Hart's New Annual Army List 1854

March 24, 2018 | Author: regardstofranco | Category: Tenor Saxophone, Saxophone, Trombone, Fruit Preserves, Armed Conflict



JULLIEN & CO,~{CmtiHtted.) rOR A BRASS BAND OF FIFTBCN PCRFORMERS. 1 SOPRANO SAXIiOUN, ALTO ililto, iu K tint F.nd D £6 rtat 2 B flat aud A flat, each 3 CORNET-A-PISTONS, each S TKNOll SAXUORNrt.F and E flat, each 2 TKUMrarS.each 2 2 1 BARITONE SAX IIOUNS, in B flat, each BASS ditto, C and B flat, with 4 Pistons, CONTRABASSE, in E flat 12 iS 18 18 18 18 « 18 18 21 « 14 29 « each 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 10 10 £6 14. 8 15 15 is Performers. Total cost £H1 6 15 FOR A BRASS BAND OF T^VSNTV PERFORMERS. 1 2 SOPRANO SAX nORN, in E flat and 1) ALTO ditto, in B flat and A flat, each £6 « « flat 4 CORNET-A-PISTONS, each 5 4 4 2 2 2 1 TENOR SAX HORNS, m F and E flat, each FRENCH HORNS, with 3 Pistons, each TRUMPETS, BASS ditto, CONTRABASSE in E C and B flat, 6 6 6 9 9 12 13 9 9 with Pistons, each TENOR TROMBONES, R flat and Aflat BARITONE SAX HORNS, B flat, each 6 with Pistons, each with 4 Pistons, each 9 9 9 9 14 14 12 12 25 4 18 18 25 4 18 18 15 18 IS 18 29 8 « 15 15 flat SO Perfoi-mers. Total cost £190 1 FOR A BRASS BAND OF T'WENTY-SIX PERFORIHIERS. SOPRANO SAX HORN, in E flat and D flat ditto, in B flat and A flat, each 2 ALTO 4 CORNET-A-PISTONS, each 2 TENOR SAX HORNS, iu F and E flat, each 4 FRENCH HORNS, with 3 Pistons,each £6 6 9 ! 4 TRUMPETS, with C 9 9 12 12 9 9 10 10 8 8 3 Pistons, each 3 BARITONE SAX HORNS, B 3 1 1 TENOR TROMBONES, B flat flat, 6 6 6 each and Aflat, with Pistons, each BASS ditto, G and F, with Pistons each OPHECLEIDE, in C 2 BASS SAX HORNS, C and B flat, with 4 Pistons, CONTRABASSE, in E flat 14 14 .,. 36 Performers, Total cost FOR A FVIiL iym:.ITARV BAND. As used by the Band of the Coldstream Quards. in B flat, each in E flat 9 CLARIONETS, 1 2 ditto 1 FLUTE 1 PICCOLO 2 FRENCH HORNS, £5 5 10 W ,., OBOES, each each 2 TENOR TROMBONES, each 10 10 9 9 9 9 6 6 5 « 1 2 BASS ditto BASSOONS, each 12 12 2 SAX HORNS, in F and E flat, each 2 TRl MPETS, each 2 COfNiiT-A-PIsrONS, each : EUfllONIUM OPHECLEIDE 1 CONTRABASSE, E 1 .: , flat 50 Performers. Total CTist Drawhvgs of the abeve Instruments senffne on npplicatioru 12 IS 25 4 18 18 50 8 37 16 21 16 16 9 9 10 10 29 8 16 15 £254 3 « fl (k d THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE Ti:STi]yi:oNiAt.s RECEIVED BY MESSRS. JULLIEN & CO. FROM VARIOUS REGIMENTS. From the Coldstream Guards^ 42, Vincent Square, — March \ith, 1853. have great pleasure in stating that the whole of the Brass Instruments lately furnished to the Band of the Coldstream Guards have given great satisfaction to the regiment, myself, and the musicians who play on them. I also consider it due to you to say, the instruments (25 in number) furnished by you to the North York Rifle-Militia have met with unqualified satisfaction. I am, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, C. GoDFaEY, Band-Master, Coldstream Guards. GEXTLEiMENr I — From Dear the 16th Iiancers. Cavalry Barracks, Bundalk, March \&th, 1853. — I have much pleasure in saying that the Brass Instruments (Cornopeans have purchased of you are brilliant-toned, roost perfect in tune, and very highly finished. I have used them for some time in my profession, and can say, with every I am, dear Sirs, yours most respectfully, confidence, they improve. J. G. Jones, Band-Master, 16th Queen's Lancers. Sies, particularly) I — From >' Mt tois, I Edinburgh, March 2ith, 1853. dear Siks, The Instruments we have lately received, made by Besson and Couram happy to inform you are much approved of by the performers of the band and I — ; I my testimony to the richness of tone and to their very superior workmanship, am, dear Sirs, yours truly, J. P. Clarke, Band-Master, 7th Hussars. also can bear — the 7th Hussars. Prom the 2nd Dragoon Guards. Netvhridge Barracks, 22nd March. 1853. Gentlemen, — Having used Cornets-a-Pistons in the both by Courtois and Besson, and supplied by you, easy to play, and possessing great brilliancy of tone. servant, J. Frcm I — I band of the regiment, manufactured can recommend them as being very remain, Gentlemen, your obedient Clarke, Band-Master, 2nd Dragoon Guards. the Royal Scots Greys. Birmingham, March 15th, 1853. have to acknowledge the arrival of the Tenor Sax-Horn and Cornopean of Courtois', and have much pleasure in informing you they give very great satisfaction snd are certainly the best instruments we have ever had. I remain, my dear Sir, yours Yery truly, D. Owen. Band-Master Royal Scots Greys.'. My Dear Sirs, — I — From the 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars. Nottingham, March 15M, 1853. Dear Sir9, — 1 am very happy in being able to inform you that I do prefer your instruments, manufactured by Besson and Courtois, to those which I tried and examined in Paris and elsewhere. I have the pleasure to remain, dear Sirs, yours, &c,, Adolph Kcbnio, Music-Director of the 8th King's Royal Irish Husuar*. — TESTIMONIALS RECEIVED BY JULLIEN From the 4th Iiig^ht Sc CO.—Contlnue£' ' Dragoons. Ipswich, April \2th, 1853. Dear Sirs,— I have had frequent opportunities of testing the merits of the Brass Instruments manufactured by G, Besson and Antoine Courtois. I can recommend them as possessing the utmost purity of tone, and correct intonation. The instruments are elegant in form, and finished in the most superior style of workmanship. I am, dear Sirs, yours very — truly, W. Devin, From the Band-Master, 4th Light Dragoons. 50th Regiment. — Sirs, Having examined and carefully tried the Brass Instruments made by Besson and Antoine Courtois, and also the Wood ditto made by Buflet sold at your establishment, I certify that they are perfectly la tune, and made on the very best principle. I am, dear Sirs, your obedient servant, P. Castaldini, Band-Master, 50th Regiment of Foot. — Fron\ the 76th Regiment. 11, Arihur-street, March 26tk, 1853. Gentlemen, I received, last night, the Besson's Cornetto which you sent me, and it me great pleasure to inform you that, as far as my knowledge permits, I find it perfect — gives and superior style of finish ; indeed, I did not expect otherwise, after the opportunity I have had, during my stay in London, of examining your stock of Besson's and Courtois' Brass Instruments, w.hich I can safely pronounce the best in Great Britain. I remain. Gentlemen, your most obedient servant, G. De Angeliz, Music-Master, 76th Regiment. in every respect, both for brilliancy of tone — From the 28th Regiment. Moxs. buffet's clarionets. Gentlemen, I have used Mons. Buffet's Clarionets of different descriptions, and can speak in the highest manner of their superior excellence they possess the most ' — ; beautiful and brilliant quality of tone, exceedingly well in tune, and they are finished ia a very elegant manner. W. Wallace, MONS. BESSON Gentlemen, — Having for some S Music-Master, 28th Regiment. PISTONS. used Mons. Besson's Pistons in my band, I approval of them. They possess great brilliancy of ti.ne past can have no hesitation in testifying my tone, are beautifully finished, and well in tune. W. Wallace, Music-Master, 28th Regiment. Lancaster, June 20 ih, 1853. Siaa, —The instruments furnished by you have given great satisfaction. Wm. Assheton Cross, Capt. 1st Royal Lancashire Regiment of Militia. London, May 24 th, 1853. Brass Instruments which I lately received from you of Besson's and Courtois' manufacture, are of the very best description, and they have given and I can have no hesitation in saying that evtry satisfaction to the performers in my band Yours &c., they are certainly the best I have ever heard. J. Suckling. Band-Master, 26th Regt., (Cameronians.) Gentlemen, —The supply of — ; Head-quarters, Warrington, June 18M, 1852. Dkar — much pleasure in telling you that the whole of the instruments you The drums you lately sent are have furnished the band with, have proved to be excellent. I remain, yours truly, alio very good. John DavIs, Band-Master, 4th Royal Lancashire Light Infantry. Sirs, I feel — A register ia kept of Ihe most efficient Band Masters, with their qualifications and tcstimoniali. SAFE PER WATCHES POST. FREEft ^ MODEL^W/tTGHS n|5,eHiAPSIDE" LONDON ^ # 5 GUINEAS GREAT EXHIBITION, IZCUINEAS No. 1, Class X. HANUFACTURER to the ADMIRALTY, THE OBDNANCE, THE BOTAL OBSEBVATORY, & THE Every Watch, in the latest style, aUEEIf. most carefully examined, timed, and performance guaranteed. finished, skilfully Gold Cases and Jewelled. Silver Cases Quality. its and Jewelled. Quality. A GENTLEMEN'S. GENTLEMEN'S. Ga. Horizontal construction, enamel dial, 4 holes, jewelled Ditto, gold dial and strong case Bennett's superior London-made Patent Lever, jewelled Horizontal construction, sound and serviceable 10 ] j Superior Lever (Geneva) 10 jewels Bennett's London-made Levers 12 17 LADIES'. 10 12 16 Horizontal construction, neat and flat beautifully engraved cases ... Superior Geneva Lever {Elegant Siher Dials. \0s. 6d. extra) Small London-made I;evers LADIES*. Horizontal construction, gold Patent Lever (Geneva) Ditto (Kn;;li3li) liiglily dial... finished ' For Medical Men, Dead Seconds SuFEKioR Lever with :— Gold, 18 Gs.; Silver, 12 Gs. Chronometer Balance. Bennett's Pocket Chronometer Gold, 27, 23, and 19 Gs. Every Watch Skilfully Gold, 50 Gs. Examined, Timed, and JOHN BENNETT, 65, its ; Silver, 40 Gs. performance Guaranteed. CXSEAFSIBE, BONBON. EGBERT COCKS & COAS MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS, NEW &c. the Organ Elementary.— Rinck's First Three Months at THE(Op.ORGAN— This work, an inestimable boon to the student, was expressly Price 121). 8s. cbmposed'by the great German organist for the undersigned publishers. the Concertina, containing COVCERTINA.— CocKs's Instruction Book for "Contains Price 6s. Exercises. 07 Preludes and Airs, 12 Chants, and numerous N.B. Concertinas at curious desire to know." all that the learner can require or the very moderate prices. rpHE ORGAN.— Instruction Book.— Instructions and Observations on Performing on the Organ, Joseph Warren. Second edition, JL of " Exceedingly useful to amateurs, the Art with Examples Fingered for that Instrument. By An Appendix to the same, price 3s. price 4s. and a great assistance to teachers." Instruction Books.— Miolan's Method for the Harmonium' Cheltenham, with Explanatory with Percussion. Translated by John Bishop, of Harmonium, containing Diagrams and 12 Studies. 6s. Also Cocks's Instructions for the N.B. A great variety of 4s. Airs, &c. Exercises, and a Selection of Sacred and other Harmoniums for sale or hire. HARMONIUM.— Drouet's method, 153. INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR THE FLUTE.—ditto, Edited by his pupil, ; Dressler's ditto, 9s. ; Nicholson's Cocks' Flute Tutor, with 50 Airs, 2s. ; James's 2 Books Vs'od' each. Catalogue of Flute music gratis, the Flute, 4s. ; his Catechism, Is. Also a ditto l''s • Berb'guer's Richardson, Word Two on or and postage Duport's Essat, INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR THE VIOLONCELLO.Baillot, Levasseur, and folio volume, 36s. free. Trans- Catel's lated by John Bishop, a large Paris, Translated by A. Merrick, Methods adopted by the Conservatory of Music in Supplement to ditto, 6s.;, Gunn's Essay, lOs. 6d. ; Husdesforge's Method, Esq 1"s 6d. Hamilton's Method, 3s., and his Catechism, Is, lOs.'ed." Ten Duets to follow ditto, 7s. VIOLIN.— Spohr's Great School, Translated by THE INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR Author, with Two Portraits, 31s. 6d. ComJ Bishop and recommended by the Goodban's Method 10s. 6<i- Rode, Translated by J. Bishop, 24s. • ; pagnoli's Method, by the Paris Conservatory of Music, lOs. 6d. Baillot and Kreutzer's Methods, adopted Dubourg on the Violin, a new and enlarged edition, los. bd. Supplement to ditto, 8s. Hamilton's Catechism, Is. Pacini's Method, 2s. Instructions FOR Singing, 53. HamilMUSIC— Hamilton's Modern Pianoforte, 46th Edition, 48. Hamilton s NFW ton's for the Clarke's Catechism of Edition, Is. of 3,500 Musical Terms, 42nd The above Edition. U.-Robert Cocks ^ Co London. 30th Music. of RuDmENTS the works that ever issued from the press. Hamdare Tmong the most rpmarkable educational « household word," and his Modern Instructions are used everyton's name has become a Catechism, no child learnmg music The Dictionary is a wonder, and as to the where hand, will schools these works are invaluable, and, on the other Modern Instructions Dictionary To Tcrht be without it. living in country places, or the colonies, where masters be found beyond price to ])ersons Moniing Chronicle, Oct. 21. Vide had.— be are not to CREATION.— Octavo Edition, by John Bishop, .uniform with "Messiah," One Vol., pianoforte or organ accompaniment. nrice 63 6d Vocal score, with " This is the most elegant edition of Haydn s greatest white cloth boards, price 4s. 6d. setting entirely aside its marvellous cheapness. work that has ever appeared in England, HAYDN'S Sec— Spectator, " Dec. 10, 1853. TTARMONIUMS and PIANOFORTES for SALE and HIRE, in great variety. A Concertinas Flutes, Doble Basses, assortment of Violins, Harps, Guitars, other instruments Also Bows, Rosm, Strings M^ronomes, with and without the bell, and Catalogues and Price Lists, conrequired by the musician. of a 1 soi?s a^d every article London: application, gratis and postage free. taintrtheV'rtic"la7s,are to be had on Pubhshers to the Queen. Rober? Cocks and Co., New Burlington-street, of the Firm of -CATALOGUES of the MUSICAL PUBLICATIONSplates, m every de300,000 ROBERT Cocks and Co., printed from upwards of which mus apphcation, upon be had (gratis and postagefree) Hlar^e MUSIC nartment of the art, Le^yAe class of may music required. Also, Lists of Pianofortes Prices and other musical instruments. Cocks and Co., New Burlington-street, Publishers variety, Harmon.ums, .n great Robert London very moderate. to the Queen, and of all publishers. : EXPANDING PORTMANTEAU. HILL'S LADY'S A This Article has Five Cbmpartmeats. B. „ C „ I^ ,, „ „ Q 97, REGENT STREET, QUADRANT, to contain Linen. Bonnets. „ Mantles and Shawls-. „ Dresses. „ lAghl Articles.^ 212„ Piccadilly. Manufacturer of Registered Portmanteaus. JOHN HILL travelling to respectfully solicits the attention of the Nobility, Gentry, any part of the globe, to his newly-invented and all person* Lady's Expanding Pohtman- •riAU, which for strength, portability, and capacity for containing, excels all others ever invented ; is strongly recommended for continental, railway, and general travelling. To be had only of the inventor, where every other article connected with the business is of firstrate quality. Leather and carpet bags, various descriptions of hat-cases, boxes, and trunks ; writing, dressing, and brush cases of every description ; air-tight tin boxes for India ; wood cases made and lined with tin, sine, or copper ; paper boxes. Patentee of the Choretikopast. Hill's Newly-Invented Mstallic Rivetted Hinged Bag, railway travelling, surpasses N.B.— 97, Regent with wide opening for all others. Street, Quadrant, du Z12, FiccadiUy, West op Regent Street. Six Doors THOMAS SALT & CO., EAST INDIA PALE ALE BREWERS, B U R T O ir-O N-T RENT. STORES :— London 22, Liverpool 52, Henry-street. Manchester 37, Brown-street. Birmingham 26 i. Bull-street. Bristol Back Nottingham 14, Milton-street. Dublin 4, Hungerford Wharf. Hall, Baldwin-street. Crown-alley. Edinburgh 17, Downie-place. Dundee 13, New Inn Entry, High-street PARKER, FIELD, & SONS, Manvifacturers to Her Majesty, the Hon. East India Company, and the Hudson's Bay Company, 233, HIGH HOLBORN, MANSELIi STREET, 58, IVEINORIES, LONDON, MaDufacture Double and Single Guns, Double and Single Rifles, Double and Single Air Guns of all can be relied on, at very low prices, suited tols, with their newly-invented Spring They improremeuls. also supply to all Ramrod ; markets. Also Revolving Chambered Pis- Long Range Minie Rifles, Gunpowder, Shot, Caps, Waddings Shot Cartridges, and Sporting Apparatus of tractors to the Pistols, kinds. Swords, &c., of the highest finish, as well as good sound articles that all descriptions. with the latest of all kinds, Patent P. F. and Sons are also Con- Police for Truncheons, Rattles, Cutlasses, HandcuflTs, Whistles, &c., &c., Muskets, Pistols, Cutlasses, and Cannon, for Yachts, &c. Parker, Field, and Sons, 233, High HolbomEstablished more than Seventy Years. The Latest m Wonderful Electricity. Discovery MEINIG'S PATENT PORTABLE GALVANIC ELECTRO-GENERATOR, Constructed to be worn on the Body under the Garments, supplying Mild Streaming Electricity (Vito-Functional Energy) to any organ to which it is applied, and to the whole system ; is a safe, certain, and often instantaneous remedy in all forms of Nervous, Functional, or Rheumatic Disorders. The Prospectus, which contains tl e names and addresses of more than 600 Persons relieved within the last Eighteen Months, may be liad at j\Ir. Meinig's Establishment, The effects are in103, Leadenhall Street, London (by post, for Two Stamps). stantaneously perceptible, and may be tested beforehand at the Depot. The apparatus weighs Two Ounces, and can be worn without the least inconvenience. Price 5s., 10s., 15s., 20s., 30s., Testimonials from ACUTE PAINS all the HOSPITALS, according to power. first men of the and from the Faculty. (Head-ache, Tooth-ache, Tic, &c.) are relieved instantaneously and freely at the Establishment. HOSIERY FOR FAMILY USE. An unlimited choice of every description of the best Hosiery, in Stockings, Socks Drawers, Vests, and Invalid Under-Dresses also Ladies' Elastic Gaiters for Cold Feet, and various kinds of Dressing-Gowns. ; POPE & PIiANTE, 4, VTaterloo Place, Pall Mall, London. ALSO, EIiASTIC STOCKir«rGS iLNZ> KNEE-CAPS, For Varicose Veixs and Weakness, Which are pervious, light inj texture, and inexpensive, yielding a permanent, efficient, and unvarying support under any temperature, vyithout the trouble of lacing or bandaging. Instructions for measurement and prices on application, and the article sent by post from the Manufacturers. POPE & PLANTE, 4, WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. CORDING'S WADING BOOTS Are superior made for the comfort of Anglers and Snipe Shooters they are light, pliable, and never crack, impervious to water for any length of time, and require no dressing to keep them in condition. to anything hitherto ; CORDING'S DRIVING APRONS Are warm and pliable ; may be folded any way without cracking more durable than leather ones. ; are much cheaper, and far LIFE BELTS. The Best and most Portable at CORDING'S. — Post Free for 10s. Air Beds, for Sea or Land Travelling Cushions for Railways and Invalids Compressible Sponging Baths Portable India-rubber Boats for one, two, or six persons. ; ; ; ^Ol^iNC^IVViflrt"liiB^M Have been their general use by the Nobility and Gentry of the tested for several years United Kingdom, and the Officers of the Army and Navy in all parts of the world, is a guarantee of their service and durability. They are made of various fabrics suitable for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, and are acknowledged by those who have used them to be the best and only ones to be relied on in all climates. Cording's ; Gossamer "Waterproof Coat for the Pocket. Weight only nine ounces. Hats, and Sou'-Westers Ladies' Capes, Yachting Jackets, Trousers, and Leggings Hoods, and Petticoats; Travelling Knee Wrappers, Driving and Travelling Gloves. A large Stock of Waterproofs on hand, and any article Made to Order. Caution. All Genuine Goods are Stamped with the Name, ; — J. 231, CCORSIirG, ; ' STRAND, FIVE DOORS W^EST OF TEMPLE BAR. ""^ t( ALLEN. so arranged that any article is instantly accessible without disarranging the remainder. AND GREEN RUSSIA. Gentlemen are invited to inspect these articles before )jurcliasing Illustrated Catalogues forwarded on receipt of MV. and secured by the same lock . &c. to be jury. Oc T. and is as large as thus allowing coats. CAMP EQUIPAGE MANUFACTURERS. 22. linen. Two Stamps. WITH FITTINGS COMPLETE. 25th.ANE. Registered Nov. 1851 No. all accessible at the same time. 5 deep 14i 10^ „ 5t „ „ 11 „ 61 „ 15i „ 10^ 111 „ „ 7h :. ALLEN'S NEW SOLID LEATHER PORTMANTEAU Contains four distinct compartments. tains Stationery and all with anjple space for papers. AND MILITARY OUTFITTERS.027. "WEST STH. TVEST any of the old kinds. and is £5 £6 18 6 EG 18 10 £^ 14J inches long. quisites. OR MOROCCO. IN BROWN. W. 9^ wide.J. LOr^^DOI^r. RED. A R LLEN'S REGISTERED DIS- PATCH BOX and TRAVELLING WRITING DESK is the most complete and convenient article It conWriting re- of the kind yet produced. 18 &. T. ALLEN'S REGISTERED TRAVEIiIiING BAG. AND OUTSIDE LEATHER CASE.. and is as light and jiortable as the ordinary kinds. 18 6t 22. STRAND LONDON. 3. ALLEN. The opening the bag of which itself. . it affords greater facilities for arranging a wardrobe than any other Portmantc au. packed without in- more conveniently than in the ordinary carpet bag. light ever constructed for Billiard Tables. in every respect. stationed in all parts of the Globe.i:. Cornhill. THURSTON CO. THE GAME OF BILLIARDS.. BILLIARD TABLE MANUFACTURERS (by appointment) TO HER MAJESTY. Which retain their elasticity in the coldest temperature. the high character this House has maintained for nearly half a century. the unrivalled DURABLE and THURSTON One Hundred of her Majesty's and the Native Regiments.i:ami> THURSTON & MESSRS. of Brighton. PATENTEES OF THE IMPROVED VULCANIZED CAOUTCHOUC CUSHIONS. beg to say we have parted with none of our workmen whose services were worth retaining. CO. as well as the Nobility. and Officers of more surface. The superiority of our Tables consists in the exquisite smoothness of the bed or elasticity of the cushions. Also Inventors and Manufacturers of THE CENTRICAI. 14. 1^. we venture to hope that by endeavouring to uphold. CATHERINE: STREET. At the same time. Being the best IIEVOI. we beg to caution our friends and the public against spurious imitations of our Tables lately advertised by men professing to have left our establishment. and Co.OK jix-ATE taisi^i^:. Sold also by SMITH. IiON'SON'. Gentry. STB. expressly for Messrs. iii:i. house in the Trade. by the first Balls of Superior Ivory well seasoned and turned on the Premises.A1MIF. The late J.VING s I. LONDON. has had the honour for many years to supply most of the principal Club Houses. Thurston §• Co. CilTHERI^S STRBBT. STRAND.. In introducing ourselves as his Successors. By Edwin Kentfield.Airi>. ELDER. the whole being reduced to mathematical precision. from whom he has received the most flattering testimonials. and may be had of all Booksellers. we may merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon our predecessor. 65. . than We The Cushions of Old Tables can be Restuffed Cloths of the finest texture made on the Patent Principle. AND Published by the Proprietors. 6d. and 4s. IN ONE BOTTLE. improving tlie general state of the system. Cheapside. operating as a general and complete purifier of the — blood. in cases of acidity. 6d. Cheapside.and H. so as to preserve entirely the virtues of the root in their most efficient and concentrated form. 9d. 2s. Cook and Williams' Kew Respiratory Organ aud Chest Protector. Prepared and sold in pint bottles. and Government Medicine Chests fitted up with appropriate Medicines ar. London.5 by & HARDING. of Edinburgh. to of St. Sold at 2s.. in water. and accompanied by a measure and spoon).d Directions." is the original of tiie now numerous extensively prescribed by Medical Practitioners. scorbutic and cutaneous diseases. A pint bottle is equal to four quarts of the ordinary preparation. and all those aff'ections consequent on impaired digestion. that they it of the purest and sweetest quality direct from Newfoundland. and can confidently it. This useful aperient preparation. the bottle (which is enclosed in a case. OR FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. and Co. Merchants and others. torpidity of the bowels. it will remain uninjured by humidity during the longest sea voyage or land journey. and is BUTLER BUTLER'S TASTELESS SEIDLITZ POWDER. is made in much less time. pure Magnesia. 4. This compound of Turkey Riiubarb. forms a most refreshing Saline Draught. Messrs. at a low tem^ pcrature. for all climates. Corner of St. The above may 4. Davenport or through most respectable Druggists . London. preparations of the kind.A. receive recommend BXJTLER'S GREGORY'S STOMACHIC PO^VDER. it is most carefully prepared from the finest Jamaica Sarsaparilla imported. . Paul's. Oxford Street. LIVER OIL. . many eminent medical men asserted by that there is no Medicine in the MatehA Medica comparable to Sarsaparilla for recruiting the debilitated constitution. by the preparers. 20. and at a moderate price. Cheapside.— BUTI. *^* And all Medicines of repute. Chemists. Paul's. and. 10s. resioring the tone of the stomach. OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI PURE MEDICINAL COD OR. was a favourite remedy of the celebrated Professor Gregory. Being enclosed in a bottle. and rheumatic pains. for HARDING. Sea. Waterloo Place. removing various morbid symptoms ascribed to a deranged condition of the fluids sucli as eruptions on the skin. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Jefferys and Roof's Respirators.. beg to inform those who have recourse to the above Medicine. half-pints. flatulence. To allay fever or thirst. London. BUTLER'S MEDICINE CHEST DIRECTORY. 6d. Comer also be obtained of J. and with infinitely less trouble. a teaspoonful. ulcerations. Paul's. by its continued use. and is the best and safest medicine in ordinary stomach complaints of infants and children. Edinburgh throughout the country. 20s. Butler & Harding. besides forming an equally efficient and far more agreeable Draught than that produced by the Common Seidlitz Powders.IX>I. 150. Sanger. 4. of BUTI. In bottles. 5s.S T iis A It SA7iLIl. Chemists. and quarter-pints. and aroma of Jamaica Ginger. Corner of St.X:it AITB Chemists. with allowance exportation. Family.. also. B. It will be found particularly serviceable to gouty subjects.KR'S "COMPOUND CONCENTRATED DECOCTION. the true flavour of the Shrimp is fully retained as it is manufactured on the sea coast. fish. in universal use throughout the world. Vegetables. B. in the preparation of which none but the best Gorgona Fish are used. ful beverage. Essence of Anchovies. Sussex. at C. Capers. are respectfully solicited to inspect the articles supplied to them. have a factory for this express purpose. these sauces are manufactured under Monsieur Soyer's own direction. Bloaters. Oysters preserved in Jelly. Macaroni. Yarmouth fast. Game. \'ermicelli. Table CROSSS AND Vinegar. large quantities of|goods are prepared so similar to theirs in outward appearance. a warm rich sauce for cold meat and general purposes. hermetically sealed Prepared Parmesan Cheese. and B. PURVEYORS Established 1706. BI. to careB. and one warm for Gentlemen . Orange. that the deception is not discovered until the purchaser has opened them. Soyer's justly celebrated Relish. and dried Ox Tongues. one mild for Ladies. The Celebrated Soho Sauce. SOHO-SQUARE. has met with a decided preference . for Break- BLACKWELL. and being milder than the Essence of Anchovies. one of the most delicious sauces ever introduced for imparting a relish to all kinds of boiled and fried fish. LONDON. in bottles for Macaroni. comprising Pine Apple. Durham Mustard. White Onions and Mushrooms prepared with pure Distilled Vinegar only. and Crystallised Fruits for dessert. Sardines in Oil. Anchovy and Bloater Paste. Lime.— TO MEMBERS OF REGIMENTAL MESSES. Olives. Soups. Lemon. Lobsters for Sauce. and Pate a Diable. purporting to as in consequence of the great & be the manufacture of repute in which their various condiments and table-supplies are held. Dinmore's Essence of Shrimps. Preserved Salmon. for purposes of flavouring. unless bearing their name and address in full on the various bottles and The indents C. comprising (among other preparations too numerous to be included in the limits of an advertisement) the following well known supplies: Pickles of various descriptions. Soyer's New Sauces.'s factory at Lewes. Berkley and Chedder Cheese. Oysters. Herrings a la Sardines. The Royal Table Sauce. &c. Residents in India and the Colonies. &c. venison. Strasbourg Potted Meats. MEMBERS of Regimental Messes. Baronet's letter of approval.ACKVri:i. 21. the whole (with the exception of white Onions and Mushrooms) prepared with pure White Wine Vinegar. prepared with the strictest attention to the preservation of the fine aroma of the fruit. CROSSE & & & Luncheon. Fine Bologna Sausages. corks. All the various kinds of Preserved Meats.. execute for the principal storekeepers in India and the British Colonies are most varied and extensive. any of these diluted with water make a cool and delight- rant. CurStrawberry and Cherry . IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. Real York Hams. &c. See. B. immediate use. Fruits in bottles for tarts. Arrowroot. Essences of Herbs and Spices of all fit for kinds. prime Wiltshire Bacon. hermetically sealed Real York Hams and Ox Tongues preserved in jelly. each bottle is labelled with a facsimile of the late Right Hon. Syrups for Ices. for game. manufacture. The Mushrooms are preserved immediately they are gathered from the grounds. Raspberry. preserved by anew process in tins. where C.. Jams and Jellies of the first quality.I. &c. as C. Dried Herbs in bottles. &c. do not guarantee any articles to be of their fully examine their purchases. Sir Robert Peel's Sauce for general purposes. hermetically sealed in tins. It is therefore important to all who wish to guard against disappointment. . and sold by Troy weight. . Example. BROGUEN . The system of Weighing Chains against Sovereigns being one of the greatest frauds ever practised on the Publie. £3 19 7 19 7 2 £5 arrangement. at its bullion or realizable value. in obedience to the numerous calls made upon them. under the title of " Pure Gold '' and "Fine Gold. and thereby dispensing with an intermediate profit. FZIIZZ: WATHERSTON BROGDEN'S & GOLD CHAINS. according to the intricacy or simplicity of the pattern. and will repurchase it at the price charged the workmanship. at the same prices they have been in the habit (for the last half century) of charging to the Trade in London. I. this %* An extensive assortment of Jewellery.MEBAI. WATH BROGDEN WATHERSTON & BROGDF. and the Colonies. wherever it can be accomplished." and to call attention to the genuine Gold Chains made from their own ingots. I5-Carat Gold .. so extensively put forth in the present day. of the first quality.WATHERSTON & guarantee the Gold in their Chains. all made at their Manufactory.ondon.N beg to Cautiox the public against the ELECTROGOLD CHAINS and POLISHED ZINC GOLD. Supposing the Workmanship . GREAT THE blished EXHIBITION having esta- the advantage of purchasing from the Wholesale Manufacturer. By Troy Weight at Realisable Value. X6. they have thrown open their Manufactory to the Public. be to . the purchaser will see at a glance the proportion charged By for LABOUR compared with the Bullion in a Gold Chain. — Intrinsic value of a Chain of weighing I^ Ounces . Covent Garden. and the Workmanship at W^holesale IVIanufacturers' Prices. KRSTON & beg to announce that. Henrietta Street. and being always able to realize the one. India. will have only to decide on the value of the other. xt . ESTABLISHED 1798. or to any of the Agents of the Company. rances. W. Esq.S. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL. Jotin Walker. Agents. H. Policies this Prospectuses. Lamb. 52. Skene. Murdoch Green. Solidtof' Agents. on the Lives of Parties resident in India and other parts of the world gtanted By Institution on very favourable terms to the Assurers. HOME. fivt g[£ssurance anti HEAD OFFICE-5. Moore Place. Crane. LOTHBURY. Adelaide— -4^e«f.I. Agents. F. Robert Baird.A. xvi Secretary. ONE MILLION. Rev. Ainslie. XCtt. Parry and Co. Singapore— ^5-e«^ T. (a lust of the proprietors periodically enrolled in the HIOH COORt OF CHANCERT.) Major James Oliphant. Cowie. the necessary Forms.E. Jonathan Hopkinson.C. W. William Ambrose Shaw. O. Agent. LONDON. M. Office. Burton and Pownall.S. LL. Chairman. FOREIGN.R. ind the policy-holders under both systems are fully protected by the large subscribed capital of the Company. Richard Wood. M. Colvin.——— CHURCH OF ENGLAND %iU Insititution. Sydney of Agent. Madras Lower Sackville Street. EMMENS. Messrs. Empowered by Special Act of Parliament. Esq. Rev. James Sir William White Captain Macdougall. Esq. Agent. Thomson. Glasgow — Office. 1 BRANCH Edinburgh — Ofl&ce. 4 Sf 5 Vic. William F. Good "SLo^Q— Agents. Edward Carr. Harness. and Co. This Institution adopts both the proprietary and muttial system of Life Assurance. Tucker. Esq. Watson. Cap. WM. B. Rev. J. Rev. and every requisite information for effecting Assumay be obtained on application at the Head Office as above. Messrs. C. and Co.A. Carnac Morris. W. T. Messrs. Esq. . H. Esq.D. Esq. Great Kixg Street. Esq. The Dean of Armagh. Calcutta Cape OFFICES. Edward Heathcote Smith. Messrs. Dublin — 3.. 55. Crane.D. Esq. 49th Regt. ^ LONDON: 1925 JOHN MURRAY. CORRECTED TO 30th DECEMBER. G. Major H.THE NEW ANNUAL ARMY MILITIA LIST. /"T^TT^x r ^° i NuV. CONTAINING THE DATES OF COMMISSIONS. ORDNANCE. ALBEMARLE STREET 1854. Xi\ ^TV-^ . 1853. AND MARINES. LIST. FOK 1854 (BEING THE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL VOLUME). HART. AND A STATEMENT OF THE WAR SERVICES AND WOUNDS OF NEARLY EVERY OFFICER IN THE ARMY. WITH AN INDEX. munlcatioHS to be addressed to Major LONiJON I'ftlNTfiD Hart. Albemarle : BY STEWART AND MlJIiRAV.* All coin. OLD BAILEY. 50. Street.*. London. . 264 ..\irlt's-cle-Canip to the Queeu 117 Artillery. 430 Medical Department. the Honourable German Legion 116 446 GoldiCoast Corps 261 Great Britain Staff Half-pay List Hibernian Militaiy School Horse Guards. Patrick Bath St. 427 Dragoon Guards 121 Dragoons 128 Engineers.CONTENTS. 461 Michatl and Orders. Royal 281 Field Marshals 5 Foot Guards 144 Foot (Numbered Regiments) 151 Foreign Corps on Half Pay 446 Foreign Orders 4C6 Foreign Stations. 445 Chatham Garrison 262 Chelsea Hospital 318. 453 Miliiary Asylum 318. 118. Company of Gentlemen 275 Canadian Rifles 260 Cape Mounted Riflemen 259 Ceylon Rifle Regiment 257 Chaplains' Department 012. Royal Regiment of. Royal 265 326 Barrack Masters Cadets.... . 326 Districts . 275 Sappers and Miners 286 Staff at Head Quarters 117 Staff of Great Britain 319 Staff on Foreign Stations 322 Rifle Staff Officers of Pensioners St. . page 454 Adjutants of Recruiting Districts .. Chatham . Royal 454 Medals.Colonels . 453 Colonels 30 Commissariat Department 306... 264 262 264 Retired Officers on Full Pay 472 Distinfiiiished Services patre Life-Gnards 331. Foreign Ordnance Department Paymasters of Recruiting Provisional Battalion at St. 452 General Officers Recruiting Staff Actions or Battles 6 General Officers receiving rewards for Gentlemen Corps of at Arms.. Helena Regiment Tower of London Veterinary Surgeons on h. Ordnance .. 319 337 453 120 264 262 318 50 Inspecting Field Officers Invalid Depot at Chatham Kilmaiuham Hospital Lieutenant. 337 Brigade 257 Riding Establishment. &c.. George 465 466 265. p Wist India Regiments Yeomen of the Guard 315 260 452 445 254 115 . Ordnance 291 Military College 318. 453 jNIilitary Prisons 318 553 261 460 460 460 Militia Newfoundland Companies Order of the Garter Thistle St. Staff on 322 Garrisons 318. 119 Light Dragoons Local 130 112 262 86 263 292 Rank Maidstone Depot Staff Majors Malta Fencibles Marines.. (Gold) Medical Department 309. C Officers 318a actually present in either of the actions of the Such Officers are 16th. Patrick. Knight Commander of ditto ditto C. K. denotes )P Before the Name.G. distinguish Officers before The Letters B. K. Knight Grand K. K. —The * The Letter name the letter p tlie name employed on denotes that the in the Cavalry Regiments.C. Companion ditto ditto G. who have been specially allowed to retain their Rank . denote the Honorary Distinctions permitted to be borne by such Regiments on their Colours and appointments. Companion of the Order of the Bath.C. Knight of the Crescent. G." &c. St. G.M. N.H.C.C. adj. allowed two years' additional service. of Michael and St. K. M.C. respectively.T.B.P. Officer belongs to the Reserve Battalion. Waterloo Medal. . but without receiving Pay or progressive Promotion. or on the JRecruUing Service .B.M. or the South of France.G.G. as " Peninsula. George. and d. denote the Depot Paymaster before the Name or Date of Commiosionj de- the Letters d. the Staff.G. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. HL Before the Name. r. C.B. 1815.H. Knight of the Order of the Knight of the Order of K. B. Knight Commander of ditto ditto Knight of ditto ditto K. 17th. and r. allude to the Riding Masters and Depot Adjutant notes Temporary . St. or 18th June. Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath. the Officers retired printed in Italic are those of from the Army. Rank the Battalions to which the Officers are after the before the Date indicates that the Commission was purchased." " Waterloo.H. the Letters s. Thistle. The Figures prefixed Names denote to the actually attached . only.C. < C. denotes that the Officer was at the Battle of Trafalgar. The words subscribed to the titles of Regiments.M. Knight of the Order of the Garter. that the Officer served in the Peninsula. in commemoration of their Services. pm. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of K.C. Names In the List of General and Field Officers. Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order.EXPLANATIONS. Field Marshal. Lieut. 1852 . 1840.. KG. KT. FIELD-MARSHALS. 1816 . GCB. 20 Dec. General. 1843. KP. 18 May. Marquis of Colonel* 12 Sept. GCMG. 26. 12 Aug. General. Lieut. General. ALBERT AUGUSTUS CHARLES EMANUEL. 24 May. 1816. mSi HENRY WILLIAM. 19 . 25 Mar. His Royal Highness FRANCIS [3 BELGIANS.. Colonel of the Grenadier Guards. Colonel of the .. 46. ANGLESEY.. . Governor and Constable of Windsor Castle. 93. 1852. Captain of Cowes Castle. Prince of 8 Feb. of SAXONY. 42 3faJor. 29 April 02. KG. 9 Nov. GCB. 3 May 9G. His Majesty the KING of the General.- THE NEW ANNUAL ARMY LIST. 2 May. Royal Regiment of Horse Guards. 23 Sept. Colonel. Field Marshal. GCH. GCB. GCH. 25 April 08 . 23 Sept. KG. and Colonel-in-Chief of the Rifle Brigade. 1854. Duke SAXE COBURG AND GOTHA. s-^ -.<o Its -a 'a 5'CO'C'd'a rt p be (r> o o « &. S O C5 1-5 ^ -rji C5 C5 O 13 b ^ CO nH <! OOoSoeOOO 'C'C'CiS'Ug'C'S'C o ocooooooo C5 fee ooonoooco *^ 1-s >-s i-i C5 1/2 ooot»ooooc C5 S <1 i-i I — 5-1 0-1 fN -1 .3 C5 05 CI 03 5 -O 13 p.'O fe a O-OCO OSGiO & J5 tC5 cor05C5 p.^ "3 O O "^ O C30 C30 3 <! 00 fcO £3 a 5 t>.p- S -^ 'J i-i ci 05 "< p S 03 02 lO c: S g rt < o 55 O S +. h) . '. "j . ' ° -o -a o X) -o -g "o -a T? "O -a "o 13 -o -s 13 x) -a -o -o -o 'o 'O -a 13 13 "O 13 -a "o -a -o "O -3 13 13 CI (?) 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CO . 53 — ^ oH « lO CSCOr-rHOjCSCOS-l Tf >• lO 5'>OOOOOOr-iO O i-HCOiOCOCOCO-^'^C^ 10 O O >0 CO CO CO CO 00 10 C5i-iC5C5C5C5050500 !B h^ CO >o UO -< <?» 01 i-( P o C S 02 f^ lO Ci O 5-1 o C5 cs oS Q lO S-t I-H Ti< O CO 00 C^ CO "H 'fe.O l?J -^ I f-l O (N CO Tl ~^ GO CO _ c:qoi?<i>.o ei >ooooooo cooooooo « « S "C "O -S "O "O oooooooooeoooo > O OOOOOO^OOObCO ^ (M tM o o '3 oo 'O 'O "S o o o o o o 13 "O 13 "O "O 'w ' o o o o o £ o T^ '^ ^ i-H tM E 03 13 'O t! 'O C> fee S iJ a> o >> >i >ij )^^: O 1-5 l-S -S l-S ei CO -^ lO m C! -^ lO -^ 00 <M CO rH T— ^^ rM I— i ^_^ <D OJ ® •r' ' 'r* • 00 -^ 5-1 i-H 00iO<M«O00CO *-» iOCOOC5Ca-*CD — — -^ ^. tJ^ 5 g ^. (^ . CO 00 CO ^ uO 00 t^ 00 'i' '. ^ . . o « i o ^ a a) 'CO 63 c o -j. 1 ^ . S-l <?» GJ oo ..^OOOOOOOOOQ -< oooooooo Is &:_SJ'_5_?_?5oooo SSS oooooooo o oo*j>^uoo ao -rJ-aoOOOJOU o o "^ (?» ' s ^ Ss ^ rH -* C5 O 01 (H O) (M e B > = = = . and returned to England with the army in May 1795. and afterwards to Lord Hutchinson. 9 General the Honourable A. At the defence of Tarifa. on the Rhine. and subsequently formed a junction with the Duke of Wellington on his retreat from Burgos. and was present at the sieges of Valenciennes and Dunkirk. 4 General White was appointed. having previously received permission from Sir Charles to return to Europe in consequence of promotion. and Demerara and Berbice. Served also during the rebellion in Ireland. &c. was struck by a spent ball. Lucia and Tobago. a brigade of which he commanded in the attack on Ber- m . Andre. Subsequently he commanded a Brigade in the American War. Went out with Sir Charles Grey's expedition to the West Indies. 1 Dunkirk. E. as in fact he was a volunteer on this second expedition. During the night the troops were re-embarked. while inspecting the remains of the army on the afternoon of that fatal day. under General Hotze. and subsequently as a Brigadier-General in the Western District. 8 General the Honourable T. and was present at all the actions of that year in Switzerland.' Ta about six weeks following. Gosselin 6 General commanded a Brigade on the expedition against Genoa. On the QuarterMdster-General's staff on the expedition to Sweden. in covering the retreat of the troops from Point-u-Pitre. Henry Clinton. in 1798. In 1799 he was appointed Aide-de-camp to Sir Ralph Abercromby. he was' second in command. he commanded an advanced position close to the French lines while the operation was in progress. Bentinuk . Commanded the first battalion of the Coldstream Guards in Egypt. with which he served the ensuing winter campaign. including the battle of Corunna. Served also on the eastern coast of Spain under Sir Wm. and with the Russian army at the battle of Zurich. 7 Lord Carysfort served as Secretary to the mission of Colonel Crawfurd. at the headquarters of the Archduke Charles.. and was present at the sieges of Valenciennes and at the former of which he was one of the storming party. including the several actions between the Waal and Rhine. and the actions at Thuyl and Geldermalsen. gen-op-Zoom. in 1793. at the captures of Martinique. Capel served the campaigns in Flanders under the Duke of ^^^''^^ afterwards in the Peninsula and was employed as AssistantAdjutant-General Jat V^ Cadiz in 1811 he has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. as also at those of the 10th Sept. on the latter he was second in command. and was present at the attack on and capture of Castine on the Penobscot. berved as Aide-de-camp to Lord Cornwallis in Ireland during the Rebellion after which he was employed in Germany. and was present at the taking of Alexandria. and made prisoner at the capitulation of Bergen-op-Zoom. under Wm. in 1801. Marched from thence with the detachment of the Guards that joined Lord Hill. on the night of the 2d of June. and acted as chief of the Quarter-Master-General's department on the two expeditions against St. Medal for services in Egypt. 1803. was present at the battle of Alost. in 1793. and shortly afterwards he again embarked with a detachment of Guards for Flanders. 5 General Bonham served upwards of 22 years in the West Indies. under Sir John Moore. to the westward of Alexandria. and was engaged in the several actions of that second campaign. In 1794 he accompanied the expedition under Lord Moira . on the conclusion of the campaign rejoined the 58th at Martinique. Brigade-Major to the Guards employed in the canapaigns in Flanders. and served in the 1st battalion of Grenadiers. under the command of the late Duke of Kent. Lord Cork served ia Flauders. which was the occasion of a handsome compliment from Sir Charles Grey in front of the Grenadiers. and on its capture was appointed commandant there until the peace Lord with France. Accompanied the Guards to Spain in 1811 and was appointed to the command of the garrison of Cadiz. he was ordered with the Grenadiers again to Guadaloupe. on the landing near the Helder. P. Embarked with the Guards for Walcheren in July 1809. in Nov. Has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Egypt. and served in the reserve in South Beveland.17 War Services of the General Officers tuho are not Colonels of liegiments. and at the action and storming of Lincelles. Campaign in Egypt as Aide-de-camp to Sir Ralph Abercromby. and afterwards to Spain. 1794. 2nd and Cth Oct. forcing the enemy from St. Served with the Guards in Holland. at the siege of Kehl. Lucia. Upton joined the Duke of York's army in Holland. and the affair at the beginning of 1797.. In 1813 he returned to England. and was present at the battle of the 27th Aug. St. and Guadaloupe. 3 General M'Kenzie served the campaign of 1794 on the Continent. in 1793. Lucia. and in the ditferent engagements with the army under Sir Eyre Coote. He was also present at the stormmg of Morne Fortunee. in consequence of a French force having re-taken Grande Terre. in 1799. •2 Lord Lorton served with the 58th as a marine on board the Vengeance 74. at Vinegar Hill. and was present at all the battles of the campaign of 1796 Germany. sortie from Nimeguen. St. Appointed Assistant-Quarter-Master General to the army : . War 18 Services of the General Officers. under Lord Chatham in 1809: landed at Walcheren 27th July with the troops, and was present at the actions in which the enemy were driven into Flushing, and also at the siege of that place. Served at Cadiz from Apr. ]811 to Aug. 1812, and with the Duke of Wellington's army on the Quarter-Master- General's staflf, from Sept. 1812 to the end of the war in 1814, including the retreat into Portugal, actions of San Munos and Osma, battle of Vittoria, action at Tolosa, passage of the Bidassoa, battle of the Nivelle, battles of theNive on the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12thDec., passage of the Adour, action of St. Etienne, investment of Bayonne, and repulse of the sortie. Employed as military correspondent with the Bavarian army in 1815, and was present with it in its various operations. He has received the Gold Medal and one Clasp for the battles of Vittoria and the Nive and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Nivelle. 10 General Huskisson served in the field, in India, under Lord Lake, and subsequently at the siege of Ryghur, and at the capture of several towns and forts. In October 1818, commanded at Candeish, at the taking of Behauderpore and Amulneir. 11 General Monckton served in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798. 12 Lieut.-General Buller served the campaigns of 1793 and 94 in Flanders; and subsequently in the "West Indies, including the siege of Sf Lucia, and reduction of Grenada. Was appointed Aide-de-camp to his Majesty George III. 25 July 1810. 13 Sir Henry Edw. Banbury served in Holland in 1799, including the battles of the 19th Served also on the expedition to Naples and Calabria in 1805 and Sept., 2nd and 7th October. 6, and was present at the battle of Maida, for which he has received the Gold Medal. 14 Lieut -General S. Brown served in Egypt in 1801, as an Assistant-Quarter-MasterGeneral. In January 1808, he was sent on a secret service under the orders of the Secretary of State, and appointed Deputy-Quarter- Master-General to the forces under General Spencer. In June 1808, he was employed on a secret service in Portugal, and was present as a volunteer at the battle of Roleia, for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 15 Lieut. -General Herbert served on the Continent with the army under Lord Moira and the Duke of York. Engaged during the Carib war in St. Vincent's at Port-au-Prince, in St. Domingo and at Fort Irois during the three months' siege. Served also at the siege of Copenhagen, 1807. 16 Lieut.-General Armstrong went out to Flanders with Lord Moira, in 1794 joined the Duke of York at Antwerp, and was in that disastrous retreat through Holland in the winter of 1794-95, and embarked at Bremen. Served in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798, and was Assistant- Adjutant- General of the Centre District under General R. Dundas, until the peace ; . j ; ; of 1802. 17 Lieut.-General Gordon served at the siege of Pondicherry, battle of Argaum, sieges of Asseerghur, Gawilghur, and various other hill forts. Served also at Walcheren in 1809. 18 Lieut-General Johnson served the campaign of 1808-9 in the Peninsula as a Major in the 32nd and was present at the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna, for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. 19 Lieut-General Yates served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian medal. 20 Sir Charles Thornton accompanied the Guards to Holland, in March 1793, under the Duke of York, and was present at the battle of Famars (wounded), siege of Valenciennes, retreat from Dunkirk, taking of Lannoy, where he lost his right arm by a cannon-shot. 21 Sir Frederick Trench served in Sicily in 1806 and 7; at Walcheren, in 1809; in the Penin- and in Holland, in 1814. 22 Lieut.-General Uniacke served in Ireland throughout the rebellion of 1798 and 99 and during the preceding and subsequent disturbances, part of the time as aide-de-camp to Sir sula, in 1811 James ; Duff. 23 Lieut-General Darley served at the siege of Port-au-Prince, in St. Domingo, in 1794; subsequently at the siege of Morne-Fortunee, in St. Lucia; in Egypt, in 1807. Commanded 300 men on an expedition in a joint attack with H. M. frigates the Imperieuse and Thames, and in co-operation with a party of seamen, ascending the heights of Palinura in Calabria, against a strongly -posted enemy three times the strength of the assailants; drove them off the ground, and maintained the post for three days. Served afterwards in the Peninsula from August 1813 the actions of the to the end of that war in 1814, iccluding the battle of the Nivelle, and Nive before Bayonne, on the 9th, 10th, and 11th Dec. 1813, for which he has received the Silver War Medal witb two Clasps. n 24 Lieut.-General Aylmer served at the Helder in 1799, including the action of the 10th Sept; Egyptian campaign of 1801 (Gold Medal); expedition to Hanover in 1805-6 under Lord Cathcart; campaign of 1808-9 in Spain and Portugal, including the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna, for which, and for Egypt, he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. He served subsequently with the expedition to Walcheren. 25 Lieut.-General Vernon served the campaign of 1808-9 in the Peninsula, as a DeputyAssistant- Adjutant- General. Subsequently in the same capacity with the Duke of Wellington's Served with the 2nd batarmy until June 1811, and was present at the battle of Talavera. operations, talion 66th, at the surprise of a French division at Arroyo de Molino, and other of the Forts and battle of reduction With the Queen's at the until the capture of Badajoz. Salamanca— slightly wounded early in the day, and very severely at the close of the action, a Folribs. ball having entered his breast and lodged near the heart, after tearing along two lowed the army again at the expiration of three weeks, and resumed the command of his . . — War Services of the General Officers. 19 regiment, with which he served in the various operations preceding, during, and subsequent to He has received the gold Medal for Salamanca, and the silver War Medal the siege of Burgos. with one clasp for Talavera. 20 Sir Adolphus John Dalrymple served as Aide-de-camp to Sir James Craig in the Eastern District, Malta, Naples, and Sicily, from July 1803 to May 1806, and as Military Secretary to Sir Hew Dalrymple in Portugal in 1808. 26t Lieutenant-General Tremenheere commanded a detachment of Marines at the reduction of Martini(iue in 1794, and at the reduction of the strong post of Fleur d'Epce at the capture of Quadaloupe, 20 Feb. 1794. 27 Viscount do Chabot served in Holland, in 1799; in Spain, under Sir John Moore; with the expedition to Walcheren, 1809; and subsequently in the Peninsula, until 1810. 28 Major-General Wm. Stewart served in the Peninsula, and has received the Gold Medal for the battle of Albuhera. 29 Sir Henry W. Rooke embarked with the 3rd Guards for Holland, in Aug. 1799, and was present in the actions of the 27th Aug., 10th and 19th Sept., 2ad and 6th October. Embarked again for Holland, Nov. 1813, in command of the 2nd battalion of that regt, and was present at the advance to Antwerp, bombardment of the French fleet at Antwerp, and attack on Bergen-op-Zoom. Also the campaign of 1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 30 Sir John Geo. Woodford served as Deputy- Assistant-Adjutant-General on the Expedition to Stralsund, and afterwards to Copenhagen, in 1807; and as Deputy- Assistant-QuarterMaster-General on the Expedition under Sir David Baird, which joined Sir John Moore's army in Galicia, and was present at the battle of Corunna, for which he has received the silver War MkUI with one Clasp. Served afterwards in the Peninsula as an Assistant-(iuarter-MasterGeneral, and has received the gold cross for the battles of Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. Also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo, and the taking of Cambray. 31 Major- General Farrer has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for the Egyptian campaign of 1801, and for the battle of Maida. 32 Major-General Hay embarked for the West Indies early in 1796, and served the campaign In 1797 he was actively employed in the Island of St. Vincent of that and the following year. He served the campaign of 1808-9 in Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore, in the 18th Hussars, and was present in the cavalry actions of Mayorga and Benevente; and was with the detachment that surprised and captured the enemy's outlying piquet at Rueda commanded the rear-guard from Astorga and Batanzas on the retreat terminating with the batile of Corunna. He served also with the Army of Occupation in France until its return to England in 1818. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Benevente. 50 Sir Francis Cockburn served in South America in 1807; in the Peninsula in 1809 and 1810; and in Canada from 1811 to 1814. 33 Major-General Charretie served three years in the East Indies, and was present at the mutiny at Vellore in 1806, when nearly the whole of the 69th were massacred in their barracks. He served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Life Guards, from 1812 to the end of that war in 1814, He has received the War Medal including the battles of Vittoria, Pampeluna, and Toulouse. with two Clasps. 34 Major-General Patrick Campbell (R. Artillery) was at the capture of St. Lucia in 1796, and subsequently in the Carib war in St. Vincent. Served also in the Peninsula from Jan. 1809 to the end of that war in 1814, including the battles of Talavera and Castalla. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Talavera. 35 Major-General Lautour served in the Peninsula with the 11th Dragoons in 1811 and 12; he attacked, with a squadron, on the 26th Sept. 1811, near El Bodon, a French Cavalry Regt. which had captured part of the baggage of the Light Division, and covered the retreat of the Present also at the siege of Bada74th, and five companies of the 60th, from Ciudad Rodrigo. joz and battle of Salamanca. Whilst in command of a squadron he attacked, and took prisoners, a company of French Artillery posted in a vineyard, near Valladolid, supporting the enemy's cavalry en 7th Sept. 1812, during the time the Army was crossing the Douro; he also repulsed an attack of the enemy's piquets, making one officer and many men prisoners, at Monasterio and in front of Burgos on 2nd Oct. 1812; and he was continually on outpost duty, and almost daily engaged with the enemy's skirmishers, and was slightly wounded in the retreat from Burgos by the bursting of a shell. Served the campaign of 1815, with the 23rd Light Dragoons, and was present in the actions of the 16th and 17th June, and at the battle of Waterloo, where he succeeded to the command of the regiment and of the brigade. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. 36 ^lajor-General Beckwith served in Hanover in 1805-6; at Copenhagen in 1807, including ihe action at Kioge. On the expedition to Sweden in 1808; and that to Portugal in 1808-9, including the action at Calcavellas on the retreat, and battle of Corunna. Proceeded to Walcheren in 1809; subsequently to the Peninsula, and was present in the actions of Pombal, Redinha, Condeixa, Foz d'Arouce, and Sabugal, battle of Fucntes d'Onor, sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, siege of Burgos, action at San Milan, battles of V^ittoria, the Pyrenees, Vera, Nivelle, near Bayonne, Orthes, and Toulouse. Served also the campaignof 1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. During the great portien of — , i I , I I , j i I I i j i j 20 War Services of the General Officer*. Medal for Toulouse, and lost left leg at Waterloo. 37 Major-General Seott proceeded to the Peninsula in 1808, and was present with the Scots Fusilier Guards at the Passage of the Douro, capture of Oporto, subsequent retreat of Soult's army, and battle of Talavera, where he was wounded through the body, and being left there in He commanded the Scots Fusilier Guards for upwards of hospital he was made prisoner. three years. Has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Talavera. 38 Major-General the Honourable H. E. Butler served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, with the 2nd battalion of the 27th, including the battles of the 13th and 2l9t March, and has received the Gold Medal from the Grand Ssignior. Served also with the Portuguese army in 1810 and 1811, and was wounded at the battle of Busaco. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Egypt and Busaco. 39 Major-General Bainbrigge served in the Peninsula in the Quarter-Master- Generals department from 1810 to the end of that war in 1814, and was present at the Lines of Torres Vedras, part of the siege of Olivenca, siege of Giudad Rodrigo, last siege of Badajoz, affair of the Guarena, battle of Salamanca, part of the siege of Burgos, affair of Villa Muriel, retreat from Burgos to Giudad Rodrigo, battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees, part of the last siege of San Sebastian, battle of the Nive, and actions near Bidart, Bussussary, and Villa Franque; actions of Garris, Tarbes, and Vic Bigorre, and battle of Toulouse. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 40 Major-General Napier served with the 52nd at the siege of Copenhagen and battle of Kioge in" 1807. Aide-de-camp to Sir John Hope on the expedition to Sweden in 1808; and subsequently in Sir John Moore's campaign in Spain, including the retreat to, and battle of, Corunna. In Sicily with the regiment until the autumn of 1810. Served afterwards in the Peninsula on the staff, including the defence of Cadiz, battle of Fuentes d'Onor, 2nd siege of Badajoz, battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle, and the Nive— including the various engagements near the Mayor's house— slightly wounded on the 10th Dec, and severely on the Uth He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. lost left arm. 41 Major-General Thorn accompanied the Buffs to the Peninsula in Aug. 1808, where he served until Jan. 1809. Returned to the Peninsula in June following, and commanded the Light Company of the Buffs at the battle of Talavera. Employed as an officer of observation in Spanish Estremadura from 29th Jan. to 3rd March 1810, from which period until the termination of that war in 1814, he served as Deputy-Assistant-Quarter-Master-General with the 2nd Division, and waa present at the battle of Busaco, 1st siege of Badajoz, battle of Albuhera, actions at Arroyo de Molino and Almaraz, battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, and Nivelle, battles of the Nive on the 9th and 13th Dec. (wounded); action of Garris, battle of Orthes, action of Aire, and battle of Toulouse. Embarked with the troops from Bourdeaux to Canada in July 1814, as an Assistant-Quarter-Master-General, and was present at the affair of Plattsburg. Horse killed under him at Albuhera; another in the action at the Pass of Maya; and a third in the action of the 13th Dec. 1813, near Bayonne. He has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. 42 Mijor-General Sewell was appointed Aide-de-camp to General Beresford and proceeded with the expedition that left England in 1807. Joined the Dulie of Wellington's army in Portugal in 1808. Was present with Sir John Moore's army in its advance and in its retreat to Corunna. Was with the Duke's Head Quarters through the Peninsular war as Aide-de-camp and to Lord Beresford, and was present at the battles of Corunna, Talavera (actions on the Coa Agueda, with the Light Division), Busaco, the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, and St. Sebastian, battles of the Nivelle, Nive, before Bayonne (10th, lUh, and 13th Dec), Orthes, and Had six liorses killed or wounded under Toulouse, besides Cavalry affairs and skirmishes. him in general actions. Has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. Served twenty years in and is now a Major-General on the Staff at Madras. India until the Breach of 1846 43 Major-General Darling served at the redaction of Guadaloupe in 1810, and was severely wounded in the left knee by a musket-shot in storming the heights of Matauba. Proceeded to the Peninsula, and joined the 5Ut Light Infantry at Ca^tdlo Brauco, in May 1812; engaged on the heights of San Christoval, the battle of Salamanca, and surrender of the Retiro at Madrid; employed with his regiment before Burgos; and after the retreat from thence he was attacked by typhus fever, and sent to England for recovery, in May 1813. Rejoined the army on the heights subsequent of Echallar in September following, and was present at the battle of Nivelle, and the attack of the heights of St. Pe. Appointed Major of Brigade in Dec. 1813, and attached to Major-General Hay's brigade in the 5th division, and was employed throughout the blockade and operations before Bayonne Appointed Assistant-Adjutant-General to the 5th division in April 1814, and remained in charge of that department until the embarkation of the division in Aug. 1814.' On the renewal of the war in 1815, he was re-appointed to the staff as AssistantAdjutant- Gene) al, and attached to the 4th division, under Sir Charles Colville; employed with storming of Cambray, his division in the operations connected with the battle of Waterloo, the and capitulation of Paris. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Guadaloupe, the aboye service he was employed on the Staff. — ; Salamanca, and Nivelle. 44 Sir Wm. Lewis Herries accompanied the 9th Dragoons to South America in Sept. 1806, and served as a Brigade-Major in the expedition against Buenos Ayres. Aide-de-camp to Sir Eyre Coote on the Walcheren expedition in 1809, and was actively employed at the siege and i ^ War Services of the General Officers. 21 taking of Flushing. Accompanied Sir Edward Paget to Spain as his Aide-de-camp, in June 1812; and when Sir Edward was fake,, prisoner on the retrt.it from Burgos, Lord We ne"on apponi d him to the Quarter-Master-GcnPral's staff, on which he served und the end ofThat war lbl4, and was present at the battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian, pas.a^e of the Bidat 8oa, the three successive days actions at the Mayor'6 House, in front of Bidart, where he had a horse shot under him On the 14th of April 1S14, whilst end.aTOU.ing with L'eut. Moore (no m . IJa^onne was killed and had iallen upon him, he received a mu»ket-shot in the left knee was taken prisoner with Sir John Hope and Lieut. Moore (both being woundtd), and his left les was amputated the next morning. He has received the War Medal with four cia^ns M-Donald's services. -Expedition to South America, aud assault of Bntn^T' Buenos Ayres; T''Peninsu a, from Nov. 1808 to 1813, and in the South of France from March 1814, including the battle of Busaco, Lines of Torres Vedras, affairs at Red nha, Pomb=d,^nd of Badajoz, battle of Albuhera, third siege and assau t of Bad no., affairs at Alva de Tormes, battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, 2.5th (had two horses si o '''^' '''' '^°"'«"^^^^"^-^^"^ th; head '"/ '^ right thigh at he L^st'lt ^'t!'\ assault '"^^'r of Buenos Ayres, ..th July 1807; in the left leg and right groin in the Pyrenees SOih July; and the right shoulder and lungs at the assaul! of thelortified rock on tie mount'Sn Arolla, and surprising the enemy s posts in the valley of Banca, Pyrenees, '>nd Oct 1813 He has received the gold Medal and one Clasp for Vittoria and the Pyrenees and the silver War Medal with four Clasps for Busaco, Albuhera, Badajoz, and Toulouse ^-A-y^^-^fner-il I'=ity served on the expedition to Copsnhagen in 1807. Served afterwards Tu the Peninsula from June 1811 to the end of that war in ISU^including the'siege ami capm^^^^ lof Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, retreat from Madrid to Burgos, battles of' Vittoria^ the Pyrenees aud Nivelle, battles of the Nive on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Dec IsiS besides various minor affairs. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps 4, Lord James Hay served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Vimiera Tdlavera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Nive, for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. He 'served dso the Waterloo c'ampailn Wemyss served with the Walcheren expedition in ISOof and sub^e.nl^H •^'"''/k T'"'^ °f .1*".^^'^« t^ '^^ •^*J^b> 71st, and 92nd, from the " foria' on 3t- that Dt thaf BnV^L 'J 'i'j""" Brigade under Lord Howard 1810, to its final embarkation at Bourdeaux in 1SI4 '''°' '^' ''''''' '"^ "^^ ^'°- '^'^^ I^-bon, action of PombaT Redmha Pombal, rdTnt^F^' Foz i'f d Arouce, "?'''f battle '^'^f;" ot Fuentes d'Onor, surprise of Gerard at Arroyo de ^''^. '^' b"^^^ o^' ^1"^^-' action of Alba de Tomet kfence h'"" battle M^'ot^^^P"^^*?"' iefence of Bejar, Vittoria (received the Brevet rank of iMaior), and the Pyrenees a ^ ST.^ Yf- ^/V^^ Ll T^ m • m • T'" m • t (severely wounded), battles of the Nivelle, Cambo, Nive ^^^''jf ^^i^^Tu ^'^^'"'' ^"T^' ^^- ^^^^^'' T'^rbes, Arriveriette, Orthes, Aire, and r"^^' "'°°'" ^^^'''^'""''^^ ^1^0 against the Kandians in v^t-^xou. xie He fL ^"f " Ceylon the u'''"'^f V\ ar Medal with ^"^P.'.i'T*' rouWp h*; .«.rT' 5 las received seven Clasps. a<^^o™Panied Sir James Craig's expedition to Malta and Naples n\l^TnA^J''^'f-'^'t^'^V •'''^^'/T''^^"°Pi\^'8^' battahon. Proceeded thence with the army °hch t'onk nn ^'"""^ y*^""' ^"'i ^^« p"^^; at the P'-^^e^t capture o^" he IMands llndL? T T'°° °i '"Vt"*^- '^''f of Ischia and Procida. He joined the 3rd battalion of his rcc^iment (the o7,h^ at Company, he was actively employed previous to and at the battle of vfttoria, avesfment nf Qvestment of ^P Pampeluna, battles of the Pyrenees at the Pass of lloncesvalle= heights of .mzoain heights above Pampeluna, storming of the French position on the 3o'h Ju?y and ''' l«^t\P^"'^^^ «^' ^be^Bidassoa, heights aboie'v:"' u'oLldofthTliht^ocompanies '''^."t of the right brigade 4th division, he commenced the battle of he Nivelle by an^^\l'-^^ attack upon the French advanced redoubt in storminj? their main position his orse waskdled under him; and in following them up drov^ them out of the vHla "e^of S pj^ le was also employed m the affairs at Garret's House and near Bayonne on 10th .nd ISdiDec '"'.' P*"* '° "^'^^'° *° ^^P^l the enemy's encroachment upon our winter position fl actively o r° ^''V Iso employed upon the heights of Bidash. Commanded the above-mentioned light comames at the battle ot Orthes, battle of Toulouse-the previous day to which he took posseSu ^'' '-.''' ^"''«^•^' ^"-'^ d'Orade,'which had been captured bj charge c£r.;ot^?h7l'th ot the 18th Hussars k""" M morning he moved off his post and covered the Next advance ^"^,-1^^'-'^ '''' ^'•^'^ '^^^'^'^^'^t of thecolumnj tJrn the rrht^^rth" ^'^'^^'rf 'T''"^ ''" .^'''^"'-'*' "f ^^^ '^•^'^i^n till it crowned the heights orse killed fnL/h^'T^''/°V''^ '^'''' ''' ^^^ ""*^°^> ' skirmishers, and took up a line to cSver e col.^,^n. HM i,r^ I P^^ 'u'" '^' termination of the Peninsular War he embarked at Bourdeaux Uh ,rT.f l^attalion i^T Inn^? 2/th regt. for Canada; was present in all the operations on Lake ihLn. "''''1 to^Montreal. lie wa/afterwards preset thet;,ture' of'prr'if «; 1 "'T ^''^"^^"I^ L\Zu^t ; • 1 Cn ' }aKVa ? """ 1 '""^''''^ ' '" ^''''"'^^ ^"^ the ua thttefcfatnVv'.f'''-n'^'^'^'''''^'i'i:;'^^'^"'^ tnree Olasps tor Vittoria, Pyrenees, and Nive . army of occupation. He has received an^d the Silver War Mdu Toulouse; the 52nd in Sicily, in 1806 and 7; on the expedition SvSYn^l'80^''\f^th"p oweaen, 1808; the Peninsula under Sir John Moore in 1808-9; at AValcheren in 1809, m m '"'"! '"'^ C ' War 22 Services of the General Officers. In Portugal from 26th Jan to 1st June including the bombardment and surrender of Flushing the Penmsula and South of Trance 1811 includinj? the action at Sabugal. Subsequently in including the battle of Vittoria, passage of from loTh Jan 1813, to the end of that war in 1814, and Toulouse, together with the intermediate the Bidassoa, battles' of the Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, the battle of Waterloo, iieServed also the campaign of 1815, and was present at affairs that of Lieut.-Colonel for former and Orthes, of battle the for Major of rank Sed'the brevet He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. , services in the field. ^ ^ a with the 43rd at the siege of Copenhagen and 51 MaTor General Shaw Kennedy served at the present was and inclusive, 1812 In the Peninsula from 1808 to battle of Kioee in 1807. and of Badajoz and battle of Salamanca, acton of The Coa, siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo three Clasps. Served also the campaign of 1815 ?or which he has received the War Medal with including the battles of Qnatre Bras and AVaterloo. „ , . ,, c n^r^o« Colour of the 23rd at the siege of Copen52 Sir Thomas Henry Browne carried the King's thence to the West Indies, and was America; to regiment his Accompanied 1807. hagen n ^ America, and thence to Portugal in wounded a the capture of Martinique. Proceeded again to the field at in 1812, and was r8Tr He was appointed to the Staff of the Adjutant-General and the Eetiro siege ot Burgos Vittoria (where he battles of slamanca, capture of Madrid the actions of the 11th, 12tb, and l.itn he was wounded in the head), the Pyrenees, NiveUe, Toulouse. On the escape of Napoleon Dec 1813 before Bayonne, Nive, Tarbes, Orthes, nnd Stewart (the present Marquis of Londonfrom Elba he was appointed Aide-de-camp to Lord the head-quarters of the Austrian and dernO and served the campaign of 1815 with him, at Medal with eight Clasps. Eussia'n armies. He has received the War , u f^^ mentioned in Colonel G lUespie's despatch, for 53 Mator. General Maclachlan was honourably the was he occasion which on in 1806, Vellore at his conduct at the suppression of the mutiny • m ''Ir^S^ NtoU::StrtStlunteers in a boat of the Blancke M,.t., boarded armed cutter Albion (torn under the guns ot and captured, on the 3rd Nov. 1803, the Prench wounded by a musket-ball, which Monte Christ e, St. Domingo,-in this action he was severely On board the out at his right side, lodged in the -r-'coming an^d abdomen, the enSng Feb. 1807. On the 26th June 1808. \L,.1,rrd at the nassage of the Dardanelles on the 19th gun-boat V^%^ w a boati ;?:wf h^b'oarded and captured the ItalianSeverely ^^^ ^^j'^'i'iri:^ attack on ±ort at the wounded 1809. the reduction of the Island of Anholt in May S West Indies, in 1801 -d 1802 on the """^'Sir Fred:?i'ckAstworth served in the 58th, 1805 and 6, and was present at the battle o expedition to Naples under Sir James Craig in 1809 he was at the capture of the Islands ol Mafda and served the campaign in Calabria. In with the 2d Battalion of the 58th^ and Proclda He served afterwards in the Peninsula the whole of the siege of Burgos and retread and was present at the battle of Salamanca, at which he served with the Army on the Eastern^ from then^ce into Portugal; subsequently to and in Jamaica in 1817. In 1814-15 he served in Canada; in France in 1815 coaTt ot' Spain and Salamanca. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Maida under Sir David Baird to Corunna in 1808; froril 56 Maior-General Balneavis proceeded B M^Ken^^^^^^^ and was appointed Major of Brigade to ^ajor^General ; Sa ; thence to Lisbon, and was present at the battles o* sXade- served hroughout the whole of the war in Spam, occupation of them and subsequen^ TafaviL and Busaco, retreat to the Lines of Torres Vedras, he received the brevet rank of Major; siege ol advance bTtle of F lentes d'Onor-for which Michael siege of Burgos C^Sa^Rod go, covering the siege of Badajoz, storming of FortatSt. which battle he succeeded tc Madrid, and battle of Toulouse, battle of Salamanca, capture of North, of the 27th regt. Embarked at Bourdeaux for the command of the 3rd battalion Assistant-Quarter-Master-General, and was on arriving there he was appointed Orleans. New to proceeded Gave up his staff situation and battle ff Plattsburg. fr" eTa't to Sir Manley Power, and served afterwards at the capture of Paris as Aide-de-camp nine Clasps. ^irhthp Arm V ot Occupation. He has received the War Medal with includinfi ?;rved in the Peninsula from March 1809 to Nov. 1813, 7 Mait-GLeral Talavera, Busaco, Albuhera, Vittoria, and the Pyrenees^ the passage of the Douro, battles of skirmishes. Severely wounded in the Pyrenees on tW beside many other minor actions and in the lungs-this wound was long co^, Sth JulvTsiS, by a musket-ball which is still lodgedAlbuhera, and the silver War Medal with for Medal gold the received has He mortal. sidered Pyrenees. four Clasps for Talavera, Busaco, Vittoria, and ,o«., .n.^ 1807, in tW the Grenadier Guards in Sicily 58 Mafor General Higgin^on served with battl< the at present was and 1808-9, in Moore c.mna in hi the north of Spain with Sir John Portuga^ Joined his regiment nt with the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. of Corunn^ of th* into Spain in 1813; commanded a detachment Tu 1812 and advanced with the army year^ same Sebastian 31st August "^ the Grenadier Guards at the .turming and capture of San th^ and Nivelle, the present at the passages of the Nive, was Pyrenees, the by Fra^ice S^^ered Embarked with his regiment at BourdeaMj Sour alTduring the investment of Bayonne. re-enforcements Jun« to the Netherlands 1814. Went with AmeS Kent L Sie m • m W m the army left France in remained in France ""S ^hf 7815 arrived li Paris shortly after its capture, and 1830 he was appointed Aide-de-camp to Lord HilH of its occupation by the allied army. In when f /^'f,« War Services of' the General Officers. 23 I Commander-in-chief, and continued on his staff upwards of twelve years, until his lordjiip's resignation of office from ill health. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. 59 Sir George Bowles served in the north of Germany in 1805 and G, under Lord Cathirt. Tresent at the sioge and capture of Copenhagen in 1S07, In the Peninsula from 1809 to (excepting the winters of 1810 and 11), and was present at the passage of the Douro ; J314 ittles of Talavera, Salamanca, and Vittoria sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo. Badajoz, Burgos, and Ian Sebastian ; capture of Madrid ; passages of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, Nive, and Adour ; and le investment of Bayonne. Present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, and at the ipture of Paris. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. 60 Major-General Bunbury served with the storming party at Fort Frederick, and at the lipture of Surinam in 1804. Served the campaign of 1814 in Holland, including the attacks 1 Merxem, and the bombardment of the French fleet at Antwerp. Servedj^also in the American lien ; ar. 62 Major-General Bobbins served in Sicily in 1806-7 with the Ist Brigade of Guards under John Moore. Subsequent!}' with the 7th Hussars in the Peninsula and France in the impaigns of 1813 and 14, including the investment and surrender of Panipeluna, the battles of (fthes and Toulouse, with several intermediate affairs of outposts. Served also in Flanders 1815 with the 7th Hussars; was present at Quatre Bras, cooimauded a squadron of the ir 1. ear Guard in the affair at Genappe, also at the battle of ^Vaterloo where he was severely ounded. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Orthes and Toulouse. .63 Major-General Macneil served in Sir John Moore's retreat, and subsequently at Wallereninl809; in Swedish Pomerania in 1813, in Holland in 1814, including the attack on ergen-op-Zoom, Served also the campaign of 1815, including battle of Waterloo, 64 Major-General Sutherland commanded the few troops on the Gold Coast in the successful Derations and actions against the Ashantees, whom he defeated and dispersed (about 20,000 irong) in June and July 1824, 65 Major-General Rainey served with the 82nd at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in with Sir Brent Spencer's expedition off the coast of Spain, and at Cadiz on surrender of (507 ke French fleet; from thence joined Sir Arthur Wellesley's army at Mondego Bay, and was I'terwards present at the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna, also the retreat under Sir ohn Moore, Accompanied the regiment to Walcheren in 1809, and was present at the surinder of Middleburgh, siege and capture of Flushing. Joined the army in the Peninsula in !!ay 1812, and served as Aide-de-camp to Sir Thomas Bradford during the siege of the Forts of iilamanca, battle of Salimanca, capture of Madrid, siege of Burgos, and retreat therefrom, jrved afterwards in the Portuguese service in advance through the Tras-os-Montes in 1813, at e battle of Vittoria, actions of Villa Franca and Toloso, storm of the fortified convent in front f San Sebastian, at both the sieges and storm of San Sebastian, passage of the Bidassoa, battle ' the Nivelle, battles of the Nive on the 9th and 10th Dec— severely wounded wounded also at le siege of San Sebastian, Served in France with the Army of Occupation from the capitulaDn of Paris in 1S15 to the end of 1818. He has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 66 Mijor-General the Honorable Charles Gore joined the 43rd in the Peninsula in July Ul, and was present and one of the storming party of Fort San Francisco at the investment Ciudad Rodrigo also at the siege and storming of that fortress and of Badajoz, battle of ilamanca, as Aide-de-camp to Sir Andrew Barnard and in a similar capacity to Sir James ,empt in the battles of Vittoria, the Nivelle, the Nive (9th, 10th, and 11th Dec), Orthes, and oulouse. He was also in the action of San Milan, capture of Madrid, storming of the heights Vera, bridge of Yanzi, and all the skirmishes of the Light Division from 1812 to the close the war in 1814 ; after which he accompanied Sir James Kempt with the troops sent to anada under his command returned to Europe in time for the campaign of 1815, and was .•st and principal Aide-de-camp to Sir James Kempt, and present at the battles of Quatre Bras lorse shot), and Waterlco (three horses shot), and capture of Paris, He has receivtd the War edal with nine Clasps. 67 Major-General Walton served with the Coldstream Guards at the siege and capture of openhagen in 1807. He embarked for the Peniosula in 1808, and served the campaigns of 409, 1810, and the first part of 1811; and was present at the passage of the Douro and capjre of Oporto, the battles of Talavera and Busaco, the retreat to the Lines of Torres Vedras, lid the subsequent advance to the Spanish frontier. He served also in Holland, Belgium, and I'fance, from Nov. 1813 to Nov. 1818; and was present at the bombardment of Antwerp, the Itack on Bergen-op-Zoom, the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, and the capture of Paris, ILe served 40 years in the Coldstream Guards, and commanded the regiment upwards of six years |ie has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Talavera and Busaso, 1:68 Major-General Lewis served in Sir Richard Strachan's action, 4th Nov, 1805, Comanded a battalion of Marines in the American war, including the action atBladensburg, attack 1 Baltimore, and various ikirmishes in the Chesapeak. 09 Major-General Lawrence, prior to entering the Royal Marines, served four ye;\rs and a lit a< Midshipman in the Royal Navy. In 1793 he served atToulon; landed at Fort Lx Malgue id Fort Mulgrave during the siege. In 1798, at the capture of a French squadron of three igates and two brigs off Toidon. In 1805, battle of Trafalgar; the ship in which he served, e ( 'olossus, lost 2UU in killed and wounded. In 1810, at Cadiz during the blockade, was the ; ; : .' ; ; ' [ ; c 2 War 24 Services of the General Officers. senior captain of tbe expedition against Malaga, In 1814 and 15, served off New York on the American coast, until hostilities finally ceased. 70 Major-General Jones was at the defeat of the French fleet by Lord Howe, 1st June 1794 and by Lord Bridport, 23 June 1795. On board La Revolutionaire when she captured the Unite, 12th April 1798. Wrecked off Brest in 1804, and detained a prisoner of war until 1814. 71 Major-Geneial Connolly served in Lord Bridport's action, 23d June 1795. In 1796 served in the Mediterranean, including the evacuation of Bastia, capture of Porto Ferrajo, and destrucOn board H. M. S. Excellent in the battle off tion of Martello Tower in St. Fiorenzo Bay. Cape St. Vincent, 14th Feb. 1797. Capture of Admiral Perrie's squadron off Toulon in 1798, On board the Hannibal, in the battle of Algesiras,consisting of three frigates and two brigs. 6th July 1801, wounded and taken prisoner. On board H. M. S. Penelope, in the action off Flushing and Ostend, under Sir Sydney Smith, 16th May 1804. Present at the siege of Copenhagen, and capture of Danish fleet in 1807, and at Nyebourgh in 1808. In 1812, on board H.M.S. Hamadryad, when attacked by French privateers; debarked with detachments at ScheDuring the above periods he has been very veling, and took possession of the Hague in 1814. frequently engaged with the enemy in affairs of gun-boats aud batteries, &c, &c. He has received a reward from the Patriotic Fund. 72 Major-General Shawe served the canopaigns of 1810, 1811, and part of 1812, in the PenServed also in Holland and Belgium from Nov. 1813 to insula, including the battle of Busaco. Sept. 1814, and was severely wounded at Bergen-op-Zoom. He has received the War IMedal with three Clasps for Busaco, Fuentes d'Oncr, and Ciuilad Kodrigo. 73 Major-GeueralBeatty's services: landed at the attack of Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, when Lord Nelson lost his arm; battle of the Nile; siege of St. Jean dAcre (wounded); was fav^ourably mentioned in Sir Sidney Smith's despatch. In 1803 he was at the capture of the Harmonie privateer, and the surprise and destruction of Fort Dunkirk, Martinique. The publication of the despatches connected with these events, in which he was most favourably mentioned, procured him a patriotic sword of the value of 50/. Captain of Marines in the Couraqeux, at the capture of the Marengo and Belle Poute in March 1805; and in the Doneyal, Capt. P. Malcolm, when the small squadron under his command attacked two French frigates under the batteries of La Hogue, near Cape Barfleur, 10th November 1810. He has been engaged in other affairs of minor importance, and was selected for the duty of accompanying Sir G. Cockburn with Napoleon in the Northumberkaid to St. Helena. 74 Major-General Parke wis present in Duncan's victory near Camperdown, 11th Oct. 1797; commanded two companies of trine Artillery in Spain in 1 8 1 2, and three companies in America, from 1813 to 1816, including the attack and capture of the entrenched camp at Hampton; besides the above, he has been twelve times engaged with the enemy in boats and on shore. 75 Mijor-General Fane served in the Peninsula from Dec. 1812 to March 1814, including the battle of Vittoria, assault and capture of San Sebastian, and battles of the Nive on 9 and 13 Dec. 13. Served abo the campaign of 1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at the former of which he was severely wounded. He has received the War Medal and three Clasps for Vittoria, St. Sebastian, and Nive. 76 Sir Maxwell Wallace while serving at the Cape of Good Hope as Captain 2l3t Light Dragoons, was sent in 1812 in command of a squadron of that Regt. into Caffraria with BrigadierGeneral Graham's expedition, which in seven months of bard and severe work drove the Caffres across the Great Fish River. He served also the campaign of 1815, and was present in the action On the 16th June 1815, at Quatre Bras, the retreat on the 17th June, and battle of Waterloo. he was appointed, by Major-General Baron Dornberg, Orderly Officer, to assist his BrigadeMajor, Captain Robais the General's Aide-de-camp, Captain Krachenburg, being taken prisoner the following day, he took Robais as Aide-de-camp, and named Captain Wallace, ActingBrigade- Major; and, Robais being killed on the 18tb, the Duke of Wellington confirmed; Captain Wallace on the Major- General's recommendation. 77 Mujor-General the Hon. -John Finch served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 with the ISthl Hussars, and was engaged at the battle of Vittoria (sabre wound), Orthes, and Toulouse, for which he has received tbe War Medal with three Clasps. He was also present, although not personally engaged, at the battles of the Pyrenees and the Nive. Accompanied Lord Combermere to India as his Military Secretary, and was present at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore. 78 Major-General .James Lindsay served on the expedition to Walcheren in 1809; at the' the Peninsular campaigns of 1812 and 1813 the subsequent cam-; defence of Cadiz in 1811 paign in Holland, under Lord Lynedoch, including the assault of Bergen-op-Zoom, at which he was severply wounded. 79 Major-General joro served in the Peninsula with the 52nd and was pi'esent at the! sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajnz, and St. Sebastian, and at the battles of Salamanca, Vittor;a, Nivelle, and Nive, for which he has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. He was also at the repulse of the sortie from Bayonne as Aide-de-camp to Sir John Hope, and was severely wounded and taken prisoner with tliat general. He served also the Waterloo campaign on the htaffof tlie Quarter Master-General. 80 Sir Henry Ftoyd accompanied General Sir William H. Clinton to Sicily in 1811, and to Spain in 1813, as his Aide-de-camp, and was present at the battles of Biar aud Castalla, siege an blockade of Tarragona, in conveying orders to Ordal, and subsequent blockade of Barcelona. j M ; i i ; ; i M j j 1 WarServices of the Genmd 25 Officers. of 1815, with the loth Hussars, and was present at the battles "'a^nes ui of olTi^'L^^^/w^'P^'P IJuatre Bras and Waterloo, and at the capture of Paris. 81 Major- General Cochrane landed with the first expedition to Portugal on the 3rd Aup ISOb, and served in the Peninsula during; the campai{?ns of 1808, 9, 10, 11, and part of 1812 ^^''^^'^"' -'^ I^--«. -treat lo ^nd o^c^Ja.ion of "/ Ihe nne?.U ToS"' of Massena on h s retreat from the lines, ^"'•''"'T^°?'m"' ' action of Kedinba, uiprure u r re ot o" Campo r?n, .'? Ma^'or, aT siege of Ohvenfa, first siege of Badajoz and repulse of the sortie fro.a 1-ort San Chnstoval, siege and storming of Ciudad Rodrigo besides various minor He served for nearly two years in Canada during the AmeHcan war, as Aide-de-eacnn to he Uovernor-General and Commander of the forces. Lieutenant- Gener;i Sir George Prevost jrrevost. Hr has received the War INledal with six Clasps. 82 Sir Henry Somerset served the campaigns of 1813,14, and 15, including the battles during a protracted service on the frontiers of ho(',nT^fP ^iV '°u"'^u'',^'^^^*^^^^^ ?''''^' ''"'""* ^'•^"°"s Operations against the ? /lu ^,?°'^/°//° ^^^ lue Iv ithr tHr tribes. frihl Iv 5 He has received the War Medal with three Clasp^^. Wodehouse served in Portugal from May 1808 to Dec. 1811, including the . ;,! !f Dattle ot v'^'^'"""''^ \imiera, campaign trom Lisbon to Oporto, and battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor'^ ''•'' '"'^•"'^'"^ ^•'^°3^^' '"^^ -""^^ ^' T-bes and Kle' It ioidou.e He has received the %M^^"''\^^' Silver War Medal with four Clasps. 8 t M^ijor-Geueral Wetherall was in action with a squadron of French frigates in the Mozam)U!ue Channel in June 1810; in the attack of a squadron of French frigates in port S.E of the ^°^ """^l'^'''* "* ^•''^ '" 1811' a^ Aide-de-camp to ui'i ,°r CPHPr^l \v etherall, ,h^ 'u'lAf-'^u'"'r^ Vlajor-Generan\ for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. He was ppomted a C.B. for his distmguished services in the suppression of the insurrection in Canada. 8; Major-General Simpson served the Peninsula from ]May 1812 to May 1813 includinghe h.tter part ot the defence of Cadiz, and the attack on Seville."^ Served also the of ami was severely wounded at Quatre Bra?. He served as second in command to Sir the campaign against the Mountain and Desert Tribes situated on the ii'hf r.n^''Pf!I ignt bank ot the Indus, early in 1845. 86 M.jor-General Love served with the 52nd regt in the expedition to Sweden under Sir John .loore, and afterwards in Portugal and Spain, including the advance into Spain, retreat to, and >attle of, Oorunna, besides the different afiHiirs on the retreat. Served afterwards in the Peuin u a with the Light Division including the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, and all the afiairs and attles which the Light Division took a part up to 1812. During the campaign in Holland Older Lord Lynedoch, he was present at the attack on the fortified village of xMerxem and the ombardment of Ant^rerp Present in the several affairs before New Orleans,' and in the ttatk on that place, on which occasion he had two horses shot under him, and was sli<^htlv rounded in the arm by a rifle-ball. Served also the campaign of 1815, and received four severe pounds at the battle of Waterloo, when the 52nd regiment charged the French ruards. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Corunna, Busaco, Imnerial Fuentes V ""''"='' aS H Tt21T^U^U r.f m H camSn , r?^ m Onor, and Ciudad Rodrigo. '^"'>Ia.i^r- General the Honourable George Anson served the campaign of 1815 with the Scots usiher Guards, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Sir Duncan M'Gregor was actively employed in Sicily and Italy in 1806, 88 including the tkirmishes at St. Euphemie, battle of Maida, attack on Scylla Castle, and capture of Catrone .ampaign of 1807 in Egypt, includiDg the attacks in the Desert, and siege of Rosetta aign Ho land in 1809, including the attacks and captures of Ter Vf re and Flushing Cam-' Camaigns in the Peninsula during part of 1813 and 14. Capture of Corsica in May 1814. Vounded through the right shoulder by a musket-shot at Maida, for which battle lie has .'ceived the ^V ar Medal with one Clasp. 89 Major- General Hamilton served with the 5th Regt. the campaign of 1799 in Holland Hcluding the actions of the 19th Sept. Snd and 6th October. In 1805 he embarked for the ex:sdition on the Wtser, but was wrecked off the coast of Holland and made prisoner of war In e0(, he sailed with his Regt. on the secret expedition wliich eventually proceeded to Buenos .yres and was engaged in the attack on that city in July 1807, as also in all the skirmishes {hich took place before and after that battle. Alter the unsuccts.ful result of this campaien « becc^me one of the hostages given up to the Spanish authorities. In Jan. 18U8 he returned •om South America; and in July foUov^ing embarked with the 5th at Cork with Sir Arthur i/ellesley s expeoition to the Peninsula, and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera on the retreat to and battle of Corunna. }n 1809 he accompftnie-d 15 also his RePimcnt to Si^alcheren, and was present at the successful attack on the French outposts at Fluihina.rivmg them within the fortress on the 7th August he commanded the line of out-pique ts* in lont ot i<iu!,fiir.g when the French made their most desperate sortie, against which he held his round against a very superior force on this occasion he lost a leg, He has received the Iver War Medal with three Clasps for Roleia, Vimiera. and Corunna 90 Sir James D< luiis served with the 49th on board H. M. S. Mrnwrc/,, at the battle of .openbageu in 1801, and was wounded in both bands and contused from bis nautical know.dge derived from prior service in the Navy he was enabled to render an important service irmg this action, by fishing the cable, which by misapprehension of orders had been nearly , ' I m : ; j : 26 War Services of the General Officers. war, including battle of Queenstov cut through by a seaman. Served in the last American Stoney Creek (wounded in tv (•wounded), storming of Fort George (horse shot), action at horse shot, which fell on him), ai places with musket balls, and also contused by having his Commanded a division at the battle of Maharajpoi action of the Rioids at Hooples Creek. K.C.B. Sir James received tl 29th Dec 1843 (a Bronze Star), for which he was appointed a which occasion he commanded th Brevet rank of Major for his services at Queeastown, on bir Jam: arrival of General Brock, post during the operations which took place prior to the has received the Naval War Medal with one Clasp for Copenhagen. r, i j the Coldstream Guards, and 91 Maior-General Bentinck served in the Peninsula with one Clasp. I wounded at Barrosa, for which battle he has received the War Medal with „ ^ served also the campaign of 1815, and was present at Waterloo. ^ , , t i,o (jenerals 9' Maior-General Baumgardt was present and served during the whole ot the battles including and in 1803, 4, 5, 7, Lake and Sir G. Hewitt's campaigns in India Agra, Dheig, Bhurtpore, ai Laswarree, Futtighur, and several minor actions the sieges of Suppressed Served during the whole of the Mahratta campaign in 1817 and 18. Hattras. Garrison in 1833. berv very serious insurrection in Bombay, when Commandant of that and commanded the storming colum also during the Aff'hanistan campaign in 1838 and 1839, He has received the Medal with two clasps for India. against the fortress'of Kbelat. before Buen 93 Sir Robert Nickle served with the 88ch in the action of the 2nd July 1807, severely wound* Ayres- volunte'-red and led the Forlorn Hope on the 5th July, and was very of about five montl and his party all either killed or wounded. Served, with the exception of his regiment, the 881 during the whole of the Peninsular war from 1809 to the embarkation the passage of the Douro, battl^ in 1814, at Bourdeaux for North America, including advance of the army to and trc Talaver'a and Busaco, second siege of Badajoz.the retreat and Pampeluna, battles of the Pyrenfr the Lines at Torres Vedras, battle of Vittoria, sortie from battle of Toulouse (ve Nivelle Nive, and Orthes, actions of Vic Bigorre and Tarbes, and advanced and outposts, berv severely wounded), independent of a great many skirmishes of the advance across t afterwards in the American war in the affair of Plattsburg, where he led insurrection in British Nor Sarinac River, and was wounded. Upon the breaking out of the He t there. America in the winter of 1837, Sir Robert Nickle volunteered his services seven Clasps for the ott received the Gold Medal for Nivelle, and the Silver War Medal with Vjof Mpg 1801, andjacco: 94 Maior-General Falconar joined the 61st Regt. at the Cape in February the Desert with it, a panied it to Egypt, joining General Baird's army at Cosier— crossed the campaign remained with the Army of Egypt until 1803. In 1804 and 1805 he served in Its the campaign of 1806 Italy under Sir James Craig. Served with the 78th Highlanders Catrone, &c. In 18< under Sir John Stuart— at the battle of Maida, siege of Scylla, capture of and forts ot Alexandr the campaign in Egypt, including the attack on the fortified heights siege of Rosetta, actions at Rosetta a 1st affair at lake Elcho and Elhamet, investment and Flanders— CO Elhamet 21st April. Served the campaign of 1814 and 1815 in Holland and and bo manded Light Infantry 78th at both attacks of jMerxem, attack of French at Brescat, War Medal w bardment of Antwerp. Has received the Egyptian Gold Medal; also the Silver him when acti two Clasps for Egypt and Maida at which last battle he had a horse shot under as Aide-de-Camp to General Acland. u „„„ j „ ^, 1809; and sub 95 Sir Richard England served at the siege and capture of Flushing was emploj He Sicily in 1810. in the army with Adjutant-General the of Staff on the quently the Cape of Good Hope in U in all the operations of the Caffre war on the eastern frontier of AfiFghanistan in 1841 8 and 36; and he commanded a division of the army in Scinde and in advance by the Bombay colui 42, and was engaged in several affairs with the enemy in the and in its retreat from Candahar. , .o,r -r, j in 1805 and 6 96 Maior-General Middleton served in the West Indies with the Royals, country Mahratta Northern the to Madras from proceeded which the Staff" with the army 18 yond the Nerbudda River, iu 1809 and 10 with the 22nd Light Dragoons in Java during and at the cavalry charge wh 12 and 13 and was present at the affairs of the 10th and 21st, Fortr 26th Aug. 1811, after the finally settled the conquest of that valuable Island on the Djocjocarta, and and Lines of Cornelis had been forcfd. Employed also at the taking ot the gallant Gillespie. Was under Island the subsequent operations which took place on that the whole of the Mahra, the field with the 22nd Light Dragoons in 1815 and 16, and during Munro at if war of 1817, 18, and 19, and was present with the division of the late Sir Thomas Shallapore, at which 1 capture of the Forts of Daumul, Dorwar, Bedamme, Belgaum, and He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Java. place he was severely wounded. Dragoon Guards from 97 Maior-General Macintosh served in the Peninsula with the 3rd and act 1812 to the end of that war in 1814, including the retreat from Madrid to Salamanca, passage of the TorB Munos, San at Alba de Tormes, retreat to Ciudad Rodrigo, and action at action at Horm: above Salamanca, and attack on the French rear-guard under General Villate, Tarbes, attack on before Burgos, battle of Vittoria, investment of Pampeluna, action at French cavalry rear-guard at St. Gaudens, and battle of Toulouse. He has received the ^ JNIedal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. 1812 98 Lord Hotham served in the Peninsula with the Coldstream Guards from April w ; . m , , , m . . i • ,? ; ^ 1 ; . i . i A i ^ i War Services of the General Officers. 27 consequence of a wound received at the and was present at the battle of Waterloo. iHe has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle,and Nive. with Cavalry as a volunteer in the Rebellion in a corps of 99 ^lajor- General Paterson served Ireland in 1798. He served the Egyptian campaign of 1801 in the 28th Kegt.and was present in |the actions of the 8th, 13th, and 21st March, as also at the capture of Grand Cairo and Alexaudria. lie served in the 77th in ,In ISO.) he accompanied Lord Cathcart's expedition to the Continent. the Peninsula and South of France during the campaigns of 1811, 12, 13, and 14, including the .affair at El Bodon, siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo and of Badajoz, investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie, besides various skirmishes. When the rebellion broke out in Canada Served five years in the West in 1837 he volunteered his services, which were accepted. Indies. He has received the Gold Medal from the Grand Seignior for the Egyptian campaign, land the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for Egypt, Ciudad Rodrigo, and Bidajoz. 100 JIajor- General Wright's services: Engaged in most of Lord Nelson's attacks on Rota and Cadiz in 1797; battle of the Nile; campaign of Naples in 1799 surrender of Ovo and Novo, Egypt in 1801 and battle ,Fort St. Elmo, Capua, and Guata; cutiing out of the Guiep at Vigo JFeb. 1814, with the exception of a short absence in battle of Salamanca. Served also the campaifin of 1815, [ — ! ; ; of Algiers in 1816. ; — 101 Myor-General Everard's services: Expedition to South America, including taking of iMaldonadi); actions previous to, and assault of Monte Video, where he commanded the Forlorn iHopp. Campaign and battle of Corunna. iixpedition to Walchcren, and siege of Flushing. Commanded 14th regt. at the siege of Hattras, 1817. Commanded Flank Battalion in the campaigns of 1817 and 18, under Lord Hastings. Commanded 14th Regt. at the siege and assault of Hhurtpore, 1826. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. 102 Major-General Bisshopp's services: Campaign and battle of Corunna ; expedition to [Walcheren; campaign in the south of France; capture of Bhurtpore in 1826. He has received ' — 1 'the War Medal Wm with one Clasp for Corunna. 103 Sir Robert Clajton accompanied his regiment, the Royal Horse Guards, to the .Peninsula in Oct. 1812, and commanded a squadron at the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, and lat the period when Marshal Soult attempted to relieve Pampeluna. In 1815 again accompanied his regiment to the Netherlands, and was at the battles of Quatre Bras, Genappe, and Waterloo. He has received the M'ar Medal with one Clasp for Vittoria. 104 The Hon. Sir George Cathcart served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Germanj', as Aide-de-camp to Lord Cathcart, and was engaged at Lutzen 3rd May, Biutzen 20th and '21st May, Dresden 28th Aug., Leipsic 16th, 18th, and 19th Oct. 1813, Brienne 1st Feb., BarServed also the camsur-Aube, Areis 21st March, and Fere Cbampanoise 25th March 1814. ipaign of 1815, as Aide-de-camp to the Duke of Wellington, and was present at the battles of I Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 105 Major-General Spink served with the Light Company of the 12th Regt. in several actions Severely wounded through the leg when leading a night in the Travancore war. East Indies. Present also at the attack against the enemy's position at St. Mary, in the island of Bourbon. capture of the Isle of France, where his company armed with rifles formed the advance immediately on the disembarkation of the troops, and with which he was constantly engaged with ;the enemy during the three days march on Port Louis. 106 Major-General Jackson served in the Peninsula, from April 1809 to the end of the war in 11814, including the battles of Oporto, Talavera, and Busaco; action at Pombal Redinha, and ,Foz d'Arouce (wounded), battle of Fuentes d'Onor (3d and 5th May), first siege of Badajoz, action at El Bodon, siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege and capture of Padujoz, battles of Salamanca, Vittoria (horse shot). Ma} a Pass, Pampeluna, 15th July, Pyrenees, 30th July, Nivelle, Nive, and Bayonne. Present at Waterloo, and with the army <jf occuServed in India and Arabia from 1819 to 1826, including the capture (if pation in France. iBeni-Boo-Ali, as Military Secretary to Sir Lionel Smith, and for which service he was recom^mended by the Marquis of Hastiness for the rank of Lieut.-Colonel. He has recs ived the War iMedal with nme Clasps for Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vit,toria, Pyrenees, NivelJe, and Nive. 107 Major-General Mansel served with the 10th in the Mediterranean; subsequently with the |53rd in the Peninsula, and was severely wounded at Toulouse, for which battle he has received jthe War ^Medal with one Clasp. 108 Mijor-General Bradshaw's services:— Expedition to Madeira, in 1807; expedition to iiWalcheren, 1809, including the landing at Ter-Vere, siege and bombardrntnt of Flushing; Peninsula from June 1811 to the end of the war, including siege, assault, and capture of Ciud^-J Rodrigo and Badajoz; operations on the Bilas^^oa and Adour, bl ickade of Biyonne, and repuUe of thetortie. He has received the War :Medal with two Clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo and B iddjnz. In9 ^lajor-General John Drummond served in the Peninsula with the Coldstream Guaros .from January 1813 to the end of that war in 1814, and was present at the battle of Vittoria, the crossing of the Bidassoa, capture of St Jian de Luz, battles of Nivelle and Nive, the iinvestment of Bajonue and repulse of the sortie, and has received the War Medal with three Clasps served also with the army of occupation in France. 110 Major-General Freeth served in the Peninsula and France from May 1809 to Jan. 1814, and was present at the following actions and sieges; viz.: Fuentes d'Onor, capture of Ciudad i i , [ , ; — 28-29 War Services of the General Officers. I Rodrigo and Badajoz, battles of Salamanca, Burgos, Vittoria, and Pyrenees, near Pamplonn, Nivelle, and Nive, for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 111 Major-General John Leslie was at the taking of Travancore in 1808 and at the capture of Bourbon and the Isle of France in 1810: after which he served in Java and was present in the engagements of the 10th, 22ad, and 26th Aug. 1811. He served also in the Pindaree war in 1817, and with the Army of Occupation in France. He has received the War Medal with one ; Clasp for Java. 112 Major-General Coles served in India under Lord Lake the latter part of 1804 and the campaigns of 1805 and 6. On the termination of the war in India he returned to England was promoted to a company, and embarked for Spain served the campaign of 1808 -9 under Sir John Moore, inckiding the action at Lugo and retreat to Corunna. Accompanied his regiment on the expedition to the Scheldt in 1809 landed at Walcheicn ; was present at the siege and surrender of Flushing, and remained with the force on the island until it was evacuated. Joined the army under the Duke of Wellington in the Peninsular in 1813, was present at the passage of the Bidassoa, the battles of the Nivelle and Nive, the passage of the Adour, the investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. Marched to Bourdeaux and embarked for North America in 1814, was present at the passage of the Saranac and the action of Plattsburg. Served in Canada till the latter part of 1826 when he was promoted to a Lieut.- Colonelcy unattached. Has received the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for Corunna, Nivelle, and Nive. 113 Major-General Buckley served in the Peninsula with the Grenadier Guards, from March 1813 to the end of that war in 1814, including the passage of the Bidassoa, battle of the Nivelle, and investment of Bavonne. Served also the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, and taking of Peronne. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Nivelle and Nive. 114 Sir Richard Dnherty served at the capture of Martinique in 1809, and of Guadaloupe in 1810, and has received the War Medal wiih two Clasps. 115 Major-General Byam served the campaigns of 1812, 13, 14, and 15, including the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Orthes, and Waterloo, besides minor affairs. Severely wounded by a grape-shot while carryin;^ the regimental colour of the 38th at Salamanca, and slightly Wounded at Waterloo. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. ]Major-GeneraI Byam's first commission was an ensigncy in the 38th, with which Regt. he served two campaigns; all his other commissions and the rest of his service was in the 15th Hussars. 116 Major-General Prendergast served in the Peninsula with the Scots Fusilier Guards from Dec. 1811 to March 1814, and was present at the battle of Salamanca, capture of Madrid, siege of Burgos and retreat from thence, affair at Osma. battle of Vittoria, sieges of Badajoz, and San Sebastia,n, attack at St. JeandeLuz, battleof the Nive, passage of the Adour, investment of Bayonne, siege of the Citadel, and repulse of the sortie. He has received the War Medal with four Ciasps. 1 17 Major-General Yorke served in the Peninsula with the 52nd and was present at the battles of Roleia, Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle (wounded), Nive, and Orthes (severely wounded), and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz (wounded), for which he has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. He served also the Waterloo campaign. 118 Sir John Rowland Eustace served in Upper Canada the campaigns of 1813 and 1814, in command of a troop of the 19th Light Dragoons attached to the division of the army under the immediate command of General Sir Gordon Drummond. and was engaged in the battle of Lundy's Lane near the Falls of Niagara on the 23d of July 1814, and commanded the whole of the cavalry outposts and piquets daring the siege, was present at the storming of Fort Erie, and had the honour to be personally mentioned in the general orders of 1814 upon three different occasions. Accompanied the 1st battalion of the Grenadier Guards to Lower Canada in 1838, and was pre.sent with his regiment in the advance upon Napierville, and in the subsequent pur; ; ; suit of the insurgents. 119 Major-General Berkeley Drummond served in the 3rd Guards, the campaign of 1814 in Holland, including the storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. Also the campaign of 1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 120 Sir Edward Cust joined the Duke of Wellington's army prior to the advance from Portugal in 1811, and continued with it up to the cantonments on the Adour in 1813, having been present with the 14th Light Dragoons at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Nive, investment of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege of Badajoz, and generally in all the affairs of that period, until he quitted the Duke's army on promotion. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 121 M»jor- General Daly served with the 24th on the expedition to Egypt in 1801. In April 1805 he embarked with the 56th regt. for Bombay, and he commanded four companies of the 2nd battalion employed in 1809, with a division in the field under Cnlonel Walker, at the storming of Mallia, and at the reduction of other Forts in the Kattiwar District. o ^ .2 * ^3 OJ gSga^Hr^l g* I rH £fel t^ O O CO O aoj-gag-g-csss ^ <^ CC I -* 10 c:i rt o> 01 00 "^ 'C "O *C 'O '^ *0 *^ T3 'C '^ CO o» >» 1-5 rHlOCO^CD ooooooooo^oooooooooos ® a 53 S I^ i *• . S 1^1 S £ *-> o pal o o ^1 G-1 "It '. 'S c ® :gS o rh 3 -O r? « fr. fo 00 C) 'O 'O 'O *^ 'O *^ 'C '^ 'O CO i-H CO ai CO (?» ^ fl o CO 00 ^ «• 3 ^ <U ' p^ <I nj . rt ir> tS ^ ^ . "3 S Slj^ -S' fe< 35 ^^ s = S: .."^ of? h^.. c^3 SOSS |S <l^ y O .i ^ .^-sP ca fe lO o O "O -^ u c< c„ t^ O O o'lS S O) t-H -»-J h^H ^ ^^ J? ' .-1 <?» -< 3 v2 o 3 Pti "^ rM t~> 00 . o ij 35^C«'3^2oO=S jr CJ 00 c— . ?~ 2 ^^§ .5 P5 "*^ CO !>. CO rt I-l 3 o -.Sui^ ^^ i : i. fco i-H5(r-lr-IOr-lr-iOOOp-lOOrHi-l So S S a. .^ \.s a O fe ^S . 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P coco <i1 <l CO « r-l C» .i-si-5P>-s t^ I-:..I a co^ Cl ^— i'ii ^ O H * J 9 "5 <i * CO oooo o 73 fc" oooooooooooooooo <i 1/2 GC O O l>..&. ^ • 3 JJ -< 3 l-S o o .-• (TJ fTJ >?» .0)00) . t> r-( 00 rl co<r»co<Mco co ^ CO 00 (M rn CO ^ 3 3 -^ h. r5 « " ^ C o e 2 O ti 4) c3 H A TJ C» ' ^ r-l C5 -* ^^^S^^PP^f^S^Ogg ts OaOT)HOOO>rHO-*-*CD<M -g CJ •5"^ r-l l-H o t> Tf d) a r)( 3 r-l 5 3 3 =5 O 1-1 P -H o^ i^3k^oS333^ooi5. S 3 3 a b P'-3^HSi-s'-5^^i-s<i3cSPP^!» S t> ca O o O^ '^ O 2 t^--H g O 1-5 2 S 0-3 § i-s l2i OJ oooo " tl i-< Hj • o CO CO CO CO CO S >: ?j 5i >. >.s^ 3 B?. . by the unfortunate explosion of its magazines. Proceeded to the Peninsula in 1809. and t^ajoz. and battle of Waterloo. 42 War Services of the Colonels. Busaco. [807 he served with the 43rd at the siege of Copenhagen and at the battle of Kioge . Sti 1 . He was also present at the battles of Roleia. 2 Colonel Thornton served in the Peninsula. He received the Gold Medal for Toulouse. and capture of Paris. under Sir John Moore. where he was severely wounded. the Pyrenees. the 28th at Arroyo de Molino and Almaraz. and was Assistant-Quarteraster-Gfnrral at the battles of Vittoria. and Busaco. for which he has received the Gold Mtdal. for conveying very important spatehes. and was pre5 war in 1814 either in command of a regiment of Portuguese or a brigade P at the action of Grijon. including e action on the 17th June. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. a brigade at e battle of Albuhera. ! the 83rd regiment. Nivelle (severely wounded). . 4 Sir Robert Chambre Hill served on the Continent in 1794 and 95.--•_. and b Pyrenees. battles of Fuentes d'Onor. Condeixa. P. Embarked with the ues for the Peninsula in Oct. battle of Busaco. in Sicily 1806 and 1S07. Colonel Woodgate embarked with the 5th battalion of the 60th on the expedition to Porial in 1808 under Sir Arthur Wellesley. and as Deputy-Quarter-Master. and Sabugal. 1 was present at the capture of Paris. In the spring of 1814 he joined the Duke of Wellington's army as Lieut. Lines of Torres Vedras. Colonel Patrickson served in Ireland with the 9th Dragoons during the Rebellion in 1798. Employed as Assistant-Quarter-Master-General at the taking of Isle of France in 1810. Colonel Burslem served at Toulon in 1793. battle of Fuentes d"Onor. Orthes. 1812. Soon after his arrival in Lisbon. a volunteer with the 92nd with the 52nd on the expedition to the Ferrol in 1800. and subsequently at the siege of Nimeguen having previously to the ter been promoted to a Lieutenancy in the Greys by the Duke. and subsequently with Lord Hill's Division until after the battle of the 13th Dec. ittoria. first siege of battles Pyrenees. to the Prince of Orange. was ordered to take mmand of the Household Brigade of Cavalry. Hamilton served as a Cornet in the Scotch Greys in the army commanded by Duke of York in Flanders and Holland during the campaign of 1794. from April 1809 to the 27th August 1810. in command of the regiment. Fuentes d'Onor. Vittoria. sifge and assault of Ciudad Rodrigo. including the actions at Famars. action at Sabugal. and was present in the action at Lugo. He has 3eived the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. siege of Badajos il811. He served also the camlign of 1815. 5 Colonel J. In May 1813 he commanded a battalion at the battle of Castalla. actions of Redinha. and Orthes. . battle of Fuentes d'Onor (wounded). including the a tions of the t 13tb. for which he has received the Gold Medal. and the Silver War Medal with five Clasps for Roleia.. Nivelle. Vimiera. arming of Peromie. ' d'Arouce. siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo. of Vittoria. 1809 to the end of that war in 1814 (except ing two short intervals when he was ordered to England to command the 2nd battalion). passage of the Douro. and was present in the various actions there. and Linoelles (severely wounded). and Orthes. 1809 to the end of I'ations of that campaign. avera. for which he has Eiived the Gold Cross.les of Talavera. which he commanded at and for some time after e battle of Vittoria. and battle of irunna. the >Jies. Joined the Army in Flanders on the 16th of June 1815. Sir John has received a Medal for services in Egypt from the Grand Seignior . in the same capacity. uding the action of the Coa. Colonel Gauntlett was actively employed against the Maroons in the West Indies. in 8-9 in Spain. Sir William 5 Cox served at the re-taking of Grenada in 1796 in Egypt in 1801 employed % particular service in Spain in 1808-9. and Ciudad Rodrigo. and was present at the battles of Rolei?. captures of Grand Cairo and Alexandria. 1814 and commanded the i at the attack on New Orleans. len. action at El Bodon. Taken prisoner in le action at Osttnd in May 1798. Served also the campaign of 1815. Commanded the fortress of Almeida.-Colonel Sir \ . Served afterwards in the Peninsula (a great part of time in command of the regiment) from Sept. David Cunjnghame served the campaign of 1793. Pyrenees. 3 Colonel the Honourable Alexander Abercromby served the campaign of 1799 in Holland. s — ! . Served I) the campaign in Egypt. Present also at the actions in e Pyrenees. Vimiera. as Aide-de-camp to Sir John Moore. and in the Lines before Lisbon. the 1 > ' ! I I : — — . and was present in action near Cateau. under difficult and perilous circumstances. then commandthe Dutch Army. J Sir John Milley Doyle served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. together with the other Served afterwards in tlie Peninsula from Feb. Busaco. and was present at the battles of QuatreBras and Waterloo. avera. and Toulouse. afterwards at Corsica. Embarked for America in Oct. Vimiera.mand. and Vittoria. id commanded the 28th at the battle of Busaco. He has received the Gold 'dal for Fuentes d'Onur. and in same year was second in command in the attack and capture of the fortress of Balaguer in talonia. and the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for iaco. He has received the Gold Cross for Albuhera. and Toulouse. he was obliged to surrender it to the army der Marshal Massena. also the siege of Valenciennes.General at the conquest of Java 181 1 (including the attack of Cornells). and 21st of March. far which he has received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps. and commanded the 40th regiment at the i. 13 near Bayonne. battles of Vittoria. He served also the Waterloo campaign. Nivelle. He was also in the actions at Black Book. and at Copenhagen in 1807. the Peninsulat campaigns from May 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. and Fuentes dOnor. actions of El Bodon and Aldea de Ponte. and the Nive. as Major of Brigade. Condeixa. battle of Salamanca. and Busaco. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and was in the battles of Busaco. and remained there till April 1811. and was present at the attacks Served also in the Mahratta war of 1817 and 18. whei-e he was twice wounded during the siege of Flushing. Commanded the regiment at the battle of Waterloo. health being restored. and has received the Gold Medal and two Clasps for Salamanca. Salamanca. 1812 he joined the Duke of Wellington's army in the Peninsula. 30 Sir H( in the navy for nearly six years.'' 20 Colonel Henry Dawkins served in the Peninsula with the Guards. and was in the attack made on Sackett's Harbour. proceeded from thence to South America. in the expedition to th*. 1808. and the Pyrenees j and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Busaco. Pyrenees. including the battle oi' on Buenos Ayres. blockade of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. and was present at the battles of Talavera. Served also on the expedition against New He has received the Gold' Orleans. and battle of Fuentes d'Onor. capture of Madrid. Accompanied a detachment of that regiment to the Peninsula in March 1810 and in . 19 Colonel Jodrell served in Sicily in 1806 and 1807. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814 Major of Brigade from June 1810. Nivelle. for which he has received the War Medal with thre< ' | I j ' : \ ' _ : • ^ | ' ^ | | Clasps. | I . and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. on which Served also the campaign of 1815. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Corunna. battle of Salamanca. Foz d'Arouce. the Pyrenees. and storming of Talneir. Went to April was appointed Deputy-Assistant-Quarter-Master-General at Isla de Leon. Nivelle. 17 Colonel Ward served in the Peninsixla. . Helder in 1799. In Sept. and repulse of the sortie from Fort San Christoval . . from Feb. which producec His total deafness. and Nive. Maheidpore. 28 Colonel Allix served in the Peninsula with the 1st Guards (part of the time as Adjutant and as Brigade-Major) and was present at the battles of Corunna. and at the actions of Pombal. and quitted the navy in 1803. He received thre( John Morillyon Wilson served as midshipman * and the last was a severe wound on the head. on the retreat to. Vimiera. and at the occupation of. and the Peninsular campaigns of 1812. and Great Sodus (where he received a severe bayonet wound). Ciudad Eodrigo. Served in Portugal in 1808 and 9. including the battle last occasion he was severely wounded. 24 Colonel Fielding Browne accompanied the 40th to the Peninsula in July 1808. and Nive. and Nive. Talavera. and Egypt in 1801. Nivelle. and served there until 26th of January 1812 . Gold Cross and one Clasp for Fuentes d'Onor. and Nivelle (severely wounded). including the battle of Co-] runna . and was in the action at Maldonado and siege of Monte Video. action at Canizal. 27 Colonel Alexander Higginson served the campaign of 1808-9. rejoined the regiment in the Peninsula in July 1813. Vittoria. and action at Villa Franca. In 1812 he joined the 2nd battalioi Royals in Canada. 25 Colonel Childers served with the lllh Dragoons at the Helder in 1799. and served there He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Barrosa until the end of that war in 1814. He went to Cadiz in March 1810. for which he h« received the War Medal with six Clasps. and Sabugal the blockade of Almeida. where he received a medal from the Capitan Pasha fo) having saved the lives of a boat's crew belonging to a Turkish man-of-war. the expedition to Walcheren in 1809 . the Lines of Torres Vedras. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. siege and storming of Badajoz. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Barrosa. subsequently on the eastern coast of Spain. mcluding the battle of Castalla. England in March 1812. Commanded a brigade of Cavalry to Sir John Vandelour. Also the campaign of 1815. and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Salamanca and Vittoria. Nivelle. He afterwards served in the Peninsula. Redinha. 14 Colonel John Hamilton served the Egyptian Campaign of 1801 with the Coldstream Guards. 18 Colonel Blake served with the 20th Dragoons at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806 . passage of the Adour. 15 Colonel Raikes served with the Coldstream Guards on the expedition to Hanover in 1805-6 . Casal Nova. Embarked with the regiment for the Peninsula. In Sicily in 1810 and 11. including the battle of Waterloo. Medal for Badajoz (having commanded the regiment at the assault) . also at the passage of the Douro. and Orthes and the Silver War Medal for Egypt. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. was employed on the coast of Ireland during the rebellion in 1798 . siege of Burgos. including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera (Gold Medal). in consequence of which he was invalided. 31st of Dec. 26 Lord Harrington wa* employed in South America in 1807. under Lord Combermere. and the Silver War Medal with seven Clasps for the other battles and siege. of Waterloo.War 43 Services of the Colonels. siege of Badajoz. siege and storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. in May 1811. having been present at the battle of Barrosa. and subsequent retreat therefrom. and Nive . at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore. including the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. and Nive. Badajoz (severely wounded at the assault). the retreat to the lines of Torrei Vedras. and was' present at the battles of Roleia. anc wounds while a midshipman . 29 Colonel Brooke served in the Peninsula with the Ist Guards and was present at the' battles of Corunna. and served there until the end of that war in 1814. he entered the army in 1804 and served in the third battalion Royals ai' Walcheren in 1809. Buffalo. and again from August 1812 to 16th' May 1813. 13' and 14. Busaco. having prebrigade that stormed the small breach of the same place on the 31st Aug. for which lie has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and was present during Sir John Moore's advance and retreat. commanded a corps of 400 Grenadiers at the battle of "ortuguese service. aud was present at the principal operations of the army. ( . in . and the Silver War Medal with four Jasps for Corunna. 38 Sir George Couper was Assistant-engineer at Copenhagen.ie battle of Curunna. le has received the Silver War Medal with three Clasps. llassena from Santarem. and Toulouse. Sir George has received the War Medal with four Clasps for '. Appointed Major in the . discovered a ford under the walls. 10th. clurliuijj the investment and surrender of Pampeluna. Received the rank of Brevet Major for his conduct at Waterloo. and action of San Munos. battle of the Nive on the 9th.Master.Ivisions during those periods. from 1809 to 1812. under Sir John and subsequently in the Peninsula under the Duke of Wellington. Dresden 28th Aug.. and Orthes. Benevente. and at Served afterwards in the Peninsula. and battle of Waterloo. and capture of Paris 31st rarch 1814. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Benevente. including the bombardCampaign of 1815. Vittoria. Commanded the 1st Cacjadores le detachment. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. including the battle Fuentes d'Onor. and iroughout the retreat to Corunna. the battle of Nivelle. and Pyrenees. Peninsular campaigns.ege and capture of Ciadad Rodrigo. ' '. from aence to the Peninsula. Subsequently in the Peninsular campaigns of 1813 and 14.40 Colonel Charles Wyndham served in the Peninsula with the 10th Hussars and was present r the battles of "Vittoria. 1813 iously. and 11th Dec. id at the battle of Corunna. . Clinton in the Peninsula in 1811 and 12. iriag the campaigns of 1813 and 1814 in Germany and France. but was employed principally on the Staff until the conclusion of the War in 1814. Fere Champenoise 25th March. 33 Colonel Saodgrass accompanied the 52Qd to Sicily in 1806 to Sweden in 1808 . hirteen wounds. including the battles lent of Antwerp and storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. Redoubt. and was present at the battles Lufzen 3rd May. action of Sabugal. Cathcart served as Aide-de-camp to the Commander the Forces in the expedition sent to the North of Germany in 1805-6 under General Lord ithcart. f Quatre Bras and Waterloo. and battle of Orthes. being sent home with the despatches. 2-tth Nov. battle of Chippewa. particularly loore. through which he led Present when the army crossed the Bidassoa. 41 Colonel Payler served in Sicily in 1806 and 7.l the 31 Colonel j le battle of : I — . the battle of Orthes and intermediate Fairs.Sebastian. Hely Hutchinson joined the Army in the Peninsula on tho Lth July 1811. and was present in the cavalry engagements at Mayorga. Fuentes d'Onor. 35 Colonel Harris served the campaign of 1808-9 as a Deputy-Assistant-Quarter-Mastereneral to Sir David Baird's D. for which he s received the War Medal with four Clasps. old Cross for San . Served also the campaign of 1815 as Aide-de-camp to the Earl of Uxbridge. During his career in the two professions he received le fell into the hands of the enemy.orming party that assaulted and carried the Convent. and th Oct. in which he received seven wounds. to Lord Dalhousie from it Aide-de-camp to '12 to the end of the war.e idajoz. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Toulouse. 1813. he was promoted to a He continued to serve as Aide-de-camp to Lord Cathcart jroop in the 25th Light Dragoons. Il3 to the end of the war in 1814.War 44 Services of the Colonels.Quarter. and was present in all the actions in which they commanded He was Assistant. 37 Colonel the Honourable Frederick M. Nive. and other outworks at San Volunteered and commanded the detachment of the 10th Portuguese ebastian (wounded). and the actions of . action near Guinaldo. ^ was present in most of the afiairs in which Lord Hill's Division was engaged. and eciivo. where he was severely wounded in the head.v '^ ci. Sir H. 86 Colonel Thomas Wildmau served with the 7th Hussars in the campaign of 1808-9 under ir John Moore. 42 olouel the Honourable H. 1812 Volunteered and commanded the Villa Franca and Tolosa. and Vittoria. by entering the river at night. and has two balls still lodged.''ittoria. the campaign of 1808-9.General with the army in . Ciudad Rodrigo. In 1815 he was also employed in the same capacity at the head-quarters of the 'Hied Army under Marshal Prince Schwartzenberg. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. including e action at Quatre Bras. the retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras. for which he has received the War Medal with ' tree Clasps. nd subsequent advance from thence. Sir John has lie War Medal with two Clasps for Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. in32 Colonel William Drummond's services lluding the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor. Orthes. at which last he was ightly wounded. 18th. and battles of the Nivelle and Nive. (wounded on the He has received the iltb). Brienne 1st Feb.. and was present at the pursuit of . . Orlhes. on which occasion. Gulf of Mexico in 1814-15. '39 Colonel Richardson served with the Royal Horse Guards in Spain and France from Dec. retreat on the 17th. to co-operate with e King of Sweden in 1807. Bautzen 20th and 21st May. The brevet rank of Major. — tt loulouse. and subsequently in the same year at the siege and capture of )penhagen. and was shortly afterwards appointed to a Troop in the 4th Portuguese tvalry. Gordon served in the Peninsula with the 5th Dragoon Guards and was present at Salamanca. Campaign of 1814 in Holland. and that of Lieuanant-Colonel was conferred upon him for his conduct at Buffalo and Chippewa. Nivelle. Captain in the 92nd with Sir ihn Moore's army in Sweden and Portugal. Salamanca. and being left on the field of battle. and on the expedition sent to the Island of Rugen in the Baltic. Aide-de-camp to Lord Dalhousie in Walcheren. Leipzic 16th. and had his horse shot. and the Pyrenres. in the Peninsula. He served also the Waterloo campaign. 1813. Vittoria. Busaco. in which he was slightly wounded. when he had charge of the communications of the combined armies. 53 Colonel Riddlesden served in the Peninsula with the Royal Horse Guards and was present at the battles of Vittoria and Toulouse. Commander-in-Chief in India. and as Aide-de-camp to Sir Hussey Vivian. and 15. 52 Colonel Horton served in the Peninsula with the 71st and was present at the battles of Nivelle. 47 Colonel Higgins served in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798. and Toulouse. from Aug. Orthes. Orthes. 56 Colonel Hogge served the campaign in Calabria under Sir John Stuart and was present with the 20th at the battle of Maida. as Aide-de-camp to General Gore Browne. for which he has received the War Medal with He served also the Waterloo campaign. at the capture of the Kandian territories in Ceylon in 1815. Also actively employed at the head of the Grenadier company throughout the Kandian campaign of 1818. investment of Bayonne. and he was one of the first who gave information served also the Waterloo campaign. all He | . and at the siege of Budajoz (wounded). and the storming of Almorah. siege of Bhurtpore. Pyrenees. 44 Colonel Keane served with the 23rd on the expedition to the north of Germany in 1805 in Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore. and also the repulse of the sortie. and Flanders. and Vittoria. and served throughout the whole of the Peninsular war. from June 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. 43 Colonel Barlow served in India under Lord Lake. 49 Colonel Dobbin served with the 19th in the Travancore war in 1809. for which he has i-eceived the War Medal with four Clasps. and at the capture of the Isle of France. Busaco. siege and storming of San Sebastian (twice wounded. 1808 to Feb. and repulse of the sortie. and was present during the Nepaul war. and was present at at the surprise of the Bridge of Almarez that the French had passed the Tormes. from November 1813 to the end of the war in 1814. Sortie from Bayonne. and Salamanca. In 1806 he was at the landing and taking of Maldouado. 45 Colonel Lane served with the 15th Hussars during the campaigns of 1813. for which he has received the War Medal with live Clasps. and other desultory services during the Peninsular war. 1808 with the 9tb. with the Coldstream Guards. the crossing of the Bidassoa. 61 Colonel Davics served in the Peninsula with the 52nd and was present at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor. and 5. He has received the War Medal with nine Clasps. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Roleia. affairs on the retreat from Burgos iu 1812. 4. including the retreat to. Sebastian (severely wounded at the assault and capture). for a series of services against the insurgents. 58 Colonel Salwey served the campaigns of 1813 and 14. and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. Served also at the captures of Bourbon and the Isle of France in 1810. Vimiera. Vittoria. Nivelle. and was present at He has received the War Medal with four Clasps the battle of Waterloo and capture of Paris. . Fuentes d'Onor. Sebastian. . for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. including the battles of the Nive. Nive. He served also the Waterloo campaign. Salamanca. He served afterwards in the Peninsula with the 20th and was present at the battles of Vimiera (wounded). the siege of Flushing in 1809. capture of St. 14. passage of the Douro. 57 Colonel Stisted served in the Peninsula with the 1st Royal Dragoons. ft)r which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. besides a variety of Proceeded to Canada minor affairs. at the reduction of the Province of Kimaoon. crossing the Adour. Orthes. including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. Salamanca. 54 Colonel James Fleming served in India. and Toulouse. and the different affairs during the retreat of Massena from Portugal. 46 Colonel Madox served the campaign of 1815 with the 6th Dragoons. Orthes.). Vittoria. and Toulouse. Also the campaign of 1815 in the same capacity. and Toulouse. and commanded the false attack on the breach on the night of the 29th of Aug. battle of Futtyghur.45 ^cir Services of the Colonels. 48 Colonel Macadam landed in Portugal 1st Aug. France. 51 Colonel Le Blanc served in the Peninsula with the 4th and was present at the battles of Corunna. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Fuentes d'Onor (for which he has received the War Medal with four Served also at Clasps). Jean de Luz. passages of the Bidassoa (shot through the body) and Adour. battle of the Nivelle. Bourbon. during the campaigns of 1803. Vimiera. and battle of Afzalghur. Nive. action of Villa Muriel (wounded). He served also throughout the Pindarree war on the Staff. . Served afterwards in the Peninsula with the 7th Hussars. Corunna. 59 Colonel Dwyer served on the Staff of the late Marquis of Hastings. Nive. 60 Colonel Taylor served in the Peninsula with the 9th. including the battles of Vimiera (wounded). and St. heights of Bidart. six Clasps. the battle of Waterloo. and was present at nearly all the actions in the Pyrenees. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. also at the siege and taking of Monte Video. Salamanca. 1813 to the end of the war in 1814. and repulse of the He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Vimiera. and again from Oct. Corunna. defence of Tarifa. for Corunna. several affairs connected with the investment of Bayonne. Fuentes d'Onor. Busaco. 50 Colonel Melville Browne served as Aide-de-camp to Sir Brent Spencer in the battles of Roleia. and the battle of. and was present at the siege of Deig. and received the thanks of Sir Robert Brownrigge on three occasions in general orders. also at the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. with his regiment. retreat from Burgos. and St. and at the sieges of Badajoz. and served the campaign of 1814. in South America at the affair of San Carlos. and investment of Bayonne. He served also the campaign of 1815. and he led the storming party to the breach formed by the mine on the 4th Oct. Llerena. in 1834. battle of the Nive. 69 Colonel Lascelles served with the Ist Regt. campaign in Spain. with the Ist Life Guards. Nivelle. and with the army of occupation in France. Vittoria. Fou. Sebastian. where he was at the taking of the Horn Work. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. . faithful. 1812 to March 1814.. La Meares. for which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps. Miranda de Corvo. Quintana Palla. at Anglet. including the passage of the Bidassoa. . including the battle of Corunna. Rueda. of Guards in the Peninsula in 1813 and 1814. Castrajon. including the battles of Talavera. on 3rd and 5th May. and Nivelle. and distinguished services in her Majesty's army. near Salamanca. Expedition to Walcheren and siege of Flushing in 1809. Vittori i. 68 Colonel Douglas served at the capture of the Danish and Swedish West India Islands in 1801. where he was severely wounded. battle of Salamanca. passage of the Adour. aud France. Rfceive 1 the commands of lier Majesty that he should attend and bear the Great Banner on the occasion of the Funeral of the late illustrious Duke of VVellins^ton. Christoval. repulse of the sortie. and was present at the battle of Bladensburg and capHe has received the War Medal with ture of Washington. Orthes. and taking of Peronne. Pyrenees. Valle.. having commanded a field battery. and was present at the battle of Toulouse. Valladolid. Employed in the field throughout the whole of the Kandian rebellion in Ceylon in 1817 and 18. the Pyrenees. to the battle of Salamanca affairs at Tudela. Peninsular campaigns from Feb. on which occasion Sir Henry Sullivan and ten officers of the Guards were killed or died of their wounds. Llerna. 46 62 Sir Henry Wyatt served the campaigns of 1814 and 15. 70 Colonel Charles Stuart Campbell served in Egypt with the 26th in 1801 in Portugal and Spain in 1808-9. 66 Colonel Vandeleur served iu the Peniusula. to the 8th Sept. 71 Colonel Gascoigne served in the Peninsula from July 1813 to May 1814. with the 71st Light Infantry and afterwards with the 12th Light Dragoons and was present at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor (severely wounded). and remaining. including the affairs at Fupnte Guinaldo. The battle of the Nivelle at St. Salamanca. Redinha. the silver War Medal witli one Clasp for Corunna. and Aldea de Ponte . and Nive and tlie order of San Fernando. Coa. . and Nive. 64 Sir Henry Fairfax served in the Peniusula with the Rifle Brigade in 1812. the Coa. battle of IJusaco. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. and commanded the 3rd Portuguese Regt. Fuentes d'Onor (wounded). Guarda. Venda de Sierra. and has received the War Medal with two clasps for the battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. Nivelle. and affair at Etauliers upon the passage of the Dordogne. 67 Lord Howden served as Aide-de-camp to his Grace the Duke of Wellington during the years 1817 and 18. Nave d'Aver. and in the affair of San Munos. Pyrenees. 63 Colonel Fraser served in the Peninsula with the 24th. the action at Osma. and mentioned in Commander-in-chiefs despatch). 65 Colonel Chatterton served in Portugal. the advance to and capture of Paris. — . siege of San Sebastian from 24th Aug. where he commanded the piquets of his brigade. including the battles of Salamanca. and Toulouse actions or skirmishes near Talavera. actions at Villa Franca and Tolpsa. Nivelle. three clasps for San Sebastian. and subsequently in the Peninsula. Jean de Luz. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. and in front of Bayoune. near Fuentes d'Onor. Auchmuty in 1807. and carrying the enemy's fortified entrenchments. covering the siege of Badajoz. Freixeda. and siege of Burgos. as Aide-decamp to the Commander of the Forces. The actions on crossing the Bidassoa. 68t Colonel KnoUys served with the Scots Fusilier Guards from the 6th March to the end of the Peninsular War in 1814.War Services of the Colonels. battle of Vittoria. Flanders. and tlie silver War Medal witli one Clasp for St. and Badajoz actions at Usagre. On the expedition to the north of Germany in 1805 and 6. Heights of San Christoval. and was present at the blockade of Bayonne. Pombal. Castrillos. upon the retreat from Burgos to Salamanca thence the out-posts at the passage of the Huebra. Spain. Nive. He served also the Waterloo campaign. and capture of Paris. Vittoria. Served also in the Peninsula from 1811 to 1814. siege of Antwerp in 1832 (wounded). Galligos. Employed by Government on a special mission. and Cabezon. as also at the severely wounded in the thigh at the assault. Val de la Mula. Vittoria. Rueda. on the retreat from Madrid. Coimbra. occupation of BDrdeaux. Upou the advance of the army from Portugal. Sexmiro. from 1811 to 1818. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. to the siege and capture of San Sebastian. in consideration of his long. including the action at Foz d'Arouce. St. and the investment of Bayonne. and Nive. Venta del Pozo. and battle of Nivelle. Sebastian. — . Served afterwards in the American war. . Busaco. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp. at the battle of Vittoria. and Celada del Camiao. . capture of Madrid. the ball still siege and assault of San Sebastian He has received the gold Mtdal and one Clasp for Vittoria and St. to the close of the occupation iu France. to Ciud id Rodrigo. to the investment and siege of Burgos the actions at Monasterio. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Salamanca. Salainaaca. 19th Sept. from June 1809 to June 1813. battles of Qaatre Bras and Waterloo. the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo. He has received the gold cross for Salamanca. Espiga. in Navarre and Basque Provinces. 72 Colonel Lovell served at the taking of Monte Video under Sir Sam. and was present at the battle of Navarin in 1827 (wounded. passage of the GaroQue. battles of the Nivelle and Nive. Vittoria. and the Pyrenees (27th to 31st July). and served with it in the action of El Bodon. Sauveterre. Orthes. and was present at the battle of Vimiera. and passage of the Bidassoa. covering the retreat on the 17th June and battle of Waterloo (received two wounds and had two horses killed under him). Burgos. Colonel Reed served the campaign of 1815. was afterwards present at the battle of Orthes. Nive. at total. Served also in the 76 Sir James Schoedde served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. Garliu. Has received the castin. Nivelle. . he changed the direction of his squadron. when Brigadier-General commanding the Peshawur districts. . ten . including tbe battles of Roleia. battles of Salamanca. San Romangeneral actions. covering the retreat to Torres Vedras. He was constantly employed in 1851 and 1852. Gladie. Woosung. Served in America in 1814-15 in the 60th Rdles. passage of the Chenab. He has received the War Medal with eleven Clasps for Busaco. Was BrigadeMajor of the troops engaged in quelling the insurrection in Demerara in 1823. Hasparren. He served with the Army of Occupation in France from 1815 to 1818 as Aide-de-camp to Sir Henry Clinton. and also until the retreat from Santarem was closed at Fuentes d'Onor. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Vimiera. including the forcing of the Kohat Pass under Sir Charles Napier. sieges and assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. and for Egypt. blockade of Pampeluna. Severely wounded in the leg at the storming of the castle of Badajoz. and served in Spain till the end of the war. was at the affair of Osma. the advance into Spain and retreat under Sir John Moore. Vimiera. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Nive. 78+ Sir Colin Campbell served with the 9th Regt. near Salamanca. In 1809 he served on the Walcheren expedition. where he was shot through the lungs. Salamanca. and Chin Kiang Foo. and Aldeade Ponte (appomted Brigade-Major to General Slade) covering the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. and is now deposited in Chelsea Hospital. besides attending seven sieges . Joined the 77th (also in the Peninsula) on promotion. . Orthes. 1813. including the storming of Fort Picurina. also in an expedition to relieve Tarragona. being one of tlie Military Reporters under Lord William Russell. siege of St. Sebastian. including the affair of Ramnuggur. 76t In 1846 he commanded a Brigade of the Army of the Sutlej and was wounded and had a horse killed under him at the battle of Ferozeshah (Medal). in the Peninsula and at Walcheren. battles of Chillianwallah (wounded) and Goojerat. — War Medal with two Clasps. Pass of Maya. Salamanca. and he finally routed them with great slaughter . whom he attacked in their vallies. Huarte. in the advance and retreat of the army under Sir John Moore. Buelho. for which he was thanked by Lord Lynedoch engaged with a body of French Lifantry under General Clausel. battle of Vittoria. Talavera. and battle of Corunna at the battle of Barrosa. Badajoz. including the battle of Busaco. Campaign of 1816.War 47 Services of the Colonels. including the capture of Chinkiangfoo and subsequent operations near to Nankin. and repeated affairs with the Momunds. and was at the siege of Oporto. besides numerous minor actions and skirmishes. at the siege of Burgos. where he was again severely wounded. having been present in the actions of Redinha. blockade of Almeida. in operations against the Hill Tribes surrounding the valley. Busaco. Fuente Guinaldo. Vittoria. Lines of Ainho. and was present at several aifvirs. . which belonged to the 105th French Regiment of Infantry. besides various skirmishes and affiirs of outposts. 73 Colonel Armytage served in the south of France with the Coldstream Guards from March to July 1814. where he received two severe wounds. Commanded the 98th Regt. In 1852 he commanded an expedition against the Ootraankbail and Ranazai Tribes. Fuentes d'Onor. Pampeluna. and Toulouse. the Pyrenees. in the expedition to China in 1842. Shanghai. Foz d'Arouce. St. actions at Nave d'Aver. 77 Colonel Clarke Kennedy served in the Peninsula with the Royal Dragoons from Sept. selected to command a party of Cavalry advanced to watch and report the enemy's movements during the siege of Badajoz. as Aide-de-camp. and the final operations. Matylla. ran the officer through the body who carried it. and captured the Eagle. He was attached to the army of Ballesteros at the latter end of 1812. Commanded the 3rd division of the army of the Punjaub throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and the defence of TariFa. Whilst leading his squadron in a successful charge against Count D'Erlon's corps at Waterloo. Ostna. and destroyed the strongly defended village of Nowadund. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. 74 Colonel Gierke served with the old 94th at the defence of Cadiz. 1809 to Oct. who finally made terms after their defeat at Punj Pio by a small detachment of cavalry and horse artillery under Sir Colin's immediate command. battle of Vittoria. 75 Colonel Wallace served the campaign of 1815. and Orihes. affair of Sadoolapore. Nive. Garris. In 1811 he joined the Light Division on the retreat of Massena from the lines of Lisbon. battle of Fuentes d'Onor (horse struck down by a shell). Peninsula from 1808 to the end of the war. the fortified village of Pranghur. and was present at the battle of Vimiera. He has received a gold Medal from the Grand Seignior for the Egyptian campaign the gold Medal for Nivelle and the silver War Medal with fourteen Clasps for the other battles and sieges. affair at Quinta de Torre. Cambo. Vittoria. Helite. Vale de Bastan.000 men. Pyrenees. 78 Colonel Broke accompanied the 52nd on the expedition to Copenhagen in 1807. the combined tribes numbering upwards of 8. In 1812 he joined Sir Henry Clinton. Condeixa. Commanded a brigade in China (Medal) at the attack and capture of Chapoo. forty minor aijtions or skirmishes. perceiving an Eagle to the left. and the following year on that to Portugal. and Toulouse. Fuentes d'Onor. and Sabugal. in the Peninsula in 1812 and 13. including the abttles of Vimiera and Vittoria. June to Dec. men. capture of jNIadrid and the Retiro. 2nd capture of Chusan. and the campaign of 1815. 81 Colonel Boldero served with the Grenadier Guards at Cadiz in 1810 and 11. advance from Portugal. advance to and retreat from Madrid. Moresco. Accompanied the regiment on the China expedition (Medal). and was shot through the body: he was also at the destruction of the Fort of Imaumghur. In the campaign of assault and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. he was appointed by Lord Gough to the responsible command of the Island of Chusan. verely wounded in the right shoulder. to Nov. Christoval and Rueda. actions at Arcangues and Tarbes. s3t Sir Ord Honyman served with the Grenadier Guards the campaign of 1814 in Holland. for which service he was made a C. in Holland in 1814. Sir Herbert Taylor's Brigade. 80 Colonel Morris served in the American war with the 49th. and was present at the first capture of Chusan. and at the attack and capture of the enemy's position at Wonsung. including both attacks on the fortified village of Merxem in the latter of which he led the advance party of Major Gen. capture of Chapoo (three severe wounds). including the actions at. Commanded the force at Ningpo. and from Nov. In May 1841 he embarked at Calcutta in command ot the 55th Regiment for China (Medal) and served with the Expeditionary Force under Lord Gough till the end of the War. action of the 30th May. 1808. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. and various skirmishes and Also in the attack on New Orleans. In 1814 embarked with the Royal Fusiliers to join the force before New Ox-leans. battlea of Vittoria. action at Vera. action at Olmas. and at the taking of Peronne. 87 Colonel James Jones served with the 22nd Light Dragoons in the East Indies. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Burrosa. which he hehl for eight months until the return of the Force For his conduct on the above occasions after the treaty of peace had been signed at Nankin. after the Punjaub campaign. at the passiige of the Jhelum. and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for the batiks of Vittoria and Toulouse. where he commanded the leading sub-division of the storming party of the Grenadier Guards. 79 Colonel Cvaigie served with the 2nd IJaltalion 52nd Light Infantry the campaign of 1813-14 in Holland under Lord Lynedoch. the centre column of attack at the capture of the heights of Chiuhae. the Nivelle. when the Head Quarters of the force proupon his Brigade and Chinhae. while the force under Sir Colin was under 3.000 men. affairs of outposts. battle of Salamanca. 82 Colonel Pennefather commanded the Infantry Brigade at the battle of Meeanee (Medal). Brigade or Column of attack at the assault and capture of the fortified cities of Amoy. and repulsed the enemy with great slaughter in their attack on that city. and was wounded at the battle of Waterloo. and afterwards at the capture of Paris. sit Colonel Bauverie served in the Peninsula from October. and heights above. the 4th Brigade of the Army of the Punjaub at the passage of the Chenab. and commanded a brigade at tlie storming and capture of the heights above Canton. the Bengal Inl'antry Division of Sir Walter Gilbert's force.JJ. lie served also the campaign of 1815. and the Nive. 8G Colonel Reed served at the siege of Flushing in 1809. ceeded to the Yeang-tze-Keang. battle of Salamanca.B. action of Tscke. 85 Colonel Bell joined the Koyal Fusiliers in the Peninsula in 1811 and served there until the end of the war. 83 Colonel Mountain served as Deputy-Adjutant-General (and head of the department with the force) throughout the war in China (medal). passage of the Bidassoa. (as stated in Lord Gough's despatches) he was promoted to the rank of Colonel and appointed an Aide-de-Camp to the Queen and a Companion of the Bath. in which he served as Arijutant at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. and sortie at the repulse of the night attack. he commanded. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. and in the battles of Chillianwaliah and Goojerat . 84 Colonel Brock served in the Peninsula with the 43rd Light Infantry from Aug. and investment of Nanking. Served in the Coorg campaign in India. where a portion of his regiment (the 48th) bore a conSeverely wounded at the battle of Vimiera by a musket shot. 1811. advance on Salamanca. Chusan (2ud capture) on which occasion it happened that the whole of the engagement devolved Subsequently. and was present at the actions of Fuentes Guinaldo and Aldea de Ponte. storming of the he-ghts and forts above Canton. and was present at the Bombardment of Antwerp and Storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. 48 at Iskakote. battle of Toulouse. which it shattered most severely. 3. and in tlie Peninsula from June 1811 to March 1814. and was present at the various operations at Fort George. part. Commanded a brigade at the attack and capture of the enemy's entrenched camp on the heights of Segoan. where they mustered 8. and was senior Field Officer serving with the force in the field and consequently second in command from the period of its sailing from Hong Kong in August and during the whole of He commanded a the active operations which took place during the following five months. — — — . the Punjaiib IMedal with two Clasps. storming of the fortified heights of Chinhae. Sir Colin lias received the War IMedal with five Clasps. and was nominated K. to the end of that war in 1814. where he was seHe has received the War Medal with two Clasps. and as Brigadier-General. battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. Commanded a brigade at the Commanded attack and capture of the city of Amoy. the Chinese Medal. Joined the army at Paris and remained until its withdrawal. aftairs of St. 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. and battle of Vittoria. in 1802. taking of Ningpo. and present at the assault. taking of Amoy. as brigadier. 1812.War Services of the Colonels. and at the second capture of Chusan. 1848-9. and distinguished spicuous which passed completely through the ankle-bone.000. and at the actions of Stoney Creek and Plattsburg. at the attack and capture of the city of Chapoo.C. was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor.5 Colonel Angelo served with the expedition to Egypt in 1807. M. Denni. the Nive. on the coast of Calabria in 1808. and favourably mentioned in the despatches. the Nive (9th to 13th Dec). Talavera. he has received the War ^Medal with five Clasps. 93 Colonel Trafford served in the Peninsula. battles of the Nivelle. with the 4th Dragoons at Busaco. 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. storm of San Sebastian. Cattaro. volunteered the Forlorn Hope cf Sir James Leith's Division at the taking of Badajoz.s. and was employed as acting Deputj. and for Egypt. part of the period during which the place was blockaded by the French. In 1810 accompanied the expedition (as Brigade Major) which sailed from Madras against the French Islands desperately wounded by a cannon sh(jt. where he received several severe wounds which have rendered him incapable of following his profession. In Oct. and acted as Aidede-camp to Major. on which he continued to the end of the war. 91 Colonel Carlyon served with the 66Eh in the Nepaul war under Sir David Oehterlony. . and Island of St. (which carried away a part of his left shoulder. for which he has received the TurKish Gold Medal and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. and in various services in the Adriatic. with the 5th Division of the Army. for which he has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. and was present at the battle of Maida. He has received the War Mt-dal with seven Clasps. and storming of. In Dec. He "was in Garrison at Gibraltar in 1811 when the Spanish army of General Ballasteros took refuge under the guns of that Fortress. 1808 to Nov. In 180-3 at the attack and capture of St. 182. he was at the second capture of the Danish West India Islands.3 he was at Cadiz during its bombardment by the French fleet. In 1818 served iix In . and was present at the battle of Waterloo. was slightly wounded at the affair of Barba del Puerco. the Nive. and the Pjrenees (wounded). and again from Oct. in 1809 at the attack and capture of Martinique. Vimiera. Orthes. and some time at the head of the Department. and Toulouse. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Martinique. 97 Colonel Jerrard served in Ireland as a Lieutenant in the 22nd Light Dragoons during the Rebellion of 1798 also in the Egyptian campaign of 1801. also at the attack and capture of the Saintes Islands. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for the battles of Salamanca. and the Adour. Busaco.Vittoria. and the Pyrenees. Yittoria. and Usagre. and was with two Clasps for Talarera and Barrosa. and Nov. from 1811 to 1813. and Talavera. 98 Colonel Linton served the campaign of 1815 with the 6th Dragoons. for which he has received the War Medal with nine Clasps. with the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. Martin in the West Indies. including the battles of Vimiera. abo at the Served on the stafF of General Maitland at the attack and attack and capture of Tobago. Services of the Colonels. of the same j-ear he was in Cadiz. and killed six of his men) at the attack of the batteries before St. Yittoria. and with the 12th Light Dragoons at the passage of the Bidassoa. as an Assistant-Adjutant. the Nivelle. including the siege of Fort Bourbon. Crossed the Desert of Suez with C donel Lloyd's Detachment. . He has received the War Medal with nine Clasps. Albuhera. Attached to the Austrian army. . was present at most of the operations carried on in the Xijrth of Spain under the Dake of Wellington. From 1811 to 1813 he served in Sicily. He served in the Peninsula. Lucia and storming of the fortress of Morne Fortunee. Albuhera. Domingo in 1796 and 97. : . He served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 as a Captain of the 30th regiment. Isle of Bourbon thanked in general In 1817 and 18 served (ui command of the orders. 92 Colonel Burke served in Jamaica and St. He has also received the Turkish Medal for services in Egypt in 1801. Monte Video. including the siege and assault of Badajoz. then Sir David Ba'rd's Army. and the Pyrenees (2. In 1807. 100 Sir Michael Creagh served in the expedition under Sir David Baird against the Cape of Good Hope was wounded in the action of the Blue Bourg. in the 48th regiment. in Holland in 1809. In 1801 he was at the capture of the Danish Islands. and joined the Vizier's Army in the advance to Cairo. Served in the Peninsula in 1810-11-12. S.5th July to 2nd August). in intercepting the retreat of the French garrison of Almeida. Served afterwards in the Peninsula from Aug. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Badajoz. with the army to Catalonia in 1812 and 13. Vittoria. he joined the army in Portugal and was immediately placed on the Quarter-Mabter-Generars Staff. 96 Colonel Thwaites served on an expedition to the coast of Holland in 1796. and on the staff from 1809 to 1814. the "Walcheren expedition in 1809 as a Captain in the 2nd and in the Peninsnla with the 87th wounded at Talavera. including the operations previous to. 86th flank companies) during the Mahratta and the Pindarree wars in India. and Orthes. 1811. regt.War 49 and 4. from that time on board H. and was present at the siege of Flushing. the Pyrenees. 89 Colonel Close served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. and Eagusa.General. for which.General Count Nugent in the campaign against the Viceroy of Iialy present at the siege and capture of Trieste. Served also in the Peninsula from July 1808 to Nov. and again from April 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. and attached to Head Quarters the 7th or the 1st Division. Volunteered at the taking of the Island of Schouwen. the battles of Salamanca (wounded). He has received the War :Medal 88 Colonel Bristow serred in Battalion 11th Regt. present with the 40th at the battles of R deia. 90 Colonel Taynton served in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798. 9. 94 Colonel George Tovey served in Calabria with the 20th. 99 Colonel Coles served in South America with the 14th in 1807. in the East Indies in 1799.Adjutant-General. capture of the Dutch colony of Surinam. La Forte till wrecked in the Red Sea. 1809. and was present at the battles of Talavera (wounded). pursSt of Mas m J SI w ^ f ^^ m V ^^ Lna Sgh '''^' ''"'^^^S of Biiajoz (shot ^Xfru^'^fX^^^^'"'^ ''"K ""J "^r^^ M''^?^ the left arm at the assault. ^^ ^^'^''"^ ^^ ^'^ ^I^dal with two Clasps V. besides various minor affairs. Aide-de-camp to Sir Thomas Hislop at the baUle TaV r-*!.->—. including the actions at Benevente ViUa Franca.7i: tured 2sth July 1M3). where the baU still remains. af thn . Xive. and was present at the retreat on '^ ^"^'^^ •''^*^°:. 1813 to the end of that warm 1814. 1 12 Colonel Gawler served in the Peninsula with the 52nd from Nov. engaged with the enemy on several occasions covering th. Orth^! oni^n 2nd Oct m wS m """ I^r Jille Wa. and retired on ha f-pay in 1543. He has received the War Medal wUh S'^ " Clasp tor Kenevente. Vittoria. and of Santa Maura in 18 0. battle orTdaver". iuclud"^ !?!>^°'^ ^nd-2&x\.s08-9 in Spain including W . from Dec. Served also the reninsular PenLlular campaigns of 1812. commanded for t*n years. Served also the campaign of 1808-9 in Spain.oVTff Tn'i1832 u suppressed . Also the campaigns ellingtnn. receiving the repeated thanks of General Sir Kobert iJrownrigg for his services in the enemy's country. and a-ain Feb 18lT including the battles of Roleia and Vimierar capture of Oporto. and retreat to Curunna. and with no addition to the force that had been stationed there. 13. Orthes. 6th April IS 12). Belgium. filed^' '" ^'' ^^'^'^ ""^ '^''' ^^^^P^' Served alio in tr^ 106 Colonel Gihnour served at the capture of Ischia. in 1805. 1810 untU wounded and taken prisoner at Conches. ^%'f^^^^h-J>-o^d^f He has r. capture of iiadr d and retrlat R<. and was present at the battle of NiveUe. which h.ncesvaUes. He has received The War Medal '^/ '''^. SS°^1 BentLk. ^. (interior of _ ^"^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ P''*'"* ^*' ^^^ campaign of 1809 in Portugal. Aug.^^ In he effectimlly the nots of Brist^. from July 1813 '^' battle of the Nivelle. He has ?r"' received . 108 Colonel Beckwith served in the Peninsula with the 16th Light Dragoons. including the second siege of S S B. He has received fhe War ^aclkh Medal with one Clasp for Java. //!r received the War Medal with four Clasps. ?°^Q°^^ Chester served in Holland in 1799. and the Pyrenees (severely wounded. and served uninterruptedly with his regiment for twenty-two years. He ne nas has received the M ar Medal with tivo Clasps.apture -. Zante. Wounded below the right knee by ff'^iJ^'T^ f m ^^E. including the battles Toulouse at which last he received k severe w°ound bloke'tS wf'th \^k''' ^''^'\-l^ broke the left thigh-bone near the hip-joint He has received the War Medal with four Clasps luot Colonel Boys served in the Peninsula from 1809 to 1811.daioz. 111 Colonel Maclean served with the 13th Light Dragoons in every action and affair in which it was engaged the Peninsula. and U. Lines at Torres Vedras.War the Kandyan country Services of the Colonels. ^'"^'^^"g «f Cambray. He subsequently served in the 30ih Eegiment. capture of Guadaloupe IslO. during the Mahratta war in 1817 and 18. and throu<^hout the action on the 1-th. 49a Ceylon) during that harrassing war. in comaand of the flank «)mpanies ot the 86th and other detachments. and was present at the batUe of Waterloo. 1519. 101 Colonel Eden served the campaign in Java in 181 1 with the 22nd Light Dragoons. and was present in the action near Bergen."''"' and of Mahe. thus aarmg saving mat that city from calamities much greater than befel it. battle of Salamanca. at the capture of the island of Pronada in 1809 Sicily in 1810. 13th March 1514 Was present with his regiment during the Waterloo SpaTg^* engaged in command of the rear-guard for the brigade on the 7 th June.?^^'^f'^-"^''"-^'^ ^'^^ ^^^ r«nf 803 the campaign of l. 181 1 to the end of that ^^'j°^' ^^^^^' «f Vittoria. ^""^/^'^ "^'^'^'' ^''^^'' °f Lesaca.^ Nivelle. Served also the campaign of l5lo. the ''Trr^^ N^P^P tVX^'"'"i^* "I ^lveUe the Nive. and on his own responsibility. and Toulouse. and Lugo. Served afterwards on the eastern coast of Spain. and Orthes.. Pyrenees. the48th in the Peninsula from June 1809 to October 1813 ^^^ • j-^*'^u°^l^''l'"^''^®r^'^ including the batdes of Talavera and Busaco. 1811. and again in 1815. Served afterwards in -"cigium. with the Portuguese army. and battles of Fuentes d'Onor. having commanded the troops in Bermuda two ^/^ ^^u^'^^ pay thirty-seven years in all quarters of die worid.l soon a^ter his arrival there. Accompanied the 13th Dragoons to India in Feb. was employed in command of a cavalry brigade with the field force at the reduction of Kumool. 103 Colonel HarUey served in the Peninsula with the 57th from Aug. and subsequently in the Peninsula. and Cephalonia.dpore. left leg fractllf^. when he returned with it to England and was placed on half pay as 2nd Lieut -Colonel He has received the War Medal with fix Clasps ^ for Albuhera. and battled of the Nive on n""i:'''^^' J^pQ^h'^nH^ini T^""^^^ the 9th and 10th Dec. I^ A- sf p/ wi'th fi ' ^?^ Vn with P "°'^'' '^' oX '^^^l^TT ve Cla? ""^ ' s ^u^^^ ""^ '^ ^^'*' ^* *^« capture of Kandy in Ceylon. firsi ege of Badajoz. Pass of Vera. and was present at the battle of CastaUa. ^lvelle. 109 Colonel Eobertson served with the 25th at the taking of Madeira in 1807. the ^""-"""Af \\ ar Medal with seven Clasps. At the in the right leg. and again from 1813 to the end of that war 1814 including the action at Sabugal.^ ."'"" "^^'' '''"'°''" reS ^^'^^^ '^^^^S ^^^^ ^^ --^ '^ and Genoa! under W 107 Colonel Leslie served with the 29th on the secret expedition under Sir Brent Soencer and subsequently the Peninsula from Aug 1808 to Dec. and the \^% latter end of "Toin"^' 1809 andf'r the years 1810 and 11 with the SicUian army.1. besides skirmishes and affrays at outposts. in the battle of Corunna. 105 Colonel Geddes served with the 27th in Calabria in 1806. and battle of Albuhera.>P"^''°^^'^'"°^'. Served also the campaign of 1815. 121 Colonel Thomas Stevens was present blockading Brest. Domingo. the including 1815. M. battles of the Served afterwards on the expedition to Washington. including supernumeraries. . including the battle of Waterloo. In 1831 he was Nivelle. S.. passage ford's march to Talavera. to the end of the war at Toulouse. 1813. . and was present at some skirmishes near that city. and Cadiz. • j t • . ^ . in the left side at Nivelle. in South Wales. Ville de Marseilles. during t> t n. . and at the siege of Flushing in 1809'. . including the actions of Fuenlarabia and Hernani. . Was wrecked and severely injured on board H. Santa Dorothea in 1800. Milan.M.j list Colonel Marten served the campaign of 1814 in the Peninsula with the Household battle ot Waterloo. General CrawNivelle. Cerberus. 11th July 1836. Subsequently he was employed on particular duriug both Rebellions. Queen Charlotte when burnt off Leghorn in 1800. action at St. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 114 Colonel Ball served in the Peninsula with the 34th. with convoy of armed transports and gun-boats in the Gulf of Friedland in the boats of the squadron in the successful attack upon the Russiau Flotilla of heavy armed gun-boats and armed Transports and at the capture of a Russian schooner. 122 Colonel Gibsone landed from the Thunderer and served on shore for eight day^s in Bearhaven Bay in 1804. 119 Colonel Falls served with the 20th on the expedition to Naples with the English and Russian army in 1805. taking of Hampton. battle of Vittoria (wounded in the head). v/as detached in command of a company for the defence of the Eastern Heights of Passages attacked by the Carlists. From 1836 to 1840 he served in the Royal Marine Battalion on the north coast of Spain. 120 Colonel Fergusson served at the capture of Rear Admiral Perr6e's squadron from Egypt when in pursuit of the French and Spanish fleets in June.. insiege of Badajoz in cluding the siege of Badajoz in May 1811. and in the neck by a musket-shot at has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. of campaign the Also Brigade. 116 Colonel Cox served in the 95th Rifle Brigade at Copenhagen. from June 1809 to Nov. with a reinforcement and supplies for the relief of the garrison. and against batteries. manded a division under Sir Benjamin D'Urban during the Caffre war at the Cape of Good in Canada five years service for Hope in 1835. and in the Carlist attack of the Lines on the 6th June 1836. He was on board the Safeguard mortar brig in a severe action with a division of Danish gun-boafs off Anholt in June 1811. de- . and guns carried off' by siege of Genoa and Savona. tt i. Served in Egypt under the command of Sir Ralph Abercromby in 1801 {medal). and 19 were killed or wounded out of a complement of 29. and again in the right leg at Tarbes. and debarked with detachments aiding in capturing and destroying ships and convoys ©n the enemy's coast. S. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. and Orthes. Served again He has been repeatedly in Egypt with the expedition under Blaj or. The campaign of 1808-9. and afterwards in the action of Kioge. In 1813 and 14 he served in the American war. and was engaged Avith batteries. 118 Colonel Tumor served in Hanover with the 14th. and was present at the attack on Craney Island. 1799. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. in 1805 Spain in 1836-37. Served at the Destruction of the fort of Port Espezie. and is now employtd on the Staff in Ireland. and he was also present at Fuentarabia. Ceylon the Rebellion. oiAy four saved out ot a detachment of nearly 200 marines. He has received the War leg). including skirmish at Obidas.General Fraser in 1807. to which ship he then belonged. at the battle of the Pyrenees. • i. • ^ . battles of Roleia and Vimiera. Defence of Gatea and surrender of Tropea. Medal with three Clasps. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. at the battle of Corunna in 1809. in all upwards of 700 persons perished. He served also the Waterloo campaign. engaged in severe boat actions. and in 113 Colonel Kettlewell served at Copenhagen in 1807.S. subsequently in the Peninsula. t. . 12U Colonel Powell served in the boats at the capture by boarding of the French cutter and in the Royal Marine Battalion in the north of Tape-d-bord. He a mnsket-shot at the storming of Badajoz. at Roncesvalles. Severely wounded in the right leg by a musketHe comshot at Vittoria. battle of Orthes. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. M. for three and a half hours. In 1806 at Maida. retreat to Corunna. Also the campaign of 1815. In 1809 he was engaged with gun-boats in passing convoys through the Sound and Categat. in 1817 and 18. including the battle of Corunna. . H.War 49 J Services of the Colonels. &c. San Munos. Served afterwards with the army of occupation in France. the Holder. and Pampeluna (severely wounded). Blockade of Malta and capture of Admiral Perree's squadron ie Gtnerettz74. wounded in the riots at Merthyr Tydvil. in 1805 and 6. of the Bidassoa. May 1811. in H. left the in wounded and affairs at the Pass of Maya (severely . He was present at the battle of Maida in 1806. On the expedition to Walcheren. battles of Busaco and Albuhera. actions at Arroyo de Molino and Almaraz. and Nive. off St. t / 115 Colonel Monins served the campaign of 1815 with the 52nd Light Infautry. 117 Colonel Baker served in the Peninsula with the 16th Light Dragoons and was present at the battles of Nivelle and Nive. took possession of the latter town with his detachment. The following year he was engaged at Cateria on the north coast of Spain. and accompanied Captain Parke with two heavy guns intended for the army besieging Burgos. battles of Vittoria. on which occasion the vessel was engaged . He served afterwards in the Peninsula from the landing at Mondego Bay in 1808. on the expedition to Walcheren the same year. and Tarbes. retreat from JBurgos. 49c fence of the Lines of Chippewa. and served throughout the whole of that and the following campaigns without having been absent from his duty for a single day. Subsequently he served in the Peninsula. 126 Colonel Austen served with the 25th at the landing at the Helderin August 1799 and was severely wounded at the battle of Egmont-op-Zee on the 2nd Oct. Served in Egypt in 1801. Casal Nova. Also at the capture of Guadaloupe ' in 1810. . affairs at Merxem. He served also in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9 and commanded a brigade at the battle of Goojerat (Medal). north coast of Spain. storming the heights of JugduUuck. He has received the War Modal with two Clasps for Busaco and Fuentes d'Onur. with the 56th. 130 Colonel Johnson served in Hanover. and Sabugal. employed in the Chesapeak under Sir George Cockburn.33 Colonel Orlando Jones accompanied the 36th to Hanover. 14. Served afterwards on the expedition against New Orleans. States frigate Constitution. and was present at the taking of Lucia. 21 Aug. Served as a volunteer at the cutting out of four French luggers laden with supplies for the French army. 128 Colonel Robyns served at the capture of Martinique in 1809. 1808 was a volunteer in the boats of the Renigiance at the boarding and carrying La Mrmche. and was present during the retreat and at the battle of Corunna as also in the action of the Coa. and received the brevet rank of Major and Lieut. and defended by two batteries which commanded the entrance landed at the head of the Marines from the Resistance. Redinha. first siege of Almeida and its subsequent blockade. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Corunna and Busaco. Ceira. the commander fell by the hand of Colonel B. 1809 was subsequently at the defence of Cadiz and in 1832 in the castles of Naupoli de Eomania' with an allied garrison during an attack on that city. including the siege and storming of Badajoz. and Fuentes . he having been present in almost every engagement during the expedition. including the battle of Busaco. Sabugal. co-operating with the Patriots. laden with supplies for tlie French army. actions of Pombal. and on the expedition to Gottenburgh. 123 Colonel Balingall prior to entering the Royal Marines. carried a battery of four guns and assisted in the capture and blowing up of a French man-of-war schooner and destroyed her convoy. including the surrender of Alexandria. and served at the battle of Busaco. and was present in the actions of the 19th Sept. 1. 125 Colonel Lane served in the West Indies in 1796 and 7. where he sustained a severe fracture of the left arm. 124t Colonel Gough served as Deputy Quarter-Master-General of the army during the war in China. 124 Colonel Mercer assisted at the destruction of the French squadron in Basque Roads. 131 Colonel Diggle served with the 52ud ^in Sicily. and again in 1815. and the subsequent advance and pursuit of the French army under Massenaactions of Pombal. ' 1842 in Affghanistan under Gen.Master-General Queen's Troops. on the night of the 27th Feb. Attached to the Portuguese service in April 1809. action of Tezeen and Huftkotul. where he was severely wounded. . 1809. and 15. occupation of the Lines at Lisbon. battle of Busaco and affairs when the Army fell back upon the Lines of Torres Vedras. 2nd and 6th October. 1809. and capture of the lines of Funchal. 10th March.. together with the Companionship of the Bath. Served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9 as Quarter. 2G Feb. retreat to the Lines at Torres Vedras. He has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Egypt. for which he has received the War Jledal with one Clasp.S. including the bombardment of Antwerp.' War Services of the Colonels. in 1805 and 6. _ ' . while embarked on board H. Java. In 1812. and battle of Waterloo. and scaling the heights of the Echalar. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. The Peninsular campaigns from^ Sept. Guarda. 127 Colonel Lynch has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Egypt and Fuentes d'Onor. He was afterwards present in the battle of Maharajpore as Military Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief in India and he commanded a brigade of cavalry at the battles of IMoodkee and Ferozeshah. . served as a Midshipman at Copenhagen in 1801 landed at Vimiera. for his conduct in action. from the harbour of Santa Clara. 1813 he went to North America. under Sir John flloore. Pollock (Medal and CB. occupation of CabooJ. French man-ot'-war schooner. Condexia. with the expedition to Madeira in 1807. Condeixa. • . and was present at the buttles of Roleia and Vimiera. and on other occasions on the Niagara Frontier. and officiated as Quarter-Master-General in the battle of Sobraon. 1808 to the end of that war in 1814. and serTed the campaio-n of 1805-6. at which last he was severely wounded. He served also the campaign of 1813. Puente de Murcella. ). 132 Colonel Belslics served in the Peninsula with the 4th and 59th and was present at the sieges of Badajoz and St. and was actively St. Embarked for the Peninsula in 1808. and was present at the battles of Chillianwallah and Goojeerat. including all the actions and subsequently in the Peninsula.-Colonel. and battle of Salamanca. battle of Fuentes dOnor. under a galling lire of musquetry. and was present at forcing the Pass. In 1801 he served the Egyptian campaign (Gold Medal). following. and a violent contusion on the right breast. under a constant fire of grape and musquetry . Sebastian. under Lord Cathcart. and was very severely wounded. he was engaged with and captured by the United Khyber " . siege and capture of Jstalift. Redinha. and at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor and Salamanca for which he lias received the War Medal with four Clasps. He was repeatedly landed on the North Coast of Spain in 1810. Commanded a battalion of Marines at the capture of Washington and action before Baltimore.M. 123t Colonel Lockwood commanded the 3rd Light Dragoons throughout the campaign of . 126t Colonel Lacy served the campaign of 1799 in Holland. Foz d'Arouce.. In Aug. storming of Peronne.General of India specially recommended him to favourable consideration for his services in India. the Nive. re-capture of Campo Mayor. He has received the War Medal with nine Clasps. defeat of Bandoola's army at the Sheevedageon Pagoda. capture of Paris commanded a storming party. and acted as Deputy-Judge. in which action his horse was shot under him in taking the battery at Chounda. Also the campaign of 1815. the published official records show that his conduct was conspicuous in the Brigade Cavalry actions of Bncktowlie and of Nagnore (1817). and was present at the affair of Plattsburg. Orthes. a shot through his lungs and body. 1843. which Accompanied Sir Robert terminated by the storm of that capital (severely wounded). he commanded a battery at the storm (ISth May 1819). Accompanied the 2nd battalion of the 39th to the Peninsula in 1809. and of Ashta (28th Feb. After the battle of Toulouse embarked with a division of the army for Canada. the responsibility of ordering measures which terminated in the entire defeat of the Peishwa. siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo. for his conduct on those occasions appointed. and heading the Forlorn Hope. He served in Canada in command of the Johnstown District during the insurrection of 1838. 165 Colonel Swinburne served with the 1st Guards in Holland under Lord Lynedoch. -Colonel by brevet in consequence. of that year. Toulouse. 164 Ci)lonel Pringle Taylor proceeded in 1811 to join the 22nd Dragoons in the East Indies. 1818). In the Light Battalion under Sir James Kempt on the expedition to Naples in 1806. he blew open the first gate with a galloper gun of the 22 od Dragoons. In 1841 he was relieved from a bullet which had been in his body since j ej | "| ' 1819. Prome. including the at Peronne he battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. investment and opening of the trenches before Badajoz. In 1839 he was employed in the operations against Kurnool. and Waterloo. 18. Kokein. as Brigade-Major. Melloon. Served as Major of Brigade on the expedition to Ava from June 1824 until the close of the Burmese war in 1826. Denobiu. and was present in the actions of Sabugal. battle of Vittoria. 169 Colonel Plomer Young served as Adjutant of the 89th at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810. prior to entering the Royal Artillery. for which battle he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and capture of Paris. and capture of the Sultan. and at the capture of Java in 1811 (for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp). At the siege of Capaul-droog. and the rescue of the Rajah of Satarrah. and was promoted to Lieut. and of Badajoz. 172 Colenel Faddy. He served afterwards with the Army of Occupation in France. was a midshipman on board the : . rajpore (Medal) on the 29th Dec. and as a mark of approbation of his conduct and exertions. j ' . and was present in the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo (where he carried the colours). Nivelle. In 1823 and 24 he was employed in the Cape Cavalry against the Caffres. battle of Albuhera (slightly wounded). be received at the summit of that strong hill fort. he stormed in succession the five distinct circles of fortifications.49/" War Services of the Colonels. retreat from Burgos. the most influential events in terminating the war. where he was appointed to the Quarter-Master-General's Department. 25th October 1820. which fractured his skull. p. unatt. Major of Brigade to the Batavia Division of tbe Force. He was in the field in 1815 and 16. France. as such in the arduous operations against Djocjocarta in 18' 2. Tavoy. where he was severely wounded by a musket-shot. he was promoted to the brevet rank of Lieut-Colonel. 163 Colonel Goodsman served in the Peninsula with the 6lst and was wounded at Talavera. the death of the gallant Gokla.Advocate. battles of the Pyrenees. El Bodon. and subsequently in the Peninsula and South of France. and the advance from thence. when he incurred. action at Vera. on which last service he was wounded in the action of Weltevreden. and commanded the Troops in the attack and defeat of the Brigands under Van Scoultz at the Windmill Point near Prescott on the 13th Nov. battle of Salamanca. and was severely and dangerously wounded at the He commanded a Brigade in the battle of Mahaaffair of Zorapore on the 18th of October. capture of a strong division of the French army under General Gerard at Arroyo de Molino. and was present at the principal affairs during tbat period. The Governor. and was sent to England for recovery. joined December served with it Wtiichcote the 52nd as volunteer in and Colonel a 1810. 166 in the Peninsula. 170 Colonel Estcourt served in the expedition to the river Euphrates. in the retreat to the Lines at Torres Vedras. 168 Colonel John Campbell (h. every man and officer of his party being either killed or wounded. storming of Peronne. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Busaco and Albuhera. and during the whole of the Mahratta war in 1817. and Flanders. Rejoined the army in the Peninsula. and was present at the battle of Busaco. and 19. and received a very severe injury in the right leg in leading the advanced attack at the taking of the stockade of Periapatam. Tarbps. and Pagahm Mew. 167 Colonel Butler served the campaign of 1815 with the 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards. from January 1835 to June 1837. the frontier stockade of the Coorg territory. at the moment of success in its capture. including operations in the vicinity of Rangoon. and Alfayates. 171 Colonel Wright served the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg in 1834. by at the storming of Fort Cornells Major-General Sir Robert Gillespie. 161 Colonel Saunderson served at Malta and in Sicily. 162 Colonel Gore served the campaign of 1815 with the 30th. where he served untd their return to Europe and disbandment. and also and was.) served the Waterloo campaign with the 44th Foot. and was slightly wounded at Waterloo. Mergui. 32 Coli. Jean d'Acre (Medal). and at Chin Kiang Foo. Fuentes d'Onor. 74 Colonel MacKinnon served as Assistant Quarter-Master-General at the Cape of Good pe during the Kaffir war of 1846-7. and 18th Jan. 77 Colonel Charles Blachley served in the Peninsula from July 1809 to December 1812. including the taking of Moose Island. commanded the Royal Marines landed from the lo-Sicilian Squadron to assist in the defence of the island of (^apri when besieged by Gen. E 2 . He has received the War Medal on at Castrajon. passage of the Urmea. expedition to Egypt in 1807. sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. and ipation of Castine. 81 Colonel Pratt served the campaign of 1814 in Holland. in raising the siege of San Sebastian. 1812 . and ^ed in the Peninsula and France from July 1810 to June 1814. was senior fir of Marines at the bombardment and capture of St. and was present at the attack on j\Ierxem. including the aMack on Alexandria and Defence of Scylla Castle in 1808 Peninsular etta. and 14 Oct. Busaco. and Albuhera . On Ist June. 27 February. including the ties of Busaco. Woosung:. Was present at Engaged on the heights of Arlarelief of Bilboa and affair before that town in Sept. in 1834. actions at Usagre and Aldea de ite. as also in the gene^ For these services he reactions of the 10th. battle of Maida and capture of 11a Castle in 1806. besides ious minor affairs. as a volunteer with the 56th iment. St. in boats cutting out '1 under batteries at Rota. comaled the Royal Marines at the storming and capture of Sidon. on 8th September at the ing out of La Piigliesse from the harbour of Barletta. Maria in March. 15th.. after destroying a battery which protected them. besides several affairs in Guipuzcoa. at the siege loapture of St. 23 April. 2nd February. ip the eral action before Alza Oct. 1 April. ipaigns of 1810 anrl 11. five Clasps. 6. which remains un•acted. 1813 at the cutting out of an armed ':. 1836. and battle of El Hatnet (taken prisoner). and twelve other affairs with the enemy. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Maida. battles of the Cua. the capture of the Island of Powza.War Services of the Colonels. at which last he was severely wounded in the groin by a musket ball.000 men) of Beyrout surrendered. and the siege and capture of Gerona in April. opprations between the ladaand Almeida. including first siege of Badajoz. Served also in the American war in 1814. siege . and was slightly wounded in the left arm. He has eyed the War Medal with two Clasps. and Salamanca . following. He has jived the Silver War Medal with three Clasps. uding the battles of Basaco. siege and storm of San Sebastian. including the capture of Alexandria and Rosetta. at the capture of the Dutch Fleet in at the siege : . following.htly wounded at Ciudad Rodrigo 16th Jan. ed a meda). amanded the 26th at the attacks on Canton from 24th May to 1st June . including the siege of San astian. 181?. and the subsequent bomIment of Antwerp. Albuhera. Domingo. commanded a ning party in Isle Verte. and Salamanca.1 from under the batteries ot Orbetello. near Toulon enemy routed and a demi-lune oattery destroyed. and taking of Passages 28th May. at Segoan. J . He served with the 26th on the China expedition (Meddl). Shanghai. 1808. He lias received the War Medal with three Clasps for Maida. 17th. in Alava. at the attack capture of a convoy under protection of a battery at Pessaro. 1809. 73 Sir Gaspard Le Marchant served as Adjutant-General to the Anglo-Spanish Legion. including operations before Ciudad Rodrigo. . £usacb> li . and ming the Lines 5tli May. passage of the Adour. Fuentes d'Ouor. 75 ColonelWalpole served the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg. 7 April. 13th. [arque. Capof Ischia in 1809. was in command of a superiiirary battalion when the city and garrison (2. at the capture of Mteen vessels at Marinello. I 1 I — . 79 Colonel Marshall served in the Peninsula from January 1811 to October 1813. He has received the War Medal with Ihrec Clasps. on the 16th. . attack on an armed ship and gun-boats in the bay of Ssylla in 1810 the Artillery on the eastern coast of Spain in 1813. 1. investment ot Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. and 7. 9 May. when leading the advance of the column of attack up the it breach. at the capture of Leda from the harbour of Rovigno. 26 Sept. severely wounded twice by musket-shots >an Sebastian 3lst August 1813. 49S Saldanha Bay in 1795 present at the attack on and capture of the city of Santo Domingo in 1809 •t Jerome.ind storm of Ciudad Rodrigo. 1840 (made Brevet Sir). a. and again at the assault and capture of the Bogue Forts on the 26th Feb. and 16th March before Hernani. 34 Colonel Whylock served in Sir Robert Calder's action off Ferrol. with the 39th im^nt.nel Felix served the campaign of 1815. on 10th Oct. 78 Colonel Aloor served in the Peninsula from June 1809 to June 1813. 33 Colonel Bayly served the campaign in Italy in 1805 battle of Maida and siege of St^ylla 806 expedition to Egypt in 1807. 80 C donel Dunn served the campaign of 1805 in Italy. and comided the land forces at the assault and capture of the Forts of Chuenpee on the 7th Jan. Cbapoo. on 15th May iie attack on the town ot Rota and destruction of seven vessels. and present at the investment of one of sieges of Tarragona. and siege of Burgos. also at the night ek on Ningpo. 1814. Brigadier-General in the Spanish service during the years 1835. I. and was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras. 1835. XUb O i-H r-< lO * r- --1 o :? s (>J 01 ^ i-( . 5 j^g 3 § ) —iCOOCO-^—iOOtII M — CO CO -H C-J r? r.Tf CJ *." ?? -w "S a '^^ § >:>*." ooofcDfccsa^'^ 3''2''3 t: 'C'c-a 3 3^ S <J <1 1-5 *J he o o 5 °.o CO 00 (J» rH (N o 0) >.•>> i: > "S &C bo fee S > js "j ^O U OJ 00 00 * Lj B 13 C5 00 Oi C^ 0» G5 ° o 3 HTP-o o- .^ ^>> o o SS t.> ca si 2 a f< PS<1 eJ o o o o o o o o o o o o (3 I" b = tJ »_ . »^ oo * CO -^ ^ h-5 ^2 QaSSgS^ jT 53 t: I. -- CM =b' bti s-2 . . iTj .= i5 tij "S . <a >.0— — CO ^^ CO I ^j ^ O I— I— 1—1 1—1 QOOOr-iO .-ir-. O. "5 fe :. <.^oo'so ~ ST o ^ ® vS 13 "' C>^^ 02 1—1 C0. i<2 ^^ SS ifj OO 1— r-c OJ o ^g^ ro P^ -=1 i. 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" =• C:'C5r-cO»00t>-t>i — S'l COCO'XJrHlOOCO'O "-I "-1 CO CO <?» I?* CO CO bo <iiqgai<1>^^H.=5 ? c c i^ ' KK -3 > e. 'C0l0»^O C. o 3 [J O i> t.ot^«Dooo O lO 05 -w ^eo a O* & "u 't^ ^ fe & £ Sec Q cs s tu o 10 Tf 't rfH -TtH r^ ^^ <5 ^g « -g ^fl 3 o * o * <?» 0» Q i4 i^ '^ -^ -5* 1-5 '-» ^ fe. c — I ? 2 3 3 -^- o = ^ c ° 5 "7 . « ^ i< O >-5 1-5 r- . OSI-^OlOTfOOO cNC»<NeocoOTeoco rt r-l i"ooooeoo 'U *C "O "O 'O '^ n3 'S >> O B. ^ ^ rt o < cB a. Ja o o c o o O S § *^ '^ 'O "C '^ 'C •-S ^ ^-^^ I-! 1-5 t-s OOo — —o CNCOCOCDr-QO ^O o »o »o M^ »o »o J2 0.0 S' fcD <! O C O o o o o o o . to Zealand in 1807. Lucia in 179G. 1817. Conmiauded a Provisional Battalion. having never been on half-pay. and various minor affairs. imder General Beresford. where he is now doing duty. G. Served with the 75th at the siege of Bhurtpore in 1805. commanded a brigade of the same in Count Wal.. on the '2nd October 1799. 4 Lieut. 5 Lieut. including the action at the lauding. t. Sebastian. 1811 embarked for Portugal commanded the battalion at the battle of Albuhera. cavalry. for Salamanca and Toulouse. In April 1813 embarked for tlie Nortli of Germany. and infantry. and on his return to England was promoted. Embarked for the Peninsula in 1808. belonged to the army which entered Spain with Sir John. and was engaged on three different assaults upon that fortress. nor joined a second battalion. up to the surrender of Alexandria. and Nive. and afterwards retired through Gallicia. where he received a contusion from a rifle-ball. action at Salamonde. and those of the •27th Aug. the whole of the Carib War in St. after which the enemy retired. 3 Lieut. in Kattywar and Cutch in 1815 and 16. where the battalion formed part of the besieging coips. Accompanied the QliWx on the expedition to the I'ersian Gulf in 1809 j commanded the light division at the landing and attack on Ras-el-Khyma . and the Forts at Salamanca.5. on which occasion he commanded a detachment of Guards. In Jan.Colo7iels. also the campaign of 1799 in Holland. and in August re-embarked at Rugen for Copenhagen. M. of the army against the Peishwa. near Poona. and from thence to Portugal . and at tiie assault and capture of St. including the skirmish with the enemy's cavalry near Carpio. and Nive. Served the Egj'ptiau campaign of 1801. the progress of his division being obstinately opposed. He has received the Gold Medal and one Clasp — : . and was present at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1800. and was present at the siege of Flushing.the Waal. . and appointed to the 5th Veterans. and considerable quantities of ammunition in the field. (5 Lieut. Accompanied the expedition to Walcheren. Vincent .-Colonel West served in Holland from Nov. . The same year accompanied his regiment to South America. but without effect. and was employed in organizing the Hanoverian troops . and a like number of the 53rd. on service in Kattywar in 1812. Employed with a detachment in Ceylon during the war with Kandy. S. leaving a great part of his camp standing. Sebastian . which Corps he commanded till the Reduction in 1814 . and was present when the French attacked the British after crossinn. 1794 to May 1796. and the different affairs in which his regiment (the 3rd Guards) was engaged . and in a subse(iuent affair he was twice severely wounded.-Colonel.71 War Services of the Lieutenant.-Colonel Cooke served in the Peninsula with the 1st Guards and was present at the battles of Corunna. and repulsed the rejieated charges of the enemy's cavalry. doing marine duty on board H. and the Silver AVar Medal with three Clasps for Corunna. and on the right side by slug-shots. battle of Salamanca (horse shot under him '. and was at the capture ot Pondicherry the following year. formed the rear-guard with the cavalry. 1 Lieut. where he lost a leg by a cannon-shot he was then Major 71st Regt. including the siege of the forts at Salamanca. Accompanied the expedition from India to Egy]5t under Sir David Baird.ieges of C'iudad Rodrigo. 2 Lieut. 10th Nov.-Colonel Milnes commanded a detachment of the 10th. He served also the campaign of 1815 and was severely wounded at Waterloo. and joined the 2nd battalion of the 53rd in the Peninsulacommanded the light companies of tlie Cth division throughout the campaigns of 1811 and 12. He has received the Gold Medal for St. 10th and 19th Sept. In 1805 embarked at Cork with Sir David Baird's expedition. at the reduction of Trinidad and at the siege of Jloro Castle in the Island of Porto Rico in 1797. He has received the War ISIcdal with two Clasps for Egypt and Talavera. Nivelle. in 179. Nivelle. In 1798 relumed to Europe with the regiment. In Ajn'il 1808 embarked with Sir John Moore's army for Gottenburg. and was at the capture of Buenos Ayres. crossed tlie river Moota Moola in the evening of that day. was employed at the siege of Stralsund. by the united force of His Highness's artillery. to Lieut. battle of Salamanca. Endajoz. 5 Feb. Keceived a bayonet wound in the thigh in a skirmish. and was employed in all the affairs after the landing. commanded a division and in the Deccan war in 1817 and 18. consisting of four companies of the Queen's. and was employed against Nownugghur. and was present at the siege and surrender of Copenhagen. and was at the siege of Badajoz in 1811 during of commanded the battalion the campaign 1812. 1807. Landed on the Island of Ruo-en in July 1807 .. He has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Egypt. was then appointed Major Royal Hospital Chelsea. Commanded the G5th at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810. action of the heiglits of Moresco. battle of Talavera. Returned from India in the spring of 1811. on the left shoulder joint by a sabre cut. -Colonel Halkett served with the 2nd Light Infantry Battalion of the King's German Legion on the expedition to the North of Germany in 1805-6. and 2nd of Oct. Commanded a brigade in Guzerat in 1814 and part of 1815.-Colonel Mansel served with the 53rd in the attack at More Ciiabot and the siege of Morne Fortuuec in St. and was present at the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto. commanded the storming party at the capture of Fort Schenass. and siege of Buro-os. Isls in the North Sea. L. at the battle of Toulouse. Proceeded with the expedition to Hanover in 1805 . in 1801.-Colonel Henry Le Bianc joined the 71st Regiment in India in 1792. and retreat from Burgos when the Light Brigade K. also. -Colonel. while escalading the above fort. and the Adour. He has received the Gold Medal Provinces in the Kandian country during the rebellion in 1818. at the repulse of an attack at Bejar. Served afterwards in the PeninVimiera. the Nivelle. and 31st July 1813. He has received the Gold Medal xnd one Clasp for the battles of Albuhera and Salamanca. as also on several other occasions. Sir Julius has received the Gold Cross and two Clasps for Talavera. 10 Lieut. and on the surrender of that place was taken prisoner. and Corunna. and in all the operations . Commanded the right of the corps which was employed at the blockade of Harburg. and Corunna. He has received the Gold Medal and three Clasps for Badajoz. G. Pyrenees. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. L. : : St. Sweden.. iug. battles of Frixpoede and Hondscote. the artillery of the 4th and 5th divisions at the battle of Salamanca. Nive. and all his cannon and 1200 prisoners taken. for the Peninsula. and was present in the Accompanied Sir John Moore as his Aide-de-camp on the expedition to action of the Heights. battles of Talavera and Busaco. commanded the artillery of the left attack at the siege of that fortress . and was present in the pur2ami)aign. and was He also served eleven years in Ceylon.rroyo de Molino. he commanded the 2nd battalion. inoden's army.72 — . •etreat of the army from Madrid . and commanded in the Eastei-n ilso wounded by another.-Colonel. In Jan. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. on which occasion the command of the second brigade of the light for his conduct on this day he was promoted to tlie brevet rank of tivision devolved on him Commanded the same brigade when the army went to repel Marshal Marmont Lieut. 1814 commanded the centre of the corps which besieged and captured Gluckstadt. At the capture of Walcheren in 1809. together with the whole Landed in Portugal in 1808. Capture of Copenhagen in 1807. and at Commanded the 1st battalion at the . eduction on the river Plate. 11 Sir Julius Hartniann served with the Hanoverian artillery in the Netherlands in 1793 and 34. in the actions in the Pyrenees on the 26th J7th. ni which occasion he received three musket-balls through his clothes.-Colonel Hunt accompanied the 52nd to the Ferrol. for vhich he obtained the brevet of Lieut.he taking of Oporto. i^Iommanded one of the storming parties when tlie forts at Almaraz on the Tagus were taken.he light division was engaged in that campaign . including the battle of Salamanca and action of San Munos. and served throughout that arduous campaign until Served with the 2nd battalion during the Walcheren the embarkation of the troops at Coruuna. and comorce. and ind also before Bayonne. the Nive. and taking of Commanded artillery of the allied army at the battle of Albuhera and at the affair o*" Olivenqa. Commanded A. and all the various affairs in which . siege of Valenciennes. Campaign of 1808-9.he affair near Alfayates. in 1800. jommanded the right wing of the regt. action of Sabugal. in 1808. and was engaged in every affair which took place at and in the vicinity )f Buenos Ayres. Commanded the 71st at the battle of Vittoria. 1811 embarked with the regt. and afterwai-ds to Portugal. Was afterwards embarked on board the squadron inder Sir Hope Popham. 29th. and was engaged at the battle of Goerde. during the last three months of which. storming of Fort Napoleon near Almaraz. including the actions of the 8th and 21st March. under Lord Calhcart. On the 31st ivith the light division during the operations of Marshal Soult to relieve Pampeluna.-Colonel Cother covered the landing of the force under Sir David Baird at the Cape )f Good Hope in 1806 . Went to Portugal in 1805. and was twice severely wounded for his conduct on this occasion he was promoted to an effective Lieut. commanded the regt. nanded the light companies of the brigade under General Fcrgusnn at the battles of Roleia and (the 71st) on the retreat to Corunna his regt. ^resent at the battle of Vittoria . Commanded a troop of horse artillery of the King's German Legion on the expedition to the Continent With the expedition to Gottenburg in 1808. when General Gerard was sm-prised. and Orthes. Salamanca. Pierre near Bayonne. on which occasion he was made a prisoner. Present at the sieges of Badajoz and at the forts of Salamanca. 1813. commanded the regt. 28th. 9 Lieut. Sebastian . and was present in several skirmishes near Adjaccio. and was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. sula. and was present at .Colonels. action of Campo Mayor. was md in the action at that place. in every affair with afterwards engaged i'^imiera . including the battles of Roleia. War Services of the Lieutenant. ivith the army under Sir John Moore.-Colonel Harrison served with the 5th in Corsica in 1795. was present in the general action at Blue Berg. in command of the artillery K. and the irtillery of the left column at the passage of the Bidassoa. Egyptian campaign of 1801. during which period the French frigate La VoCovered the advance of the force under General Beresford at the 'untaire of 38 guns was taken.-Colonel. defence of and sortie from Menin.hat took place until the surrender of the colony. commanded the reserve of artillery at the battle of Vittoria. battles of Orthes and Toulouse. one in the saddle. doing duty as INIarines. Vimiera. Present at the taking of the Retiro at Madi-id . . for which he obtained the Present at the affair with the enemy at Alba de Tormes on the n-evet rank of Lieut. and the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Fuentes d'Onor and Pyrenees. and was present at the battle of Famars. action He has received the Gold Medal and two Clasps for it Aire. and the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for Roleia. Tom his Served 3ut the campaign of 1812. suit of Massena. and the advance :o San Sebastian .-Colonelcy in the 60th. Commanded the first battalion of the 5"2nd throughpredatory incursion into Portugal. jiege and assault of Badajoz. commanded the volunteers of the light division at the assault of San Sebastian. 30th. for Vittoria. and was engaged at Arroyo ie Molino. Landed again in Portugal in 1811. In Jan. 7 Lieut. and marched nearly 1000 miles into the interior. also at the battle of St. Served also the campaign of 1815. he was honoured with the brevet rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. 19 Lieut. He was severely wounded at Stoney Creek . after which he was present at the taking of St. battle of Orthcs. battles of the Nivelle and Nive. action of Gan'is. blockade of Pampcluna. PjTenees.-Colonel Macdonell served in the American war. where he was employed on the Staff. and taking of Alexandria. although made prisoner. and he has received the . Served in the campaign of 1815.).-Colonel Wilkins served in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798. 15 Lieut. and was attaclied to the Portuguese service . In 1809 joined the 95tli. when the enemy abandoned the fortress. and battle of Toulouse. present at the battle of Busaco and attack on tlie forts of Salamanca commanded the 9th Cacjadorcs at tlie battle of Salamanca. Nivelle.and served the severe winter campaign of 1794-6 in Holland. In 1810 commanded a detachment of the regiment in the defence of Cadiz. and was wounded at New Ross. including the advance on the 10th June. 20 Sir Henry Pynn served in Ireland with the South Devon Militia during the Rebellion. and was present at the battle of Busaco. Sir Richard has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Maida. and Nive.-Colonel Muttlebury joined the 55th. Served also the campaign of 1815. actions in the Pjrenees near Pampeluna from 28th to 30th July . and in several minor affairs in following the retreating army to Pampeluna and San Sebastian. 73 Albuhera.. Served afterwards in A'^apl' s. as well as ill affairs of less importance. Sebastian. Volunteered his services at the storming of the latter. and commanded the regiment in the actions of Stoney Creek and Chrystler's Farm. Pyrenees. but from the serious effects of his wound was compelled to return to England. 12 Lieut. Badajoz. 13 Sir Richard Clmrch served at the Ferrol in 1800. having commanded the regiment in those battles. left arm shattered by a musket-shot. by a discharge of grapeshi. Was present at the battle of Vittoria. Embarked with Sir Brent Spencer's Division in 1807. Lucia and Grenada. and surrender of Surinam. and the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for Biisaco.55tli lost 25 officers and upwards of 600 men. for his conduct at the latter. 18 Lieut.-Colonel Miller served the campaign of 1815 with the 6th Dragoons. and action near Bayoune on the 13th Dec. wliere he was employed eleven months against the Brigands.-Coloiiel Plenderleath served with the 49th on the expedition to tlie Baltic. at which last ho was wounded in the head. and was present at tlie battle of Maida. Served afterwards in the West Indies with the 60th from the commencement of 1796 to June 1809. In 1817 he joined the Army of Occupation in France. and defence of Capri. Landed with the force that occupied Madeira in 1801. Lucia. actions near Ordax on the 31st Ang. In Admiral Christian's fleet during the dreadful gales which proved fatal to so large a proportion of ships . battles of the Pyrenees on the 28th and 30th July (severely wounded). the attack on Porto Rico. and was employed with the 82nd in Sicily subsequently disembarked at the Mondego in 1808. and Nive. He has received the Gold Cross for Salamanca. and was present at the captures of St. when. and a battalion in 1812 at the battle of Salamanca. During tlie above service he was three times wounded. He has received the Gold jNIcdal for Salamanca. siege of Burgos (from 19th Sept. and aided in covering the retreat into Portugal. In 1813 advanced with the army to within range of the guns of Burgos. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo.t from the enemy's artillery. and the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and the Pyrenees. From thence proceeded to the West Indies. Vittoria. and Nivelle. 13th. and has received the Gold Medal and two Clasps for the battles of Vittoria. Severely wounded in an attack on Stellaui'a. and at the taking of Zante and Cephalonia. commanded the 18th Portuguese Regiment in Lord Hill's corps d'arniee covering the siege of Badajoz and storming of the citadel in 1812. and was sharjjly engaged with the enemy at tlie Bridge of Vera. Attached to the Portuguese troops on the 15th Nov. Salamanca.— early on the latter day he succeeded to the command of the regiment. and was severely wounded at Waterloo. In November 1813 embarked with the 2nd battalion of the 69th for Holland. Served with the reserve of the army under Sir Ralph Abercromby at the Helder in 1799. 14 Lieiit. — Gold INIedal for Chrystler's Farm. on the expedition to the Ionian Isles. -Colonel Brown served in Holland in 179-4. battle of Vittoria. 1809. action of Aire. action at the Pass of Maya . Served afterwards in the American war. 17 Lieut. and embarked with the corps on the Scheldt expedition. retreat on the 17th. the Pyrenees. Sir Henry has received the Gold Medal and two Clasps for Fuentes d'Onor. to 21st Oct. 16 Lieut. he resumed the command of the 2nd battalion. and has received the Gold Medal for the action at Chateauguay. Accompanied the army to Madrid. now the Rifle Brigade. St. and 7th Oct. and the Silver War — . during which period the . and was taken prisoner at the surrender of Grave. and Nivelle. including tlie actions of the 8th. in 1798.War Services of the Lieutenant-Colonels. Sicily.-Colonel Hawkins served in the Peninsula with the 68th. and was present at the bombardment of the French fleet at Antwerp and the storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. the Egyptian campaign of 1801. then encamped before Niineguen. Proceeded to tlie Peninsula in 1810. . At the capture of Iscliia in 1809 . and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. and was present at tlie battle of Copenhagen on the 2nd April 1801. but the honour being subsequently claimed by a senior officer. and 21st March. both himself and horse were felled to the ground. and was in the comnand of the before-named battalion on the field of Waterloo. and Calabria. and Orthes. Commanded a corps of Light Infantry at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor and siege of Badajoz in 1811 . Attached to Sir Robert Wilson. Nivelle. and Busaco. Bautzen. and was present in the actions of tlie 2nd and Gth October. and was present at the siege and taking of Flushing and Ter Vere. and appointed Lieut. and in April 1812 also at Arroyo de Molino and Almaraz. Commanded the regiment at tlie siege and capture of Bhurtpore. under Lord Combermere.War 74 Services of the Lieutenant-Colonels. and was employed with the Corps d'Armee serving in the Low Countries. and 5. 1813. commanded the 4th at the battle of Waterloo. He has received the Gold Medal for San Sebastian. After the termination of the Peninsular War he continued with Marshal Lord Beresford in the Portuguese service to maintain the organization of that army. battles of the Nivelle. and was present with the 71st at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. and the Silver AVar Medal with three Clasps for Vittoria. and the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Fuentes d'Onor and Toulouse. and present at its siege and capture. capture of Madrid and the Retu-o. affair of Villa Muriel. various actions in the Pyrenees. He has received the Gold Medal for Badajoz and the Silver War Medal with six Clasps for Corunna. and battle of the Nive. and was present at the battle of Kioge. the first at Roleia. Wurtzen. and was present with the Russian Army at the retreat of the French Cavalry from Moscow. battle of Salamanca. In March 1811 he embarked with two companies of the 71st for Portugal. -Colonel Burer was employed in 1800 with an Austrian Corps d'Armee. and battle of Toulouse. in 1825-6. -Colonel the Hon. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. and Vimiera. and was severely . Orthes. 11th. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 23 Lieut-Colonel the Hon. Robert Moore served in the Peninsula with the Coldstream Guards from Jan. and Culm. and has received the Gold Medal for the battle of Vittoria. and St. In 1808 he served in Portugal. 26 Lieut. Dawson Damer accompanied Lord Cathcart to Russia as his Aidede-camp in 1812. sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo. 1812 to Feb.-Colonel Fuller served with the 59th at the capture of tlie Cape of Good Hope in 1806. . Palais. battles of the Nivelle. 27 Lieut.-Colonel Robert Macdonald. the Peninsular campaigns from Dec. In 1813 present in the Allied Army at the battles of Lutzen. including the retreat thi-ough Spain. siege of San Sebastian. Fuentes el'Onor. battles of the Nive on the 9th. Served also the campaign of 1815. passage of the Bidassoa and attack on the enemy's position at the Pass of Vera. Also the campaign of 1815. Joined the army at the Lines of ToiTes Vedras in 1810. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. Attached to Count Walmoden. in driving theenemy into Alexandria. and was engaged on the 17th and 21st Aug. was promoted a Brigadier-General. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. and that of Lieut-Colonel and Companionship of the Bath. and was present at the operations before Hamburg and in Holstein in 1813. and battle of Corunna (wounded). 4. for Waterloo. In the same year appointed Assistant-Quarter-Master-General to the army under the orders of the Prince of Orange. 24 Lieut. including the battle of Waterloo. action of the Coa. -Governor of the town and forti'ess of Valencia . action of Sabugal. 28 Lieut. 10th. Vimiera. Colonel Leach has received several contusions. the Nive. wounded at Waterloo. and was slightly wounded in the arm. Roleia. and was present with the covering divi>ion before Badajoz in 1811. Medal with five Clasps for Roleia. Served also the campaign of 1815. He obtained the brevet rank of Major for his conduct at Vittoria. of Paris. Salamanca.5. including the battles of Roleia. besides numerous affairs of van and rear guards and skirmishes. Nivelle. and was afterwards present in the pursuit of Massena. 25 Lieut. siege of Burgos and reti-eat therefrom. retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras. especially at Kloster Eberach. Siege of Copenhagen in 1807. and was wounded. action at Barba del Puerco. and remained with the regiment in the Peninsula until Jan. He has received the Silver War Medal with twelve Clasps. Accompanied it to Walcheren in 1809. -Colonel Leach. served in the Peninsula. after serving with the 70th in the West Indies in 1803. In 1801 he served the Egj^jtian campaign. storming of Cambray. battle of Vittoria. Vimiera. and finally promoted to Major-General in that army. and St. and Badajoz. He served subsecjuently in the Peninsula from 1808 to the end of that war in 1814. having commanded the regiment there . In 1809 he was employed as Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General with the Walcheren expedition. at which last the command of the 1st battalion devolved on him. and frequently engaged before the enemy. In the spring of 1814 entered France with the AlUed Army. -Colonel Wilson served with the 4th on the expedition to the Helder in 1799. and 12th Dec. Vittoria. including the battle of Vittoria. where he was wounded in the shoulder and Campaign of 181. -Colonel Purvis served in the Peninsula with the Royal Dragoons. In 1807 he accompanied Sir Harry Burrard as Aide-de-camp on the expedition to the Baltic. retreat from Madrid. accompanied the Rifle Brigade on the expedition to Copenhagen in 1807. Pien-e. first to Sweden and afterwards to the Peninsula. 1814. action at Tarbes. and Toulouse. under Sir John Moore. the next at the Coa. 22 Lieut. and Nive. and Nive. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Egypt. Pyrenees. 21 Lieut. and in June 1815 was present in the same capacity at the battles of Quatre . and again by a fragment of a shell at Waterloo. storming of Badajoz (severely wounded ). Busaco. and lias received the Gold ]\Iedal for the battle of Salamacca. Bras and Waterloo. late of the Royal Artillery. Aide-de-camp to Major-Gcneral Pringle at the battle of Salamanca. and was frequently engaged before Copenhagen on outpost duties. and capture thigh. Expedition. Present with the 3rd battalion of the Royals in the retreat from Burgos in 1812. Nivelle. and siege of La Valetta. Engaged at the passage of the Bidassoa. and Fuentes d'Onor 2nd and 3rd sieges of Badajoz. although suffering from the effects of bis wound. and Orthes.-Colonel Fairtlough served at the bombardment of Ter Vere. Expedition to Egypt and surrender of Alexandria in 1801 capture of Madeira in 1807 . In 1819 was in the expedition under Sir Wm. for which lie has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and Toulouse. was prestnt and engaged at the successful assault on San Sebaswhere he commanded companies ordered tian. and was engaged at Longwooda (severely wounded in the thigh) .. including the action at Osma.Colonels. and Gawilleghurr. actions at Aldea de Ponte aiidFuento Guinaldo. Lasslgaum. including the battle of Egmont-op-Zee. where he was severely wounded. including the battles of Talavera (severely wounded on the head by the bursting of a shell). including the taking of Berhampore. Asseerghur. Served also five years in the East Indies and in Egypt. 4. the War JNIedal with five Clasps. severely wounded through the right thigh. Also in the Peninsula from 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. battle of the Nivelle. was several years in the Royal Navy. and Toulouse. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps.. battles of Salamanca. Martin's in 1810 re-capture of Guadaloupe in 1815. 41 Lieut. necessitated the expedition under Sir Lionel Smith in the following year. 37 Lieut. retreat to.-Colonel Streatfeild served the Mahratta campaign of 1804. He served also in the Peninsula and was severely wounded at the battle of the Nivelle. battle of Vittoria. Also in the Peninsula from 1809 to the end of that war in 1814.-Colonel Basden's services Mahratta war of 1803. 44 Lieut. during eight years' active service in the West Indies. -Colonel Oates. Buffalo. and G. and twice severely wounded. Badajoz. In 1813 he was appointed to the Quarter-Master-General's staff of the army on the eastern coast of Spain. viz. and was severely wounded in the spine. ten Clasps. and was present at the repulse of the sortie from Biyonne. — . 40 Lieut. and in the subsequent campaigns of 1813 and 14. : — Argaum. severely wounded at the storming of Fort Picurina battles of Vittoria. 43 Lieut. Gawilleghurr. including the battles ot Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Ciudad Rodrigo. .-Co!onel Terry served the campaign of 1799 in Holland with the 25th. Busaco. Nivelle. He has received a Gold Medal for services in Egypt and the Silver War Medal with . . and was at the surrender of the castle on the 8th of Sept. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. he commanded a detachment of Native Troops ordered to act against the tribe of Beni-Boo-Ali. and siege and capture of Flushing in 1809. Jaulnah. 39 Lirut. Nivelle. the Pyrenees.-Colonel Whelan served in the American war with the Royal Newfoundland Fencibles. As captain in the 17th Light Dragoons. including the . as Secretary and Arabic Interpreter.War 75 Services of the Lieutenant. an 1 was present at the battles of Nivelle.-Colonel Sputtiswoode served with the 71st in the Peninsula under Sir John Moore and afterwards under the Duke of Wellington he was with the storming party at Badajoz. 34 Lieut. and 12th Dec. 5. and served with a portion of that army in Italy and in the south of France until the close of the war in 1814. Also at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815. . capture of Guadaloupe and Sr. siege of Ciudad Kodrigo. and Ava. 30 Lieut-Colonel Thompson prior to entering the Army. Pyrenees. Chawdore. He served in the Rifle Brigade at the attack on Buenos Ayres. having on those occasions commanded the regiment and the Silver AVar Medal with four Clasps for Albuhera. Served also throughout the Burmese war. and battle of Corunna. assault on the convent of San Sebastian 17th July. 29 Lieut-Colonel Bell served with the 48th at the blockade of Malta. was frequently engaged with the enemy. in the right side by a musket-ball at Cote de Fer. He has received the RIedal and four Clasps for Asseerghur.. Fort Erie.Colonel Sail served at the taking of Maldonado and Monte Video in 1807. Subsequently throughout the whole of the Peninsular war. served at the siege of Port Bourbon and capture of Martinique in 1808-9. and was severely wounded at the investment of Flushing. Domingo. and battle of the Falls (wounded). 33 Lieut. At Walcheren in 1809. . and Toulouse. in Portugal and Spain in 1808-9. 11th. and Orthes. and being left there as Political Agent. 35 Lieut. including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. With the expedition to South America in 1807. Orthes. and repulse of the sortie from Bayonne. He has received the Gold Cross for Salamanca. Orthes.-Colonel Horton served the campaign in Cilabria under Sir John Stuart with the flank companies of the Glstand was present at tbe battle of Maida. was in the Pindarreeand other campaigns in India from 1815 to 1819.Colonel Robert Macdonald late of 35th regiment. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Egypt and Guadaloupe. Grant Keir to the Persian Gulf. Black Rock. — . two to the breach in advance of the first brigade of the 5th division. Argaum. assault on the town 25th of July (severely wounded) and on the 31st Aug.-Colonel Pratt served with the 82nd at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807 . He has received . Served in the Peninsula with the 14th Light Dragoon?. and was among the captured under General Crauford in the church of St. which detachment being defeated by the Arabs. and in the left ankle in an attack near Port an Prince. 32 Lieut. American War in 1813 and 14. and crossed the Desert under Sir David Baird. Served also the campaign of 1815. 31 Lieut. battles of the Nive on the lOih. Nive. battle of All)uhera (wounded). including the passage of the Douro. siege and assault of Padajoz (severely wounded). and 5. Served the Nepaul campaigns of 1814. and Toulouse.-Colonel De Lancey served with the 9th Light Dragoons at AValcheren in 1809. 14. and was in 1807. storming the heights of Serandole. and defeated a very superior French force of the enemy's best troops sent to attack that position. in the retreat of Sir Jubn Moore's army. including the capture of Martinique and siege of Fort Bourbon in 1809. and Bridge of Subijana de Morellas (wounded). Busaco. S. and capture of the fort of Samarang. 28th. storming the entrenched lines at Fort Cornelis. and the Silver War IMedal with seven Claiips for the others. and also the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. 14 officers and 190 men were either killed or wounded. 46 Lieut. 54 Lieut-Colonel Tronson servLd in the West Indies from 1808 to 1812. At the capture of the Isle of France in 1810. at the subjugation of the Piratical State of Sambas in the Island of Borneo. In 1813. on which occasion he was wounded. -Col. and 16. 3rd July 1810. in 1811. for which he obtained the brevet rank of Lieut. 15. Present also at the siege and stortiing of Bhurtpore in 1825-6. 53 Lieut.-Colonel Hughes served the Egyptian campaign of 1801 with the 24th. also present at Kokein. blockade of Pampeluna. includingthe capture of Ha trass. and storming the heights of Serondole.-Colonel Hall served at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810.-Colonel Watson was 28 years in the 14th regt. 50 Lieut. assault of Bhurtpore.-Colonel Fox served in the Peninsula with the 30th and was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. capture of Campo Mayor. but continued to lead the left wing until most Served the campaign in Affseverely wounded in the left leg. Gold Medal from the Grand Seignior for services in Egypt. where he was wounded in the right leg.Colonels. and commanded a detachment of the 13th. The campaigns of 1813. the greater part of which time he served in the West and East Indies. including the operations against Plattsburg. Aldea de Ponte. 1811 Campaign of 1810 battle of Busaao. off Barbadoes. previous to which he was actively engaged on the coast when embarked in H. Melloon. 49 Sir John Scott Lillie served in the 6th regt. and 30th July. severely wounded through the Promoted to the Brevet Rank of left shoulder at the assault on Fort Erie. passage of the Bidassoa. when he commanded the column which attacked the stockades leading up to the town. when out of 17 officers and 300 men who marched to the assault. as Captain in the Lusitanian Legion. and retreat to the Lines at Torres Vedras. Nivelle. 25th. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Java. battle of Vittoria. 1813 Actions at 1812 Battle of Salamanca. on the expedition under Sir David Baird. Mehadie. at which last he was severely wounded and left for forty-eight hours on the field of battle. and 15. 51 Lieut. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for ava. and capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. and Buffalo. Served also during the Mahratta war of 1816.-Colonel Nooth served with the 7th Fusiliers.-Colonel and — — — — — . 17. packet Lapwing and the American privateer Fox. and 18. of Java in 1811. capture of San Sebastian. actions of Irun and St. Los Santos. where the command of the 13th devolved upon him. In 1809. M.-Colonel Speddaig served in the Peninsula with the 4th Dragoons. with the first expedition to Portugal in 1808. 52 Lieut.-Colonel for services during the Canadian Rebellion in 1837 and 38. where the ball still remains. Orthes. actions in the Pyrenees on the 24th. and at the battle of Corunna. and on the 9th Feb. In 1812. Actions of Pombal and Eedinha. including the investment and storming of Fort Cornelis. 30th Sept. and was wounded at Harriapore. and was present at the battle of Vimiera. Accompanied the battalion to Walcheren. and retreat from Burgos. with the Grenadiers of the 65th. Throughout the Burmese war.War 76 Services of the Lieutenant. in Canada. on the expedition against Copenhagen. 15th Dec. capture of Madrid. 1814. including the actions at Bitavia and Weltevreiden. Blackrock. M. 1826. which took possession of the City of Bassein previous to the arrival of Sir Robert Sale's Brigade destined for its capture . and battle of Lundy's Lane. besides other affairs. 45 Lieut. Serrei the Mahratta campaign of 1817 and 18.. at the storming of Pagamue. acti^jus of Campo ilayor.1 . and in the Peninsula during parts of 1811. ghanistan under Lord Keane. 1826. With the 2nd battalion of the 14th. and capture of Lisbon. and retired from active service in consequence of total loss of sight. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. he was at the storming of Djocjoearta. and was present at the siege of Flashing. Townshend served in the American war. 1813. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 14th Aug. in various engagements for the defence of Portugal during the important interval between the embarkation at Curunna and the return of the second expf-dition to Lisbon. Albuhera. 47 Lieut. and was present at the taking of Fort Niagara. and Salamanca (for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps).-Colonel Senior was severely wounded in the action between H. 53+ Lieut. Minden. ^Martial. Pagoda Point. Sir John has received the Gold Cross for the battles of the Pyrenees. Lieut. Osma. sieges of Olivenca and Badajoz. and was present at the battles of Taiavera. He was at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810 . Napadie. and commanded the 13th at the assault and capture of the Fortress and Citadel of Ghuznee. supposed to have been killed. 1814 Battles of Orthes and Toulouse. 12. Engaged with a French squadron in the Mosambique Channel. 48 Lieut. and at St. and Usagre. and 13. battles of the Nivelle (wounded) and the Nive. Nicholas Point commandf d a detachment of the 14th and Royal Marines. 26th. on the expedition to Java. Served with the Army of the Indus under Lord K^ane. night attack at Baboo Koosh Ghur. and commanded the 16th Lancers at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal and Cross Dooranee Order). slightly Maida and subsequent . In 1814 he accompanied his Regiment to America. 55 Lieut. and was at the siege and storming of Bhurtpore. — wounded. 12. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Martinique and Guaduloupe the Medal for Ava and Medal for Ghuznee. 64 Lieut. — 57 Lieut. Talavera. with the 7th Hussars. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Maida. In 1821 he embarked for India on the Staff of Sir Thomas Reynell. Commanded a Brigade of Cavalry in the Army of Reserve. Wounded again at Toulouse. 62 Lieut.-Col. He commanded the Forces. He afterwards served with the 39th in Sicily.-Colonel Beetham served in the Egyptian expedition of 1807 . including the cavalry affairs at Castrajon. 65 Lieut. 60 Lieut. Commanded a brigade at the battle of Punaiar (Medal). . under Lord Combermero in 1825-6. -Colonel Meade served with the S8th in the Penmsula in the campaigns of 1811. expedition to Egypt in 1807. 1812. . with a Troop of Horse Artillery attached. and was present at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore (Medal and Clasp). -Colonel Crabbe served in the Peninsula from Jan. and termination of the campaign (ftledal for Aliwal and Clasp for Sobraon).-Colonel Harty served with the 33rd at the capture of Bourbon and the Isle of France in 1810 the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Germany and Holland. the retreat on the following day. . when attacking the Tete de Pont. and 14. Kardurrah. Commanded the regiment throughout the campaign in Kohistan. 58 Lieut. and various affairs (here. and at the assault and capture of the fortress and citadel of Khelat. battles of Salamanca. 59 Lieut. Tarbes. retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras. and the force returned to Cabal.-Colonel Macarthur was present as an Ensign in the 60th at the battle of Corunna. and the following year joined the army of occupation in France. siege and storming of Badajoz. . including the battle of operations. Mac Dowell served with the Army of India. and capture oi the fortress of Catrone. when Dost Mahomed surrendered. Order of the Doranee Empire. Served also during the campaign of 1815.War 77 Services of the Lieutenant. from Sobraon to the occupation of Lahore. and Flanders. 1810 to the 31st Dec. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. when commanding a party which drove a French piquet from the said village. Busaco. 61 Lieut. Served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815. including the bittles of Talavera (wounded) and Busaco. Vittoria. 56t Lieut. 56 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. siege of Badajoz in 1811.-Colonel Forster served with the Scots Fusilier Guards before Bayonne in 1814. and at the sieges of Tootumdarrah. Wounded 15th March 1811. Jhoolghur (led and commanded the storming party). including the whole of the retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras . -Colonel Carruthers served the campaign in Affghanistan and Beloochistan. as a Brigadier. Orthes. at Foz d'Arouee. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Orthes. battles of Orthes and Toulouse.-Colonel Bragge served in the Peninsula with the 3rd Dragoons from 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. 1812. Commanded the 16th Lancers at the Battle of Budiwal a Brigade of Cavalry at AUwal. and Nive (for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps). and again from June 1813 to the end of the war. and battle of Waterloo. . Quintare de Puerta. He has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. passage of the Nivelle and the Nive. and commanded the 16th Lancers in the action of Maharajpore (Medal and C B ) Served throughout the Sutlej campaign under Lord Gough in 1846. throughout the campaign in AfPtjhanistan. 66 Lieut.-Colonel Albert Goldsmid served in the Peninsula with the 12th Light Dragoons. and was slightly wounded at the siege of the forts at Salamanca. in the Southern Concan and Hawant Warree Country during the campaign of 1844 and 45.-Colonel Wildman served in the Peninsula. Nivelle. and Toulouse. battle of Busaco the advance from the lines to Guarda first siege of Badajoz . Served with the Army of Gwalior in 1843. and subsequent retreat through Spain battles of Nivelle. and the whole of the various minor affairs during that period. and again in Spain. from 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. 63 Lieut.Colonels. Peninsula from April 1809 to Jan. siege and storm of Ciudad llodrigo siege and storm of Badajoz battle of Salamanca capture of ^ladrid. for which battle he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Also the campaign of 1815. Nive. assembled on the Sutlej in 1842. and subsequently a Brigade of Cavalry. and twice severely wounded at the battle of Salamanca. in 1838-9. including both the attacks on Merxem. battle of Salamanca (wounded). where he was engaged with . France. 13. and Monasterio . and was present at the battle of AVaterloo.-Colonel Singleton served in the Peninsula from 1811 to 1813. . with the advance at Espinhal. and siege of San Sebastian. and Perwandurrah.-Colonel Anderson's services: Expedition to Calabria. including the battle of Quatre Bras. and was severely wounded at its head when in the act of charging the enemy's guns. also at the taking of Santa Maura. and many other affairs and skirmishes. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. . and Fuentes d'Onor. for the capture of which fortress he received the rank of Major. . Vic. at the assault and capture of the fortress of Ghuznee (Medal). iucluding the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. . and the assault on Bergen op-Zoom. and commanded the Kegt. and was present in the battles of Salamanca and Vittoria. He has received the War Jledal with six Clasps. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. and at its embarkation during and after the battle of Corunna in 1809. and Nivelle. 1813. Engaged in the Burmese war at the attack of Padowa Pass and the fortified positions of Mahatee storming the stockades and hills near. 1813 Tarbes. and joined the 4th islands in 1810. retreat from Burgos. at Quatre Bras. in 1809 Cadiz in 1810 . Nive. bombardment of Antwerp. and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 71 Lieut. Jean de Luz. 73 Lieut. and at the Mayor's House in front of Bidart in Dec.-Colonel Arnaud served in the Peninsula with the \\V. -Colon el Nepean served in the Peninsula with the 16th Light Dragoons and was present at the battle of the Nive on the 9!. . including the action at ]Merxem. including the actions at Merxem and bombardment of Antwerp. . 1808. 68 Lieut. at the Nivelle and the Nive. the first siege of Badajoz. Led the attack upon the fortified heights at Aracan. battle of Fufutes d'Onor. . in several skirmishes. and left side. including the battle of Salamanca.-Colonel the Earl of Albemarle served the Waterloo campaign with the 14th Foot. Orthes. He accompanied his regfiment from Bourdeaux to Canada. at Bayonne. Ramakins. and of Java in 77 Lieut. Kamaroot. and dangerously by a ball which entered the back part of the head. in Portugal in August of the same year. and having joined Lord HUl's division in 1809.\ and was present at the battles of Busaco and Toulouse. landing at Ostend of Occupation until the breaking up of that force. Sailed for Canada at the conclusion of this war returned marched to Paris. and affairs at St.. 79 Lieut -C'jlonel Rotton served in the Peninsula from April 1812 to June 1813. Served the campaign of 1814 in Holland.h Dec. and Mahattee. and at the bombardment and capture of the fortresses Landed with a division of sailors on the Island of of Ter Vere. and battle of Toulouse. Sir Robert O'Callaghan. and that before Bayonne on the 13th Dec. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. . and was present at the taking of Fort Batz. in the actions of Pombal and Redinha. and Toulouse. and served in that corps and the 77th. battles of the Pyrenees. Aire. Storming of Nepaul campaign in 1814 siege and sturm of Hattias redoubts at the island of Borneo He has received Mahratta campaigns of 1817 and 18 . 1811. and was present at the taking of Maldonado. 81 Lieut. Served also the campaigns of 1824 and 25 in Ava. 75 Lieut. -Colonel Buiney served at the capture of Ischia and Procida. and 21st Aug. and held the command of the regiment after that action . and was present at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in the navy. and at the attack and . 78 War Services of the Lieutenant-Colonels. without being a day absent from his regt. the War ISIedal with one Clasp for Java. 1805. and served in the squadron of gun-boats in the Scheldt covering the disembarkation of the army. Kimendine.-Colonel Clark served the campaign of 1815. defence of 76 Lieut. and was severely wounded in the neck. Regt. and at the investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. and taking the town and works of Arracan. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Fuentes d'Onor. by a musket-shot in the left shin. He served He also the campaign of 1815. and where he also served on the personal staff of the late Lt. and at the subsequent defence and repulse of the enemy in their repeated efforts to repossess themselves of that important post also in frequent gun-boat actions co-operating with the army during their evacuation of those He quitted the navy and entered the army in Feb.-Colonel Hely served with the 57th in the Peninsula . . battle of Albuhera— where he was twice wounded. he was afterwards present at the battle of Busaco. 72 Sir Thomas Livingstone Mitchell served with the 95 th (Rifle Brigade) at the siegesof Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz .-Colonel Rochfort was at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810 1811.-Colonel Williams previously to entering the army served five years as Midshipman was engaged in the attack of the French Fleet by Admiral Cornwallis on the Assisted in the disembarkation of the British Army in Portugal in Aug. and storming of Bergf n-op-Zoom. Wounded on the IGih June 1815. 1813. 69 Lieut. into which he was promoted from that period. . 80 Lieut. He has received the AVar Medal with seven Clasps. arm.-Colonel Duudas served in the 47th on the expedition to South America in 1806-7. to the termination of that war in 1814. affairs of Perache. the enemy at Vittoria. in the Pyrenees. He served also the Waterloo campaign. action of the Coa and Sabugal. . South Beveland. when he was sent back to Spain and Portugal on a special mission to make surveys of the fields of battle and positions of the armies. He was present at the siege and storming of Badajoz. including capture of Cornelis. including the battle of Waterloo and storming of Cambray. including the taking of Rangoon. for which action he has received the War Medal with one Clasp.-Culonel Bowers was slightly wounded at Waterloo. 67 Lieut-Colonel Macdowall served the campaign of 1814 in Holland with the 52nd. 70 Lieut.-Gen. Accompanied the expedition to Walcheren the same year. served afterwards in the East Indies. storming of Serandola and Fort Djocjocarta. and Flushiug. and served with the Army after the peace with America. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Badajoz. 74 Lieut. at the operations on the Bidassoa and Adour. .-Colonel Towers served the Waterloo campaign with the 7th Hussars. . in 1825-6. and on the Quarter-Master-General's staff until the termination of the Peninsular war. and afterwards served with it in the Army of Occupation in France. siege and storm of Bhurtpore 1825 6. 1813. (hiving been entrusted during that period with tlie organization and equipment of four several bridges. 93 Lieut. Proceeded to Ceylon. and G.-Colonel INIolesworth served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo (received a contusion). From 1810 to 12 was employed in the Lines of Lisbon and Almeida. advanced with the army from Sabugal and FreyDada to the Ebro and Vittoria. 87 Lieut. action in front of Almeida. 1814. on which occasion he was wounded in the head by a musket-ball. and in several skirmishes. 82 Lieut. capture of Madrid and the Retiro. action of the Coa. 182G till peace was proclaimed. 92 Lieut. and Seine served in the trenches at the last siege of Badajoz. in front of Bayonne. investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. and was present in 1814 at the capture of the Fort of Now Niiggiir. Foz d'Arouce. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. SS Lieut -Colonel Belson served in the Peninsula and South of France from July 1809 to the end of the war in 1814. Deccan campaigns of 1817 and 18. East Indies. !<0 Lieut. and provisions during the day time for the remainder of the operations received the thanks of Sir Rowland Hill at the passage of the Tagus in August same year. and C>jma battle of Vittoria. Tagus. San Milan. Clasps. . 10th. 28th June 1813. Cazal Nova.-Colonel Piper served six campaigns in the Peninsula.Gato) was commanded by •written instructions from the commander of the forces to retire with the bridges on Alcantra de la Reina and Badfljoz. in the morning before they entered Pampelana. Talavera. 16. 85 Lieut. ^V'^Gcked in the King George transport. and the battles of Oporto. passage of the Bidassoa in Oct. from March 1810 to the 27th Jan. . He served afterwards in the East Indies.-Colonel Gray accompanied the expedition which sailed under Sir David Baird.-Colonel Westmore served th campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Germany and Holland. San Munos. Gave d'Oleron. served at Waterloo on the 16th.ei^ . and 18th June. from the morning of the 18th to the 23rd f f March. He has received the Silver War Medal with five Clasps. and ammunition during the nights. and retreat from thence. and 12th Dec. during the insurrections of 1817 and 18. 11th. France. Employed on the Staff in the late operations against Ibrahim Pacha.) threw the bridges of the Guadiana. in 1805.-Colonel Stopford-Blair served on the expedition to South America in 1807. in Sept. action with the French. Redinha. 94 Lieut. . passage of the Adour. actions at Pombal. Accompanied the division sent from the Cape to co-operate with the expeditidu from [ndia for the reduction of the Isle of France.-Colonel Willington served in the LdSt Indies from jNIay 1813 to May 1823. and was present at the taking of the Cape of Good Hope. He served also in the Burmese Territory from Jan. equipping a fresh train of boats for the operations of the ensuing year. held the command of a division of a Pontoon Train. and was present at the skirmish with the Egyptian troops near Askelon.-Colonel Henry Blachley served in the Peninsula and France from Feb. shell. 17th. storming of IMonte Video. 16 June 16. and finally to Abrantes where. He has received the VA^ar Medal with three . proceeded thence to Bordeaux. ls:i7. on a fly-raft of three boats and subsequently. The campaign of 1815. 15th Jan. 84 Lieut. and capture of Paris.ive d'01eroii_ and battle of Orthes. and in Kutch in 1820. siege and capture of San Sebastian (both operations) passage of the Bidassoa and the Nivelle. Bidassoa. sieges of Ciudad : y. and the assault on Bergen-op-Zoom. affair of Osma. having resigned the situation of ijor of Brigade to the Royal Artillery at the Cape.-Colonel Fogo served in America during the whole war. including the retreat v jm Talavera. Served as commanding engineer in the Kandian Provinces. Nive. Toulouse in •1814 passed and repassed His Grace the Commander of the Forces and Staff during the operations of the day. wounded).-Colonel Harvey served at the investment of Kolapore in the East Indies. 1812 to Aug. 83 Lieut. having been the last taken from the rocks by the boats of the M Leda frigate. including the siege and capture of Bidajoz. — — . battle of Vittoria. He has received the V r Medal with nine Clasps. battle of Busaco. when on route to Salamanca (in consequence of the enemy's cavalry intercepting the communication through the Sierra-do. and from Jan. Rodrigo and Badajoz. from the right to the left bank of the river. 1841. induing the battle of Plattsburg. to accompany the division as a volunteer. including the campaigns of 1815 and 16 in Kattywar and Kutch. on the advance of his column to Madrid. I G . 1st 1805 (on which occasion Brigadier-General York was drowned). and latter part of the blockade of Pamplona actions of the 9th and 11th Dec. battle of Salamanca. 180G. actions of the 9th. and Flanders. actions at Castrajon (se. advancing to Mongiscard on the Canal Royal du INIidi. and Busaco for the two last he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. taking of Anjar. when the bridges of communication below the town being destroyed and sunk. 1813 at Bayonne do. was dedpatehed (by order of the commander of the forces) to re-establish and remain with them passing shot.War 79 Services of the Lieutenant-Colonels. in which ho captured their last gun from Vittoria actions in the Pyrenees. affair of Castrajon. . and was severely wouudeel. siege of Burgos. Nov. and subsequently. 1812 to the conclusion of hostilities in 1815. . and Sabugal. . and saved several lives by his personal exertions. Jan. actions jv ':e heiglits of the Agueda. Garronne. including both attacks on Merxem. 86 Lieut. to Elvas. campaign of 1819 in Candeish. besides various minor affairs and skirmishes. in Syria. passage of the Nivelle.-Colonel the Honourable William Arbuthnott served in the Peninsula. and was present at the passage of the Douro. 1813. 41st regiment in the field against the Kolapore Rajah. and was present at the storm Joolghur capture of Ghuznee. 1808. Dwarka. affairs of San Munos and San Milan. and 26. Siege of Flushing. 1814.-Colonel White's services :— Campaign in Spain. Action and capture of Poona. and capttt the retreat to and battle of Corunna. between th storm. attack and captui* of Chinhae. 101 Lieut. and in the various minor affairs in and He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Vittorii Bolan and the Kyber Passes.:. 1824. He has received the War four Clasps for Corunna. I. Napadee. including the investment ai ! capture of the Forts Panulla and Pownghur. Captu in 18 of the fort of Now Nuggur in Kattywar. 11th. He has receivj of Walcheren. including the battle of Vittoria. and befoi occupation and destruction of that fortress and of Cabool. storming the stockades at Kokien (severely wounded). and a brigade at the battle of He was also previously at the destruction of the Fort of Imaumghur in the Desert. affairs of Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. 104 Lieut. command of the 7th Dragoon Guards in the Kafftr war of 1846-7. and commanded the 22nd at the battle of Meeanee. 8th and 22nd 1819*. and of Guadaloupe :) 1810. and 12th Dec. Orthes. March 1819. and Chin Kiang Foo. storm. and also for Ghuznee and Jellalabad. 100 Lieut. and destruction of Istaliff.Colonel Richardson Robertson served in South Africa. „ . and of Guadaloupe in 1810. battle of the Nivelle. 96 Lieut. includingr the capture of Rangoon. including the capture of Tootumdurrah and has and he was afterwards at Jellalabad during its famous defence by Sir Robert Sale. . 1813. Dhingee ai.-Col. Chapoo. actions at Yanzi Bridge and Echalar. -Colonel Hunt served on the expedition to Hanover in 1805. battles of the Pyrenei of Ortt siege of San Sebastian. and was present at the storming of Rangoon Pagoda.Colonel J.. and throughout the operations in Affghanistan and Beloochistan. where he was wounded. and was present in the action of Beni-Boo-Ali. and destruction of Istalifif. the Mahratta General Gokla killed. under Sir John Moore. before Ghuznee. and Pagahm Mew. in an( into Kohistan. in that of the 29th May near Candahar. and commanded a column of attack in the action of the 28t April in the Pisheen Valley. storming Vera Served with th battle of Nivelle. present also in the actions near Candahar. expedition into Kohistai Ghuznee. 95 Lieut. Simmons served in the Peninsula. capture. served the campaign in the Southern Mahratta country in 1844-5. to the end of the war. capture. Served also in Arabia in 1812. operations in Kohistan. r 106 Lieut. and Syria 41st throughout the Burmtse war. beyond the Orange River. War 80 Services of the Lieutenant-Colonels. afterward 98 Lieut. At Ashtee.-Colonel Browne commanded the 4l3t during the whole of the campaign ot 28tl Affghanistan. China expeditici Zembyke and Melloon. i. expeditioi Sept. as a volunteer with the 34th. from Feb. the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. occupation and destruction of that fortress and of Cabool. and in the various minor affairs between the Bolan and the Kbyber Passes. and Toulouse. •. 21st Fe Storm of Kutch Boci 1818. Woosung. for which he lias received the War Medal with two Clasps. . from Sept. April in the Pisheen Valley.-Colonel Maclean served in the Burmese war and was present at the capture Campaign against the Rajah of Coorg in 1834. 102 Lieut.. on the 10th. blockade of Pampluna. Served the campaign in America. led the head of the left column storming the trenches in front of the Dagon Pagods storming a strong stockade in front of the Dagon Pagoda. Bidassosj the crossing Heights. Capture of forts of Joorin. August 1815. the campaign and battle of Corunna. and was present in the engagements with the enemy on 28th March and 5tl Goaine. 2i March. in the Burmese war Kumaroot. and France. campaigns in Canada. battles of the Nive. in command ot an exp Also dition against the insurgent emigrant Boers. Wood served in the Peninsula end of the war.-Colonel Poole served throughout the operations in Scinde (Medal) under Sir Charl Hyde Napier. from Nov. March 1816. Feb. from Medal w the war in 1814 and subsequently in the American war. Feb. Vittoria. 25. Capture of the forts of Rass-el-Kyma and Zama.-Colonel Gordon was at the capture of Martinique in 1809. abad. I . second capture of Chusau. in 1845. Commanded the left wing of th during tb.-Colonel Chads served with the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. Served with the regiment campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan. Vittoria. ht j • 108 Lieut.-Colonel Malcolm served on the China expedition (Medal). in 1809. and Nive.-Colonel Pattisson served with the 13th at the capture of Martinique in 1809. 1811 to the en<l of that war battle Qj including the storming of the forts at Almaraz. in Canada during the American war in 1813 and 14. 1813 to t 107t Lieut. He ) received the silver War Medal with six Clasps. and in 1814 as an oificer in the 23rd. including the attack on Plattsburg. 103 Lieut. and in the Peninsula. Dij Fort. at Goaine. and he was also present at Served als&| the repulse of the enemy before the Lines of Rangoon on the 1st Dec. and Satteria Reya captured. Shanghai. He medals received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Martinique and Guadaloupe. On the borders of Scindia's country and 15. 17th March 1817. includia 107 Lieut. H. Melloon. in 1824. 99 Lieut. . Anjar and Khuncoote. and to Madeira the end to 1812 Feb. 1842 ir 97 Lieut. at 30th Aug. (Medal) including the attack and capture of Amoy. Nivelle. -Colonel Donald Campbell served at Walcheren. and in the Rifle Brigade.-Colonel Farquharson served at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810. battles t and Toulouse. -Colonel M'Cleverty serve d the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg. He commanded the troops. Served also in the Walcheren expedition. in 1808 and 9. and at the investment of Nankin.). and Sobraon. and 19. He was present at e battles of the Nivelle and of the Kive (severely wounded). in the first of which he commanded the Medal and one Clasp. also the campaign dl815.-Colonel Crofton was appointed Persian interpreter to the force under Brigadier-. the burning of the Kent. Ferozeshah (for V 'ch he was appointed a CB. and afterwards c(the eastern coast of Spain..-Colonel Mundy served at the siege and storming of Bhurtpore in 1825-6. •114 Lieut. He commanded the 31st throughout the campaign on the Sutlej ^Medal cl three Clasps). including the action at Lugo. 111 Lieut. with the expedition to Sweden. (h the 1st March 1825." Colonel Robert B.-Colonel Lock served the campaign of 1808. 20 Lieut. and battle of Corunna.-Colonel Spence was present with the 31st in the action of Stuola. investment of Bayonne. and on the 18th of June he was present at the battle of literloo. Corunna. 110 Lieut -Colonel Buiibury served in the Peninsula from 1808 to the end of the war. and the Pyrenees. He has received the War dal with two Clasps for Corunna and Toulouse. New Orleans. and was one of only five officers out of thirty who taped being wounded in all the actions. 18. and Fort Bowyer. under & John Moore in 1808-9. '. Served the campaigns of 1814 and 15 in France and Imders with the 71st. including the ttles of Buddiwal. in Portugal. Ferozeshah (seoerely wounded). He commanded the 80th Toughout the campaign on the Sutlej (Medal). defence of the bridge of Puente Largo near AraDJues. in April 1834.and was present the sieges and captures of Rjghur. towards the close of which year he was wrecked on one of the Andaman lands. {which last he was severely wounded in the thigh by a grape-shot.pture of Oporto. and the first brigade of Sir Harry Siith's division at the battle of Sobraon. Aliwal. from the establishment of that ttlement until 1844. and was severely wounded. including the actions of Bladensburg. the lives of about troops and seamen. in August 1832. he was present at that lamentable catastrophe. Buddiwal. and was iployed en various services for four years in New Zealand.18 Lieut-Colonel French served in the Peninsula from Aug. He was on board the unforite ship Kent. where. including the affair of Tarbes. battles of Talavera aud Barro-a.-Colonel Bray served the Mahratta campaigns of 1817. passage of the Bidassoa. and again il812 and 13.-Colonel Cunynghame served as Aide-de-Camp to Lord Saltoun during the liter part of the war in China (medal). and Sobraon (wounded). He was Major of Brigade to the force hich defended Tarifa (at the investment of which lie had his horse shot under him). Desert. ' — — lasps. llOf Lieut. at the battles of Moodkee (soon after its commencement). and afterwards to Portugal and Spain. and irestment of Bayonne. Had his horse shot under him at Ferozeshali and ^giment : B'jraon "l16 Lieut. Mtimore. and mmanded the Gth Cassadores at the battle of Toulouse. Amulnier. under the most trying yet providential circumstances. He has received the War Medal and five . and served with it throughout the arduous operations in 'i-kiur. '113 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with fir Clasps. War Services of the Lieutenant-Colonels. 22 Lt-Colonel James Henderson served with the 92d at the siege of Copenhagen and action wKioge in 1807. i'the Bay of Biscay. Lduding siege of San Sebastian.-Colonel Gold served in the campaign on the Sutlej with the 53rd. Commanded the Hh in the action of ISIaharajpore (Medal). Served also in the American war. including the battles of Mnodkee (wounded). for which battles he has received the SUver War Medal with two Clasps. 23 Lieut. as . and against the tribes in the N. including .de-de-camp to Lord Combermcre. including the battles of Moodle. battles of the Nivelle and Nive. which was burned in the Bay of Biscay. 1st March 1825. and Asseerghur. as Eo at the surrender of Corsica in the same year. and was present at the battles of Vimiera. M7 Lieut. 'neral Litchfield.-Colonel Sandilands served with the expedition to Walcheren.-Colonel Grierson served at Cadiz during parts of 1812 and 1813.-Colonel Le Mesurier served in the 24th at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope • . and Aliwal. 'th the 48th regiment. which ended in the taking of Balmeer. near Genoa. •rozeshah (horse shot under him). 115 Lieut. 20t Lieut. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps P Nivelle and Nive. 81 109 Lieut. and Sobraon. (there he was twice wounded and lost an arm). on t. and was engaged on the 17th June with the Horse Artillery in covering the retiring ifvement from Quatre Bras. i 19 Lieut.' G 2 . at the pture of Seville.-Colonel Bainbrigge served with the 20th in the Peninsula. and he commanded the troops and crews of the transports Briton and lliinnymede. 1813 to the end of the war. Vittoria. were preserved.-Colonel Hodgson served with the 45th in the Burmese war. and in the subsequent attacks upon the city of Genoa until its surrender. and battles of Toulouse and Waterloo. and was present at Roleia {A Vimiera. W. In 1815 he served with the army in Naples. and was present at the siege and capture of Chinbngfoo. 13th April 1814. Wood served as Aide-de-Camp and Military Secretary to }\xA Hardinge throughout the campaign on the Sutlej (Medal). On the e)edition to Walcheren in 1809. and 104 women and children. 112 Lieut. for tj--one days. !ll4t Lieut. 1808 to Jan. 125 Lt. 12. He has received the War ^Medal with seven Clasps. He has received th' War Medal with five Clasps for Vittoria. Vimiera. Present at New Orleans in Jan.-Colonel Harriott served in the Royal Staff Corps at the defence of Cadiz.-Colonel Ross served the campaigns of 1811. Nive. battleOrthes. 11th.-Colonel Juhn Swinburn served wiih the 43rd at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 the . 130 Lt. the Peninsular campaigns from Oct.-Colonel Gloster served in the Peninsula with the 61st from Oct. 13. and was present at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo. He has receivi ball.-Colonel Thomas Kelly served with the late 26th Lt.-Colonel 1811. Pyrenees. includitl the actions of Arroyo de Molino.). He afterwards accompatiied his Regt. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps.-Colonel Burrowes served with the 12th at the capture of the Isle of France. He was wounded in a night attack on the enemy's outposts on the 25th Aug when. battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. he drove in the cavalry piquet. siege of the forts Salamanca. where he served until the end in 1806. 128 Lt. 11th. and also tl wounded — War Medal with one clasp. defence of Alba de Tormes. with the dismounted part of his Regt. 131 Lt. TOulouse. battles of Salamanca. including the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor. capture of Paris. battle Barrosa.-Colonel Young served with the 91st in the Peninsula. 1809 to the end that war in 1814. actions near BidaJi affair of Tarbes. Vittoria. and actions of Pombal and Redinha— in the hip. and in the severa affairs on the banks of the Dourdogne in front of Bordeaux. besides numerous minor affairs. and severely wounded in thigh at Quatre Bras. after a sharp conflict was beaten off. 1815. battles of Tuulouse. has received the ^Var Medal with two Clasps for Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor. affair at the pass of Maya. action of Sabugal. action at Aire. defended an orchard in front of Arcarigi for a whole day with one Subdivision. Badajoz.Colonels. and Toulouse. and in the affair of the advance of the army to the westward of Alexandria under Si Eyre Coote. and the battle of Toulouse. he joined the 2nd Battalion in the Peninsula. Quatre Bras wounded in the left foot by a muskd wounded in the right arm by a musket-ball. 1 . and Orthes (severely contused). in boarding and capturing two French Privatee: Commanded a battalion of details with a force under Colonel tl off the Isle de la Passe. Received the Hanoverian Order. Honourable Leicester Stanhope in Katty war. and with the army of occupation in Franc He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. the acti' of Sabugral. silver • ( ( — — — . and battle of Waterloo. battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. Calcavellas. in 181' and commanded a detachment of that Regt. Served also campaign of 1815. Echalar. 1813. battles of Salamanca. In 1811. the Nive (10th. battle Vittoria. taking of Almaraz. and Corunna.. On the expedition Walcheren in 1809. and 12th Dec). H has received the Gold Medal from the Grand Seignior for the Egyptian campaign. sieges and assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Nivelle. Nivelle. battle of Fuentef d'Onor. battle of Busaco. Dragoons during the latte part of the Carib war in St. being on continual advance guard when that part of the army was moving forward on Angouleme. and was in advance at the storm and capture the strong hill fortress of Meetialla. Fitz Maurice joined the Rifle Brigade in the Peninsula as a Volunteer 132 Lieut. Tarbes. and the Sil War Medal with eight Clasps. the Nr (9th to 13th Dec). and 13th Dec.i and out at the back. together with th( near Bayonne on the 10th. the brilliant action with Soult's re guard at Tarbes. and Orthes. with a small detachment.-Colonel Robert Kelly served in the Peninsula with the 5th battalion of the 60th and was severely wounded in action with the enemy. and captured the whole of th infantry piquets opposed to him. 133 Lt. passage of the Bidassoa. battles of the Pyrenees. He was also present in the action of the 21st Marc 1801. wounded in the head on the retreat to Vigo. 126 Lt. the Nivelle. the ball passing through the right lobe of the lun. of that war in 1814. to Portugal am from thence to Egypt the Transport in which he embarked was attacked by a Spanish Gu! He served at the siege of Aboukir Casth Boat. pursued the enemy to Pampelu first gun captured that day and secured seven prisoners under the walls of which their last gun was taken the battles of the Pyrenees. 14. carrying heights of Echalar and the fortified pass of Bera. the Pyrenees (28th July to 2d Aug. the War Medal with six Clasps. Wounded in the left arm at the battle of Salamanc and through the right breast at Toulouse. which were much more numerous than his own party. and served to the end of the War. Orthes. taking the Heights of La Costa. IS including the battles of Roleia. and 15 with the 92nd. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. acti skirmishing in advance he there with two Riflemen took t at San Milan. from Aug. Vincent. Leg broken at the storming of Badajoz. battle of Vittoria. Joined the army at Toulouse in April 1814. subsequent advance in pursuit of Massena. battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. 19th March 1814. including the affair of the Mill at Treixadas. led the advanced guard at the battle of Quatre Bras. 129 Lt. including the action of the Coa. which. where he had the horn of firing the first shot. and remained with the Army of Occupation until the end of 1818. retredt to and occupation of the Lines of Torres Vedras. battle of Toulouse. — campaign of 1808 in Portugal. Subsequent campaigns in the Peninsula until 1812. Pyrenees. He has received the Wai Medal with four Clasps. 82 War Services of the Lieutenant. I ' i i . wounded in the left leg by musket-ball. Subsequently joined the Duke of Wellington's army at Brussels. Orthes. the Waterloo Medal. 1812 to the end of that war in 18 including the battles of the Nivelle. was presen'i H< at the capture of Paris. 124 Lt. the advance on the 28th May Present at the Sortie from Bilboa 15th May md was wounded at the defence of the lines of San Sebastian 6th June.J Lieut. and was organized by him. vas engaged in several detached operations.-Colonel the Honourable AVm. Present at the sortie on the 8th. 1810 to June 1813.-Colonel Busiett was actively employed in various operations against the French prior to his entry into the British service. and his name particularly mentioned in General Orders. 147 Lieut. particularly in one of a severe character on the Iiver Guadalquiver.lespatches. and . retreat from Madrid into Portugal. which was menaced by a very superior force. capture of General Gerard's corps at Arroya de Molinos. when a large body of the enemy was encountered and utterly broken. 142 Lieut. 143t Lieut. and was . 1814.he capture of Annunghoy and North Wantong. In 816 he was on board the Queen Charlotte at the attack on Algiers under Lord Exmouth. . to the 31st Dec. War Services of the Lieuteriant'Colortels. siege of Badajoz. covering the third siege of Badajoz. including the capture of Oporto. 140 Lieut. 144 Lieut.«o the Kandyan campaigns of 1817 and IS in Ceylon. and taken prisoner at the capture of Fort Urbano. 135 Lt. 141 Lieut. and was engaged in several flotilla affairs on he Scheldt. in 1806 and 1807. Isle of Sumatra. including the defence of Cadiz. and Toulouse. Lieut. Orthes. and was present in the actions of Prome and Tandwajn. on the 8th June 1846. Deluding the siege of San Sebastian.-Colonel Tennant served at the siege of Flushing in 1809. 1810 to Sept. Vittoria. 146 Lieut. in 1811 iapture of Java. and was present !it the attack and capture of the forts and works at Chuenpee. 1810. when the British were forced by the superior number of the enemy to retire. and passages of the Bidassoa and Adour. siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo. battles of Talavera and Fuentes d'Onor. . In 1813 was employed on the coast of America. including the first siege of Badajoa. |. 1808.Adjutant-General at the Cape of Good Hope \u. 1836.he different atfairs connected therewith. He has received the War INIedal with nine Clasps. ly whom he was detached to fire carcasses at the enemy's vessels within the Mole. on which occasion his services were warmly acknowledged in the public . -Colonel Cosset served in Canada in 1813 and 1814.luring the expedition to Walcheren in 1809.he \Var Medal with two Clasps. 1812. 83 134 Lt. and Tarifa.-Colonel Gillespie was landed with a detachment of Royal Marines at Rosas on 7th Nov. including the battles of Corunna. Isle of Timor. 142+ Lieut. 1812 to May 1814. Peninsular campaigns from Oct. covering the second siege of Badajoz.. B.. Served afterwards iuring the operations at Malta in 1800. on which occasion he was ^aentioned in Sir Gordon Drummond's despatches. He served in the Peninsula from June 1813 to the end of : — [ . Ha has received he ^Military War Medal with one Clasp for Java. Served al.-Colonel Gibsone served throughout the Kathr war of 1846-7. and he had the comnand of and led the charge of Cavalry in the decisive affair of the Gwanga.. 137 Lt -Colonel Irwin served in the Peninsula from April 1809 to Feb. for which he has received the War Medal with seven Clasps.-Colonel During served in the Peninsula during the Corunna campaign.-Colonel Garmston was at the taking of Fort Koupan. 144f Lieut. and was intrusted with the construction of a field-work for the defence of the ight of the position on Chippewa Creek. where he was engaged U an attack on Craney IsJand. . Ntale. He has received . 1814. and bombardment of Flush|ing. Engaged during a six weeks' siege of Tort Erie. Isla. Noel Hill served in the Burmese war.-Colonel Story served in the Peninsula and France from Nov. Severely wounded at San Munos.yol. 139 Lieut-Colonel Harrison served in the Peninsula from Jan. and Tarifa. besides various aii'airs and skirmishes on the advance and retreat of the array. and at the taking of Hampton and Ociacoke under Sir jeorge Cockburn. leaving upwards of too dead on the field.-Colonel Wright served in Spain from 1st Jan.Colonel's Bent's services Expedition to Walcheren. Served also at the successful defence of Cadiz and of Tarifa in 1810 and 1811 . in 182. after which he was taken prisoner at the capture by the French of the Island of Capri.present at Cadiz. Served in Sicily in 1817 in Calabria in 1808 . Served in Canada at the taking of Oswego.-Colonel Storks served as Assistant. C. which establishment •riginated in his proposition. He has received jhe Silver War Medal and one Clasp for San Sebastian. and was present on iilmost every occasion in which the troops were engaged with the enemy. battles of Vittoria and the P_>renees. Fort Matagorda. Isle of Borneo \lgiers in 1816. Served on the China expedition 'Medal). 138 Lieut.-Colonel T. He was Iso present at the demonstrations before Algiers under Admiral Sir II.-Colonel John Harvey Stevens served in the West Indies. battle of Albuhera. and occupied the citadel. capture of ^Madrid and the Retiro. siege of Bidajoz and capture of the castle by escalade (7th April 1812). and ^. the Nive. Pyrenees. &c. 136 Lt. in 1812 .T\ng the Kaffir war of 1846-7. and subsequently from the latter part of 1812 to the end of that war in 1814.-Colonel Jebb served in the last American war. Smith prior to entering the Army served for a short period in the ifavy and was three times wounded. and was severely wounded by a bayonet thrust in the right side of his neck. 14. 1 I ' . Stevens is now superintendent of the Marine Artillery Laboratory. the Nivelle. 143 Lieut. and Sambass. battle of Salamanca.5 and 26 (Medal). attack of Palambang. bat' of that war in 1814. 1815. received t has He and Orthes. battles of the Nivellu (wounded). and 27th Sept. with the 74th in Picton's division.. Waterloo. of 1810.War 84 Services of the Lieutenant-Colonels. including the captur 11th. 12. Served also the campaign of 181. Served subsequently in the American War. Orlhes. and investment of Nankin. from July 1815 to Dec. from Oct. Portugal. 11. capture of enemy's forts and cony( the taking of Zante. C. Clasps for Vittoria. the silver War Medal with four clasps. with affairs minor and several France. passage of the Nivelle.-Col. 1813. 9th. defeated the whole of the enemy's squadron. AUies passed the Bidassoa. battle of Salamanca. and actions of the Nive. and Toulouse.. Java. (Medal).-Colonel Maclean served with the 43rd in the Peninsula from June 1812 to Colour). and was present at Flushin. actions at Pombal. Isle Nyburg. in 1836-38.-Colonei Faber served with the 49th throughout the war with China was present at the first and second captures of Chusan. in and at the destruction of several American privateers in the Bay of Fundy. the Nive. and subsequent advance in pursuit of Massena. bail manca. -Col. in the Peninsula from 1810 to 1813. 1812. storming of and capture of Paris. A 149 Lieut. capture.-Colonel Fegen was at the taking of the fort and town of Guadia . and 30th July. 28tb. attack and capture of Atnny and of Chinhae. including the battle of Waterloo. He has received the and Toulouse.. Served aftersvards in France with the Army of Occupation. of Flushing. campaignj the in also in the action before Now Orleans on the 8th Jan. am 151 Lieut. 1811 . Served also the campaign of 1815. when the enemy were driven back and the e: 158 Lieut. the battle of WaterIo( 1 54 Lieut. actions of Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. 155 Lieut. He has received th of Paris. Badajoz. and throughout the Kaffir war of 1846-7. Nivelle. of batttle 1814. enemy's convoy . Cephalonia. as also throughout 1850-51-52. and horse killed und Cambi" him). Served afterwards with the army of occupation untQ 1818. Nil = j »• v < actions 158+ Lt. that war in 1814. and 12th December. War Medal with five . Napier commanded the Cape Mounted Kiilemen at th( that o action of the Gwanga. Vittoria. Nive. . battles of the Nivelle. and the 58th at the dispersed. from Dec. Hennis served the campaign of 1 815. and battle of Toulouse. 1840 to Nov. 1818 and with the allied Anglo-Turkish force in Syria. affairs on the retreat from Madrid to Salamanca and Portugal in Mtil of PampetaK 1812.Colonel Burnaby served the campaign of 1815. 3rd May. ceived the War Medal with one Clasp.-Colonel Hornbrook served with the Royal . battle of Salamanca (severely wounded. occupation of Ningpo. He T-i gun-boats. and wiof Foi present at the attack on the American Lines on the 8th Jan. 148 Lieut -Colonel George T. without having ever Vedrs' from it for a single day. 26th. siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo. from July 1812 to Augus ani Sebastian of San both sieges Vittoria. 1812 to Apni 1814 receive he has which for Orthes. when Sir Jahlci at Pezzero. capture ot tl 155t Lt. Pyrenees. action of Vera when Soult attempted to relieve San Sebastian. and 14. and captured a 181 war at the capturing an enemy's convoy from under the batteries of Terracmo. and Sabugal.-Colonel Alves served the whole of the campaigns in Spain. . and served also Vendre . Marine Battalion in the north ot bpaj 156t Lt. in the Adriatic brig Brenton. escalade of the Castle of Badajoz in March and April. War Medal with eleven Clasps for Busaco. by the Spartan. p -r . battle of Fuentes d'Onor. and Franc 156 Lieut. Nivelle.-Colonel Calamy has served in every quarter of the globe. sieges Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. silver War Medal with four Clasps. subsequent advance and passage of the Ebro. • . actions of Fuente Gumalda. . retreat to the lines of Torres Rediab occupation of them. and at the capture Boyer. 25th.Colonel James served in the Peninsula and France. in the Spartan. including the affair at Osma. c night attack. destruction of French forts near Po under batteries near Marseilles ' . and Toulouse.-Colonel Coryton served at the passage of the Dardanelles in 1807. including the battle ot and has n Ig2t Lieut. and Pres<. in 1809. He has received the Medal with four Clasps." Colonel Macbean served in the Peninsula and France. siege storm an actions at El Bodon and Aldea de Ponte. battle of Vittoria. . 13. ^ operaWW 157 Lieut -Colonel Arney commanded three companies of the 58th during the commaa* He against the hostile natives in the Southern District of New Zealand in 1846. attack and capture of the enemy's entrenched camp on the heights of Chapoo. 150 Lieut. including the battle of Busaco. including the battles of Vittoria. 153 Lieut. battle of Albuhera. Pyrenees. . 152 Lieut. and begoan. . -i .5. including the sieges of Badajoz i| 1811 . been abse. storm and capture of the heights abov repulse of th Canton. and Nivelle. 1810. 1815. Horokeivi. and was present at the affair of OrdaL He served also the campaign of 18U and was wounded at the battle of Waterloo. 1815. and of Woosung. and Cerigo action in the Bay of Naples. 1841. siege.. Madrid and the Retiro. the Pyrei ees. and in the &c. including the passage of the Huebra (carried the Regimental again when 1 of Vittoria. 10th November. 181 June in Badajoz of Foz d'Arouce. Fuentes d'Onor. Guarda.-Colonel Rochfort Scott served with the expedition against New Orleans. lOtb capture of it. Enoch served with the expedition to Walcheren and at the siege of and Olivenfa. Ciudad Rodrigo. affair of II the troops encamped in the valley of the Hutt and Porirua. blockade the Niv the battles in the Pyrenees on the 27th. College with the Royals. investment of Pampeluna. and Toulouse. 1813 to the end of that war ill 1814. He has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. Vittoria. Actively engaged at Fort Frederick on the Scheldt. and 8th Jan. 1813 to the end of the war. Also the campaign of 1815. Also served with Also the campaign of 1815. Guarda.-Colouel Black served the campaign of 1815. Drdall. and severely at Waterloo. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. where he volunteered for the dismounted Cavalry storming party. an action in the Pyrenees at the passage of the Bidussoa (wounded ). in which battle he was severely wounded. siege of Tarragona. 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. in impeding the passage of French line of battle ships to Fort Lillo. 1814. Subsequently in the Peninsula from July 1812 to June 1814. including the siege of San Sebastian.-Colonel Graham served at the siege of Flushing in 1809. jn the 17th June. sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. -Colonel Long served with the 71st in the Peninsula. battles of Salamanca. also second attack and capture 2nd Feb. M. including the battle of Vittoria. 13th Jan. from Oct. bombardment of the French fleet in the Scheldt. 1G6 Lieut. including the battle of Castalla. 167 Lieut. and investment of Barcelona in 1814. including the siege of Bad^joz in April 1811. 1814. including the battle of Waterloo. when cliargiug the French cuirassiers at Waterloo. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. was present at the battle of Waterloo. and actions in wliich the left wing of the army was engaged. 1G3 Lieut. Swinburne served in the Peninsula from 1809 to the end of the war. battle of Ort-hes (wounded in the neck). -Colonel H. 160f Lieut. and the subsequent Served also the campaign of 1815. including the battles of Oporto.. retreat from Villa Franca after the battle of the Pass of Expedition to Naples in 1815. Fleur-de-lis. Aire. from June 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. s 1 o i the sainj duty 25th March following. Orthes. IS also the Hanoverian War Medal. and battle of Waterloo (severely wounded). action at El Bjdon. 1C4 Lieut. action at Vic Bigorre. its second siege. when his regiment captured two guns. including the blockade of Bayonne. ing the retreat on the 17th June. -Colonel Fraser served in the Peninsula and south of France with the 92nd. Served also the campaign of 1815.. He has received the War Medal and two Clasps. including [ . Nive. 1813 to the endof ind Nive. and battle of Toulouse. and Sabugal . from 3rd to 6th February. and Busaco actions at Pombal. 159 Liout. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Orthes. and the battles of the Pyrenees. attached to Sir Henry Clinton.-Colonel Gould served with the 76th on the expedition to Walcheren and at the siege of flushing in 1809. -Colonel Palmer served the campaign of 1814 in Holland. and a Medal for BImrtpore. Talavera (wounded in the right arm and foot). action at Salvaterre. Sliglitly wounded at Bayonne. 1G8 Lieut. Also in the campaign on the Sutlcj (Medal). under Lord Combermere. Also the campaign of 1815. for the purpose of throwing provisions and assistance into the garrison. 11. and those in Front of New Orleans on the 20th Dec. retreat on the 17tii June. 1G5 Lieut.-Colonel GilDson served in the Peninsula with the 1st Light Infantry battalion of the King's German Legion. and Nivelle . before Bayonne (wounded). Vittoria. including the battles of Buddiwal.Wa7' Services of the Lieutenant. investment of Bayonne on the 27th Feb. 164t Lt. 170 Lieut.-Colonel Algeo served in the Peninsula with the 77th from Aug. and the Pyrenees. Pyrenees. including the action at Canibo. 'etreat from thence. IGl Lieut. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. IGO Lieut. 1815 also at tlie taking of Fort Bowyer. and at the battle of Waterloo. Irving served in the American 'VVar in 1814-15. Tar])es. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. from Sept. the 11th Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Blun-tpore in 1825-6.-Colouel Birtwhistle served the campaign of 1814 in the South of France with the 32nd. He has received the Military War Medal with one Clasp for Java. coverSeverely wounded and taken prisoner. Peninsular campaigns from June 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. from October 1813 to the end of that war in 1814.-Col. Aliwal. . first siege of Badajoz. Medal. Condeixa.b^. having received five wounds. battles of Albuhera. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Nivelle. Subsequently in the American war. Also tlie campaign of 1815.-Colonel Waymouth served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Life Guards from Nov. 22d March. 85 Brigade Major to the British Forces landed in Syria in 1840. and battle of Waterloo. and was present at the investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. including the battle of Quatre Bras (slightly wounded). from Aug. battles of the Nive.-Colonel Jauncey served on the expedition to W^alcheren in 1809. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the Nive. Leria. Again eoj^.-Colonel Morse-Cooper served tlie campaign of 1814 as a Volunteer from the R. 162 Lieut. action near Baltimore.-Colonel Paschal served in the Peninsula witli the 2nd Line battalion of the King's that war in 1814. and subsequcMit operations before that brti'ess. including the attack upon the village of Merxem. 1C9 Lieut. and was at Quatre Bras. and afterwards in the Peninsula. including the action at Bladensburg and capture of Washington. Has received the Waterloo . and Sobraon. including the action of Quatre Bras. and Toulouse. IGlt Lt.-Coloncl Donaldson served in the Peninsula with the 57th. at which last he was slightly wounded. 163f Lt. including the battles of the Nivelle aerman Legion.Colonels. -Colonel Caine served in the Nepaul campaign of 1815. being in command of the left. battles of Albuhera. 178 Lieut. for Syria. Nov.. and was British Commissioner. In the Spanish service in 1835. first siege of Badajoz. liaving left India in 1840 wiih the China expedition . was Major of Brigade at the assault and capture of Bliurtpore.-Colonel Tothill landed in command of a detachment of Royal Marines on 24th April 1813 at St. and by a resolute advance with the bayonet dislodged a body of troops from a strong position. and captured the vessel from which they bad debarked. 179 Lieut..Colonels. Jamaica. -Colonel Scargill served with the 9th at the defence of Tarifa. and the Pyrenees (28th July to 2nd Aug. and Brigadier Hicks being mortally wounded. flank post . and afterwards commanded the Field Brigade (temporarily) at Kolapore. : . Also in the Soutli of France from March to May 1814. the siege of San Sebastian. and was present in action at In the Deccan war of 1817 and 18. Vittoria (wounded. as also the Turkish Medal. Italy. and at the battle of Algiers. 3rd Feb. and 2nd siege of Badajoz. served seven years in Jamaica and the West Indies. as Lieut. Was at the attack of the sea batteries and surrender of the island of CuryoJa.-Colonel George served throughout the campaign in Scinde (Medal) under Sir Charles Napier. from May to Dec. 175 Lieut-Colonel Finucane has served in Spain.. witii two Clasps for Nepaul and Bhurtpore. the investment and capture of both those forts. and he is now employed Has received the Indian ^'^a^ Medal as Colonial Secretary and Auditor General of Hong Kong. including the blockade of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. also the War Medal for India with two Clasps. Landed on 1st Feb. . 36. -Colonel Fordyce served with the 74th Highlanders in the Kaffir war in 1851. and at the capture of the Devil's Island. commanded left wing 22nd regt. 172 Lieut. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. -Colonel on the Staff. 180 Lt. 173 Lieut.War 85a Services of the Lieutenant. and was present in the action at Plattsburg. lines at Torres Vedras. 1811. battles of the Nivelle and Nive. At the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. including the action at Jhubbulpore. and subsequently in the Peninsula. and Military Magistrate of that island He lias been in Asia from the commencement of his serviceto until its evacuation in Feb. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. He was in several affuirs in Ava during the Burmese War also at the storming of Bhurtpore. and the battles of Meeanee and Hyderabad. -Colonel Lewis served in the Burmese war. In 1814 he was with the Austrian Army in Italy and at the surrender of Genoa. War Medal with two Clasps. including the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. 177 Lieut.-Col. and during the operations against the Forts Munnahur and Munsuntosh in the Southern Concau. Served also the campaign of 1815. Major George took command of detachments at the storm of the Petahs and northern front of PanuHa and Pownghur. the Mediterranean. where he Jeelghur. and all the operations round Bayonne. -Colonel Ainsworth served at the siege of Flushing in 1809. at which last he commanded the 22nd regt. including the destruction of Imaumghur in the desert. -Colonel de Lacy served with the 48th Regt. 171 Lieut. and has received tlie Cross of St. Cataldo. and was present at. -Colonel Clarke served in the attack on the Russian gun-boats and batteries on Percola Point in 1809. France. passage of the Bidassoa. 174 Lieut. Was at the attack and surrender of the Island of Augusta. 1813 with 50 Royal Marines and 160 other troops at Port Buffalo. 27. and battle of Nivelle. 1840. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. 1843. He commanded the Grenadiers of the 26th at the capture of Chusan (Medal) 5th July 1840. He served also the campaign in the Southern Mahratta country in 1844-5. 1813). and was present diu-ing the whole wcumded by a grape shot in the left foot whilst charging tlie enemy's guns on the of tlie siege day of the capture. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Nivelle and Nive. action of Sau Marcial. Served afterwards in the American war. and India. pursuit of Marshal Massena. the present period. and carried the eminence. Fernando . 176 Lieut. 14th April. 1841. Hearle has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. He carried the regimental colour of the 17 th in the attack of the heights defended by the Arabs. in the Peninsular war in the battle of Busaco. 181 Lieut. ^ ^ 0«3 _ '^ 1x1 ^ S «^ ® 'rs ci ^ ^ £^ O "^ . 3 o '^ P^ fe 1-5 l-S '^ f^ "^ <5 !K »<^ 00 (M CI (N 00 'M C) Tfi > -1 .t>. l-S 1-S ^Q 1-5 SP^ -a -a -o -o -a ajS<l Si-s (S >-s 1-:. O . i"^^ ^ 13 1.-3 *« "^ .00 CO CO ^a 5a33C"g'3^™gt> -^ O 00 00 r. r. O •& <u -«5 O O "CI „ 'I ^--^ i 52 jj S . O -^ -"l" <M =^ S a'S-OtS 3'3-u'a'3-3'3'a 07"° 3 ^ (-l>-si-5 3 3 t^ pL. h-s Pl< f-1 1-5 C5 «> 55 -^'^ S "^ -< Ph -# O C5 CO o» O f^ ^. =* „Cj S S « ' S '^ s ? .0 r-l S-t >'^ ^ 3£"""'3 S o ^' >^ 3 ft£-3-HiJ2 bi':^ ' C/3 =3 «& <1 r::^ O l-H bi>-s 3 'r ^ ^ " ^* ^' S»'i^ C>00'*t-COl>.5 ^ 2 " 3 5 3 ^ -£ _ 6 <5 3 .0 r -* * •< CO O H^ ^ « O 00 -^ 1-5 3 * « O O O ^ 3 C a <i)^^< O CO (M t^ ri CO ^ -H r» i-i t^ 00 >> *i _• o t.5 . be it E.o '»»«' .s c3 w "^ a c/"^ /=' k-.= ti -^ o .O ^ t^ CT CI ^ OOQOOTtt?Jt^'Oi-i r. 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J3 a . 5Jooa.>isc|c&'g I CM O S" _ — taD»--uO>>t>t>OOVOOV C C C Tj'-H(>»o5 ^ ^ kO "^ ^ ^^^^^ "^ "^ ^^ con C0 5D '^ '^ ^^^^ C5oO-*iOiHrHC3i--iTjHr-i,-ir»Ci>-iiOC<COOr»CO g> rH >> bJD^ < — i-< !?< W iibi'c''>c^c!3 I ^^ T ^ ^ t—r-gl g<0)a) — W i-H G^ i-l 'C »: £. r-i o* — ~ r-| ' o-*coiocoaocooo<»oooio>ncD-^ooix;oo5-^ <*-*eocococo«ncococo«co««coir:ico-*cjco W u M S 1 lO CO O ^ -^ (M rH Tl< r-i.— O) -<j< glO<COC0i-H C)- IM ^ o 00 f* s~0 pi, >0 C5 C^ o o 05 fJH *j . «: -T ^ O o O CO ,_ CO o o k o -2. .g r- ^ js^= Etc ^ C 0° t£o liP ° :; ;.3ife5^^ ^ c 5 S & ^ -S 5 m ^ ,^ S c« J^.^ K Q u tf «i <j m^ oj w I "C fq ^^ ^ >. <- bt> ; ^o ?. ?, X3 fc. fi, S S>^ o:^ 8 J^ c _ !. S 2 .^ , 1^ „ iJ S 103 J'Fa?' Services of the Majors. Major Rose accompanied the 78th to Hollaud, and was present at the sortie of Ninie^ueu and in several other engagements on the Waal. He served afterwards with the 87th, at tlie attack on Porto Rico, and capture of Surinam, and in the Brigand War in St. Lucia. Also iu South America, and was present at the siege and capture of Monte Video (where he scaled the walls in the command of three companies), and captured a stand of colours, and secured a quantity of arms at the attack on Buenos Ayres he received three wounds, one of which can'ied his left eye out of its socket. He accompanied the regiment to the Peninsula ; but, from the state of his wounds, was obliged to return to England. 2 Major Lepper served in the Peninsula with the 24th and was present at the battles of Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Vittoria, Pyrenees (severely wounded), and Orthes, and at the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. 3 Major de Brem served the campaigns in Germany from 1792 to 1800 in Egypt in 1801 , in Naples in 1805 in Calabria in 180G ; in Egypt in 1807 at the taking of Ischia in 1809 ; at the in the siege of Santa Maura in 1810 ; at the defeat of the French in Sicily in the same year campaigns of 1811, 12, 13, 14 in the Peninsula and South of France. Severely wounded in Germany on the 30th September 1796 ; and again at the battle of the Pyrenees on the 30th July 1813. 3t Major Hart served in Saumarez's actions in Algtsiras Bay and the Straits of Gibraltar 1 : ; ; ; ; in 1801. 4 Major Spinluff served at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. 5 Major Thomas Wilson served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. Also in the Peninsula with the 28th and was present at the battles of Busaco, Albuliera, ami Vittoria (severely wounded), for which and for Egypt he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. 5t Major Burton served with Sir Sidney Smith at Caitfa, and distinguished himself in a gallant but unsuccessful attempt to cut out four vessels from the port of Caiffa, 21 March, 1799. Expedition to Egypt in 1801 (Gold Medal). Expedition to Holland and occupation of South Beveland. In the Artillery Companies attached to the 1st Battalion of Royal Marines during the American War in 1813. Battle of Algiers in 1816 (wounded), for which he got the brevet rank of Major. Has received ihe War Medal with two Clasp?. 6 Major Christopher Wilkinson sei-ved the campaign of 1799 in Holland, under the Duke of York. Accompanied the expedition to the north of Germany in 180.J, under Lord Catlicart. 7 Major Saudliam served the campaign of 1799 in Holland, including the actions of the 27th Aug., 10th and 19th Sept., and 2nd Oct. Expedition to Copenhagen in 1807 to Sweden, and afterwards to Portugal and Spain, under Sir John Moore in 1808-9; subsequently to VValcheren, in 1809 t'no campaign in Holland, in 1814 ; and in Flanders and Fraii'-e in 1815, including the battle of Waterloo. 8 Major J. W. Henderson served with the 8th West India Rpgiment at the capture of the Danish West India Islands in 1801 ; and was afterwards present at the suppression of the mutiny of that regiment at Prince Rupart's, in Dominica. Served vith the 3rd West India Regiment at the storming and capture of Jlorne Fortunee in St. Lucia, and at the capture of Tobago. Joined the 50ili afier the storming of Almaraz, and served in the Peninsula and France until the peace of 1814, Severely wounded in the head at the capture of Aire, on the 2nd March 1814. He haa received the War Medal with four Clasps for Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes. 9 Major the Honourable Sir Francis Stanhope served in the llth Foot at the siege of Flushing in 1809 ; and with the 1st Life Guards in the Peninsula and South of France, and was on the Staff at the battle cf Toulouse, for which battle he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 10 Major Edward Jones served as Adjutant of the 77th at Walcheren in 1809; and in the Peninsula from July 1811 to the end of that war in 1814, including the action of El Bodon, also the sieges and assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Severely wounded at the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. 11 Major Lowry served with the 69th at the capture of Java in 1811, for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 13 Sir Trevor Wheeler served in the Peninsula with the 16th Light Dragoons from June 1810 to the end of that war in 1814, including the pursuit of Massena from the lines, actions of Pombal, Rediuha, Foz d'Arouce, and Sabugal ; battle of Fuentes d'Onor, actions of Llerena and Castrejon, battle of Salamanca, retreat from Burgos, battles of Vittoria, the Nivelle, and the Nive, 9th to 12th Dbc. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo. Sir Trevor has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Fuentes d' Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, and ; ; Nivelle. — Expedition to Germany in 1805 under Lord Cathcart ; storming 17 Major Goate's services the heights of Soril, siege of Fort Bourbon and ca|)tui'e of Martinique in 1809 Nepaul war in 1815, and was engaged on the heights of Muckwanpore 15th Dec. ; capture of Hattrass in 1816; Mahratta and Pindaree campaigns of 1817 and 18 ; Burmese war in 1825 and 26. 18 Major Noel served in St. Domingo in 1796, 97, and 98, under Generals Boyer and Sir Brent Spencer, and was wounded in tlie right thigh, when the French attacked the Cordon off Posts. Served also at the capture of Lucia, Tobago, and the colonies of Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice. 19 Major Sherer served in the Peninsula witli the 34th from July 1809 to Dec. 1811, and from August 1812 to July 1813, including the battles of Bucaco, Albuhera, AiToyo de Molino, Vittoria and Maya in the Pyrenees. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Busaco, Albuhcia, and Vittoria. 20 Major Bcgbic bcrxed iu the Peninsuln with the 82iid from Aug. 1»U8 to Nov. 1809, in: ; lydr Se/ oicf.'i 104 of the Mujurs. the capture of Oporto mid battle ol' Talaveni, for whioh he has received the War Medal wilh one Clasp. 21 Miijur Lein( a ha3 received the War M< dal with one Clasp for the battle of Trafalgar. 2'2 Major Macplierson served in Hanover in 1805 and 0; at Buenos Ayres in 1807 ; in Portugal and Spain from July 1808 to Jan. 1800, including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera; action at Lugo, and battle of Corunna. With the expedition to Walclieren, and siege of Flushing, where he was wounded ; the Peninsular campaigns from May to Dec. 1812, including the battle of Salamanca, where he was severely wounded. He has i-eceived the War Medal with four Clasps. 2:5 Major Ilartrcan served in the expedition to Hanover in 1805-G ; at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 ; in Sweden, Portugal, and Spain in 1808-9, including the advance and retreat of the rliidiiig in the battle of Corunna. Expedition to Walcheren, 1809; subsequent campaigns in the Peninsula and France, including the defence of Tarifa and affair of Casas Viejas, battle of Barrosa, actions of Arroyo del iMoliuo and Almarez, battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees (25th, 30th and 31st July>, Pass of Maya, Nivellc, Nive, Bayoime, and Orthes affair at St. Palais, and battle of Toulouse He has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 24 Major Pinckney served with the 3Gth on the expedition to South America, including the taking of Maldonado and siege of Monle Video ; in the Peninsula from June 1808 to May 1809, including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera, for which he has received the War Medal with two " Clasps. On the expedition to Walcheren in 1809 received the flag of truce at the outpost at the army and ; ; attack and capture of Ter Vere; present also at Middleburg and Flushing. 25 Major Mackay served witii tlie 08th on the expedition to Walcheren, and at the capture of Flushing in 1809. Also in the Peninsula from Jur.e 1811 to the end of that war in 1814, including the battle of Salamanca, retreat from Bursyos, and battles of Vittoria (wounded in the head), the Pyrenees, the Nivellc, and Orthes, for wliicli he has received the War Medal with five Clasps. 20 Major Aubin served in the Peninsula from Nov. 1811 to the end of the war, including battles ot Vittoria, the Pyrenees, 25th, 28th, 30th, and 31st July; Nivelle, Nive, 9th, 11th, and Severely wounded through 13tii Dec. 1813, besides many other minor actions and skirmishes. the left side, in action at Couchez, 18th March 1814. Served subsequently in the American war. He has received the War Medal with live Clasps. 28 Major William Seward served with the 9th in the Peninsula, from Aug. 1808 to Jan. 1809, and was present at the battie of Vimiera ; on the expedition to Walcheren in 1809 ; and subsequently in the Peninsula, including the defence of Tarifa, battles of Barrosa (wounded), Vittoria, and the Nive, and blockade of Bayonne. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. 29 Major Stack served in the Peninsula with the 24 th from June 1809 to Feb. 1813, and again from 2nd Dec. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814, including the battles of Talaveia (wounded) and Busaco, actions at Espiniil and Foz d'Arouce, repulse of a sortie at Ciudad Rodiigo, battle of Salamanca, capture of the Reiiro at Madrid, taking of the hills and outworks before Burgos, siege of Burgos and storming of the breaches (severely contused), various skirmishes with the rearguard and covering party at the bridge over the Carrion on the retreat, and battle of Orthes, where he was severely wounded by a ball, which shattered the left elbow-joint, and occasioned amputation of the arm. Served eight years in Canada, and received a severe contusion on the Lead in 1829, when on duty. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. 30 Alajor Clements served at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806 ; subsequently on the expedition to South America; the campaign of 1808-9 in Spain, and extra aide-de-camp to Sir John Moore at the battle of Corunna. On tlie expedition to Walcheren in 1809 ; the Peninftular campaigns from 1810 to 1814, including Cavares and Merina, Salamanca, Begar, Vittoria,. Valley of Bastan, and the Pyrenees. He has received the War Medal vvith three Clasps for Corunna, Vittoria, and Pyrenees. 32 JMajor Harrisim served at Copenhagen in 1807; the storming of Fort Cornelis and capture of Java in 1811. With the Euyal Marine Battalion acting against the Americans iu Georgia, in the Chesapeake, at Ildmpton, destruction of Barney's FlotUla, capture of the Anaconda, and of Washington. 34 Major Willats served in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war, including the siege and storming of Ciudad Roilrigo, siege and storming of Badajoz from 19th Jan. to Gth April 1812 ;, operations near and blockade of Bayoime. He ha.- received the War Medal with tv\o Clasps. at Travaiicore in 1809, and in Ava in 1825. 36 Major Charters served with the expedition to Hanover, under Lord Cathcart, in 1805 theWalcheren expedition, in 1809 ami campaign in Holland, under Lord Lynedoch, in 1814. 38 Major Handcock accompanied the expedition to Hanover in 1805 joined the army in. Sicily in 1806, and was employed with its various operations from 1806 to 1810; went with th& expedition to Naples, and was present at the capture of Iscliia and Procida; returned to Sicily and employed against the French army, in 1811. Served in Spain during 1812 and 13, including, Also the campaign of 1815, the battle of Castalla, siege of Tarragona, and affair of Villa Franca. and was severely wounded at Waterloo. 39 Major Sutherland served with the 72nd at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806 ; and accompanied the force from thence to co-operate at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810. 40 Major Gregory served in the American war iu 1814 and 15, and commanded a gun-boat belonging to the Flotilla under Commander Owen, on Lake Ontario, for which he received the thanks of the Naval Commander-in-Chief. 41 Major Wright served at the capture of Madeira, in 1808 and the campaign in the Peninsula, under Sir Jolin Moore, in 1808-9. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. 43 Major Crawfurd served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1812 to July 1814, including operations 35 Major Cox served ; ; ; I ; , ! of the covering I army during the s'ege of Badajoz in 1812, as a volunteer 79th regiment; battle War lUo Services of the Majors. of Salamanca, capture of Madrid, battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Ortlies (severe gunshot wound). He has received tlie War Medal with four Clasps for Salamanca, Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes. 44 Major Barou served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814 46 Major Colebrook served on the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. 47 Major Bonamy served in the Peninsula with the 6th from Sept. 1813 to June 1814, including the battles of Nivelle, Nive, 9th, 10th, and 11th Dec, and Orthes. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 48 Major Marshall served with the 91st on the expedition to Portugal in 1808, including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera, advance into Spain and retreat througli Gallicia under Sir John Moore, action at Lugo, and battle of Corunna. Expedition to Walcheren in 1809. Subsequently in the Peninsula, including the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, (•26th, '27th, 28th, and 30th July), the Nivelle, and the Nive, on the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 13ti) Dec. 1813, investment of Bayonne, and battle of Orthes. Slightly wounded at Pampeluna, 28th July 1813, and severely at Orthes. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 49 Major Manners served in the Peninsula with the 59th from Aug. 1812 to May 1814, including the battle of Vittoria, siege and storming of San Sebastian in Aug. 1813, battle of the Nive on the 9th, 10th, and 11th December 1813. Wounded at the storming of Bhurtpore on the 18th January 1826. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. 60 Major Cooke's services: See page 116, note 2. 51 Major B. P. Browne served the campaign of 1815 with the 11th Dragoons, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Also at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore, under Lord Combermere, in 1825-6; and was a volunteer for the dismounted cavalry storming party. 62 Major Moore was present with the 2nd battalion of the 87 th in nearly every action in which it was engaged, the gi-eater part of the time as adjutant, including the battle of Talavera (wounded in the right thigh, where the ball still remains), defence of Cadiz during the whole time, battle of Vittoria (two horses shot under him), the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes (horse shot), Vic Bigorre (wounded), and Toulouse, besides various affairs of out-posls. Served also tlie Mahratta campaign of 1817 and 18 and in the Burmese war, in 1825 and 26. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 63 Major John Clarke served in the Peninsula from March 1809 to the end of that war in 1814, including the battles of Oi)orto and Talavera, lines of Torres Vedras, actions of Arroyo de Moliuo and Campo Mayor, battle of Albuhera, siege of Badajoz, battles of Vittoria. the Pyrenees (from 25th to 31st July, and 2nd Aug.), the Nivelle, the Nive (9th and 13th Dec), action of St. At Palais, battle of Orthes, action at Aire, and battle of Toulouse, besides numerous skirmishes. the battle of Albuhera, when in the command of a company of flankers, was struck down by a Polish Lancer, and taken prisoner, but made his escape in a charge of cavalry. He has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 64 Major Sheppard served at Walcheren in 1809, and in Canada from March 1814 to Dec. 1816, including the actions at Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, before Fort Erie, and the attack on — ; Snake Hill. 55 Major Richardson served in the Peninsula with the 11th from Aug. 1809 to Oct 1814, including the battle of Busaco, the subsequent retreat of the army to the lines before Lisbon, the advance and pursuit of the enemy when they broke up from Santarem, blockade of Almeida, and battle of Fuentes d'Onor. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Busaco. 57 Major Tatton served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1811 to the end of that war in 1814, and was present at the blockade oT Bayonne. 58 Ma.)or Jackson served in the Peninsula from Dec 1809 to 1814, and was severely wounded through the left breast and in both arms at the battle of Albuliera. Served subsequently in the American war. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 59 Major Robertson served with the expedition to Walcheren in 1809, and was present at the siege of Flushing. Also at the taking of the Kandian country, in Ceylon, under Sir Robert Brownrigg, 60 Major Rivers landed at Passages in Dec. 1813, and joined the light division in Feb. 1814; took charge of a division of the boats fitted out at Socoa for the passage of the Adour ; then joined the force for the siege of Bayonne. Embarked for America in 1814. 61 Major Wood served the Waterloo campaign with the 14tii Foot. 62 Major Buchan served the campaign of 1814 in Holland, including the reconnoitring of the Merxem, and bombardment of Antwerp. 63 Major Lowe served with the 16th Lancers at the siege of Bhurtpore in 1826-6, and was wounded. 64 Major Castieau served with the Royal Marine Battalion co-operating with the Troops of the Queen of Spain in 1836-38. 66 Major Warburton served the Nepaul campaigns of 1817 and 18, and subsequently in the Deccan, including the capture of the Forts of Rhyglmr and Asseerghur. 67 Major Lynch served at the siege of Flushing. At Malta and the Ionian Islands under Lord Wm. Bentinck. At Genoa and in the south of France in 1814. At the siege and capture of Bhurtpore, and was wounded at the assault 18th Jan. 1826. 68 Major Wright served in the American war. 69 Major Boyd was employed in the Peninsula and South of France from March 1812 to the end of that war in 1814, and was present at the siege and storming of Badajoz, siege of Burgos, battles of the Nivelle and Nive, passage of the Adour, where he was actively employed in laying down tlie luiilgp of lioals investment of Bayonne, affairs of Vic Biaorre and Tarl)cs, and battle of Toulou.so, jit wliicli la.'it lie was w<>uiiil<'d on the hi]! by a 12-|ioimd shot; and he was wounded position before Antwerp, action at ; Hill in tlie thigh at the storniing 106 Services of the Majors. of Badajoz. He has received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps. 70 Major Joseph Smith served with the 27th in Sicily when Murat threatened it with invasion ; nnd for nearly three years in the Peninsula, including the battle of Castalla, and the attack at the Col d'Ordal.' 71 Majdr M'Pherson served the campaign of 1813 in Holland, including the actions at Merxem and bombardment of Antwerp. We served with the 99th in operations against the Natives in New Zealanil, and was severely wounded. li Major Paseoe served in the Peninsula and France from Aug. 1809 to Feb. 1814, including the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle, and Nive, passage of the Bidassoa, and otlier operations; sieges of Badajoz (first siege), Forts of Salamanca, Burgos, and San Sebastian. Army of Occupation from 1815 to 1818. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 73 Major Spiller served at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing, and the attack and capture of Ter Vere. 74 Major Montagu served at the siege of Dantzic, in 1813; also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo and capture of Cambray. 75 Major Newnian served with the 14th at the siege and storming of Bhurtpore in 1825-6, Expedition to Walcheren and siege of Flushing; capture of the 76 Major O'Neill's services: Mahratta campaigns of 1817 and 18, including the capture of the Forts Singhur, Isle of France Wossoola, Poorunrier and Sholapore. 77 Major Cami)bell served tlie campaign of 1814, in the south of France, including the investment of Bayonne. Served also throughout the Burmese war. 78 Major Poyntz served in the Peninsula as a volunteer with the 30th, from February to November 1811, including the occnpati<m of the Lines at Torres Vedras, pursuit of Massena, actions of Sabngal, Almeida, and Barba del Puerco, and battle of Fuentes d'Ouor, for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 79 Major Fraser served in tlie Peninsula with the 53rd from Aug. 1811 to the eud of that war in 1814, including the siege and capture of the fortified convents at Salamanca, battle of Salamanca, siege of the castle of Bui-gos, battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, the Nivelle, and Toulouse. Severely wounded at Pampeluna on the 26th July 1813. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. 80 Major Codd served with the 48th, in the operations against the Rajah of Coorg in 1834. 81 Major Wilkinson served with the 13th throughout tlie Burmese war, including the landing at Cheduba, storming the Stockade, and capture of the Island afikir at Kumaroot, storming seven Stockades at Kumaroot, att^ick and capture of Syriam, actioj.s near Rangoon, ou the 1st, 5th, and 7tii Dec. 1824; storming of Kokien (wounded); expedition to Bassein, and capture of Nearais, Bassein, and Lamina actions at Sembike and Napadee, storming of ISIelloon, and battle of Pagahm Mew. He also served throughout the campaigns in Affghanistan from 1838 to 1842 inclusive, including the expedition to Girishk, storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal), storming of the Khoord Cabool Pass, afTair of Tczee.i, forcing the Jugdulluck Pass, reduction of the fort of Mamoo Khail, heroic defence of Jell^labad, and sorties on the 14th Nov. and 1st Dec. 1841, 11th March, 24th March, and 1st April, 1842 general artion and defeat of Akbar Khan before Jellalahad on the 7th April 1842 (Slcdal), in which action he commanded the centre column after the fall of Colonel Dennie. Commanded the 13tli in storming the heights of Jugdulluck, in the general action of Tczeen, and at the recapture of Cabool (Medal), for which he has received the Com- — ; ; ; ; panionship of the Bath. 82 Major Wade served thi-oughout the campaigns in Affghanistan from 1838 to 1842 inclusive, he was Adjutant of the 13th at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal), and Major of Brigade at the assault and capture of the town and torts of Tootumdiirrah, storm of Jhoolgliur, night attack at Baboo Koosh Ghur, destruction of Khardurrah, and assault of Perwandurrah. Present with the 13th at the storming of the Koord Cabool Pass (wounded), affair of Tczeen, forcing the Jugdulluck Pass, reduction of the fort of JMamoo Khan, heroic defence of Jellalabad and sorties on the 14th Nov. and 1st Dec. 1841, 11th March, 24th March, and 1st April, 1842 general action and defeat of .^kbar Khan before Jellalabad (Medal), storming the heights of Jugdulluck, general action of Tczeen, and recapture of Cabool (Medal). 82t Major Hamilton served in the China exped:tion in 1842 (Medal), and was present at the assault at the carap At Sagahon. 83 Major Greenwood served on ti e China expedition (Medal). 84 Major Ferdinand White served, as a Ca]itain, in the 40th, throughout the operations in Candahar and Affglianistan in 1841 and 42 (Medal), and also at the battle of Maharajpoie (Medal). 85 Major Bond served with the 53rd Regiment in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, and was present at the affair of Buddiwal, and in the actions of Aliwal and Sobraou (Medal and Clasp). 85t Major Campbell strvtd with the 39i,h 11 giontnt in the action of Maharajpore, 29ih Dec. 1843 (Meda"), fini) was wounded. 86 Major Kenny served in the Peninsula, from June 1813, to the end of the war, including the action at Osnia, l)attle of Vittoria, siege and capture of San Sebastian, passage of the Bidassoa St. Jean de Lnz, and the series of actions hetwien the 9th (severely wounded above the left hip) and 13th Dec. 1813 in front of the intrenched camp near Bayonne. Served also in Ava, and was He has received the War Medal and three present in most of tlie operations throughout the war. Clasps for Vittoria, San Sebastian, and Nivelle. 62nd with the in the operaii' ns in 1814 against the French in present 87 Major O'Grady was retreat from Leghorn, including the affairs of Savona and Sprzzia, forcing their positions on In the same year ho served in the American war, the heights oC Neroi, and capture of Genoa. and was present at the capture of Castine. He served with the48tb at the capture of Coorg in the Fji**! Indies in 1834 ; in command of the left wing of the Queen's Royals, during the campaign of — ; ; War 107 Servicrs of tlie jMnjarx. 1844-5, in the Southern Coucau and Sawaut Warree country, including the inrestment and capture of the Forts of Monohur and Munsuntosh ; and on particular service inthe Kaffir war (South of Africa) during part of 1846-7. 88 Major Hale served the Sutlcj campaign of 1845-6 with the 3rd Light Dragoons and was present at the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, and Sobraon (Medal and Clasps). 89 Major Tew served with the 50th in the battle of Punniar (Medal). Also the campaign of 1845-6 on the Sutlej (Medal and three Clasps) including the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Aliwal, and Sobraoii (dangerously wounded). 90 Major L'Estrange served the campaign of 1815 with the 71st Regiment, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. 91 Major Hind served with the 45th Regt. in the Kaffir War. 92 Major Pearson served at the siege of Bhurtpore, ar.d was a volunteer for the dismounted cavalry storming party. Reserved also in the action at Maharajpore, 29tli Dec. 1843 (Medal), and in the campaign on the Sutlej in 1846, including the battles of Buildiwal, Aliwal, and Sobraon at Aliwal he commanded the riglit wing of the IGth Lancers, and subsequently the : regt., as also at Sobraon. 93 Major Longworth joined the 40th early in 1842 at Candahar, and served with it iu Affghanistan, and was present in the engagements of the 30th August at Goaine, and 5th September before Ghuznee, the occupation and destruction of that fortress and of Cabool, and the various minor affairs in and between the Bolan and Khyber Passes Medal inscribed " Ghuznee and Cabool." He served also the campaign of the Sutlej in the 31st, and was present at the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Buddiwal, Aliwal, and S jbraon, throughout which last he commanded the Regiment, and had his horse shot under him, he was one of only five officers out of thirty who escaped being wounded in all the actions Medal and three Clasps. 94 Major Long served the campaign on the Sutlej (Medal and three Clasps), in the 50th, including the battles of Moodkee (wounded), Ferozeshah, Aliwal, and Sobraon. 95 Major Waugh served the Mahratta campaign with the 16tli Lancers, including the battle of Maharajpore (MeJal), 29th Dec. 1843; also as Assist.-Quartcr-Master-General to Sir Harry Smith during the campaign of the Sutlej (Medal and one Clasp), including the battles of Buddiwal, Aliwal, and Sobraon (wounded). 96 Major Beckham served the Peninsular campaigns of 1812, 13 and 14. 97 Major Percival Brown served with the 41st in the Burmese war in 1824 and 25. 98 Major Bender served in Canada from Dec. 1808, to Jan. 1815, and was present in the action of Maguaga, taking of Detroit, taking several Block-houses on the Miamie River, actions at the River Raisin and Miamie, storming of Sanduskey and Fort Niagara, engagement of 2nd Jan. 1814, actions at Black Rock and at Buffalo. He has received the War Medal and one Clasp for Fort Detroit. 98t Major Atkin served with the 2nd Light Infantry of the King's German Legion at Waloheren in 1809, and in the Peninsula from Dec. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814, including the attack on Gaarda Heights, battle of Albuhera, sieges of Olivenca, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, and forts at Salamanca, battle of Salamanca, capture of Madrid and the Retiro, siege of Burgos pnd covering the retreat from thence, when the two Light Infantry battalions of the German L"g'on repulsed a large body of French cavalry battle of Viitoria, action at Tolosa, siege of SiTi S bastian, actiun* in the Pyrenees, passige of the Bidassoa (wounded), baUles of Nivelle aiiri Nive, investment of Bayonne (wounded) and repulse of the sortie, besides various minor affairs. Present also at the capture of Paris in 1815. He has received the War Medal and six Clasps. 99 Major Mylius served with the 26th throughout the China expedition (Medal), and was present at the first capture of Chusan, the operations before Canton fi'oin the 24th to the 31st May 1841, at Woosung, Shanghae, Chin Kiang Foo, and Nanking. 99f Major Kelson served with the late 10.3rd in the American M-ar, and was present in the action of Lundy's Latie, at the storming of Fort Erie on the morning of the 15th Aug. 1814, and at the repulse of the sortie on the 9th September following. 100 Major Mackay served with the 21st Fusiliers the campaign of 1807 in Esypt. Made pris incr of war in an engagement w'.th the enemy in Calabria 16th June 1809, and detained as siicli until 14th May 1814. Pre>en-, at New Orleans, 8th Jan. 1815. 101 Major Creagh served in the Anglo-Spanish Legion, and was engaged on the heights of Arlaban in Alava, on the ICth, 17th, and 18th January 1836, besides several other affairs. He was also employed on a Particular Service in Canada at the outbreak of the Rebellion in 1837. lOOf Major Norman served in the Peninsular, and has received the War Medal with two Clasps fir the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees ; and he was aevtrtly wounded and taken prisoner in the Maya Pass. 102 Major Scott was at the destruction of two ships of the line in the Bay of Cette, 26th Oct. 1809 in action with the French fleet off Toulon, IQtli July, 1811 ; in the action at Navarino, 20th Oct. 1827. 103 Major Gray served throughout the Bu;'mese war, and was engaged in the attack on the enemy's entrenched position near Rangoon, storming the stockades at Kokein, Tantabain, Panlang, Denobiu Pagoda, capture of Denobiu, tlie entrenched position near Prome, Malown, and Pagahm Mew. Served also in Scinde and Beloochistan from 1839 to 1842. 104 Major Prior served in the Peninsula with the 11th Dragoons, and was present at the battle of Salamanca, and various outpost affairs. Served also the campaign of 1815; commanded the skirmishes of the 18th Hussars on the 17th June, and received the first fire of the French army on that day; present also at the battle of Waterloo and capture of Paris. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. : — : ; ; War Services of the Majors. 108 — 111 105 Major Tinlinff served with tlio 13tli at tlie cai)tiire of Rangoon, lltli May 1824. lOG Major Murray served in the Kandian war in Ceylon in 1817-18. 107 Major Bourcliier served in France with tlie army under the Duke of Wellington from 1815 to 1818; and in Canada during tlic insurrection in 1838 and 39, and was employed at Prescot, under Colonel Young, in organizing the Militia of that section of the Province. 108 Major Jolni Holton served the Mahratta campaigns of 1817 and 18, and was present at the siege of Rhyghur. 100 Major Lloyd served the campaign of 1815 and was present at the battle of Waterloo, taking of Cambray, and capture of Paris. Served one campaign latter part of 182G against tlie Rajaii of Kolapore. Also tlie campaign in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844 (including the storming of Punclla), and that in the Concan in 1845. 110 Major Barnes served at the capture of Fort Anjar in Cutch 25th Dee. 1815; the Mahratta campaigns of 1817-18; escalade of the Fort of Bhooj in Cutch, March 1819; siege of Ras-elKymali and Zyah in Arabia, Dec. 1810; escalade of Dwarka Ohamandel, Dec. 1820; action of Beni-Boo-Ally in Arabia, l\Iarch 1821. 111 Major Riley was in an engagement with a French squadron in the Mozambique channel 3rd July 1810 served the Nepaul campaign of 1814 and 15, 112 Major Fynmore, previously to entering tiie Royal ISlavines, served several years as midshipman in the navy, and wa« at the battle of Trafalgar and at Buenos Ayres in 1807. In 1809 and 10 he served in tlie Great Belt in command of a gun-boat employed in the protection of our convoys, and was engaged with the enemy's gun and row-boats. Ou the night of the 1st of Aug. 1810 cut out three mercliant vessels under a heavy fire of field-pieces and musketry. Six weeks detached from H. JI. vS. Vanguard the same year, to intercept the communication between the Port of Rostock and Wismar ; assisted at the capture of a convoy of five sail, and drove on shore and destroyed an armed row-boat. In 1816 he served at Algiers and in 1821, 22, and 23, in the West Indies, and was engaged with piratical vessels on the coast of Cuba, five of which were captured. 113 Major Johnston sfrved with tlie 49th throughout the whole of the operations in China, except the capture of Segoan, and was present at the attack and capture of Chusan (bolh operations), storm and capture of the heights above Canton, attack and capture of Amoy and Chinhae, occupation of Ninspo and repulse of the night attack, attack and capture of Segoan, Chapoo, Woosung, and Chin Kiang Foo, and demonstration before Nankin. 114 Major Deverell served the Dcccan campaigns of 1810, 17, and 18; in the Persian Gulf in 1819 and 20, including the rapture of the Arab fortresses of Ras-el-Khyma and Zyah ; and in the Burmese war, from Nov. 1825 until the peace in 182G, including the capture of Donabew, attacks on tlie height near Prome, of Maloon, and of several storkades. 115 IMajor M'Mahon served with tlie 9th Lancers in the campaign on the Sutlej in 1846, and was present at the battle of Sobraon (Medal). 110 Major George Francis White served the campaign on tlie Sutlej in 1845-6, with the 31st, including the battles of Moodkee and Ferozeshah, for which he has received the Medal and one Clasp. He was afterwards present at Buddiwal. 117 Major Seagram served with the 45th in the Kaffir war of 1847. 118 Mij ir Gardiner served with the 22nd Regiment throughout the operations in Siinde UT d'^r Sir Charles Napier, including the desfructidn of the Furt of Jmaumghur, and battles of Sleanee and H>derabid (Medal). 119 Major Roche served the campaign of 1838-9 with Lord Keane's armj in Beloochistan and Affgbanistan, as Aide-de-camp to Sir Joseph Thackwell, and at periods as AssistantAdjutant- General of Division and was present at the capture of Ghuznee (Medal) and in some skirmishes. He served with the 3rd Light Dragoons, in the force under Sir George Pollock (Medal), at the battle of the (vhyber Pass, at the relief of Jellalabad, in 1842 and as Q. M. Gen. of the Cjvalry Division of the Army of the Sutlej from 9th Jan. 1846 to the bre iking up of the Array, and was present at the battle of Sibraon (Medal). 120 Major Ward served with the 91st in the KafKr War of 1846-47. 121 Major Newhouse served in the Light Division of the Deccan Army in the jMahratta war of 1817 and 1818, as extra Aide-d(-(]amp to Sir Lionel Smith, and command* d a Rassela of the Poona Au.xiliary Cavalry, and was wounded at the action of the 31st Jan. 1818. Served al o in two (xpeditions to Cutch, the first in 1819 under Sir William Kier Grant, in which he volunteered wiih the Grenadier Compmy of the G5t;h in the storming of the Hill Fort of Bhooj, which was taken by escalade: in the second in 1820 with the right wing of the 65th, with the He served likewise on two expeditions force undfr Colonel the Honourable L'nc )ln Sranhope. to the Gulf of Persia -the first in 1819 under St W. K Grant, and the second in 1821, under Sir Liiiuel Smith; and he was present at the batde and taking of Poonah in 1817, for which he has a Medal, 122 Major Stokes served with the 38th Regt. throughout the Burmese War (Medal); and with the 39th Regl. in the battle of Mabarajpore (Medal ). 123 Major Prendergast served throughout the Burmese war, and was present at the taking of Prome, storming the enemy's works on the 1st, 2nd and 5th Dec. 1825, and 19th Jan. 1826, and ; ; : am A battle of ; Pagam Mew. w?is actively employed in Canada daring the Rebellion in 1837-8-9.- h« the Kaffir campaign in 1840. 125 Major Tudor served with the 38th Regt. throughout the Burmese war (Medal). 126 Major Watson served during the suppression of the Rebellion in the Kandian Provinces, Island of Cevlon, in 1848, and was present when the insurgents were defeated at Matole on the 29th July. 124 Major Howorth served also in 112 OFFICERS WITH LOCAL RANK. GENERALS. ^S. rjjff. John M'Inneg J. F. Salter, Combermere, OCB. 4- OCH. 29 Nov.20 Fra. ^ Wm. Sir Goram, KCB. Maynard 24 Sept. 50 rfo. ^ H. rise. Hardinge, 28 Si'pt. 1852. So long as he is in Command of Her Majesty's 2123 GCB. Army. LIEUT.-GENERALS. Count Wallmoden, KCB. Continent. 21 Jan. 13 ^aCt John, Lord Seaton, GCB. GCMG. GCH. 8 July, 36 Vjjper 4' Lower Canada. ^m.Hon. Sir Ed. Blakeney, GCB. 4- GCH. 26 Aug. 36 Ireland. Nov. 41 E.I. Sir Hopton Stratford Tlio. Boles, 23 KCB. Scott, do. do. ^G. -If nr^.ofI'weeddale, KT. CB. 15 Apr. 4"i, Madras Gomm, fl JiM Si.r W. M. KCB., 22 July, Mauritius. East Indies. 1846. 9 Nov. H.S.Osborne Sir Jas. L. Caldwell, GCB. G. Carpenter Sir Dav. Leighton, KCB. KCB. iSir Jas. Russell, Martin White Rich. Podinore Sir Rob. Houstoun, Jn. Greenstreet Geo. R. Kemp Sir Wm. Wm. Littler, OCB. Vincent de-Cainp to the Queen, 7 June 49 East Indies Christopher Godby, CB. 7 June 49 B. Indies Hodgson Thomas Hen. Paul, J. A. Richards, Nicliolas tinger, Bart. GCB. Governori^' Coniinan- Robert J. Latter Jerry F. Dyson Air John Dnv..;on, KCB. Alex. Fair, CB. Sir J. L. Liishington, GCB. Wni. C. Fraser rier - in - Chief Penny, di>. CB. do. 2 Aug. 1850. E<ist Indies. Patrick Grant, CB. Ai'iede-Camp to the Queen 22 Aug. 1851. St. Helena. Farquharson KiijMHon.SirH.Pot- KCB. Duncan Tho. Gore Browne, CB. at Madras R. Tickell, Hon. George Cathcart, 80 Jan. 52, Cajic of Good ^ aSa Sir H. G.W. Smith, Bt. GCIi. 3 Sept.47Co7Je o/' )9 Goorf Hope. «12a Wm. Canada Rowan, CP. 22 June 49 aa Wm. Madras )J Staveley, 26 Aug. 63 14 Mar. 51, Windivard Sir Richard Armstrong, C'i?.9May61, Eastlndies LIEUT.-COLONELS. H. Prt7ifcReuss 30 Dec. 13 Continent BissellHarvey, J. Thompson, CB. Bengal Infantry SirH. M.Lawrence, KCB. .irt. H. M. Graves Bengal A.Jack CB. J. T Int. do. Leslie, CB., 13 July 47 I. Co.-s Depot at E. H'ailcy KH. May 18 Continent J. F. Fulton, KH.2i Nov. 25 16 Continent J. F. E. Rt. Hon. S»- George Arth u r, Bart. KCH. 22 Dec. 37. De Burgh 12Jan.26 Continc7il MAJOR-GENERALS. Hawkshaw 15 June Continent Anth.S.King3Aug. do. Upper Canada. Hen. Roberts 50ct. do. liJ Sir Fra. Cockburn Aug. Meade 19 do. do. 1851. 11 Nov. Eastlndies. 10 Feb. 43, Bahamas Hon. J. Walpole B. Kcnnett l?aaa sir H. G. W. smith, 26 do. do. Rich. Whish Bart.GCB. 7Apr.46. Donald Mackay do. do. A. Andrews, CB. East Indies. Anth. Rumpler Jas. Alimuty ^ 32!l Henry Somerset, CB. 9 Nov. do. W. Sandwith, CB. KH. 16 May 51, IP Fletcher Wilkie MuBsem Boyd Cape of Good Hope. 30 do. do. Tfi 19 June 46. East Indies. W. gal 26 Aug. 53 aaa JamesJackson, KH. Cape of Good Hope Geo. Campbell, do. P. Innes, Bengal Inf. H. B. Smith, 1 May, Recruiting for E. I. Co. at Bristol CH CB. 9 Sir John Grey, KCB. 25 Oct. 50, East Indies ^ Wm. Wood, CB. KH. and Leeward Islands Inf. J. Angelo, Bengal Invalids C. Grant, Bei pal An. Hope. 13 do. W. H. Wake, Bengal David Birrell, Bengal Art. J.F.Bradford,CB.Beng.Cav. B. Y. Reilly, Bengal tng. G. S. Lawrenson, CB. Ben- CB. WX Win. Gilbert L. S. Bird, do. Duncan Sim T. Pohvhele, do. Geo.Henry MacKinnon, CB. J.H. Handscomb, do. 16 June 48 Kaff'raria R. J. H. Birch, CB. do. Foster Stalker, CB. AideP. Brind, CB. Bengal Art. Cullen SirJ.H. F. J. A. P. MacBTfegor Sir J. Prendersast Alex. Wm. David Capon, CB. Wm. Donald Robertson Ezekiel Barton H. T. Roberts, CB. John Munro Hawkshaw Spaifi Blackall Thomas King Thomas Morgan Duncan Macleod Thomas Marrett KCB. Asia W.WyIde,C£. lOFeb.37 S. . 14 Dec. 28 Continent L. A. Northey do. do. Jas. Ormsby 28 do. do. Hon. J. Browne do. do. 13 aai Sir Wm. Verner,£/. H. H. Rose, CB. 17 Nov. 40 28 Dec. Continent. Syria. J. R. Udney do. do. Sij-R.Hen.Cunliffe,,B<.CB. \3 a£l Geo. Macdonald, 24 Justin Shell, CB. Dec. 41 W.Coast ofAfrica 2 June, 37 Persia John Truscott T. Monteath Douglas, CB., Rich. Wilbraham do.do. John Woulfe A.D.C. to the Queen, 4 G.P.Cameron, CiJ. do. do. E. M. G. Showers Oct. 42 E. Indiis E. H. D. E. Napier, Jn. H. CoUette G.P, Wymer, CB., A.D.C. to 17 Nov. 40 Part.Serv. Patrick Cameron the Queen,2S Dec. E.Ind. T. W.O. M'Niven, do. do, John Carfrae Wm. Pattle, CB. A. B.C. to Francis Farrant, 11 Mar. 42 Rich. West theQticen 4July43 E.Ind. Persia, Geo. Jackson John Geo. Bonner, G.Huish, C5.23Dec.£./«d. S. Good fellow 10 Nov. 43 E.Iiid. F. Blundell,CB. do. do. Jas. S. Fraser •Edward Hay, 1 March, 44 J. Camiibell, CB. do. do. P. De la Motte, CB. East India Company's W. F. Williams 3 Mar. 43 T. Wilson, CB. Dep6t at Wurlcy. Turkey 4' Persia Geo. Swiney Sir H. M. Wheeler, KCB. A. T. Reid, CB. 4 July 43. Sir G. Pollock, GCB. A. D. C. to the Queen, E. Ind, A. Lindsay, CB. 3 Apr. 46 East Indies C. Waddington, CB. do. do. E. Frederick, CB. G. E. Gowan, CB. A. de C. M. Stack, CB. do. do, Geo. B. Brooks to the Queen, 19June46(/o W. Wyllie, CB. do. do, Peter Lodwick P. Montgomerie, CB. A. de W. J. Browne, CB. do. do, J. Morse C. to the Queen, do. do P. F. Story, CB. do. do. Sueton.H. Todd A. Woodburn, CB. do. do, Jolm Briggs do. do. Harry Thomson 9 Nov. 1846. East Indies. J.Outram, CB. J.G.Drummond, 30 Apr. 44 J. Kennedy, CB, James Stuart, CB. Hope Dick do. do. Benj. Roope Charles Ovaus Wm.Mactier,CB.do. do. C. W. Hamilton William Henry Hewitt Jos. Nash, CB. do. do. E. F. Waters, CB. J. Home do. do. G. Hunter, CB. G. Wm. Aylraer Lloyd, CB, J. Alexander J. T. Lane, CB. do. do. R. C. Andree Fran. Haleman G. M. Steuart Alex. TuUoch, CB. Mark Cubbon Arch. Brown Dyce Horatio T. Tapp Fred. Buckley 3 Apr. 46. Eastlndies. Tho. Shubrick J. Wheeler Cleveland Hugh SihbaId,CB. Ben. Inf. Wm. H. Kemm Rob. David Barr Welsh Jas. Raw. Chesney 27 Nov. 34 CB, East Indies TredwayClarke23Nov.41do. Durant ^ Hugh, VUc.Go\i%\\,GCB. Jas. Brook Bridges Parlby, CB, 3 March 43 E.Ind. Hen. Hodgson iZKi i COLONELS. CB. Patrick Byers H. G. A. Taylor, Arch. Watson 7 J. June 1849. East Ind. CB. Bengal C. Tudor, Infantry G. C. Ponsonby, II Bengal L. C. F. B. Corfield, 20 Bengal N. I. E. Green, CB. 21 Bombay N. I. G. Farquharson, 8 Bengal N. I. C. Blood, Bombay Art. CB. 3 Bombay J. D. Hallctt, N.l. J. Finnis, 51 Bengal N. I. Offictrs with W.R.Corfipld,31 Bpngal N.I. J. S. Leeson, Bombay Art. R. St. Joliii, 1 Bombay E. R. T. F. Tail, Ci?. 2 Bengal E.R. H. Garbett, Bengal Art. R. Horsl'oni, do. J. Christie, 3 Beiisal C. R. NapiPr, Bennal En«r. A. M. Becher, 01 Bengal N.I. J, Fonlyce, Bengal Art. J. F. FleinynK, SC> BengalN.I. H. T. Tuclver, CB. 8 do. F. Wheler, 11 Bengal L. C. \V. Scott, Bomb T Eng. I. S. Hodgson, 12 Ben-alX.I. Local Rank, Cha. H. Churchill 17 Nov.40 Geo. Bdxiiam Arbutlinot P. S. Wm. Reece Rob. Deimis White •L.C.A. Meyer, 23 Nov.41 Cav, Depot at Maidstone. John Piatt 4 Oct. 1842. East Indies. T.Seaton, CB. H. P. Burn Benj. Crispin David Carstairs .\rth. Jos. 113 John Jacob, CB. 10 Jan. 47 East Indies. George Balfour, 8 Oct. 47 Fred.ConyersCotton, Madras Eng.l 1 Uec.47. Eastlndief Herbert BenjaniinEdwardes, CB. Cole Spottiswoode Graham Bengal Array, 12 Sept. 48 Jas. Templeton Brett Mainwaring A. G. F. J.Younghiisband Rob. Campbell Geo. Hall MucGregor, CB. Geo. Nott AJfiihaiiistan. Chris. Simpson Maling Lahore E. R. Halkett Craigie, CB. Chas. Pooley Rob. Garrett 61 F. 23 Jas. AValker Bayley 7 June 1849. J. 23 Dec. 42, East Indies. W.Ander«on,C'jB. W. Riddell J. T. T. Pears, CB. R.C.Moore, CB. Cha. J. Lewes Geo. Rich. Talbot K. M'Causland, 70 Bengal N.I. L. Mowatt, Bengal Art. F. Covenlrv, 6 Bengal L. C. D. Cliester,"2;3 BeKgal N. I. I. Mackenzie, 8 Bengal L.C. 3. St. V. Lawrence, 11 do. R.W.Honner, 4 llombavX.I. 3. Williams, 8 Bengal N. I. J. Hobson, 1 Bombay E. F. 5. J. llant, Bombay 19 N.I. B. Tremenheere, Bengal Engineers jr. Richmond C. Sliakcspear, Bengal .\itiliery S()- 2 Ang. 50. East Indies. B. Bellasis, 9 16 Aug. 50. I. a. C. Rawlinson, CB. 7 March 51. Aridiscombc. 'Fred. Abbott, CB. East Iiuliex. 11 .Nov. 1851. L. H. Sn. ilh, 6 Bengal Cav. W. Coghlan, Bombay Art. Aiistriitlier,C'-B.Mad.Art. V.J.Hadfiel'i,37 Madras N.I. P. Hands, 2 Madras E.R Pinson, 46 Madras N. I. Jenkins, 47 Bengal N. I. \V. i. F. F. Bird, 22 Madras N. 1. M. C. Smytb, 3 Ben. Cav. 13 May 53. East Indies.' John Pitt Kennedy, li. p. 42 F. r. 5. I.D.G.Tulloch, 29 July 53 North America. i Dec. 1853. East Iiuiies. Jo^e|dl Turton, Bengal Art. I. Welsliman, 10 Bengal N. I. 1 Madras Fus. tames (jeo. Neill, do. r. C. Boulderson, 35 Bengal N. 1. iugh Eraser, CB. Bengal Eng. 3. C. .\rmstrong, 47 Bengal N. I. lenry Cotton, 67 do. Jhus. S. Reid, Bengal Art. fl'ni.HilI, MAJORS. 3m«st, Baron Schmiedern, KH. J.Tito Brice 9 Nov. i. Lutyens do. J.H.Garthwaitedo. fho. Pipon 16 do. Abbey do. do. D. Fellowes Hames 80 Nov. 14 D. A'. Phipps do. '. ^ii. pJ.Rainey do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ^do. 'do. i\'.D.Sp()oner28do. rVm. Tliomson, 28 Dec. 26 Continent i\'ro.W.S\vaine30do. do. 'ra. B. Eliot F. Evans 4 July 43. East Indies. W. T. Whltlie, CB. J. Jackson, CB. A. Tucker, CB. W. B. G. Blenkins, CB. 30 April 44. East Indies. Henry Clayton John Hayne John Watkins Wm. Beaumont John Cooper Edmond^tone Landers Wm. Carleston Ormsby J. Alex. Corse Scott David Kavidson Tho. John Nuthall Arth. Knyvett J. Hen. Bowden Congdon S. Fraser Hannah John Shepherd R. Cautley Philip Harris T. G. E. Becruiting for the E. I. Co. at Cork. George Hutt, CB. 2 Jan. 44 East Ind. Robert Henderson, CB. 25 Jan. 45. do. Josliua Tait, Gammell Kenny CB. do. do. do. do. ohnLaughten2Jiine Persia id. Pat. Lynch, do. do. Alex. Macleod Alex. B. Le Mesurier (ha. BrooKe Morton Rich. Angelo Edw. J. Dickey W'm. Fergusson Beatson Willoughby Trevelyan U m. Mayne, 23 Sept. 45 do. John Back George Hall Mac Gregor, J. Skarden Ramsay CB. 11 Nov. 45 E. Indies Edwin Hen. Atkinson James Benwell 3 Apr. 46. East Indies, R. Houghton, Bengal Inf. J. L. Taylor, Bengal Inf. W. B. Thomson, Beng. Inf. J. R. Pond, Bengal Inf. Patrick Hay, do. Henry Palmer, do. David Pott, do. G. H. Swinley, Bengal Art. A. Macdougall, Bengal Inf. East Indies. Turton, Bengal Art. 19 June, 46. J. F. B. Boileau, do. Colin Troup, Bengal Inf. A. L. Campbell, Beng. Cav. M. E. Loftie, Bengal Inf. W. E. Baker, Bengal Eng. R. Waller, Bengal Art. Cha. O'Brien, Bengal Inf. W. S.Pillans, Bengal Art. T. L. Harrington, Ben. Cav. D. Seaton, Bengal Inf. 2 Oct. 1846. East Indies. W. F. Grant de 20 Sept. Continent >a. Sankey 10 Aug. 26 Continent Jha.Irvine 21Sept. do. lenry Light 26 do. do. lobert I). 9 Nov. 1846. East Indies Thos. Pasley Hay Henry Te in pier Wm. Rawlins Rich. Rodney Ricketts Wm. Brett Cha. Lucas Hen. W'illoughby Trevelyan Fred. Wm. Birch Robert M'Nair S, Turnbull, J. Ramsav, J Coghill Glendwr Ottley John Byng Wm. Pitt .Macdonald Maclean Gilbert Jas. Richardson .\rch. Neil Jos. Cosfield AKrcd Borradaile John Read Brown Geo. Munro Arthur Rob. Codrington W. H icks, Bombay T. Art. Bengal N. I. J. Abercrombie, Bengal Art. R. W. Bombay Art. Bombay £. P. D.'Leith, do. John Blaxlund John Hill A.Cunningham, Bengal Eng. Cha. Woodfall J. Nicholson, 27 Bengal N.I. E. Wiggins, 52 Bengal N. I. Francis Dudgeon Gus. Cowper Rochfort John Gordon Hubert Marshall John Wm. Hicks Hamlvn Lavicourt Harris John Liddell Cha. Moray Macleane Wm. Scott Adams Rob. Nich. Faunce Henry Drummond Somerset James Grove George Le Grand Jacob John Grant Farquharson J. Chicheley John Swanson Stiles. 1 Bombay E. F. H. H. Lloyd, 72 Bengal N.I. Bengal Art. A. Wheatiey, 5 Bengal L.C. F. K. Duncan, Bengal Art. J. Lang, 36 Bengal N. I. J.J. Hamilton. 36 Beng. N.I. J. W. H. Jamieson, 52 do. T. Moore, 8 Bengal L. C. C. Campbell, 42 Bengal N.I. E. H. Hart, 19 Bombay N.I. P. H. Skinner, 9 do. E. P. Master, Bengal Art. R. A. Master, 7 Bengal L.C. J. Ramsay, 35 Bengal N. I. F. Lloyd, 19 do G. Cautley, 8 Bengal L. C. T. Tapp, 1 Bombay E. F. J. G. Glas-furd, Bengal Eng. W. P. Bobbins, 15 Bengal N. I. R. R. Kinleside, Bengal Art. J. Clarke, 25 Bengal N. I. Geo. Biddulph, 43 do. H. M. Durand, Bengal Eng. Wm. Abercrombie, do. J. D. Macpherson, 22 Bengal N. I. W. M. Gabbett, Madras Art. E. G. Austin, Bengal Art. M. Mackenzie, Bengal Art. J. R. Western, Bengal Eng. W. K. Warner, Bengal Art. G. P. Whish, 60 Bengal N. I. M. Dawes, Bengal Art. Charles Hogge, do. M. E.Shern il;,12BengalE.R. J. F. Nerabhard, 56 John Liptrap Geo. Wright Geo. Turnbull Marshall H. J. Abbott, Robert Garstin David Archer Mich. John Rowlandson William Halpin Hon. H. Burrard Dalzell Jas. Stevens 49. East Ind. Biilstrode Bygrave John Cha. Hawes Geo. Sidney Wilkinson Hen. Bovver Sam. Ancliinleck Grant Clia. Jas. Green J. Tho. Smith J. Gwennap Hume March New Zealand Bombay N.I. F. R. Evans Hen. Aug. Hornsby Ottoman Geo. Thomson, CB. 2 Aug. Rich. Hall Dominions, ?. J. territories Harvey Terrick Combe, Bengal Army, do. do. Wm. Henry Kenny, h. p. E. Anstruther Philip Goldney Plowden George Moyle Sherer Fred. Lewis Nicolay Alex. Rob. Rose Edw. Darvall Wra. Hen. Atkinson Rob. Long Shawe Wm. Binfield Werayss James Pope Hugh Aug. Boscawen Peter Abbott Rich. Drought Wra. Russell Donald Mackay Scobie 7 June 1849. In the Punjaub. E. J. Lake, Bengal Eng. R. G. Taylor, 1 1 Bengal L.C. C. Herbert, 18 Bengal N. I. 14 June 1849. East Indies. Geo. Malcolm, 1 Bombay N. I. N. B. Chamberlain, 16 Bengal N. I. 2 March 1850. East Indies. Herbert Benj. EdwardeSjC'S. 1 Bengal E. R. 17 April 1850. East Indies. H. J. Stannus, 5 Bengal L.C. 20 May 50. East Ind. Wm. Grant Prendergast, 8 Bengal Cav. 2 Aug. 1850. East Indies. W. C. Campbell, 30 Bengal N.I. Charles Cheape, 51 do. W. E. Mulcaster, 64 do. O. Cavmagh, 32 Ben. N. I. Ill Aug. 60, E. Indies. J. Roxburgh, 24 Sept. 50. Becruiting for E. I. Co. at Nen-ry J.S. Paton, 14 Bengal N.I. I 114 Local Rank. Officers with East Indie*. K. Young, 50 Bengal N. I. 9 Feb. 51 11 Nov. 1851. Eastlndies. A. R. J. Swinton, 32 do. R. Farquhar, 6 Bombay N.I. J. Powell, 28 do. do. F- KnvTett, 64 Bengal N.I. T. F. Blois, W.W.bunlop, 50 Mad. N.I. J. Hunt, 22 Bengal N. I. C. Macleod, 42 Madras N. I. J. Fulton, 5 do. N. S. Nesbilt, 22 Bpnjal N.I. A. G.Young, 43 Madras N. I. C. A. Stewart, 16 Bomb. N.I. H. J. McGeorge, 7 Ben. N.I. G. S. Brown, 27 Bomb. N.I. J. Wdcox, 4 do. D.Ross, 51 Bengal X. I. H. W. Matthews, 43 Bengal L. I. E. Du Pre Townshend, 9 do. D. Graham, 28 Bombay N.I. W. J. B. Knyvett, 38 do. Henry Lyell, 43 do. B. S. Sullivan, 4 Madras Cav. W. T. Boddiini, 2 Mad. Cav. Ponsonby Sliaw, 34 Madras . U J. Forbes, 2 Madras E. L. I. C. F. Liardet, 14 Madras N.I. 6. Gordon, 48 Madras N. I. W. H. N. I. H. B. Blogg, 7 Madras Cav. C. Prior, 64 Bengal N.I. W. W. .ipperley, 4 Bengal N. Cav. W. Cantis, 15 Madras N. I. E. Vibart, 2 Bengal Cav. C. Cooper, 23 Bengal N. I. J. H. Blanchard, 63 do. Budd, 31 do. J. Alexander, 8 Madras Cav. N. D. Barton, 6 Bengal Cav. P. T. French, 23 Bomb. N. I. E. Skipper, 7 Bombay N. I. G. N. Prior, 21 do. John Bates, 40 Mad. N. I. T. i)alypll, 42 Bengal L.I. C. Birdwood, 3 Bombav N.I. E. V. P. HoUoway, 42 do. Stuart Bayly, 26 do. R. Chitty, 40 Bengal N. I. F. Burgoyne, Madras Art. J. Whistler, 6 Madras Cav. TV. S. Menteath, 69 Ben. N.I. G. W. Y. Simpson, do. R. Shonreed, 2 Bombay Eu. W. J. JIartin, 9 Ben. N. I. G. W. Hamilton 34 do. L.I. J. H.'lland,28 Bombav N.I. J. De W. C.J. Moir, 28 do. S. R. Bagshawe, 7 Bengal N.I. W. C. Birch, 5 do. M. Hyslop,.')9 do. G. Pope, 22 Bombav N. I. H. W. Burt, 46 Bengal N.I. X. Barker, 1 Mad. Fus. T.G. Fraser, 29 Bombav \.I. T. Back. 2 .Madras N. I. C. Boulton, 47 Bengal'N. I. J.J. Losh, 9 Madras N. I. H. S. Watkin, 15 Bom. N. I. W. Anderson, 59 do. S. F. Mackenzie,2 Mad. Cav. T. Lavie, Madras Art. T. M'Goun, 6 Madias N. I. C. Yates 46 N. I. W. Jervis, 42 Bengal N. I. J. W. Rickards, 21 do. J. S. Du Vernet, 2 Madras E. Baker, 32 Madras N. I. E. A. Guerin, 2 Bom. E. L. I. Eur. L. I. S. A. Lyon-, 34 Bengal N. I. E. Sunderland, Ben. Inval. G. C. T. Sloekley, "Bombay G. Brig2S, Madras Art. N. I. F. R. Bazeley, Bengal Art. H. Vetch, ,54 Bengal N. I. H. S. Waters, 3 Madras Cav. 0. Baseley, 51 Bengal N. I. J. H. Hampton, 50 do. J. H. Wakefield, 17 do. H. Kirke, 12 do. H. Pritehard, 8 Madras N. I. H. D. Maitland, 72 Bengal N.I. H. Partridge, 18 Bombay S. N. I. A. De Butts, Madras Eng. F. Gaitskell, Bengal Art. H. Aston, 10 do. S. Landon, 16 do. A. Park, 29 Bengal N. I. J. Maitland, do. M. Watts, do. A. J. Begbie, Mad. Vets. R. Ramsay, 10 Bengal N. I. F. Vf. Burroughs, 17 do. C. Apthorp, 41 do. J. Graham, 5 do. W.E.Andrews, 73 Ben. N. I. T. Jackson, 10 Bom. N.I. G. Timins, 34 Ben. N. I. S. Parr, 23 Bombay N. L. I. H. A. Shuckburgh, 40 Ben. N. I. W. H. Nicholetts,28 do. H. D. Sheppard, 19 Madras N.I. R. H. Warden, 5 Bom. N. I. F. C. Marsden, 29 Ben. N. I. f A. C. Dewar,37 Bengal N.I. C. Brown, 18 do. W. Coates, 6 Mad. N. I. G. P. Ricketts, 1 Ben. Cav. T. M. E. Moorhouse, 35 Ben. N. I. J. F. Porter, 1 Mad. Cav. T. T. Christie, 17 Bom. N.I. A. A. Drummond, 11 do. H. C. Morse, S do. H. Green, 18 Madras N. I. R. Gill, 44 do. W. C. Onslow, 44 do. W. E. Lockhart, 45 do. De Renzie J. Brett, 31 do. J. H. Colbeck,4do. C.T.Chamberlaine,28Ben. N.I. 2 May, Eastlnd. C. J. Benher, 5 Ben. Cav. 29 Oct. do. 4 March 1853. Eiist Ind. C. V. Cox, Beng.^1 Art. Alex. Robertson, do. Peter Christie, do. Henry Alan Olpperts, do. 17 June 53. Ionian Islands. Constantine Read, h. p. Staff Corps. 9 Dec. 1853. W. A. J. N.I. S. C. Briggs, 31 do. G. Forster, 49 do. C. W. Hodson, 16 do. W.H. Rickards, 14 Ben. N.I. C. J. Richardson, 57 do. K. Phibbs,41 do. F. A. Williamson, 63 do. D. Nisbett, Bengal Invalids. J. Holmes, 12 Bombay N. I. W. Ward, Madras Art. J. S. East Ind. Mayhew, G. C. Reynaud, 8 Bengal Madras 1 Fus. Grant Allan, 3 Madras N. I. Alex. R. Dallas, 1 do. W. F. Nuthall, 18 Bengal N. I. Albert Fytche, 70 do. H. Marsh, 3 Benual Cav. Officers of the late St. W. J. Morris, 9 Bom. N. I. Helena Regt. who have A.F.Macpher£on,43Ben.L.I. local rank at St. Helena J. M. Drake, 46 Ben. N. I. and Eastward of the Cape W. C. Slather, 1 Bom. Gren. of Good Hope. N.I. G.P. Thomas, 64 Ben. N. I. Brigadier-General. E. P. Brvant, 68 Ben. N. I. Charles Dallas ..14 Feb. 28 D. Wilkie, 4 do. Lieitt.- Colonel. A. H. Duncan, 43 Ben. L.I. G. F. C. Fitzgerald, Ben. Art. C. R. G. Uodson 12 Aug. 19 W. P. Meares, 42 Ben. L. I. Captains. C. Seton Guthrie, Ben. En. T. M. Hunter 21 Apr. 28 C. P. Wilder, 6 Mad. Cav. G A. DenTaaffe 22 Apr. 23 J. Kilner, Bombay En. D. Mc Mahon 29 .ipr. 29 W.K.Babington,17Mad.N.I. A. .i. Vounge 5 May 30 G. Larkins, Bensal Art. W. O. Kennedy.. 26 Jan. 33 G. iMurray, 8 Ben. Cav. W. K. Doveton ..27 Jan. 33 G. A.TuUorh, 33 Mad. N. I. W. Mason Oct. 83 T. Quin, 4 Ben. Cav. Lietitcnants, R. B.W. Ellis, 23 Ben. N.l. I W. L. P. D. Eld, 9 do. Arrow, 15 Mad. N. C. Pattenson, 4 Ben. N. J. R. I. I. E. Lawford, Madras En. W. Kirkman Loyd, do. T. Martin, 20 Bengal N. I. J. H. Kennedy, 47 Mad. N.I. E. Marriott, 57 Bengal N.I. R. G. Taylor, 2 Ben. Cav. 16 Dec. 1852. E. Kayne, Bengal Art. 2 Jan. East Indies. S. A.Abbott, 51 Bengal N.I. 26 March do. Melliss....l4 Apr. 26 Aug. 26 May 27 Sep. 27 Apr. 29 Apr. 31 J. Johnson ..29 F. .Armstrong 21 . P. Sampson.. 13 S. T. Bond .. 9 R. C. Mason.. I B. Knipe 26 S. Reed B..Alexander Nov. 31 2 Aug. 32 31 Jan. 33 Ensigns. Greene 17 Sep. 29 H.Marriott 17 Sep. 29 G. S. Chadwick..20 Dec. 32 F. N. C. Pritehard ....20 Deo. 82 F. M. Baker 16 Mar. 33 at the attack and capture of t'oorg (East Indies) in 1834. took theJir St gun captured that day. lOili. capture of Madrid. including tlie retreat to the Lines of Toires Vtdras in 1810. pursuit of Massena. Sabugal. 11th and 13th Dec. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. and Toulouse . Bodij Guard. where he had Ihe honor ol firing the first shot. Rediiiha. 1852. occupation of them.115 YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. and subsequently in the Peninsula.p. Vise. pursued the enemy lo Pampeluna. h. and secured seven prisoners. George Houlton served in the Peninsula with the 48rd Light Infantry. and 13th Dec.^ late a Captain in the Rifle Brigade. •etreatfrom Salamanca. Leg broken at the storming of Badajoz. was present at the battles of Moodkee and 'erozeshah (wounded). and afterwards with the Army of Occupation in France. storming the fortified heights of Bera. action of Sabugal.* late a Lieut.chalar. Redinha. he there with two Riflemen. 1S44 commanded two companies as an escort to the Political Agent. siege ind storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. the Waterloo Medal. baltle of Vittoria.—3. Unatt. Her Maje. 5 Captain Wardlaw served during the Suilej campaign of 1845-46. and served to the end of the war.on actions at San MunosandSan Milan. late a Cajjtain in the 23rd John Wardlaw. Nive(9ih. THE IN Y'EAR 1485. lllh. ^ 51© Sir John Kincaid. actions on the heights of San Christoval and at Castrejon.h Dec. the retreat on he following day. and battle of Viltoria skirmishing in advance. 1813.sti/'ii (INSTITUTED BY HENRY Captain. Castrejon. Clerk of the Cheque and Adjutant.. aclions of Pombal.-Col. carrying the heights of F. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. under the walls of nhich their last gun was taken battles of the Pyrenees. : [Continualion of Notes to Gentlemen-at-Arms. Served with General De la Motle's Field Force in iov. Lietit. and battle of Toulouse. 1813).H. and Dec. pursuit of Massena. action at Tarbes. and the fortified pass of Bera defer.—}^ ^gj John FitzMaurice. Cnsal Nova. in the Bengal Army. and capture of P-ris at Waterloo his horse was wounded in five places and tilled under him. and San Jliliin baltUs of Fuentes d'Onor. Received the Hanoverian Order. —^ Sir George Houlton. and likewise a Local Corps. and retired from it as a Captain in 1831. Subsequently in the Peninsula. and was present at the battle o< obraon (Medal). together with those near Bayonne on the lOlh. battle of Waterloo. together with those near i'lf Echalar.ht divis.-Colonel FiizMaurice joined the KiSe Brigade in the Peninsula as a volunteer. besides nume•ous minor affairs.ded an orchard in front of Arcangues for a whole day with one subdivision . 140 Yeomen. Served in the storming of the Lines of New Orleans. 12ih. 43rd Foot. 30 Dec. svliich ended in the capture of their last gun by the Rifle Brigade: battles of the Pyrenees. in which he was acting Brigade-Major to the 1st Brigade of the Iii. Richard Phibbs/ late a Captain in the i^th Foot. and has received a Medal and Clasp. Ensign. Fusiliers.^ K. h. — Sir George Philip Lee. Lieutenant. Thomas Parker Rickford. and three days' severe skirmishing in following the enemy to Pampeluna. Served also the campaign of 1815. led the advanced guard at the battle of Quatre Bras. Pyrenees. siege and stoimiug ol Ciudad Rodrigo. Viltoria (severely wounded). and siege and storming of Badajoz. Pombal. actions at Santarem. San Christoval. and severely wounded in the thigh at Quatre Bras.) Sydney. Exons. besides numerous minor aflairs. 2 Lieut. and battle of Toulouse. Foz d'Arouce. . 10th. and taking of the outwork of that place. in 1811. . He served also the campaign of 1815. including the afl'iir at the Mill at Freixadas. 1 Sir . 12th. and was present at the battle of Quatre Bras. . Has received ihe Silver War JJedal with ten Clasps. Foz d'Arouce (wounded). Casal Nova. 1813 the brilliant action with Soult's rear-guard at Tarbes. ith the expedition to . uring the campaign in the Southern Mahratta country at that period. He has received the Silver War Medal with nine Clasps. sieges and assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. VII. and Sabugal. Salamanca. battle of Salamanca. was one of the leaders of the storming party of the light division siege and stormiig of Badajoz.p. 11th. 4 Captain Phibbs was present with the 48th Regt.' Capt. . and Malacca and Singapore in 1834 and 35. and the Silver War Medal with eightClasps. action at San Milan. storming the heights battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. actions near Fuente Guinaldo and Aldea de Poute. — . — .. R. San JIunos. and 13. through the whole of the retreat to Corunna under Sir John Moore in 1808. including the retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras in 1810. He served on the Walcheren expedition in 1809. Fort Rejnard. Served also in the Walcheren expedition in 1809. 7 Captain Hobson served with the 10th Foot in the Sutlej Campaign in 1846. Bayonne on the 9ih. 3 Sir John Kincaid joined the Rifle Brigade in 1809. Kivelle. Sliranda de Corvo.'] 6 Captain Kenworthy served with the Field Force in the Docab (Southern Mahratta country) in 1827 and 28. 48 {C'aj)tain. 41 Henry Shephard Smyth John Lewis Lamotte William Henry Taylor p25 Oct. on the expedition to Java in 18II and having been sent in advance with the Chief Engineer to fix on the point of landing. On the landing of tlie Army he was engaged in the aftUirs of Wellevrieden and Samarang. 5 Captain M'Coy was present at the operations against the rebel natives of the Southern district of New Zealand. and.Ha. having been placed on full pay in H. and 13th Dec. In 1818 he served in the Deccan war. Vincent Bastion). Hobson7 [late Capt. 38 George Winchester p 30 Apr. and while so engaged was severely wounded. battles of the Nive on the 9tli. also the campaign ol 1814 in Holland. he was appointed to a company in tlie 17th Portuguese Regt with which he seived in the Liglit Division of the Peninular Army until the conclusion of the war having been present at the battles of Vittoria. and at tlie siege and assault of the fortified position of Cornelia. 11th. 51 (Brevet-Major. He served afterWar Medal with eight received the CKasps. late of Bengal Arm)/. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. Macdonald served in Canada in a Militia Regt. 53 p 22 June 49 Duncombe Pyrke Edward Goodwin p 28 May 53 p 16 Oct.— THE HONOURABLE CORPS OF GENTLEMEN AT ARMS.DomvilefZrt^e Capt. Cox and Co. David James Harmar. and «as appointed to the Corps of Engineers on the Madras Establishment. Having been employed in reconnoitring the coast of the Isle of France previous to the arrival of the expedition. battle of Toulouse. The Body Guard of the Sovereign on all Puhlic and State (ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1509.? 24 Feb.23F. 51 Wm. Henry Brabazon Conner . — — % ^M — East India Company's Service. 50 p 4 Mar. 46 P 6 Apr.) 8 Dec. occupation of the lines of Torres Vedras. 1813).) (late Captaiii 1st Br.) William Alexander Tinkler GregoryGrantFooteMacdonald'' p 3 Nov.p.) and Brevet Lieut. 87th Regt. bombardment of Antwerp. Sir Samuel Auchmuty.p 14 Nov. battle of Salamanca. M.p 1 Jan. 1852. capture of Madrid.-Colonel. p 6 Sept. 50 p20 Oct. On the actfons at Tarbes and Arcangues. p.\m\ton(lateCapt. in 1809. Orthes. ships Barracouta and Lcda. and in the Royal Navy (on the lakes) during the Rebellion of 1837-38. William Topham p 18 Mar. . 47 Thomas Robert M'Coy^ ^ S8a P. Suh-Ufficers.. In 1813. p 31 Jan. Service.-Major) p 20 Nov. he proceeded (late Major G^rd Regt. and in all the affairs in which the Light Division was engaged. 50 John Banks {Late of 27th Begt.. he returned on furlough to England. p 6 May 52. Facing Blue. {lute Capt. Fincli Cotton . and 2Gth and G3rd Regts. battle of Salamanca. 50 Thomas Howard {Late Brcv.p 17 Feb. 65th Regt. 48 S. In June 1811 he joined the Light Division in the Peninsula.W. Nive. at foot of preceding page. In 1803 he served in the campaign against the Mahrattas. After serving 22 years in India with the 30th and 18th Dragoons. Lawrence. Lord Foley. action at Wanganui on the IQtIi July 1847. 4 . he was engaged in a serious affair on the coast in the boats of H. Nivelle.)P22 Oct. 48.. he led tlie advance of the Army until the surrender of tliat Island. 50 Geo. Henry Mulock Holmes . For his services on the above occasion he was nominated Extra Aide-de-Camp to the Commander-in-Chief. h. 48. his health failed when fn command of the left wing of the 63rd. having been appointed to the charge of the Guides. 53 p 16 Nov. he was instrumental in discovering the spot where the descent was made.)Pl2 Jan. in the Horokiwi Valley. 53 H. and was engaged in the battles of Assaye and Argaum. he was present at the attack on the American Lines before New Orleans. 44 James Fielder Peto )| John Henry Cooke^ Adolphus Geo. 48. 46 VVm. and was present at the siege and storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. Gentlemen at Arms. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps also the India War Medal. battle of the Nivelle. and capture of Paris throughout all the above mentioned sieges he acted as an Assistant Engineer.. various minor actions when in pursuit of Massena. 44 Charles James Cox p 14 May 51 p 13 May 45 Markland Barnnrd Peter Ralph Shield Edward Sutherland h. At the siege of San Sebastian he volunteered as an Engineer. . Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. Lt. 53 Francis Vanderlure Mills P 12 Mar. 60 p 23 June 42 Francis Watts (late Captain 87th Regt. in a very unhealthy climate.. and retired by the sale of his commissions.M.UthL.) 26 Feb. and on the 23rd June 1843 he was brought on full pay of the 51 st Regt. 52 p 6 Nov.) p 25 Feb.. having attained the rank of Captain in the corps of Madras Engineers.and in 18-20 he was attached to the Nizam's Troops at the capture of a Predatory Force. ? 12 Feb. Messrs. St. Josepli Skipp Lloyd. 8th Jan. Harbinger. battle of Waterloo. actions of San Munoz and San Milan. Standard Bearer. being then on half-pay as a Lieutenant in H. I occasions. . 52 Francis John Helyar p 16 Mar.) p 30 Jan. 1 Major Blakiston having passed through the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich in 1802. M. Shortly afterwards.. 43 ^ John Blakiston' p 20 Nov.g the 3 Lt. 48 F. 2 Major Cooke served with the 43rd at Walcheren. in 1816 was placed on half-pay. {Capt. 12th. siege of Burgos (severely wounded through the left shoulder in the storm of the first line of the castle. For his services on tliis occasion he was promoted to a company in the 27th Regt. 53 Charles Tyler Adjutant. Samuel Wilson. assault on Bergen-opZoom. 52 Wm. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. Percy Nevill^ T. and that of 1815 in the Netherlands: he was present at the defence of Cadiz. and at the sieges and assaults of Ahmednuggur and Gawilglmr. 49 William Julius Marshall Stapleton Charles Cotton PI2 Feb. Unattached. besides various affairs of less importance. 30 Dec.-Colonel Nevill served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Battalion of the 30th.2nd F. siege of San Sebastian. 1846. Gds.) Captain. 18 May. : . and Toulouse. At the suppression of the mutiny at Vellore in 1805 he directed the guns by which the gate was blown open. He served afterwards in the Royal Navy in the East Indies and China. Also present in the [Remaining Note. and was present at the capture of Asseerghur. also the Indian War Medal. 31.—^ Major Cooke. WatUin Rice {late Capt. 30 Sir James Laurence Cotter. 4th Oct.) p24 May 52 Edward Wilson Keuworthy^ Marjoribanks Hughes .-Col.. 50 2 Oct. Nevill. 24 June. and took part in tiie bombardment and attack on Navy Island in the St. In 1810 he acted as Chief Engineer at the capture of the Island of Bourbon. battle of Vittoria(wounded). Occupation wards with the Army durii. He has in France. siege and storm of Badajoz (severely wounded in the head and leg when leading the ladder party in the Escalade of the St. late of Madras Army. — | . Wm. 38 Edward Hay ward ^Esculapius Field p 24 Aug. p 6 Jan. actions of Castrejon and San Christoval. at the assault). 47 Richard Edward Davies p 5 May 52 p 1 Apr. Scarlet.) George Kitson P26 Apr. and of Badajoz (wounded to India as a Cadet in the . actions in the Pyrenees. 10th. 1815. including tlie skirmish on the 6th Aug. the attack on the heights of Vera. Lieutenant.p21 Jan. iOth F).) p 9 June 62 Richard George Grange p 30 June 48 {Captain. 4 Mr. from July 1810 to May 1813. Agents. KH. p. R. Bt . Wheeler. Wood. Gowan. CB. Madras Art.. Nicholas Penny. Marquis of Donegal. Inspecting Field Officer. Monteath Douglas. Bombay Infantry. in Chief. Edmund F. Unattached Geo... h. James Priaulx.. Sir George Cathcart.. Engineers. Half-pay Unattached. Bengal Infantry. KH.. Frederick Markham. Carmarthen Militia. Half-pay Unattached.. Christopher Godby. Foster Stalker. CB. B. R. manry Cavalry. CB. Captain The Earl of March. KCB.CiJ. Bengal CavBlry. KH. CB. Henry Lockwood. D.. Half-pay Unattached. John Le Couteur. KCB. CB.Hugh M. Mountain. CB. Bengal InJ. CB. CB. Bengal Infantry. Unatt. Guernsey Jiilitia. Marines Thomas Wearing. KH.. R. Wood. Unattached.. Coldst. KH. T. Thomas Dynelev. H. Pennefather. KG.. Michael White. Charles Menzies. Bengal Artillery. Henrv John Wm. CB.p. 117 STAFF AT HEAD QUARTERS. 73 F. h. L. o/ Richmond. CB. Morris. CB. Colonel William Bush. Bengal Inf. Sussex Mil. Ernest £arZ o/Mount Edgcumbe. CB. Ben.29 F. Geo. Inf. 5/?. Patrick Grant. CB..VnaU. KCB. Adjutant-General. Colonel of the 57th Regiment. 7 th Fusiliers. Gough. G.-Colonel R. GCB. Thos. Lieut. John Scott. Jersey Militia. Gds. Bengal Inf. Royal East Middlesex Militia. CB.. Half-pay Unattached. KCB. p. 5 aa Colonel' Sir Jas. A ides-de. Colonel Sir John Cheape. Military Secretary. Kennedy Clark Kennedy. 6'2 F. R.5o F. tioltnes Schoedde. Captain The Duke o/" Beaufort.p.3 Drs. CB.Duke of Cornwall's Rangers. J. Lieut.h.p.Camp Colonel Xorrf Charles Wellesley. Baker. CB. Assistant Quarter-Masters General. 7th Hussars. R. 97th Foot. Thos. York Hnssar Yeo- Alexander Pat. CB. Half-pay Unattached.p. Commander ^ 21SS General Viscount Hardinge.. 9 Lancers.Wilts Yeomanry Cavalry Cha. Quarter-Master General. William Pattle. 513i Lieut. Deputy Adjutant-General. Unattached Peter EdraonstoneCraigie. Antrim Militia. KCB. Horatio George Broke. Colonel Arthur Wellesley Torrens. 62 F. Edw. CB. JJUJ 5 aa JUJ aa- Colonel Hon. Captain Arthur John Pack. l •- John B. Sir Colin Camnbell. Cfi. A. CB.-Colonel William Sullivan. and Superintendent of the Recruiting Department.-Colonel John Enoch.R. Bengal En".. Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. Half-pay Unattached.3-2 F.. Peter Wymer. 3 Drs. Bentinck. CB. CB. Ashburnhani.C-B. AVilliam Eyre. $ AIDES-DE-CAMP TO THE QUEEN.. 31SE Major-General Hon. Colonel Richard Airey. T. Marines Lord Dynevor. Honoritry Aidc-de-Cnmp. Montgomerie. h. John Oldfleld. Major-General George Augustus Wetherall. h. Artillery. Thomas Reod.3 Drs.. Earl de Grey. 28 F. h. S.. CB. Assistant Adjutant-General. ^ Major-General James Freeth. KH. E. . 37 32 25 1st Regiment of Life Guards.118 Full Pay. 25 Sept. Cajyt. William Walker. 32 P 29 April 36 24 Nov. 50 19 Aug. February.. 26. j. Fitzhard. Lee-Jortin. PENINSULA"— "WATERLOO. Lieut. 1803. Surgeon. Half Pay. James M'Douall. Lieut. 50 22 Nov. Brevet-Major. 2d Regiment of Life Guards.] 1 Lord Londonderry lias received a cross and one clasp for Sahagun and Benevente. 45 P P P I' P P P P 22 April 36 9 Nov. Lt.. M. — — Scarlet — FacingsBlwe. 15 Oct. 47 25 Nov. F. Col. p 15 July 28 . 53 Cornets and SubLieutenants. Henry John Lloyd Wynne E. 10 April 47. Major. 95 . Fuentes d'Onor. MD. GCH.4 g'cn^^. 1 1 Nov. .— . Cornet. Sf Lieut.-Col. 31 26 Nov. 23. 23 May. 28 June 38. 1799. 27 P 22 Mar. 2nd Life Guards. Cornet. CAPTAIN. 51 . Fermor Ambrose Congreve . P 30 Dec. « Colonel. 43. Lieut. 18. Ogilvy. 49 45 P23 May 51 48 29 Dec.\'i. 25. and Badajoz. July. 25 July. Cox & Co.-Col. I I ^ 60 34 Charles Wm.. Pay.-Col. Earl of Longford Charles J. Bt 2 . Lieut. Lieut. Tho. Ge/J. adj Edw. Howard Vyse Thos. 31 July. 11 Oct. 30 P 17 April 35 9 Mar. 51 48 P 6 July 52 49 P 22 Apr. . Ffolliott Wingfield P 12 May John G. 51 8 May May 28 14 Apr. Messrs. Thomas Tardrew. ^2 Oct. Brevet-Major. 41 Major . 51 9 July 52 13 May 53 18 Nov. S.Tottenham Henry Savile Lumley Fountaine Hogge . Colonel. 21 June Peter Sherwen. 30 Oct. Veterinary-Surgeon. Assist. AND SUB-LIEUT. 39. 14.. 1794 . Busaco. 40. 10.' KG. G. Hon. p 19 Feb. P P P P P P P P 27 Dec. p 19 Oct. -Colonel. C. p 23 July 25. 45. 40 42 48 49 53 53 23 Nov. and was severely wounded in the head by a musket-ball in Holland. Townsend Stephens P 25 Apr. 52. 27 April. 53 45 49 P P 24 Sept. George M'CuUoch.. R. Lieut.John Evans Freke E. P30 Dec.. 28 June Joseph Awty. Berkeley — — ' ' ' ' 14 June 50 17 Sept.-Surg. H. BREVETMAJOR... 25 Nov. Mountjoy Francis Martyn Geo. GCB.c. Quarter-Master. John Wilkinson. p 21 June 20. S. p 10 April. Hon. 4 June. 23 June. Full 36 119 Lieut. 39 43 P 22 July 44 29 June 48 47 P30 Nov. CoZ. B. H. -Colonel and Colonel. — . 97. Talavcra. Captains. Major §. H anbury Hon. 37 11 Nov. 1 Jan. J.M. 46 1 Sept. 45 .. 6 June 45. {^Returned from France. 12 Nov. 21 June. 1 June 22 Apr. 44. 51 Hon. 23 Nov. 10 Jan. 53 Adjutant. 10th Oct. 41 Lieutenants. . 1816. Henry Win. 94 . 94 Ccqit. 46 9 May 43 P 14 Feb.-Col. Major and Lieut. Assist. Major-Gen. Capt. 35 P 24 Mar. COR. Henry Charles Lane . Ensign.-Gen. . Peter Sherwen. Carter Hamilton P 22 Jan. 37 9 July 3G P 9 May 40 28 April 37 P 28 May 42 28 May 42 P 13 Feb.Lieut. Lewis Duncan Williams. -Surgeon. Marquis of Londonderry. 37 . Claude Bowes Lyon P 30 June P 1 June Robert O'Brien Jameson Henry Dalton Wittit Lyon P 18 April P23 Lumley Augustus Savill Nov. 120 I Ye ars' Serv. 61 . J . 55 Full Half Pay.Head Quarters. Years' Serv. Fav."] at Dublin. 21 10 9 . 2nd {The Years' Queen^s) Regiment of Dragoon Guards. [ Head Quarters I^DuWhif . " . 123 TALAVERA"— " ALBUHERA" — " VITTORIA" — " PENINSULA."atLongfJrd!*''] " Years ^r^ ( The Pnuce of Wales's) Regt. of Dragoon Guards. ^b Jan. 30 June P 18 July 2 Oct. LIEUT. 93 . 93. May. attack on Canton. 62 John Arthur Brajige . in the Meducrranean and capture of Minorca in 1798. Major. 53..Masterson Robertson Robert John Henry . Lt.— ChiWcy Pine.and in the East Indies in 1818.—John Biggs. 51 George Manners Morgan P12 July 50 P 30 April 52 Robert Gunter P16 May 51 p 25 June 52 Christopher M'Donnel P12 Mar. H." " Colonel. 4 June 14 Maj. He acted as senior Midical Officer in the campaigns in New ZeiUaiul. Col. Ens. 26 34. 53 . i'3 Dec. 36. Cornet. with the motto " QuisSeparabitV PENINSULA.. Captains. 49. Shanghai 'Ooosung. 53 Pa%jmaster. destruction of the 'VVaikadi Pah. 1813. Quarter-Master. i> 19 Dec. 16 Sept. 48. 60 P P P P P P 11 Mar. 53 George Alex. Capt. 43 Asslst. 49 P 30 April 8 Oct. p3 Oct. Messrs. 25 Dec. Deane P 17 Dec. Pll Mar. Andrew Lawrie.] 1 Lieut..-Col. 25 Nov. 47 P 29 Jan.r\e\— Facings Blvie. 47 P 25 June 18 July 61 P 17 June BREVETMAJOR.-Gen. at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. 28 Lieut. Adjutant. PATRICK. -Colonel. Edward Cooper Hodge. 41 . attack on Heki's Pah. 2 Aug. 39. . P P 7 Feb. . licini April 1845 to May 184G.. 47 48 51 62 62 53 Thos.. William Bruce Armstrong. IReturnedfrom Portugal. 4 Sept. John Tiiompson. 26 Nov.. 3 Aug. . Cane and Sons. p2 Sept. p 3 July 28 . 124 4^Zt On {Royal Irish) Regiment of Dragoon Guards. and capture of Kawiti's Pah at liuapekapeka. Coriiet. 28. storming of JCawiti's Pah at Ohiawai. 48. 37 .-Surg. Cornet Daniel Peploe Webb. Col. 16 Sept. Veterinary Surgeon.-Col. 1 May 06. 18 William Charles Forrest. Chapoo. and the the Standards and Appointments the Star of St. P17 June 63 Henry Eldon G.' Ens. Francis Rowland Forster Thomas Jones Michael M'Creagh CAPTAIN. 45. Major. Lieut. 50 P31 Oct. Capt. James Rainsford. R. . Wilkinson P 17 Aug. Irish Agents. Player Brigstocke P16 Feb. 47 G. Half Lieut. .^ 5 Dec.. 52 P 11 Oct. 42 P 19 May 43 19 Mar. — — — . P 7 Sept. 47 18 May 46 15 Feb. Muttlebury P25 Nov.-Gen. 52 Hon. 3 Oct. Lieut.f3 Oct.. 93 Lieut.Surgeon. P14 Mav 52 Bathurst Edw. P P Jonn JNiacDonncil Webb P A rth. Major'' 29 April 02 Llexit. 4th Dragoon Guards. 17 Oct. Miller Clarke. 40 23 July 41 26 July 44 2 Apr. attack and eapture of Tscke. 19 July 21 . attack and capture of Amoy. 48. Pay. P 13 May 53 Edward Rowe Fisher . Lieut. Surgeon. 25 March 53. (medal) and was present at thefirst capture ofChusan. 62 P 17 June 63 Charles Fleetwood Shawe P 13 Mar. — S>cd.C.-Gcneiiil Pigot was actively employed in the West Indies in 1794 during the Maroon war. Daniel Peploe Webb. 3Iajor. 41 . Bankes P 18 Oct. Cornets.. 21 Dec. Assist. repulse of the night attack on Ningpo.M 30 July 44 p 29 Jan. FitzMaur. 10 Jan.. 3 Surgeon Pine served with the 26th on the China expedition. Esq.. 33. 61 . and was present at the destruction of Poinare's Pah. adj.— Agent. Capt. and Chin Kiang Foo. 61 Richard Pigot. 48. M. [^a?Dim"X" HARP and CROWN. Lieutenants. 125 The motto " Vestigia nulla retrorsiun. PENINSULA."'BaiJnc^Sl 5th(The Princess Charlotte of Wales's) Reg." ." — " SALAMANCA" — " VITTORIA"— " TOULOUSE"—" Years' Serv. of Dr. Gds. . 29 22 3 Pay fHead Quarters L at Ipswich.l 69 Full Half Pay. Years' Serv.126 Qth Regiment of Dragoon Guards (^Carabineers). 127 . Tears' Serv. 5 "] 1th ( The Princess RoyaVs) Regt.Head Quarters at cawr. Pay. 45 Full Half Pay. of Dragoon Guards. . 22 19 18 Pay.—" [at^NewbiYdge PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO. the standards an Eagle. Regiment of Dragoons.128 1^^ (^RoyaT) On 60 FuU Half Pay. "1 J 2nd {Royal North British) Regt. of Dragoons. 129 .Head Quarters Nottingham. Years' Serv. ^ Cornet. Q Nov. 98 . 1842"— "MOODKEE" " FEROZESHAH"— " SOBRAON"— " PUNJAUB"— " CHILLIANWALLAH"— " GOOJERAT. Lieut. 10 Jan. Major-Ge?i. iif.08. 46. Colonel. 04 .2 OJ OJ g c c m -o "^ cs 2> c* ^ S E ° i G. i»/«>r.-Colonel. CoZ. Brvt. 13 Oct.ll . of Lt. Lieut. p 14 May. 3rd Drs.—m\c\\a. p 12 Dec.. *|Si a-o S c c ^ . 7 June. : 3 OJ > S N = P O "£/ Po •-a . 39 . 21 Aug. g 3 S ^. 1800. Brevet Lt. Col. \7ithin tlie ( J%e King^s Own') Regt. il/ry. KCB. 27 May. 1 June.^ Ensign.g- p^^ ^7^ -a « " g 0.S oi ^ t^ oj <5H r^ g «o '*- <! •*-• . 4 Jan.fi\ White. Yerbury. Col. with the Motto. 3 Apr. ii^. Dragoons.-Maj.—'^ Lord Charles Somerset Manners.-CoZ.99. 05 Capt. 46. 1 Aug. . CB. 38 . <U to 3 = •" a s —c o =* 5 "^ = o S"o lis O"* en . 7 Nov. 25 .!^. p 13 Dec 39 .2 "g °° '° tL. 26. 8 Nov.-Col..2 :S £ 60 a. 15 ." = "= S § ^ " 3 "° '5?5 c "" Years' Serv. <1> " <s .2 « 3 . Maj. 1 July 37 .-Col. p 15 Aug. p5 July 33.-Gen. [* Garter on the 2nd and 3rd Standards. 28 June. 2 2 jj* •«J3 _ w •- c 3. Lt.' "SALAMANCA"— "VITTORIA"— "TOULOUSE"— "PENINSULA"— "CABOOL. 7 Feb. Lieut.g 00 rt a 3 •. 17 . 39. Capt. Ca. " Neo aspera terrent.—John Wm. 49.130 Srd The White Horse. o S ^^ 5 b. Lt. Major.= S 2 o 00 i: . 37 .> Cornet._ c " " ""33^0 eg ~- S «S « O „ 3 2 M* (U ll'^itl l! c-a 3 a "S " a> o c ^ .GNov.S fc£) ir. Zt. Major-Gen. 27 May. Paget. . 10 Jan. A May. Lieut. Col. of Light Dragoons. 30 May. 34. 40 . Cornet. P 15 March 50. Col. 18 Dec. Ca^j^. 9 Nov. P25 July. Major. Jffyor. Adjutant. P 25 Oct.—l^^m sir George Scovell.n Aug. 35 . 5 April. 41 . Cornet &c Sub-Lt. 46. VI Dec. 04. p 30 Jan. Conte^. Col. p 23 Jan. 20 June. 98. 37. 4th Light Dragoons.Gen. 6 July 37 . 10 March. p 17 Aug.' KCB.- 4^/i ( The Queen's Own) Regt. Lieut. iiewif. 25. 131 'Talavera" "Albuhera" "Salamanca" " Vittoria" '-'Toulouse" "Peninsula" " Affghanistan" " Ghuznee.— John Thomas Douglas Halkett. 47. 11Lieut. 12. —Lord George Augustus Fred. 42 Maj. 98. Lieut. 00.-Col. Capt. P 29 Dec. Lieut. -Colonel." Years °clt*!?bu!r] Colonel. 37. Capt. . ilf«/or. 46. The Castle of Inniskilling " Years' Serv." Head [ at Quarters. WATERLOO. York. .132 Gih (^InnisMlUng) Regiment of Dragoons. 133 PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO.Surg. 46. 47. . and in Portugal.. 49 p 16 Sept. -Colo7iel. 55 \^ William Tuyli. Spain. 25 .W."• Blue. Stand.-Col.— . — James George Philips. 99 Lieut. 41. Surgeon. 38. p31 Oct. William Dascon Bushe P 16 April 41 Thomas Pedder^ 2 July Sir Vfm. Full Pay. and in the action of the 19th July . Lieut. 22 Oct. Lieut. 2 Capt. 10 Mar.Fiennes P22 Nov. following. Assist. Francis W. 61 {p ^o?j. Adj. Peddcr served with the 58th in New Zealand. 45 P 9 Oct. 27 May. and was slightly C+ wounded .-Gen.e enemy on the settlement and stockades of Wanganui 19th . P 2 Feb. 37. 51 p26 July 53 Joseph Trenerry. in 1799. Paymaster. 3 Oct. Cox & Co. |P Ip 2 3 9 22 Cornets.. P21 Oct. Charles Hagart. 47. 94. p 26 May 37 Sept. Ens. — 3129 John Evans Parry 12 Oct.M. p Sept. 47 46 Pl4 June 50 46 p 19 July 60 47 P 8 June 52 45 P26 July 53 Lieutenants. Duke q/' Beaufort. Dec. and was present at the aitack. 28 April. Cor. Pll Nov. 41 P 7 July William Babington . 06. 25 Aug. 48. July 47 13 June 50 Dec. in tlie Netherlands Helder. 16 Feb. Col. 37 Lt. Cornet. P 2 July 41 P27 Feb. 61 James Aytoun Oct. 28 Aug. Major. and repulse of tl. — Robert Wilson. 46 p 26 Dee. p 16 May 45 CAPTAIN. 47 43 P 13 Aug. s. v\Q 37. 44 P 19 June Lydston Newman P27 Feb. 9 Nov. 46. Charles Ci-aufurd Fraser. 47 p 14 June 50 Feb..DeV. Captains. . P17 Aug. — Archibald Alexander. Lt. of Lt. Musgrave Dyne Briscoe Charles William Paulet 16 21 Pll Robert Hale William Henry Seymour p 9 'p Wm. Cornet. 4G. Veterinary Surgeon. . Joseph Trenerry. 1th 1 {The Queen's Own) Regt. 5 David Philip Brown. Agents. . 46 P16 Apr. 01. 22 Lieut. Russell. 17 Major. 50 p 8 June 52 Wm. p9 Dec. Lleut. Tuyll served during part of the campaigns of 1793. Dragoons (Hussars). and 95. P12 Aug. and Wulcheren. in IBOS and 9. 10 Jan. Bart. 18 July. 7th Hussars. 51 Nov. Messrs. 7 Major. 35. 45. campaign of 1815 with the 7th Hussars. p 31 Oct. . J >. . 51. 4 Quartcr-XInster Parry served the in the hand at the battle of Waterloo.May 1847. Head QuartersT afpieKhy. Cupt. 20 Nov. Lieut. Major.] at tl. Major Gen. Half Pay.-Col.' KCH.D. James M'CauI Hagart. 5'iV . 47 p 31 Oct. 53 p — Edward George Cubitt.. II . CarrStandish 19 Aug. 51 Frederick Coates jp 17 Jan.e 1 Sir Wm. [Returned from Canada Dec. 46 P17 Apr. F. p 15 June 32. . 3 Sept. 61. 53 Wentworth Gore JPIS Oct. Quarter-Master. Cctpl. Colonel. 31 Adjutant. " Years' Serv. April. 13 June. 1842. Assistant-Siirgeon.J. Col. R. 04. — Lieut. Sir William has received the War Medal witli one clasp for Sahagun and Senevenle. Garforth |p 22 Dec. Cant. 44. 61 June 52 July 62 Aug. . Hen. p 1 BKEVETMAJOH. 34.T. as Aide-de-camp to the |ireteril Marquis of Anglesey.. 20 Feb. M. 47. 44 .'' Sir John Brown. and again in the same capacity in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9 . " hfi £ . George Anderson. g^ c 3 Lt.-Col.2 ti'5 < -s C I I ' Lieut. Lieutenants. J2 « 5. and has received the Bronze Star. 3Iajor. 29 Nov. Lieut. d •° . 27 24 " 5 ^^-o a r. 12 June 35.^ ^ " " ~ ~ V? O 2 ^U~ ( . French. 12 Nov. 34 P . and battles of Chillianwallali and Goojerat Medal and clasps). 11 . 1823. Cornet. and received five wounds in aclion with the enemy on the 18th Feb. R." " HINDOOSTAN.] expedition to Soutli America under General Wliitelock John Brown served on the on that to Por1 Sir "S g lugal under the Duke of AVellington..f g-^ . 51 Feb. 14 March. and Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). Lieid.-Adjt. 30 Lieut. Frederick George Shewell.S c _ _ s c =." Harp and Crown. George Chetwode c II I'k I« 'I o — . 50 P 23 May 51 P 27 June 51 P Cornets. Cornet. Rodolph de Salis. and Corunna. Edward Seager.ti S nuggur 22nd Nov. King. Henry Somers. Cox & Co. the cam> o paign on the Sutlej in 1846. 51 P . 23 Nov. . 5 IVears' Serv. 41. ) Tji^HS •5 " Pr'utince virtutls memores. 46 Daniel Hugh Clutterbuck P 22 Dec. Blue. 33 38 . James Landers. Volunteered with the squadron detached under Brigadier Cureton ^ in advance of the army. iord Killeen. Sir John has received the War Medal with three clasps. Messrs. Lieut. Served as Asst. 27 . served in the Punjaub campaign of o -a £ Medal and clasps). and battle of Chillianwallah he was also present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and clasps. 22 July. 16 Feb. FitzGibbon P 15 Mar. CC 24 Comet Mills served with the 9th I^ancers in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. 09 . Dragoons. and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal and clasps). 10 Mar. 1848 T3 and at the subsequent battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal and clasps). '" Chenab at Ramnuggur. 29 June 43 . Edward «4. " "2 & ^ 23 Dr.. Francis served with the 16th Lancers at the actions of Buadiual and Aliwal. 16 Dec. and o c 'he battles of Sadoolapore. '^ C QO IS Phillips Clement Walker Heneage Robert Poore Riversdale Richard Glyn George Gooch Clowes William Mussenden . 30 . Hawtrey. o c = S The King's Eoyai Insh) Regt of Lt. 19 July. o etreat to Corunna.P 17 Sept. including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. Major-Gen. ^ - £ ^ ^ : ~ ( Si 111 o ^ . P12 May 43 P 12 Apr. vn Dec.-Gen. and was present at the taking of Ghuznec (Medal).—'iienTj Duberly. 96.ilry Division with the army of Gwalior under Lord Cough in 1843-44. He served with the 9th Lancers at Sobraon (niedal) in 1846 and he commanded the regiment during the greater part of the campaign in the Punjaub in 184^-9. S S 2 26 Apr. Lieut. 52 p 11 Mar. 1811.-maj. and King.. ig|Sigi „ — " LESWARREE" — Charles Joseph LongmoreP 30 May 34 P17 Aug. including the battle of Sobraon (niedal) . He was afterwards attached to the Portuguese army. 41 P23 P 30 Mar.^ s. in the Eusofzye country under Licut. — — '" Pll July 51 19 Aug.5 o i? were present at the battle of Sobraon (medal).. — — — ^ . Jeplison served with the 61st the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. 39 P19 Henry Francis Cust. for Roleia. J. p 28 Aug.-Col. 51 6 Apr. 43 P 23 May 48 P 22 Feb. 47 June 51 Dec. 21 . 13 July. captain. and was present at the assault and capture of Ghuzncc (medal). French. He was also attached for five months to a c division of the Spanish army in Estramadura under General Mendizabel.C o I Chenab at Ramnuggur. Grant served in China (Medal) as Etigade-Major to Loid Saltoun. and battle of Corunna. Bradshaw. Veterinary Surgeon. 5 Oct. ° 2 Captain Cust was present at the battle of Maharajpore. which was accomplished. and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat S c o . Adjiltant. 37 . 17 July 40 P 22 July 45 P 4 James Sadler iVa^lor C5 a* i! '5 S s C ^ oorS". and -". including the Passage of the Chenab. Major. the passage of the Chenab with the force under Sir Joseph Thackwell at Wuzzerabad 1st Dec. Col. 41 P 8 May 40 Fra. to the t! Cav. 5 c S He served also in medical charge of part ti *' « 'c 3 of ''"^ CO"' "'"' filst legts. Major. 39.s. Major. Quarter-Master. 17 May. 5 Dec. 43.P « ^ 5 o. \^Retur7jed from the East Indies. 5^ [ Colonel.2 I 111134] Sth 5 dI If s-s ( {Hussars.-Gen. 41 . and secure possession of the citadel of Cabul in August 1839. 1848-9. was present at the cavalry action at Ram. including the passage of the Chenab at Ramnuggur. Visct. Cornet. 33 P17 Sept. including the passage of the S. 14 Captain Anson and Lieut. and at the landing before Nankin. served with the 9th Lancers in the battle of Punniar (medal) . to seize the enemy's guns. 40 P 26 George Locliwood . Lt. ^<^ "' 25 Capt. A gents. G.-Surg. >J *. Hamilton. 46 Hon. ~^ John Moore's eipedition to Spain. .p28 Sept. 6 Sept. ~ 15 Lt. Aug. Capt. 47 JE'ms. and Head. 95.i KCH. and was prcsentat the battle of Maharajpoie (medal) . . 43. Edward Simpson Grey. 15 April 42. 45. 27 May. p28 June.. 38 P23 Arth. p 11 July 37 P 28 Aug. 46 Feb. and was present at the attack and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. and was present at the passage of the Chenab. Cole? served w ith the 4th Light Dragoons in the campaign under Lord Keane in Scinde and Affghanistan in 1838-9. Surgeon.-Col.^ -S" = 8 Captain Steele served in the 98th with the expedition to the North of China in 1842 (Medal).^ eluding the passage of the Chenab . under Lord Keane in 1839 and 40. 45. 1 June. Also the Punjaub campaign o' 18489. Edmund Macnagliten P27 Oct. Joseph Reilly. includins the afi'airs with the French cavalry at Saliagun and Benevente. Capt. He served also the Punjaub campaign of 1848 9. Lieut. Captains. 17 Oct.. 50 5r ?c -o " g: 5 « ? I ^ ^ •§ 3 it! =•§ c eS "S Capt.it Ramnuggur. Vimiera.Jas. May. adj. p23 Aug. -Colonel. and battles of Chillianwallah and to r P ^ "" Goojerat (Medal and clasps).. Liexit. and in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9.C. P19 Feb.M. 39 P 5 Mar. 97 . 4 April.l 69 = Full Pav. 53 27 Mar. 31 P28 Apr. — S lulf Pay. in. 8th Hussars. and was present in the battle of Sobraon 1^ l^'edal). p Capt.) cs 6 Major Little. Hawtrey. S. M. 44 p 27 Edward Tomkinson . and subsequently on Sir c= " "i o P ] . Assist. Assistant-Surgeon. Lieuts. 44 Jan. Calthorpe P 23 May 48 J... 47.-Col. Edward Seager. 24 April.. and as aide-de-camp to Sir Joseph § g P Thackwell at Sobraon (medal and one clasp). 53 P 10 June 63 Pay7naster. n O £ § = S^ ^" . Lts. Appointed Major of Brigade with the army of reserve in 1842 and 43. served in the campaign on the Sutlej in 1846. and at the landing before Nankin. Col. c c I ^ .D. Humbley. and was present at the assault and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. p19 Feb. H.. 39. brev. including the passage oflhe >> ^ e (3 -i •£ "5. Chillianwallah. 38 P31 Dec. i_^ j: 7 Major Pratt served with the 16th Lancers in the campaign in Affghanistan. " Comet. and one battalion of infantry: this column was destined to secure the subjugation of Upper Scinde.-J. 45 troops upon every occasion during the siege. iitoirfe. 5 April 50. 45 P 14 April 46 Chai'din Piiilip Johnson . 26 . 19 Major-Gen. 42 P 23 June 43 P 15 Dec. Cornet. 43 (medal) at Sobraon (medal) in 184(5. W. at the takine of tlie Jloria Castle. William Warner Allen. P 16 Dec. 48 P 15 Mar. 39 Pl4 Mar. 50.0 and capture of Ghuznee (Medal). 20 Aug. as Brigadier. 14 Dec. George Samuel Collyer. iif. 50 P12 Apr. In the action a( Maharajpore (medal) -^^^ '^"^ "*43 he com- a Brigade of Cavalry. Col. Mrijor.. Grant P16 Sept. 48 P12 May 48 3 Apr. Captains.-Col. James Wallace Slei^li. Humbley« 27 Mar. • • — c ^^ • ." 5y Colonel. P28 June.. 40 P 23 Jan. ofLt. 47 19 April 50 P . Alexander Hawtrey" . and 2d and Gth Oct. Lt. 19. 26. 52 ofCabool. 41 17 Mar. and battles of Chillianwallah ami Goojerat (Medal and clasps). Fra. p 31 Aug 32. Archibald Little. John Scott. 33 P28 Feb. 14. 46|valry of the Bombay division of the 17 Mar. Richard Chas. including the passage "ol "the Chenab at Ramnuggur. pI6Auk. Esq. 45 pointed to the command of the ca28 Apr.7Sep. {Lancers. he commanded a detached column."'2Jul. 9th ( 77ie Queoi's Roycit) Regt. and at the re-capture Pl3 Feb.28.?."— " GOOJERAT. and commanded the Cavalry division at the siege of Bhurtpore in 18''5i:(f" He has received the War Medal with one clasp for Salamanca. 7. Heut. John Rose Holden Rose' P 19 July 31 Pll Jan. as also at the battle of Sobraon (Medal). and in the campaign of 1848-9 in the Punjaub. and in the Punjaub campaign of 1SI8-9.S. 39. 42 paigns of 1838 and 39. Capt. Wm. 24 and 25. 12 Au"-. 26 Assistant-Surgeons.Master. Paymaster. In ISllT he ae companicd his regiment to India. . he accompanied the 23 Oct.] " [umbauah' PENINSULA. 5 Apr. 16. These officers were also present with the 9th Lancers in the action at Punniar 29lli Dec.JoyntGordoiiGrant. 42.WedderburnArbuthnot Jolin George Willis . 38 Wm. 30. 46! James Hope Grant. ITDS). William Hamilton. William Holmes Jephson. Henry Andrew Sarel ^^ . 38 P18 Aug. and was jireseii Lenanto in }k'>b He served with the «th Lancers in the campaign of 18-18-1) in the Punjiiuli. 2 Oct. John Head* John Henry King ^' . near Gwalior. 22 Apr. — — ' — — — ''^«s ^ 2i^S 1 General Sleigh served in Flanders in 1705. Will- shire. 43 Josias RogersJohn Coles^' P 2 Sept. . 31 Aug. Trowel with the IGth Lancers during the campaign in Aft'ghanistan under Lord Keane. Hanson Ratcliff. and batUts of Chillianwallah and Goo. 1832 and. He was also at SobraP Alfred Stowell Jones. 44 P 2 July 47 P 29 Oct. May was present with 42 the French army under Marshal Gerard. Charles Powys'* Edward James Pratt'' 14 Feb.'* 29 April. by permission ol P 31 May 44 the Marshal. C 2 . Cornet. 05 . Lt. 9 July 52 n (medal) in 1846.. Cornet. the army. Well. 23. . Blue Facings Scarlet. 47 AB'ghanistan. 53 POQ > -. Cracroft Gordon of Punniar..." PUNJAUb"*"* — "CHILLIANWALLAH. Lieut. 35 8 Dec.— Rob.. 35."-.4'"' Adjutant. in Scindecamand P31 Dec. Rose . towards the close of whicli the command of the 4th Brigade devolved on him.in 1812 (medal).. During the latter part of 1839. Geo. directed against Khelat. including the passage of the Chenab at Ramnuggur.r "" """ Tlc^n ^a manded i/tC.^. . . Lieut. including the passage of the Cbenab at Henry Lavington Payne P 9 July 52 Ramnuggur. Lieut. Courtney Trower^ Thomas John Francis '*. izew^. at the siege of Antwerp.. Quarter. Richard John Gedaliah Hurford. 15 Dec. served in that rank during the 19 Nov. 95 . 19 June. Commanded the llth Diuo^oons at Waterloo. 47 P 19 Oct.-Lt. 47 army of the Indus. 38 William Drysdale^ Oct. Major. in the Gult of _ Xavy.41. 49 29 April 50 P 24 P 19 Mar. JS'h. Veterinary Surgeon. 40 . Powys.^^ M. P26 Oct. 14 June.. 37 . 28 P 20 Jan. P18 Jan. and were present al the siege and caiituie of Ghuznee (Medal).M.-5'..D. 15 Cnpt.-Col. and was present at the 13 . p 26 Feb. . 8. Sir Tho. CoZ.1 29 April 42 P 13 July 47 20 Sept..Capt • & Half J3 5139 Pay. BREV. Henry Holden Steward. Brev."— "PUNNIAR. 95 25 Oct.. Steele « Nov. 36 p 22 Mar.'* adj.i/. Capt. 52 ron of the 9th Lancers (medal). 35 15 Dec. 46 P 13 July 47 P 13 Aug. 4 The Hon. 7 June 49. 5 commimdcd Robert Mills^* 8 Oct. Frederick Ellis " A. 41 . Maj. p 29 Aug.. Capt. . consisting of the whole of the artillery. 44. Fred. 12 Nov. and battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal and clasps). Peter House... p P P17 June 51 P 27 Feb. in tlie actions in North Holland and t)ie Helder lOfh and 19th Sept.) in(i?a. 29 Apr. he was apP 24 Oct. John M'Farlaue"" . Edward Bailey Tuson.-Gen.» CB. R. p9 Nov.) the cavalry. 32 Robert Abercromby Yule^" P 3 July 35 P 26 May 37 P29 Dec. Drs. Lieut. 1838.14F(. 7 June 49 7 June 49 May 50 2 Colonel Scott 30 June 37 P14 June 39 P 24 April 42 29 April 42 P 6 Jan. 60 Light Dragoons at the forcinga half squadron of the 3rd of the Khyber Pass and Fra.-Colonels. 23 Nov. and to co-operate with the attack main column und. 24 Aug. 28 CajJt. 51 was also at the relief of Jellalabad.-MA. 43 P 13 Dec. 34 P 1 July 36 Hon. il/ryor P21 Feb. Lieiif.Col. 3 Sept. 51. . P 29 May 35. P 1 July 42 in Dec.. and Lient. Feb. P4 0ct. 30. In the Peninsula in 1811 and 12.53 jerat Robert Blair (Medal and clasps). P30 April 41P2 Aug. Lt. 52. 6. 47 P 1 1 Feb. 46 P15 Dec. 35 P 31 Aug.. In Oct. Ol) Cornets. — P 24 Feb. (excepting 4 guns. Agent. 44.^ CB.. 31."—«SOBRAON. Eastfield Wilkinson Henry Scott Richard Shaw. Cornet. Hamilton. 15. he commanded the left squadCharles John Heaton Ellis P 16 Apr. 52 Pll June 52 15 Mar. 9 Captain Drysdale served with the 4lh Light Dragoons. 20. 9th Lancers.'b. 09. Fred. served five years and three montlis in the Roval entin H. 15. p29 Nov. .-Col.mAtrghanistan. Lucius John French* . Robert Charles Kidd Charles David Rich .HenrvSt. clasps) [For Notes 3.May 1842. 12 July 44. 29 Apr. Robert William King'' . 22 July. 42. Anson''' 27 Nov. Tho. p4 May. Lieut.— — .. prior to enterinf. Major. 3 Ap r. Col. Atthebattle Wm.. 98 . 47 . 39'. P 22 Feb. 5M7-i/eo?i.. '^^ M W. Lt. Mqjors.' CB. see opposite page. 50 P12 July 50 P17 June 51 p /' Capt P Lieutenants.'" 17 July. 21 . Fred. Cornet. 37 Lt. p 29 May. Lt. Lieut. j 3 Apr. .T lOth{The Prince of Wales's Own) Royal Reg. 24 Mar. Broadley Harrison. Lieut. 15 . 16 Feb.-Col. 41 . 43. Col. Lieut. Capt. 39. 23 June. 26.' Cor. 52. William Parlby. Capt. Colonel.-Col.) " o/KsMryTe. 24 May. lOtli Hussars. PENINSULA. 44 . 62. p 26 Sept. 24 . -Colonels. 7 Oct.-Col. Lieut. {Hussajs. John'Tritton. 31 .-Gen. 46. 22. 36 Major. 41 . 11 Nov."— " WATERLOO. 14 Aug. P27 Feb. 3Iajors. 46. Cornet. 10 Jan. 24. 14 May. p 11 Oct. p 6 May. . 39 . Lt. ^|fSe. Capt. Major. Lt. Col. 13 Henrv Beauchamp. 04. Capt. P 21 Feb. 18 June. 07 . 1803. p28 Oct. '23 Nov. p5 April. 9 July.— John Wilkie. p 19 Sept. 51. 15.." Years' Serv. 16 . p 7 June 44 . Earl Beauchamp. Charles Griffiths. Lt. 45. 9 Nov. Lieut. 3 May. Lt. Major. 40 Capt. Cornet. 38 . p 3 Oct. Col. 12 .-Col. p 11 May. Major-Gen. 14 Jan. Lt. Major P 5 Nov. 46. 26 Brevet-Major. 37 .2 Cornet. 13. p 17 May. Major. Major. Lieut. p 17 June. . CaptAb Jan. Drs. p30 Jan. 52. Cornet. P 7 Sept. 9 Nov. Vittoria. 52. 53j 50 P 30 Sept.. Vimiera. R. 11 Nov. Col.. 29 June. James Thomas.. 10 Jan. 52. 48 30 May 51 51 53 53 John Inghs P Arthur Wm. Pay. 24. P16 Sept. 9 Nov. 30. Messrs. P24 Dec. 53 Lieutenants. 30. Bt. R. Half Pay. William Ennis. and afterwards at Mendegur. Coleraine Robt. Paymaster Hely served as a captain in the 1st Lancers of the late Anglo-Spanish Legion. Vansittart P22 Nov. p3 Aug. Usagre."i . 47. . and was severely wounded at Waterloo. Alex.ea on the 28th May. Assist. 22 April William Daniel Keliy PlO June Alfred Wall Gandell . Sir E. p 13 Jan. P17 Oct.^ 22 Jan.. and was engaged at the castle of Guevara. and Vittoria. Saltmarshe ^o?t. 62.-Surg. 9 Oct. Azua. P12 Aug. 46. Baiier p . PlO Nov. Capt.-Gen. " EGYPT"— "SALAMANCA"— " " WATERLOO"—" BHURTPORE. Henry Kauntze. P 53 53 53 53 Paymastej:— Joseph Hely.'^ Adj. 53. 47. 27 Lieut. Arniit. 43 P21 Apr. Jolin Burton St Croix Crosse.. Brevet-Major. Lieut. 32." PENINSULA"— Vears'Serv Colonel. Vimiera. 2 Lieut. 49 27 Jan. Qiuirter-Master. with the words. Major.. 48 46 P 14 June . Lieut.-Colonel. 47 19 Oct. Ensign. Irish Agents. H. . 14. Served also the campaign of 181. P 11 — — Agents. 50 P 23 Sept. 48 P 14 June P Thomas Yorke Dallas Wm. Bns. the stronghold of the Carl 1st s. and heights of Arlaban in Alava on the 10th. 22 Jan. -Col. 20 Jan. p 25 Oct. 27 March 06. £«rZ Cai}t. 36 Peel William Foster p 17 July 5 Dec. & l^Returnedfroin the East Indies. 4? P 28 Jan. 48 ^ Henry Wyndham.5. Lieut. P17 Aug. captain. 51 P31 Dec. fflSil 13. William Eunis. q/" . Borough. Cardigan. 11 May 39 . Cajit. 48. P 5April44 PlOJiily P30 Mar. 51 .-General Wyndliam served the Peninsular campaigns of 1808. Liexit. Cornet. . 19 Nov. 33.Robt. and tlie Pyrenees. Henry John Wilkin. 48 . brevetmajor. Blue. 13 Jan. and 13. Astley Trevelyan . John Annesley H. I'th. 16 Feb.. P 18 Feb.. inclu'Hng the 1 aclions of Boleia. in 1)S25 and 36. George Ashby Maddocli P 18 July 51 22 Jan. June 1838. Captains. P 12 Mar. Lieut. 11 Nov. P 53 53 Cornets. G. 25 26 Col. 11. 51 P 15 Feb. John AVilliam Gloag. Major-Gen. 43 P 26 Sept. Lieut. Major. He has reciived the War Medal with four clasps for Roleia.= 1 Dec. P Roger Palmer George Powell Houghton. 25. 16 June.. — — 22 . PBMay. 52 P 30 Sept. Bcnevente.M. Again on the right of the lines when Alza was attacked .— — . Veterinary Surgeon. v IS June 29.. and commanded the squadron which took Passages on that day. Morales de Toro. Cresswell Edwin Adolphus Cook James Miller . Major. also at the ])assage of ihe Uruir. Major. Surgeon. 11th Hussars. Col. 1836. 37. The Sphinx. 39. Cox & — Co. 46. Dungate. R." Ens.. P 9 June. 46 45 1 Aug. John Douglas. P29 Dec. 45. Full 27 Zf. 9. May 25. together with constant skirmishes in front of Vittoria. Albuhera. Edmund P18 Mar. Assist-Surgeon. Adjutant. 1 April. 53 Mar. 8 June 09. 40. Q Aug.. R. 3 Dec. Ennis served in the 11th Hussars at the siege and rapture of Bhurtpore in I825-C (Medal).] Lic\it. Roberts Dunn . 40 3 Nov. Albuhera.-Col.50 46 P 25 July 51 48 P31 Dec. Lieut. Quarters Du'bu'^^?"] lleatl \lth{or Prince Albert'' s 137 Owii) Regiment of Hussars. and 18ih Jan. M 1 P3 . 14 Lieut. 46 PlO Nov. runjau II Lieut.— ..D. 1 oT ^^ . Oakes served with the 12th Lancers in the Kaffir war of 1851-2-3. Jolin Served also two years in the Peninsula. 49 Apr. 29 July. 58. Lieut. Capt.Sobraon. Cajri. Alex. 2-5. . Capt. P 5 Nov.. p? Sept. Ciiraiiiing served witli the lltli Dragoons in Flanders. 1852. 47 P22 Feb. V 18 Nov. Facings Scarlet.-Major. Jeremiah llancocke .. 52 P13 May 53 Robert Edward Roe 17 June 53 Arthur Murray. and which p 16 Nov. 49 P 29 Oct. 44 broke through and dispersed. 20. Ccqjt. 14 July 47. 48 P 3 Aug. 47 29 July 53 P 29 Apr.-Col. Michael Blake. 38 25 June 52 7 Jan. —^AviaivA Pole. including tlie sieges of Valenciennes and Uunkirlv . 49 p 29 Oct. 50 b. an commanded the detachments of cavalry with General Cathcart's column at the action of Berea. Lawrence Fyler. 94 . ° c 16 2 g^ 6p"3 — — 6 S y -2 - 19 3 3 2 o 7 L° 5 ^a35 1 . 48 . Edward Brown. Served also with the ICth Royal Lancers in the Kaffir war of 1851-2-3. Major-Gen. of Lancers.. 46 . Gough ser%'ed with the 3rd Light Dragoons in India and was present throughout the whole of the campaign of 18^8•9. 38 . 48 Ghuznee (Medal). William Goldfrap which last he was severely woundc< 22 Dec. Assist. P 25 May Charles Marr Chandos Fred. 41 P 26 Jan. which he has received Medal erne and for a and Clasp. I 'i r° . Lieut-Col. v^Q July. Lieut. Walshe. 1790 Lt.^. Christopher Francis Flood. wounded) Moodkoe (severely 10 Capt. Afajor. 47 P 8 Mar. with the words. P 23 Oct. 35 Assistant-Surgeons. 43 p31 Jan. — . in20 Dec. May. Lt. Pi June 41 . Adjutant. Clifton served with the 9lh Lancers in the campaign on the SuUej in 1846. 51. 51 16 Apr. Surgeon.-Lt. " EGYPT"—" PENINSULA"—"WATERLOO.-Col. 15 Dec. Adj. 26. p P t ' 7 . 46 39 41 49 35 49 47 48 44 39 3 Sept.2 £ B ^ fe c fa 3 p. 6 Capt. 8 3. 49 Sutlej in BIS Medal). T..— BXayweY T. 45 . 46. 46 PlO Dec. 12th {Prince of Wales's) Royal Regt. Dudley Clifton AVodsworth.. including the action of Kamnuggur passage of ilie Kiver Chcuab battles of Soodoohipore. Col. P 19 June George Home Geo. 28 May. Pole commanded tbe 4 Apr. in in Holland. George"^ P 29 Dec. iiewf. . 18 July 48. George Thomas Gough " o rt 5 fe . 1 Jan. Cotterill Scholefield 24 Aug. Esq. Brev. 50 . to India. Clifton 10. 46 p 9 June 48 12th Lancers in the Kaffir war of 19 Oct. p 13 Dec. 10 Jan. Served also in tbe PuB' jaub campaign (Medal) of 1848-! with the 3rd Light Dragoons.1 I 64 c C bo C3 Full Hall Pay. a Fred.^ 3 . The Sphinx. Pay. 52 P21 Sept. CORNET. William Thacker." Colonel. 52 guns in their front. and that to the Helder in 1799. Ens. 46 26 Oct. 12th Lancers. 52 P 28 Aug.the campiiign of 1845-0 on tlie Sutlej. Majors. and battles of Famars and Gateau : also the wintj I Sir Hen. 48 P 10 Jan. P 12 July 50 P 12 Nov. Cha. 31 Jan. BREV.De Montmorency Prior George F. ff- 8 10 8 8 . PlO July28. Gen'd Nov. Ralph Slielton Bond P 1 Aug.= Cornet. p7 Feb. i'7 July 43 Maj. . 12. Cureton served with tiie lUlli Lancers in the action at Maharnjpore 29th Dec. p28 Aug. 17 Feb. 34. George Samuel Collyer. Monro served with tbe 4 Apr. 51 by a musket shot whilst chargini Augustus Barton White. 53. s e 3 M Si 3S5 d Alexander Fletcher 2 3 s. 53.. i^.38 . 1803 . Quarter-Master. 46 Major.-Col. 47 ghanistanduring the campaign ia A Thos. 63 . 33 . P Edw. Heathcote Tottenham. 47. Lt. Lieut. 31 . 6 1 7 ( . ineUiding the battles witii the 3i'd Liglit Dragoons during. 48 1843 and in the campaign on th) George Thorne Ricketts " P 28 Jan. 29 July. and was wounded at the battle ChiUianwallah (Medal and Clasp).^ Cornet. Cornet.Colonels. P 12 Jan. Cbilliai wallah. 9 Feb. . Williams . COKNETS. P 1 0. and was present in every action tliil occurred. p 19 Sept. 18 Oct. including Ihi P24 Dec. Thomas G. 4 June. 21 Feb. R. I UwSO J . Stistcd served the Sutlej campaign of IS-IS 9 with the 3rd Light Dragoons. 49 29 July 53 25 Oct. . 51.'^S Oct.— i^ Sir Henry John Gumming/ KCH. Selvvyn Durant P 9 Feb. including the action of El Bodon. 20 Jan. Tottenham served with 23 Nov. Arthur W. p30 March. 1 May. Oakes'' O to 16 Jan. P 16 Jan. I^hV" 'jS'ss/. 47 22 Dec. J an 7 Cupt. 51 p 7 Jan. Burgoyne Cureton' Jn. Major. 49 29 July 53 2 Oct.. 49 p 27 Dec. beinj Thomas Penton '^ p 14 June 50 P 1 April 53 the last of the enemy's infantrj John David Hay Hill Jolin Kincaid = Lennox .attles of Buddiwal and Aliwal. 51 8 July 51 30 Apr.— Bsiyid Arthur Mouro.-Col.^ Col. p7 July. Whittingstall H•u-^ . 50 of 1851-2-3. proceed. 1843 (Medal).'33 with the Squadron he commandei a large body of infantry with thte William Wallis King .. 48 cluding tbe siege and capture of Robert Hodgson'^ Charles Joseph Harford. 26. 48. P 31 May p 23 Apr. Capt. P25 3 Lt.^ Cornet. 25 Oct. Brev. Heatlicote Stisted" under Lord Keane. . s. 30.2' a* &-a Wm. P 17 Jan. . 44. 35 . Belmore St. 6 3 4 111 13 4 . . Wm. .-Surg.-MAJ. Dec. Major. 50 Lieutenants. Edward Fellowes. P 17 Oct. C.-Gen. of the 11th Light Dragoons. Captains. Lieut. 21 June 31 Dec. John Edward Swindley 4 Maj. Fyler served with the 16lh' 29 July 53 Valentine Baker Lancers 3 Apr. which stood their ground for thi service he received the Brevet of Major. .'^ Ens. and was prescnlc campaign of 1794 command a\id battle of | e battle of Sobraon (Medal).. . 98 . 22 July. for wliich latter lie has received the gold medal. I =* 7".i . Lt.5-- . 51 Robert HerbertHeath Jary the 12th Lancers in the Kaffir 15 Jan.-Col. 31 Dec. (wounded by a sabre cut in the smiiij Salamanca. and Goojerat (medal and two clasps). Also at thebattU oi M. 51 . 19 June. \Vetertnary Surgeon. Paymaster. 50 19 Dec. 53 9 Nov..'iharajpore (Medal) 29 Dec. p 7 April. ' 1 Blue — — — Agent. v2S Dec. 37. 44 23 Sept. tl .. George Northen Foaker. 38 Cornet Edward Brown. " 2 Lt. 48 5 Maj. 46 Andrew GamiBell 12th Lancers iu the Kaffir war 0/ Pll July 51 29 July 53 1851-2-3. p 22 Feb. 14. M. 93 . 46 P 27 Oct. 12 May. 42 6 Dec. 50 1851-2-3. Major. -Colonel. Colonel. Cai)t. 19 ^Charles Edmund Sept. j Half Pay. . 37 p . 35. Colonel. " Viret in JEtcrnum. 1 June. 52. 27 April.' CB. p 12 Oct.Head Quarter* "1 atBirmingliam. Lieut. 35 . -Colonel. 03 Lieut. 05. . Capt. 51 Full I Pay. p 12 Oct. p 23 June 48 . 3U 4 . Lieut. Sub. 45.Lieut. Lieut. Edwuid I'yudar Lygori. Motto." Colonel. 15. 10 Jan. Captain. iif. '' 12 Apr. JUS Hon. p 24 Apr. Lieut. 40. 37. Major-General. P 19 May 4G Major." 139 — " PENINSULA"— " WATEIILOO. 22. Ensign.-G'e/i. 40 19 . 52. i'29 Dec. lo Feb. 2t) Jau. Regiment of Light Dragoons. 12 J an. William Richard Ormsby Gore. t) Nov. . 0« . v fj Major. Cornet. tlie tlie Years' Serv. -Col. l?ii\i Light Dragoons. 27 April. 7 Nov.J On I l'6th chacoes and appointmentB. Doherty. Lieut. 33. Cornet. 16 May. 7 July.-Co^. 4 Jan. . 48. 48 Lt. Caj)t 24 Aug.-2'O .-CoZo«e?s.-Gen. 15 Sept.— Wm. 4g V 15 July 36 Ccipt. 38 Major. ^24Ml7J84if'] The o ^^ ? o „. P25 April. 30 i)/a/or-G?e7i. LMeerut.s r -K ^ "S 7* ° S-n '"' be 20 -o Q) -"= S 03 ." Years' Serv. Col.k?<^. p5 Feb.^ Cornet. 2 Jan.r Serving at ^^^^ ( ^^'^ -^^'-O ^egf' of Light Dragoons. 37 . . 10 Dec.— Henry Edward Doherty. Lt. 24 April 38.so § Colonel. . 45 ~^~ 303 ^J= = 3 2 c. 25. 50. 51.S. 60. .. p 26 July. Clarke. Liem Capt. P16 May ^ . 26 March. 00.-Col. Lieut. P31 Dec. Lt. 11 Nov. p9 Nov. Coniei. 02. CajH.o ^ H EEl Hon. 54 Full o . 17 Sept. 42 Major. Benga "PRUSSIAN EAGLE"— " DOURO"—" TALAVERA"—" FUENTES D'ONOE " SALAMANCA " — " VITTORI A " — " ORTHES " — " PENINSULA" " PUNJAUB"— "CHILLIANWALLAH"— "GOOJERAT. 22 July. p 25 Nov. Henry Murray. 41 . 38. 28 June. Qr. Liem Major.-i»/a«to-. . CoZ.S £'E -" 52 - - 1^! H— E c= . £. 23 Nov.' CB. 12 . Lt. Capt. . Major.. 2 CB.' Cor. Cornet. 11 June. p 17 May 39 Charles Steuart. 14th Light Dragoo: 18 March 53. p 22 Oct. Major. ii. 29. 41 John Hesketh Goddard.-Col. 47 . 01 . p 15 Jan. 39 . Lt. 23 Nov. 07. Majors. " EMSDORF"— " EGMONT-OP-ZEE"— " VILLIERS EN COUCHE"— " SAHAGUN"— " VITTORIA"— " PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO.^'". of Lt Drs." 54 full Pay.. 23 24 45 28 25 24 Half I'ay. {Hussars)."juSst:] \5th ( The Kiny^s) Regt. . [BanSSlit'dra. . ["''dS'"' "TALAVERA"—" FUENTES D'ONOR"— " SALAMANCA"—" VITTORIA"—"NIVE" " PENINSULA" — " WATERLOO" — " BHURTPORE" — " AFFGH ANISTAN"— "GHUZNEE"—"MAHARAJPORE. ofLt."—"SOBRAON. Drag. {Lancers).142 16th ( The Queeii's) Regt." Years' Sen-."—"ALIWAL. " 143 .) Or Glory. " —{Lancers.Head Quarlersl at Hounelow." with Years the Motto. J 17th Regimeyit of Light Dragoons. " Death's Head. 144 Years . Pay.1st {or Ch'enadier) Half Pay. 145 . AND Captains. Regiment of Foot Guards. Full 8 LiEUTS. — ' Regiment of Foot Guards. 1^^ {or Grenadier) 146 Years' Serv Full Half Pay. Pay, Adjutants. 2 Capt. Ralph Bradford, 14 Aug. 46. 1 Capt. Cuthbert Georcfe Ellison, 2 Aug. 50. 3 Capt. George Wentworth Alex. Higginson, 5 Dec. 51. Q uarter-Masters. 2 1 3 John Lilley, 8 June, 30. John Atkinson, 28 Feb. 51. 1 3iaa John Payne,8 31 Aug. 15. Surgeon-Major. 30 1 James Dennis Wright, 7 Feb. 45 ; Siirg. 11 May, 32 ; Assist.-Surg. 11 Nov. 24. Battalion-Surgeons. 2 Geo. Brown, 26 June, 40 ; Asst.-Surg. 12 Jan. 26 ; Hosp.-Assist. 21 April, 25. 3 Francis Cornelius Huthwaite, 7 Feb. 45; Assist.-Surgeon, 10 Nov. 25; Hosp.Assist. 1 Nov. 23. Assistant-Surgeons. 2 George Eleazar Blenkins, 13 April, 38. 1 Charles Nicoll, 26 June, 40. 3 James John Marjoribanks Wardrop, 21 Solicitor. 1st May 41. —John Parkinson, 19 July, 31. Battalion returned from Portugal, 1828. 2d Battalion returnedfrom Canada, Oct. 1842. 3rf Battalion returnedfrom France, Nov. 1818. Facings Blue. Agent, Sir John Kirkland. War Office, 29th July, 1815. The Prince Regent, as a mark of His Royal Approbation of the distinguished'gallantry of the Brigade of Foot Guards in the Victory of Waterloo, has been pleased, in the name and on tlie behalf of His Majesty, to approve of all the Ensigns of the Three Regiments of Foot Guards having the Rank of Lieutenants, and that such Rank shall be attached to all the future Appointments to Ensigncies in the Foot Guards, in the same manner as the Lieutenants in those Regiments obtain the Rank of Captain. His Royal Highness has also been pleased to approve of the First Regiment of Foot Guards being made a Regiment of Grenadiers, and styled " The First, or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards," in commemoration of their having defeated the Grenadiers of the French Imperial Guards upon this memorable occasion. Hon. Major Curzon served which service he was promoted as Aide-de-Camp to Sir George Cathcart to tlie Brevet rank of Major. in the Kaffir war in 1842-3, for Secretary to Sir Peregrine Maitland. 3 Major Maitland served in the Kaffir war of 1848-7 as Military 1845-0 as Aide-de-Camp to Lord Hardinge, and was 4 Lord Arthur Hay served tlie Sutlej Campaign of present at the battle of Sobraon (Medal). during the operations on the Coast of Syria 5 Lord Frederick FitzRoy served under Sir Robert Slopford in 1840. Payne served in Sicily in 1806 and 7 in 1808 and 9 in Spain, and present in the actions He served also the campaigns of Sahagun Benevente, Lugo, and Corunna subsequently at Walcheren. was present in the actions of the Pyrenees, 1812 13 14 and 1.5 in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, and battle of Nivelle, action at Nive, ol the siege and capture of San Sebastian, passage ol the Bidassoa and Quatre Bras and Waterloo, capture of the Mayor's House, sortie and investment of Bayonne, battles of received the War Medal has He occupation. Peronneand of Paris, and subsequently with the army of with three clasps for Corunna, Nivelle, and Nive. 8 Quartermaster of ; ; Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards. " Sphinx, with the words " EGYPT"— "TALAVERA"— BARROSA"— " PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO." LINCELLES."—The " Years' Seiv. 147 Coldstream llegiment of Foot Guards. 148 CORNET, ENSIGN 2d LIEUT. AND LIEUT. or ensign, ; Full Pay. Half Pay. j Lieutenants and Captains, j 1 1 2 2 2 2 AND CAPTAIN. 24 Jan. 40 P 7 Aug. 46 28 Dec. 46 1 May 40 25 Sept. 40 Pll June 47 P 41 April 1 July 47 June 39 23 April 40 Pll June 41 P 13 July 47 May 39 P 27 Aug. 41 P 30 July 47 Oct. 36 25 June 41 p 29 Oct. 47 Dec. 40 P 13 May 42 P 10 Dec. 47 P 30 May 43 p 25 Feb. 48 Dec. 42 P 29 Mar. 44 P 7 April 48 p 2 Aug. 44 P 6 Sept. 44 P 25 April 48 William Gregory Dawkins P 8 Aug. 45 P 23 June 48 Hylton JoUitTe 6 May 42 p 1 Sept. 48 18 Jan. 39 Clement William Strong P 27 Mar. 46 p 27 April 49 UUick Canning Lord Dunkellin p 11 Oct. 39 P 30 Dec. 42 p 1 May 46 Charles Townshend Wilson p 7 June 44 22 Dec. 45 P 1 June 49 Ho/j.ArthurE.Hardinge,- 5 P 8 May 46 P 27 June 51 Francis Augustus Plunkett Burton 21 Aug. 51 i/on. Percy RobertBasilFeilding,««!?;.'p 8 Aug. 45 p 7 Aug. 46 P29 Dec. 46 P 22 Aug. 51 Reeve William Henry P31 Pll Eliot,*. June 47 C.Cornwallis Oct. 51 Granville Tfort. 2 July 47 P 29 April 53 Charles Baring P 3 May 44 27 Mar. 46 15 Mar. 53 John Halkett Le Couteur 2 Apr. 47 P 13 July 47 P 27 May 53 Henry Montolieu Bouverie P 30 July 47 p 13 Dec. 53 Henry Army tage f-ZS Charles Lygon Cocks p 29 Poulett G. H. Somerset James Charles Murray Cowell .... p 7 James Halkett, s pIO Dudley Wilmot Carleton 17 Lord Aug. Charles Lennox FitzRoy ,p21 Charles Sedley Burdett Francis ^yilliam Newdigate,rtd;«<teM!!J 30 Lionel Daniel Mac Kinnon S'tr Geo. Ferd. Radziwill Walker, £i;.P 27 1 •2 LIEUT. July 38 Mar. 39 P | 1 2 1 1 2 2 I . 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 . , i i , [ j j Ensigns and Lieuts. 2 Hon. Henry William John Byng 2 Arthur John Bethell Thellusson. 1 Horrace William Cust 2 Philip 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 j . .! Sambrook Crawley 2 Mar. 47 Sir James Dunlop, Bart Gerald Littlehales Goodlake Frederick Henry Ramsdcn George, Lord Bingham Percy Scawen Wyndham 1 Edward Amelius Disbrowe 1 Arthur James Fremantle 2 Cavendish Hubert Greville 1 Michael Walker Heneage p 14 June 50 14 July 47 29 Dec. 48 p 17 Jan. 51 p j p | I Harvey Tower Hon. William Henry Wellesley Hon. Robert Drummond Hay . . 27 Aug. 47 10 Dec. 47 P 7 April 48 P 23 June 48 P 27 April 49 P 27 June 51 Pll July 51 P14 Oct. 51 P21 Nov. 51 P 23 July 52 P . . .... ' P 1 17 Aug. 52 31 Dec. 52 p 12 Mar. 52 18 Feb. 53 p 29 April 53 10 Dee. 52 p 10 June 53 Pl3 Dec. 53 P 1 P I Adjutants. 2 Captain Francis William Newdigate, 2 March 49. 1 Capt. Hon. Percy Robert Basil Feilding, 8 Oct. 50. Q unrter-Masters. 2 Arthur Hurle, 13 Feb. 52. 1 Alexander Falconer, 1 July 53. 1 Surgeon-Major. James Monro, M.D. 20 Feb. 53 ; Surgeon, 4 April 51 ; Assis.-Surg. 2 Nov. 32, Battalion-Surgeon. 2 Joseph Skelton, M.D. 20 Feb. 53 ; Assist.-Surg. 2 Sept. 45. Assistant-Surgeons. Frederick Wildbore, 4 April 51. 1 2 John Wyatt, 17 June 51. Solicitor.— W'Miam George Carter, 29 Jan. 24. Facings Blue Agents, Messrs. Cox & Co. [\st Battalion returned from France, July, 1814.] [2fZ Battalion returned from Canada 29</t Oct. 1842.] as Aide-de-c.imp to Lord Hardinje throughout the campaign on the and was present in the liatUes of Muodkee, Ferozesliah, and Sobraon, for wliich he has clasps. two and received a Medal <> The Hon. Captain Hardinge served Su"tlej in 1845-0, ^- iiicots •UNCELLES" -The .Fusilier 149 Guards. the words, " EGYPT"— "TAI.AVKIIA."—" B.VUnOSA" PKNINSULA"— " WATERLOO." "Si>lii/ii-r," willi " Years' Scrv 17 Full Half Pay. Pay. His Royal Highness George W. Colonel. F. C. Dake of Cainbridge, KG. Colonel, 3 Nov. 37 ; Mnjor-Gencral, 7 May, 45 lier Guards, 23 Sept. 62. Lieut. -Colonel. 40 Ileiirv Colvile, Co/. PG Ens. v2d Dec. 13; Lt. July, 30; Major &c & ; GCMG . Colonel of the Scots Fusi- Capt. & Lieut. 25 March 53. Capt. pG Nov. 17 Col. i'31 Dec. 44; Lt.-Col. i' ; 3I(tjors. Henry, Lord Rokeby,' Ens. 21 April 14; Lieut. & Cfipt.P 12 Juue, 23 ; Capt. & Lt.-Col. P 21 Sept. 32; Col. 9 Nov. 4« 3faj. & Col. P 28 June, 50. 2 George Dixon, Ens. & Lieut. p20 Jan. 20 Capt. p 8 April, 2G Capt. Sc Lieut. Col. P20 May, 36; Col. 9 Nov. 4G ; 3IaJor & Col. p25 Mar. 5^. 40 1 <!!3a ; 34 ; ; Captains and Lleut.-Colonels. En.^. P18 Julv, 22; Lieut. PlO Sept. 25; Capt. p12 Dec.2G; il/fyor, p 11 Oct. 31 Lieut. -Col. p 20 May, 3G ; Col. 9 Nov. 40. George Moncrieffe, Ens. & Lieut. PS April, 2G; Lieut. & Capt. pG July, 30; Capt. & Lleut.-Col. p24 Jan. 40; Col. 11 Nov. 51. Edward Walter Forestier Walker, Ens. & Lieut, p 8 Jlar. 27 ; Lieut. & C'«y;<. P 18 Oct. 31 ; Capt. k. Lleut.-Col. pG Dec. 44. Sir Charles John James Hamilton, Bart. Ens. & Lieut. p5 June,. 27; Lieut. & Capt. pG Jan. 32 Ca2>t. & Lleut-Col. P31 Dec. 44. Hon. Alexander Nelson Hood, Ens. & Lieut. p30 Aug. 31 Lieut. & Capt. P 1 July 36 ; Brevet-Major, 9 Nov. 40 Capt. & Lleut.-Col. p3 Nov. 47. Arthur Edw. Onslow, Ens.k. Lieut. Pll Jan. 33 Lieut. & Capt. p 10 Nov. 37 Capt. & Lleut.-Col. pIO Dec. 47. James Hunter Blair, Ens. and Lieut. P 24 April 35 Lieut, and Capt. p 9 Nov. 38 Capt. & Lleut.-Col. p 31 March, 48. Charles Francis Seymour,^ Ens. Sc Lieut. p5 June, 35; Lieut. & Capt. P23 Nov. 38; Capt. & Lleut.-Col. p 1 Aug. 48. William John Ridley, Ens. & itcK^. p 19 June 35; Lieut. & Capt. p24 May 39; Capt. & Lleut.-Col. p24 Nov. 48. i/o«. Charles Grantham Scott, JE^w*. & i/e!/^. p 12 Feb. 3G; Lieut. & Capt. P 1 Nov. 39 C«7jf. & Lleut.-Col. p 10 April, 49. Charles Tyrwliitt, £/)«. p 1 Aug. 34 Ens. & Lieut. P 20 Feb. 36; Lieut, k. Capt. P 15 Nov. 39; Capt. & Lleut.-Col. pG July 49. Edward John Stracey, Em. k Lieut, p 3 June, 3G ; Lieut, k Capt. p 14 Feb. 40; Capt. k Lleut.-Col. p 24 May, 50. Francis Seymour, Ens. p2 May, 34; Lieut. PIG June, 37; Capt. P4 Sept. 40; Capt. k Lieut. -Col. p28 June, 50. Lord James Charles Plantagenet ISIurray, Ens. k Lieut. PiGMay, 37; Lieut, k Capt. p 1 July, 42 Capt. k Lleui.-Col. p5 Nov. 50. Charles Assheton Fitz-Hardinge Berkeley,^ Ens. v -27 May, 36 Lieut. P 1-2 Aug. 37; ZiVM^. &: Crt;;!^.P14 April, 43; Brevet-Major, \o Sei)i. 48 Capt. 32 2 George 28 1 27 2 27 1 23 2 Morton Eden, ; ; ; ; 21 2 10 2 19 1 19 1 ; ; ; ; 18 1 20 2 18 2 .»;. ; 20 1 17 2 18 1 ; ; ; ; k 17 1 13 Dec. 50. Hon. John Hamilton Elphinstone Dalrymple, Ens. k Lieut. PlO Nov. 37 Lieut, k Cajit.vdl Dec. 44; Capt. k Lt.-Col. p25 Mar. 53. Lleut.-Col. p j 1 Lord Rokeby sorved the campaisnof 181.5, includine: the battles of Quntre Br:is and Walx^rloo. 3 Lieut.-Colonel Seymour served a3 senior Aide-de-camp to Lieut. -Gen. Sir Gs-or^e Berkeley throus-liout the operations in KatVrariu in 1810-7. Also as Military Secretary to Sir George Calhc;irt in the Kaffir war in 1842-3. 4 Lieut.-Colonel Berkeley was Military Secretary to Lieut. -Gen. Sir Georce Rorkelcy during the surc.'s<;rul operations against the Kaffirs in 1847. 150 Scots Fusilier Guards. I Full Hall Pay. Pay. Lieutenants and Captains. cornet, ENSIGN 2d LIEUT. AND LIEUT, OR ENSIGN. 3 Aug. 30 17 11 12 13 17 11 8 10 8 13 P P 13 26 Oct. 41 21 Mar. 45 AND CAPTAIN. 21 Sept. 32 p 12 Aug. 37. 25 July 37 P 13 Jan. 43 1 Nov. 39 P14 Feb. 45 P 19 Feb. 41 P 2 Oct. 46 P 21 May 41 30 Sept. 47 P 7 Oct. 42 P14 May 47 P 13 Jan. 43 PIO Dec. 47 p P 16 13 14 14 LIEUT. — 1st ( The Royal) Regiment of Foot. 151 In the Collar of St. Andreio, and the Croivn over it. The Sphinx, second colour the Thistle 8f Crown.— " St Lucia." " Egmont-op-Zee." " St. Sebastian" " Salamanca" " Vittoria" "Egypt" "Corunna" " Busaco" The King's Cypher within the — — — — — — — — — "Nive"— "Peninsula" "Niagara" "Waterloo" "Nagpore"— " Maheidpoor"— " Ava." — Years Years' Serv. 152 ist (7Vie Royal) Reghneiit of Foot. Full Half Pay Pay. LlEUTiXANTS. 1 Geo. Gwavas Carlj on Frederick Carter, ^rf; Frederick Wells, r 1 Thomas Henry Breedon 1 1 7 Sept. 17 Dec. 12 Oct. og Oct. p p .... p 41 41 41 41 2 J. Al. Gavin Campbell, d.pm.\ p 2 Aug. 42 1 Richard George Coles p 3 May 44 | 2 William James Gillum ....lpl4Feb. 45 2 George Taaffe p 19 Dec. 4.5 2 Wm. Fortescue Scott 15 July 43 2 Henry Francis Bythesea.. . p 26 Sept. 45 ! { . ] 2 George Rowland 2 HenryWhichcoteTurner^rfJ.' 2 Bingham H. Edw. Muller .. 1 John Alexander Chrystie.. 2 Theobald M'Kenna, d. adj. 30 Nov. 46 30 Mar. 47 29 Dec. 46 2 July 47 2 Feb. 49 1 Frederick Aus'ustus Smith 1 June 49 2 Edw.T.St.LawrenceMccGwirej ? 19 Oct. 49 1 Charles Edmondstone Kirk p 5 Nov. 47 1 Henry Hawley Smart 20 Oct. 49 2 William Bellew p 16 Feb. 50 2 Montagu Adam Henry Leggel p 15 Mar. 50 1 Wm. Fred. John Rudd .... p 22 Nov. 50 p 17 Jan. 51 1 Rupert George Brady " P 27 Oct. 48 2 Thomas Rowland. William 1 Spicer Cookworthy P 14 Mar. 51 p '; . ' ' . ' . I 29 Dec. 43 23 Feb. 44 2 Aug. 44 P19 May 43 Pll Apr. 45 P 14 May 47 P 2 July 47 P 3 Sept. 47 18 Feb. 48 P 2 Feb. 49 P15 Nov. 50 P21 Feb. 51 14 Mar. 61 20 July 51 p 19 Mar. 52 p 30 Apr. 52 p 21 May 52 P 2 Jan. 52 p 6 July 52 P16 Feb. 53 p 19 Mar. 53 P 27 May 53 p 3 June 53 4 Mar. 53 P 18 Oct. 53 P P EXSIGNS. P 17 June 51 Charles Hurt P 16 Sept. 51 1 Fred. Harry Hope 1 Fred. Pritzler Muller 17 June 51 1 Jas. Archibald Ruddell Todd P17 Apr. 52 4 Dr. Knox was actively employed during 2 Richard Llewellyn Williams P 14 May 52 the rebellion in Canada in 1837, 38, and 39, P 21 i\Iay 52 2. Edward Andrew Stuart and was present in sole medical charge of P 11 June 52 the troops in the action of St. Charles. 2 Thomas John Gregory 2 Philip George Coney 9 July 52 P14 Sept. 52 2 Alexander W. Low 1 . . . George Roe Fenwick John Martin Brown Richard Abraham Manners Morgan James O'Connell 23 Nov. 52 22 Apr. 63 1 12 May 53 P 27 May 53 1 P 2 CharlesJoshuaTuffiiellOakef 10 June 63 P 18 Oct. 53 2 Nicholas Ogle Moore Vize P 13 Sept. 63 2 James William Hassell 1 1 . . . 12 . . p ^'"'- 'Dep-ofa?T"nT;.'nor" ''''] 2nd ( The Quceii's Royal) Recjt. of Foot. 153 Pasclitil La>nl/," \\\l\i tlic iiiottos " I'l-istinicvu-tiit is iiicmvi;" and " }'c! r.t uvitc triiiiiipjiant." The Q,Hicu'sC!/i>li(r within the Garter, liuving the Crown over it. On the Grenadiers' Caps, t lie Kinr/'s Crest and the (^i«t//'i- Ci/pher and Crown ; and on the Drums tlie Queen's Ci/phrr. Tlie l<]//tin.r, with the w.rds The " EGYPT" — "VIMIKRA"—"CORUNNA" — "SALAMANCA"— "VITTORI A" — " PYRENEKS"— ^'IVELLK"— "TOULOUSE"— "PENINSULA"— "Al'I'GIiAiNISTAN"—"GHUZNEE"—"KHELAT." Colonel. Sir John Rolt,' KCB., KC. Ens. 7 March 00; Lf. ] June 01 ; Capt. 5 Sept. 05; il/«i. 25 Nov. 13; Lt.-Col. 2 Nov. IG Col. 10 Jan. 37; Maj.-Gcn. Co^. 2iul Foot, 29 Aug. 53. 9 Nov. 4G Stanhope William Jcplison,- Ens. p 26 Nov. 30; L\eut.^'\Q Lieut. -Colonel. Feb. 36; Capt. P28 Dec. 41 ; Major, 4 Aug. 48; Lt.-Col. 1 July 53. Majors. Thomas Weston Eastbrook Iloklswoith/ Ens. i'15 Jan. 36; Lieut. V 14 Dec. 38 ; Capt. 10 Aug. 42 ; Major, 17 June 51. Oliver Robinson,'' Ens. 5 Oct. 20; Lieut. 24 Jan. 25; Cajyt. p 19 Feb. 36; Brev.-Maj. 13 Nov. 3i); Brev. Lt.-Col. 11 Nov. 5 1 Maj. 2 Sept. 53. ; ; — i' — i' 34 i' ; 4 24 TS at Edinburgh. .i "1 4:th ( J The King's Oivn) Regt. of Foot. 155 " The Lion of England "— " CORUNNA "— " BADAJOZ"— " SALAMANCA "— " VITTORIA" " ST. SEBASTIAN "— " NIVE "— " PENINSULA "— " BLADENSBURG"— " WATERLOO." Colonel. — 5th Becjt. of Foot {Nor thumherland Fusiliers) 156 [^'"'""|fji^J,^,".""''"'' " Quo Fata Vacant," surmounting St. George and the Dragon. On the corners of tlu 2ncl colour itie Kose and Crown; onthc en;)* ^//cKiiig's Crest also St. George killinpr the Drapon. "TVILHELMSTAHL" — " ROLEIA"— " YIJIIKRA"— " CORUXNA"— "BUSACO"— " CIUDAD ; " RODRIGO"— " BADAJOZ"— SALAMANCA"—" VITTORIA"— " NIVELLE"— " ORTHES"— " TOULOUSE "— " PENINSULA." Veal's' Serv. 56 Hun Pay Colonel.— \i Sir John Grey,' KCB. Ens. 18 July, 98; Lt. 8 May, 99; Capt. 31 Oct. 03; Major, 27 Nov. 00; Lieut.-Col. G Feb. 12; Col. 22 July, 30; Major- Gen. 28 June, 38 ; Lt.-Gen. 11 Nov. 51 Col. 5th Fusiliers, 18 May, 49. Philip Melmoth Nelson Guy, Ens. p 23 Sept. 24 Lieut, p 12 i(e«f.- Co/. June 28 Capt. P29 Dec. 37 Maj. 20 July 47 Lleut.-Col. p 21 May, 50. Majors.— Wc.nry V. F. Johnson, Ens. 22 Nov. 36; Lieut, p 23 April 39; Ca})t. P 20 Jan. 43 ; Major, p 5 Oct. 49. Walter Craufurd Kennedy, Eiis. 27 Oct. 31 ; Lt. 10 Nov. 34; Capt. p 21 Feb. 40; il/r/Jor, P21 May, 50. ; — ; ; ; 29 May 26 Oct. 20 Sept. 26 May 8 April 34 P17 Jan. 40 ^ 30 Dec. 9 Jan. 27 Dec. 42 20 Jan. 32 P23 April 39 P24 May 39 AVilliam Chester Master . Grilfin Nicholas captain, bkev.-maj. 2d LIEUT. Captains. James Egbert Simmons^ George Bryan Milman ; j | John Wallace Colquitt . .1 Ferdin. Win. L'Estrange William Lyons Arthur Watson Palmer.. John Swaine Hogge .... Garthshore Stirling Home I p 35 p 41 p 42 36 42 46 | I 15 Jan. 41 Lieutenants, Arthur England Johnson John Henry Chads .... Francis Henry Pender George John Stewart. . . . Cliarles Carter Albert Ernest Ross, Adj. John Flood Wm. Ileniy Petty Mcara Piobert Le Murchant Gray I 8 15 April 40 12 Sept. 43 23 July 41 29 Dec. 46 J " 'i84cf°'Dep°Jt^at"°J'wcast'i'e"°"] The Anlelope."~On — . 6^^ ( Tkc Royol ^ 1 ^'^ | Grena- ? * = §• o " VITTOKIA"— = S =^ ^ ^ ? Crown."— AnA on KOLEIA"— — COKUNNA" — "PYRKNfc:ES"—"NIVELLE"—"ORTHES"— "PENINSULA"— "M AGAR •!." "The caps, diers' c| Warwickshire) Regt. of Foot. 1 57 1 \st three corners of the second colour, " TJic Hose nntl " Kinr/'s (»Yi^"— " " VIJIIERA" llie "* ' tlie S =- « = § nn ^">„^ C.C Colonel. =.i = - ?> 1 ,3 Henry James Riddell,' K.II. Ens. March, 98 Lieut. 19 April, 98 Copt. 24* = f | - f ^ Dec. 02; Major, 10 Dec. 07 ; Lieut.-Col. 4 juue, 13; Colonel, 22 July, 30 ;f| =1 3= 3 Hull Major-Gen. 'iU Nov. 41 ; Zt.-Gcm. 11 Nov. ol ; to/. 6tli Toot, 25 June, 51. r||"^||s. Piiv. -"Lieutenant-Colo7iel. ^ S: ? 2. 1 7 g Y'Jjohn Michel,- CB. Ens'ign, 3 Apr. 23; i/V(/^. p 28 Apr. 25; Capt. i'12^K^p^3? Dec. 20 Major, G Mar. 40 ; Lieut.-Col. 15 April, 42. ? 3 a <= g" 2. ? il/fl/or*.— Andrew Armstrono: Barnes,^ Ensign, 21 Julv, 25; Lieut. 28 May,? S i^ 2 S-o. Capt. 1 July, 30; Brevet-Major, 9 Nov. 40; Major, 19 June, 48. 29 5o " ^S * ^ 'Robert W. Macleod Frascr.^i'ns. 5 July 33; Lt. p 17 July 35 ; Capt. p 15 April ^i- 2. S.^^." S* -„«»„« 42 Major, v2(i Dec. 51. ENSIGN. HEUT. CAPTAIN. BREV.-MA.r. Captains. Morris James Hall 15 Mar. 33 7 Jan. 36 \v \ Nov. 42 J. Elphiuston Robertson^ p8 April 37 p21 June 39 ip27 Oct. 43 ohii Craven Mansergh'' 26 Nov. 30 11 July 34 31 July 46 28 May 53 3 Edward Staunton 17 May 31 4 Dec. 34 31 July 46 Edward James lilanckley" 22 May 35 17 Jan. 38 7 Aug. 46 Years' Sorv. 13 £>(> ; : I i' i' ; i' I i' ; ; 1 i' ; ] 27 May 42 p 19 Nov. 20 Mar. 40 p 28 Dec. p21 July 43 P 10 June 8 Aug. 45 P12 Nov. p 2 May 45 29 Jan. [\Vm. Albert Stratton {George Grant Webb'' Henry Pratt Gore'' Richard Thomi)son'" Charles Parker Catty" I .. Lieutenants. I 44 P 30 Mar 49 24 Sept 46 26 Nov, 52 47 :p 1 July 53 47 |p 26 Aug. 53 41 _ _ P O •' '•> 5- Thompson Capt; 10 I served ith the h Re the Kaflir Apr. 42 31 July 46 War of I816-7, Also in that of p June 46 P 7 Apr. 48 1851-2-3 was present at operaAug. 46 P30 Mar. 49 tions iu the Waterkloof 1 Sept. 1851 and in March 1852 July 46 26 Dec. 51 ceived a complimentary letter from P 12 Nov. 47 P 26 Dec. 51 Sir Harry Smith %thile in command p 7 Apr. 48 P16 Jan ^2 iof Fort Grey, for recapturing with mall party a number of p 18 Apr. 51 P 6 July 52|y;ju en by the enemy from the 11 Apr. 51 P 9 July 52 Govern ent train. L, uls. Gore and M-Cleland, 3 Nov. 46 24 Sept. 52 vson, and Assist. -Surgeon 26 Dec. 51 P26 Nov. 52 J2 Bindon erred in the Kaffir War P23Jan. 52 P 15 Feb. .53 |of 1846-7. Also in that of 1851-2-3. 14 Qr.-Master Croker served with ? 24 Jan. 52 P 1 July 53 the 6th Regt. in the Kaffir War of p 13 Feb. 52 P 26 Aug. 53!i3"iB-7 in that of 1851-2. ' J . H . 16 9 28 28 E. Elkiugton, d. adj. W. Lee,"rtrf. Q-M.2dJune44 Edward Lloyd'' 7 Appleby Spoor^ Edwin Grogan Robert Unw in Fra.Wni.Hy.M'Cle]and'= Nicliolus 6 3 3 8 3 2 2 2 I 1 1 1 Ensigns. John Dawson'John L. Otway Mansergh tl ; i i Surgeon Pratt 15 2^j served 43. * lAdjufant.— Lieut. William Lec,'^ 23 July 46. ; o ^ ' i 5 5 g (/> = =:p£.|.i i §. S^2. E.O H ^-^ i" — Lifut.-Gcn. RiJdill served as Dt inily-Assist.-Quamr-JlahUT-Generul iil (he captiac f CoprnhaKCn in 1B07 ; and as Assijtant-Quarler-Ma--te;-Genirai on ihc eiistein coast of Jf|ain and at Gtnoii, with Ihe army under Lord William Uentinck. 2 LieuL-Col. Michel was nominated a C.U. after the termination of ihcKalf.r war in It'oS, in consideration of his di.'itii'guithi d seriicus in tl e Kaflir wars of I84U-7 and of 18bl-2-3. 3 Majui Barnesservtd in the K,.fiir War of 1852-3. 4 Major Fra-cr acted a.~ siatl' olticcr to a detachment sent from Bomba.v in 1S37 .lyainst the rebds in Canara. He ser\'cd al.-o in the Kaffir war of 1846-4T. Captain Robertson served with the (iih Regt. in the Kaffir War of 1851-2-3 commanded the i:.fi.nlry consisting o! ihne companies of the Clli, and one company of the 73rd Rcgts. at the cngagiment of the Iluomah Pass in the Amatola mounlaii s 24ih Dec. 1850 (horse shot), and also in Ihc skirmii-h on the followin;: day betwi en the Keiskama Hoi k and Fort While, when a lart:e 1 oJy of KaDirs w< re defeated with grtat loss(nn'nlii.ncd in pcr.eral orders}. Commanded the Ulli Regt. on the 6th Fib. whenatl»ckcd by a large force of Kaffirs between Fort Cox and Fort White, at which lime a hundred of Ihe enemy were .Ap)i .intcd Commandiinl of Pi rl i:ii/;.bclh and the d:slrict if killid (nienli.^ned iu general orders). I'iienhagc ill March leSl, and was placed in commana of 300 levies and loO mounted burghers for the purpose of keeping ihe Zuurberg mountains clear of the enemy, and also the keeping open the communication between Port Jilizabelh, and Graham's Town. Was engaged ir. Sivcral minor afl'airs with the memy from the above lime to Ihe close of the war in March It-SS. [For Notes 11 and 10 see preceding page.] =• n ^" o~5g "p. ;^- 5' S ^ & = »-§ c E. | — 'Quarter-Master. Jolin Croker,'^ 28tli July, 46. Surgeon. Egerton James Piatt,'' 7 Jlay 52; A.-isist-'Surg. 11 June 41. Henry Vereker Bindon,'^ 12 June 46. ..issisCant-Surgeons. Win. Fred. Torcato Ivey, CO May 45. Facings Blue. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co. — £:. .^ with — lONov. ! -• I , 1 10 c (fq ; the 6th Regt. in the Kaffir War of 28 May 52 1852-3. p 9 July 52 8 Capt. Webb served with the Left Wmg of the Lewis Blyth Hole 3 Dec". 52 yueen's Royals during the campaign of 1844 and 45 in W. C. F.Burlton Bennett, P 17 Dec. 52 the Southern Conean and Sanant Warree Country, including the storming of several stockades, and the in,Thomas FoUiott Powell.. 'p 18 Feb. 63 vestment and capture of the Forts of aionohur and P 22 Ajdil 53 Munsuntush. Henry Parkinson ..., 13 Lieut Lee served with the Royal Marines at the P 8 July 53 John Edward Tewart. _ (jp capture of the Island of Carabusa, together with several 5.., Oswald William Every -U Aug. 00 piratical vessels in its harbour, in 1828-9. Sydney James Timbrell,"' 9 May 51 ; Ens. 27 May 42 ; Lieut. \Payniastcr. j 2 2 2 2 .. Walter Tyler Eartley William Grove A nnesley Richard Henry Goodwin William Pitt Prest * O 1 j ! Philip Aug-. Mosse Frederick William Gore'- 12 8 8 10 —_ o. .- 05 I "I 5 = ^ = « f1 c.='s ^ „ Z S- ~c i 1 : ^ o x.-* =r c J. s » " — — 60 — — — — — — — . [a^Ml^cS" In the centre of the colours. The " Rose" within the ''Garter" and the " Crown" over it. " And in the corners of the second Colour. {Royal Fusiliers. The White Horse." "Martinique" " Salamanca" "Talavera" "Badajoz" "Albuhera" " Vittoria" "Pyrenees" "Orthes" "Toulouse" " Peninsula.158 1th Regt of Foot. Cupt. 20. Col. 65 I 33 Lieut. 31 Jan. 92 . James Croft Brooke. 26. 1789. 1 Jan. v 1 Oct 25. the " Royal Cypher and Crown. . 94 . 8th Foot. Majors. Ca^^ p 30 Jan. Major. 49^ Henry Winchcombe Hartley. 38 . Major. 33. Col. V 19 Nov. p 23 June 25. Maj. 35 . 31 Mar. Capt. 1 1 . p 3 Apr.8^A ( The King's) Regiment of Foot. 91 . Lt. Ens. 40. [*"^*S«„^*. 25 . Capt. 33. Maj. . 1 March. -Col. Major. 1 Oct. 3 Apr. 21 Sept." " Nec aspera terrent. . 4 June. Brevet-M(ijor. Maj. Full Half Pay. Lieut.* Ens. p31 Oct." Colojiel." with the words " EGYPT '— " MARTINIQUE" —" NIAGARA. Gen. 41 . Capt.-Gen. P 10 May. 46 . JoTin Longficid. P 27 Apr. 1 Jan. p 22 June. Ens. 05 . 32. i^. Ens. Sept. 31 March. 46. 24 Apr. Lt. 44 Lieut.' GCB. iieMM' 26 Sept. p 2 Oct.?f«^^'] ^t'ti^Ip"'''] The " White Horse" on a red ground within tlie "Garter. Sir Gordon Drummond. 28 Feb." and the " Crown" over it. 2 Sept. 98 .-Col. 10 — . -Colonels. In the three corners of the second colour. Lt. 46. 27 May. Eiis.-Coi. Edward Harris Greatlied. 18 Lieut.-2%5vinem.-Gen." The " Sphinx. p 16 Dec. Pay. 31 Lieut. 94 . V'2\j Oct. 45. 6 March. Major." KCB. Mnj. 48. il/ryor*. P 10 June 53. FEROZESHAH. Lt. 11 Nov. 18 Feb. Lt. i^. Co?. 39.rHead Quarters 160 The at VITTORIA. Zif. p 14 Apr. 36. Mfijor. 46. 37. p 22 Feb. p 8 June 52. 23 Nov. 30. 13.-Gen. 19 . p 14 Aug-. 9th F. 35 . 21 June.!f. p3 April 35 . 3Iaj.-Maj. 01 . Frederick D. -Co/.. 22 Dec. . dipt. Major. 12 Jan. ^?i*.-Gen.I Fermoy. v 13 July 32 . 00. 48 ." "SOBRAON. Lister.. 16 Sept. 3 April. 41 Lf. 30 Julv 4] . LAMANCA.— Charles Elmhirst.— Arthur Borton. 11 . Capt. 3 June. Col.' Years' Serv.-Col. 51 . Cnpt. Lierit. Brev. p19 Sept. Sir James Archibald Hope. p 17 Oct. 06. 46. 18 Feb." figure of —y Colonel. p 10 June 53.^ ^«*. Crt.-Col. 45 . Lt.Ens. Lt. 22 July.^ ^ws." MOODKEE. = s 3 . Ens.-«."'2!)Dec. PSJune 39: Capt. Henry Errington Longden. Lieat.''\.i'l July '^5 • .-CW.[ Umbluah' 1 161 The " Sphinx. — ^2. 8 Oct.~. p5 Oct 32. • 24 Oct 99 • ' 4 June' 14 28 Sept. S . i?«*. -Col. 13 Sept.«. — - ° •. 26 Dec.5=S I tl 1 ?. 40 • Capt. -Colonels.Tf^jor. 16 S = S S. Lieut. Lie„^.43. P2G . <^«/^f.2.'--f9.-3^ S a ' C a — «a. 4 Jlay 09 -'col Moj. p 14 April 48 Lieut. p 3 Nov 48 ^. —Thomixs Ilarte Franks. \\iniam Henry Chas. .^ Ens. . 03 Major.' Bt. P15 " i ^ Sept.' with the words..] '%%" -" PUNJAUB"-"MO0LTAN"-<'G0OJERAT. " EGYPT"—" PENINSULA"—" SORR AON" ^^"'"-^^^ Ind^.^f. ApAl. Nov. a-5" 5g-°o . 1842. KCB. i^.? = a o a lOtk ( Tkc NoHk LhlColushire) Regt.^ April. Ens.i ' X 2 3 ^ . i^. 27 May. =^ o _ s > S S. 47! Lieut P26 ^/^y<>/-.Pt-'-?^. 30: Lieut. p7 Au"-.-Gen. 48. 5 Years ^ 5 I 73^ ^ c .Q 55 . .O 5 3 •§ « q. of F00t.'28 March. Lieut. 34 Blajor.— }S^ Sir Tliomas JI'Mahon. 28 June.!« 00 »- 2 •= = c ~ O oj _ o a 2 „• 2a ? 2 33J^ I '-^ s = is "g _ s !?** & sis _ 2 a . p 29 June.^ " S5 E »>° c3 5 2 = £ 2 S -^"^ •a I. - s = . Ens. 42 g — J3 2 S^ 5 .:= 3 > J S O fe Jrt »i " 3 2 — et « "= _r r — *- S .^ CB." Colonel. lOth Foot. 38 Col. 40 Mfgor.o =s 4) . uD S •_ -^ ha 5 3 _.. - ^ S o S!^ £-=r.^^f. 2 Feb 97 Lt Capt.5-3 . Uellesley. OG . -William Fenwick. 36.<?«jjif P 17 Jan. 25 . C.-Col. " « "3 •« 5 o = i^ s« ' 9.w S « o —y .2 = 2 2 3 3 2 5 . 45. -Gen. Capt. Lieut.-Col. Major. P 7 Aug.-Gen. Col. Lieut. P27 June. 45. 18 Jan. Ens. 12 Aug. 96. 16 Feb. 06 . 38. 17 . 11 Nov. 6 Nov. Lt. P27 June. Moj. Brevet. 22 Dec. P26 Feb. 41 Lieut. Col. 14. 41 Half Pay.Major. 26. Lieut. Capt. 41 . Major. Ens. Capt. 13 . 4 June.-Colonel.' KCB. P31 Dee. p15 Feb. Brevet-Lt. 39. 28 June. Capt.of Foot. 27 May. 25. 26 Mar. 28 June. [ 'dTp'.-Col. P 1 April. 38 . .^ Ens.—}^ John Casemir Harold. P Sir John Wilson. Lieut. p17 June.-Col. 08. 45. 27. 99. Major.^ j. 60 Full Pay." Colonel. 07 . 28 May. 5124 Henry Keane Bloomfield. 24 . 41 — Lieut. 51 John Singleton. 25 Sept. lltli Regt. 1 May.^"^"45?""'] nth{The North Devonshire)Regt. 1802.?i*. Major. Brevet-Major. 37 . 21 May. 30 Sept. 10 Jan. Lieut. a1 ^in^hTsfet? "Salamanca" — " Pyrenees''— "Nivelle" — " Nive" — "Orthes"— "Todi. 1794. 44 28 36 Majors. 15.ou8k" —"Peninsula. « Nov.b. Years' . Emb. •. for Sen. iboo Koosh Gliur. . I Ensigns. 26 Lt. assault and capture of the town and forts of Tootumdurrah. P 23 May 45 28 Dec.^. ^CJ1 ^ I -f I H I 3 1 1 P r. William Brown. Forester'' 9 Apr.20 Dec. 12 Paymaster Morton served in the 9th the campaign of 1845-6 on the Sutlej. 'J'l''^' ^"'T Jellalabad (medalj.-Surg. W. " V -a :« ci 2 1 . . 42 Major. Gerald Fitz Gerald King. Ferozeshah. 43 P 9 Apr. and siege of Flushing in 18U9.anistan." with Colonel. at Bergen. heroic defence of Jellalabad." 8 Nov. 28 P22 June 32 13 April 31 P 16 Jan. 1811. 52 P 23 Nov.ir Khan before Jellalabad (medal). including the battles of Moodkee.rf. Stanhope Rich. Vittoria. . 4 Captain King 1(1 the Hon. Cox & Co. — o 5 2 g = . Lieut. James C. Edward Boyd -1 -li' n Cii\ . 47 John William Cox' 23 July 42 14 Apr. Henry Kerr.-) =1 T-v . 24 May.al action of Tezeen.. adj P 31 July 46 P 24 Jan. throughout the campains in AITghanistan from 1838 to 184? inclusive. I842. 46 Lieut. Thomas D'Arcy. and Corunna. 48 P21 Jan. Gomm S i^"". general action and defeat of . Expedition to 'iValcheren. g o « £= si 3 ^ ""^ GO -3 '3 - -g c. 1842. battle of Waterloo. 40! 14 Oct. 44. Hollo Gillespie Burslem. battle of Served also tin' campaign of 1815. May 53 May May 53 53 15 July 53 25 Nov. i <! . affair of Te52 . Vimiera.-Col. . Henry Lewis FitzGerald John Frederic Everett Ricliard Nugent Clayton Henry Edward Hall .^ s. 38 30 Apr.1 1S4 i 5 = fc "^ -5 — . and 40.'' (icJj. p30 Dec. s 3 M. 2 Major Holcombe served with the 13th Lt. p. 51 L.2b June. 42 . Capt.1 A K P 12 April OO P 29 Apr. 41. Surgeon. 53 Robert Peel Peter Redmond Jeunings' p I j --s [ . 42 George King'' 30 June 43 12 April 31 P 21 Aug. : §i lai'A. 30. . Captain Forester sel ed throughout the campaigns AtTghanistan from 1838 to 1812 47 including tlie storm and capture 51 of Ghuznee (medal). and Nivelle.\kb. in 1805. & Capt. 53 CO P> Z-i P P P P P 5. = " 3 S. Fuentes d'Onor.Douglas Willan.££. 50 P25 Nov. 15 July 49. including the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor.Essex F. and that to Stralsund and Copenhagen. " EGYPT. 53 and Ist April. Expedition on the coast of France and Spain. in 1810.P 6 May 53 P 22 Apr. 18 Feb. Forester served as an aide-de-camp to Sir Wil loughby Cotton in 1838. 10 Mar. assault of I'crwandurr. gcner. 03 . 42 5 Aug.. ^ ^^ c. when he repulsed the attacks Accompanied the Expedition to of the enemy on the baggage of the army. including the Vittoria. 2ltli Mar. Agents. .. Holcombe. i "J ." 3 April 46. P 28 Apr. Bryan Vardon Stan. 28 . Edwin Morton.—Chavles Stuart. Henry Chichester George Henry Cobham. Lovell P 30 May 45 Edward Lynch 15 July 49 .//t P24Sept. assault and capture of Badajoz. Assist. t''6 pa^sage of tlie Clienab. and detailed in note 0.B." "GHUZNEE' A Mural Crojivi. and 1st t. 181'-' . Major. Lieut. 50 P Jolin Augustus Fuller 1 July ® ^. 35 John Stewart Wood. 53 41 42 I 53 53 ^= -'^' f ^''^" '^''^" 9 Assistani-Surgeon Hanbury served with 24th In the Punjaub campaign of 1848 9. P21 July 46: P 8 Nov. 13th. S 'S-3 o 3 "T ~-r ^ -3 ]5 "St/ 5 O -1 °2 S *^ "3 = c p '^ E r2 i o tn o c « 3 o ? "« " ' O . ^ Charles Poore Long . -- a .5 I £ S S . Busaco. Major.— Alex. and recaptured considerable public properly. Lt. Sir William has received the gold cross and one clasp for Badajoz. M. Duncan Cameron M'Naughten.: — 3 5 c8 -. Ulh Mar. p 31 Dec. 1 . Straubenzee served the campaigns of 1810. & Lieut. . storming of the Khoord Cabool Pass. destruction of Khardurrah. 1841. in 1807. 50. 46 P 26 Dec. Assistant' Surgeons. p 8 Nov. . and at Ghuznee. on O " O -3 CAPTAIN." "AVA. I I. Girishk.^S = SSa . lOJan. 48. 24 Feb. and Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). CoZ. including the battles of Koleia. and sorties on the Hth Nov. 15 Aug. P 16 Aug. and 1st Dec. 37 . Lieut. superscribed " JELLALABAD.ijor Burslcm served ihe campaigns of 1838. 15 Oct. Campaign of 1808-9. "r &I .' KCB.47jP 12 Oct.24th March.iEUTENANTS. and was present every action from Tootumdurrah lo Caboal. — . Quarter-Master. Facings Blue.^' Ens. 53. « ""533 •^2 £o . Hon. s. Adjutant. &: 4'2. 32 . Lieut..""AFFGHANISTAN.S'i?- Nov.§ P . Robert Gosling P 14 June 50 P 6 May Arthur Bainbrigge. 11 . 1( . 29 Dec." "MARTINIQUE. [^ m! ^DeS'al cio^'LY the words. 32 Hon. and assa'. and 1st April. sturm of Jiioolirhur. storming the |heights of Jugdulluck. . and the silver War Medal with six clasps for Roleia. Chillianwallah. destruction of Khardurrah. Wilson Henry Jones. 52 P 18 Feb m Apr.D. 50 P IJuly 53 Hujih Maurice Jones . Maj-Geii. alfiirof Tezeen. Inf. lU. 13 Jan. Messrs. and was present at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (medal).. and took with two companies of tlie 13tb the forts on the left of the enemy's position . 14 Feb. 94 . Col Pay IGMay. P 29 Apr. 35 . Proceeded again to the Peninsula. 13 April 32 Lieut. 42 ii'. storming the Ivhoord Cabool Pass. 46 P 9 Aug. battle of Salamanca. d. 48' P 1 Apr. il/ryor*. 17 Aug. : £ ^: * :: jS-3«. 10 Oct. L. including the action of the I9tli 1 Sir William Sept. St. and 40 in Allgh. P 29 Dec.. M. 12." "CABOOL. 50 Ens. [For Note 7. 46. Dormer. 50 George Henry Tyler 22 Dee. of Light Infantry. served in the expedition fo the Helder. .4G.Melville Browne Wm. 51 P 25 Nov. Fitz Gerald King. the principal part of the time as an Assistant-Quarter-Master-General. 53 [reduction o°f the fort of Mamoo '^'"'''' '''f<-'°« "f Jellalabad and 53 STt'es on the 14th Nov. JohuAngersteiu Rowley —— — — . Coriiw. and battles of Sadoolapore. 34. Capt. 17 Aug. (JO William Maynard Gomm. ) = -tr -J 3 CS c u — J= c: i--^ T3 :-.-Geii.^^/. 46. and recapture Commanded four companies of the 13th which formed part of the force which proceeded under Sir of Cabool (medal). 12 Sept.i 53 Dec. night attack at U. 9 Nov." The "Spliinr.ilt of P^ 8 Lieut. 38 26 June 38 22 Apr.D 27 Oct. ^h*. . or Prince Albert:sRegt. 35 2 Aug. in 1799. 43 P 3 Nov. under Sir James Pulteney. action at Villa Muriel. general Tezeen. ui-nt h.S . Expedition to Hanover. 45. 15 April. in 1800. with the 13th. nth March. Fred. G. -_Iz^ 2 pi. P 21 Nov. and Sobraon : Medal and two Clasps.- 5i o BKEV. forcing the JugduUucli Pass.-Colonel. "ii^ '"'^'"<1'"S Paymaster. 37. general action . where he served during the remainder of the war. Van Straubenzee.- "5 " JJ' S S -^^ C3 .. Vimiera. 50^ J3 Pay. 39. and Xive . sie?e of San Sebastian. 39. Salamanca.-Col. William Ilanbury.-MAJ. 3 Nov.^ c U " B C " — ^-3 --3 ' 2 " c >.*. 3 S^.ah.^ "El's -2 °S^ bCV — 3 O Qi 3 3 •5.3 12 13 14 . Ens. and commanded the rear guard of the 13th at the passage of the Kojak Pass on the 14th April 1849. see following page. p 9 Aug. reduction of the fort of Mamoo Khail. storm of Jhoolghur. Cap^ 22 July. Robert Sale towards Bamcan lor the purpose of bringing in the Cabool captives. Captains. forcing the Jugdulluck Pass (severely wounded). storming the heights of Jugdulluck. Corunna. P 16 July. Capt. Sebastian. Noel K. c3 -^ lllil o . action of and recapture of Cabuol (medal). '^ 16 Aug. assault and capture of the town and forts of Tootumdurrah. 94. attack at Baboo Koosh Ghiir. E. and was present at the storm of Ghuz dal).^= i £i" 5 o 3 a o i 1 = . p 27 Mar. 29. . J. 40 ^ 9 Apr. Montgomery . Lieut. and battle of the Nive.o ^ -A5 •"s-ac-c. Capt. p3 Dec. . 39 j Lieut. Nov. . 24 June.' F. 92 . attack pture of Sej^oan. 50 P 16 William Heywood P15 Mar. in the Punjaub camjiaign of 1849 .. superscribed "INDIA.>//. 23 April. revet. Facings Buff. Thomas Holmes Tidy. 4 March 53. Downes & Son. 47. -Surgeon. 14tli Regt. Agents. 50. Has received a Persian Order. P 20 Oct. and Uth March. Lieut. & Co. CAPTAIN. Irish Agents. 48 May 51 Dec. Chapoo.-Coloncl. j Richard Hussey Vivian 17 Aug. 23 Nov. 28 June 1847. 51 9 Nov. Julius Chetham Strode' 17 Dec. P 25 Apr. 39 P 28 39 P24 46 15 Thomas Segrave 47 P 29 Charles Edward Grogan 47 P 28 P 1 Aug. 51 Gage Hall Dwver H. EXSIGNS. 1 Quarter-Master.-Stirg. 37 25 P26 Nov. Eivi. Mryor. 14. U2 . A'Court'lnglefieldjp 12 Mar. 1 1 Nov. Bear-skin Caps of the Grenadiers and Drinniiiors. storm of Jhoolghur. occupation of Ning"po and repulse of the ni^ht attack. [Returned from Nova Scotia. Armstrong.*" 26 Nov. and 1st Dec. Ralph Buck! 10 Mar.-MAJ. Portuguese. and with tlie field lorce in pursuit of llie enemy to the Khjber Pass (Medal and one Clasp)..] 1 Sir James Watson served with the 14th Regt. reduction of the Fort of Mamoo Khail.-Major. 52 Oct. John M'Culloch O'Toole* William Hanbury Hawley 22 Nov. John O'Connor. (The Buckinghamshire) 1 166 Regt. 42 June 42 Feb. t)5 J Major. 71 JSir James Watson. O'Toole served with the 49th on the China expedition. Gurra Kotah. when ttiat ship was burned and wrecked. also the War Medal with one clasp for Ava. Pay. 5 Lieut. e 28 Sept. ^\. — B i' i' . Armit. . 1783 Lieut.-Col. 46 34 1 Aug 18 Sept. 53 BllEV." -I Tli<.— JmnvsWiitson. D'H. p19 Aug. i'21 July. He served with the 9th Lancers in the Punjaub campaign. Gen. 52. . 10 Jan. Majors. John Echlin Edw. of Foot. Borough. 24th March and 1st April 1842 the general action with and defeat of the besieging force under Akbar Khan before Jellalabad on the 7th April. 51 j Ens.—John Peter Hall. 50iP13 William Banger Bower P 13 Dec. Turkish. Lient. . Maj-Gen. Cox served in the 13th Light Intanlry the campaigns of 1840. d Chi and the demonstration befoi-e Naik^ kin (Medal). 11 Nov.l'i Oct. 51 Jan. Mar. 4 Juno. 52 George Bridges . 35.' KCB. Lmif. It) July.. 51. 50. 2 Lt. ^ Ens. Lieut. 11 March 63. p14 Dee. and in the Pindarreeand Mahratta wars. P 16 Apr. p 29 July 53 P 16 Dec. 21 . Batt served in the 98th. attack on Khaidurrah. 15 Maj-. 1841. 32. Charles Monck Wilson. 1 Full Halt Col. 21. Ens. and at the investment of Nankin.-Cul. 9 Nov. on those days. Was present with armies in the field during the late Barman. the White Hoisc..v2 Oct. . 21 .jl Twee. 11 April.'"— "TOURNAY"—"CORUNN. Was on board tho /Jucfti/i^/iamjf/Kre. 52 Jan. 37 . 25 P 18 June 30 25 16 Mar. H. 15. 52 24 Dec 47 P 29 Dec. Watson served at the siege and storming of Bhurtpore in 1825-6 (iMedal). includinfc the assault and capture of Djocjocarta . 26 1 June 41 31 21 Nov 22 Jan. Capt. p 26 April. Persian. 52 Aug. 52 Prittie Cosby Walter Frederick Blunt P 24 Nov. Capt..st. 18 April. R. Sir E. on the Continent under the Duke of York in HO.''46 Major. Messrs. in a^ tion with the enemy lltli and 14th Dec. at the capture of the fort of Hattras. 51 .. 1849. actively assisted at the reduction of tho fortress of Dhomone MunJela (where he led the storming party). 49 P 19 Frederick Smythe P 15 Mar. present at the battle of Goojeraf. 41. 53 3 Major Tidy serred at the sieg-e and capture of Bhurtpore (Medal). " Nee nxpern terrrnt. storming the Khoord Cabnol Pass. forcing the JugduUuck Pass.V'—" JAVA"— "WATERLOO"— "hIiURTI'ORI':. 4 Sir James Alexander served in the Madras LightCavalry previous to being transferred to II.— Head Quarters'] at Limerick. 15 Feb. P 20 Jan. 14. with the expedition to the North of China in 1812 (medal). 41 . and present at the capture and destruction ot the insur^^ent villages of Saggow.-Col. 15 Feb. 23 March. 13 Surgeon. ' ! | — — — — at the rt'duction of the islands of St. E. 48 P 16 Dec. attackand captureof Chinhue.-Gen. Capt. IL-1 . 46 11 I' Lieutenants...Col.. Thomas . and was present ^^ ^^^ attack and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. Medal for Java. and was present at tlie assault and capture of the town and fort of Tootumdurrah. Major. A'.. 14 April 25. Brevet Lt. 50 Nov. and was present at the battle of Guojerat (medal and clasp).. William Renwick. night attack of Baboo Koosh Ghur. ()0 Pay. and CaflVe wars and was on the personal staff of Sir Benjamin D'Urban in South Africa and North America. Served with the ex pedition agai nst the Afriedies in tiic Kdiat Pass in Feb. 28 . 53 Angus William Hall P«//Mf«^e/-.. Col. Alexander. Bt. and Sheerkanee. the storming of the JugduUuck heights. Strode served with the Gist Regt. Assi. Maurice Barlow. P 19 July John Dwyer P 23 May William Douglas William Cosmo Trevor 11 Mar. Lieut. 52 Reginald Henry Graham 3 Dec. 52 Feb.-Col. commanded the expedition that captured tlie piratical state of Sambas in Borneo in 1813. Edgar Dumaresq Batt." Colond. Captains. 3 Adjutant.'' s. 1 Assist. 22. general action at Tezeen. 7 Capt. 22 Mar. PuUee. 53 Dec. 52 2 Oct."? and 94 . for wliich he has a Medal as also another for Jellalabad.. 2G. and was present at the attack and capture of Amoy. 24 May. Expedition into the Eusufzie country.. 50 42 P21 Apr. Ens.f . 50 Apr. 51 P16 21 June 10 July P 8 Jan. P . on passage to England with invalids. and recapture of Cabool. 48 19 CharlesMonckWilson. 51 44 P 12 Oct.Ens. P 1 July Charles Cecil Newman 26 July Henry Townsend 30 Dee. 50 p 27 Matthews .Li etit. Lieut. Lucie and Trinidad in l/DU and 'J7. adj\ p 17 June 51 16 Dawson Stockley Warrenlpl9 Dec. att'air of Tezeen. 1850. P29 Nov. heroic defence of Jellalabad and sorties on the 14th Nov. 53. Fairtlougli . the second capture of Chusan. and Asseerghur. Zoormundie. 41 . 50 Dec. Frederick Hammersley. 7 Capt. 46 42 22 Jan.. Lieut. Dra- goons. 25 Dec. John Watson 20 July Sir Jas. 37. 26 P17 May 27 Pll Aug. . 40. itlie 14ith J — . v 12 June. .. 8 Surg. 48 P23 John Barlow P 2 Feb. and 4'J in Attglianistan. 'A Dec. 24 Dec. 52 P 23 Nov. Brev. Capt. M. 21 Jan. 45 P 22 Oct. Commanded tho 14th regiment at the capture of the Isles <if France and Java. CapL r 20 Dec. 10 Jan. David Tho. " '^^' .166 I5th ( TheYorhshne East Riding) RecjL ofF. [^"^epot^afMumSr. " 29 MARTINIQUE"—" GUADALOUPE. Maj. Major. 51. 1785.~Gen. Lieut. [Serving at Jamaica- Dejiot at Cnstlebar. Lieut. 43. Cajit.Emb. 10 Regt. P 18 April. 12. 20. . Cockell. Lieut. 1 Jan.-Maj. 22. for For. 30. Pay. 1 Juiiu. Lieut. 1 March. Ens. 8 July 42 . 11 Aug. Ens. 25 April. Lt. 94 Col.— \\m. Puy.-Col.-Colonel. 25. 11 June 24. Lieut. 48. 28 . ofFoot. p 17 Nov. 20 Dec. 28. fSl Aug. 11 Nov. Colonel. 27 Aug. 24 Jan 91 .Ens. 27 May. Major. Cupt. Lt. P 20 Dec. v 10 March. Robert Luxmoore.. Cai)t. 41 . 20 Brev.. 25 Col.' GCB. : Lieut. Major-Gen.-Col. Carr. Lieut. 1840 6fh ( 1 The Bedfordshire) Regt. 1 Jan. 94 . Gen. Viscount Beret'ford. 69 ^ \Vm.-Col. Ens. Cajit. Henry Copinger.. p 23 Juno 25. . Major. Majors. 6 Mar. 15 Marcli. 23 JNov. Brev. Vonis' Serv. 26 June. p29 Aug. 08. 51. 8erv. 28 Apr. 00. ] 19 Jan. 89 . 23. 45. GCH. . supcrsciibid Colonel.' GCB. t)4. 09. & Lieut. Brev. . 13 Mar. 9 Nov. Ens. Majors. Sir Peregrine Maitlanrt. P 14 June 50. 2 Jan.-Lt.-Maj.168 The YoaiB* {The Leicestershire) Rec/t ofFoot.-Gen. 37.^ Ens. 25 June. Lieut. 12 Muj. Lieut.-Colonel. lU (JiaJ . . 4(5 CoZ. 52. p 11 Dec. if. [^'^t^ubun!' "HINDOOSTAN"— "AFFGHANISTAN"— "GHUZNEE"— "KHELAT" 7 th \ ItoiJal Tujcr. 23 Nov. 41 . '2-Z July 30 . Capt. p27 Oct. 34 . Cap. 44 Major. 41 Major.^ ^wa-. 2 Nov. 43.-Col.-Col. 4 July. 1803. 27 Brev. 44 Lt. 43. p 20 Nov. 17th Regt. 1792.— AyX\i\iv Lowry Cole.^l^ Philip M'Pherson. . Lieut. 30 April. 52. & Capt. 11 Capt. Capt. 1 Jan. 13 June. 4 June. 14 Lt. Oliver Paget Bourke. p 22 Aug.-Col. 3 Dec.-Gen. 38. Gen. CB. P7 Sept. 3 Dec. . 25 June. 35 Lieut. . £:««. . Maj. . 7 Nov. I Aug. Col. Serv. P John Cormick^ 41 25 Oct. 8 Captain Call was ai Canton and Araoy (Medal)." "CHINA.in ^:^r^:»:rv.* Eni\ 11. John Grattan. 14 Nov. 9 Capt. 39 Brev.-Moj. " Virtutis NamufThe Sphinx. . 49 12 Dec. and has received the guM Joh F. 31 (Jl Jan. Major. for which he wa selected by Sir Hugh Gough us the bearer of liis despatches. 42 Nov. 37 P 20 Sept. 37 P 7 Apr. Quarter-Blaster. 49 22 Dec. at h Captain sar„ent »as « assaulted and took the forts of the vu D'Aguilar. 4 July 19 Sept. ' spiitches. Foo Kian? and Chin Shanehai. . 7 9 Dec. .B.e evneditinn in the 49th Regt. those ot' the Staked Barrier. Sept.. Sargent"' 18 May 41 26 July . Chapoo. MaJ. 45 Dec.Gratti Matthew Jones Hayman^ Henry Allsop Ward . jvfcuiinr. Accora to Ibe end < 1842 '° Mi>y '»« from May "l! the Canton igns ih a detachment of invalids on Wi ISj. Geo. 51 Thomas Esmonde 5 Dec. the Lion of Nassau. A ssist. hfter which he was at the attack of Scthe 18th (after the fall of Lt. 61. 3G. 50. Anth. John Borrow 41 p 23 Feb. present at the storming of the hina expedition (Medal). and landing before capture of Chapoo (wounded). 61 Chapoo. Chin* 4 Lt -Col Wigstonwas at Canton. Lt. d Chin Kiang Foo. L/ew^.-2b May 53. 25 Sept. 1 1 Nov. which General ij 17 Lieut. 23. 28 Majors. Lieut. Brev.^ir^^:'A:.Segoan. George by Lord Hill. m„. 17 April. Ens. 19 May. 13 Nov. 42 31 1 36 39 44 42 44 15 May 41 47 7 Dec.. 33 P 10 Mar. Adjutant. 25 April 28 .&ChlnKiangFoo(Medal). Henry Graves . ots brigade in the Peninsula. with the Chinese expedition • .D. . Clement Alexander Edwards. 20 Aug. Brev. 47 Apr. . Amoy.-Surgs. 42 . and appointed brigade major of Port St. Surgeon. "EGYFT. 1 June. BREV.N-'p-'^^^ manded the guard at the post. Licut.Emb. .commanded and coan.June 29. Coh Pay. . 53.„niamieH a " **irLieu? Wilk^ nson se^^ed ""— '. p 18 p 19 William James Hales .-Mujor. and Shanghai . . 46. 14 Sept 23 Nov hae.-Col. 30 Mar. 93 . Salamanca. when on the passage from Calcutta to tnglaud. Edwards was at Cantoii. 47 12 July 50 3 Ai)r.' KCB. 40. . and the P>renoes.Colonels. 41 . 41 30 Dec.—James Stewart.4o. .i. JosephGeorgeWilkinson'* George Swaby" Charles Frederick Kelly p 25 Nov." censis Pramuum. . Lieut.jAl 22 April 53 Shnghai. 94. Jirev.. attack and c. 32 Ca})t. and was i Lieut. 3 Dec.o. . p22 Nov. Cox & Co. 44. 14 Oct. John Joseph Wood 34 23 Oct. 29 Dec. 9 May. 13 . 42 2 Feb. p 10 George Wni." " The Dragon..'' 6 Aug. P31 George Augustus Elliot. 03 .ture of thi Nankin. 46 John Swinburn '* Henry James Stephenson P2d Frederick Willington .Nin^po. 30 July 42. William Kelman Chalmers.— '& Sir John Forster Titzgerald. s( 1> wounded) entrenched cam) on the heights of Segoan ( taking of Niiigpo. and was detained 108 days in captivity. William Elford Adams 42 11 Apr.F. Assist. p28 Nov. 46. On his return to China —on board the Madanatcar in — d'8 dethe ship having caught hre during a gale of wind.S.Chapoo. 9 Dec.-Col. expedition China the Sthon the with Stewart" served 7 Lieut. Lt.as 1 Sir I W . p 22 Aug. 48 7 Mar.. Capi. Woosung and Chiu Kiang Fou (Medal). Fred. taking of Anioy..-Surg. 22 July. He served belli. was bravely maintained and of of the war. for mil {Royal Insh) Regiment l:& of Foot. MuJ. 20 May V . 8 July.. v lU Mar. 61 Aug.i1 the action of Maharajpore. 12 Aug. 14 Aug. 47 Dec. P13 Mar.Chusan.W. Capt. Wm. 23 June 25. Edmond Wm. Henry Pocklingtou William O'Bryen Taylor Robert Hoey Jex-Blake John William Meurant Edward Hayes Wilton . 7 Dec. LIEUT. A. . 26 .3CB. Lt.'"•'-•''' ''" '^'"y. Capt. West Gate notwithstanding the ^-- He com- '". Lt. Full Half Col. Hayinan and Surj investment before Nankin. 63. Captains.-(?ol. 19.-Col.. 42 24 Oct. April in _-. present at the and w (MedalJ. Vittotia. Major-Gen. . Francis AVigston..-Col." Colonel. il/«J. — — Facings IB^^ mne.CB. 1843 with . 9 Dec.-MaJ.. . 34. 39 26 May. Uns.-Col. Stacpoole. (Medal).— Agents. 9 March. ..stormin[: heights and forts above Canton.rCanton. 51 21 Mar. CAPTAIN. he with a few others narrowly escaped the fate of fifty -seven souls who perished upon that occasion i he fell into the hands of the Chinese. Major.-MAJ. Cajit.-Cul. . Reignolds served with the 4yth on tortltied heights ot Chinhcthe of capture of Chusan.<"^''=">- n" of the 10th March 1841.—ThomSiS Carney. 4 Mar. Woosung. 41 p ' 5 Feb. fiver.e^. 25 May 53. P25 Oct. P 27 Aug.-Gen..-Col. Jliezct. 3 'Lt. 51 . Cormick w present the 40tt. 18th Regt. Paymaster.—J osei^h Hamilton Dwyer. 53 7 June 53 June 49 m was actively em* ployedon tLe t'roii tiers during the re* anadainlfSS. 25 July. when that vessel was totaUy destroyed by fire off when on the passage from Calcutta to England. 47 1 Apr. Lieut. 23 Dec.^'^^-n"c^^. 10 Jan Oil the ihree corners of the — i' — i' . 4 Sept.. and of the City of Culpee on the night ot the 3rd March ISol board the ship BuckUgkamMre. 39 P P 28 8 April 34 P15 Apr. 38. and led the advance against the enemy's entrenched camp. 51 Ensigns. which.•'". 23 Nov. 53 53 3Lt. 48 3 Apr.-CoZ.-. Tomlinson) and he was present at the storming of Chin Kian^ Foo and the landing before Nankin. oosun„. 42 1 June 41 16 April 41 2 Apr. 53 9 Dec. 61 Geo. '29 Thomas Scott Reignolds. at Col.. snangnai ifi Tantflin Sargent wa^i Woosun" . 10. 46 .. c 20 April 31 . 94. 14 Aug. (Medal). 30. 43 5 Apr. 41 . Messrs. Stevenson Call' Archibald Neil Campbell William Tyrrell Bruce" ENSIGN.ii loif„. John Clark Kennedy ^ . 41 Brev. [«™ah" ] 1^9 second Colour. 42 ... «hen the enemy In force attacked that Ningpo on th the enemy repulsed with whelmingdisparit) of numbers. P 16 Feb. M. 29 Oct.. and was present at the storming ot" the heights above Canton. P 63 July BishoppI 8 Pretyman Rich. Ens. in China with tbelSth (Medal). Armstrong'' P21 June 39 26 Jan. Swaby accompanied the expidition under itiajor-uenirai A„. Fitzgerald commanded a light battalion and a for Badajoz. Lieut.i. night of the 3rd March 1851. Lt. Pav. 44 26 July 44 19 May 43 14 July 41 17 Aug. Lt. Brev. 47 13 Sept. . . 52 42 25 May P LlEUTENANTS. promoted to the rank of major. p 18 Jan.-* Ens. [ .170 Years' Seiv. ofF. 1 9^^ ( The 1 St Yorkshire North Riding) Regt. '* ] "MINDEN" INDEN"— "EG MONT-OP-ZEE "—The S. of Foot. — .r. Wii winciiester.j/«j«. with the words "EGYPT"—"! 'CORU\NA"—"VITTORIA"— "PYRENEES"— "ORTHES' Years Colonel.Head-Quarters 20th ( T/ie Ettst DevonsMre) Rent. 172 47 Full Pay. 2G 22 21 20 Half Pay. . of Foot [ %':Zll ] 173 .fetifol^^Sf"] 22nd Full Pay. 31 43 20 2-2 ( The Cheshire) Regt. . 22 July. Pliillott. 3Ioj.' KCB.-Gen. 29 — ^ — Major. 1 Dec. with the motto. 7 Aug. with the words " EGYPT"—" CORUXNi '•—" MARTINIQUE"— "ALBUHERA"— " BADA. J. 10 P 25 March 53." Colonel. 41 . 44. 24 July 49. 26. 65 Capt. with the Motto. the Rising Sun and the Red Dragon. p 22 Oct. Lieut. 02. 51 . 15Apr. Pay. 30. 35. Major. 31 Jan. 24 Sept. 30. Years' Serv. 23rd Fusils. Lt -Col. Major. 12 Dec.. p25 March 53. 30. 174 [ ^e Wight!' In the centre of the Colour the Prince of Wales's Feathers. Cajyt. Xjfwi."— In the second and third corners.JOZ" " SALAMANCA"—" VITTORIA"— " PYRENEES"—" NIVELLE"— " ORTHES"-" TOULOUSE"—" PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO. p26 Dec. Full Half Maj. 49. 11 Nov. 43 . Pay.Ensign. Harry George Chester. " Ich Dje?i. 1 Apr. 51.26. Major.2Zrd{Royal Welsh FusiUers)Regt. p8 Apr. Lieut. Lt. Pll 24 Sept. Pll Dec. 23 Nov. 7'Apr. Lt. £:ns. P26 Oct. . 24 July 49 .-Colonels. and in tlie fourth corner. Lieut. Majors. 34. 99. " Nee aspera tcrreiit. Lieut. 22 July. 37 . Lt. 20 May."—" MINDEN"— the Si>hi?ix.. Daniel Lysons.-Gen. Lieut . 13. 35. Capt. p23 Aug. Capt. Charles CTutc\i\e\. ^nd Lieut. Col. Col.-Col.42. Sir George Charles D'Aguilar. 20 P29 Dec. of Foot. 4:0. 25 . 2«(f Lieut. 13. the Wliite Horse. Fred.-Col. 08. 2nd Lieut. Capt. 30 Mar. p3 Aus. Col. 15 Jan. • 16 . 1 July 25 . Lt. 14 Jan. 45 . P 15 Jan. 08 Lt.-Col. Major.deo. 8 Nov. Major. Charles Hcnvy Ellice. 7 June 49. — . p12 Dec. Lieut. 4 May 01 Colonel.'-^ Ens. 12 May. 2 Nov. Lieut. July. 16 Mar. 3Iajor. Capt. 23 Nov. 5 Jan. [Rawu7p^. P 28 Apr 46 ' P Major.-Col. • i' ir « & — • . v 8 Aug. p 2] Dec. 11 May Lieut. • . Lieut. Col. 08 . 49 . Capt. Augustus George Blaclifonl. Ens. 49 Lieut. v 24 Mar. '' 12 Nov. years' Serv 66 — • . 24tli Rcgt. 49 Lieut. P21 Dec. 26 Capt. of Foot. 19 Major-Gen 22 Full Half Pay. 41 ." Robert Ellice. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. -Colonels. 37 . 99 Cavt. 41 Major.' Ens. Brevet Lieut. 12 Aug.^ Ens. 09. 49.]l75 "Egypt" — "Cape of Good Hope" — "Talavera" " Fuemtes b'Onou"— "Salamanca"— "ViTTOKi A"—" Pyrenees" — "Nivellb"— "Orthes"— "Peninsula" S/<Aj(u:. 17 Edmund Wodehouse.-Gen. with the words. — — " PUNJADll " " CHILLIANWALLAH "— " GOOJERAT.^"8mI/^4o:'"-] Tha 24. 30 . 10 May 44. AYilliam Gustavus Brown. 30 Lt. 51. Capt. 17 Aug:.-Col.-Col. Pay. Lieut.th{The2nd Wcmvickshire) Regt. 29 Majors. 41 . . 51. 42. 25 . 10 May 39 . 10 Jan.lO June48. Majors. 71/ry. Col. 8 Apr. & Ca2>t.— Utim-y Francis Strange.2b April. Pay. r 15 Sept. Major. MajorFull Half Gen. 68 P . 20 Oct. 30. 41 ." Years' Serv Colonel. 20 July.51. 25 P6 May.-Col. 1 Dec. 25th Regt. The King's Crest in two comers of the Colour. Lieut.p2 Aug. ^W5. Ens. Lieut. 23 May 15 .-Lt. Lt-Col. 47. Brev. 6 April. iif. 96. 23 Nov. Mnj. of ^:^'. 4 June. v^ Oct. 36 . Ens. Nisi Dojninus frtistra with the White Horse in the third corner " Nee aspera terrent. Campbell. Lieut." " MINDEN"— " EGMONT-OP-ZEE. " MARTINIQUE.-Maj. 37.20 6ct. 42. 04 Capt. Lieut. James Smith Schonswar. 9 Julv 03 .. 16 Sept. Capt. Ft.] 25ih ( [/. Capt. 30 Mar. Br. 29.Q^ov.-Gen. 20 Sept. 25 Sept.42. 31. Pay.W Nov. 7 April 25 . 29. p29 1 Jime 26 . -Col. Sphinx. 25. " In Veritate Religionis conjido. Lt. 25 July. Lieut.-J^^U^-. Moj. 21 . Samuel Wells. 10.-Maj.The King's wn Borderers) Regt.^i%'Jm9.-Col. CajJt. 03. 93. Brev. 44 ." The ." " Arms of Edinburgh. 50 22 July 30. i'5 Mar. " EGYPT. 51. & GCH.-CoZ. -Colonels." The of the Colour.^ Ens.Sc Lieut. 9 Apr. Cornet."— Flank Companies. Capt. 09 . John Joseph Hollis. 86. 46. Brev. p17 Dec. Lieut. Col.-Lt. 37 . Gen.' KCB. 14. Sir Henry Fred. . 2 Feb. 1794 Major. 32.-Col.'' CB. GCMG. EGYPT. 08 Lt. 1 Marc li 5 50.' GCB. LDepol at Sunderland. Foreign Service. 23 Dec. 16 Apr. 28 March. 40. Capt. . Lieut. p 19 Feb. 39 Major. 28 June 38 . 14 F. 21 Jan.. 38. JE>u^. Brev. p 13 Sept. . 10 July.. Lt. Lieut. 7 Apr. 38. 42 . 22 19 . 30 Capt. . GCII. p30 Apr. 21 . Lord Seaton. 28 June. 4 Sept. v 1 Oct. 29 Half Pay. 25 . 3 July. 60 Full Pay. Maj. 41 . p 12 Nov. 35 Lt. 26 95 . Andrew T. Lt. The Camerom'an)J Regiment of / J -^ Years' Ser.-Col. Ens. 41 . Capt."— "CORUNN. 00 Major-Gen. i'22 May 17 Lt.— George Hogarth.-Maj. Lieut.. Ens. ^ 51® John. Cul. " • r serving in Canada. Hemphill. . Col. 29 . Brev. Majors."_" CHINA. 12 Jan. -Colonel.. 27 May. 2Gth ""•-"• J ( V Foot.Major. 1 1 Nov. . 25.. 28 Aug. The Sphinx. 11 Feb.^ CB. p 8 Dec. Brev. 2 Nov.\. .i'/w. 25 Lleut. 4 June. 51 Ferdinand Whittinghani. Major.-Col. . ."— T/(e Dragon. 47.-Gen. Colonel. 40. 09 Ctipt. vfith tliu words SALAMANCA "— " VITTORLV "— " PYRENEES"—" NIVELLE "— " ORTHES "— " TOULOUSE "— PENINSULA"—" AVATERLOO. LUCIA. " Ncc aspera EGYPT"— " MAIDA" — ' BADAJOZ"— The Sphinx.178 A 27M Castle with Three Turrets lerrent. [Head Quarters at Enniskillen." Years *' " ' . The White Horse. St." "ST." . George's colours flying in a blue Field. of Foot. {or Inniskilling) Regt. at' .Head Quarters tS 5< Leeds. The IS fi-Sj Spliinx. 43: 14 April 46 ber Pass. when he was succeeded by the Duke of Wellington. John Smitli Chartres.— Matthew Smith. 50 Punjaub campaign in 1848-9.S.-Surgeons. and Toulouse (slightly wounded). and was present at the battles of Talavera (slightly wounded). Col. Lord Downes was appointed Aide-dcCamp to Sir John Cradock. Gen. 4 Apr.". 53 . FitzGerald' 23 July 42 20 Dec. . 11 June 52. i Lt. s = «§>. « . 19 Nov.. Brev. 48 P 5 Oct. . Henry Westropp'^ Aug. Ens. 21 July. 45 10 Dec. 12*. 11 Feb. Nivelle. 46. 12 Nov. 49 P 9 July 50 ed). 9 JMay 34. P 2 Sept. whom he accompanied to Portugal in Nov. Lt.' KCI3. . 27 5 May 37 |p 12 July 39 31 July 28iP31 Oct. 2 Apr. v 27 March 35 . 42. 1-i.. P 20 Oct.-iMAJ. iorrf Downes. 20 Mar. Major." Colonel. 40 3 Aug. Fred. 44 20 Mar. Geo. 11 . 45 has a Medal and one Clasp.." 8 Jlay 35. Richard Dane. Robert M'Gregor. . 48 forcing the Tezeen and Huft Kotul George Augustus Ferris'^ P 8 Dec. 46 3 Apr. v 22 June 26 Capt.M W 5 Nov. Lt. Fuentes d'Onor. Chinliae (including H. Paymaster.}at the forcing of the KhyR. 46:P19 Feb. with whom Lord Downes continued as Aide-de-Camp and Assistant Military Secretary during the whole war. Ensign. 49 the repulse of the ni. & Lt. 41 P 29 Dec. John D. CAPTAIN. 46 Col. o fc — <: . 10 Jan. 46 12 Oct. battles of the Nivelle.. and was Edmond H. Surgeon..-Col. 42 P31 Dec. 52 Rcgt. Ens. Major 22 Dec. 17. 28 Nov. 51. i J- g £ : o . 43 Henry George Walker^. 12.. M. C. 8 Apr.C. and storming of Cliin-KiangP 17 May 50 Foo. Pay. 50 . 20 Qr. —— — — — * « g - 55 <M £|^^ •s-g |s =•§ 02 i -^ J. Captains.''^*79 Dec 451 5 Aug._S £"ofeU . 50.g c» in 0- *' 5. . Badajoz. Z?ei<f. 40 i ' [ .. 3 April 46. 10. 25. Charles Scarlin Naylor. 1 Apr. 42 William Francis Stehelin'^ 30 April 41 Lindsay Farrington'^.^ Ens. Timothy Walsh. 47^ 1 Mar.. 47 3 Mar. -iOth Regt. Cliusan. attack and capture of IstalilT (received the Brevetrank of Major). of the Inf.-Col. Capt. battles of Salamanca. - £ . A. Assist. Adjutant. Somerville Carew 21 Aug. and 19. 29 July 53.. 44 Samuel Fisher" 15 June 27 P 16 Aug. He Henry Philips Onslow'^. 41 30 July 46 served also in the Punjaub camEdward Thos. Septimus Simmons' 25 Nov.c. p 30 Jan. 7 June 49. 31 Hugh George Colvill'^ 10 Jan. including the battles of Fe.-Gen. Fuentes d*Onor. P 28 Sept. P22 May 46 |p 1 Aug. for India.-Col. April 1842. 46.-Master Walsh served with the 48tli in John James Hood Gordon P 21 Aug. Lieut. 18. 19 April 50. i^ Ulysses. 16. Daniel Macqueen."" MD. Lieut. 35 26 Oct. Pery'. 13. 25. sec preceding page.P 7 Jan. 35. 45 Lt. P 25 Dec. . ^«4-.. 41 p 31 Dec.blaster. 1 Sept. 00 . 53 15 Mar.'' s. 50 P 9 July 50 22 Dec.Colonels. 49 He De Vic Valpy served with the 29th in the William D. Carter served with the Augustus Alexander Dick' P31 Dec. Nive. Assist. p 12 June 28 .180 rEinb. i I . 15 Aug.] . George Congreve. Brevet-Major 23 Dec. 3 Apr. 34.n July. Mervyn Nugent'"' P25 Oct. . 31 March 04. 41 . 47 Pollock during the campaign of 1842 J. Facings Yellow Agents. .D. 2G. Lt. 46 rozeshah and Sobraon.. 50. 30 July 28..'' CB. 29 July 53 William Speke Dickinson P 4 May 49 6 Aug. i 16 Aug. 8 April. Vittoria. at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). John Power'' E. p 15 Dec. Shanghai. Smith 13 May 63 [15 . p 12 Jan. 43 30 Dec. Nive.. John Thomas James . P Z. 50. [ ^"'Jf^^f KOLEIA"— " VIMIEEA' -"TALAVERA"—"ALBtJHERA"— "PENINSULA"— "FEROZESHAH"—"SOBRAON" — ' PUNJAUB"— " CIIILLIANWALLAH"— "GOOJERAT. Messrs. John Ross Wheeler. 46 30 Apr. 23 Nov. and ^ Toulouse and the silver War Medal and six clasps for Talavera. Capt. 15. Adj. in Edward Carter™ 14 Dec. 23. Ens. He served with the 55th in China (medal). 48 sung. 46 29th in the Sutlej campaign of Valens Tonnochy '^ . 9 Nov. Cox & Co. 24 Aug. 37 . 23. Pyrenees. ! £ i" £ . Robert Cathcart Dah-ymple Bruce. 1808. Major. Thomas Ashburnham. Lieut. [For Notei C.LugarcPCB. Quarter. 31 P 7 1 P 1 . 39 2 Nov. 42 St.. .-Major. D. 1 1 Nov. '^^ 1 1 Oct. Frank Browne 10 April 49. and Salamanca.. 15 Nov. 45 John Mackenzie Lyle'^ .-Col. Young. Hon.^ CB. and he commanded the 24th Henry Evans Quin .Smith served as Major of Edward Browne Hart. action at Manioo Khail. 48 present (as D. 50 and battle of Chillianwallah (woundWilliam Congreve 30 Mar. Busaco. : . -a -^ -a m 2 ? g • ii = < BUEV. 46 tles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat Cliarles Hugh Levinge''^. & Capt. 25 Dec. and the Pyrenees siege of San Sebastian. Lieut. of Foot. Co/. His Lordship has received the gold cross and one clasp for Vittoria. 381 8 Apr.«fZ/. 45 Brei\ Lt. 20 Ens. Div. W. 47 in Affghanistan (medal). 4 Sept. ^ . 49 the campaign against the Rajah of Coors. &c Lt. 8 Feb.ht attack). 14. 46 184S-6. and El Bodon sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Edward Hazlefoot Paske'^ P 14 Apr. 16. P18 Apr. 42 20 Dec. ] 2dth {The Worcestershire) Regt. 04 Copt. 10 Nov. WooJohn Crawford Langford P 8 Dec. 16 Sept.. 46 Lieutenants. including the passage of the Chenab. 31 Mar.DalrympleBruce. and bat1 Apr. 52 15 Mar. Wm. Ciudad Rodrigo. E71S. 27 May '26 J'uU Hdlf Major-Gen. Capt. 49 Passes. 46 the passage of the Chenab. 29 Capt. 53 C . Lt. 44 P19 May 43 P 2 Sept. 5 Sept. 29 Apr.-Col. 45 20 Mar. 46.. Chapman'^ 10 Dec. at Amoy. 42 .l/fljow. for which he 19 Dec. Chapoo.-S^irg. Lieut. 12 . 43 30 July 46 6 Aug. 49 April 1834. •= [£ ^. Major. 47 (Medal and Clasps).7June49 John jEneas Duncan'" Edw. 46: 10 Dec. Pay.£ =1 I = f c •5" e < . 47 Brigade with the array under General Richard John Evans'. Edmund Watkin Kent Geo. Frederick Kneebone'^. Sheridan Henderson'^ 3 Apr. 31 Dec. 1 where Sir John held the chief command until May 1809. Busaco. Lieut. 23 June 43 27 Sept. 45 PIO Mar. 43 paign of 1848-9 and was present at Wm. 53 ENSICiNS. 11.. 47 3 Mar. 7 Feb. 53.' KT. June. 35 . p21 May 52.yUofFooL \^'^:r^^f\ 181 EGYPT"— " BADAJOZ"—"SALAMANCA"— " Pi^^N INSULA"—" WATERLOO. p 22 July 42 . Lieut.-Col. 42." The Sphinx.-Gen. IG Dec. with the words " years' Serv. Col. i' 20 . Marquis of TweetUlale. . Cupt. 23 William Francis Hoey. . 13 . James Thomas Mauleverer. Lt. 34 Lieut. 12 Oct. 1804 Lt. 14 May. 10 Jan. Ens. 5 Sept. . 30th Foot. Cupt. 40 Lieut. Mnjor-Gen. 9 Nov. 53. p 4 Aug. Lt. 14 May. Ens. 31 . p28 July 43 Major. Ens. p 30 July 47 Major. 25 . . Capt. 10 Oct. CB. Copt. p 24 Apr. Colonel. Lieut. i'28 Oct. 27 May.""t^f'] ^Oih{The Cambndycshlrc)R.-Colonel. Maj. 37 . . . Majors. 07 Major. 04 .-Col. 4U Col. . 3G . Pay George. p 1G Dec. 40. Lt.^ Ens. p 19 Aug. 21 June. Full Half Pay. James Broclie Patullo. 12 . 48. p 18 Apr. . 28 26 21 19 Half Pay.l825Tth?an':53"]3l5^ (y/i« Huutmtjdonshire) Regiment of Foot.\_^^'/^^^ll^^^^^^ Years' Ser\ 62 Full Pay. 5 Nov. 32nd Foot. Lieiit. 30 . -Colonels. 23 June. 41 . Col. Colonel. v 22 Oct. 13 May 24 ." ^^^ ^limTTl " Years' Serv. 25 i' . 13. 22 July. t) July. 11 .-Gen. ROLEIA" — " VIMIERA"— " CORUNNA" — " SALAMANCA" — " PYRENEES='— "NIVELLE"— " NIVE"— " ORTHES"—" PENINSULA" —" WATERLOO "-" PUNJAUB "— " MOOLTAN "— " GOOJERAT. 25 June 60.^2^ ( ^^^'' Cornwall) Regiment of Foot ] 183 [^. 11 Nov. 30 May. Lieut.QO . ivw*'.' KCli. 23 Nov.-Col. OG. Licmt. Lieut.-Ucn. 26 Aug. Maj.— Frederick Marklumi. Lt. 03 . Capt. Ens. 51 . Col. Sir Ricliard Aniistioiig-.'^ CB. Major. and Lawrence. annour W. 27 Capt. Majmy June.. John Ed.General D'Oyly st Chas. 21 Paymaster Garforth served with the 32nd in Canada during the rebellion in 1837. 42 P 41 42 42 7 P P Nov. 47 Pll Sept. 12 Feb..2 g" a* ^ H —— — — — Adjutant. in 1808—9. p3 Oct. Power served at the 1st and 2nd siege operations before Mooltan. Birtwhistle. wounded: Medal). 27. including the action of Snorjko storm and capture of the city. Col. p 3 Oct. 29 Dec. was also present at the surrender of the fort and garrison of Cheniote. . and was Henry Thorold severely wound' Francis Du Pre Montagu P17 Aug. 27. 4 Oct. 13 5ia Henry D'Oyly. [Heturnedfroin North America. home with despatches. 25 Lieuts. M. Lieut. Mundy 17 Aug. to who) Edward Barker Prescott P 15 Mar. 11 Mar. Straubenzee served at the 1st and 2nd siege operations before Mooltan. 49 P 30 July 52 Served at Cadiz during the sie P 18 Jan. James Townsend Oswald Johnston. 42 14 June 42 5 Aug. He has received the Medal with one clasp for Corunna.. . Moore was present at the surrender of the fortress of Mooltan.D. 22 Lt. St. Surgeon. 10 Jan. P William Pretyman 8 May Henry Ullick Burke . and . 1 . ColHngs 21 June Edw. under Lord Lynedoch.. Full Half I'ay. 48.) 23 Lt. & Capt. Capt. Kith. 46 P25 Mar. storm capture of Irun 16th and 17th May (Medal). 51 the raising of the siege in 1812. Capt. Accompa the expedition to Walcheren in Henry A. J. 1848. and surrender of the fortress. He served as Adjutant during the 1st and 2nd siege operations before Mooltan. 11 Nov. and was present in theactiono Eustache. Also at the surrender of the fort and garrison of Chen and at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). and was t Charles Edward Mansfield P 1 Sept. 43 P 1 May 40 11 Nov 14 April 43 3 Oct. Col.. p30 June. 51 sequently with the army under the Duke of Wellin P 16 Apr. Thos. JEns. at the surrender of the fort and garrisc Cheniote. 44 46 P 3 Oct. i ^ 1. of Foot. . 1848 (Medal and Clasp. 31 Major. Vincent Marsh IG Sept.. 38 Major. Quarter-Master. S.i.. He was also pre at the surrender of the garrison of Cheniote. Lieut. and at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). 52 William Henry Parry the North of Spain under Sir P17 Nov.) Nov. 47. 2:! Aug. 11. 49 m tlie campaign in North Holl Frank Corbett in 1799. Lieut. 52 P 31 Jan. and 16th March. 28 Aug. 52 in Flanders and France.?..Col. 51 prisoner in the action of the Sept. sk Lieut.^a'o ? o -g =-J= ^.Senhouse Worthington P18 Apr. 48 p2i Mar. and was al Valentine Bennett Alex. He served with the 32nd before Mooltan during all the operations Sept. Cox & Co. including the action of Soorjkoond he severely wounded on the 27th Dec. 28 June. 48 P 6 July 52 battle of Corunna. P17 July Henry Charles Fitzgerald P 25 Sept. and al battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). and was Richard Lacy Fanshawe Frederic Smith Vacher Basil 3 « > J ^i. 31. p 15 Aug. . 14 Jan. 8 Dec. SJEII c r: : . Aug..i «Jn3 £ S 184 ^ 's i The Duke of Wellington's) Regt. May 1848. 42 9 Oct. 48 Lieut.Taubman Quaylo P 7 Sept. 14 Apr. and surrender of the fortress. attack on the suburbs 27th Dec.. Lieut. Served als Flanders.-Col. Henry Disney Ellis . 52 John James Greenwood P 22 Apr. Colls served with the 39th in the battle of Maharajpore (Medal) tions before Mooltan. 2U Lt. I'altcrson served in the 1st and 2nd siege operations before Mooltan. Westby Donovan. the action of Soorjkoond. 18 Capt. 1849.B. 48 22 Dec. 24 Lt.-Sit [3 Aug.IEUT. 22 Jan. 25 Nov. 38 . Facings Red. Assist. under Lord Lynec Buxton Martin Kenrick Sir George Cooke. 48 P 9 July 50 and the Duke of York. and was present at the operations on the heigh Arlaban in Alava on the 16th. and 18th Jan.. I. and with the 32nd at the second siege o\ 17 Lieut. 49 P30 Mar. 22 Dec 48. Patrick M'Grath. underSirRalphAbercroi P Walter George Nugent 15 Aug. Joseph Jones. 48 P 2 Jan. George Erskine John E. 53 John Ralph Carr . Majors. 52 P 15 Oct.. Ch. c 5. Jeffrey served as a captain in the Anglo-Spanish Legion." 33c? (or ^ i Colonel. 1837. John Ogilvy. 33rd Foot.. Major-G< 11. 49. 52 P 26 Mar.. 97 . (severely wounded). 67 I ! — Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Rodolph Blake. Captains. P 19 Oct. 25 Oct. 42 P27 Sept. 16 Capt. 42. 50 P 21 Sept 62 1811 and 12.] — . 61 . including the attack on the enemy's positio front of the advanced trenches on 12tb Sept... Bn. 18-18 till the surrender of the fortress. Lieut. Lt. John Douglas Johnstone. including thestonn and capture of the city. Carter Barrett. Lt. 2 Aug. 16 Mar. 46 Assist. 48 Pll Sept. Moore Brabazon Siree P 18 Aug.. i' — U . 15 July 53. 52 22 Dec. Lt. " SERINGAPATAM"— "WATERLOO. and at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). Bunbury Gough. Messrs. -Zl May 13. 22 Dec. 48. incluJn)g the storm and capture of the city. - "S a 2 3ta C^ <S OJ o P . 43. 49 P 9 July 50 P 2 Jan. 45 P 21 Sept. -Surgeo7i. P 47 10 Sept.. Pay. Charles Carter Barrett. and siurender of the fortress. 35 32 39 40 40 40 40 P 3 June 36 P 22 Jan. 7 Feb. 17th. 22 Jan. Bruce Wallis . after which he was present at the battle of Goojerat (wonn (Medal and Clasps). ISth. Rodman served with the 62nd in the campaign on the Sutlcj (medal and clasp). 53 and was Aide-de-camp. storm and ture of the city and surrender of the fortress. 31 Ens. 183G. April. 30. M. He was also at the surrender of the fort and garrison of Cheniote. 42 30 Aug. Also at the surrender of the fort and garrison of CheniotCi battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). in 1814 and Hans. including the battles of Feroie and Sobraon. 50 P 8 Apr. in the general actions in front of San Sebastian on the 5th May (sev 1st Oct. 1-lth. Agents. Thomas Wickham 27 Feb. 53 Lieutenants. and at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). 12th (wounded). never George V.1 CAPTAIN. 52 ehe battle of Waterloo. 28 Sept. 14 June P 25 Oct. served at the 2nd siege operations before Mooltan.. ii). 52 Moore. 48 P 8 Aug. He served with the am P 20 Oct. including the a and capture of the city.-Gen. 48 40 P 20 Oct.' Ens.M. 26. Capt. P 13 May 63 John Thornton Rogers Paymaster. ["'fftwo "THE CREST AND MOTTO OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Major. Thistletliwayte P19 Oct. «(//. 99 . 38 . p 27 Dec.. Ensigns. p25 Jan. Urthes.. 44. •] Preslon 185 "ALBUHERA"—" ARROYO DOS MOLINOS"— "VITTORIA"—" PYRENEES""N1VELLE"—"NIVE"—"0RTHES"—" PENINSULA. 7 Aug. 15 July Francis Peel p 25 Nov. Quarters. GCH. . Arthur Trevor Leake Chapman. . -Sui-g. Major. 22 Nov. Ens. 34th Regt. Limt. 45 . Capt. Kelly.-maj 44 45 47 48 49 P 7 Mar. 14 Feb. 27 March 48. captain.-Surgeon. 51 P 14 May 52 P 9 July 52 P 29 Oct. 47 p 21 July 48 17 Mar. v 30 July. Lieut. oJjnhH Shiffimr AxJJu^ 13 Mar. Ensigns. 30 Nov. Thomas Williamson. 37. Cupt. 26 Jan. 49 p 7 Mar. for Vitloriu. 13 Jan.-Gen.50 P24 Nov. Major." Colonel. 93. 2 May 37 . 17 Oct. 30 July.. 51 p 25 Nov.. Messrs. 47 P22 June 47 27 Mar. 21 June. John Simpson John Gwilt James Maxwell P . Joseph Jordan . i' . Col.' Bart. . Bale p David Steuart p 12 Feb. Byng Harman Edward Herman Marsh p23 Nov. 95.-Col. L. [Returned from Burhadoes. Facings Y'ellow. 4 April. 22 Mar. Thomas Bourke. Clayton Arthur Scott p p 9 July 21 Jan. fortf. Quarter-Master. 48 p 1 Feb... Surgeon. P 27 July P brrv.— George William Powell. 20 Aug. CoZ.. Brown. 41 . P 24 Sept. 41 . 38 P13 Oct. P John Peel P P P p 15 Oct. p8 April 34.50 p 13 Sept. P 14 Feb. 1800. (jeorge Percy Barnard . 25 July. p 26 Oct. Lieuttnant-Colonel. 7 March 51. 50 p 14 May 52 WalterHamiltonTwemlow p 15 ]\Iar. 23 Nov. Captains. 13. 10 ..L. 50 14 Apr. Lieut.. 43 P21 July 46 P12 Feb. May 03. 8 June 1853. Nicholas R. Gen. .. 25.. P 9 May . Sir T\io\m\s Makdougall Brisbane. . 23 Mar. p 16 Feb. 12 Dec. Lieut. 23 Lieutenants. 4. P17 May 50 p 29 Oct. P 22 June 27 Mar. 12 April. under Sir Kalpli Aliercroniby. Chas. 6 Aug. 30 Capt. il/fyo/-. 10 J'aii. Half Pay. Nivelle. 51 ArthurT.lBJaii.Head 34th {The Cumberland) Regt.'IS.48..Chapman. GCB. 34 . and Toulouse (where he was wounded.--GV«. 38. 50 Robert Campbell p 18 Sept.r in Sir Thomas lias received the gold cross and one rlasp the West Indies. Ens. 7 Mar. 44. 52 P 25 Nov. -Col. Cox & Co.ofFoot. 25 Nov. 4 June. Henry Edvv. 1*17 Mar. Lieut. 11 June Hector Maclean Lawrence Thomas Harry Saunders Robert John B. William Di'uny. 72 ^ Majors. 27 March 48. 46 Assist. 1 Sir Thomas Brisbane joined tlic every action except tliat of the 22nd . 48 p 26 Oct. 2 June 25 . Mathew. 50 p 9 July 52 Abel Woodroffe Boyce . 91. Lieut. 49 p 21 Jmie 50 Geo. 13 Feb. i'24 Sept. 41 Major.BrownWesthead p 7 Apr. 22 Mar. 35 Adjutant.] Duke of York's army in the beginning of the war. Etis. Richard D. 48 P19 Oct.. Ageids. Assi. 22 June 26 Jan. He was subsequently iiresent at the taking <if Viiiiims islands. 37 PIO Aug. Cajyt. and the silver 'War Jitdal with one clasp lor the Nive. 36. Arthur Cyril Goodenough.rtrf/. and was prcftnl ir. Edmund P. William Walker Jordan John Byron p p p 9 Sept. Limt. Pyrenees. 16 Dec. Mawdistly Gausseu 1 William Warry . 48 [p 25 Jan. John Robinson . 3 Nov. 1782. when he was conlined from a wound rit-eived in the actioi> of the 18lh of the same month. 43 2 May 37 P 31 Mar. 52 p 17 Sept.Edw. 49 p 17 Sept. Lieut. p P —— — — 51 51 52 52 52 53 53 53 Paymaster. Ens. 49 Geo. Ens.^t. 21 . 27 May. 49 P P25 Nov. .Boyse Roche. 53 Francis Richard Hurt '' . 50 Granville ^Villiam Puget p 12 May 48 p 8 Feb. 26. iJ/rt>. 53 John Leslie Moore p 14 Mar. P . Lieut. 13 Oct." Colonel. 35th Regt. Edward Hely Hutchinson. 44 P 13 July 49 William Ranby Goate 15 April 42 29 May 45 P14 Dec. and Nire .] In 1809 he I Sir George Berkeley served in E^ypt in 1«07. 4 Oct. 10 Jan. 49 .. George Cole. Major. capture of JIadrid. 34. p1 Aug. battle of Vittoria. . Lieut. Henry Ballingall . 35 31 Dec. 50. Villiers Sankey Morton Charles Miller Layton J 13 Oct. 44. 15 Dec. P22 Mar. 11 Nov. Frederick English . siege and capture of San Sebastian. San Sebastian. S9 p 3 May 44 P23 June 48' Archibald Tisdall 40 P 20 Sept. Lieut. Godolphin Forsteri 8 July 51 John Ormsby Vandeleur p21 Nov. siege of Badajoz in ISll. 10 Pll May 49 P13 July 49 14 Dec.—Wm. 40 P31 Dec. M. p 29 Dec. James Walker Chambers. . was appointed Assistant-Adjutant-Genei-al to the army in Portugal. 11 July. 9 Nov.-Gen. .. Majors. P17 May 8 July 50 51 P17 Oct. 21 Jan. " Portsmouth. P . Ranulph Charles Lee . Em. Surgeon. M. captain. Lt. 29. Waterloo. Tedlie. 49 Wm. Quarter-Master. 47 Assist.» KCB. Samuel Bowman.-MAJ.-Colonel. also its subsequent siege. 52 Full Pay. 25 . W^arrand 17 11 14 15 2 I . slonn. 27 Aug. at which he was severely wuiindrd. Shearman. 51 p 13 Feb. 8 July 51. 46 Col. Adjutant. p P . P 17 June 36. passage of Served also the campaign of 1815. battles of the Xivelle and iNive. 52 OliverNicholls Chatterton P 26 July 33 P 6 Aug. battle of Salamanca. 47 P 1 1 Nov.. 37 . 8 Cox & Co. 47 6 Dec. 45 p 25 Aug. Badajoz. James Fraser. . 45 . John C. 51 j ' i Lieutenants. siege of Burgos. ' p p 23 Nov. 49 . p14 Dec.ith. 51 P 30 Jan. PIO Sept. 11. 44 P31 Dec. and conducted the operations against the Kattirs in 1847. 43. P 9 June 46 Richard Lane Warren 10 July 46 Heury Edward Moore P 3 Sept. — — — — F«C£/t^* Blue. Vittoria. 39. i Edward Tedlie Alex. 1809. He commauded the troops at the Cape of Good Hope. Ajrril 1848. Rawdon Berkeley P31 Jan. and fitli Jlay. Major. 39 33 P17 June 36 P 15 Dec. 46 P 30 Jan. Lieut. 27. and was pit'sent at the taking of Alexandria. Lieut. Assistant-Surgeon. 27 May. 43 Apr. Brev. 17 May May 25 p P20 Mar. 40. 31 Jan.. including the battle of the Bidassoa. Lieut. and the Silver War Medal with one clasp for Talavera. George Elkington 40 P 31 Dec. 47 3 May 44 P 2 Apr. action at Villa Muriel. Busaco. 62 18 May 49 21 Aug. Lt.. Comet. Kuentes d'Onor.. adj. Col. 05. battles of Talavera. L. 40 Thomas Teulon 37 P15 Dec. p31 Dee. 8 July 51. Henry S. . 6 Vug. 42. 03. Capt. F. James Bickerstatf' . Captains. p 21 Apr. Capt. j p .. . 47 William Wright P12 May 48 William Glynne Massey P 16 June 48 Ensigns. Lt. 19 ^En*. James Spratt 8 May 46 Francis Lloyd Digby . . PEns. . 5 May.-Col.-Maj. 9 Nov. ^3 Half Pav. 48 P BREV. 44 46 1 1 Oct. 2d Lt. Berkeley . Samuel Fritche Blyth Wm. which brought that war to a successful termination. Bowman. Lieut. Major. 46. and capture.. 1 May. 52 29 July 53 Paj/master. Charles Beamish .D. Sir George has received the Gold Cross and three clasps for Busaco... 52 John Davis Charles Robert Tennant. 26 June P 4 Sept.-Surg.. 49 Thomas Spi'ing p 14 May 36 P 2 April 41 15 July 49 Geo. Maj. 46 P 23 June 48 P 5 Apr. p . Lieut. 51 11 Nov. po April 31 . Pll May 49 Fred. 47 John Harris P31 Dec. 36 15 Aug.37 . 23 July 38 . Capt. 47 Robert Henry Price . passage of the Douro. MAIDA. 45 P 12 May 48 28 Apr. William George Clarke. — . 45.4 //e?i^s.-Gen. 08. aSa Sir George Henry Fred.. .. and was present in the actions of the lOlh. H. Major. Messrs. P8 June 38 James . 02 . P26 Apr.. Salamanca. P 5 June 27 Capt. 186 Head Quarters 35tk (^Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot. 26 March 52.. Richard Longfield Craster p 23 June 48 . 13 June. -Col. [Returned from the Mauritius. I'uentes d'Onor. 31 P20 Mar. 28 Jan. ] " Finn. MANCA"— " PYRENEES"—" NIVELLE"— " NIVE"—" ORTIIES"— s^e"' ja. Pay.^. of Foot [ "^i^ft at cSr"'] 187 HINDOOSTAN"— " ROLEIA"—" VIMIERA"—" CORUNNA"— " SALAY^^^^i^^.u f«"'7. 38 28 24 18 ."—" 40 Full Half Pay.36^A ( The Herefordshire) Recjt. 188 Years'Serv. . 22 Dec. Liewi. 19 Sept. 38 p 8 Nov.le Hu. adj. Pay. Charles Edward Johns Horatio Page Vance . I- Ensigns.h ArbuU^noU o"tcro'm . 30 July 18 . 30. Cox & Co.] X Ueut. 5 Sept. 45 p 29 Dec. 40 4 Aug. 41 its to Sir Archibald Aide-de-camp p 16 Aug.— Agents. conclusion in Fob.-CoL^l Aug.4. 60 P20 May 53 (Medal). 62 De Vic Tupper John Fred. Lleut. LIEUT.-Col.att. Lt. Capt. Clinton Boyle 21 Jan. Cr/^j^. . Lierit. So«TrVlI>£'o''_''ROLEIA-'-''VlMlERA"_''COKUN^A'.U Nov. 38. 38 P 12 Feb. 42 P19 July 50 William James Loftus 19 Mar. I • Lieutenants. 61 A. 20 Feb. 11 Nov.—D\ghY William Lawlor. 11 Sept. 39 P29 Dec. 46 tlirougliout the Burmfse war 49 62 Mar. 47 31 Dec. 52 Henry Broome Feilden p 15 Oct. Rob. " ViTTOBiA"— " St.. 31 p 27 Sept. 40 . 53 loon and of Paghara Mew. 27 July 15 . 43 P 3 Dec. The 189 of Foot. 60 p 30 July 52 iJoM. \b Col. 25 . 24 . 49 P 20 May 63 Cha. ~^.. June. 1824 to 23 19 (Medal). p 24 Nov. 19 Oct. 40 . 23 Nov. 38tli Eegt.-maj.• . V23 Mar. O^ulyoi^ £/-m^ 3/tfior. 40 Arthur Layard 3 Jan. Compton A. il/^/o/x— John Jackson Lowtb. JobnAddington Camplell. p 11 July.. 50 31 Dec. Campbell Snodgrass 2 Sir John Campbell served Wm.General ^o U. 63. 48 P21 Sept. 19 July 21. Dickins atfairs of Senibike and Nepadie. 1 "6. 37 15 Mar.-Lt. Samuel Adamson CAPTAIN. 18 May.— Lieut. 52 Samuel Hackett 3 Jan.ns. 23 Nov. 46 .Colonel. F. Frederick Beswick. Years' Serv 68 I Full Half Pay. P 46 p 47 26 June 3 Dec. 37 . 3 July.^ i:»s. .. 22 July.3 Oct 48. P21 Nov.. i. 4 April 43. . 11 Nov. 53 . Lt.-James Twibill. Lieut. 23 March 47 . p29 Dec. 51. 53 and attack and capture ol MelOwen G. P 6 Oct. 24 . 96.-Col. S. ^:^:^ ^il^ l^^^^H town of Grenada. 5. » J™. Torrens Daniell p 9 June 46 p 27 April 49 P 18 Oct. 61 48 p 7 Nov. Hawker Farrer p 9 Nov. Arthur Brooksbank .^e f.— Frederick Foaker. Z^th "] ( \st Staffordshire) Reyt. Ens.^e. 53 Ludford Harvey Daniel p brev. Lieut. 1S26. 1851. Crawford Potter 'P30 Dec.-Col. Adjutant.. Frederick Beswick. Ens. Major-Gen. Saunders Davies 12 Dec. 51. Lt. Lowth served with John Crosby Vaughan P 12 Dec. Smith'. July. 50 48 P 17 Oct. Capt. 11 Nov. [Returned from Nova Scotia 25 Aug.-Col. 5M7-«eoM. 26 James Pattoun Sparks.-Surgeon. Captains. ^20 Marchr99. 25 Nov. 9 May. Brevet Lt. 51 . p 27 July 49 p 20 Dec. 7 May 40 Assist.-. 33 Jos.. Col. 61 P18 Oct. r. 11 . . Ens. Hugh Arbuthnott/ CB. 37 3 Feb. from 15h April. 45 7 Mar. as Thomas Eyre Lambert. 45 p 30 July 52 Edward Thomas Gloster p 13 May 42 p 30 May 43 p 9 June 46 P 21 Sept.\ os:'"r the Nicaragua commissioners d. 62^ Q««r^er-i»/«. Ens. P 28 April 48 2 April 41 P 2 June 43 James S. 61 P 18 Oct. . v 12 June. 32 Major. 53 53 Pl4May Thomas Brodie Wardlaw Constantine Sept.S. Major. 21 .. • Sidney Godolphin Quicke P 18 May 50 9 July 52 P21 Sept. 41 ._BuSACO"-"BA^ '— '• Peninsula"—" Ava. 61 do . Brev. Honou...«. Sebastian"—" Nive Colonel. Peter Wright Breton .-. Sir John Campbell. 7 Aug.-Surg. Gaynor'P 18 Oct. 52 the 38th in ihe Burmese war Rowland Hill Gordon and was present at the P 13 Dec. S. 62 Gustavus Hume P20 Oct. 52 3 Lt.. and was present Tn1"s?6. ^<^v\m\CapU mHon. Asslst. Col. 8 May 40 .and conclusion of a treaty with 1 at the . 04. James Thomas Craster .. 41 . 39 ENSIGN. 9 July i.ie1 ^'a^t^ai^LJcU to with -^. .-Gen. Major. 23 Nov.Head Quarters. .:. 10 Facings "ieWovt.Major. 1 Dec. Cha. 52 P 1 Mar.X. 32 JohnW. Mar.^ Bart.!SlEt !'ja™ Hr. •§ c o " o " "^ g_ g = 'i.BnH ERA"—"ViTTORiA"— "—"V "Pyrenees"—"Niveli. " Primus in Indis.I -a £as CO "* i 190 39th — ( 7%e Dorsetshire) Regiment of Foot. u> the Castle Hall Pay. "Montis Insegnu Ai.^^ p = ^ •. g I o S.-e c « -= i.\.e"—"Nive"—"Orthes"—"Pesins Years' Serv. . 5i 2 S » i." /Mrfu. "! . -30. Q. Maharajpore. o QO'd2:2^ fcT >»'-' —- 5 J= rt - -d =J o ^ a S a o c 2 r> i 22 -** - 19 t- 5. \ HeadCorl and Key."—"PLASSEY"— "Gibraltar"—with — a-^ « s 00 5 -? 62 Full •a" g •= S ."S " 5 g-o C3o.2 a - 20 - '^ . Col. Lt. 28. ' . The Sphiiij. Major. 14 j Col. 9 Jan. 8 Mar. Lieut.-Col. Majors. Ens. 46 Lieut. v ^iO Nov. 29 May. Lieut. " Monte Video'' " Roleia"— " ViMiEiiA"— "Talaveka"— "Badajoz" "Salamanca"— "ViTTORiA'"—" Pyrenees"— " Nivelle" — —"Ohthes"—" Toulouse"— "Peninsula" — " Watekloo"— "Candahar. 35 . Melbourne.— io\m Martin Bladen Neill." "Ghuxnee 1842. Lieut. 38. 95 . Major. Capt.-Gen.IPORE. p 8 June 49. Capt. 27 25 April. p17 Dec. p 10 July. 40th Foot' May. i'22 Mar. ^ Capt. — Thomas James Valiant. 42. 35 . 29May. Lieut. of Foot 191 Heod Quarters. M(gor-Gen. 15 Lieut. -Col.. 38 . 11 Mar. with the word " Egypt" on the caps of the Flank Companies.^ Ens. Saa Sir Alexander Woodford. 33 . 28 June. 10. Lietif. i' I' Arthur Leslie. £ns. MAHARA. 1 1 Dec. Capt. -Col." " Years' Serv.' GCB." and Cabool Colonel. 25. July. 94. 6 Dec. I' 1 i' . P25 June 52.^"'•'DeS^fkt wa^!4'd'/''-1 ^Oth{The 2nd J Somersetshire) Regt. v 6 May 42 . 4 June. Major. & GCMG. p 3 April 46 . 42 . Cnpt. 99 . Ens. 25 June 52. 19 Mav. Capt P 29 Oct. 01 . 44." "Caitdahar. i3 July. 02. Lieut." — — Colonel. 51. Lieut. . 16 Aug. -Gen.192 On fEmb. 23 Nov. 45 . KH.-] 11 Feb. Capt 25 Julv. Ens. Col. W. 1 Oct. -Col. 25 Mar. 5 Feb. Lieut.e Carpenter. 38 . Major. 25 . Years' Serr. Charles Ashe a'Court. 18. " Grrell Angeu Cht/icilydd. and Cabool. 3G. 04. James Eman. Capt. 11 . r 22 Julv. Xorthey. 41st Foot. 51 . Major. 20. 11 Aox. 22 Julv. 53 i P 19 26 Nov. 26 Feb. 28 June. J ^^igf (V ^'"'- WelsK)J Reqimeiit The of -^ a J Foot.' CB. Major. Brevet-Major. ' Y^ita^^^"i°e f Depot at MaUingar. 52. Capt. 3/wJor. 48 Pay pj^' ^^' Lieut. Lieut.30 Full Major-Gen. 40. P14 July. 9 Oct. Lieut. 1842.— GeoTs. Ll/«/or*\— Augustus J. the Prince of Wales's Plume. P 21 Sept. Col.* Ens. 1 Mar. Ens. P 27 Dec. Ghczxee. 2 Sept. 17 Dec. for L Corfu. Ens. 13 . »' L na the Colours and Appointments. 50. 41 ."—" Detkoit" " Qiteexstok-x'" " iliAiii'"— "Niagaba"— " Ata. 37. Lieut. -Colonel. 46. jS. with the motto. Lieut. -Col 36 "^ P 27 Dec. 50. IJ." Y«.. Mmfm-^ 'fS A«^ 39. 46 Joha CWtli— ITLead. '^i. 44 '25 Mfx. X<. S. *9 SeyC 4S. SJa^.BaeB&«>v« rt^imme^ WHuGcoLB«enriWeUerr^Xpr. : c-kPTATJF. 4? 46 .-„ :>S ' 3: /lL 35 • :> Mir. '_. 3^ 24 Fri 3± >21JHiie33 Fei>- 37 Frrf-GneeaWmiM— . 4^:" S v. ^ > p fyffcJ r»i«e*™^ *Tr 3Mar. X«xf. f j-^^ -ta . 14 Afc 46 21 Apr.3& IS A-i. Pawlett r BowL Ajawwrth Raag 8 8 8 ^ . 9 i • «mj:T.i^ an T-j. 38: JT^jr. Bobot SflHo 22 22 .a2 DaauwlfMphiw ir 3 .]9JaBe-M. Kssicirs. 42 » -5 S^t.. 1910. 90 .^t^^^ 193 A2d{TkeBo^HigUaad)Btyt. ^ " ^— '—- — ^ -^ /»-~«.-itA^.^— Tn ^ raaaJat^iw ^r^ lSa-P«cerJuBUbtt.aii^ . X/.^^. 3» Ja» 58.ofF^>oL imymme iManf. 51 Mi.'^- Qiiv«Br-Jr<Bi£er. Ifana rfc'ii i iilw Qas.43 ^ I>e«. 32 ei Fred. 17:^ JKifr. 10 JbIv.. £W.5 A|KfI 42 » 15 Fe£>. 40 A. Jmmt 1^3. > 27 Dec 4i ?1.-CM.-SS 1. r*^ a. C—f>rn 10 10 6 C i^ Ji^. 10 Jlfrii^dtL Liemt.44 iS A-r.2S Sot. i 303«aTa3 i i P6Jdk4»' O 'Geagen»er 5 3 3 2 3 le OeL 52 Tf '17 If DOMii '^ rse Apr. .—"ORTHEs"—"TOCLOCSE"—...- «.' KCB.c ! Gmit AnAi. a^ A^S^lm^—Zim^ Jalajteyirie. » 12 rM J^ 3S.48 >i40ctl 51 Hai7CliaiEeJ€rMise. li 14 — SBBi«artFli*M.rl 42 ? ? Ji=ie -!a x r ? 3? M^t LS 5 Sepi.. Amdretc.. rMiiiiw MarfJKTftm f fl«M. 11 Xor. Ci^^. .. Hii^rilri Ciii— j CkmAalUamj 21 17 12 • 14 13 13 . . 34 J«. 41 '? 15 Apr. la^raiipii TTiii Tf P "->"-.PXAX5i.iwFij 7 7 3SJne47 18Aae. ^ »•-.eoi. £««/.dO t ^A^aS TiihanMJMrTfcill TTni— n--|^^ -"I" 6' 4 9S«pcal Jaee9hCka. 44 17 Apr.flB. . Brev. 47 »17 Or:.. CM. 19 Jhk. r^aJneaS. Em*.^ JfltoOrradale.-. WSBhb CraAaa Wavd ' . 31 Dec C^pC 3^.BgwBf Pjtmw*. 41.Bf.-Mmj. 11 Ayr.-r. 41 ? ^ri Av^.'::z.42 >10Jaa. m imme.. JEiu. 44 Wh. 'llJ«lj51 3JGBe53 HeitanHorrMweleT HakriB D. Jobs . 16 Jvse 4d ? 17 T<>v. SO. I TliiMM Ttflodh. Mar.. vilk the vorde "EGTFT^— "CORC yyA"—^ FTESTES D'OXOR"—" PrRETEES''—" yirELLE"—"JTITE" -—" WATERLOO. Iff F I ji—^.. I 13 12 HmuG. A. C^^. .vi3Dee.S. 30 Mar.~=. %. 46 Jf«. -51 :.J«feKGL 14 6 6 ? " ?24 1" K Sept. 4aBdFMt.-<. 43 ^Oex. . 23 0ct. VJ o Xor.^ ?^J«lVa2 HeiylfwH." mn rmii wte l^Sir Jtmes Doaete. ria Ffb. FiacL Fonk rSO(S.53 1 1 23 HO A^. — 'Gca>se BnreD C rimUiI.- ."—1W Splumx.. LLEe XILXJL5TS./^ wjyri XotA JlavioB.*:* 1<> 1 rijBiiri "" .-> =. Tain— ^LllMjM Jhiy— TTm Hair FariiyTlhr [Jh^ai Ttair..PEXIXSITLA ] Sem» St.rT. 1 Cmft. 46 34 Mar 47 >30 A«g^ 44 &!« Or^ Dee. 9 ^ov.^. T I ? io ^. -53.5MaT4«> Aadicv Fittxim Joka Writer WuJ^ifara '36 <>cil 41 WMtekeMi?^ XoT. 28. H.] p ^' «— ^ . 42 14 Apr. Proceeding to India.of G. rEmb.51.) " VIMIERA "— " CORUNNA " — " BUSACO "— " FUENTES D'ONOR" — CIUDAD RODRIGO "—" BADAJOZ " — " SALAMANCA " — " VITTORIA »— " NIVELLE"— Years «' "NIVE' .194 4:3rd {Monmouthshire) Rsgt.Hope.forC. 10 Oct. of Foot. L {Light Infantry. J Vears' Serv.Foreign Service"! 14 April 1848. . 25 Half- Pay.43:] — Vears' Serv." " ROLEIA" "ViMlERA" "TALAVBRA" "BUSACO" " PUENTES B'OnOR" "ClUDAD IlODKIGO" " Badajoz" " Salamanca" " Vittoria" "Pvrenees" " Nivelle"— "Orthes" " Toulouse"—" Peninsula" " Ava.of Foot. [De"o"aPchltiiam. — — — — — — — — — °' — i | .— 4:5th{The Nottinghamshire) Regt. 51 Full Pay." srrvkL22FL'b. . p 23 Apr. P Nicholas Dunscombe. Ens. Agents. He received two wounds at tlie attack of the Forts at Salamanca.D. s. Paymaster. in 18:i4. and 53 Pyrenees. and was present at the bailies of Vittoria. 15 Oct. who served as such at the battle of Waterloo. 04.. Ens. Sarrjeon.Somerville M'Alester William lieginaldHesketh Thomas Fergus Greer . 34 31 May M'illiam Henry O'Toole Colin Fred. .' 13 March 46. V 19 Sept. 1 June 41 P27 George Caldwell Dickens May 42 21 Apr. 41 Hosp. iMajor-General Egerton.-Surg. [^Returned from North America. accompanied the 2nd battalion of tlie 34tli to the Peninsula in 1809. P 22 July 42 P 8 May 46 8 Ja'i. P 24 June 42 P 25 Nov. 16 Jan.— and continued in the same capacity until the return of the Army of OccupatJDn from France in 1818. p 12 Oct.. 14^ ^ RobertGarrettjMvH..Pl 3u\y 14 Major. P 10 Nov. Co. in which capacity he served at tlic battle of Busaco.-MasterScoltock served with the 4Crli 53 at thesiegeaud capture ofKittooriu Dec. JJt. he was i." 56 J I'ull Half Pay. 12. — Wm. P 1 p P p I 28 37 41 3U 42 42 46 45 45 46 46 Lieutenants. £:/«. . 49. 26 Apr. R. 19 Oct. ' Majors. Robert Shervinton James George Clarke John H. Lieutenant-Colonel. 24 Jan. Messrs. - • .-Colonel. Head Quarters'] at Kilkenny. 4Gth Foot. 53. Itelinquished his stati" appointment and rejnintd hi-. 11. Stockwell . On Lord Hill's appointment to a lomiuand with the army in Flanders in the spiing of 1815. — . Col. I . 19 p 1 Mar. Ortlies. 1824. 41.-MAJ. 27 Facings Yellow. regiment in the winter of 1811. Lieut. J^yor. Alfred Henry Waldy . 41 Chas. 26. Assistant-Surgeon. Cox & Co.Major Nivelle. 53 2 Lieut. 26. 49 Ensigns.-Col. 11 Henry FullerSandwith. Major. Samuel Scoltock. 8 March. Cant. 13 12 10 10 10 9 8 6 5 16 13 May 35 P 25 Aug. p 28 Dec. . — Edward James Franklyu.. P 1 Apr. v 16 May 45. P 16 Dec. and was present in ail the actions. P12 Dec. lie has received the War Medal with eight clasps. 47 P 13 Aug. J 46th (The South Devonshire) Rer/t. 38. 48 Pll Apr. M. 5 Richard Lluellyn i I t . Pyrenees.Ica>^ed to name ('oloncl Egerton fur the confidential appointment of first Aide-de-camp and Private Secretary. 42 P 8 May William Hardy John Edward Lyons . andT. P 3 Mar. . 26 Aug. Lieut.' CB. sieges. 30 Mar. LCSSept. 16 Dec. Dallas Cha. 15 20 14 \ captain.uilouse. 28 Oct. 00Cant '^H Sept. Brevet-Lt. yeir he was appointed to the staff as Del)uly-A^sistant-Adjutant-General.a(Z. 98: Lt. 8 April 42. P 'James Edward Perry George Henry Knapp William Thomas Waldy George Morland Ilutton Richard Coote Geo. 23 Nov. Salamanca. Campbell . Sir E. and tvith the 4th Division in IS 12 and 13.. He was llun removed as senior of the was jirtsent at tlie siege and capture of Olivenja. P 13 Aug. Lieut. and attached to the second division. and action of Aldea de Poiite. Quarter-Master. Vittoria. i'16 Mav 45"> 3fajor. 9 Nov.. 52 p 16 Dec. 18 June 15..^ 8 July 42 ^«s. In the foUowin.— where lie obtained the brevet of Lieut. 50 he being tlie only surviving officer of the 52 column he attacked with.nk of . and he was again 62 severely wounded in tlic Pyrenees. 20 May 42 26 Apr. on whose personal staff he remained until the t( rmination cf the war. Garrett served in the Peninsula with the OtU Division in 1811... 28 Oct.... 52. Adjutant. 48. battle of Albuhera (wounded). 44 P16 May 45 P 6 Nov. 46 P21 July 48 P 29 May 49 P 19 Oct. which he held during the whole period of his Lordship's continuante at the head of the army. 51 P 9 May 51 p 23 Apr. P28 Apr.!' 6 March. 22 Apr. Ens.. until the end of 1813. and during the subsequent occuc. P30 Oct. 31 Dec.. 2 Apr. Pay masterCorcoran served tiio Coorg cam53 53 paign in the Fast Indies with tlie48lh.. Annit. Alexis Corcoran. 5 5 John Augustus Fane . p 19 June 35 . Borough. Capt. and continued to serve witli it until appointed Ai(le-de camp to Sir Rowland Hill in 1812. after ser\ing as a subaltern with the 29ih in North Am Tica.xwell. 1 . 22 Nov.— Irish Agents. 11 Nov. 18 Feb. 2 July. Henry Fuller Sandwith. and on the retreat to. Pll June 36. ii^. 30 Nov. Algernon Robert Garrett P 27 Sept. 1 Dec. 41 . Thos.— for which he oblaintd the brevet ri. P29 13 12 12 12 12 . on which occasion the command of tlie Light Com- pany of the Queen's and some Artillery devolved upon him. . Pay li) Colonel. 49 15 Dec.-Col. J- I Arthur George Vesey Arthur Worabwell. He°has the War Medal with four clasps for 53 received Fuentes d'Onor. Xive. Lient.. ffiSa Richard Egerton. 13. CW. 39 P29 Oct.-Col. 43 P 6 Nov. 8 May 1848. 53 (j —— — Assist. When Lord Hill assumed the command of the army in chief in 1828. 9 Feb. Lt. 44 31 May 44 P 6 Dec. 7 Qr.. 10 Jan 3?"' Mnjor-Gen. 46 . 52 p 12 Oct. when he was sent to England for recovery from his wounds. David Fyffe. 47 P 28 Apr.] Sc . . Horace George Hayes Robert William Piper 28 May 42 P 11 July P 27 Sept.-Assist.. Irwin Breslin. 53. 38 Cant p "7 Sent 4^ /^W-'*-. Alexander Ma. 23 Nov. and proceeding ai a Captain with the 89tii to South America. P 5 Apr.ation of the Lines before Libbun. P 19 Sept. the Adjutant-General's deiiariment to the fourth divibioa first siege of Badiijoz. of Foot. 49 P 14 Dec. 1 May 40 10 Mar. 197 "DOMINICA.-Col. P 44 45 47 47 47 48 48 52 52 52 53 53 BUEV. D. and smaller affairs in which those two Divisions were respectively engaged from Fuentes d'Onor in May I81I. 6 July 22 Feb. lie selected Colonel Egerton as his first Aide-di-camp. 29 March. Frank John Curtis P Thomas Douglas Forde. Chambers Albert Nicholas George Fred. . Captains. . Ailth ( The Lancashire) Regt. Major. 28. 07 . 30 May 34. i#.-Gen." Colonel. 57 M ffiSa Thomas Dalmer. v 19 May. Lt. 22 July 30. 16 April 47. p17 June. 31 Jan. Lieut. Caj)t. 46. 34. Richard T. SEBASTIAN"— " PENINSULA"— " AVA. 51 Col. Col. Major. 23 Oct. for Corfu 8 Feb. . 12 June 99. . 22 May. f 50. 28 June 38 . of Foot "TARIFA — "VITTORIA"— " ST. 97. — 3 Jan.tffyor5. 3 July 40. 45.-Col. P25 Apr. P19 July. 17 Aug. iieM^. 32 p 30 Jan. [ Depot at Birr. Fordyce. Years' Serv. Capt. iiewf. Charles F. 47tli Regt. Ens.-Co/o?ieL— William O'Grady Ua\y. 12. 52. 2rf . Lieut. 27 Dec. -Col. 04. Ens. 10 Dec. 17 Feb. Capt. Farren. 40. Pav. Major. P 12 Oct. p27 Dec. L(eMif. Pay. Lieut. Lieut. Cuj^t. Major. Full Half Major-Gen. 38. 51. 50.' Emb. 46.Ens. 11 Nov. 31 .' CB. 19 Dec 45 ^ ' Major. Benjamin Riky.V[^ Dec.'Gen. Muj. 12 Jan. Capt. .^ Ens. 40. : " 1*5 Dec. 38. VQ Nov.".-Col. Capt. i'20 Feb. Lieut. Andrew Green. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 51. 99. 25 Nov. 63. Oo. . 8 A])ril. CW. 2 Mar. Lieut. 30. SJns. • . Ens. 20 Dec. 47 i>/ryor. Lieut. 62." Colonel.-Colunel. 25 Nov.48th Foot.^^ k^x. Major. 31 Capt. 52. 24 March. Col.' M(gors. 13 Lt. 34. Mojor. 30 May. ^ Sir James Henry Reynett/ KCIl. 23 Nov. Ens.-Gcn. Lieut. Lieut. 50. of Foot. 1 Juno. 04 . 14. p3 Apr. Lieut. 27 Dec.-Col. 51 . 00Capt.| 55 PENINSULA. 199 DOURO"— "TALAVERA"— " ALBUIIERA"—" BADAJOZ"— "SALAMANCA"" VITTORIA"— " PYRENEES"—" NIVELLE"— « ORTHES"— " TOULOUSE"— " Years' Serv.^""^eS'tXr^i!:'-''-] ^Sth « (The Northamptonshire) Be^i. George Mowbray Lys. p 8 Sept 38Brevet-Major. 22 July' 30. 14 March. Lt. 41 . 28. 25. 51.P31 Dec. Henry William Adains. EGMONT-OP-ZEE"— COPENHAGEN"— "QUEENSTOWN. 1 1 Nov. Jan.-Col.^ ^?w. Lieut. 14. 31 Mar. Col. t Serving at Malta. Capt. 49th Foot. p 18 Jan. Ens. 22 Sept. [ Depot a! Cork. Majors. — . 26. ( r) rm r^i 7 ±i r Hales If^ 7 Uiarlotte of The rrincess • ' s. 24 Apr. 39. Pay. 29.(BX>ra{70n. 42 Major. Lieut. of Foot.Emb. Lf.! t J 49^/i 15 Feb.!yl/«J.-Gcn. Or the Hertfordsldrc) Regt. Henry George Hart. Lt. -Colonel. 40.' KCH.-CoL 13 Mar. v\b Dec. ^/w. PlOJune.— i^ ^m Sir Edward Bowater. 46. 31 July.= CB.'' Colonel. if. 51. foi" Corfu. Ccqit. Maj-Gen. 09. 19 July 32.5^. 23. 40. 25 July. 9 Nov. Cajit. £:. P 28 Feb. 48. i' — .' 1 Dec. 04.26. 51. Lieut. 37 . 46 Major. 1 Apr. 37.l in. C«. 14 Dec. 1 . & Lt. i^." "T.is. 2•^ Aug. 12 Oct. '29: Apr."— "CHINA. Co/. 46 Col. & Capt. . Tliomas Norcliife Dalton. 10 " 50 Full Half Pay. and was subseciucntly present with the SOtli in the battle of Aliwal. Capt. Capt. 44 7 Feb. . 4 Mav 3(i.uar. 15 July 45 . 41 P22 Dec. 53. 15. Lieut. and these appointments he held duriig the wliole of the attacks of tlie American Brigands upon Upper Canada. YJRetttrnedfrovi Bengal. liaving received a shot in the hip. Agents. and three severe sabre woun in the left shoulder.S. which he eflecfed— his con. and was at Buddiwal. 32. H.pany. 53. £:ns. 53 Ens. he relumed to England in 1808. 32 . Aliwal.deS. 4G IJolin Purcell^ Edward George Hibbert !'29 Apr.1. two Clasps). 2C. pirctto'td thence the following year to Egyjit.-Mas. Sir Gcorgo Arthur. . Jas. Henry Cowen. with llie local rank of WajorGcneral on the Staff. 48 P18 April 51 P 9 Feb. and being appointed Adjutant of ihc Li^Iit Battalion. Capt. in which last he was dangerously wounded.-Col. P20 Dec. 50th Foot. •2 Major Waddy was present at the battle of Puliniar (medal). 4(j . and. 53 P P P 2 Sept.. 43 22 Oct.-Col. G June 1848. 14 Feb. ar. 05. A May. 8 April. 53 P 18 Nov. He served on the Sutlej (Medal). 47 P 8 June 49 Richard Townscnd Gray V 18 July 48 G May 50 11 Apr. 4 Capt. 52 P28 Jan. . Barnes served on the Sutlej (Medal & one Clasp). 40 P20 Aug. Crawfurd Antrobus P 23 Nov. 48 Herman Ernest Gallon. Copt. where he was very severely wounded. 41 HeathfieldJas. 25 Aug.ed in the allack on Rosetta— severely wounded in the rightarm. 45 P26 May 48 P19 Sept. and Sobraon. 52 John Thompson^ Wm. Cornet. Lf. Cowen served with the force cinploytd against the llr.dcd). 52 Ferozcshah.—3o\n\ Clay Purves. right arm broken : Medal and one Clasp. 53 P12 Aug.. 25 Aug. P IGApr.. Frampton was present in the battle ofPunniar (Medal). Adjutant. — 22 — . was employed in the attack on Flushing. 184. Cox & Co. 50 Philip Limborch Tillbrook John Olaus Moller Henry Edwin Weare^ .sfer. After servingin Sicily under Sir James Kenijit. 49 P13 April 52 Was ANounded by the explosion of P 17 IMaySO P21 May 52 a gun limber at Ferozeshah.— Au^. where he was severely burnt by an explosion of one of the enemy's tunilrils and battle of Sobraon. Pierce Maxwell 29 Mar. 10 ]\Iar. 10 Apr. 27 . Lieut. 53 William Wenslcv Bond P«(/w(«. the following year commanded the Light Company with the W'alcheren expedition. \Q.-Surg. Majors.— Right Hon. 53 29 Dec. 10 Surg. KCH. 2 Nov. 53 P 12 June 52 P 2 Sept. p9 Feb. A. 12 .M'K. 9 April 47.. ho«e^er.Frainpton'' G June 34 P 5 May 37 Hon.G. 53 P 13 June 52 P18 Oct. 43 4 Aug. — I Sir George Ailliur served with the 85th in Sir James Ciaig's exptditicii to Iinl\ in 18CC. and appointed to the stall as Df juty Assist. 30. Col.A. Major. 24 The SpJiinx with the words " Hall Pay. 18 Nov. 46. suftering great privation. 4G P G Oct.^Q July 30.Clarke P 18 Feb. 1' P30 Dec. Lt.^ Ens. 48 Andrew C. 2 Feb. Knox Lock . Facings Blue. V 28 May 52. 52. 1 i • . which were entirely defeated. Major. Richard Moore Barnes^ Raymond Herbert White M'aljtoleGeorge 1 Nov. 13 Mar. In 1837 he was appointed Lieut. \Assist. 42 5 July 45 9 Ensign Thompson served the 19 Sept. Ferozeshah. Messrs. 08. was wrecked on tlie Andaman Islands in Nov. I \ — . 28 Tcb.Aug. 37 Mtijor-Gen. 53 P Tindall Hebden Daniel ^Yilliam Tupper. Major. P28 Sept. 3 Major Wilton commanded the Fort of Loodianah during the rarlv part of the Sutlej campaign. Adjutant-General. 10 July 52. and was present at the battles of Muodkee. 50 P28 May 52 Medal and three Clasps). 6 Nov. 49.. including the battle:^ of Moodkee. 15. Col. 22 Richard Waddy. 211 KGYPT"— " VIMIERA"— " CORUNNA"— " ALMAKAZ "— "VITTORIA"— "PYRENEES"— "NIVE"—"OirniKS"— "PENINSULA"-" PUKNIAR" " MOODKEE"— " I'EKOZESHAH "— " ALnVAL"— "SOURAOX. 52 M. 41 .D. 44 P 20 Oct. Lt.— Ilodder Roberts.^ Ens. 21 Feb. with a detachment of the oOtli.MaingyMurchison. Major." Colonel. 27 Feb. Captains. Colonel.at Mocdkee and Ferozcshah (seveitly voui. i'28 May 52. v'liere 1 e remained for 55 days.d l. and Aliwal. P18 Oct. 6 Capt. was engai. Lieut. 53 LlEUTKNANTS. and very severely wounded by grape Pl4 June 50 P21 May 52 shot in right breast at Sobraon 22 Nov.ad bis arm amputatf d.'" 2 July 41 . was ordered lo check the advance of the French force. and severely wounded at Aliwal wliile carrying the colours. 10 Jan. 42 Lt. 49 P 24 Sept. Lt.' Bt. 48 14 Feb. 11 Mar. 9 Nov.. Roderick Maingy Murchison. 52 campaign on tlie Sutlej. BREV.jali of Cttig in Apiil lt°4. being then on outpost duty. 49 P 19 Mar. Robert Fortune. Henry Eilmund De Burgh Sidlcy. 49 Pll July 51 P 11 June 52 P12 Aug.— .-Govcrnor of Upper Canada. 5 May. 7 Lt. M. 18 June 41 P S Feb. For liis gallantly on this occasion he was thanked in orders. June. Jolm Lucas Wilton. 17 Aug.] . Edw.. oj Foot. Dashwood William Henry Mangles R.-MAJ. Surgeon. 1 June. 53 P18 Oct. 48 P 25 June 41 P13April52 28 May 52 30 July 52 P 12 Aug. Weare served with the 32nd Regt. 53 John W^oods Dimond Arthur Evelyn Tyler . Theodore Hickman P 9 Julv 52 William Montagu Leeds P17 Aug. 04. i' ENSIGN. Lt. 18 Oct. p 11 Jane. during the first siege operations before SJcoItan in 18-18 (Bleda and Clasp).PurccU. ac(?' Anthony Molloy Fawcett John Nowlan Alfred John Lane P ( Robert Blackall Gecrge William Bunbury Robert Henry Macfarlane ENSlfJNS. He served also the campaign on the Sutlej ( Medal ai:d 5 Capt. . 50ih (The QueeJi's Oicn) Regt. suflering stverely. D. i<.J Colonel. R. for which services he was in 1S15 appointed Brevet Lieut. 51 18 Apr.Lemp. 4 Dec.-Col. i _' -g « C2 <*:' nr. 43. and commanded during the subsequent operations agaiiist the Caff) in the same year. -Surg eons.^ KH. 41 P 31 Dec. Corunna. 20 . commanded t iu ISOli. P 12 July 31 . -Col. 18 Feb. 48. battle of Nivelle. reeeiv severe wounds by the accidental discharge c 14 May 52 several pistol. 1 j .-Col. 50 William Agg'^ . Major. the campaign Accompanied the expedition tlie battles of Roleia and Vimiera. SheafFe'^ 6 Dec. seven Clasps. present at the capture of the fortress of Ghuznec. George Cunninghame Meikleham.. 11 Nov. Laurie. 31 . 33 28 Aug. Fred. 36 P 6 June P31 July 36 P 27 June 38 P 25 July Hon. Saml. Henry Reveley Mitford'" p 18 Apr. Lieut. 15 July 1838. 20 June 49.Angus Darroch^ P22 Mar. when proceeding to V Dicmen's Land in charge of a convict guard. P2? June 38. Lt. Ens. 46. [i^. 38 7 Jan. 45. Agent. Facings Blue. following. 39 23 June John Henry Dickson'^ 15 Nov. 13. Ca} p 14 July. KCB. 53 P P I TraflPordTraiford^^"! Charles Acton^' p ' 31 Mar. Has received the silver War Medal wi . Brevet Lt. 25 June 95. 36. f 15 0( 41. 51st. 3. and while in command of the Bombay column of the army of the Indus he captured the fortress Khelat on the ijth Nov.ih. Maj. p 13 Au 12 . 44 John Geo.-Surg. 51 7 Captain Crookshank. i Ensigns. Cajyt. Served afterwards in the East Indies from May 1322 to 1340. 26."battle of Vittoria. 49 12 Dec. p4 Feb.-Mii 45 45 48 49 50 42 46 52 52 63 Lieutenants.—Ar\\o\d. 04 . Alexander Madden'^ p 7 July 43 Geo. for which service he was created a baronet. 28 1 . Don Marshall'^ 14 July 43 Wm. Surgeon. 38 18 July Rich. George Stewart Beatson. P Augustus Henry Irby^ Pl5JulV 37 5 Oct. . Adjutant." M. Donald G. 1313. 41 9 Aug. 9 July 52 the guard. . Bart. tirst assault of San Sebastian.^M. '*'«//. and battles oft rank of Major.'s Town. 53. when he received the brei Couinianded a brigade of light companies at the passage of Bidassoa. 50 4 Apr. on Foreign 5\st{ The 2nd Yorkshire West Riding) or \^^'^'"'^Jt. Stewart AlexanderCleeve. 31 . Hugh Somerville SawyerBurney. Atherton Ffarington p 3 July 40 P 23 June 43 p 28 Dec.. in an attempt made by the prisoners to surpr Willis. Lieut.Crookshank' 25 Mar. >r « r Emb.D. 51 . 53 Paymaster. Capt. 30 29 Dec. Waloheren I Nive on the 9th. Augustus Thomas Rice. 53. William Abbott Anderson." "I LServ.\^3u\y?> Assist. BRET. 9 Dec. 33 P2G Aug. Lieut. 44 19 April 8 Aug. A. 09 . \^ Sept. 47 18 July 48 18 May 49 p 28 Dec. 45.] p 13 Dec. the i tio of 05ma. 23 June 52. Major.' Etisign. Robert Shean.-Col. 28 Aug.. see page 235. on the retreat from Burgos and action at Villa Muriel. 5 Sept. 41 Henry Fletcher Marston" 8 Mar. Assist.3 Quarter-Master. Ens. David Erskine ChichesterG. Sir Thomas Willshire. pIO Mar. Mujor-Gm. 1 . Cleeve.^ Ens. from June 1312 to the end of that war in 1814.. P 16 Apr.'^ 16 June. P9 Nov. — — 1 Sir Thomas 1803 9. upon which occasion he w appointed KCB. P . Warburton Drought P27 Sept. Commanded a wing of the 46th at t capture of Kittoor in the Dooab. Thomas Crawford. 15 .SO a B t: " . De Anyers . Lieut. 45 P W^illiam James Baillie'^ 19 Jan. 9 Dec. Major. H. '^ 28 Feb.''^«*. light company at the battle of Salamanca twice wounded). 1324. Edward Cecil Singleton'" P31 Dec. Henry 4 July 45 22 July 45 25 July 45 6 Aug. E E ^ £ ® d . 28 Aug. ' .— 1^ iMi Wm. — — 'Willshire served with the 38th in the West Indies from August 1797 to Au^st 1800. Co?. ** t •.Colonel.^ 31 July. 37 Capt. "MINDEN"— "CORUNNA"— "SALAMANCA" — "VITTORI A "—"PYRENEES"" NIVELLE"—"ORTHES"— " PENINSULA "— " WATERLOO. 46. v 2b July. 9 Nov. 44 Samuel George Carter* 13 June 45 4 July 45 R. I William H. Lieut. 44.] Charles Goddard 23 Nov. 46 Col. Captains. p 11 Oct. 9. 37 . P14 June. 51 19 May 53 P 13 Dec. on the frontier the Cape of Good Hope. = "- e ->. Brevet Lt.'" 30 March 49.— . 49 John Anderson^^ JP25 June 47 p 1 5 Oct. Esq. also second assault and capture. Gordon Sanders Mason Edward O'Callaghan'" 10 Oct.^ c §• " •> S z •SSI'S |1 '- ti *°-3 g'. 20 Jan. U. .. Arthur Percy Kerr Hen. including . 39 20 May 42 15 Mar. it Dec. p . 52 Malcolm Chas. Henry Elliott. 42! 13 Nov. Charles Errmgton. ^^ The King^s Own Light Infantry Regt. 49 8 Mar. Farrington 10 June 53 P 27 May 53 Percy Mitford William Dare Sladen . Served afterwards in the Teninsula. 10 Ja 37 . Herbert Russell Manners'^' 28 Aug.. [For remainder of Notes. Hepuls with three hundred men the attack of ten thousand Caffres upon the open village of Grahan.^ 20 Aug. p 6 Dec. Served also throughout the whole of the campaign in Alfghanist under Lord Keane...-Colonel. 21 Sept. and battle of. on the 22nd April 1319. retreat to. 49 StewartAlex. P29 Dec. 23rd July 1339. AndersonSjoo Sept. 6 Majors. Col. and Uth Dec.— Lieut. . p29 June 30 . 8 Feb. Major. Brev. Capt.-Maj. 4 Oct. v 25 June 41 . Ens. 19 1% I .-Colonel. Lieut. 27 May 53.forind.— Charles James Conway Mills. Capt.'^ Ens. Capt. v 21 May 50 Lieut.-Col. at Meerut.Tune. -Col. 13 Major-Gen. 11 Nov. 04 . 47. \ . 31 Oct./ j^ 203 "HINDOOSTAN"— "VIMIERA"— "CORUNNA"— " BUSACO"'— " FUENTES D'ONOR"— Serv. Lt. Ens. Lt. 51 Major. Lieut. Major.53. J Rt. Capt. 29 Apr. 51 Col. 21 Dec.i Head Qrs. 94. p 13 Mar. p 19 Sept. Lt. 28 Nov.-Gen. 41 . . Infantry). P 2() Jan. IG Apr.Emb. Lieut. 52. Geor^ic Campbell. Major. p 19 Oct 38. 2G. p 22 Aug. "CIUDAD RODRIQO"— " BADAJOZ"— " SALAMANCA"— " VITTORIA'—" NIVKLLE" _"NIVE"—"ORTHES"— "TOULOUSE"— "PENINSULA"— "WATERLOO. p 26 Dec. Col. Lieut. 27 May 53. 95 Colonel.— inif j j Pay. p 28 Aug 38 . 25 Jan. Joshua AUeu Vigors. 11 Nov. 17 . Ens. f 3 Dec Major. 51. 2-2 .' KCB. 41 Robert George Hughes. p 22 Feb." ^ Sir Arcliibald Maclaine.-Col. 52iul F. Lt. 34. Ens. 10 . 50.Inly 30 Copt. 35. j j 19 \ — . p6 July 32. of Foot ^2d (Oxfordshire) / \ >/ ^/ (Lt. 41 Majors.3o. 38 Lieut. p 17 Sept. 22 Dec. . 29 . -C?e«. !>Nive tlie i 5 Iriin. W. -Master. and Field ti Served with the 53rd h t'^"' of ""^ '*' Division. Talavera.-Col. I =^ ".^ 11 49. 53 Avary Jordan Davern^' 29 Jan. 30 June 43 . 46 P 15 June 49 John Keys Humfrey Ar^^v^^ on Jan. Lieut. and Ciudad Rodrigo.. Sydenham P 27 May William Payn^ 7 Apr. and was present Buddiwal.-Surg. 4 Dec.ChinKian£Foo andNan (Served as a Major of Brigade in the Pun. 8 ai and Sobraon. Lieut. 3 July 39 . Cha i ! in T^ JNoV.. 5. . Mansf 15 Mar. Henrv William Breton. 15. Archd. 11 July 34 Col. His Lordsliip has received the gold cross and 1 J . occupation of them. All' at which last acted as Aide-de-Cauip to (Mi Cominander-in-Cliicf r.. right arm amputated. 53 campaign 44 10 Mar. 31 . 4 Major. F. Henry James Clarke 19 Aug.^^ ciasp). 50 S S 5 Jc B. Thomas Ffrench^ P Ross 9 Nov. Adams Colman''^ 15 June 2 Dec. 42 ." adj. 1 Cir. operations in pursuit of Marshal Massena. Vittoria. the field or not. 16 Mar. 41 Alex. Half Full 2 "ci BRAON"— PUNJAUB. 41 P28 May 52 2 Lieuteni 15 Mar. p31 Aug. 42 Col. Charles Alex. 4 Dec. (/•'or Notts 8. Guards against the Insur Boers in South Africa in 1845: throughout the Kaflir war of 18 7 Maj. CD I "3 c S o o r"0 - _5 j s- s. .ai_-\voosun2. siege of that castle. 08 Mcij. I-. Alexander Macrae. 2 Nov. P 9 May 51.Maj. capture of Madrid i rctr •C cfc) the Retire. 42 1 Dec. i'21 Julv. . Punjaub Campaign in 1849. oo P 53 June Brooke 10 Langford Js. and 42 26 July 44 P 2 Dec. 44 P 14 Mar.'il May. 46. H.38 Co/. ^ ^M Fitz Eov James Henry. Facings Rec Asststant-Sjirgeo7is. 53 40. p27 July. the Nivelle. 39 26 July 44 24 May 44 15 Jan. Lt. c = « es c •- -r 5 5 h « P 28 Aug. . il/ff/.'^ 19 Jan. Campaign in 1849 and was present at the br of Goojerat (Medal and Clasp). [|™ P"t[h Auril^"'] • NIEUPORT"— " TOl'RNAY"— " ST LUCIA"— " TALA VERA"— " SALAMANCA"—" VITTOR — "PYRENEES"— -N VELLE" — " TOULOUSE"— " PENINSULA "—" ALIWAL"—" PI I lerv. 53. of Foot. 47 Pll Sept. 61 "1 Mav S'' iTIiomas Charles ^''^"'="[ Ffrench ~\ *'^y ^A \\T \ Ai u Humtrey. Brev.an„i." Colonel. 50 16 June 48 Beudyshe Walton" . retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras.WebsterWedderburne P31 May 6 June Thomas Moubray'". Faijmaster.' 3 Jan. o3rdF.. 17. Hen. action Touloi battles of Ortlics and advance in 1814. 47 P 13 July 49 Edward Dyne Fenton " 30 Nov. 25 Major p 31 Dec. 53 present at B 24 1 ' Lieutenants. Wale Rymer Byrne . 42 42 P12 Jan. ' C3 ^ -= = . John Breton''' May 26 29 Sept. Gore served with the Drag..and every other affair which took place also the battle of Quatre Bras. 11 Lieut. M. K £^ =S -5= . 19 Nov. Lt. Thomas Marshall. .' GCB. Surgeon. .. 42 George Herbert Cox '» James Winsmore Corfield 28 Aug. Cap June 38 Brev. 40 11 Nov. and cla«ps). 27 Nov. 44 P 8 Feb. .-Colonels. Vimiera. P 2 Dec. 3 4 June 47 -• John Wm. William Bagenall P31 Dec.204 ^^rd{The Shropshire) Regt. 6 Major Ffrench served with the 2Clh in CI (Medal and was at Chusan.— severely wounded. Portugal. and Sobn He has also the Punjaub Jle 9 Capt. — Thomas Bussett Reid. Vimiera. 46. "' § S S c •• . i 1. driving the enemy from Valladolid to Burgos. the attack and captur Oporto. Salamanca. Donald Harvev Munro S . ^^ c ^ "^ 29 37 16 12 ^CCt3 3 3 . 50. 46 P 16 June 48 P 13 Au"'. . .2^1 3 — w2 ' s u *^ > witli the 63rd on the Si (Medal). Oldfield" 26 Nov. 11 Mar. .—^^m. p 31 July 35 . 5 Nov. .' Ens. 17 16 Jan. r. Pranahur.— James Simpson Grant... 5llP 2 Dec. 30 July 52. stantly I 7 . various affairs on the O _ rt ^ 5-3 from Burgos to the frontiers of Portugal. Bus.. George Newton Fendall 30 Apr. 14. < . 4 Oct. 25 Sept.-Major.E-. 10. and was present at the tie of Goojerat( Medal and ciasp). Par. Pyrenees. 35 Lieut. Peel. battlcof Fuentes d'Onor.^ -Ems. I Captains.25. 1 Lord Raslan performed the arduous and responsible duty of Aide-de-Camp and Military Secreti His Grace the Duke of Wellington throughout the camiiaigns in Spain. 18. . 9 June. retreat ofthe 17lh June. Hecomroanded in the Punjaub c: paign in 1849. 30 April John M'Neill Walter.HQ . 44 . Robertson" Mar. and ~ o 'I ° ° . 51 =. Forbes Clarke^ 25 Nov. 46 28 July 44 Henry Buck^ f P 8 Aug. Mes Cox & Co Ageytts. Capt. battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. 45 15 Mar. Follows. Talavera. and Skarl ' 3 3 also c in the op. 19 Major. Lieut. VQ Dec. Ensigns. and Toulou and tlie silver War Medal and five clasps for Roleia."— " GOOJERAT. C.1/ryor*. 4 S( Adjutant. Nelson Dartuell. battle of Salamanca. 12 Cnl A\\^Ab. 29 Sept. 47 John Alexander Dalzell" 30 May 51 10 April 49 Graham Taylor Fred. ENSIGN.. 25 Feb. jdund. Curnet. John Wm. 53 tlie Sutlej 43 1846. 28 31 Oct. Ninppo. 51. 51 p 12 Oct Henry Helsham . Lord Raglan. 48 53rd in 28 May 48 P15 Feb. M. H.. .. Annesley Paul Gore^ .si. 11 - ^ 15 14 13 16 10 •= J= jl -3 ^ « ? = = P 2 Dec. 44 38 P 29 Apr. =5 W^-terldo. 53 served with 41 jP 15 Mar. Niveile. Nive. Lt. src next jml : 1_ . and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo._ T„i„ . James Sutherland^ 22 Feb. Capt. and Busaco(woundcd). 32. 49 p 8 Aug 51 52 p 14 Mar. 1st siege of Badajoi.-Gen. 5 Mav. if. >' . 20 July. 40. — ""39" : 19 5 „' . 47 S o 38 . Pat.-Col. . Walter served throughout the Kaffir paign of 1846-7 as Adjutant of the 90th. 10 G 8 8 .b 'S — — ^ r= •" = " 5 1 ! t O '^ 2 . 27 Apr. 20 July 47. siege and capture of Badajoz. the brilliant affair of El Bodoii.~" "* clasps for Fuenles d'Onor..38. and Flandi and was present at the battles of Roleia. Richard Sollv Flood P 21 Aug. *^ "S Wm. 45 42 8 Apr.Mansfield. John H.. - t'ons ill j 5 5 3 = \ i' 7 'diwal. 11 12 captain. Lothian Wm. II. £?(s. /»• (M( battle the ofc Goojcerat Regiment 1 ! ! g. Badajoz. andbatth *1 1) S c ?^.-Col. advance in 1813. Pay. Lt.v 22 Aug. 9 Nov. . whether his regt.i 14 Mar. 47 P May 53 6 25 July 51 Thomas Acton Wm.! Lient. pursuit of Marshal Soult. 49 39 p 26 Jan. Herbert Lloyd 'p17 Oct. IG May 51. 4 May 49 46! 11 Dec. 9 June. (3 c3- „ ^ ^ — J= — - .'. Mav. George Robert Hopkins^ 15 13 10 12 8 12 Nov. 1 40 .D. . 15. r' " f " ^ 2 ? o* . PlOFeb. T„. 43 26 Apr.^ CB. 28 June.-Col. Co/j^. . : i ! . 53. Macartney H. Busaco. II. France. Fra. Aliwal. p24 Oct. Follows. passage of the Bidassoa.i / JU1\ 4J 17 Apr. Afo. 04 Lt. Quarter-Maste)-.. = a c q A ^-. 61 43 P 8 Jan. 53 John Rclle Prideaux I ^ j I > m £ wounded) 5 Captain Clarke served 1 47th in the Burmese v tlie . 2rf Lt. William R. ' I- ' . s. and present at the affairs of Na ' 7 tS He was employed on the Peshawur in .D. 21 . 53 . Assist. 49 38 P 2 Sept.''' 27 May. . and was preser . 49 Francis Percival Drought P 6 Dec. 28 Lt.— Henry Havclock. Orthes.4/ 19 AT Cha.F. 05 Copt.i^ c-o C'O'S'^ ! '' c froii 185l-'2. 64lh F. Major. Lt. i' 1' 20 . 53. 9 July. 54^// ( 00?'!. — . 30 Dec. Lieut. 03. Bnjv. Tlie GO I'Ull Pnv. 94. aO MiiJ.' CB. Col.-Cul. i'a2Juuc32. Bowhind Moffat. Major. '2S Nov. 41. 4 March. il 1'2 Dec. Arthur CJt. 4-2. 50. Capt. 2ii Dec. Sphinx.—'^ AVilliaiu AloxaiuUr Gordon. ^l/^yori-. — • 11 i' i" . of Foot. 01 . Lieut. -25 Lt. Crt/>^ Ui May. .-Goi. Licnt. iiuir . George II. [D5t'a?Londonde?rV.QA.-' i'w«'. £/is. 15 April. Lt. 60.^ J^ns. Ensrl Oci. Stepney. lU July. 13. Major. p 10 Nov. '2 Oct. 11 Nov. 15 Aug. 15 Dec.fe^ncf.-Chn. 35 . 51. 42.-Col." Colonel. '2C Lieut.'21 Aug. '. 4(1 37 Capt. v 7 Aug.-Colunel. 3 April. 11 Nov.'] The West Norfolk) Regt.-MaJ. •29 i' 1' i' . Major. William Yorke ]\loorc. 11 Dec. ii2 July Cant. Lt. 41 . 34. 4 June Vd Col. with the words " MARABOUT"—" EGYPT"— " AVA.. . Maj. 42. 48 2 Sept. CAPTAIN. and was severely wounded at Saomwar He Pettah on the 3rd April . Lieut. 52 John Richard Hume . Frcnd.. John John Baillie LIEUT.. 48 Geo. and was wounded in the battle of Waterloo. and Chin Kiang Foo. p 25 Nov. Ens. 21 Nov. pm. 21 Feb. 9 Nov.' 22 June. John Frend. 4 June 11 . Butler" . 45 p 19 Oct. 52 Richard England P 19 Oct. 51 11 Nov. 5 Major Rose served with the 55th. Embarked for the West Indies in Lieut. commanded the 55th at Chin Kiang Foo in China (Medal). Capt. 10 Jan. 18. 48. 45 P 26 May 48 Robert Hume 9 Apr. 53 . Feb. 49 Aug.— Charles WaiTen. Capt. Col. 15 June 04 .t.^ CB. 33 P]8 Mar 36 11 P19 Oct. 51 William Barnston 22 Dec. -General Hamcrton served on the Continent under the Duke of York. Chinhae (including repulse of night attack). 7 Jan. Shanghae. p 28 Oct. Capt. Col. Maj. P 25 Nov. 40 Oct. 45 Nov.Col. 46 I 20 Feb. 23 Dec. James Wm. 19 " 5 Oct. John Warren. •. 49 20 Oct. Henry Charles Barnston Daubeney/ CB. 51 Robert Grigg 7 Jan.D. Chapoo.-Col.-Col. Majors.^ Ens. 34 Brevet Lt. at Amoy.. On the China expedition (Medal) he com4 Major Daubeney served the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg in 1834. Mill being killed. and also at Chapoo . Major Cuddy was severely wounded at Chin Kiang Foo whilst leading the advance guard at the escalade of the city.-Maj. 45.d. " CHINA. Messrs. 46 . Brev. and was at the capture of St.206 55th ( The Westmoreland) Regt. Alfred Crocker. IB Aug... 12 Mar. CB. 41 8 April 42 T.-Gen.' d. Henry P31Dee. Fred. 52 July 52 June 53 i BREV. Irish Agent. 8 Capt.-Col. 47 Jan. 47 P17 P John Donovan Verner 24 Sept. Edw. Nov. Cuddy' P31 May 33 Coats<5 .-Surgeons. Bissett 8 Nov. 51 George Anthony Morgan P16 Sept. 3 4 2 o 1 1 1 5 15 13 3 10 FitzHenry Scovell 8 Aug. 6 Major Coats served in China (."—" The Bragon. 13 Nov. in Spain 2 Lt. Lt. 49 P 24 June 53 .' Cornet. Barron and Smith. and Chin Kiang Foo. 26 Jan. . 55th Regt. 35 . two of whom he himself killed. 41 P23 Aug. 92 . 50 Lea Birch 25 June 52 P Thomas Maude Roxby 26 Nov. I Rose* p 8 18 May 32. 94 . P23 James Hannay Nov. 14 Nov. Served in Egypt in I80I. 44. 45 Nov. 45. 48 P 3 Oct. Amelius Wliimper. Major. Assist. Lt. 31 Oct. 50 John Warren.adj.-Col. Ens. Quarter-Master. Esq. 47 P 30 Nov. . 14. P 23 Mar. n Nov. J. L. 41 . in China (Medal). 24 Nov. Warren served the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg in 1334. 49 P 30 April 52 Fred. Chusan. 39 Surgeon. 51 11 Nov. Pav Lleit. rEmb. 27 W.-MAJ. Full Half MaJ. 25 Fei). and was again severely vvounded in a personal encounter with three Tartars. 49 P 17 Aug. Lieut. Millet Hamertou. 16 Feb. 40 Dee. 51.for Lol.-Gen. 17 Dec. 7 MajorCuddy. at Amoy. 44 P 6 Augustus Leacock Marsh P30 Dec. Reynolds VYcrge 38 ! 39| I [ .. 40 Apr. 26 Adjutant. 3Iajor. Depot at Terapleraore. P 1 Aug. and he was Major of Brigade to Sir James Schoedde at Woosung. Ensigns. 1 1795. C. and Chinhae— including repulse of the night attack. —— — — — Facings Green. Pay. Years' Serv. Chusan. 49 P 6 May 53 Edw.? 7 3 June 32 P 10 4 June 32 P15 27 Nov.-Surg. and Major Whimper with the 98th. Hamilton Richards P 14 May 53 Edmd. and yuarter-Master Grigg served in China (Medal). he succeeded to the command of the Right Wing of the ojth on Ll. Lieut. 42 . Atkinson. 36. 49 P 26 Nov. 22. JSns. Marcus Armstrong P18 Sept. 22 April 53. 40 P 5 George King' P 14 June 39 P15 Dee. 51 6 Nov. Shanghai. — . 38 P 7 Feb. Gibraltar. 38 . William Macdonnell. '21 May 25 . Conamanded the 1st battalion of and the :^nd battalion in the campaign of 1815. bchaw served in China (Aledal). Captains. 31 Capt.Medal). 1 1 April 49 P 7 Feb. Chusan. 48 P 19 Jan. 48. manded the Light Company of the 55th at the repulse of the enemy's night attack on Chinhae. and Chin Kiang Foo. Grigg. 51 W^illiam Mansel Tayler. 29 . Lucia the fidlowing year.Southwell Brown. 9 Aug. 30 Hector M'Caskill 29 Nov. 93 . Holland L. P 24 June. Lieut. 23 Dec.. 35 P 24 Apr 26 2 Nov. Captains Hutler and King.. in 1791. . . 41 Ass'ist. 28 Oct. [June 52. adj. 37 . 62 II Sgl John . Cockayne Elton P18 Sept. PortescueTwysdenlP24 Jime 53 Paymaster. at Chin Kiang Foo. 53. Colonel. Agents.D. Ethelbert Henry Blake. the 44th regt.-Colonel. 52 John Granville Harkness 13 May 53 Wm. M. 40 P 19 John George Schaw* Alfred Capel Cure 30 July 44 P 9 Apr. Lieut. Woosung. P 7 Sept. George Edwin Gains. 14 May 52. Lieut. Lieul. of Foot.. Lt. 16 Nov. at Amoy. 31 Jan. p 23 Jan. ENSIGN. 49 P 24 Henry Thomas P 1 Lieutenants. 10 . 17 Nov. 51. C'«7Ji?. Maj. ^'''^^ ^^St Essex)I Rt. Col. Majors. 28 June 36 ." Colonel. 43 .-Gcn. 1 7 Nov. " Mont . 12 Dec.. 51. i' i' — 17 19 rSerringatBcrmuda. i' : .-Col. p 7 Feb. Ens. Mnj.3. J " Mono" 51 Full Pay. . Maj. -Colonel. 37. of Foot. — . 10 Aug. 15 Apft 41 Ca»#. 11 . Half Piy. p 6 Sept.— 1^ John Earl o/ Westmorland. 29 April 53. 3 May. 39 . —" Gibraltar"—With the Castle andJ Key. 04 . 20 Lt. ^84fl^'"-l 1846. 14 . 27 May. -^ """ is Insignia Calpe. 38 Col. 20 Aug. 25 Lt. 4 June. 31 March 14 Lieut. 17 Dec. 44. p 22 Dec. 42. P20 Aug. Capt. . Hassall Eden. 21R P Oakeley.^^t^^ ( V ^"'"dcc Dec. Capt. Wni. . GCH. Soulden Ens. 28 June. p 22 June 20 Lieut. Lieut.-Gen. 05. jl/ffj. £'/««. Col. 5 Jan. 11 Nov. Lieut. \_ Dep6t at Chatham. Ens.' GCB. 0. Lt. 3Iajor. Lt. 39. Arthur William Byles.-Col. 20 Dec.P13July 23. 5Gth Regt. 39. 25. 19 July. Cai^t. [^'°''Dep«n°affraJe!''-''" "VITTOKIA" "PYRENEES" "NITELLE" " NIVE" " PENINSULA. 51. 11 Nov. Lieut. Lieut. 2] . Lt. Brev.51th ( The West Middlesex) Regt. Major. P13 Nov. Henry. 28 Major. Mnjor. 38 . Maj. p31 May.-Gcn. Lt. 11 . 23 Nov. 40 . Thomas Shadforth.-Col. 1802 . 20 Mar.-Gen. p13 May. 13 Apr. 48. 25 Mar. 31 IMuy. 09 . 8 Apr. Majors. Lieut. Viscount Hardinge. . P21 July. Ca]>t. Ens. 8 Oct.-Coloncl. Cajyt. 1708. 04 . 22 July. Brev. Col. Ens. Capt. 20. 41. 11 . 51. 19 . v 13 June 25 . 43. Lieut. Nov. P 28 Dec. I'lO Oct. Pa J.-Col.^ Ensign. Col. v 12 Apr. 57th Rcgt. 31 Major. Lleut. Lieut. 44. p 10 Dec. 7 Apr. Lt. Thomas Sidney Powell. Ens.-Col. iiew^. p25 June 47 Thomas Leigh h'. Col.-Major. 35. 23 July. 25 . 30 . Brev.-Col." 208 " ALBUHEHA" Colonel.' GCB. of Foot. 26. 29 March. 31 . p24 Nov. 30 May. Guldie. ^ MA 56 Full Half Pay. 51.— Cyprian Bridoe. Lieut.j.te«if. 42. & Lt. 17 Dec. Capt. 13. Capt. 28. Caj}t. Edward Buckley Wyiiyard. 03. PIG Dec." " — — MAIDA"—" — — — Colonel.-Col. P 30 Dec. Ens. 41 . i'31 Jan. 51 . P30 Dec. 42. 28 April 14 . 41 .. Capt. 4 Feb. — . 25 July 41 .^ Em. i'»w.-5. Lt.." CB. Ens. -25 JIarcli. Lieut. 19. p 18 July 51. Lt. P21 Aug. Z. i'20May 2(1. & Capt. Charles Lavallin Nugent. 2^ Feb. 31 Jan. " PYRENEES"—"NIVELLE"—"ORTHES"—" PENINSULA. "Montis Insignia Calpe" The 5. il/ryo. 58th Regt.r. 11 Nov. i/t'M^-Co/o«t'Z. ["^"^Jt a" j^'^r'' GIBRALTAR" with the Castle and Key. Col. 38.s[Ma'?7eS]!] 'oSth ( The Rutlandshire) Regt.-M(. 30 . Major-Gen. 25. P17 July 23. 36. Robert lloiiry Wynyard. v\Q Nov..-Col. 35.waI:. with the words '' EGYPT" SALAMANCA" " VirrORIA" " Years' Serv. Major. Major. -2'2 July. of Foot. 8 April.^ CB. 23 Nov.-Gen.l3-dn. 08. 71/r/>)-.mt. Col. Brcc. Lieut. 32. Lt. 34 . Pll July. Lieut. 34. Lieut. 93 . 37 . Lieut. Col. 95 j CajH.vl Nov. Colonel. Brev. Kek9?DeSta/^ "CAPE OF GOOD HOPE" — " CORUNNA" — " JAVA" — "VITTORIA" "—" NIV E"—" PEN INSULA"—^' BHURTPORE. 12 Apr. Major. CajJt. 29. 1 Sept. Major. 31 Aug. 4G. 38 .' KH. Major. p 1 May. p 29 Apr. Pi Nov. 4 June 13. 9 Nov. Ji?4«. George Fenton Fletcher Boughey. P 1 June. Lieut. 30. Majors.210 59th { The 2nd Nottinghamshire) Begimen t of Foot. P 7 Sept. . 11 Nov. 31 . KG. SEBASTIAN Years'Serv. i>l6 Mar. 14 Apr. p 15 Oct. 14." ST. Ens. 53. 1 Mar. 38. Major-Gen. £"7*5. Lieut. 34 . 59tli Foot. -Colonel. 53. Capt. 20 Aug.-Col. 10 Jan. 53. p7 Mar. Lieut. Burmester. — P . 01 . 46. Col. J3 George Augustus Henderson. Ens. 46 . 51 Henry Hope Graham. Major. Arnold E. -Col. Capt. p 29 April.-Major. 27 Apr. " . punjaub " mooltan " goojerat.oildBiltTeS^'t^^^^^^^^^^ " Celer audax.) 211 tl o ill >. S-J ..s c . "" 3 3 : = et " Roleia" C«5 ." —" Talavera" —"Vimiera"— " Martinique" —" Fuentes d'Onor"— " ALBUHERA" " ClUDAD RODRIGO" " BADAJOZ" " SALAMANCA" " VlTTORIA* " Pyrenees"—" Nivelle" — " Nive"— " Ortiies"— " Toulouse" — Peninsula. ^^tk {The King^s Royal Rijie Corps." " — "— '< " 67 i5 S 21 - 5 "o o 5 £9 - n-2 11= S ~ -a . o a a . 2 5 ^ ^ "O -^ a.J2 C O g §=1 55|. c —-3 §«> = O » . 1850. 1 Oct. actions at Zamarnos and San Milan. P20 Oct. 53 P 28 Oct. Served also the campaign of 1815.. June 1851. 30 Apr. battle of Goojerat. 15 July 53. 48 P 24 Feb. 1849. Jilin. As-st. siege and storm of Cindad Rodrigo. 53 23 Dec. Jlirandode Corvo. 27. 53 .uclj 7 Feb. M. [p 3 Apr. 53 P 18 Mar. Dundas Farquharsnn P 27 May 53 John James PhiUipps Henrv K. J2 j2 1 1 19 Oct. including the lines of Torres Vedras.2 •- c Henry Semple George Bliss MacQueen 3 49 9 Mar. Fitzgerald. Asslstant-Surr/eons. July. 2 George Au'. il. 46. 48 Conyngham Jones Henry James Robertson^ .2 June 49.ustus Frederick Shelton. v John Lambert Edw. 51. Aug.'' s. Harcourt ll()l)iuson.'^ 10 Feb. [Hp. 25. Rawlings Hannam. P 5 Mar. 28 June 39. 28 June. P 20 Aug. 53 P 16 Dec. 25 Sept. 48 Henry Cockburn' 10 Nov. 44. 1850. — — — — .-A. P4 July 45.l819.Camp to Colonel Viscount Melville during the campaiijn in as i 2 1 1. . 60ih 1st ( The . 51 Pll July 51 P 13 Apr. 1 James Crcrar.] Recjinientals Gi'ccn Facings Irish Agents." M.— ' Years. 44 P 14 Feb. MD. 2 First Lieut. 20. .$^ Scarlet. Steucrt P 17 Aug. Adjutants. 49 23 Nov. 2 Henry James Scliooles.. Serveil with a detachment of the 60th during operations in the Euzofzie country in Dec. Capt. John Maguire. . 53 drews. 40 P 5 Jan. He has received the War Jledal and ten clasps. . R.. An- P17 Jan. Battalion embarltedfor \ind Battalion embarked for at LiviericA. 1 Charles Robert Boyes..D. Lt. Agent. 53 Fra. tlie j =» in Aide -de . 52 William Cubitt P 18 Feb. 52 21 Oct. Arniit aiid Co. Henry Waters I V c | . 50 P 28 Feb. 2 Brins-ley Nicholson. the pursuit of the Sikh army. 51 William Waller Fox 17 Jan. 1 Thomas Berrev. actions at Pombal. 10 LieutR. including the siege and storm of the town. P14 Feb. capture of Madiid. Vera bridge and heights battles of Nivelle. 47 William Mure'' P 5 May 48 William Tedlie P 25 Feb. 46 P22 Oct. John'" Francis Andrews'" Francis Dawson John Prevost Battersby . E?is. Clias. P30 Dec.) 2nd LIEUT. and Chinhae. battle of Fucntes d'Onor. 2 Luke FitzGibbon. P 4 April 45. 49 11 Sept. 2 Francis Fitz Patrick^ = c Feb. 2 July 41 .. . Lieutenants. 46. and acted r\sStaf}'OBicer to the European portion of the force sent against the Affreedies in the Kohat Pass in Feb.. P13 June 4Ju]v P30 Dec. Afterwards at the battle of Goojerat (Medal). . India. 2 Edw.{)9 . and was severely wounded in the knee at AVaterloo. 50 . 52 Wm. Ponte de Rheiix. Edwardes Hope P 20 Sept.5 Vincent Tongue^ R. and the expulsion of tlie Affghans bethe Khyber Pass. Nive. 46 P 5 Mar. 49 18 Jan. and subsequent operations. Eustace Robertson'". Sir John Kirkland. 47 1 William Joseph Macfarlane. 48 Geo. 8 April. 49 P 12 Oct. S > = S C » E . and captureof the insurgent villages on th yond llthandl4thDec. and Eustace Robertson.'. 52 Pll June 52 Henry Pardoe Eaton James Henry Aug."' 15 Oct. and with the 60th throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9 including the siege and storm of the town and capture of the citadel of Mooltan. 4.. 48 P 5 May 48 28 Dec. . 45. Lieut. 53 J. nclj. 45 Robert Wilmot Brooke^ Richard Freer 22 May 46 P31 July 46 Francis Charteris Fletcher P 14 Aug.^ M. 3 Jan. Depot .) and Orthes and afFair at Tarbes. ' 1=? 5 tog > ei O t. 1 . — ^ Kviff's RoT/al Rifle Corps. 42. Sabugal. Chnsan. 50 P 16 Aug. P20 Dec. 15 July 53. 1 David Ogilvy Hoilc. actions of Lesaca.B. . 48 Hugh Parker Montgomery"' P21 Aug.D. 1848-9. Asst. 52 P 15 Oct. 45 Piiymasfers..-Surt/.Lt. 12 Lt. 26. Redinlia.—l'^^M Edward Coxen. (from 9th to 13th Dec. battle of Salamanca. 2ndLieut. 14 Oct. Dean Pitt Wykeham Leigh Pembcrton P 23 Apr. 4] 28 July 44 27 May 42 29 July 44 30 July 44 31 July 44 1 Aug. 47 Earle^. Shuter Davenport M'Gill p 16 Dec. 13 Capt. Lieut. Alex. SirV. at Amoy. St. 45 P 22 June 47 P 28 Jan.] the Cape of Good Hope. Borough.2 i 1 !2 P ] Rowley Willes Hinxman . siege and storm of Badajoz.5 A\-)n\.-Surg. 51 22 Apr. ^Yillia^l Charles 24 Dec. 49 P 21 Jan. J. Eustace Robertson served in the expedition a°ainst the Affreedies in the Kohat Pass 15 Si '^ -s -s 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 i te ° c Ward served Punjaub of 1848-49. 52 P 7 Jan. Richard Harcourt Roliinson. Tristram Squire Richardson 10 April 49 Henry jSIitchell Jones . 49 13 Dec. Maguire served with the 55th in China (Medal). 7i^. 22 Nov. 51 C. served with the 1st battalion 60th Rifles during the second sicse operations at Mooltan. and capture of the citadel. Also present during the operations in the Kusofzye country. . Boswell Gordon" P21 April 43 P John Maguire'. [1. Alfred FitzGerald'" Frederick Arthur St. 47. battle of Vittoria.''' 29 Mar. 44 Henry Edward Warren^ 45 44 45 43 45 P 13 Feb. 1 First Lieut. Served the Punjaub campaign of .. a' R. 17 Aug.serv 212 . 53 p 20 Sept. 45 Arthur Charles Greville. Coxen served at the siege of Flushing in 1809..D. Baynes Bernard Edward M'ard'' . 48 P 20 July 49 26 Aug. Surgeons. P2o Feb. 10 . and subsequently in the Peninsula. and Almeida. Quarter-Masters.. 47. 49 P 16 Aug. 461 Edward Bowles. Williams. including the second siege operations before Alooltan and battle of Goojerat (Medal and two Clasps). i 2xD Lieutenants. 3 Sept. 19 May 43 Clia. 1-1 April 43 Dunbar Douglas Muter'' Henry Francis Williains'". 50 P27 Dec." 9 Feb. 1845. DavidCuiiinghame Ellis'" AthoU Charles JohnLiddeir P16 May 51 Pll July 51 Charles Williamson Francis Stewart Travers . 47 19 Dec.. .Remained wilhUhe Army of Occupation until its return to England in 1818. and Goojerat. " KGYPT"-" TALAVKRA"-" SALAMANCA "—" indi^'". P29 Dec. and Capt. Lt. 42 . 20 . 47 43 20 May 48 44 P 29 Dec. [ The Sphinx. 48 commanded the storming party in P29 Dee. \Payniaster. 25 Nov.-G'cn. with the words. and was present at the b. Major. Major. Expedition into William Capel Garde.'D pursuit of the enemy to the Khyber Pass in March 1849.'^ Ens. 7 Capt. Fullee24 Julv ^ _ ^ Zoormundie. . Full 29 » i- . V. 51 46 P 2 Dec.attle of Corunna. 8 Nov. 26 Dec.'''--Col. Wall served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9 present at the passage of the Chenab.-~'« £ = ^. 7 Jan. ZoorThomas Maitland Moore 20 July 47 12 Oct. . Lt. Lieut. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Ens. 12 April 31 . 23 Aug. 48 with the enemy 11th and Uth Dec. Sir John Moore's campaign in 1808 9. Vicars.-Colonels. Thomas Wickham^ 19 Aug.= lianwallah. 53. and li t S siH =. John Patrick RednioncP AlexanderWillianiGordoni 20 Dec. It) Aug.t. Surg. 47. 42 . . 44. Rowland Richardson'o p 16 Feb. i'20 Sept. Croasdaile 3 May 44 P 4 Sept. j:. Lieut. Lieut. 44 the passage of the Chenab. Robert Eyre Burnside. Served in Ensigns. 62 Charles John Griffiths John J.R. 20 April 49. 48 44 28 July 49 44 20 July 60 P28 44 Feb. William Henry Vicars. j \ a-M^ — 1 — — — 1 Lieut. William James Hudson^ Hen. and Sheerkanee on those days. consisting of a troop of Bengal Horse Artillery and the 61st = = . 7 June 49 Deacon served in thePun- campaign of 1848-9. E. _ . 49 portion (300 men) of his regiment P 20 May 48 Thomas Gabbett'* 28 Apr. present at 23 Dec. Berry.D. ! . Dowler. 50 P 8 June 52 of Rarauugger. I' CAPTAIN.RAT. ~J . Lieuts. Keid. 53 [Capt.LIAN \VALLAU"--"GOOJEi.« i-t^ force in pursuitof the enemy to the Khyber Pass in March 1819 Medals and two Clasps. the atlair Wm. v 12 Apr. in action with the enemy Uth P 17 Aug. Miller. at the battle of Goojerat. 21 April P 29 Sept. 51. M. ' ' . George Sotheby Tyler C Maj. 213 H t . Chillianwallah. Deacon.-Col. Charles Clement Deacon.B. 52 Chenab. p 27 Dec. •2:i Nov.'' Ens.. Gist Foi. M. 11 ?. 49 Thomas Edward Gordon George Alexander Bace^ . Messrs. Capt. 24 31 July 28 7 Jan.. and in Rich.51 44 13 Feb. Ciipt. 28 July 49 . 46 27 Apr. and was present a-. and with the tield force Henry Geo. Facings Buff. Cajit. Ens.-Col. Austin Vicars P17 Oct. Campbell at Chilii: ^'. Capts. 37. 53 21 Aug. Lieut. Hen. 9 Mar. 46 the battles of Sadoolapore. 35 . Colonel.6 1 st( The South Gloucestershire) Recjt. in June Thomas Geo. John Crawford Mahratta country. 28 Nov. Lieut.'* 2 March. Assist. H. and Sheerkanee on those John Henry Lukis 10 Sept. 41 . aud battles of Sadoola27 Robert Richardson Daly Dee.!^ = '^K'. : 15^ . Otter served with the 14th 10 April 49 P 7 June 50 at siege and capture of Bhurtpore Stephen M'Donough'^ 25 June 50 in 1825-6.45 days. 52 40 15 Mar. .».iP27 June 45 Medals and two Clasps. 45 jaub C. Col. 44 P 29 Dec. Cuiit. Bace. 51 . 50 Southern 1841. he Henry Brackenbury "^ 18 Aug. and remained in the Peninsula until the beginning of 1814 .^ P17 Dec. Expedition P 22 July 45 20 Nov. Hillm. He served as Acting Assistant Geddes Sansoni Twynam P18 Oct. 39 33 22 Oct. Arthur Cotton Young 2 Dec. Lt. in which he commanded the 13 Oct.= . MaJ. Cox & Cc. Durand Deacon^ 3 June 42 P 26 Jan. Lt. Colin M.CIJ. 26 April 49 and 1849.-Col. •* Lt. Served also the campaign of 1815. 51 in pursuit of the enemy to the Khyber Pass in P12 Dec. — Majors. Dely served in the campaign against the Rajali of Coorj iu 1834 with the 48th Kegt. .i P28 Aug. 51. Wickiiani. 49. 31 . 2S Aug.— i^ TOl John Reeve.D. Paterson Fox 19 Aug. '• ' Half Pay.-General Reeve served with the Grenadier Gu. 50 pore.\ndre\v Grant. . Major. 26 26 20 23 12 3 July July July April Feb.-Col. Medal and two Clasps and was nominated a C. BKEV.. storming of Peronne and capture of Paris.1/4'. 42 . 51. 8 Nov. passage of the P 17 Dec. 62 and 14th Dec. (ir. = ?E g = c § _. 45 P 23 July 47 Adjutant-General of H. 47 Edward Ring Berry*. 11 Oct. Medal and one Clasp. battles o ' the Nivelle and Nive. and in the battles of Sadoolapore. 41 . liurnside.irds in Sicily in 1306-7 . 36. and Powys (orderly oflicer to Brig-Gen. and with tlie 3 May 47 wallah. PYRKNEES"— NIVELLH" — "NIVK " — " ORTHKS " — "TOULOUSK " — " PENINSULA "—Flank M AIIJA"— " PUNJ AlIB"— CHII. Wilson Pattoun 17 Sept. Burnside^ 20 Aug. was present at the passage of the Chenab. 1' . Ed. and Llcut. ol. 50. EyreBurnside.^ " Years' Slmv. Col. 2(i July 44 . 19 23 i' 26. i'l-2 Dec. F'red. 12 Nov. Dupre Payn P16 Feb. P 15 Feb. i?. FuUee. 8 June 33 .-MAJ.-Master. . . 48 20 July 50 the attack on the Fort of Buddami. 42 P 3 May Wm.Herbert Taylor Reade.^ Ens. forces 13 Feb. 26 July Robert Cecil Dudgeon . . 42 Edw. 46 p 25 Feb. 42 27 Dec. Oct. Jones served with the Gist in the Punjaubcampaign of 1848-9. 10 April 25. Gunn Brackenbury 23 Aug.in the battles of Sadoolapore and Chillianwallah after which he commanded the regt. Agents. the Eusufzie country. 'i-i July 90 . of Foot. 49 25 Oct. 2:3 Oct. . present at the capture 29 Jan. 42 Drought Rich. Ens. i' 2 Dec. Capt. Ens.~Gen. Qr. present at the Robert H utton P*^^^"^ °' "'^ Chenab. 40 Robert Hunt Edward Shawe Powys^ 26 July 44 P ] P :s^ii . 15 March 53. When in the 4th Regt. Otter'^ William Alex. Adjutant. 47 to the Khyber Pass in March 1849. horse shot). Ens. Captains. Henry Garner Ruiney. P 29 May 49 the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. 51 March 1849. 51 44 P 2 Sept. 53 27 Lieutenants. . M. 28 July 44 tield force in pursuit of the enemy 19 Nov. 40. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps.—\\i\Y\i\m Joiics. 00 Lieut. and Goojerat. 50. Went to Cadiz in 1811. 1 1 April 05. 49 employed. 20 July 44 .—UiiAiae\ Wall/ 10 Feb. 40 Charles J. 17 June. F." Coiniianies. Nov. Major. 7 Nov. and with the field = = P. Robert M'Nab. 35. 4 Maj. 62 during the Punjaub campaign of Thomas John Sadleir 27 April 49 184S-9."«(Z. 50 P21 May 52 Medal and two Clasps. 1849 present at the capture and deJohn Sloman Henry John Yonge 52 ^"''"'''''° °} ^^^ insurgent villages of Saggow. 53 42 P 24 Jan. Assistant-Surgeons. present at the passage of the Bidassoa. Surgeon. Chillian! and Goojerat. 47 into Robert Grei the Eusufzie country in action David Reid3^ 31 Mar.f-n Nov. and in the battles of Sadoo29 William Dowler* " Oct 60 lapore and Chillianwallah. . 2 Juue 43. and he ^•^ SJ-rT commanded a portion of Sir Walter Gilbert's tield force. 11 Mar.] wt7eXd. -lb Dec. With the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. 48.-Mast. Dely'. destruction of the insurgent 5 June 49 villages of Saggow. Chillianwallah. Pay. M. Patrick Gammie. ..-. 49 mundie. i' 28 Feb. .214 Years'Serv. P19 Jidy 33 P 2 May 34 20 Sept. George W.. WiddringtonCurtois 23 Mar. JI.Col. 20 Majors. In Egypt. 04. 44 P 4 Nov. Paymaster. 23 Nov.^ 2 Dec. — — Major. 12 — — — 1 Lieut. 41 . Served also at the siege and capture of Genoa."afD^«b''n!"] 63. in April IsU.Surgeon. Sir E. 51 . 215 "EGMONT-OP-ZEE"— " MARTINIQUE"—" GUADALOUPE. 46 P 28 April 46 4 June 47 P 20 July 49 P 25 Oct. 47 15 Mar. 50 John Jeken Cockburn 17 Mar. Bt. Borough. 53 Vere Hunt Bowles P 14 June 50 p 4 Nov. 14 Aug. Full Half Major. 45 . 61 F..D. -Col. 33 Charles Higgiubotham .'HQ July ^0. Ens. i' 7 March. Capt. 50 P 7 Jan. jNIacquarie . 53 p 23 Dec. P2GJan. Col. 12. 53. p21 March. 44 .-Surg. 37 28 June 44 30 Sept. 52 Kenneth Bruce Stuart P 10 April 49 P 12 Aug. Magnay P 12 Apr. p27 Sept. 51. 48 p 2 Feb. v 17 Lieut. C.-Gcn.. 14 Dec. H 2 . P 23 Dec. LIEUT. 33. August 1847. and was present in the action of the IQth of Sept. 27. Le Mesurier Carey [P13 Aug. Lt. Edward S. 37 CUarlesEdwardFairtlough P12 May 37 P31 Dec. as Assistant. 11 Nov. subsequently on the eastern coast of Spain. Le Grand.. Pay. as well as in several other minor aflairs. Lieut. Irish Agents. P 29 June 15 GustavusNicolls Harrison P 5 June 35 P 1 Dec. 5 Nov.' CB. 49. -27 Dec. 48 p 9 Sept. Em. 9 May 00. . f 8 Aug. 42. . 53 P 13 May 53 Jas. Macdoncll served tlie campaiga on the Sutlej (Medal) with the 80th. 48 P 7 Sept. HeneageThomas Twysden Archibald Wybergh . adj. 46 25 Aug. 61 Pll June 52 P17 Dec. Colonel. P P Francis Douglas Grey* . 52 P 11 Mar. Oct. 53 Edward Joseph Hunt I . Hon. [Returned from Madras. 30. 51 Christopher Jas. 52 P 17 May 50 P 23 Jan. 47 P IS Jan. Robert Lewins. 53 Fred. P 11 Sept.." „ Years' Serv. 13. Armit & Co. Ens. i'30 July. Lattin Fitzgerald P17 Sept. Plulton Clutterbuck P 15 July 63 John Wm. Le Grand. 3I({jor. 16 July 52. s. under Sir Ealjih Abercromby in 1801 .. 38 .] Adjutant. R. 25 Exbain Schoinberg Tiinior Swyiiy. 15 Nov. *^«7-(7. Heury Ingi-am. • Heury Ferguson Barclay. Ingieby Fleming. 34 .. 8 Oct.yZ ( The West Suffolk) Regiment of Foot.. Esq. i Capt. Arthur J. ^5 Feb. Facings Green. 44 30 June 44 P 3 Apr. 50 p 26 Mar. Codd. Lieut. 42 25 Sept. 35 . . in Sicily from* 1808 to 1812 . P 2 April 41 1 Dec. 53 Thomas Kyd Morgan . Quarter-Master. vo June 35. Ens. 47 . Assist. during the campaign on the Sutlej. 47 PIO Ai)ril49 Ciias. 43 16 April 45 G. 1 Oct.—io\\n Thorp.. Lieut. 55 JP Thomas Kenah. Thomas Harries William Fred. Logan Paterson 2G May 48 P2G Dec. and Sobraon. Lieut.Jas. 39 17 Aug. 49 Thomas Johns William Henry Newenliam 17 Dec. Lt. -Colonel. 53.— Alexander Sherifle Macdonell.. T. 99. Doveton Lewis P 4 Nov. Major. Ferozesfaab. 20 Patrick Liudesay. and afterwards as Deputy-AdjutantGeneral at the Head of the Department. Grey served as an Ensign in the 24th ncngal N. IG Sept. 50. Assist. P 5 Sept. Hospital-Assist. 29 .-maj. 44. 26 Jan. Capt. i' 23 Dec. 52 Vincent IMackesy 22 Dec. Col. 46 captain. 38 Captains. I. Ensigns. brev.-Gen. . i'21 Feb. i' 22 Oct. 34. 42. Ens. 22 July 30. 33 . and was present at the battle of Ferozesbah (Medal). Agent. and was present at the battle of Castalla. Pav. Johu Stillman Gould . Robert Bennett Charles Augustus Hand Adrian William Fraser P17 Oct. Lieut. 13 Dec. 50 P23 Dec. 35 P 31 May 39 9 May 46 P13 Aug. Cajjt. 53 P 23 Dec. 47 9 May 45 P14 Apr.General Kenah served in Holland in 1799... as also several other afi'airs.. (i3ifl Foot 25 Nov. including the battles of Moodkee. Carter P . 3 Mr.. Robert Alexander George Dalzell. Lieut. He has received the Gold Sledal from the Grand Seignior for the Kgyjitian campaign and also the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. Maj. 63 P Lieutenants. . 41 E. Capt. 3 Mar. Arthur J. Lieut. Capt. 29 Nov.'Gen. & Cai)t. Major. Lieut. 19 July. Maximilian James Western. Lieut. . 13 Nov. Nicholas ^Vilson. Lt. 45. Licut. IG Sept. 26. 7 Oct. 48. p 24 Dec. Ca2)t. Brevet-Major. v 8 June. Brevet Lieut. Lt.-Col.Colonels.' KCB. 4 June. 46 Major. p19 Nov. 51 .-Col.-Col. 25. 44 Lt. Ens. Ens. Major. 42 Brevet-Lt. Col. 18 Dec. P 11 March. KH. Lt.-Col. Ens. 29. 3£ajor. 10 Jan. iM7 Sept. 4 . 06. 26.-Col. Lieut. 9 Nov. p 10 June. 25 Nov. PlOSept. p2 Nov. 30 . Colonel. 37 . Gen. 23 Nov. Aug-. 99. — Majors. 11 Aug. 1798. 35 . 37. P29 Dec. 41. James Draper. Maj. 09.-Gen.^ CB. Years' Serv. Lt. Sir Richard Bourke. Capt. 48. . [^tjvi^ aTKu'^Se'. 47. .2 6 1 mil ( The 2nd Staffordshire) Recjt. 26. p 30 Dec. Col. 21 . Ens. 2-2 Nov. 21 Major. 1805. p 11 April. 1 1 Nov. C«7J#. 14. Ens. 22 Dec. . of Foot.30. 64tli Regt.. Lie^it. 31 Oct. James Stopfonl. 25. 30 April." "ST. p24 Oct.'"' LUCIA"— "SURINAM. 23. 13. 6 Capt. Twyford Thelwall 8 Nov. . 40 Duncan Bazalgette 31 Dec. 11 Capt. Messrs. 45. 45. ^ P P 25 Nov. 35 William Pym Young12 Sept. I' . anil was present in the oattles of Mnodkec.-Col. . 41 Henry Ferdinand Turner 8 Feb.-Col. Aliwal. Lieutenants.-MAJ. Charles Emilius Gold. 43 P 14 June 31 P 5 Feb. Strange.Martinique.-Gen. 44 P 8 Ai)r. in >81". G May 31. 45. Geo. Lt. captain. 53 P Ensigns. Douglas Anderson 1 Apr. as Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General to the Sixth Division. Lt. Beaumaris Bulkeley P 22 June 47 May 14 Dec. 49 OctaviusJohnBlakeMarsh 14 June P15 Oct. 30 Dec. 26. 43 19 Dec. was promoted Brevet Lieut. Succeeding soon afterwards to the Regimental JIajority. 21 June 13. 46 Ens. jEiis. 42 Charles John Ewen. Coi. 30 P27 Nov. 46 P25 Aug. «<//. . he commanded the light companies of MajorGeneral Ross's brigade.. Facings Wliite. 51 . Lleut. Freeman Murray 26 Apr. 19 Dec.er. . George Buck . Patience was present at the surrender of . and commanded the advanced party of the 65th Rejit. George Meyler P 26 July 53 P 2 Sept. 53 James Paul^ 8 Nov. 65th Foot. 45 7 June 50 13 Dec. Adjutant. 50 27 June 51 22 Dec. Fd. 45 P ?1 Jan. — — . 30 Dec. 29 . P 22 Dec. 3 Apr. 5 April. 23 Nov. and at the capture of Les Saintes and Guadaloupo. P Edmund Jacob Whitbread 25 Nov. 53. 50 P 28 May 52 Robert Henry MacGregor P31 Dec. Major. Zieut. p 23 Apr. P 7 Oct. 28 P 29 June 32 P 5 Jan. Jj) — i' — . . A. Sar/jeon. 44 . 34. Samuel Benjamin Auchmuty. M.fZ. Lieut. and the silver War Medal with fiie Clasps for the oiher buttles. 14 Nov. 51.-Colonel.-Major. 36 Lt. 42 P 23 Sept." Colo7iel. Nicholson Magrath 14 May Pll June Frederick Bailie Ernest Christian Wilford P 23 Nov. 41 . 26 P Oliver Barker D'Arcey 9 Dec. Pay. . 36. 39 11 Nov. Capt. 41 P 13 June P21 May 52 Wm. and served with them at Orllies and Toulouse. 48 30 Apr. Paul served with the 31st throu^hdut the campaign of 1815-6 on the Sutlej.— at the latter. 45. 28. 19 Aug. Lieut. p 23 Nov. Major. Williams Marshall. p 23 Sept. Thelwall served against the rebel natives in the Southern District of New Zealand. 45 Thomas Geo. P 18 Sept. 51 P 26 Oct. and was in action with the Fourth Division at Vittona and the Pyrenees. Thomas George Strange. P 4 Oct. at Oporto and Talavera a? Major of Brigade to Sir Alex. 7 Oct. .The Rot/al Years' Serv Tigrer. Wyatt. 11 Nov. 51. superscribed 57 Full Hall- Pay. On return to the Peninsula frvjm sick leave he was appointed extra Aide-de-camp to Sir Lowry Cole. 27. B. 41 Major. V 5 Feb. 12 April 14. 3G. Capt. 13 Nov. Lionel Smith Warren P 29 July William Little Charles James Urquhart P 2 Sept. and Sobrann . and at the battle of Busaco. 26 Sept. He carried the Uucen'i Colour of the 31st at Moodkee and Ferozeshah. Agents. Capt. 4 Apr. Lucia. James Patience. 46. 53 R. 24 Oct. Robert Keating Prendergast. 51 46 Charles Blewitt Cha. BllEV. p12 Dec. and battle of Fuentes d'Onor. -Colonel. -General Morne Fortunee. 31 Jan. Lt. p 2 Sept. pm. 45 Brev. and was present at the storming of St. Major. at the latter was promoted to the Brevet rank of Major.— J. 41. 10.' CB. P2:3Sept. Col. Campbell. Buddiwal. P19 Mar. Quarter-Master. 44 10 Apr.-Col. 11 Nov. 2 Lt. 97. ^/w. 4 Capt. P19 Sept. 21 Nov. i . 14 Apr. in the engagement at Wanganui on the 19th July of that year. Alfred Francis W.^ Ens. (wounded). 36 Richard Newenham 4 Oct. Brev. Medal and three clasps. 23 Nov. 53 51 P 25 Nov.StanslieldHerries iLatlj. 51. in 1815. 44 Richard Maxwell Slegg. Lieut. 13 March GO. 15 Oct. P28 0ct. Edward Withers. and was present — . Thomas Walter Still JohnOwen Jones Priestley 7 Feb. 48 Fra. Lieut. Major-Gen. the retreat of the army to and subsequent advance from the line' of Torres Vedras.-Cul. Cox & Co. 52 50 P 28 Jlay 52 50 P 12 Oct. 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 18 6 3 18 Pll July Frederick Wemyss Andr. Captains. Assistant-Surgeons. 1 Lieut. 31. 52 51 P 26 July 53 51 P 2 Sept. Ens. 25 Nov. 31 Oct.-Surg. "INDIA"— "ARABIA. 51 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 P«)/wj«s!. 7 Dec. Assist. Fernzeshah. In 1809 he accompanied the second battalion Roval Fusiliers to Portugal. P14 Feb. . Lt. William Ker Park. Majors.D. Miguel Servantes 8 P P 4 July 45 8 Dec. A. He has received ihe gold Medal and one Clasp for the battles of Ortiies and Toulouse. 26 24 23 20 14 13 8 12 11 10 . — — Auchmuty served several years in the West Indies. 13 12 10 !) G 7 8 5 4 4 3 3 3 John Gordon 5 Oct. 20 Mar. Thomas Esmonde White. 05. NIVELLE"— " NiyE"—"ORTHES"—" PENINSULA. Blimt. 1 Jan. . 43 P p Nov.. Capt. 3Iajor-Gen. CajJt.-Gen.. Charles Edward Michel. Lieutenants. Col. 1809 . George Watson Charles Wm. 1787 Lmd. 32 P12 Feb. Pay. 27 May.] rServing LDepot in Canada. 25 . Major. of Foot. Ens. 18. 25 Oct.-Col. 35.. d.. 31 Jan. Ens. Montagu Davenport^ P24 Apr. v 19 Jan. Lieut. Major. 35 George Charles Downman 29 Oct. 12 3 ohn Hene'age Grubbe. David Robert Ross . 46 P 12 Sept. Gen. 39 . 28 . "DOURO"—"TA LA VERA"—"ALBUH ERA"—"VITTORI A"— "PYRENEES"— " 67 Full Half Pay. 99 . . 32. Majors. sf "'iS^wirs.. P 25 June. 25 Mar. . p5 June 28. 93 . 48 P Geo. 25 . Capt.pm. v 2i Veh. ^ Richard . 36 P24 May 27 P 9 Mar. Pearce Serocoldjp 10 July 46 P24 Dec. 42 8 8 Aug. Charles Perrin John Walker. Capf. d.' Ens. 47 Webster Thomas Gordon P 1 Dec. 26 29 May 28 George Maxwell . 33.. 38 Edw. 47. Lieut.. 41. 6 Aug. Lieut. p 20 Aug. 218 QQth{ The Berkshire) Regt.Colonel. Major. 3 . 7 Apr. 47^ Captains. 45 14 Mar. 12 July. 41 28 Dec. Lieut. p27 Apr. adj. 32 P23 Feb. 36 — — 38 . . Liejit. p 13 May 20 . Aylmer Arch. Grattan Biscoe John Johnston. 46 Robert Conner P 24 Jan. 3 Sept. Ens. Major. 23 Nov. . Bart. Lie^(t. 46. 23 Nov... 96 Lt. p25 Nov. 45 Tom Benson Pll July 45 P 6 Nov. 23 Aug. 91 .." Colonel. p2 Feb.-Col. 66th Rcgt. 23 Feb. Sir William Gordon. Col. at Guernsey. Dunbar. P12 May 37 . p6 Nov. 17 Mav. 47 John Clifton Hawkes Walters. H. Facings YcWow. 49 Arthur Henry Coney. Jh^^n lu> was namcdTdespatchcs by capture of "^".D. Captains. 50 Geo. 38 43 P 28 Aug. Ens. 51 51 51 8 June 52 23 Nov. Thomas Edmond Knox. Lieat. Pay master. 47 1 Mar. Capt. 22 Jan. 31. 3 June 47 2 Sept. Ens. 45 Henry S. 51 James John Wood P17 June 51 Louis Walter Fisher Edward S. 41. superscribed. and the 52nd Light Inf. Major. Ewart.ms"""'] 67^A ^"''jan'' ( The South Hampshire) "BARROSA"—"PENINSULA"—The Rcr/t of Foot. Major. 47 10 July 46 ? 13 Aug. 53."''. 48 .^ the East indies in command "f ^"V "/oraTsh^ia^r ''^HrLrrii^'td'X-^U^r-M^dal" Badajoz. Brevet Major. P 6 Aug. G7th F. 47. 49. itir«ve'' Clasp^.. 53 Brabason Thomas Disney P . brev. 48 25 Oct.— Edward Basil Brooke. 3 July Capt. 62 Lieutenants. p 9 July 52 Jasper Lucas Ilerrick Pll Nov. 29 Dec. p 17 Aug.^'. 31 Dec. 22 Ass^st. Fuen. Lieut.•« '\ Accompanied the Expedition to the ^''h'^ld • ^ . Artillery. captain. 62. 5 Dec. '2b June 29. iic?*#. the storming of Chin Kiang Foo. 25. and Salamanca. Capt. Adj Daniel Thompson .°'' '"'^X" f detactoen ^carrying UW^^^^ f Ciudad Uodrigo and Badajo^ Fort Picurina) . M. d'Onor.pm. 2J9 . Butler. 8 8 7 7 7 5 .nd Lieut. 9 Nov. 39 P 23 Feb.-S^a•g.^ Served in 'h'-' Served in Sir James Leith. Lieut -CoZoHcZ. 22 Jan. p John Porter Charles Barnard Hague. 28 Mar.-Col.^lS^ . 62 Alexander Cameron . P29 May P 23 22 Jan. Royal Lt. 14. 10 March. 18 Feb. Division in the Peninsula from March 1811 the Light . 22 Lieut. 5 Sept. 51 Edmund Holden Steward P 6 Aug.or^e Crispin. 46. 52. and the operations before Nankin. Major. 26 Jan. Rivarola p 24 Oct. 29 Dec. 9 Nov.. Thomas Basil Tuite James Graham. 15 Sept.^ ^"^"7^'%'"* at the action near Kcog.'^. 22 May 46. 37 37 5 Dec.a. 39. Surgeon. 47 p31 Jan. Assista7it-Surgeons. for Vimiera. 47. Halt Pay. 29 Oct.j^. I'll July 2(5. 8 July 53 .^ ^^^^^^ „. 7 Nov. P 26 Aug. 9 Nov. 45 P31 Jan. S.everely wounded when in command ^"«^ »" /"™'".. p 22 yldJ»^rt«^. 6 Oct." 51 Full Colonel. P 30 Dec. 28 Aug. Horton Atchison P14 Feb.—iieM*. Major.' Rorjal Tiger. p 24 Feb. 42 P31 Dec. 49 11 Jan. Quarter-Master. Michael Fenton Manifold. 25 Feb. 38. adj. John Frederick Ewart. [ ^*'Dep6t!*D^oTe?. "INDIA. Randal Smyth p 23 Jan..s4'' to «"='''.^r Fe^. p5 July. and the actions ^^_^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ . 1816 inclusive. Thomas Byrne 35 20 4 Nov.. p„. 42 P 23 Aug. Sept. °°. Ens.—T\\onms Josephus Deverell. 52. 46 3 May 44 Pll July 45 P16 Apr. Major-General . p 12 Sept. the attack and capture of Ohapoo. 51 William Serjeant Arnold P 13 Aug.'|^„i„.\. . and was at the as a Brigadier at the siege employed was a„d ^^^. 17 April 06 Major-Gen. 25 Oct. Ciudad Rodrigo. Pearson Robert Follett Synge^ 14 12 10 9 8 9 P . 40 26 Sept. 39. 11 . Messrs. Synge served with the Cameronians on the China expedition (medal). LIEUT.-G.^'°J'' from March^ 1819 'he G7. 37 . „ the battles to December 1812.D. 30 Oct. Lt 9 April. 31 . 49 Charles Wm. 15 Dec. 1 Oct. la : .-Col. M. 52 P13 Apr. OS Sabugal and San Munos. Majors. Col. 4(1. T. 1 Nov. 3 June 63 p 18 Sept. G. Capt.—io\in Duff. Cox & Co. 46 P 28 Aug. 6 10 5 13 5 Q Q I the Expedition to Copenhagen in 1807. 46.""'"Served with '"«^ ". 47 P17 Jan.„.. accompanied captam in as c»ntiin was wounded at /„' 'f' . and carried the colours of the regiment at the repulse of the night attack on Ningpo. 49 29 Dec. 04 . 18 Mar. 47 William D' Arcy. p 24 May P 1 1 Mar. 12. 19 34 35 36 33 William Pilswortli 42 Robert Hudson Wood 43 Dugald Stewart Miller 46 Henry Crofton 45 1 Aug. the taking of Shanghae and Woosung. and *J^ "^'^„'..-i o\xn Elliot Carte. Ens. 03 j Lieut. 31 June 42. 44 29 Dec. 46 Alfred Addington Jones 3 Jan. Knight P 49 Edward Daubeny. 'i. 8 U 9 5 Mar. 47 49 P 39 43 43 44 46 49 1 1 Nov.en8 and 9 under Sir John Moore. 8 Sept. 20 Oct. -^mvy 1 was present Vimiera. 9 Nov. Ensigns. Pll July P19 Nov. Pny. 47 John Inman 8 June 52 10 Apr.. James Graham.. 3 Aug. s. Robert Philip Armstrong 3 Lieut. d.intry. Mar.-maj.' CB. Co?<n# WilliamC. 45 Charles Carew de Morel 19 18 21 12 Plenry CoUette . 10 Jan. V 30 Auff. Em.— Agents. p 24 46. d. Col.. ^^^ .^^3 . 17 .h reg y^__^^^ . including of a (. .'ad.-Col.. Henderson accompanied the 3rd Guards on the expedition to Hanover in 1805 and on that tr.. 46 22 Doc. 40 P 14 Apr. 51 Full Half Pay. P16 May 40 P 3 June 42 P 23 July P20 Aug. 28 Feb. Major.-. Thomas Tanks. P P P 1 2 Dec. MajorGen. 46 P21 Oct. during the campaign in Affghanistan under Lord i^eune. p 24 June 23 .^h Agent.. 11 Nov. • 1815 including the battles ofQuatre Bras and Waterloo and captiire of Pa is' 3 Lic'it.. John Cassidy LIEUT. Udny. 52 30 July 52 23 Nov. 48 P 1 July Henry White P 12 April 50 P21 Oct. 24 Sept 31 Adjutant. 38 P 30 Jan. . 51 Depot at Newry. 50. 26 • " . U.^ 2 July 41. 25 Capt. Messrs. 22 July. pm. for Malta. P 30 Sept. 51 P26 Dec. IP Colonel. Henry Smyth..) Emb. Sir E. 42 10 Apr. July 28 14 May 31 P 13 May P 15 Oct. 24 March. Henry . Ens. William Henry Seymour P 7 May 47 10 June Harrison W. 37 P 23 July P 10 July 35 P 13 Oct. Quarter. 50.. P12 Jan. Borouo-h ° ' Bt. . P 2 Dec. p 6 July 38 Lleut. .—Agents. never 25 Oct.DeCourcyHamilton. Batliscombe Cliris. Ens. . ae Douglas Mercer Henderson. Fred. . 30. capture of Madnd siege of Rurgo. Thomas W. 29 P 31 May 33 P 28 Oct. Capt.33 P 15 Sept. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo baule of Salamanca..— B. Lieut. 36 36 44 46 47 47 40 9 Nov. H. 23 Nov. 46 9 Nov. Gillman. 23 Aug.-Gcn. rf. Drs. 44 P31 Dec. Stuckley Savage Stephen Croft C. P 8 Nov. Ensigns. 50 P12 Dec. Capt. Thomas De Courcy Hamilton. 21 April.ttrf. 20 Dec. 28 Sept. 11 Nov. Paymaster. ensign. Col.. 26.— \\m Hadley.ig. 41 P 20 Aug. . P 15 ^ & j Oct.^^I''''^!" March the affair at Sobral-wounded whilst acting as 1814. [ "SALAMANCA"—"VITTORIA"—" PYRENEES"— "NIVELLE"" ORTHES"—" PENINSULA. .z. "'' Pe"'"^"'« f™"" "a'-^h 1810 to May 1811. 10 April 25 . 51 . Graves served with the 4th Lt. Trent. 47 P May 43 P 1 4 Apr. Lieut. 53 P21 Oct. Brice Wilkenson Hugh Shelley„ Light 23 Jan. Thomas Wildridge Shiell. Captains.. Dan. 30 23 Jan. 48. Col. /lilkes.. P 1 Aug.c. John Francis O'Leary..rfhTsT^"'?H. Surgeon. p 10 July 23 . 51. 52 8 Julv 53 P 1 1 Oct." Vears'Serv. John A. 46 23 Nov..'f'-^^"- ^^JonX'-^nd^^. Inf. 14 Apr. passage of the Iii. 53 . P 14 Apr. P 28 Aug. Storer.-Gen. 31 Jan. of Foot {Lt.Master.. M. 50 P22 Nov.-Col. a„d was presen. Greville Finch Edmund David Lyon . FitzRoy Frederick Grote Barker. P 13 Aug. at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (wounded ""^"f Khelat He served also the cami. R. P . 46 P 8 Oct. Lieut. 29 .^ 13 July 49 .. Majors.-Gen. Herbert Vaughan Richard Lloyd Edwards John Cator Harry Edmond Smyth. 35 13 July P13 Nov. Lt. Wm.0 M.— Iri. including Aide-de-camp to Sir Brent Spencer batle of Barrosa-wounded when Aide-de-camp to B. ^ Lt. Alexander Ramsay ..— John Stewart Graves. Frank Gaiforth captain. 43. 68th {The 220 Durham) Regt. Geo. and again from 5uly 1811 . Henry L.aign in the Southern Mahratta country in 1844 " (includin the s'orm o ''''' ^""^^"^'"^ '""^ ''^'''" ^"'^ -"'"'. Hon.. —Lord Arthur Lennox. Facings Green. 30 Jan.51 Thomas Henry Somerville . 06. Horatio Harbord Morant Lieutenants.. Lieut. p 22 Oct "5 " ' Major. — — — Lt. Limt. Eiis. Pay. 18 12. 13. Cox & Co. ^.. 50. P 10 Sept. v 28 June 33 Lie^tt.'^ t'dl? it G^i'iire!" .22 Feb 26 Assistant-Surgeons. 35 P 15 Dec. .S'.aryy Smyth. 45 P 23 Jan. P 22 Nov! 42.l assoa. 40 P 31 Dec. P 1 8 Sept. 21 Feb. 45 P 2 Nov. P 12 May 48. 8r Capt. under Lord Keane. En^^. d. Shuttleworth . 13 Dec." CB. 41 49 52 53 46 47 48 48 47 52 53 53 16 Aug. Armit & Co. Macbeath Herbert Blount Heneage Griffith Wynne Henry Harpur Greer. 41 . 03. 36 Capt. 51 P Cavendish Chas. Hamilton served with the 90th in KafRrJand during the whole of the war of 1846-7 4 Mr.J. 42 2 May 45 14 Nov. 40 P 12 May T. 68th F. and battles of the Niveind N velle berved also the campaign of I . P 19 P BREV. • .. John Edward Lewis . i-u'u Keane and was present at the siege and captuie of Gluizuee (Medal) 5 Paymaster Hadley served with the Queen's Royals" throughout Ihe campaign in Affghanistan ind ^elooclns an.-A. 20 March. Lieut. 42 Major.D. Ens. 44 P 3 Nov. p 28 Oct. -Colonel.-MAJ.rrtl'ntr. 42 P 28 Nov.. Pay. 1793. 5 Feb.' GCH." Colonel. 69th Foot. 01. Ens.ISdel': "JAVA"— "BOURBON"—"WATERLOO"—"INDIA. . Lt. Lt. K. Major. 2 Sept. 13.. 6 Sept. 1800. 27 May. 48. 23 Nov.-Gen. 4 June. 25. Maj.96. 15 May. Col. Full 19 Sir Ralph Darling. Gen.Stot%\7] 69M {The South Lincolnshire) Reg. CoZ.-Col. v 17 July. of Foot.Gen. P-2Feb. 61 Half Pay. 41. 95.. Capt. Lieut.2b July 10 . Lieut. 37 . William Cooper^ John Mackay M'Kenzie ^ Chas. Nicolls O'Brien William Crozier Wm. 29 Dec. 32.. 13. P 29 June 22 Nov. 46 30 Apr. Tho. George Durnford. 13 Dec. 40 P31 Dec. Daniel Armstrong George Fred. . 26 June 22 Dec. Saunders^ 30 Dec. p 13 Sept. 30 Nov. P30 Dec.v \Q Aug. Oswald Pilling Arch. 29 May. Poyntz James ^ Paul Fred. P 3 Feb. Ens.. Ryan Sydney Cosby Jackson.. William Sellers Arthur Saltmarshe Robert Whigham Wm. 23 Dec. 1 2 May 21 Apr. p 17 Oct. Pay. 45 46 46 46 48 CAPTAIN.—Thoma. i»/«. 28 Apr. 26. Hall. p 16 Mar. 23 Nov.. 27 May. 11 Sept. 42. 10. 29 Jan. Capt. Maj.-Maj. 14 June.[='"''se?w^fafkJo^^^^^^^^^^ Colonel. Pay.. Hughes Tovey Henry Berkeley Good James Green . Fred. Thomas M'Grigor. Attilio Scheberras. 27. 41 . 94. 1783. Lieut. 49. -Colonels. Major. 43 .s. 23 Nov. Creswell Snow . 45 P25 June 44 23 Aug.. 25. 47 . . Lieut. Major.. Captains. Thomas James Galloway. Lt. 30 Jan. iie?<^ P 28 Nov. 83. John O. 31 . P . Ens.. de Quincey'. Lieut. Col. Marshall George Richards Greaves 5 June 29 July 22 Dec. p 8 Feb. . Major. Lieut. P 18 Sept. Lieut. Lieut. P 31 Oct. P 17 Sept. John William Madden Samuel James Lyle . p2 Aug.-Gen. P 18 July 48. 2nd Lieut. ^H5. 32. Col. 1 1 Feb. 25 July. 48 Lieutenants. Arthur H. Years' Serv. 71 ( Gage John . 41 . p 14 Dec. 26 May 50^ ENSIfiN. Capt. Brev. Thomas Edmonds Mulock P18 Mar. Trevor Chute. Rutherfurd P 18 May 30 July Henry Fred. 16 Dec. Coryton Matthew . 36. . Full Half 4 June.-Col. 1 Jan. A. 22 Dec. 01. P 13 Nov. .. Majors. p 10 Nov. 39. Cha. 36 p29 Nov. Capt. 37 PIO Mar. 41 30 Jan. 10 Apr. 21 . Lieut. 95 . 25 Capt. 48. 2 27 Dec. P28 Oct. Gen. Alex. 2 Aug. BREV.-Col. Ens. George Augustus M'Nair Gates Joseph Travers Charles Crawley John T. 222 lOth The Surrey) Regiment o/Foo#. p 28 Nov. 10 P 6 Aug. PIO Sept. 32.. Charles Timins. 31 July 21 Jan. never 13 July George Evatt P31 May George A.-MAJ. Bell Falconer Wilson William Wiltshire Lynch Ensigns. 70th Regiment.or. 37 . 39 23 June 43 7 July 46 27 Dec. Major-Gen. 39 ' George Reynolds 11 3 'hi Edward L'Estrange' John William Hay. 38 19 Apr. . Arthur George Shawe 30 Nov. 2 June. p 27 Dec. Capt. Adj.-Col. P 23 April. 13 Mar. s. 26 Jan. 1 Apr. ^^^. -2(i 10 lKor.2Vch. Macflonell.l-ENiNSULA"-" WATERLOO... 35.r Lt. . QG. Capt. 21 Mar.uly 30.-. Lieu."Xn« Captains.' i.nS"S.r.. C„„«. ENSIGN. - ^ ^__^ ^^ _ ^^^^^.^^ . Q6 KCII. KPIT A«f Vdi '>'> -o Jan. ^ . _ Full Pay.¥." 58 51® Sir James ^^^^^^^^_ uivrru 1 KCB. 41 Pay. . passage of the Adour. — Serving at Haiirax. — 1 . Chas. 47 Tho. Alexander Crombie. N. 12 Jan. Col. W. and retreat 'rom thence into Portugal. 51 P17 Oct. 40. P 19 July 50. 38 Lieut. 10: Capt. 49 W^".23 Nov. siege of Burgos. P]8 May. in command of the Mysore division (including Coorg).l in India as Slajor-General on the Staff of Ihe Madras Presidency from. Lt.-Gcn. p 24 Feb. 24 Dec. of Foot. Dalton Thellussou Richard Rocke John Stephens Clark Douglas Robinson Charles J. and had commanded that regiment upwards of four \ears. April 50 3 Lieut. 29 Dec. 47. Aiichison served in 1807 at the siege and capture of Copenhagen. p 24 Sept. He was wonmled in the arm at the battle of Talavera while carrying the King's colour. Oct. 51 45 P 12 Nov. Lieut. P P . 41 Cant. 50 Dec. 53 Ensigns. Ogilvy Hay P17 May 50 Hen.' Ens.lune 1845 to Nov. 43 . 22 Nov. 50 Aug. wh. Charles Fleming Hunter. 51 in Eliot prior to enteriog the Army served for two years and a half in the Royal Navy. and Capt. 50 P 3 Dec. . . Aug. 3 Nov."'''] _i " Years' Serv. Wellesley Vesey Thomas Campbell Fred. 47 P15 July 53 46 Pll Sept. artair at Tolosa. 40 18 . adj. HINDOOSTAN"— " CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. and was present in H.-Gen. I Alexander Crombie. Nov. Agents.— Rowland Webster. and subsequent pursuit of Soult's army to . . 25 P 2 P 2 2 2 Major Sharp served China in the 26tli (Medal). Majors. Captains. 51 . 47 Major. 11 Nov. Drum. 49 P 1 1 Nov. M. : 1 8 Nov. '^lare Castle.. H. 53 29 May 49 Em. M. and was present at ihe battle of Uusaco. ' May 46 5 Jan. p 31 May 39. . at the taking of the Bogue Forts and the operations before — Canton (Medal).D. 12 Feb. P16 May 40^' Capt. S. Daniel John Doherty. . battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. Hugh Thomas Bowen William Parke . 05. 41 P 8 Oct.)Jan. 53 Lieutenants. 25 Oct. Sept. . Dennistown Buchanan P 19 Jan. Campbell Seaman.— Wm. May 42 P 8 Nov. * Archibald Alison May 32 P15 Dec. Assistant. 20 May 36 .Col. p8 Oct 47.^ Ens. . . George Horniblmv. 49 8 Hon. 50 P28 Dec.Saiamunde. 9 Mar James Atkinson P 8 Aug Wm. dc la Poer Berest'ord 1 p 2 Dec. and of the Provinces of Malabar and Canara. John MacDonald. 50 William Henry Eliot 25 June 44 Oswald Barton Feilden P 17 Sept. Mar. 72ncl Highlanders. Hardinge Best P 12 Nov Cecil Rice 1 Dec.Ward 8 Nov. P P captain. P14 Oct. 47. -Colonel. and repulse of the sortie. 47 2 Dec.-Cnlonel of the Soots Kusilier Guards when promoted to MajorGeneral. He was Licut. C. : LIEUT. Ens.. p8 March. T. — Surgeon. Prt(//««s<e. 30 April 52. P20 Aug. James Mackenzie P24 P12 P20 P27 P17 Alex.Surgeons. Montagu Alison Aylmer Spicer Cameron Edward James Upton Jolui . M. 15 Dec. p 8 April 26 Capt p "1 Dec 3" " ' J/fl. sje^e of San Sehastian. Col. 6 June 34 27 Sept. 44 Lieut.o?-. Serve. and retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras battle of Salamama. siege of the ciiadel.FitzMaurice|p 13 May 53| Gustavus Lambert Basset PIO June 53 i/o?j. • .. 8 P 43 P 44 P 8 Oct. oion Highlanders) Regt. 42 brev. il/ojor. 46 15 July 53 Pll Nov. 50 Sept. 49 44 P 8 Mar. 49 P28 44 Dec. 47 P14 Oct. • ' . jLieM^. 49 Colonel. 44. 51. Bentinck Coathupe P 12 July 50 John Campbell Stewart P 16 Aug. 1851.. SomersetR. 16 May 51 Assist. 41. 12nd ( The Duke of Albamjs 224 On "27 No^" "it. — . . capture 01 Madrid. Norman Arthur Wade.. 41 P 23 Aug. and in 18U9 was present at the passage of the Douro. Faci?igs Yellow. 15 March 44. Lt. M. 52 Alex. 50 45 25 April 50 19 Mar. 51 P 9 July 52 P P 21 Sept. 16 Feb.aigns of 1810 12 13 and 14. uivesiment of Ijayonne. Li exit. Qiuirter-Master. and Half [I? Lieut. Cha. — . .. p 5 Aov. Messrs. H. Freeman Murray. capture of Oporto. Embarked 1 in 1808 for the Peninsula. » John William GaisfordjjE"?)^.-maj.-Col. afl'air at Usma battle of Vittona. Melville in China. the Colours— r/ie JDiiMs Crwher ji and Coronet. p25 July 45. Lt. 14. 50 Hon. 51 P 25 June 52 P 14 Apr.D. John Aitchison.— mchard Palmer Sharp. 47 P 7 Oct. Cox and Co. f r> r •-' s.. He served the eam|. Full . 25 Lmit. Major-Gen.-. 42 30 Dec. -Surg. Fitz-Maurice P 19 Mar.isps. P 19 March. R. 50. 50 19 Aug. Adjutant.ch was also shot through. 30 Dec. 25 Sept. Lieut. He hiis received the War Medal with six Cl. Pay. 49 44 26 Jan. Em. MANGALOKE"— " SERINGAPATAM"— " WATERLOO. of G. " 59 Full IZrd Regiment of Foot. 29 Sept. Hope." 225 . 45. ] Depot at Jersey. for C. Asslst.— Agents. p3 40. and Walter M'Grigor. . 23 Sept. MonkUndsi 8 Jan. 23 Nov. 48 P14Mar. 52.. Villa de 1 He has received the gold M«dal for St. and other places. Full Half Pav. 29 July 58. 41 Ueat. 2je Quarter-Master.-col. SO:"^"'^?'!'*'. C. Somersct. West James Bruce^ James Stewart Menzies Robert Macdonald . . includ capture of the cliy. 47 7 Nov. P Charles Breton^ 1 May Lewis Augustus Brydon^ William Eoss King'' . 25 May 33. ^ a: •= &. Lieut. Hy. 26 Oct. 16 . 49' Biuce (wounded 26ih lllilli ) . S-g . . R. 50. 48 the r4th in the Kaffir war John Warden M'Farlan "^ 6 Major R.—James Macbeth. 3 Dec. in Nov.2? o = ^5 P 4 Nov.and commanded the Rcgt. " -o .-* Ens. battles o( the NivcUe and t Assist. 51 .D. 52 2 Auo-.74th Regt. 47 July 04." The Elephant.'" M. and sieges. p 10 Feb. Captains. advance of the army on Massena's retreat therefrom.-Col.— Walter Douglas Phillipps Patton.si^ft/ji-S'Mri/eoHS.D. and Cabool durin 5 Aug. 14 31ay 47 Brev. Arthur Bell. 20 May James Falconer'' Wm. 49 12 Nov. Capt. Hancock] served with the 74th throughout the Kaffir war of 18..-Col.5 "S •= ^ aBo. 1 COO'S 2 Robert Bruce^ Johnstone Napier William Kelty M-'Leod John Jago -' 9 June 38. Adjutant.. Ccqrt.^^rf.6 24 Sept. and the I Norman S. Engineer and was slightly wounded . under Major-Gen. 1S40 . imyor*. Blake Geor"-e Pilkington ^ « '^ . in the expedition ac Orange River against the great Basutachief Moshesh. 51 P 5 Nov. i . 'AJnv dO 13 Nov.'-".MacDoff served Augustus Davies P A. v 8 June 49. 22 Julv 30 . retreat to the Lines of Torres Vedras. 13 Col. 50 45!p 31 July 46 P24 Sept. 46|P19 Feb. ylij^^. where he served as Assi and for his services was promoted to the rank of Brevet. LkiU. Sebastian. Ridge Wolrige . . ... superscribed 6 " "3 '^ S « Years' Serv 51 Colonel. „ VVardci ^ 23 Mar. 15 Aug. s 22 BREV. 47 P 7 Mar. 47 P 30 July 52 10 Nov. 21 Feb. 51 scribed " Candahar. Frederick Rennell Thackeray. Thackera 21 Jan. 10 Jul Geors^e Monlcland. 1810. Coit. Vansittart Stonehoui-e P 25 Feb. £ c V — o ^ ! .— William Warden. P 14 Dec. A'Mr^/eort. 53 42 20 June 46 P 16 July 52 P iP ! I I Lieutenants. 38 Lieut.-: 1 28 Ma i 6 June 16 Jan. and surrende Nov. Sir E. 11 Nov.. 38 .^ lort and garuson cf cheniote. 49 P2i Sept. 26 June 27 .. April 39. p Major.— C\\ixr}Qs Daines.'^ M. P . M'Crummen Robert Frederick Martin !p 17 Dec. i' . 52 iu 1S43-4. 52 Orange audCaledon rivers. -Colonel .-Maj. siege of St. siege and capture of Eadajoz.-Gen.—\^ Alex. 49 29 July 53 3 Aug. 23 Jan. ^'. 51. Agents. 3IaJ. John Colborne . Qr. William Lapsley. P 8 Nov. 29 July 53. . 50 . v 17 Mar. Lieut. Philpot. 7 Nov. [^'"''iZ'^ofei^fZ''^^' " SERINGAPATAM "— " ASSAYE "— " UUSACO "— " FUEX D'ONOR" — " CIUDAD RODRIGO "— B ADA lOZ ". fg B. Sebastian where he s Lieut.. 50 Grenadier Company at the b.) Paymaster.ith tlie 52nd Regt.' CB. Pll July 7 Au^ HenryWellingtoiiPahiier' M-g g « May 40 P2I July 48 44 10 July 46 P 3 Sept.— served as Assist. 50.the operat 24 Sept.-Culonels.iffir war in r 1 5 June 44 Thomas Henry Stoddard. into the Basuto Chi Robert Catlicart sesh's country afterwards h Anthony Delacombe Bell 14 May 52 29 Julv 53 manded the force encamped 28 May 52 29 July 53 Dhoonie Station in Kaifrarii John S. 51 also the campaigns in 15clooc Candahar. Lt.-Col. 28 May 53.^ Ens. Brydon.oojerat (Medai and ciasps. GhuznFred. . p28 Sept. Thackeray ." TOUEOUSE " "PENINSULA. 52 i. 48 17 Aug.-Gencral Thomson accompanied the 74th to the Peninsula. and has received the me 7 Nov.. 52 29 Julv 53 Africa. Gen. Engineer and for his conduct was promoted to the Brevet rank of passage of°the Bidassoa. for the other battles 5 Major in the Waterkloof. .: 10 13 £ I . 29 Feb. siege of and retreat therefrom. 53. .' Ens. Kln^-. 48 P lo Apr. 03 Lt. In P18 April 51 P 6 July 52 commanded the Istlnfantryl John Charles King^ the force nndcr Sir Thomas William Lawson^ P22 Aug. 39 15 Mar..s go s • I I I 3j 8 2 i i I 2 o tj «22 S.«"jSrtri^ P 14 June 50 Operations against the Gwali KobertHenryDruryLowe^ P17 Sept.in Lower and Upper S 24 Nov. 49 upwards of 14 years with tl including. 1852.'' 4 Nov. battle of Vucntes d'Onor. M'Causlaud. 50 Regt.Major . U 20 16 . 52 r. 47 P 27 Dec.01-52-S3. Fcrgusson Dunbar/ 15 Feb.. 52 storm fortresi Also presetit at the subsequent surrc Nov. Borough. -3 J. 521 ihroushouttheKaffiiwarinl II April Walter Lawrence Ingles^ Henry Jameson Ensigns." Was with the 40th Sir David Baird. 51 461 P 21 July 48 27 Feb.—iohw ]\IacDufr. P 19 May 46 Major. 31 9fj . siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo. Hon. P"-'- i .-Col. 41. Messrs. 9 April 2 Lt. battle of Vittoria as second in conmiana of the 74th . 31 Col. 3 Apr. 50 27 Feb. 7 William Shapter Hunt Marcus L. R.and Ass!5l-5urg. Brevet Lt.^-^ Breton. 2 Lt. 25 Apr. landing at Lisbon in Jan. Facings \\\\\ic. 52 45! P 5 Nov. Pain H. and the silver War Medal with nin Albidous. CAPTAIN. and battle of Orthes. I i cj •= £ = ci 2 Francis Dalmahoy Wyatt •- 45 22 AU"". . • P ! . JBt. 27 Feb. Charles R.. son. 47 P 22 Apr.'3 o m S July 52 9 Lieut.-Col.Sc P23 Jan. 7 Aug.. Capt.= ** ^ . 49 Lieuis. Jfa Lt. . 53. where he served a Engineer and was slightly wounded when leading about 300 men of the party that stormed and took the Ravilin Roque to reinforce the 3rd Division of the army which had taken the Castle j siege and capture of the Forts of Sal where he served as Assist. . . Engineer and had the blowing up of the bridge at Villa Morel and tlu' b Cabeson entrusted to him . Bruce. Lt. P22 39 . 48 8 Oct". 51 42. a Foz d' Arouce (wounded).J 6 23 5 23 : | —— 10 Paymaster Dunbar and Quarter-Master served in the KalHr war in 1831-52. &c. 52. Sns. besides several skirmishes with his Regt.. Pretyinan Philip Philpot^ P 4 June 47 7 July 48 P P ii 3 Aug. 51 46|P5 Nov. 49 29 July 53 24 Oct. Orton Swaffield the end of the K.. uth (Highland) Regiment of Foot. 41. at Alfayate. and wss pr 1 the battle of Busaco." SALAMANCA " -" VITTOR — " PYRENEES "—" NIVELLE "— "ORTHEri ". 28 May£ FitzHardinge \Yilliam Longuet Hancock. and command* 31 Mar.. Major. 46. 51 bool.-Surg. Maharajpore (Medal). 51 17 Aug. Armit & Co. Ingles served r. 13 Nov. Thomson. 52 with Cathcart in the advance act Charles Wylde Sherlock P21 Nov.-Mostcr. 21 Sept. | — Licut. 26 April. 226 . 12 Aug. 44. _ July 02 second sleje of Mooltan in 1848-9. 4 \ | ' . battle of Salamanca (severely wounded). 14 Lieut.and was present at all the op( Amatolas.-£//4\ 10 Feb. 41 3 Lt. 04 Capi May 07 Major... 46 Whiteford John Bell -„ . 48 P 7 Mar. 11 Cul. li> F. Llvut.-Cul.2. 40. Capt. June. Maj. superscribed " Colonel. 1 June. 25 . p22 May.-Gen.— Robert Danipier Ilullifax. . p6 May.?. 08 "25 Mdjur. Lieut. 45. 40 . 18 Feb. i' . 43. 3 Ai)ril. 30. P 1 June. p 10 Oct. 27 i' . !) Nov. 37 . Pll Mar. Lieut. Lt. 23. 42} 19 Major. -20 June. p27 . v 8 April. 30..?. Pay. 1-23 31 . Major-Gcn. P25 Feb. i) Nov. GO.i/rt>r*\— Charles Herbert. '11 May. 4U Lleut. Lieut. i'22 April 20 . 19 Nov. Capt. Full [Half Pay. Alexander Jardine. 20 . 10 Jan. "j Regiment of Foot. 49. I I . 5 Nov. Lieut. . Ens.i""/.' Ensiyn.£/i5. Dec. 25. Capt. 33 Major." The Itoy(a Tiger.. 12 Dec. 04. iicji^-Co/oHf?. 75^7.Embarked^for Bengal Years' Serv. Capt. Capt. 36 Lleut. 10 Sept. Edward Ilickey. p 30 July. 45. 29 Sept. 28 Brev. 1800. 20 Maj. 25 .-Maj. P25 April. Ens. 35 Lieut.-Col. _^___ 54 . . 4(5 Col. {^^^X^T'] 227 INDIA"—" SERINGAPATAM. 49. i'31 July. 20 May.-Col. Sackville Hamilton Berkeley. . 1 May. I . 9 Nov. i'24 Feb.. Crt^^^i'SJunc 3G. Major. Ens.l""S. Lieut. Major.-Colonel.i. 11 Nov. 9 Nov. 2G June. Majors.228 r^:^'. 50 Full Pay. 39. Brev. 22 March. 47. 45. Nova Scotia. 48. L IQth Regiment of J Foot J ' The J5:/t7. 10 . Cupt. Richard Gardiner.-Mujor. fS April 33. 10 May 53. Col. J L rserWng at Halifax. 14. Major. 61. JP William Jervois.circuinseribeil " IIINDOOSTAN"— " NIVE"— PEiXINSULA. 11 Nov. Lieut. 13 Capt. 25.' KH. MajorGen. . 37. 12 May 14. £«s. Col. Hall Pay. i>30 Dec. 83. ." ' Colonel. 7Glh Foot. Capt. Joseph Clarke. 08. 25 Major. 10 Jau. Robert Clifford Lloyd. 22 Sept. L'leut. 46.-Col. Col. 13 Lleut. 14 July. 17 Sept. 7 CAPTAIN. Lleut. 26 iie«^. . . 7 April 04. . 3 Sept.-Col./trtrt(. En. p» June 30. p 10 June. 4G. 19 Dec. 29 Sept. Ei\s. LIEUT. 04. 8 Au?. Lieut.%^^-l -' Ffb. tlie Plume of the Prince of "SEIIINGAPATAM"— "ClUDAD RODUIGO"— " BADAJOZ"— Vears' Seiv 48 Full Hair Pay. Appointments. Pay 23 "PENINSULA.Wead Quarters"! at Glasgow." 229 Wales. J On the 11th Colours ( and The East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot. . Alexander M'Leod Finlay John Hugh Giogan Davidson George Digby Barker Melville Aug. 2C) Auu..e battle cf Meanee. 48 „^^ (wounded) and of Kh 13 __ July „ for Glmznee. Major.„.-v. Lord under istan and capture of Ghuznee C Medal) and of Khclat.^ .„. 53 ^^^^^ „.Jas. 19 June 50. v 4 Dec. 9 Nov. 40 Alex! Mackenzie 8 April 42 15 Mar. LIEUT." Colonel. 25 Oct.D. 41 P17 Nov. Herbert Taylor Macpherson. . Plevdell Bouverie. 41 i? 13 Mar.) s^e>. 48 P14 Sept. 28 Dec. 46 17 Sept.d capture of G Zr^'^"ic. 30 Sep. 42 31 Dec. Ens. Arthur Stewart Willocks. A.. ! Pl8Mar. ' 11 Nov. 9 Apr. P >- ' . 23 May 53. Mar. Captains. B WA 51 Sir William Chalmers'. 40 Douglas Hastings 18 Feb. 38 George Henry Hunt 41 P 6 Oct. ii'o-g- 1 . 3 Sept.-MaJ. 60 Major Stack'sbrigade from Mu 47 6 Oct.^ Feb. campaigns of lar campaig and all of Flushing. 50 p 14 Feb. 50 5 Mar. ^^. 39 Thos. ENSIGNS. 18 June 15. 9 July 03 . Cabool 1842.a. 78th Foot. Assist. p 28 Aj captain. 47. May i . 19. Capt. 4fi. 51 11 July 51 p 21 Feb.Col. 40 p 12 June 46 ' i 11 thi . 35 Lieut. 40 "« V 8 April 26 26 Nov.n. ^ ^Izr. Lieiit. Eyis. Major.. 37 '^'^ -^301p18 Sept. v^ OO Qu as Assist. Parker !p Wm. Wickham Pym Weekes Thomas Gdley. 47 p p 1 1 P ^^ 23 May 48 . an<l was presei 27 Oct. 1 ["^^-^ ^^^^^'^ 1 Sth {Highland) Regtof F. i.— Agents.„.— Lieut.Co/9 —Walter Hamilton. p 13 Aug.l\Z S 1 Sir cheren i€x £ o^ WiUiatn Chalmers served illudng bombardment . Arthur Purvis M'Gregor Archer.Gen.. StisteJ served witl Queen's Royals during the i iu Affghanistan and Bi Dec 47 - . p 17 July 28 Capt.—3 ose-ph AVebster. r^ . s P Andrew Cathcart Bogle Ensigns. p29 Nov. Aug.e right I P17 Nov. 47 . Messrs. Paymaster. 24.^^f^. HowardDouglasCampbell Georoe Floyer Sydenham Robe'i-t . 19 . Crowe Arthur Cassidy John Hunter 15 May 40 28 Dec. 48 ant yuarter-Master-Gener: \ 45 __ 47 4/ 47 2 Lt. Ens.„ ^. superscribed " ASSAYE"— " MAIDA"— " JAVA. at Cadi.f. 5 ^„.John SwanSOn P . p 19 April oO. . 1 jP L... in 1810 and 11 afla.M'Murdoserveda 6 Oct. mo i-\ > \ I 1 17 Sept. l'^ ^^^ . 49. 49 P 18 Mar. Ghuznee. Buck C. I 1 I j £ -o o£ "• -S . Lieut. 48 21 A.r of S^^^^^^^ More^^co. 53 20 Mar. Robert B. early it Queen's 4 Maj. I 31 ] ec. 37 30 May 34 Charles Thomas Bentley c^f^ -. 38 .>tomo "^ «Le to Madrid and cat repulse of 'the enemy in his attack of the .. out the operations in Candahar in Affghams ^^^^ ^^^^ ^.''A'"rT8°42. . 33 Brev. 48 .th the enemy while condi 6 Dec.. 33.— David Reid M'Kinnon. O Mav p 10 Dec =i j | John Simeon Fran.. Walker Henry Frederick — Walsh i. 'C s ^ QH«rto-il/f«to-. G Api 5M)Won. 53 . iM' 15 Apr. M.o the of battle attack a. ' Lieutenants. 44 Ijohn Fowden HaliburtoniP 15 Feb. 46 .— Patrick Carroll. 49 Thomas Molyneux Keogh p21 June 39 8 April 42 Pl9 Apr. 53 8 > 7 Feb. Capt.ir Grehan served with the throughout the campaign in Affghanistan and Be at the present was and Keane. . Dick Joseph P. 41 1. ^^ he. H. 03 "7. Capt. James Leitch. Ens. 43 24 Oct. Lockhart 17 Sept.. 40 William Henry Ridge 5 Nov.W.— in whic Mar 46 J P 14 June 50 horse was shot under him skit . 7 July 43 5 Jan.cuc. iYear'sServ. 9 Nov.-Col.-CoL 2 Oct 48. ^^"^"''''"^^^l^^l near '-'^^ts on the enemy of the the battieof Barrosa.53. 48 11 Mar. 23 Nov. Lieut. 44 29 Nov. never where he re( HT „' f. i'2SJan. 39| p Thomas Anderson Donald Stuart H. 48 2 Aug. I • 29 . served with the 40th .„„nj . KCH. * .ente. 46. „ . 53.Jhe Army under Sir Charles N 31 A-nr OU\ 50 •I"""' the campaig iJ Aprp 11 Dec. Taylor Macpherson adj Duncan D. p 19 April 50. Grahame Joseph Webster May 7 Sept. xpeditionl 1608-9 in Portugal and Spam in Sicily in 1806 and 7 . . 33iP28 Apr. 44 9 Nov. 39 1 April 42 9 April 42 P 29 April 42 2 April 41 23 May 4o p 14 Apr.. 38. 23 Jan.P 9 Nov. 13.>. 60] ti. MacAndrew . 7 Aug. 12 Dec.— P20 Am-il 42 Maior.-Col. I'lO Dec.] ''cuidich'nRhV—The Elephant. [ I I n n Hof P l a ^JCt. Mnjor. p29 42" Maior. 22 April 53.Surgeon. A . attack ly. Lt. Col. Mai. 25 37 . Salamanca. M=. Sept. Ens. . 41 16 Oct. P29 Henrv William Stisted.-Surgeons...-Col. CI5. Col.{orRoss-shireBufs. Cox & Co. 36. 47 PIQ j^^g („eaal). 52 .„ ^.Duucan MacAndrcw^P 15 Mar. battle of V.f'. Facings Buff. !'26 Mav 48 .„. 42 p 17 Feb. He again served master General to Sir Charles Napier's Army c the campaign against the Mountain and Desert situated on the right bank of the Indus..ghts of St.2lOct53| 24 Oct. 37 Gramme Alex. R. action of San Munos. 30 J una 48 Assista7it.^ Ens. 25 Mfz/oW. 39 jP 21 May 27 Oct. . Lieut. Medal "6 48 Sect. Capt ''7 A. 1 I I 1 r. 43. 42 p 10 Dec. Colin Campbell M'lntyl'e. Drummond Hay 42 April 15 Mar. Jan 37 Major.ya. Adjutant. ' P18 Aug. '*o -O C^epi^ L. 46." .._ ^^^^j j^^g received the Medal ina " Candaliar.July 37 WMGM'Murdo^. 46 28 Dec.— Arthur Charles Webster..-l tie of Hydrabad.. Lt. 29.ttor. Douglas" Robert Bogle tlii' Horatio Gillmore sS I 28 . 521 to form a junction with Sir CI as u 301 Napier's force at Hydrabad u\j 9 ti Nov. Peter Grehan^ 12 May 48 p 8 Jan. C«.iig • > .ffrfJ. Henry Ham'ilton. Wm. 50 8 Dec. 23 22 21 20 Half Pay. 79^/i Regt.J Years' Serv. 59 Full Pay. of Foot {Cameron Highlanders).Head Quarters"! at Portsmouth. . 40 . Brev. 18 June 15.— \^ Lawrence Arguimhau. 80 Foot. 19 Jan.. L. Col. CajH-P^G July 27 . Capt. SO^/^ R^gt- f:. Captaijss.c. 36. Winniett Nunn'^ C. 45 Major. Horatio Pettus Batchelor William Picton Mortimer 2 July 8 July 31 Dec. 14. 45 26 July 44 26 July 44 . Pll Jan.-Col.. 01." Years' Serr.28May. Hamilton Charles Smith'" //on. 17 Oct. 37 . 46 Col. v 13 July 38. Bruce delluvignes William Patersou George Sullivan William Whitehead" Garnet Joseph Wolseley Ensigns. Ens. 31 Oct 52. 40 Edward Hardinge'' f George Dean Pitt 1 1 Oct. Browne Bliss John Hume Frederick Miller Charles Frederick Amiel" James John Dudgeon . v 28 July 43 Major. Lieut. Erasmus Borrowes. Adj.^ Ens. Brown Numa Craufurd Henry Hurford F. CAPTAIN. 03. 40 . 10 Jan. Donald Maclean Fraser"' Jas.^ Ens. p ) \ I . Major -Gen. 42 iEAHoldichC'B9Z. . = Lieut. Majors. !) Alarcli 09 Majur. Lieut.v)>-2 Jan. TheSp7(mx. 18 . Lambert Lyons Montgomery. P 17 Jan.': Man'isi.'J3 P 2 July 41 Charles Duperier"* 29 Dec. 39 Cha Fitz Gerald Studdert^ P 22 Apr. 28 Au^-. 31 Robert Hawkes'^.. Lieut. 23 Nov. -Colonel— Geov'^ii Hutchison. 9 Nov. Anthony Ormsby* 13 July 38 p 2 Dec. 26 Oct. 9 Oct.T. 42 ..:] of Foot^Staffordskire Volunteers). 41 Major... Capt. Lieut. P 24 Nov.' CB. with the words " 53 Full Hall Pay. P 7 June 60. — IG . 11 Au-. [^Tu'S. Capt.-Mdjor. Pay. . 26 July 26 July p I' 41 37 41 44 43 44 44 28 Aug. Samuel ToltVey Christie.. 14 July 14.-Col. EGYPT"— "MOOUKEE "—" FEROZESH AH"— " SOBKAON. Colonel. 52. p 22 June 38. 27 Sept.H. Lieutenants. 40 21 May 42 Benjamin Hallowell Boxer P21 May 41 Astell Thomas Welsh'^ George Samuel Young''' 16 July 41 .JohnHoweM. 30 April 53. . Lt. Lieut. Evans's services :— Entered the army in 1793 as a volunteer. Granville Charlton Stanley John Lowe Geo. 35 \> 21 . '"'^'^'' ^'^'^ capture of the forts of Alio.— John Hamilton Stewart. -Col. . 51 1 8 Apr. in 1807 Capt. Cox & Co. and in that of Riflemen James Alexander Deans P 15 Oct.. 39 Edward Sorell . 39 47 p 7 Oct. . 51.j^. in 1800. 41 1 35 41 41 42 44 2 May 51 20 June 51 Lieutenants.\3 Oct. 12 July 47. Pay. Geo. 17 Nov. p 23 Nov. 52 27 May 53 27 May 53 27 May 53 John Arthur Gildea Fred. Jackson. i . 35 Lieut. Lt.Gen. BREV.—Thomas Evans. Donald Sinclair Smith. Boughey 30 July 30 P12 June 40 . and was present at the ' ^' Istorraingof tile forts of Chuenpee Pll Apr. 30 . and Adjutant of the 8Ih). 50 18 Jan. Assist. Ens. Lieut. expulsion of the enemy's army fro-n Forty Mile Creek.Ol P 1 "il i AU. 47 P Charles Hunter Hugh Arthur Chichester Stephenson S. and 14. 47 Edwin Fletclier Foster 7 Jan. 95 Capt.-Surgeons. Ens. and Marniorice. Fred. Quarter-Master. May •' 53 'j*) -^ OJ 13 July 52 31 Oct. Wilkinson served with ggtf. 51 P 3 June 531 John Trent William Minchin Harnett P 12 July 50 P25 Mar. LiddeU served in the 18 April . . operations before Rangoon on the 12th. David Lecky John Wilkinson ^ Richard Swift i p 19 Apr. 13lh. 53 James Tweedie George Fead Lamert . 36. Assault on Sackett's Harbour.—Adam Thos. . and in command of the 8th). Operations at Minorca and Guernsey.. Moyse Harmer P P . 233 " MAIDA"—" CORUNNA"—" PENINSULA. P 10 June 53 p 8July53 Dennis James Connor Payiiuister—Wm.Major. Flanagan 8 Feb. 46 [of the China expedition of 1840 43 P 7 •"-^'''"Mar t1 (Medal). 43 18 Apr. May 3Iajor. Malta. -Col. M. — — 1 Lieut. William Egerton Todd Malachi Haiiley George Belts 2 Capt. in fpper Canada (as Brigade.g Burmese war of Ho2. Campaigns of 1812. Lieut.. ENSIGNS' Captains. H. P23 Aug. ditto on the Coast of Spain. 45 27 May 53 27 May 531 Hy. covering the army's retirement on Fort George. 52 ^1 07 M.JS Royal Navy as volunteer first class 10 Dec. 32 . 33 Major. I' . 27 May 53. 17 Oct. in 1797. 41 46 p P20 Oct. 10 L\eut.<i. in 1790. Captured returning from South America. 12 Col. Agents. Capt... 2 July P 6 May 29 May 14 April 48 P 7 Sept. jjj^ Bocca Tigris and subsequent P 13 Apr.S. Majors. 51 p i *"<! capture of that city. 52 1850 51-62. 43 P30 Apr.''7 March 51. 35 13 Nov.. 24 j Capt.Adjutant. 48. Ol [and Tycocktoo. P27 Feb. 44. 27 Feb. Sidney De VereLane Alfred Wright.. and reduction of that fortri ss.iin in the 8th and Aide de-camp to hir Gordon I)i unimond). C«. 13 Feb. and was present at the capture of Martaban.D. 28 Mar. Operations in Nova Scolia. En. 9 July 30 May 44. 22 July. P 22 Jan. 38 Charles Ellison Goodwin 24 Mar. Messrs. 29 May 44. 52 7 9 Mar. 1 28 Aug. 28 June. 3 Aug. jn t(. until resuming the offensive. F. VQ Nov. 29 July 30 . Lieut. in 1794 and 95 . Surg. Pay Gen. 22 Dec. ..—Y\^\\x\ Farrant. 52 Henry Ridimt Floyd . 41. 52. and Uth April. LIEUT. M.. F. 28 P p May 47 May 47 PIO Dec. and kept a close prisoner in France.' CB. v 27 Dec. and capture of his army materiel. Adjutant. 13 Nov. 28 June 38 Lt. 41 Ens. 51 18 Jan. 51 48 p 13 Apr. Ailj 21 . and capture of the Great Dagon Pagoda with the storming ((. Wm. 43 Benjamin Browne. . and 11. P 3 Nov.A. £«s. discharging duties of Deputy.29 Nov. 52 17 Apr. I . 20 Oct. Fred.. ditto in the West Indies (as Alexandria (as Lieut. 45 Jan. 13th. 45 24 Aug. with many prisoners battle of Chippewa. 48 . Alfred Wright. 20 June. 39 31 Dec. 51 i 14 Sept." Colonel. P26 Dec. 1 Oct. 53. 24 Feb. 27 53. which enabled MajorGcneral Sheaffe to defeat and capture the American army. 31 John Oldright 21 Sept. including the actions of the 8th. 5 Lieut. Somerset ^ 13 Oct.-Col. after General Brock's fall in a gallant attempt on the enemy with inadequate means. 12. and 8 . Nixon. and li.42 . 13.30 MajorFull Half Col.g P^"5'- P 23 Apr. 41 . PIG Aug.General. Lieut. 53' Ensigns. p 28 Dec.. i — 1 . Night attack on the enemy's investing forces of Fort tions in the : . 48 p 21 Nov. 52 operations up the Canton River. 1' \ \ 24 j 2 July 41 . Major. in 1798 and 99 . I * Lieut. Drummond). 7 Aug. Charles Correll. 30. A. 19 60 Nov.. Thomas Pattison Wood. 43. . 94 . . Henry Renuy. 3 Dec. in 1804. Lieut. 27 Charles Frederick Stephenson. and letrograde on Twenty Mile Creek. 51 ^HtfQ. Andrew Timbrell Allan. in lf09. Capt. Lieut. 49 j ' I 14 April 48 17 Jan. Bristowe Rich. ~0~ Lieut. p31 Dec. Edw. 42 10 May 44 10 Nov. 'Zl May Do P 27 07 ' May Mav t. 8 Jan. 10. the defence of Fort George. Major. Wm. Pll Aug. Robert D. 03 Major.Slst Regt. 2 Aug. and enlisted 150 men for the service. Robert Bruce Chichester Hedworth John Liddell-' John Bourchier James Woods Charles James Skerry P 10 Sept. Lieut. 47 Anchitel F. Somerset served with the Cape Mounted 15 May 52 Charles James Hughes the Kaffir war of 1817.D. .. {Loijal Lincolu Volunteers). 50 11 Nov. ditto in the Canadas (as Aide-de-camp and Military Secretary to Sir G. and directing the reinforcements on Queenston. . 34. M. P16 May 34 P 6 Nov.0. OperaWest Indies and Ireland. 11 Nov. 5 Apr.-Gcn.D. CAPTAIN. 29 Sept. 46 Henry Edward Sorell 5 Apr..I"arcaw„"p^ref-] Ivears'SeivJ . 23 July 27. 48 . capture of Demerara and Berbice. and destruction of the enemy's attacking batteries. G Feb. 48 P19 Aug. 37 John B. Grahame Auchinleck.. 81st Regt. 47 and midshipman during the whole 21 Apr. Facings Buff. including the preparation of the force against Detroit and Michilimackinac. sieges and surrender of Cairo and Operations at Gibraltar. Egyptian campaign of 1801 (mrdali.. 51 p 21 Jan..-Colonels. 51. and 21st of March battle of Rahmanic on the Nile. and destruction of P 20 June 51 "le enemy's fleet on that occasion .-MAJ. in 1802 and 3 . Ens. C. 41 . 49 P 24 June Herbert Morris 12 July 33 E. P23 Sept. Facings Yellow. 35 3 June 2 Aug. 00. 21 Nov. 82dBegt. Arthur Edmund Jacob. 36. 46 30 Mar. Lieut. p ! 1 I —— — — — Paymaster. Adj Stanley Slater. Gore Browne P 16 Dec. Quarter-Master. and was present at ihe battles of Roleia and Vinjiera. 25 Dec. 52 Hen. Half I'av. 47 5 Nov. 47 4 Apr. . 53 P13 May 53 John Sidney Hand R. I . T. -General Milman was appninted Aide-do-Camp lo Mnjor-General Catlin Craufurd.—^ Francis Miles Milman. 27 July 49. 3 Dec. 41 48 49 49 49 52 62 52 63 53 Lieutenants. 2 Aug. Ens. 3 June 41 16 Apr. 9 Nov. 3 June. 49 p 5 Nov. Brev.41 . being burnt on the pital of Talavera. 30. Roberts FarmarP19 June 46 P 19 Jan. Farmar !. 14 Jan. . 41 Lieut. &f Lieut. Lieut.Surgeon. in 1808. 50 50 50 51 P19Jan. 47 Lt. He . Brev. 25 .*.MacgregorSkinner P 17 Dec. 33. [Beturnedfroni North America. James Alex. CAPTAIN.F. 11 Nov. Ens. Messrs. 42! ]0Aug. 9 Nov. v 27 Oct. 11 June 52. 32.-Maj.—" ROLEIA"— " VIMIERA" -" VITTORIA"-" PYRENEES"-" NIVELLE"-" ORTHES"— " PENINSULA"' NIAGARA. 13 Col. 22 Dec. p16 Nov. 48 P 3 Dec. and was present at Buddiwal and AUwal (medal) ' at which last action he was severely wounded in the right thigh by a grape shot while carrying the Queen's colour. 04 Capt. Robertson. 49 P21Sept. p17 Sept. Major-Gen. Capt. 46.ofF. 2 Capt. 9 Aug. 51 p 15 Oct. Wm. . 43 P 7 Nov. Major-General Milman was latterly in command of has received the War Medal with four Clasps. 49 p 16 Dec. He was made prisoner in the Hosin France until 1814.B. Lieut. 25 Nov. wherf he was most severely wounded.P 27 Oct. 23 Nov. and was engaged on the heights of Lugo. Vesey Bunbury Isaac 30 Oct. 47 p 1 p26 Nov. and saved from by a private soldier of the Guards. Agents. M.-MAJ. 47 Assist. — Majors. 39(P27 Oct. 48. . 62 Russell John Dalbiac Luard Th. Samuel Peters Jarvis. 60 P24 June 63 18 Stpt. Luke FitzGerald Bernard. the Coldstream Guards. Ord Mackenzie. Warren p 2 Feb. Charles Pringle Beague. Cox & Co.-Maj. Major. 51 Zic'^^-CoZowe/. and was with them at the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto. Surgeon. 8 June. 40 P 16 Feb. He subsequently joined his regiment. 47 ''21 Sept. 42 Henry Bruce. 1 1 April 46 13 May Wm. BREV. Lieut. Coh t<2ncl Foot. and at the battle of Corunna.— Charles Francis Maxwell. Henry Chris. 39 P 15 Apr.48. 41. 47 28 May 47 3 Apr.. 52 May 50 P13 May 53 16 Aug.— . Capt. 52 JohnFrederick Pilkington P 17 Dec.l'6 Aug. 8 Dec. •'S June 32 Edward Blagden Hale. Assistant.. p 5 Major. Adjutant.] .D.-on Pll Mar. Col. ? 29 Jan. the field of battle and detained CoMatrtam Guards. Lieut. 38 5 Sept. 48. Marriott George Edmund Halliday P23 Aug. 45 P 2 Mar. P24 Mar.52 Haywood Augustus Edmd.mas Edward Green Richard Thomas Glyn Robert Maule Ensigns.H.' Ens. 39.ervei with the 50lh in the Campaign on the Sutlej.Wingfield Yates. 52 Charles Edw. 53 Charles .. 26 Dec. Chandler Wilkin. 28 April. at Lisbon. 49 I p j 3 Sept. M. 1 Lieut. P . v 17 Aug. Michael Clinton. as also at the battle of Talavera. Bailie Daniel Stratton Collings p Thomas Smith John Gordon 28 Aug. Ens. on the same General's Staft' in the retreat of Sir John Moore. . 51 21 Nov. 8 Jan. [^^%^^i^^"' On the Colours and Appointments. 14 Feb.£M5. Captains. ^' Volunteers). 46 Major. p 21 Nov. 51^ Feb. r William Alex. p .W. -Col. . David Watson 24 Oct. p28 July 25. v6 Mar. p 2 Aug. Newton Biggs Henry Apreece James White . 47 William Barron |P 22 Mar. 48. 26." Colonel. 23. . P14 June 45 15 Jan. 10 July. Sf Capt. Z^p3 May44. ( The Prince of Wales's 234 54 Full Pay. . Capt. 50. John Lawrie P P25 45 Feb. 22 July. 43 P 19 June 46|P 2 Feb. 47 10 Aug. 47 P 3 Dec. P22 Dec.R.-Surg. Henry Bruce.-Gen. the Princeof Wales's Plume. . 53 p 17 . 37 P |p I I . . where he was wcunded Sir Frederick has received the gold cross and two clasps for Salamanca. 51 Col. and was second in command at the first defence of Tarifa . 46 11 Sept. Thomas Adams John Sharinan Molony . 46 Adjutant. Edw. Pyrenees. 29 June 48 P 14 Apr. Aide-de-camp to Sii Thomas Picton at the siege and capture uf Ciudad Rudrigo and Badajoz. 11 Sept. p 23 May 45 15 Mar.-Lt. 53 Pl3 May.. 20 Sept. p 10 April 40. 49 P Charles PeregrineTeesdale 7 Jan. 39 9 Nov. 4S P 7 Oct. 1 I Lieutenants. He served also in the Kandian Insurrection of 1817 and 18.. 26 Aug. Assistant Adjut:mt. . . 14 Oct. & was present at the passageof the Chenab. battles of Vittoria. *. 3 Lt. . in Ceylon. p8 April 34. 48. P 4 April 45 P26 Nov. m | i' i | Ensigns. Willi the expedition to Walrheren and at the capture of Flushing.i. subsequently in Iht Peninsula. H. 47 PIS Dec.Villiers P17 Nov. Stovin served at the Ferrol. 9 Lieut. 27 April 12 Full Half Pay.Mainwaring. John Dennis Swinburne. 29. p 5 April 31 . l. M. Lt. 52 22 Apr. 61 Ussher William Alcock . Bigby Marsh 31 Mar.. 22 July Capt. 52 4 Mar.D. 45 P 1 Dec. Ciudad Rudrigo. 47 p 22 May 4G Wm. 4G . 47 do p 19 Alar. 46 Thomas Parker Wright. . in 1805 at the siege and capture of Copenhagen. Chillianwallah. 30 Oct. Edward Touch. and was present at Chusan. 48 3 June 51 Francis Hen. [Kur'^heefslceJ Bor^S^nfJ^W] "CAPE OF GOOD HOPE"— "TALAVERA"— "BUSACO"— " FUENTES D'ONOR" — "CIUDAD RODRIGO"—"BADAJOZ"— "SALAMANCA" — « VITTORIA" — " NIVeLLE"— " ORTHES"—" TOULOUSE"—" PENINSULA. and Orthes . and in the battles of Saduolapore.2Au}r.-Cul.'" 8 Nov. 24. and was present a( the battle of lilueberg. 17 Nov.. Woosung. A\> Frederick ^tovin. Majors.' 41 Lt. in 1808 'J.j. 28 June. 9 Nov. Chinhae. 51 Mcfj. 2 Mar. 50 -jAssist. Mainwaring served in the Queen's in the campaign in the southern Mahratta country in \6H (including the storming of the fortress of Punella). v 'J Nov. 15 Sept. . 41 p 18 April 34 p 1 5 Mar. Ens. Puv.-Col. 23 Henry Lloyd. i'5 Apr.. 22 Dec. 13 . 01 Lt. 3 Oct. and Goojerat (Medal and clasps). 48. Quarter.-Col. William Stewart James Home Munro. received the War Medal with two at the capture of the Hope. Wyvill served «ithtbe Kaffiriaiid during the whole 90th of the war of 1B46-7. 42 21 June 39 21 Jan. Willianr FitzRoy I P I j j 29 May 49 PIO Nov.. 34|P17 Nov. M. 40|P 1 Dec. Lieut. Nive. 11 Nov. F.-CoL2S Nov. 47 Mowbray Baumgartner. 48 P 2 Feb. Capt. . 1 BREV. 42 26 Mar. Metge 12 Feb. Chin Kiung Foo. retreat therefrom and subsequent advance. action at Vic Bigorrc. and the silver War Medal with tliree clasps for Corunna. . 47 p 14 Dec. .235 SSrd Regiment of Foot. Major. Charles Wilson Austen John Heatly. 1 Sept.. 24 June 02 Major. . 47 Sylvester W. 16 Nov. Ainoy. Hobson Clark. Nivelle.. and as Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. LIEUT. 44 7 Aug. Captains. 42 8 May 46iPl7 May i'20 Aug. P 16 Apr. in Spain and Portusal. 37 p 7 Jan. Patrick Hayes. En. in 1800 in 1 Sir Frederick n Germany. Brev. for which he has. 37. 22 Dlc. in 1809 . KCMG. Lt. 83rd Reg.'Maj.^ s James Florence Murray Edward William Bray''. Lieut. . 51 George Dunlevie I Alfred Holt Julian Wakefield Thomas Gethiii Coote | I Heatly served with the 49th.M. 2 Apr. 46 P25 Feb. 48 P29 May 49 John Sprot Richard Thomas Sweeny P 1 Dec.'l dj. 41 Lt. 28 Nov. 38. 29 April. 7 Jan. 11 Nov. 47 Herbert Stanley Cooper do Frederick Dickinsou .. 49 Ens. H. Served also at New Orleans. Surgeon. Chapoo. 46 Jolin Norris M'Kelvey John Meade 10 May 45 9 Jan. Richurd Rodes Wyvill* . Henry Francis Ainslie. 1813 to the end of the war. 48 Samuel Read 31 Oct. Nivelle. including the retreat to and batlle of Coruona. Lieut. 1807. 42 28 Feb. 25 Mar. 31 Brev. 5 Nov. throughout the operations in China.. Law served in the Peninsula from Sept. 47 Pll May 49 P 19 Sept." Years' Serv Colo7ivl. . . 5 Capt.i'3Dec. 14 July 25 p 30 April 27 4 Oct.. 63 Marm. and battle ot Toulouse. Agents.-Surg. Capt. 18 Aug. Paymaster. 41 21 May 46. 30 Alaj. with the expedition to Sweden. Lieitt. 10 Surgeon Clark served in the 61st the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. Cul.^ Ens. Chusnan. 8 Capt. and Badajoz. 51. capture of Madrid and the Retire.Master. Ningpo. 25 Oct. 3 June 51. 23 Nov.— liotet Trydell. —— — — — Facings Yellow. 44 K.' KCB. I clasps. Major. 49. r 22 Dec. Wilson P 12 Nov. Canton.'-' Ens. 29 Mar. Fred. passage of the Ebro. 48 p 1 .-MAJ.-Gcn. 25 . James Hamilton Bews. 1(5 Copt. John Nunn. 4 March 53. 1'28 Nov.-Colonclg. 50 James Nicholas Colthurst 14 Oct. M. 41. 41 . Brevet-Major.-Major. and Nankin. 2 43 47 60 51 47 50 53 53 52 Lieut. 48 Edward Meurant John William Huskisson 8 Nov. William Nott George Frederick Moore'' Edward Bowun Cooke. 47 4 Mar. mu\ Orthes. Lt. 48 Stephen Wm. Henry Law. 46 James Verling Ellis . 22 March 1800 Lieut. Brev. 48 P 12 Oct. 41. il/^(yoc. 52. UG. and that in the Coucan in 1815.39 p 19 Mar. in 1808. 48. 48 8 Aug.P21 May P IG Aug.General (o the Hrd division at the battle of Sala<n. 62 12 Oct. 28 Jan. 2C. Nelson Richardson P 27 Oct. 45 P 1 1 Dec. Henry De Renzy Pigott P William Mills Molony P 22 July 45 P 19 Sept. 18. Lieut. Assist . 14 Nov.P 14 June 3 June 19 Nov. 04. MD.-Col. 29 Jan. 54 l^ .-Surgeons. including the battles of Nivelle and Nive. — . . 53 . John Kelsall Kdward Steele CAPTAIN. . 43 P 4 June 47'P22 Oct. Cox & Co.inca.s. P17 Mar. Vittoria. 38 P15 Dec. 44 P 8 Sept. 48 Henry PhillippeV. Messrs. It) Oct.-Um.-Colonel Trydell served Cape of Good in 180G. Mainwaring. 43 . Ens. 51 . 42 P Wm. 2 Feb. 51. P 14 July. 31 28 Mar. 44 P19 Mar. Capt. 47. near to Valhidolid. 58 96 Half Pay. M. p 19 Nov 25 . : = . Llettt. Adjutant. Geo. ciiarged and routed him . -Col. 28 . and was enpaeed at the storm and destruction of the Fortified p 16 Sept.48 . Antig'nac.-Ge7j. 52 '^ff'''*t of the enemy on the plains of Quenella P 15 Aug. 7 July. 1803 . and brc.ijor in the 18th Hussars. Henry Eddy. and bagAt Benevente. -General Le Fevre.23 Quarter-Master. Cornet. 2 Major Green served in the Burmese war. 39 Spier Hughes 27 Sept. 47. 16 Sept. . Proceeded to the Peni. c: OS oo £ s e o eS 7 ' . E. 22 Dec. M. p 26 June 28 Thomas Bridge Thomas Fred. 44. Brackenbury Edward W^ooUiouse . Ens. Cox & Co. 10 Feb. 44 Frederic Arthur Willis o I . p 29 Dec. Ayton served with an expedition 80 miles up the Gambia. 44 David O'Brien to abandon his capture. 16 Sept. .^ Ens. 45 27 Mav 42:p23 Sept. vil July. David Russell.. At Albuhera he comP27 Oct. 19 . Aujjustus Davidson 20 May 46 the way bacli. whose commending officer was killed. p 5 April.— . A. Lieut. 37 ' '8tli May. and whose sword he took. 24 Feb. 44. 38 p31 Dec. Agents. and was present in the action at Vinegar Hill. Cornet. 28. Ens.. 37. Assist.r Loftus Otway ser\ed in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798. Capt. horses. Justin MacCarthy . ' = 5" * 3 C . 36 . M. PI Oct. Majors. Roberts Torrens Pratt Ernest Hen. at Rueda. 45. . Capt. 33 Major. John G. [Continued above. 8 Lieut. 38 . at the head of six squadrons of the Imperial Guard guard. Messrs. . for the East"] Indies. 52 8 Apr. Tho. 6 July 26 p .nsula in 1808 as u M. 2 Feb. 26.-Surg. [^noTou. 29 June 27 . 28 Mar. The Union Ease. Capt. Liexit. May. 47 p 14 Dec. with P27 P 45 Oct..2 . Thomas Horan. Richardson 25 Dec. . Surcjeo)i. PIO July.Thomfis Stack. 52 9 Nov. Melville Balfour. -Col. 16 Sept.' CB. 16 Sept. L. and Albuhera. 25. M'Geachy Keats . 40 PlO Dec. Otway. 42 26 April 28 14 Oct. 49 the road by RichardStansteadBarwell return. 26. 42. Asslstatit-Surgeo7is. James Alex. 30 Dec.#. whilst in ihcouvtrt. . In the aftair of Campo Mayor he gained the rear of the enemy. ^ETw*. Col. Lieutenants. 15 June 15 i . 40. 37 . P19 Nov. men. 20 Feb. 50 manded thethreeregts. 38 23 June 37 1 June 38 Thomas Edmonds Holmes p 28 Dec. 48 9 Feb. took the Colonel prisoner. 1842. he was opposed Ic Lieut. 37 — 32 29 Major.—'^ Sir Loftus Wm. he surprised and captured tlie whole of the French Cavalry out-lying picjuet. Eugene Currie Wm. 10 Jan. light them all into Head-cjuar ers. 45 Benjamin Sandwith which he was to 2 Oct. 31 William RadclifFe Charles F. . which covered Edward C. p8 April. Tod Whitlock Pll Dec. Thomas Horan.of PorThomas H. Snow j [ j i ( 22 Nov. 45. 45 train (sixteen 24-pounders). Col. 31 26 •0.'^rf. 17 P23 May 34 Thomas Davison | i Wm. Kennan 2 June 48 P 28 Dec. 30 29 March 44 P24 Apr.— Charles Franklyn. whilst commanding tne out lying piquet. 45. — — S 2 £ Hugh £•-1 K . 46 the exception of sixteen pri8 Aug. 28 8 April 42 30 Aug.D. I OD j. Lt. 12 Aug. P. 51 Town of Bambacoo Pth May at the attack and 11 June 52 jiarliai destruction of the Fortified Town of P 17 June 51 Kciming 7th May . and more of his Chasseurs I t-2 than he had Dragoons to guard them. — Facings Yellow. . 62 p ] i j P-27 Sept. PlO Nov. and in llie action with and P 15 Oct. { LTi T CO 21 Jan... 53 John Penton I Cornelius Cha. Seymour . and on the 13th of Dec. 49 enemy bein? in possession of 19 Dec. 49. Is" ' . Lieut. 51. Lient. Lieut. 21 Feb. Robert Crosse Stewart . 46 26 June 51 saco. Lieut. 17 May. 26 June 51 8 April 42! 15 Aug. cage. 35 ]p 7 June 44 29 Aug.s. 98 . in 1849. Geils Kenny. 42 P 2 Nov. J2 "U CS . Ensigns. John Faircloth.— Geo. and captured between five and six hundred men and their entire battering . he encountered Col. Goodricke Peacocke Robert Barry * 2 £ a- ^ Henry Currie a. tuguese Cavalry.-MAJ CAPTAIN. riO Jan. 52 John MacMahon 15 Aug. 52 Pierce Chute P22 Nov. 50 jP 30 Oct. 44 11 April 42 20 May 42 7 July 45 [Continuation of Sir Loftus 0tway*s services 25 Oct. Madigan Thomas Lightfoot 9 Jan. 40. Saunders Loftus has received the War p 6 June 51 Medal with three clasps for 23 Nov. S. 7 April. 35. of Foot. 13 2 Sept ^Tajor. P28 Dec. 49 Henry Browne Pl7 May 50 " 7 Sept. p 26 Feb. 49 Frederick Hardy 14 Aug. Major. Matthew Benjamin George Reed. 22 Nov. 52 Arthur William Coape 6 June 51 p 13 Sept. 48 p 1 7 May 50 . George Green. 1796 Lieut. 05 . 50 P12 Oct. 46. 18. 29. P14 Oct. BREV. charged and broke his advanced for nearly an hour. 46 P 19 Oct. June. Gen. 23. p 3 Nov. April.. Lieut. James Alexander West 28 Feb. On the 16th following. 42 21 April 46 soners and one tumbril. 38 7 July 45 30 Sept. 84tli Keg. J rServing at Trinchl S4th{York and Lancaster) Reyt. 17 Jan. Joseph Thomas La Presle. 42 15 Mar.D. P 26 Feb. i -* »5 S :5 "" *— S ci o 5 S ^ Ens. Major. Captains.Rolleston. Lieut. i. 46 12 Apr. 28 Apr. 38 24 Jan. 27 Oct. 31 18 Nov." Colonel. 4 Mojor-Gen. 53 jP 8 May 46 P 16 Jan. but was obliged 22 Nov. the 15 Aug.-Cols. C«^. 51 Caj7t. Fred. Whitmore Ayton^. p 29 Aug. commandant of the 22d Chasseurs a Cheval. . Francis William Innes.' 13 July 50. 3 May 44 and brought them part of 24 July 42': Fred. at the head of a strong force . 45. . 49. LIEUT. arms. 11 Nov. 48 Sahagun and Benevente. BuH. 46 13 Oct. -C oh v\Q Dec. 46 13 Julv 50 '^"^ 'f f fl""!' of the army. — 1 mS Emb. j I .D. " NIVE"—"PE]VINSULA"—" INDIA. Walter C. Sir Fred. 53 James Richardson George John Arata Oakley 14 May 53 FayvKister. 60 Full Half Pay. Inf. Years' Serv. Regt. Depot at Bristol. "Ancto 237 sjylcndore resurqo." 'BLADENSBURG. 53." .Emb. for the Mauritius. Volunteers) The King's Li. 28 Jan. 28 85th {Buck. Pay. William Stuart 6 21 13 12 12 . 39 27 Jan. . Capt.. Capt. Keane Harding Woodgate^ 1 Mar.400 men with their officers were captured . . Years' Serv. . James Kellie. Also "'"•'''» °'" served the Sullej campaign of 1845. 95 . 41 Brev. 43 9 July 29 31 Oct. early in l!>45. Frederick Gardner Hugh Stewart Cochrane William Knipe 18 June 41 28 Dec. commanaing the bth Division ol the Army. during the campaign of '®^* *°'^ *' '" ASghanistan and P Aden accompanied the expedi marched out of ^'''>''='' into Arabia under the command of Lieut. 41 p 29 July 36 John Perkins Mayers 2 April 36 Harvev Wei. I 44 44 29 32 Lieutenant-Colonels. 86th Foot. 22 Nov. 19 Apr. commanding the left win^ of the Army of Gwi the action of Pua1843 (Mdal). Ens. 08 Lieut.. May 1809 to Feb. 9 38 28 Dec. . 38 John Rees Croker* P 3 Nov. Douglas Mackenzie Robert John Wallace. 10 . 5.D. Assistant-Surgeons. Major. 1 Oct. 51.Co/. and was present and Sobraon (Medal and Clasps). 31 14 Nov. 38. Essequibo.. 11 Nov.29 Dec. 00.-Col. 47 p 12 Nov. p . I 1 . 12 Mar. I j .. Charles Osborne Creagh'^ Wm. 49 8 Jan. when the expedition commanded by General White captured those colonies. 4 Capt. Irish Harp and Crown. . 31 P 11 Oct. 43 P 5 Feb. Maj. . Major. 49 46 30 July 49 27 Anr. . 28 June. Major. 53 8 Apr. 42 22 Feb. The Royal County Doxon) Regt. 1 Jan. Brev. Weluian served with the 17th Regt. at the raising the siege of Cainpo Mayor when the French sustained a considerable defeat commanded the four light companies of the brigade at the action of Arroyo de Molino. Col. . 47 4 April 51 14 April 46iP 25 July 51 21 Jan. 6 as Aide-de Camp to the same General. June Dec. Captaixs. I ' 14 June 24 Jan. ilfffjc?-*. 48. I . 1812. 30 June 95 . 19 . [ "'"Si^'J. 6 Captain Butler. P18 Jan. William Henry Beatty . 9 Apr. 1 vance -guard^under Col. Henry Cracroft Maine 14 May Richard Charles Brown Augustus Nicholas Wilson P 15 May 14 Sept. 5 May. Jan. Ens. 51 Major. at which last he was with the ad- i Robert Edward Heury J. 25. 52. 26 May bi. 53 do.-Colonel of the 17th regt. 9 Nov. Ens. and was present at the battles ol Albuhera and Uusaco. 42 15 Mar. — — — — 1 Major-General Parke was present with the 39th at the original capture of Demerara.-ind Berbice. 45 8 Sept. 25. 27 Jan. 12 Aug. Assist. p 15 May 27 . including the battle of Salamanca. 10 Jan.-Maj. 52 8 Apr. Served also throughout the Burmese war. James Creagh. . 8 April. 42 28 Sept. 4 March 12 .-Lt. the I ' 59 Full j|3 37^ . tlie 1811 to Dec. p 1 April 24 Capt. . P 16 Aug. 25 Feb. 47 13 Dec. Lieut. Croker. Lieutenants. . Cox & Co. 44 . 10 . . X^. . Mark Stanley Todd. Lieut. Roger Parke. 9 May 19 Apr. 39 42 42 43 43 42 44 44 45 44 i \ ' 5 Aug 23 Feb. 33. Charles Eraser . 24 Sept. '''" ' Ensigns. Creagh. P . il/«/. I j '< I i . with a detachment of 200 men volunteers from the 13lh to the Syth Regt.-Col. Quarter-Master. James Boyd.-Surg. 27 Oct. George Hewish Adams Henry Edward Jerome i . 49 P 7 May 52 13 April 49 P 15 Oct. 14 Nov. 51 . 47.. . 48. 48 47 P23 Feb. . and capture of JIadrid. PoleWelman^ CharlesEdmund Thornton P30 Dec. Lt. Francis Lewis Fitzgerald. where the guns. LIEUT.-Col.' 10 Feb. -MAJ.. 47 15 Jan. 4 June 14. 25 . June 28 27 27 23 Abra.52 P 23 Feb.-Major. P20 Aug 44 P19 Sept. 1841. . Robert Henry Lowth. 41 . 52. p 30 July 13 Nov. with the Motto " Quis Separabit?" " INDIA "— The Sphinx. .^ Ens. Robinson John Richardson Stuart George Sherman Nunn. Charles Darby^ 1 James Boyd. Capt. M.. 26. 23 Mar. He was in Sir James Kempt's Served afterwards in the Peninsula with the 39th from Lit'ht Infantry Battalion during the campaign in Naples in 1805-6. 48 30 Apr. P 13 Aug.. 48 30 Apr. baggage. 8 Apr. 49 22 Dec. 28 June 38. Henry Franklin. 8 Apr. 3 Major Tudor servea as Aidede camp to General Grey. 30 Apr. and 1. 1 Apr. as a volun- j Iteer. Lieut. & was present at the storm & capture of Ghuznee ( Medai). p 4 Feb. Cajji. Pay.. 30 Apr. Capt. . Pennycuick. P26 Nov. served during Sir Charles Napier's campaign against the Mountain and Desert Tribes situated on the right bank of the Indus. 1 John Meacham Maxwell Lepper Ralph FitzGibbon Lewis Edward Monckton Jones Thomas Rice Hamilton. [7 July 37. 16 June. Brev. Adjutant. . siege of Burgos. Collis Anderson. 5 July. 1812. 9 Mar. Lt. 29. and was present destruction of the Arab Posts of Slieik Medi and Slieik Othman. campaign of 1845-6 with the Srd Light Dragoons. . Lt. George Wm. in the spring of 1796. Henrv Weaver 2 Lieut. jMessrs. vl July.fn'Lf Matif!!!] 86th ( — . 38.. 46. 43. he was also employed in the trenches at the first siege of Badajoz. 23 March. 11 Nov. Adj John Jerome Edward Baker Weaver James John Gordon . IJ Andrew Snape Hamond Aplin. 2 July 29 P 29 Dec. .-Col. .. P p 23 Apr. Lieu ts. Major-Gen. Ens. . s. the Harji&nA Crown.— William Langley Tudor. . 44. 37 . 7 Surgeon Franklin served the Sutlej at the battles of Moodkee. 42. P .U Nov. p 19 Sept. and was present in numerous engagements with the enemy. 25 Feb. 41 6 Sept. Lt. BREV. 23 Nov.""^'' Appointments. . 16 Apr. 42 15 Mar. 52 P 19 Oct. 39. 30 Apr. CAPTAIN. 40 Charles George Butler^. and of Khelat. Brev.-Col.Charles Fade Heatly. . 12 .' Ens. Brev. Brev. 42 P 10 Aug. . 46 2 Sept. of Foot. Joseph Jerome. and Darby. Ferozesheh. Facings Blue. K. 38 Joshua Henry Kirby P 25 Dec.53. 24 July in ' 42 43 43 46 Nov. 43 27 Aug.'^ . I I I I Beloochistan under Lord Keane. 37. 17 Dec. and skirjiiished between those places on the 6th Oct. 22 Thomas Andrews Rawlins P 17 Nov. Pay. Col. 52.-Maj. 49 5 June 53 I 1 1 j ' I . Lieut. 50 Pennycuick j 51 52 50 52 52 52 >!' Ii'' — Paymaster. with the words " EGYPT"—" BOURBON"— On the Buttons. Lieut.\ Donough O'Brien Sept. 30 23 Oct. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Albuhera. 9 Oct. Surgeon. Aplin served Peninsula from Feb. 22 Mar. 7 Apr. Agents. Giles Wm. 9 Apr. On & the Colours Colonel. in addition Prince of Wales. ^"'"'Ajru'i84T''] 87^/i MONTE VIDEO"—" TAL A VER A. and [^l^^Zaet to the Arms of the particularly at the Battle qf •'B^lUlOSA"_"TARIKA"— "VITTORIA"— "NIVELLK" "ORTHES" -"TOULOUSE". 31 28 28 29 19 Pay." Years' Serv."PENINSULA" -"AVA. with aWrcalh of Laurel above the Harp. of Foot {Royal Irish Fusiliers)."— /<n Eagle. . 60 Pay.. in commemoration of their distinguiihed Services on variotts occasiont.Regt. . " Quis Separabit 1" EGYPT"—" TALA VERA"— " BUSACO"—"FUENTES D'ONOR"— "CIUDAD RODRIGO"— " BADAJOZ"— " SALAMANCA"— "VITTORIA" — " NIVELLE"— " ORTHES"— "TOULOUSE"— " PENINSULA. E>is. 43 25 Sept. Wallace.pre>ent in IIjc biitilec of Meiance m d Hyderabad (. 51 1 1 Nov. Fucntes d'Onor. 46 391 P 40 P 6 Nov. 04. 37. Col. John Vesey Browne Ed ward Baylojf Edward Herbert Maxwell P P 5 Apr. William Mackie Henry Beckwith Sawrey Geo.' Bf. including the capture of Gotea George Robert Beresford P17 Oct. CAPTAIN. Messrs. in(Medal). 41 P 39 P 6 Dec. 51 21st. 51 67 Full Pay. Cox & Co. 47 P 30 May 51 JaokBOH -Wray p 6 Aug. 37.2S Dec. 48 Nathaniel Steevens P19 Feb. . 45 Dec.-Col. P12 May. 29 Dec. 51 Henry William Grogan P 8 Oct. 1845 at which place this detachment formed the storming party.. Vaiighan Maxwell P P 2 Feb. In 171)8 served at the reduction of Jlinorca. ^ Bidwiirr! Nnrttin P 25 Jan. . and tlie Silver War Medal wilh one Clasp for Egypt. J. Frederick York Shegog. 20 13 . Balfour. %%tU Regt. Major. . 31. 12 June. Ihroiighuut ilie opi rations in Scinde under Sir Charles Napier.— Wm. 41 p 6 Dec. — — Facings Yellow. Major. 4 Quartermaster Moore served Willi tie 31st llegt. . s. Captains. 12 Aug. Thomas Moore. Adjutant. i:c. 5tr John Alex. p 12 May. Lieut. . ENSIGN. I P 5 Feb. P 17Sept. Banbury Mauleverer P 30 Aug. Philip Jo. .*.-Surg. storming of Kistnaguirie. Lieut. 51 25th Jan. Robert Mm. with Lieut. 43 p 19 Feb. 2 Captain Stopford served in the 22nd Regt. cluding the actions of Moodkce. p 13 May 42 Lieut. 1 July. and storming of Monohur Stockades and Fort. 46 Henry Ernst H. 47 P 18 June 52 John Edward Riley J. &c. 240 On the Colours and appointments the The Sphi7ix. 51 39|P25 Jan. p 31 Oct. [Beturned from Nova Scotia. 41 15 Dec. 44 P 8 Oct. 47 P 26 Dec. 38 . including the ciigagenients of Mazeena and Tizecn. 88th Regt. 25. and Salamanca. and the siege of Seringapatam. Benj. and Subraon (Medal and three Clasps). . 90." Years' ServJ Colonel. motto. P 26 Dec.^ 9 Feb. 43. 16 June. 3 March. 5 1. Samuel Dunning. J/ry. p5 July. 47 Samuel Dunning. 49 Ens. the bailies of the 13th and 21st. and suffered very seriously. 18 Jan. 47 Thomas Gore. 48. P21 . Buddiwal. 26 Apr. 8 June. 51 . Ensigns. 28 Aug. 3 Mar. A.-Col.— 'Ed-amnA Richard Jeffreys. 40 P 3 Mar. with the words " Harp and Croton. 11 Nov.D. p 29 July 43. r 16 Feb. 11 Nov. 48.-C?en. Quarter-Master. 47 39 P16 Nov. P21 Nov. 44. iiiiiiii Cnrh r tt. Ens. 10 Jan. 20 Oct. Assist. and wa. adj. Geoige Ed«ard Copley.Uiwal. Assist. 44 7 Oct. Le MarchantBaynes 14 Apr.P12 May 43 P 20 Dec. 'PW Oct. 6 Edw. 40 P 30 Aug.. 44 40 P 23 Jan. and of Tippoo's lines and camp. 40 39 P31 Dec. Lieut. P2 Feb.viit\).Medal). Outram's Light Brigade. James Guy Piers Moore. Col. Belfield . 26. July 1851.. Capt. Capt. ri i l p j l . 6 Nov I ^07*. 2wrf Lieut. Ens. I . p 16 Mar. ^^^ BREV. and was at the landing at Aboukir in Egypt. 96. 9 July. the stormintr of Pagoda Hill. Maj or. 49 P 14 June 33 P Mar. p25 Sept. P31 Dec. Capt. I'erozcshali. of Foot {Connaugld Rangers).-MAJ. 11 Nov.] 1 Sir J. 47 4i|p22 July 42 P 1 June 49 40. . 12 Sept. 19 . 46. 38 . Lieut. 41 P 8 Oct. 48 Arthur Dillon Maule P 14 Apr. 1803. Lieut. Cha. Hardman Burke May P2] Feb. 18 Aug. 46 P 12 Sept. 2 Dec. the Head Quarters [ at Bury.-Col. 52 Edward Henry Webb Paymaster. Major. 40. . throughout tlie campaign of 1842 in Affghanislan Also the SutUj campaign of 1845-6. 1 Bryan Holme Holme. 39 P 3 Mar. Wallace was at tlie battle of Seringapatam. 26 Apr. I LIEUT. —Agents. . KCB. J. Horatio Shirley. before Alexandria. 41 P 23 Jan. Jocelyn Bourke.. 6 Apr. June 13. 41 . Emilius Delme Radcliife p 9 July 52 P15 Oct. Rosetta. in the Shurlock Henning Southern Mahratta campaign of 1844-5. 44 28 Dec.and Gr-ind Cairo. 4 Half Pay. 48 P29 P19 Dec.. at Rhamanieh. Majors. Stopford = Lieutenants. He has received the gold Medal and two Clasps foiBusaco. 34. Lieut. 48 Richard Grace 3 Paymaster Belfield served with a detachment of the P 20 April 49 l"th. Lieut. . 44 Edmund Gilling Maynard P31 Dec. 27 C«7?^. 11&7 . from thence he joined the army under the command of Sir Ralph Abeiciomby. 46 34 39 7 June 41 P 6 Aug. I I j ' i — — . P i Joshua Grant Crosse . Brevet-Major. -Colonel. 47 P 14 April 48 23 Jan. 8lh Blarch. Lf.. Surgeon. -Surgeon. . and was present P17 51 June George Richard Browne in all its operations.' 21 May 52. M. 25. Gen. Lie^it. v 31 Oct.-Gen. 27 Mar. 33 . Head Quarters Cork Years' iit . MARTINIQUE"- . Years' Serv.242 90th Regt." [Head Quarters L at Dublin. -The Sphinx with the word.^ MANDORA. of Foot (Perthshire Volunteers.^ (Light Infantry. " EGYPT"—" " GUADALOUPE. Mnj. 10 Captain Warren served in the campaign on the Sullej (Medal). ..' 14 Oct. 9 June 25. 53 r. Ens. ' 1 ' . 47. 21. 14 JohnG. Cunninj-ham Bruce P Henry Wood James H<nry Dobie ».. William Blackburne. Sir George Berkeley's General Order of the 17th Dec. P 24 Oct. 1 Aug. 50 P 24 Aug.'' s. 14 Apr. Robert Borthwick . Esq. Surg. Potter Macqueen P 18 Apr.. 25 . 26 Oct.P28 Dec 49 15 Aug 50 5 NdV. CGoiAon. vice. Squirl. J. 26 April 48. 62 Francis Gordon Hibbert. ?•. 35 p 2 July 41 26 Feb. 22 July.qf F00t. 50 21 May 52 P 12 Dec. Lieut. Assist. Capt. Ensigns. throughout the whole of the Kaffir ^%ar of 1846-7 and was specially mentioned in Colonel Somerset's despatches of the 17th and 18th April 1846. 26. 32 .-' Ens. 29 Cajjt. 2« May 53. Quarter-Masters. 9 Lieut. South Africa. J. in April 1815 and he commanded the Reserve Battalion. 4(): Col. — 27 . 51 r.D. Lloyd Henry Tliomas Charles Goddard Dewell 8 June 52 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 Alex. Bayly Wm. 11 Lieut. 50 1 Aug. Major.. Sandham Warren"* p 30 Mar. Lieut. 22 July 28 Feb. 30. Henry William Grtgg P .. Thomas Thornhill Lane P19 Aug. subsequently at tht> siege of Leghorn. Hi Mav. 51 John Bruce Wm. Major Scott served throughout the Kaffir War of part of the same as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General to the 1st Division. * 1 General Gordon has received the gold medal and one clasp for Martinique and Guadaloupe. 51 P23 Nov.b. Ens. v 23 Nov. Adjutants.." Years' Serv. p 23 Nov. -Colonel C-impbell commanded the infantrj.P«2/wrt«^e>-. JJ/w. 11 7 7 6 G 3 5 8 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 g o O . 46. served as a Lieutenant in the Austrian service under Radetzki in the campaign of 184«-9. CoZ. Surg. Watson Mackenzie r. 2 Lieut. 6 Jan. 41 P 20 April 49 P31 Dec. Win. as having conducted and commanded one of the columns of attack against the chief Sandilli. 1 Aug. 40. — — — Facings Yellow.T)ii\\a Forbes.B. 48. 1781. 51 13 18 Aug. 5 June 19 Dec. (Jt/i. 31 Jan. 27 May Half Pay. and was severely wounded (shot through the body and lelt hand.-Col. 52 r. Lt. 51 P 23 Apr. GT>ec. 2 Sept. He was also engaged with the Cape M. and was attached to the 53rd. 48 P 6 Oct.' Ens. 47 r. John Francis Glencairn Campbell. P 9 Jan. 32 p 12 June 35 p 22 Feb. Lieut.-Surgs. 49 31 Dec. r. in the action with the insurgent Boers at Boem Plaats. P 19 May 45 39 July 34 12 Robert Fred. 21 Dec. Erskin Arthur Hall 1 1 1 29 6 Edw. 10 Jan. George Conway Gordon. . P14 Feb. 53 . 62 P21 P May 50 20 Oct. ] 91*^ ( TIlB Argyllshire) Regt. Cuj)t. 52 13 Jan. Irish Agent. which concluded the war. p 19 Sept. 46 . Edward W.-Col. 45 Robert Henry Howard'. Mai.. 48. 63 24 Aug. 60 P23 Nov. 30 Oct. r. 4 June. r. 19 Apr.. 42 28 8 May 35 r.— r. 43 . 52 P21 Sept. v 13 Oct. 50 p 14 Oct. Atkinson.-Gen. John Campbell Cahill P 38 8 July 43 35 11 May r. 29 i' . 1800. 47 5 Dec. r. .— Agents. Lt. 43 P 4 May 49 James Day Cochrane* 28 Apr. Heiiry J. p 23 Apiil 41 Major v 13 Oct. .\. . William Rust D'Eye. July 35 . 43 .] i. 11 . C. Major.. r. when covering the rear of Colonel Somerset's division during the retreat from the Amatoli Lieutenants. 48 (Pie Aug.Charles Cooke Yarborough. Middlemore r./ j: ». 52 r. Captains.. P j Mountains to Block Drift. r. and was present at the investment and capture of the Forts of Panulla and Pownghur. 8 July. Robert Macpherson .IIad. Alex. 9 April 41. 14.VoNov.—GahVKl Gordon. 10 July. Capt. Ussher served the campaign of 1844-5 in the Southern Mahratta country... prior to entering the British Army. 1 Oct. Frederick Boehmer. 42 Coloiiel. Messrs. 62 10 Oct. \ — Wm. and contused on the groin). Henry Cramp ton" Frederick Boehmer.. 27 . 13 t 6 7 i 8 Captain Cochrane served with the 9Ut in the operations against the Kalfir Tribes. Assist. 33. -Colonels. 20 Oct. Glendonwvn Scott » r. Crampton was dangsrously wounded in the action with tba Rebel Boers at Boem Plaat*. 51 P 29 Oct.. 22 . 9 Nov.. 51 P 17 Oct. 25 July 51 . Tho.. beyond the Orange River. 91st Regt. 50. 39 p 12 Oct. 30 Dec. 19 May 45 . BREV. 48. 29 Majors.^ r. Laird Patterson P22 Feb. 84. 47. 02. P 13 April 49 P P 7 June 50 William Fred. Bertie Edward Murray Gordon. Brevet Lt. Thomas Ross Jameson. William Arden. )•. Assist. Henry Auburey Bond 4 Apr. Lieut. and was present at the battles of Montarra and Novarra (wounded). 51 Robt. J. Battiscombe. 50 30 Dec.. 5 Apr. . 1847. Cape of Good Hope. Lt. at Ihe Cape of Good HoiDe. 48. 6 Dec. Savage^ . V 4 Jan. 37.— G. 52 P 21 Jan. 38 P 23 April 41 P 13 Oct.Dalrymple.-Col. 39 15 Sept.Rawstorne. and with thera in the engagements at Buddi'Aal and Aliwal he was .force which formed part of the expedition against the Insurgent Boers.-Uen. Constantine Caridi Read. Somers Ray P30 May 43 14 Apr 46 29 Apr. 4 June. 53 3 14 V 1 P May May 53 53 : i I ' — — present with his own regt. 48 1 Apr. p 26 Oct. Limt. James Paterson. Maj. Full Pay.. J. 48 P 6 Dec. R. W. P 27 Aug. 13 Aiiril 52. 6 Nov. Barron & Smith. 2G Nov. Capt. 46 P 11 May 49 p 8 July 51 r. P15 Mar. 46. r. and 5 1S46-7 ' . John Charles Sweny Walter Rice Olivey . 15 Lieut. March.Geo. Moj. on the 18th April 1846. Adj. 13 May 53. P8 Lieut.-MAJ. with the 22nd. Wright^ 22 22 23 20 19 20 16 15 13 I CAPTAIN. Adj. Tho. p 24 July 35. 60 r. 91st Regt. Theoplulus Ussher. William Squirl '^ Plo Feb. John Nial.n.-G. M. Norman.Benj.. 41 IP 13 Oct. Ens. 14 Apr. 18 June 52 17 Aug. Lieut.... (3. Lieut. [1«^ Battalion returned from the Cape of Good Hope. 34. " ROLEIA"— '• VIMIERA"— " CORUNNA"— " PYRENEES"—" NIVELLE"— " NIVE"—" ORTHES"— " TOULOUSE"—" PENINSULA. 38 11 Nov. 32 . 48 Fred. 94. Ens. 48 32 p 13 Nov.P12 Oct. as also in Lieut. the 73rd Bengal Native Infantry in the battle of Sobraon. Lieut. Lieut. 41 William Barron Stanton P 28 Jan. Surgeons.-Col.. 50 r. Jas. 32 . I " Emb. EGMONT-OP-ZEE" — " MANDORA"—The Sphinx. at Gibraltar. 8 Star. for Corfu." I Years' Serv . with the words "EGYPT"— " CORUNNA" — " FUENTES D'ONOR" — " ALMARAZ"—" VITTORIA"— " PYRENEES"—" NIVE"—" ORTHES"— " PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO. 5l. Head Qrs. Depot at Gahviiv. of Foot.244 92nd (Highland) Regt. of Foot. T Dcvoiiport." Half Pay 9 245 . "CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. J 93d { Sutherland Highlanders) Regt.Head Quarter*. 4 Oct. for Foreign"] LServ.OAfi '^^*-' rEiiib.l838.J Years' Serv- . LynedochCarmichael . 18 Nov. from Ju\y 1808 to Feb. 42 5 April P 36 P 13 Dec. 53 Graham Mylne 18 Nov.. \^Returned from China. Robert Ferguson. 51 44 p 13 Apr. 48 45 P18 May 49 42 11 Nov. Lieut. 2 Aug. 52 P 22 Oct. P George James Dowdall . 45 27 Api-. 23 Nov. 61 P 13 Feb. • • ENSIGN. Lionel Fraser Spicer Charlton Henry Foster Charles Henry Martin Alex.. action at the heights of Castrillos. Archibald Gordon. 37 . P 9 May 35 . trnd Toulouse. and was present at the battles of Sadoop 2 Sept.-MAJ> P 8 July P 30 Oct. He served in medical charge of the Evelyn Bazalgette throughout the Punjaub campaign of 20 May 53 24rh William Hill 1848-9. Henry Hume. 53 18 Nov. 52 P 25 Mar. C. Major. 3 Dec. .. Facings Yellow.P 11 Dec. Full Half Pay. John George Champion. 48 P 18 Apr. 42 88 P 25 Nov. 14 j Col. 1850. 1814 to June 1815. in the Peninsula and France. 1 Oct. and Ooojerat. . 95th {The Derbyshire) Reyt. 20 May 42 P 2 Feb. 53 18 Nov. J 247 Colonel. -Sxii-g. 52. siege and stormin"of Ciudad Rolrigo. 51 . 41 Surgeon. 6 May... p 19 Jan. . P 1 Dec. -Colonel. Probart Francis Feneran. Godfrev Clerk Edward Wm. XJeu/. Col. 25 June. inWilliam Braybrooke . 13 Lieut. 31 . p25 Dec. Capi. 11 Nov. 53 P P Ensigns. He has received the gold cross for the battles of ihe Pyrenees. 48 9 June 48 24 Jan. James Webber Smith. against the Rajah of Coorg. Assistant-Surgeon. 87 . 51 16 May 51 p 14 May 52 Edward . 46 John Neptune Sargent. Weedon.-Gen. 44 Major ^ ' P24Dec. p 20 Sept. Ens. Capt.' 15 Dec. William Holt. Orihes.' — Majors. including tlie battle of Vimiera. Years'Serv 1^ 49 Sir John Btll. 52 Alfred I I . Nivelle. Ens. 38. Paymaster. 52 P 24 Dec. 21 Juue. 1 Dec. and was wounded. from Dec. 53 catnpai^n on tlie SuUej (Mc-dal) in 18-J6." KCB. siege and storming of Badnjoz. 44 p 25 Nov. 52 George Courtenay Vialls p 20 Jan. in 1806 and 7.\l«o the campaign of 1815. Basil Charles Boothby . Lieutenants. of Foot. Nivelle. 49. Cliillianwallah. "I . 33 4 Aug. 4 Paymaster Feneran ter>'ed the campaign of 1814 in Holland. Ortlie^.. baitle of Busaco. 51 11 Nov. P 8 May 35 Cant i^ ^ > P2 Feb.ton P 3 June 42 P 25 June 44 P 24 Dec. 52. 35: Capt. 53 lapore. Cox & Co. Lt. buttle of Salamanca" action of Sabijana do Morillos. 41 . «rf/ Robert Garrard p 1 7 May 47 3 Mar. Frederick James Taylor. Lieut.— Head Quarters. Dymock 21 Sept.^ M. Aliwal. 53 Francis Geo. 48 . MajorGen. all the actions during the retreat of the French from Portugal. Lieut. Ens. 12 Sept. 44 Pll Sept. John Maedonald 24 Nov. and the silver War Medal with six Clasps for the other battles and sieges. J. 47 Anthony Morgan 7 May 47 6 June 48 p 15 Dee. M(ij. 12 March 12 . Em. Agents. Lieut. 37 CAPTAIN. Lieut. and again from May 1809 to July 1814. Thomas Heyland John Fitz Thomas Dennis Thomas Davis Vincent Wing 4 Apr. Pay. 22 April 53. Lieut. 31 . 8 June 38 14 May Julius Aug. including the battle of Waterloo. p Robert Graham Polhill Geo. 52 5 Doctor Gordon served with the 58rd in the Edmund Davidson Smith p22 Apr. and Toulouse. and p 13 May 53 Sobraon. 1809. Assist. 50. action at tlie bridge of Almeida. 23. 51 5 Dec. BKEV. Messrs. 1 April 53. 53 cluding the actions at Buddiwal. . Robert Raines 28 Jan.CoZ. Eddington George Bi'own.. 53 p 19 Jan. 45 44 p 3 Mar. P 7 Seut il/ff>r. George Adjutant. 28 June 86. Quarter-Master. with the 48th Regt. Quarter-Master. 53 John Christopher Minnitt'p 6 Oct. p 23 Apr. Captains. 46 P31 Dec. Served' afterwards with the army employed against Louisiana. 05.] Frederick Henry . 12 April. . 51 p 13 Dec. '' 11 July 26. — — WA — — — ) 1 Sir John Bell served in Sicily. 3 Lieut. 53 P 2 Sept. 11 Nov. P 24 Dec. 43 23 Mar. 43 P22 May 46 p25 Mar. K 2 .-Colonel Smith served the campaign in April 1834. 46 23 Apr. 51. Brown. P 12 July 44 P 2 Sept. battles of Vittoria. 6 Aiig.D. 07 . 38. 43 14 Apr. 52 James George Edrtina. 1 Aug. the Pyrenees. 52 P 13 Apr. 96th Foot.-Col. L Colonel. Edward Hill. 16 Feb. Capt. 14: Col lo'jan' 37 .'Kov^. 1 Dec. 33. Pay Lieut. 9 Nov. v 10 June. p 23 June 37. rSerring at Laboiei of Bengal.248 QQth Regiment Foot.?.. p 29 Dec.-Serv. 13 Sept.-Maj. 10 .-ilfrtjo?-. Lieitt. 18 Aug. 25 .' CB. Major-Gen. P9 July 52. Capt. Ens. 9-i ^Lt 2"sept"95 • 60 Caiit. Charles Brownlow Cumberland. Thomas Maitland Wilson.-CoL p'i5 June 49. Capt. P 15 21 Dec. jE"/. Ens. 96th Foot. 24. 25 June. Major. 20Lieut p 15 Oct. p 21 Dec.-. 36. i^. v 1:3 May 26 Capt' v 23 Dec. 9 Nov. Major. 48. 40 . Col. -Colonels.-Col. Major.=. 3ohn Suodgrass.-CoLv 22 July'42.'] Yea. 13 Dec. 3 March. 11 Feb. 26 .-}^ Charles Edward Conyers. . 52. p 15 Apr. — • — • . 46 . Ens. 46 . Major. Pay.Tslo'. Lieut. 34 . p 19 Sept. Brev. 02. Majors. p 15 June 49. Lieut. Ens. 11 Nov. 09 Lt. [ feTv. 31 . 32. Lieut. p27 July 38 22 ' ^rey. 51 il/fljo. Lt. P20 June 22 . p 20 Mar 27. 1813 . 3? . Capt. Augustus Fred. 29 Nov. M Henry Fred. 8 April 25. 02. Major. Maj. Hon.Head Quarters afl canterbury. Ens. ct gloria ofFoot. 14 Jan. Lt. 11 Nov. Loekyer. 26 Oct. Lieut. Col.-Colonel. p 7 June. 25 Mar. 14. P24 Feb. p 25 July. 46. 14 Apr. Major/M April 12 . il/ryor. 97th Foot." Colonel. 51. 35 . 10 Jan. Welsford. -Col. Lieut.= KH. Cop?. 50. J 97M ( The Ettvl of Uhtcr's) " Quo fas Rcfft. r 19 Jan. 32. Col. Henry Adolphus — Proctor. 19 Jan. p 25 Mar. P 24 Feb". 16 May 05.Gen. 01. 9 Nov. Majors. JEns. Lieut. Lt.-Col. Capt. CB. 17 Sept. Copt. 14. 249 ducunt. 12 June.. 38 . Ens. Lieut. Maj. Henry Robert Handcock. Ens. 34 .' i' ^ 21 . 41 . 52. Col. 46. 32. -Col.^ '°'"r." Colonel. Lieutenant Samuel Cooper W^alker. BREV. 47JP28 Aug. M. 43 7 Jan. 28 Nov. Dagg 1 April 53 manded 29 Oct 50 ' I the Flank Compan "*"' °" ^^^ Expedition to the Kohat Pass with Sir Charles N»- "'^ pier.. and Reid. Brev. Campbell Barber Browne William Croker Henry Wallace Stroud Charles Hill Fresson Daniel Antoine Baby . Captains. 18-tl. 42 3 Sept. Richard Clancy Don.' Lieut.HutchinsEdwards' Henry Thos.— li^ 5i>. Quarter-Master. Benjamin Swift. Surgeon.. 44 . 41 Lt. 22 July..o — — — — 16 3 1 :0-= :. 53 April 53 Oct.S 5 '^ 5. Charles Mills. 47 Charles Stanhope Smelt 19 Nov. 50 Kiang foo. He also served with the Flaak Compan at the forcing of the Kohat Pass.-Maj. 45 P 1 Aug. 1 a iViai. He com. 42 tenant-Colonel Rainier. P 18 Oct. Quarter-Master. Assist. 10 April 49 28 May 52 '''P'"'e' ChilUanwallah. and the piquets of the 2nd brigade of Guards at the repulse of the sortie from Bayonne. 16 Aug'. where lie was appointed Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General to the reserve und( *''^ Duke of Wellington. Capt. 1 Aug.. and was present the attack and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. 9 July 29 Lieut. P 22 June 47 p 1 Dec. Haythorne served with the p 17 Dec. Emb. 1 t 98th Regiment of Foot. William Rolierts. 7 Captain Peyton served in the 9Sth with tlie Expedition to the North of China in 1S43 (Medal)." IG Feb.Surgeons.D. 11 .. and Paymaster p 25 Jan. 50 LrcaXe":n. 1 Sir . P 8 Aug. — . Macleod Farrington Thomas Gardiner 17 if 18 13 13 13 12 n 29 Jan.5 7 -^ S 'i" 8 j | I I 7 5 4 3 9 O 2 * c o—s «-s - p.Willoughby Cotton. 7 June 49. Pay. and that to Copenhagen in 1807. 12 May 37 . 9 7 7 5 1 1 j i^r . 9 Dec. 1850. 44. 41 Francis Peyton^ Gran. 25 Nov. 7 April. .. Adj was present at the affair of Ramnuggur and battlei George Frederick Webster 17 June 51 and ofChillianwallah and Goojcrat (Medal and twoclasps). 36. 51 Norris Goddard C. ^(/e/ii*. 39 . 44 the assault and capture of Chin 18 Mar. 42 M' Lt. Major. 19 Jan. the Commander-in-Chief. James Fagan. V 4 March.> ^ . 47 6 June 51 was present at the battles of SadooMontague Browne . . Lieiit. — .— dal for China. .-Colonels.p"'"' Campbell. ? . .-Gen.. 12 10 9 11 11 . =: 5 '^ ^"c § » o .^s. p 5 Oct. Eeturned to England on promotion in June 1811.J Serving at Calcutta. 3 Lt. Lieut.-Col. p 21 May. C. 21 Full Half Pav.. S « ' (2 .^ '. 31 Major. . 30 Lieut. " The Dragon" "CHINA"— " PUNJAUB.. Dillon. 43 18 Dec. 53 Mar. 23 Nov. 49 Major. 41 41 42 43 44 27 May 42 13 Jan. . j 18 July 48 6 Lieut. Cox & Co.47 4/ . P . Gibbons Quantrille]P27 June 45 I . 14 April. G.-MAJ. | . and 9 Jan.^^ „f p. p 1 April 53. the former containing a series of skirmishes an the battle of the Coa. 50 6 June 61 9 July 50 3 April 49 28 May 52 p j p 1 Pl5Dec.. 53 Lieutenants. Capt. 38 . 44 P 10 July 46 captain Grantham. 4 April 49.Dec. 40 P 26 June 40 17 Mar.^ .atthe of the Kobat Pass forcing'"r^" forcmgof KobatPassin Feb. He con manded a division of Sir Archibald Campbell's army in the Burmese war and also of the army under Loi Keane in Affghanistan. 21 Nov. in the force under Sir Colin Campbell in Feb. I ' ! . ? 1 April 63. served with the flanl Colli Francis Barker Hassard P 13 May 63 mL'T"'" J^h^.2"S g|ll° sig'^'2 " c £ o-S 2 ^mf^^^ "S. 99. 50 P 28 May 52 Henry Robert Twyford r( Medal). M. served in the 98th with the expedition to the North of Chine IQ Mar 43 IS Ahp. M Assistant. and at the landing before Nankin. I 3 2 2 . 12 June 46.5 =2 "o '^ e> £ - 5 els'. p4 Oct. Edmund Haythorne. . J-o Sept. Adjutant. 38. Dickson Cleveland 26 Nov. Major. |P17 Jan. Wm. 45 . .25 Major. and at the investment Peter Edward Quin He served as Aide deNankin. 12 June. 40 P 30 Dec. Ensign Charles Mills.^ Ens.B. 49 98th on the china Expedition in P 4 A pril 49 P 3 Sept. 41 Col. Francis Haden Crawford 13 15 18 19 . 19 June 4G Brev. 27 March. 1 i'"'«C'tH^s White. 1i 3£ao P James Button Smyth Edward John EUerman Henry Wra. 48 5 Maj.? „ 'p 11 Oct. 45 Pll May 52 Mar. Lieut. 1811 Col. 5 Oct. Lieut & Cavt.-Col. Henry Joseph Lance P 18 Sept. and was present at the assault and capture of Ghuznee (Medal). -Surg. 49 P 7 Feb. John Gillespie. 11 April 63. . P14 May 52 Robert Westropp Ellis y Captains Edwards and Latouche. Henry Bates. (medal) and were present 10 Aug.. 34 Capt. Roberts was present at 28 Dec. 7 June. Archibald Redfoord Ridgway.Stopylton. and was present at tlie battle of Kioge. 49 . 250 forForeigiiT Serv. P 23 June 43 P 26 Jan 45 98th at the landing before Nankin..31 Oct. 37 P 4 Sept.5 = a S''5 s'ui'a ^ 5 "^ •" "^ o u»j <« £ S 60 1 19 12 8 4 1 ^ I ' — — Willoughby Cotton served with the 3rd Guards on the expedition to Hanover in 1805. 30 Dec 10 Feb. 45 p 22 June 47 Pagan. 42 11 Sept. and rejoined the Peninsular arm in 1813. and at the subsequent occupaP 22 Nov. - 1 : Ensigns. & KCH. 53 Litton Hewson Paymaster. 23 July P 31 Mar. inwhicl 6 June 51 capacity he served the Punjaub Campaign ot 1848-9. . Srev.^Q Pnnjaub Campaign of 1818 9. 1 P 15June39| 14 Oct.^ Ens. J Charles Henry 6 4 3 3 j2 . Charles Cowen. 43 14 Nov. I Gavin AinslieTurnbull. and at the landing before Nankin. P 10 S. 23 Feb. 8 April 42. 11 17 Sept.Gen. 18 Daniel Rainier. 1850 . In 1809 he accompanied the Duke to Span and served as Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant-General to the Light Division during the whole of the campaig of the retreat to Torres Vedras and the subsequent advance. 3X(g. & Lieut-Col. 50 Majors. Goodwyn Edward Grantham'' .. 35. -^ J^f 22 May 4b 21 Sept. 'to 7 Jan 48 at the attack and capture of Chin 9 June 43 28 Feb.' GOB. 39 2. and GoojeJones Harper Reade rat. 1 *^ 1 o:::. 61 ofCamp to Sir Colin Campbell in the 4 Au-. 44 Kiang Foo and he commanded the.Hen. 25 July. 50. Messrs. 43 P 28 15 9 June 43 15 28 July 44 1 P 24 Jan. 6 June 51. . Richmond'' Richard Young Octavius Latouche' Geo. 1798. 33 . p 10 May 12 Molyneux Batt 11 11 Martin Dillon" Robert Reid* Robert John Hughes. 98th Regt. 48 Klang Foo.-Lieut.^ jg^2.D. 14.-Col. Meares 29 Nov. Sir Willoughl has received the War Medal and three clasps.'' 21 Au?. 53. Pll June 52 Richmond. he was present at the battle of Vittoria. 50 (Medal) and was appointed after that aetion AidecLi i\To„' PIP V Ol Raper iUay Frederic ID Augustus de-camp to the Commander-in-Chief in India.. p 11 May. 60 28 April 48 1 Oct. .-Col.« Ens.^?is.°'. P . Capt.^ Ens. Capt. 45 P P 2 Sept. Bates served as Aide-de-eamp to Sii Robert Dick (who was killed) in the battle of Sobraor William Lewis D. p 11 Oct. M. commanded the Light Companies at the passage of tl Adour. 30 Aug. .25 0ct 1799. 41 .-Col.l-Henry'Despard/^CB.. G Oct.J. /. ilfS-:^1^?olm Napper Jackson. 25 July 21 .1 Service. 55 ••" "-3 45 ^ J Colonel. Ens.t ^ if -Gen 23 Nov. ol. „. WLle^a. . Car^.4 . i.Lieut. 22 July 30. i^ 1 ENSIGN.-Col. P 18 Oct. Reeves.''12Aug. i^^^^^^^^^ Co/.i»/rt. "^ July 99 -Lieut 26 Sept. p 20 Nov 24 . Co/.sil 1 J"ly 2^ UKUT. Edward La^t/ -Col. ilTff/or. Yeafs'Serv. 29. June 02.-MAJ . lAe^^ 1 Jan.-S. 41 '% Feb 12 MaJoXu June. 1842.o'-..c. . Brt v. Sept. i?«. 05^ Nov. i/^. 11 Nov.^'^. Col. p 22 May 2' 13 Oct. 39 . 65 Full Pay. 29. I Captains.-CoZ.yJNoy.i'13Aug.l9.' KCH. G. OG . 99 . 23 C«^. aq i£. r-^nf piONov OG. li Xov. 99th F. C«.2Q *^f K P _ .. '2Q Dec._ t5 M. —-~ ir "^ ' ^ Apr.i. Sir John Ilanbury.. Lt. 51. iJrere^ Lleut. 26 CAPTAIN. 12.^: 1 July. BKBV. • 33 ^4 . 20 M(uor-(xe7i. 2 Wm. 21 . Lieut. 40 Major. 47. Major-Gen. 8May. Col. KG. KT. Field Mdvshal His Royal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel Duke of Saxony. P 8 Aug. Sept. 1 George Buller. 25 . p 4 April 27. 22. Lieut. 28 Jan. 10 Jan. P 26 Aug. 20 . Capt. 33 . 2 Mar.52. 46 Col." Colonel-in. 1 . i'31 Dec.-Gen.' GCB. Ca})f. 47. 17 Apr. Lt. Gen. 1 Aug. Lieut. 13 Nov. 08 Col. Lieutenant-Colonels. Major. 94 . 22 Dec. -Col. Lieut. KP. 13. 39 . p27 Aug. Capt. 05. 37. 37." 2nd Lieut. GCMG. Half Pay 33 27 : .^ JS«r^ GCB. 51.Copenhagen" — " Montk Video" — "Roleia" "BUSACO" — " BAISKOSA" — " FUENTES D'OnOR" — " Vimiera" — "Corunna"— " ClUDAD RODRIGO" " BADAjoz" — "Sai-amanca" — " Vittokia" — " Nivelle" — "Nive" — "Orthes" — — — "Toulouse" "Peninsula" "Waterloo. Capt. Lieut. P 12 July 33 Lieut. 41 Major. 41 . 26 Aug. Col. Lieut. Colorwls Comvmndant. 2nd Lieut. 46. 39. 48. . 2?id Lieut. 28 . Lt. 15 Aug. 47. P27 Aug. 1794. Horsford. 28 May 53. p 11 Sept. . 61 Brev. 94 . 30. 1 Alfred II. Lieut. 21 .iew^. 51 . 2?!^ Lieut.Chief.-Col. 27irfZ. 2 Arthur Johnstone Lawrence. GCH. 29 Sept. 2?!rf ifej^f. 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade. Major. 13 July. GCB. Col. 15. 13 June. P 31 Dec. 42 . 14. 26 May. 22. 23 CO 1 Se]it. 11 Nov. Capt.. 1351SI Sir Andrew Francis Barnard. Lieut. P 26 Dec.-Col. 26 Sidney Beckwith. 4 June.05. 51.-Col. 2nd Lt. 16 June.-Col. 12 Aug. 28 Feb. Lieut. Major. Capt. 47 Brevet Lieut. 1805 . Lieut. Ens. 37 . 10 Jan. Afajor.^ CB. . 19. p 12 Feb. p 5 Aug. 25 Aug. 21 Feb. Major-Gen.-Col. . 36. 16 April. 9 Nov. p 24 May 33. Prince of Saxe Coburg & Gotha. 11 Nov. 2 Wilmot Henry Bradford. 49 219 ^M Sir Henry George Wakelyn Smitli. P 23 April 39 Capt. Major. 25 3Icgor. p 19 Aug. Lieut. Capt. P24 Feb. 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade. 28 . 28 Mar. Sherbrook Ramsay Norcott. 1 Jan. 12. 3Iajors. Pay18 June. 1 Aug. 32 . 21 . 45 P12 Nov. Beckwith 4 commanded m slightly wounded in the action at Boem Plaats. L. Ens. 52 P13 July 47 P 12 Oct.. 1848. 47 Edmund Manninghani Buller 1 V 24 Oct. 49 10 Jan. d. and with one of 1 Thomas Harvey Bramston 10 Apr. Nov. »nd 8 Capt Fvers served in the 40lh throughout the operations in Candahar and Baba Wallie . M. — — ' I \ .— 2 Arthur Anderson. under Army which the Candah! Division of the Khoord Cabool. 52 1 William Deedes Pll June 52 2 Boyd Francis Alexander P23 Nov. Peter MacDonald. George Smyth Windham and was present in the action P 23 Jan.l Hall Pay.l9Jtfai/46) Pll Sept. 1848. 60 the Amatola Mountains in the 1 Hon. 49.2 Julian Bargus Yonge P21 Nov. Leicester Curzon" P30 Dec.-Col."* 21 Aug. Jucdullurk. . 1 Robert Bowen. 48 2 William Thomas Markham served in Kaffraria in the camp 16 Feb. also at the relief of the actions at Kale Slnikh. and Khvber Passes. 1 First Lieut. Facings Black. and was present in the action » ith and defeat of the rebel Boers at lioem Plaats. pm. 50 P27 May 53 P23 July 47 P 11 Oct. Oxendt' served on the Eastern Frontier of the Cape cf Good the iccetslul operatisni in the Amatola Mouowini acainst Sandilla.D. 47. Assist. 2 First Lieut. General of AITghanistan.. 1 Hon.. 49 the columne which penetrated 1 Claud Thomas Bourchier P18 Jan.(Q. 52 2 Philip le Bel ward Egerton of Boera Plaats. 53 1 Charles A.. Geo. and in Kbelat-iGliilzee was engaged in its progrets through the Nott. adj. 1 May 461 John Edw. 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 i 8 I P 7 July . 7 . 51 Adjutants. 26 Dec. S Leveson Gower Ip 11 Oct. Aug. 53 P13 May 63 Henry Walter Campbell Fred. Hon. 53 p 2 Sept. 45 Pr2 Nov..] the Infantry of the force employed aeainst the insurgent Dutch Boers N. 5 March. 62. 28 Dec. 19 June 48.rt(/. 53 p 24 Sept. 1 and Lindsiy were present at the battle of Berea. \\st Battalion embarked for the Cape of Good Hope. 53 Drummond 7 4G 46 4G 46 Second Lieutenants.—2 John Newbury. Goaine.V. M. 45 Assist. 51 P 15 Aug. 46. 47 P 18 Nov. 1 Henry Peacocke.JamesMontgomeryCuninghame Pll Mar. Hon. Spring of 1847. 53 1 Frederick Courtenay Morgan 1 .. 8 Sept. P 51 Newdigale Sept. Henry Archibald Anson p 27 May 63 Paymasters. . the Ho South Africa. 47 1 Hon. . 16 Dec. 51 P 14 May 47 P 30 Apr. Large. Sir John Kirkland. Full 1 I 2nd Lieutenants. Gljn served as Field Adjutant to the force under Si and at Boem Smith in the action with and deff at of the rebel Boers Plaats.IEUT. Also in the 5 Caitain Hardinge served in tlie Kaffir war trom Orange Kiver in Aug. 16 Legge Smith which crossed the Orange 2 Henry Richard p 17 Oct. P 7 Aug. . 47 I Augustus Wykeham Clifton P 29 Nov. Head Quarters at Portsmouth. 52 P20 July 47 26 Dec.. T een. 45 P 9 June 48 1 Arthur William Godfrey 14 Apr. and 9 Lieut. 1 James Edward Scott. Pll Mar. 50 30 Apr. LIEUT. 24 June 1852. Tiloo Khan. I Wyndham William Knight 1 William Bagenall Brewster. 61 insurrection of the Dutch Boers. 45 P24 Sept. Henry Alfred Manners 7 Arthur Nixon Francis Walter Balfour • Henry Tryon Coote Buller Cook Sibbs Flower Hon. 49 paign of 1846.B. 51 . Depot at Dover. -Sury. 52 P 2 July 47 P 1 2 Oct. 45 P15 Oct. 21 Aug. Regimentals Green. 2 Ho)t. E. William Bagenall Brewster. 47 Henry Gore Lindsay" 10 Quarter-Master Peacock* P 22 Dec. Captain Cartwright served in the actien at Boem Plaats. was engaged Barrington Pellew served with the 43rd in the Kaffir war of 1851-.-Snrg. m 11 Lieuts. wa« pie all the affairs in ubsequcntly nt Killa Aziem. 2 Jan.-Col. zoo Years' Serv. 184ti until its termination in 1847.-Surgs. 23 Aug. P25 Sept. 7 Aug. George Harrington Legge . 1 Wm. Quarter-Masters. 2 Peter MacDonald. 35. 47. 1 Henry Shearly Sanders. Barrington Reynolds Pellew'" Arthur Frederick Warren James Rowles 2 7 7 7 1 1 7 1 4 7 2 2 7 2 12 Apr. 52 2 William Frederick Thynne P17 Dec. 14 Feb. 11 June. 49 13 Apr. Agent. 47 •2 Charles Henry Spencer Churchill 11 Oct. 43 Lt. action he succeeded to the command of these troops on Lt. 47 •2 Hon. . 44 Bns. 38 Lt. Surgeons.—Avijtt xiriyaae. 46. 46. Penrhyn Boileau 2 Hon. and Affghanistan in 1841 and 1848 (Medal). 52 Malcolm 2 Leonard Neill .'] \2nd Battalion returned from Canada. Panfwaie. and occupation of Cabool . 4G p 29 Dec. Lieut. 8 Aug. 51 River in 1848 to suppress the '. 51 with tlie troops under Sir Harry 1 Edward William Blackett. 2 Thoinas Gough. 2 Lord | | .— . expedition against the insurgent Boers N. 50 P 11 Jan.. 18 May 41. P13 Feb. Cliflord 8 Sept. 47 P25 Jan. Kunje Kuk. 14 Aug. in which Great Orange River Buller being severely wounded. — 2 Francis Reynolds. 10 Lieut. P23 Aug. 47 p 31 Oct. He served also P adj. Hope a-ainst the Kadir Tribw in 184«-7-e. 6 Capt. Ghuznee. Pay. of the Aug. James Stuart P 14 Nov. . 50 P19 Mar. when he was present of the Great E. 45 P 24 Sept.9th August 1848. p 10 Nov. Assist. 16 Oct. William Draper MortimerBest i'17 May 44] P 2 July 47 ^ d.. . I. 44 P 13 July 47 1 Charles Vernon Oxenden P 10 Oct.2. 41. 48 2 John Ross 10 ^0 9 2 . "35" 31 27 30 29 .Years'Serv. Pay. 64 Full Half Pay. .Regt. I .t 61 Robert John Harvey. Major. 61 23 Jan. 28 . P 2 June jjohn Elliot" 9 July H. 14 Feb. 39. 52 51 P28 Jan. for 14 years. 48. Present also at M'Caithy. 47 P20 Oct. Lt. Elliot Mockler James Owen Bovill'' 35 42 37 39 21 Feb. Hartle P . 30 Aug. 16 June. 11 Nov. CajH. 53 John Harger I 1 8 28 Nov. M'Carthy Murray John Harger . Ens. Maj. Captains. C«jsf. LIEUT. 15 Feb.-col. Joynt Gordon Grant* Francis Robert Charnock p 12 Dec. 31 . 36 10 Jan.&S. 51 the defeat of their army on the heights in rear of Cape Coast Dec. 28 Aug. Edward James Laughlin = j I I I I I I I 5 15 29 47 47 11 16 26 48 50iP26 . s. 25 . 47 1812-13&U. iS. 15 April 42. p . 2 Jan. 52' 17 Aug.38) 1-2 Robert Scott Arthur Wellesley Joyce.. Lt. 29 Dec. 53 52|pii Nov 63 41 20 Aug. Lieut. 63 tlie of I 26 49| 49' 1 51 61 51 . 26 Oct.. 52 53 53 53 tiritish possession in W.'uut. R. 1823. Lieutenant-Colonels. 39 29 July 10 Dec. 61 Dec.-Gen. 24 Sept. 9 Sept. 14 Feb. P23 Mar. . Major.' CB. Wm. 26th Sept. Jolinstone Waldron Patterson. James Lambert Byrne Joseph William Halemau p 27 Dec.. under Sir Chae. 10 Nov. 52 On the 4th Feb. 39 15 Mar. 30 . Forward Rum ley 9 Feb. K. 28. Major. 42 the destruction of the native Dutcli town of Succondee. Wilkinson Jones p 2 Oct. 44 . Creak Drouet * .. . 35.-Col. j ! I I 1 I Ensigns. Lt. 49 P 28 Jan. CoZ. i»/«>r6-. Major. 11 . 41 3 Oct. 50. Herbert Watkin Williams Wynn. 48 P ! . 25 Jan.-Col. 41. 16 12 CAPTAIN. 21st May. p20 Oct. 1824 Sept. 22. 25 July. 471 war skirmishing with the naand theAshanJuly 47' tives of thattown tees on the following morning. 23 31 IJ i' . llth July following. 53 Robert Bourne 11 Nov. 16 April 42 .. I 10 9 D. 46 .— llenvy C.— Stephen John Hill/ -B/js. ''5 July. 13 .-Col. 53 49 14 Feb..in M. 48 Served at every Ashantees near the village Donguali. 61 Castle. 26 May.! II June 52 ' 24 Dec. Rookes William Anderson ^ Jas. 4 Aug.. 41 . p 1 April 53. 53 52 P18 Oct. 34 Mar. Pll Nov. JohnHarpur(<2. Brev. . 47 29 Dec. 1 April. Capt. 28 Oct. Lieut. 51. 22 July. 34 22 Feb. Lieutenants.. 10 July P 3 Nov. 13 Feb. 42 62 p 23 Dec. 48 16 Sept.-MAJ. 04. 1 10 BKEV. 53 lEdw.N. Mqj.M. PftV. 61 . 28 April 24 Aug. 06 . K. 43 17th Feb. 29. Ifi Herbert Major. 62 52 jP lo Dec. Charles John Patterson 14 Oct. 44 in the boats of H. Thomas Gibbings John Deane Reece Wm. 19 Mar. 8 May 40 15 April 42 14 Feb. 2d W. Lieut. Delamain Mends i in command of Dixcove Fort. 37 . George James Ivey ..5Mar. Ens. 21 June.Mendi 46 3served as a Mid46 shipiiiun. Lieut. ships of Jan. 40. R. 44.2-3 Nov. Apr.^ Ens. July 611 In action against the Ashanand at tees. 1826. Capt. John Miller Charles C..P22 Oct. 53 ••Pll Nov. 19 Feb. IJns. P ! . Henry VVase Whitfeild. 52 William St. ^/ttt rrcat xiiucu j-vcyiiiii^iit uj 111 1 j. Mends. Lt. I. Yaughaa Arbuckle p 18 Oct. 27 April Ijolui Foulkes Becher 24 Jan. -Major. Lt. 15 Feb. Ens. Lt. 13 Feb. 26 May. 48 Pl6 Dec. 53. 62 Miluer Burleigh 1 April 53 John Kavauagh Vincent|P 26 July 53 AlacUesy Thomas Edward PercivalVaughaniPiU July 53 James Kingsley Maunsell 20 Sept... Aubin William James Surman. A. Lloyd R. ENSIGN. Half Colo}ieL~}^ Sir Pay. whilst 1 . 31 . 24. Nov. 39 9 Nov. '31 Dec. p 23 Jan. 8 Oct. and was present at the first at- tack made upon 27 Apr. Capt.P20 Mar. Horatio James Wise ..-Jl/. William Davis Edward Dampier Cockell P 10 Dec. 41 1 July 15 April 42 5 Sept. 39 25 Oct. Col. i'3 Nov.Africa. 39 . 15 Jan.-Gcn. 25 Oct. 37 27 April 49. 42 . Tliomas Wallace Fraser John F. 44 45 4 April 13 Aug. 40 15 April 42 17 April 42 1 «<Zy. P 28 April.Aikman 7 7 4 6 5 5 2 3 6 2 2 13 15 Dec. and employed Mar. Cobbe. 53. 1824. America. 03. Lt. p 11 Mar. lO Oct. Aug. Capt. 46 dui'inj^tlieyoar. I James Travers James Waddell . Captains.-Geueral Wood. . 42 1 May 46 17 July 49 2 June 50 P21 May 50 26 Mar. Geo. P29 April 42 . 22 July 30 .^ ^?w. 25 Aug.-Surgs. Maj. „. Ensigns. 50 27 Apr. Samuel Hood Murray..a.-Colonelcy of the 85th. 21 July 46. James Dupre Brabazon^. I | 1 battle of Coruuna. Assist.^ Ens. in 1S13. 48. had a horse shot under him. Was present at 18 Apr. Conron. 51 12 Sept. landed atCochmwith Foote. Plunket Ireland^ Clayton S. 531 Medal and Clasp. 34 17 Oct.2?. 21 Oct. 5i:y'=/„^" 'he Kaffir War of ! 19 Oct. 18 29 July 36 2 May 38 28 Dec. (severely „j trenched p . 51 ot Malacca.P23 Nov. H. p22 June 32. 42 12 Dec. 41 Lt. Col. 47 Aug. 50 5 June 51 6 June 51 26 Aug. E. 51. and in November he was again sent to Walchcren to cover the embarkation of the troops when the island was evacuated.»• It} iVlay OO^ wounded— left hand shattered by musket shot).inied the expedition to Hanover in 1S05 He next served the cainpaigu ot lSOS-9. .i''. 49. Richardson 18 Nov.(AO -Southern Mahratta Conntry in ^^*^-^^' ""''^ M^Jor-General Blake Goble P 14 Aliv' .SMr(7eon. Maj.-iDec. Lieut. 42 30 Dec. 51.. 52. P6 July 62. partyundcr Cap ^ Hill Edward Armstrong . 7 Capt.' . and storming their strongly enirciii-iieu position before oeiore Mooltan. to assist the troops in stormof that place. . Ens. Quarter-Master. 45 27 Feb. Cant . 531 Paymaster. including the — — . i: 12th Sept. Henry James Rainsford^ Reginald Guard Palmer Henry Leigh ^ Wm. Majors.o(//. 02 . 45 p25 Sept. which he carried. Wm. Alex. 52 of the inth in of the siege operations P17 Aug. Ens. 17 Aug. 3 June 53. Major. 51 14 Au?. 23 Nov. 46 7 Aug.. p 21 May 50. ™ceivedCr . Foster served fou 17 Oct. 41 5 Nov. P 6 Sept. Wilson Hawtayne Hafed Lamont P 18 June 41 7 Jan. 8 Dec. K. In 1810 he proceeded to the Jlediterranean where he served three years. 30 Capt. Parr William Kingsmil'l. Ensign George Alexander Moorhead. 1 1 Nov. Thomas Manners. Aug. Henry Charles Watson James Francis Birch . 3 Dec. 26 Sept. d'Arcy. 46 5 Feb. Capt. 53.^ 15 Feb. . Wood. f 39 . served 51^ years in the West Indies. 52. 27 Jan.— iohn David Blythe. : 9 Nov. Subsequcntlv at the siege of Flushing he volnn teered to storm the enemy s entrenchments. I ' I Wm. Cant..-MAJ. and was obliged to surrender himself as a prisoner of war. Peter John Macdonald . Claudius Kerr George Alleyne Rogers . 51 p 10 June 53 onmidshipman the East India station. Lieut. Accomp. Downes &Son.i V>\ p1« li De 11 Jiay p 18 Mar. where he severe wounds. 53 Charles Brisbane Hifrman 23 Dec. William Ivers Lutman . 29 15 Apr. I Thomas M'Curdy ! John O'Flanagan Robert Willock Davies . . Nov. 6 June 16 14 Sept.-Col p 26 Dec. Jameson 2GDec. Messrs. 53 troops on board. 25 Mar.r. .*'""^ °^ ^ field-force in the William Savage Auo40 9<\ 7 n/. 97 . 28 Oct. 53 24 July 53 29 Nov. Triscott Colman Malcolm Macgregor'.-Gen. 51 a in the Roy al Netjt Hamilton T. Thomas Hanrahan West Holmes I Roads. p 20 Apr. 14 May 07 . was afterwards wounded in 31 Oct.. and on being promoted. 42. Hext Kingston Francis Richard Taylor. Gen. HTTas re. Eiis. 41 11 Nov. . 42 P29 Mar. 8 April 13 Col. g^oing into Java 1 I ' M . f -. 3 Aug. 52 20 Oct.— GQOv^e A. 23 Dec. s. ^.-CoL 20 June 45. Lt. 47 27 Apr. 29 Mar. . Macgregor Skinner James Watson Alfred. 11 3rd West India Rf:fjimmt of Foot. I i Rich. 27. 46 •' Lieutenants. 46. 53 Assist.' CB. Isaac Foster* . 49! P 17 Jan. . he was taken 1 Nov.. Brevet-Major. 256 PuU Pay. Geo. 5] id was rescued just at the period the 22 Nov. -Surg. 51 pniployed on Particular Ser31 Oct. MacGregor commanded the Light Company 16 Apr. Q. Pay. 49 Lieut. B. 67 Half Colonel.Beverley Robinson. 51 . 21 . • ' George Gant Beazley iTho. including the repulse of the 23 Nov.„. 8 Feb. 29 April 16 May 45 18 June 41 29 Jan. . and commanded it at the battle of Bladcniburg. FacingsBlwe— Agents Frederick William Moore. 42 p 24 Jan. 53 Thol. P 28 June 11 Sept.~TI^ Wm. 17th Aug. il/ryor. 53 la Motie. [bREV. ceived the War Medal with one clasp for Corunna. James Palmer 3 . I ' . Fred. 38 5 Feb. he joined the armv in'Snain In 1814 he accompanied the 85th to America. 52 enemy's night attack upon the British camp at Muttee 21 Jan. 46 7 29 Dec. Geo. G. 31 Dec. 51 24 July 53 entering the capture of live ships having Thomas Maurice Quills. CAPTAIN. to iTie Lieut. Horatio George Martelli. KH. 25 Capt Pll May 26 . 40 28 May 25 Oct. 42 2 June 43 1 Oct. when boardings some Malay he Kandian campaig-n of 161b.. 48 8 Mar. -Col. 97 Lieut. 49 ] 5 June 49 j j 2 Lieut.-Col. Moorhead. Years' Serv . 48 4 Feb. Nuttall Clarke P17 May 50 p 4 ilaj. 39 15 Apr. in 1809. ir^.—\f WW&xa Irwin. 19 Nov... 47 8 Oct. 49 28 Apr. . p 15 Nov. 19 Aug.. 3rd West India Regt. 37 ENSIGN. ! 1 . John Barlow Connell Robert Bruce C. 25 May 28 Nov. P P . ' . p 21 April 37 Lieut. .-Colonels. Jlontresor was 10 Sept. 51 P 16 July 52 on the Staff during the opera23 Nov. 41 Major. Adjutant. P 1 Nov. D'Esterre Taylor the army. 49 29 April 49 16 Apr. Lieut. Served in the Travancore war. 51 reoels were in the act of suspending him to awhen tree.M. 1 8 Oct. 51 9 Nov. 1 Auchmuty Montresor. Lieut. . 52 before Mooltanthein early part 1848.— Thomas Parr.—Whed Elford Grant. 18 Jan. P 26 April 39 .*. i . Major. 48 Lieut. 50. 22 Dec. 47 7 Jan. William John Russwurm o Robert William Harley. 27 Dec. uU . .Years' Serv. 20 18 . Pay.Full Half Pay. .Vears' Serv. . 2 Feb. Law. 11 April 51. 411 24 Jan. Arrivarette. and Aire. 47 American Brigands who landed 30 Mar. 3 April. 44 Charles Frederick Tyler William John Coen . Served afterwards with the array of occupation in France. 8 Dec. Surg. Captains. 3 Hill.— . Co)npanies. 49 in 1838. 41 Assist ant. 42 7 Jan. ex of the Gold Coast.on Sir J. 21.. 26 Oct. 48 Assist. Lieutenant-Colonel 313a Robert Law. LIEUT. Lieut. . ailair at Cambo. — . 11 Oct. M. Agent. subsequently in tlie Peninsula. He has received the War Medal with six clasps. battle of the Nive. Pl8 CAPTAIN.. Gilbert Wm. Massena's retrrat battle of Fuentes D'Onor. Lieut.. 46 29 April 51 P 2 Feb.. in 1809. Gold Coast Corps. Ens. 4 Nov. 5 Mar. Henry Bird John M'Court' . to be Major. 51 Adjutayit. 9 May 45 P 2 Feb. Sandford M'Vittie Lloyd. 39 Lieutenants. (j^gjOj so long as he William Mayne . 43 23 Feb. 51 2 Major d'Alton served in the 83rd during tlie suppression of tlie Insurrection in Lower Canada in 1837. 29 Dec. 49 near Prescott. Richard Saunders William Jenkins 261 7 Jan. battle near Bayonne 13tli Dec. Spence. 51 P 20 Sept. also in repelling the attacks of the 25 Nov. Adj. 38 13 Juno 30 Edward d'Alton^ P 25 Oct. 49 Arthur Saunders Quill .Col. 48 P 28 Sept.at Sobral. 42 11 Nov. and affair at Tarbes. 41 14 April 46 12 Dec. actions at Arroya de Molino and Almaraz. . Sir John Kirkland. V2d Aug. including the atiaii. where he was severely wounded! Served also the campaign of 1815. defence of Alba de Tonnes.D. Moore's retreat at Lugo and Corunna. — 1 Lt.D. Richard Alexander Law. Upper Canada. 8 June.. at the siege of Flushing. M. in 1808-9. 49.. 21 Nov. Richard Alex. 180!). @ . may remain Governor . 49 George Priestly 30 Mar. Royal Newfoundland Pay. Major. .. of the 2nd West India Regt. S. Law served with the 71st Regt... in July 1813. Pay. covering 1st and 2d sieges of Badajoz. John Gillespie. 44. Major Stephen John ears erv. 1813.-Col. Henry M'Mahon Eagar May ' ' : Caijt. battles of the Pyrenees and capture of enemy's convoy at Elisonda. Facings Blue. employed in an armed boat at Urt on the river Adour. battle of Orthes. including the battle of Waterloo— severely wounded and horse killed by a cannon-shot. affairs at Hellette. St. 3d and 5th May 1811 (wounded in two places) . Blomefield 39 6 Aug. 09 23 Feb. j 31 Walter Saxton Bold Martin Petrie Kekewich Ensigns. 22 Dec. Half Pay. Captains. Ens. 34. ENSIGN. -Surg. 27 May. 2 Aug.' KH. Palais.Surgeon. Wood. Commandant.— CaiJ^am J.— CoZoneZ Marcus Beresford.262 CHATHAM GARRISON. S. 13 K Years' Serv 21 40 1 . Unatt. Major op Brigade. Quarter-Master. Vera. and commanded a company at the defeat of le Danes in their attack of the island in ISU. 2B Dec. fSG Oct. 27 Jan.'ninsula and France with the 95th Rifles from IStli arch. 14 Paymaster Kennedy served as Paymaster of the 22nd Regiment in Scinde. orniing the heights of Echalar and of Vera. 10th. 9 May. War Medal for the action of the Spartan frigate in the 9 Paymaster Jellicoe served at the capture of Heligoland in 1807. 1814. in 1817. 47. *Saveriode Piro.9 Aug. j *Giuseppe Gouder. I ('*Nicola Metrovich. Zieut. 363 Colonel. 45. Tarbes. *Guglielmo Petit. 52. 45. 20 July. 11 April. 26 June 52. Served afterwards in tlie Peninsula. and the campaign of 1842 in tfghanistan. includg the siege and storming of Badajoz (wounded) with the 9th Portuguese regiment of the Line. 12 March. 1815. at the capture of Hattrass. 15. 11 Nov. omingo.-Surg. Col. 20 July. 10 Captain Middleton served in the P(. and in several affairs with Danish gun boats and the Russians during and 11. 13 Paymaster Furlong was in the action before Genoa. actions near iiyonne of the 9th. for the battle of Anholt. batlles of the Nivelle and Nive. 1 108. He has received the Naval War Medal as a ieut. "Carlo Cutajar. 47. 49. siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo. Lieutenants. Frequently engaged in boats the North Seas and Baltic. and destruction of. He has iceived the War Medal with ten clasps. B. 17. 12 Oct. and was present at tlie various affairs and irinislies whicli look place at tlie different parts of the coast at which he was stationed. 41 . and . 1814. 25 Jan. M. -Colonel. 52. I '• Captaim. 47. Served snbsequently in Caft'raria. e has received the War Medal with two clasps.D. of Salamanca. —Bhncoc Baynes. 7th April. and the 43rd Light Infantry at the battles of Salamanca. *Giuseppe Cavarra. Served afterwards in the American war. 3 May 1810. and 13th Dec. 18 Lieut. namely— tlie battle of Barrosa. He has received the War Medal with six clasps. of that )rps was engaged. Paymaster. 12 Feb. with the 84th. 1810.9. and the taking of that city. *Paolo Salamone. the actions of the 2nd Dec. Licut. battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. Served two years on the island of Aiiholt. 1814. *Hem-y Montanaro. Zicuf. Loreto Bonavito. 10 May. 18J3 (horse shot under him on the 10th). Fuentes d'Onor. Cape of Good Hope. at the capture of Bhurtpoie.) 7 May 53 *Giuseppe de Piro. 16 Lieut.. including the operations in the Chesapeake. action before Baltimore. lltli.Surgeon. 17 Lieut. Fort Albreda. 52. 45. H. Hamilton has received the War Medal with one clasp for Salamanca. 28th Nov. 12 Paymaster Robinson served at the siege of Asseerghur in March and April 1819. and with the 71st Highl 2 nders in Upper and Lower Canada. operations of the army before New Orleans. 11 April. P24 — f *Antonio Maltei.— JRoyal Malta Fencihle Regiment.\ f ^ lf'''''^''^\^^^fTehee Rizzo. Major. 10 July 40. . and was severely liurt by the explosion of a magazine on the ramand storming of Badajoz. L*Gcorgio Virtu. 20 June 52. 3i). Assist. r*Jame3 Lazzarini. and julouse. *Loreto Bonavita {Adj. off the island of St. Facings Blue. also in the late rebellion rved irt. 61.-Col. Nive. in Spain and France. and storm of the American lines before New Orleans. and the subsequent service in le Chesapeake . Nivelle (wounded). 47. I *Michael Portelli. Major. Fn<!. actions on the heights of Sun Christoval and at Castrajon. — id Ciudad RodriEO. Colonel Baynes has received ay of Naples. action at San Milan. Capt June 24 . 45.^ *Giuseppe Sesino. 52. 9 Captain Woodgate has received the War Medal witli four clasps for Viraiera. ! —— — — — Adjutant. 10 May. 20 July. Spence served the campaigns of 1813 and 14. 15 Lieut. and battles of Onhes and Toulouse. of Royal Marines. including e attack upon. during the camlign under Sir Charles Napier. 45. (^•Thomas Emmanuel Bonavia. M. lUlh. 12 March. 47. 43. B. to 18th July. Ludovico Bernard. Assistant. 11 April.t Jan. 20 July. under General Pollock. and was present in every action in which the 3rd Batt. 47. Sir John Kirkland. . I tlie Naval Agents. tliegarrison talking prisoners more than double their vn numbers. *Filippo Eynaud. 25 Feb. Pieters served in the American war in Canada in 1814 and 15 . II Paymaster Matthews served in the Nepaul war in 1814 and 15. in the River imbia. J. * Lieut. in 1834 (medal). 27 March 1811. battle of Nivelle and Nive ^and actions near Buyonne. p2 Oct. 35 . Bladcnsburg and capture of Washington. 12 Feb. Edwards served in the Peninsula from 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. in e Mahratta war in 1817 and 18. and capture of the Town of Barra. On lard the Golden Fleece transport when attacked by an American privateer. Vincenzo Rizzo.nr. 24 June 12 . 45. and as present at the passage of the Bidassoa. siege iltle f Canada. Carmelo Ellul. where he with the storming party.tion at Tarbes. 12 March.o J ^ *n *Filipps Giacomo Testaferrata. 49 . *Wilhani Gatt. battle 114.D. taking of Port Bowyer. 10 May. 19 Capiain Adams served four years in Western Africa.' :Ens. Surgeon. besides various affairs of outposts. capture of Madrid. Years' Serv. . 1^ . CD CD OOOOOO"^©©©© 05 H q Or-( ODlOi-I OOrHCI . >e.0 OW 5-^ • ' .c "3 o CO a > b >> ^ ^J ^ <D I I 9} bo l> o t H >. I >— I l-S 1-5 r^ wcji-tcJoii-'W'-i'"'''^^'"'"^'"' fe fe COiOWCDooooiM-^CO ct «« 3 3 R rl «^ 1-5 f-l l-t" 10 so (J» <J« '-' ^ <* ^ .-( i>. ^5 I o le. 12. o o o a e3 n. CO CO <^^ »-< ^ ax (?» o< CO O <5» ^ ^'-' <l <.§ £^H l> s ^. rt '-s<ia!SH-ji-jQ»-saQ.2. . fi' *^ t-^ "-^ "^ S b .00 00 CO lO CO X -5 g t.3 a 2S = '^-e!^§S^ 0) 1 CD fq ^ ^ c^ — ' ! J Sfeo CO ox Oi -SL (M -t "O c* ox ox I M 3 3 '="2 5. i CI O O " (W C <?< r-l >o>oooooooooooooo '^ OT 00 r^ *» « I — . (?» r-H p-l (?» <M CI ao ©» W i-H (>» >OOqOOOC)OOOOc^&c30 :i" 00 *^ ^ «5 (M ©» l-l r-l — --H O o o -a .fi^fiH.Q<!'-»^^a2a2 "I ^ .iii«J'a-a-a<.?. eq % "^ « n f*H o CO « 5 o o - 9 t O £ ^ o I . »» 00 00 CS «5 O ^ r-H otr-HcicjrHi-i * O <N 05 -I rl r-< 1-1 I-H ^ ni'-' i-( O =3 3 3 '"' at CO lO ^ooooooo ^ ^ O fM CO cj as©25 o 1-1 ^ eo '^ -^ r1 CO rH '^ 00 ox * I ^•g 1-1 r» r-l i-l cs I t. Fitzherbert Grant John Wray Mitchell. 25 Jan.c. r Charles Cheetham Gilbert John Lane Buchanan 1 H. do 27 April 29 Aug. Browne. 48 . Fitzgerald Crawford 10 John St. do 28 Dec. 13 April do do 28 Oct. 28 27 Sept.. Walter Raleigh Gilbert 1 11 2 12 4 12 12 12 1 3 9 2 3 4 8 2 5 6 6 6 10 6 8 Henry Aylmer George Charles Rawdon Levinge'" A. 36 15 May 21 June 33 9 June 18 Mar. Maj. 51 John M'Coy H.B. 1 April 29 Dec. 6 April do 17 Dec. Charles Bingham. do 30 do do 28 Jan. 37 6 May do do 9 May 20 Dec. George John Beresford 9 Rob. do Franklin Dunlop Francis Dick Alfred Tylee Charles James Dalton H. do 14 Aug. 1 Oct. 23 Nov. 21 Nov. do do 25 Nov.1 .Arthur Joseph Taylor 8 George Maclean 5 Wm. 20 Nov. Major of Brigade. 16 July do do 1 Aug. 18 Dec. do 16 Oct. 20 Dec. 1st LIEUT. Edward Walter Crofton.B. do 5 April do 1 July 5 April 2 July 20 Dec. do 5 Aug. do 7 April do 26 Oct. I Captains. do 30 Mar. Royal 268 Full Pay. 10 April 13 July do 10 Jan. 7 May 33 4 April 16 Dec. 42 .. Brigade-Major m 10 29 29 29 28 12 • Canada 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 7 1 3 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 i ) 1 Jan. 34 4 May do 18 May 20 June 32 11 July 20 July 17 Aug. Frederick Darby Cleaveland Henry Austin Turner Thomas Beckett Fielding Marriott Thomas Elwyn Charles James Wright George Augustus Fred. 35 do 1 April 4 April do 14 April 6 May do 15 April do 2 Sept. John Thos. 10 Aug. 41 dc 30 April 19 Feb. 27 Sept. do do 25 Sept.. do do do 11 July do do 12 July do 30 June 30 6 June do 4 July 17 Aug. Vansittart Cockburn 10 8 8 John Henry Francklyn Gloucester Gambier Francis Seymour Hamilton. 1 Apr. 30 26 Aug.B. do 1 April 31 do do 29 April do do 30 June do do do 6 Nov. do 22 Aug. do 9 Sept. 3/«. 12 April 27 Oct. 29 do 25 Nov. Henry Sebastian Rowan. do 2 Feb. Du Rinzy William Hamilton Elliot Peter JIaclean. 25 Sept. do do 26 Nov.'' r Samuel Philip Townsend 7 12 8 0/ Sandham 9 11 1 1 Powrie r Ellis Nathaniel Evanson Harison. 1 May do 10 Mar. Major 11 Nov. 1 Sept. Pay. 28 12 May 29 42 43 44 45 i .George Chas. 6 Aug. 6 Jan. Harrison Askwith.B. 22 July 16 Sept. 15 Sept. David 29 July 25 1 Jan. do 6 Nov. 28 28 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 • 6 May 31 Dec. Maj. do 1 1 12 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 • • > •. George William Robert Nedham 1 H. 2 Aug. 40 3 Jan.E. 19 Tuite G.Eflw. do 14 Jan. Henry Joseph Morris. 22 May 46 John Noble Arbuthnot Freese*' . Frederick Maron Eardley-Wilmot 3 James William Fitzmayer 4 18 Oct.. s Anthony Benn Charles Lionel Fitzgerald Philip Reginald Cocks William Thomas Crawford Pierrepont Henry Mundy William Henderson William James Smy the David William Paynter 26 9 Dec. Edward Wood Hugh Manley 7 George Robert Harry Kennedy K.*" s. do do 17 Oct. Graham Wilkinson Hamilton Alexander Irving St. 32 do do June July 23 do 26 31 31 July do do 17 Aug.B. Half 2d LIETJT. CAPTAIN. do 26 Nov. Artillery. do Dec. 18 Aug. H. do do 21 Nov.Edward Charles Warde Henry Coope Stace 7 3 John "William Ormsby H. ear! . 31 Dec.Aug. 45 do 1 April 1 Feb. do 8 Nov. 14 May 15 Sept. 9 April 7 May May 28 June 5 Sept. 3 May 11 Nov. Adj. 6 Mar. Adj 9 Cliarles William Grey 8 Fran. 2G Feb. 49 15 Feb. 12 Dec. . 28 Nov. Arthur Comyn Pigou Ho7i. 28 Apr. 15 May 22 Feb. do 25 Sept. 51 17 Jan. .George Shaw H. . 6 Aug. 8 July do 9 July do 16 July 14 Apr. Edward Bruce Hamley George Thomas Yield Adjutant do do do do do do do do do do do 18 June do do do do do do do do do 11 Jan. 43 do do do do 6 April 3 May 4 May do do do do do do 16 Nov.. . 23 Feb. Royal 270 Artillery. 50 9 Sept.. 29 Nov. Fraser Lodington Baddeley. 3 Nov.MontagueMaxwellOmmanney 9 Edmund Palmer 3 Francis Vansittart H. 10 April 2 Sept. 43 . April 11 17 Nov. James Drmnmond Telfer. John Desborough G. Francis Lennox 11 Charles Stuart Henry 1 Edmund Henry Rene 8 2 5 2 7 8 9 4 9 5 10 1 3 3 8 12 2 6 5 2 7 11 9 5 11 2 11 II - Miller Clifford Richard Wheatley Brettingham 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 . 3 Nov..B. 4 Oct. 4 Sept. i 14 Jan. 29 Oct. April do do do do 1 April do do 1 May 5 June . . 42 do do do do do do do do do do 17 Juno Manners Raynes Gustavus Hamil.. 46 18 Mar. 17 Jan. George Henry Vesey Stapylton Robinson Michael Shrapnel Biddulph Henry Arthur Vernon Chai"les Jan. 22 Aug. 20 June 1 Apr. 4 Apr. Adjt Henry Mercer George Colclough Thomas Walter Milward. 2 Jan. 3 Feb. 6 June 5 April 2 July do 24 July do 11 Aug.1 Years' Serv. . 19 8 Jan. 3 Sept. Fred. do do do do do do do do do do 20 Dec. 11 Nov. . 1 . 23 May 80 Oct. s 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 19 June 41 11 Flint .M<«w!. 27 May 14 Jan. C. 7 Nov. r Nell M-Innes Mackay Wm. 16 Feb. do 4 Oct. Adjutant 5 Charles Trigance Franklin 4 Alexander Cassar Hawkins Barclay Lawson 7 Andrew PellettScrimshireG reen A dj 1 8 Edward Arthur Williams. do do do 26 Nov. 15 May 16 May 18 Aug. Apr. Philip Gosset Pipon Edward James Paterson John Davenport Shakespear . Charles John Strange Richard Gregory Horace Parker Newton Alexander Cameron Gleig Hon.Leopold Grimston Paget 3 Richard Phelips.B. 21 May 14 June 30 Dec. • .. 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 do do do do do do do do William Hamilton Cox Richard O'Connell.John Saltren Willett John Charles William Fortescue 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ... 7 Dec. Lock wood Milman J. 15 Oct. 9 May 30 Nov. H. William Charles Yelverton.B. do do do do do do do do do do do do 19 June 44 do do do do do 7 Apr. Full . Adj George Lee Chandler Charles George Arbuthnot Charles Richard Ogden Evans Guy Rotton Francis William Hastings Henry Augustus Smyth Paul Winsloe Phillipps Edward Moubray 12 Frederick Hugh Chancellor 10 Charles Waller 9 Richard King Freeth. 30 Nov. 1st LIEUT. 44 do 7 Mar. .B. Pay 13 13 13 13 Second Captains. 30 June 48 do do do do do do do 9 Oct. 26 Apr. David M'Dowall Eraser . 14 Oct. ^rf. 42 12 April 13 April do do do do 27 April 28 April 14 July 2 Aug. r Henry Lowther Chermsidc Frederick William Craven Ord William Conyngham Lynch Blosse Matthew Bligh Forde . Half 2nd LIEUT. 7 Oct.Charles Taylor Du Plat 10 Mortimer Adye. 11 June 30 Mar.. Pay. 1 Herbert Winsloe Veitton. CAPTAIN. 4 April 4 Feb. Henry Francis Strange H. James Esten Grant Joseph Clark Childs George Vanderheyden Johnson Adolphus Frederick Connell Robert Barlow M'Crea John Lindredge Elgee . AdJ2tta7it 2 Charles Henry Morris. 1 Nov. 15 2 Oct.. 1 Nov. do Neville Saltren Keats Bayly . 23 Oct. B. Nov..Henry Townsend Boultbee 16 Dec.B.. Sept. 22 April 19 May 20 May 21 June 22 6 18 22 26 29 July Sept.B. 15 March 22 April 1 1 28 May May May 1 July 7 7 20 July 27 Sept.O'Bryen Bellingliam Woolsey . 24 Nov.Dixon Edward Hoste H.James Frederick D'Arley Street H. ..George Ramsay do H. .. 23 Nov. .Robert John Hay do H. . 28 Nov Jan. Oct... 7 Dec.. Fraser H.B. William Townsend Barnett Archibald Edward Harbord Anson 19 June 44 do Samuel Endcrby Gordon do John George Boothby do Charles Neville Lovell do James Francis Eaton Travers .B.B.B. do 4 Alfred Wilkes Drayson William Elgee do 2 Cadwallader Edmund John Carthew do 1 do 8 George Harrison Ann Forbes . 18 Aug. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Pay..B. . Nov.. Armine Dew do do do do do George Sidney Robertson 7 H.. 8 Jan. 31 Aug. 26 Nov.. Royal Years'Serv..William Boyd Saunders do H.Thomas Lambert do 6 France James Soady 1 May H. .Edward Eldon Robert Dyneley^^ do 12 Fred. Edmund Moyses Reilly . 22 Mar. . Oct. John Everett Thring do William Magrath King"^ do Henry Lambert Fulke Greville do Hugh Bent do Francis Robert Glanville do Henry Jervis White Jervis do William Lovelace Dumaresq . 31 Dec.John Lawrance Bolton do do 4 George Henry John Alex. do 9 Henry Heyman do April 46 1 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do 3 6 13 13 4 April April April April May 26 May 23 June 8 July July 46 29 4 14 20 9 Aug. Henry Terrick Fitz Hugh do 4 Whaley NicoU Hardy do H.B. 19 Dec.. do George Barstow do George Leslie do Audley Mervyn Archdall do Robert EmiliusFazakerleyCraufurd 19 June Charles Wright 19 Dec.B.Edward Taswell John Singleton 1 H. do 3 John Spurway Young Craik . 48 14 March 1 May 30 May 30 June CAPTAIN. Mytton do William Harper do Richard Paget Campbell Jones do Hen Jermyn Montgomery Campbell do Reginald Onslow Fanner do Charles Maitland Govau n.Dominick Sarsfield Greene do Philip Francis Miller 1 do do 6 William Wigram Barry do H. 1st LIEUT Second Captains. 47 Feb..B. Harvey Bathurst Phillips do do 2 Joseph Godby H.B.Wm. do do do do do do do 19 Nov.. 271 Artillery. 2nd LIEUT. 11 Nov... .Charles Hodgkinson Smith do G. H.B..Archibald Motteux Calvert H. 27 Sept. Edward Thomas Gage ..B.. Sept.Alexander John MacDougall .ruly 9 July 28 . 18 June 45 Gaspard Le Marchant Tupper. Sept. 1 Sept. H. 21 Dec.B.. Full Half Pay. do H.B.. Hon..John Edward Michell do 8 George Cicil Henry do Thomas Picton AVarlow do Philip Bedingfield do Spencer Philip John Childers . 3 First Lieutenants.George Hatton Colomb Henry Harding do 3 Thomas do 8 Philip Daves Margesson do 12 Mervyn Stewart do do 6 Aug. 6..tuly 5 Aug. do Charles Hunter 7 do H.B. 18 Dec.. ...B..c. 272 Years' Serv. . Royal Artillery. VeuM . Years' Serv. . Rev.—U.-Col.-Col. . Lieut. Colonel Rice Jones. GREAT BRITAIN. . P. Director General of Artillery .-Col. . H. ^35129 Lt. 35. . Lieut.1^ Col.-Col. . Hawkshaw do. Hope 13aja Lt. 1 Sept.-Colonel Wilford Lt. J. James Freeburn. Tliorndike .-Col. -Col. Cork do.-Colonel Haultain Lieut. 1 Feb. . R. Gordon Lt. . . . Pester . of the Ordnance. England .. Walter Melvill Wright. CB. — — ^ Riding Troop.-Col. 60. Lieut. 1 April. W.-Col. Eastlotirne J Colonel Sir 3. Scott. Bermuda |3 . — — .. Travers . Hem Zealand . Alexander Steele.. Quarter. Bong Kong Bahamas . 48. . J. William M'Kown. Yule Col.-Col. Lieut. 44.-Col. Major Crawley Wojor Burmester Lt. 47. Capt. White Capt. Sanford Freeling. 48. . Commissary William Young... 43. Lt. Lt. 46. Woolrvich \ Lieut. 1 Jan. Youug.—G. . 8 Feb. . . — — .Masters. Lt. -Colonel R. . Smith Portsmouth] . 23 June L. Clarke Cape of Good Hope P Sfii Lieut. Dublin Limerick District Dublin ditto ^3 iSil .-Col.-Col.-Colonel Budgcn Col. 30 June 48. John Surtees Stoekley. 7 \st FIELD TRAIN DEPARTMENT.-Colonel R. Chatham CB. Veterinary Surgeons. . . . Messrs. 36.. . April 52.-Col. Qr. ^3 Colonel Ward Lt. Helena Lieut. 13 April 46. William Elliott. Ord . 10 April. 1 April. Foster Lieut. H. Lt. .'*' 1 Nov. 25 March 28. Blanshard.. Lt. Lt. .42. Lieut. 37. D. 06. T.-CoL W. F. . Scott Ka7»i)(>«i«i'fia7idCapt.! Lieut. '" 23 April. .-Col. Leith Fort ^3 Lt. 1 Nov. Bell Lieut. 46. Oibraltar . .. Cupjjage . Medicay Wales i laaaS Col. . 62 Assistant Director-General.. 12 April.-Colonel Gostling . .. Canada East Canada West. Artillery. Ballincollig Lt. Lieut. Wilson . Nova Scotia . Andrews Devonport . Jan. . 31 July. 9 April 49. O. Robert Eager. 44. Streattield . .-Col.. Paymasters to the . Savage . . Matthew R. — Alexander M'Pherson. 11 12 3 275 Artillery. F. . 44. .-Col. 2 May. Sussex South West . 24 April. Wulff Lt. 53. Assistant-Commissary M. c.. CB. W. J. — . Western . Lt.. Captain. ..Com.. . Dover Sheerness Pembroke Manchester Major Twiss ^ Lt.. . .-Col.Lt.-Col. . F. .. Porto Bcllo Lt. 49 Chpl. 33. H.-Col. 50. B.-Col. . 2nd Capt. . FOREIGN STATIONS. . Colonel H. Captain. B. Cox k Co. .Eardley-Wilmot.-ilfa*^—William Elliott.-Col. M. Engineers. Uixon Lt. Ionian Islands West Indies . . Northern Midland Eastern . — Henry Cornet th Hussars. 28 Jan. . Waters. Radclifio ^^ ci ^^''""y^'*"'' 7?k^" . Jamaica Canada .. . 10 Sept. Vicars . . ti'ercj'oundland . Bolton Ordnance Department. FitzHugh. 1st Lieuts. Thomson Colonel Tyldeu Lt. James White. 1 July. .-Col. . — KH. -Col.-Colonel Alexander Colonel Fraser .. Pickering. — — Edinburgh IRELAND. Stace Lt.-Colonel Barry . 8 Feb. \st James NicoU. Aldrich Capt. Dalton Kilkenny Kilkenny Lt.-Col. Sweeting . Belfast ditto Cork ditto Kilkenny ditto . 1 Jan. . Ega Col. .-Col.-Col. Brougliton Capt. .-Col. COMMANDING OFFICERS OF ARTILLERY AND ENGINEERS AT HOME AND ON FOREIGN STATIONS. Guernsey North Britain . Whinyates . . . 1 April. Fraser . E. 11 Aug. Eyre — . Cole Lt. Gordon Lieut.7Apr.-Col. .-Col.. Ingilby — Litut.. . John Cass. Lt.-Col. Shaw. Malta . —Geo. Lt. . Biddulpli Capt. Cator. George Oliphant. Srereton. . Kiininglon Capt. Charles Dunbar. William Stoekley.-Col. W. Moody . .. Sandham.-Col. M. Canada East Canada West . S..-Col. Savage . Poole . Company of Gentlemen Cadets.. Thomas Hassall. ..-Col. Warde Charlemont Lt. April 42... Dyreley.-Col. London Neweustla Harwiclt . 47. Griffin Cupt. . B. 47. 1 1 Philips. aClCol.Royal 5 7 2 C 9 10 4 G.. 13 aa . Major Robinson Capt. Dupuis ^ Limerick District Dublin do. 18. The Master-Gen. liev. Charles Percivall. T. F. .. T. Woolwich Dover . Exeter Birmingham Manchester York Lt.-Col. . — . — . . . 1 July. 13 Lt. . Jersey . W. Wright Lt. .. Robert Moore.. . Dublin ^3 Colonel Emmelt Limerick Lt. William Marvin.-Col.-Col. Whittjr . 13 Lieut. Franklin . M. Rawnsley Dublin Pigeon-house Fort Lieut. Higgins Lt. liud Capt. . Lieut. Luxmoore .-Colouel Teesdale . G. . Leeds I Land^uard Fort Capt. Belfast do.-Col.. Marlow . George Clarke. Kent . Cater — St.-Colonel Symons Ceylon Mauritius ^ 20 Lieut. . 18 Aug. . 46. 49. 52. Stotherd . .. 2ndCapt. Hamilton Lieut. battle near Bayonne. and Nive. Orthes. H. sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Present at the siege of Flushing. including the actions of the 8th. Nivelle. ture of Madrid and the Retiro. Served also in the Peninsula from Dec. attack and defeat of General Lalleman's cavalry at Ribera. Present at the capture of Paris. and the silver War Medal with tliree clasps for Roleia. capture of Badajoz. Sir Hew has received the gold Cross and two clasps for Busaco. Hoorn. including the action on landing. 1818. 13th. campaign in Portugal and Spain. Gardner accompanied the expedition to Walcheren. 14 Sir Robert Gardiner's services: capture of Minorca in 1798. and battles of 13th and 21st March. fVar Services of the Officers of the Royal 276 Ai-tillery. and Pyrenees. Redinha (wounded in the shoulder). Egraont. Nivelle. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. and capture of Cairo. in 1813. 1810 to July 1813. campaign of 1815. Attached to the Prussian army in reducing the fortresses in the Netherlands. passage of the Bidassoa. battle of Copenhagen. 1813 to the end of the war. 18 Colonel Hutchesson served in Holland in 1799 . Vittoria. Vittoria. affairs at Usagre. and was present at the bombardment of Cronenburgh Castle. Badajoz. Salamanca. Vimiera. Medal for services in Egypt. including the attack of Washington. He has received the gold Medal and one clasp for Orthes and Toulouse. passage of the Bidassoa. and the affairs of Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. 16 Colonel Richard Jones served in Holland in 1799. 20 Colonel John Michell served the campaign in Holland in 1799. capture of forts at and battle of Salamanca. and tlie silver War Medal with three clasps for Fuentes d'Onor. W. and many other affairs. and at Walcheren in 1809. 1809 to Feb. 3 Lieut. Served also the campaign of 1815. and bombardments of Boulogne under Lord Nelson. and other operations on the coast. Served also the campaign of 1815. Salamanca. 1818. and San Munos. and Nive. viz. battles of Orthes and Toulouse. and Toulouse. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. — . including the battles of Roleia. 1813 to May 1814. 7 Sir Hew Ross served in the Peninsula and France from 9th June. battle of Salamanca. 13 Dec. and Corunna. commanded the artillery on board the Volcano bomb. 19 Colonel Whinyates served in the expedition to the Helder and campaign in North Holland in 1799. United States. Badajoz. including the battle of Waterloo.Gen. -General Evelegh served the Corunna campaign.-General Walker served on the Continent in 1794 and 5. one severely through the right arm below the elbow. 15 Colonel Wallace was on board the Phoenix Letter of Marque when she beat off a French Privateer near Barbadoes in Dec. including the battle of Barrosa. 1 Lieut. Ciudad Rodrigo. 9 Major-General Paterson served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 . affair of Morales.-General Brough was at the capture of St. in America from May 1814 to May 1815. capture of Rosetta. expedition to Walcheren . battles of Vittoria. Medal for services in Egypt. Baltimore. and was severely wounded in the left arm at Waterloo. including siege of San Sebastian. and Sabugal. Lucia in 1796. the others above the elbow. and has received the War Medal with one clasp for Sahugun and Benevente. 1813. siege of Burgos. and the Pyrenees from 2Gtli to 30th July. He has received the gold Medal and one clasp for Orthes and Toulouse and the silver War Medal with three clasps for St. several affairs on the march to. 12 Major-General Campbell served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. Peninsular campaigns from early in 1810 to the end of the v/ar in 1814. a7id received three wounds in the retirement of the army across the Rhine near Arnheim. Sir Robert has received tlie gold Cross and two clasps for Barrosa. 23 Colonel Mercer served in South America in 1807 and 8. Nivelle. 22 Colonel Cobbe served the campaign in the West Indies in 1801. Vimiera. 1800. under Lieut. 5 Lieut. and that of Guadaloupe in 1815. and to Copenhagen 1807 . Peninsular campaigns from Feb. affairs of San Munoz and San Milan. Sir Thos. 1814. and in the right hip. actions of Pombal. and Nive . in the Peninsula and South of France from Aug. including the battles of Busaco and Albuhera . Also the campaign of 1815. Present at the siege of Flushing in 1809 . 4 Lieut. and 21st March. including the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. and Corunna. and was present at the siege and capture of Flushing. Casal Nova. and Toulouse . 8th March. Orthes. 10 Major-General Oliver served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. cap. battles of Vittoria. Foz d'Arouce (wounded in the leg). and Limmen. 17 Colonel John Edward Jones was employed afloat on board the bombs in 1801 and 02 . and Nive. Sebastian. including the action of the Coa. including the battles of Zuyp. 13 Major-General Turner was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. and he commanded the Artillery at the attack of Sackets Harbour. action of Aldea de Ponte. Nivelle. Trigge. and Mew Orleans. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. in the Peninsula and South of France from March 1813 to July 1814. (dangerously wounded in the head) action at Castrajon. and with the army of occupation until 2nd Dec. He has received the silver War Medal with two clasps for Busaco and Albuliera. Aldea de Ponte. and afterwards at the capture of Alexandria..-General Hon. Belgium and France from May 1815 to Nov. battle of Busaco. expedition to Madeira in 1801. passage of the Bidassoa. Also the campaign of 1815. 34 Colonel W. expedition to 33 Sir Wm. including the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo (wounded in the head). 40 Major-General Macdonald was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1836. during the civil war. and engagements before New Orleans. lines at Torres Vedras and at Santarem. — vention of Oporto. Peninsular campaigns from July 1811. including the battle of Waterloo. siege of Burgos (wounded). including the defence of Cadiz. and 13 at the capture of Genoa in 1814. Portugal. He has received the silver War Medal with two clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. 38 Colonel C. in 1806. including the battle of W^aterloo and taking of Cambray. Taken prisoner at Malanahenda near Madrid. E. He has received the silver War Medal with four clasps. campaign of 1818 and 19 in Southern India. on 1st and 3rd Jan. including the battle of Maida and siege of Scylla. 11th Aug. and commanded a battery before Antwerp and at the attack on Bergen-op-Zoom. and was at the siege of Flushing. and rejoined the army the 23rd of the same month. 1815. and Badajoz. Sir William has received the silver War Medal with one clasp for Java. Expedition campaign of 1817 and 18. battle of Salamanca. at Cadiz in 1810 and 11. and signed the Conthe Spanish Cortes. and the Adour. affair at Osma. 1834 to 1840 at the head-quarters of the Spanisli Army. from 14th Oct. — . to November. and four days' engagements in front of Bayonne.inchiding tlie battle of Talavera. In the Peninsula and South of France. expedition in charge of the division of Mortar-Boats forming part of the Angloto Egypt in 1807 Sicilian Flotilla prepared by Sir John Murray. reduction of forts at. and battle of Salamanca. 1812. 25 Colonel Browne served at Walcheren in 1809. Power served in Spain. 1813. 277 24 Major-Gencral W. 26 Colonel Grant served in Hanover in 1805 under Lord Cathcart. in Calabria. in the Faro of Messina. Jones served with the Anglo-Russian expedition to Naples in 1805 present at the attack and capture of Reggio Castle. and opposed in ahnost daily skirmishes with the batteries and Flotilla of Murat. occupation of Bourdeaux. 27 Colonel Scott served in the expedition to Walcheren. and proceededfrom thence on the expedition to Buenos Ayres. G. the summer of 1810. He has received the silver War Medal with four clasps. and the Pyrenees. escaped from the enemy. Arab fortresses. 12. and subsequently from Nov. including the battle of Bladensburg. battle of Orthes. 180G. and sub32 Colonel H. Expedition to Naples. heights of St. again. left thigh dislocated. 35 Colonel Dundas was at the siege of Flushing in 1809. Gordon's services: sequent occupation of Sicily battle of Maida.PFar Services of the Officers of the Royal Artillery. siege of forts at Salamanca (wounded in the face). Mditary Commissioner at the head-quarters of Don Pedro's army in Portugal. actions in front of Bayonne (10th to 13th Dec). and attack and surrender of the Rock of He has received tiie silver War Medal with one clasp for Maida. affairs at Morales de Toro and San Munos. . including the action of Weltyvreden. — . subsequent affairs on the Dordogne. Dec. succeeded Lord Wiiliani Uujsell as the Army of Occupation in France. . against the Pindarrees to Palembang. for which he received the thanks of In Portugal. 28 Colonel Dyneley's services: and that in Calabria in 1806 under Sir John Stuart. including defence of Cadiz. 1808 June 1814. Campaigns of 1809 and 10. Ho has received the silver War Medal with nine clasps. He has received the silver War Medal with five clasps. and at the attack of Bidassoa by the French. in the lines in front of Sobral in Portugal. when engaged with the rear-guard of Joseph Bonaparte's army. in India. Col. and the Commandant surrendered to him personally. King of Naples. from the end of 1809 to the termination of the war in 1814. siege of San Sebastian from 11th July to 8th Sept. Christovel. battles of Vittoria. and the siege and capture of Jokjakarta. 39 Colonel Maclachlan served in Spain in 1813 and 14. the Nive. includiug the raising of the siege of Bilboa. battle of Vittoria. D. Power led the reserve to the support of the assaulting: party of Fort La Picurina during the last siege of Badajoz. 31 Colonel Crawford served in a bomb vessel on the coast of France in 1804 and 5. Was attached to the Horse Artillery with In April 1834. . detached from Cadiz to Tarragona in 1811 wounded in right ankle at Ciudad Rodi'igo. in India. and hip bone shattered. and investment of the fortress of Blaye. Scylla. Campaign of 1805 in Italy under Sir James Craig. and the investment of liayonne. 1813 and Mahrattas. . in batteries before Cornells (until wounded in the groin 22d August). siege of San Sebastian. and in all the general actions during that period. defence of the Bridge of Simancas. Gordon served in the Peninsula and France from May 1813 to the end of the war. 1813. 29 Colonel Cator served the campaign of Walcheren and siege of Flushing. and subsequently in the American War. in 1809. Colebrooke's services Java in 1811. the whole of to 4th — . and capture of Washington. and most severely and dangerously at Badajoz. passage of the Bidassoa. where he was twice severely wounded Mt . battle of Barrosa (wounded). and Nivelle. with the army in Sicily in 1811. in 1846. and France. capture of French works at Ahnaraz. aud continued with them until the Convention of Evora Monte. left arm amputated. W. battles of Nivelle and Nive. Present also at the sieges of Ras-el-Kyhma and Zaya. Campaign of 1815. 37 Colonel Wylde served in Holland in 1813 and 14. 1805. affair at Tolosa. passage of the Bidassoa. in Sumatra. sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo (wounded). after the death of Major Bogue killed in action. and capture of Paris. under Major-General D'Aguilar which assaulted and took the Forts of the Bocca Tigris in the Canton River. and Waterloo (severely wounded). from June. Quatre Bras. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. he descended the river Euphrates upon a Raft and his reports to Government led to a Parliamentary vote to extend our commercial relations in that quarter. campaign of 1813 in the Peninsula. Tigris. and of Paris in 1815. — with two clasps. affair of San Munos. and Tarbes passage of the Garonne. Served in the Peninsula and France from July 1813 to July 1814.Tolosa. 53 Lt. -Colonel by command of the Queen. through the Duke of Wellington. 43 Colonel Chesney was employed. siege of San Sebastian. Helette.. and Quatre Bras. in 1808-9 . and thirteen military and naval officers .-Col. 1813. Gordon Higgins commanded the Royal Artillery in the Syrian campaign 54 Colonel from August 1840 to the evacuation of that country in Dec. including the battle of Waterloo (severely wounded). near Salamanca. another of sappers. 50 Lt. and was present at the siege of Flushing. Eyre's services : Expedition to Portugal and occupation of Lisbon. 1841 (Medal). 42 Colonel Chalmer served on the expedition to Walcheren. 48 Lt. In the early part of the navigation thus commenced. Sauveterre. having conferred on him the rank of Colonel on a particular service. The commander. to July. and battle of Toulouse. Nivelle. and capture of Paris. and floating them in a perfect state on the Upper Euphrates. siege of fort Desaix. His Majesty. Nive. Martinique . capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. advance upon Madrid and retreat to Corunna. battles of the Pyrenees. he having commanded the Rocket Troop Served also the campaign of 1815. and was present at the defence of Cadiz and of Fort Matagorda (wounded). those of the Staked Barrier. tons loss of one-half of his force. and Kareen.-Col.-Col. Served also the campaign of 1815. Col. actions on the retreat from Buigus. not very far from Aleppo. capture of Guadaloupe and adjacent islands in 1810. Vittoria. and four days' engagements near Bayonne . of tlie expedition Aire. and Tarbes. capture of Les Saintes. served in tlie Peninsula and South of France. from 1829 to 1832. Whitty was present at the reduction of the Danish Islands in the West Indies in 1807 . 46 Colonel Grantham served at the defence of Cadiz. was present in the battles of Barrosa (wounded). including the battle of Vittoria. and taken prisoner. affair at Lugo and battle of — .-Col. Served also the campaign of 1815. and was present at Ligny. assisted only by a few Arabs. during which time. including the battle of Goerde IGth Sept. with whose assistance Colonel Chesney accomplished the extraordinary achievement of transporting two iron steam vessels across Syria. Palais. ISth. and Foz d'Arouce . persevered and in the remaining vessel he not only completed the surveys of the river Euphrates. the Pyrenees. 1809 to June. Colonel Chesney and eight others being saved by swimming. 1814. from December. siege of San Sebastian. in examining the principal parts of Western Asia . for which the Swedish order of the sword was conferred on him. at San Munos. investment of Bayonne. . England served the expedition to the Weser in 1 805 and 6 . as second in command. France.278 JVar Services of the Officers of the Royal Artillery. St. to the end of the war in 1814. He has received the silver War Medal with five clasps. affairs at Yic Bigorre. affairs of Redinha. 1812. Served also the campaign of 1815. including the battle of Vittoria and siege of San Sebastian. He commanded a Division. for which he has received the silver War Medal . however. Strangways served the campaign of 1813 and 14 in Germany. 55 Lt. in 1808 . and bombardment and driving from the anchorage the French fleet in 1809. including the battles of the Coa and Busaco. and was present at the siege of Flusliing. 56 Lt. and 19th Oct. passage of the Adour. Dalton served at Walcheren. Orthes. a proportion of seamen. and open a communication with India through Arabia. He has received the silver War Medal with six clasps. near Guadaloupe. 1809.-Col. Thomas and St. 1815. to the Cape of Good Hope and South America in 1806 and 7 . including the passage of the Bidassoa. affairs at Osma. and the Netherlands. spiking 879 pieces of heavy ordnance. and the brevet rank of Major was bestowed on him by the King. battles of Fuentes d'Onor and Salamanca. at which last he was slightly wounded. the Artillery of which last place he commanded. Pombal. and Leipsic 16th. and commanded the batteries at the siege of Fort Erie in August and September. a fearful hurricane carried the smaller vessel and twenty of her men to the bottom. Hardinge served in the Peninsula from Aug. battle of Vittoria. Bidassoa and Tarbes. Condeixa. and subsequent operations to the battle of Toulouse where he was slightly wounded. 44 Colonel Bell's services: Capture of the islands of St. affairs of the Gave d'Oleron and Aire. He has received the silver War Medal with four clasps. He served in the batteries at the siege of San Sebastian. and was present at the bombardment and capture of Boyrout and of St. and of the City of Canton. but continued the undertaking until it was turned over in the following year to the East India Company. His late Majesty warmly approved of the intrepidity manifested in continuing the service after the calami. Sweeting served the whole of the Kandian campaign in Ceylon. 62 Lt. T mlouse.-Col. battles of Orthes and Toulouse. 41 Colonel Sabine served the campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814. He has received the silver War Medal with eight clasps. 47 Colonel Brereton served in Spain. 49 Lt. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. he sailed early in 1835 with a detachment of artillery. Croix in 1807 . which was followed by that of Lieut. Jean d'Acre. -Col. M. High Commissioner and Governor. battle of Barrosa. 1838 and Jan. and was several times mentioned in General Orders. S. 73 Lt. 1814. Pester was present at the defence of Cadiz. and taking of Cambray and Paris. 61 Lt. Wilson served in Holland. and town of Buffalo. including the siege of San Sebastian. Belgium. at the capture of the forts of the Bocca Tigris. from March 1813 to June 1 814. 89 Major the Honourable R. including the battle of Waterloo. He has received the silver War Medal with four clasps. from February to August 1814. from Oct. -Colonel Armstrong served at Walcheren in 1809 and in Canada from May 1810 to July 1815. in 1840 . Bloomfield served in the Peninsula and France.-Col. to Jan. including the storm and capture of Chin Kiang Foo he was also present at the demonstration before Nankin. and Burgos. and subsequent operations in the Canton River.War Services of the Officers of the Royal Artillery. forVhich he has received the silver War Medal with one clasp. and Toulouse. Burnaliy commanded tlie Royal Artillery on the Eastern Frontier. and battles of the Nivelle. 71 Lt. and at the siege of Fort Erie under an almost constant fire iot about five weeks. and siege of Tarragona. and was appointed commandant of Graham's Town. jVive. Orthes. 81 Capt. and was present at the destruction of the batteries of Amoy. Black Rock. A.-Col. 1813. E. present at the battle of Waterloo. from November 1812 to May 1814. attack and M 2 : . 67 Lt. and was — . 65 Lt. Served also the campaign of 1816^ including tlie battle of Waterloo.-Col. 1838 to the conclusion of the war in front of San Sebastian. Ortlics. Bombardment of Antwerp. •27th May 1813. from December 1813 tc January 1816.-Col. 74 Lieut. also previous and subsequent operations. Levinge commanded the Royal Artillery during the whole of the Kaffir campaign under Sir Benjamin D'Urban in 1835. 279 Corunna. and was with the covering army at the siege of Badajoz. in 1813 and 1814. Cater served in the Peninsula from April 1810. Also in the operations on the Yang-tseKiang in China. Griftln served before Genoa in 1814. Served also the campaign of 1815.-Col. Ingilby served in the Peninsula from July 1810 to Jan. 1810 to April 1813. capture of Fort Niagara. -Colonel Furneaux served in tlic Peninsula from Oct. Again served during the operations in Kaffraria in 1847 to the conclusion of the war. Served also the campaign of 1815. Served also the campaign of 1815. 79 Capt. including the battle of Waterloo and capture of Paris. and was present in all the affairs and operations that took place from Jan. and captures of Cambray and Paris. 1810 to April 1828. 1839. including the battle of Waterloo. Spencer served throughout the whole of the operations in China.-Col. 63 Lt. 66 Lt.-Cnl. R. II.-Col. for services in this war he got the Brevet rank of Lieut. including the battle of Vittoria. crossing the Bidassoa. 87 Major Young served on the north coast of Spain from January 1838 to August 1840. and Chipjjawa. M. Cuppage served in the Peninsula and France. Warde was present at the defence of Cadiz and at the battle of Waterloo. He has received the silver War Medal with six clasps. investment of Fort George. J. with theDistrictof Lower Albany. Blonde. He has received the silver War Jledal with one clasp for Barrosa. and at the battle of Barrosa. and Black Rock. Siege and capture of Flushing. and operations before New Orleans. He also commanded the Royal Artillery on the Eastern Frontier from the breaking out of the war in Dec. as military secretary and aide-de-camp to Sir Henry Pottinger. He has received the silver War Medal with one clasp for Barrosa. and was taken prisoner by the Carlists. 75 Lt.Colonel. including the battles of Bladensburg. Palliser served in the Peninsula and France. and the subsequent 57 Lt. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. at the storm and capture of the heights of Canton . including the defence of Cadiz. Fuentcs il'Onor. 70 Lt.-Col. and also at the camp of Paz y Fueros on the Bidassoa in Dec. and Toulouse. Wilson served the campaign of 1815. 60 Lt. in H. B. siege of San Sebastian. Cape of Good Hope. actions at Stoney Creek. for which he has received the silver War Medal with four clasps. Slightly wounded at Fort George. Forts of Salamanca (wounded). at Fort Erie during a cannonade of 17 hours at the loss of Fort George. -Colonel Dupuis was employed on the North Coast of Spain from 1838 to 1839. Including the capture of a detachment on River Raisin. where he was severely wounded. 58 Lt. and Baltimore. action at Streets Creek. campaign of 1815. including the battle of Waterloo. the cutting out of an enemy's vessel when in command of a gun-boat at Prescott. and battles of Vittoria. W. and Salamanca. Served subsequently in the American AVar. . 1850 until July 1852. Eighteen years continued service in tlie West Indies.-Col. 64 Lieut. and the battles of Busaco. and was slightly wounded at Chin Kiang Foo. including the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo. during the Kaffir war of 184G-7. G. II. -Colonel Anderson's services: oj)eratioiis in 1809. 62 Lt. Crofton served in Spain during the Christine and Carlist War in 1837 and 1838. and for this I'cceived the Brevet rank of Major. 77 Capt. and France. C. Freese served on the China Expedition. and was present at the repulse of the sortie from Bayonne. 80 Major Rowan served the Syrian campaign (Medal). and was present at Badajoz in 1811 and also in 1812. Amoy. and Mobile Point. 91 Capt. He served also the campaign of 1815. despatch. 1848. King served during the Kaffir war of 1846. including the storm and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. 98 Lieut. He served again in the Peninsula from April 1811 to May 181 4. and was present at the siege and capture of Bhurtporein 1825-6. and was present at Washington.280 War Services of the Officers of the Royal Artillery. Nlve. He was also at Salamanca. Devereux served in the Kaffir war of 1852 was present at the engagement with the Basuto tribes at Berea 2Uth Dec. Chinliae. and Rocroy. Woosung. John Turner was present at tlie capture of Port Natal on the 26th June 1842. and commanded tlie Artillery at the attack of Fort Peddie. Dragoons. T. He has received the silver War Medal with nine clasps. New Orleans (wounded in the head 1st Jan. Vimiera. 1815). He was also present at the demonstration before Nankin. and was present at Roleia. and was named in the otticial captures of . 90 Major the Hon. 123 Mr. Anderson served in the operations in the Yiang-tse-Kiang in China. Shanghae. . 93 Capt. Subsequently he served in the American War. and Cliin Kiang Foo. Chapoo. and the retreat to Corunna. Chiisan (second operation). Dyneley commanded the Royal Artillery in the action with and defeat of the rebel Boers atBloem Plaats (South Africa) 29th Aug. Baltimore. and demonstration before Nankin. Burgos. Vittoria. crossing the Bidassoa. Phillipville. 96 Lieut. 122 Quarter-Master M'Kown served in the Pininsula from August 1808 to Feb. when he was injured by the blowing up of a cartouch. Field served in the Kaffir war of 1851-2. 1809. of that year. Sebastian. and was present at the taking of Maubeuge. Percivall served in the East Indies with the 11th Lt. 94 Capt. and Bayonne. Fort Bowyer. St. Nivelle. from April to Nov. G. »"= o ® = t» [^ CQ I '-S S ' t-5 05 lO >o &^ >0 •* (N i-H iC CO U3 >0 (N i-i 5* l?« o .w S5 a I c o o o o C3 T3 'O *© T) t 3 H ^ 05 «^ a rt 1^ i-s i-» c5 m o o o o o o '^ "O TiJ 'O 'C "O o-H. «^ -.S- £:. 2 o = c c -C-_-.r- I CT t~ c. w i>.= E-1 1^ !iS-?<"' z'i^S < X P^ '^ < -jr. -m"^ ^^ ~ '^ ~ :^Ci^ <§ « 3 5 t= « 1-1 « go S = = =5 "-^ ~ ~ ~ "5.SJ — . )^ ?! 1 OE C5 ^ .2 C Q u >+ o :. I o <GS Tl r.>-'^ •c~'~. c. Delves Broughton Richard J. Hawkins James Holt Freeth Charles Duesbery Robertson Second Captains.c.. Corps of Royal Engineers. i. 37 283 . 26 22 May March do do do George Wynne William Stace Edmund Twiss Ford William Yolland Charles Erskine Ford Richard Clement Moody Frederick Augustus Yorke Charles Francis SkjTing^* 4 24 30 12 29 5 .W Oct. Thomas Hosmer Rimiugton .. 16 Feb. Brigade-Major 2 5 24 22 . 5 7 May May 27 5 4 April April 1 25 12 19 Xov. 29 24 Feb.or of Brigade to the Corps of It. G. do Robert Gorges Hamilton 29 Williamson Henry Lugard. John AVilliams 22 Sept.. C Dec. 28 Jan. 22 June Lt. 9 Feb. Governor of Van Dieman's Land. SECOND FIRST LIEUT. do . William Charles Hadden Roger Stuart Beatson do Sampson Freeth John Graham M'Kerlie William George Hamley Andrew Beatty ' I i John W. 7 Jan. Half Pay. Ross J. Edward William Dumford*". Aubyu Molesworth Edward Frome Hx W 49 • • • 1 June 28 Mar. Captains. William E. do do Charles C. • 11 May 6 Aug. Bainbrigge Archibald P. AVilkinson William Turnbull Renwiek . ... LIEUT.20ct. Charles Fanshawe Frederick E. Henry Servante Henry Owen Crawley John Twiss 1 JohnWalpole. do Edward Thomas Lloyd do Henry James do WLUiam Robinson do Thomas Rawlings Mould do . 51 John Chaytor Sir William Thomas Denison. Oct. 15 Edward Aldrich.. jN'elson George Burgmann Aug. May do in Dublin.. 15 Feb.^* I..**.46 Edmund Ogle Conolly M'Causland John Cameron John S. Gordon I Marcus Dill Phihp J.ClaridgeBurmester. Chapman do 18 June 35 Thomas Fenwick Gotlier Frederick do Mann 18 June 36 Spencer Westmacott do do Charles Acton Broke William Collier Menzies Robert Michael Lafian | j 5 May do 12 18 20 Aug..)/«.j[fa/. 16:29 July 25 do do do do do 24 Sept. Sappers and Miners Thomas Aiskew Larconi Edward Vicars. years' Serv. 11 Nov.. 28 7 Xov. 28 Aug. St. do Henry Drury Harness 27 Oct. 2G Feb. 26 8 April 19 Oct. Years . James Thomas Burke Edward Cox Sidney Baynton Farrell Charles William Barry Charles Herbert Sedley William Francis Lambert Richard Warren H ugh Williams Hon. . 47 4 Feb. do do do do 17 Nov. John Crofton Joshua Henry Smith Anthony Reynolds Vyvyan Crease . . Dec. 20 Feb. do do do do 18 June do do do . A. 48 12 Feb. do do do do do do do 17 Dec. 1 . John Edward C. 50 51 . July July Aug. 9 April 48 14 April 26 Feb. Dawson Gustavus St. 2nd LIEUT. Apr. Oct. 49 14 Aug. 11 5 14 31 11 11 13 47 24 6 do Nov. Philip Ravenhill Herbert Taylor Siborne Charles Style Akers Berdoe Amherst Wilkinson Lothian Nicholson George Edmond Lushington Walker . Nov. 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 ' 19 June Robert Duiulas Kerr John Ycrhiiry Moggridge Francis Koe John Gordon Jcrvois Henry Whatley Tyler John Cromio Blackwood De Butts Walter Samuel Stace Gwavas Speedwell Tilly Edward Stanton Charles Cornwallis Chesney Edward Charles De Moleyns Louis John Aniadee Armit Charles Brisbane Ewart Charles B. 26 Jan. 1 27 5 29 9 May July Oct. Nov. 2 Feb. 44 1 April 46 do 18 Dec. . do do 1 Oct. Nov. Apr. . 18 Dec. 13 Dec. Arthur Payne Smith Augustus Jleyer Lockner Francis Horatio do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 19 Dec. do do do James Murray George Ranken De Vere do do do do do do do Henry Raymond Pelly Mann Parsons Frederic Brine Arthur A'Court Fisher George Montague Stopford Edward Bridge Montagu Stopford Whitmore Howard Craufurd Elphinstone Charles Edward Cumberland Henry Reynolds Luard William Coles Phillpotts May 46 do do do do do do 6 Aug. 285 Corps of Royal Engineers. N. Nov. 19 June 1 July 6 Aug. do Frederic Charles Belson Edvvard Metcalfe Grain Francis do do 1st LIEUT. George Wrottesley St. John James Bury Richard Hugh Stotherd William Hatt Noble 2 Augustus Jonathan Gierke Charles Augustus Rice Charles John Fowler Alexander Ross Clarke Edward Bainbrigge May do do do do do do do . First Lieutenants.. Nov. 47 28 Oct. do do do do do Henry Schaw Edward Nicholas Heygate George Hamilton Gordon Robert 45 18 Dec.. Gordon Whitworth Porter John J. Wilson George F. 1 16 16 22 14 19 1 March Apr. Andrew St. July Aug. H. do do do do do do do do .. 1 Oct. 20 Feb. 29 Dec. Sept. Nugent Edward Belfield Hon. P. .. 16 April 21 Sept. Years' ; 287 War Sei'vices of the Officers of the Royal Engineers. 1 Lieut.-Gencral Thackeray was at the capture of Surinam in 1799 ; St. Martin's, and St. Bartholomew's, in 1801 ; directed the siege of Scylla Castle, in 1800; and that of the Fortress Served witli the army in Spain, in 1812; at the battle of Casof Santa Maura in 1809. talla, and siege of Tarragona in 1813, and remained with the army until 1814. 2 Lieut. -General Birch served in Flanders, and Holland, in 1793, 94, and 95 ; the Egyptian campaign of 1801 ; taking of Copenhagen under Lord Cathcart ; in the north of Spain, in 1808 ; at the taking of Flushing, in 1809 ; defence of Cadiz, in 1810 and 11. He has received tlie silver War Medal for Barrosa. Sliot through the thigh near Valmesada, 7 Nov. 1808. 4 Lieut. -General Nicolls went out with a reinforcement of several Ilegts. to Gibraltar on the war breaking out with Spain in 1796, and remained blockaded in that fortress two and a half years ; proceeded from thence to the West Indies in 1799. Went as Commanding Engineer with Lt.-Gen. Sir George Prevost to Nova Scotia in 1808, under expectations of hostilities with America. Remained there until the war broke out in 1812, and was actively employed in the protection of the frontiers of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and was present at the capture of Moose Island, Castine and Belfast. Commanding Engineer in Canada part of 1814 and 16. 5 Lieut. -General Wright served in the West Indies during the war with France, from 1800 to 1805 inclusive, including the capture of the islands of St. Lucia and Tobago from the French. Served in North America, Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick during the whole of the late war with the United States, under Sir George Prevost and Sir John Sherbrookc ; and with the latter officer served as Deputy Quarter Master General of the Forces in the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Served in the island of Ceylon, having volunteered his services in that island during the rebellion of the Kandian provinces and, on his return to England, visited the Court of Persia in an official capacity. () Sir Charles Pasley's services: defence of Gaeta, in 180G battle of Maida; siege of Copenhagen, in 1807 ; campaign of 1808-9, including several skirmishes, and battle of Corunna. Kcconnoitered the enemy's coast under the fire of batteries, and was afterwards Received a bayonet-wound through the thigh, and a musketat the siege of Flushing. wound, which injured the spine, in leading a storming party to attack an advanced work occupied by the French on the Dike in front of Flushing, 14th Aug. 1809. Sir Charles has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Maida and Corunna. blockade of Malta, and surrender of Valetta, in 1800 j 7 Sir John Burgoyne's services: campaign in Egypt, in 1801 , including the capture of Alexandria, and attack of Rosetta, from 7th to 18th April, 1801. Campaigns in the Peninsula, including the retreat to Corunna, pas^ii'Tc of the Douro, affair of Salamonde (blew up Fort Conception in presence of the eiuiny, 21st July) battle of Busaco, retreat to and occupation of the lines of Lisbon, siege of Badajoz, 2nd to 13th June, 1811 ; action of Elbodon, siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege and storm of Badajoz, siege and capture of Forts at Salamanca, battle of Salamanca, advance to Madrid and capture of the Retiro, siege of Burgos, (wounded) 19th Sept. to aist Oct. 1812; retreat from Burgos, advance of the army and crossing the Ebro, battle of Vittoria, siege and storming of San Sebastian, (wounded) 15th July to 13th Aug. ; siege of Castle of San Sebastian, 31st Aug. to 9th Sept. 1813 passage of Bidassoa, battles of the Nivelle and Nive, passage of Adour, blockade of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. Served afterwards in the Amerian war, at the attack on the hues before New Orleans, 8th Jan. 1815, and capture of Fort Bowyer. Sir John has received the gold cross and one clasp for Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, St. Sebastian, and Nive; and the silver War Medal with three clasps for Busaco, Ciudad Rodrigo, and Nivelle. 9 Sir Henry Goldfinch's services: expedition to Copenhagen, in 1807; campaigns of 1800, 10, 13, and 14, including the capture of Oporto, battles of Talavera, Busaco, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. He has received the gold cross for Vittoria, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse and the silver War Medal with three clasps for Talavera, Busaco, and — ; — ; ; — ; the Pyrenees. blockade and surrender of Malta, in 1800 ; the whole 10 Major-General Arnold's services of the campaign in Egypt, in 1801 , including the attack and surrender of Aboukir Fort and castle, battle of Alexandria, and afterwards accompanied the division of the army which expelled the French from Grand Cairo, and took possession of that .city ; also present at the surrender of Alexandria to the British troops. Served several years in tlie West Indies, and at the last attack and surrender of the colonies of Demerara, Essequibo, Berbice, and : — War 288 Services of the Officers of the Royal Engineers. Surinam, at which latter he was severely wounded in successfully leading the storming party against the Redoubt Frederici and Fort Leyden. Was several times handsomely mentioned in the public despatches for his conduct at Surinam ; and was on that occasion presented by the Committee of the Patriotic Fund with a sword of the value of one hundred pounds. He has since served several years in Bermuda and North America. Had the honour of being appointed an Aide-de-Camp to King William IV., on his Majesty's accession to the throne. 11 Major-GeneralEUicombeservedinthePeninsulafromNov. 1811totheendof the war, including the siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege and storm of Badajoz, retreat from Burgos, advance of the army and crossing the Ebro, battle of Vittoria, as Brigade- Major; siege and storm of San Sebastian, 15th July to 9tli Sept. 1813 ; passage of Bidassoa, battles of Nivelle and Nive (10th, 11th and 12th Dec. 1813); passage of the Adour, blockade of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. He has received the gold Medal for San Sebastian, and the silver War Medal with five clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Vittoria, Nivelle, and Nlve. 12 Major-General Fanshawe's services: capture of Cape of Good Hope, in 1806; expedition to Soutli America, and siege and capture of Monte Video, in 1807 ; with the army in Portugal in 1808; expedition to the Scheldt, and siege of Flushing, in 1809. 12t Sir Charles Smith served at the capture of the Danish Islands of Santa Cruz, St. Thomas, and St. John, in 1807; at the siege of Fort Bourbon and capture of Martinique (wounded), in 1809. Senior engineer in charge of Cadiz and its environs in the operations connected with the battle of Barrosa, in 1811. Commanding engineer in the Commanding defence of Tarifa, and in the field operations which led to that event. engineer at Cadiz prior to and when the siege was raised in 1812. Subsequently present at the action of Osma, battle of Vittoria, actions of Villa Franca and Tolosa, siege of St. commanding engineer in the earlj' part of the siege. Capitulation of Paris, Sebastian, and with the army of occupation. Commanded the allied land forces, at the bombardment and surrender of Beyrout, and at the capture of St. Jean d'Acre in 1840, at which last he was severely wounded. Gold Medal and one clasp for Vittoria and San Sebastian ; the silver War Medal with one clasp for Martinique and the Naval Medal for Syria. Sir Charles has served 20 years in the West Indies. 13 Major-Gen. Harding served with the army in Sicily, in 1812; on the eastern coast of Spain in 1813, including the battle of Castalla, attack of Denia, and siege of Tarragona. In 1815, he served as commanding engineer with the Prussian army under Prince Augustus of Prussia at the sieges of Maubeuge, Landrecy, Marienburg, Philippeville, and Rocroy ; and continued with the army of occupation until 1818. 14 Major-Gen. Lewis's services: campaign in Naples and Calabria, in 1805 and 1806, including the battle of Maida and siege of Scylla Castle. Capture of Ischia and Procida, in the Bay of Naples, in Aug. 1809; and siege of the Castle of Ischia. Siege of the Fort at Santa Maura, in 1810. Campaign of 1813 in the Peninsula; wounded at the assault of the breach of St. Sebastian lost the left leg above the knee. He has received the silver War Medal with two clasps for Maida and St. Sebastian. 15 Sir Frederick Smith served in Sicily from 1807 to June 1812. 16 Colonel Jones served in the Peninsula, and was present at the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto, May, 1809 ; battles of Talavera and Busaco, siege of Badajoz, battle of Albuhera, siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo. He has received the silver War Medal with four clasps. 17 Colonel Oldfield served in North America in 1807-8 and 9. In Holland and the Netherlands, in 1814. From March to June, 1815, he served as second in command of the Enginei^r Department in the Nethei-lands as Brigade-Major to the corps of Royal Engineers in the Netherlands and France, from March, 1815, to the withdrawal of the Army of occupation in December, 1818 present at the battle of Waterloo, and capitulation of Paris. Was Commanding Royal Engineer in the Canadas from 1839 to 1843. 18 Colonel Dixon served in Canada during the war, from 1812 to 1815, and n'as slightly wounded at the storming of Fort Sandusky. Gold Medal for Detroit. 19 Colonel Calder served in the expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Flushing, in 1809. 20 Colonel Slade was present at St. .Sebastian in July and Aug. 1813; blockade of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. He was one of the officers selected to accompany the boats from Socoa to the mouth of the river Adour, and to assist in laying the bridge across. He has received the silver War Medal with one clasp for St. Sebastian. Commanding 21 Colonel Tylden served at Gibraltar and in Sicily from 1807 to 1814. Engineer at the siege and capture of Fort Santa Maria, 29th March, 1814, and in the action before Genoa imder Lord ^Vm. Bentinck ; for Avliich services he received brevet promotion. Commi.nded the Pontoon Train during the compaign in Belgium and France in 1815 ; was present at the capture of Paris, and with tlie army of Occupation. 22 Colonel Blanshard served at the blockade of 13ayonne, and repulse of the sortie. Afterwards in tlie American war, and was present at the taking of Washington, the operations and engagement before Baltimore, field operations and engagement before New Orlean.?, — — ; — — — : _, { " PFai' Services of the Officers of the Roijal Engineers. 289 taking by assault, the lines on the right bank of the Mississippi, and capture of Fort Bowyer. Joined Sir James Kemp's division in France, 22d June 1815. 23 Colonel Eminett's services, &c. sieges of Bailajoz in 1811 and 12; passage of the Nive, battles before Bayonne, Orthes, and Toulouse. Attack on the American lines at New Orleans, every affair ou that expedition, and the siege of Fort Bowyer. Slightly wounded at Badajoz in 1811; again on the advance towards Orthes; and very severely wounded at the assault of Badajoz in 1812. He has received the silver War ]\Ieilal with four clasps. 24 Colonel \\'ard ser\ed with the army in Sicily in 1811 and 12; was present at the action of Castalla, attack of Deuia, and siege of Tarragona in 1813 ; served with the army i n the Netherlands in 1814. 2o Colonel Gordon's services: attack on the Castle of Scylla, June, 1809; siege and capture of Santa Maura, March, 1810. 20 Colonel Jones served in the expedition to Walcheren, in 1809. Also the campaigns of 1810, 11, 12, 13, and 14, including the actions and sieges of Cadiz, Tarragona, (1811), Badajoz (1812), Vittoria, St. Sebastian, passage of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, Nive, Bayonne. : — — Wounded leading the Forlorn Hope at the first assault of St. Sebastian. Appointed comin charge of the fortifications on Montmatre, after the entrance of the British troops into Paris, in 1815. He has received the silver War Medal with five clasps. 27 Lieut.-Colonel Barry served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1812, to Oct. 1813, and was severely wounded by a grape shot, 31st Aug. 1813, when leading a party to the breach at the storming of St. Sebastian. He has received tlie silver War Medal with one clasp. 28 Sir Wni. Reid served in the Peninsula from April 1810 to the end of the war,including the three several sieges of Badajoz, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege of the Forts at and battle of Salamanca, siege of Burgos, battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian, and battles of Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse. Present at the attack on Algiers, under Lord Exmouth, in 1816 (Medal). Severely wounded in the knee, repulsing a sortie at Badajoz, 10th May, 1811 ; in the leg during the assault of Ciudad Rodrigo, 19th January 1812; in the neck during the assault of St. Sebastian, 28th July 1813. He has received the silver War Medal with eight clasps. 29 Lieut.-Col. Ord served in Spain during 1810, 11, 12, 13, and one half of 1814, including the sieges of Cadiz and Tarragona. 30 Lieut.-Col. Savage served in the Peninsula from Nov. 1813 to the end of the war, including the investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. 31 Lt.-Col. Waters served in the Peninsula from April 1812 to September 1814. Was at Cadiz when the siege was raised in the former year. In 1815 he was present in the actions of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. He led one of the columns to the assault of Peronne on the 2Gth June 1815, and was at the capture of Paris. 32 Lt.-Col. Matson served in the Peninsula from Nov. 1812 to the end of the war, including the battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian, and battles of Nivelle and Nive. Served also at New Orleans in 1814. He has received the silver War Medal with three manding engineer clasps. 33 Lt.-Col. Victor served in the Peninsula from Dec. 1812 to the end of the war, including the battles of the Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. He has received the silver War Medal with three clasps. 34 Lt.-Col. Yule served in the American war in 1814, and was at Chippewa, 5th July, 1814, and Niagara, 25th July, 1814. 35 Lieut.-Col. Bolton served in the Peninsula from Oct. 1813 to the end of the war. 36 Lieut.-Col. Whinyates was present at the attack on Algiers by Lord Exmouth on 27th Aug. 1816. Served with the army in France in 1817 and 1818. In Feb. 1839 was commanding officer of Engineers with the Field Force in New Brunswick when the disputed territory was invaded by the state of Maine. Has received the Medal for the Battle of Algiers. 37 Lt.-Col. Wright was wounded by a musket ball through the thigh, 12th Oct. 1821, at made by the Greeks upon a Turkish man-of-war. 38 Lt.-Col. Thomson was attached to the Prussian army in 1815, and served at Maubeuge, Landrecy, Phillipville, and Rocroi. 39 Lt.-Col. Worthani served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Spain and France, including, the siege of St. Sebastian, from 20th August to 9th Sept. 1813 battles of Orthes and TouServed afterwards with the army in America, from 14th Sept. 1814, to 24th May louse. 1815, including the attack on the American Lines before New Orleans, 8th Jan. 1815, and the siege and capture of Fort Bowyer from 8th to 11th Feb. 1815. He has received the silver War Medal with three clasps. 40 Lt.-Colonel Portlock served in the last American war. 42 Lt.-Col. Montgomery Williams served in the Kaffir campaigns of 1834-5 under Sir Benjamin D'Urban. 43 Lt.-Colonel Foster was actively employed in Canada during the rebellion iu 1837, 8, Zante, in an attack ; ; War 290 Services of the Officers of the Royal Engineers. Commamler of the Forces, and and 9 and was favourably noticed in the despatches of the for his services the Bre\et upon the special recommendation of Sii- John Colborne received ; of the LtSohGordon served, as senior officer, in Demerara, during the insurrection orders, and received the thanks Neeroes in 18-23 and 1824. He was mentioned in general Demerara and Essequibo. of the Court of Policy of the United Colony of the storming of Kawiti s Pali at 45 Lt.-Col. Marlow was commanding Royal Engineer at subsequent destruction of he Owrawai in New Zealand on the 1st July 1845, and the storming of Kawiti s Pah on the same. Also at the burning of Aretua's Pah, and at the rank ot Major. . ,. for these services he received the Brevet ^ ] 1th Jan. 1846 the eastern frontier of the Cape 46 Major Walpole commanded the Royal Engineers on on the 8th June 1846, daring the Kaffir war of 184G-7, was twice wounded '"''44 : of Good Hope and for his services received the rank of Major. 48 Lt.-Colonel Aldrich was specially employed o c a r\.;^^ i„ in command in Spam, Syria, and China. In Melilla by the Carhsts to the Queen Spain in 1839 ol)taining the surrenderor the Fortress of Engineers from the first landing In Syria 1840-41 (Medal) commanding Royal of Spain. operations at D'Jeane, Tyne, bombardment and to the 12th Dec. 1840, including the Beyrout, and subsequent surrender to him, assault of Sidon, bombardment and capture of division of the of Royal Marines and Turkish troops of a of , • • . : while in charge detachments of artillery also bombard- (3000) with their encampment and 24 pieces Staff in the advance to Jaffa men? and capture of Acre. From 13th Dec. employed on the Engineers until the evacuation of and from the 30th Sept. 1841 as commanding Royal Engineer to the In China 1843 to 1847 as commanding Royal Svria by the British troops. he was employed in the comfLuI Forces until their withdrawal in 1846. In April 1847 command with the Canton River, charged bined Naval and Military expedition up the Whampoa Creek, French FoUy. Ronge, assault and capture of seven Forts, viz., Napier's, E-yptian Army : m Segment, and Shanneen Forts. Military expedition Durnford was employed with the combined Naval and eight Forts, viz., North and South up the cinton River in April 1847, at the capture of the Barrier; Zig-zag, SegWangtong, at the Bocca Tigris; Pachow and Wookongtap, at ment, Shameen, and Dutch Folly, at Canton. 1840-41 (Medal). 62 Capt. Skyring served the Syi-ian campaign of campaign against the insurgent 54 Capt. Owen served at the Cape of Good Hope in the Boers in 1845, and in the Kaffir War of 1846-7. , Voffiv War Wa. of nf 1846-/, 1 «Jfi 7 the Kaffir durmg ,v, 55 Capt. Jervois served at the Cape of Good Hope KafBrland,-l,100 of which he surand made a military sketch of 2000 square miles of Zio•-za'^ "so Captain • to April 1848, at the Cape of Good Hope from August 1841 commanded the Royal Engineers accompanied the overland expedition to Port Natal, and the capture of that settlement in May during the whole of the operations connected with ''%?c"rG'ibnerVed 1851-52 part of the timea« Deputy"""sg^Captihfjesse served throughout the Kaffir war of Division. .. Assist. Quarter-Master General to the 1st of 1846, during a portion of which 60 Capt. Bourchier served in the Kaffir campaign Field Force. lie was placed in command of a Native ; „„,„,. ft-, Ordnance Medical Department. Full Half Pay. Pay. 291 — Director General. Andrew Smith, M.D. 25 Feb. 53. Inspector-General. James Stewart, Assiat.-Surg. 1 Dec. 07 Surgeon, 21 Jan. 27 J Senior Surgeon, 1 Jan. 43; Inspector-General, 1 April 50. Depidj/ Initpcctor-General. Senior ^3 James Verling,' M.D. Assist.-Surg. 25 Jan. 10 ; Surgeon, 3 July 27 Surgeon, 1 Jan. 43; Deputy-Insjiector-General, 1 April 50. — ; ; 24 24 24 24 21 18 18 18 17 16 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 10 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 < ^ Royal Marines. Years' Serv. Captains. I 31 ! I I 29 29 29 28 28 28 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 Alexander Anderson,^" Robert Wrie^ht, r -NU LIEUT. 1st LIEUT, CAPTAIN. 13 Mav 23 12 Oct. 32 5 May 42 r. 7 Oct. 8 May 24 31 Jail, ,17 Mar. 11 Apr. 33 18 July 23 Apr. 29 Sept. 1 Oct. 33 5 Nov. 9 Dec. 23 Nov. jJohn Charles CJrey Courtis, r 30 May 28 Dec. 4 Jan. 43 [Peter Bramcs Nolloth 28 Jan. 2G 19 Mar. 34 10 Aug. Fielding Alexander Campbell/^ r 23 Sept. 27 May 21 Sept. George Evans llunt,2^t /• 16 Dec. do. 3 May 44 'John Mitchell 5 Oct. 27 29 Nov. 6 May JThomas Lenion.^"^ r 8 Oct. 5 Feb. 35 10 July Peter Trant Murray Payne 22 Oct. 30 Mar. 12 July George Elliot^* 1 Nov. 27 6 Apr. 35 16 Aug. 44 Thomas Charles Cotton Moore, ^' ?•. 4 Dec. 26 Oct. 31 Oct. Augustus Flemyng, r 7 Jan. 28 28 Jan. 36 21 Jan. 45 \Vm. Bookey Langford^*(j/«>;-, 7 Juiy4e)| 22 Jan. 22 Mar. do William Mackay Heriot 28 Jan. 24 Mar. 16 June Hamilton Fleming, r 10 Mar. 15 Apr. 16 Aug. Charles Miller 19 Mar. 20 July 7 Apr. 46 [Arthur Sandys Stawell Walsh, r 12 Apr. 6 Dec. 26 Aug. John George Augustus Ayles^^ 13 May 10 Jan. 37 10 Oct. John Hawkins Gascoigne 4 June 23 May 9 Nov. [Robert John M'Killop 4 Mar. 29 10 July 9 Dec. 46 William Friend Hopkins 27 Apr. do 20 Apr. 47 Henry Carr Tate, Artillery 30 June do 4 May George Colt Langley,^" Artillery 30 June 29 do do George Walkup Congdon 4 Dec. do 27 July Richard William Meheux 26 Dec. do do Edward Hocker** 30 Jan. 30 do do Francis Augustus YiaWiABiy, Artillery 23 Feb. do do Simon Fraser^" do do do 27 July iHamnett Parke,^''t A rtlllery do do 10 Aug. Walter Cossar,^'t r do do 20 Nov. William Henry March do 11 Aug. ;Charles Allan Parker*' 4 Feb. 31 do 25 Aug. Gallway Byng Payne 17 May 31 do 4 Dec. 47 10 Sept. 'Joseph Gates Travers do 27 Dec. 22 Feb. 32 jRobert Murray Curry, *'t do 4 Jan. 48 19 Mar. Edward Stanley Browne 28 Sept. 4 May 4 Apr. Joseph Reid Jackson 7 Nov. 17 May 16 Apr. John Thompson Asletf*'^ r 16 Nov. do William Robert Maxwell,''^ r 11 July 15 Dec. do Fosbroke** 30 Nov. [Thomas Dudlcv 1 Jan. 38 do 15 Feb. 33 26 Apr. Charles Joseph Hadfield, r do John Philip Stevens 7 May do do *'" do Richard Carr Spalding 4 May do 11 Oct. Hayes Marriott*'* 16 June do 1 Nov. Walter Welsford Lillicrap^ot • . • • do do do Tiiomas Baker Pleydell,*'t 3 Oct. do do Samuel Netterville Lowder^^-t .... 7 Nov. do 11 Nov. Andrew Roger Savage," Artillery 28 Feb. 27 May 13 Nov. 33 Pitcairn Onslow** 6 Apr. 14 July Edward Thornbonmgh Parker Shewen ** 28 Feb. 34 7 Feb. 31 Aug. 14 Mar. George Lambrick,*" r 2 Mar. 1 Oct. 21 Mar. 'Hugh Kennedy 10 Aug. 26 Oct. 4 July Robert Hockings" 19 Sept. 1 Mar. 4U 14 Nov. [William Lawrence Sayer,^'t r 6 Nov. 9 Mar. 26 Dec. Ricliard George Connolly 13 Njv. 25 Apr. 31 July 35 {Augustus Dover Lyddon Farrant^" do. 1 May 5 Jan. 36 Henry Timpson^' do. 25 May 15 July Nicholas Moore, r do. 25 May 27 Dec. Edw. Pellew Harnett Ussher^^ 13 Jan. 41 10 Aug. 27 Feb. 37 Hamley," 20 Charles Ogilvv Jan. 21 Aug, 7 Apr. Heni7 Varlo,"t 28 Jan. 19 Sept. 26 July William Stratton Aslett 5 March 3 Oct, Aug. 29 Mar. William F'rancis Foote, r 16 Nov. do 1 May Charles Penrose Coode 24 Nov. do do William Grigor Suther 16 Aug. 60 do Henry Edward Delacombe do 23 Jan. 61 1 Aug. Hambly,** r. Buckingham 11 May Andrew John 26 Feb. 17 Oct. do William Ramsay Searle,^^ 28 Feb. 24 Oct. 11 May Henry Atkins M'Callum,"t r 1 May John Fraser, ArtUleri/ , . . (Thomas Brown Gray, r. ^' iTliomas Ilolloway, ArtUlery | i I ! ' . . ' | I : . . , I . 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 1 , , I 1 | 21 21 21 21 I ,{21 21 ' I ' I :' 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 '20 20 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 I 293 H.p. F. p. 32 32 1 .. . • . . Years' Ser. DiV. P.p. Ply. Ply. 17 17 17 Por Wo. Wo. Cha. Por. Wo. PlyPly. Ply. Cha. Ply. Wo. Por. Por.\ Wo.\ Por.\ Cha Cha. Cha. Por. Cha. Ply. Cha. Cha. Cha. Ply. 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 13 15 15 14 Por. Por. Por. PlyPly. Cha. Por. 17 Cha. Cha. Por. Por. 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Wo. Cha. Ply. Wo. Por. Wo. 13 13 13 13 13 13 Por. Por. Wo. 13 Ply. 13 Ply. 13 Wo. 13 Cha. 13 13 M^o. Cha. 12 Por. 12 Ply. 12 Por. 12 Ply. 12 Cha. 12 Wo. 12 Por. 12 Por. 12 Por. 12 Por. 12 Ply. 12 Ply. Por. Ply. Wo. Wo. 12 12 12 12 12 Royal Marines. 294 2nd LIEUT. 1st LIEUT. Captains. Nov 21 Richard King ClaYell,'"'t John William Wearing'^'t Alexander Ramsay Penrose Charles Penrose," r George Brydges Rodney John Maurice Wemyss,^"! Artillery Henry Hotham M'Carthy,"t r do do 19 Dee. do do do 38 Jan. 30 31 Mar. • • Peregrine Henry Fellowes, r. Wm. Christopher Parkin Elliott^''+ Charles William Adair,^" r Richard Farmar^^ • . • 8 May 8 May May May May 14 May 37 11 Charles Louis/^ r 3 July 14 Aug. 30 Oct. William JollifFe^'t Robert Seppings Harrison*^" 12 June I 5 May 13 June 17 June do j 19 June Jenny Pengelley, r 14 Aug. George Gardiner Alexander, Artillery 15 Aug. Henry Wm. BrookeT*^+ r 21 Aug. Charles Frederick Menzies 4 Dec. John Huskisson,^^+ r 18 Dec. John Henry Stewarf't do David Blyth^H Jos. Edw. Wilson Lawrence,'^' Artillery 27 Dec. 39 May 1 Ainslie Stewart*^^ 1 James do James Pickard,^^ r 11 May Henry Charles Penrose Dyer," r Wm. . Wm. Barnham Thos. Rider Wm. Alfred Garner Wright,^^ t . George Wentworth Forbes Jermyn Charles Symonds George Augustus Schomberg Julius Roberts, r. Fleetwood John Richards - . . . Hugh Hamilton Goold Arthur Butcher George Drury First Lieutenants. Thomas Forrest, Adjutant Edward Andree Wylde Ebe^ezer Tristram Thomas Jones Joseph Henry Jolliffe Robert Boyle^*^ Simon Ridley Little John Elliott,'^^ Qr. -Master Charles M'Arthur Hamond Weston Gwyn,?Chas. Loudon Barnard," Adj. Artillery Henry George Johnstone Davies Nevinsou Willoughby de Courcy Henry Bates Leonard George Webb William Mansell Mansell,"^ Adjutant Thomas 18 July 17 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 Nov. . 22 Nov. 20 April 21 Dec. 18 May 21 Jan. 45 15 June do do do do do do April 17 do 5 May do 9 Aug. 6 July 16 Aug. do 18 Aug. 17 Aug. 7 April 46 do do do 11 Apr. do 21 May 31 Aug. 25 June do 26 Aug. do 19 Oct. 41 9 Nov. 15 Feb. 42, 9 Nov. 26 Nov. do 18 Dec. do 24 Dec. 19 April 20 April 47 do 10 May 17 May 27 July 14 June do 7 July do do do do do 16 Aug. do 18 Oct. do do do do do 15 Dec. do 27 Dec. do do j ., Carstairs Gray Wm. Godfrey Rayson Masters Richard Parke j John Mauger Thomas Magin Charles Slaughter Fermor Bonnycastle Gritton Henry John Tribe, r J. Wm.Collman Williams*^ Quartermaster Hugh Stukely Buck, Artillery Thomas Valentine Cooke, Adjutant .... George S'tephen Digby, Artillery William Edward Farmar, r J. Cha. Downie Morrison "'"Quartermaster Charles Reed Driver,'* Adjutant Alfred De Hochepied Nepeau Henry Spratt George Edward Owen Jackson Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. 6 7 12 19 26 23 10 14 19 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. do. 25 Feb. 14 June 17 Aug. 18 Oct. 13 Nov. do 23 Nov. 23 Nov. do 23 Nov. 13 Dec. 4 Jan. 43 13 Dec. 12 April 18 Jan. 12 Aug. 8 April 17 Aug 41 26 April 21 Sept. 43| 1 July 16 Mar. 44 15 Aug. 3 May do 6 May do 10 July do 12 July 18 Oct. 21 Nov. ' John William Alexander Kennedy,®* Adj. Rodney Vansittart Allen,''' Adjutaiit 25June 27 June 10 Sept. 24 Sept. 17 Nov. 40 19 Dec. 37 16 Mar. 41 do do do do do r 23 4 4 22 6 24 Nov. 12 Feb. 42 do do 12 Feb. 19 Mar. do May May 41 23 13 14 DIt. .. .. Royal Marines. 296 Division, Cha. Wo. Cha. For. For. Cha. Wo. H.p. 6 6 6 . Wo. Theophilus Vaughton Augustus Tonyn Staines Cuttler William Taylor Edward Grant Stokes Wo. Wo. Cha. Fly. Wo. Cha. Cha. Wo. Wo. For. Cha. Wo. Cha. Cha. Cha. For. For. For. For. Wo. Wo For. Cha. For. Cha. Cha. Fly. Wo. For. Fly. Cha. Cha. Fly. Fly. Cha. Fly. For. For. For. Cha. For. . . Henry Lewis Evans Henry Nicholson Tinklar William Richard Jeffreys Geortie Dare Dowell, A rtillery Harris-ion John Jull, Artillery Cha. Cha. Ply. For. Fly. 29 June 48 do Charles Louis Atteihury Farinar Charles JoUiffe, Artillery Henry Lindsay Searle, Artillery .... For. For. For. Ply. 2nd LIEUT. First Lieutenants. John Vauofhan Garden Reed'^ Richard Pentland Henry 25 July do 15 Aug. do Dixon Whidbey Curry William Cunningham Symonds Horatio Nelson Charles Blanckley Archer Croft Critchell Edward do do do do do do . . 19 Sept. do Fitzgerald Pritchard Charles William Carrington John James Douglas Robert William Bland Hunt John Frederick Hawkey Edward Spry Frederick George Pym Henry Fallowfield Cooper Joseph Hamilton Maskery William Henry Hore West Henry Colton Mudge Francis Lloyd Dowse Ambrose Wolrige Thomas George Shelton Meheux c . . • . 14 Nov. , Henry Nason Joshua Rowland Brookes, Artillery John Edward Westropp Scott Francis William Thomas Henry Dickonson Nightingale'^ John Cobb William Henry Clements Frederick William Arthur Boyd . Ward Burton Toms Second Lieutenants. James Conway Ti-avers Cuthbert Francis Philip . Mould For. Wo. Wo. William Addis Delacombe Henry Eyre Wyatt Lane Ply. Fly. For. Cha. For. Fly. For. For. Wm. Fred. Portlock Scott Dadson Charles Frederick Short Francis Lean • Alexander Tait John Blackwood Colwell Henry Swale Cuthbert Fetherstone Daly William Sanders do 3 Jan. 50 Frederick Augustus Foster, A rtillery Henry Freeland Philip Harington Francis Worgan Festing, Artillery . , Wo, Wo. do do do 19 Dec. do 30 Dec. do do do 20 Feb. 49 do do do do do do do do 28 June do do do do do do do do 20 Feb. 14 Aug. Frederick Lewis David Stirling do do do do do do William Tauzia Savary George Gill George Brydges, Artillery John Michael De Courcy Meade George Oliver Evans Francis Walton Richard John Hardy Douglas Jacob Richards Lloyd Henry Rolt Tomlin Frederick Herbert Ruel Richard Johns George Naylor James do do do do do . . do do do 3 July do 30 Dec. do do do 3 Jan. 4 Mar. 51 20 April 26 June do 1st LIEUT. 51 23 May do 24 Julv 4 Sept. do 17 Sept. 22 6 6 6 Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. 7 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 12 19 26 23 10 14 19 Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. do 23 Feb. 25 Feb. 13 March 10 May June June Aug. 14 14 17 18 18 Sept. Oct. 26 Oct. 13 Nov. do 23 Nov. do 13 Dec. do 27 Dec. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 8 April 8 April 26 April 5 May 25 June 19 July 1 Aug. 15 Aug. do do do Sept. 18 Oct. 21 Oct. 1 8 Dec. IJuly 52 Years' Serv.| Por. Por. Por. Ply. Cha. Por. Por. Wo. Por. Ply. Ply. Por. Por. Cha. Ply. Por. Por. Cha. Wo. Por. Cha. Cha. Wo. Por. Ply. Cha. Wo. Ply. Ply. Ply. Wo. 27 Feb. John Lawrence. For. Gordon. Philip Harris. Morrison. 16 Aug. Frederick Augustus Foster. \st Lt. 36. Ply. 6 July. 7 July 46. Mansell. -Colonels. 27 May 48. Thomas Forrest. 19 Jan. 50. 1 Jan. Hugh Stukely Buck. 30 . 27 May 48. 42 Oliver I . For. Dowell. Adjutant. 10. C. 26.^' 12 Nov." 13 Nov. W.. William Ruston. 23 June 46.'-^ 12 Feb. William Pitt Draffen. 50 Charles Loudon Barnard. | Second Lieutenants. \st Lt. 53. 52. Cha. M. 8 Jan. 28 . 9 Sept. 47. 40. 14 Jan. 51. 50. Edward Henderson Starr. Wo. 6 Oct. Driver.\b An^. Barrack • blasters. Edmund Henry Cox.D. Cha. 31 July. Wo. Henry Adair. P. 18 Feb. Charles Loudon Barnard. Cox & Son. 32. 29 April 61. 22. 53.'^' 20 July. 27 June 32 Capt. W. Par. — — — Cha. Capt. 29 April 51. Artillery Blue Cha. 22 Nov. 50. 60.— .^" M. —^ Neio Assistant Adjutant-General Quarter-Masters. 51. . Faskcn. Cha. Ply. Robert Leonard. 'indLt. 42. Capt. Cooke. 18 Feb. 14 Nov. _ R. Edward Ralph Horsey. Alexander. || I \st Lt. George Dibben.'* 18 Feb. if. Street. Wo. ROYAL MARINE ARTILLERY. 12 . 14 Nov. Williams. W. Henry Hewett. 31 July. W. 48. George Henry Wriford.D. 4 Nov. 1st Lieut. Samuel Irvine. 27 July. Wildey. N. AcJj. 10 \ || Surgeons. 6 Oct. Julius Bunce.'.. As. Stephen Digby. J'or. Sparrow. First Lieutenants. 24 June 51. Ply. 38. 25 June 46.' KCB. 06 . ^nd Lt. 52. 18 Feb. Johnstone Christie. Messrs. Henry William Parke. . Isaac Toby/« 21 March. E. 27 July. Charles R.31 July. 2wdZ^. . Portsmouth. Jolin Drummond. A. 03 . Kennedy. Nugent Macnamara. 51. 53. Thomas Moore. D. For. 05. 12 Oct. 11 . 8 Aug. 1*^^ Lieut. RobertJohnLittle. 14 Nov. Caj^t. Edm.'^ 10 Nov. V. J. 4 Oct. 05 . Henry Carr Tate^ 4 May 47. 51. George Brydges. Wo. M. John Wo. 1 Jan. 4 Jan. 50.'" 18 Jan. Edw. Frederick Llewellyn Alexander. George Hookey . 52. . 18 Feb. 26 Nov.68 14 Dec. 38.^' 1 July 53 . Allen. 9 Sept. 06 \st Lt. 51. Wemyss. D. M. 20 Dec. 42. J. 05. Thomas Cooper. V. 30 June 41. 6 Oct.'^ 18 Oct. M. William Sandom Davis. 15 Aug. 26. R. M.32 . 13 Ambrose A. 23 Dec. G. 12 . 51. John Poore. Hari'isson John Jull. 03 . 2nd Lt. Henry Lindsay Searle. 23 Oct. Thomas Quin Meade.'" 37 May 48. Elliott. 15 Aug. F. Domville.3. Wo. 51. Adjutants. G. I — | STAFF OFFICERS OF THE ROYAL MARINES. 27 July. Ply. 51. 41. Evans." 25 Aug. 3 Apr." 8 April 5. Cha. 14 Jan. Dejmty Adjutant. 51. Paymasters. 42. Wo. 63. 52. 7 Juno 52 Scarlet — Facings Blue. 4 July. 47. C. — Facings Red. Agents. Ply. Charles Jolliffe. 4 July. Henry Way Mawbey. Wm. A. 21 Dec. Brevet-Major.D. 23 Nov. T. 298 Head-Quarters. 'Id Lt. Philips. Spring Gardens. 45. 21 March 48. Halliday. 1 ' \ Andrew Millar. Andrew Roger Jolin Maurice 47. C«7J?. Norton Austin. Por. 27 Jan. 52."5 June.Surgeons Por. R. 46. 29. Eubule Daysh Thelwall. 22 April 53. 50. Thomas Holloway. 9 Sept. Pl>/. Ind Lt."' 16 Aug. —John A. 29 April 51. Francis Worgan Festing. 2nd Lt.nstant. Lieut. 34.^' 15 Aug. 27 For.''^ 4 Sept. Ch. Geo. 51. 29 Sept. 52. 47. 18 Aug. 03.^' 13 Nov. 51. George Colt Langley. Cha. W. Congreve Langley Durnford. 47 . 19 Jan. Charles Steele.^'' 4 May Hamnet Parke. 62. 3 Aug. 22 May. 18 Feb. M 7 July 47. Office. 18 Feb. 51. 1 3 Dec.** 13 Feb. Joshvia Rowland Brookes. 42. 18 Feb. Caj)t. 28 Apr. 1*^ Lt.««]2Sept. 47."" M.lb Aug. For. George Watson. Capt. Edward IM' Arthur.D. Ch%.'*= 23 March. 3 Nov. 50. Richard Turberville Ansell. ls^iie?<^. 19 .D. 51. — ST Major-General Sir John Owen. Hatherly. Captabis. N. 6 Oct. Lawrence. Wynder Kelly Ireland. Ply. 48. Savage.18 Aug. W. KH. 49. C. 52. Henry Bradley Roberts. J. 63. Capt. 21 Nov. J. Wo.'* 4 Sept. IMward Octavius Pearse.db . 52. 2?(c/ Lt. -Col. 51. 1st Lieut.26. 52.D. Archibald Alexander Douglas. G. \st Lt. 3 Mar. Edward Gladstone. Arthur 24 Aug. C. 50. A.. 17 Jan. 27 May 48.^" 16 July 46. Samuel Robert Wesley.Wolrige.6' 23 Nov. McClatchie. 01 \st Lt. . 52. Fly. John Fraser.D. M. 61. W. 30 Nov. William Penn Burton. 27 May 48. 53. 48. 50.General. 12 Aug. L. Thomas Peard Dwyer. Lieut. Deputy Inspectors of Hospitals. the batteries being first carried by the Marines destruction of the Forts of Alessis and Languilia by the Marines under his command. and. after three days' action. In 1815. from under a battery in Basque Roads. On the 22d June. Engaged with the enemy on thirty occasions and repeatedly wounded. General Bm"n stated that " Lieut. St. which. Commanded and headed the marines at the storming of Fort Finisterre. 2 Colonel Menzies was attached to Lord Nelson's squadron off Boulogne. m the North Sea. 1806. and at the battering of Fort St. when the Royal Marines rendered such important services to the Queen of Spain and her Allies. nevertheless. Sir Francis Laforey states that " Lieut. was at the attack of the American Rifle force near Point a Petie. he commanded the gig. capture of Copenhagen . against a Native army at the storming and capture of a battery at Tenerift'e. served in the North Sea." Mentioned for "conspicuous zeal and gallantry" at the siege and blockade of St. Haisomtble. West Indies. when Maj. and 85th regts. being the first who entered the Fort. At the cutting out of the French National Felucca Joseph. 299 War Services of the Officers of the Royal Marines.-Gen. 1804. Received a sword of honour from the Patriotic Fund. Commanded the Marines at the capture of Fort Guardia. In boats cutting out the Spanish vessel of war. in attacks with the Danish gunboats. Appointed to the 2d battalion of Royal Marines. of a very superior force.. when 50 miles from where the frigate lay at anchor. although wounded in nine different places with sabres. 1802. several times hand to hand Coryton distinguished himself by a series of brilliant and successful achievements not surpassed liy a subaltern of any Service. Repeatedly engaged in severe boat-actions. in action with La To^x^e." Embarked in 1806 in the Argo. at the defence ot to Buenos Ay res. on the Oth March 1809. 6th June. 11th July . The general action with the combined fleets of France Colonel Ellis's services 1 Sir Jolin . in their occasional attack of the Spanish gun-boats and vessels off Cadiz. French ships of the line. taken prisoner. Marcou. after having charged with the bayonet and defeated a battalion of the French 52d of the line. off Brest. in March. Helena. : — . Domingo. landed with a battalion of Marines at the attack and capture of the Cape of Good Hope. Right arm amputated. bombardment of Lallogue . Cette destruction of a French privateer brig in the port of Negaya capture of a convoy at Languilia. and was at the attack of the American army and its defeat on the road to Baltimore. on board the Severn and Hunter. and at Trafalgar. and at the capture of that city that city against the Spanish forces. and on the 11th July following he was in the barge which. cutting out five vessels from under Fort Finisterre. 1813 and 1814. 1800 until Dec. 3 Colonel Pilcher served with the boats of the British fleet. Coryton rendered himself conspicuous by his gallant conduct. and assisted with the marines at his interment. and against batteries. including the actions of Alza. destruction of Le liobuste and Lion. Commanded the Royal Marine Artillery from 1837 to 1 844. and was engaged with the batteries at the Isle of Bas. Jerome in 1800. 1811. during the last nine months of Buonaparte's life. . at St. owing he mainto her superior pulling. after a sharp conflict this attack was planned by Colonel Menzies. In 1803 ho entered the Royal jMarines. In August following. defence of the island of St. — — . at the attack and defeat of the Spanish troops on the road in August following. of three times the force of the boat. the first person on board the Spanish 80 gun ship Argonauta . 4 Colonel Cory ton served as a Jlidsliipman in the Royal Navy. In 1803. in 1801. refusing to surrender. Mter his return to England he was voted a sword fi-om the Patriotic Fund. on coast of Africa. and Spanish Mam was landed in command of a detachment at Winebah. from Feb. by his promptitude and exertions the town of Sydney and indeed the colony was in a great measure preserved and tranquillity restored. — Owen's services: Battle of Camperdown . burning of Frencli frigate La Preimeuse . La Moselle. At the City of St. Ross was killed. Joseph. In June following with the same battalion. where he participated in all the desperate cutting-out affairs on the French coast against Buonaparte's flotilla. and marines. Canary Isks. off the coast of France and America. July 22. January 1806. of seven guns and sixty-two men. 1804. was. captured by boarding the Buena Dicha Spanish privateer. 1805. Domingo. when they found him engaged single-handed with eight or ten of the enemy. : : : . and the capture of that fort in West Florida. although wounded. attack of thegun-boats and batteriesat Boulogne. Vigo. Slightly wounded cutting out the French corvette. served in His Majesty's Ship. in wliich battle Capt. where he landed and made prisoner the Spanish Commodore who delivered to him his sword. Commanded a battalion on the North Coast of Spain. Taking of Fort Camarinus and gun-boats from under its protection. with tlie rest of the British. From 1819 to 1821. boarded the vessel fifteen minutes before the other boats tained himself until their arrival. consisting of small detachments of the 21st. near Fontarabia. and attempt at cutting out an enemy's ve-ssel (severely wounded). he was in one of the boats of His Majesty's Ship Minerva. . and served in the Spartiute. boarding and capture of ship Sea Nymph in harbour of Port Louis battle of Trafalgar . served in His Majesty's Ship. boarding and capture of India sliip Chance under the batteries at Mauritius. and at Hernani. At the attack of the American troops at Farnham church commanded upon this occasion the advance. and served until 1800 on the coast of Africa. French frigate. in the general action and defeat of the combined fleets of France and Spain. from the Bay of Arosa. 16th March 1837. 44th. . in the West Indies. Commanded a detachment of Royal Marines landed at Port Jackson during an insurrection of convicts. was with the detachment of Marines sent with a small forcce of Portuguese under General Tane to destroy the Pontoons preparing by Marshal Massena at Santarepi to cross the Tagus was on piquet under that town the night of the : : : : : . . with the detachment of his corps at Bushire. the leading frigate of ten. and was present at the battles of the Kith June. During service in the Forth. storming and taking the heights and forts before the walls of Canton. various successful affairs of boats in North America. Citraco. in the island of Cyprus. he has been employed on various and repeated boat service. in the Gulf of Policastro and near to Cape Palinuro. including the capture of the city of St. Basque Roads. 7th Jan. and in the Lavinia. and Canada. and was present at all the services performed by it. Capture of the island of Guadaloupe. and Ernani l'6th March following. From February 1810 to to Januaiy 1812 in Poictier-s bli. Employed. Spain. 1815. South Beveland. Belonged to the battalion of Royal Marines commanded by Sir James Malcolm. 1805 and May 1809. between 31st July 1813 and 29th Sept. and many other places upon the coast of Calabria and on the Roman States in the ship. 1841. 11 Lt.Major). and. Jan. Taking of the American frigate President. from 10th Oct. and afterwards in various boat affairs in Basque Roads. and at the defence of Cadiz the following year. 1809 and 27th Aug. was at the attack on the French Fleet by Admiral Cornwallis on the 21st Aug. and as senior officer in command of the Royal Marines at the capture of Cluisan on the 5th July 1840. 2nd capture of Chusan. forcing the passage of the Scheldt under a heavy fire from the batteries of Flushing and Cadsand. 22nd July 1805 . following. Capture of Washington. Operations in the Chesapeake under Sir George Cockburn. 11th May. and various other affairs in the ship or her boats above forty times under fire. the 25th of the following month. 1806. Amanthea. 26th Aug. between 7th Oct.-Colonel Ashmore was in the Monarch in Sir Samuel Hood's action with the French fi-igatts in 1806. In 1813 he was on board the Imperieuse at the attack on the batteries and tower of post D'Anzo. 9 Lt. and several times with the Neapolitan squadron.. in garrison and command of Taywoong-kaou fortress in the river and near to Canton.-Colonel Delacombe served on board the To7i7iant covering the embarkation of Sir John Moore's army at Coninna. In 1812 he was at the destruction of the batteries of Languelia. for four years. capture of the strongly fortified Island of Colongso. 1832 to 1835. 13th Oct. he landed on North Beveland. from 6th April to 24th May 1841 . East Indies. 1817. China expedition. off Cape Finisterre. and the storming and taking of the enemy's fort and post of Oswego on Lake Ontario. July and Aug. he was afterwards at the attack on Leghorn under Sir Josias Rowley. From November 1807 till August 1809 in the G7Y/wi7J?wemplojf f at the Cape of Good Hope. ano in tilt. 1808 to 1812. 1812. landing. following. 1836.Tagus: whilst ill Basque. to 27th January 1842. assault and capture of the Island of North Wantiing. Various boat and other services. Coast of Africa. and on the North American shores above five times under fire. in Jan. partially engaged with the French fleet off Toulon. 4 Nov 1805. Bombardment and reduction of Fort Munora in Scinde in Feb. Madagascar. 1805. In all above seventy times under fire.ckadir. 26th May (promoted Lieut. when that agent was embarked in safety. Porto del Infreschi. gun-boats. At the cutting out of six armed vessels from under the batteries of Lamica. the Walcheren expedition in 1809. West Indies. bombardment of the Bogue Forts. 1807. advance on and entry into Ningpo. assault and capture of citadel and city of Chinhae. and Spain. and of the town of Saint Mary's. 8 Colonel Willes's services Sir Richard Strachan's action. 1808. battle of Chuen-pee. in 1812 and 13. wherein he commanded the advance (promoted Brevet. M'Adam. Basque Roads. including the battle of Frampton in the Chesapeak. 10 Lt. for the protection of the East India Company's Political Resident. during service in L'Aigle between Aug. off the coasts of France. and in possession of the Residency until the 30th. 11th and 12th April 1809. winter of 1813 .Colonel). in 1814. Palinuro. 21st Oct. and a convoy of 29 vessels laden with ship timber for Toulon brought out.-Colonel Pratt was at the taking of Capri in the Bay of Naples. and blockade of the Mauriiius. or on shore above twenty-five times under fire. with battalion of Royal Marines. service that brought them continually under fii-e of the batteaies. Domingo in 1809. Capture of Cumberland Island on the coast of Georgia. 1st Oct. together with all the services performed there for nearly four years. under Sir Sidney Smith. 1814.. 12 Lieut. the advance on Canton.300 M ar Services of the Officers of the Royal Marines. blockade of Fort Cygo.. in her boats. which served in Spain. When in tlie Tagus. March 8th. again on South Beveland on staff of Anglo-Russian Force forming siege of Bathz . he landed at Mount Cercilly. Advance to Baltimore. 22d March 1808 .po and Chusan. 1839. and batteries in the Bay of Naples. During service in the Thames. . Served also in the battalion of Royal Marines in Spain. after which he was landed and the enemy driven from their posts. battle of Trafalgar. in 1809. 26lh Feb. action with French frigates off L'Orient. and on similar duties at Nina. which were destroyed. under a smart fire from the Persians. near Amoy. following . after charging with the bayonet and defeating a battalion of the French 52nd Regiment of the Line of a very superior force. Independent of the above. was frequently in tlie boats sent to annoy the toasting trade. in January 1810. and Portugal. 7 Colonel Bury served with the Royal Marine Battalion on the north coast of Spain in 1836-38. 6 Colonel Wearing was wounded at Trafalgar. 1814 .g Brest. or into action with the gun-boats.Roads. 10th Oct. the coast of America. gunboats in Vigo Bay 29th Oct.-Col. and frequently mentioned in the despatches. and several small places. 17 Lt. and in command of a division of seven gun-boats employed blockading the enemy's flotilla at Platsburg. Returned with the battalion to the coast of America. Dawes was at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807. in which Commodore Downie (the captain of the ship). the field acti<ms of the 10th. and was at the attack and taking of Fort Point Petre and the town of St. on the Lakes Ontario. 18. 19 Lt. In the partial action with the French fieet off Toulon in 1814. he went with the battalion to Canada. in the Chesapeake. Jean d'Acre.-Colonel Jolliffe served at the attack on the French Fleet in Aix Roads. at the taking and defence of Castro. in one of the most severe actions fought during the war. and of Hernaui. whilst there. He was afterwards at the demonstration before Nankin in China. St. and frequent affairs with the enemy there. S. Cliilds served in H. north coast of Spain. with the R. Has received the Naval War Medal with two Clasps.-Colonel Evans served in Ulysses and Barossa from 1810 to 1815 on the West India and North America station. Proceeded with the battalion to America. on the occasion of tlie German and Irish troops revolting in 1828. When the battalion was broken up at Isle Aux Noix he was left for Lake service till 1817. Served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 at the advanced posts in Lower Canada.'M. As an officer of Royal Marines. 13 Lt. Adjutant to a Ligiit Corps formed of the flank companies of the 2d West India Regiment and Marine Battalions at the attack and capture of Fort Peter. was at the attack on Norfolk. From August 1826 to August 1829 was serving on the South American station in the Ganges: was landed at Rio. and in boat actions in 1809. including the storming of the enemy's entrenched camp at Hampton in Virginia. Battalion at D'Jouni. he exchanged to join the battalion in Spain. 15 Lieut. JM. including several successful boat affairs under the Batteries of Rochelle and Isle d'Aix in 1811. 12th. On the return of the battalions to England he joined the battalion .^. and 41 men were killed. Owen serving in co-operation with the Spanish army in 1836-7. The Syrian Campaign of 1840 (Medal). Captain Anderson.War Services of the Officers of the Royal Marines.-Col. he was present at the storming of three of the enemy's entrenched batteries and siege of Santa Maura. North of Spain. Bellelsle at the battle of Trafalgar. He also served the Syrian campaign (Medal) of 1840. and other desul. Phceton assisted in of Georgia). and co-operate with the French and other forces landed to quell the mutiny. L'Orient. L'Orient. At the defence of La Cole Mill. Also served in the 1st battalion in Portugal and in operations on the North Coast of Spain. he was sent with a detachment in command of a division of gun boats to attack a battery at the head of Lake Champlain. in Portugal. in Georgia.-Col. and in many minor engagements on the enemy's coast after which he accompanied the battalion to Canada. taking of the town of Hampton. 16 Lt. Wesley served in a battalion of Marines formed from the squadron under Sir Alex. Sent to the city of Florence 1815. On the 11th Sept. to place himself under the directions of General Count m . Was landed at Mahon in command of a guard to protect the person of the Spanish governor from the threatened violence of the Walloon guards. He has received the Military War Medal with one clasp for Guadaloujje. the Walcheren expedition. Graham served with the army in the battalion formed of the marines of the squadron at the taking of Walcheren in 1809. he was engaged on board the Confiance. and frequently employed in boat aftairs on the coasts of Italy and Dalmatia. At the attack on Norfolk. 16 March 1837. and frequently in boats cutting out French coasters.-Colonel Fynmore was at the capture of a French privateer schooner of 16 guns and 96 men. The brigade being broken up. &c. and first Champlain. 14 Lt. including the attack and capture of Sidon. Martin's and St.-Col. bombardment of Acre. and the taking of Hampton. Mary's and Cumberland Island (coast In command of a detachment of Artillery in ll. and was actively employed on the Frontiers. Adjutant to a battalion under Colonel repelling an attack of Algerine gun-boats in 1821. Early in 1813 he volunteered to serve in the 1st battalion under Colonel Sir Richard Williams in the Chesapeake. with which they were engaged some hours. where it was brigaded under Sir Sidney Beckwith at the attack upon Norfolk. M. 301 Marshal's retreat from the Lines. to protect the Imperial family and palace of San Christoph. served with it in Spain and in America.-Col. Served as Captain in the same battalion until the Force under Lord John Hay was withdrawn in 1840. and upwards of 100 wounded.-Col. M. Mary's. 20 Lieut. Eustatia in 1810. Erie. taking of the enemy's camp at Hampton. In coast operations. &c. Lieut. and was engaged in the whole of the operations of the squadron up the Chesapeake in 1813. and the entrenched camp of Hampton. out of a complement of 260. R. and frequently in command of gun-boats on Lake Champlain. and was at the attack of Craney Island. blockading Cherbourg. including the affair before Fuentarabia. and. and Basque Roads. shortly after his promotion in 1837. and capture of Kent Island. 11 July 1836. In April 1812. In 1812 he was attached to the 2nd battalion at Santander. and at the bombardment of St. tory services. In blockading squadrons off Brest. Detached to Canada and served under Commodore Sir James Yeo. M. 1814. Gibraltar. besides other boat service in 1811. and Basque Roads.S. Philips served as a Midshipman on board H.. the fortified positions of St. and 14tli March. Cochrane at the attack and capture of Guadaloupe. capture of Beyrout. he joined the first Battalion . in 1812. with the first battalion of Marines. battle of Navarino in 1827 . Jean d'Acre. 15th March. in the Bay of Rosas. on the 10th Oct. Blyth. 1845. with whicli he was actively employed in the field against the insurgent chiefs. togetiier with a detachment of the OGth Regt.S. 34 Capt. Elliott. Jean d'Acre (Medal). and the Medal from the Turkish Government for services on the Coast of Syria in 1840. as extra aide-de-camp. 33 Captains Campbell and Lemon served with the Royal Marine Battalion on the north coast of Spain. -Col. to guard the captured divisions of the rebel army under Count das Antas. in 1827. attack and capture of the town of L'Escalia. In April. and Wright have received the War Medal with one Clasp. Sayer. 1827. In the campaign on the Coast of Syria in 1840 (Medal). and was landed witli all the detaclnnents of Royal Marines from H. 24 Lieut. -Col. 1842. He has been presented with a medal from the Sultan. 1826. for which service he was promoted by His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence. S. and apjjointed to command tliat force. Brown's services attack on French forts atCiota June 1812 . S. M. 37 Captain Ayles served at the battle of Navarino in 1827 (Medal). and off Brest. 22 Lieut. On the termination of hostilities with China he proceeded in the North Star to New Zealand . served afterwards in the West Indies. was at the storming of Sidou. and the action of Hernani. In 1823 he was sent up to the city of Lima to protect English merchants' property against the attacks of the Negro slaves during the civil war. or Villages. 26 Captain Mitford was employed on the coast of Syria during the whole of the operations against the Egyptians he landed and served with the battalion at the Camp d'Jouni and was present at the bombardment of St. (Medal). 1849. and was severely wounded at the attack on the defences of Canton. 39. and was wounded in the attack on the intrenched camps on the heights of Segoan. and was present in the actions of Fuenterabia and Hernani. He served as Captain on the coast of Portugal and in the Tagus during the civil war in 1846-7. commander-in-chief of the Austrian army. Hurdle was at the attack on the forts and harbour of Courageaux in 1815 . Served with the French army at the reduction of the town and fortress of Patras and the Morea castle . E. 1846. 1841. commanded by Colonel Adair. : — : . ships present. attack of Algiers . Served on the S. were successfully attacked and destroyed: for these services he obtained the Brevet rank of Major. including the blockade of the Woosnng Rivers (Medal). He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. -Col. 21 Lieut. Nugent. and the Mediterranean. . 23 Lieut. 1841 to Sept. 1813 . : — . Gray served at the battle of Navarino in 1827. Isle of Candia. and under Espartero in raising the siege of Bilboa. 25 Captain Buchanan served as Quartermaster of the Roval Marine Battalion at D'Jouni (Medal). 28 Captain Parke's services Co-operation with the Spanish forces and Legion near San Sebastian. 16th JIarch 1837 he was subsequently appointed Adjutant to the force under Colonel Parke. served also on the China expedition. The 20th Oct. Castor (36). and was at the capture of Acre. 1837. 33t Captains Hunt. M. embarked on board H. June. North Sea. Cossar. prisoners in Fort St. was lauded in command of his detachment on the Albanian coast to attack Pirates. the Texel. 12th. besides various minor affairs. including the field actions of the 10th. 35 Captain Moore was at the destruction of58 piratical vessels at Cho-Keum in Oct. Dwyer served in the blockading squadrons off Flushing. but in consequence of belonging to a gradation corps the appointment was afterwards cancelled. Also on the China expedition. C.302 War Services of the Officers of the Royal Marines. he participated in the operations of the Expeditionary Force in China. in co-operation with the Spanish army. While serving in H. Julian. on the north coast of Spain in 1836-7-8. destruction of Greek pirates at Porto Bono. in 1827. 30 Major Langford served with the Battalion in Spain from June 1836 to Sept. 1812. coast of Spain from 4th Jan. and was landed with his detachment from H. and was present at the bombardment of St. 18th March. from Sept. George Elliott served with the Royal Marine Battalion in co-operation with the Spanish troops against the Carlists in 1837 . -Colonel Land served as Adjutant to the Royal Marine Battalion at D'Jouni. 27 Major Hawkins commanded the Royal Marines (about 200 strong) at the attack on and destruction of Malloodoo in Borneo.. North Star. Lowder. and 14th March. where he planted the British colours on the walls. 31 Captain T. 38 to 30 Jan. 30 Captain Anderson served at the battle of Navarino. and off Oporto during the civil war between Don Pedro and Don Miguel. Also in a battalion under Colonel Owen. and engagement at Punta Obligada in the river Parana on the 20th Nov. near Toulon. In 1833 joined the Royal Marine Battalion at Lisbon. B. whose strongly stockaded Pahs. Superb. Huskisson. was at the battle of Navarino. Was also at the destruction of 29 war junks in China in 1840. M. partial engagement with the French fleet. B. and was at the taking of the city of Naples. M. 1840. 29 Major Stransham served at the battle of Navarino. Since the peace he has served in the East and West Indies. McCarthy. Served also with the battalion at the camp at d'Jouni. advance on Canton. Has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and J. and was present at the battle of Clmenpee. Maxwell served on the China expedition. . served with the Royal Marine IJattalion at D'Jouni in Syria in 1840 (Medal). 46 Capt. 42 Capt. 60 Captain Farrant served with the Royal Marine Battalion in Syria (Medal). and bombardment of Acre. and was present at the battle of Chuenpee. Lillicrap. capture of the batteries and city of Woosung. and bombardment of Acre.M. attack of batteries of Anunghoy and North Wantung. Also in China in 1841-2 (Medal). Parke. at Caifia and Tsour. T. Wearing. in 1840. 41 Capt. Langley served in the operations on the North Coast of Spain in command of the detachment of Royal Marines of H. 40t Captains H. Has received the War Medal with one Clasp. bombardment of Acre (slightly wounded by the explosion of a magazine). at the surrender of Beyrout. and bombardment and capture of Acre. and was slightly wounded in the assault upon Gebail. and was severely wounded in the attack on the entrenched camps on the heights of Segoan. advance on Canton. attack on Chuenpee. B. bombardment and taking of Macao Passage Fort. Jean d'Acre. Harrison served in the operations on the Coast of Syria (Medal). 58 Capt.52 Captain Ussher served in China (Medal). Stewart. participated in the actions of the first and second Bars . 48 Captain Onslow was present at the storming of Sidon (Medal). entry into Ningpo. during the operations in the Yang. assisted at the demolition of the Bogue Forts in the Canton River . Simon Fraser served throughout the campaign in Syria (Medal). the storming of Sidon. at the first capture of Chusan. was at D'Jouni. 57 Captain Penrose served with the Royal Marine Battalion on the North Coast of Spain in 1838. at D'Jouni. 51 Captain Timpson served as Adjutant to the Royal Marine Battalion in 1842 at the capture of Tscke and heights of Segoan. the storming and capture of Sidon. tse-Kiang. 56 Captain Louis served in Syria (Medal) at the storming of Sidon. 53t Captain* Varlow. capture of Colongso. Pleydell. 1838. 45 Capt. 303 38 Capt. He served also in the operations on the Coast of Borneo in 1846 and 46. and the bombardment and capture of St. Hambly served on the China expedition (Medal). and Hockings served in Spain with the Royal Marine Battalion. Adair served in Syria in 18t0 (Medal). 53 Captain Hamley served in Syria in 1840 (Medal). 44 Captain Fosbroke was employed on shore against the natives in New Zealand in 1846. and bombardment and fall of St. including the attack on Malloodoo Bay. the attack on the fortified position of Gebail. and bombardment of Acre. Syrian Medal. Parker was wounded through the arm at Prescott. He has received the War Medal and one Clasp. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 60 Capt. and was severely wounded on the 9th June 183G. . 47 Captains Savage. including the storm and capture of Sidon.War Services of the Officers of the Roijal Marines. assault and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. M'Callum. Served also in China in 1842 (Medal). during 1834 and two following years. and at D'Jouni. Jean d'Acre. 54 Capt. and landing before Nankin. including the storming and capture of Sidon. defending the heights of Passages against a very superior force of Carlists. and capture of Auioy. at D'Jouni. Aslett served the Syrian campaign (Medal). and Brooker. the surrender of Beyrout. including the fortresses of French Folly and Hoqua's Fort. surrender of Beyrout. Farmar served on the China expedition. the bombardment of Acre. including He served the attacks on the fortress of D' Jebail.S. Spalding served in command of a Company throughout the operations in He has received the Syria. J. 1830). 43 Capt. surrender of Beyrout. Shewen was employed during the whole of the campaign on the coast of Syria. J. 55 Captain Seaile served the Syrian Campaign (Medal) . storming the heights and entrenched camp of Canton. was engaged in the destruction of all the enemy's sea and river defences. including the storm and capture of Sidon. capture of the batteries of Le Shau. and Wemyss. bombardment of Colongso. H. A. D'Jouni. Marriott served two years with the expeditionary force in China. and was slightly wounded at the attack on Gebail. capture of the heights of Canton. 49 Capt. 13th Nov. and was present at the first capture of Chusan .1842. 59 Capt. Lambrick (wounded r2th July. served the Syrian Campaign of 1840 (Medal). storming of the Bird's Nest Battery. 39 Captain Hocker served in Syria in 1840 (Medal) and was at the storming of Sidon and bombardment of Acre. and the storming of Sidon. in Upper Canada. attack of the Anunghoy batteries. attack on the hill defences and capture of Chapoo. and at D'Jouni. Castor. assault and capture of the citadel and city of Chinhae. served the Campaign in Syria in 1840 (Medal) at D'Jouni. second capture of Chusan. 40 Capt. 15th March. Clavell. and finally at the combined attack on the enemy's position and entrenched camp on the heights above Canton. 41 1 Captains Curry. and on shore at the capture and occupation of also in Prome. 61 Capt. Fury.. St. Barnard served in the Royal Navy in Syria in 1840 (Turkish Medal and Naval War Medal with one Clasp). in action with the batteries on 4th June 1846. 70 Lieut.M. M. 1845. Driver was landed at Monte Video for the protection of British property in 1845. Andrew river against the castle of Vij. on the 10th Jan. R. and afterwards at the storm and capture of the city of Bassein (wounded. Julian. storming the heights of Canton. Lorenzo. In 1812 he was on the north coast of Spain. and was at the defence of Colonia in the river Plate in March and April 1847. served at Monte Video during the Civil "War in 1844. Edward M'Arthur was present at the attack and destruction of the piratical stockades. Stewart served on the coast of Syria during the whole of the campaign. Nightingale served throughout the Burmese war of 1852 in H. 1849. In 1808 he was at tlic defence of Rosas. In the Parana. 80 Lieut. Western Aliica. on the 1st Oct. were present in an engagement with Pirates at Borneo.^. Western Aft-ica. Fox. A. Commanded the Royal Marines at the destruction of the same stockades on the 4th April. 67 Lieut. and was present at the taking of the fortified Pah at Ruapekapeka on the nth Jan. on the 4th and 5th March. 1851. Shute served in the Royal Navy during the operations on the coast of Syria (Turkish Medal and Naval War Medal with one Clasp). and at the defeat of their forces.M. landed in command of the Marines during the wliole of tlie operations against Rangoon. S. 62 Capt. and in H. on the 20th Nov. New Zealand. 20th Nov. He was there detached for service in the Parana. Commanded the Marines on the expedition to Mobee again. In 1809 he was in the Walcheren expedition. S. 66 Lieut. and subsequently in all the : attacks at New Orleans. and forcing the passage of tlie river. Allen served on the China Expedition. &c. in action with Burmese troops at Mect-tha on 30th September. Morrison was present when the Batteries of Obligado in the river Parana were attacked and carried. 77 Lieut.S. mentioned in Governor-General's despatch). when about 1200 slaves were liberated. 26th Dec. during which time he assisted at the destruction of several Barracoons on the coast. In 1811 he was serving with the Marine battalion in Lisbon. and was the officer wlio directed the guns from a rock at the entrance of the St. advance on Canton. and was present at the attack and capture of the ports of Obligado. 74 Lieut. off Monte Video. Williams was severely wounded at Lagos. Boyle commanded the detachment of Royal Marines in the expedition up the St. bombardment of Colongso. and surrender of others in 1848. In 1807 he was present at the passage of the Dardanelles. 1846. capture of Washington. while taking and destroying the batteries. 65 Lieuts. and was present at the battle of Chuenpee. M. and was several times engaged with the French flotilla. Kennedy and Mansell. Edinburgh. at Lagos. and at the siege of St. Hallilay was employed in the gun boats at the destruction of the Chinese piratical fleet in the Tonquin River in 1849. Lawrence acted as Aide-de-camp to Capt.st the army of the Governor of Rangoon (officially thanked) . 81 Captain Lawrence served in bomb vessels in 1805 and 6 between Dunkirk and Boulogne. J. M. from the 11th to the 17th April. 72 Lieuts. Hastings on the Irawaddy in the autumn of 1852. 79 Lieut. and Cascats. &c.M. and in Egypt. Served in boats oiH. 1850. Harris and Reed served in the Kaffir war of 1851-2. 76 Lieut.o. In 1814 he was at the battle of Bla^ densburg. . and engaged with the enemy's gun-boats at Batz. action btforc Baltimore. Served also on the coast of Africa for two years. 75 Lieut. 63 Capt. as also tlie Royal Marines embarked in the steam (Honourably flotilla on the Irrawaddy. Domville was landed in 1845 with a detachment of Royal Marines for the protection of British property at Monte Video. John Elliott served in H. in December 1851. 73 Lieut.M. and commanded the first division of the rocket party at St. and destroying the Turkish squadron. 1845. 64 Captain Dyer. Hotham. Jean d'Acre in H. and honourably mentioned in both Naval and Military despatches). Juan de Nicaragua. attack of batteries of Anunghoy and North Wantung. Pickard served on the China expedition. and destruction of their stockades in Malloodoo Bay in 1845. 68 Lieut. and was mentioned in the despatclies. at all the attacks on that coast. Holland commanded a detachment employed on board H. and severely wounded on the advance to Prome. Medea at the destruction of 13 piratical vessels and 120 guns at Kuto (China). and destruction of the Burmese war-boats in the Rangoon river. and subsequently landed and blew it up he was also at the taking of Castro.S. Commanded a detachment at Rat Island. Fox during the action with tlie stockade batteries. and was present at the storming of Fort Serapagui.S. 69 Lieut. and was at the taking of Sidon. and on shore at the capture and destruction of 23 piratical vessels and 250 guns in Bias Bay (China).War 304 Services of the Officers of the Royal Marines. at Punta Obligada. N. and defeat of their forces and destruction of their stockades in Malloodoo Bay in 1845. in the river Parana. steamer Teazer. 1852. At Borneo Proper in an engacemeiit with pirates. in spiking the guns to protect H. then aground. 78 Lieut. and destroying batteries. . as Assistant-Surgeon of H. S. being in boat service. Was twice very severely wounded and twice rewarded from Patriotic Fund. From 1813 to 16. In 1809. and Jaffa He was landtd from H. blockading the French flotilla at Boulogne Assisted in the boats cutting out a large French lugger several times in action with them. He served the Syrian campaign of 1840 (INIedal). From 1809 to 1811 served on board H. He was surgeon of the Alligator at Rangoon during the Burmese war. in the Baltic. S. on the coast of the Adriatic. during the siege of the city by the Argentine Army under General Oribe. including the assault aud capture of Sidon and bombardment of Acre. He was afterwards present in several boat actions. Present at the battle of Algiers in 1816. 89 Doctor Irvine was actively employed on the coast of North America in 1814 and 15. during two years. iu Catalonia. and was in tlie ceneral action of the '22nd Dec. was in the action with and capture of four Spanish frigates off Cape St. and was several times in action with Danish gun -boats in the Belt. — : — : Syria in 1840. and subsequently at the blockade of Rochfort. 90 Doctor Millar and Quartermaster Cooper have received the Medals for service in 8'i Capt. &c. M. He has been frequently engaged in boat actions with batteries. Served in the West Indies. : . . served on board His Majesty's ship Daphne. in 1808. 1805. 1803 to July. M. 87 Captain Wolrige served in the year 1809 with Lord Cochrane in Basque Roads . 1810. for the Syrian service he was promoted to the Brevet rank of at Beyrout. &c. Spencer. wounded. with the 1st battalion (Royal Marines) in America. 1805. . Defence of Cadiz in 1809 . where he commanded a storming party in a successful night attack on the coast.S. on the coasts of Africa. from 1800 until 1809. and Martinique. and was rewarded by the Patriotic Fund at the commencement of this attack he was severely wounded by a musket-ball shattering the wrist which rendered amputation of the right band necessary. where he had also charge of the Hospital Ship established for the reception of the sick and wounded of the flotilla employed in the Irrawaddy. Commanded the marines at the taking of Cortelazza in 1809. or on detached service.. Appointed to the Royal Marine Artillery on the formation of that corps in 1804. and frequently under the fire of the enemy. and Acting-Surgeon of H. and the Royal Marines from June 1843 to July 1847. and taking six gunboats. From 1812 to 1814. Irvine gained the gold medal of Sir Gilbert Blane for his Medical Journal. Mary's . 85 Capt. 1811. action with flotilla of gun-boats in Gibraltar Bay. and received reward from the Patriotic Fund. Since the Peace. and destruction of convoys. Alfred. M. M. at Monte Video. off Corfu and in PI. 22nd Nov.M. War Services of the Officers of the Royal Marines. in His Majesty's ship Pr'niceof Wales. Perlen iu the action with tlie French squadron ofFToulon. and on the Lakes of Canada. Thehan. He was surgeon of the Dartmouth in the battle of Navarino. at Dieppe. and capture of large convoys. sloop Dispatch. Amphion. cutting out a schooner in Corsica a severe action with a French frigate. a 88 Captain Toby served from 1810 to 12 inclusive. he has served in the Mediterranean. from May. from Jan. and Royal Marines for three months. after a most sanguinary action with a garrison of French troops at the point of the bayonet. Severely wounded at South Beveland in 1814. on the Coast of France. when the whole of the garrison were killed. Little served in the channel fleet and at the blockade of Ferrol and Corunna in 1803-4. and was employed in various bomb vessels on the enemy's coast co-operating with the land forces. S. &c. and severala ctions in boats cutting out French vessels. and in the same year was engaged in action with gun-boats in the Baltic. 13th March. and frequently officially mentioned for gallantry. 83 Major Leonard served witli tlie detacliment of Royal Marines in the Fortress of Roses. M. From 1810 to 1812 defence of Cadiz and Tarifa. and driven on shore under the batteries in toe Bay of Rosas in 1808. In command of the mortars in the Vesuvius bomb at the attack of Boulogne. on which occasion he received the particular thanks of the Admiralty. and of the flag ships St. and South America. Hookey served 305 as Volunteer 1st class. He was senior officer of marines in the action off Lissa. the squadron for the protection of British subjects and property. Served at the taking of Pessara. with the Royal Marines of Major. He has been in upwards of 30 successful contests with the enemy. S. Commanded the marines of the squadron at the taking of Grao and large convoys laden with military stores. he was present at tlie reduction of Zante and (yei)lialonia and in 1810 at tliat of Santa Maura. 181 1 . 86 Capt. or made prisoners. including the capture of Les Saints. Moore served in H. to Dec. Vlnceyit and Brifanida in the Mediterranean whilst in the latter ship Dr. also at the camp D'Jonni. for this action and previous Present also at the capture of several other towns services he was made brevet-captain. and commanded the brigade consisting of the Reserve Battalion 45th Regt. 84 Captain Watson served as Quartermaster of the Royal Marine Battalion employed in co-operation with the troops of the Queen of Spain in 1837. and was wounded 16th March. including the assault of the entrenched batteries and siege of tlie Fortress. 19 July Thos. 40 Jamaica. do. 40 Canada. Ca2)e of Good Hope. Helena. do. do \Cape of Good Hope. 45 Cape of Good Hope.26 Dec. COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. station. West Indies. 39 Neiofoundland. 49 4 May 11 Jan.Commissaries. 8 Mr. Dec. Orlhes. Sebastian. Canada. 33 do.. and Toulouse. 16 24 May 34 23 Dec. .22 Oct. 15 20 Jan. 13| 7 June 25 28 June 38 JVetc South Wales. 49 Van Diemau's Land. . do. 23 May 2 Nov. Swan 1 July William Fisher Mends 7 June 25 Fulford Bastard Feilde ^ 1 | i j John M'Farlan Thomas Graham ^ Joseph Wm. ^ George Maclean* Deputy. 41 do. 7 June 25. Wybault John William Smith Johannes de Smidt Robert Ackroyd William Stanton Wm.Commissaries. 37 26 Dec. 30 Dec. 15 June 43 Western Australia. Henry Robinson Green John Bland ^A'illiam 22 Oct. Mr.General. and the Cross of First Class of the Order of San Fernando for Altza.. 37 20 Jan. 34 15 June 44 11 . Gen. & St. Maturin John William BovcU Randolph Routh Maximilian Malassez Philip Turner Henry Browne Morse Charles Thos. 45 do 2 Jan. Fred. 46 Nova Scotia. 48 Canada. 31 Dec. 41 j . Commis. . do 1 July 40 8 Dec. . 44 do.3 Mr. New South Wales. do. Gen. Pennell has received tlie War Medal with four Clasps for Vittoria. .General. . Thomas Mylrea 25 Dec. Ciudad Rodrigo. do 5 Oct. West Indies. 16 Mar. Gen Commis. and has received a Medal for St. Sebastian. Geo. 36 20 Jan. 2 Mr. . Bermuda. . do do.South Australia. Coxworthy do. . do. 37 Malta. Lament Owen Francis Bisset Archer William Henry Drake George Shepheard William Hen. 10 Sept. 23 Dec. Mauritius. 41 Neic Zealand. Mauritius. Canada. Rayner lias received tlie War Medal witli two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. 15 July 26 Dec. 6th June 1836. 36 14 May 29 16 Dec. Malassez do do do do ^ ^_ Gibraltar. William Fletcher Bridgen 19 July Charles do. do. do do New South Wales. Canada. Maclean has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Orthes and Toulouse. Cape of Good Hope. . 20 May 28 29 Dec. 21 8 Mar. Thos. Charles Swain 7 June Ferguson Thos. 42 29 Dec. do 2 Jan. 24 Dec. 6 Dec. 16: 25 Nov. 46 Malta. 49 do John Kent Stephen 11 Apr. . 5th May. Laidley has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Fuentes d'Onor. Va7i Diemau's Land.General. 27 24 Dec. Henry James Wild ^JohnLaidley^ Thomas Warton Ramsay ^ Lovell PennelP Wm. C. Ionian Islands. Nivelle. 28 June 38 do \Neiv Zealand. 306 CommiBsary Deputy Assistant Deputy Asst.i General. 12. Van Dieman's Land. Robert Alex. 12 7 June 25. . 1 July 40 Hong Kong. ISJIO Sept. Charles Williams . do [Jamaica. Demerara. 37 24 Dec. I Commissaries. 24 July 34 1 i ^ William Bishop June 13 July 15 July 122 April |31 Jan. Commis.23 Sept. 34 Nova Scotia. Weir Thomas Rayner^ John Lane 1$ George Adams Assistant. Scotia. 1 Dec. do. . Erskine served as a Captain of the 8th Regiment Anglo-Spanish Legion in 1835-C. \St. 24 Dec. do 16 Apr. 29 Aug. Nova Cape of Good Hope. . 12 22 Oct.26 Dec. S. . 35 20 Jan. 1 Mr. do. . do do do. Erskine* Henry Clarke Stanley Jones James Lane George Home Henry Ashton Henry Priaulx Frederick Brathwaite . do. do do. bO Western Australia. do. do do. . do 23 Dec. 49 Gibraltar. j28 June 38 28 Dec. Montreal. John Salusbury Davenport James Aug. 41 do 23 Dec. do do. do do do do. do. Commis. do do. Van Dieman's Land. Thomas W. Leonce Routh Frederick Stanley Carpenter William Le IMesurier . do do. Canada.. 53 West Indies Van Dieman's Land. . Hen. New Zealand. 28 June 38 1 July 40 I Deputy Assistant Commissaries-General. 37 29 Dec. [Station. Deputy Asst. Gen. do. Dalrymple. 38 do 1 July 40 5 Jan. Midwood Cliarles Anthony Home William Palmer Francis Edward Knowles . Van Dieman's Land. Trinidad. 'Antigua. 53 Sierra Leone . Alexander Edwards . . 42 17 Sept. do !24 Dec. Assistant Commis. 307 Commissariat Department. John Trimmer Geo. Wm. 43 14 Feb. Gen. Van Dieman's Land. Darley Lardner . do 27 Aug. \Nova Scotia. Cape of Oood Hope. Barhadoes. 20 Jan. superintend the issue of provisions. 28 Nov. 51 Honduras j . Gaudet do Geo. Deputy Assistant as Lieutenant. Swan . and for land and water transport. In the West Indies they pay in detail the Assistant Commissioners and Stipendiary Magistrates under the Provisions of the Slave Compensation Act at some stations they perform the duties of Naval The Commissariat : : Agents. Australia Jaines Long D. negotiation of Bills for their supply. and charge of the Locks and In New South Wales and Collection of the Tolls on the canals connected with the St. Dougan Geo. Aug. Luke Freeman Feb. they have the charge stations the present time. and their duties to execution of receive their instructions from the Board of Treasury. of G. on an army. do Fred.. to serve One year before eligible for Promotion. Ball 14 John Henry Sale . Gen. Peter WooHcoinbe 128 Dec. Macgregor do ." No person to enter but as Clerk.. of G. They enter into contracts for Ordnance Stores. 50 Barbadoes Edward L. Mills 5 Arch.Hope David Standen do Lathan Wm. of all descriptions for convict services. Nova Scotia. 501 Canada Alex. M'Clintock do C. Clothing. on the spot. of G. 29 Philip RoUeston do Nova Scotia Charles Edw. Station.. Hope Arthur Kay C.. with whom they correspond through the Secretary on all points of service on which they are engaged. | ' . of G. Deputy as Major. . be " Commissary-General. before rank appointed Clerk previous to the age of IG. on account of their respective services." " Deputy Commissary-General. Clerk three years.Hope] William C. July Jan. Donald M'Lean Wm. Van Dieman's Land. : 1 . . Ensign. I j Blue. all money allowances and contingencies . 1810." " Clerk. Blacker do C. F. B. they pay the Ecclesiastical Establishments.o/G. Gen. Hope C. required on the spot for the supply of the Troops. Thompson 29 Dec. Ward . and Naval PenThey contract and pay for Provisions sions. . and receipt of all surplus monies arising from various sources in the hands of public departments. 8 Feb. 1837. they supply Provisions.. Deputy Asst. and issue such articles of Provision as are sent out for the Their duties are blended with the Army. George Woolrabe do S. DUTIES AND ORGANIZATION. do Robert Cellem do 27 do Gibraltar John Blood Gallwey . Ajistralla Arthur William Downes Theodore E. At sistence and transport of of the Military Chests. Fred. No person to be eligible. Hope — Black Velvet. and provided and paid for everything necessary for the subabroad.. Hope Canada C. Islands James A.. Probyn Robert Booth Edw. Tho. That the Gradation of Rank. Australia^ Henry Joiin Brownrigg 2 do William John Fagan do E. Chelsea Pensions. of G. Sheerman Dwight George Rennie Charles Bagot Smith Station. Hope C. W. Navy. Mitchell.Hope Donald Jlaclean Geo. The comparative ranks are Commissary-General as Brigadier-General. forage." " Deputy Assistant Commissary-General. Deputy Assistant Assistant. Campbell Napier Justus Hy.. They pay in detail the Staff.. or Ten years from entrance as Clerk before eligible. Bennett Helena Joseph Marsh St. to all persons resident at the several stations. and light in kind made by Contractors. 308 Deputy Asst.. Facings West Indies C. In Canada. . Commissariat Department. See Report of Commissioners appointed to enquire into the expediency of Consolidating the Civil Departments of the Army. Barbadoes iJoseph M. Wm. Fred. after Assistant as Captain. .28 Dec. 51 Barbadoes Dec. and provide and pay for supplies for Army Hospitals. Cominis. 5\ West Indies 48 Barbadoes . Edward •29 Ibbetson Dec. 4S W. many other branches of the public service. Ordnance. Compassionate allowances. and Stores. &c. Wellington Bell. as also monies for remittance to England. Deputy to be Three years in that Assistant. and to the Heads of the Ordnance and Naval Departments.— — . and \ise of the Troops from England. Forsyth Moore .. Sackv... Lawrence. : — — — — — — — — — . also (he Half-Pay and retired allowances. . do do do do do Hong Kong ^Bermuda Canada Feb.ofG." •' Assistant Commissary-General. M. . Building Materials. See Army Regulations. The following is the authority for its present organization Commissary-in-Chief's Office. and Jamaica. Turner. counted as actual service on Full Service to be Pay. Gibraltar Fred. Rogers 19 Jan.. and at the former they have the custody and issue of Indian Presents. fuel.. — In the Field they have hitherto had are charged with the following duties the custody of the Military Chest. do do do do do do do do West Indies Hope C. They make advances to Regimental Paymasters on account of the Pay of the Troops. His Majesty has been pleased to command that the following regulations should be established and acted upon in all future Promotions and Appointments in the Commissariat. of G. &c. 19 March. or Five from entrance as Clerk before eligible. of G.... HOC. Commis. 49' do loii. Lieutenant-Colonel. They are under the orders of and responsible for the the General or Officers commanding at the various stations. Five years as to serve Four years.. Geo. dated 21 July. Widows' Pensions. l-S Tf 00 CO O r1 IN •<i' ff» c«H. «P pm . <?» I cc -^ '5'S"3 "^ 1-5 ) i-( o) 3 OS < I I ..^«_.050CCiC5t>-OSOO *QO«00 *COTlCOC0eOCOCO5«O<r-. 3 o « 3 1-5 l< I 05 CO 05 OJ c-i JS»S '3 £ ^ •.A. co-^Tjitri-^co-^-^coco 0-^r-.2 05 Q „ 2 5 '. o O O « o «.ii J»P) :Si? P5s . fc£! SW(g w .c.-<i<oo»»oc.O § 3 S t» ^ Q 1^ -5 * ® ^ "^ ** Ci Ci ^ lO CO O 00 CO »o >o o (N eo o *» <N CN ^^ t<" 1^ CS lO <* rH r- i-< -1. lO CO CO r-< b «o « O X |o < & • 1-5 * CO C3 O -* O 1— "O 00 *» '.' r^ <U OJ OJ - B S mO PS o c^ S H< CO JO r-l <| 1^ a> ^ O 0) • S 3 3 1-5 3 -Q r? 1-5 3 (J-l 0) 3" ^g >0 CO tM ^ uO 'O O fl< 1-5 ^ i-H i " . fc ^ ^ "-I i-i \^i O 1— I l(M O • jj « aj <N 35 r-t rt O — fe b .2 J: ... P H « ~ 5 s^S "s -s ^- 2 ^> u o a* £ 5 3 P c -2 -' 3 -M w >.2^.a.2-2. ?>» r-l I I?' 3 3 ~ • <!OS'-5 r- .: ago o ce i-k c'b a 3 5 3 P 5 Ph S i_^— -^ 5 aj 'o •5 ..2 . < P S .a > «' St o ^ C o o . c c tf gu ( O -^ 1 O I-) . ^ o g. o i-s 00 00 r-.-(i-. «s -Q o 01 <u <U ° * "^ C O O S ® 3 ^ o 01 3 P O 0> ca CO o S £ =* <. 1-^ CS 3 C3 w CN CO — (?» •g (U r-H ffJ ^^o C» rt r^ s o 5 ' e • CO _o 1=' o — .wo >. ao--. > >5-" |q" 1-5 g Quo :^ hj n aQQ *f i^ c« ~u o V i^ aT S Q CO O! O a a2 C5 C^ .T*i(N<J»C» ot . cs 3 .t-<. -* CO (M —1 CO 00 00 > >. H B S O t= 5 g-g S s S _ 3 g-s g s h4 g hi?S OQ ^o^ 3 Q ^ ® cS « 03 ^ 3s! ^ ^ 5 ^ r^"^ ^ . J" §« W '^ SP £ 5 03 5 >> 3 .-.I-:PhO!»1-5^^ r^ r^ al C» CI C-J .«o = g "C! ci "2 so O w jo fir.g S o g -- E-hSi fT J "" 3 o aj-B o :^« i-sE^Hi-s^H^i-sW Pc«HH?iHtS:p! >i <D 12 fc Or.. >^^ -^ H A u >^t^ i.S ..— ^jx ij* !*< (M v»' (M CJ ' ' ' fcp ?^ OOO y) c t-l i-vi — r-l i-H ' 53 S o o i-< r^i '^ '" h-.S<uosgai°o*oooE S3 gs -< *^ ^ Q ^-1 «=s Q t^ ~" . ^ i^±>.|-. g _r o C8 o o . i-t rl r-H rH r-l C5 r-C5-^iOCOCO>JtlO'OC3COt>COoOC^COiCO r-l <! O i-H C» CI r^ CI C< CI O C» CI Ct C( C» C» CI CI <! oSSoS.2 g s 3s./2S^<5Sl-jH5l-5l-50F*ll-5 I M V^ '* !?» r-. "^ rl -^ cd be ^ rt . fco"! ce S5 c« B j: <S l:^ on rH o» (?? ^^ O t-^ r^ !:^ O OI (M CD " ^ ^ ^ v^ I "X) r-< — ' ' I " — Tf rH r-1 CI r^l CI — *» rH . ' ^ t^ — O ri^ M to >=lr^ CD cs g c s ^: • . 1— CM 5) CI C» (M i-i I-5I-5H-5I-S^H.n i- ^ .pL(>-5'-'. . 17 Sept. 3tJ 18 April 30 1 Oct. M. 39 1 Dec. Graham Balfour.M.D. Hope. 21 July Hong Kong. William George Swan. C.D Thomas Joliffe Tufnell Patrick Sinclair Laing^' Henry Lionel Cowen William Barrett. .Macauley. M. Barbadoes. West Indies.. 22 July 20 July. New Ceylon.. Chatham.^'' M. Grenada. ODec. staff Surgeons of the Second Class. Sfc Apothecaries. of G. 30 Mar.D Thomas Patrick Matthew Edward Le Blanc John Ewing 2d class. M. 23 Sept. 25 London. May May May 11 29 John Trench James Carroll Dempster. M. Canada.D Thomas Best Fairbairn. New S. Fraser. William Green Trousdellj^o^M. M. of G. Dec. Hope. M.D.D John Donald Tho. Mar. Ceylon. Jamaica. Ceylon. Feb. Robert M'Whairie. Pay. 39 Nov. Thomas Waller Barrow-* C. 15 April 3 Dec 29 Dec. Oct. Corfu.D 4 Nov. M. 20 Nov. 39 22 5 15 23 29 4 22 6 22 M.D Henry Frederick Robertson David Stuart Erskine Bain George Waterloo Pennington Sparrow William Thomas Black Thomas Frederick Wall Francis Smith John Rambaut'^ Gordon Kenmurc Hardie.D 29 Oct. M.• . Hong Kong. 19 Oct. Canada. M. Dec. 25 Sept.D Thomas Dehane Lightbodv. 5 3 20 10 27 12 May Freeman Daniell. 39 27 Dec. M. James Alex. New 11 17 Jan. Assist. Donnelan Marchant 17 Sept. College. 10 Jan. Oct. Gold Coast. 20 Nov. 8 June Jan. only) Edward John Burton..D George Murray Webster. 11 Mar. 14 Oct. 5iaaj. 19 Mar.D Duncan Donald M'Cay M'Donald John Stuart Smith. ASSISTANT SURGEON. 23 Mar. 24 May Ja?ne3 Richard Ffennell Wm.. M. 26 July Edward Meuzies 21 Oct. 21 James Jackson Wm. 15 Malta. 29 Jan. Lucia. Zealand. Mauritius. Feb. 11 Jan. Jamaica. VanDieman'sL. M. 18 Mar. C. April 39 12 April 42 23 Aug. M. Canada. Canada. 11 June Canada. of G.Winchestcr Fraser. William Tlioraas Hoskin. M. Asylum. Assistant-Surgeons.D 18 Sept.D Edward Frederic Kelaart Augustus Purefoy Lockwood John Thomas Watson Bacot 11 Sept. Malta. C. 28 May Sierra Leone. M.D. Nova Scotia. M. Wales. R. Hope. Cork. M. 12 Feb. Hospital. Ceylon. M. Chatham. 41 Chelsea. Canada. George Frederick Bone. 3 Dec.B Thomas Moorhead. Adam Alexander Prout. Nov. 28 Aug. 12 Dec. Chatham. C. 18 Sept. Apothecary.D {Kilmninliani Hasp. 18 Apr.^^ M. Surg. ofG.D Ebenezer Alfred Jenkin Yarmouth. 22 April 42 11 June 41 11 June 8 Sept.. 42 16 Nov. St. 6 May Sierra Leone. William July C. 24 Oct. Kilkenny. D R. 48 .B William Munro. Nov. 13 April 10 April 21 May VanDieman'sL.D Charles Bush 311 WHERE SUKGEON Chatham. Full Half Pay. M. 8 April 42 13 Dec. M.^* M. M. Yearg'Serv. '^^ William Rutherford. . of G. 4 . Canada. 9 Dec. St. Nicholas O'Connor. 47 Chatham. Medical Department. 7 Jan. 2 March John Summers. M. Hope. Dublin. Robert Henry King Hope. Chatham.D . 10 July 21 Sept.W. 28 Feb.D George Thomas Galbraith. Robert Cooper 1 Mar..Hope.. Mar. 18 May 13 Corfu.D 28 Jan. 10 May 20 Nov.. M. Hearn Home Aug. STATIONED. do. 2 July 10 July . 31 Jan. ^^ M. 17 Sept.D Richard Bannatine Melville Neale. Dublin. 1 Jan. Dec. Kitts.^^ jj^j) Henry Huish. Van Dieman's L.D 8 June 11 June 8 April 17 June 20 Oct. 24 June 07 11 ( Dispenser \ (4 April 15 3 West Indies. Kilmainham Alexander Gibb. Hong Kong. 23 Jan. Joseph Schembri James Woolley Simpson Francis Matthias Bassano 1^ Zealand.D Henry March Webb. of G. M. R. ^'i M. Nova Scotia.D.D Michael Allen Jane Tliomas Blatherwick Dudley Hanley. 19 Dec. June 47 Canada. 1 July Thomas Guy.D 8 April 42 4 Nov. years' Serv. . Maclean served at Walcheren in 1809 .fVhr Services of the Officers of the Medical Department. for which he has received the War Medal with two clasps.. Was principal medical officer in Kaffraria. and the surrender of Kurrachee. Served the campai"-n of 1847 in Kaffraria. battle of Gowine. Present during the investment of Candiihar. and was present at the battles of the Coa and Busac >: subsequently in the Lines of Torres Vedras. Also in the expedition against the Insurgent Boers beyond the Orange River. Was left in sole charge of the General Hospital and Garrison of Graham's Town during the Kaffir and Hottentot rebellion. . and was present with the 31st in the actions of Mazeena. Panjwaure. senior medical of Sir W. twice in Bengal. on his being ordered to India: "The Commander-in-Chief cannot permit Doctor Hall to leave the army under his command. 30th Aug. and Tilloo Khan. including the capture of Rangoon. 12 Dr. 17 Mr. and Condeixa. 15 Dr." — 5 Dr. Vittoria. and in the actions at Pombal. 19 Mr. 5th Sept. Canton. Ningpo.the battles of Busaco^ Salamanca. ami was thanked in general orders. and was present at the following actions. with Sir Harry Smith. Was present at the capture of Fort Minora. 6th Sept. Chapoo. 29th Dec. Served in the Peninsula in tlie 2nd division of the army under Lord Hill from 1811 to 1813.. and Nankin. and at the siege of Flushing. Hart served in the campaigns of 1810 and 11. battles of Rangoon. 1851 : — . during the campaign of 1851. and JugduUuck. throughout the Burmese war. battle of Baba Walla. Ser\ed likewise with the army in South Beveland. a feeling in which the whole army participates. . 11 Mr. including both the attacks on Merxem and bombardment of A ntwerp. 313 3 Dr. Tscke. capture of Ghuznee. 4t Doctor John llall served the campaign of 1815 in Flanders. The following year he accompanied Sir Harry Smith's expedition over the Orange River against the insurgent Boers. including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. 13 Doctor Atkinson served the campaign of 1847 in Kaffiaria. affair with the rear-guard from Soorkab to Gundamuck (Khoord Cabul Pass). C Mr. Scott served in the Peninsula from March 1813 to the end of the war. 10 Dr. Andrew Fergusson served in the American war. in ] 845 . as lioad of the JMedical Department. and also a ]Medal for the campaign in Affghanistan. and in the Peninsula from Feb. Dempster served with 38th rcgt. He served also throughout the cinipaign of 1842 in Affghanistan. at Chusan. 7th. and Ortlits. storm and capture of the stockades of Kincardine and Kamaroot. The following year he acconipauiod Sir Harry Smith from Cape Town across the Orange River. was present at the siege of Badajoz. and to relinquish the important office he has filled with such advantage to the service and credit to himself. and the Pyrenees crossinij the Bidassoa. from Jan. the occupation of Cabool. Redinha. to . on the Gambia. 16 Dr. 9 Dr. 18 Doctor Forrest served in the expedition against the Rajah of Kolapore in 1827. affairs of Bene Bedam and Mydam. Richardson served at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806 reduction of Monte Video. including the retreat from Burgos. Shanghai. 8th. fought during the foregoing period Battle of actions of Runja Ruk. . and thanked in general orders in the following terms. end of 1841 and beginning of 1842. Nott's army from October 1841 to the Is* Jan. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. 1st June 1853. and specially mentioned in Sir Harry's despatch for services on the field. as principal medical oHicer on that general's campaign against the emigrant Boers and was present at the battle of Boem Plaatz. under Sir George Berkeley. Upper Scinde. 1842. under General Pollock. . 1843. MacAndrew served in the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Busaco. and in the Kaftirwar of 1846. affair with the rear-guard from Lundikhana to Ali Musjeed (Khyber Pass) 4th and 5th Nov. and was present at the taking of Tcrveer and Fort Ramakins. Nive. and the diff(>rent engagements leading to it. Bell served the campaign of 1814 in Holland. 1843. Served in the Presidencies of Madras. Served a second time in the Island of Ceylon. and in the Island of Ceylon. and was present at the battle of Botm Plaats remaining on the field with the wounded. under Sir George Berkeley. 19th Oct. storming the heights of Bellool (Ghuznee). Tezeen. &c. Served also throughout the war in China with the 26th (medal). with the Expedition to New Orleans and the campaign of 1815 under the Duke of Wellington. 7 Mr. Camming served at New Orleans in 1814-15 . . — March 1852. and other operations of the division during the above period. Present and acted as principal medical officer Queen's troops at the battle of Maharajpore. Dowse served at the surrender of Martinique and Guadaloupe in 1815. Bombay. 14th and 15th Sept. and campaign of 1806 and 7 in South America. 9th3!id Kallee Shuk. 14t Doctor Lawson was present at the storm and destruction of the fortified native Maaduigo town of Sabajee. South Africa. Senior medical officer of the army sent for the relief of the force employed against the Fort of Kujjuck. and battles of Nivelle and Toulouse. Woosung. Kokein. Miller served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Spain and the South of France. Leria. and in the Burmese war in 1826. Lower Scinde. the troops having pursued the enemy onwards. and was present at the storm and capture of the fortress and citadel of Ghuznee (medal). and was senior medical officer in the Kandian provinces during the rebellion in 1848* and for more than two years as principal medical officer in Hong Kong. without a strong and deep-felt expression of his regret at parting with so valuable and talented an officer. He has received the silver War Medal with four clasps for the Pyrenees. Melvin served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. 25th March 1842. Nivelle. Chapman served throughout the campaign in Affghanistan under Lord Keanc. campaigns of 1808 and 9 in the Peninsula. 14 ^Ir. Senior medical officer of the force sent for the relief otfictr of Kelat-i-Ghilzie. and subsequently tlianked in general orders. 12tii Jan 1842 10th March. including. in the Peninsula. Chin Kiang Foo. in the dominion of Scindiah. S"with the 29th regt.o fwr. and was present at the siege and 30 Mr Pra? io ned the army in the Peninsula in head-quarters during the operations in the Pyrenees.^ home.=-=^===1 . Provinces Kandian in the rebellion the of the suppression with two Clasps lor St. 7th May. Royal S in Affg. in the campaign of 1844 in the Southern 1845 the Concan fortress of Punella). " 1 1 ^ n ^ 0& i n -i 10 expense in consequence of his tscff Officer of Pensioners being subject to additional also receive a further allowance of at ad stance from head-quarters. poSbi:\n r"am: items fir<. throughout throughout the whole of the Kaffir war of 1846-7.e Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. and in the actions of Aliwal and Sobraon the Kaffir war of 1851 -o2-oJ. and between the Bolan and the Kbyber Passes. d. ex^edit on under Capt. t„ ti. affairs in .r. Gth Bambacoo.>Var Services of the Officers of the Medical Department. also the southern district of New Zealand at several affkir of Ss^t : MahRegt. Contingent Allowances For 50 enrolled men. in Serapiqm. Lock in the ascent. in the (Medal and two Clasps). ime shilling and sixpence a day. early Indus. 200 „ „ '". "^' .yelle. and with the . exp'dmon into m m at the larCaSiar Sool m m m .f [Concluded from page 316.s a o^a? incurred by him.. the of Desert Tribes situatecf on the right bank 184b-7.•'•': Allowance in lieu of a servant printing Allowance in lieu of postage. fn^eSecTlf'inc^m" :— To a Capt. occupation and destruct and the various minor Kohistan storm. He has after which he served in France. and before Ghuznee. j „„t up the Gambia. capture. or for travelling •. Marchant served with an expedition eighty miles paitial and attack the at May. the 28th March and 28th April on of that iortress and of a?Golme.0 TtTn afdothfcivU Power | . . including the assault and capture of the port of '''iTm^B^-o:::!:^!^ theVueen-. placing each otticer as nearly as classes have been calculated on the principle of up of thefollown. that before affairs the Sll sp.th recently in Turkey. and 1 (Medal and one clasp) Baddiwal. 34 £i RLibTut was present at the defeat in Ceylon in 1848. of the river St. Aug. one shilling a day. from detained necessarily while Te'' 6himn. .1. Juan de Nicaragua.. 1 ' s.. II Dr Deln eTserved with the 27th Kegiment Zealand and was present at Ohaeawai and 24 Doctor Galbraith served with the 99th in New greater P"t ^f the ope aHe was the senior medical officer present during the Ruapekapeka skirmishes in the valley of the Hutt .. PS m m .anistan and ule 41st throughout the campaign of IB^^ those the Pisheen Valley .h a detachment of the 38th Regiment 06 Mr Central boats.r . 3U Mr 20 Menzies served ^vith and engaged against the 45th on the expedition to the Umzincula. Sebastian and N. at the battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat „a Napier against the Mountain and Laino. received the War Medal with one cla =^=. He has capture of San Sebastian. and Sept 1813. He accom- Ji head quart rsdTrng the operations in the naSed theTxpedition under the late Lord Keane m the troops to New Orleans. _ '^tM^'l^^t^'^SS^^^t^. wUh %T S^SrlSTerv'ed engagements on was present .l^^^^S^:^S^ Pyrenees in July. two shillings a day. and - " " - s. the whole of the Kaffir war 33 Doctor Wm.ade ^i^. and surrender of the American isfs. d. £ ''Vq' D^t? C"Xm se'rv'ed wfth the 62nd in the campaign on the Sutlej. and destruction of Istaliff. and is n.g as if he were serving'on full-pay._ 38 Mr Clapp has received the War Medal Jan.served the campaign under Sir Charles 31 Mr 184o. stationery. 3 . he will together with the amount of travelling charges thu. of fortified town at the «torm and destruction of the and in the action with and defeat of the enemy SesSuctVon of the fortified town of Keeming. and was present w. . To a Lieut. *'or£r'rol\u'':!rv:f wUh was present at the ?ite-53rd the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. „ 100 and upwards.. in 18^9 and way resen Mr.. 22 Docter Fraser served with the 74th regt. Munro served in the 91st durmg during of the insurgents at Matole on the 29th July. Difference between half and full pay 4 7 Lodging and fuel allowance Allowance for a horse. and that the of storming the (including ratla countiT co-operation with a Nava Blanc served wi. and city. including the passage of to the end of that war in 1814 and was present '^:?S^'i^.„. and was present ''30' Dr T°roSi?sLi. 1810.. and was present at the Punjanh campaign of 1848-49. — Arthur Hill Hull. 42 1 Oct.46 "20 Sept.-Geo.p. . Mtiiiro. . Northampton. Rogers. Preston.— T. 43 June41 P 5April44 P 9 Feb.g gindajr (. Uiutt Canterbury.— A.. iiuustoun.(]. B>.42 Pl9Dec.p.. 30 Nov.— Henry B._ Salisbury.51 8 April 26 P24ApriI 35 9 Nov.— RobeitPitcairn. UoneUm (19).p. Unatl. 3S 9April 47 9 June 43 8 Nov. York Chas Thurso. p23 Oct. 24. 7y p.j. 38 15 Oct. ( William Cartan. 44 9April25 16 Feb. 33 Nov. 39 Pl2June II 5 Aug. 50 28 July 43 24 Jan.— William Follows (20). j\»Capel.. p. 09 23 Mar. Bn.p.p. ( G C.32l 28 May 36 I 26 July 44 j PlOOct. Mar Nott..p. 8 Gar.p.i.p. 42 Jan. <:. 49 15 Mar. 25 10 Dec. July Apr. „ „ c Jersey. 25 6 Nov. Inverness. Unatt F. h. 25 P 9 Nov.. .— A.j.39i PlO Dec. Layard. CampbelUll).\V. Unatt.— William Pl2July3I Lacy.Ht.— M. Unatt Falmouth. ( P. h. 43 27 Sept. S ChdseaHosp.— Bernard G.. Brevet Licut. 40 P16 8 J II une29 May 34 i'24Mar. Aberdeen.46 I9AIay 37 11 Aug. Ensign.— John Edward Orange (4). 41 24 Nov. .. 25 22 M:. E. 23 12 Julv Nov.CollinsJaclvSon(lll. 6 Aug. 37 P22june39 P 3 Oct. 1 Wm. Unatt Stafford North.- | ^y. .— ( A.. 41 Feb. 20 3 Nov. Unatt.4 F. 40 27 Pll Oct. 28 Pl2April33 5 July 36 l'23June25 P25Jiine29 17 Feb. 83 ) V. 4SF. 25 15 Oct. 41. BoLTOX. Guernsey. 371 14 |7 0ct. 40 iOAprillO 29JiJy 13 1 1 4 JunelO 17 Dec. Hervey.. 20 23 Nov. .51 Ipswich. r29 Aug. SlatrCoipE "- Leicester. 25 24Api-il28 27 Sept. Unalt. 07 12 Jan. { Fred. 40 P28 May 44 P24 Feb. Unatt. 1 Gar.51 27 July 49 27 Mar. Fred. h. 23 Pl9 Nov.p. — James Cockburn. Knatchbull. h.j^_^^^ j^^^^^^^ „ p 13 p 16Mar. \pr. 33 28 Oct. R. Unatt. 39 6 Dec. York.— (jp^j. h.p._^_ R. li. Chester.27 13Scpt.p.': 31 Mar. Mounsteven (13).— Kieliard Jenkins. 57 F.p. 43 28 JuneSI 23 June46 18 Oct. H.Fred.D.41 8ApriU3 21 Aug.p.— Georje W.OGar. 34 27 Dec.. Ii. 18 Drs Trowbridge.— H.— ( I S. 37 PIO July 4. h. Forbes (8). 1 1 Nov.-Col. .l ) c\\resternUh-. Uurridge. 46 9 Nov. 36 P30Aug.39|P23 Apr. F Charles Edward ^-tell. 11 13 Dec.. 19 29 Aug. 27 6 Dec. Un DUNHEE.26 ^2il5Mar.j. — Horaiio Fenwick. h. F. Unatt. 44 1 July 42 27Sept. h. 25 20 Mar.vl7 July 35.—T.4prll32 35 P22 Dec. 45 SApril 42 9 ApriI25 P17 July26 29April24 17 Dec. 49 31 Aug.p.44 I 6 Sept.35 7 Oct. Jiine27 P 5 Aug. 18 Dec. 42 P24 Feb. 44 5 Nov.46 25 Nov.— ii)Chas.— Alexander Murray Brevet Major.50 6 June45 Nov.G.K. Unatt. 35 i'25 Oct..^ j. h. ( G.Afr. 13 23 June32 Nov. 19 CAMiiRiDGE. 10 July 40 10 July 40 P 17June41 2 Sept. 40 21 Sept. 48 3 April -'8 P29June32 PI2 Oct. (...— Walbr Warde. 29 ]2Jan. 42 19 May 46 26 Oct. 41 27 Mar. 31 May 44. 27 F (*i'--f'o'. &c. Unatt. 44 10AprilI2 20April 20 Aug.— E. W.p.— 33 (MX Portsmouth. 15 30 Aug..34 Aug.37 PlOSept.— John Lawson. 315 STAFF OFFICERS OF PENSIONERS. 50 15NOV. S. . 37 9 Nov. . .— Southamftok.p.. Webster.gigele (17).^^^ Faulkner.Southern Bn. 46 9 Nov. 25 Oct.p. ) ( Fra. 87 10 May 13 16Apiil 32 11 May 41 P14 Pis 17 8 Dec. ( Walter Campbell. 17 29 July 25 28 Nov.ul. 53 21 16 P 12Aug.86 I2.. 41 11 Nov. 60F.36 9N0V. 31 28 Oct. h.51 11 Nov.Willson (15). Northern E. Worcester. 53 25 Sept. . Hope.45 Dec. Unatt.— Charles Ferd.p. Halifax.. 22! 17 Aug. 32 July 25 Nov. 44 25 Oct. Perth. Norwich.J..45 " li..34 9June44 16 Aug. 1 Nov.— Vaughan Jones. Feb.h.. J.51 11 Nov. 11 21 Oct.-Col.p. - TuHocIi. 70 F.. 531 30 Jan. 34 Hull.51 89 P25 Aug. GREAT BRITAIN.. Assisi'ANT Military Soperintendent. Russell. Chatham.r.e. 24 13June30 17 Aug.40 13July 39 29 Dec.h. 38 27 May 42 20 Dec.—Charles Pattif on.51 29 Mar.Corps 1 ( ^ Leeds. Pigott (10). MlLITAUY SOPBRINTBNDENT. Unatt g Eastern S Ton'cr Hill. 11 Nov.p. 31 PlI JuneSO P27July 32 never.— Charles Shipley Tcale. 26 i'26 Oct. h. . 36 24 Jan.. h.. 40. i<.44 30 July 44 11 Oct. m 6 Dec. Wliiiniore. 17 Dec.— James Ricliardsiin (31). J.. Serv.— William Peddie (Ibi).li. Raikes. Uiiatt BRKiHTON. Browne (32). 32 7 Feb. Carmarthen. — J.p. 50 25 May 10 5April44 V17NOV.— | j. U. 42 11 Aug. 13 25 Oct.lUtliDrs.F.— Geo. Lincoln. Cnpt. 25 19 Jan. Mtijor.— Arthur Pisott. unatt Gloucester.Fied.(l) 22July 52 Capt. J H. Siry.40 never. h..DeW. Unatt. 50 15 Dec.— Heniv M. 51 39 pSO July 44 1 May 46 25 Mar. Unatt.T Aug.. -John P.p. h. Major.*. «!KWilliam Thoniasijiewett 1 Plymouth. Vaughan.— Willian J Beales. Bath. 28 June 10 31 Oct.Pl4 10 Mar. Shrewsbury. 50 F Urs. 35 July 15 April34 23 June25 10 May 26 1 Nov. h. h.p. 41 9 Nov..p. Unatt. Trevor (12). Sheffield. 21 Nov. li. . Aug.. Art. Lynn. . 56 F 9 Nov 40 2 April 41 Pl6Feb.Christie. 44 lOJan. Unatt .W. ^:KennuigionCo7n. 47] 30 Dec. BuiMiNOHAM. Unatt. 30 i'17 Mar. Smyth. 50 . 13 F. DU DU ' MANCHESTER. 52. 07 F Derby. 31 iMay 44 Lieut.— -.— Valen.45 .44 1 Aug. An. Smy the. 9 Drs — Heiry Fred. Robert Pole. 51 Liverpool. 12 March 38' 10 Feb. h. Oxford.3G 30 Oct. F.p. 49 Nov. Stirling.B/is.p.. Pl3 May 12 Dec. 4) '28 May 47 I 27 15 Dec.R. Unatt.DuVerntt (5).25 P 24 June 18 24 Oct. Unatt. .— Thomas William I'revost.51 9 Nov.. p. h.— Georixe 14 29 Mar. h. 13 13 Oct. Edinburgh. ^{jUgcnt's Pk..J6 9 Nov. Years' licijti ! .p.47 7Junc 44 21 June I h. 14 7April2: 19 May 37 31 Dee. McDougall. Lt. 16 12 Oct.3June43 P27 Dec 83 9 Nov. 47 25 June44 13 Feb.i ceylon R.p. Uiiatt AYR. Percy Q . 28 1" 5April39 P2.p.— John ffolliett Crofton. 2 i Paisley. 39 11 Nov.— R.. Unatt „ Glasgow.p. h.46 22 Nov. 27 7 Apr.p.h. 44 F. vl5 April 42. I. h. )2 7 June 31 i>20Miir.45 7 July 87 25 May 11 Nov. | Exeter.T .h. (J^_ ^^^^^^ Powell. StaflTC o Woolivich Utc— J olr. 30 Sept. p. Ne\vcastle-on-Tvne. (Charles Holden. 20 F Carlisle. Dore (14). 4 4 21 Feb.y41 l2April27 P23 A ug.p. Somerset.-Cul.\Campbell. Taunton. 44 9 Nov. 97 F.87 P27 Sept. Tuatt Nottingham. Apr. h. 20 24 Oct.e. Cornet. 46 7 ApriU3 6 Dec. 23 Marcli 39. p9 April 2C.70 F. Lt. 27 P 4 Dec. 1 ! Ens. . Un.— ^3 LachUm Macpherso (lo).h..46 22 May 43 P12Dec. ^xj^i. 26. BiusTOL. BrevetMajor..„_ ^ie'^'^. h.— W. A. 27 P 4June 28 Pl6June37 . Stockport. 27 F.Swan. J C.— Ricti. •^ \J)eptJ'ord Du-. 22 Feb. L. Mar. \ \i lartin Orr (7). 39 P28 Jan. 38 20 July 38 P30 May 45 P 8June26 P22 Mav35 7 Oct. J4 P15 Feb. Unatt WoLVERHAMFrON. I.. 51 2 10 JanMO 9Apnl25 24 7NOV. 33 P 8Jiine38 P25NOV. 27 .38 28 Oct.Sluiclibur!ih(2). 12 F. 29 17ApriU5 1 Jan. Cardiff. Ens. 46 23 Feb. li. 53' 20AprilI7 May 45! May 42 l9ApriI50 24 May 44 16 Jiuie48 5 Sept. 51 F.Watkins Uaml'ord. r. 89 0ct. V\^ood (0). 25 27 Sept. Qot. 49 89 22 31 Aug. J Lie.h.). BcRSLEM ) . Smith. Hawker.).p.. — H. ) jj y. 35 2July Jan. 36 P29 June82 P 7 Aug. Unatt Coventry. R. 52 F.. . R. 10 Urs. 33 14 July 37 10 Apr.. 45 9 N0V.liobt. 14 Pl4June21 4 Oct. h.h. 46 30 Aug. jjg. 38 19 May 25 28June27 24 Jan. When placed on Half-pay. Q. 20 May 85 9 Nov.46 4April45 9 Nov. 32 v30Dec. 83 9 Nov.— John O. 39 31 Oct. 24 Drs Chaklemont.36 18 Sept. Bn. 27 P 8 Feb.p. 60 F KuNis. 17Ju Scale of Alloivances in addition to }^v~Po^yClass. 22 Aug. 39 19 Dec. 29 P28 Sept. 83 Dec. 4'J (28. 84 F. 43 12 Oct. George Bayly. p. ..49 9 Mar. Militarii Superintendent.— Pat.26 Pll April 34 19 Oct.D.Co. \i 341 Robert Naylor Rogers Thomas Hodgetts. Unatt i — — Londonderry. Harris. 8 Gar. — John James Grant.. eig shillings and sixpence per diem. 41 P23 Aug.E. AVm. G. Thomson.4ug.— ^3 Benj. Un. 44 31 Oct.. h. in remote Districts where there allowani proportioned to the number of Pensioners. {Commanding Alexander Macdonald. p. . 30 27June38 15 Nov. Unatt 25 Oct.h. William Cliild.. 56 F Christopher Vaughan Foss (Local rank). 10 24Junel3 3 June36 PllApriiee PlSAug.46 2 June 48 27June51 NEW ZEALAND. O'Xeill (22). Gds.51 26 May 44 29 Dec. a reduced 3rd Class.ymena. 77 F. I. 37 29 Nov. 49 9JU/52 WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 22 Pis Oct. Patrick M'Carthy. 20 18 Aug. . — Geo.p. H. BrevetMajor. 84F h. . h. 51 9 Nov. h. Unatt Roscommon. 44 23 Aug. 38 11 Dec. Haultain (29). 40 25June52 9 Nov. 29 5 Aug.31 P27 0ct. On'Jntnga. ten shillings and sixpence per diem.39 15 Dec. 1st . Sligo. Unatt Robert R. 51 3 Mar.p.n. Unatt Belfast.— Jacob Glynn RoKcrs.36 p)3 May3R Pll Jan.32 Pl2 Oct.. 46 Nov. Broadley. '"'^ fewer than 400 Pensioners. 44 30 Oct. 31 July 28 Pl2ApriI31 ]piug. 37 P22July42 27Sept.l4 p 9 Dec.49 5April44 30 Mar. 51 4 Jan. 53 14 July 14 P24June24 6 July 35 20April 15 PI 5 Dec. 43 7 Jan.35 P31 Aug.5 P 12Dec. p. • 28 Dec. Unatt Birr. Sampson (26). Carlow William Frederick Harvey. 25 17April30 8 May 46 24 Oct.42 ^)Ma lay 52 19 July 50 23 Jan.30 7 Feb. 46 F Newry. 42 31 Oct. Armagh. 46 23 Feb. Unatt. 25 13 Nov.4f 30 Mar. 53 30Sept.31 9NOV.— J. 46 9 Nov. h. h. Unatt Bali. 42 15 Dec. 40 25April45 28 Dec.l2 22 May 18 28 Dec. 49 25 Feb.p. 31 F John Jermyn Symonds." Pliibbs (21). Unatt. Unatt F HUDSON'S BAY. Unatt Tralee. M. 26 2April 41 P22N0V. 2nd Batt. 45 8 Jan. 38 1 Nov. 31 P23N0V. 32 P 2 Feb.itt 15Mar.p. — Edward O. 40 28 Nov. 51 8 June 52 12 Nov.40 10 Feb. 46 9 Nov. . 40 12 Aug.— 13 win. Nov. 45 f'iJ. 46 11 Nov. — Edw. Fred. TJnatt Ileniy William Wily (27). — W'ni.31 P 4 July 34 25 Nov 31 19 Aug. Unatt. 17 PlOJan. 51 27 Au?. 41 8 Mar. h. 36 P22 Oct. James Wm. Horvlch. Charles H. 29 JulyoS) ") .f. ^-^''""^•~" ( Win. 24 29 May 28 2 Aug.MOY. {Commanding) Theodore M.49 3April 28 27 June 34 25 Dec.28 I Nov. 38 PlSDec. Beanfoy (23).— Officers having the rank of Lieutenant.— Wm.47 19April50 6 Dec. 47 18April45 P 8 Nov.Col. 34 Pi 7 Sept. — Tlioinas Smilli. 40 22 July 44 28 Oct.39 P21 Stuart. 34 31 May 30 26 Jan.Jolin Kirk.p. 26 Pl2Feb. Unatt. 84 F p ooKK. Smitii. 22 11 Aug. h. (IMAGH..p.— 316 Staff Officers of Pensioners. 52 8 April42 17Sept. p. James Reid {Local rank) 13 Sep-'IS 3 Dr.2. 44 19N0V. Wauleverer.50 11 May 38 24 Jan. (^astlebar. 51 llNov.39 Nov. John Bruce. LlETTT.-^i Wm. Unatt S. 44 26 Dec. 44 18 July 30 14 Feb. ( Donald [Geo. Unatt FER. 28 F — . h. Unatt \Villiam James Bury M'Leod Moore. 53 23 May 38 15April42 19 Nov. Kenny. . Unait .. Unatt Enniskili.p. 85 *18April5I 27 Sept. Garstin. 10 9 Dec. {local rnnh of Lt. — — William M'Pherson. Butler Sloney. h. 10 8 Oct. h.. 13 12 May 43 20 Oct. 37 31 Dec. Serv.— Officers having the rank of Captains. Owen LluydOrnisby. p. 36 F Stokes. h. Unatt John Annesley Hicksou (30). Clonmel.p. 2 Jan. 26 P29 Sept.80 13 Mar.. 61 F. — James 9 Nov. \st Bait. Brown Russell..38 PlOSept. — GeorgeWaller Meehan. 37 13 Ocl. 44 p28 Oct. CAPTAIIT. and the Ai&f^^ '° •** travelled in visiting them. 30 Pl3Jan. 44 13 Mar. Years' Regtl. 18 28 Oct. — — Cavan. and superintending Dist-"'* containing from 600 to 1000 Pensioners ail upwards. 41 14 Aug.— Jolinlnman. Farmar. h..2iiF. Bull. Unatt iiALWAY. h. 4 F 'J'ULLAMORE. 60 V. Ai'HLONE. 24 P 8 April 26 P25 Feb. 49 22June 47 25June 47 27 Feb.p. Ifend-Quarters.'sServ. Hailoe .p. J. — AVm. 46 1 Nov 31 29 July 13 14 Junel5 •18April51 4Sept. 13 I7Apri:28! '4 April 36 Pl3Sept. "When Appointed placed on TT ir Half-pay. ^1"* Officer. 611 F Crompton.— Malthew Cassan. Wra. 51 13 Unatt. 39 18 July 31 6Jan. 52 28 Dec. — Wm. Kilkenny. 42 P15 Aug.. i J * IRELAND. h. C'alder. h. O'Brien. 46 30 Jan. p. h. TuUnch. 38 27 Jan. 39 28 Oct. Caldwell. 51 11 11 18 Aug.p. 58 CANADA.21 22 Sept. Dkogheda. Graves (24). 14 P 5 Mar. 42 13 Dec. Unatt Limerick. 33 PlSJan.p. 33 19iMay38 9 Mar. 48 5 Dec. 47 15 Mar. 44 6 Oct. -liichard S. p. 25 Pl7 Pept. 49 7 Dec. JIoNAGHAN. [For continuation see page 314.— Officers of whatever rank. 44 18April45 29 Dec. LoNOFORii. B. 41 16 Feb. 12 14 . Unatt.— 3 G. Unatt Stewart. — Head-Quarters. 2nd Class. 44 22 Mar. 58 F. and superintending r''''<^t5 containing from 400 to 600 Pensioners. 41 f23>ar. 13 Apr. h. VAN DIEMEN'S LAND.. Day AVaterford. 36 23 Aug. h.— Fred. 24 31 Oct. 44 8 Aug. 34 | James John Graham. {Commandant) Joseph Hill {Local rank) 29Sept. ^f AH V BOROUGH. 46 11 Nov. Orthes. attack and capture of the enemy's entrenihfd camp on the heights of Sfgonn. 1815. and 19. 24 Captain (iravos served with the 18th in China (Medal) from Sept. which at once put an end to that formidable rebellion. from Feb. Oriht s. besides several afl'airs and skirmishes he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. . andwas shot through both legs at the battle of the Niville. action of Osma. including the siege of Badajoz in April and May 1811. at the attack and capture of Sidou Princess Charlotte at the battle of St. and was present at the buttle of Pluttsburg. including the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor. 1814. Desert. 13 Major Mounsteven served the campaign of 1815. 1813 he commanded four companies of his Rtgt. in the operations against the Rajah of Coorgh." Also present at the battle of the Nive on 9th Dec.. as stated in the Gazette of 11th Aug. and Toulouse. and Chin Kiant! Foo. when he was appointed to an ensigncy in that regiment. Served four years in the Royal Navy prior to his appointment as 2d lieutenant. He served also in Canada during the rebellion. He landed with his Regt. Nivelle. first and second sieges of Badajoz. retreat from Madrid and Salamanca. and batile of Toulouse. and was severely wounded at the battle of Waterloo. Head severely injured 24th June 1813. S. and was present at the battle of Castalla (contused). which ended in the taking of Halmcer. and was the individual officer who made the two Kandian chiefs together with niany of their followers prisoners. On the 20th Dec. and served with it tliroiiKlioiit the arduous operations in Parkur. Jean d'Acre. including the attack on the suburbs on the 27th Dec. first siege of Badajoz. 22 Captain William O'Neill servtd as a \oluntter with the SSrd from 1st Feb. for which hehasreceived the \\ arMedal with three Clasps. battles of Vittoria. of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief Sir Robert Brownrigg. taking of Alcoy. Woosung. Pyrenees.. and was severely wounded at the attack on the fortified village of Merxem ou the 2nd Feb. storm and capture of the city. the blockade of Pampcluna Irom 3rd to 15tli July skirmishes from Roncesvalles allucl%s on the heights of Soiaureu on thi' i. the burabardnieut of the French fleet at Antwerp. and was present at the affair of Bnddlwal. 19 Captain Donelan served with the 48th Regt. from 20 May 1810 to the end of that War in 1814. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. and Toulouse. Has received the silver War Medal with seven Clasps. and was present at the capture of Paris. and was present at the attack on Merxem. in that capacity with and on board the the 1st battalion in the operations on the coast of Syria. besides various minor actions and skirmishes. D'Aguilar in April 1847. He was also present at the operations in the Canton river. and again from April 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. and was present at the Battle of Vittoria. .in Augnst 1882. and in that before Bayonne on the 13th December. 1 . Shangai. 8 Major Forbes served in the Cape Mounted Riflemen in the Kaffir campaigns of 1834 5. with the 27ili. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. the action at Aire. and drove the French thrice from it at the point of the bayonet. attack and capture of Chapoo. and captured a number of prisoners and a quantity of provisions and forage. from 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. present with it at the battle of Salamanca capture of Madrid and the Retiro. and in the left knee at Toulouse. actions of Sauveterre. 21 Major I'h. occupation of Ningpo. including the battle of Busaco. M. . battles of the Pyrenees (from 27ih to 30th Jnly). Afterwards present at the baitle of Orthes. and in tlie actions of Aliwal and Sobraon (Medal and Clasp). attack and capture of the heiihts of Chinghae. 3 Captain Sinclair served the campaign of 1814 in Holland as a volunteer. and Toulouse. including the battles of the Nivelle. affair of Roncesvalles. and served alierwards as an acting engineer at Sholapore. for the purpose of organizing and drilling the Associated Gentlemen Volunteers at Canton. 14 Major Dore served in the Nepaulese war in 1815-16. 7 Major Orr served In the Peninsula. and was present at the battle of Waterloo and Captures of Cambray and Paris. action to Pampeluna on the 25th and 2(ith July of Irun. for which he was promoted to the Brevet Rank of Captain in the Portuguese Army. action at Arroyo de Molino. from Nov. and has received tlu^ Indian War Medal for Ava. afterwards on the eastern coast of Spain from 1812 to 1814. Peddie served in Holland with the 21st Fusiliers in 1813 and 14. 1812 to the 12lh of August following. and battle of Toulouse. 15 Captain Willson served as . battle of Vittoria. Nive. in April 1834. 18 Lieut. Lieut. 1848 (Jledal). in general orders. which were forwarded to Lord Hill's head-quarters. : [For continuation of Notes see foot of next page. 9 Captain Ready served as Adjutant of the 11th Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in 1825-S (Medal). and was present at the taking of Plallsburgh. besides various minor affairs. and surrender of the fortress: also present at the surrender of the fort and garrison of Cbeniote.'ilier the conclusion of the Peninsular War he embarked with the Army for North America. 12 Major Trevor served the campaign of 1814 in Holland. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp.\djutant to the Royal Marines of the Mediterranean fleet. attack and cajiture of Anioy. He was also at the capture of Paris in 1815. It Captain Jackson served in the Sutlej campaign in 1846 with the 16th Lancers. 1848. battle of Villa Franca. 4 Major Orange served in the Burmese war in 1825. battles of the Nivelle. He has received the War Medal with nine Clasps 11 Major Campbell served in the Peninsula with the 4th Portuguese Regt. Severely wounded in the head at Vittoria. Nivelle. in Sicily in 1810. and demonstration before Nankin. battle of Albuhera (wounded in the left knee and elbow). 1813 " Em consequenua da sua boa conducla no Campo de Batalha. and that of 1815 in Flanders and France. with the 7th Fusiliirs. Nivelle. and Toulouse. battles of Vittoria. 18. when pursuing the enemy to Pampeluna. Lost his left arm. at Ostend on the 18th June following. under Major-Gen.— War 317 Services of Staff Officers of Pensioners. and battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). second capture of Chutan. action ofCampo Mayor. Orthes. Lines of Torres Vedras. . 23 Major Beaufoy served with the Ist battalion 27th Regt. and Orthes.-Colonel Crofton was appointed Persian interpreter to the force under Brigadier-General Litchfleld. and for which he leceivrd the thanks. 2 Major Shuckburgh served with tliu 40th in the Peninsula. . He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 16 Captain John P. battle of Albuhtra. La Ceres. with which he took the Island of HolriaEue on the river Adour. and whs present at the storming and capture of the heights above Canton. Vic Bigorre. Pigott served with the 32d at the 1st and 2nd siege operations before Moollan. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. 5 Major Du Vernet served with the 45th Regiment in tlie Burmese war in 1825-28. and repulse of the night attack. battlesof Pampeluna. as also of the Duke of York. and a Gold Cross from the King of Portugal for his services in five campaigns. sieges and captures of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. He served afterwards in Ceylon during the Kandian war in 1817. in the Deccan Campaign in 1817-18 and in the battle of Punniar on the 29th Dec. Pfmpeliina (sev»rely wounded in the side): on the 27tli July with the Company he commanded he defended the hill where the principal attack of that day was made. blockade of Pampeluna. and was sdected as the officer to remain in command at the Factories when the force was withdrawn. 1811. and siege of Tarragona. In 1819 he embarked for the East Indies. 20 Captain Follows was present with the 43rd Light Infantry in the attack on New Orleans in Jan. and assault on Bergen-op-Zoom. Orthes. 1840 to June 1847. battles of Vittoria.W. and Tarbes. 17 Captain Steele served at the capture of Java in 1811 as an officer of Royal Marines. Niger at the capture of the French frigate. to Aug. Pyrenees.bbs served in the Peninsula. 10 Major Mil cplierson served in the Peninsula with the 74tli from Jan. Captain Wood served in H. action of Vera on tlie 7tli Oct.'8ili and 30th July . fcTved afterwards in the American war. and against tlie tribes in the N. Melville Neale. Edward Hugh Blakeney. Lieut. and Sobraon. Neville — ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE AT SANDHURST. late 12 R. Anglesey. Sir Edw. and at tlie capture of Washington. Esq. — Unatt.-Col. CB. SO F. A. .-Col. p. R.— \i Lieut. Capt. Major and Superi7itendent of Studies. late of 79 F. Providore. p. Lieut. Secretary. Sir G. J. Physician^. Med. h. CiqH. 71 F.. p. Lieut. ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM AT CHELSEA.. KH. Aliwal. 4. Pengelly Gibraltar. Engineers. . ^9 mSA Edw. Adjutant. G. Kegt. DUBLIN. ^ GCB.— Gov. Mcdieal Officer. Bt. p. I. h. MD. \3 John Davern. p. GCB.C. ton. John Ciark. Fred. Gov. Charles Edwards. A. — — — — Solicitor. John Pickering. CB. of the Royals in the first Burmese War (Medal). Physicianand Surgeon. Lt. STIRLING CASTLE. Served in the expedition to the Chesapeak. R. eCB. Dep. p. Rev. Miller." 28 Capt. Peter Stuart. and for which he was noted by Lord GouL. Chepmel.) Chamberlain and Master of n'orks. h. Blue Facings red. Gen. p.. W.. Macauley. Wynn |9 aSll Field Marshal The Marquis of GCB. JERSEY. Fort MaJ. MB. and during the hottest part of the contest. KG. MD. J. Rogers served in the Peninsula from August 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. Terozeshah. Chaplain. h.. Unatt. Lord De Ros MaJor. Governor. Unatt. W. Esq.. in the battle of Maharajpore 29th Dec. Dusautov. Curtin. W. George Hare. Capt. Med. Tipping Surgeon. 1843 (Medal. W. SIILITARY PRISONS. Secretary & Adjutant. . Addison. p.. Swann. A. Adam Alex. Prout. p.Capt.. Greenlaw.— Gov.-Gov. KCB. P. Staff. ^ GCH.h " as one worthy of reward for meritorious conduct in action with the enemy. W. CB. Fort Clarence. C. Thomas Graham Balfour. Off. Assistant-Surg. INVERNESS. Campbell. Assistant Surgeon.Gen. CB. Sir George Bowles. Chief Clerk. 30 Lieut. NEW GENEVA. Capt. George Walter Prosser. Elrington Cha2ilain. late of R.• . Dr. h. Masters. — — MD. Kempt. [of 9 Drs. Austin Chaplain. h. Manners. — — h. h. Gov. Anthony Wharton Zt. Bt. p. Sir C. 7 Hussars.— li Captain J. Captains on the Establishment. Thomas Coke Gaulter.— Gov. . . Office. Colonel John Eden. Dr. Joint Dep. Veteran Batt. CB. MILITARY ESTABLISHMENTS. of the Forcesin Ireland. Capt. c5'c. Comm. —Robert Disney. (late Capt. Blakeney. p. Chaplain.— Gov. 34 F. Dalgety Chaplain. Rev. GCH. W. James Millar GRAVESEND Gen. John Earl of Straf- |3 ford.. Major. Commandant. GARRISONS. Col. Gilborne. Rt. \i John Ford. in the West Indies. Medicul Officer. Batt. C. do. Unatt. |3Si)' CajH. Robt. Jebb. MD. &. H. KCB.— James Hay. h.— Gov.— Gov. 13 MX Lt. Gov. Captains of Invalids. of Sandow7i Fort. Present in the action before Bailiniore. S. Local Deputy Inspector General Daniel Maclachlan. near Pen7iycuick. Fort MaJ. ROYAL HOSPITAL.— WaSi Lt. Lt. late of 15 F. late of 92 F. 27 Captain Wily served the campaign on the Sutlej (Medal and three Clasps). 3 W.-Col. C. h. Registrar and Treasurer. GCB. Sir John Kirkland. T.— hieut. . Hickson served the campaign of 1814 in Canada. GCH.. Mas. Fiscf. and was present at the action of L'EcoIe also at the siege of Platsburg in North America. Pennefather. Cliaxilain. George Peevor. late of 55 F. E. Agent. Bain.. Tho. Henry Melvill MILFORD HAVEN.— Gov. George Mathins. Chaplain. he succeeded to the command of the 50lh. Sir John Dillon. Capt. Inspector-General. -Col. p. and at the capture of hat city in 1814. Fort MaJ. Devonport.3. late of 93 F. Taylor.Rcv. HULL. Howe Holdsworth Fort MaJ. 37 F.. KCB. Master. Qr. Weedon. Storekeeper. |3 Colonel Sir Jolin Morillyon Wilson.—Gov. Const able West Lieut. — Commandant. Lt. Deputy Surgeon. Gov \i&SH Gen. Lt.. he was also present at the capture of Paris. ROYAL HIBERNIAN MILITARY' SCHOOL. Governor. -Gen. p.'i^ Lt.At. 'B Gen. Secretary. Adjutant General in Ireland. iMA. Beresford. -Colonel Henry Le Blanc. Colomb. Hon. TILBURY FORT. 1815 . late of 72 F.-Gen. James M'Grigor. Talman. KCB. Oax)t. Dep. . Limerick. Watson Young LANDGUARD FORT. L. Gov. N. lale of Home R. Alexander James Moorhead. Montreal.Capt. Sept. Boyle. Dr. TOWER OF LONDON. of Coives Castle. C. in which last engageiiaent. and brought it out of tlie action his gallantry in the hand-to-hand conflict with the enemy attracted and called forth the marked and written approbation of Sir Harry Smith and Brigadier Penny. Tliomas Lewis.318 GARRISONS AND MILITARY ESTABLISHMENTS. K. Rev.. BELFAST. Edwardes. p. h. CHELSEA. late of 32 F. H. Sir John Owen. Lieut. Capt.Rev. li Quarter-Master. Adjutant.-Col.GCU. GCB^' KCH.— Capt. 31 Capt. \3Mi General Sir Colin Halkett. E- Fort MaJ. OR FORT GEORGE. Scovell. EDINBURGH CASTLE. FORT. Chaplain. Dr. Robert Kelly DUNCANNON Lt. Gov. Physician W. Cork.-Governor. W. G. of late 5 R. J. O. off. 32 Lieut. and was in the action at Bladensburg.^3 LONDONDERRY & CULMORE. Captains of Companies of Gentlemen Cadets. 3 F. 1814. h. John George. Col. Visr. Dr.. P. Rev.Thorn- Gov. MD. Ti^ as Major-Gen. Sir Wm. p.. H. MD.-Col. Secretary ^' Adjutant. J. Quarter Master. p. IJaaPurefoy Lockwood. KILMAINHAM. 24th Aug. Off. late of 40 F. GCB. N. Richardson served as Adjt.-Gen. PORTSMOUTH. ^ SuLl Gen Sir A. 3ID. 97 F. Thos. E. C. Served also the campaign of 1815 and carried the colours of tlio 2nd battalion of the 30th at tlie battles of Quatie Bras and Waterloo. Major Robert Daly Major James W. Tlios. Med. ROYAL HOSPITAL. 71 F. Kelly. H. Lieut. Barnard. \3 Augustine Fitzgerald Evans. Chadwick. Combermere.. a£l Gen. Rev. Surgeon. ISLE OF WIGHT..— Capt. Rt. GCB. Major CampbeU. 27 F. A. William Cousins Surgeon. GCB. also at the capture of Fort Bowyer. Browne served in the 13th Regt. Bn7-t. Bon Sir Jas. Lieut. Esq. J. Piper. S. FORT WILLIAM. ^3 Lieut. and was in the action before New Orleans 8th Jan. h. Warren.— SiSii James Wra. 1814. late of 98 F. Barnhara. Capt.Ll. and that of 1815 in the Netherlands. Dublin. DARTMOUTH. and was in the action before Genoa. S. KH. Col. . h. Unatt. a® Major. Hort. late ^9 Thomas Gibbons.Surgeon. 52nd regl. GCH. Served in Florida. Vet. Captain Edward Sutherland. Foss. Med. Lieut. F. including the battles of Moodkee. li.. 29 Captain Haultain was present with the 39th Regt. Dr.-Gov. h. Brome. 26 Major Sampson served the campaign in Tuscany. Off:. Deputy Gosport.-Col. Lt. Ksq.. Librarian. GCB. Rev. Town MaJ. Lt. and Rutland.D. Cornwall. of Adj. Hon. .F.Cir. Henderson. CB. Qr. . Head Qrs.— Hd. Gds. General W. Adj. „.OJf. Aides-de-Camp. Bristol. h. Mas. Gloucester. ^ Lt. 19 Liver-pool. Newf. S. Lt. Charles Moore. RECRUITING DISTRICTS.>ancashire. Unatt. Stafford. Bush.p. Lambert. Supet intending \ I Foss Officer. Lieut. Bedford. Richard Nantes. Major John Clarke.}. )erby. late of Rifle Br. ^ to the Forces. 1 F. . H. OF GRF:AT BRITAIN. Cambridge. unatt. 32 F. iiiinfjhnin. and — Major of Brigade. Gore. York. formerly of 32 F. Hamilton. rt'eslmoreland.HisRoi. and the Troops stationed in those Counties report direct to Head Quarters.Gov. J. I'ort Lt.5 F.Barnard. KH. Patton. cart. Berkshire. ft'ales. R. Inf. Majoi J. M. Wyndowe the counties of R. Cfr. So. Wiircester. Capt. Wilts. OUTH WEST.-Gen.. Wetherall. Devon.h. 13 Lt. Leeds. Rifle Br. 21 Capt. >nd Rutland. h. tonmouth and Sout/i Wales. W. Lt..p. Mein. Head Quarters. in any Military District. B Major of rigade. ^9 Quarter-Master James Scott. North(exc. R. Coventry. Sir Harry levon. Furlong. 10 Drs Officers.LeMesurier Major of Brigade. lam. Reed. tlie Forces ) Cornwall. h. &c. Westmoreland. Sur. Lt. Sussex. V'\\U. he following Counties. C. Cog. 'ajor Lieut. fidland Counties. 7 May. Lieut. Usher. KH. of Guernsey. STAFF.28 F and South Wales. John he counties of Sloyte lorthumberland.)^. Dennii'. Nottingham.Lt. AdJ. KCB. i^anvick. Nottingham. and Hants. 1 ^. H. H.Horse Gds. Barnard.CheBer. Kent.-' bridge. Scott. Maj. KH. Hun. J. exclusive of Bristol and its vicinity. SuflTolk. Maj.-Col. T.V.319 Garrisons and Military Establishments.Gds Major Mann. York. Bedford. The Troops in the Isle of Wight and at Chichester report to tlie General Commanding the South West District. yi^ior. B.GCB. Colds. Hants. Buckingham. p. C.— Head Qrs.Surgeon SufNorfolk.to the Forces.. H. R. p Major J. Insp.p. Lieut. Major of Brigade. .Purves. are not contained — Cambridge. F. Hart. do. h. Derby. Norfolk. Tonn Major of A Iderney & Lt. Superintending I t . Worcester. Durham. Taunton. KCB.l^^Col. ^3 Captain John Duncan King. MILITARY KNIGHTS OF WINDSOR. Consisting of Adj.: Surry. Denbigh & Flint. orthcrn Counties.'R.Lt. Cheshire. York. 7 F. Staflord. C.h. Town Major.-Col.p. 1 F. Superintending Officers. Essex. Wells. Quarter-Master John Ledsam. late of R./V-P. Shropshire. ^9 W. York.A. A. NottingSarg. Bainbrigge. . Oxford.-Col. Paymaster . of Consisting Insp.Walker.) Buckingham. Fd. Assist. London. Bir52E Colonel T. M. Wynyard. — Head Quarters at Manchester. thumberland. Denbighshire. . C.Adjt. formerly of 60 F. j I Lt. 1st Subdivision Lt. ' Land mi.— Htad ^ aaE Major Quarters.D. Adj.-Gen. KCB. FitzGerald. Lt. ancashire. B. h. Lt. Capt. Lt. Consisting he counties Insp. Cotton. laSEMaj. Lincoln. h. Assist. Hereford.Col. 38 F Gloucester. )urham. 47 of . Superintending Alexander. Major-Gcncral Arbuthnot. Kent. 91 P i<. War. 87 F. D. Bristol & vicinity. London Cav. - Simpson. Northampton. and North Salop. tingdon. Huntingdon. ORTHERN AND MIDLAND. KH. 88 F. Hon.a^High-\^^. Hcartlcy. Fd. . Snnxh. Cassan. . 'l""^"^' U"^"" ^ Ihspecting General of Cavalry.-Col. late 7 R. Sus. Colonel Unatt. Berks. J. W.e cue' C. Unatt. F. Bn. C. Unatt.H. Devonport. Nor- Statf. Qrs. JJflaa Lt. 2nd Inf. Lieut. Cathcart. Unatt. Lt. Geo. Isle of Man. . Leicester. Colvill.p. M'Dermott. Gen.Bart. Kirkland. O'Callaghan. h. formerly of 6. 6 Dec. Col. . Hertford. G. &c. p.. Lieut.Bn.Gen. (Governor') Hush Flemins.p. William Sail. Colonel James Fitzgibbons. . Capt.-Oen. Paymaster Cumberland. wick."iS F. <l£lQuiirter-MasIer A. Dermzy.. Taylor. Middlesex. h. sex. Chapman. iJf. J J. Peirse jincoln. 1 ho. Unatt. iLt. 9 F. CB. Woodgate 'V.-Cl. 79 F. Off. — Head (^rs Major of Brigade. Pieters. Off. Dorset. Sffil Captain Robert Cochrane. ^9 Colonel Sir John Milley Doyle. 29 F OJfieer. merset. 36 F. Leicester. J. Dorset. Monmouth. Oxford. Portsmouth. Wales. 44. p. -2 Apr. Lt.Surgeon Gloucester. Sur.-Col. Northampton. late of 66 F. Subdivision London Lt. Jellicoe Middlesex. Capt. late 7 R. j ^j ness the Duhc of Cam. KH. DISTRICTS. John Eraser. Hereford. liLt. Carmarthen. Consisting the counties of Paymaster . B. 41 F.p. Flintshire. and Herts. and Somerset. MX . Vet. ^3 Captain Hfury HoUinsworth. Edwards. Vet. /ESTERN. . F. 47. Maitland. viz. F. GUERNSEY AND ALDERNEY.W. Cumberland. of Insp. apt. Unatt. Manchester rey. I Fort Major iSA Major General Love. Sir G.Paymaster . Dumbreck.-Col. late of Canadian Militia Captain An<lrew Ellison. Off. 13 Lt. folk. Major and Adjt. General and other OflBcers. W.Major Douglas. Captain H. Essex. '«] j„h„ Miller. Earl Cath. A-G.-General Sir John Bell. FP. BA. J. T. Capt.A. FRAS.W. i^Co. W. Alfred Wrigley. Ansted. Bombay Art. Major George Thomson.28. Cadet a)id Assist. Lt. Edinburgh. W. Cole. Lt. B. Henry Brown Smith . H. R.FGS. ( Hindustani Languages. Rowlandso^ Leon Contanseau Geology and Mineralogy.A. Wm. Public Examiner and Inspector Lieut. I iffti. H. CB. Demmler Carl Dressner StudC7its in the Senior Department. A. Baldwin Claremont Raines Capt. Stevens.. of Great Britain.Dyett. Cha. D. Marillier Lt. Drawing Geography.320 Staff. Tnisden. A.Johnstone. H. Garnet Man. AND MILITARY SEMINARY DEPOT AT WARLEY.Qr.A. Lock 81 F. W.S. Mrs.Col.-Surgeon ) Depart. Lieut. Orderly Officers KCB. AM..-Col. Abbott. Leeds Houschcipcr. Lt. French Edward de la Motte Rev. BA.Jacob. . Fred. 3. B. M. RECRUITING OFFICERS. W. Professors I Rev.Bristol. S. T. ^c. Jackson. Jonathan Cape. ti-m Wilson ti and Masters. Bet).. Bengal Art. India House Steward. [Arthur Dusautoy. CB. see " Military Establishments.FRS. CB. Schetky. Corh.Mn^. History. Arithmetic . Geo. (Chaplain) Rcr.C. | Landscape Drawing ( J. h. Boully German F. p. MILITARY SEMINARY AT ADDISCOMBE. . Heale. . Cook. Basil Jackson. Capt. "'"'^''^'^ H. R. Slater W.-Master Captain Rich." page 318 and Masters. Capt. Clarke.J.M. A.Un. Surgeon Captain Francis Tower Liverpool. Scott. Weddle. Pasley. I.'jM'.A.Soho-Sqvare.FAS. Unatt. Preston 95 F. M.D»6/i?i. Capt. Bowles ( Major M.t BombayArmy Olpherts. . Cambier •) . P. Adams.. J Major Thomas Donnelly Captain ii.A. Lt. R.-Col. Henry Wh&vtGle^g. ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE AT SANDHURST. Adjutant <5. Lt. IN ESSEX. / Rev.. EAST INDIA COMPANY'S DEPOT. A. Royal Staff Corps Capt. Major Henry Brown Lo}idon. Canadian Lieut. Penley. T. -. ( .H. Colonel Edward Hay. Geo. . Tate. Capt. La7idsca2)e Mathematics and . SiVCha. FMAS. FRAS. Rifles. 27 Bombay N. -Gen. D.-Governor f \ Lt.- Military Surveying Military Drawing . AM. Public Examiner in the) Oriental Department .p.. R. For the Appointments of Officers held by Commission.K. 69 F. H. Leeds . Burr John Piercy Thomas Costin.W.. a}id Classics G. JobnThomas Leslie. Col. Professors John Narrien. F. Lieutenant Captain MD. Chemistry Edward Solly Instructor in Small Arms Joseph Stevenson Clerkfor passing Cadets \T. Robert Petley. Commandant 2rf in Command . RECRUITING OFFICERS. French J.-Col. CB. Fortification . Douglas Ens. F. Capt. Paymaster Major James Roxburgh Newry.W. B. h. G. S. Harvey 50 82 60 90 Gordon Capt. F. late of Bombay Engineeis f I Lt. Birch. Grange. F. Falconer Hay. Capt. . Inchbald. George E. f Mathematics and Classics Fortifications W. . Cork. 'g Hussars^ 46 P. Gds. French. of Dublin. Cork. Col. Toivn Major. lead Quarters.H. Mansel. *^viioiu. 16 Lane Leitrini. ^uart. Lieut.-. Gen. Gen.Unatt- KH. Clarke. Forces./. T.Molyneux iptain lion. Major Mylius. CB. Lon.92F.. part of Wieklow and King's County. Militanj Secretary. Kilkenny. C.• gaT/irSrCa^t. . . n n. 92 . W. Lowrie. .TE. Inglis. F. Williams . . . Belfast.. Cochrane. C. Lieut.M. Military llo^'t nm. Capt. — Head Quarters. STAFF. Dagg. KH.. and of As. Superintending Queen's. Lieut. Nunn. Fraser .. Lt. Adj. Belfast.GA3. J. H. i^^. Licut. Tipperary. Lieut. „ Commanding B. General Officers. 4. 13 The Counties of Kilken- As. Extra Major George Bagot ..\VestMeatli. Roscommon.ConoIly. Charles ^ I Lt.— Head Quarters. Ojf.GCjET] ^^l''.. Mast. GCB. Gen. if. J. to the Forces. 83 F. Armstrong. ^ Major-Gen.J. Severne. C.. Gr Gd*- . Sli- Southern. H... W. W. and Carlow. Wm.! 2S^! u/.. Superintending Down. Surg.-Col. U. 6. C. F. Louth. Fred. jS. 24 June 53 Paymaster Surg. 'y Major-Gen. A». and Roscommon. Insp. Northern. Consisting of the >unties of Anim. 89 F. Kildure. Lieut.r. (Head Quarters-Dublin I | ^ AssLl^rtX. . | C Head Quartern— n„hli„ QUARTER-MASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT Pep. onegal. Capt. .. Robinson Richardson Leitrim.p.Limerich ... parts )f Wieklow and Tipperary. Mundr. iueen's. ildare. CB.E. H. . Unatt. Lieut. . and King's. Longford. Cox. Gen. Hastings The Counties Doyle. iJ<. Gen. C.m Mackenzie. I The Province of and Counties Sligo.^fj. STJifte.C^. Unatt. Maunsell Adj. „ ublin. OF IRELAND.— HeadQuarters. . M'Donald. Waterford.. C. \ Colone Emmett Major of BrigadV Capt.V. 17 F. f JP Lieut. Superintending Officers. Limerick. Williams. Mercer. Captain J.-Col. Louth. Lt. Shannon. Dublin. Qffl. Adj.Mealh. Barnes.' 17'Lancer9' . Unatt. go. liimerick. Surgeon to the ) „ . I Major-Gen.. Fort Major. ^m Artillery rirm. Unatt. Quar. Carlow and Kilkenny Centre. KH. King's. 50 F Atklone Quarters. Qua. Eliot r. /fo«. . W. p. Adjutant General.47. . Assut.^.-Col. Un. . Sir Edward Blakeney. S. Slater. As. 63 F. Br. . Col. of the iver Feale. ColonelW. P. Lt.Teevan. o^? tlrTy'. Unat t. Fleming. 88 F. Cork. H. Unatt. and Head lead Quarters. CB. Gen. Brough. Col. . /fort. 4 Drs. p.CoK Jol. Unatt.Aidc-de-Camp.Clonmel Wexford. 0'Brien. Y. I As. ermanagh. Greaves.Atkinion. ^9 Col. . 321 Capt. ifojt. 8^ r'''"^ . Insp.Percy Douglcs. M. The Counties of Limeiay'o'p aru' lerary.„ . Lt.llg^rd^Rfing. Jag. CB. ^' ^'-ing.-Col. Wieklow. Assist. h. \i Lt.Land. Co. Colonel J. R. AIDES-DE-CAMP TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT.T. Adair Adj. Gen. R. yrone. Uouike apiiiin ('. M. T.D. ' . Adj. Meath./. Off. Pennefafe. Dejnuy Adjutant General. As. RECRUITING DISTRICTS. * ^"J'^^-- tTp' Lt. h. Matthews. P. CoL R. J. Westmeath.n Eden. Adj.-Col. J. Dyneley.J.. 13 Drs 7 Hussars. j Dublin. Frith Dublin. . Gen. Adj. Hutcliinson Lieut.". Districts.| ny.^'*''«°«>'> 48 !''• do. to the Forccs. Adams. Officers. . 43 Donsistingof tlie Paymaster . Ulster. F. Consistingofthe counties of Clare. Paymaster . Col. Gen.' o jjfg. Hamilton 24 Feb. and tlie Towns of Drogheda and Carrick on Assist. U. Fort. Kerry. Unatt. [onaghan.. M.— Head Quarters.A. Field. DISTRICTS. .cers. G. J. M. Off. The Counties of Cork nd Kerry. S Hussars.-Col.' . Lindsay. Assist.. Gen. Qua.. with the exeption of that small porion of Kerry N. S. . h. 82 F. Coldst.Jat'.-Col. Waterford Wexford. Aides de Camp. S^^Xy!"^^ | ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT.!/!. &c.' Limerick. and Insp. 17Sept..Gen. Vep.. Ncn-ry. Armagh. W. Cor*. Adj.' I Major-Gen. ford. Winter Lieut. J. R. Gv. Unatt. Col. T. Unatt. Galway. Armagh nnderry.F. Black.Lieut. T. CB. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. — Head Quarters. Major Henry Ponsonby Captain Lord Killten Captain Arthur Wombwell Captain S.Unat.. Lieut. )untiesofCavan. C. aptain Henry Cust aptain lion.. Kilkenny. LongMayo. B. Fd. CB.. 2 F. ^ Mas. Qr. Rifle Br. C.-Oeneral Commanding the Troops. Capl. Thomas. W 'Donald. Robe^'rtson. Capt. As. James Douglas. . Unatt. Cox. rl..?'. p Rifle Br.Uai. Hamilton. Aides-de-Camp | Br. <^i . B. SCOTIA.r. Lieut. 79 F. • . Edmund Walker Head.th^vtntiMajor-Gcneral thej. B. [ rnmn /J/. Unatt. F. Finucane. .o.1 „«.Maedonald. Tomn Major . Qr. . Wm. CB. Gardiner. «( Major Sir James Alexander. Gr.il/.jl.G«n. Capt! Vise. Lieut. .h. Mil. f . • . Lt. 34 F. 71 F. Capt. C.R. Comn^ule^Chi^^^ ^^^ Newf. B. ^^ „ \ Garrison Quarter-Master Town Major * Lt. Major Rowan. Unatt. Town Adjutant „ . • CANADA. Lt. . Napier.) ^°^° ditto. 88 F. Si. Lt. Holme. C. KH. . . p. Col. Isle-au. R.. 36 F. D. Capt.diner. Jones Unatt.p. C.Capt. Capt. 33 agil Major-Gen... M'm. Unatt D'Urban. Governor Fort Adj Capt.r-«^C/»f/ Go«miora«dComma Assist.-Col. . Colborne. 16 F.-Gen. . Lt.-M.-Col. . all the Comprising Provinces within and adjacent thereto.^^ . Colonel M.h..William Reid. C (Commanding Colonels on the StaJ [(^commandingRoyalEnginecr)\3 Colonel R.ON FOREIGN STATIONS. uLp.. Assist Kingston Town Major .. 71 F. . . Kirkwall. Art.'g'u.. R. Dev. 4 Sir Alexander Bannerman. M.M.. Jj^jq^ ^^J^_ Pocklington.. Unatt. XCB.R. Elliot. Governor and Bretii NEW BRUNSWICK.-Governor Halifax.. James Ferguson. Cant. . Rowan. Sir J. Whitmore.Wm.K^ g"^^^ o^.^ 53 F.. and Cerloo. Unatt. Bell.n.. .Mast.pt. Bruce. Capt. E. . Dcv. aSl Lieut. .l. " ^ssiii.Mi Knight.M. {Extra) Colonel Plomer Youn.nhiPf eovernor and Commander-in-Uue/ . NEWFOUNDLAND..q. C. Aide-dc-Camp . . G. ) . GCMG. Gordon Colonel Artillery) R. (Exfrn) H.xon Colonel on tie StaJfiComm.> . I Capt. Ccfalonla. Hon.^_ ^. .::::: Lt. Kingston As. Mitford. Capt Hailewell. 28 F. • | 13 . Gaspard Le Marchant.„.J. COS. . h.. Conyers 2 Dr.pf <f. vm.^5 F. Sutherland. 322 IONIAN ISLANDS. Bazalgette. Major Rose. QtTm. Lenhouse. STAFF.p. • the Forces • • Asscstant MdUary Secretary Commanding 1 ^ . Santa Maura. KCi. Art. 72 F. . GIBRALTAR. Art.Q. -.Cam. . comprising Corfu.T. FrederiektO' Sir .af^^. . Gen. . Bourke. Gds ( Aides-de-Camp . 33 Col. Unatt. F. ^'y.^. Btresford. Lt. Capt. Butler. h.7.?.C. Ki Major Bourchier. ^^ V. Capt. Griffin. Gen. T. CB. h. Conyers. C. p. . Col. . 71 F. K. ^. The Earl of Captain-General S. OiUespie.„..m «n ^ « S<«^ j. Adj.p. I D'Ur'ban. MU.-Govern07 . Aides-de-Camp /-I I Montreal.aec. Gds.G. Dcj. • Tomn Major ISLAND OF VANCOUVER AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. ^. Tomn Adjutant NORTH AMERICA.-Col. Unatt. T. R.mtreal. &c. . Ma or of Brigade ditto. Sir Robt.. f Aides-de-Camp „ on. Engineers.Art. F PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND. q. CB.Q. NOVA Assist. h. E. Zante. Shone.« litnir .) 3U Ingall. 131 Major Lacy. Halifax Col. .v?» Capt. Wetherall. • . Jones.R. { Capt.C. E. Walpole h.-CoL G..p Lt. 76 F. Lt.^ Dcp. R. 33 a£l Lt. • . -Governor ^ . Bart. CB.G. de Rottenburgh. 26 F. .^c E.50F. Gen. cflZ^oVtheStfffiCom. Bon. f Capt.General on the Staff Military Secretary . Unatt.^„^ i„ nh.l. 15 F. -Gen. Japh Gore.r. Capt. Hume. Pa. Lord High Commissioner and Cala^nos. Lieut. Gore. .-Col. Aidcs-de-Camp Toivn Major Commanding i the Forces at Gozo i -G^n. Alfred Montreal Mont . Lieut. h.ttlz. Unatt. ItHaea Sir Henry George ^ard. Cape .Governor-in-Chief Military Secretary E\gir\. 30 F. 2fon. Capt.-Col. ^. Capt. . Gen. Major of Brigade ^ MALTA. CB M. . Lieut. Mitchell.Eng. 49 F.^.. Grant.Qr. • . p.-CoI. C^. Lieut. Art . Sec „ ' qf„ir Majc. Private Secretary Aide-dc-Camp • • . Esq. Dct-t^arer. 14 F. a2:iEns. 1 ^^ -^^ .. (Extra) Major-General C. ^3 SffiJ — — — — -^ jifgiitrcal Fort Adjutant Michael Dowd Unatt. W. -. ^3 Lieut. *.ul Commander-in-Chief Governor ant BERMUDA. Dev A A(f. Wodehouse. Royal Artillery Military Secretary ( Captain Hay.p. T. Lt.-Gen. Gough.. 90 F. Lieut. C Capt. Do. Division . . E. Unattached Capt. .Camp llajor-Oeneral on the Staff Aide-d«-Camp Comm.G Lt. 60 F. on the Staff'. Gr. :ief. Staff.Camp and Private Secretary Capt. Lorrf G. 3 Light Dragoons Capt. Esq 7vard Isla7ids • .) Colonel A. Vincent iRicliaid Graves MacDonnell. \ . I. Esq. A. 36 F I Do. Lucia St.-Col.Heatly. conunanding the Sirhind Division.h. Commander-in-Chief of Trinidad. BAHAMAS. Major Young. Deslion.Lt. M. Vincent R Grenada 1 1. 48 F. St. 4. R. 72 F. Col. Gds. 2 W. K. 1 W. Lugard. . Lutman. Captain. Fort AdJ . I.} ^ . i Commander-in-Chief Lieut. Regt.John Gregory. . Grey. 60 F. Captain-General and Govcrnor-in-Chief. Slaveley. Cooke. Sir Richard Doherty Captain Wade.Barbadoes Capt. Coldstream Guards \ Lieut. 1 W.B. Capt. William Wood. J Oovcriior and Commander-in-chief of Barbadocs. Douglas. Major Harvey. h. Dep. Esq Grenada St. {Extra. North. Hon. Gillcy. .Col. Gen. Lieut.. S. J. . Forman. ( Lieut. Capt. ^c. of Brigade. and their Dependencies. .B . 2 W.. P. QCH. 2i) F.. I. Halkett. 62 F.!ut. Lt.Col. FitzClarence. Vep.. 10 Hussars. Anson.^.r ^ ^ i . 78 F. Dep.. 3G F Dep. 36 F Fort AdJ i>.. 74 F. T..Lieut. commanding the Mysore Div . R. Lieutenant-Governors ( \ " ^^y- "• -E"'^-' «'• f V'^ST^ Samuel W.. 86 F. .. ArtAidc-dc. Dep. 63 F. Capt. As.. 98 F. Regt. Madras Infantry Aide-de-Camp MaJ.Cliads. Havelock. I..p. H. Esq Sovernor and Commander-in-Chief of the Lee-) n u . -V. | Li..General and Govcrnor-in-Chief Aide-de-Camp and Military Secretary Major-Geiicral on the Staff Assistant Military Secretary Aide-de-Camp Governor and Commandcr-in-chiif of Superintendent at Honduras the KCB ... (Capt.H. Major-Gen. Esq iLt. D. St. Tobago. Priitt.. CB. Virgin Islands Demerara W. t ht • t. on Foreign Stations. Major Talbot. I. Capt. Rifle Br. .^ Wi Lieut. Tunstall. Pratt. Madras Cavalry Stonehouse. Grenada. Hon. 6CB. Aide-de-Camp Aides-de-Camp \ Lieut. Aide-de-Camj) Lieut.de-Cawp Major KU. Major of Brigade at Madras MaJ. Drury.General Assistant-Adjutant-Gcneral Quarter-Master General Major of Brigade at Calcutta BENGAL. Jamaica Jamaica I. DJi!.-Col. AND HONDURAS.h. Geo. ^9 Military Secretary Aides-de-Camp Adjutant.. 67 F Brockman. -J. [ Capt. Regt..^3a2B Major-Gen. I.-Gen. „„ « . h. ^9 Barhadoes.M. Young-. S.. p.affil MADRAS. ' Aides-de-Camn Aiaes-ae-Lamp { The Marquis oj of Dalhousie. Hon. Mountain. J.69F. MilHary Secretary J 323 ISLANDS. Lieut. SiLi ^ Commander-in-Chief BOMBAY. Unatt. Felix.• -iir . Tobago Coney. KCB. Stapylton. 70 F. 82 F. 83 F.Gen.. h. 43 F. -Col. p.C. 1 W. Aides-de-Camp Lieut. p.li. Kiits Antigua R Domiiiica Trinidad Demera ra JAMAICA.) Lieut. 56 F. h. Aide-de-Camp ) ) j MaJ. Macneil Lieut. 26 F. on the Staff. de-Camp.p. Drummoud. O.I. 1 \ I Do. I Fort AdJ . CB..GeoTge. 1 W.O'Halloran.and St.Uajor ^"P'.. Thome.^. Joyce. Art.. CB.D. . MaJ. KCB.Campbell. St. R. Captain Yates. Lucia. Q. Major-Gen. KS. St. R Stuart. ""'''"' ^'''. p.Macintosh. Deputy.'^"' ^. Bowles.Lieut.. Sir W. Governor and Governor and Commandcr-in-Vhicf of British) Guiana \ Dep.L. CB.... CB. Gomm. on the Staff) commanding the Meerut Aide-de-Camp Major-Gen. Dasliwood.-Col. (^Extra. \ ^"^^ ^"' ^^™.F.Capt. I. Major Kobeson.Adjutant-General Deputy Quarter-Master General 323 Lieut. CJ3. Edw. Lord Fred. Esq.. Robert William Keate. CB.^. WINDWARD AND LEEWARD Lleutenant-Genernl commanding the Troojis . 22 F. H. Lsq • Montserrat Nevis r Officer administering the Governments. JEl Gen. Blackall. Major Hon. 3 . CB. on the Stajf. Military Secretary __ Capt. Military Secretary and Aide-de-Camp.R. .^ Major-Gen. KH. 10 Drs. R.E. Scwell. ret. Judge Adr. ( Deputy Adjutant General Major of Brigade at Bombay Major-Gcneral on the Staff A ide-de. Murray. Lucia Antigua Christophers and AnguiUa Dominica Maurice Power. Sir Henry Somerset.-Gen.G. Curzon. I. W. do Do.. Cant. C.-Gen. Brownrigg. Art Harpur. .-Col.-Gen. . 86 F Kelly.Major Ramsay. Birch. Bt. 69 F Act. Bombay N.D. Haiikey. Lieut. Sapte. H. Ramsay. Lieut. 29 F.-Qen.. Lord Elphinstone Governor Military Secretary Commander-in-Chief Military Secretary Lieut. Bahamas Sir Henry Barkly. 15 Bengal N. Beauclerk. Anderson. Willoughby Shortland.CB. Philip E.-Gen.Colcbrooke. Adj. 83 F.22P.Lord Harris f. Sir Henry Pottinger. Governor lit.. E. Vincent. CB. R Bahamas Honduras I EAST INDIES.Q. 3 W. j» /-t A^des. Judge Adv.p.T. Denison. Colonel J. Lt. connnanding the Centre X)i». R. Bt. Farquharson. i j .AdJ.. W.-Gen. Lieutenant-Governor Aide-de-Camp Commanding the Forces Major of Brigade Capt. Major Governor „ J _ ^ Garrison Adjutants . 1 West I. h.: Auchland j ^^^^^ „ j_ ^^^^^^ h. Governor and Commander-in-Chief. Sydney Lieut. Scots Fus. R. F..324 Foreign Stations. Leigh.-Col. Esq. Arthur Edward Kennedy.. . 3 "^^ ' Hill. FitzRoy. 58 F. Q.. Robe. Lieut. Art. Sir Robert Nickle. Lieutenant-Governor of the Natal District Colonel Comm. Unatt. Isaac Macaulay Higginson. { Lieut. P.-Govcrnor of New Munster Commanding the Forces Dejjuty quarter-Master General —~~ do. KH. Lifut . Ainsworth.. 99 F. W. I KCB. Aide-de-Camp Deputy Quarter-Master General . S'lr John Hindniarsh. Capt.. Helena Regt.. Assist. R. Ji^ayo'-^ "~ ^ Lieut. Esq. ^P Major-Gen. Governor and Commander-in-Cliief. Totvn Major ^3 Capt. on the Staff' y BSJ Major-Gen.-Col. Capt. Staff. Aide-de-Camp Lt. KH. Wynyard. Greville. Sec. Bainbrigge.Thos. Maclean. Robertson. 31 F. CB. Eng. KCB.N. Jervois. 92 F. Governor and Commander-in-Chief Esq. Sydney Capt.-Governor Capt. 60 F. Wellington J Ti KCB. B<. Hep. Lt. Cooper. -Col. T. Unatt. KII. Lieut. Augustus Fitz Roy. . CB. 15 F Sir George William Anderson. 45 F Port Natal Governor and Commander-in-Chief Military Secretary CEYLON. Gold Coast. CB.-Co\. .. KH. 323 Lt. Campbell. Sutherland. Jervois. . M. ^c. Lieutenant-Governor . R.Governor Major-Gen. S'tr Charles Hotham. 1 1 F. Capt. . Denison. Hobart Toivn of Brigade '~~ SAINT HELENA. 59 F. Gr. . Governor and Commander-in-Chief Aide-de-Camp Major-General on the Staff' Aide-de-Camp Dep. h. ' ~ Sierra Leoke. Eng. Despard.Colonel Abraham Josias Cloete. Unatt. " . Unatt. R. Charles Fred. Assistant Military Secretary Aide-dc-Camp Major of Brigade CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. R. Col. h. 3 F. KCJS. 18 F. 1 WESTERN COAST OF AFRICA. Eng. Jenner. Capt.. Charles Henry Darling.-Col. Anton. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. CB. ^iCol. Greenwood. Bainbri^ge. Capt. R. Lt. H. CB. Smith. 58 F. UN.-Gen. Lt. A. Capt. Mil. Lt. Storks. h. Capt. 37 F. Edward John Eyre.. R.-Col. Lieut. King.-Col. West India Regt West India Regt Sierra Leone GamUa MAURITIUS. John Fraser. Sydney Capt. S/r Samuel George Bonliam.-Col. St.. li SISE Lt. King. VICTORIA. Governor of New .. Esq.. Lieut. FALKLAND ISLANDS. 6 F Commandants Port Elizahcih CLieut. Macarthur. p. Dep. Cole. Col. R. 45 F. Vt. Haves. 13 F. Aide-de-Camp Major-Gcneral on. Capt. 2 West India Regt. Eng Cape Town < Capt. Hon. Gds. on tlie Staff Assistant Military Secretary Aide-de-Camp Deputy Adjutant-General Major of Brigade VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. on Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Hong Kong Aide-dc-Camp Major-Gen oral on the Staff . Lt. Sevmour. 91 F. M'Cleverty. Clarke. | AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. Edw.Bn. Capt. ( Capt. 48 F. Charles FitzGerald. Esq. ^ Lieut. HELIGOLAND. Adjutant at Fort Hare Benjamin Cliilley Campbell Pine. Lieut. 19 Major-Gen. Gds.. Lt. Art.. Sir George Catlicart. Ulster Lieut. CB. Sydney Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief flfii Aide-de-Camp Major-Gen. NEW SOUTH WALES. p. Captain-General and Governor-in-Cliief Gambia. Luke Smyth O'Connor. Sir Henry Edward Fox Young. Charles Yorke. Ronier. Quarter-Mast er Gen. Lt.. Bowers.-Col. Governor and Commander-in-Cliief Lt. HONG KONG. Unatt. Arf/. R. Governor and Command er-in. S'lr Chas.Gen. Governor Aide-de-Camp Fort Adjutant Browne. p. KCB. Lt. R.N. Brunker. CB.-Col. of British Kaffraria rLieut. ^3 Major-General W. 10 F. Capt.Chief Commander Commandant of the P Troojis SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Steward.Cli icf George Rennie. R.-Col. G. ISLAND OF LADUAX. Adelaide Governor Private Secretary NEW ZEALAND. Major-Gen. Wynyard. Eus. ( . Irwin. William Sutherland. 59 F. C5. Art. KH. Lieut-. Sir Wm. Sir George Grey. p.-Col. KCB. 57 F. Governor and Cotnmander-in. Sir James Brooke. the Staff Assistant Military Secretary Aidc-de-Camp got. Bainbrigge..-Col. 3 F. p. Unatt. Major of Brigade ^3 Major Rawstorne. GrifBn. Esq. 3 Lieut. Carruthers. Wallace. GCB. of State. -I ol. KH. Bt. (§• GCH. H. Esq. Sir Ralph Darling.Gen. Cavendish Elliot. Cavendish Sir Richard Doherty Sir Howard Douglas. R. Hon.. GCB. The Governor of Chelsea Hospital. Pf . CB. H. KN. Rt. INSPECTOR OF REGIMENTAL COLOURS.P" V'"'"*' ^^-P- Stephen Charles Denison. Maj.lix . H. W. KG. Adj. Advocate General \ the United Kingdom ] uty ditto <-i -at rr ti irn>r r. Esq. Albert Wm. W. Gen. of Anglesey. Office. Whitehall Yard. Street. -Generals.F. at War. Gels. GCB. je F''^«°y' ^'. Vice President. Secretari/ to tlic Master General. Tlie Bishop of Winchester. Esq. G CB. Halkett. GCB. Sir James Kempt. Rt. GCMG. GCH.-Col. ^''^ GCB. Office. in Chief President. Lt. Hun. Ross. Colonel Airey. War . GCH. Woodford. Lancaster Herald. Sir Maj. CH. [ ( { ^3 { Sir Lieut. Quarter-Master General. CB. Lt. CB.-Gen.The Marq. Wra. Coldst. Sir Alex. R. late Sec. The Adjutant General. G CMG. n. H. M. Secretary at . -Generals. Specialli/ appointed. GCMG. Esq. Vice President. Esq. Lt. Art. Hastings. John Croomes. f ''r^-pt\^^^. 84. Surveyor General. Hon. Esq. General Viscount Beresford. Aidc-de-Cani}). Secretary to the Board. COMMISSIONERS ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM.P.C. Pall Mall. BOARD OF ORDNANCE. 35. Hon. The Judse Advocate General. Specially appointed. Hew D. M. KCB. Clerk of the Ordnance. C. CB.P. KG.Gen. The Duke «/ Cambridge. Johi G CB. KG. GCH. Woods. C.H. The Quarter-Master General. Office. Henry Shadforth Henry D'Oyly John Diiify. R. G. Matson. A. ^.-General Burgovne. CB.^. and Regulation of the Clothing of General Viscount Beresford. Sir Hew D. M.. KH. Lt. \t Clerk. the Inspection e Army. elary at War. CB. { Jer BOARD OF GENERAL OFFICERS. GCH. to Sec.P. Koss. Sir Tho. Bt.?'. Ramsay. '^^- Assistant Adjutant General. Rt.Howard Douglas. GCB. E. President— Lt. Kirby. Sir James Kempt. R. 4"C. The Master General of the Ordnance. Governor of the Royal Military College. Esq. d Marshal. R. GCB. B. Benjamin Hawes. L. Office. Dep.P.Herbert. Master General of the Ordnance.Gen.t"=' Lieut. KH. No. Major Lord Burghersh.President.>.Bt. Master General \i^4-^\ Secretaries \ ( "'^7='" *'"7'"^' ^'ii „ Frederick Peel. C. Adjutant General. Wetherall. H. Paty. Military Secretary. Sidnej. Major. The General Commanding The Secretary at War The Bishop of London. The I)ulieofiie<!tcast]e. F.-Gen. KCB. Esq. Esq. KCB. Darling.«'="• Raglan. Sandnam. Paty. The Paymaster General. -Governor of Chelsea Hospital. Right Hon. A. Lieut. KH. The Lieut. Acting Committee. ^9 Lt. Lieut. for the Investigation of Claims for Right Hon. CB. Secretary—HenTy Office. WAR-OFFICE. ^f Examiner of Army Accounts. Esq. The Colonel of the 1st Life Guards. and uses. ^c.M'Uaiion. The Colonel of the 2nd Life Guards. ^sselin R. Great George-street. Calvert. Unatt. GCB. Dep. Mdjor-Gencrals.-Col. master-Oen. Boyle.Generals. Monsell. Inspector General of Fortifications Assistants do. Felix Calvert. G. Pull Mall. The Governor of the Royal Military College. Woodford. Mniile. M. Hon. COMMISSIONERS ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE. Egerton. GCB. Ex Officio. Generals. S. The Deputy Secretary at War. See. Doctors' Commons. Capt. Lord Stanley. . George D. «'• ^''«.GCH. COLONIAL DEPARTMENT. Sir Ralph Darling. Downing Storekeeper.325 MILITARY AND CIVIL DEPARTMENTS.Generals. C.-Col. Major. R. V. Hon. uty Secretary at War. Sir A. Hon. Sir Jolm Bell. Heralds' College. George Butler. GCB. of Alderley. Wetherall. Art. The The The The The The General Commanding in CWxei. G.KCB. Ex Officio.Adjt -Qen. The Duhe of Cambridge.. Westminster. Piesse Mauritius *Henry W.. Drouet Bahamas F. 12s. M. Trav Hon. Sinclair^ Lieut. C. Is. Phillips 13 aO CajHain L.'R. Otway Captain F. 10«. A. W.. N. W. T. GREAT BRITAIN. Bell 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 1 3 Leeds... Daston •Joseph Pears( *P. Peter AjfTiGUA 'P. H.. Warre: i(. Harbour . New Zealand Point de Gallb . F. W. per 4th Clasj. St. Saunder Harmer Wra. C. Elliott A. and DEPUTY-STOREKEEPERS that of CAPTA 1 Mr. *JamesSt. R F. . Butcher has received the Silver War Medal with six Clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo..L. Barlee . A.. i BARRACK-MASTERS. John Malta R.George Jersey •C. The have the relative rank of MAJOR. S. John Shepherd Upnor Castle . G. Glass. Holwell *Robt. Cooper E. Tapp Grenada *Evan Halifax Hobart Town Honduras ... of LIEUTENANT. Vimiera. J.apneas M'Goldrick 4 Chichester 4 Coventry 2 Devonport 4 Dundee and Perth 3 Edin burgh 4 Exeter 4 Fort Augustus 3 Glasgow 4 3 3 J. F. H.. Port Elizabeth . DeRenzy^i 13 Lieut. *Rich.. Chawne E. • Toulouse. <5t Guernsey Hamilton 3 HouNSLOW 3 Hythe. J. O. Walker Dominica Gibraltar Graham's Town Richard Forman G. and Badajoz. Laye }3Fred. Wickhara Lieut. *Vv'm.. C.G. R. Tra' 13 WA Lieut. and 5th Classes. J.T:. 2 St. ^-c. *John Tunbrid Enniskillen FOREIGN STATIONS. Ford F. 4 3 3 Captain E. Aug. P. Hon. Deputy storekeepers. Stewart *Edm. Blackwell •Robt. J. Spalding 13 Captain D.Edwards. M-Donald Capt. Storekeepers.S.Harvey Jeremy Jones *F. Sydney Tobago Trincom ALEE Trinidad W. Thomas Smiih Captain Gosport M'Dermott Cdjitain H. Ldraonds Captain 4" Hainpton CI •••' 13 J.. Agni TiPNER Point Enfield R.. Corunna.Forst *T. 326 ORDNANCE STOREKEEPERS AND DEPUTY-STOREKEEPERS. H..Maxwell Sierra Leone Simon's Town Pii R. Jones stFrl'^Sers.. ' ' 13aClC(yj/. 2nd . C. Talavera. ' ' l W.— 2nd BARRACK-MASTERS of 1st Class Stations have the relative rank of and 3rd. Winch ester Windsor Woolwich YOBK <5"c ^-c. Knight Robert M'Kerlie Edinburgh *^Capt.Bissi *C. ».. Auckland Wellington C. Point. 6d... 1 . C. Murray 13 Lieut.K. Macfarlane Montreal New Bronswick Jas. B. U.5th Class. diem. Ince Richard Rogers Geo. Wyatt *R. Wilkinson *A.. . Windeyer Stirling Castle . *Geo. L. Joseph 0. Sparkes'Joseph Pellatt 13 Hammond James IRELAND..DeR. C.B. James Dusaut Captain William Bei . • Quebec 'John Drew .. W. Mahon W. Mei Captain Brickenden 13 Captain N.. Orthes.] Lt. Bair R.B. A. Coie Peter Monsell * John Thomas William Dani . Tarn. Sebastian. Sheekkess Sheffield Taunton Tower & Croydon Walmer Wey^modth. Cardiff. Pringle George Pett •Wm. . EUis Alex. Wright '. James Ranie R.... S.Priiif .-CoZ. 3 Mr. 'Arthur Boate Athlone Charlemont and Armagh *^9Gordon Thomson^ Cork. Fislier J. 6d. Child R.J. Mine.. Marett Demerara G. Storekeepers. St..— STOREKEEPERS denotes those acting as Barrackmasters.A.-Col. Port Natal Prince Edward's I Thomas Dawson Colombo Corfu Newfoundland *P. . 2 Mr.Farquh< n Captain Anthony L )J . 4th. T.— 1st Class.-Col. Christopher . Ozanne Guernsey Waltham Abbey. Raitt^i Bury and Asliton Canterbury Chatham. 4"C 1 J. Gore Lieut. O'Meara 13 aSl Capt. Canada St. St. *Thomas Gibbs Dover 'John Giinge Tilbury Fort . of CAPTAIN Class. . Marshall <S-c Maidstone Manchester Newcastle Newport. Chapman Joseph Leacock Hong Kong Jamaica Kingston. Lieut.. »J.Stokes J.... T. Gunner • W. M. MacDonald J. Blenkarne Zante *R. Roraer ^ 3 4 5 Isle or 3 Lt.. *W. Class. T. Rogers James A. Sparkes has received the Silver War Medal with five Clasps for Roleia.• MAJOR. G. .. 4 Ipswich Man ' Lieut. Thomson has received the Silver War Medal with three clasps for Talavera. F. S. M. C . J.. R. John Bi J. Burgoyne ' 13JW(y. Moore Priddy's Hard. Frith * JV. Sharp Harwich Hull Hyde Park Weedon Woolwich "J. G.. F.B. Norwich NorriNGHAM Paisley and Dumbarton Pakkhurst Pehdennis Plymouth Portsmouth Preston 2 Regent's Park.. W. Badajoz. Wright Aberdeen Berwick Birmingham Brecon Brighton 8 3 Bristol 4 Burnley 4 3 1 \3SS3.. R.. Plumme *J. .. P. John Sinclair Captain Jos. Rutherfo Captain E. Wh Captain D. 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 ^-c James's Park. H.S... Atkinson i Dublin ^John Butcher' Duncannon Fort. Jas. H. M. H..Johnstone Tyne mouth Castle W.... Graham '9 J. Cromartie James Barbadoes 'W. Aldernbt Ketham *Goo'imanSandes *David Wilkie Carlisle Chatham Henry Pembroke poktsmouth T. Kelly Lieut. Stapley Fort George. Vittoria.. Hatnley *D. GREAT BRITAIN.R.. H. Hawkins 13 Captain James Murr Captain M.G. E.H. F.. R.Drumm Lieut. Fretz .WiUs Henry Toppinj Helena Lucia Vincent Santa Maura *H. Rideau.. D. R.lohn Walker Chester pukfleet John Greensill Eichard Eaton DEVONroRT A. *T. Stawell Cajitain Robert Ross 13 Major G. Penno Bermuda Cape of Good Hope Robert Cooper F. Nason Lieut. R.-Col. ... F.. and Toulouse. 15*.. F. S. Busaco. 5s. -Col. Sebastian. Vimiera. Lfjford. Nisbett E.. Spanish Town. Saujuel Chambers Waterfobd and New 4 Youqhal and Dungarvon 4 Koss Ship " and Captain R. France. battle of Orthes. including the battle of Waterloo. Grogan Athi/. S.. Mackay Services of the Barrack. Boweii 2 Binii.. He has received the War Medal * with ten Clasps. ^• DUBLIN :- 1 and Ouyhtcrardc 3 3 4 Casti. aa 4 St. and was present at the battles of Rolcia. Cornwall D. with the32nd. Graves Ackland =6 Tralee and Neivcaitle 19 Captain J. Trotman S.and Tip- Campbell New <$• Linen Hall 4 ^• Cnrrick-on-SUannon . and Quatre Bras. AND BRUNSWICK :— CAPE OF GOOD HOPE :— Cape Tov. N.. S. ^- A. action of Tarbes. 2 a£J Major J. HoggW T. Raynes London Montreal Quebec Toronto 3 ^'^^ Captain Thompson Wilson'* H. Dhogheda ^ iC® Lieut. A.. Grant 8 Lieut. A. Ballinrobc. Captain F. battles of the Pyrenees on the 28th and 30th July. Cashel. Vittoria. MajorSmith served with the Rifle Brigade during the Peninsular war from 1808 to its terminaand was present at tlie actions of Calcavellas. He has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. Montego Bay. B. Harrison Captain D. Sedley iSaaaCoi. Shannon Brid(ie. Gallegos. Boase served in the Peninsula. J. C. at which last he was severely — .. T. advance to and capture of 1 tion iu 1814. Orr FOREIGN STATIONS.. and the Coa dangerously wounded . W.E Limerick 2 Newbridoi!. Royales. Lt.. gun-shot through the left ankle joint.A. D. and battle of Toulouse. Foxford. Salamanca. Gaynor^ 4 Caiiir. Infirmary/.i/le^cqneen'^ 3 Sligo. W. 3 Captain Mackintosh has received the War Medal with six clasps for Fuentes d'Onor. J. Barquillo. R.J. . CajHaln T. J. 327 IRELAND. GOR r and Clare Castle Kilkenny ^. Mallow. action of San Milan. Lieut. O'PpnDell Lieut. H. Smith's Fra. Doyle^ 3 Belfast ^ Carriekfergut Captain Robert Rowan 4 Belturbet nad Cavan Captain H. siege of the forts and battle of Salamanca gun-shot wound in the left leg and another through the right shoulder. Vivian 3 Newby and Bownpatrick^ Major J). Mullingar Nenagh and Roscrca Bos- \3 and Magazine Fort .— gun-shot wound in the fprehead battles of the Nive. 1 SIauritius 3 Malta 3 3 W. 2 Lieut. Marijlwrough 3 J. &c. .. Roy Tullamore^.\i Major J. CANADA:— 5 Fort George 2 Kingston 8 1 2 4 f ( SOOTH DISTRICT 3 North District Hong Kong 3 F. battle of Vittoria.n 3 Graham's Town 3 Fort Beaufort 4 King William's Town S. DUBLIN:— 4 Ballincolliq P i<. J.. both attacks of Vera. . Warburlon Captain J.. John's. and Westport .FieldingBrowne. Major George Ford' aSE Lieut. I' 2 . 3 4 \V. St. Hicks 4-c Bellock Capt.. Cloghecn. K. and Nive. action at Echalar. Rigby 4 Boyes 1 .ebar. T. — wounded..Philipstown Lieut. Hewitt . Jeffreys Lieut. C'orunna. Sinclair served in the Peninsula with the 2nd battalion 44th Regt. action of Arcangues. and 2? Kirkman^ ^ . Bt. [CB. Colleton. Constantino. Woolford T. Dtinmore. B Sir R.o. 4- Galw AY. Gore Browne JAMAICA: — 3 Newcastle. Stewart Sir William O'jI^aDejr R.Beggar'sBusU and Pigeon House Fort 3 RiCHUoyj). N. B. P. Naas. Nagel'* Clonmel.. Cape Breton . NEW Van Diemen's IJobart Land Town J. Munro 4 3 Templemore and Thurles Lieut.. 3 Cephalonia Corfu J. Green Captain E. Gordon ^3 . NOVA SCOTIA. 8 . and Porliimna Captam 4 Boyle.Barrack-Masters. Jephson Lieut. U. J. Gray i^i^d^^K^'"^- j E. H.and Corunna. A. — Madrid. Jog. Served ilsothe campaign of 1815.Masters. and Mill-street ^9 Captain B. 4 Lieut. Orthes. Badajoz. Dundalk 4 F&THXtLU.J- rcn. 1 3 Barb ADOES Bermuda GIBRALTAR :— Buckley William Tucker J. EI Burgo. siege and storm of Badajoz. Munns Robert MaclsintoBh' Kinsa i. Ballyshannon.. N. . battle of Salamanca. J.. Betanzos. W. ^ 4 Longford Oranard. '"'"'" Townsend M. Hall Cajitaiii N. battle of the Nivelle.. Daniell War Fredericton Halifax E. Hughes" P. battle of the Nivelle. Ballinamult. O'Brien 2 'PoKTO-a-E-Li. Daniell perury Fermoy and Mitchelstovm 3 Baiting- lass Carrick-on-Suir D. siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo. 1813 . Inn 4 Carlow. Lough- 4 P. Ballaohndc-rccn.-<7oMVI.. Stephens'8 George Priestley 4 Sydney. R. common. Gleeson 3 BuTj-EVAHT. liaiinghcr. Street . Mount- 13 Captain W. T.&c. Island Bridge. H. and has received the War Medal with two clasps for Fuentes d'Onor and Badajoz. &c. Royal Bahracks. N.. and Flanders. Frizell 1 Cork 1 3 4 Derry.. \3 .Castlecomer. J. Go9=ett •» Omaijh William Bell . and was severely advance Picquet. 11 Lieut. 10 Major Gossett served with the Rifle Brigade in the Peninsula from Oct. capture of Madrid and the Retiro. and 15th Sebastian March. battle of Salamanca. two sieges of San Christoval. 5 Capt. siege of Tarragona. and was present at Ciudad Rodrigo. general action on the 16th March. including the battle of the Nive on the 9th. and accompanied the forlorn hope. Madrid. action of Arcangues. Nivelle. served as a Midshipman in the Diana frigate. relief of Bilboa. tugal. and had his horse killed under him. Hicks served in the Peninsula in 1812. San Milan. on the West India Station. siege and capture of Badajoz (volunteered. the Pyrenees. Castalla. In July 180G he embarked with a detachment of the Rifle Brigade for South America. during which he was wounded. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. 9 Captain Gaynor served in the Peninsula with the Portuguese army during 1808.where the ball remained for nine years. Vittoria. to America. various actions in the Pyrenees. covering the siege of San Sebastian. and at the siege of Flushing. and passage of He has received the War the Nive. 11. actions at Tarbes and Tournefeuille. and was severely wounded in the shoulder at the attack on the suburbs of Buenos Ayres on the 3rd July 1807. covering the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. Badajoz. and various affairs of Out Posts. Bidassoa. and three days' severe skirmishing in following the enemy to Pampeluna. the Pyreneeson the 28th and 30th July. and 37. including the action before Ernani. and 10. and subsequently accompanied his Regt. San Munos. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and battle of Toulouse. battle of Vittoria. 12th. to Walcheren. 1811. Germain. passage of the Gave d'01eron. Port d'Achard. severely wounded in the right thigh. and the Nivelle. but this did not prevent his entering the town on the 5th with General Crawfurd's Brigade. and served there until the close of the American war. prior to entering the army. 12th and 13th Dec. He served under Sir John Moore during the campaign and retreat to Corunnain 1808-9 . and was present at the battle of Toulouse. and several skirmishes on the retreat to PorCommanded the Advanced Guard of the Light Brigade at the battle of Vittoria. siege and capture of Cindad Rodrigo (volunteered the storming party). operations on the 10th. 1813 to July 1814. 6 Captain Drummond served with the Rifle Brigade in the Peninsula. subsequent retreat through Spain. Bridge of Zansi. and 14. Medal with eight Cla-<ps. Embarked with the regt.and was constantly engaged near New Orleans from 23d Dec. 10th. Scylla Castle. and was wounded in the head). At Vera Bridge he commanded the In 1814 he accompanied his Regt. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. — — — — . in the Peninsula. 7 Major Ford served with the Royal Artillery in the Peninsula and South of France. storming the lines of San (severely wounded in the side). 12. On the termination of the Peninsular War in 1814. including the siege of He served as a Lieut. under Captain Maling. 13. retreat from Madrid. Bridge of Vera. he embarked at Bordeaux with the army^for Canada. 36. ?t. including the battle of He was present with the Anglo-Sicilian army during Castalla. covering the siege of Bui-gos. and was present at the Battle of Busaco. 14 Captain Minchin served in the 51st the campaign and battle of Corunna. affair near Val Moresco. Arcangues. Pyienees. wounded in the attack on New Orleans. covering the 2d siege of Badajoz. for Lisbon in Jan. Servedafterwardsin the American War. Nive. and was present at the battle of Salamanca. St. passage of the Bidassoa. Castrijon. 12 Capt. and siege of Tarragona. battle of A Ibuseverely wounded through the left thigh . covering the siege of Burgos. the whole of the operations on the coast of the Fai-o against Murat. to the 7th Jan. Also the campaign of 1815. hera. wounded in the head. Tarbes. battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. 1837. Salamanca. 14th. and was frequently engaged in boats cutting out vessels under the batteiies at the islands of Curacoa and Cuba. capture of the French rear guard on the following day. and was also present at the attack on New Orleans on the 8th Jan. 11th. 8 Captain Travers. battles of Vittoria. 9. Orthes. for which be has the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. battle of Salamanca.-Colone! with the Anglo-Spanish Legion in 1835. battle of Barrosa. On the expedition to Walcheren. where his horse was shot under him when acting as Adjutant . actions near Fuente Guhialdo and Aldca de Ponte. Kirkman served with tlie Rifle Brigade during the campaigns of 1810. Hughes served in the Peninsula with the 57th froml810 to the end of that war in 1814. first siege of Badajoz. including Quatre Bras. including the actions and defence of Cadiz.battleof Orthes. and 14. capture of Madrid and the Retiro. which ended in the capture of their action at Echalar. aSair near Val Moresco. and retreat into Portugal . and Waterloo. 13.War 328 Services of the Barrack-Masters. and Toulouse (Medal and eight Clasps). when he was wounded and taken prisoner at Arroyo del Puerco. Served also the campaign of 1815 in Belgium. From 1811 to 1814 he served in the Peninsula. advance to and capture of Madrid. For his services in the British Legion he has received two medals. Simon. 1815. for three years. Genappe. affairs of San Munoz and San Milan. 1814. Alba de Tormes. actions of Monasterio and Quintana Pulla. action of Lesaca . last guu battle of Nivelle (gun-shot wound in the right arm ). actions of Pombal. The campaigns in Flanders and France under Lord Lynedoch and the Duke of ^^'ellington. cavalry affair at El Bodon. and capitulation of Paris. He next served at Monte Video under Sir Samuel Auclunuty. Vimiera. Cxraham has received four severe wounds during these services. in pursuit of Massena fromSantarem. battle of Salamanca. and 12 he served in the Peninsula in Picton's Division. pursuit of Massena. Frankland served in the Peninsula with the 2d Foot from Nov. siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo. Roblida. Present with the Army at Platsburgh. storming of Cambray. Redinha. Redinha.. and siege of Bergen-op-Zoom. the Hon. Colville. Condeixa. actions at Pombal. and at Toulouse as acting aide-de-camp to General Sir Wm. and Corunna. capture of Madrid and the Retire. 21 Major De Renzy served at Walcheren in 1809. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Egypt and Badajoz. and at the battle of Vittoria be was most severely wounded by a cannon-shot. battles of the Pyrenee» on tiie '28th and 30tli July. 26 Captain Roy served in the 71st at the battle of Blenberg and capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. at the capture of Badajoz was the first who entered tbat fortress. for which and for Egyjjt he has received the Silver War Medal with three Clasps . Sir C. the siege of Burgos and affair on retreat at Muriel. and storming of Fort Ramakins. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. at which last he lost a leg. In 1809he wasat the siege. He was also at the capture of Minorca . Condeixa. 18 Captain Wilson served in the Peninsula. after which the Peninsular campaign of 1808-9. W. sortie. the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. Col. Capture of Walcheren. In 1808 he went with Sir Arthur Wellesley's expedition to Portugal. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp. action of Vic Bigorre. — — — — . He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. 1812 to the end of that war. was present at the defence of Cadiz in 1810. 17 Sir F. 19 Lieut. passage of the Bidassoa. battle of Vittoria. and at the assault of Cambray as aidede-camp to Gen. H. where he was engaged in several actions. and was present at the aftair of Ramnuggnr. and Nive. when the fire of the troops annihilated her crew. cap- — tured a privateer wliich came alongside that vessel at night. lines of Torres Vedras. Sabugal. Served afterwards in the Peninsula in the 82nd. the battle of Waterloo. and has received the War Medal with four clasps for tlie battles of Vittoria. right arm amputated. In 1810. capture of Cambray. including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. and capitulation of Paris. and Toulouse. Doyle sailed in 1805 witii Lord Cathcart's expedition to Hanover.Graham served in the West Indies. including the attack on Merxem. and was present at the blockade of Pampehina. and Fuentes d'Onor. crossed the Deseit in Egypt with Sir David Baird's army in 1801. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Toulouse. Pyrenees. 329 (severely wounded). the principal campaigns in the Peninsula undur the Duke of Wellington including the operations on the Coa during the siege and battle of Almeida. including the actions at Roleia. and in the Peninsula and France to the conclusion of the war. the siege and storming of Badajoz. Campaign in Portugal and Spain in 1808-9. and he has also the (Jold Medal presented by the Grand Seignior for the Egyptian campaign. and Sabugal. which was splintered neck and head wounded) . Pampeluna. with the 61st Regt. capture of Madrid and the Retiro. and was present at the siege and capture of Flushing. the battle of Salamanca.. second siege of Badajoz. siege and storm of Badajoz (a ball lodged in the cavity of the chest. passage of the Gave d'Oleron. Rutherford served in the Peninsula with the old 94th. Nive. He served also the Waterloo campaign. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 15 Major Eliot. and battles of Sadoolapore and Chillianwalla. battles of the Nivelle. Lugo. bombardment of Antwerp. battle of Orthes. 11. the expulsion of the French from Egypt . Medal and Clasp. Nagel served the Punjaisb campaign of 1848-49. battles of the Pyrenees. Nive. at'ier serving during the Kaffir war at the Cape of Good Hope. When on board the Sanmel and Jane transport with 300 soldiers. including the battle of Waterloo. Capture of Buenos Ayres same year including the several actions. and the Nivelle. 22 Major Edwards served with the 13th Dragoons through the Peninsular war. Anson In position at Halle during the battle of Waterloo. blockade of Pampehina. and was shot through the body at Roleia.War Services of the Barrack-Masters. He has received tiie War Medal with four Clasps. 16 Lieut. the affair of Fort Frederick Heudrick. and present at the actions of Sobral and Fuentes d'Onor. and occupation of Bordeaux. and battle of Toulouse. unextracted a ball through the right arm. and capture of Flushing. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. siege of Badajoz in 1811. 24 Lt. Lieut. Campaigns in the Peninsula in 1810 and 11. actions before Bayonue. In 1814 embarked for Canada in command of a detachment of the 5th repelled two attacks en the Transport by Privateers. and being shipwrecked became a prisoner of war to the Dutch. Served also in the campaign of 1815. 25 Captain White served on the expedition to tlie Elbe and Weser under Lord Cathcart. 20 Lieut. as senior officer of Marine Artillery. and finally retired wards in the West Indies as from the service. Travers served the campaign of 1799 in Holland as a Lieut. 34 Lieut. Hogg served at Walcheren in 1809 .^O'l' Services 330 of the Barrack-Masters. and Sabugal. Major-General Houstan . Actively employed in suppressing the Rebellion in Canada in 1837-38. CapSecond expedition Escalade of Bhooj. battleof the 21st March. Mahratta and Pindarree campaigns of 1817 and 18. actions of Pombal. retreat to the lilies of Torres Vedras.Nive. Fos d'Arouce. . Julian. and attack on Ras-El-Khyma in 1809. the capital ot Kutch. Capture of Noa-Nuggur. and Kincoote in Kallewar and Gnzyrat in 1812 and 14. Accompanied the expedition to the Helder in 1799. He served off Boulogne. battles of Fuentes d'Onor (severely wounded) and Salamanca. 2nd and 6th October. ia 1809. affair of Rahmania.. he landed in Spain. and capture of Paris. and Accompanied the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. against Pirates in the Persian tiulf (severely wounded ). battles of Vittoria (thrice *»-ounded). In 1810 proceeded to Portugal as aide-de-camp to sent at the capture of Flushing. battle of Waterloo (wounded in the arm). Anjar. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. . 1808. owing to ill-health. Stephens served the campaign of 1815 with the 8rd battalion of the Royals. and present at the battle of Vimiera. against Pirates in the Persian Gult in 1819. and was present at the battles of the 19th Sept. and battle of Fuentes d'Onor. siege and capture of Fort St.-Colonel Raitt sei-ved with the Queen's Royals in Ireland during the Rebellion of 1798. at Bergen (wounded) . affairs on the retreat from Madrid to Portugal. 31 Major MacQueen served in the Peninsula with the 74th in Picton's Division. being Deputy Quarter-Master-General at Jamaica. and blockade and surrender of Alexandria (Turkish War Medal). actions of Vic Bigoire and Tarhes. Casal Novo. Landed in the Peninsula 21st Aug. AfterSecretary to Sir Military Lionel Smith. and preat the battle of Corunna. and proceeded to jein the army at Toulouse. including the siege and capture of Fort Aboukir. on board the Etna bomb vessel. and having volunteered the same year into the 53rd regt.-Colonel Warren served in India with the 65th Regt. also present at the battle of the 19th Sept.. He has received the Naval War Medal with one Clasp for Basque Roads. and that of the 2nd Oct. together with the actions of the 6th and 10th Oct. In 1811 he proceeded with the marine battalion. Attack and capture of the Mauritius in 1810. in 1847. He was afterwards present when the enemy under Marshal Brune were defeated in their attack on the British Lines. Capture of Ras-El-Khyma and Zaya. 27th Aug. including the battle of Busaco. and was appointed to tlie Marine Artillery in the following year. Nivelle. and at the surrender of the French at Ballinamuck. and was severely wounded in the body in the action near the Helder. and was present at the capture of Wexford from the rebels. in all the operations of Sir John Moore's army on its retreat. retreat on the following day. 37 Captaia Jeflreys entered the corps of Royal Marines as 2nd Lieut. 10 Sept. Redinha. lungs). 32 Mr. He has received the War Medal tvith four Clasps. 30 Mai. and also in the action under Lord Cochrane at Basque Roads. and returned to England in 1812. ture of Poona (Medal). and Orthes. 28 Mr. and battle of Toulouse (severely wounded through the He has received the silver War Medal with nine Clasps. commanded by the late Sir Richard Williams. 33 Lieut. in the campaign on the American lines in 1814 and afterwards in the batteries before Platsbarg. capture of Madrid and the Retiro. and carried the regimental colour at the battle of Quatre Bras. to Portugal. In 1813 he obtained a company in the Glamorgan Militia. the Pyrenees (27th 28th and 30th July 1813). from Feb. present during the operations of Massena's retreat. Served the Egyptian catnpaign of 1801. . 50 Sept. Canadian H. . 31 May F. . 44 Oct. 57 F. 89 F. 81 F.A/a. 83 F. 46 \3 Wm. Aug. 29 F. 60 F. 77 F. . 42 May 42 Sept. 16 F. 53 Jan. . 11 Nov. St. . 52 Mar.Major . 89 F "l 14 seph Kelsall. 46 . 29F. 3 Dec. 9 Nov. 22 28 29 4 . I Retired. 50 Feb. Ritle Br. . Lt. 45 Aug. .KH. 56 F. 95 F Richard Thompson. 28 . Lt. . T. 14 F. Lt. KS. Chads. I I . 9 Nov. 9 Nov. 23 Nov. F. 39 F. Lt. 34 6 muel George Carter. Major Brooke Pigot. 42 30 3bert I'attisson. 9 Nov. mes Lewis Basden. 41 Feb.-Col.46 J M. 63 4 Mar. 22 July 30 obert Terry. R. Sept. I . 31 F. Major )\Vm. Moore. 44 30 Mar. Barnes. 22 July 41 14 June 42 . .iRich. iter Eason. 11 Nov. 1 W. Ceylon Regt. 33 16 8 April42!l6 19 Sept. J12H Robert Cochrane. 24 F.46F. 41 F. 69 F. Robert Hunt. . 44 ( James 10 Jan. 41 22 Mar. 21 F. 48 Apr. 1 1 Nov. 42 Mar. do do 22 May 28 do do do . 26 Feb. 61 51 July 51 Oct. Major 1 June 38 27 Sept. . 51 Kenneth Murchison. 49 15 Feb. 81 F. a 28 JUne 88 30 Oct. 42 14 Apr. 54 F.Jtffy. . 74 F. Major. 70 F. 46 Henry Fra. exander Sharrock. 1 . 87 F. Atkin. 29 F. 23 Nov. 70 F. Bicliard Willington. 14 F. 51 . 63 F. 41 15 9 Nov. Major 28 June 38 1 July 41 . \ Commission. 9 Nov. Oeo.Handcock. 23 Nov.. Robert M'Caskill.-Col. Rurney. Isaac Richardson. 11 Nov. C. Major John Bolton. 4 July 48 23 Nov. Benoit Bender. 40 2 May 29 do 21 June 33 do 28 June 38 do 29 Aug.. 53 Dec. 49 June 49 July 49 Aug. 49 Mar. 21 F. ^aail David Cooper. ail Wni. do B. JTH.Cos. Retired. 53 Apr. 47 . 23 Nov. Maj. 26 Oct. 19 F. 27June45 . 51 F. 36 F.WliiteWarburton. 13 F. 13 Mar. . i^m. Henrv Clements. 6 F do James Jackson. 41 JTif. 4 . 9 Feb. . John Clarke. John Campbell. 41 10 May 44 Henrv Dixon. 16 F. CB. . 49 F. Potts. 3 Dec. 51 16 Sept. 63 Dec. Major . 46 1 John Singleton. 9 Nov. . 26 Oct. 8 W. .30F. 51 G. 17 F. 51 May Mar. Major 11 Nov. Major . Robert L'Estrange. 1 W. 28 Au 80 Nov 23 Nov. . *' 16 Mounted Riflemen. 14 F. . do harles Gordon. 40 John Thomas Griffiths. . 51 Nicholas Palmer. Major . Robert Stuart Ridge. 51 14 May 42 Wm. . 41 9 Nov. Lt. 3Iajor. CB. . Jolin O'Grady. inry C. Henry NichoUs. 51 12 Dec. Major Henry Alexander Kerr. . 93 F. 40 23 m. ^J Joseph Smith. eter Sutherland.-CoMI Nov.Major . 23 July 89 Tronson.22 July 80 8 May 46 Lynch. 93 F. 22 F. . 4fllll Dec. 51 . 65 F 35|l7 Aug.or 10 Jan. Helena Regt. .Major 9 Nov. 37 27 PeterJohn Willats. ^iJ Eyre John Crabbe. 77 F 10 Sept. 11 7 Nov. . Bray. Raban. 38 F. Major a2.SR\\. Major . 44 30 II May 39 10 6 Nov. William Knowles.dw.-Co?. . John Joseph Grier. 52 May 53 June 52 July 53 Sept. I.. 35 F. . 25 F. . 95 F. 26 do 10 Jan. 25 June . Hewson. 84 F. Poyntz. 39 F. Philip Aubin. 29 July 36 6 Dec. . 51 Charles Irvine. 3Iajor . 52 Jan.SSF. Goatc.. 46 ieorgeMalnwaring. 46 30 Nov. Lt. 53 May 53 June 58 July 63 Aug. . 51 4 Mar. William Blois. Stokes. 48 May 48 June 48 July 48 Oct. A. 35 80 27 Sept. 41 Rodney Mylius. 45 Jan. .i^. 42 Mar. 23 Nov. 23 Dec.54 F.45 Dec. 44 Mar. 87 F tobertAlex. Vo complete an Establishment of 25 Lieutenant. 47 F. 53 Nov. do 26 Oct.-Col.-Col. . . Major 28 June 38 9 April 41 27 May 86 5 June 41 3hn Kelly. 3 F. . 43 ho. 1 F. >/(7/. Major George Gardine Shaw. James Ward.Ma. 74 F. 5 June 40129 Jan. 61 F. Major . 97 F. 82 F. Passley.obert Browne. jVoyor . 41 Oct. Wright. 44 NorraanMaclean. 44 John H. 14 Apr. . 46 ohn Harvey. 11 Nov.331 OFFICERS OF THE LINE RETIRED ON FULL PAY. . 28 Nov. 30 F.-Col. {i Edward Boyd. Major Philip Bolton.-Col. Lt. 37 II . I . 87 F. 63 F. Philip Dundag. 89 F.. 23 Nov. 48 July 30 1g June 43 June 38 23 Feb. 28 June 38 do dam Von Beverhoudt. 10 Oct. . 94 3 Oct. 63 F. Lt. I. 6 F. 71 F.67F. .. 38 F. 45 .Colonels. 17 F. Denis Dunn. Cape ) „„ „ . . Prendergast. 24 F. Major . 23 Nov. 7 Aug. . 44 13 Feb 35 10 May 44 John Adrian Lutraan. . 42 E. 93 F. 48 . 48 Oct. John King. Major William Newhouse. 45 John Gage Lecky.. Major 23 Nov. . arles Hughes.Mrt. 54 F. Tudor. William Barnes. 49 Mar.78F. 80 F.o»' do 29 Dec. 63 Nov. 43 June 43 Feb. 48 Dec. 22 F. Richard Westmore. ^9 1 1 . 1 July 42 3 4 Oct. 34 30 23 Feb. .l. 97 F. C. David Dickson.-Col. 41 tephen Noel. 41 . 51 Charles H. 37 do . 38 F. WL John Griffith. 17 F. . 42 F. Rogers. 46 8 . 72 F. \n. Regt.U F. 35 F.iievi{. ] ^'^ ' °*" . 41 9 Oct. 5 F. 58 F. Major Daniel Riley.. 81 F. Daniel Frazer. 13 F. 48 Charlton O'Neill. 8 Feb. 59 F. 29 F. 44 V^illiam Cox. Major Richard Tatton.. . Henry Senior. 50 F. 52 . Major 22 Julv 30 16 Mar. Oct. 80 Apr. Alex. 38 F. 44 ohn Blackall. . Major . 28 June 38 2 Anril 41 John Bonamy. 16 F. 30 April 44 Charles Campbell. do George Pincknev. 50 Mar. 41 Charles Rayner Newman.Li. 43 F.-Col. P Joseph Swinburne. 11 Nov. Major 22 July . {3 John Norman. Major James T. Lt. Major 9 Nov. Richard Manners.5 . 50 Aug. I I . 32 . ^3 Edward Kenny. 37 6 Dec. Commission. 9 Nov.i7 Robert Shepherd. F. 33 F. 12 April 31 26 10 Jan. Major . Mackay. 82 F. 47 William Macdonald. W. Ewan McPherson. 47 Jan. ^3 1 \ 17 Sept.45 Sept. i^-Co^. 24 F. Major John Marshall. . . 1 May 46 July 46 Oct. 28 Feb.41|18 Sept. 25 Majors. 75 F. 41 1 17 July 40 10 23 Nov. 46 affil A. 46 Abraham Splaine. 53 29 April 53 !3 20 May 58 May 53 CaPT \INS. . 99 F. 47 Jan. . 10 Jan. 76 F. LlEDTENANT-COLONELS. 41 9 May 45 harles R. Fairtlougli. Wm. 51 9 Nov. 5 June 30 do ichard Fry. . A..30 5 Oct. 41 27 irald Roehfort. 23 Nov. 38 F. .HintonHemmans. 41 24 Not. 29 April 36 28 June 38 do mbrose Spong. and 98 whom may 61 Captaiiigj of be Brevet Field Officers. Aralander Tennant. 87 do 28 June 88 do . 22 Dec. 66 F. 91 F. 39 8 . Major ylmer Dowdall. Major 11 Nov.-Col. 60 July 51 Majoks. 57 F. 41 . Streatfeild. 15 Dec. KH. 16 Nov. 92 F. . Major T. 40 Jan. S2 F. 51 Fred. 69 F.-Col. Poole. 26 Jan. CB. Major . Campbell. 50 10 Jan.C'B. Major . 89 F. May 47 do Sept. 44 23 Nov. 11 Nov. Angus Wm. 9 Sept. James W. 48 F.30 Sept. 35 14 April 43 ohn M. 40 9 Oct.18 Dec. Major 23 Nov. 48 Feb.55F. Regt. . 51 9 Oct. Lt. 87' 13 Nov. 45 Dec. 44 Feb. Villiam Dempster. Hender Mounsteven. 11 F. 52 F. 58 . 33 18 April 45 June 42 Edward James White.Andrews. Fitz Gerald Stack. 11 Nov. SJosephMarkHarty. . 1834. before he can receive any Increase.. After 25 Years' actual £ Inspector-General Deputy Inspector-General s.SOOi. I. 1 12 4 6 3 1 7 1 18 1 16 1 18 1 9 10 10 10 11 6 6 6 13 15 19 13 15 1 1 16 10 12 6 lOJO 6 7 7 10 1 11 1 13 1 6 10 7 10 5 7 13 1 6 10 7 10 8 10 10 — — 5 7i0 5 13 15 19 19 2 1 J8 8 10 1 2 1 7 10 8 11 2 7 10 — 8 10 12 15 10 12 15 '0 17 17 capacity as a Medical OflRcer on Full Pay. Ensign. Second ditto do. 1.. 3 Royal 1 2 13 9 . do. 18 17 16 15 15 7 7 7 £ s. Colonel Commandant . do. 14 Staff Surgeon 19 1 2 Regimental Surgeon and Staff Surgeon. 332 on or before the Slst March. . Comm. Assist. 1834. 1. Surg After s. If appointed CORPS. actual Service. .. 9. if he in the Medical Department prior to 29th July 1830 and Two Years. Guards & Horse and Foot Horse Guards. Brigade. 1 16 Service. Marin Foot. unless he had higher Pay in his old Rank than such minimum.. t I£ placed on Half Pay from any other cause. do. 8 10 18 13 15 19 . ^"^'' ^^ years' service Mast "i 15 |_ do. Major ^ s. after 7 years' service Comet. . REGIMENTAL PAY. do. After 20 but After 10 but Under 10 jnder 25 Years''under 20 Years' Years' actual actual Service. s. Other Regiments of Cavalry do.100 1.* 10 d. 17«. Drg. do. 0'2 14 9^ 2 14 d.r^nAPP0i°t"e. I s. s.B. 124. Ass. d. 10 Inspector-General on Half Pay on reduction. 15 6 11 7 14 10 7 s. 25 . . Less than 10 Yeari. Gen 1 g 6 Commissary General Deputy Comm. Royal Artillery. 15 19 2 . 20 Years.-Colonel 4 15 1 Captain Do. Rates of Half Pay after a Service on Full Pay of but under 20 but under 10 but under 25 Years. 9d. 1 18 d. 20 * In the I §0 3 3 years' serv. ANNUAL PAY OF COLONELS.000 600 500 500 500 900 1. Coldstream and Scots Fusilier Gds."t.i ' 1 10 8 10 12 Veter. do. . and 2d Lieutenant 1 19 14 3 15 12 15 17 5 years' service 15 do 20 25 do 1 do. d. First Dragoon Guards. Od' £ £ s. Regular Infantry do. 25 do. 2nd Class 19 15 1 2 13 Assistant Surgeon ^ 10 10 10 7 N.. . COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. Gen Dep. 14 9 ) MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. do. — — Royal Enginrs. if he received his first Medical Commission subsequently to that date. d. 2nd j I Assistant Surgeon Apothecary Purveyor Deputy Purveyor 5 If placed d. j Deputy do Class d. 1 . l. I. d. I. . 18 6 6 do. do. 17 . £ d. &c. 1 Adjutant Quar. 1 I. without other emolument. and evioluinents from Clothing . t If 2d Capt. j Staff Surgeon j Regimental Surgeon and Staff Surgeon.. I ' i i . § In addition to the pay as a Subaltern.200 1. Gen s. 10 6 8 10 7 8 6 6 6 6 5 4 6 6 £ d. I. Grenadier Guards do. do. I I Life Guards and Horse Guards. Surgeon Major Surgeon 13 After 10 years' service* 20 do. Dragns.000 1. £ s. d. If appointed after the Slst March. First West India Regiment do.800«. s..\ 4 14 11 Assistant Coram. Life Guards. Service.200 1.000 DAILY PAY OF OFFICERS. + If 2d Capt.000 1. 1 Surg After 10 years' service* 2 7 10 25 Army in any 11 13 7 7 6 7 5 12 15 17 6 6 3 6 2 I. d. . 30 Years. .— A Medical Offlcerhereafterpromotedwillberequiredtoserveupontheminimum Pay ofhisr Rank One Year. . ' 16 8 rOn Apppointment After d.Gds. 15 ir 14 15 13 18 6 10 6 2 Hospital Assistant * s. Colonel 2nd Commandant Colonel Lieut... in which case he must serve the above period upon that Rat e of Pay which may be next above his former Pay. 2 . £ i. having higher Rank by Brevet Lieutenant Do. s. \ 18 10 I £ s. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT ON HALF PAY. * Above 5 Years Service !. . I Cavalry £ iiteimnt-Colonel (20 to receive £'100 ^>e/.'.B..annum in addition to Half) Pay.'..". ' 10 -15 '. do jrter '.! .'.".'. but they must be Brevet Colonels.} '. (not brevet.) 333 NEW KATE.'.". Cavalry d..'!.'.'. MasterJ under 5 Years Service j !!!!!!!!!. s.". V."' .'.* " net.'..'. erinary Surgeon under 5 Years Service (tcmiiorary) !.!!!!. Infant. S^\'L°e. and if at the Uattle of Waterloo.'. 13 d.'.. 12 I 8 6 ( jor '. 2d Lieutenant. of which 10 do 30 do. REQIMENTA C RANK.'.".".'."!!!!!!"! of Five Years standing.- fnVnL\^r3l:7or ^'IX^^fr.!!! 30 Years Service N.'. 6.!. 20 5'ears actual service as Paymaster 30 Years do.".'.'.'..'.'! Above 5 and under 10 '.'.""' utant.". of wliich 10 do !!!!!!!!'.'!!!!!!!'.".'."* 15 15 Years total Service.Master 25 do.'.'.". above Seven Years standing !!!!!.'.HALF PAY.'.'. of which 10 as Quarter Master 20 Years."" I Do.."?6t '' ""''" '"'"''' '' ^""^ '^ and^ und^^rlo.!'.'.!! ptniii utenant !!!!!. of whicli 10 as Quarter .. or Ensign rmaster* above 5 and under 10 years actual service as Pavi'nas't*er+ 1)0.".".'!.'.". and have served tkirtii years \ -^ -^ >n full Pay) s.'!!!!!.'.v. 1843 (Medal). storming the enemy's strongly entrenched position. Barlow served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9 with the 10th. and was present during the whole of the siege operations against Mooltan and suirender of the fortress. and 14th April. including the whole of the siege operations before and surrender of Mooltan. 18 Mr. including the whole of the siege operations before Mooltan. 21 Lieuts. 1850. including the whole of the siege operations before Mooltan. 17 Lieuts. and surrender of the fortress: afterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal & clasps). 13th. J. and surrender of the fortress: alterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and clasps). Patterson served with the 10th in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. and Capiure of the Great Dagon Pagoda (with the storming part>). and battle of Goojerat (Medal and clasps). 23 Lieut. Woosung. served with the SOth Regt. Amoy. capture of the Uowlut Gate the storming party).. Also in the carapaign on the Sutlej (Medal). Fraser served with the 80tb Regt. He served also in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. including the latter part of the siege operations before Mooltan. carrying the heiglits before Mooltan. and battle of Goojerat (Medal and clasps). Goojerat (Medal and clasps). carrying the heights before Mooltan. 20 Lieut.oda (with the storming party).lal and two Clasps. He served with the 10th at the battle ol Goojerat (Medal). in the Burmese war of 1852. aftiiir of the 9th Sept. Chapoo. and Sobraon (Me. where he commanded two companies of llie SOth detached. 17 Lieut. carrying the heights before Mooltan. the operations before Rangoon on the 12tli. Lucas served the Punjauli campaisn of 1848-9 with the 10th. carrying the heights before Mooltan. including the whole of the siege operations against Mooltan. in which last he received a severe bayonet wound when charaing the Seik inlantry. including the battle of Sobraon Also the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. and with the SOth Regt. and battle of (Medal). and surrender of the fortress : afterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and clasps). Also during the whole of the siege operations before Mooltan. in the Burmese War of 1852.'] 8 Captain Hawkes served as a Brigade Major in the Burmese War of 1852.. including the battle of Sobraon (Medal). 13th. in the operations before Rangoon on the 12th. Ta\lor served with I he 29th in the campaign on the Sutlej (Medal). H. 13 Captain Welsh served with the 80lh Regt. Smyth served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9 with the 10th. at the operations before Rangoon on the Pith. Ensor served the Punjaub campaign of 18J8-9 with the IQth. He was present with ihe loth at the battle of Sobraon (Medal). . 26 Lieut. and l4th of April. Crnlton served in the 6th Regt. (wounded).334 ^Continuation of Notes of \Qth Foot. (commanded clasps). Araiel served with the 10th in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. and commanded the troops in the advanced batteries of the camp during the action of Soorjkoond: afterwards present at the battle of Goiijerat (Medal and clasps). Shanghai.ainst the enemy. 12 Capt.. and capture of the Great Dagon Pagoda . 1851. -Master Murphy and Assist. affair of 9th Sept. also at the capture of Prome. Nedhara served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9 with the lOth. and surrender of the fortress: afterwards Dresenl at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and clasps). on the 2tth and 28th Dec.Medal and clasps). I3lh. during the Kaffir war in 1850-51. including the battles of Moodkee. Chusan Chinhae. Webb served the Punjaub campaign of 184S-9 with the 10th. Nunn. in the Biirmese War of lt*52 and were present at the Capture of Martntan. mentioned in General Godwin's despatch to the Governor-Ge' eial. including the Capture of Martahan. storming their strongly entrenched position before Mooltan. thrnughout the Sutlej Campaign of 1845-6. " as deserving His Lnrdship's thanks for Ihe manner in wnich hedrove the enemy out of tlieir position on our left. operations before Rangoon. 2-i Lieut. including the whole of the siege operations before Mooltan. aciion of Soorjkoond. 1839 to Nov. Smith. including the whole of the siege operations : before (Medal and — action of Soorjknond. carrying the heights before Mooltan. aud storming of the Great Dagon Pagoda. 16 Lieut. Taylor. Amiel. and Capture of Prome. (wounded) and Whileliead.) Also in the Burmese War of 1852. 18 Lieut. affair of the 9 th Sept. and surrender of the fortress afterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and clasps). capture of the Dowlat Gate. and was pi-esent at the Capture of Martahan. action of Soorjkoond. Cliandler served with the 10th in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. -Surg. storming the enemy's strongly entrenched position. capture of tlie Dowlat Gate (grape shot wound). Also the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. and Chin Kiang Foo. Also the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. Lee served with the 40th in Sciiide and Atfshanistan from Feb. Ferozeshah. and in the action of Soorjkoond (Medal). the Capture of the Great Dagon Pai. 1842. 27 Capt.. 1842. stnrniing the enemy's strongly entrenched position. action of Soorjkoond. Foot. 13th. and surrender of the fortress : afterwards present at the battle of Gocyeiat Mooltan. and also the combined attack on the Amatolas on the 28th June. capture of the Dowlat Gate. including the whole of the siege operations before Mooltan. on the 12th. and was severely wounded at Candahar on the 12th Jan." 15 Paymaster Bodle served in the 80th Regt. 14 Captain Jephson served with the 10th in the Sutlej campaign of 1845 -C. and Capture of tlie Great Dagon Pagoda (with the storming party). action of Soorjkoond. including the affair in the Amatola Mountains asainst Sandilli's tribe. 10 Captain Ornie served with the 16ih Lancers in the action of Maharajpore (Medal). and was engaged in most of the operations a. and was present at the capture of Martahan. and was present at Canton. including the bailies of Feroze- shah and Sobraon . and Capture of Prome. 13th. and 14tli April. Bluett. Clitibrd was present with the 10th at the battle of Goojerat (Medal). and was present in the actions at Buddiwal and Aliwal. 15 Capt. including the capiure of Martahan. Dunbar served with the ISth in China (Medal).] 9 Capt. and surrender of the fortress: afterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and clasps). and suirender of the fortress: afterwards present at the battle of Goojerat (. Ninspo. 29 Doctor Gordon was present with the 16th Lancers at the battle of [Continuation of Notes of SOth Maharajpore 29 Dec. Norman served with the luth in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. aciion of Soorjkoond. storming the enemy's strongly entrenched position before Mooltan. 28 Quar. including the battle of Sobraon (Medal). Also in the early part of the siege operations against Mooltan in 1848. 19 Lieut. 24 Lieut. and Whaite. and I4th April. and Capture of Prome. includins the whole of the siege operations before Mnoltan. storming the enemy's stronsly entrenched position. including the battle of Sobraon (Medal). including the whole of the siege operations against Mooltan. repulse of the enemy's night attack at Muttee Thol. in the Burmese war of 1852. 25 Lieut. E. operations before Rangoon on the 1211). and 14tli April. served in the Punjaub campaign with the 10th. and was present in the battle of Sobraon (Medal). carrying of the heights before Mooltan. also at the capture of Prome. and surrender of the fortress. including the ati'air of the 9ih Sept. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon also at the assault and capture of Bassein 19th May (wounded) . and In the various minor affairs In and between the Bolan and the Khyber Passes. I. steam frigate . and was present in an engagement on the heights opposite Promo on 12th November. steam sloop Scsostris during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river. Commanded a detachment consisting of tour companies of the 51st with Brigadier-General Cbeape's force during the whole of the successful operations in the Donabew district. also the storm and at capture of Bassein. I. . served during the succeeding three days' operation. . 14 Lieut. . . .. Qr.53. Crawford served with the 5lst throughout the Burmese war of 18. wounded of the firoe. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon also at the assault and capture of Bassein. 19tii May 1853.-Master-General at the taking of Pegu 21st November. and Baillle. on board the P. Lieuts. and entrenched position south of Bassein. on board the E. ending in the assault and capture.ault and capture intiit at the storm and capture of Rangoon of Bassein. (Medal) and was present in the engagements with the enemy on the 28th April in the I'lsheen Valley. and eominandcd the regihi' also commanded the troops engaged at the as. Received the especial approbation of the Governor-General in Council for his : services. 19 Captain Dickson served with the 51st In Burmah from Feb.-Surgeon Anderson served with the 51st during the war in Buimah from April to Nov. 1862 to the end of the war. Marshall. on board the E. ending in the assault and capture. was onboard the E. O'Callaghan.!n on the Sutlej (medal). 8 Captain Irby. I. 1852. 1852 was on board the E. the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan. during the whole of the successful operaiions iu the Donabew district ending in the assault and capture. 19th May. . at Goaiiie. and was present with Captain Irby's detachment of four companies with Brigadier-General Cbeape's force until shortly before the capture of Myat-toon's stronghold. was on board the E. and Agg. 9 Captain Darrocu served with the Royals in Canada during the Rebellion of 1837-8. served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity (including the storming of the While House Redoubt). armed with sixteen guns and twenty gingalls .\3sist. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon (including the storming of the White House Redoubt. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon also at the assault and capture of Bassein 19th May. 1852. on the 19th March 1853. I.-Master Shean. Beatson. C. and was present with Captain Irby's detachment of four companies with Brigadier-General Cbeape's force during the whole of the successful operations in the Donabew district.md of a detachment to protect the sick and . 11 Captain Marston served with the 41sl Regt. on board the E. steam frigate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity (including the storming of the White House Redoubt). Carter served witli the 51st during the war in Burmah from April to Aug. in that of the 29th May near Candahar.-Colonel Errington servtd with tlie 51st during the war in Burmah from April to Dec. served with the 51st throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53. C. 13 Lieuts.-Colonel Rice and Lieut. and at the sloim and cajiture of Rangoon.335 [Continuation of Notes of 6\st Foot. honoured with the best thanks of the Governor-General in Council. C.s in the vicinity. occupation and destruction of that fortress and of Cabool. ison served with the 5Ut throughout the Burmese war of 1852-. 30th Aug. 19th May. and was present with Capt. and Mitford.. served di^ring the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity. steam frigate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river. steam sloop Sesostris during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades in the Rangoon river. C. on the 19th March 1853. 19th May (severely wounded). served with tlieSlst in Burmah from Feb. . of the stronghold of the Burmese chief Myat-toon. served durins? the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity. IDth May (wounded). also at the assault and capture of Bassein. steam sloop Sesostris during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river. And. on the I9tli March 1853. of the stronghold ol the Burmese chlif Myat-toon. steam frigate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river. Served with the 51st throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53 was on board the E. Cleeve. I. ending in the assault and capture. and served as Deputy-Assistant Qr. C. (including the stormingof the White House Redoubt). Paymaster Burney. IG . 19tli May. 22 Lieut. 17 Dr. I. served with the 51st throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53. befoie Gliuznee. C. steam sloop Seiostris during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river. Irby's detachment of four companies with Brigadier-General Cheape's force during the whole of the successful operations in tlie Donabew district. Rangoon. on hoard the E. and was wounded at Ferozeshah. 12 Meuls. I. I C. 5 Lieut. Slicatle served with the 51st in Burmah from June 1852 to the end of the war. C.-Surgeon Meikleham served with the 51st during the war in Burmah from April to June 1852. on the 19th March 1853. C. .Sesostris during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river. of the stronghold of the Burmese chief Myat-toon. served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity.i General Godwin's despatches as " deserving the best consideration of Government" for capturing by storm with liis company and a sub-division of the 9th Madras Native Infantry the enemy's stronghold. was on board the E. 20 Ensign Traftbrd served with the 51bt in Burmah from Sept. during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity. Madden. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon. and destruction of Istalirt. storm. steam Irlgate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon also at the assault and capture of Bassein. of the stronghold of the Burmese cliiif . I. He served also with the G2iid In the campai. I.'\ i Lieut. 18 Assist.'i2-35. also at the assault and capture of Bassein.-Col. and at the assault and capture of Bassein. C. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon. and Dr.dis lo the R>tiigoon river. served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinitj. Cartel i. 1852. steam frigate Sesostris during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity. on the 19th May. steam frigate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades on the Rangoon river.. 10 Captains Manners and Singleton. when he was left in comm. 21 Ensign Acton. served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity (including the storming of the White House Redoubt). I. served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity (Including the storming of the White House Redoubt). served with the 51st throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53. capture. Lieut. served with the 51st throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53. Captain Singleton also served with Captain Irby's detachment of four companies with the force under Brig idierGeneral Cheape. I. . C. Captain Manners served as Brigade Major to the 1st Madras Brigade of the army of Burmah from Sept. served during the succeeding three days' operations in the vicinity. and at the storm and capture of . Served with the5lst throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53 was on boird the E. 1853 to the end of the war. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon. C. C. on board the E. 5th Sept.Myat-toon. on board the E. steamfrigate Ferooz during the naval action and destruction of the enemy's stockades in the Rangoon river. served with the 51st throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53. 1853 to the end of the war. steam frigate Sesostris during the naval action and tiestruction of the luemy's stock. 6 Captain Anderson. I. expedition into Kohistan. and sw-rved during the ^u^ ceding three days' operations in the vicinity. Rice was mentioned with Lieut. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon. and at the storm and capture of Rangoon. . John. 14 Feb. Royal Marines 10 Nov. Feb. 07 12 Oct.^^ Royal Marines . \ Allen.^ Royal Marines . 30 July 29 28 Dec. June Aug. Charles. 26 27 Sept. Royal Engineers 25 April Bailie... 51 Nov. 25 Sept.Thos. Osborne. 40 21 June Aug. May April Jan. . 47 25 Sept. ja Abbott. Officers above the rank of Captain loill be found in the list of Field Officers. Feb. April Feb. Unattached 29 Oct.. ) 19 Dec. Unattached 12 July Barnard. 4 April 13 ^.' Unattached 24 Sept. 22 May Barnes. John. Beadon. . Adams. ^ . July Dec. Benjamin.. April 01 14 11 25 Sept. 23 June Archdall. Unattached 28 Nov. Mar. 12 20 May never 36 1 $ .Montelieu. .. George. Unattached Addison. 13 Barwell.. AND HALF PAY. . Feb.. oi ENSIGN. Barrett. 97 F. Geo.4. Irish Brigade 27 Mar. Atchison. William D'Ovley. Edward. 50 24 Jan. Nov. James. 4 May 46 25 Dec. ^ . Insp. Balck. Bn. R. Oct. 47 18 Jan. Bayntun. never Bathurst. ^ $ . Unattached.of Mil. 44 40 15 July 43 9 Aas. never May . 1 Dragoon Guards. Arbuthnott. Art. Edmund. Anthony Duperon.pril 18 Aug. 26 Aug. 25 June 26 June 38 Dec. . Aug. Robert.. George Granville. 14 8 Oct. at the beginning of the book. June Feb.. 51 09 22 June 15 . Ralph Shnttleworth. . 47 July 2 Feb. Unattached . Royal Marines Mar. Appleton. 28 1814 16 Feb. Alexander. Military Asylum at Chelsea . 11 20 Aug.. 27 Dec.. Unattached 17 Sept." 23 Dragoons 2 April |9 Askew. Henry ." 92 Foot 11 May Beadon. Edward. Surrey 3Iilitia.' Royal Marines Adatns. Aug. Battley. Nov. Armstrong.Robt. 11 Aug. Richard Pretyman. 12 Sept. 43 Oct. Charles. 84 Foot 25 Sept. . \ 18 June H. 35 30 6 Mar. . 95 9 April 25 4 Dec.^ 18 Dragoons II Feb.'" R.. Henry Gee. Barnes. 15 Nov.. 48 .. Richard D. Marriot Ciiad. 96 18 July 31 Dec. 2 Apr. CORNET. according to the dates of their Hank in the Army.. 27 Jan.'^ Unattached y *Bates. Viscount. Artillery 3 Dec. Sept. Maeleod.. 52 12 Nov. Vulentine. Vet. Maj. Michael GoolJ.''2 R. . R.. . Hon. OFFICERS RETIRED FULL PAY. I Aug. &r Adj. 00 Foot 3 Dec.. Joseph Edw. John Penn. Deputy Storekeeper at Tipner ) Alexander. Comioall and Devon Miners .. Armstrong. Ricliard Knowles. Unattached 13 Sept. 46 48 July 51 4 May 20 Oct. Unattached.. Christopher.'" Unatt. Caleb. Baker. Nov. Anton. Andros. 10 Aug." 88 Foot 7 Aug. April 13 Jan. Artillery 14 Dec.l Prov. J Aytoun. Knox. Art. .41 Bayues. W. June 30 13 Nov. William. Hen. Sec.' 8 West India Regt. John. Queen's Rangers . 18 Nov.. April never April May Aug... Apthorp. April 18 Jan. April Bailey. } 31 Jan. 10 22 Dec. Cuthbert A. ^ 12 June 1st West York Militia ) Baker. Staflt" Corps 13 June Allen. . WHEN LIEUT. Charles Davers. N. 20 21 June 30 23 Nov. 13 21 32 17 5 Mar. 03 29 42 1814 15 Jan. CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Edward. Henry Alexander. 14 Sept. 16 Nov. 7 April Austen. Bourbon Regt. 26 Aug. \st R. 33 29 July May 04 22 July May 01 27 Jan. 1 Prov.of Mil. \ 1$ Agncio. 2 Garrison Batt.. 13 13 Aug. Baby. Richard. 99 21 July 25 11 . It. Hamond. never Nov. STAFF. Adj. AND MILITARY DEPARTMENTS. 1 Aug. 26 July 04 15 Feb. . Dec. 30 April Arbuthnott. Baker. Unattached. CAPTAINS. R.Bn. 12 July 44 26 April 44 10 21 15 3 April 25 Aug. June Aug.B. 28 14 18 Nov. 39 3 Oct.. 28 24 Feb. Robert. George Philip. Feb.'* Unattached 10 Mar. Henry. of Mil. Ramsden.. 40 5 April 27 24 Jan.. Baker... never 13 *Allen. Bat.. Sub. Officers whose names arc in Italics are on retired full j)ay.^ R. Feb. 5 Foot never AIpe. Unattached Adams. INCLUDING THE ROYAL REGniENT OF ARTILLERY. Mar. 16 June 29 Feb. 8 Oct. ) 10 June Adjutant. William.' 21 Foot . Robert. May 39 2 April 25 Dec. 34 Feb. Barclay. Dec. 3 Dec. Baines. 21 31 Dec. Dec.. PLACED ON HALF PA v. Mar. ROYAL MARINES. 16 Nov. 1811 . 15 Oct.'' 57 Foot 31 Jan. Thomas. May Nov. Oct. 53 April April 28 25 20 5 13 20 27 Aug. Allen. 34 31 Dec. Waller's Corps Feb. . 07 Jan. 18 June Brackenbury. ^ 4 Sect 04 25 Aug. Edmund Hayter. Aug. ^ 6 Aug. 27 Nov. 29 Jan. 25. Browne.«*3 W.=' 23 Foot July 16 July Feb. Nicholas Colthurst. 23 Oct.^' York Chasseurs •Bettesworth. 22 Dec. 11 May Aug. 14 1814 Nov. Unattached .. Dec. 19 June Bland. Ceylon Regt Dec.^' Unatt. Howe Curtis. 26 Jan. 09 12 Feb. Blackall.. ?9 Broughton. Fred. Sept. Horatio. 18 Apr. Richard. John. 10 Mar. 18 July 8 Aug. 2 Dec. ETC. Robert. Edwin. 38 Foot 30 Mar. Unatt May Sept. July 6 June Brannan. 08 7 July 43 8 Sept. 22 April 42 12 May lb Dec.^'' Unatt. . 20 Aug. 46 14 41 16 53 25 51 22 49 18 46 52 31 48 25 38 26 34 51 41 02 53 14 33 . 25 Feb. Artillery . Unattached . 14 June 29 Mar.^^ 9 Foot 12 Feb. Royal Artillery . aai Blennerhasset. 07 14 July 08 12 Aug. Wm. *Beckhain. 04 15 April Bloomfield. 312a Oct. Blakely. Unattached 26 May 25 June 11 April 23 Jan... Brotherton. Thomas. . Bolton. 07 26 Jan. 15 Oct. Malta Fenc. 338 WHEN CORNET. 10 Au-. 40 July 10 Sept. Jan. 10 Feb. 30 Mar. Tho. Samuel. never never 25 Dec. . Nov.^^ R.. Bowen. Brenan. James Parsons. ) 26 May 14 8 June 15 9 Aug. 5 May April 29 April 21 Oct. Browne. 1 Nov. 44 Bridge. 29 26 28 June Unatt. Hon. Montague.. Aug. Unattached Geo. Alex. Bourchicr. May 27 June 25 May Bishop. 11 April 94 >5 Feb. Brine.^^ Unattached Apr. >5 Dec.philus. 24 Apr 35 26 Apr. Unattached Aug. 31 Blane. R. Vicenzo. never Nov. Smyth. Bennett. 9 April Black. Henry. Robert Edwards. 4 Foot never 25 Dec. Royal Artillery.. 20 July 15 Feb. 24! 11 Feb.. Downing. Sept. Unattached Bernard.. Unattached Bernard. Thomas.^" 1 Dr. 47 Feb. 39 Foot July Feb.^* 53 Foot 25 July 45 25 Dec. 5 Foot 24 Oct. 31 2 Aug. James Montagu. 42 Aug. Jolin Richard. 53 4 Feb. 19 Feb. 5 April June Blyth. Theophilus. James. R. 16 Jan. 20 Dec. 7 Foot Bernard. of Militia Bennett. 19 July 21 1 1 April 36 Brutton. Unattached.. Jrf. 24 Dragoons 8 April 42 4 Feb. William.^'' 42 Foot 9 July 12 29 Oct. Unattached May 26 Nov. Bruce. . Unattaclied Bentley. 48 July 15 Apr*. Kerry Militia S 16 Aug. George.. Royal Marines WA ^ ^ 47 May 31 . Mar. 6 July Blackall. 31 July July Bevan. 24 Oct. . Brett. PLACED ON HALF I'AY. 8 June Jan. 1 Sept. 7 Nov. 14 26 Aug. 16 Aug. 56 Foot Boyes. 15 Mar. Abraham. George. Biddulph. 15 Dec. John. 6 West India Regt. Bingliam. *Bonavita.^^ Unattached .. Beverhm(dt. Augustus Fred. Richard. May Briggs. ^"16 Dragoons. William. Coldstream Guards .17 Aug. 34 Brown.Col. 23 Mar. 6 Dragoons June 1 Mar. 26 Jan. 29 Feb. Regt.. 98 Foot May 1 June 14 Oct. Wcntwortb. John. Blathwayt. Unattached Nov.. John Watts. Nov. 29 Dec.^^ Unattaclied. 2 Jan. Unattached Bernard. William.'* Royal Marines 8 April 25 26 Feb.. April July 13 Aug. 9 Dec. Robert Cairnes.} ^ rack-3Iaster at the Tower Berry. never 13 July Boulton." 79 Foot 8 April 26 April 1 Sept. 14 Oct.. William. Unattached . 23 11 Sept. Robert Onslow. Oct.. never 19 May 46 22 Feb. i7o«. 16 Dec. 8 July Brinckman. mA . 3 Foot 12 Oct. Peter Rutledge Browne. 77 Foot Oct. R. 20 Feb. 28 Jan. C. Blacklin.. Peter.3' 59 Foot 30 Apr. 13 June Bird. 17 Apr. 26 23 Dec. 51Sa Brown. .. 16 29 July 25 10 Jan. James. 9 Nov. Beniers. J 25 Oct. 13 25 Sept. 17 Nov. 12 July Birch.Captains. 1 Apr. Hugh. Aldworth. John. Barrack-Master at Grahamstown. Royal Marines 1 Jan. Aberdeen Militia 5 Mar. 28 April 04 30 May 09. 13 9 June June Wm. Alex. Philip. Bn. 43 Foot *Bell. James. Brown.. Staff Corps July 14 Nov. James. 9 Engineers 25 Robert. 16 April 21 Sept. ?3 Brabazon. 45 May 16 37 J 8 Jan. 19 Nov. 50 May 27 Jan. 69 Foot . 27 June 3123 Brandcr. 2 April Bridge. Charks John. 19 Jan. Andrew Gram. ^ ^ 30 25 40 52 45 25 53 44 25 27 62 18 47 16 26 31 19 16 53 . Browne. Lieut. 13 Sept. Engineers May April 2 Sept. Gds. 49 May 17 Sept.Adam Von}'' 58 Foot May 14 Sept. Robert Nairne. never 25 Dec. 1 June 39 Feb. Thomas.Mte?j^. Sept. India Regt. 10 Foot Aug. 28 Dec. 28 Nov. James. R. The. Henry Cliarles. Boteler. 6 July 09 Bolton.. 25 Jan. 12 Feb. 12 25 Mar. 9 April 18 June 9 Apr. 23 July 25 Oct. 47 Jan. 15 Mar. 24 Dec. John. James. 3 Prov. 5 Nov. 26 Apr. 31 Oct. Bar. Coventry . . 8 Mar. 17 24 Aug. 23 Mar. Charles.Royal Artillery 4 April 4 Nov.''. Edward Ireland... Royal Artillery 16 Dec. Chepmell. 20 25 June 02 5 Nov. 80 31 46 33 19 GJuly 15 5 Mar. 29 Sept. 19 May 25 June 12 12 April 28 Feb.. Wm. Joseph Netterville. Unattached 12 Aug. 12 Dec." 13 Dragoons G Aug. 16 9 April 2 Aug. 22 July 97 18 Aug. 41 42 22 July 42 S \ 18 May 32 7 Aug. Stonehouse George. 35 18 Sept. Unattached . 13 Campbell. 23 May IG 27 April 20 8 April Colby. 26 20 Nov. 17 Nov. Alexander/" Unattached 12 June 23 8 April Burnaby. Unattached Butt. 22 17 Sept. William. 15 Mar. 08 25 Dec. Captains.*''GlengarryFen. Carpenter..IndiaK. Capadose. 08 6 Nov. 10 July 1 Feb. 5 Oct. Gl Foot . 21 May 28 Sept. Cape of Good Hope Carter. Unattached 3 April 19 May Churchill. Biilkelcy. 11 May Chesshire. 29 July 15 Dec. 26 6 April Colonel of Leitrim Militia J 13 312a Clerke. Unattached. 74 Foot 10 Sept.. 25 20 Jan. 18 June 26 May 4 April 13 Caulfield. never Bygrave. 15 Dec.*^ 61 Foot 1 June Chapman.^ Rifle Bri. ) 22 May 12 1 Dec. t)(i Foot 11 Sept. never 13 Sept. 339 WHEN CORNET. 30 6 Mar. Patrick Scott. Cole. R. 32 48 10 Nov. Unattached . Adjutant Monmouih Militia • 28 8 8 lAIay 1 1 April 36 12 Oct. Unattached. 48 46 3 Feb.. Carr. Unatt never |)iiliL4Biirges. 6 Sept. 10 Nov.*. 21 32 25 April 26 24 Sept. 39 . 19 May 14 Sept. R. John. Bussche. 31 10 Nov. $) Burton. Unattached 23 April 1 Aug.. Unattached . 15 Oct. 62 27 July 32 14 Sept. PLACED ON HALF I'AY. Liverpool Regt 27 Sept. 13 Cockburne. Viscount. 20 Julv 04 1 July 13 Carnegie. William. Barnard William. Edwin. Hon.. 32 21 June 13 10 July 23 ^ 2 June 29 7 June 44 25 Oct. John Baxter. 13 1 Jan. 20 15 Dec. Independent Company 14 June 30 Jan.** Unattached 10 April 09 25 June 12 2 June Cocker. John. 24 Mar. 49 Foot 20 Oct'. 27 26 24 May 28 13 35 3 July 41 51 28 Feb. Hon. Clarke. 13 Chalouer.. 36 25 Dec. 17 24 Aug. Robt. F. John James. John . Butler. 28 12 Feb. Unattached 7 Nov. 20 Oct. 9 April 13 Carruthers.Mortimer. Clements. John.*" Unattached.. Arthur Charles. Military Knight of Wi7idsor S Cochrane.. Buchanan." Unattached 17 May 34 29 Dec. 12 20 Feb. Sir Wm. Burke. 07 8 Aug. 05 21 April Burton.. Edward John.*'' Royal Artillery 13 Sept. W. 52 08 22 Oct. Wm. William.. 11 Feb. ) 9 Dec. H. Unattached 27 April 15 21 Jan. 14 Jan. Edward. Charlton. 22 Dec. Staff Corps 22 Oct.^^ Royal Art. Colin. Caffin. 32 27 May 36 13 Dec. never 30 June 28 18 Mar. Unattached 11 Jan. 14 Dec. 21 April Charlewood. Adolphus F. 10 6 Feb. Unattached 4 Nov. Kent Militia Artillery S 9 June 13 July Cathcart. 23 10 Sept. Unattached May 1 Oct.firtrmcftil/r. Campbell. 04 6 Nov. 14 Dragoons 12 Oct. Richard Sweet. 10 Nov. 16 25 Nov.** 42 Foot 10 Jan. Butler. D'gby Thomas. Henry Arthur. 9 July 28 Mar. Lempster. Unattached 25 Dec. Duncan/* Royal Marines . Campbell.. Lt.*^ 26 F. Chawner. 24 31 Oct. William Lucius. Wm.. Marines 26 Apr. Alexander. John Grahame. 25 24 Aug. Cator. 8 Feb." 37 Foot . 17 Jan. 1 Oct.. 28 June Banbury. 8 April 25 Dec. Rich. 1 April 13 26 Dec. Edward. Francis P. Clayfield.-'^ Royal Marines 17 Mar. 61 25 27 Dec. Cockburn. 09 8 May 12 22 May gade.^'^ R. Campbell.\ 18 June 35 5 April 37 1 April Col. 15 r*25Decl3 I 3 May 15 26 May Cassidy. Engineers 12 July 08 24 June 09 2 Sept. 10 June 9 June 7 Sept.7 Foot 12 Nov. 12 19 Mar. Unatt 10 Apr. 45 30 June 41 7 Sept. M^ May 36 June 62 31 20 Mar.. 15 Feb.. ETC. 28 13 Dec. 3« 30 Dec. John Money. Chart. John Farnaby. Henry. Richard Alexander. Henry Augustus. Cleather. Chichester. Ralph. Parry . 5 May 00 13 June Burnett. Charles. Unattached 4 Dec. 4 Mar. Walter. Company . Royal Marines 1 May 13 Nov. Unattached IG Jan.a^^n-r 2 April 19 Jan. 12 Dec. . 35 22 2 25 22 May 23 May 28 28 12 1 Nov. Cameron. 20 Dragoons never 25 Sept. 5^. 36 42 7 Nov. 32 . Saint John. Edward Hoare. Arthur.\Vakl. 31 13 Nov. 16 2 Mar. 19 37 25 10 Sept 28 June 29 Dec. 23 Nov. Geo.7 . Unattached 26 Feb.. 30 14 April Campbell. 51 Q 2 . R.. 11 25 July 11 25 April Clive.| 13 9 Nov. 00 27 July Campbell. 39 21 April 46 5 Cary. 29 2 May 51 40 28 July 43 5 May 28 4} 14 April 41 6 Nov. Unattached Toion Major. 25|10 Sept. Robert. 09 7 April Carloss.3i'6W. Daniel. 10 Feb.Som. . Unattached . R. 19 23 June Cochrane. George. 26 1 Nov. 2 Feb. Chancellor. Joseph. Joliu Curzon. 5 Nov. John. 26 20 Sept. Chichester. John Wells. Artillery . Unattached 25 Nov. Lindsay . 1 Dec. 38 28 Feb. 33 19 Oct. 29 May 28 9 Jan. 38 12 Oct. Cole. Unatt.. Horace.. Artillery. 17 Sept. Unattached 2 Aug. Edward William.^' Vet. Unattached Davis. Trevor. Unattached Cumberland. 25 16 Mar. John. 18 June 13 Feb. 7 Oct. Richard J. 27 June 34. 52 9 April 41 9 Oct. John. Unattached 515a Davies. Unattached Cook. R.''^ Royal ]\Iarine3 Blaquiere. Joseph Lucas. Chidley. Jervis. ETC. Judge Thos. 19ll3 Oct. Unattached . 09 29 Dec. 38 8 Sept. May 06. J Cornelius. Surtees. 06 11 Nov. James. Unattached De De ] 91 J ) . 18 26 Nov. J. Sub.^' 41 Foot Cos. May 14 Feb.MontgomeryMilitia Cook. John. Artillery Costley. May 36 14 Oct. Theoph. 12 28 Mar. 5 Jan. 1313 Julv 1 April 19l 1 Dec. Craigie. 27 14 Dec. John. David. 56 Foot Cookes.340 Captains. 22 Dec. 7 Sept. Charles. 12 14 June 16 3 Feb. 25 22 April 25 Feb. 17 51 15 18 25 14 14 26 40 45 June 26 26 29 Aug. Alexander. Cape Regiment Conolly. Frederick. at Cork .. Dec. 19 July 15 Mar."^ Royal Artillery Custance.. Alfred. Unattached CoUiss. Com. 03: 12 Sept.. William Jennings. 31 May 51 9 27 Mar.. 42 27 May 1919 Jan. 40 11 June 30 23 Feb." 27 Foot. Richard Longfield. New Zealand. Chelsea. 96ilB Aug. . Charles. 12 27 39 30 Dec. 24 Feb. 103 Foot Courtenay.. 03 13'Mar. Unattached Cross. 35 12 25 Nov. Mar. Unatt. 32 11 May 26 Mar. May July Jan. 16 June la Condamine. J •Cooke. 22 18 May 19 Aug. . Dalrymple. Aide-de-Camp to the Major-Gen. 87 Foot Cox. 15 Foot . Unattached ^3 «iaa Colthurst. 05 26 Dec. Royal Artillery . P. 33 10 Mar.. George Darley. 39 7 Dec. 06' 15 16 June 06 1 2 7 July 17i29 2 April 88 25 21 June 3325 June Mar. 4 R. 04 19 Julv 30 6 April 26 13 Dec. Henry J. 37 4 May 98 45 1 Feb. Crowther. 1 Sept. KCH. Unattached Cracknell. Delancey. 13 15 June 08 8 April 95 11 May 37 9 May Mar. 44 1 July 53 30 25 29 28 26 44 14 25 1 April 20 Sept.. 41 31 May Colville. 20 Oct. 41 14 July 23 Sept. 30 Oct. James Smith. Thomas. George. Henry . WHEN ENSIGN. 37 14 Mar.''' Lord. John Fitzroy. David." 18 Foot. 08 27 May 3GI21 Feb. 17 June 22 17 Lt. Unatt. 30 Mar. Royal Marines Cradock. 07 31 Aug. George Alfred. Crosbie.'5'' CAPTAIN. Cuppage. Edward Antonius.. 27 Nov. 9 Nov. 13 2 July 24 13 Jan. 17 Feb. Veteran Company B'Arcij. 1 July 9 Oct. Colvile. 25 14 Sept. 28 Aug.^^ R. never never 14 July 37129 April 42 25! 1 May 28 1 1 Aug. Cheshire Militia Davies. Sir John. Art. 37 2 Feb. 2615 June 3215 8 June 20 14 July 25 30 Aug. 5 July 9 May 4 July 1 Jan. Vet.. Wm.^' Scots FusiUer Gds. Creraer. 26 April May 4 Mar. 26 17 1 21 44 39 20 16 43 26 Nov. 20 Feb. Unattached 27 Aug. WiUiain. Davis. 26 8 Oct. 20 Nov.. Sir William.. Joseph. 5 Connop.. Veteran Batt D'Arcy. Sept June 42 Aug.'^ Unattached Davies. John. Unattached Curtis. Bentinck Harry. 14'27 May 34 29 Jan. John. Dec. 21 9 July 3 Oct. Edmund John. 26 July 08 26 Oct.28 Oct. 47 30 April 13-28 Sept. Meuron'sR. Henry.-Col. Royal Artillery Crichton. 20 23 Feb. Thomas. Bart. 2nd R. Cox. 44 13 21 April 21 20 12 Oct. 14 June 29 Nov. Thomas. John. Arthur. Henry John. July Dec. 15 8 June 30 8 June 30 22 Mar."t 61 Foot •Davits. 4 July 1 16 Feb. 20 Oct. 23 Aug. . 9 Oct. 08'i29 April 31 Dec.. Peter. 32 24 Nov. 03 20 July 2 July 12 9 Sept.. ^ Invalids. Artillery Couche.. Brigade \ Maj. 47 Foot Cranfield. James Thos.. 51 25 June 30 ^ Wm. 19 13 July 47 26 April 27 2 Sept. . Hangers' Recruiting Corps Crofton."' Unattached 10 Feb. C. Captain of \ \st ^ ^ ^ $ P . Batt. Royal Hospital. 04 [25 Jan. 25 Aug. Martinus. 9 April 25 13 June 10 Oct. 3 Oct. Royal Marines Colman. LIEUT. Walter Fred. Jolm. June July . Unattached. Byers. 07 13 Oct. Inspector \ 12 Nov. Unattached Currie. 13 29 July 25 17 Oct. Royal Marines Cruice. Royal Artillery Davies. 21 Sept.. Neville. Collis. 7 Mar. 4 Foot Davies.^^ 17 Foot Coote. . 28 May 13 June 30 3 Dec.. 1 R. Davenport. 13 1814 2 April 50 2 April 50 2 June 17 Jan.66 45 Foot Cotton... Adam Williamson. 11 Mar. 19 19 17 Aug.. 36 17 Sept. Com. 36 8 Dec 25 20 June 26 4 April 35 7 Oct. Unattached 30 Sept. William Allan. Unattached Colman. 17 Sept. 49 S \ j 22 Nov. John. 25 14 Nov. 3 Mar. never 9 June 14 I May 16 Nov. Unatt Davern. 15 July 63 never 99 20 June 09 6 Nov. PLACED ON HALF PAY. 4427 18 Mar.. > Conroy. 29 Ausr. 38 27 09 29 Sept. at Wellington. 2 Dec. 26.^^ Unattached 312a Cooper. 94 26 Stpt 2 Dec. ^ 16 April 7 April never 4 April 3 Dec. Thomas. 13 25 Dec. Adjt.10 Mar. Lord. never 9 Dec. Alexander Daniel.H. •22 Sept. Conrady. 51 14 April 08 2 Dec.''^ Unattached June 36-28 Nov. Bt. 39. '" Unatt.^^ Royal Marines J 26 Adjutant > Somerset Militia . of Militia R. John. R. Dec.. Unattaclied. 7 April April 46 28 April 46 25 Dec. Unattached Coote.20 Aug. Unattached Cuddy. J. 37 Eason.'^ G F.^' 27 Foot Du Bourdieu. 49 Dowdall. Henry Roc. Alexander... R.. John. 50 De Wiiiton. Dec. Dec. . 5 iSept. 25 Sept. ^3 ^M Elliott. 09 13 Feb.. James John. Peter. 29 22 Aug.'*' Unattached 28 Sept. Richard."" Unattached 12 April 09 13 Feb. 21 Dec. 28 00 53 43 04 34 May 42 1 Feb. Unatt 1 Aug. 53 Dorc.. David. 25 5 Nov. 81 Foot never never 25 Dec.^^ Duncan. 50 Adjutant 2nd li. 17 2 May 29 Dowland. CAPTAIN.\ 6 Feb. 28 Mar. 26 26 De Teissier. WHEN PLACED ON MALI' PAY. Unattached 12 Oct 10 Aug. 33 1 April 30 6 Lisle. Unattached Downes. John Henry. 05 10 Feb. 39 17 Jan 6 Oct. 32 22 Nov. 25 7 April 26 2iilil Down. John Edward.. 24 22 Unattached never never D'Erj). 27 11 Jan. 95 12 June 1 Dec. 45 28 Feb. Nassau. . GO Foot 30 6 May 42 19 Nov. 26 9 Mar. Thomas David.^* 12 Foot 4 July 05 29 July 13 25 June 17 1 Nov. Cliarles. 13 Ellis..^" 82 Foot 15 Dec. 78 Foot . Baron. George Floyd. 4 May 32 29 Aug. Chelsea ^ * Evans. Tliomas. James. Aug.. Durie. Samuel. Peter John Jas.v.'"^t Unatt 4 May 39 22 July 42 9 Sept. 14 20 June 31 Evelegh.^^ Royal Marines 28 Nov. Captains. Unattached . 43 Duckett. 08 9 Sept. Artill. Hamilton. 4 Jan. 14 April 18 30 June 24 16 July 25 14 July 20 Dec. 14 29 Sept. 49 9 Mar. 08 9 Nov. 38 Downian. 14 12 Feb. 26 16 May 34 23 Nov. Fleming.^^ 60 Foot. Royal Artillery 11 Dec. 25 never •Dobbs. . Denis. Unattached 8 25 9 Feb. 14 Edleston.. Edward. 12 23 Dec. Unattached 5 Nov. 53 13 Sept. 8 Sept. R. 52 Dunne. Alexander. 34 6 July 38 9 Jan. John. . Unattached 8 April 25 2 Mar. 18 Doicman. 14 26 Oct. Richard Chas. 14 April 18 22 Jan. 97 5 Nov. 04 27 Oct.^^ 54 Foot 20 May 2 Mar. George Carter. 16 Dec. Aylmer. Hasp. . Dickson.. .'"^ 37 Foot. John. 45 6 Mar. 3 Prov. of Militia never never 25 Dec.'"* Royal Artillery 16 July 04 28 Jau. 23 4 Dec. 21 April 14 14 Aug. Bart. April Des Voeux. John Head. 30 July 23 Sept. Ricliard. OC 15 Jan. James. n . 40 24 June Dusautoy. Fred. George. 39 14 Oct. Artillery 4 June 10 Feb. 08 Major of the Totcer of London j Emerson. ^^ Unattached Dorehill.35 Foot 3 Mar. 14 Jan. 32 Enoch. 17 Mar. 02 21 April Nov. 28 Dragoons. 10 May 05 1 June 06 11 Mar. 27 18 Nov.. 36 CT Enderby. 37 17 April 45 9 May 45 . 33 21 June 33 29 June 36 1 Feb.*^ Unattached Douglas.. Unattached . 87 Foot 28 Feb. 23 ^ Drumniond. Dick. April 26 14 Feb. Richard Robinson. Unattached 10 May 10 15 Oct.. Henry Hamilton. 27 10 Despard. John. 46 3 Dec. 05120 Dec. Royal Marines July 19 Nov.. John. Joshua. Surrei/ Militia \ Devon. Frederick George. Hercules. Vet. 61 9 Sept. 15 12 Dillon. 32 3 Sept. John. . 23 7 June ^ 31Ja Eckford. Joseph. 17 ^ aSa Drought. ) 5 Nov. 51 23 Nov. 7 Sept. 05 1 June 1. Ceylon Regt. 31 rack-Master at Hounsloio S 1 June 1 June 22 29 July i^ iFiM Edwardes. James FitzHerbert. Nov. 38 27 Sept. Royal Artillery. 47 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 95 24 June Dick. 09 10 Aug. 16 25 Mar. 21 June 33 Eaton. David John. 20 Dec.5 16 Nov. Charles.. 09 16 May 26 10 July 37 Dyer. 13 April 49 30 April 50 ^•^ Dec. of Invalids. 13 ffiaa 20 April 09 11 Aug 5 Aug. John Heury Edwai-d. *Ellis. 26 Dunn. 11 Aug. 13 12 Feb. 43 31 July 46 Dyson.8' 112 Foot 19 Sept. 23 Sept.^^ R. 43 10 Feb. 13 9 Nov. 28 ^ Douglas. 9 Feb. 1 Nov. William Royal Artillery . JJTC. 36 25 June 38 Drew. Royal Artillery 1 June 41 24 Oct. 13 1814 Ilvans. 31 Capt. 23 10 Jan. 14 7 Mar.. 17 15 Mar. 14 13 July 32 19 May 12 Oct.s' R. Henry. 44 13 Sept. 52 26 Sept. Francis. 17 Feb. Biiltliazar. 4 Foot 22 Nov. 16 iD Drysdale. ^ 13 10 Mar. N. Royal Marines 8 June 24 July 30 May 11 1 Sept.^^ 10 Foot 4 Dec. 95 26 April 96 25 Des Vceu. 10 8 April 26 14 Aug. 36 |3 Drewry.^^ 93 Foot 23 May 11 4 Dec. 61 Foot 5 Oct. 33 10 Jan.^^ Unattached 26 May 21 Dec. Dickson. 94 10 Mar. 49 3 June Feb. 31 Mar.. Batt. John. 12 Foot never 25 Dec.. IJuly 10 Oct. De 341 LIEUT. 08 23 Feb. Unattached 5 June William. 08 10 Oct.'"" Unattached 4 Nov.™ Rifle Br. 67 Foot 1 Nov. 34 5 July 39 18 May 49 .3s Elliott. Foot 27 Nov. J. 9i23 Dromgoole. 8 July 34 20 Sept. 27 28 Aug. James Abercromby. 46 22 Oct. Wm.. 10 Aug. Phihp Henry. Sir Charles. Charles. Dixon. Timothy. . 95 Foot 26 Jan.. 12 Mar. M'Gregor. 03 Foot. Robert. Ilirzel Fred.. 2C 24 Nov.. William Henry ^'^ Royal Marines 11 Feb. 61 Evans.. Edward John. 2d LIEUT. 13 25 Sept. Battalion ^ 10 Mar. 26 30 Sept. 40 15 Mar. 09 20 Mar. 1814 Elrington.. 23 June 28 Aug.'"'^ York Chasseurs 16 April 12 27 May 31 Oct. 8 Oct. 27 1 Jan. James. 12 30 Oct. Unattached 20 Nov. Unattached . 44 9 de IJobeck. ritzGciald. 2 98 May 13 R. 69 Foot 23 May 45 18 Sept. 42 10 Nov. 53 20 May 53 Douglas. 11 Dragoons 10 Aug. Marines 14 Mar. 47 3 Sept. Dutton. . \ 13 Sept. Bar. 48 Evans. 40 ?3 Edmonds.. 25 Dec. 'o« Royal Artillery Ford. 28 *Frederick. liilmainham J Gerard.m}^'^\ 101 Foot Ferris. Aug. John. April May May April Dec. Christopher. June 33 June 17 26 Nov. 5 June 3 May 2 April 2 Aug. 5 Feb. John Thomas. Samuel. 16 Aug. Evelegh. 26 July 10 Aug. Port. 5 Nov. 8 April 12 Aug. Robert Tolvcr. Nov. Fred. Canadian I PLACED ON HALF PAY. Kilmaitiham J . 0610 Gapper. 7 R. Oct. 05 23 20 Nov. Geo. Robert. 13 25 Dec.". 6 Aug. 07 25 13 Gee. 5 Foot never Gale. Ficklin. Sir Kda.""* R. William Yoiinq. Lancashire Art. James. Fisher. April 25 7 Aug.. 25 Nov. Sept. \ 27 April Adjutant.. Royal Artillery . Oliver. Sec. 36 Feb. 17 June 07 Fry. John. Mar. ^ 26 July 31 13 Cnpt. Thomas.. Marines 26 Nov. George. Marines 6 July Fisher. Veteran Battalion 4 Oct. 28 July 07 14 Feb."" Royal Artillery never 17 Aug. Royal Artillery . Unattached 24 April Foss. John Sidney. S FitzGerald.342 Captains.\ 28 Feb. 25 April 23 13 Feb. 21 July July 28 Feb. Mav May Feb.""' Royal Marines Fearon."'H Unatt. Regt May 37 5 Jan. July 36 3 April 08 29 July 08 29 July 09 16 April 07 27 July 08 13 Mar. W'm. June Sept.. Roger. 30 April 14 Oct. April Feb. 08 Freeman. 40 5 |3 George. Sept. 04 Fuller."* t R. 37 • Wm. 21 Sept. 15 6 ^Gascoyne. Edmund. Oct.. Joseph. Mar. William. 27 Dec. Royal Hibernian School 5 Foulstcn. Hervev. 51 Feb. Mar. 25 Dragoons 12 Jan.'"* Unattached Far mar. Jol)n. Adam.. R.. 2 July 12 Nov. Hosp. Oct. July Dec. 6 Garrison Batt. 63 Foot 26 April 10 Fulford. 83 Foot 1 Aug. Alexander Robinson.'^^ 40 Foot Garstin. . 16 July 4 Oct. 27 Oct. Robert Roe. Thomas.Thomas. 1 July Ford. 2 July 32 13 April 42 12 May 49 . 30 17 Mar.. Thomas.'" Unattached. Henry. 40 . 16 Oct. Cham. 9 Foot never Frederick. Fisk. Sept. 07 Fraser. 27 Nov. 1814 25 Dec. R. John F. R. John jVich. Unattached 26 July Fischer. ..^-'^ Royal Engineers 23 April 08 Fyers. Feb. 19 Mar. 7 May 52 25 33 July 25 Jan. 31 July 28 Jan. 01 Fuller. Hospital. Jasper. Jan.'"'' Lieut. Hervey. B. Batt. 13 25 Sept. Nov. John Hutchinson. Royal Artillery."^ Royal Artillery. Forde. 1 July :P?13ft Forster. 51 May 02 7 June July 12 Dec. Dec.'07t Unattached .. Service 5l2a Foot. 15 Sept. 9 Sept. William. 26 Feb. 3 April 23 June 43 18J10 96j 1 27 May 42 24 15 Dec. Eoyal Marines Farrell. 09 Foot 20 Jan. never Jan. 08 31 Dec. Francis. Bart. Bamber. June May July 15 25 Oct. Unattached 3 July 28 16 ^Gibbons. Royal Marines 4 Mar. Royal Artillery never Fry. William."'^ 83 Foot Fraser. 14 April July 20 ]\Iay June June Mar. Feb. IIaViland. Evan Baillie. 23 16 Jan. 07 26 Dec. June 17 Oct. Militia.'='^ Unattached."^ Royal Artillery. George William.. Inigo Wickham. Matt. Alen George. 40 Sept. Falkiner. 44 Dec. 28122 July 24 13 May 5 June June 27 12 April 2 Sept. June Nov. Unattached. 17j29 1 Dec. Richard. Thos. TFi7/J«?«. 31 l^FuUarton. John Henry. Jan. Feb. 53 22 Feb. Foskett. South Devon Militia. Nov. 21 Mar.'" Unattached 19 21 Jan. 51 16 June 52 S *Fitzherbert. 7 39 Aug."' Royal Marines 3 Oct". \ 2 June 04 29 i3 Fyfe. Royal Artillery 16 Dec. 51 Oct. 041 5 Gardner. 08J19 April 03 15 Aug. 21 June 23 June 4 Feb. 11 Sept. Henry Thomas. Jan. 1 July 06 Furnace. Seth Nuttall. David. Christophilus. 06 Fyers.'" 3 CeylonReg. Thomas. Unatt Fah'tlough. WHEN CORNET. Cliarles. Aug. Oct. P ^ . 30 Nov. 25 Sept. 10 24 Dec. Artillery ^9 Fergiison. Unattached 9 Jan. Unattached 14 May 3615 Garth.^^'^ HR. Archibald. 41 9 Dec. May 36 8 April 6 Dec. Edward. 69 Foot Femcick. 40 14 20 July loj 7 28 Apiil 06'l5 Finey. May 30 Dec."'' Unattached 1 Feb. 80 Foot Fleming. Unattached 12 Feb. George.. John. } 26 June 01 and Adjt.'^' 92 Foot *Fyler. 5 R. Acheson."^ 60 Foot 25 Dec. . Unattached 6 Aug. Zaccheus.. 12 7 9 of Invalids. R. 08 ^3 Fraser. C^z/j^ > Sept. 32 Oct. Unattached Fife... LIEUT. ETC.Yet. Nov. 29 Dec. April April 11 June 24 Mar. July 8 July 20 Feb. July never Oct. Grenadier Guards . Unattached 27 July 15 8 25 June 12 21 ?3 Garner. 11 June 03 15 Aug. Unattached 19 Dec. never 01 1 June Oct. . ^ 1 Fayerman. 16 French. 14 15 8 April 26 17 Feb. 26 Foot 15 July 0514 Galloway. Fortescue. William Hawley.'" Unattached IB Sept. Royal Artillery Fleury. 14 Dec. Arthur. Fred. ^ . 30 Nov.. . 10 21 June 50 July 16 53 Feb. Sir Richard.Unattached 4 July Foreman. 10 7 berlain. 15 Oct. Hon. June Mar. T. Norbury. 15 Dragoons 23 Nov. 25 Dec. 35 25 Oct. Hon. Mar. 5 April 45 16 45 13 31 Oct. 44 May 9 Dec. 15 Feb. James. Greig. 20 Feb. • ! : ! 15 July 24 Nov. 2 May 24 Dec. John Heniy.. 17 June 16 June 17 Dec. 14 17 Nov. James.. May 10 Dec. } Hoyal MidLothian Yeomanry Cav. 39 27 Sept. Sept. 28 Feb. Johti. Richard. AdjidantGenerulat Montreal S 18 Sept. ETC. 21 30 June 15 Feb. Septimus.. 8 Feb. 32 6 Mar. 00 25 Dec.. Nova Scotia Fencibles ..^^^ 03 Foot Gordon. Unattached.30 8 Dec. ^ . Jamaica 25 20 Sept. Bt. Marines Gore. 20 Feb. Basil.. Deputy I ^ WHEN 13 Dec. 18 2 Mar. 27 Dec. Jan.. Griffin. John. 22 Dec. 20 21 June O. Goodwin. 35 39 5 Gordon. 25 April 10 June 28 Feb. 25 Sept. 14 Aug.HenryLewis Edward. Charles. 05 18 June 11 June 12 20 July 15 28 Oct. 26 Jan.'" 5 Foot Harrison. 27124 Feb. 8 June 5 Oct. 53 15 Mar. liatt. Abney. 15 Oct. 19 41 May 25 26 May 46 25 Aug. Royal Artillery 20 Feb. Fred. 03 6 Mar. 43 Aug. 25 Mar. William. 50 17 Jan. Charles. 20 Dec.. Engineers Gilbert. Unattached . 08 15 Sept. Sir C. Unattached ^Gwynne. John. \ a. 25 12 June m% Augustus. 9 Oct. David. 33 Sept. Unattached Grant. 1 47 50 6 June 25 28 Nov. 23 April 31 Jan. Ho7i. \ Prof. 48 Mar. LIEUT. 2 June 25 21 Nov. 12 May 25 13 April 7 Aug. 04 12 10 Jan. John. R. 10 June 11 July 26 Jan. Gichard. Dec. ^ . 14 . 13 Aug. 11 July 27 Nov.'^^ 82 Foot. S. 14 April 14 10 April 18 June 35 23 June 37 1 April never never 25 Dec. 23 26 May 25 12 Nov. John. Unattached 3!8a Harrison. 18 18 Sept. Unattached . 62 Feb.. 20 Nov. Joseph. 28 Oct.J5ar- \ rachnaster. Gifford. 59 Foot Gordon. 35 4 2. 00 . 22 23 16 April 12 21 25 June 24 13 Aug. Royal Marines Griffith.'^^ Unattached Halfhide. 14 8 April 29 Nov. 01 9 Jan.'^. Hugh. 9 April Gibson. 17 24 Oct.'^^ Unattached Hamilton. 1 24 24 Dec. Charles Alex. Royal Artillery Gould. Robert. 17 July 51 April 53 Jan. William. Vet. 37 Foot Harvey. 4 May 15 13 Mar. Robert Charles '^ Handcock. 3 July 1 39 May 10 Dec.. Edward Holt. 543 ENSIGN. George St. J3 Glasse. Fra. 24 Dec.^^^ 1 W. Professor.. 27 Dec. Unatt Grey. 3 Dec. 25 Foot Glegg.'^ 23 Foot. Grant. 35 14 Aug. of Fortification.. Unatt. King's Coll. Richard Thomas. 23 Apr.. John. 11 April Goode. 18 28 Aug. Gold. Royal Artillery •Haselfoot.30 July 28 31 Jan. 08 1 22 April 20 20 25 April 05 26 25 Oct. June May Mar. 14 Dec. Henry Booth. 41 Dec. 1 Mar. Girdlestone. 8 Jan. Artillery Hardiuge. Unattached Gray.. John. Francis. 2 April 36 15 Dec.'-' R. Unattached ^p Harrison. Joseph. 25 Dec. 44 29 Nov. 19 Aug.'-'* G Foot 25 Sept. 17 Nov. 37 June 00 23 Aug. John. 23 Mar. 10 25 May 22 Mar. 17 Jan. 3 April 40 June 15 Mar. 10 Sept. Unattached Gray. 37 29 July 36 8 Oct. Isaac. j Grimes. William Howe."* 6 R. . 72 Foot Graves.'^' 02 Foot Hadfield. 105 Foot . OS 26 Oct. Matthew Robert. 25 Mar. Royal Artillery 10 Dec. India Regt.J 17 July 25 18 Sept. Charles Fred. 52 Nov. 47 Oot. 10 5 Mar.Unattached Grantt. Adjutant. 6 W. Unattached 3 Aug. 25 27 Oct.. 22 June 09 15 Oct.. R.'^" Unattached 5 Sept. 36 June 45 Feb. 08 7 Mar. Humphrey. 5 W. A rthur. Royal Artillery. John. 1 Nov. 20 Dec. 36 1 July 2 May 00 9 July 23 May 00 14 May 15 May 28 21 Mar. Captains. 29 Nov. Henry William. Robert. French. 10 25 Nor. 25 21 Dec. 37 24 27 Aug. Assist. Veteran Battalion Gregor. 26 29 Dec. Military Academy at Woolwich J Gossett. 3 West India Regt Gordon. John.'^' 2 Foot Hare. Francis John..'^^ Unattached Hart. Unattached. R. Osnaburgh. Griffiths.. Henry Yarburgh./fo«. 76 Foot Guthrie. 3 Sept. Robt. 1 May ID Gilbert. 14 10 Jan. Richard . II R.'^' 06 Foot Harvey. 32 51 Dec. 30 12 Aug. 13 Mar. 3 Foot Hastings. Feb. Colonel of Bedford Militia J Ginger. 12 Nov. 19 Sept. 24 Foot Grant. ^ 29 Nov.. 31 4 Aug. 29 May 22 Aug. Mar. j Harrison. Gordon Wm. 19 13 Oct. Francis Yarde. 08 1 May 27 Mar. 25 Feb.. 25 8 Jan. *Giles. . 05 25 April 26 Jan. P Gordon.'^" Unatt Hardwick. James Anthony. 37 25 Sept. 53 Apr. 13 Jan.'" Unattached ^Gray. John James. 13 July 12 10 Sept. 29 July 13 ?3 ^ PLACI-DON HALF PAV. WiUiam.1 . 42 April 12 Mar. William 11. George. 9 Foot Gilpin. Wm. Artillery. 47 6 Oct. James. Grey.. Unattached 31211 Harris. John. 27 20 20 June 39 25 3 Aug. 10 Aug.... Unattached . . Nov.India Regt. 10 Dec 95 23 June 6 Jan. William. 21 30 Dec.. Francis Augustus.'-^ Unattached . 20 28 26 July 31 23 10 Mar. Glenie. India Regt. 09 Griffin. William. 14 Aug. Unattached 19 Mar. . George. 24 June 03. Royal Marines June 8 Sept. 20 July Feb.. George E.. Francis. 10 07 Adjutant Roy al Hosp. 43 Foot § E2a Hodges. 2 Mar.. 10 Foot Mar.21 Aug. Dec. John R.'^^ Rifle Brigade April 13 Oct. R. ^P Heicett. . George Fahie. 08 20 July Humby.. Hon. Christ. Unattached . '^s 15 Foot Mar.8F. Hcalv. Samuel Wm. Heard. 19 Jan. Royal Marines'^' July 10 June 07 31 Aug. 1 19 Sept. Unatt Holmes.. John.23 17 12 Oct. I Oct. Royal Artillery . Consul General at the Hague J Hoey. Hawker.Vet..Lo?-rf.} Hilliard. William Hodder. 25 Mar. Unattached Feb. Henry Reynolds. 30 5 Nov. George Palmer.^*'' Mar. Unattached.. ) Unatt.'^" Unattached .^^* R..'^' R.'^^l-2R.^^" Royal Marines Sept. .Plenipo.2a Hill. 23 Oct. John. May Aug. . Unatt. 15 Oct. 10 Aug.C. M. Tliomas Beckford. June 18 April Hichie. 7 Jan.22Drs. 32 25 Aug. ^ Hollinsworth. R. Haviland.. Chatham 15 5 May 37 30 April 52 30 April 52 45 8 Dec. Unattached Nov. Fra. Unattached Sept. 24 Oct.JosiahGeorge. Cockshutt. Henry. 38 2 April 52 2 April 52 14112 Feb.Beiit. Engineers 25 Dec. Unsittached ... 42 April 23 Feb.^^^ 89 Foot . Hawker. 30 31 Dec. 47 15 July 53 Jan. Macclesfield William. 43 Dec. 29 9 June 37 June 27 Jan.'^' 56 Foot June 20 Oct. ^ Saa Humbley. 1 July Heath. Francis. Feb. Aug. 32 39 17 22 16 . Burtholometo.344 Captains. Francis. Horsley. 36 Foot Hingston.. Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry J Aug. John. Charles. William.. inuster. Adjutant I Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry James Morris. 20j25 Sept.'*' Unattached Hookey. 47 Dec. 31 Sep. 25 26 Sept. 6 Jan. 6 June Hill. George Lloyd.^^^! R. 13 25 24 Feb.. Heaton. ^ . Robert Humphrey. John. 91 Foot July 25 Feb. ^ Hort. Hawkey. John Lyon. 11 Garrison Battalion Hopkins. 18 . Swayne. 31 July 1 2 May 13 Jan. 46 23 Aug. 50 11 60 Dec. Dec. 14 26 June 23 25 Jan. 2 Nov. Pay. 42 16 Jan.. 1 April Hayes. Jan. Heaviside..'" 80 Foot. George. 33 15 28 June 36 28 June 36 5 Hill. Lanoe. 17 Aug. Thomas. 94 28 June 38 30 25 Mar.. 10 Dec. 06 8 Aug. 31 Dec. 1 May George. 32 23 Mar. Unattached Hornbrook. ^ 3.Marqidsof. 16 April 19 Mar. 041 8 May 20 April 36114 June 5 Oct. Henry. Nov. 43 Sir Ensign ^ \ 20 Nov. 24 Sept. 14 Oct. 15 25 Mar. 06 6 Oct. Henderson. 14 Aug. PLACED ON HALF PAY. 35 5 Jan. 20 Dragoons July 15 Aug.. 47 1 April 50 14 June 52 27 16 May 27 20j 7 Sept. } 14 April 17 3 Oct. Guard Yeomen the j of of Howard deWalden. 24 July 51 15 Oct. May 20 Unattached Se])t. William. 35 29 Sept. Hcrtford. Unatt.. 3 Oct. Samuel. 12 25 28 Jan. Francis Bernard. Henry. 6 May 14 April 12 Julv 15 May July 7 Dec. 23 Jan. Thomas. '^^ Unattached I Military Kriight of Windsor 5 giSa Hollis. Benjamin Geale. Assist. Oct. 7 Dec.. J Hinde. 9 Nov. John. Richard. 26 Feb. Hotham. Henry. 6 Jan. 44 1 13 May 36 25 25 Dec. 21 Feb. Unattached . Sept. David Balfour. F. 50 Nov. ETC. 3 Dec. CAPTAIN. ^3 Humfrcy. \$ 512A Nov. 3 Nov. 14 Jan.Vet. Independent Company April 12 May Hepburn. Oct. Hotham.A. Peter Wm. Hay. 1 Oct.'" Unatt. 43 13 15 June 15 14 5 Jan. 52 Jan. Robert. Houlton. Adj. 24 11 20 Sept. Marines Horsford. } Military Secretary in Ireland . Hawkins. 50 Dec. Aug. 22 3 Oct. 2 July 05 22 July June 10 July 10 20 Dec.. 15 16 Jan. ^ Hulme.Batt.. R. . 8. Unattached 19 May 28 Dec.. 29 27 June 49 May 38 Dec. North } 24 Nov. Marines Royal Hay. 32 15] 13 Mar. Unatt Aug. George Staveley. Kilmainham J 19 Dec. Division Jan.GCB. 26 2 Aug. 15 Dec. Richard. 53 Foot DlC. George. ^. Unattached . Holcombe. Hugh Brabazon. Unalt 21 April Jan. 17 Aug. Henry. John MUliquct. 11 12 Oct. Higgins. KG. Hawkhis.. 10 Jan. Mar.Min.. Engineers never never •Heathcote.C.. 15 25 18 Mar. 16 Sept. Richard Hudson O'Reilly. J. Royal Artillery Unattached Hillier. 36 ^ Hopkins. 86 Foot Aug. 29 May 28 June 50 28 June 50 July 12 Jan. 19 May 25 . WHEN 2d LIEUT. 26 97 9 July 02 1 26! 25 April 12 07 22 Nov. 42 3 22 25 Mar. .'^* ^ .'^" 76 Foot 12 May July Hawkc. 22 Unattached Aug. Heneage. Engineers Mar. 6 Foot Sept. JEnvoy Ex. '5« CB. Hawker. Nicholas. 5 Dec. 05 26 Feb.'" 39 Foot Sept. 25 Mar. 16 Sept. 35 05131 Dec. April 13 Jan.R. Hobkirk. 5 Nov. July Aug.. Augustus. ^ . 17 1 1 Nov. Haviland. 09 25 Sept. 08 31 Mar. Marmes Nov. 22 May Hewson. 7 April 29 Nov. 2 Nov. Stanhope. Pliay. Henry Cha. 18 Nov. David. at Brussels j Hugo. 2 2 14 15 Aug. Royal Marines. James Bell.. June 29 June Feb. never 18 June July Dec. Sept. 5 Feb. Feb. James. July 9 Nov. Fred. Deputy \ Assist. Charles. 06 18 Feb. . 36 2G Nov. 31 Dec. Ebenezer. 2 Prov. Feb. Unattached HxiriUe. John. Thomas Newton. 6 Ji:n3 46 27 21 50 48 12 19 16 23 1814 22 Nov. 28 25 July 12 14 16 Sept. 26 Feb.'^^f R. George Fred. Unattached. 30 2G Feb. 03 22 Dec. 45 Oct. Wm. Oct.. 3 Sept. Jackson. "-6 Unattached. Charles. 41 Dec. of Mil. Keating. Bar. Willifim John. 2 R. 13 Ker. Kirwan.'" R. 26 April Oct. Frederick. Royal Staff Corps. May 42 June 43. Yarrall. 241 12 July 3 Dec. April Mar. 4 May 17 Mar. 1: Oct. Dt. Hugli Fergusson. James. Veteran Batt. Dec.. April Aug. Edward. Royal Artillery Keane. Bourbon Regt. Mayor.'^^ 21 Foot Kingsley. Bn. 23 Feb. 50 3 July 23 24 June 24 7 Jan. Irish Brigade •'« 52 Foot ^3 Jones. Douglas. 1 Feb. Alexander.. April 1 Oct.. Jan. June Dec. Samuel.. Unattached Irwin. Unattached *Kinneir. June 11 April 29 Oct. G Dragoons Isaac. William. never Sept. Sir R.''^ 2 Royal Vet. June June Nov. Unattached Julius."^^ Koyal Artillery Hunter. 28 Sept. Sept. Aug. April 31 . Oct. Mar. Lenox. 18 Mar. Jan. John Matcham. Kiugsley. Alfred.. '^^ Royal Marines Jones. 31 Jlay Aug. 31 35 4 July . Foot Kernniis.. never Jan. William Prime.'l LIEUT. Nov. 4 Foot Jarvis. Charles Parke. 4 Oct.. 60 Foot Jones. Gen. Unattached *Jones. Unattached Inge.. ETC. Royal Marines . James Singer.24 Sept. 9 R. 28 Aug. Unattached.34 25 Nov. Sir Samuel Raymond. April July June Oct. 04 April 17 26 Aug. Keats. 8 Ajiril 8 June 19 July 4 Mar. 19 June 25 Dec. July Dec. 15 1 Jan. Andiew Hyacinth. 45 30 26 June 2 Aug. Jones. Fred. Unattached Hunter. Royal Marines ^ James. 30 April 29 Julv 3 Oct. Nov. Scots Fusilier Gds. Unatt. 17 Dec. Kennedy. 07 never IG Aug. John.-Mast. 10 Nov. Batt. \ Military Knight of Wi7ulsor S King. Veteran Batt. Mar.. Oct.. John Goullin. Nov. Thomas. 1 Provisional Batt. Gds 14 May Hunt. Aug. Richard. 11 July Sept. George Michael. Royal Marines Hussey. Hon."*' 51 Foot Nov. Sept. Dec. James. King. Qr. 89 Foot Imlacii. Ralph Piggott. 09 4 Nov. Royal Waggon Train 5.. 26 27 Aug. 0G'31 July 18 April 13 41 May May 1 13 Nov. Unatt.. Dec. Feb. '''* 7 Drs.'"^ Coldst. May never Dec. July 1 23 27 15 28 18 PLACED ON HALF I'AY. 47 10 Sept. Captains. GJulv 32 Aug. Oct. 31 Oct. 29 Foot Jones. 6 Feb. Jan." 53 Foot. 2G Oct... Jameson.. William. 15 Foot Knapman. April April Jan. at Quebec. Mar. Richard Hall.. Jones.'" 73 Foot 13 King. Thomas. Aug. '^^ Unattached. 18 Dec. John Duncan. 28 25 Aug. 16 Sept. 47 June 37 [20 Aug. IG Sept. 29 Jan. Henry Augustus.'"" Royal Marines Hutchinson. iAIar. John Smith. Brook John. 8 April 26 31 May 33 19 Jan. Sept. 2S^ James. April Oct. William. July Dec. Thomas. Sir W. Bt.'^^ Unattached James. ^ 20 Nov. Feb. 41 27 Mar. Nov. Unattached Incc. 40 23 Jan. (i5 Foot Kirwan. 12 14 Feb. Oct. Michael. Unattached ... G.} racli-master at Dublin j Jocelyn.. 28 Feb. 7 Feb.'" Unattached Kellaibacli. James.. Wm. 8 May Feb.. 5 Inge. Joseph Hall.. 1 19 April 96 7 Dec. Henry. 53 9 Sept 28 25 Aug. 19 Dec. Dec... 47 Sept. 24 Apr. ^''^ Royal Marines . Duckworth. 5 Feb. ^ May 14 May 18 2G Aug. Ibbctson. James Taggart. Kelly. 17 10 April 25 never never Sept. 29 28 Feb.'^» Unattached . 33 Aug. 36 30 June 30 13 June 21 May 25 Dec. John £!vans. Marines Knight. April Sept. 4 Sept. May May Nov. Townsend R. Dec. of Mil. H. June Aug. 13 Dragoons Joliffe.® Keily. 44 7 Jan. Tliomas. 01 7 April 06 Kaye. 17 July 9 Nov. 30 28 Dec. Unattached 13 *Kettilby. Kirby. Unatt. Thomas Arthur. 21 May 41 1814 19 April 23 25 Nov. i3 *JeflVeys. 70 Foot Hunter. 345 WHEN CORNET. 25 June never I Nov. May July May never . Jolin. Demetrius Grevis.'^' Unattached . 44 . Unattached 13 King. Johnson. 8 April 13 14 Mar. Sti'phe7ts.''"' 6 Foot Kelly. Huniplireys. 28 Nov. 13|29 Oct. never 29 Feb. Unattached . 31 Oct.. . 00122 May 17 Jan. . April Feb. never y never Dec. (J3 1 Dec. Dec. Henry. Artillery King. April Dec. 16 5 Feb. Toion ) Major at Quebec j Knight. ^* Jones. Wm. 14 Mar. Dec. James.. 7 Sept. 18 08 16 Mar. Jones. George Jaines.. Unattached Ingall. 14 1 Sept 14 2 July 5 June 25 Oct. Unattuclicd Kerr. Wilkinson Lister. William. 56 Foot M'Donald. 17 J } 22 Aug. Helier Batt. 31 Julv 26 12 Sept. Frederick.. Douglas W. Dec. Hudson.. 12 July 32 Nov.. July Jan. Lewis Xavier. 24 3 July 39 3 Lemoine. R.21i Oct. 37 Oct. Oct. 07 11 Oct. Jan. Portmnouih Division May April Aug. Thomas Sargent.. Nov. J. Royal Artillery 1 Foot. P. Colonel 1 15 Nov. Sept. May April 41 Oct. 33 20 July . 53 8 April 26 26 Oct. 6 Lempriere. 30 Nov. 07 2 April 10 27 Aug. 25 Jan. 14 May 3 June 26 Nov. John. and Aide-de-Camp to the Queen . 45 May Feb. 6 Foot 1 M'Laine. 27 27 Mar. 16 Sept. Bar. April 44 April 17 April 13 April 6 July 03 15 Aug. Glamorgan Militia ^ Kyle. iri//(ffw. Unattached Laxo.. Art 31 Lowther. 03 24 Oct.30 Nov.'^^ R. John. Veteran Batt.^"* 24 Lutman.. Unattached 7 Loftus. 40 25 Sept. 11 27 Listen. Wm. Home. Apr. Royal Marines 17 2 M'Kenzie. 24 03 27 Mar.. John Terry. 14 17 Sept. . James Birley. M. Nov. Lawrence. . 4 Jlar. Richard. R. 27 . Henry Thomas. April 27 31 Aug. . Aug. . Wm. John. 21 12 Oct. 18 38 22 July 29 Jan. 47 8 April 20 J 13 ^ May 10 April 33 5 Oct. Engineers. Alexander. $ Dec.\ 4 rack-master. Matthew. Chacon.^"'' R. 8 Sept.2°« Unatt 25 M'Cuskill. Robert. 05 31 ]\Iar.2°* 27 Foot 8 Lyon. Dec. Unattached Logan-Home Geo. 07 7 April 14 22 Dec.'^" Unattached Langrishe. 02 P 13 11 15 May 23 Aug.} . 1 May May Nov. Dec. 7 Lovett. Unattached 20 Lyster. Staff Corps. 1 4 Lewis. 45 Foot. Marcus. 19 Oct. Insp. William. Feb.'"'^ 5 R.StrHenryJohn. 15 April July Dec.fiQ Foot Lamotte. Royal Marines Lefi'oy. April April 15 Nov. W.^' 62 Foot.Captains. Police \ 38 25 June 9 Aug. } 12 Barrackmaster at Glasgow S 9 M'Donald. R. June 97 Aug. Ernie Money. 2b . K. Geo. Adrian. Alexander. Cha. . James Horlon. Philips Cosby. June July May Feb. Westenra Warner. 12 13 Aug. 15 Nov. St. 10 Aug. July Oct. April Feb. Unatt Le Couteur. 27 15 Dec. Adjutant. . 25 Dee. July July April Mar. Artillery 25 Leslie.'^'"' 74 Foot Lindsay. Knoicles.. ETC. 17 Dec. ^ June 04 Oct. George Richard.^o^ Unattached 28 Loio. 7 Dec. 97 Foot 25 M'Donald. 13 July 6 Nov. 06 1 Aug. Geo. 53 28 April 25 2 Feb. Royal Marines Langley. George. Unattached . 48 19 Mar. 05 12 June 5 Feb. 4 Foot. June 8 Sept. Donald. Torrens.^^^ Royal Marines Lawlor. Artillery 28 April 10 17 Dec. 38 7 June 44 26 April 50 S ^ Lambert. Lt. Langdon. June 07 . William. 26 Sept. Dec. 23 May never Oct. Unattached 26 M'Intyre. 27 July 5 Dec. John. Unattached 5153 Leatham. Lee. April 22 July May 14 Mar.'^'' Portuguese Service Law. Leatham. W. 05 31 Julv Jan. 28 20 April 30 26 20 July 30 S 8 Aug. Alexander. Fred. April 12 4 April 32 11 May Feb. Unattached Lanphier.'" ]t»4 Foot. 0] 26 Jan. R. 52 6 Nov. 31 May Jan. 49 May 17 Sept. Woolwich Division j 9 Little. William. 9 Auff. . James.'ss 94 po^t Kyrle. Barrackmaster 32 12 Feb.Col. Edward. Hugh Henry. 13 28 Sept. 30 Oct. Hi 15 May 12 never 3 May 24 Nov. never never *Laxon. 10 21 Nov. 08 July 03 Oct. 9 June 23 April 20 3 24 30 30 26 51 April 52 Jan. 24 9 July July 41 10 12 Aug. 25 June July Sept. Lewis. June IJuly Feb.'*^ Bt. 22 \ at York 5 5i. j \ 21 June 33 25 May G April 09 G Nov. 23 May July 17 Jan. John 30 19 Lynch. Lane. Hereford Militia Labalmondiere. Unatt 8 Luard. Sept.. 25 Dec. Alexander. William. 42 3 Aug.'"-' R.'^^ R. Unattached 5M"Langton. 7 Foot GJuly 38 8 April Lea. Feb. Latham. John.. Militia. 34 Oct. Peter Martin. Royal Artillery . 10 Feb. Samuel Percy.. P Jan. John. of Jersey 42 18 Feb. 53 Foot 5 M'Donald. 27 June 3 Sept. 05 Sept. 19 2515 Sept. of Metrop. Unattached. 14 18 Feb. Martin. Gilbert. 06 19 July 39 23 Aug. 346 WHEN 2d LIEUT PLACED ON HALF PAY. P«2/. Engineers. 29 15 Mar.^"^ Royal Marines 1 Louis. Royal Engineers . Charles.'^^ 14 Foot 15 Unattached Lewis. Provo William. Angus. 08 24 June 09 20 Oct. Begen. Anthony. 36 9 Jan. Royal Artillery . Unatt Royal Artillery 26 IP Litchfield. 8 April 17 June 13 Dec. 30 8 April Aug. May 9 June 20 Feb. Robert John. ^ . Arthur.. 38 05 7 Apr.. William. Charles Henry. ^ master. . 6 Nov. J. Unattached.'^'^ York Chasseurs. Royal Marines. 5 Mar. . Chas. Superintend. Chas. 23 Oct.. Wyndham. July 26 52 25 Oct.^"" Unattached M'Kellar. 50 17 25 Aug. P ^ . 40 22 Mar. 25 Foot Lancey. Mar. .^"' Little. . 0619 Aug.^^ 50 Foot Knox. Artillery Lawrence. 8 Nov. Marines. 3 April 10 1 23 29 3 35 21 April 39 3 Nov.> 24 May manding-in-Chicf j 11 May 51i8il Marcon. |pMackenzie. Meredith. Jacob. 40 25 Feb. 37 10 Sept. John.. Mayne. Thomas Crosby. 5i5S Master.30 May 03 5 Oct. John Edm. R.-"t 59 Foot 2G Oct. 59 Foot 9 April Mackinnon. Batt. John Alexander.Wedder. 26 Mar. 08 6 Nov. Simon. 18 Dec. 10 Feb. April 23 18 May Oct. Thomas. Baniei. Daniel Henry. Martin. 20 July Mackey. Maide. M. Veteran Batt. . George. ^3 Mac Donnell. 26. 2G July 13 Jan. . 28 Oct. Meynell. 27 12 April G Feb. 16|26 Dec. Boyle. Charles."^'^* 6 R. Oct. 26 July 20 Mar. 44 2(1 May 23 25 19 25 June Dec. Allan. Unattached IG Dec. '^^^ Royal Engineers . Henry. WilUain. 30 Aug. Henry Fowler. 8 Nov. Mar. 3 Dec. 24 7 Apr. 48 17 Mar. ^ Aide-de-Camp to the General Com. Engineers. 42 27 Sept.. 22 April 25 15 Mar.03 F. Mackenzie. 34 Oct. Ewen. Mackenzie. George. Richard Thomas. Vet. lo! 1 July 1 23 29 46 53 19 48 26 26 27 21 34 61 52 April 53 20 Dec. SlacAndrcw.v. 27 Mar. 12 Foot Macdonald. 25 April ^ Mends. Alexander. Veteran Battalion 15 Sept.^" 9 R. ?."^ Unattached 29 Mar. 46 09 28 May 06 27 Nov. John. 9 June Mnchay. 34 12 Feb. J 31 Oct. Evan.^'* 91 Foot 19 Oct.. 18 39 27 Sept. 14 Jan..(Qr. 6 April 8 April 11 Jan.='*3 Garr. Unattached 4 Mar. 5 Sept. Hugh Bowen. Fred. 33 April 20 35 '28 Nov. Robert. Macpherson. ETC. 14 26 Feb. PLACED ON HALF HAY. Jolin.. 23 Mar.-" Unattached 27 Sept.-*^ Gr. North Devon Yeomanry Cav. Earl of. William.. Roya! Marines 7 Sept. ^ 10 May Acljt. John Lennox. Massy. 1022 Oct.. Unattached. Camplin. Staff Corps. Jolni Monck. Bart. Artillery 14 June Maxwell. 30 22 2 Jan. 1 17 30 51 23 46 48 45 Aug.^'^t Unattached M'Pherson. 12 24 Sept. 23 Oct. 41 7 Jan. 15 Dec. 17 Sept. 42 20 July ^ . 47 June 22 Nov. Mascall. i? Macfarlane. Tr..--^ Royal Artillery Mansfield. 34 23 Jan. Royal Marines 10 June Midtjley. 1 Jan. Ronald.-^. 29 48|l5 Dec.. 13 Jan. M'Qtieen."' t 21 Dragoons. Gds. Walter Taylor. 1 347 Captains WHEN ENSIGN. 17 14 Nov. William. 52 8 June 30 23 Nov. 5 June 40 17 Mar. March. 52 June 30 Mar.. 3rd Stafford Militia ] Mildmay. Francis Thonas. 3 May 26 April June May 6 June 12 Not. Unattached 9 Apr. Archibald. |} Meech. 26 Oct. Sir Henry St. 10 Jan.iLl Maunsell. LIEUT.-'^ 2 K Veteran Batt. 41 22 ] May 06 Aug. 12 April 8 April 37 48 43 26 25 Apr. Charles. Mured 29 June 24 Mar.^so 103 Foot 22 July Maciieil. 27 11 Jan. L. 13 Manners. John. 31 IG Aug. Unatt. •'^^ 3 R. Miller. 48 50 1 Oct. Charles Stuart. Edward.. 20 Nov. 5 Aug. 12 Jan. Mein. 04 . 27. 30 2G Mar. Andrew. 12 Nov.^^* Royal Marines 18 July Millerd. James Nixon . . 21 Jan. 22 13 37 16 April 41 27 Aug. IG Nov. 07 37 46 3 April July 47 30 May July 1525 Feb. 25 1 052G Dec. Meik.*''^ Unattached 3 Dec. Unatt Macartney.."" G2 Foot Meek. 29 15 Oct. 00 26 Jan. never . \ 11 Dec. John.22 Foot 3 May Mair. Garnet. Edward Francis. John. Dec. C. 16 Sept. 8 30 Sept.Alex. Miller. 52 27 Aug. 28 Nov. Professor I 13 Jan. 16 29 Sept. 60 F. 13 Nov.'"'^ Unattached 22 Oct. 20 Jan. 12 Feb. 99'23 May 25 April 2G 13 A UK-. 27 128 Mar. Colin. Unattached 18 Oct. 15 Dec. 13 Aug. 19 Mar. Man. Andrew.. Benjamin.^^ R. Unatt. John Richard. Macdonald. \Vm. Henry Clinton -"* Royal Artillery 20 Oec. 12 20 3 Dec.^'^ Unattached 20 Oct. Boyal Military College S Mancor. 53 8 April 26 . Veteran Batt. 52 27 11 June 30!l8 19 Nov. Unatt 13 Nov. Batt. 50 05 17. Alexander. 2 R.'^"^ Royal Waggon Train 27 Aug.-'" Unattaclicd |J iM' Vicar. Unattached . Crie. 1 Oct. 30 1 June 30 24 13 Jan. John. Macdonald."' Unatt 1 Nov. M'Nair. 1 1 June 32 15 25 Dec. G. 20 Nov. 27 25 Oct. 48 IG April 50 18 Oct. 3 Nov. H. 44 27 Sept. May 22 Mar 31 11 April 34 13 Nov. 47 6 May 47 Aug. Unattached 29 Mar. ^^^ Unattaclied 21 Mar. . Oct. 14 12 Feb. April 3 Jan. Metcalf. Unattached 2G Nov. Royal Engineers. Menzies. Oct. Unattached 30 Nov. 20 June 14 Aug. i 1 1 5 July 44 4 July 16 June 07 3 Sept. 2G Oct. Unattached 19 Feb.. Blac Gre^or. Mason. Kanald."^ R. 31 50 12 April 50 12 May 27 Aug. Ale. Adjutant. 79 Foot Marryatt.-'^ IG Lancers.'"* 79 Foot ^ 8 July Michel!. 34 27 Feb. Unattached 10 May Meik. 18 50 9 July 52 June 32 20 July 17 31 22 Mar. 7 July 3 Dec. Thomas Lcvct. S. 18 Jan. Unattached Feb. 8 Oct. Jamos.-"' Unattached 1 J uly Maclean. G2 Foot 18 July ^lucdonald. 14 Dec. 28! 4 May 22 G Feb. 23 Aug. 12^25 Feb. 05 21 April 43 23 Jan. Major \ 19 June of Brigade at York ^ |) Melhnish. M'Murdo. 19 June 94 24 April 95 21 Dec. 14 Dragoons 8 April Main waring. George. Macbean. 21 Sept.-'® Unattached JIackay. 3314 Sept.31 Dec. Henry H. 13 Montgomery. Unatt Nooth. Johu. Alex. 22 Foot Morris. . 5 Aug. 37 17 Ormsby. 52 July Mar. 22 May • Royal Art. Aug. 11 Dec. } Captain. 30 29 Dec. 5 Nicolls. WHEN ENSIGN. to 1st Lord of the Adm. Unattached 16 Nestor. R. Hender.. Camac.^^'' Unattached . 14 Dec.^^^ Roval Artillery Morle. 48 April 41 Sept. May April 23 June June 30 Jan. Unattached. Dec. Royal Artillery Mylius.^^^ Royal Artillery . Ormsby. 11 5 Oct. Augustus. 37 Oct. Unattached ^ ^ % . Aug. 47 Mitchell. Mar. Guards. 5 1 Aug. 2 Oct. 07 5 June Molloy. PLACED ON HALF PAY. Merioneth Militia j Morgan. 3o 29 Dec. 22 May May 16 25 15 Aug. • O^Erien. Charles Robert.-" 28 Foot Morrison. 22 Dragoons 23 April 6 July lo 17 Feb. Henry Stephen. 35 ffliSa Molesworth. 37 9 April 47 7 Feb.^^' Unatt. 10 16 Aug. Feb.. 4 R. Oct.^^^ Unattached 22 Mar. Thomas. July Feb.. John. Unattached . 11 7 April Dec. Augustus Howard. Tlio. 30 June Sept. Charles FitzRoy . Oct. ^ ^ . 33 Moore. Royal Artillery Mounsteven. South Middlesex Militia . Henry. July Feb. A. 17 4 Oct. Unattached . Charles GodiVey. Portsmouth Division S ^ Morgan. 41 5 April 44 27 April 27 3 May Toion-Major at Malta j 8 Feb. Mortimer. 25 Nov. Jan. Thomas W. 25 21 Nicholas. Feb. 33 Jan. 15 Sept. July 12 14 May 12 29 never Sept. Dec. Glengarry Fencibles 22 . Hampden. Mav 36 Feb. Thomas Henry. Ar. Bythesea. Unatt Mottley. William. 12 20 June Dec.-'^" Unattached 29 June 3 Unattached 22 INIar. Mar. April Sept. Bodney. 7 . 39 31 July 46 31 Dec. Robert Murphy. never 17 Dec. 53 Dec. 30 June 24 Sept. June May 45 35 Aug. See. Oct. 22 9 Ouseley. 25 Dec. 1 Sept. 47 Nov. I 26 Feb. Unattached 3 Nicholson. . 23 Oct.. Oct. Mar. 17 June Oct. Unattached O'Neill. May 8 30 9 9 37 Nov.. Kent Artillery Militia S Norton. Aug. never 31 Jan. 13 27 July 2 Feb.. Charles. Nov. Charles. ^ ^ Mundy.. Unattached . Royal Marines 25 Nicholls. Artillery 5 Aug. Abercromby. .2^' Unattached May 29 1$ 17 Sept.. 19 Foot 31 Newbery.29 Owen... 6 April May Sept. 20 Oct. 44 10 July 17 Dec.-^^ Unattached Northey. Unattached Murray. never May May Aug. Unattached Murray.-^^ 29 Foot Murray. 48 April 52 13 April 1 Aug. July 46 May 28 Aug. 6 Dr. May 19 Mar. Robert. Unattached.-^'^ 48 Foot Mullen.. Lt. John Philip. 24 Feb. . 15 Nov. Coldstream Gds. 27 . 08 5 Mar. 25 Juno 20 June IG iMay 2 Sept. 02 9 Mar. ^ ^ 6 Capt. James.. 94 Foot 12 Nicholls. Thomas Peter.. 4 Feb. 2-1: Dragoons # WA Moore. 14 Dec.. April never July 1 Oct. D . Frederick. George. 16 Nov. 18 Nov.. AVm. Thomas Martin.348 Captains. 12 Nov. Thomas Charles. Brook. Neioell. Mar.. Edward. April 25 17 Dec.. 44 Foot 25 Newburg. John. Oct. never April Feb. Moore. John. 35 15 Mar.-Col. 29 Aug. 27 11 Dec.-^= 23 Foot. . 14 16 June 4 Jan. 13 Feb. Chris.. Rich. 25 29 4 9 14 5 24 7 Dec. 16 July 7 Oct. May 24 Aug.. 12 Foot ^ ^ 29 April 19 Sept.^-^" 2 Foot Oldershaw. George. 17 Dec. 10 .. Nov. Nelson. Ceylon R. Sept. Griffith Jeffrey. Jan. 1 . Royal Marines. Bar?'flcAr ) Master.. Unattached 4 April 98 3 July 00. 48 May 44 April Aug. Henry. Royal Art. Veteran Batt 17 1^ Newman.-" 75 Fool. 28 Feb. 10 Jan. . 3 April 46 25 Aug. James. Morgan. 60 Foot Morshead.. Adjutant \ 9 South Hants Militia S Oates. George. 27 14 Nesham.. 22 Dec. 21 Dec. 15 aSft Ormsby.'^^'^ Royal Marines . Daniel.. 41 Mar. 1 Mar. 16 June Sep't. 27 Oct. Dec. 5 Nepean. Sept. O'Connell. . Mar. 31 2 July 18 55 . 20 2 Sept. James Stewart. Jan. Unatt.^^^ 69 Foot 3 June 13 Mitford. 1 June 00 5 April 01 11 April Mitchell. 40 12 Nov. Murchison. Huntley Grenadier Gds. 25 Nov. 12 22 Aug. James Roy. \ Commandant R.--*" 3 West India Regt *Morris. Royal Engineers 12 23 18 Aug. Jan. Samuel. Alex. 27 Feb. 16 May 05 28 Mav 23 June 3 April 17 12 Sep't. Edmund. John.'^''' 20 May 31 Jan. Bertram Charles. 16 S 4 May 32 22 Aug. 19 ?12E Moore.^^^ Portuguese Service Neynoe. 10 Feb. 29 July 13 2 June 27 Jan. 9 Dec. 14 Jan. H%igh. 98 23 Sept.=" R. Arthur. 4 June 29 16 May Mitford.-^^ Unattached 9 NicoUs. Henry. Hans. 30 Dec. . . 7 Norman. 61 9 Aug.30 Nov. Oct. Unattached April 26 15 April 1 Aug.. Robert.. 29 25 1 June 24 May 24 Oct. Kenneth. Grenadier Gds.^''^ Nicholson. 39 Mar. 01iv. Pentyre Anderson. Regt 20 Jan. 22 20 April 26 25 ) . ETC. William Coape.. Evan. 18 7 Oct. Priv. 03 21 Nov. Jan. . . June 13 Oct. Veteran Batt Potter. Robert. 36 11 May 8 June 09 12 Jan. 4 Feb. Thomas. 08 21 July Rice. Wm. Protheroc. 29 July "9 Aug. 15 Nov. Reynolds. 33 1 J tant Edinhurgh Militia Nov. Art Park. Thomas. Roht. 04 10 1 Feb..^^* Unattached 8 Oct.. 06 26 Nov. 18 Nov.. Bridges. G. 13 3 Oct. 02 8 June 32 1814 19 Nov. Francis. 37 10 2 Sept. Mil.'*' 21 Dragoons *Panre. 36 23 June 43 June 50:21 June 60 May May Mar. Pattenson. 46 J Petre. Halstead.=" Rifle Brig. June July 24 Aug. Fryer. 21 19 May 49 22 Jan. 21 17 Feb. James 13 1 Mar. 20 April 9 July 25 Oct. Peter. Ralph. B.-"^ 1 4 Foot 15 April 5121 Randall. 8 1 Aug. ^ ^ . William . Royal Staff Corps. 9 July 14 June 15 April 7 Mar. 1 May 13 Sept. Sept. 28 14 April 4 29 Mar. 21 23 May 7 28 Feb.^"^ GO Foot IJ) 28 Oct. Batt. July 21 July 13 8 April 20 1 of Militia never 25 Penruddocke. 22 Oct. 02 Oct. 3 Sept. R. Unattaclud 17 Jan. 17 Sept. 48 14 May 60 June 42 3 Apr. Packc. 4 April 25 Oct. Feb. R. Pigott. 9 Foot fijil Pakenliam.=69 R„yal Artil . Payne. Royal Waggon Train never never 2 Mar. Dec. 68 Foot f) Quentin. 11 Feb.R. Unatt Pattonn. Sept. 25 July 34 25 Dec. Unatt Payne. 52 Dec. 51 25 Oct. Feb. 46 May 34 April Feb. Pode. 05 23 April Foot Price. 8 April Priestley. 31 21 Aug.-'" 36 Mar. Francis Williajn. Thoinas. 13 Oct. Aug. . David. 29 25 June 16 14 June 50 15 April 36 7 Mar. 15 Dec. William. Gds. 8 April 19 17 July 4 Oct. 3 R. Royal Hospital. 06 2 Mar. Ilussey. 52 7 Sept. Alexander.2'^ 33 Foot 18 Dec. Hon. 21 July 8 Oct. Palmer.. Unatt. 4 Dec. Edward. 07 25 Mar. W."" 56 Foot 25 Feb. J. 22 Dragoons Pettat. 14 never April June 16 Dec. Francis. 1 349 Captains.. George. Joseph. Chelsea S 19 Pembertoii.J. ETC. 00 22 5 July 27 16 Dec. Cooke Tylden. 7 April 8 Oct. 13 14 May 09 Oct. 13 Pyner. Pollock. Edward Despard. Fred. Reeves... 17 31 April 31 Dec. George. 44 Foot Pascoe. Canadian R.'^''* Unattached 25 Dec. Roval Artillery 11 Sept. 28 Aug. R. 35 24 31 8 July 34 Jan. Aug. James White. Unattached Peel. Engineers Phillipps. 7 Nov. Unatt. 06 1 Feb. 16 Dec. 25 Dec. Artillery 29 July 25 3 Jan. 2 West India Regt 26 Mav 81 22 Jan. 01 12 Nov. Aug. 12 10 May ffiSit Poole. 04 2 Mar. 3914 Aug. 1 Garrison Battalion . 41 Sept. 10 19 Feb. |) Pattenson. Tylden. Keating. 18 May 14 April 14 April 1 43 37 Jan. 4 June Rcynett. 25 Dec. Reginald.*'' Portuguese Service 13 Nov. Poulden. PLACED ON HALF PAY. Francis. 1 R. Henry. Unattached Plunkett. Unattached 13 Phillips.'^^ Unattached . 20 Nov.. 32 16 Sept. William. 25 June 21 Jan. Townshcnd. 32I12 June Ramsay. 25 Dec. Engineers 23 Aug. Scots Fus. James. 16 23 Mar. 94 13 Jan. 42 1 Peter. 9 23 Aug. 24 Foot 7 9 Oct. Captain of \ Invalids. Veteran Battalion . 16 26 Feb. Win. 11 12 Pepyat. R.'^* 3 Foot. 15 April 17 18 24 25 23 27 May 3 Dec. Watsonj-'^'. 57 13 * Prickett. Adju.^" 45 Foot 19 Sept. Pennyman. 16 8 April 19 25 Dec. 1 May 25 Mar. Charles Wm. Dec. Mar. Regt 21811 y . WHEN CORNET. 1 Jan. Fred.. Peevor. Unattached 25 Nov. William. 16 June 04 13 Nov. 24 June 13 6 never 30 Aug. George Bownell. Royal Artillery Palmer. 19 July 10 9 May Brooke.'^"**^ G7 Foot. Pitts. Oct. Wm. Unattached 20 Dec. Henry . Pratt. $ % . Bichard Wm. ^° Royal Artillery 3 4 May 26 14 April never never Mar. William. 17 Dec. John Bruce. William. Jan. 1 Pro v. Tiiomas. Unattached Parker. Thomas. James Winsloe.^''^ Foot 69 512a Pigot. . 14}25 Dec. 14 July 22 Nov. Portuguese Ser 28 July 08 17 May 2 Dec. 23 30 Aug. PilgTlm. Thomas John. 99 25 Dec. John. Geo.I 22 Mar. Unattached 1 May ^ilULl Pringle. Ga'-. 6 Feb. 35 Nov. Robert. Charles. Unattached Peel. April April Dec. 9 June 16 Dec. 11 Mar. Edward. 30 1 Nov.'^'^ Royal Art. 25 Feb. 12 Feb. 5123 Ramsay. Meadows. 12 23 Dec. . Geo. 35 24 Sept. 26 Oct. 5 June 5 July 1 Dec. 17 July 00 23 July Portcous. Francis. Richard Mathews. Spencer. John.-^'^ Royal JIarines Parker.^'^'' Foot Price.... July 53 July April 52 April June June 13 Mar.. Pettingal. James. Wm. Unattached 26111 June 1 Jan. 18 Sept."^^^ Royal Marines. Alex. 40 20 Dec. 17 May 30 June 25 Nov. Royal Marines 31 Jan. Porter. Prendergast.. 31® Rainforth. Powell. 30 12 Sept. 24 9 June 25 .. Royal Artillery 19 June 06jlG Feb. Algernon. 7 April Read. 7 April 25 Dec... 25 Dec. George. Sub-Inspector \ 5 Mar. Dec. Sidney. Royal Marines Pearson. H. Edw. 46 . 21 Jan. Constantine. 32 Nov. ^ . Unattaclied PnplUon.. Unattached 13* Pettingal. Patrick M'Leod.. . A\'illiam Paul. Royal Artillery Petley. 14 27 Feb. never Shawe. George. 39 8 Nov.'^^^ Unatt 2G April 28 13 May 31 12 April 25 Dec. 13 May 5 Jan. 12 Aug. William Basset. John Sampson. Mervyn. Artillery 1 20 Jan. C. 25 Jan. 26 July 04 25 29 24 25 6 Dec. 21 25 Feb. Seward. Oct. Rich. Shearman. 22 Julv 30 26 Aug. . Hugh. \ 18 Sept. Walter Cope. 28 13 Ske7ie. 59 Foot *Riddlesden.^" Royal Marines. *Rickards. Rose. 28 April 08 4 Mar.. 38 10 Jan. Anthony. 06 26 May 07 25 23 Oct. Elliot. 10 21 Shute.. Charles. 10 Aug. 09 9 June 6 Royds. 19 10 37 6 27 Feb. 09 6 Nov. Wm. Saunderson. John William. Adjutant Berks Militia ^ ^ Skinner. Unattaclied Robertson. 1 19 ] 8 19 3 . 45 2 Nov. Veteran Batt. 14 Foot 13 Aug. 35 1 April 17 . Samuel. Andrew Archer Win.^^' Royal j^rtiDery Robertson. Hon.. 11 July 16 9 Nov. . 27 Unattached Sisson. Royal Marines •0 Mar.. Henry. Shand. 13 April 24 10 July Searle. 9i 18 April 15 18 Sept. Robertson. • ^ i 12 April 20 28 June 50 1 Mar. George. Aug. 10 July Shepherd. Dep. William Armstrong. 13 Rudkin. Oct. Rollo. Runnacles. 97 Foot 19 Nov. 26 May Nov. 350 WHEN 2d LIEUT. 21 25 June 31 8 May 46 S Shoveller. Unattached. Feb. Henry Bourchier 1 1 Sept. 07 1 never 9 Au never 28 Sept. . 98 24 April 23 1 Nov. 17 Aug. 32 5 Oct. Shaio. J ane Beverley. Royal Marines Sinclair. 4 Feb. Canadian R. Wm. . 01 28 Aug. 22 0^ 2^ Nov. George Gardine. 95 Foot 29 Dec. 07 21 Jan. R. Francis Manby. Robert. Dec. Dec. Battalion 16 May Veteran 15 Dec. William. 9 Nov.-Mas. 29 June 26 1 Feb.^^^ Royal Artillery 28 June 31 Dec. Joseph. 29 10 July Dec. 11 29 28 Dec. . Royal Artillery Henry Francis. Edra. 32 Feb. 27 Nov. Robert. 48 25 Sept. Bligh. 4 Foot Bidge. 28 Dec. Royal Marines Osborne. 7 Foot i9 Feb. 3i Dec. 30 April 09 9 Dec. 12 8 Nov. Assist. 14 29 Oct. Unattached. 23 Dec. 26 8 April 25 . Sept. Rafus. ^ 2i 8 25 . Andrew. Oct. 36 15 June 42 24 Aug. 13 Dec. Thomas. Alexander. 05 14 July 15 2 Sept. LIEUT. Mar. Scott. 9 Jan. July 31 1814 Mar. James Hunter. Unattached Richardson. } 2 Chief Officer of Coast Guard ^ Shum. Richards. R.^' 7 Dragoons. 97 Foot never 7 Dec.^''^ Roval Artillery 29 Sept. Robert k. 14 Aug. 1 Aug. 4 Dragoons 19 Mar. Staff Corps 28 Feb. Aus. pous. 18 17 13 April 26 20 Dec.^^" 63 Foot 30 May 6 May 5 Oct. 21 11 April .^°^ Roy. George Abercrombie. Richard. Regt. Alexander Nowell. 04 Feb. 08 Feb.Captains. 11 Dec.2S9 Foot 52 Feb. Oct. R.^^* 4 R. 84 Foot i5 William.^^'' Royal Marines 30 Sept. Unattached. 12 9 Mar. never Dec. nevei 28 Nov.. James. P Mar.^'^ 18 . Royal . Frederick. 17 15 May 28 27 Mar. Reynolds. Alexander Slater. 07 21 June 06 30 Sept. GG Foot . 35 27 Feb. 3. 14 4 Feb. John. John. Dec. Robert Stuart. William. . Unattached Smith.^*^ Royal Artillery. 14 May 7 July 14 2 June Rogers. 19 April 17 Sept. 27 April 42 26 May May Mav Oct'. 16 1 April 52 14 Sept. 04 20 June Aug. 4 A^ug. . Samuel James. 37 ' ^ 1 Feb.^"^ Royal Marines 8 June 30 31 Aug. 17 May Mar. Unattached Unatt. Scott. Jan. Joshua Saffrey. 04 3 July 05 10 May 15 Jan. . 23 July 30 Dec. 32 16 July 4] 16 Jan. 21 April 40 9 Nov. '5 April 19 3 Nov. 34 8 Feb. 23 !0 Jan.Gen. ^ 21 Mar. Rich.Qr. Feb. Sayer. 2 July PLACED ON HALF i'AY. John A. . Rutherford. 18 Dragoons 16 Jan.^* Unattached *RidKway. Sept. 14 Dec. 7G Foot 10 Nov. . ETC. 6 Foot Richardson. James H. Roche. 2 Dec. 39 29 Oct. Unattaclicd . Joseph. 26 Sept. 03 12 Sept. . 21 Dec. 13 Feb. ^° R. 41 Mar. 512J Schreiber. 20 4 June Sept. Sealy. 22 never 25 Dec. William King. 3 R. . 17 May Feb. . 12 July 05 29 Jan. . Edward. Carrington. Royal Artillery i5Dec. 94 15 Nov. 30 31 Mar. Sherson. Unattached Robertson. Royal Artillery Small. 39 9 May 22 3 Mciy 44 20 May 53 . 9 April 8 May Sheppard.. 15 22 Sept. 21 26 Dec. ^ .inlreland '6 4 . 64 Foot Ridding. 25 8 April 19 Aug. Patrick. Robert James Evelyn. Francis. 85 Foot Robertson. May 05 Robinson.^os 89 Foot 9 Feb. 3!) 15 Sept. William. Sampson. 25 24 Aug. 51 \ Robertson.. Rich. 12 25 May Rose. Royal Marines. . Archibald. Frederick. Unattached 8 Feb. Henry. 16 Mar. Portuguese Serv 27 May 02 6 April 09 9 June Rowan. . William.3'2 3 Dragoon Guards. 21 May 12 never Nov.. Engineers 20 Julv •"4 Oct. John George. 13 2 Nov. April 27 16 14 July 48 25 Mar. Scott. Royal Maiiiies Richardson. 31 May 21 Dec. Mark. OJan. nei'er never *Robertson. Rob. 08 7 April July 09 11 Nov. William. 20 Dec. Schalch. 27 Mar.Art 17 Dec. Richard. Marines Richardson. 94 3 Sept.'"^ 50 Foot 6 Mar. 25 Jan. 18 1 15 6 1 May 4 Oct. Savile. Art R.3»o 47 Foot II Dec. . ^^ 36 Foot 312a Ridgway. Savage. 18 Sept. John Muller. Unattached 5 Feb. June 50 Aug. 15 Sept 52 27 61 25 25 Dec. Unattached 29 Jan. Oct. 28 Oct. Stapleton. 31 July 21 Nov. . 1 PLACED ON HALF PAY. 22 Aug.^'" 13 June 05 Unattached 31® 18 Oct. 27 May 13 June 23 May Nov. 41 Oct. Spearman.^'* Portu2:uese Serv. Charles. Adj. Sutherland. 19 Dec.^-'' Royal Marines Stevenson. John Moore. . Welbore . Arch. 60 16 1814 Sept.''^'' Unattached Taylor. Dec. Thomas. Wm. 19 Nov. Royal Artillery . 18 Feb. 53 13 Mar. Nelson Fleming. Regt. 50 Nov. 28 22 May 38 19 Mar. Rifle Br Spry. 11 July 16 April 28 20 07 45 29 27 Aug. Royal Artillery OJuly Storey. Isaac. U/iattached Spencer. 14 Dec. Unattached JG Jan.^'-'^ Royal Marines Thompson. 25 4 Mar. July Aug. William . 30 April Stuart. . 28 June . James. 1 1 Oct. Roval Artillery Tench. Unattached 12 July Stuart. 7 F?b. 6 Jan. 17 Stewart. 3 Aug.^^ ISDrs ^3 Tench. 8 Foot 13 Thatcher. keeper. 15 Aug. Oct. VavghaJi. Tallan. 14 oOJuly 12 18 June 42 31 July 28 9 July 03 never never 1 Nov.^^* R. Unattached Smith. G West India Regt. IG *Still. 10 Foot • Terry. 82 Foot *Stapleton.."" 74 Foot • Terry. 19 Jan. Chelsea. Tves. James Morton. 6] Foot . Dec. George Walter. Stephens. 14 . Sullivan. 12 Foot 17 Feb. 42 24 Oct. 3 Nov. Rvves Nash. Royal Marines Spurin. 16 14 April 25 25 Dec. Daniel.^"^ Unattached Somerset. 4 MaV. 14 May 30 53 Aug. Henry. Stokes.. 2G July 19 Mar.''^' Royal Artillery Triscott. ^^^ Royal Marines Smith. June 4 June Sept. 25 May Feb. LIEUT. 45 21 Sept. Thomas Carr. Unattached . 17 Aug. 27 8 April 26 3 May 43 25 Sept. Rodolphe. Stuart.. 01 25 July 05 20 June 97 19 Nov. 17 June 3123 Steuart. Nathaniel Tyron. Art. 06 26 2 June 97'21 July 03126 7 Aug.CorsicanRan. 10 July 27 May 1 June 20 Dec. 25 Feb. Aug. Geo. George. .. 07 19 June 06 1 Feb. . 3G Foot 13 Toole. Joseph. 01 22 July 30 April 05 11 May 06 Aug. 53 Nov.\ Master. Edward. 38 J 9 Foot Swinton.^'^'' 5 Foot Stockenstrom. 01 Dec. 21 July Nov. 2'homas Bees. 25 Oct. 5 Dec. July July 19 Oct. 10 19 April 06 9 Nov. 1 Oct. 5 Dec. 9 July 13 June 05 26 Feb. 42 1 Jan. Stuart. 21 Nov.^-'' 3 Dragoons. Royal Artillery Smith.^^'' Unattached Stevens. 1 Jan.ii^. Lpwrence. 29 July 25 Dec. Geo.. 52 1 Aug. 21 25 Aug. James. 26 22 Nov. Unatt. Sterlinij. . 5 June 6 Nov. P 3 Oct. June 25 May July 29 July April 29 June Jan. 05 25 Aug. Richard. Wm. 26 Nov. Unattached G May Strangwayes. 38 25 Dec. Charles Robert. Engineers Tireman. Henry Stephen. Royal Artillery IGDec. Thomas. 51 Foot Tinling. 15 Mar.. John. 6 M^est 1. 27 Aug. 8 Feb. never never never never Steiger. 25 Aug. John. Oct.^^^ 89 Foot Thompson. Royal Marines. Aug. Jolin. 50 9 Aug. ETC. 28 Oct.'"! Royal Marines Ellis. James. John. John.336 40 poot Torriano. Chas. Aug. 351 ENSIGN. William. Straubenzee. Royal Staff Corps . 13 June 14 April 25 Sept. 1 Steward. 14 April 29 U Oct. Robert Churchill. Thompson. Duncan. Minhael Erlwarfl. 17 Aug. 39 Oct.^^^ Unattached Thomas. Aug. 15 Oct. 14 20 July 20 25 June 52 GJuly 30 21 Nov.. Royal Marines. 10 July 1 7 21 May G Jan. July Mar. 12 Sept. 14 2 Nov.. ^ . 1 Apiil 2 June 16 Dec. 28 Aug. May 61 24 July 25 Dec. Daniel.30 Oct. .. 3 Foot Stewart. Henry William. Aug. N. Willianj. Suckling. 13 Jan. Stapley.^'-^'' Unattached Stewart. Royal Artillery Tittle. Donald Wiiliam. 8 April 10 Jan. Mil. Store- Boyal Hospital. OJuly 1 50 Dec. Edward George.lohn.. John Morse. ^ . June 13 Mar. William Philip. 10 ^ Stewart. :)1 .^" Unattached Taylor. 25 Dec. Toby. Sweny. 15 Oct. C.. Dec. 10 Dec. John. Hon. Royal Staff" Corps 5 Oct.. William John. 07 9 25 April 06122 Oct. Strangways. oJuly 03 13 April 09 )3 Stewart.Jan. Strange. 9 June May 6 July Dec. July ID 1 12 6 Aug. 10 1 Sept. Joseph King. Unattached 7 Feb. 14 Oct.^" Royal Marines *Stanier. never never Aug. John. Charles Augustus. 13 Aug.^^* Unattached 9 July ^j) WHEN May 13 G June 34 1 Nov. 46 3 April 10 9 Sept. Hon. Sackville Z. 10 Dec. . 43 2 Ai)ril 29 1 . Henry. Plymouth Division \ Tom. 1 April 13 Aug. 38 23 July 18 25 Dec.. Henry. Stacker. Stephen. John Patrick. Barrack. 26 J uly >7 25 Oct. Feb. 27 28 Oct. 5 Aug. Anthony Cooingbtiui. I ^ ^ ^ ^ 27 3 Dec.333 Unattached Tobin. 28 July 08 7 28 Dec. Unattached Sinilh.. Unatt. Glouces. Unattached 10 Dec. 25 Dec.67rAnd.. '0 Nov.R. Unattached 11 Dec. Unatt IP Taylor.. Unatt 16 June Story. 30 June 23 Jan. Charles."'^ G Foot Stephens. 23 Nov. July Oct. 16 28 Sept. Edward. 25 June 44 26 June 46 9 5 Dec. 25 Oct. Thomas. CAPTAIN. Nov. Dec. R. 14 19 April 17 June 23 15 April 29 Oct. 48 31 Dec. Royal Engineers 14 Dec. Captains. IJobert. ^ WHEN PLACED ON LIEUT. Thomas George. Trower. 19 Jan. Royal Marines \^ Watkins.^^'' Royal Artillery 1 Jlay 09 17 June Tynte. 20 June 24 Feb. 57 Foot. 17 Dec. 27 1 Dec. 39I25 June 47 03|23Auff. of Mil. Joseph. Turner. John. Welchman. Ernest Christian. 30 Nov. 04 27 July Waters. Herbert Henry . 14 8 Oct. Edgar. 8 Nov.==« 9 Foot Wightman. 24 6 Nov.K PAY. Francis de. Canadian R. . 12 Nov.^" Unatt. 2 Dec. 1 1 Dec. 16 1 Sept. Adjutant Carmarthen Militia j 16 Jan. James. 26 04 13 39 . 15 July 27 Mav 12 Jan. Regt Wetherall. Art 15 Nov. 31 53 42 17 26 40 24 34 22 32 50 15 20 23 49 May 22 Oct. 46 28 !5 35 16 25 98 23 22 08 04 8 10 26 09 7 Oct. Mervin. 5 July 2 Sept.b. Walsh. 30 Oct. Trotter. 15 25 June 29 July 25 29 July 22 Oct. Moffat Douglas. R.^"' 11 Foot Williams. Charles. 12 Feb. Royal Artillery 1 Dec. 23 Nov. 38 16 April Urquhart. May 16 37 . Unattached • 21 June 33 22 May * Warner. 4 Ceylon Rejjt 1 Mar. GeorgieDrought. 5 July 13 July Walsh. 25 9 Nov. 4 Oct. Royal York Rangers 20 Oct. 18 June 13 July 19 Sept.. Cape Regt. 1 July Vincent. Unattached 18 Aug. J. Theodosius. 4 Mar.^'''t Royal Marines . Leonard Kilham. 31 Dec.^" R. Sept. Veitch. Osborne. Jan. 22 June 10 June 23 9 2 30 Aug. 10 Aug. William. 21 July 11 Mar. 23 25 Jan. 21 Feb. 25 22 Oct.. Mar. Unattached 30 Dec. 17 Mar. Richard William. ^ mA ^ ^ . April 46 14 Mar. ^D Visme. 29 June Vavasour. Ward. 29 Jul'y Vetch. Williams. R. 57 Foot Wilson. 14 Feb. Royal Marines 19 July 22 May Warburton. Lord. 11 19 Jan. George Briscoe. Stephen . 49 6 July 29 June 24 27 June 9 July 35 2 April 13 Aug. Wemyss.. 12 Feb. Joh?i.. 12 Jan. John. \$ Whitley. Eng. Fortescue. 5 Foot never never Warrington. James C. Bat. 43 Foot 5 Feb. James. Nov. Marines 14 July 28 26 May Ussher. 26 17 Dec.. 16 Dec. ^ . } 18 July 26 4 Dec. 6 May 17 May 12 July . John Henry Turner. ^5 Weliings. 22 Aug. Charles Birch. Dec. John. 14 Sept. never Vernon. 7 July 06 14 April Tuite. Insp. Thornhill. Unattached . Royal Marines Williamson. 76 Foot 13 Nov.. F. John Tudor. Ward. 30 May 14 Miir. William Nowell. Walker. Staff Corps Willan.Royal Marines Wilson. Richard. 9 Aug. James. Varlo. 28 July 16 July 3 Dec. R. 25 5 F. 29 Aug. Nov.='«o 48 Foot Wilford. 16 June 03 2 June Watson. R. 12 May 25 6 July 2 Dee. R. Lewis Edward. 2 Mar. \ 4 Nov. Eng. Mar. Adj. Thomas. . 98 22 Nov. George. . Leicester Viney Samwell. Royal Marines 18 June 93 24 April Vaughan. July July Mar. Artillery 21 June 17 Mar.352 Captains. 15 Aui 48 27 Nov. T.^^* Unattached ffi2i Wells. 12 Dec. Artillery Willard. 1 Aug. ^ 8 05 6 June 45 4 Sept. Wm. Tweedie. 4 Dec. 12 Jan. John. 22 26 9 28 . April July Dee. William. vo 1 May Warde. 11 April 9 Feb. j Ward. 32 13 Jan. 28 June 7 April 31 Aug. Eugene James. 25 Oct. R. R. 28 Jan. 13Dec. 5 Foot. George. 15 June 9 Aug.^*'' Royal Engineers 1 Mar. 14 25 Dec. W. 31 23 Mar. 31 22 Dec.^" 43 Foot . 11 Dec.^*^ 43 poot. 28 June 12 Dec. 25 Feb. Unattached. Engineers 23 Feb. ^^° Royal Marines Webb. 25 Sept. 31 Jan. 03 Tuclicr. George. Unattached 10 July 17 Aug. 34 31 May Turner. . July 19 Jan.^'^ 21 Dragoons 1 1 April 09 26 April 24 Sept. 25 6 Sept. Welch. 15 July . 8 Julv Vernon. Geo. Robert. ETC. ^^^ Royal Marines . 15 June 30 Dec. Dec. 22 .. 21 7 Mar.'"^ 60 Foot Wake. James. George. Unattached West. HAI. 19 Mar. Ventry. 20 Dec. Thomas. 11 July 49 22 April 26 June 1 July 8 Aug. ^ 26 Aug. 8 Aug. Feb. 10 Nov. 20 Mar.^" Unattached 30 May 09 31 July Vane.. 17 Oct. John. 41 ^ . William.^'^ 37 1 Dec.^°. 05 19 May Webb.'" R. 08 1 Nov. 5 June 19 May 28 Nov.. William. Unattached .3<« 7 West India Regt. James. 11 R.. 51 \ Unattached . 19 Mar. Anthony. 28 Jan. 24 Foot 17 Sept. Michael. 10 April 11 May 15 Aug. 46jll Mar. James. R. Vaughan. William. Unattached Wills. 16 32 9 May 43 29 Dec. \ 18 June 35 18 Aug. Thomas Lake. . Kent Artillery Militia 5i3J Webster. 15 9 Aug.^'* Royal Artillery . 98 1 Dec. 9 Feb. Vet. Unattached 7 Feb. 17 Dec.. Sub.'^^ Royal Artillery Trotter. 17 June 13 June 6 July ^1 Walker. . 3 April 10 Aug. 26 24 Oct. 24 Foot 14 Sept. Cajitain. Wharton. 21 April 27 Ausr. CORNET. T. West India Rangers. 27 July 14 1 Nov. Arcm. 26 Oct.^''^ Royal Marines . Royal Artillery Walter. Edward. 25 Oct. William. Fitz William. 15 Oct. Richard. Cornwall and Devon Miners.- ^ 26 Nor. R. 16 July 25 May 21 June 8 Mar. 17 25 52 34 41 20 16 14 19 April 31 19 April 31 1 April 9 July 50 1 Dec. 121 1 June 17 June 13 25 Feb. Robert Knox.^^Royed Marines 31 Aug. John. Coldstream Gds Wilson. 49 16 Feb. Thomas. . Charles Kemyes Keniyes. 44 53 14 23 Mar. Bowater Henry. African Corps 10 April 22 April Walker.3so Unattached Whalley. 6 Sept. 29 10 July 12 4 June 27 12 13 41 WHEN PLACED ON HALF PAY. 39 1 May 43 9 April 25 21 May 26 21 May 41 J Gustavus Nigel K. Captain Unatt. 8 Mar. Chatham Divisioji 5 Wood. Wilson. . Wyit7i. Royal Marines 11 July 5 Feb. 6 Aug. Wishart. Ens. Royal Marines. 05 31 July Ban-achiiaster. Woodford. 25 Dec. Yonge. 41 10 Jan. Unattached 30 Dec. 46 47 37 1 1 Feb.. Witts. Royal Artillery Wynter. 6 Nov. Captains. Royal Artillery Wynne. Royal Marines |9 Wrixon. Unattached 5 Nov. 19 April 36 24 12 Dec. Young. Joseph Fraser. 09 13 Aug Woodward. John. John. [Juattached 11 2 April 03 25 Oct. Wise. 27 17 May 31 23 Nov. 26 July 27 95 11 Jan. 31 05 31 July 30 Sept. Wrifrht. 20 25 Nov. 53. Invalids. John'Hoskin. 30 June 25 1 Aug. 27 08 1 Mar. 32 5 June 35 15 April 44 16 Dec. . Joseph Smytli. 26 31 July 11 May 38 1 Nov. Unattached. 30 23 Nov. 08 14 Dec. ^ Omitted hi h. 28 1 Oct.Unatt.. 13 1 May 6 May 42 11 6 Nov. 08 30 Sept. R. 25 Sept. Royal Artillery faptain Henry Piercy. Henry. Lieut. Wood.. 20 1 Aug. 09 5 Nov. Thomas. 20 27 14 14 47 21 13 June 32 51 30 Aug. George. Jiichard. 33 37 7 Dec. Samuel.. 353 ENSIGN. CAPTAIN.. Brigade Major at Birndnghain . Robert.. ETC. Royal Artillery Wyatt. HenryBiickley Jenner. 6 May 4 April 1113 May 29 Oct. 14 Jan. its 23 Jan. Kenelm Chandler. 39 Foot . 43 25 12 July 33 12 40 6 June 51 12 3 Aug. 53 40 4 Aug. Young. 34 29 June 37 1 Jan.^'^'' 17 Dragoons 22 Dec.. 48 28 30 Dec. William. Veteran Batt.. 07| 1 Feb. James. 33 31 Dec. Royal Artillery Wyndham. Unattached 5 April 10 10 June 11 13 Feb.^*'^ 8 R. 16 Mar. Unattached William. 3 April 94 27 May 13 Feb. Robert. 05 26 May 08 6 Sept. Marines Wright. Unattached 3 Jan. 39 26 July 31 22 Jan. Captain Piercy served with the 2nd throughout the campaign in Affghanistan and Beloochistan in 1838-9 and was present at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal) and of Khelat. Capfai?i } of Sandoicn Fort \ Wynne. 00 20 Dec. lH Foot •21 Feb. 29 proper place. John. never never 25 Dec. 39. John. Wright. and the investment and capture of the Forts Monohur and Munsuntosh. PWindham. 13 17 July 23 29 Oct Woods.. 53 41 19 Mar. 39 25 Mar. Nicholas. 42 28 Sept. 9 March 38.^'^" 3 Dragoons 10 July 37 16 Nov. 88 Foot Plomer J.^«9R. *Winnington. 27 13 Aug. including the storming of several Stockades. 21 28 Jan. ^ 4 July 15 03 Aug. '1 ^ P ^ Worliman.^^^ Royal Marines 12 May 90 Nov 99 27 July Wolrige. Hen. Royal Artillery Wynyard."" Unattached Wulff. 06 28 Dec. Wadham. 22 Aug. 08 12 July 28 Feb."' 9 Foot Henry.-^' Royal Marines 25 April 1214 Mity 31 13 Nov. Young. 29ilOMay 33 12 June . Unattached James. Charles Robert. 2 Dec.. Also the Campaign of 1844-5 in the Southern Concan and Sawant Warree Country. 26 3 Nov. JefTreys. 11 Oct. Young. Alexander. p. 14 Nov. LIEUT. 45 53 25 Mar. Sir William. Alex. 52 31 13 Nov. 13 July 21 6 Sept. 4 Peb. Anker. Baird. Ambrose A. 15 Foot 14 Nov. — and Nivelle. Has been awarded both the Navy and Army War Medals with four Clasps. at the siege of Cadiz and Battle of Barrosa. and Salamanca. War Medal with five Clasps for Talavera. and served with the army in the Deccan the campaigns of 1817. and 31st July 1813). 1811 to Feb. 1812 to the end of the war in 1814. 12. In 1797 he was at the capture of Trinidad. 1810. Maya Pass. and Toulouse. and was present at the attack and surrender of the fortress of St. 6 Captain Alpe served in the Peninsula with the 4th Dragoons. and the affair of Ashtee. tations of the thigh. Palais. and other minor actions and skirmishes. storming the He has received forts and battle of Salamanca. 4 Captain Agnew served with the 8'2nd during the Peninsular campaigns of 1808. 18 Captain Valentine Beadon served off" the coast of France from 1811 to 1814. Albuhera. St. and has received the. passage of the Chenab. In 1801 he served under Lord Nelson at the battle of Copenhagen. 22 Captain Beverhoudt served at the capture of Guadaloupe. the retreat on the 17th. In 1806 he commanded the Intrepid's Marines in the attack upon Capri. . and Spanish Coloniea 1795. from Sept. Jean d'Acre on the 1 Captain .) has received the War Medal with five Clasps for Busaco. and was present at the cap- . Served with Sir John Doveton's force in pursuit of the Peishwa . in 1815. Fuentps d'Onor. cutting out gunboats on the coast of Calabria in 1811. Pyrenees. 26 Captain Bl^nd served in the Mahratta war with the Royals. and was present in various boat actions. 3rd November 1840. 88 F. including the Dwarka. Ciudad Rodrigo. Anjar Khuncoote. and 13. from July 1809 to Jan. including the battle of Talavera. the siege of Asseerghur in 1819. 10 Captain Apthorp served with the 14th Light Dragoons throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. and (Medal and Clasp). Served on board the Weazle brig. capture of Paris. and in the 4th Dragoons on the retreat from Burgos: War Medal with one Clasp for Barrosa. 18. Nive. 12 Captain Robert Armstrong served in the Peninsula with the 61st. 1814. Embarked to join the 2nd battalion in the East Indies. and has received the Naval War Meda! with one Clasp. 30th. Nivelle and Toulouse. battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat. Nivelle. and Toulouse. 11 Captain John Armstrong (h. Badajoz. and blockade of Pampeluna. 13 Captain Robert Baker has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Java. 16 Captain Baynes served in the Peninsula. 17 Captain Richard Beadon served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. 15 Captain Bar well has received tbe War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. including the battles of Vittoria (wounded). the pursuit of the Nagpore Rajah . 8 Captain Anton has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Martinique and Guadaloupe. battle of Talavera. siege of Burgos. and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. including the action of Ramnuggur (with the charging squadrons). through the Khyber Pass. and in 1799 at the reduction of in the West Indies. for which he has received the silver War Medal with one Clasp. 29th. In 1809 he served and in the following year he was wounded at at the reduction of Martinique and the Saintes the attack upon Guadaloupe. and 18. and he was afterwards present at the defence of Gaeta. Aire. where his leg was so severely fractured as to require three separate ampuHe has received the War Medal with two Clasps. He has received tbe War Medal with six Clasps. 25 Captain Blacklin served with the 3rd battalion Royals at Quatre Bras 16th June. and was present at the capture of the Forts of Joosin. and with the army of occupation inFrance in 1815 and 1816. Surinam. Bayonne.p. Medal for Poonah. 17. including the battles of the Pyrenees (30th July). 3 Captain George Adams has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Ma'da.354 War Services of the Captains. 7 Captain Andros served with the 65th during the campaigns of 1814 and 15 in Guzerat and Kutcb. Vittoria. . the Pyrenees (28th. Dhingee. battle of Nagpore. 21 Captain Berry served nearly five years with the army in Sicily. Served also the campaign of 1815. 5 Captain Alexander served in the Peninsula and South of France from 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. Abbott served in Lord Bridport's action with the French fleet on the 23d June In the following jear he was at the reduction of the French. and Served also throughout the Mahratta campaigns of 1816. and was present at the capture of Oporto. for which ho has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Salamanca. and subsequent affairs also at the battle of Vittoria. pursuit of the enemy across the Jhelum. and was present at the taking of the islands of Ischia and Procida. the War Medal with two Clasps. of the Affghans over the Indus. 9. and 19 . and commanded the leading company at the assault. Tarbes. 24 Captain Bishop has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Vittoria. In 1815 he was at the capture of Naples and Gaeta and in 1824 severely engaged with pirates in the West Indies. Orthes. at Waterloo on the 18th (at which last he was wounded). and again from Oct. Subsequently he was engaged in various minor affairs with batteries and gunboats off Tarifa in the Straits of Gibraltar. 14 Captain Barrett has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Martinique and Guadaloupe. 9 Captain Appleton served in the battalion of Marines in co-operation with the allied forces in Syria. Dutch. Has received the battle before and subsequent capture of Poonah. 20 Captain the Honorable William Smyth Bernard served in the Peninsula in the 67th Regt. 23 Captain Birch served at the defence of Cadiz. p. He acted as Aide-de-camp to Sir Harry Smith at M'lodkee and Jferozeshab. and served during the campaigns of 1808. and New Orleans. i [ War 365 Services of the Captains. capture of Washington. Tarbes. 27 Captain Blennerhasset served with th^ 73d in the campaign of 1815. Salamanca. Browne landed with the first expediting to Portugal on the 3rd Aug. 44 Captain William Cameron has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Maida. R 2 . and 1 1 th Dec. Fuentes d'Onor. battles of Fuentes d'Onor and Salamanca. •28 Captain A. Pyrenees. the 3l5t at 29 Captain Boyes served in the American war with the 85th.. siege of Olivenf^-a. S. the Hill Forts in Candeish. 9. Clasp for Talavera. (9th. in 1807 and subsequently in the Peninsula from Jan. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. on the coast of France. including the defence of Cadiz. capture of Campo Mayor. wounded at Quatre Bras. siege of Burgos. and Salamanca. 1809 to 1811. he commanded the light company of the 40th. and affair of Villa Muriel on the retreat from Burgos. battles of Talavera and Busaco. 1808. as a lieutenant in the 40tb. 26 F. battle of Salamanca. 31 Captain Brander served the campaign of 1815 with the 1st Dragoon Guards. 47 Captain William Campbell served in the Peninsula with the 30th from August 1811 to June 1813. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. 43 Captain Joseph Burton served the Egyptian campaign of 1807. Baltimore. and Sobraon wounded). 1800. battle of Busaco (slightly wounded). 34 Captain Robert Onslow Bridge served with the expeditionary force in China (Medal). action of Foz d'Arouce. 52 Captain Caulfield served in the Mediterranean and the Peninsula with the 44th from April 1806 to the end of that war in 1814. and North and South Ameriea from 1812 to 1815. Buddiwal. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. capture of Madrid and subsequent retreat into Portugal. Nive. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo .) served at New Orleans with the 5th West India regt. actions at Haltimore and New Orleans. wounded in severely was and ghaum. 10. Pownghur. Nivelle. 55 Sir William Gierke served with the 5-2d Light Infantry in the Peninsula. the retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras. siege of Burgos. and has received tlie silver War Medal with eight Clasps for Talavera. 49 Captain Carr served in the North Sea. 39 Captain Burges served in the Peninsula. capture of Lisbon. Bolton served the campaign on the ISutlej (Medal and three Clasps). 45 Captain Duncan Campbell receiv« d several sabre wounds in cutting out the San Josef from under the protection of a fort on the 27th Oct. and was present at the battles of Vimiera. 30 Captain I3iabazon served in the Peninsula and South of France with the 83rd. advance to Mwdrid. and has received the War Jledal with three Clasps for Nivelle. 38 Captain the Honourable T. During the Kaodian insurrection in Ceylon in 1818 and 19. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Fuentes d'Onor. 35 Captain Broughton served in the Peninsula with the 9th. including the storming of Badjjoz. Received a contusion on the head from a matchlock ball at Nullythe leg at Asseerghur. Munnahur. Nive. and Flanders. 50 Captain Carruthers served in the Peninsula with the 48rd during the campaigns of 1813 and 14. and was Adjutant of (severely Aliwal. Nivelle. France. including the attack on Chuenpee and operations before Canton in 1841. including the aiHions of Bladcn-burg. and at the battle of Salamanca. Served also in the American war. 1849 he was severely wounded on the 16th Jan. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. and he was subsequently at the taking of the heights of Genoa. at Waterloo. Served with the 38th in Ava in 1825. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. lines of Torres Vedras. and Munsuntosh. . Burton served on the eastern coast of Spain from March 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. 48 Captain Carnigie served in Portugal from Nov. C. and was severely wounded He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Nivelle and Nive. and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras nnd Waterloo. Was afterwards present at Panulla. battles of Served also the campaign of 1815. 46 Captain John Campbell (h. and was present in the action at Plattsburg. Vittoiia. Commanded two companies of the Royals at the taking of tures of Nagpore and Asscerghur. 1813). 33 Captain Brine served with the 32d Regiment in the second siege operations before Mooltan (Medal). at which last he was slightly wounded. including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. and was present ft( the battles of the Nivelle. and Toulouse. and was severely the Pyrenees. including the storm and capture of the city on the 2d Jan. 42 Capiain J. 11. 41 Captain Burnett has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Guadaloupe. 37 Captain Thomas Brown served with the 79th at the siege of Copenhagen. and was present at the siege of Flushing. and the Islands of Ischia and Procida also the siege of Tarragona. and Touloiise. 1 0th. 40 Captain Alexander Burke served in the American war with the 8th. 32 Captain Brenan served throughout the operations in Scinde (medal). and Orthes. action of Redinha. pursuit of Massena. and was present in the action at Bladensburg. including the captures of Santa ^Maura. and Toulouse : . Albuliera. first and third sieges of Badajoz. 53 Captain Chancellor has receiv(d the War iltdal and on*. Busaco. Nive. including the destruction of Imaumgur and the battles of Meeanee and Hyderabad (severely wounded). and ] 2. 54 Captain Chapman served with the expedition to Walcheren. He has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. Orthes. third siege and capture of Badajoz (wounded at the assault). then besieged. 5th July 1807. Pampeluna. occupation of them. and was present at the investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. and in the battles of Meeanee and Hyderabad (severely wounded).41 st Foot) has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Talavera. Vittoria. and was slightly wounded at Waterloo. Also the campaign of 1815. and was present at the batile of Waterloo and capture of Paris. and the attack on Bergenop-Zoom. and was present at the battles of Corunna. 7 Captain Charles Cox (h. 72 Captain Curtis served at Walcheren in 1809. 74t Captain Henry John Davies served with the 32nd Regt. Cockburne was detached from Gibraltar for the defence of Tarifain 1811 and 12. and commanded the troops at Sisi during the insurrection of 1849. and Sobraon. and was present at the attack of Ter Vere . 70 Captain Courtenay served in the Peninsula from 1811 until severely wounded in the Pyrenees in 1813. Artillery in Flanders. 58 Captain Wm. leaving their guns behind. battle of Vittoria. capture of Madrid. 57 Captain R. Colthurst served in the Peninsula. and Hasparen. Fuentes d'Onor. and passage of the Bidassoa. and siege of Flushing. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. and also as having taken the first colour from the enemy at the battle of Hyderabad.p. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Vittoria. Embarked afterwards for America. battle of Toulouse. where he served until the termination of the war with the United States. battles of Nivelle. 62 Captain Conrady served at the taking of Kandy and the Kandian provinces in Ceylon. also 69 Captain Cotton served at the capture of the islands of Ischia and Prooida. and the Pyrenees. Also at the suppression of the rebellion in 1817 and 18. and Orthes (wounded) actions at Vic Bigorre. and was present in the battles of Moodkee. and on three occasions defeated the insurgents. the action of El Bodon. and San Milan.<joz. He has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. 61 Captain Colville embarked in 1810 with the Guards for Cadiz.tona. 63 Captain Jervis Cook served at the capture of Martinique in 1809 and cutting out the French brig Nisus. including their night attack on the village of Aggupader. Served also the campaign of 1815. the two sieges of San Sebastian. including the retreat from Busaco to the Lines of Torres Vedras. 56 Captain Robert Cochrane served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade from August 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. including the He has received the War battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Salamanca. 66 Captain David Cooper served in the Peninsula with the 3rd Foot Guards from September 1810 to July 1813. battle of Salamanca. 67 Captain Henry J. second siege of Bad. and slightly in the lefc breast at Waterloo. and was present at the destruction oflmaumghur. for which he has received a Medal and two Clasps. Nive. at the 2nd siege operations . He served also the campaign of 1815. and was present at the battles of Busaco. 68 Captain Costly served in the Peninsula with the 45th. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. in 1809 at the siege of Genoa. to Lord Lynedoch. 65 Captain Cookes served in the 3d Light Dragoons during the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6.p3. and was present at the battles of Corunna and Salamanca. in 1815. in 1814. Ferozeshah. Served afterwards in the American war. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. and various other minor affairs. and the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. Pyrenees. action at El Bodon. 60 Captain James R. action at Sabugal. San Munos. Vittoria. At the destruction of Loire and Sei7ie at Ance la Barque. and Clasps. he then proceeded to Holland. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. severely at Waterloo. passage of the Bidassoa. and was present at "Waterloo. Sir William has received the War Medal with four Clat. and was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras. and the capture of Paris. battle of Fuentes d'Onor.1 356 War Services of the Captains. Severely wounded in the left arm at Vera. jNIortimer Cochrane served on the frontiers of the United States throughout the last war with America. Medal with three Clasps. siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo. siege of Burgos. Nivelle. and was present at the affair of Merxem. He served with the 36th in the Ionian Islands from 1849 until 1851. and Nive. and was present in the action in Plattsburg. and attached to the (War Medal with three Clasps). and was present at the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. Niagara. At the defence of Cadiz in 1809 and 10. 74 Captain David Davies served in the Peninsula with the 32nd. H. and Fort Erie. and subsequently with the Army of Occupation. Coote served with the 22nd throughout the operations in Scinde (Medal) tinder Sir Charles Napier. and action at the bridge of Vera. Served subsequently in the Peninsula to the end of that war in 1814. Tarbes. battles of Salamanca. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. when the French were defeated. He was mentioned in orders as being the first man who entered the ememy's entrenched position. On the north coast of Spain and in the Gironde. 59 Captain Colby served at Walcheren in 1809. Served also in the campaign of 1815. for which he has received the War Medal with four He served also the campaign of 1815. . advance through Portugal. battle of Vir. and was preHe served afterwards with the Peninsular army as Aide-de-Camp sent at the battle of Barrosa. actions of Aranjuez. including the operations at Fort George. 73 Captain Davern served with the 88th at the attack on Buenos Ayres. including the pursuit of the French from the Lines of Torres Vedras. and the Pyrenees. including the defence of C?idiz. and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz: he has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. subsequent campaigns in the Peninsula. siege of Flushing. Served also with the Royal Marine Battalion at the camp at D'Jouni. Nive. He served in the campaign under Sir John Moore and on the retreat to Corunna. A . He has received the silver W^ar Medal with one Clasp for Egypt. also in the actions before Goaiue and before Ghuznee occupation and destruction of that fortress and of Cabool . in 1813.War 357 Services of the Captains. 1817 76 Captain William Davis was landed in 1809 at Mahon. in 1841 and 42 and he acted as Aide-de-camp to Mujor. 2nd and 6th October. taking of Fort Rahmania together v»ith about 800 French troops coming to its relief surrender of Grand Cairo and of Alexandria. expedition into Kohistan storm. and a portion Served also in the Burmese war under Sir Archibald Campbell. Also at the capture of Genoa. coast of Spain. for which he has received tho War Medal with three Clasps . He next served the Egyptian campaign of 1801 (medal). besides several other small forts:. before Mooltan. during which period he was repeatedly engaged in action against the enemy both on land and in boats. including the taking of Loghur. and was present at the battles of Nivelle. be landed. . &c. tracked up the Indus. capture. surrender of Bey rout. where. 1851 to June 1852. 1842. sailed with the 2nd (Queen's) on the expedition to the Helder in 1799. including the storming and capture of Sidon. 77 Captain Lo7-d De Blaquiere served with the 41st throughout the campaign of 1842 in Affgbanistan. off Rochfort." 7S Captain de Teissier served in Scinde. when one gunboat and thirteen of the enemy's vessels dt-eply luden were captured. in 1813. 29th March following. as a volunteer. cutting out. and was present at the battles of Salamanca. 1813. Ghuznee. of the French 44 gun frigate Libre. On the 4th Oct. . Present at the siege and capture of fort Santa Maria. after serving in Ireland in the Rebellion in 1798. at the cutting out of an armed Xybec from under the fort and tower of Orbitello. . 88 Captain Drewry served in the Peninsula with the 5tb. under Sir Charles Napier. 80 Captain J. At the landing uf the Itilian Levy at Via Keggio. in command of a detachment. bombardment and fall of St. in Minorca. At the capture of the island of Pouza. and of the nose and jaw-bone. in 1840 and 41. During the late campaign on the coast of Syria. and at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasps). for which he has received the silver War Medal with one Clasp. near La Civtat. At the blockading of the French fleet off Brest. when carrying the King's colour: he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. Rhygur. and he was severely wonnded at the storming of Raree. including the attack on the suburbs on the 27 th Dec. off Muros Bay. 85 Captain Dowdall served the Mahratta campaigns of 1818 and 19. for which he has received the Medal. 21st Dec. Rarte. and was present in the battles of the 19th Sept. in the 76th regt. at which last he was severely wounded in the right arm by a musket ball. . Hindostan in the North Sea. 1810 promoted to Lieut. in 1804. ineluding the action on the landing. 86 Captain James Dowman served at the defence of Cadiz in 1810. and 12. In 1808 he was gazetted to an Ensigncy in the 32nd Foot. M. He has received the Medal inscribed " Candahar. At the capture of a castle near Spizzia. Kooaree. actions of the 13th and 21st March. he received a severe wound by a rifle bill. 75 Ciiptain Alfred Davis was present with a squadron of the 22nd Light Dragoons at the and at the taking of Talreir in 1818. Marines on board H. was severely wounded in storming the Dalla stockades near Rangoon on the 9th Dec. 84 Captain Joseph Douglas served as 2nd Lieut. in the right thigh. supported by 30 Cavalry. At the capture and destruction of a fort on Isle Verte. and Toulouse. Orthes. in the 45tb. . At the landing near Leghorn. under Lord William Bentinck. as a volunteer in the storming of the fort protecting the anchorage at Marinello. Also present at the surrender of the fort and garrison of Cheniote. with a detachment of Marines. Captain Dowdall commanded and led the Light Company of the 89th to five different storms. Served also in the Light Company of the 17th during the campaign in Aftghanistan and Beloocliistan. with which Regiment he served the Peninsular campaigns of 1813 and 14. and was present at the storm and capture of the forr esses of Ghuznee and Khelat. Isapoor. storm and capture of the city. and was present in the engagements of the 28th March and 28th April in the Pisheen Valley. received a sabre wound from the charge of Cavalry. Jean d'Acre. 490 tons. Dick served with the 43d Light Infantry in the Kaffir War from Dec. when 270 Marines charged and defeated between 600 and 700 French Infantry. blockade of Aboukir.. 83 Captain Dure served in the Buffs in the battle of Punniar (Medal). having sustained the total loss ot the right eye. in command of a detachment of Marines. battle of Mdheidpore. On 24th Nov. 25th March 1814. and stormed and captured one of the batteries. Julien.General Dennis in the action at Maharajpore on the 29th Dec. and ascent of the Scheldt. 11. Cabul. bombardment and surrender of Fort St. 1813. and surrender of the fortress. On 4th June 1805 was employed in the boats of the Loire cutting out the boats of the Conjiance. and the following year served on the Walcheren expedition. 1843. 1848. 1st June 1812. 79 Captain Devon was Adjutant of the Artillery Companies of the Royal Marines serving in North America during the war in 1813-14. R. watching the movements of the Dutch Fleet. 81 Captain John Dick served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. In Dec. On the 8th May 1813. 1805 on board the Loire during the engagement with and capture. 1824. and Toulouse. and storming two batteries under Sir James Yeo (Medal). off Texel. 87 Captain John Dowman served with the 40th throughout the operations in Candahar and in Affghanistan. and one gun-boat sunk. to prevent the prisoners of war in the Lazaretto from rising and effecting their escape during a Mutiny of the Spanish Walloon Guards. protecting the stores and ammunition of tlie army. Orthes. in Dec. as a volunteer. and destruction of Istaliff and the various minor affairs in and between the Bolan and the Khyber Passes. 82 Captain Timothy Dillon. S. the P_) rtnee?. until taken prisoner of war in Oct. includingthe action at Alba de Tormes. including the capture of Moose Island. and was present at the battles of Talavera. Vittoria. 91 Captain Drysdale was present with the 27th at the taking of the islands of Ischia aiid Procida. bombardment of the shipping at Antwerp. and Flanders with thelSth Dragoons. Served aftersvards in Spain from 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. and battle of Toulouse. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and 37. and was on board H. 104 Captain James Evans served at Walcheren. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Belgium. 106 Captain Fayerman served with the Royal Marine Battalion iu Egypt under Sir Ralph Abercromby in 1801. Vittoria. 105 Captain Falkiner served in the Peninsula with the 61st. 101 Captain Emerson served with the 35th at the taking of Santa Maura. and was wounded in the battle of Sobraon (Medal). the P_yrenees. . Toulouse. Pyrenees. and at the taking of the Ionian Islands. and investment of Bayonne he has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Vittoria. 100 Captain Hercules Ellis served in the Peninsula with the 88 th. including the attack on Merxem. Chapoo. including the first siege of Badajoz. 1812. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. action of Garris. at the capture of Genoa. 104t Captain Fairtluugh served with the 55th on the China expedition (Medal). and was present at the battle of Salamanca. and ToiUouse. 107 Captain J. and was present at the capture of Paris. and was slightly wounded at the battle of T^ilavera. 109 Captain Foot served the campaign of 1814 and 15 in Holland. for which he has received the silver War Medal with one Clasp. and capture of Paris he has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse.Vittoria. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. and has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Barrosa. Defence at the battle of . S. 103 Captain A.- : Trafalgar. 90 Captain Drummond served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 with the 82ad. and blockade of Barcelona. . and was present at the battle of Vittoria. 36. Sebastian. of Waterloo. Fischer was Senior Lieutenant and Quarter-master at the defence of Anbalt by the Royal Marines in 1811. battles of Biar and Castalla. Shanghae. 94 Captain Dyer served the campaign of 1842 in AfFghanistan (medal) with the 3rd Light Dragoons. He served also the catDpaign of 1815. and was present at the battle of Vittoria. France. storming of the enemy's outpusts. St. 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. Vic Bigorre. and Salamanca. France. Nivelle. in 1809. San He served also the campaign of 1815. Sebastian. 110 Captaiu Charles Ford served at the siege of Flushing. and was present at the battles of Victoria. and battles of Busaco. and battle of Waterloo. including the battle Sebastian. in 1818. 108 Captain Fitzgerald served in the Anglo-Spanish Legion during 1835. and Nive. M. the Pyrenees. and has received the Egyptian Gold Medal and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. 102 Captain Enderby served with the 22nd Light Dragoons at Belgaum and Sholapore. Busaco. attack on Bergen-opiZoom. and with the 16ih Lancers at Bhurtpore in 1825-6. 99 Captain William Elliott served with the 2nd Life Guards in the Peninsula. and has received twO crosses and a medal for his conduct and services. and Flanders. at Pam|jeluna. Also iii the American war. 93 Captain Dusautoy served at Walchtr^n. Orthes. in 1809. from March 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. Woosung.rank of Captain and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. and has received the War Medal with five Clasps tor Albuhera. France. 111 Captain William Furd (Royal Marines) served at the island of Anholt. and at Nyburg. Chusan. 28th July 1809. in 1811 and he was at the capture of three Danish luggers from under the batteries. Nivelle. In addition to the above he served three years in the royal navy as midshipman. battles of Vittoria. 95 Captain Eaton served in the Peninsula. Nivellr. N. 107t Captain Ferris served in the Burmese war in 1825-26 (Jledal). and was present at Amoy. 112 Captain William Forde (Unattached) served with the 15th at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810.358 fVar Services of the Captains. and the Pyrenees. 103t Captaia Henry Roe Evans served with the 10th regiment in the Sutlej campaign in 1846. 106 1 Sir Adam Ferguson served in the Peninsula with the 58th from 1809. 89 Captain Drought served in the Peninsula. 1813 to June 1814. and Toulouse. engagement at the Pass of Ordai. 96 Captain Edmonds served in the Peninsula with the 66th from March 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. siege of Tarragona. and Orthes. siege of San Sebastian. passage of the Bidassoa and of the Adour. and was present at the siege of Flushing. in 1814. 97 Captain Edwardes served in the Peninsula from Jan. and Nive. Chinhae (including the night attack). He was severely wounied in the action of the 5th May near St. battle of Orthes. and in two partial actions with French Fleets off Toulon and Marseilles. FitzGerald Evans served in the Peninsula with the 5th battalion of the 60th from Sept. and France. Nivelle. Waterloo. for which he received the Brevet. and Tarbes. Fuentesd'Onor. and Chin Keang Fuo. actions of Lembege. 92 Captain Duncan served with the expedition to Bremen in Germany in 1805. Orthes. and Flanders with the Ritie Brigade. and at New Orleans. including the taking of Alcoy. 27th Aug. Vittoria. 1835. for which he has received the War Medal with fonr Clasps. Served also in the Peninsula from Sept. battles of the Pyrenees. Y. Served afterwards at the capture of Travancore in 1809 of Bourbon and the Isle of France in 1810 and of Java in 1811. the War Medal with seven Clasps. two Clasps for Fuentes d'Onor and Badajoz. actions near Usagre (wounded in the right hand) and Llerena. and was severely wounded in the leg at the battle of Salamanca. and with the Army of Occupation in France. Stewart's Rock. . where he was severely wounded in the foot by a urape shot. present at Vittoria. 1 14 Cuptain Foulston served during the Kandian war in Ceylon in 1803. including the battle of Corunna. 8th Sept. and 30lh July Pass of Maya. forcing the enemy out of Llerena on the night of the 25th March 1812. Maya Pass (twice wounded). at the Nivelle. destined for the reduction of Isle de la Passe. Campaign of 1815. 1803. 1815. 125 Captain George served with the second battalion of the 44th in the campaigns of 1810 and 11. Nive. investment and siege of Burgos. for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. on which last occasion he was wounded in four places by musket balls. Nive. 29th. retreat from thence. 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. 1816. Fuller served at the siege of Copenhagen. from 12th Dec. T. In 1815 he also at the capture was present with the Fusiliers during the operations before New Orleans He has received the War Medal with of Paris. and 31st July. and was present at the battles of Talavera. besides various minor affairs and skirmishes. He also served nine years in India. 123 Captain Gascoyne served in the Peninsula with the 83rd from 1809 to 1813. 1813 to 22nd Feb. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. and Toulouse. Bayonne. Medal with two Clasps for Busaco and Salamanca. battles of Talavera. battles of the Nivelle and Nive. the Nive. and was taken prisoner at the surrender of that ship after a most severe action with a French squadron on the 23rd Aug. . and Salamanca. in 1807 and at the bombardment of Algiers. during the revolution in Dec. Nivelle. list Captain Thomas Fraser (Royal Marines) was presented with a piece of plate by the Merchants on the occasion of his being landed for the protection of British property at Lima. . including the defence of Cadiz. 115 Captain Thomas Fraser (83rd Foot) was present at the operations before Ter Vere and Flushing in 1809. 127 Captain F. in 1807 . At the capture of Kandy in Ceylon on the 3rd Feb. . Orthes. and Toulouse. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Nivelle. In 1812. affair with the enemy's cavalry 21st June.War 359 Services of the Captains. blockade of Bayonne. Pyrenees. and has received the War Medal with six Clasps. Orthes. at Arroyo de Molino. 121 Captain Fyfe served with the 92d with the expedition under Sir John Moore to Sweden He next in 1808. He served also in the Peninsula from Sept. 1813 until the end of that war. from 1811 to 1814. — . when the place was in possession of tlie rebels. and capture of the French rear-guard on the following day captures of Madrid and Valladolid. and on the 18th of the same month drove the King of Kandy into the hands of a force which took him prisoner. Was embarked with a detachment on board the Ntreide frigate under Sir Nisbet Willoughby. He was also Garris. 113 Captain Forster served with the expedition to Copenhagen. Salamanca. Pampeluna. Served in the subsequent rebellion during 1817 and 18. 29 Dec. served on the Walcheren expedition. Since the Peace of 1815 he served eight years in the Mediterranean and wa^ an eye-witness of the war on the Morea between the Greeks and Turks. 118 Captain J. and Fuentes d'Onor. battle of Salamanca. near Maya. he was present with the 7th Fusiliers at the siege and storming of Badajoz. besides various skirmishes. including the oavulry action at Sahagun. after which be joined the army under the Duke of Wellington in the lines of Torres Vedra?. 126 Captain Gibbons served in the rebellion in Ireland. H. and was at the taking of the French near Ballinamuck. and of the Lines of Torres Vedras. 1843 (Medal). and Pyrenees on 25th. 120 Captain Fyers served in the Peninsula during the campaign of 1809. including the battle of Waterloo. Gilbert served in the Peninsula from Dec. Talavera. present in the battle of Maharajpore. Almarez. 1810. 1814 battle f>f Orthes. including the covering of the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. actions of Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. wounded on the 10th of August. 1812 to the end of that war in . He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Java. Nivelle. in 1813. and afterwards at Genoa. and he' Pyrenees 40th in the of the 122 Captain Garner joined the 1st battalion served in the campaign of that and the following year. aad afterwards in Portugal and Spain. the campaign of 1808-9 under Sir John Moore. including the capture of Kandy :— wounded in the leg in repulsing an attack of the enemy on the 20tE June. 116 Captain FuUarton served in the Peninsula with the 38th.. Fuller proceeded to the Peninsula in 1808. Busaco. . Busaco. and battle of Corunna. and was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. when commanding the advanced piquet. and 5. and was present with the 53rd at the capture of Oporto. 1798. 117 Captain F. Pyrenees. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Talavera and Busaco. Orthes. Garris. also the retreat of Ma^sena into Spain. and was Peninsula in the 124 Captain Gee served with the 39th Regt. Arriverette. He has received and Aire (severely wounded). . blockade of Pampeluna. Present also at the storming of Ghuznee on the 23rd July 1839. and was present at the battles of Roleia. 119 Captain Furnace ?ri -(i "i the Peninsula with the 61st. Vimiera. 30th. 4. 28th. Served also in Ceylon as DeputyHe has received the War Assistant-Adjutant-General during the Kandian rebellion in 1818. Alba de Tormes. Busaco. C. 139 Captain R. and was present at the battles of Talavera. in 1815. as also in the minor actions of the Esla. In the 2nd battalion. In 1809 he served at Walcheren j and subsequently in the Peninsula from July 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. 130 Captain Goode served in the American war. In the 1st Battalion Royal Marines under Sir Arthur AVellesIey in Portugal. battles of Bladensbui'g and capture of Washington and Alexandria. 1815. 142 Captain Hugh Harrison served in the Peninsula with the 32nd. and the Pyrenees: he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. including the storming of several stockades. and at Lawris. for which he has received a Medal and one Clasp. St. 150 Captain Hewett served blockading the French fleet off Brest. 1813 to the end of that war. Orthes. and was present at the battles of Vittoria. Woosung. Nivelle. Albuhera. and Chin Kiang Foo. Busaco. 1843 (Medal). 148 Captain William Hay served in the Peninsula with the 16th Light Dragoons. and Fuentes d'Onor. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and the He has received the War Medal with six Nivelle (wounded right arm severely fractured). and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. and the investment and capture of the forts of Monohur and Munsuntosh. occupation of Ningpo. Orthes. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 136 Captain John Griffith served in the 12th Dragoons the Egyptian campaign of 1801. heights above Canton. and has received the Medal with four — Clasps. attack and capture of Chapoo. Half hide served with the 49th throughout the whole of the operations in China (Medal). He has received the 137 Captain Gwynne served in the Peninsula with the 62nd. and destruction of the American flotilla. and was present at the battle of Vittoria. Orthes. and repulse of the night attack . Busaco. the Pyrenees. and Toulouse. 131 Captain Charles Gordon served in the American war in 1814 and 15 with the 93rd. for Vittoria. 29th Dec. Served also at the attack and capture of Guadaloupe. and has received the War Medal Nive.^ar 360 Services of the Captains. Albuhera. and was wounded on the left thigh in the action of the 21st March. Pyrenees (wounded). and was present at the battles of Talavera. during the war in North America. and subsequently in the Peninsula. 1814. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. where he was wounded. 8th Jan. and commanded a company on tbe advanced guard in the action at Jeetghur. 149 Captain Healy served in the Peninsula with the 7th Fusiliers. and commanded a squadron at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasp). He served also the campaign of 1815. and was pre146 Captain Haviland served with the 62nd sent in the battles of Ferozeshah and Sobraon (severely wounded). Nivelle. including the battle Medal with three Clasps. the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. 147 Captain John Hay has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the capture of m Curagoa in 1807. at the attack on Craney Island. Pyrenees. taking of Queen- — . Vittoria. Nive. attack and capture of Amoy and Chinghae. of 1848 138t Capt. Pyrenees. and Nive. 144 Captain Septimus Harrison served with the 10th in the Nepaul campaigns of 1814 and 15. and at the bridge of Croix d'Orade (wounded in the band). 132 Captain John Henry Grant served with the Queen's Royals during the campaign of 1844 45 in the Southern Coucan aud Sawant Warree Country. and was present at the battles of Talavera (wounded). Nivelle. 133 Captain Humphrey Gray was present with the39th in the battle of Maharaj pore (Medal) 29th Dec. for which he has received the War Medal with six clasps. He served also the campaign of 1815. 145 Captain Hart served with the 78th at the capture of Java in 1811. and was very severely wounded. Served also against the Mahrattas in 1816 and 17. and was present at the battles of Vittoria. 129 Captain Girdlestone served with the 31st in the Peninsula. at Morales de Toro. near Hillette. including the battles of Albuhera (severely wounded). Hamilton served the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg in 1834 with — War — the 48th regt. and Ferrol. 140 Captain Hardinge served with the 39th Regiment in the battle of Maharajpore. and Toulouse. under Sir Sidney Bcckwitb. 141 Captain Hardwick served in the Peninsula with the 45th. except the capture of Segoan. including the operations in the Chesapeake. 1843. Nive. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. 143 Captain John Harrison (h. and was severely wounded in the action with the combined fleets of France and Spain 22nd July 1805. Nivelle. Ortbes. and was severely wounded at Waterloo. and demonstration before Nankin. Rochefort. 82nd Foot) served in the Peninsula with the 18th Hussars from Jan. and Toulouse. Nive. Sebastian. Vittoria. (wounded. and Galeaga. p.. and Toulouse. the storming of Hampton. 134 Captain Robert Gray served in the Peninsula with the 48th. and has received the War Medal with six Clasps for the Pyrenees. Nivelle. 135 Captain Gregor served with the 23rd at the capture of Martinique in 1809. Nivelle and for Clasps with two 138 Captain Hadfield served with the 3rd Light Dragoons throughout the Punjaub Campaign 9. of Waterloo. and was severely wounded in the left cheek at New Orleans. and was present at the attack and capture of the Chusan ? (both operations). War 128 Captain Ginger was present with the Slst at the battle of Maida. and Nive . clasps for Vittoria. action near Baltimore. for which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps. storm and capture of th-. and was severely wounded in the action at Moodkoe (Medal). 153 Captain Henry Hill served in the Peninsula with the 11th Light Dragoons from May 1811 to June 1813.— officially thanked by Colonel deWatteville for his conduct on this occasion. Served also during the campaign under Sir John Moore. served in the American war. He has been three times wounded in the course of his services. and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. in 1827. and of gun-boats whilst attached to the Curps of observation. battle of Salamanca. battles of Nivelle and Nive (10th to 13th Dec). 156 Captain Hodges served in the Peninsula. including the actions of the 10th Sept. Commanded the Auxiliary land forces under the orders of his Imperial Majesty the Duke of Braganza. Joined the Army in the Peninsula in March 1810. including the actions of the 17th and 25th August. crossing the Bidassoa. and lost his right leg at the battle of Corunna he has received the War j\ledal with one Clasp. Salamanca. Medal wiih nine Clasps. 10th Oct. passage of the Ad our. under Lord Exmouth. at which last he was severely wounded in the right thigh. 165 Captain Humbley served with the 95th (Rifle Brigaf!e)at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807. Woosung. — present at the defence of Cadiz and Fort Matagorda debarked at Tarifa. investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. in 1814. and was present in some skirmishes near that city. in Portugal. and ChinKiangFoo. Served on the Walcheren expedition in 1809. and battle of valles. Peninsular campaigns from battles of Vimiera and Corunna. from 1810 to 1814. 163 Captain George Hotham served at the bombardment of Algiers. the two balls having severely : — — — .General with the army of the Sutlej. Oct. present at the battles of Barrosa. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Nivelle and Nive. . in the Pyrenees (28th July. on the heights above Beyrout in Sjria. he was entrusted with the construction of a bridge of vessels at Boom. battles of the Pyreneeswounded near the left eye. and has received the silver War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. against the Rajah of Kolapore. 155 Captain Hillier acted as Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier Cureton in the action ot Maharajpore. and Orthes severely wounded in the right thigh action at Tarbes. Served also in the Burmese war. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. including the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. with the exception of four months in 1812. commanded an advanced out-post before Flushing on the night of the 31*1 July. and was engaged at the battle of Niagara and siege of Fort Erie. Served also the campaign of 1815. and also served in the South of France. and battle of Corunna. by a musket-ball which lodged. action at Calcavellas. 2nd and Gth October. 151 Captain Hewson. battles of the Nivelle. across the Rupel. when he surprised and took prisoners an uut-lj-ing piquet of the enemy. the advance from Lsibon into Spain. on the expedition under Lord William Bentinck in the Genoese territor}'. storming the heights of Vera. 29th Dec. led the forlorn hope at the capture of Fort Oswego where he climbed the flagstatf and tore down the American Colours (severely wounded) . with the advance and rear-guard to and on the retreat from Burgos. which having completed and maintained until the victory at Waterloo rendered it no longer requisite. the surrender of Copenhagen and the whole of the Danish Navy. in order to secure a shorter and more direct communication between Brussels and Antwerp. be&ides various minor actions and skirmishes. In 1808 he landed with a detachment in Portugal. Chapoo. Served with the 20th. including the Expedition to Walcheren. 1840. when under the fortithe ball extracted. and accompanied the expedition under Major-General Ackland to the Bay of Naples. . Shanghai. actions at Roncesaffairs on entering France. where he remained until 1816. At the battle of Maida. 164 Captain Hulme served in the Peninsula from March 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. tovn. he followed the army to Paris in command of a division of the Pontoon train. . in command of out-posts. in 1815. and Vittoria severely wounded in the left arm. action at Vtra bridge. 154 Captain George Hilliard served with the 18th Royal Irish on the China expedition (Medal) at the Bogue Forti. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. and battle of Toulouse. including the 2nd siege of Badajoz. 152 Captain Hickie served in the Peninsula with the Slst. and was present at the action near El Bodon. besides numerous minor actions. in 1832 and 1633. 161 Captain Hort served with the Slst in Lower Calabria and Sicily. The Egyptian cirapaign of 1801. and assisted in the organization of the Pontoon train at Antwerp: Early in May. the subsequent retreat from Salamanca. Served also the campaign of 1815. AVas also present at the attack on the Egyptian Forces under Ibrahim Pasha. Amoy. by the Turkish Army. 1806. Canton (wounded J. a large navigable branch of the Scheldt. He has received the Wai . 157 Captain Hullinsworth served the campaign of 1799.) Orthes. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Vittoria. Campaign of 1808-9. Served also the campaign of 1815. and the head trepanned. 1st and 2nd Aug. and affiurs of out-posts. in Holland. in 1806. and was wounded (three wounds) at the storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 158 Captain Holmes served with the 2nd Battalion of the 14th.. and afterwards at the action of Kioge. 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. where he served until the end of the war in 1814. with the Madras and Bombay Force. the following day he was very severely wounded in the forehead. fications of Flushing. including the battle of Vittoria. skirmishes.— War 361 Services of the Captains. 1809. and was very severely wounded at Waterloo by a musket ball in each shoulder. 160 Captain Horsley served the campaign of 1813 and 14 in Germany and Holland. commanded by Commodore Sir Charles Napier. In March 1815 he joined the army in the Netherlands. 1843 (Medal) and served as Aide-de-Camp to the Governor. and Kent Island frequently employed as an engineer officer. Nive. siege of Tarragona. between 1830 and 1839. Served afterwards in the Peninsula in the 87th. (War Medal with one Clasp. On the passage to Spain. second siege of Badajoz. affair at Aldea dePonte. after a running fight of several miles. in He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Mar1809. King served the Corunna campaign. in 1815. G. for which he 170 Captain Hussey served in Egypt under Sir Ralph Abercromby. J.) served in the Peninsula with the 14th Dragoons. Pennycuick. Present also at the capture of Paris. in 1801 has received the Turkish Gold Medal. and received a severe contusion when leading the attack on the White Pagoda. and has received the Turkish Gold Medal. Also in Egypt under Sir Ralph Abercromby. America. 26th. 185t Captain Knapman served ot Lissa. and Gaeta. from July 1809 to the end of that war 1814.-Col. D. and has received the silver War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. which destroyed the Arab posts of Sheik Medi and Sheik Othman. and of Guadaloupe. 2nd and 6tli October. in 1816. 168 Captain Humphreys served with the 15th at the capture of Martinique and the Saintes. and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. Casal Novo.) 186 Captain Alfred Knight served with the 62nd at the capture of Genoa in 1814. 1843 (Medal) and also the campaign on the Sutlej in 1845-6. King served the campaigns of 1818 and 19 in Concan. p. and Nivelle. Served in the Burmese war in 1824 and 5. and He was slightly wounded at Aliwal. and in boats cutting out an Algerine Brig at Bona. 184 Captain T. in 1815. and was present at the capture of the city of St.. 1812. James has received the War Medal with one Clasp. of a large American merchant-ship well armed. N. which formed part of an expedition of 500 men under the command of Lt. 1813. in the East Indies. 173 Captain Henry James was present at the capture of Fort San Philippe (Balaguer). and skirmished between those places on the 6th Oct. and 28th July. He has received the War Medial with nine Clasps. 185 Captain W. besides numerous minor affairs and skirmishes. for which he has received the silver War Medal with two Clasps. battle of Vittoria. 179 Captain William Kelly served as a volunteer in the Grenadier Battalion of the Line on the expedition to Holland in 1799. including the actions of the 19th Sept.^ Clasp. War 362 Services of the Captains. 172 Captain D. In 1807 he was at the siege and assault of Fort Commonah. Orthes. in 1825. Badajoz. and Sabugal. in 1813. action aj m — . 183 Captain J. from Jan. 178 Captain John Kelly accompanied the effective men of the wing of the 6lh Regt. the other still remains lodged under the scapula in the left shoulder. 181 Captain Kettil by served the campaign of 1808-9 with the 23rd Fusiliers. In 1800 he was at the blockade of Malta and surrender of Valetta. and Also at the bombardment of Algiers. he was at the capture. 5 th Dec. blockade of Pampeluna. capture of Madrid. actions at Redinha. War Medal with three Clasps. and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. for Copenhagen. when the battery was carried by escalade by the Royal Marines. He has received the War Medal with twelve Clasps. and dangerously wounded (right leg amputated) at Aliwal. 187 Captain Knowles served with the 50th in the battle of Punniar 29 Dec. Fez d'Arouce. for which he has received the War Medal with on. 52nd F. and battles of the Pyrenees on the 25th. stationed at Aden. — — tinique. action of Osma. Ferozeshab. and served there until the end of that war in 1814. Domingo. from Jan. 182 Captain James King served in the AVest Indies. and 27 vessels captured. 1812 to June 1813. 176 Captain William Jones (h. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. Elmo. and was present at Busaco. 188 Captain Kyle served in the Peninsula witn the old 9 4 tb. battle of Salamanca. 174 Sir Samuel Raymond Jarvis served with the 25th at the capture of Martinique in 1809. 1841. 175 Captain James Jones served in the Royal Marine battalion at the capture of St. 1G6 Cxptain Humby has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Algiers. 171 Captain Isaac served with the Cape Mounted Rifles. battle of Busaco. in 1809. several affairs and skirmishes with the border Tribps at the Cape of Good Hope. one of which was extracted two days afterwards. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. 1813. in both of these attacks he served in the storming party composed of tfife flank companies. Ferozeshab. action at Fuente Guinaldo. battle of Fuentea d'Onor. battles of the Nivelle. in 1799. siege and storm of Badajoz. and also at the siege and capture of Fort . Gunowrie. including the action at Chippewa and attack on Fort Erie. 18 Aug. and was severely wounded at the battle of Vittoria. storm of Fort Picurina under General Kempt. severely wounded in the right He has received the shoulder on the 28th.. in 1811 (wounded) . Capua. battle of Vittoria. in 1814. 167 Ciptain Humfrey joined the 43th in the Peninsula in 1811. in 1801 . including the capture oF Walcheren and siege of Flushing. 177 Captain Keily was severely wounded at Waterloo. for which he has received a Medal and two Clasps. — lodged. and subsequently at the taking of Castine and Hamiltown in the United States of N. 1801. Vittoria. King served in Holland and the Peninsula. battle of the Pyrenees severely wounded. 169 Captain George James Hunter served during the campaign of 1 81 4 on the Niagara frontier. 27th. in India. Was at the attack on the Citadel at Cassis. including the defence of Cadiz. an out-work of the stockade of Donabew. retreat therefrom into Portugal. including the battles of Moodkee. and Toulouse. including the siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo —severely wounded. lines at Torres Vedras. 180 Captain Ker served with the 37th at the investment of Bayonne. and of Guadaloupe in 1810. Feb. 1815. 20G Captain Ljster served in the wars of succession in Portugal and in Spain. in 1819 and 20. R. Was at the skirmish and taking of the French military stores at St. 203 Captain Lovett served with the 50th throughout the Suthj campaign of 1845-6 (Medal and Clasps). He was also at the capture of Fort St. 192 Captain Latham served in the Peninsula with the Buifs.has received the Gold Midal for Vittoria. Served afterwards in the Peninsula (as Adjutant from July 1815). Euphemia appointed to the British armed Flotilla. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. action at Vic Bigorre. Peninsula from June 1812 untd the end of the war. to Colonel . In 1815 he served in the Netherlands. includuig the battle of Castalla. . action of Villa Franca. 194 Captain Laivlor served in the American war. and was wounded at the attack on PJattsburg. 190 Captani Lane served with the 41st in several skirmishes in the American war. Aliwal and Sobraon. and was present at the battle of Toulouse after which he served in the American war. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. and 14. and capture of. exp'ditiou to Walcheren. in 1805-6 was at the battle of Maidi (War Medal with one Clasp). and had the command of twelve gun-boats. 205 Captain Lynch served with the 27th the campaign of 1806 in Calabria. — : — . 195 Captain W. 303 El Bodon. Fuentes d Ouor. and blockade of Barcelona. and was present at the battle of Bladensburg. including tha actions at Sahagun. and Toulouse. and Toulouse. as Captain of Infantry and Cavalry. war was 197 Colonel Le Cuuteur served during the whole of the last war in America. who commanded the Light Division and seven hundred Indians. siege of Tarragona. andbattUs of Vittoria. for which he has received the Silver War JNIedal with one Clasp. He has received the Silver War Medal with six Clasps. Ciudad Eodrigo. 189 Sir Henry John Lanabcrt served in the Peninsula with the Grenadier Guards. present also at the action of the Cross Roads and many skirmishes with the Light Division. Lewis served with the 58th Regt. and before New Orleans. to May 1814. and was in the storming division at Fort Erie. July and Aug. 202 Captain Logan. the war. For these serrices he was promoted in the field to a company in the 28th Regt. siego and storm of ciudad Rodrigo (slightly wounded). and siege of Flushing. 202f Captain Louis served the Egyptian campaign of 1801.?. H. 13. where he was blown up by the springing of a mine. on the expedition to Naples. 200 Captain W. and was present at the battle of Castalla. and at the £iege and capture of Irun. (having succeeded to the command of the regiment). and received a letter of thanks from Captain Hall. He served alterwards in the American war. 199 Captain L. 1I«. and with the 47th at the taking of Several islands in the Persian Gulf. Elmo. 198 Captain Lempriere served the campaign in Spain under Sir John Moore. and was presiut at the battles of Barrosa and Salamanca. and Castelotte (severely wounded). for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. IBi. the Chesapeake by the Shannon. inhere he was severely wounded in leading the 94th party 3rd division to one of the most despenitg assaults that took place during. Orthes. Berga. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. under Sir Gordon Drummond. 201 Captain Litchfield served at Walcherenin 1809. 193 Caprain John Law was in the action with. Orthes. and served in Sicily from 1806 to 1812. and extra aide-de-camp. and Procida. Morella. Siege of Tarragona. 19G Captain Leatham served the campaign of 1815 with the 1st Dragoon Guards. and present at the battle of Waterloo. Was on the staff of General Don Diego Leon. and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. including the action at Plattsburg. He served also in the Peninsula and south of France. also the Peninsular campaigns of 1812. X. fie was adjutant De iJarem. Fontarabia. and retreat to Corunna. on the 1st June. besides various other affairs. Lawrence served in the Peninsula from April 1813 to the end of that in 1814. third siege of Badajoz and gtorming of Fort Picurina. and was present in Oporto during the siege. battles of Vittoria. N. the battle ot Niagara. served also in the Anaerican war. and siege and capture of Scylla Castle. under Sit James Craig. and wus present at the bstttles of Busaco and Albuhera (wounded).Home's services co-operation with the French Ariny in the Morea. and was constantly engaged with the enemy's batteries and boats on the coast of Calabria. Nivelle. including the batile of Maida. Sicily from May 1810 to June 1812. Was at the capture of the islands of Ischia. capture of Washington. and battle of Toulouse. and the batteries at Naples on the 21st May. Served in the American War. for cutting out a sloop laden with stores from under a French battery. and was attached to the Prussian army in reducing the fortresses on that frontier. including the action at Puerto del Almarez. retreat to Portugal. and in all the operations with the army in the Chesapeake. commanding his escort. 1813. including the battles of Moodkee. and the Silver War Medal with eight Clasps.War Services of the Captains. Ferozesliah. 191 Captain Langton served in the Peninsula and also the Waterloo campaign with the 52nd. the Pyrenees^ Nivelle. . Siege of Patras. and Orthes. for which he has received the War Medal with two Olasps. including the siege of Tarragona. was engaged at Sackett's Harbour. and Benevente. W. Co-operation with the Spanish Forces and Legion near San Sebastian. from 1833 to 1841. 204 Captain Lutman's services:— Campaign and battle of Corunna (wounded in the left thigh). Nive. In 1814. under Generals Vincent and De Rottenburg on the Niagara fronter. and Salamanca. he served in the south of France. Leslie served the campaign of 1814 in Canada. and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Corunua. 211 Captain M'Queen served in the American war with the 7th battalion of the 60th. In 1802 and 03 he was on service in Guzerat. in 1825 and 26. He was twice decorated with tke Order of St. 220 Captain Maclean embarked in Nov. He has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Barrosa. 218 Captain A. 227 Captain Master went with the expedition to the Hague in the 2d battalion of the Grenadier Guards. 213 Captain Macartney served with the 9th Lancers in the battle of Punniar on the 29th Dec. Embarked in command of a Company of Royal Sappers and Miners for Canada. and was present in the action at Kurrie. 214 Captain Mac Donnell served the campaign of 1814 with the 61st. and capture of the Island. and the John Adams United States frigate. 1813. 27th Feb. Vimiera. 217 Captain William Mackay served the Egyiptian campaign of 1801 with the 92nd Highlanders. in 1814 and 15. and was present at the battles of Roleia. 216 Captain Mac Gregor served in the East Indies. 225 Captain J. 219 Captain Mackinnon served with the 16th Lancers throughout the campaign in Affghanistan. 212 Captain M'Vicar has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. in July 1817. Served also the campaign of 1815. in 1809 and at the defence of Cadiz. including the attack and capture of the town of Barra. and was at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807. 223 Captain Manners served in the Peninsula from Feb. 221 Captain Macneil served with the 75th in the East Indies. including the investment of Fort George. for the western coast of Africa. and Salamanca. in 1800 and 1801 he was actively employed during the campaign in the district of Cotoite in Malabar. Aliwal. till the evacuation of Paris by the Allied Armies in the spring of 1816. siege of Fort Erie. and the action at the sortie. and on the Niagara frontier. from Jan. besides other affairs. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp.364 War Services of the Captains. and was present at the capture of Paris. Flanders. in 1801. with the Royals. Wedder Mackenzie has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Busaco. and was at the storming of the heights of Surriere at the siege of Fort Bourbon. and was severely wounded at thebattleof Mahidpore. and carried the King's Colour of the 3rd battalion Grenadier Guards at the battles of Quatr . 1814. from which it retrograded in March and AprU 1804 after the peace with Scindia and the Rajah of Berar. in Flanders and France. under Lord Keane. Prisoner of war about six months. and action of the 6th Feb. 224 Captain H. and the defence of Tarifa and Cadiz. 22nd Dec. Subsequently he served with the army under Sir John Murray. He served also in the campaign on the Sutlej (Medal) in 1846. and with the medals for the siege and capture of Irun and Morella. and has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. on the first outbreak. including the affair of Tarbes. likewise on the expedition against the French Islands in 1803. the severity of which wounds compelled him to remove to a Veteran Battalion. 1803. 222f Captain Mancor served the campaign of 1808-9 with the 59tli. He served in the American war with the Glengan-y Light Infantry until very severely wounded at the attack on Sackett's Harbour. 209 Captain M-Murdo served with the 8th Hussars at the siege of Hattras. and afterwards in the Pindaree war. and battle of Toulouse. and Sobraon. 1814. 17tli Sept. the Prince of Orange. including the taking of Merxem. siege and reduction of Brodera. continuously from the above date. and was present in almost every affair and skirmish that took place on the various parts of the coast at which he was stationed with the Royal African Corps and 2nd West India Regiment. and the battles of Meeanee and Hyderabad. and was present at the taking of Castile and Hampden. including the destruction of the Fort of Imaumghur. Fuentes d'Onor. He served with the 22nd throughout the operations in Suinde (Medal). Mason served in Canada. 218t Captain Colin Mackenzie joined the army of the Netherlands on the 4th July. 1813. 209f Captain M'Nair served during the American war in the campaigns of 1813 and 14 on the borders of Lake Ontaria. In 1809 he served on the expedition against Martinique. which advanced from Baroda to Doud. . 210 Captain Daniel M'Pnerson served in the 8th on the expedition to Denmark. including the battles of Buddiwal. action at Black Rock and capture of the town of Buffalo. M. and was present at the siege and capture of Ghuznee (Medal. and commanded a company of volxuiteers at the taking of Grand Brule. Ferdinand for charges of cavalry at Alio and Berga. and served as Senior Royal Engineer on the Niagara Frontier during 1838-9. and served under Lord Lynedoch. on the banks of the Mahe. storm of the outworks and camp at Kurrie. and Corunna. with the 48 th Regt. also in Canada in 1838. 215 Captain Macfarlane served in the Penins-ula with the 91st.in 1817. and served the campaign of 1813 and 14 in Holland. C. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Martin served on the expedition against the Danish and Swedish West India Islands. 1814 to May 1822. and storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. and the Duke of Wellington. 226 Captain Massy served the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg. and was present at the battle of Barrosa (woundt=d). 222 Captain George Mainwaring served with the 27th in the Burmese war. in April 1834. River Gambia. bombardment of Antwerp. for which he has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. under Sir Charles Napier. where he served on several expeditions. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Martinique.1818. 207 Captain Donald M'Donald served at Walcheren. and France. 1810 to Dec. 208 Captain Angas M'lntjre served with the 41st in the American war. 1817. He served with the 50th in the battle of Punniar (Medal). and again at the assault on Fort Talueir. 1843 (Medal). including the storm and capture of the fort of Pyche.. 238 Captain T. Nive. He has received the War Medal with . 1812. and battle of Toulouse: he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. P. 228 Captain Maunsell served the campaign of 1815. He was also present with the storming party at Peronue. and was present at the operations before Canton. under Sir George Prevost. He served also the campaign of 1815. During the campaign of 1815 he was actively employed at Tournay. in January 1815. including the passage of the Adour. and at the battle ot La Cole Mill. 246 Captain Morle served in the Queen's in Sir John Moore's retreat. 231f Capt. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Badajoz. Pampeluna. . 235 Captain Meynell has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Toulonse. and subsequently in the Peninsula. and subsequently in the Peninsula. 240 Captain A. 1813. and the subsequent capture of Paris. in March 1810. Landed in company with other detachments of marines and seamen. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 1814. and battle of Toulouse. for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. in 1814. served afterwards in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war in 1814. and was present at the battles of Roleia. and was present at the capture of Plattsburg in 1813. 230 Captain Meek served with the 2nd battalion of the 14th on the expedition under Lord William Bentinck. until taken prisoner at Tezeen on the 8th Jan. and made a correct plan of the citadel while under fire for the use of the Commanding Royal Engineer: at the repulse of the sortie he was again wounded. storm of Joolghur. Molesworth served the campaign of 1815. for which he has received the War Mfdal with one Clasp. including the defence of Cadiz. 236 Captiin John Miller served at the battle of Navarino. Affairs of coasts. the Pyrenees. to June. and storming the Khoord Cabool Pass. and was present at the storm and capture of Ghuznee. &c. in Lord Hill's Divi. destruction of Khardurrah. night attack at Baboo Koosh Ghur. Nivelle. Island of Corsica. including the storming of Badajoz. in the Peninsula. and was engaged at Cambray. He was afterwards employed in the trenches (wounded) during the whole of the operations against Bayonne. Bay of Rosas dislodged French garrison and blew up the castle. 231 Captain Francis Thomas Meik served with the 16th Lancers throughout the campaign in He was Affglianistan. also present in the battle of Maharajpore (Medal). after which he accompanied the Fusiliers to America. Aliwal. and retreat to Madrid. Mitford served on the Staff throughout the war in China (Medal). in 1897. and was present at the capture of Paris. and on the disastrous retreat. Mitchell served with the 69th the Egyptian campaign of 1801. including the battles of Vittoria. and was present at the bombardment of Flushing. Vincent: twice wounded during the operations of this siege. Busaco. Nive. 1843 and in 1846 he served in the campaign on the Sutlej (Medal). 1842 he was released with the other Cabool captives in September following. and disabled for nearly twelve months. 39. and Sobraon. siege of San Sebastian (severely wounded). affairs previous to and battle of Salamanca. and ultimately led the storming party under Sir George Walker. : eight Clasps. also at the capture of Java in 1811. Mein served with the 13th in Affghanistan in 1838. In April 1813 he rejoined the regiment. and Toulouse. Salamanca. Nive. O. 241 Captain Molloy served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade. (Medal). 245 Captain Hugh Morgan served on the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. 243 Captain Edward Morgan embarked with the 7th Fusiliers for Portugal. 23rd and 24th June. including the actions at Buddiwal. and at the investment of Nankin. assault and capture of the town and forts of Tootumdui'rah. 232 Captain Melhuish served in the Peninsula from June 1811 to July 1814 was employed in the trenches during the whole of the siege of Badajoz in 1812. Nivelle. including the siege and capture of Ghuznee (Medal). in the Genoese territory. in 1815. for which he has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. and was severely wounded at Waterloo. 242 Captain Montgomery served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807. Vittoria. . 239 Captain J. at Sagona Bay. 40. 234 Captain iletcalf served the Egyptian campaign of 1801 with the 79th Higlilanders. where he was severely wounded in the knee. at the siege of Flushing. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Vimiera. 291 Captain Thomas Richardson served in the Peninsula with the 20th Light Dragoons and Bras and Waterloo. and has received the War Medal with two Clasps. on the 29th Dec. and has received a reward from the Patriotic Fund. Pyrenees. and was consequently present with the force under Major-General Elphinstone during the insurrection at Caboo). Orthes. and was present at the battles of Talavera. assault of Perwandurrah.. He served also the campaign of 1814 in Canada. P. destroyed and brought off great quantity of valuable ship timber. which succeeded in making a successful escalade at the Bastion of St. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. and Toulouse. — sion. 244 Captain Evan Morgan served in the Peninsula and France from October. and was present at the attack on New Orleans. besides several affairs of out-posts. where he was dangerously wounded and sent into Cabool. Served in the West Indies and North America. in the last American War. and Toulouse. battles of the Pyrenees. and with that under Sir Hudson Lowe in the South of France. Nivelle. and 41. was present at the sortie from that Fortress. and Albuhera. and was present at the battles of Vittoria. under Lord Keane.War 365 Services of the Captains. 229 Captain ISIeech served two campaigns in the Peninsula with the 39th. 233 Captain Meredith served with the 13th regt. 1814 to the end of that war. 258 Captain Charles O'Neill served in the Peninsula with the 83rd from 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. including the passage of the Chenab. and was present at Ciudad Rodrigo. with the 13th Dragoons. He served the campaign of 1815 with the 14th. in the Chesapeake. received the Silver "War Medal with five Clasps. Ormsby served in the 98th with the expedition to the North of China ia 1842 (Medal). 14. Coast of Spain. the siege and capture of Hattras. Pyrenees. and was prest-nt at the siege and capture of Aracan. Nivelle. and Nive. and 26th Nov. H. C. Served afterwards in the East Indies. on the Frontierg Served also with the 48th in the of Canada. Clasps. Vittoria. F. and in the Talack expedition. and was present at the attack and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. Badajoz (3rd siege. D. including the action at the landing (with the 1st Divi-ion) and those of the 13th and Served also at the siege and capture of the Fort of Balaguer on the Eastern 21st March. 252 Captain Nepean served with the Royal Marines at the capture of a convoy and destruction of B itt'^ries at Fiuone. St. Also in the Punjaub campaign in 1849. and was slightly wounded at Waterloo. and Toulouse. Served also in the Burmese war. Nelson served as Sub-Assistant Commissary-General Bombay Army. 262 Captain Packe served the campaign of 1815. in the last of which he ft-as wounded (Medal and Clasp). 254 Ciptain Huntley Nicholson served in the Peninsula with the 42nd from July 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. Orthes. Fuentes d'Onor. Leira. Orthes. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814.) Chillianwallah and Goojerat. Pombal. 269 Captain Pemberton served in the Peninsula from Feb. Salamanca. and within the United States in 1813. Murchison served in the 29th Regt. 1824. Orthes. for which he has received the "War Medal with six Clasps. including the following actions and sieges: Talavera. Oporto. Pyrenees. Nive. and Toulouse. Nive. and Aire. and has received the medal. including the battles of Busaco. Guarda. 255 Captain Aug. also the Peninsular campaigns of 1812 and 13. — . Vittoria. 11. Present at the quelling of the mutiny at Barrack pore. the occupation of Cabool. and 15. Ciudad Rodrigo. A. 253 Capt'iin Newman has received the "War Medal with six Clasps for Salamanca. and was present at the battles of Barrosa. Pyrenees. Garris. and was present at at which last he was slightly wounded. Benoit. Phillips served with the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. including the engagements near Prome on the 20th. in Sutlej the campaign of 1845-6. including the attack on Cranie Island. Albuhera. 263 Captain E. including the 249 Captain. 1824 to Jan. 268 Captain Peevor served with the 17th in the Nepaul campaigns of 1815 and 16. and the Pyrenees. and landed at the taking of Hampton. 259 Captain Arthur Ormsby served in the Peninsula from March 1809 until 1811. and battle of Nivelle. 260 Captain A. and at the landing before Nankin. and was present at the crossing of the Douro. Palmer served on the expedition to Ferrol in 1800 the Egyptian campaign of 1801. He has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Egypt. battles of Ferozeshah and Sobraon. He was present with the 40th at Mabarajpore. in Canada. Mentioned in Col. Condeixa. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. 270 Captain R. and Toulouse: he has received the War Medal with eleven Served also during the Kandian war in Ceylon. Nottin Candahar and in Affghanistan. and was present in the actions of Mazeena.. Ormsby served in the Burmese war from Sept. siege of San Sebastian. "Vittoria. 256 Captain Norman served with the 31st throughout the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan. Sebastian. and in co-operation with the Austrian army at the reduction of Trieste in 1813. 1837. throughout the operations under Sir Wm. Nicolls served in the Peninsula with the 66th from Feb. 247 Captain Samuel Morris served in the Peninsula with the 28th. Tez«ien. and had a horse shot under him. served on the coast of America and the West Indies. 1825. also in the Deccan campaign of 1817 and 18. and the siege and capture of Bhurtpore under Lord Combermere. and was present at the battle of Waterloo and storming of Cambray. He has received a medal for Affghanistan. and in the Lines of Torres Vedias. . in April. and Toulouse. . another for Scinde. and severely wounded at the assault). in Dec. 1826. Sabugal. including the siege of the forts of Salamanca. 266 Captain Pascoe has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Java. and in the diflFtrent engagements leading to it. including the battle of Jubbulpore. and battles of (Medal and Clasps. Euatache and St. 1834. Vittoria. Wetherall's despatch for distinguished gallantry in action with the rebels at St. Nivelle. Badnjoz. Salamanca. including the battles of the Nivelle. and 12. for which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps: he was also present at the actions of Arroyo de Molino. and TouIou?e. He served as Aide-deCamp to Sir Thomas Valient in the actions of Mabarajpore. Fleur-de-lis. 25th.366 War Services of the Captains. and Jugdulluck. operations against the Rajah of Coorg. and the Bronze Star for Mabarajpore. 14th Dec. Vittoria. and has received the Bronze star. Busaco. Sauveterre. Orthes. and the Mahratta and Pindaree war of 1817 and 18. 267 Captain Pattenson served in the Peninsula with the 43rd. From 1813 until the peace. &c. Vittoria. 251 Captain A. battles of SalaHe has manca. 264 Captain Thomas Park was actively employed in the Baltic during 1810. 248 Captain Hender Mounsteven served at the attack of various posts. 261 Captain T. Nive. Badajoz (2nd siege). during 1841 and 42 and as such under Sir Charles Napier at the battle of Hyderabad. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. Nivelle. Badajoz. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 1816.-Col. J. under Sir Richard Strachan and Sir Edward Pellew. 28lh July (severely wounded in the left groin. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Nivelle. on an island in the was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. Toulon fleet. was mentioned in terms of commendation in four different . 1813. and with the 14th at Genoa. and lost the fore-finger of the left hand by a musket-shot at Waterloo. Pampeluna. including the actions at Merxem. Fuentes d'Onor. 293 Captain R. in the Peninsula in 1808-9. in action with Danish flotilla consistiiig of 26 heavy gun and mortar boats. Served also the campaign of 1815. Severely wounded in the right shoulder by a musket-shot at the taking of Vera heights. 279 Captain David Price served in the Peninsula with the 36th and was present at the battles of R<ileia. Nive. and at the capture of La lihin by Mars 74. bombardment of Antwerj). and was present at the battles of Vittoria. for which he has received the War Medal with tour Clasps. Nive. composing a portion of the force which crossed the River Kei towards the latter end of that year. under Sir Richard Keate s. and brigaded with detachments under command of the Hon. Ridge served the Mahratta and Pindaree campaigns of 1817 and 18. and battle of Quatre Bras. fifty-six wounded. 38th Regiment. Ridgway served in the Peninsula with the Rilic Brigade. 282 Captain Pringle served in the Peninsula from Jan. Vincent. and was severely wounded at Waterloo. under Sir Samuel Hood and St heldt. 290 Captain J. S. Blockade of Texel. S. Pyrenees. from Dec. for which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps.ud was present at the battles of Busaco. and dismantled and brought away its last gun-boat. 1808 Afiica seven killed. and capture of Paris. Orthes. and the battle of Waterloo. G. With Admiral Murray and BrigadierGeneral Crauford's expedition of 5000 men originally intended for Lima. near Copenhagen. which was cannonaded by five line-of-battle ships. and various minor affairs. 272 Captain Brooke Pigot served in Holland. and retreat through Gallicia. Nivclle. in pursuit of Russian fleet. 276 Captain Porteous served in the Peninsula with the 61st i. Barrosa. Richardson served in the Channel Fleet. Corunna. 277 Captain Thomas Potter served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with eight Clasps for Corunua. and investment of Bayonne. Lieut. Vittoria. 1813 to May 1814. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. and the Nive 9th and 13th Dec. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. 20 Oct. served with the 47th at the defence of Cadiz. in 1805.. 295 Captain Frederick Robertson whilst serving with the land and naval forces on the coast of North America in 1813. and Orthes. where lie was severely wounded and taken prisonor. 273 Captain Poole served the campaigns of 1814 and 15. In 1846 lie volunteered his services in the Ivatfir war. including the battle of Vimiera. Orthes. Served in the Baltic. Deane. including the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal). Fuentes dOnor. and Toulouse. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. 288 Captain Huiry Reynolds served in the Queen's Royals throughout the campaign in Aftghanistan and Beloochistan under Lord Keane. for nine hours. Orthes. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. while passing the Sound. Yimiera. when endeavouring to intercept Jerome Bonaparte. Landed in company with other detachments of marines and seamen. but on arrival at the Cape of Good Hope ordered to join General Whitelocke's army in Rio Plata. and was attached to a local corps. . and storming of Btrgenop-Zoom. bombardment of the French fleet at Antwerp. including the battle of Vittoria. and was most honourably mentioned in the despatches for distinguished gallantry on that occasion. '274 Captain Pode served with the 33rd the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Germany and Holland. Served subsequently in the American war. and France. Belgium. Severely woundtd in several places on board Africa 64. Served also including the battles of Nivelle and Nive (wounded). under Lords Gardiner and St. and of Khelat: at the assault upon Klielat his conduct was pre-eminently gallant. to the end of that war in 1814. 280 Captain Rice Price served in the Peninsula from Nov. and Toulouse. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. in Kioge Bay. including the bombardment of the French fleet at Antwerp. 284 Captiin Thomas Ramsay served with the 52nd at the siege of Copenhagen and battle of Kioge in 1807. Served with the Walcheren expedition in the : . A. Nivellc. He has received the War Medal with three dasps. and also at the battle of Waterloo. in 1810 and 11. where he was wounded. and some Spanish troops. including the siege of Ras-el-Kyuia. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Nive and Orthes. Salamanca. to Rogerswick Bay. 285 Captain Randall served in the Peninsula with the 1st Life Guards and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Vittoria he served also the Waterloo Campaign. and Badajoz. and commanded in Fort Young. Ciudad Rodrigo. and afterwards with the expedition to the Persian Gulf. 278 Captain Prendergast served in the Peninsula with the 36th and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. Theseus 74. at which last he was severely wounded in the head. &c. storming of Cambray.— War 367 Services of the Captains. and on the expedition to the Scheldt. joined the squadron under Sir James Saumarez. the Belleisle squadron. the campaign of 1815. 289 Capt. and Toulouse. and. from May 1812. including both actions at Merxem. 294 Captain J. 283 Captain Protheroe served with the 46th at the defence of Dominica. 1812 to Jan. where the ball still remains). partially engaged the castle of Cronenberg. 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. landed with Marines at Monte Video. and three frigates. 287 Captain Rpynett served in the Peninsula with the 45th and was present at Busaco. Rich served at Walcheren in 1809 and in Holland from Dec. 315 Captain Henry Smith served with the Royal Marine battalion at d'Jouni in Syria in 1840. having lost the services of Field Officer he was ordered to act in that capacity. the three days' fighting in front of Bayonne in Dec. 306 Captain Charles Scott has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Navariuo. 1827. 317 Captain Spurin assisted in cutting out a French privateer at Palamos. the Pyrenees (28th July to 2nd Aug. 8th November 1813. Nivelle. iascribed " April and May Boat Service. 307 Captain Searle served at Walcheren in 1809. 298 Captain Robert A. 319 Captain H. covering the siege of Badajoz. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. France. and Colonel of the Swiss Confederation in 1828. He has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. Heights of Vera. Vittoria. when the regt. 1797. He has received the Naval Silver one Clasp). 1812 he was appointed a captain in the 23rd Portuguese Regt. and corresponding with that of a general officer in other services. Tarbes. Appointed Lieut. and battles of Orthes and Toulouse. 1810 to Feb. 320 Captain John Steuart served the campaign of 1815 with the 69th. occupying the lines at Torres Vedras. 1812. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and Flanders. Also throughout the Syrian campaign (Medal). 1813. 300 Captain Rudkin served with the 50th during the campaigns in the Peninsula. including the siege of the forts and battle of Salamanca. and Quatre Bras (severely wounded in the left thigh. and also on the Walcheren expedition. and Toulouse. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. and throughout the Mahratta campaigns of 1817 and 1818. battles of Fuentes d'Oaor (wounded).War 368 Services of the Captains.Colonel in his native country in 1822. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. for which he received the War Medal with one Clasp. in 1808. battle of the Nivelle. to 21st October 1812. 305 Captain Schalch served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815. being the highest military rank in Switzerland.. 1810. and was present at the passage of the Douro on the 12th May 1809. the severely actions of Roncesvalles and Suberi. W. Orthes (shot through the left hand). and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras. in Sicily. and was present with the 52Dd in the action at Sabugal. 316 Captain William Smith served with the 45th in the Burmese war. 309 Captain Shand served in the Amfrican War with the 89th and was present in the action at Chrystler's Farm. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 303 Captain Saunderson served in the Peninsula and was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. also the siege of Burgos. Orthes. 299 Captain Ruyds accompanied the 52n(l on Sir John Moore's expedition to Sweden. 308 Captain Seward served in the Peninsula from Oct. and was wounded. Vittoria. and at the defence of Cadiz in 1811. and battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. 1813. 297 Captain Patrick Robertson was severely wounded at the battle of Algiers (Medal and despatches. and Toulouse. 310 Captain Gardine Shaw served at the siege and capture of Hattrass. battles of Salamanca. besides various minor affairs. War Medal with one clasp. the blockade of Pampeluna.. and taken into France. 313 Captain Sisson served in the Peninsula with the 81st and was present at the battle of Corunna. In Dec. action of Arroyo de Molino. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and capture of Oporto. at the taking of Santa Maura. where he had a horse killed under him and was himself severely wounded and taken prisoner. He served also at the siege and capture of the Forts of Punella and Pownghur in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844-5." 296 Captain George A. and was present at the battles of Salamanca. 312 Captain Shum served in the Peninsula with the 3rd Dragoon Guards and was present at the battles of Talavera. 322 Captain Duncan Stewart served with the 42nd in the campaigns in the Peninsula. Robertson served with the 55th in the operations against the Rajah of Coorg in April 1834. and was present at the bombardment of St. from 1808 to 1813 inclusive. surprise of Almarez. Nive (9th to 13th Dec). — — . Nivelle. he was present at the battles of Vimiera and Corunna. which he continued to do until the battle of Talavera. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. Jean d'Acre (Turkish Medal and War Medal with one Clasp). In the actions in and at the capture of HivoU. and was present at the battle of Vittoria (as a brigade-major). siege and storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. He subsequently served with a battalion of detachments at the Passage of the Douro.). in 1807. officially mentioned in the Gazette letter. wounded in the head. Stephens served in the Peninsula with the 66th. where he was detained untU the peace of 1814. 314 Captain Skene served in the Peninsula with the 24th and was present at the battle of Talavera (severely wounded). 318 Colonel Steiger served with Watteville's Regt. 1813. battle of the Pyrenees on the 28th July 1813. siege and storming of Badajoz (wounded at the assault). near Messina on the landing of the enemy's troops on the 18th Sept. from 19th Sept. Nive. . RoUo served in Egypt. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and Algesiras bay and the Straits of Gibraltar in 1801 (War Medal with three Clasps). at which last he was woundi?d and taken prisoner. the ball remaining lodged). 321 Captain Robert Stevens served at the battle of Camperdown. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. V. including the battle of Salamanca. for trhich he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps): he officiated as Major of Brigade to the 1st Cavalry Brigade at Ferozeshah.War Services 369 of the Captains. sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz (wounded). capture of Campo Mayor. and was present at the battle of Busaco. received the War 337 Captain Torriano served at Walcheren. various skirmishes on the retreat from Burgos. Orthes. War Medal with two Clasps. and was present at the siege of Flushing. under Sir James Stewart. and 22nd Dec. in 1840 and 1841 Has received the Medal for Ava. including the capture of battles of Roleia and Vimiera. from Aug. 327 Captain Tallan served with the 41st throughout the Burmese war. 333 Captain James Thompson went out with others on board the Uiiion transport. on the Walcheren expedition. and Salamanca. At the siege of San Sebastian he acted as an engineer. and was present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass. and he was afterwards present in the action with the insurgent Boers at Boem Plaats. and was severely wounded on the 31st August. when they arrived at the River Plate. siege and storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. in 1812. and battles of the Pyrenees. received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 336 Captain Toole joined the 40th in the Peninsula early in Jan. 1810. Served also. Subsequently he served nearly one year and a half with the Army of Occupation in France. Ferozeshah. . 339 Captain Tucker served in the American war. from 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. In October 1813 he rejoined the army at Vera. retreat to and occupation of the lines at Torres Vedras. to join the 1st Battalion 36th Regiment. Badajoz. Ter Vere and Flushing. capture of Tantabain. Femes of the Portuguese service. including the battle of Toulouse. pursuit of Massena. battle of Salamanca. the Ponjaub campaign of 1848-9 and commanded a Troop at the battle of Goojerat (Medal and Clasp). Nivelle. Has S . whilst showing a ford to Col. John Taylor served in the Peninsula with the 91st and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. battle of Vittoria. but as the whole force had left. Wounded at Vera. Nive. capture of Meloom and of Pagahm Mew. and was present at the Battles of Moodkee (severely wounded). the several engagements in front of Rangoon from the 1st to the 15th Dee. and investment of Bayonne. also the Peninsular campaigns. 1811. and had three horses shot under him in the actions of the 18th. Orthes. 1845. following. Tinling served in the Peninsulafrom Nov. Served again in the Peninsula. then serving with General Whitelock's expedition in South America. action of Redinha. on the Walcheren expedition in 1809. battles of Salamanca (wounded). siege of Denobiu from 25th of March until its capture on the 2nd April 1825. 340 Captain Tweedie was present in the batteries of the Faro. 331 Captain Thatcher served in the Peninsula with the 48th. siege of Badajoz in May 1811 and repulse of the sortie from Fort San Christoval. after his Captain was killed at Salamanca. Nivelle. action of Tezeen and Huftkotui. also at the destruction of the Danish Squadron at Lyngoe. in 1801 . engagements near Prome on the 1st. 1824. 329 Captain Donald Wm. 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. siege of San Sebastian. Vittoria. and Toulouse. Pyrenees. they ultimately returned to England. In 1819 he served on Commando through Cafferland.for which he has received theWar Medal with four Clasps. attack on Kemundine and on Pagoda Point. 325 Captain Sullivan served with the 3rd Light Dragoons the campaign in Affghanistan. 335 Captain Tittle served in the 38th. 328 Capt. and was present at the In 1809. including the action at Fuente Guinaldo. and in several minor affairs. 21 st. 338 Capt. and Toulouse and commanded a Company throughout. Servedalso in Upper and Lower Scinde and in Beloochistan. storming the heights of Jugdulluck. He has Medal with four Clasps. and occupation of Cabool. in the breach of which fortress he was severely wounded. 330 Captain John Terry has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Toulouse. 326 Captain Swinton served with the 3rd Light Dragoons throughout the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. in 1801 . Served the Sutlej campaign of 1843-6. in 1842 (Medal). Nive. he served with the 36th in Portugal. and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps). 323 Captain James Stewart served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo. Served also the campaign of 1814 in the south of France. to the end of that war in 1814. 334 Capt. including the battles of Moodkee. 339t Captain Turner served with the Royal Marine Battalion in Egypt. Pampeluna. including the storming of Badajoz. and was present at the battle of Nivelle. Nivelle. and Orthes. and has received the Turkish Gold Medal and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. and was present with the 36th in every action in which it was engaged. also at Cadiz during the latter part of the siege. . G. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. Tench served with the 45th during the Kaffir campaign of 1846-7. . In 1808. and was present at the capture of Rangoon. 337t Captain Triscott served in the actions in Algesiras Bay and the Straits of Gibraltar. 2nd. capture of Syriam. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. John Trotter served at Walcheren. Nive. Ferozeshah. siege of Burgos. 332 Captain Thomas served throughout the American War of 1813-15 with the 1st Battalion Royal Marines. siege and storming of Badajoz. action at Osma. under Sir Ralph Abercromby. and 5th Dec. 324 Captain Still served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor. from April. when bj a rapid advance. with Colonel Colborne's brigade. 355 Captain Wells served at Madeira. 345 Captain De Visme has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. received the War Asseerghur. and Toulouse. Curunna. with the 22nd Lighi Dragoons. attacked Point Pitre. M.War 370 Services of the Captains. 552. 1806.) served in the Peninsula with the 11th and was present at the battles of Busaeo. for which he has received the AVar Meda tioned. 4th when Regiment surrender of Panca. with the 66th. Quatre Bras. 7th West India Regt. and sieges of Rhygur. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. H. for (For continuation see p. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Fuentes d'Onor 359 Captain Whitley served in the Peninsula with the 9th and was present at the battles o Roleia Vimiera. Wounded in an attack on an armed con- voy in the Adriatic. at which last he was severely wounded through botl thighs by a musket-baU. from July 1810 to Jan. and Capaul Droog. Debarked with a detachmeDt of his corps under a brisk fire at Bushier in the Persian Gulf. Busaeo. and the Netherlands. with five Clasps. and 15. at Copenhagen in 1807. where he captured three field pieces. and wat present at the pursuit of Massena. in 1811. it with 150 men. 341 Captain Urquhart served with the Reserve of the Army of the Indus under Brigadier Valiant. and was engaged at Bodamy. Webster served the campaign of 1815 with the 44th. from Feb. Commanded 180 Marines at Cheribon and took possession of the fort. and the operations oq the Alementigo. includiDg the battle of Barrosa and defence of Cadiz. and was honourably men. 348 Captain Watkins served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Busaeo. and Waterloo. and he served also at the defence of Cadiz. Orthes. Domingo. Windham was present Medal with one Clasp. 6th Feb. and for Mec'al with one Clasp Barrosa. and the fortified post of Benateague taken also present at the battle of Albuhera. Nivelle. for the protection of the East India Company's Resident. 362 Captain Wills served in the 1st Battalion Royal Marines during the American War ii distinguished himself at the attack upon Hampton . Belgaum. including the Mahratta campaigns of 1817 and 18. Nive. and was frequently mentioned in the despatches. at the rsduction of Fort Munora in Scinde in February 1839.) which he has received tn . and retained 363 Captain John Wilson served in the Artillery Companies of the 2nd Battalion Roya Marines during the War in North America in 1813. and Tovdouse. Hanover. including the battles o Goerde. at Walcheren in 1809. 1838. Nive. several convoys were intercepted. Vaughan served in the Pt-ninsula with the 67th. for which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps. Ho has 344 Captain Vetch has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Barrosa and Badajos. in 1807 and 8. at Walcheren in 1809. Amulneer. near Hernani. 1816. S. In the course of these services he commanded a Company specially selected for desultory services. 350 Captain Robert Webb served in H. 343 Captain H. 1837 to Oct. 18. 354 Captain Wellings served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for St. for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. War Medal and Clasps. Was present at nearly all the affairs in China (Medal) from the capture of Chusan up to the attack on the heights above Canton. and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras. a of Infantry laid down their arms. the also at Sept. 346 Captain Walker (h. Albuhera. At the capture of the American frigate President. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 364 Captain War at the battle of Toulouse. 1813. 10. Orthes. Has received the War Medal with oa . Clasp. and Sa'ainanca. and at the siegt and capture of Flushing in 1809. 347 Captain Warburton served with the Royal Artillery on the North Coast of Spain. including th( Served with the 73rd during the campaigns o battle of Fuentes d'Oaor and siege of Badnjoz. Superb at the battle off St. Sholapore. 349 Captain Watson served in the American War with the 41st and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Fort Detroit. and the campaign of 1815. action of Camp( Mayor. 14. Indies. 357 Captain Wharton served with the 85th on the expedition to Walcheren. the campaigns of 1811 in Spain and Portugal. Served afterwards in the Ea&t 1812. and was wounded on the 15th March 1837. p. 22ad May 1812. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp 361 Captain James Williams served in the Peninsula with the 11th and was present at tin battles of Busacn and Salamanca. Vittoria. and expedition up the Penobscot. Sebastian and Nive. at Walcheren and forcing the 353 Captain Welchman served at Copenhagen in 1807 Scheldt in 1809. siege of Olevenqa. and first siege of Badajoz. and 19. and commanded the detachment ol Royal Marines at Machias. in Swedish Pomerania. . and 11. garrisonet 1813-15 possession of it until it was destroyed. Was at the battle of Algiers. 352 Captain James C. 360 Captain Wightman served in the Peninsula with the 48th in 1809. 1811 In the Royal Marine Battalion at the capture of Java. Salamanca. 356 Captain Wetherall served in the Mahratta war in 1817. 342 Captain Ussher served the Nepaul campaigns of 1816 and 1817. Pyrenees. 18 Archer. 05 11 July 11 13 Austin. 70 Foot 16 May 07 Armstrong. 13 Dragoons Bartlet. Mar. Augustus 57 Foot. 1 Sept. 93 Foot Barnetson. 13 23 April at Templenwre J . John Coo|)er. 112 Foot 4 Feb. Frederick. 16 Dec. 3 May 27 July 19 JulV 17 Dec. Royal Artillery 28 April 10 Arbuthnott. 14 17 Oct. LIEUTENANTS.^ 47 Foot Austin. Charles. Augustus. 10 14 May 12 2123 Alston. Oct. 14 20 June 29 May 29 April 36 5 Jan. Bn. 17 Aug. Thomas. Royal Marines Bain. 11 15 Nov. 14 25 Jan. . 14 25 Nov. Royal Marines 1 Nov. Tottenham. 60 Foot Baillie. 7 Oct. Gds. 88 Foot never Allen. 09 Anderson. Ball.* 63 Foot 3 Oct. 20 Aug.. Graves. 18 28 Feb. Oct. Royal Corsican Rangers 23 Aug. 25 Dec. 01 ENSIGN. 8 8 Aug. 99 Anderson. 61 Foot Bainbrigge. Charles.^ 12 Foot Bailey. R. 1 June 40 ]\Iar. 08 Alder. P ^ Major of Duncannon Fort J Avery. 4 Royal Veteran Eattalion P Alcock. William. 3 Feb. Geo. John. Charles Robert.. . Hoioell. Nov. John. John Thomas. 4 Foot never Armstrong. Aug. 5 June 18 Feb. 88 Foot 30 Jan. James. 22 9 4 20 28 June 25 Feb. 3 Foot Balinhard. Sept. 09) ^ June 19 25 Mar. 18 Sept. J 8 16 16 16 24 1 Nov. 20 April 1 Oct. Addison. 20 28 08 25 Sept. 15 April 21 Dec.^ 5 R. Hon. Royal Artillery . Thomas. John. Garrison Company Ball. 38 Foot 10 Sept. 14 Sept. Alexander. 3 R. of Militia . Frederick. Mar. Dec. 25 May 7 Mar. 37 Dec. 21 1814 23 14 27 Feb. 37 4 Feb. John. July June 41 22 Dec. Royal Marines. India Rt. 18 19 Dec. M'altcr K. . 22 2 46 . 27 June 24 Oct. 17 Dec. Joseph. 6 Dec. Thoinas. 13 *Allen. 3 Foot Barry. Royal Marines 27 April 11 Allan. Tliomas Parker. 25 July 8 Nov. Francis Wheeler. May 25 July 9 May 9 Dec. William. 98 Foot 28 Feb. 5 Royal Vet. $ Wichlow Militia 7 6 June 22 17 May 18 Nov. 1 Sept.. > ^ ^ . William. John.^" 1 Foot Altcnstein. Henry. . Art. 46 25 Mar. George Ryder. 09 *Anies. 12 Sept."* 30 Foot Baily. Henry.. Batt. LIEUT. 19 Mar. 16 25 Sept. Andrew. Richard Garret. 14 Foot never Atkinson. 30 Sept. Frederick. 7 Foot Bate. Aug.' 8 Dragoon Guards ^ Agar. 3 July 1 Sept. George. George. 26 Foot 27 April 09 Atkin. never Amyatt. . Mariott.'' R.. 52 Foot Dec. 09 Armstrong. 12 •Atkinson. John Allen Carnegy de. 11 April 31 Mar. Dec. 16 1 July 16 25 Dec. 1 Prov. 14 Nov. Edward Frederick. 25 Mar. 371 WHEN CORNET. Richard. 25 Dec. 51 Foot Barlow. John.. Barrachmasier I 18 Nov. Nov. Battalion 27 Aug. 3 25 20 24 7 Oct. 12 Allen. 1 Feb. Adjutant. 07 Arnold. Ackland. 2 April 3 July 11 June 22 July i-2 Feb. Royal Marines.. 11 Feb. Fort I ^ % ^ . 61 Foot. William. 18 12 Mar. Driverb 1 Jan. John. 20 Alav 18 27 Oct. 9 Jan. 20 Nov. . 10 Nov.. Royal Artillery Drivers. 48 Foot Baker. 1215 5 June 09121 17 14 14 23 Oct.. Robert. 7 Foot 24 Feb. 13 Drags. 20 Nov. Thomas. Alexander. 2 Dec. 22 Dec."'^ Royal Artillery Bayly. 04 Andrew. 14 9 July 98 14 22 10 6 Dec. 2 Sept. 08 Armstrong. Royal Marines ^3 Ayshford. never S 10 Mar. Mar. 3 Jan. 2 Dec. Veteran Battalion 23 Nov. Veteran Battaliou 4 Oct. 2d LIEUT. PLACED ON HALF PAY. Tliomas. Bale. St. 13 18 1 Dec. 1 Sept. John." 50 Foot Ball. York Rangers 10 June 13 Armstrong. Montgomery. 21 June 23 April 17 Dec. 11 5 June n Oct. 28 Oct. Wm. (Quarter-Master. 25 Dec. Vet. 03 Alexander. 14 24 Oct. 02 Alley. 92 Foot Barrett. Captain } 1 June 32 1st Warwic/c Militia 5 Arnott. Mar. 5 Dec. Bayly. 2 R. 29 Mar. 22 Foot Baring. 0? Armstrong. 40 Foot 19 Oct. 25 June 3 Nov. 17 25 Feb. Tliomas. 29 15 April 13 8 23 June 14|25 20 Aug. James Aldersoii. Henry . 22 25 Feb. Feb. John. 19 Oct. 6 W. Henry. 23 Feb. 26 Foot 24 June 12 Amyott. 8 Foot 6 Mar. 5 May 29 June 7 Feb.* Coldst.. 08 'Arden. Frederick George. Royal Mai-ines Baker.'' Baron. 15 Foot Baldock. Sept. Thomas.. 16 Jan. 05 19 1 Mar. WiUiatu. 06. Aaron Moore. . Jolin. Sept. Royal Artillery . 13 2 May 30 Oct. June Oct. William. Christ.2o Q4 poot rt. .el. never 30 26 May 14 24 19 Nov. Sept.. Royal Marines Blytk. 23 Blair. 13j25 Mar. Robert. Royal Artillery Bedell. Dec. William. • Blood. ..^^ 8 R. 18 May 22 Sept. William. 16 Oct. Chas. John. 16 Mar. 25 Oct. Nov. LIEUT. Welbore H. 26 Mar. Samn. Ger. William. . Veteran Batt.^* 52 Foot . 13 April 13 Mar. 90 Foot Ballot. 08' 2 Oct. 18 Dec. 9 April 18 25 Dec. 16 Mar. 512a Bramwell. 1 Foot Bayntun. Thomas. Mar. 14 Foot Bordes. 16 1 Sept. Edward. Lewis. Royal Marines . Thomas. 21 1614 Aug. 15 5 Oct. 06 16 Dec. 372 CORNET. 25 Sept. 2 Nov. ^ H %W& ^ ^ Blair. never 9 May 28 May 25 July 8 Mar. Royal Artillery Boileau. Alexander Adair. ^ % ^ Oct. Blucke. 02 20 July 14:24 Oct. KCB. 16 Sept.. Envoy Extra. 15 Nov. 99 Foot Bowles. Alex. J. . 17 13'25 June 18 10i27 April 15 05] 2 Feb.^^ 92 Foot 5t Brattle. 15 Mar. 16 Mar. never 25 Dec. 3 15 Sept. Lord. 23 Foot Bond. James LoftuSj^"^ 6 Foot Broomfield. 19 Feb. Johti. Veteran Battalion Bloomfield. April Oct. 13 Beamish. George. James. Francis Green. AVm. 17 Oct. 1 Prov. 60 Foot Bennett. . Thomas Newenham. 14 1 Aug. Eugene. .. 14 Aug. Coldst. 21 May 3 Oct. Aug. 20 15 June 17 09 Mar. 11 19 Mar.. 2 Jan.. 14 9 July 12 25 April 17 15 Aug. Leg. George Andrew. Scott.} P 25 Aug. . 15 97 13 25 Sept. Bayly. . 07 14 Sept. Bernard. 29 Foot Bowdler. John Edward. Spencer. Brearey. 91 Foot 5M . Thomas. 22 Dragoons Boyd. 16 12 Sept. Brady. never 24 Oct. Bryan O'Donnell. 68 Foot 13 Brown. 3 Feb.26 37 poot Bolton. 7 Royal Veteran Battalion Bradburne. 14 Sept. Charles Eustace. 19 28 31 Mar. Sir John. Brock. 16 Dec. William Spittle. July 5 Sept. 22 Mar.^^ 50 Foot 2i2a Brown. 22 7 Oct.'« 24 Foot Belford. 27 2 Dec. 01 15 Aug. '^ 2 Foot Best.. 25 18 Mar. April Sept. 16 Dragoons Bradshaw. 17 5 Sept. Jan. Lieutenants. George Dandrige. Barrack. 14 Dragoons Benson. 96 16 Mar. James. \ Gds. 18 8 Feb. 4 May 09 29 Mar. Arthur. James. 11 11 15 Aug. 8 Nov. 05 09 . Richard.^^ 73 Foot Bridger. 14 May 25 12 Oct. Jan. I4I 1814 2 Sept. Feb.. HALF PAY. 22 Jan. ^ . Thomas. 4 July June Aug. John. of Militia Brierly. 89 . 17 10 April I7J2O Nov. 43 Foot Blake. 20 Aug. 90 Foot Boldero. § Minister Plenipo. 7 April 25 Feb. ETC. Robert Stewart.^^ Royal Marines Birch. James Louttit. Royal Marines Bonnor.. John.. 8 June 5 Jan. Breon Charles.. Edward. 4 June 10 17 Feb. 16 Dragoons *Bndger. WHEN' PLACED ON.. 12121 7 July 25 11 15 Aug.'* 84 Foot Beauchamp.^^ 3 R. ^ ^ ^ Master. John Peter." 4 Foot Berford. 13 16 Aug. James Bunbury. 05 21 Jan. 6 25 5 24 29 Oct. Bezant.'^* R. John.^' 27 Foot 212a Brice. Artillery Drivers 512a Boase. I in Bussia ) Blucke. 29 July 8 July 21 July 8 Aug. Corsican Regt *Booth. 1 LineBn. Robert John. 8 July 2 May 13 Oct. 18 Dec. May 20 July 20 May 16 Feb. 33 Dec. Aug. Royal Marines . Mar. Humphrey. 1 Garrison Battalion Boyd. 16 30 Mar. Pendennis 21 Sept. Mar. 44 Feb. FortMajor of Charles Fort and Kinsale Foot Blagrave.-* 94 Foot. 16 Feb. Bernard. 30 Foot H^ Benwell. Samuel. 13 25 Dee. Charles Joseph de. 48 Foot Bell. Charles. 1 1 9 June 08 19 June 27 S Boghurst. Batt. John Willis.. 70 Foot Blankeney. 18 Mar. 77 Foot ^9 Bennett. Bt. 05 18 May 13 21 Dec. 13 8 10 May 8 15 21 37 Nov. 18 Dec. ^A' alter Deatii. D. 2 Garrisou Battalion. 13 Foot Bovill. William. Aug. 97 Foot Braimer. 22 Aug. 18 Jan. 10 June 3 April 3 Sept. Francis. 17 Sept. William Hunter.) Black. Nova Scotia Fencibles Bland. Blake. 17 Aug. Thomas.. A. 41 18 July 15 14 36 17 17 02 16 June 16 Sept. 16 5 Dec. 19 25 April 16 12 July 53 12 Mar. 12 May Mar. 24 Oct. 15 June 09 30 Dec. 13 11 July 25 Jan. 18 Jan. 2 Garrison Battalion Boyd.^^ 66 Foot 212a Bridge. Royal Marines. 40 Feb. 3 Sept. Henry.^* 77 Foot . Edward. 11 5 Feb. Mar. June 13 12 18 18 Nov. 17 20 Sept.^" Royal Marines 2123. 7 West India Regt. Royal Artillery Blanchard. 1 Aug. 14 1 Sept. 1 Garrison Battalion 19 213il Browne. 29 Oct.*^ R. Francis Carnac.. 49 Foot 25 Dec."' 36 Foot 10 Mar. William Catherwood. 25 Dec.. Whitwell. 32 12 Jan. Busteed. 08 1 Sept. James. 22 12 Nov. Duncan.. 8 May 24 Oct.. John Henry. Charles. 16 Dec. Edward Sheffield. WHEN 16 April 17 14 1814 \ Cary. James. 25 Mar. 15 Feb. 33 Foot Cannon. 28 July 30 July 19 Mar. Wm. Cameron. Dec. John. Artillery Busteed. Donald. 20 July May 11 7 July 3 Sept. 2 Sept. 24 Oct. William. 23 26 Nov. Alexander. John. Royal Hospital. Charles Spencer. ^ April 1 17 Dec. 42 Foot 13 Dec. May 17 April 17 1 Sept."* 60 Foot never Cameron. West India Ran. Lieutenants. April Oct. Walter Welland. 17 May 16 Mar. Dcering. Andrew. Charles. Henry j^^ 35 Foot 25 Aug. John. TFwi.. July 43 38 Sept. 24 Jan. .Theophilus. Cassel. 21 21 Nov. James. Dec. Vet. 373 2d liedt. Royal Marines Chads. 2 July 27 Jan.. 14 1814 25 July 17 25 Sept. 13 Sept. Feb. 3 Nov. 24 Nov. 30 Foot . 14 . 49 Foot Canning. 7 July 13 Aug. ^P Cameron. Alexander. ) 25 Feb. Cameron. 26 Feb. Hon. James. 6 4 Buckley. 16 July ^ Campbell.. 52 Foot Burroughes... . 40 Foot Campbell. 42 Foot 20 April Cameron. . 1 Prov.'** 40 Foot Carnaby. 41 Foot Carey. Alexander. 15 Dec. Unattached Campbell. 26 Sept.. Edward Joseph. 5 July 15 Oct. 27 Brown. Charles William. James. 17 Mar. Cameron. 9 Mar. Batt. 1 Foot Burn." 5 R. Egerton. William.lohn Wni. Unattached Burdon. 18 19 Dec. 19 Feb. Robert. May 20 Nov. April Sept. PLACED ON HALF J' AY. 8 July 18 10 Dec. 7 Mar.. Sept. 10 Sept.. Meuron's Regt }^ Brydges. 24 Feb. 3 Garrison Battalion Carew. Oct. 16 Foot June 12 April 25 Feb. Royal Marines Burgh. 5 Feb. 53 Foot Nov. 32 Foot . John. Unattached Bulger. Peter Robert. 27 May 4 May 24 Sept. 11 May 15 9 Dec. Alexander. 19 5 June 06 23 Sept.. Ho7i. Donald. 11 Aug. 28 7 1814 16 June 1 May 1 Aug. Campbell. 2 April 21 11 Mar. 85 Foot LIEUT. •Campbell. 93 Foot never Campbell. 14 Dragoons 15 20 1^ Bubb. John. 8 Aug. 6 Bruce. Cameron. Rupert.^'' Rifle Brigade Cassan. 25 Nov. John. Cupt. Duncan. 14 23 April 26 July April Oct. Anthony. \ of Invalids. ."^ Newfoundland Fencibles. 77 Foot 25 Aug. . 44 Foot 1^ Gary. 80 Foot 16 Brown. 13 Oct. 1 Sept. |9 Chains. 82 Foot 3 Foot Andrew. Ralph. William Henry. Royal Marines Chadwicli. 3 Jan.^" 38 Foot 31JB Campbell. 2 Nov. R. 19 16 Sept. Courtney. 72 Foot Siaa Burnet. James. 17 Aug. Battalion of Militia April 1 21 April 21 Mar. Royal Marines Campbell. 17 25 Dec. Batt.. never 512a Butler. 3 Oct. Cameron. . 1 2 Mar. April Feb.^^ 41 Foot Campbell. 26 Feb. 15 April 8 April 4 Jan.«» 21 Foot *Carrington. 27 April 26 Jan. 01 25 Feb. 2 Oct. ETC.'" 13 Dragoons 10 Buckeridge..'8 76 Foot Carr. 26 Aug. 27 Oct. Lachlan Maclean.. 12 17 Sept. 7 Aug.. 7 Sept 25 Mar.^" Unattached 13 Oct. Alexander. BuUer. Thomas. Michael. '^^ 14 May 17 July 27 Feb. Byng. Henry Wilson. Michael. 25 Mar. 21 Dragoons Burn. 101 Foot y Carey. 10 18 Jan. 36 30 Aug... Nov. 104 Foot 13 Dec. George Marcup. Dec. 27 Browne. 18 Mar. 99 Foot Campbell.. 1 Foot 22 April Cameron. James Godolphin. 14 Dragoons Burslem. 5 27 25 25 25 25 May 12 Aug.*^ 39 Foot Campbell. 22 June 8 April 26 Mar. Thomas D'Eye. 7 Sept. 1^ Cahill. 10 25 6 29 2 25 28 24 25 July 25 Feb. Nov. Artillery Drivers 29 Brumby. May July 2 Nov. John Henry De. 53 Foot 10 Dec. 19 27 June 16 10 July 9 June 25 Dec. Gerald Frederick F. 29 Sept." Royal Marines . Oct... 22 Aug. 57 Foot 30 Nov. ^ 25 June 16 7 Oct. 5 June 18 Jan. Dec. 53 Browne. 25 Oct. 18 Oct. Cliarles. Francis Hotchkin. Chelsea J 1 Royal Vet. John."" 2 Garrison Battalion . 7 April 3 Jan. Nicholas. James.''^ Scots Fusilier Guards Butterworth. . 26 July Bunyon. 19 July 9 ) 13 April 26 1 1 24 June 14 Aug."" 61 Foot ^ Buchanan. ^ 6 Dec. 18 July 25 June 15 Aug. Ma © . ^ ^ .*'* Royal Marines 11 Dec. Charles. Wm. 25 Oct.. 16 Dragoons 21 Nov. Nov. 27 Aug. Cockburn. Charles. Dec. 3 Foot 5 Nov. 17 Crawley. Cooper. Samuel.^^ 27 Foot 7 Nov. -I 24 Oct. Richard Gethin Creagh. 25 Sept. 52 Foot II July 27 Dec. 17 10 June Clark. 43 Foot 1 July Mar. Royal African Corps 1 Feb. 28 18 July .I 19 Dec. Clark. Isaac. .. Mar. George. Royal Marines 10 April 23 Crabtree. 1 Sept. . 1 April 26 Chamberlayne. George Longbottom. 29 22 Dec. William. 35 Coppinger. George^"^ 8 R." 6 West > 27 April 09 1 Nov. R. 11 Mar. 47 Foot Feb. 18 Foot 28 Sept. 19 Sept. 63 Foot 24 Nov. Unattached 7 July 29 June Chapman. 14 25 Dec. 17 never 20 Feb. Marines . 23 23 Feb. 16 Nov. John. 42 Courtenay.8i 39 Foot 25 Oct. R.'* 5 West India Regt 18 Sept. 32 Foot never Sept.^" Royal Marines 4 Mar.^^ 71 p^ot ^^ 6 Feb. 21 Foot 16 July aaa ColUns. 29 Nov. Feb. William. William. 12 Feb. 27 Jan. 20 Foot 24 Nov. Phineas Charles. 17 Cole. 12 29 Oct.** 5 Dr. Chambres. Richard Aylmer. Dec. Cobbold. 20 30 April 28 Mar. 17 Foot June 6 10 April 1805 Cree. William. 6 Foot 8 April 9 Mar. 2 Garrison Battalion .''* 67 Foot 29 Sept.''* York Light Infantry 1 Feb. Samuel. John. Frederick. ^ . Sidney Smith. 14 Dec. 1 July 22 April CoUis. Arthur Gethen. 16 15 Aug. 24 Feb. Walter. 17 9 June Chisholm. 3 Dec. James. 30 Mar. 14 3 Aug. April 22 Feb. Samuel.. 15 2 May Chniseul. 18 21 Dec. Crauford. Benjamin. 19 Mar. 25 Sept. 10 Royal Veteran Batt. 07 Creagh. 01 Corham.^^ Royal Marines 3 July Oct. Thomas." 35 F^oot .'" Unattached 23 Aug. Samuel. 70 Foot 30 Dec.. 25 Oct. 24 Oct. Condy. Alex. ^ ^ ^ . 16 7 June Clarke. 05 7 Sept. . Joseph. 25 Mar.. 14 25 Dec. Chamberlayne. 25 Champion. Waldearave Pelham. M'Carty. 10 Dec. Collins. WHENI I PLACED 01«r. Adolphus. Master at Tullamore S 18 Nov. Edward Stevens. 60 Foot 18 July 16 24 May 10 Sept. John. Johu Murray. Nov. Frederick. Xavier. 3 Oct. 70 Foot 31 Oct. John William. Joseph. 6 Mar. 374 Lieutenants. Wm. 24 Dragoons 18 July Jan. Conioay. 22 19 April Clay. 16 April 2 April 18 Cosby. 26 April Couche. 25 Dec. 30 15 Aug. 14 Chambres. Benjamin Marshal. 31 1 1 June Clark. 19 10 Sept. 18 India Regt S 25 Dec. Coombe. 76 Foot 30 Mar. Edward Kendall. 25 18 May 27 July 212a Crawford. 44 Foot 30 Jan. Royal Marines 11 Mar. Royal Marines 17 Sept. 18 25 Aug. 17 22 May 24 Aug. 71 Foot Oct. 27 Foot 20 Mar. 20 9 Nov. Charles. Collins. Sept. Cox. Gds. Crause. Sept. 4 Foot 29 Mar. Clements. Royal Art. William. Colls. May 17 23 Sept.. 31 Dec. Charles Thomas. George Edward. 52 Foot 25 Dee. 19 4 April Chapman. Clarke. 28 12 July Cooper." 40 Foot 6 Aug. 16 Sept. John Charles. Barrack. William. J. Clarke. 4 July 23 July 25 Mar.^ Rifle Brigade ^ 7 Nov. 56 Foot 2 May 19 Nov. 21 16 July Cooke. 62 Foot 25 April June 02 7 April Cole. 16 Feb. John. 10 30 Dec.. John Thorp. ^ Cowley. *Cochrane. Royal Marines 3 Feb. Charles. Frederick.. Veteran Battalion 29 April 26 April Mar. 16 1 Jan. 43 Foot 9 May 13 Mar. Coates. Sept. Mar. Joseph Ambrose. William. 99 Foot 20 May Feb. Clare. 29 22 Oct. William. 15 2 Nov. 19 Crawford. George Henry. Spiers. William. William. 4 April Coningliam. 17 Charsley. 16 Crawford. 1 Feb. Nicholas. 24 Feb. Royal Marines 13 Nov.. 60 Foot Mar. 8 May 25 Dec. Covenay. 31 10 May Coote. 54 Foot. 13 Corry. Somerset. York Rangers 24 July 7 Nov. Alexander. 2 Foot 10 Sept..'^ 52 Foot 13 Jan. Chambers. 21 Chatfield. 21 29 June 29 May % 212a Cox. Charles Kelly. 1 May 9 Aug. Joseph. Cinnamond. 4 Mar. IP 212a Cottingham. Royal Marines 14 April 19 May 5 Dec. 23 Oct. HALF PAY. 37 Crispo. 17 Ij^ Chetham. 18 11 May 5 Aug. 3 West India Regt. Royal Marines 26 Feb. Colcloiigh. Sept. 14 Foot Nov. Feb. 12 Dec.''^ Royal Marines 1 Jan. 5 July 27 May 16 June 37 Chambers. 6 17 Sept.'" Cusine. 20 6 Mav 28 Jan. Peter Fane Edge.. . 18 20 July 20 8 Dec. 17 28 Sept. 15 D'Alton. . 09 20 July 15 25 Aug. 7 Mar.'"^3R. ETC. 15 April 07 2 Oct. 63 19 44 29 Aug. Henry. Mansell. Batt. WHEN CORNET.'"" 63 Foot Dillon. CajitainR.Geo. William John. Charles. 17 Crowe. . Edmund Soden."' Royal Marines 1 May 17 31 Oct. 46 Foot 25 Dec. Edw. 10 29 Mar. Robert Stephen. 42 Foot Diddep. 21 Dec. German 11 Nov. 1^ Darcy. Geo. Maxwell.Britanniques . 7 Dragoons iL2i Drake. Batt. Edward Walter Percy. 31 22 Unattached Mar. 26 26 June 46 26 Aug. ^ . Davys. David. 36 13 Sept.. 2 Line Batt. 95 Foot Denison. 25 Sept. 29 15 June 25 April 16 3 Dec. 25 Aui.Vet.3 June 12 7 Sept. 26 23 Dec. 14J 1 April IQ . Vol. Edward George. 5 June 15 20 Oct. 9 Foot 14 Aug. Richard. 44 1 April 06117 Aug. 15 19 16 May 34 Feb.Duncan. 06 1 Oct. India Regt. 16 25 April 05 30 May 16 18 July 2 Dec.'*'* 4 Dragoons 8 Jan.. Daniel. Henry. Dalryniple."^ 60 Foot 1$ Delme. Royal Marines Dunlevic. 11 2 Sept. . ?l2£l Dickson."" Unattached Dillon. 16 Dragoons Delamain. 90 Foot Dawson. 22 Mar. !5 May 32 13 Aug. 19 2 Feb. Daly. John Curzon. James Barill. 7 July 4 Mar. 3324 Aug. "20 Foot $ P Carmnrthen Militia Davis. 02 Crow. Thomas.Royal Marines."^ Royal Marines. 11 23 Jan. Robert. 24 July 17 % 1 April 12 1 July Dalgkish. 34 Curling. '"^ Royal Marines ^ Dowker. 43 11 May 15 3 Oct. David. Allan Hamilton. 30 Oct. Henry Windham.. 30 May 19 Oct. . Thomas. Henry. ^il^Drummond. Crowe. 20 24 Oct. 28 Foot Drawbridge. 30 Dec. 6 13 25 April 18 Aug. 42 11 April 40 24 April 2 Feb. 25 June 26 11 May 1851 1 18 Oct. 14 2 Feb. Edward 17 Mar. . 6 Feb. . 4 Dragoon Guards Cross. . 22 Sept. Charles. India Regt. 1814 3 Oct. Robert. 13 1814 Jan.^' Chass. 19 July 6 July 21 Nov. R. Royal Marines Dean. 13 8 May 27 Crookshank. 12 Dec. 14 4 Oct. 34 17 Nov. Crozier."'^ Royal Artillery Dreghorn. 11 Oct. James Batchelor. Doyne. 11 1 April 25Jnly 14 Dalton. 8 R. Richard. 1^ 26 Oct. 15 25 Mar. Unattached Dickens. Vet. 99 Foot Dalzell. 30 22 June 21 April 37 19 April 10 4 Feb. . 20 April 3 Feb. PLACED ON HALF PAY. 30 Dec. Cubitt. Mar. 13 Dec. 12 7 Nov.5 June 17 May 95 1 Sept. 2 R. never 18 June 26 May 18 June 11 June 8 Dec. Charles. 2 Ceylou Regt Sept. Foot 11 24 Cliarles. 28 Nov. William Henry. 14 6 Oct. 18 Nov. Wm. Alexander. 3 Aug. 26 Mar. 52 Foot Foot 14 Henry Roper. 23 Dragoons Donnelly. 7 R. 27 April 9 April 21 April 3 July 10 Nov. 10 4 John. Charles. 25 Mar. West India Rangers }^ Dighton. 4 April 34 26 Aug.Richd. 7 W. George. 9 Dragoons Foot April 16 Sept."'.Bn Driiry. 1 May 15 29 July 17 Jan. William. Charles Lennox. 09 23 Dec. 18 7 Sept. Dormer. 53 21 April 14 7 Sept. 49 Davies. 25 16 May May May 28 3 25 29 July 15 18 April 11 25 Dec. Edward. Nugent. 091 1 April 17 15 Mar. Archibald. 25 Nov. 14 2 July 17 18 16 14 16 29 Sept. 14 19 Jan. Unattached Dillon. John. 25 2 Oct."' 88 Foot *Denford."* 94 Foot Davies. Disney. Unattached Doswell. George. 99 18 Nov. York Lt. Henry Peter.Canadian Regt.. Alexander. 25 Nov. 14 Cumming. 35 5 Oct. Robert. \ 21 Nov. 27 Daubuz. Anthonv. 25 20 Aug. Alexander. Robert William. 19 27 Mar. Heury. James Robert.. George Gerald. 14 16 Mar. Acheson. Royal Artillery . 2 \V. John. P. William. 10 24 Nov. 25 Feb. 09 5 Dalgairns. Legion Day. 23 July 12 4 Feb. Veteran Battalion . David. . *[i5J Dodwell. . il Dec. 21 Jan. 11 Foot Dunlop. 37 Oct. 8 J West India Regt. 25 Dec. 12 25 May Dames. Edward Smith. 376 Lieutenants. 73 Foot 2. 04 1 Oct. Robert Mordauiit. Unattached Dickson. 26 )p July William. Veteran Battalion 6 14 May May 1 Jan. 41 Foot Digges. 18 Sept. Unattached Davidson. . York Chasseurs Dobyns. 24 3 July 28 18 Oct. 19 Foot Desbarres. 6 Dragoons 25 Mar. Philip Tuite.'"* Royal -Utillery . 24 27 Jan. 12 25 Feb. Hon. 26 Foot 22 Oct.'^'' 55 Foot 7 Sept. Inf. 24 15 Nov. Royal Marines 113^ Dunnicliffe. Daly. Joseph. ^ 20 Feb. Isaac Roboteau/-^ 8 R. 16 Dec. 22 Croudace. George. 24 Aug. Vet.'"-^ 38 Foot Downer. GO Foot 28 June 19 July 03 15 Aug. . 26 Mar. 18 20 Dec. May never Aug. 14 Foot Rolle. 25 Invalids. 32 16 19 11 15 Nov. Wright.'^' 1 Foot Frcame.. John. 17 14 16 Sept. Robert. Richard. Bar.^^*l R. 15 Foot Freeman. 57 Foot ^ Eayar."" 83 Foot Ede. Walter. Donald. Royal Hospital. 21 April April April April Oct. 17 Sept. John. Wm."^ 66 Foot 13 Edwards. ."^ 28 Foot 13 Evans. Dec. 11 July 26 6 18 April 11 29 18 Mar. Fitz Gibbon. of} 27 Sept. 25 Sept. Isidore Walsh. 17 18 9 Jan. 25 Feb. May 29 23 Mar. 21 July 14 Mar. 95 30 Dec. 14 Aug. Nov. ETC. Henry. Hugh. 376 Lieutenants. 27 Foot July !5 Mar. 16 Sept. . Sept. 02 15 27 14 17 16 26 16 03 18 20 . 13 Dec."^ 71 Foot. Robert Turtliff. 23 10 26 Mar. Royal Hospital. Richard Francis. Feb. 83 Foot Fitzherbert. June 15 May 96 Aug. Eiigar. Royal Marines 77 21 Jan. Aug. Royal Marines Sept. James. deGrenier. George."^ 62 Foot 13 Evans. 103 Foot Forward. Nov."^ 58 Foot Eliot. 40 17 June 41 29 Oct. Mar. Charlej. 20 Dragoons Eccles. 13 ^ 39 Foot Fonblanque. June Nov. Dec. Ralph..Chelsea ^ *Forster. May July Dec. Ffennell. 17 8 June 20 1 July Feb. 47 3 Jan. P % Eaton. 17 Jan. of Militia Fortescue. 3 Feb.. David.. Oct. 17 13 Edwards. Nov. John Mill. 9 Mar. 13 24 Dec. 25 Jan. Randall.i-7 3 West India Regt. Royal Marines. 08 26 July 09 17 Jan. Jan. 13 512l1 Eraser. James. 23 Mar. 13 21 27 April 09 3 25 May 09 30 Aug. Royal Marines Ede. 26 Oct.^"^ 7 R. Mar. Arthur John.. WHEN 2d LIEUT. 14 Foot Jan.30 Foot French. 14 July 20 5 Nov. Feb. Samuel. 9 June Mar. Roj'al Artillery |3 Easter. Arthur White.Veteran Battalion MiUtary Knight of Windsor May 17 Feb. April Sept. 10 Nov. 96 Edmonds.'^^ 36 Foot. Veteran Battalion 13 Ford. "^ Royal Marines Ellis. Jan. Dec. Dec. Unattached 16 Dec. 2 Pro v. 58 Foot Freeman. 36 Foot Fergusson. 1814 1 Oct. 27 Foot 13 Edwards. Alexander. 12 Feb. 8 Oct. 5 Feb. 8 Oct. Edward. 21 Dragoons Fowler. 19 Jan. April 25 June 13 April 21 June Mar. June Mar. 13 Fraser. Matthew..". '-^ 25 Dragoons > Aug. John. Fitchett. 11 Jan. William. 8 Foot Ferrier. James. 79 July 14 14 Dec. 09 4 Jan. Alexander Hamilton. Royal Marines 13 Franklin. Alfred P. Oct. May Jan. 2 R. Horwood. Oct. William. Earle. Dec.} tain ofInvaVuU. 95 F'oot Ford. Oct.'*® Unattached Fraser. Aug. '« . 13 19 22 24 16 17 May 17 July 31 Dec. 96 1 Jan. Independent Company . Ricliard Henry. Cuthbert.. 7 Garrison Battalion Filz Gerald. April Aug. May 11 Mar. John Hollis 9 Foot 13 F'orbes. Robert. John Samuel. 16 16 Feb. June 11 5 Aug. Royal African Corps 13 Evans. 04 July 8 June Jan. Patrick. ^Fleming. Sept. Veteran Battalion Eagles. July July Jan. Mar. Charles.. John.. 62 Foot Erskine. 18 Dec. JohnAugustus. James. PLACED ON HALF PAY. Hyacinth.'^^ Foote. Dusautoy.'"" Royal Marines .ArtilleryDrivers ^3 Evans. JMay Mar. 36 Foot . 43 Foot Elliot.Bn. 2 20 May 99 18 Aug. 13 Sept. July Dec. 13 96 April 99 July 09 May 06 Oct. Jeremiah. '"^ 23 Dragoons Dec. 2 Garrison Battalion. Nov. 98 Foot 13 Fleetwood. Tliomas Gerard. 17 11 Jan. 11 Dec. Richard. 02 Feb. Thomas. Feb. 08 21 June 04 28 Mar. Peter. I3anipfield. Thomas. 16 Mar. Denzil. ^ 21 Foot 5 Foot. Capt. July . J Edwards."" 82 Foot 13 Fraser. Thomas. John.'2o 38 Foot Farmer. Nov. 09 28 Aug. Robert beane. John. William. Royal Marines Feb.\ rachmaster at Taunton 5 Dyer. IG Edgworth.. Sept. Chelsea. Feb. Thomas Bridgman. 89 Foot Elringtoii. 10 Dec. 18 3 Mar. 1 Jan. 97 Foot French. John. 10 18 June 12 25 Mar. Mar. 09 June Nov."" 83 Foot 135:21 Evans. 21 Oct. 57 Foot Fergusson. William. Ca]). Andrew Simon.. Mar.^^^ R. Oct. 31 July 30 April May Flynii. Kilmainham ^3 Gilder. 1 Dec. ETC. Spencer. Henry.. Whiteside. William. PLACED ON HALF PAY. 14 Nov. July 3 July Aug. 25 Dec.'3' 71 Foot. 10 Nov.Edward. Arthur. 9 Bight Hon. 38 Dec. Newfoundland Fenc. Samuel. Dec.C«. Wm. 20 1 April 17 Sept. Roi/al Hospital. George. Stephen. 12 Nov.''^ Royal Waggon Train G Feb. George Colquhoun. 16 May May 17 19 11 18 Nov. 78 Foot Royal Artillery 13 Edward.. 29 11 Sept. 5 West India Regt Geddes. 12 . Alexander. Sept. 26 Oct. 19 8 Jan. Walter. 13 Nov.o/ ^ Invalids.'" Greene. Wm. R. 19 June May 83 Jan. IG Dec. ^ a® ^ . James. 50 Foot Godfrey. Lewis. 40 Foot 14 Goddard. Feb. 17 Sept. 16 Sept. Charles. Jan. 17 Sept. Gray. 10 Nov. Grant. 14 8 June 9 May 34 Nov. 27 May Mar. William.. 12 25 April 16 8 June Mar. 27 July May 16 Sept. 1 Royal Veteran Batt.'=« 6 Foot 20 May 8 June 1814 4 Oct. Royal Waggon Train •Grant. 26 Oct. Artillery Drivers 18 Dec. 29 Foot Gibbons. 31 Oct. 4 May Glassen. May Oct. 9 June 16 Mar.. Arthur. Charles. James. Ploward. German Legion ^ Graham. 20 Oct. 25 April 16 09 25 Dec. 92 Foot 20 T^ Gordon. Dec. 1 Dec. 19 Oct. 15 Aug.J!.30 4 5 June 09 2 never 25 never 25 Oct. 5 Royal Veteran Batt. 14 17 May 49 5 Nov.. Drummond. Alexander. 19 Dragoons 21 Grant. 3 Gar. 14 Jan. Battalion ^ of Militia 19 Jan. Caldwell. Sussex Militm 25 June 12 April Gale. 27 Sept. 14 21 17 17 17 17 14 16 22 1 May 17 1 Jan. 24 1 Feb. Unattached 7 Greaves. Ceylon Regt. 26 Sept.. 12 July 26 June 16 Mar. IG May 17 Mar. John. 1 Aug. Jan. Tliomas. 377 Lieutenants.'*® Royal Marines Dragoons 9 James. Scott. '-'^f Royal Marines Gillman. Oct. 17 Feb. WHEN ENSIGN. }^ Gillmore. 4 Foot Gibb. Joseph Albert. 11 July 12 Aug. 10 Sept.. Jolm. Gregory. 12 Nov. William. 36 13 Sept. 20 July Nov. ". Gill.. 72 Foot $) 512i Gr»me. 27 Foot Garstin. Edward. George. William. i^ Gichard. Unattached • Gordon. 25 June 16 7 Dec. William. 52 1 June 1 Sept. 21 Mar. Joseph. Jan. Rifle Brigade . Dec. 5 Mar. May 1 Dec. Andrew. 8 Oct. 9 Foot. Mar. Henry.} 26 master at Chichester ) 24 Graham. Greer. 15 Foot Gatty. W. Oct. 81 Foot Grant. 7 Garrison Battalion 3 Grape.'" Royal Artillery 5 Grant.''^ Bt. Thomas. 02 1 . Alexander. 35 Foot 10 1^ Gordon. Sir Orford. 26 Aug. 6 Royal Veteran Batt. Royal Marines 25 Greaves. 29 April 30 Sept. 28 July 08 18 Oct.'-" 85 Foot 17 Gordon. Joseph. . Adjutant of the 1 King's Own Militia 15 Greatrex. 60 Foot. Mar.CliarlcsArtliur. ^ Gibson. June 16 Auk. 2 Garrison Battalion Gardiner. Dec.'^* Unattached 28 Grant. 6 Foot ^ . 22 July Fullarton. Royal Marines ^M 9 Glendinning. 02 7 April 16 23 July 52 22 Sept. Gordon. 19 Aug. 15 •Grant. Barrack. Dec. Gardiner. 02 Nov. ^ 14 S Garden. 71 Foot Fuller. Frederick de. 18 J 26 Aug. 13 20 Sept. Wm.. 1 Dragoons *Gamlen.. 21 Aug. } 14 2 Light Infantry Batt. 8 June French. 60 Foot 25 513a Glynn. Infantry Volunteers 27 23 Goudie. Robert. Veteran Batt. George Anthony. 24 May 25 Mar. Royal Marines . Batt. 10 Dec.''' 27 Foot ^PGilse.. Gardner. Independent Company 18 30 1^ Goodali. 22 June 16 1814 Oct. 25 Feb. John. 16 July 19 July 29 Jan.''^ 42 Foot 512J Gerard.'" KH. 15 Aug. 25 Aug. 14 Foot 31 Green. John Campbell. James. 11 July . Royal Waggon Train 1 }^ Grant. Harrv Wm. 29 Dec. 14 April 9 April 4 July Aug. 11 Mar.. John. 16 •Goodair. G. John. James. May 3 Mar. . 31 23 Dec. 21 Dec. 3 Prov. GO Foot Geddes. 15 Sept. 12 Oct. 3 June Oct. William Lasinby. 6 Jan. 14 July 16 Aug. York Lt. Charles Butler. 2 Cej'lon Regt. Adj. Aug. 21 Sept. Matthew William. 25 Mar. 4 Oct. ^f i!I2aGilbome. Oct. May April May Sept. 8 R. Grattan. Hector. 27 Sept. 09 21 Jan. 7 Dec. . 11 Feb. Wm. John Ponsonby. 15 Aug. Feb.'" 4 Foot ^ 10 Aug. Royal Artillery Gibbon. 10 Dec.'^ 52 Foot 22 Gordon. Royal Artillery Gibson. '** 14 Foot Hammei'sley. Wiliiam Legh. 09 29 Oct. Chambers. 16 29 July 25 Dec. 25 Sept. Aug.'" 24 Foot Hewat. 25 May 24 Jan. 3 Foot 2 July 7 July T^ Hilliard. John Fleming.18 Feb. Royal African Corps 25 April Hemsley. . 14 21 April 14 25 Mar. Hay. Griffiths. 22 29 Aug. 30 Aug. 22 Feb. 25 Foot * Hall. 4 Mar.'*^ 10 Dragoons Hargrove. 11 Feb. JohTi. John. 6 Nov. never *Heath. ^ an . 25 Sept. ffiSJ Hearne. William Gale. 7 July 19 July 2 April 25 Dec. > 26 July German Legion ) 27 Oct. 13 12 21 Jan. 31 July 13 June Hart.^^'^ 6 R. 2 April Greetham. 18 Oct. 12 1815 27 April 11 12 Sept. Edwin. . . James 9 May Hickman. Charles Thomas. Aug. Henry. ^ Herron. Robert. Aug. George Royal Marines :17 Oct.. '^^ Royal Marines 29 Oct. Edward. 27 Mar. New Brunswick Fencibles 25 Mar. ETC. Batt. 18 July 26 Feb.'" 44 Foot 25 May Grierson.'^^ 60 Foot 5 May 16 Mar. Royal Artillery 16 Dec. 25 Oct. Henderson. 2 Garrison Battalion . . Royal Irish Artillery 10 Dec. Nich. 80 Foot 30 Aug. William. Paymaster 96 Foot J Foot. 37 Foot 2 July Griffith. Michael Greatheed. 16 1814 25 Feb. 14 11 Oct.'*^ Unattached 12 Nov. Aug. 18 12 Aug. Dillon's Regiment 22 Nov. Harkness. 14 25 Oct. Mar.'^'t 5E 10 Nov. William. 15 1 16 Mar. 12 17 Aug. 12 13 Oct. 18 Oct'. 7 Jan. de.. 14 09 23 April 12 2 April 18 13 4 Aug. Giimoens. 13 May 06 18 Feb. Heath. Unattached ^ aSa Hamilton. 60 Foot Harris. 15 Sept. 15 28 Feb. Charles. William . Phillip.'^' Royal Marines Hatheway. Hassard. 25 Sept. John Langford. '*»8 Royal Veteran Batt. Harris.'^* 2 Line Batt. Haire. George Henry. 37 1 April 2 Jan. 14 25 April 16 1 Sept.. 35 12 14 Feb. 378 Lieutenants. Royal Marines 11 Aug. John. 11 Foot 6 July . July 16 14 5 Oct. Greer. July j j 25 May 23 Mar. 15 22 Sept.'^* 5 Foot 21 May Hilton. ^ . John Stepney. 28 08 14 Sept. 14 Foot * Grove. 22 Feb. Alexander.'''' 75 Foot Harden.'^* 5 • 29 April Hamilton. 14 24 Feb. '^^f Royal Marines.. 25 Sept. . Hijrginbotham.^^" Royal Artillery 4 June Grove. Dauiel. 25 Dec. Charles.. 31 Jan. 25 May 09 9 July 22 25 June 08."i 39 Foot Guest.. William. Batt. William Stuart. 14 Feb.Vet. 62 Foot 19 Sept. 61 Foot 21 May Hadwen. 42 Foot never P*Harland. Tliomas. William Augustus. 2 Foot l^Hasleham. Unattached 16 Dec. Henry. Drivers. 22 25 Feb. 2 Royal Veteran Battalion 25 Aug. 1 Prov. 13 25 Sept. Hamer. Grueber. 1 Prov.. 16 Feb. 13 May 2 Mar. 10 Foot 4 July ^ Henderson. Charles Francis. Richard. Drew. 1 Dragoon Guards 8 May Grifhn. Oct. 17 14 Mar. of Militia. Hamilton. 1 Jan. 20 Mar. 1 Mar. 15 Foot .. Hawkins. 23 Sept. Alexander. • $ P P WA . S® . 8 Oct.. July Feb. 12 Nov. Vet. Richard Newton Chr. 10 R. John Henry. Waller. 3 Dec. 1 Dec. Major 2nd Middlesex Militia j 4 Mar. Robert. 20 May Harrington. Henry Anthony. 22 June 30 May 22 Oct.. Alexander Murray. Dec. Jesse. 22 . 16 25 April 16 Dec. 16 June 19 May Hardman. 14 Foot never 6 April Foot. 98 Foot . Haswell. John. . Royal Art. Theo. 17 Oct. 4 Foot. Grepfff. 1 Foot Hewett. William. Henry. 6 June 16 11129 April 9 28 19 25 12 12 25 12 25 20 18 25 24 22 Mar. 10 25 Nov. PLACED ON HALF PAY. AVilliam. Grimes. ^ a® ^ P ^ P . of Militia never 24 Dec. Robert. 15 Foot never Hildilch. James. 28 Foot 28 Mar. Thomas. 1^ Hardcastle. 23 } 8 Oct. Gunning. Hardman. James Allen. Batt. . Unattached Hearn. Grier. George. 3 Garrison Battalion 4 July 7 Mar. 17 10 Sept. 7 Sept. William. 1 Garrison Battalion 12 Mar. 08 18 Jan. June 26Juhr 50 "1814 Sept. Samuel. Richard. 15 Aug. 06 15 Jan. George. Gunn. 7 West India Regt. WHEN ENSIGN. 18 22 Feb. Charles. 14 1815 10 24 13 Feb. Batt. 25 Dec. William Henry. 22 Dragoons 13 May *Hilder. ^ . Halahan. 25 May 25 Mar. Samuel. ^ 6 Jan.. 17 1 Jan. 14 12 April 33 25 Oct. Christopher. 15 12 24 May 15 25 April 16 {25 Dec. 18 Mar. . 13 25 Mar. Edward Henry. Maggup. Charles. 16 10 22 Oct.^'*'^ Royal Marines ^ Griffiths. 38 Foot 4 May Heddle. John. Unattached 26 Feb.. Charles.'^3 5 Foot Herrick. Glengarry Fencibles 8 June 09 6 Feb. Jones. 3 West India Regiment. 24 14 May 5 Officer of Coast Guard Huyghue. George Francis. Jolin. 32 Foot 16 May 11 7 July Irwin. 19 Foot Hughes. Henry. 43 Foot. 3i2nl Innes. 18 Dragoons 23 April 05 17 April Hunter. Jappie. 1$ 212a Jones. .'«' 1 Foot 8 May 5 July William Johnson. *Hin(le. 30 Dec. Edward. 103 Foot 1 April 12 12 June Inglis. 60 Foot 12 Nov. 24 16 48 28 14 14 19 July . 21 Oct. of Militia 11 Oct. Thomas. Chief i 20 Nov. William. 05 11 Aug. Johnstone. Thomas."" 82 Foot Holland. 12 6 Nov. July Dec. H. Oct. 11 29 June 4 May 23 Jan. How. 1 26 Mar. Hubbard. Bn. David. Scott D."'' 13 Dragoons Irving. 27 Foot. 17 17 Mar. Hutison. 10 26 Nov. 16 ^ ^ Sept.""' 9 Foot never 25 Dec. 16 April 17 11 April % ^M ^ 17 33 28 Sept. Charks. AIrierson.3 Dragoon Guards. Holland. Josepii. 10 22 Aug. 15 Dragoons Hutchinson. 26 Aug. 8 25 Jan. 00 16 June Hurt. ^ Home. 08 5 Oct. H umphrey s. 135!2i Isaacson. George. 08 28 Dec. John. 48 Foot 2 Dec. 30 April 12 23 Sept. Major. Hughee.. Alexander. 13 Jago..'*^ 3 Foot 4 Mar. 52 Foot 1^ Hodgson. Dec. Jameson. 60 Foot 9 May 10 Feb. Hunter. 13 24 Nov. 7 West India Regiment . 15 Dec. 17 25 June 41 13 April 15 25 Dec.'^" 40 Foot 28 Mar. 17 90 13114 May 13 22 Sept 83j 18 17 1783 13 9 April 19 12. John. 18 7 Aug.'*" 61 Foot 25 Feb. Pembroke Artillery Militia j t) Hollis. 17 May 11 23 Sept. g'-Ieffries. 17 Mar.'*^ Innes. 64 Foot 3 Oct. 34 07 15 12 13 10 14 13 26 June 12 15 Mar. Proudo. 28 15 Nov. Nov. 1 Aug. Royal Marines 2 May 04 15 April Jackson. Royal Marines 10 Oct. 12 14 July Jackson.'*' 60 Foot 12 Nov. 27 30 April 29 July 13 10 Aug. Sept.'" 57 Foot Holnian. 13 April 09 8 Aug. Sept. Unattached 19 July 15 Oct. 18 May 3!i53 Irving. 15 Foot 6 Feb. 4 April Irvine. Nov. 15 Oct. York Light Infantry 24 Nov. Nov. William. Gardiner. '•'Holt. Edward. 12 4 May 26 July 09 14 Jan. Samuel. Edward. 10 7 Mar. William Henry. Egert. Jan.'"^ 1 4 Dragoons 9 May 11 11 Mar. Robert. ETC. Battalion 12 Jan. 14 Sept.. 16 22 June 20 . 2 Dec. Rupert Cliarles. Sept. Royal Marines. William. William. 27 Sept. Leicester Yeomanry Cavalry J Jackson."^ 9 R.21 April 17 13] ... Hutton. Robert. 60 Foot 30 Aug. 05 8 June How. 14 Sept. Foot Holmes. 29 Feb.'«* llojel. Jameson. 3 Roval Vet. William. John. William Dodsworth. 45 Foot 4 Jan.. Ibbotson. Devon { Artillery Militia S i3 Holgate. PLACED ON HALF PAY.'* 54 Foot 25 Feb. 10 26 Jan. Unattached Irwin. 46 17 18 Mar. Charles. Mar. Oct. Irwin. 56 Foot 18 May 5 Dec. Charles Wm.. James. 22 July 4 May 24 Mar. Charles.. Michael.. $ 9 June 07 6 Feb."'' 10 Dragoons Hole.Comp.'*' Gar. 379 Lieutenants.Cha. 37 Foot 21 May 2 Feb. 10 Dec. Royal Marines. |) Hopkins. 05 20 Aug. 17 April 17 April 17 1814 July 17 Jan. William Randolpli. Charles. 80 Foot 28 Oct. Francis. Dec. Adjutant. 8 Oct. 17 25 Mar. 18 Aug. Edward.'*' Royal Marines 1 Nov. Batt. 12 II Nov. James. 12 9 Sept."^^ 09 Foot 2 Foot Fencible Infantry Holborn. 12 17 June Inman. Oct. Henry Francis. Humfrey. 12 7 Feb. 22 April 13 9 Oct. Chas. William. James. Edward Milton. 13 Holmes. I 24 Aug. 2 Prov. Aug. \% Hunt. William. 7 Oct. 16 27 Nov. 09 13 Aug. Robert. Henry. July Nov.'6» Unattaciied ffa Hodder.'** 10 Foot James. Edward. Bobert Blake. Jeremy. 23 32 29 Aug. June 15 21 16 02 April 23 ^ . 3 Dragoons 21 April 14 7 Sept. WHEN 2d LIEUT. John Robert. 64 Foot Nov."^ 5 Foot Houghton. 07 5 May 10 Sept. 37 .. 26 8 Sept. 1814 8 aiay 40 25 Nov. 14 25 Mar. 1 Oct. Frederick. Alexander. ^ Oct.'*. 3 Foot Home. 04 7 Jan. Caitliiicss never 25 Dec. Royal Marines 16 Oct. 12 2 Oct. 16 15 28 28 16 18 15 37 Oct."^ 36 ^ Holmes. 10 Royal Veteran Battalion 31 Mar. Jones. Richard. Thomas Withy. Rifle Brigade iP Hiue. Benjamin Hayes. 25 Mar. Tiiomas. 12 20 Jan. 14 Foot 14 May 29 April 28 July Jeffreyson. 25 Jan. 103 Foot 21 May 4 Nov. Robert. Jacob ^'Emilius. Johnson. Vet. William."' Royal Marines. 2 Nov. Adjutant } It. Gds. ETC. Charles. Batt.=o^30Foot. 14 11 11 Jan. 104 Foot 11 Feb.8 West India Regt. 60 April 28 Sept.. Cohvell. 28 Feb. 14 July 29 April 5 July 25 Sept. 20 2 13 25 08 30 24 ^ Lowry. ) 6 Feb. 3 July 11 22 April 8 Aug. Leslie. 46 14 J Jones. 5 Dec.'^^ G8 Foot 29 Aug. Lewis. 28 Foot 14 Feb. 17 Sept. Unattached Langdon. 25 Dec. ^ ^ Lynam.^" 45 Foot Lowry.. John. Scots Fusilier Guards never Leach. Battalion of Militia never *Lambert. 27 Foot 27 April Little. Keep. Canadian Fencibles. Royal Artillery 25 Mar. New Brunswick Jones. Lonsdale. 14 18 Aug. Purefoy. Jamcs. . 16 Jan. 13 July 25 Mar. Jeffries. 512a Lonsdale. % WA ^ ^ $ Oct. Leathes. Armar. John Joseph.''*' 26 Foot 25 Aug. Little. 15 Sept. 24 Nov.''"^ Scots Fusilier Gds.^'^95 Foot ^ 312tl Lucas. } 20 Oct. 20 Oct. Hosjntal. 12 Mar. 4 Foot. 380 . Harry Gobins. . 19 Dec. Francis. PLACED ON HALF PAY. ^ Feb.. Warrington. 23 May May Dec. 84 Foot 20 May 1 Feb. Cumberland Militia . George. 3 Dragoons 24 June KingsmiU. 44 Foot July July 17 25 Aug. Leavach. Benjamin de. 21 Dec. R. 17 1 April 19 23 Aug. 53 1814 Mar. 12 May Lewis. 1 Mar.. 19 Mar.. Sept. Knox.. 16 Nov. 16 Dragoons 30 May Locke. 27 25 Feb. Francis. 1814 \ 1 April 31 Dec. Edward Bell. . John. William. 5 Dragoon Guards 9 June Pfiaa Lock wood. 17 Mar. William. Henry . of Militia 21 Jan. Kennedy.^^<^ 10 Royal Vet. 14 10 Oct. William Thornton . Unattached 1 Jan. Lister. John.. 15 Aug. 8 April 34 . 14 Nov. 25 Mar. Angus.'"'^ Royal Marines 1 Sept. 3 Dragoon Gds."** 10 Foot 4 Oct. Robert. 8 Dragoons 17 Aug. Jan. 25 Mar. 14 Feb.^'^ 32 Foot Sept. Jas.Marie. Kierulf. May 19 Mar. Thomas Edward. Richard Lott. July 27 May Nov. William . 16 1814 June 17 Jan. 10 Mar. Kane. 3 Garrison Battalion 12 Mar. 11 12 Mar. 2 Prov. 1 24 30 25 24 25 6 17 16 25 11 Nov.. William Duntzfelt. Robert. 93 Foot L'Estrange. John. 25 July 05 27 July 09 9 Sept. 22 April 20 Nov. William. Lloyd. 14 Mar. 3 West India Regiment. Kayes. 60 Foot ?12a Kersteman. 26 Mar. Alured. William. May 21 May 10 Aug. ^ . Ambrose.Torriano Francis. . 5 Lewis. 49 17 June 53 4 14 May 5 Jan. July 15 28 23 12 16 5 25 28 15 17 May 30 Dec. 16 29 Aug. 3 28 May Lane. Thomas. Pror. John. 21 Jan. Edward. never Kennedy.. Jasper. Henry. 15 July 19 Dec.^"^ Royal Marines 23 Feb. Thomas. George. Joseph Venables. 19 July 16 Nov.^'" Royal Artillery 6 Nov.^"* Unattached .. 21 Feb. Samuel Walter. Town Major at St. Lieutenants. 16 20 Jan. P. 16 Mar.'^^ 28 Foot '^^ 51 Foot 13 April ffiiSa Kennedy. Oct. ^ 22 June Lane.'"' 31 Foot 23 Mar. WHEN ENSIGN. Leggett.Wimaiti. \ 18 April of Invalids.. La Grange. 26 Feb. Edward.. 22 Foot Nov. April Mar. 13 23 Nov. P. Coldst. 17 April 28 July 24 Dec. Lacy. 06 4 Aug. 21 Mar. 18 May 24 Feb. 22 Dragoons King.. 7 June 6 Jan 25 June 11 Dec. 47 25 Dec. Charles Henry John. 25 May ^ IP May 8 Sept. Royal jirtillery 19 June Kingsley.. John William.. Captain R. Kerr. 4 Foot 21 Oct. Mar. William. John. Kilmainham j Long. S Provisional I ^ % P . Unattached . William. 25 Dec. Edward Crean.. Unattached 6 July Knight.^"' 3 Dragoon Guards . John Henry. John. 19 Foot 1^ Lindsey. 42 Foot 23 Mar. 1 Jan.'"9 83 Foot Lane. June 26 Dec. 12 Dec..^"^ 4 p-„ot Love.Crt79^. 51iSa Kerr. 3 Aug. 19 11 Mar. 15 Foot Lyucb. Royal Artillery. 17 June 16 June 24 Mar. Kingston. 3 July 15 Sept. John. 28 Oct. Unattached 25 Auff. 10 Feb. Lovelace. 15 Mar. P Battalion of Militia Lovett. 23 5 Aug. Lisle. 92 Foot 1 July 14 July Laye. May 20 Sept. John.. *Lovett. Henry John. 17 June 14 16 Oct. 17 July 22 17 16 Nov. Henry Philip. 10 2 Sept.^"'' 23 Foot 3 Aug. P Jordan. 73 Foot Kearnes. 13 8 April 36 25 Mar. Batt. L'Estrange. John Pitt. 22 Foot 16 May Knight.. John's. 17 10 Aug. 24 Foot Henry. Edmund Slingsby. La Berthodierre.2»o 60 Foot 6 April Latham. 6 Dec. 10 10 May 24 18 Dec. Earl of. Macpherson. Inf. lo) } never 4 Royal Veteran Batt ) Sept. 33 09 Dec. 17 18 16 17 22 18 20 Nov. Macartney. I'LACEU ON HALF PAY.-^' 42 Foot April Mackay. Michael. M'Gregor. 06 7 Sept. 40 Foot Lyster. 25 Oct. Stephen. John.^'^a R. Dec. Thomas. 5 Feb. John.*-'^ 91 Foot. Leopold George Fred. Nov. 22 16 April 17 July 5 April 25 Mar. James. Andreiol^ (Q.*^* Royal Marines April Maker. 15 Mar. 1 Lt. William. Bn. 25 July 25 Feb. 1 Prov. 14 17 May 21 11 Oct. 10 Nov. Alexander. 4 June 26 Sept..*^* 76 Foot May 19 July Mackenzie. Edmond. M'Numara.Leg. John. Mahon. 52 Foot Aug. 0917 Jan. M'Kinnon. . 10 Feb. 08[ 2 Jan. Barrack.. 1515 Aug. Patrick.\ 11 Nov. 25 July 1 Sept. Colin. Staff Corps Dec. Feb. B&it. M'Donald. Royal Veteran Battalion. Macpherson. 25 Dec. John. M'lver. 62 Foot Nov. WHEN ENSIGN. 13 Foot Oct. 46 Foot Dec. M'Millan. John.^" 7 Royal Veteran ^ 1 Nov. 53 Mar. Oct. 16 June 16 April . 381 Lieutenants.. 16 15 May 18 13 25 Feb. 21 14 15 28113 77 9 14 26 5 P 19 28 26 24 23 . John."' Royal Marines Feb. M' Arthur. Martin. 104 Foot June M'Laren. Mar.^^° 4 Royal Veteran Batt. 19 July Dec. 25 Oct. James. M'Nicoi. iEneas. M'Naniara.=» 91 Foot Dec. 1 Oct. 5 West India Regt. 15| 1 Sept.20 Mar. i2Apr.*-'« 59 Foot Dec. 23 1814 13 Dec. 4 West India Regt Dec.. Ger.. Macalpine. Marsh. 2 Royal Veteran Batt June M'Leroth.*'* 2G Foot Nov. Lachlan. M'Leod.. McLoughlin. Royal African Corps . Aug. 3 Dragoons Maeiauchlan. 8 Dragoons Dec. Donald.*-« 66 Foot July M'Rae. Sept. Maclean. 1224 Feb. 76 Foot Feb. July . 312J Macliell. Oct. 26 Foot Jan. 104 Foot . 25 Dec. 22 13 10 25 28 29 17 10 April 33 Sept. July Macnab. 82 Foot Jan. William. James.*33 94 Foot never |9*Macnamara. 14 Foot M'Carthy. Royal Marines Feb. James. Macdougall. 1116 Feb. 70 Foot Mahon. 09 12!l5 June 2 Feb. Henry.. 12 98 12 June 16 Mar. March. 77 Foot Dec. Lachlan. 72 Foot Feb. Stephen. 0315 Aug. Jan. 22 Oct. 10 Feb. May Aug. 18 Oct. Nov. Thomas. John. 100 Foot M'Goldrick. 318a June M'Rae. Mar. 25 Feb. ' ^ April Sept. Cape Regt June M'Pherson. of Mil. Oct.**^ 92 Foot M'Pherson.Batt. Hugh Donald.. 24 May 17 Ly8ter."^ 50 Foot Sept. J0 Mac Kay. Donald.. Jan. Duncan. Sept. Alexander. M'Kenzie. Macdonald. 29 Feb. R. Justin Thadeus Courtney. Duncan. Mar. M.. Royal Marines. Jineas. Batt. Mar. Arthur O'Neil. Henry. John. Royal African Corps . Independent Company May 29 08 09 4 Sept. 28 23 June 25 25 Dec. James. James. 11 Dragoons Dec. 16 May May ^(/(/ene. James 84 Foot Earle. Canadian Fencibles April M'Kenzie. Cliarles.-*'' Royal Marines May M'Nicol. 31 Aug. 7 Dragoons M'Annally. Colin.Vet. M'Niel. 38 1783 June 12 June April 25 April 16 25 Feb. 25 Sept. July ff. . Mar. 20 Dragoons l^M'Dermott. 60 Foot Oct. John. 18 Jan. Alex. M'Cullock. Jan. M'Dermott.. M'Intyre. 52 Foot Mar. Nicol.**« 27"Foot Aug. 43 25 Feb. Macduff. Oct. Nov. William Fleming. 72 Foot May Mac Grefjor. $ 21 20 19 39 18 05 94 $ $ $ $ 33 Sept. M'Cormick. 4 25 25 3 12] 09 26 July 33 26 April 8 July Nov. Neil. R. May 11 13 Oct. 18 Dragoons Oct. 27 Nov. Charles. Henry. Macdonald. Mackay. Theodore."-"" 3 West India Regt M'Intosh. 0527 Feb.. 62 Foot. Peter. Oct. 7 Feb. James Augustus. Michael. Macdonald. Royal Marines Sept.. Major. M'Donald. 31 Mar. 15 20 Feb.. John Thomas. ETC. Jan. Magin. 25 July 25 Jan. Mac Gachen. George. master at Canterbury ) May M'Gregor. Farquhar. 13 31 Mar. Alexander Donald. James Murray. 22 25 Dec. 16 June 03 June 19 15 Oct. Military Knight of Windsor .^'^ 94 Foot ^ ^M'CroliaUyBems May 11 Jan. 16 99. S Mar. PLACED ON HALF PAY. 23 July ^ 2 June 3 Sept. Royal Artillery 20 May 97 19 July Miller. 13 25 Dec. 13 17 Aug. 17 May 09 June 15 25 Mar. Edward Lacy. R. 12 29 Oct. Mence. 3 Prov. New Brunswick Fencibles 25 Mar. 66 Foot Nov..239 32 Foot Menzies. Mar. 2 3 Foot April 26 Morphy. Morton. Charles. .^-'. WHEN 2d LIEUT. *Moore..28 Foot 2« 71 Foot 5 Aug. Edward. 30 Jan. Earl of. Matheson. Richard Bartholomew. 14 1 Aug. 13 4 Dec. Morshead. 28 Nov.=-*» 54 Foot 28 April Sept. 07 00 12 24 April 16 26 15 June 30 14 15 Mar. 10 12 June 23 04 14 Aug.^^* Royal Artillery . . . 8 Garrison Battalion 13 Nov. Money. Abraham. Richardi^^"" Aug.. 21 June 51 17 16 19 17 02 19 1 Sept.William. 2 Oct.^^r (52 Foot. 28 Oct. 16 June 14 19 April 10 Oct.Crimp to the Queen J 12 April Mountford. Morley. 08 16 Mar. Thomas. May Minchin. Samuel. M'Donald. 16 June 11 25 June 17 Aug. 19 Aug. Vet. 17 Oct. 28 Aug. . 8 West India Regiment 31 Dec. 42 Foot 9 Aug. Mar. Mar.^*^ Royal Marines Dec. Dec. John. 5 Royal Veteran Batt. 11 24 0918 05 17 12 27 08 11 13 1 96 . 23 Dec. Murchison. Milnes. Engineers 1 Jan. Aide de. Morrison.238Royal Waggon Train 29 Nov. 22 June 13 Feb. Joseph.'''''RoyalMarines. Bn. 11 April 09 28 June Mogridge. Gr. 19 Foot 10 July 15 7 April Jan. Haffez. 17 3 Feb. Meredith. 11 9 Feb. O ^ .^" 71 Foot T^ 3 Sept. Whiteford. James. Andrew du. *Miller. Wm. 3 25 3 Sept. James Edward.^** 34 Foot 2 Oct. Gavin. Miller. Royal Marines Martin. Morgan. George. 6 Royal Vet.^Unattached Martin. ffiiSa Meuron. Chief Officer of Coast Guard S . Thos. John Inf. *Moore. James Miles. John Augustus. Henry Alexander. 13 4 May 25 May 09 16 May Mar. 11 July 28 June Mar. Ralph.=''o 7 Foot 30 May 11 6 April Oct.A. 08 12 April 2 Sept. ^ Gds. '^'t 5 Foot 10 Nov. 14 Oct. 26 Aug. 2 Lt. Charles Champion. ETC. 14 Foot never 25 Dec. Batt. 8 West India Regt 20 Mar. 28 Foot June Minchin. 26 Sept. 1 Sept. Charles Anderson. 05 14 May never 25 Dec. Ger. 17 April 25 31 Dec. 33 Foot never 25 Dec. George. Moreton. ^^^ Royal Marines Munro. LIEUT.. 16 Nov. of Militia. 26 Mar. George. 30 Foot 2 Mar. Gds. Royal Marines Frederick de. Robert. 25 Jan. Donald. 23 Aug. 06 22 Mar. 26 Nov. Glengarry Fencibles ' . Joseph. Moore. 12 1816 Sept. 14 23 June 24 . William. Mar. Royal Artillery Martin. 9 Foot 16 Mar. 08 31 Mar. E. Thomas. Meares. 20 Dec. ^ Rangers. Batt. Sept. ^ i)(\'\'\ar qn 10 July 37 2 Mar. Sept. Frederick. 19 26 Jan. Batt. 1 Drag. 12 April 21 9 April 15 April 12 3 Mar. Royal York Rangers 16 Aug. 15 Feb. 11 31 Dec. 13 Aug. 30 Mar. 98 1 April 3 Dec. Kenneth. Robert. 25 Dec. 18 July Maxwell. Francis. 01 12 24 Feb. Royal Marines 13 Jan. 94 Foot 4 Jan. Roderick. Colonelof the Duke of Cornwall's \ never 12 Jan. Mills. 13 25 Mar. Masters... Alfred Shore. 15 April 15 25 Mar.^'-'^ 9 R.=36 77 Foot 3 Nov. George. Miles. 10 Jan. Joseph 8 May Mathison. 30 Foot 6 Feb. Milne. Marshall. 10 Foot aaa Matthews. Charles Humphrey. Moorhead. SlSa Mount Edgcumbe. July Middleton. 12 15 July Mar. Thomas Milnes Smith. William Neufville. 14 1814 Dec. 14 25 Feb. Sept. ' ^ W^ 16 16 22 21 14 25 29 22 17 19 16 17 16 17 40 17 17 17 20 14 14 18 17 14 17 17 ^ .-" Royal Marines. Arthur John. Charles Stanley. 12 Foot Sept. 27 2 Oct. Zaccheus.. 44 Foot 1 Jan. Mosse. 64 Foot 25 June Mason.^*^ 18 Drags. Moss. Mitchell. 512a Moffatt. Alexander. Oct. Joshua John. 07 2 July 17 Aug. Johnston.4pril Moller. Moses. 3 Royal Veteran Batt. Monck. 15 April Mercer. Royal Artillery 28 Nov. Alexander. Aug. Stephen. ) . . Mar. 05 9 05 15 12 5 09 13 11 12 14 7 13 7 9 . Milnes.„ 1 Oct.382 Lieutenants."^ 81 Foot 10 Aug.^35 83 Foot 6 April Mathews. James Adolphus. JohUj^^T^ Royal Marines Melli3h. 25 Aug. never *Mawby. fflSa Matthews. William. July Moulin. 12 Dec. 10 11 Feb. Bourbon Regt Martin. Falkner. J. 5 July 13 15 Jan. George. Molesworth. 38 Foot Sept. April Mostyn. 89 Foot Marshall. John Powell.. Mar. Leg . Miller. David. 28 1 Sept. 16 Dec. 18 Mar. 21 Dragoons 6 Aug. 10 Oct. 22 19 25 13 Nov. 18 11 ^ 25 23 25 2 ^ Mi ^ . 2 Dec.. HTHEN PLACED ON HALF PAY. James. 11 1 Oct. 10 Feb. 7 Mar. Nankivell. 16 May 17 25 Dec. 06 14 Mar. 14 May Norris. Sarracli \ 29 Dec. Samuel. Unattached SiJi Onslow. 18 June 18 13 April May 30 June 25 29 Aug. Nagel. R. John. 98 Foot O'Flyn. John. 09 4 Mar. 6 July 27 July Nisbett. 27 Foot O'Connor.='«'' 69 Foot 7 Mar. Henry.. 16 25 May 15 25 Sept. 4 Mar. Nash. 23 25 Sept. Royal Marines . Bn. Sewell. June 51 09 25 Dec.^'' 97 Foot O'Dell. . Westropp. 19 25 Dec. Thomas. Newton. 19 25 April 26 31 Dec. 17 Dec. 76 Foot Paget. William Andrews. Alexander. F. James. Walter. Barrack. 10 Aug."^R. 27 Oct. 14 $ Master at Drogheda 17 4 Sept. $ 49 5 Aug. Kenyon Stevens. 99 16 Nov. Vet. 14 20 Sept. 44 Foot O'Connor. James. 15 Dragoons 16 Sept. Hibbert. Neynoe. 3 Feb. Waggon Ti'ain 23 April 7 Sept. Royal Marines Parker. Nason. 29 April 20 Feb. ^ 14 25 Dec. 12 2 Aug. 11 Foot Ormsby. 2d LIEUT.\ 6 Dec. 30 Mar.94 Foot O'Kelly. Henry. Duncan Campbell. 2 Jan. William. 17 Feb. Joseph. 04 27 July 3 Oct. Unattached O'Neill. 12 20 Oct 7 April 30 July 44 13 Aug. of Militia.dm. 20 Dragoons 9 May 18 Mar. 6 R. Robert. 24 Dragoons 20 Mar. Robert. 02 Aug. ^ 18 ^ ^ ^M . Barrack. Batt. 20 25 Mar. 26 11 July 9 Dec. Aug. 63 Foot 2 June 28 Nov.^' Royal Marines.. 18 IJuly 12 18 July 16 2 April 16 20 Jan. 24 June Nayler. 18 May ^ ^ 22 Oct. Newton. Oct. Charles. 30 25 Mar. 26 Nov. never 25 Dec. 5 Roval Veteran Battalion 17 July 25 June 25 Dec.=^* 55 Foot. never 14 April WSi Mure. Royal Waggon Train . Military \ 19 Oct. never 25 Dec. 46 5 Jan. 22 1 April 50 25 June 19 7 Sept. Drivers 17 May 07 11 Mar. Maurice. Samuel Alex. 05 8 Jan. Francis. 98 Foot Nantes.*" Grenadier Guards. 33 Foot Olpherts. 5 Foot 27 Dec. Robert. ^^ Roval Marines Orr. 12 31 Oct. 16 1814 P . 48 Foot 26 June 30 Mar.=«'* o2 Foot 26 July 11 May Norman. 8 AVest India Regt 29 Feb. 97 12 July Murray. Frederick. Thomas Charles. John. O'Brien. .='. 3o Newton. 70 Foot 16 Dec. George. 12 Sept. 1^ Nicholson.... John.^'^^ 14 Foot 5 April 29 May 31 Dec. 25 April 16 Sept. Ralph. 7 Royal Veteran Battalion Panuell. Knight of Windsor ) Napier. 1814 Mar. Thomas Willis. Ai-l."' Royal Marines Murray. 2 Prov. 11 Nov. 2 Garrison Battalion Parker. John. 26 Nov. West India Rangers 12 Aug. Jan. 6 Foot Orr. 4 Foot •Oliver. 20 25 Sept. Paule Harris. Henry Michael. 10 28 July 16 June 20 15 Nov. 19 14 Feb. 11 Dec.^'^' 83 Foot Nelson. 14 25 Dec. Andrew. 26 Foot 8 June 9 Nov.*'^' R. Richard. 17 SB O'Connor. 16 27 July 20 25 July 16 1 Sept. Walter. . Francis. never 25 Dec.. 05 15 Jan. 31® Nicholson. Phipps Vansittart. 15 6 Mar. John Clarke. ^ Neligan. James. 4 June 12 17 Feb. 17 18 May 15 25 Dec. Richard. Ncsfield. 24 Feb. 1 April 17 25 Mar. 18 20 Mar.'-^'" 55 Foot Page. Robert. 60 Foot Parke.=« 101 Foot Nicholson. 16 Feb. Nowlan. ETC. 14 . Wm. Henry. 16 Nov. 11 ^ C .-83 27 July 13 April p^oj Newton. 87 Foot Ogilvy. James. 25 May 25 Mar. Robert Hyde. Nixon. Oughton. Bernard Richard.''T' 8 Royal Veteran Batt. Ceylon Regiment.*'^ 94 Foot. 7 Oct. Nicolas. 36 Foot {^ Ormsby. Thorn as.^^^ 28 Foot 16 May 25 Aug. •Myers. Newbolt. 09 7 Jan. Meuron's Regt. 383 Lieutenants. 9 Feb. John. Williara. John. at Master Castlelar 5 29 Jan. 18 26 Oct. George. James.Pagan.\ 29 June 09 7 July master at Edinburgh j Muskett. 61 Foot 3123. 06 30 June Nangle. 18 25 Nov. 03 . 18 19 Aug. 2 Nov. 4 May 18 Nov. Richmond. 18 May Nugent. 16 Aug. ^'' 25 Dragoons Ormsby.=59 79 p^ot 19 July 19 Sept. 17 Aug. James. Artillery ^O'Reilly. 8 Mar. 3 Sept. 17 Foot 18 Jan.. 17 *Pycrort. Royal Waggon Train. David. 25 Ramsdeu.. 9 Feb. Batt. James Bruce. Frederick. 15 June 41 5 May 45 21 Oct. 08 Playfair. 3 Prov.. ^ . 15 13 Mar. 34 10 May 39 22 Nov. 06 1 Sept.. 17 2 May Peers. 95 Foot April 94 19 July 94 Peel. of Militia 25 Jan. Edward. 47 Pearson. ^ 5M . Rifle Brigade . Waggon Train 22 April 13 4 May Parratt. Porter. 29 Aug. Thos.'^^ 27 Foot. 9 Sept. 29 12 Aug. 11 25 Mar. Perry. 41 Foot 10 Sept. 08 Pan-y.^' Unattached . 08 1 Aug. 18 April Paxton. CORNET. 13 25 Sept. 25 July 17 Plowman. 20 July 09 6 Oct. Frederick. 6 Royal Veteran Battalion 20 Oct. 1814 Plunkett. . 25 July 12 4 June 25 April 16 Paton. 17 17 Nov. ETC.386 12 Dragoons . 15 25 Mar. Andrew William. William. 21 30 Mar.^"' 87 Foot 14 June 10 26 Sept. 60 Foot 11 Oct. 39 1 April 42 13 Aug. Piper. 18 Rankine. Ceylon Regiment 2 Dec. 53 Foot 29 Jan. . Robert. 22 Major 2nd Royal Surrey Militia . 19 Pigott. 22 Dragoons 25 Sept. 14 20 Sept. 384 Lieutenants. Robert Bruce. 28 Pictet. George. 12 25 Mar. Thomas. 5 July 03 15 Aug. 1814 never 30 Oct. 11 31 July Pennington. Warren William Richard. 23 July 17 Peach. Henry William. James. Williani. Royal Marines 7 July 15 Aug.^sa R. 19 aSa Polhill. 2 Dragoon Guards 25 Mar. Royal Artillery 17 Dec. Hillebrant MerecL. John Carroll. John Williams. Henry. Perham. . 43 9 July 29 14 June Pigou. John {Cornet). ^^* Royal Marines 18 May 99 18 Aug. . 01 15 Aug. Royal Marines 11 14 Jan. John...^^' R. 13 *Pari'y. Bn.. Royal Artillery 25 Feb. 24 Dragoons. 25 GMar. 3 Prov. 09 18 Feb.^''* R. 51 Foot 25 Dec. 14 Foot never 25 Dec. 04 5 May 08 Paterson. Alex. 14 Rainsforth. 26 26 June 06 9 Feb. Henry William.'^^^ 5 R. 15 Poole. John. John. 08 23 May 43 Pennington. Royal Marines. 12 Foot 22 June 09 26 Feb. Pengelley. E. William. Phillips. Pickard.^"*' 23 Dragoons 1 July 13 13 Dec. 09 5 Aug.-^* 11 Dragoons 26 June 11 19 Dec. 26 July 17 Jan. Royal Waggon Train 31 Jan. Charles. Charles. John. 57 Foot 2 Feb. ^^^ ig Dragoons. Phillipps. 104 Foot 26 April 10 7 Nov. . Philip. 16 Priest. Armand Jacques. 821 Philpot. 14 Porter. 06 Pringle. 3 Mar.. 12 22 July 13 17 Aug. Robert Jocelyn. 6 Nov. Richard Tapper. Michael. ^ 11 July 12 Sept. 12 25 Aug. . 12 11 April 16 Powell. 12 5 Feb. Royal Waggon Train 1 7 Nov. Pontcarre. 16 14 Sept. Royal Military College j ^fflSa Petre. 25 Feb. 14 24 Sept. Penfold. 11 1 July Poe. never 1814 Parsons. Pinniger. Royal Marines s 8 Sept. Art. Broome. C. 16 28 Feb.. 7 Foot 7 Dec. Purefoy. 14 25 Feb. Robert. 13 18 April 17 Probyn. 08 25 June 12 Pinhey. =^0 3 Dragoon Guards Percy. . . 53 4 Feb. Unattached 2 Feb. William Towley. Perhara. Theobald. Thomas Richard. 12 25 Mar. Cliarles.'^s" 39 Foot 17 April 17 13 June 09 1 July 10 Jan. Richard. 19 Peacocke. D'Veber. 05 21 Jan. L. 17 Petley. Richard. Henry.. . 49 Foot 3 Nov. R. 12 27 Jan. 20 Rainsfortli. John William. 5 29 Oct. Royal Marines 1 April 17 1 Oct. 19 11 3 Sept. *Parker.. 46 Draiving. never 25 Dec. 05 18 Aug Perry. Nov. ^ . J*rq/essor of\ 24 Dec. 04 23 Oct. M. 39 20 May 42 21 Mar.^"^ Royal Marines 13 July 99 18 Aug. George.. 25 Mar. 13 July 05 1 Jan. . '-^^^ . 08 27 June iP Pepper. Thomas. Royal Marines 9 Sept. 05 25 Sept.Foreign Artillery 12 Mar. 05 20 Feb. . Edward. of Militia. Matthew. James. ^ ^ ^ . Royal African Corps. Edmund. Bowlnnd. Thomas. 14 8 Aug. 6 West India Regiment 28 Dec. Alexander. 13 17 Nov. 18 Dragoons 6 Oct. Robert. 17 2 April 12 1 Dec. 12 25 Mar. Vet. 17 SiSE Parkinson. WHEN PLACED ON HALF PAY. 6 April 26 21 Feb. De. 12 27 Dec. 18 22 July 13 16 Oct.^»2 50 poot 1 Dec. 44 Foot 20 Dec. 07 25 June 18 Pridham. Heni-y. 15 5 Jan. Edward. 12 21 May 15 29 April 31 Pictet. 81 Foot 3 Aug. 13 Phillips. 96 25 Nov. 04 10 Sept.. 17 10 Sept. 2 Line Bn. Richard Lavite. 44 Purdon. 60 Foot 25 June 12 22 Jan. 34 27 Mar. 20 Foot 4 June 01 14 April 04 16 June 08 Puddicombe. German Leg. 67 Foot 2 Sept. 15 8 April 25 19 Mav 25 10 July 15 7 Nov. Artillery Drivers . Pennefather. Bn. Artillery Drivers 16 Aug. John. =" 28 Foot 25 Mar. Pike.29< R. . Lawrence. . Francis. Archd. Henry de Linne. E. 14 May 07 26 Jan. 12 16 April 18 Pratt. 14 25 Dec. 16 12 July 10 1 July Patterson. Royal Marines 1 Sept. Royal Marines 20 Feb. 10 3 Sept. 25 Foot 15 Mar. 17 May |) <LiE Robinson. George Duncan. 19 15 June 5 29 Aug. 25 Dragoons 14 July ^3 JSi Roberts.^^ 21 Mar. John Dennis.-'"* R.'-' Royal Marines Rothwell. Artillery *Richavdsou..N LIEUT. James.TIwmrisLotlHa)i . 21 Jan. New Brunswick Fencibles. William i'i. 10 Aug. 13 Foot Ilea. John.. 98 Foot 11 May 9 July *Rochfort. 22 12 Oct. Robertson. WIIF. Jones.. Leicis. Sylvester. Marines 7 July .nsou. 6 Fob. John. iLSa Ripley. ETC. ^ 8 Feb. 25 Sept. Rose. Rutherford. 13 315^ Robertson. 17 28 June 39 25 Mar. 15 25 Dec. 25 Dec. 20 1814 25 July 3 Oct.. 9 Nov. Richard. 19 April 13 April 3 Nov.. 8 Jan. 16 Oct. Robinson. 27 Sept.'^" 23 Foot Rich. 11 July never never R Richmond. 7 Nov. 98 1 25 Sept. Dec. 25 Sept. 60 Foot 4 Aug.^"'' Royal Marines. Lewis. Roberts. 30 Foot Reynett. Emilius. Jan. James.. Lewis Buckle.. Henry.^!^ 79 Foot Robinson. 15 11 Oct.^" 6 Garrison Battalion Rogers. 4 Feb. Lieutenants. 45 Foot 24 Nov. 10 Sept. . 85 Foot 14 Mar. Matthew. 3 Royal Veteran Battalion 27 July Russell. 4 Nov. Royal Engineers . Adam. 19 Foot :l Sept. Andrew Aug. ^'^ Robinson. Rollo. 13 April 09 6 Dec. 20 Nov. i) Royal Veteran Battalion 10 Sept. 52 Foot Ritchie. 9 Aug.^-^ 23 Yoot. 3 Prov. William.. 25 Oct. Unattached 26 June 13 April Ewen.ij 10 Oct.rt. never Russell.^'^ 48 Foot May 26 Nov. 12 Mar. 2 May 21 Feb. Royal JNIarines |i Read. James. David. 385 ENS1«N. 23 19 43 15 Sept. 14 25 16 April 19 Mar. Sir John. 28 June 15 Mar. 10 Aug. Hamilton. Artillery Drivers Rennij. 2 Garrison Battalion ..ACi.\. Roch. 1 Aug. 81 Foot 15 July 7 Nov. Rouse. 25 4 25 25 June Feb.^*^'^ 20 May Royse. Unattached 28 Dec. Willium. 27 July O5I27 July 2t Rotebj. '^'t Royal Marines John Hill. 16 •2o Sept. ii^. 39 2 April 17 25 May 18 25 Aug. Cape Regiment . 100 Foot never 25 Dec. Henry Wood. Isaac Byrne.^'9 92 Foot Ross. 20 July 1 July 14 18 17 25 81 17 52 16 20 24 8 5 30 June 19 12 May 24 Dec. 12 Foot AI. Thomas Borrctt. 21 Foot 4Aug.^'* R. Matthew. 1 Foot 20 Feb. 23 April Reeves. Unattached 10 July 11 25 Nov. 8 Feb. George. 11 Feb. Reveley. 24 May 12 Feb. Artillery Drivers 1 Sept. 10 Mar. 10 Foot 11 Feb. 1 April 23 Feb. 1 July 10 July 15 July ON FAY. 98 18 Aus-. 9 Aug.F 1 May 15 Doc. 92 Foot 17 Dec. 7 Sept. Unattached 15 Nov. Robert. 10 27 Oct. 1 July 22 April 15 May 20 25 20 25 20 Oct. Royal JSIiuiiics . James. 8 April 13 Dec. 18 Feb. William. Royal Marines 10 April 30 June ]\Iar. Henry Laws. 18 April 24 Feb. Batt. Robertson. 10 Foot 9 May 20 May Russell. 22 Dragoons y" Ryan... 27 Aug. James. George. Lewis Scott. 21 April 14 25 Dec.-2^ 9G Foot Ryan. Bernard. Richard. Robb. Unattached Reed. 10 Dec. John. John. 20 July 25 Dec. 8 July Abraham Foord. 15 . dL Rooke.R. Jdincs. 17 3 Dec.'^-" 32 Foot 15 Dec. Charles. John. 87 Foot 15 June ^3 Rudland. James.30 27 20 16 26 40 48 June 22 May May 18 14 15 31 16 Sept. Irisli Brigade 13 Feb. 20 July 15 20 July 20 Feb. 03 Foot St. 1 Mav 24 April 22 Dec. Feb.. 17 1803 26 Sept. U ^ Master at Newcastle-on-Tyne Rvan. Donald. 4 West India Regiment Richardes. William. George Williamson. 14 Riet. William Henry. 6 July 28 Feb. 6 Jan. G Oct. 21 Nov. ^""^ ^3 Ratcljff. 3 Nov.-'". John. 27 June 1 Aug. Fenton... 60 F'oot 15 Sept. Rowan. 3 Nov. li D ^ . Samuel. 1 Dec.li. 6 Jan. 50 Foot 10 Dec.. 15 25 Mar. 07 1 April 26 May 23 April 17 Mar.Dn\crt ^^ ^ . Alfred. ^'* Royal Marines Rooney. 24 April Reeves. 7 Oct.. R. Rob'. |3 Rogers. William France. 2 April Roseingrave. 05 31 Aug. Thos. Royal Artillery 13 Dec. Tliomas. 26 Nov. 14 24 Oct. William. Robinson.. 9 Foot Rideout. 15 Mar. 25 Feb. Thomas. James. 45 Foot 28 Nov. NVilliam Eavdley. of Militia ic/iarclsoii . John. . 16 Jan. 1 (iarrison Battalion 25 Rawlins. 8 July Ricketts. 18 Nov. Ross. ffSa Ross-Lewin. 6 June Righy.^'" I'i Foot Ribton. Henry James. 24 Dragoons Richmond. 26 13 Dec. 27 July Van der. ^ mM Reid. 13 iHa 30 July Ross. 59 Foot 5 Aug. John. John Hart.™" 73 Foot ffja Reynolds. Barrack } 15 Feb. Oct. 23 6 July 26 9 Mar. 02 25 June 16 Jan. Nov. 22 28 Dec. ^ .^^^ 69 Foot Shadforth. William. Sandys.. 00 11 July 15 17 14 23 16 . Josepli. Royal Artillery Drivers Smith. Rohert Francis.^^ Royal Artillery Sawkins. 1 June 8 April 20 Oct.^-'' 3 Garrison Battalion Sawyers.. . 7 Foot . Staff Corps. 7 Dec. 16 Dec. John. 16 15 Dec. 11 Aug. Samuel. 20 Dec. Bartholomew. 12 30 Oct.3« 1 Foot .^'^ Royal Marines ^3 Scott. 12 Foot Smith. 12 15 July 13 1 Nov. 25 Nov. Saunders. 20 Foot Smith. Jan. 53 Foot Sharpin. 386 Lieutenants. 8 Royal Veteran Battalion *Singleton. 16 Mar. of Mil. Elliott.339 6 West India Regiment *Smith. . 27 25 Sept. 10 Feb. 03 Foot Smith. 30 Dee. 10 April 27 Jan. Hugh AVilliam. Dec.='33 R. Andrew Childers. 22 Sept. 17 25 Dec. Robert Wihnot. 16 11 April 22 24 Jan.3« 38 Foot |) Smith. July May June Aug. 17 Oct. Royal Artillery . 27 Foot Sleator. Unattached Scobell. 23 27 July 26 25 Mar. 13 1 June 22 9 Nov. P Sarsfield. 16 Foot Sharpe. 4 Foot Shiel. never 5 July 23 30 May May never 25 July Dec. 21 Dragoons iJiaa Smith. Ralph. Skene.3" 5 Foot (3 Scott. 08 28 Feb. Peter. | Barruck-Master at the Mcmrltius ^ Segrave. 17 May 29 Feb. Dec. 1 July 13 July Oct. John.324j j^_ Marines 14 Oct. Robert.. Sept. Jan. 12 Oct. Sept. OG 1 30 Sept.M6 60 Foot . Unattached 1 Saunders. 20 7 Sept. 10 8 May 4 April 05 20 Feb. John. Henry. 25 Mar. John.-Mast. 5 Royal Veteran Battalion. 13 20 April never 30 April 04 1 Dec. 26 Nov. David. 16 25 Sept. 25 Sept. Dec. Henry. Thomas. Independent Company . William* Henry.326 gg po^t 512iSaunders. Peter. 1 Royal Veteran Battalion 1 Nov. . John. 11 23 Aug. 13 Oct. 1 Dec. 10 Dec. Sept. 31 Mar. ^^^ Royal Artillery Shaw. Mar. Dec. 27 27 Nov. 20 1 April 21 25 July 17 14 June 18 1 Sept. James Aug. 08) 3 ^ Royal Veteran Battalion J Smith. 2Prov. 25 April 5 April 25 May 26 1 Sept. never 22 AuL 30 8 April 1 9 Mar. . Moreton. P F. 28 Ap. April 26 Mar. June 12 Nov. 20 26 Mar. 35 Foot Shafto. 14 26 Aug. Percy. 19 13 July 26 1 April 19 28 Nov.Bu. 1 Garrison Battalion }^ Saunders. Royal Artillery 16 Dec. 1 Oct. Robert Jolin. Rifle Brigade Smith. 10 April 1814 Feb. Sept. Jan. St. 24 Dec. Schneider. Royal Artillery Drivers ^ Smith. 338 53 Foot Smith. Alexander. 42 Foot ^ Smith. ETC. Richard Fleming. 27 Foot Schaw. . .3-" 14 Foot 1^ Smith. 25 June April Sept. Arthur. 31 Foot Smith. Nov. 28 Nov. . Aug. David Morison. Henry Pasco. Sept. James. Alexander. 21 Mar. 17 Dec. Joseph. Royal Marines Saxby. O'Neil. Aug. Royal Marines Sayers. George. April Dec. 67 Foot Smith. James Peter. Slaney. Geo. 29 June 30 Sept. . 12 May Sanders. .. 15 5 June 12 19 May 14 14 May 29 Aug. William. 12 25 Dec. P .John Somuer. 14 17 Oct. 27 July 15 June 9 Oct. . Mar. 18 6 May 13 23 Oct.332 94 Foot aaaSedley. John. LIETJT. 11 Dec. Feb. 54 Foot Sharpin. May 22 June 12 28 Nov. 19 Aug. Samuel. Oct.^^^ Royal Marines WS^ Smith. Robert. Captain.} mandinq Isle of Wight Militia j ^P Scott. 15 20 Aug. Aug. Aug. 25 Jan. John Sauchie. James Berridge. 17 8 Jan. never 16 June 28 Mar. George Charles. Unattached Saa Seward. Theobald. 11 Oct. 22 Mar. James Ramsay . 14 24 May 21 13 Aug. . S® Simmons. 14 April 4 Feb. Feb. 12 Dec. 2 April 18 20 Feb. Henry Eugene. 3" 53 Foot ^ Smith. Michael. jryles. WHEN PLACED ON HALF PAY. . Aug. 17 25 Aug. John. Leonard Fleming. Royal Artillery Simpson. 89 Foot Sinclair. June Aug. Unattached Sandwith. Bingham.^^" 7 Royal Veteran Battalion Scott. 33 Foot Shaw. 6 Sept.^^* 40 Foot Sargent. 19 25 Feb. Henry. 18 23 24 14 24 5 June May Feb. Edward. William.^" 40 Foot ^ Smith. Edward. Henry Scott. Jonathan Felix. 2d LIEUT. ^ .^*'' (Qr. Charles. 25 Dragoons Slattery. Unattached Shadwell. Unattached Shaw. 28 Dec. Smith. Edward Atkins. 21 Nov. com. 1 Dragoons. Henry Porter. 98 Foot. 6 Jan. 14 April 12 4 22 25 23 10 Sept. 19 Sept. Marines Swanson. 4 Oct. Edwin. Dec. 18 Mar. never 14 Oct. William. George Evans.. 3l" Foot % iLilil Smith. Richard. 1^ Spong. Bn. G9 Foot Jan. 18 . Dec. 39 Foot Symonds. 04 16 Oct. 2o' Foot. i)o Foot Dec.^^'" Scots Fusilier Guards Souter.35b . . 17 Dec. April Jan. May 27 Nov. StansHeld. Warner Reeve. 18 Dec. 5 June 1 Nov. 5 April Feb. William Luke. 49 Foot Supple. Ingi-am Pank. 13 Staveley-Shirt. never Sept. July- Stritch. Joseph Henry.3«'28 Foot Stuart. 21 Feb. 19 11 July 10 25 Mar. Robert. 16 Jan.r. 1 June 20 25 Taylor. John.. 21 Foot July 25 Mar. 17 Feb. 17 Dec. Peter. 32 4 Aug.37 Foot Mar. 26 Mar. 05 17 Marines ) 30 Nov. R. 7 Foot Swiny. William. Nathaniel. I2I27 April 15 25 Tayloe. ^3 Strode. 3 Mar. Feb. 24 i3 Tasker. 14 May 17 26 Aug. George Grant. 14 Feb. William Bull. Thomas. Royal Marines . May .'^" 5l8.Royal Artillery Stock..jg j-Q^f Steade. 12 July 33 15 Feb. 20 April 20 Jan. 17 Foot Tane. Jan. Mervyn. Edward. Royal Engineers Stuart. William. 24 Jan. 40 Foot T^ Spaight.'^" 48 Foot Stewart. Henry Thomas. Tatlock. Edward. 1 Royal Veteran Battalion. 3 Prov. 25 Dragoons i3 Steel..Royal Engineers Dec. Batt. Thomas. George. Mar. 17 Oct.='^t Unattached Stapleton. John. Sproulc. Taylor. 15 Foot Smyth. 17 April 27 July 4 April 23 25 Dec. 15 Nov. 4 Aug. 26 2 Nov. 30 Dec. CO Foot ^ Syret. May 1 1 3 June Mar. Henry.. George. . Unattached May 12 13 July 1525 Taylor. Charles. James Ryan. 25 Mar. 13 i) Aug. 74 Foot 20 July 20| 2 Dee.^e^ GI Foot Stuart. 25 Dec. Royal Irish Artillery . 37 y West Yori Militia S Stapkton.."" Royal } July 15 Aug. May never 10 May Jan.^^^ 12 Dragoons May July Foot 19 25 Stainforth. 513:1 Sperling. Thomas Flynn.. John. Richard. Staff Corps of Cav. Francis Mallett. ^-"^ 1 Feb. Art. Sutherland Hall. 14 June ll| 1 Taylor. Captain 2nd } 19 Sept. Nov. Edward. Nov. 21 July 20 July 26 Nov. 17 Sept.. 29 April 2 July 26 Aug.'" 19 Foot *Sullivan. 88 Foot Stuart. James. Town \ Major at Cape Breton 5 Sutherland. 17 25 June 10 1814 2 Sept. Andrew. GOct. 16 Mar. i^ Stawell. James.^" R.'?" . 318a Stuart. 07 13 Nov. 28 Sept. ^ Smitli. Sept. \Villiam. GO Foot Sutherland. Kerry. ^ May Aug. S 1 July Dec. 18 July April 24 Mar. 2. 34 Foot y Smyth.. 13jl9 July Sept. I'AV. June May ^ ) never Sullivan. 18 25 Oct. 23 July Mar. 17 14 10 Dec. 21 Dragoons Stobart. 12j21 June Smith. 17 Feb. Sha])land AYiliiam.^"'' Royal Marines • Suberkrub. Spoltiswood.. 17 25 Mar. John Jacob. John. Dec. 42 Foot Sweeting. Stanley. Vet. Scots Fusilier Guards 10 Swain.15 Aug. 10 Barrack-master at Fort A ugustus. 26 Oct. Spalding. Charles George. of Mil. 17 Mar. 11 Oct. 15 Jan. 16 June 17 Oct.N. 90 Foot $ rp June 52 Mar. James.. Robert Thomson. Jan. 10 Dec. Lieutenants. 17 30 Dec. 24 Mar. June 10 May 4 Aug. Unattached. 7 Foot Smith.=" 71 Foot Smyth. William.B.'". 387 WHEN PLACKD ON MALI 26 Mar. Thomas. 25 Jan. 8 R. William.5 Aug."' 02 Foot 2 Mar. John. 26 24 June 24 15 Aug. Mar. Feb. Oct.'*" 2 Dragoon Guards IJuly 25 25 25 25 June 09 28 Aug. 5 Nov. Stacey. 20 Foot Stronach. 60 Foot Steed. 11 Nov.. William. Town Major of Belfast Mar. William Robert. Frederick. 16 Sept.^" Royal Artillery Drivers.'^' 4 Foot April \3 Nov. Bartholomew.'"** 9 OG j never never Nov. ^''.l 1 Jan. } 20 Mar. 65 Foot Suttie. Thomas James Waldegrave. George. 77 Foot Jan. Royal Marines. Henry. 07 Ma. 19 12 June 46 23 June 25 1 Sept. Royal Artillery Drivers Sept. 20 June 25 Dec. Drivers 3 Feb. 29 Aug. 09. 14 Nov. Charles. Sullivan. AVi!liain.. Edward Henry. 14 7 April 25 9 9 22 20 Feb. 4 Foot Stewart. 14 April 17 Oct. Aug. 5 April May 11 19 1325 Jan. Ralph Keddey. James. 9 July 18 3 April 16 . 7 Nov. 57 Foot P . 25 Sept.. Frederick. Henry Theodore.. Jolin. 20 July 14 Aug. Joseph. 20 July 15 Aug. May 18 Mar. 1 Sept. Tucker. Tliomson. 10 June 14 July 20 Sept. 26 22 June 18 June 2 Dec. 37 Foot Tunstall. 27 July 23 May 27 Oct. 22 63 June 24 25 Aug.^^^ 74 poot. 15 July 27 29 Aug. Alexander. 17 13 Jan. Towers. 25 30 Dec. Batt. Urqiihart. 15 May Thoinjison. 15 Foot 2 27 Aug. William Riley.. 9 May 3 Nov. Charles.. J . 26 Oct. Donald. 11 Feb. |J Tiiornton. Charles Stiibbs. Robert Lawrence. York Chasseurs Walford. 18 26 June Mar. 1625 Feb. 6 June 28 29 Dec. Travers Hartley. ^^^ 96 Foot Walker. 11 July aSJilThonipsuii. 16 Sept. TroUope. 15 Mar. 20 May 18 Oct. 14 Jan.. 2 Foot Torkinyton. 43 Foot Wall. 26 Mar. John. 17 Foot 7 29 April Thomson. 2 Aug. 23 14 April 37 8 April 53 25 Jan. Feb. 18 Foot Vereker.. 23 April 30 June 21 Sept. 14 06 11 June 18 Oct. 09j25 Sept. 18 5 April 21 8 Nov.. Unattached Tunstall. Henry. Young."'* SO Foot . Hubert. .. 14 25 June 16 25 Aug. ^ U ^ ^ ^ .. 7 Mar. 29 Sept. 26 July 10 Feb..38' Royal Artillery Townsend. 10 July 16 July 1 Feb."'^ 62 Foot Vernon. 22 25 Dec. 15 Oct. 28 Sept. |) Thompson.. Feb. 6 April Sept. . . Benjamin. L. Roger Boyce. 17 May 38 April 18 Dec. 96 Foot Walker. 25 Mar. Tour.. 28 Nov. 19 April 10 Oct. 16 9 July 1825 Dec. Joseph. Francis. James. 1 Foot Vesey John. 3 Foot. 1415 Feb. James.^'^ Unattaclied 19 lU llioiiison. 22 7 Sept. George. GO Foot Vallancey. LIEUT. 20 Dec.. 21 Dec. William. James. Tisdall. Royal Engineers Townsend.^^' Royal Marines Vieth. Sir John. 21 Oct. Augustus de la. Henry. 26 Nov.ienlenanU. ICi Foot . John. 51211 3 5 April Tinling.. Tho. 1 25 Se]U. 16 15 34 13 May 10 28 April 10 Oct. 25 Feb. Thomas. 20 Foot Tucker. 14 Oct. 26 Dee. Bart. James. Kilner. Royal Marines Walker. Foreign Artillery. 42 Mar. James. ^ . 21 0811 Dec. 18 Foot Walbridge. Hugh Ritchic. 25 Dec. Gabriel.'''^'* 1 R. 2 West India Regiment Tristram. 15 Nov. Thomas. 25 Dec. Unattached . 18 April 14 Mar. 29 July 11 Dec... 5 Mar. 3 Aug. 9 July May 16 Nov. Joseph. 80 Foot Travers. Royal Artillery . I 17 June 13 7 Qtiar. Owen Edwards. Henry Thomas. George .'^" 76 Foot Victor. May Nov.Master. G Garrison Battalion Town. 10117 July 17 Jan. 12 Nov. May 24 Oct. 4 Feb. Henry Walker. Royal African Corps Walker. 2 Jan. Edward. 1 Mar. |J fflffil Tudor. * never Thackeray. 15 25 11 April 17 13 Sept.. Royal Marines Uniacke. 10 Foot . . ETC.^'^ 42 Foot 16 3 Oct. ^ Thompson. Richard Franklin. 16 Aug. Richard. Thomas.. 27 Oct. 21 Jan. 21 Dec.^^^ Dillon's Regiment Townly. 60 Foot Vaughan. J. Vet. Sicilian Regiment Twyf'ord. Mar. P Thompson. William. Tolcher. Mar. Royal Military College 5 14 3 Jan. Henry William. 27 22 April 19 25 Dec.^^" Tighe. 1 19 1 Sept. Royal Marines ^PSMTownsend. 25 11 Sept. Michard. 21 July 2324 Nov.. 7 Royal Veteran Battalion |J Wallace. 5 May 25 July 25 Aug. 21 Aug. Thomas Fane. 25 7 Aug. 29 Aug. 02 April 17 13 Jan. 72 Foot Walker. Christopher. R. New Bruns.^s' 7 Foot |) Waller.^*^ 36 Foot Turner. PLACED ON HALF PAY. Jeremiah. Royal Artillery Trench. Rifle Brigade . 25 20 Aug. Vereker. 23 Dragoons Tudor.. Royal Marines. June 17 22 21 April 23 20'30 Aug. 23 April 1 Dec. 21 26 Mar. John Thomas. 20 30 Nov. July Dec.. 22 June 26 Feb.''** 1 Foot Vanderbrouck. 2918 May 32 Nov. 1 Sept. 17 23 July 18 11 Feb. Fenc. 14 28 Mar. Lyon Conway'*' GO Foot Trebeck. James. 18 Dragoons. 16 Mar. 5 May 1 11 30 20 30 25 May June Mar. 7 Aug.. 388 WHEN CORNET.'*^ Royal Artillery Trevenen. 16 Feb. 25 Sept.24 10 Nov. 25 Dec. 11 13 Dec. 10 R. James.60 F. John. 10 Dragoons. John Russell. Barrack-Master \ at Portsmouth 5 Travers.'''^ 23 Foot Turner. Barrington. 1 July 11 15 Dec. Unattached ^Tipping. Trant. 51 Foot 3 July Thiballier. Thorohl. Unattached 25 Dec. Veteran Battalion 17 Aug. . Frederick William. Wade.Whitacrc^**' StaffCorpsofCav. Unattached 26 Guards Grenadier never Daniel. 2 Dec. Joseph 0. 23 Jan. James. Drai^oon Guards 8 Nov. 1811 Nov. 95 Foot 28 Feb. Adjutant.^59 07 poot 3 Oct. 25 31 Mar. 31 29 Nov. 13 Aug. 09 15 Feb. John. 08 Mar. 09 April 23 y Willis. 3 Foot 20 ^lay 12 26 May 19 April 17 •Wynter. 25 Jan. 23 14 Sept. Dec. 12 25 Julv 17 14 June 5 Feb. 17 19 Feb. Robert. 31 AVinckworth. Augustus Saltren. 19 10 Sept. Royal Marines 14 May 12 29 April 1313 Feb. 13 Oct. Comp. 34 Foot. Williain.. 17 Mar. 25 Sept. John Jamcs. Henry. 16 7 May y Watson. 90 Foot f a. 1814 White. 25 June 46 Wightman.^"' 39 Foot 27 Nov. 14 . 17 April 45 28 Feb. 9(3 Dec. 16 23 July 12 17 Sept.^"' 40 Foot . John. 44 30 May 51 tant. 1 Aug. ^ . 2 Dec. 67 Foot 25 Nov. } 7 April 08 28 Dec. 16 April 16 Nov.^'^^ .Sicilian Regt •Whitby. 8 Oct. Weaver. 16 Aug. George. George William. 27 Foot 8 June 10 Sept. 12 Aug. Batt. John.^". 23 May 22 June 23 17 Nov. John. George Hoi-sley. 23 13 iLai Yonge. 32 18 April 16 25 Mar. July Feb.. Edward. Lawrence De Courcy. William Henry 6 Dragoons 11 Nov. 43 5 Apr. 10 20 May 19 25 Mar. 21 Nov.. 63 Foot 31 July 46 29 Aug. 13 May 25 Mar. ^<" 63 Foot 13 July 25 Mar. 1 Royal Veteran Battalion 3 Oci. Henry Wood. George James.. 14 (a Welsh. 1 1 6 Sept.Henry Bowen Jordan. John.^"^ Royal Marines . 1 Oct.1 Watson. 53 William. Ill 90 Foot Young.^"" 11 Foot 12 Sept. 8 West India Regt 10 Oct. 17 ^a White. 19 Wood. 27 . Weiffht. 13 Aug. Thomas 14 . Robert. 19 Oct. 27 Wilson. 08 22 Jan. 8 Dec. 25 July 17 P Weir. Walsh. Brcreton.^'^ Rifle Brigade Wright. 26 Feb. Frederick John. 47 Marines White. 35 Foot Wright. 12 April 2129 Jan.. 8 Dragoons 10 Mar. 30 Foot 22 July 26 Dec. 24 14 Mav 29 Young. 8 Aug.. 11 Dec.^'^^ 3G Foot 20 Sept.. 13 Foot 12 Sept. Walsh. John Shepard. 05 10 Sept. 8 Aug. 25 Sept. 22 Willey.Royal Artillery 2 May 21 July 29 Nov. 10 Aug. PLACED ON HALF PAY. Henry. 36 Whiteford. John Jonathan. 10 Sept. Royal Artillery 23 1 Jan.. William.\ 24 Feb. Royal Maiines 1 July 29 Oct. John West. 10 May 27 Jan. 12 19 April 17 133. 17 13 ?iLi Wood. John. 25 26 23 20 15 :5 Aug. 6? Yooi.^" 53 Foot 11 Dec. George Brander. 1 April 15! 1 Aug.. . 39 Foot 8 Dec. 1 Prov. 19 \^ Wheatley. Henry. Adju. 1412 Aug. 19 Dragoons 22 Oct. 34 Yarnold. 19 May 25 July 14 2 Dee. Henry Harman.^»* -24 Foot ^^' Unattached ^3 Watson. 47 24 Aug. 37 1848 Wisdom. Gar. Fob. 19 May 18 Mar. Edward. May 9 June 30 Jan. MA ^ . 23 Willett. 25 June ^ Wliimster. South Notts Yeomanry Cavalry S Wiglev. i Worsley. 28 Feb. David.-". 12 Wraxall. 11 Sept. of Militia never 25 Feb. 11 Mar. 63 Foot never 25 Dec.-"' 22 Dragoons 5 June 27 Aug. 24 ^3 Wood... Edward Townsend.l Wray.". W. Crawley . 13 20 July 25 Dee. William Sumpler. 10 Dec. 18 Dec. Batt. Drivers 1 Wilford. Wm. Robert.. O2I25 Oct. 16 Northiaiibcrland Yeomanry Cavalry. 8 June 24 Jan. John Alexander. 10 Foot Waring. }^ \\'afs<>n. 17 Foot 25 Dec. 31 14 April Wilson. James Thomas. Henry /^^ Royal Marines Warden. 15 Mar. . James. 5 Aug. 2 Sept.''"' 40 Foot 8 May 12 May 12 May 16 52a Wilkinson. Edward. Henry. 75 Foot 14 Nov. Henry. 19 Oct. William. William. 0816 May 22 Winnc. 17 Oct. 2124 July 28 Woods. John. Andrew. Wm. Frederick.«" 17 Foot Young. 1616 July 17 Windle. 11 Sept. April 2 Jan. 06 iiJ Wilkinson. William. William. Jolin Gtorge. Royal Marines 20 June 12 Sept. 14 Wilson. Alexander. George. 18 Wrighte. Roval Marines 3 Aug. 27 P Wright. 3 Oct. 92 14 Dragoons 22 Whaley. 11 Royal Vet. 16 10 July West. 18 Young.^'^ 11 Dragoons. Unattached Wright. 07:20 July 09 28 April 14 June 05 25 Mar.^3< 51 Foot Ward. M'ood. Wright. 02 Wright. Dec. 10 June 28 Feb. 89 Foot Oct. 20 Jan. 12 Oct. 07 Feb. 13 20 Mar. 8 F'oot LIEUT. Royal 13 Sept. 389 WIIEM 2d LIEUT. 27 Mar.'"' 6 Dragoons. William. 17 Whiting. 22 Oct. William Henry. John*'^ 1 Sept. Hugh Boyd.^'0 23 Foot 25 Mar. Edward. Charles Edward. 1 Aug. 23 Nov. 25 Mar. 1 Lieutenants. 15 13 Wigton. 13 25 Feb. 12^22 Mar. George. Welstead. SViiite. 31 Foot 3 April 06 25 Nov.'"'® Royal Marines 2 Jan.-'"* 9 Foot Roral .. 4 Nov.. Nov.. George. Royal African Corps Warren. 22 Feb. "24 Foot Oct. Art.^" Royal Marines . 6 Royal Veteran Battalion 31 May 09 1 Aug. fB I ! . 21 Mar. 1 Oct. Benjamin. Wauch.2. . Royal Artillery. for which he has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. Nivelle. and in the Peninsula from 1812 to 1814. 11th. retreat from Madrid into Portugal. Pyrenees. and with the four companies of the Queen's which led the advance to the assault and capture of the principal redoubt in front of Sarre and in all the affairs in the vicinity of St. passage of the Ebro. retreat from Ordaland Villa Franca to Tarragons. Andrew Baillie servpd in the Peninsula with the 30th and was present at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor and Salamanca. Vittoria. William Anderson served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. 22 Lieut. battles of Nivelle and Nive. 15 Lieut. Alston served m the Peninsula. blockade of Pampeluna. and Toulouse. and Rocroy. 16 Lieut. Served afterwards in the Peninsula witli the 2nd Queen's Royals. and Sauveterre. on the expedition to Walcheren. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Birch served in the Peninsula with the 10th and was present at the sieges of Tarrap gona in 1812 and 13. and New Orleans. including the attacks on Baltimore and New Orleans. and severely by grape-shot He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. Bezant was wounded at the f. battle of the Nive on the 9th. actions in the Pyrenees from 25th to 81st July . and battle of Toulouse. he was also j . J. capture of ]\[adrid and the Retiro. 6 Lieut. I2th. 4 Baron Altenstein has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Talavera. investment of Bayonne. actions of Vic Bigorre. 21 Fort-Major Black served in the Peninsula with the 74th. Carried the Regimental Colour of the 6th. 20 Lieut. Robert Ball has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Nivelle. and siege of Ciudad Rodrigo (severely wounded at the assault). received the War Medal with six Clasps. Tarbes. and the various affairs of posts and piquets. 5 Lieut. with the covering army at San Sebastian and also at its capture . In the American war in 1814 and 15. battle of Vittoria. retreat to and battle of Corunna. and at the siege of Badajoz: he has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. 2 Lieut. Sebastian.saco and Castalla. Baltimore. and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. and at the siege of Ciudad Eodrigo. served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Talavera. Benwell joined the 4th in the Peninsula. 8 Lieut. War Medal with two Clasps.7 390 War Services of the Lieutenants on retired Full Pay and Half Pay. W. Addison served in tbe Peninsula and was present at the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees.surrender of Flushing. . and Flanders. and the Adour also at the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. and was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras. blockade of Pampeluna. at which last he was slightly wounded. He has battle of Orthes. at the taking of the fortresses of Maubeuge. Philippeville. battle of Nivelle. battle of Vittoria. and Nive. With the Prussian army in 1815. action at Aire. battle of Salamanca. and the siege of Barcelona in 1814. passage of the Bidassoa and attack on the Heights. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Antonia. as a volunteer. in 1807. Washington. and at the siege of Flushing. Jean de Luz. 10 Lieut. fourth Division were engaged. Was in command ofthe Artillery in Fort Massar rene at the defence of Anholt by the Royal Marines in 1811. passage of the Bidassoa. Blood served in the Peninsula from June 1811 to the close of that war in 1814» including the siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. 10th. E. 19 Lieut. and repulse of the sortie. Nivelle. Armstrong. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. with the 3rd battalion of the Royals. Orthes. and was present in the actions of Aldea de Ponte and Fuentes Guinaldo. besides various minor affairs. action at Arcangues. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. affair at the convent of St. action at the Maya Pass. 1809. 9 Lieut. 14 Lieut. and was present at the action of Osma. from 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. Cooper Armstrong served at Copenhagen. actions on the Nivelle and the Nive. Subsequently. Landrecies. 1 Lieut. F. various actions in the Pyrenees. FredorickBayly served in the Peninsula from June 1 810 to the end of that war in 1814.. and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz: he has received the War Medal with four Clasps 11 Lieut. and at the siege of St. and was present at the battle of Vittoria. Served at the bombardment and . retreat from Madrid to Portugal. 3 Lieut. passage ofthe lluebra. Bayonne. three Clasps. Ayshford served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Ouor. battles of Nivelle and Nive (9 th to 13th Dec). where he was severely wounded by a ball which entered his right knee . Berford served with the 5th in Portugal and Spain in 1808-9. including the battles of Bu. Salamanca. Busaco. and 13th Dec— The above services with the 43rd. Albuhera. the successful storming of San Sebastian (with the stormers of the Light Division). Served afterwards in the American war. 7 Lieut. he has received the War Medal with 1 Lieut. Bedell served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade and was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. at the battle of Orthes. the several stormings and capture of San Sebastian. Beamish waspresent with the 84that the battle of the Nive. action at Lugo. battle of Vittoria.ttack on the French fleet in Aix Roads. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. at which last he was several times wounded. Alcock served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Salamanca and Vittoria. Austin served in the Peninsula with the 47 ih and was present at the battles ol Vittoria. 18 Lieut. F. at Bladensburg. at the battle of Castalla. in which the He has received the War Medal with nine Clasps. France. battles ofthe Pyrenees on the 27th July and 2nd Aug. repulse of the enemy at Bejar. 39 Lieut Charles Brown served in the Peninsula with the 50th and was present at the surprise and capture of Fort Napoleon at Almaraz. defence of. and was brought to the notice of the Duke of York by Sir George Prevost and Sir Gordon Drummond. and Chrystler's Farm. 40 Lieut. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. for which he received the War Medal with one Clasp. including the actions at Fuentes Guiualdo and Adea de Ponte. 35 Lieut. Bradshaw served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Vittoria and Toulouse. for which he has received the War Medal with six clasps. and He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 26 Lieut. as also frequently on the banks of the Bidassoa. and Toulouse. Brock served in the Peninsula and was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. and has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Nive. affair at Fuente Decana. including the battle of Waterloo. . retreat from Madrid. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Bas(iue Eoads. including the siege of Aboukir and battle of Alexandria. Sebastian 31st Aug. was also present at the battle War of Waterloo. Nivelle. Brattle served in the battle of Trafalgar. 391 severely wounded at the top of the breach at San Sebastian. an Toulouse. by a musket ball which struck him He has received the War Medal with nine Clasps. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. and was present at the first siege of Badajoz. . Pyrenees. After the surrender of Paris.. Bridge served the campaign of 1815 with the 73rd. has received the Naval JMedal for the boat actions on Lake Huron. S. . 47 Lieut. and in addition to the Silver War Medal with two Clasps. 48 Lieut. and attack on the rear-guard action at Cambo the road to Roncesvalles Bayonne (wounded). latter he lost his right leg by a cannon-shot. In action with Danish gun-boats near Copenhagen. Orthes. Served afterwards with the Channel Fleet off Brest. He was afterwards present at the assault on New Orleans. M. and was present at the battles of Salamanca. of the 3rd and 6th Sept. Vittoria. in 1814. battle of Waterloo. Boase (see note 2. Cahill served in the Peninsula with the 36tb.assist. Wm. 45 Lieut. affairs battle of Pierre. 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. and Orthes (wounded). battle of Salamanca. Adjut-Gen. . and action with the enemy's rear-guard various affairs on battle of the Nivelle. including the action at Mersera. storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. Medal with one Clasp for Albuhera. Joined the force under General Whitelock at Monte Video. and was attached to the reserve on the heights. at night. Donald Cameron (h. battle of the Pyrenees. 43 Lieut. for Detroit. Brearcy served on the Walcheren expedition in 1809. from May 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. and Nivelle. Vittoria. and Orthes. Butterworth served in the Peninsula with the 32nd and was present at the battles of Roleia. He was afterwards present at the battles of Bayonne. Orthes. W. 34 Lieut. page 327). attack of the heights of Garris. 29 Lieut. and commanded a detachment of Artillery in a night attack on the batteries of IMorbihan. Served also the campaign of 1815. Nivelle. IJlyth served in the Peninsula. 64. Served the campaign of 1801 in Egypt. 33 Lieutlirice served in the Peninsula with the 23rd. Vimiera. of the American war-schooners Tigriss and Scorpion . Bulger commanded the Military portion of the expedition acting as Marines. Nive. resulting in the capture by boarding. He saw much varied service during the American war of 1812. skirmishing to the summit of the Pyrenees Stewart). bombardment of Antwerp. battle of Vittoria. 30 Lieut. Africa. Brierly served in the Peninsula with the 77tb. St. storming of Cambray. • . 15urslcm served at the siege of Houat. passage of the Nive. and Arriverette. was placed in the Head Quarters Staff as a Deputy. 28 Lieut.\'va7' services oj the Ijiemenanfs. and repulse of the enemy at Alba deTormes repulse of the enemy on the rear-guard. storming of Cambray. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. Bramwell served the campaign of 1815 with the 92nd. and Toulouse. 24 Lieut. Talavera. Landed at Ferrol with the army under the command of Sir James Pulteney. and has received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps for the Pyrenees. Nive. at which Medal fur services in Egypt. He served also the campaigns of 1814 and 1815 in Holland and the Netherlands. T. Butler served the campaign of 1815 with the 3rd Guards. and led the storming party of the 14th regiment at the capture of Cambray. (bayonet wound in the hand). 46 Lieut. in the face and passed through his nose. was present at the capitulation of Antwerp . and capture of Paris. and was present at the siege and reduction of Flushing. 1808 (severely wounded). and action at St Palais (severely wounded). and He has received the battle of Albuhera. and the Pyrenees (wounded). Nive. at Hellette St.-General Sir Ronald Ferguson . as Aide-de-camp to Lieut. on this occasion Lieut. Buchanan landed at Passages in Spain. 41 Lieut. Salamanca. Bubb served in the Peninsula with the eist and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Nivelle. and at the capture of Paris. in 1807. the Pyrenees. Henry Uoldero served in Holland. 25 Lieut. and Belleisle. 31 Lieut. and was severely wounded at — Waterloo. 1814. Marcial near St. and was severely wounded right leg amputated. Orthes. on board H. 42 Lieut. at Quatre Bras. 60 Foot) served in the Peninsula with the 7th Fusiliers from Aug. p. 36 Lieut. action at Pampel una. . for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. capture of Paris. Bulger served in the last American war. 20th Oct. daily defence of the pass of Maya (thanked by Sir W. and was engaged almost daily during the march of Lord Hill's division across the Pyrenees. at which latter he was wounded. and 21st March Campaign in Holland and the Netherlands in 1814 and 15. and bombardment of Antwerp. battle of Maida. Cameron served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in the Peninsula. Alex. battles of Salamanca. and accompanied Sir Richard Strachan's flying squadrcn sent iu pursuit of Jerome Bonaparte's fleet. Nivelle. M. for which he has received . Busaco. 62 Lieut. and Toulouse. where he rendered important p^^rsonal service to his late Majfsfy King Wdliam IV. and Nive. 66 Lieut. Sebastian. 41st). and at the reduction of Genoa iu 59 Lieut. battle of the Nive from 9th to 13th Dec. and was present at the storming and cjpture of Badajoz (as a volunteer).) served in the 79th regt. 1810. C. and battle of Toulouse. Nive. Royal jNlarines. and capture of that city on the 19th. Bn. 57 Captain Chadwick. C. Coombe served in Egypt in 1801. served in the action off Perrol. Nivelle. Orthes. War Medal with two Clasps. for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 56 Lieut. 70 Lieut. and 30th July. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. 5th Nov. and Tonlouse. G. 29th. Cottingham served in the Peninsula with the 52d in the campaigns of 1812. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Toulouse. then present with the army as Duke of Clarence. and bombardment of Antwerp. action with a Danish Flotilla ctf Maudal. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. Pyrenees. where he received a severe contusion. Salamanca. served as a Midshipman on board H. Chetham served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Roleia. John Cameron (h. 74 Lieut. including the investment of Bergen-op-Zoom. in which he saw a great deal of active service. in Egypt. 54 Lieut. Vittoria. 13. served the campaign in Affghanistan with the 41st and was present at the action of Hykulzie on the 28lh March 1842. Served 8th the Valenciennes in 1816 and 1817. action at Merxem. with the 37th. wounded. .War 392 Services of the Lieutenants. 77 Lieut. Coote served in the Burmese war. Nive. and has received the Egyptian medal. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Maida. French squadron. for which he has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. Cosby served with the 63rd at the capture of ^Martinique in 1809 and of Guadaloupe in 1810. sloop Moselle in 1806-7. and at January 1815. Nivelle. William Chapman served in the Peninsula and at Waterloo with the Rifle Brigade. M. and was present at the battle of the Pyrenees on the 28tb. including the attack on the forts and heights also the attacks in of Alexandria. also the capture of Catrone. 52 Lieut. including both the actions of jNIerxem. W. p. including the passage of the Douro. Cary served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade and was present at the battles of Vittoria. Talavera. siege and storming of Badajoz. 1813. Ceylon. at which last he was severely wounded. . . siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. He served in Madras. and at the battles of Salamanca. the Desert. investment of Served also during the late Canadian Rebellion. Challis served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Vimiera. and lost his right leg. Orthes. M. 64 Lieut. 20th. ISIichael Carey served in the Peninsula with the 83rd. at which last place on was he severely with the regiment at Paris. 78 Lieut. Pyrenees. Orthes. and Salamanca. attack on and taking of the Castle of Scylla. and 14. M. Corunna. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. 53 Lieut. and Toulouse. Vimiera. and Bengal from 1808 to 1816. p. Vimiera. Cinnamond has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Trafalgar. Also in America at Bladensburg. 58 Lieut.B. and siege of Ri)setta. on the Expedition to in 1807. Lost his right leg in action Vi'ith a division of the French fleet off Toulon. Campbell. Orthes. Washington and New Orleans. battle of the Nivelle. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. Pyrenees. 72 Lieut. 70 Lieut. and was present at the siege and capture of Copenhagen. Orthes. Cobbold served in the Peninsula with the 1st Dragoons. first siege of Badajoz. Carr served with the 21st in Sicily in 1813-14 1814. 61 Lieut. and Toulouse. 1806 1808. 75 Lieut. the blockade of Pampeluna. R. Campbt'Il servtd in the Peninsula with the 39th and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees.. William Clarke assisted in cutting out the French Corvette Cesar capture of the bombardmi nt of Copenhagen. and Bayonne. 65 Lieut. commanded a party of Volunteers on the Niagara frontier. Nivelle. George Chapman served the campaign of 1814 in Holland. and in 51 Lieut. battles of Salamanca. from March 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. and Toulouse. He has received the War Medal Denmark with four Clasps. . and has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Busaco. Colls served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Roleia. 2 Gar. 1807 capture of Russian Sewolod. 50 Lieut. James Campbell (h. including the skirmish at Eut'emia. Vittoria. 60 Lieut. . in Sicily and Italy. 1805 War Medal with one Clasp. 63 Lieut. Campaign of 1807. 49 Lieut. prior to entering the army. Collins served in the Peninsula with the 4th and was present at the sieges of Badajoz and St. Carnaby served in the Peninsula with the 76th and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for the battles of the Nivelle aud Nive. battles of Talavera (severely wounded in the head) and Busaco. L. . Albuhera. Rupert Campbell served the campaign of 1806. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Vittoria. G. they left him on the field vhen they were hard pressed and under a cannonade from the British artillery. Orthes. Dillon accompanied the expedition to Walchereu in 180D. Crawford served the campaign of 1815 with the 79th. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. the subsequent pursuit of Massena through Portugal. 12. and others connected with the army on the Eastern coast of Spain. for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. battles of the Pyrenees. 82 Lieut. Nivelle. and Flanders. including Massena's retreat. D' Alton served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees and Orthes. Drummond served in the Peninsula with the R fl-. Pyrenees. 84 Lieut. E. St. 104 Li-r'ut. for which has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Daniel served in China in 1841 (medal). and was present at the battle of Vittoria. He was also present at the siege and capture of Asseerghur in the East Indies. Doswell was present at the passage ot the Dardanelles. 85 Lieut. Palais. covering the sieges of Badajoz. and served three years with the Army In 1821. relinquish the active duties of his profession and retire on half-pay. A. Dighton served in Spain and Portugal. when he turned the enemy's flank and captured a field piece. action of sobral. 100 Lieut. and at the battl. 1807. for which he has reeeived the War Medal with two Clasps. Crezier served at the attack on the enemy's works on the right bank of the Mississippi. from April 1810 to July 1812.*s of Salamanca. &c. 92 Lieut. E. and destruction of War Medal witli one Clasp. Crawley served in the Peninsula. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. p. advance after Massena. 80 Lieut.hree vessels. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. including the battle Waterloo. 94 Lieut. W . Tarragona. R. Dowker served in the Peninsala with the 53rd and was present at the battles of Talavera. P. jarris. and 15. and Orthes. for which he has received the War Mtdal with six Clasps. 88 Lieut. and Toulouse. S. served afterwards in the American war. . Served also in the South of France in 1814. but was preseut at the capture of Paris. Delamain served with the 2nd battalion of the 67th in Spain from the latter part [)f 1811 to the close of that war. and was present at the investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie.«. Delme served in the Peninsula with the 88th. Charles Thomas Cox served with the 71st during the campaigns of 1810. Cambo. and Alba le Tormes. He 393 served also the campaign of 1815. and Nive. Royal Marines. Aire. the Nive. battles of Fuentes d'Onor (wounded). taking of Dlivenc^'a. during the whole of the war of 1846-7. 11.he invasion of France from the Pyrenees. 96 Lieut. Couche served at the storming of the battery on Pointe du Cha. actions of Arroyo du ^Molnio. He served also the Waterloo campaign. 97 Lieut. md lodged in his bod}'. Present at . Urt. Nive. Cusine served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. 102 Lieut. the change of position of the ball received at Vittoria compelled him )f Occupation. after which he went to Holland with Sir James Graham's Army as Adjuant of the 55th Regt . Buscaeo. Hellette. 87 Lieut. 13 14. Dalgairns served in the Peninsula with the 7th Fusiliers. David Davis (h.— slightly wounded. Tarbe. 94 Foot) served with the 90th in Kaffirland. and was present at the jattles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. and was present at the )attle of 15usaco. including the sieges of Cadiz. Samuel Cox served at the reduction of Leghorn. and the passage of the Sarinac. 1810. Vittoria. nent of a shell. 86 Lieut. Drawbridge served at Walcheren and was present at the siege of Flushing. the advance to and retreat imm Madrid. sortie from Pampeluna. being unable to keep up with t'ne enemy. a musket ball having passed through the lungs i'^ittoria. Services of the Lieutenants. 27th December. ictions of Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. Nive. 99 Lieut. includiug the retreat to and occupation of he lines of Torres Vedras. battle of severely wounded and taken prisoner. Darcy served in the Peninsula with the 60th and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimi^ra. and was wounded at the storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. Crabtree served in the Peninsula with the 3rd Dragoons. and subsequent actions of the Nivelle. was serving on board the Java when captured by the American frigate Constitution (wounded). investment of Pampeluna and )att]es of the Pyrenees. for which he has received the AVar Medal with two Clasps. and was present at the siege and capture of Flushing. and Barcelona. battles of Albuhera and Vittoria. the Nivelle. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. 1st siege of Badajoz. 91 Lieut. 81 Lieut Cowley serred in the Peninsula. Served also at the reduction of Guadaloupe in 1815. Orthes. 95 Captain David Davies. and was present in the action of Plattsburg.ihe War War Medal with eight Clasps. and was slightly PFOunded at Waterloo. 89 Lieut. and lias received the Silver War Medal with one DIasp for Toulouse. Almaraz. 90 Lieut. France. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. the iftair of Villa Franca. Nivelle. occupation of the lines of Torres Vedras. in 1819. and many affairs At the battle of Waterloo he received a contusion on the hip from the frag)f piquets. Touioase. 103 Lieut. Arriveriete. 83 Lieut. and taken prisoner. Cubitt served in the Peninsula with the 4th Dragoons and was present at the jattles of Vittoria and Toulouse. and has received the Silver War Medal with one )f — Clasp for Nivelle. Brigade and was preseut at the sieges of Ciuddd Rodrigo and Bidijoz. 93 Lieut. 105 Lie'it. and battle of Toulouse. in the Peninsula. Pyrenees. 113 Lieut. He was taken prisoner at Placentia.War 394 Services of the Lieutenants. Vittoria. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Donald Fraser served in the Peninsula with the 1st Royals and was present a the battle of Busaco and siege of Badajoz. besides various minor affairs. in Hollan in 1799. Dunkirk. 13. 112 Captain Charles Edwards served in the Peninsula with the 47th. Nive. 83rd Foot) served in the Peninsula with the 83rd and wi present at the battles of Salamanca. battles of the Nive on the 9th. Thomas Evans served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 with the 38th Regt. Flynn served the campaign against the Rajah of Coorgin 1834. in the Peninsula from 1809 to 181< He was present in the actions of St. and Orthes. Albuhera. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps He served also the campaign of 1815. R. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. in 1805. Franklin served in the Peninsula with the 39 th and was present at th battles of Vittoria. with the 39 th Reg 126 Lieut. D. and at the siege of St. and was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras. Helder. Nive. ( : Wa . for which be has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. and siege of Bidajoz. passage the Bidassoa. action at El Bodon. Eccles served in the Peninsula with the 61st. includin the battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. Lannoi. the investment of Bayonne. Orthes. 119 Lieut. 18 Aug. which was taken by escalade by the Royal Marines. Walmenhuysen. 129 Lieut. Fleetwood served in the Peninsula with the 74th. for which he has received the War Medal withtwo Clasp 109 L'eut. and sieges of Valenciennes (wounded). Orthes. Sauveterre. 94. and the storming of tl citadel of Cassis. at Copenhagen. 106 Lieut. Nive. and 14. 10. A. Nive (Qth to 13th Dec). Copenhagei Ciudad Rodrigo. 11. at Flushing in 1809. 131 Lieut. for which he has received tl AVar Medal with four Clasps. Henry Elliot served in the Royal Marine Battalion at the capture of Ja^ (wounded. David Fraser served in the Peninsula with the 82nd and was present at th battles of Nivelle and Orthes. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. Andre. 1809. Nivelle. Busaco. 10th. and was present at the battles oft) Nivelle. Was at the attack on the enemy's works on tl right bank of the Mississippi. Nivelle. for which he has received the War Medal wii ?( four Clasps. Moveaux. and War Medal with one Clasp). and Nive. Salamanca. and Toulouse 124 Lieut. Nivelle. and Toulouse. Busaco. 107 Lieut. 127 Captain Ford served the campaigns of 1809. Pyrenees. 1813. Hugh Flemingserved in the campaigns in Flanders. 120 Lieut. Served also the can paign of 1815. at the battles of Talavera. received the War Medal with four Clasps. 114 Lieut. 118 Lieut. for which he has received the Medal with five Clasps. Fraser served in the Peninsula with the 42nd and was present at the battle of the Pyrenees. Tournay. Pyrenees. Orthes. He has received the War Medal with eight Claspi 125 Lieut. 12th. and Orthes. and repulse of the sortie. and battles of Fuentes d'Onor. p. battle of the Nivelle.. and Burgos. from July 1813 to tl end of that war in 1814. and Orthes. 116 Lieut. Dyer served at the capture of a convoy of 27 vessels. including the second assault and capture of San Sebastian. Pyreneei Echalar (wounded). Vaux. Wright Edwards served in the Peninsula with the 59th and was present at tl battles of Vittoria. ar Toulouse. 110 Lieut.and95. and was present at th siege of Flushing. 28th Foot) served in the Peninsula with the 2Sth and ws present at the battles of Busaco. p. Nivelle. 11th. Orthes. Vittoria. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and Toulou3< Served as an assistant engineer during four of th besides other actions of less importance. Easter served in the Peninsula with the 2nd battalion of the 24th. Famars. Foz d'Arouce. and subsi quently in the Peninsula. and Faentes d'Onor he has received the TV : Medal with three Clasps. H has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps. Lincelles. Vic Bigorr< he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. in 1793. and blockade of Baj'din. 130 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with tw Clasps. and was present at the battles of Qaat Bras and "Waterloo. 108 Lieut. Zuyp. S. Nivelle. including the battle of Waterloo. Ralph Evans served in the Peninsula with the 62nd and was present at th battle of the Nivelle. Vittoria. Nive. but escape ten days afterwards. and Toulouse. and battle Salamanca. and Nive. Dunnicliffe served the campaign of 1815. including the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. in Germany. Bergen (wounded Oporto. siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo and of Badajoz in 1812. James Eagar served in the Peninsula with the 30th and was present at the battle < Fuentes d'Onor. Fuentes d'Onor. 115 Lieut. Matthew Evans served at Copenhagen in 1807. He h. Fort St. defence of Cadiz. and was prese. 128 Lieut. Nivelle. John Evans (h. 1813. Nivelle. Nivelle. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps.?. Amand. and 13' Dec. Espinhal. Cateai Robaix. campaigns. John Evans (h. for which he hi received the War Medal with four Clasps. Served also the campaigns of 1817 and 18 in Mai against the Mahrattas. Sebastian. battles of Salamanca. Foz d'Arouce. Thomas Edwards served in the Peninsula with the 20th and was present at tl battles of Nivelle. 2d Aug. storm an capture of Fort Picurina. in 1807. Foote served in the Peninsula with the 5th. 117 Lieut. and was present at the siege ( Badajoz in 1811. and has received the Silver AVa Medal with two Clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. 123 Lieut. and rejoined the army. for which he has received the War IMedal with four Clasps. Orthes. 136t Lieut. for which he has recaiveJ the War INIedal with one Clasp. at which latter he was He has received the War Medal with severely wounded in the right thigh by a cannon-shot. John Grant (R. capture of Madrid. and 18th June severely wounded at Waterloo. attack upon the Heights after crossing the Bidassoa. 1814. and Salamanca. and Toulouse. as a Captain in the 78th Regiment. and battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. in which latter he was severely wounded in the left thigh by a musket shot. Nive. siege of Burgos. and Toulouse. and 14. Nive.5. James Geddes was present with the 42nd at the battle of Toulouse (severely wounded). and was present ut the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. 1811 to June 1813. He has received the War jNIedal with one Clasp for Salamanca. and served with it until embarkation at Bordeaux in 1814. 1813 to Feb. Orthes. 142 Lieut. 13G Lieut. Served also the campaign of 1815. and subsequently to Portugal. in 1807. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. Grape served in the actions in Algesiras Bay and Straits of Gibraltar in 1811 (Medal). having been present in action at Osma. R. and was severely wounded at jNIedal with three Clasps. Artillery) served with the expedition to Walcheren. 146 Lt. . and was present at the taking of Alexandria and siege of Kosetta. 395 132 Lieut. including the attacks and captures of Ter Vere and Flushing. Haggup served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade and was present at the ' . for which he has received the Silver \\'ar IMedal with one Clasp. Expedition to Walcheren. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Vittoria. in which action he was Aide-de-Camp to Lieut -General Mackenzie Frazer. battles of NivuUe and Nive. Was at the reduction of . in 1808. Vimiera. investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. Gunn served at the capture of Santa Jlaura.War Services of the Lieutenants. with four Clasps. and subsequently in the Peninsula. including the actions of the 16th. in 1809. 145 Lieut. and was employed in taking several fortresses on the French frontier in July and Aug. 1815. from Feb. 13.(une 1812. George Gordon served in the Peninsula with the 42nd and was present at the battles of Nivelle. 153 Lieut. 134 Lieut. battle of Vittoria. F. Leghorn in 1813. 139 Sir Orford Gordon accompanied the expedition to Kgypt. 1811 to Dec. including the reduction of the Forts at Salamanca. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 17tb. Pyrenees. 147 Lieut. on the expedition to Sweden. siege and captui-e of San Sebastian. 152 Lieut. at Walcheren. Wounded in the side at the Maya Pass. Charles Griffith served at the capture of the French frigate Etoile'va. Goodall served with the Queen's Royals on the AValcheren expedition in 1809. Gichard served with the 4th at the capture of Copenhagen. Freemsn served the Egyptian campaign of 1801 with the 30tb. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. ailairs on the Bidassoa and passage of that river passages of the Nivelle. 1809. San Sebastian (both attacks). including the action at Alba de Tormes. 150 Lieut. de Gilse served in the Peninsula with the 60th and was present at the battles of Koleia. — Quatre Bras. and the King of Hanover's Peninsular Medal : also the silver War Mtdal with three Clasps. and was present at the siege of Flushing. after a charge with the bayonet and defeat of a battalion of the French 52nd of the line of very superior force. 1813. action at Villa Muriel (slightly wounded). battle of Salamanca. 1810 at the destruction of a convoy and battery at Languelia. for which he has received the War Med. 1814. for which he has received the War He served also the campaign of 1815. Gillmore served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Nivelle. 148 Lieut. including the operations before Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. 138 Lieut. 149 Lieut. Fuentes d'Onor. Gill served at the storming of Fort Cornelis and capture of Java in 1811. for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. and the successful siege of Badajoz. 135 Captain Gilborne served with the 11th at the siege of Flushing in 1809. Talavera. Busaco. including the battle of Waterloo and capture of Paris. Served afterwards in the Peninsula from Oct. including the advance into Spain. Peninsular campaigns of 1812. Nivelle. retreat to and battle of Corunna. and retreat from thence. Subsequently in the Peninsula with tbc 7l8t. 140 Lieut. 141 Lieut. under Sir John Moore. retreat from Madrid. 133 Lieut. 1812. 144 Lieut. Gilder served in the Peninsula with the 6th and was present at the battles of Vittoria. in 1807. Edward Greene served with the battering train attached to the Prussian besieging army. Grjeme joined the 2nd Light Battalionof the King's Gorman Legion in Portugal in 1812. 137 Lieut. siege of Burgos. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. actions at Aire and at Bayonne. ibi which he has received the War Mtdal with one Clasp. Villa Franca. Grueber has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Toulouse. Tolosa. Grier served in the Peninsula with the 44th and was present at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor and Salamanca and at the siege of Badajoz. He has received William the Fourth's Gold Cross for 25 years' service. Vittoria. and battles of Orthoj and Toulouse. and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. the Nive. 151 Lieut. and Orthts. Grimes served in the Peninsula from March 1811 to Sept. 27 . including the battles of the Pyrenees aud the Nive. He served also the campaign of 181. storming the Forts and battle of Salamanca. and the Adour. two Clasps. Likewise. He has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. John Grant (Unattached) served in the Peninsula from Aug. where he was Aide-de-Camp to Sir Thomas Picton. Salamanca. 155 Lieut. He served also the Waterloo campaign with the 10th Hussars. including the ascent of the Potamac. Nivelle. and siege and storming of Badajoz for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. John Hamilton served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Line Battalion German Legion. Talavera. Hodder served with the 2nd battalion of the 69th during the campaigns of 1814 and 15. 16lt Lieut. Hearn served with the 60lh at the capture of Martinique in 1809 and of Guadaloupe in 1810. and Pyrenees. including the battles of Oporto. and with his regiment rejoined the Duke of Wellington's army at Pans. battles of Salamanca (wounded). Hasleham served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Talavera and Busaco. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. at the capture of iVIartinique in 1809. Hickman was at the destruction of a brig of 18 guns at Parenza. .sion. the Nive. Fuentes d'Onor. and Toulouse. iov which he has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. William Harris served with the 7th Fusiliers at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807. Holborn served in the Peninsula as a Cornet in the 3rd Light Dragoons German Legion. 170 Lieut. 157 Lieut. Hine served in the Peninsula with the 48th from April 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. Albuhera. and 13. William Henderson served in the Peninsula with the 5th and was present at the battles of Salamanca. He has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. 167 Lieut. Fuentes d'Onor. Nivelle. Orthes. Fuentes d'Onor. Rupert Charles Holland served in boats of Tlialia at the capture of the and at the siege of Flushing and occupation of French 6 gun privateer lieg^dn. in Holland and Flanders.ir M"dal with one Clasp. in 1808 South Beveland in 1809. and has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Busaco and Albuhera. and Blackwood's action off T(julon in 1810 in htr barge at the cutting out of the French privateer /n^?-e/nf/e in 1811. and S*lamanca. Orthes. and Toulouse. In Euryalus 36 gun frigate. B. Albuhera. and has received the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for the battles of the Nivelle. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. assault and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz.War 396 Services of the Lieutenants. Nivelle. and was beaten off. Vittoria. War Medal with two Clasps. Hardcastle served in the Peniosula with the 31st and was present at the battles of Busaco. Vittoria. Hamer served with the 5th on the Walcheren expedition in 1809. 171 Lieut. battles of Busaco. and Orthes. He served afterwards in the Peninsula.. and he partiuipattd in her numerous boat services from 1810 to 1814. F. J. 164 Lieut. sieges of Ciudad Modrigo. Nivelle. William Henry Hamilton served in the Peninsula with the 34th. Pyrenees. Nive. for which he has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. On his 'passage from Portugal to England on board the Britain Transport. . Simuel Hardman served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Sahagun and Benevente. an American Privateer engaged the Transport on the 28th January. the bombardment of Antwerp. 158 Lieut. with the 57th and was present at the battle of Busaco. and has received the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for Vittor a. Ciudad Eodrigo. He hus received the Silver War IMedal with two Clasps. 12. capture of Washington and of Alexandria. Hawkins has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Trafalgar. Orthes. and battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. . 4 May 1811. and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. and compelled a gabarre of 30 guns and a large schooner to take refuge under the land batteries. and has received the Silver War Medal with seven Clasps for Busaco. and alterwards as a Lieutenant in the lOih Hussars. 166 Lieut. Nive. Vittoria. Badajoz. Hilliard served in the Peninsula with the 5th and was present at the battles of Busaco. Nivelle. . Nive. Hoilis served in the Peninsula. In Queen Charlotte at Algiers. Pyrenees. Pyrenees. and Toulouse. and Orthes. Nive. for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 1815. and Albuhera (twice wounded). Haswell served at the capture of Nereide and Renoinmee and surrender of the Isle de la Passe. and was present at the attack on Merxem. 154 Lieut. 172 Lieut. Salamanca. in the same ship when she simultaneously drove on shore the French storeship Balle. 168 Lieut. Holmes served in the Peninsula with the 36lh ^nd was present at the battles of Salamanca and the Pyreuecs. He served also the Waterloo campaign. at which last he was severely wounded. and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Orthes. in command of her marines t( ok a field-piece and stormed two batteries at the capture of the 10 gun xebec La Fortune and twenty sad of Merchant Vessels in Calvacie Roads. for which he has received the War Medal with ten Clasps. and has received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps for Sahagun and Benevente. Vittoria. 160 Lieut. and Toulouse.ine of 28 guns. and attack of Baltimore. and horse shot under him). 162 Lieut. and Toulouse. Pyrenees. Present at the storming of Fort Cornells (wounded) and capture of Java. 169 Lieut. Pyrenees. oc(rd. 156 Lieut. II. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Vittoria. 161 Lieut. 163 Lieut. 159 Lieut. . Hodgson served in the Peninsula with the 4th Dragoon Guards during the campaigns of 1811. and Nive. 174 lit. Herron served in the Peninsula with the 74th. 165 Lieut. at the defence of Cadiz and Matagorda. Nivelle. and personally commended by the Admiral for his services on that. and was present at the siege and surrender of Flushing (slightly wounded. 1811. for which he has receive<l the AV. Served also in the last American war . assault on Bergen-op-Zoom. and subsequently in the Peninsula including the battles of Busaco. Vittoria. 164t Lieut. Holgate ser\ed in the Pdiinsula in 1813 with the 82ud Regt. Pyrenees. 9. Irving served the campaign of 1815 with the 13th Dragoons. and Danish West India Island-*. He served also the Waterloo campaign. Nivelle. Pyrenees.3rd Dragoon Guards and has received the War jMedal with one Clasp for the battle of Toulouse. actions of Val Moresco. for which he has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. for which he has received the ^V'ar Medal with two Clasps. and Toulouse. War Medal with one Clasp. G Humphreys served in the Peninsula v/ith the 14th L^. R. 194 Captain Francis Kennedy's services: Campaigns of 181 1. and pursuit of Massena. for which he has received the War INIedal with two Clasps. In 1809. as also that of Ciudad Rodrigo. Vittoria. battles of Vittoria (wounded). C. and was present at the battles of Nivelle and Orthes. expedition against the French. David Holmes served in the Peninsula with the 9th and was present at the battles of the Nivelle and Nive. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. and covering the second siege. 192 Lieut. Albuhera. Orthes. Nive. siege of Burgos. J. 1800. and 12 with the 2nd battalion of the 3lst. and Flanders. occupation of the Lines of Torres Vedras. Charles Jago served in the Peninsula with the 24th. 186 Lieut. and was present in the Accompanied the 68th Rpgt. Orthes. Pyrenees. and was siege and capture of Flushing. sailed with thj expedition for Walcheren. 397 175 Lieut. for nhiuh he has received the War j\[ediil with two Clasps. besides several minor affairs. Peyrehorade and Echalar. retreat to Portugal. 191 Lieut. and Arroyo de Molino. in the Burmese war in 1825 and 26. Vittoria. Isaacson served in the Peninsula with the 52nd. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. . Dragoons and was present at the battles ol S. Kingsmill served in the Peninsula with the 88th and was present at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor and siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. the Mahratta campaign of 1817 and 18. and most giUantly repulsed two attacks made by the French o 15 Nov. 197 Lieut. and at the sieges of Ciiidad liodrigo and Badajoz. He has received the War Medal with three clasps. 188 Lieut. actions of Osma and San Munos. Pyrenees. batdes of Fuentes d'Onor. France. 176 Lieut Hopkins served in the Peninsula with the 5th and was present at the battles of Busaco and Fuente> d'Ouor. 11. Jordan served the campaign of 1808-9 with the 26th and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. 179 Lieut.tlam mea. including the first siege of Badajoz. present with the covering araiy at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Baiajoz. and Nivelle. Vittoria. at the actions of Moresco and on the heights of S-ilamanci. 187 Lieut. and Pyrenees. and Nivelle. Kearnes served in Ireland during the Rebellion of 1798. 178 Lieut Blake lluin'Vey served in the Peninstila and was present at the battles of Nivelle and Nive. Salamanca. Alexander Innes served in the Peninsula with the 42nd and was present at the battle of Toulouse. Pampeluna. and was woundod on the 12th April. bray. Hunt served in the Peninsula with the 24th. retreat from Burgos. 180 Lieut. Pyrenees. Siege and capture of Flushing. He served also the Waterloo campaign. and has received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps for Vittoria. Nive. Pyrenees (at Lasaca). 183 Lieut. 14. and was slightly wounded at Waterloo. for which he has received the War Medal with i — two Clasps. 10. including the battles of Talavera (severely contused on the head by a musket ball). 182 Lieut. Invin served with the 63rd at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. Ciudad Rodrigo. 193 Lieut. taking of Madrid and the Retiro. JE. and 15. 189 Lieut. 190 Lieut. for which he has received the War jNIedal with one Clasp. 1809. Inglis served in the Peninsula with the . 13. Salamanca. Hutchinson has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Corunna. 198 Lieut. and he led the column of attack at the storming of CamHe has received the Wur Medal with six Clasps. J. 184 Lieut. 28 May 1809. crossing the Esia.War Services of the Lieutenants. for which he has received the Wnr "Medal with four Clasps. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and present at the In Juue 1811. and has received the Silver War Medal with seven Clasps for Busaco. and Toulouse. He has received the Silver War Sicdal with five Clasps. Lacy served in the Peninsula with the 82nd and was present at the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. and Nivelle. Keep served in the Peninsula with the 28th and wa=i present at the battles of Vittoria. for which he has received the War Medal Avith three Clasps. Knox served the Peninsular campaigns of 1808. 1808. and was present at the battles of Busaco. Jeffries served in the Peninsula with the Royals and was present at the battle of Salamanca. when quelling In Jane 1803 he sailed from Barbadoes with the the mutiny of the 8th West India Regt. Orthes and Waterloo . joined the Duke of Wellington's army. Vittoria. Fuentea d'Onor. and received high commendation for his conduct in the storming of an outwork in front of the redoubt of Morne Fortune in St Lucia. 12. 181 Lieut. Alexander Irsvin served at the siege and capture of Hattras in 1816-17. 177 Lieut Thomas How was landed with 25 Royal Marines to garrison Fort Trinidad. Busaco. auJ battle of Orthes. Richard Jones served with the 40th in the campaigns in the Peninsula. to the West Indies in battles of New Ross and Vinegar Hill. action at Hastingues. 196 Lieut. at Prince Rupert's in Dominica. battle of Salamanca. 185 Lieut. Dutch. Assisted in cutting out IG vessels from under the protection of a castle in the harbour of Daio. 1802. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps203 Lieut. and 14. including the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz (wounded). for which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps. 219 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. in consequence of He has the severity of the wound. 1814. and sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. 83rd F. Chippewa. Albuhera. Frederick Henry. He served also the Waterloo campaign. 217 Lieut. Nive.) served in the Peninsula with the 83rd and was present at the siee. Orthes. Lindsey served in the Peninsula with the 11th and was present at the battle of Salamanca.398 War Services of the Lieutenants. Orthes. Orthes.) served with the 3rd West India Regt. including Fort Villa Muriel on the retreat from Burgos. Also present with a detachment of the 2nd and 3rd . 206 Captain Lockwood served in the Peninsula with the 30th during the campaigns of 1811. MCrohan served in the Peninsula with the 4th and was present at the siege of Badajoz and battle of Vittoria. 205 Lieut. siege of the Forts at Salamanca (wounded). including the battle of Quatre Bras. and Toulouse. Vittoria. Love served in the Peninsula from July 1810 to Dec. 12 Dec. 12. eighty miles up the attacked Ganiliia. and Orthes. Nive. 3 W. where he was which passed through the frontal bone. 222 Lieut. Nivelle.e of Badajoz and battles of Salamanca. for which he has received the War IMedal with seven Clasps. 13. 218 Lieut. having been ordered to appear before a Special Medical Board in Dublin. Campaign of 1815. IM'Intyre has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the capture of the Dutch frigate Guchlerlcmd. Thomas M'Dermott served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. Served afterwards in the American war. He served also the Waterloo campaign. battle of Salamanca. and Toulouse. George L'Estrange served in the Ptninsulfi with the 31st and was present at the battles of Vittoria. at the capture of INIartinique in 1809. Lonsdale served in the Peninsula with the 4th and was present at the battle of Salamanca. 216 Lieut. ^I'Gregor (h. Langdon served in the Peninsula and South of France with the 39th. E. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. assault on Fort Erie. 199 Lieut. S. and was severely wounded through the body in action at Sackett's Harbour. 215 Lieut. which stormed and destroyed the fortified town of Bambacoo. 213 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Jeba River. West . Lane (h. under Commodore Fanshawe. Pyrenees. and action at Campaign of 1814 in Holland. 1811. 1816 brain. including the assault and capture of Badajoz. 221 Lieut. India Regiments. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Alexander M'Donald served with the 26th at the first capture of Chusan. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and 13. 19 JNIay 1808. M'Laren served in the Peninsula with the 91st and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. A. under Major Hill. 220 Lieut. John Lowry served with the 8th in the American war of 1812. in 1849. 1849. in the combined attack of a British and French Naval and Land Force. Vittoria. and was present in the actions of Prescot. p. L Regt. War Medal with one Clasp. Leggett served in the Peninsula with the 3rd Dragoon Guards and was present at the battles of Vittoria and Toulouse. Armar Lowry served in the Peninsula with the 45th and was present at the battle of Orthes. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Pyrenees. and has received the Silver War INIedal with one Clasp for Sahagun and Benevente. 1812. received the War Medal with two Clasps. 201 Lieut. action and defeat of the enemy on the plains of Quenella (wounded). severely wounded by a On the 25 Aug. battle of Salamanca. Lister served at the battle of Trafalgar. Nive. for which he has received the War IMedal with five Clasps. he was reported unfit for service and placed upon half pay. 211 Lieut. Sackett's Harbour (severely wounded). and sortie (severely wounded) in Sept. M'Cormick served in the Peninsula with the old 94th and was present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. and siege of Burgos. p. and Toulouse. 207 Lieut. 208 Lieut. 6 May and partially destroyed the fortified town of Kecnung. 210 Lieut. Lucas served in the Peninsula with the 32nd and was present at the battle of Toulouse. Western Africa. 200 Lieut. and has received the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for Busaco. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and was present in the action at Plattsburg. Lundy'sLane (contused). for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 204 Lieut. Long served in the Peninsula with the 7th Hussars. Orthes. storming the Forts at Almaraz. and Toulouse. to extract which the operation of the trepan was resorted to. ]M-Int08h served in the Peninsula with the 31st and was present at the battles of Talavera. 212 Lieut. Nivelle. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. and lodged on the musket-ball. Henry Lewis was severely wounded in the action with and capture of the Bemmm^e and Nereicle and surrender of the Isle de la Passe. 223 Lieut. 202 Lieut. in the attack and total defeat of Pirates at the Island of Basis. Albuhera. and Nive. 7 May . M'Loughlin served with an expedition. Nivelle. and at the attack on Canton. Orthes. and retreat into . including the battles of the Pyrenees. 2^7 1 Lieut. Neil INIackay has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Corunna. and has received the Egyptian Medal. Nivelle. capture of Washington.Alex. Mogridge served in the Peninsula with the 34th and was present at the battles of ^Ibuhera. 247 Lieut. including the action at Llerena. and was )resent at the battle of Barrosa. 243 Lieut. Nive. Niyelle. nd has received the Hilvov War Medal with four Clasps for Vittoria. Nivelle. 249 Lieut. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Moorhead served in the Peninsula with the 71st and was present at the battles of Nivelle. Has received the War tfedal with three Clasps. rVounded at the battle of Lissa 13th March. St. capture of the J'rench rear-guard on the following day. battle of Salamanca. Orthes. for which he has received the War Medal Iso 'ith five Clasps. Sebastian. 242 Lieut. where he lost He has received the War Medal with one Clasp. for which he has received the War ledal with five Clasps. Moreton served in the Peninsula and South of France with the 58th. and Toulouse. and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras. -ZEneas M'Pherson served in the Peninsula and Soutli of France with the 59th. and at the battles of Vittoria. and Toulouse. He served also the Waterloo campaign. near {agouiza. jesides various minor affairs. and battle of Vittoria (severely wounded). for which he has received the War Medal with four . 226 Lieut. *nd Toulous. 1816 (Medal). 1811. M'Pherson served in the Peninsula with the 92nd. sittle the campaign of 1815. 1810. Niye. 245 Lieut. and Toulouse. Mathison served in the Peninsula with the 77th and was present at the sieges of liudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. and was present at the He served of Fuentos d'Onor. 235 Lieut. nd was present at the taking of Harriapore. 1812. )r which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps. Molesworth served with the Royal Marine Battalion in co-operation with the troops of the Queen of Spain in 1836-8. Vittoria. A. Present at the capture of Pomone and Persanne 29th Nov. Magin has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Trafalgar. 15. Guards from 1811 to the (nd of that war in 1814. 228 Lieut. and a convoy of twenty-five essels on 28 June. 237 Lieut. Orthes. 233 Lieut. Was also present in lie actions at Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. cajitured eleven vessels and lestroyed two large magazines after planting the British colours at the gate of the town. MacGregor served with the 24th during the Nepaul campaigns of 1814. 234 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 224 Lieut. Orthes. and has received the Silver War Medal with six Clasps for Vittoria. and various skirmishes prior to the siege and storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. Nicol M'Nicol served in the Peninsula with the 27th and was present at the attles of Vittoria. Nivelle. M'Donald Matthews served the campaign of 1815 with the 4th. 231 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. siege of Burgos. Lachlan MacKay served in the Peninsula with the 42nd from 1812 to the end f that war in 1814. captured and destroyed twenty-eight vessels after the defeat of 300 French soldiers. 225 Lieut. 239 Lieut. Wm. storming of Badajoz. Landed at Ortona 12th Feb. Orthes. F. Mitchell served in the Peninsula with the 28th from 1810 to 1813 inclusive. Mence served with the 44th at the taking of Tarragona also at the battle of Blalensburg. Moller served the Waterloo campaign with the 18th Hussars. and in the action at Sanirem. Zaccheus Miller served in Egypt in 1801. Nive.^rtugal.War 399 Services of the Lieutenants. and Toulouse. 248 Lieut. and five. Orthes. Pyrenees. J. MacdougiiU served in the Peninsula with the 91st and was present at the battles f the Pyrenees. for which he has received the War Jledal with one Clasp. investment of and action on the heights before Pampeluna. is left hand.e . iM'Rae was present with the 78th at the battle of Maida. and )attle of Teulouse. Moore served in the American war. 232 Lieut. 240 Lieut. 246 Lieut. 244 Lieut. Pyrenees. 236 Lieut. 229 Lieut. Has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Clasps. for which he has eceived the War Medal with one Clasp. for which he has received the War Medal with four Claspa. 227 Lieut. and 16. Duncan M'Nicol commanded the Royal Marines serving on board the Guerriere Served at the battle 'hen captured by the American frigate Constitution. and Toidouse. He served also the AVaterloo campaign. actions before Baltimore. Meares was at the capture of the town of Groa. Nive. 238 Lieut. capture of Madrid. f Algiers. Pyrenees. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. George Miles served in the Peninsula with the 5th Dr. Mellish served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp or Bidajoz. 1811. Nive. 241 Lieut. Landed with his detachment 27th July. and was lightly wounded at Waterloo. Joseph Mathews served in the Peninsula with the 83rd. 19 August. attack on the American Lines before (Jew Orleans. and Toulouse. battle of Vittoria. Orthes. Nivelle. MofFatt served in the Peninsula Willi the 71st and was present at the battle of i^^ittoria. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Macnab served in the Peninsula with the old 94th and was present at the battle f Toulouse. 230 Lieut. and capture of Fort Bowyer. . War Medal with one Clasp. a the battles of Salamanca. t 267 Lieut. in 1801. actions of Redinha. Andromnq and Mamelouck. actions at Redinha. and battle of Toulouse. He has received the 'SA Medal with ten Clasps. for which has received the War Medal with six Clasps. John Nicholson served the Waterloo campaign with the 14th Foot. and battle of Salamanca. and was slightly woun( \ " : at Waterloo. at the battle of Corunna. 1810 to the end of tl war in 1814. Muskett served at Walcheren in 1809. Nantes served with the 7th Fusiliers in the Peninsula and South of France 181 1. and Orthes. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasp 263 Lieut. 13. and St. Mure served the Waterloo campaign with the Grenadier Guards. 1810. second siege of Badajoz. Salamanca. in 1809. capture. Ralph Nicholson served in the Peninsula with the 3l3t and was present at battle of Albuhera. 258 Lieut. including the defence of Cadiz. and San Sebastian. and siege of Badajoz. Mountford serv'ed at the destruction of the French vessels Arienne. the Bidassoa. for which he has received the A^ Medal with three Clasps. 255t Lieut. includi the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Alexander Murray served with the Royal Marines in Egjpt. most severely at Salamanca. and has received the Sil' 1 War Medal vfith one Clasp for Corunna. for wh he has received the Turkish Gold JMedal and the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. also at the siege of Burgos. capture of Madrid. the pursuit of Massena. Norman served in the Peninsula and was present at the sieges of Ciudad Rodri and Badajoz. and battle of Toulouse. Francis Murray served in the Peninsula with the old 94th. and was present at the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. 1812. and Toulouse. battles of Vittoria. and Nive. for which he has received the War Mec with three Clasps. including the action at Merxem. for which he has received the War Medal with t Clasps. Neligan served in the Peninsula with the 83rd and was present at the sieges Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. 257 Lieut. Burgos. n~ar Candahar. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. lines of Torres Vedras. Campaign of 1815. including 1 battle of Waterloo. and at the battles of Albuhera.30th August at Goal 5th September before Ghuznee. 22 May. including the sieges of the forts at Salamanca. action of El Bodon. Morrison served at Gottenburg. the Pyrenees. and Sabugal. 255 Lieut. and carried off the field in the operations at the Nive. Nivelle. He served also the Waterloo campaign. P^-renees. He was also accidentally hurt one of his own men. Nivelle. 271 Lieut. si( and storm of Badajoz. Nelson served in the Peninsula with the 28th and was present at the battles of "V toria. and destruction of Istaliff. 253 Lieut. in 1808. 254 Lieut Frederick Munro served in the Peninsula from March 1812 to the end of tl war in 1814. 274 Lieut. He was sligh wounded at the Guarena. and again slightly wounded at the battle of Orthes. 251t Lieut. Vittoria. and has received the Sd War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. 264 Lieut. 252 Lieut. 12. and battle of Salamanca. the Pyrenc Nivelle. Morshead served in the 4Ist during the whole of the campaign of 1842 Affghanistan. his right arm having been broken in places. and attack 1 Bergen-op-Zoom. 251 Lieut. siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo. Onslow s£rved at the siege of Flushing in 1809. Morphy served in the Peninsula with the Buffs and was present at the battles the Pyrenees and Nive. and Sabugal. 268 Lieut Nixon served in the Peninsula with the 52ud and was present at the battles Fuentes d'Onor and Orthes. Ogilvy served in the Peninsula with the old 94th from Jan. and afterwards in the Peninsula. He has received War Medal with five Clasps. He has received War Medal with two Clasps. 265 Lieut. 256 Lieut.400 War Services of the Lieutenants. from Jan. 259 Lieut. Hibbert Newton served in the Peninsula with the 32nd. and commanded a comps in the action of the Guarena. occupation and destruction of that fortress and of Cabc expedition into Kohistan. He served also in Holland in 1814. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. for which be has received the War Medal with two Clasps. battle of Salamanca. including the defence of Cadiz from Jan. second siege Badajoz. to Sept. a Orthes. battle of Fuen d'Onor. 250 Lieut. 262 Lt. 1810 to end of that war in 1814. Mostyn served the campaign of 1808-9 with the 81st. capture of Madrid. Nivelle. for which he received the War Medal with six Clasps. Vittoria. Maurice O'Connor served in the Peninsula with the 88th and was present at t battles of Fuentes d'Onor. John Nash served the campaign of 1815 with the 79th. in that of the 29lh May. Jean de Luz. He has received the \A Medal with four Clasps. 272 Lieut. and Pyrenees. action of Vic Bigorre. action of Vic Bigorre. battle of Salamanca. and 14. Jamea Ormsby served in the Peninsula with the 83rd and was present at t . advance in pursuit Massena. and was present in the engagements wiih the enemy on the 28th March and 2i April in the Pisheen Valley. He has received the War Medal w 1: eight clasps. 269 Lieut. storm. Condeixa. Nicolas served at the battle of Trafalgar. Orthes. Condeixa. Pyrenees. and in the various mil affairs in and between the Bolan and the Khyber Passes. lines of Tor Vedras. Nive. and at the battles of Salamanca and Toulouse. 275 Lieut. the campaign of 1814 in Holla) including the bombardment of the French fleet at Antwerp. battles of Vittoria. 20 1 Lieut. and siege Flushing. and has received the Egyptian medal. in Germany. Hasparren. and joined the army at Salamanca. John Orr (8 R. siege of Burgos. Canada under Sir Gordon Drummond. Priest served in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9. Was pretook possessent at the defeat of the French forces at Bdbagu6. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Parratt served at Walcheren in 1809. Foz d'Arouce. and all the actions in the Tyreuees. 310 Lieut. Penfold served in the Peninsula with the 12th Lt. and in the Peninsula from 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. Poe served in the Peninsula with the 39th and was present at the battles of Albuhera. retreat on the followiag day. for which he has received the AVar Medal with three Clasps. Roblida. for which he has received the War Medal w ith three Clasps. Tho. in various minor affairs. and during the greater part of the subsequent campaigns. Barrosa. and storming of San Michael. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasps 307 Lieut. A. J. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Pombal. Reynett served in the Peninsula with the 45th and was present at the battle of Vittoria. Pratt served with the 25th at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. Dragoons. Vittoria. . He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 290 Lieut. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 1809 277 Lieut. 9 th July 1809 War Medal with one sion of and garrisoned fort St. for which he has received the War Medal with four He served also the Waterloo campaign. 293 Lieut. 287 Lieut. Nive. 276 Lieut James Orr served with the Royal Marine Battaliima in the Walcheren expedition. defence of Fort Frederick Henry against the French Fleet. Reid served at Corunna. Dragoons. Paxton served in the Peninsula with the 11th Lt. Redinha. Reynolds served the campaigns of 1813. advance in 1813. and Sibugal battles of Fuentes d"()nor. resent at the battle of Salamanca. Parsons lias the War Medal with one Clasp. affairs of posts and piquets during the war. and Grassietta battles of Nivelle. in the Peninsula in 1813 and 14. 303 Lieut. Louis. Pennefather served in the Peninsula with the 77th. In 1818 he served the cani- U . Clasp. Pagan served the campaign of 1815 with the 33rd. 292 Lieut. and Orthes (st-verely wounded). Nive. . Louis . 279 Lieut. and was present at the taking of Donabew. where he commanded one of the advance piquets of the 3d division on the morning of the action. during the siege of the forts in that city. and was present at the battles of Vi ttoria. and battle of Waterloo (severely wounded by a cannon shot in the left thigh). Vet. A. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. St. Parkinson served the Waterloo campaign. and Salamanca. J. 309 Lieut. and severely at Waterloo. including the defence of Cadiz. . 302 Lieut. and was severely wounded at Waterloo. siege of Badajoz (wounded in the right thigh). for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and Guinaldo affairs and actions in the Pyrenees. El Bodon. battle of Quatre Bras. 289 Captain Pennington served in the Peninsnla trom June. and was present at the battle of Corunna. and Toulouse. Guarda. and Nive. besides several other He has received the War Medal and seven Clasps. 281 Lieut. 304 Lieut. battle of Nivelle. siege of San Sebastian. James Parry served in the Peninsula with the 28th and was present at the battles of Nivelle. Bn. Pnillips served in the Peninsula with the 27th and was present at the pursuit of Massena from Santarem. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. 282 Lieut. L.) accompanied the 1st battalion of the 42nd to the Peninsula in April 1812. for which he has received the War !Medal with one Clasp. also the campaign of 1815. Pepper served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Talavera. 1811. Dragoons and was present at the battle of Salamanca. Holland. 297 Lieut. R.War 401 Services of the Lieutenants. at which last he was shot through the shoulder joint of the right arm and also through the left thigh. including the action of Goerde. 305 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Philpot served the campaign of 1815. and Toulouse. for the action off Ferrol in 1805. 1809. Robert Read served in the Peninsula with the 38th and was present at the siege of Badajoz (severely wounded at the assault). and Pyrenees. and at the capture of Java. 288 Lieut. Served also the campaign of 1815 in Upper battles of Busaco. and was present at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz (wounded). attack upon Merxem. 299 Lieut. 286 Lieut. Petre served the Waterloo campaign with the 6th Dragoons. and battles of Orthes and Toulouse. and also at Walcheren. Pridham served in Egypt in 1801. 284 Lieut. and 15. 300 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Buckle Reeves served in the Victor)/ at Trafalgar (severely wounded).Pe (contused wound). fur which lie has the War Medal with one Clasp. Fuentes d'Onor. 306 Lieut. He has rrceived the War Medal with one Clasp. War Medal with five Clasps. 283 Lieut. under Sir George Prevost. and the Netherlands. Pickard served the campaign of 1814 in Lower Canada. 294 Lieut. and was sharply engaged with the enemy retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras. retreat to f'ortugal. Pictet served in the Burmese war with the Royals.which he retained seven months. He has received the actions at Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. 14. Pennington served on the China Kxpedition in 1842. actions at Campo Mayor. Polhill served the Waterloo campaign with the 16th Lt. 285 Lieut. Ratcliff served in the Peninsula and was present at the battle of Corunna. 308 Lieut. Clasps. M. Orthes. including the battle of Waterloo where he was wounded. 295 Lieut. D. advance from thence. . including the battle of Busaco. near St. and at the siege and storming of Badajoz. Slightly wounded at Burgos. . actions and affairs at Leria. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. . and was present at the attack on Plattsburg. Condeixa. Served also the campaign of 1815. in 1809. Nivelle. France. actions at Arroyo de Molino (severely wounded). siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo wounded at the assault. Pyrenees. and Nivelle. Rooke. Almaraz. second siege of Bidajoz. 321f Lieut. Philippeville and Landrecies. War Medal with two Clasps. and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras. Served with the 2ad Battalion Royal Marines. Onhes. 324 Lieut. and again at Waterloo. and has received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps for Corunna. 325 Lieut. 330 Lieut. in 181315. S. 316 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. in Holland in 1814. Henry Scott served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade. 320 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. (severely contused). during the War in North America. and Toulouse. 313 Lieut. Scobeli served at the battle of the Nile (Medal). battle of Fuentes d'Onor. and Salamanca. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. 324t Lieut. and Sabugal. in 1809. R. battle of Vittoria. Joha Roberts (Royal Artillery Drivers) served at Corunna. and Gaeta. and battle pf TowlQiwe. including the defence of Cadiz and Fort Matagorda. served in the 1st Battalion Royal Marines. on the death of Captain Adair. and was present at the defence of Cadiz in 1810. R. actions of Pombal. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Fuentes d'Onor. and commanded a small Division. Sandys served in the Peninsula with the 29th and was present at the battles of Talavera. Orthes. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. E. 315 Lieut James Rtbertson served in the Peninsula. Condeixa. pursuit of Massena. Salamanca. 1809. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. 329 Lieut. action of Vic Bigorre. Sawkins served in the Peninsula with the 50th and was present at the battles of Vittoria. Saunders served in the Peninsula with the 67th and was present at the battle of Barrosa. and succeeded to the command of the small arm men. Rouse has the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Copenhagen. and Toulouse. and in the Marine Battalion at the capitulation ot St. and Toulouse. Employed blockading the French squadron in the Chesapeake. Ewen Ross served in the Peninsula with the 92nd. battles of the Pyrenees. Vittoria. and the reduction of Martinique. 'ampeluna. Nive. in 1799. action of SanChristoval heights. and Nivelle. Elmo. . 332 Lieut. 322 Lieut. pursuit of Massena. tor which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 312 Lieut. 328 Lieut. 321 Lieut. and Toulouse. a detachment of which captured Madusjalla. He hw rcceiecl the War Medal with nine Clasps. Royse served in the Peninsula with the 87th and was present at the battles of the Nive. during the whole of the American War in 1813-15. 327 Lieut. battle of Orthes. Richard Ryan served in the Peninsula with the 87th and was present at the battles of the Nive. Fuentes d'Onor. and battle of Toulouse. capture of Madrid and the Retiro. Saunders served the campaign of 18 15 aud was present at the battle of Waterloo. he was severely wounded at Pampeluna. and was present at the battle of Fuentes d' Onor. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. Ross-Lewin served with the 32nd in the Peninsula. Rutherford served in the Peninsula with the old 94th. passage of the Gave d'Oleron. Richmond served with the 49th in the Americen war and was present at the action of Chrj stk-r's Farm. Martinique. Orthes. Nive. 326 Lieut. Capua. and Toulouse.J. Guarda. aud was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Redinha. Hues of Torres Vedras. and Sabugal. and was present at the sieges of Maubeuge. siege of Badajoz. served at the Battle of Trafalgar. and Nivelle. 318 Lieut. subsequent advance. He served also the campaign of 1815. Also the campaign of 1815. James Robinson served in the Peninsula with the 32ud and was present at the battles of Salamanca. Richardes served the campaigu of 1815. second siege of Badajoz. Busaco. and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras. Nivelle. lines of Torres Vedras. and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. Present at the capture of the Topaze. 331 Lieut. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. 311 Sir John Ribton served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. blockade of Pampeluna. and Flanders. He served also the campaign of 1815 witb the 79th. 1801. Actively employed in boat actions in North America and the West Indies. Thomas Scott served in the Peninsula with the old 94th from Jan. 317 Lieut. R M. actions of Vic Bigorre and Tftrbes. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. actions at Campo Mayor and El Bodon. David Scott has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Egypt. Condeixa. Orthes. Pyrenees. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. actions at Pombal. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. one of the three Chiefs. Orthes. Rotely served in the Victory at Trafalgar. 314 Lieut. Ponte de Murilla. retreat from Madrid into Portugal with the rearfuard. and Albuhera. Nivelle. Busaco. and assisted at the capture of 100 armed and other vessels. and bombirdment of Antwerp. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. and Albuhera. Served also the campaign of 1815. Sandsvith assisted in cutting out a Turkish ship at Sigri in 1807 . He has received the Silver War Medal with eight Clasps. and was present at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor. 323 Lieut. and Alba de Tormes. inclurliog the action at Merxem. three times wounded. battles of Vittoria. 319 Lieut. Adam Rogers served in the Peninsula and was present at the battle of Talavera.— 402 War Services of the Lieutenants. Redinha. battle of Salamanca. third siege and storm of the castle of Badajoz. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. paign in the interior of Ceylon. covering the parties attacking the forts of Salamanca. Nive. for which he has the "War Medal with one Clasp. Rojal Marines. 357 Lieut. pursuit of Massena. Campaign of 1800. for which he has received the War Medal with five Clasps. Spong served in the Peninsula. for which he has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps. where he was slightly wounded in the neck. Pyrenees. and has received the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for Salamanca. Stuart served in the Peninsula with the 61st and was present at the battles of Busaco. 364 Lieut. W. expedition to Vigo and Cadiz Egyptian campaign of 1807. Shiel servei as a Lieut. at Tilavera.h and was present at the battles of Vittoria. and Toulouse. 354 Lieut. and France. 14. and led the right column at the assault of Bt-rgtn-npZoom. and Nive. 362 Lieut. a horse shot under him in the Wood of Especia. attack and storming of Rosetta. In the Mediterranean on board the Cyane 28 guns under Sir Thomas Staines.. on the coast of France and Spain. p. and was present in the action at Viiipgar Hill. 337 Lieut. and Orthes. 341 Lieut. Alexander Smith. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. Naver de Vere (wounded). 350 Lieut. including the battles of the 19th Sept. Nive. Sproule served with the 69th at the capture of Java in 1811. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Joseph Smith served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Roleia. J. Stacey served in the Peninsula with the 12th Lt. Served also in the North of Spain and South of Franc© — . in 1814. Scots Fus. Smith (Royal Artillery Drivers) served at Walcheren. 366 Lieut. and at the siege of St. Robert Steele served the campaign and battle of Corunna. and with the 14th LightDragoons in the Peninsula. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. for which he has received the "War Medal with one Clasp. 345 Lieut. Orthes. Peninsula. from April 1810 to 1814. actions of Pombal. 14 Foot) served on the Walcheren expedition in 1809. Stainforth served the Waterloo campaign with the 23rd Fusiliers. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo (wounded). for which he has received the "War Medal With four Clasps.) served in the Peninsula with the 31st and #39 present at the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. He has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. 358 Lieut. Pyrenees. 338 Lieut. Busaco. Nivelle. and Campo Major. when that officer lost his arm in action with the Cires 40 gun Neapolitan frigate. Stawell served in the Peninsula with the 4Sth and Was present at the battles of Vittoria. Dragoons and was present at the battles of Vittoria. R. Robert Saiith was present with the 26th at the battle of Corunna. and Nivelle. in 1811 and 12. a horse shot under him at Fort Conception.p. G. and the camjjaigns of 1813. T. has the War Medal with one Clasp for the actions in Algesiraz Bay and the Straits of Gibraltar in 1801. Ralph Smith served in the Peninsula with the 23rd and was present at the battles of Vittoria. Sperling served the campaigns of 1814 and 15 in Holland and Flanders. 347 Lieut. and Corunna. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Nive. 340 Lieut. 359 Lieut. and Toulouse. Salamanca. Smith served in the Peninsula and South of France with the 58th. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. 71st Foot) served the Waterloo campaign with the 7l3t Light Infantry. 356t Lieut. in the 13th Foot in the Rebellion in Ireland in 1798. Michael Smith served in the Peninsula with the 40i. Vittoria. the Nethetlands. Wdliam Smyth (h. Smith served the Waterloo campaign with the 14th Foot. for which he has received the W^ar Medal with three Clasps. and Toulouse. William Sbarpin served the campaigns of 1814 and 15. Redinha. 353 Lieut. Sebastian. 15. and at the sieges of Ciudaii Rodrigo and Badajoz. in 1815. John Smith (h. for which he has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. Gun-boats D2 . p. Stuart served the Waterloo campaign with the 28th Foot. At Copenhagen. Belgium. attack on Ferrol. 344 Lieut. R. E. William Smith (b. 2nd and 6th October. 365 Lieut. Vittoria. 361 Lieut. R. including the defence of Cadiz. in which he took s Turkish colour. in 1809.War Services of 409 the Lieutenants. Sedley served the Waterloo campaign with the Royal Staff Corps. Capture of Guadaloupe. retreat to and defence of the Lines of Torres Vedras. E. Richard Stapleion served as a Vuliintetr at the defence of Cadiz. 348 Lieut. Gds. Pyrenees. and France. Nivelle. 343 Lieut. Henry Smith served the campaign of 1799 in Holland. 336 Lieut. Orthes. Spaight served in the Pi^ninsula and was present at the battles of Nivelle and Orthes. in Holland. 339 Lieut. 349 Lieut. Nivelle. Pyrenees. expedition to Quiberon Bay. in Holland. Vimiera. 355 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 352 Lieut. and blockade of Bajonne. Albuhera(wounded). including the surrender of Ali xaidria. W. and was present at the capture of Flushing. and Nive. Staveley-Shirt served in the Peninsula with the 4th and was present at the battles of Corunna. for which he has received the War Mtdal with one Clasp. He served with tlie 12th Light Dragoons at Walcheren in 1809. William Stuart served under Sir Samuel Hood in the West Indies. 356 Lieut. Expedition to Walcheren. and Toulouse. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Nivella.jVittoria. 335 Lieut. 334 Lieut Seward served the Waterloo campaign with the 69 th Foot. 333 Lieut. Orthes. Pyrenees. Stobart served in the American war under Sir Gordon Drummond. and was wounded at Merxem. Steel served In the Peniusula as Adjutant of the 48th and was present at the battles of Talavera. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. 342 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. Tipping served in the Peninsula with the Staff Corps of Cavalry. 389 Lieut. including the defence of Cadiz from April to Sept. on 4lh July. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. S. C. Nifelle. 391 Lieut. occupation of Attock and JPeshawur. in 1814. William Walsh was present at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. Thompson served in the Peninsula with the 34th and was present at the battle of Albuhera. until its final surrender at Rawul Pindee. actions of Eedinha. Talavera. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Syret served in the Peninsula with the 9th and was present at the siege of St. 397 Lieut. W. 370 Lieut. Nive. during the second siege operations at Mooltan. beyond the KhyberPass (Medal and Clasps). 387 Lieut.War 404 Services of the Lieutenants. Thos. George Watson served in the Peninsula with the 3rd Dragoons from June 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. and was present at the battles of Busaco. H. Travers served with the 1st Battalion. on the 27th June 1809. for which he has received the War Mf dal with seven Clasps. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. retreat from Burgos. Served also at the reduction of batteries in the bay of Naples. including the siege and storm of the town and capture of the Citadel. Condeixa. 367 Lieut. Tighe served the Waterloo campaign with the Grenadier Guards. . Albuhera. Busaco. 1811. Alexander Walker served in the Peninsula with the old 97th and was present at the battles of Vimiera. Thompson served the Waterloo campaign with the 71st Light Infantry. and Nivelle. and Nivelle. capture of Madrid. Trieste. Andrew Watson served the Waterloo campaign with the 33rd Foot. Was afterwards at the battle of Goojerat. passage of theBidassoa and carrying of the lofty mountains of the He left bank of the river the whole ot the operations against Bayonne. and Nive. 3G9 Lieut. and Toulouse. Orthes. served afterwards in the American war. 376 Lieut. R. Ward was at the capture of Java in 1811. 374 Lieut. 371 Lieut. for which he has received the War Rledal with six Clasps. K. affair of Tolosa. and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Salamanca. and action near Baltimore. Lines of Torres Vedras. 381 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. 388 Lieut. 375 Lieut . John Townsend served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Nivelle and Nive. and sortie therefrom. action of El Bodon. and Ortht-s. and expulsion of the Affghan force. Victor assisted in cutting out the St. T. Town served in the Peninsula and was present at the siege and storming of Badajoz (with the Portuguese army). battles of Vittoria. which carried away the lower part of the ear. Sebastian. 392 Lieut. Thornton served in the Peninsula with the old 94th from Feb. Francis de Paule. Was in the action with and capture of Pomotie and Tersanne 29ih November. Tunstall served in the Peninsula with the 36th and was present at the battle of Nivelle. both sieges of San Sebastian. and battles of Vittoria. Sebastian. second siege of Badajoz. and Sabugal. battle of Fuentes d* Onor. Thompson served in the Peninsula with the 47th and was present at the battle of Vittoria and siege of St. battle of Vittoria. Nivelle. the Pyrenees.H. — Waterloo campaign. Tatlock served in the Peninsula with the 3rd Dragoons. 384 Lieut. 385 Lieut. 1814. Vallancey served in the Peninsula with the Royals. and on the same evening in capturing three vessels under a sharp fire of muijketry. Fuentes d'Onor. Tane has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Trafalgar. 393 Lieut. J. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. at which last he was dangerously wounded through the neck by a musket-ball. siege and assault of Bddajoz. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and was present at the battles of Nivelle. Benjamin Thompson served in (he Peninsula with the 48th and was present at the battles of Talavcra. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. James Sullivan served in the Peninsula with the 34th. 383 Lieut. Salamanca. capture of Washington. 1810. 396 Lieut. tor which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 379 Lieut. Turner served in the Peninsula with the 23rd and was present at the battles of Corunna. Thomas Vereker served in the Peninsula with the 83rd. Tasker served in the Peninsula with the 57th and was present at the battles of Vittoria and Pyrenees. and Orthes. 1811. pursuit of the Sikh army under Rajah Shore Sing. and was present at the battles of Vittoria and Toulouse. Fuentes d'Onor. and Albuhera. battle of Salamanca. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. at the battle of Bladensburg. Wallace served in the Peninsula with the 7th Fusiliers and was present at the battles of Busaco. Vittoria. 380 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. H. 382 Lieut. 377 Lieut. Trench served at Walcheren in 1809. He served also the . 368 Lieut. 394 Lieut. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Victoria and San Sebastian. 1810 to Feb. and at the siege of Badajoz. R. 386 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Baflajoz. 390 Lieut. and Salamanca. Vesey served in the Peninsula with the 76th and was present at the battles of Nivelle and Nive. and has received the Silver War Medal with three Clasps for Busaco. W. 60th Rifles. under the Amper Dost Mahomet. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 395 Lieut. and has received the Silver and War Medal with one Clasp for Busaco. Nivelle. and was present at the battle of Toulouse. and Nive. Albuhcra. pursuit of Massena. 405 —407 398 Lieut. With the army on the eastern coast of Spain. during the whole of the operations. Watson served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Spain and France with the Royal Dragoons. and Fuentes d'Onor. Busaco. in 1812 and 13.. siege of 01iven<ja. for which he has received the War Medal with five Cias^ps. J. but subsequently escaped and rejoined the army on its advance. . asr^ault and capture of the forts and batteries of Chuen-Pee (wounded). for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. Nivelle. 414 Lieut. Welbh served in the Peninsula with the 11th. Served afterwards in the American war. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Wheatley served in the Peninsula with the 39th and was present at the battles of Vittoria. battles of Nivelle and Nive. Windle served with the 10th at the siege of ScyUa Castle. and repulse of the sortie. 418 Lieut. attack on the Hill defences and capture of the city of Chapoo. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 407 Lieut. 416 Lieut. Henry Wood served in the Peninsula with the 76th. Served also on the China expedition. 412 Lieut. when three strong forts were carried in succession first advance on Canton. Present with the Anglo -Sicilian army during the whole of its operations on the coast of the Faro. wben the enemy were driven from their guns. &c. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. attack on the Anunghoy forts (Bocca Tigris). from Feb. with Colonel Colboine's Brigade. 415 Lieut. and Toulouse. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. C. several convoys were intercepted. He next accompanied the regiment on the New Orleans expedition. Wright (h. 402 Lieut. passage of the Bidassoa. and the fortifications. including the siege of San Sebastian. battle of Albuhera. capture of the batteries and city of Woosung. and Irun and was eleven months a prisoner of war in the hands of the Carlists. 1840. W. 401 Lieut. 417 Lieut. and of the Heights of Segoan. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Whimster served in the Peninsula. Yonge served in the Peninsula with the 52ud and was present at the battles of Nivelle.— Wa)' Services of the Lieutenants. 403 Lieut. closely confined. 408 Lieut. advance on Canton. against Murat. p. and operations against Nankin. Orthes. and battles of Busaco. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the battle of Toulouse. Orthes. on the North Coast of Spain in 1837-38. and was present at the siege of Flushing. and was present at the battle of Chuen400 Lit-ut. 404 Lieut. Nive. . and investmf nt of Bayonne. Wm. and first siege of Badajoz. pee. and battles of Vittoria and Toulouse. when. chiefly employed on shore. Pyrenees. H. where he received two wounds and some severe contusions. investment of Bayonne. White served in the north of Spain with the Royal Marine Battalion against the Carlists from March 1837 until April 1839. from June 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. Wm. and 14. by a rapid advance. capture of Colongso. Served also the Peninsular campaigns of 1811. second capture of Chusan. 419 Lieut. Wigley servt d at the capture of ^Martinique in 1809 and of Guadaloupe in 1810. including the 2nd and 3rd sieges of Badajoz. 411 Lieut. 413 Lieut. capture of the citadel and walled city of Chinhae. including the destruction of Hoqua's Fort and other river defences. and was presant at the attack on Merseem and bombardment of the French fleet at Antwerp Served also the campaign of 1815. Pyrenees. Frederick Wood was severely wounded at Waterloo. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. and was present at the siege of Burgos. and has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Corunna. Wigton served in the Peninsula with the 9th and was present at the battles of Vimiera and Salamanca. and Toulouse. 410 Lieut. viz. William Weir served in the Peninsula with the 27th and was present at the siege of BaHaJMz. and was in the following actions. attack of the Anunghoy batterifs.. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 12. and was present at the battles of Nivelle. Vittoria. capture of the heights of Canton. and the country cleared to Guadalcanal and the fortified post of Benelcazar. and was taken prisoner in the charge of the Polish Lancers. capture of the batteries of Le-Shan. in 1808. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Badajoz. Wray served with the 40th in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. 406 Lieut. Wilford served in the Peninsula. and was severely wounded at Waterloo. Nive. on the line of march to Paris. attack on Amoy. after which he was specially employed as acting engineer officer on Sir John Lambert's staH'. Woods served in t le Peninsula with the 48th in 1810 and 1811. including the Lines of Torres Vedras. Whiting served on the Chinese expedition. commanded a strong detachment of the Royal Marines. Fred. He was present at the capture of Hernani. Willfctt served the Waterloo campaign with the 6th Dragoons. 399 Lieut. Henry Wilkinson served the Waterloo campaign with the 40th Foot. assault and capture of the city of Chin Kiang Foo. 420 Lieut. and Nivelle. Winne served with the Royal Marines. and Toulouse. Rifle Brigade) served in Holland in 1813 and 18)4. Willis served at Walcheren. and subsequently served the campaign of 1815 and was present at the battle of Waterloo. captured. Fuentarabia. and was present in the action of Plattsburg. assault and capture of the citadel and city of Chinhae. and several times sentenced to be shot. capture of the city of Sykee. Orthes. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. and with the 4th Dragoon Guards in 1812. . capture of the Heights of Canton. action of Campo Mayor. second capture of Chusan. George White served in the Peninsula with the 36th and was present at the battle of Salamanca. Nive. 409 Lieut. and the operatiens in the Alemtejo. Richard. 15 21 Feb..„ Infantry Battalion German Legion y. 00 25 May 02 Crombie. . Achilles. Kingston's Recruiting Corps. 16 July i . James. 23 June 9 Nov. CORNETS. George Henry Legassick.i 7 Bernard. 12 July May 19 83 Jan. . of Militia Campbell.. 18 14 July 37 Dec. 77 Foot Anderson. Ro3'al Marines Ashe.G. ^ * Brew. 49 Foot Campbell. . James. Royal Marines 30 Boyce.. ^ Royal Marines. Agassis. Nov.//o?i. Royal Sappers and Miners Child. George Samuel. 11 D'Anfossy.. Charles. 22 Jan.adley. \ Woolivich Dock-yard Battalion J Clarke. Mar. Aug. 3 Provisional Hatt. Aug. 19 July Mar.. ^ Captain of Sandotvn Castle Oct. Royal Rlarines 30 Baugh. John.* Royal Marines Bruyeres. 2 Light ) . Yoreian Artillery June 15 1 Aug. . John Lewis. Ro3ail Marines 26 Julv 08 24 Oct. Independent Company Aug. 14 Foot i New Brunswick Fencibles 1 Barrett. James. 13 Dragoons 3 * Bell. 26 1816 1814 June 02 24 June 28 Oct. 20 Dec. Royal Marines April 08 15 Sept. 92 Foot Garden. . Royal Artillery . John Iggulden. 15 April 47 15 Api-il 47 1 Nov. 8 West India Regiment * Cameron. James R. Lewis.'" R. . "R. 71 Foot Charles. Royal INIarines. Montague. LIEUT. Waller.. Sept. 23 1 \ Burton. Collins. Charles. Paul Kyffin.^ Royal Artillery 17 Aug.. 83 24 Jan. 88 Foot May 91 Couche. William. John. 87 Foot :24 Jan. Jan. Aug.. 60 Foot 6 Barry. 14 Sept. Sept. 60 Foot !20 Biddulph. 104 Foot July 13 4 Feb. I'nattached Butcher. John. 21 Aug. James. May 17 May Dec. Royal JMarines Campbell. GeoFge. . SUB-LIEUTENANTS.'' Royal Marines Carey. Adjutant. Cranage. 1 Aug. CORNET. 1 July 24 July 14 June 13 1814 Aug.. 05 Coleman.GrantleyFitzhardinge. . Thomas. 24 Feb. Ro3'al Marines jl4 Dec. Lt. Robert. Walter. Christie. 130 Foot 24 Berkeley. ) L^ and Quartermaster Shropshire Militia. . 16 Sept. July I4I27 Nov. 23 Nov. Cliarles Philips.' Royal Marines Aickin. Battalion of Militia Brisac. Cosnard. William. James. 11 17 Backhouse. 20 Crossgiove. I2I I Sept. 2d or ENSIGN. James. 1628 Aug. 4 Royal Veteran Battalion. Mar. Douglas Pettiward. George Ferguson. Collyer. 19 Daly. 14 iNlar. 23 Oct. James. May July Dec. Royal Waggon Train 8 Black. 408 2nd lieutenants. Thomas. AND ENSIGNS. April 12 June 1 1814 Jan. 75 Foot Jan. 14 18 Nov. 18 Oct.** 30 Foot Chambers. Royal Marines 7 Bignell. 2 Sept. 94 25 Dec. 3 Provisional Battalion of Militiaj Bellon. George Richard. WHEN PLACED ON HALF PAY. April 19 April 16 Sept. Alexander Brodie. . Emanuel.^^ 2 Royal Veteran Battalion. John. James. Lawrence. 25 Sept. John. Thomas.C. ) Br." 2 Prov. Francis.'l6 Barker.82 F.^ Royal Marines Campbell. Royal Artillery Drivers. 98 1 Jan. John Westropp. Jan. Marines Jan. Deskford. Royal Mai-ines. . Royal Marines 7 Bayley..^ Royal Marines 26 Bolomey. 16 16 16 23 16 !May 1 July 1 Jan. 29 15 25 June 16 08J24 Feb. 17 April 15 26! 7 Sept.18 Black. 16 25 27 Nov. William Newman. Edward Jolin. Le Chevalier. . Charles. Louis William James. Royal Marines 13 Feb. Edward Sands. Royal ftlarines Backhouse. Oct. John. Royal Engineers. Bond Thomas. 17 14 Nov. May Mar. . Royal Marines i25 Bowden.. 14 July 18 1814 Dec. James. 94 Crespin. 36 Oct. 14 Dragoons Ainslie. 33 Nov. Atkinson. Royal Marines Chittem. . 19 Oct. Peter. 14 Feb. Stephen Edward. Anthony. Henry Pringle. 11 Oct. Colin. 19 Fool j24 Blake. 99 Foot !l3 Branch. 8 Dragoons 5 '20 Baillie.. Sept. 15 Collier. i ! I . Louis Flavien. John. AVdliam (Lieut. Richard.Jobii Edmund. '^ Ro3'al Marines Evans. 15 Gunn. John." 60 Day. ) § . 1 June 96 29 April 09 6 Jan. York Hussars Dobree. . Royal jMarines 23 Aug. 5i.^'' 8 Royal Veteran Battalion Elliott. ^3 Deanian.'* 9 Foot Downer. 14 25 Aug. 1 Foot 17 Oct. 08 11 Jan. 23 28 April 14 llJulv 22 "^1783 26 Mar. 18 1 April 24 21 April 14 25 Feb. .. James. Royal Marines. ^ Chatham Dock-yard Battalion J Drinkwater. 23 July 12 17 Feb. Royal Marines Flint. 16 16 19 14 21 38 1 Sept. Gardner. Charles. 10 1 Jan. Adjutant.'' Royal Marines Dufiesne. 06 14 July 14 4 June 09 23 April 19 19 Mar. Royal Marmes Evans. Bart. John.'^ Bradshaw's Recruiting Corp. Royal Marines 31 Mar.. James.. John Smart. Newfoundland Fencibles Donovan. 100 Foot Flexman. Forsyth. Walter. Charles. and Ensigns. 08 20 Feb.1 . 29 April 13 25 Oct. Dardis. 94 Foot Dixon. Bourbon Regiment Gunthorpe. Deane. Dillon. Oct. 16 Fool Dragoons . Robert. Bradshaw's Recruiting Corps. 9 Dragoon Gardner. 4 Ceylon Regiment ^ P . 16 29 April 47 29 April 47 J 20 April 15 II April 22 6 Oct.^^ 27 Foot Glanville. 11 Feb. 16 OJuiy 15 4 Jan. Francis {Lieut. James. 409 WHEN PLACED ON HALF PAY. 7 Dragoons Dodd. 16 08 12 Aug. Thos. John. 14 HamnKmd. Thomas. Royal Marines Ensor. Harry Hankey. 02 24 June 02 24 June 02 6 Aug 25 June 25 Auo 13 Feb. Isaacson. William. James. John.'^ Canadian Fencibles Durnford. 85 27 Jan. Chas. 99 2 Feb. 15 June 15 25 lAlar.. 14 03 9 Dec. Joshua Rowley. Macariuick. Robert. Adjutant. Hanger's Recruiting Corps 19 July 4 July Grant. Royal Marmes Gage. 25 Dec 15 Dec. George. John. 17 2 Oct. John. 12 Foot Frazer. 97 31 16 Dec. 14 8 May 23 31 Dec. William Richard. Sicilian Regiment Gillies. Royal Marines . Fosbery.. Henry Douglas. 13 18 May 1 1 1 Jan. Tobias. Wm. 1 Garrison Battalion Eyre. George Allied. Roj-al Marines Foot John. 14 25 Oct. 00 Griffith. Cornets. 107 Foot Ford. 08 Hallum. 60 Foot Frett. Humphrey. Richard. Royal jMarines . John. 14 Foot Davis. Indej)endent Company Gillbee.. 00 Hamilton.. 4 June 95 28 June 1 Hailes. Royal lri>h Artillery 8 Sept. 84 23 Mar. James. 104 Fool De Fauche.™ Royal JMarines Forsey. 27 Jan. Augustus. 13 April 13 25 \ Mar. 2 Royal } Veteian Battalion J Eaves.^ 7 Royal Veteran Battalion. 1 April 13 27 July !21 Feb." Roval Marines 4 May 15 aiaa Handcock. 11 Mav 02 Sep't. John O^le. John. 83 25 April 11 14 May 18 3 Mar. 21 May 12 26 Dec. Chief} S Officer of Coast Guard Davis. Francis. 19 Gordon. William. Andreio Mont. John. 85 Graham. 14 6 Dec. 60 Foot Devereux. Thomas. Royal Marines 24 Mar. 3 15 Aug. Theobald Augustus. 09 12 Aug. George. 09 10 Dec. 6 Royal Veteran Battalion De Beauvoir. 15 April 47 15 April 47 4 April 09 13 Nov. Charles... l^Grattan. Sub-Lieuls.. John. William. Royal Marines Fitz Gerald. John Henry.). 96 Foot Deans. Daniel. 7 Royal eteran Battalion GeftVard. 1814 Militia Provisional Battalion of *Gray. . 3 Dragoon Guards Dillon. Royal Marines. 22 Dragoons Fletcher. Thomas Dowling. Royal Sappers and Miners . 18 28 Sept 24 Jan. John Furzer. Griiton. Royal Marines. \' Pembroke Dock-yard Battalion 29 Oct.^'^ Royal Sappers & Miners 1 Dec. 3 Sept. 2nd Lieuts. John."^ Royal Marines Forbes. 14 28 Dec. William.. Henry. 12 1 9 11 May 11 Nov. 21 27 June 00 24 Aug.^' Staft' Corps of Cavalry . 58 Foot Dixon. 37). .. John. 20 2 Dec. Henry William. 14 5 Mar. Edgelow. 2 Ceylon Regiment. April June Nov. Edward. Feb. Jan. Colin. John. Neil. Carl Wevell von. John. Royal JMarines . Edward. Royal Marines Huthnaiice. Cornets.^" Roj'al Artillery Drivers 16 July Jeftery. Joseph. Ri)yal jNIarines lo il5 Lane. Royal Waggon Train [10 9 Hewett. Mason. James. Joseph Peter. 20 April 20 23 Sept. 1 Jan. Aug. 15 Sept. George Dawkitis. Stopford Thomas. Royal Marines 31 May * Rloore. 26 Dec.Samuel. . Thomas Edward. Edward. Henry Horace. John. 16 25 April 16 1 J 3 . Feb. . 16 Nov.^^ 50 Foot. April 18 July 20 May Oct. Anthony Munton. 1 1 Hugoe. 25 Dec. Mar. 25 Jones. 5 West India Regl.. Adjutant of} IP 5123 16 Jan. Dec.. Adjutant. 25 April 17 21 Dec. 86 Foot 31 Royal L]oyd. Charles Vy vyan. 9 Fool 17 Leatham. 15 1814 Dec. Jan. ^^ Royal jMarines 2 Feb. Glengarry Fencibles M'Kinnon.. 2 Ceylon Regiment Lennan. Robeit. Frederick. 19 5 19 Jenkins. 64 Foot M'Leod. Royal jNIarines M'Connechy. Royal ATarines 2 May Monk. 14 May Jan. SaniL^-" Royal Sappers and Miners 22 April Manico.. 23 Aug. Stephen.. Aug. 16 25 Mar. Margitson.^^ Royal Artillery Drivers 1 May Meredith. Robert Luckcombe. Joseph. Charles. Royal Marines 12 Harwood. Nov. James Reece. 16 Dec.^' 7 West India Regiment . Alexander.. Royal Artillery Drivers . 18 Apr. ^3 312H Jagger. . Aug. Sept.. William. 11 Town ^ 3 Major at Motitreal ^ ^ Nov.-"* 83 Foot Hoyland. Mar.. 35 Foot Lyons. 14 Jan. Augustus. 48 25 June 25 June 25 Feb. May Sept. Richardson. Royal Rlarines 2 Hevvson. 95 Foot 2 Dec. James Henr}'. 6 Feb. Colin. Samuel. CAie/" Officer } 24 of Coast Guard ^ Loft. . 28 Jan. . John. 78 Foot 29 Lee. 16 April 49 . 25 Foot Kennett. 15 Dragoons 30 Long. 410 2nd Lieuts. John Thomas. WHEN 2d LIEUT. Jan. 4 West India Regt. 29 Dec. 64 Foot M'Lacblan. 16 Nov. i X -ik \ Portsmouth Dock-yard Battalion HALF HAY. John. 14'25 April 16 AuV. Jan. Jan. 18 May 25 Dec. Charles Leighton. 12 22 Jackson. 3 Lewis. Royal INIarines Lane. 51 1 Apr.^^ Marines. Maclachlan.. FitzJames.'''^ 20 5 Hayes. 24 June 5 Aug. Nov. 27 July 1 1 19 20 Sept. PLACED ON ETC. 15 16 17 16 16 18 1 Jan. 14 May 00 April 19 June 18 April 17 1814 Jan. j i j . 61 Foot 15 11 Jop. 10 Mar. 27 Foot 6 Sept. Harvey. 81 Foot Hayniard. William Purefoy. 84 Foot Lum.. Royal Marines Hodgson. Joseph. 96 Foot 6 8 Lee. Francis. Roval Marines M'Donell. Losack. April Dec. R. Hamilton Trail. Frederick ^miiius. John. Robert. Feb. 16 25 Aug. Henry Vereker.. {22 24 Lamboin. Charles William. Nov. jMarines. 73 Foot 19 Lloyd. Royal Marines 30 May Montgomery. 6 Foot Jan. 12 Mar. 10 April 16 Dec. 72 Foot 9 July Maclean. Oct. 16 1783 7 Sept.. June " Deptford Dock-yard Battalion . . 16 1 Jan. 16 14 19 17 1 xMar. 38 Foot 8 Mar.^^ Royal JNIarines " ^ ^ Sept. 24 24 July 35 I Jan. 1 Provisional Hattaliou of } Macdonald. George.=5 32 Foot 27 » Haydon. 28 Dec. 62 Foot 4 Lee. James. 21 28 Jan. Harrison. John Sherrard. 22 Sept. 25 Jan. 1 Jan. Royal Marines Langdale. 94 Foot 14 April Mead. Newfoundland Fencibles 24 June Maclean. John. Auff.. Sub-Lieuts. Waggon Train 10 25 51® Holland. ^ Militia ] 1814 . John. Frederick Richard. April Oct. Royal Sappers and Miners . 14 Sept.. Feb.. John Henry. and Ensigns. *30 Ja^ii.^' Royal Marines 12 Hoare. Moore. Royal Marines Johnstone. 29 Hayter. R. John.. Norman. 21 Kruger. 12 25 July 02 7 June 1513 Nov.. iNTarmaduke Robert. Royal Marines 24 Foot Haydon. 24 Foot 25 Hinton. Alexander. Mar. Robert Newton. 21 Feb. George. Royal Marines. and Ensigns.. 13 Jan. Porter. 1 "i . 2 Aug. 10 April 17 Sept. Adjutant. Francis Bernard. William Ogle. Sargent. 16 12 I 11 1 Jan. Royal iMarines 18 Jan. G. Officer of Coast Guard J 1 Feb.. John. 14 May 06 00 10 03 Dec. \ 16 May East Middlesex Militia S Philipps. Robert Hassall. Rogers. Herbert Lewis. George. 14 15 1783 Feb.. John. 6 West India Regiment 22 Feb. 83 07 14 13 14 14 Aug. . Royal Sappers and Miners . F. 24 Sept.. 21 Foot Standish." (Lt. Royal Marines 25 July Skinner. Rickard. 14 02 12 15 13 16 10 Jan. 14 13 Feb. J'emple. Pitt. 21 1 Jan. 24 24 June 02 25 Nov.'18 Dragoons. Baltliazard. 4 Foot 9 Mar. Royal Sappers and Miners 1 July 17 Oct. Ralph William. . .YeomanryCav. R. Wm. Robert. Henrj' Robert. 15 Dec. 31® Smiih. Roval iMarines ^^ Raye. Gustavus Hancock. Royal Marines 3 Mav Reid Thomas. Lord. Veteran Battalion . Royal Marines 1 Sept. 02 12 10 Sept. Chief 14 Dec. Simpson. Richard. 18 Nov. Royal Marines. Royal Marines 4 Feb. Henry Foot i3 Sweeney. 1 Foot June 16 William. Royal Artillery Thieriy. Moss. Adam. Ross. 18 June 20 Feb. Read. 84 Foot 25 April 16 25 Oct. George.*'^ 7 R. . William. Henry Paget Bayly. Edward Cooper. Teynham.. Christopher Edm. 10 Foot Sallery. Skues.'" Royal Artillery Drivers Simpson. Thomas. Slaytor. . Jan. Captain Parsons. Royal iMarines 21 Sept. John Isaac. John. 25 Jan. 6 Garrison Battalion 20 June Ross. Richard. Thomas.. George. 16 II 15 April 47 ." 8 July Palling. 16 16 47 15 April 47 13 25 Mar. Owen. Corsican Rangers Powell. Royal Sappers and Miners 14 Jan. Royal Waggon Train 19 May ^P Shore. H. 27 Jan. ETC. Robert. New Brunswick Fencibles 25 Oct. North. George. 2iid Lieuts. W'illiam.. Wm. 28 June 16 13 25 Dec. William. Morehouse. 19 10 12 1 ) Smithwick. 3 Garrison Battalion Orme. 95 Foot \st Royal Marines. John Hall. WHEN PLACED ON HALF PAY.. 56 Foot Spearman. -Jl 14 . 8 April 7 April 30 Jan. Royal Marines 2 Dec. Jan. Chief I 15 April Officer of Coast Guard S 2 Sept. 22 09 16 Jan." 35 Foot 31 Aug. 25 Oct. Bart. 7 Garrison Battalion . H. 24 Jan. Edward.AdJt. Thomas. .) 72 \ 25 Dec. Lewis de. 'Murines Adjutarit \ 15 April Sheerncss Dock-yard Battalion S 22 Feb.** Royal Sappers and Miners.. Guy. John. Martin. . 22 Dragoons 25 Dec. Radclitfe. . Richard. 21 1 Sept. ( Cornet. Sparkes. 1 June Smith. > 21 Mar."'' 52 Foot ^9 Sunderland. Roger. 13 Dragoons 11 April Seijeant. 17 Dragoons 24 June 5 July O'Sliea. 14 Mar. Henrj. Nelson. YorkshireHussars. 16 11 12 Sept. Royal Marines Nuojent.) 48 Foot. Sept. 13 14 12 99 Aug. Colonel of the Cardigan Militia J IB July Pulliblank. Royal Marines Smith. 14 21 25 Aug. Robertson. 14 1 Mar. Royal Marines Stewart. Mortashed. Wdliam Dunstan. Royal Marines Potts. 22 April 17 Mar. 11 Dragoons 19 Aug. 18 18 July 16 T^ 27 Jan. \ 15 April Devonport Dock-yard Battalion ) 23 Dec. William. 14 June 02 16 June 16 Nov. James Stuart. Henry.^^ 3 Foot 7 Dec. Jan. Poussin. ^3 . Foot 61 Scott. Saunders. 3 Oct. 16 2 8 Feb. Sub-Lieuts. Thomas. 14 12 1 Sept. 19 Feb. Savage Rowland. Royal Waggon Train Ridge.. John. John Bridgman. Royal Marines 20 Oct.'*'' 62 Royal iMarines . 12 13 11 13 10 June 19 06 8 Nov. Shackel. Sir Michael Cusac. Jan. 24 June Scully. Royal Marines. John. Nixon. Royal Marines. Royal Marines . 14 Aug. 11 16 25 IMav 15 26 July 21 7 20 Jan. 14 25 15 Mav 09 18 16 Dec. 08. . Cornets. 17 Oct. Murray. 16 Sept.. John W. 18 Dec. Henry. 16 19 1 12 I Jan.. Ross. ^ . 17 Oct. Edward (^/(S(V7«). Thomas.''^ Royal Marines Spark. 16 09 1 Sept. 411 ENSIGN. Royal Marines . Thomas.'"' 40 Fo'ot 16 Dec.''^ Royal Marines . Sub'Lieuts. Sebastian. 1812 . Ford was frequently employed in cutting-out expeditions during the war. and by a resolute advance with the bayonet. 6 Lieut. Orthes. War Medal with one Clasp. 2 Lieut. Wilde. Royal ilarines Tracey. Woolliouse. 1 Sept. Andrew Mackason. Royal INIarines 28 Aug. Veitch. Royal Maiines 1 April 10 Dec. 19 Lieut. Nivelle. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp. . Joshua John. with one Clasp for Copenhagen.) 22 Dragoons.. 12 Foot Tickell. 10th May. and was severely wounded. Royal Marines 1 Jan. 1 April 12 April Watson. 18 May 14 25 Jan. and at the siege of St. 2 Feb. Thomas. Colin Campbell was at the attack and surrender of the Island of Augusta.. David. Attacked a body of French troops at St. {Eimgn. 412 2nd Lieuts. William Hislop. Vittoria. 7 Lieut. Sappers and Miners 1 Julj 22 June Wallace. Mark. 14 April Walsh. 13 Ensign Deaman served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Vittoria. and Toulouse. and in co-operation with the Austrian army at the reduction of Trieste and Venice in 1813. At the attack of Ist February at Port Buffalo the sea batteries. two Clasps. in June 1810. William. Alexander . PLACED ON ETC. . 14 Ensign Donovan served in the Peninsala and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. making twenty-six of them prisoners. 1813.uay. 3j) Thomas. James... and at the siege of Nimeguen. where he was wounded. At the capture of the Devil's Island. Pyrenees. Corunna. Clarke served on the Continent in 1794 and 95. 11 Ensign Crombie was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. during the of 1814-15. 9 Nov. Samuel Martin. 16 Ensign Dafresne served in the American war. 91 Foot 31 May U'atts. George. War Medal with one Clasp. 3rd Tebruary. Flint was severely wounded at the capture of four American vessels in the Kappamock. George. Royal Alarines 20 Feb. Royal Artillery Drivers Trewhitt. Henrj. 19 16 . 1 Jan. 7 Oct. Drinkwater served in the attack on the enemy's works on the right bank of the Mississippi. 23 20 16 16 93 16 92 14 83 1 Lieut. and was severely wounded in one. Branch served with the Royal Marines in the North of Spain in 1836. 3 West India Regt. George. and for Egypt. HALF PAY. Frederick.. 5 Lieut. and was 17 Ensign Edgelow served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. 11 Foot 11 Nov. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Agassis served in the 3rd Battalion Royal Marines during the American "War in 1815. 8 Jan. Blake served in the Adriatic. Wilkins. also at the reduction of Leghorn in 1813. Nivelle. Henry. Weir. Kingston's Recruiting Corps . Cornets. 16 Nov. Sicilian Regiment 25 June 6 Feb. 23 May Wolff. Pyrenees. Royal Marines 18 Nov. Tweedie. 73 Foot 12 Aug. David John. 12 Ensign Day was present at the capture of Martinique in 1809 subsequently he served in He has received the War Medal with the Peninsula and was present at the battle of Albuhera. Raulins George. in 1814. 98 Foot Thomson. of Militia to the South of France. Orthes. : . James R. 1 Jan. Also in the Peninsula. WHE^f LIEUT. and Orthes. Brisac served in war . 15 Lieut. and was present in several skirmishes. 18 18 16 16 16 16 25 ^ . Henry. Unattached 17 July 13 Aug. 3 Lieut. Garden served at the capture of a battery and sixteen vessels near Languelia. Was severely wounded in defending the town of Commacchio in Italy against the Erench. dislodged themfrom a strong position. Nivelle. John Arscott. Royal Marines 20 May 1 Jan. North America. Alexander Joseph. 19 Wade. and was present at the action of Chateang. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. W. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. Weir. Landed carried an eminence that commanded the town. Cataldo.^ 58 Foot 30 Jan. 25 Dec. 20 Lieut. 15j25 Nov. John.^'^ R. 4 Ensign Brew accompanied the 2nd Prov. Walter. 1 Sept. Hector John. Royal Marines 18 Feb. 10 Lieut. Carey and Forsyth served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. 25 June Turuer. Served also the rampa'gns before New Orleans in 1814 and 15. Crespin has received the War Medal. William. AValker. 14tii April. Ensor has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the defence of St.. 1 Jan. 8 Ensigns J. and Toulouse for which. TuriibuU. 1 Jan. William George. Marron. 30 ]\Iayr William. Royal ^Marines. 8 Sept. 18 5 . 45 Foot 14 April 14i25 June AValter. 3 Aug. Nive. 5 Dec. Woodcock. Batt. and assisted in the capture of the vessel from which they had debarked on 24th April.. and surrender of the island of Curzola. . W'ills. he has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 23 May 30 Dec. Atberton. Wallace. for which they have received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. 3-1 Foot and Ensigns. present at the battles of Vimiera. 18 Lieut. with the 3rd Battalion Royal Marines. Royal Marines Todd. in 1813. 9 Lieut. 25 Feb. Royal Marines 17 Jan. 86 Foot 7 Jan. and at the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. Pyrenees. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Nive. Smith served the Waterloo campaign with the 10th Hussars. and Waterloo. besides various minor attairs. for which he has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp. 44 Lieut. two batteries. and received a commission as 2nd Lieutenant. battles of the Pyrenees (28th and 30th July). Mead served in the cimpaigns of 1814 and 15 in the Peninsula. during the American war in 1814. and Ensigns. and a quantity of stores. 7th July. • 23 Lieut. sieges of Burj^os. Hammond served with the Royal Marines during the war in North America n 1813. and Toulouse. Sebastian. 45 Ensign Stewart was present at the battle of Corunna. Shure served in ihePeainsula from Sept. and at the battles of Vittoria. and Salamanca. 48 Lient. including the battle of Waterloo.1 War Services of Second Lieutenants. and in a boat at the re-capture of the armed schooner. Orthes. Nivelle. Sebastian. and 15. and at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and St. Attacked and captured the fortress of Faressina. and has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. Alex. Served in co-operation with the Austrian army. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. for which he has received the War Medal with four Clasps. was at the attack on Baltimore. SasBuel Lloyd landed with the Royal Marines. Franklin. the capture or destruction of ninety-one vessels and nearly 100 guns in the batteries in 1813. Toulouse. Samuel Maclean served the Campaign of 1808-9. Cornets. Nivelle. 35 Lieut. Served also the campaign of 1815. 20 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. with three Clasps. on the 8th June. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Landed at Bocca. 5ch July. France. for yvhich he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 49 Ensign Veitch served in the Peninsula with the 48th and was present at the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. 42 Lieut. covering last siege of Bad:ijoz. . 28 EasigQ Holland served the Waterloo campaign with the 4th Foot. R. Nivelle. 37 Ensign Mortashed served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. and was present at the battle of Talavera. with the 79tb. five Clasps. viz. 413 2 Cornet Forsey served ia the Peninsula and was present at the battles of the Pyrenees. and drove the French soldiers from the town of Omago also destroyed a battery and captured four vessels. in the right thigh at the battle of the Pyrenees. including the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. on 22nd May. Wallace served in the Peninsula and was present at the sieges of Badajoz ind St. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. 36 Lieut. Jagger served in the Peninsula.M. Smithwick was prpsent at the destruction of the French ships Arieune and Aniromaque of forty guus. Spark was present at the battle of Maida. battle of Salamanca. and Nive. 40 Ensign Rogers served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. in the right leg and right cheek at Waterloo. At the capture of a convoy and attack Dn the batteries at Corigeon in 1815. and was present at the capture of Paris. 12th May. Sebastian. 41 Lieut. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 13. 2() Ensign Haydon served in the Peninsula and was present at the battle of Barrosa. 50 Lieut. Nive. capture of Madrid. de Thierry served with the 3rd Battalion Royal Marines. subsequent retreat through Spain. 34 Lieut. IS 10. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. Busaco. 46 Ensign Sunderland served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Vimiera and Fuentes d O. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 27 Lieut.ior. 1813. 25 Ensign Harwood served in the Peninsula and was present at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigol md Badajoz. Grattan served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Talavera. for which he has received the AYar Medal . 24 Ensign Handcock served the Waterloo campaign with the 27t. and Mainelouck of sixteen guns. Fuentea d'Onor. 1813. and was four times severel}' wounded. 22 Lieut.. Jackson was in the action with four Danish vessels in the port of Maudal.h Foot. Served in the Royal Marine Battalion in the Chesapeake. 30 Lieut. 12. 38 Easign Nelson served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Talavera. 47 Ensign Sweeny has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Nivelle and Nive. and Toulouse. for which he has rec* ived the War Mc dal with five Clasps. 14. for which he has received the War Meda with four Clasps. He served in Canada during the Rebellion of 1837-38. 3. Ensign Lennan was present at the battle of Maida. 2nd August. 33 Eusign Macdonald served the campaigns of 1811. in 1814. Headed the attack on the town of Fiume and capture of ninety vessels. on 3rd July (wounded). and Flaniers. mounting five eighteen-pounders disabled the guns and destroyed the works. Orthes. during the American War in 1814. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Present at the capture of a convoy of twenty-one vessels at Ruvitrno. 39 Lieut. previous to their being embodied in the battalion under Major Lewis. 1812. Manico participated in boat actions on the coast of Puglia. AJbuhera. 43 Lieut. Raye has received the War Medal with one Clasp for St. fcr his zeal and able management in traiping the refugee blacks. and was at the reduction of Trieste. Pyrenees. Hinton served at the attack on the enemy's works on the right bank of the Mississippi and on Lake Ontario. 32 Lieut. . in the right groin He has received the War Medal with at the Nive.R6 and spiked the guns. and Nive. and at the battles of Nive and Orthes. May AuE 2 Nov 8 .* 2l" Foot 21 Brenan. Charles. 27 30 July 25 July 11 23 Dec. 1 Dragoons Heath.=" 68 Foot . o ENSIGN.^ 7 Line Bn. April 26 31 Jan. 39 49 Mar.=3 80 Foot 17 Aug-.26Dec. i25June 32 11 Nov." 25 Fool 3 Nov. 75 Foot Cox. :\Iar. 35 Foot Hunter. 1 PAYMASTERS. 13. II 5124 Hilliard.''^98 Foot. Henry William.'* 4 Dr. Ger. 61 Foot WHEN PLACED ON HALK PAY'. Wm. 21 2 Mar. Feb. 50 25 Dec.. Hugh. 19 Dec. Charles. Edward . Thomas. 27 Mar. June 20 25 Dec... Veteran Batt 19 Dickson. 1 Burnet. George. Francis. 07 13 Apr. William. 2I Nov. Christie. David. 29 Aug. 6 Feb. 7 Dec.'^ Depot Battalion 4 April 2 Oct. Batt Goddard. .^ 16 Dragoons CahiU. 09 23 June 27 28 April 111 9 Mav 12 Dec. 12 July 6 Rlav 27 Oct. Edward. 37 Foot Hall. James.''' 18 Dragoons De Carteret. ( Ca2>t. 4 May ^ Fugion. Jones. ^ 12 Mar. never 21 iMar.''' 54 F. George.'" 2 Dragoons. =' 82 Foot Home. 12 25 Sept. 15 26 Dec. 12) PAYMASTER. Ralph Boetler. 18 May 38) Jefi'erson. 414 . 4 April ^ 19 Nov. 25 25 25 30 June Aug. ^ Edmonds. 5 Jan. \ Gds. 103 Foot King. Sept. 50 24 Sept. 83 Foot Burn." 74 Foot JDeane. 18 25 Dec. 4 Mar. 04. 49 Nov. I Regiment Court. Wm. 31 Mar. William Devaynes. ^ 13 Foot Carmichael. 2d Acton. David. . Germ. 16 29 Jan.. 52 16 July 41 22 Apr. Edward. 56 Foot Boggis. Augustus Charles. James. 5 Sept. Thomas. Samuel. -U) 89 Foot 3 Bell. Gapper. Oct. '^ 92 Foot 1^ Grimes. 48 Jan. 14: 1 April II Sept. July 08 6 Feb. 26 Aug. 2 Garrison Battalion . . *25 Dec. 1 Sept. 3 June . . William. John. 13 Aug. Martin.. Dec. 49 Jan. '^ 52 Foot Dive. 25 June 47 18 Jan. 17 Aug. LIEUT. 27 Foot Crowe. 6 Bell. George. Patrick. 11 22 July July July Dec. 39 Foot Hall. ^ 4 Foot (Capt.. Aitken.- 29 Sep't. 'S 1 Lt. 5 R. James Edwd. 53 25 June 16 Nov. 03(27 Nov. Michael. 21 April 17 May lOJ 14 IMay 06 122 Feb 8 Oct 28 8 Sept. P § SB 1 30 Nov. 14 11 Jan. Leg. Lukis. John. Richard. . Douglas Leith. I9I24 Mar. Davies. 24 Dec. 73 Foot Cowper. CORNET. Aug. 41 Aug. 11 16 June . . 20 June Aug. 12 27 Jan. Cevlon Rifle Regiment Bon'den.9Dec.'* 39 F. Leg. 76 Foot 6 Jan. 2 April 21 Aug. 30 Aug. (Cn/X. 26 5 27 May A 16 Jan. 17 Aug. Thomas. 16 25 April 12 1 Dec. Recruiting District Evans. i^Iichael. 24il5Jau. George Isaac. Oct. Recruiting District Hall. James. 42 Foot Armstrong. Henry . Nov. 10 R. Oct. Richard. 65 F. 10 Foot Drawwater. 30 5 Sept. Henry 1$ Holdsworth. 06 24 Feb. 47 Foot SiSJ Crawford. I3J 7 Oct.' 87 Foot . 27 Foot Dana. 11 Nov. 97 Foot Brough. 27 Aug. Dr. Geo. . 53 Foot Halpin. William. 78 Foot 24 Mar. William. 19 28June 06 10 Mar. 21 June 12 May . 24 May 32 IMay 22 Mar. 10 20 June 13 Feb. 36 Foot.-' 3 Foot Feb. (ca/)<. John. 09 22 Sept. 1 47 5 Nov. 10 Jan. 15 15 Jan. 7 Feb.{c>ipt.^ {Cnpt. Edward. Cox. 19 25 June 21 27 Feb. Edward.(Crt/)M3Feb. Adam Gordon. 06 11 Nov. 88 Foot . 11 19 Mar. 12 . 29 Oct. Alexander. 06 14 Nov.2l)25 Bedford. 33 17 Oct. 12 24 Dec. 13 27 Mar.. 4-t) 12 Boustead.i 1 Jan. James. 51 April 50 Mar. 25 Dec. 48 47 Aug. Vet.27. ^ . ll) Carew. 09 22 Mar. 104 Foot Geddes. 67 Foot ^3 Baitley. ^ Aug. 23 25 Feb. William. 88 Foot 10 ^ § P P Call. William Sanford. Capel S. 53 May 36 Nov.. Pulteney. Peter. 41 1822 15 Feb. 49 1 July 14 21 S . 34). 31 Dec. Nov. Humjjhrey Henry. 10 JMay 13 July 23 Oct. 17 6 Aug. ^ 21 Dragoons Boyle. Richard.. {Copt.' 18 F. George William. Martin. 9 Mar. 66 Foot Dec. Henry.'^ Invalid De])0t Halfhide. 25 June 3 June 7 6 June 11 31 Dec. John. 26 July. 34| 8 Sept. 22 Apr. 98 Foot Lediard. 6 Garrison Batt. William. Ill Jan. 48 42 11 23 Nov. 13 14 Jan. Carey.. John. 02 1 July 1 ^ ( Capt. 25 31 i)ec. 53 1 April 51 11 Nov. 45 Foot. 13 10 July 6 Jan. John. 15 Foot Gordon. Ker. 31 Dee. 20 26 May- *1814 28 June 53 Aug. Edwin. U ) S Durnford. Richard. . ^ M'Leod. 18 July 22 July 29 July 25 Sept. Hanbury. . 8 West India Collins. 14 26 July 5M . Mar. Creser. 08 9 Mav P Irvin. Ceylon Regt Johnson. 4 April 16 April ^ # 29 June 19 Dec. 25 Dec. 31 Mar. 1 May 05 20 Mar.' 19 Apr. 15 Aug. 12 Sept.Tune 7 Oct. Nicholas.(C«p^3IDec. 16 Jan. James." 81 Foot Wliite. 92 Foot. J. ^^ 14 Light Dragoons Sabine. Thompson. WHEN MASTER. 14 Sept.3<>53F. Arnold. P. 19 May 13 Sept.28) 17 Sept. 12 25 Dec. 40 Oct. 1 Sept. 1811. Jan. 99 Foot 7 May 1 Oct. Apr. Jclin Gibson. Recruiting District .^^ 88 Foot Rodgers.Pa^dey. ( Ca."' 44 Foot Wood. 1 March 14 > Mauusell.^'^ 71 Foot Mackenzie. 2 Captain Bell served at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810. 18 July 17 ^ Thompson. and 18th Jan. during 1835 and part of 1836 and was engaged in the village of Mendigur. Henry. Peter V^alentme. Husrh. 14 98 16 Aug. 53 8 Nov. 6 Sept. 17 27 Jan. John. and Salamanca.-' 75 Y. George. as also at the taking of a stockade commanding a ford near Bugwuntghur. Moore during the campaign and retreat to Corunna in 1808-9. 1 Paymaster Bedford served as Major and Deputy Assistant Adjutant. Nov. May 16 Mar. Bugwuntghur. in 1818 . 11 Thomas. ffiSa IMoore. Lodge Morres Murray^' 12 Lancers 18 Sept. 42 July 14 Jan. April 37 June June 1 1 . James. 14 April 17 Dec. Jan.*^ R. : . 87 Foot Whitaker.General to the AngloSpanish Legion. 1 R. 15Mar.^^ Recruiting District South. . afterwards with Sir John Subsequently he accompanied his Regt. 85 Foot ^ 51® Thomson. John Lewis. assault and capture of Badajoi. Seedghur. 24 May 29 25 Mar. Dep. 70 Foot 1 Feb. 25 Sept. siege of the Forts and battle of Salamanca. William.'* Recruiting Distr. ^3 (BSa Williams.^" Foot ^ Tovev. Slightly wounded in . 48 Foot ^3. Corunna. in 1819 at the first and last places Wd the storming parties. 6 July 9 Mar. in Alava. 2 Mar. James.^^ 26 Foot Rote. 23 30 July . pursuit of Massena. 07 31 Mar. 7 . John. David Scott Kin. Vyvyan. 31 Oct. Hope . Hugh Hailiie.21. April Apr. 27 Aug. (rai)M3Feb.) . Dec. Robert. 3 Jan. 27 Dec. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Vimiera. 20 Dec. 54 Foot Prior. 05 9 Jan.. 23 July 44 16 April 52 13 Aug. 24 Foot Aug. Also at the taking of the following Forts in the Concan. 11 2 Aug. 26 Foot .." 1 Dr. Charles. Jan. 28 Jan. 415 Paymasters.Quin. . Samuel. Aug. June Mar. 4 Oct. 42 Foot Ware. Ryghur.6 PLACED ON HALF HAY... covering the siege of Badajoz.28) } Adjutant. Commissary Gen. 25 Sept. George Ash. 28 June 25 May 17 Aug. Recruiting District . Assist. James Duft". Veteran Battalion Wainwright. 11 Aug. 27 F. July 28 47 44 Nov. battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. Francis. J. and was present at the bairle of Fuentes d'Onor. 7 50 25 48 53 27 37 50 52 53 43 35 52 Aug. 25 31SE Robinson. 1 36 28 June 44 25 Jan. L.. 12 12 Feb. James Masterson/' 48 Foot Pillon. Oct. Dec. 9 Dec. 26 Nov. 25 Mar. 5 Feb. actions of Fox d'Arouce and Campo Mayor. 1 ) VVardell. 17th. ^ Ravmond. to Walcheren and was present at the siege and capture of Flushing. 20 Foot ^ % Strong. on the 16th.-"* 94 Foot ^•^ July July Oct. 9 Dec. 7 April. Mackav. 50 Foot '.3^ 27 April 44 Feb. 1 Drs 18 Jan. James.. '^ Gds.iander. Victor.^Capt. Batt. 19 Wright. Ale.. .Tune June 18 4 Feb. Enobarked again with his Regt. Joseph. 25 Feb. 21 Dec. 2 10 6 9 Nov. 18 51 16 51 18 Services of the Paymasters. 3 Paymaster Bowden served in the Peninsula with the Queen's Royals in 1808 he went with Sir Arthur Wellesley's Expedition to Portugal and was present at the battle of Vimiera . May 6 June 9 Dec. 9 July 22 May 22 Oct. 11 Feb. I'rick.Tohnstone.. Meiklejobn. -^ 32 Foot }^ N icholson. Crooke. Wetherall.. Shropshire Militia \ Pennington. 13 aSa' iMackenzie. ^ War . including the battle of Busaco. retreat to Torres Vedras. . 3 Sept.. J31 49 Foot Wemys. 24 13 ^ Maclaurin. and heights of Arlaban. . 7 Sept.. Lnwr. siege and capture of OlivenQa. 47 7 Sept. Ksmonde. Richard Henry Terry. 8 Hussars Jan.J. . 23 Aug. Newtee and Raree. 1836. viz. 14F. Vet. Eist Indies.. 16 Mar. 26 June 35 29 Sept. for Lisbon in Jan. 25 Oct. 4 Paymaster Boyle served ia the Peninsula from May 1809 to the end of that war in 1814.) O'Keefe. 22 Aug. David. and siesjp of Burgos. 19 Oct. 16 Nov. White. capture of Madrid and the Ketiro. June 51 . 17 Dec. Oct. Charles. 10 Paymaster Crawford served the Waterloo campaign with the 2nd Dragoons. 17 Paymaster Gordon served in the Peninsula with the 92nd and has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Corunna. and has received the Medal for the latter. at which latter he was severely wounded. including the first capture of Chusan. 20 Paymaster Hilliard served in the Peninsula from June 1809 to the end of that war ill 1814. including the battles of Vittoria. Futteghur. in Kattywar and Kutch. non-commissioned ofl&cer. 7 Captain Call served with the 24th Light Dragoons at Agra. . and soldier of the Gerlnan Legion. He served also in the Burmese War with the 38th Regt. the capture of Martinique in 1809 . and Genoa. . Christoval. first siege of Badajoz. in the expedition in the Kandyan rebellion in 1817 and 18 and capture of Kandy in 1815 to Java in 1811 in the action of Maharajpore. until the peace. He served al^o throughout the China war with the 18th. Deig. in 1808. thence the same year to Portugal. the campaign against the Pindarrees in 1817 and 18 in Candeish. Heights (wounded in the wrist by a of Lesaca 3l3t Aug. and passage of the Bidassoa and of He served also the campaign of 1815. mast r Dickson served in the Peninsula from April IP. He Served in the 13th Light Infantry wi'h the Army of the Indus. aud also in several skirmishes in Lord Lake's campaigns of" 1803. 1811 to the end of that war in 1814 including the capture of Fort Picurina and Badajoz. Vittoria. Delhi. Ningpo. . 18 Paymaster Grimes served the campaigns of 1813. 14 Captain Drawwater served iu the expedition to Copenhagen in 1807 . Maya Pass. and again in the Peninsula in 1813 to the end of that war. in Dwarkar. under Sir George Prevost. including the siege of Acjar in 1815. lona. and investment of BarceServed hroughout the whjle of the Burmese war. He served also the Waterloo campaign. 21 Paymaster Holdsworth served on the expedition against Belle Isle. to Sweden with Sir John Moore. action of Campo Mayor. action at Ordal. 13 Pay and was prese t at the second seige of Tarragona. Vittoria. and 6. in 1809 war in 1814. and remained with them until August 1810. and Toulousfe. 5 Captaiti Burn served the campaign in the Eastern Islands. battles of Salamanca. 29 Dec. to the end of the war in 1814. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. in commemoration of the services of the corps. . He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Talavera. and 2nd and 6th Paymaster 18th Hussars with Sir John Moore's Expedition to Madrid and retreat October. and 40. Pyrenees. siege of Burgos. and Toulouse. 1816 . Served the Mahratta campaign of 1817 and 18. and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Sulamanca.War 416 Services of the Paymasters. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and 15 in Lower Canada. in the spring of 1809. and Chin Kiang Foo. and again in the face in the Pyrenees. . Sicily. Chinhae. 12 Paymaster Deane served on the expedition to the Helder in 1799 as a Cornet in the 18th Dragoons. Served also the campaign of 1815. 5. Heights of Pampeluna 30th musket-ball and contused on the shoulder). Proceeded with the regiment to the Peninsula. Chapori. and subsequently in the Peninsula. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. received the War Medal with six Clasps. He has received the War Medal with eight Clasps.. 16 Paymaster Fugion served in the Peninsula from July 1809. and was present at the battles of the lOch and 19th September. where he served thence to Malt-3. the ear at Fort St. for which he has received a Medal. including the Battles to Corunna of Vittoria. . including the battle of Waterloo. 6 Paymaster Burnet accompanied the 16th Light Dragoons to Flanders in 1793. and was at the capture of Ghuznee. and returned home with them in 1795. Also in Affghanistan in 1841 and 42. affairs at Arroyo de Molino and Almaraz. including the battle of Busaco. at the in the Peninsula from June 1812 to the end of that siege and capture of Flushing. Nive. including the battle of SulanoaBca. 13 to the close of that war. . 39. 28th July 1813. Orthes. the campaign on the Nerbudda in 1814 . He has the Adour. 9 Paymaster Cowper served on the expedition to Stralsund and Copenhagen in 1807. and was severely wounded at Bhurtpore in 1826. Nivelle. during 1838. and was at the taking of Macassar in 1814. 8 Paymaster Carew served with the 17th Lancers. for which he has received the Medal. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. . Fuentes d'Onor. Pyrenees. 11 Paymaster Davies served in the Peninsula from Sept. Pyrenees He has received the AVar Medal with seven Clasp8. Laswarrie. Nivelle. battles of Nivelle and Orthes. Orthes. and battle of Orthes. Tarbes. and 31st July. Nive. He has received the War Medal and two Clasps for Salamanca and Orthes. Orthes. Allyghur. . 14. 43. He served afterwards in the Peninsula on the staff of Major-General IMaoKinnon. Orthes. Woosung. 4. and Toulouse. and was present at the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo. and Toulouse. 1820 and in Kutty war in 1821. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Bhurtpore. 15 Captain Durnford served at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810 . He has received the War until July 1811 Medal with two Clasps for Talavera and Fuentes d'Onor also the war medal bestowed by the King of Hauover to every officer. including the battle of Busaco. . Vittoria. 10th May 1813. battle of Albuhera. in June 1800. 19 Paymaster Halpin served in the Peninsula. including the action at the landing. which jrove the enemy's piquet from the foot of the breach) actions at Campo Mayor. 40 Paymaster J. reduction of Rosetta and Fort St. and exposed to the daily fire from and in the action Murat's batteries. and the . and was present at the capture of Rangoon and subsequent operations before that place. Nive. Corunna. 22 Captain Hunter served in the 98th with the Expedition to the North of China in 1842 'Medal). Medal for services in Egypt. except Segcan. including the attack and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. 42 Piy master Ware served with the 38th in the Burmese war. and was present 1814. 1812 to the end of that War in 1814. He served also at the 1st and 2nd jm. 41 Paymaster Wainwright served with the Queen's Royals on board the Russell 74. : . El Bodon. Fuentes d'Onor. Rofe the 35 Paymaster and has received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps for Vittoria. at Amulnier. and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. as Deputy A. actions at Torres Vedras. and battles of the 19th Served also the Egyptian campaign . Pyrenees. and was present at the surrender of the fortress. Martinique. and Orthes. Pyrenees. Orthes. Busaco. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. in Lord Howe's actions of the 28th and 29th May. 44 Captain Bartley served the Corunna campaign. 24 Paymaster Lukis was present with the BuflFs at the battle of Punniar (Medal). 28 Paymaster Moore served the campaign of 1814 in Hollau'l. including the action at Merxand bombardment of Antwerp present at Waterloo. S3 Paymaster Jones has received the War Medal with one Clasp for the Egyptian cainpaign of 1801. siege and storm of Badajoz. and was present at the first taking of Chusan. He was attached Grenadier Battalion at the Faro of Messina in 1810. . He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Nivelle. War Medal with three Clasps. Thomson served in the Peninsula. 37 Paymaster Strong served with the 26th on the China expedition. and landing before Nankin. Pyrenees. Vimiera. and battle of Goojerat. including the battles of Talavera. by the explosion of a 13-inch shell). battle of Alexandria. 36 Paymaster Sabine served with the 21st at the siege of Scylla in 1809. and was present at the first landing on the 27th Aug. siege and capture of Fort Aboukir. Orthes.iny of the 21st to dislodge the enemy from their strong position in the village of San Martino. ind has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Toulouse. one of the seven French line-of-hattle ships taken. Guarda. Served with the 49th throughout the opera* rns in China. and subsequently in the Peninsula from Sept . 30 Captain Pardey served in the Peninsula from Feb. rebellion. 43 Paymaster John Lewis White served in the Peninsula with the 68th and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Nivelle and Orthes. Orthes. and 1st June 1794 the Russell took possession of the Impetueux. in 1798. 29 Captain Nicholson served in the Peninsula from April 1809 to the end of the war. action at Rahmania. Malligaum. of 1801. for which he has receivtd the ^yar Medal with four Clasps. surrender of Cairo and Alexandria. Served also the Waterloo campaign. Nive. Slightly woimded in Lord Howe's action. 33 Paymaster Robinson served the Waterloo campaign with the 69th Foot. Ist siege of Bajadoz in May and June 1811 (on the 9tb June commanded a party of 1 sergeant and 30 men. and Asseerghur. in 1795 to the j : . and has received the War Medal with nine Clasps for Roleia. the War Medal and eleven Clasps. battle of Silamanca. Foz d'Arouce. 32 Paymaster Prior served the campaign of 1817 in the East Ind'es against the Pindarrees. Julian. Nive. and Salamanca (severely wounded). Nivelle. Redinha. He served also the Waterloo campaign. Engaged with the French in the Irish at the capture of Trinidad. surrender of the fort and garrison of Cheniote. 31 Paymaster Pennington served in the Peninsula with the 5th. 34 Paymaster Rodgers served in the Peninsula from May 1813 to the end of that war in Served afterwards in the East Indies. 25 Paymaster M'Leod served in the Peninsula with the 27th and was present at the battles 6f and Toulouse. 27 Paymastor Maclaurin served in the Peninsula during the campaign of 1813. liberation of Lord Kingsborough and Embarked for the other Protestants at Wexford. and that in Holland in 1814 subsequently at Waterloo. C. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. and retreat from Egmont-op-Zee. including the battle of Basaco. and Faente Guinaldo siege and storm of Ciudad Kodrigo (received two contusions in the trenches. . In 1813 he was at the taking of the Island of Pouza before Genoa on the 19th April 1814 he was severely wounded on the head while leading a comp. Leria. 2nd and 6th Oct. Also at the jiege operations before Mooltan. Vittoria. and Toulouse. 38 Paymaster Arnold Thompson accompanied the 81st Regt. Nivelle. throughout all its services. including the siege of Tarragona. for which he has received Nivelle. Pombal. including the action at Fowk's Mill. Helder in 1799. 2G Paymaster Mackenzie served in the Peninsula. and again at the Helder. and Sabugal battle of Fuentes d'Onor. in 1797 brigands at Vaughlin. battles of Vittoria. and with the army of occupation. Robleda.War 417 Services of the Paymasters. and taking of the French at Ballinamuck. capture He has received of Madrid. served in Peninsula from Oct.ssistaut Commissary General. from June 1809 to May 1814. Condeixa. . Recruiting District Fraser. Hope served in the Peninsula from Sept. 1811 to Dec.. John Kenneth. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. 1614 Aug. for which he lias received the War i\Iedal with eight Cla-ps. Richard.^ New Brunswick Fenc. Ju\y Jan. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Nive. and was present at the battles of Busaco. Badajoz. and was engaged at Almarez. 2 Colonel Fraser served in the American war with the 49th.James. battle of Toulouse. 418 Alba dc Tormes. July Dec. 7 April 15 J uly 4 Mar. 16 1 Lieut.. WHEN ADJUTANT PLACED ON CORNET. Alexander. 7 p^nsign Trotter has received the Silver War Medal with six. d'Onor. 10 June 53 25 Oct. 96 16 Oct. Feb. Served also the campaign of 1815. 08 Mar. and Toulouse. 25 18 Halden. 9 Osborne. Inf.. w campaign. 5 Ensign Osborne served the campaign of 1808-9. Thomas. never Mar. Crause served in the Peninsula and was present at the battle of Salamanca. Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 17 Sept. 27 Trotter. Ortlies. 26th. Francis. of that war in 1814. Pyrenees. George. Pyrenees 25tb. Nivelle.. including the storming of the enemy's works at Alraaraz. Orthes.' Recruiting District . ^ . . and has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Coiunna. Tho.. never Oct. 01 HALF PAY. 97 7 Farnan. Salamanca. 2 Royal Veteran Batt. and has received also the A\ aterloo served He Salamanca. and highly distinguished himself in the night attack upon the American army at Stoney Creek. 30 Dec. . Thomas. including the defence of Cadiz. . 16 5 never 31 Aug. xMay Aug. to the end of the war. lines of Torres Vedras. Sampson.^ 34 Foot Shields. Pampeluna 28th and 30th July. .. siege and storm of Badajoz. and Nivelle. 4 Steivart. » i. Vittoria. John. He has receiyed the War Medal with two Clasps.. 14 17 18 25 June 25 May 25 Feb. 18 July 9 June 11 IMay 13 29 Jan. 25 June 17 Nov. . 83127 April 83 Oct. . Greek Light Infantry Parlour. action at Arroyo de IMolino. Salamanca. 15 Mar. Baighar. Feb. John. ^ ^ ^ . and to Portugal. ^^'illiam. Crause. 8 Foot 15 FitzGerald. James. W LIEUT. James. Sept. never Feb. 12 Foot 24 Lowrie. . battles of Vittoria. 41 Foot 28 Fletcher. battle of Salamanca.g. Bn. 6 Lieut. Foz d'Arouce. Nive. Foot Ellis.^ 91 Foot Infantry Durham Fencible Holmes.. . Peckett served in the Peninsula from October 1813 as Adjutant of the 34tb. Ross & Cromarty Fen. including the battles of 30th.'Vlbuhera. 3 Ensign Henry has received the War Medal with eleven Clasps for Martinique. June never never never 6 April 2 Feb. 17 Mar. Rnd 31st July). never 6 June never 27 Oct. Albuhera. 21 j\Iay 1815 A-. where he bayoneted seven of the enemy and took the American General Winder prisoner. Dec. . 29 29 Richard. 7 Foot 9 J3 Henry. 25 Feb.2 Royal Veteran Batt. ADJUTANTS.' 27 Foot "^ Brown. 13 Thompson. 1 Prov. Dennis. . Dec. 7 Royal Veteran Batt. . . and Sabugal retreat from Madrid storm of Ciudad Rodrigo. Jan. Nivelle. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. District Recruiting 1 Hope. never 13 Dec. 08i25 April 14 June 25 June 25 May 25 Dec. 25 Sept. Condeixa. siege and actions of Redinha.. never 12 never 26 never 9 never 23 Mar. action at Vic Bigorre. Ciudad Rodrigo. George. Pyrenees. John.u n* j i the ^ ar Medal 45 Paymaster Williams served in the Peninsula with the 44th. He is now a Colonel of Militia in Upper Canada. John. and Toulouse. 13 July 16 June 14 never Nov. and Badajoz. Pyrenees. Fuentes with three Clasps lor March Vittoria. 26 Oct. 1811. from April 1810 pursuit of Massena." 512^ 12 Leitb. P\renees (uoundeii). Recruiting District . June . Vittoria.. and Orthes He has received the War Medal with ten Clasps.. and 27th July. -i j to the end 46 Paymaster Wright served in the Peninsula with the late 94th. Dec. John. . John. 88 Foot 25 Peckett. of Mil. ^ . Adjutants. and Toulouse. 25 Mar.lobn Tho. Nivelle. 4 Lieut. 6 West India Regiment 5 Peacocke. Orthes. battles of Vittoria. 0r28 July Aug. 1 Tassie. Clasps for Badajoz. 13|28 Dec.. 1813.* 62 Foot 23 Packett. 07 April 13 July 13 Oct. 25 Feb. Vittoria. ENSIGN. the Pyrenees (25th. Royal Artillery Barnes. 8 Dragoons Collins.419 QUARTER-MASTERS. William". 92 Foot Campbell. 72 Foot Blviliman.'^ 11 Hussars Collins. 28 1 Jan. i 25 Dec. Guards Crawford. 20 Foot ^ ^ MA 13 MA Copeland. William. Oct. 18 25 Aug.* 60 Foot Brand. William. 29 Dec."* 60 Foot {Ens. James. 1 June 9 July 27|30 April 3 Dec.'6 80 Foot (Ris. WilUam. Life Guards Cartmail. Jones. Worcestershire Yeomanry Cavalry S 13 Fair. John. Daniel. 1 Sept. 31 12 Oct. 72 Foot 1 Jan. Alexander.. 2 Life Guards 1^ Andrews. Cliarles.x.^ 1 Life Guards Bell. 38 11 May 49 18 Nov. 28 Sept. 1 P Cockburn. Bourbon Regiment Dandy. 25 Julv 20 Juue 7 July 25 April Armstrong.2° 41 Foot Debenham." Royal Horse Guards. John. James. John. 23 Nov. Isaac. James {Ccr. U Dec. Joseph.* 84 Foot Barker. 60 Foot Calder. James. 22 31 Dec." ^ MA 18 June 8 May 10 July 6 Sept. Patrick. Alexander. 103 Foot Farrell. John. Grenadier Guards Frith. 23 July 10 Jan."* 2 Life Guards Cruickshank. \ Dorset Yeomanry Cavalry S ^ . 98 23 July 44 1 Jan. 1 Garrison Battalion Allen. ^ Nov. 38) Cherriman. Nov. 27 April 1 Feb. 44 Foot 13 Duke. Uichard. 24 Dec.' Ceylon Regiment Blay. Bagshaw.^ 1 Life Guards Black.^' 39 Foot Edwards. 37 23 INIay 6 Sept. 04. 3 Aug. 53 Foot Farrants. 7 Dec. 31 1 Aug.26 65 Foot Ellis. 1 Jan. 21 17 Sept. 24 April 13 July •. Jolin. William. 4 Dragoon Guards Armstrong. Berry. 10 Feb. William. 22 July 3 May 25 June 8 Jan. 7 Mar. ^ 5 Dragoon Guards T& Brannau. Francis. Thomas. Royal Staff Corps 13 512i Carter. 58 Foot ^P MA. 39i 1 Ang. John. Royal 26 Aug. 19 June 15 11 Mar. 22 Dragoons Emmott. 104 Foot Doherty. 47 10 Nov. Roval Artillery 18 16 Dec. Alexander. 80 Foot Carden. 91 Foot Fortune. 48 ^ 19 June 10 Aug. MA . 90 Foot 3i2R Davidson. 1 4 June 25 Oct." 8 Feb. 7 Sept. 17 Feb.46) Crooks. 69 Foot 19 Booth Jonathan.'^ 11 Dragoons Clarke. James. James. John. 7 April 21 41 47 May 7 Jan. Burrough. MA 5 Sept. William. James. 16 27 July 38 . Joseph. 29 24 June 24 Mar. Thomas. 28: 31 3 25 June Mav 1129 May Mar.18Sept.-* {Ens. 17 39 37 Mar. 1^ Bathurst. 12 19 . 20). Jobn. 51 25 Sept. 30 Dragoons Carroll. 85 Foot Edwards. 19). Royal Artillery 13 Fo.'' 73 Foot Betson. 12 Lancers 13 May 12 6 15 3 21 Oct. 56 Foot Dixon. 14 Feb. 5 IMar.. > 13 Adjutant. William. Arlillei-y Allan. 84 Foot Forbes. Robert.-' 84 Foot . 31 . Richard. 5 West India Regiment 1 June Benton. ^ 15 Hussars 10 Mar. 18 Foot ^ . 31 Jan. James.ACliD ON IlALf PAY. 35) John Henry. 31 17 1 25 Sept. 13 Oct. Alexander. 1 aSa Bishop. Thomas. 30 May 43 25 June 16 25 Nov.'^ Scots Fus. William. 4 May 17 July 18 Sept. 51 22 April 53 June Aug. 42 13 Oct. 41 2 Sej)t. 6 Feb. 9 May 5) Nov. James.'" 79 Foot Fort X 13 Major at Edinburgh Castle J Dallas. Jolin. Adjutant. Dec. Samuel. 2 July 4 Jan. AndreWj' 9 Dragoons Allen. 3 Foot {Ens. James. Samuel Sutton. 19 19 Sept. 26 July 27 9 July 39 25 Feb.26 April 125 25 Sept. John. 14 52 48 July 48 Oct. 25 Oct. Alexander. Royal Horse Guards. William Smedlev. 13 312a Ellington. 29^28 Feb. George. James. Thomas Willock. William. 15 April 9 12 1 June 1 Ja-i.^^ 2 Life Guards Elliott.3i 96 Foot France. 26 Aug.'^ 18 Dragoons Coiiolly. Samuel. George. George. 12 17 Feb. WHEN Pl. 43 Nov. 28 Aug. Thomas.^^ 22 Foot Matthews. Henry. Edward. 2 Life Guards Grimwood. Henry.'" 41 Foot Harrison.. Miles. 25 Nov. James Creighton.ss 42 Foot Mackenzie. James. 15 Nov.*^ 36 Foot Mansfield. 5 Oct. John. 49 May 36 May 25 Aug. 12 19 13 31 13 14 04il8 20i 2 20:13 52 June 38 Aug. Kenny. 28 Aug. T$ 51® Hall. 2 Dragoon Guards Hudson. Jan." 23 Foot Hume.''" 49 Foot 31 14 * Higgins. Cornwall Fencible Cavalry Hilton. New Brunswick Fencibles Military Knight of Windsor Hendley. William. Feb.^^ 7 Dragoon Guards Thomas. 63 Foot (Ens. 28 Sept. John.*' 15 Dragoons ^ ." 14 Foot Godwin. Quarter-Masters. Pembroke Fencible Cavalry . 38 6 West India Regiment Hall. 3 Foot 512a Hardy. William. 28 Jan. 24 April 28 April 1 22 Dec. 44 Sept. 25 July 10 16 24 Mar. William. Daniel. Henry j^'t 7 Dragoon Guards 13 Manley. John.. Samuel. 41 Foot 512a Goddard. 44 July July 44 Aug.. Royal Artillery J^ Heydon. 72 F. Bernard. Toirn Adjutant at Gibraltar Jackson. 212a Hill.^. 31 j 23 Jan. 1 Garrison Battalion Haslam.^^ 4 Foot Harding. William. 38 July 17 Mar. 39 9 Nov. 1 Regiment Fencible Cavalr}' Hollis. M'Clenahan. Richard Seymour Royal Staff Corps . 47 52 46 16 April 44 Mar. J/«7. Surrey Fencible Cavalry Guest. James. 11 Oct. 14) Jan. ^^ 19 Dragoons Langford. Alexander. 'J'homas. Robert. Fraser. May Dec. 104 Foot 13 Mackay. 22 Oct. 14 21 April 25 July 23 June Aug. 66 Foot Grubb.PLACED ON HALF PAY MASTER. Donald. ^ . 40 26 Jan. Frederick.7 Foot. 11 Feb. John. 42 Feb. John. 29 Sept.iellan. 17 Dragoons Hamilton. 48 3 Nov. 20 Mar. 7 Foot Mackintosh. James. 43 29 Mar. 22 Sept. 4 Nov. 420 . . Feb. Luke. 39 Dec. 4 May 1 Jan. Royal Horse Guards Mar. John. 50 . 40) Kelly. 5 Dragoon Guards 13 Ledger. M'Curdy. 5 Royal Veteran Battalion 13 512a Kinkee. Royal Artillery Mayne. Thomas. 3 Dragoons Jennings. John. 66 Foot Home.. Alexander. 14 April 12 Oct. Jan.''* 3 Dragoon Guards Jan. 16 Mar. 11 Foot Greig. ^ 2l2a Hardv. William. 20 Sept. Jan.*'. Oct. Donald. 25 Jan. Robert. 53 25 Nov. Mav 17 Aug.^'' 10 F^oot 51Sa Grant. Joseph. 30 April 14 April 25 Dec. James. Richard. Essex Fencible Cavalry Junes.^^ 74 Foot Gates. WHEN QUARTER. 35 14 Jan. William.'''' 10 Dragoons 48 48 49 19 July 52 Nov. 9 Sept.. 23 July 5 April 28 Sepc. George.. 4 Sept. Koyal Artillery Gillan. Joseph Jeffries. 1846 22 April 53 10 Mar. ^ ^ 1 2 Nov. Richard. Royal Sappers and Miners Hodder. 22 June 10 Mar. 17 June 13 > 12 Dec. 41 21 Feb. Charles. William. Masfill. Robert. Hants Fencible Cavalry Goodfellow. 53 Dec. 13 Jan. John. John. 25 Aug 25 Dec. 25 July 53 April 11 Oct. William.^^ Coldstream Guards Lord. .. 09 9 Oct.. 22 Jan. William.*= 72 Foot IVlacdonald.. John. Henry. John. 8 31 13 13 6 . Edward.''^ 51 F'oot 512a Kerr.'"^ 5 Dragoon Guards . . WilUam. Royal Horse Guards Jackson. Harker. 26 Jan. . Alexander. 26 13 Lee. . 26 Aug. 37 Foot 513a Hanna. 23 Dec. Thomas. Knight of Windsor 20 Apr.. John. Nugent's Recruiting Corps Joyce. 49 1 27 July 27 Sept. 74 Foot M'Pherson.^' 82 Foot Grant. 22 1 Jan. Canadian Fencibles ^ Fraser. East Kent Yeomanry Cavalry. 26 10 June 13 1 June 38 2 July 12 8 June 24 18 June 41 25 July 37 16 Oct. « 28 Foot (js. 7 July 37) Kewin. HiUiard. Royal Horse Guards ]\I'(.. Thomas.^'' 93 Foot (Ens. 69 Foot Hornby. 9 April 47 1 3 Mar. 27 Jan. Win. Andrew Adjutant. William. William. 2 Garrison Battalion. 512a Heartley.''^ Royal Horse Guards. Rifle Brigade 13 Ledsam. Joseph. James.^^ 5 Foot 13 3. 1 Feb. 10 Oct. Ja"mes. 14 Dec." 48 Foot Taylor. Harrv. 11 Aug."^ Staff Corps of Cavalry 1^ Shirley John.PLACED ON MASTER. 16 Dec. 2 Dragoon Guards Wiiikworth.'. HALl.i Troy. 7 Jan. Aug. Z-MOJuly. 3 Prov. ^a Pratt.)j-. Sept.16 Apr. 37 14 April 2 April 26 June 10 Oct. 40 Foot Rice.^'' Scots Fusilier Guards Williams. Morris. 3921 Aug. 47 31 33 45 125 46 June 02 17 Aug.^'' 12 Foot O'Reilly. Robert Orr. Samuel. Batt. 26 16 April 53 20 28 ftlay 18 8 July 51 25 Feb. Thomas. Jolin. 3 Garrison Battalion i3 Morgan. Porter. 17 Aug. R fie Brigade Thomson. 5 Srpt. i^ 26 0et.iii Corps Stevens. {Ens.lOj 12 June Quaile. 53 Oct.*^ 52 Foot 16 Feb. Quarter-Masters.11 Sept. iMODec. 2 Dragoons {Ens. Helena Uegt IMingaN-. 14 25 Dec.HAY. Cambridge Fencible Cavalry \\ right. 88. ''" 5 W est India Regiment (a Stubbs. "William. Cinque Ports Fencible Cavalry . 21 Foot Ward.. 05|25 Mar. "(c. William. 13 Dragoons Palmer. 21 Oct. Lincoln Militia Mulhollaiul.. April 53 28 May Dec. John. II. Ind.. 85 Foot 3139 Nelson. Richard.Mar. 421 WHEN QUARTER. George. 13 Aug. 4l) P ^ 49 27 June 44 Feb.30 Fool \% Webster." 2 Life Guards Miller. George. John. R. Sf. 28 50 April 52 April 50 Jan.) Wallis.8^ 1 Life Guards Ste|)hens. 13 8 July 13! 24 Oct. George William.*^ Royal At'ric. 19 Foot IMulhall. 25 April 25 Dec. Young. 6 Dr. William. 36 14 Mar. 53 X 2 . 15 9 Aug. Thof/as."' Royal Artillery 4 Aug. John. 21 Aug.l2). 25 Dec. 4 Dec. 31 Dec. George. 16 Dec. John Gill. 1 Life Guards iMiller. 1 Jan. Guards \i f. 6 F'oot 4 Mar.3.^' 69 Foot Walsh. John. 92 Foot Missett. 2 Life Guards P O' Grady. 19 June — ^ 25 Aug. Joshua. North Salopian Yeomanry Cavalry ^ y P MA 1 Dragoon Guards Wakefield.''' 81 Foot Russell. 20 Jan. 19 Nov. f^ Sewell. 76 Foot (£H*. Robert. of Militia. Knight of Windsor . William.^^ iioyal Artillery 25 Sept. 37 16 June 08 24 28 May 11 . 17 Foot. John. Jan.3. 28 Dec. 44. 3 W. James. John Wm. 27. William. William. 25 Dragoons Sanderson. '^ Royal Horse Guards. Thomas. 15 Oct. 18 Foot Murray.96 54 Fooc Wilton. William."* 17 Dragoons Rafferlv. Richard. 28 April Feb. 84 Apr. WiUiam."" Roval Horse Guards Wuddcll. 31 9 Dec.i Steel. P 14 42 Oct. 12 Aug. Dec. \ 31 Aug."" 6 Foot Sniiih. 8 May 18 Julv 24 Feb. Willian). Wilham. Feb. 22 1 Jan. 39 il Sept. William. Jolm. N. 39. 67 Foot Midwinter.^" 1 Dragoons 13 313il \Vagstaff. 49 17 5 Mar. William. 49 p P P 51 April 47 July 41 Oct. William.UJunel2. 26 Oct.. 98 Foot (£•«. 49 1 Oct. 35) North. John. John. 51 1 Jan. Merrie. 16 Drs. 25 Jan.. 31 1828 July 25 5 Wav 08 26 June 35 29 JVIar. Adjutant." 9 Foot. Riordan. Joseph Prossor. Andrew. 14 Sept. David. 23 Foot Smart'. William. 7 Nov. William. 38 '1814 5 Aug:. Samuel. Aug. 27 Sept. ^* 24 Foot Neill. 46) Roberts.h. John. ]\Iichael. 1 Diagoons Peijley. 14 May 25 23 July 47 5 Aug. •25 P Rendeli. Powers. 23 3 Nov. 16 13 Dec. 31 S Sidley. Samuel. William."^ 3 Foot (Ens. 3Iil. 22 Foot Filler. 52 Nov. I Dragoon Guards Moore.''^ Royal Artillery • • 12 May 30 ]\Iar. William. 14 Sept. Preston. WiUiam.s^ 2 Life Guards Weston. 4 Dec. Josei.'"' 47 Foot Scott. Thomas. Adjf. 31 Foot 313il Partridge. 32!l6Sept. . 47 1 Feb. Thomas. 1 25 Jan. Rcgt. 2 Dragoons Meu'.98 22 Foot {£„s. William. IS) 3ja Willox. 4 Royal \'eteran Battalion Perkin.^'' 9 Dragoons Wynne. May 17 Dec. Richard iNliles. Charles. 19 1 Jan. 1 July 1 Dec. Robert. John. from Peb. (slightly wounded). siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. from March. . 1796 to 1830. 9 Quarter-Master Brand served in the Peninsula with the 1st Life Guards. including the battle of Sobraon (medal) and in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-9. . 19 Quarter. battle of Fuentes d"Oaor. and Flanders. and the Adour. St. siege and capture of Tarbattle of Bladensburg and capture of Washington ragona siege of Barcelona in 1813 and 14 siege and capture of Port Bowyer. 7tb. during which long period he was actively employed in nearly all the campaigns and engagements He . 10 Quarter-Master Brannan served in the Peninsula.Master Cruickshank served at the siege and capture of Copenhagen. siege of San Sebastian. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. and North America. passage of the Bidassoa. in 1808 expedition to Wabheren. 813. in Germany and Holland. 1808 to Jan. battles of Vittoria (slightly wounded). France. siege of San Sebastian. siege of Burgos and retreat to the frontiers of Portugal. the Pyrenees. 9th Dec. Nive. in the Peninsula. 20 QuarterlMaitcr Davidson served the c impaigns of 1814 and 15 in Holland. and before Bayonne 13th Dec. Flar.dcrs.Master Crooks served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Life Guards and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. battle of Salamatica. the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6. in 1807 . retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras and subsequent advance. battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo (twice wounded). . including the Battle of Busaco. and has received the Silver AVar Medal with two Clasps for Orthes and Toulouse. to the end of the war. Served with the army of He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. Nivelle. He has received the War Medil with two clasps for Vittoria and the Nive. 11. . lOtb. Toulouse (wounded in the lelt leg). including the battles of Moodkee. from July 1809. actions before Baltimore and New Orleans 5 Quarter-Master Betton served at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in 1825-6. investment of Bayonne. from Feb. capture of Madrid. . Palais. H. and 15. campaigns of 1810. . . 23 Quarter-Master T. battle of the Nive. 8 Quarter-Master Booth served the campaign in Spain from Oct. Spain. 13 Quarter-Master Francis Collins served in the Peninsula from Oct. and has received the Silver War Medal with two Olasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. crossing of the Bidassoa. 12 Quarter-Master Cherriman served in the Peninsula. bombardment of Antwerp (wounded). . and battles of ChillianwaUah and Goojerat. Edwards served in the East Indies from Nov. 1815. and was present at the attack upon Bsrgen-op-Zoom. and has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. 1810 battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor taken prisoner of war while in defence of the village covering the siege of Badajoz. 1805 to the 29th May. including the defence of Cadiz and Isla-de-Leon. 2 Quarter-Master Bagshaw served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor. 1809. 13. 14 Quarter-Master John Collin^: served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with • two Clasps for Sahagiin and Ben^vente and Toulouse. 3 Quarter-Master Bithurst served in the Peninsula v/ith the 1st Life Guards. Lambeige. including the passage of the Chenab at Eamnuggur.422 War Services of the Quarter-Masters. in the Peninsula the expedition to Gottenburgh. the Nive. 16 Quarter. to Aug. battle of Albuhera to the end of the war.) 18 Quarter. 1st siege of Badajoz (severely wounded). He served also the Waterloo Campaign. including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. and 31st July. and has received the War INIedal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. Orthes. Carter served in the Peninsula with the 1st Life Guards and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. Quatre Bras. and repulse of the sortie. on the campaign of 1808-9. and capture of Paris. and Waterloo. passage of the Adour. has received the War Medal with six Clasps.Master Crawford served with the 8th Regt. 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. 1809. 12. investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. actions of Arroyo del Molinos and Castle Murrenito. occupation until 1818. He has received the War Metlal with eight Clasps. Ftrozeshah. including the battle of Vittoria. He served also the Waterloo Campaign. Quatre Bras. including the action at Mi-rxf lu. on which occasion he was wounded through the left arm. battle of Vittoria. in March and April 1812 battles of the Nivelle. 14. France. and France. He served also the Waterloo Campaign. — . including the battle of Busaco. siege and capture of Flushing. Also the campaign of 1815. 15 Quarter-Master Copeland served in the Pi^ninsula. storitiing of Bergen-op-Zoom. aud Waterloo. Toulouse. 21 Quarter-Master Duke si-rved in the Peninsula. (Medal and two Clasps. and Flanders. . and Sobraon. 6 Quarter-Master Bishop served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. 4 Quarter-Master Berry served at Malta. Nive. . W. 7 Quarter-Master Black served the campaigns of 1813 and 14. Sicily. including the capture of Ischia and Procida. . the 1 Quarter-Master AUau served with the 9th Lancers in the battle of Punniar (medal) campaign on the Sutlej in 1846. 11 Quarter-Master J. 25th. 39 Quarter-Master Hanna was present at the assault and capture of Badajoz. and Flanders. Albuhera. 31 Quarter-Master Fox served in the Peninsula.. the battle of Waterloo. Also in the Peninsula. and thoseof the 12th. Also the campaign of 1815. repulse of the night attack on Ningpo. commencing with the battle of Malavelly. 423 which took place. including the 1801 served the he In October. under Sir Charles Napier. was present at Washington. and battle of the Nive. He served also the . Medal for the capture of Seringapatam. Domingo. 13th. Nivelle. 2nd and 6th action on the landing. and the expedition to South Bevcland. and has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Nivelle and Nive. and was on the expedition with the The following year he served the flank companies to Ostend in 1798. and storming of Cambray. taking of Shanghae and Woosung. attack and reduction of the enemy's camp at Colonia. and was present at the capture of Chusan. Baltimore. Ciudad Kodrigo. and 21st March (severely wounded).d with two Clasps for Vimiera and Corunna. 1813 to . He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. In the Peninsula. including the landing at the Hehler. 1812 and 1813. and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. and was present at the battle of Vittoria. including the siege Served also the Peninsular Campaigns of of Flushing. 27 Quarter-Master Emmott served in the Peninsula from Oct. in 1814. and taken prisoner. 50 Quarter. and received the War Medal with five Clasps. and in 1807 on the expedition to Denmark. assault and capture of Chin Kiang Foo. and wis present in the From 1810 to 1814 he served in actions of the 17th and 2Jth August in front of Copenhagen. under Sir John Moore. and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Egypt and Salamanca. campaign in Holland. He served also the Waterloo campaign. and Toulouse. 43 Quarter-Master Heartley served in the Peninsula from Oct. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. 1812 to the end of that war Served also the campaign of 1815. and was present at the battle of Vittoria. attack and capture of Chapoo. and investment of Nankin. including in 1814. 26 Quarter-Master Elliott served in the Peninsula and has received the War Med. the battle of Waterloo. 41 Quarter-Master Harker served with the 22nd throughout the campaign of 1843 in Scinde. Expedition to Walcheren in 1809. including the retreat to Corunna. 35 Quarter. Sept. Medal with three Clasps. and served the Campaign of 1817-18 in the Deccan. including the battles of Salamanca. Also present at the siege and storming of Bhurtpore in 1825-6. for which he has Served in the American war in 1814 and 15. and terminating with the Burmese war. and in the Peninsula from July served at Higgins 45 Quarter-Master 1811 to the end of that war. operations before Canton. 32 Quarter-Master Donald Fraser served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Busaco. He served with the 26th throughout the war in China (medal). at which he was taken prisoner. In 1805 he served in Hanover. (Medal. the Peninsula. and Toulouse.Wa7' Services of the Quartev'-Masteri. attack and capture of the enemy's entrenched camp on the heights of Segoan.) at 34 Quarter-Master Goodfellow served with the 14th in the Nepaul war in 1814-15 the siege and capture of Hattras in 1817 . and siege of San Sebastian. including the storming and capture of Monte Video (wouuded). 42 Quarter-^Master Haslam served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. and Pyrenees. 25 Quarter. 1812 to the end of that war in Served also the campaign of 1815. 28 Quarter-Master Fair served in the expedition to South America in 1807. In 1817 he was present at the siege of Ilattras. Waterloo Campaign. Nive. for which he has received the War Medal with six Clasps. 49 Quarter-Master Kerr served in the Peninsula and was present at the battles of Busaco. Has received the Indian War Medal. attack and reduction of the convent of St. France. in the Pindarree and Mahratta campaigns of 1817 and 18 . from Jan. advance and attack on Buenos Ayres. Walcheren in 1809. 47 Quarter-Master Hudson joined the 23rd in 1796. and was present at the battles of Meeanee and Hyderabad. and at the siege and storming of Bhurtpore in 1826. and was present at the battle of Albuhera. 38 Quarter-Master Hall served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. and other actions during the above period.Master Grant served the campaign of 1815. He has received the War Modal with three Clasps.Master Ellington served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Life Guards. including the battle of Waterloo. Vittoria.Master Kinkee served in the Peninsula. including the battle of Waterloo and capture of Paris. Vittoria. and He has received the War other minor actions in which the 3rd Light Dragoons were engaged. and the actions of the 10th and 19th Egyptian campaign. including 1814. and New Orleans. Orthes. the siege and storming of B ulajoz. including the battle of Waterloo. battles of Salamanca and Vittoria. 33 Quarter-Master Goddard served the Campaign of 1815. He served also the campaign of 1815. 48 Quarter-Master Kenny served at the taking of Castine in North America. 44 Quarter-Master Heydon served on the Walclieren expedition in 1809. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. including the action before Fort George. and Ching Kiang Foo. and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor. and 16 Mahratta war. Pampeluna. Redinha.Master Manley served in the Peninsula. capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806 Nepaul campaigns of 1814. and also present at the taking of Buenos Ayres. and repulse of the sortie. capture of Washington. and at the battles of Talavera. : — . He next served on the expfdition to South America. 58 Quarter. &c. Blackrock. and 6. including the action at Morales de Toro. passage of the Bidassoa. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp fur Vittoria. . Foz d'Arouce.Master Porter served on the expedition to Naples in 1805. 51 Quarter-Master Ledger served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Sahaguu and B' nevtnte. 59 Quarter.t Indies. attack and capture of Chapoo. Corunna. 69 Quarter. Dragoon Guards on the expedition against 57f Quarter-Master Magill served with the 7th the insurgent Boers beyond the Orange River. including the attack on New Orleans in Dec. Pyrenees. 60 Quarter-Master Mayne served throughout the whole of the operations in China. the end of the war in 1815. capture of Surinam and Curaqoa. 57 Quarter. and the siege and capCapture of Paris in 1815. and was atursvards present with the expedition to Martinique. attack and capture of Aoooy. In 1809 he was at the capture of Isohia and Pmcida and in 1814 at tlie sieges and captures of He served aflervvurds in America and was pr< sent at the battle of Spezia. was subsequently wounded on piquet by a musket-ball in the left ankle. and Savona. viz. Orthes. Almeida. where he was wounded. 55 Quarter-Master M'Pherson served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798. In 1797 he embarked for the Wet. 56 Quarter-Master Mackay served in the Peninsula. Bladensburg. and the Mahratta campaigns of Served also at the capture of the Isle of France. Peninsula from July 1810 to the end of the war. Basaco. 15. Barrosa. Also throughout the Kaffir war of 1846-47. Cape of Good Hope. repulse of the night attack on Ningpo. . and wounded in the left leg).. Orthes. and Toulouse. aud Salamanca. Vimiera.Master Mansfield served during twenty years in the East Indies. battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. Cook's mills. Nivelle. with the exception of a few months. — . 64 Quarter. . was one of the forlorn hope at the storming of Monte Video. occupation of Ningpo. Ciudad Rodrigo (a volunteer on the storming party. 67 Quarter. and Badajuz. . Woosung. and Badajoz (again a volunteer on the storming party^ and severely contused on the head). Fuentes d'Onor. Expedition to America in 1814. second capture of Chusan. battle of Baltimore. He has received tlie silver War Medal with ture of Fort Bowyer. Received a contusion in the head by a musket shot at the moment of passing through the enemy's line in the charge at Chippewa 4th July 1814. 5. and at the attack on Rusetta. and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Roleia. and Waterloo. In 1806 he was at tho batile of Miida. and capture of Fort Bowyer he was wounded in the head before New OrUans on the 1st Jan. 1804. and battles of Vittoria. : . received a sabre wound in the head at Alost. operations against Bayunne. battles of Salannnca. Miranda de Corvo. Campaien in Italy in 1805 occupation of Sicily in' 68 Quarter-Master Perkin's services campaigns of 1813 and 1814 in the Peninsula. siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo.Master Mackintosh has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Martinique and Guadaloupe. Vittoria. 1815. He landed in E^ypt. 65 Quarter-Master Murray's services: Egyptian campaign of 1801 (AVar Medal and Clasp). Lundy's Lane. siege of San Sebastian. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. 52 Qaarter-Master Ledsam's services:— Expedition to Copenhagen in 1807. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. passage of the Adour. including the storming of Fort Baribatty in 1803. including the following battles. Vittoria. Orthes. attack and capture of the heights of Chinhae. th INIarah 1807. sieges.War 424 Services of the Quarter-Masters. aud was present at the capture of Alexandria. and battle of Ballinamuck. 61 Quarter-Master Miller served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Life Guards. Corunna. including the battles of Basaco. 54 Quarter-Master M'Clellan served throughout the campaigns of 1813 and 14 on the Niagara Frontiers. under Lird Lake. in 1810. and pass of Grand River. in 1817 and 18. and was present at the defence of Cadiz and Tarifa (wounded in the hand). Condeixa. attack and capture ot the eoeaay's entrenched camp on the heights of Segoan. including the Maida battle of 1806 and 1807 battle of Vittoria. and at the sii ge and n duction of Scylla in Calabria.Master O'Grady embarked with Lord Moira's expedition to Ostend in 1794. aud Albuhera. Buffalo. Pombal. operations before New Orleans. including the Served also at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806.Master Morgan served throughout the whole of the Peninsular war. in 1845. and Toulouse. and taken prisoner when Bergen-op-Zoom was given up. before Fort Erie. was present at the battle of Blueberg. In 1809 he accompanied his Regt. four Clasps.. Present at the attack on New Orleans in 1815. Genoa. Chippewa. 1814. Sabugal. He has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Maida. including the stnrm and capture of tlie heights above Canton. 53 Quarter-Master Lee has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for the battles of the Nivelle and the Nive. Niagara. He has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. (the 87th) to Spain. pursuit of Massena. and was present at every action in which that Regt. Orthes. was engaged. Vittoria. was several times engaged against the JFrench Flotilla. and Toulouse. under the Duke of Wellington. 75 Quarter-Master John Roberts served on Lord Moira's expedition and with the Duke of York. and was present at the siege and capture of Monte Video and at all the subsequent engagements until the British Troops finally evacuated Embarked with his Regt. battle of Tdlavera. 90 Quarter-Master Waddell served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Fuentes d'Onor. battles of the Nive on the 9th. — 426 71 Quarter-Master Powers served on the expedition to Denmark in 1807. 86 Quarter. Vittoria. : . From 1808 to 1810 he served in the Peninsular Campaigns. and of Corunna (War Medal with one Clasp). 84 Quarter-Master Steel served in the Peninsula with the 1st Life Guards and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. St. and Nive. Nerbudda in 1814 in Kuttywar and Kutch in 1815. and the West Indies. and was present at Went with the army under Sir John Moore to the siege of Copenhagen and action at Kioge. He has received the War Medal with eleven Clasps.Masters. 1813 to Sept. 89 Quarter-Master Troy served in the campaigns in the Peninsula. including the passage of the Douro. actions of Sabugal. 87 Quarter. 88 Quarter-Master Tiller served with the 5th at Walcheren. Vittoria. Served also at Bhurtpore. 76 Quarter. and again from Jan. Orthes. 1809. and was present at the siege of Nimeguen and other affairs of importance. with the Kutch Field Force in 1820. and afterwards to Portugal and Spain. against the Pindarrees in 1817 and 18 . . 73 Quarter-Master Quaile sailed with the 17 th Dragoons in October 1806 on the Expedition to South America under Sir Samuel Auchmuty. Medal with five clasps. 91 Quarter-Master Wallis served in the Burmese war. Accompanied the army under the Duke of Wellington to the Continent in 1815. 1809. June 1814. Busaeo. and agamst the Caribs in St. and several affuirs of outposts. 1814 to the end of that war. and Vittoria. for India in 1808 Served the Campaigns on the that country. 93 Quarter-Master ^VLbster served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Life Guards and has received the War IMedal with one Clasp for Vittoria. Almeida. He served also the Waterloo Campaign. Sebastian. and again from Jan. battles of Busaeo and Fuentes d'Onor. including the battles of Vittoria. Pyrenees. 10th. and Flanders with the Royal Horse Guards. siege of Badajoz. and Toulouse. 1810 of Torres Vedrus. Salamanca. and with that to Copenhagen in 1807. Fuentes d'Onor. Orthes. and battles of Vittoria. in 1800. and has received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps for Talavera. and he served also against the Brigands in Grenada. Gottenburg. and investment of Bayonne. battle of Vittoria. He has received the War Medal with two clasps. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps.Master Stevens served in the Peninsula and has received the War IMedal with three Clasps for Corunna. 72 Lieut. including the Capture of Anjar aud BhoojBhooj in Dwarkar and Island of Bate in 1816 . and action of Villa Muriel. including the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto. 1813. and was severely wounded in the head. 92 Quarter-Master Ward served in the Peninsula with the 30th from March 1809 to June occupation ot the Lines 1813. 1808 to Aug. and Barba del Puerco. and was present in the action of the 19th Served also in the Peninsula from Aug. under Lord Combermere. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. battle Served the campaign of 1814 in of Fuentes d'Onor. and Toulouse.Master Smart served in the Peninsula with the 6th and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Vittoria. the Nivelle. 85 Quarter-Master John Stephens served in the Nepaul war in the East Indies. From 1795 to 1801 he served in Hanover. 77 Quarter-Master Scott served in Holland in 1799. Salamanca. Pratt served in the Peninsula from April 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. In the Peninsula from 1812 to May 1814. siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. 78 Quarter-Master Sewell served in the Peninsula. and that of 1815. 79 Quarter-Master Shirley served in the Peninaula from Oct. Albuhera. and slightly in the left hand at the siege of Flushing on the 7th Aug. 94 Quarter-Master Weston served with the expedition to Hanover in 1805. including the battles of Talavera and Busaeo. including the battle of Vimiera. Served also in the Peninsula from 30th Dtc.Master Sanderson served in the Peninsula with the 40th and has received the|War Medal with six Clasps for Badajoz. . in 1794 and 1795. battle of Salamanca. and battles of Talavera. and Toulouse. He has Holland.War 425 Services of the Quarter. including the defence of Cadiz from 4th June to 25th Sept. covering the siege of Badajoz. under Sir Thomas Graham received the War Medal with t'nree Clasps. and in the Peninsula from June 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. present on the retreat to and at the battle Served afterwards on the Walcheren expedition. 1808 to the end of that war in 1814. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. siege of San He has received the War Sebastian. including the passage of the Douro. and returned with the army of — occupation. Vincent. Nivelle. France. and 11th Dec. Madeira. siege and capture of Badajoz. in South Beveland. Pampeluna. including the battle of Waterloo. 1812 to May 1813. . capture of Oporto.Master Stubbs served at the blockade of Malta. aud was present at the taking of the Danish and Swedish Islands. . 82 Quarter. Hodges" 22 Oct.Stph. Grellier.Commissariat Department. William 39 Watt. Denzil § Kearney.C. Tuppei^ 40 1 July la Coffin.2KCB. 49 19 Miller. James (JreZftWfZ) . 49 25 Dec.^ 39 Bowers. WiUianji" Lusconibe. Cramer.31 July 11 24 Dec. 50 16 Dec. COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. battle of the Nive (9th to 13th Dec). Thomas Hainljn 39 Booth. 43 Hesvetson. Jobn^ Dunmore. 26 ^ ^ 53 I9 21 Singer. 39 St. 14 Sept. and the subsequeut campaign in Holland under Lord L} nedoch. Jamess Dobree. Pophani 15 Aug. 46 29 Dec. Nicholas 20 Jan. under General Whitelock. and hiis received the Bronze Star. Rae. . July 53 15 53 Dec."'. James Thomson. Henry A Beech. passage of the Bidassoa. Oliver Gieig. 45 Clarke. including the siege of Flushing. Spearman Bailer. 14 Thomas. William' Hojikins. George Woodhouse. George .* 28 Dec.Geo. Samuel 39 Carruthers. including the attack and capture of Mahatee.'2KCB. 15 7 June 25 Fraser'^ '* Thompson. Edward 39 39 12 Aug. John Tcckell. 44 39 Carey. Henry 29 Dec.. John 20 Jan. 26 29 Dec. 30 4 May Courtenay. Gilbeit H. 06 Cowan. Davidson. and the assault and capture of Arracan. 14 16 Dec. William 14 39 45 2 Sept. siege of San Sebastian. 96 Quarter-Master Willox served with the 54th in Stralsund under General Gibbs in 1813. Thomas 28 June 37 16 12 38 Wm. 18 Dec. 28 Dec. 1843. 33 Jan.. 46 ^ Dinwiddie. 14 21 Mar. William. Joseph Hollingworth' 20 Jan. passage of the Adour. C. Wdliam 39 Baylev. and finally in the Burmese war. George Townsend .^ CB 1$ 1 July 40 % Kilder. 07 20 Nov. John 25 Dec. Kenneth Campbell. 53 May 97 Jan. Daniel Liiidsey. Francis Leonard Child. Malassez. 05 39 Telfer. 50 20 Jan.16 Dec. Tlio. Willi^ra. 10 25 Juue 08 1 July 40 26 Dec. Buchan Tench. David P Chalmers. P. CB Wm. 39 Head.KCn. Paulus^Emilius(Jre?anrf) 1 April 00 10 Sept. investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie. William " ^Routl). 33 33 Drake. 37 ^Bisset. 39Nu^ent. 41 24 Feb. George 3 Feb. Archer. William Birney. Charles John Goldsmith. FiancisWm. 1 July 39 Darling. 50 Daniel. Lelievre de 19 July COMMISSARIES-GENERAL. William Isaac 39 Hayuaid.. la Adams. 427 capture of Madrid. He has received the War Medal with eight Clasps. Grindlay. Thomas 5 Jan. . also at Walcheren in 1809..ind. Remy. including the storming and capture of Paris . 37 Dec. John Edocumbe^ 26 Dec. 39 Ogilvie.^ CB 23 Dec. A 13 June 19 July 19 Mar. 37 1 July 40 24 Feb. William Charles 25 May Hoffay. 98 Quarter-Master Young served with the 22nd Regt. tlie campaign of 1844-5 in the Southern Mahratta Country. 15 Aug. 37 20 Jan. Henry Charles Davidson...i^ Forbes. Richard^ Bent. John (Musters) 19 Nov. 30 39 Spurrier. siege of Burgos. 39 Lukin. George 3 Aug.. 1 June 52 30 Aug.N. Robert 30 July 25 Dec. CMG ASSISTANT-COMMISSARIES-GENERAL. Kdw. 5irJolm. Michael Bailey. George {Trelmid) Cameron. James Duff 5 39 Wem vss. James. James'2 Osborn. and was present at the investment and capture of the forts of Panulla and Pownghur. Alphonso Fred. 46 24 Dec. David 39 Barney. 39 Robinson. Green. « » 5 25 5 29 20 25 10 13 5 25 Jan. Reserved also the campaign of 1815. Andrew ' Charters.S'irR. Robert Lou Isaac .26 Sept. 37 1 July 40 10 Sept. 49 Jan. A. 22 Mar.lphI. 10 20 Jan.. Sir Edward Pine' 19 July 21 Dickens. Edward Cooke. John Saumarez*^ . 1 Jan. Peter Eraser 19 July Goldrisk. Henry John 4 May Crookshank. Henry ^ F 39 Bowman. Samuel 39 Ibbetson.22 Oct. Robert 39 Chiaranda.. Thomas" 39 White. Allan. Major. 95 Quarter-Master Williams was present with the Buffs at the battle of Punniar on the 29tli Dec. 45 26 Dec. . 25 Dec. 13 21 07 18 28 Dec. DEPUTY-COMMISSARIES-GENERAL. Ernest Albert 1 July 15 06 15 14 40 37 21 99 49 07 25 14 12 40 . 30 Dec. including the attack on Mcrxem and bombardment of Antwerp. 45 16 Dec. 97 Quarter-Master Thomas Wright served in South America in 1807. battle of Vittoria. William i« Wethere'd. Charles Couche. ^ir George 2 Heydinger. James Carr. Peter « Robinson. George^ 10 Bayley.. 12 22 Feb. 1 Mr. . William Sn-ainson. 13 20 Jan. Carey has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Talavera. Tringham 14 32 28 Stanton. William Stayner.E. Nive. Charles Whitehead. 14 Fitzgerald. James MattLey. Alpbonso ^ \0 Aug. 6 Mr.. William Parker. 13 Mar. 27 10 Sept. George Trew.. 14 Graham. Aug.Wm. Salamanca. 10 Mr. Montagu ^ 5 20 Bain. Pyrenec s. Slodden y Charlier. 4 Sir Edward Pine CoflBn has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Corunna. James William* Riddell. 13 July 42 14 25 Dec. Filder has rtceived ihe War Medal with nine clasps for Talavera. 30 40 1 July 16 Dec. Nive. Orthes. and received a severe contusion when in command of a boat landingthe troops in Lospardo Bay. George P ||Boyes. John Pascal Larkins Dilke. 11 Thomson. Oct. Charles DEPUTY-ASSISTANT-CO JIMISSARIESGENERAL.Thos. William' 4 Feb. William Swinney. 12 26 Dec. under Admiral Linois also at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. Drake has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Corunna and Busaco. and. John 25 Dec. John David' Archdeacon. 20 Mav 28 22 Oct'. and Toulouse. Mosely Robinson.Geo. Tho. Orthes. 30 4 May 15 22 Oct. Dickens has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Corunna. Donald^ 14 $ Skyrine. 7 Mr. Lowe Dec. Consul-General at Tunis .16 Beltz. Ciudad Rodrigo. St. Frederick 22 Oct. William {Ireland) Lithgow. 22 Oct. 13 22 Oct. Sebastian. . Frederick }^ O'Meara. and was present in 1804 on board the Earl Canipden in the memorable action off the straits of Singapore. 13 19 July 21 11 May 13 3 Dec. Thomas Baynes. John Wybault. 30 ^ ^ 3 Feb. James Marter. Boaventuia Romero . Edwd. Archibald 5 ^3 Roberts. 14 7 ^ $ 20 Jan. 16 9 Mar. 29 25 Dec.25 Dec. . and Toulouse. 3 Mr. Vittoria. and Toulouse. 37 24 Dec. 16 9 Nov. 9 Mr. Frederick Saintbury Petrie. Orthes. Salamanca. and afterwards present at the battle of Blueberg. 13 . Hon. Francis Oct. 16 Freeborn. . 14 10 Sept. AVilliam |p Wilkinson. 5 Mr. Thomas Allen Aug. Maria Guaxardo 25 Dec. 30 40 1 July 10 Sept. 14 do 4 May 14 10 Sept. 14 9 Sept. ^3 13 June 25 13 Jan. Stuart. with the repulse of the French squadron. 16 25 Dec. 28 June 25 Dec.25 Dec.Blaney . Vittoria. John Solomon ^ Sisson. James Stevens. 2 Sir John Bisset has received the AVar Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. Constantine John Pryce. . Yeoland. Hewetson previous to entering the Commissariat served as a midshipman in the East India Company's marine. Charles' Walter^ Brackenbury. Patrick Robert 9. 14 31 Thomas Edman Harper. Samuel Richardson. 14 do 25 April 15 27 Aug. William* 16 10 Aug. 428 Wilson. William Looker. Mortimer Ross. Thomas . Charles ^3 Reed. Solomon 11 Anderson. Thomas Peter Montgomerie. 41 40 1 July Palmer. 16 Eyl. Nivelle. 45 40 1 July 29 Mar. 11 Julv 40 37 1 Woolrabe. JohnGeorge^ 25 Dec. Samuel Billings. Badajoz. Adams has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Talavera. Thomas Eggar Wemyss. 14 15 Jan. and Busaco. Davies. Marcus Jacob^ Smith. William Low. James Le Mesurier. Peter De Smidt. Nivelle. 14 Faxardo. Robert W^illiam |J Schmitter. 8 Mr. Dunmore has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. Albuhera. 06 25 Oct. In 1811 and 12 he served in Commissariat . James 1 43 38 14 40 1 July 9 Nov. War Anthony Charles Hodson. Langley ' Castle. . John |3 Wilson. Talavera. 1 Oct. William ^P M'Leod. Edmund Thornton. 46 25 Dec. of the China fleet under Commodore Dance. May Harris. William Curran. Sii. Barrosa. 16 25 April 15 1^ Greig.1 Commissariat Department. 23 Dec. James David 22 Oct. 13 Mason. Fran. Dobrte has received the War Medal with eight Clasps for Sahagun and Benevente. Hen. ^ Kearney. Joseph* Coates. Busaco. Augustus Facey Rodney. 14 10 Sept. 42 3 Feb.Toulouse. Josiab Ragueneau. 30 Services of the Commissariat Officers. Hansord. KCMG. 25 Mar. Henry Macpherson. Fuentes d'Onor. 14 1 July 40 22 Oct. Thomas Ledwith. Vittoria. Commissaries General. 45 14 Dec. Booth has received the War Medal with ten Clasps for Corunna. and Toulouse. Vimiera. Telfer has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. 3 Mr. Vimiera. Pyrenees. Assistant Commissaries General. Vittoria. 2 Mr. Salamanca. 5 Mr. Albuhera. Vittoria. Orthes. Pyrenees. 4 Mr. Tench has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Guadaloupe. Roberts has received the War Medal with one Clasp fjr Nive. Ibbetson has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Roleia and Vimiera. Busaco. Mr. 3 Mr. 8 Mr. and Toulouse. Mr. and the Pyrenees. and Orthes. on a special mission into tlie United States. and Albuhera. and Vittoria. Busaco. Daniel has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. and Nive. Bowers has receivpd the Wur Medal with one Clasp for St. 6 Mr. and Toulouse. Pyrenees. Orthes. William Wemyss has received the War Medal with ten Clasps for Roleia. Vittoria. Nive. Wethered has received tlie War Medal with one Clasp for Guadaloupe. 3 Mr. Orthes. Nivelle. 5 Mr. and Vittoria. Orthes. Nivelle. 9 Mr. 14 Mr. Barney has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Corunua and Busaco. and Toulouse. Vittoria. and Fuentes d'Onor. Orthes. and Toulouse. Wybault has received the and Salamanca. Dinwiddle has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Vittoria. 1 Anderson has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. M'Leod has received the War Medal with si. Orthes. Hayward has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Salamanca. and Nive. and Toulouse. Vittoria Nivelle. and Toulouse. Eyl has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo. War Medal for Salamanca. Albuhera. Pyrenees. Vittoria.1 War 429 Services of the Commissariat Officers. Nive. Salamanca. Charles Wemyss has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Salamanca. 4 Mr. and Toulouse. Vittoria. Kearney has received the War Medal with six Clasps for Vittoria. 13 Mr. Orthes. War Medal with three Clasps for Busaco. Vittoria. and Toulouse. Cowan has received the War Jledal with two Clasps for Vittoria and Toulouse. Bain has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Nive. Talavera. Vittoria. Nivelle. 8 Mr. Ogilvie has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Albuhera. Riddell has received the War Medal with four Clasps foi Salamanca. 4 Mr. 12 Sir Randolph Routh has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Busaco. Nugent has received the War Medal with five Clasps for Roleia. Greig has received the 8 Mr. Nive. 7 Mr. Orthes. and on the Fish River. Reed has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Vittoria. 12 Mr. 10 Mr. Nivelle. Nive. charge with the expedition under Colonel Graham in driving the Kaffirs from the Zeurfeldt beyond In 1814-15 served in the American War with the army in North America. for Salamanca. 1 Salamanca. Watt lias received the War Medal with six Clasps for Salamanca. Sisson has received the 7 War Medal with three Clasps for Vittoria. Nive. and Toulouse. and Orthes. joined the army in France. and Toulouse. and Nivelle. Fuentes d'Onor. Salamanca. 15 Mr. Mr. 1 Mr. Chalmers has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Salamanca. Orthes. Ortlies. Pyrenees. 6 Mr. 1 Mr. Pyrenees. Deputy Assistant Commissaries General. Fuentes d'Onor. Nivelle. the termination of hostilities. Vittoria. Archdeacon has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Toulouse. 2 Sir George Head has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Busaco. Fuentes d'Onor. 1 . and Toulouse. 5 Mr.? Clasps for Roleia. Nivelle. Talavera. Vimiera. 11 Mr. and Nive. Pyrenees. Nive. 7 Mr. Deputy Commissaries General. Salamanca. Bnsaco. Busaco. Nivelle. Charlier has received the War Medal with five Clasps for Pyrenees. Orthes. Talavera. Nivelle. Miller has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Salamanca. Nivelle. 16 Mr. Dilke has received the War Medal with five Clasps for Vittoria. Jlajor lias received the War Medal with six Clasps for Salamanca. 17 Mr. Busaco. Nivelle. Mr. Nive. Wilkinson has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Corunna. Corunna. 2 Mr. Sebastian. Pyrenees. Vittoria. 6 Mr. In 1815. Nivelle. it ^ . ^ ® -^ ^ " * a- c >?. lU fl 0. C6 rt ^O f-l lO CO O 9) 5» •* — o i ^ pLi g ^ Q^ 1— CO 1-5 1-5 S CO (^ lO Q^ QJ QJ . <= =» h^ -< Tfi C5 00 -* 00 C3 71 d) .c I CO o. i-s 1-5 > O aj 3 0) lr-( <u aj <1> QJ O) <D o CO <?t C3J r/3 _ I Z O i-i 3 C S ro -: _. John " Grant. Robert Burton. 34 13 July 49 26 Nov. 38 17 Dec. 2 July 11 Dec. Campbell^ Galliers. Christian Louis ^ MB ^ Mar. 29 Mar. 52 5 Mar. Dec.'^ ^ $ m\ $ ) 24 Nov." 2123 Jones. Peter. July July Nov. 13 Taber-er. 8 Nov. 25 Feb. 46 14 July 43 Regimental 10 Mar. 23 Sept. April Oct. Preston. 40 15 June 49 June Mar. John. William. 7 Nov. 37 8 Nov.-* Ordnance \ j25 April 05 5 Aug. Peach. 17 April 30 Dec. Arch.* Ordnance 8 July May Jan. 27 15 June 14 4 Sept. 37). 12 April 24 Oct. Medical Department. 45 5 MI) MD ^ Leath.^ 31 Brandes. 39 3 Aug. 50 3 Aug. Stewart. Charles Quartley 18 Oct. 27 April 1 . Robert. 38) 10 Jan. 09 Roliertson. 15 Oct. John. MD. John. 99 8 Jan. 25 June Nov. 16 Mar. Thomas Coates.18 April 22 4 Jan 39 2123 Simpson. 26 8 July 24 June 2 Jan. Haswell. MD MD MD MD . 20 June 21 Nov. 13 5i23 Murray. 5 May 25 29 July 13 Widmer. John'9 M'Arthur.jffit. Gds. Robert 23 Aug. Clark. Alexander. 15 25 April 16 4 i^pril 51 9 Sepl. (Surgeon-Major. 1 Nov.. 17 Dec. Hodson. Archibald 15 Dec.D . 2 3 12 15 14 1 May Sept.&C. Wra. George 12 Hunter. April Nov. 99 11 Dec. 39 7 Sept. Williams. 25 Nov. 15 Oct. ^315123 MD MD Audrew. John Greatrex. 2 Aug. 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 2 Sept.. 16 Jan. 25 July 25 June 25 May 10 Sept. 001 4 April 15 Aug. James. Ordnance 17 April 10 April Robertson. 17 Jan. Robert. John'2 5123 Harrison. Mair. 3fD 20 July 15| 9 May 16 28 Aug. Edw. 5 MD M'Munn. 10 Nov. 41 16 June 28 Feb. 22 Nov.'« 11 21 Jan. 25 May {Surgeon. 19 ^ 16 Aug. Christopher^' June 04 15 Aug. John. 24 Mar. 1 Jan. 14 April May 17 Sept. 01 15 18 Aug. ^ ^ Nov 15 Sept. Thomas Berry. Samuel. Reynolds. 45 Sept. 4 April 14. HALF PAY.=' MD. 04 22 July White. Dickinson. 11 July 7 Nov. William Henry Colclough. 12 Nov. 2 May 03 4 Oct. Mar. 25 12 Jan. 52 10 Feb.' MD 1 Baird. Alexander. 00 3 Oct. 35 Sillery. Andrew. 43 18 Sept.'^Gren. Tiiomas. 25 6 April 06 7 ^ 23 May May Home.='' 14 April 13 Mar. 8 Feb. 12 Nov. Dec. MD ^ Lightbody. 15 25 July 16 20 April 26 20 Sept. 99 21 Mar. 25 29 26 2 20 April % is 5123 Jeyes. 432 FIRST WHEN CLASS PLACED ON SURGEON. 49 7 8 Nov. 52 30 July 47 10 Feb. } . 3£I> Beckett. John-* 30 July Quigley. 36 Nov. 28 Nov. 3 Nov. Anthony Cossar® Cotton. Titus ^ |) Boggie. 26 Sept. Aloxander. 17 Mar. 15 Oct.. 24 Jan. {Surg. 22 Feb. 24 May 15. Palmer. Edward 31S11 Chisholm. MD MD . Sept. Edward. (Senior Surgeon. 25 Sept. 19 Mar. Henry. 05|24 Oct". ^3 Anderson. 23) \ 24 June 10 5 Nov. William 5123 Finnic. John.. 25 May 25 Feb. SURGEONS OF THE FIRST CLASS] hospital. 26 Aug. . Robert Hope Alston '* Hunter. SURGEON AND Surgeons Major. 12. 13 25 April 14 29 April 17 April 40 29 Oct. James. 8 July 17 Oct. MD MD 04 50 36 45 34 29 June 14 Nov. 20 Aug. Francis -' 7 June 1313 Mar. 13 18 Sept. Thomas Forrest'' 8 April Nov. {Surgeon-Major. Brown. 21 Sept. Grds. Thomas. June Dec. John. W^m. Gds. Oct. 24 July Nov. Ordnance .. 17 Oct. Sievwright. Robert^" 25 Sept. George-* 11 Mar. 37 Regimental 13 July 47 2 Aug. Api'il 5 25 June 12 Regimental 13 Dec. Coldst. 1 June 46 15 Jan. 24 Nov. 3 Nov. 44 Regimental 25 July 49 25 Feb. 45) 1^ Griffith. 41) j Sinclair.Major.. John. ^3 ?21 M. Regimental 15 April 13 3 Mar. 08 24 Jan.'^ J/D.=2 9 Nov. 52 3 Oct. Richardson. Gds.-Muj.3 Boyle. 2 Sept. Melville. Coldst. Thos. 2 July 12 13 July 13 52:1 Smith. 4 Dec. Milhir. Dennis.'-» Scots Fus.^" \i Stratton. Jan. Edw.ASSISTANT ASSIST. 15 5 Nov. 95 6 May 15 09 Sept. 13 5123 Scott. Audi'ew Fraser. June 9 . 06 8 June 1 June 11 Sept. 21 Aug. Michael 1 May 94 26 July 1 Dec. Nodes Dobson. 05 4 Feb. 2 July Salmon. 30 Oct. MD MD MD 19 30 Dec19 July 19 July 25 Mar. 2 July Regimental 24 Feb. Moses. 41 16Api-il 52 11 Jan. 26 Regimental 20 Jan. 22 June 23 Nov. William"" Glasco. William^ Foulis. 12 Sept. 433 ^ Abell. April 10|25 Mar.''" 311). Jan. Nov. 05| 1 May July never June 15|30 June P Aug. 26 Sept.. Sept. 11 4 Mar. Nov. Allman. 85 Foot ^ Giilfith. 7 Sept.' MB. Nov. ! 2M April Nov. Alexander. never July 04 26 Oct.^" 8 Foot 13 Freer. 73 Foot 13 Brown. 19 June Feb. 03] 15 Feb. June 62 . May 06 2 Mar. Bett. 14 June 29 Julv 44 Mar. May 1 6 12 28 26 5 19 Nov. Oct. 3 Sept.{ 13 Campbell. John. Stephen. Jan. . Tliomas. Feb. Feb. 4 Dec. May June Nov. June May Sept. May Feb. 311). Feb. 05 June May April 95 25 Dec. W. May Jan. P . Robert Henry. 43 Jan. May July Oct.. William. 20 21 Jan. 16 April April 47 May 61 Nov. Geoige. 44 June 15. 20 Foot Ayton. 6 Dec.^ MD. 25 Foot J20 Callandar.. Thomas. Aug. . 60 Foot Eraser. GO Foot. 4 Foot Eddie. 27 never never Oct. Cuddy. MB. 43 Dec. Sept. 6 Dragoons '^ 15 July 19 June 27 Dec. ^^ 50 Foot 18 Foot Davies. Fredcrick. Train . John. 28 Oct.'^ 3ID.^' 45 Foot Fen-is. Alexander. 19 Foot Coghlan. 19 Aug. 26 Nov. 3II>. 14 Nov. Aug. 37 16 Mar. 13 Coulson. . 13 Arnott. Moses.i= R. James. 70 Foot 212i Gilder. 23 Mar.'* 86 Foot Daunt. 10 Mar.&C. 23 Aug.. Staff 8 Cahill. 3Ied. 19 Feb. 00 Nov. Robert. 3ID. Oct. July Aug." 311). William Gibson. Jan. Medical Department. Dec. 44 June 48 Oct. '8 311). Cowper. 13 Griffin. 22 Nov. 31D. Robert. 2 May 26 July never Mar. 19 Nov. 43 Sept. 27 never Mar.3' 20 Foot Gulliver. Charles. 49 Jan. Oct. 14 Nov. Peter. Ordnance . 13 Henderson.* 34 Foot 13 Bacot. SURGEON. 05 June 98 Nov.. 16 Oct. R.'^' 1 Nov. Henry. John. Oct. Colchester. Feb. Michael Lambton/'' 1 Life Guards Ewing. Robinson. Duncan. Ordnance never June Connel. Alexander. 08^25 June 25l 3 Dec. 35 48 43 08 14 Nov. 49 May 37 May 20 Sept. James. Officer I 24 Military Prison at Cork J Bartley.* 2 Life Guards 6 Black. 18 Dragoons jl9 13 Bolton. 12 Sept. George. Mar. 30 May 26 Feb. John. May 08 4 Jan. 28 Dec.-' 311). Allan. 25' 19 Aug. 50 April 48 Mar. July Dec. 28 Feb.. John. 26 June 26 1805 7 May 2025 Oct. 2 July 25 Aug.. George Alex. 18 Sept. John Metge. Nov. Daniel Owen. 36 F 's 83 Foot . Joseph. 7 Nov. 21 Mar. 13 Este. Sept. 46 Foot Garrett. 5 July 4 April 9 Nov. Nov. 13 Cross." 5 Garrison Batt. Wm.. 03!20 Oct.. July 53 July 45 Nov. 2 Dragoons ." 81 Foot Desailly.^^ . 07 13 Davies. Hugh." 7 Dragoon Guards Clark. 3 Foot Forster. 18 June never June 16 Mar. Oct.. 23 53 June 95 July 26 June 36 Dec. 34 F. Michael. 93 F. 95 Foot Ferguson. 3 Mar. . George. 8 Mar. Med.. 41 Nov. Ebenezer. John. 07 9 Feb. 1 Jan.. 5 Sept. Jan. 25 Mar. 4 Sept. Sept. Harthill.'' 21 Dragoons Bain. 11 11 Mar.. 5 Foot 13 Heriot. 28 Foot 24 John. 78 Foot 126 ^19 ll Brown. 0425 Feb. June Nov. 40 April 53 June 43 Nov. Nov. 22 Nov. 86 Foot . 37 Foot 16 Byrne. Archibald. Martin.. Nov. John. Thomas. 36 May May 18 45 Mar. Sept. 26 Sept. 311).. July 991 8 May 25il2 Jan. 53 29 Dec. May June July never April 3 Oct.30 Oct. Roval Horse Guards 13 Hair. 28 May 46 June 43 Dec. 25 April never 13 Coombe. 2 ^^'est India Regt Anderson. 2 Life Gds.. HOSPITAL. Cruickshank. 50 Nov. June Jan. 22 Dec. "WHEN PLACED ON HALF PAT. Nov. 21 Jan. Charles.' 60 Foot Abercrombie. 10 Sept. John. 09 April Oct. } Campbell. 16 Jan.. ^^ 311). 7 Oct.'' Coldstream Guards April 00 11 Sept. 39 Foot. 3ID. 100 Foot 13 Dealey. 62 Foot Catlicart. 8 2 12 27 Feb. James. 3 Foot Annesley. . Feb. Frederick. Apr. Joseph. 3TI). 3ID.-^ Cape Regt. Fletcher. 9 June 31 13| 1 Aug.'o 311).'^ JfD. 47 July 47 Sept. 27 April 16 Sept. William. 26 Mar. Sept. Archibald. 3' 69 Foot . 1 April 30 Dec. Scotch Brigade Anderson. . 8 Sept. 3 Mar." Staff Corps of Cavalry |19 Browne. 48 Foot 30 Mar. 24 Feb. May 04 Nov.. 17 Foot ^3 Allardyce... Dec. 13 08i23 Mar. 5 Sept. Ordnance Cunningham. 13 27 July 27 Dec.'-^^ Ordnance 13 Forster. June 95 Jan. Abraham Nisbet.ASSISTANT ASSIST. Joseph. George.-^ 73 Foot Fraser. 11 Dec. Thomas. 33 30 Mar. James. Henry. 31 Jan. 13 25 Officer 3filitary Prison at Greenlaio J Carnegie. James. 34 Feb.. Alexander. Horse Gds. . Josh. John. 49 1 124 Davidson.. 311). SURGEONS.'" Coldstreara Gds. Joseph. 97 Foot Galeani. 28 April 43 Dec. Charles. 6 Di-agoon Gds. Charles. 31 Dec. 1 Drag. 07 Sidey. Ordnance Macnish. Wmiam. 28 Jan. never 1 June 7 Mar. 80 Foot ^ $ ID 5iaaM'Donald.*^" 3 West India Regt.^" 22 July Home.« 3ID. 45 20 Oct. Wm. 45 24 Dec. 1 2 Dec. . 27 2 July 6 July 4 Aug. 1 Feb. Andrew. 23 29 Dec. William. 26 18 Jan. William. 6 Dragoons . 13 Drag. Mackintosh.«8 45 Foot never MD 11 27 Oct. SURGEON. Sept. .. Jameson. 19 Nov. John. ^= MD. 22 Aug. Rifle Brigade . MD. 9 July 04 30 July 24 May 95 8 Dec. James. 22 17 April 20 Dec. 38 4 Dec. John Duncan. 21 Dec. Perston. 20 Jan. William. 94 22 Aug. 22 Dragoons Parry. 28 May 21 Feb.. 94 Foot O'Callaghan... ^ ^ ^ Pyper. 8 Feb. 20 May 24 Dec.'"' 11 Foot Lewis.. 2 Sept. 2C Smyth. 25 Jan. Robert G. George Roche.'" 50 Foot Nelson..^* 10 Dragoons .... Sept.. BUROBONS. 11 11 May Leonard. James. Robert. 27 . Staff. 22 Aug. 13 July 05 Shorland. ^ . Evans Gainons.. Medical \ 8 July 11 9 Sept... James. Adam Walker. 61 June 51 July 51 Jan. 21 Jan.^5i»/Z>. Morison. 36 25 Sept. 22 Dec. Samuel AyrauU. 48 18 Sept. 10 June OG 15 Oct. 6 Aug. Medical Officer Fort Clurence > Military Prison J Pollok-Mon-is.. Octavius. Macredie. 08 24 Jan. 25 22 Nov. 17 Jan. Braithwaite. 17 April 25 Dec. never 7 Nov. 13 May 30 Jan. 2 Mar. 14 Dec. Richard. 27 18 Oct. 06 20 Feb. 22 Oct. 29 3 Jan. Officer of Gosport Military Prison J Lloyd. 42 Foot 3l2SPearson. Staff 29 Mar.<^. 1 Dec. 30 2 July 5 Dec. Jones. William. 4 Foot |) Paterson. 7 June 33 4 Feb. 21il Hichens. 04 6 June 10 Aiu 3 Mar. Mar. 29 July 30 9 Jime 11 Feb. "1 Batt. Thomas.-" MD. 24 June 30 June 25 20 Sept. 13 26 Oct. 2 July Dec.. 13 25 May 2 July 13 Mar.. John. John Terence. 07 25 Feb.. 04 5 Se])t. Aug. 62 June 41 13 Feb. 11 never Seaton.ASSISTANT ASSIST. 05 10 April Kettle. 75 Foot '^'^ 1 ^ . MD. 26 2 July April 04 22 Aug. Royal Veteran Bat. Michael. Patrick. 07 30 Sept. MD. ^ ^M New Brims.. 41 April 51 June 25 July 8 Oct. 3( 1 April 03 4 Aug. 7 Aug. Thos. 2 July 16 Feb. 18 July 16 Sept. 25 11 July 15 2 Aug. 47 8 Jan. John. Wm. MD. 13 19 Nov.*" Staff \3 Rhys. 60 II Sept. MD. 87 F. Benjamin. 18 May 29 Dec. 18 April 26 Aug. Staff Murray. 2 Foot Smith.. William. 30 51 22 44 41 47 May 43 23 22 Dec. 41 Nov. 46 14 Oct. 29 June 12 10 21 13 28 7 25 Dec. John Hartley. 42 3012 Jan. 18 July 26 Dec.''^ MD. Mar. 7 Feb.*' Staff O'Brien.*^'' 19 Siielley.^" MD. Staff Montgomery.. 25 11 May 01 Sillcock.^' 12 Drags. Matthew. 49 Foot 19 June 15 23 June Knox. Sir Edward . 434 WHEN Medical Department. Robert. 46 25 Mar. Staff Murtagh John. i)/i). .*^ MD. O'Connor. M'Kechnie. Patrick. 23 Oct. Daniel. 30 Apr... 48 4 Nov." MD. 23 Foot. James.. Richard Arihur. 28 3 Feb.** MD. 5 April 27 Dec.'"' Staff Corps Macnrthur. 12 Feb.*^ Rifle Brigade Reade. 26 Oct. 67 Foot Robertson.&C. 25 Feb.... Fenc. 03 24 Oct. 41 41 '27 Feb.. 11 25 May 7 June 13 May 13 19 Nov... George.13 Foot ^3 fi&i Robinson. 13 Dec.MD. 25 June G Mar.^^il/i).. 51 24 12 48 61 43 16 June 50 14 Feb. 54 Foot 24 May 10 16 Aug. 14 Oct. .'* MD.. 39 16 38 14 43 45 25 Mar. 6 Nov. 12 May 15 9 Nov. HOSPITAL. Ordnance Nicolson. 5 Nov. Staff. 15 27 Oct. Ingham.. 9 Mar.'57 Foot . James. never never 8 Sept. John Nichols. David. 95 13 June 11 25 Mar.^' 49 Foot 14 25 Dec. 03 08 25 June 97 16 April 12 9 Sept. 6 Foot Neill. Isaac. Peter Daly.25 April 29 11 25 May 16 1420 Aug. ^ WDiarmid. 2 Feb.. 47 Nov. Ordnance never 7 Foot \3 Shean. Charles Thomas. 19 Jan. Thomas... 10 Jan. 66 F. Fred. MD. 1 Greek Light Inf. McDermott. 33 28 Mar. James Finlayson. 25 11 Jan. William. Robert. 3 Aug. Lloyd. MD. 53 Foot . Ord. 46 7 May 52 9 April 41 5 Feb. Thomas. 23 Nov. 39 Foot never 12 May Gds." MD. Morgan. David. 52 Aug. William. 53 3 Nov. |3 Prichard. 51 Foot Robert.="* MD. PLACED ON HALF PAY. 25 Aug. ^3 Rogers. 11 June 21 July 2 Oct. 62 09 13 July 20 Oct. 2 Dragoon Gds 6 Oct. 25 2 April 52 5 April 44 24 Dec. 12 Foot 14 April 2G Sinclair. .. Johnson. ^ Nivison. 11 Hussars. 35 12 Dec. 67 Foot Murray. Piper. 26 Feb. Pro v. . 69 Foot O'Brien. 2 Mar. 1 Dragoons April 07 19 Nov."* never Shekleton. 14 July Jan. William.. 71 Foot Millar.. MD. 47 23 Jan. 5 July 39 19 Nov. Geo\%e. 19 Oct. Ordnance Alex. .Alexander. 27 June . ^ 17 Sept. 4 Dragoon Gds.** MD. James. Smith. G Foot 12 Mar. George Hume. D $ ^ 15 July never 1 Sept. Reynolds. 41 Nov. OG 2G Aug. SliLl Riach.o' MD... 12 July 27 Oct. Alex.*' Raiiken. Francis. 44 13. Peter. MD. 9 Sept. . MD. 10 17 Feb. 17 Foot 9 Mar." 96 Foot 7 Oct. 3G Foot 10 June 11 22 June Lorimer. MD.&C. never 9 July 17 Sept. 21 Dee. 1 July 21 Sept. APOTHECARIES. Henry William. John. 24 8 July 19 13 Jan. MB. 26 Dec. George. 09 Middleton. 435 Spencer. } Officer.ASSISTANT ASSIST. James. 8 Foot Dyce. 43 Mar. 15 26 Jan. William. 31 Dec. 20 15 Dec. Richard. MD.. Batt. MD. July Dec. Waring. Robert. Sept. John Edmoustone. Edward 7 Sept. ^9 Wylde. 1 Dragoons 4 Mar. 20 Nov. 26 Foot Browne.. 02j Aug.'" W. William Richardson. 15 May 7 Dec. Aug. 9 09 19 2 8 Mar. George.^ Ordnance ?li!il Gatty. Thomas.'^ 99 Foot 13 512a Winterscale. Thomas. 13 Aug. 93| 9 May 25 Feb. John. Staff Bissett. 4 Oct. 39 April 21 May 21 Feb. 68 Foot SURGEON. never never 20 July Aug. 0517 Jan. 17 Dragoons W>er. SURGEON. .. 12 Lancers — 28 Dec. Francis.. Lindsay. Thomas. .''* 10 Dragoons White. 27 1 3] . 31 Aug. MD. Trevor. ^ Graham. Eddowes.' MD.' MD.. . . Oct. 7 Oct. Dec. Richard. Alexander. 18 Oct. John Fewtrell. April July 4 Jan. 13 July 23 July 15 Dec.&C. MD. Low. J^neas. . 49 Foot ^ Douglas.. 28 Oct. Alexander. Henry.^^ MD. Peter. Henry. 53 ASSIST. George Lionel. 1 Sept. 38 Foot James Lowry. Gds. 37 never 12 July 3 Sept.^ 14 Foot Fitzmaiirice. 81 Foot ^ Coleman. William. York Rangers April 7 ^ asa Steed. Butler. 27 Nov.. 5 Foot Warren. 7 Oct. 3 12 June 1 July 11 3 13 12 15 April Feb. 16 29 Nov. 21 Aug. Ordnance Bawtree. . 1 Stuart. 2 Prov. 23 7 May 12 3 Feb. 21 Mar.. 20 May 19 Dec. George Alex. John. MD.. 34 Foot ^ Hewat. 3 Dragoon Guards Feb. SURGEOXS. William. Apreece. Staff ^ Campbell.. . never June 24 jMay 20 Oct. Charles Tomlins. Colin. Med. 67 Foot Bowling. Edward William. 25 July 3 July 11 15 June 20 Oct. 1 8 Feb. Henry Gibb. John Richard.. 67 Foot Benza. George. 69 Foot Wallace. 20 Oct. Charles. 88 Foot ^ Hendrick. 9 Sept. 09|31 Aug. 09 . Ordnance Chislette.'^ 33 Foot Turner. Young. Robert. 14 May 07i28 Oct.. Pasquale ]\Iaria. July Dec. William. 23 Jan. Sept. 48 11 July 34 1 Dec. Feb. 10 Dec. 43 Aug.. Jan. . 37 22 Nov.. $ Stephenson. ^ . Jas. 5 June 00 PLACED ON HALF PAY 9 July 25 June 15 Dec. 6 Royal Veteran Batt 18 Mar. Samuel 19 April 08|31 Aug. 14 June 15 Oct. MI). Feb. 1 10 24 Nov.'" 55 Foot ^ Stewart. 26|10 Jan. Vallange.. Hugh WHEN HOSPITAL.'^ 2 Dragoons Wright. George O'Brien. ." 19 Foot . ' ." Scots Fus. Dec. Staff Burlve. John. Ordnance never <ii23 June ^ July never Evers. Browne. 25 April 4 Aug. 12} 2 Nov.. 47 1814 Sept. Staff James. 15 18 Mar. 65 Foot . July 3 June June 24 July Oct. Jolm James. never 1 Mar.. 4 08 6 July 6 14 July 15 19 Feb.. 10 April 98 14 Mar. William. Bn. 25 17 Sept. 18 12 25 18 28 25 42 June 42 Oct. Thomas.-'' 52 Aug. I. John. William. 25 51 Feb. 15 20 June 98 14 April 04 Aug. 23 Sept. . Tiglie. 24 June never 9 June 8 July 17 Aug. 21 June . Scots Fusilier Guards 3 Foot 513 Bremner. 20 26 22 25 23 1 1 May Sept.. ^ Cannon. . 15 Aug. of Militia Wybrow. Ordnance T^ Williams. Andrew.'' 7 Dragoon Guards June Cumin. Younff. 3 Royal Veteran Battalion Develin. 24 14 Aug. . Ordnance . 7 Royal Veteran Batt. . 20 4 Sept. Henry Feb.1 Drags. Medical Department. 16 22 June 15 25 Feb. 48 Foot ^ 21 July ^ White. John.APOTHECARY..' 1^ 5:5i Brisbane. 26 10 Nov. 25 18 June 38 Mar. John^o ^ Jones. 46 Dec. 25 Dec. ASSISTANT ASSISTANT-SURGEONS. MD. John Collis. 27 Foot I . Ordnance Furnival. 46 25 June 15 Nov.' MD. 53 HOSPITAL. Vet. Military Prison at Devonport \ AVest. never never .. . Jan. 14 Foot 1^ Ward.. 7'2 Foot Whitfield.. 27 29 24 17 April 38 27 Oct.. 19 Dec. 53 46 62 18 30 20 July 32 24 June 53 29 May 17 20 Oct.Rgt.'» MD.'« 7 R. . service in Sept. Nov. never . Patrick. Joseph. 58 Foot Johnston.. 1793. Dec. 11 Hussars 1 . Patrick. and in the Peninsula from 1811 to the end of the war. Sir James has received the War Medal with five Clasps for Egypt. Matthias. David. 13 IP M'Pherson. 5 Roy. IP Winter.24 June 15 of ihe Medical Officers. Thomas 3 Sept. 14 25 Jan. IP Croft.. ." Ordnance 20 May 12 13 Sprague. Batt. Alexander War 25 April 14 9 Nov. Charles Bruce. Jonathan IP Findlcy. Thomas 21 Dec. Thomas. Staff Rolland. 436 WHEN HOSPITAL. • • June June 16 July 16 Aug. Joseph. . Richard. IP Usher. Harry Bonnin. .. Chai-les Tucker. 15 Oct. .. MD. Dec. ^r Capt. Henry Wm. 67 Foot Martin. John^ . 09 1^ Tobin. Ordnance IP O'Beirue. 15 Feb. July June never 16 June 7 . DEPUTYrURTEYOK PURVEYOR PUKVEYOES. . iU'2>. Staff Martin. Oct. Ordnance O'Donnell. 5 May 24 Dec. never 11 Oct. and Tou\ Sir James M'Grigor entered the fi . IP 21 Dec. . 9 Foot Morice. 60 Foot never never 13 Thompson. 36 April 33 July William 13 Nov. Donovan. 17 April 26 Feb. Arthur.IP Newcombe.. 34 Dec. in Egypt as superintending Surgpon of the Anglo-Indian army in 1801 with tlie in 1798 army at Walcheren in 1809 . John. \ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ' . Mar. 34 Mar.. 28 Dec." MD. IP Winnicki. Lachlan'-^ . IP Soare. Edward.. Directors.. . 6 Dragoons La Cloche. Badajoz. HALF PAY. 19 15 28 10 29 6 Mar. Pyrenees. 14 IP Moore. 09 09 12 14 IP Harrington. June Aug. . John. Morgan. Giles. Nov. Feb. James. 7 Feb. Edward. 09 Thomas Estwick 17 Jan. 19 Aug. GO Foot Kchoe. Dec. 27 Oct. George 15 Oct. Staff 29 May 28 29 Ross. Knott. May Jan. 33 7 Oct.. 1 Sept.'' Ordnance 7 Dec. 3TD. 28 May 25 June 1 Dec. louse. 13 4 July 15 Services Ker. . 5'2 Foot |3 2123 Kenny. Pierce. Vittoria. 8 Royal Vet. 7 Mar. 16 April 10 Mar. 21 Foot HoUicr. 60 Foot Mullarky. 9 Sept. 00 2 June 14 DEPUTY PURVEYORS. James 9 Nov. . Woodroff. Mar. Medical Department. Feb. William Baillie. John. George. George Gordon. Staff 28 Au. . 27 Foot Nugent. Oct. 03 25 Woollcombe. 5 Jan. Oct. Staff Dec. Holden. 19 19 Aug. 32 Aug.. 35 Feb. MD. 13 25 Sept.. Ordnance.* i^r. James. ASSISTANT-SURGEONS. 11|11 IP Venables. 62 Foot Macnamara. . 29 Dec. John Hanmer. 12 IP O'Reilly. Robert. Oct. Christopher 24 June * Winter. Oct. Nov. John. 15 Robertson. IP . John Brereton. 28 MJ .28 Sept. as Surgeon of the 88th Regt. John. 77 Foot Pyper. 22 Smyth. Oct. William. 68 Foot . MD. Batt 7 April25 Rudge. 27 2 Aug.-2W. JMar. .YorkMilitm.. Nov.ASSISTANT PLACED ON ASSISTANT SURGEON.'^ MD. 33 April 18 Oct. 8 Dec. 10 Jan.General. Edw.. MD. Aug. Richard. William. Vet. Robert William. Fenwick Martin. Ordnance 9 June 13 29 21iS[i Verner. 24 Nov. 25 May June 45 22 Nov. Henry Gousse IP Bacon. James Henderson. April 20 Jan. Richard 5 Nov. Horatio Nelson. John^ 12 29 02 12 09 HOSPITAL ASSISTANTS. he in the West Indies in 1796 in the East Indies Served in Holland and Flanders in 1794 and . '° MD. 7 Roj-al Veteran Batt M'Lean. Daniel. 27 52 Reilly. 37 Foot Huggins. John. 19 Dec. Dec. 35 Foot Mac Bain.'3 9 Dragoons Tweddell. 5 May 10 Swift. 20 Nov.'^ Ordnance. Blackwood. Juno Mar. April 53 June 17 Jan. retreat to. Nive. and the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and San Sebastian. and capture of Chapco. 1815 . and was afterwards made Deputy Inspector and Surgeon-in-Chief. 94. Their report was approved by Government and ordered by a vote of the House of Commons to be printed and circulated. Gunning served in Holland and Flanders in 1793. affair of Aldea de Ponte. In 1809 he served throughout the Walcheren campaign. battle of Albuhera. St. 5 Mr. and Corunna. Served also at New Orleans in 1815. and blockaded Toulon. and battle of Corunna. He has received the War Medal with five clasps. throughout the war in China (Medal). affair of Roncesvalles. Vittoria. and in South Beveland. the Pyrenees. and Toulouse. actions of the Coa (near Almeida). — 2 Dr. battle of Talavera. including the battles of Salamanca and Vittoria. 7 Sir James Grant served as Hospital. Sabugal. 6 Dr. Franklin served in the Peninsula from Sept. sieges of Ciudad Rodiigo and Badajoz. battle of Vittoria. including the passage of the Douro. Salamanca. under the Duke of York. Pampeluna. siege of Olivenfa. battle near Pampeluna. St. having the charge at the bombardment of Fiushing. as Surgeon's Mate of the 42nd Eegt. He served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Holland and Belgium as chief of the department. Bone's services. and served two campaigns in Flanders. Embarked with the Peninsular Army in 1808 as Surgeon to the Commander-in-Chief and Staff Surgeon. battles of Nivelle. In 1795 he was senior Staff Surgeon to the expedition for the capture of the Cape of Good Hope. Vimiera. and Toulouse. Inspectors. Bartholomew. and in all the operations before Baltimore and New Orleans. Sebastian. for his attendance upon the then Prince of Orange who was wounded on the Field of Battle. including the capture of the islands of St. He served in the American war at the battle of Bladensburg. in which he was appointed Inspector to the Forces in the Field. and Chin Kiang Foo. Also in the Peninsular war and has received the War Medal with ten Clasps for Egypt. Pyrenees. Vittoria. . 5+ Doctor French served with the 4th Regt. in the Peninsula from May 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. Salamanca. In 1799 he served the campaign in North Holland. St. Pyrenees. : — . Served as Surgeon of a regiment in the Light Division throughout the war in the Peninsula. Orthes. Thomas. Fuentes d'Onor. taken prisoner and marched to Verdun . assault of San Sebastian. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps. He has received the War Medal with thirteen Clasps. and Orthes. and he continued as medical chief of that army during the three years' occupation of France. assisted the Austrians in expelling Murat and he was also present with a division of the Army which proceeded from Genoa to Marseilles. campaign of 1808 and 9. battle of Busaco. Martin. Orthes. remaining the Island until evacuated by the British Troops. and he accompanied to Naples the troops which. and Toulouse. He was also at Waterloo as Surgeon-in-Chief of the Army. 9 Doctor Hume served in Egypt in 1801. Borland volunteered the duty of a mission to Walcheren at the head of a commission appointed to enquire into the nature of the alarming malady prevailing amongst the troops. Orthes. including the action at Plattsburgh. served also in the American War. and served until the close of that war in 1814 he has received the War Medal with eleven Clasps for Roleia. and Toulouse. 1841. In 1815 he served the campaign of Waterloo as chief of the medical department of the Duke of Wellington's army . Borland entered the Army in 1792. under General M'Farlane. including the battles of Roleia. Busaco. at which latter he accompanied the storming party. During the expedition to the Scheldt Dr. Nivelle.War 437 Services of the Medical Officers. 1808 to the end of the war. including the battle of Vimiera . battle of Salamanca. m . Vimiera. Nivelle. Domingo. storming of the heights and forts above Canton. Nivelle.General. JPresent also in the attack on New Orleans. Served with the 49th (also as Superintending Surgeon from April. sieges of Olivencja and Badajoz . Gillkrest was present with the expedition in the "West Indies in 1801 under Sir Thomas Trigge. including the battles of Busaco. John. Busaco. Salamanca. 8th Jan. including the capture of Chusan. From 1795 to 1798 he served as Staff Surgeon in St. from which he was promoted to the Staff the following year. until towards the close of active operations). Barrosa. St. affair of Fuenta de la Prima. capture of Madrid. Talavera. Badajoz. siege of the castle of San Sebastian. sortie and repulse of the night attack on Ningpo. and actions of the Nive in Dec. and investment of Nankin. Shanghae. From 1810 to 1816 he was employed at the head of the Medical Department in the Mediterranean. Ciudad Rodrigo. 10 Doctor Mahony served in the Peninsula from April 1809 to the end of the war. retreat from Burgos.- i : . for Barrosa. taking of Amoy.Assistant in the campaign of 1793 with the army under the Duke of York. Nive. Fuentes d'Onir. He has received the War Medal with twelve Clasps. Vittoria. Expedition to South America in 1807. passage of the Bidassoa and of the Nivelle. and 95. and was honored with the Order of the Netherlands Lion by the King of Holland.. and subsequently at the capture of Paris. Corunna. 1813. 8 Mr. and Santa Cruz. affair of Echalar. Vittoria. Woosung. 4 Sir James Fellowes served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp .— for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps expedition to Walcheren Peninsula from May 1812 to the end of the war. 3 Dr. Duncan has seen a great deal of active service in the East Indies. Croix in 1807. Nixon served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Corunna. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Martinique. He has received the War Medal with six clasps. He was afterwards present with the 88 rh at the battles of Talavera and Busaco. with the expeditinn to Copenhagen in 1807. and in the Peninsula from 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. under Sir William Clinton. Salamanca. and served with it in Sicily and Calabria in 1806. 15 Mr. while employed on a mission to the Mamelukes and Mahomet Ali. and Busaco. — Campaign in Italy in 1805. Appointed Surgeon to the Grenadier Battalion. including the 1 battle of Waterloo. At the renewal of the war in 1815 he joined the army at Brussels. Talavera. at Walcheren in 1809. in Portugal and Spain iu 1808. Expedition to Sweden. and was present in charge of the 7th division of the army. under Sir John Moore and subsequently in Portugal and Spain. he joined the Peninsular army. Ciudad Rodrigo. 438 Mr. 1812 the campaign of 1815 including the battle of Waterloo. Slightly wounded on the left shoulder by the Bedouin Arabs on the first expedition to Egypt. in 1808-9. 2 Doctor Collier served at the capture of Martinique. and Toulouse. 4 Mr. the Nivelle. Thomas's services Descent on the coast of Calabria. under the command of the Duke of Wellington. French. commanded by Sir Arlhur Welleslej' at the battle of Kioge. . He next served in Sicily. including the battle of Waterloo. Victoria. subsequently in the American war. where he was occupied several days and nights before the field was cleared of the numerous wounded. and was appointed to take charge of the field-duties in the event of a general action in this responsible situation he was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. and siege of Scjlla Castle in 1806. in 1809. Albuhera. Woolriche served in Holland under Sir Ralph Abercromby and the Duke of York. and Toulouse. Alex. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps. and. Fuentes d'Onor. Pyrenees. and was present at the battle of Maida. He has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps. &c. including the siege of the forts and battle of Salamanca. 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. Badajoz.1 War Services of the Medical Officers. Present at Dominica when the French attacked the island in 1805 served also at the capture of the islands of St. with which he served from the battle of Salamanca until the end of the war. : . Thomas and St. He served also the campaign of 1815. Also the campaign of 1815. siege of Biirsos. and was appointed Surgeon to it in May 1808 transferred to the 61st in May 1809. 3 Doctor Daun served at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. and Nive. the Nive. Capture of Guadaloupe in 1815. including the battles of Vittoria. and was present at the battle of Castalla . and accompanied the storming party of Morne Fortunee. Lucia in 1803. Orthes. Salamanca. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. and on the eastern coast of Spain. 10 Doctor Andrew White served in Egypt with the Indian army in 1801. on Sir James Craig's expedition to Naples. 12 Sir James Pitcairn served at the Helder in 1799 also the whole of the Egyptian campaign of 1801. 13 Dr. 5 Doctor Guthrie served in the Peninsula. Nivelle. including the actions of the 1st and 2nd Feb. including British. was principal medical officer with the reserve. and served in the Peninsula from April 1810 to Oct. Ciudad Rodrigo. 16 Mr. Deputy Inspectors. in Portugal. at Copenhagen and Sweden in 1807. Hartle served on the expedition to St. Stewart served in the Peninsula from 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. battle of Maida. battles of the Pyrenees. 1812. and has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Busaco. Orthes. and Toulouse. commanded by Lord Dalhousie. and accompanied Sir David Baird's army to Grand Cairo on its return to India. and severely wounded in the loins He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Maida and Busaco. and in the Peninsula from the latter part of 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. Sebastian. 7 Doctor Howell served in Egypt on the first expedition. 1808 to Aug. after four years of colonial service. and has received the War Medal with eight Clasps for R'>leia. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Egypt. Ciudad Kodrigo. Nivelle. as chief of the medical department on that service. and Toulouse. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. at the battles of Vittnria and the Pyrenees. and Nive. Vimiera. 14 Doctor Arthur Stewart served on the expedition to South America in 1807 in the Peninsula from March 1809 to Sept. with the rank of staff-surgeon. &c. In 1827 he embarked for Portugal with the army.General. up to the retreat to Corunna. after which he served on the coast of Italy. Y 2 . and in the Lines of Torres Vedras. Badajoz. Doctor Barry served in the Peninsula from Aug. He has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Buaaco. 8 Doctor Shortt served in the Peninsula from Sept. . and Martinique in 1809. for which he has received the Silver War Modal with one Clasp. Also at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815. St. In 1807 he accompanied the Royal Sicilian Regiment. G Mr. Talavera. including the occupation of Sicily. and 1 . and . . . and at the surrender of Genoa and of Naples. on the second expedition to Egypt. Orthes. and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Busaco. 1811. Nivelle. 9 Sir Augustus West served in Hanover in 1805 . and again from Aug. Belgians. He was employed on the eastern coast of Spain on the Medical Staff in 1812. Expedition to Walcheren and siege of Flushing in 1809. 1811 to 14 Doctor Maclagan served at Walcheren in 1809. . "in admiration of his conduct. and was present at the storm and capture of Ghuznee. he having been made prisoner in the hospital at Talavera and carried to Verdun. and was at the affair of Biar. and in the Peninsula during the campaigns of 1813 with the army in Sicily in 1810 and 11 and 14. and has received the War Medal with five Clasps for Egypt. including Waterloo. Nive. with Lord Wellington in the Peninsula. Nivelle. including the storm and capture of Capaul Droog. Fuentes d'Onor. and was present at the repulse of the sortie from Bayonne. where upwards of 80 of the small force were killed and wounded. d'Onor. Cotton served with the 14th Foot at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in 1825-6. 16 Doctor Walker served at Copenhagen in the expedition under Lord Cathcart in 1807. Colclough served in the Mahratta war from Aug. and at the retreat from Ordal and Villa Franca. 39. and on the staff. 2 Mr. Fraser served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Corunna. battle of Castalla. and accompanied the army from the Mediterranean to Bermuda under General Gosselin. He has received the War Medal with five Clasps. . and among "the Thousand Islands." and the Master-general expressed by ' minute' his gratification " at conduct so creditable and so honourable to him. and has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Vittoria 3 Doctor Boggle served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. and was at the Penobscot. Albuhera. . ^c. Vittoria. received the War Medal with eight Clasps. 4 Doctor Boyle was actively employed in Ireland during the rebellion of 1798. He has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunua. and the capture of Accompanied several naval expeParis. . 1813. Clinton during the blockade of Barcelona was at Genoa and Corsica. and was present at the battle oi Maida and siege of Scylla Castle. and accompanied the army of the Indus in 1838. — Badajoz. as principal medical officer. Forces. 7 Mr. and actions in the Pyrenees. 1813 campaign of 1815. and afterwards at the Helder in 1799 also in Sicily and Egypt from Dec. 1838. Also in the Peninsula. and at the siege and capture of Ischia Castle. Orthes. 9 Mr. The General commanding in chief directed "his congratulations" to be sent to Mr. He has received the War Medal with six Clasps for Vimiera." and served in the gun-boats with the marines and Indians during the attack and surrender at Mill Poink W^as the only medical officer of the regular force on the field. Sebastian. and Vittoria. Vimiera. Roleia. Glasco served in the Peninsula with the 83rd and has received the War Medal with . including the two officers who landed with the expeReceived high commendation in the official communications of the Commander of the dition. 1813. 13 Doctor Knight served at Walcheren in 1809. Chisholm served in the campaign of 1815. 12 Doctor Evans served in the Peninsula with the 29 th regiment. He served also the Waterloo campaign. 1812 to Dec. and 14. and Toulouse. ditions against the brigands en Lake Ontario. Mr. from Dec. Deccan campaigns of 1818 and 19. the end of that war in 1814. Nivelle. for which he has received a Medal. the campaign in Spain and at Coninna under Sir John IMoore. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Pyrenees. 8 Mr. 13th Nov. at Tarragona in June and Aug." the Kandian 6 Mr. and 40. Surgeons of the First Class. and has received the War Medal with six Clasps for Badajoz. Ciudad Rodrigo. Galliers served in the Peninsula with the Royals and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vittoria and St. 13. Talavera. 1809 to Nov. He had charge of the General Hospitals at Alicant. William Ramsay White served with the expedition to Naples in 1809. . Fuentes d'Onor." and for the "valuable services" he rendered on that occasion. and a volunteer. Doctor Andrew Anderson served in Naples and Calabria. including the defence of Cadiz. and Valencia was senior medical officer with the Head Quarters of the Army under Sir Wm. He served also in the Peninsula from the battle of Vimiera at which he was present with the 2nd battalion of the 52nd Light Infantry— to the termination of that war in 1814. and has 11 . Salamanca. and Salamanca siege of Burgos Castle. 10 Jlr. Vimiera. with the exception of a few months. Chisholm " with reference to his exertions in that affair . Peninsula. Nive. battles of Busaco. for Roleia. . and Nive.5 War 439 Services of the Medical Officers. 11 Mr. Also in the Peninsula from Dec. the Walcheren expedition with army of Sir John Stewart in Sicily . and was present Served at the capture of Ischia and Procida. 17 Doctor Wright served at the capture of Martinique in 1809. Finnie served the AVaterloo campaign with the I-loyals. 1806 till June 1812. Berry served in the Peninsula. including the capture of Kandy in the islind of Ceylon. including the siege of Badajoz and in the American war in 1813. as Surgeon of the G2nd regt. at Walcheren in 1809 . 1 Doctor Morewood served with General Beresford's Expedition to Madeira and occupation of that Island. 5 Mr. Nivelle. during the sharp conflict with the rebels and Americans near Prescott. Was engaged in both Rebellions in Upper Canada. Busaco. Served eighteen years in India. Castalla. and Fuentes 1 . Salamanca. sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. and Toulouse. He has received the War Medal with — five Clasps. FuentcB d'Onor. Vittoria.. under General Nugent and Colonel Robertson. Bologna. and 15 in Holland and Flanders. Served also in the Peninsula from Jan. John Griffith served at the capture of Martinique in 1809. bombardment of Antwerp. Mr. Ciudad Rodrigo. including the battles of Vittoria. Vivelle. 12 Mr. Vimiera. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. 19 Mr. Maida. including the actions of the 27th Aug. War Medal with five Clasps for Surgeons. battles of Vittoria. Salamanca. and 13. siege of Burgos. Nive. 2nd and 6th October. Badajoz. 14. Salamanca. 2 Mr. Fuentes d'Onor. AUardyce has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Vimiera and Corunna. 1813 to the end of the war. Pyrenees. Fuentes d'Onor. . for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. and Nive. 28 Mr. and from March 1814 to the end of that war. incluHing the battle of Waterloo and capture of Paris. Capture of Guadaloupe and dependencies. Also against the Viceroy of Italy. . Vittoria. 10th and 19th Sept. Ferrara. 21 Doctor M'Munn served the campaigns of 1813. 1814. Ravenna. Peach sened in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Vimiera. and Waterloo. A. Nive. and battles of Orthes and Toulouse. 14 Doctor Hodson served in Egypt in 1801. Harrison served in the Walcheren expedition 1809. Preston was at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810. 30 Mr. and night attack of Bergen-op-Zoom in 1814. including the actions in the Pyrenees.. Pyrenees. Busaco. 1812 as Surgeon of the 40th. Salamanca. Also in medical charge of the Queen's Royals during the campaign in Affghanistau and Beloochistan. and taking of Peronne. 22 Doctor Moffit served in the Peninsula from Aug. 14. He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Widmer served in the Peninsula and has received the Talavera. and was at the taking of Comachio. Fuentes d'Onor. 18 Mr. 3 Doctor Annesley served at the siege and capture of Santa Maura in March 1810 siege and capture of Trieste. . He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Netherlands and France from 1814 till 1818. 4 Doctor Arnott has received the War Medal with ten Clasps for Egypt. Vittoria. 24 Mr. battle of Fuentes d'Onor. siege and capture of Fort Bourbon. in 1807 with the army under Sir John Moore on the retreat to Corunna in the Peninsula in 1810 and with the 60th in America from 1814 to 1818. investment of Bayonne. bombardment of Antwerp. including the battles of Quatre : . and subsequently in the Peninsula he has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Martinique. . and capture of Martinique in 1809. Simpson's servises: Siege and capture of Pigeon Island. Badajoz. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 1813. 15 Mr. and was present at Waterloo. and of Guadaloupe in 1810. including the capture of Ghuznee and Khelat. Also the campaign of 1815. including the defence of Alba de Tormes and retreat from Salamanca. at the siege of Copenhagen and battle of Kioge. in 1810. the Pyrenees. 20 Doctor M' Arthur served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815. Salmon served in Holland in 1799. Pyrenees. 29 Doctor Smith served the campaigns of 1813. Nivelle. 17 Doctor Jeyes served in the Peninsula from Jan. Two attacks of Merxem. storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. IG Doctor William Hunter served with the Coldstream Guards at the blockade of Bayonne in 1814. Medal for Ghuznee. 1809 to June 1810. Busaco. 25 Mr. Sievwright served with the 59th Regiment at the seige and capture of Bhurtpore in 1825-6 (Medal). battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. affiir at Salamanca. 12. 13 Mr. Robert H. and has reciived the War Medal with twelve Clasps for Corunna. Stratton served at the capture of Martinique in 1809. Campaign of 1815. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Orthes. nine Clasps for Talavera. Corunna. in the Peninsula from March 1812 to April 1813 and again from April 1814 to the end of the war. capture of Madrid. in 1813. in 1837. and 15. 1813 to the end of that war. Orthes. including the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto. Toulouse. 26 Mr. Abell served in Hanover in 1805 with the 95th (Rifle Brigade). Pyrenf es. and Toulouse. . at Cadiz and in the Peninsula in 1811. including the action at Merxem and bombardment of Antwerp. Orthes. and Toulouse. including the affair at Morales. Orthes.War Services of the Medical 440 Officers. He served also the Waterloo campaign. Lightbody served at Gibraltar during the epidemic in 1804 with the army in Sicily in 1807 and 8 . Jones served in the Peninsula as an Assistant Surgeon of the Rifle Brigade and from Sept. and Vittoria. from March 1811 to March 1813. Busaco. expedition to Holland. He served also the campaign of 1815. Oct. Hunter served in medical charge of the Belgaum field force in Canara. Present at the assault of Seville. Nivelle. battle of Salamanca. and Genoa. also the campaign of 1815. including the battle of Waterloo. and Vittoria. Ciudad Rodrigo. 1 . and repulse of the sortie. Nivelle. 31 Mr. 27 Mr. Bras and Waterloo. and taking of the castle of Savona and Novi. Palais. he has received the War Medal with one Clasp) 20 Mr. 1813. Busaco. . Pyrenees. assault of Syrian Pagoda. Davidson served with the 50th in the battle of PuDniar (Medal). Vittoria. John Ferguson served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Canada . 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. including the battles of Busaco and Fuentc^s d'Onor. 1 Mr. and lias received the Silver War Medal with four Clasps for Badajoz. including the defence of Cadiz and Tarifa battles of Barrosa. Peter Fraser served in the American war. and Guadaloupe in 1810. including the taking of the Castle of St.1 War 441 5 Mr. Sebastian. 8 Mr. D. and battle near Prome. siege and surrender of Genoa. Also throughout the Burmese war. and Tarbes battles of Orthes and Toulouse. Cuddy served at the capture of Martinique in 1809 for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. Este served the Egyptian campaign of 1801 (Medal). Vittoria. 27 Doctor John Foster served the campaign of 1814 in Holland. siege and assault of Ciudad Rodrigo. including the battles Sutlej the on 21 Mr. He served afterwards at New Orleans. battles Subsequently in the actidu in front of the Nivelle. CaUandar served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Badajoz. in Spezia. Ras-el-Kyma. finally. He has received the \Var Medal with n ue Clasps. siege and assault of Badajoz. Joseph Brown served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with five Clasps for Busaco. siege of San Sebastian in August and Sept. 13 Doctor John Campbell served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Pyrenees and Orthes. including the battle of Vittoria. . the Burmese empire. 17 Mr. H. Cathcart served at the capture of Martinique in 1809. Nivelle. 16 Mr. including the battles of Vittoria. and battle of Toulouse. Orthes. Talavera. at the capture of Martinique in 1809. and has received the War Medal with three Clasps for Egypt. and Orthes. Dealey served in the Peninsula in 1811 and 1812. and Zaia. of Dwarka. and also at the capture of Castine in America. and action at Vic Bigorre (wounded). of New Orleans. Griffith served in the Peninsula from Jan. in 1814. Bett was at the capture of Genoa. Nivelle. Served also in the Peninsula from Oct. from May 1818. St. Albuhera. Vittoria. 26 Mr. Orthes. affair BeniBoo-Ali. 7 Doctor Bartley served in the Peninsula. at the capture of Paris. Ayton served Medal with one Services of the Medical Officers. 25 Mr. including the actions of the 8th (slightly wounded). and Nive . Nivelle. Served also He has received the Silver War Medal with six Clasps. and was present at the battle of Salamanca. Arabia. O. 13th. Davies served in the Peninsula from June 1810 to the end of that war in 1814. Maria. and was present at the capture of Oswego. 31 Mr. under Sir Gordon Drummond. . M. Peninsular campaigns from Nov. siege of Donabew. in 1812. action at Seshi. Also the campaign of Moodkee and Ferozeshah. assault of of a fortress on the banks of the siege and assault Pegu river. 18 Mr. and Nive. also in the action of Micbilinacbnar. 22 Mr. Pyrenees. and was employed in the field until landed at Leghorn. Gilder served the Waterloo campaign with the Grenadier Guards. and Toulouse. 14 Mr. Pampeluna. He served also the Waterloo campaign. at the attack on New Orleans. 15 Mr. Present in the campaign of Italy with the advanced army. actions at St. was engaged in an action on Lake Ontario and Lake Huron . 30 Mr. 10 Doctor Frederick Brown served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Albuhera. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. and was present in almost every action and storming party during the war. Pyrenees. and siege of Alexandria. 23 Mr. 14th March 1814. . He has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Nivelle. and Toulouse. 19 Doctor Daunt served at the capture of Madeira in 1807 of Martinique in 1809 (for which and of Arracan in 1825. 12 Mr. for which he has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Cross served in the Peninsula. Aire. Fletcher has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Egypt and Maida. 9 Doctor R. and first siege of Badajoz. for -which he has received the "War Clasp. 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. battles of Salamanca. Eddie served in the Kaffir War of 1846-7. Botton served in the PeniDsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Roleia and Vimiera. 29 Doctor Galeani joined the army in Sicily. including sieges of Asseerghur. Also in the Peninsula. He has received the War Medal with . and Nivelle. Harthill served with the 9th throughout the campaign of 1842 in Afifghauistan (Medal) under General Pollock. Coombe served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. (Medal). and Fuentes d'Onor. : — five Clasps. and the affairs of Vera. and OrtheSj Served also in India. 28 Mr. Cunningham served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Upper Canada. 1812 to the end of that war in 32 Doctor Hair's services 1814. and was present at the battle of Albuhera. and. and 2l8t March. Bacot served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Corunna. Nive. Nive. 6 Mr. 33 Mr. 24 Mr. Accompanied the expedition under Admiral Drury to Macoa. on the voyage to Madras. including the sieges of Kalunga. 8 January 1815 campaign in Flanders. 1841. including the siege of Flushing. 1809 to April 1813. the Pyrenees. on the coast of America and at New Orleans. 35 Doctor Heriot served in the Peninsula from June. . siege of Burgos.War Services of the Medical 442 Officers. . 54 Doctor Perston served in the Peninsula from Jan. Maearthur was severely wounded at the storming of Seringapatam. 84. and Orthes. Lorimer served in the Peninsula from June 1810 to end of that war in 1814. 50 Mr. 18th and 22nd July 1812. in Germany and Holland. 62 Doctor Robertson served with the 13th Light Infantry throughout the campaigns in Affghanistan from 1838 to 1842 inclusive. 53 Doctor Pearson served the Waterloo campaign. Corunna. Hichens served the Waterloo campaign. 1813 . including the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. 57 Doctor Pyper served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Busaco. 58 Mr. and retreat therefrom. and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 46 Mr. . formed part of an expedition of 500 men under the command of Lieut. 37 Doctor Ingham served in the American war. battles of Nivelle. Chippewa. Nivelle. 17th. blockade of Pampeluna and repulse of the sortie. in the Marengo. and of Jeytuck. with the effective men of the wing of the 6th Regt. 1810 to Dec. including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera for which he has received the War Medal wiih two Clasps. 60 Mr. 56 Doctor PoUok-Morris served in the East Indies from 1805 to 1823. Ciudad Rodrigo. stationed at Aden. Present in the actions at and near Waterloo on 16th. 34 Doctor Henderson served in the Peninsula. to the end of the war. 51 Mr. and was present at the destruction of the Dutch Squadron in Sourabaya in 1809. 1805. battle of Salamanca (for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp). 1809. Nive. Served also in . also in the interior of 42 Doctor William Lloyd served the campaign in Flanders in 1815 Ceylon during the Kandian rebellion in 1817. until the conclusion of the war with America. Reade served in the Peninsula during the campaigns of 1812. Served also with the Army of Reserve during the Pindarree war from 1816 to 1821. and both the actions of Salamanca. Salamanca. and was present at the battles of Fort George. and skirmished between those places on the 6th Oct. attack on Merxem. in the Peninsula under Sir John Moore . in 1809 . 55 Doctor Piper served twenty j'ears in the East Indies. and subsequently at Walcheren. and has received the War Medal with six clasps. 49 Doctor Murtagh. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps. Orthes. and was present at the storm and capture of Ghuznee . in China. Ranken served in the Peninsula from June 1811 to the end of that war in 1814. and 18th June. in 1806 and 7 campaign of 1808 and 9. 47 Mr. and Salamanca. including the action of Goerde in Hanover. and battles of Vittoria. 16th Sept. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. 43 Mr. and at the Falls of Niagara. 1814. and subsequent operations against the French fleet at Antwerp. Nive. 13. from that period. siege of Burgos. in 1809. and he served throughout the Nepaul war in 1814 and 1815. Served also in Canada during the late insurrection. he was at the siege and capture of the fortress of Adjighur in Bundlekund. 38 Sir Edward Johnson served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Corunna. of Nahn. including the affair at Plattsburg. the Burmese war. as auxiliaries to the Portuguese. which destroyed the Arab posts of Sheik Medi and Sheik Othman. and Toulouse. in the Peninsula. 36 Mr. Neill served the Peninsular campaign of 1814. Served also the campaign of 1815. Vittoria. expedition to South America under General Whitelock. and battle of Toulouse. and capture of Paris. and 14 quently in the American War.. and Orthes actions of Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. 61 Doctor Riach served the campaigns of 1813 and 14. Rhys served in the Peninsula from April 1813 to March 1814. M'Keehnie served at the capture of Java in 1811. 48 Doctor Macnish served with the expedition to Hanover in 1805. He was in the action at sea with the French squadron under Admiral Linois. in Aug. as also the subsequent 44 Doctor M'Dermott served at New Orleans. Nivelle. capture of Madrid. including the combat of Foz d'Arouce. He has received the War Medal with four clasps for San Sebastian. subse59 Mr. and was present at the siege of Badajoz. including the operations in connection with the battle of Waterloo. affair near Antwerp in Jan.Colonel Pennycuick. Leonard served in the Peninsula from May 1811 to Sept. 45 Doctor M'Donald served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with six Clasps He served for Sahagun and Benevente. also the Waterloo campaign. 41 Doctor Thomas Lewis served in the Peninsula from July 1811 to June 1813. Nivison served in Upper and Lower Canada during the Rebellion in 1837 and 38. 39 Doctor Jones served at Copenhagen in 1807 . 1811. including the battles of Talavera and Salamanca. 52 Doctor Paterson served in the Peninsula from Sept. Expedition to Walcheren. and Orthes. 1814. 40 Mr. Badajoz. . 70 Mr. 78 Mr. and at the storming and capture of Serlngapatam. and was present with his regt. medal). Coleman served in the Peninsula. and Toulouse. 73 Mr. 11th jNIarch. Orthes. 69 Doctor Steed served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with four Clasps He served also the Waterloo campaign. Vittoria. for which he has received the 1 Mr. in 1794. and in the Peninsula. in 1809. with which he served until Nov. Stewart served in the Peninsula from iNlarch 1811 to Feb. 68 Mr. 77 Mr.Surgeons. general action of Tezeen. 72 ISIr. Pyrenees. and 1st Dec. Robinson served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Salamanca. Nivelle. 75 Mr. and Toulouse. Campaign of 1810 and 1 1 in Portugal. . 3 Doctor Cannon served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Vittoria. to Dec. Medal with live Clasps. at the battles of the Pyrenees. Pyrenees. Busaco. Orthes. and has received the War JNIedal with eight Clasps for Fuentes d'Onor. and Toulouse. St. from Sept. Williams served at Walcheren in 1809.443 ffar Services of the Medical Officers. storm of Jhoolghur. 74 Mr. Pyrenees. Stephenson served in the Peninsula from March 1809 to the end of that war in 1814. 5 Mr. 1812. Salamanca. Badajoz. War Medal with one clasp for Assistant. 1813 he was present with that Regt. for which he has received the War Medal with one Clasp. He served also the "Waterloo campaign. Rogers served in the Peninsula from January 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. including the battle of Basaco. Nivelle. Smyth served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Busaco. 2 Doctor Brisbane served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with five Clasps He served also the Waterloo campaign. storming (of the Khoord Cabool Pass. AYard served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Sarrosa. received the War Medal with two Clasps. and was present at Waterloo. 7 Doctor Furnival served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Badaioz. Pyrenees. the war. AVest has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Egypt and Maida. Albuhera. battles of Vittoria. and the Nive. Nivelle. Ciudad Rodrigo. and was present at the battle of Doodwa against the Ashantees 7 August 1826. Vittoria. and the end of was 1813 March to Peninsula from served in the Shean 65 Doctor present at the battles of Vittoria. for which he has received the War Medal with three Clasps. Trevor served the campaign in Flanders. Nive. and Toulouse. 1813. 1818. Nive. Shekleton served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with seven Clasps for Albuhera. Wyer served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with five clasps for Vittoria. 4 Mr. Orthes. Winterscale served at Walcheren. and Toulouse. Eddowes served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Ciudiid Rodrigo and Badajoz. and Nive. and being appointed to the Buffs in Sept. 66 Mr. Pyrenees. and Toulouse. assault and capture of the town and forts of Tootumdurrah. Orthes. the Pyrenees. and recapture of . Fuentes dOaor. Graham served in the Peninsula and has received the Corunna. storming the heights of JugduUuck. and Toulouse. and Toulouse. Sebastian. Nivelle. including the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. affair of Tezeen. 63 Mr. in Portugal early in 1811. assault of Perwandurrah. for Vittoria. heroic defence of Jellalabad and sorties on the 14th Nov. and was present at the battle of Malavelly. Pyrenees. 24th March. Nive. Nive. Vittoria. 1842 general action and defeat of Akbar Khan before Jellalabad. Nivelle. and has received the Silver War Medal with two Clasps for Talavera and Toulouse. Clasps. 64 Mr. Orthes. Wylde served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with seven Clasps. Served also during the whole He has received the War Medal with two of the war with the United States of North America. and was present in the retreat from Burgos. Shorland served the campaign of 1808-9. Fuentes d'Onor. He served also the campaign of 1815. including the battle of Corunna. 79 Doctor James Young served in Africa from 1824 to 1827 inclusive. 76 Mr. He has including the action at Morales. and in the Peninsula from 1810 to 1812. 67 Mr. Evers served the Waterloo campaign. Apothecaries. Served subsequently in the East Indies. Nivelle. forcing the JugduUuck Pass. night attack at Baboo Koosh Ghur. Nivelle. for Ta'avera. 6 Mr. reduction of the fort of Mamoo Khail. Cabool (mfdsil). 1810. 71 Mr. and 1st April. Orthes. Salamanca. Embarked at Bourand Toulouse. 1841. Bremner joined the army War deaux for Canada in June 1814 and joined the Army of Occupation in France in 1815. destruction of Khardurrah. from 1796 to 1808. Nive. and in the retreat of the army through Holland. Orthes. Orthes. (the 33rd) in aU the operations in that country. for Basaco. Ciudad Rodrigo. 80 Mr. 6 Mr. Depot. Thomas — Hudson.' 5 Dr.^il/. Nathaniel Robert — Dobbs. Gds Woodman. Henry . War Medal with six Clasps for Vittoria. and Nive. John. John. 15 July 29 June 24 Sept. Pyrenees. . Pyrenees. . 10 Drs 2 Oct. Gds.H. Charles. Henry TheVe7ie7-{Me Archdeacon. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Vimiera. John 30 — — — — . . 12 Mr. 9 Rose. Vittoria. . 9 Doctor Kenny served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Vittoria. 4 Mr. John. Claudius — Denius. 4 Syraoiids. Rudge served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with three Clasps for "Vittoria.„ .^ 15 Drs. Robertson. George Winter served in the Peninsula. Grainger — Crigan. 2 Life Guards .' R. Constant served the campaign of 1815 with the 13 Dragoons.. Toulouse. 95 09 95 16 94 12 98 25 8 April 83 Bev. M'Pherson served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Egypt and the Nivelle. 10 Doctor O'Beirne served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with eight Clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo. Edward Henry. Nive. Hogreve.i. and Nive. 5 Mr. CHAPLAINS. i?ev.James. St.31 May Lythe. Nivelle.. 13 Mr. and Flanders... Depot . 11 Mr. James. ..Waggon Train 21 Feb. Orthes. 3 Dr. 7 Dr. and Waterloo. Ai-t. Nivelle. John Winter served in the Peninsula. Gds. Henry John 12 Tinibrell.R. Orthes. and Toulouse. Orthes. Nivelle. Lyon. 15 Mr. Orthes. James. Wm. 14 Doctor Venables served in the Peninsula and has received the and Toulouse. Tobin served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with six Clasps for Vittoria. and Toulouse. 444-445 8 Mr.25 June Steed. and battle of Waterloo. 2 Dr. Nevvcombe served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with four Clasps for Pyrenees. April 12 April 16 July 83 April 14 April 13 June 85 . R. War Medal with one VETERINARY SURGEONS. 1811 to the end of that war. Grellier. 3 Mar. Joseph. He served also the Waterloo campaign. 25 June 28 July 25 Nov.J. il/^ — epson. Irwin. Gds. . George Frith. J 19 Feb. He served also the Waterloo campaij^n. Hogreve served in the Peninsula. France. Isaac. John 1 1 Stonestreet. Nive. BA. 7 Mar. Nivelle.. and was present at Quatre Bras.. the retreat on the following day. Gatty served the Waterloo campaign.^ 16 su. 3 Mr. .. George Griffin . Burt. Verner served the Waterloo campaign. Sebastian. 15 Mar. 25 Dec. Moore served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Barrosa.T. Nicholas — Cautley. Veterinary Surgeons — Chaplains. Schroeder.l2 July i3 Home. 2 Mr. Bev. R. Carey.. Wm. James. 2 Mr. Thompson served in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Albuhera and Badajoz. Nivelle. . 16 Dec. \e Me. John — William Cockayne — Goff. Berington. including the third siege of Badajoz. James.25 Feb. O'Connor has received the Silver War Medal with one Clasp for Egypt. 13 07 14 00 06 39 09 O'Connor. from Dec. 17 Feb. Pyrenees. Timm. Deputy-Purveyors Mr. Art 1 June 513a Constant. Art 1 June mX . . Charles Jobson. and battles of Vittoria.. Nive. . 3 Mr. Nivelle. Findley served 1 in the Peninsula and has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Pyrenees and Toulouse. . Badajoz. and has received the Clasp for Roleia. and Toulouse.iah. 08 40 12 98 25 13 1 Mr. 11 24 Feb. do 6 Apiil 14 do 14 July 11 do 19 Nov. Ritter ^3 5123 Ern. 5123 Franz Geo. Chr. 15 24 Mar. Bqjok 5123 George Bra un ^ ^ Cornets Wlien placed the Army. 13 23 Mar. 28 Mar. Lieutenantt Cornet$ ^ ^ ^ Edward Trittau 2nd Lieutenants 14 Marschalck . HUSSARS. 28 Aug. 15 lOiipril 4 July 21 Nov. 25 Feb. 26 April do do do do do 13 Sept.. Edmund Kuhls Ernest von Voss Ferdinand von Stolzenberg 5123 Frederick Detmer Surgeon ^ Capiai7is |9 5123 George. do ^ 5153 Morris de Cloudt 13 Mar. GERMAN LEGION. Nov. Carl. 1st LloHl T^TJ AnnniN-ia }^ 5153 Bernard von Bothmer 5123 Henry George von Hattorf 5123 Charles Elderhost I Captaim 10 14 16 27 July Nov. 19 Adjutant 24 Nov. do 13 14 16 HUSSARS.. Behrens... 13 Jan. 12 do do do do do do 16 . Theo. onhalf-pay. 19 Nov.. Con. 11 24 Feb. 09 24 Feb. . 19 5123 Lieutenants May light dragoons. 12 do 51S3 Augustus Fischer 13 May 15 do 51S3 Olto von Hammerstein Conrad Poten July do 6 ^ 5153 8 July do 51153 Lewis Kirchner Charles von der Decken 18 April 14 25 Feb. von Oldershausen 5123 William Iheodore Gebser 5123 Fiederick Jacob Rahlwes 5123 William de Hassell 19 5123 19 3123 Captains Cornets 24 Feb. 14 27 April 28 July 15 Liaut. 27 May do George von Uslar Gleichen 13 May 15 do 5123 Captains nankin TTnuT DKAOOONs. 13 do 10 Oct. 14 Feb. 13 July 13 16 do do do do do do do do do do do do .. 13 do 17 Sept. 27 Jan. . Decken 11 July Gustavus Schaumann Hieronimus von der Wisch Conrad Poten Leopold Sigismond Schultze 5123 19 19 5123 Henry Cliristopli. 12 do 10 INIar. 12 do 28 May 18 Sept. . Count Alten Herman Theodor vou Marschalck Henry Gotze 3 July 15 Oct. 14 21 Nov. 10 24 Feb. ^ ^ ^ 5123 Augustus Poten 5123 Ludolph de Hugo ^P 5123 Johannes Justinis von Fumetti Augustus Kuhls 5123 Herman Hen.. |3 5123 Charles. 12 do Nov.44§ OFFICERS FOREIGN HALF-PAY. Couiit von der 19 5123 Louis Krauchenberg IBT Cornets 2nd Urban Cleve Lieutenant Theodor von Stolzenberg Michael Loning Ernest Soest Westfield Victor.. 16 . Meier 5 23 Ferdinand Kiister Fred. 13 15 Mar.. 22 April 51153 Ludewig von Miiller do 51153 Hannach Boguslaw Leschen .. Wm. Baron Goeben . von Gentzkovv Oito de JMarschalck Adjutant Cha. Adolphus de Beaulieu 5!2a Cha.. von Diiring 22 Sept. 13 Ferd.-Surg. 14 Jan..17 Feb. von der Hellen Frederick Harzig 7 ^ May 7 Dec. Oct. 18 Mar.. Wra.Foreign Half-pay.. Baron Goeben ^3 aiH William von Schnehen SiStl 2 518a ^9 fflSil fflSa George Meyer 27 Dec. 13 13 Ernest. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 5 July Henry D'llomboldt fflaa 1 1 8 Oct. 5 May 12 July 14 Nov. 9 Sept. 212a Henry Augustus Knop 512a Lewis Charles Baring 11 April 1st 13 15 Mar. battalion of THE LINE. von der Hellen . Baron lloldenberg George Julius Meyer 212a Augustus Wahrendoiff 512a William de Heugel 8l2a Adclphus Koester 3l8a Nicholas de Miniussir 212a 212a 212a 2j2a 15 do Mar. May 20 Sept. Heckscher 212a John Fred. Nov. Rankin o rriTccA-Dc HUa&AKh. 12 do do do do do do do do do 20 22 29 25 26 27 Harry Leonhart Gustavus George Best Adolph. 13 22 Sept.. 13 Nov. 15 29 JNIay 15 1 July ^3 512a Charles Meyer 8 July ?9 512a James Oliver Lindham... 9 Oct. Charles Augustus Reinecke Cbristian Oelilkers Anthony Frederick Hoyer on 24 Feb. de Harling P 447 212a Gust. Assist. 18 Aug. Fred. Barvn Hodenberg 512a Frederick von Rossing 512a Christian Hen. 912tl Jolin 5^ Cornets 5121 Alex. August. ^ Ensigns 14 15 12 light INFANTRY. Baron Hammerstein 212a Rudolph. von Arentsschildt Fred. 14 7 Jan. Aug.-Surg Captains Lieutenants Chr. 14 29 April 17 June 28 May 15 do do do do do May do do do 2 Sept. Augustus Muller 512a William Best . Ziieuteriants 14 24 April 11 2'l2a Assist. 13 LIGHT INFANTRY. Giistavus Rleyer Lieutenant! When Army. Martin A. Adolphus Hesse 8 17 June Lieut. Diede Win. Baron Le Fort 212a Augustus von Brandis 17 Aug. Aug. 13 18 Aug. 13 512a Leopold von Retiberg 2nd Ensigns 15 BATTALION OF THE LINE. 18 Mar. 21 Mar. Fred richs 512a Conrad von Uassel Veter. 30 Oct. 1st Eniigut do do 14 06 ..-Surg. <JRD Cai)tains the IP 31S9 Quintus.. .S'... Kumme Diederich de Einein George Wichmann Charles von Weyhe Adolph. Frederick Eidmann Captain Lieutenants P # 512a Hans. Bushe Captains ?3 2nd Lieutenants 4 July 16 £?is. 512^ Frederick de Fresnoy placed half-pa]/. 22 Oct. 18 Aug.. 10 Oct. 1 Dec. 12 16 . 5 July 29 July 9 Oct. 15 Nov. 212a William Doring 10 April 5l2a George Frank 5 Jan. 212a Augustus Luning 13 5iJ3a Hartmana . Jacob Behne Joseph Tliolon May 14 14 6 Oct. William Stolte 512a 512a 13 512a 13 212a Ensigns 13 20 Aug. Jan. 15 09 ]2 24 Nov.Jir. 6 Jan.. ^ ^ ^ ^ do do do do do do do do do Ludolph 05 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 28 May 15 27 Mar. 212a Arnold William Heise Captain 14 26 June 15 . Adolphus Baron Holle 2l23 Francis La Roche George Fabricius 512a Augustus Ferilinand Ziel 212* Lewis Henry de Sichart Adjutant 11 ^3 5l2a Frederick. 26 Nov. 17 Mar. 215a Augustus. 5139 Fred.Lieut. 4 Mar. Theo.de Witte Ernest Brinckmann William Liining Augustus Schulze SliSft Frederick von Brandis 5!2a Ferd. Caspar von Both Adolphus Ludewig Hen. 18 Feb. 6 May Augustus William Kuckuck 8 Jan. 9 June 15 7 July 13 Dec. 14 24 Feb.448 Foreign Half-pay. 12 11 May 20 Mar. von Uslar Gleichen ^529 Arnold Appuhn John Henry Wicke 5!2a 2M When. Baron von dem Brinck 5M Ensigns Henry Edward Kuckuck Frederick de Storren Frederick von Schlutter ffliaa Rank the in Army. 10 do 18 Mar. 13 20 Sept. Captain$ Justus Tormin Christian Bacmeister Lietitenants 51i2E ffli® ffliaa SSS Ensigns Aisist. 18 Mar. 7 May 15 June 26 July 30 May 6 June 28 Feb. 31 Oct.. do do do do do do do do do 16 .-Surg. Bern. . 07 do 14 Sept. Schneider . Fred.. 19 Mar. von Weyhe SSa Charles Brauns ffliSa MA Augustus Kuckuck 5M Julius Brinkmann 5iaa Henry Dehnel 21i2E Lewis de Bachelle. 3rd Captains Lieutenants battalion of THE LINE. do 19 June 15 do 30 Oct. Albert Cordemann Frederick Erdmann George W. 14 9 Jan. placed on half-pay. 8 Sept. F. 8 Dec. 12 5123^ 5i® Richard Hupeden Adjutant 4th BATTALION OF THE LINE. 13 16 May 15 5 June 07 28 Sept.-CoL ^ Captain Lewis Daniel' 2nd Captains 2iaa George Wiering Lewis Jasper 212a Frederick Erythropel \st Lients. July July 15 ENGINEERS. Chr. Lt.. IP Victor Preussner Ferdinand de Brandis William Rummel. Brig.1 449 Foreign Half-pay. Sxrr 16 do do do do do do do do do BATTALION OF THE LINE. Fred.. 21i3a Sir Geo. . 2123 Frederick Captains . 7th battalion of THE LINE. 12 do do do 14 May May 14 19 20 26 24 25 Franz Uottiger Adolphus Rechtern do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . 14 Dec. t^^t^. 12 24 Feb. Theodore von Sebiscli 1 12 Christian Frederick Eiclihorn .. 16 Feb. 12 26 Nov. 12 15 Nov.1 Heimburg George Baring J3a)-()ii 26 July Capt. 212a Geo. ^ do do do do do do do do do do 9 April 05 22 Aug. 12 23 July 23 Alar. 27 Nov. I 212a William de Goeben 212a William de Scharnhorst Frederick Drechsler P ^ Augustus Pfannkuche 212a Henry Hartmann Henry Bostlemann 2i2a Lewis Haardt Lewis Scharnhorst 212a Lewis de Wissell 2jtd Lieuts. 10 April Major |9 11 do do ARTILLERY.C'(i/>f.. 14 16 May 15 14 Dec. 1st Lieuts.. 28 Nov. 17 Aug. 3 April 14 fj) Augustus Steften 27 May 18 July 14 ?12a Arnold Erich Backhaus 19 April 212a Charles Ernest F. '^'TagS Frederick Munter Arnold Backmeister J) Frederick von Diebitsch Caplaina Lieutemmti 21 Sept..-Sura Lewis Hagemann John Blundstone John Frederick Hilmer Captain Victor Prott. 09 25 Nov. Godfrey Lunde 212a Frederick Brinckmann . 14 do do 8 Sept.'Mdjors 1 ^ Fr. Julius Hartmann. 11 21 Nov. 13 30 Nov. KCB. 12 25 Nov.. 2l2a Chailes Herman Augustus Capelle 2nd Ludowieg Paijmaster Veler. 08 23 Nov. 11 Sept.. 26 Mar. 13 do do Capt. Daniel has received a medal and a clasp for the battles of Orthe» and Toulouse. do 27 Mar. GCH. 12 do 12 Sept. Neuschiiff'er 29 April 512EI Franz Frederick Backhaus Augustus von Ilodenberg 2 June j^ . May Marburg 27 Mar. 14 do 12 July 12 do 13 July do 13 April 14 do 21M George Delias 16 24 June Lieutenants 2!2A Frederick LuJeritz 13 212a Charles Poien 212a Frederick Zlermann Ensigns 212a Augustus Helniich Fredeiick Dorndort Adjtilant 212a Godlove Kiinoth 2!2a Frederick Henry Miiller 12 Sept. 10 24 21 Alar.Lieiif. y 212. 05 14 Aug. Schlichthorst Lieuts. 06 23 Mar. John Fred.. .. . 13 26 Nov. /vCH William Unger John Lutlermann STAFK. 20 Nov.. 13 Nov. . Zehupfenning MEURON'S REGIMENT. 15 Jao. 24 Sept. 11 1814 Captain Lieutenants Major J— N— Jean Neporaucene Stoeber f| Armand Casimir G. 05 1811 2 July 13 :VL\LTA REGLVIENT. Eruest Berner J. Richter Captain Lieutenants George Alexander Dardel Charles Jos. Mar. Charles de Gumoens . do 4 June 1 do 22 July 13 do 21 April 14 do Assist.. 1 p 1814 do do do do 24 June 15 1814 do do CHASSEURS BRITANNIQUES. Bera. * William de VVulflfen 23 * Alexander voa Erichsen 7 * Gustarus Conrad Ales.ts. de Graffenried August..„. 10 27 Sept. 11 Xov. 14 June 16 do do 24 Feb.. Nich. EnsigH Antonio D'Odiardi Dominico Aatonio Peretti Joseph Sasini Captain Jean de Chesse Lieutenants Pietro Antonio Salvatorio Pierre Astuto 31 Mar 10 Feb. 09 do 21 Feb. .-Master Ferdinand de Bochmer 21 Captains "When placed on half-pay. Fer.. 16 . Ignation Stumpa 12 Apr.ank in - BRUNS^\^CK CAVALRY.von Girsewald 4 Lieuttnant William von Lubeck 1 CorntC Frederick Moeller 10 Adjutant William Butze Lieut. 11 27 June . 10 do Captains Joseph Panattieri Jacques G uanter 6 Jan. 04 1808 9 Mar. Sept.. 26 QiiaT. Captain Lieutenants * Frederick von Wolffiradt Ernest Ton Fatzinskj * Carl. 25 June 19 May 11 12 DILLON S REGIMENT. 14 do do do >.»~. April 14 1 April 13 28 Oct.Surg. Isnace Goassencourt 4 3 4 28 28 Dec. 09 Mar. do 30 April do 28 Sept. de Lo no 1 Charles Cssar de Meuroa Jules Cassar Saum . Antoine Fred. GREEK LIGHT INFANTRY.2 450 JForfign Half-pay. 27 Greisheitn ^ Endgni Charles Haberland Johannes Cornelias Schot Michael Charles Edwards A-. Cha. .. Lieutenojit Era.. D.„ . 13 Nov. „. 09 25 July 16 28 April 1 1 25 Sept. 27 Mav Lie'^ienants Peter Francis Ciavaldini Louis de Kamptz 07 13 07 14 1817 do do do do do do 20 Mar. Dufief Silvain de Precorbin Jos. ROYAL CORSICAN RANGERS. Fhilibert de Brem Etience de Planta de Ponchalon Fredenck Wolf June 14 24 June 14 07 2 Nov. 15 May 10 1814 June do Oct.. B. 6 Jan. L. „„. 24 June do do BRUNSWICK INFANTRY. von Schwartenberg Frederick Hausler 9 ^ ^ Albert von 16 Aug. . 14 Sept. Army. W. ROYAL 23 June 14 do do 20 Mar.». 09 June 10 ?. MISCELLA^'EOUS CORPS. luly 10 July Louis Tliolim 14 Sept.J May OH ClintlcH I'nniiac-li Due. l. 15 25 April 25 .-Master Julin Nurg 10 Aug. 15 do 20 Aug.ilis jilarrti 1lnAn„u. 4 June 14 1016 21 Oct. Hiintislo riiil. 1 1 2(> Oct.Jan. Lient. 17 1 11 SICILIAN HKCJIMKNT.-Suig.lean iSaptistc lluidin la Motlic Mcrmct Mny 25 Mar. 451 Iliiiili HOLI/S HKCJFMKNI'.Ian. Counmt AiilouK! T) April 21 Aptil Uusiliioii .'t . 94 . May 07 24 Oct. do 18 Aug. 13 25 July 16 24 Feb. 1 V Siiliii>.(. I 24 Oct. .4 Foreign ILilJ-jmi/. Courten M'lifii 10 14 r> Nuv. 13 do 22 Toter Miu-doiinid \Villi. Captaiiit Major Nichnlns Mtillvr Kenl.lames Adjulaiit . OtI 26 Mar. Lieutenants 'riioinns Mnrino dc Kossi (> /iijinni (iiist.-Surg. Aiiguslo do llcctoi ImIiiiiiiiiI Olio I iIi< It 111 15 Oct.cr Eiiii'^ii do do do do do do do do do I Kilwnnl I <lo ID .er (i iMaiicis Dicciitn Euiigns Hoiiolph do Waltovillo Frn.'on. 25 Jan.ini do do do do UllO 27 Oct. Ilockcr Asiiit.-Col.luiie 15 » Dec. 1 l''ol). Kudolplie dc Miiy Captain Litutenauis Clin.i>i(/. dc Ho<|u«rc'uil 2<'i Quar. 28 22 25 27 23 27 1 12 24 Oct.ivc April 00 I'Vii.loscpli Assisl.iius Aiif^. Louis (. 04 25 Dec. Lieutenants Andiew *David Philip Cornet Joliii Philip Cranior (!ru. l''ischcr . Ciiarlcs Cicnimcilnio . on half -pay. 07 2.FiMii Jiili. do April 12 do . 11 20 Mar. 9 Dec. 16 do do do WATTEVILLE'8 REOIMKNT.Mil lor I Amiiiz in (.cr Ileiiiy d"Holl)ioiise 20 l'el>. do 16 17 FOREIGN VETERAN hATTAI.Ian.ION.mi iHFfb.liMii ii^^iiuT Charles do lironncr Chaplaiiii Join. 11 Tii^^iiiur 2(> l''i'l). 22 Dec.iiii7.. I'icnu r.Stilt7. do IS 11 ly Mar. do . 12 2!) Sept.hily 12 IHlfl 25 Nov. 3 rsov. von llnrlesseni Albert Krupp 21 June 14 May 18 Miy 1 June 10 25 Sept.'line 15 26 July Ift .lost . Aug.Tosc|ili (iiirilor <lo 1(116 \f> dir S. 'lliitd /.. do do It 31 Jan. Captain Liiutenantt Entign Arthur Leon do Tinscaii Antoinc Louis de Meiidibus 15 25 July John Ordon 15 June 8 . .Mlo la Villo l''ieilcri(-l< LituUnauti '. .lean Allieit l''isclicr do Chaplain I'elcr . 14 do . . 08 do Miiy 01 25 July 16 16 16 1 16 YORK LIGHT INFANTRY VOLUNTEERS. tVm. Captain Lieutenants Entigni Frcilcrick Wyncken Gcorirn de Wilto 31i!il Frederick von Finko lleniy Drackincycr John llcnry Wegener Frederick Schultzc 8 July 11 20 Aug. 12 FOREIGN CORPS OF VVAGGONERS. /iilicndcr 21 Do Allien Stoi|. GCB. 29 LANGUARD FORT. 16 13 June 11 PORTSMOUTH. Vise. Fort-Major .-Gov ^ 312^ General Rt. . Thomas Austin. 24 Dec.. 4 July 6 April 6 lOOct. 12 7 8 . 07 28 27 July 20 DARTMOUTH. Wynn.Arthur Howe Holdsworth . Charles Governor LONDONDERRY AND CULMORE. John Owen. Governor Chaplain Rev. Hon. 16 May 50 HULL. 10 173 7 6 25 Mar. 11^ Sir James M'Grigor. John Earl of Strafiford. 18 10 Sept. . d.452 GARRISONS. B. 16 July 13 Feb. Chaplain iJeu. 26 16 ISLE OF WIGHT. MD. li. 346 15 Deputy-Lieut. GCH. 173 7 . KG. 28 Dragoons 173 Major 115 11 Zfeu.-Gov ^3 Lt-Co/. . Capt. W. P 213a Gen. . Beresford. GCB. Colonel Lord De Ros 7 C'upiaiii John Henry Elrington. late 5 FORT. Sir Wm. GCB.L> Chaplain . Bart. late 1 R. . £ BELFAST. 52 52 8 11 Oct. Town-Major . Sir Cha. West. 76 Robert Watson 10 26 April 38 TOWER OF LONDON. Ge7i. Sandown Fort.-Gen..Field Marshal The Marquis of An- 7 6 29 JMar. James Millar Lieut. P 3123.. Bn. late Invalids 173 Cowes Castle.. .. Sir GCH James Kempt. late 1 R. Bn R. • • . Governor . GC/f. Wade Thornton.Lt. 6 51 16 40 FORT WILLIAM.. 6 STIRLING CASTLE.-CoL Robert Kelly. KCH Governor ^ Li^ut. GCH JERSEY. of glesey. EDINBURGH CASTLE.. 63 13 8 69 19 2 63 13 8 Date of Appoini7nent. Vet. Lieut. Unattached DUNCANNON Fort-Major Lieut. p. Bn. Per Ann. 173 6 7 20 June 11 15 June 22 no pay MILFORD HAVEN.-Gov Lieut. 29 Jan. Henry Melvill. Vet. Capt. Vet. KCH 173 7 6 25 Sept. Aug. ^ Gewera^ Fweown^ Combermere. 159 4 173 7 26 Dec. lieut. Peter Stuart. 947 9 Constable 663 1 Lieutenant .. no pay C. Governor Sir Fort-Major Anthony Wharton Physician Direclor-Gen. KCB.- s. GCB. 11 Dec. Bart 14 June 21 NEW GENEVA.'^ ^S3L Major-Gen. Sir George Howies. GCH. of Hospitals for the duties of Chelsea >500 . 53 of Bhurtpore in 1825-6..-Col. Surgeon 1 was Edward Hugh Blakeney Major Daly served with the 14th at the siege and capture wounded at the assault. 48 ROYAL HIBERNIAN SCHOOL IN DUBLIN. Governor ^3 ffl® Lieut. Captains of Companies i Brevet-Major Robert Daly' of Gentlemen Cadets S Brevet-Major James W. Scovell. p. KH. Mathias. Assist. Sir Colin Halkett.. CHELSEA HOSPITAL. Captain Joseph CUA. Dalgety Chaplain. Governor Lieut. If D Surgeon 400 2 April 52 182 10 4 May 49 180 273 15 1 July 47 1 Aug. Commandant . &:c. ^ Lt. Per Ann. M^ Chaplain Phys. 453 MILITARY ESTABLISHMENTS. Sir Geo. .-Gen. . . Melville MD Neale.-Surg. GCH. and Adjt. Prosser. GCH ^ Wi Gen. .J[M Lieut. G. Thomas William Taylor.-Gov Major ^^ 0189 Genera/ Sir KH Dato oj s.. 500 400 292 10 176 11 300 26 Nov. John Pickering. severely — 431 3 6 4 Nov. Quarter-Master William Cousins Thomas Graham Balfour. Henry Le Blanc ?P Col.-Gov MSL Major-Gen. Barnard. H. MD . left leg amputated. Chepmell Quarter-Master and Paymaster. Sir John Morillyon Wilson. ({. . Rev. and Surg. 23 Feb. Edward Addison. 46 £. 49 26 Nov. Andrew F.. 49 22 Sept.-Gen. 1000 383 300 129 129 300 197 255 136 ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM AT CHELSEA. CB Major and Superintendent of Studies. and . KCB Lieut. Lieut. John Sec. GCB. Daniel Maclachlan. (with Local rank of Dep. Suigeon . W. "^ Insp. 49) } 8 May 40 ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE..-Ci.. G.-Col. 14 6 16 Nov. 22 15 Aug. Adjutant K«w.. GCB." Hospital only./. CB. Lieut. 3ID.Appointment. Vnait 97 Foot h. L. John Whitacre Tipping. Chateauguay. and to be worn in substitution of the distinctions previously granted to such like individuals. ) ( Java Ciudad Rodrigo Badajoz -A^ug. Aug. Martinique (attack and capture) IN 4 July 1806 17 Aug. Barrosa Fuentes d'Onor 21 June 28 July to 2 Aug.— — 464 OFFICERS TO WHOM GOLD DECORATIONS HAVE BEEN GRANTED IN COMMEMORATION OF THEIR SERVICES FOLLOWING BATTLES OR ACTIONS. . America Pyrenees (assault and capture) St. Albuliera (attack and capture) and capture) do. of which the following issued by the THE is 13 14 an abstract. 9 to 13 Dec. 10 Nov. That upon a claim being admitted to a fourth mark of distinction. 27 Talavera (attack and capture) Guadaloupe Busaco 5 Mar. 27 Feb. and inscribed with the name of the Battle or Siege to which it relates. was Commander-in-Chief: Whereas considerable inconvenience has arisen from the number of Medals which have been issued in commemoration of the brilliant and distinguished events in which the success of His Majesty's arms has received the Royal approbation. feb. 09 16 Jan. That for the second and third events. &c. each individual recommended to bear the distinction shall carry a gold Clasp attached to the ribbon to which the Medal is suspended. 08 21 Aug. America Nivelle Chrjstler's Farm. 11 Nov. 6 April 22 July 12 -Aug. 1813. America Nive Orthes Toulouse 11 Jan. Benevente. 26 Oct. 1st. Maida Roleia Viraiera Sahagun. 1808 & Jan. (capture of) Vittoria On 10 27 Sept. the Prince Regent has been pleased to command that the following Regulations shall be adopted in tlie grant and circulation of such marks of distinction viz. 10 April the 7th October. 3rd. do. which may be subsequently commemorated in manner. & 28 July Jan. That one Medal only : shall be borne by each Officer recommended for such dis- tinction. Sebastian 5 16 May May & Sept. & Feb. with the names of the four Battles or Sieges respectively inscribed thereupon . & Sept. Dec. 2nd. (actions of Cavalry) Corunna. a Cross shall be borne by each officer. (assault 17 March & Salamanca Fort Detroit. a General Order. 3rd. Commanding Commanding selection will restrict his choice to the Officers of Brigades. having the rank of Field Officer. the Clasp shall again be issued to those who have a claim to the additional distinction to be borne on the ribbon to which the Cross is suspended.— Officers 4th. and ditto. 4th. are to be worn by the General Officers. in the same manner as described in No. in commemoration of which such marks of distinction are to be bestowed. His Royal Higliness was further pleased to command that the distribution of Medals or Kadges for Military services of distinguished merit shall be regulated as follows : viz. or distinct "^ division of the The Army. That no General or other Officer shall be considered entitled to receive them unless he has been personally and particularly engaged upon those occasions of great importance and peculiar biilliancy. and Officers who may have succeeded to the actual command during the engagement. and being at the bead of the Staff. Adjutant-General. 455 Upon each occasion of a similar nature that may occur subsequently to the grant of a Cross. signed by himself. Ribbon Those Badges which would have been conferred upon the Officers who have fallen at or died since the Battles and Sieges. with a blue edge. suspended by a of the colour of the sash. as a token of respect for their memories. or Badge except upon the special selection and report of the Commander of the Forces upon the spot ' as having merited the distinction by conspicuous services. Officers of Artillery. That the Commander of the Forces shall transmit to the Commander-in-Chief Returns. attached by a Ribbon of the same description to the button-hoi^ "' nf their uniform. Commanding Officers of Battalions. General Officers. who have received Gold Decorations. and Officers who may have succeeded to the actual command during the engagement. Vide the London Gazette. Military Secretary. Crosses. Officers of Battalions. 2nd. 2 of these Regulations. be transmitted to their respective families. round the neck and by the Commanding .f Field Officers) and such other Officers as mav . Adjutant and Quarter-Master-Generals. Medals and Clasps. — . The Commander of the Forces in making the under-mentioned ranks: viz. and Quarlei-Masler-General. Assistants. in consequence ot the death or removal of the original Commanding Officer. be specially recommended. That no Officer shall be considered a candidate for the Medal. or Corps equivalent thereto. having the rank of Field Officers. 9th October 1813. or Engineers. shall. specifying the names and ranks of those Officers whom he shall iiave selected as particularly deserving. 1st. having the rank of Field Officers. with a detached Corps. Deputies of ditto. the Chiefs of Military Departments and thpir Deputies and Assistants (having the rank c. or Corps equivalent thereto. 5' s :i P^i-1 fc* iS ^ o «' ^ •. ca aJ ca ^ c Ph a 5. *i Oo3 • > 02 5^^ U „ ^ «l rH I e>Sii&® .i^. so S S " c ~ ' S o s 3 3 3 ) > 5i 7- w C Oj . PlhO ^-3 =? CS " -K a & o aa oQ» Q CO ^ S S o o '.. o 5 ° 3 . 2 o j? £ at-' .5 O t.1.S -2:idd^ ^ ^oS ^ a. 'I' J >• : v^ •<! IB S ca xj Sfe» <u a2 a t.S ? . -J^ j " s ® S -.^ 3f^ « r ^ 3 3 5 O (U Ph 3 ca Jw C8 O R x) •= -c " JS flj ^ pH Eh ca JS rrr r-i «3 o) '^ oj ' ^ — CC J.K ^ 5 * tS " *j o.S 3 cd <1 1 O «.CO _ (D in u i 3 o 3 O 0) as j: S ro i_ I t^.S eg -E S ^ca (£ << gi Eh = S 3 Q E3 OS tc 3 g s CO 3 r-( -H C3 c « = a) r: 2 3 S O s-a. II ' O (y iS bD q a! _. y « 5 '" o 3 C o p ts IL *^ " ^ ^tc-r-to o 5 P-C? !-: i3 .2. rf •r _ .S 00 -a rr. a V <JJ >) PH <i> S 3 fcO 3 O fl. .Is <u a 2 to O a ^ o » 'Ed c w _ ^ o o c o :i: n P^ « = 3.2 ^ £ = ^. . ' 9 ej'-i 0) «o Ih O o !^ e ». S gpq S<1 -2 o .2 §«:§< S *e ^ ^o ^3 03 . CD o &^ O h fn Mi "* i o o o -S 5 C-1 u-j § to -H •^ '~ fc 00 r^ 3 SS *— ^f^'^ i-gj « iV W to ^ W be** "SO a m 1 i-i » <1 « >< -^ hj I " a a> ] . OFFICERS NOW HOLDING RANK IN THE ARMY OF THE MOST ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER OF KNIGHTS. of Anglesey. KNIGHTS. H. Field Marshal His Racial Highness Prince Albert. Yeomanry Cavalry. Marshal His Royal Highness Pi irice A\bert. Du/ce de-Camp W. C. GCMG. Marq. Gds. GCH. (KP. GCB. 5123 Colonel Charles. 2 Life Guards GCH. OFFICERS NOW HOLDING RANK IN THE ARMY or THE MOST ANCIENT AND MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE THISTLE. P (KG. Marquis of Londonderry.) KNIGHT S. KG. Duke of Cleveland. York Hussars. Earl nf Cork. Francis N. KP. Duke ri/" 22 Drs. Marq. S. GCH. KP.) Buccleuch. h. o/' Richmond. GCMG.o/Tweeddale. {According to their Stalls. PATRICK. Field Marshal to the F. Captain R. -GeneralGeorge. Gren. KT. AG. I (KT. Colonel KT. Gds. Lt. Royal Horse Guards. Colonel Thomas EuiL de Grey. Guards. Aide- General C. GCH. GCB. of Couyngham. Queen. Field Marshal His Majestu the King of the Belgians. ^ fflSa GCB. GCMG. Field Marshal His Roqal Highness Prince A\heTt. p. Gien. KP.) Lieut. Major-General Henry.460 OFFICERS NOW HOLDING RANK IN THE ARMY OF THE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER.-Col. Field ST. UoatU . Scots Fus. Sussex Militia.Maro. Grenadier Guards. Major-General His Roual Highness the Dithe of Cambridge. KG. W. Guards Major-General His Pouai Highness the Duke of' Cambridge. Septs Fus. GCB.30F.CJ3. GCB.) General Kdmund. GCMG. GC'MG. VV. Edinburgh Militia. GCB. Marquis of Hertford. and GCH. GCH P 212a Strafford. Sir Hen. Bell. Campbell. Br.-Gen.1 Dr.-Gen. (Ciuil) 56 F. SirGto. Gen. Col. Sir John Hunter. Lt.-Gen.-Gen. ifon. Sir 42 F. Julius. Lieittenant of the Tower :. (Civil) Bombay Infantry ^ Berestord. Sir John Milleii England. Maj. Sir George. G. Lieut. Brisbane. Lt. MD. KCH. Lieut.-Gen. 21 F. P Sir of. from Royal Engineers Caldwell. D'Aguilar. INIedical Department P M'lMahon. Art. . L.. Coldst. Sir John F Sir H. GCH. p. ^ ^ 512a Seaion. Sir E. (Ciiii) Beng.. Marquisof. {Civil) 15 F. Lord.-Gen. His KP. Sn H. KCH. Armstrong.-Gen. Hon. Sir Alex. Maj.-Gen. GCH. Sir David . Gen. GCH § $ ^ HIakeney. 512a Gomm. Lt. KNIGHTS. Sir Richard 212a Bowles. Sir Thomas. Legion Hope. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henri) Edw.-Gen. Gen. Gen. Sir John Forster . John. Gen. Marq. Lord (Civil) }^ SStI Hardinge. Sir De Lacy Fitz Gerald. Lt. GCH.. Coldstream Guards 212a Thackwell. Goldfinch.13 F.-Gen.-Gen. Unatt.Bombay Infantry 31 F. Henry George KNIGHTS COMMANDERS. -Gen. Sir Jas. Right Hon. Lt. Carr. Lt. . ACH.. Drummond. Lt. Hon. Berkeley. P512a Woodford. Col. . Sir R.-Gen. Gen. Lieut. Lt. GCMG. -Gen. 5i2a KCH .-Gen. General Sir Goidon 8 F. Lieut. GCiUG. GCMG. Sir Willoughby. GCH. Lt. Bi . Earl.. Lt. Sir J. Gen. Gen. 8 F. Downes. .-Gen.-Gen. D. Sir John Wright. Sir J. Littler. Sir Thomas M. Lt. Lord (Civil) h.-Gen. P P P P % % P (KCB. H. W. KCH. Halkett.-Gen. Kempt. Gen..-Gen. Sir Richard. Lt. Lt. Bart. Viscount 87 F. Sir 29 F. from R. 40 F. Maynard .-Gen. Earl of. GCii^. Lt. Field Marshal H. C. Lt.Madras Cavalry AG. Lt.. P Leith. Bengal Infantry Londonderry. . W. 1 F. C Cheape.-Col. Gds.of. y 512a JNlaitland. Grey. Lt. Sir Geo. Gen.. Lt. Sir James A 9 F. p. Burgoyne. late Germ. 512a Evans. GCH.. P P P P F.461 OFFICERS NOW HOLDING RANK IN THE ARMY OF THE MOST HONOURABLE ORDER OF THE BATH.-Gen. Viscotmt (Civil) 57 F.Unatt. GRAND Royal Highness Piince Albert. Sir Hartmann. Lieut. Sir ^IcGregor. 16 Drs. Lawrence.-Gen. 1^ Douglas. Gen. 35 F. Sir Alexander 92 F. Sir Peregrine KG. Grenadier Guards. 23 F. JO F. Fitz Roy y Lore/. Si/James L. General Commanding-in-Chief Howard de Walden. Rifle Brigade 32 F. Bort.. Sir James.G. Lt.. 1 Dragoru P P ^ P P P GCH Guards 2!2a Cathcart. Cotton. Lt -Gen. 5:2a Smith.-Gen. . -Gen. J. Royal Horse Guards. Guise.-Gen.-Gen. Bart. Bourke. Major-Gen. Gen. 98 F.-Gen. KG. GCH. Ulysses. Lt. (GCB. Lt. 45 F. Wm P P 512a Rlacdonell. iS'ir Duncan (Civil) P P M'Grigor. 52 F. P Maibean. KH. Col. Lt. 512a 13 512a Raglau. General Mujeity the King of the Bel- h. Hugh. GCH.) Henry. Lt. S. Chas. ^ 5® Anglesey.. KH. Lord ^Douglas. .Bengal Artillery Rif.-Gen. Lt. Madras Cavalry Doveton. (Civil) . Sir John. Sir Colin. Capt. Sir Rob Bengal Cavalry Howden. Sir George. . Sir John P D ennis. Sir W. James James John iNLijor. Lt.Adjt. KH. Vise. Lt.. h. Lt. Sir Jas. ^ Lusliington. Machine. Col. Sir A.-Gen. Sir Richard 95 F. late DirectorGen. Cough. . Maj. Sir George . jNIajor. Bt. A'// P H.-Gen. Pottinger. Lt. Bart. B.-Gen. -Col.Bt. Houstoun. Rt. GCH 16 F. Lieut. Lt." 25 F. Pollock. the Order. Sir John F. Major-General Sir Wakelyn. Campbell. \$ 512a Bisset. Major-Gen. Sir Colm. GCH. Vise.-Gen. P P Westmorland. p.-Gen.-Gen. (Great Muster of Field Marshal His gians. GCMG. Sir John 5 F.Commissary-General Bloomfield.) Doyle. Sir Archibald 71 f'. A.M.-Gen. Gen.MadrasEngineers Conibermere.) CROSS.77 Foot Brown. Bt 85 F. Sir A. Sir Henry F. ^ ^ .-Gen.-Gen. Earl Bnnhnrij. 7 F.GCH.. P512a Cathcart. Artillery Leighton. 1 Life Gds. Gen. . -Gen. Sir Henry. 34 F. KT. . 26 F. F.64F.2L. Ut. Bengal Engineers P52\ Clifton. Lt. A.-Gen. R. Lord. Eng. ^3 512a 17 F. Lt. ^ John P . 53 J. . Sir U. 18 FGardiner. Lt.M. John. J. ^3 iM Barnard. Field Alarshal KG. . Guards Corbett.-Gen.-Gen.Madras Cavalry H Uuatt.-Col. Gore Browne. Lt. Eng. Col. J. Lt. Major John Halkett Bengal Infantry Cunlitle. Lt. James Lewis Baumgardt.Madras Infantry Scovell. Col.-Geu. Bengal Infantry Bengal Artillery Biddulph. Lord Charles S Henry Viscotmt 60 F. KH. Henry \'aughan Brothertou. Lt. Alex. Charles late of 83 F.Sir James Wheeler. E2a Scott.-Gen..-Col. Wm. Barmston 55 F. Sir ^ James James . Sam. J. y 11 F. In' KH P ^ Unat. ^ Napier. Lt. L. P |3 ^ Sga Steel.. Engineers Blundell. Major-Gen. Cav. late of Gren. oo .. Col.-Col.-Gen. late of Bengal Infantry P 212a Dalmer. AT//.-Col.-Colonel Gustaviis Browne. ^ aSa Beckwith. Sir Schoedde.. . Lieut.Bengal Artillery Alexander..83 F. Chas.' G. Lt. 15 Dr. . Lt.Lt. Sir JMelville. Bisshopp. Lt. Edw 96 F. Sir Hugh Rlassey . Charles Devavnes . Lt. Lt. Tho.. Bart.-Gen. Hon. Col.. . Lt. h.-Col Philip .-Gen.Bengal Army Benson. Augustus Abbott. Wm. Major Julius Brockman. Bengal Artillery Abbot.-Gen. ^ Craigie.-Col.. 1 W. Col.Madras Artillery 38 F. Col. Lt.-Gen. Geo. Lt.-Col. William . Sir Geo..-Gen.-Gen. Col. Somerset.. W. Col. Bengal Infan.Deputy Commissary-General Bengal Lt. Lt. Major Henry C. G.-Col. Thomas S 22 F. late of 50 F. Sir Wm. Thomas ^ ^ Auchmuty..-Gen. Frederick. 5l2a Brereton.Madras Infantry h.-Col..John.-Col. Dep. James . Dejmfy Adj.Adj. Col. Lt. Lt.-Col. Charles Ashe. Lt.-Gen. Felix 90 F. Wm ^ ^ KH Wm Cloete. P. Gds. WiDamer.. Lt. . of 6 Dr' late of Gr. 49 F. . Lt. G. Sir Hew D. ^Conyers." Chas. Alex Bengal Infantry Carnegy. KH. Lt. . Richard ^ H ^ . .-Col. ^ Bell. De la Motte. Wm 2 F. 51 WiUshire. y Campbell. Edward R. Col. Colonel Charles M. Joseph.. JNIanners.-Col.. 4 Dragoons Gflvenior of the Royal MiHtary College from R. Col.. Lawrence Ashburnham.-Gen. . Colonel George 32 Foot Brooke. David Bombay Infantry Carmichael. Rifle Brig..-Gen. ..lale of 89 F. Lt. Lt. from R. Lt. Lt..Bombay Cavalry .-Gen.-Gen..-Col. Bt. Delamain. Col. Lt.' iiiiaa Wilson. Lt.-Gen.-Gen. Lt.Hon. 'I'ennani.) Brown.-Col. Birch. Carruthers.. ^ ^ COMPANIONS. Sir Geo.. ^ \^ 212a Childers.late of 11 Dr. Lt-Col. KH. Gen. .^ladras Infantry Anstruther. i^ Reid. Lt.41 F. R.-Gen. John Gregory Madras Army KCMG. J. KCH. Lt.(Civili) Royal Artillery Colvin.B. Bengal Cavalry Lt. Edmonstone h. . Lt. F Major-Gen. P C ^ . Maj.. Thomas Banbury Bombay Inf. Michael Church. Gabriel. INIaj. Stuart Bengal Infantry Cother.. p. ?lJSa Buller.-Col. R. Col. late of 89 F.. Lt. . Scudamore Winde .-Col. Lt. Maj. 44 F. a'Court.I. Augustus . Maj. 55 F. Hugh 215a Arguirabau.-Gen. Sir John 512a Woodford. 6'n. Eng. Rlaj. H. Major William Andrews. B Backhouse. Cornelius . . Balders. Lieut. y ^ ^ (CB. Cameron. KH. Lt. Sir R. Adams.-Col...late of 2 F 212a Chalmers.-Gen. Richard .Royal Engineers Bengal Infantry Richards. Col.. Col. \% Arbuthnott.-Col. Sir Frederick. Lieut.. late IMadias Butierworth. Fred Bengal Artillery Brooke. 80 F.-Gen. Bengal Infantry Curtis. Conway.-Gen. Sir William ^ P ^ Couper. Sir J.-Col. . . Hon. Sir li.. \^ Wallace. Smith. Lt. Infantry Maj. Col. Col. late of 80 F.-Gen. Gen..-Gen. Maj. aiaj. KNIGHTS COMMANDERS—eontinweJ. Madras Artillery Booth.. late of Bengal Engineers ^ ^ (ES3 Abercrombii. Col... Royal Artillery . Edward Royal Art. Lt.-Col. Thomas 47 F. Geo.Rt. . Lt. KH. Lt. Lt..-Col. Lt. KH. 6'ir John Alex. late 65 Foot Bengal Artillery ^9 Bainbrigge.-Col. John . Peter . (Civil) .-Gen. . Sir Cha. IMaj. Charles Stewart Campbell. Sir Hopton S. Bray. Maj-Gen. Stovin.-Col. John Jiurlton. . Lt.A. Bengal Art. Lt.. Sir Wm. Lt. 1 F. Lt.p. Geo 29 F. Col. ]\'illiam Williams Blanshard.-Col.-Gen. T 22 F. Napier. R.-Gen.Most HonourabU Order of 462 the Bath. .-Gen. Gen. Wm. William. Lt.Bombay Catr. Lt. Sir W. jMadras Infantry Capon. Bi Sir Thomas. 78 f" |3 212a Calvert. Harvey.-Col. Brind.-Col.Sir Henry.. Daubeney. .-Col.-Col. John ^ aSa Ross. Colebiooke. Lt. F Bowyer. Eng. ^ Rolt. 5 Dr. 60 F. Col. Walson. Lt. Sir James 88 F. P Owen. Fielding Browne. KCH. Lieut. Lt.. late of Bengal Army Congreve. Maj. Col. Lt.-Gen. ' .-Col.Sir lo the Russell.-Col. Poulett . Henry Wm.Gen. George ^ Lt. Frederick . Sir George. John .. Cecil Blair.J. -Col.. Bengal Artillery Anderson. Anderson. Blake. Charles Henry . John Francis Bengal Infantry Birch. . F. Sir Chas. Sir William F. Thomas R. Bengal Art.-Co\. late GCH. Maj. 3t 14 F. late of Bengal Army late of 39 F.late of Bengal Cavalry William Col. ^ . 212a Cooke. Walter John late of 95 F. 29 F. Bradford. Lt.-Col.-Gen. Philip Morley. Basden. Hoyi. 3 Dr. Thomas Charles late of 48 F. ^ Davy. to Royal INIariiies Pasley. Craigie. M. Lt. p. Lt. Boldeii Diinmore. Lushington. Fred. Francis Spencer.-Col..-Col. Henderson. fllajor-Gen. Lieut. KCH. Herbert. Lt.-Col. Wm..-Gen. Col. George late of R.-ColJohn Philip Hunter. Li. Norman late of 55 F. Col. Thomas Harte 10 F. Edward .-Col. Jas. Col. M'Gregor. Lt. John Theophilus. George Iluthwaite. ^3 Everaid.-Col.Col.. Henderson. U. Alex. Adj. R.-Gen. Edward. Richard Goddaid 12 F. Doberly. John ^ Bengal Infantry Dynelty. late of 68 F. Georirc Mackinnon. Lt. from R. Lt. ^ L .. . Colonel J. 13 ffSi ^ Harrington. Horse Gds. Colonel Patrick Bengal Infantry Grant.-Col.Sir Robert John 2 W. Col.-Cul. Richard Ellicombe.-Ger. M'Sheny. Maj.. John P m\ Hili. Geo SIM 26 F.-Col. Wni.55 F. from Royal Eng. Engineers 61 F.Bengal Infantry 46 F.-Col. Lt. 13 Drs. Lloyd {Civil) h. INIajor Robert . Alex Bengal Artillery Lloyd. Major Herbert Beuj.-Col. Lt. Barclay. Lt. ^3 Macdonald. . . Lawrence.. Henry Hallett. Jonathan. . JMaj. \ViIliam . 60 F. Charles . Forster. Geo. Alex Unatt. h. John Royal Artillery ^ late of . Joshua (Cit'i/) Jones. Leigh 54 F.-Gen. Lt. from R.t.-Gen. Maj. Cap!. Lt. . J..-Geu. Lt. Henry 3 Drs.-Col. Lane. R. ..-Col. Lt. Christopher Bengal" Infantry 13 Goldie.-Gen. Evans. 13 Goidon. Godby. KH. . Maj. . Eng. Lt.-Gen.'. 13 Macphersou. 13 Hanhins. JMathias. Maj. Gowan.-Col. . Marines La wrenson. Hutt. John Fisher. Lt. from R.. Lt. James Bengal Infantry Kden. Lt. James Bengal Cavalry ?3 2I2a Kennedy. Havelock. 13 Fergusson. I Bengal Infantry Lane.-Col.Col. Lt.Bombay Infantry Ml).-Col. Lt. Major George Jack. 43 F. A. Lt. BengalArtillery 13 5i2a Latour. IP 3ia Hay. \) French. 13 21SI Love.-Col. 73 F. late of It. Andrew Hicks. Tlionias Comniissary-Genural lloggan.-Col. Col. Maj. Lt. Lieut.Lt.-Gen. Eyre. I..late of Hugh.-Col. . KH. Gds. Lt. Hugh Bengal Eng.-Gen. Fair. Lt. Lt.-Col. Lt. Elias late of Pi. Edw Bengal Artillery Graham. R.-Gen. Jas. Lt. Major Henry Bombay Artillery Franklin. Lt.".-CuL G.-Col. Lt. Major George Bombay Infantry Fitzgerald.-Gen. 22 F. Gough. Lt.-Gen. Leice. Insp. ]Maj.-Gen. Kennedy Clark. Lt. Mactier. Legion Bengal Infantry Bombay Infantry Hamerion. Grene. Lt. Aylmer . Grant. Maj. Lt. Lt. Colonel Geo. Geo 13 Hunt. Colonel Samuel Burdon R. Jame-. Alex Madras Infantry ^ Fanshawe. 3 Drs. Col. Sir Hei vey. Henry. Commissary-General ^ )3 Finch. Ewart. Artilleiy liogarth. Filder. Henry 99 F. Maj. Lt. Lt. William Bengal Artilleiy George. Lt. Colonel William 73 F. Bloomfield h. Iloldich. C. Eraser. ^3 Lillie.-Gen. Geo.-Gen. Sir Henry. John Frederick 67 F. John Madras Infantry Luaid.-Col. William Bengal Cavalry •Malcolm.. Geo. 'I'liomas. Major George Hall. L. Shaw 13 King. Major James . Bombay Infantry Royal Artillery .sler. Charles Bengal Art. Lt. Charles 13 Heriies.p. Hon. M'l)owell. Engineers iJ3 Lightfoot. ^ Duffy. Col.-Col. -General in Ireluiid.. llopkinson.Lt. Edward 29 F.-Gen. late of IMadras Huish. Wm. 463 Hearsey. KH. John F Hawkins.late of Bengal Army Fleming.-Gen. John . late of 59 F. James ^ KCH ^ ^ . Tlio R. Fraser. y ^ MacdoniU.-Col. of Hospitals Lewis. Halkeit. Col. Hon. Col. Deniiiss. Col. Lt. Thomas Kennedy." late of Ger. Thomas. 13 5iai Egerton.late of Bombay Artillery Lloyd. R.-Gen. Sir lioheHC. John 18 F. Lt. Lt.. Hall. Lt. Kdwardes. Sir John Scott Lindsay. .. Sir Cha Alan 80 F. 13 £23 iNIajor Wm. late Bombay Artillery P . Army Bengal Infantry late of 11 F. Harvey. Richard 39 i\ Lockvvood. Lt. Col. Col.Bengal Artillery E. KCH.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. Francis Gairdner. P. Lt.-Col.Col.-Gen. Earl of I'liatt. Unatt. Maj. KCH.-Col. GeorgeSimson BengalArtillery Lt. ^ Lumsden. .-Col. I. Bengal Infantry Bengal Artillery Bombay Artillery- Bengal Infantry Bombay . Lt. Wm. Lt.-Col. 13 512i Fnllev. Lt.6 F.-Col.-Col. Robert Do'. Hon. 63 F. Lt. Rlaj.Jolin.-Col. Engineers Hare-Claroes. Maj. Philip p. Kenah.late of Bengal Army 37 F. IP 512a KH. Hamilton. .p.late of 35 F.Dp. ^ Dundas. Mofit Honourable Order of the Bath.-Col. John Bacon .53 F.-Gen. .. 13 . Michel.Bengal Infantry Bengal Infantry F. . Robert .. Alex. John B Bengal Lt. ftlaiines Eustace. J. . Lt. Lt. . Artillery y Hodges. Maj-Gen. Griffith.-Gen. 3Iaj. Edward.Bengal Cavalry Kennedy.Unatt.-Gen.-Gen. Charles Bengal Artillery 13 Harding.-Col.-Gen. Lt. KH. late of Royal Art.-Gen.* Michell. Mansel. Col. Lt. Colonel C. p. Geo.-Col. Insp.-Gen. Lt.-Col.-Col.-Gen. C. late of R.-Col. . IMadias Infantry Wm. Edward Greenwood.Madras Engineers 13 3iaa George Gladwin Bengal Artillery Despard. Charles. Douglas 68 F. 'J'homas 62 F late of Gr. ^ ^ Frederick. Lt. Henry . 79 F.-Gen. Lt.-Col. Henry . -Gen. p.. from 92 F. Artillery Bengal Infantry P Douglas. Geo. Judd. Cav. Col. William Alex \i ?i2i Gore. R. D . Unatt. Col.. Ellis. . George .-Col.-Col. Lt.-Gen. h. late of Rifle Br. Jcihu . Edw.P ^M'Donald..)). Bengal Infantiy Geddes.-Gen. Edw 27 F. Major Fianklin ?3 (E2a Lygon. Major-Gen. John Millet. . Lt.-Col. Grattan.Bengal Infantry 5i2il Lluellyn. of Hospitals Franks.lale of 50 F. COMPANIONS— ciMitinufd. Major-Gen. KH.). Geo. Col. . Lt. Lt. ?3 51211 Leach. W. Lt. . Geo. Lt.-Col.-Gen. James 13 UarriiO)i. late of Infantry R. Thomas 81 F. Col. Bengal Infantry 79 F. .. JMaclean.Col.ighis-Alonteatli. . Alex Jackson. Col. h. (ieo. Maj. KC 3 F. .-Gen. Cul. Thomas Bengal Infantry 312a Rlacdonald. . Marines Lewis.-Gen. John Thomas.-Col. Frederick Darley. Major John Jebb. Henry Edward 14 Dis. Artillery 312a Macflonald.. llnhert .-Gen. Mercer. Lt. late of 16 Drs. Maj. Col. Col. John late of 53 F Markham.-Col. JoJin Kynaston Madras Infantry Lugard. Colonel U'illiarn Gteen. V 2!i 31i!il Kckford. I\laj. John M 13 n M'Pherson. Low. Colonel Fred 32 F . James Hope 9 Drs. Charles Bengal Artillery Grant.-Col. Leslie. late of Rifle Brigade Wilkinson. P Thomas. Lieut.-Col. 212a Reed.-Col. Lt. Vernon. . Bengal Infaniry Seaton. M. Edward Parlby.-Gen. Lt. William late of 60 F. Lt..-Col. .-Gen.Col.-Gen.Madras Artillery Morgan. Major Henry Bengal Infantry Moore. Rlajor-Gen. Sir Loftus 84 F. KH.-Col. . H. Unatt.-Gen. Murray.of. P Wells... Lt. B. Lt. Jusiin (Civil) .-Gen. Rawlinson. Col.i. C. Woodbuin. Major John ^ Piinn.Royal Artillery Tweeddale.-Col. Major R. ]\laj.. Col. Bombay Artillery Wilkinson. Wm. Ctarges late of 43 F.is. Wynyard. Maj.. Charles .-Gen. Robert Henry 58 F. Bombay Engineers Wade.. 37 F. Bengal Infantry Roberts.-Gen.-Col. Henry Shell. Milnes.-Gen. Michael 3 Drs. Major George .Bengal Engineers late of Bengal Army Timbrell. p... Col.. Lt. Col.. Major Wm.. Thomas Unatt. Edward 58 F..-Gen. Rose. late of 41 F.late of Bengal Army . Lt.. Lieut. Abraham Bengal Cavalry Roberts. Charles late of 22 F. Lt.-Col. Lt.. Lt. 26 F.late of Portuguese Ser.-Gen. James Bombay Infanlry Parke. Lt. Lt.-Gen. F.late of R. Armine S. Wallace . (Civil) Royal Artillery Willoughby. Thomas . Rowland late Unatt. Lt. Henrv. Lt.'. )9 Wilson. John Neave. ^ 19 Simmons. 512a Money. Col. INIajor Auclimuty Bengal Infantry Tucker. Lt.-Col. Col. John . Marline.-Gen.Bengal Inf. Bengal Infantry Madras Infantry Tulloch. P. Lt.. Salter. ^ ^ the Bath.. Major-Gen. . Lt. Alexander . Upton.. Eng. Smelt. Thos Bengal Cavalry Tucker.lohn Ljsaght Bengal Infantry Penny. A.. Wilson. Major S.-Gen. Major Fred. Hon. George.-Gen. Henry . Philip Francis .C Unatc. Lt. Marines 93 F."late of 4 F. Lieut. Geo. Major Ferdinand 26 F. Charles Cooke 91 F.R.-Col. Col. Lt. William Bombay Infantry Wymer.Bengal Infantry 74 F.-Col. Lt. Nath. Lt. .. Unatt.-Col. Miller. S late of 13 F. Thomas Erskine Nash.-Col. 512a Parkinson. Col. . Col. 14 Drs.late of JBombay ". Col.-Col..Bombay y . Junes Bombay Cavalry Stack. Robert Blucher h. ...-Gen. William late of Bengal Army Smith. late Madras Infantry James Wallace . Thos. George T. Wm.-Col. Adj. Lt. Lt.-Gen. Maj. Napier. Richard.. Sanderson late of 6 Dr. James Story. Henry Bombay Infantry Salter. .-Gen. . James Colley.. Reignolds. Maj. Fred. W. Lt. Maj. Lt. Lt. Wright..-Gen. Maj. John Hichaid Warren. Lt..-Col. KH. Deputy Adjutant -General W'hinyates..-Col. KH. KCH. 64 F. Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry . Infantry Stevens. p.-Col. Edmund Finucane Unatt. Lt. Perceval. W. G.-Col.Madras Infantry . Sir Henry IF. Alex. Foster ^ 212a Staveley.9 Dr. Lt. . Lt.-Col. Sir J. Christ. Lt. Wm. . Dixon . Lt. James Bombay Infantry Tail. Col. Col. .-Col.. T^ Wilson.-Gen. E..-Gen. Pears. Scott Richmond. Young. Simson Pattle. Gen. 36 F.-Col.. IP Napier. Lt. Archibald lilontgomerie.-Col. . Maj. 62 F.late of Bengal Army late of 31 F.97 F. Whitlie. Lt. 1 late of 2 Dr. Holt {Civil) . William Bengal Cavalry Paly. P.. Lt. Hugh H 5Ua Rowan. Adams . 97 F. P Thomson. Sleigh. Maurice ^ 5JP Wemyss. William Infantry 94 F.. T..-Col. KH.-Gen.late of 69 F. -Gen. p. Whittingham. .Bengal Infantry Bengal Infantry Sibbald. Col.-Col. Lt. Col. Maj. Wood.h.Madras Engineers h. Lt. T Tudor. William Royal Artillery Wjllie. Maj. Thomas James Wetherall.-Gen. John Bengal Infantry Turner.. . KH. Petre .. Major Ferdinand Unatt. Mountain. Marq. T Reid. Poole. p. Samuel. Fred. . Lt. ^ Thorn.-Col. Lt. Col..-Col.-Col. Era. late Bengal Infantry P ^ P Wade. Pennefather. Geo. Artillery White.Bengal Infaniry Robe. . § Thornton. Lt.Madras Infantry 17 Drs. Lt. . Lt. Maj.Bengal Cavalry Bengal Infantry Stuart. P tender leuth. Col. Henry C. . James F P Saltibery. Charles 55 F.-Gen. Dr. Hugh Scott. Major Thn. Tho..Bombay Infantry Woodgute. Tickell. Henry. Col. Outram. JMajor Joshua Bengal Infantry Tait. Charles Sandwith. Bengal Infantry ^ Rainey. Geo. White. Lt. Waddington. Arch. Henry Adolphiis .Bengal Infantry P . Ll. . Joseph Simpson. Edmund Fred.-Col.-Col. Gen. Col. -Gen. John Armstrong Bengallnfantry Thompson. John Power. Col. Lt. Yarborough... SEiaa Muttleburii. -Col. S2a ^ 2 Drs. . Hon.Toseph Bengal Infantry Otway. . Thomas Bengal infantry . Clia. Lt. Col. Artillery ^ 212a H'i7/. Townsend . . F. Colonel Geo. Henry 1' 212a Rooke. Patrick Madras Artillery Moore. Arciiibald .-Col. Lt. .Rladras Infantry Parsons..-Col. p. -Gen. Stopford. Major Thomas Sewell. KH.30 F. Major A. M. Cornwallis .. Brydges . F. KT. Aug.from Royal Artillery h. Pratt.-Col. Henry John Bengal Artillery Wood.-Col. of Chelsea Hos.. A. H h. INIaj.. Co\.-Col.-Col. Col.-Gen.. -Col. Maj.-Gen. Henry R. Geo.-Gen. late of 82 F. Lt. Henry Geo.-Col. KH. Bombay Stalker. Waters. Lt.-Col. Colin J late of 65 F. .Madras Infantry 1 8 F. Heiiry. Franklin. Kenneth Solheby. Forsyth Taylor.from R. Davis Wood. Lt. Lt. . Edward C.-Col.-Col. Major Hamlet Coote . Creswicke Bombay Infantry b. T.. Colonel Thomas Bombay Infantry Reid. laie of Madras Army Purton. Maj. Major-Gen. Snodgrass. Lt. Col. Major ^ 2^ Wm.-Col. Col. 3 West I. Col. Li.-Col. .-Col. George. Col. h. Wylde. Wm Bombay Infantry John 9 Dr.. ^ Proctor. Rennell Thompson. Engineers 1 1 . William Fisher Lt.-Gen. p. Robert 16 Lancers Smyth. Gds. ^ Wynyard. i\Iaj.Bengal Cav.-Gen. Williams. P ard. Regt. Maj.. Lieut. Col. 212a Taylor. W^ y Thackeray. 28 F. William. p. Alex Tullocli. H. KH.Most Honourable Order of 464 COMPANIONS— coHtJHued. Lieut. Nicliolas 12 F. Lt. James Bengal Infantry ^ M^ Wm P ^ ^ Patrickson. Lt. John INIadras Infantry INIorris. Lt. Spence. .. Geo. -Col. .-Col. Lt. . Sir C. John Maxwell late of 49 F. Thos. Alexander Thomson. Lt. George . Maj. James. . Henry Balneavis. Maj. KP.S/rC. R. KP . Field ^laishal His Royal Highness Prince Albert. Str Frederick Stovin. KG. KP. Stuart KCH Egerlon. Dep. The Dukt of Cambridge. F. Thn Colonial Department. L<W of Cambridge. Esq.-Col. CMG.) GCB. Maj. ICsq.„„_\Villiam Buckland. Gentleman Usher Albert \Vm. Colonel Sir Frederick Hankei/ 19 Gen.. Bulkeley 15 F. 15 F.26 Baynes. Esq. late of GCB 19Gen..-Gen.-Assistant Seaton. Deputu Albert \Vm. KT. KNIGHTS COMMANDERS.. — — OFFICERS NOW HOLDING RANK IN THE ARMY OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF SAINT MICHAEL AND SAINT GEORGE.Grenadier Guards Gen. 89 F. OFFICERS OF THK ORDER. Gen. J).-Gen. . Duke GRAND CROSS.40 F. y Dep. h. 19 GCB. 13 ffaa Lt.sq.. Michael and 465 St.-Gen. KG.. Gen..-Gen. His Royal Highness the KNIGHTS. Messenger William Law. Gds. H. late of R. GCH. OFFICERS OF THE ORDER.. Registrar anil Secrelarii — — Captain Micliael Seymour.. Geneiili'gisc Bath DD. Heralds College. Sir Patrick Stuart 44 F. Marq.GCB . H.. Malta Fencible Regt. Com. James Woodhouse. KCB 83 (GCMG.-Com. .Order of St. Kiiirr of' I'. p. — Walter Aston Blount. Sir Charles Douglas. Sir F. Bt.. (CMG. 19 512a Lt. Woods. Woodford. George. Sir Alex. Greville. Sir Howard Douglas. GRAND MASTER. . Esq.-Gen. p. ".. COMPANIONS. Lancaster Herald..) Lt. KH. Guiseppe de Piro. Hon. (KCMG. Chester Herald.N. Lunrasler Herald.) Lt. AG. Downing Street King of Arms Edward h. Wonils. Chanc*ry of th$ Order. Arms— Algernon F. R.Scots Fus.. GCB KCB 1^ 34 F. Gen. Lt.. Browne. Gen. p.F.-Col. Lieut. GCB.l F. 13 512a Bowaler.-Col.. J. ATap/es— St. Bart. Marq. 1769. Tuscany St. St. Gen. Gds. St. L. ^ Sir Geo. . Maj. late Greek Lt. 1804. GRAND Field Marshal His Majesty. Slade. CROSS. W. Sic A. Right Hon. (GCH. B. Gen. Affghanistan MariaTheresa (3 Classes) 18 June. . Vise. Legion of Honour (5 Classes) 13 iMay. Sir J. 1701. 49 F.. 1748.) 19 Sept. Hermenigilde(2Classes)10 July. Be/gmm— Leopold (3 Classes) 11 July. Colds.p.) 17 Apr. G. Saviour (5 Classes) 1 June. 13 512a Chalmers.-<„ga. Isabella the Catholic (3 Classes) 1815. h. Austria Leopold (3 Classes) 14 July. Lord. Po. lit. Royal Horse ^ ^ ^ ^ GCB (BSa Barnard. T.-Gen. 16 F. T((?7cev— Crescent (2 Classes) 6 July. St.Eoyal Hanoverian Guelphio Order. 1738.L. Vise. — and the Dates are those of the Prussia— Black Eagle— 18 Jan..h.) Pownall 6 Dr. GCB.Sir of. GCB. Beresford. Wiriemburg Military Merit (3 Classes) 1759. GCB. Pei-sia— Lion and Sun (3 Classes) 1801. Ut. Church. GCB. Netherlands— W\]Ue]m (4 Classes) 30 April. . 25 F.-Gen. Hon. 466 OFFICERS NOW HOLDING RANK IN THE ARMY WHO ARE PERMITTED TO WEAR FOREIGN ORDERS. Gen. J. 1815. 19 ^m Hartmann.. 1748. St. 1819. GCB. April..) 13 Nov. late of 50 F. Lazarus (2 Clas. 50 F. 2 Life Guards Seaton. Major-Gen. 1802. Gen. 1782. Lt. France Military Merit (3 Classes) Mar.Sir Hen.-Gen. San Fernando (5 Classes) 31 Aug. Ernestine (4 Classes) 25 Dec. (2 Classes) 3 Feb. Sir R. Westmorland. Bt. . 1771. Sir Ralph Fitz Clarence. 78 F. Maj. ^ Hon. Royal Art.-Gen. Sir John. 26 F. Wladimir (5 Classes) 4 Oct. N. Sardinia St. JvCB. Earl of.UnaU 69 F. 13 aaa Kempt. 13 Bisset. Cen. KG. GCB. M. Lt. 1736.-Col. 13 13 Chabot. Gds. 1572. 1 Dr. Sir A. Sir Edw 8 Hussars BrowD. Maurice and St. Marq. Merit— 1740. Sir Wm. (KCH. 13 518a Clifton. St. &!X(my— St. Blakeney. 1759. of. Gen. Rifle Br. Institution of the Order: — Dooran^e Empire (3 Classes) 1839. Alexander St. Sir Thomas H. Januarius (1 Class) July. Louis W. Capt. CB. Fred. 1806. KG. 1818. CB. Ger. KNIGHTS. Earl of. 36 f.GCMG. C. Arthur. St. 1792. Sir John. Brisbane. Sir Geo. p. George and Reunion (3 Classes) 1 Jan. The Ki7ig of the Belgians. Maj. Bt h. 13 13 13 9M KNIGHTS COMMANDERS.-Gen. Commissary-Gen. The Orders mentioned in this List belong to the following Countries. mi Halkett. h. KG. 13 aiSi Anglesey. Sir Jas. 1806. GCB. 1800. John. Gen.<Gen.. Gen. 1735. of.. Bavaria Maximilian Joseph (3Classes) 1 Jan. Lt-Gen. Inf. 1833.1 Life Gds. Lt. Andrew— 30 Nov. |) Campbell. Wm. GCB. W.1815. KCB. Gen. Iknto d'Avis (2 Classes) 1789. 1811. Joseph (3 Classes) 1807. St. George (4 Classes) 26 Nov. Spain— Charles the Third (3 Clas. Marq. Fisct. Ann — — — ROYAL HANOVERIAN GUELPHIC ORDER.p. Military Russia— St. (3 Classes) — — — — — 1 St. 1832. Combermere. 56 F.SirEdw. Conception (3 Classes) 6 Feb.-Gen. Red Eagle (3 Classes) 12 June. Greece Hanover Guelphs (3 Classes) 18 June. Henry (3 Classes) 7 Oct. S.-Gen.KCB Conroy. fflffii Straflbrd. 1815. Ferdinand and Merit. Newski— 1722. F. Lt. 13 Londonderry. GCB 45 F 13 Ml Halkett. Lt.-Gen. CB.) Conyngham. Sir Colin. Lt. Hugh. Field Marshal H. ^ Darling. Guards. Sweden— Sword (3 Classes) 17 April. . Lord Frederick XP. Lt. 1757. Carr. Sir John Adams. Bt 5 Dr. Sir John. 1833. Lt.-Col. GCB. 1698. Gen.— Tower and Sword (3 Clas. 1 F. from R. Lt. Col. Unatt. 13 13 Colton. Lt. 315a Grant. Insp. Col. C.Dep. Potter . h. Price 59 F. 13 21i2a Jackson. late of Cape jM. Jas. Nicholas 13 R. Fus. @ ^ HI Uu Plat.-Col . Sir Fred. Elliott.-Col.-Gen. Col. John ^ ^ % R Forster. William Unatt.. Eng. CB. Sir G.'Mast. F Major-Gen. 13 512ti Grsme. 13 Higgins. . P.-Col.. Sir Jolin 99 F. Aug Unatt. Saumarez Brown. B. John Howden. Ger. 7 Lt. Lewis. 13 iLiLl im Wm. CB. D 13 Hamilton. Col. W. Maj. Newf. Lt. Ger. Warner Westenra Hogge. KCB Unatt.-Gen. Thomas Burnes. Robert R.. Lt. Irwin. p. J. Field Officer. Capt. 13 Freeth.-Col. do. Col.-Gen.-Gen.-Gen. Lt. George late of 52 F. E. Sir Robert 13 Norcliffe. Lieut. D. Hamilton. Maj.-Gen. h. Creagli. Art. Rlaj. p.-Col.-Gen. 19 fflSa Macdonell. 41 F. Nathaniel Insp. Sir Jas.. 13 13 512a Kennedy.-Gen. late of 92 F. Wade. Lt. 48 F. Lt.-Gen. Ashe. Sir C. Col. Lt. 71 F. Richard Harris. 467 GCB. 6 Dr. Unatt.-Gen. Burdem. Insp. H J. F. L.-Col. Victor Pym. Robt. Unatt. Col. 13 Henderson. A. Maj. John Unatt. Woodford. Cumniing. Maj. 13 King.-Gen. Col. 13 5. 13 5i5a Hardinge. Sir Wm. Sir Rich.-Col. Col.h. Eng. Henry. Sii. Paris R.. Commandant of the Troops in Western Australia. KCB. 13 <[ffl Cox. Charles Major-Gen.p. 13 Tuyll. Leg. CB. . 13 ?a Gust. Eng. 13 Cox. F. ]\Iaj. 13 Hely. 13 Arnaud. Unatt. Maj. Matihiai. CB. Lt.-Gen. Sir Chas.3 F.G. CB 13 il. Lt. Sir J. William 13 Menzies. 13 Mil Law. CB late of 50 F. 77 F. Dr.Gen. Wm. F. Lt. CB. H. P Bradshaw. Geo. Lt. Sir Thomas 13 Herries.-Gen.-Col.h. Lt. ^ Eustace.3 Balneavis.-Gen. Eustace. 13 Trench. Sir H. 13 (3 Egertoii.-Gen. Art. late of R. CB. Lt. J. mH mi KNIGHTS. CB 13 Augelo.-Gen.p. O Lockyer. Robert Christopher Marten. of Hospitals h. Hen Ord. Beckwith.. Sir George R. NorclifTe 13 Gates. How. Charles. 5i5a Lindham. Prott. John 13 515a Gore. Maj. Thornton. Major-Gen. CB. Col. CB. Rice R. John Aug Cloete. Jas Fulton.-Gen.-Gen. KCB. Joseph. St. Maj. CB 1^ Couper. Sir J.-Col. Lt. Wm. MB. Colebrooke. Alex. Bush. Col. Sir 3.-Gen.-Col.-Gen. O. R. Wm. John Unatt. James Jervois. Depuly-QuurterMaster. John 1. Sir William h.-Col. Geoge Durie. Assist. R. John Arnold. Sir Willougliby. Maj. CMG. Unatt. E. R. England. James. Lt. .-Gen. Lt. Sir Reynett. CB. Col. James.. ^ 13 Brock. James Fred. Maj.-Gen. 13 Macadam. J % 13 CusI. Sir William Whitniore. Burroues. Col. Col. KNIGHTS COMMANDERS—coHtmueri. William 76 F. Derinzy. late Ger. Col.R. A'C. Macpherson. h. . p.Unatt. 13 Lovell. p. Marines Nickle. Col.Michael Davison. Art. Cape of Good Hope R. Lt. Col. Sir Robert. Lt.late of Sco. G. M. Robert Edward late of 67 F. Lt. Col. Robert 13 13 512a Wm Wm. Li. Hon. Lt.. Wm William Royal Engineers Charles h.-Gen. Col. Col. 89F. $ Unatt. Col. William ".. Col. . C. Lard.-Col. KCB.-Gen. Chatterton. Coll. Clark. I\Iaj. James Jones. p. Jas. Qiiar.-Gen.2i Unatt. from 67 F.-Col. Art. lateof 13ffiLlBurney. Gds. CR. Gen.. Maj. . Maj. Lt. Sir Henry. Phvsician-Gen. Gen. Cornvvallis. Austen. Bulkeley. Companies P . 12 Dr. Colonel Charles ^ 73 F. p. Maj. . » Unatt. 13 3:5a Campbell. Col.il Brereton. .60F. H. J^ieut. Col. 13 Geddes.-Gen. B Maj. Chas Unatt. Jas. Major John W^m h. CB Madoi.-Col. Gen. Henry Fred 97 F. Gabriel. John h.p.) 13 13 Garrett. 13 512a Henderson. Col. Sir H.-Gen. 13 Leslie.p. Col. Robertson. Gds. Col. J. Maj.General. W. Lt.-Gen.-Gen. Grant 13 2:21 Fitz Maurice. Service Riflemen Cape M. Sir Wm. Gawler.-Gen. .Royal Hanoverian Guelphio Order. 312a Harty. GCMG. i3 Hawker. Vigors Diggle. 98 F. Lt. C. A. Leg. Col. Lt. CB. p. 13 Rooke. Maj. jNIed. Col. Unatt. ^ Gierke. 13 Jones.-Gen. Jos. Forrest 46 F. Col. A F. Everard. y Gardiner.A.-Gen. Leslie. a'Court. Thomas 212a 13 13 Macintosh. Lt. Lt. p. Lieut.-Insp. KCB.-Gen. Unatt. G. Art. Hanbury.-Gen.-Gen.-Gen.-Col. Unatt. h. Sir Edward CB. Col. Bulteel late of 93 F. Mil. J. Auderson. KCB. Geo. James Henderson.-Col. Sir George. 51 F. 13 2iaa Latour. Unatt. Bart.-Col. Sir Wra. Falconar.-Gen. Leg. KC. Maj. Poole . Bunbury. Jas. Lt. Maj..LC. Col. Col. Insp. Jas. Maj. B. Unatt. Charles . h.late of R. Mark Unatt. Col. Sir M. Col. . Kennedy Clark.-Gen. Unatt. CB. (KH. Henru 5. IV. 13 13 31Sa Love. Lt. Unalt. late of 33 F.2a 13 Mansel. Lt. Lt. Col.60 Uavy. Col. . Unatt. CB.Bengal Infantry Third Class Dooranee Empire IP l^Bunbury. GCB.-Col. to CItel. from R. Lieut. Newf. CB. IP Rainey. Sir J. J. Art. GCB. Fernando Royal Arlillery< Commander Isabella the Catholic Askwith. Adj. Maj. Maj. Maj. . Maj. Li. I MD !_ Charles the Third J 80 F. Lt. Sir J. Maj. H. Deputy Acij taut -General R. Col. Knight Tower and Swotd do do from R. Reg late of R. James. Thomas. C harks the Third San Fernando l^ C Knight Tower and Sword 35 F. Col. GCH. 3 W. Hen.-Gen. Lt.-Col. Viscount.! Abercremht). Nathaniel. -Col. Owen. CB. Taylor. ^ Commander Maria Theresa IP 51® Anglesey. — • 1 . Unatt.-Gen.Ar IP iMa Whinyates. 6(V J. Sykes Unatt. .. W. R. ^ % ^ ^ IP 1 II aa Wilkins. ^ r First Class St. ^ . p.-Col. CB. Riddell. ^ George C iourth Class St. SSa Ross.. Lt. of St. William Tremenheere.-Gen.-Gen. Capt..-Gen. Maj. Sir Henry. Geo. Aug.C. G.-Col.^. Maj.-Gen. Lieut. C. George Second Class Dooranee Empire Baumgardt. M. A. Ricii Robyns. GCB. Col. IP • *^ Olfia < n 1 1 . Lieut. -Gen.from R. c. . CB late of . Lieut. Eng. Major Bulstrode . Heniy. William late of R. Power..late of Rif. F R. Sir Richard. 32 F. KCB. Sir J. Col. Hon.. Ma Lieut. % 6 F. Sir J. KCH Brown. . J. William. Lieut.-•. M.. 512a Wallace. Lieut. full pay 30 F. AH. Cos.. Ferdinand and IMerit *<% T> i r^ n\ nu aa v r. Maj.^ .. Gen.-Gen.-Gen. Maj. -Col. Major-Gen. Sir E. Williams. Paty. H C Knight Charles the Third S Knight Maria Theresa IP 5iaa Barnard. . Lt.-Gen. C. John late of R. 43 F. ^ % KCB. Hosq Wilson. KCB Wllhelm t Bengal Inf. Major Sir James Edward KG. Somerset. Chas.-Gen. Gds. 468 KNIGHTS— contiiiuerf. Col. Ma Wright. R. Sir John. Lt. Rt. Beckham. F. Wni. I. CB. H. of 1 ower and Swoi'd T Knight > . G. Gds. John Smith. Eng. Major-Gen. Geo.. George GCB.. Maj. F. IT Ai„ nv> Alex. LB.-Col. Lt. KCB. 1 Unat Williams. Knight St. ' • . Walter. Lt. CB iP WA Oldfield.-Col. Wm. Roberts.. Col.-Colonel David Knight Tower and Swoid IP Blakeoey. al I. n ^ Hon.-Gen.-Gen. late of Coldstream ^^ 1 T . Lt..-Gen. aSa Thackwell. Eng. Plomer OTHER FOREIGN ORDERS. Col. Major-Gen. Aii ( Knight St. ( Knight Tower and Sword »» T> T^ r< cT u r-nrj on Sir John. ret. Stephens. F IP IP Wilson. . Second Class Lion and Sun Alexander. Lt. Col. Hermenigilde IP Beresford.-Gen.. CB. Sir G.. John Stack. Hamilton h. Smith. Ferdinand and Merit . John IP IP ] Unat Young. Maj.ii. Lt. Rifle Brigade \ Fourth Class St. CB First Class San Fernando h.. Col. Jas. Commander Tower and SworJ IP Blunt. Wladimir IP 3iai Berkeley. late of 25 D Thorn. Molyneux h.-Gen.<.late of R. Geo. 7 F. W. S<. Maurice & Lazare Borland. Nicholas 64 ] IP Wood. Maxwell late of 3 1 5l2a Wallace. Fitz Gerald late of 24 F.. .Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order.-Gen. Anne IP 512a Beckwith. R. of. H 4 Trevor. Henry Jas . A. W.. Col. \ w s. Major-Gen. . Third Class Dooran6e Empire Birrell. r^ Commander St. IP Burgoyne. Lieut. Kerr Sail. CB. 16 Dr Thorn. 8 Hussars ia aur. F. 66 F.16 F.i r. Col. iMaunce and Lazare 14 F. E.^ Fourth Class of St. Geo. Second Class of Crescent Arnold.. Cii.-Gen.-Gen. Col.GCH Commander Tower and Sword IP Armstrong. Gen.-Gen. Major W. Robert Wetherall.. GCB. Eng. CB TGrand Cross Tower and Sword St. ^. General Richard Insp. Pringle Unatt. Lieut. GCB Bygrave. GCH. Mar. John . Spink.. p. fP Singleion. -Col. Maria 1 heresa \ i^night n ". Marq. Roval jMarines CB. Field Marshal H. Horatio Second Class St. Thos.°. 41 13 ir *' a Court.-Gen. GCH. ( Second Class St. Sir A. Charles. A'CC.-Gen. Combermere. 6irDe Lacy. CB CB Colonel Clias. late of Port. 1 . CB 28 F. KCH. Cathcart.^.t. Dep. GCB. R. I I I Commander (_ Grand Cross Isabella tii« Catholic Fernando do »!-« Ti ^-If cI-.57 F. MD. 1 St. Anne CB. g^-^i j Visc. Hon. Sir George. Art. CB Unatt. Sir Colin. Anne 5123 Gomm. Fernando orsyth. Lieut. /-I ij /-.-Gen. Fernando Knigiit Charles the Third lickson. I Commander i (_ . Capt. Col.CB r^ R.-Gen. CB. Serv. .. Burt. Sir \V. I'ho. Col. Second Class St.-Gen. 2123 HiU.L. CB Bengal Infantry Third Class Dooranee Empire Downes.r 'i Unatt. Bento d'Avis lonroy. C. George and Reunion I T . Col. Med. p.^^^^1.GCB. Visroniit. A. General. Major Collingwood Royal Artillery? First Class San Fernando (^ Knight of Isabella the Catholic Knight Charles the Third 15 F.-Gen. Gds. n ur T 2 W. i > 59 F.-Gen. Sir IVilliiim !roflon. Artillery-? (^ Commander Tower and Sword First Class Dooranee Empire Cotton. r- .GCH. . KCB 29 F. Major James. M.j St. /^ cT i-nz) r -c S Knight Tower and Sword ^ Sir John. G. Earl of.' 'ite ( Grand Cross Tower and Sword Charles the Third Life Gds. CB Gardiner. I Knight Tower and Sword First Class St.-Gen.. t? i n I.. S A A of . GCB. III Harvey. Viscount. ACiJ F. T -I/-. Harveii.^^^^^ ^„j Sword Second Class of Crescent S^l^tsI'Sge San Fernando Knight Tower and Sword Com„iander St.-Col.. Regt. I R. ^y. Major Crawford E. 1 . Leicester. S. Capt.NeiI 469 Knight Tower and Sword . j JNiules late of Greek Lt. Gen. Thurles Unatt. A'C/i. Lt.-Col.-Gen. j. Aune ^i^ss St. . GCB. • I I I I I /-. B. c. Colonel Stephen Royal . C. G. Lt. Lt. John. Officers permitted to loear T . aniithers. James Charles ^j. /" r> Dr. 'arniichael.\ San Fernando (_ r" St. Dufly.Sir Willoughby. Capt. Sir R. Anne iiles. Lt. T .Robert J. /-> . Hon. Col. Bento d'Avis First Class JNlarines I.Foreign Orders. Maj.-Gen. S. . Bengal Cavalry 2 F. o. Sir James Rob. . •ouglas-Monteath. KCH Dr.x. First Class St. Captain Edward Walter Royal Artillery r .. Col. h. } Ad/utant General (Eia Chatterton. Gen. KH Royal Engineers? First Class San Fernando I Ci.-Lol..D ni 11 J I bird Class ^^ ^'^ 312il Evans. tlie Conception Second Class Dooianee Empire Third Class Dooranee Empire do do S ^.||^ St. 1 lameron.CCH 45 F..~T. Fred SA Cathcart. Lt. li. . late of Gren.-Gen. G.-Gen. U. T I i . M. ^ 5 I Grey. Col...1 T . • Commander of Saviour Commander St. i. Second Class St. Sir Howard. late of II'/^n kCB. Second Class 92 F. V\'.Marines Knight Tower and Sword 13 F. Col. Gen.h. Robert xm II 513il Hodges. /- o- T3 L . Sir Robert. R. Inf. •. KH /• Fourth Class of St. Francis inucane.-Col. Lt. Douglas. Ods. . 87 F. KCB Gough. Maj. Lt. . p.. Benfo d'Avis [aggart. . T Lt. Geo. J /-. ' [arriogton. KCH. i J KCB. n . Fernando nnu ("Grand Cioss St. Lt.jA CB do Fifth Class l^Grand Cross Charles the Third Bombay Cavalry First Class Lion and Sun arrant. GCB Lt. Lt. Second Class St. . 98 F. KCB. Surgeon John Bengal Army Tiiird Class Dooranee Empire Tiiird Class Dooranee Empire late of Bengal Cavalry raser.< Third Class VVilhelm f Kniglit Tower and Sword r Grand Cross Red Eagle ral) Third Class Wilhelm 12123 Ilardinge.. I.. Su.-Col. Sir John. Mi « ) -r-i* r^ . KH I. CB CB r^T. j ockings. Clifton. Bn.^ . Lt. ( Bombay Army !ampbell.-Gen. C. C. a . Hugh. LB. Horse Gds. M.I. hati.".-Col. Third Class Dooranee P^mpire r Commander Maximilian Joseph > 2123 Halkett. \ . George ° Pouleit. ) m. Richard. p. VVIadimir C Grand Cross Ernestine St. /-I oHJ n-D nurcn. nu CB ^r I X t Madras Inf. Knight Charles the Third > Grant. Wladira. Maj. Lt. Gencri//) Tower and Sword Commanding in Chief. uLti.r A. G. Serv.-Gen. Col. Lf. / ord. Bento d'Avii j^^jg. GCMG. Ll. ^ T . KCB late of 12 Gar. 5123 Cooke. . Bi. nr M. . ^s i Ferdinand and Merit St. 2a . . GCB. -Col. Commander Tower and Sword Knight Tower and Sword Doyle. t_ Fernando Fourth Class St. late of R. KH.^ /^ j' ». Sir J. Second Class of Crescent C Second Class Charles the Third >u Plat. Sir Richard. I Henderson. Kniglitol . The Cross of St. 1 . •'' ^ Commander St. VVIadimir $ 1 1 lathcart. I . M'Grigor. Major Willoughby WSi Multlebury. Bento d'Avis Knight Maria Theresa Fourth Class St. ^ P ^ Ma aaa MucdonaU. Lt. Major John T -. Lygon. 10 F. Artillery Fourth Class Wilhelm late of 69 F. 71 F. p. Col.* ^ TT rr E. KH. KCB San Fernando Commander Commander Tower and Sword Commander Tower and Sword Second Class St.. KH ^ mA Money.-Gen.^^^. R. /* TVf" J?" /"' t~* r^^^. Lt. Maior Cls. Bombay Infantry Henry Creswicke. Major James ret. G.T Le Marchant. George -Oiack iiiagie nn '^^^Anis o t't' r^ iX Grand Cross Red Eagla e GCH. Artillery M'Dowell.ij. Lt. Sir Henry. Sir John Gaspard Unatt. George Knight IMaximilian Joseph Commander Tower and Sword First Class Lion and Sun a v^^\. Lt. ^ .13 Drs. Anne • Master General of x> Knight Second Second Knight Second 84 F. Unatt. Maj. Kohl. CB ESa Montagu.-Col. Maj. Charles the Third 11 V ^ Third Class St.' /-tt) ' • • 1 •' Roberts. Logan-Home.Dep. Sir Edward. rr-R ^ Menzies. SJSS Ross. R. 1 T\T • Royal Marines h. Edw. Capt.j^^ ^^^ ^ Knight Legion of Honour Redeemer "Commander Tower and Sword ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Fourth Class Londonderry.KCH. Lt. Col.ofMed. A'H ^ Jones. James. C. C Lynn. Chas. . H. Anne Commander Legion of Honour ('Second Class St.-Gen. Sir Hew Dalrymple. 1 /-. late of Royal Marines Charles the Third Class Dooranee Empire Class San Fernando Tower and Sword Class Dooranee Empire Commander St. Lt. Thomas Powell. p.s. Gen. Wladimir Knioflit Charles the Third Bengal Infantry 2 F. 53 F. Wladimir h. Maj. CB J^o"ufth'clasrsI'wiadimir Knight Artillery 52 F.. -. 39 F. Infantry h. Arch. ^^^-^^^^ (.' -^rr^ o- . g^^^^ Russian INIedal in Commemoration I (. Col. A'CB Isabella the Catholic St. Col. Rose. CB Outram. Deputy-Adjutant-General. Unatt. R. Marines Royal Marines Bengal Infantry KH . \ Maclachlan.Sir First Class Third Class Dooranee Empire 16 Dr. Colonel Charles.-Gen. aSB Raglan. George T TT GCB. Alexander Machine. Macbean.-Gen. Col. Ordnance /-> r TVT TT T> i_ T c 1 Kawlinson. Lazare Knight. JMaurice and St. Lt.-Gen. . Langley. . MD. Col. Anne Lt. Bento d'Avis Knight Tower and Swoid Knight Tower and Sword Second Class San Fernando Commander Tower and Sword Knight St.„ Lmpire JJooranee Thud Class t. CB Owen.. Parker. Capt.-Col. Lord. George Colt Laughten..-Col. Wladimir \\ilhelm I Knight Charles the Third .-Col. Alex. A'CB. MD Jones. ^ ([ m \ m . James. Col. Parsons. Maj. W. Sir J. IP m P late of late of 35 F.-Gen. Lt. Surg. Lord. Hugh Henry. Gen. J. Knight Tower and Sword T n nvi f Knight Maria Theresa 1 C Johnson. Second Class of Crescent Fourth Class St. Sir Arch. S Third Class San Fernando S. John of Jerusalem Knight Tower and Sword Second Class St. full-pay Royal Engineers-^ f^ CB Jas. 1 c- T r^ 1 1 Col. Art.Unatt.° James ^. Sir John. Sir Loftus W. Sir Wm. 92 F. ^ Paty. Bt. Lt.CB ^ Otway. CB $ ^ ^ Port Ser. Col. of the Capture of Paris Fourth Class St. GCB. Hon.-Col. 1 a.-Col. Lt.E. P Johnson. B. Gen. Maitland.j^. ' " late of Por. -. ( < t CB 13 Rolt. R. KCB. KCB.^^ ^ St. CB. Abraham. Lt. Maj. do do Unatt. Lt. p. Macdonell. Knight Charles the Third h. Col.r /"I T> 1. ^ Peacocke.Officers permitted to 4/0 wear Foreign Orders.-Gen. Geo. Sir John. A'CB.-Gen. Walter ^ I Bombay KH Aug CB Geo.. Royal Marines 2 Drs. KCB Macdonald. p. P. ^ aaa Kempt.-Gen. 2 Life Guards^.^^^ g^^ ^^^^^^ brLH.-Gen. CB.-Col. Gen. H. I Howden.-Gen.-Gen. CB. Pynn.KCB. from R.late Dir. p. Second Class Dooranee Empire Knight Tower and Sword Cross of St. Fernando Charles the Third St. Anne Second Class St. Jas. Ser. .ght Hon.^ Knight Charles the Third Third Class Leopold l^Commander Saviour Second Class Lion and Sun late h. Sir P. the Fitzroy J. CB Um. Wm. Wilhelm ^ Royal Marines First Class San Fernando Bengal Engineers First Class Lion and Sun TT . .. Lt. } . CJ5 Wymer. Col. ^ ^ GCB. Col. Gds. KCB Bengal Infantry Second Class Dooranee Empire Willshire. F.. Ii. John. Maj. Smith. Goo. p. Third Class Dooranee Empire Kuight Tower and Sword Knight Maria Theresa Second Class St. Infantry Si). Commander Tower and Sword h.. Wladimir Second Class St. 15 F.i r> . Fernando Second Class Dooranee Empire First Class St. Lt.-Gen. KCB.-Gen. Wladimir Kniglit St. Bengal Infantry 9 Drs.Officers permitted to Salter. Lt. 57 F.. Cli. Knight Maximillian Joseph irT t ri f J r> TS First Class San Fernando Vicars. Captain Swan. Justin. A C\B ^ Commander lower and Sword 'J'hompson. .n n. Earl ^3 57 Sir J. KCB. ]Maj. Gen. -Col. Wi ^ ^ ^^ Scovell. Cj3 late Bengal .p... R. Shell. Foster. o J { Auspicious btar oi the Punjaub ^ Wade. Ins.-Gen. Capt.-Col. Sir Chas.GCMG. Colonel George F... Chas. 40 \ I v'''^!]^ toiirth rl''''''JiYrlr. Second Class of the Crescent Upton.-Geu..-Col. Lt. . i CB F.. Hamlet Coote. wear Foreign Orders. GCH. Col. Sir Aug. Class St.\6 . Engineers h. J-toiii-lh J p. Colonel Geo. GCB. Petre. KH Bombay Edward ^3 3!iaa Strafford.} Lt.Maj. Thomson. 51 F..C. F. .u n i. Fernando West. Sir Thomas. First Class Dooranee Empire la ii'-i J rcT '-/-^n n u 4 St. H. CB from Gren.i V. c™«. Capt. W. Col. P. KH. 7 CB Dragoon Guards late of Bengal Army P ^ I 1 • •' /-I 1 • 1 ' i 1 . Knight Maria Theresa Grand Cross St. John CB 13 ffitl Sleigh. CB Stanley.-Gen.Wilson. Bento d'Avis 11 II F. Graves „. KCB. George l^'Kiiight Wylde. 13 Smith.-Gen. Col. . CB Third Class Dooran6e Empire h. 1 *^ 13 aia Woodford.-Col. William. Shearman. Sir Hugh M. ' Su- A. S h.r r<T> t> t r * S First Class Dooranee Empire Wnde.. Stalker. Gen. fromR. Sir Bengal Cavalry 9 Dr. Gen. p. Warburton. M. i\Iaj. Hon. i . n II Liillege. ' • MD ^ ^ 1 . < ^. Lt. Fourth Class VVilhelm h... Lt.i Charles the Third Roval Artillery <J Second Class San Fernando l^Commander Isabella the Catholic . Fernando Second Class Dooranee Empire I'hwaites. Lt. Sir John. 471 Third Class Dooran^e Empire Second Class Dooian6e Empire T^ 4 Drs. G. p. John. . D Royal Artillery First Class St. . Lt.. Colds. Scott. Hamilton. CB CB . Dr. r. Gov. Lazare First Class Lion and Sun Infantry GOB. Ferdinand and Merit h St J " S First Class of Henry the Lion Wheeler.i r ° j Knight Isabella the Catholic nr Tt c.Bengal Infantry Thiid Class Dooraa6e Empire A a2 .. . MU. Chas.. Class of St. ^Vm „.. Knight of ftlaximilian Joseph Knight Charles the Third Guards C Lieut.-Gen. p. Bart. Dep. Captain G. of. 7 F. J. ft® Thackwell. Edward Royal Engineers i tt u n . Maurice and St. A...-Col. KH. W. 43 aa Wm. William Henry Sewell. Sir Richard England. ^3 43 Maclaehlan Sir Frederick Ashwoith CMG. KH. Burslem Quartermaster S. CB. 43 43 ^ C.3 F. CB. CB. KCB. Cloete. aai Charles Yorke. Tremeuheere. Mansel. 43 aa Mildmay Fane Hon. John M'Kenzie Pinson Bonham Samuel Huskisson Henry Monckton Lieut. KCB. Robert B. CB.Thornton. Sir George Cathcart. Middleton 43 A. Nathaniel Thorn. . 24 F. Moore 43 -^— KH. Colonel 43 Robert Douglas. Sai William L. \i 43 ^3 Sir ^3 ^3 ^3 ^3 ^ CB. CB. E. 43 agg Sir J. KH. Franks. CB. J. Hon. Love. Lieut. G. KCH. G. P. James Whylock KH.-Gen. KCH. Lieut. W. J. C. Edwards. KH. Ellis.-Col. 43 Sir Thomas Henry Browne. F. Wright. CB. CB. W. John Michel. Colonel S. Dennis Herbert Cosmo Gordon • — Helier Touzel ^3 Major-Gen. Baumgardt. CB. CB. -Gen. CB. 7. B. p. H. KCB.-Gen. G. Fied. L.32 F. 84 F. Sir C. Lieut. 43 aia Sir Hew D. Falconar. H Drs. KCH. Ross. Sir James Dennis. 43 asa J. J. Lieut. Charles Gore. Unatt. Finch. Ceylon Regt. p. B. Lovell. Kfl. 43 asa Hon. KCB. Porter Royal Engineers. William Eyre. CB. 91 F. 43 Sir John F. KH. 43 MX James Shaw Kennedy. KH. KM. General ^ 4^ J. T. KH. 10 F. T. CB. 49 Nicholas Hamilton. Quarter-Master James Murray. Leslie. Lieut. Barnes Wm. . CB. h. CB. ^3 Henry Thomas. \i John Drummond \3 J. G.-Colonel 43 Henry Simmonds. G. C. KH. CB. aai T. Wm. h. Everard. A. Darling John M'Donald. Jackson. H. CB. Hartmann. W. 49 5l£l Henry Raiiiey. p. KCB.6 F. H. 43 Sir Colin Campbell. CB. KCH. Cliarles O'Neil Prendergast. Burgoyne. KH. CB. Major Edward W. KH. c. Bisshopp.C. 43 Sir Robert Nickle. KH. Lt. CB. Butler Philip Bainbrigge. J. CB. 43 Edward Darley B. 43 affl William Rowan. ^3 Thomas Edward Napier. RovAL Marines. Hon. Vernon. Bradshaw. CB. c. E. J.-Gen. C. KCB. 43 MA KH. KU.Paterson 43 M. George William Paty. Major-Gen. Unatt. 43 George Leigh Goldie. KH. Ro'bbins Roderick Macneil William Sutlierland 43 43 43 43 Colonel 43 KCB.472 OFFICERS RECEIVING REWARDS FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICES. Hon. KH. KCH. 43 R. 43 aa Sir R. Thomas James Wemyss. KCB. KH. George Coclirane 3£1 J Simpson aaa J. CB. Sir Edward Cust. Gardiner. Coles Richard Dolierty aea Edward Byam. Spink. h. Macintosh. CB. Aylmer ^3 I. Thomas Bunburv. Markhara. 43 Royal Artilleky. Ensign Colin Macdonald. CB. 43 Henry Balneavis. KH. 62 F. Auchmuty. 41 F. 98 F. Stuart. Hotham. do. Edwardes. C. Bt. 14 Drs. 19 F. Bt. Henderson. Goode. do. 57 F. Edgell. Regt. 53 F. Peacoeke. 9 F. Anderson.473 CASUALTIES SINCE THE LAST PUBLICATION. Fox. do. Carew. 1 Life Gds. Peel. 8 Drs. I. 1 Drs. 4 Dr. R. Jeffery. do. Parker. 21 F. Cooke. Ward. Boys. Wilbraham. Regt. Gds. Powell. do. C. Coldst. Wilkinson. 7 F. Fenton. Sinclair. Gds. West. Bt. West. Pattison. 48 F. Baillie. Coldst. SirG. 34 F. Drs. . do. Majors. Jones. Sir W. Busby. S. Floyd. 45 F. do. Scobell. GO F. Moorshead. Egerton. Stoyte. Elliott. 9 F. do. 38 F. O'Leary. Bt. Austen. Walter. Dr. Lenipriere. Wells. Bishopp. W. 23 F. 12 Dr. Donovan. 2 Drs. Mainwaring. 7 Drs. Driberg. F. Layard. Hamilton. do. 2 W. M'Manus. Erskine. Macdonald. F. 30 F. Hamilton. 6 F. Hamilton. do. do. 6 Drs. Dunbar. do. Sir 1 W. Gds. J. RETIREMENTS BY SALE OF COMMISSIONS. Cotton. Gds. Elgee. Arthur. Lord Eliot. 13 F. Cape Corps Wigram.General. Nicol. Morley. Pottinger. Gds. Hebden. U Brisco. 1 F. 19 F. Gds. Gds. Colonels. R. Peach. 16 Drs. Moore. Gds. Cavan. Sitwell. 2 Dr. Bellers. Lawley. I Dr. 44 F. 33 F. Vernon. Sir W. Scroggs. Gds. 26 F. 1 1 F. Spicer. Tomlin. Scott. do. 16 F. 61 F. Heywood. Bellingham. Maude. Morgan. Ashworth. Lieutenant. 47 F. Park. Major. Barttelot. Candler. 31 F. Bt. 63 F. Hogge. Powys. Maxwell. do. Thoroton. F. Edgar. do. Holden. 5 F. 5 F. do. Butler. 50 F. Coldst. 27 F. Sir H. 59 F. Bunbury. Croft. Gds. do. 30 F. 28 F. Hewett. Galley. 40 F. 42 F. do. C. 3 Dr. 39 F. A. 12 Wade. do. Captains. Huson. 46 F. Armytage. do. Broughton. Gr. 1 W. Gds. 7 Dr. Pedder. Unatt. Jenner. Chute. Gds. Lord Saltoun. 3 Dr.w Garratt. 17 Drs. Gr. 59 F. Horse Gds. Wilmot. Baring. 36 F. Egginton. do. do. 55 F. Gds. 2 F. do. Sykes. do. Dr. do. 62 F. 2 do. Gds. 5 Dr. do. S. Lloyd. do. Archer. Lloyd. Gds. Monro. Paget. 1 Colonels. I. do. 77 F. Rifle Brigade Harnett. 2 do. Tolcher. 99 F. Taylor. Thompson. Bookey. Tollemache. 20 F. 38 F. J. Fletcher. 42 F. Aitken. do. Molyneux. Keyt. Chetwynd. 23 F. Lord Geo. 84 F. 83 F. Timins. Horse Gds. 19 F. 6 F. Canadian Regt. Regt. Johnstone. De VeuUe. Machel. 76 F. Fulcher.-Gen. Mein. Bt. Wemyss. do. 21 F. Meiklam. do. 92 F. do. Needhani. Hawkslev. 17 F. Ord. Hills. 56 F. Stratton. 34 F. Gds. Poitier. Holloway. 77 F. do. 3 W. I. 14 F. do. 16 Drs. 71 F. 62 F. Lee. Minty. Warrington. 2 W. Harrison. Banke. 6 Drs. 27 F. Egan. Robertson. 82 F. 23 F. 2 F. 89 F. Fairlie. Alexander. Bidgood. Gowan. 2 Dr. 68 F. 25 F. do. Tidy. do. Godden. ClifFe. 35 F. Proby. Lennard. 2 Drs. 68 F. I. Allan. 95 F. Howard. Lyon. Evelyn. Elrington. 96 F. Crooke. 26 F. Pearson. Currie. do. do. Castobadie. Regt. do. G. R. Hale. Menzies. P. 10 Drs. AYilson. 59 F. Cuppage. do. Hunt. Dep. Chamberlain. Barnard. 9 F. Unatt. Gr. 73 F. Gds. Harris. Underwood. 3 do. Phillips. do. 89 F. Lucas. Bennett. 10 Drs* Trelawny. Sheldon. Trafford. 28 F.7l F. Gds. do. Gds. 63 F. Rifle Br. 2 Drs. Warde. Hare. Gds. Westley. Smith. Stretton. Brinkley. do. Bond. Bt. Unatt. Probyn. Miller. Castle. 12 F. 45 F. 31 F. Wedderburn. 10 Drs. do. I. 46 F. Nicholson. Cockburn. Scott. 3 F. Hobson. Canadian Regt. Macdonell. Stackpoole. Dickinson. do. Ensigns. 87 F. Gauntlett. Leslie. 13 Drs. Cubitt. R. do. Ellice. do. 60 F. do. Tichborne. Clarke. Fuller. do. Birley. Lowe. do. Spilling. 95 F. do. 1 W. Campbell. Rowley. Brandling. Cox. 1 F. 2 Life Gds. 3 Dr. Gds. do. Blennerhussett. do. 41 F. do. Neville. Tattnall. 78 F. Morgan. Jones. Gaynor. 65 F. Coldst. Clements. Royal Horse Gds. 55 Garner. Nangle. Maude. do. Boyle. 70 F. Ross. Buchanan. 28 F. Smyth. 14 Drs. Walters. Davies. Ryan. Cornets. Flower. do. 33 F. Watson. 85 F. Clarke. Wilson. 1 W. Gary. 78 F. 81 F. Moore. Piatt. Jones. 4 Dr. E. 52 F. 67 F. Paynter. . Sir H. Robertson. Stamer. 32 F. Gardner. do. 91 F. 42 F. L Regt. 1 F. 72 F. 90 F. Campbell. 14 DrS. Ceylon Regt. do. Ford. do. Ficklin. 4 F. 68 F. WiUson. 13 Drs. 17 F. do. Master. do. Murphy.Casualties since the last Publication. 6 F. do. Moore. Jones. 77 F. R. Barry. 63 F. Lieutenants. Evans. Knott. Webber. 53 F. 95 F. Ross. do. I. A. 1 W. 47 F. Nicholson. Blair. Gds. do. Rumbold. I. 4 Dr. Murray. 73 F. Sfc. Scarman. Bluntish. Regt. 86 F. Forster. Fox. do. Kirwan. Roberts. F. Regt. 13 F. Alexander. Eustace. H. Moncrieflfe. O. 59 F. Howell. Williams. 48 F. Lennox. Waters. Bushe. Daveney. Araiel. Deane. 69 F. do. 22 F. Vincent. 7 Drs. De Lautour. 6 Dr. Rolt. George. Assistant Comm. Sir H. 39 F. Ceylon Regt. Chapman. do. 474 O'Callaghan. 22 F. Moore. Bent. Hunte. do. 67 F. Lord O. do. 37 F. Gubbins. Thursley. 64 F. Watson. Montresor. do. Rivers. Maxwell. Lethbridge. do. Edwardes. 61 F. do. Nicol. 9 Drs. 82 F. do. Unatt. 58 F. C. Ramsden. do. 14 F. Aide. do. 46 F. Parry. 85 F. Buchanan. do. Ford. 92 F. 4 F. Smith. Herring. Patterson. 17 F. 2 W. Helyar. 72 F. Rushout. Chambers. 17 Drs. Meade. 92 F. FitzGerald. 97 F. Rifle Br. 50 F. 11 Drs. Young. 53 F. Bolton.Casualties since the last Publication. MacphersoD. Lieutenant Ronalds. M'Culloch. 77 F. Hutchisson. 15 F. Mercer. Mar. 54 F. Mar. Assistant Comm. -Surgeons. R. 23 F. Paymaster. L'Estrange. Assist. Lieutenant. 90 F. DISMISSED. M'Gregor. Brown. Sayers. Robertson. 47 ABSCONDED. Staff. Mitchell. do. 47 F.-Generals. R. Captain. Paymaster Peddie. Lieutenants. R. SUPERSEDED. Mackenzie. Maclayan. 20 F. 55 F. RESIGNATIONS. Ait. 73 F. Surgeons. . Newton. full pay. F. 75 F. full pay. 50 F. Art. h. Bowler. Skinner. full pay. Bradford. Hanson. R. 46 F. W. 60 F. 50 F. Unatt. p. Sir L. A. Bn. H. T. Lewis. Kingsmill. 3 W. Armstrong. I. ret. Howard Vyse. 18 F. W. Unatt. Coddington. 22 F. Lord Saltoun. Sir A. Rannie. Hare.') Johnston. Brown. C. ret. Smith. J. Graves. L. Balvaird. Art. J. Art. R. Unatt. B. G. Eng. L. Norris.476 DEATHS. 37 F. A. Allan. L. Doyle. H. p. pay. Filder. 80 F. Louis. Belson. R. p. Blackmore. C. Lieutenant -Colonels. J. Palliser. full pay. C. Onslow. Gabriel. Bt. 2 W. N. C. Dodsworth. Mackenzie. p. J. Hilliard. R. Bn. Unatt. Bi^'nell. Unatt. H. 22 F. Kerrison. A. C. C. 29 F. D. G. New Bruus. Sir C. Standish. P. H. p. Dansey. 73 F. 5 Gar. Keens. Innes. M. full I Majors. Eminson. Sir E. Stewart. Meyriclc. L. J. Sir H. Art. ret. p. Hooper. 25 F. p. I'onge. Lyle. f. Cockburn. Mason. G. Parry. Barton. T. Deane. R. p. Whitcomb. Art. Rangers R. ret. F. 1 F. 48 F. B. li. 78 F. ret. 56 F. Phillpotts. f. De Burgh. R. 4 F. h. G. Daubeney. Daintry. Unatt. Unatt. Mar. Paley. p. Hore. Unatt. J.Generals. Mar. H. p. V. Sir Robert Arbuthnot. Wolley. Bel ton. R. f. 70 F. f. Fene. Irish Br. Arthure. Burrell. ret. h. R. late 4 Vet. p. Skirrow. 28 F. P. Sir Charles J. Ai-t. Bn. h. P. h. p. Browne. W. Pitman. h. R. R. J. Generals. Minchin. ret. W. Mostyn. R. 21 F. Unatt. Paxton. Alex. J. do. R. R. Robe. C. Bn. Gillespie.) S. Eng. Perry. Fenc. Eyre. h. do. {ofwo^mds. 20 F. h. R. 2 F. Wodeliouse. p. ret. Colonels. ret. p. p. Antill. p. Darel. Malta Rivarola. Deacon. F. Pilkington. Macbean. Art. Ceylon Regt. 34 F. H. J. O'Brien. 04 F. Eng. h. 18 F. R. do. W. Art. C. 29 F. W. Hunt. p. R. Art. Mar. Horton. 94 F. Cootc. Eng. Eng. P. Grieve. ret. King. p. 14 Drs. H. h. 23 Di's. do. Webb. p. h. J. Cheapo. Pa^et. Kirwan. Domvile. Dewell. Mar. Adam. {killed in action. 2 F. W. Barralier. 100 F. E.3 Prov. Unatt. Napier. Unatt. Unatt. ret full pay. Walsh. de Butts. Regt. Unatt. L. Art. do. C. . B. Major. ret. R. W. J. L. 39 A. Peter Brown. 2 Dr. Regt. Forbes. Burns. The Earl of Stair. full pay. R. Sir H. Piercy. Wheeler. Bradshaw. Unatt. I. P. Whetham. p. Lieutenant. Sir F. Colquboun. R. p. Mar. T. R. 80 F. h. R. Sir T. {of wounds. Engrs. 69 F. h. R. late 4 Vet. Sjience. Black. Steele. p. 2 F. Mar. Mar. Sir R. R. R. H. Erskine. James Cambpell. Staff Corps Howell. h. Travers. p. h. W. h. I Sir A. Sir l\. B. MacDonncll. p. full pay. R. h. 80 F. Gregory. Leslie. Unatt. R. do. Gore. J. 15 F. h. 51 F. h. Twining. Unatt. Art. York Fannce. J. C.p. Silver. Sir Wm. R. do. 39 F. Bt. R. Sir A. Canadian Regt. D. Count T. Nesbitt. Gds.Generals. R. Art. Jones. h. Sir T. Captains. R. Art. p. Mathewson. h. Smith. Lord Dacre. R. R. 72 F. S. Sinnott. R. N. W. R. Rifle Br. Warre. J. B. Eng. iTiihoff. h. Bt.) Chisholm. R. J. ret. Rifle Br. Parker. h. Godwin. p. Port Serv. J. do. 69 F. Mar. do. p. R. F. Sir Neil Douglas. Montresor. Brittain. full pay. Brown. G. 42 F. Duncan. p. p. Sutherland. p. Ceylon Toole. p. p. Mar. h. Parker. C. R. p. 5 do. Mar. p. p. h. p. Creighton. Bn. R. Balersley. h. 77 F. Fus. do. 32 F. Recruiting Dist. J. 24 F. late 8 Vet. Smith. h. 95 F. h. Shand. R. Knight. Spier. p. h. Gds. Tr. Lock. Adjutant. 56 Mayne. do. h. Mar. Leonard. Gold Coast Corps Jones. 21 F. do. IVatterman. 104 F. Barclay. Rifle Brigade Hill. Lee. Haddon. Paymasters. Greatorek. p. Shanks Brokenshire.'1 &(c. Helena Regt. Smith. p. Garvey. p. Gds. h. p. 56 F. Sorgenfrey. p. p. p. Regt. 1 W. p. do. 1 F. Lloyd. h. Wilson. h. Bn. Martin. p. Kirkland. Bn. Pringle. Ceylon Regt. h. h. T. p. German Leg. Bn. J. 8 F. 30 F. 88 F. full pay. h. Kenworthy. h. Regt. Hamilton. 51 F. h. Maitland. Ensigns. p. Wilson. Pegg. h. h. resters. p. p. Powell. E. dn. 58 F. p. h. h. h. Cripps. Johnson. A. Garrett. h. 6 Drs. h. 88 F. 83 F. St. p. 98 F. Scroope. h. h. h. 45 F. h. p. p. Lane. 3 Dr. Townshend. h. do. p. p. McDonald. do. MacQueen. h p. Hood. 21 Drs. h. H. Piliner. Bakewell. 5 Dr. Legion T. Dr. h. bite 6 Vet. Thomson. R. Morse. Jones. 89 F. h. h. Aston. Tiddeman. Dillon. Tr. Bn. Montgomerie. do. W.'h. Scots. h. Dalgety. Nowlan. p. h. 83 F. IloUiday. h. p. 10 F. h. p. h. 1 Dr. Ledingham. Collins. Bn. Hales. Gds. Rankin. h. p. Gumming. late 9 Vet. Dean. 63 F. p. 32 F. Fenc. do. 69 F. Hunter. do. Art. p.Gcn. J. F. Ellis. Graves. p. Austin. late 2 Vet. p. 80 F. Brevmann. Wag. Seymour. 3 do. Swettenham. p. 59 F. h. Jervis. Monro. h. Dillon's Regt. Naylor.H. Clark. 58 F. late J. p. h. 68 F. h. p.of Hospitals. do. Baron Magins. Pickering. Hutchinson. Johnston. Coote. Dawson. 90 F. S. Carroll. p. 60 h. 71 F.Deaths. Hewetson. p. Mar. p. J. H. W. p. Bn. p. p. 15 F. do. 1 W. P. Unatt. late 11 Vet. Dr. F. h. p.Ger. h. FitzGerald. W. C. do. p. Stewart.r 4. Perth Fenc. 28 Drs. Gds. 74 F. Clark. pCoakley. p. do. h. Winterbotton. Spiller. h. Unatt. 12 F. 46 F. h. h. p. 51 F. h. 14 Drs. De h. Ward. Alcock. Horsley. Steele. Ger. Hackett. p. Hagemann. Long. W. do. h. 4 W. . Du F. . Fairtlough. h. h. 36 F. Gillies. Cornets. p. h. 40 F. 10 Drs. John. J. A. p. do. do. W. Woodford. 4 Dr. Atkin. late 2 Vet. h. Gds. Diechman. Meyer. h. h. p. p. h. p. C. h. Unatt. p. J. p. Cano. p. Br. 34 F. 4 F. Watson. h. p. Clarke. 61 F. Gds. E. p. b. p. Paterson. do. 2 W. Eraser. Sykes. Whitle. MacPherson. Buchanan. White. R. Crowtlier. p. h. Prendergast. Legion Radcliffe. p. Page. Sir E.11 Bush. Quarter-Masters. R. I. do. h. Gold Coast Corps Ramsav. R. Helmich. Ger. h. Eng. Mullay. Couhhard. Jones. h. Burns. Cavalry Shoolbraid. Edwards. late 10 Vet. p. Horner. 27 F. 29 F. Cav. 15 F. Morgan. Bn. 72 F. 18 F. Mar Bacmeistcr. p. do. R. p. Doughty. Unatt. h. Clark. F. 97 F. Douce. h. L Regt. late 1 Vet. h. 7 Dr. German Orrell. 91 F. p. St. h. do. W. p. Windsor FoPoole. Ellary. Regt. T. h.p. 98 F. h. Clark. Monteatli. Sandford. Traeev. Grubbt. Ijispectors. h. 96 F. 53 F. 75 F. Wissell. I. Lamb. Bn. Gds. Eng. Bagenall. Canadian Regt. VV. h. h. do. 24 F. p. Wag. 8 F. 91 F. Legion h. Art. ret. Mar. R. 48 F. p. h. Cotton. German Legion J. do. Proudfoot. Kennedy. JIacdonald. p. Stapylton. Crampton. Imray. 23 F. Cambidge. p. G. p. Bn. Geo. Higgin. 77 F. Thackeray. Ryneweld. do. 93 F. R. 3 Gar. 64 F. Budd. p. R. Bt. 3 do. T. h. Koe. Bt. R. Wcllcr. 70 F. h. 10 Drs. p. p. 25 F. p. h. h. h. p. Hood. Wilson. h. do. Gullagher. h. R. T. 53 F. Cell. Mar. Dr. R. 86 F. p. Kellett. 57 F. 27 F. Mar. O'Brien. 34 F. Bruce. A. L Regt. Leg. do. Lillie. Phair. Westropp. do. Chute. N. O. 33 Drs. Pigou. 91 F. Stutzer. Baron. p. R. Arthur. h. late 1 Vet. R. Roll's Regt. T. p. Una^t. Lieutenants. Drew. Coldst. 78 F. 24 Drs. h. h. Ceylon Regt. Deputy Inspectors-General. p. Griffith. Dr. 91 F. Dr. 3 W.p. Ger. Robertson. Dr. 70 F. 69 F. p. Sibbald. h. p. School Roosmalecocq. p. First Staff Surgeons. 75 F. h. do. do. h. Dr.Major. M'JBean. h. King. M'Culloch. Robson. p. Johnston. Campbell. Boyce. Kelioe. Regt. h. p. h. do. Lawson. li. h. p. 67 F. Coldst. Drysdale. Mackenzie. 33 F. Young. Dr. Wilson. Robinson. Dr. 73 F. Kenny. Ryan. Elkington. do. 59 F. Gds. Surgeon. 94 F. R. do. h. Bransly Cooper. Dr. I. . h. Assistant Surgeons. 56 F. Ferguson. Duncan. Staff Dr. Staff Lucas. Harvey. Wray. do. Sander. do. do. p. Mein. p. 73 F. Dr. Hibernian Deakins. Matthews. Hodges. h. Agar. 12 F. Peile. 4 Dr. do. do. 87 F. Ord. Surgeons. 56 F.478 Deaths. Affleck. Gds. Gold Coast corps Dr. Cleland. 83 F. Flyter. Assistant Inspectors. p. Dr. Westall. p. Williams. Legion Purveyor. John AbercTomby. Alex. CB. His Royal Joseph Holling427 Highness Prince. Edward 67.320 189 Alder.282 Mortimer Acton.Geo. 298 ' Wm. 114 408 156 Aickin. 113 Adams. Charles 1 13 John Aldrich. 172 371 Henry Francis Andrew Leith. Alfred William 176 Francis 229 Hon. Leonard Feter 113 Aldersey. Michael Goold 235 Thomas 5. Montagu 224 Robert 408 Allan. Hon. C. 154 Richard 306 George 39. 252 Abbey. 419 Wm. Francis Dunlop . Gardiner 408 Thomas 204 Agassiz. 60. . Randolph Ralph Alderson. James Talbot 100. Charles P. 63.INDEX. G. 67 David Frank 68. William Henry 66 MD.James Adair. Alex.Henry 229 Agnew. 127 91. Wm. 327 99 214 Alexander. Charles Style 285 Edward John Alexander 312 Phillips 273 Albemarle. John Williams 433 14 Addiugtou.200 Akers. de Marchesi Ackland. James MD.Thomas 171 173 91. Boyd Francis 253 269 KH. Henry James 274 Abercrombie. Walter K. Joseph Samuel 97.KP. James 112 James W^allace -J. 7. 298 Thomas 448 371 Francis.264 419 228 . 165 Frederick George . Joseph 433 Adderley.Henry Moles worth 337 190 . Henry John 133 Adlington.GCMG. Pownoll. 144. William 202 . Allan 225 Hewish 238 George John Sir Geo. 294 . Charles 202 270 Claud 145 414 Agar. William 114 298 337 Henry 295.224 William 150 at. Lewis 294. Bernard 70. James Cole 136 Thos. 224 '^ Montague 193 Benjamin Samuel 163 Fred. wellyn 295. 179 Airey. Robert Abboit. 40. Henry Smith 131 A'Court. Alexander Henry Wm. John William 113 172 Addison. -James 112 Ahmuty.245 Charles Warren 200 AndrewTimbrell 100.CB. Chas. Wm. Robert 306 Adeane. Baron . Fred. Elford 169 Albert. Allen Noble 68. 235 Algeo. Herbert Edward I'rederick Lle228 195 Ed. 192 Adye. Earl of 52 ALBERT. 11. Philip Savage 248 Chrisloplier 337 Adamson. 283 John 189 Aldridge. W.GCB. Ashe. 65 James 128 Fulford Arthur 307 Alison. 371 Thomas 159 Joseph Edward CB.John Thomas James. 453 liam 158 Thomas 101. Chas. Ussher William 235 Frederick. John 231 Aldred. Agg. 132 414 Henry Balthazar 264 Aitken. CB. worth 337 KT. Hon.John Adams. Arch.Sir Jas. Hon. Oliver D. T. Archibald 7\ckroyd.117 Thomas 175 George 337 Aitchison.233 Edward 337 Ainsworth. M. B. 371 James 113 Adcock. 153 Alessi. KG. Ramsden 326. John Miller Chas. Graves 371. Charles Compton 227 ^ — ' —— . Richard Wil245 Robert 337.Carson 60. Andrew Cadwallader 200 135. George Frederick. 430 312 William Scott 113 Cliarles Thompson Alcock. Edward Richard Bralton 269 Ainslie. 10. 30 Aldworth./. 1 13. Joseph Lee AUeu Saunders Alexius 114 272 Stanwell 161 Abell. Fran. George 433 337 Alpe.— 480 Index. 337 KG. Vaughan 255 312 Arbuthnot. 36. llamond Alston. MD. 137 Archer. Lawrence. David 113 Stephen Fra. Arthur 244 Archdall. Wm. H. Andrew Snaue Ilam. Edward Dawsou 291 Allix. John Julius Arbuthnott. Hobart Grant 174 Anderson. — William — William — William — — William 216 230 Willi I CB. John 237 Anstey. H. 91 Vaughan 208 Bobt. John Amiel. Au^justus 174 James Jekell 129 I .W. CoUyer 112 Thomas 435 Andrew. Bisset 306 Chas. Chas. 433 113 114 255 371 A. Wheeler 371 deigrass 154 Geo. Henry Anth. 232 George Lewis Dive 161 371 Amyatt. 135 Alley. Aliraham Collis 238 Alexander 293 Andrew. Henry 234 Andree. Wynne 114 Henry 227 Appleton. Aug. John. Mar. Audley Mervyn Charles. Hen. 452 Anketell. 448 W^illiam James 183 Apreece. Augustus Amyott.W. Augustus Fra. S. 120. H. Hon. PrenFran. Tottenham 371 Allfrey. George (lee 15 285 Octavius H. John 64 Ambrose. GCB. 217 Wm. 267 — • ! 408 ni — I 371 'Hionias ' | 139 'i'homas — Thomas — Thomas Douglas 207 207 Anderson. F. Henry Charles 167 Alexander Daniel 337 222 Antrobus. 253 248 Charles 433 Charles Charles George 254 David. MD. James Warren Hastings John John David John Grattan John Richard 221 202 428 188 269 Joseph. 262 199 James Allen. Benjamin HutFrancis 118 cheson Vaughan George 57 419 John Edmund Kerr Mottram 179 Vaughau 154 Robert 56. Hugh Montgo257 Francis Charles 211 mery 203 Fra. 298 Arguimbau. Edw Montagu Hon. 112 Richard Pretyman 337 212 Arbuckle. CB. George Wm. Christian 286 Appleyard. 52 Joseph Henry 121 Richard Richardson Rob. William 243 Augustus Edward W^illiam 371 Henry 155 Arentesschildt. Anson. Cochrane 59. William 337 George Buxham Angelo. Ernest 158 202 Appuhn. Charles Fred. 266 George Benjamin Robert Alex.TohnGuiseRogers 179 206 Philip Hen. MD./aJ.n. Fred. Joseph —— . Edward Anthony. Robt.CB. Crawfurd 201 Daniel 310 Philip David Thos 129 165 Aplin. 34 Henry Thomas 274 John 112 W. Charles 371 Apthorp.St. 337 Hon. Craven 113 Apperley. Edward 256 Edward Marcus 54.Uugh. Augustus. 432 Arthur. Warner 97. Archibald Edward 271 CB. C:7^. 53 Anuesley. Wm. 160 173 David Edward Abbot 188 134 George Henry 93. George Thomas 177 James 15 ~ William Eyre 114 Chailes George William Gilly 273 270 Andros. Victor Count 446 371 Altenstein. Montray 272 H'. 135 Armitage. Adolphus Richard Tnrberville Von 447 295. Rich. 113 Arthur Savory 200 Robert 145! Charles 419 2541 Anton. 238 . 433 271 Charles Gasper Henry 337 Dav. Spearman 427 Ansell. MD. Hon. 90 Arden. Hugh 150 428 Hon. Vise. Charles 30 William Kent 151 Allman. Henry John Henry 175 Arcbib:ild 253 Louis John AmaHon. Abbott 202 Wni. 12. Rich. Jn. 232 Harboard Armit. M'Gregor 230 249 Wm. 161 James Henry 248 William Groves 157 Thomas 371 William Richard Wm. Edward 337 James 414 Applewhaitc. 215 Archdeacon. Arnold Wm. Mariott 371 5. James 371 Alton. AVm. Wedderburn Richard 113 135 Angerstein. Garrett 371 Anderdon. of. Chas. GCH. Edw. Edmund Francis 171 Armstrong. 113 KH. 169 Phillip. 189 Hon.G. CB. George James 154 371 Ames. Baron Alves. 371 Ralph Shultleworth 337 337 Robert Robert Marshall 123 Rodney Vansittart 294 Thomas 419 424 William William 419 Wm. Wm. John Anglesey. Fleetwood Edw. Goodrich Holmsdale 122 Allinson. 144 8. — 242 — Thomas — — William. 198 Hon. MD. Alexander 8 174 Anstruiher. Carew. Charles 114 Andrews. 293 Bain. 167 ^^'illiam 427 Austen. Philip 419 Bagshaue. Geo. Erskine 311 Aylraer.112. Edw. Frederick 217 Henry Edmund 337 James 337 Henrv Havershara 175 James 239 John. Wm. Granville 337 Backhouse. Anthony Duperon 337 Thomas Carpendale 190 Daniel 38 Baker. Richard Thomas. Charles 337 Auchmuly. 292 307 Ashton. Lewis de. W. James Geor. Griffiths 113 Hugh 30 Hugh Whitchurch 207 Hugh Smith 120 Norton 298 James William 120 Thomas 371. 221 87 Bagshaw. Arnold 449 91. Charles 56. Sir 133 David. Isaac Aubin. 155 371 MD Arrow. CB. 433 Thomas Brabazon 12 Bainbrigge. Henry 63. 163 Fred.241 John 371 Henry 268 William. Benj. Alfied 218 Duncan James 120 Edward Frederick 371 Geo. F. 114 233 Bailey. 33. Sam. Arnold Erich 449 George 36 Franz Fred. Henry Ashwin. Theodore Ashvvorth. 144 Charles Edward John Dugdale Richard D. Hen. Say S. Charles Smart 210 Daniel Antoine 250 Chailes Osborn 295 Bace. 337 219 114 200 167 312 168 124 371 166 32 148 52 64 371 Arnold.— James 224 Baddeley. Astlev. William Bruce Wm. William William William A. Jas. CB.1 481 Index. MD. Charles Charles John John 241 371 T. David S. 11. James Collins 208 Aruudell. John 237 Horton Atkin. Chas. 99.Clinton 200 Bagenall.T.201 Thomas 54. 337 Babington. 316 150 200 Aston. Edward 213 IH Henry William Edward 183 117 Bachelle. 12. 217 ftlichael 427 John 208 AVilliam 286 Audain. Cuthbert A. John George Aug. 182 William 204 113 Bagnell. Henry 114 Asluto. Aug. Fred. Ciia. Clement 284 Edw. 89. Douglas Hall 175 Avery. 13 Aytoun. Thomas 371 \^'illiam James 202 Awty. Baron Frederick Grote 220 Von Dem Brinck 448 F. Alexander Archibald.KCH.George.G. Henry 163 182 Bagot. Rich. 267 Robert Robert Philip 4()!i Backhouse. 268 293 293 39. Bart 226 —William Know 114 John. 218 George 428 Fred. Aslett. Aaron IMoore 371 Edward 285 Ayton. 337 Thomas Parker 371 Baines. P. MD. Frederick Wm. Alderson 371 11. 337 Atherley.' KH. Chas. 331 Edward I). 453 Robinson 433 Philip. Armstrong. Francis Lionel Oc67 153 tavius George 96. Andrew 371 Austin. 310 Thomas 408 Autran. Charles Wm. 254 . H. 283 xMarriotl C. George Alex. 234 William Forward 251 Baillie. William Atkinson. Edwin Heniy 371 371 6/) Richard Atkin. John Willett P. 452 Robert 167 William. //oil. Wilson 235 Bailie. Hon. Baii. 432 Baby. KC. 123 227 Ashburnham. 117. Henry Cairnes Armytage. Abraham John Hankey Whitmore 236 58. John' George 371 — ^ 448 436 433 Christian John ThomasWalson 3 Hnmplny J. Francis Toppin'g 181 Atchison. 6'n. Thus. 180 408 Ashe. Gambier 196 Mark Kerr 63. Pierre 450 Atcherley. Henry James Robertson. Frederic Simes 40 Edward Aitye. John. KH. M. 259 Jol. Fred Leopold 433 114 96 113 George Munro Rt. 187 John 63. Alexander 448 Wm. John Thompson Wm. George Tumour 219 Henry Alex. — 13 337 Harrison Stration Wm. Sir Frederick Askew. 112. John 113 George 371 Thomas 114 Geo. Harry Bacot.281 William Serjeant 219 KH. Thomas Askwiih. Deoring 222 liacmeisici'. Joseph 119 Baily. Peter 408 Thos. William Baird. 449 George 113 Back. 183 371 Rich. John 371 188 113 307 Bacon. Charles Attree. Auchinleck. Wm. Henry Henry Arnaud. MD. Astell. James Ross Arihur. Johnston 326 J. William Trail Arnott. Samuel R. KCB. John Iggulden 408 Jaraes 120 • — ' MD — . T. 282 John FraserLodington 270 309 Wm. 244 Francis Heury 191 Athorpe. Clinton Herman Stuart 146 John 191 1 59. 168 194 Atty. W'illiam Waller 237 Ashmore. St.n 337 419 John Jiihn Cooper Montijaniery Richard. James 133 Philip J. 10. James Wells 200 John 69. 37 William Alex. John 371 Ayles. Arthur 164 Ayshford. Arney. Grahame MD. 114 Rackhaus. GCJ3. 298 311. Francis James 173 Banbury. James Swayne Richard D. Henry Wm. MD. William 337 Barrow. Alex. Edgar Dumaresq 337 250 Molyneux 170 Battersby. Sam.482 Index. Alex. 113 Ballingall. John MD. Henry Howaid Lionel Charles Barbor. George John Cowell John Metge. Barrett. Richard John Barr. 282 Philip Philip John Siapleton Robert St. 124 116 Banks. Horatio Pettus Richard Aloore 201 Batchellor. Fretcheville D. Ezek. Wm. P. Robert Robert Robert Broome 284 Biirclay. George Bartlelt. James AVhittaker 225 Wm.453 Tho. Fenwick Boyce Luke. William Newman Barron. Sir Andrew illD. William Henry William Wigram Barstow. 163 David Henry Ferguson Baring. D'Oyley Wm. 165 178 127 Barnadiston. Richard Barnston. George Barter. Chas. Chas. Fisher Bartley. Fred. Thomas Arthur Hervey Henry ^^'illiam 145 174 419 165 184 Batt. Matthias Basset. MD. Roger William Barou. Davys 248 Banyard. Richard 242 Bathe. Bartlet. Nathaniel James William Robert Wm. 311 65 Barry. 15 128 CB. Howell Robert William William C. 240 Barnard. D'E. 245 Banon. Armstrong 93. Andrew M. William Charles 167 Bankes. Cuihbert Cuthbert Geo. 35 Balguy. John Allan 371 Wm. Baker. Alexander 371 John Barnett. Charles Charles William Daniel Paterson 371 230 269 326 234 87 112 275 326 118 Fredk. 337 307 337 190 371 Thomas 138 Valentine 18R William 337 William Wm.Wm. 132. Percival de 206 Bathurst. CB. 62. Philip 208 Balcombe. John Prevost 212 170 198 Robert 140 Battiscombe. George Bnrclay. Benjamin 150 337 WilliamTownsend271 Rob. Henry Battler.A'ff. Alexander Anthony Arundel Francis Oliver George Digby George Robert Barl F. Wm. CiUG. MD. Richard Bartholomew. Wdliam 160 Bancroft. Arthur 51 114 183 222 311 128 224 207 160 266 242 232 272 371 38 Robert Montelieu 216 250 114 196 337 427 Bateson. Morley. Baseley. John Bannatine. J. 173 161 31 284 David James 371 371 371 308 309 408 53. Frederick William 93 Bateman. Waller Fred. James 408 123 Baumgardt. Henry Fitz. James John Thomas . MD. James.252. Hen. Robert Douglas Barchard. Hen. George C. 337 408 Baugh. I MB. Benjamin Rich. Alfred Christ. Erskine 113 William Thomas 237 337 Balck.GC//. Richard 312 Bannatyne. 14 209 Henry Colin Baraford. Henry EldonG. John Gregory. Lumsden 220 311 Battley. 243 371 H. Jas. John Millar 169 Banner. Bakewell Fra. John Bampfylde. 57. Robert William English Ro\vland 130 Bates. Fran. 165 371 iMaurice 236 53. Alexander Francis 337 257 Caleb Francis Drury Richard 36 196 Thomas Gerrard Edmund Charles 260 162 Henry iNIaynard Melville. Francis Walter 253 113 George Henry Lowther 273 • —— Hugh Edward 342 Barron. Thos. Chas. 285 Gustavus Lambert Bassett. John 167 Barney. Wm. . Hen. 125 371 Baldoek. Osborne WilliamHenry 186 315 153 152 Bampfield. — — 37 195 194 173 • Balneavis. Charles FitzRoy 205 Robert Ballantine. Edw. 371 431 225 271 271 227 161 371 307 237 414 155 433 157 112 155 237 114 337 Richard Stanstead 236 Basden. James Raiders.453 185 38 George Percy W^m. Levvis. 157 Bali. J. MD.7. Rich. 145 Carnegy De 182 BarneSjA. Geo. George Balgonie. Edw. George Walter 182 John 173 Bale. Geo. JMurray 100. Charles Ernest Francis Frederick 215 148 448 150 George 449 Henry 136 447 419 408 114 196 Lewis Charles Barker. Alex. Barber. Barnetson. Barlow. Samuel 419 Bate. Ryder William. Vhct. Watkins 91. James Montagu Dunbar Barwell. Charles Carter — • Knox Richard Richard Doyle 141 Thomas Thomas 286 AVilliam. Knowles 337 Batchelor. Geo. 100. Graham. Charles Yelverion 192 Markland 116 Henry 155 Robert Gary 192 Balinhard. CB. Robert Baldwin. David John Barr. Walter Tyler Barton. Pratt Wm. Loudon 294. Benj. Henry Edward 185 William 371 Balfour. B. Carter 284 236 Natli. Robt. Geo. Charles Bassano. Stewart 337 145 Hen. Chas. Rich. PoUexfen 100 George Adams James Stokes 36. Watkin Edward 178 Bastard. Hen. Bernard Sir John. George 295 KG. John 199 Philip 271 Beech. Scrope Reynett 171 Beatson. 263 Belford. William 200 Bellasis. MD. Cha. Aug. Loi-JGeo. KCB. 38 5 Wm. 326 William 414 Whiteford John 226 Bellairs. Ruddle 114 Charles Harland 259 97. 35 Bedell. Richard Edward 241 316 Becker. Achilles Cha. Charles. James 113 Beamish. George Grant 256 1 12 Becher. Buke of 117. Edw. Fanshawe 69. Geo. William 427 ' Beere. Neville Saltren Keats Paget 271 181 Stuart 114 372 159 — Thomas William Zachary Clutter- buck Baynes. Thomas Hamlyn 427 John GCB. GCH. Joseph Noble Matthew 239 222 Berdmore. Aug. Musgrave 237 Edward Wells 34 32. Edward Blackett 286 William 113 Beazley. Hen. KH. Alexander Ross Frederick Frederick J. 125 George Robert 240 — — — —— ' —— — — — — — . 247 372 Thomas 372 Charles 99. Bryan O'Donnell 372 Francis Levett 195 Fred.Worthy295 Arthur Edward 136 114 Hen.Hen. Downing Valentine Edw. Henry 14 238 B. Henry 435 239 Beauchamp. Roger Stuart 283 Montagu Wigley 179 Beresford. Thomas 432 205 Beckham. Robert 251 Bayly. 316 Beaulieu. Joseph de Belshes. B. 179 George VV'm. William 152 408 372 38 Belson. Wni. Bender. Edwd. Eustace 372 Beauclerk. D. 202 Robert 419 George John 268 \Vm. Baylis. Samuel 428 Bellon. 309. Edward Edw.C. William 419 Beales.147 Edw. 133 Beaufoy. W.266 William 183 William 216 William MD. William 176 Bayntun. Jacob 447 Tom 218 Robert Stuart 159 Behrens. Wellington 337 308 338 Beague. Julian Bawtree. Duncan 217 William 240 John 291 Evelyn 247 BELGIANS. Mowbray Rob. Benoit Benison. Henry Smyth 235 Beatty. 252 William. His Majesty Thomas 297 the King of the. Christopher 446 Wm. Fred. 113 Sellers. 211 -Wm. Ant. Henry 59 Louis Howe 175 Bell. Edward Geo. Richard 337 174 Bentley. Walter Death 372 Bedford. Augustus Henry John Elliott Beckwith. Alexander 91 216 Samuel 190 Robt.483 Index. Earl 205 260 207 240 170 427 307 113 237 408 203 428 i 136 Cha. 308 James 338 James 372 Valentine 184 Robert 215 Thomas 140 Thomas Westropp 190 Wm. 212 William Sir E. Roxby 143 Thos. Cha. 11. John 451 371 Beckett. 15 Wm. George 41. Benjamin 99. Ferd. George Ridge 160 Henry John Wm. Baumgartner. Cavendish Baieley. Charles Pringle 234 George 55. 179 50 I Baxter. Fergussoa 113 Robert 99. Stuart. Pasquale Maria 435 Beasley. William 222 Bellew. Stewart. 159 W. Adolphus de 447 Beaumont. Anthony 268 Piercy 68.151 Charles Thomas 230 Beale. Fra. 127 170 Dobree Beadon. 186 John 408 Benza. Devaynes 414 Bedingfield. Francis Hastings James James Fleming Bayley.Robt. Andrew Hen. 372 Simcoe 372 Bent. Wentworth 338 George 171 George B. 136 Beaufort. Samuel 372 Thomas Lynden Thomas. Alex. Arthur Mitford Charles Grant 114 John Foulkes 255 9. Alex. ——— MD. Edward 285 George 284 ^— Edward 372 Herbert 163 Hugh 271 Bazalgette. Frind Burlton 157 William Henry 193 ' 205 52 Ben Wm. J. Louis Henry 188 Wm. CB. Charles 337 Belfield. 267 Bennett. Ward 283 41 286 159 337 CB 12 Henry 200 Sidney 62. 117. Welbore H. Dillon JohnLambertEdw. NichoU Wrixon 371 214 243 Beck. Joseph 188 Arthur 226 Arlh. John Murray Bellot. William James Nicholas 93. Horatio 338 284 Thomas 91 George Geo. 428 87 George Thomas 179 O'Hara 87 Behne. William 251 Benn. John 159 William 41. Frederick Charles 285 George John 53 Beltz. Chas. Anthony Delacombe 226 Bentinck. Addington Henry Lambert James Walker John John John Arthur Thomas 161 Frederick 97. de la Poer 167 Geo. Charles Edward Stuart Geo. Begbie. Percy 161 James 338 Benton. 315 231 Benwell. Macleod Bell. Daniel Henry John Le Marchant 240 Beetham. Stirling A'CMG. tle. Bevah. 194 Edw. James Berkeley. W. Bicknell.. Chris. Charles Newton George Lennox 124 Rawdon 186 John 211 Thomas Henry W. Alex. Richard Berrey. Frederick 189 Biron. John — 65 408 311 338 Robert 201 Robert 173 Robert 112 Blackburne. Edw. Lewis 372 112 Gustavus George 447 well William Charles 114 Mawdistly Gaussen 185 261 Rich.211. Richard Blackwell. CB. Theophilus 338 Blakeney. 427 Birney. Cecil.338 Binnie. Robert Blakiston. Aug. GCB. Heniy John 235 GCB. James 433 Bettesworth. Grattan 99. Charles Pelgue 192 Richard James Hoi Best. Betty Joshua Fred. John Lawrence 199 116 214 . Chas. Pow Thomas 338 216 408 lett Walter 97 211 Henry William 338 Tho. John Richard 436 270 372 246 Blagrave.GCH. Bisset. George Wra. Pretyman 169 Betty.161 Bird. William Draper 152 Knox Birnie. (5. Chailes Henry Black. 227 Bilham. 64. Myddelton 65 -//()».452 James Hamilton 372 372 Bezant.. W. James Treva306 William 187 nion 419 William Bettg. Kicliard 126 Bickerstaff. ¥. 218 338 James Bishop. Duncan Munro 160 Birrell. Rich. John Henry 273 William 243 William 60 Blacker. Philip Blundell 225 179 149 JJiddle.Hon. Ludovico. 222 450 Berner. Geo. 326 Bisshopp. William Berry. Henrj Marcus 160 32 Marcus Marcus VVyllyde la Poer 200 de la Movstn ' 204 Poer Win. Stopfoi'd 53 William Hunter 372 Blake. H. 427 Thomas. Lathan Wm. 9. Howe Curtis 274 338 Bewes. David 428 Billings. George Hon. Blackwood. William 284 212 Binney. CB Richard 432 Titus 9. 308 — John Robert 254 Blackett. Phillips Sackville Hamil171 lOQ 9. KCH. Carr. 'J'homas Mortimer 253 239 Beswick. John Berfbrd. Vise. Mordesley 98. 453 Blachley. Cliarles 408 Grantley Fitz Hardinge 408 Walter 234 Biggs. 8. John 183 John Betson. 448 Robert Berger. Charles 186 445 James Berington. 15 Blachford. 245 Edward William 253 338 Blacklin. Thomas 113 113 Birch. 263 Billingiou. Bissett. 30 Blakely. 435 John Jarvis 69. 257 J?ews. Smvtli Edm.. Ebenezer George James James John John Lewis Thomas William Thos Blackall. George 62. Wm. A. KCB. James Blair. Chas. Bernard. Stratton John Matthew 113 Fitz Hardirige 119 Biddulph. Edwin 112 Bethune.GCH. Henry Vereker 268 338 Bingham. Beresford. Cha. Hen. Heniy 338 Biscoe. L. William 419 Wm. Thomas 311 112 Lewis Saunders Thomas Charles Har136 Wm. 484 Index. Fred. 206 Richard S. William Thomas 126 • • . 186 Tho. Henry 338 Henry Charles 172 iyo?j. CB.175 Oswald Samuel • 92.169 Stephen 245 jMichael Wm. John Wyndham 20 Luke FitzGeralJ 157 234 Bindon. Thomas 177 Bishopp. David Hunter James Hunter 61. Sir John. Waring Alex. MD. 141 40 53 433 338 419 408 372. George Michael ShrapFrancis Wm. Geo. Hayler 148 Lurd 338 George. 184 George Lascelles 295 George Piikingtou226 James Bunbury John John Heniy ' 372 372 176 iMatthew Gregory 31 Maurice Lynch 170 138 Hubert HoeyJex. 149. Cha. Rainy 113 Jolin Fra. Henry 338 Theopliilus Fred.112. Geo. 102. MD. Charles Peter 338 Hon. Oliver dinge 224 114 William 447 Birdwood. 206 Frederich Rodolpli 61. 270 nel 120 Fitz Hardinge — 274 Robert Sir Geo. 256 James Francis James Parsons 338 419 John Francis. Edward John 408 Ethelbeit Henry. A.158 Edward Hugh 453 Blakeney. C. Rob. David 65 Robert 244 Birtwhis. Airde 183 Bett. lit.SirEdw. Richard Robert 196 135 Thomas Newenham 372 Wm. " Williams. 123 408 Bignell. William 326. KCB. Christopher Edw. D. Francis Thos. 281 206 Lea Bertram.225 125 Bewley. Adam Von 338 Wyndharn Edmund Beverhoudt. Carl Ernest 118 Berners. MD. 259 Geo. George 233 Wm. Rich. Edward Iling 371 George Edward Riu213 338 175 James Geo. Fred. — David 11 '2 449 218 165 338 294 Frederick Samuel 191 372 John Willis Matthew Smith 225 Robert Robert N. F. f'enrhyn 253 Bliinchard. KCB.372 326 Wm. F. 210 233 Boulderson. 192 Bligh. Wenslev 201 Bouvene. Thomas 311 Boissier. William 167 -John Ashton. John Henry John Ret'sr 15lankeney. Joshua Walter 200 216 Ralph Shelton 138 Thomas 185 Thomas 408 Bourne. George Anthony Daniel Leaton 95. J. Jonathan D' Urban 140 256 419 326. James Eilward 338 Boitien. 92 Augustus Samuel 338 Blenkinsopp. Robert Stewart William 372 Bluett. 160 Bun h wick. Booihby.lell. 33 Hugh. 98. MD. CB. William 338 Boidero. 113 Bostock. Cherburgh 433 Samuel 211 Geo. Henry Gousse 436 KCH. Lewis W^m. Arthur 70. IT P. John Blunt. S. 40 Boteler. A Id worth 338 LawrcHce 271 Philip 223 Barry 338 Rich. Fletcher 90. Fred. 23"2 Bodle> tleorge Boehmer. Gordon 161 ISIun. Walter Frederick Blvlh.221 C. John 61. Sir Edward. A. Charles CoHins • MD Blinkhorn. 37. Jas Wm. Henry 449 Boscavren.315 Lege. Edward 225 Herbert George 173 Henry Jackson Wm. Geo. Ca'^par Von Bothmer. Jean Baptisie Robert 451 — Seynioiir John 150 Boileau. Burton 113 114 Cha A. Sir Geo. John George 271 Basil Charles 247 Boides. Edwaid 372 Pinson 6 James Owen 255 Bonner. J. F. John William 186 Geo. Georg> B 125 Blewitt. John BoBie. Pleydell 230 Bonham.John Wm.485 £ndvx\ RlAistOT). 162 372 Hon. 148 M. Hugh Aug. 196 59. Emmanuel 114 James Claudl2.D. Edward 243 338 372 228 208 Bogtti. John 113 Henry 372 Lonsdale Blay. 430 Henry Moniolieu Theodere Gordon. Heit)ert Bloxsome. Thomas 112 Blenkins. Came 113 Boultbee.281 40. Cb. Jocelyn 89 240 Henry 65. Joh« Davtd Ufythnian. Clements Francis Gamble Richard Thomas Bloomfield. 98.dward Loftus 286 Blyth. Baien G. Auunislus Fred. Geo. F. 9. John 169 Borrowes. Francis 223 Bovell. William William 419 308 131 39 274 372 427 William. Pleydell 173 Bone. B. Edw. John Edwaid 372 372 Samuel Brandram BlansharJ. v. Hen. Chas. Henry 127 114 Bloffg. Andrew Catiicart 230 R()l)ert 306 230 372 Hogt-ie. Geo. John 414 Wm.T. William 160 C. Henry Townsend 271 Boulion. 306 Henry Fred. D. W. Cliarles John Richard 191 Bourchier. H. Beinard V^on Ferdinand de Bott.267 Thomas Edwin 176 Blosse. Loreto 263 James Johnes 203 Vincenza 338 John 233 Bond. Johnson 192 WadhamWyndham 155 Robert 255 Willinm Spittle 372 Boustead. Thomas Wrig1jt274 251 Wamire. Bonnin. CB. George 408 Booth. 326 Boles. MD. 150 Boswall-Houstown. Frederick. Isaac Bomford 284 Bonamy. Geo. Samuel Friiche W illiam 186' Booth. 168 Laur. John. John George 112 Bowater. George Neeld 172 IMaxland. Edward Lynch 162 William Conyng- 270 ham Lynch 220 Blount. Hen. W. MD. William 157 Blanckley. J. John 259 Edward /foil. Abraham CB. Waldegrave 372 James James Fox James Franklyn — John Robert John Blane. William Boise. Thomas 372 Bowden. Geo. Basil Blois. Waller Saxton 261 Blathwayt.Tador 114 Bodd ini. James. Charles Garrow 87-2 Hlancliard. Blunilstone. Jas. 282 John William 123 93 John Blennerhasset. 7. Tho. Gore Blylbe. Tiiomas. 200 Bonnor. Fred. 430 113 Boiradaile. 408 113 Bolton. Samuel Sutton 419 33 Blenkame. F. Alfred Borrow. 141 Oliver Pa^et 101. Charles 217 Robt. Chailes 308 IM. Thomas 448 446 450 126 Boughey. CB. John 272 Claud Thomas 210 Eustace Fane 1 14 272 338 Tiieopliilus 338 Wm. Carey 414 Parkin 194 Bowdler.123 Bonavita. Edwin 114 112 221 113 37-2 338 Hen. Robert 338 Both. MD. 432 414 35 Boggis. Keane56. Anchitel. 338 Bold. Eras nus 234 Borton. William 51 Thomas Fra. 372 Blucke. Arthur Wm.Ch. James Horatio Nelson Charles 296 B'*Tid. Eleazar 146 Bolomey. Richard 6. Breon Charles 372 Borland.inc. John 87 Hugh Piunket 93 Bonavia. Robert 243 BostleinanR. Blood. 168 Henry Auburey 243 Sir Richard. John 253 Bomford. Fra. AdolphrssFred. Andrew 372 • . 114 Bourke. 173 Biatherwick. A. MD. Frederick Boghurst. VVm. 312 Kverard VVm. 57 Bovill. James • '- 114 J. Pat.H. John Rupert B. Brabazon. 486 Owen 451 372 221 121 327 Briidburv. James Lewis. Villiers Hvlton Henry. Player " 124 35 Brinckman. 266 i - — Wm. \\ ui. Christ. Rich. Benj. 452 Brady.George.Index. F. 'l I I 38. Brinrkman John Rich. Charle'^ LS. William Briggs. . Jennings 259 253 Harvey 185 Bramston. Brien. Chribtian Louis 432 447 164 Brandis. 270 Wheailey 408 Brew. Onesiphorus 170 Brigstocke. Thomas. 95 Edward — 312 Robert in. Douglas Pettiward 408 Brisbane. Algernon 272 Richd. 338 -210 432 William Boyle. 372 14. Wni. 297 Langley 428 Brendon. 136' 272 Bowles. Curtis 262. CB. dairies William 254 William Dundas 140 i^ravo. DeRenzie. ]Musgrave Dyne 185 227 122 291 133 . Geo. Ernest 449 Frederic Julius 443 112 Brind. Alexander 419 372 Biand. Augustus 176 Fred. Chas. Templeton 141 John Richard Rich Wilford 52 228 W'llloid 113 William 338 William 205 Wm. Abraham George George James 163 312 372 338 114 102. Sir Thos. Dupre Nich. (. 338 Brine. MD. ' John Georse BridLTe^. Fred. Browne Horner 168 269 372 Brandling. Samuel 55. Edward Wm.147 Bredin. Blaney 259 Braybrooke. Alexander 435 Ernest Hen. MD.'has. Emanuel H. George Edward lionias Henry 35 152 Boys. Alexander 55 Boyes.Bagenall 253 372 Brice. 320 1 • Wm. Wm. 212 Bray. 60. Piob. 449 238 Ferdinand de James 448 Fiederick Von Jas. 274 Bremner. John James Sir John 1 ^ John Theodore I'hos. Charles 212 Paris Wm. 204 189 Peter Wright Brett. George 443 155 Brnnns. Thomas 445 William 129 Braun.KH. Henry Hradburne. Ferguson Bovd. G. Coventry 338 Edward 83 Biandes. GCB. John Remington John Fred. Charles Breslin. EdmundJohn 237 1H9 Breading. Jas. Edniuni French 256 Brem. Augustus \'on Edward Arthur Edward Von 448 296 Fred. Geo. Edward 6. Aug. KCB. CB. CB. James Louitit 312 232 Briikyn. John 338 Henry 213 Patrick 414 338 --J„hn" Tho. James Arthur Charles 87 Brander. MD. aCH. Nich. Hallowell -^ Edward Mouriier 269 Bramly. John Thomas 408 162 Branch. 89. 162 BranfiU. C. Spencer 372 Hon. 229 273 Robeit Rji. 310 224 Bradford. Wm. Francis 191 Bowen. William 414 172 120 Hon. Fredeiick. 209 285 Edward 154 George George Dandridge 372 121 G. 408 WiUirtm Banger 165 Bradley. Brereton. B. Edwaid Hugh Thomas 112 338 J. Abel Woodroffe 372 408 Bramwell. Edw. Alexander. Alex. W ni 428 Campbell 248 Geo. Frederick Robert 372 Robert Tho. Gunn 213 Brereton. Charles l.\dair 113 George Tito 168 George Tito ('yprian Bridge. Edward — Wm. Thus. Leman 257 Hon.ob.252 Henry John 51 303 Bradish. Irwin. Rob. Benj. Henry 155 WilmotHen. Bernard 221 372 HuHiiphrev H. Andrew Gram Frederic 285 249 Brinkley. Philibeit de 86. Alex. Maithew Baisac. Edw. Alex. RI. 435 John ' ! MakBat. Colthurst 338 450 Brackenburv. Henry 168 448 Brinckmann. Her. Briscoe. 419 112 John Mo>sem 307 372 Brathwaite. Sands 188 Bradshavi. Edgar Grantham 272 241 William 241 Breedon. Beauchamp 21. 228 Brewster. 121 248 112 Stephen Chailes 114 'Bright. ! John Henry ' . Henry Wm. George BracTsmeyer. C. Charles Bridger. Roheit 16 427 KH. Browne 128 Brattle. Wm. Henrv Samuel 186 372 Wm. John 124 John Arthur Bowman. 333 Theod. Thomas Boyce. 235 Edward Wm. 236 Brenan. Hairiss Carr Boxer. Freeland —^ I 197 226 204 36. Brisbane. 52 George Pans. Thos. Richard Brettingham. Breton. . Charles 436 Bowiller. Francis Green 372 Boweis. Henry 216' Augusnis Laurence Picton Altred Bt)wlbv. dou^rall. Bowling. John U atts 19^ 253 Michael Robert 145 113 Ralph Bower. MD. Edward Arthur Brierly. 97.'^ lo2 George Rupeit Vere Hunt 208 218 Thomas Clark William 52 453 Biagge. Chsiles 99. Name 327. HI Henry 113 Jas. Aylett 338 187 Brannan. MD.'Flockhart 427 Braimer. Orlando Fred 122 Cavendish 306 372 372 Bridgen. Alex.eit 294 Breavey.oge John 338 Robert Onslow 236 Thomas Bridgeman. CB. 257 Jame^ Fischal William 247 Roht. Arth. 60. Hen>\'aoghau. 338 James 292 J. Lang2C4 ford 212 Robert Wilmot '1 liomas 30 Thomas 96.y Ainirew 195 234 Andrew John 373 316 Andrew Smythe J. KCH. Robert Edwar<1338 Spencer Delves 269 \Vm. 372 373 433 11.141 Brough. William 176 Edward Stanley 293 Bruiiker.) 451 181 2j7 Ricliard Henry Biooke. 377 33. 298 307 Thomas Gore 36. Thomas Henry 338 204 Thomas HughStuckeley 294. Cavendish 158 Robert 226 Robert Charles Augustus 256 131 Robeit Cairnes 338 Gunter Chas. 2^8 John Wm. Alexander 436 Alex. 327 166 Francis 435 Brunt. Thos. 266 Buckeiidge. Thos. Geo. 373 112 Buckle. 54. Robert Johnston 140 158 Samuel William 8 246 'I'houias 338 Brownell. Robert 88 112 432 Hon. John Howe 373 Montague 232 Biichan. 219 191 Cliarles Fred. Frederick Sadleir 194 — Edw. Geoige 13.1 Bruce. John Neil 136 Lord Rich. Fielding. CB. Walter James Broaillev. Gore. E. Tyrrell 102. 134 188 373 418 273 Brown. Francis Hotchkin Tho. Cliarles Fred. Edw. 117 Charles Acton Hronner. Fled.30.M. Gore 234 Robert Caihcart JJalr\mple Charles Fred. John Thomas 94. Edw. CB. George 217 Hon. 176 180 "Wm. E. 169 Courtney 373 Wm. MD. Pinckard James Frankfort 114 Manners 284 Brydges. John Ramsay. Jolin Edv\ard 191 JUohier.Stephens James 59. EgerHon. 13 John laiton 69. Joseph 120 Frank 180 Brush. (. 34 Hrtsiow. John 112 373 John Collis 435 Brydon. John ]Martin 152 Browne. Fia. lIoriiioGeo. lienjamin 233 Richard Charles 238 William John. M. Sir Thomas Henry.487 Index. Henry l3ristiiwe.265 Broughton. 144 Bftrton Pa. Alexander. James Robert 68. G.\rus Uioke. A. Theophilus St. Gore James 246 P. Joseph 112 86 189 Arthur Bioomfield.> John Tattoti Butlei274 llington 232 433 Joseph Win. Lane 268 Henry James 198 327 M.ker 87 Brotherton Michael 338 145 Campbell Barber 250 Robert 101. Delves 283 Blown. lf>3 Hrooker. 174 Hon. Siudliolme 70. Howe 194 Robert 194 John Giahanie 339 Rub. MD. 159 James Hen. Amyatt Ernie 182 • Andrew 41. MD. A. George Richard 240 245 33'H Henry 236 Bruiton.dia 243 Montague John 129 37r Hon. M D. Paynier Ken227 Leopold naway 200 Mcholas R. liiodhursi. James Lyon 172 ton Hon. Chailes de Block. Bentley 191 W — j | — ——— B B 2 . 11. Dennistown Robert William. Josepli 261 Thomas Southwell 206 Brownrigg. CB.E. John John John John Henry 8. Charles 373 Wade 223 Brumell. Alexander 88 Melville 164 Buchanan. 50 114 Henry Southwell 176 Hugh 338 Gusiavus. Lewis Augustus 226 Bubb. George 129 MontagMe 250 Gilbert J.l Philip 133 138 Edward Eugene Francis Carnac Frederick. 433' Hell. 185 William 338 Percival 91 Win. West James 226 Edward John Vesev 240 Bruere. Geoiue 296.ivi. Rutleilge Mont. 31 R. 373 268 Buck. John Henry Ralph 160 Bruyeres. Gustavus 63. 164 144 Henry John William Edward 208 308 — ^— \Vm. James 2b"0 99.CuuninoIiam 243 175 Edward Jacksoa 272 Browne. 246 James Montagu 338 Sii John. Basil 58. 31(i 17 37'2 l^oluis 34 HrockmaB.is.229 A7/. Heniy William 294 Brookes. Pennefaiher LJiumby. William John 28. John Read 113 KCH. Brooksbank. Scott 372 Brotherton. Joshua Rowlaaa296. Sir George. 151 Cliarles 114 Charles 372 D.292 \'alentine 31. liH. William. Robert 55. Anihoiiv Hon. 224 312 Wm. William. Cfi. Redmond William 53 Richard 414 Richard Seeker 11. 298 • 227 William Brooks. Alex. Henry Pringle 408 Bryant. William Robert 373 William R. Osborne Urock. iTCB.Stfi)iiensonSimon233 Hiittain. George George George John 146 247 131 CB. 216 187 John Arthur Sauiuarcz. 183 James Croft 95.CC61. Ml). Bait .Thos.4SS Buckle. 216 Buckley. Duncombe f red. Robt. . Neil 102. 94. Alex.Fieldinc Alex. Cliarles Rowland 177 Berkeley Caldecoti. ^neas. 373 Joiin 39 Henry Clare 246 112 Patrick John 168 Cardiff. CB. Edward Joseph 373 128 Cannon.259 152 Alex. 188 James John C 427 George 13. 12. 433 215 Alexander 373 John Alex Falkland 257 273 John Alex. CB. Ga Alexander Francis 177 435 George Jackson 70. KCB. 6 Donald M. 32 Robert 185 CharlesWilliam 373 Rob. 315 244 Sir rienry Fred. Marcus 102. James 273 65 Calamy. Stevenson George Isaac John John Cha. 211 Wm. Carew. - - - Colin Colin 339 406 Thomas 373 373 Coliti Fred. 246 Ho7i. Henry Robert 230 229 112 Hugh Archibald CB. AH. George George 149 193 373 1 • — — — — . Charles Tlios. Williatn Cairucross. Le Mesurier 408 Alexander -John. Stuart. William Ilcury Robt. Geo. Her. John 203 Fred. Cha. 281 M'DoSomeiville nald 269 William 93. Augustus 449 373 Henry Wotton 231 Capon. Somerset Jolin Gough Calvert. Somerville 180 40. 122 William William William William 223 339 373 419 FitzGer. 112 Wm.>se. 137 William. William Calcott. Rich.Parkerl01. C. 181 57.315 Campbell.R.ill. of.169 Morris Robinson Chailes 113 223 Charles D. Dennislow n Sir Colin. — Wm. George James 69. 315 373 Montgomery Donald 271 //t).C. G. Ambrose Mar373 John James 408 shall 170 MD. CB. James 419 373 Beaucbamp James 269 Paul Kyffin 408 408 — Warner VV estenra 245 James James. 239 339 Robert Chas. 218 225 James Alex. Jas. W. 281 427 Kenneth James 433 Henry 274 Lachlan jNIcL. Augustus Melfort John Ball James 373 126 159 F. ton Cantis. 293 Wm. William Cairnes. Thomas Edw. 435 Cameron. MD. Charles Benj. Richard 257 Frederick 259 Canavan.242 G. Rich. Duke GCMG.239. Sydney Aug. Alex. 12 Charles Patrick John 373 272 Pat lick Scott Chailes F. David. F. 269 Cane. Adam 246 58 Robert 373 Adolphus Wra. NewFrancis 37 port 125 Frederick 14. 176 Capad. 203 Sir John. Duncan Dun. Alex. MD.225 33. Alex. Fied.489 Index. 414 243 373 David John Campbell Cal. Charles ll3 William 56. T. 339 Cardigan. P.316 Donald 54 Donald Patrick 244 Duncati 242 Duncan 339 Duncan 373 Mot271 194 13.H. Nicholas 67 173 199 Caine. Bart. 265 Campsie. William 339 John Henry 207 34. 228 419 Calder. Wingfield 162 373 John Peter Robert 327. Bt. Paulett. Lome Johiiriiomas 224 Arch. W'm. 223 117 Hobi.i. MD. —— - 112 James L. Chas. 339 6. teux Archibald Chailes Felix. H. 312 272 Arch. H. Stopford 86 -Sir 134 Riijierl 112 Canning. Piicairn 174 .215 Alexander 88 John 312 Carev. Cambridge. lion. Earl of. Campbell. •Jallen. Henry 177 Charles Henry Jermyn Ca|)el. 54. Harrv 414 William Gordon 145 H.dw. 36 283 Joha James William Joseph 62. CB. Wilson 187 Geo.316 Sir Call.43 Arch. Campbell John Gordon 193 231 John M'Candie Arch. 203 373 Alex. Osborne Barwell 249 Ailhur WellingRonquierJohn 269 92. Jmies Patrick Doul 36. 316 Caldwell. s.Bktlerman 91.W. F'red. 189 John Campbell. 89 Patrick. 260 John. KG. John Francis Archibald Glencilirn 97. KF. KCB. 169 414 433 223 jalthoipe. 193 Howard Douglas CarJen. 113 CB. 197 Walter 92. George John Smith 223 248 Alexander 219 Geo. Colin 193 John Pennock 249 113 Arch. 229 373 John 274 Cardew.iilandar. Heniy Walter 253 Capellfe. William 1 4 Aylmer Spicer 224 GCH. Archibald 91. 139 William le Wm. VV. adam 31 230 Patrick Hon. John Henry 373 Chalmer. MD. de.D. Sir George. Aubrey Aear 252 Henry 58. Diidlev Wilmot 148 Carthew. 185 283 326 George 374 George Geo. Rudolph 34. Wallice 192 223 172 Thomas Carr. Frederick John 199 Jomis King. Edward Geo. Lo/y/ Eustace H. 197 Montagu 408 Samuel 374.lames 140 William 65 Chambres. 247 Reginald Henry 273 Chancellor. 121 land 419 Carioll. 112 Cirtrae. 157 low Gasco\ne Lord Thomas Cellem. 316 Matthew 335 Thon. John Westropp Michael Nicholas 148 215 156 158 271 419 Cartmail. JI/. Henry Fred. Charles 230 Dighy Thomas 339 Cassidy. Char'es 433 John. Adol. John Cator.266 ingion Cainaby. Augustus F:edk. George Lee 270 John Thomas 161 Chaplin. Andrew John Sir William. R. Charles Jeffries Caulfield. Stanley 307 339 Francis P. 327 Chambre. Arthtjr Fredk. VV.315 219 Caitv. M. W. Alfied Augustus 199 Tho. . John 128 Neville Bowles 113 Crawford Trotter 114 Chamberlayne. Marcus Hon Lticius William Chas. John 339 Chamberlain. James . Daniel Fia. KCB. James Arch. Thomas Orlando Ralph Edwird 427 Samuel 60. David Francis 227 James Walker. W. Frank 123 Arthur Trevor Leake i bell 35 308 Chads. Henry James 156 Mowbray .490 Index. G.Chambres 374 Champion. 192 Frtd.Paf. Carian. Alexander 161 Frederick Hugh 270 John 339 Chandler. 99. S. W. Lind-ay 339 Carnegy.183 295 Casey. Earl of //oil.8. William John Henry 254 I 12. 16. ThoFnas Page 136 C. MD. 267 Cathcart. 427 Cairuthers Ua^id KCB. MD.414 Geo. Somerset Arthur 146 339 Butler. Brown- James Dod- 183 373 173 Carnegie.erwood 373 William John 216 Chadwirk. I .112. 186 John 374 JohnH. Alex. George 113 Hiircourt CampRichard 113 Wm. 427 153 William Kelman. 122 87 Cay. KCH. James Hon. Edw. John Elliot. 182 George 64. Thomas 273 Carpenter. MD. Fred.D. 309 Cavarra. Fainaby 339 Carson.as 373 Cassel. Kendall 374 Fred. 144 39 William 182 Cary. 178 339 Wm. 210 John 143 John de Htley 122 Robert 140 William 373 Challis. William 98. Vise.[)per 427 Wm. Wm. John Henry S.320 190 Cater. •^— ! . Edmund John Carey. John Coinell Charles Edward 194 Frederick E. Lucius 6 Carysfort. Jolin Cailetoii. Hon. F. William 94. William. HumphreyHy. Tiistrem Spry 123 Caimicliael. Karl of Case. 195 339 Wm. Charles William 296 245 Walter WelCharles Murray. 408 Caitr. Cailyon. Lyne- 247 doch 286 Cavenagh. Robert Chabot. Citl. Edward Sheffield 373 319 A. Cham. Orfeur 113 339 Cavendish. John. John Buckley 88 John Ralph 176 Castle.l 18 Frederick 152 Caulley. 122 169 Carney. 12 54 John Henry 156 Wm. 191 Samuel Georgii Robert 216 J'liumas Wm. Arthur Herbert 275 John Cassan. 114 Edward Fred. CarricV. 373 Karl. 266.iss. — CB. William Henry 172 - Antlmny 254 Thomas 227 John Baxter 339 34 152 Carlisle. Frederick William 274 William Marcon Willaiighby Har. 373 John Money 445 Robert Thomas Priaulx 274 Samuel George . 225 Jolin John 220 113 'I'homas Wdliam 228 Cwstairs. Jus ph Cariwright. 169 Chaloner. 41. Augustus Munav Carrington. Frederick Mac251 Janie>.117 51 Martin Ri( hard. • . L. Young 112 220 George John 208 Loftus G. J. Charles Parker MD Carte. David 448 William Carsiens. Grainger 173 445 John Collis. George F. Annesley 373 Deering 373 Geo. Compton 239 14. John 254 Chambers. Giusseppe 263 419 Cave. Altx. 230 • Thomas 31 339 Chapman. George 184 Castieau.275 Chalmers. Charles Vidler 249 202 Cecil. Albert 203 John G. Carloss. KCH. CB 433 William 339 Robert S'26 310 MB. 4-28 339 Ralph Slodden 373 William Ralph 262. 156 James Alfred 168 180 St. Geor-e ri. Gwavas Thos. 374 Denzil Tho. Hon. Carter. Chermside. John Oliver Nicolls 182 312 339 ('hristian. George 114 Forbes Wm. L. John Hlair Charleton. 298 Sam. Chailes 270 James J()sej)h Clarke 93. John Chilty. Isaac Chetwode. George • 315 414 166 269 Clavering. Richard Jo!in 113 114 Chatterton. John Cheapo. Xavier 374 8 KH. Alex. . Richard King 251 141 162 172 Clayhills. Meiizies 53. Francis Robert 255 271 Henry L. Joseph Heneage CharUs 178 Clancy. Joseph i. Samuel • . 174 186 310 374 224 Fiedeiick 374 Fiedeiick Hobson 235 James Alston 136 KH. John Smith Patrick 210 408 Chatfield. Stopford 260 Clark. Alfred Henry 270 419 127 Fied. Deskford 33Q 26! Charles 221 Child. William William William Capell William George 253 339 236 177 312 374 Claremonl. 267 Thomas 1 228 Sales MD. Cliffoid. Chaiiewooci. Joseph Fiederick 408 175 George Richard Charlton. Edward Chaiteris. Fra. Fiedeiick Gordon George Georg:e Fred. Chesney. Henry Paget John John 112 408 35 237 374 134 Richard 67 Chewton. 245. Rawdon 39. Christie. Edward 113 Trevor Chester. Iho. Augustus (ieorge Charles 239 Charles Raleigh Cornwallis H. Ireland 339 175 Fraiicis 124 112 Miller I Clapp. John Cherry. e Chesso. ImKv. W>vili James 297 Chrysiie. 204 Hy. GeorgeCalvert 99. William Henry John. Hini. Alexander J. Edward Hoare Edmund Edward Henry Ciiaytor. •John 319 32 Choiseul. C. 128 Henry 307 Spencer Philip John Cliarnnck. Jas. 150 Chiarantia. Waldegrave Pelham 374 C lay field.254 172 Charter. 320 Christie. John John Stephens Lewis Trelawny Henry llardy 204 Henry Jas. Charles 339 Chepmeil. Anthony 427 A. Geo. Chailes 339 326 229 283 113 268 Cheeihani. Richard John John Chetham. Charles 453 Rev. Sales John Laidner Jolin Thorp John Wairond Montague do JMcKenzie Gordon Clapcott. Aug". Henry Lowther Cherriman. Tlios. Cornwallis 285 450 Chute. Churchill. C7i. 374 140 374 419 294 Henry Mordaunt 30 Clay. 249 164 • • John Cumming John F. Walter 244 Chisliolni. Rol)ert James R.266 Charles Henry Francis Rawdon 284 Spencer Edward Win. Charles Henry 112. Ed w. Ciavaldini. Wm. H. Thomas 339 Chichester. John Alexander 152 Johnstone. John VV. John James John Strange 254 374 Clark. 15 G CH. Jean de 339 Richard Chesshire. Fred. 228 Robert 59. — Chawner. 432 408 Samuel Stewart 87 180 Chislette. Williim Richard Granville 275 30 George 233 Childers.imes George 197 427 Archibald Macia 193 Charters. George 170 James Herbert 130 Wm. VVeller 170 12 (harretie. 174 Cinnamond. Wm. James Charles. Sir Richard. Harry George 69. Arthur Arthur Charles 339 Hon. Henry 435 James Stanhope Chartres. CU. 129 Rowlande Francis 339 -Saint John 150 Guy 67 W dll)anlve St. 453 MD. Peter Fran. Leonard 427 339 ('hichester. Thomas James 66 374 Cliiids. Chesborough. AleNaiider Ross 235 William 127 284 Nugent Andrew 180 William D. 2!12 Charsley. Cha. I'isc. travers 140 William Hill Dawe 205 Claikson. Rich. John 307427 Douglas bennet 428 George Cliarlier. 374 James Cumming 228 Hni:. Benjamin Wm. JnUn. Henry 33'J 326 Chas.Thomas 237 310 Thomas 432 Hush Arthur 233 Steplieu Reniuant 433 Thomas 171 John Ociavius 167 374 Newton Charles 13' Clarke. 262. Grant Falconar Church. Charles Georpe ———— Someiset Molyneux redway Walter William 95. Stevens 374 Clare. Holling- uorih Walter William Henry Clavell.I 491 Index. Edward Spiter 247 316 Fred. P'lederick 374 Chitiem. Cliapnian. Tolt'rey 232 Thomas Tolfrey 114 William John 145 Christy. Nuttall 256. 272 i-Eneas Robert Bnife 233 408 Chailes. 245 13 211 136 201 50 222 450 374 250 183 41 274 374 Patrick Joseph 312 Joseph 40. Kdw. Pier. Ellis James James 68 170 150 Chijipindall. Fran. Michael. Henry Manners r. Charles 63. iAlwapJ John 34J9 Coast. Pole 172 Collins. Edward 98. Thomas Bernard Collis. Fred. 186 George Henry 163 Hon. Macb. CB. Herbert Windsor 203 Coen. Charles Hope William 70. Si?' Edward Pine KH. James 118 253 CUffbrd. Henry Colley. George. Alexander Hugh Chas.Bf. 15 12. Augustus Jonatliaa 285 Francis Carr 223 172 Holt Waiing St. Arthur William Cleather.319 Rubt.Dickson 250 Sir Francis H. Abra. 260 374 William Henry 432 Geo. Dampier ham William 138 66 Chandos Fred.492 Index. Daniel Stratton 234 184 John E. Coliiian. William John Cloete. George Henry 248 Hugh Stewart 238 James Day 243 John Thoraas 225 — 231 237 247 269 Cleike. Barnard Wm. Caesar Colleite. Samuel Collum. Henry James Edmund FitzKay Aug. Cleik. George 130 John 435 Coles. Fred. Sir VVm. Duke of. Richard George 152 Robert B. Sit Arthur Benj 8. 255 Henry Jas. 282 Richard Sweet 339 Robert 66 Robert John. /Vndyew Clendon.bn Aug.Iici. MD. Alexander 92 339 Wni. 297 55. KCB KCH. MD. 32 RichardWoll.e Gooch 134 Coke. F/sc. Baird246 292 112 GCB. Uaibj 268 Coates. 183 Colls. 254 Colebrooke.D. Joba H. Michael W. James John Collings. Dowell O'Reilly 154 Clowes. Morris de Guy CarletoQ 196 Cogan. Henry C. Mortimer 339 Thomas I5f) 114 Colborne. 128 Cockcraft. Rob. Biowrve 185 164 William 207 Rtch. 15 Coape. Wm. Colchester. John Christie 54. Cow per Joseph Ambrose Michael Stephen Edward Colliuson. Godliey Henry 141 Cobb.112 /?t. 14 S(rWm. Hon. Champagne John MaTjOram Maxwell Vere Henry Cloudi. Thomas G eorg e 96. Clephane. Fred. 292 Cobbold. Power 339 Geoige 170 33. 166 96 226 339 433 H"H.J. Frederick 298 239 159 265 255 374 Cobhaiii. Nugent 236 SirWm. 326 John Williara 374 Fennel 56.63. George Pomeroy Collier.339 CockbuiD. J. 273 Cleve. Robert VVm. Stewart Alex. Fred. 127 Cocker. MD.. J. '1 beopliilus 257 William 428 Clements. Fras.llenry. Geo. Jonathaa 446 ('has. 296 Cobbe. Hen. Edw. 374 408 188 G. 270 374 268 374 M'Carty Cole. Hon. Robert Stacey William Collier. Aug. Frederick Ociavius Vorke 155 59 Henry Philip Reginald 268 234 Michael Codd. 339 Tliomis Henry 148 39 Cocks. Marshall 374 Edward Arch. G. Edward Close. John Deeiing - Clive. KH. 98. 202 John. Clutterbuck. Fiederick Geo. Daniel 145 113 MD. 65.Spen.Ruh. 34 242 446 John William William Charles 89 113 147 261 427 36 312 173 433 113 207 16 135 34 112 219 153 431 408 Wm. Kdward 251 Clitherow. Alex. 177 191 M. Georg. James Hint. CoUlngton. Henry 248 James 419 John James Joh n Jeken 215 270 Miller Pliineas Charles 374 Richard Cormick 161 Thomas Hugh 194 Rob. 36. Wm. Clayton. Charles 408 Henry F. Arthur Lowry Charles William 374 William G.D. Charles. Francis 86 Coghlan. Augustus W_yke 98. KG. VVm. Hen. John Wheler 273 Collingwood. John Colby. Thomas ^04 340 . 166 John R. Bentiiick 224 T. Adolphua. Henry W".Cav. Arobibald 315 205 James Cliffe. VVm. Hen. Geo. Hon. 34. Wheeler Henry 143 212 Clevland.Bt. 177 Fiancis 418 Francis Frederick 142 374 419 374 414 408 George John 284 340 374 340 John Colliss. Cha. John 296. Hulton 215 John William 139 John 188 Hob. 195 Geoige Henry 164 Coclirane. 87 Coats^Jobn Henry 99. Butler Triscott Thomas 256 340 VVm. Josias. Benj. Wild Jos. CB. Douglas Clerihew. Charles Lygon Clinton. Peter William .206 Henry Tophatn 140 Ccaihupe. J. • John William Henry William. Wm. James 27i.iston 177 Shadwell. Urbiin Cha. Anth. 102. M. D. Vansittart 268 Cleveland.144 Cockburne. • 432 Colclough. Geo. Hen?y 172 Robert 339. Lade 246 133 Cleavtlmd. Weninan Cla- Hugh 134 rence Walpole Colheck.utlelt Josias Rogers J ohn 261 William 147 339 Codrington.Si)George. Frederick 114 Sam-ael 269 John Wilson 177 Cleeve. Adams Wm. 7vJI. Horace 339 C'li!ton. 266 Janftes Robert 87 Coleman. Aithur 339 John A. Clendining. 209 255 253 Cockell. Colling.(. 38 Cothn. Rschard Aylrr>er 374 Clement. John Byron B 145 340 374 Conrady. Bart. James Winsmore 204 52 ot'. Alexander 433 419 Patrick Gethin Creagh Rich. John Jervis Henry 33. Edward John 374 340 James Chidley Samuel 254 Richard 408 200 Henry J. Charles. Vise GCB. 167 Courant. Heniy 52 Cooper. Charles Rus>ell 448 Charles Edward 122 Cordeinann. Hugh George 340 374 249 Adolphus 99. George Comper. George Hunt Condy. Lechmere Sir Willoughby. CB. 270 254 Francis John 167 Cotton. Charles 433 Coryton. 233 Conell. J. Thomas Connell. 180 Edward Henry 145 Costello. 340 310 Antonius James l. illiam 260 291 Maiihew Rich. Anloine Conroy. S. J as. Nicholas 222 George Fred. Robeit 113 Henry Wm. Connel. Charles Edw. Samuel Colomb.lohn Charles Kelly 293 1 19 340 Cossar. John 167 Copley.GCn. Byers Godfrey Coningham. 116 433 235 MD. Robert Edward 112 Wm. Harvey. Edward Joseph Stapleton Charles 116 295 Samuel 195 Ridgway Sydney John 52. Henry 414 Sir John.Davies 225 245 235 Cornwall. Albert Colthuist. Earlof. Robert 231 Anthony Charles 284 Comes. 250 173 340 Couch. 240 Corbett. Edwin Adolphus 137 Cork. Haivev Teirick V\ Cornwell. John 374 Constant. Robert 214 199 Cooch. 112. Walkup Astlev Paslon Cosfield. Thos. 173 52 CB. Geo. Adolphus Geo. 116 Combe. Edmund 271 Conwav. Longfield William Surtees Colv. George 419 Conron. Henry 35 113 John Henry 87. CB. Theoph. George F^dward 240 Courien. \Vm. Chidley 273 427 Henry H Chidley Downes 203 Couche. Marj. . Joseph 113 — 1 4 John Hen. Sydenham. Arthur Wellesley 181 Coole. . Wm. Brookes 340 Conyngham. KP. 245 Conner. AuConstable.ll. Cooke. Ambrose George. Sir George. Thomas Prittie William 374 293 252 Congdon. Charles John. John Blackwood 296 Wm. Connor. Lester 20b Court. William W^atts 200 Cour'enay. Ilallett Thomas 298 Hon. Townsend 427 374 Corbet. Arthur Henry John'Rawlins 37. 123 Thomas Valentine 294 Coirigan. John Colville.493 Index. Bowden Charles 408 113 374 Cosnard. Charles Rowland 241 Robert James Nicholas 235 112 Fred. John Codd —Henry Henry Fallowfield 296 Cotter. 252 327 340 John Col well.452 159 307 Cookes. 6. Francis. 56. — — — — — — — — — — ^ — — — — — — — . Frederick 233 GCB. Lord John Edwin 286 340 Brvan Geo. Alexis 130 Coll. William Coiher. 340 John Augustus Thomas 340 174 John Charles Richard 197 Coulson. Walter David Congreve. CB. John Barlow 256 Joshua Harry Edw. Adolphus Fred. Chas. Herry Geo. George 340 Corry. jB(. 141 Cookworthy. Pierre P. Rich.' 203 William 156 Conyers. Spencer S. Maitinus 207 Thomas Gethin 235 Couper. Henry Geo.196 Conington. 60. 374 Samuel 14 Thomas Forrest 432 Wm. ' . Thomas Cokjuilt. Edmund. 197 248 Coicoran.12. John Thomas Somerset 374 Compton. Herbert Stanley 374 Isaac Rhodes 209 Cottingham. Charles 50 Combermere. 6 Fiederick 169 340 Cormick. Kisbett Bt. G. ' 184 Frank 89. CB. John 374 S:ephen Price 143 Coiban. Spicer 152 62 374 Coombe. L(/. 173 293 Richard Geo. 127 180 WiUi'am 113 George 340 374 195 Coslley. Brabazon 116 Robeit 311 Lynch Stapleton 173 326 Robert Connolly. Geo. Penrose 340 Cook.KH. Laurence. David Latouche l(j8 433 Corfield. George Edward Bowen Hon. R. James guste de 451 Murray 445 Coppinger.KF. 219 374 Joseph Coney. Wellington 340 William 222 Connop. 340 Copland. Robertson 307 Henry Siapieion 96 Richard 153 Coore. Murcell CB. 144 Copinger. 149 180 340 Cornelius Rich. Finch John 116 307 113 Henry John Corbet 62 1 62 Tho. 113 218 Conyers Riciiard Aug. KCH. 118. Charles Cooie 374 293 Corham. 31 256 Copeland. 50 257 61. J. William ConoUy. William Colvile. Edward 451 100. Dennis James 191 9. Abr. Arthur Robi. George Hatton Geo. Arthur 209 Philip George 165 128 Walter John Arthur Sisson 178 Cosby. John Wallace — — — — — — — • 1 .eonard Morse 66 Fred.H. Conran. Alex. Walter Robert 200 Conway. John Joseph GCH. James.FiennesMiddleton 194 Coode. Sir Jas.292 152 Cooper. Wm. James Thos. H. William 375 Craig. ChaJes Francis Edward 171 Cromartie. 316 227 Creagh. 374 Cresswell. KH. 59. . 427 Ciaster. Sydney Smith 296 427 Critchell. Alexander 340 Joseph Lucas 178 Crowder James Henry 307 214 Robeit Allan 92 Crookshank. Fazakerley Cowen. KH. 436 Jonathan Richard Longfield 186 203 Thomas. Blicke C. James Smith C'jxon.Payne 242 Edmund Henry 295. 494 Conrtenay. 312 270 Creighton. Robert Henry 243 206 408 Crocker. Abraham 241 Hill John 209 George Longb. Augustus 248 374 Edward Joseph 340 Charles John 157 Rdbt. Waiter Robert Emilius 28« John Clay ran 271 285 Gustavus Jobn St. William 286 Richard William 168 Creyke. Alphonso 258 189 Thos. Fitzgerald 268 340 Charles 168 John L. Allan John Chas. MD. 258jCrowdy. Ch. James 414 Crosse. Fredeiick 340 Croft. Spiers 93 Henry Douglas 163 250 Haden Wm. Anthony Reynolds William. Ferguson Th. 137 Croix 130 Crespin. James 433 30 Cree. Geo. Augus'us Henry 201 219 374 Henry 260 Crause.Crofton. John 414 Leith Douglas 175 Richard Aubin Rob. 285 Crosbie. CB. Arthur Gethin John Hamilton Charles Osborne 238 Ciooke. Alfred Henry 260 Crauford. 121 Crossgrove. KH. 144 Cox.Hen. 266 340 374 Walter Frederic Alex. 238 Crookshaiik. M. 326 Henry Owen 98. William Morse 264 Ciaigie. C. John Sir William 34 Philip. 202 414 Charles 414 John Kees 238 William 116 Charles James Ponsonby May CaWm. William Henry Robert 145 136 CiaufurJ. Henry LowJas. Edw. 144! 163 . Charles Kenrick 203 307 Creser. Cranheld. Miller 154 Talbot Ashley 242 Richard 375 336 Crealock. Jennings 340 2 12 Coxworthy. 117 Robt. Edw. Edward John Cbas. Henry John 154 113 Crispin. Wm j .lohn 268 Edw. CB. Aylmer Strangford 261 340 Crow. 171 Crabbe. Fred. 298 222 William 250 285 Crawley. Benjamin 219 Geoige 374 177 Crispo. Richard James John Burton St. Charles Charles 161 Hugh Augustus 4181 John 311 Henrv Lionel 87 Huoh Dennis 90. John Halkett. Arthur Croft 451 Croasdaile Drought Rii:haid Edmonstone.Baker Grant 340 Cracknell. 171 Henry 374 Cowley. Andrew John 269 Richard Henry Geo. William George 118 Cowper. John Craig. Edward Francis Francis Boynton 236 174 419 Crofts. . Henry Hope T. 306 Crerar. Joseph William Hamilton Fitzmaurice 297 Richard 375 212 Coxen. Grey Cousins. Thomas. Mired 113 Cranage. James Courtis. 1 13 • i ' . Murray 148 229 Iher J. John 36 (Jrease. 207 Samuel Svmes 4-27 192 George Thos. Henry 374. George 414 Henry Crisp. A'H.Robertson 38. John M'Grigor Aug. James Thomas Fred. 419 Giles \'andeleur 164 John William James 65. Collins Ciamer. Bl. 340 293 453 Craigie. 340 Vyvyan 87 William 374 Cross. Nurse 274 Henry 176 Francis Kegan F.imbrook 257 James 141 James 408 Thomas R. Adam Fife 37. James 408 Cradock. Charles John ffolhott 57. Philip S. MD.Joshua 92. Evelyn Harpur Ciossman. H. Anthony David 445 Ciowe.Index. Peter 33. Edmund George 414 Henry 213 Crokai. 153 Croome. George 137 Joshua 240 Wm. Thomas 268 374 Charles Thomas 295 87 Crawfuid. Claudius John 216'Wm.AdamWilliamson 340 Crewe. Aitbur Lan noy Covenay. William Richard 189 259 John Ponsonby Smedley 58 Crooks. So Wm. 286 James Ponsonby 374 Thomas William 61. • . Brown Numa| James 232 Crofton. Ninian 183 Robert Orr. Eyre John. Hm. 220 159 Stephen Shiifioe Crasier 227 Cowell. Legassick 408 Crabtree. Wm. Geo. Alex. W. MB. William Coussmaker. 315 166 Cravan. 52 Crespigny. Edward 340 William 114 196 Cremer. Alexander Stephen 286 Cvoudace. Charles 375 340 Crigan. Fred. 433 Crawford. G. Geo. John Coventry.283 204 George Heibert 2-24 Alexander 148 Crombie. George Stacpole Wm. William 375 254 Crichton. Blackman Jasper Byng 874 Samuel Graham 34 Chichester 202 Sir Michael. William John 284 William 168 374 Croker. 3ID. Andrew Philip 213 374 Crampton. Darley Cowan. 374 Crompton. 147 38 John. Porllock Wm. Hon. 24tt Currie. 41 Hon. John 340 Samuel. Hat'ington 243 HoH.irles 63. 121 Cuninghanie. Harrv 340 Hoi. Alex. A. F. Richard R. Hamilton Cudbertsim. John Dachenhausen. Cli. 453 375 Robt. Alex.1 homas. Cuddy. Charles 99. Robert 114 114 197 137 Dalnier. CB. Cumberlege. Cusine. 149 John Wm. Ellis Brooke 126 Dagg. 1(58 Crusius. Rich. W. Leicester George Buriell 96. Alexander Crozier. Pulteuey Dandy. 50 Seynioiir Lionel William Dawson 150 375 273 54 414 419 Dane.327 326 . Robt.n. J. Hint. William . Alexander Daniel 340 Cuiry. Henry 375 James Bunce 116 Curll. Geo. Francis 30 . Fred. John Ihomas 375 Melville 213172 65 1]4 Thomas 16 Dalzell.Chas. 3'27 R. 180 D'Anfossy. Burgoyne 138 Curueiiveii. John Hamilton Elplunstone 69. Alex. Robert Jeremiah Crowiher. — 1 375 George Grey 150 Geo. Charles 226 M. Douglas Haj 170 Richard Henry 375 William 212 Robt. 198 Ualryniple. Sir Adolphus Chailes George Fred. Alex. Joseph Joseph P. Fitz Roy 340 307 266 268 375 200 261 375 Henry 132 Dalton. James 267 68.John Henry Cliarles Edward 285 Roper George Bentinck 248 Hon. 453 Alexander Sir Hen. 375 230 245 375 340 375 222 227 340 419 William. Jas. Frtd. Crowe. 340 Daly. MD. Arth.Cha. Augustus 246 Dames. Neville 223 375 335 419 Dalgleish. CB.Geo. 241 272 215 207 203 Cutlibeit Featherstone 101. Samuel L. John Rawlinsun 136 KCH. Longworth Dana. Mansell Thos. Cunningham. Chas. . Frank John Steplien 433 Henry Cuffe.. Louis 216 — Robert CampDacres. 196 Dalby. Nicholas Bennett 295 Cunynghame. Alexander 340 i'. 206 Curtis. Alexander 309 Cumingf. Augustus Myrtoii 260 Cuppage. Henry. Robert Dalhousie. bell 193 Dadson. Longwoilh Wm. Daines. 10. KiljiiLinJ John Cruickshank. 190 Charles James 222 Philip Tuite 293 Thomas N. Alfred C. M. Henry 307 Curran. Rentinck Curzon. KCB. 97. 296 D'Alton. Edw. 147 Cutller. Edward 99. Edward Georije 133 Cunynghame. Charles Henry 250 Sir Robt. John 193 Cust. Neville Edward William 231 Cumming. Geo. Charles 55. Henry Hen. Sir Edward.D. 248 KCH. John — j | Charles Frederic Torrens Edwin Gream • Francis A. William 435 Custance. Fred.215 97. Wm. Le Clievulier 408 Daniel. 147 J. Robert Alexander 264 Bt. 97.R. Henry 221 '— Si) David. 188 Culling. Richardson 253 Dalyell. H. William 375 'I'huilow 58 Dalgetv. Wm. Hon. Hen. L. Hon. 248 Hon.263 Culhben. Burrard 113 134 148 145 James 340 John Alexander 213 245 Hon. Lawrence 269 John Phillips. 97. Dalgairiis. Penn Charles Brownlow 54. 126 375 Cutajar. Charles. Jacob Glyn 10 William 183 Cuningham. Alexander Alex. Hull. R. MU. Bt. Acheson Willtum William Ciiiice. Eugene 236 George Alfred 340 Henry 236 L. 267 John Macdonald 241 Stephen 38 Cure. The Eurl of _ Edwaid George Wm. iMaik 112 Cubitt. 206 Cureton. Lionel Dawson. William 112 Curwen. Hon. • MD. liomas Yorke '1 John. Charles Campbell 214 Cubiti. 30 James W. John 375 Darner. 112 D'Aguilar. Boaventura Romero 428 Cuirer. Richard. Wm. Arthur Aug.A. John.. Edwaid 398 Ciiitois. Henry 189 159 113 60. John Edgcumbe 427 Lewis 449 Ludfoid Harvey 189 Peter Fane Edge 375 Daniell. — U'm. Ernest Geo.Wheeler 218 Reginald Cullen.G. James l>allas. 138 Robt. 253 Scott 296 Cunliffe. Murray William Holland Dixon Whidbey Lecky Daniel 91. Wedder128 burn 69. 89. Hen. David 451 Ciutchley. Wm.1 49^ Index. HarryAltham Henry Francis 216 Horace William John 113 John Francis Cumin. Wm. CuSaron 448 ninghame 231 D'Acosia. W.urke 62. F. 174! Alexander 113 Clia. Si. George 296 Dennis Edward Nugent 145 Lawrence Robert 16 375 375 408 99. 175 William 188 Cubbon. CB. Rd. 6. 433 10. Henry Fraser Cumberland. Aujustus Tonyn Robert 307 Slaines 296 Robert Gordon 207 Cuyler.174 Robiri J. 197 Eduard Rich. W. Carlo 94. 166 Cutler. Ch. Charles Clement 95. D.D. Burton 67. M.Aug. A. Silvester 375 136 Dean. \\illiam 253 William 409 219 Ed»ard 207 William Henry 375 375 Deeble. Henry Edw. Fred.147 238 427 Peter Fraser William. Delancey. Gregory 148 De Li>le. MD. Henry W. 309 38 Oavie. ho.Ed. John Francis John 433 32^ 174 409 Dare. Lindsay 340 233 202 Owen Darrocb. Davern. 283 Delmege. 230 Geoige F. Carrick Charles ! .C. Allen Murray 173 stone Darley. John Francis John 447 139 172 Dassel. 6. Chas. Collis Christo419 James 310 pher John. Alexander 164 D'Arcy. W illiam Daubuz. Alston. Peler 375 Henry Cbarles 132 Delme. Kearsley 69. Sir John Edra. Avary Jordan 239 30 Delhoste.Edgecumbe . 272 112 Robert Willock Walpole George 256 De Burgh. Count Von John Henry 409 196 Daubeney. Abbas Kooli Fred. Robert Deane.496 Index. James Barill William Henry 178 Deering. MD. Russell 309 Owen Gwyn Saunders. Montagu 67 James 312 De Lacy. Rupert Barber 251 John Theophilus 274 409 431 William Saudom 295. Frederick Lewis 296 Richard Francis Dawson. Hugh t^56 340 Irwin Arthur 218 100. 307 200 Maurice 124 John SirR. i | i j I 1 — . Sir Wm. Erskine Scott Fran1 13 Davidson. De Fauche. Hugh Grogan. Sir Henry Robert Joseph William 32 375 D'Arcey. Earl Daunt. Havilland 291 Grenow 272 John 207 MD. Bart. MD. I'homas 211 Darell. James Alex.dward 10 294 Juhn Everard 261 Darling. 433 John l/'o«. 340 Dawkins. Conrad Von Jiihn 326 186 Decken. Hon. Henry James 340 251 John Augustus 226 John 340 409 Bedford Judge Thos. Vesey64. 89. Matthew Fitz Montague Wm. Davies. 187 414 De Blaquiere. Isaac Roboteau David 213 375] Wm. Henry Ivatt William 160 62. . Matthias Dashwood. 151 Delany. 311). Charles Daun. Joan 340 William Lewis Daveney. Geo. 430 William. 282 427 John Thomas 239 326 Peter. Geo. John 157 433 James Darby. Robert 409 Dartnell. John John Collman 128 375 340 Dawes. Nevinson ston. T. Edm. Augustus 449 Francis 212 Delius. Geo. Sykes der John Atkins 446 291 Hen. 375 Darcy. Jas. Von der 446 Daston. Florence De Butts. O'Connor. I'liomas Richard Dashwood.GCH. Robert. Charles 409 Dardis. Daniell. J. Bonar Millett Henry Geo. BarnThomas 247 De Courcy. Cha. W m. Alexander 450 Francis By an 145| Dealey. Batchelor 375 Dawson.211 De la Condamiue. 118 Davenport. Augistus 201 114 I'homas Henry Hastings John Ciomie 34 William Hen.KCH.y^ 155 cis George 245 Fred. George Dassauville. Lord John 340 448 Richaid Edward 116 Debs. MD 125 Ferguson. 375 John Davie Ferguson 145 Eucourt 177 Geo.221 340 Thomas 160 John 409 Sydney 340 William 13 Joseph 414 Wm. George 236 Hen. David. 292 433 Davy. Thomas 236 Dehnel. MD. Henry John Sir William. Soden E. Henry John 341 Wm. Jas.151 8. 293 Gabriel. F. 117 160 298 De Grey.206 Willou>ihby 294 William 265 Daubeny. Arthur Henry. Thomas. Henry Hall George 225! Deaman. Smith Trevor 51 Michael o07 113 De Lancey. l. 340 3 218 Davys. Alfred 285 340 Ackland 414 James 167 De Carteret. Alfred Goodlad 242 Vv'illiam Sinclair William 216 340 214 James Deedes. illD. Richard 191 Rob. KH. Herzel Fred. 204 Kelson 189 De Beauvoir. Edw. James John Salusb. Wallace 64. Thos. 162 Deans. David V. Era. 409 419 113 Peter Darvall. P.I. John173 D'Arley. Edward Alleyi 249 Delamain. Henry Charles 427 Henry MD. Hy. Edward 428 Dcbenham. MD. Henry John Geo. Donald G. 51 Delacombe. Robert 448 207 Davison. 121 292 204 65. William Freeman. Harrington G. 259 John Robert Oliver Barker 217 Daniel Owen 248 433 219 David William 340 [Deacon.. William Addis 296 CB. Day. Durand 213 Dardel. F. John. 311 241 Davidson. Wm. CB. Blackwood 187 Davis. Tlieo. Pat.lovd 1R6 Detmer. 341 341 Wm. John 64 Desbrisay. Hugh 414 Dibben. Gumming Di'iiniej Henry William 1791 James William Dennis. Ml). Lord 35. Digule. Chas. Peter. 211 Dennv. CD. Charles 38 Dick. Hector Desbarres. 219 DHoiiibdldt. 223 Fiancis 414 Didwell. Ldw. Robt. William 116 Dumville. John 375 bert 127 Diebilsch.115. Archibald W. J. Edw. Arniiiie William 'l'hos. 242 Devereux. Francis Horatio 285 De . FitzAIeade Tynte Dewell. 268 Kobeck. 159 Domvile. 269 Rob. Henry 341 Harry 2-12 Dew. Rich. Wm. Francis 451 Dixon. 163 Matthew Charles Dickens. 375 William Sptke 180 William 173 Dickson. Gilbert Hem. 311 Ml). George 375 Giiiham Le Fevre 181 Dohertv. Gideon Domenichetti. John Henry 88 112 158Hope Henry Junes Abercromby 341 James 419 341 John John 341 Simeon John Francis230 John Smart 409 William. Albemarle 273 Deniie. 427 179 Disbrowe. 229 Henry Edward 62. Joseph De Salis.283 Georse Meyrick Deiiius. George Alfred 409 375 Hon. Mordaunt 375 Richard 409 Robert Vau"han 216 Dixon. 309 Thdinas Josephus 91. Wm. A'on 449 Dettmar. /v/y. Henry 214 William Thomas 142 De Teissier. 326 \Y. H. Edw. 251 251 Ired.264 Geo. Henry \\ illiam John Almeiiis 121 De \ere.is 'iimolhy 312. Horatio George 218 36. Jas. Chas. L. Henry 451 Brabazon Thos. J'ho. Robert ' Alexander J)enipster. Kodolph. 223 William 185 \\ John 223 Edw. Ch. Ball 192 Charles Cr imond 176 George 36. 213 Deverell. Aug. George 298 Divoity. Geivas Stanford 88 291 92. 168 Dobiee. Henry ham 311 433 93. Charles Denison. John. Moniague 446 Digby.is. De \\'end. Bartholomew Vigors. Stephen 294. F. 199 Desmond. Jdines Carroll. Henry. Edmund Charles 295 . Thomas Fraser 190 Dickey.269 375 Devon. Cha.281 James 427 Matthew Cha. 134 451 Wind375 270 Desboioiigh. John 113 Wm.- — 375 37 375 Dilke. Jas. Ml). Augustus 243 Thom. Lennox 375 Docker. Edward Cholmeley 195 Derinzy. William 428 Will am Wentworth Giant 229 Dill iMarcus 283 Dillon. 341 Dods.. 312 Dicenta. William 432 Nodes 432 Dobyns. Charles Goddard a. Lorenzo 2()0 409- 375 341 201 | James Beniaiiiin 269 134 — James Jolm FitzThomas 247 I5ullen John Leslie • — Alorley t)3.G.298 De\elin. iXatliaiiiel Robert 445 Devi ar. 190 John Henrv • '341 EJ>\ard De Ros. De Winton 251 vendish 214Waller lib D'E William Rust 243 Disney.. 180 Fred. Wm. Lambert lleiirj Alex. M. KH. D. William 57. Sir Chas. Fiel. Rawdon C. William Deinpsy. Edm. Anthony 375 I'^dw. Albeit Deverill. Douglas. MacarDavid mick 341 409 D. Fred. 149 Francis 268 George 96. Roberts 375 D'llolbreuse. — — — — — Richard Dolniage. Deiing.ManleyHall 269 Dickins. Baron Desailly.497 Index. Bower- illiam Dent. Hen. Amelias 341 Thomas 148 John Geo. Iheophilus Deshon. Scrase 171 Dobie. 219 Dighlon. Smidt. Clia^. Augustus Alex. Francis 341 George Caldwell 197 John 445 Wm. 33. Johp. Joseph 160 194 DeRenzy. Tho. William 341 IMiilip Henry Philip 272 Des Voeux. 4:8 306 JohaDnes Despard. 27 140 Walter Percy 375 409 250 I John Mailin Robert 171 114 181 j Sir James. Francis f. James Douglas 315 Dimond. Uobt. G. Thomas 31 Scrase 189 Dobbs. Jamrs Henry 243 Dickinson. 447 Dive.269 Dodd. 229 122 Hams St. George 214 John Saninarez 427 Cha. Ca G. Harry Hankey 409 Alex. Comp on Alwjne Dobbin. Antonio 450 Edw. Frederick 235 Dobson. Geoige Georiije 203 Talbot 101. John Hen. bank Denton. Devonish 93 Digges.Z). Sir 140 16 127 MD. Fred.ivid 375 D'Odiardi. Wm. Cha. Scot I 156 Collingwood 90. MB • 249 1'. 452 D'Frp. Balthazar. John 167 Dinwiddie. Bt. 139 '— Daniel James 208 419 John Henry 202 Daniel John 224 Mati ew Wra. De 41.nu Dudley 118 Cliailes F'itzgerald Wm. 246 — Stralfoid 228 Tynte Maurice Giiffin 62. John Woods 15 De Winton. Fredeiick 435 Geo. J. Geo. Wm. KCB. Fitz Her341 Diddcp. Dely. Charles Ueiitorii. 68. George Dudgeon. John William Duberly. 180 Peter Luke 98. George Henry Drysdale. Geo. Robert Robeit 341 Rob. George 409 Jolin F. 308 ]M. CB. Henry 9. Richard Richar. 127 M. 'i'homas 431 326 Dr-ought. 159 Gordon 55. VVeslby 184 Downes. Frederick 177 298 Hen. Philip 167 Robert Stephen 375 Charles 260 Draffen. 15 165 114 Sir John KcB. Charles 218 George 341 Dowse. 7. John 375 Do«ner. Browning 227 Dunbar. William Love209 Dreghorn. Anthony 315 311 John Donnall.i 310 221 Richard Robert 181 Dormer.216 John 435 William Gray 130 John James 296 Drawbridge. Richard 341 Donnelly.KC. Edmond Fredk. . Henry Archdall 274 Arch. 336 Dowman. Louis Flavien 409 DraysoR. John. Wm. Done. Chas. Marquess i>Jl\7. — Joseph — Richard ' Hardy 341 John 296 32 230 Robert. Robinson 226 341 Penrose John Drewp. Francis James John John Peter Robert Cecil 16 136 298 112 341 31 294 375 341 193 135 134 341 286 284 216 414 341 125 113 232 140 38 213 258 174 219 244 286 Dudley. Lord.450 414 Dutiesne. William 447 Francis Lloyd 296 Doringion. James 91. 269 Dowland. Chailes Dumaresq. Thos. Francis Edward 154 174 Drewry. J. Domville. Frederick Geo. Arms.166 Druitt. Henry Du Bourdieu. 120 Doyle. William 207 William 132 Douglas. James Wm. Hugh Fitz- 150 hardi John John John • — Manners 253 Adam. CR.315 William James 341 Wm. Henry 151 • Thomas 376 1 14 16 Edward 30 —Henry 113 Geo. Hamilton 155 Dowdall. Armand CasimirG. 1'. 298 Doyne.231 Wm. Henry Duff. Jnhn 273 Doring.117 William William Doveton. Doswell. 112. KC B. Edward 341 Drummond. Chailes 375 Droiighi. David.AugustusCharles . 112 Dowbiggin. K. Henry 306 John 98. Edward Tho. 193 28'i John Mervin James 211 John Minshull 114 John 89. William Pitt 295. Thomas 94. N. Arthur William 308 Henry Douglis 409 249 Henrv. Charles Reed 114 294 Francis Kyaa Dronigoole. Creak John i4ineas 180 255 P. Chas. Geo. Dykes 286 Geo. Fra. MD. T. 298 Dowglasse. Percival 214 Dundas. Francis Robert Duckers. Drake. MD. W. William 213 Donaldson. Frederick 254 — Sir Howard. Frederick 449 Sir John MiUey. John 311 Dowler. MD. Alexander J. W. Ilenry 246 Downing. Aug. Jones Charles Fox Drechsler. Henry 171 Donegal. John David 178 Oorehill.498 Index. 179 Diifief. John Du Cane. Chas. Ayliiier 341 George Jas. Donald William 248 Philip George War35 biirton Phrlip 53 202 Richard Leslie John Head 66 341 Thomas Richard 163 113 Drawwater. Tyrwhilt Sir James. Alexander Andrew Henry Diiver. Berkeley — John Gavin M'Gregoi William Drury. Thos. Mills 187 Dowell. Edward 375 GCB. Chas. Allan Hamillace 271 ton 375 Dumbieck. Frederick Nassau 341 KCB.184 Archibald AlexanJohn Walpole 162 der 295. George 171 Dowker. ' • Alf. Percival William 341 204 Geo. 166 John Clia. 9. John 341 Donald. 6. George Floyd Duckworth.. Allen George 160 D'Oyly. Wm. 10. 259 Major Francis 274 'Ihompson 121 Ulvsses. Arch. Bt. Lloyd R. Joim B. Maxwell 375 Donovan Kdw.137 Draper. 30 Dougan. Duncan 375 Sir Gordon. 309 Drew. 327 Dougherty. John 194 Downman. Heury 375 KCB. Chailes 176 Hon. Hastings 57 iJorndorf. James CharleCharlesSuthermagne 164 land 159 Hon. Percy 63 Thomas Alonteath • —— CB. Alfred Willes 419 271 Duke. Chailes Duckett. James John. Fredeiick 261 449 Dresing. Hamilton 218 Charles Francis Barry 161 162 Charles John 275 326 Fergusson Rich. PTeming 113 341 Drouet. 'George Dare 296. Clement 227 341 Drinkwater. 55. Thomas 112 409 Duncan. Vance Young 65 DoivUng. Hamilton 341 Drage. James 341 Donelan. 326 GCB. Aug. Robert William Robert William Duffy. 147 G. 247 Dowdeswell. GCMG. Charles 375 Dowson.Orlando'Sawle 291 Down. 153 8. Wm. Fourbelle 127 Dowding. Ciuickshank 433 Coinwal'iis 148 Du Verner. 178 Eaves. Joshua Rolierl D)mock. Hassall 40. Fiedeiirk 62. G.266 rose Henry. rt 130 Eclvv aides. Gerald George 375 George Duiilop. Edward 101 123 JMichael Charles Dnnnicliffs. Clms. C. Jolin 183 148 Dyiiionil. Clayton 166 Eichhorn. 341 Eichbauen. 376 Cuthbert 155 Elioi. CB. CB. Wm. 247 William Henry 224 315 James George 247 Flkingtoii. Musgrave James lleibert Rtij.iylor 270 Eagar. Charles 341 Eckford. R. Andrew M. Joseph Ernest 121 Edmonds. Tliomas. 40. Geort. 34 Ellicombe. Dundas. IMoiton Robert 207: CB. 2ti7 Henry M'JMahon 261 Thomas 376 Dupplin.241 William. 307 Durnt'ord. 231 iir B MM. 117. //(>//. Dyce. llutchins. 341 Hnah 207 Francis B. James J. Cuihbert 376 Jiihn Liudredge 270 Dusautoy. CB. KH. Aithur Chailes 246 112 Edgar. Edwaid 414 376 Hamilton 341. Du i'lat. Eddingloii. j . Robert Geoige Charles 275 Egan.'nHallidayl68 Freil. Jas. H. 286 Easter. I.irie. John 142 James Bevan 286 Jwlin Hart Pat lick 142 John 376 214i Richard 341 Dyson. Lord 117. Wallace 307 Dunmore. AlexHider Roberts 137' bert 271 Chailes 376 Dennis 341 Tho. J hn 409 Cadwallader Wm. 409 East.i. 149 Robeit 8. diaries Grene. Nicholas 197 Jolin Daniel Richard Lloyd 220 69. 70. 449 Anthony Wm. Edward Bampfield 376 Egerton. Alexaiider 341 Hon. Aiigusius 414 Eccles.nevor. John I'homas 260 SeUvyn 138 Eagles. 175 Henry 32 Eden. Mortot. VVm. Dunkelliii. 10. | i • . Gustavus Edward HungerS. Dieilench de 447 Edward Congreve Deodatns Wm. 242 297 Langley Henry ParJoe 212 Lionel Percy DenI am 114 Edward William 283 John 376 Elderton.A'CH. Peter Le\is Alev. 6. 257 Eaton.i2 Robert Bidwell. Alexander 376 Kll 326 ' Geo. llutchins 264 Dunn.Turtliff Svvi'iiiert. Viicniint 118 James 376 Ihos. James. Sheeriiian 308 Ede. James 326. L'llick Canning 376 Edmonsioiine. Graham 64. John Edward 69. Charles Henry 64. Samuel 240 John 341 Peter 39 Dunscumbe. KH.e 37. Hy. John Fiancis 92. 271 Gen. Douglas 174 Ed ^ards. Robert MD. ford 191 C. Chailes 198 94. Georse •233 man 294. Granville Charles Wm. 207 Elliot. Edward John 250 D^yer. CB. Celestine George 246 Robert John 182 Wright 376 Eager. Jtremiah 376 Eidmann. J hn 414 Joseph Harailtrn 169 John. Eldon RoBenj. Fiancis I'lunkett 66 Dynon. Peard 70. Chjrles 341 Einein. R. Geoge Henry 236 John Hv. 169 William 4l| 266 Geoige 419 \\ illiam James 295 D. Edward HaKord Georgu 55 Richard 326 Pieice 177 George 96. Edwaid Wm. r. Biown 221| EdmundJames69. Arch. 12. Frederick 447 Cornelius Chas. Ileory 247 375 409 166 lOdgwonh. R. Alexander W.335 Herbert 129 Dunue. Handasjde Dyce. Charles 446 Geor-Ae Anthony I\Ioles«oith 161 Elgee. George 36. Wra. Holmes 52 Edlie. Geo. Chailes 376 Pe'e. 222 Sackville Hamilton nderliost. Bolden. 292. Thos.281 298 Wm. 241 D'Uiban. Cha. Gage Hall 165 John 376 Ellice. Wm. 431 Charles William 212 Philip le BeUvard 253 During. Hob.326 Uobi. John EJward 148 Lnul Diinlevie. Hamilton 376 98. Smi h 435 Fied. David John 341 Juh. Ford 157 Dv^i^lit. Charles Wm. James 57 Arthur Maxwell 208 Sir Charles BulD. 427 Fdw. 222 Eld. GCMG. Arthur Guy 312 114 Eddowes. Clement A. Clirist. CB.e 186 William 194 Eddy. Joho Jas. Leslie 218 Caledon Richard James 112 Earle. Arc'liibald Franklin 435 Edgtiow. 'I'homas Bridg- D)ei. Denzil 376 Ellernian. 33. Henry William 200 Richard. Christian Fred. 183 Dyne. George. Wm. lleniy 375 Jfrry Francis 112 450 Dunning. lltiiry Chailes Pen- 137 Dungiite. 123 Diipeiier. ArthurFred. S. Tho^. 113 Dution. 122 227 Bradley John 113 114 Dyneley. Alex. CB. 282 250 Dupuis.[ : 499 Index. •268 376 341 Edlmann. 229 5« Fason. Charles 2. Charles 341 Augustus Young 272 keley. Ro. Willock 419 Durant. 298 274 341 Edleslon. 175 John 165 Henry Noel 274 Kllington. 145 Henry Marion 113 E imes. 197 Von 447 William Henry 168 •Tlios. Anthony Henry George 273 Emmoti. 292 341 Falconar. James 250 land. 202 295 Elhs. Alexander von 450 Elliot. FitzRichard 195 152 Espinasse. 452 Richard John Thos.Sir —— 296 210 296 Henry Lewis Henry Roe 341 227 Hugh ris 68. 254 192 Archibald 140 William 419 James 13? 326 Ennis. CB. Peter 40 Eteson. CB. 266 John McDowell 2M Su Richard. W.Edw. John 236 32 Henry. Cockayne Elwes. Elmsall. Sir John RowPeter PickmorelOl . KCB. Joiin John Furzer 341 James John 341 Charles Richard 409 88 Ensor. 500 251 293 FAy.Ascoughl88 164 Everett. Geo. Wm. KH. Geoige 192 Every. Carter 341 171 Frederick Cha. 172 Edward Edward 225 414 F:dward Francis Edw. Hotu David 252 Ewing. Armit Estcourt. William 419 Henry Sheridan 341 2621 Enderby. Christ. Charles Brisbane John Alex. C. Esdaile 285 252 86 Jolin Heniy. Thomas MD. CB. 311 Faircloth. 251! Lempster R. 15 KH. 150 294 Ennismore. . 341. Erskine.269 16 Fagan. Poole Vallancey 54. Elmhirst. Alexander J. 163 Samuel W^m. James 148 Alexander 244 John Thomas 342 Lewis. 225 William. 211 341 210 Evans. MD. Home. W. 15 Andrew Evered. Gilbert John 255] England. Er/Wnf. Ewart. James William 275' John Mapes Webb 161 William 448 341 Erdmann. Charles Frederic Elwyn. Parkin Erichsen. KCH. KH. 173 —— " Richard RichVViHord 114 250 Robert Westropp Samuel Burdon. Henry 54 George Pott James Augustus 307 57. Edward Chas. Samuel Hon. Charles Edw. 37. David William Ellison. John Fred. Michael Lambton 198 Fabricius. Charles John 157 285 245 12 245 217 ErroU. Frederick 203 Faddy. Richard John Thomas. Cha. Evans. Robert Guy 205 Cha. CB. 298 36 Ralph 376 Falls. CB. Gerard Elton. — . Everard. Vise. Samuel Matthew 376 Falkner. Vise. Jos. 376 319 Andrew 145 Cuthbert Geo. Aithur 326 C. Henry 9. William James T. Geo. Edward Newstead 181 Oliver. 215 Edwaid D'Heil165 limer 51 James Wm. Chesborough James 15 376 John Grant. 308 Sir W. ' i 294 Ernst. Jas. Thomas 136 376 206 177 268 240 Erriogton. Aug. Haviland 342 Faithful!. John Fiederick 435 Evers. Salisbury Ewen. . Bucknall 39 433 Faber. 117 409 Enoch. John 64. Geo. • MD BuUer 244 Howard Crau- ' furd Elrington. Henry.H. 291 Richard CofiBn 206 Richard 2681 Wm. Thomas Rich.A'CB. . Arnold Chas. George 101. Francis Eustace. 198 Wm. 282 295 Emmett. Bt. — Mathias. —— Henry . MD. 160 118 Elmley. B. Wm. Raikes 62 Este. 267 John 376 Robert Dowling 409 Thomas 449 199 Eryihropel. 292 341 Thos. 70. Edward 242 Henry Flower Oswald Wm. 39. Ogden 270 DacresFitzHerbert 113 409 Daniel Sir De Lacy. William CB. 192 George Augustus 169 Eman. James 41. 202 180 233 376 Ushei Williamson. 163 James Wm. George 447 Estwick. 8. KH. John 38. 1 42 222 George Evelegh. 431 Falkiner. Rich. Francis Robert George Oliver Henry Charles 341 174 113 Fairbairn. Her182 bert Taylor Fairtlough.Index. Henry Wm. 198 Richard George 263 Ellul Carmelo. David Cuning212 hame 295 Charles John Charles John Heaton 135 135 Frederick 203 George 131 George 341 Hercules 235 James Verling 419! John 184 Henry Disney 268 Powrie 418 Richard Robert Richardson. Cornwallis. 125] English. KH. Wm. FitzGerald Alexander 112 Alexander. Wm. Frederick William Wm. 265 342 John Henry Evatt. Charles 100. 13. Henry Fred. Thomas . John 311 202 433 Joseph 244 Eyl. William John 419 Fair. CB. Frederick Richard 169 Esnionde. George C. Filippo 263 George 123 Eyre. • i 10. Hamilton 100. William MD. Henry. Frederick John 'I'iios. Fred. 186 Elliott. Fred. Robt. William de Car128 donnel Elphinstone. 226 John 409 Falconer. Nor- Fairfax. John George David Holland 428 184 Eynaud. James 341 376 Emerson. 261 Ffen. G. CH. 114 12 " Ferrier. Percv RoFannini.169 Stanhope Hunter 291 298 John Rich. 198 Fenier. 214 Finey. John 136 F. William 295 100. James Campbell 257 William Henry Fearon. Geo. Hairy terburv 218 294 Feneran. Thomas 376 Tbonias Charles 204 Theodore 126 Thomas 246 William 34 Ficklin. Basil 184 342 41 Finlay. 11. 430 Finnie. 14.).ell. AVilliam 112 Farmar. 54 William 244 Johnston 312 GCH. Abercromby 175 Farren. 187 247 Farr. John John 162 148 Findley. Waller Farrer. 228 Fisher. Ivo Do Wm. 119 Francis Lewis 238 John Sidney 342 Ferns. 231 Seth Nuttall 342 112 George James Arthur 146 W. Hon. 194 Fitz Gerald. Roharts 234 Fenton. Henry Sutton Jolin Augustus 189 Fife. Danl. Bowes 195 John Nicholas 342 Richard 376 Collingwood 99. C. George 291 Robert Hon. Hon. Francis Wra. Constantino 451 \\ m. George Thuiles 67 Fellows. Wm. Edward 198 — bir James.195 220 14 Wm. Robert 342 Thoaas 209 Field. Thomas 216 belt Basil "jMatthew 436 Hon. IMilchell 205 342 247 Fischer. George Augustus 180 Henry Charles 184 George Thomas Fariingtou. An221 Percivai George 125 113 struther 283 Thomas Henry 291 Francis 112 William Louis Walter 94. Donald jMacleod 291 Henry Lewis 164 250 Henry 433 James David 428 John F. Edw. Alen George Fanshawe. Anihony Molloy 201 Ffrench. 35 James 90. Henry Cole 239 Ffaiington. Humphrey Brook 131 Charles Louis At296 Fendall. Kdw. L. 327 433 Fisk. Francis Worgan 296. Dominic Fane.Z/cm. • • • — • | J ' | . Sir Adam 342 Samuel 90. John 63 I'eregrine Daniel Faris. Charles Kdward. Greville Robert 197 101. 309 Charles George 136 Lyddon 293 James. CB. Maria 116 Thomas Faxardo. 62. Hawker 189 Ferris. Fulford Bastard 64 306 Vesci Twisleton Wyke- ham 158 133 Wm.-. 3fD. Lindsay 180 342 John 239 iMalcolm Cha. 241 Sir John Forster. Charles Feilde. Young 342 Robert Roe 342 212 Ferguson. William. Atherton2G2 113 Rich. CB.S?r James. Hervey C C 342 . 204 Richard Henry Fawcett. Augustus Ja. Leyland 139 /r. James 419 Dennis 418 William Farrell. 180 Fred. Frederick Farrant. 163 285' Ferrers. Henry Broome Oswald Barton 205 35 Handle Joseph Adam 342 224 Filder. 161 219 Francis Dundas Will. Esculapius Aug. G. H. 316 Peregrine Henry 294 Finucane. 427 211 Finch. Hen. F. . 327 H.281 Fellowes.i. 202 Ferryman. A. Edward Richard 199 Wm. 205 Feilden. Charles. Fiancis — •— Henry John Hun. Faunce. Fasson. Rob. Charles Hamilton 140! Festing.H. Alfred 212 Francis 112 . Halifax John 409 298 Fasken. Orlando Charles 230 138 Finnerty. S 227 316' Fetherstonhaugh. 233 Charles Lionel 268 Thomas 376 Farrants. James 376 Henry 239 James S. MB. Ficderick George 181 William 342 Fiennes. IMurray Eraser Sidney Bavnton 272 Fred. John Gore 228 Francis Aug. Bt. Samuel Poer 272 342 Thomas Keane Fayerman. CB. 203 Firman. Richard t.sj)er Francis 446 William Edward 294 Fenn. John 283 Felis. " ' • j I j j Fejen. 255 428 George Thomas 270 Thomas George 312 Guaxardo 'Thos. Sterling 92. MD. William Hew Dalryraple 163 432 113 V"innis. Thos. Robert 114 315 Haratio Edward Rowe 124 Far(]uharson. KCB. Aug. Lattin 215 97. Edward Dyne 204 Jean Albert 451 Farmer. Andrew. MD. Lord Fred. Augustus Dover Fergusson. John 376 Peler 125 Fill Clarence. Joiin 418 152 George Roe Edward Henry 269 Farquhar. Hawley John 342 James Ross 150 John Stephenson Fitchett. H. Wm. 145 Augustine 237 Henry James 376 64. Hon. James Richard 311 195 Richard 376 Vandeleur Faussett. Nicholas Richard 221 'I'homas Thomas Burton 96. John. Arthur A'Court 285 Farnan. 430 37 Edward Thomas 180 James 419 Fermor. 11. IMiltimay 14 254 Feilding.501 Index. W^illiara 140 Ormond Faulkner. George Newton 204 Firlh. Zaccheus 128 Fielding. Wm. Reginald Onslow 271 Fenwick. 376 138 189 Forster. 315 John 409 Peter 376 Thos. Alex. 120 Hon. Giorge Gerald 96 Follows. Patrick Fitz Hugh.Index. 178 215 f^dw. J. Wil- 270 376 193 419 liam John Mill Forth. Cook Sibbs Fiiz Gibbon. Sir Henry. Vise. Charles Marshall 310 342 316 153 451 142 183 163 Edward Edwin Fletcher 233 Fd. John 100. John 14. Chas. C.115 435 Fitzmaurice. Thos. Fred. Frederick 224 Fogo. Francis 293 Forbes. Ilenrj 134 Floyd. Chas. Fortune. Archibald 291 • 409 Edward 216 C.Edw. Francis MD. Hon. FitzMaurice. 342 Fludyer. Town 68. il^miliusJohn Weld 164 Hon. Banington de 307 John Samuel Mar de Grenier 376 Foot. George 342 Forester. 221 150 Henry Charles James Joseph Richard Richard D'Ovly William William " FIt'ury. William 315 . Ferguson 205 Robert 259 Fowler.W'm. Arthur Fred.198 Geo. 124 Charles John 144 Aug. Rich. Geo. \Vm. Edward Rowland 252 156 326 Richard 253 14 Formby. Gerrard John 208 409 Robert Fort. John Augustus 376 214 John Burton John Philip Bohun 155 433 Thomas Thomas Oriel 229 52 Wm. Foulston. 144 • Wm. 144 Hon. Geo. Joiin Flexman. F. Lionel 274 Maurice H. John Fowke. Arthur 132 205 203 233 376 342 Edward. Rowland 124 Frederick Blanco 156 MD 291 53 94. William Joha 36. Alexander Kdw. George Ley Woolferstan Dodsley Flanagan. 31-2 376 Willir.Frel. Henry Ridout Richard Ed. 326 William 342 William 409 Forde.319 '- 293 " Hamilton James James Wiiliam Flerayng^ Augustus • John Fergusson Fletcher. Matt.ra John 376 George Flude. 293 Frederick Wilmot 190 247 Henry Isaac 91. Francis 145 Ford. Cecil Wm. Alexander Se««. 282 William 137 Andrew 432 342 284 John S. Thomas Christopher Christop. Fred.F. John Frederick Flamstead. John. Wentworth 294 James 114 John 419 John 93. Chas. Visct. S. 167 George 114 342 126 433 John. 265 William 229 Hon. Augustus 296. Samuel Fosbery. Henry Lane Foulis. Fran.A'H. Hon. Bt. Myles [. Joseph Foss. William 68 John 112 Foreman.onsdale 12G 310 233 Forrest. Flynn. George 342 Randall 376 Foote. Dudley 293 342 Foskett. Forsyth. Geo. Peters Fitzherbert. Ellis 31 188 87 196 293 112 138 67 121 Francis Charteris 212 5ir Henry. 13. Alfred John 248 Arthur White 376 Charles 342 Chas. Cha. Temple Hon. Henry William 409 Wm. Augustus. Fortescue. Filzmayer. Nortlion Fitzgibbon. Alexander. Lulce — . 138 James James Macmillan Scott Foley. CB. Geo. Fleetwood. W. 220 — Lord Frederick 145 John George Robert 192 235 William Warrender FitzSimons. 342 John Chas. Malcolm.256 Thomas 66. Baron le 447 Henry John • Forteath. Erskine 283 Edmund Twiss 283 Egerton 140 George 327 John 376 T. Exham 187 Fosbroke.John William 204 Fonblanque. Thomas 294 154 Forsey. John C. 204 Forman. MD. Lord Aug. St. Christopher Francis. Roy. Richard Henry Treffry 14 295 . John B. Solly 319 James John Flower. Vaughan Henry Clinton Fossi. 409 433 418 254 195 306 342 409 Edmund Henry Rene 270 William Richard 409 Flood. MD. Henry Terrick 271 Foaker. Fred. Alexander 201 Robert 376 Forward. Francis Chas. Hen. 269 Lennox Cavendish Cha. James Fleming. Henry 224 John. Arthur 285 Charles John 159 Henry Day 376 William 145 Fox. tho. Ingleby — Hugh 376. Francis Cha. 243 George 130 George Harrison Ann 271 Geo. 64 HoH. 122 150 Hon.Godolphinl86 326 William S. Thomas de Foster.Thos. Fitz 148 Lennox Augustus Chas. 55. John 427 David 69. James William 268 212 Filz Patrick. Bart. Aug. KH. 5a2 212 Flood. John Hollis Rolle 376 Wm. 58. MD. 191 FitzWygiam. Weld 61. James Flint. John Flamank. Matthew Bligh 270 Thomas Douglas 197 William 342 Foidyce. 101. 68. Charles Hill Lionel 409 247 Frett. 203 William Waller 212 FranipioD. John 223 Charles Frith.Jolin Fiancklyn. 310 MD. 51 Fraser. Lasinby 377 John 177 32 Frend. MD. 292 Fytche. Michael. 201 229 France. Frederick de John 250 293. John William 1 12 114 166 Fumetti. Sir F. Tox. Jlenry George Edmond Thos. William Furnivai. Francis. Hon. M. Osborne Frederick 419 MD. 433 Donald 420 John Harbridge 57 Donald Maclean 232 Richard 212 Duncan A. 327 311 Fronie. 342 113 French. Arthur Henry 284 Sanl'ord Arthur John 272 376 Arch. P. Daniel Gardner 94 Donald 376 John. Frederick Galbraith. Francis 376 David 376 T. Geijige 126 Richard King 270 George 193 Sampson 283 Geo. Clias. Richard Herbert Isaac Hindley H. MD.Bentley 139 326 I'eter John Whartou 36. W. John James. 117 Evan Eaillie 342 283 James H. 267 MD. von 446 Furlong. 50 118 Fred. MD. 433 Gall. 145 KH.ry 227 John Arthur 129 Charles John Watkias 167 200 Charles 238 Luke 308 Charles Craufurd 133 Rich. J. 213 Samuel Samuel Thomas.503 index. 100. Cii. Cockayne 445 Robert Winchester Frizell. Augustus Fyle. 268 312 Freeth. 172 Fiesnoy. Oliver 342 Thomas.dvvard James 197 Wynne Peyton 255 Henry Bowles 156 Freame. Rieliaid 56 Jas. 266 Freke.167 Freme. Fyffe. 190 342 59. Edward. Edward 414 Tlioinas Gamble 114 Fuifoid. 311 114 James Alex. William c o 2 140 251 432 . Jas.. W\ Thomas Fynmore. W. Amelias Beauclerck 286 342 342 252 342 Edward Henry Thos. Aclieson Hugh 433 Henry John 57 James. Granville Fulton. George 447 Frankkind. HeallifiL'klJas. Rudolph 447 Alexander Freeborn. B. CJ3. MD. Wm. James KH. Arthur Evelyn Fyler. AIex. Alex. 264 Robert W. Maclean 39 Fieeland. T. Thomas 271 John Ogl« 409 Gahan. Lawrence 90. 55. 3/J5. Forrest. T. 136 Richard 342 Thomas 342 Fugion. Donald Alexander 286 Henry 430 Rowland Aynsvvorth Henry Robert Deane 376 193 Franklyn. 224 • Gaitskell. MD. 327 Franklin. Charles William 409 56. Campbell 432 Freeman. John Augustus John Thomas 164 342 377 William Fnllerton. Just. Bl. 112 W illiam 376 John Alexander 245 Wm. Hervey 342 William Charles 1 12 Fuller. John 326 Lionel Mordaunt 176 Fretz. Henry 296 Andrew Simoa 376 Freeling.inder 428 Edward 150 Freeburii. W"m. Joan. 176 Hyacinth 376 430 James James. Robert Poole 272 Thomas 213 William Mdunseini3 Gage. Geo. John Joseph P. 236 F. Hoti. Hoghton 199 William 377 Galeani. Brodie 41. Charles Francis 228 Sir William Aug. C. 447 John. Walsh 376 Archibald He. Galliers. David MacFreinantle.C. 188 268 John Henry Frank. Edward 283 99. Daniel 66 238 Frazer. Fenton John Geo. 186 135 James 211 Lucius John I'at. Adrian William 215 Sir Richard 342 418 Roger Alexander 342 420 Fredrichs. Henry 99. William. Horwood 376 Franks. 271 Evans 119 Hen. Trigance 270 Frazer. James Thomas 197 181 201 138 182 342 93 69. Theod. 435 Fyers. 226 Wniiam James Keith 118 272 Jas. 260 Gains. Albert 114 Gabbelt. CB. Freese. Johnstone. JolmWm. Charles Ilosken Richard Fiancis. 298 Fresson. S. Alex.D. James 275 Alex. ' F.267 Fuller. Aichibald 342 William 65 John 377 William 63. Arthur James 148 dowall 270 Freer. M'L. MD. 112 Fraser. Norhury Furneaux. Bt. MD. Furnace. George John 453 John 206 89.I. John Noble A rb. 161 Frederick. 1 14 MD. 1. Harte. John /fi'ii. A. Fyler. William 342 Thomas Wallace 255 FuUarton. Robinson Henry R. Henry J. Simon 293 Fry. Joseph 419 157 Wm. D. Charles John 419 Joha Sheldon. Jjmes Herbert 231 Hugh. Edw. Wickham 342 Hod.MZ). 311 James 218 342 Gale. A. John William 96. CB. Gilbert 419 216 257 135 • 295 433 VVm. Thos. 64. George Edwin 206 Gaisford. BID. 'Ihos. — • Edm. William David 102.Martvn. 66. 16. Andrew 30 J. KH. Bennett Walkins 163 Wm. Gloncesttr 263 William \\'m. Arthur 377 Robert Tolver 342 Gardyne. Richardson. Thomas 255 Garrett. Herbert 213 John Sherwood 198 Garde. William Capel 260 377 Geale. 377 Gaudet.MB. Garnett. Geo. John Campbell 446 196 Wm. John 195 Robert 342 Thomas 342 Garstin. Bentinck Duncan Gildea. Hen. George. Nathaniel 51 Garrard. Charles Gilpin. H. John 342 Constantine Septi Gapper. Joseph Gipps. 504 342 Garvock. James 61 250 John John 261 Gilley. Samuel Wm. J. Francis Francis Robert Glasco. Frank 183 Gibaut. 228 Gee. M£. Bradney Todd Rich. James 420 Gillbee. 163 Wm. 377 Giles. David Thos. Fra. James 152 Gillmore. John Barnard Garden. Butler Mildmay Gladstone. \Vm.220 377 230 Joshua Albert 377 Gillum. Lynedoch 269 228 JSaihan Smith 95 John 342 Richard 90. John Matthews Robert 256 61 Charles Rob. Thos. Horatio Gilmour. MD. Patrick 225 137 John Cox Gandell. Scott 377 Garnjfaon. 197 113 Gibbons. Plumer Galton. Howard 93. James 409 Gilleland. 343 Garthwaite. ' 130 377 James Rouse 35 John. Thome Frederick 342 342 John James 409 1 1 b Owen William Jobn 269 Robt.Villiers. Joseph Chas. Gandy. Von Giveen. Stephen 377 Robert. 310 Garamell. George Bloomfield 273 George 163 Galloway. George Fred. Walter 409 Gillkrest.'Wm. 293 John Hawkins 40 291 Gascoyne. Gammie. 138 Gaulter. John Francis Girdlestone. 229 221 233 176 433 Maithew Wm. Arthur Gamlen.Jame8Hope 120 435 Gamble. John John W. Joseph 343 Stephen 41 292 Gill. Robinson 169 James 113 Gibbs.KCH. P>nest Fr. Gallwey. MD. Fiancis Glassen. Algernon Rob. ?>ed. Gilfurd. Charles Gilby. Spencer Gange. 307 Geissmann. Charles Petrils 175 377 Genizkow. Alexander. John Glasse. James 35 214 343 377 343 150 194 343 Girsewald. William 36 213 Gawler. KH. Ja 62. Philip 225 William 311 W'm. 433 Gibbon. Thomas Gilse. Reginald Girardot. Geoige 140 190 Gaussen. Robert 343 Giddings.Index. MD./Alfred Ingilby 247 Gibbes. 176 308 31. William 160 326 Cha. [Robert 197 Gibbings. Gustavus Conrad A. 265 Gerard.Bethell Hon. Garner. John 123 Gillespie. Adolphus von 447 Gardner. Hen. \Vm. KH. Caldwell 450 136 297 409 271 432 343 377 . 1 Gibson. Dominic Jacotin 155 Gatty.) John Hutchinson 342 159 435 MD. James Gilbert. 409 11. Jas. ]'2d. Andrew 409 George. 430 John Arthur Stanhope Mason Gilder. Henry Wm. Edward Cilanville. David And. MD. Chiistophilus 248 Thomas Chiistopliilus 203 377 'J'hos. James. Darley. Aug. 182 3S! 222 Gascoigne. CB. Uoiigias 172 Charles Bruce Herman Ernest 201 420 229 Gates. John G2. John KCB. Kdmund 414 Peter 112 Francis Seymour 251 Girl ett. John Blood IMelbourne Broke 'i hos. Henry 377 Joseph Richard. Thomas Charles Fred. Walter RakigK William Gilborne. Edward 377 Wm.265 GefFiard. Bamber 342 246 284 Gaakell. Thos. James Robert 269 George. Dundas Reinhardt 136 George 296 377 George 114 Robert Walter Henry 259 Gillan. Salveiro Gambler. 191 Gemmellaro. Bruce 191 220 Augustus Tapps Gervis. 133 Charles John 284 loughby 61 Harry Wm. Wm. Alfred Wall 327 179 Gay nor. Brown. 203 Garlorth. LionelJohn — — • — ——— . WilGibb. B.312 William 377 William Joseph 377 37 Gibsone.U 9. Adam Gordon 414 Gardiner. 62. Frederick de Ginger. Francis Yarde James Anthony Edward Edward 89 343 130 343 343 268 112 221 377 291 Richard 241 Giffiid.Joh n C h a rles Hope 60 Gichard. Coke. Frederick Gillman. 143 Robert 239 Saml. Longmore 163 316 Thomas William 326 342 Gibson. Charles William Gregory 377 Geiieste. M. Lewis de 448 Robert May 250 Gem. Gebser. Gibson. MD. 263 268 Gatt. Francis 239 Fiancis Horalio Sir Robert Wm. Thomas 307 Thomas 451 Thomas Geo. . MD. Alured 181 Garth. Arthur Chanint 377 Alexander Benj. Houston 173 Gauntlett. Thomas 230 William Fied. 286 Gillies. Pridaux William 205 Win. William Galway. Theodore Robert Jones 377 Geddes. John 183 — Edward Carter George St. Hancock 113 Edgar 66 Garvey. Charlea 284 Thos. 69 Charles 131 238 Geo. 112. Osnaburgh 250 139 Goodwyn. Thomas Leigh 40. Jas. William Robert 176 Lewis 343 Sir Orford G. Glenie. 327 Wm. ' 14 Chas. KCB. Gosset. Fred. A.112. Cha. Edward I'liomas I'liomas Glover. Benjamin 259 Croft Goodhike. Blake 256 Hugh Hamdlon 37 Godbv. Robert Glendinning. 128 Goiniao. George Leigh. MU. 91. Albert Henry 225 Charles Arthur William 253 Chas. Jobn Gomm. MD. Charles 63. 138 Goldie. Joseph 272 Alexander 271 Goddard. Edw. Richard 62. Robert Coke Glubb. William 113 idf Henry Pratt James Arthur 223 157""' Jas. Henry Berkeley John James Hood 377 Goodair. James Knight 294 Goble. Pollock 151 John Ralph 343 274 240 326 Thomas Hon. William William Wm. John 377 Gough. Henry 343 139 S. 8. 267 Fanshawe Wm. Alexander Clias. Arthur 343 John N. Flolt 200 327 343 320 Henry Vibart Gleichen. Hon. MD. Glazbrook. Gloster. Bt. Henry Wm. CB. David 233 Goodwin. GCB. 97. Geo. H. W. M. 243 343 Godfrey. Anthony 68.. Ormsby 101.282 Alexander 377 377 Charles Alexander 202 Charles Edmund 239 213 Alexander Wm. William Alex. Gordon. 37. 307 Goldney. John Warren Glut?. Charles. Alex. Chas. 218 143 343 377 Sir William. • 448 446 Cameron 270 244 Stuart liev. Amanz G\yn. Kdward CJlegg. Isaac Gloag. 139 Goren. Bt. 62. Barnn 447 8 Quintus. Abraham Hen. KnoxFred.505 Index. Rich. Thomas Howard Goate. Wm. Tliomas Robert CaiT Julius Richard 427 Gordon. Aithur Cyril 94. Matthew 284 59 Gossetl. Edw. John MD. Littlehales 148 Goodmm. William 168 it/William. Bart. 55 Goldfinch. Driscoll 284 Gostling. Fredk. A. GlassFurd. 2H1 Goldfrap. 10. Ricliard Thomas Richard George Riversdale. von Uslar Gleig. Crewe 179 227 Charles E. Alex. Samuel Enderby 189 271 185 196 113 Goldsmith. Goode. Thomas White 259 39 Goodsman. Robt. Baron Cosmo 447 \Villiam de David 449 327.118 Goff. Emilius 56.Geo. Ames 170 Gorringe. 221 James 39. 161 Peter 170 Chas. 228 218 Webster T. Sir Henry. 343 Lord Fr?i. 286 207 Charles Geoige Godman. William John I'onsonby 286 Goodall. 11. John 420 Charles S. 151 Gold. 243 — — — • Going. Philip 113 Goldsmid. CB. 247 John Arthur Helsham 414 31 Norris 250 Bertie Edward Samuel 420 Murray 94. Annesley Paul Arthur Aug. Chas. Geo. Wm. John 112.144 117 H<m. Robert 142 Edward C. Guiseppo 263 Goudie. Wm. Joseph Joseph Charles 175 112 Samuel Goodison.117 Thomas 253 Thomas Bunbury 95. von Uslar Geo. Oliver 312 377 343 137 189 58 194 195 451 234 128 134 237 252 Stephen Bilton 113 234 217 180 377 248 283 377 377 Thomas Edward 140 Thomas Edward 213 Thomas O'Kearney 269 273 420 Goodfellow. Richard Temple 125 Charles Henry 245 Godwin. CB. Christopher CB. 192 Julius Edmund 86 307 186 Goold. 205 Glynn. George Thomas 138 Hugh. Conway 243 157 377 Rich. W. George Maxwell W. Huntley Geo. Viscount. Gerrard 6 Gossencourt.281 James 343 Jam«s James John John 41 4 238 54 L. 298 135 Cracroft 204 39 133 Gore. John 216 Winter Rowland Hill Goodenough. Ellison 116 Edward Henry Philip Wm. J. Henry Goad. Hen. CB. 266 Godley. KH. S.A\ex. 140 Archibald. 200 (jotze. Robert 164 Gosselin. William Joseph 257 Gosling. 184 . Baines 254 Goodrich. 164 John 222 Good. Ranby W. Wm. T. Sir W. G. Ferd. Edward VVm. Geo. Boswell 212 Whiteside 377 Charles Edw. John G. John Hesketh 96. Wm. Stuart Gleeson. Albert 52 • Geor^iC 1 14 377 George 150 George Grant George Hamilton 285 Henry Wm. 37. KCB.239 John Bloomiield. 9. 266 343 Henry Wm. Ignace 450 James Wm. P. Frederick. 208 Thos. 285 Thomas 445 409 Thomas William Francis 127 Gabriel Trevor 196 6. P. MD. Henry 446 Gouder. Jos. John Wni. 14 Goldie. 37. Evans Goeben. A. 217 Henry Yarburgh 343 Wm. Alfred George John Salmon 377 William John William Goodall. William Rich. N. John Henry 378 William Henry 169 William Veall 141 William H. Edward 6J.!. 204 Ml). Chas. 199 Andrew Pellett 270 Sciimshiie Rev. Grealhed. ^M. L. 266 327 D. 112. Creighton 177 Greenstreet. Edward Metcalfe ' — /7i). Francis James 219 Wm. Tvler 267 Govan. 144 Grant.G. Patrick CB. DovetonDownes Gratlan. Hope. Jn. James tJould. 230 i'hos. George Edward. 253 Govver. Leveson 315 Grace. J?imes:in John James 184 John. Charles Cald James John well 91. Charles 244 343 Greensill. 57. 292 Wm.430 Charles Butler James Simpson. Reginald Henry 165 Thomas 89. 113 167 154 112 259 Sarsfield 271 377 114 190 286 Greenham. 222 327 377 234 306 195 Cornelius 194 Dominick 257 236 4i!7 James J. CB. Charles Walter 254 Richard George 116 Grant.210 William Humphrey 409 Wm. Allan Hamilton 269 Charles Campbell 193 Donald Duncan Douglas 257 Frederick Fortescue 428 George IH 68. Richard 240 Sheffield Graeme. John John John John John John John Henry John James John Marshall John Thornton Joseph 113 231 343 377 409 432 343 316 284 200 420 Jeffries 432 377 Fred. S. 169 Joseph 182 Graves^ Alexander Hope 20: William. 213 327 • 1 . Antoine Fred. William 195 John 377 295 George John Waldron 241 Henry James MiOwen AVynne chell 251 87 Richard Townsend 201 270 Richard Robert 152 343 Thomas John Robert LeMarchant 156 Grehan. Henry 377 Greentree. John 173 285 Henry 284 Grange. Charles 377 George Richards 222 Richard 39 Spencer 377 Green.506 Index. William Eobert 377 Graydon. T. G.316 John 114 Edward John 435 Fred. William 266 Gretnhill. 89 Benjamin 50 Greer. CB. Edward SirJs. Goulburn. Charles. Fitzherbert 268 Giain. John 112 Grape. James Esten James 92. 135 Francis William 142 62. Edw. 151 I'homas 306 377 34 65 239 230 Waller William William William Blake Grahame.326 Thomas John Henry Hope 69. CB. Basil 343 Edward Regan 248 Charles Gordon 284 Henrv William 243 Humphrey 343 Gregor. John Gerald Hector 257 269 343 Gray. Luniley 194 Giantt. Lord Fred. 95. Arthur Moroan John 409 Hood Grosvenor 150 John 92 Fred. 343 Gregg. 312 113 Charles James Charles Mingape 181 — Charles William Edward. Alexander 377 Henry Meggs 112 Arthur Jackson 172 -Jas. Charles Francis 378 Gray. Duncan D. CB. Browne 293 420 Thomas Carstairs 343 291 W. Richard Cha?. Jn. 135 159 Jas. Hnn. Edw. N. George 114 Samuel Thomis Edward 209 377 William 113 Greene. Edw. Robert. 117 Lawrence St. de 450 Graham. Harris 90. Robert John Higgin 173 James 'Joseph 113 Thomas 41. Joynt Edward • Lister George 89. Gordon Wm. Drummond 162 377 Graffenried. Albert O'Donnel 284 216 Charles 409 Greenwood. Astley • Dawson 270 250 Edward 196 F. William 316 Henry Harpur 220 John Stewart 220 Thomas Fergus 197 Thomas Molyneux William 378 286 Greelham. 117 Patrick Jas. II. Auchinleck 286 Thomas Coote 377.jorv. 112 Charles 174 Charles 377 Charles Coote 167 Charles Giaeme 168 Duncan 36. CB. Tichfield 225 Greaves. Francis Augustus 343 James Jolin 67 Jas. CB. • • Jolia Siillman 215 RoDjert Place 182 Tlio. Andiew 102. 343 James 53 Gre. Fra. Peter 100.Hen. S. Patrick 140 Gower.241 Grantham. 248 Robert Robt.237 Alfred Ellord 256 Andrew 213 Bernard 420 Charles. Thomas Malin 175 Granville. MD. Maitland 271 Gowan. IM'Grigor 205 Greatrex. Henry Henry 377 Gordon 255 242 Sam. Essex 193 George Colquhoun 377 Francis Augustus 231 Fra. George 31 Right. Alexander G. 112. Beril 174 John 326 R. 172 Hair. Charles 65. Geo. Staraer 179 Joseph 114 Guerin. 378 Robert 175 I al lane. Angus William 165 114 Chambers Guthrie. William 177 Hague. Sam. Robert 196 121 John Tho. Drake 118 Haig. 309 Thos. Eldridge 244 Fred.Harry Clayton 240 3271 Wm. 244 John Joseph 378 Robert Grierson. 237 Halfhide. Orlando V 140 Halden. KCB. Craigie Gunter. Rjynell 178 Grove. • George George George John John Hungerford 166 159 196 343 273 249 343 433 378 63. L. 178 Grosyenor. de 378 Haliday. Joseph 293 Wm. Paul ' 64. Lewis 165 Lewis Alexander 57. James 251 Grimes. 223 378 Hugh. Frederick 273 Morris James 309 William MD. 282 449 Haberland. Edw. W. Charles M. 156 John William 101.^y Savage. MD. Charles 40. Robert Wolseley 162 166 273 Hailes. Charles Lewis Fred. John Richard Morr-tn 189 Samuel 199 ^. W'illiam Sanford 220 414 William Hallam. Daniel 214 Gry lis. Augustus 409 Haines. Alexander. Nelson 63. K. W. J. Henry Booth Sir John. John Heneage 60. 1 12. 148 124 John C. Charles 378 Crighton 57 Fulke Grews. 433 Haire. William James Guise. Charles 414 John 343 Robert 378 Grimston. Wm. • . MD. Geo. Archibald. 157 Richard 229 113 Hackett. Barnard 165 George Udney . 179 Simpson 241 S. Macaul 97. 267 Griffith. Chas. Lewes Edw. George 409 GCH. Thomas 420 Grindlay. Sir Colin. Colin Gunner.67 Haggup. George 450 Haliburton. 427 Cliarles Edward Grellier. Blagden 90 378 Haleman.Rob. 170 Walter John 272 William Henry 153 Grimwood. W. Oswald Aug. Gvvynne. Phillip M. Hadaway. John Christopher 242 James 414 433 Halford. 214 309 John Hy. Cha. 343 414 John 420 449 John Peter Haardt. GCH. 133 Hallewell. Maitland 310 327 Thomas 283 Hadden. Cha. Edra. Joshua Rowley 409 259 Gurney. Gilling Guest. 428 Gritton. Arthur Charles 4091 Hageman. MD. Edwin 450 John. James 420 Grirbbe. Edm. CB.133 Ilalleit. Aug. George Hadwen. 132 112 Hagart. MD. 179 Jas. William Dalgairns272 255 Hales. Cha. 50 Gunning. Hon. Charles 270 Charles William 134 Edward Simpsnti Francis Douglas 215 343 Hon. E. John Henry 291 J. Gumoens. 193 Gurtler.218. Charles 378 Henry Darby 68. 156 311 Henry William 414 Thomas. Howe 343 243 William 251 420 Hadley. William 6. Arthur ' Matthew Holford 177 Robert 133 420 John Rich. Seton 378 431 Charles Henry 191 George James 343 William Gage John 6. 187 378 Halketl. Edw. MB. 378 Grueber. Thomas 378 203 273 H alien. Alex. Charles —— — — — — — — — — — — I j i I . Glynn Shadweli Morley a73 450 Guanter. George -^— ^— Henry William 445 James Gresley. 10. C. Albert voq Cavendish Hubert 148 Henrv Limbeit 271 Alfred Robert 121 Loraine 35 Grey. Joseph 451 Hall. Drake 125 Gulliver. J. 262 John Thomas 90 William Stuart 378 Grio r. Heibeirt Hagan. John Grego. MD. MD. Theo. Guille.Barf.. Charles John 213 Edwin 378 Edwin 248 Fred. Henry. John 418 Hale.Cha. Jacques 1 Gubbins. 129 Henry Downe 196 John 343 John 432 Moses 433 Richard 409 Griffiths.237 343 Matthew Robert Richard 196 Grier. 453 326 Fred. Ross Grove. CB. Robert 113' Somerset James Grubb. S. lis John. Henry Thomas Griffin. Newton Clir. Robert 93. Francis Edward 112 Joseph Wm. 121 J. John 378 Halahan. Gunn. CB. Sir John Wright. 343 7. Alexander 430 James John. 210 HackPt. Alex.507 Index. Hamond Weston 294 37. John D. 185 Jasper Gwilt. 169 Bt. Robert 427 Gritton. Charles de John Fowden 230 Nich. Charles Beatie Lewis Francis John Fred. Douglas 96. Henry 427 Grogan. W^m. R. 291 Rd. 222 Henry Edward 164 Guv. 206 Robert 206 Grime. KCB. John 155 John Gwyn. James Wm. Wellesley Gresson. Augustus 343 Fred. Blagden 100. 6ifTho nas. Wm. 196. VVlUiara William Isaac Greisheiin. Erskine Arthur Chas.y Sir Peter A Bt. James 131 Gunthorpe.234 i ' 378 378 193 242 449 373 219 203 i Joseph Chaj. Wallon. Feimor Bounycastle 294 — — — — James 212 Greville. 51 Thomas113 Hadfield. Charles Thomas William Henry Grei?. GCB. Lewis 1. Arthur Ed. Henry Anthony 378 Dyre 173 378 Samuel M. Frederick 121 Hen. 198 Haml)ly. KH. O'Grady 64. Lancelot 142 . C. 162 Han well.281 Harris. Chas. Alex. Thomas 215 Harbord. 98 176 Tho. W. Fra. Simon Fraser 326 Evan C. ArchibaldRichard 249 Harford. Michael Greatheed 378 Hamerton. Philip A.m. Charles Joseph 138 Samuel Henry 207 Harger. B. Rawliiigs 212 Harness. James 206 Harnett. Richard 192 Robert Harris 1.B. Sir John. Fra. Gordon Kenmure Harriott. 9. CB. 251 414 119 M. Aug. Charles 428 274 Harpur. Wm. 31 326 J. Hannam. George William Henry 378 Harding. Fred. 149 Chris. Capel S. de Courcy 220 Thomas Rice 238 Walter 63. 160 John Granville 206 Hanham.John M. A. Seymour 268 Fra.John 378 Hankey. Vincent 260 Francis Fisher 155 Fra. 298 Hammill. John 255 John 255 Hmi. Richard Goddard 295 Hallowes. O. 254 Hardinge. Robert William 256 30 Harlessem. John 221 Harland. 57. Bartti 447 Heniy Charles 177 343 William Otto Von 446 Nicholas. 266 Francis Ed w. W. John Jas. B 55. William 378 Tho. Smith 89 Fred. George 283 Haidinge. Wm. 15. CB. Fred. Vi>c.Geo. John Langford 378 Hon. William. 112. 6'ir Geo. John Buckingham 293 Hamer. 163 Harenc. 117. William 414 William 113 Halton. Longuet 101. • . CourtenayThoB. 219 Wm.31fi Hammerstein. Barnard Sir Frederick.Rob.Terrick 223 Charles Prait 261 Sir Chas. S. Henry Edvvardes 122 268 113 Harker. R. Geo. George Byng lH5 Hanley.230 Henry Meade 198 James Banbury 264 . Hanburv. Charles Gun 176 Nathaniel Evanson Handley.Judd. Fiizhardinge Wm. 227 Hallilay. 208 Henry 252 Robert RusselI100. Ogilvy 293 Charles Edward Bruce John 420 270 Hamlyn Lavicourt Tliomas Henry 271 Fran. Alex. Moyse Hanmer. L. William 145 Samuel B. Hugh Charles William Cole 312 MD.206 Hames. H. William 233 113 Hannah. Lowlh 113 Hare - — KH. Harley. 148 Edward 186 232 John Hammer&ley. 233 Harmar. August. James Arthur. GCD. 293. 226 Hancocke. "//. Richard Robert 343 Thomas 259 191 Rev. Jos. Henry 195 Richard 87 //<i». Augustus 378 436 Joseph Harden. Campbell 273 Hampson. Gilbert 113 163 William Tydd 312 Harry Bulteel. Dudley MD. Edw.Rob. V^on 451 GCMG. Charles Luke Francis George 118 Hon. Joseph 56 Harper. 58 159 Thos. Charles 113 Hamilton. Aitchison 311 Harman. 161 Robert Gorges 283 Robt. Robert 378 Handscomb. Venables Henry 378 Hardcastie. Aug. F. Wm.arlof 30 35 Harcourt. J. 239 326 343 James William Lawrence Nichulas Hardman. George Skene 176 John 239 William 237 Hallum. William 420 Hanna. A'H. Edm. Henry W. Fr»s. And. 249 Hon. 114 Henry 96.Hoii.French343 Hargrove.230 William 192 135 Hard-e. Monteith 244 C. 15 Richard 420 Robert Charles 343 Robert T. 9. 234 Hallifax. KCH. Hampton 114 Jonas Pasley 209 Thos. 144 George 227 Geo.i\1.'6 I'homE 420 271 197 158 Whaley NicoU William Hare. Lewis 125 Luke 420 — • Hanbuiy. Ho/i.Si)lomon Edman 428 Harold. . Jeremiah 138 Hand. David James Malachi 116 239 Harmer. Thomas 256 William Minchin 233 Hansoid. Ralph Richard 187 Harrington. Wm. de 447 Hen.•312 William 164 Hancock. Philip 295 Frederick 165 Philip 113 William 378 9. Ho)i.3\2 Clarges. Philip 296 Tobias 409 Harison. KH Halliday.129 Fiederick 236 Hampton. Frederick 86 Robert James 205 Geo. 30 1-ouis H. Montague 252 Hardwick. Edward 141 Hanrahnn. 10.ialy. William 343 William 409 Hardy. Henry Drury 283 llannay. 112 Digby St.608 Index. CB. Dampier 55. Richard (ioddard. John 199 Harington. John Sidney 234 Charles Augustus 215 Handcock. Henry Robert 90. Jamet 409 Halpin. John Joseph 255 223 Harries. Wright 112 Harkness. Graham Wilkinson 268 Aug. 297 Hammond. Anthony Charles 428 Francis Pyiu 173 378 Hamley. John Casemir 65. Robert 420 Hands. B/. Fra. John 30 John 378 John 409 John Glencairn Carier 119 John James 113 John Potter. Hon. 39 Harling. 55. Rich. Frederick 327 Haseltoot. Abney. Pasley 113 Thomas Rob. 136 H. Geo. Joseph 410 Robt. Francis 150 Hayman. Richard H. Geo. A. Edward 153 Si) C. John Coghlan 248 Haviland. Cradockl43 William Wray 128 ' Hartshorn. CB. Henry Wm. 250 Hayward.OCH. 159 Humph. Robt. 326 Hawkey. . H. Ogilvy 224 Haydock. Robert Jason 286 378 Hawtrey. W'illiam Crosbic Wm. Thomas 283 ' 1). Wm. Luckcombe 410 Hayes. W. Fred. —— • 1 Haverfield.Chas. Jonathan • Geoige Henry Bond John Sir Samuel Healy. C. 'Iho. Humphrey Havillanfl. Fairfax Charles 284 Wm.343 Cha.6 509 Index. 160 Hawkins. 148 271 Thos. Henry James 237 Haydon. Henry Horace 410 Horace Geo. Hawke. Geo. Ernest Augustus Harlopp. Henry 344 Sir Thomas. 255 344 John Richard 176 John P. Edward Siaines 254 Haslam. George 410 Haythorne. 315 Peter W^m. John Blackburne 130 John Clifion Edward 53 218 Robert Henry B. Wm. Hartinann. Alex. Scott 410 Villiers Wm. Robert 433 Hartle. KCH. Matthew Jone 169 Haymard. 378 Graham 214 Hathway. Herbert Wm. CB.200 Henry George 142 James Chrisiine John 378 Richard 343 Robert 86 Harihill. Seppings Septimus Thomas A. Drum. Wm. Francis 344 John Robt.282 J. Murray 378 Hasiinjs. J. Craufuid 54. John Charles 215 fiarris. Caasar 447 307 343 Ha wkshaw. Kdward Biowne Edward Hume 188 294 345 273 410 231 231 231 180 113 310 MD. Anth. Joseph Mark. riiomas 241 Hassard. Edmund 95. Edward 112 420 64. Jin 378 112 JolinStewart 275 Hawley. John F. Edward Luinley 179 Henry Bolton 259 Hawiayne. Hen. James William 152 102. William Hodder 234 189 427 122 135 175 344 344 Edmund 68 Hearn. Sisson Alexander 227 Harwood. MD. CB. Edward 116 William 427 Robert John • Haywood. 126 Charles El«in 286 Hawkes. 230 William 344 Wm. Hanbury 165 Fiancis Barker 250 Haworlh. R. Prescott Robt. 55. Hon. Charles E. Drew 378 George Palmer 10. Bf . 147 Hatfield.o Lord Arthur 145 270 Francis Wm. 34 Rirhaid Wilson 159 Hartman. 249 94 Harvey. Wilson 256 208 Hawthorn. 269 John 344 3 Theodore M. iSIillns Francis Joseph George Alex. Wm. Frederick Harrison. 50. 450 Havelock. John Heard. Leilh Hassell. Villiers La Touche 145 Lord James 13 Hattorf. 255 431 Robert Hartley. John Tunstall 295 Haverty. William 447 Henry Sir George ' 12 Drummond Hmt. Sebast. Geo. Bartholomew 159 Henry Winchcombe 56. Lanoe 344 Samuel Wm. Harrington John Charles KCB. Samuel 95.or(/ Chas. 209 John • Robt.isleiiam. 177 John 113 Hayter. 7. Henry 87 Gust. 95.245 Hassell.266 James George 171 Fred. 92 232 James A. John. Edw. Lord Edward 35 Macaii-ter 136 Edward 112 Hatton.292 316 Septimus Moore 249 274 151 Thos. 170 Haswell. de 446 Alex. Bis>ell. 309 John Frederick 343 John 296 Henry Charles MoorJohn 259 head 344 344 John 410 Hawkins. Murray 35. Bush John Fleming Robert Thomas 311 378 228 H«arle. 197 Joseph 260 Robert 344 Haygarth. 10. 50 John Harris R. 112 8. Joseph Peter 410 Hayne. Robinson 59 4'20 Harward. Francis 54. 222 113 Patrick Philip 161 Hewitt. Russell Head.irzig.Adolphus 131 Henry. Robt. CB. Robert B. Gustavus Fred. Chas. 50 221 Thomas John 344 312 John S. John William Harrisson. William 378 Harvey. James de Hawes. CB. 52 JohnWm. Henry. Alex. Douglas 2. John Stepney 378 Clia. Drum. Edward Hector Francis Richard Henry Frederick 122 344 272 160 113 327 344 344 172 126 91. Alexander Richard 135 291 Ross Hay.204 Henry Marshman Hausler. Von 446 James. Charles Julius.ihn W. Edward Alfred Uroadley 101. KH. Rob. Hart. KH.231 Haultain. Randall Wilmer 136 David Balfour 344 Hatheway. Cwsar 270 John John Edmund 187 Ethelred 326 Si. Gale Guslavus NicoiU — — 215 297 343 Henry Laws Hugh «7 JiiinosHuIl 343 432 -John Jolin Bacon. William 175 Harty. John. Hassall. Stanhope 449 Hawker.449 Harvest. Wm. Charles 241 He\ dinger. St. Francis John 187 Edw. John. Alexander 30 Geo. Alexander 257 Arthur James Hedley. Frederick 113 31 Sir Geo. Heigliam.MariinA. MD.298 70.KH. 137 Wm. Fred. Henry 194 del 260 Hercy. George John Milliquet John Mills 410 344 246 Hext. Btiron 447 Morton 199 Heise. William Henry 188 Hebden. Hewson. 31 Higginson. Charles Higgin 96. Adolphus James. Arthur Heastey. Ricliaid Walter 309 273 Heberden. Stansfield 217 Hemsley. Henry 420 Hugh Brabazon 344 Luke Brahazon 273 Thos. John 420 Hey gate. 177 378 Herries.Tiu. Wm. 344 Henderson. Bousfield 295 Helyar. Staniforth 159 Heycock. KCH. Bache 199 271 George Cecil 344 Cockshutt 344 Graham George Parker 203 John 418 238 Heatly. Gordon 41. Ntsbitt. Fade Richard Pentland 296 233 2J8 John Robert Edward 344 Henry Robert John Heaton. Charles 215 Henry 378 Higgins. Percy Egert. Henry Arundel 10. Thomas 142 Heywood.Chas. Cha. Mar. J. Arnold William Hon. CB. F. 118 Francis Charles 378 Hessey. John Samuel Charles Rowland 272 378 284 Samuel Charles West mans VValcott 221 Dudley Clarges Hertford.510 Index. MD. John Robert. 254 447 Fred. 113 131 William John 268 Henry 295. 297 Jasper Lucas 219 88 Tho. Powell 14 Geo. William How Philip 63 378 Henry. Edw. Chas. J. John R. 227 168 Chas.Sheppard 344 307 254 Hewetson. 420 148 295 Henley. Napier254 Peter Edward 170 274 Hendry. Richard 378 Wm. Charles 378 CB. 266 Warner Westenra. 433 Hely. Andrew Douglas INIercer 173 L'Estrange 220 Herring. 267 344 John David Hay William 378 John 128 James Waller 378 John Thomas 312 57 Hendley. Henry Sir Wm. Henry Heartley. 248 315 161 Hervey. Henry John 228 8 449 George Flower 182 Heimburg. KH. Andrew . WilliamReginaldl97 James. C. 344 Henning. Shurlock 240 378 Heiinis. 59. Theodore 201 Hicks. Lewis. John. CB. William 165 Hibberl. Alfred Thomas 247 John Rowley 91 Heyman. Price. Wm.we. 203 Percy 435 96 Hendrick. Brisbane 256 Hilder. Ci^. Jas. Hen. 225 201 Heniell. J. KH. Stuart Thomas 270 Harpur Heathcoie. T. 227 Hickie. Richard Geo. Fran. Swayne 344 Hecker. Edward Nicholas 285 Heylanu.MD John Fred. 69. Baron 448 iMagnus Forbes Ernest. Jesse 378 Hilditch. Aug. Edward Henry 261 Edw. George Lake 174 MB. George 201 Francis Gordon 243 Huffh Robert 158 Hichens. 167 Higgon. John Philip George 191 420 Joseph Thomas 316 Isaac Henry Hewitt. W. B<. Edwin 125 James Macclesfield Wm. 141 150 Teush Henry Poole William Robert 181 Heckscher. H^nry 271 Heywood.210 Edward KC. 13 Hill.Chambre. George VV. Andrew T. Edmund 241 162 Charles Duncan. Geo. 162 Charles 113 Heffernan. Michael Walker 319. 227 quis of 344 12. WilliamHorace Fred. 124 344 Heaviside. Hellen. 145 — Thomas C. John Annesley 316 Higginbotham. 209 William 427 John Sheridan 180 James Morris 344 410 John John W'm. Geo. William James Allen 207 447 Geo. F. Charles 427 Heydon. Henry He sh. I. MD. George 273 Higman. Charles F. 194 Diede. William de 239 435 John 257 Hewat. Henry 52 Heriof. Edward 95. —^-^ • — .!all Hepburn. Rowley 58 Hesketh. John D. Henrv 378 John Welman " Edward 163 Hemmans. Clement Henry Charles 89. 378 Heneage. Geo. Benj. Richard 434 Hickey. John S. 30 Clement Walker 134 Hewson. Siavelay 344 378 William Henry John K. 447 378 Herbeit. 327 John William 113 Thomas William ] 13 Hickson. David Ilcarne. 86 Hewett. 'J'homas 250 •6'i>R. Daniel Litton . James Scott 204 Hereford. Arthur 190 Heddle. Richard James 225 Helsham. Ponsonby 187 130 Hesse. KH. 209 John Dennis G. von der 447 70. R. A. Hinton William Henry 159 Hemphill. Mackay 293 Joseph 116 Herrick. Alexander William Henry 112 Philip 344 54 Ileneage. Francis John 195 Helps. Bayles 203 414 Heath. C. Spencer V. S. C. P. 433 88 312 Edmund YeaHerron. Chas. 98. Alex. Chas. von 447 Hon. John 167 Heugel. KH. Bartholomew 344 James Francis 210 Hickman. Hogarlh. 149 Charles 154 Hon. 145 William Ho<. A. Fred. George. Chauval 231 David 379 William 372 Aide George 274 Hodson. Jolin Frederick Hillon. Cha. Alex.319 John Hodenberg. White //. 119 Holworihy. 97. Fred.Hen. Ernest Albeit Robert Charles 312 llotfman. John 379 139 Henry Hingston. Henry 379 Geo. Vivian 410 Tho. Jolin 274 Robert John Hoey. Francis 344 Wm. A. Cameron Neville Ilodson. Rich. Hervey 64.Wm. Henry 214 Hopson.211 58. Bt. CB.Z>. Arthur Howe 452 Hipkin. 378 3-14 4M 420 344 449 420 378 Index. Bernard 344 Hokienberg. Augustus von 449 Hollis. Charles John 97. A//. James St. Geo. 344 57 101. Alex. Francis. John Elphinsione Home. GarthshoreStirlingl56 432 112 445 (Jeorge J. Francis Powell George Robert Henry John 166 204 344 200 Patrick 182 Samuel 427 W'm. Baron 447 llinton. Chas. James Macnaghten 1 8 100. Hans. Chas. Cooper 61. Thomas 64 • Horn. M. Baron Robert 447 Hodder. 153 \\ illiam Jesse 158 Hole. Francis 70. Bamn 447 John Joseph 58. IJobt. Edward 379 Holborn.255. James 379 liitide. Hood. 114 418 176 432 Holmes. Lyde 64 Thos. Vere Pefe'1 Hodgetis. John Wm. 379 • Studholme John 56 Christ. John 107 153 ton 114 James Hobson. E F. 32 George Francis D.Alderson 379 James Lewis 175 /Em 410 Frederick Thomas 293. liomas 316 grine 114 Hodgson. Rob. Thomas Ongley 136 Wm. Charles 90 Hojel. . StephenJohn 96.W. Arch. Benjamin Haves 379 Robert 138 Chas.164 Henry Ueynolds 344 344 Francis 159 Holden. Charles Edward 174 Hopwood. Edward 379 HoUier. John. John Edward John Isaac William Hopkins. Charles 379 Henry John 175 Hokombe.232 Willes 212 Rowley Holdsworth.Mulock 177 Holt. Adrian Frederick Fred.in Studholme 113 Holmes.reve. Beckford 344 .M. 66. Josiah 179 Thomas Francis 172 Holgate. Bennett 86 Hobkirk. 611 MD. Charles 315. 114 James Gustavus Charles William 114 Ham. Sir Old. A llred George HoL'g. Alex. Cliamberlain 445 Hot. Harry 53. 379 John Anthony 112 Holme. Lionel Hookey. Edw. Noel 59 175 William Price Christopher Ililliard. Fied. 160 272 67. Friend 293 Wm.181 Richard Francis 427 Hoffay.ge. 'J'homas 236 Horc.B. Henry 216 Hoile. George Lainont 196 William 379 Cavendish James 181 260 William Henry Simpson Hackett 257 Holford. John Thos. Biyan Holme 240 Jo'. Randolph 379 Wm. Honner. Montagu 191 Thomas Edward 410 293 Holle. 282 223 10.)«. \Vm. (ieorge Henry John (jeorge E. Edward Alan 70. Edward 436 " — 236 116 235 176 379 247 153 326 257 189 140 212 MD. ijoyd 344 Holloway.Hill. Ilext 256 Horaio Nelson 436 Fian. William Honyman. James John Home John William. Arch.cs Nicol 260 241 136 James 5ir Jas. Nelson 60. Henry 344. H. Thomas W^alter 191 414 Samuel Hoare. Walpole 141 Holdich. Edw. Clayton S. Geo. James llillii-r. Hopson 177 Hopton. Hilmei. 176 Hodge. — 1 Charles Charles Wells Fountaine John.E. 141 428 James Jan. Francis Giosvenor Hook. Samuel 344 379 Edward Milton Hobson. 171 Hornbrook. linn. Scott D. Anthony PemberHolland. 124 Richard 344 "~" Hodges. 237 H^dwell. 144 Horan. O'Reilly 344 Lionel Wm. Hopkinson. George Hope. 96. 315 Hue. W. James 420 Ernest. Lewis Blyth 157 Hobbs. 205 John Kellv 274 ' 'J'liomas 205 Robert 153 Hives. Kdward 293 Rupert Charles 379 Hockings. 15 379 310 379 33 113 MD. Charles 150 Hiuxman.i. Clair 181 379 John 113 John 295 John Yate Richard Jones 207 Launcelot 30 Samuel 116 Richard Henry 175 Hocker. David Ogilvy. Edmonds 158 Hoga.315 152 Harry Knyvett Edwardes 212 • 420 Hollinsworth. Rich. W. 418 ifCB. 434 Anthony Dickson 312 David 414 Ill nry Holliday. 113 Holton. John 31 William Legh 156 John Swaine Hinchliir. 212 Ilenrj lIiQil. Edward 436 Wm. 298 Henry 112 Holman. Edw. Fred. 144 257 298. Frederick 57.261 162 'rhotnas 256 VVeist Ilulmes 113 William 247 William 420 Willuim Hon.John Thomas 410 Holder. 430 Robert 206 Thos. KCB. 171 195 51 196 243 116 Colling- 312 Hobart. Frederick Charles Anthony — Edmund Garland 199 Fran. Edmund D'Arcy Edward Joseph George Evans George Warwick George Henry John John John Philip.Ponsonby99. John 344 135 Hume^ Bliss John 232 Thomas 141 Hurle. 311 432 Hull. Thomas Hutchins. Thomas 344 131 Hugoe. 32 174 John. Thomas U' right William James 307 Huey. 345 379 George James Hen'y Francis 327 James 315 J. John 410 379 Hubbard. Thos. Hornby. MD. De Walden.344 Hou^on. Edw. Henry Basil 194 205 Houston. Gerrard Calaghan 210 Howes. Heniy Wm. Raljih 295. 344 C.imin Geale 344 Charles Alex. 3iD. Richard A.203 162 Robert Jolin 250 John . George 68. 198 Edward 174 112 George Henry George. Edward i j 141 445 Hunt. Blakiston Houstoun. Andrew 231 Henry Fra. Michael Robert CB. MB. S'z'r George 115. 310 William 420. wood.144 Hutchison. gart Helv — 139 Thos. Chas. 114 William. I'll 138 307 244 420 224 113 Hornsby. Fred. 186 Fred. Wo'Z 344 George Fahie 112 Richard Horsley.54 345 Robert JarLes 60. Hurtzig. Charles Gustavus Henry 101.Hely 96. 214 George Edward 166 Geo. J. James Hiiddleston. .Alexander Pairick 236 Spier 248 173 William RobertFiancis 101. Charles 271 Richard Wm. Benj. Hoyland. Frederick J. Henry 145 Beaumont de Horsford. Jas. Lord KH. James 163 Hutchinson. Alfred H.John . Chailes 310 Humphreys. GCB.292 Th mias Humbley. William 344 345 Hurf'ord. William 420 Hudson. 431 Howe. David. Wm. Richard 448 Hulme. Hen. Thomas William Wm. K.Hayter 185 172 448 294 235 7 345 160 177 33. Gar379 diner John Goullin 345 William 241 Windsor Henry 260 Hunt. 70. Hoskins. Alex. Alex. Charles 233 214 Kdward Henrv Charles James 379 Fiiz William Fred.247 113 John Grennap John Richard 206 John Robert. Robert 213 190 Robert Wm. T. Lord George Richard Houghton. Anthony Fred. Samuel 410 Thomas 379 Huish. 298 Wm. Woodley George George James Robert William Henry Horniblow. 158 123 132 215 293 131 230 114 345 60 379 55 Eden Huskisson. 265 Hutchesson. John Geda135 liah Humbv. MD 311 Hoskin. Arthur Hill 315 Wm. 209 148 — —— Robert JMontagiie 251 69. Howden. 204 John Keys 204 Robert Blake 379 Wm. Wm. Hugessen. Wm. Heniy. John John William Samuel Hussey. Egerton 159 Hudson. MA. James 2 16 Howley. CB. Johu ManJeville 187 432 446 Robert Scott 129 Ludolph de Thomas. Biadford Smith 195 271 Hosle. VVm. MD. Bland 296 213 William 192 William Shapter 226 179 60 Hunter. Hadden 274 Charles Scrope 284 Coote Svnge 122 Edw. MD. Johnson 379 379 Thomas Lord Howard. Arthur 1 189 Hurt. Augustus Augustus Thos Beaumont.Hen. Robert 254 John 345 Juhu 230 Robt. 66. M.512 Index.MD. MI). Edward 420 Henry 379 John 216 John 136 Howell.223 Wm. Richard 99 447 Hoyer. George. Aug. Majoribanks 16 Robert Hope Alston Hugo. Joseph. Hely 31 John 379 Hon.'ames George • Wm. 1 12 How. CB. Tag- — Arthur Augustus 152 379 Francis Francis Richard 345 Hon. Thomas 70. Edward Johu Stanley Robert Robert Graham Robert Henry Thomas Howatson. John 155 Hovvorlh. G. Horsey. Wm. CB. MD. W'ellington 232 Waterloo Rich. John 51 414 Edward Huijhes. George. 2. Dodsworth 379 Will am 148 Hupeden.B. 177 William 211 William 194 Wm. John Lyon 344 Hurdle. 315 Sir Robt. Arthur Geo. John Josiah 344 Josiah George 51 31 Horton. 163 Home. A. Hen. 208 Charles 233 436 224 Cliarles Fleming Hi:ggins. George Powell 344 227 15 344 162 137 113 Richmond WJIiam 379 Houlton. 453 Humfrey. 216 George 63. 232 Richard Cooper 221 410 Hulhnance. John Wm. Nicholas a44 155 Hort. Nelson 41. 113 T. Dixon Edirard Hoiham. Charles 410 379 226 93 Chas. Charles 345 William 345 Jarv.Morland John Howard C • — . 240 John 137 John Eardley Richard 326. Wm . Samuel. Frederick Lenox 345 Sir Sain. Augustus • — James. Henry John 215 Robert Bethune Richard 97. Jeffrey. 170 William Jenings. Edwyn Stanhope 161 Johnson. George 379 Thomas 284 Jeffries. Henry 59 Inglelield. Hiiygliue. 432 129 2^3 Image. Jappie. James 133 James Gordon. Drura37 Chardin Philip mond 284 135 Chas. John Nash Jardine. 345 Hex. Soame Gambier 139 Innes. James James James ' 112 88 311 379 John. Francis Cor146 379 Jex. . Ebenezer Alfred 208 113 William Mason Jenkins. Hamilton Tennent 256 Henry 226 James 345 John Lyster 239 Ruben 231 • • ' J I I ! 284 MD. 251 Robert Standish Radley Sydney Cosby Thomas Thomas William William 293 173 140 222 114 188 379 Walrond UA. Fred. Chas. Walter Lawrence 226 Jeffeison. Arthur Edmund 312 234 George Le Grand llo . -— 16. Richard 410 Inglis. lloolon George Adam Fredeiick 233 379 George 112 I'liomson Geoijfe {•xlward Owen -94 George William 315 262 420 345 Collins Henry Henry Hen. Claike Jervoise 174 38 19:i Henry Clarke Charles Gray 274 William 249 Jamieson. John 92. Maxwell 379 379 68 22 114 Jack. A'Court 165 Jeffcofk. 0ns. CB 141 Slovin 269 Je«. 227 188 Jarvis Samuel Peters 234 Ingall. Peter 112 MB. 118 Jasper. Uavid. CB. Jas. Robert O'Brien 119 Jesse. George Trevelyau 174 Thomas Jerrard. Cliarles Henrv 272 Fred. 244 Stafford 143 Jocelyn. 216 Jerfreyi. Raymond. Jacob. Augustus Wm. Aug. Winning 249 Augustus Fred. Kalph Pigott 345 H.267 lbbi)tson. i. John. Francis 284 410 Ingram. William Iluthwaiie. G. David Jerningham. Edmund Richard 89. 176 312 Ince. 162 Inman. Robeit George 161 Francis W'illiam MD. John 219 Peter Redmond 164 Thomas Withy 379 '379 lenvns. Chris. R. 315 249 Wdliam 261 T. John George 172 379 Imlach. K. John Jenner. Alexander Jephson.ibert Herber Ileatii 138 Ingtstre. George 445 William 420 Inveraiity. Alured Clarke 273 John Gordon Arthur England 285 156 William. 153 • Edward Henouard George Henry Henry Henry John Thomas 286 61 171 345 263 180 379 Robert William 345 434 Jameson. Rev. Bingham 125 311 William Jenkin. Huit. Fred. HuUon. Vhct. Wm. Thomas Ross. Joseph 264 Richard Thomas Cochrane 252 Jellicoe. Jacob. Geo. Charles Edward 182 414 Ingles. Charles CB. 113 John James. Wdliam 379 326 lid. Charles Edward 189 Henry James 63. Fie 1. 345 loi^e. Henry 327 236 Stanhope Wm.262 380 Henry JervisWIdte 271 Richard 296 William Thomas 114 215 Jervois. Michael Allen Robert Jackson. 345 Wilmot William Richard 296 62. J sepli H. 66 434 lbl)uison. 183 379 Raymond 153 Jeffreyson.A. 112 \\m. MD. George. John Strange 150 Jerome. Lewis 449 Ingham. Samuel Hood Jebb. A. Alexander 62. Alfred Povntz 222 Demetrius Grevis 345 Demetrius W. Cliailes Thomas.Hen 213 Jane. Jervoise. Edward 37 9 Jetfety.613 Index. Hon. Edward Lennox 139 Johns. Henry Edward 238 John 238 Joddrell. MD. Geo. Samuel HyJe. 316 420 John Jennings. John Knight Mi). G. 1 huinas I'homas nelius 113 Jeyes. KH. 182 197 Geo. AH. 135 Robert 379 Jepson. George MD. CC. Fra. Jagger. Alexander 345 113 Impelt. George Mignan 260 John Harrie Ker 207 153 William Holmes. William Lenox 214 Ba<t. Jauiicey. Joshua. Henry Edmund 30 Joseph 238 John. Jameson. Henry Prim — 131 riiomas Hyslop. Parke 345 George 195 4J7 Denzil Josliua Cunliffe 208 308 William James Kdward 312 307 [ngilby. Joseph Jago. CB. 12 273 Cassius Matthew Wm. 70. 113 Joiin 410 420 John John Napper Joseph ReiJ 53. Henry 379 William Bates 60. Joseph 34 153 Jervis. Sir Wm. Fred.M'Geachy Ireland. Joh. Michael Jopp. Orla'ndo Conyngham Dashwood 135 132 38 212 272 Douglas 345 Ebenezer Tristram Thomas Ebenezer Edward Edward Edward Edward Kent Edward Monckton 294 345 86 345 379 249 238 14 George Harry David 41. Robert 345 James. Hussey Fane 284 185 380 William Walker 185 Kcarnes. Edmund W. 208 George Vander270 heyden Henry F. Wm. G. Thomas 154 124 Kaniptz. • Henry Exley 286 176 i KH. H. 239 Robert Beckford 196 William 379 W. Harrison John 296. 326 297 164 34 Irving. 66 434 Geo. MD. 256 John Edward 32. Henry 255 Vaughan 315 Kavanagh. 434 Kdward Colpoys Jones. Egerlon Charles Michael Harvest 34. Arthur. Clive 227 Rokeby Steele 255 Wilkinson 255 Ivey. Augustus 8 Sir \Vm. Francis Willam 178 410 Hamilton Trail John Douglas 94.isou. Colville 173 Julyan. G. Henry Wilson Henrj 164 Keane.292 294 Joly. Alfred Addinoton 219 Al'red Stowell Arthur Prvse -^—— Benj. MD. 208 Keene. Mayor Campbell Richard Roynon 273 Jull. 251 32. Lister Lister Wilkinson Lister 345 Wm. KH. Jean 451 Richard Paget 345 271 Julius. 272 William Proude 379 William Victor 242 Johnston.298 Hedwartb Hylton 131 148 Hylton 294 Joseph Henry William William 65.281. AH. Alexander Jeremy 379 Chailes 69 IniKO Wm. Hazlltt Higgins. Wm. George James Samuel 435 W^m. William Thompson 298 William 274 380 Kaye. Charles Ban. 215 Kay. Arthur Wellesley 255 141 Edward Thomas J. Rich. Henry Willliam William William Young 181 Johnstone. B^ut. James Singer 345 198 Keats. 187 Geo. Thornton 436 Irvine.Torcato 157 Stanley 307 Stopford Thomas 410 Kains. Charles 113 Kehoe. 59 95. Chidley. 62. John 427 Joy. CB. Wm.D. Algernon Puiling 274 Kearney. William Henry Richard 203 379 Julian. Plunkelt 256 122 Winder Kelly 295. Robert 126 Henry 273 Edwd. John Smith 236 Wm. Augustus Henry 202 345 John James Charless Keating. JIL') John John Wm. 414 Ralph Boeller William 223 Wm. Daniel 37. 178 274 Wdliam Nelson 345 120 Isaac. Bloomfield 257 31 Edward 410 Jop. Primrose G. Edmund Ruck 380 Irvin. Sir Edward. Jenkin 184 MD. Samuel Alexander George Henry Hoghtnn Jacob yEmilius 312 379 298 268 9 65 379 12 345 James 379 286 Robert 326 Robert Nasmytb 163 Jeremy 379 379 Irwin. Robt. Daniel 428 Thomas Joyce. Hui^h Rlaurice James. INIariin 414 Keep.184 177 John William Montague Cholm. F. 95. Arthur Lister Edward 114 William. Edward 380 Joseph Hon. 238 Giles Jordan. 265 Isdell. Tottenham 142 251 212 Henry Mitchell Henry Richmond 65. MD.379 Rice.H. 298 308 Robt. Edward 430 Robert Irby. Benj. Fred. George. Patrick 158 Charles 98 Keightley. 420 274 Leonard Sumner 274 Keafe.514 Index. 345 436 272 Yarrail Irvine. 41. H. James 52 218 222 251 39 192 93 T. Thomas Archer Richard Juliani. Charles Frederick Henry . 345 296.211 John 445 Henry 150 John 379 345 John Robert John Evans 139 Hill Thomas Charles John 205 345 Thomas William 68. Thomas Vesey Joseph Bunbury 184 234 Joseph 414 Isaacson. John. John William. John Joseph 137 Thomas Edward 380 Kauntze. MD. 326 • Jolliffe. John Matcham Johnlnglis 188 Chas. Louis de 450 Thomas Thomas 380 345 Kane. MD. Edmund de Lotbi183 raere Jones.281 315. M. Howard Sutton Henry Roebuck 126 159 James James Townsend Oswald. MD. H. Arthur 308 William 343 Kay.J. Patrick Thos. 432 William. 266 380 William Fowler 208 Kayes. Richard 150 86 Judd. 156 114 M. William 210 William I'rime 345 Kean. Justice. 265. John Henry 135 306 John Hynde 200 Kenwuriliy.Gammell 113 William Wm. Charles Edmund Watkin 420 316 113 184 177 180 i I j I 97.hn'Henry 380 Ki::gscole. 294 Patrick Henry 380 Walter Craulurd 96. Duckworth. Stephen T. George William Francis George 173 Hamilton. George I'homas 112 Walpole 58 1 homas 414 Frederic Charles 145 Thomas Newton 345 Ker. 165 326 420 ' Robert 58. Edmonstone 152 Kilvington. Chas. Parr William 256 Kersteman. 58. John Will.239 295 Robert Charles 135 Kippen. Thomas JNIulyncux Robert Henry 311 230 Robert Wm. Alphonso 167 Kincaid. Alex. 112 John Clark 95. Earl of Kersting. O 114 Kenneit. 33. 143 Kenuan. Rob. Fred. Kdw. Charlts James Townsend R. William Henry Kenip. Edw. Henry Kenrick. CB. S.452 163 John Francis Kenah.117 229 Francis Francis 315. 448 Henry Edgerton 183 Knapman. Leighton 112 410 89 Kenny. Charles 345 Robert Uandas 285 James Bell 345 Samuel 345 Jas. Christopher William 420 Gam 259 . Bracklej Cha. Buxton Martin Kent. Sutton Edward Raleigh 139 Kiikw all.KennedyClark. 293 345 257 13 CB. Edward Claudius Henry Alex. 154 Lewis 9. Samuel Blomefic-ld Kelaart.315 John Duncan 345. 169 John Hamilton 113 John Mackenzie 264 John Pill 113 380 J. William 59. 171 haidiiige 150 380 Kingsley. A'C. William Stephens Henry John 154 345 James 345 Knapp. Thomas Arthur 345 Kerr. Thomas H. 260 Ji. Keilli. Walter FitzGerald John 259 177 Kingsmill. Sir GCB. 6. Francis 241 John Charles 226 Thomas 97. James 170 William Affleck 131 Junes 436 William Ross 226 Thomas 414 William 380 Richard Hall \\ illiam James 345 58 Kerin. Jumcs.R. 215 Kendall. 179 90. KCH. William 43^ Kinleside. Robert. George Henry 197 John 210 Knatchbull. Fre ieric George 120 'Villiam John 345 — William Magrath 271 Kernmis.en . Lewis 446 Kilner.319 Wyndham 123 — - . John Ag.JohnM'Mahon 92.453 Tljomas Coiiyngbam 95. Thomas 38 son 259 Keogh. Kinht Hon.ston. 261 311 345 238 169 345 273 94. 229 King. Harry Gobins William 380 380 Kint. 452 i'liomas. Kollv. MD. 93 Clemishaw. MD. Rob. Wilson Hn. Rob. Horatio Nelson 199 William Archibald 178 Kiiby. Riclrard Scvmour 182 Th. 284 Kiikwood. James 420 345 Kinkee. Kellenbacli.nrd iMurk 235 Ro 51 91 112 112 121 Kempt. Andrew Hyacinth George 206 345 Gerald FitzGerald 164 345 Henry Henry 172 Kitson. Frederick Kellie. R. 135 Keppel. 327 Edward R. Henry. Lord Stephen 36 134 246 William Henry Roger 172 Kirchner. 236 Kennedy. Joseph 380 448 K^ttilby. CB. Klingscihr.William Henry 164 Jeffries 380 Kerrick. Vesey Charles Thomas 183 172 Edward Hanmiond 246 Kirkman. Edward Edward C. Abraham ParkinRich.John 115 William John 316 King. MD. 345 Kent. John Wilson 36 Kinloch.KH. J\iD. Francis Henry James Buchanan 248 214 Wm.s. Harry 268 211 Henry Friend ——— Hugh Hu^h Fergusson Irving Francis James Siiaw. CB. George 116 Sir Henry. J. Miles 420 Kinneir. Cliiiiles Frederick John Julm Richard D.P. 141 Kinsman.'liiomas. Ailhur Percy 202 William Wallis 138 250' Kingdom. Edw. Si-. Henry 114 Augustus Henry 273 Kirkland.262 \Villiam Daniel Ktlsall. Henry Wm. H.GCH.E. Henry John Hon. W'illiam James Kiid. 116 345 Kenyon. Frederick Kettle. Geo. Joseph Hall 345 Key. George 448 KC. Edwin 291 \\ illiain 345 A\ iiliam Wm 41. Joshua Henry 238 Kierulf. Duntzfelt 345 380 Michael Killeen. CB. Raikes 113 Ketilewell.Mgil Fitz- 131 • Kekewich. Adam DuflF 183 George 164 Kirwan. 380 F. J. Charles Kenim. Be.151. Anthony Singleton 112 Kirke. {jeorge Rees Joiiii 137 I. Geils 236 Ulatthias. Alex. Charlesworth 194 Geo. Alexander 145 Kewiu. Keily. Arthur James.515 Index. 211 G. 187 Kirkpatrick.imes 114 Kirk. 11. I'iicaunt 223 Fiederick Wm. John Joseph Kelson. 156 W. Wm. 436 . 221 Towry A. 142 150 Lamb. 274 346 346 2G1 55.A'H. Jolin John W^imburn 153 Aug. Robeit James Laughlin.Bookley 90. Darley John 99. 92. 209 Joseph Ciiarles 238 Will. WUliam Lawford. Hugh Henry 346 Langton. James M'Grigor Pairick Sinclair 311 Wyndham. Henry Charles Henry Eyre Wyatt 119 296 86 James 307 James 410 J. Rev. 293 Langley. Alex. Samuel 1 14 Kunolh. Marie 380 345 436 269 La Cloche. MD. Octavius 252 Latour. 32 Claude George Wm. John Langdale. George 200 George Henry 447 Knop. P. 184 Richard Fredeiick Charles 295 207 Rich. John Edward 114 Larkms. 448 Lance. Alfred John Ainbrose 163 37 Kyffiii. Alexander Benjamin Hallam U'Arcy 232 69 Charles 346 Kyrle. Charles F. P. James 134 Ferdinand Carl Edm. 32 205 fitld Wallingford Willm. John. 180 La Berihodierre. . Thomas 228 3A5 Lacy. La:cora. Edward 66. Stuart Matthew 419 113 Knyvett. Hen. Douglas Henry 346 31 W. George Thos. T. Joseph Dacre Edwurd. Ferdinand 446 Lane. William William Weutworth 127 William 43S 307 Lambert. Frederick Knight. John Baptists Wm. John Sherrard 410 141 Richard 293 Thomas 269 Lambrick. \\ illiam 446 Land. Hafed Frederick James. CB. John Thomas 271 380 Francis Thomas Eyre 189 207 Francis Walters William Francis 285 434 George Lamborn. Thomas Aiskew 283 307 Lardner. Thos. John E( monstone 446 Ludolpb 447 113 Kumme. 189 Digby 192 Lawrence. Henry Augustus 161 Samuel Burges 203 Knott. 273 Last. Francis 447 Lamotte. 219 Lamblon. Aiih. Joseph John Lewis 116 446 Krauchenberg. George Marshall 113 Edward John 114 T. Robert Kropp. Godlove 201 Kuiter. Walter Godfiey Lvon 216 380 Samuel Walter HenrySoUers Gun219 Thomas £. Albert de 112 Latter. Augustus 250 Aug. 192 Wm. 267 Knollys. Jas. George Lascelles. Jolin Albert Lamprey. Charles Knipe. Jones 166 Cail Wevell Von 410 Kruger. 198 253 Large. Edwaid James 255 Wm. 113 Laughten. 252 stone Elias. John Ernie JMoney Chas. VVm. Chas. 253 326 241 Lake. George Fead Hon. 235 Lawes. 449 Landon. Charles Henry 187 Knowles. Cosby 346 Thomas La Presle. Edward Lanphier. Robt. am Noel Thomas 68. Pliil. MD. Sidney 254 De Kysh. Edward 97. John 70. Fra. William 99. Rob. Provo Wm. Wm. MD. Bt. Fiancis 346 Sir Hy.imes Reece 306 John 380 John 112 John Tlieophilus 243 Thomas Tliornhill 113 Lang. Kneebone. Wyndham Koester. Augustus Landers. William 223 Francis 150 William 216 233 237 Lamert. John 346 380 Fred. Geo. Joseph 236 226 Lapsley. Charles Edmund Charles Fied.227 Percy Godfrey BotWm. Alfred Arnold More Brook Jolin « —— Lane. Wm. Robert Wm. Alexander. 251 380 Latham. William 346 Knox. Henry Hearne 37 431 Lacy. 214 George 312 Winne 346 Langrishe. 208 102. John 346 Mathew 199 Oliver Matthew 250 Latouche.516 Index. John 60. B. Edward Lawlor. 144 346 Charles Htnry RobeitMounsey 248 227 Edw. ning S. 283 Lewis Edward 143 LafTan. George Colt 293. Robert M. Adolphus 346 448 Korschann. WiUington Ambrose 380 346 Kyle. KH. Wm. 14 . MD. Arthur 256 114 Lament. Marmaduke R. William 448 346 Henry Edward 448 Lancey. 453 315 William 326 J. Henry Joseph Kuckuck. Peter Law. Rice Davies 246 La Grange. 292 Kuhls. Warrington 380 Richard Lott 380 306 William 380 Laidley. 114 346 Wm.12 114 Tudor Lautour. J. John Crawford 180 Wm. 261 182 Henry 62. John 312 William Henry 199 Laing. Fred. Colwell 346 Gilbert 420 Alexander Lingford. Edmond 100. 152 John 380 225 Alfred Charles John Arthur 64. 298 346 George Richard 178 Oliver 274 Rayusford C. 114 306 285 Koe. R. James Horton James Smith John Richard Alexande • Robert. 410 380 Langdoii. John ' Vere 233 George Dawkins 410 Labalmondiere. Lang mead.CB. Leslie. Louis 239 451 Lam( en. 446 Kobert 309 Leet. 286 i'liomas 'e. Edward 200 Arthur O. Couteur. John 298. John. Hudson 434 346 Leech. Wm. John 215 117. 112 (Leeds. Thomas . H. KH. Willium Munnings 248 Lawson. Sir Alexander. 1 19 Robert 88. 229 Arthur Chas. Thomas 87 Robert :diard.John 139 Ferdinand William Percy W. CB. 445 John Edward 2ckie. 263 Robert Aufrers 221 Lea. earmonth. Ho„. KCB. Henry Layard. Charles Miller 120 186 Leggett. Henry 256 George Leach. Daniel Wm. 453 AM. 215 Edw. Theophilus John William 118 156 8. Henry \Vw.346 273 Ralph FitzGibbon 238 John Halkett 148 Lemoine. 67 Thomas 293 S^teplien . Barclay 274 270 J^eson. John 294 56. Lewis Xavier Joseph Henry 346 209 15? Ihomas Layfon. Robert Martin II3 38 244 John Dillon Ross •ean. Wellesley Charles James .— j ! | ' • I • — • ! ' • — • • — ! — — — — — — - — — D D . St. Gregory Lawrie. Paget Walter Henry 273 196 112 —Toii.eader. CJ3. Percy 91. L. Laxon. CB. 144 James 346 pard 40 George. D. CB. George 16 380 253 John T. MD. John 380 Cecil Brooke 273 s Blanc. 331 William AbraJohn Riggs Miller. John Wm. John 35 346 John Henry 269 — Chas. MD. Hannach Bogusl.eake. An^us ^tephen 380 207 John Knox 237 Arthur J'homas William 226 Lefroy. KCB. Alexander 215 143 Robt. Henry Henry 380 50. 346 Ranulph Charles Jos. 143 Let-Jortin. Patrick 1 13 Lee. Barringlon John. 312 233 William Geo. MD.^^ Le Gallais.izzarini.dsam. Edward 410 1 ] 5 Walter James B. Audlpv 410 229 I'liomas. 291 ^.346 Charles. James John gg 315 R. James 90. Sir David. Thomas 246 420 Lemon. Arthur 160 189 . William ^%. Francis Lake 295 410 Sir Joh n G asChas. Geo. Montagu 201 Robert W. Wilson Kobeit Newton 410 Lennan. A. Robt. David Ross 380 . James Birley 14 346 Thomas 89 Geo. Ant. L'46 William 380 — — . 156 239 Leigh. Arscott -Jonathan. \\ illiam 220 190 William 307 John Owen -'cky. 142 141 Lennox. Algernon 06. Degen eathes. Henry 269 •^^' Westenra Warner Edward 161 346 William Chas. S. John 234 [Lees. ihonias 420 John Maitland 297 298 William 157 WiJbrabam Gates Samuel Hill 286 183 William 346 Leonaid. 262 Henry Bates Lawrenson.Geo. 100. eatham. Edward ]71 Leslie. Napoleon 173 Samuel Peicy 346! Legre W. MD. 517 Lawrence. 182 Edward -eacock..ilph 182 Maxwell 238 Ambrose. Charles Hugh .1'' Lempriere.3.John Sack ville 112 Leschen. Harry James 447 210 158 Lepper. Laye. Robert D. 112 326 Moniagu Adam Hy. . William 346 Richard Hull dger. 346 432 LeMarchant. G. Disney 113 Lewis. KH. John Gaje 188 99. James. eavach.. Edmund C. Levett. KCB.222 208 Le Grand. Charles 286 — George Bernard Granville 315 Legge.no T Francis Heniy 380 380 Leitch.Twisleton 94. John John 154 155 James. 298 G. Peter 113 Griffith George. CB. 191 Anthony 326. Levingc. Edw. F. 63 50 Leith. Frederick Richard • Hector Maclean 185 Sir George Philip Sir Henrj M. Augustus Johnnes Ir l^eonharf. 434 George R. Henry 112 John Lawrence. David ham ' 58 MD.257 295 Hon. Archibald 380 284 Leighton.281 311 Henry 428 G Wynne Orton Francis 176 31 J. Francis Edw. Alex. :d«ith.Cha.Jolin 420. MD. F. llenrj Eustace 180 142 143 >eah\. Edward 15. Robert. Chas. Edward 346 380 Le Mesurier. Joseph 170 326 Sic Geo. Franris 181 296 John Kenneth 4I8 Levvins. W. Alfred AbrahamWade 331 Legh. John ygt L'Estrange.' Index. Arthur Geo. T.220 410 ^JohnKincaid 138 294. Rev. 24fl Champagne 274 191 William J< hn 172 -Edward Fied. Arthur J. Thos. Hector. Alexander eath. George John Anthony 271 257 65 George Wm.Rawdon268 286 James 140 Lewes. Frederick 410 Francis 27Q 186 Lnrd AnlwiT 54. Aug. 230 Lethbiidge. Bt. E. GCB. W^illiam Lock. CB. of. Michael 38( Thomas Conway 260 Lonsdale. Chas. John H. Augustus Meyer 38 285 Lovelace. Alexander Loft. Earl IMount Stoughton 11£ 93 "/ Heyliger 17'3 187 Longmore. Molyneux 34 John Richard 210 Joseph Venables 112 Thomas 448 Loesecke. John Theodore 31 309 140 Liptrap. Charles Lombard. Geo. Wm. Geo. Tho.244 Loudon. John 210 38( William 434 William. John Henry Logic. Archibald 380 John 380 John William Robert John 298. 189 W'illiam James Arthur Charles Lowe..Henry 102. Andrew Campbell 45( 201 Loriol. J. CB. Richard Weld Hom- Llewelyn. Netterville Lowder. Fra. Peter • - Litton. George Williamson 28 John Geo. Visccunt 6. Richard. Arthur John John 346 Frederick William 223 Henry Sam. Edmund Slingsby 380 408 Fitz James 113 90 George Frederick G. 127 fray 120 Lowrie.37. Charles 112 Hugh 145 253 Henry Gore 57. Archibald Inglis 261 93. Robert Abraham 208 Robert Hry. Lothian. 297 Lloyd. 144 Ho(!. 1 38 James Lockner. William Lluellyn. GCH. Richard Lithgow. Patrick Litid. Graves C. 102. Henry Call W. 27 Charles JS'eville 134 L0Y( Lockwood. Drury 22 11'2 Thos.. John Listen. Benjamin de Lister. Armar Marq. MD. John Henry Alexander 113 Loftie. Lockhart. Frederick • - 1 . Linton. Edw.11. James Oliver Lindsay. Von 410 Low. Albert Chas. Herbert Walter Welsford 293 Lillie. M. 191 Light.160 380 346 346 428 291 Litle. Wm. Somerville 96. Thos. 41 Wm. James Liardet. Geo. John 113 WD 380 102. Elliott 114 Love. 13 41. Logan. Frederick D. Hon. Alex. 518 434 Long. Fred. A.214 236 Thomas 146 Lilley.C. Charles ScudaHugh 269 more 113 Hugh Hughes Henry Errington 95. John Thos. L ng. H. Alured Henry Heywood 12. Arthur Aug. 308 James 112 257 Walter Henry Henry 99.179 380 Lindsey. CB. Sir John Hunter. P. Robert Alex. John 159 Vernon Lilliciap.31( Frederick Edward 41( 56 Losack. . Edward W. Wm. W'illiam 20. 311 MD. Robl. William Lisle. 117 Lovell Stanhope 31 Aug. Geo . Purefoy 16 Richard 380 Purefoy Nicholas De Jersey Lockyer. George 233 113 210 114 212 58 170 Ligertwood. Sandys 447 Lindham. Londonderry. KCB. 5(> John Scott. Wynne • Lo<l wick. 135 Little. 175 Robert Lindesay. Jas. Hugo 274 113 220 Henry Hn^o Shelley 432 Lightbody. 257 Thomas 209 Lillingston. Charles Graeme Alex. John Joseph Locke. 3 Benj. Ley. 23 Stanley John 310 MD. James 14 James 150 Robert James 346 Wm. 215 168 Fred. JMalcolm Edward Isaac 136 Loftus. Thomas. 42( 190 Lord. CB. 2( Frederick Low ry. Evans Garnons Hedworth John John Lidwill. GB. Charles Poore 6. 119 164 i James Armar Graham James Armar 3t H 1< .Level AW. Cosmo Gordon. 51 98. Aylmer. Fred. C. Charles.159 Longfield. Galbraith. Herhert 167 204 Edward Edward 157 Bell Edward Thomas 380 283 W. Rickard 134 Chas. Augustus de Knox 166 Lorton. Simeon Charles 16' 23 Louth. 182 It Lowndes. Lightfoot. R. Home 346 Logan-Home. Sarjent 217 Willia 163 Liltkhale. Chacon Lindsell. W. John -MathewPenefather 241 John 210 Longford. 346 294 Simon Ridley 346 Thos. CB.1 Index. 228 Longwoith. Augustus W. O. Banm 448 Ling. AchoUCljas.KH . Richard 197 43^ Lorimer. Robert 14( William C. Dehane. Geo.Henry. Lodder. James Fred. iord 177 Wm. John William. KH. 296 Jacob Richards 161 116 Skipp Joseph 57. John Terry Litchfield. Henry Philip ". F. A. Swan Lloyd.249 198 Lovett.Richard Littler. 29' 230 Louis. CB. 34( Marcus James Augustus 192 Lousada. Eliott Wm. D. Jenkin MD. 235 65 William 410 Henry Yereker 239 Longden. Frederick Leyne. 3IB. Chas. Henry John 427 Robert Linsingen. Liddell.R. Looker. Joseph 137 Riciiard 170 Thomas Robert Clifford 93. Geo. David Fitz 9C Gerald 410 Samuel 44f Sandford M'Viltie261 Loning. Elphinstone 11' 380 Losh. John Hon. 42( 12. 9. Alastair M'lan ville 244 197 M'Alpine. 298 Colin James Earle 381 381 James. Donald 432 326. Charles Frodeiick yye. 167 Tho. James 410 M'Coimick. 434 312 Bernard Charles 210 294 Edward Chailes William 245 295. 346 John Dun. MD. A. Frederick L. 206 M'Farlan. Herbert Taylor 194 James 196 Richard Charles 216 Robert Barlow 270 M'Creagh. Colmer Edward 222 380 239 W. James 450 Lyon. Pdt. John 315 Justin Thadeus M'Dowell. Alexander M'Caskill. John 213 John Henry 410 l. Arthur O'Neil Luke. 308 Thomp>on Macky 239 M'Coiiechv. A. \Viiliam 448 Augustus 447 Luscombe. Henry Hotham 294 Tho. John Beaumont 91 197 420 167 M'Curdy. Ben. James Innes 113 190 88 346 37 222 89 Martin Crean iMartin Lubeck. Kirkman Luard. Jas. Adolphiis 448 William judowieg. T. Daniel I'homas 256 156 . Michael 124 Al'Crohan. Courlenny 381 CB. Henry ^"rancis Ijukin. Marcus L. Popham 427 frey Lundy. Daniel 95. Chas. Fred. Herman 449 Ta's. Williamson 283 Lyster. James Alexander 32 381 M'Annallj. Frederick Henry Reynolds Jolin D. Benjamin Charles '^uxmoore. 1. Tonens 346 175 256 449 113 171 188 181 Robert 60. 225 196 198 380 Gould Arthur Henry 164 380 F^dward Crean Edw. Wm. Jas. James 381 V\ illiam 122 JM'Court.. Windham William William Augustus 254 Frederick 168 Henry 4-27 Septimus Windham Lythe. Augustus Savill 119 249 Charles Henry Fred. 112 346 Lutman. Fra. Charles Jobson. Alexander. CB. MD.|m Jackson 66. Alex. John Adrian Jolin Henry William Ivers Lutierman. John 272 414 l. John 248 Octavius 198 Robert William '28t) Thomas Graves Lowil. Thomas Hamilton William 346 124 129 M'Donnel. 188 . Amherst Robert Tliomas Lyell. John 261 M'Coy. 298 M'Cleland. 434 61. George. Edward 62. 119 M'Callum. 346 119 114 244 410 274 Norman M'Crummen. John John John Wnrden 226 346 M'Causland. James Rell Lushington.6 Lowiliei. Coryndon 63 Richard l. 326 Patrick 199 Thomas 381. 226 Scaloa M'Culloch. James L. David M'Alester. William 231 M'Douall. W'ilishire 327 Lynn. Hector 306 100. George iMowbray 101 Jasper Jasper 226 John Kennedy 113 M'Clatchie. \ViHiara \'on [. 174 James 381 381 Hen. James Murray 381 M'Cumming. Alex.ilbiac 273 285 234 Richard George Henry 114 M'Causland.M'Cay 311 68 iM'Barnet.um. 56 M'Clintock. 189 Robert Henrv ft7. Claude Bowes 119 Edmund David 220 Francis 274 Fied. Stephen 213 M'Call. Lee Hopkioson 274 George Hen. Hen. Wm. Daniel 335 Thomas Bobert 116 M'Crea. Somer- ' 1) D 2 . Muat. MD. Geo. John Lutycns. Francis John 135 iM'Adam. Fred.eigh 171 381 246 445 J. Patrick Leonard Henry Atkins 293 95. Evan Forbes John Alan 244 143 M'Bean. Rich. John IMackenzia 180 Samuel James Lynam. Bernard 133 M'Donough. William Purefoy liumley. CB. Alexander 410 M'Cabe. VmiI of 16 113 Lucas. Edward dar. Francklin. Remicott 159 Lugard.. George Charles. Lygon.Don. CB. 260 M'Carthy.199 M'Dermott. Conolly 283 M'Farlane.39 Lyie. Thomas 420 M'Cleverty. 157 M'Clellari. Edw.182 Henry Savile 119 l. James 37. Creighton 420 ftl'Clenaiian. 380 Lowry.180 Lvsons. God- 141 449 307 [>unuig. Denis Eugene 381 — Pyn 203 Robeit Blake 346 Wm. 231 13 iM'Bayne.ukis. MD.292 RI'Diarmid. Charles Lynch. Law. John Duncan 434 M'Donald. Anthony Munton Jiimes William 310 Luce. Theodore E. 519 Index. Arthur 118 Henry 114 Loytl. Goiigh 295 M' Dougall.ucan. Athill 161 William Charles Patrick Browne I'homas Joho 259 Lyons. W. Cockburn 231 Henry Thomas 346 Donald Kay John. Iho.um>daine. 51 Patrick 381 316 M'Duff. Charles Alexander 346 381 M'Arlhur.9<r J. 119 M'Cuilock. Geo.319 Michael. Dalton Wittit Sam. Edward Joiin Edward 273 4-19 Thiimas Casey Liiderilz.H. Wm. Adam 190 M'Donell. Charles Francis 167 BA 445 Hot. Chas. Sandys Lunde.238 31.. GC6. Christopher William 173 M'Donnell. Douglas 95. Hnn. MD. John 259 M' Bride. 89.udewiw. 283 Simon 347 Peter John 25. 213 Sir Duncan. Neil M'Laine. M'Pherson. Henry Hugh KCB. Donald 381 M'Intosh. Alex. Jas. Donald 244 Norman 19 James 65 381 Peter 25. yEneas 381. Edgar 140 William M. James 113 William Wm. 316 William Kelly Geo. Duncan 37 M'Neill. CB. Thomas Weslropp94 M'Gee. 311 R. Bt. 248 381 George. 5 mon H. John 114 M'Mullen.230 249 Douglas Alex. 152 M'Mahon. John 381 M'Niel. Patrick -John jM'Mahon. Thomas James Nixon 381 M*Loughlin. Donald M'Leod. Peter Martin 346 ' 235 152 M'Kelvey. MIJ. 16 George Varnhaml7 Gregory Grant Fooie 1 Henry Alfred 16 26 James 38 James Mitchell 25 J araes Hcti. John Diope 112 381 Nicol M'Innes. Bosville Wm. 229 226 Reginald 26( . Alex. Alexander M'Laren. Forbes Sii William. JoliD ShuterD. M'Gowan. Duncan M'llliee. Edmond John 307 Daniel 114 Macauliiy. 32( 168 Maberly. Andrew 198 M'Niven. 2^ Forbes. 70. 307 254 311 Mac Ewen 206 347 113 Andrew Colin 381 Dougall. 381 326 M'Rae. Duncan Camel on 164 Sir James. 26 Alexander 34 Alexander 25 Alexander 31 Alex. 45. 273 381 Robert 22( 34' 347 410 Rl'Vicar. John Ronald 98 M'Wharrie. Farquhar Ranald 34 Theodore 293 381 Robert.112 M'Intyre. 212 Joshua 381 M'Goldrick. 132 M'Naugh ten. MD. 5 230 M'Ternan. M'Kown. KH. Hector J. KCB. Henry John 381 180 Michael Robert 159 M'Namee. Arthur Cbas. 22J 381 410 Macartney. CB. Jolin Graham Robert M'Killop. 410.24 Wm. 168 Philip 168 William 93. 347 184 M'lMurdo. 22 Macbeth. Constanline LeRobert. Jas. George 93. 176 113 Robert James 381 347 Robert John 381 382 M'Namara. CB. Ci 24 ATB. 13. 8. ('haries John Ignatius '22c Cliriitopher. Alexander Colin Campbell ^-Eiieas 381 230 Alexander 381 381 Peter 881 Cecil 168 M'lver. 24 nis Justin Justin Edward Daniel 24 Wm. Justin MacDonald. Bain. Donald 434 Daniel 347 M'Kechnie. Alex. 125 430. 9 222 John Duntze 24 346 M'Queen. Robert John M'Kinnon. Henry John 297 M'Gill. Patrick M'(hegor. MD. 309 Macdonell. Mackay 13 James. Anstrulher 291 245 John Alex. Alex. Alex. CB. Leader 50 275 Wiliiaiii 8( 34' 410 Macadam. 8. Travers 381 M'Leroth. William Henry 171 M'Haffie. Sheriff 21^ 230 John Lennox 347 428 Alexander 25!! William. John 24 Alfred Allan Colin 181 25. James 381 167 M'Nicol. John 271 ." William M'Lachlan. M'George. Alex. Donald M'Lean. Tbomas MD. 141 Macdonnell. 15 M'Nab. Robt.326 M'Millan. Joseph 170 140 Henry Edward William 114 M-Meekan. MD.\MD. 310 IM N air. G eorge A ugustus 222 James. William Frederic -^^ I I I Macbeath. MD. Pitt IK John. 31 346 William 42( 381 381 Macalpine.520 Index. Fleming M'Kerlie.CB. Theobald 6 381 JM'Kenzie.1 George 38. John M'Grigor. Peier 434 414 KCH. MB. John 2c 22 Macdonald. Alured Chas M'Grath. David Reid John John William M'Kinslry. 8. Idward 52 Sir James. KCB. Angus 274 96. 128 William Thomas 222 Mc NeiU. Archibald 420 436 Lachlan Philip. 22 Mac Edward Den Carthy. A. James Duncan Wm.V. 141 Macdoiigall. James William Donald 24i 436 Mac Andrevv. Alex. James Shorlall Sir Thomas. Edv\ard 199 ]\rGouii. George Gordon Arch. 11 George Fred. 5( 193 Macarthur. Robert. MD. 452 M'Neile. Bt. John John John M'Kay William VVm. Andrew Evvan 88 M' Keilar. Thomas William William 346 Ogiivy 69. Jno. Alexander. Giles Macbean. MD. Macaulev. Mac 131 '~J. Peter 45 230 308 Wm. KCB. William S47 MacDonnell. G. D. Robert. Evan 269 Siephen 38: VVm. 432 M'JMunn. 54. John Norris M'Keuna. Alexander Donald James John Chelbam Martin Norman John 43. MD. Mackey. Alexander Watson 243 35 Mad lock. Lachlan 381 Maclachlan. Jas. Arthur Francis 381 Maclise. John 162 327 R. J. 211 238 Peter 200 Maguire. Charles Ed" Macnab. MD. Neil Alex. MD. ilfZ). 200 Robert Macnish. William Hen. CB. Archibald 32<) 225 173 215 180 327 130 243 212 204 434 112 194 222 202 175 137 236 31 242 118 420 294 381 215 217 212 178 381 246 381 326 381 274 430 229 238 272 259 113 . 14 154 430 245 . 310 134 347 Macneil. KH. James 381 415 Maclaurin. D. 7iW. Daniel. 193 \ Lachlan 97. Henry. R. Aug. MB. Cracroft William Ord. . UD. John acGregor. 10. 309. MD. Charles George 159 George 268 Magenis. Alex. Alex. 230 John William Arch.MD. 240 Mackiniion. 87 • James 113 James John John Kenneth J. Daniel Henry John 347 347 381 John Edm. Percy John. William 420 Viy} 308 434 John. 298 Edward RowWm. Christopher Jas. WD. John 381 ward ackesy. David Scott Kin. John acktchnie. Jas. Dorrien Geoige Daniel 259 381 Magill. Macqueen. MD. W. William 175 262 Madden. Hugh Baillie 222 John Lindsay 221 Magrath. Charts Andrew. K. John Maxwell Ma^kie. Sir Archibald. Lawrence Murray 224 420 Lachlan Hector Gilbert Norman.203 381 Maclauclilan. Cha. William 100.John Alex. Moray Edmond 113 140 jNIacleod.315 Lachlan 181 Lachlan 381 Robert 243 Robert Barclay. KH. T. Gilbert Samuel 244 IMacleane. Geo. Hugh 112 John Alexander 347 Peter. William. David. Sam. Mai. 'acdowall. Bliss J. Fian. CB. Alex.Fisher. Alexander. Alexander 246 Macrae.ac acfarlane. ^lac Muhon. An!j. Richard Henry Colin 347 306 ]Magens. Martin 410 Mahon. . John 65 Macpherson. Douglas Kenneth Doug. MD. ac Ktllar. John Thomas 54 268 Maher.Index. Walter Macquarie. MD. 309 347 Thomas Alexander Sir Charles Fitzroy. Fred. 40. Vernon 125 iMalcolm 256 Geo. 225 W^m. A'incent 63. Andr. Fras. Michael 381 Nugent 295. MD. William l. John 236 William 234 195 Mainwarine. Thomas 225 William Hugh James 347 Hugh 415 John 65 Magnay. Thomas Alexander William 347 Allen Thomas 36 Mactier. ilJD. George 12. Hen. Robert Henry William Joseph ac Gachen. Nicholson Honeyman Hugh Donald KCB. Andrew Mackesy. Xeil iM'Innes 270 410 Macredie.Marlaine. 1(0. 113 James 113 Cole 114 Thomas Robert 182 Donald John l\r. Neil 381 Maclean. 621 215 Macnaghten. Roderick 273 129 Mahony. George Ashbj Bt. CB. 308 Madigan. Duncan 112 114 William 242 Maine. Montague Martin.us \Vm. 436 land Pickard 181 • • • • • . Potter James Duff 327 415 MacQueen. John ackeson.Macphail.ear 216 239 312 Walter Carr William . achell.\\e\ 113 MacKinnon. Mackirdy. ackay.Geo. Edra. David Elliot 70. 217 Hobert Henry 112 acgregor. Donald J. Ernest Randolph Edward George 249 Macnamara. 431 347 . Henry GeorLje Donald 347 Heniy John 162 Magin. 52 Hoit CB.226 . Dav Duff. 81 266 AngusWilliam Donald Donald Henry Henry Fowler Roderick Macneill. 15 221 ac Kay. Alexander Alexander 326 Samuel Alex.John Thomas 381 291 acintosh. Archibald 347 163 201 212 381 254 Archibald 13 Colin 410 Daniel. Alexander 35. Andrew John 175 Archibald Fraser 114 Duncan 193 Duncan 381 Evan 347 Herbert Taylor 230 James 428 James Duncan 113 John 87 John Cameron 99. Paul 1 12 Lionel Daniel 148 Joseph Sackville INIatkintcsli.Hall. Fred. Wedder 347 Donald Benjamin Grey 210 Fitz Rov Donald 139 Madox. Neil 113 ackenzie. Alex. 453 112 420 231 Maclagan. ac Henry. CB. Hy. Charles. Maiburg. 50 Octavius John Bliike Rob. Thomas 112 Thomas 218 iMarriott. Robert Clement 307 Stephen 381 Malassez. 283 Marschalk. Man. Edward 410 H. Antonio 12( 113 157 157 Ed Wm Clias. Charles 138 M. Geo. John 294 H. Andrew 347 Wm. . Margary. Thos. Henry Digbv 235 Herbert Russell 202 Hans S. Baron Jas. Robert 284 446 Jn. Neufville Wm. C.G. 347 William Maiiisj Valentine Thoi. — Geo. John. Julni Samuel 178 Marryat. C. Arthur De Vere. Christ. Joseph 25{ Marindin. Henry. Sir Charles 101. Thomas 306 Maxiniilian 306 427 Nicholas Malcolm.204 113 M./ 117. Sydenham 246 Mavkland. William Mascall. Benjamin Wm. Ben Hay Manley. Maret. Thos. Frederick 449 274 Fred. CB. George 347 Mann. Fred.David William 183 — 1 — 263 Wm. Avian Charles Lennox Brovvnluw 94. Robert George 132 Fielding 268 John 420 William 205 Manly. 8. KH.Charles Henry Markham. Edward Wm. Chas. Wm. Augustus Leacock 206 Lord George John Edwaid Herman 185 120 Era. Henry Fletcher 20 261 JNIolyneux Chas. Peter 207 410 Martin. Horatio George 25i 32i T. Biddlecomb 68. 117. CB. Vincent Kichard 87 184 Richard AbraHenry 123 ham 152 Henry 381 2-1 Tbomas Hippesley 114 Mansel. Carleton 114 Somerset. Arthur Gonne Bell Margitson. 6. George 113 Alexander. Edw. Geo Joseph 123 Mapleion. 326 3( 205 Marten. John Richard Maskerry. 15! Wris'ht Thomas Margesson. William Geoige 421 Thos. Charle Edward 221 Marlow.int. Francis William 427 A. 37. 260 Martelli. William DonIK Wm. Wm. Marshall. MD. Mainwaring. Edward 221 Rlarecheaux. I'lios. Turnbull — Hubert James — John — John — John Barry — John Geoige Don 18 13 20 — John — Ralph — Thomas — Thomas — Williams 21 H. Christopher 234 Mangles. 92 114 Hen. John 114 Keith Ramsay 231 March. Gother Fred. Thomas 25'J Malihus. Francis James James John ]Monck L R. Philip Daves 271 12 Combe iMarter. H. Diiii. 64. £<n/ <. Viscount Maling. Christopher Maltei. Fied. James F. William Webber Martindale.6 522 Index. Edward 347 Marston. GCB. Thomas 126 Marr. St. KH. AID. Julius nelaiid 311 Marcon. Edwin 114 Manger. M. Arthur Edmund 130 Joseph 308 Mansel.347 38 Leopold George 16 hornton 381 Fred. 11£ -Richard Baitholomew 382 - Robert Frederick 22e Thomas Thomas W'illiam J. Gordon 38 20 Lennox. Wm. 114 Manifold. Eardley 297 231 145 Mansereb. Geiirge 99 Malion. . John Marvin. Henry 201 Hayes 293 Manico. Wm. Jas. Richardson Robert Sanders ^ W. H. C. Alfied Rob. 168 Whitaker 200 Major. Anthony Frederick George Robert James 184 183 347 153 420 William William Henry 195 Wdliam R. Joseph Hamilton Mason. Mancor. James 199 282 Manders. William Henrv 293 22 IMarchant. Mansell 294 W'illoughbyDigby286 • • • • • - - Edward Fiennes 38!.C. CB. •284 Geoffrey Maitland. 16 217 Mansell. John. 93. R. Edwin 274 28( Charles Nassau Fred. Michael Fenton 219 Thomas Beckett Manley. Charles 347 Theodore Von 446 Lord Charles Matsden. 22". 130 John Long 159 Douglas Ernest 176 Marsh. Biaquiere 98 Ottode 447 Manners. Charles. 260 Jo!m. Wykeham 131 - - - George Henry Clinton 15J: 34^ Henry Clinton Henry Richmond 274 43f James -Johnston - 43f 382 Mountjoy Fra. John Craven ^ John L.irnet 347 179 MD. ward James John John Peregrine. Henry Richard 151 24'. Ot»ay Mansfield. MD. KCB.indeville. ftlarrett. 114 15f 114 382 15S 284 207 275 347 29( 382 227 428 347 114 41C Gordon 202 114 . 235 — George 347 ^ " 432 Mair. 54 John Dundas 179 Leonard IS'eill 253 Robert 176 Maiden. Waller 3161 159 — — — | | 1 — 1 I j ' : Mathew. 214 Mathews. 117. 451 Mends. L.EjTe Challoner 182 Henry Hampden Hugh. Henry 420 Charles Fred. William Glynne Master. Banbury 240 JamesThos. Stephen William 235 Meech. 290 Francis Tliomas 347 ' Mdwby. George Vaughan 240 Melhuish. 100. Alphonso Maturin. Geo. W^ 114 James 185 Melville. 432 Hon. John Augustus 382 Matson. Geo. Geo. Alexander 309 Burt. Mercer. John Perkins 238 Menzies. William 382 Henry DeR. Godfrey William Hugh 170 229 237 170 Chailes Henrv Hugh ' Hugh Franris Hon. Lawrence 152 33. 255 Rlaycock. Wm. John Thomas James 242 Meara. 151 Colin 245 George 347 Edw. Herbert 240 Meier. Maunsel 244 415 iMeek. Alex. E. Juhn 238 Alexander 382 Mead. Fisher 306 192 Menteath. 453 Mathison. Phil. William 421 William Piers 114 Messenger. S. 264 George 254 James Kingsley 225 i ' . Charles Henry 179 James 152 Metcalf. MB. Meehan. Stuart 114 Mayers. Godfrey • son Matheson. 197 stone 415 Chas.Chr. Charles 410 Arthur Hill Hasted Meade. Henry William John Rchlin John Henry John Powell 3Iark William Wm. Horndon Meason. Carnplin 347 Henry 347 Alellish. Cavalie St. Rich. Francis 61. Aug. Edward 56. Joseph Mathias. Fred. Frederick R. Lauderdale 53. Henry Fitz Hardingo hame 202 Rerkely 139 Meiklejohn. 446 George 218 Alejer. Shelton 296 • Thomas 179 Meik. Hop€ JohnMaxwell. Edmund Gilling 240 292 Mayne. MD. /fim. Theo. G. Edward Thos.1 Index. William 293 237 Thos. Hughes 221 John William 161 Sussex Lennox 63 Aubrey Beauclerk Mee. Cullen 316 205 Charles Studdert 259 Edward Beauchamp 190 Francis Edwin 155 Frederick 36. Wm. 114j Maynard. 112 241 Frederick Edw. Wynell 92 Wm. W.234 Mein. Alexander Crie 347 Mawbey. Nath. Alexander 94. Charles de 1561 451 Rodolphe de 50. Francis 114 165 264 382 208 420 382 428 306 Cornwallis. John Johii 239 William Lewis Mermet. Stephen Wm. John Gittens 171 Hugh Bowen 347 Joseph 173 James Delainain 255 Maydwell. Collier 283 MccGwire. John Edmund Nicholas Richard Robert 347 Meehan. 1 . Edwaid Henry 382 Meares. Hen. 39 Mence. Geo. 33. Tho. H.211 John Rev. Francis Thomas Francis Maule. 286 623 Maunsell. Henry Way 295. Thos. Boyle 347 Richard Raphael 246 George 382 Thomas Quin 295. Alexander 382 May hew. Thomas Levet 347 347 Melge. Haffez 382 William Robert 293 Mendibus. Joseph 451 Devenish 250 Merrie. W. 201 KCB. 298 Henry W^arter 192 257 Meade* James James Henry 410 182 Meane. Crosby William Fred. Henry Maude. J. G. Geo. Roderick Thomas Mathew. Massy. James Pierco Henry. 294 Taylor Lambard 140 Duncan 310 William 113 Edward 246 William 261 James 262 William 847 James Stewart 226 Mayow. Kdw. 265 Meacham. Henry Law 101.33. Jacob 34^ 162 Meheux. 326 Melliss. CuningRlaxse. Chas. Benj. M'Donald Matthey. Melvin. (Jbester Masters. Powell 131 1«6 113 347 113 156 382 Ray294 382 54 Letiice 185 382 90. Aug. Antoine Louis May. Vhc. George Shirley 198 448 86. William 153 Frederick Rev. John Allan 347 Charles. Smyth 52 246 John 235 Henry 270 John Michael De Robert 37 Courcy 296 Meredith. Herbert 69. Henry 58 347 Charles John Massey. 181 William Maunsell. 282. A7/. Hen. Patrick 31 Matthews. 326 191 Medhurst. Fred. Geo. Wm. M. Em. Alexander. Frederick Sidney George Ashley Fied. Edward 194 Messiter. Henry 382 452 Stuart John Mildmay Winniett Lockhart 274 221 Sir \Villiam Alex. Joseph 382 Meikleham. Robert 234 Alauleverer. Arthur Dillon Henry John 272 274 269 154 141 240 308 347 Hon. Wm. l^elham Richard Thoma Robert Augustus Wm. Petty 156( Meredvth. William Henry 237 Matthew. Julius 382 447 William Gusiavus 382 Zaccheus Lewis Chas. Living- 258 stone Thomas 52 Thomas Edmund 163 Mitford Bertram Charles 348 129 William Henry 170 421 William Henry George 292 427 William Henry Revelej 202 447 Geo. MD. 149 Charles B. Eaton 36 John 347 Monk. Alfred Shore William Campbell Colin James. 265 John. James Edvvard James 135 Robert 382 Thomas Hamilton 187 Moir. H. John 410 Jotin Wrav 268 Arthur Lloyd 173 ' Robeit 382 Monkland. John Sharman 235 — Getrrge 382 Trevor Charles 273 214 James White William Mills 235 421 Molvneux. Edw. Aug. CB. Aubyn 99. Georg'e 169 Philip Francis 255 Mitchell. Chas. 188 Wil iam 209 Francis Miles 10. Gustavus 245 347 421 307 Alex. 226 — ' . 246 285 22 1 Moline. Charlie Mingay. Joseph Hon. Cajsar de John Fred. William 158 Mirehouse. Charles Meyer. George 70. Francis Ron. George Mill. Macdonald ]\Iillir. 158 271 347 John Edward AValter Tavlor Micklethwait. MUlar. Wm. James. S47 262 Milleid. ' Abraham John Edward 348 202 1-22 222 216 255. •^^—^ 15 248 435 264 382 121 348 Sir Thos. Oliver 348 Gustavus Hamilton Edw. Stanley 382 259 //•'«. 432 116 Moggridge. John Nicholas 447 Miniussir. Chailes Charles Stuart Colin Matheson UD. Thomas 217 Milles.. James Miles St.igan. Midgley. William Meyer. Arthur John George Alderson 273 382 156 George Bryan A. 157 way 97. George Na^ 195 than Middlemore. George Wat Meyler. Wm.MD. Miles Smith382 Moller. Elliot Moeller. Archibald. Chas. F. Thomas Walter 270 Charles Champion iMinchin. Mildmiiy. Shepherd 382 Milnes. Egerton Cha. Francis Vanderlure 38f Moffitt. J'hn De W'inter Milman. de Mew. Benjarr. Andrew. John Chrislophe Molson.' Jndax. George Alexander 40. 297 Money. Cha. S 248 Kenneth Mackenzie E. Bowland Moffatt. .205 382 153 James W.CP. 250 Michel. 1 hoinas Midivood. John F. 53. Edward 94. Nicola Meurant. Augustus Wra. &\r Henry John. Thomas Henry 347 Thomas John 271 Thomas Peter 450 382 Robert 196 263 Miller. 114 Miles 61. George 120 347 son Meynell. Richard Minto.in Midwinler. James Clephane 194 259 James Clephane Ron. Chas. Carr 63 382 Milne.Wm. Lewis Wat227 William 194 son Meyrick. CB. Henry Seymour 200 John. 234 Molesworth. 61. de Berkeley 131 IMinnitt. Milne.lames. 113. Donald Dugald Stewart Dugald Stewart Fiennes S. 203 Michell. Falkner William 127 Wm. H. Evelyn 223 Monckton. St. KC. Henry Robert 53. MD. 283 William Moleyns. Charles de Milner. 624 Metrovich. 227 Thomas 150 Henry 190 Mii. Charles Fred. Hugh A. Charles Charles James C'onJohn. Calder 114 Molony. 129 James A. Chailes 31 Henry W^m. Chas. James Miller. Manners jNIitchell. Jas. Arthur Marquhard 194 William 191 Milward. Alexander 145 130 182 Monnieffe. 50 227 Thos. John Yerbury 158 Frederick 285 382 Mogridge. Dobson Geo:ge John —— Thos. CB. Hon. CB. Archibald INIiles. 218 Mills. R. Joseph Dinham 251 247 Monck. Thomas W. Edvvard John Robert Wm. James Prichard 141 Wm.'Bf. 347 382 259 298 432 434 452 293 347 213 382 158 119 50 232 Frederick 272 Frederick 382 Gavin 421 George George Gumming 205 231 George Murray 254 George Thomas 137 James 141 James Boyd 123 John 309 John.] 450 101. Humphrey 382 382 John Olaus 201 326 Molloy. Frederick Moffat. 144 12. Robert Fred 243 Middleton. Henry 7 421 Misseti. John 235 John 421 447 447 33. 348 — Fred. 269 Alex. Edw. MB. Nassau 178 270 Lockwood James 158 Wilbraham Digby 274 Rich. Edward John William Meuron. 348 John Philip Percy Mockler. Viev HilTi. 308 382 George John 38 Monins. Vlosse. James Hale • Morgan. Edward. Stewart 348 William Monsell. Joseph de 210 James 176 Thomas. 312 Henry Alexander 382 Philip Augustus 157 Henry . William Mostyn. 203 145 Morant. 348 Thomas Charles 209 Cotton 293 Alexander Rich. 216 34 270 Monis.268 Giitfiih Jeffrey Herbert John 234 W. Charles 382 Robert Giles. Fletcher Jas. Hon. Moore. Robert de 166 50 Robert Montgomerie. 173 348 Hans John Charles Downie 294 382 170 284 306 114 112 J. Geoffre Augr. 254 382 150 Roger Savage Thomas Mothe.256 Edgar 114 Moorsom. Fielding Wm. 132 164 Moorhead.de 175 Moorhouse. MD. Whileford Rich. Edw.112. 274 Hugh 139 William George Hugh Parker 212 14 VVm. George 382 411 Charles Benj. Rdxborough B. de la 174 178 451 .D. M. George Richard Clement 283 Morel. Chas. Alex. MD. Charles Carew de 219 Wilmot Horton 271 Moreton. Francis Du Pr6 . CB. MD. 256 nthony George A 206 George 415 George Manners 124 George Frederick 235 Godfrey CharlfS 143 Henry 348 Hill Faulconer 179 Henry 307 Hugh 348 Henry Edward 186 Monro. MD.VilliersSankey 186 Samuel James 126 William 382 Moseley. 33. 232 Jas. 436 Morle. Barry S40 Thomas Thomas 298 89. James Adolphus 382 187 James Guy Piers 240 David Arthur 102. Geo. Ham|den Cle411 ment Blamiie 284 Morehouse. M. Peter Jas. Robert Henry Edward 97. Auchmuty 56. Evelyn 194 — Edward Lacy Morphy. 141 Moor. 183 434 George Alexander Robt.Harthals 260 161 John Wardrop Willoughby Joshua John 382 88 Nicholas 293 Horace William Rich. 307 Monleuacli. 284 Montanaro. John 411 Mortimer. Anderson 382 Anderson 348 Mortashed.525 Index. Brooke 113 Edwin 164 M. Arthur Charles Henry Edmund KinucaneC/3. 87 James. 150 William Robi. Hassell Rich. '— Robert 177 MD. Theodore 166 Hiin.151 Thomas Alexander Geo. David. Horatio Harbord 220 Henry William 269 William Samuel 145 Moody. Bythesea 348 William Picton 232 Morion. 113 263 Richd. Thomas IMould Montresor. Herbert Henry 193 Mosley. Godfrey Goodman Pentyre 171 Moss. G.Van. Briiihwaite 434 p:dward 98. 205 Robert Blackall Willoughby 54. Arthur G. John John 326 John 410 Montagu. Thomas Forsyth 308 348 Thomss Maitland 213 Henry 193 William Fred. Bury Lambert Lyons M'Leod 316 232 Wm. Cornwallis. Jas. Geo. 126 'ihomas 117 113 Montgomery. J. George P.Tohn 421 184 436 John George 88 John Leslie 185 Jas. Cha. 40 Moses 382 Moore. Alexander 161 156 Kredeiick Robert 275 251 Fieiierirk 428 Samuel 382 Stuart Patrick. D. H. Ch. Henry Browne Hen. Alex. John 421 Monteford Spread 210 Thomas 112 382 215 Thorn as Thomas Kyd Morice.117 Edmund 241 248 Henry Josephl00. Blontgomery 127 Morewood. Alex. John Wm. Middleton 166 410 Robert Wm. Richard 382 382 Wm. Joseph Edward 166 Thos. Yorke 67. 253 Fred. James 256 125 Montmorency. Charles James Morshead. 326 Edward Francis 348 6 Evan 348 Frederick 348 Cnurtenay Fred. William 410 IMorgan. 297 348 Samuel Timothy Ussher Lee Uilliam 181 297 143 272 421 114 William VVilliain William John Morrison. John 348 Morley. Alex. 311 Rob. MD. Han. Henry CB. C. Chas. Lawtie Morse. Peter 249 231 Isaac 183 Monson. Wm. Charles 431 319 Chas. 138 148 James T. Algernon T. 162 Anthony 247 E. James. 167 William Sim. . R. Tlios. K. Hender 212 William VVm. John Lealand Arthur 138 297 Mudge. Nankivell. CB. William Vesey 175 327 Wm. Martin Mouat. 160 209 175 348 Kenneth 270 Moubray. James 156 George F. 249 383 Nash. Philip Donald Harvey 143 382 Frederick Musgrove. Charles Mulock. Thos. 64. CB. 176 Sir Wm. 191 James George Matthew 113 434 William 421 Neligan. McCarthy 255 Munus. Arniine Simcoe 434 Adam Walker Henry. Peter Dalj'. Nelson. I'^astwood 178 Mount Charles. CB. Charles Godfrey 348 99. John. . 193 Charles 193 348 Charles Robert 113 Mulcaster. Llewellyn. Horace 259 99. Josepl Alexander Henry 273 113 Mowatt. Charles Reginald 194 Mould. Bingham Henry George 152 Edward 348 George 92. Fred. Augustus Hoti. F. Erskine. John 237 271 327. 383 383 175 273 383 Nangle. 145 Murton. Lawrence 411 Aug. KCB. 61 Johnstone 226 Sir Robert 1 12 Tbos. CB. MD.526 Moite.453 159 123 Neame. 311 . William 239 Muter. Zachary Charles 92 Muir. Wm. Alexander Aber- cromby John Clarke . Muriel. Daniel Francis 383.382 Murray. KCB. Herbert Vaughan 248 172 John 246 John Mundy. James Charles Dundas 297 Duncan Campbell 383 D. James Florence James Pulteney 297 Mundell. C. James ' Nantes. MD. MD. 254 38 Rich. Mottley. 335. Edward 382 Kenneth 204 Thomas Rodk. John Joseph 1 Llewellyn Henry T. . CB. 9. Freeman 98.319 Naper. 173 Edward Denne Nares. Earl of iMiah William 232 Mount Edgcumbe. E. Hon. Arthur 140 Neill. Thomas Edmunds 222 Plantagenet 64. MD. ConoUy. T. Maingy 201 296 Murdoch. 12 249 255 296 383 200 326 383 180 296 134 MD.315 Murphy. Alexander 327 Murtagh. John David Mortimer 216 421 Mulliolland. Andrew 432 Denis.151 Edw. Rodney Mylius. Fredeiick Thos. Nembhard. Ihomas L. 254 Geo. Graham • —— IMichael Richard Richard J. \Vi Munter. Geo. William 70. 10. 33. 91 235 Home. Stewart James Fred. A. Rawlings 382 Moulin. John Fred. George William 227 Bleweit 92. 436 Mullaiky. Andrew du 383 George Mounsey. Mytton.117 239 Alexander 269 Kobt. William Mure. 149 123 Blood Charles 235 Mulville. 1 hos. Earl of 117. Charles Covell Neave. P. John Lord Jas. Wm. 451 Nicholas 326 James 260 421 James Mullins. Peter de la. Frederick 333 Alexander 382 MountforJ. 3fZ>. Henry John Campbell 38 204 Musgrave. James M. Tho. 10. Nayler. George. Henry Colton Augustus Wm. Kenneth Robt. Mylne. MD. MD. Charles Abney Index. Charles 86 421 Mulhall. Dunbar Douglas 212 Gower 163 Muttlebury. 112 George Thomas. Alex.315 Muskett. Henry 168 Wm. 21/D.312 Munro. 184 George V. Adam Mountain. Innes Colin 50 112 124 John •Geo. Melville. James 89 309 William William 383 William. George Henry Walter C. Frederick 449 348 Murchison. Campbell 308 Edward H. Pritzkr Henry 231 451 348 Jost Henry 446 Ludewig Von James 285 86. Richard 383. Ernest 254 Wra. Frederick 348 383 421 411 283 191 434 113 . Charles Naylor. Heniy. Charles 223 161 William Robert 268 Need. Frncs. George 161 James 118 Henry. E. 180 Myers. Wm. 434 A. Henry Henry John J. John Freeman 60. 449 Frederick Henry 140 152 Fred. Devereux Herbeit William Harper Nagel. • 348 247 306 Mylrea. Charles Scarlin George James Sadler Neale. Edw. John Martin Bladen — 95. 434 56 Godfrey Charles Samuel Hood 96. 224 114 MuUer. 326 348 Mullen. Thomas Andrew 90 Robert Miller 284 Lumsden 136 William Munnings. CB. Elers 53. Nason. 13 Wm. Arundell Wyndliam Nedham. Thomas Willis 383 George 134 George Granville Mussenden. G. 256 268 Pierrepont Hen.217 447 Fred. Charles James 233 141 John. MD. 311 Mylius. Burn 136 Mould. C. D. 348 Mounsteven. William Dutfon 162 Napier. Thomas 383 Nelson. James Stirling 283 Mure. 348 HL^nry Radford 161 James 383. son 296 Hodges 427 Nisbet. 327 Robert 348 John 181 William 383 John Terence 434 Wm.1 John William Brook 223 415 Joseph William Brook 348 285 Norton. KFL 38 Charles 113 Noicott.D. James Poole.Sneyd 114 Nesfield. Augustus 348 John 201 13 Edward Thomas 383 Gustavus 9. Geo.ge 253 348 Newell. DickenGeo. John 253 436 Newcombe. Charles Sereison William Smith 194 Nickle. William Newland.160 Nivison. Albert Griffin James Nicholelts. Era. Paule Harris 383 Francis Percy 100. W^m. Hampden 348 Nortlicote. Thomas W.. 436 Norbury. Newport. 126 O'Brien. George 383 Newbolt. 15 John Henry 176 Nicolas. Jas. John James 214 Nicolls. Thos. Lavallin 97. Sir Robert. Andrew 129 Oliver 153 Cha. 138 Noel. John Arata 236 Nolloth. Charles Fitz Joseph Roy 348 Nial. 285 Nicolson. George 294 Henry 348 John 52 Nicholson.192 Huntley 113 John Geo. W. Marcus A. Soulden 97. James.ydston — — — Sir Robert ert LydLvd- ston. Bt. P. John Nicholas. MD. Lew. Nepean. George Nev\digale. 51 Nooth. Robert 383 348 Noith. Frost 114 233 Nutting. Tho. Mervyn 180 Nisbett. Stewart 199 Noble. William . Andrew 273 William Halt 285 Oakes. N. Simon George Newton. Peter Brames 293 Gates. Le. 348 Nestor. Fred. Bulkeley 297 383 Nulhall. 249 Noott. 141 MD. 207 Lewis Edward 141 Geo. ConingsbyN. Wm. B. Richard William Henry 215 Newhouse. Charles 146 — William 235 275 Nowlan.schalfer. Charles Napier 211 348 Joseph P. Lewis StafTord 190 348 Northey. Glascoit Hibbert Horace Parker John John Thomas Charles Walter William James William Samuel 145 190 218 383 270 258 383 383 383 134 60.D. Win. MD. . Lofius Winnielt 232 Aithur 253 Loftus John 251 411 John Isaac William Edward 166 Muriay Octavius 269 William John 235 Thomas 430 Nuig. Arthur William Newman. H. George Henry 1'. T. Alexander Naih. Wilbraham 177 229 John Lewis Augustus 112 38. Edward • 286 Grey 125 Henry Draper 151 Hon. Patrick. Charles Giantley 203 Lothian Ralph 383 James Roy 348 383 Richard Edward 240 177 Nolt. James Neu. 113 George 113 Nicoll. Bartholomew 229 NortlifFe. Alfred de Hochepied William 163 Nesbitt. 252 Donough 100. 434 Christopher E. Norcliffe.315 Nic. P'rancis 274 Robert Henry Newburg. Geo. Geo. Geo. Edward 252 Cilastonbury /iiifi. Henry 51 William Coape 348 Henry Stephen 348 Obert. J. Sherbrook David 236 Ramsay 94.iliiy. 212 Roger 41 Brinsley. David 114 James 187 WilFrancis Henry Morgan 436 liam 274 Walter 383 Henry 383 Walter George 184 327 F. Joseph 210 Newcninen. I. 147 Neynoe. Brent Nevill.'Uenry Aid145 worth Robert 154 Newall. KH. Charles E 449 163 116 223 150 nest F. Brinsley. 238 Norman. Francis Harry 295 O'Beirne. George 217 Newenham. George Sherman 238 Nixon. William Andrews 383 348 Nesham. KH. 96. John 451 William Richmond Nurse. ill. 209 348 Robert IMurphy Cha. Chas. Finlayson 434 Nunn. Camac 348 Newbury. Frederick 243 John T. Hume 38 Norris. Hen. Thomas 121 St. 431 William 421 Christ.1 527 Index. 411 Nightingale. Arthur A. Alex. John 227 Oakley. Alfied 241 Jas. Aug. Charles Perrott 199 Charles Joshua TufTStephen 87 nell 152 Nolan. Stephens N.331 Francis 434 George Herman 208 Henry H. John 113 William Frederick Wm. Fercy Neville. Edmund 383 243 197 156 348 114 127 — — — — ' . William Edwall 244 348 Nevifbery. Hamilton NichoU. 148 Henry Rich. Charles John Edward 435 William 224 Edward James 12 John 91.281 Nugent. George 197 Richard Serrell 316 Henry Albert 225 Terence 57 Nicholls. Nicolls 222 Norris. 97 151 242 Charles Rayner 88 165 Charles Cecil 348 133 John l. Fred. Sir Charles 16 Routledge John Vize 178 John 436 Michael 161 327 P. Christ. \Vm. Orlando Robert 179 Page. 291 A.acey 228 O'Shea. 149 180 Henry Philips 284 Pliipps ^'ansittart 383 ~. Freeman 181 Martin O'Callaglian. Wm.117. Francis O'Halloran. Geo. Walter Rice 243 George Toddington OConnell. Montague 270 Wm. 165 Ummanney.298 114 Sir John.Powlelt 193 O'Grady. 236 383 Oughlon. William 316 John Coote 312 Owen. iCCB. 150 James 383 Richard Horner 218 26P John William Robert 383 Owen Lloyd 99. CB. MB. George Hyde Hamond 122 411 Robert 191 Oi me. 267 348 Sir Loftus William. 2 O'CallagLan. William 170 O'Donneli.Sir John. 213 448 Ottley. Coghill Glendwr 113 von 448 Otway. Kean 348 Olivey. John Alex. Wm. George 187 Robert Hassall Stephen ' Pagan. Oxenden. Maxwell 194 M.282 Ozanue. 315 383 Wm. John Edward 92. MD. John John William 421 383 Padfield. Christian 447 O'Flahertj. Richard John Ross 168 O'Dell. Edm. Beauchamp Orpen. John M'Culloch D. Redman 55. Piicaiin 117. 254 Maui ice 383 311 Nicholas. Arthur John Carew Louis Aug. 316 Paille. Henrv 197 Maxwell Otter. Anthony ^Arthur Oldershausen. James William O'Hea. John Augustin John Field 273 139 86 John 233 220 Oldright. Richard Jas.158 269 3-19 418 171 383 209 349 383 90 40 232 Fredeiick 348 Lord Geo. William Henry Aithur 348 264 Outram. James 383 Ormsbv. Campbell 452 Loftus Orange. John O'Hara. Henry Dunn 69. Fran. M. Luke Sm)th 69. MD. Purcell Wm. Charles 228 Oehlkers. D'Arcy G. O'Conor. 119 Ogle. Rodney Payne 227 ^\'illlaIn Boyd 4i8 Thomas 411 O'Meara. Bart. 145 Wm. James. 221 Orlebar. Francis 383 Hon.A'/f. Carleslon 113 Hon. James O'Kelly. Bernard Henry 190 436 Packe. Charles Vernon 286 O'Gorman. Charles 1 iscotiut 112 Ovens. Thomas Connor. Alfred Robert 348 Augustus William Frederick William Craven Harry St. O'Neill. Edmund 283 Brooke Joseph P.315 39 205 Robert Ord. Armstrong 274 James 427 Ogilvy. Olpherts. John 451 Pack. Franz. Charles Chas.628 Index. William Edward 205 Oliphant. Aithur Edward Henry Cha. Cunlift'e 60. Augustus Howard 348 59. Newenham 248 229 Rob. Andrew 383 Ogilvie. de Courcy 216 421 Packelt. C. 272 Thomas Henry 181 Oir. C has. Austin Peter Sir William 178 Thomas 178 Osborne. Alexander. Knox 415 O'Keefe. Albrecht von 59. 15 293 KH. Robert O'Malley. George 274 327 J. von Oldershaw. MD. Charles CB Charlton 7.265 Osborn. James Henry 383 58 Ouselej. Lord Alfied Wm.28] JNIacaitney Hume 204 Richard Oldham. Charles J. Fied. W. 383 O'Brien. Lewis 95. 131 Henry Michael 383 Leopold Grimston 270 James 112 Patrick L. John 90 Ordon. 239 239 326 112 Hugh S'. Orr. 242 Orde. Hussey Henry William Stand. Westropp 383 Odell. Alfred Job 284. David 383 James 176 John. James 225 O'Leary. R. Edward Oldfield. Peter Francis 307 Sewell 383 Pain. O'Donoghue. John 427 418 233 326 117. Wm. Samuel Alex. John Wm. Nathaniel Wilmot 14. George 291 Thomas Charles 348 Pakenham. William 326 O'Toole. Omjiteda. 184 Thomas 67. MD. Creagh 210 John 383 MB. John William 1 270 Rii. O'Leary. Edward 202 Oliver. Bernard Richard 383 383 James 165 John 445 Charles 434 James. Herbert Lewis 130 Robert Hyde William Henry 176 161 Paget. 286 O'Reilly. Anthony AMred 446 348 272 269 166 John. Charles Henry 273 Onslow. Dudley 91. Henry Aime John Bruce Rich130 Ovans. Daniel 162 IMorgan James 152 O'Loghlin. Geo. Hy. Edw.hard O'Connor. Donatus 183 John 434 307 Patrick. Atisr. Cliailes L. John Francis 411 306 126 270 Owles. John 256 O'Flyn. 310 O'Flanagan. 33. John 112 Ouvry. Denis Wm. Andrew Spotswood . 112.292 William 232 383 Patience. Ernest von Paul. Charles Wm. 349 415 Paske. T. James Frederick 67. George Frederick Pannach. 384 113 Henry John Evans 133 259 John Horndon 295 Henry James Wellington l-egh Richmond 156 Henry 226 Thomas 384 William 434 James 98. Gratweike 274 Edward Octavius 295. Laird 243 815 54 Pattisoo. George 418 Geoige. Ariliur Watson 308 Parr. 114 \\ illiam 349 Cooke Tylden 349 \Villiam Buck CarWm. Charles 383 Pannell. CB. Charles Barker Hamnett 293. Lygon Parkinson. Alexander 384 294 Richard Augustus 193 Roger 12. F. 255 Chas. Christ. 12. CR. Wm. Henry 56. Arthur Charles 243 Charles Allan 293 James. BridL^es. Charles 59. 207 450 217 112 Thomas Henry William Heniy 163 Paiilet. Hillebrant Mered.245 John Williams 384 Henry 157 William 183 — 1 Patterson. 41 112 Palling. George Dupre 213 William 204 Payne. M. CB. Charles William Meadows 349 Fred. Thos. hend Thomas Goodricke 236 Warren William Richard 384 Peake. 88 349 Richard Wm. Win.298 62 Henry Wm. 238 Charles 421 383 Samuel Edward James 270 14 Tho. 136 156 Parlour. KH. Thos. Hodges 230 thew Augustus Tylden 349 272 Patterson. 143( Wdliam. MlJ. John Quin Parish. Conslaatine John 428 384 270 James Edw. Charles William 133 Geo. George Wm. John Bawden 92 Charles John Parkinson.274 William Palliser. David William 268 George 121 Joshua 139 Peach.267. Robert Pattle. 114 450 Panatiierij Joseph Thomas 312 451 Paschal.265 Ed W. William 418 Palmer. John Folliott 436 Gallway Byng 293 Henry Lavington 135 John 146 Peter Trant Murray 293 Aug. Wm. A. 113 Peaise. Edmund Kdward Despard 349 291 211 Wm. William 131 Pears. Fldward Hazelfoot Pardey.D 254 George John 167 Henry 253 Thomas 38 Wm. CB.181 Paty. John homas 421 307 William Sam. John Staflford 113 Richard 118 Pattenson. Wm. 298 Paterson.Augustus 69. r. 171 David Aikman 255 Edward. 281 Thomas 291 Charles 284 217 William Ker Georue Malcolm 273 295 Passy. George 432 John Carroll 384 Peacocke. Pakenbam. 256 349 William Henry 184 John 163 Parsons. George Shuldham 171 Richard MacCuUoch 161 Peareth. Samuel 114 Charles 432 Thomas 256 Clias. 217 Saintbury Fred. Fred. Alex. James Pred. CB. Charles Charles Knight 298 349 182 . Tho. Towns349 Paynter. Henry 61. Fred. 292.1 629 Index. 312 100 Peard. Charles Pattisson. Thomas 96. Hon. Herbert Winsloe 270 178 Henry Betliuue John 54. John Papillon. James 31 Payo. Wilson 213 James Brodie 102. Chas. Edward 193 428 James 155 244 George Hubert George 384 167 Patrickson. Edw. Paiullo. Peaison. C. 13 Wm. John 146 100 Robert 384 349 Biook William Parlby. 117 Patton. CB. Walter Douglas 70. 147 Lord William Archibald Fred. Logan 215 William 224 James 89. 154 223 James Paiker. George William Hen. 54 334 Payler. CB. Clifford John Reynolds 244 6') Fred. W. Aichihald 349 Thomas 10. Adams 175 Nicholas (iother Mann Reginald Guard 256 257 59 Guy Reynolds 411 137 Richard Tapper Roger 384 421 Robert Mann Samuel 285 198 Partridge. Hen. Pearce. John Kenyon Stevens 383 30 JNlichael 384 Patson. Thos. Temple 209 Francis Roger 158 Parry. Townsend. George William. 434 221 Charles Wm. 264 Patile. Paik. Paton. Adams. Edm. Patzinsky. James Lord Fred. MD. Sir Chas. William Wilton Parke. 57. 226 Phillipps 349 Patloun. Robert 66 Pascoe. KCB. Qiiarlley Parratt. Henry Woodbine 196 180 114 Pasley. Joseph 15 Edward 349 Thomas 14. Charles Doyle 161 Parkin. H. Charles Cecil Lennox 118 271 137 William Edmund 384 John 384 Edmund 384 Percy. Wm. Edmund 298 Thomas 133 Perceval. P. Thomas Pec!. 180 Richard Leckonby 92 Pemberton. ell. James Farrell RcharJ Arthur.316 Samuel 121 Penrice. Edmond H. Croft on 172 63. 147 231 Phillimore. Dudley 158 226 Walter 242 Phipps. John 286 George 130 Thomas Wm. GorRobert 384 275 don Douglas 116 Pictet. Francis Joseph Hon. Hooke 90 Penrose. Frederick J. Pelley. 309. Henry 264 William 291 Philpot. Wm. James John Lewes 241 Peevor. MA. James Fielder 384 Pennefather. Sampson John Alex. Earnest Le Blakeney Charles Beau227 434 mont Pelly. 38 Paul Andrew L. Thomas Estwick 436 sittart 173 John 349 Frederick Oswald Petre John Lysaght. Robert 421 Perry. Charles Burch 190 Robert Moore 132 421 James Winsloe 349 Spencer 349 Perkin. MD. John 121 197 James Edward 269 John Henry 273 384 Richard Lavite AVilliam Coles 285 Peirse. S. James White Richard Lyons 114 John Kingston 349 Otway 158 Wm. MD. David. Herbert Newton 284 411 Thos. George Charles 218 Paul Winsloe 270 349 239 Phillott. Henry 67. John Alex. William Douglas 178 272 434 MD. 185 John William John 327 Reginald 349 Peretti. Algernon Wm. Brough 145 Peebles. Algernon Penfold. 115 Phibbs. Charles 455 Penleaze. 126 CB. 33. Edward 134 274 Horace Peel. Hen. Keating William Cecil George 349 241 AVilliam 113 Wykeham Leigh Wm. Rev. Philip Phillips. 163 William S. Augustus 335 Masterson D'Veber Phelips. Kdwin William 207 Penruddocke. Charles James Henry 384 Phillpolls. John 349 son 415 Pettingal. Dominico Antonio 450 Robt. Fra. 126 W'illiam Spencer 315 61. 65. Henry 162 Matthew 181 Martin 261 Richard Samuel 384 428 Pennell.267 272 Pennant. Edward Geo.630 Index. 117 Petrie. Henry William Pender. Jenny 294 Fetley. 170 212 Pester. John. John Maxwell. 449 384 Pfannkuche. 384 Pierce. Charles William 219 Hugh • • . George 349 Philips. Guglielmo Wm. Daniel William 191 Lawes 225 Frederick 384 Henry VanPetre. Thomas Alex. 118 Rowland. Prescott 326 Penny. Hon. Hugh 326 Francis 185 Robert Fryer 349 32 Manvers 64. Hon.Newton 70. Richard Pennyman. Nicholas. Henry Wm. 194 384 Robert 164 Perham. Patrick M'Leod 349 Wm. 298 Pengelley. Hon. Harloe 93. Chas. de Linne 384 Perrin. Thos. Arthur Lennox 203 275 Fred. John Pennington. 117 270 Richard Pennycuick. R. Henry Raymond 285 Perston. B. C. Arthur Thomas Peile. Francis Henry 384 156 Peter. John Wdliam 384 Phillipps. W^iUiam 241 William John 384 204 Pering. Henry 60. Jas. MasterPettat. George Harmer 312 John James William Henry 259 212 J. Edw. 384 Philip Pellew. Lovell 306 Pett.174 Pegley. Reynolds 253 Persse. William Mortimer 129 Frederick 236 237 Peuton.315. Thomas 162 Percival. CB. George 326 Pennington.384 Peyton Francis 250 Pearson. F. Hrm. 267 349 Pickard. 242 Raymond Richard 188 Pery. Hen. Francis 349 Francis Wm. 384 Petit. Charles Penrose 294 Philipps. C. Josslyn 350 Francis 242 Peyton. Armand Jaques 35 Peto. CB. Nathaniel George 198 Peddie. Henry 209 John Keane 273 58 Penn. Edward Pellatt. Fred. Edward 263 Pickering. Joseph 273 384 Matthew 112. Hen. George Bownell 349 Peckett. George 274 Henry 3S4 229 Pepper. Joseph 326 326. H. C. Harvey Bathurst 203 Percivall. Charles Denison 190 Pepys. 292. 133 418 Pepyat. 339 Peyton. Lewis Wm. Theobald James Geo. 101. 128 Petlder. 242 Peers. G. 326 384 James 294. 144 Jonathan 160 Robert Jocelyn 384. velyn Hen. 13. Savenode Pitcairn. Towley Pinniger. Fred. Kincaid. Arthur John Fredeiick 234 Sampson Henry Piilans. 5'irGeorge. Etienne de Piatt. de 384 Poole. (Joventry Pode. 267 John H. O'Neil James 450 16 349 Sir Jeffery 1 12 Joseph Samuel MD. Waiter 154 Powys. Thomas Ponchalon. Alliert Pilleau. Charles Walter 225 Poussin. Chicheley Plowman. E. Charles Highmore 66 Wm.1 531 Index.316 Robert Pitman. William MD. Fred. GCB. CB. Brooma 384 113 Pinson. Frederick Wm.C. Dawson lion. Littleton 102.138 George Robert 315 Poley. F. 145 liight Him. 41 Precorbin. C. Arthur Cunliffe 112 Van Poulden. Wm. 211 Poyntz. James 113 James 154 George 114 Portal. Charles 51 Charles Compton 62. CB. iN de 450 Pond. Henry 274 212 349 Wm. George Fiederick Weller 171 247 Polhill. Francis Plant. 54 384 John W^illiam Thomas Crawford 228 225 Wellington William Halstead 174 William Halstead 349 Pooley. 434 Sam. Ilcn. Silvain de Prendergast.dw. IMontresor 349 270 384 384 248 Pocklington. 69. Chilley 384 Pinhey. Dean Pitts.208 Poulett. 98 George Henry Pocock. Pincknev. Matthew 128 Henry. Plenderleath. Wm. Aug. Bt. Augustus 446 Charles 449 Conrad 446 . Geo. Sloper Robt. J. MD. Pike. Sidney 66. Henry Hon. Thos. Pigott. Wm. William Podmoie. John 295. Pleydell. Thomas Henry Wm. G. Baltbazard 411 Powell. F. Conrad 181 Potter. 349 Craw- 189 384 Pottinger. Hungerford 205 Thos. Giuseppe de CMG.Greenshields. Robert Graham William 384 Pollard. Henry 312 112 Polwheie. John Bunce 218 Piikington. 225 87 George 126 Philip Pindar. Charles D. Charles Rowley John Playfair. 411 120 Andrew Wm. Horace 70. Amias Walttr 37 William Edward 4 Power. Pinwill. Marq. George Pollock. Puretoy 292 349 Pilgrim. Jn. 237 Richard 196 William 183 Wm. Jas. Aug. Fred. Wood- forde Planta. Rob. John 180 Manley 57. Robert 131 Porter. Charles 135 Edward Shawe 213 Hon. Wni. George 89. Jas. Thomas Pipon. Sir James. MD. Saltan Pilliug. 166 124 Pine. Lenox 229 129 . Thomas Plumrner. Poe. Stackliouse Church 178 53 197 Piper. if(iji. Henry 384 Henry Edward 35 Henry Richard 274 John 219 John Fortescue 114 John Hall 411 Joshua Henry 312 Robert 384 Whiiworth 285 William 349 William 421 Porleous. — ford 349 173 146 Poultoii. Folliot 157 Tho. Alexander 349 Portlock. 307 450 167 113 384 50 293 113 384 326 151 Sidney '349 Thomas Richard 384 Pocklington. C. 51 263 263 193 Andrew Geo. 176 112 Pogson. Wtn. Richard 446 307 349 169 Potgieter. James Ruthven 113 Ponsonby. Sharpe 189 Poten. CB. 194 Valette Hon Ashley John 145 George Geo. de. Wm. Waldearrave 159 Thomas 411 Pole. KH. 166 James 190 384 James Bruce John 114 Peter 349 Tho. Uobt. E. Kennard 384 92 270 113 Philip Gosset Tiionias Piro. Thomas Wm. Arthur Ridgway 176 James 89 Pratt. L. George Dean 297 232 Henry Hon. William 219 Aug. Baker Plowden. CB. Richard Mathews Notten 55. Sir Poelt. 264 Charles Vannotten 145 Edward 59. Comyn Lawrence John Francis PilcLer. 218 GCB. 185 Hen. Ayrault. Geo. H. 282 Poten. Charles. 135 Egerton James 157 Francis Edward 286 George 312 Henry Hamilton 246 James 349 John 187 Richard 384 Robert 192 • 1 • Roberts Torrens 236 Thomas Simson. James Tyrone 307 Powers. Arthur Edw. William Plunkett. 298 134 Robert Pope. Charles Thomas 200 Francis Graham 122 Geo. 265 Wm. Oswald Pillon. Charles 113 Poore. Charingbold 315 Hen. Henry 68. 434 Poison. Connolly 112 Henry Frederick 96. 99. 112 William 257 William Paul 349 PoUck-Morris. 125 430 MD. Conrad 37. Potts. G. William Pitt. Robett Aiihur J'igou. 145 Pontcarre. Joseph Ellison 60. John 421 Pownall. John 198 310 113 222 415 Pilsworih.292 David 421 Edward James. 95. F. 94. 315 Wm. Arthur Saunders 261 George Nelson 114 Thomas Prendergast James 297 203 J. 196 Edward Schaw 291 Prettejohn. Pyrke. CB. Charles 114 Quill. P. Alex. Watson 349 189 Robert R. FiizRoy James Henry. Wilson John Weech Ranken. Octavius 384 Prickett. Gar. 434 Horatio 176 Richard 436 JohnOwen Jones. Henry George Rand. Wm. Granville William 185 George Phipps 315 141 Thomas VVra. Bruce 384 Prevost. Bridges Richard 349 William R. James 326 Rankine. Paul Fred. W. B. Charles Robert 66 G. Robert Orr 421 Philip 183 Quantrille. Geo. CB. C. Sidney Godolphin J. Arthur 230 Robert Wynne 166 Puxley. Griint 113 Pritchard Edward 296 Prenderville. Josiali 428 184 Prynn. 273 228 Prosser. John Wm. David 349 139 269 Edward Tobias 350 GeorL.173 John 113 John Skarden 113 Robert 114 Thomas 349 Beville Thomas Warton William Fermor Ramsbottom. KCH. Piideaux. Edward RamsEdward Lawes 295 den 176 Frederick George 296 Frederick J. P. . John Henry 260 Gerald 114 1^9 Prentis. Edward Barker 184 Pfobart. D. George George Randall. MD. Henry James 256 James 124 Wm. Robert Keat217 Pritchard. Francis George 247 157 Prest. John 307 Pulliblank. Augustus Frederic 250 . G. 421 John William Geo. Geo. Henly 30 Raines. Charles 237 Puget. 311 226 Pryre. David 384 Rapcr. Chas. John 12 130 John Norcliffe CB. Henry Adolphus. Charles 384 Raitt. M. de 99 D. Thomas Hon. Geo. 194 Quaile. E. Taylor Henry C. Henry. Pnllexfen 171 Rae. Henry '1'. Francis 349 George 261 Pynn.453 195 Protheroe. ing Thomai 114 92 Quin. John Clay. William 384 Pym. Fred. 201 122 John Griffith John Home 98 349 Purvis. Wm. GCB. Smith 179 Rambaut. 326 Ralph. KH.Sn. Walter 52. Jacob 446 Raikes.Index. William 421 Raglan. John Edw. MD. Fred. MD. John Lavallin 132 434 Pycroft. VViUoughby 273 James 201 Oswald deLancey 227 John Peier Valentine Price. Cooper 411 Priaulx. Charles Prichard. Parker 269 Wm. H. Melville 227 Priestley. Pliilip 384 John Andrew 273 Purnell. 265. Joseph 349 Ramadge. Haswell 432 Prior. W. Charles Edward 177 Probyn. De I\I<intmorency 138 Thomas Maurice 256 Lodge Morris MurQuin. 250 John B.Henry. 14 Henry Garner 95. 8. Thos. W. 174 236 William Robt.281. William 349 John Pye 207 Piidham. 325 Ragueneau. B. William 349 Rainier. Richard Buck449 140 Prott. 632 Prior. Victor. 273 186 Robert Henry Rob. George Randolph. Charles Rice 50 Richard Blackwood 269 Herbert M. John 312 Ramsay. 242 John Banner 307 Purves. Robert George 306 205 249 148 386 302 262 349 145 434 285 Ranie. ley Pretyman. John Rolle KCH. 260 Rainsford. — —— 207 Raban. Julius Aug. 349 Jciin Henry 53 Qiiicke. Sir William. Wm. Lord.213 John 113 Rainforlh. John Bassett 295 William Preussner. Henry 163 John 12 Quentin. Batson Ramsden. Duncombe 116 217 Primrose. Robert 247 Rainey. Robert. William Stratton 223 ton Gibbons 250 Pringle. Fiennes Arthur 177 Colin 51 Quayle. James M. 349 Pyner. Arthur Charles Prout. Wyndham 114 145 114 222 Quincey. Bruce 295 182 Robt. Charles 428 Rahlwes. 326 Quigley. H. Charles MonkPrince. H. A. H. Victor 449 Puddicombe. Peter Edward 250 ray 415 Henrv Evans 180 MD • . Thomas Murray Prendergast. William Pitt Preston. Fred. Edw. 117 Purcell. Ryland 187 William Harry 167 Rainsforth. FitiWra.e Barringtoa 141 Purdon. Adam. R. Daniel 69. Fred. Alexander 220 Alexander 294 " BalcarresDalrympie Wardlaw 227 214 Fox Maule 207 Francis 349 James 113 James 96. John 384 Chas.204. Edw. Prescolt. Emilius Delme 240 Fred. Charles Edward 308 384 242 Henry John 432 Proctor. George William Radcliffe. 204 430 Piiest. 50 George 327 Pyper. K. Geo. Thomas 427 William 297 llafferty. E. TaubCharles 223 man 184 James 384 Queade. 326 Quartley. Henry Phipps 64 Rendell. Wm. Sydenham G. Parker 115 John 11 George Watkin 116 Rickman. Francis Robert 167 Thomas 350 235 Rettberg. Mannaduke Rich. John Deane 255 John Williams 350 Sylvester 385 Rezsin 188 Lawrence Wm. CKas. Alfred. Alfred Aug. James Clerk 242 Cha. Thomson. Wm.144 William 31 213 Reyne. Edm. David Field 291 John Henry 16 292 Edward Duncan Robertson 161 Marmaduke Nelson Read. Redly. Ern. Souaers 243 Renaud. Andrew Charles 385 Rennie. John Hart 385 Sir Wdliam. Leonard George 222 Henry Thos. 295 VVm. Eaidley 366 Rattraj. Poyniz 114 385 Rice. Duke Ready. KG. William 229 John 145 Thomas 187 Riddell. 169 272 Ravvnsley. Hanson William —— • ^— M j 1 • — • —— I 1 E B . Henry 148 Thomas 421 Chas. Peter Bennet 67.Edvv. Geo. John King Raye. Samuel David 213 Richards. Bradshaw York 112 Richardson. Jolm 114 436 Rawson. Sir William.Birch 55. Thomas Scott. Rawlinson. John Spencer 113 Reignolds. Alex. Cha. Archibald William Montagu Lyttleton3 Rickard. Hy. Samuel 179 William Chiis. Augustus 447 Frs. 135 Reid. Francis 253 Rechtern. John Dawson 35 Thomas 385 Fleetwood John 294 Rawjings. Borrelt -St.. 257 Herbert Taylor William 342 Jones Harper 250 Reynett. Thomas Thos. Thomas Matthew 385 114 John 34 Rhodes. Tho. S. 250 Redmond. Legge. John Patrick 213 Henry 349 James 385 Reece. John Withi-rslon 428 James Wm. Raveuhill. Whitworih Henry James. CB. Bait. 251 Lewis Buckle 385 Talbot 223 10. France 315 385 Henry Fullerton 449 Reynolds. Tho. John Gill 421 James 236 306 Renny. B. Thomas 291 Ricketts. Wm. Hamilton 206 38. George Hume Tristram Squire 212 Henry Cooper 310 Reynafdson. Charles 223 James 349 100. 349| George 308 235 Constantine Caridi 243 Renwick. George Rayner. Rich. William Wm. KCH. Vin. Arthur Maurice 229 251 James 316 Arthur Oswald 160 250 Richards Edwiii Fred. CB. Richard Burne 55. Philip 285 112 Keppeil Francis. Fer. James BuReeves. 251 246 Rickards. Sawvey 132 CB. 41 Thomas George 350 204 Henry 296 Thomas Bussett Thomas Bailey 191 Rawlins. 434 George Thome 133 Thomas. Chas. 243! Reinecke. Charles David 135 chanan 269 Geo. Frederick 178 William 350 John Vaughan CarGodfrey 246 William Henry 114 den 296 Rhys. John Sampson 350 385 112 Robert Jas. 450 Reed. KH. Geo. Sic Js.MO. George 274 Robert 192 Rftwdon. 249 Richter. Sir John. 130 VVm. X'CB. Rawstorne. Rowland 213 iyses271 George Wm. MD. Henry Piince 112 Thomas Lothian 385 434 Reveley. G. Leopold von Samuel 447 Thomas Fred. Martin 411 Varnham 90. ftlanners 270 Henry James 69. 90. Aug. Augustus 285 Rickford. Archibald 428 Wm. William 350 Ratcliff. Edw. MD. William 113 Wm. 112 282 Thomas Andrews 238 Wm. Adolphus 136 140 Kedmayne. CB. John Frederick 350 98. 114 Cecil 224 Richard Rodney 113 Reeve. Moseiey 428 Ray.236 Riach. William Powell 55. 385 Geo.335 of. Constantine 114. Frederick 225 Chas. 67. 236 — Thomas 411 Reuss. Turnbull 263 Mervyn 350 Raphael Woolman 203 William 165 Thomas 150 385 Retallack. 117 Ribton. Charles. Jas. 233 385 327 Francis 272 Henry John 309 Robert Taylor 174 Henry Laws 385 John George 350 Rea. 202 58 T. 114 Gilbert James 113 411 Reiidall. Henry 117.1 633 Index. Henry Robert 167 Isaac 88 Raymond.C. CB. Williamson 335 Reade. 190 Edw. Thos. 199 Richmond. 'i'homas 225 James 315 Raynes. William Stewart 194 140 Reader. KCB. 32. 256 266 -134 Joseph Cha. C. William IVlichael 113 432 Bern. Alfred 385 Matthew Benjamin Thomas 434 Charles Rodick 183 George 90. Evelyn 350 113 Richardes. John. Jolm \Vm. Henry Elrahirst 11. 157 Lewis Scott 385 Frederick Henry 284 William 113 Thomas 349 Henry 385 Ridding. Alex. 283 385 Donald 385 Oliver 66. 350 Frederick P. 432 Robson. Samuel Charles John C. Archbold Geo. Holt. Ridgwav. 256 Wra. Alex. 149 Robertson. Robert 185 • • • • • • • • .283 William 423 William Beveilej MD. John 157 Barrington Patrick Patrick 91 306 383 154 163 37 385 Edmund Francis La 185 95 447 Joseph 350 350 John 35 Rochfort. 446 Rivarola. James Robert Jamieson Rodney. George Brydges Eustace 212 Hoti. 254 Rogers. 14 Thomas C. A. 161 Peter Burton 113 William 411 Peter Henry 60 Wm. James 436 Alex. Henry Henry Bradley 295. 248 200 153 224 153 415 294 428 154 162 211 261 138 415. MD. Chas.149 Hiet. Henry Wood Rider. Hamilton Henry Archibald 204 Henrj 152 271 128 54. John Buck Richard Rideout. Gibbes 211 Rigby. Riddlesden. Daniel 93 John Edward 240 Rimington. Adam Frederick 241 James Henry 254 George AUeyne 256. 2S0 350 350 William 93. 224 Julius 326 Edward Cooke Richard 294. 212 Roch. John. Cornelius Chas. Henry 112 Robinson. William Pitt Robe. MD. - Tho. Henry George Sidney William Henry Gilbert Metcalfe William Henry Henry. Mortimer Robert Richardson Roe. Lord 35. MD. George 238 Theobald Pepper 155 308 William M. David 385 Robbins. Henry Bagshawe 88 155 Harrison Herbert 350 James Harwood 436 Richard 207 Richard Hill 432 Rodgers. James 385 Ritter. Thomas 150 Richard Worthing16. Count William Constantine 219 Rivers. J. Tho. Con. Alexander Henderson 350 Henry Jeffery 228 Rolland. Geoige Abercombie Thomas Law 239 William Reynolds 173 William 434 62. Riky. Wm. C. Archibald Redfoord. Charles 88 Ciiailes Robert 227 263 Rizzo. 236 Andrew 239 Isaac Byrne 385 308 Archibald 350 Philip James 264 3P5 Arthur Masterton 124 James 385 Rollo. Samuel 202 350 264 385 Robyns. James Stuart Robert Stuart 350 William Henry 230 Ridgway. Gerald 93 52 George 200 Gustavus Cov-per 113 182 434 430 350 Lewis Shuldham 195 385 153 415 212 270 John 385 Rocke.298 427 Owen 316 221 Fenton Robert Naylor 385 Peter 411 428 Frederic. Peter. Felice 263 Vincenzo Robb. Henry Tuffuel. Jas. MD. Fred. MB. 183 Robeson. CB. Hosmer 283 239 Ring. 315 316. Bertie Mathew 177 William James 181 Rofe. Vyvyan 294 163 George Richard Harcourt 411 Siapylion George Abercrombie Ridge. Duesberry Robinson. KH. Arthur Richard 269. Macdonald James Peter John. William Van der 385 Rigaud. Duncan George Gordon. Elphinston Jas. MD. CB. George 445 Roche. James 193 -John Hon. Barnham Thomas 31 Robertson. Benjamin 90. Cunningham Henry Kirwan 155 159 Hugh 194 Rolleston. BatnesSlj'field Jacob Glynn 241 112 385. Charles Boys< 311 tijnry Fred Henry James James James 385 91. 274 Henry Blanckley 298 Augustus Facey 428 Harrington 95.' Charles William Geo. Armstrong 350. 199 Riley. Samuel 385 327 S. Benjamin 434 John Hodder 201 308. Benjamin 228 Ritchie. George Noble John 55 MD. George William 385 ton 430 Wm.634 Index.234 Jas. Beverley John Francis 350 John 385 184 Charles Robert 244 John Thornton John 421 326 Douglas R. George 98. John. Patrick Patrick Alex. John 421 Ripley. Donald 112 Robert Edward Roberts. 383. VVm. William 385 Rising. John 350 John 101.250 Henry 307 William 179 Henry Edw.lohn Ridley. 144 William John 62. 35 Rokeby. Herman Hen. Samuel . Henry. H. William Francii Thomas Tarrant 199 Riordon. M'Kay 145 Archibald P. Roraer. Hen. KCB. William 263 William 112 Salamone. William Frederic William Jones 273 152 John 411 John Fred. Hen. Geo. 350 Rosser. George Frederick 142 Russel. Thomas Maude John 268 327 Henry Paget Bayly 411 Roy. HMgh 350 Rowan. John Oli222 268 ver Hugh Henry. Renjamin 252 Rouch. William 255 Ewen 385 Ricketts 253 St. William SydenRudland. les William 208 284 Rowles. Charles 257 Russwurm. Frederick Herbert 296 St. Archibald 198 Rous. Albert Krnest 156 196 297 192 Rybot. CB. Forward Downes 40 Robert William 428 Randall 61. Aldborough Rich. KCB 385 Rotti'nburgh. Andrew 285 John 274 159 Edward Andrew B St. Matthew Chilly Robert Lockhart 245 Rumiey. Matthew 385 William Hodnett William 385 Ross. P. 58 Ruck-Keene. Rossing. MB. Quintin. Charles William 10. C«. 255 St. Frederick von 153 Ross-Lewin. Thomas 385 252 Rosslyn. Charles C. Arthur John 385 Edward 436 Murdoch John MacJohn Henry 244 350 laine 136 Rudkin. Alexander MaxRoquefeuil. 13. Otto Henry 254 Runnacles. A. Browne 316 Rooke. 312 Rudge. Charles 36. de Thomas 101. Fred. Rolt. Geo. KH. Alexander James Hunter 350 113 Randolph 306 Alex. Clarke. Lorenzo 68. Robert 326 Ruel. Rowlands. Hon Wrn. 635 Indeue.274 Royse. John 385 John Dennis 152 John Baillie 99. William John 256 Rooper. Lewis Sir Charles Bart. Belmore 138 Sir Hew Dalrvmple. William 385 Henshaw 315 John Lewis Rich. L. 32 209 269 Earicf Robert Corcyra 385 210 Rotely. William Edward 56. Randolph Cowper 68. Thomas John 213 218 Langford Boyle David Robert William 385 65. William KCB.U. Cha. Tempest Thomas 254 Thomas 152 William 350 216 Valentine Roseingrave. Henry Day Alex. MD. Franz 449 James William Frederick 385 270 198 Rotton. 112 385 Ruttledge. ACH Roihwell. John Henry 451 William James 350 Silinger. Clair. Chas. 163 427 449 St. Edward 298 Henry Godolphin 237 Rous. Hercules John 415 David 114 164 John Augustine 132 Sadlier. Paolo 411 Rumpler. 112 222 445 William 350 Ryan. Rufus 155 Roper. Potts 451 Salis. Rutherfurd. Flt-min 386 385 Pat. 265. Robert A. KC. 63. 350 Royds. Albert Evelyn Sabine. John R. CB 40.282 Sir William. MD. 236 Rotherham. 144 Ruston. Fraiick 32G James Andrew Hamilton Robt.y Joseph 269 Rosser. Abraham Foord 246 J ames Kerr. John 113 Rynd. 145 Robert William 248 Rothe. Aubin. Sir John. Jones Robert 112 183 ham 204 Rudman. T. Hugh 214 312 Rowlantlson. M. 385 St.206 Rowland. 178 Maur. Frederick RoIIo. Lord Alex. 133 255 Chas. Baillie. Anthot.Remy. Mich. de 67 112 Lewis Roitiger. Guy Richard 421 Augustus 272 Sir Wm. George A. 245 David Roney. • • I — • • • £ £ 2 . Rich. 101 13. Ho^^ard 229 113 Gillian Maclaine 188 Roxburgh. 436 Rundle. 136 Russillion. George. Geo. C. Richard 60. John. Rorke. 191 Sale. Michael Cornelius 385 Richard 259 Richard 214 307 Clark 86 Routh. G rev 70. Henry Sebastian 90. Anthony 308 Wm. Alex. 283 Rowley. James George St. 161 John 263 Rudd. Cha. Edward 40. Morgan Thos. G. A. John St.242 Rummell. TheoJames Robert 232 dore Bruce de 385 John William. William 350 Rutherfoord. 155 Emilius Robert Horseley 273 St. Robert 385 Isham. 266 447 Russell. Sir Henry Wil171 12 Henry James 385 loughby. James James 326 206 Hamilfoa 385 Roxbv. George 385 Richard 59 John Rose Holden 135 Geo. 266 Charles Cornwallis 154 Hon. Thomas 451 William John 242 Rutherford. Gustavede 25? 237 well 259 Rouse. Leonce Rose. Mark Rich. Bt. James 326.. Paulett Rookes. Rooney. 63 385 William 385 Jas. J. 170 5i James. 311 158 427 Eustace Henry KCB. C. Arthur 212 291 John H. Bernard 112 187 William 113 John Roope.Thomas Ormsby 168 John Hill 181 327 Ruvignes. 267 Sandeman. Charles Grantham 62. Augustus 446 448 Schwarzenberg. Bassett 350 Saitmarshe. MD. Ferdinand 386 Lewis 194 William de 386 Schaumann.117. Cotterill 298 176 212 450 182 350 445 Schonswar. Rochfort Hon. Johannes Corn. Beckwith 240 Sandham. Em. Samuel Scot. ~" Wm. 4-18 Robt. Herman Scobell. Julius Caesar Saumarez. Prince Wm. Schooles. KH. Goodman 326 Sawrey. William. Robert Robert Robert. 316 Henry 350 W. Arthur John George Schroeder. Baron de. Charles Chas. Gustavus Henry Andrew Sargent. Richard Samuel Samuel Tomyns Sarsfield. George Aug. Percival 211 Hardress Robt. Hon. Sandys. Francis Cunning- ham 193 Francis George 223 Geo. Henry Bourchier Sanderson. 274 Salvatori. 33. E.\'on 448 Schrniedern. Von W.386 Rich. 116 HighneiS 161 Aug. John 386 310 Thomas Harry 186 188 William BovJ 271 Saileiy. Lord Christopher 13. H. MD. Wm. 138 Schomberg. 51.298 " " Arthur William 137 Fra. J. L.. Browne Fied. CB. Samuel William 113 Hon. A.228 40.P. Joseph Osborne 214 350 Joseph Prosser 421 Sawkins. John Gotheipe George Henry Fred. Browne Benjamin Geo. Andrew Chil- 386 Edward Fied. 275. Lawrence 197 112 Sayers. Henry John Geo. 112 Hopton Bas-et 160 James 237 James 421. 450 443 386 Schwencke. 243 bull 113 John ^lorris 68. John Scohie. Francis Otto Schembri. Vincent Saunder. C. 261 386 KCB. James Edward. David Morison 386 Johnson. Smith 60. 309 386 350 Daniel Edward Edward 386. Archer Wil liam 247 411 Scharnhorst. John Fred. CjB. Hen. 291 Henry Shearly 253 Rovvland 411 John Fred Wilhnm 297 256 Robert 296 94. Pietro Antonio 460 Morley. H. His Serene Sail. Westropp296 John James 208 Lawrence Hartshornel62 Rev. Fred. Schreiber. 127 Scargill. W.Ogle 411 Saunderson. MD. Wm. Robt. Yorke Myles 386 Sangster.And.Hen. 170 Savaiy. 112 Saunderson. Jas.319 Saunders.ErskineNiramo 159 Saxby. Scotland. 145 174 351 Sayer. J.266. William Von 447 272 Schneider. CB. John 98. Henry 61. Wilmot 386 386 163 Schoedde. Jas. Jas. James Him. Gnther 269 Percy 315. Frederic 236 Elliot James Robert Steadman Joshua Saflrey Wm. 125 Saum. D. John Glas 128 John Morris 272 Sanders. William 386 Sandes. 142 450 Schaw. F. Aug. Edward 432 trell 272 VVm.117 Henry 135 Henry 386 Henry Alex. William 198 Fredeiick 135 Schakh. Frederick Cooper . Fied. 36. Arthur Fuller William. Thomas Goldie. Schot. 294. Joseph ders • 350 293 386 166 67 Schlichtliovst. MD. Bern. Alexander Corse Alexander de Couray 286 185 183 350 63 -Arthur Charles. Hen. 114 Henry John 56. William Tanzia William 296 Savile. 282 Robert TurnHenry J. 236 113 198 Schmitler. 55 John Sauchie 326 Scheberras. Julius Alex. M. John Schullze. A'H. William. 286 W. Hopton Strat. Sir ford. Fred. Edw. Matthew Robt. John 386 Joseph. Clias. Arthur 222 Savage. M. Donald Mackay 113 197 199 127 113 Scoltock. Charles 126 George 268 Sawyers.536 Inaex. David 121 386 Henry Scholefield.135. Frederick Leopold Sigis- 451 raond Schulze. Earl of Sandwith. Scarlett. John 295 Sankey. MB. Young Darracott 284. Henry Robe • Joseph Morley Caulfield Richard Robt. J5ingham Sartoris. Andrew 350 . Saunders. Percy Fran. 241 MD. AC B. David Scott. Robert 386 PI nlip 57 Saxe Weimar. 253 John 231 John. John Neptune Sarel.319. Saltren 223. Caulfield 163 Salwey. Sir James Holmes. 150 350 448 449 449 446 448 285 206 386 222 311 449 411 SchlUiier. Attilio St. Stuckley 220 ^ Henry 31 Geoige William 188 Sampson. Roger 293. John De LutSalmon. John Edw. Henry Macmanus i I I — • Sandwich. Robert Thomas Thomas 'Thomas 255 432 228 92 386 . And. MP.D. 350 Henrj G. Freeman 86 Sawyer. . Jas. 32.282 173 Sandilands. 149 Courtenay. Alfred 307 Fred. 92. 39 Salter. John Wra. John Solomon 428 222 Schnehen. William 350 Sluite. Henry 411 Francis INIanby 350 Serjeant. James B. Aug. 13 . James 350 MD. Henry 113 William Thomas. 386 210 Searle. 134 Campbell 113 Shewen. Gordon 179 Shuldhum. Wm. Wm. Thomas 434 Sharrock. Francis 350 James Ludlow S. Lempriere Pearce Fred. ThornShand. Poole Fra. John John 386 Shields. Robert Servanies. George Robert Long Serocold. Henry Charles Augustus 14 228 Senhouse. Robert Shoitt. Edward Adolphus 203 Francis 63. Robinson Charles Yonge Shipley. Fred. 298 C. Adolphus 114 225 Shum. Henrv 9.537 Index.112. Gardine 350 (3'Neil 336 386 John O'Neil Stewart James Peter 248 Ponsonby 114 Henry John Thomas 165 102. 312 Sharp. John Nichols Shelton. 411 John Burstead 152 William Henry William 94. 315 George Thos. Henry 163 George 386 Geo. 160 MD. Cha. Sheil. Alger. 240 166 Neville Hill 216 434 141 Shekleton. John 220 Shepherd. Ackers 68. James Short. Lord. Theodore von Sedley. Edmund 88 Henry Downes 114 Thomas 155 Waller Cope 350 Sherer. 61. Charles Severne. Lindsay 296. William Seafield. Henry Eugene Josiah Fitz- 386 Thomas 113 326 350 Sheppard. Earl Edward Seagram. Robert 197 Shakerley. MD. Henry Shean. Charles Astley 202 217 Robert. Shortreed. Juhn Muller 350 biouoh Parker 293 Shanks. Wood Chailes Fleetwood 124 51 Senior. Charles 307 112 434 245 H. Henry 260 John 185 386 Shinkwin. 453 Scudamore. William King 350 Showers. D. Thomas 206 Fitz Scovell. Seaman. Bucknall 269 Sherwill. Geoige 34 142 Shee. Justin Shelley. Frecleiick Soutbcote272 Sealy. 209 69 6Ql. Geoffrey Jos 274 Sheiwen. Shafto. Weaker Serocold 113 218 Sheaffe. Peter 119 Shakespear. George 295 Sheplierd. Geo. 239 Shoveller. 326 M. Frederick York. Campbell. 214 William 260 186 Seton. Edward W. 231 Fra. Glendonwyn William Henry Scovell. John Davis 126 239 170 120 176 William lleiiry 386 Shervinton. Francis 150 Hen. Theobald 350 386 William Ramsay 293 Sharpe. Wm. Albert 187 Seale. Juhn 133 Robert 411 9 386 89. Edward Thomas 205 113 John. 283 Servante. Seager. 243 Shackel. Sir George. William 113 Wm. Charles 350 Sheffield. 202 98. 57. Shore. Chas. Thomas 216 418 Seaton. Giuseppe 102. Charles Cameron 132 James 295 87 Shegng. Fra. 212 306 56 Sliepheard. CR 128 Seymour. Austin Cooper 123 Bernard Robert 187 285 George 270 John Somner 327. Fred. William 216 Seward. Robert 212 Shawe. Thomas Wildridge.177 Sharpin. Fred. Wm. Alexander 88 449 Shaw. CB. IVIarkham Eccles 270 J. Peier Ralph 116 Sears. Scotts Thomas Woore Walter William William [. John Edward 151 Sliiell. Douglas Samuel 257 Shiffner. Robert Sfaveley GCMG. Henry. Davenport 113 Sir Richmond Shewell. 59. Henry 248 Henry Wm. 149 236 272 149 Sheil. Millian Gulliter 112 Shubrick. George Moyle 113 Moyle 87 Sherlock. Thomas 112 Shuckburgh. 171 Shield. 168 Charles F. Edw. 131. 386 Segrave. 421 267 411 434 296 114 431 John Alexander 183 William T. KCB. 170 Sewell. John Edmond 386 Sheehy. 224 Shiel. 220 Richard Richard Palmer 96. Arthu! Horaiio John Shone. 8. Robert Wm. Edw.340 . William 13 ShadForth. Geo. Frederick MB Geo. John. John Sliorland. Charles 140 411 Seagrira. Arthur George 222 Sample. Reginald Sebisch. 'J'hos. Cha. Arthur Scully. Montiiyu Douglas William William William Foriescue Wm. Hugh Geo. Charles Wylde 226 Sherson Alexander Newel 350 Sherstou. Charles Herbert 158 William Davits Shirley.GCH. of 30. 196 223 Richard 135 William Francis 241 Samuel 386 Selby. Joseph George 297 Shiell. ' MD. John Charles 172 Elliot Robert 120 183 Eliott Thomas t W^illiam Sewell.ord Walter Clias. . 208 Shadwell. Charles Aug. GCB. Fra. 434 Miguel Shearman. 316 134 94 421 Lawrence James Delaval William Henry 224 Henry Ratcliffe 254 Hy. Charles Robert 98. John William Thornton 350 326 Robert Ambrose 263 Sesino. 6. John 213 ton Sim. George Alex. KH. KH. Septimus 162 Sladen. MB. Hen. Sidley. John 326 Wm. Augustus F. 432 Rt. John John 285 Siborne. MD. Chas. 281 Charles Francis • 257 284 112 Duncan 259 Simkin. 183 Waldo AH. B. Geo. Leslie 241 Skyrine. George 154 434 421 Henry Edm. William Simmie. 34. James David 297 Simmonds. Henry Crofton 112 ^—^— Paulus Emilius 216 Singleton. Edw. ton 69. Francis 60. Henry RanSlattery. CB. Young SiiJohn. CB. W. Seymour Crox- Sillcock. MD. James James 312 8. 264 386 Jamos William Henry 37. MD. James Wallace. 225 George Roche 434 Geo. 155 —Samuel James 350 Wm. 247 351 John 386 John 41 John 57 John Lewis Sir John Mark Fred. Richard Maxwell 217 George 272 Sleigh. 257 Simmons. 180 W.John Siddell. Henry 53. 188 Skelton. 312 Skurray. Coningsby Waldo Sichart. 162 Jonathan Felix Chas. William Dare John Bridgman 201 John Marsh 225 Slaney. Alexander. Ashton AshT. 13. 259 128 417 447 Sired. 350 428 Siiwell. James 233 Skey. MD. Charles 257 glas Sisson. Leonard Sidey. 11. VVilliaro William 220 Singer. Fra. George 192 Henry 65. William 120 Siree. 309 Archibald 86 Arthur Payne 285 Astlej Campbell 176 Augustus Fred. Edward Cecil Henry William John. George Joseph Henry Dalton 272 427 Henry Hawley Robert 202 223 Cha. Davidson 247 Edward 386 Edward Atkins 38€ Edward W ebber Fitzroy. Carrington 350 Edm. Rich. MD. KCB.188 90. Allan 272 Andrew 160 Francis 432 434 Charles 98. Chas. Henry Francis 350 Walter. 173 Donald Sinclair 233 Edm. MD. 434 Sloman. Charles Francis 283 — Andrew. Henry Arthur 142 315 Slegg. Hodgkinson David David Rae 51 315 271 259 89. Henry Marlow Sievwright. David 432 Slade.181 Charles Jocel^n C.GCB. M. Joseph 125 152 421 386 271 Smith. 112 Hamilton Charles 232 Henrj 386 Henry 351 Henry Fowle 167 Sir Henry G. Stratford Sleigh John 386 132 John Hartley. Joseph 430 Skinner.Wm. Chailes Stanhope 250 William. James 428 Skyring. Richard Francis 249 Henry de Siddall. Herbert Taylor Siblhorp. Bt. MD. 307 Cortlandt George Macgregor 256 Philip Harney 113 Rob. Cha. INIoreton 386 John W. 281 . Isaac Sillery. Hugh Sibley.252 Henry Pascoe Henry Porter 38fi 386 154 Hugh 386 Hugh William James Berridg* 386 386 James Ramsay 113 James Thomas JamesWebber 69.F.125 1' James Marcus John 40. 188 Alfred John Dou386 William. 181 Robert. 311 James Woolley 281 John 185 William Hickes 130 411 Sladen. Joseph 148 Skene. 156 James Egbert John Libloa Arabin 284 54 Joseph. W^m. Rob. MB. Moore Brabazon 184 136 Kershaw 163 350 274 228 51 Smelt. Edward 114 Skipwith. de Burgh 68. Cha. 135 Hon. 432 Sleator. Herbert Dawson Edward 121 Geo. 114 GCH.Davies 180 H. 223 William 66 Wm. James. W. Bartholomevr 386 272 Slaughter. Levvis 350 Small. CB. M. Bligh Shuttleworth. Alexander 350 William 386 Skerry. Francis Charles 175 Skynner. Henry Mon tressor Ch. 218 Stanley 234 William. 312 George 41 Wm. Dunstan 411 Skipper.John 386 Donald 245 Sleeman. George Charles 173 127 312 160 152 327 386 George Hankey 66. 194 Skues.1 1 Index. 411 Slater. 267 ' Charles Ughtied Sibbald. Bt. 291. 201 121 Sidney.112. Edward Walker. 251 Charles 66 Marcus Jacob 308 Charles Bagot Sir Charles Felix. 638 Sinclair. Alexander Alexander. Macgregor 234 Samuel B. Simeon George Francis Frederick Fred. Charles dolph 294 Sinclair. Reginald 156 386 James F. Ramsay Cunliffe 173 Simpson. John 326 Robert 245 Smait. MD. Ham. 10. Staunton 86 Frederick 237 Skellv. Thomas Sidebotiom. MD. H. Cha. John Sparke. S. Wm. Charles Spaight. 430 Michael Wm. CB. 189 Jones Julian 274 Joseph 88 Joseph 386 Joshua Henry 285 Joshua Simmons 58 Leonard Fleming 386 • bl. Frederick Lucius Horton Matthew 63. 31 John Rowland. Charles Howe Kenneth. Thomas 227 Smith wick. John James 227 Wm. Arthur Henry Cresmeric 56. John Opie Opie Percy Shawe 122 199 139 - Peter - Ralph 386 386 136 174 386 308 316 258 205 421 316 234 242 432 326 - • - • • - - • Richard Playne Robert Robert Robert Henry Robert Wm. 315 Arthur Cole Henry George Geor£:e Edward 233 Sprague. John Percy 136 Smyth. Nicholas Appleby 203 428 93. Thomas E. CB. Abraham Edward Arthur SpofForth. Spearman. Henry Astley Sparkes. AlSnow. John Hanmer PouleitG.112 Spottiswood. Randall 219 Francis 259 Geo. 351 Spink. • Thos. Henry. John Montresor 161 John Stewart. 148 Spratt. 152 221 129 Sparks. James Robert I'hos. 142 Ralph Robert Robert Dunkin Thomas Thomas William 223 113 Sraythe. 337 436 387 434 William Sir Lionel Eldred. John William 306 John VV. Henry Somerville. Richard Carr 1 233 Sproule. N. Henry Coope Walter Samuel 131 William 411 326 Stacey. Henry Spalding. MD.189 Stack. MD. i Spark. Hardwick Thos. Charles Soest.251 Smyth. John 293 Squire. Richard William George John Bligh KH. Hun. D Sir Henry. Brudenell 66 William Slaytor 411 Wm. Sparks. Cecil Warner Reeve 326. James Pattoun 51 159 254 158 182 James. Charles William 387 411 Rtace. W. Fred. C. Beckwith Spence. Archibald Michael Edward 351 Campbell - Michael William 6i. CB. Robert 221 MB. MD. John. Andrew 68. M. Ernest Somers. ! Squill. John 211 Mark George 387 Spry. Thos. T. Samuel Seton Lionel Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas. 180 - Sueli. Geo. George Lovell 259 Splaine. Monro Carmicbael 113 Harry 89. MD. Aug. 99. Sj)oor. 211 Frederick 95. — 168 Rbt. George . Meredyth 286 Spring. James Morton Ralph William Spedding. CB. Francis Wm. Smith. Geary Henry 272 90. S.1 539 Index. James 386 "SiV Michael Cusac. o\ Spencer. John Samuel KH. Robt. Edward Edwin 66. Rob. 12] 311 298 351 411 Wm. Hamilton Souter. Somerset. Spicer. Arthur 196 Edward Selbvl01. E. Carlisle Speedy. Kdw. Edward William Henry Charles 434 • Henry Edward Sotheby. Watson. William 411 Snodgiass. Andrew Spottiswoode.153 Edw. well 222 Hon. 70. Mitchell 315 Frederick Alichael MD.248 Soady. Robert 411 Smyly. Tringham William William William William • James Ryan 387 189 56 264 179 309 Thomas 271 Churchill 436 Sperling. Henry 220 James Wm. Richard Thomas George South. Ambrose Fitz Roy MolyFrancis Mallet neux Henry 284 Spooner. Bart. Richard 236 William William Henry 66 William Roger 154 William Robert 141 - George 161 165 268 312 Wm. Aug. MD. Waterloo Pennington R. Jefferson 252 Spong. 220 Henry Augustus 270 Hen. Montagu 315 Henry Shephard 116 221 James James Dutton 250 Gilbert 69. John SB7 Spurway. FMward 169 Henry 415 Spurin. Spinluft". Edward Sprot. Thomas 233 Sorell. Rice 195 269 435 153 351 387 142 88 114 16 86 91 210 88 387 113 157 387 121 113 51 436 294 186 295 175 172 186 195 387 235 245 296 351 351 427 271 153 153 243 268 285 283 136 387 260 . Beresford. Charles Stapleton Charlei Henry Thomas Thomas Charlton 61 Thomas Flynn 387 • Sparrow. Fred. Bart. John 446 134 Spiller. Philip 92. John 182 Spurrier. 261 Capel 351 387 Wm. Walter C. 220 Harry Edmond 220 Henry 94. Rob. 15. Fiance James Soare. Edvcjn Fra. Steel. Alexander 141 Alex. 195 William. Massej 68. Geo. Drummond245 William Little 151 113 123 351 274 217 126 Siillwell. 274 William 192 Stockenstrom. William Barron 243 169 Henry James Stapleton. Hy. C^rr 133 William Francis 180 Stanhope. Edward 244 257 David Donald 99. Methuen Steed. 449 308 StefPen. 387 Stephtiison. A. Mackenzie 112 James Henry Aug. Dunbar * 96. Charles 185 David Geo. • • 239 jLepnjrd ' ! — 114 351 387 387 326 428 387 136 388 445 Thomas Carr 435 Stewart. George 171 387 George Stainforth. George 351 John Morse 208 Stanley. John St^well. G. 312 411 Robert 236 Robert Crosse 155 Spencer Thomas Wm.13.dwin A. Alexander . MD.140 —— —^ William William. Haggerston 191 Cha. 182 -r:^ George . Oliver Fra. 63. Foster CB.283 Wm. 326 Stapylton. James Stiles. Charles 169 Stacpoole. Charles Fred. 122 178 Herman Edw. 351 430 Stocker. 451 Albert 210 l&teiger. William William 12 312 154 351 327 W.A. G3. Berrjamin Spicer Standish. James Charles Nathaniel Tyron Thomas Lloyd Thomas Walter Stillman. Anh. Nathaniel 112 CB. C. 291 MI). Ives. Aldersey William 274 198 Stisted. 250 Henry Miles Starr. Wm — — i — W. Slack. Stannus. Covey 274 187 Stocks. MD. Edward Henry . 315 173 Thomas Montaa Thomas 236 65. W. George. 295 Daniel 135 David Augustus Fred. Stewart. 181 Thomas H. Charles Edward 274 John Stirling 273 Thomas 37 Thomas 216 William .. MD. Fraser 203 132 John Marcus 351 Joseph King Ludovic ChaTles 246 Mervyn 387 271 Mervyn Henry Neil. P. Michael 128 140 Stockwell. 'Ihomas Allep Steade. S. Edward Henry " .William 428 273 Stevenson.\V. Sir Andrew. Francis George 143 John 194 S87 Stepney. Stapley. 147 Thomas. 138 Thomas 351 Stobart. Granville G. Charles' . St. 316 351 Duncan 156 George John 142 James i69 James 208 Jamea 573 James 291 James 418 James 351 James 294 James Ainslte John Edmonstone 435 224 John Campbell Jn. Dickson 430 197 Thomas 387 Stoddard..230 John Charles N. Hamilton 101. 144 421 John 351 Stanier. Robert 233 285 MD. KH. Augustus Standen. Geo.. MJ?. Wm. C. MD. Charles Stedraan. Hen. 387 Charles 275 — — 351 Bart. George 113 James John Harvey 61 John Philip 293 Henry Still. Chas. Edward Frederick Charles 306 William 150 Arthur 428 William 435 George Aler. John Cassidy 161 ^ 172 Frederick 387 Edmund Holden 219 Stockley. 351 326 Maurice E.63. 212 351 John 421 Stevens. Stansfield.iuder Fred. George FitzGerald. Charles '^'fej.117 Stalker. 254 Archibald-i 421 Arthur.B. Jonn 1 ownsG. Slather. 223 Arthur Charles 298. David 411 Steheliu. Charles Fred. H.George Staveley. Henderson 295. Stephen 153 Matthew Fred. | 87 ' Alaurice. Sir Fran 86 Stephens.Tucker Stock. 157 Edward ^ . 233 294 John Henry John Hy. William 154 Stirke. 205 William Philip 551 H. Charles Aler.John ' ^ Joseph William Robert Steele. Cator Fred. George Richard 90. William — Jonas Btayner. Jas. A. Edward 172 387 Pvichard Edward 327 113 T. Henry 31 Henry Hoi ford 231 -Henry William 63. George 240 Nathaniel 112.246 Staveleyshiri. ilfZ). Loid 119 120 65 Henry Sykes Philip Spencer 351 William Henry 35. Stanton. Thomas Henry 226 . Coningham 351 239 Adam 351 Steuart. Henry 387 Steward. 254 23o 163 Fred. B. F.i 640 Index. 183 dteevens. 351 Rodolphe Hem. - — _ — . — — Steele. Ant. A.alier '. Julius Henry 163 Stiiiiflg. Alexander. Richard 70. S. Thomas j —— — Richard — I ! . William Bull 387 Sterling. Gordon 208 Turner 114 !«— John Surtees Henry Holden 135 274 Rich.—. 298 114 Carlisle Staunton. Jean Nepotnu Stokelj. if. Cornelius Graham George Evans 387 174 Hugh Lindsay 435 Francis 120 Hon. James Frederick John 387 D'A rley 271 William 58. Ch. Van 55. 282 George 232 Edward Ogle 195 James 387 Rob. James 255 Stronach.. Henry 296 Peter 387. 216 Walter James 203 Storer. 121 Stonehouse. 176 Henry Francis 270 —^—^ Thomas Bland 274 Thomas George 217 Strangwayes. Henry C. John 35 Swain. Hy. 308 Robert Charles Graves Chamney 68. Griffin 445 Sloney.. Fitz Gerald 232 Sweeting. • ' Stone. Suckling. Freville 130 Strong. Chailes Stokes. Straubenzee. W. Nelson Fleming 351 154 Sulivan. Philip D'O. Lewis 54. Champion 175 John 351 Street. Wm. Geo. Kilmer 129 Fred. Alexander 176 Charles 351 Charles John 270 Henry Francis 66. Geo. Du Pre 203 Sutherland. Edward James 218 George Walter 351 John Bambrigge 203 Philip F. Cha. 112 Robert Wm. John. William 447 Stolzenberg. 98 John 284 Oliver George 254 Oliver Hnldain 286 Oliver Robert 272 Patrick Day 316 Robert Baret 205 William John 351 Stolte. Clement Wm. Thos. Harry 63 Stowards. P. Bowen Van 183 451 Charles 351 Suberkrub.161 John Moira MacCharles Augustus 351 lean 307 Charles George 387 Peter 87 Donald 230 Robt. 611 157 Stutzer. Bowles Geo. 282 Hugh 285 KCB.229 SirattOD. Fitz M. 10. Edward John 63. Alex. CB. Jas. 113 Hon. John Sackville 205 William Tyler 187 Sweeney. MD. John Richard 245 68. diaries Philip Joseph 240 George lMontagu285 James. 235 Stow. Macleod 244 Edward Andrew 152 Sutherland Hall 387 Frank C. 172 Henry Thomas 387 John Richardson 238 Swaine. Whitmore 220 Storey. 453 Arthur John 29d 129' Francis Charles 56. Eari of GGB. 60 Valentine Fred. Frederick de 448 Story. Henry Knight 61 Storren. Geo 351 Edward 387. 198 IJenry Fra. 190 W. 195 Swale.1 f Index. Ignation 450 Sweny. Henry Aug. 452 Swan. Vansit. 450 Stoeber. Arch. 292 Stratford. Luke 387 Sunter. 112 Wm. Grigor 293 Stronge. Bryan 166 Straton. Kerry 387 Julius Chetham 165 Surman. Rob. Wm. George Grant 387 George 58 Sutton. Griffin 120 James 258 Swaby. Blazland 89. Dorrien 118 Benj. 51 Sullivan. Henry Wallace 250 Edward 116 Strover. Robert Becher 139 Stracey. 117 John Alfred 208 Summers. Robert 432 Stralton. Cha. Fred. 452 Strange. Ferdinandvon446 i heodor von 446 Edward John G. 149 Strachan. Thomas Fox 57. 315 Stoit. Wm. Fox 273 Stransham. 311 William 238 Swanson. Wm.iji. Joseph 152 Kenneth Biuce 215 Wm. Edward William. James £05 Albert — — . 312 Streng. John Jacob S87 Charles T. CB. Geo. William 387 Surtees. Edward 32 Richard Thomas 235 Studdert. John Charles 243 Stuit. 147. William 223 315 Rob. 254 Strafford. Anth. George 169 James 93. Edward Grant SJa-i 296 190 326 Hen. Van 164 Robert Desmond 122 Streatfeild. Joshua 421 Francis Bernard 411 Studd. 7. Joseph 450 Richard Henry 415 Suther. Stovin. 148 Susini. Ihomson 387 Tho. Charles Napier 145 Welbore Ellis 351 Swetenham. 259 James. von 141 Sunderland. Geo. 55. George 387 Supple. George Lloyd 163 266 Stumpa. Aug. John 113 William 387 John 230 William Edington 141 387Thomas William James 286 Swann. Ogle 60. George 387 George 167 Hen. 266 Walter A. Edward Aug. Orton 182 Crichton 145 John S. Jolin. Jean BaptistePbil.116 John William 192 James Fred. James 253 William 61. MD. JMax. Thomas Moore 158 Strode. 6. H. James 204 Stroud. Gibson 244 Stotherd. William 428 GCMG. Jocelyn 94. CB. Sanden 306 William 187 Wm. Sir Fred. Charles 306 John Patrick 351 Charles 308 John Ramsay 95. P. Charles Robert 351 Storks. Rich. KCMG. Dudley Swaffield. Amed^e William 14 353 Suttie. Henry 273 Edward 351 Stuart. Edward 114 Strickland. Bartholomew 387 Hen. Andrew Acres 246 Henry Butler 251 George Butler 315 Stopford. Sir Patrick Swainson. James Fielding 163 Stubbs. MD. Edward 307 Henry 411 Stritch. GCH. Thomas 351 Strangways. Orton 226 Hon. Stuart 114 Chas. Geo. 226 Stonestreet. Geo. Henry Carr 293. Thackwell. 262 Swinton. John Edward 157 Teynham. Leopold 160 351 Tallan.Geo. MD. Thos. George 125 Swjnfen. John 169 Tatlock. Charles Christo 13 Tedlie. Rennell. Edward 140 427 186 Thesiger.453 William 296 Wm. George Thackeray. Horatio Tho. 298 Richard Bulkeley Twyford 217 John Bulkeley 175 Thesiger. Lawrence Tane. Swinburn. Henry William Mansel Alexander Thomas John Tavlor. 12. Jas. Bertie 64. Edward 272 Tait. 260 Pringle. Geo.S15 Teckell. Augustus Joseph 155 Frederick Henry 120 128 Henry Henry Reginald 254 199 Cam 246 Joseph Alfred 445 Symonds. CB. - i'ayloe. 250 Tarratt. H. CB. 194 Geo. James 65. Donald Wm. Robert. Charles Wemyss Teale. Daltou 224 Arthur George Bethel 148 Thelwall. Bulkeley Swinhurne. 186 William 212 Teesdale. Charles Shipley . Charles Millington Henry 284 Robert FoUett 219 Syret. George 92. Geo. Rennell 281 226 Joseph 388 9. 195 Tarn. John WhitTelfer. Edw. Thos. 142 Joseph Edwin 173 Wm. H. 331 Tatton.Chas. 436 Tasker. George 152 G. CB. George George Stoney 141. 274 John Thomson 310 Patrick Nagle 307 Telford. Floyer 230 Sykes. Geo. Shapland William 387 168 Swire. 295. Drummond 270. Douglas Alfred — James 97. 215 Sydenham. Alfred 58 Tate. Ry ves Nash 351 Taylour. Henry Templeton. 542 Swettenham. Wm. Thos Rich.267 Syms. Thomas Wm. S20 138 John Edward 112 Swiney. . Hay 113 Swinley. G. Roger Swyuy. 112 Talbot. Andrew. Sackville Zac- cbeus 351 Thellusson. Thomas John 123 Tattersall. Waldgrave 387 112 Tapp. Edward 182 Francis 274 G ustav usHaucock 411 John 66 Templeman. Fred. Den 114 Taberger. Forsyth. 70. 432 Taddy. 309 Buchan Fiaser 427 Jam. Joseph 149 Sir Jos. 112 Ingram Pank 387 295 James 351 James 32 Jeremiah 223 John John 351 John 387 Barton John 160 John Ed. Hussey 161 John Lewis 113 John Robert 232 Joseph Henry 387 Maikham Le Fer 274 Monkhouse Graham 196 Nathaniel 387 Phillpotts Wright 64. Wm. John Tedlie. Archibald Robt 114 John Edw. T. Joseph Swift. Eubule Daysb. 113 Henry Lynch 272 Robert 269 Hon. Rob. GCJ3. J. KH. Fra. John 262. H. Exham S. Aralander Charles Robert Terry. George 351 269 William Swiuy. 267 Harry George 286 Teevan. Stephenson. 326 119 326 142 387 418 271 298 387 95 88 260 206 Tardrew. Tench. MD. John. 231 Robert Kirkpatrick 237 Thomas 143 Thomas Wm. como 263 34 Thomas 186 Tew. James 387 TaafTe. Alex. Fred. Frederick George 154 Synge. Swindley. Augustus 145 . Alexander 296 113 Joshua. Cunningham 296 Symons. Rich. Edward Win. Lord 411 Thacker. Richard Joseph 160 260 387 310 192 268 59 154 Cortlandt Francis Richard 256 Frederick James 247 George 126 273 George Kepple Graham 204 Hen.Index. MD. Henry 428 Swinney. William 168 Tempest. Henry John 297 Jelinger Henry Jermyn Charles 294 316 John Jermyn William 387 Wm. William 138 Teulon. 143. Benjamin. Lnrd John Henry 237 Taynton. 214 113 291 351 351 427 58 186 415 351 51 Henry John Tennant. D'Esterre 256 -William Henry 116 William O'Bryen 169 Wm. Alex. Henry John Robert Stephen 351 William Parker 160 Fiiippo Gia- Testaferrata. de Wilton Roche 190 Thatcher. Kilner. M'Leod 90 Tewart. KH. A. ~— — • MD • Tayler. Plumbe 87 Temple. R. 39 Rainsford 188 Reynell George 113 Reynell George 114 Richard 421 Richard C. marsh 156 172 Alfred Richard Draper Templer. Fred. Thomas Eaton 182 Tapp. Fred. CB. Henry 34 Arthur Joseph Brook 274 Charles Peregrine 235 • Henry George 68. Hutchinson 194 203 Geo. MD. - ' —— John Dennis 235 39 The. James Richard 233 Tassie. 13. George Richard 248 Taswell. Thomas 1 — W. CB. John Moore 351 122 Tobin. Alex. John Richard 187 KCH. Thomas Thomas James Arth. 66. Daniel Thorne. Richard Henry 86 Spencer Geo. Robt. Alexander 447 451 Thomas. George 171 Tighe. Alfred 145 Jhn. Chas. 127 Charles Wm.265 Charles 428 Toby. 297 Tinseau. 113. CB 30 246 John 86 Todd. Saunders. George 35 John 388 James Archibald Robert 291 Ruddell 152 William 41. Zehender De Thierry. E. KH. Wade. Frederick 253 Tonikins. Francis Philip 296 Tierney. Wingrove L. Hubert Thiel. Tom. MD. Archibald 186 Tinliiig. Thos. 191 Godfrey 34 Tod. 62. 451 David 411 Edmund Tilghman. Alexander 116 Tinley. 244 Suetonius Henry 112 Henry 184 William 412 Thorp. CB. 209 Daniel 219 Edward 351 George 178 237 George George Ashe 4l5 George Irwin 248 Thomas Kees Thompson. Newport 190 Chas. Henry Tinkbr. 165 Tom5. Leslie Jenkins Michael Pearson Scott Ralph Keddey Richard Richard Richard Robert Thomas 175 136 308 209 222 140 388 157 125 351 245 418 388 Thos. 9. James William 214 Tomkinson. Henry Nicholson 296 Tinkler. 201 Topham. Hen. Siubbs 388 Chas. 452 Joseph Webbe 9. Edw. 190 Wm. Isaac 298. Henry Stephen 351 Tisdall. 316 George 412 Geo. Wm. Lewis de Thistlethwayte. 94. Valens 180 Tiller. William 421 William 35i Tillbrook. Bi3an 63. Henry Rolt 296 Richard. Arnold Henry Walker James James John John John John John • S88 351 4'27 201 124 153 388 436 John Alexander William. 13 Thorndike. Richardson 209 Sydney James 157 Timins. John 181 James Lowry 435 Vincent 212 Michael 209 Tonnochy. Cunningham 153 121 Robert Thomas William 254 William 421 William 113 William 427 Wm. Henry Andrew 272 Henry 210 Thursby. Geo. Tice. 112 Thomson. MD. Millbank 166 Tilly. John Everett 271 Christopher Joseph Tlirupp. 2i!2 Joseph Louis Thom. Hill Jas. William 248 William 255 William Hamilton 210 William John. Barclay Edw. Thiballier. 296 114 Henry H^nry John 239 269 John' 3'26 Tliolon. George Thornhill. Vaughan 351 Widdrington 307 William Pattison 242 Tinmouth. CB. 112 Tompson. MD. Crooke R. Christopher 388 Thring. Holmes 93. John Arscott 412 Tomlin.453 Tireman. 'J'imson. George 210 Thwaites.543 Index. Wra. Alex. 310 Edward 134 Tickell. Beveridge 113 Thorn. 147 Tomson. 388 Thomson. John Charles Gra272 ham. Wm. Chas. 10. 282 George. George 114 Thos. John Wycliffe Justus Hy. Henry 'i'imra. Arthur M B. Matt. Latham 155 3-26 Gordon 112 Harry James 388 James. MD. John 307 Thynne. 144 John Augustus 140 Thoroton. Benjamin 116 Tibbits. Daniel 388 Tongue. Arthur H. Nathaniel. Guavas Speedwell 285 150 184 Thos.Whitacre 388. James Legli 160 Henry John 207 Ralph Lovel 2o9 Tolson. Saunders 34 Tomes. James 388 254 Tittle. John 351 Henry 274 John 436 Thornton. 267 Tinibrell. John 445 445 293 132 Isaac Tinipson. CB. Sir Chas. Alexander. 312 MD. Philip L. John VV. Hugh Lyle 92 Geo. Thos. Newport 172 Robert Newport 100. 178 174 Francis William George Powel Henrv. Fra. Levett 195 Mark Stanley 238 Thorold. Dalrymple Tidmas. Griffith B. 195 Jamea Dugald 183 James Sinclair 205 Jeremiah 388 143 John Henry Joseph 388 415 J. Edward Butler 241 William Egerton 233 John 215 Tolcher. William Hfi . Henry M. Lloyd Henry Mark Morgan 310 13 191 243 412 430 Richard Williams 158 351 269 Arnold 264 Benjamin 388 Charles 2l6 Charles Wm. Edw. William 19] 114 Tidy. Arthur Leon de 451 Ti|iping. Perronet 50 Waldegrave Rock. Boothby Henry. Aug.351 Charles Edmund 238 Tod. CB. 312 Wm. 209 205 386 428 Fran. CB. Charles Alex. Rich. Rin}>ler 59. Daniel 351 151 Tom. CB. Frederic 388 Richard Cooper 223 George Edw. Henry John 294 Trick. Hill. Timothy J. William 312 Travers. FreJ. 265 Francis Charles Frederick Henry George. Henry 69. Edward. Dive 412 Tracey. 282 Topping. Hoi ace Dormer Torckler. Jas. Al red A. C. 412 308 Augustus Fred. Barringon 388 Irittau. 327 Trotter.158 257 Geo. Tudor. CB. Alexander Alex. 155 Andrew 435 Edward 91. Thomas Eggar 428 Trewhitt. John 269 Trydell. Arthur Torkington. D. 96. 316 James Gregorie McDonald Thomas Tulloh. Gavin Ainslie 259 John Robertson 227 1 13 Sydney Wm. 112 Trelawny. 274 311 John 351 C. Courtney 135 256 James Horace 141 296 James Conway 421 James Dalgairns 163 Troy. Samuel Traherne. Bart.Murray 55. Auchmuty. Lyon Conway 187 326 Tuck. 113 Gates Joseph Aubrey Harvey 257 175 Richard Henry Edm. Edw. 220 388 Tour. Augustus de la John 233 9 Touzel.C. Edward 446 Tritton. CB. Henry 2 16 Henry Austin 268 Henry Ferdinand 217 Henry Whichcote 152 Herbert James James Graham John 120 352 179 269 Mansfield 171 Nathaniel Octavius Simpson Philip Richard Thomas William William William 272 306 352 388 245 412 435 . 315 Fred. Franklin 327 William 192 I'uckey. Henry 412 Tribe. Edmund de Edward de Fuite. Eaton 271 Truscott. Cnnjers 320 Francis 148 Harvey 52 Towers. John 352 Robert Knox 168 352 Thomas 418 Tranchell. 117 Trench. George Hugh Manley Thomas Basil 112 238 311 451 451 352 268 21?> 216 Tuke. Wra. St. Alexander I'unbridge. 544 326 Tredcroft. Daniel William De Vic Frederic William 218 Gaspard Le INIar271 chant Tuinbull. 227 Charles 10. Willoughby 113 Jas. Wm. Hughes 222 34 George 175 James Tennant 132 Tower. Charles 59. John Fred. 122 67 Tothill. Harington 94 Walter 41. Strangways . 165 Henry 368 John 388 Joseph Robert Lawrence 388 268 Samuel Philip 327 TTownshend. Bt. 267 326 220 254 388 388 201 189 Tunks. Manners 136 209 Dawson 388 Townly. Joseph 133 Heathcote 70. Henry Theo388 Tremenheere. Power le Poer67. H. 136 Trollope. Alfred John Tulloch. 235 John John Frederick 194 Joseph O. Reb. John Thomas 388 119 Tottenham. Arthur Manning N. Chas.Wm. Vincent H. Thomas 415 Trimmer. Hampden 145 Edmund P. 11 218 Torrens. 274 Charles 231 53 15. C. Thomas 112 James Fra. Edward T 51 Trotman. George Wm. Henry Trafford 202 34 Thos. Sir Thos. 388 Tronson. Botet 53. Edward Townley. 114 Geo. Colin Trant. Justus Walter. TufnelLThos. Henry Trafford. Alex. Lennox 274 Tucker. Francis Constantiiie 199 Harrison Walke John 235 Touch. Trenerry. Ar. Astley 137 Thomas Percival 178 Hen. Wm. Charles Edw. Helier Trevelyan. CB. Samuel 67 Joseph Gates Thomas 158 162 Stewart Joseph Henry 253 Julius Brockman 182 307 388 I'ubby. Frederick 257 Troubrldge. Frederick 388 William Riley 388 Town. 170 Turner. 214 Sir John.y D'Oyley 174 203 Tornano. Thomas 415 Tovey. 138 Trent. Wellesley 40. John 183 92. Joliffe I'ugginer. Edw. Langley 89. Anthony Gabriel William Tupper. Ttiomas Tunstall. Fred. Adolphus 113 388 Troup.315 112 Alex. P. Henry Henry Tod. John 307 Tripp.193 68. W. Chas. Alex. Joseph 351 Tristram. CB. Anthony 352 269 Fred. Anthony Powel • Wm • • Owen Edwards 388 352 John Tudor 436 Richard 388 Rich. Anthony 155 William Cosmo 165 Trew. B. James 286 Townsend. Le Poer Hen. SirFied. 388.A'Cf/. MD. Borlase dore 113 448 Tormin. Cha. P. Alex. Gregory 113. Du Pre 114 315 Henry 51 Hen. R'H. 147 113 Willoughby Treveuen. 326 293 Tryon. 222 Tucker. Charles J. Green Trower. Tlios. John Henry 176 Triscott. Geo. Arnold 227 120 139 Tremayne.Index. James 388 Trevor. KH. 52. Beauchamp 210 388 Trebeck. Francis Stewart 212 Trousdell. 9 Hon. James H. Charles Frederick 100 Henry J. Biscoe 174 156 Fldmund Spry John 68. Chas. lOl. 203 Vialls. Edward Baily 13 Edward Price 295 Tuyll. 260 Philip Doyne 162 Joshua Allen 98. William 449 'I'heophilus 296 Uniacke. 220 Herbert MillingJohn Robert 112 champ 242 Unett. James. John 352 2. 235 198 228 Thomas 352 William 112 Virtu. Charles Kemeys John Crossby 189 Kemeys Herbert 52 220 Tyrwliitt. Edm. Edward 114 James M. 133 Tweeddale. Villiers Villiers. C. G. John Aug. Edw. Pellew Ha293 mett 9. Edw. Cavendish 208 Uiiwin. Charles 63. Rt. Percy. Thomas Tydd. 436 Upton. Edward 63. James 256 William 421 Waddilove. 388 Vigors. Wm. 284 Frederick 140 Tyler.j 645 Index. CB.>2 Uxbridge. \'ernon. 196 123 Vlbart. Ferdinand. Robert 157 Robt. Edmund Henry 123 tenham 295 113 William 436 Joseph Tuson. Lord Adolphus Fred. 130 Vaiighton. 176 Urquhart. —— Otho" Ville. \^anderbrouk. 147 Urquhart.T. Arthur Wm. Hen. Donald 388 Verling. 261 Vardou. Wm. Francis 388 Vanderspar. 283 249 Hedley S. J. Hemy Turner 170 Vavasour. 66 Henry Whatley 285 Vaughan. William 36 Usher. Burton 37. de Compte 451 la Charles Courtenay 198 Henry P. KCH. Charles Loftus TotTurlon. Coleraine John Robert 65.201 Wade. Rich. Tweedie. 288 Fred. 206 Charles William 150 173 Charles Birch 352 209 Lord Ernest M'DonThomas 221 nell 208 Tjlden. Bovvater 10 CB. Thomas Geoige 352 Richard William 412 9 'I'homas Fane 388 V'enab'es.J0 Vandeleur. 145 James Lorenzo 218 Vesey. Pop. George 388 James Conway 56. Thomas I'ravers Hartley 388 66.282 Vieth. Ussher. Edw. Arthur 272 John 388 John 32 Twynam. Hy. James Edwards 141 Richard Hussey 165 R. Charles Cyniic Wellesley George Henry John Vetch. Frederic Smith 184 ton 185 Valiant. Charles. Fred. Alfred 268 Francis 270 David Wm. Wm. Richard 390 John 99. 191 Twibill. Fletcher 174 Richard 101. 7 Thomas 249 /fon.')4 154 William Ross Roger Dawson 166 William West William Henry 227 388 Voiint. MD. Bf.119 Rich. Henrj 293 George Sotheby 213 George 352 Henry 228 Vassall. Hamilton 224 270 388 114 —'—^ James 352 Courtenay 247 Henrv Tho. Howard 120 Volger. Nicholas Ogle Moore James Vincent. A. 213 Victor. 327 Vize. William George • Philip Alex. 170 Walter 242 95. Georgio 263 Visme. Eugene James 352 Sir James Edw. Francis de 352 Vivian. Waddell. (jeo.. Wm. Foitescue Tyacke. Christ. Hen. Horatio Page 189 Twyibrd. James 189 Vallange. George FreHenry Thomas 388 Thomas George derick 163 41. Arnold . 435 Twiss.267 137 Tylee. Rawdon J. Henry Robert 2. Sir William. Richard 100. Starling 127 Turner.284 Vansiitart. Heneage Tho. Charles 116 Spencer 151 Charles Fred. Lord 352 Edward James 224 Vereker. 291 Charles James 2l7 Verner. l)e Vic 388 Twopeny. Arthur George 197 Samwell Verschoyle.i.). Thomas James George Hamilton 216 68. CB. 67. David 412 Wm. Ernest Von 446 Howell Walters 291 V^yse. Usborne. /f. Henry 388 Hon. JohnTheophilus 243 112. Percival 116 255 Leonard Barrett Ernest Courtenay 274 214 Tynte.. Gregor 97. Geo. John Russell Leicester 388 Viney 352 Henry Wm. John 352 101 KT. riios. 9. Murq. MD. 112 Henry 352 270 Henry Arthur Henry Cha. Benjamin Verner. Dymock linger. 272 \'allencev. Edward Howard ISO Francis Howard 120 George Howard 97. Grainville 198 Waddington. MD. Henry Ber233 nard James 307 3. Horatio Nelson 55. An- 166 257 215 Vane. Walter Hamil\'acher. Charles 112 Waddy. Noel Hovenden Bryan Charles James 274 164 George Henry 164 Varlo. Sir William. Mervin 352 Redmond 307 Veitch. Arthur 37. 151 strulher Twysden. 274 Vicars. Henry 64.147 Ventry. Donovan 436 206 John Donovan Fra. 283 Vali)y. 149 Herbert Henry 352 Udnv. of. Austin 213 Robert ShaCto 66 Wm. John 152 448 V^oss. Edward 60 Vanre. Arthur 224 . Enrl of ft] ichael 31 Twemlow. T. Geddes Sansoni 213 John Ormsby 186 Turner. Arem. William William William 119 Waltber. Bernard Edward 212 Henry Ritchie 244 Him. Henry Jobling John 352 Waller. CB. John 112 Francis 60. Henrj Furey 179 235 Julian J. Beale 312 William 352 Walmoden. 248 Thomas Fiederick 312 Geo. Arthur 274 Thos. John Thomas Walker. Robert MD. William Wainwright. 265 169 Robert.268 Jonathan Walker 127 39 Metcalf Joseph Mark 181 Melville Aug. Bendyshe 204 352 Francis 296 Wm. Bernard IVJ.T.52 Wahab. Blayney Townly 138 Wardrop James John Hugh Crawford. Brodie 189 W^alshe. Frederick 159 Geo. Stewart 88 176 Ward. Robert William Ciofton 193 Walrrsley. Charles 270 John Hayman 209 Kilner 388 John Richard. Fuller William Geo. William 448 352 Walton. 149 Fitz William 352 Frederick 9. Arthur James 121 Phillips Wagstaff. Charles 435 Fiederick Arthur 357 Edward 389 412 George Francis Robert 196 John M'Neill 102. Fred. Beckford 269 Bt. Martin.D. Samuel Cooper Thomas Thomas. White Cha. Edward 177 James 91 Wm. Arihur 118 J. 435 Crosbie 194 Wm. Pyndar ' Beauch»mp Fdward Walter 127 Fore^tier 55. Henry John Wahrendorff. F. KCB. Charles 415 Fred. Johnstone 255 197 Waldy. Fra. George 126 Timothy 180 John 115 William 389 Ramsay 170 William 421 Robert' lOi 123 Walsham. Aug. Sir Claud. Arnold Marr 257 254 Michael Foster 242 Wallis. KCB. 230 Roger Bovee -R. Edward Charles 268 Hon. Edgar 352 Waring. Bruce 184 Hon. Somerset Samuel 421 Richard Hamilton 224 Wm. 283. Hiiii. E. Robert 101. 327 Wm. 240 389 — Peter Margetson Henderson 295 Henry Allsop 32. Henry Turner 352 Arth. Henry 230 John 389 4l2 George Robert Hall ll4 352 John William Henry 260 Lawrence de C. Fred. 412 308 Sir James MaxEdward Wolstenwell. Henry John Walford.170 Lewis Edward 352 William. Wm. Thomas Picton 271 204 Warner. Henrv Wm.R. Henry 194 180 Henry George 176 Henry Torrens 252 Hercules 388 James 218 John 326 John John Geddes 70. Henry 7. 113 George Hamlet Coote. Bl. Drought 352 Wallace. Wade. 148 Geo. 226 Thomas 195 Wardlaw. Garmonsway William Thomas Wale. Robert 113 30 William Noel 273 John Richard 435 Wallinger. MD. Francis 274 Norcliffe Bendyshe William Hislop 412 246 Wall. 166 Richard George Alex. holme 14 284 . Count. Charles Thomas 308 Walcott. Charles Edmund 272 Waldron.Sir John Alex. 415 Walter. James Heme 24ii Thomas 412 388 89 Wadraan. Alex. KH. 32fS 250 223 431 Walker. 286 Warde. MD.Howard 114 William 421 Walbridge. Richard 352 Rawlins George 412 -W^ Hu«ks Harding 182 Walters. A.282 Walpole. William Frederick 421 246 447 154 415 183 Wm 3. 388 Walcot.Lushington —^— — 285 297 Geo. Jas. Robert Hole 190 ——— ^^—— • . CB. William 307 H. A. John Wm. Thomas John 421 Francis 145 John 96 229 Wallack. Alfred Henry Edw. JMajoribanks 146 291 Ware. 267 Robert 60 George 237 Walsh. M. Horatio 40 William Pearson 291 John 94. Alexander Alexander —— Charles Edward 179 197 141 388 388 196 122 Chas. 112 William 352 229 Walmesley. CB. James 166 Wm.Cuthbert 39. Hugh Ritchie 388 198 James Edward L.E. David Wake. 112 Wakefield. Augustus Wainman. Henry William 32 William. Albany French 158 Roberi Sandford 154 Alexander 412 W.H. K. KH. Sandys Walter 315 Stawell 293 William 114 Chas Greenwood 227 Warden. Richard W. 389 Warden.646 Index. 265 Sir Geo. Lovelace 239 14 iMicliael 213 Warburton. Warlow. 114 Watkins. 62. Brown 185 Westmacott. Wm. Y. Low. Henry Reynolds 206 William 175 Wesley. CB. Henry Glynn Earle Pearson 199 Watt. 292. Rodolph de 451 Welchman. 306 William Henry 389 William \\ illiam John 389 143 Welby.Jas KCB. 39. MD. 183 112 Pelham Caryer 352 Geo. Francis Warrand. Spencer 283 Westmore. 165 Wedderburne. Fra. 54. MU. Albert 128 101 Guy Andrew 231 389 James Andrew Vincent 178 James Carnegie 352 Archibald 230 Joseph 112 230 Atherton Joseph 412 Charles Edward 138 156 Robert David Rowland 324 234 151 Geo. Henry Jones 218 66 113 Westenra. 38 Samuel 97. William Kirby 116 Watts. Geo. Wm.20r 421 67 180 209 Walter IMontford 228 Wetherall. Everard 193 282 Thomas 292 Webster. CB. 124 326 John Macdonnell Warrington. Lord Cha. Arthur Frederick 389 Wauch. John Wm. 431 \\e^%. Alexander John 388 Henry 186 Cruickshank 114 IMontague 208 W'arre. 117 389 435 236 352 Osborne Richard 112 William Henry Hore 296 Westby. Astel Thomas 233 James 113 John West 389 Welstead. John Robert 257 Wegiielin. Rob.1 547 ludeJi. George Wellington. Thornhill 362 John Vere William Warry. Wells. John \Valter Henry Edward 193 267 Jacob Chas. Stephen J. David 253 Waugl). Francis Western. Henry Spiller 250 Geo. William Nowell 352 311 Watson. GCB. Thomas-352 Joiia 11 412 Watts. Henrj J. Augustus Fred. Charles 428 of. 5ir Augustus. 151 . Richard 53 Westmorland. 7. Fitzjames Edward 307 427 Welch. Aug. Fred. Chas. Geo. Edward 132 Riiperi Campbell 257 Weir.117. Archibald 412 Hector John Thos. Wm. 274 389 William Henry Henry Edward Slii Webb. 353 James DuflF John West 385 William Godfrey 174 Watte viUe. Hen. 'lownsend 389 238 William Henry Frankland G. Aug. 352 Dukt 36 35i 133 JohnNeave. Geo. 187 389 Rev. Webber. Fortescue Frederick — Frederick 217- James James 362 245 John Maurice 294. William Petrie 90 Augustus Edmd. Wm.298 John Otway 223 Thomas James. Herman 446 Westhead. 431 Chas. 206 Wearing. 176 Welman Harvey Welleslev Pole 238 Hercules Atkin 135 William Henry Dowling Reeves 251 Welsford. Charles Heniy Robert 212 Robert William 188 Henry Swan 114 Theodosius 352 Marcus Antonius 66. 216 James Westfeld. 96. E. Altred Wickham 230 John Pym 97.CB. 51 6ij. W. Wilham 159 185 Henty Waters. E F. Cavendish Jas. William Wm. Arthur Charles Thomas 230 352 Walkin. GCH.452 Charles Richard Sackville Lord 64. Newcomen 264 WarreD.165 Webster 204 James 228 66. 161 Wellings. 298 West. Charles 332 Edw. Brereton 389 412 William Henry 241 153 John Charles William 352 Thos. Henry Edwin 201 Charles. F. Murray. Earl of. MD. 1 13 Warner. Luz. George James 256 Weekes. Edward Baker 238 Edw. 249 Welsh. Edward 22o Henry 148 Hon. Samuel Robert 68. Mat.-ge William 218 George William 421 298 George \Mlliam Francis 316 389 Henry Charles 256 Wedderburn. Francis 415 Wemyss. 50. 234 Way mouth.292 Dawson Stockley 165 Weaver. John. Charles Westropp. 294 178 Charles Thomas 41. R. David John — • • • Weld. Michael Lionel 8. Ci3.Tho. ll3 Geo. Samuel 66 -Aug. James Roger Maximilian 89. 165 451 John 172 Wegener. William Walter . John Parson Edward Hen. Riversdale I7l Weare. Wm. 13 4'^7 113 Binfield Werge. John MD. Weston. C. John Henry 93 John \Vm. 172 199 Frederick Henry Henry James Alexander • • 200 Wellesley. £. 143 4J5 John Sandham 243 124 Daniel Peploe John 240 163 Edward Heiiiy John 294 George 206 167 Lionel Smith George Grant 217 Philip Splane 307 291 George Joseph Richard 179 Henry 285 Richard Lane 31 186 Henry March S. Arthur. William 389 Wemys. Robert 462 Weight. Wm. CB. 284 200 White. Fred. CB. 352 Peter 435 William Wetherall. John Thomas 113 Wheler. William Wilcox.KH. Barton 55 Edward James 89 Ferdinand. MD. CB. 89. John Luke 194 112 Rich.200 Wildman. Fred. George. KCH. Joshua Wild. Dalrymple 95.169 Ihomas 67. George F. Geo. Mortimer 192 113 Wbitlock. Christopher 432 Willan. Robert Whimper. Charles.MZ). George Robert 113 Wlldey. . Francis Trevor. James 41 160 Henry John W^atkin Sandom 119 John Whylock. Robert Dennis 132 Wheatley. 33. Arthur — Raymond Wightman. Locker 124 Balhurst Edw. Bt. Edw. CB. Easifield 135 Anh. Fred. Fred. Henry James Wildbore. George 222 Whigham. Philip Herbert 201 143 Wilder. 136 Whiteford. William 273 Wilkie. Chas.158 155 MD. Henry Martin 161 228 Whaite. Frederick Green 193 CB. Edwin Robert 192 John Lewis 427 Thomas Lawrence Luke 447 Esmond 415 Wejfhe. 275 Fred. William 431 White. John Ross 100. James 389 Wigram. CB. Henry Wase 214 den 137 101. Ely Duodecimus 36 Wigston. Thomas 184 Widmer. 193 John 389 Fred. Robert 389 Michael. John PMmund JMatthew Whaley. Alfred Henderson 198 138 Aug. 98. 265. George Briscoe 352 117. Frederick Wilde. MD.117 Massey. Wheatcroft. CB. Robert Bridg- mau 140 Wigton. 86 Sir 39 Whichcote. MD. Thomas 213 169 Joseph George R. 282 Whish. George 166 Johnson 448 Wicke.15^ James The.KH. 127 John William 234 James William 415 James 275 415 Wethered. Irwine 54. Woolaston 142 Wilford. Henry Arthur Hen. 177 272 George Allix Paul Bernard 284 George Anderson Whittingstall.281 283 Charles C. Tomlius 435 Wilkins. Ernest Christian 114 306 148 412 114 269 298 52 31 64. KCB. Henry Henry Henry Fell 389 427 . 6 Frederick Charles 389 Frederick John George George George Francis George Johnstone George Stewart Hans Robert Hans Thos. Wilby. Joshua John Wilder. Aug. 117 132 15. Philip Whitmore. Edw. John Henry 252 Joseph Wickham. James Douglas 307 Stanhope Leonard 449 Wiering. Germau 113 Sir Henry.217 Thomas Thos.255 Wilkin. Charles John Alexander 389 John James 39 428 John Walter 447 Wichmann. 138 228 266 bitty. Stoddart 259 Amherst 285 Berdoe Sir Geo. Edmund Ag. 389 Wigley. Hon. 326 326 P. James Samuel Martin 412 352 Whitlie. Edmund Neal 389 William William Alexander. 9. 99. 33. Children 249 Fletcher 112 232 William John 100. Whalley. Ramsay Ernest Christian 352 Whitehead. Francis 70. Cha. George . Claudius Buchanan 140 113 George Palmer 112 Richard SirWilliam S. Francis Freeman 175 . 176 233 John 309 Whyte. Henry John Whitfield. Ferdinand. 113 George Sidney 248 John Henry 389 'J'hos. Edward W . JohnG. David 114 428 Henry Lowe David 326 Robt. 206 389 Whimster. James Whinyates. John Butler 196 Hugh Sir Wheeler.Von 448 Loraine 260 139 Weyland. Aug. W. 181 89 Savage. W.S. Amelius 102. John John Lunan 389 163 Whiteside. W. . Anthony Moses. Thomas 273 Fred. Andrew. James 389 Wilbraham. John Tho. Whiting. 112. Montagu Stopford 285 Christopher 86 Mortimer R. Tho. Tod 236 Wilkinson. 130 452 432 Wharton. Geo. George Wm. KH. 112 114 Whistler. Edmund Jacob 217 389 Whitby. 50 389 Whitley.648 Index. GCH. A.Lsmonde. Geo. CB. CB. George 164 Douglas 113 Wiggins. 267 199 217 431 Wm. Ernest Christian 198 MD.F. John Gibson 415 Whitbread. Charles Von 326 George W.315 Christopher Brice William 207 Whittingham. Wm. Edward 41 Rootle Rich. 113 193 John William 389 150 William Wbeatstone. George HampWhitfeild. 151 Fran. James Whitaker. Geo.S. Ravenscroft Henry Chandler 234 156 150 Henry Green Whylock. 59. l80 51 Whelan.94 176 178 241 191 220 389 435 Wigstrom. John 248 Wilkieson. 140 John Wilmer 233 150 John Bennett 251 Wilmot. Roherts 199 Wiilington. Albert H. 255 353 353 166 217 432 440 353 Witts. Augustus 448 Wolf. Alexander Josp]. KCB. C. George. . John Lucas 100. Jas. Freke. • . KH. Sherburne 38 267 Theodore 136 John J. Wm. Richard 53 Rich. Allan 129 Wodehoiise. 453 Thomas 307 Joseph Fraser 353 Thos. Nicholas 238 Joseph 352 Benjamin Francis Lewis Duncan 56. KH. Aug. 178 William 237 Wm. Peter John 87 Willcocks. Alexander Jas. Charles 66 191 Henry Christopher Horatio James William Wishart. 19() W. Rl.175 Edwin Nicholas Wodsworlh. Williamson. Willan. KH. Eardlev John Wm."^ 273 Woltf. Roger W. Christopher Winniett.Index. James 352 183 Sir John. 133 39 Samuel 116 William John 272 Sylvester W. 326 James E. 389 \Vilton. Sidney 209 Wodilrop. Saltren 41. 225 Fred. Ffolliott John Hope 98. Claries 102. Hugh Edw. George 436 John 436 John Pratt 143 Samuel 210 Winterscale. Edmund 97. William Charles 166 Winter. 267 William Fenwick Robert. Edward Williams. | 63. Charles ]\Ionck 165 282 Edward 352 Reginald Stewart Edw. 285 Thomas 67. Fred. Charles Asli Geoige Smyth Joseph Smyth 421 Windle. H. S. 68. William 99. Edmund 168 George Davis. 389 Wm. Frederick 450 Wolfe. John Withington. 201 John Robert 162 Samuel 421 Wiltshire. 292 100. Coll. Peter 127 Withington. Sir Thomas. Windham.. Wm. Theodore 136 Wisch. Ricbard Henry 216 Willes. 30. William 239 Wily. A. MD. 285 KCB. Stephen 113 162 Samuel 242 John 352 Samuel Toosey 129 John Alexander 61. John Windeyer. James 421 Wills. . 352 glas John 352 185 Usher 94. C. JM. John 389 Wise. Harry Smith 229 Henry R. John James Winn. Nicholas. Edward John Winnicki. John Henry Francis 212 Thomas Lake Wilson. Llewellyn 152 50 _ Richard Michael Henry 389 130 -James 428 Rowland Edw.. 298 194 Joseph 87 Wilson. Augustus Henrv 235 181.llieronimus \-onder446 Wischmanii. MD. Walter Clopton Winkworth. 'Ihos. Thomas. Wm. ' • . Chas. Thomas 86 Charles C. Charles Charles Sidney 270 389 273 138 306 297 Edward Arthur 270 F. George 239 Wm. William Winne. B. 155 Sir Jnhn Morillyon. Browne 57. George de Hen. Withers. J. M Arthur W. 432 CB. 99 112 212 Thomas -Charles 428 Francis A lev. Kennett 315 James 352 Richard Kennett 290 James 415 Robert J.268 Robert 60. Eardley 58 John James L. CB. Leonard Kilham Thomas 352 Willats. Louis Henry 8. Goodwin KH. Henry Safe 196 Willard. Moffat Dou- Williamson. Haubury 142 Harry ' 5Ad MD. Georoe 448 Wisdom. Henry William 316 Winchester. Townsend 148 Montgomerv 64. Henry Jeffreys 353 Winsloe. De Anyers 202 John Georje 135 Willocks. Dalton 40 119 Cha. Molyneux. Edward Hayes 169 Wilton. Benjamin 260 245 Falconer 222 Rich. Edward Witte. 268 man Henry 294. Dudley 269 15 Clifton 138 . John Shepard 412 Wing. F. Tlieo. 133 112. Thomas. 248 Willoughby James 272 \Villiam Henry 190 Wm. Arthur Stewart 230 Willoughhy. 266 Frederic Arthur 236 George Brander 389 Geo. George 116 Winckler. 114| T. 291 Wilmer. 202 James 179 Willson. John 435 Wirgman. Williani 448 389 326 59 253 353 389 247 223 267 119 166 121 421 389 274 436 155 Winnington. James Irwin Willett. William Bowen 435 61. 227 Willox. • . MD. CB. Rich. Bart. 143 Auo-ustus Saltren 389 John Saltren Willey. CB. Butler 229 Frederick 169 Willis. 13. Alex. 53. Rh. Augus.216 52 Ricii. George 163 Willshire.h 412 F F . IMaitland • Charles Winckworth. 327 Horatio Lloyd Chas. M. Vincent 352 Wingfield. CB W^m. George Thomas. CMG. Alfred Roniaine 269 389 o6. John Fewtrell 435 William. W^m. Wm. Arthur 113 Woolfreyes. Charles Woodford. Ambrose 296. Alexander 389 Alfred William Arthur 195 233 Wm. James Dennis 146 158 John. Arch. 192 Woodman. Fred. A. James Wilkinson 308 Richard. 90. Frederick von 450 VVoodroffe. Thomas Xind Woodburn. Sir W'illiam 353. Joseph Wm. Robert Hudson Henry 219 284 Hugh Boyd Thomas 389 117. Thomas Jas. de Wyatt. MD. CB. George 389 Alick MD James Humphreys 55 John Gillespie.W.147 Aug\istus 3t!6 Charles Wm.Watkin WilJames liams 415 174 James. Andrew I\IacWood. 282 • ' Wm.GCMG. Chas. MD. Sumpter 389 59. Mark 70. 10. CB. 291 W^ynniatt. 452 15 John 353 Wynne. KH. Charles Edw Wray. W 139 445 436 ville William William William Alfred Garner 294. Kenelm Chandler Wulffen. O'Bryen Bellingham James 353 271 353 James John 219 Workman. 275 186 389 Wadham 353 Charles 31 243 George 30 Henry 87 9. Matthew 312 Wm. 389 C. Paul Henry Ridge Garnet Joseph Wombvvell. David Edw 268 kason 412 Frederick 389 Edward 236 Fred. Goforth 154 John 435 Wylde. L. William 435 Wyer. Woodley. G. Adolphas S12| Wright. GCB. Archibald 215 Wybrow. 281 George 353 Wyndowe. 162 Alfred Francis W. Frederick Woodfall. Stephen 430 Henry Henry 389 Woolsey. Fred. MD. William. Wood gate. 307 Worsley. 354 William 226 Woodward.KH. Frederick 451 Henry Richard 59 Wynn. Henry Robert 254 bartes Wybault. Henry Plantagenet Wortham. George Peter. Wayte Charles 271 Charles James 268 Charles Ravenhill 88 171 Woodall. 198 Wolrige. 8. MB. 217 140 Charles Edwin Francis Dalmahoy 226 326 188 148 353 James Henry John Samuel Henry Ro- Sir 32 306 Patrick Robert 428 Wybergh. CB. 266 Edward Andrie 294 Wylie. 117. Wolffradt. \Ym. CB. Woodcock. Harding AVoodhouse. 101. Charles 197 WoolfordjJ. 100.550 Index. MD. 36.Arth.282 Worthington. James John 203 Frederick John . 137 George 113 Henry 118 Georo-e Percy Scawen 148 9. Alexander H. 112. George 308 Henry 221 John 428 Henry 243 Woolriche. Percy 295 WoolJcombe.353 Sir John George. 193 John Joseph 169 John Manley 88 John Stewart 164 Launcelot Edward 205 Peter Valentine 415 Robert lilucher CB.Senhouse 184 Henry Clark 179 Woulfe. Robert (1st) 249 Robert (2nd) 233! Robert 35S Thomas. Aug. Henry Press 312 Wyneken. George Henry 295. R. Thos. Sir Alex. Hale Young 259 59. Thos. Cha. Charles John 208 112 412 113 William. John Andrew 161 George Orby 142 Woolhouse. Thomas Thomas Thomas Parker 389 353 214 Woodwright. 256 William 315 Wright. 262 Wraxall. Wms. 353 Richard Ricliard Wm. Nicholas Wrotteslev. R. 436 353 Woolrabe. Alex. 431 Herb. Charles Robert 353 John 389 George 283 John Hobson 260 Heneage Griffiih 220 Jones 296 Henry JohnLloyd 119 J. 159.112. KCH. MD. Henry George Ed^vard James Wollocombe. Wortlej. Freeme 264 Rev. Wrighte. James. John. CB. CB. Weaker IMel- ISIinchin 291 187 327 353 293 435 40 123 421 235 - . Wrifcrd. Wra. Wyllie. Jolin 326 353 Joseph Coleman Richard Miles 421 Hornsby. George Wulff. John 112 Wragge. 112 Alexander 274 Patrick Wymer. 298 112. Alex. John 232 Geo. Arthur. Hen. Geo. 260 Woods.191 252 12 264 30 238 427 Wra. 117 Wyndham. William Woodroff. E. He'nry Powell 64. 298. 298 389 353 285 282 353 450 91. Wrixon. 335 Jackson Thomas 240 40. Wra. Ambrose. John Edward Edward Rev. 144 Thomas Pattison 233 Wreford.Wat. KCB. Peter 308 Robert 297 George 389 George Horsley 389 Robert Wm. 209 Young. Benjamin 274 Bolton. Chas. Watson Tillard. Alexander Wyse. Frederick 449 433 Zugiaui. John 11. Chas. William 283 James Robert 53. Cooke. Alarino 451 274 • • insertion in their proper places. 130 James Brown YoUand". Kil. Aug. 62. William James 11. Yarnold. Alex. 39 16 Plomer J. M£>. Crawley ley.^09 Charles Henry B. A. Fred. Edward G. George Henry Wingfield 234 George Ramsay Henry Peel 272 Craik — John 143 George Samuel Jonathan Henry 8 Henry Harraan Yea. 54. John Crawford 53 253 John 1). J. L. Noriis. Pym 2 IT 190 Younge. Watson. Wm. 282 389 Robert Abercromby 95. Astley 272 George Francis John 113 232 Younghusband. Oliver H. Chichester 274 Johnstone. Wm. George 428 James Yerburv. Youge. Rob. Patrick . 209 \Vm.243 Yard. Richard Rodes 235 Archibald Goldie Ximenes. John Jonathan 389 Yonge. 114 Younghusband. Jas. William Charles 270 James.57. 173 114 William 421 213 William 275 William 286 94. Frederick 61. i ! FF 2 274 274 274 274 . John Wm. C. Lacy Walter 64. Henry 179 435 Sir Wm. 1J5 209 Yorke.Wright 269 353 Yule. Phillip James Robert Henry. Don. CB. MD. 180 389 John Eldon MD. 174 162 Wm. Barton. Hon. Atkins274 Wilson. N. 269 Wm. Edm. Edward BuckWm. Jos. Cha. Frederick 183 Colin. Yeoland. Robert Horsley Rideout.Index. C. Henry John Robert Julian Bargus 353 Wynyard. 158 Henry Yelverton. Edw. Charles MD. CB. Arthur George Allen Allecocke 199 Wyvill. Chas. Benjamin 389 Edward William 114 Yates. Wynter. John 353 69. Leigh Delves 274 Maclachlan. Augustus Ferdinand 447 237 Ziermann. Bt. ' Too late for 561 213 Young. Raymond 159 Yarborough. Chas. CB. 274 Cockerell. Geo. 450 3j3 Zeil. Gustarus Nigel John 353 K. Arthur Kenncdy274 j Henry Percy Walker. A. 389 135 455 Zehupfenning. Alb. Baird 363 272 Wm. Augustus George Henry Gladwin. 353 128 Richard 230 '36 Robert 389 243 Thomas Newton 173 225 T. Henry 274 Nicolls. G. Hope 274 Broughton. 312 211 John George 389 274 Keith 114 283 Plomer. James 274 Humfrey. Horace 139 Arthur Cotto — Charles Colville Wm. . actioii at Campo Mayor. and San Sebastian. in cooperation with the Spanish Array. He served also the campaign in the Southern Mahratta country in 1844 (including the storm of the fortress of Punella). 368 Captain Woods served with the Buffs in the Peninsula in 1808. and Gaeta. Cherbourg. and with the expedition to Naples. jaub campaign of 1848-9. Basque Roads. 365 Captain "Witts served at the battle of the Nile. north coast of Spain. Capua. and was present at the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto. and was present at the action of Fuenterabia. 370 Captain Wrixon served in Spain from April 1812 to the end of the campaign. 367 Capt. 1798. 16th March 1837. During the war he served also in the West Indies. 369 Captain John H. lines at Torres Vedras. the field actions of the 10th. Flushing. Served also at the siege and capture of Genoa. storming the heights of Jugdulluck. 1801 (Turkish Gold Medal). 11th July 1836. battle of Castalla. ZIO). second siege of Tarragona. having lost his right leg. investment of Barcelona. James Wood served from 1812 to 1815 at the Texel. and Hernani. action at Ordal. 371 Captain Yonge served with the Queen's Royals throughout Lord Keane's campaign in Affghanistan and Beloochistan. actions before Alcoy. Wright served with the Royal Battalion from 1836 to 1840. battles of Talavera and Busaco. where he was severely wounded. St. In the Royal Marine Battalion under Sir Ralph Abercromby in Egypt. and 11. 366 Captain Henry Wood served throughout the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan under General Pollock.552 IFa?' Services of the Captains {continued from p. and that in the Concan in 1845. was present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass. Helena. retreat therefrom. and occupation of Cabool (Medal). 9. and commanded a squadron at the battle of Chillianwallah (Medal and St Clasp). 1799. and I4th March. and Madeira. besides various other affairs. 10. At the siege and capitulation of Elmo. and battle of Albuhera. He has received the War Medal with two Clasps for Talavera and Albuhera. including the first siege of Tarragona. Served also in the Punactions of Tezeen and Huft Kotul. War Medal with two Clasps. and was severely wounded at the storming of Ghuznee (Medal). 12th. .s. 53 Rich.JP..19Feb. Thumall llSept. 53 Tbomas G.13Nov. Duncombe Jones 5 Oct. Le\-iu3 Grimshaw George Ledger 4 Oct.2 May 53 Scott Powell. DL. 40 Surg. 5Sept. J. Christopher Deak Brickmaun — Adjt. 53 W. laleoflVJle Brioade 21 Oct. [No. and f'apt.MILITIA ENGLAND AND WALES. 47 of Brecl-nock Majok. Beaumaris. h<i F. 53 Matthew Knapp Charles James Palmer Raglau Somerset 12Sept.-Colonel. 31 Hunter. Adjt. 53 Robert J. DL. Arthur 30 Nov. LlECT.. 53 William Henry Benjamin Way 16 Mar. late Lt.. Sir Claudius Stephen Paul Edmund Morgan 15 Eeb. DL Robert Hindley Wilkensou . Holt 5 . Assist. Lord Liev. 52 6 Oct. late Capt. Barthol.JP.21 Surgeon.Higgins. 46 Charles Lindsell 19 Dec. 53 Ensign. 5 Dr.Capt.47 Wm. 53 Captains Majoe. MP. Sr —Ale. Capt. LlEUTKNANTS. C. Chapman 29 Aug. DL. Bedford. MP.f. 4 Oct. 52 52F.Wynne Jone.. Surg. 51 C. Siuison 13 Nov. 53 20 Mar. 52 Mortimer Thoyts 9 Oct. Major.pt.oJi/. Canadian liijles late of 10 Jan. Stephen Roose Eyre Lloyd 5 Oct 52 22 Apr..\ Captain Quarters. 53 12 Sept. 4- 13 Aug.53 Soltan . late25 Nov. 7. . Septimus A. 53 {Bijles. John Blagrave. DL. {Light Iiifaulry. Lord Lieutenant 7 Mar. 52 Arthur Macuamaia Oct.] [31. James Voules John Money Williams 16Mar. 3 May 53 John Eorsyih Gregory Arthur Wilks Ludlow Gom- Captains. 4G Astell. 53 Thomas Howard William Francis Wheble Richard Eraucis Bowles Lieutenants. 1 Launcelot Reed Fred. Michael .] {Light Infantry.. George A. late of Coldst.48 Capt. ID F. Penry AVilliam3. Richard Charles Samnel Slocock 11 Oct.53 Ca. Pratt W.p. 53 5 Henrj.3()MHr.Adtane. DL.17 Oct. 46 Wm. DL 8 Oct. May 25 Aug. JP 8Sept. 56 F. Robert Brerelon. 53 Capt.-Colonel. 10 F..Thos.J 5 Oct. Norbonnc Gilpin Smith Henry Meux Smith 20 Dec. 53 BalthazardPoussin. EiKST Lieutenants. Owen Lewis Cope 'Williiuns . Young. 30Nov.JP.22 Apr.l3 Surgeon. 6Nov.L. DL.52 — Dark Green Eacin's. Charles Stauho])e Jones. 52 Parr}- John Thomas Roberts Oct. 52 Majok. [No.. Zfo«.Gds. 52 22 Eeb.-Colonel Commandant. EOYAL BRECKNOCK.42 High Wycombe. 10 Mar.31 May 53 Jas. Colonel. 53 Edward Tew Thomson Arthur Deane John Douglas Freman Majtlaud Henry Hanmer Leycester T. or THE KING'S OWN. 52 31 Dec. 53 12 Sept.h.. —Thomas Johnes 6 Eeb.JP 2 Oct. Adjt. 53 5Mf^. SO Dec.— Arthur Seal y Lawrence2 5 June 20 Blue Facings. Blue Facings. 53 Captains. John Bendyshe. 1 Lfe Gds. 31 F. 53 John Dugmore . 52 14 Oct.'>.-Snni.53 Hankiu Turvin. 3 late Capt. Edward Pinningtou Nowell . MP.. Wm. 53 Edw. 12 July 45 George EitzRoy 29 Oct. 15 Nov.. James Danicll George Wm. Thomas Peers Williams lOMar. 52 Captains. J P 30Sept. 2 Lieut. Wale. 52 22 Apr. 61.29 Oct. Octavius Duncombe.-C. 53 20Jan. DL. 53 30 Aug.l.4 Aug.53 Randolph Henry Crewe Richard Shackel Ensigns. JP.. DL.-Surg. . LlEUT. 13June48 William Stewart. William Bridgwater Robert G. 42 5 Oct. 52 Edward Goodwin. DL. 53 20 Mar. — yUixymns Van Kerkwyk Bowie. Assist.-COLO:<lSL. 52 EX. Gilpin. 12Sept. late of a Dr. Blue Facings.P.. 53 1 Oct. 35. 5 Apr.] Head 1 Dec. 31 Oct. Wm.. R. Rich.52 May 53 May 53 Second Lieutenants. Henry Greenway. Lieut. 53 Jolin Joseph Augustine Leonard Creatou 12 Sept.] [No. Aug. 52 10 Jan. JP. John Lewis Hampton Lewis.. It.Robert Poole Ensigns.) Head Quarters. -19 21 Eeb. John Leveson Gower. Lord Carrington. Gentlaiian- 22 pertz Tliomas Price Bligh ^Capt. 46 . 68.] Head Head Quarters. Head Quarters. 53 Thos. J P. 52 Wm.12 Nov. 52 Adj.— Robt. late Lieut. JP. Hood. Trygarn Griffith. Quarters. BuUey — Frank .. 53 7 Sept.Hastings Russell.J. ^. 51 27 July 53 20 Oct.30Sept. JP.t'u/i^ h.. JP [No. Cooper Cooper.. late of'l^ F.JP.. late Capt. late of 33 E..52 Thomas John Curtis 30Nov. DL...63 Lieutenants. Grove .37 George William Cavendish .. 53 af-Arms 21 Mar.52 Wm.2). 52 23 May 53 21 Sept. Lielt. [No. Love EOYAL BUCKS. Reading. Unatt LlEUT.£7i../«/eo/l F. Copcland Redmond Judd 20 Feb. 35 Rlue Eacings. Charles Bacon 31 Dec. JP. Brecon.53 27 Sept.48 — Charles Greenheadl3Nov. Robert Pemberton. DL.) John Harvey Lieutenants.) Head EOYAL BEKKS. 53 John Stratton Fuller 12 Sept. Eras. 53 11 Jan. William Jssist. Nov. I7«a<< COI-ONF. 18. 52 aClCharles Smith.IO May 53 Wm. 5/. DL. 52 31 Dec. Rudyerd David WiUiams Bernard Mark Ridley Smitli Lieutenants. 52 late Capt. llSept.-Surff. Cary'(l). 53 Captains.53 Isaac King Thomas Alderman Houghton 8 Aug.-CoLONEL COMMANDANT. 53 31 June 53 Colonel. E.SIGNS. 3 May 53 Jn.52 Eraucis Leslie Pyni. 52 CAMBRIDGE. 53 Adam RVandy. Smith. 48 9 Nov. 48 i:dward Thornton Chas. Adjt. DL.17Nov. Kenworthv Browne 24Feb. Douglas John Dickinson(li. Captains. late Lieut..p. Win. Quarters. 39 Major. Ely. Barker 9 Aug. Lloyd Vaughan Watkins.'. T. Gds.-COLONKL.t. P.— i R. C. . late Cajjl. 11 Nov. GJs. W. BEDFORD. EOYAL ANGLESEY. JP. Colonel.46 Shersou. 1 Fusiliers . 3 May . Hon. 12 Oct. Hon. 1st ROYAL CHESHIRE. Marines Blue Facings.uns. late Capt. 24. J? Nicholas Kendall. JP.—?. 53 Head Quai-ters. Augustus Coryton. 50 Rice Price Beynon. Lieutenants. Ensigns. Powell. Thomas Edmund Marsland Edward Reddish do Adjt. D.Brom^vich. Lord Dnievor. Lord Lieutenant. 2nd Unatt C. Fred. Hon. 53 — Eugene James Vaughan. Head Quarters. to the Queenll Feb. W. ^i Oct. JP late Adjt. Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. Cannarthen. JP. .MP. MD. DL Griffith Griffith John Rowlands [No.23 Jan. Colonel. DL. C.Capt. 23 Drs 19 Lieutenants.. 19 11 Sept. 53 Nov. J. Geo. George Edgcumbe 7 Feb. Major. Tollemache 25 Feb. Captains. Lieut. 5 Oct. 6 Apr. ^ Capt. L. 7«/c Capt. 36 Aug.564 Militia of England and Wales. Wilbrahani Fred. James Newton. latcoj \iLt. W. DL. 50 Williani Price Lewes. JP. 4 Dec. 53 53 53 53 DL DL 21 Aug.. -Colonel Commandant. Lloyd Hunt Arthur Wyatt Head Quarters. JP.10 Jan.— '^'m.) Head deley. ROYAL CHESHIRE.. Andrew. Gds. P Brune. ROYAL CARNARVON. 18 4N0V. R. 48 F.. 1 Oct. h. 53 Pennant Athelword Iremonger. do William Davenport Davenport. late Major 28 F. First Lieutenants. David Edward Jones 19 Jan. JP W. 2 Dr. JP. 26 Jan.Powell. (Rifles. 25 Richard Johns. late Capt. Geo.. DL 25 Oct. Jenkins . late 4 Oct. JP Morgan Prvse Lloyd.. Adjt. 68 4June6S 6 JuneBS 9 June6S . John Hurleston Leche. late Capt. Wm.. 9 Apr. Colonel.53 Surgeon. ADC. 58 Captain Surgeon. §• Capt. [No. 26 Captains. Samuel Borlase. 33 F. John Legh Sykes Francis Pullon Mudd William Birch Sykes Thomas Aldersey 6 July 12 May 13 27 26 Oct'. 81 aOE. late Capt. ROYAL CARDIGAN.20 Oct.. DL.* late of Ordnance Field Train James Golden Heap 5 .-CoLONKL COMMANDANT.-Colonel. Drs 5 Jan. JP P.. DL.26 July 46 Surg.. 10 Jan. — Charles AVhite.j- Army Majok. DL. 52 15 Dee. Hugh Horatio Seymore 25 Jan.p.] (Rifles. 23 Mar.-Colonel Commandant. Surgeon. Jan. L. DL P.) — Adjutant iS" Capt. T. A. 31 Geo.. JP — — John Richards 25 July MP.) li. 53 53 53 Lieutenants. (Rifles. Watkin Rice. Rees Goring Thomas. . 20ct. [No. Griffith 52 Blue Facings. Thomas Edw. JP 20 Jan. Egerton Leigh.15 Jan. Frederick Ross Cowell 26 Feb. 22 Jdjt. 52 30 Oct. of 10 Jan.83 17 Dec. DL. DL. Gds 30 June 53 Captain 30 Mar. A.DL. to IheQiieeu DL. 53 53 SO Oct. 52 John Vincent Ilawksley Williams. 26 Feb. 53 E. Hon.' 30 Aug. Majob. Chester. Edward Gordon DouglasColonel Hen. Burnet Pearson 30 JiJy Robert Maseie Taylor.53 Head . John Macdonald. 23 K. WilUam (Rifles. Henry [No. 40 2 May 46 4 Oct. John Craven Palin 10 Sept. Jan. late of Gr. p. JP William Sandbacli 30 Aug. ^.] Wynne William May 53 DL Lloyd Phillips. ENsioris. late Captain 37 F. 52 lute Lieut. J P.- Capt. 50 Vmtt — 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 DUKE OF CORNWALL'S RANGERS.. i'. [No. JP James AVni.-Colonel. HughCholmondeley. DL.ShF. —Ihos. 5 Jan. LIEUT. 30 Aug. Samuel Woodhouse. 53 Capt. Assist.20 30 Aug.^. 53 26 Nov. 16Sept. Wvnne Walker Jones Frank Mucklestoue Allen John Bailey Williams Thos. 53 Bellot. liCwis Evans John Thirlwall Lieut... JP. DL. Bowen Thomas. JP.—\i. Ii. Captains. p. Vaughan Surgeon. . Carew.p. 52 Charles Poppleton. DL. Jan. 26 Feb. Charles George Cholmondeley 24 Feb. Lawrence. James Lewis Thomas 15 Jan. JP G. DL. DL. 53 Morgan Lewis 33 Jdjt. J P. May 39 Nov. late Capt. 53 10 Oct. 53 Second Lieutenants. JP.P. Francis Stuart. Gds. 52 Black Facings. Lieut. CornwaU Legh.5~ ill the Col. Michael Dickment. Aberystwitli.53 Francis Glanville..Capt... 14 15 Jan.) Head 53 Quarters. late of Scots Fus. Da^-id Daries. h. DL. 15 Jan.. B. 53 6. hQF.TEUT. late of \ Life Gds 28Aug. Capt. 38. Second Lieutenants. H. Majoe. Majors. Captains.52 4Nov. 52 . 07 Black Facings. MP.] Quarters. JP 25 July 53 SOJuly 53 20 Oct. late IZF. Carnarvon. 64. Durham. Capt. 26 H. Pearce Evans. do do do Alexander Richards R.53 — 28 Jan. R.. James Morice Thomas Davies 25 Oct.-Trtwox Daven- (f- port. Lieutenants. E.. Bodmin. 43 F. dGF.25 Jan.SOJuly 5 Captains. StcoND Lieutenants.-COLONEL COMMANDANT. 62 36Nov.] Quarters. O. J.53 John Whitehead Peard Francis John Hext Frederick John Trick 14Mar.20 Oct. (\)ADC. . JP.EdwardPowell. 33 Stockport. Nov. Hosken Harper. . 56. T. J. Edward Spenser Harrison 31 Jan.33 Oct. . .-Surg. 14 f.40 Lieut. B. JP. 53 Majors. Grenville Cholmon- ROYAL CARMARTHEN. 52 S7 F. Phillips.. Lieut. 39 26 Feb. — George Cole 28Nov.. Brittain. LlEUT. 52 Ensigns. Assist. JP Clement Swetenhani. JP. Edward Charles Hicks 5 John Marsland Lingard 15 Edward Harrison Martin 20 Henry John Foulkes Taylor.. 53 Surgeon.— 1\\om^i James Black Facings.. -Surg.. Wynne. 53 Jan. JP. DL. late Ensign 1 'F. 53 53 late 25 F.10 Jan. lute Lieut. 50 50 36 Feb. 57 F.] Pennant.18 Oct.. Messenger. 68 Vapt. IaleofG'Drs 29 Apr. F. JP Major. and Major. late FiEST Lieutenants.. N. JP.l^ F.14Sept. 17 Lancers James Fairtlough.. Hamlvii. Michell.. .(l) Capt. Scarlet Facings. Exeter. DL. 29July 52 Surgeon. Aubyn.—Yrs.J Nicholas 5 Black Facings. LorJ20May 16 0/9 F.RoiId Edward Cartliew JF T. J P. late Captains. Robert Mvddelton Godfrey Fitzhugh Adjt.(3) Fulbert Archer R. M'Coy. 1 Sept. 52 6July53 COENWALL.Captain.— '&. John Jocelyn FfouUies. Bennett. John Stuart Coxon 29Jan. lale Head Quarters. JV. Robert Hughes. lale Lieut.. Launcestou. do. 53 53 53 53 280ct.53 Major. 43 Fitzhugli.(a) lale Capt. Samuel Lacv Wm. 52 S..ONEI. Gds. Hugh. DL.40 Hon. J. Lieut. H. do. Coldst. late GlnnvQle Gregor Viscount Valletorte 1st [No. Captains. 46 F. 19 July 53 Blue Facings.-Col 10 Sept. Edyvean ^ Capt Capt. C. [No. Derby. 34 /'. 53 Render John Molcsworth St.nvid Rattary. 07 Assist. Hemy JP R. p.] 52 3Feb..Maclurcan. 46 Wm.30Nov.. 60 Rifles lale Capt.D 16 Sept.(l) Capt.13Nov. late Capt. 23 .lafeLt. 52 Robert William Wvnne UOct. 52 Erskine. Ensigns. 29 Apr.p Adj.G. 3 Proi: Bat.. 46 Henrv Elton. . laie IMar. Artillery 20 I'ovtescue. Militia of 665 First Likutenani'S. Second Lieutenants. 46. MP. 52 Jion. 29 Apr. DL. BuUmore. 22 Sept. Thomas Roberts Cha. Lord Waterpark 12 Apr.. Cafji. late of 85 26May 32 21 . JP. 3Mar. Ens. Carr late Lieut.) Head Head Colonel. 52 Lieutenants.-Surg.-Colonel.] Whitehaven. JP. ^ Capl. Sir May 53 Captains. MD Pryco 1st [No.(2) J P. Captains.—Vl. Henry Webber. Pennington Robert Edmund Waters 28Aug. 50 Charles Fursdon lOAug. JP. — M. Edmund Lionel Welles 12Mar. late o/ 28 F. iliifles. JP 13Jan. DL Sliuttleworlh Allen. Lowther. 34 ISOct.52 26May Walter E.l5 H...B. lJuue32 Henry Marsh . Carew Raver Richard Hall Clarke. M. Harwood. Quarters. 50 23 Nov.—llany Reginald Salusbury Trelawny 26 Apr. Cocks Ernest Fred. S.—tliomis Fred. 23 Sept.19 May F. Capt. 54 F.] Captains. George Fursdon. DL.28 Feb. Sr Lt. Miles Wynne.53 18Sept.UOK. JP 2 May 53 Edward Sterhug 28 June 53 28 June 63 28 June 53 Sterling John Travers Lawrence — John Edwd.v.an'e Dacie 3June53 George Henry Woods Poltimore Ridgnay Halifax Wyatt William Arnold 3June53 30 July53 20 Sept. JP. 30 Sury. 50 28 Apr. late of 29 F. . B..Tnst.53 5 Oct. Leveson Gower. Sawie 12 July 44 26Apr. 53 — John Ward... Phillip Lardner. 53 {Rifles.16Mar.21Fel).-Colonfi. 6 Jan. 52 O'Neil J. Brevet Lf. Williams 4 Feb. 53 . 52 John Constantine.. Isaac Edward Thomas Coke. 46 Sbilston C. W. 52 John Edward Madocks.l5 Jan. MP. C. JP..] EOYAL DENBIGH. Peel Stephen Nowell I'sticke John Borlasc Thomas Graves Swale George Grenville Forteseue C.-Colonel Commandant.. G. 53 IDec. 9Feb.. 52 VL. EAST DEVON.) Head Quarters. 53 J.. lateCapr. late Capt. AJjt. Quai'ters. 53 Captain 4June53 Stirn. 52 4 Oct. 52 Second Lieutenants... Aubyn. [No..110ct. Thomas Lloyd late Ralph LlEUT. Mosley. ^PRich. T..mF. Sharpe. M. 62. Ensigns.] Quarters. Thomas Forteseue. served in the Navy Henry Churchill R.— ioha D. 53 John Jefferey Sole W./.. 2 May 53 M. 53 26 Mar.. 30 Lielt..Cn^/nin. JJjt.31 LiELT. oi. Thorold. 53 Wm. Steele Perkins. Assist.Mar. 52 De- lamain Wheatley Yellow Facings. 13Sept. 52 18Sept. Wilson. 52 4 Oct. — Thomas 240ct. 19/'. 63 Foot John Harris. John K.. 1 F.46 28 Apr. late Lieut. -Colonel. lSept. }^Eon. j. llOct. 3 May 46 2 May 46 23 Nov. 58 Lieutenants. 46 Blue Facings. n. Lieut. 45 23 Sept.England and Wales. Fidler Second Lieutenants.52 27 Dec.52 16Sept.llOct. 14 14July 40 ISSept. . Lieut. DL. Francis Hawell R. JP. 13 Light Il«. 4Jane53 4 June 53 .220ct. .. Wrexham. 31 7July 46 16Sept. 1 Fusiliers Assist. 53 26 Mar. DL. late ofGren.. Henry F. Bart. p. EOYAL CUMBEELAND. 2May53 Capt. late Captain aOF.. 1 May 46 Mar.20Aug.52 Surgeon. . COI. Major. 52 4 Oct. 21Sept. JP. 118. Sanderson. Symons Head 4 Oct. Adjt. llOct. [No. Commandant. 53 John Edward Weston Lieutenants. '2xD May 53 Head Colonel. 12 July 44 N.— Van. G. Edward Adjt. 52 6 July 53 ^ Captain.53 16Mar. 50 lSept. It. DEEBY. Hunter Thomas Cox Thomas Kemp Story Captains. DL Edmund Pitman 26 Sept.. Peel Hoyd. Chas.^art. DL. 53 N. 52 2G Mar. JP Truro. Kendall FiBST Lieutenants. 52 Chas.. S. 46 H. JP.D. 9. 52 George I.. John Salushurv Trelawuy. 10 June 45 25 Feb.(2) Capt. Morsiiead.— Vfi\\ii\m Bennett . H. h. Willyams F.\\Oci. -Surgeon. 25 June 53 JP 30 July 53 Wm. Earl Robert Myddelton Biddulph. C. Zor(/-Zi««^ AETILLEEY.-Snrg . 55 F.52 Surgeon. DL.p. DL 22May 47 Alan Chambre. Lord King- Lieutenants. Lieut. h. 7 Hussars Toriano Surgeon. JP. John Wm. 53 o/13 F.Moveton Ley Brooks Samuel Collinson lOFeb. AIms.. JP Simon Yorke.. i5" —Wm. on h.JP 4Feb. . 52 sale D. Henry Wragg .^l) h. Ward. 41. DL. John St.52 L'Estrange.-William II. EOYAL COENWALL AND DEVON MINEBS Sir Colman Rashleigb. Dudley Forteseue. Quarters. Robertson Sandbach.50 Powe DL Ashton late J P.-CoLONEL. Thomas Park James Lumb James M. Second Lieutenants. DL. Si Capt... \1 Lancers 22Sept.-16 Assist. Majok Captains.lug. 35 Lieut. 46 J. JP John Line Templer 30 Oct.—B-oU. 43 9Feb. late May 53 Biguell. Adjt.Captain.-Colonel Commandant. Geo.Scanuan(3) ^((r.24Sept. Madras Army 2G July 52 Lieut.-Surg. John Fr. Feb. 2. Ensigns. 53 7 Oct. 53 John Fred. 1 Henning Thomas Ewens Hubert Assist.p. 2nd ok 4 Apr. late of i Dr.. N. John Scurfield 19 Oct.52 (2).. William Arnold. -Colonel.53 23Sept. 52 9Dec.20 July 63 Lieut. Roe. 23Sept. Assist. 45 .. H.36 MD Seaham. Hamilton EusselllO Nov. 52 30 Oct. Surg. late of 6 late Lieut. 3 F. Adj.~io\\n Tucker.— Robert I Wm. 53 John Warry Herbert Eustace HounseU Charles llaU 7 Jan. Rcnnell Coleridge ! IP George C. h. lateofi2F. 46 i Charles Skinner I 3June53 John Norris Marshall 30 July 53 John 11. 26 .. Loftus. Stuart Jackson. SI Ft..JP 14 June 53 Vise.} Capl.. Sr Chui-chill Gould 23 Sept.52l 23 Sept.52l 23Sept... DL.Sept.^ Cap.556 England and Militia of Kn SIGNS. Robert Surg.. . Sir John B. Colonel. late of 9\ F. . 21June53 Artillery 19 Oct. Bart. 46 Captains. Butter. JP. Worth. DL.] Head Sir H. The Earl o/Morley. John Eden.16 Mav 53 16 May 53 Ale. G. Bowlby 21Juue53 John Fronde Bellew 30 July 53 William Ord (Junior) 30 July 53 Edward Baittell 29 Sept. William Lamb Wm.-Surg.-Surg. 42.53 \Vm.-Surg. Lieut.-\N. 8 Jan. Head Quarters. 46 DORSET. (i) ('apt. 14 June 53 14 June 53 Adj. S. late of\ L. 53 22 Nov. l4June53 14June53 SOUTH DURHAM. [No. Capt. Gales 9Sep't. llolman.25 Juneo3 Jeffery John Eduards 25Junc53 Geo. Gds. JP 12 Mav45 Henry R. H. 63 U. formerly Capt. 46 12 May Major.53 Kohert Brent 30 July 53 J. DURHAM 3. laleofTiF. Jacob (2). Hole. Benyon Barton.21 [No. Henry Stobart.52 I i Alevande-r Kiclgway I : I Adjt. 46 John Stevenson 11 Apr.53 John Still John Davis 1 Lieutenants. 45 Lieut. Wood George GoUop 22 Apr. 20 July 53 12 Oct. 52 Wm. Quarters..53 Scarlet Facings. Caatain Commanding. Svrg.. Feb.—Y. 5i2 j Wm. iF May 53 DL. BcU 20 July 53 23Sept. 20Sept.o3 Henry Smith Stobart Second Lieutenants. j I Thomas Gould W.52 — George Panton26 Apr.— liEdwavii Nixou(4) .John Adj. JP 11 Apr. Symonds Morgan Devenish John GoUop Giles 25June53 George Singer 25 June 53 8 Oct. Albany Featherstonhaugh Robert John Burrell James Alhson John Salmon Ensigns. 61 f.—'EdLW. Guards . Colonel..29 Oct. Assist. 'Bart. Bt S. Dorchester.^J 25 June 53 Massey Lopes Lieutenants. 20 Suri/eou..53 GustavusR.^.. served in the Army 6 May 53 Henry John Baker Baker.-Surg. JP 20 May 20 John B. H.52 26 Apr. KG Captains. Devonport. JP 12 May i Lawrenre Palk. 3 Feb. Lieut. .—^SSSLChas.1] Charles Second Lieutenants.. MP. JIajor. (No.52 30 July 53 i William 6 6 May 53 May 53 Aug. Wm. DL. 53 26 Apr. JP. DL. fVales. JP Henry Forester. Mad. late of E.. John Bowes. .14 July 14 Head Richard Tiio. 53 4- Surgeon. Prettijohn Pitts — White Facings. Richard Bury Russell. Scott SKr<7. Grev.. 53 Green Facings. 53 1 Feb. <J. JP.I'mi-Aht 7Sept. with bank or Major. Plymouth. DL. 42 23 Mar. JP. 47 21 July 51 23 Sept.. I MD.. 52 11 Nov. DL. iV late of Greii. 30 Oct. Henry Studdy. 2nd ur Head Quarters.y. 53 . 42 Frederick Aclom Milbank. Harrison Harrison. Dm-ham. R. late Lieut. 49/'. Lieutenants. Maude 20 July 53 First Lieutenants. I'lK-ST Lieutenants. 53 NORTH DUEHA3I. John Lyne TenipkT. Wm.. DL 30 July 53 30 July 53 9F.-Colonel Commandant.. Quarters. Assist. Robinson Capt. aSi Geo' ge T. Major-General The Duke of of Royal Morse Gds. C5) . Fisk. DL. Henning Edward A. DL.JP . -CoLOKEL. 30 July 53 George Chichester. JP 9 Feb. 52 Fred.Maude.. late Capt.. DL 14 Sept. DL. Thos. 52 Wilham Atcheson 2 — John Ensigns. Sidney Strode 25 Junu. 52 1 Feb. JP. on h.] Quarters. DL. George Stucley Buck. DL. 11 1st ok late Lieut. Hawkins Sydney Davis Adj.-Colonel. 53 23Sept. Sir William Eden (1).25 June53 Gary John Camden Logan Downes John Maclien Charles Aug. 46( 23 Mar. 43 F. 46 Captains. James Bovey Charles Hayne John Butler Ashford \Vm. 53 Hastings Sands Charles Littkhales 1 ?'eb.— George Curme Head late Lieutenants. JP 30 July .e Heiny Aniory Jolni Taiiuer Pliillil) 9Dec. Edward Johnson 14 June 53 Pereival Spearman Wilkinson 14 June 53 Richard Lawrence Pemberton 14 June 53 Henry Bramwell 14 June 53 George Hawks. 16May Majoh.— 3.46 . dipt.27 Cleveland. Henry Stobart John Elliott 4Aug.<^i/'. south DEVON.20 July 53 26Aug. JP.. 53 10 Oct. late Capt. Barnard Castle. JP.' I 23Sept.53 Lakin. Williamson. 53 Captains. late Captain 97 F. Ensigns.27Mav. 14 9June20 23Sept.— John Bland DEVON AETILLEEY.— Thos.— James Trotter 2June53 11 Aug. 6 May 53 Majobs..v. 52 23 Sept. 52 25 June 53 26 Sept.52 Drs William Cookson (3) .incis Thomas R. Guards (3) late 7 Oct. Arthur J.(2) DL. Gds 14 June 53 Captains. 52 John Walrond Walroiid. Innes Hopkins 20 July 58 CoUingwood Lindsay Wood . Edward Kent Faiiless Borlase Stevens. 5 Dec. 24 Apr. (6) late Capt.p. Henry Paul Seale. 53 . — Hemy t j 1 Thomas Hartnoll John Cave New 9 Henry Bourchier Toke Wrey. Art..— Edwin Tyler Colonel. 53 9 Oct. 46 30 July 53 late Lt. JP Thomas M. Art Edmund Crawshay Beavis 11 Nov. 53 )6 May 53 . 4Nov. 52 25 June 53 Goodridge. Coles Robert Trood Wm..11 ARTILLERY. C. Smith30Juiie52 White Facings. JP 12 May 45 Richard Hippislev Bingham (1). of E. YaideBuller. Yarde BuUer. Sr Adj. juu Genri. C Feb. 53 20 Aug. Dale Trotter Davy Heady Douglas Tliuni s John Dennis Thomas llo. Paine Assist. Ed. H. Henry Kingscote. DL. N. F Surg. Ma. 52 ROYAL GLAMORGAN.53 lDr. DL..x. [No.iLt. Goldfinch Hardress Luttreil Saunderson. 6 Apr.) Quarters.46 Henry Lucas. M. Abbott 7 Feb. Kemys Tyute.43 Lieut.—V/m. \»liussars JP 17 Feb.] Head Quarters. Andrew Nod. JP.52 Lieutenants. Militia of THE ESSEX Head Quarters. lale of 8 Nov. 8Nov. G(?«. S. Augustus Richard Forrest Robert Steane James Anthony Gardner John Lea Apr.. B. ^' Captain. 52 5 Nov. 14 Thomas Vaughan 11 July 31 J.42 J P. Cliarles James Blauely Trevor 17Feb.) Quarters. J. Lord Garvagh. DL.31 Ens 58 F. 53 15 Oct. 52 Read Thomas Pyers Mostyn ^ Cff. 53 Lancers Captains.(])DL. lale Capt. Robt. 29Sept. Jenner. 44. Head Colonel. Traherne 15 Nov. 52 John Surnian. JP 4 Dec. Head DL.-Colonel.P. H. 53 J. Mold.53 M.DL.53 George Chapman Lucas Ensigns. 46 8 Nov. 49 Captains. p 8 Apr. Bart. Sir Mich. W. 23. late Captain 66 7 Dec.lOSept. 31 Mar. S Lanibe T. 52 7Dec. JP F.vst. 13 Nov. Gloucester. JP.-Surff. S G. DL. 53 . \Vm. Western 7 July 53 William. Surgeon. JP Rifle Brigade Thomas J.52 Blue Facings. 53 John Samuel George Raslileigh Gompert7.) Jolin Richard Groves. 23 Feb. Cardiff. late Ca-Hahi 25 Apr. 10 Feb. late Lieut. Bart. late of Royal Horse Guards 5 Nov. Gr. 52 F 21 Apr. Lieutenants. JP Lewis John \Vay R.. 3 Apr.— Hugh Pearson late Captain 49 F. Lieut.53 13 Apr.] (Rifles. 53 21 Mar. -Colon EL Commanu.^— StewartNorthcy. Siri.— William Williams. DL. N 52 52 53 53 . Colchester. DL. 52 J. 52 b Nov. 40 JP. 53 Alexander Stansbury John Pitt Bontein 23 Oct. A.JP Arthur John Goldney John French Siege: Second Lieutenants.. 63 Conway Whitliorne Lovesey. R. Kobeitj rijcoMMi Joceljii. 52 52 52 53 Horatio F. Captains.late 16 . on h.deuborough (2) C. Newman. 36 Roper Dnncombe Pvrke. 52 ^ 13June{)3 Wni. JP. . 53 Adjt. George Rubbins. Hirst.\well Steele ./. Chelmsford. 53 Christopher John Barnard William James Holt Thomas Wbitty Chandler Ensigns. 10 21 Nov. Otho Travers..72i^. 12 Mar.(2) late Capt. J P. J. 36 5 Nov. 46 25 Feb.] Quarters. John Jones.. T. 10 Rob. 46 Bengal 1 15 Apr. ih F SHr?. late of 1 Dr. 11 17 Jan. 53 Robert Honeywuod Robt. 31 Mar. DL. John Williams Wallington. 16 Mar. J. Thomas Sutton AVesteru 7 July 53 [No. Richard Thomas Rowley. Fitzgerald Lieutenants. — Joliu June46 13 Oct. 19. Brewster Leverton Jessop bbl England and Wales. 46 CaI'TAINS. 53 9 Lancers 20 May 53 Morgan W. Wni. 27 Dec. 5 . J. Wood. 24Feb. Cirencester. Lister Stephen Agar Manning 5H.. Bart. Puleston. lale ROYAL SOUTH GLOU- IIOYAL FLINT. [No. DL 3 Nov. Hep- worth 17 Feb. 7Sept.Sur^— Henry Bird 2NOV.52 lale Capt. DL.fiar/. 53 Eiisuj7i 89 F. Hy. . 52 Henry Perth W. late Robert Wills. [No. 63 9Dec. Morgan. 52 12 Lancers 9 Nov.^Cajjt. 53 George Henry Worthington. 53 21 Mar. Philpot Brookes.*JOR. 5N0V. iV. JP. 53 Lieut. Second Lieutenants. 7 Hussars 31 Mar. JP 26Sept. 14 Jan. JP Howcl Maddock Arthur Jones. 52 Stephen Heury Smith. Matthew Heury Fitzhardingc. Hansler C. Henry W. 52 Charles Deacon.. late of 2 Life Gds Lieut. JP. DL.JP. 53 Montague Jolin Merry weather21 Apr. 24 Feb. 53 Lieut. 44 Major.— }.. MD. Major. 52 IVederick Augustus Udrdy . 31 F. Colonel. DL. DL. — George A.20 Oct.52 4 June49 7 Dec. Gds. C. Hon. DL. Spitty May 53 May 51 {Light Infantry. H.. DL. 51 Lieut. Blue Facings. 33. strong 11. 46 Jeremiah Parkinson 8 May 47 Henry Bold Williams Leonard JL Stracbey. 46 M. late of YI 8 Feb. 22 Sept. (1).JP. 30 May 53 61 F.l7Sept.Viucent Jervis27 Dec. Hicks Hicks Beach.'Benguugh. Charles Castle 27 Thomas Gilson ROYAL NORTH GLOU- Tlios. 49 15 Mar. Henry Kno. Sir C. Arm- — H.5S 10 Dec. CESTER.10May 53 Adj. iate Lieut. Ml'. /a<«C«i. Head Sir Ricliard Majors. JP. . 32 Francis Wheatley 13 I'eb. W.-Colonel. 53 WEST ESSEX.K. late Copt. 52 John Budworth lYancis Marmaduke Hall Dare 6 Nov. Bird George Chapman . 53 23 Oct. . 52 Edw. 53 Geo. DL.] Assist. Charles Henry Mavnard.300ct.late Richard Pelliam Warren.] Head Major.\ins. 52 17June53 j4(/y. 53 H. Samuel Brise Ruggles Brise.15 Apr. 52 16 Oct.. <5" Capt. C. 53 ley Duncombe Pyrke Lieutenants. DL. Nov. DL.G.' Assist. 52 JohnSwynfenSt.-Surg.ls — Adjt.iist. F.\pr. 53 6 May 53 18 Oct. Earl Lord Lieut Hartley. 25 I'eb 53 late Lieut.P 20 Oct.] Colonel. 38 15 Oct.— Edward Waylen 3 Nov.(!. Thomas Earle 29 Dec..-i7.. late 26 Sept.-Surg. 52 SwinburueFitzhardingeBerke6 Apr. 52 Capel Augustus Curwnod 6 Apr. Lieut. 69. Colonel. [No.-Colonel. 15 Hussars of 16 15 CESTER. Hon. Colonel. J. Harris 14 Jidy 53 Hugh Jenner 25 Feb. late Cupt. Chas.4-C«/.JP. late Lt. Major. 46 Henry Lewis 21Mar. 53 7 July 53 7 July 53 7 July 53 Lister 23 Aug.-Surg. (Light Infantry. Quarters. 52 27Dec. Harris JJj. 14. 46 Monice H.ol Dec. late Capt. H. 18 Apr. Kirby Octavius Bawtree Walter Uonywood I'rederie Crewe Willoughby Ai'thur 60ct. 29Sept. 52 [No. 5 Oct. JP Clnmpiou Russell. Hopton 14Apr. William Millett Hamlet 18Sept.— Richard Price Puleston.P. Capt. P.12 22 Oct. DL.52 yellow pacings. Ensigns. As.22 Oct.53 May 46 3 William Hancock Winchcombe Henry Howard First Lieutknants. R. Madras Army — James Evans. Ambrose Vaughan.^h Feb..-Colonel. James Robertsou. Drs Captains.27 Sept.23Sept. RIFLES. Cai'T. Capt. JP Yellow Facings. . full pay R.— Fred. E. Art Captains. 8 Sept.46 4Aug. 52 Col. 50 County Lieutenants. Colonel. Quarters.. 6 Drs 15 Oct. JP. (2) KSF. 3 Sept. late Capt.53 [No. Boy Norton.—Chss. Adjt. Chadwick. T. KG . kyrle. Adjt. late &QF. Capt. h. Leonard Aust 12 Dec. Quarters. JP. 53 Robert Mansel. 53 Scarlet Facings. LUSUTENANTS. U. JP Major. Bt. Maynors. — J. JP.] Quarters. -Colonel. —Thomas Warner . 52 Wm. 3 Mar. Stanhope R. Henry |9Claudiu3 Shaw.ofArtil. W. George Rushout. 37 Sept. Daniel Thomas Evans George KempChatfield Michael Biddulph Second Lieutenants. 13.p. h. Wm. -Colonel. 12 Feb. 49 3 May 53 i'.10 Dec. .] Head Lieutenants. 53 Lieutenants.DL. DL. 53 4 Feb.31 Edward Hulse. 3 Dec. late Lieiii.late British Auxiliary Legion of Spain 30 30 Oct. / Capt. William llutchesou Collins . Hereford.. late Capt. Robert Miller Mundy. 52 3 Dec. ret. 53 Black Facings. — George Fred. . 30.36 J. AssUt. James Bontein Edward Cripps George Plupps I'revost Allen Ale. R. 46 / 1 Major. (LigJit Infanlry. 44 Francis Worsley 16 May 53 Wm. 30 Apr. MD Bloxsome. JP. 43. Keen Henry Major. Portsmouth. 46 Captains. 28Jan. Adj. h. 52 Ensigns. Duncan Blanckley Shaw(5) . p. W.) Head Surgeon. 5 Nov. Colonel.568 Militia of England and Wales. J. John Lousada 8Sept.LamhQi-t(i)..53 36F. Capt. Bathurst 52 52 53 53 53 53 Captains. DL. High 10 Sept. Beaumont Burnabv... 24June46 Edward Cludde Cockburn 10 Mar.Surg. Ensigns.. NORTH HANTS. -Colonel.-Col. JP Eustace Hcathcote. late Capt. 31 31 8 Gardner Cornwall 6 Miller W. Lees Wm. .£<. Lt. 31 Dec. John Beardmore. — J. late Capt. Winchester. 53 Capt. 3July46 4Aug. JP — — Unett. WiUiam Henry Digweed WIGHT LERY. 37 Apr. late o/43 F.28 Apr.53 Arthur Fitz Walter Bigg Wither 8 Sept. JP 30 June 38 Sir Netters Cornewall.Artil. 53 Adj. 87 F. 46 Morris 17 July 46 HERTFORD.. Ensigns. 52 30 Oct.. 53 Surg. commanding 30 F Captains. WiUiam Seward Lc Feuvre W. Lambett. Tbos. K. late o/66 31 Oct. 53 The Mariuis of SaUsbury. Newport. DL.. Tobiu. Southampton. Art. Apr.—i\\. MP.. JP. HAMPSHIRE.IO May 32 Parkinson.p.20 Apr. Warre Tyndale Digby Compton 2 July 36 3 May 53 Likutenants.53 Money Goslin Green Facings. —Thomas Robinson. 63 First Lieutenants.. 19 lODec. 52 Dec. May 3 Dec.23 Apr.. 53 Lawrence Surgeon. 53 3Sept. 53 Frederick Deacon.. 9 Mar. 53 Arthur Robert Naghten 3Sept. 53. Money Kyrlc.] Quarters.46 4Aug. 8Sept. DL. Philip James Yorke. 3 Dec. Whichcote Manners Adjt.16 May 53 FiiisT Lieutenants. Hugh Hamon John Massy. Colonel.jp 7 Sept. Capt. Sir J.. Berington Sheriff of the ISLE OF Head [No. 1st Life Gds Ensigns. John Wickham Thomas Best James Colonel. late 34 F. 52 Assist.4'Col. Feb. Vtiatt 31 Jan. M'Cormack Pollea. 53 SOUTH HANTS. J P 8 July 31 3 Dec. Thomas Griffith Peyton 4 Mar. Col.53 Capt. [No. JP 17Feb. Charles Brett. 18 Dec. 20 July83 98 F. DL. Majou John Luke NicoU. on h. 53 11 Mar. Heideman J. Lieut. Lloyd. 25June27 Adj. K.(3) JP. Major h. 52 William A. DL. JP 5 Mar. 53 98 Apr. C.46 Sir John Walter AssUt.(2) May 12Mar. late 13 July 53 of Scots Fus. John llanvard Griffiths 8 Mar. r. Ward Abbott. 2 June 25 Henry Augustus Brander William Percival Hcathcote. HAMPSHIRE ARTILLERY. ^ Percy Scott. 53 Quarters.- Captains. Kichard Henry Fitzroy Somerset Digby Comptoii ARTIL- Captain Commandant... Gds Lieut. 53 4' late of Royal Artillery iS!(r<7. 7 June 43 Lieut. Hertford.x. Ensigns.. late Capt. 53 Swry. 52 George Burrard. JP F 62 F 28 Apr.E.53 Scarlet Facings. Head Mar. Cliamberlaiu W. late Lieut. Capt. Thomas Dunne. 53 Adj4-Capt..ZO 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 E. 02 3Sept. 7 Oct. Robert Gordon. late ofR. P. Brev.. 9Apr. 9 May 15 .— Blue Facings. Second Lieutenants. H. late 14 Jan. -Colonel Commandant. Unatt [No. 52 late of I Royals CaI'TAIN.B. 30 Apr. DL. 23 Nov.46 H. Walshara. 55 Josiah Burgess. William Hooper William Bridges. HEREFORD. DL.p late of Royal Art Surgeon.p. DL. Quarters. 9Dec.] Head Lieut. Jas. Dec.—Chas. J. Richard John Griffiths. J. 8 Sept. Richard Sneyd Cox 7 Mai-. 53 Head 34 June 46 Robert Rickards 2 Mar. Symonds. $• Capt. 52 22Mar. a F.—^AB. ajSRich.-Surg. ^ Faym. Son. The Marquis o/ Winchester .. Bart.— Frederick JohnButierlO Dec.-Surg. Williams — — Henry Waterworth. Captains. 20 Jan. Ensigns. 26 Surg. 42 30 Jan.26 Sept.-"\Votton Isaacson. late ofi Lt. 53 Henrv Luke Aug. 46 10 Nov. 5. William Mount. Lionel Ames. BuSf Facings. Oct. 52 Henry ^^P^ Mount Castle 9 July 20Sept. Chas. Mares Goddeu. Charles Castle H*^"*®?! 8Juueo3 Geo.»3 Macnamara 53 May 53 Hon. James Whatman. 52 Reid . 53 Robert 29 Aug. 569 England and Wales. William Franks Joseph r(>skett. Colonel. Vhii 63 A'l"?®?^ July 53 John Joseph Wells Cfl"<. (The Duke of Lancaster's Oan). late Lt. Canterbury.11 July o3 lOAug. DL. Royal Artillery 4 _ „ May o3 . -Colonel.JP. 52 15 Apr.JP Nov. lOMay Stanislas Zaba .-Z?iVCit% HUNTINGDON. Stewart HardingelO Captains. 33 R.. 1-1 21 Jan. late of 30 F . Every Clayton. . R.fi 7 ieb.Art 5„. 53 28 Oct. Thompsou 5Nov. T.2D Jn. 53 Geo. 7 Dec.15 May 38 WUliam Peel Broughton. 4 Nov. Brook Northey. Maidstone. MP. DL. aSaThos. 52 11 Nov. Lieut. DL. Ansley George John Rust \l^f% lOMar. . 53 W Mar.. DL. -16 Thos. 6d 82 tinck Codd. John Farnaby Cator.Montresor.Militia of Ensigns. -Stirg..-SHrj. 23Feb.13 Dec. John Talbot CUfton.^. JP. JP. 53 George French [No.11 July 53 WiUiamWells. 52 10 July 53 Majoe. royal LANCASHIRE.] Sari of Sandwich. 52 Fred.lia 0«'- Adj. Henry Feilden. 19 Mar.— Edward Sims James.//. late ufl Life Gds. * rani.3 10 Mar. JP. JP. Bart. DL... iale o/55 F.. 20 Jan. . J P. Lieutenants. 53 LlEUT. late of 14 May 53 R. 52 Geo.Steplien Hod ges. 53 Heritage Majok. Geo. Thodosius Webb.h. Majok. JP.U Aug. May 4 J.\9 Whittle.-COLONEL. latt EAST IvENT. KU. Colonel. Bon. W. Lord LiiuZandlateofGr.52 Robert Wilson France 20Sept. 53 31 Henry Jordan Thornhill Second Lieutenants . 3.. Aug. p.— Charles Winter . 52 14 Apr.Gds John llenrv Hay Buxton. 4. Ensigns. »/ouin-uo June 39 27 DL. Eobt Algernon Smith Dorrien.^x.?a<fo/30F.^^ Reynell Hele FowcU Sprye John Summons Ramsay — Richard Penucfathcr 7 Aug nvefi 4. KENT ARTILLERY. Robert Ma job. 13Mayo3 late of 7 Dr. late . 62 Ralph Assheton Danson 1 Oct.39 (1). 4 Aug. DL. o- CaptaiNs. Guards VlZ'^. late Capt. 2o B 1st 22 Jan. 49. i Lieut. 53 Richard Pudsey 3 Nov.—^ohat Octavius Frederic Timins. Montagu Martin Weller. [No. 53 Bart. J. Capt. Sir Thomas Mai70u Wilson. JP John George William Brydges 21 Nov.Broekman. 33 Henry Master Feilden.. 5't/r^w«. 45 Capt 66 F.H 8 July 53 Walter Thomas Warin? John Leslie.— Octavius Fred. Capel A.lONov. DL.Feb. Colonel. Monvpenny.] C«l>^o/^ 8 Oct. A. Assist. DLCapt. . -John Davis.._John M'Callum. 52 DL. Adj. DL.-CoLONEL. Lambert Ed. 53 FiKST Lieutenants Frederic Nicholson Vane Gilbert Join.-Jn. Geo. May J. {Rifles).15 Feb. 52 Captains.. Yiicounl Sidney Lieut.. 10 Aug. Frederick Cavendish 28Aug.] Quarters. [No. 23 Sept. r^ 53 63 Head 53 63 Quarters. 53 21 Captains. hte llAug. 13 Apr.. {Light Infantry) JP. 52 Gds Dr. . Captains. 41 William Assheton Cross. 53 Hansard 6 Apr. o3 31 24 May 5 John Kirkes 26 Sept...j- Cap/. DL.52 DL.53 Bentinck KENT. Sir Wm. 26Mar. JP.p. 46 George OiTcd R... oi JP. DeringJP. T.53 5„. JP. Henry. p. 28 Aug. Chiirles Gausseu Thomas Kosers ^i?'"y5o 8 June 58 Adolphus Meetkerke Lieutenants. M. B. 8 Dec. 52 lateofSeF George Perkins Adi. 17 lancers 26 Oct._AViUiam Sankey. Quarters.^ =!? 10 July 53 John Kirkpatrick Henry Grace Wilson Sperling .\ Sept. Drs .52 Henry ry John Muxwell 6^ov. G.22 Oct. Uite of Yl 12 Oct./a<s<j/l LifeGds. 8o c LIEUT. 1 Apr. lateofGr. 53 'S\'EST 17 Aug. Major. \G Mar. Edward Gatty Henrv Oldnian Munn Frederick Leith VaUe 17May53 Skinner Kentish Grey Facings. 7 July 53 John Lubbock 8 July 53 ChMles Powell Leslie 53 Kentish Grey Facings.14 May FiEST Lieutenants. 53 Capt. FijcoiiM* Mandeville.23 Jan. . 52 80 Oct. JP Lieutenants. Green ateof\Drs ' 5: George Robert Stevenson. Dover.4b Allen .. 0-3 -51 Oct. Williamson Head Quarters. Ed. Ma"cgre2or Robert Curteis Stileman Robert George Grev Gordon Samuel Weld Robert Sheffield Sorell 26 Feb. am Wm. /«<f 0/21/- MD iF lateStnihr Lieut. 37. Augustus Munn.&iF. Huntingdon.sw/. 46 rerrou ijamoert Perrott Geo. h. F W. George Onslow Newton Veasey David Arthur Francis Mudi^U Cl.(Sj 29 Aug. a3 James Clarke. 45. 80 F. oo of Rifle Brigade il. 49 lONov. ?a<«of 24 ^'. 52 Lancers W.S!(r^«o«. a2 ITua.Gybbon Monypenny{2). Frederick Warre Cliarles Alfred ^f 20 Oct. 52 lOMai. JP. Colonel. 53 56 F 11 Aug. ueo. late "Life Gds JP Black Facings. 21 July 33 Capt.21 Mar._George Elgar Asisist. JP. 22 Oct. late ofnF. Apr. 52 ' John Hardy Thursby SJoa . a3 Arthur Pearse James Campbell Head [No. -Colonel. ilate 31 Dec.— Rowland Ben- H July 53 Henry Braidlcv . Robinson. h. Capt.Gd^ Robert Hay Murray . 46 Colonel.] Head Quarters.-COLONEL. Robert Matthew Isacke 9May46 Adj.-Sjtrgeoii.Gds. late 13 Apr.9\F.— AmehusSicard Head aS May 10 ... o2 Captain Majoks. 52 Mar. 62 late Lt. JP WiliamSlark. Edw. JP. 53 Clarence Horatio Cary. G. Henry Squires Shrapnel George French Henrv Finch . 53 Eric Can-iiigton Smith Second Lieutenants. LIEUT.eere John Vise Kelly 28 Sept. PL. 31 Coldst.- .^. Henry SamweU George llNov. amea John Gape Bayliif Lane •Richard U Feb. JP. Lancaster.53 53 l. 17 Feb. 2-iSept. 4 C«p<. 14 lONov. Chas. 9 Aug. Engineers Wm. -Suri/. 53 Henry Myers 2 Nov.53 28 Mar. 48 F.ei F.] Head Quarters. 53 William Walter Trafford 29 Mar! 53 Henry Chas. JP 16 Mar. late Lt. Apr.28 Mar.-Surg. DL.. Godfrey Ranstone . Liverpool... Bt Robert Arthur Mather Thomas By rou Whitehead 7 May 53 13 May 53 2 Nov. 46 WiUliam Beamout lNov. Hamilton Fentou. late ofo9 Foot 14 May . Wm. M. 52 Ensigns. 52 Edward Henry Lord Stanley.28 Mar.6) late Capt. 7 Oct. late Capt. Starkie 7 Sept.j- Adj.. 53 Lawrence Heyworth 30 Mar.. Lieutenants.^. 53 Majoks. 53 Richard Watt 30 Mar. late Lt.' 53 J. . Joseph AVithers 13 Apr. 15 Aug. royal LANCASHIRE. 53 16 May 53 DL Lieutenants. late of 5 Dr. 53 20 Apr. Weir. 13 May 53 Blue Facings. 1 Mar. 53 John Bayly 11 May 53 WdliamAyrton 2 Aug.25 Mar.29 Mar.. 4 Ft.13 Pilkington Apr. Blue Facings. 5 Dr. 46 . late Capt.Hesketh. Thomas Lane Robert Adeane Barlow Timothy Briscoe Hughes John Downes Rochfort Matthew Ford William Eraser. Robert Kershaw 29 Mar. 53 . 4 May 53 John Henry Gordon Sir George Preston..-^'. 53 21 Apr. 46 Walter Charles Strickland . James Wardlaw(2) Nicholas BlundeU. 62 /'. 2 Sept.— J&mea Taylor. 52 25 Apr. MP.Cflpi.—3as. late 7Feb. UTH ROYAL LANCASHIRE.) [No.S'h.10 Mar. Frank Cavendish Ward Theophilus Robert Preston 21 Oct. 47 James German 1 Oct. 53 John Joseph Middletou 20 Apr.. (.—Y.21 Apr.52 Head Thomas Adj. 1 Nov. Lieut.. 46 of Scots Fits.) [No. late Lt.lOMay 53 Sir James Geo.-CoLONEL. 42 John Wni. Fitzgerald. JP 7 May Trench Nugent. DL.DL. 13 Aug. Apr.!y. Bt.— Thomas Arthur Brandt 1 June 53 late Capt. 53 Captains.... 25 Aug.Cul. Gds 22 Mar.7 Nov.— VilUiam Honner lOct.. 46 . 52 —Metcalfe Johnson Assist.Chas. Frederic Brandreth.-Colonel Commandant. late of i Dragoon Gds 31 Mar. 53 Blue Facings. . James Greenwood' John Weld. 4 Oct. 53 Frederick Silvester LiKtIT. 48 12 Oct. Bt. DL..\D (1) Capt. JP. Gds. 123. Ensigns. /• 3 Aug. Michael Hughes Adj.53 Wm. 53 Assist. 46 Wilham James Garnett 24 Mar. W. 53 29 Mar. 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 I Jacob Camac Murphy Charles Andrew Irwin George Arthur Crawford George Barlow 1 Oct. 53 53 53 53 53 14 Mar. 53 Thomas Bourne Adj.. 53 John Bentham. DL .. Williams Fred... John Pierce C. 53 14Apr. Robert Johnson Robert Augustus Aspinall Edward Stanley... Sir T.— John Rooper. Thomas Littledale. 53 Captains.ll Mar. Lindsey Patterson 1 Majors. 53 23 Apr. ^ Capt. Warrington. Rifle Assist. 53 Captain 18 Apr. 53 John Towneley.. 113. Alexander Thomas Knight . Wm. Lieutenants. 53 Blue Facings. O'Calhighan. . 1 Nov.— Hugh Neill Assist. CThe Duke of Lancaster's Own.28 Mar.— Ihos.. late Lane. Gds ^'itr^.53 Henry Blundell Hollinshead Blundell 29 Mar... England and Wales.-Colonel Commandant...•3ed 21 Teb. 53 William Hargreaves Manifold 25 May 53 Richard Phibbs..—^'. 53 Hewitt Massy DiUou 23 Apr. IG Mar. — Edward Petre George Decks Skiuglev William Lister Sagar. George William Gunning 6 Oct. DL. Surg. Lionel Standish. Lieut. 52 Thomas Richard Crosse 2 Oct. 53 Tliomas GuulburneParker. Thomas Bradsliaw 6 May Joseph Peel. Lieutenants. 53 Ensigns. 52 52 52 Henry Walker 52 Frederick Townley Parker 53 Thomas Ellames Withingtou. 53 Thomas Gardner 31 Mar.18 Apr. 1 Nov. JP.. and Exon in H.'jP John Pickup Lord Frederic Broadbent 21 22 22 23 23 Apr. .23 May 53 Head Quarters. Captains. Charies Townley.. 53 13 Apr. 53 53 53 53 Capt. 53 DL 14 Apr. Robertson Sandbach Ensigns. G. Preston. 4Feb..52 Charles P. — Blue Pacing 2. Surgeon. James Tliomas Bourne 14 Apr. 53 Fitz- Patrick 31 Mar. 52 Ensigns.53 Colonel. Whitle 25 May 53 Ivan Swell Andrea Herford. Clarke 29 Mar.-COLONEL COMMANDANT. Edward Nicholson Gardiner 22 Mar. 7 Aug.11 Mar.15 Nov.43 Charles Hy. Montague Joseph Feilden.18 Apr.. Burnley. Hammertou . Majoks..] 19 May 32 Alexander WalUice Mtmro .. 19 Apr.. 53 Adj.. 19 Apr 53 . late of % 29Mar. 53 John Southcote Mansergh.. Adolphus Clarke. John Ireland Blackburne. 52 . John Orred David Ainsworth Wm. Duke of Lancaster's Infantry. JateofhiF. 53 . Captains. MP. 53 l4Apr. 53 Majors.. Apr. JP 20 Apr.. John Henderson Edward Monk John Edward OrreU ROYAL LANCASHIRE. 53 Thomas Hey wood 31 Mar. 20 26 May 31 (The Duke of Lancaster's Own. lute Capt.. JP. 52 3 Nov. 53 Quarters. — Lorenzo 4 Oct. 53 John Henry Blake 2 May 53 Thomas Kiiott.. Scots Fus.) Oion Light Antony Buck Creek Edward Francis Ward Daniel Grant Brereton 19 Apr. 9 F..'. 53 F WiUiam Gray 29Mar. DL.53 Archd. 53 Ralph Holden. 8Sept.27 May 4/ 28 May 47 Peter Slingsbv Fitzgerald. 53 Fjcderic William Eai-le .. Apr. Rutledge Thomas Hindley Thompson. Richard Lomax 23 May 53 28Mar.. Cullin Eardly Knoulys 2i May . 53 Thomas Hargreaves 14 Mar. 53 Surgeon. 52 Henry Newsham Pedder 1 Oct.. 60 Uifles 40ct. Miller Coultate.. 53 WilUam Nicholson 12 Mar. 53 Philip Gilbert 4th (T/ie royal LANCASHIRE. Robbins. <f Capt..-Surg.. Surg.26 May 53 LlEUT. Gds 23 Mar.15 Apr. . 52 Edwd Desmond 15 Apr.16 Mar. 53 Adjt. 560 Militia of Lieutenants. ^ Capt.. Head Quarters. 53 Augustus William Smethurst 29 Mar. Brigade 27 Feb. 46 Charles Cecil De Trafford . 53 Thomas Towuley Parker 12 Mar. . DL..l2 Mar. Feomen of the Guard . 4 001. 53 Xov. 53 William Peniberton Hesketh 29 Mar. George Robinson 25 May 53 John Wilson Patten. late of liifle Brit/ude 23 Mar. MP. JP 10 June 51 Captains. 53 Lord Worsley Surg. JP. Chas. Sir Glynne Karle Welby.-COLONKL COMMANDANT.18 May 53 Blue Facings. Charles Mackinnon WalniisleylSDec. MP. 80 Regt 3 May 53 Jas. 46 Graham Elmslie(l).-Colonel. A^. 4 Dec. Head Quarters. May 2 53 Lieutenants.] 27 Jan. 52 James PaUiscrCostobadie 16 Oct.-Colonel. DL. 53 28 May . Leicester.Lt. 16 Jan." 53 James Bunce Curling. John Grabum Robert John Taylor Head Sf- late [No..12Sept. Quai-ters. JP. of Genlhmen-at-Arms 80ct. 53 William Bddock Shephard . 53 Boiu-ne.lT. .~Vim.. B.. John King Alfred \Vhitb> F. Maj. 2 Captain Apr. 8 Nov. 53 12 Sept. Assist.— Charles Norris... Ensigns.] Wm.—Uy.. 53 John Eneas Deans Campbell 9Nov. late Lt. The Date o/Rutlaud. 9 Apr. — Jonathan F. DL. Bart. [No. 24 July 39 James Tompson oFeb. Richard Ellison.. Colonel. Ferneley. Edward Charles Grant i7Dec.. '.(3) U'lartermaster 17 F. 9 Apr.. 53 LlEUT. Second Lieutenants.. Campbell 13 Apr. <J. George MacCall. 6 Oct. Ute Capt.. JP. Charles Clements Brooke. LlEUT.".. 53 ROYAL NORTH LINCOLN. Lincobi. Ibbotson(l) 9 May 29 Gerv. 53 Paul Mildmay Pell 22 Apr. 22 Apr. Art.22 Apr. Apr. 12Sept. Stapylton Smith. 19 July 53 William Henry Adams Majok 22 Apr.Art I'vers. George Oakley Sanders(l) 90ct.. late JL.DL.p. 52 Chas.)!. 5.53 Francis Rockliffe Pierce 12Sept. Gds 17Dec. Bart. 52 23 Apr. John Golden James Green Skipworth 12Sept. Lieut.— J&mes Chambers Ferguson.. DL. — James Adj. 52 Assisl. 48 BengaHn/untni. Waldo Sibthorp... William John Monson.t..] ^9 Frederick Quarters.(3) KCF. 53 Henry Thomas h..De Leet Waldo Sibthorp.G. Lediard. 52 Captains. . 09 Capt. . . 53 Hamilton Beckitt. late of iDrug. Muloch Holmes.— Robert LEICESTER. Christopher Wm.18 30Jau.{7) Dlj. H. 9 Apr. 53 William Graham Furnivall . 5..53 May 98 Majok. MB Surg. 52 William Parker G Dec. T. B. late Capt.21 12Sept. Gen- 9 Oct. JP Weston of 1 Cracroft. 21 Adj. late Brer. tleman-ut-Arms W.12 Sept.R. 79 Ulghl. 53 late Dragoons 19 July 53 Captains.53 Adjt. — May May 53 53 9 Apr.-Colonel. late Cornet 10 Ilussars GDec. <5. 4 Drug. R.-Si<rg. J«hn Buckley 7 Apr.' Francis George Warrick 120ct. John Harrison'Allan 12 July Henry John Uyde 13 July 53 53 53 53 Lieutenants.olF. ROYAL LONDON. 53 ^pSir Majobs. DL..England and Wales. Samuel Brailsford William Henry Peacock late Gds 1 Life of 29 Mar..27 Sir Seymoui' Sadler. Head James JliJdletou John Railton 13 June 53 7 Nov.14 Oct. Gds 28 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 May 53 Charles Robert Crigan.13 May 51 Tliompson. J. Behrend Bed . Charles James Mitchell 11 Oct.53 12Sept. Indian Army 20 Oct. Gen- CAI'TAINS. H. 70 F. 53 Godfr. 46 6 Dec. late Ens. JP. Madras Art. Captai./«/« Gentlemanat-Arms 270ct..(4.. 31 Aug. Charle3Creagh. 53 Charles Ormston Eaton. 24July39 Majob. 4 Nov. A(»-(7. 51 Lieut. Duncan Macdougall.'. Gr..ns. 8 Jun.-CoLONEL. DL. 52 GDec. Gds 4 May 53 T. 53 W. Assistant-Surg. Brabazon Connor. Grantham.. 6 Dr. 52 William Earlc Welby 6 Dec.. 52 Struan Edward Robertson . 53 William Piuey Cust. 9 Apr. Atchison. Singleton Levett L. . 53 ARTILLERY. JP. City Road. 29. SO June52 Shipman 29 Oct. K. Henry Marty u Kennard . 5S Chas. 53 Facings.. DL. ia^fo/SiF. Fredlc. 5S Jonathan Field. 53 '. AVThos. ROYAL LANCASHIRE Majob.-Col.Whichcote. late Adj. 106. 52 Surg. 6G Regt.. DL. 26. William Robertson 9 Oct. Edward Harry Thomas Lieut..— Chas. lateLt. 12Sept. 53 Head Quarters. Thos.— John Mulhall.C'ap<. Militia of 561 Ensigns. 1 July 53 — Jsh. T. Bart. Jlaj. DL. 45 Surgeon June4G Assist... 53 Lieutenants.-Svrg. Parker John Beasley Bowman(4) Wni.12 July John Britten ISJuiy William Bunce Greenfield 19 July 52 52 52 52 53 52 52 52 53 53 53 . JP 13 Alay 53 James George Hall. 53 tleman-at-Arms 13 Oct. Moore. McNiell . George Tomline. ^ Capt. 53 Edward Farr Broadbeut 19 July 53 Blue Facings. 52 6 Dec. Hon. Uubbins Archer Burton (5) late Capt.JP S2 0ct. 63 21 Feb. of6i Henry Valentine Grantham. Samuel Wilson. Williiim Claro Collins 13 Oct. 53 [No. 52 Joseph Knight. 53 20 Apr. Harrison Stallard.. ROYAL SOUTH LINCOLN. JP. MP.. G Dec. 53 Colonel. 52 6 Dec.53 31 May 53 Captain. J.] Head [No. 80ct. Guards 20ct. Liverpool.. late of Madras Cavalry 9 Apr. Simpson Clarke 8. The Marquis of GTttnhy Quarters. Lieutenants. Samuel Gordon M'Dakiu Colonel. Ensigns.(2) late Lieut. Robert Ralph Noel Jonathan Wagstaff Bryan Thomas Fowke Colonel.Brev.) late Capt.Z Apr. 52 26 James >[arr Snow. r«/)/. Costobadie. Palliser Me Capt. Si' Capt.. late Lieut.. Matthew Friend Cosgreave . DL. FfRST Lieutenants. 52 22 25 27 12 12 Herbert Rice Edward James Dyson Jan.Balt Surg. JP. 63 29 July 53 Blue Facings. Second Lieutenants. 21 Feb. A.BS Henry Newton Brown Major. DL 25 Feb. Hampstead. lattCapt. Hinde. Hinde. 93 F.. late 4 Apr.18 Apr. DL. 52 . Dottin Maycock. John Isaac Walker Price Jones. Granville. [No. late Stuart Griffiths. Bala. C. 52 J. Nunn Edw. late of S Gils. 58. James Arthur Morrah 29 July 53 Robt.. Blachford.2^3u]y Frederick Alex.31 Roliert Monkhouse Piper 23Sept.] Thomas Wood 12 Apr.. DL. 14 Captains. William Reed..-Surg. Lt.-Col. Henry Austin Adjt. 13 F. Bertram Aynsley 25 Feb. 48 18 Apr. 52 Adjt. 14 Apr. 40 of B.-Colonel Commandant. 2 Apr. 53 28 May 53 . .. 53 George Thomas AVest 18 Apr. DL. 53 Quarters. 63 Majok.Surg.11 Feb. Hon. Leger Alcock. Eifle Taylor 18 Apr.l3 Charles Brew Frederick C.. Hamilton. 29 July Ale. 52 Captains. MD. 53 Geo. JP 6 Dec. 46 Henry St. 46 Oct. 63 Colonel. Hon. Tufnell.'iisl... C. H. George H. 11. MP. 53 lale Capt. Gds late 29JuIy53 Nelson.. 46 5'!«)V7. Warren Auchmuty.-Colonel. 0/3 Prov.— Rob. S' Captain. ^pWm. 52 William Blue Facings. Byng.QZF. Alexander Noble William Sutherland George Carnaby — Thos. [No. Za^e Capt. Seymour Arthur Burges329 July 53 Edward Robert Simmons 29 July 53 Edward Keily 29 July 53 Robert Donoughniore Lovett. late Lieut... Majoes. 53 Henry Bdscoweu Ibbotsou . R.) Head Jas.34 Richard Tappeu Clar. 46 Captains. MP. Robert Cannon. M'Cann. lale Lt. Leger Glyn 12 Oct. iTH OR Head Quarters. Lt. Piatt. As. 16 Captains. JocelynM'Clintock. 15 22 Aug. 5 F. 48 Henry Riversdale Grenfell 24 Sept. Hounslow.. — Surgeon.. Lteut.20 Oct... 1 Oct.— Geo. Barrington Godbold. late Capt. 48 Charles William Grenfell.. i^F. late of 60 Rifles. 87 10 Oct. J P Robert Bruce M'Ewen Geo. Adjt. Lieut. U Ernest Oswald Coe Algernon Edward West Jervoise Smith Constantine Hay ward Read Feb. 53 F .-Colonel. Phillips 7Nov.3) late Major 51 F 16 May 53 John Sciiven. JP. 46 Blue Facings. M'Ewen. H.29 July 53 Charles George Boulton 29 July 53 Joseph John G. -Surg. 53 Lieutenants.48f. 20Oct. 16 May 53 Captains. Joseph Plumridge "Woodbead 18 Apr.. 53 — Thomas Parry(2).o'iF Cop. Thomas Oboard June 53 25 June 53 2-t Rew Thos.(l) Lt.l7Nov. Adjt. 75 F. 53 Vincentio Corbet Lee 18 Apr.53 29 July 63 Richard Bennet Jennings. 20 F. Frederick Brodie SAug. C.p.18 Apr. Parsons. Hammersmith. Wm.29 July 53 James Peter Bathurst. 23 F. A.] Quarters.-Surg. 12 Oct. h.] Quarters. John.29 Rt. paSiCharles Tyndale. Assist.12 Oct.03 Lieut. MP. FitzJames.. /a<fCap<.. Enfield. Capt. —Henry James. 46 Nov. 53 George Ham Kittoe 1853 Ensigns. Thos. 53 First Lieutenants.—Wm.25 Feb. h. da Bengal Infantry 9 Nov. 53 John Forster 6Sept..p. and late Col. late Capt.. 14 John Cook 29 Apr. h.. Cholmondeley29 July 53 Geo. Thomas Sturges AValford William Henry Burgess Thomas William Nunn Fred. Visct. Major 95 F. late 32 William Phillips Snell 18 Apr.20 32 Jau. Hon. Hussars 11 Jan. JP. Visct. 4Juue50 Braqs 21 Apr. Anglo-Spanish Legion 6 May 53 53 53 63 53 late Lieut. late ind Lieut. 23/'..) Head Quarters. Edward Bagot. Head Ensigns. C. .dge.17 July 52 — Samuel Smith 29 July 53 George Burslem. 53 16 May 53 22 JuneB3 20 Aug. 46 Nathaniel Cumberledge 25 Feb. 44 Lieut. Marines 6 July 30 Henry Stanley M'Clintock. 6 Colonel. John Ottley 9 Aug. 52 Oct. Colonel. 6 Oct. 51 F. 1st or [No.{. Lennox Butler. dipt. Madras Amy. DL. EOYAL EAST MIDDLESEX. Enfield. 1 —Thomas Colvill. MP. 20 Oct. 4Feb.DL. Gny ^ 8Aug. Colslr. kite 31 Jan.) —Fred. F Edward Hodges Joha Cocking 27 Oct. 60. Charles Christopher Baynes.53 Chas. 1851 James Prince 1851 William F... 29 July Henry Bliss. Henry Wilkes Masterson. 9N0V. Bromeheiid Charles Paget Miller Christopher Charles Home . FiKST Lieutenants. Skeffington Bristow. 6 F. late 2d Lieut. 53 JP 2nd or EDMONTON EOYAL (Itifies. 29 Apr. Canadian Rifles late late 29 July 63 Lt. (Rifles. Sf Captain. 53 Theodore E.-Colonel Commandant. 52 St. 46 Bifles —Francis Dalton Assist. Aug.. Charles Ralfs 8 Feb. 46 iSuci/. 4 Apr. late Lt. Chelsea..v.20 Oct. Tliomas Hall. Edward Dewes 19 Dec. Mitfordl7Sept.— Nicholas 5Aug. Borlase Cliilds Assist. 46 Feb. Lieutenants. John Lewis Mortimer.l5 16MayB3 EOYAL SOUTH MIDDLESEX. late of & F. 53 Unatt 3 May 53 Majoes.13 23 Apr. 63 5 Apr.(2) late Capt. 46 Edward Murray George Perrott. Art Jacob Wm.46 H. late Lt. H. Thomas Parsons MIDDLESEX.53 Lieutenants. 40 Hussars Henry Spicer 25 Feb. 4 June 52 Millar late Capt.. Militia of Edward Dunning Cole Ensigns.— Zwat% M'Cann Henry William Marriott Thomas St.-Colonel. /• Capt. Dennis ^ Adjt. Captain. late of 15 11 Aug. . 53 26 Apr. 53 Arthur Chilver Tapper 23 Feb. 65. Second Lieutenant. late Capt. aiF. 53 9 Oct. Edw.(l) late Wm..18 Apr. :3rd or EOYAL WESTMINSTEE MIDDLESEX. 52 William B. Capt. 46 Henry Penton.. 3 Aug. R. 51 July 48 tate dipt. 7 June 42 Jolm James Glossop 25 Feb.. 46 13 June 63 Brig Black Facings. Capt. Morgan.29 July Arthur Chas. late Lt. 41 Lieut. Ambrose. 71 F.4 562 England and Wales. i9Edw. Surgeon. Head 7 Feb.f. 15 11 Feb. 52 12 Oct. 27 Oct. (ate of 46 F. (Light Infantry. James Haggard.53 —Robert Mascie "^ 4 Oct. Unatt. late Captain 60 EOYAL MERIONETH. ie May 53 LlEUT.] [No. William Crosae 25 Miller. DL. 20 Oct. R.. ElUot iJONov.52 Lieut.C. 53 Henry Saluslniry Milman UF. JP. . 39. 52 J. JP 6 May 24i John Crewe C.. 30 Aug.-COLONEL. 0May53 Francis M'Donnell.. 2 c}- Capt. Sturkey 1. Henry Lieutenants.52 15 Nov. 31. John Money Carter. k. . Edward Baldwyn. Alexander Rolls.—GtOTge Wilson late 26 May JJJt. 53 Head Quarters. i Dragoon Gds Captains. 53 E. Webster Smith June53 30 June 52 Smg.— Oliver Gregory Thomas 4 May 12 Majors. Rairaer 30 Oct. 6 Jan. 17 — James Stilwell Assist. late of 83 F... 53 1 June 53 19 Aug. 53 lOOct. late Lieut. (1).. 53 Sir Edmund Henry K. —'V>")\l\Bim May 53 June53 jSwr^'. Henry NichoUs 6 Jan. ^Capt. late Capt.. DL. 1 Sept. 86 Apr. 52 George Granville Glover.. Colonel. . DL 2 Apr. Wm.52 Black Velvet Facings. 52 .. DL. 7 Fusiliers 13 Nov. Scriven Simon Reudall Aug. 53 JiV James Lawrence Cotter. Norwich. late Lt. Edward Thomas King... DL 9May 29 Charles Bcdingfield 27 May 31 Jfon. 63 DL Richard Lee Mayliew William Reed George Chester Wood Ale. Bertram Wodehouse . 53 H.43 Charles Foulger 29 July 53 Lt. Child Villiers. Edmond Philip Herhert. Captains.53 Geo. Yarmouth. 53 James Peters 4 Nov. 53 John Marcon. Jenkins 2Sept.DL.. Lockhart Assisl. 12 f..JP 6 July 39 Lieutenants. Lodge Murray Prior. 63 Ensigns.. Assist-Stirgeon.5<.11 Dec. DL. Tracey 30 Aug.-CoioNEL. Berkeley Wodehouse. 2Sept. Edw.I. 48 F..13 July 39 Ensigns. Humplirys Scotland 2June53 David Douglas Weymss. h. 40. Colonel. Lieut. JP 21 Cliailes Edward Lewis 31 F . . 53 Captains. 80 W.— W. B.—lE&'w. 63 Chiirlcs Edward Bignold 30 May 53 Joseph Edwin Day 31 May 53 Robert George Hawtayne 1 June 53 Lieutenants. .. 53 do 563 Captains. 52 Major. LiEUT. Lacou. Slyman lOSept. Pryce.n F 19 Oct.. 46 Siin/. 53 Major. o/12 Lancers James Temple Bowdoin.. JP.— George Francis Cooper. 52 G May 53 C May 53 . Henry A-lex.—Thoi. 53 5a)<. Edward Henry Cormick (2) late J. -Surg.ii/.N. DL.. JP. E. late J..p. England and Wales.. Lieut.. Edward John Miller 1 Oct. Hambleton Francis Custance. J. JP. late Capt. MP. 52 21 Oct. 57.-Colonel. /«<eo/27 /'. 10 Oct.-SMTO. 52 53 52 52 52 52 53 22 Oct. Gr. M. Johnes 6Jan.—Mex. 18 Oct. 53 EAST NORFOLK.53 May 53 May 53 IG jljwi. 8 Feb. Sart. Beadnell (2). JP. 15 Christopher Guling Henry Drumniond Wolff Charles Telford Simms Reeve Percy Charles Stanhope 7 May 46 30 Mar.19 Jan. lOSept. Kicliard George Grange. Lieutenants. Capt. Cohlstr. 4 Edward Otto Partridge.— James Prosser. Deane John Hoare 11 Nov. Frederick Walnole (1).Capt. 52 George Augustus Marshara. lateLt.] ffon. Henry Stevens 10 Oct.52 John Akin Dyer 1 Oct. Lieut. 6 May 53 20 Dec. Robert Chamberlin 6Jttly25 Ensigns. 52 Capt. late Ensign 71 6 James Davies. Commandant.. -CoLONEi. JP. [No. -Colonel Comm.Gds. 52 R. H.30 Oct. {light Infantry. DL 26 June 22 Lieut.53 John Gay. Hon. J. late Lt. 62 John Longe. Townsend 29 July 53 Bengal N.) Robert Morris 2 June 53 Lieut. H. 4 Drag.Brown 2 Oct. DL. 5th 53 53 53 Lieutenants. late of Sir John Couroy. Head Quarters. 11 Oct. DL 31 May 62 Philip Bediugfield 22 Apr. Monmouth. H.iSF.\lmericus Blakeney Savery Thomas Tiike Lewis John Richard Russell 11 Dec. late late Major 8 Hussars 9Sept. Vapt. — [No.26 May 52 Mordaunt Glassc 30 May 53 Henry Le Strange S.— James George May May May Richard Arthur Lawrence George Griffin Tyler James Pearse King Samuel George Homfray Thomas Brook . 10 Dec. May 53 6 Blue Facings.5 Sept. p. 63 Second Lieutenants. 18 Nov.. Capt. JP 10 Dec. {Liyhl Infantry.. William Earl Lyttou Bulwer. Richard Hall William Robert iVeeman 30 June 53 Carre Henry Thomas Knapman William Dauby Palmer ROYAL MONMOUTH. Harrison 7 Oct.P. 52 30 Oct. Wm.22 July 47 The Earl o/Orford.-Colonel. 50 22 Apr.\ndant. John Francis Vaughan. 53 4 Nov. 52 Hon. — / Adjt. Thomas Smallpiece Clarke . 19 Nov. 21 F. Morgan Clifford. 52 Capt. 52 White Facings. Mamice Jones. JP.—Richard Port Surgeon.. Gdt . 23 Oct. 99 Major.] Quarters. 18 Mar. John Griffith Wlieelcy 20 Dec.-Surg.H. Dweujate Cornehus Rippiugall 3 May 53 0/43 F 29June46 . Edward Pratt 29 July . Le Strange. H.. Ml) 20 Blue Facings.) WEST NORFOLK.] Head Quarters. Major. [No. H.Art 30 Aug.K.16 July 53 George Nelthorpe. H...23 Aug. KOYAL ELTHOENE MIDDLESEX.Militia of Ensigns. 2F. 53 late 29 July 53 ROYAL MONTGOMERY.. Wm.. 53 Head Oct. 48 3Nov. 53 John Sclwyu Payne. Bengal Army 11 Aug. R.. 52 Hon. Gils 26 Apr. Welchpool.x.-Colonel Commandant. O. Jones 2 Sept. Fred. late Capt. A((/. 53 Ensigns. 53 JJjt. Captain. laU of S«n7<roK. Unatl. 43 William Mason. Captain. H. late Capt. JP 7 Apr. P. 27Sept.46 (1) Yellow Facings.)^— 'William Browne P..52 Captains..] i Head I ! .vford. 6 Apr.'. Mellish Bowman . Kiddell.52 John Craster George Burrell. Clough Newcome 53 Second Lieutenants.—3ohn Jas. H. Browne. Quarters. Francis Lambert. IS Oct. Tavlor John Franklin Arthur Bromlev Mansfield Parkyns James T. DL. JP. Gardiner 25 Jan.31 Charles Atticus Monck. Gds Ensigns. DL. 53 Anthony Morris Storer Captains. O. Smyth — Spencer Nov. Caporn Smith. DL.. 33 John C. F.Si(r(7. J P.564 Militia of England and Wales. late of 11 F.19 H. JP. 52 6 Nov. Ire- 13 Nov.-Colonkl. John B. 2 Apr. ROYAL Ensigns. Gds 20..'. late Lieut. 52 Lieutenants. P Kich. 46 Winchester Henry Jones 18 Jan.52 2 Apr. 4 Apr. late Francis Fortescue Turville .17 Surg. 53 Jan. 52 25 Oct.. 27 June33 11 Nov. DL. 52 25 Oct. 53 .-Cul.25 Oct. 52 7 land May 25 Yellow Facings. 52 John Robinson William LangUam Charles William Watkins. 3 Apr. #- Ca. 43 ^.21 July 53 William Adamson 21 July 53 21 July 53 John Forster Build William Ker Gray 27 Oct.. late Lt. — Charles May Ensigns.53 May 53 25 Oct. Capt. §• Capt.28 May 50 27Sep"t. 53 1 May 04 Lieut.] Head Quarters. late 13Sept.— 11..l7 Aug.4"C<'i''-— JohnGilbertson 2 Surg. Edward Dale.tob.—a5t Henry UF Captains. 9 Nov.] ZoriZBurghley. Patrick Thorp Dickson Head <5- Surgeon. Potts.Vr. MP.53 Rawson 1 Apr. 40 Capt. Maunsell... Andrew Marriott Mathews .. 53 9 Mar. Coldstr. G. 48. — Surgeon.\pr. 52 — Edward Smiles Assist.33 14 Sept. ^• Capt. JP. 8 Sept. DL.. 26 Mar. Lancelot Roleston 11 Apr.l5 Nov.— Thomas laleofUF Adit. Quintus Vivian..14 June 5S Spencer Field 31 Oct. DL. 52 6 Oct.23 Jan. 53 Mar. F 8Sept. 53 Blue Facings. JP Lieut -Colonel. Nortliampton. 53 Nov. Francis L'Estrange Astley of 8Sept. 28. Azim Salvator Birch SHERWOOD FORESTERS. 52 6 Feb. :'>()June53 F. 52 Thos. 49 (3). 53 Horlock Mortimer. Colonel. 27. 8 Feb.SS F Henry Stone. 53 late 4Nov.. J. 53 .OUlfield Bowles. 52 James Crosby Anderson 21 July 53 Frederick Lussan Loinsworth... 52 25 Oct.. Lieutenants.-Colonel. late Lieut.. Hewitt 14Aug.iy 53 & C«»?.\. William Chas. 52 25 Oct. NORTHUMBERLAND. late of dren. Fitley 3 Feb. Chas. Wemyss Buff Facings. (Light Infanlty. John Geo. Cuming. 46 Thomas Ommaney Pipon. Captain-Commandant. Gds 26 Ron. 51. late'Capt.—Zn. Majok. 29June39 Charles Hill.. JP 12 Benjamin Wilhams 12 Edward Hobhouse.. -Surg. 46 Palmer . [No.26 Mar.ing. late of Coldst. . Alexander Boddani ' Edward Lo«e — G. 46 Colonel. Pembroke.. Frederick William William L. 52 14 Oct. Fdge ArlhurS. jl(Z/'. Lawe Rose. DL. lace Lt. Edward Finch Hatton 25 Oct. Trevor Clarke. J.11 F John 53 j I May 53 First Lieutenants.. 52 Lieutenants.—Weurs Holden20 May 53 Cory Aldred.] G. Herbert Smith Thomas Robert Andrew Robert Newcombe Edward Isaac Lovell John Tryon Thomas Donald Quarters. 27. DL. John D.^ug.. JP. Lieut. or Jan. 53 Thomas Newton Harrison . Surg. Lieutenants. . Capt. 52 Assist. Thomas Philip Maunsell. 53 May .53 [No. 53 21 July 53 21 July 53 21 July .. Newark. Henry Gordon Lon'^ridge Ralph Henry Philipson — John Long Marsh 28 Apr.st 4 Dec. Ainwick. Terry. -Surg. JP 29 Apr.53 Apr. Campbell Stuart Cole . Percy Barrington. Browne. NOEFOLK ARTILLERY. 52 Robt. 46 Ma. William Mathew Bigge. Owen Owen.-Si(ri/.f Lieut.52 of I Dr.21 Aug. C. Yarmoiitli. DL. MP John William Fane. late Head H. 46 Captaii^s« 9 Oct.16 Sept. 52 Christie .-Colonel Commandakt. 53 Edw. OXFORDSHIRE.n F.52 Majok. DL. Barrow John Parkinson Francis The Earl o/Beverley. 47 [No. Hemslev 6 Nov.3n..31 Charles Adjl.n6 Capt.JP. Colonel.16 Oct. 53 Frederick Morton Eden 3 Feb. 31 May Lord Hastings Second Captain. JP.) [No. JP.. 52 Assist -Surg.So Jlngli . JP..45 Ale. late 53 Adj. 52 25 Oct. Quarters.] 30 Frances Blake William Aubone Potter John David Scott NORTHAMPTON. Drury Wake NOTTINGHAM. 33 Adjl. Henry Hewitt 9 Mar. 52 1 Nov.—Geo. 2 Apr. 52 8 Nov.24 M.-Surg. Head Colonel. T. 53 William Wykeham Holloway. 46 18 Apr. Lord Lovaine. JP. Gren. late o/45 ^. M Muudv Alfred IIuv.. 52 7 Jan. Ensigns. . 46 William Christie John B.. 52 ROYAL PEMBROKE ARTILLERY.. Gates 22 May 46 lute Alfriil 7Feb. 53 Head Quarters. Gds .. 70 Wliite Facings.. Thos.. Quarters. 31 Robert T. 13 Charles 25 Apr. 5? Methven Dewarl9 Oct. 24 of A3sixt.. 26 Ma [No. late of 12 17 May 48 Lancers Himars Jdjt. Gds 21 of 8 26 Mar.— Alex.25 Wm. 47 Majok. DL. —Javits Anders Assist. JP. 53 John Jobling Weatherly 2 Nov. Ed. 52 25 Oct. Edw. 45 Thomas Charles Grainger 15 Nov. late 24 Lt. DL. 59.18 Feb. Mansell. Francis F. Wellinglon Pat. late Capt. F . Surtees 14June53 Cook.30 Quarters. Infantry.Vpr.39 Sept. — JJjl.-Colonel. 2Mar.. F. Quarters. I'apt.53 29Mar. 36 late Lieut. 52 John 52 53 53 53 53 31Mar.arles S. IIL. "nd 4Apr. Gds Majok Commanding. 8 13 Isaac Elton. SOMERSET. Jan. Nicholls Assist.. . 53 GG . 25 Aug.IS Robert Jesse 27 Jan.JP. Win. 53 31 Mar. 52 Edward Costall 4 Oct. J P. 53 Wm. Head Colonel.. late Arthur Burd Godfrey Kusscll Erasmus SaUvcy Art. Vere. 25 Oct. on h. JP. \yij. 52 H.—'idL'amA Wood. DL.Capt. laleEiis. 13 ROYAL EADNOE. C. 45 23 May 31 22 Jan. 21 F. Stoodley Edward Sawyer de la Hookc Ale..-Colonel Cow. 53 Ensic:. J. 1 Apr. 66. Manvcrs Clietwyiid Talbot. 53 Hill. 1 Dr. Lieut. Hcin-v hiM-y 21 Oct.Capt. 52 - — John . 5. 47 MP. h.v. 53 Majok. John Louch Edward Clarke Henry William Hoskius 2G0et. 52 28 Oct. Yl Lancers 4. Colonel. George Samuel Ptcliell. 7 Dec. Capt. The Earl ofCavau.53 WiUiam Gibbon [No. 4 Jan.. 19 Oct. LlEUT. DL.. 53 John CliurrhillLangdon. h. J P. 43 F.21 JP iC Jan. 7 Fusiliers late of 4 Mar.l4 Frederick Chudlegh Edward Corhett. Couscu8Stevens220ct. 53 F. Lieutenants. Houlton Isaac Williams Samuel Baker Coates lute Lieutenants.DL. 11 Jan. William Edward Prickard Ch. 28Aug. Maihas Aniiy 28 Aug. Leckonby Phipps. . E. Robert Child. 20 George Bowcu . May . —Thos. Rich. Vnatt 21 Feb. Henry mx Major.] Jan. 52 8. 53 . 53 RUTLAND. lute Major SoF. Bath. 89 F. 17 12 July 33 12 July 32 Black Velvet Facings. Wallace Boyce . 91 — 4. 25 Dec. Hon. Herbert Butler Batten Colonel. 3Apr. 4G Ensigns. THE Scarle 21 Aug.-Col. Prestigne. U. DL. 11 Surgeon. Taunton. William Pinney. JP 13 Oct. . 21 Mar. late Brev. (1) Captains. 53 George Cliamberlaine 13 May 53 AJJ. Porris Sanders.25 14 June 53 Mar. 53 lute 565 20 Dec. JP.—A]ex.20Oct. JP.Jordan Jordan. Adaii.ssist.] John Abraham Whittaker. 17 ! Henry GuUey Lieutenants. DL. .53 George Ttnnant..33 0ct.DL. 8 Green Facings. late of 60 . Fred. JP.31 Dec. mF. — Chailes Hugo Thomas Boyce.26Sept.-Col. risct. Henry Lewis Noel.p.. late of 77 F. Uon. C. E. 53 Captains. R.'iS F 21Mar. J P. p. 52 Dec. —Thomas Barrett Surg.—'i^i6\M Quill Pardey(2). h. George VilliersVilliers.-Surg. Hon. Captains. Roger C.30Sept. Miles. 53 Edward Houlditch James Talbot Stanley. 10June45 7 May 46 18 June 46 21 Sept.] Head Quarters. 40ct. 31 Cecil Anson Harries 10 Jan. 35 ThomasHussey. Ucn. Richard Frederick late Lieut. 68 ISOct..MawthillTearue S 25 Aug. h. George Deedes Warry Henry Cornish Henley 5Feb.. Lieutenants. 53 James Jaraos 7 Dec. Alfred Augustus Malet.4G Captain & Brev. V. Pickwick Lieut. -Colonel.p.Alfred 26 Oct. 43 Robert J. <5. 16. 52 F. F. Drivers. I. 9 May [No. 53 Hill. 52 20 Dec. George Troyte-Bullock 14 Jan. 53 Majors. Lieutenants.. May A. 26 Jan. 53 Majors..] Head Quarters.53 Adjt.20 May 53 H. 63 ter 20Oct.) 50 late of May 46 Wm.30 Jan. Nigel Heathcote Kicketts (Liffht 1 Jan.lateofGr. 14 Dec. S..JP Anch-cw George Corbet. Edward Ferrer Acton... JP. Lieut. JT. Eon.—y^wx. late Capt.46 George Fred. laic Capt. Amias Poulett 13 Jan.-CoLONEL.. DL. 52 Robert Desmond . Liclifield. Alexander Doria. Charles Inge.JP 4 Apr.England and Wales.. Militia of Wm. Capt. DL. Marines 6 Apr. Lawrence Henry Peel. 1853 Suryeott. 53 Fred. John Holland. 4 Jan. Boydell Jones Croxon. Gds.. 52 [No. 2nd 29Mar. 15 Feb.. L. LuttreU. late Lieut. ISOct..52 R.] Head Bed Facings.p 29 Jan. 53 Black Velvet Facings. 7 Hussars J P. 12 Apr.-Mast. d^ 4Juue39 .^6 Stiindert Stephen Ryder Dampier.3V.) Head Quarters. 53 25 Jan. 52 Gansel Jebb 25 Oct. 47. Vnatt E. 54. 52 Jas. Shrewsbury. Mark Child. 53 31 Mar.p. 52 ilajorUnalt 4. Duusterville ..\diiir Jolin Stevens OWN KING'S 1st STAFFORD. Cuft. Shrapnel Surg. 52 Captains. late ofh\ P.14 Dec.Owen 31 Mar. DL. Lewis. 3 Jan. Alfred Waring [No. 53 Andrew Fi-ed. Wiif more. 46 14June53 Thomas Hardwick Thomas Matthews Henry Corbet Second Lieutenants. Gils Charles Warre Loveridge. Farquharson John Guy Evered A. Bisdee J.s. Cajit.. {Itifles. lateCapl.. [No. 53 Cotton. 36 John Mathcw Quantock. ^ Capt. 1st late Lieut. Joseph Blake Spurway 14 Apr.19Jan... Jas. Rowland Whitehall Kenyon. J P.52 20 Dec. F Lieut.Sl Henry Godfrey Marsh William Vaughan Jenkins.46 I'oy Lient. DL. 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 7 May 8 May 46 Ensigns. SHEOrSHIEE. 190ct. Wm. 4G Atljt.." 4Nov.N. lIiuton. 52 Buff Facings. 52 Cupt. 21 Aug.p. Francis Fos- Qiiart.Mar.1 Apr..-Major F 45 J" Alexander Wm. Griffiths Mjt. 23 Dec. h. Surgeon. Robert James Elton. Henry Spurway 25 Jan. 10 Apr.4G Beavau 2 Oct."JP. JP."JP 29 July 51 [No. (2). 53 fi'Kr*?. 46 William Speke.Capt.— Edwd. 4 Vr.21 Aug. ^ Capt..—^ohu..Harris Walliiigton Coates Fred. S.28Aug. Majors. Lieut.-Major. Captain Commanding. Robert Hetherington Henry Lionel Nicliolls 4 Jan. 53 William Bennett Charles Phillijis Charles Gregory Wade somerset..(j/e F Capt. late Capt. . Oakham. late 0/52 F. 4 Jan. 53 Fred. MacIS June 46 pherson. 50. JP. Cah'cley 21MaylG Henry Capt.mandant. Alfred Edward . Thackeray Thomas Edward Harwood 6 Ausr. William Noel llill(l). 53 late Lieutenants. Duniayne 31 Mar. J.ll Jan. I..] Head Quarters. 52 Second Lieutenants. . 14 William llutchings Chorlcy . late Capt. 53 26 Apr.'s Service 4 Oct. . DL. 22 Feb. 53 Green Facings. Capt. 5 Jan... 53 Kobt. Visct. JP. 25 Nov. 1 Apr. Gds. Lord Manners 31 May Thomas Boss 4Apr. JP Trancis Chambers George Cavendisb Taylor. 'Kennedy Levett. 7 Adj.) 53 Francis Blake. Kichmond. late F Adjt. Lewisbam. late of Gr. Stevens Cecil Newton Lane Charles Eaton Charles Neve Gilbert Elliott Colin Taylor Cap/. -Snrg. ^ Capt.-Colonel. 53 William Johnson Salt |3 Quarters. Adj. 21 June Thos. Windsor Paiker. JP Edward Mavne SUFFOLK AETILLERY. Henry Maitland Wilson WiUiam Windsor Parker Blue Facings. 53 John Capel Phillips 22 Apr. WEST SUFFOLK. 53 Joseph Knight 16 Apr.— George Creed late Capt.31 Sept. -Col. Henry Bence Bence (1) Captains. Shafto Adaii-.. Capt 79 Wm. Arthur Mainwaring. Henry Sinckler Chinn JohnMooreKemp Arcliibald Ivor . U. Frederick Barton 5 Jan. Apr. [No. Charles Bagot. Askew James Hillcoat Joseph Bunuey 23 Dec. 53 Clement T. late Capt. Visd. Hool Asliwell. Walter Bagot .. Edward late Nov.] Edward Richard Adams William Henry Dutton William Henry Homfrav Francis William 22 June3it — John Kilner . JP. Edward Swvnfen JervislB Apr. 53 Capt. 1st Colonel. Dakins R. 52 Assist. 53 Majoes. Gds 16 Charles S.FrtH Jermyn. 1 Apr. 5 Jan.".. 53 53 53 53 53 Second Lieutenants. DL royal SURREY. Thos. 22 Feb. 53 Hon. Gds 1 Cockayne Frith. Ensigns..W. 14 Apr.] Head Quarters. DL. 1st or F — Charles Sawcr 1 Oct. .20 Sept.-CoLONEL COMMANDANT.. William Thomas Locker Bobert Hargreaves.. 5 Majob. Henry Jasper Willett Charles Edward Mousley Phillip 4G 53 53 53 52 53 Snrgeon. Jan.—ily.. Littleton. Head Quarters. Lord Paget.53 Surgeon. 53 Lieutenants. 53 22 Feb. Hon. 15 Mar. 53 Edward Head Everard . late Capt.. T. 34. Gds. July 53 July 53 F .^KnjreoH. 53 Lieutenants.566 Militia of Captains.] Head Quarters. DL. RustD'Eye Turner 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 May 44 Lieutenants. JP. 22 Feb. 30 Apr. . late.—1\\o. Buchanan. Thomas Head 5 Jan. THE KING'S OWN Peter Broughton.. 24 May 27 Nov.— Hard. 3xd {Light Infantry. Morton Edwd. 53 Charles Ilalcomb Colonel. 53 F. 9 Oct. 53 Apr. 53 Tumor Wtbb Lane Thomas Morton Johnson John Plimly Edwards Newton John Lane Greville Charles Charles Richard Levett Charles James Ashton George Augustus Curzon Ensign. late Lt. 53 Charles John George 53 16 Apr. rietcher Feb. Newcastle-uuder-Lync. 22 Feb.. 53 5 Jan. 46 Lieutenants. DL 25 Mar. 3 Dr.30 STAFFORD.. 53 11 Oct. Gds ^- Assist.46 1 May 52 Charles Gorton Ilorsley H. 53 Second Lieutenants. 30 Mar. B.. . 7 Nov. Challinor Sidiiev L. <f.. Apr.. Keginald John Buller Eon. 53 15 Apr. 46 29 Jan. and Capt. 52 Major. Robert JohnBussell 12 Aug. Byrd Levett. William Vernon Colonel. John Thomas. "il f. Henry Wm. 53 16 Apr. Jas. —^-imael 53 53 Mayer 5 Apr. late Lt. 52 William Holme Sumner GG 2 . Geo. 46 19 June. . Gds 16 Apr. Adj. 53 John Broughton 16 Apr. 10. 53 Dudley Francis Stuart.?a/f Capt. 33 3 Oct. 53 Lteut. . LlEUT. Midgley. 22 Apr.— Benjamin Miller 5 . Geo. Head 16 Apr. Ipswich. Brook B. 5 Apr. Majoes.. Lomax 21 Apr. Apr. 53 Rt. 53 Charles Coyney Captains.-Surff. Smith 16 Richard Lloyd. 53 Phillips 6 Dr. Whitbread Captains. To England and Wales. Sneyd KynnersleylG Apr. [No. Gr. Staiford. 20.. Jan.'. 4 Jan. 38^. Bury St. 22 Feb.. 22 Feb. DL Charles Oldham Capt. ^iSO July 30 July Captains. 33 5 Jan. Edward Capper Copeland 16 Apr.-Colonel. Edmonds. mfles. 9 Oct.. Ed. 23 Feb.'. Sandon.— Hen].. \ . 5 Lane Thomas Wm.11 Sept.11 Oct. Scarlet Facings. Dyott.-Surg.) UNov.ZfS'Dtc.l4 Mar.. late ofGr.. GOUifes Rich. Harland 22 Oct. JP. 53 Assist. [No. 5 Jan. 22 Feb.. Apr.C.". Capt. 53 J>r.— Jo\m M'Gregor 24 Jan. Deane.16 June 53 Assist . 15 Mar.. John 10 June F Lieut. Colonel.—FAmunA Astle. Charles Henry Rooke James Mill Walker Hill Mussenden Leathes 9 Oct. late Capt. J. 53 5 Jan. Buller. JP. Swr^eoij.-COLONEL. . 53 Hon. 53 IBApr. 53 Yellow Facings.16 16 16 16 27 Bott.ll F. 53 4 Mar.Capt. 47' 3 Nov. Xori Alfred Hervey 9 Apr.. late Capt 91 18 Mar. 53 May 27 21 July 32 37 Aug. Alfred.. 46 Lieut. — Capt. Vnatt — Michl. Fuller Maitland Wilson.. 53 15 Mar. DL.. Apr.. 53 Aj-thur George Brooke IJuneSS 2Juue53 Robert Stedman THE JolmWalsham OWN KING'S 25 Nov. i2Aug. Thomas Pytches. 1 Dyott 30 July 30 July 30 July Lieutenants.. 52 Surg. 3 LrEUT.. Quarters. 52 ^ Adj. 53 3ed STAFFOED. late 16 Apr. Apr. -John Ballard Gardiner(l).16 Apr. DL 34 Patrick Parry Hector Munro J..-Surg. Migsenden (JLove. HillmanlO July 52 . DL. Ale-t. Hooper John Wilkinson 25 Nor. 33 Blue Facings.. Ed. 53 Edward Scott 16 Mar. 31 14 Apr. Liettt..' Col. Richard Wetherell. .I'-: n. 53 37 Oct. 3 Dr. Majob. Quarters.53 Edward John Bunny 18 Apr.-COLONEL. 53 riiuiiiasDonoghueWright.MD. 53 land Mitchell 7 Oct. 52 . -Colonel Commandant. 2 Dr.19 Apr. 53 18 Apr. Blue Facings. late Capt. Scots Fus.-Siirg. Artliur.p. Craven...37 Richard Marten Cripps 31 Apr. G Dr. It Dec.3r>D WilHam Prescott Ilmds 18 Feb.. JP. 3 Dec. late Lieut. 50 1. 53 Anthony J. —William Stephenson . 53 Snrg. Bt. 9 Nov. late Capt. 50 AV ill iam ARTILLERY. (1)KG Lord Lieut. JP 30Mar. (3) Bomhay Bone Art 10 May 53 Parratt. 15 Httssars. 53 William Adams Nash 18 Apr.-Surg.) Head [No. Sackvillc West33 M. . Francis Joseph Forth Sir Percy F. 53 3 Oct. Hugli Levcester Pcnrhyu. JP. 53 St. Art.p Sh^^.. 53 . Gooch Spicer. JP. Sept. Clair.\ 18 Apr.. late Captains. Henry Gage. William Henry 53 Lieutenants.-Surg. B. "William John Evdyn. 53 Ensigns. lute h. Duke of Riclimond. 53 Chas.. Arthur Rushworth May 53 16 JP. 53 John Paine. JP.LordLieut. Best.\Tnes. 19 July 53 Hedworth David Barclay 20 July 53 Charles Francis Evelyn 23 July 53 Robert Rintoul 10 Aug. — Matt.1 Captains. G.— Hen.26 Apr. 53 29 Apr. 52 80ct. Geo. Majoks.-Surg. Sharp oMay Taylor 53 Blue Facings. JP 11 Oct.12 Dec. late of i 31 Sir James Sibbald David Scott. Henry.3<. 35 Madras iV. 11. 53 5 Oct. IliJle Brig 36 Apr. F ailillcbrant Meredith Parratt. [No. 53 Jolin Freelaud Si late — Evelyn Latimer Capt...lGSep.Fitzhcrbert De Teissier. 53 George Hcnnistoim Scott.-CoLONEL COMMANDANT. George Kirwan Carr. . Ensigns. late Capt. JP. 1 Dr.j- C<(/)<. late Capt. .— G<tor%t Weekcs 25 Apr.. Ditke of 'Aichmn\\A.— William Fuller. 53.. — Samuel Buck38 Oct. William E. 18 Apr. OH h. Lieut. ^.7B F. 53 4Mar.(. 5 Oct. late Adj. DL. DL. Gds.— Henry Thomas Setile 9 Apr. 53 William Bryce Watson 18Ai)r. Moor. Gds 17 June 53 Bon.Aidede- Camp 53 royal SUSSEX. Assist. 85 F. 53 Chas. 53 13 Apr. hp. 52 Surg. Apr.iuL-l . 53 38 Oct. 10 Nov. George Donovan LlEUT. II Oct. Dickenson. 46 23 Nov. 52 2 July 53 Blue Facings. Austen. on h. Nunn IGSept. . . 53 Quarters.lSApr. liijle Brigade Robert Henr)' Hurst Ensigns. Robert Grange.of England and Wales. — 4Dec.53 Oswald liCC Mash Stewart Forbes Eglington Ross — Henry 31 9 Oct. late Drs --. I'itzroy Campbell. Cranley... 40 Francis B. Croydon. 53 — SJIussars 11 June 53 Miles Stringer. 31 Thomas Eaton Swcttenham . JP. John Almon Boulcbtt MP 52 52 53 9Fc'b. JP 18Apr. late Lieut.. Colonel-in-Chief. 53 . Head Lieut.. 53 Head Richard Bingham Neuhind . 34 18 Apr.. Adj. MD. JP George Palmer Eveljn..'.TroUopo Coleman Assist. Capt. Hcn. DL. Ad). GJs 13 Jan. Uifle Brig 23 Nov. Ilassall. 4 Oct. F Captains. 4Pcc. 28Mar.53 Thomas Henry Clarke Terry.6'a/)<. 40 Lieutenants... 19 Charles Montague Chester..31Sept.09 Wight A\ illiam Barclay Cliadwick Henry Jn'iiL .^. Wvndham Hoste 10 Jan. a2F. late Lieut. 53 7 May 53 11 May 53 2 June 53 8 July 53 iVilliam Charles Howard Chaplin iobert Barclay iVynn de Cerj'at (Light Infantry.53 Ensigns.14 Dec. . late Capt. Charles "Williani Calvert. 37 Ilcm-y William Bates. DL.. 17Dec. 46 Hon...)<. Colonel. 27 Sept. John Wm..JP.irchard Charles Bayntun Henry Molineu. Spencer Saracc Dickens. 52 37 Bengal Inf..18 Apr. D. JP 19 Fred. Charles 37 Dec.. J P. late Capt. 45 Capt. Shelly. 53 Jas. 53 28 Oct. 53 C. 53 2 Drs.(4)Ca/)<. DL.—\nen Duke A ssist. 19 Scarlet Facings. Chas. 53 Richard ]^. Wright Biddulph 18 Apr.15 Oct. 19 a® Charles.i) 6 f. 53 ROYAL SURREY.Ca.UOB.vptains. Bl Joseph Fiennes Blaivc 26 July 08 21 Apr. late Qds Capt.(\)KG.— Richard Assist. Whealey Mulvin Walker 20 Mar. Chaloner Bisse Challoner.30 Quarters.] Quarters. 3Iilitia 567 LlEUT. 45 M. DL. Surg.i. 53 18 Apr. 53 Ctfjit. lSept. 53 Charles. George Browne. p../a<e F o/^9 Toscph Dingwall 5 Nov. 53 Assist. 53 James Dennis 18Apr.' \li\ indor Marshall iluiiv \Vcston(3) William Augustus May 10 Ellis Ridley. JP. 90 18 Apr. 3 Mar.-COLONEL. LlEUT. 40 Nov. Conran Alphonso Kirk 2XD 1 Oct. Bengal Army 6 Oct. :_'e W i!i'/r I :. late of 1 Drs 36 Mar.31 June 53 Richard John Blunt.L. DL 31 lion.<•-'«.E. Fred.1 Head William. Lewes.-Ja3. 10 Oct. 2 Oct. Charles Mostyn . Wm. 53 Adj... to l/tc Queen . 52 James Kensington Lo«"ther. Guildford.. .. 53 Downes Manning John Lambrick Vivian Samuel Arthur Scawell ROYAL SUREEY. 53 Blue Facings.{i) late 6 Oct. 53 Worjan Ycutman Cliarles 33 Stephen Ban-on William Piatt Lieutenants.53 T. i?aWo/" Lovelace. 52 Lieutenant Major. 53 Capt.. late UDec. Gds 14 Dec. 53 Thomas SanJon Kirkpatrick.. late Lt.lO Oct. 53 Henry Betliune 10 May 53 F Lieutenants. \Ifred Toseph 1st Acheson 14 Dec.-Surg. late Capt. late Lt. Lord 14 Aug. 4 Oct. 40 Captains. Ed. Capt. -Colonel.2S July 53 Surg.. Chichester. 53 Godman De Norman 23 Feb. Adj. i. DL. /. 52 3 May Secomd Lieutenants. 53 Captain Colonel.\JOE. DL.l8 Apr.30 Mar. 53 James Legeyt Daniell 19 Dec. 53 lOl'eb. Lieut. "7 Henry Davey CuitcisColc 21 Apr.Moon. Capt. Nathaniel Benjamin Cohen Adj. R.A. Frederick — ROYAL SUSSEX Lieutenants. Visct. JP Nicholson. -Surg. 19 Oct. Edward Tibbitts James Thomns Bell Joseph Spencer 7Sept 19 Aug. Alex. ^.. 53 Charles Bruce 16 Aug. W. Frederick Brash William Noble Clarence Ilolcombe Judd 97] Quarters.-Colonel Commandant. 53 Frederick Eidge Captains. Denis Ilacon . late Ens. 53 9July 53 9 July 53 28 July 53 F Jan. late Lieut. Gds. Marmion Edward Ferrers. JP.-Colonel Commandant. late Capt. Thwaytes. 27 27 27 27 James Kell Apr late F 24 July late Capt. Gray(. Cassan. 53 William Cock Robert Wilson SJune 22Sept June Bell 8 Mar. 53 William H. Taylor. George Skipwith. /• Cap<. John Sidney North. Ensigks.. 17.-Col. £«. Jee. DL. .) Lieutenants.. Lieut. 2 Apr. 52 6 Nov. 53 William Henry Betts Henry Flood Page Wm. 3Juni Beaimiont [No.. 53 87 Kich. 46 Surg.— Yh\\\]) Tranter . 23 f 26 Aug.53 LlEUT. H.. served in the Royal Navg 21 Charles John Rilend Bedford. (Light Infantry.26 Julj 16 Aug. late Capt. onh. June Lieutenants. William Lewis Grant. 7 Nov. Silas Adj. 3 Apr. Surgeon. Colonel.11 Dec. 89 F. Geo. 2 Apr. 52 Henry John Jauncey. 52 F.. . COLONKL. Biddulph 26 Dec Erasmus Galton.36 July 9 Oct. Theophilus Caractacus Lewis. 1st 53 53 53 53 4 May 53 2i May 53 Little WiUiam Ghrimes Lieut. Henry Arnold. late Capt. 40 8 Jan. U Jan. Clavering Redman 2 Apr. Adj. Neale Porter John William White 2 Feb. Frederick GranviUe. Lieut. £)• Capt.] Quarters. JP. 53 Head Majoks. Warwick. late Capt.. F..DL. ~T\\oi. John Wni. John Feetham Leonard Strong 2 Apr. The J/aj^Mi'jo/Dalhousie.-CoLONEL. late Capt. p. Gordon Woodford. Bart. Ensigns. JP.. E. Feb. 2 Apr. 52 Blue Fncings. Marines Richard R.. Sepi 19 Oct of 55 F Wilhani Richard Freer 3 Juni Wm. 37 F 18 Feb. Frederick James Louis \Vyatt. 39 LlEUT. DL.11 June45 William Warner Dennis 11 Dec. 83. 3 June 53 F Captains. 53 WARWICK.. —Jjtni. Jackson E. 17 F 27 Sept •ywroCTH. 2 Apr.. 53 John WardlaH-(2) 28 Apr. 36. 7 F. 53 St. Hiickney.— 1\. 53 F 9 June Major. late of9F. (2) late of the Austrian t'enice 10 Nov. late Capt.p 3 0ct. 46 — Assist. GCH. Cowell(l). Joseph M. Clarke. Inte of 23 Dec. 14 Charles R. 52 Henry William Burgess 5 Apr.] Head Quarters. JP. The Earl JP Head Ensigns. LlEUT. Jan. James Scott 26 26 26 30 John Charles Sandell 25 Dec. Coles Lewis Han-is Samuel James Remnant 11 June 53 28 June 53 Fred. 2 Feb. ^.] Head 3Jiin( WARWICK. Solly Gosling George Fuller Howes ^ov.-Surg. Lieut. [No. iti " The Mm 24 Buffs" SKr^-. Leamington. and Lt. Kanelagh John George Thomson. Simpson. Howe Charles 53 53 53 53 53 Henry Beck 2 Apr 3 June Henry Leake John Pay n J. DL.-Col. Jan. 53 JolmAshwall 3June53 of Wilton. late Capt. 52 3 June53 26 July 53 7Nov. 23 Nov. Armfield R. Quarters.— Patrick Brown. JP. llill Webster. Captains.-Svrg. Boultbee. late 15 Hcnrv Trower Jolm'Wruford William Dixon Ardwick Burgess 88 "Walker. ^' Captain. Appleby. 53 Yellow Facings.) Head [i\o. Lieutenants. C2 llDec. late Major 65 3 Apr..31 Charles Reeves 9 Oct. 19 Oct. 17 F. S. late Capt.53 Nov..27 May 47 Majoks. 52 Assist.. 52 p Surgeon. Botlnial-green. DL. 36 Major. Mitchell Henry Gear 23Sept.— Fred.3)..— Kenneth Mac]ienzie(l). Shaw Augustus J. late Capt. lute of 2 Dr. Reader. 52 Ashbold M'Donnell Rawlins. Colonel. Apr. 51 /'. Benson Harrison. 9 Oct. 53 George Huniby 9 July 53 Henry Cooper 30 July 53 George Henry Money 16 Aug. James Alderson Bailey.53 ROYAL WESTJMORLAND THE QUEEN'S OWN LIGHT INFANTRY.P [No. 7 Fusiliers England and Wales. H.Capt. Falconer 24 May 53 MD — Lieutenants. George Lane ^- June Capt. 2nd 53 53 53 Joseph Erlara Majoe. Maxwell Din30 Sept woodie Blue Facings.18 Nov.-COLONHL. R.. Lothian Lieut.. Captains. F Feb. 52 17 Lancers Charles William Tiipper. DL. 59 John 1 Oct.Bedford J. 9 Oct. Pierre Putler Hook 16 Aug. 53 Robert Stuart. Unatt — — Lambert Capt. B.l3 John A. Charles Wise. Anglo- Spanish Legion Captains.-CoLONEL. 26 Feb. — John Adj. Dickson. (Light Infantry. 52 Frederick John Parry. .•/ o/ Lonsdale Godfrey Clerk Monins. 52 Charles Adolphus Muntz 19 Oct. 53 1 Oct. William. Jan. 47 i Jdj.Ensign. 18 Nov. 8 Apr. James Atty. MP. DL. Thomas Miles 25 Aug. KING'S OWN. Ensigns. h.i Sir T. late Capt.. 8 Apr.. late 31 Mar. 10 Yellow Facings. 53 George Kitson 2 Apr.l2 Apr. T. 52 of] Fusiliers Thos. 21 Sepi 9 Oct. 47 R. 53 Assist.26 July late Ad/. Feb. late 23 Dec. Cundy Thomas Cundy Ilenrv John Cannon William Gonne March Charles Fishlake Quarters. MD..30 Dec.. 2G Francis Foljambc Courteuay. Brevet Lt. 3 3Iajor23 Blue Facings. DL. 52 Capt.-Hy. JP Ashley Henry Wilson Stafford Squire Baxter J. KT. on h.. Marcus O'Shaughnesscy 17 July 46 F Ensigns. Wm.568 jMilUia of THE Lieutenants. J. . 2 Queen's Royals . 33 Idj. 22. DL. • Ensigns. G. ^. THE NORTH YORK Ensigns.-COLONEL. Brigade 21 Feb.. 52 SSF Thompson 24Aug.52 Henry Baines 30May 13 Henry Puget Raikes 30 Sept. late j Colonel. JP Christopher Cradock 7 Aug. late Samuel Wnutchurch Sloper Fohu Leigh Reed Beverly Robinson 13 17 rhomasPocock 18 Nathaniel Whitcliurch Sloper 8 Nov. Monckton 2 Dec. Worcester.'Surg.— 'EiXviHi. //oh. — Capt Siraou Fit zlierbert Jacson (1). ?n<e It. — Ernest -S'H7V7^o»^. 53 8 Oct. 1)L. Adj. 52 EAST YORK.29 Oct. Robert Walters DL.J . Head Ensigns. 53 Majors./.lSOct. Head Quarters. Head England and Roliert Reynai-d.uart. Wliavtou Wilkinson.JP.53 John George Hildyard. Frederick Bell Richard Bower Booth William Walter Harland Johu Smurthwaite Second Lieutenants. George Healey Adj. Frederick Augustus Talbot Clifford Constable. 52 S?()V7OT/i. late ofi\ /•. 33. if. DL. late of 67 F. 52 Captains. Beverley.—7r?. 53 Walter Coleman 8 Feb. lute 46 F 30Sept. 52 52 3 Nov. Adj. late of 77 F.l9 May 15 — Buff Facings. Boynton — Istisl. late Lieut. 52 James Queenbrough Palmer.] Head j Quarters..20 Oct..iySO Septimus Sanderson [No. 53 Feb. i5' Capt. DL./. 8 Oct. 53 James Robinson Pease 20 Sept. 52 Benjamin Bhiydes Thompsonll Apr. 46 DL. 'm. H Oct.17 July 43 DL..oO J aly 52 Captain Surg..— Thomas lies.53 Hon.-Surg. 46 Henry Giles 10 . 33 i5- Captains. Robert Colling. S)' Capt.53 Robt. 31 19 Oct.— Richard Atkinson.52 //o«. 53 Edmuud Sparsliall Willett .DL. Black Facings. Geo. Cowper..Mar. ... Henry Hehden fi f.-CoLONEL COMMANDANT. 52 7 Oct.12 Nov. 42 2 Feb. John Beckett Marriott.] 14 Sept. Lieutenants. 53 3fj9 Wales. 46 icniy Haudlev Elriugton .. 1st 30 Jan.. :>2 William Hall Wilkinson 27 . 8 Oct. Gds 15 Nov. Darnell Francis Darwin Francis Salvin Francis F. . 3 Mar.52 William Henry Cresswell 7 Feb. 3G ^ Wm. 53 Francis D. 20 Nov. Boynton.. 53 Mar. 12. JP idw.May 51 Uon. 52 eorge Ruddle. 23 7 Mar. Pontefraet. — Joseph Hudson. 52 Sextus Ramsey 8 May 11 Assist. 52 Nov. 53 [No. 8 Dec. Godolphin Osborne 3 Nov. 52 Captains. 53 Charles Grimston.20P 3 Feb. late Lieut. 52 20 Nov.Mast.46 Blue Facings. 15 Oct. .20Aug. laleofbd 18 June 39 Thomas Gaisford.n F 21Aug. lute of SZ F. 52 ICNov. Lord Greenock. lute of GMaylG Majors. late Capt. JP. <S- and Adj. enrv John AVentworth Ilodgetts Foley.-Siirg. 52 Q. F wmasWiliam Kinder 52 52 52 53 9Sept. W. late Lt. 52 Major. 90 F: 27 Aug. George Hamilton Thompson. Charles Sidney Bradley 30Sept. 20 Nov. Allen Fred.. 52 George llehblethwaite Lutton WORCESTEE.12 — Llewellyns Assist.. Lord Mctlmen. late o/8i^. late Capt. 53 8 June 21 15 May 46 Marmaduke Gerard Grimston. tale of 24 F. JP. 15 Buff Facings. Date of Leeds. G. Legard 8 Apr.20Nov. 3 Aug. 2 Life Gds 11 Feb.. F.] Head Quarters.Militia of Lord 20 M....s. 53 Feb 4FLb.52 Jolm Edward Buckle 6 George Ricliard Withington . D'Arcv. Clutton-Brock. F 10 June46 Pierpoiiit.53 west YORK.24 Get. Orde Powlett. 53 John Edwd. 53 homas Webb.l6 Feb. DL. Quarters. 1 Feb.B.25 May 47 Alexander Rooke. 52 John Klton Mervin Prower. late Lt. E |«bert Blayney barles Sidney Hawkins.30 Aug. DL.] 2 Oct. Marcus Brown Westhead Broiigliton. Henry George Monro late Capt.. DL. Artliur Heathcote. 20 Nov. Cap<. 53 — Captains. 9 William Cliafyii Grove (1). 67. Devizes. 20 Nov. JP. 71 F. DL. Charles Paget Major. 46 30 Aug.P.E. JP 4Dec. laleLI. 53 Frederick Breton 9 Feb. late Capt. 52 George lleneage LawTence Wharton. 52 Eilmuiid Lewis Clutterbuck. late Lt. 52 15 Apr. SFeb. Bernard. DL.C. DL 17 Mar. 08 John James llolnnson 2 July46 Mark WUIiam Vane Milbank. 11 Hussars 2 Feb. late of 19 F..30 Jan.. 53 Martin Edwin Vale 19 Aug. 46 [No. William Vince 2Dec. Robert Jf. 46 15 Apr. Richmond. 52 Lieutenants. JP 30 Jan.— Matthew Assist. 46 has. JP. Laseelles 23 Nov. Capt. 7 Mar. Charles Thornton l)ue5bcry. 86 F Jury. Edmund Robinson 9 . Gren.-Surg.\pr. 52 Colonel. 46 Horatio Nelsou Goddard. JP.-COLONEL.S 5. G. DL. Parker Ilowel!..Aug. 52 16 Nov. 52 Feb. 48 John Wood Coates Thomas Robinson Worsley Thomas Light Elwon Thomas Hi'U John Woodall Woodall 19 Feb. 53 . JP 20 Nov. 'illiam Domvile.] Colonel. hos. 52 Captains.. 53 George John Lloyd.3 5. 48 Thomas Clutton-Broek 8 Oct. 1 Dr.. 52 52 52 James Bridge 52 Henry Digby Mitehell 3 Mar.. Tweddell Atkinson 28 Apr.. F Lieutenants. LlEUT. 2 Srs 4 May 52 George Smith 2Mar. DL. George Waylen 6 Aug.iO Robert Rintoul LIKUT. 8 .. Whitehead 13 Apr. 3 May 53 John Lawson 17 May 53 First Lieutenants. Tlioriiton Duesberv. Wayte F —Edw. 52 i LIEUT. LIEUT. late Lt. Gds late Henry Captain 7 Aug. DL.COLONEL. 52 RIFLES. . May May 53 53 MiiyJS John'T. 28 Sept. . Lieul-Colonel. 13 14 Aug. /n^«o/ 36 12 Oct. Anias Chas. 52 Williams. Samuel Standidge Walton Field Uppleby .. Winnington. 52 Quarters. [No. J P. Clowes. Henry Fitzgerald 12 .. Jeorge Theobald Jeorge Hodgson Ens. Jajisou Henry 25 Sept. 52 dw. Colonel. Crewe Henry Maiuide ROYAL WILTSHIRE.14 Sept.. DL 22 Nov. Adolpbus Dolby...53 Johu Daniel Ferguson 18 May 53 5. F Lavic.DL. 15 20 Aug.20 Oct. J. Coupland31 Aug.. 53 [No. 52 Major. Edw. Mar. JP 26Feb. 19 Mar. <3- Ca/>«.— Rich. Kobert Stansfield. 53 Rich. Kichard Edward Davies. 53 William Waite 30 Apr. Vnatt.-COLONEI. 46 Henry Van Strauhenzee. on h. CarroH 29 Jan. Capt. 53 Captains. 53 Edward James Mauile 9 Mar 53 Henry William Stansfcid IG Apr. 53 Edward Olivers Bowers 24 May Majors. 8 Jan. Henry T. Monckton Milnes. Majors. 46 Majors. (2) DL. Eichard S. Major. Lieutenants..Col. 53 Bobert Hedlcy 27 Aug. 17 July 53 Ensigns 28 Sept. Ferrars Loftus. 5th Lieut. Doncaster.28Sept. 52 Robert Dudley Baxter Stephen Holdforth 4 Nov. DL. Ensigns.-Colonel Commandant. Leeds. 53 Lieutenants. 25 Nov. 3 Buffs May53 Majors. |3Joseph Newcomb^2) h. Joshua Cronipton 29 Jan. A. Sf late Surg. John Boham Chantrell Edward Nicholson Maurice Rodgers Frank Henry Eadon Eadon Thomas Mai-shall John Henry Manwaring Cockcroft Sutcliffe Wilham Mauley Eastwood west YOEK. late Lt. 2xD Thos.— Godfrey Arraytage (4) late Captain 6th Foot Surgeon. 53 Feb. Tlieodosius Stuart Russell Thomas S. Hon.52 Assist. 53 Richard Hewley Graham 9 Mar. Wormley Edward Richardson 8 Jan.. Assist.)^. 53 — — White Facings..570 Militia of Vrancis Freeman 14Fel). Green Facings.Vl F. Nathaniel Hugh Charles //Orii ISOct. h. Gentleman at Arms 24 Mar. York. DL. 53 John Crossley SutcHffe 21 Feb. j Captains. Adj.17 Mar. John G. Duesbery Head Quarters. Halifax.19 Ensigns. Captains.p. -53 Dec.-Colonel. . Capt.) Head [No. a Lkut. Gds IS Sept. JP 5 Apr. 52 53 53 52 53 53 53 53 53 4Jan. Colonel.— Charles Muscroft.. Haldane Thomas George Thornton Valentine Hicks Labrow Thomas Hague Cook John Wormald 19 8 14 12 Oct. 63 — Assist.52 Ca. Quarters. 5 Sept. 9 Mar.. 9 Mar. — John Lister — Assist. R. 25 Nov.Alderson 29 Jan. 53 12 Aug. late Capt. BrandUng.-Sui-f/ .. 53 25 Apr. Wdliam Thompson 24 Mar..-Col..-Colonel.21 . Colonel Commandant. 12 Oct. 4" 18 late Capt. 53 FerrirrsConiptonClargesLoftusl9 Mar. 53 Thomas Nelson 27 Aug.. C. ijRaines. 52 William Garforth. Ralph Creyke. T. Head 14 F.. 10 Oct.— Thomas Clough 10 Oct. Surg. p. DL 19 Nov. 48 Artlmr Maude Thomas Holy Holdsworth Edward V. Adj. Prothero. July 53 Capt.Walker 19 Aug.. lute of 10 Hussars 29 Jan.3ed {Light Infantry.28 Adshead Lieutenants. DL. Beaumont 18 May 53 Lieut.-Si4r(/. 53 HenryNevillcCottonThurstone25Mar. 25 Nov. 53 Kichard Micklethwaite 9 Mar.'Dyueley CLamberlain . in the Army Adj.. .John Stannard MacAdam28 Feb. late Lt. 46 White Facings.Rodhain Spencer Stanliope 9 Mar. Ensigns. John Michael Barstow 8 Jan.-Surgeon. 46 Seymour Thelluson 28 Feb. 1. 52 53 53 53 Joseph Hartley 26 Feh. 53 Massey. DL. 25 Nov. 46 Duncan Littlejolm 25 Nov. Hope. 68 I'aylor — Surgeon.. 53 Thomas SheaVburn. July 53 28 July 53 . Dark Green Facings. 4Nov. . 32 llich.21 Feb. 4 Feb. Tlieopbilus Smith Frederick Durliam 8 Jan. Fred. west YOEK. late 28Feh. Lt.-Surgeon .-Surgeon.] [Head Quarters. a£l John Harnett. MP. Cnpi. John Suttou 12 Aug. Cohbe.-Colonel Commandant. 53 Captains..2 Adj. 53 12Aug. ofGren. Smyth. 53 Aug. 40 46 5.—C. .-Edw.. 53 Jeremiah Bourne Faviell 2 May 53 John Kendall 12 May 53 WEST YOEK. . MP.. 21. 53 Francis Patrick Smith 12 Apr.3 53 53 53 53 53 Lieutenants. 52 Captains. 52 Jan.28 Lieut.—Wm. ^' Cap?. Assist. 5!(c^eo«.-Surg. 14Feb. 53 Adj. 53 Lieutenants. 53 Walter Henry Hinde 12 Apr. 4- DL. Wm. Deputy Turveyor 27 Jan. p. Cth j Lieutenants.—Ihoma^ Sayee. west YOEK. 31 John Wilson 10 Jan. 53 Cotterill Scholefield William Greaves Blake 2 May 53 Henry Dickinson Wilkinson 18 May 53 Adj.. Lieut.— William V.25 Feb..^ Ensigns. Colonel. G. 53 4th ^VEST YOEK. 53 Henry Robert Baines Graham.53 12 Aug.\\ Oct.— Cuthliert A. DL 23 July52 LlEUT.. May 4G ftfri/eon. late of 14 Lir/ht Drar/oons. 10 Mar. .46 of 23 F. 4 Feb. late 97 J*. 16 Assist. PoUard. 53 Jiio.] Quarters. Edward Muscroft Thomas Pollock WiUiam Walker Charles Edward Hill England and Wales. (Light Infantry) [No. Catli- Col. Bt. Adj. NORTH ROY'AL DOWN.-Col. H. John Harvey Assist. de J. Bt.Gosselin ColonelVlic. or Chief Medical South Regiment. LIMERICK COUN'fY [73] FORFAR Marq. Luean.Adj. R. Wm.Geo. BARTON. J.) Col. Col. LANARK. Lf mpritre Lt. Col. H. re Parsonstorvn. 4rf.-Col.-Col. Piiaulx Lt. Srd. W. Robin Capt.H. Adjut. Jas.. Cajit. [88] Naas. R. Capt. [70] Carloiv. Col. P. Fraser (3) Ad. Clements Adjut. CLACK- M.) Ozanne Assist.i<. Wni. Jas. John Halkett Le Couleur. Marq.De la i^.Tho. E. Adj. shire Col. [110] Cork. C. Col. James Robin Clement Hemery Lt. Saunderson Adj. CARDINE. Col.?. Insp. MEATH.i?^ Adj.LINLITH.Coote.) [128] LONGFORD.. CHANNEL ISLANDS Adj. of Douglas and Clydesdale Adj. C'aj^^. F. T. Vaughan Anr. Cap. Gore NORTH CORK. Militia Aides-deCamp to Vic Governor. J. J. MaJ. LOUTH. [74] Col.)<. Cluga-: or East Regi- ment.e Decies WESTJIEATH.-General. ^. Janies Artillery. B. Adj. TYRONE. SrcvH Major Colin Alex. Capt.M'Neill Colonel Sir Thomas Butler.[78] Adj.ird Assist. Insp. (Light Infantry. [107] 7'ralcc. Gomm. CAITHNESS. or [104] Montrath. Lt. Col.y\\ Adjut. Major D. Sullivan Assist. Wm. Insp. Pendleton NORTH Col. Petley Col.Helleur ment... KT. T. Major Nicholas Le Btir Barbenson ROYAL SARK. Rose [95] [109] CV?. Cox Dingwall.Noake ty and City of.Bayly MILITIA. FIFE.EarloJ'Leitrim. Vise.N. Insp. Capt. T"J4-c. Col. HAD- Col. Mure SUTHERLAND. R. Helicr Battalion. Major C.Kemble Col. Nen-toivn Forbes. Ca p t. Col. [99] Wexford. berry Adj. Francis Abheg. R.VukeofAv?. pachas. H. Capt.Bt. Tupper ilh. Priaulx Chief Inspector of Militia. (Light Infantry. [93] Boyle. LordStua. Nicolle guson. Vise. or East Segi- ment. R. ment. E.. Capt.«/-Kcnmare Col.Uoh'mion Adj. Lorton Adj.C«.-Col.] Dintsc. Adj. 2l/«r. C.) Col. T.E. R. Rougier S. Wni. LeGcyt Capt. Marq. [100] Dublin. Josh. M. Artillery Regiment.VN. ABERDEEN. Col. Capt. 571 KOY. J.Yl. [9G. KERRY. Phil. Jan. N. Duke Col. 2nd. Lt. H. ^^ Adj. Bernard I'aisleij.of Ormonde Adj. C.. of Queens- MANNAN and KINROSS. [120] Ballina. Doneraile Adjuf. N. [199] Col. John [93] (6) Col. Adj. Fer- i Portunnia. R. Col. of Clanricarde. trose. John Le Couteur Lt. Hammond Philip Le Feuvre Assist. S. Adj. ROX- Col. G. W.o/ Enniskillen Adj. Campbell CLARE. i5' Adj. Col. min Lord [124] Sligo. W. Higgins Adj. Capt. C. Infantry. Vise.-Col. A.P. Col. Gardner Artillery. Goldie Col. Insp. LIMERICK CITY. Col. Cha. Col. Col.U. Henry Giff. Col. [112] Col. Russell (4) FERMANAGH. Lane Militia-Aitles-deCamp to the Lieut. De Carteret S7-d. or West Regi- Ogicer. Adjut.SirC. Miller BERWICK.-Col.C. M'L. Insp. Lt.- 2nd. M. Hemery Assist. Eunis. Lt.R. [121 Monaglian. A. LeCouteur Queen. Hay AdJut. Vandelpur Adj.3. CojH. Capt.Maxwell. Major Albert Carey Broun Hen. R. Cle. Capt. Gen. Clare MONAGH. Isaac Falla Assist. Adj. Ham- mond C. Vise. Wm. C. [127] Kilkenng. Cfl.OgilYy Col. TIPPERARY. Col. Col. Marq. E.^aaW.B. . Robinson KILKENNY. Lon- Col. Le Couteur Assist. of Down- Col.) [72] Kirlicudbriglit. [92] Arhlow. E. Adj. G. Maj. Ormsby Col. [80. Haiiiilron. Co?. [91] Adj. Brock St. Man/.CajH. K. A. DUJIFRIES. Jnsp.E. CVrp. ANTRIM. Col.J.ofliosie. [94] (Light Infuntry. William Brock ROSCOMMON. Lt. CoM7o/i. ($ Adj. Cox {b) [77] Nentown Ards.. and Aberdeen. Col. CORK (CITY). II. [85] Col. . Capt. Warren [115J KILDARE. Capt. ROY'AL JERSEY.Scott(l) ELGIN. Diihe of Buccleugh. Col. Bland ARGYLL & BUTE. C. or South Regiment. [102] Balli/sliannon. F. o/Glengall Adj. Ccl. S. Cap.-Col. St. Ed. Beatty [82] Westport. D. Col. KP. Lord Brabazon Donegal 4d. Vise. 5th. MAY'O.Mackenzie BURGH& SELKIRK. Lord Carew Adjt. Cha. Gort Inverness.-Col. Geo.BANFF. & CROMARTY. DUM- [81] Dumfries.Arch. or North Segi- Governor. [114] Mullingar. Corrv Col. ^. Clare Castle. Jn.Capt. Searle [79] Adjut. W Inly KING'S COUNTY. Lt. the Earl o/Clare ^rf/'. Fraser [126] Dalkeith. ROYAL DUBLIN ARMAGH. Moses Gibaut Lt. STIRLING. Insp. Ca2>t. Dumuresq ROYAL GUERNSEY. J.. 3.M. INVERNESS. A. Knox Gore Adj. q/'Kildaro Capt. Marq. \st. Acheson CARLOW. Henry White Adjut. Hon. Perth. SOUTH COKK. Knox SOUTH MAYO. Sir (CITY). Francis LeBreton Lt. Waterford.-Insp. W. A. Edw. Daniell Col. Castlereagh [75] Market Hill. Col.H. oj' Col. [78] Cupar. Limerick City. Belfast. Earl of Lucas Kinnoull.) [90] Stirling.Cum.) Col. V. Col. or North West Regiment. DONEGAL. Col. Lan-raice Battalion. Col. Montrose. Capt.. Aide-de-CanijJ to the ilh. Bt. James Kennard Pipon Lt. W. THE PRINCE REGENT'S ROYAL ROYAL PERTH. CoJ. Col. Insp. Aide-deCamp to the Queen. [123] St. Adj. [86] REGIMENTOFAYR. ROSS.-Col. [116] Fennoi/. Vise. Greville Believe Ad. [108] Dunlcer. (2) Adjut. RENFREW. Slieppard Col. (Light Infantry.yv . Taste LEITRIM. (Light Infantry. Cavan.Bailhache Col. [117] Cdinphelloivn.&NAIRN. Col P. Walker South West Regiment. WEXFORD. and PEEBLES. [119] Kclls. [101] GALWAY. Inspector of Militia. (Light Infantry. Wm. Capt. DUBLIN (COUNTY. \^'i. Major Major Abraham Simon Assist. Capt. iS" -^'^j-y Capt.. Mourant Assist. QUEEN'S COUNTY. Jervis LONDONDERRY. (Light Infantry. Capt. EDINBURGH (Coun- of Mon- KT. Col. A. Co^^3!(/D. KIRKCUDBRIGHT [89] WIGTON. KOY. Ins]). Major Hen.P. SLIGO. J.V.-Col. ROYAL ALDEHNEY. Win. STAFF OF THE DISEMBODIED MILITIA. G. ^ Adj. Col.o/ Headfortj K.] Calcdon Caledon Adj. St. [87] Bathcormac. or North Regiment. C'«7)<.-Col.. M.) [84] Cahir. [103] ROYAL SOUTH DOWN. Lord llossmore Col. of Londonderry. Thomas 1st. cait Adj. V. Col. RobiUiard N.-Col. Lindsay Arf. Hoskins. Marquis of Sligo Adj. R.H. Capt. Comm. C. CAVAN. Col.H odder E.. Col. Fitzgerald WICKLOW. Capt. Thomas Bell Assist. Philip De Carteret Assist.h. Colonel Sir Ralph Howard. Jas. DINOTON. T.) Lt. Contm. [71] Enniskillcn. W. and KIN[105] [Ill] Uillsborough. Jas. Lerrier God fray James H. •ind C'«/>f. Mohill. {Or Duke of Clarence's Munster. Geo. F. A. A. Lundie WATERFORD. B. Col..aC(J. ln$2).Adf GOW. Grut . M.tt6.Adj.KP Adj. and battle of Toulouse. and in several cavalry rencontres in the Pji-enees and South of France. and Jvhelat (leg broken by a musket shot). Devon. and was present with the expedition to Imaumghur. — — — . and served two years in Italy and Sicily. S. and with the field force in pursuit of the enemy to the Khyber Pass (Medal and two clasps. and was present in the battles of Moodkee. and was present in repulsing the attacks of the American Brigands. C. paigns with the Duke of AVellington's army. action near Zugarrimundi. 3 Major Loftus served in the Peninsula with the 3rd Foot Guards in 1809-10-11 and 12. and was present at the passage of the Chcnab. Chillianwallah. several skirmishes on the retreat from thence near Torrequemada. advance on Llerena. battles of St.-Col. and was at the investment of Pampeluna. who landed near Prescott. -Col. 29th. Denbigh. 4 Surgeon Nixon served in the Peninsula v/ith the Coldstrcimi Guards.. Has received the Silver War Medal with three clasps. 1 Major Dickinson served with the Queen's Royals throughout the campaign of 1838-39 in Affghanistan and Beloochistan. and was present in the operations in the Waterkloof in October. — . 1 Lieut. 3 Lieut. with the division of the Army operating on the Eastern coast of Spain. 2 Lieut. 2 Major Chambre served in the 23rd Dragoons with the army of occupation in France . and was present at the capture of Gaeta in 1815. and the Nive. slightly wounded by a musket shot in the leg . and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Pierre and Orthes. during the Sutlej Campaign of 1845-6. H. shortly after which he received a severe wound in the left arm. also at the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. Carysfoi-t throughout the Syrian campaign. Dorset. and has a Medal and two clasps. also with the army of occupation in France. employed against the rebels in Canara. siege of Burgos and storming the works and the White Church . and was present with Lord Hill's corps covering the siege of Badajoz. Durham. Com'wrall. 2 Captain Alms served the campaign of 1843 in Scinde. In 1815 he served in the lOtli Hussars in the Campaign of that year. Srecknock. actions at Ustaritz and Villa Franque. Trist served with the China expedition in 1842-43. He has received the War Medal with six clasps. and at the bombardment of Acre. for which he has the War Medal with one Clasp. 1 Colonel Bingham served 24 years in the Indian Army. Coke has received the Medal for Ava. led the storming party to the gate of San Vincente at its capture battle of Salamanca. 1 Sir William Eden was a volunteer on board H. and at the captm-e of Paris. including Aire. From Taragone he went to Genoa. Upper Canada. in 1813-14.) 4 Captain Fisk served as Adjutant of the 17th Light Dragoons during the campaign of 1820 in Kutch. and was present at the assault and capture of the fortresses of Gliuznee (Medal). and blowing up the bridge of Duenas battles of the Pyrenees on the 28th. 2 Captain Cookson served the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6 with the 80th Regt. Captain Cai y servod v. Sahagun. Scarman carried the colours of the SOth in the action of IMaharajpore. 2 Major Mosley served with the 60th Riiles in Kaffirland in 1851-52. 6 Lieut. night attack and defeat of a French battalion on severe contused wound. and Benevente. from 1812 to the end of that war in 1814. Jacob served the campaign of 1815 in tlie Grenadier Guards. and was present at the battle of Sobraon (Medal). and in the retreat to Corunna. and Goojerat. and has a Turkish and a British Medal for the same. during tlie suppression of the rebellion of 1838. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. and was present at the engagements of MaHe served afterwards in the Camyorga. 1 Major Wynne served the campaign of 1808-9 in Spain as Deputy-Assist Commissary-General with Sir John Moore's army. Poppleton served in the Field Train of the Ordnance. 5 Major Hall served the campaign of 1814 in Holland with the 2nd battalion 78th Highlanders. 1 Colonel the Hon. and was with his Regiment in the Burmese war of 1824-5-0.'ed in the 7th Hussars in the campaign of 1808-9 in Spain under Sir John Moore. — 1 — — — — — — — — — . and has received the War Medal with t\v9 clasps for the battle of Busaco and siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. Vic Bigorre. under Sir Charles Napier. and Tarbes. and Sobraon (wounded). Stevens commanded a detachment of the Bombay Artillery. attached to Colonel Green's force. 1811 attached to the Portuguese service. Cambridge. 1851. and storming of Peronnc. and bus received the War Medal with two Clasps for the battles of Fuentes d'Ouor and Salamanca.ith the 83rd in Canada. Cheshire. battles of the Nivelle the heights of Urdax. and 30th July . Anglesey. Fero^eshah. the battle of Waterloo. and in the 11th Dragoons. and battles of Sudoolaporc. siege and storm of the three fortiiied convents of Salamanca. 1 Lieut. 1-2 Captain Holman served in the Peninsula from Nov. Derby. and served with the 3rd Provisional Battalion of Militia in the South of France in 1814. 1 Captain Bendyshe served with the 10th Regt. Lowther ser. 3 Captain Harrison served with the 61st Regt. ] Lord Mount Edgcunibe served in the Guards. during the Punjaub Campaign of 1848-9. Cumberland. and passage of the Kei with (Colonel Eyre's column on the 4th Dec. and was wounded in the left leg by a grape-shot. actions at Served the campaign of 1815. 3 Capt. and battles of Meeanee and Hyderabad (Medal).572 War Services of the Officers of the 31ilitia. M. and on the Staff in India. from 1836 to 1838. has received tlie War Medal. 1 Cajitain Green served with the 21st the campaign in Egypt in 1807. throughout the Sutlej campaign of 1845-G. Sebastian and the Nive. Huntingdon. . the Military Order of San Fernando. and strongly town of fortified Fort del the important city of Fuente Arabia. May following. Sebastian Bnd France on this occasion he received a Gold Medal. and was attached to the IS-poundcr Brigade.M. and was present at the affair of Buddiwal. On the 16th. Jlortiagoa. Ander. He is a F.A. -Col. when the In original position was taken up. which caused the capitulation of Paique. Served during the whole of the Siege of St. Sebastian was engaged in covering tlie passage of the troops across the Uremea on 28 May. mand of the artillery of tlie Legion. Sebastian was engaged at the crossing of the Bidassoa. SabuServed the campaign of 18'5inthe 18th Hussars. with two clasps. Foz d'Arouce. Buddiwal. \ Colonel Shaw served in the Peninsula with the Royal Artillery . 4tl). and opened the communication between St.imendi was 15th March. for St. 1 Captain Noel served with the 31st Regt. under General Espartero. : the defence of St. and occasionally acted as Engineer in the constrnction of the works thrown up for — . . severely contested. and was in tlie affair of Artaban at St. . Lines of Torres Vedras. Redinha.'s Troops. and the Adour. also in the engagements on 1st Oct. and in the afiair at Mill when an attempt was made. was also in the affairs of 1st. and the battle of Aliwal. at the assault and capture of Yrun by storm. and were repulsed with great loss. on the 6th. in Sicily when threatened with invasion by ]\Iurat. battle of Qiiartre Bras (where he carried the King's colour).. Fernando. battle of Waterloo (wounded). Sebastian. joined the Army there on the retreat from Burgos.— 1 Captain Pearson accompanied the 49th Regt. Sebastian. Coiuleixa. Ferozeshah. was engaged on the 4tli in covering the construction of a Pontoon bridge for on the 5tli. which were. and has received a Medal and two clasps for Ava and Assam. — — with the Waterloo Medal. and Sobraon (Medal and three clasps). Busaco. for which service he was promoted to the rank of Colonel. Fuentcs d'Onor. as Adjutant of a detachment of H. was subsequently engaged with tlie enemy upwards of twenty-four times. for the most part. captured in that action. repulsed four vigorous attacks made for on the 13th. following. when the Legion Artillery received the thanks of the Commander-in-Chief (Espartero). in covering his advance to intercept Don Carlos recrossing the Ebro present also in several minor affdirs. when he got the decoration of 1st class of San Fernando and 6th Juno following. . 1 Major Monins embarked for the Peninsula in July 1808 as a volunteer in the 52nd Light Infantry. and was present at the battles of Moodkee. 2 Lieut. the campaign of 1814 in Holland. and was once slightly wounded. when the Carlists attacked In Nov. On the 29th. or Battering Train. same month. and commanded it in the engagements from the 10th to the when the taken by assault. Officers Essex. and was present at the general actions on the 10th and 16th March. Monypenny served as a Lieutenant in the 30th Regt. Kent.-Quartermaster-General of the Assam Field Force during the whole of the first Burmese war. He served afterwards on the Niagara frontier during the American the Nive. strongly fortified hill of Or. -Col. . In 1835 he Auxiliary British Legion of Spain as Lieut. and Gold Medal. and the decoration of the Laurelled. including the afiair at Merxem and the bomliardinent of Antwerp. and Fuentcs d'Onor. as 1st Lieut. 5 Captain Shaw served in the Artillery of the British Auxiliary Legion of Spain. — 2 Captain Jones served as Assist. and was present in several of the skinnislics he also volunteered his services in the Mounted Police in New South Wales on several occasions. 4 Captain Lambert served in the Sutlej campaign in 1840 (Medal and one clasp). war. Pombal. . when four separate attacks were made to capture the guns by the Was at the taking Carlists. including tlie battle of the Coa. and at tiie operations before Canton (severely wounded). and subsequent In 1809 returned to the Peninsula with tlie Regt. 3 Captain Scott served in the Peninsula with the 2nd Queen's Royal^. and battery to Vittoria. with a strong the advance of the Spanish troops to take up a new position redoubt occupied by the enemy . retreat on the following day. Hants. minor afi'airs. he took the chief comthe lines around St.-Colonel of Artillery proceeded with the first joined the marched the artillery back to St. during the Campaigns of 1814 and 1815. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Coinibra. aiid was present at the Blockade of Antwerp. . Miranda de Corvo. 2 Lieut. and was present at the tattle of Viraicra. and joined the Duke of retreat to Corunna. advance into Spain. Aliwal. for which he received the Was at the capitulation of Fuente Arabia. and at the battle of Sobraon as Adjutant of the 62nd Regt. also on ths 5th and (ith May 1837. Wellington's army at Talavera on the 28th July. Busaco. the Artillery was employed at Andoian to Was frequently engaged in protect the advance of a Spanish Division. 1836. 2 Captain Edenborough served as a volunteer in New Zealand during the operations in 1845. 1837. or 2nd Class of St. by the Legion Artillery alone. After the battle of Vittoria. Gloucester. but they were repulsed with great loss. Alemquer. of Hernani by escalade . directed tlie artillery in the capture of the of Hernani the Yrun.. was at the capture the purpose of capturing the guns of the Legion and on tlie 16th and 17tli. formed a park of 172 pieces of artillery.R. on the expedition to China (Medal) and vas present at tlic first taking of Cliusan. when the left wing was driven in. Burnaby served the campaign of 1815. Has received the War Medal with three clasps for Vimiera.War Services of the 673 of the Militia.S. . gal (ap|)ointed Adjutant). in Holland and the Nethlulands. covered the retreat of the remainder for about one mile. attack of Andoain. together . at the taking of the Island of Iscliia in 1809. and capture of Paris. and particularly mentioned in Colonel Philpott's report of that affair. Orthes. and was present at New Orleans and Fort Bowyer. Aliwal. and Khelat. to whom he was Aide-de-Camp. He has received the War Medal with eight clasps. and Canada was of the Forts at Salamanca. and has also the Medal . and Orthes. and retreat therefrom. 1 Captain Sanders served as Civil Commandant of II. and was appointed Major in the 6th Scotch regt. 3 Sir Duncan Macdougall served at the Bengal Army. Iieicester. Chusan (2nd operation). Served in Canada during the Rebellion in 1838-9. and the Nive (Medal). Busaco. 1 Captain Ibbotson served in the Prussian service as Captain of Carbineers in 1830 and 1831. and also of the 1 Commander-in-Chief in Ireland. of the Legion in the actions on the heights of Arlaban. and has received the War Medal. In 1836 commanded the 4th regt. and was present in the battles of Moodkee. and in 1815 in Belgium. Chinhae.. siege Medal). 2 Captain Colvill served in the 71st Regt. commandingin-chief. Nivelle. and was present at the battles of Vittoria. at the relief of Bilboa. in the Sutlej campaign in 1845-6. at the siege of Badajoz. United States of America. and was present at the taking of the Fort of Nepaunee served also with Lord Gough's expedition to China (Medal). and was engaged with the Rebels at Beauharnois. Buddiwal. raised 500 men in Devonshire for the British Legion in Spain. from May 1835 to July 1852. and was present at the battles of Moodkee. London. 1835. and Toulouse . and liad his left arm amputated on the field. in the Light Field Force in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1841. Served as second in command and Quartermaster-General in the British Auxihary Legion of Spain. was Major in the 9th Irish regt. and Albuhera. Governor of Neufchatel. in March 1810. where he was severely wounded in the knee. 2 Captain Smith served the Sutlej campaign of 1845-6 in the 48th Bengal Infantry. — Captain Lane served with the 49th on the China expedition (Medal). and was present under Sir Harry Smith at the attack and defeat of the emigrant Boers. in 1814. 1 Lieut. 4 Captain Creagh served the Sutlej campaign of 1843-f5 wiih the 9th Regt. Morgan embarked with the 7th Fusiliers for Portugal. and was present at the battles of Talavera. Nive. battle of Salamanca (severely wounded. and disabled for nearly twelve months. commanding-in-chief. 4 Lieut. and Frontier for a short timej in . and lias received a Medal and three clasps. battles of tlie Nivelle (Medal). In 1846 he had the command of two companies of Infantry and a troop of Cavalry at Dungarvon during the riots. on the 29th August 1848. operations and battle before New Orleans. and has a Medal and two clasps for the Cape of Good Hope. -General Sir Edward Pakenham. and Sobraon (Medal and two clasps). Nivelle.'s fort and settlement of Dexcove. where General Ross. 1 Captain Elmslie aerved with the 31st throughout the Sutlej campaign of 184S-6. where he was dangerously wounded. and Sobraon (Medal and two clasps). and wai present with the regiment at the attack and capture of Amoy. battle of Bladensburg and capture of Washington. the Pyrenees.' 574 Wa7' Services of the Officers of the Militia. on the Staff in the Peninsula in 1812-13-14. and commanded two companies in the battle of Puento Niievo and defended the passage of the bridge. -Col. — — of Merit. In April 1813 lie rejoined the regiment. and Ningpo . in the Peninsula. Passage of the Bidassoa. on whicli occasion he received the thanks of the Major-General of the district. and Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency the General De Pfuel. 2 Major Wardlaw served ten years in the battles of Moodkee. Bowman served in the Commissariat Department in the Peninsula in 1812-13-14. Vittoria. and was present at the battles of Moodkee. 3 Major Tyndale served in the Peninsula with the 51st Light Infantry. 3 Captain Mulhall served twenty-seven years in the 17th Regt. Ferozeshah. and was present with it in the first Atfghan campaign in 1839. Gold Coast. was mortally wounded. after whicli lie accompanied the Fusiliers to America. Sebastian (Medal). commanding Troop of Horse Artillery. Merioneth.. storming of St. Ferozeshah. for tlie battles of Salamanca.M. where he commanded on the Portugal. and was present at the attack on New Orleans. 4 Colonel Cannon served tlie Coorg cam])aign in 1834 as Lieut. who commanded the brigade at Segoan. Ferozeshah. — — — . 7 Major Hall served as Staff Officer with the Madras Artillery. Middlesex. 5 Captain Archer Burton served tlie Sutlej campaign of 1845-6 with the 3rd Light Dragoons. He served also the Waterloo campaign. 8 Captain Whitle served at the Cape of Good Hope with the 91st Regt. Spain. Ferozeshah.. in the 40lh Madras Infantry. and in the battles of Aliwal and Sobraon (Medal and one clasp). to whom he was Aide-de-Camp. was engaged in a smart skirmish at Portugalette. and severely wounded in the battle at Ayeta.. laancashire. France. and subsequently in the American war. and Sobraon (shot through the shoulder). for which services he was rewarded by being made a Knight of the Red Eagle. including the capture of the fortresses of Ghuznee (Medal). in Sept. In 1835. 6 Captain Fenton served witli the 53rd Rigt. and Sobraon (Medal and two clasps). 1 Major Griffiths served in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798. 2 Surgeon Parry served with the 3rd Provisional Battalion of Militia in the South of France. and was present at the battles of Moodkee. and he acted as aide-de-camp to Colonel Morris. investment of Bayonne. Received the Brevet rank of Major for his services. and Aliwal. in January 1815. Ijincoln. and was present at the affair of Buddiwal. Pyrenees. action near Baltimore. with five clasps. was killed . Ferozeshah. siege of Fort Bowyer in Florida. siege of Burgos. where Lieut. Sussex. and Khyber Passes (Medal). Of his party of sixteen men. — OTontgomery. Somerset. at the point of the bayonet. Tezeen. and all the affairs in which the Candahar division under General Nott was engaged in its progress through the Klioord Cabool.5. and in the Peninsula from 1811 to the endof that war in 1814.. In 1837 led the 9th regt. 1 Surgeon Terry served the campaign of 1815 with the 14th Regiment. in command of a detachment.5th Jan. which took place during that period. Ghuznee. 1 Captain Pryce served with the 2nd Queen's Royals in the campaign in the Southern Mahratta Country and the Conean in 1844-4. and was severely wounded. and was present at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal) ..— 1 The Duke of Richmond Joined the army in Portugal. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. and is a Knight Commander of Charles the in front of St. under Lord Keane. including the capture of Gotea. H. and has received the War Medal with one Clasp for Toulouse. 2 Captain Cormick served with the 17th Regt. and sieges. on the redoubts of Ametzagana and captured a standard. 2 Captain Barnes served with the troops under General England in Southern AfTghanistan. and of Munohur Stockades and Fort. Seymour.— 1 Lieut. who were repulsed. and was present at the storm and capture of the fortresses of Ghuznee and Khelat.-Colonel the Hon. and Nankin. Goaine. siege of San Sebastian. Lnttrell served with the Grenadier Guards in the Peninsula. four were killed and nine wounded. 21st. Chusan. Ferdinand). as Aidede-Camp and Assistant Military Secretary to the Duke of Wellington. Received the thanks of the Governor-in-Council of Bombay.— 1 Captain Gardiner served on the Staff of Colonel Outram. passage of Has received the War IMedal with two Clasps for Talavera and Busaco. Appointed to the command of the 9tli and 10th regts. led the Royal Irish against the fortified town of Hernani. N. re-capture of Ghuznee (ISIedal). general actions. and crossing the Uremia commanded an advanced post in the attack made on the British lines by the Carlist forces. War Medal with five clasps. Chin Kiaug Foo. advance and in the Urghundab Valley. in General — — . 1 Captain Hon." 20th March. throughout the campaign in AfTghanistan and Beloochistan. as Lt. Segoan.— 1 Major Parratt served at Walchertn in 1809 . 1 Lieut.-Colonel and recieved the 1st class of St. Talavera (wounded). 2 Captain Pardey served in the Peninsula from Feb. present at tlic rcconnoisance and action in front of Fuentarabia. and was present at Canton. Northampton. and was present in all the skirmishes. with the 16th Light Dragoons. 1851-62. and was in fourteen actions. Ningpo. and in command of a detachment of the 17th Regt. 1845 at the latter he led the Forlorn Hope. present in the action near Agiiiri. (promoted Lieut. Colonel Cannon has received two Medals. Suffolk. 1813 to the end of that war in 1814.-Col. -Col. including Oporto. Commandant of tlie 9lli regt. with whom he remained until the close of the war in 1814. Served also in the Light Company of the 17th during the campaign in Aff"ghanistan and Beloochistan. including the defence of Cadiz. Sir G. and was in the storming parly at the capture of the Fortress of Panulla and commanded an outpost at the capture of Munohur and Munsuntosh. in 2 Stafford. Jugdulluck. battle of Nivelle. the 1st and 2ud class of St. and Busaco. Fred. fur which he has i-eceived the iMedal. and was present at all the operations of the Light Field Force. Accompanied Colonel Wymer's expedition from Candahar for the destruction of the enemy's forts Served with General Nott's force at Candahar (Medal^. Cabool (Medal). 3 Captain Weston served the Punjaub campaign in the Bengal Native Infantry. occupation of Cabool. in the Peninsula. that defended the town hall. Chapoo (wounded). for his services. 2.TFhr Services of the Officers 675 of the Militia. .1 Colonel Bence sensed the campaigns of 1809-10-11. Orders. W. Present at the siege and storn of Irun and surrender of Fuenterabia. Norfolk. and was present in the actions of Prome and Tandwayn. Ferdinand. \Voosung. and has He served also the received the War Medal with two Clasps for the battles of the Niville and Nive campaign of 181. and latterly as Brigade Major. and was present in the actions of Killa Aziden. Shropshire. and battles of Orthes and Toulouse. protecting the stores and ammunition of the army tracked up the Indus. styled the " Royal Irish. 3 Captain Browne served throughout the war with China (Medal). Hill served in the Burmese war in 1825-26 (Medal). amongst which were the battles of Busaco and . and again against* the entrenched heights of Orimcndi (slight contusion). Amoy. Walpole was engaged in the operations in China (Medal). Sebastian . Surrey. and those of the Commander-in-Chief in India. He has received the actions at Vic Bigorre and Tarbes. affairs. in the Southern Mahratta campaign of 1844-5. as Adjutant of the 49th Regt. thereby gaining the prize of 20 reals per diem offered by the Duke of Victory to the man who should be the first over the walls he caj)tured the colours of the regt. and at the taking of Andoain. and was the first to scale the walls. while serving as Flag Lieutenant to the Naval Commander-in-Chief.. 2 Captain Beadnell served the campaign of 1840-41-42. in column to the successful attack.. Present during the battle of IGth March (promoted Colonel). was present at the capture of Passages and the heights of Amelzagoua. and was present at the battle of Waterloo and storming of Cambray.5. Chinhae. on the 24th July 1810. — and of Khelat. 4 Captain de Teissier served in Scinde. : Third. Pickwick with the Kaffir war of Captain served the 91st Regt. the Coa. when the Carlists attacked tlie British lines and were again repulsed. and in the action of 1st Oct. and Toulouse.sh officers \\ere withdrawn from Portugal in 1819. the first storming of San Sebastian. He has received the War Medal with two clasps for Vittoria and Nive. and Toulouse. Wiltshire. being. 1 Captain Scott served in the Peninsula from March 1813 to the end of that war in 1814. OLD BAILEY. and was engaged with the enemy on numerous occasions.. and has received the Medal for the battle of Punniar. Bush. at the close of which he was appointed Superindendeut of the military village of Woburn. where he was severely wounded in the chest by a musketAt the end of 1814. Vittoria. and the Pyrenees. in the Katfir war of 1846-7. 814.. Served also the campaign of 1815. Barnett served the campaign of 1815 with the 7Ist Regt. 3 Colonel Fraser lost a leg at the siege of Burgos. . 1852. J-cThe Queen's Own. on the immediate frontier of the colony.of Ciiidad llodrigo. and the Trans Kei expedition. — I-ONDON: printed by STE-WART and MURRAY. 2 Captain Simpson served in the Austrian service during tlie Hungarian war. 1 Captahi Mackenzie served the Gwalicr camjiaign of 1843-4. and was present at the storming of the city of Chin Kiang Foo. and was present in an affair on the 20th April 1845.the blm\ Light Infantry. and the capture of Astorga by the Spaniards and with tlie Despatches of Vera and the entrance of the army into France. when serving in the Foot Guards. Pyrenees. storming of Badajoz. and was present at tlie battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 1 Captain Jacson served in the Kaffir war in 1851-52 as Adjutant of the 2nd Queen's. battle of Castalla.desirous of obtaining a practical knowledge of Regimental duty in the Field. His Grace has received the War Medal with eight clasps. and has received the War Medal witli four Clasps for the batt'. Orthes. Iiimerick County.es of Vittoria. in Affghanistan. 4 Captain Russell was a Captain in the 98th with the expedition to tlic North of China (Medal) in 1842. 2 Captain M'Neill served in the Peninsula. of Royal Artillery in Sir J(din Moore's campaign in the north of Spain and battle of Corunna. and he was also at the landing before Nankin. Ross. 3 Lieut. battles of Salamanca. Clair served with the Bombay Horse Artillery in the campaign of 1839-40. — — — — . Forfar. storming. — are stated in "page 1 — : 15. King's County. campaigns from John VI. York. investment of Bayonne. He has received the War Medal with one clasp for Salamanca. — Pife. Vimiera. 1 Captain Cowell served the Kandian campaign of 1817-18. and Waterkloof. and battle of Orthes. 4 Captain Armytage served with the Gtli Regt. He served also through the Kaffir war of 1850-51-52. he left the Duke of Wellington's Staff to join the first battalion of his Regt. and has received the War Medal with four clasps for the battles of the Pyrenees. : . and lias received the Silver War Medal with eight clasps for Roleia. the Pyrenees. — — — — War Services of the Officers of the Staff of the Disembodied Militia. and botli sieges of In October 1814 he was promoted to an Tarragona in 1813. including the operations in the Fish River. Kivelle and Nive. 2 Captain Gray strvcd in the 7tli Dragoon Guards with the expedition against the insurgent Boers beyond the Orange River. Orthes. and blockade of Barcelona in 1814. 5 Captain Cox served as Lieut. and the Adour. 1 Major Grove served in the Peninsula witli the 20th Regt. which has never been extracted. siege of San Sebastian. and repulse of the sortie. Dublin City. In Jan. Nivelle. Fuentes d'Onor. where he received a bayonet wound. War-wick. Served also throughout the Kaffir War of 1840-7. as also at the attack and capture of the Tartar entrenched camps on the heights outside the city . including Hie battle of Aliwal and Sobraon. and was present with it in the battle of Orthes. and was present at the battle of Waterloo. present at the siege and capture of Badajoz in 1812. passage of the Bidassca. but continued to serve as a Captain of Portuguese Artillery till lie has received a gold cross for four the Briti. and remained with liis Grace during the remaining part of that campaign. 2 Captain St. lute King of Portugal also the War Jledal with two clasps for Corunna anii Badajoz.-Col. The King-'s Own. C> Captain Low served with the 53rd in the campaign on the Sutlej in 18G (Medal). from 1808 to 1809. and was ju-esent at the storm and capture of Ghuznee (Medal) and occupation of Cabool also at the storming of Khi-jjuck. Nivelle. action at Vera. he was appointed Aide-de-Camp to the ball. Joined the Portuguese army in 1811. Corunna.. and was with him in the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo of Orange was wounded the Duke of Richmond joined the Duke of Wellington as Aide-de-Camp. including the battle of Vittoria. 2 Captain Newcomb served in the Peninsula. the Nive. after the Prince Prince of Orange. 1 Captain Wardlaw is Exon of the Yeomen of the Guard his war services . Unattached compa ny in the Lino.576 fFar Services of the Officeis of the Staff of the Disembodied Militia. He was sent home with duplicate Despatches of the battle of Salamanca. and was severely wounded on the 28th Jan. On the 25 May 1805 he was Gazetted to the Local rank of Brigadier to tlie Forces under Sir James Craig. 179G and the destination of District. and wliich he accompanied to the Mediterranaen. ing he returned with this expedition to Cork Colonelcy on the augmention of his Regt. died. embarked as a Captain in the Buffs with Sir Charles Grey's expedition to the West Indies in 1793.vis'K. under iMnjor Plenderleath. PALMER. nominated a Knight Commander of the Bath. 18 March 1795 . Sir John Stuart states in his despatch that " Brigadier-General Acland.(rftre««erf) -. DICTIONARY. HART. commanded by Lt.mand of re-inf u'cemcnts for the under lowing for the East Indies.-General Whitelock in England with Sir Ralph Abcrcromby's army Feb. until embarked at Harwich in comtlie 19th being changed he sailed in May fol. it is.B.and landed at Monte Video in Dec.—Ensign 17th Foot. exclianged to 3rd Foot. but being Feb. Lieut. after landing at Bergcn-opZoom. landing at Malta. next stationed in Jersey from Feb. therefore.changed to the Coldstream Guards. and afterwaids placed Majoritj' in the 19th. where he being stationed at Madras and in the Island landed on the night of the 20th Aug. Service can be satisfactorily ascertained. Lieut. where their and in such cases only. particularly requested may not now be further delayed. icill be shortly published . 17 June 1790 . wliere he served Sir Artliur Wellesley in Portugal. and also with detachments acting as Marines on board Lord Howe's Fleet in 1790 in the Channel and off Brest. Sir Wroth Acland. when he was transferred to the twice put back owing to contrary winds. 1805. and commanded the 2d Brigade. 1799. that communications — . Captain of an Independfint Company. 1803. dis. amy N. and I : : . 25 Sept. G. and afterwards remaining in co-operation with the Russian Army at Naples in Dec. he joined at Rosendael Coast in June following: he continued with his army during the winter of 1794 95. 2d March 1793. and tiie 81st Regt. Major 19th Foot. 1794 until embarked for the Duke of York's army in Regt. the brave 78tli Regt. 25 June 1791 . 24 Jan. 1815 .Staff of England and stationed on the Eastern embarked in Feb. In July 1804. both distinguished themselves on this occasion the enemy fled with dismay and disorder before tlicm. 8 March 1816. by purchase." Being recalled sortie. but was transferred to and sailed with Earl Moira's He was expedition to the Coast of France. Officers —As now the first Volume of Major Earfs Military Biographical Dictionary of General and Field holditiy rani.B. with great spirit availed himself of this favourable moment to press instantly forward upon the Corps in his front. -Colonel on the augmentation of the Regt. 1795 . in the battle of Maida: after describing the routing of the left of the Enemy's Line at the point of the bayonet by Kempt's Light Brigade. 2 Jan. 25 April Li87 . Colonel in the army. in ike Army. Colonel Commandant of the 1st Battalion 60th Foot. Major-General. 1 Sept.. Macleod. -General Sir H. reduced to half pay. 10 May 1800. K. This vorJc will also embrace Ilia career of disiinguishcd Officers of every K. he was appointed a Brigadier-General and employed on the Staff in tlie Eastern District.— - : ' MILITARY BIOGRAPHICAL MAJOR ACLAND. whose Brigade was immediately on the left of the Light Infantry. including those retired and deceased since the last Jf'at . In 180G he embarked with the expedition under Sir John Stuart from Sicily for Calabria.C. 1808. leaving the plain covered with of Ceylon. 25 July 1810. and was encamped in on the Staff of Lieut. WROTH 49Tir — until compelled to return to England in consequence of ill health in Aug. after serving as a Subaltern with the 17th in England aud Jersey. Lieut. followlowing he was Gazetted to the Second Lieut. Flanders which. 1791 .x. In IMarch 1795 he purchased a from the ^Mediterranean. e. by purchase. 9 Aug. and was at Nimeguen during the bombardment and at the their dead and \\ounfled. and was employed on the Irish Staff until and sailed with that expedition . 1815 . Lieut. 1807 he proceeded to South America destined for the West Indies in Sept. soon after which he exchanged into the Coldstream Guards.-Col. consisting of three four-pounders and the 78th and 81st Regiments. fol.-General 4 June 1814. C. 1814 on board the San Josef. Elmo to its very great strength and formidable position on a mountain sustained a siege Nuovo owing of eleven days' duration. Royal 1st Lt. at Devonport. Henry Adair of the Royal Jlarine Artillery. W. I Dec. 22 July 1830. 1837 26th Aug. : in June 1799. when on the 12th the July the French garrison capitulated Strong City of Capua was also surrendered 28th July after a four by the French on the : on board the Genereux 74 at the capture of La Diane 40-gun French frigate in her attempt to escape from La Valetta. 1805 on board the Audacious on Channel Service . 1803 on board the lantagenet vfUh the Channel Fleet. . He has received the Syrian Medal. 1804 to April ISOo on board the Ardeiit P attached to the Boulogne Squadron .-Colonel of a Battalion of Royal Marines stationed in the Tagus from June 1832 to June 1834. to Dec. . of Capt. : : . the Superb. aged 67. Adair of the Royal Artillery. in the Corps. by purchase. and being unable to accompany Sir John Moore's army into Spain. for which he received the insignia of a Knight of the Order of the Tower and Sword of Portugal. and in the Baltic. and he was afterwards at the blockade and surrender of La Valetta. 1813 to Aug. 1800. -ColoneimiOMA^ JAMES. -Colo1800 he was landed he was nel. In Oct. 25 May 1809. and he was Senior Officer of a Battalion of Royal Marines servin the Tagus and Fort St. C. Early in 27March 1823. for which service he was nominated a Companion of the Bath on the 4 June 1815. was replaced on the Staff of the Eastern District. 1842. 1839. 1846 Lieut. having been present in April 1797 at the blockade of Cadiz and at an attack made by Spanish Gun Boats when becalmed under the batteries of that place the following year he was engaged in Lord Nelthe memorable battle of the Kile.. B. and stationed in the Eastern and Westward Districts.- ADAIR ADAIR commanded the 8th Brigade in tlie battle of Vimiera the following day in Nov. General. was principally effected by the Marines landed from Major-General Lord Nelson's squadron.B. Colonel and Second Commandant of Plymouth Division. and he was Lieut. he returned to England in consequence of ill health. 1811. 28 June 1838 .-Col. 9 Nov. and was mentioned by name in the thanks voted by Parliament for each of those : : — battles.. 1846 1849. which was one of the leading ships engaged of the British Fleet under Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Pellew the Enemy's Squadron made an attempt harbour of Toulon. 1793 Captain. 9 Nov. Lt. Between May 1832 and June 1834 served on board the Caledonia and the Asia. 7 March 1832. {deceased) :— 2nd Lt. Adair of the Royal Marines. He received the Gold Medal and one clasp for Maida and Vimiera. his health having suffered so much from the Walcheren fever as to have rendered him incapable of foreign active service. 67th Foot :— Ensign 67th Foot. 1840 he was landed with the Detachment on the Coast of Syria. after a paralytic stroke. tlie Ocea7i. Between Nov. and was present and wounded at the attack on the fortified position of Gebail. thus the entire exjiulsion of the French from the kingdom of Naples. resulting from these successful operations. from June 1802 to Feb. from Aug. died 1 July Major-General. and of Lieut. from Aug. from Oct. and was present at the Siege of Flushing on the return of this army to England he was replaced on the Staff as a Brigadier-General and employed in the Eastern and South-Western Districts until his promotion to Major-General in July 1810. son having taken possession of the City of Castles of with the Uovo and Naples together Marines. 1825 to January 1827. Major in the Corps. on the expedition to Walcheren. In July 1809 he embarked in command of a Brigade with the Earl of Ciiatham's army. 1806 to January 1811 on board the Plantagenet on Channel Service. tha Troops on that Island until July — . — . From June 1801 to April 1802 he was on board the Prince of Wales with the Channel Fleet. 10 July Commandant of Plymouth Division. R. in which ship he was embarked from the 26 March 17i36 to 20 Dec. and he was subsequently employed as a Lieut. from July 1838 to Feb. 4 June 1814. retired on full pay. Col. from Aug. and in January 1815 he joined the British Army before New Orleans commanded a Battalion of Royal Marines when the Enemy were driven from their position on the right bank of the Mississippi. at the blockade of the Tagus. The JIajor-General was the father of Capt. Brevet-Major. by purchase. Captain. Major-General Adair's first active service took place on board the Alexander 74. from June to Sept. from Feb. Julian. Lieut. 1803 : . In October following he commanded a detachment of the Corps employed at South Shields during a disturbance in that neighbourhood. Major-General THOMAS BENJAMIN. and was employed in the Mediterranean and on the Coast of Syria : on the 10 Sept. 24 April 1795 Brevet-Major. at Malta. 1813. 1814 he embarked on board the Vengeur . Adair participating in this service. Brevet Lt. 21 May 1850 Commissions. the Castle of St. and the Wellesley . 1803 on board the Courageux at anchor in Hamoaze . Lieut. ADAIR. 20 Feb. 20 Sept. 1823 and January 1827 he served on board the Windsor Castle. when to quit the : days' siege. 1842. on the 5 Nov. ADAIR. 12 Feb. after an uninterrupted service of nearly fifty years. eighteen of which were afloat. and served with Regimental Major. Captain Charles William Adair served on board the Hastings 72. 3 April 1828. Le Gros Clark. Solicitors. London. Business of this Association is that of — and Survivorship Risks of every description Civil. J. Stretford New Road Manchester.. — Consulting Physician — James Lomax Bardsley. J. being Perfect Whole-World Securities.S. [ Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Company. & James. Rutland Square. Saunders. Faulkner. Gibbs.C. Manchester. Manchester.P. Brooklands.. Temple. Accountants. T. — John Hennen. 'Cavendish Rovtr. Moore. Brent Spencer FoUett. or others. Statter. T. London.... don. London. Hibbert Esq. — London. Cross. Yale Bank. . or Military. Gregory. and Kilburn. Esq. M. Hyde Park. Policies without Extra Rates. every Five Years.C. M. Fitzwiliiam. Howell. Esq. Age of the Life Assured admitted on all Policies. Bouverie. Messrs Peet — The 1. — J. 3. G. Hyde Park. F. divided. F.. .S. Gregory. Bury. Berkeley. M. C.A.R. Peace. B.R. W.. Manchester.. Oldham. ©trrrtorfi. Pleydell. M. M. Esq. Secre^rtr?/. Birley. S. Esq. Q. Esq.L. Esq. Stamp Duty on Policies paid by the Association. Surgeon London.. to Persons in the Militia.D. Upper Southwick-street. or otherwise. Rev. F. Notices of the Assignment of Policies Registered. ^laniiing CTounsel. auiiitors. not forfeited if killed in defending the Country from Invasion. John London. Putney. F. WILLIAM JAMES STRICKLAND. r.. Ford. Albert-terrace.. Esq. Esq. Manchester.. Esq. The Elms.C. TVest Strand.. 10.S. Esq. Bolton. Manchester.. 6. Manchester.. 5. London. Gloucester-terrace.A. Esq. Esq. Esq. and 1. Haigh.. J.S. W. 7. Brightman. West Strand. reasonable proof being given. Esq.. Lon- W. & Paine. Loans on Equitable Terms. West. Life Assurance being contemporaneously effected on approved Personal or any other sufficient Security. Robert Sharp Barlow. M. Bouverie.R. London. Victoriasquare.E. Hon. on Non-returnable or Returnable Premiums. London. Medical Referees paid by this Association. and Avenue Villa.. Assurance upon Half-Credit Scale of Rates. Endowments for Children. Piatt. North-street.. Bridson. Bouverie. Manchester. Manchester. amongst all Policy-Holders. 9. T. H. Bolton. Stand Hall. 2. Iiondon.. Ridge. 4. Policies.. Messrs.. Capt. Esq. General G. F. J. jun. at moderate Additional Rates. Westminster. 8. F. 11. LIFE ASSURANCE 77. Belgian Vice-Consul.C. Inner Temple Thomas Peet. M.. Nicholson. *^* Four-fifths. Spring Gardens. H. Life Policies Payable to Bearer. Esq.P.. HENRY MINCHIN. Esq.. Kin^ Street. STrtislres. London. Messrs. I. or Eighty per cent. J.. Battersea. Wigan. F. Hodgson. Lyons.. Chorlton-cum-Hardy. — General Auditor. — John Leigh. P. jun. M. Sir Esq.. Western Villas.C. Naval.. entitled to Profits.D. High-street. R. Manchester... Murdoch.MANCHESTER AND LONDON AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Manchester. Dublin. Payable to Bearer. W. & Skirrow. R. Urmston.. Regent's Park. CHARLES Secretary and Actuary. Harrison Blair. Higher Broughton.P.D. Esq. lianfeers. Mancliester 454. Maida Hill Managing Director. J. iBrlitral KcfcrrfS.. Esq. Esq. Esa. p. FIRE. Esq. Lestock Esq. of Superintendent. without participation in profits. CTommtttcc. Esq. Policies may be opened under any of the following plans. Esq. Henrt Bonham Bax.S. Charles Crawley. . Esq. Office. JOHN ALVES ARBUTHNOT. Every facility will be given for the transfer or exchange of Policies. of the entire profits are given to the assured. secures to the pv. Head Office— 7. Louis Huth. Esq. Charles Lyall.. to an Annual abatement of Premium for the remainder of life.. William King. I. in consequence of the protection afforded by its Corporate Fund. Two-thirds. Two Members HENRY KINGSCOTE. SAMUEL GREGSON. Esa. IiIFE DBPARTBIENT. Robertson. John Ord. Esq. Esq.. at a somewhat higher rate. Half-yearly. Governor.. Wilson. IXCORPORATED A.IFS.. The fees of INIedical Referees are Paid by the Corporation. after payment of the first Premium. David Powell. Esq. and progressively increased up to £50. James Blyth.P. Edwin Gower. Esq. CORPORATION has granted Assurances on Lives for a One Hundred and Thirty Years. Esq. to a participation in the ensuing qumquennial Bonus.. Esq. without the necessity of a new F^olicy. advantages equal to those of any system of Mutual Assurance. Sub-Governor. Esq. David C. or any other suitable arrangement will be made for the convenience of the assured.^lf. Richard Baggallay. or.D. Period Exceeding its first policy on the 7th June 1721. and in rotation. George Barnes. Harry George Gordon. Pall Mall. liaving issued Esa. Esq. Esq. Esa. The Corporation bears the whole Expenses of Management. M. John Alex. entitling the Assured.: At a low rate of Premium. or Quarterly. — Philip Scoones. Esq. Henry Blanshard. Esq. 1720. or 66 per cent. Guthrie. Hanket. thus giving to the Assured. P. Esa. beyond the Premium. The higli cliaracter whicii tins Ancient Corporation has maintained during nearly A Century and a u.. FOR EDWARD BURMESTER. Premiums may be paid Yearly. Esq.blic a full and faithful declaration of — profits. Edward Harnage.P. All Policies are issued Free erom Stamp Duty. Deputy-Governor.THE LONDON ASSURANCE. A Policy may be effected for as small a sum as £20. Esq. Esq.R. BoNAMY Dobree. J. Esq. Secretary. and JOHN TIDD PRATT. Esq. either. Esq. 7. or from charge of any description whatever. Esq. JOHN LAURENCE. viz. George Probyn. Alexander Trotter. Cornhill. Actuary. William Dallas. F. 'HIS T' tlie Court Esa. Esq. M.. AND MARINZ: ASSURANCES. Royal Exchange. after the first five years. F. Prospectuses and all other information may be obtained by either a written or personal application to the Actuary or Superintendent of the West End Office. Watson Borradaile. Thomas Weeding. or. DtrfCtotS. No. Juii.— VFJTER West End HARDY. of 3EUin6urg]^. . Frederick James Fuller. Bart. Alexander Hamilton. Esq..D. W. JBii'ertorfi in Charles Baillie. Esq. ONE MILLION. Hayes. Officers ties for in the promoting The Assured Army. William Smythe. 'Waterloo Place. Anthony Murray. H . participate in TwO^thirdS of the Profits. J. A. Lord Benholme. Edward Kent Karslake. Thomas Q.C H. — Charles Waite. THE BUSINESS OF THIS OFFICE EMBRACES:— Every description of Risk contingent upon IVIilitRrya A at Home Comprehensive System of rance) on undoubted personal or other Security. Advocate. Street. William Dugmore.. Old Burlington —Messrs. Shippard. — J. Alexander. Esq.. W. Advocate. Esq. Frederick Wm. Esq. J.S. James Adam. and Mackay.. J. by Loan (in connection with Life Assu- effecting Insurances in this Office. James Steuart. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL.S. Oliphant. W. H. Esq.V8. I ©ivfctor^ tn ILont:ron. Esq. Esq. W. Hope. Brownrigg.S.R.. C. of Crieff. Hopkinson. Alderman.S. Allan Menzies. Esq.S. Esq. John William Fisher.. F. Actuary. M. W.l9 or or Abroad. Caldwell.. John Beatson Bell. Town Cerkof the City of London. Finnis. The Hon. of Glenfarg. Sir John N. Esq. Q. William H. whether CJivilj N'3. Esq.. The Union Bank of Scotland. Messrs.C. W. Chilton. Strand Actuary . Physicians— "B. James M'Mahon. Esq. C. Edinburgh London. HILL WILLIAMS. The Hon. Serjeant Merewether. Esq. Dr. Esq. W. Stuart Wortley. Adam Hunter.P. C... J. Esq. Esq. Esq. Esq. Esq. S. Esq. Tayler.S.S. | | Secretaries to the W. Sheriff Methven. Coutts & Co. Recorder of the City of London. Campbell. Edinbwrg'li:— 120. Esq. London Surgeon Bankers Esq. The Right Hon. Esq.C. one of the Judges of the Court of Session in Scotland. their Life. Sir RoBT. Charles S.. 59. Esq. may obtain facili- advancement. I I Mr. Edinburgh Board. Xiondon:— 12. Sanders.. Esq. Henry Wordsworth. one of the Judges of the Court of Session in Scotland. £STABXiXSH£3> 1839. G. Esq. Cnisittcsi. of Stirlingshire. M. Esq.. Princes Street. Hill Williams. Babington..ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH LAW LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Saltwell. G. R. W. Whitmore. Ralph Erskine Scott.. 3. K. J. Lord Wood. W. Colonel Sir Frederic Smith.G. Esq. Lieut..H.CM.M.. Arnold.R. in cnse of increase of risk.S. G. Vice Admiral of the United Kingdom. General the Right Hon. F. R. G. Esq. K. Esq. General the Right Hon.. Cai)tain Sir Bankers— tliimti.H.C. THE ROYAL NAVAL. Deputy Adjutant General Royal Artillery. K.S. E. Captain William Cuppase. Master.G.. Garrard Actuary— iOiiH Finlaison. James Fkederick Ndgent Daniell. Earl Grey..C. Table I. General Sir Gordon Drummond. Lieut. Archibald Hair. The Right Hon. and G.N. WATERLOO PLACE..B. G.B. Esq. C. Captain William Lanoey. LONDON.I. M. and G..C.D. FOR GENERAL ASSURANCE ON LIVES. the Earl De Grey. Measure. Navy Agent. Field Marshal the Most Noble the Marquis Royal Highness the Duke of Camb^ic^ge.E.. Ross.C. Governor of Greenwich Hospital.. William Chard. by payment of a moderate addition to the Home Premium. 13.B.N.B.. AND EAST INDIA LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Lieut -Gen.E. R. Counsel Solicitoi-s — Messrs. G. Captain Michael Quin.-Gen. K.General Sir George Brown..C. Wilbraham Taylor. Coutts & Co. Esq. The Rates of Premiums are constructed upon Sound Principles with reference to every Colony. President of the Institute of Actuaries. K.R. without forfeiting their Policies. Assurances are granted upon the lives of persons in every profession and station in life. and for every part of the world.B.. G. Lieut. K. . K.G. E.G.-Gen. MILITARY..C.D.-Gen.B. Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin. F. the Earl of Minto. Majoi-Gen. R. C.B. Savile Row. Four-Fifths of the Profits are divided amongst the Assured.B. George Back. persons assured in this office may change from one climate to another. AND FIELD MARSHAL HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT. Lincoln's Inn Fields. Sir Hew D.S. 1837.H. 4.B.. G. K.General of the Ordnance. Edward Wynyard.. VICE-PATRONS.C. K. Esq.B... R.. S. the Earl of Strafford.. Pall Mall East.I. G.C.G. The Right Hon.UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OP HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Sir George Pollock.. and. The Right Hon.C.. Sotheby. Lord Glenelg... Strand.H.B. Vice Admiral Sir James Alexander Gordon. Suffolk Street. Colonel Sussex Militia. G.H. His Grace the Duke of Richmond.T. K.D.. Lieut.&G. Major-Gen.-Gen. G.C. K. The Right Hon.N..B. Major F.C.. R.. the Viscount Com- bermere. 4. Deputy Chairman. exhibits the Necessary Premiums for the Assurance of £100 on a Single Life. Serle-street. K.C. C. — J. Lieut.S.B.G.C. K. DIRECTORS. K. Esq. andG..C.E.G. K. Taylor. his of Anglesey..S. C.C.P. & James.. Chairman. F. ESTABLISHED A. 13.B. M..C. Sir John Roll. 59.C. R.B. Physician— Uo-B^KT Lee.C.R.H. . Id. As evidence of the great advantages afibrdcd to Assurers in this Office. | W. James Gadesden. amounted in 1847 to £641 Is.C. paid to the Companj' £88 to Os. HoBLYN. when the same become Claims. been paid for Premiums. Esq. Esq. J. payable on [its becoming a Claim. or the benefit arising to the Assured from the appropriation of Profits.— Messrs. S. and signing an Agreement that the Premiums for the new Policies.L. Magens. T. the Directors select an instance of a £500 Policy. R. R. The Company consists of a numerous body of Proprietors. Deputy-Chairmur.. autiitors.. M.C. as a guarantee for the fulfilment of its engagements. Barclay.. 6d. shall be deducted fiom the amount of such deposited Policies. was £603. constitute a large and increasing Fund of upwards of Three Millions Sterling. 1847. Examples of the Additions which have been made to a few of the Policies. Persons effecting amount of their Policies interest. NiCHOLLS. H.— J. Esq. Esq. DuNLOP. payable on its becoming a Claim. Esq. thereby realizing a present gain of £377 2s. and Bonus additions thereon. Poynder. Esq. and then. in cash. COMPANY. DuNLOP. F. Esq. and success has been proportionably great. had. Magens. Esq. T.P. Barclay & Co. Esq.— ROCK ASSURANCE LIFE ESTABLISHED 15. the Premiums with compound interest at 4 per cent. Esq. of Policy. Esq. holding Shares in its capital Stock. at 4 per cent. Bart. Sir C. Esq. Esq. D. 2d. Esq. to 1847 : . TitiTTON.. BRIDGE STREET.288 15s. up No. Vardon. invested in Real exceeding the and Government Securities. Esq. 6d. New Assurances may secure a portion of the future Bonuses by increasing the 25 per cent. who are not Proprietors. The next Division of Profits will be made in the year 1854. Esq. Vardon. K.. R. without prejudice any future Bonuses that may be appropriated to the £500 assured. The amount divided on 20th August. upon which £585 7s. ROCK LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY was formed at a time and under circumstances THEpeculiarly favourable. effected in 180(). S. Price. together with the Premiums of Assurance. Wilson. Goddard.. Farre. LoNGDEN. Charles Rivas. which. | B. Chairman. either as to the Rate of Premium charged. Laurence. G. | PI)})StCiail. M'Whinnie. Esq. for the Redemption of which Bonus the Assurer received £465 2s. JTrusters. Esq. A. T.S. Esq. The usual Commission will be allowed to Agents and Solicitors. J. or the amount applied in reduction of the Annual Premium. wishing to extinguish all future Premiums on the Policy. B.. J. B. Mastekman. BLACKFRIARS. H. 1800. M. and its present value received. Esq.— F. The Company also assures the lives of persons from £100 to £10.C. T. H. W. Esq.R. Johnson.— a.7d. J. Cater. P. may be redeemed. D.B. H. according to their value. out of the realized profits of the seven preceding years. until further notice. in lieu thereof. Esq.D. Esq. Cossart. additions to an amount its sum originally assured having been distributed among the earlier Policy holders. Smgron. and the accumulated interest thereon.D. LONDON. ^ctliarB. Esq. Esq. between whom and those who are Proprietors no distinction is made. on 6uch extra Assurances remaining unpaid until the Policies become Claims. on the Assurers depositing their existing Policies. J. The Company will issue Policies to tlie extent of one-fourth of tlie amount assured on existingf Policies without requiring payment of Premiums for such increase. Esq. The Bonuses made to this Policy. The Company advanci s money on security of its Policies. M.. Sir G. Cotton.000. 8d. iSanfeers. R. D. HoRNE. Robert Hudson. J. Till. NEW A. The Bonus allotted to a Policy. F. ZUtlfCtOlS. J. Jackson. T. W. with compound interest at 4 per cent. Twining. Esq. ESTABLISHED A.S. at moderate premiums. Esq. Offices — Chairman — Hilton SnTftors.000.C. T. Assurances granted against jiorali/.S. GTasualt}}. G. Henry Kiclmls. Esq.T. Policies indisputable. Detailed prospectuses may be had on application at the offices. Jun../. Liacoln's Inn Thomas Paul. George Mitchell. Sise Lane.C. FIRE. ANCHOR ASSURANCE COMPANY. Secretary and Actuary. Cape of Good Hope. totally incapacitating the assured. 76. l. F. Parties desirous of becoming agents or medical referees. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF THIS COMPANY. and for affording suretyship for them or their children to obtain or secure situations of trust. — Joseph Bishop. Madeira. F. Esq. CH^iLFSIBi:. Esq. of entire profits for granting to shai'eholders and qualified assurers loans at one per cent. Bennett & Paul. STRAND. Cheapside. Jun. mental or bodily. 2.ns. Manuger. commission allowed to agents. Halliead. Every description of life assurance business transacted. CAPITAL. Esq. Chairman. Esq. fied assurers II. Twenty per Cent. AND ANNUITIES. and the British Nortli American Colonies. Mauritius. III. Esq. — CAPITAL. —Alfred Stephens. IV. 1. Consulting jlcdw?-. £400. or residing in. Esq.D.. I. Eaj. Manager and Secretary. accidents. Messrs. 1842.ONBOIM'.R. Robert Bickersteth. 1. blindness.. Medical Officers. are requested to communicate with the Secretary. INCORPORATEO.. Matthew Gregson.". I | . tlieir of entire profits applied for relief of shareholders and qualified widows and orphans. Esq. Esq. Auditors. Esq. Esq.— io\m Thomson. Esq.S. M. £1. anU ^clf=3aclt>f ^ssuranct Chief Offices— 355. and every other affliction. Esq. . George Bermingham. of entire profits appropriated for education of children of quali- and sliareholders. LONDON... Medical A liberal men in all cases remunerated for their report. Solicitors. Compang. James Lord. lEmicatfon.R. Charles Batten. T. Esq./. . Medical Referee. Bankers. BELL. are issued by this Company. while the bonus additions tend still furtherto diminish the outliiy. Lomtard-street . Life Assurances.—tily:. insanity.L. The Prospectuses of the Company and Tables for Life Assurance may be obtained at the chief offices in London. 21. FOE LIFE. Fire Insurances may be effected in this and foreign countries at the usual rates. [ 4-. per annum . and on the Continent.———— WATE RLOO %ik. Twenty per Cent. Esq. By order of the Board. Bermuda. Lotlihury.S.000. Thomas George Williams. Australasia.— Edward Bavlis. Horsfall. 67. Jos.. Lord Street Chambeis. and free of stamp duty.— 1\it Commercial Bank of London. — — LOCAL BOARD OE DIKECTOES EOR LIVERPOOL... assurers. embracing every contingency.D. James Bland. or from any of the Company's agents in the provinces. Kilburn. City.—J^mts Andiew Durliara. 1 Wm. Upton Villas.. No extra charge for going to. Henry Smith. WilKam Beresford. Stone Buildings. free of stamp duty. F. Manarjer and Seen tar. Life Annuities may be purchased of the Company on equitable terms. K. Major Kobert Ellis. Upper Parliament Street.000 Dirfrtars. Ten per Cent. WILLIAMS. H. Ewart.ONDON INSURANCE COMPANY. and H.. 1830. Esq. London. Harrison. Whole world Policies issued at equitable rites of premium. William Ewart. Esq.. M. — Thomas Booth. Hugh Hornby. Chairman — Matthew Forster. William Earle. Esq. TRUSTEES: Sir Thos. Policies are issued free of Stamp duty. Solicitors — Messrs. Deputv Chairmen Jos. Sarul. Bart. Capital and Accumulated Funds of the Company. M. . London.IVI:RF00I. Esq Jas. Swift & Wagstaif. and 20. Liverpool Alexander Anderson. Hamilton..— Peculiar advantages are afforded the assured.800 the Company are Guaranteed when the Policies are issued. Castle-street.x. Esq. Esq. or to any of the agents in the country.ondon. . Fred. Esq. Esq.225 14s. Bernard Birch. £98. The Amount of Capital Subscribed exceeds £1.500.804 In 1847 . Ponsonby. Chairman — Thomas Brocklebank. M. 37. Esq. and '21.. Blackburne. Esq. Offices:— 37. George Grant. Esq.. Francis A. DIRECTORS IN LIVERPOOL. Esq. William Lowe.755 In 1847 to £21. . John Marriott. Edward Barnard. The Medical Officer attends on Wednesdays and Fridays at half-past 1 o'clock.197 I 1 In 1842 to £3. Messrs. Esq. DIRECTORS IN LONDON.iverpool. 21. iclthout jiayment of extra premium. In 1837 were £11. and in Foreign Countries. Esq. Esq. and Francis Haywood.P. Esq. Esq. £41..P. Poultry. Hon. Ross D. Auditors — T. F. Esq.P. Francis Ceesar Braun.000.402 In 1852. Cannan. Esq. Henry Thompson. Esq.. I. Loudon. Esq. Robert Higgin. EMPOWERED BY ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. Young. Esq. Joim Swainson. Thomas Haigh. Vose and R.. Svvinton Boult.— THE and I. The Premiums received on Life Policies amounted In 1837 to £1. Esq. Esq. Esq. and 20 &. Geo.. Z. Sir Wm. Liability of the entire body of Shareholders unlimited. Esq. Bickersteth. C. Resident Secretary. Liverpool . Further pirticutars may be had on application at the Offices. — Resident Secretary Benjamia Henderson. Mangles.987 In 1842. Constitution. Esq Harold Litiledale. Esq. Fire Department. Esq. Esq. John Ranking. Poultry. Esq. Eart. P... Esq. America at the Permission is also granted the assured to reside in the United States of ordinary rate of premium. Daniel James. William Brown. Esq. M. 9d. Ale.655 Life Department. Medical Advisers — Dr. Lawrence.P. CAPITAL AND RESOURCES. the British Colonies. and great facilities are afforded in the payment of renewal premiums through the several agencies throughout — — | | the colony. £'596. Esq. Edward Thompson. Castle-street. Palmer & Palmer. I.163 In 1852 to £50. Esq. B. Secretary to the Company. Adam Hoc'gson. Esq. Moderate rates for the East Indies and foreign countries. £23.P. Charles Saunders. Medical attendants remunerated for their reports. The Bonuses of SWINTON BOULT. London . de Bathe. Aspinall Tobin. Property insured against Loss or Damage by Fire in the United Kingdom. and the license as to travel there has been greatly extended. George Holt. Deputy Chairman— Geo. Esq.M. Liverpool . Macgregor. Secretary Esq. residence in the Australian Colonies being allowed. AND FIRE LIFE ESTABLISHED . Esq. HENDERSON. Secretary to the Company. H. Fred. BENJ. Donald Larnach. Esq. Thomas Sellar. — Swiiitou Boult. makes an aggregate of ^^320. Standing Counsil. Hall Todd. — Bank of England. during the tice7ity -eight years of its existence. Esq. Deputy Cliairnuin Geo. ' ELKINGTON AND CONYERS.R. — William Baly. CO. Be".. Esq. Newiiall Street. Esq. in reduction of Premiums.008Z. has the Company engaged in litigation. F. B. that they have added to their extensive assortment of EXaElCTRO PLiATE. H.. Ellis. Esq. — Charles — Messrs. ^oorgate Street. B. and Tweedie. Esq Phyncian. CROWN 33. THE PATENTEES. D. Birmingham. CO. Surgeon. .K2NaTOI? New &. No Charge for Policy Stamps. Regent Street. 1853. A'ice-Admiral J. and in no one instance. BONUS. their desire being to produce and perpetuate. Pri iciples.. at the option of the Policy-holders. AWB INCLUDIXG SIDEBOARD.. Blackfriars. at the visit to their Establowest possible cost.r. Street. DIRECTORS. John Nelson. or taken. John Cliapman. 45. the best examples of Ancient and Modern Art. Actunri). — B. Esq. ClKiiriiiun. Manufactory. Bankers. SIXiVEB. F. London. Octavius Ommanney. D. VASES. 3.681...respectfully to intimate to iheir Friends aud the Public generally. Forms may be had at the Company's Office.1 80 as Bonuses added to the sums Originally assured. Esq. At a DIVISION OF PROFITS oa the 27th May. V^«:\. 22. IN THE HIGHEST CLASS OF ART. Hooper. N.S. Queen Anne Cavendish-sq. TABLE. AND BASALSO. Austen. of Proposals. FOURTH SBFTENNIAI. William Wilson. Strand. or T. — John Simon..S. Esq.M. Esq. on the Premiums paid witliin that period with previous appropriations. Goschen. Replating and Gilding as usual. Bridge Street. W. LIFE New ASSURANCE COMPANY. FIGURES FROM THE ANTIQUE.R. and every information of any of its Agents in the country. from 22 to 43 per cent. Esq. GII.. Esq. AN IMPOP. Esq Charles Chippindale. on and Scientific A 20 &.. was assigned to the Assured in Bonuses varying with the ages on Policies of six years' and this sum. Esq. Harkey.TANT VARIETT OF BliOWZS FKODUCTIONS. Dundas. George II.B.D. James Colquhoun.D. Corner of Jermyn Street and 45. Secretary. AND OTHER PLATE. James AJitchell. LL. Sir John Kirkland. C. Alexander Stewart. The CLAIMS PAID on death amount to £'713. Solicitors. Boys. standing. G. The whole of the above articles are manufactured by ]¥Zi:SS^S» £lI. AND FROM THE DESIGNS OF SMSHSWT I^OBSRN ARTISTS. BUSTS.. Lancaster Place. W. Esq. William Whitmoue. the sum of 106. lishment will amply repay both the Artist and Connoisseur. Colvin. . Esq. Iiondon. &c.THE NEW REGISTERED PORTMANTEAU JOHN SOUTH GATE. The above may be obtained of Messrs. and remains lifting or disturbing anything else It is also made with a division for Bonnets so during the whole of the journey. and is . Cornhill. and other Trunks for India. SouTHGATE invltes the attention of Ladies to his LADIES' improved TRAVELLING TRUNKS.street. and of JOHN SOUTHGATE. and only first-rate skilful workmen employed. and by all who who have used to combine all it to be the most pfrfect and the advantages so long desired travel. and Bullock. Hunt. boots. and replete with every possible convenience. strength. Overland. St. Trays for Dresses. LONDON. THIS Portmanteau is admitted by all USEFUL of any yet invented. Above Bar. that it contains separate compartments for each description of clothes. London. 76. LONDON. immediately accessible on opening the portmanteau.. The peculiar conveniences of this Portmanteau are. aud Messrs. 30. linen. Mr. and have obtained the highest character for extreme durability. Grindlay & Co.. Moore & Co. and in the manufacture of which the very best Solid Leather is used. James Street. of most Outfitters and Saddlers throughout the kingdom. 14. of Mr. "WATLING STREET. each division is kept . of Mr. J. which are manufactured under his personal inspection. Wilkinson. without every article is packed perfectly flat. WATLING STREET. for Ladies' use. Bavs. Soiilhainpton . His Portmanteaus have been extensively known for the last twenty-five years. Containing. 76. Cambridge. entirely distinct. Hatter. Division for Bonnets. Manufacturer of every description of Travelling Equipage for Home or Continental Use. and wear. . Cockspur. JOHN SOUTHGATE ALSO CALLS ATTENTION TO HIS REAIi SOLID LEATHER PORTMANTEAUS. The original seciion of the pipe is 8| inches long. In answer to your inquiries respecting the Gutta Percha Tubing for Pump although it will eat lead through Suctions I find that the water has not affected it in the least.— — WATER POISONED BY LEADEN PIPES. with Instructions for Joining Tubes. bv Submarine and Subterranean Telegraph Wire insulated with Gutta PerchaIllustrated Circulars.. such as Mill Bands. Hacker. will be forwarded {post free) on receipt of and for securely attaching Gutta Percha four postage stamps. Buckets Fire Buckets. Dick. morning. 1852. (second testimonial. but has formed similar chasms throughout the entire Expositor. and not only upon the cut. A great part of the internal surface is corroded by the but. Curtain Rings. Trays. and 5-16 inches thick.. the Gutta Percha Company have pleasure in giving publicity to the following letters from parties who have have had it in use for a considerable length of time : From Raymond Sir Jarvis. Bosses. action of the water and another is shaded out of view by the manner in which the section of the pipe has been The water has cut these deep pits ahiiost through the pipes. whicli was employed for a short time in conveying water from a well on the grounds of Mr. it largely. it answers perfectly. 18. Isl B —The Company's Soles.) Office of Works. respecting the Gutta Percha Tubing for pump service. &c. four deep excavations have been made. Esq. Bowls." . Many inquiries having been made as to the durability of Gutta Percha Tubing. DURABILITY OF GUTTA PERCHA TUBING. of Bonchurch. &c. Tubing. the Gutta Percha Company. manufactured Talbotype Batteries. Woburn Park. WHARF ROAD. Woburn Park. with much satisfaction. 1852. and I am informed that it is to be adopted generally in the several years first laying down. 2J inches diameter. as shown in the drawing.. length. Duke (second testimonial." " Gentlemen . portion which we have illustrated. Isle of Wight. Flasks. . now letter received this . CITY ROAD. and sold by their wholesale dealers in town and country. "The above engraving represents accurately a section of a leaden pipe. Galvanic Toilet Trays. Ventnor. Surveyor to his Grace the of Bedford. much easier fixed. Union Joints.) March " In reply to your lOtk. PAT E NT EES. Chamber Vessels. Bottles. Soles. Isle of Wight. being cheaper than lead. Jan. &c. houses that are being erected here." From C. Many builders and there is not the least apparent difference since the other persons have lately examined it. and a in two years we have adopted more perfect job. Pump Every variety of Gutta Percha Articles. lOth. Sheet. 1 can state.. Dray. for which the highest testimonials have been given. also. Brushes. DEANE.DEAN E'S. Dray. as a substitute for Silver from which it cannot by any test be distinguished—is unsurpassed. with Kitchen Kanges of the best construction. D RAY & CO. FAMILIES FURNISHING. stands unrivalled in extent and variety the prices are the lowest. and . and the quality of the Steel the very best.Stands. Candlesticks. They have applied to these and other classes of Registered Stoves patented improvements. LONDON BRIDGE. Bone. — DRAY dra'wing-room: stoves.'s General Furnishing Priced List. post free. & CO. Dray. Cruets. Deane. and every article usually produced in Silver. 'Horn. In Fenders and Fire Irons they are constantly introducing every novelty. each and upwards. Electro-Plate Lamps. is always on Sale. Iron Bedsteads. DEANE. & Co. Ladies' Scissors of every description. embracing all the newest designs. Britannia Aletal. Papier Mache Trays. adapted for Gentlemen's mansions and all large establishments. requisite in fitting up a Family residence. Their Pen and Pocket-knives. D BANE'S TABLE CUTLERY has for more than One Hundred and Fifty Years received extensive and increasing public patronage. and Stag iHandles. &c. economising the consumption of fuel. AND FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. enumerating more than 500 articles selected from the various departments of their establishment. comprising Ivory.'s Establishment. in all the newest and most approved Silver Patterns. A large and handsome collection of Bright Stoves for the Drawing or Diningroom. & Co. is celebrated for its peculiar purity and silvery whiteand. Fenders and Fire Irons. & Co. (OPENING TO THE MONUMENT). 6d. ESTABLISHED A. EXjECTRO-SILVERED DEANEAN FIiATE. Tea and Coffee Sets. Cake Baskets. Deane's Monument Razors and London Bridge Strops are preferred by the best judges to any other. The Stock. 17U0. may obtain. LONDON BRIDGE. including Table Cutlery. on application. This beautiful manufacture ness . Dean. have always on sale Table and Dessert Spoons and Forks. Liqueur. Mats. at the lowest possible prices. Turnery. are all of the finest quality. Tin and Japan Ware. in the Stove and Fender department of Deane.D. also invite attention to their improved Cooking Stove. I I . at the of such to his method of Measuring. Bedding. and Furniture. Corner of Soutuampton Street. and at half the usual expense. Glasses. Which jnany ROBERT years^ experience has proved to anstuer the purpose in evert/ respect. BOOT MAKER AND PROFESSOR OF FITTING. & SON beg to call the attention of Gentlemen requiring OUTFITS to large Stock of Portable Bedsteads.TO GJiNTlMJUMHN WITH TENBER FEET. OFFICERS' BEDSTEADS HEAL AND BEDDING. W. In eonsequence of the numerous attempts to impose imitations. Washstands. Charing Crott. HEAL & SON. who will undertake to fii them at once. J. 388. R. BEDSTEAD AND BEDDING MANUFACTURERS. Chairs. ROBEET WISS Respectfully calls the attention of the Public to his Patent Portable Self-Acting IVater-Closets.. STRAND. for fixing — . near the Admiralty. CHAPPELL. however ditEcult. including Drawers. to observe that they are vmnufacturcd and sold only at 38. requests those in tending to purchase the original and much approved Patent Self-Acting Portable Waier-Closets. Established 1825. Those gentlemen on whom bootmakers have practised unsuccessfully are particularly solicited by J. These are peculiarly adapted for the country and exportation. by which he to produce a fit unprecedented for comfort. C. TOTTENHAM-COURT ROAD. first trial. and every [requisite for Home and Foreign their Service. 196. the whole apparatus being enclosed in the space occupied by the seat. are easily fixed. requiring no cistern above. yet combined with the most fashionable shape. WISS also begs to introduce to the notice of the Public a Water-CIoset on a new construction. to call the attention BEGS guarantees. HYDE PARK CORNER. Newly-Invented and Patented Application of Chemically-Prepared White m the Construction of Artificial Teeth. perfected with the most unerring a. Bath: and 34. of Chemically-prepared White India Rubber. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Edited by William Napier. Sir Charles James Napier. may with thorough comfort be imbibed and retained in the mouth all unpleasantness of smell or taste being. with the most absolute perfection and success.. Grosvenor Street. his brother Lieut. wires.-Gen. at the same time. wfcclly provided against by the peculiar nature of its preparation. 61. London. Grosvenor Square. fhe acids of the mouth exert no agency on the chemically-piepared White India Rubber and.-Gen. 6d.-Gen." hold a light to each other. and to the Public." Sec. price 7s. as the following : -All sharp edges are avoided no springs. and This William Napier. . Sir Price 10s. EPHRAIM MOSELY.-Gen. William Napier. The extraordinary results of this application maybe briefly noted in a tew ot their most prominent features. hitherto wholly unattainable. Campaigns Lieut. as it is a non-conductor. English Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula and South of France.curacy IS secured. By Lleut. Now icady. and a fit.. while. with a Portrait of the Author. Gay Street. India Rubber Palates. Gums. II 2 L. & ME. in 2 vols. To be obtained only at 61. that on " Indian Misgovernment. Sir in the Cutchee Hill^. fluids of any temperature . Surgeon-Dentist. 22. Mariotti. or fastenings are required a greatly increased freedom of suction is supplied . Indian Misgovernment and Lord Dalhousie. and a Cheaper Edition of Plates.. CASTELLAMONTE An Autobiographical Sketch. . Oramger Street. By CHARLES WESTERTON." "Italy in 1848. a natural elasticity. the greatestsupport is given to the adjoining teeth when loose or rendered tender by the absorption the gums. BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. Second Edition. Grosvenor Street. Author of "Era Dolcino. from the softness and flexibility of the agent employed. illustrative of the Italian Revolution of 1831.. of Sir Charles Napier's Administration of Scinde. Sole Inventor and Patentee A new original. Sir With Plans and The History By Work. TEETH. By Lieut. and invaluable invention. as a lining to theordinary gold or bone frame. consisting in the adaptation. &c.) EST ABIiISHED 1807. use them. dessert services. JOHN HILL. and Table Glass. and all kinds of table glass. Sir. (MANUFACTORY. he recommended me your " Cough Lozenges. 1848. I beg most cordially to recommend them." which. cured me in a week. in crystal glass chandeliers. with glass branches. Family Crests and Regimental Badges Engraved. Chemist. I have the honour to be.. BIRMINGHAM. Is. Messrs. 6d. Club.OimON. 4s. please to observe that the words " Keating's — Cough Lozenges" are engraved on the Government Stamp of each box. by Thomas Keating. ^2nd. and of the Public generally. Paul's Church Yard... Ornamental glass (English and Foreign) in the greatest variety. Keating. Osler beg to state that. your obedient humble Servant. for some relief . water jugs. a large and choice assortment of handsomely cut glass lustres and girandoles. VALUABLE TESTIMONIAL. and all other articles of their workmanship. and the numerous testimonials constantly received. properly executed. they are enabled to offer these. Prepared and sold in Boxes. London. in the whole world. 79. richly cut and engraved decanters. They have deservedly obtained the high patronage of their Majesties the King of Prussia and the King of Hanover. and other Pulmonary The : — Maladies.. goblets. Winter Cough. also. Bart. and 10s. A SELECT and EXTENSIVE STOCK every variety of pattern of richly cut always on view. BROAD STREET. Mess. Table Glass. St. fully justify the proprietor in asserting they are the best and safest yet offered to the public for the cure of the following complaints Asthma. Nov. I am happy to say. &c.B. and general furnishing orders in glass. Manufacturers of Glass Chandeliers. vast increase in the demand for these Cough Lozenges. wine glasses. and Tins. 9d.KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. N. at exceedingly moderate nrices.. I applied — Having been troubled with a very bad Cough for the Hammon. Street. Folkstone. To prevent spurious imitations. \h\. to their London House for the sale of Glass Chandeliers. — . without which none are genuine. In inviting the attention of Regimental Messes. OSLER.. To Mr. such a valuable remedy cannot be too highly recommended. I. 44. &c. C. Glass Lustres. 2s. on exceedingly advantageous terms. Shortness of Breath. Church Sir. under the recommendation of some of the most eminent of the Faculty. and beg you will not hesitate to make this letter public. to Mr. and parties furnishing. last eight months. Sold Retail by all Druggists. having for many years had an extensive Manufactory at Birmingham. Chemist. very many also of the Nobility and Clergy. of this town. 6d. OXFORD STREST. each. OR ANY OTHER MINERAL SUBSTANCE. some of whose had long been given up by eminent medical practitioners. ConsumpFits. . Influenza. General Debility. Thosands who had suffered greatly. And may be taken with perfect by persons of the most delicate safety constitutions. Diarrhoea. Gout. tion. Scrofula. Piles. THESE PILLS ARE PREPARED JOHN KAYE. The experience of more than twenty years has fully demonstrated the surprising efficacy of KAYE'S WORSDELL'S VEGETABLE PILLS. strike at the root of disease. Eruptions of the Skin. Ulcers. and free the stomach and bowels from all crudities and vitiated secretions. Fevers. They purify the blood. have been speedily and thoroughly cured. Dropsy. and established them in the public estimation as the most valuable FAMILY MEDICINE that was ever presented to notice. Sore Legs. and considered hopeless cases by themselves. NEAR HUDDERSFIELD. Stomach Complaints. Indigestion. Head-ache.. ANTIMONIAL. &c. Worms. AND AKE WARRANTED FREE FROM MERCURIAL. Rheumatism. DALTON HALL. Bilious Attacks. Asthma. Gravel.KAYE'S WORSDELLS VEGETABLE PILLS. OF ONLY BY ESQ. They are invaluable to persons suffering from Ague. Flatulency. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Liver Complaints. Literary Notices. The Civil Service Gazette is also a complete Newspaper. LIQUID HAIR-DYE: the only one in the Burlington Arcade or in dye the hair any shade without having tliat red and purple tinge there is on all other dyes. 5 Burlington Arcade. Home and Foreign News. or Italian. and all respectable perfumers throughout the country. in imitation of the skin. Berbeck.. you can have your hair cut. The smallness of these valves offers great facility for execution. with the name of the Patron and Value of each Living. has opened rooms where ladies can have their hair dyed and dressed in one hour gentlemen. which was formerly gray. Post Office. the invisible fibres of Calypso will restore them to their former beauty. . without net. To be had of all Booksellers and Newsveuders at the Railway Stations. 209. Legal. eitiier English. and sold by Boimer. Hewlett's hair-cutting. . This is an entirely new system of making artificial hair. five doors from Piccadilly . perfumer. War Office.. half an hour whiskers. A. A Newspaper. Army Have succeeded in perfecting a System for the Valves of all Brass Instruments. free from any unpleasant smell. and 128. or when the hand of time has destroyed tlie luxurious tresses of youth. fronts. To prevent mistakes. while having your hair dressed by the first-rate artists. in sight of the inimitable Mentor and his pupil. specially deall Government Offices in every department of the State. Coast Guard. London. THE CIVIL SERVICE GAZETTE. Thousands of persons are now wearing their own hair a beautiful brown and black. Great Brunswick Street. LONDON. first-class Official voted to the interests of Its Ecclesiastical Intelligence supplies a List of Clerical Vacancies. there is none more the VISITORS of LONDON. 5. Audit Office. The CALIENDRDM a New Registered Wig. and only the time applying it to dye the hair. and is well wortli the attention of the nobility and gentry's inspection of this inven- TO : — tion of modern HEWLETT : art. and all other Departments of the State. Home and Colonial Departments. Ask for " Hewlett's Liquid Hair-dye. always usin? brushes clean from the stream. 85. both in England and the Colonies. it is more like the human skin taken from the liead with the hair attached than anything else. Description fails it has all the it must be seen to be believed to convey a proper representation of it liifhtness and transparency of the net. and Theatrical Critiques. both in England and the Colonies. &c. 6d. Foreign Office. bands. quarter of an hour. do not leave the bower without being restored to tl)eir natural colour of brown or black . While surrounded by the sunny sky of the east. in the Grotto of Calypso. Price 6s. scalps. This Journal contains each week a List of all Vacancies and Appointments in the Treasury. or direct from the Office. PATENTEES. which Equalizes the Tones of the Open and Valved notes. North-street. &c. it is applicable for ladies' and gentlemen's whole wigs. and all the great Incorporated Companies. riband. with the usual Parliamentary.TO g^ntiiEmen: seeking appointments. NEW COVENTRY STREET. Amongst the sights of London. HAITE & LEACH. To prevent lurtlier imposition. liair-dyeing rooms. listening to the murmuring of the waters. H. price Sixpence. monstachios. so that the nicest ear cannot detect a difference either in power or quality. you can have your head shampooed in the limpid waters of the Adriatic. or springs. Strand. & LEACH. So great an influence has the fair island. vvitli the durability and beauty of the skin-partings." England S tliat will . The information is official and authentic. five minutes. Catherine-street. It contains the usual Naval and Military Gazettes. Brighton . published every Saturday. Royal Dockyards. and in the General News will be found an account of Vacancies in Railways and Dockyards. you can enjoy the Tale of Telemachus. Admiralty. that premature age. useful and attractive than the BOWER of CALYPSO. Musical Instrument Makers to Her Majesty's and Navy. French... MESSRS. with white heads and whiskers. Dublin . HAITE 7. . Imperial folio. Bart. Bengal Engineers. By Sir Archibald Alison. Esq. GEORGE STREET. AND 37. Vols. DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH: WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF HIS CONTEMPORARIES AND THE WARS OF THE SUCCESSION. half-bound Price JOHNSTON'S PHYSICAL ATLAS REDUCED. Esa. double columns." A New Edition. HENRY YULE. HISTORY OF EUROPE.. Author of the " History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution.." "Now and Then. To be 12 PATERNOSTER ROW. "Ten Thousand A Year. In Is. price 5s. half-bound Price JOHNSTON'S SCHOOL GENERAL ATLAS JOHNSTON'S SCHOOL PHYSICAL ATLAS £2 followed by 45. 8vo. and STUDENTS OF MILITARY HISTORY- for By Lieut. crown 8 vo In 12 vols. Library Edition In 20 vols. to the Battle of Waterloo. "The Diary of a Late Physician. &c. I." &c. parts. 6d. Author of "Ctril Thornton. NEW WORK." complete. 4 Price each THE ATLAS TO ALISON'S EUROPE. THOMAS HAMILTON. FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES AND FAMILIES." Price £0 12 6 £0 12 6 12 6 &c.. in 2 vols. 6 Price Price ^0 JOHNSTON'S SCHOOL CLASSICAL ATLAS PEOPLE'S EDITION OF MR. in 1789. Consisting of Upwards of One Hundred Maps and Plans of Battles AND Sieges. . 6 ALISON'S LIFE OF JOHN. With Maps and Portraits. In Imperial 4to.. EDINBURGH. by Frederick Hardman. WARREN'S WORKS. 8vo Price £l 10 ANNALS OF THE PENINSULAR CAMPAIGNS. demy 8vo. 8vo Price each ALISON'S HISTORY OF EUROPE DURING TION. now publishin j( Price £10 10 6 . Revised and Corrected. By In 8vo Price FORTIFICATION.. LONDON. In demy Price 4to In crown 4to £3 3 2 12 . and II.. £0 16 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY. £0 15 THE FRENCH REVOLU- In 14 vols. cloth. Plates £0 10 6 £10 10 6 Price JOHNSTON'S PHYSICAL ATLAS. from the Fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852.PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD ARCHIBALD ALISON'S SIR & SONS. but chance having thrown your pills in my way during the winter. riably connected with Cough Medicines where Ipecacuanha and other baneful drugs are commonly used. it being hereditary. Boils. AI. than this Pill. Gangrene.I. January I4lh. No. and of everj' respectable Chemist and 10. No Medicine has ever been found more efficacious in the cure of Hepatitis. two at bed-time every other night. 4s. as in the early stages of my cough. The Pills . LJd. Humphrey. Artfm. in Boxes at Is. and I am now free from my annual annoyance.r Street. — —And am..I AHIVEISD'S COUGBE FII. the Proprietors of Ali Ahmed's Treasures. and Bilious and Liver complaints. TREASURES are to be had. An infallible remedy for CASE OF A DISTRESSING COUGH CURED. should you intend giving the public the benefit of your valuable pills. Whitlows. Your Sir. the patient at the same time taking the Antibilious Pills. AHMED'S ANTZBIZ. coughs and oppression. that they have had a case of ulcerated leg of long standing cured by the application of Ali Ahmed's Healing Plaister in the short space of ten days. are progressing favourably. 1849. diarrhcea. speak of its qualities. viz. &c. AI. Bride's Avenue. swimming in the head. under these circumstances.il. I have much pleasure in according my high estimation of Ali Ahmed's Antibilious Pills. EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF ULCERS IN THE LEG..IKG. To the Proprietors of Ali Ahmed's Treasures. London These 10s. and are silvered in the Oriental style. INCONTROVERTIBLE EVIDENCE OF THEIR MARVELLOUS EFFECTS MAY BE HAD. To I. O. . 2s.7I. " Messrs." ''Netting Hill. A most invaluable Plaister for the cure of Ulcers. Clarke and Cripps have great pleasure in informing the Proprietors of Ali Ahmed's Medicines. &c. Incipient Consumption. 6d. It is equally efficacious in all disorders sickness.I AHIVEED'S THEASUHES. Medicine Vender.I PII. Leigh. Varicose Veins.S. any way in which I can be of service you may command. arising from the digestive organs flatulency.THOUSANDS OF CURES ARS EFFECTED BT THE DSE OF AI. constituting an agreeable Medicine.Z. with feelings of extreme pleasure I have to inform you of the perI can with certainty fect cure effected on me by using Ali Ahmed's Cough Pill. Gentlemen. Ihey are also happy to say. palpitation of the heart. constipation.. under treatment. by which all disagreeable taste is removed .IOUS AI. spasms.. April 23rd. Kelly.AISTZ. Gray's Inn. and preparation is present in these compounds. it was the opinion of my medical men that I was consumptive. and their brilliancy is an imdeniable proof that no mercurial To be had at the Depot.. and every This medicine never causes that nausea invaother disease of the Lungs. 1853. 9. R. Contused Wounds. AND THE ORIGINAL TESTIMONIALS SEEN. Fleet Street. I found myself so relieved as to induce me to continue till I was completely cured. — It is — obliged servant. Coughs. and nervous debility of every THIS — kind. Asthma. AT THE CENTRAL DEPOT.. having found them a most safe and efficacious Medicine. is a purely Vegetable Compound. 6d.I AHMEB'S HEAZ. Chilblains. 9d. or Inflammation of the Liver. and having taken a few of them. 8. St. that two cases of varicose veins. and an effectual remedy in cases of Indigestion. Cancers. Established 1818.GUNS. gratis and post free. and 15s. „ 13s. with Steel Bars. OPPOSITE TEAFALG AK SQUARE. Set of three paper Tea-Trays. from 4s. which cannot be distinguished from Sterling Sil- except by mark. Purchasers are requested to send for their Book of Drawings and prices. 8s. . SILVER SUPERSEDED BY RICHARD AND JOHN SLACK'S PURIFIED NICKEL SILVER. Ornamental Iron ditto. Bronzed Fenders. from 10s. & also call attention to their Nickel Silver. Tea Spoons Fiddle Pattern. SLACK Elkington ver. 336. . Fiddle. at prices resulting in Cash advantages of the Establishment convince purchasers at tiieir that will Payments. Warranted the purest Metal Table Spoons and Forks per dozen Dessert ditto existence except Sterling in .'6d. As the limits of an advertisement will not admit of a detailed list. AND PISTOLS. STEAND. 16s. per rail. . Fire-irons. Kitchen Knives and Foi-ks. 25s. c Fenders and Furnishing Ironmongery. lis. IBs. 11. 6s. from 2s. Table Spoons and Forks. SLACK'S NZCKEI. RICHARD & JOHN SLACK solicit an inspection of thetr extensive assortment of Fenders. 25s. Orders above £i sent carriage free. RIFLES. per dozen Dessert ditto „ Tea Spoons „ 40s. within 200 miles. 5s. 30s. 125. Candle Lamps. STRAND. 30s. per dozen.'s Patent Process. Second Hand— Trials Given. R. Fire Irons. 19s. and every article in Furnishing Ironmonftery. Strongest 12s. & J. SLACKS' table: cutlerv. ELBCTRO-PIiATED. 6d. 6d. Thread Pattern. or THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. WHISTLER. BY EVERY MAKER IN THE WORLD. 10s. King's Pattern. . Co. 21s. Silver. Electro-plated by Messrs. . 28s. „ 6s. Has been celebrated 35 years for quality and cheapness. Opposite Somerset House. RICHARD & JOHN SLACK. S. . EYRE'S Title. LIST FOR SUPPLYING THE LONDON PAPERS. OOYER'S EXQUISITE SAUCES ^ ex- pressly seasoned to suit the palate of either Ladies or Gentlemen. SOYER'S RELISH Published on the Arrival of the Marseilles for general purposes. for in advance. . 52. fixed HAS Waterproof Cloaks Patterns forwarded to the country. or 5s. without Springs. & to Blackwell. 6d. in a few minutes. and Shawls. in connection with Life Assurance. 112. Her Majesty. Veils.i:i:t street^ also Scotch in the piece. Printed and Published by London Stewart & Murray. 49. notwitiistanding the efforts in the merchants. They so perfectly resemble the natural Teeth a not to be distinguished THE iRECTORS of the Sovereign Life Office make Advances to Officers in the Army and Navy resident in England. and will be found by the closest observer. superior to any Teeth ever before used. the other useful and comfortable arti- and all cles knitted ih the Shetland Isles Plaids A New JAMES'S ST. from the originals They will never change coLOUROR DECAY. . CHINA. contract Brown if The Tincture applied by required.SHETLAND AND SCOTCH WAREHOUSE. Waistcoats. 52. from Public and Individual INDIA. to be had of all Grocers and Italian Warehousemen. STANDEN assortment than usual of Stockings.. 10s.. Company's officers. and has ever since maintained its influence and circulation. or any painful operation. LOUIS ROSSI. a larger Shetland Socks. 'T'HE J- 24 Nos. secures a desirable provision for the future. while it is less expensive and objectionable than the modes usually adopted. Howard's improvement may be within the reach of the most economical. fi. Despatclies of every Overland Mail. Wires. Linsey introduced an entirely New Description of Artificial Teeth. he has fixed his charges at ti)e lowest scale possible. Old Bailey. : Coiffeur. James's-street. . Sole Inventor. &c. HOWARD. or Ligatures. Decayed Teeth rendered sound and useful in mastication. and will support and preserve Teeth that are loose. or 12s. and Co. and others on tlie its appearance gave part of the daily and other papers. Tweeds. Sold ago. 254. and the CAPE. This method does not require the extraction of roots. Every information may be obtained at the Office. Under - now ready Discovery in Teeth. ME.. Tartans Woolseys. Shawls. and is guaranteed to restore articulation and mastication and that Mr. Price 6d. a This Journal was established thirteen years ROSSI'S FORor MARINE TINCTURE- Staining the Hair a beautiful Black. London. . Green Arbour Court. without staining the skin. and Wholesale of Crosse Purveyors by appointment 21. JERMYN-STREET. on a system which. INDIAN NEWS. and Soyer's Aromatic Mustard. paid Family Journal of Intelligence of Interest. London. by a numerous body of Bottles rise to and 21s. 6d. REGENT STREET. respectfully inform their customers they have FLEET STREET. St. Soho Square. principal connected with India. & Co London. ready for shipment. Long-lane. in leather holsters. John Bond. EIFLES. &c. 28. Single Fowling Pieces and Rifles.. of the most highly improved construction. Samples. Large assortments of most perfect self-acting REVOLVERS. or cases with appaciples. chasers. opposite the India House. Patent Barrow. sent free per post. combining all the latest improvements. Frederick Barnes. 3. Leadenhall-street. labelled. PISTOLS. for in-door ball practice. or authorize from 50s. &:c. Hill. and most superior workmanship. 3. at home or abroad. upon all the various systems of solid and hollow conical ball. Emigrants' Ironmonger. Field or Cabin Furniture. may be seen at the Warehouse. with every article of Personal Outfit. from -^ calibre. London. Overland Trunks. &c. belt. accurate sighting and shooting. 126. It is sealed and BERRY London Agents. . K. the finest materials. at Twenty-five Guineas and upwards. and other Gold-washing Machines and Californian Cradles. or cone moulds Extra included. ratus. Berry Bros. Boring Tools. sole executrix and widow of the late Terms. for India. suitable for every purpose. Tents. Patent Glazed Iron Dinner Services and Culinary Utensils. Gun Maker. this is to the Original and sole Manufacturer of the said article.nom my establishment for the purpose of Stick Guns. This caution is published selling the said ink. Ammunition. London.. ST. a precaution necessary. give notice. Maynard Poultry. with Drawings of Iron Houses. Colt's patent. belted. reasonable terms. overland. and numerous other efficient and approved systems. & 'T^HE most extensive and magnificent assortments of Double Fowling Pieces. AIE-GUNS. including &c- CHANTS. as much beer is sold for Bass's which is not brewed by them. bend of stock. CAUTION. &c. by selling to the trade and others a sj)urious article under the name of BOND'S ledge that PERMANENT MARKING am INK. ... Cash. Stout and Porter. 30s. our own London Manufacture. having appointments CADETS and choicest brewings of this much-esteemed THEBeer. and double barrels. MER- Pistols.—TO TRADESMEN. of every weight. Corrugated Iron Houses. that I . James's Street. the Strong and Light Burton. single Adam's patent. Union-row. Stamping Machines. and serious injury to myself. and strictly correct to Uniform. with Prices and detailed Lists of Necessaries. and Scotch Ales.. & CO. Ironmongery and Tin Ware of all kinds also. at Ten to Thirty Guineas. West Smithfield. Emigrants' Portable Cooking Stoves. Trial at our private Five to Fifteen Guineas. Orders packed and shipped. length. Leadenhall-street. &c. 400 yards. and pocket. Ten to Twenty-five Guineas. improved Steel Mining Shovels. WRITERS. Saloon Pistols. 3. with case and apparatus. OUTFITTERS. and OFFICERS of CAVALRY INFANTRY. R. SHIPPERS. ratus complete. Portable Bakers' Ovens. They have also Barclay's Double Brown Stout. to more Eligible and Extensive Premises. Patent Revolvers and other Pistols.BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE.. &c. Barrels for shot fitting in the same Stock. Emigrants' Lists. at prices according to finish and exterior ornament. removed from 27. upon the latest improved prin- BARNES'S EMIGRANT'S CART and combined. Reilly. ble and complete outfit for India. or any foreign service. Portable Folding and other Iron Bedsteads. if necessary.. Whereas it has lately come to my know- some unprincipled person or persons have for some time past been imposing on the Public. GUNS. can be completely equipped at Fortyeight Hours' Notice. both in Cask and Bottle. from a pea bullet to 4 oz. Harris. on the most Harris's. &c. Patent Picks and other Tools of all kinds. under guarantee both for the Cavalry and Infantry. St. ar>d best quality. any person to represent themselves as coming Improved Air Canes. TENT . JAMES' STREET. with round. for the holster. with long-range sights. from 65s. New Oxford Street. bore. at Maynard & 126. Ten This is found to be the most portaGuineas. Gim Maker. shooting-grounds. Proprietor and and do not employ any traveller. n^ith Pump and Appa. in endless variety. or forwarded by me to prevent further imposition upon the public. The Articles supplied at this Establishment are of the best quality. of every calibre. without delay or trouble to pur BOND. and ASSISTANT SURGEONS. the Cape. and each cork branded with their name. and Devonshire Cider. Superb Double Rifles. are always to be obtained at the BROS. Rifles. Tower and Minories. London. and is particularly In bottles. at Is. as many unprincipled makers fill these bottles with their own manufacture. Schweppe's NVaters are all distinguished by a label with their name. although. and pass the it off as name of SCHWEPPE'S. containing not a particle of The temptation to the inferior Alkali. Castle-street.. Derby.estabi. Liverpool.'s AND MAGNESIA WATERS. tlie consumer is cliarged the same. Importers of GERMAN SELTZER WATER. and as a relief in cases of Fever and other inflammatory complaints. Their lettered bottle alone is no criterion. Co. Bristol. therefore. AND CRATED LEMONADE. which their long experience in the manufacture of Alkaline Waters enables them to produce in a state of the greatest purity and strength. SCHWEPPE & CO. Co. Branch Manufactories. respectfully caution the Public against tlie spurious articles sold under their names. SCHWEPPE It is requisite. 2s. SCHWEPPE & J. Friar-gate. and but an imperfect impregnation of Carbonic Acid. useful for children during the period of dentition. by far. London. in many cases. Principal Manufactory. in pints and quarts.zshi:d ufivards of seventy yeahs. and the public generally. 6d. SCHWEPPE'S LEMONADE Is an agreeable refreshing beverage. direct from the Springs. tiiat they continue regularly to It is witli niucli pride J.. and that it represent only. refer to the fact. SODA. and at 65. . and they also strongly recommend their LIQUID MAGNESIA. and still.. Heartburn. An elegant preparation. — London-road. of the United kind Kingdom. supply the royal palaces at Windsor and London with the above Waters. is universally recommended by the Faculty. Acidity of Stomach. a distinction which & they have enjoyed through many successive reigns. and that no other manufacture of the is so decidedly preferred by the aristocracy. bearing the Royal Appointment. Berners-street. S. 6d. the Largest Manufacturers in the World of these Invaluable Preparations. Water is its low cost to the retailer. To preserve the latter from tliis imposition. This valuable Antiacid is a certain remedy in cases of Uout. and 4s. to see the label. the Original Inventors. each. POTASS. A aj _ o 5 5 Snn o to H o H (4 14 -J hi CO < n s H liJ H < CL Pi h a or o a 3 S « 'HI? SQ -C O o b S^^51 S EjJ H P-l n. I iij Q -. T l-J o oj I iJX) < cs _ "oO <i ^ o" 3 £H ^ cc t.1-1 is o--~ k^ " " Haii^Li wpq^ ft . S ^ E ^ o 2 °5 I tiii if) O Z OOOO^. tS M <^ J= -S SR.. I— r*. CO D o < i-< CI !Q Ti. 2 fjii ^Oh H c 3 m 0) 1^ S " ^< ^ S'S =^o <j > : ^-= I. O S c ~ « O U3 . Documents Similar To Hart's New Annual Army List 1854Skip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextLife Experiences of Bill McDonaldaeroplanejelly-recipebook[1]Hino Da Bandeira Concert BandHercules 2014 CatalogueLow Brass NotesNew York, Fall 1974music and more_ paul motian - on broadway, volume 5 (winter and winter, 2009)Jazz Arranging Lesson 11 MpbScimeList of Works2018icsb- october 26thAhmed.pdfIndian English and US EnglishMD2 PineappleGreat! SocietyUnited States v. 88 Cases, More or Less, Containing Bireley's Orange Beverage, 187 F.2d 967, 3rd Cir. (1951)September 2013 K-8 Lunch Nutrition FactsGuildhall Artist Masters in Orchestral Artistry Audition Requirements Wind-updated 2014bCarbonated FruitIPG Spring 2014 Gardening TitlesFamily Matters Oct 2013More From regardstofrancoSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextA Colonial Officer And His Times 1754-177334838312-Handbook-of-Artillery-Materiel-UK-1899.pdfThe Subaltern Officer and His DutiesThe Battle of the PlainsLectures on Tactics for Officers of the Army, Militia and VolunteersSome Account of the Military, Political, and Social Life of The Right Honourable John Manners, Marquis of Granby P.C., M.P., D.C.L.Handbook of Artillery Materiel 1899Records of the Sottish Volunteer ForceUnofficial Blade Runner RpgTimesHistory03-01.pdfHart's Annual Army List 1841Footer MenuBack To TopAboutAbout ScribdPressOur blogJoin our team!Contact UsJoin todayInvite FriendsGiftsLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSupportHelp / FAQAccessibilityPurchase helpAdChoicesPublishersSocial MediaCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Browse Books.Site Directory.Site Language: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaSign up to vote on this titleUsefulNot usefulYou're Reading a Free PreviewDownloadClose DialogAre you sure?This action might not be possible to undo. 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