. Ahu o Laka. The narrow. state recreation pier (. Island (3. Ahupū. Oʻahu. ʻAiea Bay. Park on the shore of East Loch. the Nothocestrum tree.. northwest shore. Lit. Hawaiians covered the surface of the ramp with pili grass and kukui nut oil and then rode down it toward the ocean on narrow sleds with hardwood runners. Sheltered bay that falls within the coastal boundaries of the ʻili. Aikau was a veteran big-wave surfer and lifeguard at Waimea. on the shore of Puʻu Hinahina Bay. Lit. Reef. shipping operations were relocated to Nāwiliwili Harbor. Near shore the reef is a shallow tidal flat that is a popular fishing and reef-walking site. landing.. The pier was dismantled. Also known as the Sandbar.. During the early 1920s. of Ahupū. or land division. Aikau. Hickam Air Force Base. heap. Pearl Harbor. A detrital sand beach lines its shore. Large sheltered bay that falls within the coastal boundaries of the ʻili. Kahoʻolawe. No in-water activities are permitted in Pearl Harbor from the park. Kahaluʻu. dedicated on October 13. awash at high tide).1 acres. The pier was the first on Kauaʻi that could accommodate large vessels and was used extensively until the end of World War II. Kauaʻi. ʻAiea. Dive site. Kailua. altar of [the deity] Laka. Memorial. heap together. Līhuʻe. or land division. which had been improved to accommodate vessels too large to enter Ahukini. the juvenile Hawaiian flagtail fish (Kuhlia sandvicensis). beach.. When the island— actually a sandbar —is emergent at low tide. Lit.. Āhole Hōlua. Waimea. On the south point of Hanamaʻulu Bay. and dredged in the 1970s to construct the Hickam Harbor Channel. This site was known as Ahukini Landing when it was a landing for inter-island steamers. After the war. beach. Lit. Oʻahu. A detrital sand beach lines its shore. Kapuʻa. Taking a surfboard that . Ahukini. ski jump-shaped structure is approximately 105 feet long with a 25-foot runway and an 85-foot ramp. Lit. The remnant of the reef lies between Hickam Harbor Channel and Pearl Harbor Channel. County beach park (43 acres). Fishpond (35 acres)." at PMRF. ʻĀina means "land" and Haina is the Hawaiianization of Hind. Beach. Surf site. Also known as Kahekili Beach Park." ʻAimakapā. the Division of State Parks decided to give it this name because the peninsula was created from dredged coral fill. circular pond at the south end of Honokōhau Beach and part of the Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park. shady land." meaning that no matter how big a wave was. Oʻahu. Fishpond. ʻĀina Moana. As the largest freshwater pond on the Kona Coast. it is an important habitat for native and migratory waterbirds. Inland of Honokōhau Beach and part of the KalokoHonokōhau National Historical Park. "Eddie would go. Pacific Missile Range Facility. ʻĀinamalu. The swimming site is the pond. land [from the] sea. partially submerged limestone shelf at the base of the Koko Head sea cliffs west of Hanauma Bay. Lit. so it is dived infrequently. When the estate was subdivided. he would catch it. Hawaiʻi Kai. and the peninsula became a state park. Diamond Head. ʻĀina's. Airplane Wreck. The complex was never built. Hind's land. Oʻahu. ʻAkahi Kaimu. Off the runway. Airport. Surf site. Also known as Lone Palm. On the rocky shore. it was originally named Magic Island by its developers. Honokōhau. Same as ʻĀina Haina. Hawaiʻi. who intended it to be the site of a resort complex. Surf site. Lit.he had onboard the canoe. food [of the] youngsters. North Beach. Also known as ʻĀina's. L-shaped. Also known as Kinikini. Oʻahu. Honolulu. he would "go.. Off the former Kāʻanapali Airport. Oʻahu. The surf site is off ʻĀina Haina Shopping Center. ʻĀina Moana is a man-made peninsula at the east end and part of Ala Moana Beach Park. Hawaiʻi. Small.. Section of Kaʻalawai Beach. approximately onequarter mile south of Kapalaoa Beach. Pond. Aikau is also memorialized in the famous saying. Robert Hind purchased 2. Lit. Oʻahu. or in surfing terminology. Hawaiʻi.. Honokōhau.. Small. swimming site. veteran kayak paddler Harold Akeo inadvertently went aground . ʻAiʻōpio. ʻĀina Haina. but he disappeared at sea and was never seen again. he attempted to paddle to Lānaʻi for help. In spite of the new name assigned by park planners. the subdivision was named ʻĀinamalu. spring-fed anchialine pond with good water clarity. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. dive site. ʻĀina Haina. Akeo Point.090 acres in Wailupe Valley and used the land to operate the Hind-Clarke Dairy. In 1924. Completed in 1964. Kauaʻi. it is still commonly called Magic Island. ʻĀina Haina. The entire valley has been known as ʻĀina Haina since then. In 1972. Kāʻanapali. Beach. Keāhole. The first subdivision in the valley was developed in 1947 and named ʻĀina Haina in honor of Robert Hind. Hawaiʻi. Lit. or "airport. Little remains of the wreck. ʻĀinamalu was the name of the former George Brown estate in the center of Kaʻalawai Beach at the foot of Diamond Head. Airports. In 1990. South of Unualoha Point at approximately 115 feet. Maui. Dive site. " moʻolelo For the past sixteen years. 2000 Aki's. Akua House. Alternate name for Kawaihapai Bay. Tuna Bowls. It's a great training run because if you can paddle there. Stanley Ogino. and the area from Portlock Point to Hanauma Bay is referred to as "The Wall. This is some of the roughest water on the island. The surf site is a shorebreak on the beach. and word of the new name spread quickly. Tunas. including Harold." This is one of the natural gathering places on the paddling runs from Makapuʻu to Hawaiʻi Kai. Oʻahu. one of the regular Kuliʻouʻou surfers. an elderly man named Ako lived on Kūʻau Point. Lānaʻi Lookout. When the surf site Tunas was named in the early 1970s. the rest of the racing areas are easy by comparison. surf site. Oʻahu. Cove with a small calcar-eous sand beach between ʻUpena and Moua Streets. our group started calling the spot "Akeo Point. depending upon conditions. Akua is Hawaiian for "god. and Sunday. The bowl is the curved or bowl-shaped section at the start of the wave. We noticed Harold standing on the ledge. Beach. The point is now known by almost all one-man and kayak racers as Akeo Point. At Harold's forty-first birthday party—his yakudoshi party—we presented him with a fake plaque from National Geographic commending him on his discovery of a new point. Surf site. Maui. Also known as Aku's. or Blowhole. Mokulēʻia. Harold Akeo ran aground on a semisubmerged limestone shelf on the west side of Hanauma Bay. father of former state Senator James Aki. The Aki family home has been there since then. In 1990. Kūʻau. "Are we paddling up The Wall today?" The group calls itself the Up The Wall Gang. Everyone. and also a framed nautical chart of the area with "Akeo Point" superimposed on it. lf you aren't careful. Mākaha. for example. Laukinui. bought the property adjacent to the beach in 1948 when the subdivision was first opened. The name is used primarily by commercial fishermen who net and spearfish offshore. During the early 1900s. Thursday. Bay. point." The Akua House is the O-Jizosan Shrine on the shore that was built by Japanese fishermen in 1913 to protect shorecasters along the entire Mokulēʻia shore. Aku is the Hawaiian word for tuna. Bob Rocheleau. His paddling companions believed that the incident should be immortalized and named the shelf "Akeo Point. Walter Aki. on a flat calm day. . Also known as Kiddies Beach. Naturally. Channel. January 3. and it is easy to get sucked toward the ledge. Because it was calm. just past the partially detached rock that marks the west side of the bay. Oʻahu. Ako." as in. had his head down as we raced toward home. holding his kayak under his arm. a group of Hawaiʻi Kai and Waimānalo kayakers has paddled each Tuesday. Fishermen named the point and a narrow channel through the rocks on the point after him. the swell bends slightly shoreward in this area. started calling it "Aku's" for fun. The most common training run is from Hawaiʻi Kai to Hanauma Bay.here during a training run and had to walk on the shelf with his kayak in hand before resuming paddling. he managed to get off the ledge and back on his kayak with the only damage being that to his pride. Also known as Kūʻau to windsurfers. Aku Bowls. Kuliʻouʻou. Surf site. The Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail connects the demonstration trail with other coastal trail remnants and includes many county. and "Bowls" was added later. The 175-mile coastal trail that runs from the eastern boundary of the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park through the districts of Kaʻū.. Kona. Hawaiʻi. Channel. Point at the south end of Kailua Beach that separates Kailua and Lanikai.000-meter swimming channel that parallels the beach in Ala Moana Regional Park. It was established on November 13. The l. Oʻahu. . Originally known as Moana Park. Oʻahu. or beach trail. National historic trail. Oʻahu. Kahului. awakening. the road in Waikīkī that leads to the site. Also known as Kooks Beach. Fishing shrine. Surf site. Oʻahu. Honolulu. Same as Aku Bowls.. or railroad tracks. ʻAlaeloa. Beach. state. and maintenance of the trail. Reef. 1. development. Maui. Honolulu. 5. Bowls. Kailua. is located at the south end of Lanikai. native Hawaiian groups. The name was first suggested by planners from the Division of State Parks in a 1973 report called "Nā Ala Hele" (literally. but it was closed at its west end in 1955. Bowls. Honolulu.Aku's. Kuliʻouʻou. Named after Ala Moana Boulevard. windsurf site. Maui. The undeveloped backshore is under the control of the State Department of Transportation. Oʻahu. point. Ala Kahakai.. The National Park Service is the trail manager. The point takes its name from the fishing shrine. The 4. distant mudhen. Section 3 of this law describes the location of the trail and provides that no land may be acquired by the Secretary of the Interior without the consent of the landowner. and Kohala to ʻUpolu Point. 4. 2. Alahao Road is the major road to the site. Off Ala Wai Boat Harbor. Alahao Airport Park. and landowners in the administration of the trail. Honolulu. Facilities were completed and dedicated in 1934. Airports Division.. The bowl is the curved or bowl-shaped section at the west end of the wave. Lit. Alahao means "railroad tracks. Honolulu. Ala Moana. Also known as Ala Moana Bowls. 2000. An approximately half-mile-long reef between Magic Island and Kewalo Channel.. Lit. Oahu. Alāla. Wide calcareous sand beach on the north side of Kanahā Beach Park. Tuna Bowls. deep sea path. Nāpili. Lit. a natural stone formation on the ridge above. Also known as Ala Moana. when President William Clinton signed into law the Ala Kahakai National Trail Act as Public Law 106-509. Small pocket of calcareous sand. Ala Moana Bowls. iron road. the trails). Also known as Tunas. This site was first called Ala Moana in the 1950s after Ala Moana Boulevard. Beach park. It was formerly a boat channel that was dredged through Ala Moana Reef to connect the Ala Wai Boat Harbor and Kewalo Basin." and the road was a former right-of-way for the railroad. Land for the park was set aside in 1931. Regional park (120 acres). Wailea. Oʻahu. Surf site. trail [by the] sea. It also provides that the Secretary shall encourage communities and landowners along the trail to participate in the planning. and federal lands. a companion fishing shrine. the road in Waikīkī that leads to it. and local agencies. The report recommended a Nā Ala Hele Statewide Trail System and proposed a demonstration trail from Keāhole Point to Kawaihae that would be known as the Ala Kahakai. Lit. Ala Moana Regional Park is one of the most popular and heavily used beach parks in urban Honolulu. state. Lit. and consult with affected federal. its name was changed to Ala Moana in 1947.000-foot-long and 150-foot-wide calcareous sand beach that fronts Ala Moana Regional Park. or long fern. 3. Beach. and we drove up the valley to higher ground. Hawaiʻi Kai. who lived here from 1932 to 1946.700 feet long (approximately 1. D. 1.000 acres from Bishop Estate as a cattle ranch that he called Wāwāmalu Ranch. When his lease was up. Shorecasters and thrownet fishermen began calling the shore here "Alan Davis" in the 1930s. Alan Davis. many rocks. Facilities include 699 berths. As I was walking through the mess. The water around the house was knee-deep. We'd had previous wave warnings. but I managed to get back to the road. Wāwāmalu was the most fantastic childhood imaginable. October 10. Davis leased 3. The property included all the land from the gap near Kamiloiki to Makapuʻu Point. I took a 30-year lease on the property from Bishop Estate.Alan Davis. former head trustee of Campbell Estate. Wāwāmalu. 1972 The next wave destroyed the house and came farther up the valley. Island (4. 22 dry storage spaces. Lit. When the water returned. I was so startled. 3. Sea cliffs between Makapuʻu Light and the Balancing Rock. The men on duty did not realize what was happening. or dividing. Channel. lt means "shady valley. It begins behind the Waikīkī-Kapahulu Library and ends at the Ala Moana Boulevard Bridge where its waters flow into the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor. a ramp. I had just finished shaving when I heard water lapping against the sisal fence outside the house. Originally dredged in the late 1920s with the Ala Wai Canal. 1946. Also known as Ka Iwi Coast. especially outrigger canoe paddling. Oʻahu. Left Point. 3. branching. the noise was tremendous. moʻolelo Sam Damon had the lease for the ranch before I did. another wave struck. Surf site. Fishing was very good. but after the tidal wave we never went back. my wife and my two daughters. 40 feet high). I still have that painting—a picture of a large wave. Hawaiʻi Kai. I returned to the house between the third and fourth waves to make sure everyone else was out and to try and get our dogs and personal belongings. 2.'s. Ala Wai. Oʻahu. 1. From the lighthouse we watched the water recede all the way out to the island next to Rabbit lsland. and we often had fish for dinner. Small Boat Harbor. Nancy Davis Pfluger. especially for moi and āholehole. Ulua fishermen extended the name Alan Davis to include this side of Makapuʻu Head. which were wild. we drove up the road to the lighthouse. Maui. 85 moorings. Haneoʻo. We knew the entire area as Wāwāmalu and that's what I named the ranch. beginning in 1932. so as the water receded. The boat channel that connects the Ala Wai Boat Harbor to the open ocean. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. My dad was afraid that another one might come all the way up the valley and spill through the gap into Makapuʻu Beach. Honolulu. Queen's Beach. Oʻahu." but there never were any wooded areas to go with the name. and it still sticks in my memory. Linda and Nancy. The first wave came in between six and seven in the morning. Beach. Off the calcareous sand beach. when the tidal wave struck. Oʻahu. 1972 ʻAlau. Off Koki Beach Park. The inside of the house was turned upside down. Calcareous sand beach and rocky shore named for Alan Sanford Davis. Honolulu. Also know as A. Canal. I quickly gathered everyone up. Inland waterway 9.. He and I were friends and we'd go out there on weekends and round up the cattle. I grabbed a painting off the wall and ran. so I knew immediately what it was. 2. Fishing site. Oʻahu. October 8. Hawaiʻi Kai. and made my home there. and a .8 miles) and 250 feet wide that was dredged by Hawaiian Dredging Company from 1921 to 1928.5 acres. Ka Iwi Shoreline. We were home on April 1. It is the most heavily used inland waterway in the state for ocean recreation activities. ʻAlekoko. Also known as Lāwai. 4. wide." was purchased in 1937 by Robert Allerton. Kaʻakaʻaniu. Lit. or Asparagopsis taxiformis. it is rolled into tight balls.S. southwest shore. Surf site. Kauaʻi. when the island was returned to state ownership. The group's efforts evolved into a statewide movement that was finally rewarded on May 8. and environmental integrity of the island. and Pīlaʻa. Same as Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach Park. Allerton. Yacht Harbor. sea stack. a milder flavored light red variety. ripple. reef. and lightly salted. scar made by birds. ʻAliomanu. Lāwai Kai. Alligators. Surf site. When John Gregg Allerton died in 1986. 1. Kaunakakai. freshwater path. several . Oʻahu. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. turned the property into a tropical garden known as the Allerton Estate. Molokaʻi. Beach. Nāwiliwili. a group called the Protect Kahoʻolawe ʻOhana dedicated itself to stopping the U. a millionaire from Chicago. Oʻahu. In 1982.. Beach. south shore. Oʻahu. shallow reef. chief. The Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor is often called the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor because of the presence of the Hawaiʻi Yacht Club and the Waikīkī Yacht Club within the harbor. Kahoʻolawe. Lāwai Kai. In 1976. Commercial harvesting on these reefs has for generations been the domain of a small group of Hawaiian families from Anahola and Moloaʻa. The reef is one of the island's famous seaweed harvesting sites for limu kohu.vessel washdown area. 1970. with his adopted son. Kahoʻolawe. Aliʻi. Aloha ʻĀina. Beach. Limu kohu grows at the edge of the reef where there is a constant flow of water from breaking waves. Lit. An otherwise unnamed calcareous sand beach near Makaʻalae. bloody ripples or rainbow-hued ripples. The groundbreaking ceremony was held on January 1. Steep sea stack connected to the point by a thin land bridge and the home of the last known kanaloa plants (Kanaloa kahoolawensis) on Kahoʻolawe. Allertons. Fishpond. Kauaʻi. Hawaiians differentiate between limu kohu līpehe. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronted by a long. Navy's bombing of Kahoʻolawe and to preserving the cultural. Little Sunset. Alligator. Rock. and limu kohu koko. the remainder of the Allerton Estate became a part of the garden. Kawailoa. Lit... 1994. the communities closest to the reefs. Robert Allerton designated a portion of the estate to be the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden. Point. Same as Menehune Fishpond. but local consumers believe the best limu kohu comes from Kauaʻi and specifically from the reefs at ʻAliomanu. John Gregg Allerton. If it is to be sent to market. This prized edible seaweed is found elsewhere in Hawaiʻi. Haleʻiwa. Massive limestone rock on the beach. Fishpond. historical. Haleʻiwa. ʻAleʻale. Off Alligator Rock. the seaward point of which is shaped like the head and snout of an alligator. Also known as Baby Sunset. The beach here is called Kaʻalaea. 1. Lit. or "seaward Lāwai. drained. it is soaked overnight in fresh water to reduce its iodine flavor. After it is harvested and cleaned. Kauaʻi. Before his death in 1964. The Lāwai Kai shore is a calcareous sand beach fronted by a shallow sandbar. The harbor is also home to the Hawaiʻi Yacht Club and the Waikīkī Yacht Club.. 2. a stronger flavored dark red variety. Lit.. Windsurfers launch and land primarily at the south end of the beach fronting the beach park. Small calcareous sand and lava fragment beach at the entrance to Honokōhau Small Boat Harbor. On the east side of Olowalu between Ukumehame State Wayside Park and Olowalu. Bullets and other ammunition from a former target range onshore are found on the ocean floor here. where it serves as the control tower for shipping traffic in Honolulu Harbor. Earhart was lost in the South Pacific during an attempt to fly around the world in her Lockheed Electra. They eluded the military search parties. windsurf site. Nāwiliwili. Anaehoʻomalu Point. Waiʻanae. it is the most widely recognized landmark on the shore of Honolulu. On a shallow reef off the seawall in Nāwiliwili Park. Ala Moana. Also known as Aquarium Reef. or protected mullet. Kuʻualiʻi and Kahapapa. Dive site. made the memorial plaque to honor aviator Amelia Earhart (1898-1937). The surf site is on the reef at the north end of the beach.14 acres. Southwest of Waiʻanae Small Boat Harbor at approximately 40 feet. Monument. with large driftwood letters they spelled out "Aloha ʻĀina. Hawaiʻi. Kate Kelly. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Harbor landmark. Honolulu's leading sculptor of the 1930s and wife of artist John Kelly. Keʻanae. Hawaiʻi. A small beach park with public parking is at the south end of the beach. In the center lookout of Kuilei Cliffs Beach Park. Amelia Earhart. A 40-foot flagstaff tops the tower. . Ammonias. Off the north point of ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. Also known as Manta Ray Beach. 2. Dive site. beach. and a large coconut grove are in the backshore. Oʻahu. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. One of the many "alternative" surf sites along this stretch of Honoapiʻilani Highway. Alternatives. Americas. Maui. Off Ala Moana Beach Park and inshore of Big Lefts. On the shore near the Pearl Harbor Officers' Club. but wanted to make sure the navy knew that they were there. Named for the ammonia smell from commercial ammonia tanks in the harbor industrial area. Primarily a bodyboarding site on the reform waves on the inside reef. Oʻahu. After Diamond Head. In July 1937. Pearl Harbor. Calcareous sand and lava fragment beach approximately 900 feet long at the head of a wide bay. Olowalu. Lit. Dive site. Surf site.of the group's members secretly paddled to Kahoʻolawe to occupy the island in protest of the RIMPAC exercises. restricted mullet. Oʻahu. Bay. Amphitheater. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi Kai. Large amphitheater-shaped rock formation at 15 to 50 feet off Kawaihoa Point. Oʻahu. surf site. Diamond Head. Alula. beach park. Island (. Ammo Reef. Aloha Tower. Two fishponds. Honolulu.. Oʻahu. The beach has since been known by this name. On the side of a sand dune in this small unnamed bay. Kauaʻi. The ten-story tower at Pier 10 that at 184 feet 2 inches was the tallest building in Honolulu when it was built in 1926.. Hawaiʻi. Aluea. Maui. Surf site. 40 feet high). Beach. Anaehoʻomalu. love [of the] land. Surf site. Lit. Park." the group's motto. Honokōhau. Jackie James. Cave. Also known as Anglers Reef. Hawaiʻi Kai. or ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. especially good for beginners. cuts through the reef to the west of the beach park. ramp. second-reef site that breaks off ʻAnaehoʻomalu Point and is usually ridden only when A-Bay.. The residents of Niʻihau knew the station as Waiu and composed a song in its honor called "Poʻe Koa o Niʻihau. We lived there until 1930 when we . a communication facility that was built in 1944. surf site. Boat ramp.5 acres). Hawaiʻi Kai. Anahola. Lit.600 feet wide at its widest point. Beach park. Pond. reef. straight out from Hawaiʻi Kai Channel. found a small anglerfish. Ananoio. Long. ʻAnini Channel. Surf site. Lit. Hawaiʻi. dwarfish. Coastal plain. Keananoio. Large natural pond south of Miloliʻi Beach Park that is used as an anchorage for shallow-draft boats. Āpua. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. One of a series of sea caves on the north side of the peninsula. Lit. Surf sites are located in the shorebreak on the sandbar. Oʻahu. rocky point that marks the coastal boundary between the districts of Puna and Kaʻū. Dive site. Anakaluahine. landing. Noddy terns nest here. Apo. Niʻihau. Also known as Bird Cave. Ant Man's. Lit. Kalaupapa." Also known as Kamalino. noddy tern cave. ʻAnini. wide calcareous sand beach fronted by a shallow sandbar. Big-wave. Kalaupapa. channel.Anahola. Point. but we moved to Hilo in April 1924 when my dad got a job there. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. It was always in the same place during her dives and became like a personal pet. Also known as Trains.. during World War II. surf site. He was the court reporter. fish basket or fish trap. remnants of a boat wreck are nearby. Anchorage. the owner of Aloha Dive Shop in Hawaiʻi Kai Marina since 1970. or frogfish. 2. cave [of] the old lady. Anglerfish Reef. shallow-draft boats. Hawaiʻi." or the "Soldiers of Niʻihau. Cave. moʻolelo I was born in 1915 on Gandle Lane in Honolulu. Beach park (1. the only one in town. stunted. Kauaʻi. James never saw the fish again after Hurricane ʻIwa struck the islands in 1982. Hawaiʻi. to the north is closed out. The antennas are the radio towers of a former Niʻihau loran station at Waiu. Molokaʻi. The snorkeling site is west of the channel. Named for the Apo family living onshore. snorkeling site. The beach park is midway along the beach. Private boat ramp in Hawaiʻi Kai Marina for residents of the Anchorage. Unreals is the name of the surf site next to the ruins of the former interisland steamer landing. Narrow calcareous sand beach inshore of ʻAnini Reef. Also known as Keanaokaluahine. Surf site. Antennas. One of a series of sea caves on the north side of the peninsula. ʻAnini. The land that comprises Kualoa Regional Park. flat. Old Lady's Cave. 1. The beach park at the north end of the beach is Hawaiian Homes' land that has been leased from the state since 1955. Kauaʻi. and decommissioned in 1951. Coastal campsite on a low.. Oʻahu. a wide sand-bottomed channel. Semicircular. 1. windsurf site. The ramp facility in the beach park is for smaller.. here in the late 1970s. Kamalino. Molokaʻi. The surf site is on the west side of the point. Miloliʻi. undercut ledge at 25 to 45 feet deep. Kualoa. The windsurf site. one of the longest and widest fringing reefs in Hawaiʻi at 2 miles long and 1. is west of the boat ramp. After the hides were cured. and the carcasses were thrown in the ocean for the sharks. and shipped to the mainland. The second stop was Kaʻena where there was another pen. though. and I slid off. My horse stepped in a hole. The cowboys kept about one-quarter mile behind the goats so they wouldn't get spooked and bolt. The first day the cowboys would fan out from the Chain of Craters to Hilina Pali and slowly herd the goats toward ʻĀpua Point on the ocean. and sometimes tell riddles. Clark. 1980 During the evenings on the goat drives. lt was within 150 feet of the point and could only be reached by climbing down into a deep crack. In English it means: This is a big man He has a loud voice All of the people hear him . ʻĀpua was the first night's stop. A violent sand-storm swept over us and I lost sight of the other riders. and they encouraged the drives and paid half the cost. and everyone got water from the brackish water well for their former village. penning the goats. and skinned immediately. slaughtered. Hauanio's. the cowboys raised it. During those five years on the Big lsland my dad organized about eight goat drives in Kīlauea National Park. and our drives netted from seven hundred to four thousand goats per drive. the goats were penned. but jumped up right away to grab him. the cowboys would sit around talking and joking. trucked to Hilo. Luckily. They rode mauka and stayed overnight at ʻĀinahou Ranch before starting the drive. My dad had told me many times if I was ever lost to just give the horse its head. and I spent several summers with them. he was only walking. They were almost like a domesticated herd. August 31. The Board of Agriculture was trying to protect the park and the grazing lands. A fence was laid flat across the point and when the goats were driven over it. Kaipo's. The hides were salted and placed in the shade to cure. Whoever did the drive. We had relatives in Kalapana. reared up to free his foot.moved back to Honolulu. so they had moved to Kalapana. The point was surrounded by water. The Pea family was from ʻĀpua. At the last stop in Punaluʻu. had to dispose of the goats. George V. they were bundled. the Lane family. My dad would hire about thirty of them as cowboys and pay them five dollars a day. and I transferred from Hilo High to McKinley. and by then the goats were tired and easy to handle. plus their meals. On one drive I got lost in the Kaʻū Desert. and Kamelamela's. They had to bring their own horses. I hit the ground really hard. This is one that I remember: O keia kanaka nui Nui kona leo Lohe na poʻe apau Ma ka laho. and told my dad that the 1868 tidal wave had wiped out their village. From the Lanes we knew some of the other Kalapana families such as the Pea's. They still knew the area well. I did and he walked us back toward ʻĀpua Point. . Same as the Waiʻanae Kai Military Reservation. Same as USS Arizona Memorial. Shallow reef at 15 feet with a dropoff to 115 feet off the Captain Cook Monument. Waiʻanae. Waikīkī. Lit. 4. 1. Southwest of Waiʻanae Small Boat Harbor at approximately 40 feet. Dive site. Niʻihau. During the 1970s. ʻĀpuakehau was the major stream that drained the wetlands inland of Waikīkī Beach into the ocean. a large green quonset hut. Stream. .From his balls. 1. so the quonset hut was soon known as Arma Hut. The name attests to the wide variety of fish found here. Oʻahu. John Lane. Arches. Arma Hut was home to many transient surfers and by the mid-1960s was also the name of the surf site off the house on the north side of Rocky Point. Near Kamaiki Point at approximately 40 feet. Hawaiʻi. Dive site. Waikīkī. Prior to the completion of the Ala Wai Canal in 1928. Also known as Ammo Reef. Underwater arches. 1982 ʻĀpuakehau. Aquarium. The name attests to the wide variety of fish found here. Oʻahu. Surfers call this site Brown's. it has three large arches on its seaward side. Diamond Head. His son Bruce was an avid surfer and began riding the waves in front of their home. One of the Pine Trees dive sites. Hawaiʻi. Museum. Makalawena. Oʻahu. Dive site. Same as Waikīkī Aquarium. During the early 1960s. Dive site. Willis Butler bought a beachfront home at Rocky Point. north shore. 3. tunnels. 1. The answer is a church bell. 1. Also known as Kaʻawaloa Cove. Waikīkī. 2. Kahoʻolawe. This site is also known as Stone Zone. Arizona Memorial. 2. As a joke. Nāwiliwili. Near Keawalaʻi Church on Mākena Bay. 5. Rocky Point replaced Arma Hut as the name of the surf site. Dive site. Waiʻanae. Geographical feature. Oʻahu. Aquarium Reef. 1. Dr. Maui. Remnants of a wreck are also found here. Probably the name of a rain. Off Kaʻalāwai Beach fronting the former Lester McCoy home. It crossed the beach between the Royal Hawaiian and the Outrigger Waikīkī Hotels. Dive site. National park. 2. Shore. Hawaiʻi. caves. 2. First used as a commercial dive site in the early 1970s by the former Kona Dive Lodge at Mahaiʻula. Dive site. 2. a cross between an armadillo and a baboon. Pearl Harbor. southeast coast. Shallow reef with lava ledges and small valleys south of Nāwiliwili Harbor. Some surfers still use the name Arma Hut for a secondary surf site between Rocky Point and Monster Mush. Oʻahu. Kealakekua. Cove on the shore of ʻĀhihi-Kinaʻu Natural Area Reserve. Mākena. Aquarium. Dive site. caves. Series of arches. Arch. Dive site. Kohanaiki. Army. Oʻahu. and chimneys that are an underwater extension of the protruding rocks and small islands at Kamakalepo Point. Oʻahu. Maui. one of Bruce's friends said that Bruce resembled an Armadoon. July 28. Weathered hole through a rocky point near Makaʻalae. Kauaʻi. Armchair Reef. Surf site. Sunset Beach. north coast. Arma Hut. basket [of] dew. Beach. Makena. Lānaʻi. George Downing made me my first good redwood board. who was a life-guard at the old Army Beach. Waimānalo. Buffalo. Oʻahu. Hauʻula. Mokulēʻia. spilling massive amounts of whitewater. 1. Haleʻiwa. Second-reef. and Wally Froiseth made me my second. the remains of two aircraft. David Pahoa. 257. Artificial reef built by Atlantis Submarines at the east end of Waikīkī approximately one mile offshore in 100 feet of water. 2. which was named for Buffalo Keaulana's uncle. The army had a recreation facility in Haleʻiwa until the lease expired in 1970 and they moved to Mokulēʻia. Army Beach. Named by surfers from Waimānalo during the late 1950s after the surf site of the same name on the North Shore.O. Same as Kalei's Island.Oʻahu. Au Street. Veteran big wave surfers Henry Preece. Also known as Makai Pier. and Fred Van Dyke were the first to surf it in 1955. A small group of local surfers from Haleʻiwa named this site in 1954 while watching it from shore on a big day. Off ʻĀweoweo Beach Park. Surf site. Oʻahu. they looked like an avalanche. Oʻahu. Kawela. reminded them of an avalanche.. and for three years from 1954 to 1957. The reef was started in 1989 as an attraction for Atlantis' submarine tours and includes 111-foot-long line fishing vessel. Pyramids. Waikīkī. Island. Oʻahu. Lit. Also known as Waikīkī Wreck. Surf site. which is what we used to call Green Lanterns. A 174-foot navy yard oiler that is part of the Atlantis Reef. Surf site. The beach park is on Au Street. Across the street from Hauʻula Fire Station. Alfred ʻAukai ʻAluli was the owner of the property when it was condemned for a public park. Oʻahu. The Mokulēʻia Army Beach Recreation Center included 14 acres and one-half mile of beach near the west end of Dillingham Airfield until it closed in May 1989. big-wave surf site. and other fish aggregation devices. Y. One of the places in Nānākuli where I learned to surf was Keaulana's. I started surfing big waves at Mākaha and Māʻili Point. Same as U. I surfed it in 1955 with Fred Van Dyke and Buzzy Trent.. and each of us . a 174-foot navy yard oiler. and I started surfing about 1947 on the old redwood boards. moʻolelo I was born in Nānākuli on April 13. Waikīkī. The surf site is off the concrete slab. Its huge. Atlantis Reef. Somebody commented that when the waves broke. Mokulēʻia. Oʻahu. tow-in surf site. powerful waves. I moved to the North Shore. a redwood laminated with balsa. In 1953. As I got better. Y. Submarines. and from then on that was its name. Surf site. and some other guys.2 acres). Oʻahu. ʻAukai. Also known as ʻĀwe-oweo. Atlantis Wreck. Army Museum. Oʻahu. He had a house there on the point.S. 1929. Avalanche. lt was really big. Buzzy Trent. Today only the concrete slab of the former beach volleyball court is left. swordfish street. Beach Park (. I lived in a shack on the beach where the surf center is now at Aliʻi Beach. We were just talking and watching these huge waves breaking on the second reef to the west of us. At the east end of the reef off Makai Research Pier.O. Auntie Kalei's. Dive site. One day after work about eight or ten of us were drinking at my place— Bobby Chun. bitterness.. The surf site is off the beach park and is also known as Au Street. Maui. BB Baboon Point.. Waikīkī. One of five beaches on the Kalaupapa Peninsula. Black sand beach on the south side of ʻĀwili Point at the base of a small littoral cone. Park. Dive site. Molokaʻi. Olowalu. bent harbor or bent channel. Long. Awalua. Manukā. Hawaiʻi. Beach. Bay. Poʻipū. Also known as Pāʻia Park. Maui. Hawaiʻi. 2. 1. Beach. Baby. Oʻahu. The point is one of the Big Island's famous ulua fishing sites. landing.. Baby Castles. Lit. and Puahi. Section of beach at Poʻipū Beach Park that is protected from the open ocean by a seawall. The park was named for the street that leads to it from Waialua Beach Road. October 12.only caught one wave. Awakeʻe. Beach. Lit. South of Puʻu Kuili at approximately 45 feet. Pāʻia. point. wide detrital sand beach at the foot of the Kalaupapa Trail on the west side of the peninsula. Beach park (1. As far as I know. Lānaʻi. 1. bigeye or scad fish (Priacanthidae family).. Surf site. Baby Canoes. Narrow calcareous sand beach at the head of a small bay on Shipwreck Beach. Awakeʻe. Used as a boat landing during the late 1800s. Also known as Children's Pool.. 2000 ʻAwahua. Bay. swirl. Henry Preece. Lit. Secondary or "baby" surf site with smaller waves inshore of . Beach. Oʻahu. especially the pointed nose. surf site. Mokulēʻia. ʻĀweoweo. Lit. Also known as Black Sands Beach. Oʻahu. Ke One Neʻe o ʻAwahua. Small or "baby" beach park on Pāʻia Bay. double harbor. Kalaupapa. north shore. The seawall is semicircular and forms a "pool" that is a popular swimming site for little children. 2. Surf site. beach. Keaukaha. The streets in this subdivision are named for Hawaiian fish. It is also known as Baboon Face and Baboon Nose. Waikīkī. Site of one of the two remaining shipwrecks on Shipwreck Beach. Kauaʻi. Hawaiʻi Kai. Āwili. Hawaiʻi. Near the end of Road to the Sea. a shipyard oil tanker that went aground under mysterious circumstances in the early 1950s. fishing site. Secondary or "baby" surf site with smaller waves inshore of Canoes surf site. Oʻahu. Narrow calcareous sand beach along the highway west of Olowalu. fishing site. Pyramids. The outline of the sea cliff at Paiʻoluʻolu Point on the west side of Hanauma Bay resembles the face of a baboon from the lookout above the beach. 2.4 acres). 1. Lit. Sea cliff. that was the first time anyone surfed it. Smaller or "baby" of the two Mokulua Islands. No Place. Baby Makapuʻu. 1. Haleʻiwa. Oʻahu. Surf site. Also known as The Bay. Oʻahu. Cockroach Bay. Back. Surf site. Surf site. Kaʻalawai. Oʻahu. Channel. Kailua. Also known as Alligators. Waves here re-semble those at Haleʻiwa on the North Shore of Oʻahu. Also known as In Betweens. Oʻahu. Surf site. Secondary or "baby" surf site with smaller waves inshore of Queens. surf site. Surf site. as opposed to the primary or more frequently used channel into the bay. Hanalei. The name refers to the channel's location at the end of the reef that leads into the outer bay. Makapuʻu. Waikīkī. After the name Suicides was introduced in the 1980s. of the left at Brown's. Channel through the east end of the reef. Left at Chun's Reef. Also known as No Name. he or she is said to be riding through the "backdoor. Baby Makapuʻu migrated to the north end of the park where it was applied to the bay and a popular novice surf site in the bay. Channel. Bay. Babyland. Hanauma Bay. a surf site ridden primarily to the right. Opposite Māʻili Pink Market. Waikīkī. al-though they are a smaller or "baby" version. off Wailea Point in Lanikai. Oʻahu. Surf site. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Ala Moana. Popular swimming and surf site for neighborhood children and families with babies. Sunset Beach. Baby Makapuʻu was origi-nally the name of the surf site at the east end of the park now called Suicides. Baby Sunset. the lineup here is a long right that ends on a shallow reef. Backdoor. The inside. Surf site. Surf site. Also known as Cornucopia. Island. "Moke" is a slang abbreviation of Mokulua. Oʻahu. Kumu Cove. Oʻahu. Baby Moke. Also known as Ins-and-Outs. Also known as Moku Iki. Moku Nui and Moku Iki. Waves here are a smaller or "baby" version of those at Sunset. Same as Backdoor Pipeline. Baby Queens. It is the backdoor or lesser-used channel. 3. Māʻili. Kauaʻi. Baby Haleʻiwas. Baby Royals. Backdoor Chun's. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. either to the left of the takeoff spot or to the right. Waikīkī. Like Haleʻiwa. Small sand-bottomed channel into Hanalei Bay through the reef off Puʻu Poa Beach. Secondary or "baby" surf site with smaller waves inshore of Cunha's. Baby Cunha's. Small bay at the north end of Kaupō Beach Park. the Cable Channel at the west end of the reef. Oʻahu. The bay is also used as a site to scatter ashes following memorial services on the beach. or reform." Riding left at Chun's Reef . Kawailoa. Most surf sites are surfed best in one direction.Castles. Surf site. Named for its location fronting the hotel. This is a secondary or "back" channel in deference to the nearby primary channel into the bay at the Hanalei River mouth. Secondary or "baby" surf site with small waves on the shallow sandbar fronting the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. When a surfer rides the opposite way of the usual direction of the wave. 2. Hilo. Inc. When a surfer rides the opposite way of the normal direction of the wave. Off the backyards of the first beachfront homes on Pāpaʻiloa Road. Beach park (17 acres). it is called a left. Also known as Backdoor. cofounder of Alexander and Baldwin. 1873 by William Owen Smith. Hawaiʻi Kai. 2. Kahului. Point. but eventually became a public beach park when the county leased the land from A&B. Kaiser. Sunset Beach. and bamboo poles of ulua fishermen have lined the edge of the point since the 1920s. the last appointed governor of the Big Island under the Hawaiian monarchy. Maui. Named after Harry A. On the shore of Hilo Bay between Reeds Bay and Pier 3. The coral rubble and calcareous sand that comprise the beach are spoil materials from the dredging operations that enlarged the Hilo Harbor basin. Sunset Beach. At the west end of Makapuʻu Head above the small breakwater built by Henry J. Surf site. Baldwin. son of Henry P. Maui. On the backside of the island. Oʻahu. The banyan tree in the center of the park. Kawailoa. Oʻahu. Rock formation. Baker was the son of John Timoteo Baker. Beach. Small. Backsides. Banyans. Lahaina. They were deposited on the shore here between 1925 and 1930. surf site. part of the rock formation appears to be a pedestal. Oʻahu. Like the beach in Reeds Bay. On the backside or seaward side of Flat Island off Kailua Beach Park. Dive site. behind Lahaina Small Boat Harbor. rock gardens.is riding through the backdoor. whose three-story house with its beautiful lawns. Off a large banyan tree on the grounds of the Kona Bali Kai Hotel on Aliʻi Drive. Balancing Rock. Most surf sites are surfed best in one direction. Also known as Pele's Chair. 1. a surf site that is a world-famous left. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Surf site. and large fruit and shade trees was a famous landmark. Kailua. the largest banyan in Hawaiʻi. Maui. is ¼ mile in circumference and 60 feet high. Rebel Rock. Backdoor Pipeline. he or she is said to be riding through the "backdoor. Bakers. Also known as Piddleys. or "balancing." Probably the most famous backdoor is the right at Pipeline. it is called a right." rock. (A&B). The newly created beach fronted the home of prominent Hilo businessman Adam Baker. Surf site. Surf site. Park. Oʻahu. Off the backyards of the beach-front homes on the north side of Sunset Point. wind-surf site. When viewed from Kalanianaʻole Highway near the entrance to the Hawaiʻi Kai Golf Course. either to the left of the takeoff spot or to the right. Oʻahu. Surf site. Backyards. Molokini Island. If a site is best surfed to the right. Small wave break that disappears when Himalayas is breaking. Hawaiʻi Kai. . Back Wall. The park was originally developed as a company recreation facility by Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company. If a site is best surfed to the left. On Front Street. Banyan Tree. Baldwin (1871-1946). Bamboo Ridge. flat lava point or ridge on the west side of the Hālona Blowhole. It is a Ficus benghalensis from India and was planted on April 24. Kona. The shorebreak here is one of Maui's most popular bodysurfing and bodyboarding sites. Hawaiʻi. Baldwin. Bakers Beach is man-made. This is one of the most popular fishing sites on Oʻahu's south shore. a division of A&B. The 72-foot concrete light tower was built in 1933.173 acres for a housing complex. Lānaʻi. to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the American Protestant Mission in Lahaina. On July 1.the Sheriff of Lahaina. Also known as Rockpile. Shallow reef on the north side of Kaumalapaʻu Harbor that . Banzai. Banzai is a Japanese word meaning "Ten Thousand Years" and is commonly used as a toast at festive occasions to wish someone a long life. In 1940 the U. One of two deep-draft harbors on Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Soon after passing the entrance to Pearl Harbor. Six of the crew drowned. Barbers. Mākena.4 acres). Mokulēʻia. Barge Harbor. and the light was automated in 1964. The remaining acreage was dispersed among other federal. Oʻahu. During World War II. Naval air station. ʻEwa. North of Nahuna Point. A large banyan tree stands on the low sea cliff inshore of the site. Barbed Wires. Calcareous sand beach between Ke Waena and Ke Nui Roads.3 acres). Kalaeloa. Beach support park (2. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. ʻEwa. Dive site. but Barber and the other fifteen members of his crew made it ashore in their small boats. Surf site. Beach. Originally dredged in 1961 as a barge harbor. the Arthur wrecked on a reef in high surf and was completely destroyed. the 3. Narrow calcareous sand beach bordered by a rocky shelf. the Arthur. Banyan Tree Reef. Point. a banzai charge was a deathdefying attack by Japanese soldiers against their enemies. Dive site. Banzai Rock. but surfing movie producer and artist John Severson recalled that the name was in use when he arrived in 1957. Sunset Beach. Oʻahu. Off Mokulēʻia Polo Field.S. Oʻahu. 1942. The station was renamed the Kalaeloa Community Development District. During a trading voyage to China. The polo field is a former Dillingham Ranch pasture that was surrounded by barbed wire. Kalaeloa. state. and attached to the surf site in the center of the beach. The point where the wreck occurred was known thereafter as Barbers Point. the Banzai Rock. Captain Henry Barber arrived in Hawaiʻi in October 1795 in his ship. 1. Named for the Banzai Rock. the station was commissioned as Barbers Point Naval Air Station. 1999. the Banzai Pipeline. In the past it has also been used as a war cry. it is also known as Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor. Banzai Pipeline. White Plains and Nimitz Beaches were opened to the public and became part of a 333-acre regional park that is managed by the county. Named after the point. 4. Sunset Beach. a natural lava rock formation at the edge of the calcareous sand beach fronting the park. He stopped at Waikīkī for provisions and then sailed for Kauaʻi. The origin of this name for the section of beach between Banzai Rock and Rocky Point is unknown. a medical center. Surf site. The navy retained 1. Light. Navy purchased the site of the naval air station from the Campbell Estate and established the ʻEwa Marine Corps Air Station. This latter definition of banzai is the one applicable to the beach and its dangerous waves. On April 15. Barbers Point. Beach park (7. 3. Harbor. Sunset Beach. Same as Pipeline. and a golf course. Maui. 2. Also known as Kalaeloa. south coast.700-acre station was closed in a series of nationwide base closings. Established in 1888 at Puhilele. During the 1960s the name was applied to a lava rock formation at the southwest end of the beach. Oʻahu. ʻEwa. and county agencies. Oʻahu. Fire was directed from Diamond Head. A new use for the building was found. On May 4. Dalton signed the donation contract officially transferring the historic battleship to the USS Missouri Memorial Association (MMA) of Hawaiʻi. Kumu Cove. Beach. Kauaʻi. are called The Bay. 2.extends several hundred feet out from shore and drops to 110 feet. Kauaʻi.S. The "bathtub" is the pond between the shelf and the beach.300-mile voyage across the Pacific from Bremerton. The guns were mounted on a disappearing carriage so that the recoil would cause them to drop behind the concrete wall after firing. Beach. Oʻahu. Beach. The building. on June 22 after a 2. A bascule bridge is one that is counterweighted so that it can be raised and lowered easily. The rock is a seaward extension of Hawaiian Reef. It was opened as a memorial and museum on January 29. Battleship Missouri. Waimānalo. and Honolua Bay. Kaluakahua. The. Pearl Harbor." near the Arizona Memorial. 1945. Also known as the Drawbridge. all islands. Battery Randolph. Bascule. the "Mighty Mo. Dive site. Oʻahu. 1999. Oʻahu. Many surf sites in bays. Oʻahu. Polihale. Maui. It was equipped with two 14-inch cannons that could shoot 14 miles out to sea. that began May 23. On the shore of Ft. In 1946 Battery Randolph's guns were dismantled. Pearl Harbor. The three sites identified in Hawaiʻi are places where there are extensive dunes. Slattery Bridge. Bathtub. Battery Randolph is a former gun emplacement that was completed in 1911 as a key installation in the coastal artillery defense of Honolulu and Pearl Harbor. Early English speakers in Hawaiʻi likened the noises from the sands to the woofing or barking of a dog and called them "barking sands. Honolulu. Army Museum opened in it on December 7. Opposite the Polynesian Cultural Center where the ocean has severely eroded the shore. Maui. Rock formation at 110 feet that resembles a ship. 1. Secretary of the Navy John H. 1998. such as Waimea Bay. Lāʻie. They named it The Bay because the surf site is in a small bay. Near Puʻu ʻOlaʻi. Section of Polihale Beach at Nohili Point. The Sand Island bascule bridge is no longer raised and lowered due to the heavy traffic on Sand Island Road. Beach. Memorial operated by the National Park Service that commemorates the battleship USS Missouri. are acoustical sands that emit noises when they are disturbed. expos-ing a limestone shelf. however. This site in Kaupō Beach Park was first surfed regularly by Waimānalo residents in the late 1950s. Memorial. or "the sounding sands. 1976. Oʻahu. 1. Museum. Bridge that connects Sand Island to Oʻahu. Army Museum. Hanalei Bay. 3. had been designed to withstand direct artillery hits and demolition proved to be a problem. The Missouri is moored to a pier on "Battleship Row. The ship was docked at Ford Island. Oʻahu. Surf sites. Bridge. General Douglas MacArthur accepted the Japanese surrender that ended World War II on the deck of thc Missouri. and in 1969 it was scheduled for demolition. Also known as Baby Makapuʻu. ʻŌhikilolo. Surf site. Niʻihau. 2. Waikīkī. Barking Sands." On September 2." The Hawaiians called these sites keonekani. Mākena.S. but the guns were not used often as their blasts caused buildings in Honolulu to shake." The Kauaʻi site is often referred to as Keonekani o Nohili in chants and songs. and the U. Battleship Rock. "Barking sands. . Cockroach Bay. Washington." or "singing sands" as they are called in other parts of the world. Bay. DeRussy and the site of the U. 2. the origin of the name. Captain Beans Beans (his personal ehoice for his legal name) was a tour boat operator who leased the Queen Liliʻuokalani Trust's campsite at Papawai for snorkeling and picnic tours in the 1960s and early 1970s. The Bayview Lounge in the hotel overlooks the surf site. Kauaʻi. Although Beans sold his snorkeling business and concentrated on glass bottom boat tours and dinner cruises until his death in April 1983. One of the members of the survey crew was H. Oʻahu. The beach is accessed from a section of Puakō Road that parallels the shore between Hāpuna Beach and the Puakō community. Beaver's. The arch and the dive site are beyond the reef. In 1905. Arch. Surf site. Buoy anchored at approximately 850 fathoms. Landmarks: Kīlauea Point Light. Mokulēʻia. Surf site. and the pole marking the secondary road to Wailea Beach is number 69. Kahoʻolawe. so apparently named some of the major physical features after themselves. Surf site. Wailea. Small pocket beach of calcareous sand on the west side of the Beach House Restaurant. Beach 69. Beach House. Fish aggregating device. Poʻipū. Kāhala Point Light. Hawaiʻi. east shore. Moloaʻa. Niu. Off the beach houses north of the old sugar mill. Surf site. Also known as Park Rights. Surf site. Also known as Wailea State Park. Honokokau. Kualoa. Park. Oʻahu. L. Beach. Oʻahu. ʻEwa Beach. Surf site. The snorkeling and surf sites are on the reef off the beach. ʻAuʻau Point. Several small pockets of calcareous sand and coral rubble in the lava shore north of Old Kona Airport State Recreation Area. windsurf site. The surf site is off the highway bridge over the Wailuku River at the north end of the park and is also known as Iron Bridge. The restaurant is on the beach and adjacent to a large beach heliotrope tree. Off Mokulēʻia Beach Park. In 1917. Bay. dive site. B Buoy. Kahuku. Named after Steve "The Beaver" Saunders. Also known as Papawai. Calcareous sand beach fronting a small community of beachfront homes. They were unfamiliar with the island's traditional names. surf site. Adjacent to the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel on the north side of the point. Beck's Cove. Beck. Hawaiʻi. The Hawaiian name is Kanapou Bay. During that period the beach was named Bean's Beach. Kūkiʻo. Buoy at approximately 395 fathoms. Hilo. The utility poles along the road are numbered in ascending order heading toward Puakō. surf site. Fish aggregating device. Hawaiʻi. Bellows Field.2 acres). Kauaʻi. 1. Hawaiʻi. Waimānalo. Beach. Beachtree. the Waimānalo Military Reservation . Also known as Longhouse Beach.Bayfront. On the west side of Niu Channel. BB Buoy. Bean's. the beach is still known by his name. Oʻahu. Beach Parks. Off the Beachtree Bar & Grill on the shore of the Four Seasons Resort Hualālaʻi. Kānewaʻa Point. 1. Bayviews. 2. one of the regular Niu surfers here in the late 1950s. Beach park (54. Miloliʻi. Oʻahu. Keyholes. a survey crew on the USS Patterson mapped Kahoʻolawe. Off ʻEwa Beach Park. beach. Also known as Hotels. Oʻahu. snorkeling site. Bayfront is an abbreviation of Hilo Bayfront Park. Landmarks: Miloliʻi Light. Pāwai. Hawaiʻi. The beach park with its calcareous sand beach is at the south end of the base. Long ledge at 35 to 50 feet deep. Left at Baby Haleʻiwas that breaks only on a big swell. In addition to reef fish and turtles.500 acres of sand dunes and sugarcane fields. Big Reef Rights. Big Mouth Cave. Dive site. 2. Niu. several types of moray eels are commonly found here. Larger of the two Mokulua Islands. Windsurfers named the site because it is an area they try to avoid like boaters try to avoid the famous Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic. The Hawaiian name is Hakioawa. Large cave below a ledge west of Lahilahi Point.was established on 1. South of Pākala . Beach. Oʻahu. Kanahā. reef. 1. Beach. Also known as Slipper Island. Also known as Ulua Cave. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Also known as Hanakaʻilio. Bermuda Triangle. narrow island off Keʻehi Small Boat Harbor and adjacent to the mooring area. Island. Maui. 3. Oʻahu. Dive site. it was renamed Bellows Field for Second Lieutenant F. B. Big Reef Lefts. second-reef site that breaks seaward of Big Reef Rights. Moku Nui and Moku Iki. Moke is a slang abbreviation of Mokulua. Kaluakoʻi. Kaluakoʻi. Hakioawa. Dive site. Oʻahu. Off the middle of Kanahā Beach Park. Oʻahu. Kailua. 1. Big Reef Lefts is a big-wave. Beach. 2. Name used by fishermen and hunters for the large gulch that runs down to the shore. Also known as Long Sands. Marconi. Mākena Beach. Oneloa. between Waimānalo and Inoaʻole Streams. Left on Big Reef. Surf site. Makaweli. Right on Big Reef. Currents over the reef are strong and waves cross it from many different angles. Big Moke. Also known as Moku Nui. Molokaʻi. Big. Kahuku. who had been killed in an airplane accident. Hawaiʻi. The section of the lagoon on the seaward side of the Berm is the major waterskiing site in Honolulu. Island. Off the resort dining room. Big Rights. Surf site. Keʻehi. Mākaha. The mouth of the cave is about 80 feet wide and bottoms at 80 feet. off Wailea Point in Lanikai. Oʻahu. Surf site. Maui. Calcareous sand beach 3. Reef. Calcareous sand beach on the east side of Kahuku Point. Ala Moana. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. Big Lefts. Rock. Big Reef. the large reef off the beach homes at Kapalaoa at the south end of ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. Berm. Hawaiʻi. Big Gulch. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Surf site. Mākena. Bellows. In 1933. Surf site. Hawaiʻi. water-skiing site. Long. Molokaʻi. backshore. The names Big Beach and Little Beach for the two beaches in Mākena State Park were popularized from 1968 to 1972 by a transient hippie community that lived at Puʻu Ōlaʻi at the north end of the park. Big Eel Reef. Same as Puʻu o Kaiaka. Large reef off the beach homes at Kapalaoa at the south end of ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. the large reef off the beach homes at Kapalaoa at the south end of ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay.300 feet long at Mākena State Park. Kahoʻolawe. 1. On Kuʻia Shoal off Kealaikahiki Point. The surf site is adjacent to the island. Also known as Black Rock. 2. The guano is visible from a distance and is the origin of the island's name. South of Keāhole Point at approximately 60 feet. 3. Hawaiʻi. Black Point. 4. Surf site. 1. Island. Island. Diamond Head. 1. They noted that when they paddled to this deep-water site between Castle Point and Castles. Oʻahu. land. Hawaiʻi. Beach park on Hanalei Bay's 2-mile calcareous sand beach that is located between the Hanalei Landing. The fishing site is on the same sea cliffs adjoining the blowhole. Bird. Beach park. Black Pot. Surf site." Black Point. Oʻahu. North Kohala. Noddy terns nest here. the ocean bottom disappeared from view. . Fishing site. Fishing site. Kailua surfers from the Kaimalino neighborhood began surfing here in the late 1950s. Also known as Blacks. Dive site. Oʻahu. Maui. Surf site. Oʻahu. The blowhole is in the low sea cliffs on the west side of Black Point. a group of Hanalei residents kept a large black communal cooking pot here. Kahoʻolawe. Hawaiʻi. Kailua. Also known as Black Rock. Kahuku. Mokolea Island. Also known as Ananoio. Also known as Mokumana. Kāhala. A vertical lava tube in the reef looks like a "black hole" from above. southwest shore. Large sand patch in Waiakaʻīlio Bay that gives it its popular name. or Kupikipikiʻo. Oʻahu. Kohala. saltwater swimming pool in the sea cliffs on the east side of Black Point that is for the use of Black Point Road residents only. Kalaupapa. Between Kākiʻo and Puʻu Kaimuʻuala. 2. or "blacked out. Molokaʻi. which for many years was a focal point of social activity. Black Rock.Point. Duke's. Hawaiʻi. Prior to its development as a county park in 1973. Solitary island at the north end of Kailua Bay that is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Mōkōlea Island. Blackouts. Sea cave on the north side of the peninsula. Kauaʻi. 5. Big Sandy. 3. Dive site. A reef adjacent to the sand provides snorkeling opportunities. Black Hole. fishing site. Blowhole. Cave. Bird Rock. Bird Island. Pool. On the eastern side of Black Point. Oʻahu. One of two islands near Pauwalu Point. is the southernmost point on Oʻahu. Kailua. Bay. Kailua. The dive site is adjacent to the island. snorkeling site. Keʻanae. a 300-foot pier. South of Keawanui Bay. and the Hanalei River. Dive site. Keāhole. Right to the west of Concessions that breaks only on a big swell. Diamond Head. Oʻahu. The property that is now the beach park has always been an informal gathering place for the Hanalei community. Also known as Bird Island. Surf site. It is the only place on Maui where ʻiwa. second-reef site in Kailua Bay to the east of Kapoho Point. Big Sandy Bay. The second pool is in the backyard of a private home on Kaikoʻo Place. Big-wave. Oʻahu. Parts of the island are covered with white guano deposited by roosting seabirds. Ala Moana. Also known as Waiakaʻīlio. Mokolea Island in Kailua Bay is used as a roosting site by seabirds. Hanalei. 3. Private. The "black" in all the Black Point names refers to the black lava that comprises the points. Kailua. or frigate birds. surf site. The pool is one of two that were built by the military as part of the Fort Ruger support facilities prior to the development of Black Point as a residential community. Black Rock. Named in the early 1960s. Except for a red cinder cone. Hāmākua Poko. 2. Also known as Duke's. Oʻahu. fishing site. . surf site. One of five beaches on the Kalaupapa Peninsula. 4. Blacks. Oʻahu.Black Rock. such as Australia. is commonly known as Black Rock. Puahi. At the west end of the reef fronting Camp Erdman. Well-known fishing site for surround-netting akule. Surf site. 3. was a small black island that was deliberately destroyed by the U. The surf site is on the east side of the point. Black Rock was apparently determined to be a hazard to navigation for the dozens of warships that were traversing the waters around Kahoʻolawe.9 acres). Although the rock is gone. Beach. Also known as Keone. Long. Punaluʻu. 2. 3. Narrow black sand beach at the base of low sea cliffs. Surf site.S. Waiʻanae. Off a large black rock on the north side of Kaʻena Point State Park. Blacks is an abbreviation of Black Point. RIMPAC is an international maritime exercise held in Hawaiian waters that tests the tactical proficiency of military warships and aircraft from many Pacific nations. Oʻahu. Point. surf site. Puʻu Kekaʻa. Republic of Korea. mayor of the City and County of Honolulu from 1955 to 1968. Black Sand Mānele. Maui. 1. Point. Mākaha. 2. Black Rock Arches. Kaupakalua. United Kingdom. Kaʻena. Mokulēʻia. Surf site. Gathering site. Maui. 9. Several large arches at 20 to 45 feet off Black Rock in Nānākuli. The point is also known as Mauna Lahilahi. the dive and surf sites remain and are still known as Black Rock. Nānākuli. a detrital or "black" sand beach lined the head of the bay. Point. 3. Black sand and pebble beach backed by low dunes between the boat ramp and Punaluʻu Beach Park. Maui. Mānele. and the United States. Akule congregate here over a large pocket of black sand on the bottom of the bay. Oʻahu. Kehena. The island looks black. 5. Kāʻanapali. Blockhouse. Molokaʻi. The point is also known as Kāneʻilio Point. Lānaʻi. The surf site is at the point. Oʻahu. Dive site. On the shore of Pearl Harbor at the foot of Kaʻahumanu Street. Named after Neil Blaisdell. snorkeling site. Also known as Black Sand Beach. or Pōhaku Kuʻikeʻe. Island. Point at the east end of Pōha-kunui Avenue. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Beach. Also known as Devil's Rock. Except for the white guano deposits. Black Sand. Kāhala. Also known as Mōkōlea Island. Surf site. Oʻahu. Bay. 7. surf site. 6. Blaisdell. Navy during the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise in 1982. Also known as Kāohikaipu. the calcareous sand beach in Hulopoʻe Bay to the west. Black Sands. also known as a pillbox. Island. Also known as Mauna Kohala. The rocks on the point are black. Kawailoa. wide detrital sand beach at the foot of the Kalaupapa Trail on the west side of the peninsula. Uaoa Bay. a cinder cone in the center of Kāʻanapali Beach. The surf site is on the west side of the point. the island looks black from a distance. Oʻahu. Also known as Police Beach. Chile. Oʻahu. Kailua. The beach was formed in 1955 when a lava flow from Kīlauea reached the ocean and generated large amounts of black cinder sand. 8. 1. Oʻahu. Dive site. The dive and snorkeling sites are on its seaward side and are also known as Sheraton. surf site. Beach. Pearl City. Oʻahu. Makapuʻu. Stone Island. The surf site is adjacent to the island. Canada. On the east side of Black Point. surf site. the island is composed of black lava. All of the Blockhouse sites are named for a concrete blockhouse. Park (25. Beach. Hawaiʻi. Nānākuli. Mokulēʻia. Also known as ʻAwahua Beach. The rocks on the point are black. Rock. Oʻahu. Prior to the construction of Mānele Bay Small Boat Harbor. or bigeyed scad. Island. The rocks on the point are black. Kalaupapa. Ke One Neʻe o ʻAwahua. It was called Black Sand Mānele Beach to differentiate it from White Sand Mānele Beach. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Hāʻena. Fringing reef in Hilo Bay upon which the Hilo Breakwater is built. regent of the kingdom. Hāʻena. Surf site. The Blonde stopped briefly at Hilo Bay and then proceeded on to Maui and Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi Kai. the calcareous sand at the bottom of the holes gives them a distinct turquoise or "blue" color compared to the darker sea around them. Blonde Reef. Kaʻahumanu. Blowhole. Oʻahu. The reef was shallow. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi Kai. Dive site. arrived in Hilo aboard the Blonde to return the bodies of King Kamehameha II (Liholiho) and his wife Kamamalu. Bluebirds. Kainaliu. Oʻahu.from World War II that is located inshore of the site. The Hawaiian king and queen had died of measles within six days of each other while on a visit to London. Named for a hlowhole at Mākaha Point that is now filled in with rocks. The. Mokulēʻia. Niu. Boatwreck Reef. Center section of Papaloa Beach where an outrigger canoe shed or "boat house" once stood in the backshore. Reef. During the construction of the boat Day Star on the beach here. a rare occurrence. At both the Hāʻena and Niu sites. Surf site. During big. so Andrade named it for . 1. She declared that the reef that protects the bay would be known as Blonde Reef in honor of the ship that had returned the bodies of the royal couple to their homeland. In June 1825. Molokaʻi. This surf site breaks only during the biggest south swells. 4. 3. one that came out of deep blue water. Same as Day Star. During a big south swell. Surf site. but it turned out to be a good spot. Kalaupapa. One of the Red Hill dive sites. Also known as Blue Pond. A blue moon is a second full moon in a calendar month. Oʻahu. sand from the ocean bottom boils to the surface here with a blowhole-type action. bluebird was a surfing term for a very large wave. Same as the Hālona Blowhole. The breakwater was constructed on Blonde Reef. Hawaiʻi. Kauaʻi." Blue Pool. Dive site. The surf site Bluebirds is a peak in line with Castles. Also known as Papanui. but to the west where it breaks primarily on a westerly south swell. "point surf" days. Waterfall plunge pool. Maui. Surf site. Hilo. 2. Mākaha. During the 1930s. Surf site. Infrequent big-wave site off the north end of the Hilo Breakwater. Surf site. On a boulder beach near Hāna at the base of a waterfall. Between Canoes and First Break. Oʻahu. In 1825. Blonde. Beach. the surf site was called The Boat or Ironboat before the boat was named. Kauaʻi. Boat. Boat House. Off Hālona Blowhole. Lord George Anson Bryon. Surf site. cousin of the poet. Hawaiʻi. returned to Hilo aboard the Blonde with Bryon. big-wave site off Portlock Road between Seconds and Pillars. Second-reef. Waikīkī. Blue Hole. Oʻahu. the takeoff in line with the blowhole was called thus. Hawaiʻi Kai. Blowhole. Deep pocket of sand on the seaward side of the reef. 1. Surf site. Surf site. Carlos Andrade and Stanford Morinaka were surfing at Cannons. Waikīkī. It was crowded. Oʻahu. Hilo. Named for the British frigate HMS Blonde. 2. Deep pocket of sand on the shoreward side of the reef. Bobos. Blue Moons. or "once in a blue moon. so Andrade suggested that they paddle west and check out a site near the mouth of Limahuli Stream. Ulaʻino. In the early 1970s. Ala Moana. Kauaʻi. The names at both sites are from bombora. Fish aggregating device. If they take off outside Boils. In the 1970s. Big-wave. Surf site. Buoy anchored at approximately 850 fathoms. second-reef surf site that breaks only during periods of high surf. Surf site. Same as USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park. Bowfin. Beach." were popular drug paraphernalia for smoking marijuana. Bongs. Surf site. Site in the Waimea lineup where water "boils" up to the surface from a rock formation on the ocean bottom when waves pass over it. Bowl. 1. A member of the Cooke family. Oʻahu. Boulders. 1. Boilers. At the north end of Anahola Beach. Anahola. Bomb Bay. Veteran Waimea surfers use Boils to determine if "true" or classic big-wave Waimea is breaking. 2. Off the center of Wailupe Peninsula. Surf site. Beach. Pearl Harbor. Bowling Alleys. Kaluakoʻi. and they are riding "true" Waimea. Pākala. Waikīkī. A cluster of loose boulders on the ocean bottom marks the site. Waves here end on a shallow reef that was named the Boneyard in the late 1950s but has since been shortened to Bones. Oʻahu. 1. Mōkapu. Boils. Near the intersection of the runway and North Beach at Marine Corps Air Station Kāneʻohe Bay. Poʻolau. Waimea. then the waves are 20 feet or higher. Kauaʻi." Also known as Puʻu Kahuaiki. the founders of Molokaʻi Ranch. Molokaʻi. Oʻahu. Off Magic Island. Oʻahu. Bones. second-reef site that breaks outside the normal lineup at Pākala. BO Buoy. Off the Kaluakoʻi Resort restaurant. Kalaeloa. Surf site. The first surfers to ride here often smoked a bong before going out. an Australian term for an isolated. Surf site. Memorial. or "bongs. Molokaʻi. Oʻahu. Waialeʻe. Mākaha.Morinaka whose nickname then was "Bobo. waterpipes. Oʻahu. Landmarks: Pōkaʻī Bay Light. Lāʻie. Surf site. 2. Small pocket of calcareous sand adjoining the outermost parking lot in the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor. Also known as Islands. Honolulu Harbor Buoy Light. Surf site. During World War II. Hanalei. Oʻahu. found a large unexploded bomb here and gave the bay its popular name. Kauaʻi. Magic Island. Series of reform breaks . Barbers Point Light. The final section at Hanalei. Surf site. Named for the curved or bowl-shaped section at the west end of the wave. Wailupe. Surf site. Surfers commonly use the beach to access the surf sites from Kaisers to Ala Moana Bowls. Named for the curved or bowl-shaped section at the east end of the wave during big winter point surf. Surf site. so they named the site after their paraphernalia of choice. Bonk's. the pastures inland of Poʻolau Bay were used by the military for bombing practice. Oʻahu. Between Waialeʻe Beach Park and Kawela Bay. Oʻahu. Also known as Poʻolau Beach. Oʻahu. 2. Both sites are named for the water that "boils" up to the surface through rock formations on the ocean bottom when waves pass over them. Bomboras. Inshore of Pulemoku Island. dangerous waves that break on an extremely shallow reef. Ala Moana Bowls. Hawaiʻi. The county eventually acquired the lot to expand Poʻipū Beach Park. a beach vacation rental complex adjacent to the west end of Mokulēʻia Beach Park. Poʻipū. The bodysurfing site was at the sand beach below the seawall fronting my home. so I deeded it to my alma mater. The. his beach house was destroyed by Hurricane ʻIwa. The body-boarding and bodysurf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. moʻolelo My last name is German. and I came to Kauaʻi in 1931 as the assistant plantation doctor at Līhuʻe Plantation to Dr. The site is a left that breaks into the channel. and then in 1942 I became the plantation doctor for Waimea Plantation. but they wouldnʻt buy it. Surf site. The house stood unchanged until Hurricane ʻlwa in 1982. Brennecke bought a lot at the beach in 1934 and built a beach house on it in 1936. The name was introduced by Australian surfers who compared the waves here to The Box in Australia. Gay and Robinson. Breakwater. Anthony Vindinha. M. On November 23. Named for its curved or bowl-shaped section in the wave. 1. Surf site. Named for Dr. In 1941 I renovated the beach house and made an addition to it. and Olokele Sugar until I retired in 1972. Also known as Middles. Breakwalls. lt was finished on the morning of December 7. I tried to sell the property to the county and state to expand Poʻipū Beach Park. 2. and he never rebuilt. and in 1936 I built a beach house on it. . Beach. Named for the curved or bowl-shaped section at the west end of the wave at the edge of the Ala Wai Channel. Small peninsula at the base of the sea cliffs between Kukuihaele Light and Waipiʻo Valley. The name is linked to the construction of the 2-mile long breakwater in Hilo Bay. Louis. Off Owen's Retreat. H. bodyboarding site. In 1934 I bought a lot at Poʻipū from the late mayor of Kauaʻi. Washington University Medical School. I graduated from Washington University Medical School in St. A 1972 state regulation prohibits surfboards here. Straight Outs. Oʻahu. Boulders from the peninsula were loaded on barges and towed to Hilo Bay. or "breakwall. Oʻahu. Lahaina. and Līhuʻe Terminals. Same as Ala Moana. Surf site. Mokulēʻia. 1982. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Kaimū. Surf site.offshore on a second reef. a surf site south of Perth famous for its steep. Brennecke's. Maui. Kōloa. Missouri. Fishing site. A. I remember the contractor was cleaning up when we heard the news about Pearl Harbor. bodysurf site. Small pocket of calcareous sand fronted by a shallow sandbar at the east end of Poʻipū Beach Park. Waikīkī. Waterhouse's place for McBryde. Kukuihaele. After ʻlwa. Kekaha Plantation. On the east side of the channel and off the breakwater. Surf site. Also known as Harbor Lefts. J. 3. Same as Dog Bowls. where they were used in the construction of the second phase of the breakwater. who came to Kauaʻi in 1931 and worked as a plantation doctor until he retired in 1972. Box. Kuhns. and I'm originally from Jackson. Lanikai. Bowls. Kauaʻi. East of Kaimū." that protects Lahaina Small Boat Harbor. which was started in 1908 and completed in 1929. Marvin Brennecke. In 1933 I took Dr. Same as Buzz's. Off the officers' cabins at the west end of White Plains Beach. Landing. diving. Kahuku. Off Buzz's Wharf. Kukea. This site was first surfed and named in the late 1920s by John Kelly and Fran Heath who lived nearby at Black Point. Surf site. Lava shelf off Brennecke's Beach with a drop from 60 to 95 feet that creates a long ledge with overhangs and holes. was one of the best. The monuments have rows of individually inscribed metal plates that are "in loving memory of those who have been buried at sea. Buzz's. Introductory dive site at 40 feet. Kaʻalawai. ʻĀinamalu was the name of Brown's home. ʻĀina Haina. Dive site. In April 1955. Māʻalaea. Broken Road. Brown's Bay. Cable Channel. or South Point. Area residents call the ruins Broken Road. He excelled in surfing. Oʻahu. the county completed a concrete boat landing on the west side of Ka Lae. Surf site. Two stone monuments established in 1979 in the beachfront garden of the church. ʻĀina Haina. Also Known as Buzz's Wharf. It was intended to assist fishermen who moor their boats at the point where they use hoists to haul fish and equipment up and down the sea cliffs. a rescue captain in the Honolulu Fire Department. Maui. and outrigger canoe paddling and was a highly respected coach for the Hui Nalu Canoe Club. National wildlife refuge.S. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. The U. 1988 Brennecke's Drop. Oʻahu. Māʻalaea. Same as John Brown's. Oʻahu. Kalaeloa. Campbell. In a state renowned for its exceptional watermen. Hawaiʻi. California Reef. CC Cabins. who lived in ʻĀina Haina and whose ashes were scattered offshore. Calvary by the Sea Lutheran Church. Oʻahu." One of these plates is for Kala Kukea (1943-1996). Dive site. Buzz's Wharf. now a subdivision called ʻĀinamalu. kayaking. Surf site. Off the former estate of George Brown. the ledges have a wide diversity of everything. Hanauma Bay. Fish and Wildlife Service leases two wetland . In less than a year the landing and its access road collapsed under the onslaught of seasonal high surf and were never rebuilt. Poʻipū.Marvin Brennecke. Maui. Surf site. Oʻahu. Dive site. Channel cut through the reef to house a submarine communications cable for Hawaiian Telephone. Surf site. a restaurant on the shore at the west end of Māʻalaea Small Boat Harbor. like California. Kahuku. Memorial. Kauaʻi. with some ledges that have a wide diversity of marine life. Brown's. Kawailoa. December 7. under the leadership of Bishop Harry S.000." Kokokahi is a name he devised to signify that all races have similar blood and are. surf site. Camp Hālena. the camp's property was expanded when an additional 27 acres of land between its west boundary and Mokulēʻia Beach park were leased from Mokulēʻia Ranch. Hawaiian moorhens. The epithet nā hala o Naue. YMCA camp on Kauaʻi's north shore established in 1926. Maui. Pāʻia. Razors.5 acres from the estate of James D. A former Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar (HC&S) plantation camp. the Episcopal Diocese. Campbell Industrial Park. Erdman was Dillingham's nephew. who was killed in a fall from a horse during a polo game. Marion Dillingham Erdman. Salvation Army camp on Crozier Drive. was on the now . Off Weli Point near Wahiawa Bay. The Kiʻi Unit is man-made. Both sites attract migratory and native water-birds that frequent the shore of Kahuku Point. surf site. The land for the camp had been leased in 1926 from Walter Dillingham. The camp was dedicated on September 14. the Salvation Army officer who had been Hawaiʻi's division commander during World War II. Recreation site. or "the pandanus of Naue. Wahiawa. the first president of Molokaʻi Ranch. Also known as James C. Oʻahu. Recreation site. black-crowned night herons. Punamanō is a natural spring-fed marsh. Oʻahu. The surf site is offshore and is also known as Camps. Mokulēʻia. "one blood. Hālena. Kauaʻi. purchased Camp Mokulēʻia's 2. or pandanus." appears in chants and songs about Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. and over two dozen species of migratory seabirds and waterfowl. 1. Camp One. was an enthusiastic scouting supporter and sponsored the construction of Camp Hālena. equal. Naue is a coastal area that was famous for its hala. A YWCA camp and hostel at the southeast end of Kāneʻohe Bay. Recreation site. Off the public right-of-way on Kaomi Loop in Campbell Industrial Park. Camp Naue. Oʻahu. Dive site. In August 1947. The original buildings on the site. Campbells. Camp Homelani. Recreation site. 2. Camp One. built in the 1920s. but upon Erdman's death the Dillingham family donated the land to the YMCA. or "heavenly home. a cluster of small cabins and related buildings on Hālena Beach. consisting of several wastewater settling basins built by Kahuku Sugar Company before it closed in 1971. The camp was founded in 1935 by Reverend Theodore Richards. It now includes a l-acre site on the beach and 8 acres on the opposite side of Crozier Drive. Named in 1932 for Harold Randolph Erdman (19051931). Hāʻena." to reflect their religious beliefs. Hawaiian stilts. The surf site is off the camp and is also known as Homelani. Kauaʻi. were part of McInerny's beachfront home. Campbell National Wildlife Refuge. therefore. In 1978. Oʻahu. Kāneʻohe. Hawaiian coots. George P. Kennedy. 1947. The Salvation Army is a Christian organization and Kranz named it Homelani. Cooke. Camp Kokokahi. Mokulēʻia. who also named it Kokokahi. A former McBryde Sugar Company plantation camp was here on the shore. Camp Erdman. McInerny for $40.parcels from the James Campbell Estate: the Kiʻi Unit (126 acres) and the Punamanō Unit (38 acres). Camp Homelani was originally a half-acre site on the beach when it was acquired in 1948 by Major Adolf Kranz. Recreation site. Mokulēʻia. Recreation site. Surf site. Windsurf site. including Hawaiian ducks. Also known as Weli Point. the son of his sister. grove. Molokaʻi. Camp Mokulēʻia. Turtle Canyons. Waikīkī. Sharp rock on the west edge of the reef at Half Point in Sandy Beach Park that has caused many injuries. and it looked 4 to 6 feet. the Navy housing at . just a slight off-shore breeze coming out of Limahuli. Also known as Turtle Canyon. and store their canoes here. Also known as Camp Mokulēʻia. It was perfect—a glassy day. I called it Wichman's since the break was just to the west of Juliette Wichman's Hāʻena home with a great view of the lineup. Oʻahu. Hanakaʻoʻo. One of Waikīkī's most famous surf sites. Same as Mākaha Canyons. Also known as Canoes Surf. Beach. Surf site. which gave it this name. It even seemed to echo off the mountains behind Juliette's house. January 6. Also known as Iroquois Beach. Can Opener. Named after Capehart Housing. Then one day we paddled out. Mākaha. Canyons. They also discovered the waves are so hollow that completing a good ride is like being shot out of a cannon.undeveloped shore between the end of the runway and the stables. Hāʻena. It was well overhead. Hāʻena. Maui. Spur and groove reef southeast of the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor at approximately 35 feet. Outrigger canoe clubs practice. But when we got out there. Also known as Cannons Reef. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. sounding like a cannon going off. The tubes [were] so big and awesome. The site was named for this activity. Rock. And then making those first few tubes was like getting shot out a cannon. Camps. Capehart. Mokulēʻia. Oʻahu. Beach. Canyons Reef. no-wind day the booming of the breaking waves is like the sound of a cannon firing and even seems to echo off the mountains. Razors. hold regattas. the only place in the world where this occurs. Canoes. Oʻahu. 2. Also known as Camp Homelani. and the water was really clear and blue. Waikīkī. The first surfers here in the 1950s discovered that on a big. Dive site. surf site. Dive site. Canoes Surf. Waikīkī. Hauwa. Same as Canoes. Outrigger canoes surf the waves here daily. Surf site. Mokulēʻia. Surf site. Cannons. The surf site is also known as Cannons. Canoe. 1999 Cannons Reef. Oʻahu. so they named it Cannons for both of these cannon-related features. moʻolelo The first few times I rode it. Also known as Hanakaʻoʻo Beach. the waves were much bigger than they looked from the road above and kept getting bigger. Hawaiʻi Kai. but it was so perfect. 1. Kauaʻi. The outer edge of the reef is a long ledge with lava tubes where turtles and white tip sharks are common. Surf site. What got me that day was how loud the sound of the waves was when the tube exploded and spit out foam and whitewater. it became Cannons. especially cuts and lacerations. Nick Beck. and a west swell coming up. Oʻahu. Dive site. Surf site. So after that. Reef at the Cannons surf site. Maui. Rock. Kaupōa. Light. The plaque on the obelisk reads: "In memory of the great circumnavigator Captain James Cook. Castle's. Point. Lānaʻi. This was apparently the last volcanic eruption on Maui. In approximately 1790. In 1960 it was nearly overrun by lava flowing into the ocean from an eruption nearby in Kapoho. point. Harold K. Cape Kaʻea. Small rock island off the Mokulēʻia Polo Field that has been compared to an underwater castle.Keahi Point. Devil's Rock. Light. then divided into two streams. Hawaiʻi." A second plaque at the jetty fronting the monument reads: "The Commonwealth of Australia in memory of Captain James Cook.. Nāwiliwili. Presented by Swedish American Line on the occasion of a visit by M. Named after Harold Kainalu Long Castle who owned the land at the point and who. Boulder beach and the south point of Nāwiliwili Harbor. April 1st. on his voyage of discovery 1768-1771 in the bark Endeavor. Prior to its development as a residential community.. windsurf site. Established as an automatic light in 1929 at the easternmost point in the Hawaiian Islands. Palaoa. . Underwater pinnacle that resembles a castle on the ocean floor. Castle. in 1925.N. Cape Kinaʻu. Maui. Mālaekahana. R. 2. Kahuku Section. Point. Estate. Kauaʻi. Monument erected at Kaʻawaloa on the north side Kealakekua Bay at the site where Captain James Cook was killed. L. but called the Cape Kaʻea Light. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. R. Mokulēʻia. 1. R. Rock. 2. Young surfers in the 1960s from Kawela Bay and Kahuku thought that some of the large beachfront homes here were more like castles than homes. Wreck. Kaʻawaloa. Molokaʻi. Kailua. Surf site. Honuaʻula. Oʻahu. Some of the wreckage is still visible on the ocean bottom. 2. Hawaiʻi." A third plaque at the site reads: "In commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the arrival in the Pacific Ocean of Captain James Cook. Carter. Kumukahi.N.N. This monument was erected in November AD 1874 by some of his fellow countrymen. lava from the southwest rift zone of Haleakalā reached the ocean north of La Pérouse Bay and formed Cape Kinaʻu. Established in 1934 at Palaoa Point. 1. Honuaʻula. Cape Kumukahi.S. At the north end of Kailua Bay adjacent to Kapoho Point. Beach. the discoverer of both Australia and these islands erected this jetty. Kailua. Dive site. 3. Lava came within several feet of the tower. The monument is a 27-foot white obelisk surrounded by twelve metal posts linked by chains. Carter at La Pérouse Bay. Stone Island. who discovered these islands on the 18th day of January AD 1778 and fell near this spot on the 14th day of February AD 1779. Kauaʻi. The 115-foot steel skeleton tower was built in 1934 approximately 156 feet above sea level. Also known as Kapoho Point. developed the Kalama Tract.. A 17-acre estate and home of former territorial governor George R. Kungsholm to Kealakekua Bay. Beach. Keʻe. Monument. Oʻahu. The Carrier Dove was a four-masted schooner carrying copra from Tonga that went aground on a reef near Kaupōa in November 1921. the point was used by the Honolulu Skeet Club as a firing range from 1938 to 1977. 1. 1969." Carrier Dove. Also known as Black Rock. Captain Cook. North section of Mālaekahana Beach fronting Mālaekahana State Recreation Area. passing on either side of it. the first housing tract in Kailua. When Duke made his famous ride from Castle's to Canoes. he did it. he was riding a 16-foot-long skegless redwood board. and you have to turn down into the peak and then accelerate forward. which had a lot of glide. one long swell. When we get a gigantic . inside of Populars. with Amos Cooke. That in-between section is Techniques. the more from the south the better. Castle's was Castle's—there was only one. and it's so hard to line up that lots of waves come through unridden. Also known as Kalehuawehe. and you go through section after section. 4. He left the mission in 1851 and. Kainalu. Oʻahu. I never went ashore. especially to get from Castle's past Cunha's. In the years that followed Duke's ride. and it is probably one of the longest rides in the world on one wave. Surf site. Duke Kahanamoku caught a now-legendary wave here and rode it standing all the way to Waikīkī Beach. June 1995 is the last time I surfed at Castle's. were not actually Castle's. and it forms only on a special swell. You had to have good technique to make it. During the rides I remember thinking. especially on the old boards. The current is strong. From Castle's it's the same wave. This bothered me. A second-reef site. Samuel Northrup Castle arrived in Hawaiʻi with the eighth company of missionaries in 1837. I'm still going!" and at the end of each ride. outside of Techniques. But out of respect for the Duke's ride. You drift quickly and really have to watch your markers. and the paddle back out between waves took at least 45 minutes. But it wasn't one specific site. The Castle family's three-story beachfront home. The smaller board took a lot of maneuvering. Bluebirds is to the west of Castles. 3. I ended up past Canoes. In 1930. was a prominent landmark in Waikīkī and the landmark for the takeoff at Castles. and the swell then lasted three days. and there's no doubt in my mind that I could have made the Halekūlani Hotel. moʻolelo Castle's was named for the Castle home on the beach. Oʻahu. compared to Duke's 16-foot board. To make that ride to Canoes takes a special wave. it does not break unless wave heights are 10 feet or greater. Castles is the south shore's most famous big-wave surf site. The big sets usually clean everyone out. To make that ride. The ride takes you from one end of the bay to the other. a more westerly swell. I proved to myself that it could be done. I had a pair of binoculars. "Steamer Lane" was a term that was used to describe Waikīkī when it was breaking at its biggest. It was razed in 1958 for the construction of the Elks Club. Castle's on a big day is a massive wave. a 10-foot balsa/redwood with a skeg. In fact.Castle formerly owned the land at the point and his descendants have a beach home inshore in Kainalu Park. and from the beach I counted over five hundred people in the water from Castle's to Populars. there was talk among other surfers if he really did it or not—if anyone could actually make a wave from Castle's to Canoes. "We have a Steamer Lane swell today. and I tried to be respectful of his image and what he did. like Bluebirds and Steamer Lane. Waikīkī. in one place. I was always amazed that I had ridden so far. Mālaekahana. All of the riding is done outside of the regular spots like Publics and Cunha's. Each section has a peak. That's the spot that the Duke named Papanui. the angle of his slide would have been important. and I wanted to prove to myself that the Duke could have done it. as in. The Duke was something special." It happened when the lineup put you so far offshore that you were in the shipping lanes used by the former interisland steamers. In the early 1950s. Off Castle Beach. The other names people use for it. I made the ride three times from Castle's to Canoes. To us. I was out at Castle's on a big day. Surf site. but using a smaller board. founded Castle and Cooke Company. and it's a difficult section to get through. and that if the Duke said he did it. This is what makes Waikīkī so unique—so many sites in one bay. "All right. Part of my time was spent doing stunt work that included scuba diving during the latter 1950s. It was he who told me about the Cathedral and how to find it. Mānele. due his incapacitating problems. Several pinnacles rise from 60 feet to just below the surface. Oʻahu. Later in the sixties. We planned to be there three weeks. Jack Ackerman and Larry Windley. He also told me about Molokini. sailed off into the sunset. our best dives were Cathedral and Molokini. I spent twenty-four years in the motion picture industry in Hollywood. The shop was started by two of them from Oʻahu who went to Maui to shoot an underwater commercial. they were restoring the old Baldwin Home. Roy Damron. and this led to a dive trip to do underwater filming in Tahiti. Cathedral II was unknown at that time. Cathedrals. By the time I met them. Larry Windley. who. These are the waves that produce lots of good memories that live in your mind forever. This changed my entire life plan. The name is a play on words for the surf site Dog Bowls. Waimānalo. and found that tourists would buy black coral jewelry. They fell in love with the place. Dive site. and in 1962 I ended up on Maui when Lahaina looked very much like Papeete. the wave train breaks outside and regenerates itself inside in many different spots. 2000 Cat Bowls. They were Jack Ackerman and Larry Windley. This dive site was discovered and named in the late 1950s by the first commercial black coral divers from Maui. Dive site. Lānaʻi. Two dive sites with similar underwater features that are known collectively as Cathedrals. Lānaʻi. Spacious caverns in the pinnacles have a cathedral-like appearance when shafts of sunlight crisscross the interiors through skylights in the exterior walls. 2000 Cattle Chute. which is between the two islands. moʻolelo I honestly cannot take credit for the discovery of the Cathedral. Off the ruins of a cattle chute on the shore of Mānele Bay that was . I met Don Bieber. Larry had had his spinal hit from too much deep diving and was confined to a wheelchair. he had become very active with the Lahaina Restoration Foundation. Mānele. February 28. He and I became immediate close friends and spent several days discussing diving and Maui history. Lānaʻi. The only "dive shop" was an old store taken over by the Lahaina black coral divers. When we began taking dive groups to Maui. who was converting a surplus navy liberty launch into the dive boat Scuba Belle. but perhaps my learning of its existence may be of some interest to you. but went native and stayed three months.swell. when I moved from Hollywood to Honolulu. Surf site. October 13. At the time. who were leading scuba tours as Undersea Adventures Unlimited on Maui. George Downing. On the Waimānalo side of the Mokulua Islands. never to be seen again. To begin my story. and individually as First Cathedral and Second Cathedral. and Molokaʻi. Since he could no longer dive. I knew where they were thanks to that wonderful guy. The first commercial dive tours were conducted here in the late 1960s by Roy Damron and Don Bieber. soon discovered black coral. Surf site. Honolua. After the military put in the road past the beach during World War II. On the west side of Hawaiʻi Kai Channel near the outermost channel markers. Maui. Mākena. surf site. Maui. 2. One of three sections of the surf site at Honolua Bay. Kaʻena. Hōnaunau. Surf site. On the west side of Rocky Point. Oʻahu. Mokulēʻia. The names at both sites are an abbreviation of Gas Chambers. Nukoliʻi. Also known as Paipu. Surf site. As the only low-rises in Mokulēʻia. Introductory site with the wreck of a barge that was used by Henry J. Surf site. a community of singlefamily residences. change abruptly and often with the swell direction. The. Dive site. 1. Beach. Landmarks: Kaʻena Point. the Chang family farmed the land behind the beach for many years. At the mouth of Ulehawa Channel. Seaward of Flat Island. Kaiser when he was dredging the channel and Hawaiʻi Kai Marina in the 1970s. Kauaʻi. Buoy anchored at approximately 410 fathoms. Fish aggregating device. Channel Marker. Buoy anchored at approximately 969 fathoms. Hawaiʻi Kai. Palaoa Point Light. second-reef site between Suicides and Graveyards that breaks outside of the channel . Oʻahu. Section of Mokulēʻia Beach that fronts a cluster of concrete or "cement" low-rise condominiums on Au Street. Channels. South section of Poʻolenalena Beach. Off Nukoliʻi Beach Park. Loa Point. Off Crozier Loop. Hawaiʻi Kai. Cave. Changes. In the channel between the Mokulua Islands. Hawaiʻi Kai." which is the connection between the surf site and the term cemetery. Cattle Guard. Oʻahu. Longtime Mākena residents. Kailua. Also known as Shark Pit. Oʻahu. 3. Sunset Beach. Surf site. the wind. Surf site. C Buoy. Poʻolenalena Beach. Oʻahu. Cemeteries. Miloliʻi. Several members of the family are buried in a small graveyard at Pamolepo on the point bordering the south end of the beach. When surfers wipe out in the tube. Oʻahu. 1. Cement City. they often say they were "buried. Surf site. the concrete drainage canal for Ulehawa Stream. Lānaʻi. the buildings are a prominent landmark. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Peak in the shore-break at Sandy Beach at the west end of the beach. Big-wave. Surf site. This site is often "surfed" by jet ski riders. 4. Kaʻena Point. Chang's. Kailua. Carlos Andrade named this site in the mid-1960s as a play on words for not making a ride through the tube of a hollow wave. Dive site. and the tide. The spur and groove rock formations on the ocean bottom resembled chains to skin divers here in the 1960s. Reef at 15 to 20 feet near the outermost channel marker of the Hawaiʻi Kai Channel. Surf conditions here. Fish aggregating device. CC Buoy. the wave size. Beach. Surf site. Oʻahu. Nānākuli. Off a former cattle guard in the road in Kaʻena Point State Park.constructed in 1921 by the Lānaʻi Ranch Company to load cattle on inter-island steamers. Chains. 2. fishermen began calling the area Chang's Beach. Hawaiʻi. Landmarks: Kealakekua Bay Light. Chambers. Mokuleʻia. Waikīkī. Also known as Ulehawa. including the lineup and the takeoff spot. Oʻahu. The Cave is the innermost section on the shallow reef fronting the large sea cave at the base of the sea cliffs. Surf site. Hawaiʻi Kai. Chicken Creek. we did a lot of pearl diving. and business activities. Named for Charlie Borges. With those heavy boards. Same as China Walls. A bridge at Cove Park at the intersection of ʻIliʻili and Kīhei Roads is also named after him. Kainaliu. or "chimney. Surf site. Mākaha. The seawall is semicircular and forms a "pool. Chimney. A continuation of this site from 80 to 130 feet is known as Deep China Walls. Portlock Point. Poʻipū. Many residents of ʻEwa Beach bought eggs from the farm. Kualoa. bridge. Also known as China's. Hawaiʻi Kai. China Walls. Oʻahu. The outline of the island resembles a wide-brimmed. Dive site. Chinas. who with a small group of friends was the first to surf here. Our first boards were big redwood planks that were so heavy. Dive site. Sometimes we would just put the boards in the water at Kuliʻouʻou and paddle all the way out. Oʻahu. and I started surfing the Portlock area in 1948." Also known as Baby Beach. or the "creek. moʻolelo My family moved from Damon Tract to Kuliʻouʻou in 1944. He and his wife Betty purchased a beach-front parcel on Kamaʻole Beach north of Kamaʻole I Beach Park in 1940 and built their home there in 1950. Off Kualoa Regional Park. a former area resident who lived opposite the public right-of-way and surfed here regularly. Island. Oʻahu. Surf site. Near the end of Waipa Reef. Chinaman's Hat. Charles Clinton Young (1905-1974) came to Hawaiʻi in 1932 as a military reporter to cover the Massie Case and decided to make his home in the Islands. Swimming site. Surf site. The left on this wave hooks back into the bay like a chicken wing as it follows a bend in the reef. Hawaiʻi. Sand canyon with lava walls and a lava tube." which begins at 40 feet. Beach. or Portlock Point. Charlie Young. and is open on both ends. that begins with a steep takeoff next to a large submerged rock. Young became a well-known public figure as a reporter for the Maui News and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and for his involvement in many social. . ends at 10 feet. 2. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Surf site. Kīhei. Off Oneʻula Beach Park. Maui. Section of beach at Poʻipū Beach Park that is protected from the open ocean by a seawall.through the reef off Mākālei Beach Park. Kauaʻi. The section of Kamaʻole Beach below his home is known as Young's Beach or Charlie Young Beach. Hawaiʻi Kai. Surf site. a large chicken farm was here near the drainage ditch. Chinese-style hat. 1. a surfer from Kuliʻouʻou. Richard Okita was the one who came up with the name China Wall for that quarter-mile-long wave at the point. During the 1960s. Oʻahu. Okita had learned about the Great Wall of China in school and adapted the name to describe the length of the waves on a big day. Oʻahu. Off the west end of ʻUpena Street. but when it was big. Ledge at 15 to 70 feet. Children's Pool. Named in 1948 by Richard Okita. civic. Also known as Mokoliʻi Island and Pake Pāpale Island. Charlie's Reef." at the entrance to the park. China Wall was an awesome wave. Chicken Wing. Long left with many sections at Kawaihoa. I think we were probably the first ones to surf out at the point. it took two of us to carry them. ʻEwa Beach. Hanalei. a man from Kuliʻouʻou. we were riding redwood planks. and even some of the good surfers from Waikīkī would come. As far as I know. we went with them. I surfed China Wall from 1948 to 1957. Their favorite casting spots were on the cliffs and on the big rock that's called Finger Rock today.Alexander Brenner. Kaiser hadn't developed it yet. and they were all competitive swimmers in high school. the outside left on the reef that ends by the submerged rock. 2000 My family moved to Kuliʻouʻou in 1939 when I was six years old. 2000 My family moved to Hawaiʻi Kai in the early 1950s before it was Hawaiʻi Kai. all of us kids would go out. No one body-surfed the shorebreak then except one guy from Kalihi. and me. Sometimes we would just walk across the highway and paddle out to the point from our house. Ken was a terrific bodysurfer. so all the neighborhood kids would go down to Kuliʻouʻou Park to hang out and play basketball. I think we were also the first to surf Sandy Beach. But when we went with them and we saw the waves. we were the first to surf there. hollows. A monument was erected for one of them. after I finished college. When the surf was really big. Clifford Murakami. after the war. Portlock Road only went half way to the point. I made my last balsa board in 1957 and that's when my surfing days ended. Our gang was the second generation to surf out there. but that's where we started. Ken Kahoonei. too. they were the first to surf China Walls. Nobody else went out there except the fishermen. and he could ride the shorebreak without fins. We started surfing there in 1948. When the surf got bigger. the kids would go. So when they went fishing. First. and in those days when the adults went some-place. it looks like the China Wall. No one surfed any of the spots outside the park like they do now. so I picked the name China Wall for that left because when you take off and make the drop. right about where Roy's is now. especially bodysurfing and surfing. and in later years we went to balsa and then finally to foam boards. we realized that you could surf them. we rode our paipo boards on the left over the shallow reef next to Finger Rock. It was a wooden pole with his name on it. I had learned about the Great Wall of China in school. November 9. They were older than us. like Conrad Cunha and Squirrelly Carvalho. In the early fifties. Our gang was Alexander Brenner. Richard Okita. near the Keāhole Street intersectīon. and when it was big. Our house was between the two bridges on Kalanianaʻole Highway. we would bodysurf and paipo the left that hugs the cliffs straight out from Finger Rock. November 15. Donald Ishii and his brother Roger. Several of the families in the valley fished for ulua at the point outside Portlock. and as far as I know. Another one of the regulars out there was Dale . we surfed the long left into the bay that begins next to the submerged reef about 60 [or] 80 yards Diamond Head of Finger Rock. so you had to walk the rest of the way. and semi-hollows. and the reef at Turtles was where we dived for fish. so they were really good in the water. It's a dangerous area and several fishermen died when they were washed off the cliffs by high surf. and during that time we went from hollow boards to balsa boards. When it was big. The valley wasn't developed then. That reef had more wana [spiny sea urchins] than any other reef I ever saw. The guys before us were Richard Okita and his gang. we could see the whitewater shooting up above the point when the big sets hit the rocks. We could see the surf from the house. When the puʻuhonua at Hōnaunau was established as a county park in 1920. A family friend. Hōnaunau. lf you timed it just right. John Ah Choy Chun (1914-1996). however. Beach. Oʻahu. was the founder of Chun's Store in Haleʻiwa and a member of the Honolulu Fire Department. but we called the takeoff Deadman's Pole because it was right below a wooden pole on the rocks that marked the spot where a fisherman had died. Site of a puʻuhonua.Crooker. Chun's Reef. fed regularly. Kawailoa. 2. rode paipos.Sea surf shop and breaks only during high surf outside the harbor. dive into the wave. 1. Edna Reese. or place of refuge. The site is inside Haleʻiwa Small Boat Harbor off the Surf-n. Pearl Harbor Oʻahu. Makahūʻena Point. Hawaiian fish such as moi (Polydactylus sexfilis) are inserted in the cages as fingerlings. CII has a 15 year lease on 28 acres of submerged ocean lands 1. you could run across the terrace. Chun's children were avid surfers and beginning in the 1950s. Puʻuhonua. Buoy anchored at approximately 825 . ʻEwa Beach. requested that the name be changed. 2000 Chocolate. Also known as Inside Haleʻiwa Harbor. Offshore fish farm. Soil runoff from the streams that empty into the bay form the beach and the sandbar and turn the water in the bay a chocolate brown. The farm consists of four large cages that rise from 150 feet to 40 feet below the surface. surf site. Richard "Black" Perry. Surf site. Also known as Puʻu Hou. Each cage has the potential of producing 150. Beach. Kahuku. but rather safety zones that were administered by priests where war refugees or people accused or crimes could seek refuge. The ocean here is brown. Oʻahu. and "city of refuge" became the accepted definition. November 5. Fish aggregating device. Small beginner's break on the sandbar at the head of Kaiaka Bay that forms during high surf outside the bay. from soil runoff into the stream after heavy rains. Small beginner's break on a sandbar at the mouth of Anahulu Stream. and harvested when they are ready for market. Fishing site. we bodysurfed. CK Buoy. Oʻahu. The Hawaiian community. Cinder Cone. Surf-n-Sea. Undeveloped park across Kamehameha Highway from Chun's Reef. dive site. catch it and ride it all the way to the shallow reef next to Finger Rock. 1961. their favorite surf site. coined the name Chun's Reef for the site. and surfed the break along the cliffs. Haleʻiwa. Early missionaries. a doctor who lived on Portlock Road. and in 1978 Congress authorized its official change to Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historic Park. however. compared the puʻuhonua to the ancient Hebrew cities of refuge. Sometimes we would actually catch the waves at the Point by diving into them. 1. Besides surfing China Walls. He owned a beach home near the surf site on No Name Road. 2. Dark detrital or chocolate-colored sand beach that lines the shore at West Loch Naval Air Station in Pearl Harbor. they often surfed at this reef. Haleʻiwa. Chocolates. National historic park. We called it Main Point. City of Refuge. were not cities. it was established as the City of Refuge National Historical Park.000 pounds of moi every eight months. and on July 1. Hawaiʻi's first commercial underwater fish farm established in March 2000 by Randy Cates of Cates International Inc. Kauaʻi. a small lane that parallels Kamehameha Highway at the 4-mile marker. Surf site. or chocolate colored. including William Ellis in 1823. CII. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Support park (3 acres).7 miles of ʻEwa Beach. or the Point. it was called the City of Refuge. Hawaiʻi. Also known as Kuaumania. cinder cone. A small. south of Hāwea Point. Maui. 1. Landmarks: Ninini Point. Cockroach. Kahuku. Lānaʻi. Coast. who was aboard the HMS Blonde when it entered Hilo Bay in 1824. An abbreviation of Kuilei Cliffs Beach Park. identified the island as . Cloudbreak. During the 1960s. Charter boats from Lahaina make the 9-mile trip in forty-five minutes. Hawaiʻi. Coconut trees have been on the island at least since the early 1800s. Club Lānaʻi. windsurf site. gulch. Kaʻena Point. Surf site. the name of the beach park with the three lookouts on Diamond Head Road. Eternity Beach. Name introduced by the visitor industry to identify the coast from Wailua to Keālia. Also known as Diamond Head. Also known as Makaiwa. Diamond Head. The harbor is now used for community-based development to farm seaweed and fish. Big-wave. Small. Deep-water surf sites are commonly called "second-reef" and sometimes "third-reef" breaks. 1. Halepalaoa. Māʻili. Beach. Off the small residential community on the low sea cliffs at the west end of Māʻalaea Bay. Hilo Bay. Small bay at the north end of Kaupō Beach Park that is a popular novice surf site. Also known as From Here to Eternity Beach. North section of Laniloa Beach adjacent to Lāʻie Point. recreation site. bringing visitors from Maui on day excursions to sunbathe and snorkel.010 fathoms. Māʻalaea. 1. now Hawaiʻi Resources. Reverend Charles Stewart. second-reef site outside of Green Lanterns. Surf site. and Hālona Cove. Oʻahu. 2. 2. Pūkoʻo. Oʻahu. but they are also called "cloudbreaks" because from sea level at the beach they appear to be breaking on the horizon where the clouds are. In Namalu Bay. Pōkaʻī Bay Light. Also known as Second Reef. Off the clubhouse at Kahuku Golf Course. Waimānalo. Dive site. Cloverleaf. Hawaiʻi Kai. had a home on the beach here for many years. Surf site. Lāʻie. Molokaʻi. Pūkoʻo Fishpond was dredged and reconfigured into a cloverleaf-shaped harbor with three bays to accommodate a tourist resort that was never built. Shorebreak peak at Sandy Beach inside of Pipe Littles. snorkeling site. Makahūʻena Point. Also known as ʻOnini. Both sites were named for cockroach populations that were supported by litter from beachgoers. Oʻahu. cobble-sized stones accumulate here on the ocean bottom. 2. Surf site. Surf site. Clubhouse. Approximately 1. Coconut. Oʻahu. Landmarks: Kaʻena Point Light. Island. Dive site. Oʻahu. cove. a former director of Zion Securities. Cobbles. Kapalua. Hawaiʻi Kai. Cliffs. Bay. Kumu Cove. The island is connected to the Waiākea Peninsula by a footbridge and has been a popular picnic site in Hilo since the late 1800s.fathoms. Clissold. flat island in Hilo Bay that is a public park. Oʻahu. Cliffhouse. Edward Clissold. Also known as Baby Makapuʻu. Club Lānaʻi is a private 8 -acre beach resort on the north shore of Lānaʻi that is used for day excursions to snorkel and dive. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Bay. A beach house was on the cliffs here prior to the development of Kapalua. Kauaʻi. Maui. The Bay. CO Buoy. Harbor. Kapaʻa. Kauaʻi.8 acres. Hawaiʻi. Although Pauley died in 1981. Waimea Bay. Established in 1904 to mark the southwest point of Hilo Bay. and is surrounded by 64 acres of reef designated by the state as the Hawaiʻi Marine Laboratory Refuge. West end of the beach at Waimea Bay where the sand terminates against the rocks. a generous gift from the Pauley Foundation in 1996 allowed the University Foundation to purchase the island and to build a new marine science center and laboratory. Oʻahu. Kalamaʻula. Coconut Grove. Also known as Mokuola. Beach. fishponds. The grove is located in Kiowea Park."Cocoanut [sic] Island" in his journal. Beach. Small concrete diving tower on Coconut Island that was constructed during World War II. Coffin Corner. Hilo. Oʻahu. heir to the Fleischmann Yeast fortune. Park. A small grove of coconut trees grows at the point. Island (28. lived nearby and planted the trees in the grove. Tower. Molokaʻi.5 acres of enclosed lagoons). the Edwin W. Also known as Kapuāiwa or Kamehameha Coconut Grove. 1. Small Boat Harbor. Coconuts is the outermost section that breaks first at the north point of the bay. Private boating facility on Coconut Island. Park on Coconut Island in Hilo Bay. carrying swimmers into the rocks. . Coconut Island. Named for a small stand of coconut trees that grows on a narrow detrital sand beach bordering Palāʻau Road. Bay. building a palatial home on it and dredging the surrounding coral reef to create lagoons. Pauley Marine Laboratory. Maui. Beach. inspiring its popular name. Waiakāne. Kāneʻohe Bay. Coconut Point. One of three sections of the surf site in Honolua Bay. The island is connected to the Waiākea Peninsula by a footbridge. Hawaiʻi. Molokaʻi. Coconut Island lies offshore. The 34foot tower built in 1975 stands at the water's edge where it is surrounded by coconut trees. Over the years he added 16 acres to the island. Hilo. Kāneʻohe Bay. Named for a small stand of coconut trees growing in the backshore. Also known as Kuiaha Bay. Pauley donated the money to build the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology's original laboratory on the island. Wailua. California businessman Edwin W. 3. Oʻahu. bought the 12-acre island from Bishop Estate in 1933. and it is still used as a diving tower by children who swim here. Kuiaha. 4. 3. Honolua. Surf site. It was used to train military personnel to jump off ships and swim with their equipment packs. Coco Palms. powerful rip currents sweep into this section of the bay. Maui. 2. Hawaiʻi. Beach. 2. and a small boat harbor. At the entrance to West Lagoon on Coconut Island. Christian Holmes. Surf site. Pauley bought the island in 1946 and in 1947 invited the University of Hawaiʻi to establish a marine field station here. The surf site is a shore-break on the shallow sandbar that fronts Wailua Beach. In 1965. During high surf. Lighthouse. The island is landscaped with coconut trees. Traditional stories say High Chief Kapuāiwa. The Coco Palms Resort is across the street from the beach. Coconuts. Light. Also known as Moku o Loʻe. 3. including 6. The original trees were planted in 1936. 4. The West Molokaʻi mountains meet the sea here. Kāneʻohe Bay. 1. Lānaʻi. Keōmuku. who became Kamehameha V in 1863. Hilo. The former village of Keōmuku now consists of an immense grove of coconut trees. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Kaʻawaloa. Also known as Kūheia Bay. Compound. Kawaihae. Concessions. Surf site. Surf site. Ala Moana. Oʻahu. Surf site. Paikō. . Hawaiʻi Kai. This section of the harbor is the result of an extensive landfill project. and the site is now Mālaekahana State Park. Beach. The fill material was the coral dredged out of Kawaihae Reef to create the harbor. Kauhakō Landing. Coral House. snorkeling site. Kupa Landing. 1. The takeoff spot for this left is next to an emergent coral reef. south coast. Oʻahu. Cooke's Poīnt. They were unfamiliar with the island's traditional names. Pedro Bay. and other associated structures that formerly comprised a military compound. Maui. Spring-fed inlet at the head of Puhi Bay in Keaukaha Beach Park. the kamaʻāina Cooke family built a summer home on land at the point that they leased from the Campbell Estate. Surf site. Coral Reef. Shore. Former interisland steamer landing in Hoʻokena Beach Park that was named for Henry Cooper. Cook Point. Keaukaha. so they apparently named Kūheia Bay after Christian Conradt. Reef. residence. The surf here breaks consistently on swells from any direction. with arches and lava tubes. Conradt's Cove. snorkeling site. The dive site off the point is a dropoff from 25 to 100 feet. Cold Pond. or Montague Hall. Also known as Hoʻokena Landing. Hawaiʻi. Coral Flats. Kahoʻolawe. The springwaters are always cold. The general area where Captain James Cook was killed in 1779. Off the navy's messhall/barracks building. giving the pond its popular name. Kāneʻohe. road supervisor for South Kona from 1871 to 1880. Reef. Also known as Tanks. Dive site. Named in the early 1970s after the construction of the food concession at the west end of Ala Moana Beach Park. Lāʻie. Oʻahu.sometimes with serious or fatal results. Consistents. Also known as Lalakea Pond. who held the lease for the island from 1903 to 1906. On the east side of Turtles off Maunalua Bay Beach Park. Also known as Kalanai Point. Also known as the Corner. Oʻahu. In approximately 1900. Extensive reef off the east end of Pāpalaua State Wayside Park. Also known as Kaʻawaloa Point. The Captain Cook Monument marks the exact spot. Oʻahu. In 1905 a survey crew on the USS Patterson mapped Kahoʻolawe. Kualoa. Section of Kawaihae Harbor bordering Pelekane Beach. Hawaiʻi. Coral Gardens. Off Wailele Street on the shore of Kāneʻohe Bay and the former site of the Coral Gardens Hotel. Hawaiʻi. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronting a private beachfront home north of the old sugar mill that was built with coral from the reef offshore. Cooper Landing. Pāpalaua. Their lease expired in 1970. North shore. Kahoʻolawe. 2. Hoʻokena. Hawaiʻi. Corners. Near the intersection of Kealahou Street and Kalanianaʻole Highway. West end of ʻŌhikilolo Beach. The name is a play on words that was introduced some years after the original name. Oʻahu. A cow's skull. Kauaʻi. Surf site. A mooring buoy marks the site. At the south end of Kalama Beach Park at the site of the former Kīhei boat ramp. 1. The plane ditched here in 1946 after running out of fuel on a training mission. The surf site is at the edge of the sandbar and is a popular site for beginners. A large crevice. On the east side of Mauna Lahilahi and off the former Cornet Store. Surf site. Kīhei. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Dive site. Oʻahu. where kayakers frequently launch and land in a small cove adjacent to a small parking lot. Niu. Beach. Also known as Baby Royals. Keālia. Maui. Cow's Head. Cow's Ass is the left. The ramp was built in 1963." sat on a rock wall inshore of the surf site for many years. 2. Surf site. Coves. Surf site. Waimea Bay. beach park. Hawaiʻi Kai. The last section of the wave at Māʻalaea where it forms a "corner" by bending toward shore. Named by the early haole surfers in Waikīkī because the outline of the waves as they rolled toward shore resembled a cornucopia. Chris Gardner and Kevin Johns. a landmark in Mākaha until it closed in 1997. Maui. Cove Park. Surf site. Surf site. 1. they renamed it Crack 14. Ala Moana. Hawaiʻi Kai. surf site. Cow's Head.Corner. Shore. Cornucopia. Same as Coffin Corner. Waves here terminated near the mouth of ʻĀpuakehau Stream and were considered to be a beginner's surf site. ʻEwa Beach. Courts. Cow's Head is primarily a right. so fishermen named it 14 Crack. The right at Irma's. Cow's Head is the right on the reef. supposedly means a surfer is riding toward the rear end of the cow. Oʻahu. Surf site. Beach. Wreck of a World War II Corsair airplane off Niu Valley at 100 feet that serves as a small artificial reef in an otherwise barren area. Cow's Ass. fishing site. Poʻipū. Oʻahu. West of Canoes and off the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. ʻŌhikilolo. The left at Cow's Head. Oʻahu. When surfers discovered that ridable waves break on this reef. Mākaha. Surf site. or "crack. Oʻahu. Same as Tennis Courts. The surf site fronts a small landscaped park on a rocky point. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Cow Bowls. . Kauaʻi. or in the opposite direction from the head. or "head. Crack 14. so going left." in the reef was a popular fishing site. but it was later closed and relocated to the Kīhei Ramp facility south of Kamaʻole III Beach Park. Surf site. A reef here is off the former Līhuʻe Plantation sugar field that was called Makee 14. East section of Maunalua Bay Beach Park. Waikīkī. A small pocket of calcareous sand borders the former ramp and extends offshore as a shallow sandbar. The surf site is off a small cove in the rocky shore and was named in the early 1960s by two members of the ʻEwa Beach Surf Club. Also known as Helicopters. 2. Māʻalaea. Poʻipū. Corsair. the traditional horn of plenty. Surf site. West of Oneʻula Beach Park. Cornets. Two small isolated pockets of calcareous sand are found at the base of Crater Hill's high sea cliffs between Mōkōlea and Kīlauea Points. The Keālia Rock Quarry. Oʻahu. The name Crushers comes from the rock crusher at the quarry. Makaua. They are not accessible by land. Oʻahu. Makaua. Mokulēʻia. The smaller beach between the sea cliff and Makapili Rock is a tombolo—a sandbar that connects the shore to an island. The area consists of a 500-yard prohibited zone around the perimeter of Mōkapu Peninsula that only authorized vessels may enter. Tuff cones such as Punchbowl and Diamond Head are common on Oʻahu. Cromwell's. It was dredged by the U. of volcanic ash. many beautiful homes on large estates lined the eastern shore of Waikīkī. The depth of the crater to the pool is 450 feet. A tongue-in-cheek name for the small blue-green pool of brackish water at the bottom of Kauhakō Crater. Same as Crouching Lion. Although the Cunha home was torn down after World War II. Larsen Sr. Kāneʻohe Bay. one of the two main channels coming into Kāneʻohe Bay.Cracks. Kīlauea. Kauaʻi. Surf site. Crater Hill. the site is still known as Cunha's. It connects to the Sampan Channel. Crushers. Waikīkī. Crater Hill is the crater-shaped remnant of a tuff cone formed by the consolidation. Shangri-La. it was a private home until 1951 when it was converted into the inn. Crashboat Channel. In the early 1900s. It is one of the few surf sites in . Navy adjacent to Mōkapu Peninsula to permit quick access to the open ocean for crash boats on the marine base to assist downed aircraft or vessels in distress. 1988.S. The Doran Schmidt family donated the Crater Hill property. but it is a popular swimming site. Pool. at the intersection of Kapahulu and Kalākaua Avenues. Surf site. Oʻahu. Kalaupapa. swimming site. Oʻahu. Dive site. below their home. Crouchings. The sites are off the famous rock formation on the mountain ridge that resembles a crouching lion. The dive site is in Makaua Channel to the east of the surf site.6 million. surf site. Diamond Head. James Cromwell. Oʻahu. The coastal portion of the cone became part of Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge on March 8. Also known as The Harbor.. Molokaʻi. Cunha's daughter Cecily was an avid surfer and surfed the waves off her family home along with other surfers from Waikīkī and Kapahulu. Channel at the east end of Kāneʻohe Bay. Crouching Lion. Kailua. The surf site is also known as Crouchings. Cunha's. Shangri-La. on the west side of Black Point. Boat channel. Emanuel Sylvester Cunha's large two-story home was one of these. Crater Lake. The Crashboat Channel lies within a naval defensive sea area established by executive order in 1941. volcanic cone. and the Mōkōlea Point property was purchased from Ocean Vistas Consortium for $1. Small boat harbor built in 1936 by Doris Duke and her husband. but Crater Hill is the only tuff cone on Kauaʻi. Dive site. where blue rock was once quarried and crushed into construction grade gravel. is located onshore at the west end of Dillingham Airfield. Oʻahu. and the pool extends below sea level. Beach. Oʻahu. North end of Kailua Bay off Kapoho Point where there are cracks in the ocean bottom. Built in 1928 by George F. The Crouching Lion Inn is at the base of the ridge below the rock formation. when 91 acres of Crater Hill and 38 acres at Mōkōlea Point were added to the refuge. Also know as Quarries. Harbor. or cementing. Surge from high surf made the harbor unusable for boats from the beginning. Surf site. that was formerly housed in the Cooke family's old beach home at the south end of the park. Fishing site. Dairymen's changed its name to Meadow Gold Dairies and at the same time Bishop Estate developed the Pāpaʻiloa Road subdivision on Kawailoa Beach across from the farm. Kealakekua. the dairy farm moved from east Honolulu to Kawailoa on the North Shore. In 1959. Surf hitting the wall would splash up on the lanai. S. or "steps of a house. Large hill on the shore at the west end of Awalua Beach that was severely graded. 1996 Cut Mountain. Kawailoa." during construction of Honoapiʻilani Highway. May Cunha Ross. I was born in 1911. The Waikīkī house was rented during World War II and eventually torn down. S. Maui. point. Clarence and Rosalei. whose daughter Cecily was a great swimmer and surfer. a cooperative to sell their milk. Surf site. Off Kokololio Beach Park. As homes were built in the 1960s. Cyclones. Oʻahu. where it was located across Kamehameha Highway from Kawailoa Beach. Diamond Head. Oʻahu. both names largely fell into disuse.—Cunha came from the Azores and reached Hawaiʻi on a whaling ship. Point fronted by a calcareous sand beach south of Kekaha Beach Park. moʻolelo My grandfather Emmanuel Sylvester—or E. Hawaiʻi. Kauaʻi. Japanese ulua fishermen who frequent the site named it for the steps. Dan is Japanese for "steps" and uchi means "house." The name is probably short for dan no uchi. Oʻahu. Lots of other people surfed there. North Shore surfers named the surf site opposite the farm Dairymens not only for its proximity. The ocean bottom here is a series of ledges or steps that descend into deep water. windsurf site. It was named for John Douglas . Surf site. Olowalu. When the county acquired the land for a beach park. E. CYO. too. or Sonny. neighborhood surfers shortened Dairymens to Dairies.Hawaiʻi where paipo boards are still ridden. the home was razed. Kekaha. Hill. Hauʻula." Davidson's. surf site. In 1897. and the house was built before that. Surf site.. The surf site is known by the acronym for the Catholic Youth Organization. Beach. He built a two-story house in Waikīkī at the corner of Kapahulu and Kalākaua that was fronted by a seawall. Now the site is best known as Inside Himalayas. Ltd. had two other children. In 1957. and the Waikīkī house went to Clarence. Apiil 8. When the dairy farm moved to Waimānalo in 1990. The surf site is on the reef fronting the point. and there were stairs in the wall to reach the beach below. several dairy farms on Oʻahu formed Dairymen's Association. but also for its distinctive smell during offshore winds. DD Dairymens. Dan Uchi. or "cut. CYOs. Besides my dad Albert. Off the easternmost lookout in Kuilei Cliffs Beach Park. Named by windsurfers for the action of the powerful wind offshore. He gave each of his three children a home. She rode the old wooden boards and surfed right in front of the house. The Day Star's 73 feet long. it was dedicated to the memory of P. The Day Star is a 73-foot long. Deep end of the ledge at the China Walls dive site that . The Day Star was completed and launched across the beach in August 1978. Oʻahu. I moved to the North Shore and started building a boat on the sand dunes west of Mokulēʻia Beach Park in December 1971. was added during the last year of construction. Paʻuwela Point Light. Molokaʻi. During the seven-year construction period. surfers began calling the surf site offshore "The Boat" or "Iron Boat. Hoeppner is a Bahaʻi. Hawaiʻi Kai. Day Star. We usually stay out for three months at a time. Davidson came to Kauaʻi in 1919 and was employed by Kekaha Sugar Company. and in the Bahaʻi faith the day star is the sun and a symbol of the messengers of God. Iron Boat. That's also when I left the yard at Pearl Harbor. Carroll Hoeppner. Leleiwi Point. Beach. Also known as ʻOʻomano. so I decided to build a boat and fish for albacore after I retired from Pearl Harbor. During the 1970s there weren't too many boats from Hawaiʻi fishing for albacore. Day Star. Surfers started using Day Star as the name of the surfing site after we put the name on the boat during our last year of construction. We troll for albacore similar to the way sport fishermen troll for game fish. 22-foot wide. The Day Star is registered in Honolulu and still owned by the Hoeppner family. Hawaiʻi. like Christ or Moses. O. Dive site. Mokulēʻia. 22 feet wide. Day Star is a synonym for a prophet. June 1.Davidson. 100-ton commercial fishing boat that was built by Carroll Hoeppner on the sand dunes inshore of the surf site. weighs 100 tons. Dawson. Dawson. Fish aggregating device. Kalaupapa. Deep China Walls. Kahului Harbor Light. Mohammed. Buoy anchored at approximately 203 fathoms. The name Day Star comes from the writings of the Bahaʻi religion. and my family and I have been fīshing ever since. who built a two-story home across the street from the beach in 1922 and lived there until his death in 1949. Landmarks: Kumukahi Point Light. He launched the boat across the beach using a steel sled that was pushed by four bulldozers. mo ʻolelo I came to Hawaiʻi in 1968 to work as an engineer on the nuclear submarines in Pearl Harbor. and holds 60 tons of fish in her refrigerated holds. the name of the surf site changed to Day Star. going to the South Pacific in the winter and the North Pacific during the summer." When the boat's name. According to a Lions International plaque at the wharf. Fish aggregating device. and Bahaeʻllah. Landmarks: Nākālele Point Light." Dawson was a settlement administrator for the Board of Hospitals and Settlements under Henry Kluegel and was loved by all of the Kalaupapa residents. 2000 D Buoy. Dead Horse. Buddha. Wharf. Surf site. "a beloved friend of the people of Kalaupapa. Also known as The Boat. Kaluakoʻi. Hoeppner began construction in December 1971 and finished in August 1978. Buoy anchored at approximately 950 fathoms. Maui. who fish for albacore in the North and South Pacific. Opikoʻula Point. Kumukahi. Molokaʻi. Kaloli Point. Also known as Make Horse Beach. I had fished in Alaska during college and liked it. such as Christ. Named for a dead horse that was found on the beach when the property was owned by Molokaʻi Ranch. Krishna. my religious background. Oʻahu. Pōhaku Māuliuli Beach. DD Buoy. ʻOpana Point. it would stop there for passengers. Hawaiʻi Kai. Sand dunes. and Tom Sawicki. island. too. It was an excellent beach for swimming and was especially popular with the Gls who came to Camp Andrews. but the tracks are still there and the name Depots has lasted all these years. Some of the older dunes have lithified to form calcareous sandstone. Narrow calcareous sand beach at the base of Diamond Head between Beach Road and Kulamanu Place. Castle Rock. Dive site. Molokaʻi. with a roof on four wooden posts. Molokaʻi. 2000 Desert Strip. We knew a lot of guys that worked on the trains. When we came from Kaimukī. Rock awash. Moʻomomi. Aunty Pinao's Store. Beach park. The beach across the street was already called Depots. who lived on the beach inshore. Oʻahu. . Bob Larson. and some of their friends. The surf site is a left on the north side of the rock that was first surfed in 1975 by Jack Bredin. Off Mokulēʻia Polo Field. Devil's Rock is a small rock island that is 5 feet above the surface. Deep Reef. Wally Froiseth. Beach. November 26. It was formed by the trade winds blowing sand inland from the beach. In the late forties there were no cars out there and no one else around. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Henry Barrett. An Oʻahu Land and Railway (OR&L) train depot was located here before the trains stopped running in 1947. a military rest camp that was across the street from the beach.goes from 80 to 130 feet. South section of Ulehawa Beach Park. 1. largely unconsolidated dunes that extends almost completely across the northwestern corner of West Molokaʻi from Moʻomomi Beach. surf site. surf site. British sailors exploring the beach in 1825 found calcite crystals sparkling in the sand and believed they were diamond fragments. Mokulēʻia. Adjacent to Onealiʻi Beach Park. we brought our boards with us—hollow boards—and we made our own boards in Nānākuli. directly across the street from the road that goes into the beach park. We had a 1936 Ford station wagon. It rests on an underwater plateau at 20 feet that drops to 70 feet on its inner side and to 90 feet on its seaward side. maybe 8 by 8 feet. using railroad ties. Honolulu. Diamond Head. 2. Hawaiʻi. They named the mountain Diamond Hill. too. The Rock. Nānākuli. The depot was right on Farrington Highway near Haleakalā Avenue. Also known as Keonelele. Beach. Private beach park that was originally developed by the Del Monte Corporation for its employees and that is now owned by Kawela Plantation. Kaunakakai. My brother Homer and I were some of the first to surf Mākaha. and our house was near the OR&L train depot. and we'd load up the boards and go. One of the Red Hill dive sites. Dive site. and when the train came from Kahuku or Honolulu. Stone Island. Kainaliu. Depots. Small rock island in the channel between Half Point and Full Point at Sandy Beach that is awash at the surface of the ocean. Oʻahu. Del Monte. Devil's Rock. The trains stopped running in 1947 and the depot was torn down by 1950. moʻolelo My family moved from Kaimukī to Nānākuli in 1946. We'd glue the ties together and shape them into planks—but those boards were heavy. Also known as Black Rock. It was next to a store. 1. The only other surfers we'd see were George Downing. The surf site is a shorebreak. which is Yuen Store today. and they gave us ties when we needed them. The depot was small. Long belt of active. the park on the east side of the lighthouse that includes the three lookouts. The Hawaiian name of the beach. At the navigational buoy off Diamond Head Light. Buoy. Both front the three lookouts in Kuilei Cliffs Beach Park. The Dixie Maru was a Japanese fishing sampan that wrecked here in the early 1920s. surf site. Diamond Head Marker. The polo field is a part of Dillingham Ranch. and the light was automated in 1924. Section of Kāʻanapali Beach. Pepeiaolepo. . The beach is now primarily a family beach that is popular with parents of young children. literally means "dirty ear. and Koko Head. one of the most famous landmarks in Hawaiʻi. Since that time the bay and the beach have been called Dixie Maru. Beach. Hawaiʻi. Maui. Also known as Kaimana Beach. The name in Waikīkī originated in the 1980s when the beach was popular with a young professional crowd that wore the latest and briefest in swimwear. Oʻahu. exposing the underlying rocks. Light. has been the home of the Commander of the Fourteenth U. Sans Souci Beach. During periods of high surf. Diamond Head Ledge. Maui. Diamond Head. The crystals are still found here in the sand. Head is an abbreviation of headland. Disappearing Sands. Surf site. Also known as Kaimana Hila. with a mudflat from soil runoff in the backshore. Molokaʻi. Diamond Head. Oʻahu. Lēʻahi. Honolulu. Between the Diamond Head Lighthouse and Beach Road to the west. as a "monument. Oʻahu. Beach. Coast Guard District since 1945. built in 1921. Dirty Ear Beach. Offshore mooring. Laʻaloa Bay Beach Park. a palagonite tuff cone. 1. Mokulēʻia. covering the rocks. normal surf activity redeposits the sand on shore. Honolulu. 2. windsurf site. 7.but the name was later changed to Diamond Head. 6. 2.S. Deep channel that leads seaward at the Mokulēʻia Polo Field. North Kona. Both sites were humorously named for the preening body beautifuls that frequent them. waves erode almost the entire beach. Established in 1899 on the seaward flank of Diamond Head at 145 feet above sea level. Mooring site fronting the Outrigger Canoe Club. Dive site. Koko Crater. The state has identified Diamond Head. including the . Waikīkī. The remnants of a former pier are located here. The crater was purchased by the federal government in 1904. Dive site. but most of its 500 acres. Honolulu. from the Honolulu Volcanic Series. are a state park known as Diamond Head State Monument. State Monument. Kaluakoʻi. Beach.2 acres). Small pocket of calcareous sand on Aliʻi Drive. Also known as Kapukahehu. Beach park (1." Diamond Head is a volcanic crater. Dixie Maru. When the high surf subsides. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Also known as Magic Sands. Prominent navigational buoy off Diamond Head Light. Oʻahu. Sometimes the name is incorrectly applied to Kuilei Cliffs Beach Park. A cowboy employed by Molokaʻi Ranch found her nameplate onshore and hung it on a pasture gate. which includes Punchbowl. 4. and the channel takes its name from the ranch. Also known as Cliffs. Wide pocket of calcareous sand at the head of a small bay. 3. Beach. Honolulu. Oʻahu. The concrete light tower was completed in 1918. Kāʻanapali. White Sands. Kīpahulu. The original lightkeeper's cottage. The surf site is in the bay. and the beach literally "disappears" within twenty-four hours. Off Black Point at 30 to 70 feet deep." Also known as Pepeiaolepo Beach.7-mile hiking trail to the summit. Dig Me. Dillingham Channel. Also known as Kapua Offshore Mooring. 5. Oʻahu. Lagoon. The ahupuaʻa. Hawaiʻi. Then the hippies found it in the early 1970s. While the plantation was still in operation prior to 1990. Landmarks: Kepuhi Point. The outline of the larger island to some observers resembles a crouching dog facing east. Do Drop Inn. Surf site. Surf site. so the name of the surf site is a play on words for the surfing term bowl and a food dish for a dog. George Christian. It includes a multiuser building and a 500-foot-long dock for fishing vessels. Oʻahu. Mokulēʻia.5-acre site at Piers 36-38 in Honolulu Harbor that was completed in 2000 to consolidate the commercial fishing activities in Kewalo Basin and Honolulu Harbor. Hawaiʻi. Dolphin. Buoy anchored at approximately 700 fathoms. Vertical dropoff from 65 to 90 feet. Kainaliu. Hawaiʻi Kai.DK Buoy." over the dropoff. 1988 Don's Left. A bowl is a curved or bowl-shaped section of a wave. Named for veteran North Shore surfer Don Rohrback. donkeys were used to haul seed cane into fields that were otherwise difficult to access. they were pastured in the grassy field behind the beach.700 acres in area including Keālia and Donkey Beaches. Surf site. The land here was originally part of the Makee Sugar Company until 1934 when it became part of Līhuʻe Plantation in a consolidation. Kāhala Point Light. Water from the . One of the Red Hill dive sites. 6. Oʻahu. was sold by Amfac Land Company in 1998 to Keālia Plantation LLC. In the old days Donkey Beach was used mostly for casting and not for swimming. The surf site is a shorebreak off the beach. Keālia. Honolulu. The name is a play on words for swimming over and down. Fish aggregating device. surf site. and Kamilo Point. when it terminated operations on its 3. Fishing complex. March 11. who has surfed here since the 1960s. Beach. A truck brings in a big load. A 16. Donkey. On the east side of the Kalama Stream mouth. But the donkeys and mules are still used to carry fertilizer. of Keālia. Kauaʻi. Kailua. ʻAnini. Wide calcareous sand beach on the north side of Paliku Point. giving the site its popular name. On the east side of the larger of the two Mokulua Islands. Also known as Bowls. When the donkeys were idle. Domes. or "dropping in. Oʻahu. Līhuʻe Plantation continued to grow sugarcane until 1990. then the donkeys and mules carry it into the fields where it's scattered by hand. Saltwater lagoon with a calcareous sand beach that houses Atlantic bottlenose dolphins at the Hilton Waikoloa Village. and they started swimming there. Off the north end of Mokulēʻia Beach Park. Kauaʻi. Domestic Commercial Fishing Village. It was completed in 1988 with the opening of the resort. Doubles. Dog Bowls. Dive site. but now it's hauled in on trucks. South Kohala.300 acres of agricultural land between Keālia and Anahola. Dive site. moʻolelo The donkeys and mules pastured at Donkey Beach were used to carry seed cane into the fields. drops it on the road. or land division. Anahola. Kauaʻi. They were eating the mushrooms in the pasture that grew from the animalsʻ droppings. Fleming. 2. Nāpili. Duke's. The drydock. See Kahanamoku. a rock at the end of the arch looks like a dragon's head with its mouth open. Maui. South of the bay. Dragon's Teeth. Statue of Duke Kahanamoku in Kūhiō Beach Park. Hāʻena. Small harbor at the foot of Doris Duke's estate. The force of the waves breaking here is compared to the force of a load sliding off a dumptruck. . whitewater is ejected or "spit" back out like fire from a dragon's mouth. Dumps. Oʻahu. Māʻalaea. David T. however. Dive site. Surf site. Slattery Bridge. Harbor.stream meeting incoming waves creates many reformed waves. Kauaʻi. Drydock. La Pésrouse. Maui. ʻĪlio Point. Dragon's Head." Dragon Reef. Their three-level. Hāʻena. Oʻahu. Also known as the Bascule Bridge. Unusual underwater lava formation at 60-110 feet that has a dragonlike appearance. As waves roll into the cave and strike its back wall. Surf site. the manager of Honolua Ranch. Waikīkī Beach. Also known as Maniniholo Cave. Drawbridge. Kauaʻi. Drainpipes. built a drydock on the north point of Nāpili Bay by cutting an opening large enough to accommodate his boat into the outer edge of the point. Dumptrucks. Kāhala. Honolulu. A cave here at sea level is subject to the constant surge of waves. Maui. Kahanamoku died in 1968 and his wife Nadine lived there until her death in 1997. proved dangerous and impractical. Hawaiʻi Kai. Dry Cave. During the early 1920s. ʻAhihi. Bridge. Nāwiliwili. Surf site. Diamond Head. Duke Statue. Also known as Cromwell's. resembling teeth in the dragon's mouth. Commonly called the Duke Statue. Lava tube that was once a sea cave during a higher stand of the sea.266-square-foot lot. Single underwater arch at 20-70 feet that is shaped like a dragon's back and is covered by white silver dollar-sized leather coral that resembles dragon's scales. Outermost takeoff spot at Tunnels. or "doubles. It was used once and abandoned. Shangri-La. 1. Cave." Duck Island. Dive site. Small island in Hawaiʻi Kai Marina at the intersection of Kalanianaʻole Highway and Hawaiʻi Kai Drive that is home to a large population of resident and migratory ducks. Also known as Black's. Two pointed rocks hang from the roof of cave. Nadine and Duke Kahanamoku's home was on the east side of Black Point overlooking the surf site. In addition. Surf site. Off the former rubbish dump that was on the shore of the ʻAhihi-Kinaʻu Natural Area Reserve. Oʻahu. Molokaʻi. Oʻahu. Maui. Bridge that connects Sand Island to Oʻahu that is no longer used as a drawbridge due to the heavy traffic on Sand Island Road. Off a drainpipe on the beach. It is called the Dry Cave to differentiate it from another lava tube to the west that has water in it and is called the Wet Cave. five-bedroom home on Royal Circle was built in 1937 on a 14. Oʻahu. The family referred to it as "Fleming's Folly. Kauaʻi. Named for Edward Hosaka. the deepest drop-off on the backside of Molokini. Eel Bait. The silhouette of a rock formation on the mountain inland of the site resembles an eagle. Edge of the World. Surf site. Egusa's. Surf site. an agronomist with the University of Hawaiʻi's Extension Services. Molokini Island. Oʻahu. Shores. they lived in a house on the bluff above the north end of the beach and among other duties maintained the Kaupōa beach house for . Pepeʻekeo Point Light. Eddie Hosaka. Oʻahu. Landmarks: Kumukahi Point Light. Also known as Shorebreak. who owned the island in the 1930s. and a floating bridge spanning the northern arm of the lagoon provides access to the coral reef research facilities. East Lagoon. East Molokaʻi. Lāʻau Point. Surf site. Hawaiʻi. Bay. Puʻu Ki. Maui. Northernmost section of Kamākaʻipō Beach. Molokaʻi. One of several man-made lagoons at Coconut Island created by Christian Holmes. Off the small parking lot at the west end of Pāpalaua State Wayside Park. Off the west end of Army Beach. Mokulēʻia. Named for Earl Morita. surf site. Kāneʻohe. Also known as Hosaka Point. Bay defined by the shore from Diamond Head to the Honolulu International Airport Reef Runway. fishing site. Loch is a Scottish word that is used to describe a bay that is almost entirely landlocked. East Māmala Bay. Waves here break over a shallow reef. and a bad wipe-out will cut careless surfers into "eel bait" if they are dragged across the reef. The docks in East Lagoon are used for the transportation of people and equipment. Section of Molokaʻi east of an imaginary line approximately from Keonelele at Moʻomomi to Waiakāne on Palāʻau Road. Sunset Beach. East Loch. E Buoy.EE Eagle's Rock Point. who died at the point in 1961 while fishing for ulua. Beach. West Molokaʻi is west of the line. Maui. Kimi and Takujiro Egusa were employees of Molokaʻi Ranch. Oʻahu. Dive site. Leleiwi. a surfer who lived at Sunset Point and always surfed here. Easternmost bay within Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor. Earl's Reef. Fish aggregating device. Oʻahu. Leleiwi Point. Oʻahu. Pāpalaua. East Shore. Pōhue. Shelf that juts out and drops to 250 feet. Hawaiʻi. Point. Nearshore site on the east side of Val's Reef. Oʻahu. Honolulu. Buoy anchored at approximately 920 fathoms. It is connected to Kāneʻohe Bay by a 40-foot wide opening between two narrow peninsulas. Hilo Bay Light. Shore from Makapuʻu Point to Kahuku Point. During the 1930s and 1940s. moʻolelo Kimi and Takujiro Egusa moved to Kamākaʻipō before World War II. Also known as Watercress Bay. Off the end of the paved road where Kaʻena Point State Park begins. First small bay east of Māliko Bay. Also known as Hawaiian Electric Beach Park. shiny black.. After Castle died in 1918. Also known as Mokuhoʻoniki. and Hanalei Bay. ʻEleʻileʻi. 2. clearing the pastures of kiawe. The park provides the primary public access point to the world-famous Banzai Pipeline. and it was a large operation with a processing plant. Kahe. and his wife Liliha. Sunset Beach. The purchase price was $155. Beach park. a famous landmark in Waikīkī. His apiaries were at Hālena. the Honolulu Elks Lodge also supports positive community activities. Elephant Rock. The surf site is off the beach. Egusa was one of four men they trained as beekeepers. In 1920. Oʻahu. Off the center of ʻEwa Beach Road. Then Egusa became the poison man. One of several west-side sites that are used as starting places to make the sail to Molokaʻi. ʻEwa Beach. Fish aggregating device. Oʻahu. The outline of the island resembles the rounded back of an elephant. Electric Beach. Hanalei. the Elks purchased James Castle's four-story home Kainalu. Landmarks: Kīlauea Point Light. Honokowai. Māliko. the beach-front lots here were undeveloped. End of the Road. Kahe. Embassy Suites. Oʻahu. outrigger canoe paddling. EK Buoy. In the 1960s when the site was named. and paddleboard racing. including ocean sports such as surfing. Dive site. George "Peppy" Cooke. it had been the home of Boki. the governor of Oʻahu. sea spray. . Maui. Lit. Buoy anchored at approximately 910 fathoms.. Kaʻilio Point. Oʻahu. In addition to being a charitable organization.2 acres). Island. his wife offered to sell the property to the Elks. June 2. The surf site ʻEhukai is off the park. but foul brood eventually wiped out the bees. 1978 ʻEhukai. Beach park (1. The former Castle home was demolished in 1958 and replaced by the present building in 1960. Waikīkī Beach. Molokaʻi. Also known as Kahe Point.the Cooke family. 1901. Bay. The Honolulu Elks Lodge 616 was established on April 15. 1. Maui. or "club. Surf site. Off the Embassy Suites Resort. When the Munros of Lānaʻi were with Molokaʻi Ranch. Also known as Sandbars. Private club. Off the beach park. Windsurf site. She had heard about the charitable programs they were sponsoring in the community. Oʻahu. Moakea. and he took care of the Kaupoa house. Empty Lots. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi.000—one dollar per square foot. Lit. surf site. Kaʻena. for their lodge. fishing site. Elks Club. His record was 160 pounds of algarroba honey in one year." Before Castle built his mansion here in the 1890s. Surf site. Hawaiʻi. or rudder fish. On the north end of the reef fronting Camp Erdman. Kauaʻi. Surf site. 1. Erdman. ʻEwa Beach. a former ʻEwa postmaster who was appointed in 1932. Ching. Tiger Reef. spending fourteen more years on the Hawaiʻi-California run. Mokulēʻia. when it was purchased by a Seattle resident. Paul Fagan. Same as From Here to Eternity Beach. Oʻahu. Scotland in 1878. Molokaʻi. part of his jurisdiction was known as Kūpaka. Museum ship. Oʻahu. Rock-n-Roll Reef. One of the Red Hill dive sites. A narrow. founder of the Matson Navigation Company. when it was converted into a sail-driven tanker. Pōhaku Pili. "because you're near the beach and near ʻEwa town. the only surviving four-masted. Kainaliu. the Falls of Clyde was dismasted and towed to Ketchikan. Oʻahu. Narrow calcareous sand beach that fronts the community of ʻEwa Beach. Alaska. The ship carried passengers and cargo between Hawaiʻi and San Francisco until 1906. Surf site. and it was named for him. Oʻahu. Dive site. Pacific Missile Range Facility. The original name. a Seattle bank decided that the vessel should be sold as scrap to recoup a bad mortgage. Hawaiʻi Kai. sand-bottomed channel runs through the bay and terminates at the beach. The Falls of Clyde is the last of the original Matson fleet. Part of the Hawaiʻi Maritime Center at Pier 7 in Honolulu Harbor. where it was used as a floating fuel depot for fishing boats until the late 1950s. he said. but a successful fund-raising drive in Honolulu saved the day. school on this reef that slopes from the surface to 60 feet. coined the name ʻEwa Beach to differentiate ʻEwa town near the former sugar mill from the growing community several miles away at the beach. was difficult for non-Hawaiians to remember and pronounce. square-rigged ship. 2. Harry K. Oʻahu. Off the family housing complex that was built inshore of the site in the 1970s. ʻEwa Beach was easier. the Falls of Clyde was purchased by Captain William Matson. Also known as Pōhaku Pili. Dive site. The ranch included this beach. Fantasy Reef. ʻEwa. Dive site. The ship was towed to Honolulu. Series of lava ledges and arches at 40-60 feet that harbor . Small calcareous sand pocket beach at the head of a small bay.9 acres). Enenue. Molokini. Beach. Maui. the Hawaiian word for tobacco. Lit. Built in Port Glasgow. Also known as Camp Erdman." FF Fagans Beach. I didn't want them to forget about ʻEwa town.Enenue Side. Large open cavern with a skylight at 15-60 feet. where it was restored and established as a maritime museum ship. Tigers. Park (4. In 1963. Kāhala. Honolulu. When he was appointed postmaster for ʻEwa in 1932. rudder fish. he said in a 1991 interview in the Honolulu Star Bulletin. purchased Hālawa Valley and Puʻu o Hoku Ranch during the 1930s. Eternity. Falls of Clyde. and the sole surviving sail-driven oil tanker. a wealthy businessman from California. In 1920. It is widely recognized as one of the most important museum ships in the world.. Family Housing. Both dive sites supposedly fulfill every scuba diver's fantasy about the "perfect dive site. After Moncado's death in 1956. Off the former Hawaiʻi Meat Packing Company feedlots at the east end of Olaʻi Street. . we would go east around Diamond Head into Maunalua Bay. 1999 Father Jules Papa. 1885. Buoy anchored at approximately 1. Beach. Mama's. Only the cemetery remains now. Beach. caves. Then we established the first commercial dive boat in Hawaiʻi. When we finally emptied all tanks. Feedlots. Campbell Industrial Park. He arrived in Kūʻau in 1922 to take over the Holy Rosary Church. we began slowly towing a diver back and forth." Veteran dive instructor Roy Damron named Fantasy Reef in Kāhala during the late 1960s. Most of our dive trips took place off Waikīkī because the Belle was berthed at Ala Wai Boat Harbor. Kūʻau. He had already replaced the Bufah engine with a GMC 671 and was working on the cabin. Then quite suddenly the bottom came up and showed many coral reefs. Hawaiʻi. "What a fabulous dive site!" At that time one of the most wonderful experiences of my life was seeing Walt Disney's production. a religious. F Buoy. which had been built on the hill above the beach about 1900. RoyDamron.510 fathoms. Next time we had a dive group there. pulled anchor. Keauhou Bay Light. Fantasia. Hilario Camino Moncado founded the Filipino Federation of America. Maui. I met a fellow named Don Bieber. like the federation branches elsewhere. Narrow calcareous sand beach that is a section of Shipwreck Beach." l'm delighted to learn that the name has endured after all these years. "How fitting to name the site Fantasy Reef. Pocket beach of calcareous sand fronted by a papa—a wide reef shelf. Captain Cook. 1925. split into two groups. Also known as Kūʻau Cove. camp. so it was a natural to become involved with Don. Landmarks: Kailua Bay Light. I kept thinking. I have always been a classical music fan. Lānaʻi. Father Jules Verhaeghe was a Catholic priest who was born in Belgium on March 28. I was somewhat mesmerized. north shore. and headed for the Ala Wai. One evening we were studying the Geodetic Survey map of that area and noticed a shallower spot a ways offshore from the Kāhala Hilton. moʻolelo The story of Fantasy Reef begins in the late 1960s when I moved to Oʻahu. He had just acquired a navy surplus liberty launch (40-footer) and was building a dive boat. Besides working on the boat. Kailua-Kona. Besides lots of tropical fish. and if the trades were down and the ocean flat.a wide variety of marine life. Fish aggregating device. we saw several turtles and many shells. October 20. I had always enjoyed working on boats between jobs in the Hollywood picture biz. Once in a while we would get a group for an all-day charter. and social organization. Fishermen named the beach after him. we studied together and obtained our Coast Guard skipper's licenses. The larger of the two groups on Lānaʻi built a camp on the beach at Kaiolohia during this period. the Scuba Belle. Mostly we saw flat bottom with lots of rubble. Federation Camp. and swarms of fish. While attending a Hawaiʻi Council of Dive Clubs meeting held at Hawaiʻi Mission Academy. Also known as Kaiolohia. On December 25. Surf site. so I thought. We dropped anchor and spent the afternoon in our new playland. cultural. the Lānaʻi Federation. Lānaʻi. specifically First Cathedral and Second Cathedral. Oʻahu. Off Kulamanu Place on the west side of Black Point." is on Kalanianaʻole Highway across the street from the park. Oʻahu. Small overhanging ledge close to shore at Sandy Beach. Also known as the ʻIhiʻihilaukea Bridge. Outermost. Named in the late 1950s after the surf site in Waikīkī because. First Break. Dive site. 1. Oʻahu. Off the eastern boundary of the district where the chain-link fence intersects White Plains Beach. First Dip. Same as Finger Rock. Buoy anchored at approximately 828 fathoms. Dive site. In the center of Pūpūkea Beach Park off the Sunset Beach Fire Station. The surf site is adjacent to the rock. Keawaʻula. Dive site. Hawaiʻi Kai. Named after the surf site in Waikīkī because it breaks only on big swells. Poʻipū. it breaks only on big swells. especially with boat tours from Maui. Fingers. Wailupe Fire Station. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Finger Rock. Fishing site. Landmarks: Opiko-ʻula Point. 2. Hawaiʻi Kai. First Channel. or "fingers. Oʻahu. Firehouse. Also known as Fingers. Fire Department. or "dips. Wailupe. Waikīkī. the "firehouse. Oʻahu. Surf site. Point. Surf site. 2. Also known as Goofys. Kaʻalāwai. The narrow channel here is the first of several that bisect the reef off Kaʻalāwai Beach between Black Point and Kuilei Cliffs Beach Park. Sunset Beach. Off Wailupe Beach Park. Spacious caverns in the pinnacles have a cathedral-like appearance when shafts of sunlight crisscross the interiors through skylights in the exterior walls. Hawaiʻi Kai. Ridges." in the road at the . Kailua. Both sites are named for underwater rock formations that trap fins lost by bodysurfers and bodyboarders. Oʻahu. FF Buoy. 50-Foot Fingers. Surfers use the rock to jump into the ocean." of several surf sites to form seaward of Canoes during a big south swell. First Bridge. Near Puʻu Pehe Rock between Mānele and Hulopoʻe Bays. First Cathedral also has a boulder that resembles an altar. The most popular dive site on the island. Kalaeloa. Several pinnacles rise from 60 feet to just below the surface. Open-ocean site off the west end of Poʻipū Beach. These sites also trap any other debris that is transported underwater by the nearshore currents. Mānele." and canyons at 50 feet deep. Surf site. Seaward of Flat Island. One of two dive sites with similar underwater features that are known as the Cathedrals. surf site. Off the first of several drainage swales. Small overhanging ledge close to shore at Makapuʻu Beach. Makapuʻu. Surf site. Hana Bay Light. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi Kai. or "first. Oʻahu. Dive site. On the rocky ledge below the first bridge to the east of Lānaʻi Lookout on Kalanianaʻole Highway. Surf site. Oʻahu. Dive site. 1.Fence Lines. like the Waikīkī site. 3. Oʻahu. Pukaulua Point. Fin Hole. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. Maui. Surf site. First Cathedral. Fish aggregating device. Surf site. Narrow finger of rock that juts into the ocean at the foot of the Hanapēpē Loop public right-of-way. Kim's. Hawaiʻi Kai. Surf site. Dive site. creating small pockets of black sand on a coast of sea cliffs. Oʻahu. Dive site. a section of Nahuna Point. Shallow reef adjoining Portlock Beach that has small waves for beginners. fishing site. Kauaʻi. Honopū. the first of four man-made lagoons at Ko ʻOlina. East of Mānele Bay at approximately 50 feet. southeast coast. Nahuna Point. Fish Rock. Oʻahu. Lānaʻi. Five Caves. Surf site. Large schools of fish surround the rock. The dive site is off a small graveyard at Pamolepo. Turtle Town. Kekaha.west end of Yokohama Beach. Five Needles. On the east side of the Hickam Harbor Channel. Surf site. such as might be found in an aquarium or "fish bowl. Oʻahu. A wide variety of fish are found here. Between Courts and Concessions. Fishing site. Kauaʻi. Swimming site. The dive site is a narrow shelf close to shore. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Fishermen in boats use the flows as landmarks. Lava terraces with ledges and holes at 50 to 80 feet. numbering them from north to south. Honokua. the name is a play on words for another name of the same site. This section of beach fronting the park pavilion is a popular fishing site for moi and pāpio among Kekaha Plantation fishermen. Also known as Five Caves. Maui. Hawaiʻi. Five Graves. Kauaʻi. with some pinnacles and canyons at approximately 40 feet and a steep dropoff to 100 feet. Oʻahu. Polihale. Nahuna Point. Ala Moana. Each of the flows reached the ocean. Firsts is also known as Fumes. Surf site. First Lagoon is adjacent to the Ihilani Hotel. Also known as Five Graves. Shore divers access the ocean by crossing the point near the graveyard. that belongs to the Kukahiko family of Mākena and contains five graves. First Lagoon. 1950. The eastern side of the rock is a 40-foot wall that breaks the surface. giving it its name. Surf site. surf site." Fishermans. The surf site on the west side of the channel is known as Seconds. leads to deeper water offshore and Second Reef. Hickam Air Force Base. Five Graves. First Ditch. another surf site. North of Queen's Pond in Polihale State Park. Ko ʻOlina. Sea stacks are vertical rocks that are left standing alone when the ocean erodes the rocks that once connected them to the shore. One of three lava flows from an eruption in the southwest rift zone of Mauna Kea that began on June 1. Mākena. Mākena. Kukuiʻula. The surf site is directly offshore. First Flow. First Hole. Fish Bowl. First Reef. Dive site. From west to east. Dive site. Off the first drainage ditch in Kaumualiʻi Highway west of Kekaha Beach Park. Also known as Honokua. Sea stacks. Lānaʻi. Although there are more than five caves here. . Firsts. Maui. A sand trail through the reef. Dive site. Hawaiʻi Kai. the bed of the former Portlock Pier. The cluster of five sea stacks at Honopū Bay is one of the best examples of sea stacks in Hawaiʻi. Turtle Town. completed in 1915. Makaʻoiʻoi. but includes a board surf site on a small reef at the north end of the beach. Beach park. Flies was the closest surf site to the shop. and it was never crowded. Hawaiʻi Kai. Flat Island. Osborne (1909-2001) was a decorated naval aviator. Hawaiʻi Kai. Oʻahu. Flies. when it was active. First site east of the former Wāwāmalu Ranch boundary wall that is frequented by afterwork surfers who do not get there until five o'clock in the afternoon. Surf site. Named for the flagpole in the backyard of Lloyd Osborne's beachfront home. Shorebreak surf site on Kailua Beach off Kaʻapuni Drive. Same as Five O'clock. wave skiers. Same as Flat Reef. Oʻahu. . champion masters swimmer. Flat Rock. so when lnter lsland Resorts opened the lnter lsland Surf Shop in the early 1960s. Surf site. Harbor Light Café was next door. Off Queen's Beach. It was probably about 1963 that I named that spot Flies for all of the flies at the landfill. we left the beach to work at the shop. Hanalei. Also known as 5-O's. Oʻahu. Fleming. 5-O's. Middle. surf site. It was a good wave for nose riding. and small catamaran sailors ride the waves here. so when the surf was good. The park is built on a former landfill which. Surf site. Maui Land and Pineapple Company provided the land for the beach park in 1975. was the home of many aggressive black flies that bit the surfers and fishermen. flat limestone island one-quarter mile off the east end of Kailua Beach that is less than 10 feet above sea level. The surf site is a shorebreak on a sandbar off the beach. Honokahua. Fleming became manager of Honolua Ranch in 1912 and was instrumental in converting the cattle ranch into a pineapple plantation. windsurfers. Maui. moʻolelo During the late 1950s. Kailua. Kailua. Roy Graham and I were working on the beach for Walter Kitazaki at Hale ʻAuʻau and at the surfboard concession in front of the Moana for 25 cents commission per board. inside reef section of Hanalei that forms over a wide. kayakers. It was named in the early 1960s by Joe Kuala who worked nearby in the Inter-island Surf Shop. The closest spot to the shop to surf was in front of the landfill by the old incinerator. 1969. Island. Five Oʻclock. His home. Oʻahu. Also known as Flat Rock. surf site. The flagpole is a Windward landmark and marks the spot for the surf site Flagpoles. In addition to surfers. we'd close the shop and cut out for a couple of hours. is now Pineapple Hill Restaurant. Flat Reef. Three Stone. On July 4.Also known as Nānāhoa. Surf site. The surf site on the east side of the island is one of the most popular ones in Kailua. Surf site. Small. Kakaʻako.00 a day. Needles. The island is also known as Popoiʻa Island. Off the west end of Kakaʻako Waterfront Park. Oʻahu. and longtime Hawaiʻi business executive who in 1959 was the first manager of Ala Moana Center. Flagpoles. Kauaʻi. The shop was in Kakaʻako on Punchbowl Street where the federal building is now. flat reef. Named for David Thomas Fleming (1881-1955). he erected a 30-foot flagpole at his home to honor his nation and his state. Surf site. Kauaʻi. Hanalei. We were only making about $8. Born in Scotland but raised on Maui. outrigger canoe paddlers. Maui. Ford Island Bridge. Dr. Oʻahu. In 1817.Joe Kuala. Army Museum in Battery Randolph is at the east end of the beach. 2000 Flying Sea Cliffs. The beach and the lands that comprise the fort were acquired by the federal government in 1904 and named the Kalia Military Reservation. For this reason. The Robinson family. The man-made beach fronting Fort DeRussy is 1. made a decision in approximately 1915 to preserve the Hawaiian language and culture on the island by severely restricting access to outsiders. Fort Alexander. Scheffer was ordered to leave Hawaiʻi by King Kamehameha I. Molokini. In 1964 it was designated as a national historic landmark. On the east bank of the Waimea River across from Lucy Wright Beach Park. Oʻahu. Beach. Also known as Mokuʻumeʻume. and it was named after him. Ford Island. In 1923 it was transferred to the navy and used as a landing field. State historic park (17. October 19. One of two forts constructed on Kauaʻi by Georg Anton Scheffer. Fort Armstrong. the island has been called the Forbidden Island. The fort was constructed between 1815 and 1817 during an alliance . came to Hawaiʻi from Boston and worked at the Hawaiian Insane Asylum and the U. Waikīkī. Island (450 acres). a member of the Robinson family. Honolulu. Pearl Harbor. Seth Ford (1818-1866). The U. During World War I. Kauaʻi. Niʻihau. Fort DeRussy.800 feet long and 140 feet wide and covered with imported sand. Kauaʻi. On the summit of Puʻu Poa overlooking Hanalei Bay. a member of the Union Army who served with distinction in the Civil War. Oʻahu. Entry is forbidden to anyone who is not a resident of the island. Pearl Harbor. Section of Honolulu Harbor that is now Piers 1 and 2.000. Dive site. Named for Brigadier-General Samuel Armstrong (1839-1893). Marine Hospital from 1861 to 1866. a Honolulu physician. Shore. Scheffer secretly planned to take over the islands in the name of Russia and had decided to use Kauaʻi as his base of operations. Fort DeRussy is an important recreation and visitor destination site for the military.S. the army purchased it from the Li Estate for $236. Historic site. The reservation was renamed Fort DeRussy in 1909 after Brigadier-General René Edward DeRussy (1790-1865).3 acres). and in 1975 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. He purchased the island.S. Same as Admiral Clarey Bridge. Swimming over the edge of the drop gives divers the impression that they are "flying." Forbidden Island. Waimea. Following his death the Honolulu Plantation bought the island and used it to grow sugarcane. a member of the Engineer Corps who had served with distinction in the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Poka ʻAilana. a German who was managing Russian trading interests in the Hawaiian Islands in the early 1800s. Princeville. Shelf at 50 feet on the outer wall of Molokini that is severely undercut as it drops to 130 feet. Fort Elizabeth. In 1962 the navy decommissioned it as a landing field. Oʻahu. the owners of Niʻihau since 1864. or an invited guest. Scheffer named Fort Alexander in honor of Tsar Alexander I of Russia and named a second fort at Waimea Fort Elizabeth in honor of the tsar's consort. No Mans Land.between King Kaumualiʻi of Kauaʻi and the Russian-American Company. was transferred to the Air Force. Fourteenth Hole. Beach. Named by a Waiʻanae surfer who surfed here regularly during the 1970s. the next surf site to the east that was named in 1958. longtime harbormaster at Hickam Harbor who helped to develop the harbor in 1957. Kauaʻi. Surf site. Freddieland. Fort Kamehameha was established as an army installation in 1901 to provide coastal defense at the entrance to Pearl Harbor. Same as Freddieland. Named for Fred Grosskreutz. Ko ʻOlina. surf site. Free Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. surf site. Four Miles. windsurf site. Fort Hase. The surf site is offshore the lagoon. Surf site. Mōkapu. Off the comfort station in the center of Keaʻau Beach Park. Same as Number Fours. who lived near the beach in the 1960s and 1970s and surfed here almost exclusively. Beach park. In 1991 the 506-acre fort. 14 Crack. Kaunalā. Oʻahu. "Freddieland" was coined as an imitation of the name Velzyland. Surf site. Oʻahu. Russian occupation of the fort ended abruptly in 1817 when the Russians were expelled from Hawaiʻi by King Kamehameha I. Oʻahu. Scheffer named Fort Elizabeth in honor of the consort of Tsar Alexander I of Russia and named a second fort at Princeville Fort Alexander in honor of the tsar. Also known as Kuwaʻaʻohe. Adjacent to the Ko ʻOlina Marina. Kāneʻohe Bay. Beach. Hawaiian soldiers then occupied the fort until 1864. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronting Fort Kamehameha housing. Scheffer designed the fort and directed the large Hawaiian workforce that constructed its walls. Hawaiʻi. Hickam Air Force Base. Same as Crack 14. Point. often alone. lagoon. The surf site is off the park. Pearl Harbor. surf site. Off the fourteenth hole of the golf course on Marine Corps Base Hawaiʻi. In 1952 the Marine Corps acquired the entire peninsula. but it is best known to Big Island residents as Four Miles. It was named for King Kamehameha in 1909. The park is 4 miles from the post office. Oʻahu. Mōkapu. Keaukaha. when it was deactivated by order of the Hawaiian government. Foster. He was a firm believer in alternate or . Freddie's. Beach. it was designated as the starting point for all road mileage measurements beginning in Hilo. including Fort Hase. the reservation was renamed Fort Hase. Oʻahu. a surfer from the East Coast. which adjoins Hickam Air Force Base and is the site of many Hawaiʻi Air National Guard facilities. Also known as Freddie's. During World War II. The official name of the beach park is Kealoha Park. Point and picnic pavilion at the west end of Hickam Harbor named for Lou Foster. One of four man-made beaches and lagoons at Ko ʻOlina Resort and Marina. Oʻahu. Between Sunset Point and Velzyland. Waikīkī. Oʻahu. Surfing. Oʻahu. The beach and the surf site front the housing area. Surf site. Keaʻau. represented by a German named Georg Anton Scheffer. but continued to use the name for the military housing here. In 1918 a portion of Mōkapu Peninsula was established as an army camp called Kuwaʻaʻohe Military Reservation. Surf site. Fourth Lagoon. Kaunalā. When the Hilo Post Office was constructed. Fort Kamehameha. Fours. Keālia. The famous love scene between Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr in the Columbia Pictures 1953 movie From Here to Eternity was filmed here. Oʻahu. Fishing site. Surf site. Mokulēʻia. . Surf site. Sand Island. The camp was primarily for low-income city mothers and their children. Mokulēʻia. Hawaiʻi Kai. Dive site. Friendly Isle. The Fujioka family opened Fujioka Super Market in Haleʻiwa in 1910 and own a beach-front home here on Crozier Drive. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi Kai. Same as Fresh Air Camp. which he founded in 1906. Surf site. On a good swell. Hickam Harbor. Front Street Park. Surf site. Fumes. Oʻahu. Beach. Hawaiʻi. Fujioka's Channel. Haleʻiwa. Futa Point. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Eternity Beach. Surf site. Kalanianaʻole Highway. Also known as Fresh Airs. At the edge of the reef east of the comfort station at Sandy Beach Park. Surf site. the lefts at this site break as fast as a moving freight train. One of several fishing sites along the Koko Head sea cliffs that are favored by ulua fishermen. providing them an opportunity for a vacation in the country. Residents of Keaukaha still use the former name of the highway for the park. Fujioka's. Fresh Air Camp. Hālona Cove. Oʻahu. Fishing site. Named after a man named Futa who fished here regularly during the 1950s and 1960s. the site of the former Fresh Air Camp. Haleʻiwa. Fresh Airs. Molokaʻi. Channel through the reef that is used by fishermen as a fishing site and by surfers to access the surf site Fujioka's. Surf site. Mokulēʻia. Oʻahu. Freight Train Lefts. Nickname for the island of Molokaʻi. Also known as Keaukaha Beach Park. Oʻahu. An abbreviation of the name Fujioka. Fuji's. Keaukaha. Frog Rock. Name popularized by circle-island tour drivers for the small cove adjacent to the Hālona Blowhole. Oʻahu. the surf site on the small rocky point immediately in front of the comfort station."free" lifestyles. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Named to differentiate it from Half Point. Full Point. Hawaiʻi Kai. The surf site is off their home. Also known as Firsts. A large rock near the dive site looks like a sitting frog when viewed from the proper angle. which borders the park. Also known as Fuji's. From Here to Eternity. Kawaihae. Same as Fujioka's. Jet fumes from aircraft approaching and taking off on the Reef Runway often inundate the surf site. Also known as Cockroach Bay/Beach/Cove. Off the calcareous sand beach at Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. was formerly known as Front Street. James Rath established the camp in 1915 as a support facility for Pālama Settlement. Waves at both sites are steep and wipeouts can be severe. On the west side of Rocky Point. Gillin arrived in Hawaiʻi in 1912 and worked on Maui. second-reef site off Puʻu Poa Point that is so far offshore it is like surfing in the "future. George Washington Stone. Pepeʻekeo. the owner of the Māhāʻulepū plantation lands. Oʻahu. Gas Chambers was unnamed. One of the three most popular dive sites on Kauaʻi. Generals. The chamber is the hollow wave. Gillin's. She was built in San Francisco in 1884 with a wood screw and a two-cylinder compound engine. Surf site. Hawaiʻi Kai. Pepeʻekeo Point Light. Both sites are also known as Chambers. Surf site. Big-wave." General Store. Hanalei. Moving to Kauaʻi in 1925. he was the construction superintendent of the Haʻupu Range Tunnel. Named for Elbert Gillin. Landmarks: Kumukahi Point Light. Leleiwi Point. Dive site. the "generals. Dive site. Both names appeared in the early 1960s and are spin-offs of "taking gas. Also known as Kahikilani. G Buoy. a popular site to the west. 2. Gas Chambers. Waves break on a shallow sandbar at Sandy Beach and on a shallow reef at Rocky Point. and sank here in 1895. are here. Māhāʻulepū. Buoy anchored at approximately 600 fathoms. Surf site. Hilo Bay Light. Beach. Rock. The name at Rocky Point resulted as a challenge in 1961 between two Saint Louis High School students who were regular surfers at Pūpūkea. Sunset Beach. windsurf site. second-reef site that breaks off the comfort station in Sandy Beach Park. with beachrock shelves in the foreshore and vegetated dunes in the backshore. Sunset Beach." then a popular phrase for a particularly bad wipeout. Rock formation on a ridge inland of Rocky Point that resembles George Washington wearing a three-cornered hat. Kauaʻi. and one surfer told the other that he would name the site and establish the name by circulating it by word-of-mouth in the surfing community. The experiment worked.Futures. In Hoʻona Bay. The name General Store compares the wide variety of features at the site to that of the merchandise in a general store. At the west end of Sandy Beach. Narrow calcareous sand beach between Punahoa and Kamala Points. a supervisor for Grove Farm Company. with five large anchors. shipwreck site. Keāhole. Surf site. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. where he helped engineer the bridge over ʻOheo Stream in Kīpahulu. Gillin built a . Hawaiʻi. a small bay on the north side of Keāhole Point that is known for its garden eels and manta rays. Oʻahu." GG Garden Eel Cove. The half-mile long tunnel allowed direct access for cane trucks traveling from the fields on the north side of the Haʻupu Range to Kōloa Mill on the south side. Oʻahu. a 165-ton interisland steamer. The name infers that only the best surfers ride here. with two caverns that attract a wide variety of reef fish. Hawaiʻi Kai. Also known as Hoʻona. Kalāheo. The ruins of the SS Pele. Fish aggregating device. Big-wave. During his employment with Grove Farm. placed in interisland plantation service in 1886. 1. Hawaiʻi. Kauaʻi. Horseshoe-shaped ledge off Makaokahaʻi Point at 60 feet. Dive site. Pōhue Beach. His description was used to name this trail. Name given by the cruise boat industry to the Kāhala coast between Black Point and the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel.3 million. The undersides of three arches are covered with gold and orange tube coral and red and yellow sponges. After his death the ranch was sold to pay estate taxes. dangerous trail used by ulua fishermen that begins at Makapuʻu Lookout on Kalanianaʻole Highway and leads to the north side of Makapuʻu Point. 1. Beach. In a February 1970 article in Salt Water Sportsman magazine. Glover. Ltd. who surfed here regularly for many years. are the only beachfront condominiums in Waikīkī. Glass Doors. 1. and the name is a play on words for the trademark "golden arches" of McDonald's Restaurants. Oʻahu. the only home on the entire beach. Name given by real estate agents to the Waikīkī coast from the New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel to the south end of Kalākaua Avenue because the real estate is considered "as good as gold. 2. Surf site. Maui. the manager of Honolua Ranch. Makapuʻu. Narrow. 1. Kauaʻi. Hawaiʻi. Both sites are known for their underwater arches. Shore. converted the cattle pasture on the plateau into the West Maui Golf Course. Plateau. but the former clubhouse still remains on the point in a stand of . some area residents still call the beach Glover's Beach. Golf Links. Also known as Kahuku Beach. During the early 1920s. Surf site. Oʻahu. built in the late 1950s and 1960s. or "glassy. Dive site. including inheritance taxes. Pōhue. Oʻahu. Glover's. Although the Samuel M. Waimea. Mokulēʻia. Port Allen. Prior to the island becoming part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Small pocket beach covered with glass fragments on the east side of the Chevron tank farm. was a former owner of Kahuku Ranch.000-acre ranch in 1958 for $1. Near shore in the center of Lāʻie Bay. residents of Lāʻie attempted to graze goats on the island." no matter how strong the trade winds are blowing. Glass. The ocean here always seems to be calm. The glass originates from a former refuse dump nearby.beach home at Māhāʻulepū. Glassies. Also known as Homelani. Honolua. 2. One of the dive sites at Pine Trees that is known for its underwater arches. Oʻahu. Goat. Beach. veteran fishing writer and television personality Bruce Carter identified Hawaiʻi's ulua fishermen as "mountain goats" for their ability to reach seemingly inaccessible rocky ledges at the base of sea cliffs. The water is often so clear here that looking through the wall of the wave is like looking through a glass door. Glover. Island. Trail. South of the bay at 70 feet. Golden Arches." The condominiums here. One of the first golf courses on Maui was built on the plateau above Honolua Bay. The course fell into disuse with the outbreak of World War II. Also known as Mokūʻauia. James W. Named for veteran Waimea surfer George Inouye. Oʻahu. Gl's. Shore. Homes here are among the most expensive in Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Surf site. Waikīkī. Off Waimea State Recreation Pier. David Fleming. Maui. a rugged nine-hole course. Lāʻie. Hawaiʻi. Kāhala.. founder of the general construction company James W. Lāʻie. La Pērouse. Kauaʻi. Kohanaiki. Gold Coast. 2. Damon Estate was the successful bidder and purchased the 158. with many varieties of reef fish. Waikīkī. When surfers wipe out in the tube of a hollow wave. Oʻahu. My mother put up a two-story house on the Diamond Head side of the present swimming beach. moʻolelo My grandmother bought 3 acres for $7. . Off the intersection of Kalākaua Avenue and Coconut Avenue. Also known as Gordie's. 1. Lānaʻi. Paradise and Number Threes. The boardinghouse was closed when Clifford Kimball bought the property to build the Halekūlani Hotel. They were staying at the Seaside. East of Kaunolū. the beach quickly became known as Gray's Beach and the name stuck. Oʻahu. DeRussy side of us that later became the Halekūlani Hotel. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. to the west of Kawela.Norfolk Island pine trees. the waves at Goofys are primarily lefts. Shallow inside reef at Hospitals. Gray's. Oʻahu. Channel. and my other uncle. Oʻahu. Dive site. My uncle built a beautiful home on the Ft. I remember when Teddy Roosevelt's daughter Alice came to Waikīkī. Grand Canyon. 1. Waikīkī. She was newly married to an older senator. which favor surfers who have a goofyfoot stance. Waikīkī. Beach. Natural channel through the reef off the Halekūlani Hotel that was enlarged by dredging in the early 1950s to allow catamarans to come ashore at Gray's Beach. Surf site. 3. but she would walk up to swim at Gray's Beach. Section of Waikīkī Beach fronting the Halekūlani Hotel. Massive submarine canyon at 20 to 100 feet. On big days. Graveyards. Also known as Kawehewehe. Māʻili. Goofys. was named in 1958 after California surfboard manufacturer Dale Velzy. and I was born and raised there. Surf site. a small two-story boardinghouse near the beach that was operated by La Vancha Maria Chapin Gray from 1912 to 1929. got the Ft. Abbreviation of goofyfoot. Gordie's. Kawela. Nicholas Longworth. Surf site. Velzyland. many of the neighborhood surfers at Kawela rode surfboards by Gordie. It was the only good sand beach in the immediate area. 2. Off the north point of Kawela Bay." which is the connection between the surf site and the term graveyard. who used it as a boardinghouse until 1928. Named for Gray's-by-the-Sea. or the Kapahulu Groin. All of these surf sites break over shallow reefs and often have hollow waves on a good day. Oʻahu. Pillboxes. There was coral on both sides of the beach and a natural sand-filled channel out through the reef that was called Gray's Channel. Also known as Firehouse. Wailupe. another California surfboard manufacturer. Gordieland. so they named this site Gordieland for fun. Kim's. Surf site. In 1912 my mother rented our house to Ma Gray. I never knew her first name. In the 1960s. DeRussy quarter. and people came from all over to swim there. they often say they were "buried. a surfing term for surfers who stand on their surfboard with their right foot ahead of their left. Diamond Head. The channel lies between two surf sites. Also known as Kulaokaʻeʻa. Same as Gordieland. Surf site. however. my mother got the middle quarter. She attracted a lot of attention and was the first woman I ever saw smoke or wear lipstick. The estate was divided between my mother and my two uncles. but because of the boardinghouse. Surf site. My oldest uncle got the Diamond Head half. south coast. 2.000 in the present Halekūlani area from a man named Hall. Arthur Brown. Oʻahu. Kawela. On the west side of The Wall. A grotto is a cave. Surf site. . Oʻahu. but had another similar wipeout and lost his dentures. Surf site. The surf site is a shorebreak at the beach. Gun Point. It is off a metal traffic barrier. or "grim reapers. Surf site." that lines the seaward edge of Honoapiʻilani Highway. Surf site. Off the west end of Hoʻokipa Beach Park. giving it a distinctive green tint. Gumbys. He had dentures made and continued to surf there. Surf site. Wailupe. Māʻili. The name here is a reference to the large sharks. From then on the regular surfers in the area called the site "Gums" to commemorate his misadventures. windsurf site. Hoʻokipa. or "guard rail. Kahoʻolawe. one surfer who lived nearby continued to surf here with an old longboard. Groucho's. J. Cave with a large entrance at the north end of Kanapou Bay. a littoral cone 3 miles east of South Point. when most surfers were changing from longboards to shortboards. Big-wave. Sunset Beach. Also known as Mahana.My mother sold the property to Clifford Kimball in 1929." Grim Reapers. West of Wailupe Beach Park. when it was purchased by Vickie and Anson Rego and renamed. Death is often personified as a skeleton with a scythe and called the grim reaper. Also known as Māʻili. second-reef site off the seaward end of the east runway. Kalaeloa. At the west end of the ʻEhukai Beach Park sandbar. Green Sand. During the early 1970s. Also known as Kualoa. During World War II. Kaʻaʻawa. surf site." that are commonly seen at the site. Beach. Waves eroding the base of the cinder cone mine olivine out of the cinder and deposit it on the beach. Oʻahu. Dive site. Surf site. northeast coast. A beach heliotrope in the back-shore is the "green tree. Oʻahu. Off Iroquois Beach. Maui. Gums. Green Tree. Oʻahu. 1972 Green Lanterns. Off the mouth of Māʻiliʻili Channel. gun emplacements were built into the cliff above Kalaeokaʻoʻio Point. One of the most unique beaches in Hawaiʻi at the base of Puʻu o Mahana. Keawaʻula. South Point. Grotto. ʻEwa Beach. Surf site. Also known as Van Winkles. Oʻahu. exposing his gums. One of several sites between Ukumehame State Wayside Park and Olowalu. Olivine is a greenish volcanic mineral. Maui. Surf site. Oʻahu. Guard Shacks. Off the section of Yokohama Beach fronting the guard shack for the tracking station. He developed the Halekūlani Hotel. Hawaiʻi. October 22. Atherton Gilman. Named for the Green Lantern Restaurant that was located across the street until 1958. Olowalu. One day during a bad wipeout his board struck him in the mouth and he lost his front teeth. Oʻahu. Guard Rail. Surf site. Kaʻīlionui monk . Several important archaeological sites associated with the hula are located here. The "iki" and "nui" in these names do not refer to the size of the reef. and this is the heʻe [octopus] ground. and Kauluapaoa Heiau. Shipwreck. Then the reef gets wider and below the Wichman's house there's a small pond. red-hot. Hāʻena. Hāʻena. Hāʻena. and Kaʻīlionui is the second near Kēʻē. the reefs.. we started at low tide with the deepest reef and then as the tide came in. including Ke Ahu o Laka. Across the road from Maniniholo Cave. 1. She went aground and sank on Waiʻoli Reef at the hands of an irresponsible crew. Calcareous sand beach between Limahuli Stream and the end of Highway 56. you wanted to be sure you went to the right place and got there at the right time. Then there's a channel.HH Haʻaheo o Hawaiʻi. State park (230 acres). Hāʻena." The Hawaiians gave names to all the places where food was gathered. moʻolelo I retired from the Kauaʻi Police Department in 1975. and a large pond. The first reef west of Hāʻena Beach Park is Poʻohau. a high reef that is out of the water even at high tide. or Kēʻē Beach. is the start of the 11-mile Kalalau Trail to Kalalau Valley. Kaʻīlioiki is the first section of the reef. The west end of the park. and the reef across the channel is Puʻu Kahuaiki. an 83-foot vessel purchased in 1820 for $90. and Poholokeiki. Then there's a small reef. That means "Kauaʻi hide-a-way. Simeon Maka told me the name Poholokeiki sometime in the 1930s. but rather to the depth. Also known as Tunnels. carrying gear and fishing equipment. and the rocks on the beach are called Halepōhaku. Lit.000 by King Kamehameha II. Wide point inshore of Mākua Reef to the east of Hāʻena Beach Park. 3. The surfing spot Cannons is offshore. The names were important because when you were on foot. with vegetated sand dunes in the backshore. Puakala. During high tide the channel current is very swift. a temple dedicated to Laka. a platform where the hula was performed. you can easily lose your footing and be swept into the channel. Paweaka. Kauaʻi. The surfing spot Bobo's is offshore. The house on the point belonged to John Allerton and was acquired by the state upon his death in 1986. Paweaka gets up to waist-deep during high tide. and my parents named it Peʻe Kauaʻi. pride of Hawaiʻi. The Haʻaheo o Hawaiʻi was the Hawaiian monarchy's first royal yacht. We used to call Puʻu Kahuanui the "last chance" reef because this is where we would end up last. Calcareous sand beach bordering the wide bay between Mākua Reef to the east and Hauwa Reef to the west. Our home was near Limahuli Stream. and with the steep sandbank close to shore. 2.. Hanalei. Kauaʻi. Kauaʻi. the channel where Limahuli Stream goes into the ocean. Hauwa. I was born and raised at the end of the road in Hāʻena. Lit. Beach park. the curator of Maritime History at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History. We fished on all the reefs from Wainiha to Kēʻē. Kauaʻi. the deity of the hula. Point. It's more like low reef and high reef. Fronted by shallow reefs and backed by dunes vegetated with ironwood trees. we worked our way to the shallowest reef. When we would throw nets on the ʻāpapa. The ship was located in 1995 and excavated by a team lead by Paul Johnston. The other end of the reef is Puʻu Kahuanui. Across the channel is the long reef at Hāʻena State Park. Bay.. then there's the big reef Makua at Tunnels. beach. too. Beach. The tsunamis of 1946 and 1957 destroyed the taro patches and marked the end of commercial taro farming. The surf site is off the . too. Molokaʻi. breaking of [the] harbor." and to us it meant that you can easily wade to all parts of the reef. The old-timers used to say. beach. Keʻaʻoi Island is offshore. Lit. Hakioawa. Flat. north shore. Kaʻonohi is the reef at the point on the Hanalei side of the camp. Calcareous sand beach at the head of a small cove. cooked them. surf site. Pocket beach of detrital sand at the head of a bay between two rocky points. It lives in the small holes on the reef vacated by the ina. We used to get pilikoʻa there. Maniniholo is the bay at Hāʻena Beach Park. rocky peninsula on the east side of Pāpalaua Valley that is used as a fishing and camping site. Camping site. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Hālawa. many [bird] perches. Halapē. Sometimes the name is extended to include the Pāpalaua shore. Hākaʻaʻano. Hakalau. Then there's the channel at Hāʻena Point where the windsurfers go in and out. Hālawa Beach is actually two detrital sand beaches. Kahoʻolawe. It is the only one of the valleys that is accessible by road. 1986 Haili. crushed or flattened pandanus. Hakioawa has been the primary camp and ceremonial site for the Protect Kahoʻolawe ʻOhana since 1976 when members of the group first landed on Kahoʻolawe. one on either side of the rocky point in the middle of the bay. Hāna. and it was good for nenue. This reef was getting outside the areas that we always frequented.. We used to hukilau there from July to August. A narrow detrital sand beach lines the head of the bay. Hawaiʻi. Hālawa. February 5. The next reef is Kanahā. Also known as Big Gulch.. surf site. The ruins of Hakalau Mill are on the shore of the bay where it was destroyed by the tsunami of 1946. Pāpalaua. so we just called it by one name. The first reef east of the beach park is Waikalua. Maui.. the long reef from the point to Wainiha. Molokaʻi. Fishing site. Hakalau is one of the few navigable bays on the precipitous Hāmākua coast." and it means to show your rear end to someone as a sign of contempt. Thenthere's Wainiha Kūʻau. Bay. We dug them out with a butter knife. Lit. like the name Waitulu at Kalalau. then there's Kūpopou at Camp Naue. Barlow Chu. Stone on the south side of Paʻiloa Bay in Waiʻānapanapa State Park that resembles two fingers forming a victory or peace sign. Lit. loving memory. Kūpopou means that the tails of fish like nenue would sometimes stick up out of the water when the tide was low and the fish were feeding. where water dripped on the beach below Auwē ka Manu. beach park. The beach to the east was called Kāwili. Kūʻau means "to wade. Using t for k was common in Hāʻena and Nā Pali. and there were always big schools of kala on this ʻāpapa. The beach to the west of the point was called Māʻalaea and is used as an anchorage and boat launching site. Hālawa is one of six coastal valleys on Molokaʻi's north shore and was formerly a fishing and commercial taro farming community. and the texture was crisp like pualoli. Kahaki is the next small reef. "Poupou ta ʻōkole.seals were frequently seen in the area up to the 1940s. Rock. Hakalau. The surf site is off the beach. It's a green anemone that's a relative of ʻōkole. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. the top of the trail where you paused to rest after coming up from sea level. Oʻahu. Haleʻiwa chiefs. The second story of the building was added in the summer of 1999 by the Baywatch television series... The ʻiwa is a poetic symbol for an attractive person. Also known as the Kalili Surf Center. Navigational lights to mark the channel into the small boat harbor. Channel through the reef between Paradise and Number Threes surf sites that leads to the Halekūlani Hotel. Boulder breakwater on the seaward side of the boat harbor.. 4. point. so the figurative meaning of the name is "home of attractive people. a youth team coached by Herman Soares during the 1950s. Off the west side of Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach Park. eating house. master's house. Lit. Oʻahu. Channel.. home [of the] frigate bird. Lit. Beach park (19. Haleʻiwa Trench. Channel. Haleʻiwa. Channel. three ramps. On the north side of Anahulu Stream. Waikīkī. The name was permanently established in the area by the Haleʻiwa Hotel." Haleʻiwa Aliʻi. the name was translated as "beautiful home. Oʻahu. Small Boat Harbor. Also known as Aliʻi Beach. Lit. Off Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach Park. During the 1930s when Bill Littlejohn began surfing at Black Point at the east end of Kaʻalāwai Beach. Abandoned structure at Kulapae in Keaukaha Beach Park that was a former social hall for the Keaukaha community. Oʻahu. "Aliʻi" was included in the name. Mōkapu. Keaukaha. ." Haleʻiwa was originally the name of the dormitory building of the Waialua Female Seminary (1865-1882). 2. Surf site. Fishpond. dive site. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Prior to the development of the beach park. See Isaac Hale. Facilities include sixty-four berths. Lit. or "trench.point in the center of the bay. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Lit. Kaupakalua. Maui. fifteen moorings. Also known as Kakipi. Lit. The Littlejohn family has lived and surfed at Kaʻalāwai for many years. and a vessel washdown area.3 acres).7 acres). Oʻahu. or overseer's house.. Also known as Gray's Channel. Kaʻalāwai. Oʻahu. he named the site Halemanō. a Protestant school built on the banks of Anahulu Stream. Kawehewehe. Hale ʻĀina. 6. Oʻahu. 1. and the community called it Aliʻi Park. When the hotel opened." Halekou. Pavilion. Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach Park was named after the Country Keiki Aliʻi football team. Haleʻiwa. Lit. a popular beach resort destination on the Oahu Railway and Land Co. Facilities in the beach park were built in 1968. kou-wood house. curve.. Haleʻiwa. the country team used a portion of the site as a practice field. Haleʻiwa. house befitting royalty. Beach park (15. Natural channel off the boat harbor cut through the reef by Anahulu Stream. Surf site. Haleʻiwa. Halemanō. Haleʻiwa. Recreation facility in Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach Park. Surf center. train line from 1899 to 1943. Halehaku. 5. Harbor Range Lights. Haleʻiwa. The Country Keiki Aliʻi played the Town Keiki Aliʻi in the Shriner's Football League.. 3. On the south side of Anahulu Stream. 7. In later years when the site was developed into a beach park. Halekūlani. A 90-foot vertical drop from the shallow reef at the surf site forms the channel. Bay. Breakwater. Haleʻiwa. Haleʻiwa. Hale. fishing site. the first president of Molokaʻi Ranch. Halepalaoa. narrow calcareous sand beach to the west of the harbor. house of Lono. Hale ʻOpihi.. Kaʻalāwai. Lit. The surf site is off the beach. Spring at which people prayed to be cured or forgiven. was an enthusiastic scouting supporter and sponsored the construction of Camp Hālena. landing.. Heiau. 1. Lit. The only evidence of the landing are a few pilings in the ocean. Lit. 2.. 3.. including a locomotive and its tender. then total immersion. house [of] healing. Molokaʻi. Long. Hale o Lono. Molokaʻi. It includes an entrance channel. Kapuʻa. Haleokapuni. Lāʻau. Hale o Lono. Kawaihae. Haleola. West end of Mākua Beach. surf site. Hālena. In the underbrush near the landing are the ruins of a warehouse and some remnants of the railroad. yellowish. Halepalaoa. Beach.. A narrow-gauge railroad connected the plantation to the landing. Also known as Man-on-the-Rock. Part of the Puʻukoholā Heiau National Park. Surf site. The ceremony included pouring water over oneself." for the numerous sharks that he saw there. Low sea cliffs between Kapukuwahine and Kahalepōhaku Beaches where ʻopihi were gathered. house [of] limpets. camp. house of Kapuni. Kapuni was a high priest of the famous chief Keawe. Also known as Lono's. Beach. Oʻahu. Lit. Hale Mōhalu. Hale Mōhalu residents were taken on beach excursions to swim and bodysurf at Mākua because it was remote and used infrequently by the public on weekdays."house [of the] shark. a cluster of small cabins and related buildings on Hālena Beach. 1. Beach. Spring. Commercial use of the harbor proved to be of marginal value due to heavy surges from seasonal high surf. Surf site. 2. Hale o Lono. Hawaiʻi. Beach. ʻOpihi Road. Small Boat Harbor. The harbor has been the staging area and starting line for the annual Molokaʻi to Oʻahu outrigger canoe races since 1963. Molokaʻi. The Buddhist community on Lānaʻi . (now Ameron Hawaiʻi) began in 1959 and was completed several years later. Molokaʻi. Lit. Lānaʻi. a boiler. Hālena. two breakwaters. also the name of a god. Sharks and turtles are commonly seen here.. Oʻahu. Halepalaoa. It opened in 1949 and closed in 1969. Halemanu. Same as and a mispronunciation of Halemanō.. and several handcarts. Calcareous sand beach fronting the ruins of a former Boy Scout camp. Shrine in the ocean fronting Pelekane Beach where sharks were fed. and it was eventually abandoned. and a turning basin. Facilities include undesignated moorings. George P. house [of] relaxation. Hālena was once noted for its gold to cream-colored beach rock that was cut into stepping-stones for foot-paths and patios. Ltd. Cooke. Off the west side of the harbor. for people with Hanson's Disease. Hale o Lono. Halemanō is now commonly mispronounced "Halemanu. Monument. Hale Mohalu was a state institution in Pearl City. Construction of the harbor by Honolulu Construction and Draying Company. house [of the] birds. Mākua. Also known as Kaikoʻo. Stone monument on Keōmuku Road south of the landing that is a memorial to the Japanese plantation workers who died at Keōmuku during the bubonic plaque of 1900. Hawaiʻi. Lit. Kawākiu was the site of the original start. Lānaʻi. Also known as Lono Harbor." The surf site is off the public right-of-way on Kaikoʻo Place. Oʻahu. Molokaʻi. Lit. Heiau with this name for the worship of the god Lono are found on all of the islands. Narrow calcareous sand beach that was the site of a former landing for the short-lived Maunalei Sugar Plantation (1899-1901) at Keōmuku. Fishing site. . Spring. Surf site. Cove. Small spring in the rocks on the shore of Kaʻawaloa village in Kealakekua Bay State Historic Park. Kealakekua.. Hawaiʻi. Eternity Beach. a surf site farther out to sea at the edge of the reef. Blowholes are narrow chimneys that connect lava terraces to sea caves or lava tubes below them. Oʻahu." and Hāmākua Poko.. Hawaiʻi Kai. Fishing site. 2. Ledge at 25 to 45 feet that . Hāʻena. house [of the] goatfish. spread twice. Dive site. Lit.. Hāliʻilua. Also known as Pillars. [a] lookout. Lit. Popular lookout to watch windsurfers. One of the Red Hill dive sites. Hālona. Rocky point that separates H-Poko Papa and Hoʻokipa Beach Park. Hāliʻi. Oʻahu. whale house. Haleweke. Rock. Dive site. short Hāmākua. Point that separates Poʻolenalena and Palauʻea Beaches. Oʻahu. spray. Also known as H-Poko Point. Lit. Poles. Approximately halfway to Portlock Point from the former Portlock Pier. Rocky point at the west end of Sandy Beach that is a popular visitor stop for the blowhole and for viewing the island of Molokaʻi. stone house. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Flat reef nearshore where fish congregated. Keawaʻula. Maui. The name is a play on words to differentiate it from Full Point. or ivory house. fishing site. Mākena. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi Kai. Lit. and Hāmākua Poko Camp. Small cove west of the blowhole with a pocket of calcareous sand. Inland of the point on Holomua Road are the ruins of Hāmākua Poko Mill. The blowhole at Hālona Point is one of Oʻahu's famous visitor attractions. Point. Lāʻie. Beach.. Hāmākua Loa. Hamburger. Lit. Hāmākua is the name of two land divisions. Oʻahu. Hāloa Point. Waves rolling into the sea caves or lava tubes force a powerful rush of compressed air. Hawaiʻi Kai.. Hawaiʻi. The dive site consists of lava ridges and sand channels at 30 feet off the point. Pāʻia. Lit. Lit. constructed in 1880. and white-water through the chimneys that erupts on the terraces as spectacular fountains. Small calcareous sand beach behind a reef flat to the west of Hāmākua Poko Point. Half Point. reef. rock. Also known as Cockroach Bay or Gulch. covered or spread. Blowholes are sometimes called "spouting horns" because of the loud roaring noises created by the rushing air and water coming up the chimney. Hāmākua Poko reef flat. Also known as H-Poko Papa. or "hamburger. Hāmākua Poko." Hāmākua Poko Papa. Halepōhaku. their lacerations resemble ground beef. At the small rocky point fronting the comfort station at Sandy Beach Park.holds a memorial service here once a year. From Here to Eternity Beach. Fishing site. 1. Jagged rock in the Yokohama surf site that is exposed at low tide. Lit. If surfers wipe out on the rock and are severely lacerated.. 2. 1.. Oʻahu. The name Hāliʻilua is etched into the rock. Rock formation near the west end of Hāʻena Beach Park. Fishing site. "short Hāmākua. Hawaiʻi Kai. Lit. Mālaekahana. Hawaiʻi Kai. "long Hāmākua. Surf site.. Pāʻia." Hammerhead Point. 3. long breath or long life. Section of Kokololio Beach Park where the highest sand dunes are located. Maui. Blowhole. Kainaliu. Point. Oʻahu. Maui. Lit. Calcareous sand beach between Kalaeokaunaʻoa and Kalaeuila Points.000-foot-long calcareous sand beach at the head of Mokae Cove. On the west side of Kaiaka Channel. Maui. Also known as Puʻuiki. Hanakaʻōʻō. Kauaʻi. surf site. Mokulēʻia. Offshore mooring. Smugglers Cove. 2. Also known as Honokanaiʻa. digging stick bay. Ramp and Wharf. Hanakanaiʻa. A 700-foot-long calcareous sand beach fronts the park between the wharf and the pilings of the former Hāna Landing. Hotel Hāna Maui uses the backshore as a beach recreational site for its guests. Beach. a pier. surf site. Hanakapiʻai Stream crosses the east end of the beach. Kauaʻi. or the "work of Luʻukia. The surf site is primarily a shorebreak that breaks on the shallow sandbar fronting the beach at Hanakanaiʻa Bay.. During high surf. Hanalei. Calcareous sand beach on a small bay at the southwest point of the island. Beach park. Hanakoa. Kahoʻolawe.. and a vessel washdown area. tow-in surf site. a ramp. Hāmoa. The other two are Kanapou and Kaukaukapapa. Bay. southwest shore. Hāna. The Hāna Highway. Hanakapiʻai is one of the island's most popular day-hike destinations. The . Also known as Canoe Beach. One of five beaches within Nā Pali Coast State Park. Hāna. At 2 miles in on the Kalalau Trail. Hammerhead sharks are commonly found in Kaiaka Bay and in the channel.. The 300-foot pier at the east end of Hanalei Bay was an interisland steamer landing.drops abruptly to 100 feet. The beach lies on the shore of the land division of Hāmoa. 1. Hammerheads. Maui. Maui. Beach. Beach. Maui. Lit. work or profession. Beach park.." Hanakaʻīlio. Lit. 1. Hammerhead sharks are commonly seen here. a big-wave. and Waiʻoli. Pier. The bay is an excellent anchorage during trade wind conditions. Hanalei Pavilion. Designated area for a hundred moorings off Hanalei Pier on a sandy bottom at a depth of approximately 35 feet. Marconi. The south section of Kāʻanapali Beach begins here and ends at Black Rock to the north. Surf site. beach. Nā Pali. The goddess Luʻukia was said to have taught tapa beating to the women of Hāna in a cave called Hāna o Luʻukia. The surf site is a shorebreak on a sandbar. It is one of only three significant calcareous sand beaches on the island. Pocket beach of calcareous sand at the mouth of Hanakapiʻai Valley fronted by a shallow sandbar. bay sprinkling food. Oʻahu. Nā Pali. second-reef site forms outside the bay. bay [of] koa trees. At the southern boundary of Kāʻanapali and adjacent to Hanakaʻōʻō Cemetery. Kauaʻi. surf site. Hāna. Kāʻanapali. Facilities for boaters include ten moorings. Lit. Hanakapiʻai. Hanalei. Kauaʻi. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. Beach. Also known as Big Beach. Oʻahu. A l.. or bay [of] warriors. Three beach parks are located on the beach: Black Pot. A calcareous sand beach 2 miles long lines the head of the bay between the Hanalei River to the east and the Waikoko Reef to the west. Dolphin schools are commonly seen here. Hāna. Popular summer anchorage for yachts and other large boats. Hanalei. Kauaʻi. Lit. Lit. Bay. The 300-foot-long wharf was no longer used for interisland shipping once Hāna was connected to Kahului Harbor by road. 3. a 52-mile paved road. Semicircle-shaped bay that is the largest on Kauaʻi. work [of] the dog. High surf during the winter erodes the beach. dolphin (mammal) bay. Kahuku. Hanalei. Small pocket of calcareous sand that accretes at the base of the sea cliffs below Hanakoa Valley during the summer.. 2. opened as a dirt road in 1927. Hanamāʻulu. Lit. is famous among Hawaiians for its native biota. crescent bay. Lit. curved bay or hand-wrestling bay. Beach park. Beach. Hanamanioa. Bay. Hanaloa. Kauaʻi. In 1998. allowing access to the ocean only for shallow-draft boats. 3. Flat Rock (the center). The river mouth is normally barred by beach sand. Kauaʻi. Nature preserve. Facilities include one ramp. bay [of the] nena plant. long bay. Maui. A surf site for beginners is on the west side of the pier. Also known as The Bay. Light. Kauaʻi. Commercial rice shipping activity ended in 1933 when California rice growers dominated the market. Also known as Kīpū Kai Beach. The light is atop a 20-foot pole. Hananena. Residents of Hawaiʻi do not say Hanauma "Beach. Light. and for providing water to the inland taro fields. Beach. Hanalei. Surf site. Kīpū Kai. primarily for fishing and swimming. 1. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronted by a shallow sandbar at the head of Hanamāʻulu Bay. Oʻahu. 4. the outer points of the bay. Off the mouth of the Hanalei River. undercutting the price of Hawaiian rice. Lit. The name Hanauma Bay is used to indicate the beach as well as the bay. beach park. Honuaʻula. Hanalei. Kauaʻi. Marine life conservation district (101 acres) established in 1967. 2. Hanapēpē. Oʻahu. The river is also popular for kayaking and outrigger canoe paddling.original pier was built in the 1890s and later improved with a concrete deck in the 1920s to accommodate the large quantities of rice that Hanalei farmers were shipping out of the valley. Calcareous sand beach between Mōlehu and Kawelikoa Points. and the Bowl (the end). Kauaʻi.. Fishpond. and hīhīwai (mollusks). Established in 1902.. crushed bay (due to landslides).. 5. Hanalei River. 1. Hanalei. River. Beach park. Honolulu. The conservation area includes the entire bay inshore of Palea and Paiʻoluʻolu Points. surf site. Lit. The bay waters are normally murky from the discharge of Hanamāʻulu Stream at the south end of the beach. one of the few navigable rivers in Hawaiʻi. ʻōpae (shrimp). Hanauma Bay. Hanalei. Hanapēpē. On Waipiʻo Peninsula.. 6. Since then the pier has been used as an ocean recreation facility. Kauaʻi. . tired [as from walking] bay. Narrow calcareous sand beach at the head of the bay. Hanauma Bay Beach Park was renamed Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve to emphasize protecting and preserving the bay's natural resources. The surf site is a shorebreak on the shallow sandbar fronting the park. One of three beach parks on Hanalei Bay's 2-mile calcareous sand beach." 2. Nena is also an alternate name for kīpūkai (a seaside heliotrope). The beach park is at the west end of Hanapēpē Bay where it is fronted by a seawall. Southeast point of La Pérouse Bay. River landing. Lit.. Lit. Boat landing on the west bank of the river adjacent to Black Pot Beach Park. Established in 1918 to mark the southern tip of the island when lights at Kanahena and Mākena were discontinued and a 73-foot concrete tower was built on the point.. Hanapēpē. Hanalei Pavilion. Hanamāʻulu. Kauaʻi. Kauaʻi. Waipahu. There are three sections within the site: Impossibles (the takeoff). including ʻoʻopu (goby fish). A state park borders the south half of the beach. Surf site. During the summer months. Keaukaha. State law permits only bodysurfing and bodyboarding in the shorebreak. Fishing site. Happy ʻŌpū. Fishing site. Hawaiʻi. Hanawī. Also known as Kahakaʻaulana..8 acres). Harbor Lefts. Hāpuna. surf site. Hāpuna. Named for Lambreth "Handy" Hancock. South point of Hāpuna Beach. "Hanno's" is a mispronunciation of Honl's. Point that protects Peiwe. The 1. Hawaiʻi. Small peninsula at the base of the sea cliffs in Onomea Bay. Hawaiʻi. spring. Kailua-Kona. landing. One of several westside sites that are used as starting places to make the sail to Molokaʻi. Kānekanaka Point. Haneoʻo. Hawaiʻi. The racecourse circles the bay. Boat ramp. The site is a right that breaks into the channel. Also known as Honl's. Hawaiʻi.1-mile Big Island Rough Water Swim has been held here every summer since 1979. Huelo. Henry J. Off the Honl family home on Aliʻi Drive. Harris lsland. Off the Lahaina Small Boat Harbor on the east side of the channel. Point. Hāpuna. Board surfing is not allowed. On the west side of the channel into the Lahaina Small Boat Harbor. Kaiser's executive assistant during the construction of the Kaiser Hawaiian Village Hotel (now the Hilton Hawaiian Village). Hancock Landing. Maui. Surf site. Harbor Rights. Hāna. The surf site is off the point. and the Hāpuna Beach Prince Hotel borders the north half. Kahana. Beach park at Hāpuna Beach. Hāpuna is the island's most popular beach. Hanno's. Bay. Surf site. surf site. Maui. Hāpuna Point. Also known as Breakwalls. Lit. sea urchin bay. Hawaiʻi. One of several small islands in Keʻehi Lagoon on the western side of Kalihi Channel. State recreation area (61. Keʻehi. fishing site. Oʻahu.Hanawana. A restaurant called The Happy ʻŌpū ("stomach" in Hawaiian) was on the beach here prior to the condominiums. Flat calcareous sand beach fronted by a shallow sandbar that is the longest and widest calcareous sand beach on the island.. Oʻahu. Maui. Windsurf site. Private boat ramp. Lit. Maui. Bay. including a washdown area and trailer parking. and the Hawaiʻi Kai community. Hāpuna Beach. [a] strong blow. Also known as H Point. Hawaiʻi Kai. Onomea. Hauanio. on Hawaiʻi Kai Drive for members of the Hawaiʻi Kai Marina Community Association. with beachgoers often driving from every corner of the island on weekends and holidays. . Lahaina. Private fishpond south of Koki Beach Park. The site is a left that breaks into the channel. the beach is 200 feet wide. Lit. the Kaiser Medical Center. Hāpuna. Fishpond.. or Scout Island. The ramp was named for him when he retired in 1974 for his personal effort in establishing the administrative rules of the marina. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. Maui. Lahaina. beach. including the Kauaʻi Deep. Big-wave. Hawaiʻi is the largest of the eight major Hawaiian Islands (4. Maui Deep. Hawaiʻi. Beach park (9. Northwest of Maui and Hawaiʻi.796 feet. red hau [flower]. The hau. Hawaiian Deep. Hawaiian Beaches. the archipelago includes the islands and associated reefs and banks beyond Niʻihau that are known as the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Lit. 2. Lit. Keaukaha. Established in 1921. Kahoʻolawe Deep. Māhāʻulepū. but turn red by the time they fall to the ground. The caves were discovered on Halloween by the owners of Dive Makai and are inhabited by huge spiny pufferfish that look ghostly. The surf site on this reef is known as Cannons. Oʻahu. On the rocky shore at the seaward end of Kahakai Drive.000 feet. Kauaʻi. Hāʻena. Kauaʻi. The park is owned and maintained by the Hawaiian Beaches home-owners association. Groves of hau trees grow along the shore here. reddish. Oʻahu. Park (3. with an elevation of 13. Honokōhau. Kauaʻi. Hawaiʻi. Hauʻula. Oʻahu.. and the pua lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha) is the emblem of the island. Hawaiian Archipelago. Maui. a native hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus). Oʻahu. . and Niʻihau. Narrow calcareous sand beach that borders Pāpipi Road between Pūpū Place and Oneʻula Beach Park. Extensive moatlike depressions that form large-scale structural features on the ocean floor around the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian Beaches. Land for the park and the power plant were acquired by the state in 1960. Hau trees grow on the shore here. Hauʻula. surf site. Kahoʻolawe. Chain of islands in the central Pacific Ocean that includes the eight major Hawaiian Islands: Hawaiʻi. fishy smell or stench. Hawaiʻi's nickname is the Orchid Isle. Haunted Caves. Kekaha. blossoms during the summer months. Fishpond. 1. Hauwa. which owns and operates the Kahe Point Power Plant across the highway from the park. Lit. Each island is the summit of a mountain rising from the ocean floor. Waiʻanae. Beach. Hawaiian Electric. Kauaʻi.028 square miles). Dive site. Hawaiʻi. Beach. Reef. it is also called the Big Island because it is twice the combined size of the other seven islands. ʻEwa Beach. Its flowers are bright yellow when they open. The surf site is off the beach.Hau Bush. Small pocket beach of calcareous sand at the head of a large cove between Paʻoʻo and Naʻakea Points. The state takes its name from this island.. it was named after the town of Hauʻula.. second-reef site off Davidson's Point. Six sections of the Hawaiian Deep are known individually by the names of the nearest island. Beach park. Surf site. Molokaʻi. Fishpond within Lokowaka Fishpond.677.6 acres). Hauna. and Hawaiʻi Deep. Oʻahu Deep. Hawaiʻi. Lānaʻi Deep. it reaches depths of nearly 18. Also known as Electric Beach. It has a po pulation of 148. Lānaʻi. Public park developed and maintained by the Hawaiian Electric Company. Beyond the eight major islands. Large reef west of Hāʻena Beach Park. Hāʻula. County beach park fronted by a narrow calcareous sand beach. A flat. The highest mountain on the island is Mauna Kea.1 acres). rocky shelf fronts the beach and dunes up to 100 feet high line the backshore. Private marina with 26 miles of waterways. The waters around Kahoʻolawe are not included. inland of Kalanianaʻole Highway and administered by the Hawaiʻi Kai Marina Community Association. Kaiser himself came up with the name Hawaiʻi Kai. In 1959. too. boat moorings. shallow waters surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands constitute one of the world's most important humpback whale habitats and one of the only places in the United States where humpbacks reproduce. marine ecology. the Pacific Region of the U. HIMB was established on the island in 1947 when the Edwin Pauley family invited the University of Hawaiʻi to use an old army building as a field station. and employees of the University of . and Lanai. The refuge designation extends 25 feet beyond the outer edges of the reef and prohibits all consumptive activities. The warm. large marine animal research. They wanted a name that would have meaning. since kai means "sea" in Hawaiian. The refuge protects millions of seabirds and the endangered Hawaiian monk seal. Fields of research at Coconut Island include fish biology. and nursing activities. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the U. easily pronounced. Kaiser and his planning staff were discussing various names for the community that he proposed to build in east Honolulu. Kauaʻi. environmental physiology. recognized the importance of Hawaiʻi's nearshore waters to humpbacks by designating the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary on November 4. Also known as Maunalua Bay Boat Ramp. 1. pelagic fish research. Boat ramp. calving.S. The refuge includes the small islands and associated reefs and banks that are called the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and more than 250. the Pailolo Channel. Kāneʻohe. It sounds Hawaiian. Landing is prohibited on all of the islands without a permit. The sanctuary includes the area from the high water mark to the 100-fathom (600-foot) isobath around the islands of Maui.000 acres of atoll lagoons. Oʻahu. public appeal. It has meaning. HIMB's field research facilities are on Coconut Island and include laboratories. Hawaiʻi [by the] sea. Oʻahu. Department of the Interior. 2. and it can be interpreted as "Hawaiʻi by the sea. except those by officers. Molokai. and developmental biology. Hawaiʻi Kai.. administrative facilities. Dive site. Hawaiian lslands National Wildlife Refuge. Hawaiʻi Kai. Hawaiʻi Marine Laboratory Refuge.S. students. so there was a personal connection." It is easy to pronounce and remember—and kai is also the first syllable of Kaiser. An institute of the University of Hawaiʻi. classrooms. Henry J. Scientists estimate that two-thirds of the entire North Pacific humpback whale population (approximately two to three thousand whales) migrate to Hawaiian waters to engage in breeding. Marina. faculty. A 64-acre reef that surrounds Coconut Island in Kāneʻohe Bay. coral reef research. Hawaiian Reef. tanks. Hawaiʻi Kai. Mākena. fisheries biology. including Penguin Bank. 22 miles southwest of Niʻihau. in consultation with the State of Hawaiʻi. Reef. and yet still sound Hawaiian. 1992. Hawaiʻi Kai was selected. aquaculture. Named by Ed Robinson of Ed Robinson's Diving Adventures for the wide variety of Hawaiian marine life found here. Hawaiʻi lnstitute of Marine Biology. Research site. Oʻahu. Fish and Wildlife Service. be easily remembered. Oʻahu. Lit. Kāneʻohe. The continued protection of humpback whales and their habitats is crucial to the long-term recovery of this endangered species. housing. The only island in the refuge visible from the main Hawaiian Islands is Kaʻula. Wildlife refuge in Region 1. Congress. Maui. and support facilities. Department of Commerce manages national marine sanctuaries to maintain their natural beauty and diversity. and a small area off Kīlauea Point.Hawaiian lslands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. 1. and protection of seabirds. Bay.Hawaiʻi and licensees of the University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents. Onomea. Coastal campsites are located at Kamoamoa. dive site. Kīlauea. Keauhou. surf site. A 20-acre private park on the southwestern shore of Onomea Bay. Honolulu. These small islands offer some of the last nesting areas that are free from predators. Dedicated in 1916 as Hawaiʻi's first and the nation's eleventh national park. Hawaiʻi. The garden features tropical plant and tree species from all over the world. A 16-foot tower built 75 feet above sea level in 1912 on the south point of Oneloa Beach. Oʻahu. Māʻalaea. beach.000 acres). Maritime center and museum at Pier 7 in Honolulu Harbor housed in a building called the Kalākaua Boat House. Halapē. Maui. Maui. fishing site. The center opened in 1988 and includes the museum ship Falls of Clyde. Hawaiʻi Yacht Club. management. and bromeliads. The park includes the shield volcanoes of Mauna Loa and Kīlauea and nearly 30 miles of undeveloped coast. Oʻahu. heliconia. Landing without a permit from the Department of Land and Natural Resources is prohibited on most of the islands and rocks in the sanctuary. Dan Lutkenhouse. Off the swimming pool of the Island Sands condominium in Māʻalaea Village. cats. landing. The park was cleared and landscaped by Kenny Haycraft and his brother-in-law Vern Johnson. Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Keauhou. Many seabirds are ground nesters. Huelo. and Kaʻaha. Small state-owned islands and rocks off the eight major islands that have been established as wildlife sanctuaries for the conservation. Park (200. Private facility in the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor that includes twenty-six slips and four visitor slips. Same as the Kapaemāhū Stones. Bay. making them easy prey for introduced animals. Hawaiʻi Maritime Center. Visitor site. Waikīkī. Hāwea. Maui. Small bay west of Waipiʻo Bay and a former landing site. Haycraft. specializing in palms. Hawaiʻi. The Fred Haywood family was the former owner of the condominium property when it was undeveloped and still a "lot. Haywood's Lot. Oʻahu. who adopted the site in 1985 as part of the county's Adopt-a-Park program." Healing Stones. and mongooses. Historic site. Waikīkī. Surf site. ʻĀpua. Park. Hāwīni. Name of a legendary drum. The fishing site is on the park's rocky shore. a former California trucking and warehousing entrepreneur. including dogs. Hawaiʻi. rats. Māʻalaea. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. purchased the property in 1978 and opened it as a botanical garden in August 1984. Hawaiʻi Tropical Botanical Garden. park. Point light. Maui. Small community-developed beach park at the northeast end of Māʻalaea village. Small bay on the north side of Keauhou Bay . Recreation site. Fishing site. Heʻeia. Hāwea. Helm's. The approximately 500-foot-long beach was constructed in 1965 with the assistance of explosive ordinance detail personnel from the U.. Marine Corps and the Hickam civil engineers. David Helms. and a vessel washdown area. Hickam Air Force Base. Also known as Walker Bay.. Oʻahu. Buoy anchored at approximately 700 fathoms. Colonel Horace M. Barbers Point Light. boaters from Hickam Harbor used Kalihi Channel to reach the open ocean. Oʻahu. and Heʻeia Uli a black detrital sand beach. HH Buoy. or black Heʻeia. anchorage by permit. The bay off his home is a windsurf site in Mokulēʻia. Kawaihāpai Bay. Lit. Calcareous sand beach and dunes that border the golf course. 3. 4. The western remnant of that channel is Hickam Harbor. two salt-tolerant species.with a pocket beach of pebbles and black sand. several seaplane runways were dredged in Keʻehi Lagoon. Honeymoon and Hickam Beach Parks. Fish-pond. Fish aggregating device. Lit. Honolulu Harbor Buoy Light. a vessel washdown area. Hickam. Maui. The facility includes two beach parks. Mōkapu. Facilities include twenty-two berths. Recreational uses of the wetland are restricted to hiking on the trails through it. an avid windsurfer. The park was acquired in 1977 and is on Keʻalohi Point in Kāneʻohe Bay. Texas in 1934. a mooring area. Heʻeia Kea. Oʻahu. Prior to the construction of the Reef Runway in the 1970s. and fifteen offshore moorings. surfed. Hickam Air Force Base. Hickam. Along with Keʻehi Lagoon. Water-skiing site. Heʻeia Kea. Hickam Air Force Base. Heleloa. The dive and surf sites are off the bay. 1. Also known as Cow's Head. state park (19 acres). Pearl Harbor. Harbor. fifty-four moorings. Oʻahu. When the Reef . Hickam Air Force Base. Part of this project included dredging a channel from ʻĀhua Point to Fort Kamehameha. travels far. Oʻahu.S. and a water-ski area. or swept away. especially when high surf precludes windsurfing at other sites. 2. who was killed in an airplane accident at Fort Crockett. King in his book of Hawaiian songs. Poʻipū. Kīhei. An old helipad is inshore of the site. Dive site. Also known as Akua House. Landmarks: Diamond Head Light. or washed [out to sea]. and Heʻeia Uli. The shore of Heʻeia is divided into two sections. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. 2. a ramp. Lit. Department of Defense facility that includes sixteen slips. Hickam Harbor Channel. Wreck of a World War II F-6-F Hellcat airplane that lies upside-down at 32 feet. Oʻahu. The primary vegetation in the wetland is mangrove and pickleweed. Also known as North Beach. Oʻahu. Beach. On the shore between Hickam Harbor and Fort Kamehameha housing." written by J. During the early 1940s. a restaurant. Hickam Air Force Base. Bay. Kalahiki and published by Charles E. Hellcat. 5. Recreation complex on the shore between the Reef Runway of the Honolulu International Airport and Fort Kamehameha Housing. Mokulēʻia. Heʻeia and its surfing waves are described in the song "Heʻeia. Heʻeia. Oʻahu. Helicopters. Man-made calcareous sand beach between Kumumau Canal and the sea-wall fronting the restaurant. The 88-acre fishpond is adjacent to the park. Wetland management area. Oʻahu. Beach park. Hickam Air Force Base. dry storage for sixty trailered boats. windsurf site. three ramps. or white Heʻeia. a small boat harbor. Outdoor recreational facility. white Heʻeia. has been a beachfront homeowner here since 1978. Small boat harbor.. Heʻeia Kea had a white calcareous sand beach. Oʻahu. one of the two primary water-skiing sites on Oʻahu. Hickam Air Force Base was named for Lt. Surf site. Heʻeia. Hickam Harbor Channel. that day was one of those perfect. and it was as good as I have ever surfed it. First surfed in the early 1960s by Nick Beck. To get to it by land was really a big deal—getting keys. They were so stoked. Dive site. We started surfīng there when all the land above it was pastureland for Princeville Ranch. I said. Hikiau. and the one big new song that he could pluck was "Hernando's Hideaway. Large rock formation near Kāhili Beach. so the name was appropriate for this secret spot." When we came back in. Molokaʻi. I kept singing the song from Pat Cockett's guitar theme song. Also known as Pali Ke Kua Beach. "Hernando's Hideaway. I could look across from our place at Waikoko and see the lines around the point off Princeville Ranch. Rock formation that rises from 120 feet to the surface of the ocean. Also known as Kalaeuila. surf site. Kaunakakai. and some of the kids came over to visit and surf the break in front of the house. or "Hiki that . The name is related to the star Hiki-aumoana. glassy kona wind days. Cockett was a novice musician who had just learned to play the song "Hernando's Hideaway" on his guitar. Hikauhi. hidden from public view. Name of the daughter of Chief Hoʻolehua." and it is still Hideaways today My personal name for it before that was Number Threes. Maui. Named after Hideaways. Hidden Pinnacle. December 26." At that time Princeville was undeveloped. all of them kept singing the song as they surfed. Kauaʻi. and every break had some waves. Shrine in Nāpo-ʻopoʻo Beach Park on the south shore of Kealakekua Bay that was built by Kalaniopuʻu. "Let's just say we went to Hideaways. Snorkeling site. Large limestone rock south of Kahuku Point that is the highest rock formation on the Kahuku shore between the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel and the Kahuku Golf Course. We paddled and surfed every break until I led those kids around the point to a break that they had never surfed before. Oʻahu. Near the breakwater at the west end of the Makapuʻu sea cliffs. Hidden Pinnacles.Runway blocked that access. During the surf session. and several other Kauaʻi residents." Anyway. Beach. Lahaina Pali. Maui. Nāpoʻopoʻo. Princeville. Hawaiʻi. 1998 High Rock. Pat Cockett. point. I remember one day in the early sixties when I was at our beach house at Waikoko. Beck suggested they call the site "Hideaways. Princeville. Fishpond. Kahuku. and Pat Cockett. Below the Pali Ke Kua condominiums. Heiau. Kauaʻi. Molokaʻi. I told them not to tell anyone where I took them. moʻolelo Hideaways is the break that runs along the reef below Pali Ke Kua at Princeville. It was David Goodale. The snorkeling site is on the same reef as the surf site. Hideaways. Fishing site. because the wave reminded me of Number Threes in Waikīkī. Paul Lawrence. Hideaway. All the time we were surfing. So the only way for us was a paddle from the Hanalei River mouth. Hawaiʻi Kai. 3. 1. was dredged through ʻĀhua Reef directly off the harbor. a new channel. surf site. Below the Pali Ke Kua condominiums. Nick Beck. going through many gates— a four-wheel drive was a must. the surf site offshore. Oʻahu. A large rock formation on the ledge here marks the fishing site. his brother Ricky. 2. So we packed up the boards and headed for the pier. rock formation. When they went in. Kahakuloa. Dive site. Rock formation. Fishing site. Kalaupapa. Pat was just learning to play the guitar. even though the hotel is now known as the Kāhala Mandarin. breakwater. If you get this spot on just . If you decided to cut across the golf course on a busy weekend.070 feet. but a damaged mast soon forced their return to Kealakekua Bay. Navigational aids for boats entering the harbor. 2. Hilo Bayfront. holding our boards. Off the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. you'd have to strategically sprint from tree to tree without getting bombarded by golf balls. Waikīkī. or 1. and from 1925 to 1930 additional dredging operations enlarged the bay to form the present harbor basin. windsurf site. 1911. This is for madmen only— big and nasty. Hawaiʻi. or "bayfront. Pier. Also known as Ins and Outs. but all the regulars call it Hilton's. At the east end of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. and 1929. making it a highly desirable site for commercial tour boat operations. Hilo Harbor was created by building the Hilo Breakwater seaward of Kūhiō Bay. Sometimes it was treacherous. Cook was on his third expedition into the Pacific and first anchored in Kealakekua Bay in January 1779. In 1996 it closed for renovations and reopened in 1998 as the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Surf site. and then by enlarging the gap to form the harbor basin. Hilo. Hilo Harbor is one of the Big Island's two deepdraft harbors. Hilo. Shore casting is a popular activity on the beach. where Cook was killed in February 1779 at Kaʻawaloa on the north shore of the bay. The park is the primary outrigger canoe training and racing site in Hilo. Breaks right on the reef. There is a deep channel right in front of the hotel. also a legendary navigator. and 3 were built during this period.9 miles. moving current. fishing site. its primary activity. We would wait until the last person in the foursome hit and then run like the wind to the next fairway. Hilton's. It was strange because we rarely ever paddled out from the beach park. Hawaiʻi. Construction of the Hilo Breakwater across Hilo Bay was undertaken in three sections. Also known as Kāhala. Hilo. Kāhala.travels by the sea.. 1. Sometimes it would take us twenty minutes to cross three holes. On the Koko Head side of the channel is a spot called Terminal's. Harbor. It must have looked like something out of Mission Impossible or a Bugs Bunny cartoon. We parked our cars next to the third hole. moʻolelo My gang started surfing Hilton's in the late seventies and surfed there regularly into the early nineties. Name of the first night of the new moon. The hotel was known as the Kāhala Hilton Hotel from 1964 to 1996. Park. but the surf site is still known as Hilton's. Hawaiʻi." This is the shrine where Captain James Cook was received by the Hawaiians and honored as the god Lono. Hilton Hawaiian Village. His expedition left the bay and sailed north. Harbor range lights. Hilo. The third section extended the breakwater to its present length of 10. Piers 1. Hilo. On the shore. which were completed respectively in 1910. a large. Lit. It's amazing that we never once got yelled at or reprimanded." of Hilo Bay between the Wailuku and Wailoa Rivers and lined by a detrital black sand beach. The Hilton Hawaiian Village Pier is the only pier on Waikīkī Beach. The surf site is a shorebreak on a shallow sandbar fronting the boulder beach at the base of the heiau. Bay. 2. Some people call it Kāhala's. sprinted across the golf course. the other is Kawaihae Harbor. natural deepwater gap in the fringing reef at Waiākea. hopped the rock wall and. A deepwater channel was dredged into the bay in 1914. Oʻahu. 3. The right was big. We'd surf for hours. Hobron. beloved companion. steep. When you take off. Haleʻiwa. landing. pleading with them not to tell anyone about this spot. when the park was blessed and dedicated. 1998 Hilton Waikoloa Village Lagoon. We knew Hilton's wasn't a great spot." and we chose the name to recognize the community spirit and togetherness that went into the park's completion by all of the central Maui businesses and service organizations. 1978 Hoalua. talking story and cheering each other on. A smaller lagoon adjacent to it. Lit. the Dolphin Lagoon. so I suggested that we clean up the area as a club project. and named under the guidance of Helen Toms (1910-1990). The club agreed and enlisted the help of many other community organizations and private companies. Surf site. Bay. At that time the land next to the Hukilau was being used as a dump. moʻolelo When the Soroptimist Club was first formed. and began in February 1971. The surf was so big. Site of Pier 1 in Kahului Harbor. so they named the site for the highest mountain range in the world. Huelo.. Beach. Hoaloha means "friends. It was finished by Kamehameha Day. June 11." We would surf out here in all kinds of conditions and never complained—windy and mushy. We actually looked forward to it being crowded so we could rip one another about being "chicken" for not charging a late takeoff or a "make-a" wipeout. and broke quickly—no time for games. We all knew each other. and just prime for "shredding. Maui. they believed that they had surfed the biggest waves in the world. There were never any hassles in the water. Named after Captain Thomas Hobron. Hoaloha means "friends" and was chosen to recognize the united efforts of the community to create the park. Robert Dodge Jr. Toms suggested to the members that the club improve the site as a community service project. Oʻahu. In 1970. These were truly soul sessions. big-wave break. 1971. houses Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. 1-foot mush to 8-foot closeout sets. and the park was opened on Kamehameha Day. and we always welcomed newcomers. veteran bigwave surfers Wally Froiseth and John Kelly drove to Waimea to go surfing. fishing site. Kahului. When they came in. a sea captain who built the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi's first railroad in 1880 to improve transportation between . Hoaloha. This spot is for those who are either desperate or sick pups. Febiuary 11. The left was just the opposite—clean. and I was tired of seeing a dump in the middle of Kahului. landscaped.. Small bay that was a former canoe landing. as the charter president of the newly formed Soroptimist Club. South Kohala. hollow. The spot where we surfed was just Diamond Head of the channel. June 11. 1977. but it was our spot. Hawaiʻi. Beach park on the shore of Kahului Harbor that was developed. the landowners. Private. They agreed. calcareous sand beach that was constructed on the shore of a large saltwater lagoon in the Hilton Waikoloa Village in 1988. The project was done with the blessing of A&B. November 5. Park. that the sets at Waimea were closing out the entire bay. the Himalaya Mountains. I was the charter president. Maui.the right day—which is about once every decade—it is fun. however. Second-reef. Himalayas. Kahului. Helen Toms. During the late 1950s. Point. you can only go right and the face of the wave seems to stretch all the way down to Koko Head. They paddled out and surfed for several hours. They drove back to Laniākea and noticed that on the west side of the channel at Laniākea there were huge but makable waves. Maui. Surf site. Punaluʻu. Hōnaunau. Mokulēʻia. Puakō. Hōkūloa. Lyons was a noted Hawaiian linguist and composed many songs before his death in 1886. Hawaiʻi. or Hokuao as it is alternately known. dive site. the Hawaiian whose conversion to Christianity in Connecticut was in part responsible for the arrival of the first Christian missionaries in Hawaiʻi in 1820. Memorial chapel for Henry Opukahaia (17921818). Kailua-Kona. 2. Pukaulua Point. It has long been associated with the American Protestant Mission in Hawaiʻi and was the name of their ship that served Micronesia. Church. Oʻahu. long sled course.. Hawaiʻi. Honl's. Lit. Hoʻolawa Point. it was dedicated on March 21. . Oʻahu. Hōnaunau. Holoholokai." his most famous composition. Surf site. Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historic Park occupies the south end of Hōnaunau Bay. HO Buoy. Hawaiʻi. Beach. Hawaiʻi. On a hill overlooking Punaluʻu Beach. Hickam Air Force Base. ramp. Hōkūloa. One of fourteen churches built by the Reverend Lorenzo Lyons. heavenly home. man-made calcareous sand beach approximately 150 feet long and picnic area on the shore of Hickam Harbor adjacent to the Reef Runway. Maui. Beach park. Puakō. Church. Buoy anchored at approximately 550 fathoms. Lit. The one-lane boat ramp. Waves here break over several shallow shelves that have been the cause of many injuries. and snorkeling site are at Kapuwai at the north end of the bay. Lit. Oʻahu. 1957. Bay. Lit. ʻAlaeloa. Its use is by permit only and primarily by organized groups. On the shore of Pauoa Bay where it adjoins the Puakō Petroglyph Archaeological Park. 2. Fish aggregating device. snorkeling site.Kahului Harbor and Maui's expanding sugar plantations. or "holes in the head. Beach park. Bay with a rocky shore on Aliʻi Drive. dive site. Naturally eroded hole or arch in a rock formation on the south terrace of the bay. Named because of its isolated location away from the rest of the beachgoers at Hiekam Beach Park. At the north end of ʻAlaeloa Bay. Hōlualoa. Hole in the Head.. Hawaiʻi." Hole in the Rock. Landmarks: Paʻuwela Point Light. Maui. On the shore of Puakō. Kailua-Kona. 1859. Homelani. Surf site. Bay. Hanauma Bay. Glass Doors. Also known as Hanno's.. Salvation Army. 1. Kauaʻi. Kalalau.. Named for its isolated location away from the rest of the beachgoers at Kalalau. Constructed by the Congregational Christian Churches of Hawaiʻi and completed on April 20. Also known as Camp Homelani. Off the Salvation Army's Camp Homelani on Crozier Drive. morning star or Venus. Narrow calcareous sand beach at the foot of the sea cliffs to the east of Kalalau Valley. which is actually the planet Venus seen in the morning. Honeymoon. Arch. 1. Keʻanae Point. The surf site Lyman's is located at the south end of the bay at Kamoa Point. Dedicated in 1991. "Hawaiʻi Aloha. Surf site on Aliʻi Drive that is off the Honl family home. was rediscovered during activist movements in the 1970s and has become the unofficial state anthem. [a] beach outing. Small. Hawaiʻi. is the morning star. North Kohala. Kauaʻi. so we had to send them out of the valley. During World War II. During the summer months. Beach. gourd bay. About 1915 my father became the superintendent of the Kohala Ditch Trail. Honokaʻā Landing. Kōloa. There was still a large farming community in the valley when she taught school. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Honokahua. Calcareous sand beach backed by vegetated dunes that fronts Fleming Beach Park. 2. Kahoʻolawe. Honokāne Iki. beach. beach. Bay. so we left the valley in 1938. I continued . Bay. Honokanaiʻa. Maui. Honokāne Iki Valley is one of seven isolated coastal valleys on the north side of Kohala Mountain.. 2. The lower valley behind the beach was the former home of Bill Sproat. Fishing site. 1. Perhaps literally. Mauna Lani. Dolphin schools are common here. Hāmākua. Bay. Lit. in Mahiki on the Honokaʻa side of Waimea. After a while. Lit. Bay. Honoapiʻilani is also the name of the West Maui coastal highway that connects the six bays. Same as Honokāne Nui. Smugglers Cove. beach. Honokahua. Bay. Honokahua. they had to go to school. (the god) Kāne's bay. small Honokāne. Hawaiʻi. the superintendent of the Kohala Ditch from 1928 to 1968. Her father was a Spaniard who spoke English and Hawaiian. but a bigwave. we felt we weren't spending enough time as a family. they moved to the Big Island. landing. The surf site is a shorebreak on the shallow sandbar fronting the beach and is primarily for bodysurfing and body-boarding. My mother went to school at the Kohala Seminary and later became the schoolteacher in Pololū. Material and equipment for maintenance of the ditch were landed on the east side of the bay with a boom rig.Honoipu. though. moʻolelo I was born on February 12. dolphin (mammal) bay. valley. Honokaʻāpe. cavern or sea cave. 1. Kohala. Ruins of the landing still stand on the bluff above the bay. Calcareous sand beach on a small bay at the southwest point of the island. the "bays acquired by Piʻilani" (a chief). Bay. and her mother was a Hawaiian born in Pololū. Hawaiʻi. North Kohala. Also known as Honokaʻope. Small bay approximately 4 miles southwest of ʻUpolu Point that served as a port for the Hāwī Plantation. second-reef site also forms offshore during large south swells. she would go to Honolulu and this is how she met my father. One of six famous West Maui bays whose names begin with the word hono. Lit. Maui. After they got married. My mother's name was Clara Kalehua Ramon. surf site. Honokāne. We had a beach home in Honokāne Iki. valley. The surf site is primarily a shorebreak on a shallow sandbar. Remnants of the former interisland steamer landing are at the base of the sea cliffs.. Beach. surf site. a sugar plantation that was established in 1881 by Robert Hind. I lived there with my own family. The small black sand beach at the head of the bay is detrital material eroded and transported to the shore by Honokāne Iki Stream. the federal government established a transmitting station at Honoipu that is now managed by the Coast Guard.. Lit. or bay. Collectively they are known as Nā Honoapiʻilani.. headstrong bay. so we moved there in 1917. Also known as Hanakanaiʻa. Also known as Kōloa Landing. Hawaiʻi. When I took over as superintendent from my father in 1928. Hawaiʻi. 1903. landing. As the kids got older. southwest shore.. King David Kalākaua visited Kahoʻolawe. Bay. Lit. North Kohala. The article recounting the events of the visit states: "At 4:30 a. Eventually he moved out to live with other members of his family. Hawaiʻi. Honokeana. Also known as Honokaʻape. Also known as Kaʻelekiʻi. or bay. Three islands lie offshore: Paʻalaea. After the ditch was put in. Kealaikahiki. the "bays acquired by Piʻilani" (a chief). we entered the harbor of Honokoa. One of six famous West Maui bays whose names begin with the word hono. of Honokoa. valley.. They were able to grow taro there. wide channel through the center of the bay ends just off the beach. beach. Honokeʻa. and at 7:00 a. Honokaʻope. There are seven valleys from Waipiʻo to Pololū that front the ocean. accompanied among others by a reporter from the Hawaiian language newspaper Ka Lahui Hawaiʻi. Honoapiʻilani is also the name of the West Maui coastal highway that connects the six bays. Also known as Honokāne. Lit. Bay. In December 1875. 1. Maui.as superintendent of the ditch until I retired in 1968. William Kaneakala Sproat.. 2. large Honokāne. Small cobblestone and calcareous sand beach at the head of the bay. or land division. The valley marks the eastern edge of the district of Kohala.." The article mentions that a small Hawaiian community occupied the bay. Lit.m. northwest shore. Honokoa. Kahoʻolawe. Honokeana. A detrital . But even with his half-feet. We called Kahikina "Wawae ʻEkake" because he only had the rear half of each foot. Ironwood trees are the primary shoreline vegetation. Small deposits of black sand lie behind the boulder beach that fronts the valley." Lit. The house looked like a chicken and was very watertight. Beach. "the islands. volcanic rock bay. The Keawes lived at Laupāhoehoe Nui at the base of the cliffs between Honopue and Waimanu. North Kohala. valley. Collectively they are known as Nā Honoapiʻilani. and we still have the lease at Honokāne Iki. Hawaiʻi. The ditch cut down the water supply and people moved away when they couldn't irrigate their taro and other crops. Hawaiʻi. Paoa. and Mokupuku. They are also known collectively as Nāmoku. dive site. only a few people lived permanently in the smaller valleys. Sand dunes extend inland from the backshore across an adjoining lava flow. Kahikina and his nephew Kahele lived in a lauhala house on the small plateau outside of Honopue. and I visited them with my mother about 1917. Mauna Lani. Bay. Bay. A deep. dive site. Maui. Calcareous sand and lava fragment beach in a bay at the southern end of the Mauna Lani resort. cave bay. beach. 2. The dive site is off the beach.. 1981 Honokāne Nui. beach. beach. The black sand is material eroded and transported to the shore by Honokeʻa Stream. Honokeana. Popular scuba dive tour destination in a small bay north of Kawaihae Harbor. Larger deposits of black sand front the boulder beach on the ocean bottom. Bay. he was very agile. The black sand is material eroded and transported to the shore by Honokāne Nui Stream.kalani. Kawaihae. All of them supported self-sufficient farming communities until the Kohala Ditch was completed in 1906. the steamer left Lahaina bearing to the east slightly south on Kahoʻolawe where there is a harbor. The bay falls within the coastal boundaries of the ʻili. Hawaiʻi. yellow mother-of-pearl bay. They layered the leaves like shingles with the big ends down. 1. Honokeʻa Valley is one of seven isolated coastal valleys on the north side of Kohala Mountain. A small pocket of black sand lies behind the boulder beach that fronts the valley. Larger deposits of black sand front the boulder beach on the ocean bottom. which is near the famous cape to the south.m. Bay. Hono-kāne Nui Valley is one of seven isolated coastal valleys on the north side of Kohala Mountain. August 21. even on the shoreline boulders. sand beach lines the head of the bay. Lit., bay [of] koa trees or bay [of] warriors. Honokōhau. 1. Bay, beach, surf site, Honokōhau, Hawaiʻi. Long calcareous sand and lava fragment beach on the shore of the bay. The beach fronts part of the KalokoHonokōhau National Historical Park. The surf site is off the beach. 2. Small boat harbor, Honokōhau, Hawaiʻi. The original harbor was completed in 1970 and an expansion project was completed in 1980. Facilities include 262 moorings, 4 ramps, a pier, vessel washdown area, fuel facility, and harbor office. 3. Bay, dive site, surf site, Honokōhau, Maui. One of six famous West Maui bays whose names begin with the word hono, or bay. Collectively they are known as Nā Honoapiʻilani, "the bays acquired by Piʻilani" (a chief). Honoapiʻilani is also the name of the West Maui coastal highway that connects the six bays. The dive and surf sites are in the bay. Lit., bay drawing dew. Honokōhau Burial Site. Historic site, Honokōhau, Maui. Precontact burial site in the sand dunes above the south end of end of Honokōhau Beach. Honokowai. 1. Bay, beach park, Honokowai, Maui. One of six famous West Maui bays whose names begin with the word hono, or bay. Collectively they are known as Nā Honoapiʻilani, "the bays acquired by Piʻilani" (a chief). Honoapiʻilani is also the name of the West Maui coastal highway that connects the six bays. A rocky shelf with small pockets of calcareous sand fronts the beach park. Honokua. Lava flow, Honokua, Hawaiʻi. One of three lava flows from an eruption in the southwest rift zone of Mauna Kea that began on June 1, 1950. Each of the flows reached the ocean, creating small pockets on black sand on a coast of sea cliffs. Also known as First Flow. Honoliʻi. Bay, beach park, surf site, Hilo, Hawaiʻi. Detrital sand and pebble beach on the south side of Honoliʻi Stream. The surf site is off the beach and one of the most popular sites on the Hilo side of the island. The beach park was dedicated in 1970. Lit., small weave [of a fishnet]. moʻolelo I was raised in Wainaku but spent a lot of time in Honoliʻi with my family there. We're related to the Kapahua family who lived close to the beach. The houses in the village went from the beach back under the bridge and across the river. The canoes were kept by the Kapahua's place, and that property had a spring that always had water. When there were droughts and the river dried up, everyone got their water from the spring. The fishermen went into Hilo Bay, but they also fished in the river for ʻōpae and ʻoʻopu nāwao and gathered wī. Honoliʻi was also known for its limu ʻeleʻele. Hōʻiʻo and ʻāweu taro grew up mauka. The taro leaves were excellent for cooking. The community was self-sufficient and lived off the land, the river, and the sea. Before World War II, though, the young people started leaving for the big cities. They wanted more than to just subsist. Then the 1946 tidal wave wiped everyone out and broke up the community. Elizabeth Beck, June 29, 1982 I was born and raised at Honoliʻi, and Honoliʻi does not mean "small harbor." For this name, hono means to weave līke a net or a hat or to patch. Liʻi means small, so the name means "small weave or small patch." ʻlliʻili Hele o Honoliʻi is a famous name of Honoliʻi's sands. It means the "traveling sands of Honoliʻi." The ʻiliʻili, the sand there, disappears after heavy flooding in the river and leaves only boulders on the shore, but it always returns. There are many strange stories of Honoliʻi, and many fishermen get spooked. Ka ʻoiʻo come through on the old trail, and where the kamani tree is on the outside point is a kolohe place, but Honoliʻi was good for ulua, mullet, and āholehole. The Hawaiians that lived at Honoliʻi moved out before World War II, and after the war only a few families remained. Lillian Paauhau, July 20, 1982 Honolua. 1. Bay, Honolua, Maui. One of six famous West Maui bays whose names begin with the word hono, or bay. Collectively they are known as Nā Honoapiʻilani, "the bays acquired by Piʻilani" (a chief). Honoapiʻilani is also the name of the West Maui coastal highway that connects the six bays. On May 1, 1976, the first voyage of the double-hulled Hawaiian voyaging canoe Hokuleʻa began here, generating a Pacific-wide renaissance in double-hulled canoe construction and sailing. 2. Dive site, Honolua, Maui. Several dive sites are located within the bay. 3. Ramp, Honolua, Maui. Remnant of a former boat ramp at the head of the bay. 4. Surf site, Honolua, Maui. On the north point of the bay it is one of the best winter surf sites in Hawaiʻi. Also known as The Bay.Lit., two bays or twin bays. moʻolelo My mother, Lucy Kuaana, and Richard Cooper Searle Jr. were married at Honolua July 30, 1905. This was my mother's second marriage, and from then on I was Lucy Kailipakalua Searle. We lived at Honolua, where Richard Cooper Searle Sr. was the first manager of Honolua Ranch from 1892 to 1912. I knew him as Grampa Searle, and he embraced me as his own grandchild. When Grampa Searle retired in 1912, David Fleming replaced him as the ranch manager and moved into the main ranch house. Fleming continued the cattle operation until it was phased out for pine and built himself a new house on the hill. His home was called Makaʻoiʻoi, which means "sharp-eyed." The interisland steamers called at Honolua once a month. The boat stood offshore and goods and people came in and out on lighters. The old pier was in the center of the bay where the ramp in now. Hides that were salted and stacked were shipped out with the coffee when the steamer left. The coffee mill was next to the ranch house, but the coffee fields were in Honokahua. My uncle Willy Searle ran the mill. The whole bay was grassy and open, not overgrown like it is now. My father often surround-netted akule in the bay. Everyone that helped was given a kaʻau of fish. My father would always ask if anyone had guests, and if they needed extra fish, he gave them what they needed. My wet nurse was a woman named Hulimai. She was also the caretaker of the heiau in the bay, which is now on two sides of the road. Whenever I came home on vacation from Sacred Hearts in Honolulu, my mother always took me to Hulimai's house. Hulimai would chant, and I would have to respond, "Eō," and draw out the final syllable. Hulimai set out the old-style fish basket traps off the right point of the bay near the white coral. She gathered ʻopihi and limu there, too. I believe one of the graves in the bay is hers. Lucy Farden, Apiil 14, 1979 Honolua-Mokulēʻia Bay. Dive site, snorkeling site, marine life conservation district (48 acres), Honolua, Maui. The MLCD was established in 1978 and includes Honolua and Mokulēʻia Bays. Honolulu. 1. Landing, Puna, Hawaiʻi. One of many former ship landings that were established around the island during the late 1800s and early 1900s, and also one of Puna's famous ʻopihi harvesting sites. 2. Channel, Honolulu, Oʻahu. Main entrance channel into Honolulu Harbor. The first non-Hawaiian to negotiate what was originally a narrow gap through the reef was Captain William Brown, who in 1794 sailed his schooner Jackall through the channel into the harbor. 3. Harbor, Honolulu, Oʻahu. Primary deepdraft harbor in Hawaiʻi. Honolulu Harbor is controlled by the Harbors Division, State of Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation. Vessel communications are coordinated through Aloha Tower, the traffic control center for the harbor. Commercial tugs and barges based in the harbor transship freight from Oʻahu to the neighbor islands. 4. Harbor light, Honolulu, Oʻahu. Established in 1869 at the harbor entrance and relocated to the top of Aloha Tower when it was built in 1926. Relocated again in 1975 to a 95-foot pole at Pier 2 when its light became indistinguishable from the lights of the high-rise buildings inland of Aloha Tower. Lit., protected bay. moʻolelo The village at Honolulu was on the high ground behind the concrete building that the Board of Forestry built as a storage shed for their equipment. There were many graves and house sites— the platforms were still in good shape—but they were all bulldozed by a landowner who leveled the area for house lots. Honolulu was used as a landing for ships, but not the inter-island steamers. Schooners stopped offshore periodically to pick up coconut, coffee, and dried ʻawa, but it wasn't one of their regular stops. McBride and McKeague owned the boats, and canoes were used as lighters. The coffee mill was above Koaʻe, a mauka village in the mango grove area. I used to live nearby at Halepuaʻa, and my wife's family was from Kahuwai. Before the shoreline sank in 1924, there was a black sand beach on the Makuʻu side of Honolulu and an ʻiliʻili beach on the Puʻu One side. After 1924, people moved out of the shoreline areas toward the forest line, and by the thirties and forties the younger generations just moved away. They were not interested in a subsistence lifestyle. Henry Auwae, July 19, 1982 Honomalino. Bay, beach, Honomalino, Hawaiʻi. Calcareous and detrital sand beach fronted by a shallow sandbar in the north corner of the bay. An extensive coconut grove, some private beach homes, and many habitation ruins are found in the backshore. The bay is recessed into the shore, making it one of the most protected bays in South Kona. Lit., calm bay. Honomanu. Bay, beach, surf site, Honomanu, Maui. Honomanu is a narrow bay with a boulder beach. During the summer months a small sand beach may form among the boulders. The surf site is off the beach. Honomūni. Beach, Pūkoʻo, Molokaʻi. Narrow calcareous sand beach east of Pūkoʻo. Hononana. Bay, dive site, Hononana, Maui. One of six famous West Maui bays whose names begin with the word hono, or bay. Collectively they are known as Nā Honoapiʻilani, the "bays acquired by Piʻilani" (a chief). Honoapiʻilani is also the name of the West Maui coastal highway that connects the six bays. The dive site is in the bay; north of Nākālele Point Light. Lit., animated bay. Honopū. 1. Beach, surf site, Nā Pali, Kauaʻi. One of five beaches within Nā Pali Coast State Park and the most photographed of these beaches. The beach is actually two large pockets of calcareous sand at the base of a sea cliff. Honopū Valley is above the sea cliff, approximately 150 above sea level. The pocket beaches are separated by a wave-cut sea arch approximately 65 feet high and 200 feet wide, fronted by shallow sandbars, and backed by vegetated dunes. A waterfall on the sea cliffs falls into the backshore and runs through the arch. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbars. 2. Bay, southwest shore, Lānaʻi. Site of the Nānāhoa Islands. Lit., conch bay. Honopūʻe. Anchorage, bay, beach, valley, surf site, Hāmākua, Hawaiʻi. Honopūʻe Valley is one of s even isolated coastal valleys on the north side of Kohala Mountain. Small deposits of black sand lie behind the boulder beach that lines the shore. Larger deposits of black sand front the boulder beach on the ocean bottom. The black sand is material eroded and transported to the shore by Honopūʻe Stream. Honopūʻe is the westernmost valley in the district of Hāmākua. The bay is used as an anchorage, and the surf site is on the east point of the bay. Lit., dune bay. moʻolelo, Besides "rape," puʻe also means two sheer things coming together. I feel that this is the meaning—the sheer cliffs, the high valley walls that are hugging each other. There is a legend . . . that says a chief there was eaten by a shark and that his spirit is still alive in the shark. If you wanted to go to Pololū, then you threw a ti leaf in the ocean. If it sank, then you couldn't go, but if it floated, then it was okay. Alfred Solomon, June 25, 1982 Honouli Maloʻo. Bay, beach, Honouli Maloʻo, Molokaʻi. Small black detrital sand beach at the head of the bay. Small boats use the bay as an anchorage. Also known as Yamashita Bay. Lit., dry, dark bay. Honouliuli Unit. Wildlife refuge (61 acres), Honouliuli, Oʻahu. One of three satellite sections, or "units," of the Pearl Harbor National Wildlife Refuge. The Honouliuli Unit is a man-made wetland on West Loch in Pearl Harbor Naval Base that was established for the Hawaiian coot, the Hawaiian duck, the Hawaiian moorhen, and the Hawaiian stilt; it also supports migratory shorebirds and waterfowl. The other units are Kalaeloa and Waiawa. Lit., dark bay. Honouli Wai. Anchorage, bay, beach, Honouli Wai, Molokaʻi. Small black detrital sand beach at the head of the bay. Small boats use the bay as an anchorage. Lit., freshwater dark bay. Honuʻapo. Bay, landing, pond, Honuʻapo, Hawaiʻi. Former interisland steamer landing on Honuʻapo Bay. Ruins of the wharf are on the shore. Sugar planters deepened the bay in the 1870s and completed the wharf in 1883, but the wharf fell into disuse in the 1940s as trucks began to replace ships to transport raw sugar. The tsunami of April 1, 1946, severely damaged the wharf and it was never used again. Honuʻapo Pond at the edge of the park is one of the many spring-fed ponds that were once found between Honuʻapo and Punaluʻu. Whittington Park is on the shore. Lit., caught turtle. Hoʻokena. Beach park, dive site, landing, surf site, ramp, Hoʻokena, Hawaiʻi. Large pocket of white and detrital sand in the north corner of Kauhakō Bay. The foreshore is primarily rocky, but the beach is used as a landing for ʻōpelu fishing canoes. The dive site and surf site are off the beach. Ruins of the former interisland steamer landing are on the shore of the beach park. Facilities include a ramp. Also known as Cooper Landing, Kupa Landing, Kauhakō Ramp. Lit., to satisfy thirst. Hoʻokipa. 1. Beach park, Pāʻia, Maui. Pocket beach of calcareous sand beach fronted by a reef shelf. Built in 1933, the park was made famous throughout Hawaiʻi by Alice Johnson, a resident of Kūʻau and a singer with the Royal Hawaiian Band. In 1937, Johnson wrote and popularized the song "Hoʻokipa Park Hula," now a hula standard. Originally a surf site, Hoʻokipa became the premier windsurf site on Maui's north shore in the 1970s when the sport moved to Maui from Oʻahu. Hoʻokipa is now regarded as a world-class site for windsurfing competition, especially wave jumping and surfing. 2. Surf site, windsurf site, Pāʻia, Maui. Hoʻokipa is the overall site name, and there are at least five individual sites off the beach park. From east to west they are: Pavilions, Middles, Green Tree, H-Poko's, and Lanes. The first two are primarily surf sites, and the last three are primarily windsurf sites. Lit., hospitality. moʻolelo In 1936 my family moved from Lower Pāʻia to Kūʻau. I was singing with the Royal Hawaiian Band, but in 1937 I left them to come home. One day my sister and I decided to walk over to the park. We were curious to see what it looked like. A friend of ours was the park keeper, and when we arrived, she had just finished her poi lunch and had fallen asleep under the hau trees. The peacefulness and beauty of the entire scene inspired me to write "Hoʻokipa Park Hula." The kids from Lower Pāʻia and Kūʻau were already surfing here, so I mentioned surfing in the song. The ʻ46 tidal wave destroyed the area and completely changed it. The wide beach and many of the hau trees were lost, and the high wall there today was built to prevent further damage. Alice Johnson, January 27, 1978 Hoʻolawa. Bay, fishing site, landing, Huelo, Maui. Small rocky bay and a former plantation landing. Ruins of a sugar mill are inland of the bay. Lit., make sufficient. Hoʻolehua. Beach, salt-gathering site, Kalaupapa, Molokaʻi. One of five beaches on Kalaupapa Peninsula. Wide, sloping calcareous sand storm beach on the northeast side of Kahiʻu Point. The beach was created by high surf carrying sand inland over the rocky shore. A wide expanse of shallow tidal pools on the west side of Hoʻolehua Beach is the traditional salt-gathering site for the residents of Kalaupapa Peninsula. Lit., swift, expert, strong. Hoʻona. Dive site, Keāhole, Hawaiʻi. Small bay on the north side of Keāhole Point that is known for its manta rays and garden eels. Also known as Garden Eel Cove. Lit., intoxicating. Hoʻonoua. Pond, Kamilo, Hawaiʻi. Large, brackish-water pond with a small rock island behind the narrow calcareous sand beach at Kamilo Point. Hoʻopaʻewaʻa. Beach, Kalaupapa, Molokaʻi. South section of Papaloa Beach where a narrow, sandbottomed channel cuts through the reef to the beach. Lit., to land a canoe. Hoʻopuloa. Beach, Miloliʻi, Hawaiʻi. Small pocket beach of pebbles, lava fragments, and coral rubble at the edge of the 1926 lava flow that destroyed Hoʻopuloa village. Hopeaia. Fishpond, Mauna Lani, Hawaiʻi. One of four fishponds at Mauna Lani. Horner's. Surf site, Wailua, Kauaʻi. Off the Lae Nani condominium at the north end of Wailua Beach and named for the former Horner home that was on the same site. Albert Horner, a pioneer in Kauaʻi's pineapple industry, was the manager of Hawaiian Canneries Company from 1920 to 1953. The canning operation was started by his father in 1914 to process pineapple from the fields in Kapahi and Moloaʻa. In 1929, Horner built a twenty-room home on a 4-acre site inshore of the surf site. It remained a landmark on the shore until 1976, when Pauline and Mel Ventura purchased it. The Venturas built a condominium on the site, the Lae Nani, but rather than demolish the Horner home, they hired a house-moving company to disassemble, transport, and reassemble it on a lot near ʻOpaekaʻa Falls in Wailua. There it became their family home. Horseshoes. Surf site, Black Point, Oʻahu. Inside section of Kaikoʻo that breaks in a semicircle on a shallow, horseshoe-shaped reef. Also known as Inside Halemanō. Hosaka Point. Fishing site, Pōhue, Hawaiʻi. Low, flat terrace on the seaward side of Puʻu Ki, the littoral cone that forms the east point of Pōhue Bay. Named for Edward Y. Hosaka, an agronomist with the University of Hawaiʻi's Extension Services. Hosaka earned a master's degree from UH-Mānoa in 1934 and specialized in pasture management. His work took him to the Big Island's remotest areas doing work for the island's large ranches. An avid fisherman, he often fished at Puʻu Ki on the shore of Kahuku Ranch, and it was there that he suffered a stroke. Taken immediately by his companions to Hilo Hospital, he died on July 23, 1961. Since then the point has been known as Hosaka Point, or simply Eddie Hosaka. Hosaka was the author and illustrator of Sport Fishing in Hawaiʻi, a book he published in 1944 that is still considered a standard reference on fish and fishing in Hawaiʻi. moʻolelo The area near Pōhue known as Eddie Hosaka or Hosaka Point is a good ulua grounds. My brother fished there a lot and caught a lot. One day in 1961 when he was fishing there, he had a fish on the line, but he said he felt ill and asked one of his friends to bring it in. Then he collapsed. They took him to the hospital, but he died. He was 55 years old. Eddie was recognized in Hawaiʻi as one of the leading authorities on pasture grasses for cattle. Ranchers paid him to look at their pastures, so he had almost unlimited access to all the big ranches and their shoreline areas as well. Yaichiro Hosaka, July 28, 1982 Hospitals. Surf site, Māʻili, Oʻahu. East end of Tumbleland. Many injuries have occurred on the shallow reef shelf here, sending bodysurfers; bodyboarders, and surfers to the "hospital." Hot Pond. Pool, Pohoiki, Hawaiʻi. Brackish-water pool in Ahalanui Beach Park heated by a geothermal spring in a lava sink on the shore. Cooler ocean water washes into the pool over the seaward wall. Also known as Mauna Kea Pond, Millionaire's Pond. Hotels. 1. Surf site, Diamond Head; Oʻahu. Beginners break located inshore of Ricebowl. The high-rise condominiums of the Gold Coast are the "hotels." Also known as Inside Tongg's; Silver Stairs. 2. Surf site, windsurf site, Kahuku, Oʻahu. Off the cove at the Hilton Turtle Bay Hotel. Also known as Bayviews, Keyholes. Hou Point. Dive site, surf site, Kīholo, Hawaiʻi. Northern point of Kīholo Bay formed by a lava flow from Mauna Loa in 1859. The dive site and the surf site are adjacent to the point and within Kīholo Bay. Also known as Laehou, Kalaehou. Lit., new point [of land]. Hou Point is a shortened form of Laehou or Kalaehou. Housings. Surf site, Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauaʻi. Same as Family Housing. . Island (3. One participant. Nāwiliwili. Maui. H-Poko's.. Detrital sand beach on the shore of the bay. meeting of compassion. March 26. Nāwiliwili. or coming together in love. Hukilau. Same as H-Poko Point. Hawaiian Paradise Park. Bay. windsurf site. Kauaʻi. Huakini.. which had been destroyed in a fire. beach. twice joined. Kaupō. Also known as Hāmākua Poko Point. Hawaiʻi. Huliheʻe Palace. Park (6 acres). Jack Owens. or Kānekanaka Point. 2. or a wide reef shelf. Huialoha. The refuge protects the largest population of kōloa. Lāʻie. after which it is also named. National wildlife refuge (238 acres). A kind of pumice stone. H-Poko Papa. the land division in which the papa is located. The windsurf site is off the point. Kauaʻi. Kahana. windsurf site. Maui. Hui Hanalike. Hulaʻia. Park on low sea cliffs that is owned and maintained by the Hawaiian Paradise Park homeownersʻ association. "H" is short for Hāpuna. Huilua.H Point. or H Point. Museum. Also known as Lāʻie Bay. was so impressed with the event that he wrote the "Hukilau Song. members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Lāʻie put on a hukilau as a fundraiser to replace their chapel. or Hawaiian ducks. Beach. H-Poko is an abbreviation of Hāmākua Poko.1 acres). Fishing site. Lit. Private beach park owned and maintained by Zion Securities at Hukilau Beach. Kauaʻi. Molokaʻi. Lit. Popular lookout to watch windsurfers. Also known as Hāmākua Poko Papa. H-Poko is an abbreviation of Hāmākua Poko. rocky point that separates H-Poko Papa and Hoʻokipa Beach Park.. Established in 1973 to include the Huleʻia Stream estuary. In 1947. Kūʻau. A hukilau is a traditional method of fishing that employs a large group of people to pull a long net on-shore. The surf site is off the point. windsurf site. surf site. Hawaiʻi. Lit. 1978. The south point of Hāpuna Beach. 1. the church stands alone on Mokulau Point. Maui. association [that] works together. Lāʻie. Maui. on Kauaʻi. Kailua. H-Poko Point. Built as a home in 1838 by . Beach park. Same as Huleʻia. Lit. to pull [a] rope with ti leaves [and a net attached]. River. Calcareous sand beach at the base of a low sea cliff fronted by a papa. The hukilau was held in Lāʻie Bay and proved to be so popular with tourists that it continued as a monthly attraction until 1971.. Kūʻau. Kūʻau. Waikolu. Maui. Hāpuna. Beach. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. High. Hāmākua Poko reef flat. and Huleʻia Valley. On the south shore of Kahana Bay. Lit. tail end. Huelo. Navigable river that is accessed from Nāwiliwili Harbor or Niumalu Beach Park. Oʻahu. Constructed in 1859. River. Huleʻia. surf site.. reef. Lit. Fishing site." which became a hapa-haole hula standard. a habitat for endangered waterbirds. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. The congregation renovated the church during the 1970s and held a rededication service on Easter Sunday. the land division in which the point is located. On the shore of Kailua Bay. Fishpond (200 acres). Point. 1. Hawaiʻi. HPoko's. surf site. Nāwiliwili. 2. Near the seaward end of Paradise Drive. is popularly known as Hāpuna. Church. Kaupō. last. Oʻahu. 2. Natural brackish water pond at the head of Reeds Bay on the eastern side of Waiākea Peninsula. Pool. Off the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa. During the early 1960s when this site was first surfed. Kauaʻi. Surf site. Lit. Bay. Name of a bird. Lit. Dive site. 1. Section of Kāhala Beach at the intersection of Kāhala Avenue and Hunakai Street. Island (1. Maui. Kāhala. governor of Hawaiʻi and brother of Kaʻahumanu. Mānele. Hyatt Reef. Fritz Hultin owned a beachfront home on the point directly inshore. The surf site is off the east end of the beach. Oʻahu. Lit... Ice Pond. giving the pond its popular name. His son Donald was a surfer and was among the first to surf regularly in front of their home. Dive site. II IBuoy. On the north side of Pāʻia Bay. Kāʻanapali. Large pool in the lava terrace that forms the east point of the bay. Maui. The Koʻele Company of Lānaʻi developed the beach park and its facilities in 1961 in the sand dunes behind the beach. During the winter months the spring water is ice-cold. These . wife of King Kamehameha I. Maui. Kahoʻolawe. Icebox. The bird was thus named because it runs after receding waves in search of food. Restored in 1927 as a museum by the Daughters of Hawaiʻi. springs. The pool was blasted out of the terrace in 1951 to create a safe swimming site for children. Kawailoa. Dive site.. Fish aggregating device. Long. Hilo. Lānaʻi. Hawaiʻi. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Lit. Pāʻia. Although electric refrigerators have been in Hawaiʻi for many years. The bay offshore is part of the Mānele-Hulopoʻe Marine Life Conservation District. Beach. Waikahalulu Bay Light. Hawaiʻi. feather. The surf site is off the right-of-way. a small winter migrant to Hawaiʻi. Perhaps a man's name. turn [and] flee. Buoy anchored at approximately 500 fathoms. Mānele. Lānaʻi. An English teacher at Waialua High School. Hulu. Hultin was well known in the community. the term icebox is still used occasionally in Pidgin English for refrigerator. 2. sea foam. Molokini. Swimming site. Humuhumu. cinnamon brown with dark markings. The pond waters are a combination of salt water from the bay and springwater in the pond. Landmarks: Kākā Point. Hulopoʻe. the sanderling (Crocethia alba). Kaʻū. Beach.5 acres. Poʻipū. surf site. Hultin's. wide crescent of calcareous sand between two rocky points. Waiheʻe. At the end of Road to the Sea.Kuakini. Local divers especially use the term for dive sites where there are many edible varieties of marine life concentrated in one area. surf site. 1. Hālona. beach park. the trigger fish. Black sand beach on the south side of Humuhumu Point at the base of a small littoral cone... Also known as Mothers Beach. Hunakai. point. Swimmers use several large concrete blocks at the edge of the pond as jumping platforms. 80 feet high). When I first started surfing it in the mid. Named by veteran Kauai surfer Nick Beck in the late 1950s after some children swimming by the pier asked him where he was going. Oʻahu. Lit. Hanalei. Haleʻiwa. When you take off really deep and make the wave all the way to the Bowl. An extremely dangerous site in the middle of Waimea Point that is rarely surfed. Haleʻiwa Channel Buoy Light. Kauaʻi. Honoliʻi. climbing dog. Oʻahu.to late fifties. ʻIliʻiliholo. Sunset Beach. Northwest extremity of Molokaʻi. Surf site.. Also known as Kamaʻole II Beach Park. Lit.blocks are train track foundation remnants of the former Hawaiʻi Consolidated Railway. Bridge on Kalanianaʻole Highway between the Lānaʻi Lookout and the Hālona Blowhole that was constructed in 1931. brah. The waves are almost impossible to ride except by expert surfers under the most ideal conditions. and so the name seems to have stuck till today with those who really know the lineups and . The beach at the river mouth disappears when the river floods after heavy rains but returns when the floodwaters subside. and when he explained." 2. giving the beach its name. Kahuku Point. Beach. Also known as Kanākea. Beach. Beach. Fishing site. ʻIliʻilihele o Honoliʻi. they said it was "impossible.. Nick. The other is Lāʻau Point. The fishing site is at the base of the sea cliffs below the bridge and is also known as First Bridge. The wreck of the SS Kaʻala is visible on the reef offshore where she went aground in 1932.. Oʻahu. a pebble and cobblestone beach is exposed. Maui. dog. Lit.. Kalaupapa. Impossibles. This is the reason for its name. from where it is almost impossible to make the wave from start to finish." Well. traveling pebbles of Honoliʻi. IlBuoy. the closest point on the island to Oʻahu. it's one of the longest rides I've ever seen or surfed. Kamōhio. Kamaʻole. Hawaiʻi. ʻIliʻililoa. they said. Lit. Point. When I told them. Hawaiʻi Kai. you no can make that wave. Long crescent of calcareous sand between Kalaemilo and Kalaeʻa Points that was once a popular site for beach homes of Kalaupapa residents. west coast. Fish aggregating device. Ihumoku. ʻĪliopiʻi. Surf site. Kahoʻolawe. Rock formation on Hāpuna Beach that separates the state beach park and the Hāpuna Prince Hotel. The outermost takeoff spot at Hanalei. "Eh. Narrow cobble and pebble beach that lies at the base of the sea cliffs in the eastern end of Kamōhio Bay. ʻIhiʻihilaukea Bridge. Beach. some kids swimming by the pier asked me where I was going. long [stretch of] pebbles. One of the five beaches on Kalaupapa Peninsula. Fishermen gather a special seaweed for mullet bait from the pond. bow [of the] ship. The surf site is south of the point. Molokaʻi. ʻIliʻili or pebble beach at Honoliʻi Beach Park. surf site. Da place is impossible fo ride. Rock. Landmarks: Kaʻena Point. and one of two points that define the west end of the island. moʻolelo lmpossibles is the far-right point break outside the reef to the right of the pier looking out into the bay. Hawaiʻi. rolling pebbles or quickly moving pebbles. Molokaʻi. Lit. 1. Hāpuna. Buoy anchored at approximately 985 fathoms. on some waves—when I was getting the lineups down and on my old boards—it was. ʻĪlio. When high surf erodes the beach during high surf. The waves tumble or roll the pebbles and cobblestones... Lit. June 28. Waikīkī. and it served the community until it. and when I got older. Incinerators was redefined to include only the site directly in line with the incinerator. Surf site. All of the "in between" sites are secondary sites that are situated between two primary or more popular sites. Then my dad moved our family to Nānākuli where we were some of the first homesteaders. Rawlins "Sonny" Kauhane. Surf site. 2000 Incons. moʻolelo I was born in Kakaʻako in 1916 and graduated from McKinley in 1933. and there were many military homes on the beach. Kakaʻako. too." The waves here are inconsistent. Between Rockpile and Ala Moana Bowls. December 26. 2. Waikīkī. Nick Beck. Off the Board of Water Supply pumping station. George Keoho. Oʻahu. Incinerators. Oʻahu. but we didn't have any names for them. We also surfed in front of the old incinerator and called it lncinerators. Named by neighborhood surfers about 1970. Incinerators included several surf sites. including Point Panic. Off Kukaʻimanini Island in Waialeʻe Beach Park. was in charge of the city dump where Ala Moana Beach Park is today and that's where I learned to surf. we made them ourselves.ride the big waves from the peak at Impossibles. During all the years that an incinerator was operational. Kaʻaikaula. I used to surf Kakaʻako before the reef was landfilled. Incons is an abbreviation of "incon-sistent. 3. some of them 12. 1998 I was born in Kakaʻako in 1922 and lived there until I was about nine. Also known as Sundays. We called the surf Incinerators for the old incinerator. its tall smokestack was a prominent landmark in Kakaʻako. and the beach was at Ala Moana Boulevard. At that time there was another place to surf in Kakaʻako that we called Armstrong's. breaking only on certain south swells. November 5. Waiʻalae Iki. and the surf site offshore was called Incinerators. The shore there was different. During big west or . The reef then was shallow. too—it was a shallow reef. Indicators. Surf site. My grandfather. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Between Brown's and Mansions. I was raised near the old lron Works. 1. The landfill on the reef that made Piers 1 and 2 destroyed Armstrong's. We rode the old wooden boards. We used the old redwood boards that were maybe 12 feet long. It was in front of Fort Armstrong. Surf site. but after Point Panic was applied in the early 1960s to the site next to Kewalo Channel. Oʻahu. Surf site. 1998 In Betweens. Oʻahu. Between Kaiser's and Rockpile. Kaʻalāwai. We surfed in front of the homes. In 1946 a new incinerator was built next to the old one. Also known as Backdoor. In 1930 the City and County of Honolulu built an incinerator in Kakaʻako as an alternative to using the land that is now Ala Moana Beach Park as a dump. Surf site. finally closed. We surfed all the spots in front of the park. Originally. In 1998 it was renovated and became the Children's Discovery Museum. 13 feet long. Waialeʻe. spent his summers surfing the waves at Pākala. a member of one of the Robinson families who have homes there. and the Hawaiians in Pākalā village considered us an oddity. then a teenage surfer from Kailua High School on Oʻahu. second-reef surf site. Surf site. Mokulēʻia. So that's when I first surfed it. Nāpoʻopoʻo. the backwash reforms into smaller waves going back out to sea. with some other surfers from Kailua—John Day. second-reef break on a small reef near the entrance to Kahului Harbor. Oʻahu. 1988 Inikiwai. The other guys and I named it Infinity because of the extremely long rides. Kahaluʻu. Surf site. Stream that separates Bellows Field Beach Park and Waimānalo Bay Beach Park. and the surfers who attempt to ride the waves there are "insane. No one else surfed at all there. and Mike MacPherson. or the Menehune Breakwater. Lit. my father stayed in Kailua and my mother moved to my grandfather's big house on the beach at Pākalā. Maui. Pākala. Oʻahu. Second-reef break outside of Crushers that provides an "infinitely" long ride. 1. Between Off the Wall and Rockpiles. Surf site. South end of Pāokamenehune. where many Niʻihau residents live while they are on Kauaʻi. moʻolelo After my parents were divorced in 1962. Stream. When incoming waves strike the seawall. Off the seawall in Kūhiō Beach Park. Kahului. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. and several members of the Robinson family have beach homes next to the village. Fronting the village of Pākala in Makaweli. Surf site. in 1962. Oʻahu. indicating that a set of waves is coming their way. therefore. Hawaiʻi. Ins and Outs. All sites are named because they are dangerous. Wier. a big-wave. Also known as Hikiau. Surf site. Surfers can. Oʻahu. Haleʻiwa. Waikīkī. 4. piercing water. Infinities. . Off the rocks at the west end of Sandy Beach. The village and the lands surrounding it are part of the Gay and Robinson sugar plantation. Point. 2. Oʻahu. 2.northwest swells. unnamed. The name Infinity— now Infinities—was given to the surf site in 1962 by Randy Wier. surfers riding other sites to the north watch Indicators because it breaks first. Mike McCormick. therefore. nameless. Surf site. Surf site. the backwash reforms into smaller waves going back out to sea. Randy Wier. Waimānalo. Maui. Sunset Beach. Surf site.. December 20. The surf site is on the west end of the wide. La Pérouse Bay. I graduated from Kailua High School in 1963. shallow fringing reef off the village. ride in and out. 3. Bodysurfers and bodyboarders can. Surf site. 2. Hawaiʻi Kai. Inoaʻole. Surf site. When incoming waves strike the boulders. Also known as No Name. ride in and out.. It was like surfing into infinity." Inside Avalanche. Insanities. Kauaʻi. where the rides are so long that he compared them to surfing into infinity. a deepwater surf site. Insīde Castles. Shorebreak on the shallow sandbar fronting the boulder beach at Nāpoʻopoʻo Beach Park. Reform break on a shallow reef inshore of Avalanche. Big-wave. Also known as Pākala. It is inshore of Castles. Deepwater site between Natatoriums and Castles that breaks only during big south swells. Hawaiʻi. Lit. 1. Waikīkī. 1. Also known as Baby Cunha's. No Place. lron Bridge. A large stand of ironwood trees . Wide. They met and got married in Germany when Willy was stationed there in the army. Oʻahu. Irma and Willy Akima owned the lunchwagon. Mokulēʻia. Surf site. Haywood Kalima. Surf site. Kapalua. Silver Stairs. Same as Day Star. Inside Himalayas. Oʻahu. Inside Haleʻiwa Harbor." Irma's. Hilo. Off the intersection of Kaumualiʻi Highway and ʻAkialoa Street. Inside Halemanō. Oʻahu. Black Point. and they used to park it on Kalanianaʻole Highway right where the Kealahou Street intersection is now. Oʻahu. Surfers who frequented the surf site offshore named it after the lunchwagon. Haleʻiwa. Surf site. East end of Spreckelsville Beach where the dunes in the backshore are low. Inside section of Himalayas. lronwood Park. They lived on Hilu Street in the beach lots in Waimanalo and kept the lunchwagon there when they werenʻt using it. moʻolelo The surf spot Irma's was named for Irma's Lunchwagon. Oʻahu. Kawailoa. straight calcareous sand beach between Hāwea and Makāluapuna Points. Beginner's break inside the harbor off Surf-n-Sea surf shop. Also known as Bayfront. Also known as Hotels. Irma was from Germany. Beach. Surf-n-Sea. Windsurf site. Surf site. Irma's regular stew and curry stew were outstanding. Willy worked as a janitor at Kailua High School. Maui. Also known as Horseshoes. Hawaiʻi. Beginners break located inshore of Tongg's. Also known as Oneloa Beach. Spreckelsville. and Willy was from Kahaluʻu. Kauaʻi. Haleʻiwa. Surf site. Kekaha. so I towed them down to the beach and back with my pickup truck. When they came back to Hawaiʻi. Inside section at the west end of Chun's Reef that often breaks as a distinct surf site. Inside Tongg's. Surf site. The surf site is off the beach. surf site. permitting easy access to the beach for windsurfers. Inside Puaʻena Point. Irma and Willy Akima owned and operated Irma's Lunchwagon here. Off the steel ("iron") bridge that spans the mouth of the Wailuku River in Hilo. Inters. 2000 lron Boat. lronwood. Diamond Head. Oʻahu. Surf site. Shallow reef break between Puaʻena Point and the Haleʻiwa Channel that is a popular beginner's break. Haleʻiwa. Also known as Dairymens. Oʻahu. Inters is an abbreviation of "intersection. and she always gave generous portions to everyone. During the 1960s. Surf site. Maui. Surf site. Hawaiʻi Kai.Inside Chun's. Also known as Chocolates. July 6. The public right-of-way to the beach at its north end is near the Ironwood Villas. Inside section of Halemanō. Oʻahu. Sometimes the lunchwagon didn't run too good. Surf site. 1. windsurf site. It was named for Jackie James. Memorial." or a shark. Oʻahu. Jaws was first surfed and named in 1975 by three Maui surfers. While they were surfing it for the first time. Hawaiʻi Kai. 2. Jaws. Dive site. who was killed in the Korean War. the surf changed abruptly from small. Oʻahu." Iwi Kupuna. A rock shaped like a mountain that begins at 90 feet and rises to 15 feet below the surface. On the west side of the Pearl Harbor Channel. Dive site. Oʻahu. Beach. dangerous waves. Facilities include fifty slips and fifteen moorings. Beach park. John Lemus. lagoon yacht club. West point of Pearl Harbor Channel. fun waves to huge. The park is also the site of Pohoiki Ramp. Hale was a member of the Hawaiian family whose home on Pohoiki Bay is adjacent to the park. Visitor moorings are restricted to vessels with a Pearl Harbor permit. Beach park. The memorial provides a site where the bones of native Hawaiians can be reinterred if they are unearthed during construction projects in Waikīkī. Calcareous sand beach fronting Capehart Housing. the plantation maintained two cemeteries for its workers. Japanese Cemetery. lroquois Point. Oʻahu. James C.lines the beach. Small beach park for military personnel at the west end of Capehart Housing. who opened Aloha Dive Shop in Hawaiʻi Kai in 1970. Also known as Keahi Point. bones [of the] ancestors. ʻEwa Beach. One of her favorite dive sites is the underwater mountain at Hanauma Bay. Maui. James Kealoha Beach Park. the main road in Capehart Housing on the point. Oʻahu. She took a dive class and enjoyed it so much that she became a certified instructor in 1969. lroquois. and never quit diving. and John Potterick. the only boat ramp in the district of Puna. James came to Hawaiʻi in 1968 when she was 35 years old. JJ Jackie's Mountain. the Japanese cemetery for Buddhists at the north end of the golf course and the Christian cemetery at the south end. 3. Peʻahi. North end of Kahuku Golf Course. Before the Kahuku Sugar Mill closed in 1971. Oʻahu. which was named for her by one of her boat captains. They compared their experience to the unpredictability of an encounter with "jaws. See Campbell National Wildlife Refuge. ʻEwa Beach. opened her own shop a year later. the main road along the shore in the subdivision. John Roberson. Waikīkī. Lit. Memorial and burial vault established in 2001 at the corner of Kapahulu and Kalakaua Avenues in Kapiʻolani Regional Park.. 4. lssac Hale. Hawaiʻi. Military facility in Pearl Harbor at the east end of Capehart Housing. Small beach park with a rocky shore on the eastern point of Pohoiki Bay. Fishing site. the navy housing at Keahi Point. Kahuku. Point. ʻEwa Beach. Named for Iroquois Drive. Named for Iroquois Drive. The movie Jaws— the story of a big shark that . Off Palea Point at Hanauma Bay. Tow-in surf site. Born in Georgia. Pohoiki. ʻEwa Beach. Named in 1951 for Issac Hale. ʻEwa Beach. See Kealoha Beach Park. Oʻahu. Campbell National Wildlife Refuge. Oʻahu. Lagoon. Hale means "house. Jaws is now regarded as one of the premier tow-in surf sites in the world. got nailed. Directed by Steven Spielberg. . and never surfed it again. These craft are launched at the boat ramp in Māliko Bay. and me—decided to go for it. Sharks are totally unpredictable—they will get you if you don't watch out. a big north swell started rolling in and it was perfect big-wave surf—glassy no wind. 2000 I first heard about Jaws from John Roberson about 1975. The real credit for pioneering Jaws goes to the windsurfers. huge. moʻolelo In the 1970s. November 24. who were the first ones to ride it consistently. youʻre going uphill before you drop in. and we surfed it after them. and it had been the same situation out there for us. and in 1993 Laird Hamilton and Buzzy Kerbox—who with Darrick Doerner had pioneered tow-in surfing on Oʻahu's North Shore in 1992—moved to Maui and introduced tow-in surfing at Jaws. Also known as Peʻahi. John Potterick. and John Potterick ended up with six stitches on his eye socket. Originally we called it Domes for Mike Kalasʻ geodesic dome-shaped house that marked the turnoff to the spot. slippery ones. He and a couple of other guys were the first to surf it. we told every big-wave rider we knew about Jaws. When it's that big and you paddle in. named it. "f— this" and went in. including some of the guys who were riding the second-reef breaks on the North Shore of Oʻahu. but only up to maybe 15 feet. Three of us—John Lemus. none of them came. We were good friends who rode Hoʻokipa big together all the time. We rode it with no leashes. and we thought the whole session was like a nasty "jaws" encounter. It got giant. it's a total elevator drop— really radical. With the big boulders onshore. We had some pretty memorable days. Then one winter day in 1975. but there's no paddle-in surfers out there now. where surfers ride waves 25 to 50 feet high after being towed into the takeoff by motorized personal watercraft. I bought some property in Kaupakalua Gulch and built a house there. including in Hawaiʻi. I can see the left from my second story. The boards we were riding then were like eight-foot pintails with no leashes. but even though we had a name for it. They had really worked us. When Jaws is really big. After that day. and totally out of control. and ridable at about 8 to 10 feet. The shore there is solid boulders. so we walked down the hill and paddled out. the movie heightened shark awareness nationwide. we just watched and didnʻt try to ride it. we stood on the cliff and looked back where these massive 15-foot plus waves were spitting like the Pipe-line. We tried it. We said.terrorizes a small coastal vacation town—was released the summer before they surfed the site. but as much as we tried to convince them to try it. Jaws was first surfed regularly in the early 1990s by windsurfers from Hoʻokipa. We changed the name that day from Domes to Jaws. We got thrashed. wind-blown. John Roberson. The towin guys pretty much own it. We found out that Jaws isnʻt really a paddle-in place unless you catch it on a good day when it's just coming up. and when you drop in. When we got out. and then suddenly—within about fifteen minutes—it changed radically and turned mean. and with the waves pounding it's almost impossible to get out of the water. it's too hard to get in and out over the rocks. so we used my boat and launched out of Māliko Bay. We surfed it for an hour and a half. Haleʻiwa Channel Buoy Light. Oʻahu. My husband was one of the original members. fishing site. Kamōhio. Oʻahu. Surf site. where he learned stone carving. Buoy anchored at approximately 960 fathoms. divers. The groin protects a sewer outfall. September 22. 1962 edition of the Advertiser has a good article about the Honolulu Japanese Casting Club.Barney Wietecha. At the start of World War II. ʻĀina Haina. The Ryusenji Soto Mission in Wahiawa maintains the statue. 1. The sides of the markers. The camp was opposite the statue on the inland side of Farrington Highway. largely destroyed beachrock jetty at the mouth of Inoaʻole Stream that separates Waimānalo Bay Beach Park from Bellows Beach Park. which is within the Kalaeloa Community Development District. October 12. He gives warning and serves as a guardian. Oʻahu. Their project also included placing less expensive warning markers on a number of other dangerous ledges. which were concrete or wooden posts. Mrs. Left at Ledges. They also put up a statue of Ojizo-san above Bamboo Ridge." During World War II the statue at Bamboo Ridge was destroyed. Shunkichi Yamaguchi carved a statue of Jizo and placed it on the shore of Kawaihāpai Bay to protect swimmers. he is one of the . Kalaeloa. but came to Hawaiʻi to work on the sugar plantations. 2. O-jizo." and the body was eventually broken as well. Breakwater. During the 1960s and 1970s. Both statues are also known by variations of the name Jizo. Yasukei Tsutsumi. such as Jizobosatsu. Statue. Yamaguchi was born in Niigata Prefecture in Japan. Oʻahu. moʻolelo The April 22. Mokulēʻia. surf site. Waimānalo. The original statue was a carved figure that was purchased by the club from Japan. Waikahalulu Bay Light. Landmarks: Kākā Point. Landmarks: Kaʻena Point. Waialeʻe. A natural goofyfoot. Oʻahu. Fish aggregating device. Kawailoa. 2000 J Buoy. 1. The surf site is off the jetty and is also known as Swabbieland. and Waimea. Jizosan. and one of his manifestations is as the guardian of dangerous waterways and coastlines. 1. In 1935. were painted with the Japanese character abunai. He carved the statue while he was working for Waialua Sugar Company and living in Kawaihāpai Camp. In 1935 he and the other club members put up the warning markers at the Blowhole and at other places around the island. Neighborhood surfers from ʻĀina Haina named this site in the 1970s for the resemblance of the waves here to those at Jocko's on Oʻahu's North Shore. Jizo is one of the best known of Buddhist guardian deities. Boulder groin fronting the Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point. members of the Honolulu Japanese Casting Club purchased a statue of Jizo from Japan and placed it above Bamboo Ridge as part of a community service project to identify fishing sites around Oʻahu where shorecasters had drowned. Statue. 2. the head was broken off because it was a statue of the "enemy. Jock Sutherland was one of the most creative and fearless surfers on the North Shore at Pipeline. Jizo. but following the war it was replaced with an image of Jizo carved into a stone. Sunset. Off a small. O-jizosama. Surf site. Ojizo-san is a protective figure on all dangerous coasts and waterways where people may drown. Surf site. Oʻahu. or "danger. Oʻahu. 2. Kahoʻolawe. and shorecasters from dangerous currents and shark attacks here and along the entire Mokulēʻia coast. so the club members had Ojizo-san carved into a stone which still stands today on the site of the original statue. Jetty. Kahuku Point. Jocko's. After the war the costs to replace the statue were too high. Hawaiʻi Kai. The. and O-jizosan. Buoy anchored at approximately 900 fathoms. 1972 JJ Buoy. In 1913. Fish aggregating device. Molcilio worked for the ranch from January 1952 until January 2000 and has always been known as Junior or JR. Off the east end of Kaihalulu Beach and adjacent to Kalaeokaunaʻoa. Oʻahu. were well drillers. Kailua. Pōhue. 2000 JR's. He began fishing for ulua on the east side of Puʻu Ki in the late 1950s." which is what us guys on the beach called it as we watched him ride the waves.. Australia. and the waves were breaking pretty good. Oʻahu. and he was the first to surf here in the preleash era. There were no leashes then. Jim and Lincoln. John Jack. Oʻahu. although we never called Jock or the spot by that name. Winnie Medeiros. at the corner of Bethel and King Streets. Surf site. thus. Bay. or John's Beach. Audrey Sutherland. and his three brothers. Jump City. and the spot has since been known as JR's. Bay. John noticed a good bowl with outstanding right breaks further west towards Barbers Point and decided to try it out. who moved to Hawaiʻi in the late 1960s. Also known as Punapālaha. On the seaward side of Puʻu Ki. 1997 John Brown's. Sutherland's family home has been on the rocky point inshore of the site since 1961. second-reef site north of Popoiʻa Island in Kailua Bay. Barney Silva. moʻolelo The story of John's. the McCandless Building. Big-wave. but the waves weren't that great. January 12. Also known as Brown's Bay. or Kahuku Point.most accomplished switchfoot surfers in the world." and Stanley helped to found the ʻEwa Beach Surf Club in 1958. The surf site is in the bay. theystarted calling it Jocko's. and it became one of his favorite spots. When other surfers saw Jock out there. Hawaiʻi. George "Bumbum. Lui. surf site. moʻolelo We moved to the North Shore in August 1954. I bought my home on Pōhakuloa Way and that's when Jock started surfing in front of the house at Jocko's. so no one else would surf there because of the rocks onshore. my brother John. Oʻahu. who was the first to surf here in 1962. A bunch of ʻEwa Beach surfers—Lester Enomoto. "John's Beach. Sadowski. Named for veteran surfer John Sadowski from ʻEwa Beach. John "John Jack" McCandless had a small beach home here in the early 1900s. and I —took in a day of surfing at Sand Track. We checked out Hau Bush first. In 1906 they constructed one of Honolulu's first office buildings. It has been known as John Brown's since his ashes were scattered there in 1983. the littoral cone that forms the east point of Pōhue Bay. But I would watch Jock while he surfed and get his board when he wiped out before it hit the rocks. He began surfing here in the early 1970s. ʻEwa Beach. McCandless and his two brothers. Lui Sadowski. John Brown (1948-1983) was an avid surfer from Sydney. Fishing site. windsurf site. a retired employee of Kahuku Ranch. Named for Emilio Molcilio Jr. We scanned over to Sand Track. a 1965 graduate of Waipahu High School. Bay off Pāpaʻiloa Road. and Jock started surfing at Chun's Reef. He was six. They arrived in Hawaiʻi in the late 1800s and over a period of fifty-five years drilled more than seven hundred artesian wells. Kawailoa. Kahuku. In August 1961. takes plaee during the summer of 1962. John's. September 6. surf site. Off the west end of Oneʻula Beach Park between Sand Tracks and Coves. Surf site. Named by the first windsurfers in the 1970s who discovered the waves here are a good jump . Honolulu. seaward of Olomehani Street. Juniors. After it is harvested and cleaned. it is soaked overnight in fresh water to reduce its iodine flavor. the [aʻā] lava.. Where younger or "junior" surfers learned to surf before moving over to Seconds. Kaʻaʻawa. dark red variety. Hawaiʻi. Keōmuku. If it is to be sent to market. Left at the east end of the reef off Puakenikeni Street. Hawaiʻi Kai. Camping site. Hawaiians differentiate between limu kohu līpehe. but local consumers believe the best limu kohu comes from Kauaʻi and specifically from the reefs at ʻAliomanu. Kaʻaʻawa. Oʻahu. Kaʻakaʻaniu. flat rocky point at the intersection of the Kāluʻe and Hilina Pali Trails. Lit. it is rolled into tight balls. or Asparagopsis taxiformis. and limu kohu koko.. reef. Surf site. KK Kaʻā.. Point. and lightly salted. Point adjoining the west end of Swanzy Beach Park. Kaʻaʻawa. Oʻahu. Kaʻakaʻaniu.site. Also known as Pūlāʻī. Large lava island in the ocean at the west end of the beach that is a popular jumping site. shallow reef. second-reef site located outside of the channel into Kaiaka Bay off Kalaeʻōʻio Beach Park. One of two precontact fish-ponds on the shore of the former Keōmuku village. the assembly. Oʻahu. Surf site. Reef that was filled in to create Kakaʻako Waterfront Park and the rest of lower Kakaʻako. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. and Pīlaʻa. This prized edible seaweed is found elsewhere in Hawaiʻi. Jump Rock. . the right (or north) light. Kaʻaʻawa. Lānaʻi. The reef is one of the island's famous seaweed harvesting sites for limu kohu. or the fiery burning one. Lit. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. Pocket of black sand in a small inlet in on a wide. Off Portlock Beach. the wrasse [ʻaʻawa] fish. light red variety. Kaʻakaukukui. Kaʻaha. Island. 2. a site for intermediate and advanced surfers. Kaʻaʻawa Lefts. Kaʻaʻawa Channel. Limu kohu grows at the edge of the reef where there is a constant flow of water from breaking waves. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronted by a long. Lit. the communities closest to these reefs. Surf site. Lit. Beach park (2 acres). 1. Commercial harvesting on these reefs has for generations been the domain of a small group of Hawaiian families from Anahola and Moloaʻa.. Phantoms. drained. a milder flavored. a stronger flavored. rolling coconut. Lit. Also known as Outside Rainbows.. Big-wave. Fishpond. Oʻahu. reef. Oʻahu. wide. Waimea Bay. Beach. Kaʻaʻawa. Julie Judd Swanzy donated the land for the park in 1921. Point. The center of the south section between Hanakaʻoʻo Beach Park and Black Rock is also known as Dig Me Beach. including a cattleloading chute. Lit. calcareous sand beach fronting the Kāʻanapali resort complex. An extensive tidal flat lies at the head of the bay. divides the beach into two sections. One of three lava flows from an eruption in the southwest rift zone of Mauna Kea that began on June 1. Lit. Lit. Kaʻapuna. 3. Calcareous sand beach between Puʻu Kole and Kaunuokahe Points. loose. Bay. Narrow detrital sand beach on a small bay that fronts Paukūkalo Marsh. snorkeling site. Lit. or beach vitex. the ocherous earth. shallow natural harbor east of Kaunakakai Harbor that is used primarily by small boats. 1. Beach. 2. Narrow calcareous beach fronted by several large limestone rock formations. One of the most sheltered natural anchorages on the Kona Coast and one of the most popular commercial dive and snorkeling tour destinations on the Big Island. Hawaiʻi. Maui. Beach. The dive site is off the ruins of Kaʻawaloa village and the Captain Cook Monument in Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park. Section of Diamond Head Beach between Kulamanu Place and Kuilei Cliffs Beach Park. Maui. Lehua Landing is at the south end of the beach. Kaʻalaea.. Kaʻamola. The landing was abandoned shortly before World War II. Ruins of the landing Pioneer Mill Company built to ship processed sugar from Maui to Oʻahu are on the north side of Black Rock.. Hawaiʻi. Wide. 2. the wrinkle. north coast. landing. Westernmost point of Kealakekua Bay. Many ruins. the distant ʻawa plant. Lit. Oʻahu. Point light. Lava flow. Kaʻawaloa. Beach. one of which is Alligator Rock. Cove. Kaʻawaloa. Honolulu. Kaʻaluʻalu. Niʻihau. a cinder cone more commonly known as Black Rock. Kaʻalāwai. where a deep sand channel comes ashore. . From a boat offshore. Kāʻanapali. a small. fissures in the rock look like wrinkles.. Kāʻanapali. wipe pumice (as in cleaning gourd containers).. At the north end of Kealakekua Bay. The surf site is off the cattle-loading chute. Each of the flows reached the ocean. Waiʻōhinu. Established in 1968 to mark Kamalō Harbor. Kāʻanapali. the sea spray. 1950. Lit. Kaʻapuna. springs. Also known as Cook Point.. Fishermen offshore use the flows as landmarks. creating small pockets of black sand on a coast of sea cliffs. Kawailoa. The backshore consists of dunes covered primarily by pōhinahina.. Probably named for the springs on the beach and among the rocks at the east end of the beach. One of the few protected bays in Kaʻū. Bay. Waiʻehu. Kāʻanapali. Runners were sent to Waipiʻo and Puna to get ʻawa (kava) plants to make the narcotic drink ʻawa for chiefs at Kaʻawaloa. point. Lit. 1. Puʻu Kekaʻa. Kamalō. Undesignated mooring areas for private sailing vessels off Kāʻanapali. Oʻahu. The north section between Black Rock and Honokowai Point is also known as North Beach. Maui. unsteady. but Pioneer Mill continued the sugar operations it began in 1895 until 1999. Beach.. dive site. the water [basalt] rock. are found on the shore of the bay. Also known as Third Flow. beach. Point. surf site. Kealakekua. Landing.Kaʻakuʻu. Hawaiʻi. Kaʻehu. Molokaʻi. Hawaiʻi. Offshore moorings. Kaʻaluʻalu served as the major landing in the district for shipping sugar and cattle.. Kāʻana cliff. while small patch reefs and rocky shoals front the fore-shore. Lit. Maui. Reef fronting the public right-of-way on Pāpaʻiloa Road. Kaʻelua. Reef. 2. One of several small islands in Keʻehi Lagoon on the western side of Kalihi Channel. The dive site is off the beach. Natural channel at Waiʻalae Beach Park cut through the reef by Kapakahi Stream. Small reef on the east side of Hāʻena Point. Reef. Kaʻena. Kaʻena Point. Kawailoa... 40 feet high). the image blackness. Lit.5 acres. Maui. Maui. At 931 feet above sea level. Anahola. Beach. Kaʻelekiʻi.. 5. Kaʻena. Pōhue. Hawaiʻi. The surf site is off the beach. Honolulu. Beach. the three marks or the third mark. Beach park. The hotel was renovated and reopened as the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel in March 1996. the ebbing [tide]. Oʻahu. a small white stone. fishing site. Kahakuloa. frayed [outrigger canoe] hull. Big-wave. point. Narrow calcareous sand beach between the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel and Black Point. and its offshore island are man-made. The original Kaʻena Point Light. it is among the highest lighted navigational aids in the world. 4. its saltwater lagoon. Narrow calcareous sand storm beach fronted by boulders and lava. Popular but officially incorrect name for Waiʻalae Beach Park. Lit.9 acres. Artificial reef. Mahaiʻula. Calcareous sand and lava fragment beach on the south point of Mahaiʻula Bay. Fishing site. Kāhala. 5. amberjack fish. Lit. Hāʻena. Lit..6 acres). second-reef site on the Waiʻanae side of the point that is rarely surfed. 2. Also known as The Point. Kaʻena. the tall lord or the tall overseer. Oʻahu. Maui. was eventually reduced to a solar-powered light atop a pole and renamed the Kaʻena Point Passing Light because it aids interisland traffic passing the point. Kahakahakea. Also known as Harris Island. Kāhala.. Surf site. Kahakuloa. Oʻahu.7 miles. the floating swimmers pass by (perhaps named for fishermen and their floating containers). Kahakuloa. giving it a salt-and-pepper appearance. Beach. Natural area reserve. The section of beach fronting the hotel. the heat. Hawaiʻi. Passing light. Oʻahu. Lit. Kaʻena. Keʻehi. surf site.. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Honokeana. Oʻahu. which opened as the Kāhala Hilton Hotel in January 1964. the break.. Light atop a 22-foot pole on the low sea cliffs south of Anahola Beach Park. State park (778. Lit. Beach. Kauaʻi. 3.. Off the north side of the point among large boulders at 20 to 45 feet.. 120 feet high). Lava fragments are mixed with the sand. Boulder beach fronting the isolated community of Kahakuloa. Largely undeveloped coastal park that includes Kaʻena Point. the western end of the island. Lit. Lit. Oʻahu. 3. Island (2. The walk around the point from gate to gate is 2. Point light. A small brackish-water pond is in the backshore. Kahaʻakolu. Lit. Kaʻena.. 6. a 65-foot high lighthouse built in 1920. Island. Kaemi.Kaʻelehuluhulu. Island (. Cobblestone and calcareous sand beach at the head of Honokeana Bay.. Maui. along with several natural wells. Channel. Lit. Lit. 4. . They were created in 1963 during construction of the hotel. Kaʻena. It was relocated to the Kaʻena Point Tracking Station on Kuaokalā Ridge above the point in 1987 where it is visible for 15 miles. Approximately a mile off the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel. the two. Keʻanae. 1. dive site. Kahaki. Kahakaʻaulana. Dive site. Beach. Lānaʻi. Oʻahu. 1. the complaint. Kahamanini. dive site. Kahana. (. My father died the day I was born. 2. cutting or turning point. second-reef break off the north point of the bay. Boat ramp. Molokaʻi. Calcareous sand beach between the mouth of Kahana Stream and the Kahana Boat Ramp. Dive site. A 200-foot interisland barge off the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel with its pilot-house intact that was sunk at the Kāhala Artificial Reef at 80 feet. Then I would play slack key using the kiʻi wahine tuning and the music would travel back to the girl's room and serenade her. Lit. Narrow calcareous sand beach that lies within the boundaries of the land division of Kahana.. Bay. a seaweed. East end of Lumahaʻi Beach. Section of Waikīkī Beach between the Royal Hawaiian and Halekūlani Hotels that was noted for its fragrant limu līpoa. A second surf site identified by the same name is a big-wave. so my mother moved to Hauʻula near the muliwai in the park and then to Kahana. Also known as Kapaʻeleʻele. the large house. Oʻahu. The wall is known as the Menehune Breakwater. Kāhala. or amberjack. Bay. snorkeling site. Beach. moʻolelo I was born in Papaʻakoko in 1890. That's the old name for that point. Oʻahu. Lit. and tie the other end to another common pin and stick it in the string bridge on the sound box of my guitar. Beach. pond place. beach park.. I also used to serenade the girls here in the valley. Lumahaʻi. Papaʻakoko is in Kaluanui near Pat's at Punaluʻu. Beach. 4. Kahana. Oʻahu. Kaluakoʻi. surf site. Kāhalahala. Kahana. Lit. Calcareous sand beach now known as Wailea Beach. 2.. One of four long. When I was a teenager I was a musician. Kahaloko. Fee simple title was acquired in 1966. Mākaha. The surf site is a shorebreak on the shallow sandbar fronting the beach. Lit. Oʻahu. The dive site is in deeper waters offshore. Kahaluʻu.. Beach. Kahana.. Only slack key would carry across the thread. Haʻikū. The surf site is at the end of the breakwater. Then I would trail the thread back to my house. North Kona. Kahana. Fish species seen here include the kāhala. Facilities include a ramp and a vessel washdown area. Lit. Kahalepōhaku. place [of the] surgeon fish. Center section of Mākaha Beach. Hawaiʻi. 1. Waikīkī. Oʻahu. Beach. I blessed it and named it Kapaʻeleʻele. The park was dedicated in 1953 when the county leased the site from Bishop Estate. Beach. The park is the most popular nearshore snorkeling site in Kona. .3 acres). 1.. Popular swimming site during the summer months. surf site. Lit.7 acres). diving place. and my friends and I used to play at the Haleʻiwa Hotel for three dollars a night. Maui. 3. Kauaʻi. long place. Lit. Oʻahu.. Kahaluʻu.Kāhala Barge. Kahālau.. When the boat ramp was built. Regional park (2. Maui. Oʻahu. State park. Kahaloa. beach park. A former wetland created by Waiʻele Stream and adjacent to the beach here was filled in when the railroad bed for the Oʻahu Land and Railway Company route was built. Wailea. the stone house. I had sixteen older sisters. I would tie a thread to a common pin and stick it in the wall of the girl's bedroom. Island. Calcareous sand and lava fragment beach partially protected by a wall of boulders in the ocean off the beach. Maui. Lit. wide calcareous sand beaches between Lāʻau Point and Hale o Lono Harbor. and the last little point is Kaluapulehu. Also known as Lānaʻi Lookout. the tall hau tree.5 acres). Beach park. Lānaʻi. Beach. the thunder. who was named by Bernice Pauahi Bishop to commemorate the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh to Hawaiʻi in 1869. Mōkapu. Oʻahu. Kāheʻa. Lit. One of two fish-ponds behind ʻAnaehoʻomalu Beach. Kahemanō.. Also known as Pali Kaholo. Kahauloa is the name of the crater across the highway that houses the Koko Head Shooting Complex. The park is one of West Maui's most popular dive and snorkeling sites. Oʻahu.4 acres). Hāmākua Poko.The next little point is Keaniani. Kahauloa. Beach. developer of the Kaiser Hawaiian Village Hotel. Sea cliff. Kahekili's Leap. the red stains or streaks (as at dawn). no harm. At the north end of the Kāʻanapali Resort. Kaiser. is said to have jumped from the cliff into the ocean.. but what brings them here is unknown. The beach and the lagoon were named for Kahanamoku in 1958 to recognize the area where he learned to swim. Kahawai. Kulaahulili is the flat. a king of Oʻahu whose son Kalanikupule fought Kamehameha I in the famous battle at Nuʻuanu Pali. there's Wailua. Rocky cove on the west side of the Lānaʻi Lookout on Kalanianaʻole Highway. Mahie means "pleasant connotations. Oʻahu. Kahekili was a famous Maui chief who ruled for twenty-seven years on Maui until 1782 and then for nine years on Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Man-made beach and lagoon dredged out of the reef in 1955 by Henry J. The beach park is on the low sea cliffs at . The beach. 1. Maui. 2. Maui. rocky cove east of Hoʻokipa Beach Park. reef place. Support park. 1972 Kahanamoku. the small stream in the grove near Kapaʻeleʻele." Peter Kau. Sunset Beach. Beach park (.. Kahemanō." And then there's Huilua. the lagoon. and the park were named for Duke Paoa Kahanamoku (1890-1968). Huilua means "two get together. open area beyond Kahana. Across Kamehameha Highway from the beach between Ke Iki and Ke Waena Roads. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Lit. Kāʻanapali." Puʻu Mahie is the last point. Kahekili. Oʻahu. Going towards Kaʻaʻawa. Narrow detrital sand beach at the seaward end of the ʻAwehi Trail. Hawaiʻi.. First large. Also known as Turtle Bay.. Fishpond. Cove. Waikīkī. Lit. which intersects the Munro Trail on the summit of Maunalei. Beach park (4. dive site. now the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Rifle Range. Lit. Wailua means "water from the hole. dive site. Honolulu. school [of] sharks. lagoon. Kahekili. Also known as Kālia. Hawaiʻi Kai. former Olympic swimming star and for many years sheriff of Honolulu. Perhaps literally. Duke was named for his father. dive site. November 22. Kaiser enhanced the beach and the lagoon by importing calcareous sand. Cove. Kahapapa. The reef offshore attracts small schools of sharks. It was used for horse racing. Oʻahu. Kahe Point. stream. the fishpond near the big stream. Lit. Waiʻanae. Lit. or the defeat. Maui County. The rock is near the airport gate. the feather standard. or family god. Oʻahu. Angered. The emblem of the island is the pua hinahina (Heliotropium anomalum). 1. The beach was named for the Kāhili Quarry at the eastern point of the bay.. Lit. she acted as an intermediary for men seeking wives or companions. Sunset Beach. Beach. The 400-foot boulder revetment at the point was completed in 1971 to protect the quarry equipment from high surf.477 feet above sea level. Kahinihiniʻula. Kāhili is a storm beach that was created by high surf carrying the beach material inland over the rocks between the beach and the ocean. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Kaholo Pali is the highest sea cliff on Lānaʻi and also the highest south-shore sea cliff in Hawaiʻi. The dive site is also known as Electric Beach. Lit. cove. Island reserve. a chiefess of the former village at ʻĪliopiʻi. 1. the fish tail. southwest shore. The rock formation is also known as the George Washington Stone. Rock. Northernmost point on Kalaupapa Peninsula. Hawaiʻi Kai. steep strip of coral rubble and calcareous sand on the west side of the airport pavilion. The dive site is off Hawaiian Electric Beach Park to the west and focuses on the two submerged discharge pipes from the power plant. 2. Punaluʻu. including a heiau and a sacrificial stone. The smallest of the eight major Hawaiian Islands (about 45 square miles)... 2. the island is to be used exclusively for the following purposes: "a. Sea cliff. Kaholo Pali. Fishpond. Also known as Pali Kaholo. Beach. In 1993. who lived in the present airport area with only female retainers. Long calcareous sand beach at the head of Kīlauea Bay. At the east end of Punaluʻu Beach and the site of Punaluʻu Boat Ramp. Maui County. Kahoʻohaʻihaʻi. quarry. Freshwater pool inland of Honokōhau Beach in KalakoHonokōhau National Historic Park.. One day he returned wearing an ʻilima lei given to him by another woman. preservation and practice of all . Beach. Kahikilani was a legendary surfer whose wife gave him a lehua lei every day. Lit. the arrival [of the] chief. Lānaʻi. Under the law... flow.. wide. Oʻahu. the breaking of waves. Kahiʻu. Island. Kauaʻi. fishing site. Long. Kahoʻolawe. the red moss.000 feet. Kāhili is probably short for Kāhiliʻopua. are also here. the collapse. the Hawaiʻi State Legislature passed Chapter 6K Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes. Kalaupapa. Molokaʻi. his wife called upon her ʻaumakua. Molokaʻi. Hawaiʻi. Pool. which established the Kahoʻolawe Island Reserve to include the island of Kahoʻolawe and the submerged lands and waters extending 2 miles from its shore.. Kāhili. Although there are higher sea cliffs in Hawaiʻi. At 1. Lit. Also known as the Queen's Bath. The highest point on the island is 1. Honokōhau. Lit. Point. The ruins of the former Punaluʻu Landing and precontact ruins. stone carving. From a rock chair called Kanohopōhaku o Kāhiliʻopua. landslide cliff. Kahinapōhaku.. Kahikilani. Hālawa. Point. Lit. Kīlauea.Kahe Point. Molokaʻi. and Kahikilani was turned to stone. Lit. His head is visible on the ridge inland of Rocky Point. they are located on the northern sides of the islands. Vegetated dunes line the backshore and Kīlauea Stream crosses the west end of the beach. Kalaupapa. One of five beaches on Kalaupapa Peninsula. Small pocket beach at the head of the cove and the adjoining rocky shore on the west side of the small breakwater at Queen's Beach. Kahiolo. 1978 Kahoʻolaweliʻiliʻi. and boats going in have to keep right. Honokoa was called Tickman Bay. In the interim. revegetation. Chapter 6K also provides for the eventual transfer of the Kahoʻolawe Island Reserve to the sovereign native Hawaiian entity as follows: "Upon its return to the State.. Kahului. Kahoʻolawe. education. Kahuku Ledge. 1. I learned the names on the island from them. Point." Commercial uses are strictly prohibited. Oʻahu. Maui's only deep-draft harbor. provided that the State shall transfer management and control of the island and its waters to sovereign native Hawaiian entity upon its recognition by the United States and the State of Hawaiʻi. Beach. Lānaʻi. Kealaikahiki. Kahue. Pōhue. First used as a commercial landing in 1879 by Maui . Hawaiʻi." The wind and currents were bad sometimes and came out of nowhere. Lit. Also known as Keoneʻōʻio. Kahuku. but not everyone used the Hawaiian names. habitat restoration. Kahue. A lot of koaʻe lived on Puʻu Koaʻe. Established in 1928 at Kealaikahiki Point. 2. Lit. c. the projection. rehabilitation. 1. Narrow calcareous sand beach that is a section of Shipwreck Beach.rights customarily and traditionally exercised by native Hawaiians for cultural. Kahuku. so it was called "Small Kahoʻolawe. Beach. Lit. but it's a good kona storm anchorage." Also known as Liʻiliʻi. the carrying away [by currents]. Kahoʻolawe. 2. The property surrounding the beach has been owned for many years by Kahuku Ranch. Ule Point was good for ehu. Kahului. and subsistence purposes. historical. the resources and waters of Kahoʻolawe shall be held in trust as part of the public land trust.pelu. I fished all around Kahoʻolawe and mingled with the old Hawaiians who fished and hunted there. Kahuku. so some area residents call the beach Kahuku Beach. Maui. Also known as Kalaeokaunaʻoa. Calcareous sand beach and dunes fronting Kahuku Golf Course. In English it's called Little Kahoʻolawe. and environmental resources. 3. and Kanapou was good for ʻ� 4D. The shape of the island was said to resemble that of Kahoʻolawe. Louis Hubbard." 3. the gourd.. moʻolelo I bought my first sampan in 1933 and started commercial fishing to supplement my income from Wailuku Sugar. there were plenty of them and they would attack. Puʻu Koaʻe. Small calcareous sand beach on Pōhue Bay. and preservation. Kahuku. Point light. Hanakanaʻia was Smuggler's. b. Northernmost point on Oʻahu. but the Hawaiians called it Kahoʻolaweliʻiliʻi. Several families on Maui were in on the opium smuggling. Small island with steep sides west of Kamōhio Bay. The contraband was brought by boat from the Orient and landed on Kahoʻolawe. But you had to watch out for the kākū [barracuda].. preservation and protection of its archaeological. Dive site. Oʻahu. He lived in Waikapū and wrecked his boat there in the late 1920s. Kahului. Lit. Pōhue Beach. Then it was taken to Maui and then to Oʻahu on the old interisland steamers.. the island is managed by the Kahoʻolawe Island Reserve Commission. Harbor. spiritual. Dive site. Beach. There's a big rock in the middle of the bay. June 14. Maui. 378 feet high). south coast. small Kahoʻolawe. Also known as Glover's Beach. At the other end of the island. and d. Oʻahu. Beach. The old-time Japanese commercial fishermen called Kanapou "Obake. island (13 acres. A 20-foot skeleton tower approximately 100 feet above sea level. Narrow detrital sand beach between Kahului Beach Road and Pier. Ledge three-quarters of a mile off Kahuku Point at 70 feet and parallel to shore. and Makuʻu were the villages to the north. There were many hala trees nearby at Waiʻeli.. and we planted dryland taro around them and jokingly called it our pū hala taro patch. Kahului. At one time all the villages were canoe landings with black sand beaches. Hau was important to us. This eruption destroyed the nearby village of Kapoho and entered the ocean to the east of Kahuwai.. staying in the Kapoho Beach Lots. Facilities include a ramp. dredged a turning basin. and a vessel washdown area. He also made sandals out of the ule hala—the hala root—for going along the ocean. the Kahului Railroad Company had completed an 1. Puna. and constructed a 200-foot wharf.315-foot breakwater to the west. the 32-foot skeleton tower on the east breakwater. Kahului Breakwater. Kahului Light. that were paved with pohaku ʻala. There were many koaʻe that nested at Kīpū. One day we picnicked nearby on the Hilo side of Cape Kumukahi. Maui. and they were connected by trails. Surf site. Also known as Orr's Beach. the winning. The ule hala sandals didnʻt slip on wet rocks. The Kelas were the last family to live there. Constructed in 1963 in Kahului Breakwater Park. Waʻawaʻa. June 24. Maui. I took a walk along the shore and found the beach. 1982 My wife and I started visiting the Big lsland in the 1950s. Black sand beach that formed in 1960 at the end of the Kapoho eruption. Maui. People began moving away. Perhaps lit. Kahuwai. Beach. a dock. Facilities now include a 2. the park on the west breakwater of the harbor. Kahului. Maui. Steam explosions from the interaction of the molten lava and the ocean created the cinder. a sea cliff below us. light. and two commercial piers. a 600-foot wide entrance channel. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. Except for Kahului Ramp. Small bay with a deep channel into Kaʻūpūlehu Beach fronting the Kona Village Resort. and it took away the sand and changed the shoreline. The Hawaiians didn't go around barefoot like everyone thinks. 1. Honolulu. ala hele. but the logs came from Nanawale. Park. Kahului Harbor. Kaʻūpūlehu. or "black sand" and the prevailing currents transported it to Kahuwai. Minnie Kaawaloa. Harbor range lights. We decided that we wanted to build a house on the cliff above the . On a shallow reef inside the harbor off Kahului Ramp. but the cliff was wiped out with most of the village by the 1960 lava flow.760-foot breakwater to the east. an otherwise undeveloped park on the west breakwater of Kahului Harbor that is a large landfill. Ramp. Bay. and my grandfather showed me how to make sandals. but the shoreline dropped in 1924. 3. There was no sand there until after the 1960 lava flow and the ocean currents brought the cinder in. Kahuwai was the name of a legendary person. too. Kahului. caretaker [of the] water.800-foot long breakwater. 2. By 1910. Kahului. moʻolelo I was born at Laupāhoehoe but raised by my grandparents at Koaʻe in Puna where the old county dirt road and the paved road meet. A light was established on the Kahului waterfront in 1905. Lit. was built in 1917. It was a canoe-building village. a 2. Kahuwai.sugar planters. 4. and we used the bark for cordage and for sandals— pale wāwae. Oʻahu. June 23.beach. Edward Tenney. Oʻahu. Oʻahu.. gave it to the firm. Haleʻiwa. Also known as Kaʻūiki Beach. Whales come in close to the sea cliffs. Lit. beach. beach retreat. Maui. Haleʻiwa. and is also known as Kimo's. Lit. 1.. Kaikoʻo. 2. Kawaiakaʻaiea.. Last section of Mokulēʻia Beach west of Camp Erdman. The beach retreat named Kaiʻahulu is for the use of employees of Castle and Cooke. Lyman's. Kahuku. The village is well preserved because no agricultural work or land clearing was done in this part of Puna. The Hawaiian name for this area is Kahuwai. Kāhala. 2. Kaiʻahulu. Kaiehu. The former site of Fresh Air Camp. Oʻahu. Channel between Oʻahu and Kauaʻi. The estate bordered the sea and was subdivided in the early 1950s. the park contains a famous historic pedestal rock called Pōhaku Lānaʻi. Bay. Red Sand Beach. Calcareous sand beach between the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel and Kahuku Point. Also known as Halemanō.. Moʻomomi. Lit. Mokulēʻia. Turtles have found the beach and occasionally lay their eggs in the sand. Kaʻaʻawa. Kaiaka. Kaihalulu. Mokulēʻia. Beach. the outside high [waves]. Oʻahu. a longtime employee. Oʻahu. Bay. . channel. The surf site is off the Lyman home of the same name. and at one time it was an extensive village. Hāna. beach. Beach. The missionary William Ellis mentions it in his journal of 1823. His brother Richard was one of the Bishop Estate trustees and with his help we got a lease in 1963 and built our home. Bay. belly-to-belly.8 acres). Lit. and we've seen them mating. Long calcareous sand beach that adjoins Kaiehu Point and that borders the sand dunes of Keonelele. 1.. Bay with a narrow black detrital sand beach on the west side of Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. John Orr. Carter. 1. Kaiʻae. roaring sea. Surf site. Oʻahu. so we talked to Arthur Lyman at Kapoho. 1982 Kaiʻae. strong sea. Kaikoʻo was the name of an estate here that belonged to the wife of former governor George R. Lit. foamy sea. Off Kalaeʻōʻio Beach Park. Halemanu. Off the public right-of-way at the end of Kaikoʻo Place. shadowy sea. edge [of the] sea. and Lone Tree. That's when people started calling it Orr's Beach. Kaihalulu Beach is a red sand beach on the south side of Kaʻūiki Head at the head of Kaihalulu Bay. sea spray.. Beach. Kaʻieʻie Waho. Lit. Kaiʻae was the site of a small fishing village west of the Lyman home that was sustained by a perched spring. (52. Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. Also known as Kauaʻi Channel. Lit. with their pectoral flukes skyward. Bay. Calcareous sand beach and beach park on the northeast point of Kaiaka Bay.. Molokaʻi. but it was Bishop Estate land. They lie side-by-side. The waters of Kaukonahua and Paukauila Streams flow through the bay into the ocean and have cut a wide channel through the reef offshore. Kaʻūiki Head separates Hāna Bay to the north from Kaihalulu Bay to the south. Calcareous sand beach that is a section of Mokulēʻia Beach. the same spring that provides water for the Lymans. surf site. point. My dad named our home there Kalapawai. The beach park is at the south end of the beach. where it is bisected by Kaʻelepulu Canal. Popular road-side snorkeling site." and it was where the Liberty House parking lot is today. Also known as Queen's Beach. Lit.Kaʻiliʻili. and at ni ght they flew by the hundreds to Mōkōlea. beach. Bay entrance light. Members of the Kona Civic Club. boat ramp. We also called the pond in the middle of the beach park the muliwai. Lit. would be covered with them. too. the first company of Congregational missionaries from New England landed on the shore of the bay at the site of the pier. Kailua-Kona. Narrow detrital sand and pebble beach east of Hekili Point at Olowalu. Postal Service changed the postal designation of Kailua on Hawaiʻi to Kona. Hāʻena. Hawaiʻi. Beach. The Kailua Light was established in 1909 at Kukaʻilimoku Point on the north side of Kailua Bay.. Kailua. The windsurf site is off the beach park. the plains of Kailua. fishing site. 3. I put up a sign that said "Kalapawai" near Kalaheo Avenue. Kailua. 1. Small bay with a rocky shore in East Maui.. Coastal district. believed that the name Kailua should be preserved.2 acres). pier. which . Kailua-Kona. Hawaiʻi Kai. so in 1957 the U. The Kailua Bay Entrance Light is a 25-foot pole with a light on Kailua Pier. Hawaiʻi. Also known as Kailua-Kona Wharf. The light tower was built in 1915. a former fishing village and landing. Kahuku. 2. The beach and the surf site take their name from Kāʻilikiʻi. and the Wong family used the name for their store.. The surf site is off the beach. surf site. two seas (probably two currents). August 28. the pebble. Olowalu. The old-timers called the Mokulua Islands Moku Nui and Moku Iki. Mahulua means "two vapors. 2. "the rascal water. The boat ramp is at the south end of the beach park in the lee of Alāla Point.. They landed at Kāʻilikiʻi and then walked east. the dog. Bay. Boat mooring site in Kailua Bay. 1972 Kailua Bay. Also known as Reefers. Kaʻīlio. Beach. 4. Two sites are known here as Kaʻīlioiki and Kaʻīlionui. Kailua. 1. These names were used very commonly. primarily between the two larger Kailua towns on Hawaiʻi and Oʻahu. windsurf site. not Wailea. On April 4. Kailua. Bay." for one of the best fishermen in Kailua. Point and reef on the west side of Limahuli Stream.S. Mōkōlea means "plover island. 1820. moʻolelo I was born in Kailua at our family home Mahulua in 1892. with its powerful winds and dangerous currents. Kauaʻi. Calcareous sand beach fronted by a low lava bench between the former Wāwāmalu Ranch boundary wall and Kaloko Point. We also owned property at the end of the beach park. Hawaiʻi. however. Kailua. Bay. Beach. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiians traveling from Kona to Kaʻū normally did not paddle or sail past Ka Lae. light. Green sand beach with a foreshore of pebbles at the head of a small bay. the name of the district. Oʻahu. reef. or South Point. Kailua. The bay and the 2. seize [the] wooden image. Louis Mahoe. 1. The point inshore was Popoʻo. Hawaiʻi. Kula o ʻAlele. Lit." During the day. Maui. beach park (35. Lit. When outrigger canoes were still the primary mode of transportation. They successfully petitioned for the name Kailua-Kona. Offshore mooring. Maui.5-mile calcareous sand beach that lines it are between Alāla and Kapoho Points. The islands of Hawaiʻi. Maui. The pier is used by commercial and privately owned boats and is internationally known as the start and finish of the swim portion of the Ironman Triathlon since 1980 and as the weigh-in site for the Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament since 1959. Oʻahu. and Oʻahu each have a town named Kailua. This situation created a mail delivery problem. Kāʻilikiʻi. Wailea was a small muliwai [pool] on the Kailua side of the point. Point. This channel is the beginning of the Waikīkī Rough-water Swim corridor and is used daily by open ocean swimmers to access the deeper waters beyond the reef.was officially adopted on July 13. Channel. Kaiona. Lit. Kaiser during the development of the Kaiser Hawaiian Village Hotel. Crater. The boat ramp is only for small boats and was built by the community in 1999. now the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Henry J. a ramp. boat ramp. Lit. Molokaʻi. Once the site of Hawaiʻi's most famous and most photographed black sand beach. Honokōhau. including the Niumalu Hotel. The surf site is at the north end of the reef off the beach park. 1957. bail the canoe bilge. Oʻahu. Beach Park. Kaimū. It is now called the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Waikīkī. The surf site is on the west margin of the Kaiser Channel. Conrad Hilton bought the resort for $21. In 1961. Waikīkī. Waikīkī. Kailua. Waimānalo. Hawaiʻi. Dive site.. 2. but the name Kaiser's for the surf site has not changed. Small storm beaches of calcareous sand on the low sea cliffs in Kainaliu. Kaimana. Oʻahu. Boat channel dredged through the reef in 1955 by Henry J.. Waikīkī. Kainaliu. Reef in Kailua Bay with ledges at 30 to 60 feet.5 million. with small pockets of black sand. Wharf. Kāināʻohe. The park's shore is now rocky. diamond (English). Kaimū. Lit. Channel. Their intent was to build the first self-contained visitor resort in Waikīkī. Also known as Waimānalo Boat Ramp. In 1954. such as Kona Cathedrals. Lit. Waikīkī. goddess of the volcano. The flows also filled the bay that fronted the beach. Oʻahu. and a vessel washdown area.. Also known as Kailua Pier. gathering [at the] sea [to watch surfing]. Besides being the name of an individual dive site south of Honokōhau Small Boat Harbor at Kaiwi Point. Fishpond. the Kaiser Channel. 2. Facilities include eleven recreational berths. Kaiwi. Beach park (4. Hawaiʻi. British sailors originally called Diamond Head "Diamond Hill. Oʻahu. Kaiwi is also an area name that includes other individual sites. Beach. The name of a legendary person. Kaiser Channel. Channel through the reef fronting Kaimana Beach." Lit. 2. surf site. Sans Souci. Kaiser's. Hawaiʻi. This change solved the mail delivery problem but also has resulted in the town often being called Kailua-Kona instead of Kailua. the beach and park were overrun by lava flows from Kīlauea in 1990. 1. cast with the bamboo. Surf site. Kaiser then dredged a channel. Kainaliu.. anchor mooring in the bay adjacent to the wharf. Kaimana Hila." Hawaiians pronounced it "Kaimana Hila. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. or silent sea. Kailua. Hawaiʻi. The name Kaimana for the beach came from its proximity to the hotel. Dive site. destroying several surf sites. Oʻahu. Kailua Reef. through the reef to allow access to the beach for commercial catamaran tours. One of the most popular dive sites on the Big Island.3 acres). In mid-1955 the first increment of the Kaiser Hawaiian Village Hotel opened for business. Kaiser and Fritz Burns purchased 8 acres of Waikīkī beachfront property from the John Ena Estate and several adjoining properties. a relative of Pele. diamond hill (English). Beach. Hawaiʻi. Small beach park at the south end of Waimānalo Beach. Also known as Dig Me Beach. point. Pocket of calcareous sand that is a section of Waikīkī Beach between the War Memorial Natatorium and the New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel. 1.. . Kamalō. shore. Oʻahu. Hāna. Hawaiʻi Kai. Also known as Queen's Beach. Ka Iwi. Peninsula. Off Kaiwi Point between Old Kona Airport State Park and Honokōhau Small Boat Harbor. 2. Oʻahu. Task force member John Clark suggested the name Kaiwi for the new park. The eastern half of the peninsula is the result of a reclamation project that began in 1948 with the construction of a massive seawall 10 feet high. Our first home was in Squattersville near Kewalo Basin. The shallow reef enclosed by the seawall was used as a landfill for noncombustible materials from the nearby incinerator and for other municipal refuse. The task force adopted the name. Oʻahu.. 2. On the point at the south end of Keawaiki Bay. Nā Maka o Kahaʻi. Kaiwi Point. State park at the seaward end of the Kakaʻako Peninsula that was completed in 1992. and 30 feet wide at its base. moʻolelo My family came from Nāpōʻopoʻo in 1939. 1988. There was good surf on the reef. Keawaiki. Wāwāmalu. pinnacles. Same as Ka Iwi. Cinder cone of the Hāna Volcanic Series on the north end of Lehoʻula Beach. Dive site. Hawaiʻi. the goddess of the volcano.A 25-mile-wide channel between the west end of Molokaʻi and the east end of Oʻahu. The water came up to a low stone wall. Hawaiʻi. Lit. slow. There was also a lot of wana. shore. On April 1. Cinder cone. squid. the name Ka Iwi has been perpetuated on Oʻahu's east end as either the Ka Iwi Coast or the Ka Iwi Shoreline. We made our own goggles by carving hau branches and inserting pieces of glass. Waterfront park (35 acres). 1. Kakaʻako 1. Bones of Pele. and we surfed on the old redwood planks. and they built a boulder seawall along the boat channel and across the reef. Coast. Although a single. arches. were left here after a battle with her sister. He noted that the Kaiwi or Molokaʻi Channel was a common element to the individual properties and parks. and then called themselves the Ka Iwi Scenic Shoreline Park Initiating Committee. 3. Fishing site. It touched each of them. the bone. a PT boat called the La Putita. and dramatic drop-offs at approximately 40 feet. It surrounded a wreck. The wall began on the reef near Olomehani Street and followed the Kewalo Channel to the present site of the University of Hawaiʻi's Pacific Biomedical Research Center. In 1987. Then it was extended west to Fort Armstrong. With the completion of the seawall. The reef was a good limu ground. scenic shoreline park. too. Lit.. and many Japanese from Kakaʻako came to pick ogo. unified park was never established in the years that followed. Maui. dull. . Lava tubes. and at that time the shoreline was at Olomehami Street. elected to spell it as two words. Hawaiʻi Kai. the committee was successful in introducing a resolution in the State Legislature that encouraged all of the concerned parties to work together to establish the unified park. 10 feet wide. We used strips of inner tube for the head straps. Ka Iwi.. under the leadership of Marion Kelly. Coast. the Sea Grant Extension Service at the University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa convened a task force of concerned citizens to determine if the shore lands and parks from Hanauma Bay to Makapuʻu Beach Park could be integrated into a single state or national park to protect the area from further development. and fish. In 1948 the city decided to make a dump for the new incinerator. The western half of the peninsula is the result of an earlier landfill to create Fort Armstrong and Piers 1 and 2 in Honolulu Harbor. Land seaward of Ala Moana Boulevard between Kewalo Basin and Honolulu Harbor. the city began a reclamation project on the reef to create new industrial land. Oʻahu. Lit. Honokōhau. Ka Iwi o Pele. the bone of Pele. unifying all of them. or "castle. Also known as Halehaku Bay. but by 1956 the boat and the reef were covered over by fill. Also known as South . shallow place in the sea [where there are] fish. Rock. Hawaiʻi. Perhaps lit. Oʻahu. The Kakahaiʻa National Wildlife Refuge is a 42-acre refuge that includes a freshwater pond and marsh with dense thickets of bulrush. skin rash or sore. and at that time the Roads and Refuse Divisions were together. Zion Securities. light. 1975 Kakahaiʻa.. The boulders for the rest of the wall came from Punchbowl. east shore. Kalaupapa. Small pocket of calcareous sand in the otherwise rocky shore of the 1887 lava flow. gray nickers (a rough bramble. Lit. Kakaihala. Lit. A narrow detrital sand beach bordering a shallow reef flat fronts the park. October 19. Kākalaioa. point. Dive site. purchased the estate and maintained it as a private campsite for members of the church. Gulch inland of Halehaku Bay that is also used by some fishermen as the name of the bay. Kahoʻolawe. Ka Lae is the southernmost point in the United States and a famous historic fishing site. Kahuku. to hew. The light was established in 1906 approximately 63 feet above sea level and automated in 1949. fishing site." In 1953.. national wildlife refuge. The north half of Kokololio Beach Park was once the estate of the Castle family of Honolulu. Point. Ka Lae. was putting in the access road and clearing the crater floor for the national memorial cemetery. James "Kimo" Kalua. was known as Kākela. Kakahaiʻa. Hauʻula. Also known as Rice Patch. Glover. Maui. One of two points that borders ʻĪliopiʻi Beach. Bay. Kākela. reef. Small roadside beach park named for a pond on the inland side of Kamehameha V Highway. Makapuʻu. The 32-foot pole with the light atop was erected in 1972.. Kahuku. Beach. Lit. Hamilton Rodrigues. the business branch of the Mormon Church. with its two-story house.The boat was our playground and we often camped on it.. fishing site. Kalaʻa. I was the superintendent for the Kewalo seawall job. October 25. Fishing site. Ltd. Native birds such as the Hawaiian coot and Hawaiian stilt are found here. castle (English). Beach park. Lit. where they were clearing to build ʻĀina Haina. Kaipapaʻu. Kākā Point. It started in August at the Otani Fishcake Factory and followed the boat channel out to where the UH research center is now. where James W. Lit. North of Kaipapaʻu Point. Oʻahu. The city acquired the property in 1988 and converted it into Kokololio Beach Park. Hawaiʻi. Molokaʻi... along with migratory seabirds and waterfowl. Molokaʻi. the rocks here are as sharp as kākalaioa thorns). Kaupakalua. Beach. the rocky point. We completed the wall in 1949. Rock in the sea off Makapuʻu. The estate. Oʻahu. The boulders for this section and around the point 150 feet towards Waiʻanae came from Wailupe. Kākiʻo.. Kākipi. Fishing site. 1975 In 1948 I was working for the Roads Division. Board on Geographic Names approved the BPNAS Redevelopment Commission's application to apply the name Kalaeloa to the surplus land that was conveyed to various state and county agencies for public purposes.. Kalaeokaunaʻoa. Harbor. Lit." of the Pearl Harbor National Wildlife Refuge. Kalaeloa. Kamaʻole. Northernmost point on Oʻahu. landscaped roadside park named after the point to the east. The name change to Kalaeloa was consistent with a State of Hawaiʻi 1995 legislative resolution requesting that Kalaeloa. the point [of the] bonefish. Although it is the largest and best-protected harbor on this coast. Also known as Kahuku Point. the protruding point. 2000. Name given to the former Barbers Point Naval Air Station when it was turned over to the state on July 2. Beach park (. Point. Maui. The harbor was named after the point. Beach. 3. Estate. the Hawaiian name of the point. Lit..S. point. The other units are Honouliuli and Waiawa. long point. point. it is used only by shallow-draft boats because of its shallow entrance channel. a barge basin.Point. point. the new point. Kalaeokaiʻa. Kalaemilo. Part of the conveyed property included this beach park between White Plains Beach and the runways. 4. Kalaeloa. Oʻahu.... Kahana. 1.. On the west shore of the peninsula and the site of the Ocean View Pavilion. several piers. Lit. Perhaps lit. Developed in the 1980s. Southwesternmost point on Oʻahu. Molokaʻi. Also known as Kamaʻole I Beach Park. Lit. Harbor. or "units. Also known as Barbers Point. was reintroduced. the milo tree point or the twisting point. Kalaeokamanu. Same as Hou Point. Maui. Oʻahu. from which it appears to be an extremely long point. Lit. Kalaeloa Barbers Point. Kalaeloa. Oʻahu. Molokaʻi.. the U. Small. although the navy retained a number of housing units with a commissary and exchange. the point of the native dodder or the point of the tube snail. Kalaupapa. Kalaeloa Unit. Lit. Kahuku. Oʻahu. Point.. Lit. Kalaehou. Kalaehuku. Probably named for the view of the point from the east (Diamond Head) end of Mamala Bay. and an adminstration building. the point. be used instead of Barbers Point. Kalaeʻōʻio. the long point. Oʻahu. Kahuku. On July 2. Kalaeʻōʻio Point is the coastal boundary between the districts of Koʻolaupoko and Koʻolauloa. Point. Lit. Oʻahu. the traditional Hawaiian name for the area. the point of the fish. One of three satellite sections. On the east side of the swimming cove adjacent to the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel. Point. Wildlife refuge (37 acres). 2. 1999. it became fully operational in July 1990 and includes an entrance channel.8 acres). a harbor basin. Kalaeloa is the point between Keawanui and Mikiawa fishponds.. storage yards. 1999. The name is from a legend of two men from Kahana who fished together in the bay. Tube snails are mollusks that attach themselves . Barbers Point Naval Air Station was turned over to the state. the point of the bird. Kalaeloa. Kaʻaʻawa. The state then renamed the harbor Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor.. Regional park (120 acres). Beachfront estate of the Robinson family in Kahana Bay. The unit is in the Kalaeloa Community Development District. Kalaeloa. Oʻahu. On July 13. Keawanui. Community development district. The harbor was known as Barbers Point Harbor until July 1999 when Barbers Point Naval Air Station was turned over to the state and Kalaeloa. Lit. Kalākaua Boat House. the herd [of] pigs. the point of salt. Also known as Kawaihaka.. and the site of Pōhaku Lānaʻi. the sunrise. Oʻahu. purchased the land division of Kalāhuipuaʻa in 1932 and used the site as his home. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. Also known as Mauna Lani Beach. extending into the large sea caves at the end of beach. and Manoku— and a large coconut grove on the shore. Beach. Fishing site. immortalized Brown and his home in her song Ke Keawaiki Hula.. The building was named for King David Kalākaua (1836-1891). Kalaeopaʻakai. Kalakala. It includes Kalāhuipuaʻa Fishpond and three others—Waipuhi. a family friend. Mākua. Kahuku. Beach. 2. point. Oʻahu. In 1972 Brown sold his estate to the development company that built the Mauna Lani resort. Oʻahu.. Kalalau. Kalalau is the most famous coastal wilderness hiking destination in Hawaiʻi. Kalāheo. Kalāheo. During the summer. Finger of submerged rocks off the west end of Hanakaʻilio Beach. I. Also known as High Rock Point. Nā Pali. shore. Maritime center. Lit. Kahuku. the lightning point. Honolulu. Kalaeokūpaoa. Hawaiʻi. surf site. point. Lit.. a part-Hawaiian businessman. Lit. lava fragment. politician. Oʻahu. wide lava peninsula that terminates at Limukoko Point. the point of the octopus lure stone. Brown (1892-1976). The former village of Kalāhiki is at the south end of Kauhakō Bay in Hoʻokena on a low. Hoʻokena.. Fishpond. Point at the west end of ʻŌhikilolo Beach. Hopeaia. sand accretes to the west. The campsites border the beach. Kalāhiki. the point of the altar. Hawaiʻi. Also known as Kūpaoa. Fishing site. point. wide calcareous sand. One of five beaches within Nā Pali Coast State Park. Oʻahu. 1. a famous pedestal rock. Artificial depressions in the rocks here were used to produce salt by evaporating water from the ocean. Lit. and sportsman.. Beach. Also known as Kuilima Point. Long. an avid supporter of ocean sports. Kalaeokaunu. Kahuku. Trail. Beach. Lit. Kauaʻi. camping site. Lit. Gathering site. Kauaʻi. The beach is fronted by a shallow fringing reef. Kauaʻi. Calcareous sand beach and point at Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. fronted by a sandbar and backed by low vegetated dunes. rough. craggy. Kalaeuila.. Point. Kalākaua Boat House is the name of the building that houses the Hawaiʻi Maritime Center and museum at Pier 7 in Honolulu Harbor. and coral rubble storm beach lines the point. Nā Pali. Lit. Kalāhuipuaʻa. Point on which the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel was built. Small flat pocket of calcareous sand fronted by boulders at the head of Kalāheo Gulch. The Kalalau Trail is an 11-mile hiking trail that begins at Kēʻē Beach in Hāʻena State Park and ends . A long. Hawaiian composer Helen Desha Beamer. Ruins of the village are in the vegetation inland of the beach. Mauna Lani. Oʻahu. wide calcareous sand beach on the shore of Kalalau Valley. Haleʻiwa.to rocks and build a hard tubeshaped shell. Francis H. Kalama Park. later copyrighted the song on her behalf. Kailua. moved to Kalamaʻula in 1922. The surf site is off the south end of the park and is also known as Kalama Point. Also known as Kalama. rock. She died when I was five. who had previously owned the land division of Kailua. Dive site. and I was the second youngest of the eight children in our family. The acquisition included the Boettcher home. The beach fronting the clubhouse has been known since as Kalama Beach. Kalamaʻula. Maui.4 acres). My brother John was the youngest. Mālaekahana. Beach park (4. Shore.in Kalalau Valley in the Nā Pali Coast State Park. The position of chairman of the board then was equivalent to the position of mayor today. Dudoit wrote a song entitled "Kalamaʻula" in honor of her home. The Kalamaʻula stone was right in our driveway. moʻolelo I was born in Kakaʻako on August 20. so my sister. Point dividing Mālaekahana and Lāʻie Bays. 2000 Kalanai Point. and the legend is that it's the handprint of a young woman. Then we found out that it was the stone that Kalamaʻula was named for... In 1925." Provisions were made for a commission to administer the lands. The Boettcher Estate was part of the Kalama subdivision.. 3. a historically significant building designed by architect Vladimir Ossipoff and constructed by Charles Boettcher II in 1936. Mrs. a clubhouse and pavilion were built on the property. Land for the park was acquired in 1939.3 acres). Hannah. 2.. so John and I tried with a sledgehammer. He named it Kalama in honor of Queen Kalama. Fronting their home was a large stone that had a natural etching of a sun and five rays. Lit. My parents. Same as Lanipūʻao Rock. chairman of the Maui Board of Supervisors from 1913 to 1933. Kīhei. Kalanipūʻao. the red torch. 2 miles in from the start. In 1928. Off the south end of Kalama Park. so it was renamed Kalama Beach Park. dropping down to sea level only at Hanakāpīʻai. Kalama Point. Harold Kainalu Long Castle opened the first housing tract in Kailua. Oʻahu. the torch. surf site. Emma Kala and Marcellus Dudoit. The park was named for Samuel E. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Among the first residents there were Marcelus and Emma Kala Dudoit. It has five natural veins in it. Kalama (1869-1933). Center section of Kailua Beach fronting Kalama Beach Club. Castle set aside a large oceanfront parcel for the use of the tract residents as a private beach park. the straying. Dive site. Valentine Dudoit. the trail follows the sea cliffs. and in 1925 Kalamaʻula became the first Hawaiian homestead subdivision in the islands. In 1920 Congress passed the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act to provide public lands for Hawaiians who were "not less than one-half part of the blood of the races inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands previous to 1778. Kailua. but we couldn't break it. east coast. Kalama. Beach. My dad wanted to get rid of it. Kīhei. The high south-eastern sea cliffs between Poʻooneone Beach . Oʻahu. Kalamaʻula. Maui. Beach. Surf site. Maui. but we didn't know it was a famous stone. Beach park (36. Between Kēʻē and Kalalau. The song is now a Hawaiian falsetto standard. Niʻihau. 1918. and it was named the Kalama Beach Club. Off the south end of Kalama Park. Lit. so we left it where it was. My mother wrote the song "Kalamaʻula" about the beauty of the area and our home there. September 22. Molokaʻi. Kīhei. Kalāheo. Lit. surf site. wife of Kamehameha III. and it was from this stone called Kalamaʻula that the area took its name. the enmeshed sky. In 1978. 1. Lit. the City and County of Honolulu purchased the Boettcher Estate on Kailua Beach for use as a community center and beach park. Kalaoa. Kalaoa Beach is the most prominent of these pocket beaches. 2. Molokaʻi. and a shallow sandbar lies off the beach. the choker (as a stick for catching eels). the original owners of Kalapawai Store at the intersection of Kailua Road and Kalāheo Avenue. He ran the laundry but he wasnʻt assigned a house in the settlement. Nāwiliwili. Oʻahu. Lit... a kōkoʻolua. Molokaʻi. perpetuated it by using it as the name of their store. the "stingy dog. The Wong family. Kalaupapa has been the permanent settlement on the peninsula since the 1930s. the flat plain or the broad.. surf site. Kailua. Although the peninsula consists of three land divisions—Kalaupapa. Solomon Mahoe. but I was the administrator at Kalaupapa from 1947 to 1974. The plateau to the left of the beach is Nihoa. ʻAwahua was someone's name. a chiefess from ʻĪliopi. the Board of Health selected the peninsula to be the site of an exile colony for Hansen's Disease patients. Niu. low basaltic shield volcano that became a peninsula when lava from Kauhakō Crater flowed against the great sea cliffs of East Molokaʻi.and Pueo Point contain a series of narrow stream-cut valleys. The historic 3-mile cliff trail with twenty-six switchbacks begins 1. "the sliding sands of ʻAwahua. She moved to the airport area and had only female retainers. and Ocean View was built on the foundation about 1952. One of several dive sites on the leeward side of the peninsula. I was always interested in the old things. The backshore is primarily a mudflat. Molokaʻi. Light. Calcareous sand beach at the end of the channel through the reef on the east side of Niu Peninsula. Kalaupapa. Beach. so I spoke to the Hawaiians and talked to the old residents. that there were no children in the settlement. 3. Kāhili is a beach that was named for a woman. Beach. Kalaupapa. Kalauhaehae. Kauaʻi. 4. Kalapawai. Oʻahu. moʻolelo I'm the minister of the church in Hālawa. Papaloa is the beach below the cemetery. Kalaupapa. Molokaʻi. lived at the north end of Kailua Beach Park and named his home Kalapawai. If someone wanted a wife or a helper. Same as Molokaʻi Light. Harbor. Improvements made in 1967 included a 144-foot-long rubblemound breakwater. and an entrance channel through the reef. Kalaupapa. the torn leaf. Dive site. ʻĪliopi. The old-timers said this was the garden area of the settlement. Kalapaki. Small harbor on the southwest side of the peninsula where supplies for the village are delivered by tug and barge twice a year. Broad. My wife Abigail was a nurse. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar.664 feet above sea level in Palaʻau State Park and descends to ʻAwahua Beach on the west side of the peninsula. Lit. the rock chair near the airport . Also known as Dawson Wharf. Kalaupapa. and when the patients had babies. and Kalawao—it is known as Kalaupapa Peninsula. Trail. 5. Kalapaki is one of Kauaʻi's most popular family beaches. This was one of the hardest things for the patients. a resident of Kailua during the early 1900s. Ocean View pavilion was Spud Patoisʻ home. some of which contain small pocket beaches of calcareous sand. You can still see many old walls. flat reef. a turning basin. Her place of operation was Kanohopohaku o Kāhiliʻopua. Calcareous sand beach at the north end of Nāwiliwili Harbor fronted by a shallow sandbar. she would carry them up the trail when they were several weeks old and accompany them to Honolulu. and they grew watermelons there in the 1920s.. Kalaupapa. Beach. Peninsula. so he used the beach house as his home. Lit. Ke One Neʻe o ʻAwahua. Father Damien arrived in 1873 as the first resident Catholic priest and died there in 1889. In 1866." is the correct title of the black sand beach near the trail." is the next beach and a former village. Makanalua. Molokaʻi. Lit. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. He put the name on a sign at his front gate. the rippling water or the shining water. The ʻ46 tidal wave took his house. 1. Kāhiliʻopua. she acted as an intermediary. the dirt. Lit... A legend tells of Piʻikoi. Haleʻiwa. was a captain in the Honolulu Fire Department until he retired in . Elmer Wilson.. Calcareous sand beach in and on either side of Kalepolepo Fish-pond. to John K. Ironwood trees line the backshore. Beach. Kalihi [with a] stream. who lived alone. and at the outside point at the east end of the beach. Kalei's Island. Surf sites are found at the small point at the west end of the beach. Lit. Oʻahu. Kawela. Beach. Section of Waikīkī Beach that includes Kahanamoku Beach and Lagoon. Also known as Auntie Kalei's Island. often walked on the reef at low tide to gather limu. The outline of the island is said to resemble a cock's comb against the setting sun. Small island-shaped papa. fishpond. Punaluʻu. Kīhei. Kapuʻa. The name refers to one of the adventures of the demigod Kamapuaʻa in which he was being pursued and jumped a fence here. Kalihi means "the edge.. Fernandez. Oʻahu. The small landscaped beach park borders the inner edge of the pond. Kālia. beach park. the fence jumper. Kalepeamoa. Kalili. 1978 Kalehuawehe. Kalihi Channel. Kauaʻi. Also known as Castle's. Lit. Surf site. the removed lehua lei. Oʻahu. who died on July 1 that year. beach.. Lit. Honolulu. Beach. Ocean recreation center and office building in Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach Park dedicated on September 11. Bay. or reef. Hawaiʻi. or seaweed. a lifelong Haleʻiwa resident. Section of Punaluʻu Beach at the Kaluanui Stream bridge. Lit. Waikīkī. Wide pocket of calcareous sand fronted by a shallow sandbar at the head of the bay. surf site. The fishpond is also known as Koʻieʻie. and from the airport to Hoʻolehua was the place to gather salt. Turtles laid their eggs there because it was easy for them to get in over the rocks. May31. Possibly for the large dust storms that once swept through this area. at the west point of Kawela Bay that is awash at high tide but emergent at low tide. Oʻahu." Following her death in December 1989. One always went to her with gifts. in the shorebreak on the sandbar. which is the shore fronting the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Kalili. a secondary channel into Honolulu Harbor.. Small rock island fronting the beach at Kapuʻa." Hoʻolehua is the last sand beach on the point. Maui." Kalili Surf Center. Oʻahu. Kalihiwai. The island marked the landing at Kapuʻa for incoming fishing and voyaging canoes. Kalepolepo. Kalelepā. Lit. Site of the biggest surf in Waikīkī and the south shore of Oʻahu. the edge. Oʻahu. Named for Nancy Kalei Espinda Fernandez (1908-1989). her children scattered her ashes here. Main channel into Keʻehi Lagoon and Keʻehi Small Boat Harbor. 1976.gate. Waikīkī. the cock's comb. Island. "hele no a lako. a longtime Kawela Bay resident whose home was on the point inshore of the reef from the 1950s to the 1980s. Reef. who went to Waikīkī wearing a lehua lei and gave it to a chiefess who surfed with him. Recreation facility. so the Kawela community regarded the reef as her "island. . Kalokoʻeli.. Marsh. Between Kahuku Golf Course and the Kiʻi section of the James C.000-foot sea cliff near the Waipiʻo Valley Lookout that has a 620-foot cascade. Kaluaheʻe. Molokaʻi. the old lady. He devoted his entire life to helping others on the North Shore and was a tireless volunteer for his church and other organizations. Lit. southwest coast. and ʻAiʻōpio Fishpond at the south end of the beach. Molokaʻi. Maui. Falls over a l. Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park. he received an award from the Honolulu Star-Bulletin for his outstanding community service. the octopus hole. Beach. Lit. Oʻahu.1946. Narrow calcareous sand beach and shallow reef fronting Waiehu Beach Park. Kalokoiki. Kalohi Channel. 1. the dug pond. ʻŌʻio Stream formerly emptied into the cove but was rerouted to the east during the construction of the hotel in the early 1970s.. Kalokohanahou. Diamond Head. Waiehu. Hawaiʻi. 1. Beach. Fishing site. 2. Kaluahole. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Kalua. the hook. Molokaʻi. Kahuku. He was an excellent waterman and made many high-surf rescues in the days when no other professional rescue assistance was available. 2. Also known as the Keyhole. Rock.. Kaluahine. the small pond. the pond. Lit.. In 1974. Hawaiʻi Kai. Kāneʻohe. 1978. Lit. Fishpond. Kalou. Maui. Oʻahu. with Hiʻilawe Falls in Waipiʻo and ʻAkaka Falls in Honomū. Queen's Bath. Lit. the son of Kūʻulakai. Kukuihaele. One of the former fisheries of Waikīkī that included the small pocket of calcareous sand at Mākālei Beach Park and the adjoining shore east to Beach Road. (1. Honokōhau Beach. Honokōhau. Hawaiʻi. shore.. Kahuku. Kaloko. Oʻahu. Waialeʻe. Fishpond (11 acres). the slowness. Kaluaapuhi. the repaired pond. Also known as the Haleʻiwa Surf Center. and includes Kaloko and ʻAimakapā Fishponds. pond. Lit. Nuʻu. The name comes from a legend of ʻAiʻai. other archaeological sites. Hawaiʻi. Lit. ʻAiʻai placed a brown and white rock in the ocean here that attracted āhole fish. cove. Channel 9 miles wide between Lānaʻi and Molokaʻi. At the east end of Nuʻu Beach where an interisland steamer landing was located.. Honokōhau. Fishpond. Landing. Lit.161 acres). a section of the Māmalahoa Trail. Waterfall.. the pit of [the] eel. Campbell National Wildlife . At the north end of Honokōhau Beach and part of the Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park. Oʻahu. Small rock island near Pūʻoʻa Point. the pit. Lit. Fishpond. The fishpond is a natural bay that was closed off with the construction of a 750-foot long boulder wall. The park was established on November 10. petroglyphs. Point. the god of fishermen. Hawaiʻi Kai.. Calcareous sand beach in a cove that forms the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel's swimming area between Kalaeokaunu and Kalaeokamanu Points. One of several major waterfalls on the Big Island. 1. Kaunakakai. Hawaiʻi. Inland of Waialeʻe Beach. Lit. Pāhoehoe. Beach. reef. During his travels around Oʻahu.. The stream probably helped to shape the cove and the channel to the open ocean. 2. Point and pond at the mouth of Kalama Stream. Oʻahu. the pit [of the] servant. The surf site Zombies is offshore of the sluice gate. of the fishpond. the pit of ʻAihakoko. Lit. that includes the Kaluakoʻi Resort and Kepuhi Beach.. Mōkapu. Small pocket of calcareous sand fronting King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel. In 1812.. Kaluapūleho. Ua make o ka lani nui i nuna o Kamakaokahonu. Kaluakoʻi. Kaluapuhi. Calcareous sand beach that fronts Kamaʻole III Beach Park. The name is from the adventures of the demigod Kamapuaʻa in this area. Hauʻula. Calcareous sand beach fronting the land division of Kaluanui. Kaluakauwā. This area was the last home of King Kamehameha I.Refuge. and that place was given the name Ka Lua o ʻAihakoko. Salt evaporation ponds were also found here near the fishpond. The U. In English it means: The king was born above Kamakaokahonu. It was buried under the concrete used to construct Kailua Pier. . The outermost point on the north side of Kahana Bay. The king was raised above Kamakaokahonu. Young's Beach. Lit. Kaluahole is an abbreviation of Kaluaāhole. Lit. the pit [of the] cowrie shell. The great king died above Kamakaokahonu. or mākaha. Kamakahonu. Kamalō. Oʻahu. Kailua. Oʻahu. Lit. Kula. Beach. Shore of the Kaluakoʻi ahupuaʻa. Kahana. In Ruling Chiefs of Hawaiʻi.. the eel pit (an eel-shaped rock was in a cave here).. Oʻahu. the pit [of the] adult āhole fish. Ua hanai ia o ka lani i nuna o Kamakaokahonu. Department of the Interior designated the complex a Naional Historic Landmark in 1964. Kamāhuʻehuʻe. This is one of their riddles: Ua hanau ia o ka lani i nuna o Kamakaokahonu. He landed at Kapaʻahi in Kamaʻole. It was the home of a supernatural eel. A rock formation resembling a turtle was formerly on a lava outcrop at the south end of the beach. who in 1810 became sole ruler of the Hawaiian Islands. the big pit." Also known as Kamaʻole III Beach Park.S. Point. Kamehameha moved his royal residence from Honolulu to Kailua. Molokaʻi. Lit. There are adze pits nearby at Maunaloa and Moʻomomi. and a channel through the reef off the beach.. Lit. Shore. or land division. Lit. That was why ʻAihakoko lamented grievously at sea. Beach. Kamaʻole. Molokaʻi. Beach. Hawaiian historian Samuel Kamakau wrote: "Kiha a Piʻilani killed ʻAihakoko's personal attendant in the sea. the turtle eye.. Maui. His residential complex on the shore of Kailua Bay at Kamakahonu included thatched and stone houses and Ahuʻena Heiau. Fishpond. moʻolelo All my life I wanted to know the deep and beautiful things about Hawaiʻi and my Hawaiian people.. the openings. Pond. Kaluanui. The king conducted personal and governmental matters here until his death on May 8. Oʻahu. Kaluaoʻaihakoko. the site of Sacred Falls. Fishpond. Kaluanui.. Lit. Lit. channel. Brackish-water pond on the north side of the Hauʻula Fire Station that was a muliwai—a pond separated from the ocean by a sandbar—before the construction of Kamehameha Highway. 1819. Hawaiʻi.. the adze pit. west coast. Agnes Kaelemakule Winsley Dairo. I know where it is. I lived there until I got married when I was nineteen. Harbor. surf sites." because he was a baby and a boy. The turtle at Makahonu was outlined in the pāhoehoe under the old wharf.. shallow fringing reef. Molokaʻi.. July 17. Our family and others kept their boats and canoes there.1 acres acquired in 1938). Lit. Kamaʻole II (2. Kamaʻole is a land division that includes three beach parks: Kamaʻole I (2." because when he died. and Egusa's. Calcareous sand beach north of Lāʻau Point approximately a mile long and fronted by a rock shelf. Of course. Bill Upchurch. July 14. Bill Sproat. Beach. "the great king.. I remember the stone under the pier that resembled a turtle. and that's why that place was called Makahonu. Molokaʻi. Bay. In the last line he is called ka lani nui. Low vegetated sand dunes comprise the backshore. also known as . the night guard. Kamalino. Soda Pop Pool. Lit.9 acres acquired in 1938). Kamalō. after my dad took over as superintendent of the Kohala Ditch. one at the little sand beach next to Huliheʻe Palace and one at the beach at Makahonu.The answer is Kamehameha the Great. There was a lot of white sand around the pier and we used to swim under it. Aholehole Flats. 1981 There is a place—Kamakaokahonu in Kohala—that was a famous canoe landing for going [to] and coming from Maui. It was lying down. April 17.9 acres acquired in 1947). and Kamaʻole III (5. John Lane. The surf site is off the north point of the bay and is also known as Antennas. southwest coast. A natural opening in the reef serves as a harbor. also known as ʻIliʻiliholo. Maui. Kīhei. the dry place. 1982 There were two canoe landings in Kailua. Kamaʻole. Small bay with a pocket of calcareous sand. dive sites. Other families were farming there. Lit. Kamakahonu was the place in ʻAwini where Kamehameha was raised. Niʻihau. 1981 I was born in 1909. and could be seen best at low tide. Kamalō. Alfred Solomon. beach. and our family property was in the center of Kailua town about where the bend in the road is on Aliʻi Drive. 1983 Kamākaʻipō. September 29. Narrow detrital sand beach bordering a wide. June 25. "the king. he was near a place called Kamakaokahonu. At each of these times in his life. Keo Nakama. It was covered up by the new pier. The name was originally Kamalōʻo and is now abbreviated to Kamalō. In the first two lines he is called ka lani. he was the ruler of all the islands. Lāʻau. too. Five sections of the beach have individual place names: Sam Wight's. also known as Kalaehuku. 1982 We moved to Honokāne Iki in 1917. looking at the cove. but before that we lived in ʻAwini where my dad grew taro. surf site. but it's really overgrown now and kind of hard to describe if you haven't been up mauka. the calm. Beach parks. a large brackish-water pond.. Kokoiki. Hawaiʻi. Molokaʻi. Beach. the twisting [of ocean currents]. or . point. Beach. Kamisugi's. The surf sites are shorebreaks that form on the sandbars fronting the beaches. was known as Mr. Surf site. beachcombing site. Hawaiʻi. Narrow calcareous sand beach lining a rocky point. Kamilo. Pāhala. Waiʻōhinu. The grove is located in Kiowea Park. Hoʻonoua Pond. Young's Beach. who became Kamehameha V in 1863.5 acres). making the beach a popular beachcombing site. Kammie. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. the twisting [of ocean currents]. The black volcanic sand beach fronting the campground was formed in 1988 by lava flows from Kūpaianaha in Kīlauea Volcano's East Rift Zone. 1998). with a canoe repair and storage building. Named for High Chief Kapuāiwa. Hawaiʻi. Historians are not in agreement on the exact year of his birth. Lit. the mehame tree. Kammieland. Also known as Coconut Grove. Maui. Lit. Surf site. Oʻahu. the cone has served for many years as a landmark for travelers from Puna to Kaʻū. Hawaiʻi. who came to Hawaiʻi from China at the age of fifteen. Traditional stories say the king once lived nearby and planted the trees in the grove. littoral cone (50 feet). but sometime during the 1750s or 1760s seems to be generally accepted. Historic park (. is inland of the beach. Oʻahu. Boaters use the cone as a triangulation mark for their koʻa. Kamehame. Kamehameha I Birthsite Memorial. who in 1810 became the first king to unify all of the Hawaiian Islands. the lonely one. Oʻahu. Kamehameha V Coconut Grove. Off Kammie's Market on Kamehameha Highway that was opened in 1961 by Gladys and Henry Buck Chon Kam (d. The Kamisugi family has surfed here since Sunao "Flash" Kamisugi bought the property in 1963. Black sand and olivine beach approximately 400 feet long at the base of the littoral cone. The beach parks are on South Kīhei Road between Kīhei and Wailea. A detrital sand beach that terminates at Lahaina Small Boat Harbor fronts the park.. or offshore fishing sites. small Kamehameha. childless. Kammie's. Kawailoa. and shore fishermen use it as a base camp. Lit. Fishing for ulua is common along the point. Kamilomilo. As the only elevated feature on an otherwise barren shore of low sea cliffs. Beach. Kalamaʻula. Sunset Beach. Oʻahu. The dive sites are off parks II and III. Kamoamoa.. Lit.. Boulders said to mark the birthplace of Kamehameha I. Kamehameha Coconut Grove. North of Chun's Reef and off the Kamisugi beach house on Kamehameha Highway. Lit. Park. Lahaina. Kam. fishing site.. Sunset Beach. fishing site.Kaluaoʻaihakoko. Keawaʻula. Surf site. West end of Keawaʻula Beach. Beach. Ocean currents deposit a great deal of debris here. Also known as Kammieland. Steam explosions from the molten lava interacting with the ocean created the cinder.. Lit. Same as Kammie's. campground. Kamehameha Iki. Small beach park at 525 Front Street. Lit. east shore. The windsurf site is at the north end of the park and is also known as Kooks Beach. and Umi. The beach is a traditional seaweed-gathering site... Beach park (66 acres). Maui. Kanaloa is the name of one of the four primary gods. Narrow calcareous sand beach on an eroding shore.. which was transported to Kamoamoa by the prevailing currents. Hilo. Puʻu Koaʻe Island is off this deep bay's western headland. Lit. Island (1. Lit.. The bay borders the coastal boundaries of the ʻili. Bay. south shore. Hawaiʻi. During the early 1900s when Japanese fishermen from ʻEwa Plantation came here to fish. with a width of 2 miles between Ule and Hālona Points. Kanaio. The other two are Hanakanaiʻa and Kaukaukapapa. Kanaio is a land division on the south side of Haleakalā. 1. Kanahā. shore. Hāʻena. 2.black sand. Kanaio. Kahoʻolawe. Kanapou. Oʻahu. Kanalukaha. east shore. Maui. Beach. Dive site. Kanaloa. Pond. Sand dunes line the back-shore and a great deal . Bay on the east side of the Waiākea Peninsula. 1. pond. the Japanese word for ocean. the goby fish. gathering site. they did not know the Hawaiian name of the area. One of four long. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. so they called it Kanaka. Channel. Kahoʻolawe. Fishing site. The brackish-water pond at the head of the bay is also known as Ice Pond. Lit. Lit. Honuaʻula.. Bay. One of two large bays with high sea cliffs on the south shore of Kahoʻolawe. Built by the posterosional eruption that created Mokuhoʻoniki Island. Bay. Hale o Lono. Molokaʻi. 2. It is the widest bay on the island. so the name translates roughly as "[the place where] Hawaiians [lived on the] ocean. Kamōhio. 100 feet high).. Also known as Puʻu Hakina Beach. The park takes its name from adjacent Kanahā Pond and is also known as Naska. At Kanaloa Point between La Pérouse and Nuʻu Bays. their word for Hawaiians. where its shore lies approximately between Kamanamana and Pōhakueaea Points. the false sandalwood tree. of Kanapou. Also known as Sand Island. eventually divided into a second island by wave erosion. and is an excellent anchorage during kona (southerly) winds. the ʻākulikuli plant island. On the shore of Kanapou Bay. Rocky shore beyond the west end of Oneʻula Beach Park. The bay is also known as Reed's Bay. 4. Beach. Kauaʻi." Kanākea. Several Hawaiian fishermen lived here. Lit. windsurf site. Oʻahu.2 acres. The several small rocky beaches here are known collectively as Kanaio Beach. the gust [of wind]. Island. Molokaʻi. Maui. the passing wave. Maui. the shattered [thing]. Kanaka Umi. Moakea. Oneʻula. Large pond that was designated a wildlife refuge in 1952 and a Registered National Natural History Landmark in 1971. reef. Kahoʻolawe. 3. Kahului. Beach. Honolulu. wide calcareous sand beaches between Hale o Lono Harbor and Lāʻau Point. Wide reef at Hāʻena Point separated from Mākua Reef (Tunnels) by a sand-bottomed channel. Kamokuʻākulikuli. Kahului. One of only three significant calcareous sand beaches on the island. or land division. Kaholo. Also known as H Point and Hāpuna Point.. 1. 50 feet high). Western section of ʻŌhikilolo Beach. Kaunakakai. Fishpond. lived in the present airport area with only female retainers. The land inland of Kamehameha Highway from the beach was a former marsh. Fishing site. Small. Kāne's cave. Kāneʻohe. Hawaiʻi. Between Punaluʻu and Kamehame. From a rock chair called Kanohopōhaku o Kāhiliʻōpua. Kaʻaluʻalu. whieh literally means "the canoe cave. Island (. Surf site. Island. a demigod who could take the form of either a man or dog. Oʻahu. It is said to have been the home of the demigod Nanaue. Molokaʻi. 2.. Small landscaped park that borders the mudflats of Kāneʻohe Bay at the end of Waikalua Road. Kāneʻohe. bamboo husband.. 2. Oʻahu. Kāneʻāpua. 1. Beach. Kanohopōhaku o Kāhiliʻōpua. Bay.of trade wind debris accumulates in the foreshore. The rock . Lit. a chiefess of the former village at ʻĪliopiʻi. Dive site. Lit. Kānekanaka. Beachgoers park on the seaward side of Farrington Highway across from the cave to access a trail to the beach. Wailea. The name is from nearby Kāneana Cave. Oʻahu. she acted as an intermediary for men seeking wives or companions. Bay offshore mooring area. Hāpuna. the marsh. fishing site. Small island off the former village of Kaunolū.. Kaʻaʻawa. Fishing site. 3. Kāneʻohe Bay Naval Defensive Sea Area. Kāne [of the] dog form. Private recreation facility that includes 190 slips. According to legend. Bay. Kāneʻohe. Lit. Kanenelu. Hawaiʻi. Sea arch. Lit. It lies between Kualoa Point and Mōkapu Peninsula. A 500yard prohibited zone around the perimeter of Mōkapu Peninsula where only authorized vessels may enter. Kāneana. Mākua. Oʻahu. Largest sheltered bay in the Hawaiian Islands and one of the finest estuaries in the state. bowl [for ʻawa]. 2.. There are sixty-six moorings in the southwestern corner of the bay. Marine Corps Base Hawaiʻi. Kahuku. Lit. Oʻahu. Point. Molokaʻi. The surf site is a shorebreak on the shallow sandbar fronting the beach. Lit. Kāne [the] god. 1. Kāne [of the] human form. Oʻahu. It was established by executive order in 1941. Oʻahu. 2. Beach. 3. Kāneʻohe. 3 visitor slips. east shore. Kahoʻolawe. 4. who could assume the form of a man or a shark. rocky bay on the north side of Kalaeuila. Mākua.. Kāne is the name of one of the four major gods. and dry mooring. Kāneʻāpua was a fish god and a trickster. Lit. Also known as Mākua Cave. Lānaʻi. Kāne [of the] fish trap. Punaluʻu. Kāneʻohe. Kāhiliʻōpua. Obake Bay. Cave. 3." Kāneakua. Also known as Nāonealaʻa. Waiʻanae.. Kalaupapa.9 acres. Yacht club. Kanapou is probably a contraction of Keanapou.1 acres). 1. Beach park (1. Kaunolū. 1. Also known as Black Rock. Off the tidal flat at the head of Kaʻaluʻalu Bay. Oʻahu. Also known as Beck's Cove. Hawaiʻi. point.. Kānoa. Zone. Oʻahu. 2. Kāneʻilio. Rock. The cave is a lava tube that was enlarged as a sea cave during a former stand of the sea when the ocean stood higher than it does now. Natural sea arch eroded in one of the small points at the south end of Kānekanaka Point. Kāneʻohe Bay. a woman compared her husband's cruelty to the cutting edge of a bamboo knife. Keanapou. Hawaiʻi. A heiau (shrine) on the point was dedicated to Kūʻilioloa. Lit. Lānaʻi. it appears to have formed on dry land during a lower stand of the sea. the harbor entrance. Fishpond. park. Maui.chair is near the airport gate. Volcanic cinder cone of red and black cinders with a pāhoehoe lava flow on its western side. The interisland steamer landing was at the south end of the beach. the solid or the closing.. beach on the shore of the Kona Paradise Properties subdivision. North Kohala. Kahana. Dive site. it would have been a tuff cone like its neighbor Mānana (Rabbit) Island. landing. ramp. Lit. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Kaʻohe... Beach. Kawailoa. Island (11 acres. Kaʻopeahina. Kapaʻeleʻele. Also known as Pebble Beach. Lit. Lit. Makapuʻu. Former land division west of Waimea Bay that was incorporated into the Kawailoa land division. Oʻahu. 1.. Pond.. Kanonone. shallow reef. Molokaʻi. who once owned land near the beach. A storm beach of calcareous sand. the thrust. The park is on low sea cliffs where it provides a good view of Maui. . The dive site is off the park.. black border. Fishing site. Hālawa. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Beach. Kaʻōpala. Lit. Fishpond. The ramp was blessed and named by former Kahana Valley resident Peter Kau for Kapaʻeleʻele fishing shrine on the hill above the ramp. Shore. Lit. Kaʻō. Kapaʻa. Cove. Small pocket of calcareous sand on Kailua Bay on the north side of Huliheʻe Palace. Kāohikaipu. Lit. or pebble. Kanuha. ʻIliʻili. lava fragments.. Kanukuawa. Perhaps lit. floorlike flat (as pāhoehoe lava). the family. the long [canoe] landing. the smooth. Although the cinder cone is an island now. Oʻahu. Lanikai. Kamalō. the tying. Kauaʻi.. Kaʻohana. Fishing shrine.. Lit. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronting a wide. Calcareous sand beach at the north end of Kahuku Beach fronting the Japanese cemetery. Kapaʻa. Hawaiʻi. the rock chair of Kāhiliʻōpua.. Kahana Bay. Prevailing currents deposit rubbish in this small cove. Hōnaunau. 40 feet high). Lāʻie. Hawaiʻi. Lit. Kailua. Named for the Kanuha family of Kona. Kaʻōpapa Ledges. reef. Hawaiʻi. Lit. If it had erupted through salt water. the rubbish. Also known as Black Rock. Large rectangular brackish-water pond encircled by coconut and pandanus trees on the western margin of Pōhue Bay. the bundle of Hina. Dive site.. Oʻahu. Kaʻōhao. Molokaʻi. Hawaiʻi. Hauʻula. Between Kaipapaʻu Point and Waipilopilo Stream. The beach and the subdivision are in the land division of Kaʻohe. Lit. Pōhue. the container that gathers (flotsom collects here). Oʻahu. 2. the bamboo. Beach park. and coral rubble fronts the pond.. Lit. Hawaiʻi. The ramp is at the north end of Kahana Beach. Beach. Kapaeloa.. Kaʻohe. Lit. Legendary name of Lanikai Beach. Beach. The wall was completed in July 1951 by James W.. John Kaelemakule lived there with his nets and canoes. About 1930 I moved my operation to Kapalaoa. Bay. and I used to fish commercially at most of the beaches in North Kona. that extends an underground drainage culvert into the ocean at the intersection of Kalākaua and Kapahulu Avenues.Kapaemāhū. Seawall. Section of Kaluanui Beach in the land division of Kapaka east of Mākao Road. to stop offshore to pick up my fish. Calcareous sand.. the worn-out soil. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. a man who was carried away from the beach here by a whale. Kapuni. and when I was young. Also known as the Healing Stones.. the homosexual row. An old interisland steamer sank at Mahaiʻula and Kuemaka dived on it for gunnysacks whenever he needed them. but they only paid fifty cents a pound. We were using the old solid redwood boards. the raindrop. and we paddled to Waikīkī. too. lava fragment. Ltd. as part of the Waikīkī Beach Improvement Project. moʻolelo I was born in Kalaoa in 1906. Waikīkī. Hauʻula. Also known as Kuekaunahi. I also sold fish at Kawaihae when I went there for supplies. the ditch went under the road and ended at a small jetty. Wizard Stones. Sometimes I fished with them on their four-man canoe. 1. the lama wood enclosure. mostly for akule and ʻōpelu. About 1929 I bought Kaelemakuleʻs two six-man fishing canoes and nets and started fishing on my own. I went for ʻōpelu and akule. The ocean came all the way up the ditch to Pākī. the whale or the whale tooth. We sailed. and I would hukilau for inshore fish. Kapalaoa. or groin. the Humuʻula. and Kīnohi. Harbor.. They gave me a dollar per pound. Lit. then sold them elsewhere. with pedestrian access over it. moʻolelo I was born on June 13. Beach. Lit. Sometimes we surfed at the jetty. beach. Kapālama Basin. 1923. September 28. Kapahulu Groin. Seawall. West section of Honolulu Harbor that fronts the mouth of Kapālama Stream. and olivine beach approximately 800 feet long with low vegetated dunes in the backshore and an anchialine pond behind the dunes. Waikīkī.. Kahaloa. I started surfing at Waikīkī about 1935 when I was twelve years old. then dry and sell them for seventyfive cents a kaʻau at Johnʻs store in Kailua. 2000 Kapaka. At that time there was a wide. Lit. Oʻahu. Oʻahu.. so thatʻs where we put our boards in the water. We kept them at home and they were heavy for us to carry all the way to the beach. Oʻahu. The hukilau fish I sold cheap to the coffee . Lit. Oʻahu. Other people lived there. Glover. point. like the Kuemaka family. Lit. Oʻahu. Stones. Beach. but we usually went to Queenʻs or Canoes. open ditch that went from Pākī Avenue along Kapahulu Avenue to the beach. Four large rocks in Kūhiō Beach Park that represent four ancient kahuna who were renowned for their wisdom and healing powers: Kapaemāhū. The zoo wasnʻt built and there was only black sand there. my family lived on Makini Street in Kapahulu. The Wall. They hauled their fish out by mule to Kawaihae. where the Alapai family lived. but I worked out a deal with the captains of one of the interisland steamers. but not with the old-style claw sail. Honolulu. 2. Hawaiʻi. The Oʻahu sites are associated with the legend of Mākuakaumana. Before the Magoonʻs were at Mahaiʻula. and we hardly ever paddled. Off Hauʻula Elementary School. Daniel Kapuniai. Hauʻula. Weʻd go up to a koʻa near Keāhole for ʻōpelu. At the Kapahulu-Kalākaua intersection. On the south point of ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. Kapanaiʻa was the site of a public access law-suit in which the publicʻs traditional right of access to the bay was reconfirmed in March 1982 in a settlement between Hui Māmalahoa. A large wedgetailed shearwater colony nests here from March to November. glass. but there were plenty of fish in 10 feet of water.. which is what we also used to shoot the spears. Land division. Lit. beach. Crescent calcareous sand beach between two rocky points. Kapaliokamoa. Kapalilua. we would go to Keawaiki to spear and throw net. Named for a cliff with two sides.. We used thick 24-gauge fence wire for our spears that we sharpened with a barb. is off the southeast end of the beach. The surf site is at the edge of the outermost reef. Beach. dive site. Dive site. In 1933 we cut down one of the two canoes I bought from Kaelemakule and made it into a racing canoe for the first races at Nāpōʻopoʻo. one facing the ocean and one facing north. The dive site is on a fringing reef adjacent to the island at approximately 15-25 feet. September 29. We didnʻt have any fins.. Lit. especially during the winter high surf season. Beach park. the double cliff. The surf site is off the beach on the east side of the bay. or Infinities. surf site. Weʻd leave the bags on the rocks and pick them up on the way back. Lit. and Rebel Rock. When the ocean was too rough to fish outside. a group of Kohala citizens. The dive and snorkeling sites are off the beach.. Kapalua.. Hawaiʻi Kai. We named it the Kaimalino. sparsely vegetated island in Kāneʻohe Bay that is a popular picnic. One of West Mauiʻs most popular family beaches for swimming and snorkeling. Kapapa. the bow-spear fishing. Bay. Low. flat. Lit. Sea cliff.. the flat surface or the reef. Kāneʻohe. Narrow calcareous sand beach between Pākala village and Waimea River. South Kona. surf site. formerly used as an interisland steamer landing during periods of southerly storms at Māhukona. Lit. the cliff of the chicken. and strips of tire tubes. Kaiser. Oʻahu. and now itʻs Kaiʻopuaʻs koa boat. Oʻahu. A narrow black sand beach lines the head of the bay. Lit. North Kohala. A rock formation here above the breakwater is known as the Balancing Rock. Also known as Kīpapa. 1981 Kapalawai. Kauaʻi. . It is not subject to high surf. Peleʻs Chair. camping. The famous surf site Pākala. two borders. Kapalua. the palawai seaweed or the bottom lands. Coastal area from Honokua to Manukā. just light tabbies. Three of us speared and two of us bagged. Bill Upchurch. The surf site is on the north side of the island. snorkeling site. island (14 feet high). landing. Kapanaiʻa. Site of a small breakwater built by Henry J. Maui. Makaweli. We made our goggles out of hau. surf site. Hawaiʻi. and the landowner.plantation laborers. Hawaiʻi. and fishing site. One of the most protected bays on the Kohala Coast. Fishing site. Oʻahu. once lived nearby and planted the trees in the grove. Pond. Bay. Sunset Beach. Also known as Castleʻs. Oʻahu. Kapoʻikai. Kapoli is the name of a former spring in the area. Molokaʻi. .. Rock formation with a large hole through it on the north point of Makaīwa Bay. Also known as Diamond Head Offshore Mooring... Kailua. Also known as Stone Shack. Lit.. the bosom. Fishing for ulua. A low-lying lava flat on the shore of the Kapoho Beach Lots and Vacationland contains many large interconnected tidepools that are popular swimming and snorkeling sites. Makalawena. Hawaiʻi. Waikīkī. Oʻahu. Bay and calcareous sand beach at Hāna Beach Park. Lit. Oʻahu. Rock. the best-preserved precontact sled run in Hawaiʻi. Point at the north end of Kailua Beach. the War Memorial Natatorium. the whistle. Kailua. the sea breaking. Queen Kapiʻolani. the lone owl. beach. Waikīkī. Sans Souci Beach. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Maui. Lit.7 acres). and the section of Waikīkī Beach from the Kapahulu Groin to the New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel. Many seabirds nest here. the depression or the cavity. the heavenly arch.Kāpī. Kamehameha Coconut Grove. Lit. Lānaʻi. the south section of Poʻolenalena Beach. the most famous site of which is ʻĀhole Hōlua to the south at Puʻu Hinahina Bay. Hāna. historic complex. 1. Fishing site. Fishpond. Same as Punaulua.. Rock formation. the Waikīkī Aquarium. the fish spawn or the fry. Kapuāiwa Coconut Grove. Lit. Traditional stories say that High Chief Kapuāiwa. Unimproved park on the low cliffs southwest of Māʻalaea Small Boat Harbor. Kapuaikea. Mākena. Oʻahu. Kapukaamāui. Kapua. Kapoho. Kapoho Tide Pools. Maui. Beach park. The historic complex includes the ruins of the former village of Kapuʻa. Kapuʻa. sprinkle with water [or salt]. olivine. One of the former fisheries of Waikīkī that includes the beach adjacent to the War Memorial Natatorium. Also known as Kaimana Beach. Kapiʻolani. Kawela. Kapoli. Kalamaʻula. Small rocky point at Paipu. Kapoho. mysterious taboo.. the Waikīkī Shell. Oʻahu. Maui. the hole [made] by Māui.. Waikīkī. and lava fragment beach at the head of a small inlet. Regional park (154. Lit. Lit.. Beach. or crevalle fish. Kapueokahi. Offshore mooring. the depression. coral rubble. 2. Dedicated as a public park on Kamehameha Day (June 11) in 1877 by King Kalākaua and named in honor of his wife. Lit. Maui.. Also known as ʻŌpaeʻula Pond.. Point. 1. Beach park. is common along the outer edge of the lava flat. the Kapiʻolani Park Bandstand. Māʻalaea. Lit.. surf site. Beach. The rocky center section of Pūpūkea Beach Park seaward of the Sunset Fire Station and between Sharks Cove and Three Tables. One of Honoluluʻs most heavily used urban parks that includes the Honolulu Zoo. Hawaiʻi. Honomalino. Naha. who became Kamehameha V in 1863. 2. Lit. Also known as Coconut Grove. swimming site. Small calcareous sand. Point. Mooring site off the Outrigger Canoe Club. Kapoʻo. Kapuwai. Remnants of an old wharf that was destroyed by the tsunami of April 1. with an average annual rainfall of 444 inches. 1946. One of four long. Kīlauea. Also known as Kaʻieʻie Waho. Facilities include a ramp. Oʻahu. Also known as Cooper Landing. Lit. Former interisland steamer landing at Hoʻokena Beach Park on Kauhakō Bay. Kauapea.243 feet. Kauaʻi. snorkeling site. Hoʻokena Ramp. Channel 72 miles wide between Oʻahu and Kauaʻi. Lit. Hawaiʻi. A 3.. Molokaʻi. Springs in the ocean in a small bay near the mouth of Waiheʻe Stream. Kapuni. Inlet. One of two springs that supply Pūhau. wide calcareous sand beaches with a low sea cliff in the backshore between Hale o Lono Harbor and Lāʻau Point. Lāʻau. Off the cliffs in the bay. Section of beach and channel through the reef near the sixth hole of the Waiehu Golf Course where a boulder retaining wall was built to protect the golf course from erosion. surf site. 75-foot wide calcareous sand beach fronted by a wide sandbar on the west side of Kīlauea Point. Kalaupapa. Lit. Molokaʻi. the rain pool. The snorkeling site is in the bay near the boat ramp.3 square miles) of the eight major Hawaiian Islands and with Niʻihau and its offshore islands comprises Kauaʻi County. Springs.. Landing. 1.303. Hōnaunau. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Beach. Miloliʻi. Kauaʻi is the fifth largest (552. The highest mountain on the island is Kawaikini with an elevation of 5. the wharf.. Kauale. Kauaʻi. Powerful longshore current that runs from Mākaha Point toward Kaʻena Point and beyond toward Kauaʻi. Pocket of calcareous sand at the head of a small bay. Beach. Rock island between Miloliʻi and Hoʻopuloa. Crater.Kapukahehu. Kauapo. Waiheʻe. It has a population of 58. Kupa Landing. Hoʻokena. 2. Springs here were reserved for chiefs. Kaluakoʻi. Current. the fine-meshed net.. Hawaiʻi. The pua mokihana fruit (Pelea anisata) is the emblem of the island. Spring. Bay. ramp. low shield volcano that is . Waiehu. Also known as Dixie Maru. Inlet on the shore of Hōnaunau Bay near Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historic Park off the Hōnaunau Ramp. the gathering place [of] females. and Waiʻaleʻale at 5. the spring. channel. Maui. Waikīkī. Kapukuwahine. Mākaha. Section of Waikīkī Beach fronting the Duke Kahanamoku statue and the name of one of the four kahuna who were associated with the Kapaemāhū stones near the statue. Lit. Kauhakō. Beach. Maui. Nīnole. Kauaʻi Express. Uapo is the Hawaiianization of the English word wharf. Kauakio. Beach. Island.. Also known as Secret Beach. The term express compares the speed of the current to an express train.148 feet is one of the wettest spots on earth. Beach. Kapuna. are here. Koali. mock warfare or sham battle. Lit. a pond on the shore at Nīnole. Kapukawaʻa. freshwater restriction. Maui.000-foot long. The crater that formed the broad. Lit. Molokaʻi. Kauaʻi Channel.. and Kauaʻiʻs nickname is the Garden Isle. Lit. In 1925. boarding a ship. Maui. Lit. Head is an abbreviation of headland. Same as Kaihalulu Beach or Red Sand Beach. Kaʻuiki. a former ranch foreman on Kahoʻolawe. in a house on the shore of Keauhou Bay. Kapihe took the infant.Kalaupapa Peninsula. Cinder cone. or Kahuku Point. Hāna. Beach. Maui. Halaʻula. the highest-ranking wife of King Kamehameha I.. 2. Cinder cone of the Hāna Volcanic Series on the shore of Hāna Bay. Beach. Kahoʻolawe. Lit. Hāna. wide calcareous sand beach with a moderately steep slope into the ocean just north of Kealaikahiki Point. a small island at the base of Kaʻuiki Head that is connected to shore by a natural rock bridge.. Kauikeaouli. and its blue-green pool of brackish water extends below sea level. Perhaps lit. Beach. perpetuating the site as a memorial. Lit. The name Kaukaukapapa first appeared on Harold Stearnʻs 1939 geologic map of Kahoʻolawe. Point light. According to tradition he was stillborn. Kaukalā. Keauhou. Maui.. 1. Stone. Hāna. Kaukamoku. Kahuku. Tuff cone island 22 miles southwest of Niʻihau. Established in 1897 and automated in 1951. a son. 2. Halaʻula. Kaʻula is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. beach. Head. City and County of Honolulu. Lit. Detrital sand beach that lines the shore of Kaukamoku Bay. the sun sets. but he was revived by Kapihe. High Chiefess Keopuolani. Kauikeaouli. or King Kamehameha III. which sounded like . Bay. Established in 1909 on the summit of Puʻukiʻi. Queen Liliʻuokalani and Prince Kūhiō were among the dignitaries who attended. the glimmer or twinkle. a kahuna from Kalapana who happened to be at Keauhou. one who is placed in the blue vault of heaven. 1. who was Stearnʻs guide during his 1939 trip to the island. Reef. southwest shore. The light tower was built in 1933 and stands 86 feet high. Kauhala. to open or unfold. On March 17. Maui. Kaʻula.. In 1814. the Daughters of Hawaiʻi acquired title to the small parcel of land containing the Kauikeaouli Stone. Kahoʻolawe. Reef fronting the eighth hole on the Waiehu Golf Course. Kaukaukapapa. Also known as Twin Sands Beach. It is one of only three significant calcareous sand beaches on Kahoʻolawe. Surf site. It is more than 450 feet deep. north shore. fishing site. Tropicbirds are also known as bosun birds for their shrill screams.... the redtailed tropicbird. Also known as Kaʻula Rock. Hawaiʻi. Long. Kauikeaouli revived and eventually ruled the kingdom as Kamehameha III from 1825 until his death in 1854. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Island (540 feet in high). Kauhola. Memorial for Kauikeaouli. The surf site is on the west side of Kauhola Point in Keawaʻeli Bay. the Daughters of Hawaiʻi conducted a ceremony at Keauhou to mark the hundredth anniversary of Kauikeaouliʻs birth and placed a bronze plaque on the boulder. gave birth to her third child. placed him on a nearby boulder and recited a chant for the living. Hawaiʻi. Easternmost section of Kaihalulu Beach next to Kalaeokaunaʻoa. It is likely that Stearns learned the name from Jack Aina. The other two are Hanakanaiʻa and Kanapou. Waiehu. highly esteemed. It is identical in size and design to the Nāwiliwili Light tower. Kaʻuiki Head Light. Lit. 1914. The 14-foot concrete tower was built in 1914. Molokaʻi. Kaulana. Light. Kahuku. Lānaʻi. dry the bones (bones of chiefs were dried here). Hawaiʻi. Lit. or the Menehune Breakwater. Kaʻula. Lānaʻi. Undeveloped park where Kaunakakai Wharf intersects the shore. Kaʻula Rock.35 acres. two docks. 1. Lit. 2000. Maui. at the request of the monarchy.1 million to turn it into the worldʻs largest pineapple plantation. place branching out. Facilities include twenty-nine berths/moorings. a . where with some residents they numbered 80 or more. the state took over ownership of the harbor. Fishpond.. 40 feet high). [boat] landing or resting place. soot placed [in] gardens. Molokaʻi. In an article entitled "Kahoolawe an Early Place of Banishment" in his Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1903. 2. Originally a private light established in 1924 at approximately 66 feet above sea level during the construction of Kaumalapau Harbor. weightless. Kaunakakai. Kaunakakai. It included a 400-foot concrete wharf. of Kaulana. 5. Point that houses the picnic pavilions in Leleiwi Beach Park. 1. Kaulakahi. Kaumalapau. Kaumalapau." Lit. Offshore mooring. North end of Pāokamenehune. The original name was Kaumalapaʻu. Molokaʻi. 1. reef. Originally established in 1880 by Rudolph Meyer. Seaward of Mokuola. The harbor. Molokaʻi. Light. or South Point. On July 10. Island (. He designated Kaumalapau as the site of a harbor where harvested pine would be shipped by tug and barge to the cannery in Honolulu. the iron chain. cannot accommodate deep-draft vessels. Channel between Kauaʻi and Niʻihau. editor Thomas Thrum noted that the prisoners were sent to "Kaulana. 4. a small bay. Kaumanamana. Lit. Keaukaha. a Molokaʻi businessman. Kūʻau.. Offshore mooring.. Hawaiʻi. Kaulaʻinaiwi. Kaunakakai. Point. Lit. Small boat harbor. Island. James Dole purchased most of the island of Lānaʻi for $1. Kahaluʻu. Molokaʻi. Maui. Harbor range lights. 1.. Hilo. State mooring site off the wharf. Beach. State mooring site off the harbor. From approximately 1830 to 1850 the bay was the site of a penal colony for men who were transported here from Lahaina. Point. Kaumaui. Kaumalapau. Kaumahaʻole. The only boat ramp in the district of Kaʻū is in Kaulana Bay. a 250-foot breakwater. Beach park. In 1922. Kaunakakai.. northeast shore. Hawaiʻi. 2. in Hilo Bay. so freight for the island is transshipped from Honolulu by tug and barge. or Coconut Island. however. creating the principal port on the island. and a turning basin with a depth of 30 feet. Harbor. Hawaiian Dredging completed the project in 1926. Kaumalapau. Lit.. 3. Hawaiʻi. Kahoʻolawe.bosunʻs whistles to sailors. Small bay a mile east of Ka Lae. Kaunakakai. 2. Harbor. ramp. Kaunakakai. Same as Kaʻula. Lānaʻi.. single-lane ramp on land leased from the Hawaiian Homes Commission. 3. Molokaʻi. Bay. City and County of Honolulu. Kaunakakai. or land division. The bay lies within the coastal boundaries of the ʻili. Small calcareous sand beach fronted by a rocky shelf at the west end of Kūʻau Bay. 2. The 530-foot-wide channel and the turning basin were dredged in 1934. a 20-foot-wide. single cord. Bay. Lit. Navigational light established on the summit of the island in 1932 but discontinued in 1948. Kaulahao. arches. Also known as Mauna Kea Beach. Bay.. the house reverted to the ranch and was used by shareholders as a private beach retreat until September 10. a pier. Oʻahu. Lit. Beach. Calcareous sand beach on the shore of the land division of Kaunalā. Off the prominent point between Manukā and Road to the Sea. That night Hualālai erupted and the lava flow . and temples. Kaunakakai is an abbreviation of Kaunakahakai. 1. The village was registered as a National Historic Landmark in 1963. met two girls here who were roasting breadfruit. Kaupō Landing. the roasted breadfruit. the calm. Kawaihae. reef. Kaununui. Lānaʻi. 2. Dive site. Lāʻie. Long calcareous sand beach with a shallow sandbar that fronts the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. Kaʻūpūlehu.. the rising sun. Lit. Maui.. Hawaiʻi. 1995. fishing shrines. Hawaiʻi. the first president of Molokaʻi Ranch. Lit. placed or suspended. Lit. the large altar.. beach. peninsula. Kapuʻa. Manukā. 6. tube snail mollusk or native dodder.. Oʻahu. Wide pocket beach of calcareous sand below Puʻu Kaheu. and a vessel washdown area. point. but only one shared. Kaʻūpūlehu. northwest shore. Lit. George P. Cooke. Lit. Small pocket of calcareous sand and coral rubble at the head of a small bay in the lee of Kākiʻo Point. Wharf. The ocean off the village was a favorite fishing site of King Kamehameha I. the goddess of the volcano.ramp. Kaunaʻoa. Oʻahu. Narrow park that includes the south end of Waimānalo Beach and Makai Research Pier. Bay. Beach. Narrow shelf with canyons. Calcareous sand and lava fragment beach with the Kona Village Resort on Kahuwai Bay at its north end and the Four Seasons Resort Hualālai at its south end. and several trails paved with stepping-stones converge here. Lit. Kaupoa. Kaupō. Site of a well-preserved precontact fishing village with many ruins. lava tubes. A concrete wharf replaced it in 1929.. Beach park (8. Habitation ruins are clustered around two brackishwater wells. Also known as Velzyland. Beach. Beach. When he died. It is on the seaward edge of Kaupō Peninsula. Kauna Point. The original wooden wharf across the shallow reef flats was constructed in 1898. 1. Bay.2 acres). lived at Kalaʻe but built a beach house at Kaupoa in 1933. 2. Kaunalā. beach. Also known as Temple Beach. boarding [of canoes at] night. shelters. surf site. In 1998 Molokaʻi Ranch developed a private campsite on the site of the former Kaupoa house. Beach. Waimānalo. Hawaiʻi. historic complex. campsite. and dropoffs to 100 feet. Molokaʻi. Section of Lāʻie Bay on the north side of Lāʻie Point. Kaunakakai. Kaunolū. a knoll overlooking Kaupoa Bay. Molokaʻi. At the remnants of a former interisland steamer landing. when it was destroyed by fire. historical site. Kaunala. North point of Kauwaha Beach. Someone trying to improve the freshwater well that served the village in 1895 apparently destroyed it. animal pens. Kaupoa.. Pele. beach landing. Kaupō. Kaluakoʻi. The ramp is the only public boat ramp on Molokaʻi. Hawaiʻi.. Molokaʻi. Fishing site. Lit. Kaʻūpūlehu is a contraction of Kaʻulupūlehu. Kaunalā. one of the youngest lava flows on Oʻahu. including house sites. Niʻihau. Dive site. Calcareous sand pocket beach with a mudflat from soil runoff in the backshore. coots. Small boat harbor (north). Kauaʻi. Erosion of the landfill has created several artificial beaches within the harbor that are used for various ocean recreation activities. Kawaihae. Kawaihae. Keawaʻula. The 36-foot light tower was built in 1915. Island (. 1. 5.. one of the island's two deep-draft harbors. beach. Facilities include forty moorings and a vessel wash-down area. and the foreshore is lined with beachrock and small rocky points. ʻAiea are all species of the endemic Nothocestrum. Long. 2. The backshore consists of low. surf site. wide calcareous sand beach at the head of a large bay.3 acres. 40 feet high). Lit. 4. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. the black water. shallow-water feeding areas. Perched spring on the mountainside at approximately 700 feet above sea level that was said to be one of four along this otherwise arid coast. beach. Maui. Wetlands for endangered waterbirds such as Hawaiian stilts. Hīlea Stream crosses the east end of the beach. and a pier. Hawaiʻi Kai. Bay range lights. spring. Kaʻū. the long canoe. rocky areas. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. olivine. Moʻomomi. creating a massive landfill and stockpile of spoil material. The surf site is off the beach on a shallow sandbar and is also known as Windmills. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. beach. a small tree that thrives in dry. Oʻahu. . distance or a length of time. Kāwā. Kauwaha.. Lit. Lit. vegetated dunes. Small boat harbor (south). Kawaʻaloa. a group of Kaʻū citizens. Niʻihau. and pebble beach at the head of Kāwā Bay. Lit.. Kawaihae. Kaʻena. A navigational light was established in 1869.. Kawaihae. a ramp. Wildlife sanctuary (30 acres). The fishing site is at the base of the sea cliffs below the bridge and is also known as Second Bridge. including nesting islets. and moats. Next to the last point before the east end of Keawaʻula Beach. the black canoe. The site was deliberately sandmined by the State Department of Land and Natural Resources to expose the water table and create additional waterbird habitat. At the north end of Kawaihae Harbor. Harbor. Wide bay between Kaununui and Kalanaei Points bordered by a calcareous sand beach approximately 2 miles long. Kekaha. Beach. Coral dredged from the harbor basin and entrance channel was deposited on the south side of the harbor. The Del Monte Corporation built a beach home here on a bluff above the beach for its white-collar employees. 1. A dune system parallels the beach. Lit. the water of the ʻaiea tree. Kāwā was the site of a public access lawsuit in which the publicʻs traditional right of access to the bay was reconfirmed in October 1980 in a settlement between the Sportsmanʻs Club of Kaʻū. Also known as Waiakaʻaiea. Facilities include eleven moorings. Lit. Kauwalu. On the reef between the south small boat harbor and the entrance channel. Construction of the harbor complex. 2. the wild. At the south end of Kawaihae Harbor. Bay. Molokaʻi.. 3. and the landowner. light. northwest coast. Bay. fishing site. Bay. Kawaihae. raging water (for the wind and rain that come with a fury). Hawaiʻi. Kawaiʻele. Oʻahu. Surf site. Keʻanae. extending several hundred yards inland. was completed in 1959.destroyed the entire village except for the home of the girl who shared her breadfruit. Kawaʻaʻeleʻele. Bridge on Kalanianaʻole Highway between the Lānaʻi Lookout and the Hālona Blowhole that was constructed in 1931. and gallinules. Kawaihae. Kawaiakaʻaiea.. Bridge. Point. Black sand. Kailua. Lit. Kawailoa Beach is an older name that is now divided into three sections: Laniākea. 2. Kawaihaka. Kawaikuʻi became the official name of the beach park in 1976.. A cloud carried water here in answer to the prayers of two chiefs. Beach park.. Wide calcareous sand beach at the head of Kawākiu Bay. 1. Also known as Akua House. Point. primarily on the points of the bay. the north point of Kailua Bay. Bay. The marsh drains into the ocean at the north end of Kailua Beach through Kawainui Canal. Shore of Kalāheo Gulch where a spring. Kahanaiki. Beach. Bay. Kawaihāpai. replacing the name ʻĀina Haina. Kawailoa. 1952. Kailua. Kawailoa. Beach. Formerly well known spring on the shore at the east corner of the park. the ahupuaʻa (land division) that begins on the shore at Anahulu Stream and ends at Waimea Bay. that is a section of Mokulēʻia Beach. All the races then were flat-water races. Beach. 2. The beach takes its name from Kawailoa.. the united water.. Kailua. the Hawaiian coot (ʻalae keʻokeʻo). John Lind and Vance Faucett. Once a small. Lit. A thick mat of floating vegetation covers approximately three-quarters of its acreage. Molokaʻi. Long canal in Kailua that connects Kawainui Marsh to the ocean at Kapoho Point. Kukui o Lanikaula Canoe Club of Molokaʻi won. Oʻahu. the place or time to observe secretly. it still produces freshwater seeps that are visible at low tide. A Japanese fishing shrine called Jizo was erected on the shore of the bay by residents of the former Kawaihāpai Camp. Canal. and Kapa'a Streams.1 acres). Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. beach. Hawaiʻi Kai. but I couldn't interest him or anyone else until 1952. Point. Also known as Portlock Point. Lit. deep pool. Easternmost point of Maunalua Bay. but now filled in. Kalāheo. Narrow calcareous sand beach that is a section of Māhāʻulepu Beach. crossing the finish line at the Moana Hotel after eight hours and fifty-five minutes. Bay with a calcareous sand beach. The center of the bay has suffered serious erosion and consists of seawalls protecting the homes behind them. The marsh sits in a basin that is the center of the former Koʻolau volcano caldera. the setting aside. Mokulēʻia. Oʻahu. beach. I tried to get George Cooke of Molokaʻi Ranch to sponsor it. Tuff (consolidated volcanic ash) cone 550 feet high that forms the southernmost point of the island. Kauaʻi. Also known as South Point. and the Hawaiian duck (kōloa maoli). Pāpaʻiloa. At the recommendation of an advisory group made up of area residents. Kawailoa. and that's when I got the idea for a Molokaʻi to Oʻahu canoe race. Oʻahu. 1. 1. Niʻihau. Oʻahu. Two adjacent residential lots on the point inshore of Chun's Reef. spring. Kaluakoʻi. Marsh (830 acres). moʻolelo I worked for Molokaʻi Ranch from 1934 to 1938. Kawaihoa.Kawaihaka.. Kawākiu. 2. Beach park (4. the long stream. Kawainui. were involved with Aloha Week. Māhāʻulepu. and flood basin for Maunawili. The first Molokaʻi to Oʻahu outrigger canoe race was started here on October 27. Honolulu. once flowed from the slope of the gulch into the ocean. and I wanted to race in the open ocean. Oʻahu. Kawaikuʻi. Successive races were held here until the starting venue was moved to Hale o Lono Harbor in 1963. Lit. the carried water.. That year two friends of mine. Calcareous sand beach between Pōhaku Loa Way and Puaʻena Point. Fresh and salt water unite at the spring. 3. and they got . 4. with three entries. Lit. South half of Kailua Beach Park. and Police Beaches. Important historical site. Also known as Kalāheo. the large [flow of] fresh water. wildlife refuge. Beach. the Hawaiian gallinule (ʻalaeʻula). Oʻahu. Oʻahu. It attracts migratory seabirds and is home to four species of endangered waterbirds: the Hawaiian stilt (aeʻo). Lit. Channel. the superintendent of roads on Molokaʻi. Calcareous sand beach on the shore of Kawela Bay. Surf Club had the Malia. the Malia's lashing broke three times.. and then I went out on the point. or rip current. Lit. Molokaʻi. Molokaʻi. Līpoa and other varieties of seaweed were gathered here. and they used a 30-foot canoe owned by Dad Center. Beach. the most protected bay on Oʻahu's North Shore. When the three boats were out. A..the committee [to agree] to sponsor the race if I could get three teams to enter. E. November 30. 2. They sawed it off in mid-channel. Kawela. Maui. Surf Club had also rigged a plywood keel to the bottom of the ama that they thought would help them track better in the open ocean. dive site. I got Albert Kahinu. Kawehewehe. In the channel. and the guys from Ala Moana Park were third. Kāwililīpoa. Kawela. Small pocket of calcareous sand on the east side of the Halekūlani Hotel.. and several surfing and windsurf sites are outside. Each team had a six-man crew. Easternmost of the two beaches in Hālawa Valley. then flew back to Oʻahu. The channel is also known as Gray's Channel. We all slept there that night. beach. Francis Brown had put up $500 for first place and the Aloha Week committee had put up $300 for second and $ 100 for third. The beach is also known as Gray's Beach. 1977 Kawākiuiki. 1. and I signaled with a towel between sets to get the boats in the water. Bay. Kaluakoʻi. Oʻahu.. The Maui site was named for the wiliau. The channel goes through the reef between Paradise and Number Threes surf sites. And none of the canoes had splash covers. The third team was a bunch of guys from Ala Moana Park. Kīhei. but all of their problems slowed them down. the removal. the best boat. so without the development there is no public access. In the morning we had a service. Residents of the bay were evicted in 1986 to make way for a resort that was never built. beach. gathering site. Narrow calcareous sand beach between Welakahao and Līpoa Streets.. Lit. Hālawa. Surf Club was second. Oʻahu. and they probably should have won. Maui. The surf was really big. Kāwili. Channel through the reef off the westernmost beach homes in Waiehu. Development of the resort was to include public access to the bay. Waiehu. The second team was a crew from Kukui o Lanikaula Canoe Club of Molokaʻi. They used a 30-foot canoe I had picked up at Nāpōʻopoʻo. the heat. small Kawākiu. Waikīkī Surf Club was the first to enter with their canoe the Malia. windsurf site. We set the race for October 27 and decided it would start at Kawākiu and end at the Moana Hotel. Lit. Beach. The sick were bathed here to "remove" their sickness. surf site. channel. snorkeling site. but we had to carry them the last 400 yards from the end of the road. They all finished within eighteen minutes of eaeh other. "Toots" Minneville. that runs through the channel. Bay. The dive and snorkeling sites are inside the bay. twisting [of] līpoa seaweed. so they all had to bail the whole race. I started the race. Halekūlani Channel. Waikīkī. Primarily rocky beach with small pockets of calcareous sand north of Kawākiu Bay. twist. Lit. to truck the boats to the beach at Kawākiu. Molokaʻi won in eight hours and fifty-five minutes. Beach. . Lit. Keaʻalau. Hawaiʻi. 3. Sunset Beach. K-Bay. point. Keāhole. West point of Pearl Harbor Channel. In 1965 two Rocky Point neighbors. Keāhole Cove. . Kealaikahiki Channel is the channel between Kahoʻolawe and Lānaʻi. Kāneʻohe. from the western point of Kahoolawe. Oʻahu. or south.Kawiʻu. Keaʻau. Dive site. Westernmost point on Kahoʻolawe and the western boundary of the ʻili (land division) of Kealaikahiki. 2. Keaʻau. Same as Kāneʻohe Bay. The largest land division on the island. Buoy anchored at approximately 319 fathoms. Hawaiʻi. Keāhole. Kamalō.. Kealaikahiki. lava tubes. Lit. Keanapapa Point. Lit. Same as Keāhole Cove. Oʻahu. Keāhole. Hawaiʻi. North of Keāhole Point at approximately 50 feet. Cable station. Primarily rocky shore with a calcareous sand beach at its west end. Hawaiʻi. it is said. Lānaʻi. D. Channel. Point light. A mile-wide bay with Nāpoʻopoʻo on its south end. Fish aggregating device.. Kealakekua Bay. the many roots. Dive site. 4. ʻEwa Beach. Kāneʻohe. Greens means Kevin and Dennis' spot in front of a green house. so they decided to name the site using the initials of their first names and the color of their landmark. Legendary and contemporary navigators of Hawaiian voyaging canoes have acknowledged Kealaikahiki Point as an indicator that points the way to other Polynesian islands south of Hawaiʻi. the fire. Beach. Keaʻau. Lit. Keāhole. Small pocket of detrital and calcareous sand at the head of an inlet in an otherwise rocky shore. D. Surf site." The point is also known as Lae Paki. K. Kevin Cole and Dennis Brown. Palaoa. Hawaiʻi. Fishpond. the way to foreign lands. West of Mākaha Point in the land division of Keaʻau. the entanglement.. Keāhole. Dive site. At the west end of the beach park. Fishpond. Also known as Keāhole Point. Also known as Iroquois Point. its coastline stretches from the western edge of Kamōhio Bay to the point. Landmarks: Palaoa Point Light. for which reason that cape is called to this day Ke-ala-i-kahiki (the route to Tahiti). Beach park (38 acres). 2. Oʻahu. Also known as Stars. Keaʻau. 1. 1. Also known as Shipman Beach. Oʻahu.. taking his departure. K Buoy. Hawaiʻi. or Tahiti. The 33-foot light tower was built in 1915. Lit. the rippling of the sea. In Hawaiian Antiquties. Keaʻau. David Malo writes: "When Kila was grown up he in turn sailed on an expedition to Tahiti. Established in the 1880s. Oʻahu. Greens. 1. The site includes arches.. Lit. Kealakekua. Bay. began bodysurfing and board surfing an unnamed site between Rocky Point Rights and Gas Chambers. Surf site. Oʻahu. Kahoʻolawe. it was the first navigational light on the Big Island. and overhangs. Keahi. The landmark they used to line up the takeoff spot was a green house. the āhole fish. Keāhole Point.. Oʻahu. Fiber-optic submarine cables were installed here by the University of Hawaiʻi for neutrino research off Keāhole Point. K. Molokaʻi. Lit. Bay. Point. Off the beach park on a long ledge parallel to shore at 35 to 70 feet. State underwater park. Section of Mokulēʻia Beach. Keālia was originally part of the Makee Sugar Company until 1934. Kealakīpapa is also the name of the valley between the Hawaiʻi Kai Golf Course and Makapuʻu Head. The bay is one of the most protected anchorages on the island. Named in 1963 for James Kealoha. Pali Kapu o Keoua. Keālia. Trail.700 acres). Keālia Stream crosses the south end of the beach. the shine or the brightness. including Hawaiian stilts. Lit. including Keālia and Donkey Beaches.. National wildlife refuge. beach. A small jetty at the north end of the beach marks the former interisland steamer landing. Keālia Pond. Offshore mooring. Long. including several pastures on top of the pali. Hawaiian coots. Kealakekua. wide calcareous sand beach fronted by a sandbar. Kauaʻi. Point. 2.. including the Captain Cook Monument and the ruins of Kaʻawaloa village. The trail is also known as the King's Highway. Coastal trail that went around the east end of Oʻahu prior to the construction of Kalanianaʻole Highway in the early 1930s. and black-crowned night herons. the paved trail. The ahupuaʻa of Keālia (6. Keamano. Kealoha. Oʻahu. Surf site. Heʻeia. He entered politics in 1934 and held a number of offices until 1962. Oʻahu. and Pali Kapu o Keoua. Several shorebreak surf sites are on the sandbar. Bay. Kealakekua. Hawaiʻi. Wide. Maui. The highway probably followed the trail. At the turn of the century the pond was 6-8 feet deep. Oʻahu. when it became part of Līhuʻe Plantation in a consolidation. pathway [of] the god (a contraction of Kealakeakua). A 300-acre saltwater marsh at the head of Māʻalaea Bay that was designated as a refuge in 1953. surf site. Keʻalohi. Hawaiʻi. State historical park. Off Keālia Pond at the east end of the Māʻalaea Bay.300 acres of agricultural land between Keālia and Anahola. Any of several dive sites within the bay. wide lava bench fronting the beach homes at Keālia. In 1969 the state set aside the entire bay as a marine life conservation district. 1983. Lit.5 miles long. Also known as Four Miles.. but especially in Kaʻawaloa Cove. Undeveloped state park that consists of three sections: Nāpoʻopoʻo. Kealoha was born in 1908 and graduated from Hilo High School in 1926. The marsh supports large populations of indigenous waterbirds. 4. Hawaiʻi. but it has since been filled in by soil runoff from the surrounding sugarcane fields. Off Nāpoʻopoʻo. a former Hawaiʻi County chairman and the first elected lieutenant governor of the State of Hawaiʻi. Lit. Hawaiʻi. 5. Hawaiʻi. Līhuʻe Plantation continued to grow sugar until 1990. The son of a grocer.. Hawaiian ducks. Hawaiʻi Kai. Māʻalaea. Maui. 3. The MLCD is inshore of a straight line between Kaʻawaloa Point and the north end of Nāpoʻopoʻo Beach Park. He died on August 24. Kealakekua. 4. Kealakīpapa. including Nāpoʻopoʻo Beach Park. Hoʻokena. Park. a high sea cliff approximately 1. 3. Narrow calcareous sand and coral rubble beach on a low. Many migratory shorebirds and waterfowl are also found here. Dive site. Niʻihau. landing. calcareous sand beach backed by low vegetated dunes at . north coast. was sold by Amfac Land Company in 1998 to Keālia Plantation LLC. Marine life conservation district (315 acres). Beach. Keālia. Keālia. when it terminated operations on its 3. Calcareous sand beach on a bay near the west end of Dillingham Airfield that is within the land division of Keālia. Site of Heʻeia State Park. Hawaiʻi. Bay. 2. Beach. valley. Hawaiʻi. Kealakekua. the salt bed. Hilo. 6. and Kaʻawaloa. 1. Today it is only 1-2 feet deep. Kealakekua. between them. Lit. The 315-acre marine life conservation district is also known as a state underwater park. beach.Kaʻawaloa on its north end. Māʻalaea. Keʻanae. 2. Keʻanae. One of a series of sea caves on the north side of Kalaupapa Peninsula. Small bight used as an anchorage by boaters. A large pocket of calcareous sand fronted by a low rocky shelf lies at the head of the bay. the cave of the old women. South of Polihua Beach. Lit. beach. Marked by an old water tank.. Northern-most beach on the island. Cave. Kanapou. Kahoʻolawe. Lit. Maui. One of a series of sea caves on the north side of Kalaupapa Peninsula. a Congregational church built in 1860. Kalaupapa. beach. the cave. Keanakaulehu. Anchorage. the cave [of the] noddy terns. Lit. Cave. the cave [with] entrances. Oʻahu. Keanapapa. that is used as an anchorage during kona (southerly) weather. Point. Lānaʻi. one of the most famous taro-producing areas on Maui. One of a series of sea caves on the north side of Kalaupapa Peninsula. Lit. southeast coast. in which three legends refer to the bay as Keanapou. Constructed in 1961 on the leeward side of Keʻanae. Lit. Also known as Anakaluahine. Also known as Ananoio. east shore. Cave. point. Cave. Cave. One of a series of sea caves on the north side of Kalaupapa Peninsula. Keʻanae. Park. On the rocky shore next to historic Lanakila ʻIhiʻihi o Iehowa Ona Kaua Church.. the southernmost point on the island. is said to have been the name of a royal taro patch. Molokaʻi. Keanapou. Keana. Keanaonāluahine. Facilities include a single 12-foot paved landing area.. the broken or split cave.. Keanakeiki. Niʻihau. Molokaʻi. the flat cave. Kalaupapa. Kalaupapa. Kahoʻolawe. 1. bay. the vaulted cave. Cave. the mullet. Fishpond. Kalaupapa. Keanahaki. sea arch. Fishing site. One of a series of sea caves on the north side of Kalaupapa Peninsula.. the child's cave. the present name of the bay. it is used primarily during the summer months. Lit. Bay on the windward side of Kawaihoa. Lit. Maui. . Molokaʻi. One of a series of sea caves on the north side of Kalaupapa Peninsula. Keanapou is the name given for Kanapou in Abraham Fornander's Collection of Hawaiian Antiquities and Folklore. west coast. Molokaʻi. Kalaupapa. Kāneʻohe.. Molokaʻi. Keanapuka..the head of a large bay between Kīkepa and Kamakalepo Points. Molokaʻi. Lit. Kalaupapa. Keananoio.. Keanakauwapa. Lit.. Ramp. Pāpalaua. Anchorage. Keanakuinu. Keanakoninanahu. Molokaʻi. west shore. Keʻanae. Bay. is probably a contraction of Keanapou. the transparence. This sled run was built by King Kamehameha I in honor of the birth of his son. and manauea. Hawaiʻi. people only took what they needed for their families. The campsite is inland of the beach. Sleds (papa hōlua) were 12 to 18 feet long and fitted with hardwood runners. Small. The hōlua was constructed at Keauhou. That area was the best fīshing ground and was especially good for ʻūʻū. and surfing. Hawaiʻi. who eventually became King Kamehameha III. In Keauhou Bay. they began calling it Keaulana's Beach. barren island off the Halapē campsite. Keauhou Bay. The beach consists of small pockets of black sand in several inlets on a rocky point. 5. Hawaiʻi. the new era or the new current. Oʻahu. The bay next to the point is surrounded by a reef. Hawaiʻi. Kahana. 4. Kauikeaouli (1814-1854). Also known as Front Street. beach. Keauhou. Keaoi. and it was very clean. the newly formed commission designated Keaukaha as homestead land and by 1930 more than 200 house lots had been assigned. Lit. After he and my mother. Hawaiʻi. North Kona. Dive site. and there's a little sand beach inside the reef. campsite. Small boat harbor. on the steep hill above the bay. and gathered haʻukeʻuke and ʻopihi. Keaukaha. Hawaiʻi. John Keaulana lived on the point during the 1930s and 1940s when the surf site first became popular for bodysurfing. Nānākuli. North Kona.Keaniani. Florence Kawaiahaʻo Kekai. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary.." In 1925. Light atop a 30-foot pole that was erected in 1967 on the shore of Keauhou Bay. Island. This sandy beach . Keauhou. Congress passed the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act in 1920 to provide public lands to be assigned to citizens of "not less than one-half part of the blood of the races inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands previous to 1778. Keaulana's. Hawaiʻi. Keauhou. so there was always plenty. Oʻahu. too. Lit. Beach. Hawaiʻi. Point. they moved to Nānākuli in the early 1920s and built their home on the point. Bay. As other people moved in. a pier. Keauhou. Light. and there was white crab and Kona crab. Surf site. līpeʻe. Keaulana Avenue was named for John Keaulana.. Beach park. Another one of the first families there was the Zablans. The ocean provided us with many things. and they built their home around the other side of the point near the beach park. were married. 1. We picked limu from the papa. Keauhou.. Several sites in the outer bay at approximately 30 to 80 feet. Keaukaha. one of four streets in Nānāikapono Subdivision. 2. Also known as Kona Surf. Hōlua. In those days. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. paipo board riding. On the rocky shore of Puhi Bay fronting the community of Keaukaha. wawaiʻiole. Small point in Kahana Bay north of the boat ramp. the site of Kauikeaouli's birth. Lit. Keaulana. 3. We gathered Hawaiian salt from the rocks. Facilities include twelve moorings. North and south offshore moorings. John K. and a vessel washdown area. a double-lane ramp. one of the original Hawaiian homesteaders in the subdivision and the uncle of veteran surfer Richard "Buffalo" Keaulana. Off Keaulana Avenue. and the entire course covered with pili grass to provide a slick surface on the downhill course. Keauhou. 6. moʻolelo Keaulana's was named for my father. Keaukaha is one of the oldest Hawaiian Homes Commission settlements in the state. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. second only to Kalamaʻula on Molokaʻi. the desolate one. Small pebble beach at the head of one of the most protected bays in South Kona. Depressions were filled with earth and stones. a Department of Hawaiian Home Lands subdivision developed in the early 1920s. Small bay and narrow calcareous sand beach north of the Kiʻi section of the James C. October 24. The ruins of a former fishing village are between the shelf and Na Puʻu a Pele. Kohala. Keawaʻeli. Keawaiki. The surf spot Keaulana's was in front of our house. Wide. My dad worked for the City and County road department. and the Victors. Originally. The waves were always good. Brackish-water ponds and small pockets of coral rubble and green sand line the backshore of the shelf. Bay. they stopped to pick them up and never did go in the water. Bay. My grandmother owned a home right there on the point next to Buffalo's uncle. dive site.was called Zablan Beach. beach. and we used to paipo and bodysurf. Kaʻū. My brothers got excited and before my mother could stop them. Beach. and he was well known in the community. and everyone knew him because he had just one hand. the Kamealohas. My dad's brother. the parents had to come down and throw rocks to get us out of the water. November 29. Oʻahu. the place where chiefly remains were placed. two littoral cones at the end of Road to the Sea. John Keaulana. We used to surf before school. 2000 Keʻawaʻawaloa. 1. When he died. Henry Preece. and Zablan's was known for swimming. and all the rest of us. Keaulana's is where the kids in the neighborhood learned to surf— Vernon Taylor. you would say. His family. Richard "Buffalo" Keaulana. I'll always remember the 1946 tidal wave. The dive site is a narrow underwater shelf with canyons and dropoffs to 100 feet.. but as the neighborhood grew. flat lava shelf covered with large rocks and tidal pools. He was there from the twenties and was still there in the forties. lived on the point at Keaulana's. and the first surfer I remember there was our cousin Bla Williams. lived across the street from my uncle. the Kekai's. Bay on the west side of Kauhola Point. Hawaiʻi. they grabbed their boards and ran down the road to go surfing at Keaulana's. his ashes were scattered there. The surf site in the bay is known as Kauhola. 2. fishing site. and if the surf was good. . 2000 I moved to Nānākuli in 1946 when I was twelve. my Uncle John Keaulana. so when you wanted to meet at either area. Yvette Lahaina Keaulana Jackman. He was called Uncle John. Hawaiʻi. Even Rabbit used to come down. too.. that entire area was all kiawe trees. and I lived there with my relatives. his ashes were scattered in the ocean in front of our house on the point. Lit. the Williams. When he died in the late 1950s. roads were built and one of them was named Keaulana Avenue. Kahuku. Vernon Taylor. The water came right into the house and flooded the dining room while we were eating breakfast. Some of the other families that lived there were the Lakes. October 24. and I started surfing at Keaulana's in the forties. 2000 My family moved to Nānākuli in 1939 when I was three. the dug-out harbor. "Keaulana's" or "Zablan's. Campbell National Wildlife Refuge. He lived nearby and was an excellent surfer." Keaulana's was known for surfing. But when they saw all the fish on the road. Bay. Lit. That spot was named for him. the red harbor. Small pocket of detrital sand east of Hanamanioa Light at La Pérouse Bay. Beach. He used the site. Keawaʻula. Small cove with ʻiliʻili. Keawanui. and sportsman. the longest beach on the island. where the dunes are 100 feet high. Lit. a family friend. 1. Keawaʻula Beach is the landing site for a number of fiber-optic submarine cables. Across the street from the church. Oʻahu. Mākaha. Kēʻē. Maui.000 feet at its southern end. Westernmost section of the calcareous sand beach fronting Hāʻena State Park. 1. a part-Hawaiian businessman. Lit. Brown. surf site. These include Ke Ahu o Laka." 3. the small harbor. the peaceful harbor. a comfort station with paved parking and showers accommodates beachgoers using Maluaka Beach to the east. fishpond. Beach. and Kauluapaoa Heiau. Keawakapu. varying in width from 300 feet at its northern end to over 2. An extensive dune system parallels the beach. church. Kaʻena Point State Park. The artificial reef was established in August 1962 when 150 car bodies were dumped 400 yards off Keawakapu Beach in 80 feet of water. calcareous sand beach approximately 3. Beach. Keawanaku. North Kona. which includes a fishpond and a large coconut grove.5 miles long. a platform where the hula is still performed by modern hula hālau. northwest coast. Maui. Large bay between Pali-koaʻe and Kaununui Points bordered by a wide. Also known as of Yokohama Bay. 2. Molokaʻi.. Lit.beach. Cable station. The beach is one of five calcareous sand beaches that front the Wailea resort complex. Small pocket of calcareous sand at the head of a cove formed by two points of lava. The most prominent landmark at Keawaiki is the 15-acre estate of Francis Hyde Ii Brown (1892-1976). 4. Keawaʻula. A small sand-bottomed lagoon off the beach is protected by a reef and provides one of the most popular snorkeling sites on Kauaʻi's north shore. Wide calcareous sand beach in Keawaʻula Bay. Kauaʻi. near the south end of Poʻolenalena Beach. beach. Maui. as a retreat for himself and his friends. a shrine dedicated to Laka. immortalized Brown and his home in her song "Ke Keawaiki. snorkeling site. The cove fronts Keawala'i Church. cove. In the rocky shore west of Mākua Beach.. Kamalō. The surf site is at the north end of the beach near Palikoaʻe.. From shore the schools appeared reddish brown in color. the agitated water harbor. Lit. Wide bay that is lined primarily with black sand and pebbles. Oʻahu. Small ʻiliʻili beach in a cove on the north side of Paʻiloa Bay in Waiʻānapanapa State Park. Oʻahu. Hāʻena. Turtle Beach. Bay. Small bay on the west side of Mauna Lahilahi with a wide calcareous sand beach. The bay was named for the great schools of squid that once came to this area. Mākena. Maui. acquired the property in the 1920s. a Congregational church built in 1855 from coral blocks cut from nearby reefs. Honuaʻula. Hāna. Bay. Beach. or pebbles.. Oʻahu. Cove.. and the foreshore is fronted by patch reefs and sandbars. Bay. or beach vitex. Lit. Maui. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar fronting the beach. 2. surf site. Narrow calcareous sand beach and fishpond near the Smith and Bronte Monument. The public right-of-way to the beach at its east end was donated to the County of Maui by Wailea Resorts. Beach. beach. Mākena. the goddess of the . politician. Keawaʻula. beach. Niʻihau. A small pocket of white and black sand approximately 600 feet long at the south end of the beach is partially protected by a shallow reef. Several important archaeological sites associated with the hula are on the hill above the beach. Lit. dive site. the big harbor. 5. Hawaiian composer Helen Desha Beamer. many of whom were celebrities of the day. Keawakapu. The dive and surf sites are near the reef. Hawaiʻi. 3. surf site. beach. Keawala'i. Artificial reef. Keawanui Beach is one of the sites where island residents gather Niʻihau shells.. Also known as Papaoneone. the sacred or forbidden harbor. The backshore is covered primarily by pōhinahina. the last sand beach on the Waiʻanae Coast before Kaʻena Point. Cove. Oʻahu. a hula master who is invited to access another's students. and hauled the 100pound bags to the warehouse in a pickup truck where we processed the salt for the market. and our boss. pebbles. Lagoon canoe facility competition center. Mooring site in the lagoon. and still do now. Joseph. we pumped in more ocean water until the desired salinity was reached. On the west shore of Keʻehi Lagoon. As the water level in the ponds dropped from evaporation. three of us for slave wages. Rain dilutes or completely dissolves the drying salt. and me. 5. So during our high school summers. Oʻahu. Using push "brooms" with wooden blades instead of bristles. leaves. Hawaiʻi's official ocean team sport. Coming from the shore of Keʻehi Lagoon. and a vessel washdown area. or into the corners if they were higher. The complex consisted of several large ponds and about a dozen small evaporation pans that were used for making paʻakai. There are 202 moorings in the lagoon.and briefly allowed it to drain.. 8. the four of us worked in the salt mines. and he'd have to convince us that we should be spending our mornings laboring in the hot Kalihi sun instead of riding waves at Ala Moana. The first step in the process was to pump ocean water from Keʻehi Lagoon into the large ponds that were used to increase the salinity of the natural ocean water. Salt works. such as crabs. Honolulu. Honolulu. As our good friend. Keʻehi. Salt making is a summertime project that is dependent on extended periods of dry weather and hot sun. 6. Section of Keʻehi Lagoon Park dedicated in 1991 to outrigger canoe paddling. our working conditions. Honolulu. We were classmates at Jefferson Elementary School in Waikīkī. and his position as the Chinese luna over three hapa-haole laborers. Large bay between Sand Island and the Honolulu International Airport that is popularly called a lagoon. so to minimize costs Mr. the salt contained a lot of miscellaneous items. Lagoon.hula. Small boat harbor. Facilities include 389 berths. Craig Williams. bought a Hawaiian salt operation on the shore of Keʻehi Lagoon. Stephen took a lot of good-natured teasing about our pay. 2 ramps. with a man-made calcareous sand beach fronting the canoe facility competition center. Oʻahu. Honolulu. Offshore mooring. moʻolelo Stephen Lee and I have known eaeh other since the 1950s. From the floor of the shack we shoveled it into burlap bags. The pans were made out of clay that the old-timers called poi lepo. After several days. Oʻahu. Honolulu. 7. Oʻahu. Honolulu. Evaporation pond remnants of the last commercial Hawaiian crude salt operation in Hawaiʻi that was discontinued in the 1970s. The processing consisted of spreading the salt out on long Formica tables and removing the impurities by hand. we pushed the salt into the center of the beds. 2. and Stephen hired three of his teenaged friends as laborers—Buzzy Kneubuhl. Oʻahu. Salt is a low-priced commodity with a small profit margin. Lee put Stephen in charge of the operation. Louis High School in 1960.. It was about that time that Stephen's dad. and then again as freshmen at St. the son of the owner. Lagoon park (72 acres). All of us surfed then. Then we shoveled it into wheelbarrows and dumped it on the floor of a wooden shed. 4. 3. Private marine facility that includes 160 slips and a boat repair yard. or gunnysacks. and these all had to be painstakingly removed. tread upon. Lit. 1. Marine center. or crude salt. and bird feathers. Honolulu. Then we pumped the pond water into the shallow evaporation pans where it was allowed to evaporate completely. The Lees named their business the Hawaiian Paʻakai Company and set out to make Hawaiian salt. where it was protected from the rain and allowed to dry completely. only the crystallized salt was left. Triangle. We hated the . Lit. Oʻahu. Stephen really earned his money when the surf was good. the Lees stopped making evaporated salt. we bagged it. Makapuʻu. Keiki Corner. This was the tricky part. In addition to being used as a salt for food." of Makapuʻu Beach where surf conditions are often smaller and safer for younger bodysurfers and bodyboarders—the keiki. ending the last commercial paʻakai production operation in Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. Puʻu Kekaʻa. and delivered the boxes to the markets. the rumble. and he was the one who had it. The surf site is a shorebreak on the beach. the Hawaiian word for pot-bellied. December 1. Caves and lava tubes with many large puffer fish.. Surf site. Oʻahu. Section of beach at Kaupō Beach Park that is a popular swimming site for families with young children. Beach. Beach. Oʻahu. shallow reef off the beach. surf site. Kekaʻa. point. the small one. we also made red or ʻalaea salt. place where refuse is thrown and burned. dive site. which allowed the ʻalaea powder to stick to the salt crystals. coloring it red. Keʻei. Kehena. Then the salt was sprayed with a water mist to moisten it. In addition to the white paʻakai. John Clark. Also known as Black Rock. East end. sand-bottomed pools on the otherwise rocky shore offer protected swimming sites. Lit. Cinder cone in the center of Kāʻanapali Beach that separates the two sections of the beach. Lit. Sunset Beach. Too much water would melt the salt and ruin it. Among the four of us. Maui. It took a delicate touch. ʻalaea—or ʻalae as it is commonly pronounced—is a red. Section of Sunset Beach that borders Ke Iki Road. Calcareous sand and lava fragment beach between Palemano Point and the beach homes at Keʻei. ʻalaea salt is traditionally valued as a medicine and a component of mixtures used in purification ceremonies.. the spraying and the mixing. Keʻei. Oʻahu. or children. Section of Pounders Beach. Keiki Pool. The surf site is on the wide. Lit. water-soluble.. and a reference to the "pot-bellied" puffer fish. 2000 Keʻehukuʻuna. These caches of clay are often in remote areas where they have been found by pig hunters. The dive site is at the edge of the reef. Lit. Hawaiʻi. but Stephen cracked the whip and kept us at it. Kei Kei is a phonetic spelling of kēkē. Hawaiʻi. . Calcareous sand beach on the north side of Kōloa Stream. Lāʻie.. Once the salt was cleaned. Stephen was the only one who made the ʻalaea salt. boxed the bags. In Hawaiʻi. During the 1970s. colloidal clay that is added to evaporated salt. Kehena. Ke Iki. Most of the ʻalaea in Hawaiʻi comes from certain riverbanks on Kauaʻi. the locations of which are closely guarded secrets. Dive site. Black sand beach at the base of Kehena's low sea cliffs that was created by the lava flow at the east end of the beach during the eruption of 1955. Kei Kei Caves. sea foam where nets are set. Kāʻanapali. Beach.boredom of the production line. Beach. Several shallow. surf site. Hill. Oʻahu. with some pinnacles and canyons at approximately 35 feet. Kawaihae. or "corner. In 1979 the beach dropped nearly three feet after a severe earthquake shook the Puna District. Makapuʻu. The clay was baked to remove the moisture and pulverized into a fine powder to mix with the salt. Beach. Oʻahu. the coral blocks were used for retaining walls along the waterfront. 1. Lit. Lit.. Informal community gathering site adjacent to Nāpoʻopoʻo Landing. Keōmuku. Keku.. A narrow. The dive site is off the former village. the shortened sand. Island. Kāneʻohe. Former fishing village that was briefly transformed into a plantation town in 1899 when Talula and Frederick Hayselden established the Maunalei Sugar Company at Keōmuku.. the result of soil erosion and runoff into the ocean. Lit. Beach.. or the fishing grounds. When it was dismantled in 1857. a pier was constructed at Halepalaoa. Fort on the shore of Honolulu Harbor at Pier 12 that was built in 1816 during the reign of King Kamehameha I with coral blocks quarried from the reef offshore. 6-mile-long detrital sand beach that stretches from Kahōkūnui to Halepalaoa. point. Kauaʻi. seaward Kekaha. Hawaiʻi. landing. Same as Kona Coast State Park. Kekaha Kai. Whaleboats. the thorny back (for the guns on the outer wall of the fort). Village. The plantation folded by March 1901 after the bubonic plague of 1900 dccimated its workforce and the fresh-water sources for its irrigation turned brackish. the fishing shrine. the sound of white [caps]. Nāpoʻopoʻo. Oʻahu. Lit. Off the north end of Mōkapu Peninsula near Pyramid Rock. and at the south end of the 15-mile-long calcareous sand beach that borders the Mānā Coastal Plain from Polihale to Kekaha. Kēōkea. Kekoʻa. Keōmuku. Keōmuku. and a rock grandstand for spectators to watch surfing here at Kamoa Point at the south end of Hōlualoa Bay. Niuliʻi. It measured 336 feet by 277 feet and had walls 12 feet high. North Kona. Beach park (7 acres). Lit. Turtleback Island. On the shore of Kekaha. Fishing site. Keolonāhihi is the name of the heiau that was constructed by order of Chiefess Keakealani. The contemporary name of the surf site is Lyman's. and a narrow-gauge railroad was laid out between the pier and the village. to snap at. bathing pools. Named for a Hawaiian fisherman who lived alone here during the 1920s and 1930s. or shrine. the westernmost town on Kauaʻi. Kekaha. the place.. Lit. Hawaiʻi. A few of these blocks may still be seen in a loose pile in the water fronting Pier 12. dive site.. Lānaʻi. Oneʻula. the coral. Lānaʻi. The boats mark the location of the shore in 1935. Five hundred Japanese laborers were brought in to work the cane fields.. Kekepa. 2. Hawaiʻi. Largely undeveloped coastal park north of Keāhole Airport that includes Mahaiʻula and Maniniʻōwali Beaches. Fort. Fort Street in downtown Honolulu is named after this fort. Site of a surfing heiau. . Hawaiʻi. The breakwater was built as a community service project between the residents of Niuliʻi and the Kohala Corporation shortly before sugar operations were phased out in October 1975. Keolonāhihi. North Kona.. Oʻahu. Lit. Kekuanohu. Lit. the tangled olonā plant. State park. The present shore is approximately 500 feet seaward of the boats. Honolulu. Keōmuku. Also known as Turtle Island. Beach park. State historical park (12 acres). Lānaʻi. Also known as Kepapu. On the east side of the Kalaeloa Community Development District boundary fence. Three abandoned whaleboats seaward of Ka Lanakila o Ka Malamalama Church (1903) in Keōmuku village. 3. Beach park in the east corner of a large bay that was a former boat landing site. Point.Kekaha. The predominantly rocky shore has a small sandy inlet behind a boulder breakwater. or a style of bonito fishing. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Sea-bird Sanctuary. " Keo Nakama. local resident Keo Nakama waded through the channel and swam to Oʻahu. trail. the big sand [beach]. Also known as Shipwreck Beach. ʻŌhikilolo. The belt was formed by the trade winds blowing sand inland from the beach. As a former royal canoe landing. Lit. ʻAlaeloa. or pa'alā. Maui. fishing site. Sand dunes. Kaupakalua. Molokaʻi. Molokaʻi.5 hours. 1961. Small pocket of calcareous sand on the shore of the royal residence within the park. Moʻomomi. Lit.. Ke One Neʻe o ʻAwahua. at the beach. Lit. Akule congregate here over a large pocket of sand on the bottom of the bay.. Also known as Yabui Beach. Lit. the black sand. Also known as Barking Sands. vegetated sand dunes at the west end of the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Nohili Point and one of three sites in Hawaiʻi that have been identified as acoustical sands. Keonekani. Poʻipū. Kauaʻi. beach. Fishing site for surround-netting akule. Oʻahu. the sounding sand. Also known as Barking Sands. active belt of largely unconsolidated dunes that extends from Moʻo-momi Beach almost completely across the western corner of West Molokaʻi. the flying sand. High. Punaluʻu. Sand dunes. Maui. the long sand [beach]. Sand dunes. The stepping-stone trail is part of the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail. the sounding sand of Nohili. A historic stepping-stone trail paved with smooth. Also known as Black Sand.. He landed on the beach at Hanauma Bay after 15. Keoneloa. Keonelele. Extensive. Keonekani o Nohili. Petroglyphs were carved into the soft beachrock shelves here and to the east at Māhāʻulepū.. Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park. Black Sands Beach. the sand. or big-eyed scad. Beach. Lit.The o in Keōmuku is a contraction of one. Nohili. Keoneʻele was a sacred site. Also known as the Desert Strip. Uaoa Bay.. High. Also known as ʻAwahua Beach. the shifting sands of ʻAwahua.. Some of the older dunes have lithified to form calcareous sandstone. . petroglyph site. waterworn stones. Lit. One of five beaches on the Kalaupapa Peninsula. Beach. Park regulations. discourage recreational activities. the black sand. Lit. Bay. vegetated sand dunes at the west end of ʻŌhikilolo Beach and one of three sites in Hawaiʻi that have been identified as acoustical sands. Beach. but they are exposed only during intense periods of high surf that scour the sand off the shelves. Kamākaʻipō. On September 29. Keoneʻeleʻele. Section of Kamākaʻipō Beach with a narrow channel through the rocky shelf that lines the beach. Hawaiʻi. including swimming and snorkeling. Pocket of calcareous sand fronting the Kahana Sunset condominium. Beach. or "sand.. crosses the aʻā from Kāneʻeleʻele Heiau at Punaluʻu to Keoneʻeleʻele Bay. Calcareous sand beach between Makawehi and Makahūʻena Points that is mostly fronted by a rocky shelf. Bay. Keoneʻele. Molokaʻi.. Kalaupapa. Kauaʻi. Keone. therefore. Small black sand beach at the head of the first large bay northeast of Punaluʻu. Hawaiʻi.. becoming the first swimmer to successfully make the crossing. Long. Keonenui. Lit. Lit. wide detrital sand beach at the foot of the Kalaupapa Trail on the west side of the peninsula. flat. Molokaʻi. 2. broad point between Wainiha and Hāʻena bordered by a calcareous sand beach. Site of Kewalo Basin Park on the east side of the harbor. Also known as La Pérouse Bay. Island (1. State-owned island off Moiki Point on the north side of Honomanu Bay. Kahuku. Keōpuka. Dive site. Oʻahu. Entrance channel to Kewalo Basin that is 200 feet wide. both of which opened in 1977. On the east side of Kewalo Channel at 30 to 40 feet. The o is short for one. Oʻahu. The Kewalo facility has four bottlenose dolphins in a tank on one-quarter acre of land. a harbor primarily for commercial boats. Beach. Introductory dive site with some ledges. Kaluakoʻi. 2. Maui. channel. and commercial fishing boats. 1. ʻŌʻio. one of the wives of Leleiwi. Oʻahu. Point. the reddish sand. Oʻahu. Peninsula. Small boat harbor constructed by the U. or bonefish.. Keonepūpū. open grassy field on the shore of Lehia Park. beach. Kahe. Hāʻena. Hawaiʻi. Keoneʻula. Honolulu. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Same as Kekuanohu. Mākaha. the bonefish sand. Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory. Calcareous sand beach west of Kahe Point.7 acres. charter fishing. Shore. Also known as Mākaha Point. Beach. Keonepūpū was a legendary person. Kauaʻi. Beach. Lit. 3. Oʻahu. including their sensory perceptions and language.. Long. Honolulu. Oʻahu. 1. the resounding. Kewalo Basin. The land surrounding the harbor was created by landfill projects. Maui. the sand [beach with] shells. Honuaʻula. Calcareous sand beach and sand channel fronting the Kahuku Golf Course. Basin. Long calcareous sand beach fronting the Sheraton Molokaʻi Hotel and its golf course. primarily cruise. Lit. ʻEwa Beach. Honomanu.000 feet long. Lit.. Lit.. Kewalo Reef. 1.. an organization that provides opportunities for students and researchers to work with captive dolphins. Same as Oneʻula. Kewalo. Honolulu. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. the lab is part of the Dolphin Institute. . Probably named for the blowhole at the point. Lit. Bay. Kepuhi. 120 foot high). Oʻahu. Navy in 1945 and later given to the Territory of Hawaiʻi. The 126-slip harbor is used exclusively for commercial boats. Oʻahu. Established by Louis Herman in 1975. Small pockets of calcareous sand and coral rubble on the shore of an otherwise rocky bay. 3.Keoneʻōʻio. Kewalo Basin Park. the gun wall. is a popular food fish that forages in pockets of sand and is found at all three sites. Lit. Internationally renowned laboratory for conducting dolphin and humpback whale intelligence research. and 20 feet deep. Kepapu. Also known as Kahuku Beach. Fort. Lit.S. Honolulu. Honolulu.. Also known as Tracks Beach Park. Beach. 2. Keaukaha. Channel. Off the west end of Mākaha Beach Park. the perforated sand. Research facility. Oʻahu. State park on the east side of Kewalo Basin. 2. 3.. Point. Large. the blowhole. Honolulu. 3.Kewalo's. Buoy anchored at approximately 940 fathoms. Kihaloko. Honolulu. Oʻahu. Keyhole. The surf site is a shorebreak on the beach. 2. Off the Keyhole. Kīholo. cloak. shawl. Kīhewamoku. Hākuma Point. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. 1. lofty. snorkeling site. Mālaekahana. 2. 1. Kīhei. Hanauma Bay. Kīholo Bay is also known as Turtle Bay. Fish aggregating device. Oʻahu. 1. the interisland steamers stopped calling because severe sand accretion prevented them from reaching the wharf. Same as Mai Poina ʻOe Iaʻu Beach Park. On the west side of Hanalei Pier. surf site. or "kiddies. Surf site. Beginners break surfed primarily by young children. or legendary lizard. Surf site. Chief Kiha's pond. Fishpond. Kīhei. Also known as Skulls. dive site. Wainānāliʻi Pond at the north end of the bay is a unique lagoon that is an important habitat for sea turtles. KH Buoy. Maui. Landmarks: Pohoiki Light. Kīhei Memorial Park. Maui Sugar Plantation owners and farmers selected this site for a landing in Māʻalaea Bay. Landing. About 1915. About 1890. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Cove. Surf site. One of five islets visible from Lāʻie Point that were created when the demigods Kana and Nīheu cut up the body of a moʻo. southwest coast. the largest of which is Kūakamoku. Hawaiʻi. Popular place for neighborhood children to swim. Largest sand pocket in the reef at Hanauma Bay that looks like a keyhole when viewed from the cliffs above. Lit. two docks. Black sand and pebble beaches line the shore of the bay. and a vessel washdown area. Also known as Aki's Beach. Kiʻekiʻe is also the name of the Niʻihau Ranch headquarters. Surf site. Beach. Hotels. cape. Kahuku. at the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel. Landing ruins at the north end of Mai Poina ʻOe Iʻau Beach Park. Hanalei. or swimming area.25 miles long between Paliuli and Halawela. State boat launching facility south of Kamaʻole III Beach Park. Maui. which is on a rise inland of the beach. A 200foot-long wharf was constructed and used by interisland steamers to land freight and ship produce. Island. Lit. Swimming. Keyholes. Also known as Kalokoiki. 1. A cluster of small rock islands lies off the south end of the beach. Offshore mooring. Beyond the reef outside of the Keyhole. Now only a few pilings and a rubblemound remain. Lit. On the east side of Kewalo Channel off Kewalo Basin Park. Maui." 2. Ramp. Calcareous sand beach approximately 1. Military personnel who established a camp here in World War II used dynamite to create a coral-free swimming zone. Kehena. and threw the pieces into the sea. Facilities include three ramps.. The keyhole-shaped cove used as a swimming and snorkeling site on the north side of the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel between Kalaeokaunu and Kalaeokamanu Points. 2. but smaller boats continued to use it until 1952 when Māʻalaea Small Boat Harbor was constructed. This designation for Kīholo Bay prohibits the use of gill nets to protect the . Beach. Cove with a small calcareous sand beach between ʻUpena and Moua Streets. Maui. Oʻahu. Special fisheries management area. Mākaha. 1. Also known as Bayviews. Oʻahu. Kīholo. State mooring site off the old landing. surf site. Kīhei. Molokaʻi. 2... Bay. One of the Big Island's largest bays at 2 miles in width. Kahuku. Kīhei. The surf site and primary dive site are on the reef in the center of the bay off the large coconut grove. Hawaiʻi. Kiddies. Hanauma Bay. Oʻahu. Kīhei. Niʻihau. Kiʻekiʻe. Hālawa. Oʻahu. The pond operations continued until the 1960 tidal wave. Kīholo had some big goat drives. Oʻahu. waiting for the discarded bodies. the Hawaiʻi. Niʻihau." of the James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge at Kahuku Point. and during the kiawe bean season. and the Humuʻu/a. Kiʻi Landing is an alternate site that is used when high surf precludes the use of Lehua Landing. moʻolelo In the 1890s my grandfather. passengers. Historic stepping-stone trail paved with smooth.. flat. across the aʻā on the shore of Kīholo Bay to Nāwaikulua Point. Gill nets trap and drown turtles. wooden] image. a ramp. Completed in 1959 to provide a small boat harbor for West Kauaʻi. They called it Shipping Pen Beach. Hind Jr. My grandfather built it about 1905. Hawaiʻi. The ʻ46 wave moved the houses off their foundations. Kīholo Bay. . In 1932. partially paved road was completed to Huʻehuʻe Ranch. Kīkīaola. Bay. Until 1915 or so a man named Muller had a saltpan operation near Shipping Pen Beach. Niʻihau Ranch uses the landings to haul livestock. Facilities include four moorings. dry goods. tied them to lighters. October 11. Chief Ola ordered the menehune. and we would always go after big westerly surf because it would fill the kāheka. one about 1910 that netted 10. There was also some lesser commercial activity at Kīholo. Kiʻi and Lehua are the two landings on the north end of the island. and a vessel washdown area. is one of the major habitats on the island for green sea turtles and hawksbill turtles. 1981 Kiʻi.. The rules still permit pole and throw-net fishing. Kiʻi Unit. Robert Hind. Kahuku. large fishhook or net. Lit. and everyone else around. Kīholo was the cattle shipping point for the ranch because there was no circle-island road. so the lighters could get in close. Poʻipū. We also harvested about 1.. Part of the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail. They herded the cattle makai. and they completed the project in one night. Kīkīaola is the name of an inland watercourse that is also known the Menehune Ditch.000 goats using the Boy Scouts. including Wainānāliʻi Pond. Sharks came in huge numbers and sat in the shallow water facing the beach. landing. His tomb is there. Wildlife refuge. we'd fatten about seventy-five head of cattle at Kīholo for about three months. but the ʻ60 wave wiped out everything. We raised pigs. or "units. food.turtles that feed and rest here. Kīholo. The goats were slaughtered for their skins. There are also natural kāheka [salt pans] in the rocks at Kalaemano. A 164-acre wetland that is one of two sections. Robert L. and within a few years they stopped shipping cattle and started trucking them to Kailua. and loaded them on the steamers like the Kīnaʻu. the National Guard. and the carcasses were thrown into the ocean. It has a sharp drop-off. a narrow. At home we would mix the salt with ʻalae from Kauaʻi. and Eben Lowe acquired the lease for Puʻu Waʻawaʻa Ranch. to build the watercourse.. equipment. or paʻalā. northwest shore. He used a windmill to pump salt water into the pans and took the salt to Kona to trade. Lit.000 pounds of moi and awa annually from the ponds. The landing was the black sand beach at the south end of the bay towards Luahinewai. Small boat harbor. [carved. Lit. a caved-in concrete structure. which paid for the caretaker and the maintenance of our beach house. 3. Trail. Kauaʻi. and other necessities to the island from Maka-weli Landing on Kauaʻi. The refuge attracts both native and migratory waterbirds. spouting springs of Ola. a legendary people. waterworn stones. National wildlife refuge (160 acres). Wharf. Hawaiʻi. Lāʻie. Hauʻula. Nāpoʻopoʻo. One of the five volcanoes that make up the island of Hawaiʻi. Kīloa. long ti plant or to put away objects for safekeeping. Lit. Oʻahu. Kīlauea. Lone Tree.S. The refuge includes the sea cliffs at Mōkōlea Point. purchased some beachfront property in Lāʻie Maloʻo and built a country home on it. brown boobies. Surf site. The refuge was established in 1974 when the U. In 1976 the Coast Guard deactivated the light tower and replaced it with a light atop a 14-foot pole that stands in front of the tower. Large bay east of Mōkōlea Point off Kīlauea Stream. 2. Crater Hill. Trail. Kinaʻu. Point light. red-tailed and white-tailed tropic birds. Honuaʻula.Kikila. Beach estate. a prominent resident of Honolulu. Also known as Firehouse. Established in 1913 on the northernmost point on the island. Also known as Pali Kiloiʻa. Hawaiʻi. Wailupe. Kimo's. much spreading (on Hawaiʻi. fish spotter.. The Coast Guard used the site to maintain Kīlauea Light. The remainder of the estate on the inland side of the highway is owned by his descendants and still known as Kikila... Kauaʻi. including wedge-tailed shearwaters. Fish spotters used the point to watch for schools of fish in the bay and to direct fishermen in canoes with surround nets. Oʻahu. Veteran surfer Kimo Lyman was one of the first to surf this site and still surfs here regularly. 1. a type of wave. flaw. surf site. Coastal trail that went around the east end of the island prior to the construction of .. Also known as Kaiʻae. The portion of the estate on the seaward side of Kamehameha Highway is now Lāʻie Beach Park. Point. Fish and Wildlife Service took over a 31-acre Coast Guard Reservation at Kīlauea Point. Mokulēʻia. or Cecil. Hawaiʻi Kai. Puna. Surf site. The surf site is also known as Suddenlys. Kauaʻi. The 52-foot concrete light tower is approximately 217 feet above sea level. Cape. referring to volcanic eruptions). On the north side of Hauʻula Beach park. Lit. Goofys. Kīlauea. Kīlauea Point. Maui. for him. Lit. The home was called Kikila. North Kona and South Kohala. The tower and point are part of Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge. 3. Trail. Limestone point on Lāʻie Maloʻo Bay that separates Pounders and Kokololio Beaches. 2. His family home. and the most active volcano in the state. Kaiʻae. King's Highway. Kīlauea. Channel. Lit. spewing. Lāʻie. Remnant of a coastal trail that formerly circled most of the Big Island. Oʻahu. In 1885 Cecil Brown. Named for an ʻĀina Haina surfer named Kim who was one of the first to surf here regularly in the 1970s. is on the hill inshore of the surf site. Kīlauea. Cecil (English). Kilia. Volcano. Lit. Kim's. 1. The visitor center is on the point. Oʻahu. Point that is part of the ʻĀhihi-Kīnaʻu Natural Area Reserve. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Kauaʻi. The refuge is one of the few places in the world where the public can see nesting colonies of Central Pacific seabirds. Oʻahu. and great frigate birds. red-footed boobies. Bay. Perhaps lit. and Kīlauea Point and is home to at least seven species of seabirds. Laysan albatrosses.. reef. Off Wailupe Beach Park. Lyman's. Also known as Nāpoʻopoʻo Landing or Wharf. built in 1938 and now the only house beyond Camp Erdman. Kiloiʻa.. Kalanianaʻole Highway in the early 1930s. Also known as Kealakīpapa. King's Landing. Beach, Papaʻi, Hawaiʻi. Narrow crescent of black and green sand fronting a coconut grove and the ruins of the former fishing village of Pāpaʻi. It was here in 1793 that King Kamehameha I led a small raiding party in an attack on the village. During the skirmish, a fisherman struck him over the head with a canoe paddle. This incident later resulted in the now legendary Law of the Splintered Paddle. The site was named King's Landing because Kamehameha's raiding party landed here in canoes. Also known as Pāpaʻi. King's Pillars. Historic site, Kumukahi, Hawaiʻi. Stone cairns near the Cape Kumukahi Light that were nearly overrun by the 1960 Kapoho lava flow. The reason the cairns were built here is unknown and probably not related to their English name. King's Pond. Pond, Kūkiʻo, Hawaiʻi. On the grounds of the Four Seasons Resort Hualālai. Private, manmade; 2.5 million gallon, spring-fed anchialine pond 16 feet deep, stocked with Hawaiian tropical fish and designed for snorkeling and scuba diving. Kinikini. Surf site, windsurf site, Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauaʻi. Kinikini is the section of the shore that includes the drainage canal that empties into the ocean at the south end of the runway. Also known as Airports. Lit., abundant. Kinney. Reef, Pāʻia, Maui. Off the Lime Kiln at the west end of Pāʻia Bay. Claude Kinney, a Hawaiʻi Commercial and Sugar Co. employee, lived next to the Lime Kiln. Kiowea. Park, Kalamaʻula, Molokaʻi. West of Kaunakakai and fronted by a narrow detrital sand beach. The park is the site of a famous coconut grove known as the Kapuāiwa or Kameha-meha Coconut Grove. Lit., bristle-thighed curlew (a large, brown, migratory seabird). The May 9, 1863, edition of the Hawaiian language newspaper Ka Nūpepa Kūʻokoʻa offered the following description of the kiowea, also spelled kioea: "This bird is about the size of a wild pigeon with a pointed head, a straight beak, dark feathers, and long legs. When he flies, his legs swiftly point back and whip up under his tail. He is an expert bird at fishing and his flesh is very delicious. This bird was named because of his cry, which is like calling out kioea. This is no other bird-cry like it." Kīpapa. 1. Fishpond, Kamalō, Molokaʻi. Lit., placed prone (referring to slain corpses). 2. Island, Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu. Common mispronunciation and misspelling of Kapapa, the correct name of the island. Lit., paved. 3. Fishpond, Niu, Oʻahu. Fishpond fronting Niu Valley that was filled to create Niu Peninsula. Lit., paved. Kīpū. Beach, salt gathering site, Hōnaunau, Hawaiʻi. Between Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park and Keʻei. Salt was made in the depressions of large stones on the shore. Lit., to remain, as mist or rain. Kīpū Kai. Beach, dive site, snorkeling site, surf site, Kīpū Kai, Kauaʻi. Kīpū Kai is a coastal valley in the Hāʻupu Range that lies between Māhāʻulepu and Nāwiliwili. The valley has been privately owned and operated as a cattle ranch for many years. John T. Waterhouse, the last owner of the l,096-acre ranch, died on February 20, 1984. In 1977, Waterhouse deeded the entire ranch to the state, but stipulated that the state's ownership is to take effect only upon the deaths of his four nieces and one nephew. The valley shore is approximately 2 miles long and consists of four calcareous sand beaches separated by low rocky points. The long calcareous sand beach between Kawelikoa and Mōlehu Points is Kīpū Kai Beach. It is also known as Hananena and Long Beach. The backshore is lined with vegetated dunes. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar at the south end of the beach, and the snorkeling site is off the north end of the beach at Mōlehu Point. The dive site is northeast of Kawelikoa Point. Lit., seaward Kīpū. Kite. Beach, Kahului, Maui. Section of Kanaha Beach Park that is dedicated to kite surfing, or windsurfing with a kite, a sport that was pioneered in Hawaiʻi in the late 1990s. KK Buoy. Fish aggregating device, Waimea, Kauaʻi. Buoy anchored at approximately 960 fathoms. Landmarks: Kokole Point, Waimea Channel Marker, Pūʻolo Point. Klausmeyer's. Surf site, Mākaha, Oʻahu. Off the beachfront home of David Klausmeyer. Knob Hill. Dive site, Lānaʻi. Lava ridges, arches, and small caves at 60 feet. The "knob" is a shallow rock with a hollow underside that houses many invertebrates. Koʻa Heiau Holomoana. Heiau, Māhukona, Hawaiʻi. Heiau, or shrine, dedicated to navigation on the hillside above Māhukona Harbor. Upright boulders at the site represent specific islands in the Pacific and the paths across the ocean to reach them. Contemporary voyaging canoe navigators continue to visit the site. Lit., shrine [for those who] travel the open ocean. Koaiʻe. Cove, village, Lapakahi, Hawaiʻi. A former precontact fishing village in Lapakahi State Historical Park, Koaiʻe was inhabited until the late 1800s and is now a center for lāʻau lapaʻau, the use of herbs and native medicine to heal the sick. The cove off the village is a marine life conservation district. Lit., a tree (Acacia koaia) that has a particularly pleasant fragrance. Allusion to the koaiʻe in poetry sometimes refers to love. Kohala Estates. Dive site, Kohala, Hawaiʻi. In Waiakaʻīlio Bay, which is below the Kohala Estates subdivision. Also known as Ulua Cave. Kohanaiki. Beach, Kona, Hawaiʻi. Calcareous sand and coral rubble beach at Wāwahiwaʻa Point. Also known as Pine Trees. Lit., small barreness, slightly naked, or alone. Kohelepelepe. Crater, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. In a legend of Pele, the goddess of the volcano, her sister threw her vagina to this spot where it became the crater. Also known as Koko Crater. Lit., vagina labia minor. Koholālele. Fishpond, Kualoa, Oʻahu. Also known as Mokoliʻi. Lit., breaching whale. Koʻieʻie. Fishpond, Kīhei, Maui. Ancient fishpond at Kalepolepo Beach in Kīhei. Ke Au ʻOkoʻa, a Hawaiian language newspaper, reported in December 1869 that Kamehameha I had ordered the pond rebuilt during his reign. Also known as Kalepolepo. Lit., rapid, rushing water or current. Kōkeʻe Beach Right-of-Way. Beach park (.5 acres), Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. Streets in the Koko Kai subdivision are named after places on Kauaʻi. The right-of-way, actually a minipark, is on the low sea cliffs bordering Kōkeʻe Place. Lit., to bend or to wind. Koki. Beach park, surf site, Hāna, Maui. Small calcareous sand beach on the south side of Ka Iwi o Pele, a cinder cone of the Hāna Volcanic Series. The beach park was developed during the late 1960s as a community service project by Hāna Post 3860 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and their women's auxiliary. The surf site is a shorebreak on a sandbar. Lit., successful or the epitome. Koko. Crater, head, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. Koko Crater and Koko Head are two prominent volcanic tuff cones at the east end of Maunalua Bay. Koko Crater is also known as Kohelepelepe. Lit., blood. Both the crater and the headland took their name from a former canoe landing named Koko at Portlock Beach. In one legendary account, blood washed ashore here from the victim of a shark attack. Koko Craters. Dive site, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. Popular boat dive site, with many turtles and fish at 35 to 45 feet deep and four underwater mooring buoys. Koko Head Regional Park and Nature Preserve. Park, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. A l,265-acre county park that extends from Sandy Beach to Koko Head and includes Sandy Beach Park, Hālona Blowhole, Koko Crater Botanical Garden, Koko Crater, Koko Head Shooting Complex, Hanauma Bay, Koko Head, and Koko Head District Park. Kokoiki. North Kohala, Hawaiʻi. Birthplace of Kamehameha I (1758?-1819) and one of many sites in Hawaiʻi associated with the life of the king who unified the Hawaiian islands. Lit., little blood (for the afterbirth). Koko Kai Beach Right-of-Way. Beach park (.6 acres), Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. The right-of-way, actually a minipark, is on the sea cliffs at Hanapēpē Place in the Koko Kai subdivision. It is the primary access to several surf sites, including China Walls, off the sea cliffs. Koko Kai includes the homes between Portlock Road and Kawaihoa Point. Lit., seaward Koko. Kokole. Light, Mānā, Kauaʻi. Light atop a pole approximately 58 feet above sea level on the dunes south of the Pacific Missile Range Facility. Lit., raw. Kokololio. Beach, beach park (15.5 acres), Hauʻula, Oʻahu. Calcareous sand beach on either side of Kokololio Stream. During the early 1900s two prominent island families, the Castles and the Cookes, bought adjacent lots here and built country homes on them. In 1953 the Castles sold their home to the Zion Securities Company, the business branch of the Mormon Church, who used the area as a campsite. The Cookes eventually sold their home to the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), which also used the area as a campsite. In 1988 and 1991 respectively, the City and County of Honolulu bought the two parcels of land to create Kokololio Beach Park. The beach park is on the south side of Kokololio Stream. Also known as Kākela. Lit., gusty, or rapidly flowing water. Koko Marina. Shopping center, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. Shopping center on the east side of Hawaiʻi Kai Marina. Many people incorrectly use the name of the shopping center, Koko Marina, as the name of the marina. Kōlea. Rock, Mākena, Maui. Small rock island in Mākena Bay. Lit., plover. Kōlealea. Point, reef, Mākua, Oʻahu. Near the west end of Mākua Beach. A child's ditty in which "kōlealea" is the refrain. Kolekole. Park, North Hilo, Hawaiʻi. On the ocean at the mouth of Kolekole Stream, but swimming is possible only in the stream. ʻAkaka Falls, one of the most famous waterfalls in Hawaiʻi, is situated on the stream approximately 4 miles inland of the town of Honomū. A picnic pavilion in the park is named after former County Supervisor Elias P. (Epy) Yadao. Lit., raw. Kolo. 1. Beach, Kolo, Molokaʻi. Narrow calcareous sand beach that borders Pālāʻau Road. 2. Cliffs camp, Kolo, Molokaʻi. Private campsite on the hillside above the beach that is owned and operated by Molokaʻi Ranch. 3. Wharf, Kolo, Molokaʻi. In 1923, Libby, McNeill and Libby leased some land at Maunaloa from Molokaʻi Ranch and began growing pineapples. The dirt road to Kaunakakai was in poor condition, so they dredged a channel through the reef and built a wharf below Maunaloa at Kaumanamana to service the plantation. The wharf was named Kolo for a nearby gulch because Libby felt that Kolo would be easier to pronounce than Kaumanamana. Kolo Wharf remained the major shipping point for pineapple on the island until the early 1950s when the road to Kaunakakai was improved and shipping operations were moved to Kaunakakai Wharf. Lit., to crawl. Kōloa. Beach, Punaluʻu, Hawaiʻi. Pebble or ʻiliʻili beach between Punaluʻu and Nīnole where birth pebbles are said to occur. Traditional stories say that the pebbles, or ʻiliʻili hānau, reproduce themselves and give birth to smaller pebbles. Lit., long [grass] cane, or to roar. Kōloa Landing. Dive site; snorkeling site, Poʻipū, Kauaʻi. Former interisland steamer landing established by and named for Kōloa Plantation, a former sugar plantation. The dive and snorkeling sites are in the small bay off the landing at approximately 25 feet deep. They are among the most popular dive and snorkeling sites on the island. Dive instructors bring their students here for introductory and certification dives. Kolo Rock. Fishing site, Pāhoehoe, Hawaiʻi. Small rock island about 20 feet from the base of the sea cliffs here that is accessed by a cable and a cable chair. Kolo Rock is one of the Big Island's famous ulua fishing sites. Kona Cathedrals. Dive site, Honokōhau, Hawaiʻi. Large room at 60 feet under a lava dome with natural skylights that allow light to filter through, producing a "cathedral" effect. Six divers can fit under the dome, which also harbors many varieties of fish. Also known as Kaiwi. Kona Coast. State park, Kona, Hawaiʻi. Largely undeveloped coastal park north of Keāhole Airport that includes Mahaiʻula and Maniniʻōwali Beaches, which are connected by a 4.5-mile trail on the shore. Also known as Kekaha Kai State Park. Kona District. Ancient name given to the leeward districts of five of the eight major islands: Hawaiʻi, Kauaʻi, Molokaʻi, Niʻi-hau, and Oʻahu. Only Hawaiʻi retains the name today in its North Kona and South Kona Districts. The former Kona District on Oʻahu, including the land divisions from Maunalua to Moanalua, was renamed the Honolulu District in 1859 and is now called the City of Honolulu. Lit., leeward. Kona Reef. Surf site, North Kona, Hawaiʻi. Off the Kona Reef condominium. Kona Surf. Dive site, Keauhou, Hawaiʻi. Off the Kona Surf Hotel. Also known as Keauhou Bay. Kona Village. Beach. Kaʻūpūlehu, Hawaiʻi. Calcareous sand and lava fragment beach at the head of Kahuwai Bay fronting the Kona Village Resort. The resort was built by a wealthy businessman named Johnno Jackson and completed in June 1964. Originally Jackson Village, the name was changed to the Kona Village Resort when Jackson sold his interests. Also known as Kaʻūpūlehu. Kooks. Beach, windsurf site, Kahului, Maui. Wide, calcareous sand beach north of Kanahā Beach Park. The dictionary defines kook as someone who is silly, eccentric, or crazy, but among surfers and windsurfers a kook is someone who is incompetent in the water and constantly gets in the way. Originally a surfing term coined by California surfers in the 1960s, kook was applied here in the 1970s with the introduction of windsurfing to Maui because this beach is the primary beginner's site on Maui's north shore. Also known as Alahao Airport Park. Koʻolina. Beaches, lagoons, Ko ʻOlina, Oʻahu. Koʻolina is the original spelling of Ko ʻOlina. The variant spelling Ko ʻOlina was adopted by the Ko ʻOlina Resort and Marina as its official name. Lit., delightful, lovely. Ko ʻOlina. 1. Beaches, lagoons, Ko ʻOlina, Oʻahu. Four man-made lagoons with calcareous sand beaches. Collectively they are known as the Ko ʻOlina Lagoons and individually from west to east as First, Second, Third, and Fourth Lagoons. 2. Marina, Ko ʻOlina, Oʻahu. Private marina that opened in March 2000. Facilities include 267 slips, a fuel dock, 33 trailer parking stalls, dry storage, and a public ramp. Also known as Koʻolina. Lit., delightful, lovely. Kou. Fishing site, reef, Mālaekahana, Oʻahu. Flat, nearshore reef where seaweed and fish congregated. Lit., kou tree. Kua Bay. 1. Bay, beach, Maniniʻōwali, Hawaiʻi. Kua Bay, the bay off Maniniʻōwali Beach, is often used as the name of the beach because it is easier to pronounce than Maniniʻōwali. 2. Dive site, Maniniʻōwali, Hawaiʻi. Off Pāpiha Point at the north end of Maniniʻōwali Beach at approximately 40 feet. Lit., back, or shortened form of akua [god]. Kuahonu. Beach, Kīpū Kai, Kauaʻi. Small calcareous sand beach inshore of Kuahonu Point. The Kīpū Kai ranch house is on a grassy knoll above the beach. Lit., turtle back. Kūakamoku. Island, (1.1 acres, 4 feet high), reef, Kiʻekiʻe, Niʻihau. Largest of a cluster of small rock islands on a reef off the south end of Kiʻekiʻe Beach. Kūakamoku Island is in the center of the reef and 1,500 feet offshore. Lit., resembling the island, or to rule the land. Kualakaʻi. Beach, Kalaeloa, Oʻahu. Calcareous sand beach at the east end of the Kalaeloa Community Development District. Also known as White Plains Beach. Name of a sea cucumber (Aplysia dachylomela or A. Juliana). Kualoa. 1. Artificial reef, Kualoa, Oʻahu. A mile off Kualoa Regional Park in approximately 90 feet of water. The state deposited material to establish the reef in 1972, and it now includes a barge that was sunk in 1994 and 400 concrete fish habitats that were dropped in 1999. 2. Point, Kualoa, Oʻahu. Also known as Kalaeʻōʻio Point. 3. Point range lights, Kualoa, Oʻahu. Navigational lights off Kualoa Regional Park that mark the channel into Kāneʻohe Bay. 4. Regional park (153.4 acres), Kualoa, Oʻahu. This park is listed in the National Register of Historical Places because of its traditional cultural importance. Young chiefs were brought here to be schooled in the arts of war and other political matters. Also known as ʻĀpua. 5. Surf site, windsurf site, Kualoa, Oʻahu. Off Kalaeʻōʻio Point. Also known as Gun Point, Kanenelu, Kūloa. Lit., long back or ridge. Kuamaka. Fishpond, Hāna, Maui. Privately owned pond south of Kōkī Beach Park. Lit., to have offspring. Kuapā. Fishpond, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. Huge fishpond that was converted into Hawaiʻi Kai Marina by Henry J. Kaiser in the 1950s. The original pond covered 523 acres, and its longest wall extended 5,000 feet. Lit., fishpond wall. Kūʻau. 1. Windsurf site, Kūʻau, Maui. In the center of the Kūʻau community at the public right-of-way on ʻAleiki Place. Access to the open ocean is through a narrow channel in the rocks known as Ako Channel. 2. Rock, Mōkapu, Oʻahu. At the north end of Pyramid Rock Beach. Also known as Pyramid Rock. Lit., shank of a fishhook. Kūʻau Bay. Beach, surf site, Kūʻau, Maui. Calcareous sand beach on the west side of the Kūʻau community. The beach is also known as Kaulahao, and a cove within the bay is also known as Lamalani. The surf site is adjacent to the point and is also known as Tavares Bay. Kūʻau Cove. Beach, Kūʻau, Maui. Small calcareous sand beach on the east side of the Kūʻau community fronting Mama's Fish House. Also known as Father Jules Papa, Mama's. Kuaumania. Beach, reef, Kawailoa, Oʻahu. Calcareous sand beach and the wide, shallow reef fronting it to the north of Pōhakuloa Way. Also known as Chun's Reef. Kuekaunahi. Stream, Waikīkī, Oʻahu. Small stream that paralleled Kapahulu Avenue and crossed Waikīkī Beach at the intersection of Kalākaua and Kapahulu Avenue. It was eventually enclosed in a culvert and at the shore its waters were channeled into the ocean through the Kapahulu Groin. Perhaps lit., to remove scales from fish. Kuʻemanu. Heiau, Kahaluʻu, Hawaiʻi. Ruins of a surfing heiau, or shrine, on the shore of Kahaluʻu Bay. Chiefs prayed for surf here and rinsed off after surfing in a nearby pool. A popular surf site, Kahaluʻu, is located off the heiau. Perhaps lit., to attract and net petrel birds. Dive site. At that time. Honolulu. 1941. beach. Paʻuwela. two dogs. and the federal government continued to use it as a bombing range. Kuʻia. stand entangled. he gave each of the boys the title of prince. Bay. The ruins of the ranch buildings and several corrals are inland of the beach. 1. He continued his ranching operations until the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7. In 1917. Also known as the Hawaiʻi Kai Channel. Kalākaua. Waikīkī. Oʻahu. it has two pocket beaches of detrital sand separated by a rocky bluff. Kuiaha was the site of two protest marches in November 1977 led by Leslie Kuloloio and Charles Maxwell to gain public access to the shore. goat. secured the lease. MacPhee and Baldwin gave over their lease for use of the island to the federal government for as long as necessary. or "bay. had no children of their own. Popular viewpoint with three lookouts on . The basin. Kūhiō.6 acres). Oʻahu.. Large. Also known as Coconut Grove.. Kahoʻolawe was leased a number of times to individuals who attempted to use the island as a sheep. Kuʻi. Although MacPhee's lease was good until 1953. When King Kalākaua visited the island in 1875. Beginning in 1858. Pāhoehoe. Maui. Baldwin and reintroduced cattle to the island. so when Kalākaua became king of Hawaiʻi in 1874. his home on the beach at Waikīkī. MacPhee established his ranch headquarters at Kūheia. The park was named for him in 1940. creating a serious soil erosion problem.5 miles off Kealaikahiki Point and is as little as 6 feet below the surface of the ocean. Although he was never able to completely exterminate the goats and sheep. Kuiaha. Hawaiʻi Kai. In 1922. Kapiʻolani. the island was never returned to him when the war ended in 1945. shoal. Kuilei Cliffs. and cattle ranch. Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole lived the final years of his life here at Pualeilani. he greatly reduced their numbers. the Hawaiian newspaper Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi reported that he and his entourage found two men." in the fringing reef at Waiākea that was dredged from 1925 to 1930 to form the present harbor basin. to strike. or bay. southwest shore. Beach park (10. A horseshoe-shaped bay. four houses. The bay lies within the coastal boundaries of the ʻili (land division) of Kūheia. two women. Hawaiʻi. Upon his death. two children. Kahoʻolawe. Small rock island near Pūʻoʻa Point. 2. was named for Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole. Prince Kūhiō went on to become a delegate to Congress from 1902 until his death in 1922. he and his two older brothers were adopted by his mother's sister. A narrow channel through the north side of the bay leads to the beach. Bay with a boulder beach and a small coconut grove in the backshore. deep. Puniawa. Hilo. He is best remembered for his efforts to establish the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act.4 acres).Kūheia. natural gap. Kuhulu. The newspaper also reported that the island was home to hundreds of goats and twenty thousand sheep. MacPhee established Kahoʻolawe Ranch with the financial assistance of Harry A. Angus MacPhee. Extensive shallow reef that extends approximately 1. Hawaiʻi. Pualeilani was given to the city and eventually dedicated as a public park. By 1909 the foraging of these animals had severely denuded the island of vegetation. Lit. and ten horses at Kūheia. Also known as Pedro Bay. a cowboy from Wyoming and a former manager of ʻUlupalakua Ranch on Maui. Rock. Bay. When Kūhiō's mother died shortly after his birth in 1871. Lit. Channel. Lit. Kahoʻolawe. obstructed. north shore. As the other lessees before him had done. On Diamond Head Road between the Diamond Head Lighthouse and the first home to the east at Kaʻalāwai. Beach park (3. Kapiʻolani and her husband. which resulted in certain public lands being made available to Hawaiians on five of the eight major islands.. Oʻahu. Bay. it was named the Kuilima Hotel. Waialeʻe. Shrine with three terraces on the south point of Pōkaʻī Bay. North Kona." The correct name of the point is Kalaeokaunu. they mold damp sand grains into small. . a demigod. small pool of water. but it hasn't been recorded. A fishery below the sea cliffs here was called Kuilei. A 22-foot light tower approximately 47 feet above sea level at the north end of Nāwiliwili Harbor. 1887. When the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel opened in May 1972. Kauaʻi. Lit. who could assume the form of a man or dog. Lit.Diamond Head Road. The dive site is north of Kīkaua Point at approximately 35 feet.. but Kuilima is an inland name for the plains area around the highway bridge that says "Kuilima. Diamond Head Lookouts. Kūkiʻo. the cove next to the hotel. This area includes the nearshore waters at Kūkiʻo and Kaʻūpūlehu and is managed using traditional Hawaiian fishing restrictions to provide sustainable yields of marine resources for anyone at these sites. Lit. Signs are posted on the public accesses to the beach identifying the area and the suggested bag limits for certain species. Hawaiʻi. where they dig their holes and forage for food. Calcareous sand beach between Pōhaku Loa Way and the Lauhulu Stream bridge. such as heʻe. Kūkaeʻōhiki. Lit. dive site. Lit. The point the hotel is on is called Kuilima Point now. Hawaiʻi. On occasion. Kahawaliwali. Lit.. kole. Island. Oʻahu. The smaller point on the other side of the cove is Kalaeokamanu. who was turned into stone. Kawailoa. Kuilima means "to walk hand-in-hand. pualu. I composed a song entitled "Kuilima" that mentions some of the special places in Kahuku. Oʻahu. Point." Emily Blanchard. surf site. Beach. compact balls. Ghost crabs. Establishment of the area was a joint effort between the resorts and the community. ghost crab excrement. The rock formation was a legendary woman. and the point on which the hotel is situated was named Kuilima Point. February 9. appearance of an image. These balls are what were called kūkae. manini fish school. Kūkiʻi. Waiʻanae. He was a protector of travelers. Kūʻilioloa was a kupua.. as part of their foraging. 1973 Kūʻilioloa. A sandy cove enclosed by lava at the south end of the beach has an unusual rock formation with an arch at its base. moʻolelo I was born in the Marconi area on May 10. Beach. Heiau. The surf site is off the south end of the beach. Also known as Kalaeokaunu. and my father was a former chief of the village. Several brackish-water ponds are found in the back-shore. Long calcareous sand beach fronted by a rocky shelf between Kīkaua Point and a finger of the 1801 lava flow from Hualālai. to string lei. long dog Kū. Conservation area." Kūkaʻimanini. popularly known as sand crabs. Also known as Laniākea Beach. My maiden name was Kainanui. Oʻahu... One of the few heiau remaining on the shore of Oʻahu. Lit. joining hands. Point light. Kuilima. Small vegetated rock island off Waialeʻe Beach Park. Kūkiʻo/Kaʻūpūlehu Fishery Management Area. or "excrement. All of the old-timers went there.. Also known as Diamond Head Beach Park. are common on this beach. ʻōmilu. Nāwiliwili.. A paved trail in the park from Diamond Head Road to the beach provides the primary access for surfers and windsurfers to the shore below. Oʻahu. including Kalokoiki. Kūkiʻo. Kahuku. The only good swimming area at Kahuku was Kalokoiki. Waialua. Oʻahu. Kumimi. Beach.. Maui. and a vessel washdown area. Lit. Kulapae. Established in 1883. Narrow calcareous sand beach between the park and the shallow reef flat offshore. and threw the pieces into the sea. Surf site. The surf site is off Kalaeʻōʻio Point but is commonly called Kualoa Point. During the early 1920s. Name of a type of crab. [canoe] landing plain. oven-baked candlenut. Also known as Leftovers. red light. The hole in the island was a sea cave until 1946. Keaukaha. sounding knee.2 acres).. Established in 1905. The fishing site is at the ruins of the former landing. Kukuipalaoa. and kūmū. Also known as Gun Point. Oʻahu. or a windbreak. This islet is directly off the point. Lit. Wide. Also known as Golf Links. Plateau above Honolua Bay where one of the first golf courses on Maui was built. creating the hole. Lit. Plateau. Kauaʻi. Kukuihaele Landing was one of eight interisland steamer wire landings along the Hāmākua Coast. reef. a ramp. Lit. The name refers to a small drum that was tied to the knee and played while performing the hula.mū. Kulalua. crab container. The 34-foot light tower was built in 1937. Point. when the tsunami of April 1 broke the back wall of the cave. Honolulu. Kukuihaele.. Lit. David Fleming. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Kuloa. Point. Hālawa. north shore. Beach park (3. Kukuihoʻolua. Kuliʻouʻou. whale [bone] lamp. Kawailoa. Honolua. 1. Lit. Island (3. Fishpond. Light.. Lit. Kūmakani. Calcareous sand beach and a wide. a legendary lizard. Molokaʻi. 50 feet high). plain of dust. Small boat harbor. landing. Hawaiʻi. Kulaokaʻeʻa.. a former public pavilion for the Keaukaha community. The surf site is on the reef off the breakwater. Oʻahu. which are adjacent to the light. Molokaʻi. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Sea-bird Sanctuary. Oʻahu.. traveling lights. The course fell into disuse with the outbreak of World War II. Facilities include eight moorings. Kulaʻalamihi. a small lane that parallels Kamehameha Highway on the west side of Waimea Bay. Fishing site.. surf site. . Point. flat rocky point with a cluster of large boulders on the north side of Shark's Cove. Kukuiʻula.6 acres.. but the former clubhouse still remains on the point in a stand of Norfolk pine trees. Lit. Kanenelu. Kaʻaʻawa. Island. converted the cattle pasture on the plateau into the West Maui Golf Course. long back or ridge. Night marchers were seen here. Lit. Lāʻie. stand [against the] wind. Surfers have shortened Kualoa to Kuloa. Hawaiʻi. Sunset Beach. Lit. shallow reef off No Name Lane. a rugged nine-hole course. are located. 2. fishing site.. Kukuiʻula. Kukuihaele. Also known as Maurice Point. Kukuihaele.. Eastern section of Keaukaha Beach Park where the ruins of Hale ʻĀina. One of five islets visible from Lāʻie Point that were created when the demigods Kana and Nīheu cut up the body of a moʻo. Molokaʻi. the manager of Honolua Ranch. Lit. Also known as Baby Makapuʻu. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Maui. Diamond Head. eternal source. Shore where ʻEwa Beach Park is now. or agitated [wind or storm]. Beach. Hawaiʻi. Off Camp Naue. The channel between Lehua and Niʻihau. stopping only a few feet away." The landing was immortalized in a traditional Hawaiian song called "Kupa Landing. 2. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Oʻahu. Kupa. Southernmost point on the island. school of red goatfish. Also known as Black Point. Puna. Niʻihau. Hawaiʻi. Lit." Kuʻualiʻi. Also known as Kalaeokūpaoa.. are found here. Kūpaoa. Beach.. Drainage canal at the south end of Hickam Beach Park. therefore. first beginning or origin. ʻEwa Beach.. Molokaʻi. Kunanunu.. Lit. Waimānalo. point. Cove. Reef. Kumumau. Light. Kūpopou. Hoʻokena Landing. stunted. to bend forward. Beach. Lava from the 1960 Kapoho eruption added 3 miles of new shore at Kumukahi and nearly overran the light.. Lit. Calcareous sand beach and point at Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. Mākaha. The Bay. When certain reef fish feed in shallow water. surf site. Lit. Small black sand storm beaches. Oʻahu.. Ukumehame.. Kauaʻi. their tails may stick out of the water as they "bend forward. The beach adjacent to the canal is a landing site for small. Lit. Point. This small bay was once a good spearfishing site for kumu and other reef fish. Oʻahu. Hālawa. Kūpaka.. Small reef fronting Makaʻohai to the south of Ukumehame Beach Park. Channel. One of two fishponds behind ʻAnaehoʻomalu Beach. or stone sinker of an octopus lure.Kumu. red goatfish. Narrow calcareous sand beach on the east side of Ulupaʻu Crater. Some of these are green sand beaches. Perhaps lit. Former interisland steamer landing in Hoʻokena Beach Park that was named for Henry Cooper. of the Hawaiian Islands. South section of Mākaha Beach. a famous pedestal rock. Oʻahu. Reef. 1. Oʻahu. Kūpeke. point. Cooper (English). Haleʻiwa. Lit. Kumuku.. Hickam Air Force Base. Kumukahi. Canal. Site of Pōhaku Lānaʻi. At the north end of Kaupō Beach Park. the road supervisor in South Kona from 1871 to 1880. Kauhakō Landing. Lit. rough [sea]. Hawaiʻi. . Hāʻena." Also known as Cooper Landing. to kick or thrash in anger (as a child's temper tantrum). Lit. Kupa is the Hawaiianized version of "Cooper. nonmotorized craft such as kayaks and outrigger canoes. Easternmost point of the Big Island and. Hoʻokena. Mōkapu. Fishpond. Landing. Beach. or pockets of cinder on the sea cliffs. strong fragrance. Kuwaʻaʻohe. Also known as Fort Hase Beach. Kūpikipikiʻo. or black sand mixed with olivine.. Fishpond. Same as Lae o Kuikui. Cape. Kahoʻolawe. Molokaʻi. Buoy anchored at approximately 110 fathoms.. Lahaina. LA Buoy. The shorebreak on the beach is the most popular bodysurfing and bodyboarding site in Kona.. Westernmost point on the island. northeast shore. Lit. Only a few concrete foundation blocks remain. Northernmost point on the island. or point of light. kuikui point. Kuikui is a variant of kukui. Lāʻau. Laehou.. Molokaʻi. or "ladies. Large pocket of calcareous sand between two rocky points on Aliʻi Drive. or point of light. very sacred. hālona point. Also known as White Rock. Landmarks: Lahaina Light. Dive site. Surf site. Point. Established by the monarchy in 1881 and automated in 1912. Molokaʻi. Lāʻau. Beach park." Lady Puaʻena Stone. Hawaiʻi. Point. Lady Land. casting [for fish] point. Kahoʻolawe. or point to fish with the kākā technique. Lit. 3. The 20-foot steel pole supporting the light stands approximately 132 feet above sea level. Mānele Bay Light. Southwest extremity of Molokaʻi and one of two points that define the west end of the island.. Point. Kāneʻohe. Lae Pakī. Off the 4-mile marker on Aliʻi Drive at approximately 40 feet..LL Laʻaloa Bay. Point light.. Lit. Also known as Kealaikahiki. Lit. Keōmuku. Point. Also known as Lae o Kukui. Same as Hou Point. Lit. Oʻahu. Molokini. . Wide limestone hill on the shore that is crossed by Keōmuku Road.4 acres). Kahoʻolawe. Ukumehame. Neighborhood park (1. southeast shore. Haleʻiwa. Oʻahu.. kākā point. Also known as Disappearing Sands. Fish aggregating device. Landing. Lae o Kukui. southwest shore. or peering place point. Lit. Popular longboard surf site for women. Lānaʻi. Kahoʻolawe. kukui point. Lae o Kuikui. Lit. 2. northeast shore. new point. Maui. Lae o Hālona. Point. Same as Puaʻena Stone. Lit. Former landing in a small inlet on the north side of the point that was used to service the lighthouse when it was manned. At Ukumehame Park. McGregor Point Light. Lāʻau. Lāʻau Point. wood or tree. On Wailau Point in Kāneʻohe Bay. Magic Sands. Lit. Laʻaloa Lava Tube. Laenani.. Kahoʻolawe. North Kona. White Sands.. point [where the water] splashes. Hawaiʻi. A board surf site is off the south point of the beach. southeast shore. A boom extended over the inlet to unload the lighters that came ashore from the interisland steamers. Lit. Kīholo. Rock. Lae Hī. The other is ʻĪlio Point. Hawaiʻi. Point. Lae o Kākā. Point. Maui.. 1. beautiful point [of land]. North Kona. Maui. ʻie vine leaf. Also known as Lahaina Rights. Private club. Maui. thin. Spreckelsville. Surf site. Calcareous sand beach on Lāʻie Bay." Lahaina. Facilities include ten moorings. 2. Lagoon Rights. Pali. The original stretch of road to Lahaina along these cliffs was 4 miles long and had 115 sharp curves. Lahaina cliffs.. Also known as Laniloa. Lāʻie. The vine is a symbol of royalty. Lāʻie is short for lau ʻie. The term express compares the speed of the current to an express train.. cruel sun (from the old pronunciation. the wide bay between Lāʻie and Kalanai Points. 1. Swimming site. Also known as ʻAalaloloa. Maui. Also known as Pahumoa. Undesignated moorings off the Lahaina Small Boat Harbor. Oʻahu. Mākaha. On the east side of the harbor entrance channel. Hawaiʻi. Maui. 4. Maui. Facilities include sixteen berths. a pier. Maui. Lahilahi Point. Lahaina. Also known as Lahaina Harbor. On the west side of the harbor entrance channel. Lāʻie. Kīholo. Mākaha. Landing. Long limestone point in the center of Lāʻie. On the west side of the harbor entrance channel. Lahaina Lefts. In 1917. Express. Lit. 3. Mākaha. Sea cliffs. 2. and a fuel facility. Surf site. Oʻahu. Bay. Lāʻie. Lāʻie. 1. a 39-foot concrete tower with an automatic light replaced the previous structure. Surf site. Oʻahu. Also known as Lahaina Lefts. the first lighted navigational aid in Hawaiʻi. 3. Maui. Maui. Yacht club. Powerful longshore current that runs from Mākaha Point toward Lahilahi Point. Lahaina Rights.. Lit. Oʻahu. Lahilahi. Beginners break at the north end of Kīholo Bay adjacent to Wainānāliʻi Pond. Also known as Lahaina Breakwater. the "lagoon. Same as Mauna Lahilahi. 4. Lāhainā). Oʻahu. Sea cliffs southwest of Māʻalaea Bay that were called Lahaina Pali because they are the only sea cliffs on the road to Lahaina. Point. On the east side of the harbor entrance channel off the breakwater that protects the small boat harbor.5 acres). Lahaina Pali. The present highway and the 315-foot-long tunnel were completed in July 1951. Lahaina. On the west side of Mauna Lahilahi. Established on the Lahaina waterfront in 1840. Lahaina. Maui. Lahaina. The pool is a popular swimming site for families with little children. Lahaina. Lahaina Breakwater. Lahaina. Roadstead. Small boat harbor." on the east side of Wawau Point formed by a large section of beach rock on the beach. or "lagoon. beach. 2. Remnants of the former interisland steamer landing at the north end of Lāʻie Beach Park. Maui.Lagoon. Lahaina. Lāʻie. Light. 1. Lāʻie. Beach. Oʻahu. All of the Lāʻie sites were named for a beautiful legendary princess. Lahaina. Oʻahu. Calcareous sand beach on Lāʻie Maloʻo Bay between Pali Kiloiʻa and Kōloa Stream. Pounders. who was hidden as a child in a secret chamber in a river-bank. eighty-three moorings. Beach park (4. Surf site. Surf site. Pāpalaua. The chamber was accessible .. Lit. Lit. Surf site. Lahaina Harbor. Natural pool. Oʻahu. especially for ulua. day [of] conquest. Lit. Oʻahu. Bay.370 feet. Lānaʻi's original nickname was the Pineapple Isle.out. Pond. LaMariana Sailing Club. Maui.6 square miles) of the eight major Hawaiian Islands and one of four islands in Maui County. Lalakea. second-reef break outside of White Plains Beach. Cove. Beach. The highest mountain on the island is Lānaʻi Hale with an elevation of 3. with a view of the island of Lānaʻi across the Kaiwi Channel. Keaukaha.. Landing.. brackish-water pools that are used as swimming pools in Lehia Park. Lāʻie. Kūʻau. Lit. About 1897. Lanakila. Across Kamehameha Highway from Hauʻula Beach Park. the church was dismantled and the wood was used to built another church several miles away in Haleʻaha. Surf site. Church. Section of Mākua Beach crossed by Mākua Stream. Hawaiʻi Kai. a wife of Leleiwi. royal torch. Look. Dive site. Lānaʻi Lookout. Pools. It has a population of 3. Hawaiʻi Kai. another nickname is the Secluded Isle. Private facility on the shore of Keʻehi Lagoon that includes eighty slips. On Kalanianaʻole Highway east of Hanauma Bay. Hauʻula. a new church constructed of wood was built next to the original church. Lāʻie Poīnt. Molokini. shiny. Oʻahu. Dive site. Lit. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Keaukaha.. Hawaiʻi. The springwaters are always cold. however.. Keʻehi.193. tall lama tree or torch. dry Lāʻie. Rifle Range. Lāʻieikawai. Lāʻie Maloʻo is one of three sections in Lāʻie: Lāʻie Maloʻo (dry Lāʻie). point. Cold Pond. Spring-fed inlet at the head of Puhi Bay in Keaukaha Beach Park. Also known as Kahauloa Cove. Fishing site. Mākua. 1. Lamaloa. 2. South point of Molokini island. state wayside park (1. Landing Craft. Cluster of sand-bottomed. Lamalani.. Lit. Hawaiʻi Kai.only through an underwater entrance. Coral blocks for the church walls were cut from the semicircular reef fronting the beach park. Bay fronting Lāʻie and Kokololio Beach Parks. Island. Lāʻie Maloʻo. Name of a kind of shark. Lit. Oʻahu. Wreck of a World War II Navy LCM (landing craft . Small cove in the east corner of Kūʻau Bay. The landing was on the wave-cut terrace within the crescent of the island. Lalaland. Oʻahu. Maui. ʻie vine leaf of the fresh water. Oʻahu. In the cove on the west side of the Lānaʻi Lookout. and the pua kaunaʻoa (Cuscuta sandwichiana) is the emblem of the island. Lāʻieikawai was a legendary person. giving the pond its popular name. Kalaeloa.. Small boat harbor. Hawaiʻi. Small undeveloped park established in 1990 at the seaward end of Naupaka Street on Lāʻie Point. victory. Lit. Later. Ruins of a Congregational church built on the summit of the hill in 1853.. Lit. Lalilali. The park is a popular scenic lookout for circle-island travelers and a popular fishing site. Lānaʻi.4 acres). Lāʻie. Nonsensical name for a big-wave. and Lāʻie Wai (wet Lāʻie). Lānaʻi is the sixth largest (140. West of Kepuhi Point at 20 to 70 feet. "divided island. Kuaumania is the reef and the point at Chun's Reef.. His parents were very close to Hoʻokala and his wife. Also known as Outer Mākaha. That's why it's named Mokumana. he fished with all of the old Hawaiians in the area. In November 1955. Sheriff Rose made his home there and called it Laniākea after the spring. moʻolelo My husband is pure Japanese. the seven of them discussed possible names for the new spot. and he was raised as a Hawaiian of a fishing family. Land of Oz. Laniākea. but I learned the names from my husband and the other Hawaiians here. 2. Kailua. wide sky. Surf site. Dive site. he erected a concrete monument on Alāla Point at the entrance to the subdivision. veteran surfers Pat Curren. Annie Kalolena Kaninau Hoʻokala. Mākaha. and they named it Laniākea. When he was young. Beach. Oʻahu. surfing's first movie producer. Iʻm from Makalawena on the Big Island. In the rear of the homes on Pōhaku Loa Way he found an old three-story steel-frame observation tower that had supported an antiaircraft gun during World War II. and speaks Hawaiian. straight out from the Hawaiʻi Kai Channel. Undeveloped park across Kamehameha Highway from Laniākea. Hoʻokipa. Fred Van Dyke. Laniākea is the name of the freshwater spring on the Waimea side of the next big point. Bud Browne. only pieces of the wreck remain. windsurf site. Kawailoa.mechanized) at 40 feet deep. Oʻahu. It means "stand against the wind. Ramp in Kailua Beach Park that is also known as Kailua Ramp. November 17. Also known as Kaʻōhao. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Lit. he went to court and had his name legally changed to Hoʻokala. 1. but he was raised by a Hawaiian. Frazier named and developed Lanikai in 1924. Oʻahu. Everyone agreed. Browne mentioned that a cottage near the tower he had climbed to film the surf session was called Laniākea and suggested they use the name. This site was pioneered as a commercial dive site by an Australian. accompanied them. Kawailoa." Kipa is the name of the big rock on the Waimea side of the Paty's house. Oʻahu. 1972 Lanikai. Kumakani is the next big reef. or an "Ozzie" (a variant pronunciation of Aussie). Spring. The monument was constructed to resemble a New England lighthouse. Mokumana is the first big rock down from the small islands at Waimea. Laniākea is the name of a freshwater spring on the beach at the north-east end of Pōhaku Loa Way. Oʻahu. When he got older. The waves were huge and breaking so far out that Browne started searching for an elevated vantage point for his camera. After the surf session. Beach. Section of Kawailoa Beach between the Lauhulu Stream bridge and Pōhaku Loa Way. One of five surfing and windsurf sites at Hoʻokipa Beach Park. During the 1920s a cottage built on the property above the spring was named Laniākea. Lanikai. 3." Kaʻalaea is the point in front of our home. Also known as Kūkaeʻōhiki. After Hurricanes ʻIwa (1982) and ʻIniki (1992). Lanes. and a sign with that name was placed on the side of the cottage. so they gave them their baby. George Downing. Peter Van Dyke. Lanikai. but is divided on the back. and Wally Froiseth drove up to then unnamed Laniākea. Maui. Support park (3 acres). Surf site. 4. 3. Hoʻokala. Kawailoa. Lighthouse. 2. Lanes is off the west end of the park. Boat ramp. It looks whole from the front. 1. His hanai father is the Hoʻokala mentioned in McAllister's book on Oʻahu as an authority in the Waialua District. Calcareous sand beach between Alāla and Wailea Points that is considered to be one of the best swimming beaches on Oʻahu. It's in front of the road that's off to the side of Kam Highway. but . When Charles R. Buzzy Trent. where it remained for many years. Lanikai. Located on the western edge of the ʻEwa Plain. A navigational buoy marking the rock is known as Pālama Buoy. Lapakahi.. North Kohala. Lit. Lit. Laniloa. They finally found shelter from the severe trade winds in a bay protected by a wide lava flow and anchored for the night. state historical park (262 acres). she named it Lanikūhonua. 4. 2. navigational or otherwise. After Captain James Cook's third expedition returned to England. Kalāheo.. Bay. where the heavens meet the earth. Long. Rock formation in the middle of the bay that rises . On May 29. Beach. however. Oʻahu. The anchorage became known as La Pērouse Bay. Honuaʻula. small ridge. windsurf site. Lāʻie. single ridge. Lanikai. The dive site is at the pinnacle. Lānaʻi. Lanipūʻao. Dive site. The following day Captain La Pērouse and a landing party went ashore. Comte de La Pérouse. Oʻahu.has never housed a light. Two small coral rubble beaches are in Koaiʻe Cove at the foot of the village. The historical park focuses on Koaiʻe. Oasis Reef. Laniloa is the long limestone point that is also known as Lāʻie Point. In 1939 she built a weekend retreat on an 11-acre beach-front parcel that was part of her father's estate. Oʻahu. In 1979 the state created the Lapakahi Marine Life Conservation District to protect the marine life and geological features in the cove.. Lanikai was intended to mean "heavenly sea. Lanikūhonua. Also known as Kalanipūʻao Rock. Lanikai Reef.. Maui. including the location of the Hawaiian Islands. Campbell died in 1971. Maui.. news of his discoveries. Kauaʻi. Honuaʻula. sea heaven. a fishing village that was inhabited until the late 1800s and is now a center for lapa ʻau. Lapaiki. Lit. In Hawaiian. France mounted its own expedition.. Hawaiʻi. wide reef off Lanikai Beach. the first non-Hawaiians to set foot on Maui. Narrow calcareous sand beach that is a section of Shipwreck Beach. La Pērouse Bay. Alice Kamokila Campbell was one of four daughters of wealthy landowner James Campbell. rock. Lapaiki. tall majesty. At the east end of Lanikai Reef. but Lanikūhonua is still owned by Campbell Estate and used as a spiritual retreat for Oʻahu's hula hālau. Lit. spread throughout Europe. and the windsurf site is outside the bay. the qualifier normally follows the noun. Beach. Oʻahu. under the command of Captain Jean François de Galaup. Estate. La Boussole and LʻAstrolabe. La Pérouse. Lapakahi is a large ahupuaʻa (land division) that measures approximately a mile along the ocean and extends 4 miles inland. the use of herbs and native medicine to heal the sick. ʻEwa. Maui. Lit. In August 1785. so "heavenly sea" should have been kailani. consisting of two ships. surf site. the surf site is off the south end of the bay. Reef. the expedition reached Hawaiian waters and found themselves looking for an anchorage along the south shore of Haleakalā. Lone pinnacle surrounded by sand that rises from 35 feet to approximately 5 feet below the surface of the ocean. point. womb sky. Dive site. Marine life conservation district (146 acres)." which it would have if the word order was in English. Lit. The dive site is in the bay. 1786. Laniloa Beach is the calcareous sand beach between the point and Lāʻie Beach Park. La Pērouse Pinnacle. Dive site. Also known as Keoneʻōʻio. Surf site. large leaf food bundle. Lit. Laupāhoehoe. Dive site. Also known as Sugar Mills. moʻolelo I arrived in Laupāhoehoe in the last week of August 1945 from Cincinnati. Point light. or "break. The monument is a memorial to the students of Laupāhoehoe School who were killed in the tsunami of April 1. Oʻahu. I was one of six new teachers who were assembled in Hilo and then caravanned off to their respective school assignments. Last surf site. Cove with a small calcareous sand beach between ʻUpena and Moua Streets. Also known as Aki's. and Helen Kingseed—in one of the teachersʻ cottages. David Larsen (1886-1944). Ohio. Maui.from 60 feet to 10 feet below the surface. Beach. I came over on the Matsonia shortly after VJ Day and it was carrying many of the local Japanese who had been held in the internment camps in California. Laupāhoehoe is a rocky peninsula with a boat ramp on its eastern side. Laukīnui. Kauaʻi. Surf site. Maui. Hawaiʻi. North Hilo. Surf site. Off Launiupoko State Wayside Park. Lit.. Laupāhoehoe. Launiupoko Park. State wayside park. Island. 2. Larsen's. Launiupoko. Lit. Beach. Mākaha. Ramp. We figured if the Hawaiians werenʻt running from it. A breakwater light was established in 1989 on the eastern side of the point to mark the boat ramp and the huge concrete tetrahedrons that protect it. Last sand beach heading south past Olokele Mill before Salt Pond Beach Park. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronted by a long. executive who had a beach home here for many years. Lit. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Pearl Harbor. short coconut leaf. 1. Beach. 1946. 1946.. A boulder seawall at the park forms a large wading pool for children. large ti leaf. Named for L. Mr. Kualoa. Launiupoko. a highly prized edible seaweed. there was no danger. which were at the end of the point. Established in 1890 at the seaward end of the peninsula." on the reef heading south before Kāneʻohe Bay. and I taught arts and crafts in the morning and PE for girls in the afternoon. Launiupoko. canoe paddle blade. Laulauwaʻa. Hanapēpē.. Kauaʻi. Last Sands. surf site. . Oʻahu. The light is on a 20-foot pole that was erected in 1975 approximately 39 feet above sea level. Uninhabited island in West Loch. Oʻahu. surf site. Dorothy Drake. Waiʻanae. Mākaha. Monument. smooth lava flat/tip.. Laupāhoehoe. I lived with three other teachers—Fay Johnson. Last Break. Kaʻakaʻaniu Reef is one of the island's famous gathering sites for limu kohu. Oʻahu. On April 1.. Also known as Kaʻakaʻaniu. Also known as Monkey Island. The surf site is off the park. Kaʻakaʻaniu. The surf site is off the ramp. 3. At the eastern edge of Laupāhoehoe Point Park above the ramp. Brewer and Co. Lit. Hawaiʻi. one of the Hawaiians who lived nearby knocked on our cottage door and told us to come see the tidal wave. The surf site is off the beach. Akiona. Laulaunui. The park is on the shore of the land division of Launiupoko. Calcareous sand beach at Mauna Lahilahi Beach Park. a Kīlauea Plantation manager and later C. wide shallow reef called Kaʻakaʻaniu. It did. 1946. The next wave kept building and building and building. flat reef. Laupāhoehoe Point. Lit. They managed to launch the boat and made their way out. Lāwai. using the roof like a raft. snorkeling site. Fay and I figured we'd better get off and run. I felt like every bone in my body was broken. Lit. We tried to hold Helen. The children were dropped off early because most of their parents were plantation workers. All of this took hours and it got late. I could see cars starting to line the cliffs. where the plantation carpenters had to rebuild the stern so it could hold the only motor they had found. The surf site is off the north end of the peninsula. I couldn't. I was floating past the lighthouse. June 27. Laupapa. Reef on the north side of Kalaupapa Wharf that was leaf-shaped prior to the construction of the wharf. North Hilo. Lāwai is the name of a small coastal valley to the west of the . Lit. Punaluʻu. We had barely taken a few steps when the next wave struck. or juvenile fish. a powerful tsunami struck the peninsula and overran the school grounds. Long. Vegetated peninsula at the base of the sea cliffs north of Waimanu Valley. I kept changing rafts in all the wreckage. flat reef shelf on the west side of Punaluʻu Beach Park where many ʻōhua. When I surfaced again. The water receded swiftly. broad. Molokaʻi. the plantation doctor at Laupāhoehoe Hospital. By then water was already covering the cottage. but one was finally located in Kamuela—a pond boat. the entire line of cliffs was edged with families waiting to see who had been rescued. But the waves got progressively bigger and started to recede farther out. flat reef [where] ʻōhua [are found]. where on the morning of April 1. Marsue McShane. Kohala. and then I was slammed into the ocean bottom.1980 Laupāhoehoe Nui. We stood there wishing a bigger wave would come. Fay disappeared and I took a deep breath. I was rescued before dark. and we said. As the current pulled me towards Kohala. Beach. broad. surf site. big smooth lava flat/ tip. Laupapaʻōhua. and climbed up to the cone. Hawaiʻi. I put on blue jeans. Hawaiʻi. It was hauled to Laupāhoehoe. We ran into the cottage and met Dorothy and Helen at the back door. I grabbed a piece of wreckage and hung on. As we returned. congregate. Fay and I managed to grab on. I managed to surface and breathe again. Peninsula. but the school kids were already arriving. Reef. Kalaupapa. I could only see the top of it. lost her grip. "That's it?" and started to walk back.. fighting to get in.The first wave was very low and mild. The roof collapsed. all of us trying to escape. but Libert Fernandez. One of the major setbacks to the rescue operation was that all of the boats had been destroyed. The roof caught on the rocks of the outer point and hung up. and a bandana and then went out on the porch with Fay. Kauai. saddle shoes. Park. Reef. and Dorothy who had grabbed a corner of the roof. Poʻipū. The fourth wave or so washed the naupaka off the point. and I tried to swim. so we continued back to the cottage to change. and the kids rushed to pick them up.. but couldnʻt. Park that is the site of the former Laupāhoehoe School. a blouse.. The next wave washed fish into the schoolyard. insisted on going out because from the cliffs they could see people floating. and we watched the principal's car tossed end over end like a feather. killing thirty-two students and faculty. Hawaiʻi. L Buoy. Oʻahu. Oʻahu.. Also known as Diamond Head. Ledges. especially for ono. Surf site. Kauaʻi. Dive site. Beach. I can't remember who came up with the names. but we jointly agreed on them that day. Secret's is mainly the right break. Kawailoa. Kaloko. This profile was compared in legend by the goddess Hiʻiaka to the brow of the ʻahi. This name came in the early 1970s as a bunch of us were sitting around between surf sessions. surf site. 1. Ledge that closely follows the 40-fathom (240-foot) contour line between Kahuku and Kaʻena Points. moʻolelo When we were surfing outside the park in the 1960s and 70s. Kauaʻi. 2. Fishing boats troll the Ledge. Honolulu.3 acres). and this name has stuck.beach between Kalāheo and Kōloa. but commercial snorkeling and dive operators have applied the name to this beach. Small hill on the shore approximately 2 miles from Kawaihoa. ʻĀina Haina. Beach park (1. Mark Magelssen. Lāwai Kai is the portion of the valley on the ocean and the site of the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden. Lit. or Diamond Head. Lead City. for the reef ledge in front of the spot. Oʻahu. Lāwai Kai. 3. Also known as Allertons. February 14. it is Secret's Left. Lēʻahi. Leftovers. North of Polihale. southwest coast. Oʻahu." or North Shore. Surf site. formed by the trade winds when it erupted approximately one hundred thousand years ago. Lit. Niʻihau. Longhouse. In the 1960s. and a nearly unknown name of the left is Spoon Meat. resembles the forehead and dorsal fin of an ʻahi (yellowfin tuna) when viewed from the east. on Oʻahu. Hill. the south point of the island. Lāwai Kai. A calcareous sand beach fronted by a sandbar borders Lāwai Kai. spooning out soft coconut meat and watching an exceptionally good left reel off out at Secret's. seaward Lāwai. Also known as Beach House. Lāwai is a valley between Kalāheo and Kōloa. Off Wāwahiwaʻa Point. fronting Halemanu River at approximately 15 feet.. The ocean bottom at the site is littered with lead from ulua fishermen onshore who cast into this site. surfers going to the "country. Hawaiʻi. forehead [of the] ʻahi fish. Named in the early 1970s by surfers from ʻĀina Haina for the vertical reef ledge that causes waves to break here. Honolulu. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sand-bar. 1999 Left Lefts. especially from offshore in the Kaiwi Channel. Dive site. Oʻahu. Lanikai. Surf site. Oʻahu. Last surf site at the east or left end of Lanikai Reef. from . Small community park at the base of Diamond Head that is between two beachfront homes and bordered by a seawall. North Shore. Fishing site. The waves here are primarily ridden to the left. who would go there when Secret's was too crowded. but if you go left. Polihale. A small pocket of calcareous sand adjoins the west end of the park. so the reduplication of "left" in Left Lefts is a humorous way of reinforcing the primary direction that the wave is surfed and its location at the left end of the reef. the spot called Signs was also called Steve's after Steve Sullam. That was the same day we named Ledges. Also known as Ono Ledge. Crater. The 760-foot high crest of the crater's west rim. that is said to resemble Lēʻahi. Off Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church. Ledge. and University of Hawaiʻi. Niʻihau. 2. Niʻihau. Lehua.. Lehoʻula Beach was named for this gift. Off Queen's Beach. Niʻihau Ranch uses the landings to haul livestock. and the north side is a large. the god of Hawaiian fishermen. D. lehua flower. Surf site... Lit. Surfers ride primarily to their left on the west edge of Wailupe Channel. Left Point. sister of Pele. the goddess of the volcano. Point. Wailupe. Lehua. a place where souls of the dead left the earth. Leleiwi. crescent-shaped bay. Lit. 1. Lelekawa.. bone altar (poetically. The name is also a play on words because Leftovers is a left—a wave that surfers ride to their left. Also known as Puʻu Maile. Large tuff (cemented volcanic ash. Small pocket beach of calcareous sand on the north side of Ka Iwi o Pele. Molokaʻi. Surfers ride primarily to their left on the north side of Kaunakakai Wharf. Lit. a lehoʻula.. Lit. Keaukaha. passengers. an outdoor recreation and interpretive center that was developed cooperatively by the county. and its owners have elected not to have any navigational lights on the island. Large limestone rock near Kaʻena Point that was said to be a leinaakaʻuhane. Niʻihau. and coves fronted by small rock islets. a symbol of disaster or anger). Lefts. made his home in Hāna. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Niʻihau is a privately owned island. 1. and other necessities to the island from Makaweli Landing on Kauaʻi. ʻAiʻai.'s and Alan Davis. basalt. Park. red cowrie. Lit. dry goods. Surf site. Kaʻakuʻu. was replaced in 1989 by a light atop a 10-foot fiberglass pole. Pāʻia. Lehia. a cinder cone of the Hāna Volcanic Series. The original light. Also known as White Rock. Hawaiʻi Kai. left a lehua flower on the island. 2. inlets. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Lehua. The south side of the island is steep sea cliffs. The name suggests a graveyard. Beach park. Two sites on the west side of Kalama Stream are named Left Point and Right Point. Also known as Kūmakani. [sport of] jumping from a high place into . consisting of low lava sea cliffs. usually checked out the surf sites starting with Haleʻiwa and then worked their way north past Laniākea and Chun's Reef. The shore is rocky. Hāna. to travel throughout the islands and teach the people the ceremonies and techniques of fishing. Rocky shore consisting of ponds. Kūʻula gifted him with a red cowrie shell. Hilo. Landing. Lehoʻula. 3. Rock light."town. skilled. The park is the site of Richardson Ocean Center. so Lehua Rock Light establishes the locations of Lehua and Niʻihau. Two sections of the park are known as Keonepūpū and Lāʻieikawai. food. Kaunakakai. Left Point is also known as A. Leinaakaʻuhane. or the scaffold on which bodies of human sacrifices (the bones) were left exposed. Coastal park at Leleiwi Point at the east end of Kalanianaʻole Avenue. Kūʻula. At 704 feet above sea level." or Honolulu. He asked his son. equipment. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Also known as Lunch Breaks. and limestone) island approximately three-quarters of a mile off the north end of Niʻihau. Lehua and Kiʻi are the two landings on the north end of Niʻihau.. Kaʻena. Island (291 acres. state. When ʻAiʻai was ready to leave Hāna. Surf site. Maui. Maui. Leftovers was considered to be a "leftover" or second -choice site at the end of the line of the more famous and often more crowded sites before Waimea Bay. it is among the highest lighted navigational aids in the world. Beach. Lit. Hiʻiaka. Lehua Landing is named for its proximity to Lehua Island. On the north side of Pāʻia Bay. Hawaiʻi. leaping place of the soul. completed in 1931. 710 feet high). the water. island. Kīnaʻu. Liliʻuokalani Gardens. Keaweʻula.. Maui. Point. south coast. The Yedo-type gardens were designed by landscape architect Kinsaku Nakane of Kyoto University in Japan and are reportedly the largest of their kind outside Japan. At the time of Liliʻuokalani's birth. the Likelike sank in 1897 and was rediscovered by scuba divers in 1976. Lime Kiln. Princess Likelike was married to Archibald Cleghorn. An abbreviated form of Kahoʻolaweliʻiliʻi. small. Hawaiʻi. 2. the removal of impurities. wreck. and pier. Site of limu make. she was named for Princess Miriam Likelike Cleghorn (1851-1887). Maui. Section of Oneʻula Beach fronting the Kālia Lions Clubs International . Lenalena. Beach. Surf site. ʻEwa Beach. Molokaʻi.. 1. Lepeamoa Rock. On the shore of Waiākea Peninsula and named after Queen Liliʻuokalani (1838-1917). Hawaiʻi. smarting of the high-born one. south coast. The lime powder produced from beach sand was bagged and sent to the sugar mills. who was her sponsor and a passenger on the maiden voyage to Honolulu. Kīhei. Lit. fishing site. Northwest of Kaunolū. Kalaupapa. Limu Make o Hāna. Perhaps a misspelling of ʻIliʻiliholo. Lighthouse. Beach. Offshore mooring. Dive site. yellow. Pier.. or Palythoa toxica. the seaweed is commonly identified as being from Hāna. Oʻahu. Molokaʻi. Kahoʻolawe. a San Francisco shipbuilder. her foster mother's aunt.. Kīpahulu. cock's comb. The lime kiln inland of the beach was a Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company facility that was constructed in the 1920s. Kāneʻohe. Surf site. Lānaʻi. Oʻahu. where it was used in processing sugarcane. An interisland steamer bound for Māhukona with a hold full of coal for the Kohala Sugar Company Railway. Hawaiʻi. a toxic seaweed. the lime was added to the juice to prevent deterioration and to aid in clarification. Honokua. Dive site. Off the McGregor Point Light. A 1. South of the Honokua lava flow. Maui..4-acre state-owned parcel on Lilipuna Road that includes a guardhouse. deadly seaweed of Hāna. Lit. Lit. The rock has an elevation of 95 feet and is the crescent-shaped remnant of a former crater. After the cane was crushed. Also known as McGregor Point. Dive site. Although the point is at Mūʻolea in Kīpahulu. These facilities support the shuttle boat service to and from Coconut Island. Maui. Liʻilioholo. Māʻalaea. Beach. the name of the beach at Kamaʻole II Beach Park. Lions. Pāʻia. the last queen of the Hawaiian monarchy. A 592-ton wooden steamer built in 1877 by Dickie Brothers. Lilipuna. Likelike. Four coves of calcareous sand in the low sea cliffs below the Lāʻau Point Light. Oʻahu. 3. State mooring site. 4. Hilo. was suffering from eye pain. Landing. parking lot. Lit. Section of calcareous sand beach at the west end of Pāʻia Bay. Dive site. Lit. Diamond Head. and they were the parents of Princess Kaʻiulani. Named in the late 1950s by surfers from Kaʻalawai because it is off the Diamond Head Lighthouse. Park. Liʻiliʻi. hence the name. Oʻahu. Pocket of calcareous sand at the base of Puʻu Ōlaʻi. a littoral cone at the north end of Mākena State Park. Fishpond. Off a beachfront home built here in 1964 that is a log cabin. Lokoea. Lōʻihi." . Mākena.. The University of Hawaiʻi monitors activity at the volcano with instruments on its summit. Dive site. Kaʻū. Francis surf site in Africa that was immortalized in Bruce Brown's 1964 surfing movie. Waipahu. approximately 3. Waves here resemble those at Mākaha on Oʻahu. ʻAlaeloa. A transient hippie community that lived at Puʻu Ōlaʻi from 1968 to 1972 popularized the names Little Beach and Big Beach for the two beaches in Mākena State Park. Pyramid Rock. LL Buoy. Little Cape St. Buoy anchored at approximately 1. Oʻahu.. Lāʻie Point. Francis. Sunset Beach. Kauaʻi. Līpoa. The Endless Summer.000 feet deep. Loading Zone. long. 2. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar fronting Little Beach. Named after the Cape St. Little Beach is used as a nudist beach. Surf site. Lit. Little Beach. Also known as The Cliffs. Surf site. Rock awash east of Kaunolū. Lānaʻi. Little Glass Shacks. Maui. Dredge samples and underwater photographs taken in 1980 confirmed its location. Undersea volcano 20 miles off the southeast coast of the Big Island that is considered to be the next Hawaiian island. Surf site. Also known as Alligators. Log Cabins. Also known as Wash Rock. Kawailoa. Surf site. Narrow calcareous sand beach at the end of Līpoa Street. Off Sea Lodge Beach. Also known as Puʻu Ōlaʻi Beach. 1. Surf site. Maui. Māʻalaea.. Surf site. The snorkeling site is along the rocky point between Big Beach and Little Beach. Kīhei. The truck delivery area for the building is stenciled with the words "Loading Zone. Northeast of Māʻalaea Village and off a high-walled concrete building in the back-shore. surf site. The name is a play on words of the song written in 1933 called "My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua Hawaiʻi. Landmarks: Kahuku Point. Hawaiʻi. Lit. The instruments are connected by fiber-optic submarine cable to a cable station in Whittington Beach Park in Kaʻū. Off the low sea cliffs at the southwest end of Māʻalaea Bay. Beach. Fishpond. Lit. Little Mākaha. Waves here resemble those at Sunset several miles to the north. with a lava tube that opens at both ends at 40 to 60 feet and that harbors lobsters and many species of fish. Little Sunset. Maui. Princeville. ea pond.140 fathoms." The "glass shack" at the surf site is actually a large home with many windows on the sea cliff above the beach. Maui. Oʻahu. Lobster Rock. Seamount. Maui. Ea means "rising." The name is also a play on words for a popular phrase in the 1970s for smoking marijuana. līpoa seaweed. Kaunolū. "getting loaded. Oʻahu. Snorkeling site. Mākena. Oʻahu." Surfers would park here and get loaded before going in the water. Maui.beach house. Haleʻiwa. Fish aggregating device. Hauʻula. Little. Although nudity is prohibited in state parks. Māʻalaea. Beach. Lone Pine. Fishpond. Several flat platforms nearby are used for mounting instruments for ocean engineering tests. Hawaiʻi. Also known as ʻAkahi Kaimu. Beach. Ironwoods in Hawaiʻi are commonly called pine trees because their seeds resemble miniature pinecones. the "lone palm. Off Hale o Lono Harbor. Pearl Harbor.. dove into the pond to escape the wrath of Pele. pond. Lono's. the "lone tree. Longhouse. a demigod who could assume the form of a giant lizard or a woman. the largest of the fourteen fishponds on the shores of Waiākea and Keaukaha. Dive site. Oʻahu. Mokulēʻia. Lono. tenant farmer. . Lōpā. Oneloa. The University of Hawaiʻi's J. Lit. One is constructed of automobile tires and one is constructed of concrete blocks. Lone Tree. The first restaurant here was called the Tahiti Longhouse. Long Lava Tube. the only one with a mākaha (sluice gate) that connects it to the ocean. Dive site. K." marks the site of the pond. waiaho pond.. Harbor. After the god Lono. The 3. Artificial reef." Lokowaka. A single coconut palm tree. Small pocket of calcareous sand on the west side of the Beach House Restaurant. Oʻahu. It is on the shore. Oʻahu. Also known as Big Beach. Lit. A single ironwood tree.. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Across the highway from Kealoha Park. Kainaliu. Longest of the calcareous sand beaches at Kīpū Kai. Hawaiʻi. A single beach heliotrope tree. Surf site. Also known as Beach House Beach. Beach. eo pond. Also known as Hale o Lono. Molokaʻi. Also known as Kaiʻae. Fishpond. Lokowaka is owned by the state but leased to private interests. Lit. Mākena. is also a bird sanctuary. Waka's pond. Long." is inshore of the site. Kauaʻi. Mākena Beach. The dive site is off the pond. the "lone pine. The meaning of eo is unknown. Lit.. Beach. Waka. Also known as Pine Tree. Fishpond. Pearl Harbor." stands in the backshore and is used by surfers to mark the lineup. Keaukaha. Maui. Molokaʻi. Lokowaiaho. Lōpā Fishpond. ʻAnaehoʻomalu.300-foot-long calcareous sand beach fronting Mākena State Park. Kukuiʻula. and Lyman's. Hale o Lono. The surf site is on the shallow reef offshore. Lānaʻi. Also known as Hananena. Lone Palm. Maui. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronting one of the four fishponds on Lānaʻi.Lokoeo. Look Laboratory test range consists of two artificial reefs on the west side of Kewalo Basin Channel in approximately 40 feet of water. spring-fed anchialine pond and swimming site with good water clarity. Waiaho means "fishline water. Kīpū Kai Beach. L-shaped. Kewalo. Look Laboratory In-Water Test Range. Surf site. fishpond. Ukumehame. surf site. Surf site. K. approximately one-quarter mile south of Kapalaoa Beach. Same as Hale o Lono Harbor. One of the Red Hill dive sites. Kīpū Kai. Kauaʻi. Long Sands. the pond is famous for its mullet. Hale o Lono. Kimo's. At 60 acres. Beach. and some ledges. The stream and estuary are at the north end of the beach and are noted for their waterbirds and ʻoʻopu. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Waimea. Oʻahu. one of his crew members killed a Hawaiian. Love Rock. Also known as Lower Kanahā. an upwind site. Also known as Nurses Beach. Kauaʻi. Luahinewai. it is the nearest (lowest) point to the surface of the ocean among those favored by ulua fishermen here. tired. stream. as opposed to Uppers. Same as Lowers. reef. and movies. Lit. Small reef at the north end of Lāʻie Bay near Kalanai Point. or . Lumahaʻi. Oʻahu. rock patches. wide calcareous sand beach at the base of heavily vegetated sea cliffs. Noted for its beauty. Hawaiʻi.. Low Point. Fishing site. Luhi. Luaawa. Their campsite nearby is at a higher elevation. dive site. Farthest downwind site off Kanahā Beach Park. Off the circular-shaped beachfront home built by country-western singer Loretta Lind but sold in 1999 to Dr. Lualualei. Maui. Lowers. Beach. commercials. 1. Small point at the base of the Koko Head sea cliffs west of Hanauma Bay. Lit. Kīholo. moi fish hole. Lit. Bakken. During the summer months and other periods of calm surf. See Wright. Waiʻanae.. Oʻahu. 2. Estuary.8 acres). Long. according to Captain Cook's journal. and ledges in 15-25 feet of water at the south end of Kīholo Bay. Lumahaʻi. Windsurf site. Beach. Maui. Kauaʻi. Kīholo Bay. Hawaiʻi Kai. Luamoi. owner of another Kīholo Bay beachfront home. Fishing site. awa fish hole. Island. Maui. Windsurf site.. Dive site. Luahinewai was a famous rest stop during canoe voyages along the coast and is mentioned by Samuel Kamakau in Ruling Chiefs of Hawaiʻi and John Papa Ii in Fragments of Hawaiian History. surfers occasionally use the island as a site for romantic interludes. Waimea. Large springfed pond bordered by a small coconut grove adjacent to a black sand beach approximately 600 feet long at the south end of Kīholo Bay. Beach park (17.. the best known of which was South Pacific in 1958. one of the widest beaches on Kauaʻi. Fishing site. In Mākena Bay near Keawalaʻi Church. Lower Kanahā. rock patches. Lumahaʻi. Lucy Wright. Earl E. Black sand. Kanahā. Hawaiʻi. Calcareous sand beach below the Russian Fort where. the first Hawaiian killed by a westerner. The dive site is off the beach in 15-25 feet of water and consists of black sand.Loretta's. old woman's water. Lāʻie. Kanahā. Mākena. Lumahaʻi Stream crosses the north end of the beach. On the low sea cliffs at the south end of Waiʻanae town. Westernmost of the Wānanapaoa Islands off the west point of Waimea Bay. Lumahaʻi has been the subject of many paintings and photographs and has provided the background for many advertisements. Lit. pond. Beach. One of the best places for windsurfers to learn wave riding on Maui. Lunch Breaks.S. Māʻalaea. they concentrate in the waters between the four islands of Maui County. Oʻahu. 2. Surf site. Molokaʻi. windsurf site. Surf site. Laimana is the Hawaiianized version of Lyman. Mokulēʻia. 1. Lyman's. Kimo's. Māʻalaea. 1922). The fish return to the mountain streams. Oʻahu. Maui. Lydgate. Constructed in 1952. and mate. Māʻalaea Bay is an important part of the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. ʻOʻopu spawn in mountain streams and their larvae are washed into the sea. Bay. Also known as Kaiʻae. Pipeline. Facilities include eighty-nine berth/moorings. Coast Guard station. His foresight resulted in many of the island's historical sites being established as parks.native goby fish. manmade saltwater pool. 3. In addition to being one of the few freshwater fish that spends part of its life in the ocean. a prominent civic leader and pastor of Līhuʻe Union Church and Kōloa Church. On the shore of the small boat harbor.. hollow. the shallow reef inshore of this site is emergent for long periods of time. 4. the goby is the only fish in the world that makes its way upstream by swimming and climbing. Surfers would leave their lunches on the highest rocks while they surfed and still find them intact when they returned. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronted by a large. Named for the beachfront home of Barbara and Howard Lyman. where they spend the early part of their juvenile phase. The pool was created in 1970 by building a semicircular boulder wall off the beach. Surf site. Hōlualoa. The westernmost of the two beaches in Hālawa Valley that is used as an anchorage and boat launching site. Māʻalaea. Off Kimo Lyman's family home on Farrington Highway. 5. Also known as Māʻalaea Pipeline. 1. On the northeast side of the entrance channel to the small boat harbor. Kauaʻi. Although humpbacks are seen throughout the islands. especially during the spring. Maui. Lydgate State Park is a windsurf site during kona or south winds. nurse. Wailupe. The name is also a play on words with the word break. U. Gobies have suction disks on their chests that allow them to hold onto rocks while their back fins propel them upward. Lydgate (d. plunging waves here form one of the longest and fastest rides in Hawaiʻi and possibly in the world. Wailua. . a drydock. Surf sites are also known as surfing breaks. Māʻalaea Beach is a narrow calcareous sand beach approximately 3 miles long and backed by low dunes at the head of the bay. The steep. where they calve. During low tides. Small boat harbor. a ramp. a landmark on the bay since it was built in 1956. 2. The northeast end of the beach is also known as Sugar Beach. where they grow into adulthood and live the rest of their lives. Hawaiʻi. Beach. The park was named for the Reverend John M. Hālawa. and a vessel washdown area. a former curator of Huliheʻe Palace. Surfer Magazine (established in 1960) has rated it as one of the ten best waves in the world and the fastest-breaking right in the world. Surf site. Lone Tree. Adjacent to Kamoa Point in Hōlualoa Bay. The Lyman family and their home are immortalized in "Laimana. Lit. beach. Also known as Lefts. State park. MM Māʻalaea." a song written by Lei Collins. Maui. My dad was a forest ranger for many years. MacKenzie.1 acres). Hawaiʻi. The words in shrine's name are Ebesu. kotohira. Surf site. I was the youngest and graduated from Hilo High in 1938. or fishermen. Monuments. During big west or northwest swells. Shrine. I traveled and camped in many places with my dad. Hawaiʻi. MacKenzie worked extensively on planting projects in the Puna and Kaʻū Districts. who takes care of the Māʻalaea Ebesu Kotohira Jinsha and the Maui Jinsha in Wailuku. He met my mother at the Volcano House. to honor the memory of MacKenzie's wife. and jinsha. Māʻalaea. Māʻalaea is a contracted form of Makaʻalaea. a monument was erected here for him. Maui. after her death in 1952. Māʻalaea. MacKenzie. That area is called Malama. The low sea cliffs fronting the park are a popular but dangerous fishing site. Although the shrine is Shinto. or shrine. Established in 1934. a forest ranger from 1917 until his death on June 28. On the north side of the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel. When the park was named for MacKenzie in 1939. one of seven lucky deities and the guardian god of fishermen and merchants. and other people of the sea. All of us were born in Volcano—ten children—two boys and eight girls. The present shrine was completed in 1999 and is a replica of the original shrine built in 1914 by Reverend Masaho Matsumura. Family members erected a second monument. Traditional Shinto fishing shrine on the shore of Māʻalaea Small Boat Harbor that was originally on the site of the adjacent Maui Ocean Center. he became a stage driver for tourists visiting the volcano.ocherous earth beginnings. Māʻalaea Ebesu Kotohira Jinsha. 1938. Same as Māʻalaea. My dad died in 1938 mauka of Waiʻohinu in an auto accident while he was inspecting a project. fishing site. State recreational area (13. Fishermen believed that by honoring the god they would have good luck at sea and a safe return home. and they eventually got married when she was sixteen. Surf site. Māʻalaea Pipeline. Oʻahu. The steep. including commercial and recreational fishermen. moʻolelo The MacKenzie family came from the MacKenzie Highlands in Scotland and moved to Nova Scotia. the Volcano House manager. Malama. a stone drinking fountain. He was involved with the reforestation of many areas that were destroyed by fire. The first service in the present shrine was held in January 2000 and was conducted by Reverend Torako Arine. He worked extensively in Puna and Kaʻū and planted eucalyptus as windbreaks and the ironwoods in the park that's named for him. 1. but named in 1939 to honor Albert J. but my dad attributed the sounds to the waves washing into the caves under the sea cliffs. Malama. the congregation now is multiracial and multicultural. the long lefts here resemble the famous long rights at Māʻalaea on Maui. Many fishermen have been swept off the rocky ledges here by high surf. Maui. hollow waves at this surf site are compared to those at the world-famous Banzai Pipeline on Oʻahu's North Shore. Kahuku. Māʻalaea Lefts. . On the Big Island. and it supposedly has night marchers. Catherine. including the planting of the ironwood trees in this park. My mother was the daughter of Peter Lee. 2. and I remember the ironwoods in the park being very small when I was still small. surfers. My father left home and arrived in Hawaiʻi in the late 1890s when he was sixteen. W. waves erode almost the entire beach. Off the west end of Magic Island. 2. Laʻaloa Bay Beach Park. the limestone point at the north end of the beach. Ala Moana. immortalized Magoon. Honolulu. Kahuku. Swimming area. Beach. Ala Moana. Magic Sands. and it remained in his family until it was acquired by the state. Oʻahu. Mahana. covering the rocks. Magnums. including windsurfing. A heavily used introductory dive site because of its close proximity to Waikīkī. Māhāʻulepū. Māhāʻulepū.Aileen MacPherson. 3. petroglyph site. Lit. the north point of the bay. Hawaiʻi.I. beach. Magic Island is a man-made peninsula that was constructed on the shallow reef at the east end of Ala Moana Regional Park. windsurf site. it was originally named Magic Island by its developers. When the surf subsides. or "lagoon." Perhaps the name of a type of reddish banana. Beach. was filmed from 1980 to 1988. Hawaiian composer Helen Desha Beamer. and the beach "magically" reappears.. Mahakea. Also known as Rainbow Reef. Oʻahu. Bay. Beach park.. The surf site is at Kāwili Point. Completed in 1964. a littoral cone formed during an ancient eruption of Mauna Loa. Also known as Green Sand Beach. Kauaʻi. Lagoon. Surf site. normal surf activity redeposits the sand on shore. exposing the underlying rocks. Hawaiʻi." at the seaward end of Magic Island that is protected from the open ocean by several boulder islands. Also known as Bomboras. Mahaiʻula. Mahakea is the name of a beach estate that is used as a retreat by Hawaiian Electric Company executives. estate. it is one of the three most popular dive sites on the island. Also known as the ʻĀina Moana section of Ala Moana Regional Park. Oʻahu. On the north side of a small channel through the reef off Pāhonu. Also known as Pāhonu. Most of the recreational activity. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar bordering the beach. 4. Waimānalo. the beachfront residence where the CBS television series Magnum. surf site. dive site. Off the east end of Magic Island from 0 -40 feet. Ala Moana. Beach. The center of the beach is known as Gillin's Beach. 1982 Magic Island. fallow fields. The house and land were purchased in 1952. Oahu. Mahaiʻula. The dive site is in the center of the bay at approximately 45 feet. Narrow. Mahaiʻula is the former estate of Alfred Kapala Magoon. Green sand beach at the base of Puʻu o Mahana. Lit. White Sands. where petroglyphs carved into the soft beach-rock shelves are exposed only during severe high-surf storms that scour the sand off the . During periods of high surf a big-wave. a family friend. Lāʻie. P. 1. surf site. Calcareous sand beach at the head of a large bay that was opened to the public in 1992 as a section of Kekaha Kai State Park. who intended it to be the site of a resort complex. a prominent part-Hawaiian businessman. dive site. second-reef site forms off the south point of the beach. Oʻahu. and their home in her song "Mahaiʻula. his wife Puanani. The dive site is off the beach. Oʻahu. and the beach "magically" disappears within twenty-four hours. 2-mile calcareous sand beach between Punahoa and Paʻoʻo Points. warmth. December 16. The beach took its name from the estate. Dive site. Beach. North Kona. Also known as Disappearing Sands Beach. Easternmost and outermost section of Ala Moana Regional Park. Surf site. During periods of high surf. North section of Kokololio Beach between Kokololio Stream and Pali Kiloiʻa. Hawaiʻi. is concentrated at Paʻoʻo Point. Magoon purchased the property during the 1930s. transported by rail to Māhukona. Frederick and Dennis. 40 feet high). Point. 2. 40 feet high). Also known as Obake Point. On the east side of the Māʻili Cove apartments. harbor. The petroglyphs are also known as the Rainbow Petroglyphs. Rocky. Māhukona. 2. In addition. Māʻili is a contracted form of Māʻiliʻili and is commonly mispronounced "Maile. Kahakuloa. Lit... Established in 1889. Mahinanui. landing. Hawaiʻi. Park on the shore that fronts most of Māʻili. large moon or large plantation. Māhukona. many maile vines. railroad and other industrial remnants litter the floor of the harbor where they provide unique viewing opportunities for snorkelers and scuba divers. Hawaiʻi. Kaʻalawai. Mailekini. 1. Oʻahu. The Mahimahi was a 165-foot navy mine-sweeper sunk in 1982 as an artificial reef at 90 feet. Section of beach fronting the village at Pākala next to Robinson Landing. Dive site." Māʻili Cove. lighters carried out the bags. Oʻahu. Lit. Maile Point. Hilo. Fishpond. When a freighter moored offshore. Kāneʻohe. Landing. Southwestern tip of Coconut Island where the University of Hawaiʻi's Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology has traditionally allowed recreational boaters to land and picnic. Kauaʻi. great strength. Beach park (39. Māhukona Harbor was developed as a port for the sugar plantations in Kohala and as a landing for interisland steamers. Shrine at Pelekane Beach that is part of the Puʻukoholā Heiau National Site. Waiʻanae. Oʻahu. Although port operations terminated in 1956. Mahikea. dive site.shelves. The name of the ship is commonly shortened to Mahi. Beach park. Māʻili. Hawaiʻi. were avid surfers who often surfed off their home with other neighborhood surfers. One of the three most popular dive sites on Oʻahu. . and stored in warehouses until the arrival of a freighter. Māʻili. Light. Maui. 1. Lit.. Mahoney's.6 acres. Makaweli. Hawaiʻi. Mahoney's sons. Lit.. Lit. Lit. Surf site. Oʻahu. Mōkapu. snorkeling site. Heiau. leeward steam or vapor. Island (. undeveloped point that separates the communities of Nānākuli and Māʻili. where a chain hoist is used to launch and land smallboats. Oʻahu. Māhukona Beach Park is on the south shore of the harbor. Oʻahu.6 acres). Kawaihae. The 22-foot light tower was built in 1915 approximately 42 feet above sea level. dolphin fish.. Mahi. Māʻili. Off the former beachfront home of Fred Mahoney (1912-1969) who built the Breakers Hotel in Waikīkī after World War II and operated it until 1969.. Mahinauli. ruins of the port structures remain on the shore of the harbor. Mahoney built his home at Kaʻalawai in 1954 and his family lived there until 1993. Raw sugar manufactured in the Kohala mills was bagged. Mahinui. Beach. Surf site. from Māʻili Point to Māʻiliʻili Stream. lots of little pebbles. Māhukona. Oʻahu. Māʻili. Island (1 acre. At the west end of the beach. beach. Surf site. Calcareous sand beach on the shore of Mākaha Valley. Beach park (20. turtle eye or face. Mākaha. Beach. Mākaha. northwest shore. reef. Mākaha Beach is the landing site for a number of transpacific and interisland fiberoptic submarine cables. Point with a small stand of ironwood trees alongside Kamehameha Highway and the reef off the point. Mākaha. Oʻahu. Eight major islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago: Hawaiʻi. On the west side of the point. Māʻili. Also known as Kepuhi Point. Communications technicians staff the cable station twenty-four hours per day. Oʻahu. Off Recreation Area #3. Cable Station. Hanalei. mud hen's eyes or face. or a companion. Maui. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Dive site. Mākaha. Hāna. Series of arches.. 4. and Kahoʻolawe. Point. Niʻihau. Mākaha Canyons. When the park property was acquired in May 1951. Makaʻalae. south of Kepuhi Point. Lit. Oʻahu. do not forget me. 1. During the 1970s. Kahoʻolawe. Maui. Mākaha Caves. Poʻipū. landing. A sign in the park reads: "Dedicated to all those who sacrificed their lives to preserve our freedom for all humanity. In 1954 Mākaha was the site of Hawaiʻi's first international surfing meet. 1. Kauaʻi. point.. Narrow detrital sand beach at the head of Pōhakuloa Bay in the land division of Makaʻalae. Beach park." Also known as Veterans Park. 2. Lānaʻi. Molokaʻi. Kaʻaʻawa. 1952. Both names are still used. caverns. The first transpacific cable was installed in 1964 and the cables that followed are buried in a trench across the beach. Oʻahu. The home on the point was converted to quarters for visiting dignitaries. Oʻahu. One of Oʻahu's most popular dive sites. a new home for the base commanders and a family housing complex were constructed at another site on the shore. Makahūʻena. Same as Mākaha Canyons.. Northwest point of Mālaekahana Bay. Major's Bay.. North point of Hanalei Bay.6 acres). Lit. A light atop a 20-foot pole approximately 60 . Bay. windsurf site. friendly. Surf site. Mai Poina ʻOe Iaʻu. Lit. Kīhei. fierce. Mākaha. World-famous surf site off the beach park. Point light. but the surf site is still known as Major's Bay. Maui. The name Mai Poina ʻOe laʻu was introduced at the park's dedication ceremony on August 3. 1.Māʻili Point. Lit. Makahoa. Same as Mākaha Canyons. 5. Oʻahu. The surf site is off the reef and is also known as Rainbows. Fishing site. it was called Kīhei Memorial Park. 3. Mākaha Caverns. Dive site. Oʻahu. 2. The bay was a former interisland steamer landing. Both are between Kalaeʻōʻio Point and Kalaeʻōʻio Beach Park. Oʻahu.. Mālaekahana. Mākaha. point. Dive site. 2. Surf site. Pacific Missile Range Facility. and over-hanging ledges at 20-50 feet. surf site. Bay with a detrital sand beach south of Makaʻalae Point. Kauaʻi. Mākaha. Point. Oʻahu. Main Hawaiian Islands. Beach. Point. Former base commanders held the rank of major and their quarters were on the north point of the bay. Makahonu. Lit. Mākaha. Kauaʻi. Kauaʻi. The remainder of the islands and shoals in the archipelago are called the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. the Mākaha International Surfing Contest. Established in 1908. Makaiwa is the name of an ancient surf site here that is mentioned by historian Abraham Fornander is his account of Moikeha. where the waters of Wailua stretch out. He will live and die on Kauaʻi. Dive site. dive site. Man-made. Lānaʻi. Oʻahu. Former canoe landing and a fishing site noted for akule. "Is Moʻikeha then still living? What is he doing?" Kiha would answer. On his way south. surf site. 2. They are popular shore dive sites with commercial tour companies. 1. Waimānalo. point. the land is being covered up with their businesses. Although there are numerous Hawaiian names for surfing sites. in Tahiti whom he longed to see once more as he got to an advanced age. moʻolelo Moʻikeha was a famous voyaging aliʻi whose name is attached to Kauaʻi. Punaluʻu. The dive site is off the beach. Part of this colonizing process is that they are placing their names on the land. the site of Club Lānaʻi.feet above sea level. calcareous beach at the south end of the bay. they would ask him. landing. Hoʻoipoikamalanai and Hinauʻu.. and activities.. Waimānalo. Fishing site. 3. Bay. where the surf of Makaīwa curves and bends. The mating of two women with one man was not an unusual custom in those days.. 1. Mauna Lani. He decided to send one of his sons that had been born to him on Kauaʻi to fetch him from Tahiti. Oʻahu. a famous voyager. and an entrance channel. Maui. They were also attracted to him and told their father. beach. He held a contest to determine which of his sons was best suited for the task and chose Kila to navigate to the south to retrieve Laʻamaikahiki. The surf site is at the east end of the reef off Makai Research Pier and is also known as Avalanche. landing. Privately operated ocean research facility built in the late 1960s that includes a 600-foot long. Naming is claiming. Waipiʻo. but he had left a son. Lit. Lit. that they would have him for their mate. At the base of the sea cliffs at the north end of Waipiʻo Bay. as they went surfing at Wailua in the district of Puna. Lit. Site of the former Punaluʻu Landing near Punaluʻu Stream. Oʻahu. the paramount aliʻi of Kauaʻi. 4. Moʻikeha became paramount aliʻi of Kauaʻi. the prevalent trend is to call them by the foreign names that have been attached in the last forty . a 200-by-200-foot boat basin. Submarines. Hawaiʻi. Maui. Halepalaoa. They had been left on the other islands to follow their fortunes. Kailua. (Some folks contend that it was only one woman with two names. Makaʻi. 2. Beach. Oʻahu. L-shaped pier protected by a breakwater. Makai Pier. and surfers are an integral part of this process. Same as Makai Research Pier. when Hawaiʻi and Hawaiians are being inundated with floods of immigrants from other places. toward the ocean. Also known as Makai Pier. Kapaʻa." Today. Surf site. homes. or big-eyed scad. Bay. where the kukui blossoms of Puna change. Research facility. Makaiwa. Makai Research Pier. Waimānalo. Kila stopped at the different Hawaiian islands to pick up the crewmembers who had accompanied his father on the initial voyage north to Hawaiʻi. Lit. mother-of-pearl eyes (as in an image). 5. As Kila greeted each of these people. Kauaʻi. "He is dwelling at ease on Kauaʻi where the sun rises and sets. toward the ocean. snorkeling site. who landed nearby at Wailua. Calcareous sand beach at Makaiwa Point. The dive and snorkeling sites are on the north side of the pier. He arrived there from Tahiti and was drawn by the beauty of two women. fishing site.) In time. Beach.. very angry eyes or face. Laʻamaikahiki. Research facility. Small community park at the base of Diamond Head at the intersection of Mākālei Place and Diamond Head Road. Oʻahu. which hold much meaning by way of the stories attached to these places by ancestors who surfed them for many centuries. Lit. 2000 Makalawena. Named after the Makani Kai subdivision. Calcareous sand beach on the bay south of Hauʻula Beach Park. Makapili. Beach park (27 acres). Kāneʻohe Bay. tiny. Small island off Crater Hill that is part of the Kīlauea Point National . Often. meaning. Maui. dive site. where the waters of Wailua stretch out. Banzai Pipeline. few if any of the surf sites are called by their specific Hawaiian names. Island (. Punaluʻu. Private marina. Kīlauea. Mākālei. surf site. Hawaiʻi. 80 feet high). Keʻanae. Some Hawaiians are now looking for the old names. Witness the well-known names like Sunset. West of Ukumehame Beach Park. Macao.. The surf site is at the edge of the reef on the south side of the bay. Makaliʻi. the name has been restored and is being used by the general surfing population. eyes looking about in wonder or admiration. Rock. 1946. Lit. Narrow calcareous sand beach on the point north of Kahana Bay. November 21. The dive and surf sites are off the north end of the beach. Lit. beach. Although most of them have no idea of the history. fish trap. and background of the name. Hanalei. Maui. Vegetated sand dunes occupy the backshore. Lit. sea wind. Facilities include eighty slips. Makani Kai. bud [of the] ʻōhai plant (Sesbania tomentosa).. Ukumehame. Hauʻula. Beach.. Makaleha. Beach park (.. Makalawena was the site of Kaikalia Church and a Hawaiian fishing village that was inhabited until the destructive tsunami of April 1. surf site. Oʻahu. Mokulēʻia.7 acres). Kauaʻi. Here. Honolulu. where the kukui blossoms of Puna change. Calcareous sand beach with a series of rock outcrops that create small coves. Lit. Marina. Chinese farmers lived and grew rice here. Makaʻohai. Fishing site. Makaloaka. Makalawena. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. it warms the hearts of those of us whose ancestors lived here long before Europeans and Asians came to this place to hear the sound of our ancestral language attached to the surf that still "curves and bends. Lit. or the name of a supernatural tree that attracted fish. Lit. surf spots are still sort of Hawaiian in that they are named after a place like Waimea Bay.or so years.. Mākao. point." Carlos Andrade.39 acres. which originates in Makaleha Valley in the Waiʻanae Mountains. release [of] glow. However. Undeveloped county beach park on the north side of the Mokulēʻia Polo Field. and the name was associated with the former Chinese farming community. or the peculiar adding of s to places like Pākalās.. The examples are too numerous to recount. A public-right-of-way connects Farrington Highway with the beach. Ships traveling from China to Hawaiʻi often sailed out of Macao near Canton. Beach. displaced the last residents. or Pleiades constellation. Makaīwa is one such spot. The park is crossed by Makaleha Stream.. Oʻahu. or the more esoteric ones like Acid Drop and Heroins on Kauaʻi's south shore. Bay. State mooring site off the former landing. Long Sands. The ruins of the landing are in the north . Beach. The nearshore section of the channel is used as a small boat anchorage. beach park (46. Lit. Make is the Hawaiian word for dead. The stone. Wide bay with several beaches east of Wailea and the site of Mākena Landing.. Off Mākena State Park. From the 1850s to the 1920s.4 acres).. Oʻahu. Makaua. Lit. Makaua Channel is a wide. first for shipping sugar from the Makee Sugar Mill and later for shipping cattle from Ulupalakua Ranch. Mākena. Offshore mooring. beach park. Waimānalo. Lit. Makapuʻu Point. Mākena. surf site.. and other necessities to Niʻihau. Beach. channel. The park is undeveloped except for paved parking. Kaluakoʻi. or tombolo. squinting eyes (nearly closed). Oneloa. Bay.2 acres). state park (164. light. At 500 feet above sea level. Mākena was one of the busiest ports on Maui. dry goods.. Makaweli. Undeveloped roadside park north of Kaʻaʻawa. With the development of a deep-draft harbor at Kahului. Makapuʻu. Prior to 1977 when the Sheraton Molokaʻi Hotel opened. so the name means "dead horse. Waimānalo. the cowboys called the beach Make Horse. Mākena Beach. unfriendly. the park is one of the best whale watching sites on Oʻahu and a popular day hike. a kinolau—the physical manifestation of a legendary woman named Makapuʻu—is no longer there. fearful features. Oʻahu. many of the interisland steamer landings such as the one here fell into disuse. Dive site. abundance. Also known as Robinson Landing. Mākena Landīng. Landing. A stone on the point below the light was said to have had eight protrusions resembling human eyes. The dive site is off the point. Mākena. food (including poi). surf site. point. natural channel off the beach park that was cut through the reef by Makaua Stream. The light was established on the point in 1909 at 395 feet above sea level in a 35-foot concrete tower. The beach is in the lee of Makapuʻu Head (647 feet). It was automated in 1924. The ferry. Maui. Mākena. Bay. 2. Niʻihau Ranch operates a private ferry service between Makaweli Landing at Pākala on Kauaʻi and Lehua Landing on Niʻihau. the property here was under the control of Molokaʻi Ranch. the headland that is the easternmost point of Oʻahu and marked by a light at Makapuʻu Point. Mākena Bay. Dive site. Long calcareous sand beach adjoining Puʻu ʻOlaʻi at the east end of Mākena Bay.1 acre). state wayside park (38. Mākena. however.9 acres). Maui. The park is accessed by following the mile-long paved Coast Guard road from Kalanianaʻole Highway to the light. Maui.. dive site. Molokaʻi. Beach park (. Lit. Pocket of calcareous sand on the bay between Mānana (Rabbit) Island and Makapuʻu Point. Makaweli. Kauaʻi. Lit. Make Horse. Oʻahu. bulging eyes. Maui. a navy LCM (landing craft mechanized). Makapuʻu Point State Wayside Park is a scenic park on the sea cliffs above the point that includes Makapuʻu Point Light. carries livestock. Two other tombolos are found on Kauaʻi: one at Poʻipū Beach Park that joins the beach to Nukumoi Point and one at Kīpū Kai that joins Kīpū Kai Beach to Mōlehu Point. head. Also known as Big Beach. passengers. 1. After an old horse fell from the cliff at Pōhaku Māuliuli and died from the fall." Also known as Pōhaku Māuliuli Beach. Kaʻaʻawa. Maui. Mākena.Wildlife Refuge and connected to the base of the sea cliffs by a sandbar. Dive site. . The dive site is adjacent to the island. Also known as Puamana Beach Park. Bay. Mākila. On the west side of the former wharf. Maui. where it is accessible at low tide by wading. North Kona. after strong currents and heavy surf damaged several steamers. black sand. Mākole. The army dismantled the former pier while it occupied the area for training during World War II.. Keauhou. Māla Wharf. Mākoleʻā is the name of a legendary woman who lived here and who was said to be the most beautiful woman in Hawaiʻi. 1.09 acres. Beach. Oʻahu. or "needle"). Polihale. Maui. Ledges here in the cliffs are the "flats. they reverted to anchoring offshore and the wharf was never used again as a major interisland passenger and cargo terminal. the wharf was built specifically to accommodate interisland steamers instead of having them anchor offshore in the Lahaina Roadstead." Lit. red-eyed. garden. Beach.. and coral rubble beach at the head of a small cove fronting the Kona Lagoon Hotel. It is also known as Kāneana Cave. Lahaina. Hāna. needle (the Maui word for mania. Lit. dive site. Mākoleʻā. Ramp. Several small brackish-water ponds are in the backshore. Mālaekahana. Beach. 1922. Fishing site. Mākua. However. Lahaina. pebble. Mākua Cave is a large lava tube on Farrington Highway near the south end of the beach. and a channel at 45 feet. Hawaiʻi. Beach. a pier. On the sea cliffs in the land district of Malama. 2. beach. 80 feet high).corner of the bay. Wharf. Malama. Dive site. surf site. The surf site is a long left on the east side of the ruins. Lahaina. Hawaiʻi. North Kona. by Governor Wallace R. Mālaekahana State Recreation Area is a beach park at Kalanai Point. Maui. Lahaina. Oʻahu. Mālaekahana is the name of a legendary person. two docks. Calcareous sand beach that fronts Mākua Valley and that is part of Kaʻena State Park. Lit. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. The dive site is off the south end of the beach and includes a ridge. Maui. Farrington. Smaller boats continued to use it until 1950. Limestone point at the south end of Mākua Beach. dive site. State mooring site off the former wharf. . 3. Māla. Lit. Mākua. and a vessel washdown area. Mokuʻauia Island is off the point. Lit. glowing red eye. The surf site is also off the south end of the beach. parent. two small pinnacles. Dedicated on April 5. Keāhole. Lit. surf site. Same as Treasure Beach. Long calcareous sand beach on Mālaekahana Bay between Makahoa and Kalanai Points. Maui. Malaeola. Lahaina. cave. state recreation area (110 acres). Maui. Beach. Offshore mooring. 2. Mākena Landing Beach Park is fronted by of two small pockets of calcareous sand. month or moon.. Malama Flats. Mākua. Calcareous sand. Black sand beach on the shore of the 1801 lava flow from Hualālai.. The dive site is off the ruins of Māla Wharf. Also known as Poʻohuna Point. 1. Mākua Point. Island (. Lāʻie.. the mother of Lāʻie. A wide tidal flat of pāhoehoe lines the foreshore of the beach. Facilities include two ramps. Fishing site. Kauaʻi. Maui. This surf site breaks behind a welldeveloped reef that is emergent at low tide. arid. but are nearby across from Keawalaʻi Church. Bay. or "crack. and alluvium. showers. Mānā.. Also known as Rabbit Island. Manantan's. a former resident of ʻĀina Haina.. Mākena. 1. Keʻanae. budding. Manahoa. Tuff cone built around two vents. the long. Kauaʻi. 40 feet high). one of the longest beaches in Hawaiʻi. The bay is named after Māliko Gulch. Oʻahu. Small calcareous sand beach near the Maui Prince Hotel that lies within the boundaries of the land division of Maluaka. shady. Mamalu. Lit. are not in the park.Māliko. Dive site. Bay off the former Punaluʻu Landing near the mouth of Punaluʻu Stream. Mānā." who ran it as a family venture until 1976. Beach. where—because of the island's geography—travel is primarily east or west. Kūʻau Cove. Maluaka. Molokaʻi residents also use Manaʻe as a proper name to mean the east end of the island. including paved parking. Beach. Mānā Crack. Surfers have to complete their ride quickly . 200 feet high). Coastal plain from Kekaha to Polihale fronted by a calcareous sand beach approximately 15 miles long. Oʻahu. Mama's. Support facilities for the beach park. Island (. Maui. Manaʻe is a direction. windsurf site. like mauka or makai. Although the bay is subject to high winter surf. Section of Punaluʻu Beach at the south end of Punaluʻu Beach Park. Named for a large crevice.." The term is used almost exclusively on Molokaʻi. Kuliʻouʻou. Small pocket of calcareous sand fronting Mama's Fish House. each marked by a crater. Possibly named after one of the original land court awardees here. and a comfort station. Maui." on the ocean floor. In 1973 Floyd Christenson bought the restaurant and leased it to Hilda Costa. Also known as Puʻu One. A single-lane ramp was constructed in 1976. Lit. Punaluʻu. "Going manaʻe" means traveling east. deep gulch that originates above Makawao and ends here on the shore. making it a dangerous spot to ride. Kauaʻi. Lit. beach park. Coast. Island (67 acres. The cliff along the inner edge of the plain is an ancient sea cliff and the composition of the plain is a combination of lagoon deposits. Robert "Bobby" Kalaukoa Manantan. Off Kuliʻouʻou Beach Park. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Mānana. east end of Molokaʻi. Kūʻau. Narrow bay with steep sides and a small boulder beach at the head of the bay. that means "to the east. the coastal plain between Kekaha and Polihale.35 acres. The ash quickly cements to form a firm rock called tuff. Plain.. 2. Manaʻe. Waimānalo. Oʻahu. the original "Mama. The dive site is off the Mānā Plain. forming a spray of ash. calcareous beach and dune sand. the ramp is still well used because of the great distances between public ramps on Maui. Surf site. Also known as Father Jules Papa. Oʻahu. Punaluʻu. ramp. The windsurf site is off the beach. was one of the first regular surfers here in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Mānā. Bay. Lit. Māliko. buoyant. Tuff forms when hot magma encounters seawater and the explosion caused by the rapidly expanding steam blows the magma apart. Beach. Maui. Established in 1976 to include Mānele and Hulopoʻe Bays. I really thought he was kidding and didn't think much about it until maybe months later when I overheard a couple guys talking about surfing here and there. About 1967-1968 is when I met Chris Yoza while attending Niu Valley Intermediate. "Manantan's. its facilities include twenty-eight berths. as all of us who were involved were unemployed. George Luhe. Jason Uehara. Lit. The stream splits into two branches. while the name Manantan's remained at the east peak. My friends next door. water branch. Two concrete slabs for making salt were also constructed in 1921 on top of the sea cliffs above the old cattle-loading chute. cattle chute. had a car. and one guy said. a ramp. love to have fun with my friends. saying to myself.and get out of the wave before they hit the reef. I lived in ʻĀina Haina and started surfing around fifth or sixth grade. "Sucking Chris. . "Outside Kuliʻouʻou. small boat harbor. Landing. and then I heard "Manantan's. So I asked them the name of that place. saltpans. moʻolelo I'm a 1972 grad of Kalani High. Mānele. When Dennis got his license. sedan chair. It was about then that we started surfing Kuliʻouʻou simply because Chris and his brother David lived right next to the park. Lānaʻi. A long time ago." I said. Lit. Mānele. This was especially challenging in the preleash days of the 1960s when every wipeout meant that loose boards went onto the rocks. Mānele Bay Light was established in 1965 during the construction of the harbor. Mauai. Marine life conservation district (309 acres)." smiled and walked away. Edwin Onaga. I was just like the rest of them—love to laugh. Water pumped into the pans from the ocean below was allowed to evaporate. "Where is it?" and he said. the westernmost of two peaks at this site was named Tunas. As far as Manantan's is concerned—and I don't even know if that's how it's spelled now—Chris is the one who came to me one day after surfing Pillars and said that they named a spot after me. During the 1970s. bay light. MāneleHulopoʻe. Lānaʻi. 2000 Manawai. a pier." I said. the most protected bay on the island. Mānele Bay. first outside of ʻĀina Haina and then anywhere I could. is the site of Mānele Small Boat Harbor." Why they felt so moved to do such a thing is beyond me. I thought you was joking. but most of all . .. love to surf! Now I'm working for Walt Disney World in Florida as a musician at the Polynesian Resort and also as a professional massage therapist. Ruins of a cattle-loading chute constructed in 1921 by the Kahului Railroad Company for the Lānaʻi Company are found on the west point of the bay. and the resulting salt was used to make salt licks for the cattle. I was nobody special. Brian. a dock. but the beach boy is still in me. Constructed in 1965 in the west corner of the bay with a 570-foot rubblemound breakwater. Dennis. I left Hawaiʻi in 1976 for Disney. July 22. Brian and Dennis Okamura. Bay. "Oh.. Landing for fishing canoes on the boulder beach in Waipiʻo Bay. and a vessel washdown area." and of course I had to nīele [be inquisitive). and I would load up the boards and head to Ala Moana or Waikīkī frequently and then occasionally. Robert "Bobby" Kalaukoa Manantan. The residents of Lānaʻi also used the salt during World War II when salt and other staples were scarce. . Gas was a main factor. twenty-four years ago. Mānele. Waipiʻo. waterworn stones. Lit. exposing the underlying rocks. canyons. netted manini fish. Off Kakaʻako Water-front Park. Manny Jhun Point. Waves striking the sea cliff enlarged the mouth of the cave to its present size. Section of Kekaha Kai State Park. Low. Historic stepping-stone trail paved with smooth. Maui. Ulua fishing site on the north side of Makapuʻu Point that is accessed from the Goat Trail. The fishing site is on the rocks at the point. Beach. The beach and point took their name from Manini Road. Kahe. One of four fishponds at the Mauna Lani resort. Man on the Rock. primarily for bodysurfing and bodyboarding. Kīholo. in 1946. The point was named for veteran ulua fisherman Manuel "Manny" Jhun (1916-2000). waves erode almost the entire beach. Maninikaʻi. Also known as the Dry Cave.. and that section of the beach was called Manner's Beach. convict tang fish. Fishing site. Manō Point. The dive site is off Pāpiha Point at the north end of the beach. and the beach "disappears" within twenty-four hours. Mauna Lani. Fishing site. Waves break over a shallow rock formation. Makapuʻu. The surf site is at the point. Kakaʻako. point. Dive site. Maniniʻōwali. Oʻahu.. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. fishing site. Hawaiʻi. Also known as Hale ʻOpihi. At the base of the sea cliffs between Hawini and Hoʻolawa Bays. Surf site. Francis J. or paʻalā. the access road to the point. Storm beach of coral rubble at Manini Point across the bay from Nāpoʻopoʻo Landing. After the war. Fishing site. Molokaʻi. The dive site consists of ledges. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. Maniniʻōwali is the name of a legendary girl who was turned into a rock at the beach. vegetated sand dunes and a small brackish-water pond are in the backshore at the north end of the beach. surf site. dive site. Oʻahu. Nāpoʻopoʻo. When the surf sub-sides. salt gathering site. Beach. Hawaiʻi. or convict tang fish. Waipiʻo. Part of the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail. Lit. Lāʻau. Lit. Calcareous sand beach at the head of Kua Bay that is approximately 600 feet long and fronted by a shallow sandbar. Maniniholo. Hawaiʻi. During World War II. Hawaiʻi. Trail. Maniniʻōwali is a "disappearing" sand beach like the one at Laʻaloa Beach Park on Aliʻi Drive. who pioneered fishing here in the 1970s when Bamboo Ridge and other sites to the west began to get crowded. normal surf activity redeposits the sand on shore. Natural depressions in the rocks here are traditional . the "castle. Manner of Waiʻanae leased the land and the buildings from Campbell Estate. Maniniʻōwali.Manini. Kauaʻi. ʻOpihi Road. Lit. Fishpond. Cave. During periods of high surf. Lava tube several hundred feet long at Hāʻena Beach Park that was once a sea cave when the level of the ocean was higher than it is now. Also known as Flies. 1." that attracts schools of manini. Also known as Kua Bay. which originates at Makapuʻu Lookout on Kalanianaʻole Highway. 2. traveling manini (convict tang fish). covering the rocks. across the aʻā at Pāpiha Point between Maniniʻōwali Beach and Kākāpa Bay to the north. Also known as Pahukapu. Manner's.. Fishermen use it as a landmark to triangulate their fishing sites off-shore. Beach.. Hāʻena. and caverns in depths of 25-75 feet off the point between the Kona Village Resort and Kīholo Bay. surf site. weak manini fish. flat. Manini Castle. and the beach reappears. Manoku. the navy constructed a small recreational complex at the west end of Kahe Beach. Large vertical rock on the low sea cliff between Kapukuwahine and Kahalepōhaku Beaches that suggests a man standing upright. Maniniʻōwali. Lit. Calcareous sand beach at the entrance to Honokōhau Small Boat Harbor. It lies in South Kona. which included 3 acres for a cemetery. Founded in 1895. Ordained in Tokyo in the Soto Zen sect.. Mantokuji. Manta Ray. Calcareous sand beach between Kalaeokaunaʻoa. Smoking Rock. Narrow detrital sand beach bordering a mango orchard developed by the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association (HSPA). bird [of the] whitewash. or Kahuku Point. Hawaiʻi. The beach and the surf site were named after the small community immediately inland. in addition to humpback whales and spinner dolphins. Lit. Ueoka came to Hawaiʻi to minister to plantation workers. Mapulehu. Manuʻōhule. surf site. Beach. Molokaʻi. Manta rays. Kahuku. Honokōhau. Manta Ray Beach. Maui. It has since become an internationally recognized research center and in 1996 changed its name to Hawaiʻi Agriculture Research Center (HARC) to reflect its expanding scope to encompass research in forestry. The Pāʻia Mantokuji Mission is on the shore of the bay. a holua slide. The remaining 1. Manta Reef. Reef near the north point of Keaweʻula Bay. Manukā marks the boundary between the districts of Kaʻū and South Kona. The former HSPA Mapulehu Nursery of Mango Trees is the largest mango orchard in Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. The American Marconi Company set up wireless operations in Hawaiʻi in 1902 and built their transpacific receiving station here at Kahuku in 1915. Also known as ʻAlula Beach. A small calcareous sand beach is on the seaward side of the mission. and many other diversified crops in addition to sugarcane. Beach. It was established on 40 acres of Mapulehu beachfront property in 1940 and contains 2. Off Manta Ray Beach at approximately 30 feet. historic complex. The beach is also known a Hanakaʻīlio Beach.. are common here during the winter months. The dive site off the beach is a narrow shelf with a dropoff to 40 feet. Manta rays are common here. Keaweʻula. Beach. Dive site. dive site. Hawaiʻi. The name of a legendary person. .000 trees. and Kalaeuila. Dive site. 2. lagging. fishing site. coral rubble. Dive site. Also known as Otera Bay. Beach. Hawaiʻi. tropical fruits. mango orchard. Also known as Wash Rock. with the most varieties of mangoes. At ʻĀwili Point and known to fishermen as Manukā. Since then the community that developed around the station has been known as Marconi. vegetable crops. Calcareous sand. where it was founded in 1906 by Sokyo Ueoka.gathering sites for evaporated salt. Hawaiʻi. Fishing site. shark point. The HSPA discontinued active maintenance of the orchard in 1983. although it is actually in Kaʻū and not in South Kona.500 trees are other superior varieties of mangoes that were collected from around the world. Honokōhau. Oʻahu. Marconi. Lit. Mapulehu. Kahuku. Maui. 500 of which are Hayden and Joe Welsch mangoes. Lahaina Pali. Manukā is an undeveloped state park with a road to the shore that is for four-wheel drive vehicles only. The historic complex includes the ruins of a former village. or High Rock. and a trail system. Also known as Road to the Sea. beach. the HSPA was dedicated to improving the sugar industry in Hawaiʻi. Manukā. a temple. coffee. and lava fragment beach at the head of a small bay. Manukā. Pāʻia. Bay. 1. forage.. The fishing site is at the beach. The present temple was completed in 1921 on land that the congregation purchased. . Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Surf site. Island. Maui. Honolulu. Name of deity of health. Surf site. but during high surf another surf site develops in the middle of the bay. Maui. or rose. Marine Corps Base Hawaiʻi. Beach. Lit. Surf site. Aquarium. and the pua lokelani. Molokaʻi. The surf site is normally a shorebreak on the sandbar. Off the Maui Sunset condominium. the U.644. Oʻahu. Pond. Beach. Maui is the second largest (727. Mauliola. Also known as Hot Pond. It has a population of 117. Maui's nickname is the Valley Isle. Oʻahu. Marina. Maui Sunset. Marina Hale. with an elevation of 10. or "marineland. Pohoʻiki. Small pocket of calcareous sand and a former well south of Oneloa Beach. Maui. Millionaire's Pond. Māʻalaea. the ocean center is one of five worldwide operated by Coral World International. Marineland. beach park. Lānaʻi. built by J. with other centers in Israel. They often smoked marijuana before surfing and named the site. The name is from a former owner of the property. marina house. and two in Australia. Windsurf site. Boat ramp. Gordon Gibson on the shore of Kīhei. It features over a hundred species of marine life in several exhibits. It is named after Mauna Kea. Hawaiʻi. Maui.000-gallon ocean tank with a 54-foot-long acrylic tunnel. The County of Maui includes four islands: Maui. well. Also known as Rights off the Reef. surf site. 1. Private boat ramp for the residents of Mariners Cove.S. Oʻahu. . Kawailoa. Mōkapu. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Virgin Islands. The highest mountain on the island is Haleakalā. Kāneʻohe Bay. Mauna Kea. Mariners Cove Bay Club. 2. Private marina in the lee of Mōkapu Peninsula for military personnel only. Kīhei. Geothermally heated brackish-water pond in Ahalanui Beach Park. Kawaihae. including a 750. Kīhei. the highest mountain on the Big Island and in Hawaiʻi at 13.. Long calcareous sand beach with a shallow sandbar that fronts the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. The hotel opened on July 24. the first of the large coastal resorts between Kailua and Kawaihae. Same as Sand Island. surfers from California lived here in a beach house rental. Named for the demigod Māui. Mauiwai. Ala Moana. The beach park is at the south end of the beach. Also known as Kaunaʻoa Beach.796 feet above sea level. Ramp. Maui.Marijuanas. Maui Lu.3 square miles) of the eight major Hawaiian islands and one of four islands in Maui County. Off the Maui Lu Hotel. is the emblem of the island. Lit." at the east end of Kewalo Basin Park. and Kahoʻolawe. Ocean center and aquarium at Māʻalaea Harbor that opened in March 1998.. Private boat ramp in Hawaiʻi Kai Marina for Marina Hale community residents. On the shallow reef off the Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory. 1965. Lit.023 feet. Maui's water. Mākena. In the early 1970s when illegal drugs were widely prevalent on the North Shore. Maui Ocean Center. Built at a cost of $20 million. Hawaiʻi Kai. Marineland is the left on the reef and Shallows is the right. Hawaiʻi Kai. acquired the land division of Kalāhuipuaʻa in 1932 and later developed the site as his home. It is also known as Hawaiʻi Kai Boat Ramp. Beach.5 miles off Kāhala at a depth of 80 feet. the Dudoits trace their roots to Jules Dudoit (1803-1866). Maunalua Bay. In 1970. Maunalua. politician.. The surf site is off the beach. Maunawai. Hawaiʻi. Molokaʻi. Oʻahu. a section of Pūpūkea Beach Park.. sandy cove surrounded by small outcrops of lava. Beach. Artificial reef. A well-known east end Molokaʻi family. The beach park is on the south side of Mauna Lahilahi. and he established his home on the shore here in 1930. surf site. The beach is also known as Laulauwaʻa. Mauna Loa. windsurf site. Oʻahu. Lit. Second large. Francis Hyde Ii Brown (1892-1976). He served as French consul from 1837 to 1848 and helped found the Catholic mission in Hawaiʻi.4 acres). Maunalua Bay is the wide bay in East Honolulu between Koko Head and Diamond Head. gathering site. Dive site. Also known as Kalāhuipuaʻa. Oʻahu. Waiʻanae. The development company adopted the name in 1980 and opened the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel on February 1. Oʻahu.. Hāmākua Poko.. Calcareous sand beach bordering a wide. Mauna Lani. The offshore mooring is near the Hawaiʻi Kai Marina bridge over Kalanianaʻole Highway. Lit. Also known as Blockhouse. He was a member of the Kamehameha Lodge and an honorary deacon of the Waialua Congregational Church. Maunalua Bay Ramp is in the park at the intersection of Hawaiʻi Kai Drive and Kalanianaʻole Highway and includes two ramps and a vessel washdown area. Man-made beach park created by deposition of material dredged from the bay during the developed of Hawaiʻi Kai. Kāhala. Beach park (8. In 1972 Brown sold his estate to the development company that built the Mauna Lani resort. Bay. offshore mooring. Maurice Point. Maui. Oʻahu. The name Mauna Lani. Mauna Lani Reef. a Hawaiian scholar. the Molokaʻi Junior Chamber of Commerce (JCs) improved the beachfront property . heavenly mountain. a sea captain and coffee plantation manager. Kohala mountain. Lit. Lit." was suggested by Emma de Fries. Beach park. ramp. Dudoit and his four brothers moved from Honolulu to Molokaʻi in the 1920s. Mauna Kohala. Also known as Three Tables. Beach park (5. Honolulu.7 acres). Hawaiʻi. First artificial reef built by the Department of Land and Natural Resources in 1961 approximately 1. and Mauna Kea—and. Mauna Lahilahi. the two prominent mountains at the east end of the bay). Calcareous sand beach between Waimea Point and Pūpūkea Road. The windsurf site is at the east end of the beach park. Lit. a part-Hawaiian businessman. 1983. Mauna Lani. rocky cove east of Hoʻokipa Beach Park. across the ʻAlenuihāhā Channel.white mountain (probably for the snow on its summit during the winter). 2.. meaning "heavenly mountain. The artificial reef is off the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Off Mauna Lani Beach. (1898-1964) who lived across the highway from the point. who noted the strong sense of volcanic presence at Kalāhuipuaʻa in its central position among four of the Big Island's most prominent volcanoes—Hualālai. Kaiser donated the park to the City and County of Honolulu in 1960. Moanui. and sportsman. 1. which is also known as Black Rock. Sunset Beach. Henry J. mountain. Named for Maurice Dudoit Sr. Kohala. fishing site. where it is ridden only during strong southwesterly winds. two mountains (probably for Koko Head and Koko Crater. water mountain. frail mountain. Hawaiʻi Kai. Haleakalā on Maui. ʻOpihi gathering site. Cove. Mauna Lani. A wharf constructed at the landing was eventually dismantled. but he was buried on the family property. Landing for interisland steamers that was discovered at the foot of the sea cliffs to the southwest of Māʻalaea Bay by Captain Daniel McGregor (1857-1887). Maui. Maui. M Buoy. The ruins of the landing below the Federal Aviation Agency blockhouse include only a few concrete foundations and a cleat embedded in the rock. Lānaʻi. daughter of Captain William Matson. December 26. Punaluʻu. South Kohala. and I own the business that he started. Landmarks: Keanapapa Point. moʻolelo My dad was one of five brothers and eventually they all moved to Molokaʻi. Hāna. We provide school bus service for the communities on the east and west ends of the island. Large pocket of calcareous sand with low vegetated dunes in the backshore. Fish aggregating device. Rachel Lahela Puaa Dudoit. so later my dad changed the whole family over to Protestant. Fish aggregating device. Beach. Maurice Point was named for him. Buoy anchored at approximately 438 fathoms. McGregor. In the early days.. Palaoa Point Light. Buoy anchored at approximately 575 fathoms. Abraham. Lit. McGregor Point Light was established in 1906 to replace the discontinued Māʻalaea Bay Light. was a Protestant. and he made his home at the East End. Landing. Hawaiʻi. 2000 Mauʻumae. came to Molokaʻi in the 1920s and settled in Moanui. Mānele Bay Light. Series of narrow fissures with anchialine ponds in the low sea cliffs between Punaluʻu and Kamehame. Daniel McGregor. and it's always been a good fishing area. He lived right across the street from the point and used to fish there for ulua and ʻūʻū. wilted grass. the founder of the Matson Navigation Company. Landmark: Hāna Bay Light. He was a ship's captain . Valentine Dudoit. At that time there were a lot of fish off the point—which is actually called Kumimi—but almost no one else fished there.next to Maurice Point and turned it into a beach park. and Maurice. Hawaiʻi. cleft. When he passed away on October 19. Besides my dad. Also known as Kumimi. and the point is still called Maurice Point. moʻolelo McGregor's Landing was named for my grandfather. Maurice Dudoit Sr.. People still fish there now and on the reef nearby. The fishing site is the rocky point adjacent to the park. The 20-foot concrete pyramidal tower is on a site 48 feet above sea level. point. The point across the street from our family home was named Maurice Point after my father. The beachfront estate above this secluded beach was for many years the home of Lurline Matson Roth. September 22. point light. Anchialine ponds. my dad was a Catholic. there was Adrian. Dudoit's Bus Service. 2000 My father. Palaoa. his service was held at Waialua Congregational Church.. Peter. Māwae. In Hawaiian it's called Kumimi. Lit. l'm the youngest of his fifteen children. Māʻalaea. Moana Dudoit. My Uncle Maurice was the youngest and the tallest of the brothers. 1964. but my mom. MC Buoy. but my dad was the only one on homestead land. My uncle's family still lives on the original property across the street. That night had been extremely stormy. Hauʻula on Oʻahu was a common stopping point for the ships going around the island. . Hawaiʻi. Nāwiliwili. September 12. south coast. They had been heading up the coast from Lahaina for Māʻalaea. seawall. East of Kaunolū. Lānaʻi. menpachi. A 100-foot-long lava tube wide enough for two divers side-by-side at 40-60 feet. but it was too rough. but just barely and they dropped anchor. Squirrel fish. The dive site is off the breakwater. He died shortly after in Honolulu on April 4. Also known as Pāokamenehune. and one day there my grandfather was involved in a fight with some sailors. Maui.on the interisland ships before his death in 1887. Lit. Dive site. surf site. Menehune Fishpond. 1887. they found a place that was sheltered and deep enough. their intended destination. They often constructed public works projects.900 feet long that enclosed the bay. squirrel fish cave. Dive site. Also known as Lighthouse. Kauaʻi. Dive site. North of Kalepolepo (or Koʻieʻie) Fishpond. He brought the ship close to shore and had the crew line the sides of the deck to take soundings. Menehune Breakwater. He was my step-grandfather who had married my father's mother. and it was called McGregor's Landing. which surprised all of us. Māʻalaea. Kīhei. The story of the naming was told to me by my Tutu Paika Kanakaole. are found throughout the cave. Menehune Reef. The next morning they were all surprised to see that they had anchored next to a high sea cliff. Also known as Alekoko. One of the most striking features at Kahaluʻu Beach Park is the ruin of a great boulder wall or breakwater. My dad was only two when my grandfather died. they were all soaked. and. Captain McGregor. It was originally a semicircle 3. between two or three in the morning. however. forming a large fishpond. and he lived with us in his declining years.. but one night he overheard the family talking about the landing. Maui. and was buried at Kawaiahaʻo. a mythical people who reputedly inhabited the islands before the arrival of the Hawaiians. Construction of the pond is attributed to the menehune. of course. Marion Lee Loy.. Dive site. was determined to make a safe landing that night. completing them in one night or abandoning them forever. 1977 McGregor Point. Menpachi Cave. and the rain was pouring down.700-foot boulder wall that cut off a bend in the Hulēʻia River near Nāwiliwili Harbor. Kahaluʻu. Finally. Traditional stories say the wall was built in one night by the menehune. He told us he had been a member of the crew. The surf site is northeast of McGregor Point along the low sea cliffs. Later a landing was constructed at the bottom of the cliff. a mythical people who were known for their public works projects. commonly known to Hawaiian fishermen by their Japanese name. He was quiet and said very little. The dive site is off the former landing. so he never got the story firsthand. Pond created by the construction of a 2. and then he told us the story of how they had found the landing. Wide. Surf site. Surf site. Middle Peak. Kīholo. Surf site. Surf site. Off Hukilau Beach Park in the middle of Lāʻie Bay. The country club was incorporated on May 5. Hawaiʻi. Surf site. Surf site. Middles. 4. the name is a play on words—mental ("stupid") and oaf ("idiot")—to describe anyone who would attempt to surf here. . 2. Also known as The Box. Also known as Middles. Kailua. designed by golf course architect Seth Raynor. Kauaʻi. Also known as Right Rights. 1. In the middle of Kīholo Bay off the beach-front home of Dr. Surf site. Bay. Surf site. Oʻahu. Lanikai. 3. Middle Reef. Bakken. second-reef site that breaks approximately in the middle of Hanalei Bay. 3. Surf site. dangerous wave that breaks on a shallow ledge fronting a rocky shore. Middle Break. One of several surfing and windsurf sites off Hoʻokipa Beach Park. Surf site. Oʻahu. Middles is off the middle of the park. Maui. Oʻahu. Miki. Surf site. Lit. Kailua. General name for several peaks in the middle of the reef off Lanikai Beach. Mokulēʻia. and this surf site was named for it. Park Rights and Day Star. Fishing site. Also known as The Bay. Oʻahu. Pearl Harbor. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Between (in the middle of) two more prominent surf sites. In June 1958 a charter fishing boat named Mizpah went aground here. Surf site. between the concrete pavilion at the east end of the park and Hāmākua Poko Point at the west. Surf site. Kawela.. Big-wave. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Fishpond. extensive reef that is in the middle of Molokini's crescent. point. Mesh Piles. Niu. Lāʻie. Kalaeloa. Molokini. round milkfish. Hawaiʻi Kai. Kawela. Molokaʻi. terminating at Waiʻoli Channel. Oʻahu. 1926 as an amenity of Charles Frazier's new subdivision. The centermost. inventor of the pacemaker. Hanalei. 5. Its 18-hole championship golf course. Kauaʻi. Also known as Kīholo. Surf site. 4. Mikiawa. designed by golf course. A steep. On the west side of the Kalama Stream mouth. Big-wave. Straight Outs. The peak in the middle of Sandy Beach that breaks outside of the shorebreak during big swells. Keawanui. Middle Loch. Pacers. Off the middle of the beach in Sand Island State Park. Also known as Mizpah. Kawela. Alternate name for Middle of the Bay. Dive site. 1. Oʻahu. Alternate name for Middle of the Bay. At the west end of Lanikai Reef off the main entrance to Mid-Pacific (Mid Pac) Country Club. Oʻahu. Waiʻoli. 2. Big-wave. Mid Pacs. Maui. Oʻahu." bay in Pearl Harbor. second-reef site that breaks approximately in the middle of Kawela Bay. opened in 1928 with the first nine holes. Earl E. Hawaiʻi Kai. Surf site. Oʻahu. or "middle. Middle of the Bay. Middles. Hawaiʻi. Rocky point near the east boundary of Campbell Industrial Park. Hoʻokipa.Mentaloafs. Hanalei. Sand Island. second-reef site that breaks approximately one-quarter mile offshore in the middle of ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. Named after a Japanese fisherman from ʻEwa Plantation. Mid Reef. Mesh Piles is a corruption of Mizpah. making it a dangerous site to surf. flat. Facilities include a ramp and a fish hoist. The dive site is off the reef at approximately 35 feet. Milokukohi. Hawaiʻi. 1958. Mizpah. Fish aggregating device. Also known as Hot Pond. Miloliʻi Light is a light atop a 20-foot pole that is 44 feet above sea level. ramp. MM Buoy. park. Moi. Also known as Puʻu Ōlaʻi. Miloliʻi. but his son Alexander and granddaughter Sara Miller Makaiwa are buried in the family graveyard at Paʻako. Miloliʻi. Waikīkī. 2. Landmarks: Pyramid Rock. Pool. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. 31-ton charter fishing boat Mizpah ran aground in high surf on the reef off Niu Peninsula. Pohoʻiki. Lit. Surf site. Fishing site. it is now known as the Sheraton Moana Surfrider. light. Beach park. dive site. Miloliʻi Valley is at the south end of the flat. Oʻahu. Off the 4-mile marker on Aliʻi Drive. North Kona. dive site. The first large tourist hotel in Hawaiʻi and now the oldest. surf site. Miller was an English whaler who lived in the late 1800s at Paʻako near Puʻu Ōlaʻi. Oʻahu. Millionaire's Pond. Oʻahu. Small bay west of Kaluakoʻi Point. Nā Pali. Miloliʻi village on Hawaiʻi was noted for its excellent sennit. Mine Fields. On June 9. Fishing site.. which is made by twisting the fiber.Mile 4. The beach borders a long. Surf site. Hawaiʻi. Pearl Harbor. 1901 at Ulukou on the shore of Waikīkī Beach. 2. Kauaʻi. Fishpond. Fishing site. Little is known about Miller. or coconut husk fiber cord. Beach. the 58-foot. Mākena. 1. Mauna Lani. Lānaʻi. The "hole" is actually a small cave in the low sea cliffs off Kāneana Cave. Lit. open ocean. Mānele. Keawaʻula. Māʻili. Moana. are caught here. Hotel. The name is for a former owner of the property. the littoral cone at the north end of Mākena State Park. Geothermally heated brackish-water pond in Ahalanui Beach Park. the coastal road between Kailua and Keauhou. Niu.355 fathoms. Off the rocks beyond the west end of Yokohama Beach. Missouri. rocky point in the center of Miloliʻi village. A large fringing reef fronts the beach and vegetated dunes line the backshore. 1. On the west side of Māʻili Point near Hoʻokele Street. Most of the reef and many of the rocks in the ocean here are emergent even at high tide. Moi Bay. Oʻahu. West of the hotel. a . The surf site is off the reef on the south side of the channel. Large sandy lot bordered by a seawall on a low. Memorial. or threadfish (Polydactylus sexfilis). Buoy anchored at approximately 1. Miller's Hill. The dive site is off the beach park.. Maui. Also known as Mesh Piles. Mākua. Same as Battleship Missouri Memorial. Mōkapu Point. Makapuʻu Point Light. A boat channel cuts through the reef at the north end of the beach. One of five calcareous sand beaches in Nā Pali Coast State Park. fine twist. Hawaiʻi. the western boundary of the Mānele-Hulopoʻe Marine Life Conservation District. An alternate translation is "small twisting. Oʻahu. Littoral cone. Oʻahu. narrow coastal flat at the base of high sea cliffs. Dodging the rocks is like trying to avoid mines in a minefield. Moi Hole. Mauna Kea Pond. Opened on March 11." as a current. but its engine still remains on the bottom of Niu Channel near the surf site. Dive site. It was eventually completely destroyed. Islands. 3.large cave on Farrington Highway. Island (3. Cove. Off Hakuheʻe Point. During World War II.6 million. A large pool in the reef off the canal was the result of successive dredging operations. Hāmoa Beach is at the head of the cove. Moi. Maui. Wailea. Mokulēʻia. and the Mōkōlea Point property was purchased from Ocean Vistas Consortium for $1. "Mokes" is an abbreviation of Mokulua. Solitary island at the north end of Kailua Bay that is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Mokes. surf site. Kāneʻohe Bay. Black . first by Līhuʻe Plantation for road fill material and then again by the county for a proposed natatorium. Canal. Lit. Today it is indistinguishable from the other sub-merged rocks off the north end of the beach. Island (4. windsurf site. are caught at both sites. 2. 91 acres of Crater Hill and 38 acres at Mōkōlea Point were added to the refuge. "Mokes" is an abbreviation of Mokulēʻia. Keʻehi. Largest of several small islands in Keʻehi Lagoon. Wailea.6 acres. Site of a former interisland steamer landing for the Reciprocity Plantation. The dunes contain the precontact burials of native Hawaiians. landing. One of several canals in Waipouli and Kapaʻa that were built to drain the inland marshes to make the land suitable for agriculture. 360 feet high). Two islands off Wailea Point in Lanikai. Maui. Maui. Kailua. Point. Part of Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge. or threadfish (Polydactylus sexfilis). One of five calcareous sand beaches fronting the Wailea resort complex. Mokauea. One of two sea stacks on the east side of Kalaupapa Peninsula. Kauaʻi. Mōkoholā. Peninsula. snorkeling site. Kailua. 1. 3. In the backshore of North Beach at the edge of the Klipper Golf Course on Marine Corps Base Hawaiʻi.. Oʻahu. At Mōkōlea Point north of Kahakuloa. Oʻahu. Also known as Bird Island. a sedge-like plant. Molokaʻi. Kīlauea. the state and the Mokauea Fishermen's Association entered into a long-term. Beach. Beach. Molokaʻi. 4. Island (. Mōkapu. Kalaupapa. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Kauaʻi. Maui. trodden island (mō is short for moku). Mōkeʻehia. Fronting the Renaissance Wailea Beach Resort. Oʻahu. cut). Drainage canal with a small jetty at Waipouli Beach. it was a meeting place for Hawaiian chiefs. Mōkōlea. 1. Surfing and windsurf sites that front Mokulēʻia Beach Park. Wide point of land that separates Kāneʻohe and Kailua Bays and includes two large volcanic cones. Ulupaʻu and Puʻu Hawaiʻiloa. In July 1978. The landing and warehouse were situated on the north point of the cove. The peninsula has been a military base since the 1930s and has been occupied by Marine Corps Base Hawaiʻi. The reefs at Mōkapu are considered to be among the best snorkeling sites on Maui. Mōkapu.. Mokae. 50 feet high). 1988. 160 feet high). point. Dive site. Island. Mōkapu. Kāneʻohe Bay since 1952. Oʻahu. Lit. The surf site is off the beach. Lit.. Kahakuloa. 4. Native Hawaiian burial dunes. Hāna. 2. the Hawaiian name for the two islands. cut whale (mō is short for moku. The Doran Schmidt family donated the Crater Hill property. On March 8. 50 feet high). the island was almost entirely destroyed by the military during combat demolition exercises. In pre-contact times. Waipouli. Island (. Maui. Molokaʻi. Lit. low-rent agreement. Moikeha.36 acres. State-owned island that is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. 1. Oʻahu. however. Oʻahu. 2. Pelekunu.46 acres. allowing members of the association to live on the island as they and their families had done in the past. Name of an early navigator. Kahakuloa.. Surfing.5 acres. The beach was named for a small rock island called Mōkapu. Island. Pelekunu. 5. sacred district (mō is short for moku). Island (. and threw the pieces into the sea. majestic island. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary and an important nesting site for wedge-tailed shearwaters.Rock. 2. island (. Keʻanae. Mokūʻauia. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary.. point. Approximately 500 yards off Kualoa Regional Park. Kauaʻi. Lit. 40 feet high). One of two islands that were built by a posterosional eruption and eventually divided into two islands by wave erosion. Keʻanae. Lit. Molokaʻi.74 acres. 203 feet high). Nāhiku. Pearl Harbor. Fishpond. Lit. Mokuhala. Dive site. Mokoliʻi. One of five islets visible from Lāʻie Point that were created when the demigods Kana and Nīheu cut up the body of a moʻo. 2. Mokuhuki. Many small rock islands are located in the ocean off the cobblestone . Also known as Goat Island. Lit. Part of the Hawaiʻi Seabird Sanctuary. Off Kaʻuiki Head. Island. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Oʻahu. plover island (mō is short for moku). Fishing site. Maui. Lit. Maui. a giant lizard. pulling island. Kailua. small island. 40 feet high). islands. Moakea. the goddess of the volcano. Also known as Chinaman's Hat. 40 feet high).. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Kualoa.. the island was said in legend to be the tail of a giant lizard named Mokoliʻi who was killed by Hiʻiaka. Smaller of two rock islands off Ford Island near the USS Arizona Memorial. Hāna. The island is directly off Kīlauea Point where it is an important nesting site for the refuge's bird colonies. The dive site off the island includes pinnacles and dropoffs at 30 to 100 feet. Mokuālai. Island...6 acres. Maui. One Hump. Mokuʻaeʻae. 1. Island (. Island (. Moku Iki. fine [small] island.18 acres.. Lit. 10 feet high). Mokuhoʻoniki was used as a bombing target by the military until 1958 when Molokaʻi residents' complaints about noise and concerns about safety were finally heeded. little lizard (a rare use of moko for moʻo). Also known as Koholālele. Mokulau.18 acres. Mokuholua. 104 feet high). Lāʻie. Maui. Lit.35 acres. Island. Smaller of the two Mokulua Islands off Wailea Point. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. island (10.3 acres.. The larger is Moku Nui. holua [sled] island.. pandanus tree island or island passed by. Kualoa. Island remnant east of Lāʻie Point that is now a rock awash. island that was cast aside. island that obstructs or blocks. Mokuhano. Lit. pinch island (as a lover pinches). Kaupō. Island (9 acres). Lāʻie. Lit. Lit. landing.. 10 feet high). Kanahā is the second island. Also known as Elephant Rock. Lit. Island (25 acres. One of five islands visible from the point that were created when the demigods Kana and Nīheu cut up the body of a moʻo. Pake Papale. Mokuhoʻoniki. 1. On the north side of Waiohue Bay. Maui. A large pocket of flat sand here is a fishing site for akule. and threw the pieces into the sea. Oʻahu. Also known as Baby Moke. The larger is Moku Nui. Oʻahu. One of two state-owned islands near Pauwalu Point. the sister of Pele. Kīlauea.. Oʻahu. Beach. Island (. a giant lizard.. Mokulēʻia. snorkeling site. Both are part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary and primary nesting sites for wedgetailed shearwaters and Bulwer's petrels. Oʻahu. The beach passes through four land divisions in the Waialua District—Mokulēʻia. constructed in 1857 on the otherwise barren point. is a popular landing site for boaters. 225 feet high). Oʻahu. One of several small islands in Keʻehi Lagoon on the western side . bird island. Part of the Honolua-Mokulēʻia Bay Marine Life Conservation District established in 1978. Mokulēʻia.. Kaunolū. Oʻahu. two islands. Mokulēʻia. Lit.5 acres). Kailua. Two Humps. Oʻahu.. Pelekunu. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. large island. Larger of the two Mokulua Islands off Wailea Point in Lanikai. 2.. Kawailoa. island (16. Oʻahu. Mokulēʻia. Island. Also known as The Point. Island. Section of Mokulēʻia Beach near Dillingham Airfield. Mokulēʻia Army Beach. Beach. Maui.. Dive site. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. The larger island is also known as Big Moke. 5. Island. Collective name for two islands approximately three-quarters of a mile off Wailea Point in Lanikai. The smaller island is also known as Baby Moke. branched island. Large calcareous sand pocket beach at the foot of the sea cliffs. Mokulēʻia. Mokes.7 acres. 2. Pearl Harbor. The calcareous sand beach in the lee of Moku Nui. Maui. Lit. Mokulua. 1. Off the beach park. Lit. Oʻahu. Huialoha Church. Maui. Also known as Bird Island. Lit. Keʻanae. 4. Honolua.87 acres. A 6-mile-long calcareous sand beach between Kaiaka Bay and Camp Erdman. Mokumanu. Islands (24. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. noddy tern island. 1. Beach park (38. Surf site. 3. Island. Moku Nui. many islands.beach lining the north side of the point. One of two state-owned islands near Pauwalu Point. Lānaʻi.. windsurf site. Keʻehi Lagoon. and Twin Islands. Both islands are also known as the Mokuluas. and One Hump.1 acres. Kawaihāpai. 225 feet high). 2. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Small island adjoining the shore west of Waimea Bay. Hāna. Also known as Big Moke.6 acres. the larger island. Also known as Slaughterhouse Beach. Section of Mokulēʻia Beach opposite Dillingham Airfield. and Two Humps. Moku Iki. Also known as Mokes. or branches. and Kaʻena—but is known only as Mokulēʻia Beach. and surfers.. Off the beach park. Keālia. 2. Lit. The seaward side of the Oʻahu island divides. Mokuoeo. Mokunaio. Park Rights. Beach. Moku Nui. Dive site. has an active congregation. Island (2. false sandalwood tree island.. kayakers. Larger of two small rock islands off Ford Island near the USS Arizona Memorial. the volcanic tuff cone on the shore of Mōkapu Peninsula. Mokumanu is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary and is an eroded remnant of Ulupaʻu Head. The dive site on the north side of Mokumanu includes a sea cave and is noted for its tiger sharks. Same as Army Beach. Large island off Ulupaʻu Head with a narrow. Mokunoio. The ruins of Mokulau Landing are located across the bay from the church. 1. 1. Island. Oʻahu. Mokulēʻia. Island (. Mōkapu. 150 feet high). Molokaʻi.. shallow passage through its center. Mokulēʻia. 40 feet high). into two small points. Island (13 acres). Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Mokumana. district of abundance. Oʻahu. Lit. Lit. Lit. Kailua. Bay.08 acres. 80 feet high). 40 feet high).. or matted. Also known as Ford Island and Poka ʻAilana. Small rock island off Makuʻu.. Two other tombolos are found on Kauaʻi. Maui. Lit. Hakipuʻu. Beach. Oʻahu. and one at Poʻipū Beach Park that joins the beach to Nukumoi Point. Lit. Island (. 40 feet high). Mokupuku. pearl oyster island. island of Kahaʻilani (a chief). Both ends of the beach terminate at high bluffs. island of Loʻe. Hālawa. The island has a large hole through it above sea level.. 40 feet high). Mokuola. Lit. Island. twilight. limpet island. black nightshade plant island. Hilo. Also known as Coconut Island. Kīpū Kai. point. Mokuokau. Island. Mokuʻumeʻume. Kauaʻi. Moku o Loʻe. small section. Mokupapapa. Hāna. Island (1. Lit. Lit. Small cluster of rocks behind the prominent rock called Haili in Paʻiloa Bay in Waiʻānapanapa State Park... healing island..18 acres. a sandbar that joins two islands. Island.5 acres. The islands are sea stacks—rocks isolated from the main island by erosion. once grew so thickly here that the roots of the trees were interwoven. matted roots. Hawaiʻi. Lit. Kāneʻohe Bay. Island (. Mokupala. Lit. Moloaʻa.. Also known as Coconut Island. flat island. beach. Lit.. Kīpahulu. The wauke. Island (. Maui. Oʻahu. Haʻikū. Island. Calcareous sand beach at the head of Moloaʻa Bay. I went to Koʻolau . and I was raised at Moloaʻa. Oʻahu. Moku Pōpolo. Point connected to a small calcareous sand beach by a tombolo. or paper mulberry. contracted island. Mōliʻi. North Kohala. Molokaʻi.. Hāna. Hoʻōpūloa. Pearl Harbor. Maui.18 acres. Loʻe was a legendary woman who is said to have lived on the island. Mokuʻopihi.. Lit. Kauaʻi. One of three islands off Honokeʻā Valley on the north side of the Kohala Mountains. Mōlehu. Mokupipi. rotten island (probably referring to seaweed). 40 feet high).of Kalihi Channel that was mostly destroyed by the dredging of the seaplane runways in the 1940s. the island was visited by Hawaiians who wanted to be cured of diseases. Moloaʻa Stream crosses the north end of the beach. Mokuokahaʻilani. Hawaiʻi.9 acres. Island (1. moʻolelo I'm retired from the Kauaʻi Police Department. Island (. Lit.. one at Crater Hill that joins the base of the hill to Makapili Island. Lit. 50 feet high). Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. sexual game island.. The water around the island was believed to heal those who swam in it. Prior to its development as a park.. Makuʻu. Island. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. Fishpond. Also known as ʻOpihi. Maui.72 acres. Lit. Lit. 1. It was dark maroon with a greenish hue. Maui. my aunties. 4. Molokaʻi Express. To pick. Island. The kohu here is very red. State seabird sanctuary. Also known as the Kalaupapa Light. and others in my family Our limu expeditions took us from Moloaʻa to Pīlaʻa and back. with both snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities at 1080 feet. there's a strong rip current. Maui. Hanalei. Powerful current that runs from Koko Head toward Molokaʻi. Hawaiʻi Kai. Bill Huddy. We would get pilikoʻa there. Molokaʻi is the fifth largest (260 square miles) of the eight major Hawaiian Islands and one of four islands in Maui County. If there's no surf. the sun burns the limu and turns it white. and I also made some rescues myself of my own family members. 4. and then makes a sharp U-turn straight out the center of the bay. Molokaʻi. Oʻahu. Lepeuli is the little bay with a freshwater stream before Kepuhi Point. Current. It has a population of 7. 1. Established in 1906 and automated in 1966. The island lies in the ʻAlalākeiki Channel between Maui and Kahoʻolawe. The term express compares the speed of the current to an express train. and glassbottomed boats. which is lighter but has less ʻopala. I would pick limu with my mother. We would try to break the limu off above the kumu. Kaʻakaʻaniu is the reef that's good for limu kohu on the west side of the bay. including custom dive boats. In Hanalei Bay off the mouth of Waiʻoli Stream. Kauaʻi. Many individual dive sites with individual names are located around the island. If [there are] no waves. the curator of Maritime History at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.970 feet. Reef.School. Kalaupapa. The 132-foot light tower was completed in 1909 and its base is approximately 100 feet above sea level. The highest mountain on the island is Kamakou. Hawaiʻi. many of whom are of Hawaiian ancestry. Reef. Light. 3. The ship was located in 1995 and excavated by a team led by Paul Johnston. Molokini. The graveyard is near the right-of-way to Larsen's Beach. Island. My dad was deputy sheriff of the Hanalei District. It comes in from the east point. you just boil it. Light. before putting it in the bag. I lost an uncle there. Molokini. with an elevation of 4. and when he went to work. In November 1983. 2. and the pua kukui flower is the emblem of the island. 2. and you can also add limu ʻopihi. Molokini. and to prepare it. but with some waves playing over the limu. Reef bordering the channel into the beach at Papaʻi that was used as a canoe landing. inflatable boats. there's good swimming and diving all over the bay. you need a calm day. which was next to the graveyard on Koʻolau Road. and my parents are buried there. Dive site. a historic ship that sank here in 1820. four men night-diving at Portlock Point were caught in this current and towed 4 miles into the Kaiwi Channel before they were rescued off Sandy Beach.404. the Haʻaheo o Hawaiʻi. The reef is the site of a shipwreck. 1986 Molokaʻi. Established in 1911 on the southwest summit of the cone at approximately 173 feet above sea level. but has more ʻopala to clean than the kohu at Pīlaʻa. the base. traveling in the opposite direction of the prevailing currents and trade winds. Crescent-shaped palagonite tuff cone formed by an eruption in the ocean on the southwest rift zone of Haleakalā. When the nalu [surf] comes into the bay. And we always kept the storage bag in the water or the limu would get palaheʻe [overripe]. The most popular dive site in Maui County and rated as one of the top ten dive sites in the world. The state-owned island is part of the . Maui. Molokini. Molokaʻi's nickname is the Friendly Isle. February 5. sweeps across the entire swimming area. The ocean within the island's crescent is a marine life conservation district (MLCD) and is the destination of daily snorkel and dive tours on a variety of boats from Maui. Papaʻi. snorkeling site. 3. 2. dive site. many moʻo or many lineages. Molokini Shoal. Moʻokini. members of the Honolulu Japanese Casting Club began a community service project to identify fishing sites around Oʻahu where shorecasters had drowned. surf site. especially fish. Narrow calcareous sand beach at the head of Moʻomomi Bay fronting the Hawaiian Home Lands recreation center. Established in 1977. The conservation area is not a Department of Land and Natural Resources' Natural Area Reserve or Marine Life Conservation District. 3. The face of the wall at the dropoff is the "monolith. The marine life conservation district surrounds the island. south coast. Heiau. subjecting them to doses of radar impulses. a priest from Tahiti. the heiau is the only one in Hawaiʻi with a continuous family line of guardianship since its beginning. ʻUpolu. is said to have hidden the bones of Kamehameha I. Oʻahu. or "danger. harbors a wide diversity of marine life and is one of Hawaiʻi's most popular snorkeling and scuba diving destinations.D. Conservation area. or shrine.. Surf site. large ("monster-sized") waves here are mushy during strong on-shore winds. Moʻomomi. poorly formed waves that spill when they break instead of plunge. It was designated as Hawaiʻi's first national historic landmark in 1963. Plateau that begins at 40 feet and then drops abruptly to 110 feet. following the 30-fathom or 180-foot contour line. and ʻopihi. 1000. Māʻili. Lit. 1. On the waterfront at the foot of downtown Hilo. Molokaʻi. On the east side of Māʻili Point and off the warning marker. Lānaʻi. Monuments. Dive site.Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. According to legend and genealogical chants of the Moʻokini family. a group of Molokaʻi residents who were concerned over the serious depletion of the ocean resources at Moʻomomi. Surf site. Oʻahu. 500 by the High Priest Kuamoʻo Moʻokini and rebuilt by Pāʻao. Oʻahu. Park. Their project included placing warning markers on a number of dangerous ledges. Sunset Beach. The shallow inner cove of Molokini. Moʻomomi Bay is in the center of the area that extends east to Nihoa near the base of the Kalaupapa Trail and west to ʻĪlio Point. many ties. Landing on the island is prohibited. or "monument. The sides of the markers were painted with the Japanese character abunai. Molokaʻi. In 1935. Monolith. beach. During the winter months. . Marine life conservation district (200 acres).D. about A. Tradition says the heiau was built about A. Island.. Monkey. Mush is surfing slang for sloppy. Name of a chief whose father. Hawaiʻi. Pearl Harbor. Large island in West Loch in Pearl Harbor. lobster. Hawaiʻi." on the rocky ledge. with 30-foot-high walls forming a rectangle approximately 250 by 125 feet. Moʻomomi. including this one at Māʻili Point. Hilo. Moʻomomi. The military constructed a monkey farm here and conducted experiments on the monkeys." Monster Mush. Massive heiau. Also known as Laulaunui Island. recreation center." Also known as Olympic Point. Lit. East of Kaunolū. The dive site and surf site are off the pavilion. Bay. or the shoal. Established in 1993 by Hui Malama o Moʻomomi. Coast. Hoʻolulu. Moʻoheau. General name for the 3 miles of calcareous sand beaches from the Hawaiian Home Lands recreation center to the sea cliffs at Keonelele. Our area is not part of any of the State's natural area reserves or conservation districts. Wade Lee and I put a conservation program together called Hui Malama o Moʻomomi. November 25. and the only commercial activities that are allowed are trolling. about Kihapiʻilani in the Kūʻokoʻa newspaper states: "They reached the cape of Paa at Muolea. Popular place for mothers to bring their children during the summer and other periods of no surf. Northeast of Haycraft Park in Māʻalaea Village. And what's important is that the system works. and the ʻopihi are coming back. Mormon Pond. The commercial activity especially really hit the area hard. It is also the place where the poisonous seaweed grows until this day. the lobster." An article dated March 8. The program encourages traditional fishing methods that go hand-in-hand with a subsistence lifestyle. Tide pool. making it a popular place for mothers to bring their children. The surf site is a beginner's site off the beach. Kalaupapa. and the ʻopihi. the serious depletion of the fish species. Barbers Point. Several small pockets of sand in the reef here provide protected swimming and wading opportunities for little children. and I've been working on it ever since. The fish. We included the rocky areas past the sand beaches because those are our ʻopihi grounds. The backshore inland of the surf site is undeveloped and consists of shallow mudflats that pond after heavy rains. where the Mormons baptized their converts. Sunset Beach. or "deadly seaweed. Site of the limu make. We also discourage the use of scuba gear unless it's used to free nets from the coral so the coral isn't broken. so the word is out and people are respectful of our system and our lifestyle. Oʻahu. At the base of the low sea cliffs at Judd Park fronting Waiʻaleʻia Valley. 1. Mothers. Beach. 2000 Moorings. Mac Poepoe. Mooring site. surf site.moʻolelo I've lived on Molokaʻi and fished at Moʻomomi all my life. Māʻalaea. Maui. The area that we've designated as the conservation area is from Moʻomomi Bay north to Nīhoa. Surf site. but we have been caretakers there for generations. Oʻahu." Limu make (Palythoa toxica) was collected from Mūʻolea and studied at the Hawaiʻi . Roadstead where oil tankers anchor to discharge their cargoes for the two refineries at Campbell Industrial Park. and now people can see the results. During the 1980s was when I really started to notice the loss of our resources there. so in 1993. but not now. 2. Kāhala. 1884. We estimate that at least 15 percent of the Molokaʻi residents do some type of subsistence fishing. Although there are several good places to surf. the place where the houses of King Kalākaua stand. Mūʻolea. Mudflats. and from Moʻomomi Bay south to ʻĪlio Point. the lobster. which is just before the foot of the Kalaupapa Trail. Molokaʻi. we only have one designated surfing spot. and this program is to help ensure that they will always have fish. and surround netting for akule and taʻape. On the west side of Sunset Point. bottom fishing. It's off the north point of Moʻomomi Bay. Section of Kāhala Beach at the intersection of Kāhala Avenue and Hunakai Street. The program discourages the use of technology. Kīpahulu. Oʻahu. Maui. We discourage surfing at the other spots because the waves are breaking on papa where the fish feed. Moʻomomi was noted for its kumu. Beach. Point. Anyone can come down and fish as long as they follow the rules. Nākālele. surf site. The 3-mile road from Hāna Highway to the ruins of the landing passes many rubber trees and the remains of a coral flume. The landing was constructed in 1903 and abandoned in 1916. fishing site. and Paoakalani. Kailua. incorporated on January 24. The beach is the site of a former fishing village. Lit. Molokaʻi. Narrow detrital sand beach at the end of Keōmuku Road. Island (. Collective name for the three islands off Honokeʻa: Mokupuka. Palytoxin has been found to help in the treatment of some types of cancer. 50 feet high). Point. Scenic point. Lit. Lit.. Lit. Oʻahu. Naha. Kalaupapa. and the seaward end of the Naha Trail. the light was automated in 1922. The dive site is off the rocks. The islands are sea stacks—rocks left by the collapse of an arch or isolated from the main island by erosion. the islands. Lit. 1. a trail that connects Pālāwai Basin to the ocean.. Also known as Five Caves. Beach. Oʻahu.. Nākālele. Small point separating Father Jules Papa and Hāmākua Poko Papa. West end of Mākua Beach. 1905. 1.. The surf site is off the beach. Nā Mokulua. Site of the Nāhiku Rubber Plantation. Off the north point of Mākena Bay. Mākena. at a site 150 feet above sea level. Studying its chemical composition resulted in an important scientific discovery—the potent biotoxin. Hāmākua Poko. Point.09 acres. 2. where the sand is fronted by rocks at the water's edge. the supports. Five Graves. Maui. Nāmāhana. bent or curved. Maui. Maui. Nahuna Point. Islands. Dive site. Islands. 2. the seven (districts of the area). dive site. fishpond. one of the four fishponds on Lānaʻi. Maui.Institute of Marine Biology on Oʻahu. Blowhole. Honokeʻa." NN Naha. The blowhole is on a lava terrace at the water's edge. Also known as the Mokulua . High-quality rubber trees had been planted in Nāhiku as early as 1899 to determine if they would grow well and be commercially productive. palytoxin. or "thoroughly bitter. Nāhiku Landing.. Hawaiʻi. Turtle Town. Two islands off Wailea Point in Lanikai. Planting and tapping operations continued until 1916. The fishing site is on the rocks near the light. the twins. Nāmoku. when high labor costs forced the company to close. Paʻalaea. Mākua. point light. Perhaps a variation of muʻeleʻa. Nāhiku. the first rubber plantation on American soil. Lānaʻi. Established on the northernmost point of West Maui in 1910. just look around. sandy cove at Mauna Lani Beach that is surrounded by small lava islands. Nānākuli Tracks. Punaluʻu. Hawaiʻi Kai." during the explosive interaction of the molten lava and the cold water of the ocean. Needles. Oʻahu. Lit. beach. Surf site. Honopū. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Beach park (39. Lit. Lit. Nuʻalolo Kai. Surf site.. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Some 15 miles of isolated shore between Kēʻē and Polihale Beaches that includes sea cliffs and coastal valleys. Kahe. Small rock islands in Hāna Bay. to look at the knee. Sea stacks are vertical rocks that are left standing alone when the ocean erodes the rocks that once connected them to the shore. the walls. Nānākuli Beach. and the remaining three are accessible only from the ocean. Nāonealaʻa. Sea stacks. Three Stone. Also known as Five Needles. Beach at Kāneʻohe Beach Park. Oʻahu.. Dive site. which is also known as Puʻu One. Lit. Kāneʻohe Bay. Wide calcareous sand beach between two rocky points.6 acres). Nānākuli. The cluster of five sea stacks at Honopū Bay is one of the best examples of sea stacks in Hawaiʻi. and Miloliʻi. Coast state park (6. The first two are accessible from the Kalalau Trail.Islands. Oʻahu. bulrushes. Nāniuokāne. Calcareous sand beach 500 feet long and 125 feet wide between two lime-stone points fronting the beach park. Oʻahu. Kahe. Oʻahu. Kalalau. Lānaʻi. Honopū. Hāna. Kauaʻi. surf site.. Nanuku. A small rock island is off the center of the beach. or "sand. Five significant sand beaches are located within the park at Hanakāpīʻai.. Fishing site. Name of a legendary man who was a symbol of sexuality. Off Nānākuli Beach Park.. the cliffs. Nāpili. Nāpili.. the coconuts of Kāne. Lit. The surf site is off the north point of the bay. Beach.. Nānaku. The flow destroyed the coastal village of Nānāwale and created the littoral cone of cinder. Nānāhoa. Also known as Tracks. Rocks. Rocky shore between the mouth of Kalama Stream and the breakwater. Nānākuli. Hawaiʻi. Mauna Lani. Large spring-fed pond adjoining the east end of Punaluʻu Beach. Bay. Pond. Maui. Nānāwale. Where High Chief Laʻamaikahiki landed after a voyage from Tahiti in the 1200s and built three heiau. Nā Pali. Park (78 acres).. Lit..500 acres). the joinings or . Nāpaia. Lit. Lit. the two islands. Hawaiʻi. Cove. the sands of Laʻa. Maui. Shallow. or Sand Hill. Lit. Nānāwale. Nānākuli. The pond was formerly filled with bulrushes. A large grove of ironwood trees covers the littoral cone. The park is situated on a littoral cone approximately 150 feet high that was formed when a lava flow from Kīlauea entered the sea here in May 1840. Also known as Zablan Beach. Nānākuli Sand Dunes. Nā Pali. the hills of Pele. Name for Kanahā Beach Park that originated during World War II. Nawawa. Also known as Two Mountains. the U. the Hawaiian name of the bay. or NASKA. Hawaiʻi. 1. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. deep ocean water for environmentally suitable development. Bay. Kaʻawaloa. As part of the war effort. Research facilities established at Keāhole Point in 1974 that use cold. Nāpoʻopoʻo. Surf site. fresh-water generation. Mākena. Natatorium. Nāpoʻopoʻo. Waikīkī. Nāpoʻopoʻo Light was established in 1908 at Kaʻawaloa on the north side of Kealakekua Bay. Swimming pool. Bay. The 22-foot light tower was built in 1922. Lit. Nats. Also known as Kīloa. Also known as Oneuli Beach. Oʻahu. According to legend. offshore mooring. small boat harbor. Lit. Littoral cones. It is a popular swimming site among neighborhood residents. Maui. and electrical power generation. The surf site is a shorebreak on the shallow sandbar that fronts the rocky beach. Maui. 3. marine biotechnology. The acronym became another name for the beach. Kainaliu. When it was . Navy took over the airport area. Hawaiʻi. Wharf. Lit. Bay. North Kohala. On the south side of Puʻu Ohau. Waikīkī. An abbreviated name for Natatorium. 1. light. 4. On the reef off the War Memorial Natatorium. Surf site. Kauaʻi. surf site. Small bay with a pocket of black sand that was formerly used as a canoe landing. beach. including the park..the pili grass. Beach park (6 acres). Hawaiʻi. Nāpoʻopoʻo. Keawaiki. The two highest of a group of littoral cones at the bottom of Road to the Sea. the goddess of the volcano. One of many former landings around the Big Island for interisland steamers. Kahului. Hawaiʻi. Light. and one of two deep-draft harbors on the island. just inland of Keawaiki. landing. Small circular bay at ʻĀkoʻakoʻa Point. Pebble and boulder beach at the base of Hikiau Heiau. Naska. 2. Also known as Nats. Nāwiliwili. Nā Puʻu a Pele. Same as Nāpoʻopoʻo Landing. Onouli Beach. industrial cooling/air conditioning. "Navy" is a popular mispronunciation of Neue. and in March 1943 established Naval Air Station Kahului. Hāʻena. A small patch of naupaka once grew at the south end of the beach. including agriculture. Nāwiliwili Harbor is the principal port on Kauaʻi. Hawaiʻi. Beach. or pandanus trees. The concrete ruin is used to launch and land kayaks and other small watercraft. Navy. Oʻahu. Beach. Waikīkī.. The foreshore and backshore of the beach were covered with boulders during Hurricane ʻIniki in 1992. Natural Energy Lab of Hawaiʻi. Landing. 2. Shore area around Camp Naue that was famous for its large grove of hala. to move. but apparently named for Nāpoʻopoʻo Landing on the south side of the bay.. Nāpoʻopoʻo. Oʻahu. Research site. Coastal plain. Naue. an access road to the ocean. Dark detrital sand beach on the north side of Puʻu Ōlaʻi. these two hills were once chiefs of Kahuku who were chased and overrun by Pele. park. Nāwiliwili. Kauaʻi. harbor. so neighborhood fishermen called the beach Naupaka. Nāpoʻopoʻo Wharf. The grove is mentioned in many chants and songs. Naupaka.S. the holes. Keāhole. Also known as Neue Bay. Hawaiʻi. Same as the War Memorial Natatorium. 1945. Hawaiʻi. a two-lane ramp. Needles. ʻŌhikilolo. Bay. Also known as the Forbidden Island. Neue." Lit. Waiʻanae. Neill's. Calcareous sand dunes and storm beach at Kaʻena Point facing Pōhaku o Kauaʻi. N Buoy. Niʻihau. Nāwiliwili Park is on the shore at the north end of the harbor. Niʻihau. The name suggests that seabirds resembling the Hawaiian goose. Dive tour operators from Kauaʻi dive at several sites that they call "Niʻihau" between the north point of the island and Lehua Island. Lānaʻi. and the pupu Niʻihau. Kaʻena. It has a populalion of 160. surf site. Sea stacks are vertical rocks that are left standing alone when the ocean erodes the rocks that once connected them to the shore. Calcareous sand beach fronting Pōkaʻī Bay Beach Park. Beach. or Niʻihau shell. The dive site is off the sea stacks. five multihull moorings. was the first vessel in the harbor. where it is fronted by a concrete seawall. Oʻahu. or the "Stone of Kauaʻi. Nimitz. the Hualālai. The 86-foot light tower was built in 1933. Oʻahu. were common in ancient times. an interisland steamer. the nēnē.completed on July 22. 2. a loading dock. 1930. 1. Lit. The surf site is offshore of the beach. The Needles are a cluster of five sea stacks and are one of the best examples of sea stacks in Hawaiʻi.281 feet. They are a well-known landmark to boaters. Buoy anchored at approximately 236 fathoms. sea stacks. Neneʻu. . Shore. Also known as Waikomo. Small circular bay at ʻĀkoʻakoʻa Point. Facilities in the small boat harbor include eighty-two berths. Oʻahu. Kalaupapa Peninsula Light. a vessel washdown area. Landmarks: Lamaloa Head. the wiliwili trees. is the emblem of the island. yellow coconut leaf midrib. The island is privately owned and operated by the Robinson family as a sheep and cattle ranch.. The highest mountain on the island is Paniʻau with an elevation of 1. Oʻahu. Lit. Long calcareous sand beach fronting the central and western shore of the Kalaeloa Community Development District. the majority of whom are of Hawaiian ancestry. Hālawa. west coast. cove. Fish aggregating device. Nēnēleʻa. Niʻihau's nickname is the Hawaiian Island. The offshore mooring in the bay is near the small boat harbor. the beach along the rocky shore was named for Fleet Admiral Chester W. Residents also collect the prized Niʻihau shells and string them into leis for commercial sale. North Kohala. Dive site. Beach. Dive site. Nāwiliwili Light was established in 1897 at Ninini Point and automated in 1953. approximately 30 feet above sea level. north shore. Three Stone.. flying hunters to the island by helicopter to shoot trophy sheep and boars. and Niʻihau Ranch runs a small hunting business. Also known as Navy Bay. Also known as Nānāhoa. Niʻihau is the seventh largest (69. commander-in-chief of the Pacific Forces during World War II. Kalaeloa. Nīʻaupala. three piers. Residents there produce charcoal for commercial sale. Nimitz (1885-1966). Molokaʻi. and a fish hoist. playful nēnē. Caroline and Alika Neill lived on the beach here with their family for many years. Hālawa. After Barbers Point Naval Air Station was commissioned on April 15. Fishpond. Molokaʻi. Beach.. Nimitz Cove is the beach fronting Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point at the west end of the district.5 square miles) of the eight major Hawaiian Islands and with Kauaʻi is one of two islands in Kauaʻi County. so they named it "No Can Tell. Small pocket of calcareous sand on the north side of Huliheʻe Palace. ridable waves on the reef near them. Niumalu. a tree that is on Kauaʻi County's list of exceptional and therefore protected trees. Oʻahu. Small beach park fronted by mudflats at the mouth of Huleʻia Stream. Holoua ripped a plank from the collapsing structure. Also known as Running Waters Beach. Oʻahu. .. Lit. the only trees on the otherwise barren coast. Nīnole.Nimitz Lefts. Nāwiliwili. coconut perch. On April 2. A natural. or shrine. bending. cove. Beach. No Can Tell. Waimānalo. lava fragments. and surfed the next incoming wave to shore and safety. Fish aggregating device. The peninsula was created by filling in a former fishpond. peninsula. Nāwiliwili. During the late 1950s. and it was reported in the April 29. At Nīnole a man named Holoua and his wife escaped from their home and ran for higher ground. Maui. the north point of Nāwiliwili Harbor. Kalaeloa. Beach. A large stand of kiawe or mesquite trees lines the backshore. the last surviving trees of which died in the early 1950s. Storm beach of calcareous sand. Off the west end of Nimitz Beach. first carrying the house a short distance inland and then out to sea as it receded. Nuʻu.. Channel. 1868. Kauaʻi. Lit. some of which have small pockets of black sand. edition of the Hawaiian Gazette. Lit. Nīnole Cove is a small beach park seaward of the Seamountain Golf Course. As he entered his house. jumped into the ocean with it. shaded coconut trees. Hawaiʻi. several surfers from Lanikai were spear-fishing from a boat in Waimānalo when they saw some small. Buoy anchored at approximately 664 fathoms. Hawaiʻi. Lit. The ramp is used only for small. The community of Niumalu is best known as the home of Paul Puhiula Kalakua Kanoa (1802-1885). Kanoa planted an Indian Banyan tree on the two-acre parcel where he lived. Punaluʻu. On the reef opposite Waimānalo Stream. NL Buoy. The surf site is a shorebreak on the larger beach and primarily for bodysurfing and bodyboarding. Kauaʻi. The villagers on the hillside witnessed his ride. pour. ramp. The rocky shore has several small inlets.. Beach park. Kailua. Surf site. Beach. Two pockets of calcareous sand at Ninini Point. Lit. Surf site. Niuʻōʻū. surf site. Pūhau. Oʻahu. Puhilele Point. Niu. but as they ran Holoua remembered that he had money in the house. 2. that stood near the lighthouse at the point. and a spring-fed pond. approximately one-half mile offshore.. 1868. olivines. Nakaohu Point. governor of Kauaʻi from 1847 to 1877. Niuʻōʻū was the site of a famous coconut grove. Ninini was the name of a heiau. unmarked channel cuts through the reef on the east side of Niu Peninsula and leads to an anchorage off the beachfront homes on the peninsula.. Ninini. Niu. shallow-draft boats. the only person to have ever surfed a tsunami wave. Landmarks: Apole Point (Nuʻu Landing). South Kona." giving the name a humorous touch of pidgin English. Hawaiʻi. Beach. a wave of the tsunami struck. Kāwā. They realized that the site was so far offshore that no one could tell how good it was until they actually got out there. coconut. an extremely violent earthquake in Kaʻū generated a local tsunami that destroyed the coastal villages of Punaluʻu. Nīnole. and coral rubble on a low section of pāhoehoe between Kaupō and Manukā. Primarily a left-breaking wave. He turned and ran back to get it. Also known as Kanuha Beach. 1. and Honuʻapo. Oʻahu. Also known as No Mans. and someone coined the name "No Can Tell. a tunnel was cut through a crater wall to connect the lake to the ocean and improve its circulation. Douglas Hooper. we never could tell how good the waves were until we actually got there. Nohili Point Light is atop a pole approximately 100 feet above sea level on the dunes at the west end of the Pacific Missile Range Facility. However. but its level rises and falls with the tides." and this site is often referred to as Keonekani o Nohili in chants and songs. 1. Barking sands. We used my old wooden flat-bottom boat and later on my Boston Whaler to get there. a volcanic cinder cone. One day a group of us were partying in Kenny's yard on the beach. got Kenny and Collin. and I were skin-diving some coral heads just inside the reef there. No Place. Same as No Mans Land. The fishpond is a 20-acre salt-water lake in the crater of Nōmilu Cone. no one can really remember. Nōmilu. 2. Oʻahu. and. Mānā. Oʻahu." But who coined the name. Collin Perry. Waikīkī. Kaunala. fishpond. and as time passed. Surf site. Kenny Olds. as usual. While I was snorkeling on the inside corner of the reef. we would occasionally go out to the reef with our gang and surf or bodysurf these waves. Nōmilu. the Lanikai Canoe Club gang. the surf spot was so far offshore. uncrowded waves. In those days we partied a lot! It was probably Kenny or me. point light. point. tedious. whirlpool. Deepwater site between Natatoriums and Castles that only breaks during big south swells and therefore has "no name. Water in the lake is fed by springs. Kauaʻi. Surf site.moʻoleloThe nearest I can place the date of discovery is the early 1970s— probably 1973 or 1974. In the early 1900s.. Oʻahu.. Crater. The water was not very clear. slow. Off the War Memorial Natatorium. Kauaʻi. I said "Laters" to the diving. This site only breaks on certain big swells and is in "no-man's-land" on the seaward side of an emergent reef. No Mans Land. and we were looking at the spot. Lit. Surf site. and I soon gave up the chase. Perhaps lit. Off the Out-rigger Canoe Club between Ricebowl and Old Mans. Diamond Head. Nōmilu Fishpond is privately owned by the Pālama family of Kauaʻi. No Name. A non-productive day was at hand. and the three of us spent the rest of our "dīve" bodysurfing on some really niee. I noticed that some nicely shaped waves were breaking on the outside corner of the reef. Waikīkī. or "the sounding sands. there were no lobsters to be found. On the west side of the Diamond Head Lighthouse between Lighthouse and Sleepy Hollows. as of water draining. 2000 Nohili. Oʻahu. . Surf site. No Mans. Diamond Head. This site breaks only during big south swells and is rarely surfed. We were commenting that one could never tell whether the waves were good or not. but they were wild." Also known as Inside Castles. We were all part of a fairly close-knit group of individuals that hung around together. One of the most unusual fishponds in Hawaiʻi. I started swimming towards the reef when I saw some uhu in the area. 3. The famous Barking Sands of Kauaʻi are the high sand dunes at Nohili Point. October 1. Hawaiians called these sites keonekani. Between Sunset Point and Velzyland. Also known as Freddieland. Surf site. Coast of Oʻahu from Kahuku Point to Kaʻena Point. and Haleiwa. surf site. dive site. and a grove of coconut trees.No Name Bay. Kāʻanapali. associated reefs. The site is not associated with any channel. landing. Nuʻalolo Kai. and during especially high surf a second-reef site forms approximately a mile offshore. several corrals.. Off the tower at Sand Island State Park. Mōkapu. Sunset. Gardner Pinnacles. Necker Island. 4. Lit. Kauaʻi. Mōkapu. Also known as No Name Bay. Beach. North. Same as No Name Paradise. Oʻahu. Rocky Point. Surf site. Dive site. Kāneʻohe. Niʻihau. south coast. Nonopapa. south coast. 2. Commercial tour boat companies who bring in groups of snorkelers and scuba divers anchor in a deep channel on the western edge of the reef. One of the Red Hill dive sites. Dive site. Kāneʻohe. No Place. 3. Beach. Deepwater site between Natatorium and Castles that only breaks occasionally during big south swells. Off the War Memorial Natatorium. The backshore consists of dunes covered with pōhinahina. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Pipeline. The former landing for interisland steamers is at Nonopapa Point. Calcareous sand beach on the north end of Mōkapu Peninsula between Ulupaʻu Crater and the runway. Molokaʻi. East of Kaunolū. Lisianski Island. One of several man-made lagoons at Coconut Island that were created by Christian Holmes. These boundaries are used by the North Shore Neighborhood Board to define their area of responsibility. 1. Oʻahu. one of the best examples of an actively growing. Laniakea. One of five beaches within Nā Pali Coast State Park. Named in the early 1960s by surfers from Waikīkī who. seaward Nuʻalolo. Lānaʻi. southwest coast. A narrow calcareous sand beach lies along the eastern half of the coastal flat in the lee of Alapiʻi Point. Maui. the "North Shore" is the 10 miles of shore from Kahuku Point to Kaiaka Bay that includes eight world-class surf sites: Velzyland. Lagoon. Pearl and Hermes Atoll. The surf site is also at the point. Surf site. Beach. or beach vitex. Oʻahu. Waimea. Nā Pali. invalid. Oʻahu. when asked by other surfers where they were going surfing. Beach. or landmark and therefore is "no place. Nuʻalolo Kai is a narrow coastal flat at the base of high sea cliffs. Dive site. Shore. Northernmost section of Kāneʻohe Bay. Oʻahu. . The small islands. 5. where it is fronted by an extensive reef. reef. Waikīkī. answered "no place. Northern Lights. Nuʻalolo Valley is above the cliffs. French Frigate Shoals. Lit. Kainaliu. North Beach. 1. Shore. Surf site. Northernmost section of Kāʻanapali Beach between Black Rock and Kahekili Beach Park. Coast of Molokaʻi from Hālawa to Kalaupapa. Bay. 6. Sand Island." 2. Midway Atoll. The remainder of the coast from Kaiaka Bay to Kaʻena Point is called Mokulēʻia. Calcareous sand beach approximately 2 miles long between Nonopapa and Makahūʻena Points. the site of a warehouse. Oʻahu. At the edge of the wide sandbar that fronts North Beach. Maro Reef. who owned the island in the 1930s. Also known as Heleloa. Oʻahu. and Kure Atoll. No Name. snorkeling site. The snorkeling and dive sites are in the channel. No Name Paradise. Hawaiʻi. For most surfers." Also known as Inside Castles. Lānaʻi. surf site. Chun's Reef. They include Nīhoa. pristine fringing reef in Hawaiʻi. It is used primarily for recreational swimming. Laysan Island. and banks northwest of the eight Main Hawaiian Islands that comprise the rest of the Hawaiian Archipelago.. Maui.537 residents). During the late 1950s. The three surf sites that preced e it are Populars. Waikīkī. Beach park. arrowroot heap. The beach park was completed in 1986 on the site of the former Nukoliʻi Dairy. Oʻahu.. Oʻahu is the third largest (597. Detrital sand beach on the shore of Nuʻu Bay that is the largest beach in the district of Kaupō. Mōkapu. Number Threes. Surf site. Number Twos. Kauaʻi. Part of the 1958 movie South Pacific. "I'm Going to Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair. Nurses Beach was where Nurse Nellie Forbush sang her famous song. It has a populalion of 876. East end of Lumahaʻi Beach. beach. Oʻahu. height. The surf site that precedes it is Populars. Lit. The second surf site from east to west on the reef that begins off the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel and ends at the Kaiser Channel.156 (U. Kauaʻi. Also known as Threes. Nuʻupia. Lit. In this lavish Hollywood version of Rodgers and Hammerstein's classic musical. Surf site.211. Number Fours. Windsurfers use the site during kona or southerly winds. Also known as Paradise. Waikīkī. The ruins of the landing are on the point on the east side of the bay. Poʻipū. Lumahaʻi. young surfers from the Outrigger Canoe Club "discovered" the site and named it Number Threes. Fishpond. Twos. OO Oʻahu." Nuʻu. Census figures for 2000 indicate that Oʻahu's population makes up 72. Also known as Fours. Bay. The highest mountain on the island is Kaʻala with an elevation of 4. windsurf site. Waikīkī. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronted by a rocky shelf. Paradise. and Number Threes. Number Threes is the third surf site from east to west on the reef that begins off the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel and ends at the Kaiser Channel. Oʻahu. Point. The fourth surf site from east to west on the reef that begins off the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel and ends at the Kaiser Channel. landing. Oʻahu. The two surf sites that precede it are Populars and Paradise.1 square miles) of the eight major Hawaiian islands.003 feet.Nukoliʻi. starring Rossano Brazzi and Mitzi Gaynor. Nukumoi. dive site. and the pua ʻilima (Sida fallax) is the emblem of the island.S. Oʻahu's nickname is the Gathering . one at Crater Hill that joins the base of the hill to Maka-pili Island and one at Kīpū Kai that joins Kīpū Kai Beach to Mōlehu Point. Two other tombolos are found on Kauaʻi. The landing was a shipping point for cattle from Kaupō Ranch. Kauaʻi.3 percent of the state's total of 1. Beach. Nuʻu. The dive site is off the landing. and Lumahaʻi Beach became Nurses Beach. Surf site. Sandy point at the west end of Poʻipū Beach Park that is an example of a tombolo—a sandbar that joins two islands. was filmed here. The club was then in the center of Waikīkī Beach at the site of the Outrigger Waikīkī Hotel.. Nurses. Māʻalaea. Kauaʻi. Tall pinnacles and sheer drop-offs to 140 feet. The island of Oʻahu is also known as the County of Honolulu. Recreation site. Waimānalo. 1. The park is named after the pools. In 1952 the Kalaupapa Lions built a community picnic pavilion here. Hawaiʻi. Fish aggregating device. east shore. Bay. This bay is subject to abrupt changes in ocean and weather conditions. when a tsunami washed his house out to sea.. Kalaupapa. southwest shore. Lit. High surf. Founded in 1960 on the grounds of Sea Life Park by Taylor "Tap" Prior. Small calcareous sand beach in Spencer Beach Park. Surf site. Sunset Beach. Two parallel gulches open onto a sand beach on the shore of the bay. pelagic schooling fish that frequent large bays and harbors. ʻĪlio Point. ʻOheʻo. Lit. Off the end of the east breakwater and adjacent to the channel at Māʻalaea Small Boat Harbor. Kalaupapa. Bay. ʻOawapalua. Molokaʻi. creating unexpected hazards for boats in the bay. Oʻahu. Oasis Reef. Dive site. Kauaʻi. Maui. Kīpahulu. Homesite at Kalaemilo Point of the man who ran the Kalaupapa Laundry until April 1. The pinnacle is an "oasis" for thousands of reef fish. Oʻahu. Point. Beach. Kahoʻolawe. ʻOhaiʻula. Molokaʻi. Ocean View Pavilion. Off the Wall breaks directly off the breakwater. Kapuʻa. Off the Wall. olivine. vertical concrete retaining wall fronting a beachfront home. Kapuʻa. Lone pinnacle surrounded by sand that rises from 35 feet to approximately 5 feet below the surface of the ocean. and strong winds seem to come out of nowhere. and coral rubble at the head of a small inlet. Lit. powerful currents. 1946.. South Kohala. Oea. Oceanic Institute. The name of a star. Beach.Place. Obake. Habitation ruins are mauka of the inlet. Trail that connected the coastal village of Kapuʻa to Māmalahoa . with so many varieties of fish that it is like an ocean aquarium. Stream containing seven water-fall plunge pools that meets the ocean in Seven Pools Park. ghost (Japanese). Trail. or oceanarium. Landmarks: Kalaupapa Peninsula Light. Local Japanese commercial fishermen formerly fished here for akule and ʻōpelu. lava fragments. Also known as Lanipūʻao Rock. double gulch. The fishermen called the bay Obake (Japanese for "ghost") for the mysterious appearance of these dangerous conditions. Off a high. Also known as Māʻili Point. red ʻōhai shrub. Buoy anchored at approximately 600 fathoms. Maui. 2. Māʻili. Dive site. O Buoy. Oceanarium. Local Japanese shore fishermen believed the point was haunted. Stream. Kahoʻolawe. Pālama Buoy. Research site (50 acres). 1." 2. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. Surf site. The nonprofit institute specializes in using advanced technology to increase aquaculture production in Hawaiʻi as part of the state's economic diversification. Oʻahu. Also known as Kanapou Bay. Small beach of calcareous sand. Hāʻena. beach.. Nōmilu. or the "wall. ʻOhepuʻupuʻu. Same as Jizo. ocean swell (specifically. ʻŌhikilolo. Maui. One of two sea stacks on the east side of Kalaupapa Peninsula. A surf site off the center of the beach is called Old Airport. dive site. Also known as Barking Sands. Hawaiʻi. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Kailua. state recreation area (103. Oʻahu. Island (2. Marine life conservation district (217 acres). Habitation ruins include a deep well with a stone-lined shaft and several stepping-stone trails. Old Lady's Cave. Sea cave on the north side of the peninsula. At the base of the sea cliffs at the north end of Waipiʻo Bay. O-jizosama. Also known as Anakaluahine. The name of a legendary woman. Oʻahu.15 acres. This site was first surfed regularly by Albert "Oscar" Teller (1909-1995). Kīhei. constructed in the 1940s at the edge of Kailua town and closed in 1970. 400 feet high). Kailua. park. Mokulēʻia. Statues. Lit. Cave. ʻŌkala. Waves here are gentle enough for even an "old lady" to ride. most Kona residents call it Old Airport.. ʻŌhikilolo. and O-jizosan are honorific variations of Jizo. Calcareous sand beach between Keaʻau Beach Park and Mākua Valley that borders the land division of ʻŌhikilolo. The dive site is off the north end of the beach and is also known as Pāwai. Lit. when he finally . Surf site. Hawaiʻi Kai. sand crab. First surf site at the west end of Lahaina Pali. Off the public right-of-way on ʻŌhūkai Road. The Kona Airport. Old Kona Airport. O-jizo. Windsurf site. Lit. complain. ʻO-jizo. bristling. and that was the name he used for the rest of his life. Beach. began calling the site Old Man's and the name stuck.. Pāpalaua. Oʻahu. Molokaʻi. the beachboys immediately named him "Oscar" after the statuette given out for the Academy Awards in Hollywood. Molokaʻi. Waipiʻo. Lit. Old Airport.7 acres). In 1958. The surf site is off the center of the park. Surf site. Maui.. or Pali. He came to Hawaiʻi in 1932 and learned to surf in Waikīkī. Fishing site. Okoe. Old Man's. Maui. Kalaupapa. ʻŌhūkai Road. A bodybuilder with an excellent physique. An abbreviation of Old Kona Airport State Recreation Area. ʻŌhumu. surf site. Pāwai Bay at the north end of the beach is a snorkeling and nearshore scuba site. a wave that does not break). wide calcareous sand beach behind a wide rocky shelf. Teller moved into a cottage behind the Sans Souci condominium and started surfing Old Man's. was converted into a state park. Although its official name is the Old Kona Airport State Recreation Area. Off the Kaimana Channel. Old Lady's.Highway. During the early 1960s. Teller surfed here regularly until 1984. Kapuʻa. Detrital sand beach on the south side of Hanamalo Point. Beach. The park is fronted by a long.. The name is the translation of the cave's Hawaiian name. Hawaiʻi. The marine life conservation district off the park was established in 1992. two younger friends who surfed with him. Ralph Sallee and Floyd Bendickson. Beach. Waikolu. Waikīkī. Hawaiʻi. As I walked on the beach in front of the Royal. Oʻahu. and he was helping to show some condominium units in the Sans Souci. At that time.. The only evidence of their existence is the collapsing ruin of the Kualoa Plantation sugar mill. "That's the old man's surf. calm. a quiet. many hills. so Floyd referred to him as the "old man. Ralph Sallee. landing. there was a surfer named Oscar Teller who was always out there. and I walked through the building with them. Surf site. Oʻahu. often from morning till night. 2000 Old Sugar Mill. Lit. Olowalu. Maui. When the Outrigger surfers heard us calling the spot Old Man's. Māʻili. That's when the Outrigger Canoe Club moved from its old location on Waikīkī Beach to its present one. and I spent my last day in Waikīkī. I told Charlie I would buy two units. they picked up the name and started using it themselves. Charlie was one of the old-time beachboys. Between 1860 and 1880 five sugar plantations were started in the windward district of Koʻolaupoko. Olowalu Plantation was a sugar plantation started in 1876 by Philip Milton and Goodale Armstrong. Charlie Amalu came up to me and asked if I'd like to help him paddle an outrigger canoe. Oscar was a wonderful guy. and he would sit for hours. snorkeling site. The dive site is off the landing. although it wasn't named yet. which take place only . He had a couple he wanted to take there by canoe. so he wouldn't have to come in for lunch. and that's when the name Old Man's was really established. Olowalu Landing supported the plantation. Bob and Phil. waiting for the best waves. and he rode a long hollow board. Big-wave site at the east end of Māʻili Point that was first surfed and named in the winter of 1979 by Brian Keaulana and James "Bird" Mahelona. The primary snorkeling site is on the shallow reef south of Olowalu Point bordering Honoapiʻilani Highway. The surf site west of the landing is called Olowalu Point. Beach. Kualoa. surf site.stopped surfing at the age of 75. commonly known as the Old Sugar Mill. In 1960. and we often surfed Tongg's and Old Man's." Naturally we started calling the spot Old Man's. November 4. He couldn't believe it. which had just been built. He was older than us. Harriett left early to get back to the kids. Olympic Point. Floyd and I became surfing buddies. who lived nearby in the Tropic Seas. and I started surfing the spots off the Sans Souci and soon met Floyd Bendickson. but all were unprofitable and soon abandoned. but that was pretty mueh just our name until 1964. but when I saw the view and the surf offshore. Olowalu. and gentle person. Dive site. Floyd would always say. Until then we hadn't thought about living in a condo. When we didn't have any luck finding something we liked. We paddled to the former pier at Sans Souci Beach. alongside Kamehameha Highway. my wife Harriett and I decided to move to Hawaiʻi. It closed in 1871." and if we were out at Tongg's and we'd see Oscar. so I said yes. my two sons. Sometimes he carried a plastic bag of bananas with him. I'd never been in one before. and he needed an extra paddler. and its ruins are on Olowalu Point. His ashes were scattered at Old Man's in 1995. so we left our two children with a babysitter and came to Honolulu to look for a house. and the surf site on the west side of Olowalu along Honoapiʻilani Highway is called Olowalu. Harriett. moʻolelo In 1959. Like the Olympics. Oneloa. We didn't have any guns of our own. Keaukaha. the fire department came.. Narrow calcareous sand beach at the west end of . The waves have to be at least 20 feet or bigger for it to work. We jumped īn between sets near the monument and caught the backwash out. surf site. Beach.. Onekahakaha. Oʻahu. so when we were riding. Beach park (30 acres). North end of Kailua Beach. Molokaʻi. Awa are surface feeders that eat sea-weed. Beach. 100-Foot Hole. Oneawa was a famous fishery off the beach for awa. but it was never ridable until one day that winter. Lit. Brian Keaulana. especially for crabs. Kaunakakai. It was named after a precontact fish-pond on the shore near the park. I had broken my leash. kind of like the Olympics—maybe once every four years. 2001 Onealiʻi. The park site was purchased from Molokaʻi Ranch. We named it Olympic Point because it rarely breaks good. Mākena. and the wave heights. Beach park. although it has always been called the 100-Foot Hole. Lit. The surfing and windsurf sites are off the beach. 2. or bonefish. Narrow calcareous sand beach bordering a shallow reef flat. Island. Oneʻula. Also known as Monuments. calcareous sand-bottomed cove that is protected from the open ocean by a breakwater. An alternate name for the smaller of the two Mokulua Islands. and that doesn't happen very often. Maui. in 1959 and developed as a county beach park. All the conditions have to be perfect. Kailua. milkfish sand. Pretty soon there was a major traffic jam. One Hump. Off the Kaimana Channel in 80 feet of water. Oneawa. The conditions were perfect—the wind. Maui. straight calcareous sand beach between Hāwea and Makāluapuna Points. the swell direction. But by the time he got there. We'd always watched it. Lit. you're surfing almost parallel to Farrington Highway. Beach park. while ʻōʻio are bottom feeders that forage in calcareous sand. Also known as Ironwood Beach. Oʻahu.every four years. windsurf site. Oʻahu. or milk-fish. Dive site. This small sheltered beach is one of the most popular family beaches on the Hilo side of the island. The "hole" is actually a massive coral head with an overhang that divers can swim under. drawing [pictures] sand.. Both fish are eaten raw or used to make fish cakes.. Also known as Big Beach. April 7. Half of the overhang was destroyed during Hurricane ʻIniki in 1992. and they started stopping their cars on the highway to watch. so we borrowed two from Rell Sun—a 9ʻ0" and a 9ʻ6".. and Mākena Beach. royal sands. Lit. Beach. Calcareous sand beach 3. we were looking right into the cars going by. From a distance the out-line of the island's summit resembles the back of a single-humped camel. Ltd. People driving by who were looking at us couldn't believe it. Kapalua. moʻolelo Bird Mahelona and I first surfed Olympic Point in the winter of 1979. and ʻōʻio. long [stretch of] sand.300 feet long at Mākena State Park. Hawaiʻi. Kailua. and then they finally called my dad to come down and get us out of the water. Wide. Waikīkī. When the swell is working out there. the tide. so we were already onshore. the conditions that make it possible to surf here also occur infrequently. Long Sands. 1. Oʻahu. so the police came. ʻEwa Beach. Large. Ono. Onomea.. pelagic fish with an average weight of about 40 pounds. At that time many of the streams had covered bridges. slight breeze. Oneuli. Onouli. Also known as Naupaka Beach. . Beach. The dive site is off the beach. and fell. about 2 miles above the bay. shrimp. William. Maui. The smaller of two sand pockets on Laniloa Beach that are good for swimming. and freight along the Hāmākua Coast was hauled on wagons with at least a four-horse team. April 19. The walls and roofs were designed to protect the bridges from rain and to increase the longevity of the big beams and prevent them from rotting. There were so many of them that for years it was known as "the Scottish coast of Hawaiʻi. Lāʻie. and there was a friendly competitiveness among them in all phases of their work. moʻolelo I was born in Onomea on May 23. Maui. Beach." In 1889. Onomea.Pāpipi Road. red sand. my mother. Also known as The Ledge. feed on small fish. Lit. 1984 Onomea Arch. Lit.. Hawaiʻi. The walls were made of 1by-12-inch boards. The Hawaiians who rowed the boats were tough. reef. Hawaiʻi. and squid and are excellent eating. When the boats pulled up to the rocks. There were also many Hawaiians living at Hanawī. when it cracked in the center. Oneuli Beach. or wahoo. John Moir. Mākena. Ledge that follows the 40-fathom (240-foot) contour line between Kahuku and Kaʻena Points. ʻŌnini. North section of Laniloa Beach adjacent to Lāʻie Point. Also known as Naupaka Beach. especially for ono. They were married at George Chalmer's home. and they had corrugated iron roofs. 1956. channel. Dark detrital sand beach on the north side of Puʻu Ōlaʻi in Mākena. buckled upward. and the old landing was on the Pepeʻekeo end of it. everyone had to have good timing to throw the cargo onshore and for the passengers to jump. Beach. In 1995 an agreement between the state. The steamers tied up offshore and the passengers and cargo came in on lighters. 1894. Fishing boats troll the ledge. and the community established public access to the bay over an old government road leading through the garden to the mouth of Onomea Stream. my father sent some money back for his girlfriend. Fishing site. Also known as Clissold Beach. Mākena. Onouli Beach. the owner of the botanical garden. Fishing site. Oʻahu. One of the few navigable bays on the precipitous Hāmākua Coast and the site of the Hawaiian Tropical Botanical Garden. dive site. A stage ran back and forth to Hilo. Dark detrital sand beach on the north side of Puʻu Ōlaʻi in Mākena. He came to Hawaiʻi in 1888 and was one of the many Scots who worked in the sugar plantations on the Hāmākua Coast. North point of Onomea Bay where a former sea arch collapsed on May 24.. My father was the section boss for Onomea Sugar Company. Bay. Lit. Onouli is a regional pronunciation of Oneuli (lit. dark sand. dark sand).. Hanawī was the flat area in Onomea Bay. They were independent farmers who grew taro and bananas on their kuleana's. North Shore. Onomea. Ono Ledge. Oʻahu. and she came to Hawaiʻi with her brother. Lāʻau. Lit.. Lit. Dive site. pierced. or mackerel scad.. Outer Mākaha. Makuʻu. Pond (12 acres). Big-wave. Since then the beach has been known as Orr's Beach. Hawaiʻi. late maturity. OTEC. Otera. Outermost of several small islands in Keʻehi Lagoon on the western side of Kalihi Channel and at the east end of the Reef Runway. beginning in 1994 when she was six weeks old. As a live-aboard dog. Oofie (pronounced like "goofy" without a g). Spreckelsville. she was trained not to get off the boat. Same as Mantokuji Bay. Also known as Wawaloli." and prevailing currents transported it to Kahuwai. Tow-in surf site. so she had to be picked up and carried off the boat to go ashore.Oofie's.. The Mantokuji Mission temple is on the shore of the bay. red shrimp. Māhukona. OT Buoy. Kekaha. Oʻohope. Steam explosions from the interaction of the molten lava and the ocean created cinder or "black sand. ʻOpihi. Keʻehi boat owner Eric Schladermundt used the island to exercise his live-aboard black Labrador retriever. Keāhole. Kauaʻi. Calcareous sand beach near the Natural Energy Lab of Hawaiʻi that was established at Keāhole Point in 1974. Also known as Man-on-the-Rock. Orr's Beach. Same as Land of Oz. OTEC is an acronym for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.. limpet. Hawaiʻi. Molokaʻi. Heʻeia. Island. Buoy anchored at approximately 714 fathoms. Island. Pāʻia. Lit. Hale ʻOpihi. Low sea cliffs between Kapukuwahine and Kahalepōhaku Beaches where ʻopihi were gathered. Bay. second-reef site outside of . Hawaiʻi. Landmarks: Kawaihae Light. Puna. North Kona. an alternate-energy project conducted at the lab.. In 1963 John Orr leased 5 acres at Kahuwai and built his home on a bluff above the beach. Fishpond. Lit.. Maui. Also known as Mokuʻopihi. Small rock island off Makuʻu. Hawaiʻi. Molokaʻi. This eruption destroyed the nearby village of Kapoho and entered the ocean to the east of Kahuwai. Fishpond. Hawaiʻi. Keʻehi. Also known as Kahuwai. Waikoloa. Fishing site. Ōpaeʻula. "Oof" is the sound she made whenever she was picked up. Beach. temple (Japanese). Mākaha. Lit. Important wetland for native and migratory waterbirds behind the dunes of Makalawena Beach. Oʻahu. ʻŌʻōmanō. Oʻahu. Point. Makalawena. Maui. ʻOpihi Road. Fishermen here and elsewhere in Kona caught ʻōpaeʻula and mixed them with their chum when netting ʻōpelu. Also known as Davidson's Point. shark spear. Lit. Black sand beach that formed at Kahuwai in 1960 at the end of the Kapoho eruption. Kaunakakai. Outer Spreckelsville. North Kona. Also known as Kapoʻikai Pond. Keāhole Point. Fish aggregating device. Oʻahu. OTEC uses the temperature difference between warm water on the surface and cold water from the depths to generate electricity. ʻŌʻōʻia. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Big-wave. Hauʻula. Outside Kahana. Surf site. second-reef site outside of the Pipeline. Kahana. Oʻahu. Primarily a bodyboarding site that . Oʻahu. Outside Hauʻula. second-reef site off Log Cabins on Ke Iki Road. Big-wave. Big-wave. Oʻahu. second-reef site outside Beach Parks at ʻEwa Beach Park. Outside Puaʻena Point. Surf site. Outside Wilds. Surf site. second-reef site off Waiʻalae Beach Park. Oʻahu. Outside is the second section between Coconuts at the point and the Cave on the inside reef. Big-wave. Surf site. West end of Magic Island. ʻEwa Beach. second-reef site off Kalaeʻōʻio Beach Park and to the north of Rainbows. Big-wave.Spreckelsville. tow-in surf site. Big-wave. second-reef site outside of Alligators. Surf site. Ala Moana. Oʻahu. Big-wave. Oʻahu. Outside Rainbows. Oʻahu. Founded on the beach at Waikīkī in 1908 for the purpose of preserving and promoting surfing on surfboards and canoes. second-reef site off Wild Beach. Also known as Kaʻaʻawa Channel. Oʻahu. Big-wave. Kawailoa. Over the Reefs. Phantoms. One of three sections of the surf site at Honolua Bay. Surf site. Outside Reef. Dive site. Big-wave. Surf site. Waikīkī Beach. windsurf site. Surf site. Surf site. Outrigger Canoe Club. second-reef site off the north end of Kaunalā Beach. The club was originally at the site of the Outrigger Waikīkī Hotel and moved to its present site at the east end of Waikīkī in 1964. Mānele. Maui. Outside. Oʻahu. tow-in surf site. Surf site. Outside Velzyland. Outside Log Cabins. second-reef site off Kaikoʻo's at Black Point. second-reef site off the north end of Hauʻula Beach Park. Sunset Beach. Surf site. a site leased from the Honolulu Elks Lodge in 1956. Oʻahu. second-reef site off the north point of Kahana Bay. Outside Alligators. Outside Mānele. Big-wave. Outside Kaikoʻo's. second-reef site. Haleʻiwa. Lānaʻi. Diamond Head. Kahuku. Kāhala. Big-wave. Surf site. Waialeʻe. Honolua. Off Mānele Bay at approximately 30 feet. Oʻahu. Surf site. Oʻahu. Big-wave. Kaʻaʻawa. Sunset Beach. Oʻahu. second-reef site between the point and Police Beach. Surf site. tow-in surf site. Outside Kāhala. Big-wave. Outside Marijuanas. Surf site. Private club. Haleʻiwa. Outside Pipeline. Pahiomu. The former village of Pāhoehoe was located near the park. Pacers. Hawaiʻi. The islands are sea stacks—rocks isolated from the main island by erosion. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Mokulēʻia. Each of . Bakken.. surf site. Military base. Lit. One of three lava flows from an eruption in the southwest rift zone of Mauna Kea that began on June 1. Owen's Retreat. Pacers is an abbreviation of pacemaker.. Oʻahu. Island (. Pāʻauhau Landing. Mānā. Paheʻe o Lono. coral bed. Mākena. One of the few former interisland steamer landing sites on the Hāmākua Coast. Beach.. Pāhoehoe. Pāhoehoe. Also known as PMRF. tribute enclosure. Earl E. Kīholo. a company that specializes in electrical medical devices. 2. Beach park. dive site. (the god) Lono's slide. North Kohala. including Mokupuku and Paoakalani. Coastal area. The dive site is off the beach. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Molokaʻi. Also known as Middle of the Bay. Tiny pocket of calcareous sand and coral rubble on a rocky shore. The retr eat is a complex of five beach vacation rentals that was established by Philo and Ok Soon Owen in the mid 1960s. Hawaiʻi.16 acres. North Kona. Point. Multipurpose naval installation on the shore of the Mānā Coastal Plain that is an important center for the detection of aircraft and vessels in the Pacific. Pacific Missile Range Facility. Pāʻauhau. Section of Mokulēʻia Beach fronting Owen's Retreat. Maui. A low seawall lines the seaward edge of the park. Lit. One of three islands. Fishing site. Kauaʻi.. Where Miller of Miller's Hill made his home. 1. inventor of the pacemaker. Maui. It is adjacent to the west end of Mokulēʻia Beach Park. Kamalō. Lit. Molokini. limestone. 1950. off Honokeʻa Valley on the north side of the Kohala Mountains. Public access is permitted to the long calcareous sand beach that fronts the facility. Paʻakō. Fishpond. Fishpond. Pearl Harbor. In the center of Kīholo Bay off the beachfront home of Dr. PP Paʻakea.. Lava flow. Hawaiʻi. Bakken is the founder of Medtronics. Paʻalaea. Inc. Remnants include the concrete footing of the landing at the base of the sea cliffs and an inclined railroad bed that leads to the top of the bluff. dry lowland plain.breaks on a shallow reef with coral heads exposed at low tide. North point of Molokini island. 40 feet high). Dive site. Oʻahu. Pahu lʻa.. Surf site. Also known Manini Beach. Also known as Lāʻie Beach Park. Named for Pahumoa. Paiāhaʻa. Hawaiʻi. His property remained in the family until the death of his grandson. residence. Off the Pahu Iʻa Restaurant on the shore of the Four Seasons Resort Hualālai. who made his home here until his death on April 8. Beach.. Hawaiʻi. Kuliʻouʻou. beach park. Pahumoa conducted many hukilau. . Narrow calcareous sand beach fronting Paikō Drive and Paikō Peninsula. He was well known in Lāʻie for his generosity and gave fish to everyone in the village. fishpond. Paikōs. a fisherman from Lāʻie Maloʻo in the late 1800s and early 1900s who lived here and kept his nets on the beach adjacent to Kōloa Stream. surf site.. Lit. The lagoon was designated a wildlife sanctuary on March 30. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Lit. Pahulu. Lit. Turtles were kept in the pond for a chief of the district. noisy. creating small pockets of black sand on a coast of sea cliffs. Pahukapu. lagoon.. Joseph Paikō Jr. The site was cleared and converted into a park in 1934 as a community service project of the Outdoor Circle. Lāʻie. Heiau. Kualoa. Boaters use the flows as landmarks. Resident fishermen kept lobsters live here in traps. surf site. Oʻahu. Nāpoʻopoʻo. a method of community net fishing. lobster box. Hawaiʻi. Lit.the flows reached the ocean. Pahuula. It is also known as Sand Point and Stubenberg's Island. Waimānalo. surf site. who died childless in 1947. Kuliʻouʻou. Surf site. Oʻahu. Pāʻia. turtle enclosure. Also known as Shoulders. Also known as Second Flow. Paiāhaʻa. Off the center of Paikō Drive. Calcareous sand beach with dunes in the backshore that was a former rubbish dump. Small green sand. 1974. Beach. aquarium.. 189. Bay. Name of the god of nightmares. Oʻahu. Pahumoa. peninsula. Paikō. Named for Manuel Paikō. especially to those who could not fish for themselves. smooth lava.. Fishing site. Pounders..I. sacred drum. Pāʻia. At the south end of Waimānalo Beach. The peninsula is an undeveloped sand spit that separates Paikō Lagoon from the open ocean. Lit. Beach. lift and sway [of waves]. Beach. Magnum P. Remnants of a fishpond called Pāhonu are off the beach. Kūkiʻo.. Lāʻie. pebble beach at the head of a small bay west of Kaʻaluʻalu. The surf site is off the beach. Shrine formerly onshore but now in the ocean due to shore erosion and consisting of a cluster of stones at the edge of the beach. Bay. It is an important resting and nesting site for the Hawaiian stilt and other native shorebirds. Lit. The surf site is offshore the beach park and the bodysurf site is a shorebreak. The surf site borders a small channel through the reef and is also known as Magnums. Calcareous sand beach fronting Lāʻie Beach Park. Maui. Cluster of three rocks near-shore on the shallow reef in the center of Laniloa Beach. Pāhonu. The beachfront residence named Pāhonu inland of the pond was used from 1980 to 1988 as the base of operations for the popular television series. Lit. Near the old sugar mill and visible at low tide. Oʻahu.. landing. surf site. Beach. but never assumed to be an authority. and till this day the onshore wind that is common to Pākalā on especially clear mornings has to do with the shining of the sun at this place. 2. The surf site is on the west end of the wide." the fīelds that produced the most profit. Beach. Most importantly.. Maui. has to do with the shining (pā) of the sun (ka lā). he was a native speaker of Hawaiian. I have always been intrigued by the name Pākala and searched for meaning in it. Fishpond. lift and shift (a contraction or pai and oloolo). with kahako over the first and last a's. 1. Lit. Pākalā is in the lee of Kaumakani." Pākala with only one kahako on the first a could be translated as an enclosure for the unicorn fish known as kala. Pākala. and Olokele Valleys makes this possible.. Narrow calcareous sand and cobble beach on the east side of Hekili Point. a Niʻihauan who has since passed away. a surfer. Mākena. Pākalā. where many Niʻihau residents live while they are on Kauaʻi. Pākala. calabash. Apela just looked at me with a gleam of amusement in his eyes and left it at that. Close to what is the little village of Pākālā today are the most productive of the fields. Lit. to make a choice. according to Apela. shallow fringing reef off the beach and is also known as Infinities. Carlos Andrade. Hanauma Bay. Apela also told me that if the name were pronounced with all three a's covered by the kahako. Lit. It is one of the last surviving sugar plantations because of these phenomena. Beach. A combination of lots of sunshine and abundant water from the Waimea. Maui. Molokaʻi. West point of the bay. Maui." The sugar-cane plantation of the Robinson's is legendary for its production of sugar in pounds per acre.. 2000 Pākanaka. He told me that there were several perspectives on the name. the sun shines. lifted gently. Hāna. Point. moʻolelo One of the beauties of the Hawaiian language is its ambiguity. Pebble beach at the head of Paʻiloa Bay in Waiʻānapanapa State Park. The landing in the village accommodates the boat that takes Niʻihau residents to and from the island. I spent some time with Apelahama Nizo. Olowalu.Paʻiloa. Kauaʻi. South end of Poʻolenalena Beach. Pailolo. Paiʻoluʻolu. as well as a workingman on Niʻihau before he moved to Kauaʻi after he retired. Beach. A public right-ofway to the beach is next to the Aʻakukui Stream Bridge on Kaumualiʻi Highway. of the entire plantation. He was a musician. Lit. Also known as Chang's Beach. Henee the possibility of "money field. November 8. without fully committing to singling out one as being "right. it could mean "money field. where the clouds and wind stop and rest. both of the secular as well as the sacred. Lit. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronting the village of Pākala in Makaweli. After explaining. or maybe not to choose and thereby live with the rich diversity and ambiguity that makes Hawaiian language and people unique and special. Pāipu. He was my teacher in a lot of things about the language. Kaunakakai. heating the land and causing convective winds to come in off the sea even on days when the trades are strong on the east side of Kauaʻi.. Hanapēpē. So now I leave you as he left me. Channel between Maui and Molokaʻi. He was the first Niʻihauan to become a certified pastor and was a man of wisdom and knowledge. touched [by] commoners (it could be used by . . Oʻahu.. Princeville. Pāpalaua. They maintain the site as a family recreation area. Pali Ke Kua.. Hawaiʻi. Lit. At 1. Deep hole inland of the sea cliffs at Ka Lae. they are located on the northern sides of the islands. Also known as Ukumehame Beach Park. Although there are higher sea cliffs in Hawaiʻi. Kauaʻi. Also known as Kahekili's Leap. point. Beach. submerged rock islet.. Pālama Buoy. Lit. Lit. line the backshores. one of the most unusual fishponds in Hawaiʻi. Calcareous sand beach fronted by a rocky shelf on the east side of Nōmilu Cone.. this is the highest sea cliff on Lānaʻi and also the highest south-shore sea cliff in Hawaiʻi. loose dab of excreta. The pond has been owned for many years by the Pālama family of Kauaʻi. Beach.S. Kauaʻi. surf site. The surf site is a shorebreak that forms on the sandbar fronting the beach. brushed aside. Island. or kamani. An alternate name for Chinaman's Hat coined by circle-island tour drivers who pass the island and point it out daily. The cinder cone contains a natural salt water lake. Palauʻea. East point of the bay. Oʻahu. Sea cliff. The buoy is a navigational aid off Pālama Beach that marks Lanipūʻao Rock. Sea cliff. Kahuku. Dive site. Mōkapu. surf site. in which water rises and falls with the tide. mahina ke alo ("The back is a cliff. providing a source of drinking water at the otherwise arid point. and pandanus trees. Ukumehame. Lit. Pākē Pāpale. Oʻahu.. Palaoa. Maui. Calcareous sand beach south of the Wailea resort complex that is located in the land division of Palauʻea. buoy. 2. Governor John Waihee received the title transfer documents from Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy William Cassidy Jr. On the seaward side of Ulupaʻu Crater. The surf site is at the point. Kalāheo. Two pockets of calcareous sand separated by a rocky point below the Pali Ke Kua and Puʻu Poa condominiums. 1. Pālama Beach adjoining the fishpond is named for them. A shallow reef lies offshore. Pali Kiloiʻa. southwest shore. Oʻahu. Point Light.. or South Point. Pākoʻa. a small. Lit. whale. Pali. Dive site. a small..000 feet. Maui. Kauaʻi. cliff [of] the landslide. Lānaʻi. Maui. Palea Point. Pali Kaholo. the back is a cliff.. the U. Lāʻie. Tropical almond trees. Eight cairns surround the top of the hole. Navy returned the island of Kahoʻolawe to the State of Hawaiʻi. Fishing site. Hanauma Bay. Pālama. Palahemo. Lit. Chinese hat.commoners). or hala. With Kahoʻolawe visible across the channel. Palauʻea. Palaoa. the front is a moon"). Same as Lahaina Pali. Off Pālama Beach at Lanipūʻao Rock. Kalāheo. Traditional stories say a layer of fresh water formerly floated on top of the salt water. Nōmilu Fishpond. Lit. Beach. Part of a proverb said of handsome persons: Pali ke kua. Also known as Hideaway Beach. Kualoa. 1984. lama wood enclosure. Lit. Lānaʻi. coral fence. Sea cliffs. In a historic ceremony at Palauʻea Beach on May 7. Limestone point on Lāʻie Maloʻo Bay that separates Pounders . Also known as Kaholo Pali. Lit. Hole. submerged rock islet that is marked by a navigational buoy called Pālama Buoy. reddish brown sweet potato. Fishing site. Paliʻukea.. Paliuli. Reef. broken wall. Papaʻaula. Small island and wide reef off the north point of Kawela Bay. Same as Point Panic. North section of Papaloa Beach that is fronted by a low. A wide. the only inhabited village on the island. Lit. Fishing site. North Kohala. Lāʻie. wall of the menehune. sandbottomed channel runs through the bay into the beach. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Also known as Kiloiʻa. Pāpaʻi. Fish spotters used the point to spot schools of fish in the bay and direct the efforts of fishermen in their canoes with their surround nets. Lit. Sea cliff. At the north end of Kokololio Beach fronting the Mahakea beach estate. or breakwater. Pāpā.. The point separates Puʻuwai and Kiʻekiʻe Beaches and fronts Puʻuwai village. Kahaluʻu. Traditional stories say the wall was built in one night by the menehune.. Large basalt point bisected into twin sea cliffs by a small pocket of calcareous sand.. Lit. The islands are sea stacks—rocks isolated from the main island by erosion. Lit. Pāpaʻamoi. Lit. Lit. Fishing site. Dive site. Mākena. reef. Paoakalani. Hawaiʻi.. The graveyard belongs to the Kukahiko family from Mākena. off Honokeʻa Valley. Lit. the north point of Mākena Bay. secure enclosure. Hawaiʻi. Papaʻeleʻele. Papaʻakea. reef. Panics. The dive site is in the bay. west coast. fish-spotter cliff. it extended from Kaumahaʻole on the north to ʻInikiwai on the south. Mākena. Lit.. Hālawa. Hawaiʻi. scorched thread fish. Point. Palikū. Point. Kalaupapa. Pāokamenehune. Beach. gray coral. Kauaʻi. Pamolepo. lobster enclosure. Bay. Lit. Molokaʻi. the north point of Mākena Bay. including Mokupuku and Paʻalaea. Island. Niʻihau.. A legendary land of plenty and joy.and Kokololio Beaches. Also known as Papapiapia. Oʻahu. Site of a small graveyard between Nahuna Point. Oʻahu. a legendary people who were known for their public works projects. Maui. Narrow. Hawaiʻi. Island. Breakwater. Maui. Waipiʻo.. Beach. Originally a semicircle 3. flat shelf of lava with many tidal pools. beach. Fishponds. and the south end of Poʻolenalena Beach. black flat. Oʻahu.. Puna.. One of the most striking features at Kahaluʻu Beach Park is the ruin of a great boulder wall. Shallow reef on the north side of Kaipapaʻu Point. Pāpā Bay. Molokaʻi. Near Nahuna Point. Calcareous sand beach at the head of a small bay in the sea cliffs. Kahuku. crescent black and green sand beach fronting a coconut grove and . green cliff. Oʻahu. Pāpaʻa. Highest sea cliff on the shore of Waipiʻo Bay. Maui. vertical cliff. Pānāhāhā. Kakaʻako. Lit. the royal perfume. forbidden. Also known as Menehune Break-water.900 feet long that enclosed the bay to form a large fishpond. Lit. One of three islands. Kamalō. Lit... Hauʻula. Surf site. Let no man cause harm. This story shows why Kamehameha I was one of Hawaiʻi's most beloved rulers." but refers to something flat. Leading his warriors. and we used it as a hiding place if the ocean became rough quickly. and children go and lie down on the roadside. When we landed on the sand. he visited the town of Hilo. Members of his retinue. . a me ke kama A moe i ke ala. crab. This is where the famous incident with Kamehameha took place. catching his foot. It was here in 1793 that King Kamehameha I lead a small raiding party in an attack on the village. A e mālama hoʻi ke kanaka nui a me kanaka iki. it was very different. Disobey. and the ocean bottom and the entrance channel are completely changed. O my people. he chose to forgive rather than to punish. Also known as King's Landing. we pulled the canoes up on hau rollers and set them in stands carved of milo wood.. E mālama ʻoukou i ke akua. very flat. on the Keaukaha side of the entrance channel. and showed his respect for human rights by proclaiming the Law of the Splintered Paddle. Make. still incensed that a commoner had struck the king and had not been punished. The name does not mean "crab. Where old men. Years later. His canoe pulled up to Molokaʻi. but as he ran. respect men great and small. moʻolelo Pāpaʻi was a village and a canoe landing. One of the fishermen picked up a canoe paddle and broke it over Kamehameha's head. Before 1924. so Kamehameha's warriors freed him. after Kamehameha had successfully united all the Hawaiian Islands. Kamehameha answered these demands with a pardon in the form of the now legendary decree known as the Law of the Splintered Paddle. and people lived there until the mid-1930s. E hele ka ʻelemakule. rounded up the fishermen at Pāpaʻi who had attacked Kamehameha. and die. we could launch and land even during rough seas. brought them before the king.the ruins of the former fishing village of Pāpaʻi. he stepped in a crevice in the lava. and they retreated. old women. ʻAʻohe mea nana e hoʻopilikia. Honor thy gods. Hewa no. Perhaps lit. By this time other men from the village were arming themselves and were coming to assist. admitting his fault in attacking innocent people. Molokaʻi was a big papa. he jumped out. and demanded their execution. Canoes could pull right up and off-load people before landing on the sand beach. E nā kānaka. ka luahine. Indeed. Before. and in the fīght his foot got stuck in a crack. As the king. Kamehameha leaped out of his canoe and gave chase to several fishermen. Kahoʻolawe. Waikīkī. Papanui is in line with Castles but to the west of it and breaks primarily on big south swells from the west. Kahoʻolawe. Lit. Waiheʻe. Hāna.Henry Auwae.. Hawaiʻi. Long calcareous sand beach on the western side of the peninsula with low vegetated sand dunes in the back-shore and a rocky shelf along the water's edge that fronts the settlement and a large graveyard. Maui. the gulch on the opposite side of the highway. plover flats. Molokaʻi. Surf site. Maui. beach. Papakōlea. Papanui. State wayside park. Bay. 1. A detrital sand beach lines the shore of the bay. Maui. Beach. big [surf] board. long hut.. One of the outermost surf sites in Waikīkī that was named in 1930 by Duke Kahanamoku to honor the big boards that were ridden there. Area name that has been used as a Hawaiian name for Green Sand Beach. Large. Oʻahu. Papaka Nui. Papaloa. Pāpalaua.... Lit. surf site. reef. Beach. One of five beaches on the Kalaupapa Peninsula. 2. flat island off the west point of Uaoa Bay that is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. July 19.13 acres. Lit. 40 feet high). A detrital sand beach lines the shore of the bay. hut [in a] kou tree [grove]. Lit. Bay. Bishop Estate developed Pāpaʻiloa Road and began leasing house lots here in 1960. Beach. 2. The island is known for its schools of . Kaʻū. Calcareous sand beach between Police Beach and Laniākea Beach fronting Pāpaʻiloa Road. Lit. Off the sixth hole of the Waiehu Golf Course. Lit. Off Poʻohuna Point. Lit. Papamoku. Mākua. Lit. Pāpa iloa.. Haʻikū. rain fog. The beach and the park are on the shore of Pāpalaua.. Oʻahu. The bay lies within the ʻili or land division of Papaka. 3. Kawailoa. Reef. Small black sand beach near the former Pāpaʻikou sugar mill. Pāpalaua. Pāpalaua Falls at the head of the valley is one of the highest waterfalls in the Hawaiian Islands. Also known as Hākaʻaʻano. large Papaka [drops]. wandering reef. Small pocket of calcareous sand at Mākena Landing Park between the former cattle holding pen and the beachfront homes. Reef. Narrow calcareous sand beach that borders Honoapiʻilani Highway on the west side of Lahaina Pali. northwest shore. small Papaka [drops]. Island (3. Also known as Water Tank Bay. The bay lies within the ʻili or land division of Papaka. Mākena. Also known as Thousand Peaks. beach. Papakuewa. northwest shore. Lit. Molokaʻi. Maui. Maui. 1. Papaka Iki. Beach. The surf site is off the beach. Island (. Also known as Bluebirds. Beach. 40 feet high). fishing site. long shelf. Also known as Santos Bay. Kalaupapa. Pāpalaua. Pāpaʻikou. Papanui o Kāne... Beach. 1982 Pāpaʻikou.4 acres. The reef is a small patch reef off the beach. Also known as Kawailoa Beach. Oʻahu. Boulder beach at the mouth of the one of the six coastal valleys on Molokaʻi's north shore. Hawaiʻi. Shallow reef on the north side of Kaipapaʻu Point. Papawai. Beach. Lit. Big-wave. Lit. unwashed genitals reef. Oʻahu. but a 10-acre parcel at the south end of ʻAnaehoʻomalu Beach was maintained by the ranch for its employees. Also known as Keawaiki. Oʻahu. beach park. Big-wave. second-reef site to the west of Avalanche. Maui. Beach. 5. Turtle Beach. this massive cache of sand was the site of the largest sand-mining operation in the state. Mākaha. Cove. Pāpipi. Keʻehi Lagoon. Open ocean site off the end of the road to the shore in Wailua. Hawaiʻi Kai. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Pāwai. Small pocket of calcareous sand at Mākena Landing Park fronting the former cattle holding pens. especially those of Hawaiian ancestry. The trust began making improvements at Papawai in 1975 after the opening of the Queen Kaʻahumanu Highway. cattle fence. estate trustees sold some ranch properties to pay the $25 million that was due in federal and state estate taxes. Calcareous sand beach over 2 miles long and 300 feet wide that is the largest beach on Molokaʻi. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Beach. 3. Oʻahu. Mākena. Surf site. Surf site. second-reef site off Mokauea Island on the east side of Kalihi Channel. 4. surf site. snorkeling site. Puʻu Koaʻe to the south and Puʻu o Kaiaka to the north. Twos. A concrete tunnel at the south end of the beach is all that remains of the former mining activities. Several small pockets of calcareous sand and coral rubble used as a shore campsite by Liliʻuokalani Trust.. tow-in surf site. Hauʻula. primarily in the districts of Hāmākua and South Kohala. Lit. or riding the wave to their left. During the 1960s Richard Smart. West of the small break-water at Queen's Beach.000 acres of land for development. By the twentieth century it covered 300.. stone fence. Oʻahu. Surf site. Parallels. Paradise. sandy shelf or reef. Also known as Bean's Beach. From the early 1960s to 1975. Surf site. sold 31. water stratum. It is the site of the Molokaʻi Ka Hula Piko. Oʻahu. It lies between two headlands. the property owners. are actually surfing out to sea. The snorkeling and surf sites are off the beach. The pens were used during cattle-loading operations when interisland steamers stopped at Mākena.āhole. Maui. After Smart's death in 1992. Reef. Queen Liliʻuokalani (1838-1917). Also known as Number Twos. Lit. Lit. the last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. Ko ʻOlina.000 acres.. for its beneficiaries. Small pocket beach of calcareous sand in an otherwise rocky shore. High surf from the east breaks parallel to shore here rather than rolling in to shore. and moi. including the property surrounding ʻAnaehoʻo-malu Beach. Beach. a noncompetitive hula festival that is held annually in May. Dive site. North Kona. Oʻahu. Parker's heir. Haleʻiwa. Off the Halekūlani Hotel. The . 2. Surf site. Beach. Surfers going left. Papawai. Wide calcareous sand beach on the west side of Mauna Lahilahi. established the trust to help orphaned children. John Palmer Parker established Parker Ranch in Waimea in 1847. great flat of [the god] Kāne. Off Papawai Point at Lahaina Pali. Hawaiʻi. Pāpōhaku Beach Park is at the north end of the beach on Kaluakoʻi Road. Wailua. Papaoneone. Maui.. Waikīkī. Parker Ranch. Lit. enenue. Pāpōhaku. 1. Papapiapia. Also known as Papaʻakea. Paradise Cove Luau is the name of a popular visitor attraction on the shore behind the beach. Molokaʻi.. 2.. 1. Kaluakoʻi. Waialua. the guardian of the reef. Paʻuwela. Paʻuwela. After the incident.72 acres. Pāʻia.. taro piece. Paukūkalo. Off Mokulēʻia Beach Park. Oʻahu. Lit. Hawaiʻi. A natural opening in the reef serves as a harbor.. Surf site. The surf site is in the bay. surf site. Pauoa. taken by surprise.Parker Ranch Beach site was sold in October 1998 to John Hoffee of California. The Pattersons were from Scotland and operated beach cottage rentals at Kaʻalāwai until they sold their property in 1986. a large shark. Beach. Off the point. The eighth child was set out as bait. Molokaʻi. Kawailoa. Pauwalu. Maui. Small bay at the west end of the Mauna Lani Resort property and the site of Holoholokai Beach Park. One of five surfing and wind-surf sites off Hoʻokipa Beach Park. Maui. Also known as Beach Parks. eight destroyed. the site of the former Patterson Cottages. Paty's Shorebreak. The surf site is off the beach. Paukūkalo. Paty. Diamond Head. Surf site. Paukaʻa.. As she made her way to shore. Lit.. hot soot. Mauna Lani. Paʻuwela Point. . surf site. Park Rights. Off Kaʻalāwai Beach fronting the Isles at Diamond Head. Sunset Beach. Rocky boulder beach that borders the Hawaiian homestead community of Paukūkalo.. Island (. and the shark was caught and killed. Patterson's. 50 feet high). Beach. Pavilions. Dive site. a former Waialua Sugar Company executive and chairman of the State Board of Land and Natural Resources. A shark demigod killed seven children in a family. The 145-foot concrete light tower was built in 1929. Pauley Foundation and completed in 1997. Harbor. Paumalū. taken secretly. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Kāneʻohe. Narrow detrital sand beach bordering a wide. Off William Paty's beachfront home on Kamehameha Highway on the north side of Chun's Reef. Oʻahu. Research site. Calcareous sand beach that fronts the land division of Paumalū and includes Sunset Beach Park. Pavilions is off the concrete pavilion at the east end of the park. Oʻahu. shallow fringing reef. Maui. Pauley Marine Laboratory. Maui. attacked and killed her. Pāʻūonuʻakea. Established in 1869. Lit. Paukaʻa. north shore. Oʻahu. Established in 1910 and automated in 1921. Bay. Paʻuwela. Surf site.. Mokulēʻia. Molokaʻi. the area was called Paumalū. Surf site. The primary direction that surfers ride is to their right. bought a lot and built his home here in 1957. Oʻahu. Point light. Point light. Lit. sarong of Nuʻakea. Laboratory on Coconut Island that was funded by the Edwin W. The 48-foot skeleton tower is approximately 120 feet above sea level. Lit. The name comes from a legend of a woman fishing here who caught more octopuses than the number that was permitted for this reef. an active naval facility. Maui. Oʻahu. by aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy." including the Honouliuli Unit on the shore of West Loch in Pearl Harbor. Fish aggregating device. water stratum. Historic trail. Dredging of the entrance channel was completed in 1912. 1. Access to all of the lochs is restricted to military vessels. Also known as Bean's Beach. Peace Park. Landmarks: Diamond Head Light. Channel. and West Loch. The harbor was named for the pearl oysters that were abundant in its mudflats through the 1800s. a cultural tourist attraction started in 1963 by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to provide job opportunities for students attending Brigham Young University-Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Buoy anchored at approximately 286 fathoms. In 1939 an executive order established the harbor as a naval defensive sea area. Most Americans remember the harbor for the attack on Sunday. Maui. Channel into Pearl Harbor that was first dredged in the early 1900s to allow large vessels through the reef into the inner lochs. P Buoy. Pearl Harbor. Off Kaimana Beach on the west side of the Kaimana Channel. Doug Niessen and Ed Robinson discovered the four-engine aircraft at 200 feet. Hiking trail on the harbor shore that follows the right-of-way of the former Oʻahu Railway and Land (OR&L) train tracks. windsurf site. and construction of the first drydock was completed in 1919. 6. Marquesans. Pearl Harbor consists of three large lochs. Park. South section of Kamaʻole III Beach Park that is an open. Lāʻau Point Light. Peʻahi. The attack engaged the United States in World War II. The trust uses the name Papawai. or "units. beckon. The 42-acre complex features the seven groups of islanders that are native to Polynesia: Fijians. 4. PCC is off the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC).Pāwai. 3. authorized establishing the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. It is still. The refuge consists of three satellite sections. 2. The harbor was discovered by Captain Nathaniel Portlock in 1789 but was not developed as a military facility until after annexation in 1898. Lit. Waikīkī. In 1964 Pearl Harbor was named a national landmark and was subsequently placed on the National Register of Historic Places. South shore.. Penguin Bank. Oʻahu. Tahitians. but pollution in the harbor has since killed them all. Several small pockets of calcareous sand and coral rubble at the head of a small bay at the border of the Old Kona Airport State Recreation Area and the Liliʻuokalani Trust's campsite. Peaks. Pearl City. OR&L discontinued its service in 1947. PCC. grassy field for kite flying and a "peaceful" place for families. and Tongans. National wildlife refuge. thereby restricting entry to only those vessels approved by the base commander. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Maui. Wreck of a navy bomber that was ditched on June 26.. including ʻAiea Bay in East Loch. 1941. City park on the shore of the harbor at the foot of Kaʻahumanu Street. Molokaʻi. Tow-in surf site. Pearl Harbor. research by the Liliʻuokalani Trust has determined that Pāwai is an abbreviation of Papawai. Harbor. Oʻahu. The wave is a single peak and a short ride. and the Waiawa Unit near the mouth of Waiawa Stream. whieh is only for privately owned boats belonging to military personnel. Honolulu Harbor Buoy Light. Private yacht club in ʻAiea Bay in East Loch. or land-locked bays: East Loch. Surf site. Samoans. Bay. Also known as Jaws. December 7. PB4Y. Pearl Harbor. the Kalaeloa Unit in the Kalaeloa Community Development District. Surf site. Middle Loch. Pearl City. scuba site. 1944. 5. Although this bay is commonly known as Pāwai. Hawaiians. 1908. snorkeling site. Yacht Club. Maoris. Oʻahu. Lit. Peʻahi. Kīhei. . North Kona. Papawai. A congressional appropriations act of May 13. In 1987. Kīhei. Lāʻie. however. Dive site. 1978 Peʻewē. Also known as Peiwē. We decided that the demonstrators all had to be part Hawaiian. Pelekane Beach is part of the Puʻukoholā Heiau Nalional Historic Site and is regarded as a sacred area. Island. We decided to do a demonstration-type landing to attract attention to the island. Beach. but the navy got word of the invasion and warned everyone from a helicopter to return to Maui. Pelekane. Charlie came up with a list of names and contacted them. They were arrested and taken off the island. Alternate spelling of Peʻewē. Oʻahu. swimming. and Albert de Rego. On January 4. Kahoʻolawe. Boulder and black detrital sand beach at the mouth of one of the six coastal valleys on Molokaʻi's north shore. Pebble or ʻiliʻili beach on the shore of the Kona Paradise Properties subdivision. Hawaiʻi. His family stayed with him during the summer months at Kūheia. Also known as Kaʻohe Beach. 2. Small. Scout Island. Although he had a wife and four children on Maui. British. When Angus MaePhee started a cattle ranch on Kahoʻolawe in 1922. Hawaiʻi. hunting goats. Hawaiʻi.. and then notify the navy. Herbert Santos. Lit. a group of islands off the coast of Portugal. and tending the cattle. Peiwē. Erosion of an adjacent lava flow from Ulupaʻu Crater deposits pebbles on the beach. surf site. the ranch headquarters. 1976. Beach. Paul Fujishiro. Charlie Maxwell. There is no sunbathing. Mōkapu. north shore. an Englishman who served as an advisor to Kamehameha I. Possibly for John Young. Back on Maui. maintaining water troughs. we began discussing the possibility of getting Kahoʻolawe back and using it as a test case for Hawaiian lands controlled by the federal government. Lit. landing.Pebble. The navy would pick everyone up and that would get the issue into the courts. picnicking. Young lived near the heiau until his death in 1835. The boats returned to Māʻalaea. about thrityfive people on boats started out for Kahoʻolawe from Maui. Keaukaha. Molokaʻi. or camping permitted here. and came to Hawaiʻi with his family in 1878. Formerly the site of a fishing and commercial . Kawaihae. June 25. Island. Pedro was the ranch foreman. Bay. return to Māʻalaea. That was the beginning of the Protect Kahoʻolawe ʻOhana. l'd been hunting for goats and fishing there since the late sixties. Small calcareous sand and coral rubble beach fronting Mailekini Heiau. Beach. Pelekunu. He was a well-known figure to fishermen and hunters who named Kūheia "Pedro Bay" for him. drupe shell. Pedro. Hawaiʻi. Pelekunu. While we were camped at Pedro Bay. We would drop the demonstrators off on the island. but later the same day nine of them succeeded in landing on the island. Keaukaha. He was born in 1875 in the Azores. flat rock island off Kealoha Park. Adrian Naeua. Pedro lived alone on the island most of the year. repairing fences. Kaʻohe.. Beach. 1. Manuel Pedro was the foreman of Kahoʻolawe Ranch and the only permanent resident of the island during the final years of the ranching period. Small cove of white sand at the east end of North Beach below Pond Road on Marine Corps Air Station-Kāneʻohe Bay. moʻolelo In August 1975 I went on hunting trip to Kahoʻolawe with four friends of mine. There was great excitement aboard as nothing of the kind had ever been reported and the discovery was noted for the first time. a l. Pele's Chair. What's that?" "That" turned out to be a chart made by the HMS Penguin after it sounded Penguin Bank in 1897. described the discovery in an article entitled "Struck Shoal": Although the officers aboard the Penguin were loath to give any information. I signed up for a one-day orientation session about the library at the Bishop Museum. the "tell-tale" of the ship showed that a shoal 26 fathoms below the surface of the water. the older days. including Haleakalā. and a lawyer) had to do a lot digging in old records to establish just where the Hawaiians were fishing in the ancient days. Penguin Bank is one of a series of coalesced volcanoes. Molokaʻi. Fishing site. Rock. 1897. Penguin Bank. 1946. had been struck. The bank extends 28 miles west southwest from Laʻau Point and drops abruptly to 100 fathoms along its north. In July 1897. West Maui.130ton British surveying ship that was under the command of Captain Arthur Mostyn Field (1855-1950). the Penguin. Lanaʻi. Rebel Rock." at 30 fathoms (180 feet. Rock formation at the west end of Makapuʻu Head above the small breakwater built by Henry J. the Penguin was four months out of Sydney and on her way for a layover in Honolulu Harbor when she discovered the bank. flat shoal. or "bank. although one family remained until 1932. I saw the article and provided the information. The Penguin will return to the place as soon as possible to make a full investigation into the matter and a British man-of-war will have the credit of discovery. As I recall. "Wait a minute. onaga.taro farming village that was abandoned by 1917. Kaiser. We (myself—a marine biologist—an anthropologist/ archaeologist. was one of a half dozen ships tasked to conduct deep-sea soundings for the British. The ruins of the landing are on the rocky terrace on the west side of the bay. by the HMS Penguin. and south edges. .) that is an under-water extension of West Molokaʻi. west. and other popular commercial bottom fish. and the modern era. but revisited the bank to complete its survey before departing Hawaiian waters on August 15. Also known as Balancing Rock. 1897. Broad. East Molokaʻi. moʻolelo In 1989 I was undertaking a project about native Hawaiian fishing rights. Commissioned in 1890 for service in the Pacific. with a crew of 137. July 22. Penguin Bank was discovered on July 20. is unknown. especially for opakapaka. Laʻau Point. Kahoʻolawe. The surf site is a shorebreak on a sandbar fronting the beach. the goddess of the volcano. Lit. it has been learned that at about 10 o'clock on Tuesday night and while about 30 miles off the Island of Oahu. Oʻahu. It is one of the most heavily fished sites in Hawaiʻi. I was looking through some old stuff—I think some samples of what the library contained—when I thought. The shallow saddles between the volcanoes are now flooded by the ocean and form the four islands of Maui County.. In order to get a feeling for what the various archives contained. Hawaiʻi Kai. The reason the information got into the Star Bulletin's "Kokua Line" column in 1989 was because a reader had asked the columnist why Penguin Bank was named Penguin Bank. The reference here to Pele. who were interested in connecting their possessions of Canada and Australia by a telegraph cable. The tsunami of April 1. and West Molokaʻi that three to four hundred thousand years ago were one large island—Maui Nui. ʻulaʻula. The Penguin left Honolulu Harbor for Fanning Island on August 13. smelly [for lack of sunshine]. The edition of the Pacific Commeicial Advertiser for Thursday. The profile of the rock viewed from Kalanianaʻole Highway near the entrance to the Hawaiʻi Kai Golf course resembles a chair. completely destroyed the taro patches and the ruins of the village. Lit. or dribbled.. Point. Fishing site. Off Pier 1 in Kahului Harbor. Pentagon Pukas. Dive site. windsurf site. 1. Phantoms. Surf site. Maui. Maui. Penthouse. and caverns from 25 to 50 feet. and described the site as "a piddley little wave. Makapuʻu. Kaʻaʻawa. point light. and Penthouse. ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. Big-wave. Point. Dive site. Kīpahulu.. Also known as Dirty Ear Beach. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Oʻahu.Robert Iverson. Between Olokele Mill and Salt Pond Beach Park. Piko. Same as Pentagon. Long. as by warriors in battle (from the former pronunciation of Pepeʻekeo with a macron over the o). Lit. This site is called Phantoms because it does not break often—usually only when the North Shore is completely closed out. the demigod who could assume the form of either a man or pig. Kawailoa. Same as Pentagon. tow-in surf site. One day Rath noted to his friends that the waves here piddled. Lit. Left at Chun's Reef on the north side of the reef. Piʻilanihale. Beach. 1. Pentagon Arches. The name in Kīpahulu is from a legend of Kamapuaʻa. the crushed food. off of those at Chun's Reef. Hawaiʻi. Maui. Dive site. arches. Hanapēpē. 2. Hawaiʻi. Kauaʻi. Also known as Pentagon Arches. On a rocky shore with a small pebble beach. 1. Also known as Kaʻaʻawa channel. Outside Rainbows. seemingly out of nowhere.. Pepeʻekeo. Pepeʻekeo.. second-reef site north of Sunset Point named by windsurfers. but above the terrace at sea level that is used as a fishing site when high surf washes over the terrace below. Heiau. Lit. Surf site. Maui. ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. December 8. umbilical chord. Piddleys. The largest heiau (shrine) in the Hawaiian Islands." Veteran surfer Robbie Rath was part of a group of neighborhood surfers here in the early 1960s that paddled up and down the coast. 2. Hawaiʻi. Mākena. Reef. navel. Dive site." Also known as Backdoor Chun's. dirty ear. Rocky point at the seaward end of the ridge that includes the Poʻolenalena rock formation. 2. 2000 Pentagon. Surf site. Small detrital sand beach at the base of the sea cliffs in Pepeʻekeo. Tow-in surf site. Big-wave. Pepe is an abbreviation of Hanapēpē. Sunset Beach. Hawaiʻi. wide detrital sand beach at the base of high sea cliffs that is visible from the coastal trail above the last of the pools in Seven Pools Park and is the only sand beach in the district of Kīpahulu. ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. Marked by a mooring buoy. Oʻahu. ʻUlaʻino. and is atop a 75-foot skeleton light tower. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Maui. . Kamapuaʻa got mud in his ear while diving in a stream nearby. Pier 1. Beach. surfing all the spots off their homes. The surf site is off the beach. second-reef site outside of Kaiaka Bay at Kalaeʻōʻio Beach Park. house [of] Piʻilani [a famous Maui chief]. Same as Pentagon. automated in 1917. surf site. Piddle is a child's word for "urinate. The light was established in 1905. Ledge below Makapuʻu Light. Kahului. Also known as Hāmākua Poko Point. Pentagon Pukas. Oʻahu. Pepeiaolepo. Pepe Sands. Surf site. Hāmākua Poko. Waves breaking on this isolated reef appear like phantoms. and a wide channel runs through the reef. Haleʻiwa. Pineapple production was discontinued in the early 1990s when new corporate ownership of the island chose to pursue tourism as the island's primary industry instead of agriculture. Also known as the Secluded Isle. Surf site. The surf site is at the east end of the reef. All three sites are named for the World War II concrete observation posts. Pillars. To protect the boathouse. Ironwoods in Hawaiʻi are commonly called pine trees because their seeds resemble miniature pinecones. Pine Tree. This site is surfed when waves are breaking only alongside Waimea Point as opposed to outside of the point." that are inshore on the beaches. or Asparagopsis taxiformis. By the early 1920s. Oʻahu. surf site.000-acre pineapple plantation. Poles. Kaʻakaʻaniu. Former niekname of Lānaʻi. Gordie's.Pīlaʻa. This type of fortification was developed and named during World War I when pills were kept in small wooden boxes that were the same shape as the fortifications. Beach. Pineapple lsle. a stronger flavored dark red variety. Surf site. or "pillboxes. he dredged a channel through the reef. wide. it is soaked overnight in fresh water to reduce its iodine flavor. If it is to be sent to market. Kaiser dredged a small harbor and built a breakwater. Wipeouts here often mean that surfboards and surfers bounce off the boulders like pinballs bouncing off the bumpers in a pinball machine. Oʻahu. Also known as Gordieland. a milder flavored light red variety. 3. Surf site. Surf site. and lightly salted. Kawela. Kohanaiki. Sand Island. Hawaiʻi Kai. Kauaʻi. Beach." Also known as Half Point. The reef is one of the island's famous seaweed harvesting sites for limu kohu. shallow reef. Oʻahu. and the tall pipes that serve as the channel markers are the "pillars. Pinballs. The Mary N. 1. In 1959 when Henry J. Calcareous sand and coral rubble beach and . Ukumehame. 1. and Pīlaʻa. Oʻahu. he built a home for himself on 7. The seaward end of the Kaiser Estate included a large boathouse. Most of the pillboxes on Hawaiʻi's shores were built during the 1920s and 1930s during the military's efforts to install coastal defenses to protect beaches and airfields. In Waimea Bay alongside the boulders between the north end of the beach and the point. reef. Surf site.2 acres at the end of Portlock Road. the subdivision between his estate and Portlock Point. A single ironwood tree is onshore. Koko Kai. A small spring and coconut grove are in the backshore of the easternmost pocket of sand. drained. The waves at the surf site terminate at the edge of the channel. Waimea. After it is harvested and cleaned. Oʻahu. the communities closest to the reefs. but local consumers believe the best limu kohu comes Kauaʻi and specifically from the reefs at ʻAliomanu. Pine Trees. Hawaiians differentiate between limu kohu līpehe. Also known as Lone Pine. surf site. Castle and Cooke acquired more than 98 percent of the island and established a 16. 2. dive site. Surf site. Lucas Trust has owned the ahupuaʻa (land division) of Pīlaʻa—2. Hawaiʻi. Pīlaʻa Stream crosses the western end of the beach. and limu kohu koko. This prized edible seaweed is found elsewhere in Hawaiʻi. Off Kōkeʻe Beach Right-of-Way. Commercial harvesting on these reefs has for generations been the domain of a small group of Hawaiian families from Anahola and Moloaʻa.882 acres that extend from the mountains to the sea—since the early 1900s. Kaiser began planning Hawaiʻi Kai. it is rolled into tight balls. Pillboxes. Maui. and to access the boathouse from the ocean. Two pockets of calcareous sand beach divided by a low rocky point and fronted by a long. Limu kohu grows at the edge of the reef where there is a constant flow of water from breaking waves. On the north side of Puaʻena Point. was still vacant land. Dive site. dense thicket of mangrove. . Dive site. arches. A stand of ironwood trees in the park gives the site its popular name. giving the site its popular name." There are two mooring buoys at this site. Pinnacle Point. Dive site. Reef. Hanalei Bay. One of three beach parks on Hanalei Bay's 2-mile calcareous sand beach. and the lava tube ends up as a sinkhole onshore. Pine Trees is one of the most popular dive sites on the Big Island. From a distance the mangroves can be imagined to resemble a stand of iron-wood or "pine" trees. Hawaiʻi. and Pyramid Pinnacles. Kawaihae. call this site Freshwater Cave. La Pérouse Bay. Kei-Kei Caves is sometimes known as Horseshoe because of its semicircular formation. Pioneer Reef. Oʻahu. Also known as Waiʻoli Beach Park. 2. installed.several brackish-water ponds at Wāwahiwaʻa Point. and maintained through the joint efforts of concerned dive operators on the Kona/Kohala Coast for the preservation of our reefs in 1988. These moorings were paid for. and we have since become a PADI Five-Star Dive Center. The south mooring is at a large cave that you access underwater near shore. Beach park. This site has a wonderful variety of caves and lava tubes. As we understand it. Pāhoehoe. Pinnacles. 2. of course. October 23. the red harbor entrance light. Oʻahu. caverns. Our boat lineup consisted of a small water tower. Kauaʻi. and rocky pinnacles. was founded in May of 1986 as the only full-service dive center on the Kohala Coast." There are a number of big puffer fish at the site. Golden Arches. and the third window of the now defunct Pioneer Lumber Company Turner Lett. 1. Sunset Beach. Hawaiʻi. moʻolelo Kohala Divers Ltd. The cave brings you into a lava tube that is fed with fresh water. Of course. Surf site. The dive and surf sites are off the beach. Same as Second Flow. Pinnacle lava formations and arches from 10 to 60 feet. Hawaiʻi. which we describe as "potbelly puffer fish. South of the bay. Frog Rock is one of several dive sites with permanent moorings. Surf site. Off Kawaihae Harbor and the now defunct Pioneer Lumber Company. 1. Also known as Kohanaiki. one of the most famous surf sites in the world. surf site. Pine Trees is also used as an area name that includes other dive sites such as Aquarium. the name Kei Kei implies "potbelly. so we chose the names from identifiable shoreline features. Sunset Beach. ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. The largest of the ponds is filled with a tall. Near this site is a large rock. The Pipeline. The surf site is a shorebreak on a shallow sandbar and is one of the island's popular contest sites. which—at the proper angle and the sufficient absorption of nitrogen—looks like a frog sitting. Dive site. Pioneer Reef is a beautiful reef located just out of the channel to Kawaihae Harbor. 2000 Pipe. Ironwoods in Hawaiʻi are commonly called pine trees because their seeds resemble miniature pinecones. Pipeline. We. Same as the Pipeline. the dive sites were already there. PK's.. California surfing movie producer Bruce Brown was with Edwards on the North Shore and filmed his historic rides. 2. the point fronting the comfort station in Sandy Beach Park. rather than spill. 2000 Pipe Littles. a construction project for the repair of an underground pipeline was in progress on Kamehameha Highway. Also known as Banzai Pipeline. moʻolelo In the second part of the film. he came up on the beach.was first surfed successfully in December 1961 by Phil Edwards. One day I was driving Phil Edwards and Bruce Brown around looking for waves for Bruce to film. rode a couple of waves. Phil went out. Mālaekahana. (Bruce Brown in his 1990 introduction to the video version of his fourth surfing movie. After Edwards returned to the beach. Waves at Pitchers "pitch. Brown introduced the name to the surfing world in his fourth surfing movie. Diffenderfer looked into the open trench and suggested that they name the surf site the Pipeline. As they drove past the project. Phil said he would go out and try it. On the west side of Half Point. "Why don't we call it the Pipeline?" We all agreed that it was a perfect name. On a good day. Surf site. I looked in the trench and said. we passed an open trench where the Board of Water Supply was repairing a broken water main. Oʻahu. We'd looked at the break for years. Everyone went to Pūpūkea. and we watched it for about thirty minutes. it needed a name. Pitchers. Surfing Hollow Days. The snorkeling site is in a small bay off Prince Kūhiō Park. 1. recognized then as one of the best surfers in the world. As we drove back out on Kam Highway. On the east side of Pākala reef. Kukuiʻula. 2. Oceanographers classify waves as either plunging (steep) or spilling (not steep). That's great!" It's been the name ever since. Snorkeling site. Mike's the one who said. he and Brown and another California surfer. June 14. Wailea. "How about the Pipeline?" We said. surf site. and Mike Diffenderfer. Oʻahu. In the center of Wailea Beach on the south side of the small rock island. . Pipiʻo. They all agreed. there's a sequence of Phil Edwards being the first to ride the Pipeline. Surf site. but nobody had ever tried it. Māʻalaea. Surf site. Coincidentally. Surfing Hollow Days (1961). Hawaiʻi. and we thought. arched. "We've got to think of a name for it. but no one surfed it. A pipe sticks out of the reef inshore of the surf site. Fishpond. waves here are a miniature or "little" version of the Pipeline on Oʻahu's North Shore. myself. He caught a couple of waves and came in. I got some great shots. were discussing an appropriate name for the site. Bruce said that since it had never been surfed before. Same as Māʻalaea. On a good day. Kauaʻi." or plunge. PK's is an acronym that stands for Prince Kūhiō. Pipes. Molokaʻi." It was Phil Edwards. waves here resemble those at the Pipeline on Oʻahu's North Shore. I drove to my house. Off Castles Beach at Makahoa Point. Pipe. Surf site. Hālawa. Maui. Mike Diffenderfer. The surf site is off the Beach House Restaurant. Hawaiʻi Kai. Mike Diffenderfer. filmed in 1961) In the early 1960s I used to live inshore of the Pipeline with Pat Curren. Kauaʻi. Lit. Pākala. Surf site. a woman who could also assume the form of a moʻo. Oʻahu. Beach. Pōhakuloa. 1. Lit. Lit. Molokaʻi. Maui. Oʻahu. Beach. Lit. day [of] conquest rock. Pōhaku. and the site of a former lighthouse and some petroglyphs. combed her hair on Pōhaku Kūlaʻilaʻi after bathing in a spring nearby. Pōhaku Kikēkē. PMRF. The park's shore is primarily rocky.. Beach. Also known as Rock Point. Prince Kūhiō Park was the only landmark on the shore.. Pōhakulua. and Kaimukī. Point. Lit. Pōhaku ʻĪlio. To prolong the life of their nets. In Kaiaka Bay Beach Park. Barking Sands. Calcareous sand beach fronting the Pacific Missile Range Facility. Mākaha. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. ninth night.. Mākua. Rock. Lit. the light marks the northernmost point on the island. Also known as S-turns. Oʻahu.. Small roadside park on a low sea cliff that overlooks S-turns. Hawaiʻi. a supernatural lizard.Prior to the development of the restaurant and the adjacent condominiums. Lit. Kapuʻa. Kauaʻi. Pōʻaiwa is the site of one of the two remaining shipwrecks on Shipwreck Beach. Rocky point with low sea cliffs at the east end of Hoʻokipa Beach Park. rock. Hāmākua Poko. 3. Legendary limestone pedestal or "balancing" rock that was said to have floated ashore from the distant land of Kahiki. In 1992 Maui Land and Pine donated the strip of land that comprises the park to the county. . Large rock behind the beach at Kapuʻa that village fishermen used as a mortar. Hawaiʻi. Lit. Island. double stone. petroglyphs. Rock. the fishermen periodically soaked the net fibers in a dye made from the bark of the kukui. knocking rock. Park. Pōhakuloa. West of Mākaha Beach near the intersection of Lawaiʻa Street and Farrington Highway. or PMRF. Also known as Pray for Sex Beach. Pōʻaiwa. or Lānaʻi [island] rock. In ʻAnaehoʻomalu Bay. Lānaʻi. Maui. Honokeana. but little remains of it now. Rocky point between Honouli Wai and Honouli Maloʻo Bays. dog rock. Kalaupapa. rock [where waves are] dashed to pieces.. The bark was first pounded into a powder on Pōhaku Kuʻihili and then mixed with water. Point. Dive site. 2. rock to pound bark. Pōhaku Lānaʻi.. Rock. Flat rock on Papaloa Beach that was associated with the legend of ʻĪliopiʻi Beach to the west.. Lānaʻi. Kahakuloa. Rock. Legend says that a demigod. A rock that resounded if it was struck with another rock like the Bell Stones at Wailua. Pōhaku Kūlaʻilaʻi. Oʻahu. Point light. Remnants of a Twin Beechcraft lying on the sand at 115 feet served as a small artificial reef. Pōʻaiwa. Kauaʻi. or candlenut tree. Molokaʻi. Pōhaku Kuʻihili. a surf site. Lit. a mud barge that appeared mysteriously in 1960. Pōhakuloa. Maui. rock. Haleʻiwa. long stone. Limestone rock at the south end of Mākua Beach that is a popular jumping rock. Narrow calcareous sand beach that is a section of Shipwreck Beach. Established in 1968 on Shipwreck Beach. Plane Wreck Point. Keāhole. Lit. Hawaiʻi... . rock. Pōhaku Māuliuli. Also known as Punalau Beach and Windmill Beach. Kaʻū. Bay.. Pohoiki.18 acres. Pōhakupule. Pīlaʻa. During the spring. Natural. surf site. The warm spring is a pool of volcanically warmed fresh water in a lava sink on the shore of Pohoiki Bay. Two pockets of calcareous sand at the base of Pōhaku Māuliuli. 40 feet high). Beach. joined stone. Poholokeiki. stone of Lama. Bay. beach." Pohoiki.. peaceful rock. Island (. bird rock. Lit. is slang for "many coral heads. Kalaupapa. beach. and the church in the middle of the subdivision was called Maluhia Church. Pōhaku means "stone. Punalau. Rock. Rock in the ocean near shore that was a stone fish goddess. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar fronting the beach. Pōhakus. Pōhaku o Lama. Large rock in the backshore of ʻAwahua Beach near the foot of the Kalaupapa Trail. Molokaʻi. Maui. Pocket of calcareous sand at the head of a small bay. Kauaʻi. ramp. Lit. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Lit. Lit. Calcareous sand and coral rubble beach backed by a stand of ironwood trees. Mākena. Bay. Pōhakupaea." but the pluralized name.. Hawaiʻi. dark stone. Molokaʻi. The surf site is off the boat ramp. A vessel wash-down area adjoins the ramp. It is also known as Waiwelawela. Lit. This site is surfed infrequently because it breaks over many shallow coral heads. surf site. Kaluakoʻi. Pōhaku Manu. Molokaʻi. rock. Channel.. surf site.Pōhaku Maluhia. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi.. Also known as Make Horse Beach. Maui. Pōhakupule is a large black rock on the shallow reef off the beach. Pōhue. Fishermen brought offerings here to ensure their luck. "red tides" of tiny marine organisms called dinoflagellates occur at Mahaiʻula and appear as a brownish red plume drifting in the bay. Lit.. Kauaʻi. People who needed to cleanse or purify themselves spiritually came to the beach inshore of the rock and prayed for absolution. Sand-bottomed channel cut through the reef by Limahuli Stream. dive site. Pohoiki Bay is the site of Issac Hale Beach Park and a boat ramp. bay light. Maui. The bay light is atop a pole erected in 1979 when the breakwater was constructed. sheltering stone. petroglyphs. Hawaiʻi Kai. A stone called Pōhakupili is located on the hill above the bay. small depression. Lit. Hāʻena. Small calcareous sand beach at the head of Pōhue Bay. Pōhaku Malumalu. Fishing site. a large cinder cone north of Kepuhi Beach. Fishermen believed that the plume was the deity menstruating. the littoral cone that forms the east point of the bay. An extensive petroglyph field and other archaeological sites are located on the eastern margin of the bay between the beach and Puʻu Kī. Pōhakupili. Pōhakus. warm spring.. Rock. Surf site. Mahaiʻula. Large rock in the ocean off Waiehu that is only visible from shore at low tide when the ocean is calm. Right at Full Point at Sandy Beach. Waiehu.. Also known as Fagans Beach. Beach. stone that lands [ashore]. the only one in the district of Puna. The . During the 1920s a subdivision here was named the Maluhia Beach Lots after the rock. Lit. prayer rock. wave-cut stone arch on the shore that marks the boundary between the land divisions of Pīlaʻa and Waiakalua. Rock. Pōhakupili. Poi Bowls. Near Waimea Bay and off Mokumana. They introduced the song on their "Surf Party" album by saying." Waves here terminate against a high boulder seawall that was completed in 1949. The surf site is off the beach. Maui. Poʻipū. One of the surfing and wind-surf sites off Hoʻokipa Beach Park.. Poʻipū Beach Park is the most popular beach park on the island's south shore. swimmers jump off the multiterraced sea cliff and swim below it. Lit. no-surf days. gourd." Also known as The Spot. Surf site. Also known as Neneʻu. Poʻipū. Waiʻanae. Campbell Industrial Park. Waiʻanae. The name was inspired in the early 1960s by a popular instrumental surfing song called "Point Panic" by the Surfaries. At the west end of the bay off the Waiʻanae Army Rest Camp. 5. The surf site is off the east end of Kakaʻako Waterfront Park fronting the University of Hawaiʻi's Pacific Biomedical Research Center and is only for bodysurfers and bodyboarders. and the windsurf site is off the west end of the beach near the Sheraton. Ocean Waters. The snorkeling site is off the west end of the beach park. Oʻahu. Surf site. surfers "panicked" if they lost their boards. swimming site. Surf site. a legendary voyaging chief. Oʻahu. 4. The name is a play on words between the surfing term bowl and a bowl used to either mix or serve poi. Lit. windsurf site. Nukumoi Point in the beach park is an example of a tombolo. Oʻahu. a sandbar that joins two islands. The wide reef here forms a point on the beach. Lit. Point. surf site. West of the public right-of-way on Kaomi Loop and named for the curved or bowl-shaped section in the wave. Also known Panics. Hōlualoa. Beach park (15. Waiʻanae. but the harbor was closed except for anchoring by permit. is said to have planted the first coconut tree in Hawaiʻi. Surf site. Surf site. 1. Point Panie is an exclusive bodysurfing administrative area per Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules. or H-Poko Point. 2. 1. Small point on the shore of Hōlualoa Bay with many poinciana trees. Surf site. Part III. 2. 3. Off the public right-of-way on Papaʻiloa Road. snorkeling site. Point. Poinciana. In the preleash days of the 1960s and before board surfing was banned. Pearl Harbor. Beach.dive site is west of Puʻu Kī at approximately 55 feet. or Portlock Point. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. During calm. "It's about surfing where you shouldn't.. Anchoring site. Oʻahu. Also known as Kahaʻakolu. Kawailoa. 1994). State Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation. Surf site. and its facilities were relocated to Waiʻanae Small Boat Harbor at the west end of the bay. Hawaiʻi Kai. the small rock island that is the "point. Oʻahu. This site was formerly Pōkaʻī Bay Small Boat Harbor. Ford Island (English). break along a low sea cliff as they wrap around the point. Waves at Kawaihoa. Hawaiʻi. Navigable Streams and Beaches (effective February 24. Oʻahu. at the west end of the park. He brought it from Kahiki on one of his voyages and planted it in Waiʻanae where .5 acres). Point Panic. City beach park on the east shore of the bay. Off the rocky point at the north end of Makapuʻu Beach. Ocean waters. Pāʻia.. 3. Off the breakwater. night [of] the supreme one. The Point is off Hāmākua Poko Point. Lit. Dive site. Island. The. Kauaʻi. The surf site is also known as Walls. Pōkaʻī Bay. 4. completely overcast or crashing [as waves]. Makapuʻu. Poka ʻAilana is the Hawaiianization of the name Ford Island. Also known as Mokuʻumeʻume. Kewalo. Also known as Rest Camp. Oʻahu. Waiʻanae. Oʻahu. 6.. beach park. Pōkaʻī. Poka ʻAilana. Common abbreviation for many points throughout the islands. Oʻahu. Calcareous sand beach between Poʻipū Beach Park to the east and the Sheraton Kauaʻi Resort to the west. Kawailoa. Also known as Glover's Beach and Kahuku Beach. Between Camp Mokulēʻia and Mokulēʻia Beach Park. Kawailoa. Kawailoa. surf site. Polihale is at the north end of the one of the longest calcareous sand beaches in Hawaiʻi. Lānaʻi. Beach. Pōleho. the name on the bridge of the intermittent stream that crosses the beach here. Mokulēʻia. Surf site. cowry night. The poles mark the channel into the small harbor at the former Kaiser Estate. Lit. The dunes are known as the Barking Sands. Oʻahu. Wailea. state park (137. Pillars.7 acres). Maui.in time it gave rise to a famous grove. Polies. Also known as Polies. Surf site. Oʻahu. windsurf site. Oʻahu. Beach. Hawaiʻi Kai. Extensive dunes between 50 and 100 feet high line the backshore and are especially high toward Nohili Point. Poles. wide sandbar. Polies is a slang abbreviation of Polipoli. Calcareous sand beach between Camp Mokulēʻia and Mokulēʻia Beach Park. Polipoli is the name on the bridge over an intermittent stream that crosses the beach here. One of five calcareous sand beaches fronting the Wailea resort complex. Polipoli. Police. it was obscured when a steel traffic barrier was tied into the bridge. Surf site. Polo. The site is used for camping and ocean recreation by members of the Honolulu Police Department and has been known since as Police Beach. the name was etched into the concrete of the bridge when it was constructed. An extensive dune system extends inland from the beach into the base of the cliff at Kaʻali. Beach. In 1975 the Honolulu Police Relief Association (HPRA) leased some beachfront property at Puaʻena Point from the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate. The surf site is off the north end of the beach. Surf site. and the windsurf site is off Queen's Pond. Pokohulu. Hāna. Beach. Fishpond. Pōkole. Niʻihau. Calcareous sand beach between Kaʻali and Kiʻi Landing approximately 2. but shallow sandbars front several large sandy coves. Also known as Half Point. house bosom. eggs [in] bosom. Lit. The surf site is off the sandbar at the west end..5 miles long. The foreshore is rocky. Lit. The name was etched into the concrete of the historic Farrington Highway bridge when it was constructed. Lit. The surf site is a shorebreak that forms on the sandbar fronting the beach. The backshore consists of low dunes covered primarily with kiawe. Off Police Beach. Oʻahu. "the sand of Polo." in her book Ke Alaloa o Maui.. short. surf site. Like all of the other historic bridges built in to the late 1920s and early 1930s on Oʻahu.. Kahaluʻu. Also known as Polipoli. Kiʻi Landing is at the north end of the beach.. wide caleareous sand beach that was once a famous nesting site for green sea turtles. Oʻahu. Polihale. . surf site. west shore. but was obscured when a steel traffic barrier was tied into the bridge. Police Beach. Beach. Mokulēʻia. Lit. The 15-mile-long beach borders the Mānā Coastal Plain and is widest at 300 feet at Polihale where it is fronted by a long. Beach. Ka Ulu Niu o Pōkaʻī—the Coconut Grove of Pōkaʻī. northeast coast. Polihua. Also known as Blockhouse.. Maui. Polihale. polishing stone. Small ʻiliʻili sand beach in Paʻiloa Bay north of Paʻiloa Beach. a swimming site in the middle of the beach. Oʻahu. In 1971 Maui historian Inez Ashdown identified this beach as Ke One o Polo. Long. The surf site is off the beach. Kauaʻi. He left after the ʻ46 tidal wave. The black sand is detrital material eroded and transported to the shore by Pololū Stream. My grandmother ate the conch meat. The boards were easily concealed. On calm days. We caught some huge onaga in about 65 feet of water. You can tell what's offshore by the shells on the beach. narrow pohaku ʻalā that we picked off the beach for sinkers and hau floaters. but only raw. Pololū Valley is one of seven isolated coastal valleys on the north side of Kohala Mountain. North Kohala. Lit. and they were used for spying. Then we dropped fīfteen hooks off either side of the canoe and used long. "night landing. A black sand beach with a wide. shallow sandbar offshore and high vegetated dunes in the backshore front the valley. the name was shortened to Polo. Hawaiʻi. surf site. and they said that's why the boards were called paepō. Beach. and traded him fish for bananas. Ironwood trees are the primary dune vegetation.When Wailea was developed. I went on a fishing trip with my uncles. The moi eat ʻōpaelolo. It's near shore where the waves are and then goes back out to sea. The old-timers could look at what's on the beach and know where to crossnet and what they were going to catch. I heard this from the old people. and the beach is a popular beachcombing site. mo ʻolelo I was born on September 15. June 25." In 1916. When I was young. Then we went to visit Kahikina who was living on the point at Honopuʻe. It was considered the best squid for [eating] raw and was never cooked. and what they spit out comes in. You can see the whitewater trail in the channel next to the wiliau.. The old folks always told us never to swim there. In the middle of the surf at Pololū. They're two small concave boards about ¼-inch by 1 foot by 3 feet made of wiliwili. reddish. Alfred Solomon. beachcombing site. and l'm a cousin of Bill Sproat. You swim to the side to get out of it. There were large . that we boiled to eat. We also ate the heʻe pali. valley. The wiliau at the beach is a circling current—it comes with the waves and circles back out through the surf. Kahikina at Honopuʻe was the very last of the old-timers to leave the inside valleys. long spear. I have two papa paepō in my artifact collection. too. Outside of Pololū there's a small flat rock with holes in it. About midway there's a sandy area. skinned the squid. I spent a lot of time in Pololū and Honokāne Nui. On the Niuliʻi side of Pololū. there are conch and other shells along the rocks. There are huge ʻōkole there. and the ʻōʻio eat polipoli. there is a wiliau—a swirling current. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. There are also small brown eels there that the women caught by using red streamers that the eels would bite and get tangled in. Then we paddled towards the big island. and they picked up plenty. and cut it for bait. and we stopped. The spies selected a night with rough seas and then surfed in to gather information about various activities. 1905. 1982 I was born and raised in Pololū. the beach is good for moi and ʻōʻio. Pololū. One of my uncles jumped out and grabbed some he'e pali—small brown squids— between waves as they washed over the rock. Huawai. Debris ("poop") accumulates in the bay and the surfers must ride ("shoot") through it. Mākaha. Beach. rock. Dive site. Fishing site. Pools. Helumoa is the section of Waikīkī . Poʻolenalena.. covered with a veneer of calcareous sand that is in the middle of the beach. Oʻahu. Lanikai. Niʻihau.. sandy head. hollow. Poʻopoʻo. Kaluakoʻi.5 acres. Lit. Beach. Lit. South section of Mākaha Beach between Kumuku and Kahaloko. Poʻolenalena is the name of a large rock on the fairway of the fifth hole of the Wailea Blue Golf Course. yellow head.communities there and at Honokeȫā. Oʻahu. and the backshore consists of vegetated dunes. Island (.. Lit.. The shrine was destroyed by the tsunami of April 1. Poʻolau. Maui. Popoiʻa. 40 feet high). Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Oʻahu. flat limestone island one-quarter mile off Kailua Beach Park. Beach. hidden head point. Surf site. Also known as Mākua Point. Maui. Surf site. Poʻooneone. Off the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel. Surf site. Tommy Solomon. Mākena. southeast coast.. hidden head. fish rot. Low. Oʻahu. Pops. and the people lived mauka and makai. Oʻahu. point. Off the community center swimming pool in the Puamana subdivision. beach park. Popoki. Also known as Flat Island. short or thick (a variation of pokipoki). 1946. July 8. Also known as Chang's Beach. Off the point seaward of Kaneana Cave. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary and nesting site during the summer months for wedge-tailed shearwaters. Island (4 acres). or lithified dunes. The surf site fronts a shallow reef in a little bay off the rifle range on the marine base. Lahaina. Calcareous sand beach between two rocky points. Beach. The name probably refers to offerings of fish that were left at a fishing shrine on the island. Populars. Fishing site. Small pocket of calcareous sand lined by boulders at the water's edge. Oʻahu. The lava rock has natural yellow streaks on its side. Surf site. Popoʻokaʻala. Mōkapu. Same as Populars. Kailua. Oʻahu. Maui. Calcareous sand beach between ʻŌʻiamoi Point and the sea cliffs at Pāʻia that is approximately 2. Mākua.. It is one of the most prominent landmarks on this coast. the small graveyard that belongs to the Kukahiko family of Mākena. Poʻooneone is a 50-foot-high point of eolianite. Oʻahu. Also known as Bomb Bay. Lit. Molokaʻi. Poʻohuna Point.5 miles long. Waikīkī. Lānaʻi. point. The beach across the street took its name from the rock. Waikīkī.. Lit. Poop Shoots. The beach park is a small undeveloped parcel at the west end of the beach. Mākua. Poʻohuna. Point at the south end of Mākua Beach. The foreshore of the beach is lined with a rocky shelf. North of Pamolepo. Also known as Wailea Point. 1982 Pomokupā. Lit. Mākena. Lit. Point. Oʻahu. Beach. 1. Kauaʻi. named the subdivision after Captain Portlock. Surf site. Small boat harbor. Hanapēpē. surf site. The surf site is also known as China's. Landing field for small airplanes and helicopters at Pūʻolo Point. surf site. renamed the landing in honor of Allen. Kōloa. China Walls. Kahe. Landmarks: Port Allen Light. beginning in the 1930s. Off Kahe Point Beach Park. The name Portlock Point comes from the Portlock community. In 1936. Named for Samuel C. water. a two-lane ramp. Hawaiʻi Kai. Also known as Pops. One of two deep-draft harbors on Kauaʻi. 3. two British trading ships anchored in the lee of Koko Head to take on food. Pray for Sex. or Portlock Point. the west point of Port Allen Harbor. 2. Shore from the Hawaiʻi Kai Marina Bridge at Kalanianaʻole Highway to the end of Portlock Road. when Bishop Estate converted some pastureland at the base of Koko Head into a subdivision. Point. Hanapēpē. six moorings. the words "Pray for Sex" were painted on Pōhaku Kūlaʻilaʻi. and a vessel washdown area. marsh. Prior to its high-rise resort development. facilities include thirty-four berths.. into Kauaʻi's principal port. In the 1960s. Captain George Dixon commanded the Queen Charlotte. a chandlery and lumber business on the waterfront of Honolulu Harbor. Also known as Kawaihoa. PP Buoy. dive site. Named in 1955 by the first students at Church College of Hawaiʻi (now Brigham Young University-Hawaiʻi) for the pounding shorebreak waves at this popular bodysurfing and bodyboarding site. 1. Hawaiʻi Kai. Surf site. Also known as Lāʻie Beach Park. Beach. In 1909. They surfed directly offshore and named the site because it was the most popular plaee for them to surf. Power Plants. Allen. Port Allen. Pounders. Portlock Point. then known as ʻEleʻele Landing. Hawaiian Electric Company's Kahe Power Plant is opposite the park. China. Airport. Judd. Kauaʻi. 2. Oʻahu. the owner of the shipping terminal. rock. Hanapēpē. and other provisions for their voyage to Canton. The dive site is along the low sea cliffs that form the point. Fishpond. Kawaihoa Point was then also named Portlock Point. Kauaʻi. A 70-acre marsh between Waipahu Depot Road and West Loch that is a wetland habitat for birds. a partner in Allen and Robinson. Oʻahu. Pearl Harbor. and the phrase has . The remainder of the shore is vertical seawalls with only a few pockets of sand between some of the walls. Lāʻie. a large limestone rock at the east end of Mākua Beach. but its distance from Honolulu Harbor proved too great an obstacle. Portlock. Allen hoped to develop the site. Pouhala. Oʻahu. Dive site. Lit. surf site. Beach. Kauaʻi. a fish hoist. Fish aggregating buoy at approximately 950 fathoms. pandanus tree post. and Captain Nathaniel Portlock commanded the King George. Makahūʻena Point. the Kauaʻi Railway Company. Hawaiʻi Kai. 4. In 1786. which for thirty years. Hanapēpē. Oʻahu. was the only community at the base of Koko Head until the development of Koko Kai in the 1960s.where the Sheraton and other hotels are now. two piers. Albert F. Kauaʻi. The surf site is a long left with many sections at Kawaihoa. it was an area where many Hawaiians lived. Bishop Estate trustee and Hawaiian historian. Most of the narrow calcareous beach is concentrated between the bridge and the first section of homes on Portlock Road. that begins with a steep takeoff next to a submerged rock. Near Port Allen on the west point of Hanapēpē Bay. Southwest point of Koko Head. Oʻahu. Mākua. Harbor. Oʻahu. Keaukaha. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. is one of the three largest on the Big Island.since remained a popular name for the beach. Puakō. Hawaiʻi. Puahi. hill [of] fire. Also known as ʻAwahua Beach. the goddess of the volcano. Small natural pool within a rock formation on Kaihalulu Beach. He is probably best remembered as the Mākua ʻĀina Hoʻopulapula. Pool. Prince Kūhiō served as Hawaiʻi's delegate to Congress from 1902 until his death in 1922. a Scottish physician who served as foreign minister under Kamehameha IV and Kamehameha V. Prindle. In Pōkaʻī Bay near Kaupuni Channel. He built it in the late 1800s and used it through the 1930s. Surf site. North section of Kāʻanapali Beach where double-hulled sailboats such as Prindle catamarans are common in the backshore.. 1. Lit. with some three thousand individual rock carvings. Facilities include a ramp and loading dock. Princeville. beach. Puakō. the male pandanus flower. Park on the shore of Hōʻai Bay that commemorates the birthplace of Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole. The name Princeville came from Robert Wyllie (1798-1865). Beach. Narrow calcareous sand beach on the long rock bench that lines the bay. Princeville. Haleʻiwa. A stone on a small beach in the lee of the point named for her was famous for its curative powers. Kauaʻi. 2. Puaʻena was a legendary woman who came to Hawaiʻi with Pele. Maui." It was largely through his efforts that Congress passed the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. Point. 2. issue hot. stone. The dive site and the surf site are off the rock. Oʻahu. Puakahīnano. When Kūhiō's mother died soon after his birth. Two distinct sites here are known as Inside Puaʻena Point and Outside Puaʻena Point. Puaʻena. Prince Kūhiō Park. Hawaiʻi. Kukuiʻula. Surf site. Ramp. Bay. The other large fields are ʻAnaehoʻomalu at Waikoloa Resort and . Kāʻanapali. the prince Ka Haku o Hawaiʻi. he gave each of the boys the title of prince. or "father of the homestead lands. 3. Coast. Black sand beach at the foot of the Kalaupapa Trail. Hawaiʻi. Wyllie owned the property here in 1860 when Kamehameha IV and his wife Queen Emma visited with their two-year-old son. Puakō. Psychos. Point. Perhaps lit. Lit.000-acre resort and residential community along the sea cliffs between ʻAnini Beach to the east and Hanalei Bay to the west. When Kalākaua became king of the Hawaiian Islands in 1874. Psychos was a slang term in the 1970s that was applied to this site for fun. he and his two brothers were adopted by his mother's sister Kapiʻolani and her husband Kalākaua. establishing homestead lands for native Hawaiians on five of the eight major Hawaiian Islands. a pier.. Historical site. who had no children of their own. The phrase was a play on words for "Pray for Surf. Haleʻiwa. Petroglyph archaeological park. Kalaupapa. Molokaʻi. Princeville is a 2. and a vessel washdown area. It was also known as the Lady Puaʻena Stone. and Hawaiians came from all parts of Oʻahu to visit it. 1. Six public rights-of-way lead to the beach from Puakō Road." a popular saying among surfers in the 1960s. The 233-acre petroglyph park. Kahuku.. Wyllie named his home Princeville in honor of this visit by the young prince. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. Beach. Puaʻena was also the name of a beach home at the point that belonged to William Holt. Waiʻanae. Princess Cove. East point at Leleiwi Beach Park that forms the bay. Puakō. moʻolelo Puamana was the name of our home in Lahaina. Beach park. translating it to mean the home that holds its members close. When my dad came home for luneh. Many dive sites at approximately 40 feet along the rock bench that parallels Puakō Beach. ʻālaʻa (Planehonella) tree (said to be common here but rare elsewhere). Dedicated in 1993. but each child knew his own tree. so I called all of them and played it. In 1935 I was teaching school on Molokaʻi.3 acres).ʻOpihikao. Puamana is probably best known to Hawaiʻi's residents through the song of the same name. Five of my sisters were home. It was a six-bedroom. Pūʻālaʻa.Puʻuloa in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. the moonlight danced on the water. moonlight nights. and everyone sang while the breeze rustled the coconut leaves. On the north side of Puakō Bay adjacent to ʻŌhai Point. Surf site. one of the twelve Farden children. Puakō. The other children that followed also planted trees when they were old enough. and I returned home for a visit. . Lit. One day my dad had the yardman dig nine holes in the ground behind the seawall. Offshore mooring. Our family often took a large mat outside on quiet. built in 1915. Irmgard Farden Aluli. and we moved in 1915 when I was four. the park property was purchased by the county to provide a beach park for Puna residents after the loss of Kaimū Beach Park and Harry K. and other trees were planted to fill the gaps. napenape malie (the coconut leaves flutter in the calm of the evening). Then he had each of us children plant a coconut tree. and the surf foamed white offshore. Also known as Mākila. Beach Park (1. Lahaina. Puakō Petroglyph Archaeological Park is accessed through Holoholokai Beach Park. Maui. Dive site. sugarcane blossom. 1. Hawaiʻi. Lahaina. Puakō Ramp. I played it for him. two-story house. Surf site. and we often compared them when we returned home from attending school in Honolulu. it was already named Puamana. Puakō. Hawaiʻi. Brown Park in Kalapana to lava flows in 1990. Surfers access the site from Puakō Ramp. 2. Puakō Reef. Hawaiʻi. I decided that it would be a song for our family home. The last phrase we all especially liked. They liked it. Puamana was the family home of Annie Kahalepouli Shaw Farden and Charles Kekua Farden. State mooring site. kū kilakila (trees that stand straight and tall). They agreed to keep the name for their home. Their large two-story home.. Puamana Beach Park and Puamana subdivision adjacent to the park took their name from the Farden's family home. too. I wanted to have one verse about the coconut trees.. When the Fardens purchased the half-acre lot. The park is the site of a precontact fishing village on the boundary of the land divisions of Pūʻālaʻa and Laepaoʻo and includes a swimming pool fed by warm springs. composed it in 1935. and he translated. two-bath. Hawaiʻi. was located on Front Street. Lit. Off the beach park. Puakō Bay. and he liked it. I sat down at the piano and a tune just came to me. Puamana. so he told me a few phrases: kuʻu home i ka ulu niu (my home surrounded by coconut trees). Puakō. Maui. so we all asked him how to say different descriptive things in Hawaiian. 1. Lit. The facility included showers. Hawaiʻi. The bay was named for a blowhole on the western side of the bay that fronted the sewage treatment plant. Pūhau. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Between Kalaeʻōʻio and Makahonu Points. At Kīpāhoehoe where an ulua fisher caught a 76-pound eel. Kahuku. Point. blowhole. Puau.. Hawaiʻi. Keaukaha Beach Park is on the shore of the bay. beach. Bay. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu.. Pukano. Beach. Fishing site.. Oʻahu. Lit. Oʻahu. Named for the former Public Baths. Kamalō. Pūhau and Kauale. The prominent easternmost point of the island approximately midway along the high sea cliffs between Poʻooneone and Pōleho Beaches. Fishing site.. Waikīkī. Māliko. Puhi Anenue. Bay.. scattered. dressing rooms. pandanus tree. Puhilele. Nīnole. At the east end of Keawaʻula Beach. but the name was shortened to Publics after the recreation facility was demolished. Oʻahu. Kahuku. Keawaiki. Keawaʻula. The pond is named after one of two springs. Lit.. that supply the pond.. 2. A small grove of hala (pandanus) trees lies in the backshore of the bay. and a refreshment stand. Pūhala. Point.. Lit. The surf site was originally called Public Baths. Kīpāhoehoe. July 16. ice spring. surf site. 1978 Puanui. Spring-fed pond on the shore. fishing site. East end of Hanakaʻīlio Beach. Navigational light site. Beach. Niʻihau. 1. The surf site is off the beach. 2. This activity was called pūehu or pūehuehu. Lit. Pūhāloa. Maui. Kalaeloa. Pond. Fishing site. Lāʻie. Fishpond.. Oʻahu. or puhi. partially filled by erosion runoff. Small bay east of Māliko Bay. southeast shore. reef.Irmgard Aluli. Bay. Kahoʻolawe. east coast. a recreation facility on the shore of Kapiʻolani Regional Park directly inshore of the surf site from 1908 until the early 1950s. fishing site. Puhi Rock. many flowers. Small bay formed by the 1859 lava flow from Mauna Loa with a coral rubble and pebble beach. Lit. North section of Laniloa Beach near Lāʻie Point. spring. Keaukaha. Lit. Puhikūkae. bursting forth long. Goatfish and other bottom feeders scatter or stir up sand with their barbels in search of food. East of Kalaeuila. Pūehuehu. Puhi. owl. Surf site. Construction of the outfall destroyed the blowhole. Publics. Lit. Pueo. Bay. Beach. Keawaʻula. Location of the Barbers Point Light. Once the site of many hala trees in the backshore alongside Kamehameha Highway. Center of Keawaʻula Beach inland of the surf site called Yokohama.. Kaʻaʻawa. lockers for men and women. moray eel. Lit. The larger of two sand pockets on Laniloa Beach that are good for swimming. Oʻahu. Molokaʻi. Oʻahu. Lit. eel excrement. leaping eel. . Fishpond. an important interisland steamer landing until the 1940s. There's a heiau on top of it and a sacrifīce stone in the bushes. companion spring. Calcareous sand beach fronted by a shallow reef.. 1. spring [water] dived for. Calcareous sand beach fronting a narrow park on Kamehameha Highway. support hill. a former landing for interisland steamers. In the early 1900s. landing. Nānākuli. landing. Olowalu. many springs. Freshwater springs were common along the beach at both sites. Section of Ulehawa Beach Park across from Hakimo Road that is a popular swimming area for families with young children..Puka Pants. l'm Chinese-Hawaiian. The boat ramp is on Kahiolo Point at the east end of the beach. the former village here was the county seat on Molokaʻi. Lit. Punahoa. Pūlāʻī. Point adjoining the west end of Swanzy Beach Park." Pukihae. surf site. Punaluʻu. and our house is near the restaurant parking lot. harbor. Kaʻaʻawa. Beach. ramp. the beach used to be from half way out to the boat ramp.. 1. spring. Narrow detrital sand beach bordering the wide. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. Oʻahu. Also known as Pōhakupule Beach. Lit. Puka means "hole. Hawaiʻi. We still fish the koʻa ahi and ʻōpelu offshore. Punalau. Punaluʻu. Pūkoʻo. "Puka pants" is slang for torn or tattered pants which some swimmers prefer instead of manufactured swim wear. an eighteen-hole championship golf course at the Turtle Bay Hilton Golf and Tennis Resort. It's a big rock slab. 2. Punahoʻolapa. Island. Hilo. Small pocket of black sand below the highway bridge at Pukihae. The park is in the land division of Punaluʻu. broken prayer. Oʻahu. Kaunakakai. Kahiolo is the left point of the bay. Black sand beach 800 feet long fronting a spring-fed pond at the head of a small bay. East of Olowalu and marked by a single ironwood tree on the shore. Molokaʻi. Maui. married to a fisherman. One of five islands visible from Lāʻie Point that were created when the demigods Kana and Nīheu cut up the body of a moʻo. Punaluʻu is the general name for the beach and the pond behind it. Beach. Beach. Hawaiʻi. Also known as Kaʻaʻawa Point. Beach park. Oʻahu. coral dived for. Beach park (2. and stilts within the Links at Kuilima. Hawaiʻi. Beach. Punalau. The surf site is on the reef offshore. Trail on the shore that connected the coastal villages in Puna to the village of Punaluʻu in Kaʻū. Oʻahu. and threw the pieces into the sea. The name of a legendary person. Anchorage. Lit. Pūkoʻo Lagoon. Puna Coast Trail.8 acres). A natural opening in the reef serves as a harbor. Molokaʻi. Molokaʻi. Pūkoʻo. Offshore are all the little moku that protect the beach. Pūkoʻo. Lit. Lit.. Oʻahu. Punaluʻu. Lit. moʻolelo I was born in Punaluʻu in 1923. but it has always . Kahuku. Pulemoku. The beach park is on Puʻumoa Point at the west end of the beach. Three-fingered boat anchorage with a private entrance channel that was dredged out of the former Pūkoʻo fishpond.. Maui. Windmill Beach. shallow fringing reef.. Marsh. a giant lizard. Lāʻie. and l've lived here my entire life. A 100-acre wetland preserve and habitat for endangered Hawaiian waterbirds such as coots. Point. Beach. When I was young. ducks. 2. surf site. gallinules. Puʻumoa is the right point of the bay where the picnic pavilions are located. Part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. eroded, even before sand was hauled away by the county and other people. Kōloa is the shore beyond the park. It used to be covered with ʻiliʻili called ʻiliʻili hānau, or "maternity stones," but there's very few left now. Most of them were hauled away for various construction projects. Further down at Nīnole there used to be two springs in a big pond, Kauale and Pūhau. Kauale was the female spring, and Pūhau was the male spring, but they were covered in 1979 and 1980 by floods that brought down a lot of mud and rock. Jeanette Howard, September 21, 1981 Punamanō Unit. Wildlife, refuge, Kahuku, Oʻahu. A 38-acre natural, spring-fed wetland that is one of two sections in the James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge at Kahuku Point. The refuge attracts both native and migratory waterbirds. Lit., shark spring. Punapālaha. Bay, beach, spring, Kahuku, Oʻahu. Section of Kaihalulu Beach near Kalaeokaunaʻoa, or Kahuku Point, where the rocks were smooth and slippery from the seepage of fresh water. Also known as John Jack Bay. Lit., slippery spring. Punaulua. Spring, Kawela Bay, Oʻahu. Freshwater spring on the west shore of the bay said to be connected to the ocean through an underwater passage. Ulua, or crevalle fish, were attracted to the upwelling of the fresh water in the ocean, giving the spring its name. Also known as Kapī. Lit., crevalle fish spring. Puniawa. 1. Bay, point, Haʻikū, Maui. Bay with a boulder beach adjacent to Paʻuwela Light. Also known as Coconut Grove, Kuiaha. 2. Bay, fishing site, Huelo, Maui. Small bay at the end of Honopou Stream. Puʻōkole. Point, reef, Keawaʻula, Oʻahu. At the east end of Keawaʻula Beach. Lit., anus hill (named for ʻōkole, anus-shaped anemones that were gathered here for food). Pūpūkea. 1. Beach park (36.6 acres), Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. Sections of the park are also known as Kapoʻo, Sharks Cove, Three Tables. 2. Marine life conservation district (25 acres), Pūpūkea, Oʻahu. Established in 1983 off Pūpūkea Beach Park. Includes both Sharks Cove and Three Tables. 3. Surf site, Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. On the southwest side of Rocky Point. John Severson, a surfer from California who was in the army and worked in the map department at Schofield Barracks, named the site during the winter of 1957. Severson and other California surfers living on the North Shore at that time knew the entire beach as Banzai Beach, but believed this popular surf site should have an appropriate Hawaiian name. Severson utilized the resources in his office but could not find any beach names in thc area, so he selected Pūpūkea, the name of the land division that includes the surf site. Discharged in 1958, Severson went on to produce six surfing movies and found Surfer Magazine. He continues to create his now internationally famous surf art from his home on Maui. He was voted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1993, the Walk of Fame at Huntington Beach in 1995, and given a lifetime achievement award by the Surf Industry Manufacturers' Association as Waterman of the Year in 1997. Lit., white shell. All of the Pūpūkea sites are located in the land division of Pūpūkea. Puʻu. Spring, Holualoa, Hawaiʻi. On the shore of Holualoa Bay, where it marks the end of a canoe-hauling road called Ke Ala o Waʻa. The road is associated with a canoe-making heiau about a mile inland called Ke Ala Ko Waʻa. Puʻuahi. Beach, Lāʻie, Oʻahu. Southeast section of Lāʻie Bay. Also known as Temple Beach. Lit., hill [of] fire. Cooking fires were built on the dunes here in anticipation of fishermen returning with their catches. Puʻu Hakina. Beach, surf site, Hale o Lono, Molokaʻi. Long, wide calcareous sand beach at the base of Puʻu Hakina. Also known as Kanalukaha Beach. Lit., broken hill. Puʻu Hinahina. Bay, beach, , Kapuʻa, Hawaiʻi. Calcareous sand, coral rubble beach at the head of Puʻu Hinahina Bay. Āhole Hōlua, the best-preserved hōlua (sled ramp) in Hawaiʻi, terminates at the beach. Lit., hill [of the] hinahina [plant]. Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau. National historical park (182 acres), Hōnaunau, Hawaiʻi. Site of a puʻuhonua, or place of refuge, on the shore of Hōnaunau Bay. Puʻuhonua were safety zones administered by priests where war refugees, defeated warriors, or people accused breaking a kapu—a law against the gods—could seek refuge. In addition to the puʻuhonua, the park includes a royal residence, the former villages of Hōnaunau and Kiʻilae, a small beach, Keoneʻele, and other historical sites. Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau was designated as a national historical park in 1961 and is one of the Big Island's most popular visitor destinations. Also known as City of Refuge. Puʻuhonua o Mālaekahana. Cultural site, Mālaekahana, Oʻahu. Part of Mālaekahana State Park, Kahuku Section that is used for Hawaiian cultural activities and events. Lit., place of refuge at Mālaekahana. Puʻu Hou. Beach, littoral cone (240 feet), surf site, Kaʻū, Hawaiʻi. Largest littoral cone in Hawaiʻi that was formed when lava flows from the 1868 eruption of Mauna Loa entered the ocean here west of Ka Lae, or South Point. Three green sand beaches lie at the base of the cone. The easternmost of the three beaches also has red cinder mixed in with the black cinder and olivine, a unique combination of beach sands. The surf site is off the beaches. Also known as Cinder Cone. Lit., new hill. Puʻuiki. 1. Beach, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. Section of Mokulēʻia Beach between the west point of Kaiaka Bay, the site of the Puʻuiki Cemetery, and Puʻuiki Beach Park. 2. Beach park, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. Private beach park on Mokulēʻia Beach that was originally owned and maintained by the Waialua Sugar Company for its employees. 3. Cemetery. Behind the beach on the west side of Kaiaka Bay. Waialua Sugar Company established the cemetery for its employees. 4. Surf site, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. Off Puʻuiki Beach Park. Also known as Hammerheads. Lit., small hill. Puʻu Kahuaiki. Reef, Hāʻena, Kauaʻi. Large reef to the east of Limahuli Stream. The surf site Bobo's is on this reef. Lit., small site hill. Puʻu Kahuanui. Reef, Hāʻena, Kauaʻi. Large reef on the east side of the channel cut through the reef by Limahuli Stream. Also known as Winchells. Lit., large site hill. Puʻu Kapukapu. Hill (1,050 feet), Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, Hawaiʻi. Hill on the pali that separates the coastal camping sites of Halapē and Kaʻaha. Lit., regal hill. Puʻu Kekaʻa. Headland, Kāʻanapali, Maui. Cinder cone in the center of Kāʻanapali Beach. The Sheraton Maui was completed on its summit in January 1963. Also known as Black Rock. Lit., rumbling hill. Puʻu Kī. Littoral cone, fishing site, Pōhue, Hawaiʻi. Littoral cone that forms the east point of Pōhue Bay. Also known as Eddie Hosaka, Hosaka Point. Lit., ti plant hill. Puʻukiʻi. Island (1.5 acres, 72 feet high), Hāna, Maui. Small stateowned island that is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. The island is at the base of Kaʻuiki Head, where it is connected to shore by a natural rock bridge. Kaʻuiki Head Light is located on its summit. Also known as Puʻukū. Lit., image hill. Tradition says ʻUmi erected a huge wooden image on the hill to frighten attackers. Puʻu Koaʻe. 1. Island (13 acres, 378 feet high), south coast, Kahoʻolawe. Small island with steep sides west of Kamōhio Bay. Also known as Kahoʻolaweliʻiliʻi. 2. Hill, point, Kahakuloa, Maui. One of West Maui's most prominent coastal landmarks. Puʻu Koaʻe (636 feet) is a volcanic cinder cone that has been cut by wave erosion. Lit., tropicbird hill. Puʻukoholā. Heiau, national historic site (86 acres), Kawaihae, Hawaiʻi. The heiau, or shrine, was built by Kamehameha I and completed in 1791. Kamehameha had acted upon the advice of a priest who had predicted he would successfully unify the Hawaiian Islands if he built a heiau to Kūkaʻilimoku, his war god, on Puʻukohalā, a prominent hill overlooking Kawaihae Bay. The unification was completed in 1810 and the Hawaiian monarchy lasted for 83 years until 1893. Puʻukoholā was designated as a historical landmark in 1928 and a national historic site on August 17, 1972. Lit., whale hill. Puʻukū. Island, Hāna, Maui. Off Kaʻuiki Head. State-owned island that is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Also known as Puʻukiʻi. Lit., upright hill. Puʻu Kuili. Cinder cone (342 feet), Maniniʻōwali, Hawaiʻi. One of North Kona's most prominent coastal features. Maniniʻōwali Beach is near its base. Puʻuloa. Salt works, ʻEwa Beach, Oʻahu. Commercial salt operation established near Keahi Point, the west point of Pearl Harbor Channel, by Isaac Montgomery in partnership with King Kamehameha III. In 1849 Montgomery purchased the ʻili, or land division, of Puʻuloa in which the ponds were located. Salt production continued on into the early 1900s. Lit., long hill. Puʻuloa USMC Range Facility. Firing range, ʻEwa Beach, Oʻahu. U.S. Marine Corps range facility on the shore between ʻEwa Beach Park and Iroquois Beach. Public access in the waters offshore is restricted when the range is in active use. The military flies red flags to warn boaters. Also known as Rifle Range. Puʻu Māhana. Littoral cone, Kaʻū, Hawaiʻi. The cone and the lava around it are replete with olivine. The olivine is freed by waves eroding the cinder and rock and then deposited on the beach at the base of the cone. The beach is known as Green Sand Beach. Perhaps lit., warm hill. Puʻu Maile. Shore, Keaukaha, Hawaiʻi. Puʻu Maile Home was a tuberculosis sanitarium that was first built in 1912 at the site of what is now the old terminal of the Hilo Airport. It was named for a nearby cinder cone called Puʻu Maile. During the 1930s the cinder cone was leveled to provide fill for the airport's runways. In 1939 a new facility, Puʻu Maile Hospital, was completed at the end of Kalanianaʻole Avenue adjacent to Lehia Park, and the old facility at the airport was demolished. The hospital remained at the end of the road until 1951, when it was relocated to the grounds of the Hilo Hospital. Nothing remains of the former building except its long concrete sea-wall at the edge of Lehia Park. Although the hospital has been gone since 1951, many Big Island residents still call the area Puʻu Maile. Lit., maile vine hill. moʻolelo Puʻu Maile was a large hill where the old airport is that was maybe 50 or 60 feet high and 100 by 200 feet. It was located where Slim Holt and Hertz have their lots. Puʻu Maile Hospital was there, but when construction of the airport started, it was relocated to Leleʻiwi. The old wooden hospital was leveled and burned, and the hill, Puʻu Maile, was leveled for runway fill. The hospital took its name along and that's how the name Puʻu Maile came to Leleʻiwi. The new buildings there were completed in 1939. When the ʻ46 wave struck, I was called within an hour after the destruction to open the road through Keaukaha to Puʻu Maile. The authorities wanted to evacuate the people on the shore and the patients in the hospital. I was a heavy equipment operator, so I took a D-8 bulldozer to do the job. One section of the road was washed out so badly that I had to pull some trucks with the dozer to get them through. People were still up in the trees, many of them half naked. There were bodies everywhere. Colonel Kupihea of the National Guard was in charge of the operation, so he had soldiers walk in front of me to clear the dead out of the way. Moses Serrao assisted me, too. At the hospital I had patients riding on the dozer, and we even tied stretchers down on the front of the ʻdozer. We made continuous trips until nine that night before we evacuated everyone out. Later we helped in the Waiākea area. I ran the cranes to lift the heavy concrete slabs and the like to extricate the dead. They also brought down the prisoners at Kūlani to help, and they did more than their fair share. But they were never given any credit for assisting. Henry Auwae, July 19, 1982 Puʻumoa. Point, surf site, Punaluʻu, Hawaiʻi. Site of Punaluʻu Beach Park. The surf site is off the west end of Punaluʻu Beach; adjacent to the point. Lit., chicken hill. Puʻu Nao. Point, Kailua, Oʻahu. Small limestone point at the north end of Kailua Beach with a private residence on it. Lit., wave-cut hill. Puʻunoa. Beach, point, Lahaina, Maui. Calcareous sand beach at Puʻunoa Point at the west end of Lahaina. Lit., hill freed of taboo. Puʻunoa Point. Dive site, Lahaina, Maui. Off the point and south of Māla Wharf. Puʻu Ohau. Cinder cone (230 feet), Kainaliu, Hawaiʻi. The most conspicuous coastal landmark on the low sea cliffs between Kealakekua and Keauhou Bays, Puʻu Ohau marks the boundary between North and South Kona. Also known as Red Hill. Puʻu o Kaiaka. Littoral cone (110 feet elevation), Kaluakoʻi, Molokaʻi. Hill separating Kepuhi and Pāpōhaku Beaches. Also known as Big Rock. Lit., hill of Kaiaka (a legendary man). Puʻu Ōlaʻi. 1. Beach, Mākena, Maui. Calcareous sand beach at the base of Puʻu Ōlaʻi in Mākena State Park. Also known as Little Beach. 2. Littoral cone, Mākena, Maui. A 360-foot-high littoral cone from the Hāna Volcanic Series on the southwest rift zone of Haleakalā. At the north end of Mākena State Park. Also known as Millers Hill, Red Hill, Round Mountain. Lit., earthquake hill. Puʻu One. 1. Littoral cone, Nānāwale, Hawaiʻi. Nānāwale Park is situated on a littoral cone approximately 150 feet high that was formed when a lava flow from Kīlauea entered the sea here in May 1840. The flow destroyed the coastal village of Nānāwale and created the littoral cone of cinder, or "sand," during the explosive interaction of the molten lava and the cold water of the ocean. Also known as Nānāwale, Sand Hill. 2. Beach, Mākena, Maui. The name here refers to the sand dunes in the backshore. Also known as Maluaka Beach. Lit., sand hill. Puʻu Pehe. 1. Cove, Mānele, Lānaʻi. Pocket of calcareous sand in a cove at the seaward end of the headland that separates Mānele and Hulopoʻe Bays. Also known as Sharks Bay, Sharks Cove. 2. Rock, Mānele, Lānaʻi. A sea stack at the seaward end of the headland that separates Mānele and Hulopoʻe Bays. It is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. A legendary woman named Pehe was killed here by heavy storm surf. Also known as Sweetheart Island, Sweetheart Rock. Lit., Pehe's hill. Puʻu Pili. Fishing site, littoral cone (50 feet), storm beach, Pāhala, Hawaiʻi. Black sand storm beach at the base of the littoral cone on top of a low Pāhoehoe shelf. Puʻu Pili is northeast of Kamehame, the most prominent littoral cone on this shore. Lit., pili grass hill. Puʻu Poa. Beach, marsh, point, Princeville, Kauaʻi. Calcareous sand beach on Hanalei Bay between the Sheraton Princeville Hotel and the Hanalei River. A wide fringing reef lies off-shore. Tropical almond trees, or kamani, and ironwood trees line the backshore. The marsh is inland of the beach. The beach and the marsh are named after Puʻu Poa Point, the east point of the bay. Puʻuwai. Beach, surf site, west coast, Niʻihau. Narrow calcareous sand beach between Kalanaei and Paliuli Points. Low vegetated dunes line the backshore, and patch reefs and sand-bars front the beach. The surf site is off the beach. Puʻuwai, the only inhabited village on the island, is at the south end of the beach. Lit., heart. Pyramid Pinnacles. Dive site, Kohanaiki, Hawaiʻi. One of the Pine Trees dive sites. Two tall pinnacles rise from 20 feet to just below the surface, with a series of lava tubes and arches. Fish here include several large schools of butterflyfish and false Moorish idols. Pyramid Rock. Beach, dive site, light, rock formation, surf site, Mōkapu Peninsula, Oʻahu. The Pyramid Rock lava formation is part of the point at the north end of the beach. It once resembled a pyramid, but the pointed upper half of the "pyramid" was leveled in 1941 to accommodate Pyramid Rock Light, a navigational light. The calcareous sand beach extends from the point to the edge of the runway. The dive site and the surf site are adjacent to the point. Also known as Kūʻau. Pyramids. Surf site, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. During World War II, the military conducted demolition training on the beach here, including constructing and destroying tank traps on the near-shore reef. The tank traps were concrete pyramids, some with pieces of train rails sticking out of them, and were intended to simulate the landing craft obstructions that American troops in the Pacific were encountering during invasions of Japanese-held islands. Many of the concrete pyramids still sit on the shallow reef off the Kōnane Kai apartment building, while others are found scattered to the north. Also known as ʻĀweoweo. QQ Q Buoy. Fish aggregating device, Paʻuwela Point, Maui. Buoy anchored at approximately 382 fathoms. Landmarks: Nākālele Point Light, Kahului Harbor Light, Paʻuwela Point Light, Nānuʻalele Point Light. QQ Buoy. Fish aggregating device, Makuʻu, Hawaiʻi. Buoy anchored at approximately 990 fathoms. Landmarks: Leleiwi Point, Kumukahi Point Light. Quarries. Surf site, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. The Keālia Rock Quarry, where blue rock was once quarried and crushed into construction grade gravel, is at the west end of Dillingham Airfield. The surf site is offshore. Also know as Crushers. Queen's. 1. Beach, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. During the early 1960s when Henry J. Kaiser began developing Hawaiʻi Kai, one of his dreams was to build a mixed-use community at the eastern end of the island. He named the l,800-acre project Queen's Beach, and it was to include single-family residences, schools, parks, commercial facilities, a golf course in Kalama Valley, and a visitor resort complex with hotels, restaurants, and a golf course in Kealakīpapa Valley on the ocean side of Kalanianaʻole Highway. On the shore the project extended from the old Wāwāmalu Ranch boundary wall to the breakwater at the west end of Makapuʻu Head. Although the resort complex was never built, this shore is still known as Queen's Beach. Also known as Alan Davis, Ka Iwi Coast or shore, Wāwāmalu. 2. Beach, Waikīkī. Section of Waikīkī Beach in Kapiʻolani Regional Park between the Waikīkī Aquarium and the Kapahulu Groin. The area near the large comfort station was the site of the former Queen's Surf restaurant, which was named after the surf site in Waikīkī. The restaurant opened in 1949, closed in 1971, and the land was cleared for park use. The name is also a play on the word queen, which is slang for "gay." This area is frequented by gay men. Also known as Queen's Surf Beach. 3. Surf site, Waikīkī, Oʻahu. One of Waikīkī's most famous surf sites. Named about 1900 by two surfers, Larry Kerr and Edward "Dude" Miller, because it fronted Queen Liliʻuokalani's beach home with its well-known pier. The Queen's property is now part of Kūhiō Beach Park. Also known as Queen's Surf. 4. Surf site, Kawela, Oʻahu. Inside Kawela Bay along the north point of bay. Waves here resemble those at Queen's in Waikīkī. Queen's Bath. 1. Swimming site, Honokōhau, North Kona, Hawaiʻi. Inland of Honokōhau Beach and part of the Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park. Shallow, spring-fed pool surrounded by rock cairns. Also We used to snorkel for bottles and found a lot in front of the Moana Hotel where the old pier used to be and in the Halekūlani Channel. and to keep your head up. At that time we were the only ones who rode it standing up. One account says the pond was named for Leilani. palms to the rear. Waikīkī. We lived on Lemon Road. Surf site. Oʻahu. Aloha Kaeo. Swimming site near the east end of Polihale State Park that is partially protected by rocks and often covered by sand. During the early 1960s he initiated the project by constructing a small break-water at the west end of Makapuʻu Head and by cutting a shallow experimental lagoon near the mouth of Kalama Stream. Same as Queen's Beach. Polihale. holding a small board behind his back. too. I started with the lifeguards in 1956 and retired in 1983. After Kaiser died in 1967. who often swam here. and pānūnū. September 1. 2000 . The style then was to hold both your hands between your legs. Also known as Kapaliokamoa. especially for squid. That was Charles Kauha. before us and the Duke. My mother picked the name Aloha for me. and he was a clerk for the City and County District Court. so they stayed at Canoes. swimming site. partially enclosed pool on the seaward side of the larger of the two Mokulua Islands off Lanikai. then put your hands under your body or hold your arms tight against your side. and inner tube straps. Large tidepool on a rocky ledge at the base of the Princeville sea cliffs. My dad was Daniel Kaeo. and I was the youngest of the children. moʻolelo Dude Miller and I started surfing in front of the Queen's home as kids in 1900. They filmed us for a promotion they were trying to do for the world's fair. Canoes was named for the old koa canoes. Waikīkī. They were heavy and couldn't ride the steeper waves at Queen's Surf. I met Pauline in Waikīkī and we got married on Sunday. windsurf site. Named for Queen Emma. About 1904 we were asked to surf for about an hour by a firm called Rice and Perkins. We bodysurfed at Queen's. Large. Queen's Beach Breakwater. Oʻahu. 1963. pieces of glass. Beach. catch the wave. 1. Queen's Pond. August 18. Kailua. There's a famous picture of a Hawaiian in a malo on Waikīkī Beach. and we considered him to be the original Waikīkī beachboy. We didn't have fins then.known as Kahinihiniʻula. We did a lot of diving in Waikīkī. 1975 I was born in Waikīkī on October 12. We made our own goggles from hau. 1913. My mother was Louisa Puuohao. Same as Queen's. 2. Swimming site. Princeville. Larry Kerr. uhu. A rock formation here resembles the profiles of a queen and king. 2. a legendary queen. September 4. Kauaʻi. We used redwood boards. Kaiser's dreams was to develop a visitor resort complex at Queen's Beach that would include a boat harbor and several protected lagoons lined with imported sand. too. Swimming site. and we were the ones who named it Queen's Surf. but apparently none of the pictures came out. Queen's Surf. Kauaʻi. The style then was to swim. We considered it our break. some of them 12 feet long. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi Kai. who with the king visited here in 1860. I started surfing at Queen's when I was in grade school. 3. Princeville was named after their two-year-old son. work on the resort complex was never resumed. One of Henry J. We often bodysurfed at Queen's Surf. wife of Kamehameha IV. Oʻahu. Surf site. Surfers and windsurfers enter and exit the ocean adjacent to the pond. The island is part of the Hawaiʻi State Seabird Sanctuary. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Surf site. Private marina in ʻAiea Bay for military personnel who are members of the Pearl Harbor Yacht Club.RR Rabbit Island. Popular introductory dive site at 10-40 feet on a spur-andgroove reef on the east side of Magic Island. An unusual horseshoe-shaped wave on the north side of Kawela Bay. 3. Oʻahu. Small boat harbor. Off the north side of the island. Surf site. Off Kalaeʻōʻio Beach Park. Within two weeks of the storm. By January 9 the storm had removed over 6 vertical feet of sand. surf site. Surf site. Maui. Kāʻanapali. The last of the rabbits were trapped and removed when the state determined that they were competing with the seabirds that nest there. where a colony survived for approximately 100 years. Hilo. Oʻahu. He released them on Mānana Island. a severe winter storm accompanied by high surf struck the south shore and began eroding Gillin's Beach at Māhāʻulepū. and 30 moorings. The surf site is off the breakwater. the sand accreted and the beach rock was buried again. Coast Guard maintains its Big Island headquarters here. Marina. Oʻahu. Waimānalo. Rainbow Reef. decided to raise rabbits. Oʻahu. exposing three large shelves of beach-rock. Hawaiʻi.S. Small boat harbor in the easternmost corner of Hilo Harbor between the breakwater and Pier 1. the first owner of Waimānalo Plantation. The U. Rainbow Petroglyphs. Big-wave. Ala Moana. Raīnbows. Surf site. Oʻahu. Surf site. Waikīkī. The bay was named for the U. This incident gave the site its name. In the 1880s John Cummins. Kaʻaʻawa. 7 transient slips. each covered with many petroglyphs. Surf site. 4. Dangerous or "radical" surf site that breaks on a very shallow reef. Rainbow Tower Mural. Keʻehi. the Rainbow Petroglyphs. 1. 2. Oʻahu. Also known as The Wedge. Māhāʻulepū. Island. Rock carvings. Also known as Mānana Island. Off Honokowai Point. Facilites include 128 permanent slips. Rain from Mānoa Valley commonly creates rainbows that are visible from Magic Island. Among the first visitors to the previously unrecorded petroglyph site were several native Hawaiians who said that they were guided here by a rainbow. Dive site. On the seaward side of the Rainbow Tower in the . Radicals.S. Ceramic mural. Off the south end of Kalākaua Avenue between Graveyards and The Winch. Also known as Makahonu. On January 7. Also known as Magic Island. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. 1980. Rainbow Bay. 2. Naval Radio Station communication complex that was formerly on the shore here. Radio Bay. second-reef break on the east side of Kalihi Channel. Waimānalo. 1. Waikīkī. Kawela. Pearl Harbor. Kaʻena Point Light. so fishermen. Oʻahu. Also known as Suicides. Surf site. The profile of the rock viewed from Kalanianaʻole Highway near the entrance to the Hawaiʻi Kai Golf course resembles a Confederate Army or "rebel" cap. and Tom Sawicki discovered it while paddling from site to site. Northern Lights. Surf site. Conrad Hilton and Fritz Burns dedicated it on November 8. Razor Reef. Also known as Balancing Rock. the 230-foot cinder cone between Kealakekua and Kealahou Bays. divers. 2. 2. Cinder cone. an artist from southern California. Mokulēʻia. Oʻahu. Waves here break on a shallow. Pele's Chair. Red Hill. Landmarks: Lahilahi Point. Also known as Camps. it is the tallest ceramic mural in the world. Dive site. Off the large concrete bridge on Farrington Highway. Millard Sheets. Ranch. with a variety of large caverns and lava tubes at 25 to 70 feet: Boatwreck Reef. Rock formation at the west end of Makapuʻu Head above the breakwater. north of Waiakaʻīlio Bay. 1. Deep Reef. Buoy anchored at approximately 460 fathoms. Maui. Pīlaʻa. The dive site is off the base of the hill at 40 feet. Point. Maui. Rebel Rock. razor-sharp reef. littoral cone. In 1974 Jack Bredin. The name is from ʻŌhikilolo Ranch. On the south side of Makaua Channel. second-reef site on the west side of Dillingham Channel. Hawaiʻi Kai. Razors. 1. Waves at both these sites break over a shallow." across the Mokulēʻia reefs during different swells. which is located on the inland side of the highway. Surf site. or "ranging. Surf site. 5." and Larsen applied the name to the site. Oʻahu. Rangers. Hawaiʻi. Off the west end of the Camp Mokulēʻia property. giving the point its popular name. Pōkaʻī Bay Light. The mural consists of 8. Oʻahu. designed the mural to be seen by travelers arriving and departing Honolulu by sea or air. Off Puʻu ʻUlaʻula at 40 feet. 1968. Puʻu ʻUlaʻula means "red hill. Kaʻaʻawa. Soil erosion on the point has exposed large sections of red dirt. North Kohala. Same as Razorblades. and other boaters call it Red Hill. Dive site. Also known as Razor Reef." 3. East point of Pīlaʻa Beach. Hawaiʻi. An identical mural is located on the inland side of the Rainbow Tower.046 pieces of ceramic tile that were hand painted in Los Angeles using seventeen nonreflective colors. Razorblades. Surf site. Surf site. At 286 feet high and 26 feet wide. 2. Oʻahu. Kahului. Long Lava Tube. Razors. 4. Spiral Lava Tube. Bob Larsen. dive site. They considered themselves to be "reef rangers. Kāhala. Mākena. Surf site. looking for new places to surf. Fishing site. The dive site Red Hill is an area name that includes many individual sites between Keikiwaha and Keawakāheka Points. Fantasy Reef. Hawaiʻi Kai. 1. Oʻahu. One of several small points along the Koko Head sea cliffs that is favored by ulua fishermen. is primarily red lava. Mokulēʻia.ʻŌhikilolo. Oʻahu. Puʻu Ohau. Puʻu Ōlaʻi at the north end of Mākena State Park is called Red Hill for the red cinder on its slopes. The small point near the . Same as Razorblades. Point. Ratchet Sound. Oʻahu. Hammerhead Point. R Buoy. Domes. and White Tip Condos. Kainaliu. On the west side of Kāhala Channel. bordering Kahanamoku Beach. Rock. Oʻahu. Named in the late 1950s by veteran ulua fisher Manuel "Manny" Jhun (1916-2000) for the sound of the ratchet on a fishing reel indicating a strike. Kauaʻi. Big-wave. razorsharp reef. Mākaha. Kaʻaʻawa.Hilton Hawaiian Village. Kaʻaʻawa. Fish aggregating device. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. "Rennick" is a mispronunciation of Renwick. Small natural bay on the eastern side of Waiākea Peninsula that is used as a public mooring site. Public park on the shore of Reed's Bay on the eastern side of Waiākea Peninsula. Red Tank. north coast. Also known as Right Next. Red Sand. Rennick's. The reef begins at the surface and drops beyond recreational diving depths. Honolulu. His other business interests included ranching. The ocean has eroded the cinder to form a red sand beach in a cove at the base of the cone. Fishing site. Beach. Kaʻuiki Beach. the spoil material from dredging operations to enlarge the Hilo Harbor basin. 3. Off Sand Island State Park. Molokini. a prominent Big Island businessman. The perimeter is accessed at the seaward end of Lagoon Drive by a public trail along the security fence. Shipman (1854-1943). Hilo. Also known as Marineland. Hawaiʻi. Dive site. Reef Runway. This is the most regularly surfed of the Sand Island surf sites. Maui. Sand Island. coastal trading. In 1868 he married Jane Stobie Shipman. Honolulu. Surf site. windsurf site. and roads. the widow of Reverend William C. Also known as Kanākea. Hilo. The ocean is eroding the point. a former landing on the western side of the peninsula. Dive site. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. wharves. The name is a play on words. Reed arrived in the islands during the 1840s and specialized in the construction of landings. 2.west end of the Maui Country Club. Accommodations include twenty-two moorings. 1. 1. and Reed's Island in the Wailuku River were also named after him. Kewalo. Lānaʻi. Surf site. The site is surfed regularly during all sizes of surf. where marijuana cigarettes or "reefers" were common. but primarily its west point. Off the runway. Named after William H. At the edge of the reef at Kaʻīlio Point fronting Hāʻena State Park. who died in 1880. The coral rubble and calcareous sand that comprise the beach were deposited here between 1925 and 1930. Shipman. Surf site. is primarily red cinder. The south side of Kaʻuiki Head. On the east side of Kewalo's. Hāʻena. Oʻahu. and commercial retailing. Reed's Bay. Off the east end of Kewalo Basin Park. and Margaret Clarissa Shipman (1859-1891). William H. Ala Moana. brackish-water lagoon that was created by the construction of the Reef Runway in the 1970s. Oʻahu. Honolulu. Named for Renwick Miura. Kauaʻi. 1. The fishing site is the entire perimeter of the Reef Runway at the Honolulu International Airport. Maui. Surf site. Reed's. bridges. sand-bottomed. A 200-acre. Reed's Landing. but during the 1970s when it was named. . Hilo. The ruins of a red water tank are on the sea cliffs. landing. who surfed here regularly in the 1980s. Hawaiʻi. The construction enclosed a portion of a boat channel that connected Keʻehi Lagoon to Fort Kamehameha. Fishing site. 2. The site is on the reef. Oliver Taylor Shipman (1857-1942). Bay. Reef's End. which is primarily red dirt. Park. Regulars. 2. Terraced reef that is an underwater extension of the crater rim. Reefers. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Also known as Kaihalulu Beach. Seacliffs near Polihua Beach. Offshore mooring. Reed. Lagoon. a cinder cone of the Hāna Volcanic Series. Hāna. many of the surfers here were from Taylor Camp onshore. and became the stepfather of her three children. is a right and not a left like the Pipeline. Waiʻanae. They realized that this site was the last major surf site on the North Shore to be named. I owned the last house on the Kahuku side of the beach at Velzyland. Niu. Ricebowl. Also known as Pōkaʻī Bay. Revelations. Off Paikō there is Coral Reef to the right and Shoulders to the left. Further down is Reverse. and Toes. surfing in those days shaped a natural.Rest Camp. however. A Niu surfer in the early 1960s believed that the waves here on a good day were a miniature version of those at the world-famous Pipeline on Oʻahu's North Shore. Surf site. a cabin cruiser that grounded and broke up on the reef in 1959. Snipes. This site. That night we were sitting around having a few beers and talking about the spot outside the point. so he called it Reverse Pipeline. After Reverse was Blue Hole. The engine still sits in the middle of the channel. Mike Jewett. Oʻahu. Surf site. Mizpah is the channel spot named after the Mizpah. Magic days. So we decided to call it "Revelations" for the last book in the bible. It was not uncommon to spend six hours or more out in the water. Waialeʻe. For many of us. During big swells we'd watch the waves outside the point. so they named it Revelations for the last book in the Bible. 1. pioneer surfing any and every spot that had makable waves or openings in the reef. November 12. but no one ever surfed them. One day during the winter of 1974. The surf site is off the Waiʻanae Kai Military Reservation in Pōkaʻī Bay. Waialeʻe. Next to the channel on the Diamond Head side is Beaver's Reef. I named that spot because its right break can be a quick. windsurf site. moʻolelo My friends and I would often paddle our boards west as far as Wailupe and east to Portlock. Revies is an abbreviation of Revelations. we fīnally decided to paddle out and ended up surfing some great waves. Also known as Revies and Waialeʻe. inner spirituality that influenced how our lives unfolded. Oʻahu. January 25. Named by members of the Tongg family in the 1950s for the . Surf site. windsurf site. moʻolelo In the early 1970s. The channel was marked by poles my dad put up on the reef on the Koko Head side to show the way in for our boat and other boats. The name is now shortened to Reverses. Surf site. This was an era that was truly magical and filled with mana. a fellow young resident of Niuiki Circle who loved to surf that spot on his tanker. Diamond Head. 1999 Reverses. Oʻahu. which is commonly known as the Waiʻanae Rest Camp. l'd often take deer jerky out in a plastic sandwich bag to feed the gang in our quest for new surf. These names all originated over the period in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Off Niu Peninsula. 1998 Revies. intense. Same as Revelations. Oʻahu. In 1975 a small group of surfers started surfing here regularly. Reverse Pipeline was its original name because its prevailing break is usually a right instead of a left. named after Steve The Beaver" Saunders. hollow tube which seemed to me a mini version of the Banzai Pipeline. tow-in surf site. Oʻahu. Steve Smith. Surf site. Zeros is the deep-water outside break that only works in very big surf. We figured that it was the last spot on the North Shore that didn't have a name before you went around the point up to Kawela. which is now pronounced "Rennick's. Oʻahu. a public firing range that is part of Koko Head Regional Park. Right Point. Right Next. Renwick's. Kahuku. The surf site is offshore. 4. Also known as Mid Pacs. Oʻahu. fishing site. the State Department of Business. Also known as Richardson's. Molokaʻi. but it is now a national wild-life refuge for native and migratory birds. The name at both sites is a play on words between the surfing term bowl and a bowl for rice. ʻEwa Beach. Named by Kahuku surfers for the curved or bowl-shaped section at the north end of the wave. Kākāhaiʻa. 3. Kaʻena. Richardson Ocean Center. A play on words with the name Leftovers to describe the right at Leftovers. Oʻahu. pond. Kewalo. Also known as Targets. Bay. Small bay near the gate at the north entrance to Kaʻena Point State Park with a right break in it. of Kaunakakai Wharf. Also known as Poop Shoots. Rights. Mānā. 2. Educational site. Off a former rifle range at Kokole Point. 2. Beach. At the west end of Lanikai Reef off the main entrance to Mid-Pacific (Mid Pac) Country Club. Kauaʻi. Two sites on the west side of Kalama Stream are named Left Point and Right Point. Surf site. Surf site." Rightovers. of Kewalo's and is also "right next" to it. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. surf site. Oʻahu. Ocean recreation and marine studies center that was developed cooperatively by the Hawaiʻi County Parks Department. The snorkeling and surf sites are off the ocean center. Off Queen's Beach. Molokaʻi residents still call the area Rice Patch. Cliff jumping site. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronting the Puʻuloa USMC Range Facility. Also known as Kākāhaiʻa Beach Park. south of the Pacific Missile Range Facility. Beach park. Kaunakakai. Hilo. Keaukaha. Kailua. Surf site. 1. Kākāhaiʻa Pond on the inland side of Kamehameha V Highway was formerly used to grow rice. Dive site. The building housing the center is the former home of Elsa and George Richardson. Economic Development and Tourism. Right Bay. The name is also a play on words of the original name. Surf . Across Kalanianaʻole Highway from the Koko Head Rifle Range. The name Right Rights is a humorous imitation of the name Left Lefts. or right side. Molokaʻi. Oʻahu. 2. snorkeling site. Oʻahu. dive site. the surf site at the east end of Lanikai Reef. Right Rights. Also known as Kahauloa Cove. surf site. surf site. Surf site. Surf site. Richardson's. Surf site. Hawaiʻi. The surf site is directly offshore.curved or bowl-shaped section at the east end of the wave. Kawailoa. Rifle Range. surf site. Mōkapu. Surf site. Oʻahu. This site is a right on the east. Rice Patch. Off the firing range on the marine base. Hawaiʻi Kai. or south side. Small pocket of black sand adjacent to the Richardson Ocean Center in Leleiwi Beach Park. Right on the right. Surf site. Oʻahu. and the University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant Extension Service. 1. beach. Lanaʻi Lookout. Hawaiʻi Kai. In 1977. Manukā. shore. That night the ocean was rough. passengers. This is the "rock" of Rock Point. which we also call Manukā. The ferry. a Navy LCM (landing craft mechanized). Oʻahu. dry goods. One of my favorite fishing spots now is Road to the Sea. a large rock formation stands alone on the seaward side of Kamehameha V Highway. Kauaʻi. and tide pools. Fishing. Rock. Same as Devil's Rock. The largest concentration of littoral cones in Hawaiʻi is found between Humuhumu and ʻĀwili Points.site. 1982 Robinson. Rock. Oʻahu. Beach. Bay. As a boy. Mokulēʻia. Landmarks: ʻĀpua Point. There are green and black sand beaches. RN Buoy. Smoking Rock. and on the breakwater. the wind was cold. surf site. Oʻahu. Also known as Makaweli Landing. but sometime during my youth. food (including poi). then bend them into the shapes we wanted for our hooks after the trains flattened them. fishing and diving. Hawaiʻi. Pōhakuloa. Beach. I can't remember exactly when. Niʻihau Ranch operates a private ferry service between Robinson Landing and Lehua Landing on Niʻihau. 1. carries livestock. is common here. Haleʻiwa. moʻolelo I grew up in Florida near the beach and became obsessed with surfing pretty young. Landing. The railroad passed right behind our house. Right at Kewalo's fronting Kewalo Basin Park. Elevated section in the center of Ala Moana Beach with steps leading onto the sand. around the rivers. but the water was warm. Rivermouth.and 80-mile markers on Hawaiʻi Belt Road and ends at Humuhumu Point. Off the mouth of the Waimea River. Kahana. Road to the Sea is a 7-mile-long cinder road that begins between the 79. rocky points. a Saturday. Island. like every surfer. Fish aggregating device. Ala Moana. fishing site. Small private boat harbor at Pākala village. At the tip of the point. July 6. Rise. Also known as Kaʻōpala. Hawaiʻi. On the maps it's ʻĀwili Point. Kauaʻi. Ala Moana. Oʻahu. Roy Ogata. Maui. The older-timers always told me that every seventh year there is a warm current there that really makes the fish bite. I ended up with thirty-three ulua. Molokaʻi. Pālima Point. Point. especially for ulua. Rocky headland between Honouli Wai and Honouli Maloʻo Bays. so we would put nails on the tracks. Makaweli. and other necessities to Niʻihau. and a network of trails connects all brackish-water ponds at the bases of the littoral cones. The fishing site is also known as Manukā. Surf site. Surf site. Buoy anchored at approximately 733 fathoms. 2. The. The Robinson family has a beach-front estate here named Kalaeokaiʻa. I set the Hilo Casting Club record there for the most ulua ever caught in one night of fishing—twenty-three—and over that entire day. Waimea. Nīnole Cove. Road to the Sea. I decided to get to Hawaiʻi to . Rights off the Reef. Also known as Marijuanas. creating one of the most unique sections of volcanic shore in the islands. moʻolelo I was born on the Hilo bayfront on the Waiākea side of the Wailuku Stream bridge. I spent all my time on the ocean. a surfer from Maryland. stationed at Pearl on the tender Bryce Canyon. so my first day in Hawaiʻi I got on the bus with my fins and headed to Sandy Beach. we found that it was a fickle spot that sometimes only got good a few times a winter. We were stoked. We had it to ourselves until Tom and Bob moved to the Big Island to make their fortunes. We just referred to it as the big left by the rock. the mystery swimmer turned toward me. Bob soon rented a house in Mokulēʻia. can't be. and it was Bob! I said. It was a left that peaked on an exposed rock jutting out of the water about a half-mile from shore. He heard there was someone else who surfed there. was 6-foot-5 and as long and gangly a guy as I had ever seen. and when he mentioned this to shaper Tommy Nellis.ride the big ones. and the fish. During the years that followed. with no one around but me. I was always amazed by Larry. We've been surfing together ever since. discovered the Rock and began to surf it. and then just The Rock. and myself make the Rock our regular spot. Dusty Welsch. our mutual friend. Bob showed the break to me and our other surfing buddy. He'd only been there a couple of months and was trying to get a place on the North Shore. In 1990 another Florida surfer. we used The . Tommy told Dusty he knew who that must be. I knew it couldn't be him. but what are the odds of running into somebody in Hawaiʻi with a body like Bob's?" Bob. We couldn't believe it. who just happened to be going to school at UH. and I had a friend in Hawaiʻi. As the three of us surfed it over the years. Linda. and I was nervous about going to a place where I knew no one. Dusty introduced me to his close surfing friends. gangly body swimming across the outside and thought. and left me to surf it alone. a friend of mine from Florida. and has become acknowledged by the other Rock surfers as the "King of the Rock. and now a small group. The only person I knew in the Islands was my sister. including Dusty. Dusty rides it at any size with complete abandon. is that you? What are you doing here?" He said that he had joined the army and was stationed at Schofield. Larry. When Dusty and Cole started surfing there. just the three of us surfing with nobody around as far as the eye could see. and hooked me and Dusty up. I wondered what it was going to be like getting in the water in Hawaiʻi for the first time. In June 1974. Larry Engwal. I saw a long. "That looks like Bob Larson. Toby Collins. and to his delight he discovered an unridden break in front of his house. another friend of mine from New Mexico. we didn't think about giving it a name." When we first started surfing it. Here we were in Hawaiʻi. who would fly in from New Mexico in February after not surfing all year and say "Let's go to the Rock. As I approached. was the only guy that surfed it with me. As I rode the bus. but I didn't hear the name Devil's Rock until the nineties. We were happy to see each other. Porter Turnbull. In the early days I heard other people call it Castle Rock. Cole Doeh. I joined the navy as a boiler technician with the agreement that they would station me in Hawaiʻi. but she didn't surf and didn't have a car. In November of that year I was here. and some of the most memorable days of my surfing life come from those days at the Rock. Tom Sawicki. When I got off the bus and saw Sandy Beach for the first time. "Bob. I was stoked— spitting hollow shorebreak with crystal water and all sand bottom! As I swam out through the shorebreak." The two of us rode it alone for the next ten years. and the three of us went out together to try it during the winter of 1975. but I had to swim over to get a closer look at this Hawaiian Bob. and surfers applied the name to the surf site on the north side of the point in the late 1960s. Beach. Mokulēʻia. The site on the west side of the rockpile is called Rock Pile Lefts. In Kīlauea Bay adjacent to Mōkōlea Point. surf site. Jack Bredin. which is to the west of Wailupe Beach Park. surf site. Channel. Tiger Reef. a large rock formation was left isolated on the seaward side of the road. which was operational at the point from 1900 through the 1970s. when it was first surfed. Mānā. 2000 Rocket Reef. Also known as Rockies. Oʻahu. Rock Point. Left at Rocky Point. Right at Rocky Point. Oʻahu. Surf site. Rock Quarry. Sunset Beach. Sunset Beach. Surf site. It is an awesome spot with an aura all it's own. Surf site. None of us had any other important rocks in our lives to be mixed up with The Rock. Oʻahu. At the west end of the Pacific Missile Range Facility. Pōhakuloa. We liked it. so the name was sufficiently descriptive for us to know where we meant and at the same time nondescript enough that people other than us did not know what we were talking about. 2. The Rock is a special place." The phrase is used here to mean catching or "going" for big waves. Oʻahu. Surf site." in the center of the site that is partially emergent during minus tides. or "rocks. A cluster of limestone rocks on the beach and a wide. off the pad that has been used since 1964 to launeh rockets that test military defensive technologies. Kīlauea. Rocky Point Lefts. Oʻahu. Rocky Point Rights. The surf site is offshore. Surf site. making it a dangerous and infrequently surfed site. August 29. Many coral heads. Legendary diver and big-wave rider Jose Angel (1934-1976) made his home inshore of the site in 1962 and was the first to surf here regularly. The site on the east side of the rock pile is called Rock Pile Rights. Section of Sunset Beach near the center of Ke Nui Road. Named for Kāhili Quarry. Sunset Beach. Same as Rocky Point. Sunset Beach. Named for the shallow reef. Oʻahu. "Let's go for it. 3. Erdman. Sunset Beach. Rocky Point Rights. 2. It was our name. "Let's rock-n-roll" which means. Rock-n-Roll Reef. Wailupe. Local area residents named the point before it was surfed. Rockies. The name comes from the phrase. Waikīkī. 1. Surf site. Also known as Camp Erdman. Molokaʻi. Rocky Point. Surf site. Also known as Banzai Rocks. Small bay at the east end of Sandy Beach Park with many rocks in the lineup. Oʻahu. When the road around the point at Pōhakuloa was constructed. shallow reef mark the point. The rocks here are emergent even at high tide. Surf site. the less-frequent direction that the site is surfed because the wave ends on the shallow reef at the point. Kauaʻi. During the early 1960s. and the best part of surfīng it is the friends l've met there. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. . Surf site. Rocky Point Lefts. the prevailing direction that the site is surfed. Hawaiʻi Kai. or "rockpile. Oʻahu. Surf site. Rockpile." are in and around the channel. 1.Rock. it was known as Arma Hut. Name used by military personnel for this site that is best when the waves are big. Named for a large lava rock formation inshore at the edge of the beach. This formation is the "rock" of Rock Point. Mokulēʻia. She returned to Hilo and convinced her husband Albert to trade some Ruddle property in Hilo for 7. including rubber duckies. Puakō. in 1973. This site is surfed only when the waves are small. Mākena.3 acres). Surf site. Littoral cone. Hawaiʻi Kai. and went to work for Chevron in 1938. Roger's. Hawaiēi. Running Waters. Oʻahu. which was known to the community as the Ruddle Estate for many years. he was part of a team in San Francisco that planned and designed the Hawaiian Refinery. On the north side of Three Tables Beach. Surf site. When the refinery opened in 1960. 2. She came by sampan looking for a beach home for her family. During the summer and other no-surf periods. Kauaʻi.4-acre Ruddle estate at the south end of Puakō Road. Oʻahu. 1. Rowland was born in Bartlesville.S. Kalaeloa. the refinery's first manager. Beach. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. Chevron developed the 5-acre pond as an emergency catch basin for oil spills. whose family home was on the point. Russian occupation of the fort ended in 1817 when King Kamehameha I expelled them from Hawaiʻi. Surf site. She found a beautiful site on the ocean with a natural bathing pool and house foundations of the original Puakō village. On the east bank of the Waimea River where the river intersects the beach. Irrigation runoff from the field drained or "ran" across the beach into Nāwiliwili Harbor. now the Chevron Hawaiʻi Refinery. Waimea. Oklahoma. Prior to 1987 the land above the beach was a Līhuʻe Plantation Company sugarcane field. Inside Kawela Bay along the west point of the bay. Sunset Beach. Maui. From 1958 to 1960. or Hawaiian stilt. A surfer named Roger lived near the right-of-way in the 1960s and frequently surfed this site. Off the 7. Puʻu Ōlaʻi. Surf site.Roger Rights. Receding water from waves sweeping across the rock terraces here drains or "runs" back into the ocean. Russian Fort Elīzabeth. They built several homes on the property. 1. Nāwiliwili. Mokulēʻia. a personal friend who lived nearby at Kalahuipuaʻa. Russian Fort Elizabeth is the ruin of a fort built between 1815 and 1817 during an alliance between members of the Russian-American Company and King Kaumualiʻi of Kauaʻi. nesting here in the early 1990s. Ruddle's. Chevron contacted the U. He then managed refineries in Iran and Belgium before he retired to Carmel Valley. is called Round Mountain for its dome-shaped outline. California. it is a popular family swimming beach where little children play with water toys. .5 acres at Paniau. Rowland (1916-1999). On the sea cliffs below the Lumahaʻi Street rightof-way. Hawaiian soldiers occupied the site until it was deactivated in 1864. Oʻahu. Fish and Wildlife Service and agreed to designate the pond as a permanent wetland habitat for the birds. 2. Wetland. Oʻahu. State historical park (17. Kawela. Fishing site. Rowland's Pond. Named after Roger Allan. He moved to Hawaiʻi in August 1960 and managed the refinery until 1966. Rubber Duckies. Surf site. Same as Roger's. at the north end of Mākena State Park. Annabelle Ruddle visited Paniau in 1937 at the suggestion of Francis Brown. Artificial wetland on the shore of the Chevron Hawaiʻi Refinery in Campbell Industrial Park. West of the public right-of-way on Crozier Drive. the original catch basin was named Rowland's Pond after Robert H. but refinery crews noticed the endangered aeʻo. Round Mountain. Saint Teresa's. Saint Peter's Catholic Church. Kahoʻolawe. Teresa's Catholic Church in Kekaha. Operation Sailor Hat. Sampans. Kauaʻi. Hauʻula. Hawaiʻi. Gathering site. Range lights to mark the channel were installed in 1943. Surf site. a group whose members are permitted by the state to manufacture salt here. Natural depressions in the rocks at Māʻili Point where families from Māʻili gathered salt for home consumption. Channel on the east side of Kāneʻohe Bay dredged during the early 1940s. The lead keel of a wreck lies on the bottom. or commercial tuna boats.85 miles north of Mōkapu Peninsula. The channel is approximately . 1. Salt making is a summer activity that is dependent on extended periods of dry weather and hot. Scenic point.SS Sacred Spots. Sailboat Keel Reef. Oʻahu. In April 1965. the navy simulated an atomic explosion to the southeast of Hanakanaiʻa by detonating 500 pounds of TNT to test the effect of nuclear-sized blasts on warships nearby. simple. Kauaʻi. Many of the group's members are continuing family traditions that have changed little for generations. Dive site. Dive site. The park is named for a nearby complex of shallow ponds where rock salt is produced by evaporating seawater. surf site. created the crater and destroyed the decommissioned and unoccupied ship Atlanta that was anchored offshore. clapboard building on the shore of Kahaluʻu Bay with a covered entrance porch and a tall spire with louvered windows that is often photographed by visitors. Boat channel. Wailea. Wreck of the St. Kahaluʻu. Long ledge at 25 to 35 feet deep straight out from the Hawaiʻi Kai Channel. Sam Wight's. it forms a "Y" with one branch going toward the Kāneʻohe Yacht Club and the other going toward Heʻeia Kea Pier. Crater. Māʻili. The surfing and windsurf sites are off the wall of rocks. Anthony. . The waterfall in the park is called Sacred Falls because of its association with Kamapuaʻa. Off St. from Honolulu that formerly came to Kāneʻohe Bay to catch baitfish used this channel. 2. She was towed to Maui and sunk at 70 feet on the Keawakapu Artificial Reef. As the channel comes into Kāneʻohe Bay. Small. Sailor Hat. Hanapēpē. sunny days. After the test. the demigod who could assume the shape of a man or pig. Calcareous sand beach with a natural wall of rocks that creates a large inshore pond. Oʻahu. Beach park. Saint Anthony. southwest shore. range lights. the newly formed crater was called Sailor Hat. The test. Deepwater. Southernmost section of Kamākaʻipō Beach near the lighthouse. Hawaiʻi Kai. Beach. Kekaha. The ponds are idle during the winter months. Lāʻau. Oʻahu. Surf site. The surf site was named after the falls. Salt Pond. a 65-foot longline fishing boat that ended up as a derelict in Honolulu Harbor. Most of the ponds are supervised by Hui Hāna Paʻakai. Sampan channel. windsurf site. Kāneʻohe Bay. second-reef site off Sacred Falls State Park. Oʻahu. Maui. Molokaʻi. Sunset Beach. Honolulu. Hawaiʻi Kai. Small calcareous sand pocket beach on Kamehameha V Highway north of Honouli Maloʻo. the first president of the ranch. Shallow pocket of sand inshore of the Cable Channel where James Sand conducted a reef topography study for the University of Hawaiʻi's Marine Option Program. Molokaʻi.Sam Wight. Honolulu. Oʻahu. Also known as Nānāwale Park. Island (3. Kuliʻouʻou. Waikīkī. Sand Tracks. Oʻahu. Facilities include four ramps and a vessel washdown area. Oʻahu. Hanauma Bay. Ramp. Sand Island. Honouli Maloʻo. Prior to 1931. Adjacent to the Sand Island Marine Training Facility. 1. Beach. A man-made island that protects Honolulu Harbor from seasonal high surf and storm surf. Oʻahu. Bridge. State recreation area (140 acres). Sand Island. 1. Also known as Paikō Peninsula. Marine training facility. Littoral cone. Dive site. Surf site. Sandman's Patch. Fishermen and surfers have driven through the sand here for many years. Oʻahu. Kāneʻohe Bay. Waves here form on a line of sand boils. The facility provides boat building and repair training opportunities for students from Honolulu Community College and houses the University of Hawaiʻi's outdoor recreation program classes in sailing. When Kalanianaʻole Highway replaced the trail in . Large park on the seaward side of Sand Island with a calcareous sand beach. Hawaiʻi. Beach park (22. Peninsula. Surf site. The facilities were dedicated in July 1995. Oʻahu. Also known as Ahuolaka. Nānāwale. 2. 2. Surf site. 5. Undeveloped sand spit that separates Paikō Lagoon from the open ocean. surf site. It was built by depositing material dredged from the harbor on the shallow reef seaward of the harbor. windsurfing. Surf site. 2. 6. 3. Sandbars. Off Oneʻula Beach Park. Off the park. leaving tire tracks in the sand. and a popular picnic site for boaters. which originally included a small sand spit or "island" adjacent to the harbor entrance. Nānāwale Park is situated on a littoral cone approximately 150 feet high that was formed when a lava flow from Kīlauea entered the sea here in May 1840. Honolulu. Cooke. Surf here normally breaks on a wide sandbar fronting ʻEhukai Beach Park.1 acres. Honolulu. Oʻahu. fishermen followed a trail along the sea cliffs from Hanauma Bay to the Hālona Blowhole in this area. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. awash at high tide). On the west end of Sand Island adjacent to the bridge. Large sandbar in the center of Kāneʻohe Bay that is emergent at low tide. Oʻahu. Honolulu. maintained a fishing shack on the rise above the beach during his tenure from 1923 to 1932. 1. Off Kaimana Beach and east of Old Man's. Oʻahu. The flow destroyed the coastal village of Nānāwale and created the littoral cone of cinder or "sand" during the explosive interaction of the molten lava and the cold water of the ocean.6 acres). and water safety. 4. Oʻahu." Sand Dunes. Surf site. Sand Hill. Bridge that joins Sand Island and Oʻahu. an assistant manager of Molokaʻi Ranch under George P. On the west side of Tracks. Island (500 acres). Sandy. Oʻahu. Sand Point. Puʻu One. They called the beach at the east end of the cliffs Sand Beach. Kahe. which is the "sandbar. Oʻahu. Stubenberg's Island. ʻEwa Beach. awash at high tide. Sandbar. Hawaiʻi. dredging the inner reefs in Keʻehi Lagoon and pumping the fill material onshore. Pocket of calcareous sand at the base of the sea cliffs below the Sea Lodge condominiums. In 1884. Section of Waikīkī Beach between the Outrigger Canoe Club to the east and the War Memorial Natatorium to the west. Channels. Also known as Papaka Iki. Dive site. Scenic Lookout. S Buoy. Scout. Oʻahu. too. Pōkaʻī Bay Light. Three channels in Keʻehi Lagoon that form a triangle. Dock. The Damon family controlled the fishing rights in the lagoon—no one could fish there without permission—so those were some of the most productive reefs l've ever seen. Keʻehi. Marine park. Buoy anchored at approximately 460 fathoms. Keʻehi. Also known as Peʻewē. Oʻahu. French for "without a care. Also known as Dig Me. In 1941. Sea Lodge." after the palace of Frederick the Great in Potsdam. line the backshore. Tropical almond trees. but the incident inspired the name Santos Bay. Princeville. Santos Bay. Keaukaha. fish like ulua. pāpio. Seaplane Triangle. The beach was named after Herbert's lodging house. Beach. Maui. Kahoʻolawe. Small. Hawaiʻi Kai. Beach. those at Half Point. Sandys. On Lagoon Drive. He opened a lodging house that he named Sans Souci. we'd see them chasing the mullet into the shallow water. Peiwē. Oʻahu. and those at Full Point. The Hawaiian Reef tank is a 300. Same as Sandy Beach. were anchored at Papaka Iki Bay. Also known as Sandys. flat rock island off Kealoha Park that was formerly a popular camping site for Keaukaha residents and for the Big Island's Boy Scouts. Barbers Point Light. the name changed to Sandy Beach. They were dredged out of the inner reef in the early 1940s as runways for seaplanes. Allen Herbert bought the land where the New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel is located. Kauaʻi. Facility for commercial seaplanes operating in Keʻehi Lagoon. Beach. Rodney and Herbert Santos. Oʻahu. The men were picked up the next day by another fishing boat. Waimānalo. Oʻahu. I went to work for Standard Dredging as a civil engineer. Landmarks: Kaʻena Point Light. Sculptured Reef. A number of surf sites are located at Sandy Beach." by a gardener. During the night their boat broke its mooring and wrecked onshore. or "sculptured. Seaplane. Coral formations that comprise the reef appear to have been trimmed. In 1965 two cousins. Private park near Makapuʻu Beach that offers exhibits and programs about marine life and the ocean environment. Poʻipu. and nenue swarmed around . and there were mullet by the thousands. All kinds of crabs—especially white crabs—and slipper lobsters would come up with the fill material. moʻolelo After I graduated from the UH in 1938.000gallon aquarium with hundreds of fish and other sea creatures. Dive site. Kauaʻi. or kamani. Fish aggregating device. At the outer edge of the reef. Waikīkī.1933 and people began driving through the area. Lots of hammerheads. Lahaina Pali. Sans Souci. we were land-filling in the Māpunapuna and airport areas. including those in the shorebreak. Off the scenic lookout on Honoapiʻilani Highway. Kapua. Kaimana. Sea Life Park Hawaiʻi. Pōkaʻī Bay. Island. Oʻahu. The bit rotated and cut the coral. A 200-foot vessel that was sunk on June 24. After the war broke out on December 7. with large pinnacles and canyons between the second and third flows. Second Lagoon. Also known as Kawaiakaʻaiea Bridge. Second Hole. Hawaiʻi. March 25. lava flow. Off the second drainage ditch in Kaumualiʻi Highway west of Kekaha Beach Park. Fishing site. North of the Mahi and directly off Pōkaʻī Bay. Second Flow. Hawaiʻi Kai. and the fill material went into a levee where the water was allowed to drain through spillways back into the ocean. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Also known as Pāhoehoe. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Kūkiʻo.Mokauea Island. Our dredge. One of two dive sites with similar underwater features that are known collectively as Cathedrals and individually as First Cathedral and Second Cathedral. Clark. Kekaha. ʻEwa Beach. Second Cathedral. On the rocky ledge below the second bridge to the east of Lānaʻi Lookout on Kalanianaʻole Highway. One of three lava flows from an eruption on the southwest rift zone of Mauna Kea that began on June 1. Large saltwater pool with a calcareous sand beach in the rocky terrace bordering the Four Seasons Resort Hualālai. Second Ditch. Hawaiʻi. Surf site. the Army Corps of Engineers contracted Standard Dredging to use the Jefferson to dredge the sea-plane runways in the lagoon that are still there now. Pāhoehoe. Spacious caverns in the pinnacles have a cathedral-like appearance when shafts of sunlight crisscross the interiors through skylights in the exterior walls. Between Courts and Concessions. Oʻahu. Artificial reef. lagoon. 1984 Seaplane Wreck. creating small pockets of black sand on a coast of sea cliffs. Off the seawalls that line the beachfront homes at the west end of Pūpū St. Mānele. Ala Moana. numbering them from north to south. Also known as Voyager Artificial Reef. worked like a brace and bit. Pinnacles. Surf site. Sea Shell Pool. Second Bridge. Kauaʻi. One of four man-made beaches and lagoons at Ko ʻOlina Resort and Marina. Waiʻanae. Several pinnacles rise from 60 feet to just below the surface. Ko ʻOlina. Oʻahu. Sea Tiger. Marketing nickname for the island of Lānaʻi. 1999. Ala Moana. Dive site. Dive site. fishing site. Lānaʻi. A big pump behind it pumped the fill material onshore through a steel pipeline supported by pontoons. at 110 feet off Ala Moana Beach Park. The wreck is a twin-engine Beech-craft seaplane that was sunk at 90 feet as an artificial reef. Secluded Isle. Beach. 1950. Surf site. Sea Walls. George V. theJefferson. Swimming site. Dive site. Each of the flows reached the ocean. The dive site is a narrow shelf close to shore. . Fishermen offshore use the flows as landmarks. A 3. Surf site. Also known as Cloudbreak. Park. The name is a play on the word major in sergeant major. Near Kamaiki Point between Naha and Mānele. Dive site. Oʻahu. Big-wave. Dive site. 2. On the west side of Hickam Channel. . Sergeant Major Reef. based on how long the wave is. surf site. 1. Island. On the outer edge of Mōiliʻi Fishpond. moʻolelo As far as China Walls goes. Surf site. the existence of the beach was a "secret. I always thought China Walls referred to the break right next to the wall. Beach. Seconds. as far as I know. the owner of the fishpond. It's a fast tubular left that goes off when the waves are big. or Second Reef. Hickam Air Force Base. so until the point was opened to the public in 1974 as Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge. 2. Sergeant Minor Reef. looking out to sea. 1. was by me in a 1965 issue of Surfer Magazine." known only to island residents. Kīlauea. Also known as Kauapea Beach. Several large schools of sergeant major damselfish are found here. A small calcareous sand beach that accreted here against the outer wall of the fishpond has created a secluded "island. southeast coast. That's where the Portlock swimming pier used to be and that's where I learned to surf when I was eleven years old." Kualoa Ranch. The stream empties into the ocean below the lowest pool. and another favorite spot off Portlock was Junior's. but I guess it makes sense that the break beyond the boil would be called China Walls. Kauaʻi. ʻĀina Haina. Oʻahu. North of Sergeant Major Reef at 50 feet. Kalāheo. Surfers eventually shortened the name to Seconds. 1. Oʻahu. The surf site is a shorebreak on the beach. 75-foot-wide calcareous sand beach fronted by a wide sandbar on the west side of Kīlauea Point. Surf site. Small pocket of calcareous sand at the mouth of a small gulch west of Kalāheo Gulch. Surf site. 3. Off the concrete blocks that mark the old Marconi sewer line at Hanakaʻīlio Beach. Mark Coleman. Seconds. sometimes Poles. Lānaʻi. Kualoa. Oʻahu. but not as spectacular. Kauaʻi. The beach can only be seen on land from Kīlauea Point.000-foot-long. 1999 Secret. and ended at a deepwater swimming area at the edge of the reef. Oʻahu. Surf site. January 30. Beach. 3. which is just to the left. Secret's. The first photo ever published of that place. surf site. Māhukona. 2. The spot off Kaiser's old Portlock mansion we used to call Half Point. Three parallel lava ridges with a cave and an arch at 15 to 50 feet. A second shallow reef seaward of the swimming area was called Second Reef. Maui. southeast coast. Māʻili. Seven Pools. named the beach and uses it as a private beach club. Off Kawaikuʻi Beach Park. All of the Secret surf sites were "secret" spots when they were named. is outside of First Reef. Coastal section of Haleakalā National Park that contains a series of waterfall plunge pools in ʻOheʻo Stream. Lānaʻi. Kahuku. Surf site. second-reef site outside of Green Lanterns. of Seconds.Second Reef. Hawaiʻi Kai. Kīpahulu. Hawaiʻi. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. First Reef. Oʻahu. The former Portlock Pier crossed a shallow inshore reef. I've always called that spot Portlock Point. her estate was worth about $1. Shark Hole. Shacks on the shore were onee found at both sites. The home is maintained by the Doris Duke Foundation of Islamic Art. Sweetheart Rock. Off the seventh hole of Kahuku Golf Course. 1. Sharks were common. after the mythical valley in James Hilton's novel Lost Horizon. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. They lifted the sharks they caught out of the cove with a boom constructed on the terrace. Sewers. In addition to the home. Shacks. A large rock formation that resembles a shark's fin protrudes above the surface of the ocean. Oʻahu. Duke constructed a small boat harbor on the rocky shore by building two boulder breakwaters. Sharks Bay. Lānaʻi. Sand Island. working on it constantly and filling it with thousands of pieces of art and cultural artifacts. Mānele. The shark hunters also dug the steps and the two caves in the cliff behind the terrace. Oʻahu. It is a popular public swimming area that is also known as Cromwell's and The Harbor. Ala Moana. On the west side of Hawaiʻi Kai Channel. Hawaiʻi. Duke named it Shangri-La. Duke used the home as a personal retreat and sanctuary. south coast. Island. Over the next fifty years. Both of these sites break over a reef that is very shallow at low tide. Shallows. Molokini. Doris Duke was the only child of American Tobacco Company founder James Buchanan Duke and became one of the wealthiest women in the world upon the death of her father. Series of shelves at 130 feet that create shallow caves. that are resting habitats for white tipped sharks. Shark. Mākaha. Maui. where people never grow old. Surf site. Pocket calcareous sand beach in a cove at the seaward end of the headland that separates Mānele and Hulopoʻe Bays. 2. however. Dive site. Black Point. Paʻuwela. Maui. Sharks are commonly seen here on the shallow reef flat. stretching a line with baited hooks across the cove. Small rock island on the east side of Mauna Lahilahi. Surf site. The state's first $1 million home. is subject to heavy surge. Named in the early 1960s by the members of the ʻEwa Beach Surf Club who were among the first to surf here. Deep cove on the lava terrace below the Paʻuwela Light. Kāʻanapali. Oʻahu. 1. Surf site. Surf site. She fell in love with Hawaiʻi on her honeymoon in 1935. . Off Hanakaʻīlio Beach. Oʻahu. Surf site. Shark Pit. 1. A vertical wall that harbors many species of fish and invertebrates drops from the surface to 60 feet. Oʻahu. it was never used for its original purpose. East of Kaimū. Oʻahu. Surf site. Also known as Puʻu Pehe. Hawaiʻi Kai. or "condos" (condo-miniums). The surf site is off the beach. Off the east end of Kewalo Basin Park. ʻEwa Beach. Northwest of Kaunolū. Fishing site. Dive site. Dive site. At the time of her death in 1993.2 billion. 2. Oʻahu. 2. 3. Small boat harbor. and except for a brief period after its construction. Also known as Channels. The harbor. Kahuku. Maui. In 1924 a group of men began fishing for sharks here. Lānaʻi. especially hammerheads. Shark Country. Kapoho. Surf site. Waiʻanae. Shark-Fin Rock. Surf site. Shark Condos. Surf site. Surf site. Off the Waiʻanae Sewage Treatment Plant. Kahuku.Seventh Hole. and in 1936 she and her husband James Cromwell began building a fortresslike home on a 4. Shangri-La.9-acre parcel on the west side of Black Point. Off Pūpū Place. Shark Bay. surf site. Shark sightings are common here. William H. a large rock in the water at the edge of the beach. Sweetheart Rock. 1946 and May 23. Dive site. Mānele. completed in 1963. Maui. Sherwood Forest. Lānaʻi. Monument. Keaʻau. Waikīkī. Off Puamana subdivision. The forest is now part of Waimānalo Bay Beach Park. During the late 1950s. Hilo. the resort reopened in 1997. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. 1. The dive site is off the Sheraton Kauaʻi Resort. Small pocket of detrital and calcareous sand at the head of an inlet in an otherwise rocky shore. Hawaiʻi. Sherwoods. 1960. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar fronting the park and is also known as Sherwoods. The Sheraton Maui. Sunset Beach. Sharks Cove has been part of the Pūpūkea Marine Life Conservation District since it was established in 1983. Shipman. Day-use mooring buoy site within the Old Kona Airport Marine Life Conservation District. a cinder cone in the center of Kāʻanapali Beach. Monument erected in Wailoa State Recreation Area on the shore of Hilo Bay in memory of those who have died during tsunami. Shark Rock. Dive site. snorkeling site. Same as Sheraton Caverns. which opened in 1968 and was Kauaʻi's first resort managed by a national chain. Poʻipū. is on the summit of Puʻu Kekaʻa. Kailua-Kona. Oʻahu. Off the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel at 50 feet. Pocket beach of calcareous sand in a cove at the seaward end of the headland that separates Mānele and Hulopoʻe Bays. A 30. Sharks Cove. Hawaiʻi. Sheraton Caverns. starring Richard Greene. Oʻahu. and the ironwood forest was named Sherwood Forest. The Shipman Estate is inland of the beach. snorkeling site. Mooring buoy site. was a popular television series in Hawaiʻi. One of the most popular dive and snorkeling sites on Oʻahu. Shinmachi Tsunami Memorial. Introductory boat dive site with eels and turtles. The buoy is anchored at 40 feet off Shark Rock. Same as Sherwood Forest. Sheraton. Also known as Shark Bay. Beach. Dive site. Severely damaged by Hurricane ʻIniki in 1992. It was named for the outline of the underwater reefs and ledges that are thought to resemble a shark's head from the hill above the cove. cove. Shipman (1854-1943) . Waimānalo. The cove is situated in the rocky northeast section of Pūpūkea Beach Park. Puʻu Pehe. Beach park. Also known as Sheraton Caves.to 60-foot site with three large parallel lava tubes 80—120 feet long offshore that are the island's most popular cave dives. Dive site. Waimānalo. Maui. Kauaʻi. At the same time a gang of thieves used the ironwood forest that is now part of the beach park to strip cars and to fence stolen property. Sheraton Caves. Oʻahu. Poʻipū. Kauaʻi. One of the most popular dive sites on Kauaʻi. Also known as Black Rock. The gang was compared to Robin Hood and his Merry Men in England. The underwater caves outside of the cove are among the most popular cave dive sites on the island. Kāʻanapali. Sharks. especially the tsunami of April 1. Sheraton Reef. Dive site.Lahaina. Surf site. Robin Hood. Bay. The dive and snorkeling sites are on the seaward side of the hill. A set of silver-colored metal stairs in one of the walls provides pedestrian access to the shallow reef below. Silver Channel. Kahue. 68s. Silver Stairs. Lānaʻi. The shipwreck that gave the beach its name was an unidentified wooden boat that lay on the sand at the water's edge for many years. Inside Tonggs. Dive site. Surf site. His heirs own the land. Shorebreak on the east side of Val's Reef. Mauna Lani. Oʻahu. One of four surf sites off Wailea Beach that are named after the numbers on . Sixth Hole. Oʻahu. Named for the shorebreak waves that break on the shallow sandbars here. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Spur-and-groove formation that has six ridges. Surf site. Kuliʻouʻou. Pōʻaiwa. The windsurf site is offshore of the beach. Section of Kailua Beach north of Kalama Beach. The club was built in 1931 and is managed by the Aloha Temple in Honolulu. rusted engine. Included are the follow- ing individual beaches: Awalua. Hawaiʻi Kai. Lapaiki. Waimānalo. 2. Also known as Hotels. Also known as Keoneloa. Shorebreak. Shipwreck. or "fingers. Yamada. Signs. Mokulēʻia. Also known as Paikōs. where it is occasionally exposed when high surf erodes the beach. Waves here form more of a shoulder than a wall. Now only several feet of the pipe remain. The shorebreak is one of Kauaʻi's most popular bodysurfing and bodyboarding sites. Same as Shorebreak. Wailea. Hawaiʻi." Also known as Sylva's Channel. In former times. visible only at low tide. surf site. this shore was the site of many intentional shipwrecks. Beach. Sunset Beach. Off the sixth hole of the golf course. Surf site. The engine is buried in the sand. During the 1960s. Beach. These boats included interisland steamers. Oʻahu. Kailua. Shores is an abbreviation of shorebreak. surf site. Oʻahu. surf site. ʻĀina Haina. Surf site. Waikīkī." at 50 feet. Also known as Keaʻau Beach. a tall pipe with a small metal plate. pineapple barges.purchased the property in the late 1800s and made his home here. Also known as Shores. Oʻahu. and assorted pleasure craft. 1. Beach. Off Kawaikuʻi Beach Park. The two shipwrecks still visible are a shipyard oil tanker at Awahua and a concrete mud barge at Pōʻaiwa. Surf site. The shore here consists of vertical seawalls protecting the condominiums of the Gold Coast. 1. Shriners." stood in the reef where the waves at this site terminate. Boats that were no longer of any value were deliberately run aground on the off-shore reefs and left to the destructive forces of the ocean. Six Fīngers. Section of beach at the south end of Waimānalo Beach fronting the Shriners Beach Club. Shoulders. Beach. Dive site. Shores. 2. Hurricane ʻIwa in 1982 destroyed what little of the wooden structure remained but left its heavy. and Federation Camp. Poʻipū. Beach. Surf site. Sunset Beach. "Silver" is a mispronunciation of "Sylva. the "sign. Oʻahu. windsurf site. Shipwreck Beach is also known for its excellent beachcombing opportunities. Hawaiʻi. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. Some 8 miles of narrow calcareous sand beaches from Polihua to Kahōkūnui. Keʻehi Lagoon. Bridge that connects Sand Island to Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Surf site. The. Honolulu. Māʻili. Skulls. The dive and snorkeling sites are off the beach. and the control tower in the center of the bridge is no longer manned. Sloping Waters. West end of Tumbleland. Wailea. Also known as Mokulēʻia Beach. Maui. Slippers washed overboard from the boats in the harbor invariably end up on shore here. Oʻahu. it was completed at a cost of $3 million in May 1962 and named for Colonel John Rudolph Slattery. Hawaiʻi. Hanauma Bay. Slattery Bridge. Beach. Reef. It is no longer used as a drawbridge due to the heavy traffic on Sand Island Road. 67s. It spans 400 feet of the Kalihi Channel and provides a second entrance into Honolulu Harbor. Many surfers consider it to be the "Pipeline" of the Big Island. Seawall. A rock formation in the cliff face on the east side of the bay resembles a skull. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Channel between Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi. 67s Shorebreak is at the north end of the beach. inshore of 67s. Near Kūakamoku Reef off Kiʻekiʻe Beach. channel. 3. Primarily a bodysurfing and bodyboarding site that washes over a "slippery rock" shelf. . One of four surf sites off Wailea Beach that are named after the numbers on nearby utility poles. 2. or crib-wall. Slot. A bascule. Mokulēʻia. Surf site. Hawaiʻi. Surf site. Niʻihau. Low seawall. but the beach is still called Slaughterhouse Beach. Hanauma Bay. Oʻahu. Long.nearby utility poles. Beyond the reef outside of the Keyhole. Oʻahu. Also known as Keyholes. 67s Shorebreak. One was used as a slaughterhouse and the other as a storehouse for hides. Hawaiʻi. Also known as the Berm. 69s. Army Corps of Engineers. Surf site. Kiʻekiʻe. Slaughterhouse. or drawbridge. Molokaʻi. Oʻahu.S. Narrow channel that was dynamited throught the west end of the reef to accommodate the submarine communication cable from California to Hawaiʻi. Slipper Island. snorkeling site. Mōkapu. Honolua Ranch built two sheds on the sea cliffs above the beach. One of four surf sites off Wailea Beach that are named after the numbers on nearby utility poles. One of our surf sites off Wailea Beach that are named after the numbers on nearby utility poles. 2. Honolua. The sheds were torn down in the mid-1960s. Slippery Rock. Wailea. 1. an engineer with the U. During the early 1900s. that joins the west side of the Kapahulu Groin and parallels the length of Kūhiō Beach Park. 69s is at the south end of the beach off Wailea Point. Wailea. Surf site. Channel between Moku Manu and Ulupaʻu Crater. Pacific Ocean Division. The algae that grows on its surface makes it slippery when wet. Waikīkī. narrow island directly off Keʻehi Small Boat Harbor. dive site. Oʻahu. 67s is at the north point of the beach. A former slaughterhouse is onshore. Surf site. Channel. Channel. 1. Slippery Wall. 68s is in the center of the beach on the north side of the small rock island. Shallow section of reef inshore of Devil's Rock that causes an unusual "sloping" movement of waves passing over it. Also known as Ka Lae. opium was still being landed on Kahoʻolawe for distribution. Kahuku. When the wind is really strong and blows the tops of the waves. The ocean was rough. a military term for marksmen. Smugglers Cove. ships from the Orient smuggling opium into Hawaiʻi would land their cargoes on remote beaches such as Hanakanaiʻa. Named in 1986 by Chuck Johnson. editor of the Hawaiʻi Fishing News. Section of Kamākaʻipō Beach with a natural pool in the rocky ledge that lines the beach. the captain of the Schooner Labrador was arrested on Kahoʻolawe and charged with unlawfully importing opium." Johnson suggested the name Smoking Rock and published a picture of it in the September issue of Hawaiʻi Fishing News. Molokaʻi. or yellowfin tuna. Molokaʻi. Manukā. South. Lāʻau. The mooring site is at the base of the sea cliffs at the end of the point. and waves were pounding against a large rock at the fishing site. Shore from Makapuʻu Point to Barbers Point. Soda Pop Pool.6 acres on the point in 1936 and built their home here. Small pocket of calcareous sand immediately south of Kaunalā Beach. who owned the island in the 1930s. Named for Helen and Alvin Smith. Hanakanaiʻa was a natural site for this illegal activity because of its excellent anchorage. During the 1800s and early 1900s. Watching the wind whip the waves reminded Johnson of trolling in the open ocean on a stormy day. Mac [Angus MacPhee. the wind would blow their tops off. Foaming waves spilling into it gave the pool its name. 3. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. beach. . Lanikai. Hawaiʻi. Point. surf site. Oʻahu. Kahoʻolawe. fishing site. Bay. Named in the early 1960s by surfers from Niu. and isolated location. Point. Niʻihau. long sand beach. Honokanaiʻa. Fishing site. South Lagoon is primarily used for research vessels and private boats.Small Bay. Smoking Rock. boaters on the radio say. Snug Harbor. Kāneʻohe. Snipes. Southernmost point in the United States. One of several man-made lagoons at Coconut Island that were made by Christian Holmes. Road to the Sea. Hawaiʻi. Also known as Wailea Point. 4. Armine Von Tempski wrote: "As suspected. especially for ʻahi. Also known as Kawaihoa. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. In June 1898. Honolulu Harbor. Surf site. Beach. The pool is the only swimming site on the otherwise rocky beach. Shore. Site of the University of Hawaiʻi's School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) Marine Center. Also known as Manukā. who purchased 1." Smugglers Cove was a fitting name to describe this illegal activity. 2. Kaunalā. Niu. The deep waters off South Point are a famous fishing site. Oʻahu. "It's really smoking out here. Short for snipeis. when he joined a group of ulua fishermen at Road to the Sea during the Second Annual Kona Casting Club Fishing Tournament. In her book Born in Paradise (1940). Beach. Also known as Hanakanaiʻa. South end of the island. Hanakanaiʻa. Oʻahu. Point. He was sentenced to eighteen months hard labor and fined $500. mooring site. The opium would then be picked up by fishing boats from Maui and transshipped to Honolulu. Pier 45. The center's research vessels are berthed here. He did. who leased the island from 1917 to 1941 as a cattle ranch] and Yamaichi ran into a cache sufficient enough to take care of most of his debts—if he didn't turn it over to authorities. As the waves rose above the rock. Lagoon. Smith's. Point that separates Lanikai from Bellows Field Air Force Station. 1. whitewater is ejected or "spit" back out of its mouth. Blowholes are also called spouting horns because of the loud roaring noises created by the rushing air and water coming up the chimney. Oʻahu.5 million cubic yards of dredged material have been discharged at the side with 1. It was dedicated on March 13. including approximately eighty canoe-mooring holes drilled through the rocks below the navigational light. Waves rolling into the sea caves or lava tubes force a powerful rush of compressed air. where high surf may . Navigational light at the point. Spartan. One of the Red Hill dive sites. Oʻahu. Maui. Dive site. Anchorage. Oʻahu. South of Oʻahu at latitude 21 degrees 15'10" North and longitude 157 degrees 56'50" West. park. South Kohala. On the seaward side of Koko Head. Complex. county chairman (the equivalent of mayor at that time) from 1924 to 1944. snorkeling site. Blowholes are narrow chimneys that connect lava terraces to sea caves or lava tubes below them. Cliff jumpers jump into the ocean here from several small terraces above the cave. Dive site. Park on the low sea cliffs at South Point.South Bay. Kauaʻi. Hawaiian fishermen apparently used the holes to help anchor their canoes. Kawailoa. Dive site. Light. Kahuku. Kahuku. Beach park. Kawaihae. 3. Hawaiʻi. Wide reef off Spreckelsville Beach. La Pérouse Bay. Reef. or South Point. Spiral Lava Tube. The park was named for Samuel Mahuka Spencer (18751960). Spencer.6 million cubic yards (63%) from navy locations in Pearl Harbor. The facility is located in the former food concession building on the ʻEwa side of Ala Moana Beach Park. The beach is also known as ʻŌhaiʻula Beach. Since its designation approximately 2. and ulua fishermen fish on either side of it. Kahuku. Section of Kāneʻohe Bay between Coconut Island and the Kāneʻohe Yacht Club. blowhole. Pāʻia. 2001. This is "the spot" or the place to be when the waves are good. The site was established by the Environmental Protection Agency in September 1980. South Point. spray. South Oʻahu Dredged Material Ocean Disposal Site. 2. Hawaiʻi Kai. Spitting Cave. east of the Lumahaʻi Street Beach right-of-way. As waves roll into the cave and strike its back wall. The cave is at sea level. Large. Spouting Horn. the reef is an extension of the last lava flow on Maui. Oʻahu. Also known as The Point. Cliff jumping site. Hawaiʻi. The. Spot. Surf site. Kukuiʻula. South Shore Ocean Safety Operations and Training Center. Kāneʻohe. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi. and whitewater through the chimneys that erupts on the terraces as spectacular fountains. fishing site. Honolulu. Split Reef. Beach park. Important group of archaeological features at Ka Lae. This beach is a "disappearing" sand beach. sea cave. Spouting Horn is one of Hawaiʻi's most famous blowholes. South of the bay at 50 feet. flat pocket of calcareous sand on the shore below Puʻukoholā Heiau National Historical Site. The dive site is off the park. which splits underwater. where it is subject to the constant surge of waves. Kainaliu. 1. Substation and training center for the Ocean Safety and Lifeguard Division of the Honolulu Emergency Services Department of the City and County of Honolulu. The shore of the beach park is primarily rocky except for a small pocket beach of calcareous sand west of the lookout. Ocean safety facility. Oʻahu. Pinnacle rock off Keʻanae between the point and Mokumana. Below the Lānaʻi Lookout on Kalanianaʻole Highway. Also known as Ironwood Park. Surf site. Claus Spreckels was a sugar refiner from San Francisco. Kauaʻi. Maui. Henry P. Off. ʻĀpua Point. Oʻahu. Naha. or "straight out from. Stubenberg's Island. Shipwreck. Surf site. Oʻahu. Surf site. Maui. The runways of Kahului Airport are immediately inland of the dunes. Fish aggregating device. Also known as Paikō Peninsula. Maui. SS Buoy." Owen's Retreat at the west end of Mokulēʻia Beach Park. Buoy anchored at approximately 515 fathoms. surf site. Dive site. In 1932 the SS Kaʻala. Keʻanae. . Secondary surf site between Rocky Point and Monster Mush. 2. Island. Near Spouting Horn Beach Park. The snorkeling site is off the beach.temporarily erode the entire beach. Spreckelsville. Molokaʻi. Sunset Beach. Mokulēʻia. The Box." Also known as Kapoho. The name implies that surfers or windsurfers here are stoned. an interisland steamer. The walls of a fishing shack on the rocky beach here are made of small boulders or "stones. An alternate name for Devil's Rock used primarily by commercial fishermen.). Inc. Also known as Arma Hut. Also known as Pōhaku Park. Sand Point. Calcareous sand beach with vegetated dunes in the backshore between Papaʻula Point to the west and Wawau Point to the east. Off Spreckelsville Beach and accessed from Stables Road on the east side of Kahului Airport. The community of Spreckelsville is a cluster of homes at the end of Spreckelsville Beach Road. Peninsula. Off. Park. now the largest and one of the last sugar plantations in the state. Surf site. Honokeana. Windsurf site. Landmarks: ʻĀpua Point. Maui. The outline of the rock closely resembles the Statue of Liberty. Submarine Point. Kalaupapa. Kuliʻouʻou. Spouting Horn Reef. a former director of Castle and Cooke. including its upraised arm with the torch. Hawaiʻi. Undeveloped sand spit at the east end of Paikō Drive that was owned from 1948 to 1973 by Arthur F. 1. The "S-turns" are the turns in the road bordering the park. In 1878 he founded the Spreckelsville Plantation on Maui. Straight Outs. Stone Shack. SS Kaʻala. Rock. 2. 1. Part of the vessel is still visible above water. Baldwin later purchased the plantation and changed its name to the Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company (HC&S Co. Oʻahu. Spreckelsville. Hawaiʻi Kai. or "straight out from. Fishing site. Ala Moana. or high on drugs. Stone Zone. Beach. Stubenberg. Approximately a mile west of the end of the road at Naha on a shallow rocky shelf. Keauhou Point. Also known as Middles. was making her way at night from ʻĪlio Point to Kalaupapa and went aground on the reef at ʻĪliopiʻi Beach. Small roadside park on a low sea cliff overlooking the surf site. Mokulēʻia. Kukuiʻula. Statue of Liberty. Oʻahu." Kewalo Basin Park. or Bird Island. Oʻahu. windsurf site. Stone Island. Lānaʻi. S-turns. Spreckelsville. The outline of the point from the east resembles the bow and conning tower of a submarine. The submarine is easiest to see driving from Sandy Beach toward the lookout. Submarines. Surf site, Makapuʻu, Oʻahu. At the east end of the reef off Makai Research Pier. Minisubs for research purposes are stored at the pier. Also known as Avalanche, Makai Pier. Suddenlys. Surf site, Hauʻula, Oʻahu. At the north end of Hauʻula Beach Park. Waves here come out of deep water and appear "suddenly" on a shallow reef. Also known as Kilia. Sugar. Beach, windsurf site, Kīhei, Maui. Kīhei section of the long, narrow calcareous sand beach at the head of Māʻalaea Bay between Māʻalaea village and Kīhei. The sand here is said to be as fine as sugar. The windsurf site off the beach allows windsurfers to sail parallel to the beach and is the site of Maui's speedsailing contests in the powerful Māʻalaea winds. Sugar Mills. Surf site, Kualoa, Oʻahu. Off the ruins of the old sugar mill on Kamehameha Highway in Kualoa. Also known as Last Break. Sugi's. Surf site, Ala Moana, Oʻahu. Between Big Rights and Shallows. Named for the fishing line, or sugi, stuck on the reef here. Suicide Point. Fishing site, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. Large, prominent point at the base of Koko Head's sea cliffs immediately west of Hanauma Bay. Ulua fishermen named the point because it is dangerous, or "suicidal," to fish here during periods of high surf when waves wash over the point. Suicide Rock. Fishing site, Ka Lae, Hawaiʻi. Small rock island off the sea cliffs at Ka Lae, or South Point. Ulua fishermen named the rock because it is dangerous, or "suicidal," to fish here during periods of high surf when waves wash over the rock. Suicides. 1. Surf site, Diamond Head, Oʻahu. Off Mākālei Beach Park on Diamond Head Road. 2. Surf site, Kāhala, Oʻahu. On the west side of Kāhala Channel. Also known as Razor Reef. 3. Surf site, Kawailoa, Oʻahu. Off the Pāpaʻiloa Road right-of-way. 4. Surf site, Makapuʻu, Oʻahu. Off Sea Life Park Hawaiʻi. Also known as Baby Makapuʻu. 5. Surf site, Wailupe, Oʻahu. Off Wailupe Penninsula. 6. Surf site, Waimea, Oʻahu. Off Waimea Point. All sites are named for the dangerous or "suicidal" waves breaking over a shallow reef or terminating against a rocky point. Suisan. Fish market, Hilo, Hawaiʻi. At Wailoa Sampan Basin, site of Hilo's famous daily fish auction. Summer Break. Surf site, Hanalei, Kauaʻi. Near the channel in the reef in front of the Princeville Hotel. This site breaks only during the summer, when waves from south swells wrap into Hanalei Bay from the west. Sundays. Surf site, Waiʻalae Iki, Oʻahu. Off the Board of Water Supply booster station. Also known as Incons. Sunset. 1. Beach, Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. Calcareous sand beach between Pūpūkea Beach Park and ʻOʻopuola Street. The beach took its name from Sunset Tract, the housing development bordering the beach, where lots were first offered for sale in 1919. 2. Beach park, Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. On Kamehameha Highway between Ke Nui Street and Sunset Point. Also known as Paumalū. 3. Beach support park (2.1 acres), Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. Small park on the inland side of Kamehameha Highway across from Sunset Beach Park. Dedicated in June 1999, it provides the facilities for the beach park. 4. Point, Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. Section of Sunset Beach from the beach park to ʻOʻopuola Street. 5. Surf site, Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. Off Sunset Beach Park. Sunset is one of the best surf sites in the world, especially for waves over 10 feet high. It is the home of the Triple Crown of Surfing, one of the premier events on the professional surfing tour, and is the preferred site for many other surfing competitions. Sunset Point. 1. Beach park (.9 acres), Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. 2. Surf site, windsurf site, Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. Off the west side of Sunset Point. Surf-n-Sea. Surf site, windsurf site, Haleʻiwa, Oʻahu. Small beginner's break on a sandbar inside Haleʻiwa Small Boat Harbor and off the Surf-n-Sea surf shop. It is also an excellent beginner's windsurf site. The shop was named Surf-n-Sea when it first opened in 1965 as a general sports store. When Joe Green became the sole owner in 1985, he and his wife retained the name but refocused the shop on surfing and scuba diving. Also known as Chocolates, Inside Haleʻiwa Harbor. Swabbieland. Surf site, ʻEwa, Oʻahu. Off Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point, which is within the Kalaeloa Community Redevelopment District. This site was originally surfed primarily by navy and coast guard personnel. Enlisted navy personnel are known as swabbies because one of their duties aboard ship is to mop, or "swab," the decks. Also known as The Jetty. Swanzy. Beach park (4.8 acres), Kaʻaʻawa, Oʻahu. Named for Julie Judd Swanzy in 1950 in recognition of her donation of the lands for Swanzy Beach Park, Kaʻaʻawa Beach Park, and Kaʻaʻawa Elementary School in 1921. Sweetheart Rock. Island (1.1 acres, 50 feet high), Mānele, Lānaʻi. Sea stack at the seaward end of the headland that separates Mānele and Hulopoʻe Bays. A traditional legend says that a young warrior from Lānaʻi brought a beautiful girl, Pehe, to Lānaʻi as his wife. Fearing he would lose her, he kept her hidden in a sea cave. Then a great storm struck and high surf surged into the cave, killing her. The warrior buried her on top of Sweetheart Rock and jumped to his death below. Also known as Puʻu Pehe, Sweetheart Island. Sylva's Channel. Beach, channel, surf site, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. Named for Edward N. Sylva (1903-1977), a lawyer and former Territory of Hawaiʻi attorney general from 1953 to 1956. In the mid-1960s, he built two homes on his family property at the west end of Crozier Drive. During the late 1960s when the surf site off his home was "discovered," surfers began calling it Sylva's Channel. Also known as Kaiʻahulu, Silver Channel. moʻolelo My grandmother owned the property on Crozier Drive inshore of Sylva's Channel for many years. We started going out there in the 1950s, but no one surfed there. My dad, Edward Sylva, built two small houses on the property in the 1960s, and he lived there from 1965 to 1977. His sister lived in the house next door. When my dad died in 1977, I inherited the property and rented out the houses until I sold the property in 1998. I was a surfer, and I used to surf there myself. At 6 to 8 feet on a kona wind day, it's one of the best lefts around. No one else really surfed there until the late sixties, and it was about 1968 when it was "discovered." That's when we first started hearing the name Sylva's Channel. Richard Sylva, ]anuary 24, 1999 TT Taʻape Ridge. Dive site, south coast, Lānaʻi. East of Kaunolu. Schools of blue-lined snappers, or taʻape, are common here. Taʻape are from the Marquesas and were first introduced to Hawaiian waters in 1958 and again in 1961. They are now well established throughout Hawaiʻi and often school in great numbers. Tables. Surf site, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. West of Camp Erdman off the highest bluff on the shore. The peak here shifts constantly, breaking over a number of patch reefs, or "tables," on the ocean bottom. Tako Flats. Dive site, Molokini, Maui. Flat-bottomed sand channel adjacent to Mid Reef, with coral heads and coral rubble. Octopus, or tako, are commonly found here. Lit., octopus (Japanese). Tank and Landing Craft. Dive site, Mākena, Maui. Off Maluaka Beach in Mākena Bay at 60 feet. Two amphibious tractors amtracs) are on the sandy ocean floor, one that looks like a tank with its mortar turret and one that was fitted as an armored personnel carrier. Tanks. Surf site, Kuliʻouʻou, Oʻahu. Off the center of Paikō Drive. Surfers here often ride old longboards (surfboards over 9 feet long), or "tankers." Tanks is an abbreviation of tankers. Also known as Coral Reef. Tank Traps. Surf site, ʻEwa Eeaeh, Oʻahu. On the west side of Pearl Harbor Channel, off Capehart Housing. During World War II, anti-landing craft devices, or "tank traps," were erected on the reef here. Targets. Surf site, Mānā, Kauaʻi. Off the old rifle range south of the Pacific Missile Range Facility and named for the targets on the rifle range. Also known as Rifle Range. Tavares Bay. Surf site, Kūʻau, Maui. Named for Antone F. (A. F.) Tavares, a well-known resident of Kūʻau who lived on the bay. Also known as Lamalani, Kūʻau Bay. Taylor Camp. Hāʻena, Kauaʻi. Property on the west bank of Limahuli Stream that was owned by Howard Taylor, brother of actress Elizabeth Taylor, and that is now part of Hāʻena State Park. During the late 1960s, Taylor made his property available to "hippies," transients from the mainland in their late teens and twenties who were experimenting with alternate life-styles. During its peak, the camp was home to approximately 150 residents living in tents, tree houses, and shacks. The state took possession of the property in 1977. T Buoy. Fish aggregating device, Makapuʻu, Oʻahu. Buoy anchored at approximately 365 fathoms. Landmarks: Makapuʻu Point Light, Mōkapu Point. Techniques. Surf site, Waikīkī, Oʻahu. Big-wave, second-reef break between Publics and Cunha's. During the 1930s, surfers were still riding heavy redwood boards that were difficult to turn, but in 1935 Tom Elake introduced the lighter, hollow board, which was more maneuverable. Younger surfers of the day were then able to maneuver the hollow boards instead of just riding in one direction. They were able to "slide left" or "slide right." In the surfing slang of the day, this maneuvering was called "making technique." Techniques was a site where surfers had to maneuver, or "make technique," to ride from Publics to Cunha's on a big wave. Tech Reef. Dive site, Kahe Point, Oʻahu. Shallow reef at 10-20 feet off the south end of Kahe Point Beach Park. Tech is an abbreviation of technical; there is enough ambient light here for photographers. Temple. Beach, Lāʻie, Oʻahu. Section of Lāʻie Beach at the intersection of Kamehameha Highway and Hale Laʻa Road. The Mormon Temple is visible at the opposite end of Hale Laʻa Road. The beach is a popular site for baptisms, weddings, and sunrise services. Also known as Puʻuahi. Tennis Courts. Surf site, Ala Moana, Oʻahu. Off the tennis courts in Ala Moana Beach Park. Also known as Courts. Terminals. Surf site, Kāhala, Oʻahu. Dangerous site on the east side of the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel that is rarely surfed. The waves are almost impossible to ride except under big, ideal conditions by expert surfers. A mistake on the emergent reef here may be "terminal." Terrors. Surf site, Waimānalo, Oʻahu. Second-reef break on the east side of Makai Research Pier. The name Terrors was introduced for fun by surfers from Waimānalo in the 1960s for this surf site that breaks only during periods of high surf outside of The Bay. Third Dip. Fishing site, surf site, Keawaʻula, Oʻahu. Counting from east to west, off the third drainage ditch, or "dip," in Farrington Highway at the west end of Yokohama Beach in Kaʻena Point State Park. Third Ditch. Surf site, Kekaha, Kauaʻi. Off the third drainage ditch in Kaumualiʻi Highway west of Kekaha Beach Park. Third Flow. Fishing site, Pāhoehoe, Hawaiʻi. One of three lava flows from an eruption in the southwest rift zone of Mauna Kea that began on June 1, 1950. Each of the flows reached the ocean, creating small pockets of black sand on a coast of sea cliffs. Fishermen offshore use the flows as landmarks, numbering them from north to south. Also known as Kaʻapuna. Third Lagoon. Beach, lagoon, Ko ʻOlina, Oʻahu. Third of four man-made beaches and lagoons at Ko ʻOlina Resort and Marina. Third Pocket. Surf site, Māʻili, Oʻahu. Center of Māʻili Beach Park and the third opening in the vegetation. Third Tank. Dive site, Mākena, Maui. Off Mākena Beach at 80 feet on a sandy ocean floor. The dive site is a World War II amphibious tractor (amtrac) that looks like a tank with its mortar turret. It is called Third Tank because there are two other similar tanklike amtracs off Mākena Landing at Tank and Landing Craft. Thousand Peaks. Surf site, Pāpalaua, Maui. During periods of high surf, there are numerous— "thousands"—of surf sites, or "peaks," along this beach fronting Pāpalaua State Wayside Park. Hundreds of coral heads make up an extensive submerged reef offshore, creating the numerous surf sites. Also known as Pāpalaua State Wayside Park. Threes. Surf site, Waikīkī, Oʻahu. Threes is the third surf site from east to west on the reef that begins off the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel and ends at the Kaiser Channel. The two surf sites that precede it are Populars and Paradise. During the late 1950s, young surfers from the Outrigger Canoe Club "discovered" the site and named it Number Threes. The club was then still in the center of Waikīkī Beach at the site of the Outrigger Waikīkī Hotel. Threes is an abbreviation of Number Threes. Also known as Number Threes. Three Sisters. Rocks, Ala Wai Channel, Oʻahu. Three limestone rocks on the shallow reef flat inshore of Ala Moana Bowls that mark the eastern edge of the channel for boaters. Three Stones. Sea stacks, west shore, Lānaʻi. Sea stacks are vertical rocks that are left standing alone when the ocean erodes the rocks that once connected them to shore. This cluster is one of the best examples of sea stacks in Hawaiʻi. Although there are five of them, from a distance it appears that there are only three, giving rise to their popular name among local residents. Also known as Nānāhoa, Needles. Three Tables. Beach, dive site, reef, Sunset Beach, Oʻahu. Small pocket beach in the southwest section of Pūpūkea Beach Park that is fronted by a flat reef that is emergent at low tide. The reef is broken into three tablelike sections, inspiring the name. The dive site beyond the tables includes large rock formations, caverns, and ledges at 15-60 feet. Thurston Small Boat Harbor. Kailua, Hawaiʻi. Private harbor in the 10-acre oceanfront Thurston Estate on the west side of Kailua Bay. Tickman Bay. Kahoʻolawe. Name given to Honokoa Bay by fishermen for a man from Maui whose boat wrecked here in the 1920s. Tiger Reef. Surf site, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. Tiger sharks are commonly seen here. Also known as Camp Erdman, Erdman, Rock-n-Roll Reef, Tigers. Tigers. 1. Surf site; Makaweli, Kauaʻi. Big-wave, second-reef site outside of Pākala, or Infinities. The site was first surfed in the early 1970s by Carlos Andrade, Kaleo Hookano, and Tiger Espere, and initially named for Espere. The name has been rein-forced over the years by numerous sightings here of tiger sharks. 2. Surf site, Mokulēʻia, Oʻahu. Same as Tiger Reef. moʻolelo Between 1970 and 1975, Tiger Espere lived for a while on the north shore of Kauaʻi. On a big southeast swell, early in the morning before the trades began to blow, we decided to paddle out on the Hanapēpē side of the point at Pākalā. The channel between Pipes, or Mahinauli, and the right off Pākalā Point was closing out on the sets. I paddled out to the left at Pipes, and Tiger paddled out to the right. He was riding the inside, which has this incredible boil toward the end of the wave, and doing his trademark arches, coming from behind the boil and pulling right up into it. A friend of mine from Waimea, Kaleo Hookano, then paddled out as I was crossing the channel to check out the rights. There were waves breaking about 200 yards or more outside and farther up the point from where Tiger was sitting. I asked Kaleo if he wanted to go check out the outside cloud break. He was game, so we went for it. When we got out there, the waves were breaking on a line of boils. They were peeling so perfectly but so fast that by the time you got to your feet, the wave would be reeling off too fast to get around the corner of the fall line and make it into the wall. We managed to get a couple of good long ones, but the best ones were going too fast to catch and make. Kaleo broke his board in half, and shortly after, I took a wipeout that broke all the buttons on my surf trunks. Luckily, I caught them around my ankles. No leashes those days, so we both made the long swim in, me with my trunks around my neck so I wouldn't lose them. Kaleo and I called the outer break "Clouds" because when you observe it breaking from Pākalā proper, it looks like a cloud break, but most of the younger kids call it "Tigers." The spot is now used mostly by tow-in guys, as they have the speed to get the wave at its very beginning and go all the way through. The name Tigers had also been perpetuated by many shark sightings there, most of which have been tiger sharks. The water on that side of the reef is very dirty more so than at Pākalā, and seems to attract them. One surfer sitting on his longboard was suddenly lifted out of the water and fell off his board. He had been lifted by a huge shark, which surfaced right under him. He fell on one side of the shark, and the board fell on the other side. He was eyeball-to-eyeball with the shark and said that the eyeball was about as big around as the bottom of a beer can. He has never been back there surfing. Last summer as I paddled back out to the point after riding a wave at Pākalā, a bodyboarder who was sitting right in the middle of a pack of about 1012 board surfers suddenly started paddling furiously toward the reef. He paddled right by me, eyes bugging out to the max, and when I questioned him as he blazed by, he said that a shark had just taken the swim fin off his foot. Luckily, he didn't lose his foot. Carlos Andrade, October 15, 2000 Tiny Bubbles. Surf site, Kailua, Oʻahu. Off the northwest end of Lanikai Beach fronting the home of island entertainer Do Ho. "Tiny Bubbles" has been Ho's signature song since he first introduced it in 1965 and is the name of the surf site off his family home. The name is a play on words because breaking waves generate foam, or tiny bubbles, as does the wine in Ho's song. One of several sites also known as Middle Reef. Toes. Surf site, windsurf site, Niu, Oʻahu. In 1962, veteran surfer and Triple Crown of Surfing producer Randy Rarick lived on the beach directly inshore of the site. He and his neighbors were the first to discover that the waves on the shallow reef here could be ridden and that they were good for nose riding. They called the site Toes Reef after a then popular surfing phrase, "Toes on the Nose." The name is now usually shortened to Toes. At high tide, windsurfers use the channel on the west side of the site to access the open ocean and to surf the lefts here. Also known as Toes Reef. moʻolelo In 1962, my family moved from Kaimukī to a house on the beach at Niu Valley. It was the first house on the Koko Head side of what is now Kawaikuʻi Beach Park. Toes was straight out from the house, but we didn't think you could surf it because the reef is so shallow, especially at low tide. So for the first year we lived there, I walked a halfmile down the beach and surfed ʻĀina Haina. But one day in 1963 I was standing there watching it and I thought, "You know, that looks pretty surfable." So I started surfing it with the Value brothers, Rick and 2000 Toes Reef. Haleʻiwa. East of Honoliʻi Beach Park." it is considered a good beach for beachcombing for . Oʻahu. The trains stopped running in 1947. From their vantage point on the peninsula at the base of Molokaʻi's high sea cliffs. Named by surfers in the 1950s for the railroad tracks in the backshore that were used by trains belonging to the former Oʻahu Railway and Land (OR&L) Company. Tongg's. Oʻahu. 2. Surf site. Towers. Tombstones. Toilet Bowl. The park was created in 1987 when HECO gave the city a twenty-five-year lease on the site for $1 per year and Campbell estate donated 2 acres of beachfront at the west end of the site. Also known as ʻĀpua. who had a beachfront home here from 1946 to 1961. giving the site its colorful name. High surf during the winter erodes the sand. Oʻahu. Small pool at the head of an inlet at Palea Point on the east side of the bay. 3. Oʻahu. In a federal court judgment. and nose riding. At that time we only rode longboards. Small pocket of calcareous sand fronting Makole Valley between Miloliʻi and Polihale that appears only during the summer months. and the money and the interest from the fine were eventually used to build the park facilities. Sand Island. Named for the movement of the water as it surges through the tunnel. Same as Toes. leaving only a boulder beach. Surfers try to avoid the swirling water in the hole as they ride past it. or getting your toes on the nose. Off the high tower in Sand Island State Park. Treasure Beach. ran up and got his toes on the nose. A left and a right originate from a single peak and break at high speed. Surf site. Tracks. Waiʻanae. Hawaiʻi. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes Nalional Park. Honoliʻi. The building in which tombstones are made for ʻAlae Cemetery on top of the sea cliffs is the landmark for the surf site. Surf site. The water from incoming surf rises and falls like the filling and flushing of a toilet. Oʻahu. Lāʻie Point. but the tracks here were never removed. Niu. 1. and their home was a focal point for the neighborhood surfing community. RandyRarick. "You got toes! You got toes!" And to this day the spot is called Toes Reef. Molokaʻi. Hanauma Bay. Also known as Keoneʻōʻio.3 acres). Oʻahu. Underwater tunnel. Topside. I yelled. One day a friend of mine named Scott Morey took off on this wave. Oʻahu. the rest of the island appears to be on top of the cliffs. Waiʻanae. The development of the beach park resulted from a lawsuit filed in 1976 by the Nānākuli Surf Club when the Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) destroyed a surf site by constructing a hot water outfall into the ocean. The beach park takes its name from the surf site. Trains. Surf site.Todd. Named for Ruddy Fah Tongg. HECO was fined. Kauaʻi. Hole in the reef off Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach Park. Inlet. When the sand is "in. Traveling away from each other. the flying spray resembling trailing smoke. Surf site. second-reef break on the west side of ʻĀpua Point. Polihale. Swimmers floating in the pool ride up and down with the movement of the water. 1. Name used by residents of Kalaupapa to describe the rest of the island. Oʻahu. Beach park (14. Surf site. Hawaiʻi. North shore. the wave sections look like two trains going in opposite directions. an island businessman. was a big part of surfing. Diamond Head. Big-wave. His sons Michael and Ronnie were avid surfers. windsurf site. February 24. Reef. Maui. The east end of the site is known as Hospitals and the west end as Slippery Rock. Buoy anchored at approximately 700 fathoms. Manukā. a snorkeling site. Surf site. surf site. 2. Kuliʻouʻou. Windsurf site. Hawaiʻi. From then on the site was known as Tunas. Kaunā Point. Hāʻena. Kuliʻouʻou. Surf site. the only remnant of a former sandmining operation that was terminated in 1975. Also known as Mākole. And as for Charlie the Tuna. and point inshore of the surf site. he never gave up. a play on words with the Hawaiian word for tuna (aku) . Triangle-shaped pocket of sand off the center of the beach. Oʻahu. Tuna Bowls. wind-surf site. Calcareous sand beach at Hāʻena Point that is fronted by a massive. Charlie first appeared in 1961 and over the years always tried his best to be selected as a StarKist tuna. Tunnels. who graduated from Kaiser High School in 1974. Dive site. his friends compared him to Charlie the Tuna. he continues to be the supermarket symbol for StarKist and the star of their website."treasure" from the sea. 2. especially in those preleash days. including being in the barrel. Kaluakoʻi. Also known as Akus. South end of Pāpōhaku Beach fronting a concrete tunnel in the backshore. Surf site. 1. Tumbleland was primarily a bodysurf site until short boards made their appearance in the 1970s. Hanauma Bay. It got its name from those long tube rides you can get there. Also known as Bermuda Triangle. some of regular surfers at Manantan's included Stanley Ogino. Fish aggregating device. Off Kanahā Beach Park on a reef where intersecting waves come from all angles. Māʻili. Triangle is an abbreviation of Bermuda Triangle. Oʻahu. Television viewers loved him because no matter how many times he was rejected. Triangle. Beach. hook-shaped reef. so they named it Tunnels. Surf site. For fun. Tumbleland. 1. StarKist Tuna was running a series of commercials featuring a cartoon character named Charlie the Tuna. And it was one of those places where . After watching Charlie Takaesu wipe out one day at the steep peak west of Manantan's. The bowl is the curved or bowl-shaped section at the start of the wave. Landmarks: Miloliʻi. Les Sasaki. Charlie"). Same as Tunas. Kanahā. causing people to tumble and fall. TT Buoy. and a dive site. The reef forms a lagoon within its hook that is a summer anchorage. Tuna Bowls. Oʻahu. Also known as Mākua. a steep peak that breaks dangerously close to the reef develops to the west of Manantan's. Kauaʻi. Aku Bowls. Sometimes Charlie would paddle over and attempt to surf it. The first surfers here in the 1950s were excited about discovering a site with long inside-the-wave rides. Molokaʻi. in the tube. but usually with disastrous results. Surfing and windsurf sites are outside of the reef. Stanley Ogino also started calling it Akus. The name now includes the reef. Oʻahu. dive site. Surf site. During the early 1970s. Tunas. A rock shelf on the shore is slippery. beach. he never was ("Sorry. Named after the kiawe tree stumps in the underbrush onshore. and in the tunnel. West of Oneʻula Beach Park. During big south swells. reef. in the pipe. moʻolelo We rode Tunnels first during the summertime as it breaks on some of those northeast trade wind swells. Surfers use a variety of phrases to describe riding inside a wave as it breaks over them. and Charlie Takaesu. During the same period. Tree Stumps. but even after eighty-five commercials. Longboards cannot make the drop. Oʻahu. snorkeling site. ʻEwa Beach. 3. Like many of the places on the north shore of Kauaʻi. Kahuku. Surf site. Dive site. many fish and turtles. January 1. Maui. Turtle. The name predates the completion of the hotel in May 1972. 2. Nearshore surf site on the west side of Rocky Point between the point and Gas Chambers. with lava ridges and sand canyons at 30-40 feet. 3. The surf site is near the island. those old-style skegs. 2. Novice surfers. Island. This used to be a favorite spot to cruise through and pick up some lobster. and one state underwater mooring buoy. Kalāheo. Kīholo Bay is a special fisheries management area. which seemed to have a lot more wana in those days. to my recollection. Dive site. Beach. Turtle Bluffs. Southwest of Makaokahaʻi Point at approximately 50 feet. no leashes. Turtle Canyon. Off the north end of Mōkapu Peninsula near Pyramid Rock. Hawaiʻi Kai. 1. Remember. Oʻahu. Sunset Beach. 2. The outline of the island resembles a turtle shell. and. Anyways. Kāneʻohe. Same as . surf site. it was always called Tunnels out in the surf before I ever saw anyone diving in the area very much. and there weren't any tunnels. Nick Beck. 1999 Turkey Bay. Mākaha. and ʻaweoweo (big ones which I hardly ever see anymore)—and always some big uhu. those canyons would always house ulua. Mākena. 1983. Oʻahu.you always had a long swim. Turtleback. designed to protect the turtles that feed and rest here. Rocky shore between Hoʻokipa Beach Park and Māliko Bay. so former area residents named it Turtle Bay. Popular dive charter site. West of Mauna Lahilahi. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Hāmākua Poko. Kāneʻohe. Turtle Island. so divers also know it as Turtle Bay. A ban on catching all sea turtles has been in effect in Hawaiʻi since July 1978. On the west side of Kalaeokaunu Point. Oʻahu. Waikīkī. The outline of the island resembles the shell or "back" of a turtle. Dive site. So every wipeout was a guaranteed swim in and over the reef. many turtles are found in the bay and elsewhere on the North Shore. Oʻahu. Also known as Kaheʻa. Turtleback Island. Oʻahu. 1. Turtle Arches. I was diving those areas before venturing out to surf them. Kīholo. And then outside where Dumptrucks is. kumu. Oʻahu. Also known as Kekepa. the point on which the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel is sited. Kauaʻi. As a result of the ban. Dive site. Turtle Bay. Also known as Turtle Hill. Papaoneone. Bay. Gathering site." are often found here. Surf site. Off the Maui Prince Hotel. Island. of course. 1. when the green sea turtle was placed on the list of threatened species under provisions of the Endangered Species Act. Hawaiʻi. Also known as Kekepa Island. Kahuku. or "turkeys. Maui. so I knew pretty much what the bottom was like. Turtle Bay was a popular name for the bay to the west of the hotel that was legitimized on August 1. Also known as Keawaiki. It is one of the major habitats on the island for green sea turtles and hawksbill turtles. Dive site. when the Hilton Hotels in Hawaiʻi took over management of the hotel and changed its name from the Kuilima Resort to the Hilton Turtle Bay Golf and Tennis Resort. we had those old-style boards. Turtles commonly feed in the bay. . dive site. Turtle Street. A 30-foot hole in the reef off Puʻu Pōā Beach that is frequented by sea turtles. Twenty minutes is the time it takes to reach the site following the coastal trail from the Chain of Craters Road toward ʻĀpua Point. Several pinnacles are at approximately 35 feet off KalokoHonokōhau National Historical Park. According to the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park rules. Kalāheo. Turtle House. Turtles frequent the caves and the canyons between the pinnacles. Kahe. Turtle Hill. Hanalei. 1. Haleʻiwa. Kauaʻi. Dive site. Dive site. Off the east end of Kahe Point Beach Park. Lānaʻi. Dive site. Kahakuloa." prominent islands off the east end of Lanikai Beach in Kailua. northeast coast. 3. Sea turtles frequent the site. Turtles are often found here. Maui. Oʻahu. Kawailoa. Waikīkī Turtles. Reef off the west end of Kaiaka Bay at 30 feet with arches. fishing on the shore of the park in the Puna District. Pinnacle near the Haleʻiwa Trench that rises from 100 feet to 35 feet below the surface.Canyons Reef. Honokōhau. Kauaʻi. Hawaiʻi Kai. 2. Waikīkī. Beach. Turtle Town. Twelve Coconuts. Haleʻiwa. Turtles. Turtle Heaven. Oʻahu. Turtle Reef. Off Club Lānaʻi. Sea turtles frequent the site. Fishing site. Five Graves. Off the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Turtles are commonly found resting on the pinnacle. Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. Six pinnacles with caves that rise from 70 feet to 10 feet below the surface. Dive site. Dive site. Dive site. One of the most popular dive sites on the island. tunnels. Also known as Five Caves. Hawaiʻi. 2. Oʻahu. Turtles. Turtle Caves. Turtle Pinnacle. Surf site. All sites are named for the abundance of green sea turtles. Also known as Turtle Canyon. Many green sea turtles frequent this area. Ala Moana. Turtle Hole. Same as Turtle Bluffs. Surf site. 1. Mākena. Twenty Minutes. Oʻahu. Off Magic Island at 40 feet. Dive site. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. Turtle Haven. and caves. Twin. Islands. Turtles commonly rest here in pockets on the side of the reef. Both the dive and surf sites are on a reef off the Hawaiʻi Kai Boat Ramp. Halepalaoa. Anyone fishing at Twenty Minutes must be a Kalapana resident or have one with them. Dive site. Oʻahu. Dive site. or "twin. Oʻahu. Dive site. Dive site. Section of Waikīkī Beach in Kapiʻolani Regional Park that is marked by a cluster of twelve coconut trees in the backshore. Maui. which includes Twenty Minutes. At approximately 30 feet. Nahuna Point. Lānaʻi. Also known as the Mokulua Islands. is limited to residents of Kalapana and their guests. Dive site. Kailua. Waikīkī. Sea turtles frequent the site. Two. Kailua. Island. and Kapaiki was the village and the Teen Challenge area where I live now. Maui. Lit. Oʻahu. cinder cones. ʻFishpond.. There used to be a beautiful reef from the pali down to Ukumehame. Phallic rock on a point north of . hilled sweet potatoes. fishing site. Fish aggregating device. 1978 ʻUlaʻino. the outline of the island's summit resembles the back of a two-humped camel. Kāneʻohe. light rain. Named for two prominent cinder cones near the bottom of Road to the Sea that are used as landmarks by boaters offshore. mist. The beach before Olowalu with the rocks on the shore was Kaʻiliʻili. fishing site. Maui. Also known as Kaukaukapapa Beach. Buoy anchored at approximately 960 fathoms.Twin Sands. Kahoʻolawe. Also known as Nā Puʻu a Pele. Beach. Hāna. Same as Number Twos. Beach park. stormy red. Awalua was the ʻiliʻili and black sand on the Lahaina side of Olowalu. Twos." sections of beach by a rock formation in the center of the beach. ʻUkoʻa. Small pebble beach on an otherwise rocky shore. Surf site. Mehame was a prized native hardwood. Hawaiʻi.. Dive site. U Buoy. Also known as Pakoʻa. and we had to watch the season when we laid our nets or the big sharks would get caught and break our nets. Mōkapu Point. Also known as Moku Nui. Larger of the two Mokulua Islands. The beach park lies within the coastal boundaries of the land division of Ukumehame. Landmarks: Mokoliʻi Island. Site of Piʻilani Heiau. Bay.. From a distance. Oʻahu. moʻolelo I was born and raised in Ukumehame Canyon. Oʻahu. A narrow detrital sand beach fronts the park. Lit. rock. the largest shrine in the Hawaiian Islands. Calcareous sand beach that is divided into two.. Launiupoko was a shark-breeding ground. Two Humps. Oʻahu. Fishpond. Noted site for surround-netting akule. John Kaaiea. Kahoʻolawe. Lit. February 11. Fishing site. Waikīkī. east coast. A former canoe landing was in a cove on the shore of the bay. Maui. or "twin. Ukumehame. Haleʻiwa. UU ʻUalapuʻe. Beach. Lit. Uaoa. Also known as Keone. landing. Ule Point. Kahuku. Kaupakalua. The little park with the small parking lot was called Pakoʻa. Two Mountains. Molokaʻi. point. but it was destroyed by the military in World War II. [to] pay for [in] mehame wood. Kamalō. Kauaʻi. Also known as Big Mouth Cave. Beach.. One of five calcareous sand beaches fronting the Wailea resort complex. large fig tree. Waiʻanae. Nānākuli.. Naval site. Mōkapu. is an eroded remnant of Ulupaʻu Head. Mākena. Lit. small fig tree. Dive site. Underwater lava ridge north of Ule Point with abrupt dropoff s at 60 to 120 feet. kou tree grove. The eastern section of the park is known as Depots.7 acres). 14.. in it. Maui. Ulupaʻu. When Wailea was developed. northeast coast. Ulukou. Mokumanu. The dive site is north of the point and is also known as Ulua Ridge. The dive and snorkeling sites are off the beach. Hawaiʻi. A large fig tree once grew on the cliffs above the cove. Section of Waikīkī Beach where the Moana Hotel was built. Ulupikunui. Maui. Kahoʻolawe. Surf site. Mākena.. Lit. Rocky point at the south end of Ulupikunui. Ulua fish sometimes frequent the ridge. snorkeling site. The park was the World War II training site for the . penis. Kohala. the large island offshore. Lit. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Memorial. Wailea.. "the adult crevalle fish sand") in her book Ke Alaloa o Maui. Ulua Ridge. Point. Ulupikuliʻiliʻi. Lit. Lit. dive site. Large cave below a ledge west of Lahilahi Point at 80 feet that sometimes has ulua in it. Erected in 1997 in Kamaʻole Beach Park I in memory of the men who served on the teams. Waikīkī. Lit. Small pocket of calcareous sand in the rocky point south of Poʻolenalena Beach. 1. A bottom fishing site is off the point. Oʻahu. Also known as Kohala Estates. Large cave in Waiakaʻīlio Bay that descends from 35 to 80 feet and that sometimes has ulua. Lit.. the name was shortened to Ulua. Mānā. Maui. 1. Dive site. adult crevalle fish. Probably the name of a chief who lived here. Also known as Channels at the mouth of Ulehawa Channel. Maui. Ulua Cave. filthy penis. headland. Dive site. surf site. The range consists of listening devices on the ocean floor off the Pacific Missile Range Facility that can pinpoint a vessel's location within an area of 1.. The park fronts almost all of Nānākuli from Nānāikapono Elementary School to Māʻili Point. Beach. Mākaha. One of the facility's missions is to detect aircraft or vessels in the Pacific. Fronting the Elua Village condominiums. or adult cravalle fish. Ulehawa. Ulua Beach. Beach park (57. 2. Crater. Oʻahu. increasing soot. Beach. In 1971. Volcanic tuff cone like Mānana (Rabbit) Island that is saucer shaped from the violent explosions that occurred when hot lava rose through the sea floor and interacted with the ocean. 2.000 square miles. The surf site is a shorebreak that forms on the sandbar fronting the beach. United States Navy Underwater Demolition Team No. Maui historian Inez Ashdown identified this beach as Ke One Ulua (literally. Oʻahu.Kanapou Bay. Kīhei. Underwater Range. where she was bombed and sunk in a surprise attack by aircraft from the Imperial Japanese Navy on Sunday. 1. Pearl Harbor. Hawaiʻi. Airport.S. Kanahā. Also known as the Army Museum. Oʻahu. Also known as Upper Kanahā. Upper Kanahā.navy's underwater demolition teams.S. With the assistance of Senator Daniel Inouye. several miles south of ʻUpolu Point. Buoy anchored at approximately 760 fathoms. World War II submariner and Pearl Harbor survivor Admiral Bernard A. Fish aggregating device. Hawaiʻi and supported by the Hawaiʻi Army Museum Society. Pearl Harbor. and reference books that detail the history of the U. Pearl Harbor. Windsurf site. Kanahā. and is operated by the U. Honoipu. "Chick" Clarey and Rear Admiral Paul Lacy approached the Secretary of the Navy about acquiring the Bowfin as a memorial to the U. Haleʻiwa. Miloliʻi. Hawaiʻi. 2. 1976. Memorial. The airport is a short landing strip that was built by the army in the early 1930s and named Suiter Field. Surf site. ʻAuʻau Point. USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park. ʻUpolu.S. Originally known as Upper Marijuanas because it is up the coast from Marijuanas when heading toward Waimea Bay from Haleʻiwa. Northernmost point on the island. In 1972. Uppers.177 sailors. point. Park and memorial dedicated in 1962 and operated by the National Park Service that commemorates the battleship USS Arizona.9 million. Same as the Battleship Missouri Memorial. It contains artifacts. 1. The museum and park are operated by the Pacific Fleet Submarine Memorial Association. Hawaiʻi.S. The station is near Honoipu. USS Arizona. Army Support Command. Maui. The Arizona Memorial Vistors Center was completed in 1980 at a cost of $4. It was eventually acquired by the civilian community and is used infrequently by small aircraft. underwent a restoration project at Pier 39 in Honolulu Harbor. . Windsurf site. Possibly named for the island ʻUpolu in Western Sāmoa. The memorial straddles the Arizona. Oʻahu. Same as Uppers. North Kohala. photographs. Point loran station. UU Buoy. USS Missouri. The museum is housed in Battery Randolph. U. The museum opened on December 7. Memorial. a coastal artillery defense gun emplacement that was completed in 1911. On the shore of Fort DeRussy. December 7. One of three transmitting stations in the Pacific that enable ships or aircraft to determine their positions at sea or in the air. In 1978. the military history of Hawaiʻi. the Pacific Fleet Submarine Memorial Association was chartered and in 1979 acquired the Bowfin from the navy. Oʻahu. The attack engaged the United States in World War II. The sub arrived in Hawaiʻi in 1979. and was moved to Pearl Harbor next to the Arizona Memorial Visitor Center in December 1980. Oʻahu. The site is upwind from Kanahā Beach Park. Landmarks: Kealakekua Bay Light.S. and the contributions made by Hawaiʻi and Hawaiians to the nation's defense. Memorial. Maui. Waikīkī. killing 1. Oʻahu. 2. Army in Hawaiʻi. World War II submarines still in existence. the acquisition was approved. Submarine Force at Pearl Harbor. The Bowfin is one of only fifteen U. Coast Guard Long-Range Aid to Navigation (Loran) station with a navigational light. 1941. Army Museum. Kaunalā. Memorial. Freddy Pfhaler. Oʻahu. which had opened three years earlier in 1955. Val's Reef is the shallow reef that forms the inside lineup of the break. Vancouver went ashore to look for water and to briefly explore the area. Oʻahu. Van Winkles. Landmarks: Kaʻena Point Light. Reef. Brown. VV Buoy. the Sea Tiger. California. Velzyland. however. . Veterans Park. Ala Moana. Mai Poina ʻOe Iaʻu Beach Park. second-reef site off the seaward end of the east runway. Voyager. Mākua. Also known as Kīhei Memorial Park. Surf Crazy (1959). Kīhei. Big-wave. Kahaluʻu. Brown found five other California surfers (Del Cannon. Henry Ford. Fish aggregating device. the man who had sponsored them. Velzy wanted to make a promotional movie about surfing. built by Voyager Submarines Hawaiʻi as a viewing attraction for their submarine tours. Hawaiʻi. Kalaeloa. Also known as Kaunalā. Stone monument designed and erected by J. V Buoy. Oʻahu. Also known as Grim Reapers. and mass-produced foam surfboards by California entrepreneurs like Velzy revolutionized surfing in California and Hawaiʻi—and eventually in the rest of the world.VV Val's Reef. Same as Magic Sands. V-land. Kīhei. Surf Crazy featured Joey Cabell and Donald Takayama surfing at Velzyland. In 1958. Lahilahi Point. the original owner of the Maui Lu Hotel. Surf site. North Kona. Slippery When Wet (1958). During the winter of 1958. Kaunalā. who also worked for surfboard manufacturer Dale Velzy. Surf site. Beach. Pioneer surfing photographer Val Valentine lived directly inshore of Sunset. The reef consists of a 200-foot vessel. Oʻahu. Fish aggregating device.000 and hired Brown to produce it. Vancouver Monument. The introduction of inexpensive. Surf site. Surf site. light-weight. Sunset Beach. did not tell the Velzyland story in his first surfing movie. Maui. but included it in his second surfing movie. Bruce Brown was a twenty-year-old lifeguard in San Clemente. V-land. Gordon Gibson. the world-famous surf site. Buoy anchored at approximately 600 fathoms. 1999. The name was inspired by Velzy. Artificial reef at 110 feet and approximately a mile off Ala Moana Beach Park. and Dick Thomas) and flew them to Hawaiʻi. California's world-famous theme park. Hawaiʻi. and Disneyland. Buoy anchored at approximately 309 fathoms. The name was reinforced locally when Velzy opened the first foam surfboard shop in Hawaiʻi in August 1960 and hired Terry Woodall to manage it. Also known as the Sea Tiger Artificial Reef. the six of them "discovered" Velzyland while exploring the North Shore for new surf sites. so he put up $5. Oʻahu. Vanishing Sands. to commemorate Captain George Vancouver's visit here in March 1792. that was sunk on June 24. Same as Velzyland. Kemp Aaberg. Maui. Oʻahu. reef. surf site. Kauaʻi. Wahikuli. Same as Kawaiakaʻaiea. gathering water. or milkfish. Keauhou Bay Light. Kalāheo. Wahieliʻiliʻi.9 acres). water of the ʻaiea tree.. Waiehu. The bay is deeply indented and used as an anchorage during normal trade wind conditions. Kohala. Hawaiʻi. Wahinemakanui. of Waʻaiki. Calcareous sand beach at the base of Pali o Kūlani.Landmarks: Kailua Bay Light. archaeologists from the Bishop Museum began surveying the area and discovered that the cave shelters here showed occupation from the earliest settlement of Hawaiʻi to modern times. the 500-foot-high sea cliff west of Ka Lae. small canoe. Lit. Lit. 40 feet high). Hauʻula. validating Hawaiian legends that at least one segment of the precontact Hawaiian population came from the Marquesas. Beach park (14. Waiakaʻīlio. Wahiopua. big-eyed woman. Anchorage. were placed temporarily to keep them alive after they were caught. adult flagtail fish water. Fishing site. snorkeling site. Waiāhole. Fishhooks were among the artifacts discovered in the successive layers. Bay. place of juvenile fish. Wahiawa was named for a large stone basin where awa. northwest shore. In 1954. Lit. A detrital sand beach lines the shore of the bay. Between Lahaina and Kāʻanapali. bay. Puna. place [of the] milkfish. Lit. Bay. Hawaiʻi... Lahaina. water of ʻAhukini [a supernatural woman]. On the shore of Kāneʻohe Bay in the land division of Waiāhole. Lit. dive site. Calcareous sand beach at the head of a large sand-bottomed bay. Waiāhole. Lit. The earliest fish-hooks showed Marquesan cultural traits. Lit. Bay approximately 3 miles north of Kawaihae Harbor. noisy place.. Kailua..18 acres.. or land division. Kaʻena. surf site. WW Waʻaiki. The beach and surf site are named for Waiʻahukini. Hawaiʻi. Waiakaʻaiea. Island (... Wahiawa. and they provided an unbroken record of Waiʻahukini's inhabitants.. Lit. Beach. The bay lies within the ʻili. Reef. beach. Waiʻaha. The snorkeling site is in the bay. Hawaiʻi. Kahoʻolawe.. beach. Kahuku. small wood. Waiʻahukini. Oʻahu. The . Lit. Large. or South Point. semicircular reef fronting Hauʻula Beach Park. Oʻahu. Maui. Oʻahu. Reef between the seventh and eighth holes of the Waiehu Golf Course. Along Aliʻi Drive in Kailua. The surf site is off the beach. Maui. State wayside park. Lit. This stone and other important historical stones are in Kukuiolono Park in Kalāheo. a former fishing village. Spring.. Bay. Hawaiʻi. Cave. Kaʻūpūlehu. 1. The bay fronting Haleʻiwa Beach Park.. Largest of several brackish-water ponds in the backshore at the south end of Kaʻūpūlehu Beach. surf site. Honolulu. Hilo. Navigational light marking Waialua Bay. Waialeʻe. Waiakuhi. Steep boulder beach on Kalaupapa Peninsula fronting one of the six coastal valleys on Molokaʻi's north shore. Hāʻena. Lit. Large pocket of calcareous sand at the mouth of a small valley. rocky shelf fronts the beach. The Waialua Lions Club was chartered in February 1947. Haleʻiwa. The surf site is outside a wide. Kauaʻi. Haleʻiwa. Wet Cave. Waiakalua. The park is also located within the community of Kāhala and is commonly called Kāhala Beach Park. Waialeʻe. Lit. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi.. Waialua. 2. Perhaps lit. used] by [the god] Kanaloa. Waialua. Oʻahu. District. Oʻahu. two waters. water [made. Waiʻaleʻia. small water [used] by the pit. Low-lying peninsula on the southeast coast of Hilo Bay. Beach. the district extends from Waimea Bay to Kaʻena Point. Monument. Lava tube cave with water in it in Hāʻena State Park. 3.. Beach park (25. shallow reef at the end of the road through the University of Hawaiʻi's livestock research farm and is also known as Revelations.. Oʻahu. The dive site in the bay is also known as Kohala Estates and Ulua Cave. Haleʻiwa. broad waters. Waiākea. The monument was called the Waialua-Kahuku World War II Memorial and included a plaque set into its base . mudhen water.7 acres). Haleʻiwa. Shotaro Tanabe suggested the obelisk design. From the name of a spring near the shore that was reserved for Hawaiian royalty. Waiākea.. Waiakanaloa. 4. valley. 2. A stream crosses the west end of the beach. Oʻahu. Waialua Lions Memorial Monument. Bay. Oʻahu. Lit.4 acres). Waiʻalae. gulped water. Hawaiʻi.. Lit. Established in 1904 to mark the southeast side of Hilo Bay. Named after the Waialua District. Molokaʻi. White concrete obelisk on the shore of Haleʻiwa Beach Park. Waiakalua Iki. Kauaʻi. 2.bay is also known as Big Sandy Bay. Lit. Large pocket of calcareous sand at the mouth of a small valley. Molokaʻi. Beach. Pond. Also known as the Waikanaloa. A low. Beach. Lit. Waiakalua Nui. Narrow calcareous sand beach with a surf site offshore in the district of Waialua. 1. with the base to represent the four corners of the world and the pillar to represent the brotherhood of man-kind. surf site. Lit. Same as Waialua Lions Memorial Monument. Monument. Sand extends inland more than 100 yards. water [used] by the dog. Oʻahu. Calcareous sand beach between Kaunalā and Waialeʻe Beach Park. Beach. Light. Hawaiʻi. and the monument was the first community service project for its members. large water [used] by the pit.. Beach park (4. 1. Oʻahu. Beach. Peninsula. Kalaupapa. The park is on the shore of the Waiʻalae land division. Waiakalua. The top of the pillar was lighted with an electric light that served as a navigational light for incoming boats. Bay light. Waialeʻe. On the shore. Waialua-Kahuku World War II Memorial.. The beach is a popular gathering site for seaweed that washes ashore from the shallow reef offshore. One of the longest and widest reefs on Maui. James Kahale recognized Waiehu in his traditional song. where it is 500 feet wide. Established in 1963. Waiʻānapanapa. slipping water. Artificial reef. Also known as Waialua Ridge. Perhaps from mullet in the muliwai. Pearl Harbor. State park (122. Maui. Same as Waiʻanae Kai Military Reservation. picnic facilities. Waiawa Unit. Waiʻanae. Recreation site. Lit. Beach. beach park. The beach is a popular gathering site for seaweed that washes ashore from the shallow reef offshore. Valley. Same as Waialua Wall. One of three satellite sections. Oʻahu. Waiheʻe. or drop-off." of the Pearl Harbor National Wildlife Refuge. 2. and ends at Paukūkalo. water spray. and a vessel washdown area. Haleʻiwa. gathering site. Waiʻānapanapa is the name of a large water-filled cave on the park grounds. Waiʻanae Rest Camp. Also known as Army Beach. birth water.. Oʻahu. glistening water. On the shore near the small boat harbor. At the south end of the small boat harbor. Beach park. Oʻahu. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronting the beach park and the Waiehu Municipal Golf Course. Waiʻanae.9 acres)." Waihānau. and the club members changed the monument's name to the Waialua Lions Memorial Monument.listing the names of the men from Waialua and Kahuku who died during War II.. Lit. Facilities include 146 berths. 1. 7 ramps. Waiheʻe Reef begins at Waiheʻe Point. Maui. The Waialua Lions Club dedicated it on July 4. Oʻahu.000 feet wide. Lit. Long vertical wall. 1. Waiehu. Lit. District park (22. Waiʻanae. Haleʻiwa. Oʻahu. Waiheʻe. Molokaʻi. Unofficial memorial site with headstones and plaques that primarily commemorate individuals whose ashes were scattered at sea in Waiʻanae. Waialua Ridge. Waiʻanae. Oʻahu. Small boat harbor. One mile south of Pōkaʻī Bay at depths of 85-120 feet. Waiheʻe is one of four famous streams on the east side of the West Maui Mountains that are collectively known as Nā Wai ʻEha. Waiʻanae. gathering site.. Many turtles come here to feed on a favorite seaweed. Oʻahu. Maui. cabins. Small park near the driving range at Waiehu Municipal Golf Course with a narrow calcareous sand beach. from 10 to 80 feet that is east of Devil's Rock. or brackish-water pools. Dive site. One of the six coastal valleys on Molokaʻi's north shore. Waiʻanae. Maui. where it is 1. Hāna. Wildlife refuge. The other units are Honouliuli and Kalaeloa... Recreation site. 1947. that were once common in the backshore on many Waiʻanae beaches. The park includes many historical sites. "Inikimalie. Reef. Waiʻanae Kai Military Reservation. A 20-acre recreation center on Pōkaʻī Bay that the army acquired in 1918. Kalaupapa. Oʻahu. Waiʻanae Rest Camp. additional plaques were added with the names of other North Shore men who lost their lives in subsequent wars. 2. Lit. The unit is at the mouth of Waiawa Stream.1 acres). Waiehu. Lit. or "units. 4. Waialua Wall. Waiehu is one of four famous streams on the east side of the West Maui Mountains that are collectively known as Nā Wai ʻEha. Waiheʻe. mullet water. 3. a coastal hiking trail. In the years that followed. milkfish water.. Memorial. James Kahale recognized . Dive site. and Paʻiloa Beach. Castle provided the land. Kahuku. Many tide pools and several springs are found on the terrace. Beach. Lit. Formerly a barrier beach between the ocean and an extensive wetland. and a vessel washdown area. Same as Waiakanaloa. 2. Wreck. Marine life conservation district (76 acres). Nāʻālehu. Aquarium. Undesignated moorings immediately off the beach from Diamond Head to Fort DeRussy. bashful water. The Honolulu Rapid Transit Company (HRT) built the Aquarium in 1904 at the east end of Waikīkī. The original structure was replaced by the present one in 1955. Hāʻena. water [of] the roaring. 7. Calcareous sand beach below the cabanas on the west side of the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel. Drainage canal with a small jetty at the south end of Kapaʻa Beach. Waikalua. Facilities include a two-lane ramp. Waikanaloa. Beach waters. 8. The Waikīkī MLCD extends from the Kapahulu Groin (The Wall) to the Waikīkī War Memorial Natatorium and includes the offshore reef. Fishpond. Kapaʻa. Waikīkī.. Waikīkī. Established in 1988. One of two large bays with high sea cliffs on the south shore of Kahoʻolawe. One of several canals in Waipouli and Kapaʻa that were built to drain the inland marshes to make the land suitable for agriculture.. Historic Trail. trickling water. Lit. A 100meter saltwater swimming pool on the shore of Kapiʻolani Regional Park that was opened in 1927 as a memorial to honor the men from Hawaiʻi who died in World War I. Surf sites. Oʻahu. each identifying an important historic. "Inikimalie. Oʻahu. Cooke paid for its construction and James B. Waikaʻea Canal is large enough to accommodate small boats. 6. 4. Oʻahu. A research laboratory established as part of the aquarium in 1912 became part of the University of Hawaiʻi in 1919. and ends inland at the King Kalākaua Statue at the intersection of Kalākaua and Kūhiō Avenues. Beach.water [of] the spring. 1. wide rocky terrace at the southern end of the high sea cliffs that begin at Honuʻapo and end below Nāʻālehu. Waikapuna.. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Oʻahu. Falls. having been altered with imported sand to enhance the beach and seawalls to reduce erosion. Oʻahu. Kāneʻohe. Oʻahu. a loading dock. Oʻahu. 5. There is no single surf site known as Waikīkī.Waiheʻe in his traditional song. Both were directors of the HRT. Waterfall that is the "falls" in Waimea Falls Park on the North Shore. Lit. Fishpond. A 2-mile trail that begins at Kūhiō Beach Park. Waikaʻea. Oʻahu. Waihilahila. Lit. Lit. water [of] the lua fighter or water [of] the pit. Low.. The canal is a restricted fishing area. Waikīkī. Waikīkī Beach is a 2-mile long calcareous sand beach between the Elks Club to the east and the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor to the west. Waikahalulu." Waihī. Bay. Waikīkī. south shore. Molokaʻi. Waikalae.. War memorial natatorium. natural. Kahoʻolawe. Waikīkī. Waikīkī. One of the most famous beaches in the world. Canal. ramp. Hālawa. "Surfing at Waikīkī" usually means surfing at either Queen's or Canoes. water [of] the point. the two famous surf sites in the center of Waikīkī Beach. It includes nineteen bronze surfboard-shaped markers. Waikīkī. follows Waikīkī Beach west to the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Hawaiʻi. HRT owners hoped the facility would stimulate public ridership to the end of its trolley line. 3. Lit. or cultural site. Fishing site.. Kauaʻi. Waikīkī. Cave. Waimea. The size of the boats is limited by a low pedestrian bridge over the canal seaward of the ramp. it is now almost entirely artificial. Same as the . Oʻahu. Waikīkī. Charles M. Kaʻū. . Oʻahu.. The beach was named after the Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort. Lit. The beach is fronted by Waikoko Reef. Northernmost section of Hanalei Bay's 2 miles of calcareous sand beach. The shrimp are omnivorous and can live for long periods of time in the interstitial groundwater without appearing in the pools. throw net fishing. Waikoloa.Atlantis Wreck. Pebble beach on the north side of Hāna Bay at the mouth of Waikoloa Stream. are a unique feature of the anchialine ponds and are found only in Hawaiʻi. and no fishing is permitted during odd-numbered years. crevices. and the surf site is seaward of the reef. Kalaupapa. and more easily seen glass shrimp (Palemon debilis). Beach. Hanalei. is also found in the ponds. the famous surf sites in the center of Waikīkī Beach. Hāna. koloa duck water. such as at Queen's and Canoes. During heavy rains. reef. are also found in the pools. The preservation area was created by the developer and federal agencies and is managed for research and education by the University of Hawaiʻi under an endowment from the Waikoloa Land Company. Maui. Waikīkī-Diamond Head shore Fisheries Management Area. Kauaʻi. Perhaps named for springs that were in the now landfilled wetlands behind the beach. Hawaiʻi. Some Hawaiians use these ʻopaeʻula as fish bait. Yacht club. surf site. Waikoloa Anchialine Pond Preservation Area. 1. Restricted fishing area. and daylight spearfishing are permitted during even-numbered years. It is indigenous to Hawaiʻi and commonly found in estuaries. 9. Oʻahu. Lit. Two common estuarine snails in Hawaiʻi. larger. blood water. spouting water. they exhibit tidal fluctuation because of subterranean connections with the ocean through the highly porous lava. Beach. Anchialine ponds are brackishwater pools formed by depressions. water washing down from the hills above Makahoa Point colors the ocean red. Private recreation facility in the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor that includes 143 slips and visitor moorings." Although the ponds are landlocked and some distance from the ocean. Perhaps this is the origin of the name. Waikolu. Melania and Assiminea. the hotel inland of the beach that opened in 1981. Beach. Areas in Waikīkī where motorized boats are not permitted. ʻAnaehoʻo-malu. The clear. Dive site. Also known as Turtle Canyons. Waikīkī was also the name of a chiefess. Tiny red shrimp.. surf site. Hawaiʻi. Also known as ʻAnaehoʻomalu Beach. 2. Oʻahu. Lit. Waikīkī. The name is from the Greek word anchialos. or ʻopaehuna. Restricted areas. or lava tubes that extend into the water table. Diamond Head. The fisheries management area lies between the west wall of the Waikīkī War Memorial Natatorium and Diamond Head Lighthouse. red shrimp). ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Waikīkī Turtles. Undeveloped area with anchialine ponds on the shore between the Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort and the Hilton Waikoloa Village. Molokaʻi. Waikoko. The golden orange algal mats in the pools are common to anchialine ponds. meaning "near the sea. The surf site is offshore. Beach. The smaller and more numerous shrimp (Halocaridina rubra) is preyed upon by the larger shrimp (Metabetaeus lohena). collectively called ʻopaeʻula (literally. Waikīkī Ocean Waters. Pole fishing. Waikīkī. Steep boulder beach fronting one of the six coastal valleys on . and I helped make many repairs to the line. Outermost point of Ulupaʻu Crater. . surf site. 2. The point takes its name from the fishing shrine. Wailea. Section of Waipiʻo Bay where Waipiʻo Stream meets the ocean. seaward Wailau. 1. Maui. Wailau. Several surf sites are on the offshore reefs. three waters. The water is stored in a large reservoir at Kualapuʻu. reef. Wailau. Fishing shrine. We had to help with the repairs. Heʻeia. Dive site. Maui.. The surf site is a shorebreak that forms on the sandbar fronting the beach. Oʻahu. Calcareous sand beach fronting a small community of beachfront homes between Puakō and Hāpuna. Wailele. Molokaʻi. a land division. Mōkapu Island outside Waikolu had a lobster cave. The dive site is off Wailea Point. Wailea Point. 2. Also known as Beach 69. One of five calcareous sand beaches fronting the Wailea resort complex and the namesake of the complex... Lit. ʻŌhikilolo. That year there was a severe landslide between Waiʻaleʻia and Waikolu that we heard from the home. Between Punaluʻu and Nīnole on the shore of Wailau. Wailea. Dive site. trickling water. 1924. Waikulu. Our water line ran across the boulders at the bottom of the sea cliffs between Waikolu and Kalaupapa. many waters. Center section of ʻŌhikilolo Beach. Oʻahu. destroyed what remained of the taro patches and the abandoned village. snorkeling site. The beach is also known as Kahamanini. a companion fishing shrine. moʻolelo I was sent to Kalaupapa on January 13. a 5. The valley was the original source of fresh water for the settlement at Kalaupapa. is located at the north end of Lanikai. and we'd all go out to the lobster cave. surf site. Point. About all that's left of the home now are the rock walls that were part of the kitchen. The waters offshore were established as a marine life conservation district in 1985 and offer opportunities for snorkeling and scuba diving. Formerly the site of a fishing and commercial farming community that was abandoned by 1920. dive site.5-mile water tunnel was built into the western side of the valley to supply water for other areas of the island. Lit. entering water. Lit. Ranch. John Cambra. Hawaiʻi. Kailua. Oʻahu. point. Beach. Over the years this happened a lot. and a heavy-gauge pipeline once ran from the valley over the boulder beach to the Kalaupapa Peninsula. and I stayed in the old Baldwin Home. Wailaumakai. February 15. 1946. Maui. Oʻahu. Boulder and black detrital sand beach on the shore of the largest of the six coastal valleys on Molokaʻi's north shore. and the landslide destroyed a section of it. All the boys would go down to help carry it across the rocks. Waipiʻo. water [of] Lea (the goddess of canoe makers). The tsunami of April 1. 1. The surf site is off the east point of the bay. Off the point.. marine life conservation district (35 acres). Wailea. and it took about twenty-one of us boys to carry one 900-pound section of pipe. Alāla. and one of the Hawaiians had a big canoe that he kept at Waiʻaleʻia near the home.. 1978 Waikomo.. Lit. Beach. Mōkapu. a natural stone formation on the ridge above the point. Beach. Lit. 3. In 1960. surf site. Fishing site. Lit. Hāpuna.Molokaʻi's north shore. The point that separates the land divisions of Kailua and Waimānalo. Small point in Kāneʻohe Bay that is the site of Laenani Neighborhood Park. Point. state park. Punaluʻu. Gathering site. Also known as Neill's. Oʻahu. water [of] destruction.. The wooden cross in the center of this remote coastal valley was erected on March 12. this was one of them). A private boat ramp on the west side of the peninsula for Wailupe residents.. Wailua. long water. Channel. Hawaiʻi. Oʻahu. This spot would break way outside on big south days and the right would usually close out all the way to Wailupe Lefts channel.ʻOpihi gathering site. surf site. The left would hold and move inside to a shallow reef ledge and then close out. 1. Peninsula. Kīpahulu. Hilo. Koaeloa converted many Hawaiians to Catholicism before his death in 1848. On Kalanianaʻole Highway on the west side of Wailupe Peninsula. back then. Hawaiʻi. 4. that empty into Hilo Bay. kayaking. who was called the Apostle of Maui. ʻĀina Haina. Wailuku. Sampan basin and small boat harbor. Wailua River is one of the few navigable rivers in the state. Honolulu. One of two major rivers. Surf site. Beach park (1. Maui. The park includes a spring-fed estuary and the Shinmachi Tsunami Memorial. Off Wailupe Peninsula. Hawaiʻi.. 2. 2. Maui. Hilo. A man-made peninsula that was a former fishpond. Also known as Wailupe Lefts. Wailupe Peninsula. Kauaʻi. Facilities include forty-nine moorings. Wailoa River. two ramps. Man-made channel dredged out of the reef in 1947 by Hawaiian Dredging during the construction of Wailupe Peninsula. Lit. Small pond at the north end of Kahana Beach that was once a muliwai—a pond separated from the ocean by the beach. Wailupe. 1. Pretty much. and a vessel washdown area. Oʻahu. My brother Fritz and his . Wailoa.. Hilo. that empty into Hilo Bay. two waters. Wailua River. 1. with the Wailoa River. 3. to honor Helio Koaeloa. with the Wailuku River. He was buried in Wailua. Wailua. In 1947. no one ventured beyond Wailupe Lefts.9 acres). the park was completed in 1965 and named the Wailoa River State Recreation Area. River. Called Project Kaikoʻo ("rough seas"). The next spot over from that toward Diamond Head is a left and right break with emphasis on the left. River. Oʻahu.2 acres). Smaller boats launch from a ramp across the river from the marina. Lit. Lit. Kauaʻi. kite water (kites were only flown in prescribed places. Wailua River at the south end of the beach is normally barred by beach sand. Lit. ʻĀina Haina. 2. 4. 3. Daily boat tours take visitors from the Wailua River Marina to the Fern Grotto. Oʻahu. Marina. beach.. surf site. one of the island's most famous visitor attractions. Wailua is one of the most famous taroproducing areas on Maui. Wailua. A devout Catholic. approximately 150 acres of demolished buildings were cleared and set aside as a park and a tsunami buffer zone. and out-rigger canoe paddling. the valley of his birth. Following the tsunami that devastated downtown Hilo in 1960. Hawaiʻi. State recreation area (131. Long. Monument. The surf site is a shorebreak on the shallow sandbar off the beach and is also known as Coco Palms. moʻolelo It was back around 1958 when my brother and his friends first started surfing outside the Wailupe area. Wailua. Oʻahu. Kahana. Pond. 1906. Hilo. waterfall. Beach. Bay fronted by a boulder beach with a deep-water surf site offshore. One of two major rivers. a boat channel and anchorage were dredged out of the reef surrounding the fishpond and the dredged material was pumped into the fishpond to create a subdivision. Boat ramp. The river is also popular for waterskiing. Lit. Bay. 5. ʻĀina Haina. wide calcareous sand beach across Kūhiō Highway from the Coco Palms Resort. state park. . Waimānalo. The estuarine reserve is a large marsh covered primarily by California grass and bulrushes that makes up the lower half of the valley floor. Maui. The black sand is detrital material eroded and transported to the shore by Waimanu Stream. Bay between Makapuʻu Point to the east and Wailea Point to the west. A black sand beach fronts the west end of the valley and a boulder beach comprises the remainder of the shore. 2. Howard Hoddick. ʻĀina Haina. Kīhei.. Beach park (74. Sherwoods. Lit. the plantation having closed in 1947. Bay. Lit.. December 11. This spot is where I learned to surf in 1962. A shallow sandbar lies off the beach. a former landing for inter-island steamers. Community ramp for small boats built in 1999 at Kaiona Beach Park. was dismantled in the early 1950s. bird water. Surf site. Oʻahu. The 700-foot pier. I can tell you that no one surfed this place but us. Beach. Also known as Wailupe. This spot is called Rockies because of the abundance of coral heads in and around the channel. The next spot to the left of Goofy's is Groucho's. during the sixties and seventies. That was our little surfing world. 3. 3. 1. Hawaiʻi. Waimānalo. Oʻahu. Campsites are in the vegetated backshore.. One of several beach parks on Waimānalo Beach. Hawaiʻi. Beach. Hāmākua. Waimanu. Also known as Sherwood Forest. Also known as Kaiona Boat Ramp. One of several beach parks on Waimānalo Beach. Hāmākua. State Department of Land and Natural Resources. Waimānalo Beach Park was the site of the Waimānalo Landing. Oʻahu. Hāmākua. Mike DuBois and I named this spot around 1970 because it breaks very inconsistently. The valley is accessible by a foot trail from Waipiʻo. 1998 Wailupe Lefts. built in the 1870s by the Waimānalo Sugar Company. valley. Oʻahu. 4. The campground is managed by the Division of Forestry and Wildlife. also named by my brother and his friend.8 acres). 5. Beach. potable water. Hawaiʻi. Groucho's is a left and a right that closes out with Goofy's on big days. broken water. Calcareous sand beach between Kalama Beach Park and Welakahao Street. From this point Diamond Head. Wailupe to lncons. Waimānalo. Waimānalo. My brother can't recall why they named it Groucho's. Waimāhaʻihaʻi. 1. The next spot to the left of Groucho's is a natural channel in the reef. Landing.friend Brian Mulkern from ʻĀina Haina named this spot Goofy's. Waimānalo. Waimānalo. It is both a left and a right with the emphasis on the right and peaks out at about 4 feet. but it doesn't have anything to do with Groucho Marx. Ruins of the landing lie on the ocean floor off the park.8 acres). and no one surfs it today because it's a kiddie break—and there ain't no kids living along the beach today! The next spot down reef from Rockies is named lncons. Oʻahu. Waimānalo Beach Park was established in 1921. National estuarine reserve. Waimanu Valley is one of seven isolated coastal valleys on the north side of Kohala Mountain. Oʻahu. Campground. Oʻahu. Waimānalo Bay. Beach park (74. 2. Lit. Today Goofy's is also called Kim's. Boat ramp. Waimānalo. there are no other ridable spots until you reach the right at the channel straight out from the Kāhala Mandarin Oriental Hotel. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar. surf site. Long calcareous sand beach from Wailea Point to Kaupō Beach Park. Aikau was a crewmember on the Hawaiian sailing canoe Hokuleʻa when it overturned in . Bay. Big-wave surf site where some of the biggest waves in the world are surfed. July 4. was the first winner not from Hawaiʻi. beach park (22. The old Hawaiians told me that prior to the flood. we only took the big ones. The beach park is one of the most popular parks on the North Shore. the Catholic mission converted the storage bins and machine sheds into the Saints Paul and Peter Mission. The fish were so thick. George Farm. We built a tower that contained four vertical chutes to store rock and used an elevator to bring the rocks down an angular chute attached to the tower. Kauaʻi. The pens and rock walls were located on the Waipiʻo side of the stream near the end of the trail. Off the point. we half-cooked the meat in brine. Noah Johnson (1999).2 acres). January 2. 1974 Waimea Bay. Clarke-Jones. an Association of Surfing Professionals specialty event. Nāpoʻopoʻo. one of the North Shore's most famous landmarks. and ʻōʻio. In 1978. If we killed a pig in the valley and it was too big to carry out. Surf site. and Ross Clarke-Jones (2001). Waimea. Spring. The meet was named in honor of former big-wave rider and City and County of Honolulu lifeguard. 3. the river was always open and that canoes entered and left freely. In 1953. Oʻahu. Oʻahu. Waves for the contest must be consistently 20 feet or higher throughout the event. 1982 Waimaʻu. It wasn't unusual to see fishermen from Waialua surround several tons of kala or 10-pound pāpio. 2. Waimea Bay is the home of the Quik-silver in Memory of Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational surf meet ("The Eddie"). Beach. too—pāpio. Eddie Aikau. Oʻahu. Former interisland steamer landing at the end of Moana Road. until the 1946 tidal wave. 2. In 1929. moi. Primarily a fishing site used by residents of West Kauaʻi. but I talked him out of it when I saw the surf conditions during the winter months.moʻolelo People were living in Waimanu raising pigs—hapa's—pigs that were part wild and part domestic. Winners were Clyde Aikau (1986). red water (as from erosion of red soil). No one surfed then. Lit. Wide calcareous sand beach at the head of the bay. Oʻahu. 1. He ran a quarry operation at Waimea from 1930 to 1932 to support the highway's construction but abandoned the site when the job was completed. Huge schools of fish came into the bay. Waimea. Hawaiian salt. We caught plenty of fish. Waimea. Waimea. Dive site. was originally a storage bin with four vertical chutes to store rocks quarried by the Waimea Quarry Company. 3. The tower on the north side of Waimea Bay. Then we dried it for one night and packed it out in slabs. Lit. Hawaiʻi. Keone Downing (1990). Carl Winstedt was awarded the contract to build Kamehameha Highway from Waimea to Kahuku. Waimea. One of the North Shore's most popular swimming beaches during the summer and surfing beaches during the winter. But the flood deposited thousands of tons of silt at the river mouth and sand began blocking it off. My dad wanted to make the quarry a permanent operation and ship the materials out of the bay. so it has been completed only four times since it was first held in 1986. state recreation pier. Waimea. Fishing site. an Australian.. 1. and we only swam from June until the end of September. pleasing water. We came in on horses and mules. Freshwater spring on the shore near Nāpoʻopoʻo Landing. and fresh water in a pākini [tin tub]. moʻolelo In 1929 my father was awarded the contract to build roads from Waimea to Kahuku. We closed the quarry in 1932. Waimea.. so he set up temporary quarry operations at Waimea from 1930 to 1932. I lived at Waimea for three years and ran the quarry for my dad. Oʻahu. Tower. Charles Winstedt. Surf site. Kauaʻi. nākea. Oʻahu. Lit. Hawaiʻi. wading Wainiha. Waiʻohai.. and opens into Kīholo Bay at its southern end. Wainiha River crosses the south end of the beach. wide calcareous sand beach at the head of the bay. Also known as The Bay. The flat-bottomed pond is lined with several dozen coconut trees. Waiokāne. ʻōhai tree water. 1. The mill closed on December 30. water of [the god] Kāne. fishermen can reach all parts of this reef by wading. Eastern shore of Leleiwi Beach Park. In former times the stream was deeper and cleaner. Beach. Kauaʻi.. stream. Channel. The former inter-island steamer landing was destroyed by the tsunami of April 1.the Molokaʻi channel. Spectacular. Waimea. A channel cut through Waiʻoli Reef by the freshwater discharge of Waiʻoli Stream into Hanalei Bay. Hanalei. Also known as Middles. After the freshwater runoff subsides and the beach again bars the river. often-photographed high surf at the edge of the beach in Waimea Bay.. Kauaʻi. Lit. Waimea. 1946. As the fresh water pours into the ocean. the north point of the bay.. Hawaiʻi. surf site. . surf site. Hawaiʻi. Bay. 2. Wainiha. pushing water. Formerly an excellent fishing site for ʻoʻopu. Waimea. At low tide. tasty water. The name of Punaluʻu Stream where it intersects the shore. Punaluʻu.. 3. Waiono. beach. Calcareous sand beach fronting the Waiʻohai Beach Resort in Poʻipū.. The aqua-colored pond is visible from the Kīholo Bay Lookout on Queen Kaʻahumanu Highway. Beach. Kauaʻi. unfriendly water. Also known as Pine Trees. Fishing site. Kauaʻi. The surf site is at the point on the east side of the bay. reddish water. Beach park. Pond (5 acres). 1. Waiʻoli. He was lost at sea after volunteering to go for help on a 10-foot surfboard. Wainānāliʻi. 1971. Kauaʻi. Middle of the Bay. Hilo. Lit. or goby fish. Large pond at the north end of Kīholo Bay and at the edge of the 1859 lava flow from Mauna Loa that created Hou Point. especially the kāniʻoniʻo. Spring on Kaʻūpūlehu Beach fronting the Kona Village Resort's Shipwreck Bar. Lit. Lit. Surf site. Hawaiʻi. Beach. Wainaku. Lit. Wainiha. Small pocket of black sand below the site of the former Wainaku Mill. Long reef between Wainiha and Camp Naue. Long. Reef. Lit. Oʻahu. Hanalei. Oʻahu.. chief-protected water. The surf site is off the beach. Spring. ʻōkuhekuhe. Hanalei. Poʻipū. Wainiha. Lit. averages 10-12 feet deep. another short-lived surf site is created on the sandbar that forms in front of the rivermouth.. 2. Kaʻūpūlehu. and was eventually dismantled. Off the mouth of the Waimea River. Waimea Rivermouth. Waiolena. Waimea Shorebreak. Wainiha Kūʻau. A unique surf site that occurs only after heavy rains when the river cuts through the beach and floods into the bay. landing. it forms an endlessly breaking wave that can be surfed. Keaukaha. Surf site. It is an important habitat for the sea turtles that frequent the bay. Kauaʻi. One of three beach parks on Hanalei Bay's 2-mile calcareous sand beach. Surf site. joyful water. Kīholo. and nāpili varieties.. Lit. " My great-grandfather was from Tahiti. Maui. the highest of which is Palikū. Fishpond.. surf site.. Kukuihaele. Waipiʻo. Narrow calcareous sand beach fronted by a rocky shelf that begins at the Coconut Plantation Resort and ends at Waikaʻea Canal. The primary dune vegetation is ironwood trees. Kauaʻi. ʻāweoweo.. We would make big bonfires to cook the fish. and ʻūʻū. Beach. Lit. valley. The surf site is a shorebreak on the sandbar near the river mouth. Hāmākua. fishing site. Fishpond. 1978 Waipouli. the longest beach on the Big Island. Katheryn Kekapa Tauʻa Watson. ʻāweoweo. Waipiʻo. Fishing site. Waipuhi. Palikū in the center is very steep. Lit. tow-in surf site. a short distance from my present home. Hawaiʻi. One of four fishponds at Mauna Lani. Waipunahoe. Small rocky point at the mouth of Waipunahoe Gulch. Keōmuku. so my maiden name Tauʻa is Tahitian. We kept a canoe in a large cave.. Lānaʻi. Big-wave. . Waipā. Hanalei. and ʻūʻū. red water. The paved road into the valley is only for vehicles with four-wheel drive. but it was lost in the ʻ46 tidal wave. dark water. Lit. Surf site. moʻolelo I was born on November 12. A pedestrian path winds through the trees along the shore.Waiʻōpae. Ironwood trees line the backshore. shrimp water. and the men would night fish for ʻāhole. and the cave is now filled with rocks. and no one ever went down there. Hawaiʻi. Large bay near Huelo bordered by high sea cliffs. South Kohala. Lit. curved water. Small pocket of calcareous sand at the head of a narrow gulch north of the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. 1899. January 16. Manawai means "two waters" and that's where we spent most of our time makai. but only a small portion of the land is still in production today. There used to be a road down the pali to Manawai on the bay below us. Beach. In 1964 an earthquake caused a landslide and the road to Manawai disappeared. Waipiʻo means "arching water. High vegetated dunes occupy the backshore. Isolated offshore reef seaward of the land division of Waipā. The valley floor was once the largest wetland taro cultivation site on the Big Island and one of the largest in the state. canoe paddle spring water. Kauaʻi.. second-reef site that breaks on Waipā Reef. Manawai is where Waipiʻo begins and Wailele is where it ends.. One of two precontact fishponds on the shore of the former Keōmuku village. Bay. in Waipiʻo. Waiʻulaʻula. The black sand is detrital material eroded and transported to the shore by Waipiʻo Stream. Beach. The women would catch ʻōpae for bait. Reef. A shallow sandbar lies off the beach. Fishing site for ʻāhole. Hanalei. Kauaʻi. touched water. Waipā Peak. 2. We usually spent the weekend there. Hawaiʻi. Lit. Kapaʻa. Waipiʻo Valley is one of seven isolated coastal valleys on the north side of Kohala Mountain. 1. A black sand beach three-quarters of a mile long fronts the valley. Hawaiʻi. Mauna Lani. Lit. pool. Bay. Waikīkī. Oʻahu. A 100-meter saltwater swimming pool adjacent to Kaimana Beach dedicated on August 24. Waikīkī. Swimming pool. The sea cliff is the "wall. Cluster of small rock islands off the west point of Waimea Bay. a meeting hall/cafeteria. Oʻahu. Lit. Oʻahu. Also known as Manuʻōhule. 3. Bodyboarding site. The pool was a popular shore recreation facility until it was closed for safety reasons in 1979.. Lānaʻi. Calcareous sand and coral rubble beach on the shore of Waiulua Bay. Oʻahu. 2000. 1927. A brackish-water spring near the ʻiliʻili (pebble) beach was used for bathing. 1. Bay. The. Wall. Pohoiki. or "walls. The first phase of the Natatorium's restoration. Kayak paddlers from Hawaiʻi Kai and Waimānalo who train here regularly call this section of sea cliffs The Wall. exterior façade and artwork. Dive site. a complete renovation of its bleachers. Hawaiʻi. Named for the Kapahulu Groin. Also known as Waiwelawela. Also known as Natatorium. Wakiu. bluegreen water. At a rock awash." 2. War Memorial Natatorium. a seawall at the intersection of Kalākaua and Kapahulu Avenues. Volcanically heated pool of springwater on the shore of Pohoiki Bay. Sea cliffs. Hawaiʻi Kai. ʻAnaehoʻomalu. Spring. Lahaina Pali. Waves at The Wall break on either side of the groin and are off limits to surfboards.Waiuli. 3. The "wall" is the Kapahulu Groin. Named for the Reverend Shannon Walker of the Kona Union Church in Kealakekua. 2. Spring. and a catchment system provided drinking water. 1. During the early 1930s he erected a youth camp with four cabins. Between the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel and Kawela Bay. Hawaiʻi. was completed under the administration of Mayor Jeremy Harris and dedicated on May 28. Oʻahu. Islands. Keauhou. south shore. Oʻahu. Hawaiʻi Kai. Also known as The Wall. Bodyboarding site. Haleʻiwa. Beach. East of Kaunolū. Kahuku. Warm Springs. Waimea. and several auxiliary buildings at Heʻeia Bay. Keaukaha. Maui. Waiwelawela. or Portlock Point. Also known as Warm Springs. Pool of volcanically warmed fresh water in a lava sink on the shore of Pohoiki Bay.. Also known as Heʻeia Bay. Also known as Walls. Hawaiʻi. as a memorial to the men from Hawaiʻi who lost their lives in World War I. beach. On the seaward side of Koko Head between Portlock Point and Hanauma Bay. Same as Walls. Wash Rock. Dive site. 1. 2. A ridge nearby has a tunnel through its center. northwest wind sound. . Rock awash that is the top of a 65-foot pinnacle.. Surf site. Waikīkī. Waves at Kawaihoa. Spring on the point fronting Leleiwi Beach Park. The Wall. Hawaiʻi. Wānanapaoa. Hawaiʻi. Waiulua. crevalle fish water. Surf site. Also known as Lobster Rock. Hawaiʻi Kai. Waves here have long sections. Oʻahu. The project included the construction of two restrooms in the east end of the building.. Walls." Also known as the Point. Pohoiki. break along a low sea cliff as they wrap around the point. Oʻahu. warm water. Lit. Surf site. Oʻahu. Spring. Perhaps lit. Walker. Lit. Two water tanks made of redwood staves were constructed here on the north side of the bay when Kahoʻolawe Ranch was operational. Weliweli. The Waterhouse family home borders the beach. Davis and his family lived at Wāwāmalu Ranch from 1932 until April 1. fear. Weliweli. Hawaiʻi. Unusual horseshoe or "wedgeshaped" wave that breaks on a shallow reef on the north side of Kawela Bay. Weliweli Point. Beach. Keāhole. with its unique coral and lava wall. Small bay west of the Paʻuwela Light. surf site. fear. Wawaloli. . Lit." of Kahikinui. 1946. One of several man-made lagoons at Coconut Island that were created by Christian Holmes. Weliweli. Hawaiʻi. Honolulu. During the early 1970s. West. West Lagoon is also where large marine animal research is conducted because of its superior water quality and depth. Beach. 1. West Kawela. Lit. Also known as Papaka Nui Bay. Lit. Weavers. Watercress. Oʻahu. barren lava shore. Dive site. or "waste lands. Lagoon. Weliweli. fear point. northwest shore. Lit. Water Tank. Also known as OTEC. Bay. developer Herbert Horita introduced the name West Beach as the project name for the residential-resort complex that he later renamed Ko ʻOlina. shady valley (short for ʻAwāwamalu). Kawela. Also known as Rainbows. Also known as ʻEleʻileʻi... Oʻahu. Surf site.. Ko ʻOlina. Beach. Maui. Bay. with its unique coral and lava walls. Wāwāmalu is an old area name and was the name Alan Davis chose for his ranch. who owned the island in the 1930s. The surf site adjoins the channel. Oʻahu. Kahoʻolawe. Narrow calcareous sand beach on a rocky shore. Kāneʻohe.Waste Lands. Surf site. Shore. Māliko. Small pocket of calcareous sand between Hōʻai Bay and Kōloa Landing. Channel through the east end of Lanikai Reef where Lanikai resident Billy Weaver was killed by a tiger shark in 1959. Lanikai. Beach. Facilities include floating enclosures for dolphins and false killer whales and several ponds for sharks. Wedge. Fishermen and hunters using the tanks as landmarks named the bay. Oʻahu. Between ʻAnaehoʻomalu and Keawaiki and south of the Von Holt family's beach-front home. Oʻahu. Kauaʻi. Beach between the west end of Kawela Bay and Waialeʻe Beach Park. Oʻahu. Weliweli. Wāwāmalu. Surf site. Beach. West Lagoon is the site of the Coconut Island Small Boat Harbor and the primary entry point to the island. Waterhouse. Fishpond. Lava formations and ridges at 10-60 feet off the remote. Kahikinui. Maui. Hawaiʻi. 2. 3. Oʻahu. Shore from Kalaeloa Point to Kaʻena Point. Between ʻAnaehoʻomalu and Keawaiki and off the Von Holt family's beachfront home. A man named Taba had a commercial watercress farm here. Channel. Kawela. Weli. Hawaiʻi Kai.. Oʻahu. Poʻipū. Several shallow tide pools provide swimming sites for small children. Queen's Beach. dive site. when his home and the other ranch buildings were destroyed by a devastating tsunami. Also known as Ka Iwi Coast or Shoreline. Shore park (6." In those days vehicle access to the West End was restricted and privy only to the ranch workers. Lava tube with a freshwater pond that was once a sea cave during a higher stand of the sea. as they act like "corners" around which you had to go to reach our fishing spots. West Maui. where we did most of our throw netting for moi. It is called the Wet Cave to differentiate it from another lava tube to the east that has no water in it and is called the Dry Cave. We seldom stopped between Lāʻau and Awa because the water was murky most of the time. we'd set out around Lāʻau Point and head north along the west coast. Kaiaka.. or landlocked bays. Honouliuli. So in order to fish this then remote shoreline. Paʻuwela. West Molokaʻi. Generic name for two surf sites. Paʻuwela residents who live inland use the rocks to gauge how rough the ocean is by observing the wave activity on the rocks and the amount of whitewater that the waves generate. This is the beach fronting the Kaluakoi Hotel. Kauaʻi. One of the three large lochs. Surf site.36 acres). Oʻahu. 2. The names that I learned were the names of the promontories. Wharf. I used to fish this stretch of shoreline with the old-timers. Molokaʻi. the first point was Awa. Kaunakakai. 1. Sunset Beach. Oʻahu. which was easily discernable. Shore from the Honolulu International Airport Reef Runway to Kalaeloa Point. westernmost section of Sunset. and Kepuhi was used almost exclusively for throw netting at known moi holes. No in-water activities are permitted in West Loch. Hāʻena. Four that survive in my mind are "Awa" for Kahaiawa. Between Puhi and Koaʻe. Just past Kaiaka was another sand beach called Kepuhi we sometimes visited. But when it was clean. Bill Puleloa. on either side of the wharf. and Kaiaka. we mostly speared. West Māmala Bay. Perhaps lit. Surf site. East Molokaʻi is east of the line. Outside. As soon as you rounded Lāʻau. Section of Molokaʻi west of an imaginary line approximately from Keonelele at Moʻomomi to Waiakāne on Pālāʻau Road. moʻolelo Forty years ago. Also known as Waiakanaloa. Bay. The stretch between Koaʻe. Koaʻe. Wet Cave. . Rock formation. was another easy marker because it stood way out and was located between Kaupoa and Kaunala Bays. Maui. which was seldom. The next point. a deep blue or black spot. Koaʻe and Kaiaka were easy to remember because they are the end points of the long sand beach Pāpōhaku. that make up Pearl Harbor. with sixteen recreational fishing piers. "Puhi" for Kapuhikani. Pearl Harbor. then we would dive a couple of spots and then pau because we would have more than enough fish. Section of Maui defined by the West Maui Mountains. Bright and early the next morning. Lefts and Rights. we came by boat from Kaunakakai Wharf and overnighted at Kolo Wharf. Puhi. and only when we didn't catch enough at Pāpōhaku. October 23. On the shore of West Loch Estates. I was the "bag boy.West Loch. Wewehi. 2000 West Peak. I remember coming this far north only two or three times in those days. Oʻahu. Cluster of rocks in the ocean at the west point of Kuiaha Bay. The constant movement of the sand off and onshore keeps it clean and free of debris and. White Sands. surf site. waves erode almost the entire beach. Ridge. Oʻahu. White Plains. Also known as Hulopoʻe Beach. Whittington. Large limestone rock near Kaʻena Point that was said to be a leinaakaʻuhane—a place where souls of the dead left the earth. normal surf activity redeposits the sand on shore. Keōmuku. On the east side of Makai Research Pier. When the surf subsides. Laʻaloa Bay Beach Park. She was named after a battle between General George Washington and British forces that occurred in 1776 during the Revolutionary War near White Plains. Rocky shore that was the site of Honuʻapo Landing. surf site. A wide limestone ridge across Keōmuku Road near the beach homes at Maunalei. Surf site. He was born in California. Mānele. Calcareous sand beach on the east shore of Kalaeloa Community Development District. Kaʻū. Large pocket of calcareous sand between two rocky points at Laʻaloa Bay Beach Park. Lānaʻi. built his family home on the hill above the park. North Kona. The "condos. The beach takes its name from White Plains Road. Lānaʻi. Small island with many small caves. This site was partially destroyed when the boat channel to the pier was dredged. Beach. Also known as Lae Hi. Alternate name for Hulopoʻe Beach. Whittington was born in California and came to Hawaiʻi as a teenager. One of the Red Hill dive sites. Oʻahu. Kalaeloa. better known as Dick. covering the rocks. Kainaliu. Also known as Kualakai. Park. Magic Sands. Also known as Leinaakaʻuhane. In 1948 the park was named for Richard Henry Whittington (1885-1945). exposing the underlying rocks. settled in Kaʻū. A metal traffic barrier replaced it. Oʻahu. 3. a detrital or "black" sand beach in Mānele Bay. He married a Hawaiian. Hawaiʻi. Waimānalo. Historic site. 2. Also known as Disappearing Sands. His father was an . It was about 1885 because he was 60 or 61 when he died in 1945. moʻolelo My father was Richard Henry Whittington. Dive site. White Tip Condos. "white" in appearance. Beach. East of Kaunolū." or condominiums. White Sand Mānele. island. Beach. The White Plains was an escort aircraft carrier that was built by the Kaiser Shipbuilding Company in 1943 and served as a warship in the Pacific for the duration of the war.White Fence. Today the city of White Plains is the seat of government for Westchester County. Lānaʻi. 1. are a series of sand-bottomed caves under some ledges in a bay north of Red Hill that almost always have white tip sharks in them. south coast. Hawaiʻi. a calcareous or "white" sand beach that was given to differentiate it from Black Sand Mānele. Hawaiʻi. The white fence was a former wooden traffic barrier painted white on Kalanianaʻole Highway inshore of the site. the majority of the streets were named for battles and ships from World War II. New York. Dive site. White Rock. therefore. Kaʻena Point State Park. a former county road supervisor and longtime resident of Kaʻū. but he was not sure when. During periods of high surf. the access road to the beach. When the area was originally developed as Barbers Point Naval Air Station. and lived there until his death. The abandoned landing and its port facilities were converted into a beach park by the plantation and several civic groups. Kahuku. Kohala. Bay. 1. Wiliwilipeʻapeʻa. In 1913 the bark S. Lit. 1. southeast shore. He built the house on the pali above Honuʻapo in 1941. and he had a gang of Hawaiians under him. Kahuku. There used to be a big Hawaiian village in the flat lands below next to the wharf. 1. Windmills. Diamond Head. but they had to wait until my grandfather died before they got married. Winifred Bowman. Maui. Punalau. Later. Windmill. We still own the land. Oʻahu. Winch. In the intermittent streambed at the west end of Punalau Beach. The surf site is off an intermittent streambed at the west end of Punalau Beach where a former windmill constructed by Honolua Ranch supplied a water trough for cattle. We moved all around—Oʻahu. That's where we swam and had hukilaus. so when he discovered this site after returning to Kauaʻi. Hawaiʻi. First small bay south of Waiakaʻīlio Bay. Although nothing remains of the windmill today. and no one moved back. Surf site. It was a family operation with all the kids helping with the bottling and labeling. My dad followed his father to Hawaiʻi when he was about sixteen years old. Hawaiʻi. and back to Hawaiʻi—but my dad was always with the plantation. Center section of Turtle Bay between Kawela Bay and the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel. he named it Winchells because the waves are as hollow as a donut. October 13. 1982 Wild Beach. Kahuā Ranch formerly shipped cattle on interisland steamers here. Winchells. Also known as Pōhakupule Beach. the ranch constructed a windmill to supply water to a water trough for its cattle. Baldwin started Honolua Ranch. That's when he met my mom. Point. Maui. Surf site. Punalau Beach. the beach is still known as Windmill Beach. Henry P. dive site. Surf site. Windsock. my dad worked for the county as the road supervisor. Kauaʻi. a cattle ranch headquartered at Honolua Bay. 2. Later my dad moved to Nāʻālehu and worked for the plantation. Oʻahu.old sea captain who came to Hawaiʻi and eventually settled on Kauaʻi at Kalāheo to raise pineapples. Cattle were penned behind the coral rubble beach. Oʻahu. Punalau. but her heavy winch was left to rust on the shallow reef where it is visible above water. Allen. A small windmill in the pasture inland of the beach supplies water to a trough for cattle. Kahoʻolawe. Surfers there frequented Winchell's Donut Houses when they were not surfing. The surf site is seaward of the winch. Off the location of the windsock at the former Kāʻanapali . Kauaʻi. Surf site. A windmill provided them with water. Maui. Andrade graduated from Kamehameha Schools in 1962 and spent several years in college in California. Named in the mid 1960s by Carlos Andrade for Winchell's Donut Houses in California. bushy wiliwili tree. went aground here. Wilds. Surf site. but in 1868 a tidal wave wiped the area out. We had a family soda works for years in Waiʻohinu. My grandfather didn't like haoles. a lumber carrier bound for Honolulu Harbor. Off Kāwā Beach. There are many erratic or "wild" wave patterns in the bay during periods of high surf. Beach. Windmills.. During the early 1890s. Off Wild Beach between Kawela Bay and the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel. Hāʻena. Dive site. He was well liked and got along well with the young folks. All of the cargo and most of her timbers were salvaged.C. 2. Kāwā. Kāʻanapali. Wright. Buoy anchored at approximately 915 fathoms. Kauaʻi. The park named for her is also the site where Captain James Cook first came ashore in the Hawaiian Islands in January 1778. Haleʻiwa Channel Buoy Light. Waikīkī. . Surf site. It was named for the swirling movements of the currents in the cove. Waimea. Channel marker. Oʻahu. Buoy anchored at approximately 345 fathoms. Hanauma. Wright taught there for thrity-five years and was a member of Waimea Hawaiian Church and many civic organizations. Same as the Healing Stones. the first native Hawaiian schoolteacher at Waimea School. Waves following the contour of the island "wrap around" it and terminate at the beach. Rocky cove at the end of the terrace on the west side of Hanauma Bay where floating debris collects as it is blown into the bay by the trade winds. Orange windsock on a pole in the reef fronting Sans Souci Beach. The windsock is permitted on the reef because it is used by sailors from the nearby Outrigger Canoe Club to safely navigate the Kaimana Channel.Airport. On the west bank of Waimea River where the river intersects the detrital sand beach. Puakō. Oʻahu. On the north side of Moku Nui. Kamilo Point. 2. Hawaiʻi. Landmarks: Māhukona Light. The surf site is off the river mouth. Kapaemāhū stones. Fish aggregating device. Wailua. Cove. Beach park. Kawaihae Light. Historic site. XX Buoy. Kailua. XX X Buoy. which were compared to the boiling contents in a witchesʻ cauldron. Kauaʻi. Fish aggregating device. Oʻahu. the larger of the two Mokulua Islands. WK Buoy. Buoy anchored at approximately 945 fathoms. Kahuku. Witches Brew. Waikīkī. Oʻahu. Named for Lucy Kapahu Aukai Wright (1873-1931). Wizard Stones. Oʻahu. Wrap Arounds. Lāʻie Point. Keāhole Point Light. Landmarks: Kaʻena Point. Fish aggregating device. Landmarks: Kāhala Point Light. surf site. Hawaiʻi. Kaʻena State Park. Lae Wahie section of Ship-wreck Beach. Popular scuba wreck dive on a sunken vessel. Oʻahu. and the name was extended to the beach. Yamashita Bay. Picnic pavilion in Kolekole Beach Park that was named for former County Supervisor Elias P. Young became a well-known public figure as a reporter for the Maui News and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and for his involvement in many social. Charles Clinton Young (1905-1974) came to Hawaiʻi in 1932 as a military reporter to cover the famous Massie Case and decided to make his home in the Islands. Molokaʻi. Waikīkī. Kamaʻole. the No Ka ʻOi Inn. Dive site. Yokohama is the name of a famous port city in Japan. Young's Beach.YY Yabui Beach. Also known as Lae Wahie. the Y. Oʻahu. Y. Yadao Pavilion. Waikīkī. Yokohama. Named for Yasukichi Yamada.O. Maui. Same as Y. North shore. The surf site is also known as First Dip. Calcareous sand beach on Yokohama Bay. which ran trains around Kaʻena Point until 1947. The train stop was named for him.O. dive site. Oʻahu. surf site.O. Dive site. Yokes. Among his many accomplishments as a member of the County Board of Supervisors from 1959 until his death in 1966. Also known as Keonenui Beach. . Y. 257. a 175-foot navy ship at 100 feet. 257. He and his wife Betty purchased a beachfront lot north of Kamaʻole I Beach Park in 1940 and built their home there in 1950 after World War II. he sold the fish he caught in the butcher shop. North Hilo. Oʻahu. Yamada Point. In 1945 Yamada moved to Maui. An abbreviation of Yokohama. ʻAlaeloa. civic. Bay. where he ran the kitchen in the Kahului Hotel. who moved to Lānaʻi from Oʻahu in 1929 to work in the plantation's butcher shop and began fishing at Lae Wahie about the same time. Lānaʻi. 257.O. Kaʻena State Park. Honouli Maloʻo. Yadao was instrumental in obtaining funds for the pavilion named posthumously in his honor. beach. Henry Yamashita purchased one of two beachfront parcels here in the 1950s and built a small beach house on it. The dive and surf sites are off the beach. (Epy) Yadao. Yokes. and business activities. Also known as the Atlantis Wreck. but the name here apparently came from a Japanese switchman named Yokohama who lived nearby in the early 1900s. The Yabui family owned the property bordering the beach before the Kahana Sunset condominium was built on it. Surf site. and two years later he opened his own restaurant. Also known as Honouli Maloʻo. Traveling to and from Lānaʻi City by mule. The section of Kamaʻole Beach below his home is known as Young's Beach or Charlie Young Beach. Maui. He worked for the Oahu Railway and Land (OR&L) Company. Oʻahu. Originally known as Zero Break. Oʻahu. To get to Zombies you have to trespass on the marine base. 2. We started out surfing at Castle Point off the old skeet range. Mōkapu. Second. We couldn't believe we had it to ourselves. It was glassy. Keith McClure. Named for Benjamin Zablan. Kawelikoa Point. It breaks only during big south swells. seaward of First Break. and Third Ditch. Zeros is a play on words with the name First Break. 1. Kauaʻi. Zombies. Surf site. Seaward of Tongg's and named after Zeros in Waikīkī. It is called Zeros because it is before First Ditch. which is normally the "first" break in Waikīkī on big days—but not when Zeros is breaking. we caught it on a perfect day with nobody out. Z Buoy. Surf site. Landmarks: Makahūʻena Point. That's how we discovered Zombies. no wind. In 1959. Zippers. June 11. Zeros. Scot Muirhead. Ninini Point. maybe 4-foot wrap coming around Mokumanu. and John Day. but the waves were hardly ever good. Kāneʻohe Bay.ZZ Zablan Beach. Steve and Roger. Surf site. surfers from Kailua rode the waves on this shallow reef for the first time and named it Zombies Rock Garden for fun. I'd heard all the stories about the MPs arresting surfers out there from my friends at Shorebreak. Roy lived near the marine base and everyone parked at his house. We named it Zombies Rock Garden for fun for the rocky bottom conditions of the reef. 1989 I first surfed Zombies in the winter of 1986 when I was twelve. As other homesteaders moved into Nānākuli and their children began swimming at the beach in front of his home. Roy Mesker. Oʻahu. Kekaha. district magistrate of the Waiʻanae District from 1916 to 1920 and one of the original Hawaiian homesteaders in Nānākuli. Off Kekaha Beach Park. 3. my dad and I decided to go for it. Zombies was just down the road from our house. He built his home on the beach next to Nānākuli Stream in 1916 and then relocated to a Department of Hawaiian Homelands lot next to the beach in the 1920s. Waves here are small but fast. Off Mālaekahana State Park on the north side of Kalanai Point. First. Off Nuʻupia Fishpond on Marine Corps Air Station. Section of Nānākuli Beach Park. Surf site. The North Shore was big and there was a 3-. moʻolelo We discovered Zombies in 1959 and started surfing it regularly in the early 1960s. Kīpū Kai. Byron Wright. They "zip" along. Our first time there. Buoy anchored at approximately 892 fathoms. Kauaʻi. Nānākuli. Horror movies creating zombie awareness started with Zombies on Broadway in 1944 and continued through the 1960s with cult classics like the Night of the Living Dead. it became known as Zablan Beach. Surf site. It sticks . Mālaekahana. Fish aggregating device. Oʻahu. and that was the beginning of the war between the surfers and the marines that is still going on today. starring Duane Jones and Judith OʻDea in 1968. you go around a chain-link fence. Zeros is a play on words with the names of three surf sites to the west: First. it is now shortened to Zeros. Our gang was the Harris brothers. so we paddled into the base to check out the reefs there for surf. Waikīkī. Outermost surf site in Waikīkī. Oʻahu. and these long lefts were breaking from the outside all the way to the beach. Waikīkī. but after we moved to Kalāheo Hillside. The MP couldn't hold on. and Eleanor Williamson. it's like you're trapped. Jason Clark. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press. 1974. we didn't feel like surfing. . The dog incident about 1990 was probably the worst one for me. a big German shepherd. too. "Hey." Prepared for Corps of Engineers. November 29. Limu. Kailua. "MPs. but some of my friends haven't been so lucky. maybe because I was always careful and I never got arrested. Swinging around the fence with your board is tricky especially when the surf's pounding the rocks. 2000 REFERENCES Abbott. but I thought the incident was pretty bad—releasing an attack dog on a kid. Isabella. so my friend managed to paddle away.out over the water after it crosses a sharp reef shelf. Then one of them released his dog. I remember one of them in particular who was trying to run across the shelf with an MP chasing him. Adler. but they followed us there. You have to time it just right. so it turned around and went back in. 1966. It came in the water right for me. Army Engineer Division. My dad and I were just going into the water at Zombies when two MPs with dogs popped up from behind the dunes where they were hiding and yelled. Then you have to walk about a quarter mile on a narrow sand trail between the shelf and the sand dunes. For me it was part of the adrenalin rush and it just added to thrill of going surfing on base. Crossing the shelf is deadly when you're trying to move fast over sharp rocks in your bare feet carrying your board. He reached the edge of the shelf and just as he jumped. but they followed us.S. He got jerked backwards and slammed into the rocks." Prepared for Corps of Engineers. U. 1982. Pacific Ocean. If the MPs come when you're on the trail. So we paddled down to the Castle Point right-of-way. The whole MP thing never really got to me. We finally ditched them by paddling across the canal. After that. but some waves hit it in the face. they'll grab you. but that's the way I went the first time some guys behind me yelled.S. Oʻahu. and they started to run toward us. Army Engineer Division. you! Halt!" We just kept going. though. the MP grabbed his leash. Claus Spreckels: The Sugar King in Hawaii. "Kauaʻi Island Coastal Resource Inventory. Jacob. so we paddled back down to the fence. If you go back. but not without some bad cuts and some major damage to his board. AECOS. Kauai: Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden. ——." I made it okay. But you really shouldn't have to go through all of that just to go surf. so you have to run for the opening at the other end of the shelf where everyone goes out or try to run across the shelf and jump in the water. Lawai. or you get nailed. "Maui Island Coral Reef Inventory. U. 1996. 1970. 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KUKEAKALANI CLARK is the author of the beaches of Hawaiʻi series: The Beaches of Oʻahu.ABOUT THE AUTHOR JOHN R.
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