Havells Capacitor Pricelist
Havells Capacitor Pricelist
April 2, 2018 | Author: KuntalGogoi | Category:
Electric Power
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CapacitorReactive Power Solutions PRICE LIST w.e.f. 5th January, 2016 About us 3 Havells Power Capacitors are designed and manufactured using S technology. It encompenses product with tripple shield with differential disconnector in the event of any fault which ensures fault remains localised and protects the installation inspite of hazards. Advance technologies adopted in our “Capacitors” offer you unmatched safety and outstanding performance under Indian conditions benefiting you month after month and every year from now on... Our commitment to manufacturing excellence and providing a world class quality products at affordable prices in creating industry more energy efficient, now from even wider spectrum of products from Havells; we offer a complete solution which is not only safe and reliable but also help to save energy. At Havells “Energy Conservation is our Motto” ...................... 8 Power Factor Components Micro Processor Controlled Power Factor Controllers .......................INDEX Introduction Capacitor (KVAr) Selection Chart ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 APFC Panel ....................................................................................................................................... 19 ......................................................... 11 Power Capacitors Splendid Duty Capacitors ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Super Heavy Duty Capacitors ................................................... 10 Anti Harmonic Detuned Reactor ............................................................................ 15 Agri Boost Capacitors ................................................................................................ 12 Heavy Duty Capacitors ....... 17 Installation & Comissioning of Power Capaictor ........... 16 Single Phase Capacitors .......................... 16 MFD Capacitors ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2016 4 . Range of Power Factor Correction Capacitors. Components & Panels Cylindrical Anti Microprocessor Square APFC Panel Harmonic Controlled Detuned Power Factor Filter Controller Torrent Range Range 5-100 KVAr 6-350 KVAr (Splendid Duty) Range 1-30 KVAr 1 CT 8 & 12 Steps Champ (Heavy Duty) Range 1-100 KVAr Phantom (Heavy Duty) 3 CT Range 1-25 KVAr 8 & 12 Steps Agri Boost Champion (Normal Duty) (Super Heavy Duty) Range 1-15 KVAr Double Dielectric Range 1-100 KVAr Mini Master / Master (Splendid Duty) Range 1-50 KVAr Effective from 5th January. 2016 .25 to 4 MFD 440V 25 to 72 MFD 10 to 42 MFD 40/60 to 25/2.5 to 5.1 to Aluminum Plastic 250/450V 250V 200/250 MFD 60/10 MFD 12/6 MFD EPX Cu wire Cu wire 250V 440V 440V 36 to 72 MFD 4 to 20 MFD 440V 400/450V & 25 to 50 MFD 440V Aluminum Plastic DFO DFO Available in Mono Pack 25 to 60 MFD 25 to 60 MFD 440V 440V Plastic SFO 4 to 20 MFD 400/450V 5 Effective from 5th January.3/2. Range of MFD Capacitors Fan Motor Run Submersible Lighting Motor Start Air Conditioner Washing Machine Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Aluminum Plastic Cu wire Cu wire Cu wire Cu wire QFO Cu wire 2. 11 1.98 3.73 0.11 0.58 0.25 0.73 1.97 2.30 0.88 0.01 1.40 1.05 1.88 1.92 0.09 0.84 0.53 2.21 0.50 1.88 0.34 2.94 0.19 0.42 1.72 0.91 0.68 0.42 0.37 1.40 1.65 0.75 0.32 0.08 1.44 1.16 0.56 1.01 = 101.46 0.21 0.04 0.89 1.46 1.03 0.30 1.63 0.13 1.16 0.59 0.86 0.06 1.89 0.72 0.43 0.13 1.25 1.81 0.54 0.15 0.36 1.65 0.11 0.89 0.39 0.45 1.42 2.84 1.73 0.06 0.78 0.63 1.72 0.13 0.35 0.81 0.20 1.50 0.46 0.14 1.85 1.90 0.26 0.77 0.99 0.59 2.23 2.27 1.38 1.40 0.24 0.17 0.14 2.00 1.31 0.07 2.46 1.94 0.67 0.23 1.34 1.13 0.90 1.80 0.65 0.68 1.(KVAr) 100 x 1.73 1.67 1.70 0.27 0.96 2.80 0.57 0.08 0.44 1.91 0.98 1.90 0.94 0.02 0.73 0.78 0.13 0.36 0.59 0.75 0.22 1.16 0.96 0.96)=.66 0.16 2.51 0.68 0.76 0.27 1.62 0.48 0..73 0.40 1.56 2.10 1.00 Factor F 3.24 0.63 0.71 0.68 1.84 0.96 2.54 0.34 1.11 1.19 1.25 0.40 0.85 0.67 0.36 0.87 1.24 0.52 0.54 1.81 1.96 0.73 0.18 0.94 0.42 0.47 0.20 0.99 1.49 0.59 0.47 0.46 0.59 0.76 0.60 2.48 2.59 1.23 0.83 0.52 0.91 0.05 2.34 0.04 1.91 0.26 0.86 0.33 Example: ACTUAL motor power P = 100 kW Actual cos φ 0.30 0.02 2.79 0.97 1.05 0.33 95 0.36 00.07 0.26 0.83 0.03 1.82 1.43 0.41 0.08 0.68 0.81 0.13 0.62 0.82 2.64 1.62 1.22 0.83 1.59 0.Capacitor (KVAr) Selection Chart TARGET Q Cos ϕ = 0.05 0.81 0.42 0.30 2.97 1.41 0..17 0.69 0.18 0.38 0.96 0.72 0.54 0.86 0.75 0.48 1.55 0.01 2.43 0.54 1.02 0.87 0.22 0.76 0.19 0.67 0.26 0.18 1.11 0.07 0.39 0.57 1.49 0.03 0.68 0.35 0.42 0.36 0.58 0.64 0.60 0.89 1.67 0.01=101.81 1.75 0.21 0.63 0.70 0.47 0.65 0.99 0.21 1.48 1.56 0.08 1.16 0.05 1.96 Cos ϕ <_1 Current achievable (ACTUAL) (TARGET) Q c =Pmot x F(0.44 0.65 0.29 1.75 2.54 0.02 1.56 1.87 0.23 0.79 0.0 KVAr Effective from 5th January.56 2.18 0.79 0.10 2.21 0.68 1.94 1.93 0.62 0.62 0.70 0.16 1.29 0.38 0.94 1.86 0.55 0.13 0.75 1.77 0.61 0.39 0.60 0.85 0.18 0.33 0.85 0.60 0.75 0.65 0.04 0.93 0.18 0.76 2.49 0.27 0.32 2.45 0.57 0.70 2.34 0.52 0.48 0.56 0.41 1.81 0.36 1.94 1.27 0.31 0.52 0.40 0.34 0.05 0.36 0.48 0.79 0.04 1.93 1.33 0.16 0.40 0.30 2.86 0.01 Capacitor reactive power Qc = 100 x 1.32 0.00 1.65 0.64 2.12 1.11 1.43 0.45 0.74 0.37 0.76 0.88 0.71 0.78 0.50 1.08 0.80 0.38 0.29 1.36 0.47 1.57 0.94 1.25 0.87 0.09 2.17 0.50 0.60 0.34 2. 2016 6 .82 0.63 0.48 0.63 0.10 1.11 0.08 0.57 0.48 0.88 0.10 0.13 1.44 0.35 1.69 0.40 0.32 0.96 Factor F from table 1.43 0.54 1.03 0.69 0.57 0.94 1.19 0.68 0.00 2.48 0.61 TARGET cosφ 0.24 0.33 1.60 0.61 1.56 0.29 0.54 0.89 2.71 0.83 0.40 0.73 1.29 2.52 0.37 0.27 0.43 0.29 0.78 0.77 2.05 0.39 1.29 0.87 1.57 0.19 1.32 0.34 0.10 0.07 2.20 1.29 0.16 0.11 0.43 2.34 0.51 0.21 2.91 0.03 0.08 0.92 0.34 2.54 0.57 0.72 0.17 1.84 0.54 0.28 2.82 0.58 0.78 0.96 0.26 2.65 0.50 0.82 0.15 2.98 1.0 KVAr Tan ϕ cosϕ cos ϕ 0.24 0.30 0.78 0.08 0.23 2.31 1.03 1.42 1.51 0.46 0.65 0.51 0.63 0.66 0.28 0.98 1.19 0.74 0.19 0.88 0.95 2.58 0.40 0.78 0.83 0.31 1.61 0.21 0.32 0.33 0.91 1.59 0.26 0.21 0.73 1.93 2.55 0.71 0.43 2.51 0.86 0.45 0.44 0.73 0.29 0.45 1.41 2.28 1.39 2.80 1.28 1.30 0.07 1.48 2.48 0.85 0.66 0.20 1.14 0.23 2.22 0.05 0.64 1.75 1.62 1.94 1.10 0.55 0.48 2.46 0.06 0.84 2.64 0.11 0.37 0.23 1.92 0.18 2.16 0.62 0.80 0.53 0.12 0.14 0.67 2.70 0.70 0.77 0.02 1.04 1.14 0.42 0.14 0.17 2..51 0. Rice mills Fabrication shops Sugar plants Cold storage Welding shops Rolling mills Machine and tool shop Example for Calculating Non Linear Load Installed Transformer Rating = 1000KVA Non Linear Loads = 100 KVA % Non Linear Load = Non Linear Load / Transformer Rating) X 100 = (100/1000) X 100 = 10% Example of Non Linear Loads: UPS.5 3 3 4 5 5 6 10 4 4 5 6 7.5 25 50 15 18 20 22.75 to 0.5 26 30 35 75 20 23 25 28 33 40 100 22.5 24 30 60 18 21 22. Example: Calculate required KVAr to improve PF from 0. UPS etc.5 40 12 13 16 18 22.5 7.5 100 300 45 68 75 100 100 120 350 50 75 90 120 120 135 400 75 80 100 130 140 150 450 80 90 120 140 160 160 500 100 120 150 160 180 180 7 Effective from 5th January.5 8 15 5 5 6 7.5 30 30 35 40 45 125 25 36 35 42 45 50 150 30 42 40 52. Suggested Maximum Capacitor Ratings for Induction Motors Nominal Motor Speed Induction Motor 3600 R/Min 1800 R/Min 1200 R/Min 900 R/Min 720 R/Min 600 R/Min Rating (HP) Capacitor Rating (KVAr) 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 2 3 3 4 4 5 7. CFL. AC / DC Drives.5 8 10 12 18 30 8 8 10 14 15 22. loads where non Garment industries (Sewing Pharmaceutical industries Cement industries linear factor is <10%.5 9 12 18 25 7.96 for 500kW installation KVAr= kW x multiplying factor from table = 500 x 0. OR we can easily calculate by a simple formula Avarage PF = kW / kVA Operating load kW = kVA Demand x Avarage PF Avarage PF is considered as the initial PF and the final PF is assumed as a target PF. SMPS. CNC Machines. From this information required KVAr can be easily calculated with referance table. Industry) Do not use normal Bakeries Automible plants Stone crushing duty capacitors for Flour mills Paper industries Textiles (Production of Yarn/cloth) the application of Oil mills Food processing plants Forging Industries Heavy Duty and Super Heavy Duty Glass industries IT industries Power frequency induction furnaces capacitors.590 = 295 KVAr (II) Selection of Capacitor Duty Selection of Capacitor Type is first decision to be made Power Factor Correction Capacitor can be classified as follows.Master and Torrent Heavy Duty . Arc / Induction furnace. Splendid Duty .Champ and Phantom Super Heavy Duty . Operating load KW and its average power factor (PF) as per the electricity bill.5 8 10 20 6 6 7.5 60 200 35 50 50 65 68 90 250 40 60 62. Rectifiers.5 52.Selection of Capacitor (I) Calculation of Required KVAr. Computer.Champion Refer following table for the capacitor duty based on type of Industry / Applicaiton Power Capacitor Selection Chart on the basis of Application Capacitor Splendid Duty (SD) Heavy Duty (HD) Super Heavy Duty (SHD) Super Heavy Duty (SHD) + Reactor % Non linear load ≤ 10% Up to 15% Up to 20% Between 20% to 30% Square Master Champ Champion Champion + Reactor Cylindrical Torrent Phantom Application These Capacitors are Commercial building with CFL Heavy chemical industries Steel plant designed for normal lamps.5 82 87. 2016 . Standard: IEC 61921/ IS 8623 equipment. • Advanced Microprocessor based IPFC.Self healing polypropylene Equipped with • To ensure easy user interface for enabling reliable over pressure safety device & discharge register. capacitor steps to ensure consistent power factor. Colour Siemens Grey. • The incomer MCCB provided has upto 35 KA fault Principle Operation interrupting capability. will ensure safe isolation of the power factor correction • Ref. • To continuously sense and monitor the load conditions • Most reliable and hassle free contactor switching by the use of the external CT (whose output is fed to technology. Effective from 5th January. Protection IP 20. installation and maintenance by the user. • Well designed powder coated panel box. understanding of system operation. • Capacitor . • To protect against any electrical faults in a manner that • Bus bar is made of copper. . 2016 8 . • Capacitor Duty Contactor with dumping resistance to • To automatically switch ON and switch OFF relevant enhance capacitor life.Automatic Power Factor Correction Panel Range • Output Rating: 6-350 kVAr • Voltage Rating: 415 V Features • Faster Automatic Correction to Unit Power Factor. number of switching operations absorb the line harmonics for reactor pannels only. such as display of • Detuned reactors to prevent network resonance and real time power factor. the control relay). • Switch option Auto or Manual. • Modular Design which allows easier assembly. carried out etc. • Indicating light for step ON indication. 0 / 5 VA 3 1. Delta Connection.500 12 QHKTCB5012X0 12 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 600 x 800 x 200 50. .250 200 QHKTEB5200X0 200 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 5.12.874 250 QHKTMB5250X0 250 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 5.000 9 QHKTCB5009X0 9 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 600 x 800 x 200 40.500 175 QHKTEB5175X0 175 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 4.0 / 5 VA 3 1. Delta Connection.140 400/5 QSCELML0122 CT 400/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.08.0 / 5 VA 3 988 150/5 QSCELML0138 CT 150/5A CL1 5VA Spare / 5 VA 3 1.00.000 125 QHKTMB5125X0 125 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 2.000 75 QHKTCB5075X0 75 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1500 x 1500 x 250 1.89.217 9 Effective from 5th January.000 200 QHKTCB5200X0 200 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1500 x 1750 x 250 3.96.000 325 QHKTCB5325X0 325 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 700 x 2100 x 600 6.000 125 QHKTCB5125X0 125 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1500 x 1500 x 250 2.75.0 / 5 VA 3 999 200/5 QSCELML0139 CT 200/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.0 / 5 VA 3 1.40.665 350 QHKTEB5350X0 350 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 9. Super Heavy Duty Square Cap Capacitor (Champion) 100 QHKTMB5100X0 100 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 2.P.000 150 QHKTCB5150X0 150 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1500 x 1500 x 250 3.083 275 QHKTMB5275X0 275 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 6. Cat.93.154 450/5 QSCELML0141 CT 450/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.291 300 QHKTMB5300X0 300 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 6.000 125 QHKTEB5125X0 125 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 3.188 800/5 QSCELML0125 CT 800/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.665 225 QHKTMB5225X0 225 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 4.00.0 / 5 VA 3 962 75/5 QSCELMLX0003 CT 75/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.0 / 5 VA 3 973 100/5 QSCELFBOL001 CT 100/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.43.032 300/5 QSCELML0140 CT 300/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.33.203 1000/5 QSCELML0143 CT 1000/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.374 250 QHKTEB5250X0 250 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 6.04. 50Hz.44. 50Hz.04.165 350 QHKTMB5350X0 350 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 7. Super Heavy Duty Square Cap Capacitor with Detuned Reactor (Aluminium) 100 QHKTEB5100X0 100 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 2.666 225 QHKTEB5225X0 225 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 Rated Voltage 415V AC.583 275 QHKTCB5275X0 275 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 700 x 2100 x 600 5. Rating Code Description Class / VA Burden MOQ in ` 25/5 QSCELMLX0002 CT 25/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.000 15 QHKTCB5015X0 15 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 600 x 800 x 200 62.000 50 QHKTCB5050X0 50 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1050 x 1000 x 250 1.542 300 QHKTCB5300X0 300 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 700 x 2100 x 600 5.0 / 5 VA 3 947 50/5 QSCELML0137 CT 50/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.998 325 QHKTEB5325X0 325 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 8.331 Rated Voltage 415V AC.167 30 QHKTCB5030X0 30 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1050 x 1000 x 250 1. Delta Connection.0 / 5 VA 3 1.70.750 150 QHKTEB5150X0 150 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 4.750 200 QHKTMB5200X0 200 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 4.81.000 175 QHKTCB5175X0 175 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1500 x 1750 x 250 3.667 225 QHKTCB5225X0 225 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1500 x 1750 x 250 4. Code Description KVAr mm in ` Rated Voltage 415V AC.58.166 500/5 QSCELMLX0004 CT 500/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.0 / 5 VA 3 1.625 250 QHKTCB5250X0 250 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1500 x 1750 x 250 4.083 275 QHKTEB5275X0 275 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 7.41.P. 3ø.331 Other Rating on requrest Accessories for APFCS Panel Installation Current Transformers L.99.07.500 25 QHKTCB5025X0 25 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1050 x 1000 x 250 1.38.500 175 QHKTMB5175X0 175 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 3.0 / 5 VA 3 1.018 250/5 QSCELML00102 CT 250/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.81.52. Heavy Duty Cylindrical Capacitor (Phantom) 6 QHKTCB5006X0 6 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 600 x 800 x 200 32.09.0 / 5 VA 3 1.0 / 5 VA 3 1.Automatic Power Factor Correction Panel Rating WxHxD L.91.49.77. 50Hz.998 325 QHKTMB5325X0 325 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 7.180 600/5 QSCELML0142 CT 600/5A CL1 5VA Spare 1.500 100 QHKTCB5100X0 100 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 1500 x 1500 x 250 2.50. 3ø.250 150 QHKTMB5150X0 150 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP 1000 x 2100 x 850 3.66.25. 2016 .87.917 350 QHKTCB5350X0 350 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel CYCAP 700 x 2100 x 600 6.791 300 QHKTEB5300X0 300 kVAr / 415V SecuRite APFC Panel SQCAP DTR 1500 x 2100 x 850 7.41.50. 3ø. 2016 10 .550 VAC l Supports Intelligent Algorithm l Alarm Indication on Display l Dual Password Protection l Automatically switches between various capacitive bank Intelligent Power Factor Controller : IPFC CS 1003 Range: 08 and 12 Steps Features: l 3 CT Sensing l LCD Type with dual colour backlight l Auxiliary supply 90 .900 12 QHOSBS5N0012 IPFC CS 1001-112-90/550V AC 1 5 11.550 VAC l Supports Intelligent Algorithm l Configurable Alarm Settings l Alarm Indication on Display l Programmable fan control l Dual Password Protection l Automatic CT Polarity detection l NTC Temperature Sensor l Communication Interface RS485 & ModBus RTU (Only for 12 Relay option) l Power Factor Measurement Range: 0.800 Effective from 5th January.Intelligent Power Factor Controller : IPFC CS 1001 Range: 08 and 12 Steps Features: l 1 CT Sensing l 7 segement LED display l Auxiliary supply 90 . in Material Code Description Standard Pack Master Pack KVAr ` Intelligent Power Factor Controller (IPFC CS.P.000 Intelligent Power Factor Controller (IPFC CS.8 lead l Automatically switches between various capacitive bank Rating L.1003) 8 QHOTBS5H0008 IPFC CS 1003-308-90/550V AC 1 5 17.1001) 8 QHOSBS5N0008 IPFC CS 1001-108-90/550V AC 1 5 9.600 12 QHOTBS5H0012 IPFC CS 1003-312-90/550V AC 1 5 19.8 lag to 0. 67%.73 .73 . Detuned Reactor 12. 7% and 14% reactors Effective With 5.054 15 440 QHTTMCV015x0 H.000 Rated Voltage 440V AC.181 12.000 100 440 QHDTMCV100x0 H.500 20 440 QHDTMCV020x0 H.67% & 14% reactors are available on request 11 Effective from 5th January. 189 Hz and 133 Hz for the base of 50 Hz • Rated Voltage: 440 V Features: • Highest linearity.5 KVAr 7% 9. which will avoid resonance with 5th harmonic and above.Anti-Harmonic Detuned Reactor In a practical network. P = 7% ( Fr = 189 Hz) / Linearity: L > 0. Detuned Reactor 50 KVAr 7% 26. AC Rated Voltage 440V AC.000 12.5 KVAr 7% 10.Temperature micro switch Selection Chart: Capacitor voltage and KVAr selection for 5. XL is contributed by the transformers and line inductances and XC is contributed by the PF capacitors.000 25 440 QHDTMCV025x0 H. combination of capacitor and 7% detuned filter reactor has the resonant frequency of 189 Hz. 2016 .5 KVAr 15KVAr/480V 12. winding) 10 440 QHTTMCV010x0 H.5 440 QHTTMCV012x5 H. there is a possibility of resonance.872 25 440 QHTTMCV025x0 H.331 50 440 QHTTMCV050x0 H. F = 50 Hz.000 50 440 QHDTMCV050x0 H.207 Note: 5. Detuned Reactor 75 KVAr 7% 27.000 75 440 QHDTMCV075x0 H.5KVAr/480V 10 KVAr 12.376 75 440 QHTTMCV075x0 H. due to one of the following reasons: • Parallel resonance within a given electical system. Range: • Effective Reactor output 5 KVAr to 100 KVAr • Available in: Copper & Aluminum • Detuning Factor: 5. low risk of reactor tilting • Low losses and noise level • High over loading capability • Light weight in case of aluminum windings • Safety device . Detuned Reactor 25 KVAr 7% 11. For example. Detuned Reactor 5 KVAr 7% 6.5 KVAr 15KVAr/480V 12.P.95 Lr for current up to 1. Detuned Reactor 20 KVAr 7% 15. Detuned Reactor 100 KVAr 7% 54. Rating Rated Voltage Cat.67% detuned reactor With 7% detuned reactor With 14% detuned reactor KVAr output Reactor (440V) Capacitor (480V)** Reactor (440V) Capacitor (480V)** Reactor (440V) Capacitor (525V)** 5KVAr 5 KVAr 6KVAr/480V 5 KVAr 6KVAr/480V 5 KVAr 6KVAr/525V 10KVAr 10 KVAr 12. reactor current and standard capacitor rating available. Detuned Reactor 10 KVAr 7% 8.683 15 440 QHDTMCV015x0 H.67%.197 20 440 QHTTMCV020x0 H. Addition of detuned reactors (in series to capacitors) forcefully shifts the resonant frequency to a safer level. P = 7% ( Fr = 189 Hz) / Linearity: L > 0.7% and 14% corresponding to tuning • Frequencies of 210 Hz. Detuned Reactor 25 KVAr 7% 16. Detuned Reactor 75 KVAr 7% 42. Detuned Reactor 50 KVAr 7% 20. in ` KVAr V.5KVAr/525V 12. I1 (Cu winding) 5 440 QHDTMCV005x0 H. Detuned Reactor 20 KVAr 7% 10. 189 Hz with 7% and 133Hz with 14%).5KVAr/480V 10 KVAr 12.95 Lr for current up to 1.162 100 440 QHTTMCV100x0 H. Code Description L.5 440 QHDTMCV012x5 H. Detuned Reactor 15 KVAr 7% 12. Detuned Reactor 12.5KVAr 12. Detuned Reactor 100 KVAr 7% 36. Detuned Reactor 10 KVAr 7% 10.000 10 440 QHDTMCV010x0 H. F = 50 Hz.67%. I1 (Al.5 KVAr 15KVAr/525V 15KVAr 15 KVAr 20KVAr/480V 15 KVAr 20KVAr/480V 15 KVAr 20KVAr/525V 20KVAr 20 KVAr 25KVAr/480V 20 KVAr 25KVAr/480V 20 KVAr 25KVAr/525V 25KVAr 25 KVAr 30KVAr/480V 25 KVAr 30KVAr/480V 25 KVAr 30KVAr/525V 50KVAr 50 KVAr 60KVAr/480V 50 KVAr 60KVAr/480V 50 KVAr 60KVAr/525V Note: **Capacitor KVAr selection is done considering the tuning frequency (210 Hz with 5. involving internally generated harmonics and resonance between local capacitors and the predominantly inductive supply (transformers) • Series resonance between external harmonics (in the supply system and capacitors within electrical system) • Interactive resonance between different harmonics filters within a given electrical network. Detuned Reactor 15 KVAr 7% 10. Hence for any industry with power factor correction capacitors installed. 9 50X157 1 16 666 5 QHUTCC5005X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.066 6 QHNTMC5006X0 Master 440V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 7. Delta Connection 1 QHUTCC5001X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-1KVAr 3PH 1. Code Description KVAr A µF mm Pack Pack ` Rated Voltage 440V AC.37 6 x 82.37 3 X 164.496 20 QHUTCD5020X0 Torrent 480V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 24.68 3 X 82. 50Hz.264 25 QHNTMC5025X0 Master 440V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 32.9 195X75X290 1 1 1.992 Other Rating on requrest Effective from 5th January.132 12.600 8 QHNTMC5008X0 Master 440V 50Hz-8KVAr 3PH 10.248 10 QHUTCC5010X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 13.5 50X157 1 16 240 2 QHUTCC5002X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-2KVAr 3PH 2.5 410X264X325 1 1 11.68 3 x 82.4 150X60X225 1 24 1.45 W / KVAr • Over current withstand capability -1.Splendid Duty Square Capacitors Rating IR CN LxWxH Standard Master L.3 times rated current • Inrush current withstand capability .31 3 x 5.5KVAr 3PH 9.1 85X345 1 4 4. 50Hz.40 3 X 68.03 3 x 46.199 20 QHNTMC5020X0 Master 440V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 26.200 times rated current • Number of switching .25 3 x 21.56 3 x 27.331 30 QHNTMC5030X0 Master 440V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 39. in Cat.94 3 x 16.6 85X270 1 4 3.2 220X160X300 1 1 6. 3ø.5 220X160X300 1 1 5.328 25 QHUTCC5025X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 32.992 Rated Voltage 480V AC.1 195X75X290 1 1 1.5 QHNTMC5007X5 Master 440V 50Hz-7.80 3 X 137. in Cat.280 7.8 195X75X290 1 1 1.04 3 x 57. Delta Connection 1 QHNTMC5001X0 Mini Master 440V 50Hz-1KVAr 3PH 1. 2016 12 .94 3 X 16.8 195X75X290 1 1 2.12 3 X 54.84 3 X 41.0 63.664 12.25 3 X 21.02 3 x 34.8 75X195 1 8 1.496 20 QHUTCC5020X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 26.5KVAr 3PH 15.24 6 x 54.31 3 X 5.80 6 x 68. Code Description KVAr A µF mm Pack Pack ` Rated Voltage 440V AC.5 QHUTCC5012X5 Torrent 440V 50Hz-12.09 3 x 138.06 3 x 92. 3ø.248 10 QHUTCD5010X0 Torrent 480V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 12.5 225X80X290 1 1 2.160 30 QHUTCD5030X0 Torrent 480V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 36.87 3 X 32.160 30 QHUTCC5030X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 39.4 63.04 3 x 69.4 150X60X225 1 24 687 4 QHNTMC5004X0 Mini Master 440V 50Hz-4KVAr 3PH 5.Splendid Duty Cylindrical Capacitors Rating IR CN DxH Standard Master L.24 3 X 109.5 QHUTCD5012X5 Torrent 480V 50Hz-12.9 150X60X225 1 24 916 5 QHNTMC5005X0 Mini Master 440V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.12 3 x 54.5 3 x 43.56 3 X 27.666 15 QHNTMC5015X0 Master 440V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 19.080 15 QHUTCC5015X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 19.2 85X270 1 4 2.6 85X270 1 4 2.Splendid Duty Capacitors for Linear Load • Cylindrical and Square Type capacitors • Operating losses .87 3 x 32.P.5 85X195 1 8 2.5 QHUTCC5007X5 Torrent 440V 50Hz-7. 50Hz.706 10 QHNTMC5010X0 Master 440V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 13.328 25 QHUTCD5025X0 Torrent 480V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 30.4 50X157 1 16 499 4 QHUTCC5004X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-4KVAr 3PH 5.5000 operations per year • MPP with Self Healing Property • Over Pressure Disconnector • Notch Shield Mini Master / Master .62 3 x 11.080 15 QHUTCD5015X0 Torrent 480V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 18.5 QHUTCD5007X5 Torrent 480V 50Hz-7.664 12.1 90X345 1 4 4.84 3 x 41.5X157 1 16 832 7.5 QHNTMC5012X5 Master 440V 50Hz-12.5X157 1 16 832 6 QHUTCC5006X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 7.62 3 X 11.0.0 85X195 1 8 1.5KVAr 3PH 16.01 3 x 23.40 3 x 68.5 75X195 1 8 1.5 125X50X180 1 30 331 2 QHNTMC5002X0 Mini Master 440V 50Hz-2KVAr 3PH 2.P.0 125X50X180 1 30 458 3 QHNTMC5003X0 Mini Master 440V 50Hz-3KVAr 3PH 3.1 85X270 1 4 2.393 50 QHNTMC5050X0 Master 440V 50Hz-50KVAr 3PH 65. Delta Connection 5 QHUTCD5005X0 Torrent 480V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.5KVAr 3PH 9.0 85X345 1 4 4.2 225X80X290 1 1 3.1 85X270 1 4 3.8 220X160X300 1 1 4.4 90X345 1 4 4.187 Torrent .1 75X195 1 8 1.0 50X157 1 16 333 3 QHUTCC5003X0 Torrent 440V 50Hz-3KVAr 3PH 3.9 75X159 1 8 998 7. 3ø.5KVAr 3PH 9.5KVAr 3PH 16.07 3 x 115.61 12 x 68. 4 195X75X290 1 1 1.5 QHBTMC5012X5 Champ 440V 50Hz-12.75 3 X 48.5KVAr 3PH 9.139 12.24 6 x 54.5 QHBTMD5007X5 Champ 480V 50Hz-7.5 220X160X300 1 1 7.06 6 X 46.9 150X60X225 1 24 1. Delta Connection 5 QHBTMD5005X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.6 410x264x325 1 1 15.5KVAr 3PH 13.924 15 QHBTMF5015X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 16.7 410x264x325 1 1 19.5 225X80X290 1 1 3.98 12 X 57.94 3 x 16.P.785 7.1 225x80x290 1 1 1.Heavy Duty Square Capacitors Rating IR CN LxWxH Standard Master L.02 3 x 34.60 3 X 23.99 12 X 48.6 220x160x300 1 1 7.00 3 X 38.9 225x80x290 1 1 2.9 195X75X290 1 1 1.228 5 QHBTMC5005X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.5 220x160x300 1 1 6.1 220x160x300 1 1 8.752 60 QHBTMD5060X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-60KVAr 3PH 72.975 12. 3ø.09 6 X 69.504 Rated Voltage 480V AC. 3ø.462 20 QHBTMD5020X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 24.488 6 QHBTMD5006X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 7.5 QHBTMF5012X5 Champ 525V 50Hz-12.0.6 195x75x290 1 1 1.5KVAr 3PH 15.570 6 QHBTMF5006X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 6.379 10 QHBTMC5010X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 13. 3ø.5 225x80x290 1 1 3.18 12 X 69.1 195X75X290 1 1 2.927 50 QHBTMC5050X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-50KVAr 3PH 65.348 10 QHBTMF5010X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 11.04 3 x 69.37 6 x 82.3 times rated current • Inrush current withstand capability .12 3 x 54.7 225x80x290 1 1 4.99 6 X 38.50 3 x 43. 50Hz.0 125X50X180 1 30 614 3 QHBTMC5003X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-3KVAr 3PH 3.40 3 x 68.80 6 x 68.1 225x80x290 1 1 3.2 220X160X300 1 1 8.7 220x160x300 1 1 9.0 220x160x300 1 1 5.438 30 QHBTMC5030X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 39. 50Hz.50 3 X 57.902 Rated Voltage 525V AC.50 3 X 19.927 50 QHBTMD5050X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-50KVAr 3PH 60.849 30 QHBTMF5030X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 32.Heavy Duty Capacitors for Non Linear Load (upto 15%) • Cylindrical and Square Type capacitors • Operating losses .719 15 QHBTMC5015X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 19.231 10 QHBTMD5010X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 12.438 30 QHBTMD5030X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 36.628 100 QHBTMC5100X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-100KVAr 3PH 131.785 7.279 25 QHBTMF5025X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 27.488 6 QHBTMC5006X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 7.950 25 QHBTMC5025X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 32.1 220x160x300 1 1 7.4 150X60X225 1 24 920 4 QHBTMC5004X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-4KVAr 3PH 5. Code Description KVAr A µF mm Pack Pack ` Rated Voltage 440V AC.61 12 x 68.5 125X50X180 1 30 360 2 QHBTMC5002X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-2KVAr 3PH 2. Delta Connection 1 QHBTMC5001X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-1KVAr 3PH 1.8 225X80X290 1 1 2.950 25 QHBTMD5025X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 30.25 3 x 21.01 3 x 23 195x75x290 1 1 1.719 15 QHBTMD5015X0 Champ 480V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 18.5KVAr 3PH 16.2 225X80X290 1 1 4.1 225x80x290 1 1 4.709 20 QHBTMF5020X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 21.883 7.14 12 X 57.99 6 X 57.5 QHBTMC5007X5 Champ 440V 50Hz-7.31 3 x 5.5 410X264X325 1 1 15.25 3 X 28.537 60 QHBTMF5060X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-60KVAr 3PH 65.975 12.68 3 x 82. Delta Connection 5 QHBTMF5005X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 5.22 3 x 27.0 225x80x290 1 1 2.752 75 QHBTMC5075X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-75KVAr 3PH 98.5000 operations per year • MPP with Self Healing Property • Over Pressure Disconnector • Notch Shield Champ .6 225x80x290 1 1 3.418 50 QHBTMF5050X0 Champ 525V 50Hz-50KVAr 3PH 54.5 195x75x290 1 1 2.5 QHBTMF5007X5 Champ 525V 50Hz-7.5KVAr 3PH 9.250 times rated current • Number of switching .40 18 x 68.2 195x75x290 1 1 1.5 725X264X390 1 1 31.49 6 X 48. 2016 .07 6 X 57.87 3 x 32.45 W / KVAr • Over current withstand capability -1.8 220X160X300 1 1 5.04 3 x 57. in Cat.1 410x264x325 1 1 18.03 3 x 46.8 225X80X290 1 1 2.84 3 x 41.5KVAr 3PH 8.62 3 x 11.231 8 QHBTMC5008X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-8KVAr 3PH 10.462 20 QHBTMC5020X0 Champ 440V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 26.844 Other Rating on requrest 13 Effective from 5th January.5 570X264X325 1 1 23.5 QHBTMD5012X5 Champ 480V 50Hz-12.56 3 x 27.22 24 x 68. 50Hz.1 410x264x325 1 1 16. 50 3 X 43.12 3 X 54.964 12.605 25 QHHTCC5025X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 32.5KVAr 3PH 9.04 3 x 57.68 3 X 82.5 50X157 1 16 280 2 QHHTCC5002X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-2KVAr 3PH 2. Delta Connection 1 QHHTCC5001X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-1KVAr 3PH 1.94 3 X 16.2 85X270 1 4 4.4 68X157 1 16 1. 3ø.1 85X345 1 4 5.5KVAr 3PH 8.2 63.204 20 QHHTCD5020X0 PHANTOM 480V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 24.Heavy Duty Cylindrical Capacitors Rating IR CN DxH Standard Master L.8 75X195 1 8 2.37 3 X 64.682 7.8 85X195 1 4 2.9 75X195 1 8 2.25 3 X 28.5X157 1 16 1.401 6 QHHTCC5006X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 7.121 5 QHHTCC5005X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.02 3 x 34.0 50X157 1 16 561 3 QHHTCC5003X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-3KVAr 3PH 3.006 Rated Voltage 480V AC.80 3 X 137.0 63.5X187 1 16 1.5 QHHTCC5007X5 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-7.5 QHHTCF5012X5 PHANTOM 525V 50Hz-12.75 3 X 48. 2016 14 .84 3 X 41.31 3 X 5.928 25 QHHTCF5025X0 PHANTOM 525V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 27.6 85X345 1 4 5.401 7.410 Other Rating on requrest Effective from 5th January.50 3 X 19.223 10 QHHTCF5010X0 PHANTOM 525V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 13.14 3 X 102.1 85X270 1 4 2.803 12.242 10 QHHTCC5010X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 13. 50Hz.5KVAr 3PH 14.5KVAr 3PH 16.25 90X345 1 4 7.504 15 QHHTCD5015X0 PHANTOM 480V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 18. 50Hz. 3ø.102 10 QHHTCD5010X0 PHANTOM 480V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 12.006 Rated Voltage 525V AC.0 90X270 1 4 5.4 63.102 8 QHHTCC5008X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-8KVAr 3PH 10.01 3 x 23.446 20 QHHTCF5020X0 PHANTOM 525V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 29.504 15 QHHTCC5015X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 19.5 QHHTCC5012X5 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-12. Delta Connection 5 QHHTCD5005X0 PHANTOM 480V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.06 3 x 92.0 90X345 1 4 7. 3ø.56 3 X 27. in Cat.1 75X195 1 8 2.5 QHHTCD5012X5 PHANTOM 480V 50Hz-12.6 85X270 1 4 3.5 85X270 1 4 3.9 63.705 15 QHHTCF5015X0 PHANTOM 525V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 18.5 QHHTCD5007X5 PHANTOM 480V 50Hz-7.8 85X270 1 4 3.1 90X345 1 4 7.204 20 QHHTCC5020X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 26.0 85X270 1 4 2.07 3 x 115.40 3 X 68.605 25 QHHTCD5025X0 PHANTOM 480V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 30.5KVAr 3PH 9.1 85X270 1 4 4.9 75X195 1 8 1.50 3 x 96.3 85X270 1 4 4. Delta Connection 5 QHHTCF5005X0 PHANTOM 525V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 5. Code Description KVAr A µF mm Pack Pack ` Rated Voltage 440V AC.5X157 1 16 1.Phantom .5 QHHTCF5007X5 PHANTOM 525V 50Hz-7.803 12.04 3 x 69.03 3 x 46.5X157 1 16 841 4 QHHTCC5004X0 PHANTOM 440V 50Hz-4KVAr 3PH 5.87 3 X 32.52 3 X 50.5 75X195 1 8 2.5KVAr 3PH 15.25 3 X 21.62 3 X 11. 50Hz.24 3 X 109.P.482 7. 99 12 X 48.3 times rated current • Inrush current withstand capability .9 225X80X390 1 1 2. 50Hz.054 60 QHSTMF5060X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-60KVAr 3PH 66.912 100 QHSTMC5100X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-100KVAr 3PH 131.12 3 X 54.6 410X264X425 1 1 23.364 50 QHSTMD5050X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-50KVAr 3PH 60.02 3 X 34.338 6 QHSTMD5006X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 7.692 30 QHSTMD5030X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 36.5 570X264X425 1 1 35.5KVAr 3PH 9.5 225X160X400 1 1 9. Delta Connection 5 QHSTMD5005X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.0 225X80X290 1 1 2.353 25 QHSTMC5025X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 32.99 6 X 38.5KVAr 3PH 16.6 225X80X390 1 1 2.09 12 X 34.50 3 X 19.62 3 X 11.5KVAr 3PH 15.899 12.065 Other Rating on requrest 15 Effective from 5th January.03 3 X 46.6 225X160X400 1 1 11.805 7.5 225X80X390 1 1 3.249 30 QHSTMF5030X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 33.675 10 QHSTMF5010X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 11.015 20 QHSTMD5020X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 24. Delta Connection 5 QHSTMF5005X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 5.1 225X160X400 1 1 12.00 3 X 38.01 3 X 23.14 12 X 57.349 20 QHSTMF5020X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 21.5000 operations per year • MPP with Self Healing Property • Over Pressure Disconnector • Notch Shield Champion .0 195X75X290 1 1 1.87 3 X 32.125 15 QHSTMF5015X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 16.2 225X80X390 1 1 2.799 25 QHSTMF5025X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 27.49 6 X 48.04 6 X 34.172 4 QHSTMC5004X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-4KVAr 3PH 5.5KVAr 3PH 13.60 3 X 23.Super Heavy Duty Double Dielectric Capacitors for Non Linear Load (upto 20%) • Square Type capacitors • Operating losses .5 225X80X390 1 1 5.68 6 X 41.5 QHSTMD5007X5 Champion 480V 50Hz-7.0.508 10 QHSTMD5010X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 12.40 3 X 68.5KVAr 3PH 9. 3ø.1 225X80X390 1 1 2.9 225X80X390 1 1 3.45 W / KVAr • Over current withstand capability -1.5 3 X 43.5 QHSTMF5007X5 Champion 525V 50Hz-7.5 QHSTMF5012X5 Champion 525V 50Hz-12.805 7.0 570X264X425 1 1 28.032 50 QHSTMF5050X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-50KVAr 3PH 54.06 6 X 46.9 225X160X400 1 1 7.31 3 X 5.8 225X160X400 1 1 9.56 3 X 27.015 20 QHSTMC5020X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-20KVAr 3PH 26.8 225X80X390 1 1 3.22 3 X 27.677 12.896 5 QHSTMC5005X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6. Delta Connection 1 QHSTMC5001X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-1KVAr 3PH 1.0 225X160X400 1 1 9. 50Hz.353 25 QHSTMD5025X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-25KVAr 3PH 30.00 18 X 38.22 24 X 68.07 6 X 57.24 6 X 54.882 Rated Voltage 480V AC.61 12 X 68.5 QHSTMC5012X5 Champion 440V 50Hz-12.338 6 QHSTMC5006X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 7.450 6 QHSTMF5006X0 Champion 525V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 6.5 225X160X400 1 1 7. 3ø.1 410X264X425 1 1 25.1 225X80X390 1 1 6.729 Rated Voltage 525V AC.677 12.1 225X160X400 1 1 7.300 times rated current • Number of switching .41 18 X 68.5 410X264X425 1 1 23.508 8 QHSTMC5008X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-8KVAr 3PH 10.846 15 QHSTMD5015X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 18.5KVAr 3PH 8.9 225X80X290 1 1 2.9 410X264X425 1 1 15.8 225X80X390 1 1 4.664 50 QHSTMC5050X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-50KVAr 3PH 65.00 12 X 28.941 60 QHSTMD5060X0 Champion 480V 50Hz-60KVAr 3PH 72.5 150X60X225 1 24 724 2 QHSTMC5002X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-2KVAr 3PH 2.84 3 X 41.1 225X80X390 1 1 3. in Cat.25 3 X 28.5 410X264X425 1 1 14.6 225X80X390 1 1 5.692 30 QHSTMC5030X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-30KVAr 3PH 39. 50Hz.448 3 QHSTMC5003X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-3KVAr 3PH 3. Code Description KVAr A µF mm Pack Pack ` Rated Voltage 440V AC.4 225X80X290 1 1 2. 3ø.50 6 X 28.75 3 X 48.4 225X80X290 1 1 2.742 10 QHSTMC5010X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 13.941 75 QHSTMC5075X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-75KVAr 3PH 98.1 410X264X425 1 1 14.18 18 X 46.P.80 6 X 68.5 225X80X390 1 1 4.Super Heavy Duty Square Capacitors Rating IR CN LxWxH Standard Master L.0 225X80X390 1 1 4.25 3 X 21.5 570X264X425 1 1 30.5 225X160X400 1 1 11. 2016 .846 15 QHSTMC5015X0 Champion 440V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 19.940 7.5 QHSTMD5012X5 Champion 480V 50Hz-12.5 QHSTMC5007X5 Champion 440V 50Hz-7.37 12 X 41.04 3 X 57.5 725X264X490 1 1 47.94 3 X 16. 43 3 x 46.17 3 x 18.0 63.76 63.Agri Boost .5 x 132 1 16 653 4 QHNSCS5004X0 HERCULES 250V 50Hz-4KVAr 1PH 16.8 50X157 1 16 625 6 QHATCB5006X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-6KVAr 3PH 8. in Cat. 2016 16 . 50Hz 1 QHNSCB5001X0 HERCULES 415V 50Hz-1KVAr 1PH 2.00 152.2 40X157 1 16 230 2 QHATCB5002X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-2KVAr 3PH 2.39 3 x 6.00 203. Code Description KVAr A µF mm Pack Pack ` Rated Voltage 415V AC.4 85X275 1 8 1.00 101.48 50 x 132 1 16 263 2 QHNSCB5002X0 HERCULES 415V 50Hz-2KVAr 1PH 4.3 40X157 1 16 250 3 QHATCB5003X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-3KVAr 3PH 4.96 50 x 132 1 16 436 3 QHNSCB5003X0 HERCULES 415V 50Hz-3KVAr 1PH 7.5KVAr 3PH 10.0 85X192 1 8 1.2 63.00 254.633 10 QHNSCB5010X0 HERCULES 415V50Hz-10KVAr 1PH 24. 1ø. in Cat. 3ø. 1ø.35 3 x 37.62 36.44 50 x 132 1 16 653 4 QHNSCB5004X0 HERCULES 415V 50Hz-4KVAr 1PH 9.250 12. 50Hz 1 QHNSCS5001X0 HERCULES 250V 50Hz-1KVAr 1PH 4.23 55.875 Hercules .5X157 1 16 750 7.6 50X157 1 16 500 5 QHATCB5005X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-5KVAr 3PH 6.91 3 x 61.13 3 x 49.5 50X157 1 16 375 4 QHATCB5004X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-4KVAr 3PH 5.41 18.5 x 132 1 16 1.089 Rated Voltage 415V AC.10 184.Normal Duty Single Phase Cylindrical Capacitors Rating IR CN DxH Standard Master L.08 138.P.5X157 1 16 1.00 50.56 3 x 24.64 73.92 55 x 132 1 16 871 5 QHNSCB5005X0 HERCULES 415V 50Hz-5KVAr 1PH 12.68 68 x 132 1 16 871 5 QHNSCS5005X0 HERCULES 250V 50Hz-5KVAr 1PH 16.84 50 x 132 1 16 436 3 QHNSCS5003X0 HERCULES 250V 50Hz-3KVAr 1PH 12.Normal Duty Cylindrical Capacitors for Agriculture Applications Rating IR CN DxH Standard Master L.5KVAr 3PH 17.5 QHNSCB5007X5 HERCULES 415V 50Hz-7.5 QHATCB5012X5 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-12.96 3 x 30. 50Hz.60 75 x 165 1 8 1.089 7.87 3 x 92.61 68 x 187 1 16 1.000 10 QHATCB5010X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-10KVAr 3PH 13.5 QHATCB5007X5 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-7.3 63.05 92. Code Description KVAr A µF mm Pack Pack ` Rated Voltage 250V AC.563 15 QHATCB5015X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-15KVAr 3PH 20.92 50 x 132 1 16 263 2 QHNSCS5002X0 HERCULES 250V 50Hz-2KVAr 1PH 8. Delta Connection 1 QHATCB5001X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-1KVAr 3PH 1.6 75X200 1 16 1.5KVAr 1PH 18.78 3 x 12.80 75 x 165 1 8 2.P.5X157 1 16 938 8 QHATCB5008X0 AGRI BOOSTND 415V 50Hz-8KVAr 3PH 11.178 Effective from 5th January.40 63.39 3 x 77. Aluminum / Terminal .MFD Capacitor Mfd Rated Standard Master Series Cat.Lug 4 N 400/450 QHPPSS5004X0 4 MFD/400/450V/PLSFO/25X47 60 600 38 Motor Run 5 N 400/450 QHPPSS5005X0 5 MFD/400/450V/PLSFO/25X47 60 600 44 6 N 400/450 QHPPSS5006X0 6 MFD/400/450V/PLSFO/30X57 50 300 48 8 N 400/450 QHPPSS5008X0 8 MFD/400/450V/PLSFO/30X57 50 300 51 10 N 400/450 QHPPSS5010X0 10 MFD/400/450V/PLSFO/30X57 50 300 56 12.15 F 440 QHPCWC5003X1 3.5 N 400/450 QHPPSS5012X5 12. Description L.5 F 440 QHPCWC5002X5 2.5 M 400/450 QHPDWS5012X5 12.25 F 440 QHPCWC5002X2 2.P. No. in ` Application Rating Voltage Pack Pack FAN : Casing .5 MFD/400/450V/PLSFO/35X57 50 300 63 15 N 400/450 QHPPSS5015X0 15 MFD/400/450V/PLSFO/35X57 50 300 71 20 N 400/450 QHPPSS5020X0 20 MFD/400/450V/PLSFO/35X70 50 300 114 25 N 440 QHPPDC5025X0 25 MFD/440V/PLDFO/40X70 50 300 133 36 N 440 QHPPDC5036X0 36 MFD/440V/PLDFO/45X94 25 125 160 45 N 440 QHPPDC5045X0 45 MFD/440V/PLDFO/45X94 25 125 187 50 N 440 QHPPDC5050X0 50 MFD/440V/PLDFO/45X94 25 125 194 60 N 440 QHPPDC5060X0 60 MFD/440V/PLDFO/45X94 25 125 276 Motor Run : Casing .Copper Wire 5 M 400/450 QHPPWS5005X0 5 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/30X57 50 300 42 Motor Run 6 M 400/450 QHPPWS5006X0 6 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/30X57 50 300 43 8 M 400/450 QHPPWS5008X0 8 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/30X57 50 300 50 10 M 400/450 QHPPWS5010X0 10 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/30X57 50 300 54 12.Aluminum / Terminal .Plastic / Terminal .Copper Wire 2.5 M 400/450 QHPPWS5012X5 12.25 MFD/440V/PLWW/28X52 60 600 26 FAN 2.5 MFD/440V/PLWW/28X52 60 600 29 3.Plastic / Terminal .Copper Wire 25 S 250/450 QHPCWS5025X0 25 MFD/250/450V/PLWW/35X94 25 200 123 Submersible 36 S 250/450 QHPCWS5036X0 36 MFD/250/450V/PLWW/35X94 25 200 131 45 S 250/450 QHPCWS5045X0 45 MFD/250/450V/PLWW/40X94 25 125 145 50 S 250/450 QHPCWS5050X0 50 MFD/250/450V/PLWW/45X94 25 100 168 60 S 250/450 QHPCWS5060X0 60 MFD/250/450V/PLWW/45X94 25 100 191 72 S 250/450 QHPCWS5072X0 72 MFD/250/450V/PLWW/50X94 25 100 231 17 Effective from 5th January.Copper Wire (Big Can) 5 M 400/450 QHPDWS5005X0 5 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X70 50 300 47 6 M 400/450 QHPDWS5006X0 6 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X70 50 300 48 8 M 400/450 QHPDWS5008X0 8 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X70 50 300 55 10 M 400/450 QHPDWS5010X0 10 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X70 50 300 59 12.Plastic / Terminal .Lug (Double Fast On) 25 MAD 440 QHLPDC5025X0 25 MFD/440V/ALDFO/45X78 25 193 Motor Run 36 MAD 440 QHLPDC5036X0 36 MFD/440V/ALDFO/45X103 25 222 45 MAD 440 QHLPDC5045X0 45 MFD/440V/ALDFO/45X103 25 335 50 MAD 440 QHLPDC5050X0 50 MFD/440V/ALDFO/50X103 25 376 60 MAD 440 QHLPDC5060X0 60 MFD/440V/ALDFO/50X103 25 445 Motor Run : Casing .5 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X57 50 350 61 15 M 400/450 QHPPWS5015X0 15 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X57 50 350 69 20 M 400/450 QHPPWS5020X0 20 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X70 50 300 91 25 M 440 QHPPWC5025X0 25 MFD/440V/PLWW/40X94 25 125 140 30 M 440 QHPPWC5030X0 30 MFD/440V/PLWW/40X94 25 125 145 36 M 440 QHPPWC5036X0 36 MFD/440V/PLWW/45X94 25 100 151 40 M 440 QHPPWC5040X0 40 MFD/440V/PLWW/45X94 25 100 161 45 M 440 QHPPWC5045X0 45 MFD/440V/PLWW/50X94 25 100 173 50 M 440 QHPPWC5050X0 50 MFD/440V/PLWW/50X94 25 100 199 Motor Run : Casing .Copper Wire 36 MAW 440 QHLEWC5036X0 36 MFD/440V/ALEPXWW/45X94 25 100 192 Motor Run 45 MAW 440 QHLEWC5045X0 45 MFD/440V/ALEPXWW/50X94 25 100 247 50 MAW 440 QHLEWC5050X0 50 MFD/440V/ALEPXWW/50X94 25 100 267 60 MAW 440 QHLEWC5060X0 60 MFD/440V/ALEPXWW/50X120 25 311 72 MAW 440 QHLEWC5072X0 72 MFD/440V/ALEPXWW/50X143(S) 30 353 Submersible : Casing .Plastic / Terminal .15 MFD/440V/PLWW/28X52 60 600 31 4 F 440 QHPCWC5004X0 4 MFD/440V/PLWW/28X52 60 600 34 Motor Run : Casing .5 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X70 50 300 66 15 M 400/450 QHPDWS5015X0 15 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/35X70 50 300 73 20 M 400/450 QHPDWS5020X0 20 MFD/400/450V/PLWW/40X94 25 125 122 Motor Run : Casing .Plastic / Terminal . 2016 . 5 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 245 30/4.Lug (Double Fast On) 36 IAD 440 QHLMDC5036X0 36 MFD/440 V/ALHFO/45X120 25 307 Air Conditioner 45 IAD 440 QHLMDC5045X0 45 MFD/440 V/ALHFO/50X120 25 333 50 IAD 440 QHLMDC5050X0 50 MFD/ 440V/ALHFO/50X120 25 373 60 IAD 440 QHLMDC5060X0 60 MFD/440 V/ALHFO/50X120 25 391 Washing Machine : Casing . EPX .5 I 440 QHLIDC536002 36/2.5 I 440 QHLIDC560002 60/2. DFO .Microfarad.0 I 440 QHLIDC545004 45/4 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 296 45/6.5 I 440 QHLIDC525002 25/2.5 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 261 36/4.5 I 440 QHLIDC555002 55/2.5 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 288 45/4.0 I 440 QHLIDC555006 55/6 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 349 60/2.0 I 440 QHLIDC540004 40/4 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 281 40/6.0 I 440 QHLIDC536004 36/4 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 269 36/6./250V/PLWW/50X94 25 100 329 Air Conditioner : Casing . RES .1 MFD/440V/PLWW/35x94 25 200 116 Washing Machine 7/3./250V/PLWW/40X94 25 125 169 100/120 (75) G 250 QHGPWS5075X0 100-120 Start Cap.Quadraple Faston.5 I 440 QHLIDC550002 50/2.Plastic / Terminal .Aluminum / Terminal .0 I 440 QHLIDC530004 30/4 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 253 30/6. in ` Application Rating Voltage Pack Pack Lighting : Casing ./250V/PLWW/35X94 25 200 139 80/100 (60) G 250 QHGPWS5060X0 80-100 Start Cap.3/2.Plastic / Terminal .MFD Capacitor Mfd Rated Standard Master Series Cat. PL .0 I 440 QHLIDC560006 60/6 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 366 60/10.5 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 218 50/4.0 I 440 QHLIDC525006 25/6 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 243 30/2. SFO .With stud Effective from 5th January.Copper Wire 40/60 (30) G 250 QHGPWS5030X0 40-60 Start Cap.Copper Wire 5.Double Faston QFO .0 H 440 QHPHWC508004 8/4 MFD/440V/PLWW/35X94 25 200 139 9/4.3/2.5 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 279 40/4.0 I 440 QHLIDC540006 40/6 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 286 45/2.Aluminum / Terminal .0 I 440 QHLIDC560004 60/4 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 363 60/6.Plastic / Terminal .5 I 440 QHLIDC540002 40/2.P.Aluminium Casing. 2016 18 .0 I 440 QHLIDC550004 50/4 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 333 50/6./250V/PLWW/50X94 25 100 299 200/250 (120) G 250 QHGPWS5120X0 200-250 Start Cap.0 I 440 QHLIDC555004 55/4 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 345 55/6. (S) .Single Faston.0 I 440 QHLIDC536006 36/6 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 279 40/2.5 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 341 55/4.0 I 440 QHLIDC530006 30/6 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 257 36/2. No.Epoxy top.5 I 440 QHLIDC545002 45/2.5 I 440 QHLIDC530002 30/2.0 I 440 QHLIDC550006 50/6 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 339 55/2.1 H 440 QHPHWC505302 5.0 I 440 QHLIDC545006 45/6 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 302 50/2.0 H 440 QHPHWC510005 10/5 MFD/440V/PLWW/35X94 25 200 150 12/6.Lug ( Quadraple Fast On) 25/2.5 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 351 60/4.Resistor./250V/PLWW/40X94 25 125 225 120/150 (90) G 250 QHGPWS5090X0 120-150 Start Cap.Copper Wire 10 L 250 QHJPWS5010X0 10MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/30X57 50 300 52 Lighting 10 L 250 QHEPWS5010X0 10MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/30X57(S) 50 300 62 12 L 250 QHJPWS5012X0 12MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/30X57 50 300 68 12 L 250 QHEPWS5012X0 12MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/30X57(S) 50 300 75 20 L 250 QHJPWS5020X0 20MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/35X57 50 350 78 20 L 250 QHEPWS5020X0 20MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/35X57(S) 50 350 84 33 L 250 QHJPWS5033X0 33MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/35X70 50 300 121 33 L 250 QHEPWS5033X0 33MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/35X70(S) 50 300 125 42 L 250 QHJPWS5042X0 42MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/40X70 25 150 146 42 L 250 QHEPWS5042X0 42MFD/250V/PLWW/RES/40X70(S) 25 150 150 Motor Start : Casing . Description L.0 I 440 QHLIDC525004 25/4 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 239 25/6.With Wire. WW .0 H 440 QHPHWC509004 9/4 MFD/440V/PLWW/35X94 25 200 143 10/5.0 I 440 QHLIDC560010 60/10 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X120 25 383 Air Conditioner : Casing ./250V/PLWW/35X70 50 300 99 Motor Start 60/80 (45) G 250 QHGPWS5045X0 60-80 Start Cap. AL .5 MFD/440V/PLWW/35X94 25 200 132 8/4.5 H 440 QHPHWC507003 7/3.Plastic Casing.5 MFD/440V/ALQFO/50X105 25 233 Air Conditioner 25/4.0 H 440 QHPHWC512006 12/6 MFD/440V/PLWW/40X94 25 125 176 Abbreviation: MFD ./250V/PLWW/45X94 25 100 283 150/200 (105) G 250 QHGPWS5105X0 150-200 Start Cap. 2016 .19 Effective from 5th January. Expressway. Our products are described in detail in our data sheets. No. 27533632. These statements are based on our knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on our products.REGIONAL OFFICE: Mumbai: 1271. Rajkot: Tel: 0281-2481112. 2458923.Ghatkopar Link Road. Raipur: Tel: 0771-4243400 / 01. 23888200. Calicut: 4954019194. E-mail: marketing@havells. Sector -126. 2244862. 3.: 1800 11 0303. 2207222. 2460355.com Consumer Care No. havells. Bangalore: Tel: 080-49075000. Bhubaneshwar: Tel: 0674- 6668101/102/103/104. Havells India Ltd. Noida / Haryana: Tel: 0120-3331000. Madurai: 09994493242.400093. 40060738-740. 4. 2306199. Jamshedpur: Tel: 0657-6542492. which may arise due to any errors in the price list. The company reserves the right to repair the defective items after ascertaining facts through a detailed service report on appropriate usage of our products in rated conditions. Chakala. Dehradun: Tel: 0135-6670202.com. Noida-201304. Any dispute arising in this regard shall be subjected to jurisdiction of courts in Delhi-India. 12. for a period of 18 months from the date of authorised dealer / retailer to end consumer or 12 months from the date of installation whichever is earlier. Hyderabad: Tel: 040-27533372. Chennai-600008.REGIONAL OFFICE: Kolkata: ICC Tower.201 304 (UP). 2244868.havells. Ahmedabad: Tel: 079-40061111. Sri Nagar: Tel: 0194-2490431. 66320407/0408/6401/6402. Lucknow: Tel: 0522-6672100. Vizag: Tel: 0891-6514339. Kanpur: Tel: 0512-6710400. All claims for loss. 09234369436. Nagpur: Tel: 0712-2240932. 2D. Ph. Jammu: Tel: 0191-2478330. Tel: 033-40129851 / 52. 2305199.com/havells and share your ways to save the planet! (CIN) . Guwahati: Tel: 0361-2134521. damage or shortage will be filed by the Purchasers directly with the carriers. 1800 103 1313 (All Connections). Important information: Some parts of this publication contain statements about the suitability to our products for certain areas of application. The important notes (www. Freight / Delivery charges • Goods are despatched by us on Purchaser’s risk. Ludhiana: Tel: 0161-4676000 / 24. The company reserves the right to take back the defective goods for carrying out study or inspection. Trivandrum: 4714015323. Vishakapatnam: Tel: 0891-6514339. Solitaire Corporate Park. Egmore. Expressway. • Company reserves the right to issue amendments. +91-120-3331000. • All prices are on Least Price (LP) basis inclusive of Excise Duty. 18 / 3. 4 India Exchange Place. Ph. • This Price List supersedes all our previous Price Lists. Warranty is not applicable if the products are found tampered with or subjected to calibration changes. 605. 2D. Power Capacitors manufactured by Havells are warranted against defects arising out of manufacturing processes or use of defective raw material. QRG Towers.facebook. Andheri . 2242692. Jabalpur: Tel: 0761-4064491 SOUTH . 2244864. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any consequential loss.67298600-602. Siliguri: Tel: 0353-2525907. Indore: Tel: 0731-2572340-41. Chandigarh: Tel: 0172-4232400-401. This publication is only a brief product survey which may be cnaged from time to time. Hubli: 09448146028. Surat: Tel: 0261-2350137.L31900DL1983PLC016304. . 27533355. 3988210 Jodhpur: Tel: 0291-9214201640 / 45. Rukmani Lakshmipathy Road. 9979890137.com) and the product specific warnings and cautions must be observed. Andheri (East). Coimbatore: Tel: 0422-2305767.Warranty: 1.: 022 . 2479330. Patna: Tel: 0612-2207221. Bldg. 2244869. 2242699 Pune: Tel: 020-64016413 / 14. 2. 011-4166 0303 (Landline) Join us on Facebook at www. 4009998 (Airtel). injury or damages attributable to defect or failure of its products. Jaipur: Tel: 0141-3914645. No. Kolkata-700001. 2655518 WEST . We expressly point out that these statements cannot be regarded as binding statement about the suitability of our products for a particular customer application. 2207223. Noida . Tel: 0120-3331000. if any are subject to Delhi jurisdiction only.REGIONAL OFFICE: Chennai: Sigapi Achi Building. Ranchi: 0651-2244861. • Prices are subject to change without notice. 6th Floor. • Disputes. Kochi: Tel: 0484-4099000. 5th Floor. Delhi: Tel: 011-47676700. Tel: 044-42280600. All releveant information is available through our sales offices. Vijayawada: Tel: 91+9247058847/57. Trichy: 09944460160 Representative Offices: • Goa • Solapur • Gwalior • Kathmandu • Bhopal Distributor / Dealer : ZHQPL00001/JAN 16/APR 16 General terms and conditions of sale • Prices are in Indian. www. 6710409 EAST . It is incumbent on the customer to check and decide whether the product is suitable for use in a particular application. 7th Floor. Regional & Branch Offices: NORTH . Mumbai. Proof of purchase to be retained to avail warranty.REGIONAL OFFICE: Corporate Office: QRG Towers. Sector-126. 2921212. The company's liability is limited to repair or replace the defective product only.
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