May 12, 2018 | Author: Nofella Wahyudin | Category: Door, Screw, Architectural Elements, Building Engineering, Components



0  Lainnya    Blog Berikut» [email protected]   Dasbor   Keluar HARGA DORMA WWW.SETIAABADI.COM.....!!. Total Tayangan Laman Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014 DAFTAR HARGA DORMA DORMA TS 77 Rp.196.200,‐ DORMA TS 77 Hold open Rp.403.920,‐ DATA & FEATURE Closing force Size 2, 3, 4 Standard doors 850 mm up to 950 mm ­1100 mm External doors, opening outwards Non­handed  Arm assembly type Standard,Slide channel Closing force variable at adjustment screw    Closing speed variable by valve adjustment Backcheck Delayed action,Hold­open " Weight in kg 1.7 Dimensions in mm Length 180 Overall depth 265 Height 43Option 394 HUBUNGI KAMI : SETIA ABADI,Jakarta Jl. Dakota XI, No 104‐105 Kota BAru Bandar Kemayoran JAKARTA‐PUSAT Phone : 021‐65866720, 021‐65866721 021‐42882428 Fax : 021‐4226722 website : www.setiaabadi.com marketting : Teguh S hp : 0818183709 esia : 021‐98854427 PIN BB: 7D7AFD50 Mengenai Saya setia abadi  Brosure  Ikuti Lihat profil lengkapku 1) For applications involving particularly heavy doors and doors which have to close against wind resistance, we recommend the DORMA TS 83. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Arsip Blog Dorma TS 68 Rp.302.904,‐ Dorma TS 68 Hold open Rp.653.400,‐ DATA & FEATURE  Closing force Size 2, 3, 4 Standard doors 850 mm up to 950 ­1100 mm External doors, opening outwards Non­handed   Arm assembly type Standard,Slide channel   Closing force variable at adjustment screw   Closing speed variable by valve adjustment Backcheck Delayed action,Hold­open " Weight in kg 1.7 Dimensions in mm Length 180 Overall depth 265 Height 43Option    Brosure 1) For applications involving particularly heavy doors and doors which have to close against wind resistance, we recommend the DORMA TS 83.  ____________________________________________________________________________________ Dorma TS 71  Rp.801.0,­ Dorma TS 71  Hold open Rp.1.128.600,­ DATA & FEATURE Door Closer Closing force Size EN adjustable 2– 4    4 ▼  2014 (1) ▼  Juni (1) DAFTAR HARGA DORMA ____________________________________________________________________________ DORMA TS 72 Rp.  outwards Fire doors 1100 mm Same design for DIN­L  and DIN­R Arm Standard Flat form Slide channel Closing force adjustable by meansof setting screw and power shoe Closing speed adjustable by meansof valve Adjustable latching action By arm By valve Backcheck Delayed action Hold­open Weight in kg 1. and for doors required to close against high wind pressure.Standard doors 1100 mm External doors. external doors.8 Dimensions in mm Length 233 Depth 42. and for doors required to close against high wind pressure. Certified to ISO 9001.  opening outwards Fire doors 1100 mm Same design for DIN­L  and DIN­R Arm Standard Flat form Slide channel Closing force adjustable by meansof setting screw and power shoe Closing speed adjustable by meansof valve Adjustable latching action By arm By valve Backcheck Delayed action Hold­open Weight in kg 1.5 Height 60 Option    Brosure For high and heavy doors. we recommend DORMA TS 83. we recommend DORMA TS 83.Call DATA & FEATURE Door Closer Closing force Size EN adjustable 2– 4     Standard doors 1100 mm External doors. Rack‐and‐pinion door closer with scissor arm The DORMA TS 72 is the ideal multi‐purpose door closer for all standard door designs and constructions.    Brosure _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dorma TS 73 Rp. external doors. Without a backplate. . it is particularly easy and quick to fix.5 Height 60 Option  Brosure For high and heavy doors. The spring strength can be individually adapted to the door size by means of an adjusting screw.8 Dimensions in mm Length 233 Depth 42.  and for doors required to close against high wind pressure.5 Height 60 Option  Brosure   For high and heavy doors. ____________________________________________________________________________ Dorma TS 90. we recommend DORMA TS 83.   outward opening Fire and smoke check doors Non­handed Arm assembly Slide channel  Two independent valves for closing speed adjustment2 Cushioned limit stay (mechanical) Delayed action Hold­open Weight in kg 1.standard Rp.900.___________________________________________________________________________________ Dorma TS73V Rp.‐ Dorma TS73V Hold Open Rp. have to close against wind pressure.8 Dimensions in mm Length 233 Depth 42.183.800.040.‐  DATA & FEATURE Door Closer Closing force Size EN adjustable 2– 4    Standard doors 1100 mm External doors.1.1.‐ Dorma TS 90.580.880.  .7 Dimensions in mm Length 246 Overall depth 46 Height 57  Door closer compliant with EN 1154 mark for construction products  option    Brosure 1) In the case of particularly heavy doors and doors that.1.1.‐ DATA & FEATURE  Closing force Size EN 3/4 Standard doors ≤ 1100 mm External doors.  opening outwards Fire doors 1100 mm Same design for DIN­ L  and DIN­R Arm Standard  Flat form Slide channel Closing force adjustable by meansof setting screw and power shoe Closing speed adjustable by meansof valve Adjustable latching action By arm By valve Backcheck Delayed action Hold­open Weight in kg 1.030.199.Hold Open Rp. external doors. we recommend the DORMA TS 93. 7 3.‐ Dorma TS 8300 Hold Open Rp. the next highest closer size or a higher spring strength should be applied.700.  ____________________________________________________ Dorma TS 93 FIRE Rp.2._____________________________________________________________________________                                Dorma TS 8300 Rp.1.‐ DATA & FEATURE   Variable closing force Spring strength 1–5 5–7 Standard doors 1250 mm –1600 mm External doors.‐    Brosure DATA & FUTURE  Variable Spring EN EN closing force strength 3 – 6.255.5 5. 7 Standard doors 1400 mm – 1600 mm External doors.4.1250 mm – outward opening 1600 mm For fire and 1250 mm smoke check doors 1600 mm Non­handed Arm assembly type Standard Slide channel Closing force variable by means of adjustment screw Closing speed adjustable by valve Latching speed at arm adjustable at valve  Backcheck (BC/ÖD) adjustable at valve Delayed action (DC/SV) adjustable at valve Hold­open Weight in kg 3. and doors which have to close against wind resistance.600.3 Dimensions in mm Length 245 293 Overall depth 46 47.300.1400 mm – outward opening 1600 mm Fire and smoke 1400 mm check doors 1600 mm Non­handed 2 2 Arm assembly type Standard Flat­form.5 Height 60 60 Door closer tested to EN 1154 mark for construction products  Approved to AS1905 Part1 Fire Resistant Doors  option 1) For applications involving particularly heavy or wide doors.70° ­ 15°  adjustable at 3 separate valves 15° ­ 0°  Closing speed variable by means of valve adjustment Adjustable latching action by arm  Backcheck self­regulating adjustable at valve Delayed action variable at valve Hold­open " Weight in kg 1.900.Slide channel Closing force variable by means of adjustment screw Closing speed 180° ­ 70° .2 Dimensions in mm Length (L) 275 285 Overall depth (B) 253 262 .800. approx. 2)Max. DORMA ITS 96 2. Door stop necessary for doors which can open further than 130°. DORMA RTS 85 3. The economic double action ______________________________________________________________________________ _ . opening 130°.0 5.220. DORMA 93 EMF 4.0 5.  only 40 mm of height and indicated for doors with weight of up to 100 kg.  Presented in two power versions: EN 3 and EN 4.671.0 Dimensions in mm Length 306 306 306 Width 108 108 108 Height 040 040 040 Door closer tested to EN 1154 mark for building products (products with factory‐fitted hold‐open do not carry a mark) Option  Brosure  1) For applications involving particularly high or heavy doors. Hold‐open point 190° Weight in kg.  Closing speed can be adjusted by two independent valves. and doors which have to close against wind or draught conditions. DATA & FEATURE  Spring strength EN 2 EN 3 EN 4 Standard & up to1850 mm external doors up to 1950 mm–up to 1100 mm Closing speed variable by valve adjustment  Backcheck . the next larger closer size or the DORMA BTS 80 should be selected.‐    A compact and economical floor spring.Delayed action. 5. DLL _____________________________________________________________________________ Dorma BTS 60 Rp.Height (H) 260 271 Door closer tested to EN 1154 Hold­open devices tested to EN 1155 Door co­ordinators tested to EN 1158 mark for building products Approved to AS1905 Part1 Fire Resistant Doors     Brosure _____________________________________________________________________________ CATATAN : SILAHKAN HUBUNGI KAMI UNTUK TYPE YG TIDAK TERCANTUM PADA BLOGGER KAMI  1. Closing speed can be adjusted by two independent valves. the next larger closer size or the DORMA BTS 80 should be selected. 5. . Closing speed can be adjusted by two independent valves. Presented in two power versions: EN 3 and EN 4.1.insert button) A compact and resistant hydraulic spring. 2)Max. approx.1.0 5.Dorma BTS 65 Rp. and doors which have to close against wind or draught conditions. Door stop necessary for doors which can open further than 130°.‐ Body Only Dorma BTS 84 Rp. PT 21. only 40 mm of height and indicated for doors with weight of up to 100 kg.140.   DATA & FEATURE  Spring strength EN 2 EN 3 EN 4 Standard & up to1850 mm external doors up to 1950 mm–up to 1100 mm Closing speed variable by valve adjustment  Backcheck . opening 130°. The economic double action ______________________________________________________________________________ Dorma BTS 84 Rp.300.176.120.0 5.‐  A compact and economical floor spring.0 Dimensions in mm Length 306 306 306 Width 108 108 108 Height 040 040 040 Door closer tested to EN 1154 mark for building products (products with factory‐fitted hold‐open do not carry a mark) Option    Brosure 1) For applications involving particularly high or heavy doors.372.861. Hold‐open point 190° Weight in kg. only 40 mm of height and indicated for doors with weight of up to 100 kg.‐ komplit set  (+ Door strap.  Presented in two power versions: EN 2 and EN 4.Delayed action. 0 Dimensions in mm Length 306 306 306 Width 108 108 108 Height 040 040 040 Door closer tested to EN 1154 mark for building products (products with factory‐fitted hold‐open do not carry a mark) Option  Brosure 1) For applications involving particularly high or heavy doors. approx. and doors which have to close against wind or draught conditions. 5.1 3.   DATA & FEATURE  Spring strength (EN) 3 4 6 1–4 Spring strength adjustment Standard and ≤ 1950 mm  external doors1) ≤ 1100 mm ≤ 1400 mm Fire and smoke check doors Max. leaf weight (kg) 120 Non‐handed. mechanical.0 5.2. Door stop necessary for doors which can open further than 130°.0 5. the next larger closer size or the DORMA BTS 80 should be selected. Hold‐open point 190° Weight in kg. Spring strength EN 2 EN 3 EN 4 Standard & up to1850 mm external doors up to 1950 mm–up to 1100 mm Closing speed variable by valve adjustment Backcheck . mechanic back‐check and interchangeable spindles.Delayed action adjustable by valve (selectable alternative to the hold‐open feature) Hold‐open Adjustable .Delayed action. The economic double action _________________________________________________________________________ ______ Dorma BTS 75V  Rp.DATA & FEATURE.975.15° – 0° Backcheck. Fixed 105° . suitable for single and double action doors  Closing speed 175° – 0° adjustable by valve 175° – 15° .‐ Hydraulic spring with EN 1‐4 power regulation for doors up to 1100 mm of width and 120 kg of weight. 2)Max.085.0 Dimensions in mm Length 341 285 Width 178 182 Height 160 150 Floor spring tested to EN 1154 mark for building products (products with factory‐fitted hold‐open do not carry a CE mark)  Brosure   1) For particularly heavy doors and doors which have to close .Coverplate cement box secured to floor spring  Weight in kg 7. Versatile: adjustable speed.Fixed 90°. opening 130°. the BTS 80 F has a wide choice of functions such as electro‐magnetic hold‐open (EMB).000.0 Dimensions in mm Length 341 285 Width 178 182 Height 160 150 Floor spring tested to EN 1154 mark for building products (products with factory‐fitted hold‐open do not carry a CE mark)      Brosure 1) For particularly heavy doors and doors which have to close against wind resistance.Delayed action adjustable by valve (selectable alternative to the hold‐open feature) Hold‐open Adjustable .811.400.‐ / set  (Door strap. mechanical. _____________________________________________________________________________ Dorma BTS 80 Rp.275. Insert Button. we recommend the DORMA BTS 80 ______________________________________________________________________________ ACCESORIES Accesories Floor Hinge  BTS Rp. we recommend the DORMA BTS 80.Fixed 90° Fixed 105° .15° – 0° Backcheck.4. PT21)   .Coverplate cement box secured to floor spring  Weight in kg 7. free swing (FLB) and a fully concealed door coordinating version for double doors (BSR)   DATA & FEATURE  Spring strength (EN) 3 4 6 1–4 Spring strength adjustment Standard and ≤ 1950 mm  external doors1) ≤ 1100 mm ≤ 1400 mm Fire and smoke check doors Max. suitable for single and double action doors  Closing speed 175° – 0° adjustable by valve 175° – 15° . leaf weight (kg) 300 Non‐handed.1 3.against wind resistance.‐ Especially designed for fire doors. Whether non‐lockable or prepared for Europrofile cylinders – DORMA’s ARCOS Office fittings have a long and successful track record. correspondingly thicker and thinner gaskets are available.  Brosure DORMA Universal Patch Fittings  . Day in. they also offer considerable scope for creativity.Floor spring accessories:for single action aluminium doorsfor flush‐ closing doorsfor rebated doorsfor single action steel doorsfor butt hung doorsfor double actionfor steel. And with an extensive range of finishes and colors. ______________________________________________________________________________ _ DORMA Studio Rondo Fittings Fittings for toughened glass internal doors Studio‐Rondo exude charm and neatness with their simple. aluminium and timber doors ______________________________________________________________________________ DORMA ARCOS Office Glass Door Fittings Toughened glass door fittings ARCOS Office glass door fittings are able to withstand heavy usage.10  These fittings are supplied as standard with gasket to suit 10 mm glass. the DORMA Universal range of patch fittings enables the realisation in creation of toughened glass constructions of almost any conceivable design. particularly in the project sector. For 8 mm and 12 mm glass. uncluttered lines. ______________________________________________________________________________ _  DORMA Universal Patch Fittings Universal patch fittings for toughened safety glass assemblies With its broad spectrum of basic types and variants. and with double or single action doors in single‐leaf or double‐leaf designs DORMA Universal Patch Fittings PT. day out. ARCOS combines proven functionality with aesthetic elegance. aluminium and timber doors Floor spring accessories: ‐for single action aluminium doors ‐for flush‐closing doors ‐for rebated doors ‐for single action steel doors ‐for butt hung doors ‐for double action ‐for steel. thus serving to enhance the inherent beauty and character of toughened glass doors. Toughened glass assemblies can be provided with fixed parts components in widely differing arrangements ‐ with corner fittings or fin fittings at different angles.    Call UNIVERSAL & ON‐EAZI Patch Fittings & Assemblies ______________________________________________________________________________ ___ DORMA ARCOS Universal Patch Fittings . For 8 mm and 12 mm glass.700.400.700.623. 1.PT.  Call UNIVERSAL & ON‐EAZI Patch Fittings & Assemblies DORMA TYPE PT 41 PSS COVER Rp.‐ UNIVERSAL & ON‐EAZI Patch Fittings & Assemblies DORMA TYPE PT 20 PSS COVER  Rp.600.247.  Brosure DORMA TYPE PT 10 PSS COVER Rp. correspondingly thicker and thinner gaskets are available.623.‐ UNIVERSAL & ON‐EAZI Patch Fittings & Assemblies DORMA TYPE PT 40 PSS COVER Rp.831.‐ UNIVERSAL & ON‐EAZI Patch Fittings & Assemblies DORMA TYPE PT 30 PSS COVER Rp.10 These fittings are supplied as standard with gasket to suit 10 mm glass.‐ UNIVERSAL & ON‐EAZI Patch Fittings & Assemblies DORMA TYPE PATCH LOCK US 20 + CYLINER Rp. Solid brass hinges are available in polished chrome and satin stainless steel finises. yet fuctional. fin fittings for particularly large systems – with the curved arc motif of the ARCOS design incorporated in each component. ______________________________________________________________________________ __   TYPE PATCH FITTING ______________________________________________________________________________ SHOWER HINGE DORMA S1000 Shower Hinge ‐ Elegance meets functionality Impressively elegant. All S1000 shower hinge are non handed and self‐closing.‐/pasang Details • Suitable for toughened glass doors 8 mm thick and 800 mm wide • Panel weight must not exceed 45 kg per pair of hinges • Door closes automatically from 25º from closing point • Fixings included • Bras  Brosure . Wall To Glass Rp. DORMA S1000 shower hinge are designed for framless glass shower doors up to 900mm wide and a maximum of 45Kg in weight.635. The stylish.000.Patch fittings for toughened glass assemblies ARCOS Universal – Patch fittings and connector hardware for overpanels and sidelights. The are suitable for double‐action doors. and glass thicknesses of 8 and 10 mm The S1000 shower hinges mechanism keeps the door securely closed to ensure optimum protection against spraying water. S1000. 5kg Respectively. it also provides the feauture of a self‐ closing door and keeps the door closes tightly against the strike jamb. S2000 hinge are non‐handed. The mechanism used in S2000 hinge has bees proven to give troble‐free service. spring‐loaded and are available for single and double‐action doors. tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.  harga belum termasuk pengiriman dan pemasangan. powder‐coated finishes are available on request. _________________________________________________________________________________________ DORMA PHA2000 PHB 3000 Advanced. DORMA is able to offer a comprehensive range of high‐quality panic .984. Value‐for‐money desain for today's modern home Dorma S2000 shower hinge are manufactured to exacting standards using quality material the solid brass hinge are available in polished and satin crome finises.‐/pasang  Details • Suitable for toughened glass doors 8‐12 mm thick and 800 mm wide • Panel weight must not exceed 45 kg per pair of hinges • Door closes automatically from 25º from closing point • Fixings included • Brass   Brosure  ________________________________________________________________________ SHOWER HINGE S6000 Catatan : update 12 mei 2014 harga sewaktu‐waktu dapat berubah. S2000 Wall To Glass  Rp.1.182.‐/pasang  Details • Suitable for toughened glass doors 8‐12 mm thick and 800 mm wide • Panel weight must not exceed 45 kg per pair of hinges • Door closes automatically from 25º from closing point • Fixings included • Brass     Brosure _________________________________________________________________________ S2000 ‐ An Attractive. Glass To Glass  Rp.250.1.880. Glass To Glass  Rp.955. high‐spec crossbar fittings for emergency exit doors With this system.370.‐/pasang Details • Suitable for toughened glass doors 8 mm thick and 800 mm wide • Panel weight must not exceed 45 kg per pair of hinges • Door closes automatically from 25º from closing point • Fixings included • Bras  Brosur _____________________________________________________________________________________  S2000._____________________________________________________________________ S1000. All S2000 hinges are desained for door of maximum width and weight of 900 mm and 4. Practical panic hardware for many door situations With the series PHA 2000 crossbar and the series PHB 3000 pushbar combined with the universally applicable PHT external fittings. All products meet the requirements of Annex ZA to EN 1125 and are therefore qualified to bear the mark of conformity. shopping malls. DORMA is able to offer a range suitable not only for narrow stile doors but also timber and similar full‐face doors. DORMA is able to offer a comprehensive range of high‐quality panic hardware fittings with horizontal and vertical locking for doors in emergency exits and escape routes– applications in which safety. hotels and administrative buildings. reliability and aesthetic attractiveness are indispensable requirements. concert halls. universities and schools. This ensures that the latch is extremely easy to mount and that the door is also securely locked.750 Product features Non‐handed For horizontal and vertical panic lock mechanisms Easy adjustment to different door widths and heights Also for doors in all glass or framed assemblies Electrical functions for special applications Universal use of PHT external fittings ______________________________________________________________________________ _ DORMA PHB 3000 Pushbar Fittings .hardware fittings with horizontal and vertical locking for doors in emergency exits and escape routes– applications in which safety. reliability and aesthetic attractiveness are indispensable requirements. HARGA Rp. high‐spec crossbar fittings for emergency exit doors With this system. The wide security latchbolt engages in a keeper that is normally mounted on the frame. Quality tested The Panic Hardware products of the series DORMA PHA 2000 and PHB 3000 have been tested to and certified compliant with EN 1125. DORMA’s PHA and PHB products These cover in full the hardware requirements that arise in public‐frequented facilities such as hospitals. Benefits for the trade/distributor Modular system for reduced stocking requirement Non‐handed Universal use of PHT external fittings Benefits for the installer/fabricator Straightforward fixing Easy adjustment to different door widths and heights Benefits for the architect/specifier For horizontal and vertical panic lock mechanisms External fitting with DORMA bespoke lever handle or knob Electrical functions for special applications Benefits for the user Simple operation Excellent quality ensures long lifespan Universal electric strike ______________________________________________________________________________ DORMA PHA 2000 Crossbar Fittings Advanced.3.314. .229. DORMA is able to offer a comprehensive range of high‐quality panic hardware fittings with horizontal and vertical locking for doors in emergency exits and escape routes– applications in which safety.Advanced.100 Product features Non‐handed For horizontal and vertical panic lock mechanisms Electrical functions for special applications Straightforward fixing Easy adjustment to different door widths and heights Universal use of PHT external fittings ______________________________________________________________________________ Diposkan oleh setia abadi di 07..4.. Beri komentar sebagai:  Publikasikan   Nofella Wahyudin (Google) Keluar   Beri tahu saya Pratinjau Beranda Langganan: Poskan Komentar (Atom) Template Simple. high‐spec pushbar fittings for emergency exit doors With this system.04 Rekomendasikan ini di Google Tidak ada komentar: Poskan Komentar Masukkan komentar Anda. reliability and aesthetic attractiveness are indispensable requirements. HARGA Rp. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.
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