
March 17, 2018 | Author: Amaruch Benali | Category: Gsm, Duplex (Telecommunications), Data Transmission, Networks, Electrical Engineering



HandoverGBSS13.0 Feature Parameter Description Issue 04 Date 2012-06-30 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: [email protected] GSM BSS Handover Contents Contents GSM BSS ............................................................................................................................................i Handover ............................................................................................................................................i Feature Parameter Description ....................................................................................................i Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved. .............................i Trademarks and Permissions .......................................................................................................i Notice ..................................................................................................................................................i Contents .............................................................................................................................................i 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2 Intended Audience ........................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.3 Change History.............................................................................................................................. 1-1 Document Issues .........................................................................................................................1-1 04 (2012-06-30) ..............................................................................................................................1-1 03 (2011-10-30) ..............................................................................................................................1-2 02 (2011-07-15) ..............................................................................................................................1-2 01 (2011-03-31) ..............................................................................................................................1-3 Draft A (2011-01-15) ......................................................................................................................1-3 2 Overview .....................................................................................................................................2-1 Figure 2-1 Procedure for performing Huawei handover algorithms ..............................2-1 Handover Decision Based on Handover Algorithm I ..........................................................2-1 Figure 2-2 Procedure of handover decision based on handover algorithm I ..............2-2 Figure 2-3 Handover decisions based on handover algorithm I .....................................2-4 Handover Decision Based on Handover Algorithm II.........................................................2-4 Figure 2-4 Procedure of handover decision based on handover algorithm II .............2-5 Figure 2-5 Handover decisions based on handover algorithm II ....................................2-6 Handover Execution ....................................................................................................................2-6 Synchronous Handover and Asynchronous Handover .....................................................2-6 3 Technical Description ..............................................................................................................3-1 3.1 Measurement Report Processing.................................................................................................. 3-1 Table 3-1 Parameters related to the number of MRs ..........................................................3-2 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i GSM BSS Handover Contents 3.2 Handover Preprocessing ............................................................................................................... 3-2 Handover Penalty .........................................................................................................................3-2 3.3 Forced Handover........................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.4 Handover Decision Based on Handover Algorithm I ..................................................................... 3-7 3.4.1 Quick Handover .................................................................................................................... 3-8 3.4.2 TA Handover ......................................................................................................................... 3-9 3.4.3 BQ Handover ...................................................................................................................... 3-10 3.4.4 Rapid Level Drop Handover ................................................................................................3-11 3.4.5 Interference Handover ........................................................................................................ 3-12 3.4.6 Handover Due to No Downlink Measurement Report ........................................................ 3-13 Trigger Conditions .....................................................................................................................3-13 3.4.7 Enhanced Dual-Band Network Handover .......................................................................... 3-14 Trigger Conditions for a Handover Due to High Load in the Underlaid Cell ..............3-14 3.4.8 Load Handover ................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.4.9 Enhanced Load Handover .................................................................................................. 3-21 Trigger Conditions for an Enhanced Load Handover ......................................................3-21 3.4.10 Edge Handover................................................................................................................. 3-22 Trigger Conditions .....................................................................................................................3-22 3.4.11 Fast-Moving Micro Cell Handover .................................................................................... 3-23 Figure 3-7 Fast-moving micro cell handover ......................................................................3-24 3.4.12 Inter-Layer Handover........................................................................................................ 3-25 Trigger Conditions .....................................................................................................................3-25 3.4.13 PBGT Handover ............................................................................................................... 3-27 Trigger Conditions .....................................................................................................................3-27 3.4.14 AMR Handover ................................................................................................................. 3-28 3.4.15 SDCCH Handover ............................................................................................................ 3-29 3.4.16 Other Handovers .............................................................................................................. 3-30 3.5 Handover Decision Based on Handover Algorithm II .................................................................. 3-30 Figure 3-10 Handovers with high priority ............................................................................3-31 3.5.1 Quick Handover .................................................................................................................. 3-32 Limitations ...................................................................................................................................3-34 3.5.2 TA Handover ....................................................................................................................... 3-34 Trigger Conditions .....................................................................................................................3-34 3.5.3 BQ Handover ...................................................................................................................... 3-35 3.5.4 Interference Handover ........................................................................................................ 3-36 3.5.5 Handover Due to No Downlink Measurement Report ........................................................ 3-37 Trigger Conditions .....................................................................................................................3-37 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii ..................................... 5-1 Impact on Network Performance ....................................................... 5-1 Impact on System Capacity .............................................................................5.5-1 5....................................................5-1 5............................5-1 5..................................................................................................8 Edge Handover............................................ 3-41 Figure 3-13 Fast-moving micro cell handover ........................................................5-1 5..... 3-40 3......................................................1 HUAWEI I Handover and HUAWEI II Handover .......................................5.................................................................................................5-2 5...............................................................................4 Processing of Measurement Report......................5................................................................................. 3-46 3............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5........................64 .....................................................................3-38 3.................... 3-46 4 Related Features ...............................................................................................................................................................11 Handover Between a Full-Rate TCH and a Half-Rate TCH ................ 3-44 Trigger Conditions for an AMR TCHF-TCHH Handover ................................. 5-1 Impact on System Capacity ................................................ 5-1 Impact on System Capacity ................................... 5-2 Impact on System Capacity ......... Ltd.................................................................................................................10 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment...................................................3-44 3................................................................6 Enhanced Dual-Band Network Handover .........2 Direct Retry ........... 5-2 Impact on System Capacity ..................................................... 5-1 Impact on System Capacity .................................................3-42 3............................................ 5-2 Impact on System Capacity ..............................................................................................................7 Chain Cell Handover ....................................................................3-43 SS_DL(N) ...............................................................................5....................................9 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation .................................5-3 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co............5 Pre-processing of Measurement Report .5-2 5........5-1 5..................................5-2 5...5-1 5...6 Fast Move Handover .................................... 3-43 Trigger Conditions .....5-2 5...................7 Load Handover ........................12 SDCCH Handover .................8 BTS power lift for handover ...................... 3-37 Trigger Conditions for a Handover Due to High Load in the Underlaid Cell .... 3-40 3....................................................................... iii ...............................................................................................................5..........3-45 3.....................................................................SS_DL(S) > H ..10 Better-Cell Handover .........................................................GSM BSS Handover Contents 3..........................................................4-1 5 Impact on the Network ..................................................................................................................................13 Other Handovers .....................................................................................................................................................9 Fast-Moving Micro Cell Handover ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5-3 Impact on System Capacity ...3 SDCCH Handover ..................... 5-2 Impact on System Capacity .................................5........................................................................5................ ........................2............ 6-3 6.......................................4 SDCCH Handover ........................................................................2 Information to Be Collected ................. 6-2 6.........................7 Fast Move Handover .............7-1 8 Counters ............2...........1.................2 HUAWEI II Handover ...1........................................................................... 6-1 6.........................................1 HUAWEI I Handover ............... 6-2 6.....11 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Feature Deployment ..................................9 BTS power lift for handover ................................................2..........................3 Direct Retry .............................................GSM BSS Handover Contents 6 Engineering Guidelines...........................................................1 When to Use Handover .........................1..............11 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment .............................2......................1...........................................8-1 9 Glossary .........10 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation Feature Deployment ..........................................................................................................................10 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation.......................................................................................................................................... 6-3 6.........................................................2......................1................................................................................ 6-3 6.................................................................4 SDCCH Handover ...1........................................................ 6-3 6..............9 Chain Cell Handover Feature Deployment ......................................3 Direct Retry . iv ................................... 6-1 6...........................5 HUAWEI II Handover Feature Deployment................................ 6-3 6...................................7 Fast Move Handover ........... 6-1 6.............................................4 HUAWEI I Handover Feature Deployment ........2............................................................................ 6-3 6...............................................................................................................................6-1 6............................................ 6-2 6.......................3 Network Planning .......................................................................... 6-1 6........................................................................... 6-2 6.........11 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment .............................................................................................................10-1 [1] 3GPP TS 08............................6 Direct Retry Feature Deployment........................................1 HUAWEI I Handover ..1......... 6-3 6........................................................................................................5 Processing of Measurement Report .............................................. 6-1 6............ 6-2 6.... 6-2 6............................................................................................................2......... 6-2 6............................................................. 6-2 6.............................................................. 6-1 6...............................................1........................................1...... 6-3 6......... 6-2 6..........................................2.10-1 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co...........................................................................1......................................................................8 Fast Move Handover Feature Deployment ................................................Base Transceiver Station (BCS-BTS) Interface Layer 3 Specification .................... 6-4 7 Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-2 6...............................................................................................................................................6 Pre-processing of Measurement Report .......................................2...........................9 BTS power lift for handover ............................................5 Processing of Measurement Report ....................................... 6-1 6..................................................................6 Pre-processing of Measurement Report ............... 6-1 6..........10 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation........................................... 6-3 6...............................................................................1............... Ltd.......................................................................8 Chain Cell Handover ............2......... 6-2 6....... 6-1 6..... 6-1 6........................7 Pre-processing of Measurement Report Feature Deployment ...........................................2..58 Base Station Controller ......................................2 HUAWEI II Handover .............................................................. 6-1 6.......... 6-3 6............9-1 10 Reference Documents ...8 Chain Cell Handover ........ GSM BSS Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Contents Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. v .. Compared with issue 03 (2011-10-30). 1-1 . issue 04 (2012-06-30) incorporates the changes described in the following table..0. This document is intended for:  Personnel working on Huawei GSM products or systems  System operators who need a general understanding of this feature 1.2 "Handover Preprocessing. which are defined as follows:  Feature change: refers to a change in the Handover feature of a specific product version. For details.  Editorial change: refers to a change in wording or the addition of the information that was not described in the earlier version. see "Network Characteristics Adjustment" in section 3. Document Issues The document issues are as follows:  04 (2012-06-30)  03 (2011-10-30)  02 (2011-07-15)  01 (2011-03-31)  Draft A (2011-01-15) 04 (2012-06-30) This is the fourth official release of GBSS13.1 Scope This document describes the overall procedure of Huawei handover algorithms and the specific handover decisions.GSM BSS Handover 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1." Issue 04 (2012-06-30) None Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.2 Intended Audience It is assumed that users of this document are familiar with GSM basics and have a working knowledge of GSM telecommunication.3 Change History The change history provides information on the changes in different document versions. 1. Change Type Change Description Parameter Change Feature change None None Editorial change  Optimized the description about network characteristics adjustment. There are two types of changes. 4. For details. For details. 1-2 ."  Added the following chapters: Parameter Change ."  Added the formula for calculating the TCH usage and flowchart for the load handover process. see section 3.5 "Impact on the Network" .4.. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. see section 3. Ltd. see section 3. For details.4.12 "Inter-Layer Handover.0. Change Type Change Description Parameter Change Feature change None None Editorial change Added the synchronous handover and asynchronous handover. Added the following parameters: DIRMAGANSITEFLAG FRAMEOFFSET 02 (2011-07-15) This is the second official release of GBSS13.GSM BSS Handover Change Type 1 Introduction Change Description  Added the flowchart for the interference handover process.8 "Load Handover. Compared with issue 01 (2011-03-31).6 "Engineering Guidelines" 03 (2011-10-30) This is the third official release of GBSS13. issue 02 (2011-07-15) incorporates the changes described in the following table. issue 03 (2011-10-30) incorporates the changes described in the following table."  Added the flowchart for the inter-layer handover process.5 "Interference Handover.4 "Related Features" .0 Compared with issue 02 (2011-07-15).  Ensure that an MS properly entering an indoor cell can be successfully handed over to an indoor cell with severe signal leakage. inter-layer handover.  Ensure that an MS properly leaving an indoor cell can be successfully handed over from an indoor cell with severe signal leakage.0.GSM BSS Handover 1 Introduction Change Type Change Description Parameter Change Feature change Modified the trigger conditions for an edge handover. Draft A (2011-01-15) This is the draft release of GBSS13. 1-3 . and Power Budget (PBGT) handover in handover algorithm I.. None EDOUTHOADEN NCELLPUNEN NCELLPUNTM NCELLPUNLEV NCELLPUNSTPTH None 01 (2011-03-31) This is the first official release of GBSS13. Compared with issue Draft A (2011-01-15). EDOUTHOOFFSET The modifications aim to:  Editorial change Prevent a passing MS under the coverage of an outdoor macro cell from being mistakenly handed over to an indoor cell with severe signal leakage. The following parameters are new: Modified the trigger conditions for an edge handover and a better-cell handover in handover algorithm II. Ltd. issue 01 (2011-03-31) incorporates no change.0. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The BSC determines whether to trigger a handover based on the MRs and the actual conditions of the radio network. The handover technique is introduced into the GSM system to enable the users who are in motion to continue with the current call without interruption.. Huawei handover algorithms apply to the handovers on TCHs as well as the handovers on SDCCHs. record the measurement results into measurement reports (MRs). and handover execution. Figure 2-1 Procedure for performing Huawei handover algorithms Start MS in connection state MS performs measurement and MR reporting BSS performs MR processing Handover decision based on handover algorithm Handover execution End Handover Decision Based on Handover Algorithm I Figure 2-2 shows the procedure of handover decision based on handover algorithm I. and then send the MRs to the BSC. handover decision. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Huawei handover algorithms (handover algorithm I and handover algorithm II) involve measurement and MR reporting. MR processing.GSM BSS Handover 2 Overview 2 Overview The GSM network comprises multiple cells with continuous coverage. optimizing the network performance. During a handover. Ltd. Figure 2-1shows the procedure for performing Huawei handover algorithms (including handover algorithm I and handover algorithm II). 2-1 . You can determine the handover algorithm used in a cell by HOCTRLSWITCH. the MS and BTS in service measure the conditions of uplink and downlink radio links respectively. . 2-2 .GSM BSS Handover 2 Overview Figure 2-2 Procedure of handover decision based on handover algorithm I Start No downlink measurement report handover decision MS starts minimum interval protection Whether minimum interval protection of consecutive handovers times out? No Yes Handover preprocessing Handover penalty Basic queuing Network characteristics adjustment Forced handover Quick handover No Whether minimum interval protection of handover times out? Yes Other handover decisions Determines target cell according to 2G/3G priority selection conditions and corresponding thresholds Starts minimum interval protection of consecutive handovers End Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. the resources in the overlaid (OL) DCS1800 cell and underlaid (UL) GSM900 cell can be shared during the assignment and handover procedures.  Normal handover. That is. Normal handover ensures good services when an MS is moving. an emergency handover has a bigger deviation than other handovers in terms of the selection of the target cell. Quick handover is mainly applicable in the railway scenario. An emergency handover can ensure the call continuity when the radio condition severely deteriorates. Figure 2-3 shows the handovers provided in Figure 2-2 and their priorities in handover algorithm I. the calls in the high-traffic GSM900 cell can be handed over to the low-traffic DCS1800 cell to balance traffic. frequent emergency handovers should be avoided. five types of handover decisions are defined:  Quick handover (including quick PBGT handover and frequency offset handover). In an enhanced dual-band network. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.  Enhanced dual-band network handover.  Emergency handover.GSM BSS Handover 2 Overview In handover algorithm I. Good and stable services can be provided when the voice quality deteriorates during the fast movement of an MS. Ltd.. In a normal cell. Load handover enables the system load to be balanced among multiple cells so that the system performance can be ensured. Theoretically.  Load handover. 2-3 . Ltd.. 2-4 .GSM BSS Handover 2 Overview Figure 2-3 Handover decisions based on handover algorithm I Emergency handover TA handover Interference handover Rapid level drop handover BQ handover Starts protection timer after emergency handover is triggered. Enhanced dual-band network handover Load handover Normal handover Edge handover Fast-moving micro cell handover Inter-layer handover PBGT handover Concentric cell handover AMR handover 3G better cell handover TIGHT BCCH handover Handover Decision Based on Handover Algorithm II Figure 2-4 shows the procedure of handover decision based on handover algorithm II. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.GSM BSS Handover 2 Overview Figure 2-4 Procedure of handover decision based on handover algorithm II Start No downlink measurement report handover decision MS starts minimum interval protection Whether minimum interval protection of consecutive handovers times out? No Yes Handover preprocessing Basic queuing Network characteristics adjustment (some factors) Forced handover Handover penalty Quick handover (emergency handover) No Whether minimum interval protection of consecutive handovers times out? Yes Emergency handover (not including quick handover) Load handover decision Network characteristics adjustment (all factors) Other handover decisions Performs comprehensive decision of handover result and determines candidate neighbor cell Starts minimum interval protection of consecutive handovers End Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. 2-5 . The BSC maximizes the transmit power of the BTS before sending a handover command to the MS. the BSC also performs asynchronous handovers for intra-BTS inter-cell handovers when the following conditions are met:  DIRMAGANSITEFLAG is set to YES. frame offset is configured for the source cell or target cell.  FRAMEOFFSET is set to a value other than 0 or 255. the BSC performs synchronous handovers for intra-BTS inter-cell or intra-cell handovers and performs asynchronous handovers for inter-BTS handovers. However. Figure 2-5 Handover decisions based on handover algorithm II Emergency handover Quick handover Intra-cell handover Interference handover TA handover Concentric cell handover BQ handover AMR handover Edge handover Handover between a fullrate TCH and a half-rate TCH Inter-cell handover Fast-moving micro cell handover Enhanced dual-band network handover Better cell handover 3G better cell handover TIGHT BCCH handover Handover Execution The BTS power lift for handover function determines whether the BTS of the serving cell transmits signals at the maximum power during a handover. That is. That is.GSM BSS Handover 2 Overview In handover algorithm II. three types of handover decisions are defined.  The source cell or target cell is a multi-site cell. (GBFD-117101 BTS power lift for handover) Synchronous Handover and Asynchronous Handover The BSC supports both synchronous handovers and asynchronous handovers. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. as shown in Figure 2-5. The BSC maintains the BTS power during the handover to ensure the success of the handover. a repeater is configured for the source cell or target cell. Ltd. 2-6 . Generally..  If BTSMESRPTPREPROC is set to No. The averaging minimizes the effect on the result of handover decision due to sudden changes in the measurement values.  If MRs are not issued continuously and the number of lost MRs is greater than the value of MRMISSCOUNT. the processing is performed on the BTS side. This decreases the signaling traffic on the Abis interface and the traffic volume processed by the BSC. they are directly added to the MR list. The lowest values are applied to the interpolation of MRs by the handover algorithm II according to the protocols. received signal code power (RSCP).  If MRs are issued continuously. and MRPREPROCFREQ. and Ec/No of neighboring 3G cell. Averaging is performed on uplink/downlink receive level.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description 3 Technical Description 3. By setting the parameters PRIMMESPPT.1 Measurement Report Processing This section describes the features GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report and GBFD-110802 Pre-processing of Measurement Report. If no MR is reported because the receive level in the neighboring cell is too low. Measurement report processing involves measurement report interpolation and filtering. Measurement Report Filtering Filtering is performed on MRs obtained continuously from the MR list. that is. the TCH measurement of the serving cell is classified into FULL SET and SUB SET. neighboring 2G cell level. BTS power. level 0 (–110 dBm) is applied in the interpolation.  If BTSMESRPTPREPROC is set to Yes. If you compare the receive level of the serving cell after the power control with Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Common Pilot Channel (CPICH). The parameter MEASURETYPE determines the type to be used. In an MR. When new MRs are issued. the processing is performed on the BSC side. NE Selection for Measurement Report Processing The processing can be performed either on the BSC side or on the BTS side. Data Selection for Measurement Report MRs can be classified into enhanced MRs and normal MRs. Timing Advance (TA). the system performs operations as follows: − For the serving cell. BSMSPWRLEV. 3-1 . level 0 (–110 dBm) and quality 7 are applied in the interpolation. the previous MRs are discarded. Then. the uplink and downlink measurement results are obtained from the MRs. calculation is done again. − For the neighboring cell. the handover algorithm I performs the linear interpolation for the MRs. Ltd. uplink/downlink receive quality. Power control compensation needs to be performed for the downlink receive level of the serving cell by the handover algorithm II.. Radio Quality Indication (RQI). level 0 (–110 dBm) is applied in the interpolation. the lowest value is applied to the lost level value according to the protocols.  If MRs are not issued continuously and the number of lost MRs is smaller than the value of MRMISSCOUNT. that is. you can specify the contents of the MRs to be provided and the period during which the MRs are provided. Measurement Report Interpolation The neighboring cell indexes are found on the basis of the BCCH ARFCNs and BSICs provided by the MS. In handover algorithm II. the handover penalty is also performed after successful or failed load handover and interference handover. The handover penalty is performed after successful fast-moving micro cell handover.. the handover is easily triggered. Table 3-1 Parameters related to the number of MRs Measurement Object Channel Type Parameter Receive level of the serving cell SDCCH NSIGSTRFLTLEN TCH SSLENSD SDCCH QLENSI TCH DATAQUAFLTLEN TCH TAFLTLEN SDCCH TASIGSTRFLTLEN BCCH NCELLFLTLEN SDCCH NSIGSTRFLTLEN Power of the BTS in the serving cell TCH DATASTRFLTLEN RQI TCH QLENSD Quality of the serving cell TA of the serving cell Receive level of the neighboring cell If consecutive MRs are insufficient. 3-2 . After the power control compensation is performed.  After a quick handover. In general. Ltd. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The power control compensation of the serving cell is performed after the interpolation processing and before the filtering processing. in addition to the situations mentioned above. In situations where the cells overlap severely. timing advance (TA) handover. the system performs handover preprocessing and adjusts the priorities of neighboring cells. 3. the penalty level is subtracted from the actual receive level of the original cell during the penalty period. the handover penalty is performed after the network characteristics adjustment and before the emergency handover decision. and after the handover failures. the compensation of power control is calculated by adding the downlink receive level of the serving cell and twice the current downlink transmit POWL of the BTS. See Table 3-1 for details.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description that of all BCCH TRXs of the neighboring cell. The number of consecutive MRs required for filtering is determined by the measurement object and channel type. the filtering fails. the receive level of the serving cell can reflect the coverage condition of the BCCH TRX of the serving cell. Table 3-2 lists the parameters related to handover penalty.2 Handover Preprocessing Handover Penalty According to the neighboring cell information in an MR and the parameters. BQ handover. there is no mapping between them. In handover decision procedure of handover algorithm II. OL subcell to UL subcell handover within an enhanced concentric cell. TA handover. fast-moving micro cell handover. causing the ping-pong handover. Bad Quality (BQ) handover. or load handover (in handover algorithm II) is successfully performed. The handover decision is not performed. 3-3 . − If a UL subcell to OL subcell handover within a concentric cell fails. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the handover to this neighboring cell is prohibited. usage of TCHs in the neighboring cells. it cannot initiate another intra-cell AMR TCHF to TCHH handover within TIMEAMRFHPUNISH. Based on the handover failure cause. and so on. if an MS in an external BSC cell occupies an SDCCH and INRBSCSDHOEN is set to No. the actual receive level of the target cell is subtracted by FAILSIGSTRPUNISH for neighboring cell ranking during the penalty. different penalties are performed on the target cell based on the causes: − If a handover to a neighboring 2G or 3G cell fails. RSCPENALTYTIMER. the handover from UL cell to OL cell is not allowed within HOPENALTYTIME. Related parameters are SDPUNVAL and SPEEDPUNISHT. Ltd.  In handover algorithm II. this cell should be removed from the candidate cell list. In other words. or PENALTYTIMER.  In the case of non-directed retry. the handover from OL subcell to UL subcell is not allowed within TIMEOTOUFAILPUN. the penalty time could be UMPENALTYTIMER. that is. − If an OL subcell to UL subcell handover within a concentric cell fails.  After an OL subcell to UL subcell handover within an enhanced concentric cell is successful. the handover from UL subcell to OL subcell is not allowed within TIMEUTOOFAILPUN. this handover is not allowed to be initiated again within INTERFEREHOPENTIME regardless of whether the handover is successful or not.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Table 3-2 Parameters related to handover penalty Handover Parameter Quick handover TIMEPUNISH HOPUNISHVALUE TA Handover SSTAPUNISH TIMETAPUNISH BQ Handover SSBQPUNISH TIMEBQPUNISH Load handover (handover algorithm II) LOADHOPENTIME LOADHOPENVALUE  After a fast-moving micro cell handover is successfully performed. the handover to this external BSC cell is prohibited..  If a neighboring 2G cell and the serving cell are controlled by the same BSC and the TCH usage of the neighboring cell is 100%. the handover from UL subcell to OL subcell is not allowed within UTOOHOPENTIME. after the interference handover is initiated. hysteresis.  After a handover fails. penalty is performed on all the neighboring cells of the micro cell. Basic Ranking Basic ranking is performed after handover penalty to generate a candidate cell list in descending order taking the following information into account: receive levels of the serving cell and neighboring cells carried in the MRs. the neighboring cell should be removed from the candidate cell list.  If an MS fails to initiate an intra-cell adaptive multirate (AMR) TCHF to TCHH handover.  After an OL cell to UL cell handover in the enhanced dual-band network is successful. that is.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  If the downlink receive level of a neighboring 2G cell is smaller than the sum of HOCDCMINDWPWR and MINOFFSET.  Calculate the difference between the downlink receive level of the neighboring cells and the downlink receive level of the serving cell. the handover to this neighboring cell is prohibited. During network characteristic adjustment. the neighboring cell should be removed from the candidate cell list. In handover algorithm II. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.  If a neighboring 3G cell is a frequency division duplex (FDD) cell. After load handover penalty. Load handover penalty is performed before network characteristics adjustment and after an emergency handover. that is. the following factors are considered based on their priorities from high to low:  Whether the serving cell and a neighboring cell share the same BSC or MSC  Load in a cell  Layer where a cell is located After performing basic ranking on all candidate cells based on their priorities. Network Characteristics Adjustment Factors considered during network characteristics adjustment have higher priorities than those considered during basic ranking. the neighboring cell should be removed from the candidate cell list. After the emergency handover decision. The candidate cells are ranked based on their priorities from high to low. that is. Therefore. the neighboring cell should be removed from the candidate cell list. LOADHOPENVALUE is subtracted from the signal level of the original cell within the time specified by LOADHOPENTIME if the load handover is successful. the handover to this neighboring cell is prohibited. the signal level of the target cell changes. all handover decisions are made after handover penalty. After network characteristics adjustment. the handover to this neighboring cell is prohibited. that is. 3. the handover to this neighboring cell is prohibited..3 Forced Handover A forced handover does not require a handover decision. − If FDDREP is set to RSCP. 3-4 . the network characteristics need to be readjusted. the neighboring cell should be removed from the candidate cell list. Based on the difference. the BSC generates a final candidate cell list (including the serving cell and neighboring cells). and the Ec/No of a neighboring cell is smaller than MINECNOTHRES. the handover to this neighboring cell is prohibited. basic ranking. that is.  If a neighboring 3G cell is a time division duplex (TDD) cell and the RSCP after penalty is smaller than the MINRSCPTHRES. the BSC ranks these cells again to determine their comprehensive priorities. the BSC starts the handover decision procedure. the neighboring cell should be removed from the candidate cell list. In handover algorithm 1. the cell is processed according to FDDREP: − If FDDREP is set to Ec/N0. and the received signal code power (RSCP) of a neighboring cell is smaller than MINRSCPTHRES. the emergency handover decision is made before network characteristics adjustment and forced handover and after handover penalty (except load handover penalty) and basic ranking.  If the uplink receive level of a neighboring 2G cell is smaller than the sum of HOCDCMINUPPWR and MINOFFSET. Then. and network characteristics adjustment. Ltd. rank the neighboring cells in descending order. the BSC triggers a directed retry procedure. the BSC issues a mode modification command. the BSC issues a handover command. the MS is handed over to the target cell and part of the traffic in the serving cell is distributed to the target cell. the BSC determines an assignment mode based on the load of the serving cell. By using the directed retry. The commands issued by the BSC vary according to the procedure. If the serving cell is so overloaded that new calls cannot be admitted or admitting new calls will affect ongoing services. For a mode modification procedure. 3-5 . This ensures that no call drop occurs during the BTS maintenance.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description A forced handover is triggered in the following scenarios:  If no TCH is available in the serving cell which the MS attempts to access and DIRECTRYEN is set to Yes. For a normal assignment procedure. after the BSC receives an ASSIGN REQ message from the MSC. the BSC activates a channel and issues a channel assignment command. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.  When a BTS is under maintenance. Ltd. the BSC triggers a directed retry procedure.. (GBFD-110607 Directed Retry) Figure 3-1 shows the procedure for a directed retry decision. and directed retry procedure. the MSs served by the BTS should be handed over to the cells controlled by a functional BTS. This avoids traffic congestion in the serving cell. For a directed retry procedure. Assignment mode is categorized into normal assignment procedure. mode modification procedure. Directed Retry When the MS initiates a call. . 3-6 . Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-1 Procedure for a directed retry decision When ASSLOADJUDGEEN is set to OFF. Ltd. the BSC triggers a directed retry procedure after completing basic ranking if the load of the serving cell exceeds 100%.  When HOOPTSEL is set to Preference for 3G Cell: A neighboring 3G cell is preferred.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description As shown in Figure 3-1. directed retry is categorized into enhanced dual-band network directed retry and normal directed retry. a neighboring 3G cell is selected.4 Handover Decision Based on Handover Algorithm I This section describes the feature GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover.5. For details on the conditions of triggering an enhanced dual-band network directed retry. 3-7 . Another emergency handover decision can be performed only when NEWURGHOMININTV times out.4. emergency handover. a neighboring 3G cell is preferred. the MS can be handed over to one of multiple candidate cells by using directed retry. the MS can be handed over to only one target cell. the target cell must meet the following conditions:  The serving cell does not function as a target cell.  In handover algorithm I. HOOPTSEL specifies whether a neighboring 2G cell or a neighboring 3G cell is preferred. If the candidate cell list contains suitable neighboring 2G cells but no suitable neighboring 3G cells. In addition.  Enhanced Dual-Band Network Directed Retry In an enhanced dual-band network. two cells form a group and the MS camps on one of the two cells. According to the emergency condition of an MS in the network. enhanced dual-band network handover. load handover. If DRTAGCELLSEL is set to NO.  When HOOPTSEL is set to Preference for 2G Cell: A neighboring 2G cell is preferred. If the candidate cell list contains suitable neighboring 3G cells but no suitable neighboring 2G cells.  Load of the candidate neighboring cells ≤ DTLOADTHRED  In handover algorithm II.  When HOOPTSEL is set to Preference for 2G Cell: If the receive level of a candidate 2G cell is smaller than or equal to HOPRETH2G. the emergency handover timer NEWURGHOMININTV is started. serving cell level < receive level of neighboring cells < serving cell level + DRHOLEVRANGE. the MS is handed over to the other cell. The number of available candidate cells is controlled by HOTRYCNT. If DRTAGCELLSEL is set to YES. After the directed retry is triggered. Handover decision based on handover algorithm I involves the following procedures:  Determining whether the serving cell meets the trigger conditions  Selecting corresponding candidate cells In handover algorithm I. a neighboring 2G cell is selected.6 "Enhanced Dual-Band Network Handover. 3. Ltd.. receive level of neighboring cells ≥ MINPWRLEVDIRTRY. see sections 3. If the trigger conditions for an emergency handover are met and there is at least one candidate cell."  Target Cell Selection in a Normal Directed Retry Procedure The target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list after handover preprocessing. and normal handover. the handover decision based on handover algorithm I is made in the following order: quick handover.7 "Enhanced Dual-Band Network Handover" and 3. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The trigger conditions for a quick handover are as follows:  If the last three conditions are met simultaneously.  Quick PBGT handover Quick PBGT handover decision is made according to the path loss of neighboring cells. Quick handover applies to the scenario where an MS moves fast along an urban backbone road. Quick Handover Types Quick handover consists of frequency offset handover and quick PBGT handover. the decision is made as follows: − If the first condition is met. Quick handover aims to increase the handover success rate of an MS moving at a high speed and to ensure the call continuity and low call drop rate. Frequency offset of the MS is obtained from the uplink MR that the BTS sends to the BSC. a selected route. Frequency offset handover decision is made according to the uplink/downlink receive level of the serving cell and the path loss of neighboring cells.  Frequency offset handover Whether the MS is moving away from the serving cell is determined based on the frequency offset information provided by an MS moving at a high speed.1 Quick Handover This section describes the features GBFD-510103 Chain Cell Handover and GBFD-510102 Fast Move Handover. or a high-speed railroad. it is first determined whether the trigger conditions for a frequency offset handover are met.  The filtered uplink level of the serving cell is smaller than HOUPTRIGE. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. quick PBGT handover is triggered. For quick handover.  Alpha filtering is performed on the MR. 3-8 . provided that other conditions for a frequency offset handover are met. a frequency offset handover is performed. Trigger Conditions During handover decision. When the BTS cannot send the frequency offset information or the reported frequency offset information is invalid. If QUICKHOEN is set to Yes..GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description 3. the trigger conditions for a quick handover are as follows:  The MS is moving away from the serving cell (the frequency offset in the measurement result is a negative value) and the moving speed of the MS is greater than MOVESPEEDTHRES. the handover response speed is enhanced by:  Accurately calculating the moving speed of the MS  Lifting the restriction on the interval between handover decisions  Reducing the number of MRs for the handover decision  Introducing the alpha filtering Quick Handover Preparation The preparation for quick handover involves the following aspects:  Frequency offset is decoded from the MR.  The compensated downlink level of the serving cell is smaller than HODOWNTRIGE.  The path loss of configured chain neighboring cells is smaller than the specified threshold of the path loss of the serving cell. Ltd.4. If the number of times that the MS is handed over to neighboring cells in the same direction (B for example) is greater than or equal to HODIRLASTTIME when the handover time reaches HODIRSTATIME. The TA handover can be triggered only when the preceding two conditions are met simultaneously.. 3-9 . Target Cell Selection The target cell must be a chain neighboring cell of the serving cell. Ltd. In addition.4. The TA can be stepped up or down in steps of 553. the MS is inferred to be moving towards the B direction. If the trigger conditions for a TA handover are met but the candidate 2G cells are not suitable. The penalty time and penalty value are specified by TIMEPUNISH and HOPUNISHVALUE respectively. If all the last three conditions are not met. To forecast the moving direction of the MS.  After a quick handover is successful. Target Cell Selection The target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list after handover preprocessing.GSM BSS Handover − If  3 Technical Description the first condition is not met. The target cell can be obtained through the setting of ISCHAINNCELL. The TA value of 63 corresponds to a distance of 35 km.  Filtered TA value in the MR provided by the MS is greater than or equal to TALIMIT. TA can be regarded as a limitation to the size of a cell. the penalty is performed on the original cell during the penalty time to prevent an immediate handover back to the original cell. the target cell must meet the following conditions:  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell. a neighboring cell in the moving direction of the MS is selected preferentially. Trigger Conditions TA handover is triggered when the following conditions are met:  TAHOEN is set to Yes.  The candidate cells for quick handover must be chain neighboring cells of the serving cell. the MS is preferentially handed over to the neighboring cell whose CHAINNCELLTYPE is B. the direction of a chain neighboring cell (A or B) compared with the serving cell is specified by CHAINNCELLTYPE. a quick PBGT handover is performed.5 m. If HODIRFORECASTEN is set to Yes. a handover to the neighboring cell is prohibited. 3. the following operations are performed: Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. quick handover is not triggered.2 TA Handover TA handover is a type of emergency handover. From the perspective of the trigger conditions for a TA handover. Limitations The limitations on quick handover are as follows:  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell.  If TALIMIT of a co-site neighboring cell is smaller than or equal to the TALIMIT of the serving cell. Subsequently. The TA value of a normal cell ranges from 0 to 63 and that of an extended cell ranges from 0 to 229. The TA handover decision is made according to the TA value reported by the MS. the parameter for specifying the uplink receive quality threshold is ULQUALIMITAMRFR and the parameter for specifying the downlink receive quality threshold is DLQUALIMITAMRFR.  For AMR FR calls. the parameter for specifying the uplink receive quality threshold is ULQUALIMITAMRHR and the parameter for specifying the downlink receive quality threshold is DLQUALIMITAMRHR. the receive level of the target cell must meet the following condition: Filtered downlink receive level of the target cell > Filtered downlink receive level of the serving cell after compensation + (INTERCELLHYST of the serving cell configured for the neighboring cell . or if the MS does not support the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover.  If no neighboring 3G cell is available. the preceding condition does not need to be met. Ltd.3 BQ Handover BQ handover is a type of emergency handover in which the system makes the decision based on the uplink/downlink receive quality on the Um interface. The BQ handover is triggered when either of the preceding conditions is met.. the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover is performed. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Limitations After the TA handover is successful. the penalty is performed on the original cell.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  If a neighboring 3G cell is available.  The downlink receive quality is greater than or equal to the downlink receive quality threshold of the serving cell. the target cell must meet the following conditions:  If the target cell is a neighboring cell.4. 3. The BSC measures the quality of a radio link based on the quality band in the MR.64) (BQMARGIN . SSTAPUNISH is subtracted from the level of the original cell to prevent an immediate handover back to the original cell. The receive quality is measured in bit error rate (BER).64) In handover algorithm I. Target Cell Selection The target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list after handover preprocessing.  For AMR HR calls. 3-10 . the decision on whether to initiate another type of emergency handover is made. if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to Yes. if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to No. if there is only one cell in the candidate cell list and the cell is a neighboring cell. During TIMETAPUNISH. The probable cause of an increase in BER is that the signal power is too low or the channel interference increases. In addition. the parameter for specifying the uplink receive quality threshold is ULQUALIMIT and the parameter for specifying the downlink receive quality threshold is DLQUALIMIT. Trigger Conditions If BQHOEN is set to Yes. and if the MS supports the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. the trigger conditions for a BQ handover are as follows:  The uplink receive quality is greater than or equal to the uplink receive quality threshold of the serving cell. The parameters for specifying the uplink and downlink receive quality thresholds are as follows:  For non-AMR calls. 2t) + … + A8 x C(nt . In edge handover and PBGT handover. INTRACELLHOEN is set to Yes.  If no neighboring 3G cell is available. if there is no neighboring cell.  If no neighboring 3G cell is available. and if the MS supports the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. A4 indicates FLTPARAA4. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the trigger conditions for a rapid level drop handover are as follows:  Filtered uplink level < ULEDGETHRES  A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt . to solve the rapid level drop problem. Ltd. the MS is handed over to the serving cell.  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell. the penalty is performed on the original cell. This filtering method is responsive to the rapid level drop based on the drop slope of the original receive level. INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to Yes. and A8 indicates FLTPARAA8. or different timeslot is preferred (priority: different frequency band > different frequency > different TRX > different timeslot).7t) < B Here. the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover is performed. the decision on whether to initiate another type of emergency handover is made. SSBQPUNISH is subtracted from the level of the original cell to prevent an immediate handover back to the original cell. A3 indicates FLTPARAA3.GSM BSS Handover  3 Technical Description In handover algorithm I. and the serving cell is not in the intra-cell handover penalty state. or if the MS does not support the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. 3. Limitations After the BQ handover is successful.t) + A3 x C(nt . INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to No. the finite impact response filtering can be performed on the original receive level. the following operations are performed:  If a neighboring 3G cell is available. Trigger Conditions If RXQCKFALLHOEN is set to Yes. different TRX. 3-11 . A1 indicates FLTPARAA1.4 Rapid Level Drop Handover Rapid level drop handover is a type of emergency handover. different frequency. the target cell must meet the following conditions:  The target cell has a higher priority than the serving cell. Target Cell Selection The target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list after handover preprocessing.4. A6 indicates FLTPARAA6. if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to No. If the trigger conditions for a BQ handover are met but the candidate 2G cells are not suitable. A2 indicates FLTPARAA2. the decision on whether to initiate another type of emergency handover is made. and if the MS supports the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. the mean value filtering and P/N decision methods are not responsive to short-period rapid level drop. In addition. the following operations are performed:  If a neighboring 3G cell is available. A channel with different frequency band. or if the MS does not support the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. A5 indicates FLTPARAA5. A7 indicates FLTPARAA7. the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover is performed. During TIMEBQPUNISH.. If the trigger conditions for a rapid level drop handover are met but the candidate 2G cells are not suitable. B indicates FLTPARAB. Therefore. if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to Yes. 5 Interference Handover In handover algorithm I.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description 3. the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover is performed. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.64. the following operations need to be performed:  If a neighboring 3G cell is available. the target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list. this neighboring cell can serve as the target cell. Target Cell Selection In handover algorithm I. Interference handover helps protect the interfered calls and reduce the network interference.  If no neighboring 3G cell is available..  If the filtered level of a neighboring cell after handover penalty ≥ HOTHRES of the neighboring cell + INTELEVHOHYST . and if the MS supports the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. interference handover is a type of emergency handover. In interference handover.  The filtered value of downlink receive quality is greater than or equal to the specified receive quality threshold at the current downlink receive level. If the trigger conditions for an interference handover are met but the candidate 2G cells are not suitable. Interference Handover Process Figure 3-2 shows the interference handover process. the bad signal quality resulting from coverage is not checked. INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to Yes. − If n = 1. the decision on whether to initiate another type of emergency handover is made. the serving cell can be selected as the target cell. Ltd. The parameters for specifying the uplink and downlink receive quality thresholds are as follows:  For non-AMR FR calls. BANTIME is triggered and the intra-cell handover is prohibited in the corresponding period. When a number of consecutive intra-cell handovers occur. the parameter for specifying the receive quality threshold is RXQUALn. Trigger Conditions If INTERFHOEN is set to Yes. the receive quality threshold is RXQUALn + RXLEVOFF. − If 2 ≤ n ≤ 12.  For AMR FR calls. the difference between interference handover and BQ handover is that in BQ handover the bad signal quality resulting from both coverage and interference is checked. In handover algorithm I. the parameters for specifying the receive quality threshold are RXQUALn (1 ≤ n ≤ 12) and RXLEVOFF. It is applicable to scenarios with interference. where 1 ≤ n ≤ 12. or if the MS does not support the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. the target cell must meet the following conditions:  If INTRACELLHOEN is set to Yes and the intra-cell handover penalty timer expires. INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to No. The interference handover is triggered if either of the previous conditions is met. the receive quality threshold is RXQUAL1. the trigger conditions for an interference handover are as follows:  The filtered value of uplink receive quality is greater than or equal to the specified receive quality threshold at the current uplink receive level.4. In addition. 3-12 . 4. Handover due to no downlink measurement report is generally caused by adverse radio environment on the uplink. "A" equals RXQUAL1 or the sum of a value from RXQUAL2 to RXQUAL12 and RXLEVOFF. 3.6 Handover Due to No Downlink Measurement Report Handover due to no downlink measurement report is performed on the basis of the uplink quality..  For non-AMR FR calls. The purpose is to ensure the call continuity and minimize the possibility of call drops. so other handover decisions cannot be performed. 3-13 . Ltd. Trigger Conditions In handover algorithm I. "A" ranges from RXQUAL1 to RXQUAL12. the trigger conditions for a handover due to no downlink measurement report are as follows: Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.  For AMR FR calls.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-2 Interference handover process NOTE In Figure 3-2. the requirements of the filtering algorithm cannot be met. "A" indicates the receive quality threshold under the current uplink or downlink signal level. In this case. and the INTOINNREXLEVTHRED plus the handover margin is greater than or equal to the receive level.7 Enhanced Dual-Band Network Handover Enhanced dual-band network handover is performed based on the traffic volume of the OL and UL cells and based on the receive level.  The current call is within the handover margin.  The load in the UL cell is greater than or equal to OUTGENOVERLDTHRED. 3. Trigger Conditions for a Handover Due to Low Load in the Underlaid Cell The trigger conditions for a handover due to low load in the UL cell are as follows:  The load in the UL cell is smaller than OUTLOWLOADTHRED. In addition.  The filtered value of uplink quality is greater than or equal to NODLMRHOQUALLIMIT. 3-14 .GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  NODLMRHOEN is set to Yes.  The number of lost downlink MRs is smaller than NODLMRHOALLOWLIMIT. the number of saved MRs with uplink quality value is greater than QLENSI.  If no neighboring cell is available.  The handover due to high load in the UL cell is performed only on TCHs. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the number of saved MRs with uplink quality value is greater than DATAQUAFLTLEN.. which is also greater than or equal to the INTOINNREXLEVTHRED. the BSC triggers a handover due to no downlink measurement report when MRs of the serving cell keep lost for NODLMRHOLASTTIME within NODLMRHOSTATTIME.  The load in the OL cell is smaller than INNSERIOVERLDTHRED. the serving cell is selected as the target cell. Ltd. for SDCCH. Enhanced dual-band network handover is classified into the following types:  Handover due to high load in the UL cell  Handover due to low load in the UL cell  Handover due to MS movement to the border of the OL cell Trigger Conditions for a Handover Due to High Load in the Underlaid Cell The trigger conditions for a handover due to high load in the UL cell are as follows:  The two cells are in the enhanced dual-band network and OUTLOADHOENABLE is set to Yes.  There is no downlink information in the MR of the call.4. the handover margin is adjusted in a period of OUTLOADHOPERIOD subtracted by OUTLOADHOMODPERI. If the load of the UL subcell in the cell is greater than or equal to OUTSERIOVERLDTHRED.  The MS supports the frequency band on which the OL cell operates. The step length for handover margin adjustment is specified by OUTLOADHOSTEP. the handover due to high load in the UL cell is triggered. When all the preceding conditions are met.  The system traffic volume is smaller than or equal to EDBSYSFLOWLEV. the conditions for selecting the target cell are as follows:  The ranked neighboring cells recorded in the last complete MR are saved as candidate cells.  Preferably a neighboring cell is selected as the target cell. Target Cell Selection In handover algorithm I.  For TCH.  For the handover due to low load in the UL cell. Handover due to MS movement to the border of the OL cell is triggered if either of the preceding conditions is met. the MS must be handed over to the OL cell. − SS(s): specifies the filtering compensated downlink receive level in the serving cell.  In the Adapter distance To Cell Border (ATCB) handover algorithm.. If such a neighboring cell is not available. the OL subcell of the serving cell and the OL subcell of the neighboring cells will not overlap regardless of the distance between BTSs. SS(n) is the signal level of the best neighboring cell that works on the same frequency band. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the MS must be handed over to the UL cell. If the load of the UL subcell in the cell is smaller than OUTLOWLOADTHRED for a specified period. In the case of OL/UL load handover on the enhanced dual-band network. the MS is handed over to the neighboring cell that ranks first among neighboring cells. Ltd. − SS(u): specifies the downlink level (power compensation is performed on the downlink level based on the measurement) of the UL subcell where the call is originated. The MS should not be handed over to the cell that ranks after the serving cell.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  The system traffic volume is smaller than or equal to EDBSYSFLOWLEV. the handover due to low load in the UL cell is triggered. If SS(s) . − Thdouter: specifies OUTINNREXLEVTHRED. the MSs whose downlink levels are within the handover margin are handed over level by level. and has the same priority as the UL cell but is not co-sited with the UL cell.SS(n) > ATCB_THRD.  The current call is within the handover margin and the receive level is greater than or equal to OUTINNREXLEVTHRED. Generally. − ATCB_THRD: specifies ATCBTHRED. the border between the OL and UL subcells is determined according to the signal strength of the serving cell and that of neighboring cells. the system considers that the MS is located in the coverage area of the OL subcell. When all the preceding conditions are met. Target Cell Selection The requirements for target cell selection in the enhanced dual-band network are as follows:  For the handover due to high load in the UL cell. the decision of enhanced dual-band network handover is not performed and the decision condition is met by default. The step length for handover margin adjustment is specified by INNLOADHOSTEP.ATCB_HYST Here. If SS(s) = SS(n). The coverage area of the OL subcell is determined according to different networking and coverage conditions of the existing network. the system considers that the MS is located at the border of the UL cell. − SS(n): The best neighboring cell is the one whose measured BCCH level is the highest among neighboring cells. The target cell can also be another neighboring cell. the value of SS(n) is -110 dBm. locates at the same layer. In addition. − ATCB_HYST: specifies ATCBHYST.SS(n) < ATCB_THRD . Trigger Conditions for a Handover Due to MS Movement to the Border of the Overlaid Cell The trigger conditions for a handover due to MS movement to the border of the OL cell are as follows:  SS(s) < Thdouter  SS(u) .  The handover margin specifies the range of signal level.  For the handover due to MS movement to the border of the OL cell. 3-15 . the handover margin is adjusted in a period of INNLOADHOPERI. If the SS(u) value cannot be obtained. the target cell is the UL cell. Figure 3-3 shows the details. 3-16 . CELLINEXTP is set to Inner(Inner).  The INNLOADHOEN parameter should be set. some load in heavy-load cells is switched to light-load cells. − When OUTLOADHOENABLE is set to YES(Yes). see the Interoperability Between GSM and WCDMA Parameter Feature Description. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.  The PBGT handover algorithm may cause inter-cell handovers. 3.8 Load Handover In the network. the load in neighboring cells is not switched to heavy-load cells. Load handover can be performed between cells at different layers. CELLINEXTP is set to Extra(Extra). CELLINEXTP is set to Inner(Inner). PBGT handovers are restricted in either of the following conditions: − When INNLOADHOEN is set to YES(Yes).GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Limitations The limitations on the handover due to high load in the UL cell are as follows:  If the cell where the call is located is on an enhanced dual-band network. Therefore. the MS should not be handed over to a cell in the same UL/OL cell group when the load handovers between the OL cell and the UL cell (specified by OUTLOADHOENABLE and INNLOADHOEN) are allowed.. some cells carry heavy load whereas the overlapping upper-layer cells and the neighboring cells may carry light load. In a load handover procedure. The MS with the highest receive level is handed over first.  The maximum range of the handover margin is from 63 to OUTINNREXLEVTHRED. The load handover is required to balance the load of these cells.  The maximum range of the handover margin is from 63 to INTOINNREXLEVTHRED. Meanwhile. Impact of the Enhanced Dual-Band Network Handover on the Existing Algorithm The impact of the enhanced dual-band network handover on the existing algorithm is as follows:  On the enhanced dual-band network. to avoid ping-pong handovers.4. This is to prevent a load handover of a normal cell from colliding with a load handover between the OL cell and the UL cell on the network. The limitations on the handover due to MS movement to the border of the OL cell are as follows:  If the cell where the call is located is on the enhanced dual-band network. Ltd.  The OUTLOADHOENABLE parameter should be set. The MS with the lowest receive level is handed over first. The limitations on the handover due to low load in the UL cell are as follows:  If the cell where the call is located is on the enhanced dual-band network. PBGT handovers from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell are prohibited. For details about the inter-RAT load handover. PBGT handovers from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell are prohibited. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The TCH usage is calculated using the following formula: TCH usage = (Number of occupied TCHFs x 2 + Number of occupied TCHHs)/(Number of available TCHFs x 2 + Number of available TCHHs) where Number of available TCHHs is the sum of idle and occupied TCHHs. to prevent too many MSs from being handed over at a time. Whether a cell carries heavy load or light load is determined by the traffic volume in the cell.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-3 Load handover between cells A cell with a heavy load A cell with a light load A cell with a light load A cell with a heavy load A cell with a light load A cell with a heavy load A cell with a light load To perform load sharing.  If the traffic volume in a cell is smaller than LoadAccThres. In other words. Number of available TCHFs is the sum of idle and occupied TCHFs. the load in this cell is light and the cell can receive load from the heavy-load cells. 3-17 . When the increase in the edge handover threshold equals LOADOFFSET (CLS_Offset). load handover is performed step by step. Therefore.. Ltd.  If the traffic volume in a cell is greater than TRIGTHRES. the load in this cell is heavy. the edge handover threshold is not increased any more. the edge handover threshold is increased on the basis of LOADHOSTEP (CLS_Ramp) and LOADHOPERIOD (CLS_Period). In addition. The load handover algorithm needs to be enabled. In other words. Load handover may lead to many handovers. the system traffic volume should be taken into account. See Figure 3-4 for details. that is whether the traffic volume (generally TCH usage) in the cell exceeds the preset threshold. the load of the system CPU should be considered before load handover is performed. increase DLEDGETHRES so that the load at the border of a cell is switched to a neighboring cell with light load. Ltd.  The current load of the serving cell is greater than or equal to TRIGTHRES.  If the target cell and the serving cell are not in the same BSC. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 3-18 . a load handover is performed when the load of the target cell is smaller than LoadAccThres and OutBscLoadHoEn is set to Yes.  If the target cell and the serving cell are in the same BSC..64  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell. Load Handover Process Figure 3-5 shows the load handover process. the trigger conditions for a load handover are as follows:  The CPU usage of the system is less than or equal to SYSFLOWLEV.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-4 Load handover Load handover band Cell A CONF_HO_RXLEV+CLS_Offset Border of normal handover Cell B CONF_HO_RXLEV CONF_HO_RXLEV+CLS_Ramp Trigger Conditions If LoadHoEn is set to Yes. a load handover is performed when the current load of the target cell is smaller than LoadAccThres. Target Cell Selection The conditions for selecting the target cell are as follows:  Filtered receive level after handover penalty ≥ HOTHRES + INTELEVHOHYST . GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-5 Load handover process Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 3-19 .. Ltd. 3-20 . Ltd..GSM BSS Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) 3 Technical Description Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the MSs in load handover margin 2 are handed over to the neighboring cells. If the built-in PCU is used. The load handover algorithm is used to hand over the MSs out of a cell step by step. the number of the dynamic PDCHs that can be preempted is always zero. the enhanced load handover is used to balance load of cells in a network. the dynamic PDCHs that can be preempted are considered as idle TCHs in the cell load. The enhanced load handover is applicable to the scenario where multiple base stations are located at the same place. the trigger conditions for an enhanced load handover are as follows: The CPU usage of the current system is smaller than or equal to SYSFLOWLEV. After a LOADHOPERIOD elapses. the possibility of low level and congestion due to heavy load in the target cell after the handover is minimized. In this way. the enhanced load handover considers the handover quality and the load in the target cell before the handover is performed. 3. The number of the dynamic PDCHs that can be preempted depends on the number of dynamic PDCHs and DYNCHNPREEMPTLEV. When LOADSTATYPE is set to 0. 2. The detailed conditions for selecting the target cell are as follows: Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..9 Enhanced Load Handover Like the load handover. Ltd. the load of the serving cell is expressed in the percentage of the channels that are occupied. When LOADSTATYPE is set to 2. When LOADSTATYPE is set to 1. The load of the serving cell is greater than TRIGTHRES. the calculation method of the cell load depends on the setting of LOADSTATYPE. The load handover stops when the traffic volume in the cell is less than or equal to TRIGTHRES. The load handover margin 2 specifies the area where the downlink level ranges from DLEDGETHRES to the sum of DLEDGETHRES and (2 x LOADHOSTEP). Here.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Examples The system assigns MSs to different load handover margins based on the downlink receive level. The number of dynamic PDCHs is the total number of channels whose CHTYPE is set to FULLTCH. Target Cell Selection When a candidate cell satisfying the following conditions is found and not a single MS within the range specified by LOADHOUSRRATIO is handed over to the target cell. The MSs in load handover margin 1 are handed over to the neighboring cells. Load handover margin 1 specifies the area where the downlink level ranges from DLEDGETHRES to the sum of DLEDGETHRES and LOADHOSTEP. Unlike the load handover. If the external PCU is used. Trigger Conditions for an Enhanced Load Handover If LOADHOAD is set to YES. the dynamic PDCHs that can be preempted are considered as occupied TCHs in the cell load. 1. further search of the target cell is stopped and current traffic is handed over to the candidate cell. The setting of the parameter determines whether the dynamic PDCHs that can be preempted are considered as occupied channels.4. The setting of LOADSTATYPE is irrelevant to calculation of the cell load. The load handover is performed step by step to prevent call drops caused by a sudden increase in CPU load or the congestion in the target cell. 3. the dynamic PDCHs that can be preempted are not considered in the cell load. 3-21 .  Receive level of a neighboring cell > Receive level of the serving cell + (INTERCELLHYST – 64) An edge handover is triggered when the P/N criterion is met. This regulation prevents too many MSs from being handed over to the target cell at one time and avoids congestion in the target cell. EDOUTHOADEN and EDOUTHOOFFSET are invalid. Figure 3-6 shows an edge handover. If FRINGEHOEN is set to No. only one MS can initiate the handover at a time.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  The value of LOADHOPBGTMARGIN is not 0 and the path loss in the serving cell minus that in the target cell is larger than LOADHOPBGTMARGIN. If both FRINGEHOEN and EDOUTHOADEN are set to Yes. To trigger an edge handover. Ltd.10 Edge Handover Edge handover is performed on the basis of receive level. the trigger conditions for an edge handover are as follows:  Either of the following conditions is met: − Filtered downlink receive level of the serving cell after compensation < DLEDGETHRES + (EDOUTHOOFFSET – 64) − Filtered uplink receive level of the serving cell after compensation < ULEDGETHRES + (EDOUTHOOFFSET – 64)  Receive level of a neighboring cell > Receive level of the serving cell + (INTERCELLHYST – 64) An edge handover is triggered when the P/N criterion is met.64) greater than the receive level of the serving cell.  Of all the MSs that are within the range specified by LOADHOUSRRATIO and meet the preceding conditions. when the previous conditions are met for EDGELAST1 within EDGESTAT1.  The receive level of the target cell is greater than HOTHRES of the target cell plus INTELEVHOHYST of the handover from the serving cell to the target cell. − The filtered uplink receive level of the serving cell after compensation is smaller than ULEDGETHRES. the receive level of the target cell should be at least one hysteresis value (specified by INTERCELLHYST .4. when the previous conditions are met for EDGELAST1 within EDGESTAT1. 3-22 . that is.  The load of the target cell is smaller than LoadAccThres. 3. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Trigger Conditions If FRINGEHOEN is set to Yes and EDOUTHOADEN is set to No. that is.. the trigger conditions for an edge handover are as follows:  Either of the following conditions is met: − The filtered downlink receive level of the serving cell after compensation is smaller than DLEDGETHRES. This ensures that the fast-moving MS camps on the macro cell. the decision on whether to initiate another type of handover is made. if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to Yes. 3. if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to No. 3-23 . Figure 3-7 shows a fast-moving micro cell handover.4.  Time penalty is performed on the micro cell to prevent an MS that is moving fast in a macro cell from entering a micro cell. the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover is performed. and if the MS supports the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. the following operations are performed:  If a neighboring 3G cell is available. it must meet the following conditions:  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell. In addition. Ltd.  After cells are ranked. it is handed over to a macro cell.11 Fast-Moving Micro Cell Handover Fast-moving micro cell handover is performed from a micro cell to a macro cell according to the relative speed of an MS so that the number of handovers can be minimized..GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-6 Edge handover Cell 1 Cell 2 -97 dBm -85 dBm Target Cell Selection The target cell must have the highest priority among the candidate cells. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the target cell must have a higher priority than the serving cell. or if the MS does not support the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. Fast-moving micro cell handover applies to the following scenarios:  If an MS is moving fast in a micro cell.  If no neighboring 3G cell is available. If the trigger conditions for an edge handover are met but the candidate 2G cells are not suitable. A cell becomes the target cell if the previous conditions are met for EDGEADJLASTTIME within EDGEADJSTATTIME. 3-24 . The LAYER parameter specifies at which layer a cell is located. This algorithm is applicable to complex networking scenarios. a proper traffic volume distribution can be realized among multiple frequency bands. 2. Cell Layer and Cell Priority With Huawei multiband handover algorithm. it must be a non-Umbrella cell. SDPUNVAL is subtracted from the receive level of every neighboring micro cell.. that is. During SPEEDPUNISHT. the fast-moving micro cell handover decision is started.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-7 Fast-moving micro cell handover Umbrella cell Micro cell Trigger Conditions If QCKMVHOEN is set to Yes. Ltd. the fast-moving micro cell handover is triggered if the number of cells that the MS passes in fast movement counted by the system is greater than or equal to QCKTRUECNT. 3. Umbrella cell. When the number of cells that the MS passes in fast movement reaches QCKSTATCNT. the target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list. Huawei multiband handover algorithm divides cells into four layers. Target Cell Selection In handover algorithm I. the target cell must meet the following conditions:  The target cell must be at layer 4. In addition. When the period during which the MS camps on the serving cell is shorter than QCKTIMETH. Figure 3-8Figure 3-8 shows the cell layers. the handover decision procedure of fast-moving micro cell handover is as follows: 1. The cells counted by the system must locate at a layer lower than layer 4. When the trigger conditions for an edge handover or PBGT handover are met. with 16 priorities at each layer. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.  Filtered receive level of the target cell ≥ HOTHRES + INTELEVHOHYST .64 Limitations After the fast-moving micro cell handover is successful. In other words. the number of cells through which the fast-moving MS passes is incremented by one. the penalty is performed on all the neighboring micro cells. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The GSM network is divided into several layers to balance the traffic volume flexibly and to meet the requirements of different network topologies. the trigger conditions for an inter-layer handover are as follows:  The layer at which the target cell is located has a higher priority than the layer at which the serving cell is located.  Layer 2: Micro cell.  Layer 3: Macro cell. The umbrella cells are generally GSM900 cells having the wide coverage feature. which are used in hot spots and blind spots. It also implements fast MS connection. a GSM network covering a certain area is divided into four layers. Trigger Conditions If LEVHOEN is set to Yes.11 Fast-Moving Micro Cell Handover. They enable capacity expansion. numbered 1-16 respectively. see section 3.4. The micro cells are generally DCS1800 cells having the small coverage feature.. The priority affects the sequence of neighboring cells for handover. Ltd. It is used to enable the micro cells at low layers (the priority is high) to absorb traffic volume.  Layer 1: Pico cell. A high value indicates a low priority. which are commonly used in current GSM system and serve majority of subscribers. The Pico cells are generally DCS1800 cells. The cell at the lower layer has a higher priority. If the cells at the same layer have different priorities.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-8 Cell layers GSM900 Layer 4 Umbrella Cell GSM900 GSM900 GSM900 Macro Cell Layer 3 DCS1800 DCS1800 DCS1800 Micro Cell Layer 2 GSM900 DCS1800 GSM900 GSM900 GSM900 DCS1800 DCS1800 DCS1800 Pico Cell Layer 1 In Huawei multiband handover algorithm. Each layer has 16 priorities.4. 3-25 . For details. PRIOR along with CELLLAYER determines the priority of a cell. 3. The macro cells are generally GSM900 cells. which are:  Layer 4: Umbrella cell. PRIOR controls a handover between cells at the same layer. a cell with a smaller priority value has a higher priority.12 Inter-Layer Handover Inter-layer handover is a type of normal handover. an inter-layer handover is triggered. the target cell must have a higher priority than the serving cell.  If the trigger conditions for a BQ handover are met. no inter-layer handover is triggered.  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell. the previous conditions are met for LEVLAST within LEVSTAT. If the timer expires.  The target cell has the highest priority in the candidate cell list. Target Cell Selection The requirements for target cell selection are as follows:  The trigger conditions are met. After the timer is started. 3-26 . the timer NCELLPUNTM is started when the previous conditions are met.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  The load of the serving cell is greater than LAYHOLOADTH.. The timer stops in either of the following cases:  If the filtered BCCH receive level of the target cell is smaller than the value of NCELLPUNSTPTH. the timer for all handover candidate cells stops.  Filtered downlink receive level of the target cell ≥ HOTHRES + INTELEVHOHYST . the timer stops for the target cell. The inter-layer handover is triggered when the P/N criterion is met. an inter-layer handover is triggered when the previous conditions are met.64  After cells are ranked. Inter-Layer Handover Process Figure 3-9 shows the inter-layer handover process. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the value of NCELLPUNLEV is subtracted from the filtered receive level of the target cell. If the timer stops. If NCELLPUNEN is set to Yes for the target cell. that is. Ltd. If NCELLPUNEN is set to No for the target cell. 13 PBGT Handover PBGT handover is a type of normal handover.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-9 Inter-layer handover process 3.  The following condition is met for PBGTLAST within PBGTSTAT: Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Trigger Conditions If PBGTHOEN is set to Yes.4. 3-27 .. Ltd. the trigger conditions for a PBGT handover are as follows:  The target cell and the serving cell are at the same layer and have the same priority.  The half-rate function must be enabled in the cell where the call is initiated. P) – RXLEV_NCELL (n)) > PBGT_HO_MARGIN Here. a PBGT handover is triggered.4. Ltd.  The target cell has the highest priority in the candidate cell list.14 AMR Handover This section describes the feature GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment. The AMR TCHF-TCHH handover is conducted based on cell load and RQI. − RXLEV_DL: indicates the filtered downlink receive level of the serving cell. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The timer stops in either of the following cases:  If the filtered BCCH receive level of the target cell is smaller than the value of NCELLPUNSTPTH. If NCELLPUNEN is set to Yes for the target cell. the timer stops for the target cell. After the timer is started. Target Cell Selection The target cell must meet the following conditions:  The target cell and the serving cell are at the same layer and have the same priority.  The target call is an AMR call. − RxLev_NCELL (n): indicates the downlink receive level in neighboring cell n.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description (MIN (MS_TXPWR_MAX. If NCELLPUNEN is set to No for the target cell. the timer for all handover candidate cells stops. 3.  The full-rate speech version 3 and half-rate speech version 3 must be supported by the cell where the call is initiated. If the timer expires. If the timer stops. 3-28 .  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell. P) – RXLEV_DL – PWR_DIFF) – (MIN (MS_TXPWR_MAX (n). a PBGT handover is triggered when the previous conditions are met. − PWR_DIFF: indicates the difference between the maximum downlink transmit power in the serving cell due to power control and the actual downlink transmit power in the serving cell. − P: indicates the maximum transmit power of an MS. (n): indicates the maximum allowed transmit power of an MS in neighboring cell n. the timer NCELLPUNTM is started when the previous conditions are met.. − MS_TXPWR_MAX: − MS_TXPWR_MAX indicates the maximum allowed transmit power of an MS in the serving cell. The conversion formula between RQI and C/I is RQI = 2 x C/I. Trigger Conditions for an AMR TCHF-TCHH Handover The trigger conditions for an AMR TCHF-TCHH handover are as follows:  INTRACELLFHHOEN is set to Yes.  If the trigger conditions for a BQ handover are met. whereas the AMR TCHH-TCHF handover is conducted based on RQI. The AMR handover in handover I algorithm consists of the AMR TCHF-TCHH handover and AMR TCHH-TCHF handover algorithm. no PBGT handover is triggered. the value of NCELLPUNLEV is subtracted from the filtered receive level of the target cell. − PBGT_HO_MARGIN: indicates the PBGTMARGIN of the serving cell configured for neighboring cells minus 64. an SDCCH handover involves measurement and MR reporting.  The call occupies the half-rate TCH. TCHF-to-TCHH handover is triggered when the cell load is greater than the value for the parameter AMRTCHHPRIORLOAD and the proportion of AMR HR users is smaller than the value for the parameter ALLOWAMRHALFRATEUSERPERC.  For AMR FR calls. the AMR TCHH-TCHF handover can be performed if the preceding conditions are met for INFHHOLAST within INFHHOSTAT.  The call occupies the full-rate TCH. For an AMR FR call.4. The principle of SDCCH handover is the same as that of TCH handover. and the RQI/2 is greater than INHOF2HTH. Target Cell Selection The AMR handover is an intra-cell handover. and handover execution. Ltd. Regarding procedure. MR processing.. inter-layer handover. if the parameter AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW is set to OFF(Off). 3-29 . rapid level drop handover. Therefore.15 SDCCH Handover This section describes the feature GBFD-110608 SDCCH Handover. improving the network QoS. if the parameter AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW is set to ON(On). BQ handover. If an inter-BSC SDCCH handover is required. TCHF-to-TCHH handover is triggered when the proportion of AMR HR users is smaller than the value for the parameter ALLOWAMRHALFRATEUSERPERC. and the RQI/2 is smaller than INHOH2FTH. Trigger Conditions for an AMR TCHH-TCHF Handover The trigger conditions for an AMR TCHH-TCHF handover are as follows:  INTRACELLFHHOEN is set to Yes. both SIGCHANHOEN and INRBSCSDHOEN should be set to YES(Yes). the AMR TCHF-TCHH handover can be performed if the preceding conditions are met for INFHHOLAST within INFHHOSTAT. 3. SDCCH handover is a process in which the MS is handed over from an SDCCH to another SDCCH in an immediate assignment. Whether an SDCCH handover can be performed is controlled by the SIGCHANHOEN parameter. handover due to no downlink measurement report.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  The type of channel specified by the MSC during a call can be changed during a handover.  The half-rate function must be enabled in the cell where the call is initiated. interference handover.  The target call is an AMR call. only the serving cell can be selected as the target cell. SDCCH handover helps improve the access success rate of the MSs on the edge of the network.  The full-rate speech version 3 and half-rate speech version 3 must be supported by the cell where the call is initiated. For an AMR HR call.  The type of channel specified by the MSC during a call can be changed during a handover. The handover decision algorithm for SDCCH handover is different from that for TCH handover in the following ways:  The algorithms for the following handovers that support SDCCH handover: Quick handover. and fast-moving micro cell handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. handover decision. edge handover. TA handover.  For AMR FR calls. emergency handover. Handover decision based on handover algorithm II is made in the following order: forced handover. and tight BCCH handover 3. The handover priority is as follows: − Forced handover. Tight BCCH Handover See BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Feature Parameter Description.GSM BSS Handover  3 Technical Description The algorithms for the following handovers that do not support SDCCH handover: Enhanced dual-band network handover.16 Other Handovers Other handovers here refer to better 3G cell handover and tight BCCH handover. AMR handover.. load handover. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Figure 3-10 shows the details. and inter-cell handover. Better 3G Cell Handover See Interoperability Between GSM and WCDMA Feature Parameter Description.4. concentric cell handover. intra-cell handover. and interference handover have a high priority. 3-30 . Ltd. Handover decision based on handover algorithm II involves the following procedures:  Determining whether the serving cell meets the trigger conditions  Selecting corresponding candidate cell list for each handover type  Performing the comprehensive decision and determining the candidate neighboring cells The procedure for performing comprehensive decision based on handover results and determining the candidate neighboring cells is as follows: 1. better 3G cell handover.5 Handover Decision Based on Handover Algorithm II This section describes the feature GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover. 3. emergency handover. PBGT handover. The BSC selects a handover type with the highest priority from all the handovers that can be performed on each neighboring cell. . AMR handover has the same priority as TCHF-TCHH handover. − Intra-cell handover (excluding interference handover) and inter-cell handover have a normal priority. Frequency offset handover has a higher priority than quick PBGT handover. 3-31 . Figure 3-11shows the details. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-10 Handovers with high priority Handover decision with high priority Forced handover Directed retry Quick handover TA handover Interference BQ handover Edge handover Quick handover is classified into frequency offset handover and quick PBGT handover. Ltd. GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-11 Handovers with normal priority Handover decision with normal priority Fast-moving micro cell handover Enhanced dual-band network handover Load handover Better cell handover Concentric cell handover AMR handover TIGHT BCCH handover 2. The BSC ranks the candidate cells according to the network characteristics adjustment algorithm and then generates the final candidate cell list. Every neighboring cell in the candidate cell list has its own handover decision. Neighboring 2G cells and neighboring 3G cells are ranked separately. 3. In handover algorithm II, HOOPTSEL specifies whether a neighboring 2G cell or a neighboring 3G cell is preferred. − When HOOPTSEL is set to Preference for 2G Cell: A neighboring 2G cell is preferred. If the candidate cell list contains suitable neighboring 3G cells but no suitable neighboring 2G cells, a neighboring 3G cell is selected. − When HOOPTSEL is set to Preference for 3G Cell: A neighboring 3G cell is preferred. If the candidate cell list contains suitable neighboring 2G cells but no suitable neighboring 3G cells, a neighboring 2G cell is selected. − When HOOPTSEL is set to Preference for 2G Cell By Threshold: If the receive level of a candidate 2G cell is smaller than or equal to HOPRETH2G, a neighboring 3G cell is preferred. When a neighboring 3G cell is preferred among the candidate cells, the priority of 3G better-cell handover is the lowest. If the trigger conditions for an emergency handover are met and there is at least one candidate cell, the emergency handover timer NEWURGHOMININTV is started. Another emergency handover decision can be performed only when NEWURGHOMININTV times out. 3.5.1 Quick Handover This section describes the features GBFD-510103 Chain Cell Handover and GBFD-510102 Fast Move Handover. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-32 GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Quick handover aims to increase the handover success rate of an MS moving at a high speed and to ensure the call continuity and low call drop rate. Quick handover applies to the scenario where an MS moves fast along an urban backbone road, a selected route, or a high-speed railroad. Quick Handover Types Quick handover consists of frequency offset handover and quick PBGT handover.  Frequency offset handover Whether the MS is moving away from the serving cell is determined based on the frequency offset information provided by an MS moving at a high speed. Frequency offset handover decision is made according to the uplink/downlink receive level of the serving cell and the path loss of neighboring cells.  Quick PBGT handover Quick PBGT handover decision is made according to the path loss of neighboring cells. For quick handover, the handover response speed is enhanced by:  Accurately calculating the moving speed of the MS  Lifting the restriction on the interval between handover decisions  Reducing the number of MRs for the handover decision  Introducing the alpha filtering Quick Handover Preparation The preparation for quick handover involves the following aspects:  Frequency offset is decoded from the MR. Frequency offset of the MS is obtained from the uplink MR that the BTS sends to the BSC.  Alpha filtering is performed on the MR. Trigger Conditions During handover decision, it is first determined whether the trigger conditions for a frequency offset handover are met. When the BTS cannot send the frequency offset information or the reported frequency offset information is invalid, quick PBGT handover is triggered, provided that other conditions for a frequency offset handover are met. If QUICKHOEN is set to Yes, the trigger conditions for a quick handover are as follows:  The MS is moving away from the serving cell (the frequency offset in the measurement result is a negative value) and the moving speed of the MS is greater than MOVESPEEDTHRES.  The filtered uplink level of the serving cell is smaller than HOUPTRIGE.  The compensated downlink level of the serving cell is smaller than HODOWNTRIGE.  The path loss of configured chain neighboring cells is smaller than the specified threshold of the path loss of the serving cell. The trigger conditions for a quick handover are as follows:   If the last three conditions are met simultaneously, the decision is made as follows: − If the first condition is met, a frequency offset handover is performed. − If the first condition is not met, a quick PBGT handover is performed. If all the last three conditions are not met, quick handover is not triggered. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-33 GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Target Cell Selection The target cell must be a chain neighboring cell of the serving cell. The target cell can be obtained through the setting of ISCHAINNCELL. If HODIRFORECASTEN is set to Yes, a neighboring cell in the moving direction of the MS is selected preferentially. To forecast the moving direction of the MS, the direction of a chain neighboring cell (A or B) compared with the serving cell is specified by CHAINNCELLTYPE. If the number of times that the MS is handed over to neighboring cells in the same direction (B for example) is greater than or equal to HODIRLASTTIME when the handover time reaches HODIRSTATIME, the MS is inferred to be moving towards the B direction. Subsequently, the MS is preferentially handed over to the neighboring cell whose CHAINNCELLTYPE is B. Limitations The limitations on quick handover are as follows:  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell.  The candidate cells for quick handover must be chain neighboring cells of the serving cell.  After a quick handover is successful, the penalty is performed on the original cell during the penalty time to prevent an immediate handover back to the original cell. The penalty time and penalty value are specified by TIMEPUNISH and HOPUNISHVALUE respectively. 3.5.2 TA Handover TA handover is a type of emergency handover. The TA handover decision is made according to the TA value reported by the MS. The TA value of a normal cell ranges from 0 to 63 and that of an extended cell ranges from 0 to 229. The TA can be stepped up or down in steps of 553.5 m. The TA value of 63 corresponds to a distance of 35 km. Trigger Conditions TA handover is triggered when the following conditions are met:  TAHOEN is set to Yes.  Filtered TA value in the MR provided by the MS is greater than or equal to TALIMIT. The TA handover can be triggered only when the preceding two conditions are met simultaneously. From the perspective of the trigger conditions for a TA handover, TA can be regarded as a limitation to the size of a cell. Target Cell Selection The target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list after handover preprocessing. In addition, the target cell must meet the following conditions:  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell.  If TALIMIT of a co-site neighboring cell is smaller than or equal to the TALIMIT of the serving cell, a handover to the neighboring cell is prohibited.  In handover algorithm II, a cell becomes the target cell for TA handover if the previous conditions are met for TALASTTIME within TASTATTIME. If the trigger conditions for a TA handover are met but the candidate 2G cells are not suitable, the following operations are performed: Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-34 GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  If a neighboring 3G cell is available, if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to Yes, and if the MS supports the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover, the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover is performed.  If no neighboring 3G cell is available, if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to No, or if the MS does not support the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover, the decision on whether to initiate another type of emergency handover is made. Limitations After the TA handover is successful, the penalty is performed on the original cell. During TIMETAPUNISH, SSTAPUNISH is subtracted from the level of the original cell to prevent an immediate handover back to the original cell. 3.5.3 BQ Handover BQ handover is a type of emergency handover in which the system makes the decision based on the uplink/downlink receive quality on the Um interface. Receive quality is represented by BER. The BSC measures the quality of a radio link based on the quality band in the MR. The probable cause of an increase in BER is that the signal power is too low or the channel interference increases. Trigger Conditions If BQHOEN is set to Yes, the trigger conditions for a BQ handover are as follows:  The uplink receive quality is greater than or equal to the uplink receive quality threshold of the serving cell.  The downlink receive quality is greater than or equal to the downlink receive quality threshold of the serving cell. The BQ handover is triggered when either of the preceding conditions is met. The parameters for specifying the uplink and downlink receive quality thresholds are as follows:  For non-AMR calls, the parameter for specifying the uplink receive quality threshold is ULQUALIMIT and the parameter for specifying the downlink receive quality threshold is DLQUALIMIT.  For AMR FR calls, the parameter for specifying the uplink receive quality threshold is ULQUALIMITAMRFR and the parameter for specifying the downlink receive quality threshold is DLQUALIMITAMRFR.  For AMR HR calls, the parameter for specifying the uplink receive quality threshold is ULQUALIMITAMRHR and the parameter for specifying the downlink receive quality threshold is DLQUALIMITAMRHR. Target Cell Selection The target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list after handover preprocessing. In addition, the target cell must meet the following conditions:  In handover algorithm II, the serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell.  The receive level of target cell must meet the following conditions: − The serving cell and the target cell work in the same frequency band. Filtered downlink receive level of the target cell > Filtered downlink receive level of the serving cell after compensation + (INTERCELLHYST of the serving cell configured for the neighboring cell - 64) (BQMARGIN - 64) − The serving cell works in GSM900 and the target cell works in DCS1800. Filtered downlink receive level of the target cell ≥ HOTHRES + (LEVHOHYST - 64). Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-35 GSM BSS Handover − The 3 Technical Description serving cell works in DCS1800 and the target cell works in GSM900. There is no constraint on the target cell in this condition.  In handover algorithm II, a cell becomes the target cell for BQ handover if the previous conditions are met for BQLASTTIME within BQSTATTIME. If the trigger conditions for a BQ handover are met but the candidate 2G cells are not suitable, the following operations are performed:  If a neighboring 3G cell is available, if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to Yes, and if the MS supports the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover, the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover is performed.  If no neighboring 3G cell is available, if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to No, or if the MS does not support the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover, the decision on whether to initiate another type of emergency handover is made. Limitations After the BQ handover is successful, the penalty is performed on the original cell. During TIMEBQPUNISH, SSBQPUNISH is subtracted from the level of the original cell to prevent an immediate handover back to the original cell. 3.5.4 Interference Handover Interference handover is a type of intra-cell handover in handover algorithm II. Interference handover helps protect the interfered calls and reduce the network interference. It is applicable to scenarios with interference. In handover algorithm II, the BQ handover is a type of emergency handover and the interference handover is a type of intra-cell handover. Trigger Conditions If INTRACELLHOEN is set to Yes and INTERFHOEN is set to Yes, the trigger conditions for an interference handover are as follows:  The filtered value of uplink receive quality is greater than or equal to the specified receive quality threshold at the current uplink receive level.  The filtered value of downlink receive quality is greater than or equal to the specified receive quality threshold at the current downlink receive level. In handover algorithm II, the interference handover is triggered when the previous conditions are met for INTERFERELASTTIME within INTERFERESTATTIME. The parameters for specifying the uplink and downlink receive quality thresholds are as follows:  For non-AMR FR calls, the parameter for specifying the receive quality threshold is RXQUALn, where 1 ≤ n ≤ 12.  For AMR FR calls, the parameters for specifying the receive quality threshold are RXQUALn (1 ≤ n ≤ 12) and RXLEVOFF. − If n = 1, the receive quality threshold is RXQUAL1. − If 2 ≤ n ≤ 12, the receive quality threshold is RXQUALn + RXLEVOFF. Target Cell Selection In handover algorithm II, only the serving cell can be selected as the target cell. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-36 64) (BQMARGIN .  The number of lost downlink MRs is smaller than NODLMRHOALLOWLIMIT.6 Enhanced Dual-Band Network Handover Enhanced dual-band network handover is performed based on the traffic volume of the OL and UL cells and based on the receive level.. − For AMR FR calls. for SDCCH. Ltd.5.  The filtered value of uplink receive quality is greater than or equal to ULQUALIMIT. it cannot be initiated again within INTERFEREHOPENTIME regardless of whether the handover is successful. Enhanced dual-band network handover is classified into the following types:  Handover due to high load in the UL cell  Handover due to low load in the UL cell  Handover due to MS movement to the border of the OL cell Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the corresponding parameter is ULQUALIMITAMRFR. the corresponding parameter is ULQUALIMITAMRHR. The purpose is to ensure the call continuity and minimize the possibility of call drops.5 Handover Due to No Downlink Measurement Report Handover due to no downlink measurement report is performed on the basis of the uplink quality. 3-37 .  Receive level in neighboring cell > Filtered receive level in serving cell + (INTERCELLHYST . the BSC triggers a handover due to no downlink measurement report when MRs of the serving cell keep lost for NODLMRHOLASTTIME within NODLMRHOSTATTIME.  For TCH. the number of saved MRs with uplink quality value is greater than QLENSI. − For AMR HR calls.5.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Limitations In handover algorithm II. if an interference handover is initiated. so other handover decisions cannot be performed. 3.64)  A neighboring cell serves as the target cell if the previous conditions are met for ULBQLASTTIME within ULBQSTATTIME. In this case. Trigger Conditions In handover algorithm II. 3. the trigger conditions for a handover due to no downlink measurement report are as follows:  NODLMRHOEN is set to Yes. Target Cell Selection In handover algorithm II. Handover due to no downlink measurement report is generally caused by adverse radio environment on the uplink. the conditions for selecting the target cell are as follows:  The ranked neighboring cells recorded in the last complete MR are saved as candidate cells.  Only a neighboring cell can serve as the target cell. In addition.  There is no downlink information in the MR of the call. the number of saved MRs with uplink quality value is greater than DATAQUAFLTLEN. the requirements of the filtering algorithm cannot be met. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Trigger Conditions for a Handover Due to Low Load in the Underlaid Cell The trigger conditions for a handover due to low load in the UL cell are as follows:  The load in the UL cell is smaller than OUTLOWLOADTHRED. layer. − SS(n): The best neighboring cell is the one whose measured BCCH level is the highest among neighboring cells. When all the preceding conditions are met.ATCB_HYST Here. The step length for handover margin adjustment is specified by OUTLOADHOSTEP. Trigger Conditions for a Handover Due To MS Movement in the Overlaid Subcell The trigger conditions for the handover due to MS movement in the OL subcell are described as follows:  SS(s) < Thdouter  SS(u) .  The MS supports the frequency band on which the OL cell operates. the decision of enhanced dual-band network handover is not performed and the decision condition is met by default.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Trigger Conditions for a Handover Due to High Load in the Underlaid Cell The trigger conditions for a handover due to high load in the UL cell are as follows:  The two cells are in the enhanced dual-band network and OUTLOADHOENABLE is set to Yes.  The load in the UL cell is greater than or equal to OUTGENOVERLDTHRED.  The system traffic volume is smaller than or equal to EDBSYSFLOWLEV.SS(n) < ATCB_THRD . − SS(u): specifies the downlink level (power compensation is performed on the downlink level based on the measurement) of the UL subcell where the call is originated. Ltd. the handover margin is adjusted in a period of INNLOADHOPERI. If the SS(u) value cannot be obtained. SS(n) is the level value of such an optimum neighboring cell that is on the same frequency band. the handover due to low load in the UL cell is triggered.. the handover due to high load in the UL cell is triggered. the handover margin is adjusted in a period of OUTLOADHOPERIOD subtracted by OUTLOADHOMODPERI.  The handover due to high load in the UL cell is performed only on TCHs. and level with the UL subcell but is not co-sited with the UL subcell. When all the preceding conditions are met. If the load of the UL subcell in the cell is greater than or equal to OUTSERIOVERLDTHRED. 3-38 . − SS(s): specifies the filtering compensated downlink receive level in the serving cell. the value of SS(n) is -110 dBm.  The load in the OL cell is smaller than INNSERIOVERLDTHRED.  The current call is within the handover margin and the receive level is greater than or equal to OUTINNREXLEVTHRED. The step length for handover margin adjustment is specified by INNLOADHOSTEP.  The system traffic volume is smaller than or equal to EDBSYSFLOWLEV. and the INTOINNREXLEVTHRED plus the handover margin is greater than or equal to the receive level. If the load of the UL subcell in the cell is smaller than OUTLOWLOADTHRED for a specified period.  The current call is within the handover margin. − Thdouter: specifies OUTINNREXLEVTHRED. If such a neighboring cell is not available. which is also greater than or equal to the INTOINNREXLEVTHRED.  For the handover due to low load in the UL cell.  The maximum range of the handover margin is from 63 to OUTINNREXLEVTHRED. This is to prevent a load handover of a normal cell from colliding with a load handover between the OL cell and the UL cell on the network. the MS must be handed over to the OL cell.  For the handover due to MS movement in the OL subcell. it is the coverage area of the OL subcell. When the value of SS(s) subtracted by SS(n) is greater than ATCB_THRD. The coverage area of the OL subcell is determined according to different networking and coverage conditions of the existing network. CELLINEXTP is set to Inner(Inner).. When SS(s) is equal to SS(n). Ltd. the MS must be handed over to the UL cell. The limitations on the handover due to MS movement in the OL subcell are described as follows:  The cell where the call is located is on the enhanced dual-band network. Handover due to MS movement in the OL subcell is triggered if either of the preceding conditions is met. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. In the case of OL/UL load handover on the enhanced dual-band network. the MSs whose downlink levels are within the handover margin are handed over level by level.  The maximum range of the handover margin is from 63 to INTOINNREXLEVTHRED. CELLINEXTP is set to Extra(Extra). CELLINEXTP is set to Inner(Inner). The MS with the lowest receive level is handed over first.  The handover margin specifies the range of signal level. the MS must be handed over to the UL cell. The MS with the highest receive level is handed over first. the boundaries of the OL and UL subcells are determined according to the relative value between the signal strength of serving cell and that of neighboring cell. 3-39 . the OL subcell of the serving cell and the OL subcell of the neighboring cells will not overlap regardless of the distance between BTSs. The limitations on the handover due to low load in the UL cell are as follows:  If the cell where the call is located is on the enhanced dual-band network.  The OUTLOADHOENABLE parameter should be set. In addition. the system considers that it is the boundary point of the UL subcell. Impact of the Enhanced Dual-Band Network Handover on the Existing Algorithm The impact of the enhanced dual-band network handover on the existing algorithm is as follows: On the enhanced dual-band network.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description − ATCB_THRD: specifies ATCBTHRED.  For the ATCB handover algorithm. Limitations The limitations on the handover due to high load in the UL cell are as follows:  If the cell where the call is located is on an enhanced dual-band network. Target Cell Selection The requirements for target cell selection in the enhanced dual-band network are as follows:  For the handover due to high load in the UL cell.  The INNLOADHOEN parameter should be set. − ATCB_HYST: specifies ATCBHYST. the MS should not be handed over to a cell in the same UL/OL cell group when the load handovers between the OL cell and the UL cell (specified by OUTLOADHOENABLE and INNLOADHOEN) are allowed. GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description 3. Load handover margin 1 specifies the area where the downlink level ranges from DLEDGETHRES to the sum of DLEDGETHRES and LOADHOSTEP. the load handover is triggered when the trigger conditions for a load handover and better-cell handover are met simultaneously.7 Load Handover In handover algorithm II.8 Load Handover for the trigger conditions for a load handover." The ranges of load handover margins are defined as follows: Load handover margin 1 specifies the area where the downlink level ranges from INTERCELLHYST minus LOADHOSTEP to INTERCELLHYST. the load handover decision is made in network adjustment phase. Ltd. load handover is not decided independently. that is. that is. Figure 3-12 shows an edge handover.5. See section 3. In handover algorithm II. 3. 3-40 . See 3. the receive level of the target cell should be at least one hysteresis value (specified by INTERCELLHYST – 64) greater than the receive level of the serving cell.5. when the previous conditions are met for EDGELAST within EDGESTAT. If FRINGEHOEN is set to No. the trigger conditions for an edge handover are as follows:  Either of the following conditions is met: − Filtered downlink receive level of the serving cell after compensation < DLEDGETHRES + (EDOUTHOOFFSET – 64) − Filtered uplink receive level of the serving cell after compensation < ULEDGETHRES + (EDOUTHOOFFSET – 64)  Receive level of a neighboring cell > Receive level of the serving cell + (INTERCELLHYST – 64) An edge handover is triggered when the P/N criterion is met. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.4. The selection of target cell should be processed by the better-cell handover. EDOUTHOADEN and EDOUTHOOFFSET are invalid. Load handover margin 2 specifies the area where the downlink level ranges from INTERCELLHYST minus LOADHOSTEP x 2 to INTERCELLHYST. when the previous conditions are met for EDGELAST1 within EDGESTAT1.. the trigger conditions for an edge handover are as follows:   Either of the following conditions is met: − Filtered downlink receive level of the serving cell after compensation < DLEDGETHRES − Filtered uplink receive level of the serving cell after compensation < ULEDGETHRES Receive level of a neighboring cell > Receive level of the serving cell + (INTERCELLHYST – 64) An edge handover is triggered when the P/N criterion is met. To trigger an edge handover.10 Better-Cell Handover for the trigger conditions for a better-cell handover. That is. Trigger Conditions If FRINGEHOEN is set to Yes.8 Edge Handover Edge handover is performed on the basis of receive level. If both FRINGEHOEN and EDOUTHOADEN are set to Yes.5. Fast-moving micro cell handover applies to the following scenarios:  If an MS is moving fast in a micro cell. In addition.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-12 Edge handover Cell 1 Cell 2 -97 dBm -85 dBm Target Cell Selection The target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. A cell becomes the target cell if the previous conditions are met for EDGEADJLASTTIME within EDGEADJSTATTIME..5. and if the MS supports the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. 3. the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover is performed. it must meet the following conditions:  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell. the decision on whether to initiate another type of handover is made. it is handed over to a macro cell. 3-41 .  If no neighboring 3G cell is available. if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to Yes. or if the MS does not support the 2G/3G inter-RAT handover. if INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN is set to No. If the trigger conditions for an edge handover are met but the candidate 2G cells are not suitable. Ltd. time penalty is performed on the micro cell so that the fast-moving MS camps on the macro cell. the target cell must have a higher priority than the serving cell. the following operations are performed:  If a neighboring 3G cell is available.9 Fast-Moving Micro Cell Handover Fast-moving micro cell handover is performed from a micro cell to a macro cell according to the relative speed of an MS so that the number of handovers can be minimized. Figure 3-13 shows a fast-moving micro cell handover.  After cells are ranked.  To prevent an MS that is moving fast in a macro cell from entering a micro cell. GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Figure 3-13 Fast-moving micro cell handover Umbrella cell Micro cell Trigger Conditions If QCKMVHOEN is set to Yes, the handover decision procedure of fast-moving micro cell handover is as follows: 1. When the trigger conditions for an edge handover or PBGT handover are met, the fast-moving micro cell handover decision is started. 2. When the period during which the MS camps on the serving cell is shorter than QCKTIMETH, the number of cells through which the fast-moving MS passes is incremented by one. The cells counted by the system must locate at a layer lower than layer 4. In other words, they must be non-Umbrella cells. 3. When the number of cells that the MS passes in fast movement reaches QCKSTATCNT, the fast-moving micro cell handover is triggered if the number of cells that the MS passes in fast movement counted by the system is greater than or equal to QCKTRUECNT. Target Cell Selection In handover algorithm II, the target cell must have the highest priority in the candidate cell list. In addition, the target cell must meet the following conditions:  The target cell must be at layer 4, that is, Umbrella cell.  Filtered receive level of the target cell ≥ HOTHRES + INTELEVHOHYST – 64  A neighboring cell serves as the target cell if the previous conditions are met for HCSLASTTIME within HCSSTATTIME. Limitations After the fast-moving micro cell handover is successful, the penalty is performed on all the neighboring micro cells. During SPEEDPUNISHT, SDPUNVAL is subtracted from the receive level of every neighboring micro cell. Cell Layer and Cell Priority With Huawei multiband handover algorithm, a proper traffic volume distribution can be realized among multiple frequency bands. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-42 GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Huawei multiband handover algorithm divides cells into four layers, with 16 priorities at each layer. The LAYER parameter specifies at which layer a cell is located. This algorithm is applicable to complex networking scenarios. Figure 3-14 shows the cell layers. Figure 3-14 Cell layers GSM900 Layer 4 Umbrella Cell GSM900 GSM900 GSM900 Macro Cell Layer 3 DCS1800 DCS1800 DCS1800 Micro Cell Layer 2 GSM900 DCS1800 GSM900 GSM900 GSM900 DCS1800 DCS1800 DCS1800 Pico Cell Layer 1 In Huawei multiband handover algorithm, a GSM network covering a certain area is divided into four layers, which are:  Layer 4: Umbrella cell. The umbrella cells are generally GSM900 cells having the wide coverage feature. It also implements fast MS connection.  Layer 3: Macro cell. The macro cells are generally GSM900 cells, which are commonly used in current GSM system and serve majority of subscribers.  Layer 2: Micro cell. The micro cells are generally DCS1800 cells having the small coverage feature. They enable capacity expansion.  Layer 1: Pico cell. The Pico cells are generally DCS1800 cells, which are used in hot spots and blind spots. The cell at the lower layer has a higher priority. PRIOR controls a handover between cells at the same layer. Each layer has 16 priorities, numbered 1-16 respectively. A high value indicates a low priority. If the cells at the same layer have different priorities, a cell with a smaller priority value has a higher priority. PRIOR along with CELLLAYER determines the priority of a cell. The priority affects the sequence of neighboring cells for handover. 3.5.10 Better-Cell Handover Better-cell handover is an optimization of inter-layer handover and PBGT handover in handover algorithm I. Better-cell handover is specific to handover algorithm II. Trigger Conditions If BETTERCELLHOEN is set to Yes, the trigger conditions for a better-cell handover are as follows: Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-43 GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description  If PATHLOSSHOEN is set to Yes, path loss is taken into consideration during the sorting of the serving cell and handover candidate cells. If PATHLOSSHOEN is set to No, path loss is not taken into consideration during the sorting of the serving cell and handover candidate cells.  If the serving cell is in the candidate cell list, the priorities of the handover candidate cells must be higher than the priority of the serving cell after the sorting.  If the serving cell is not in the candidate cell list, the handover candidate cells must meet the following conditions: − LoadHoEn is set to NO, or LoadHoEn is set to YES but the load in the serving cell is smaller than TRIGTHRES. − If the serving cell and the handover candidate cells are at the same layer and have the same priority, the following conditions must be met: SS_DL(N) - SS_DL(S) > H - 64 SS_DL(N) indicates the filtered BCCH receive level of a target cell. SS_DL(S) indicates the compensated receive level on the downlink TCH after filtration. H indicates INTERCELLHYST of the serving cell over the neighboring cell. Negative handover is a type of better-cell handover. When INTERCELLHYST is set to a value smaller than 64, the value of H – 64 is negative. In this case, even if the downlink receive level in a candidate cell is smaller than the downlink receive level in the serving cell, a negative handover to the candidate cell can be performed. − If the serving cell and the handover candidate cells are at different layers but have the same priority, the following conditions must be met: SS_DL(N) ≥ T_layer(N) + H_layer(S) SS_DL(N) indicates the filtered BCCH receive level of a target cell. T_layer(N) indicates HOTHRES of the target cell. H_layer(S) indicates INTELEVHOHYST of the serving cell. − If LoadHoEn is set to YES and the load in the serving cell is greater than TRIGTHRES, better-cell handover can be triggered.  A neighboring cell becomes a target cell if the preceding conditions are met for BETTERCELLLASTTIME during BETTERCELLLASTTIME. If both EDOUTHOADEN and NCELLPUNEN are set to No for the target cell, a better-cell handover is triggered when the previous conditions are met. If EDOUTHOADEN is set to Yes for the target cell, a better-cell handover is triggered when the previous conditions and the following condition are met: Filtered downlink receive level of the serving cell after power control compensation ≥ HOTHRES – (LEVHOHYST + EDOUTHOOFFSET – 64) If NCELLPUNEN is set to Yes for the target cell, the timer NCELLPUNTM is started. After the timer is started, the value of NCELLPUNLEV is subtracted from the filtered receive level of the target cell. If the timer expires, a better-cell handover is triggered. If the timer stops, no better-cell handover is triggered. The timer stops when the filtered BCCH receive level of the target cell is smaller than the value of NCELLPUNSTPTH. Target Cell Selection The requirements for target cell selection are as follows:  The serving cell cannot be selected as the target cell.  The target cell has the highest priority in the candidate cell list. 3.5.11 Handover Between a Full-Rate TCH and a Half-Rate TCH This section describes the feature GBFD-115522 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-44 GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH performs decision based on handover algorithm II. Types of handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH are as follows:  AMR TCHF-TCHH handover and non-AMR TCHF-TCHH handover The purpose is to absorb more MSs and to reduce the cell congestion if the cell load is high.  AMR TCHH-TCHF handover and non-AMR TCHH-TCHF handover The purpose is to improve the speech quality of the call if the cell load is low. Trigger Conditions for an AMR TCHF-TCHH Handover If the AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW is set to Yes, the trigger conditions for an AMR TCHF-TCHH handover are as follows:  SPEECHVERSION used by the call is full-rate speech version 3.  Downlink path loss of the call ≤ AMRFULLTOHALFHOPATHTHRESH + path loss handover margin  ATCB of the call ≥ AMRFULLTOHALFHOATCBTHRESH – ATCB handover margin  Uplink signal quality of the call ≤ AMRFULLTOHALFHOQUALTHRESH  Downlink signal quality of the call ≤ AMRFULLTOHALFHOQUALTHRESH  The preceding conditions are met for FULLTOHALFHOLASTTIME within FULLTOHALFHOSTATTIME. Trigger Conditions for a Non-AMR TCHF-TCHH Handover If the NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW is set to Yes, the trigger conditions for a non-AMR TCHF-TCHH handover are as follows:  SPEECHVERSION used by the call is full-rate speech version 1 or full-rate speech version 2.  Downlink path loss of the call ≤ NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOPATHTHRESH + path loss handover margin  ATCB of the call ≥ NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOATCBTHRESH – ATCB handover margin  Uplink signal quality of the call ≤ NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOATCBTHRESH  Downlink signal quality ≤ NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOATCBTHRESH  The preceding conditions are met for FULLTOHALFHOLASTTIME within FULLTOHALFHOSTATTIME. Trigger Conditions for an AMR TCHH-TCHF Handover If AMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW is set to Yes or AMRHALFTOFULLHOQUALALLOW is set to Yes, the trigger conditions for an AMR TCHF-TCHH handover are as follows:  SPEECHVERSION used by the call is half-rate speech version 3.  Downlink path loss ≤ AMRHALFTOFULLHOPATHTHRESH  ATCB of the call ≤ AMRHALFTOFULLHOATCBTHRESH  Uplink signal quality ≥ AMRHALFTOFULLHOQUALTHRESH  Downlink signal quality of the call ≥ AMRHALFTOFULLHOQUALTHRESH  The AMR TCHH-TCHF handover is triggered if either of the preceding conditions is met for HALFTOFULLHOLASTTIME within HALFTOFULLHOSTATTIME and SPEECHVERSION is half-rate speech version 3. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-45 and handover execution. Whether an SDCCH handover can be performed is controlled by the SIGCHANHOEN parameter. concentric cell handover.13 Other Handovers Other handovers here refer to better 3G cell handover and tight BCCH handover. both SIGCHANHOEN and INRBSCSDHOEN should be set to YES(Yes). Regarding procedure.12 SDCCH Handover This section describes the feature GBFD-110608 SDCCH Handover. TA handover. and tight BCCH handover 3. BQ handover. load handover. better-cell handover. 3-46 . interference handover.GSM BSS Handover 3 Technical Description Trigger Conditions for a Non-AMR TCHH-TCHF Handover If NOAMRFULLTOHALFHOALLOW is set to Yes or NOAMRHALFTOFULLHOQUALALLOW is set to Yes. Tight BCCH Handover See BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing Feature Parameter Description. Better 3G Cell Handover See Interoperability Between GSM and WCDMA Feature Parameter Description. improving the network QoS. SDCCH handover is a process in which the MS is handed over from an SDCCH to another SDCCH in an immediate assignment. Ltd. and fast-moving micro cell handover  The algorithms for the following handovers do not support SDCCH handover: Enhanced dual-band network handover. the trigger conditions for a non-AMR TCHF-TCHH handover are as follows:  SPEECHVERSION used by the call is half-rate speech version 1. If an inter-BSC SDCCH handover is required. handover due to no downlink measurement report. an SDCCH handover involves measurement and MR reporting.5. handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH. 3.5. edge handover.. The handover decision algorithm for SDCCH handover is different from that for TCH handover in the following ways:  The algorithms for the following handovers that support SDCCH handover: Quick handover. better 3G cell handover. handover decision.  Downlink path loss of the call ≤ NOAMRHALFTOFULLHOPATHTHRESH  ATCB of the call ≤ NOAMRHALFTOFULLHOATCBTHRESH  Uplink signal quality of the call ≥ NOAMRHALFTOFULLHOQUALTHRESH  Downlink signal quality of the call ≥ NOAMRHALFTOFULLHOQUALTHRESH  The non-AMR TCHH-TCHF handover is triggered if either of the preceding conditions is met for HALFTOFULLHOLASTTIME within HALFTOFULLHOSTATTIME and SPEECHVERSION is half-rate speech version 1. SDCCH handover helps improve the access success rate of the MSs on the edge of the network. MR processing. The principle of SDCCH handover is the same as that of TCH handover. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Target Cell Selection Only the serving cell can be selected as the target cell of the TCHF-TCHH handover. better-cell handover. This increases the assignment success rate.GSM BSS Handover 4 Related Features 4 Related Features Feature Prerequisite Feature Mutually Exclusive Feature Affected Feature GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report or GBFD-110802 Pre-processing of Measurement Report GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover None GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report or GBFD-110802 Pre-processing of Measurement Report GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover None GBFD-110607 Direct Retry GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover or GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover None GBFD-111005 Enhanced Channel Assignment Algorithm NOTE If channel allocation fails. and fast-moving micro cell handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. better 3G cell handover. concentric cell handover. handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH. GBFD-110608 SDCCH Handover  GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover or GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover The following handover algorithms do not support SDCCH handover:  The following handover algorithms support SDCCH handover: Enhanced dual-band network handover. TA handover. handover due to no downlink measurement report. load handover. None 4-1 . edge handover. interference handover. directed retry can be triggered using a forced handover. Ltd.. BQ handover. and tight BCCH handover Quick handover. handover due to no downlink measurement report.GSM BSS Handover 4 Related Features GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report None GBFD-110802 Pre-processing of Measurement Report None GBFD-110802 Pre-processing of Measurement Report None GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report None None None None None GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover or GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover None None  GBFD-113401 Half Rate Speech None None  GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover or GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover  GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover or GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover None None  GBFD-115502 AMR HR GBFD-510102 Fast Move Handover GBFD-510103 Chain Cell Handover GBFD-117101 BTS power lift for handover GBFD-115522 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment  GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover or GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover  GBFD-510103 Chain Cell Handover  GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover or GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover  GBFD-510102 Fast Move Handover NOTE The following handover algorithms do not have feature IDs: quick handover. concentric cell handover. BQ handover. handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH. TA handover. better 3G cell handover. 4-2 . better-cell handover. Ltd. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. enhanced dual-band network handover. and fast-moving micro cell handover. and tight BCCH handover. load handover. edge handover. interference handover. . Impact on Network Performance This feature improves the immediate assignment success rate and assignment success rate.5 Pre-processing of Measurement Report Impact on System Capacity None Impact on Network Performance None Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1 HUAWEI I Handover and HUAWEI II Handover Impact on System Capacity None Impact on Network Performance Either the HUAWEI I Handover feature or the HUAWEI II Handover feature must be enabled to increase the handover success rate.3 SDCCH Handover Impact on System Capacity The SDCCH Handover feature increases the CPU load because the BSC needs to process SDCCH measurement reports and make handover decisions.2 Direct Retry Impact on System Capacity With the Direct Retry feature. Ltd. 5.4 Processing of Measurement Report Impact on System Capacity None Impact on Network Performance None 5.GSM BSS Handover 5 Impact on the Network 5 Impact on the Network 5. but increases the number of handovers. 5. 5-1 . 5. but increases the number of handovers in heavy-traffic areas. Impact on Network Performance This feature reduces the SDCCH call drop rate and enhances Um-interface security. a heavy-traffic cell can share its traffic with neighboring cells. 8 BTS power lift for handover Impact on System Capacity None Impact on Network Performance The BTS power lift for handover feature increases the handover success rate and decreases the call drop rate in areas with poor signal coverage. improving system capacity. and the greater the fluctuation of the downlink HQI. or high-speed railway. improves voice quality.7 Chain Cell Handover Impact on System Capacity None Impact on Network Performance When a fast-moving MS travels in chain cells along an urban backbone road. expressway. This feature increases the probability that the BTS transmits signals with full power. The Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation feature enables automatic TCHH-to-TCHF handovers when traffic is light. but improves system capacity. This increases the number of handovers but improves voice quality. Ltd. Impact on Network Performance The Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation feature enables automatic TCHF-to-TCHH handovers when traffic is heavy.6 Fast Move Handover Impact on System Capacity None Impact on Network Performance The Fast Move Handover feature enables the BSC to hand over calls to a better cell based on the path loss. 5.9 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation Impact on System Capacity The Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation feature enables automatic TCHF-to-TCHH handovers when traffic is heavy. 5. 5-2 . 5. deteriorates voice quality. the Chain Cell Handover feature increases the handover success rate.. This increases the number of handovers. The larger the probability that the BTS transmits signals with full power. increasing the handover success rate and decreasing the call drop rate. the stronger the co-channel or adjacent channel interference to other cells. and decreases the call drop rate. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.GSM BSS Handover 5 Impact on the Network 5. 10 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Impact on System Capacity The AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment feature enables automatic TCHF-to-TCHH handovers when traffic is heavy. deteriorates voice quality. This increases the number of handovers but improves voice quality. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.GSM BSS Handover 5 Impact on the Network 5.. Impact on Network Performance The AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment feature enables automatic TCHF-to-TCHH handovers when traffic is heavy. This increases the number of handovers. improving system capacity. Ltd. The AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment feature enables automatic TCHH-to-TCHF handovers when traffic is light. but improves system capacity. 5-3 . 6. 6.1. 6. 6. Ltd.4 SDCCH Handover It is recommended that the SDCCH Handover feature be used only in networks where authentication is enabled. SDCCH immediate assignment takes an extensive amount of time. The Processing of Measurement Report feature is recommended. 6-1 .1.1 When to Use Handover 6. When authentication is enabled on a network. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 6. 6.1.7 Fast Move Handover It is recommended that the Fast Move Handover feature be used in chain cells along high-speed railways or expressways. 6.3 Direct Retry It is recommended that the Direct Retry feature be used in cells where the assignment success rate is low due to high load.1. This increases the probability of handovers due to MS mobility and a high interception risk over the Um interface.1.1.8 Chain Cell Handover It is recommended that the Chain Cell Handover feature be used in chain cells along high-speed railways or expressways.GSM BSS Handover 6 Engineering Guidelines 6 Engineering Guidelines 6.1..1.1. 6.10 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation It is recommended that the Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation feature be used in scenarios where traffic is heavy and the proportion of half-rate services is high.1 HUAWEI I Handover It is recommended that the HUAWEI I Handover feature be used.1.6 Pre-processing of Measurement Report It is recommended that the Pre-processing of Measurement Report feature be used when the BSC load is high.2 HUAWEI II Handover It is recommended that the HUAWEI II Handover feature be used in a single-band and dual-band hybrid network.9 BTS power lift for handover It is recommended that the BTS power lift for handover feature be used in scenarios where the handover success rate is low due to coverage problems. 6.5 Processing of Measurement Report Either the Processing of Measurement Report feature or the Pre-processing of Measurement Report feature must be enabled. 2. collect the CPU usage of BSC boards.2.9 BTS power lift for handover Before deploying the BTS power lift for handover feature. collect information about the environment within the cell. collect the following information:  Assignment success rate in the cell  Proportion of assignment failures due to lack of channels  Traffic volume in the cell  Mean Duration of Busy State for Channels (TCH) 6. 6. 6. Ltd. collect the following information:  Handover success rate in the cell Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.2 HUAWEI II Handover Before deploying the HUAWEI II Handover feature.2.2.2..4 SDCCH Handover Before deploying the SDCCH Handover feature. 6.1 HUAWEI I Handover None 6. If the overall CPU load on the BSC is high and more functions or capacity expansion is required.8 Chain Cell Handover Before deploying the Chain Cell Handover feature.1.11 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment It is recommended that the AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment feature be used in scenarios where traffic is heavy and the proportion of half-rate services is high. collect information about whether authentication is enabled on the network from the CN.2 Information to Be Collected 6. Processing of Measurement Report None 6. 6. 6-2 .GSM BSS Handover 6 Engineering Guidelines 6.7 Fast Move Handover Before deploying the Fast Move Handover feature. 6. collect information about the environment within the cell.2. enable this feature so that the BTS preprocesses measurement reports.6 Pre-processing of Measurement Report Before deploying the Pre-processing of Measurement Report feature.3 Direct Retry Before deploying the Direct Retry feature.2. collect the frequency planning information about the cell. verify. verify.11 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Before deploying the AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment feature.3 Network Planning None 6. collect the traffic volume and the proportion of half-rate services in the cell. and deactivate this feature. verify.2. 6.GSM BSS Handover 6 Engineering Guidelines  Number of handover failures due to weak uplink or downlink signal strength  Signal quality in the cell 6.. see Configuring Directed Retry. verify.2.8 Fast Move Handover Feature Deployment For details about how to activate. and deactivate this feature. verify. see Configuring HUAWEI II Handover. 6. 6. 6-3 . Ltd.5 HUAWEI II Handover Feature Deployment For details about how to activate. see Configuring Fast Move Handover. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.4 HUAWEI I Handover Feature Deployment For details about how to activate. see Configuring Chain Cell Handover. and deactivate this feature. and deactivate this feature. and deactivate this feature.10 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation Feature Deployment For details about how to activate. see Configuring HUAWEI I Handover. 6. 6.7 Pre-processing of Measurement Report Feature Deployment For details about how to activate. 6.9 Chain Cell Handover Feature Deployment For details about how to activate. and deactivate this feature. and deactivate this feature.10 Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation Before deploying the Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation feature.6 Direct Retry Feature Deployment For details about how to activate. 6. 6. verify. collect the traffic volume and the proportion of half-rate services in the cell. verify. see Configuring Pre-Processing of Measurement Report. see Configuring Dynamic HR/FR Adaptation. verify. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.11 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Feature Deployment For details about how to activate. see Configuring HUAWEI II Handover. Ltd. 6-4 ..GSM BSS Handover 6 Engineering Guidelines 6. and deactivate this feature. Ltd. no AMR half rate channel can be further assigned if the ratio of the number of AMR half rate channels to the total number of channels in the cell is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter. When the al) nt resource allocation principle is Algorithm determined by the BSC. Total number of channels = number of half rate channels + number of full rate channels x 2 GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 100 Unit: % AMRFULLTO BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Whether to enable the HALFHOALLO GCELLHOBA 0501 II algorithm for load.. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 20 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. GUI Value Range: NO(No). its ATCB excludes the ATCB offset in the overlaid subcell. AMR TCHF-to-TCHH handovers can be triggered when the following condition is met: ATCB of an AMR full-rate call >= Value of this parameter + ATCB offset If the call is initiated in an overlaid subcell. When the resource allocation principle is not determined by the BSC. radio resource allocation does not depend on the setting of this parameter.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters 7 Parameters Table 7-1 Parameter description Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ALLOWAMRH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Maximum ratio of the number ALFRATEUSE GCELLCHMG 1005 Channel of AMR half rate channels to the total RPERC BASIC(Option Assignme number of channels in a cell. 7-1 . YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None AMRFULLTO BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Threshold for the AdapTive HALFHOATC GCELLHOBA 0501 II Cell Border (ATCB) during AMR BTHRESH SIC(Optional) Handover TCHF-to-TCHH handovers.and quality-based W SIC(Optional) Handover AMR TCHF-to-TCHH handovers. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 100 Unit: dB AMRFULLTO BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Quality threshold for the AMR HALFHOQUA GCELLHOBA 0501 II handover from full rate to half rate. Ltd. If the call is initiated in an overlaid subcell. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 4 Unit: dB AMRHALFTO BSC6900 SET Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Threshold for the path loss Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. the AMR call is handed over from full rate to half rate. its path loss includes the path loss offset in the overlaid subcell. its ATCB excludes the ATCB offset in the overlaid subcell. If the LTHRESH SIC(Optional) Handover uplink and downlink receive quality levels of an AMR full rate call are both equal to or less than "AMRFULLTOHALFHOQUALTHRESH" + "AMRF2HHOQUALTHFINE"*0.1. HTHRESH SIC(Optional) Handover AMR TCHF-to-TCHH handovers can be triggered when the following condition is met: Path loss of an AMR full-rate call <= Value of this parameter + Path loss offset If the call is initiated in an overlaid subcell.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Unit: dB AMRFULLTO BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Threshold for the path loss HALFHOPAT GCELLHOBA 0501 II during AMR TCHF-to-TCHH handovers. 7-2 . AMR TCHH-to-TCHF handovers can be triggered when the ATCB of an AMR full-rate call is lower than or equal to this threshold. GUI Value Range: 0~7 Actual Value Range: 0~7 Default Value: 0 Unit: None AMRHALFTO BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Threshold for the AdapTive FULLHOATCB GCELLHOBA 0501 II Cell Border (ATCB) during AMR THRESH SIC(Optional) Handover TCHH-to-TCHF handovers. 7-3 . Handover AMR TCHH-to-TCHF handovers can be triggered when the following condition is met: Path loss of an AMR half-rate call >= Value of this parameter If the call is initiated in an overlaid subcell. GUI Value Range: 0~7 Actual Value Range: 0~7 Default Value: 3 Unit: None AMRTCHHPRI BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR HR Meaning: Whether channels are ORALLOW GCELLCHMG 5502 assigned and TCHF-to-TCHH handover AD(Optional) decisions are made on the basis of the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold if AMR calls are detected. When this parameter is set to ON. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 108 Unit: dB AMRHALFTO BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Whether to enable the FULLHOQUAL GCELLHOBA 0501 II algorithm for quality-based AMR ALLOW SIC(Optional) Handover TCHH-to-TCHF handovers. Ltd. Even if the cell load does not reach the threshold. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None AMRHALFTO BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Quality threshold for the AMR FULLHOQUAL GCELLHOBA 0501 II handover from half rate to full rate. If the THRESH SIC(Optional) Handover uplink or downlink receive quality level of an AMR half rate call is equal to or greater than "AMRHALFTOFULLHOQUALTHRESH" + "AMRH2FHOQUALFINE"*0.1. its path loss includes the path loss offset in the overlaid subcell. the AMR call is handed over from half rate to full rate..GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID FULLHOPATH THRESH GCELLHOBA 0501 SIC(Optional) Feature Name Description II during AMR TCHH-to-TCHF handovers. GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. the channel assignment algorithm uses the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold to Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. TCHH-to-TCHF handover decisions can be made when this parameter is set to YES(Yes). Handover algorithm generation 1 determines whether to hand over AMR calls occupying TCHFs to TCHHs without considering traffic in the corresponding cell. AMR half rate channels are assigned preferentially. ON(On) Actual Value Range: OFF. the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold is not used during channel assignment. If this parameter is set to DISABLE. and Handover algorithm generation 1 uses the AMR TCH/H prior cell load threshold to determine whether to hand over AMR calls occupying TCHFs to TCHHs. GUI Value Range: 0~99 Actual Value Range: 0~99 Default Value: 55 Unit: % ASSLOADJUD BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Direct GEEN Retry GCELLCCBA 0607 SIC(Optional) Meaning: Whether to enable the directed retry based on cell load. the MS attempts to apply for a channel in the serving cell. GUI Value Range: DISABLE(Disable).GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description determine whether to assign TCHHs to AMR calls. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. ON Default Value: ON Unit: None AMRTCHHPRI BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR HR Meaning: Load threshold for assigning ORLOAD GCELLCHMG 5502 half rate channels preferentially. Directed retry is enabled if the following conditions are met: This parameter is set to ENABLE.. 7-4 . When this parameter is set to OFF. GUI Value Range: OFF(Off). The current cell load is larger than or equal to the value of "CDRTTRYFBDTHRES" in "SET GCELLOTHEXT" during assignment. If the application fails. Ltd. The cell supports directed retry. it continues with the directed retry procedure. If the AD(Optional) current TCH seizure ratio of the cell is greater than this threshold. "Distance Hysteresis Between Boudaries". the MS is on the boundary of the underlaid subcell. Ltd. If SS(s) SS(n) < "Distance Between Boudaries of Subcells" .. the MS is handed over from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell. The boundaries of the overlaid and underlaid subcells are determined according to the relative value between the signal strength of the serving cell and the signal strength of the neighbor cell. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 2 Unit: dB ATCBTHRED BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Distance between the GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban boundary of the overlaid subcell and the d Network boundary of the underlaid subcell. This parameter helps to adjust "Distance Between Boudaries of Subcells" and thus to prevent ping-pong handover between the overlaid and underlaid subcells. 7-5 . If SS(s) = SS(n).SS(n) > "Distance Between Boudaries of Subcells". ENABLE Default Value: DISABLE Unit: None ATCBHYST BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Hysteresis in the distance GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban between the boundary of the overlaid d Network subcell and the boundary of the BPARA(Option al) underlaid subcell. the MS is in the coverage of the overlaid subcell. this parameter specifies the difference between the coverage of the TRX that Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. This BPARA(Option al) parameter specifies the difference between the coverage of the overlaid subcell and the coverage of the underlaid subcell in the concentric cell or dual-frequency network scenario. In the tight BCCH handover algorithm.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ENABLE(Enable) Actual Value Range: DISABLE. If SS(s) . Assume that the signal strength of the serving cell is SS(s) and that the signal strength of the neighbor cell is SS(n). Assume that the signal strength of the serving cell is SS(s) and that the signal strength of the neighbor cell is SS(n). If the uplink or downlink BQ exceeds the BQ handover threshold. This parameter specifies P in the P/N rule.. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 7-6 . GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI Whether to trigger BQ handover depends on the uplink and downlink 0501 II Handover transmit quality (measured by using BER). GUI Value Range: 1~200 Actual Value Range: 1~200 Default Value: 20 Unit: s BETTERCELL BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Whether to enable the HOEN algorithm for the handover to a better cell GCELLHOBA 0501 II SIC(Optional) Handover GUI Value Range: NO(No). Ltd.5~16 Default Value: 4 Unit: 0. emergency BQ handover is triggered.5s BQHOEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to enable the bad Handover quality (BQ) handover algorithm. The relevant computation is the same as the preceding computation. handovers to a better cell can be MOD triggered when the conditions for G2GNCELL(O handovers to a better cell are met for P ptional) seconds within N seconds. Intra-cell 0501 II Handover handover can be conducted again only after this duration. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 10 Unit: dB BANTIME BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Duration in which intra-cell Handover handover is forbidden after the number GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI of consecutive intra-cell handovers reaches the maximum. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None BETTERCELL BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Period during which the LASTTIME G2GNCELL(O 0501 II conditions for handovers to a better cell ptional) Handover are met. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description carries the BCCH and the coverage of the TRX that does not carry the BCCH. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. According to the P/N rule. GUI Value Range: 0~127 Actual Value Range: -64~63 Default Value: 69 Unit: dB BQSTATTIME BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. if the G2GNCELL(O 0501 II conditions for emergency BQ handover ptional) Handover are met in P of N measurement reports.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description The possible causes of BER increase (or quality degradation) include too low signal power and channel interference. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 7-7 . GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0.(Value of this parameter .5~8 Default Value: 1 Unit: 0. This parameter is 0501 MOD II G2GNCELL(O GBFD-11 Handover used to calculate the bad quality handover hysteresis based on the ptional) 8106 Dynamic following formula: Power Sharing Bad quality handover hysteresis = Value of "INTERCELLHYST" -Value of this parameter Bad quality handovers to a neighboring cell can be triggered when the following condition is met: (Downlink receive level of the neighboring cell after filtering .64). The actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64. the handover is triggered. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None BQLASTTIME BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. MOD G2GNCELL(O ptional) This parameter specifies the number P.Downlink receive level of the serving cell after power control compensation) > (Value of "INTERCELLHYST " .5s BQMARGIN BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Difference between the Handover downlink receive level of the serving cell G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI and that of a neighboring cell during bad quality handovers.64) . YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. Ltd. GUI Value Range: NO(No). if the G2GNCELL(O 0501 II conditions for emergency BQ handover ptional) Handover are met in P of N measurement reports.. 4 MOD II Handover Actual Value Range: 1. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0. 3. GUI Value Range: BSC_Preprocessing(BSC preprocessing).5s BSMSPWRLE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Pre-proce V GCELLHOCT 0802 ssing of RL(Optional) Measure ment Report Meaning: Whether to enable the BTS to transfer BTS/MS power class to the BSC GUI Value Range: NO(No).GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name MOD G2GNCELL(O ptional) Description the handover is triggered. If the layer of Handover the cell is lower. 0501 GUI Value Range: 1. ADD GCELL(Manda tory) GUI Value Range: Inner(Inner). This parameter specifies the number N. This parameter determines where to conduct power control. Ltd. Extra(Extra) Actual Value Range: Inner.. 2. BTS_Preprocessing(BTS preprocessing) Actual Value Range: BSC_Preprocessing. 7-8 . 2.5~8 Default Value: 1 Unit: 0. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None BTSMESRPT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Pre-proce PREPROC GCELLHOCT 0802 ssing of RL(Optional) Measure ment Report Meaning: Whether to enable the BTS to preprocess measurement reports. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. BTS_Preprocessing Default Value: BSC_Preprocessing Unit: None CELLINEXTP BSC6900 MOD GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: This parameter specifies GCELL(Manda 4402 Dual-Ban whether a cell is the OL subcell or the UL tory) d Network subcell. 3. Extra Default Value: None Unit: None CELLLAYER BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Layer of the cell. 4 GEXT3GCELL (Optional) Default Value: 3 Unit: None Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. This parameter is applied to the enhanced dualband cell. it is more likely that a GEXT3GCELL 0601 (Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI handover to the cell will be triggered. An extended BCCH can be configured only in timeslot 2. If an extended BCCH is configured. if an extended BCCH is Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 4. The main and combined BCCHs shall always be configured in timeslot 0. In the BSC6900.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description CHAINNCELL BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 Chain Cell Meaning: This parameter indicates the TYPE Handover geographical relationship between the G2GNCELL(O 0103 ptional) neighboring cell and the serving cell. G2GNCELL(O ptional) GUI Value Range: QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_A(QUICK_ HO_NCELL_TYPE_A). For example. 7-9 . MOD then the reverse direction is B. QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_B Default Value: QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_A Unit: None CHTYPE BSC6900 SET MRFD-21 Configurat Meaning: Type and function of the channel GTRXCHAN( 0301 ion Optional) Managem GBFD-51 ent 1403 Combined BCCH+7TCH Extended BCCH Main BCCH+SDCCH/8+6TCH Main BCCH+2SDCCH/8+5TCH Main BCCH+SDCCH/8+extended BCCH (BCH)+5TCH Main BCCH+SDCCH/8+extended BCCH (BCH)+TCH+extended BCCH (BCH)+3TCH The BCCHs in a cell need to be configured according to the number of channels in the cell and the paging capacity in the location area. QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_B(QUICK_ HO_NCELL_TYPE_B) Actual Value Range: QUICK_HO_NCELL_TYPE_A. Ltd. the CCCH parameter in the system message data needs to be configured accordingly. or 6. if direction A is selected.. In the case of SDCCH/8+CBCH cell broadcast.. With the same effect. CBCCH. TCHHR. BCCH_CBCH(BCCH+CBCH). SDCCH8(SDCCH8). DPDCH Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description configured in timeslot 2. MBCCH(Main BCCH). The data configurations for half-rate networking differ from the data configurations for other networking. PDTCH. PDTCH(PDTCH). set this parameter to BCCH_CBCH. To enable cell broadcast in a cell. set this parameter to SDCCH_CBCH. each E1 supports up to 13 TRXs. PBCCH_PDTCH(PBCCH+PDTCH). PBCCH_PDTCH. GUI Value Range: TCHFR(TCH Full Rate). You can change a TCH into SDCCH+CBCH or the original SDCCH into SDCCH+CBCH. add a CBCH to a cell that is about to support cell broadcasting during radio channel configuration. the LAPD signaling link multiplexing ratio at the Abis interface is up to 2:1. DPDCH(Dynamic PDCH) Actual Value Range: TCHFR. the CCCH parameter in the system message data needs to be configured as two uncombined CCCHs. SDCCH_CBCH(SDCCH+CBCH). BCH(BCH). Therefore. 7-10 . CBCCH(Combined BCCH). MBCCH. PCCCH_PDTCH. BCH. In the case of half-rate networking. each TRX maintains high RSL traffic. SDCCH8. TCHHR(TCH Half Rate). BCCH_CBCH. If the LAPD signaling links are demultiplexed. each E1 supports fewer TRXs. In the case of half-rate networking. SDCCH_CBCH. Ltd. the SDCCH/8 and SDCCH/4 cell broadcast services serve different network planning requirements. In the case of SDCCH/4 cell broadcast. PCCCH_PDTCH(PCCCH+PDTCH). step:480. consider adjusting the sector and TRX configuration and the network layout. GUI Value Range: 1~31 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~14880. SDCCH:470~14570. Ltd. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. Averaging the signal quality in multiple 0501 II Handover measurement reports helps to avoid a sharp signal quality drop due to Rayleigh fading and to ensure the comprehensiveness of a handover decision. step:470 Default Value: 4 Unit: ms DIRECTRYEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Direct Retry GCELLBASIC 0607 PARA(Optiona l) Meaning: Whether to enable a directed retry. step:480. SDCCH:470~14570. GUI Value Range: NO(No).. 7-11 . The directed retry is an emergency measure applicable to abnormal traffic peaks in some areas of a radio network. Averaging the signal strength in multiple 0501 II Handover measurement reports helps to avoid a sharp signal level drop due to Rayleigh fading and to ensure the comprehensiveness of a handover decision. The directed retry is to hand over an MS to a neighboring cell in the same procedure as the handover. You should not use the directed retry as a major means of solving traffic congestion. GUI Value Range: 1~31 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~14880. YES Default Value: YES Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. If the directed retry always occurs in some areas of a network. step:470 Default Value: 4 Unit: ms DATASTRFLT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Number of measurement LEN Handover reports sampled for averaging the signal GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI strength on a speech/data channel.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: TCHFR Unit: None DATAQUAFLT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Number of measurement LEN Handover reports sampled for averaging the signal GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI quality on a speech/data channel. handovers between repeaters are asynchronous. Using repeaters cannot increase the traffic capacity of a network but improve the coverage only. If the PBGT handover algorithm is disabled. 7-12 . co-and adjacent-channel interference may occur when this threshold is set improperly. The value of this parameter equals any of the quality levels 0 through II Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. It is applied to widely-stretched areas or indoor areas to solve the dead zone problem of BTS coverage. Ltd. the total traffic improves accordingly. Edge GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI handovers are triggered when the downlink receive level remains lower 0501 II Handover than this threshold. this threshold can be decreased accordingly. The setting of this parameter has effects on handovers.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Unit: None DIRMAGANSI BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether a cell is a repeater. a GCELLSOFT( 0601 Optional) repeater is a coverage extension device of a BTS. Repeaters use the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) due to a greater distance between them. Synchronous handovers will fail. TEFLAG Handover With simpler functions than a BTS. GUI Value Range: NO(No). to balance the receive levels on the uplink and downlink. over-coverage. Because the BTS coverage increases.. In addition. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None DLEDGETHR BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Threshold for triggering ES Handover downlink edge handovers. Therefore. however. this threshold needs to be adjusted according to the handover performance statistics and actual network performance. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 20 Unit: dB DLQUALIMIT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Limit to the downlink receive Handover signal quality during emergency GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI handovers. If the PBGT handover algorithm is enabled. G2GNCELL(O this parameter is used to calculate the ptional) hysteresis of handovers due to directed retry based on the following formula: Hysteresis of handovers due to directed retry = Value of "INTERCELLHYST" - Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 60 Unit: None DLQUALIMITA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR HR Meaning: Downlink quality limit for MRHR GCELLAMRQ 5502 HUAWEI emergency handover in an AMR half rate UL(Optional) GBFD-51 II call.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description 0501 Handover 7 multiplied by 10. GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 55 Unit: None DLQUALIMITA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR FR Meaning: Downlink quality limit for MRFR GCELLAMRQ 5501 HUAWEI emergency handover in an AMR full rate UL(Optional) GBFD-51 II call.. An emergency GBFD-11 HUAWEI I handover can be triggered only when the 0601 Handover downlink reception quality of an MS is higher than the value of this parameter. GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 55 Unit: None DRHOLEVRA BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Difference between the NGE Handover downlink receive level of the serving cell G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI and that of a neighboring cell during handovers due to directed retry. 7-13 . Emergency handovers can be triggered only when the downlink receive signal quality of an MS is higher than or equal to the value of this parameter (the downlink receive signal quality is poor). The value of this parameter 0501 Handover corresponds to the quality levels (0 to 7) multiplied by 10. which indicates a poor quality. In the 0501 MOD II Handover case of Huawei handover algorithm II. The value of this parameter 0501 Handover corresponds to the quality levels (0 to 7) multiplied by 10. Ltd. An emergency GBFD-11 HUAWEI I handover can be triggered only when the 0601 Handover downlink reception quality of an MS is higher than the value of this parameter. which indicates a poor quality. GUI Value Range: NO(No). GUI Value Range: 0~128 Actual Value Range: 0~128 Default Value: 72 Unit: dB DRTAGCELLS BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Direct EL Retry GCELLOTHE 0607 XT(Optional) Meaning: Whether directed retry can be performed to multiple target cells. When this parameter is set to "YES". YES Default Value: NO Unit: None DTLOADTHR BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Direct ED Retry GCELLCCBA 0607 SIC(Optional) Meaning: Threshold of the load in the target cell for the directed retry. directed retry can be performed to only one target cell.Downlink receive level of the serving cell after power control compensation) > (Value of "INTERCELLHYST" . Only a cell whose load is lower than or equal to this threshold can be selected as a candidate target cell. nt of Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. Only the channel configured in the TCH/F mode can be preempted.64) .64).(Value of this parameter . When this parameter is set to "NO".GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Value of this parameter Handovers due to directed retry to a neighboring cell can be triggered when the following condition is met: (Downlink receive level of the neighboring cell after filtering . "Preempt all dynamic TCHFs" indicates the circuit domain can preempt all the dynamic channels. Load GBFD-11 Sharing 9501 Adaptive "No preempt of CCHs" indicates the Adjustme circuit domain can preempt all the dynamic channels except the CCHs. 7-14 . directed retry can be performed to multiple target cells. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 85 Unit: % DYNCHNPRE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 GPRS EMPTLEV GCELLPSCH 4101 PDCH M(Optional) GBFD-11 Dynamic 3101 Adjustme GBFD-11 nt 9303 Meaning: Mode of preempting the dynamic channel for the CS domain and PS domain.. 7-15 . the edge handover to the G2GNCELL(O neighbor cell is triggered.5s EDGEADJSTA BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule.5~16 Default Value: 4 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. LEVEL1. if a TTIME G2GNCELL(O 0501 II neighbor cell meets the conditions for ptional) Handover selecting the neighbor cell for edge handover in P of N measurement MOD reports. the edge handover to the G2GNCELL(O neighbor cell is triggered. if a TTIME G2GNCELL(O 0501 II neighbor cell meets the conditions for ptional) Handover selecting the neighbor cell for edge handover in P of N measurement MOD reports. LEVEL1(No preempt of CCHs). Ltd. ptional) This parameter specifies the number N. LEVEL2(No preempt of service TCHF) Actual Value Range: LEVEL0. LEVEL2 Default Value: LEVEL0 Unit: None EDBSYSFLO BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: If the current system flow WLEV GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban control level is greater than this d Network parameter.5s Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. GUI Value Range: LEVEL0(Preempt all dynamic TCHFs). GUI Value Range: 0~11 Actual Value Range: 0~11 Default Value: 10 Unit: None EDGEADJLAS BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. ptional) This parameter specifies the number P.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Uplink and Downlink Channels "No preempt of service TCHF" indicates the circuit domain cannot preempt all the dynamic channels of bearer services. the handover between the BPARA(Option al) underlaid and overlaid subcells due to low or high load in the underlaid subcell is not allowed.5~16 Default Value: 6 Unit: 0. 0501 GUI Value Range: NO(No). This parameter specifies the number P.5~16 Default Value: 1 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. This parameter specifies the number N.5s EDOUTHOAD BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: This parameter determines EN Handover whether a cell supports enhanced GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI outgoing cell handover. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. This parameter specifies the number P. the handover is triggered.5s EDGESTAT1 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: According to the P/N rule. if the Handover conditions for edge handover are met for GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) P seconds within N seconds. the handover is triggered.5s EDGESTAT BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. YES Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. This parameter specifies the number N. if the GCELLHOBA 0501 II conditions for edge handover are met in SIC(Optional) Handover P of N measurement reports.5~16 Default Value: 4 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. 7-16 .5s EDGELAST1 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: According to the P/N rule. if the Handover conditions for edge handover are met for GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) P seconds within N seconds. if the GCELLHOBA 0501 II conditions for edge handover are met in SIC(Optional) Handover P of N measurement reports. YES(Yes) II Handover Actual Value Range: NO. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. the handover is triggered.5~16 Default Value: 1 Unit: 0. the handover is triggered.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE EDGELAST MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. Ltd.5~16 Default Value: 6 Unit: 0.. . That is. the BSC takes the value of this parameter into account when deciding to trigger an edge handover. handovers to a better neighboring cell can be triggered when both of the following conditions are met: "Enhanced Outgoing Cell Handover Offset" is set to YES(Yes).64 In the case of Huawei handover algorithm II. GUI Value Range: 0~127 Actual Value Range: -64~63 Default Value: 64 Unit: None FAILSIGSTRP BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Penalty signal level imposed UNISH Handover on a target cell to which the handover GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI fails due to congestion or poor radio quality. This penalty helps to prevent the 0501 II Handover MS from making a second handover attempt to the target cell.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: NO Unit: None EDOUTHOOF BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Level offset for the serving cell FSET Handover when handovers to the edge of a G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI neighboring cell are triggered. Ltd. The actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64.(Value of "LEVHOHYST" + Value of this parameter . handovers to the edge of a neighboring cell can be triggered when either of the following condition is met: Uplink receive level of the serving cell after power control compensation < Value of "ULEDGETHRES" + Value of this parameter . Receive level of the serving cell after power control compensation < Value of "HOTHRES" . 0501 II When both "Enhanced Outgoing Cell Handover Handover Offset" and "EDGE HO Allowed" are set to YES(Yes) for a cell.64 Downlink receive level of the serving cell after power control compensation < Value of"DLEDGETHRES" + Value of this parameter .64). GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 7-17 . g of 0802 Measure GUI Value Range: RSCP(RSCP). GUI Value Range: 0~20 Actual Value Range: 0~20 Default Value: 10 Unit: None FLTPARAA2 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: One of the nine parameters Handover (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly.. EcN0(Ec/N0) ment Report Actual Value Range: RSCP. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + . A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 30 Unit: dB FDDREP BSC6900 SET GCELLCCUT RANSYS(Opti onal) GBFD-11 GSM/WC Meaning: This parameter specifies 4301 DMA whether Ec/No or RSCP is used for the Interopera measurement report on a FDD cell. The Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.. GBFD-11 bility Ec/No stands for the signal-to-noise 0801 ratio. the signal level is considered dropping rapidly.. + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. 7-18 . EcN0 Pre-proce Default Value: RSCP ssing of Measure Unit: None ment Report FLTPARAA1 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: One of the nine parameters Handover (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. In the formula. RSCP stands for the received GBFD-11 Processin signal code power. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + .. A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B.. GUI Value Range: 0~20 Actual Value Range: 0~20 Default Value: 10 Unit: None FLTPARAA3 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: One of the nine parameters Handover (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. GUI Value Range: 0~20 Actual Value Range: 0~20 Default Value: 10 Unit: None Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B.. + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree.. In the formula. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + . C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. the signal level is considered dropping rapidly.. Ltd. In the formula. 7-19 . Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree.. Ltd. In the formula. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. In the formula.. GUI Value Range: 0~20 Actual Value Range: 0~20 Default Value: 10 Unit: None FLTPARAA5 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: One of the nine parameters Handover (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. GUI Value Range: 0~20 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co... + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover.. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + . C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. 7-20 . the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + . the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE FLTPARAA4 MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: One of the nine parameters Handover (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. . Ltd.. + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover. In the formula.. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Actual Value Range: 0~20 Default Value: 10 Unit: None FLTPARAA6 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: One of the nine parameters Handover (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover. 7-21 . GUI Value Range: 0~20 Actual Value Range: 0~20 Default Value: 10 Unit: None FLTPARAA7 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: One of the nine parameters Handover (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly.. A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. In the formula.. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + . Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + . the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. This GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter helps to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly.. Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. a more rapid signal level drop is required to trigger the handover due to rapid signal level drop.. If this parameter is higher. + A8 x C(nt-7t) If C1(nt) is less than B and C(nt) is less than the threshold for edge handover.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Setting the filter helps to configure the maximum allowed signal level drop degree. GUI Value Range: 0~20 Actual Value Range: 0~20 Default Value: 10 Unit: None FLTPARAB BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Trend of the received signal Handover level of the cell during a period. In the formula. The computation formula is as follows: C1(nt) = A1 x C(nt) + A2 x C(nt-t) + A3 x C(nt-2t) + . Ltd. A1 to A8 are filter parameters A1 to A8 minus 10 and B is the negative of filter parameter B. GUI Value Range: 0~20 Actual Value Range: 0~20 Default Value: 10 Unit: None FLTPARAA8 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: One of the nine parameters Handover (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) parameter B) used to configure the filter for determining whether the received signal level drops rapidly. the signal level is considered dropping rapidly. 7-22 .. GUI Value Range: 0~200 Actual Value Range: 0~200 Default Value: 0 Unit: None Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. C(nt) indicates the received signal level in the uplink measurement report of the serving cell received at time nt. BTS3X. For BTS3001C. If the value of this parameter is 0. this parameter is not sent. the handover of the cell must be changed from the synchronous mode to the asynchronous mode. If the parameter is set to a value except for 0 and 255. When an MS makes GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI a call at the edge of a cell. GUI Value Range: NO(No). To avoid such a call drop.5~16 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None FULLTOHALF BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. Ltd. the cell is not offset. the handover is triggered. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 0 Unit: None FRINGEHOEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to enable the edge Handover handover algorithm. the FCH and SCH signals of neighboring cells do not appear in the same frame. This parameter specifies the number P. and double-transceiver BTSs. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. the edge handover algorithm is involved. the call may drop if the received signal level is too 0501 II Handover low. 7-23 . When the uplink signal level of the serving cell is less than "Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold" or the downlink signal level of the serving cell is less than "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold". If the value is 255.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description FRAMEOFFS BSC6900 SET MRFD-21 Configurat Meaning: Frame offset. Thus. The frame offset ET GCELLOTHE 0301 ion technology arranges the frame numbers XT(Optional) Managem of different cells under the same BTS to ent be different from one another by one frame offset. if the HOLASTTIME GCELLHOBA 0501 II conditions for the handover from full rate SIC(Optional) Handover to half rate are met for P seconds within N seconds. which is helpful for the coding of an MS. the edge handover is triggered. BTS3002C.. the frame offset can be predicted according to the value of this parameter. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. G2GNCELL(O ptional) This parameter specifies the number P. if the E G2GNCELL(O 0501 II conditions for the handover to a different ptional) Handover micro cell due to fast movement are met in P of N measurement reports. the handover is triggered. if the E G2GNCELL(O 0501 II conditions for the handover to a different micro cell due to fast movement are met Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.5s HALFTOFULL BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. Ltd.5~16 Default Value: 6 Unit: 0.5~16 Default Value: 6 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0.5s HCSSTATTIM BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. This parameter specifies the number N. 7-24 . if the HOSTATTIME GCELLHOBA 0501 II conditions for the handover from full rate SIC(Optional) Handover to half rate are met for P seconds within N seconds. This parameter specifies the number N.5~8 Default Value: 2 Unit: 0.5~16 Default Value: 4 Unit: 0.5s HCSLASTTIM BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. the MOD handover is triggered. if the HOLASTTIME GCELLHOBA 0501 II conditions for the handover from half rate SIC(Optional) Handover to full rate are met for P seconds within N seconds. the handover is triggered. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. the handover is triggered.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 4 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0.. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0. This parameter specifies the number P. if the HOSTATTIME GCELLHOBA 0501 II conditions for the handover from half rate SIC(Optional) Handover to full rate are met for P seconds within N seconds.5s HALFTOFULL BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule.5s FULLTOHALF BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: According to the P/N rule. the neighbor 0501 II Handover cell can be listed in the candidate cell queue for handover.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command ptional) MOD G2GNCELL(O ptional) Feature ID Feature Name Description Handover in P of N measurement reports.5~8 Default Value: 3 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0. HOALGORITHM2(Handover algorithm II) Actual Value Range: HOALGORITHM1. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 10 Unit: dB HOCDCMINU BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Limit on the minimum uplink PPWR Handover receive level for a neighboring cell. This parameter specifies the number N. It is estimated using the following formula: Uplink receive level for a neighboring cell = Maximum transmit power of an MS (BTS transmit power .5s HOCDCMIND BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: If the downlink received signal WPWR Handover level of a neighbor cell is greater than GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI "Min DL Level on Candidate Cell" plus "Min Access Level Offset". The uplink receive level for a neighboring cell cannot be obtained from a live network. 7-25 .. HOALGORITHM2 Default Value: HOALGORITHM1 Unit: None Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. You GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI are advised to use the default value 0 for this parameter because the receive level 0501 II Handover for a neighboring cell can be limited by "Min DL Level on Candidate Cell".Downlink receive level for a neighboring cell). GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 0 Unit: dB HOCTRLSWIT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to use handover CH Handover algorithm generation 1 or 2 currently GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GUI Value Range: HOALGORITHM1(Handover algorithm I). the handover is triggered. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. the BSC6900 can forecast the handover direction of the call in fast handover so that the best target cell can be selected for handover.. and then the BSC6900 determines that the MS is moving to the Class B chain neighboring cell. the MS is handed over to Class B chain neighboring cell for successively P times. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 50 Unit: dB Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None HODIRLASTTI BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 Chain Cell Meaning: This parameter indicates P in ME Handover the P/N rule for MS handover direction GCELLHOFA 0103 ST(Optional) forecast. and then the BSC6900 determines that the MS is moving to the Class B chain neighboring cell. GUI Value Range: NO(No).GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description HODIRFORE BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 Chain Cell Meaning: Handover direction forecast CASTEN Handover switch. GUI Value Range: 0~16 Actual Value Range: 0~16 Default Value: 3 Unit: None HODOWNTRI BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 Fast Move Meaning: Threshold for the downlink GE Handover receive level during fast handovers. Fast GCELLHOFA 0102 ST(Optional) handovers may be triggered when the downlink receive level in the serving cell is lower than this threshold. P/N rule: Among N handovers. When this parameter is set to GCELLHOFA 0103 ST(Optional) YES. GUI Value Range: 0~16 Actual Value Range: 0~16 Default Value: 3 Unit: None HODIRSTATI BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 Chain Cell Meaning: This parameter indicates N in ME Handover the P/N rule for MS handover direction GCELLHOFA 0103 ST(Optional) forecast. P/N rule: Among N handovers. 7-26 . the MS is handed over to Class B chain neighboring cell for successively P times. Ltd. Pre_3G_Cell(Preference for 3G cell). When this parameter is GBFD-11 DMA set to Pre_3G_Cell. 7-27 . SCDMA the BSC preferentially selects a Interopera neighboring 3G cell as the handover bility target cell if the receive level of the neighboring 2G cell that ranks the first in the candidate cell list is equal to or smaller than "HO Preference Threshold for 2G Cell". the BSC preferentially selects GBFD-11 DMA a neighboring 2G cell as the handover Interopera target cell. Otherwise.parameter is set to Pre_2G_CellThres. Pre_3G_Cell. 4302 bility Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. When this parameter is set 0501 II to Pre_2G_Cell.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE HOOPTSEL MML Command BSC6900 SET GCELLHOUT RANFDD(Opti onal) Feature ID Feature Name Description GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: This parameter specifies 0601 Handover whether a 2G cell or to a 3G cell is GBFD-51 HUAWEI preferentially selected as the target cell for handover. the BSC 0501 II preferentially selects a neighboring 3G GBFD-11 Handover cell as the handover target cell. 4301 GSM/WC Otherwise. the BSC preferentially selects a neighboring 2G cell as the handover target cell. the BSC preferentially GBFD-11 Handover selects a 2G candidate cell as the target 4301 GSM/WC cell for handover. the BSC Interopera preferentially selects a 3G candidate cell 4302 bility as the target cell for handover. Ltd. When this GSM/TD.. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 5 Unit: s HOPRETH2G BSC6900 SET GCELLHOUT RANFDD(Opti onal) Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: If the receive level of the 0601 Handover neighboring 2G cell that ranks the first in GBFD-51 HUAWEI the candidate cell list is equal to or smaller than this threshold. Pre_2G_CellThres Default Value: Pre_2G_CellThres Unit: None HOPENALTYT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: An MS cannot be handed over IME GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid d Network subcell in this duration after the MS is BPARA(Option al) handed over from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell successfully. GUI Value Range: Pre_2G_Cell(Preference for 2G cell). Pre_2G_CellThres(Preference 2G cell by thresh) Actual Value Range: Pre_2G_Cell. This value is used to suppress inter-layer ping-pong 0501 II Handover handovers.. If congestion also occurs in the second candidate cell.64. Ltd.GUI Value Range: 0~63 SCDMA Actual Value Range: 0~63 Interopera Default Value: 25 bility Unit: dB HOPUNISHVA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: To avoid ping-pong handover. When GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) there is more than one candidate cell. Inter-layer handover threshold of the serving cell = "Inter-layer HO threshold" "Inter-layer HO Hysteresis". the BSC attempts to hand over the MS to the second candidate cell if congestion occurs in the first candidate cell to ensure handover success and call continuity. the BSC attempts to hand over the MS to the third candidate cell. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 25 Unit: dB HOTRYCNT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Maximum number of handover Handover attempts that can be triggered. Inter-layer handover threshold of a neighboring cell = "Inter-layer HO Threshold" + "Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis" . GUI Value Range: 1~3 Actual Value Range: 1~3 Default Value: 3 Unit: None Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 7-28 .GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description GSM/TD. LUE Handover the received signal of the original serving GCELLHOFA 0601 ST(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI cell is decreased by "Quick handover punish value" in "Quick handover punish 0501 II Handover time" after fast handover succeeds. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 63 Unit: dB HOTHRES BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Handover threshold during the Handover handovers between cells on different GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI layers or of different priorities. if the currently occupied channel is a half rate Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.5s INFHHOSTAT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR GCELLHOBA 5504 FR/HR SIC(Optional) Dynamic Adjustme nt Meaning: The triggering of intra-cell F-H handovers must meet the P/N criteria. an intra-cell F-H handover is triggered. when the condition for intra-cell F-H handovers is met for P seconds during N seconds.5s INHOF2HTH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR GCELLHOBA 5504 FR/HR SIC(Optional) Dynamic Adjustme nt Meaning: For an AMR call. an intra-cell F-H handover is triggered. an intra-cell F-H handover is triggered. that is. Fast GCELLHOFA 0102 ST(Optional) handovers may be triggered when the uplink receive level in the serving cell is lower than this threshold. if the currently occupied channel is a full rate channel and the value of the Radio Quality Indication (RQI) in measurement report divided by 2 is always higher than the threshold set by this parameter. 7-29 . when the condition for intra-cell F-H handovers is met for P seconds during N seconds.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description HOUPTRIGE BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 Fast Move Meaning: Threshold for the uplink Handover receive level during fast handovers. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 50 Unit: dB INFHHOLAST BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR GCELLHOBA 5504 FR/HR SIC(Optional) Dynamic Adjustme nt Meaning: The triggering of intra-cell F-H handovers must meet the P/N criteria. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria.. Ltd. that is.5~16 Default Value: 8 Unit: 0. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria.5~16 Default Value: 10 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 0~39 Actual Value Range: 0~39 Default Value: 25 Unit: None INHOH2FTH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR GCELLHOBA FR/HR Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Meaning: For an AMR call. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. Ltd. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None INNLOADHOP BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Overlay-to-underlay load ERI GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban handovers are performed by levels. GUI Value Range: 1~255 Actual Value Range: 1~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s INNLOADHOS BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Level step during TEP GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban overlay-to-underlay hierarchical load d Network handovers BPARA(Option al) GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 5 Unit: dB INNSERIOVE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Threshold for the serious RLDTHRED GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban overload in an overlaid subcell. GUI Value Range: 0~39 Actual Value Range: 0~39 Default Value: 12 Unit: None INNLOADHOE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Whether to allow N GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban underlay-to-overlay load handovers d Network GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES(Yes) BPARA(Option al) Actual Value Range: NO. 7-30 . In an d Network enhanced dual-band network.. an intra-cell H-F handover is triggered.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID SIC(Optional) 5504 Feature Name Description Dynamic channel and the value of the Radio Adjustme Quality Indication (RQI) in measurement nt report divided by 2 is always lower than the threshold set by this parameter. This d Network parameter indicates the duration of each BPARA(Option al) level. handovers BPARA(Option al) from an underlaid subcell to an overload subcell can be triggered when the load in the overlaid subcell is lower than this threshold. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 90 Unit: % INRBSCSDHO BSC6900 SET Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-11 SDCCH Meaning: Whether to allow inter-BSC Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None INTELEVHOH BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Hysteresis value during the YST Handover handovers between cells on different G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI layers or of different priorities. The actual value of this G2GNCELL(O parameter is equal to the GUI value ptional) minus 64. SIC(Optional) Handover that is. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0.. 7-31 . This value is G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI used to suppress ping-pong handovers between cells. a concentric circle handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. GUI Value Range: 0~127 Actual Value Range: -64~63 Default Value: 67 Unit: dB INTERCELLH BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Hysteresis value during the YST Handover handovers between cells. Ltd. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. ptional) 8106 Dynamic GUI Value Range: 0~127 Power Sharing Actual Value Range: -64~63 Default Value: 68 Unit: dB INTERFEREH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Specifies an interval between OPENTIME Handover two consecutive interference handovers GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI GUI Value Range: 0~255 0501 II Actual Value Range: 0~255 Handover Default Value: 15 Unit: s INTERFEREL BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: The triggering of interference ASTTIME GCELLHOBA 0501 II handovers must meet the P/N criteria. when P out of N measurement reports meet the condition for interference handovers. This value is used to suppress inter-layer ping-pong 0501 MOD II Handover handovers.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID EN GCELLHOCT 0608 RL(Optional) Feature Name Description Handover SDCCH handovers GUI Value Range: NO(No).5~8 Default Value: 2 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The actual value of this 0501 MOD II G2GNCELL(O GBFD-11 Handover parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64. Handovers BPARA(Option al) from an underlaid subcell to an overlaid subcell can be triggered when both the following conditions are met: Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. a concentric circle handover is triggered.Actual Value Range: NO. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO.5s INTERFHOEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to allow the Handover interference handover algorithm. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None INTERRATOU BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 GSM/WC Meaning: This parameter specifies TBSCHOEN GCELLHOBA 4301 DMA whether the handover from 2G cells to SIC(Optional) GBFD-11 Interopera 3G cells is allowed. 7-32 .. SIC(Optional) Handover that is.5s INTERFERES BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: The triggering of interference TATTIME GCELLHOBA 0501 II handovers must meet the P/N criteria.5~8 Default Value: 3 Unit: 0. YES(Yes) GBFD-51 GSM/TD. GUI Value Range: NO(No). that is. GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI Interference handovers are triggered when the receive level is higher than the 0501 II Handover receive threshold while the transmit quality is lower than the interference handover quality threshold. YES SCDMA 1103 Interopera Default Value: NO Unit: None bility GSM and WCDMA Load Balancing Based on Iur-g INTOINNREX BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Threshold for the receive level LEVTHRED GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban during handovers from an underlaid d Network subcell to an overlaid subcell. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Unit: 0. when P out of N measurement reports meet the condition for interference handovers. Ltd. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0. when the MSs are subject to all kinds of radio interferences. bility 4302 GUI Value Range: NO(No). or a high-speed railroad.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Average receive level in the overlaid subcell and the underlaid cell >= Value of this parameter Receive level in the underlaid cell Highest receive level in a neighboring cell of the underlaid cell > Sum of the values of "ATCBTHRED" and "ATCBHYST". The target cell must be a chain neighboring cell. Forced intra-cell handovers GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI or AMR TCHF-to-TCHH handovers in the case of Huawei handover algorithm I 0501 II Handover are not subject to this parameter. YES Default Value: NO Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. This parameter has no impact on dynamic non-AMR F-H handovers. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 30 Unit: dB INTRACELLF BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR HHOEN GCELLHOBA 5504 FR/HR SIC(Optional) Dynamic Adjustme nt Meaning: Whether to allow AMR handovers. GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. Quick handover aims to increase the handover MOD success rate of an MS moving at a high G2GNCELL(O speed and to ensure the call continuity ptional) and low call drop rate. a selected route. GUI Value Range: NO(No). 7-33 . Ltd. Quick handover applies to the scenario where an MS moves fast along an urban backbone road. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES Default Value: YES Unit: None INTRACELLH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to allow intra-cell OEN Handover handovers. The parameter is used G2GNCELL(O 0103 ptional) in the quick handover algorithm. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None ISCHAINNCE BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 Chain Cell Meaning: Whether the cell is a chain LL Handover neighboring cell. 7-34 . 3. Handover The network designed by Huawei has HUAWEI four layers: Umbrella (layer 4). This value is used to suppress inter-layer ping-pong 0501 II Handover handovers. Inter-layer handover threshold of the serving cell = "Inter-layer HO threshold" "Inter-layer HO Hysteresis". 4 Actual Value Range: 1. The GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI inter-layer and inter-level handover algorithm is achieved through the setting 0501 II Handover of different layers and priorities for cells. 2. Each layer can be set with 16 priorities. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 Unit: None LEVHOEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to allow inter-layer Handover and inter-level handovers.. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None LEVHOHYST BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Hysteresis value during the Handover handovers between cells on different GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI layers or of different priorities. and Pico(layer II Handover 1). Macro (layer 3). Through configuration of the parameter. GUI Value Range: NO(No). Micro (layer 2). Ltd. the handover to a lower-layer cell for load-sharing is performed only when the load of the serving cell reaches a certain level. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. 4 Default Value: 3 Unit: None LAYHOLOAD BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: When the load of the serving TH Handover cell reaches the threshold. Inter-layer handover threshold of a neighboring cell = "Inter-layer HO Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. which switches traffic to cells of a higher precedence (decided by "Layer of the cell" and "Cell priority" together). the inter-layer GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) handover algorithm takes effect. 2. 3.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Unit: None LAYER BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 GCELLBASIC 0601 PARA(Optiona GBFD-51 l) 0501 HUAWEI I Meaning: Layer where a cell is located. GUI Value Range: 1. . 7-35 . an inter-layer G2GNCELL(O handover is triggered.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description threshold" + "Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis" . when the condition for inter-layer handovers is met for a consecutive P MOD seconds during N seconds. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. This parameter ptional) corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria.64. This parameter ptional) corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria.5s LOADHOAD BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: This parameter specifies Handover whether to use the load handover or the GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) enhanced load handover. NO Default Value: NO Unit: None LOADHOPBG BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Threshold for triggering TMARGIN Handover load-based PBGT handovers. Ltd. G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) that is. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. YES(YES) Actual Value Range: YES. an inter-layer G2GNCELL(O handover is triggered.5~16 Default Value: 4 Unit: 0. G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) Load-based PBGT handovers to a candidate cell can be triggered when the MOD path loss in the serving cell minus that in G2GNCELL(O a candidate cell is greater than the value ptional) of this parameter. GUI Value Range: NO(NO).5~16 Default Value: 6 Unit: 0. G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) that is.5s LEVSTAT BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: The triggering of inter-layer Handover handovers must meet the P/N criteria. This parameter loosens the requirement of the load-based PBGT handover threshold Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. when the condition for inter-layer handovers is met for a consecutive P MOD seconds during N seconds. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 2 Unit: dB LEVLAST BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: The triggering of inter-layer Handover handovers must meet the P/N criteria. enhanced load-based handovers to the neighboring cell cannot be triggered. thus avoiding ping-pong handovers. If this parameter is set to 0. congestion occurs in the cell. 7-36 . GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 63 Unit: dB LOADHOPERI BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: When the load of a cell OD Handover reaches or exceeds "Load HO GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI Threshold". GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s LOADHOPEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: After a load handover VALUE Handover succeeds. Ltd. which will suddenly increase the load of the processor. which will result in call drop. the BSC punishes the former GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI serving cell during "Penalty Time on Load HO" by subtracting "Penalty Value 0501 II Handover on Load HO" from the receive level of the former serving cell. To solve this problem.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description when the load of the serving cell reaches a specified level. all the calls that are using this cell as the serving cell generate 0501 II Handover handover requests at the same time. the BSC punishes the former GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI serving cell during "Penalty Time on Load HO" by subtracting "Penalty Value 0501 II Handover on Load HO" from the receive level of the former serving cell. the BSC uses the hierarchical load handover algorithm to control the number of users included in Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Certain traffic that could not be handed over back to a neighboring cell during PBGT handovers can be handed over now.. thus avoiding ping-pong handovers. Under some circumstances. GUI Value Range: 0~127 Actual Value Range: -64~63 Default Value: 0 Unit: dB LOADHOPEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: After a load handover TIME Handover succeeds. GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description each level of handovers. Ltd.. load handovers can be Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. causes the neighboring cell to be congested. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 1~16 Default Value: 3 Unit: None LOADOFFSET BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: In the handover algorithm of Handover the first generation. Too large a ratio. You can enlarge the ratio to accelerate the handover to a neighboring cell for load sharing. all the calls in the current serving cell whose receive level is in the range "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" to "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" + "Load HO Bandwidth" are switched to other cells. GUI Value Range: 1~63 Actual Value Range: 1~63 Default Value: 5 Unit: dB LOADHOUSR BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: This parameter specifies the RATIO Handover ratio of the MSs that simultaneously GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) perform a load handover. 7-37 . a "Load HO Step Level" is added to the upper handover threshold 0501 II Handover after every "Load HO Step Period". GUI Value Range: 1~255 Actual Value Range: 1~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s LOADHOSTE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: In hierarchical load handovers. load handovers can GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI be performed only when the receive level of the current serving cell is in the range 0501 II Handover "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" to "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" + "Load HO Bandwidth". P Handover starting from "Edge HO DL RX_LEV GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI Threshold". however. In this way. This parameter indicates the duration of each handover level. When a neighboring cell is congested. you need to reduce the ratio to a reasonable value. In the handover algorithm of the second generation. the cell GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI can admit the users handed over from other cells with higher load. If this parameter is set to DYNPDCHASOCCUPY(Count dynamic PDCH(Occupy)).64). If this parameter is set to NODYNPDCH(Not count dynamic PDCH). 7-38 . Otherwise. 0501 II Handover the cell rejects such users. DYNPDCHASOCCUPY. DYNPDCHASOCCUPY(Count dynamic PDCH(Occupy))."Load HO Bandwidth" and ("Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" . GUI Value Range: NODYNPDCH(Not count dynamic PDCH). dynamic PDCHs are not considered as idle or occupied TCHs when the TCH load is calculated.. dynamic PDCHs are considered as occupied TCHs when the TCH load is calculated. DYNPDCHASIDLE(Count dynamic PDCH(Idle)) Actual Value Range: NODYNPDCH. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description performed only when the level difference between the neighboring cell and the serving cell is between ("Inter-cell HO Hysteresis" . If this parameter is set to DYNPDCHASIDLE(Count dynamic PDCH(Idle)).64) . DYNPDCHASIDLE Default Value: DYNPDCHASIDLE Unit: None LoadAccThres BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: If the load of a cell is lower Handover than the value of this parameter. dynamic PDCHs are considered as idle TCHs when the TCH load is calculated. Ltd. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 25 Unit: dB LOADSTATYP BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to consider the E Handover dynamic PDCHs that have been GCELLCHMG 0601 AD(Optional) converted into PDCHs when the current cell load is calculated. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None MEASURETY BSC6900 SET PE GCELLCCUT RANSYS(Opti onal) GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Type of the measurement 7501 Measure report (MR) reported by the MS GBFD-11 ment GUI Value Range: Report(E EnhMeasReport(Enhanced 0801 MR) Measurement Report). ment ComMeasReport Report Default Value: ComMeasReport Pre-proce ssing of Unit: None Measure ment Report MINECNOTH BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 GSM/WC Meaning: Selects 3G candidate cells. and balance the traffic load among cells. thus improving the network performance. GBFD-11 Processin ComMeasReport(Common 0802 Measurement Report) g of Measure Actual Value Range: EnhMeasReport. the cell and TRX configuration of BTSs and the network layout should be adjusted. The load handover is used as an emergency measure instead of a primary measure to adjust abnormal traffic burst in partial areas.. GEXT3GCELL (Optional) GUI Value Range: 0~49 Actual Value Range: 0~49 Default Value: 10 Unit: dB MINOFFSET BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Minimum receive level offset. 7-39 . improve success 0501 II Handover rate of channel assignment. the 3G bility neighboring cell will be removed from MOD among the 3G candidate cells.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 80 Unit: % LoadHoEn BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: This parameter specifies Handover whether a traffic load-sharing handover GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI is enabled. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. The load handover helps to reduce cell congestion. If load handovers occur frequently in a partial area. GUI Value Range: NO(No). Ltd. G2GNCELL(O MSs can be handed over back to a Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. If RES GEXT3GCELL 4301 DMA the measured value of a 3G neighboring (Optional) Interopera cell is lower than this threshold. If the number of measurement reports lost consecutively 0501 II Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. when the receive level of a neighboring cell is no smaller than this parameter. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 16 Unit: dB MINRSCPTHR BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 GSM/WC Meaning: Selects 3G candidate cells. GUI Value Range: 0~600 Actual Value Range: 0~600 Default Value: 35 Unit: m/s MRMISSCOU BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Allowed number of NT Handover measurement reports lost consecutively GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI during interpolation. the 3G GBFD-11 bility neighboring cell will be removed from 4302 MOD GEXT3GCELL GSM/TD.. (Optional) SCDMA GUI Value Range: 0~63 Interopera Actual Value Range: 0~63 bility Default Value: 10 Unit: dB MOVESPEED BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 Fast Move Meaning: A quick handover can be THRES Handover initiated only if the rate of an MS is higher GCELLHOFA 0102 ST(Optional) than this parameter during a certain period of time. The parameter is invalid in handover algorithm II. Ltd. the neighboring cell can be a candidate cell for the direct retry.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID ptional) 0601 Feature Name Description Handover neighboring cell when both of the MOD GBFD-51 HUAWEI following conditions are met: G2GNCELL(O 0501 II Downlink receive level of the neighboring ptional) Handover cell >= Value of "HOCDCMINDWPWR" + Value of this parameter Uplink receive level of the neighboring cell >= Value of "HOCDCMINUPPWR" + Value of this parameter GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 0 Unit: dB MINPWRLEV BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Direct DIRTRY Retry GCELLHOCT 0607 RL(Optional) Meaning: In a direct retry. If ES GEXT3GCELL 4301 DMA the measured value of a 3G neighboring (Optional) Interopera cell is lower than this threshold.among the 3G candidate cells. 7-40 . GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Handover is less than or equal to the value of this parameter. step:470 Default Value: 4 Unit: ms NCELLPUNE BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to perform penalties N Handover in a neighboring cell during PBGT or G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI hierarchical handovers in the case of Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. linear interpolation is performed for the values in the lost measurement reports based on the values in the two measurement reports following and followed by the lost measurement reports. If the number of measurement reports lost consecutively is greater than the value of this parameter. Once_4s(Once every four second) Actual Value Range: NOreport. SDCCH:470~14570. GUI Value Range: 1~31 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~14880. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports used for the filtering of neighboring cell signal strength. Twice_ps(Twice every second). and the relevant filtering values will be recalculated when new measurement reports are received. all measurement reports before the lost measurement reports will be discarded. filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive 0501 II Handover measurement reports. GUI Value Range: 0~31 Actual Value Range: 0~31 Default Value: 4 Unit: None MRPREPROC BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Pre-proce FREQ GCELLHOCT 0802 ssing of RL(Optional) Measure ment Report Meaning: Frequency at which the BTSs submit pre-processed measurement reports to the BSC GUI Value Range: NOreport(Do not report). step:480. Twice_ps. Once_2s. Ltd. Once_ps. 7-41 . Once_2s(Once every two second).. Once_4s Default Value: Once_ps Unit: None NCELLFLTLE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: For the purpose of accurately N Handover reflecting the radio environment of a GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI network. Once_ps(Once every second). YES Default Value: NO Unit: None NCELLPUNLE BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Level for penalties in a V Handover neighboring cell during PBGT or G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI hierarchical handovers in the case of Huawei handover algorithm I or during 0501 II Handover better cell handovers in the case of Huawei handover algorithm II. the penalties will be stopped. If the BCCH receive level of the neighboring cell is lower than this threshold. GUI Value Range: NO(No). GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 7-42 . GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 20 Unit: dB NCELLPUNT BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Length of the timer for M Handover performing penalties in a neighboring cell G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI during PBGT or hierarchical handovers in the case of Huawei handover 0501 II Handover algorithm I or during better cell handovers in the case of Huawei handover algorithm II. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO.. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 10 Unit: dB NCELLPUNST BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Level threshold used to stop PTH Handover the timer for performing penalties in a G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI neighboring cell during PBGT or hierarchical handovers in the case of 0501 II Handover Huawei handover algorithm I or during better cell handovers in the case of Huawei handover algorithm II.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description 0501 II Huawei handover algorithm I or during Handover better cell handovers in the case of Huawei handover algorithm II. This parameter is used to prevent ping-pong handover. Ltd. . 0501 II Handover GUI Value Range: 0~60 Actual Value Range: 0~60 Default Value: 4 Unit: s NOAMRFULL BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Whether to allow non-AMR voice F-H handover TOHALFHOAL GCELLHOBA 0501 II LOW SIC(Optional) Handover GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. 7-43 . Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 95 Unit: dB NOAMRHALF BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: When the ATCB value of TOFULLHOAT GCELLHOBA 0501 II non-AMR half rate voice is no larger than CBTHRESH SIC(Optional) Handover this threshold.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description NEWURGHO BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Minimum interval between two MININTV Handover consecutive emergency handovers GCELLHOCT 0601 RL(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI performed by an MS. Ltd. the condition for non-AMR H-F handovers is met. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None NOAMRFULL BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Threshold for the AdapTive TOHALFHOA GCELLHOBA 0501 II Cell Border (ATCB) during non-AMR TCBTHRESH SIC(Optional) Handover TCHF-to-TCHH handovers. no emergency handover is allowed. Non-AMR TCHF-to-TCHH handovers can be triggered when the following condition is met: Path loss of an AMR full-rate call <= Value of this parameter + Path loss offset. During this interval. Non-AMR TCHF-to-TCHH handovers can be triggered when the following condition is met: ATCB of a non-AMR full-rate call + ATCB offset >= Value of this parameter GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 30 Unit: dB NOAMRFULL BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Threshold for the path loss TOHALFHOP GCELLHOBA 0501 II during non-AMR TCHF-to-TCHH ATHTHRESH SIC(Optional) Handover handovers. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 14 Unit: dB NOAMRHALF BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: When the path loss value of TOFULLHOPA GCELLHOBA 0501 II non-AMR half rate voice is no smaller THTHRESH SIC(Optional) Handover than this threshold. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None NOAMRHALF BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Quality threshold for non-AMR TOFULLHOQ GCELLHOBA 0501 II H-F handovers. When the receive quality UALTHRESH SIC(Optional) Handover of a user is no smaller than this parameter. GUI Value Range: 0~7 Actual Value Range: 0~7 Default Value: 2 Unit: None NODLMRHOA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Decisions of no-downlink LLOWLIMIT Handover measurement report handovers can be GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI made only when the number of consecutive no-downlink measurement 0501 II Handover reports in the current call is no larger than this parameter. the user meets the condition for H-F handovers. 7-44 . Ltd. GUI Value Range: 0~64 Actual Value Range: 0~64 Default Value: 8 Unit: None NODLMRHOE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to enable the N Handover no-downlink measurement report GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI handover algorithm 0501 GUI Value Range: NO(No). GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 103 Unit: dB NOAMRHALF BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Whether to trigger non-AMR TOFULLHOQ GCELLHOBA 0501 II H-F handovers according to the uplink UALALLOW SIC(Optional) Handover and downlink receive quality GUI Value Range: NO(No). the condition for non-AMR H-F handovers is met. YES(Yes) II Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. 5~8. 7-45 . if no candidate cells are available and intra-cell handover is enabled in the current cell. no-downlink measurement report emergency handovers are triggered. HO Statistic Time".5~8.. however. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Handover Actual Value Range: NO.5 Default Value: 1 Unit: None Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. This parameter corresponds to P of the P/N rule. intra-cell handovers are triggered.5 Default Value: 1 Unit: None NODLMRHOQ BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: When a certain number of UALLIMIT Handover no-downlink measurement reports are GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI received consecutively and the uplink receive quality is no smaller than this 0501 II Handover parameter. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None NODLMRHOL BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: A handover due to no downlink ASTTIME Handover measurement report can be triggered GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) when a consecutive of P measurement reports do not have downlink measurement data during the time specified by "No Dl Mr. step: 0. step: 0. No-downlink measurement report emergency handovers choose the inter-cell handover mode preferentially. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0. Ltd. This parameter corresponds to N of the P/N rule. GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 50 Unit: None NODLMRHOS BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: A handover due to no downlink TATTIME Handover measurement report can be triggered GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) when a consecutive of P measurement reports do not have downlink measurement data during the time specified by this parameter. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 80 Unit: % OUTINNREXL BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Threshold for the receive level EVTHRED GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban during handovers from an overlaid d Network subcell to an underlaid subcell. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports received on signaling channels used for the filtering of neighboring cell signal strength.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description NSIGSTRFLT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: For the purpose of accurately LEN Handover reflecting the radio environment of a GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI network. Handovers from an overlaid subcell to the edge of an underlaid subcell can be triggered when both of the following conditions are met: Receive level in the overlaid cell < Value of this parameter Receive level in the underlaid cell Highest receive level in a neighboring cell of the underlaid cell > Value of "ATCBTHRED" . BPARA(Option al) Load-based handovers from an overlaid subcell to an underlaid subcell can be triggered when the receive level in the overlaid subcell is higher than or equal to this threshold. filtering is performed on the measured values in several consecutive 0501 II Handover measurement reports. step:480. When the load in d Network the underlaid cell is higher than or equal BPARA(Option al) to this threshold.. SDCCH:470~14570. GUI Value Range: 1~31 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~14880. 7-46 . Ltd. and channels in the overlaid subcell can be preferentially allocated to calls initiated in the underlaid subcell. step:470 Default Value: 2 Unit: ms OUTGENOVE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Threshold for the overall load RLDTHRED GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban in an underlaid subcell. certain calls can be handed over from the underlaid subcell to an overlaid subcell.Value of "ATCBHYST" GUI Value Range: 0~63 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None OUTLOADHO BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: If the underlay load is higher MODPERI GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban than "UL Subcell Serious Overload d Network Threshold". This parameter indicates the duration of each handover level. GUI Value Range: 1~255 Actual Value Range: 1~255 Default Value: 1 Unit: s OUTLOADHO BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: When the load of the underlay PERIOD GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban subcell exceeds "UL Subcell General d Network Overload Threshold". To solve this problem. 7-47 .. all the calls that BPARA(Option al) are using this cell as the serving cell generate handover requests at the same time. Ltd. YES(Yes) BPARA(Option al) Actual Value Range: NO. d Network GUI Value Range: NO(No). the underlay-to-overlay BPARA(Option al) handover period subtracts a value that equals this threshold from "UL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO Periods" every second. GUI Value Range: 1~255 Actual Value Range: 1~255 Default Value: 5 Unit: s OUTLOADHO BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Level step during STEP GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban underlay-to-overlay hierarchical load d Network handovers BPARA(Option al) GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. thus causing the handovers to fail.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 25 Unit: dB OUTLOADHO BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: Whether to allow ENABLE GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban overlay-to-underlay load handovers. which will suddenly increase the load of the BSC and possibly cause congestion in the overlay subcell. the BSC uses the hierarchical load handover algorithm to gradually switch some of the calls in the underlay subcell to the overlay subcell. . 7-48 . YES Default Value: NO Unit: None PATHLOSSH BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Whether to perform path OEN GCELLHOBA 0501 II loss-based sorting in a better cell SIC(Optional) Handover handover algorithm GUI Value Range: NO(No). PBGT handovers GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) are based on path loss. and channels in the underlay subcell will be preferentially assigned to channel requests initiated in the overlay subcell as well. d Network some of the calls in the overlay subcell BPARA(Option al) will be switched to the underlay subcell. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None PBGTHOEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to use the PBGT Handover handover algorithm. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 90 Unit: % OutBscLoadH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to use external 2G oEn Handover neighboring cells as the target cells of GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI load handovers 0501 GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES(Yes) II Handover Actual Value Range: NO. Ltd. The PBGT Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 50 Unit: % OUTSERIOVE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: When the load of the underlay RLDTHRED GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban subcell is higher than this parameter. thus increasing the load handover speed. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Default Value: 5 Unit: dB OUTLOWLOA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: When the load of the underlay DTHRED GCELLHOED 4402 Dual-Ban subcell is lower than this parameter. the d Network underlay-to-overlay load handover BPARA(Option al) period subtracts a period that equals "Step Length of UL Subcell Load HO" from "UL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO Periods" every second. when the condition for PBGT handovers is met for a consecutive P MOD seconds during N seconds.5~16 Default Value: 4 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0. handovers to a neighboring cell with a lower level than the current serving cell are allowed. GUI Value Range: NO(No). 7-49 .. The actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64. This parameter ptional) corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) that is. and decides whether to perform the handovers. This parameter ptional) corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria.5s PBGTMARGI BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: PBGT handovers to a N Handover neighboring cell are allowed only when G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) the downlink level difference between the neighboring cell and the serving cell MOD is larger than this parameter. a PBGT G2GNCELL(O handover is triggered. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. To avoid ping-pong handovers. GUI Value Range: 0~127 Actual Value Range: -64~63 Default Value: 68 Unit: dB PBGTSTAT BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: The triggering of PBGT Handover handovers must meet the P/N criteria. when the condition for PBGT handovers is met for a consecutive P MOD seconds during N seconds. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None PBGTLAST BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: The triggering of PBGT Handover handovers must meet the P/N criteria.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description handover algorithm searches in real time for cells that have lower path loss and meet certain system requirements. When the G2GNCELL(O value of this parameter is smaller than ptional) 64. G2GNCELL(O 0601 ptional) that is. a PBGT G2GNCELL(O handover is triggered. PBGT handovers can occur only on TCHs and among cells on a same layer and a same priority level. Ltd. BTS3900A GSM: 0-10. BTS3X: 0-10 BTS3001C: 0-13 BTS3002C: 0-10 Double-transceiver BTSs (BTS3012. the BTSs send the original and pre-processed measurement reports to the BSC. For different types of BTSs. GUI Value Range: 0~13 Actual Value Range: 0~13 Default Value: 0 Unit: None PRIMMESPPT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Pre-proce GCELLHOCT 0802 ssing of RL(Optional) Measure ment Report Meaning: Whether the BTSs send the original measurement reports to the BSC after pre-processing them. 7-50 . the smaller the ent transmit power is. When this parameter is set to YES.5~16 Default Value: 6 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO.BTS3012AE. Each time this parameter increases by one level. the value range of this parameter is different. BTS3900B:0-12. BTS3900 GSM. YES Default Value: NO Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the transmit power reduces by 2 dB. When this parameter is set to "0". Ltd.5s PENALTYTIM BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Timer of penalty on a ER Handover neighboring cell when a handover fails GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI due to faults of data configuration. 0501 GUI Value Range: 0~255 II Handover Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 255 Unit: s POWL BSC6900 SET MRFD-21 Configurat Meaning: This parameter specifies the GTRXDEV(Op 0301 ion transmit power level of the TRX. The tional) Managem greater this parameter is. the transmit power level of the TRX is the greatest.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: 0.BTS3006C): 0-10 DBS3900 GSM.. GUI Value Range: NO(No).. PRIOR-5. PRIOR-2. PRIOR-12(Priority-12). YES Default Value: NO Unit: None QCKSTATCN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: This parameter is used in the T Handover P/N criteria decision: If an MS quickly GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI passes through N out of P micro-cells lately. GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI The fast moving micro-cell handover algorithm enables fast moving MSs to 0501 II Handover switch over to macro-cells. PRIOR-5(Priority-5). PRIOR-14. GUI Value Range: PRIOR-1(Priority-1). PRIOR-13. PRIOR-10. PRIOR-15(Priority-15). PRIOR-10(Priority-10). PRIOR-12. PRIOR-3. PRIOR-14(Priority-14). PRIOR-9(Priority-9). the BSC enables the fast moving 0501 II Handover micro-cell handover algorithm. PRIOR-9. PRIOR-13(Priority-13). This Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. PRIOR-3(Priority-3). 7-51 . Generally. PRIOR-11(Priority-11). PRIOR-4(Priority-4). Ltd. a cell with a smaller priority value has a higher priority. PRIOR-7. PRIOR-8. PRIOR-2(Priority-2). PRIOR-11. PRIOR-4. PRIOR-8(Priority-8).GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Unit: None PRIOR BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 GCELLBASIC 0601 PARA(Optiona GBFD-51 l) 0501 HUAWEI I Meaning: This parameter controls Handover handover between cells at the same HUAWEI layer. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. PRIOR-16(Priority-16) Actual Value Range: PRIOR-1. PRIOR-15. PRIOR-7(Priority-7). If the II Handover cells at the same layer have different priorities. PRIOR-6(Priority-6). PRIOR-16 Default Value: PRIOR-1 Unit: None QCKMVHOEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to enable the fast Handover moving micro-cell handover algorithm. thus reducing the handover times. PRIOR-6. the cells at the same layer are set with the same priority. If the MS crosses the cell in a time period shorter 0501 II Handover than this threshold. Otherwise.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria.. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports used for the filtering of the signal quality on service or data channels. Ltd. step:470 Default Value: 6 Unit: ms Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. SDCCH:470~15040. This parameter is used to determine whether interferences exist on channels. it concludes that the MS slowly passes the cell. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria. 7-52 . GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 15 Unit: s QCKTRUECN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: This parameter is used in the T Handover P/N criteria decision: If an MS quickly GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI passes through N out of P micro-cells lately. GUI Value Range: 1~10 Actual Value Range: 1~10 Default Value: 2 Unit: None QLENSD BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: For the purpose of accurately GCELLCHMG 1005 Channel reflecting the radio environment of a AD(Optional) Assignme network. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~15360. the BSC concludes that the MS quickly passes through the cell. step:480. the BSC enables the fast moving 0501 II Handover micro-cell handover algorithm. GUI Value Range: 1~10 Actual Value Range: 1~10 Default Value: 3 Unit: None QCKTIMETH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: A time threshold determined Handover based on the radius of a cell and the GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI moving speed of an MS. filtering is performed on the nt measured values in several consecutive Algorithm measurement reports. step:470 Default Value: 2 Unit: ms QUICKHOEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 Fast Move Meaning: Whether to allow the fast Handover handover algorithm GCELLHOBA 0102 SIC(Optional) GUI Value Range: NO(No). a GCELLAMRQ 5501 HUAWEI fixed amount of offset is added to the UL(Optional) GBFD-51 II corresponding grade of the received 0501 Handover signal quality for the interference handover of non-AMR FR voice services. YES Default Value: NO Unit: None RSCPENALTY BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Timer for punishing the TIMER Handover neighboring cells when handover failures GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI occur due to resource-related causes. SDCCH:470~15040. Ltd. 7-53 . GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~15360. such as resources being insufficient 0501 II Handover GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 5 Unit: s RXLEVOFF BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR FR Meaning: For AMR FR voice services.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE QLENSI MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: For the purpose of accurately GCELLCHMG 1005 Channel reflecting the radio environment of a AD(Optional) Assignme network. filtering is performed on the nt measured values in several consecutive Algorithm measurement reports. GBFD-11 HUAWEI I 0601 Handover GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 5 Unit: None RXQUAL1 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Threshold for triggering Handover interference handovers of non-AMR FR GCELLAMRQ 0601 UL(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI voice services. step:480. This parameter is used to determine whether interferences exist on channels. Handover interference handovers can be triggered Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 0501 II If "INTERFHOEN" is set to YES(Yes).. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO. This parameter indicates the number of measurement reports used for the filtering of the signal quality on signaling channels. 7-54 . The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn" and "FHGAINOFFSET" if both of the following conditions are met: 2 <= n <= 12 The current frequencies involve in FH. Ltd. Handover interference handovers can be triggered Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. "RXLEVOFF". The receive signal quality equals the value of "RXQUAL1" if the value of n is 1. The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn" and "RXLEVOFF" if the following condition is met: 2 <= n <= 12 The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn". "RXQUALn" (1 <= n <= 12): used for AMR FR calls. The receive signal quality equals the value of "RXQUAL1" if the value of n is 1. GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 60 Unit: None RXQUAL12 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Threshold for triggering Handover interference handovers of non-AMR FR GCELLAMRQ 0601 UL(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI voice services.. At the current uplink and downlink levels. the parameters for specifying the thresholds for the uplink and downlink receive signal quality are as follows: "RXQUALn" (1 <= n <= 12): used for non-AMR FR calls. The downlink receive signal quality after filtering is higher than or equal to the specified threshold for the receive signal quality at the current downlink level. 0501 II If "INTERFHOEN" is set to YES(Yes). and "FHGAINOFFSET" if the current frequencies involve in FH.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description when the following conditions are met: The uplink receive signal quality after filtering is higher than or equal to the specified threshold for the receive signal quality at the current uplink level. The receive signal quality equals the value of "RXQUAL1" if the value of n is 1. The receive signal quality equals the value of "RXQUAL1" if the value of n is 1. "RXLEVOFF". The downlink receive signal quality after filtering is higher than or equal to the specified threshold for the receive signal quality at the current downlink level. The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn" and "FHGAINOFFSET" if both of the following conditions are met: 2 <= n <= 12 The current frequencies involve in FH. GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 40 Unit: None RXQUAL2 BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Threshold for triggering Handover interference handovers of non-AMR FR GCELLAMRQ 0601 UL(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI voice services. 7-55 .. The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn" and "RXLEVOFF" if the following condition is met: 2 <= n <= 12 The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn". "RXQUALn" (1 <= n <= 12): used for AMR FR calls. and "FHGAINOFFSET" if the current frequencies involve in FH.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description when the following conditions are met: The uplink receive signal quality after filtering is higher than or equal to the specified threshold for the receive signal quality at the current uplink level. Handover interference handovers can be triggered Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 0501 II If "INTERFHOEN" is set to YES(Yes). At the current uplink and downlink levels. Ltd. the parameters for specifying the thresholds for the uplink and downlink receive signal quality are as follows: "RXQUALn" (1 <= n <= 12): used for non-AMR FR calls. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn" and "FHGAINOFFSET" if both of the following conditions are met: 2 <= n <= 12 The current frequencies involve in FH. The neighboring cells must be 0501 MOD II Handover located at the Macro. The receive signal quality equals the value of "RXQUAL1" if the value of n is 1. The receive signal quality equals the value of "RXQUAL1" if the value of n is 1. Ltd. The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn" and "RXLEVOFF" if the following condition is met: 2 <= n <= 12 The receive signal quality equals the sum of the values of "RXQUALn". 7-56 . The downlink receive signal quality after filtering is higher than or equal to the specified threshold for the receive signal quality at the current downlink level. the parameters for specifying the thresholds for the uplink and downlink receive signal quality are as follows: "RXQUALn" (1 <= n <= 12): used for non-AMR FR calls. GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 50 Unit: None SDPUNVAL BSC6900 ADD GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Level value of the penalty that Handover is performed on the neighboring cells of GEXT2GCELL 0601 (Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI the cell where a fast-moving MS is located. or Pico layer GEXT2GCELL other than the Umbrella layer.. At the current uplink and downlink levels. "RXLEVOFF". and "FHGAINOFFSET" if the current frequencies involve in FH. "RXQUALn" (1 <= n <= 12): used for AMR FR calls. Micro.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description when the following conditions are met: The uplink receive signal quality after filtering is higher than or equal to the specified threshold for the receive signal quality at the current uplink level. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 40 Unit: s SSBQPUNISH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: After a handover due to bad Handover quality is successful. or Pico layer but not the Umbrella layer. to prevent ping-pong handovers. GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 63 Unit: dB Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. When "CHNTYPE" of the TRX timeslot is set to "FULLTCH". Ltd. value 0 of this parameter indicates FR and value 1 indicates EFR. this parameter is invalid. GUI Value Range: FR(FR). when "CHNTYPE" of the TRX timeslot is set to "HALFRCH". the penalty on the GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI original serving cell is performed within the "Penalty Time after BQ HO": the 0501 II Handover receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Penalty Level after BQ HO". Micro. 7-57 . EFR Default Value: FR Unit: None SPEEDPUNIS BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Period in which penalty is HT Handover performed on the neighboring cells of the GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI cell where a fast-moving MS is located..GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name (Optional) Description GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 30 Unit: dB SIGCHANHO BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to enable a handover EN Handover between signaling channels GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI GUI Value Range: NO(No). YES Handover Default Value: NO Unit: None SPEECHVER BSC6900 SET GBFD-51 SION BTSCHNFALL 0309 BACK(Mandat ory) Group Call Reliability Enhancin g Meaning: Speech version configured on the TRX timeslot when the BTS works in fallback mode. The neighboring cells must be located at 0501 II Handover the Macro. EFR(EFR) Actual Value Range: FR. YES(Yes) 0501 II Actual Value Range: NO. GUI Value Range: 1~32 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~15360.. The handover performed over the maximum threshold may have tremendous impacts on the system. Ltd. 7-58 . GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 63 Unit: dB SYSFLOWLE BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: System flux thresholds V Handover correspond to the system flux obtained GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI based on message packets. 0-11: There are 12 flow control levels. The system flux 0501 II Handover level is the current flux control level of the system. this parameter should not be set to a higher value. 1) The flow control level algorithm for the assigned system Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. step:470 Default Value: 6 Unit: ms SSTAPUNISH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: After the time advancing Handover handover is successful. Where. 0 indicates the lowest level and 11 indicates the highest level. to prevent ping-pong handovers. CPU load. step:480.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE SSLENSD MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Enhanced Meaning: When the network receives GCELLCHMG 1005 Channel measurement reports. This parameter specifies the number of successive measurement reports that are used to determine the signal strength on traffic/data channels. This parameter is used to determine whether interferences exist on channels. the measurement AD(Optional) Assignme values in several straight measurement nt reports are filtered to reflect the radio Algorithm operating environment for the sake of accuracy. Thus. and FID queuing load. SDCCH:470~15040. the penalty on GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI the original serving cell is performed within the "Penalty Time after TA HO": 0501 II Handover the receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Penalty Level after TA HO". A load handover is allowed only when the system flux is lower than the value of this parameter. the measurement GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio 0501 II Handover operating environment for the sake of accuracy. the level is calculated. Ltd. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for filtering the TA. If the value is equal to or greater than Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold. 7-59 . 4. CPU usage equal to or greater than CPU flow control threshold 80% corresponds to level 2. The level value can be 0. step:470 Default Value: 4 Unit: ms TAHOEN BSC6900 SET Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Whether to enable the time Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. SDCCH:470~14570. If the value is smaller than Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold. 6. 2.. and 10. CPU usage smaller than 80% corresponds to level 0. GUI Value Range: 0. 8~11 Actual Value Range: 0. Flow control threshold for the CPU to discard all channel access messages and paging messages: 100% . 8~11 Default Value: 10 Unit: None TAFLTLEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: When the network receives Handover measurement reports. Level 0 is used. Level 10 is the highest. step:480.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description messages: [(Average Message Usage Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold)/(Inner Flow Control Discard All Threshold .Inner Flow Control Discard Begin Threshold) x 100]/10+1 (round-down for division operation). The value range is from 0 to 11. GUI Value Range: 1~31 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~14880. 2) Flow control threshold for the CPU to start to discard the channel access messages and paging messages: 80% . An increase of 5% means an increase of 2 levels. 8. GUI Value Range: 1~31 Actual Value Range: TCH:480~14880. the ptional) Handover TA handover can be triggered only if P measurement reports among N MOD measurement reports meet the triggering G2GNCELL(O conditions. This parameter specifies the number of measurement reports sampled for filtering the TA on the signaling channel.5~8 Default Value: 1 Unit: 0. step:480. step:470 Default Value: 2 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The longer the distance is. This parameter corresponds ptional) to P in the P/N criterion. When the TA is higher than the predefined TA threshold. 7-60 . Ltd. The TA is calculated based on the distance between the MS and the BTS. That is. The TA GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI handover determines whether the timing advance (TA) is higher than the 0501 II Handover predefined TA threshold. YES Default Value: YES Unit: None TALASTTIME BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: The P/N criterion must be met G2GNCELL(O 0501 II for triggering a TA handover. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0. GUI Value Range: NO(No). the measurement GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI values in several straight measurement reports are filtered to reflect the radio 0501 II Handover operating environment for the sake of accuracy. a TA handover is triggered. 0501 GUI Value Range: 0~255 II Handover Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 255 Unit: bit TASIGSTRFL BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: When the network receives TLEN Handover measurement reports. YES(Yes) Actual Value Range: NO.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Handover advance (TA) handover. the greater the TA value is.. SDCCH:470~14570.5s TALIMIT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: An emergency handover is Handover triggered when TA is greater than or GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI equal to the value of this parameter. the penalty on the GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI original serving cell is performed within the "Penalty Time after BQ HO": the 0501 II Handover receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Penalty Level after BQ HO". the MS (Optional) does not perform OL subell-UL subcell handovers within the value of the parameter.8 Default Value: 1 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s TIMEBQPUNI BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: After a handover due to bad SH Handover quality is successful. the penalty on the original GCELLHOFA 0601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. This parameter corresponds ptional) to N in the P/N criterion. Ltd.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description Unit: ms TASTATTIME BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: The P/N criterion must be met G2GNCELL(O 0501 II for triggering a TA handover. That is.. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s TIMEOTOUFA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Concentri Meaning: After an OL subcell to UL ILPUN c Cell GCELLHOIUO 3201 subcell handover of an MS fails. no AMR UNISH Handover FR-to-HR handover is allowed if the GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI previous FR-to-HR handover fails due to channel unavailability or channel 0501 II Handover mismatch. GUI Value Range: 1~16 Actual Value Range: 0. to prevent ping-pong handovers. 7-61 .5s TIMEAMRFHP BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Within the preset time. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s TIMEPUNISH BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: After the fast handover is Handover successful.5~0. the ptional) Handover TA handover can be triggered only if P measurement reports among N MOD measurement reports meet the triggering G2GNCELL(O conditions. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 30 Unit: s TIMEUTOOFA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Concentri Meaning: After an UL subcell to OL ILPUN c Cell GCELLHOIUO 3201 subcell handover of an MS fails. to prevent ping-pong handovers. GUI Value Range: 10~255 Actual Value Range: 10~255 Default Value: 40 Unit: s TRIGTHRES BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: The load handover is triggered Handover when the traffic load in a cell is greater GCELLHOAD( 0601 Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI than the value of this parameter. 7-62 .. 0501 GUI Value Range: 0~100 II Handover Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 90 Unit: None ULBQLASTTI BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Period during which the ME G2GNCELL(O 0501 II conditions for handovers without a ptional) Handover downlink measurement report. to prevent ping-pong handovers. the penalty on GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI the original serving cell is performed within the "Penalty Time after TA HO": 0501 II Handover the receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Penalty Level after TA HO". According to the P/N rule. the MS (Optional) does not perform UL subcell to OL subcell handovers within the value of the parameter. Ltd.GSM BSS Handover 7 Parameters Parameter ID NE MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description ST(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI serving cell is performed within the 0501 II "Quick handover punish time": the Handover receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Quick handover punish value". GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s TIMETAPUNI BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: After the time advancing SH Handover handover is successful. handovers without a MOD downlink measurement report can be G2GNCELL(O triggered when the conditions for ptional) handovers without a downlink Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 0601 Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. According to the P/N rule. Threshold". GUI Value Range: 1~8 Actual Value Range: 0. the edge handover is triggered.5s ULBQSTATTI BSC6900 ADD GBFD-51 HUAWEI Meaning: Period during which handovers ME G2GNCELL(O 0501 II without a downlink measurement report ptional) Handover are measured. GUI Value Range: 1~8 Actual Value Range: 0.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description measurement report are met for P seconds within N seconds. handovers without a downlink MOD measurement report can be triggered G2GNCELL(O when the conditions for handovers ptional) without a downlink measurement report are met for P seconds within N seconds. 0501 II Handover GUI Value Range: 0~63 Actual Value Range: 0~63 Default Value: 10 Unit: dB ULQUALIMIT BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: An emergency handover due Handover to bad quality is triggered when the GCELLHOEM 0601 G(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI uplink receive quality is not smaller than "UL Qual.5s ULEDGETHR BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: If the UL receive level remains ES Handover lower than the "Edge HO UL RX_LEV GCELLHOBA 0601 SIC(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI Threshold" for a period. An emergency handover can 0501 Handover be triggered only when the uplink receive quality of the MS is greater than the GBFD-11 HUAWEI I value of this parameter. Ltd. This parameter specifies P in the P/N rule. 0501 II Handover GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 55 Unit: None ULQUALIMITA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR FR Meaning: The value of this parameter MRFR GCELLAMRQ 5501 HUAWEI corresponds to multiplying quality level 0 UL(Optional) GBFD-51 II to 7 by 10. 7-63 .. This parameter specifies N in the P/N rule.5~4 Default Value: 1 Unit: 0.5~4 Default Value: 1 Unit: 0. . An emergency handover can 0501 Handover be triggered only when the uplink receive quality of the MS is greater than the GBFD-11 HUAWEI I value of this parameter. Ltd. the MS cannot be handed over to the OL subcell again within the value of the parameter. 7-64 . 0601 Handover GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 55 Unit: None UMPENALTY BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 HUAWEI I Meaning: Timer of penalty on a TIMER Handover neighboring cell when a handover fails GCELLHOFIT 0601 PEN(Optional) GBFD-51 HUAWEI due to faults of air interface connection.GSM BSS Handover Parameter ID NE 7 Parameters MML Command Feature ID Feature Name Description GUI Value Range: 0~70 Actual Value Range: 0~70 Default Value: 60 Unit: None ULQUALIMITA BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 AMR HR Meaning: The value of this parameter MRHR GCELLAMRQ 5502 HUAWEI corresponds to multiplying quality level 0 UL(Optional) GBFD-51 II to 7 by 10. GUI Value Range: 0~255 Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 0501 GUI Value Range: 0~255 II Handover Actual Value Range: 0~255 Default Value: 10 Unit: s UTOOHOPEN BSC6900 SET GBFD-11 Concentri Meaning: After an MS performs a OL TIME c Cell GCELLHOIUO 3201 subcell to UL subcell handover (Optional) successfully. HO.C CR333B:CHAN ACTIV NACK GBFD-110601 H.ACT.ACT Attempts in Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-510501 Handover Procedure HUAWEI I Handover 1278073470 CELL.ACT Attempts in Incoming Internal GBFD-510501 Inter-Cell Handover Procedure HUAWEI I Handover 1278073471 CELL.INTERBSC.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.ACT.INCEL CR334C:Channel Activation GBFD-110601 L.CH.EXP Timeouts in Incoming Internal GBFD-510501 Inter-Cell Handover Procedure HUAWEI I Handover 1278073485 CELL.REQ.EXP Timeouts in Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-510501 Handover Procedure HUAWEI I Handover 1278073484 CELL.CLR.INCEL CR335A:Channel Activation GBFD-110601 L.CELL.CH.GSM BSS Handover 8 Counters 8 Counters Table 8-1 Counter description Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID 1278072527 CELL. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-1 .INTRA.A.HO on the A interface in Handover GBFD-110601 State (TCH) (Traffic Channel) GBFD-510501 Feature Name Call Control HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278073469 CELL.HO.NACK Messages Sent by BTS in GBFD-510501 Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Procedure HUAWEI I Handover 1278073483 CELL.C CR333A:Channel Activation GBFD-110601 H.ACT.CH.INCEL CR335B:CHAN ACTIV NACK GBFD-110601 L.CH.C CR333C:Channel Activation GBFD-110601 H.INCEL CR334B:CHAN ACTIV NACK GBFD-110601 L.HO.INTRABSC.INTERBSC.EXP Timeouts in Incoming External GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.CH.ACT Attempts in Incoming External GBFD-510501 Inter-Cell Handover Procedure HUAWEI I Handover 1278073476 CELL.INCEL CR334A:Channel Activation GBFD-110601 L.HO.CELL.CH.HO.ACT.HO.INTRA.ACT.INTERBSC.ACT.HO.TCH.HO.. Ltd.T CM339B:Clear Requests Sent GBFD-110501 RAF.NACK Messages Sent by BTS in GBFD-510501 Internal Intra-Cell Handover Procedure HUAWEI I Handover 1278073477 CELL.INTRA.NACK Messages Sent by BTS in GBFD-510501 Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Procedure HUAWEI I Handover 1278073478 CELL.INCEL CR335C:Channel Activation GBFD-110601 L.CELL.HO. FAIL. A3129O:Failed Assignments GBFD-110502 EXP (First Assignment.FAIL. Assignment and Immediate Assignment Direct Retry 8-2 .CMPL. Ltd.ASS.HO.CMD.RECON A312M:Failed Assignments N.HO.SD R4430B:Completed Handovers (SDCCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278074428 TRX.SD R4430A:Attempted Handovers (SDCCH) Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278074426 TRX.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Inter-Cell Handover Procedure 1278074425 TRX.HO.CMPL.TCH R4439B:Completed Handovers (TCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278074431 TRX. No GBFD-110607 Channel Available in Directed Retry Procedure) Assignment and Immediate Assignment 1278076466 CELL..HO.CH (Reconnection to Old Channels.CMD CR443A:Attempted Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278074432 TRX. Directed GBFD-110607 Retry Timed Out) Assignment and Immediate Assignment Direct Retry Direct Retry 1278076471 CELL.SUCC CR443B:Completed Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278076465 CELL.Frst.HO.DR.SUCC.CH (First Assignment.NO.TCH R4439A:Attempted Handovers (TCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278074427 TRX. No Channel Available in Directed Retry) Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110502 GBFD-110607 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.CMD.DR.HO.ASS. A312K:Failed Assignments GBFD-110502 NO.FAIL.ASS.DR.Frst. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-3 .SUCC.HO.INTRACELL.INTRACELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278076472 CELL.HO.INTRACELL..HO.INTRACELL.INTRACELL.SD Handover Commands (SDCCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278077420 CELL.RECONN.C H3010:Internal Intra-Cell MD.HO.F H3020:Failed Internal AIL.RECON A3129R:Failed Assignments GBFD-110502 N. Ltd. Reconnection to Old Channel in Directed Retry) Assignment and Immediate Assignment 1278076473 CELL.SD Intra-Cell Handovers (No GBFD-510501 Channel Available) (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.DR.EXP (Reconnection to Old GBFD-110607 Channels.FAIL.ASS.SUCC.TCH Handover Requests (TCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077419 CELL.F H3020A:Failed Internal GBFD-110601 AIL.INTRACELL.RECON A3129Q:Failed Assignments GBFD-110502 N.HO.ASS.F H3029:Failed Internal AIL. Timer Expired in Directed Retry) Assignment and Immediate Assignment 1278077417 CELL.R H3000:Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-110601 EQ.C H3017:Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-110601 MD.TCHF Handover Commands (TCHF) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077422 CELL.TCH Intra-Cell Handovers (TCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077424 CELL.DR.HO.SD Handover Requests (SDCCH) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110608 HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry Direct Retry SDCCH Handover 1278077418 CELL.HO.INTRACELL.SD Intra-Cell Handovers (SDCCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278077423 CELL.FAIL.R H3009:Internal Intra-Cell EQ.CONG.S (Reconnection to Old GBFD-110607 UCC Channels. RLS.TCHF.TCH Intra-Cell Handovers (No Channel Available) (TCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077426 CELL.EXP.SD Intra-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (SDCCH) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278077429 CELL. Timer Expired) GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.SUCC. Unspecified) GBFD-110601 1278077434 CELL.F H302B:Failed Internal GBFD-110601 AIL.RECONN.F H3020C:Failed Internal AIL.MS. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.RLS.TM.MS.HO.INTRACELL.SUCC.FAIL Intra-Cell Handovers (A Interface Failure) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278077428 CELL.RLS.F H3027Ca:Failed Internal AIL.RECONN.SIG Intra-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Signaling Channel) GBFD-110601 1278077431 CELL.HO.INTRACELL.INTRACELL.F H302G:Failed Internal AIL.EXP (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.INTRACELL.MS.ABN.INTRACELL.F H3029A:Failed Internal AIL.INTRACELL.ABN. Ltd. Channel Unacceptable) GBFD-110601 1278077435 CELL.HO.INTRACELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name SDCCH Handover 1278077425 CELL.HO.INTRACELL.TRAF Intra-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Traffic Channel) GBFD-110601 1278077433 CELL. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-4 ..F H302Da:Failed Internal AIL.FAIL Intra-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Terrestrial Resource Request Failed) HUAWEI I Handover 1278077427 CELL.UNSPEC (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.HO.INTERF.F H302Db:Failed Internal AIL.EXP.HO.CONG.F H302Dc:Failed Internal AIL.CH.HO.UNAC (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.TCHF.F H3027Cb:Failed Internal AIL.INTRACELL.EXP.HO.HO.ABN.A.RECONN.SUCC.APPLY.TRSL. Timing Advance out of Range) HUAWEI I Handover 1278077439 CELL.FREQ.TYPE.NOT.INTRACELL.RECONN.HO. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.NONEX (Reconnection to Old T Channels) (Message Type Non-existent or Not Implemented) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INFO (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Invalid Mandatory Information) HUAWEI I Handover 1278077444 CELL.NO.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278077436 CELL.HO.INTRACELL.RECONN.MAN.HO.F H302Dj:Failed Internal AIL.HO.SUCC. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.RECONN.RECONN.MODEL (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Channel Mode Unavailable) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278077440 CELL.. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.MS.RECONN.F H302Dl:Failed Internal AIL.F H302Di:Failed Internal AIL.INTRACELL.INTRACELL. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.HO.SUCC.IMPSBL. No Activity on the Radio Path) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278077437 CELL.INTRACELL.TA (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Handover Failed.F H302Dg:Failed Internal AIL.INTRACELL.CLR (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Call Already Cleared) GBFD-110601 1278077442 CELL.MS.RECONN. Ltd.SUCC.MS.INVLID.HO.SUCC. Intra-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 RPT.IMP (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Frequency Unavailable) GBFD-110601 1278077441 CELL.F H302Dh:Failed Internal AIL.MS.SUCC.F H302Dk:Failed Internal GBFD-110601 AIL.SMN.MSG (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Semantically Incorrect Message) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077443 CELL. Intra-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 RPT.MSG.HO.CH.ACT (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.CALL.MS.F H302De:Failed Internal AIL.MS.F H302Df:Failed Internal GBFD-110601 AIL.MS.PREEMPT.RECONN.NO. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-5 .F H302Dd:Failed Internal AIL.SUCC.INTRACELL.RLS (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Preemptive Release) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077438 CELL.HO.SUCC.ABN.RLS.RECONN.INCRCT.MS.HO. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.MS.INTRACELL.INTRACELL.HO.SUCC. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.SUCC.RECONN. 8-6 .HO.HO.ALLOC (Reconnection to Old Channels) (No Cell Allocation Available) HUAWEI I Handover 1278077448 CELL.NOT.INTRACELL.INTRACELL.CELL.INTRACELL.TCHH Intra-Cell Handovers (AMR) (TCHF-TCHH) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077477 CELL.HO.INTRACELL.RECONN.F H302Dp:Failed Internal AIL.TCHF Handover Requests (AMR) (TCHH-TCHF) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077474 CELL.ERR.TCHH Handover Requests (AMR) (TCHF-TCHH) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077473 CELL.INTRACELL.RECONN.R H3005A:Internal Intra-Cell EQ.F H302Dm:Failed Internal GBFD-110601 AIL.INTRACELL.ERR (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Conditional IE Error) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077447 CELL.TCHF Handover Commands (AMR) (TCHH-TCHF) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077476 CELL.MSG.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278077445 CELL.UNSPE (Reconnection to Old C Channels) (Protocol Error Unspecified) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278077449 CELL. Ltd.NO.AMR.SUCC.OTHER (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Other Causes) GBFD-110601 1278077472 CELL.TCHF.R H3005B:Internal Intra-Cell EQ.TCHF.TCHH.HO.INTRACELL.SUCC. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.CDT.TCHF.HO.C H3015B:Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-115504 MD..AMR.RECONN.TCHH.MS. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT.C H3015A:Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-115504 MD.TCHF Intra-Cell Handovers (AMR) (TCHH-TCHF) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077478 CELL.IE.TYPE.F H3025B:Failed Internal AIL.PTCL.HO.INTRACELL.AMR.F H302Dq:Failed Internal AIL. Intra-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 RPT.MS.HO.INTRACELL.AMR.F H3025A:Failed Internal AIL.INTRACELL.HO.AMR.HO.MS.F H302Do:Failed Internal GBFD-110601 AIL.MS.INTRACELL.C (Reconnection to Old M Channels) (Message Type Not Compatible with Protocol State) HUAWEI I Handover 1278077446 CELL.RECONN. Intra-Cell Handovers RPT. Intra-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 RPT.HO.MS.SUCC.RECONN.D H3040:Internal Intra-Cell Handover Detection GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.TCHH.SUCC.F H302Dn:Failed Internal AIL.SUCC.AMR.HO.TCHH Handover Commands (AMR) (TCHF-TCHH) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077475 CELL.HO.INTRACELL. F CH302C:Failed Internal AIL.HO.D H3047:Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-110601 ETECT.HO.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID ETECT.RATE Internal Intra-Cell Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077486 CELL.SD Messages Received by BSC GBFD-510501 (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 Feature Name Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278077479 CELL.HO.F CH302D:Failed Internal GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.HO.S CH303:Successful Internal UCC Intra-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077483 CELL.F CH302A:Failed Internal AIL.HO. Ltd.INTRACELL.INTRACELL.HO.R CH300:Internal Intra-Cell EQ Handover Requests HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077482 CELL.EXP Intra-Cell Handovers (Timer Expiry) GBFD-110601 1278077491 CELL.INTRACELL.INTRACELL.D CH304:Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-110601 ETECT Handover Detection GBFD-510501 Messages Received by BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278077488 CELL.HO.TCHF Handover Detection GBFD-510501 Messages Received by BSC (TCHF) HUAWEI I Handover 1278077481 CELL. HUAWEI I 8-7 .S TH303:Success Rate of UCC.HO.HO.INTRACELL.F CH302:Failed Internal AIL Intra-Cell Handovers HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077489 CELL.CONG Intra-Cell Handovers (No Channel Available) GBFD-110601 1278077490 CELL.INTRACELL.C CH301:Internal Intra-Cell MD Handover Commands GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077487 CELL.INTRACELL.INTRACELL..INTRACELL.INTRACELL. HO.INTRACELL.S TH3035A:Success Rate of UCC.INTRABSC.AMR.F H302H:Failed Internal GBFD-110601 AIL.ABIS Intra-Cell Handover Failures GBFD-510501 Due to No Abis Resources Available HUAWEI I Handover 1278077523 CELL.HO.R CH3036B:Internal Intra-Cell EQ.CHACT. 8-8 .HO.S CH3035B:Successful Internal GBFD-115504 UCC.HO.HO.INTRACELL.NO.TCHF.HO.S TH3035B:Success Rate of UCC.INTRACELL. Internal Intra-Cell Handover TCHH (AMR) (TCHF-TCHH) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077499 CELL.TCHH.UL.SPEECH.R CH3036A:Internal Intra-Cell EQ.RATE.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name AIL.IDLE.INTRACELL.INTRACELL. Internal Intra-Cell Handover TCHF (AMR) (TCHH-TCHF) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077506 CELL.TCH..HO.INTRACELL.F H302E:Number of Intra-BSC GBFD-110601 AIL.INTERFERE Handover Requests due to Uplink Intervention GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278077509 CELL.RATE Success Rate GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.INTRACELL.HO.F H302I:Failed Internal AIL.INTRACELL.TCHF Intra-Cell Handovers (AMR) (TCHH-TCHF) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077508 CELL.VER Intra-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Requested Speech Version Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278077524 CELL.NO.INTERFERE Handover Requests due to Downlink Intervention GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077522 CELL.INTRACELL.AMR.TCHF.TCHH.AMR.TCHH Intra-Cell Handovers (AMR) (TCHF-TCHH) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278077507 CELL.S CH3035A:Successful Internal GBFD-115504 UCC.DROP GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 RH333:Handover Drop Rate GBFD-110601 of TCH GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077526 CELL.FAIL Intra-Cell Handovers (Channel Activation Failed) HUAWEI I Handover 1278077525 CELL.SU RH303B:Intra-BSC Handover GBFD-110601 CC.DL.RATE. Ltd.RECONN.HO.SUCC Intra-Cell Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) GBFD-510501 Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278077498 CELL.HO.AMR. INTRABSC.180 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 0 Requests (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078419 CELL.HO.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Requests (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078421 CELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover 1278077527 CELL.1800.1800.900.INCEL H3200X:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INTRABSC.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Requests (SDCCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078418 CELL. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-9 .HO.HO RH303C:Intra-BSC Radio ..INTRABSC.900.INTRABSC.900.INCEL H3200Z:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.REQ.SD.INCEL H3209X:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Requests (TCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078422 CELL.SD.INTRABSC.REQ.INCEL H3200Y:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INTRABSC.HO.INTRABSC.REQ.1800.INCEL H3200W:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.900.HO.REQ.HO.TCH.90 Internal Inter-Cell Handover HUAWEI I Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1800 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Requests (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078420 CELL.TCH.INCEL H3209Z:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.SD.REQ.HO.HO.TCH.REQ.18 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 00 Requests (TCH) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078423 CELL.SUCC.RATE Handover Success Rate GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278078417 CELL. Ltd.REQ.1800.RD.180 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 0 Requests (TCH) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078424 CELL.INCEL H3209Y:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.SD.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.HO.REQ.TCH.INCEL H3209W:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L. HO.HO.900.INCEL H3210Y:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.9 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 00 Responses (TCHF) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.CMD.INTRABSC.CMD. Ltd.INCEL H3217Y:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Responses (SDCCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110608 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078426 CELL.1800.180 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 0 Responses (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078427 CELL.HO.INTRABSC.HO.18 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 00 Responses (TCHF) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078432 CELL.HO.INTRABSC.HO.CMD.SD.INCEL H3217W:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.900.HO. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-10 .CMD.SD.1 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 800 Responses (TCHF) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078431 CELL.INCEL H3217Z:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.90 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 0 Responses (TCHF) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078430 CELL.1800.900.INCEL H3210Z:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.TCHF.INCEL H3210W:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.1800.INCEL H3210X:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.CMD.1800.1800 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Responses (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078428 CELL.INCEL H3217X:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INTRABSC.SD.SD.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Responses (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078429 CELL.CMD..CMD.TCHF.TCHF.INTRABSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 0 Requests (TCH) (1800/1900-900/850/810) GBFD-510501 Handover 1278078425 CELL.CMD.900.INTRABSC.TCHF.HO. INTRABSC.HO.FAIL.1800.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278078437 CELL.HO.1800 Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110608 (SDCCH) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078439 CELL.900 Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110608 (SDCCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078438 CELL.INTRABSC.HO. Ltd.INTRABSC.1800..INCEL H3229Z:Number of GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.TCH.HO.TCH.INCEL H3220Z:Number of GBFD-110601 L.INCEL H3229X:Number of GBFD-110601 L.SD.FAIL.HO.INCEL H3229W:Number of GBFD-110601 L.TCH.INCEL H3220W:Number of GBFD-110601 L.900.FAIL.900 Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110608 (SDCCH) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078441 CELL.900.INTRABSC.TCH.INCEL H3220A:Number of HUAWEI I Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.SD.HO.SD.FAIL.INCEL H3220Y:Number of GBFD-110601 L.1800.INCEL H3220X:Number of GBFD-110601 L. HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-11 .900.SD.INTRABSC.INCEL H3229Y:Number of GBFD-110601 L.1800 Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110608 (SDCCH) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078440 CELL.900.INTRABSC.90 Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 0 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (TCH) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078445 CELL.FAIL.18 Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 00 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (TCH) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078443 CELL.1800.HO.INTRABSC.FAIL.FAIL.900 Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (TCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078442 CELL.180 Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 0 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (TCH) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078444 CELL.HO. DETECT.INCEL H322B:Number of GBFD-110601 L.EXP.HO.INTRABSC.EXP.INCEL H3240:Number of Incoming L.T Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 RAF Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Traffic Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078455 CELL.FAIL.HO.SD Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110608 (Timer Expired) (SDCCH) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278078451 CELL.INCEL H3227Cb:Number of GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.HO.INTRABSC.FAIL.INCEL H322D:Number of GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.FAIL.HO.APPLY.HO.INCEL H3229A:Number of GBFD-110601 L.INCEL H3227Ca:Number of GBFD-110601 L.HO.TCH Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (No Channel Available) (TCH) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078447 CELL.INTRABSC.CONG.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.FAIL.SU Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 CCESS Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels Canceled) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078449 CELL. 8-12 .HO.CONG. Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 FAIL Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Terrestrial Resource Request Failed) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078448 CELL.INCEL H322G:Number of GBFD-110601 L.RECONN.SI Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 G Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Signaling Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078453 CELL.INTRABSC.FAIL.INCEL H3220C:Number of GBFD-110601 L.FAI Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 L Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Failure on A Interface) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078450 CELL.SD GBFD-510501 Unsuccessful Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110608 (No Channel Available) (SDCCH) Handover 1278078446 CELL.HO. Ltd.INTRABSC.EXP.FAIL.SD Internal Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (SDCCH) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INTRABSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name L..TCHF.INTERF.HO.TCHF.TRSL.A. INCEL H322M:Number of GBFD-110601 L.INTRABSC.NO.HO.TIMEOUR Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078478 CELL. Inter-Cell Handover Clear GBFD-510501 HO.INCEL CH324:Number of Incoming L.FAIL Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers HUAWEI I Handover 1278078462 CELL.INCEL CH322:Number of GBFD-110601 L.TCHF Internal Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (TCHF) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278078458 CELL.INTRABSC.CMD Cmd Times (Before Handover Response) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078480 CELL.HO.IDLE.BEFORE.HO.DETECT.FAIL.INTRABSC.HO.HO.CMD.INCEL H3247:Number of Incoming L.INCEL TH323:Success Rate of L.HO.INTRABSC.INCEL CH322C:Number of GBFD-110601 L. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-13 . Ltd.INCEL H325B:Incoming Internal L.CMD.SUCC.RATE Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handovers HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278078461 CELL.ACK Internal Inter-Cell Handover Responses GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278078464 CELL.ABI Unsuccessful Incoming GBFD-510501 S Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (No Abis Resources Available) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078479 CELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278078456 CELL.CLEAR.INTRABSC.INCEL CH320:Number of Incoming L.INCEL CH321:Number of Incoming L.DETECT Internal Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278078463 CELL.INTRABSC.INTRABSC..REQ Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278078459 CELL.REQ.CLEAR.INCEL H325A:Incoming Internal GBFD-110601 L.SUCC Incoming Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 Handovers HUAWEI I Handover 1278078460 CELL.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.AFTER.INTRABSC.HO.HO.HO.INTRABSC.INCEL CH323:Number of Successful GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.H Inter-Cell Handover Clear HUAWEI I Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. FAIL.FAIL.NO.900.SUCC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name O.HO.900.RD. Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 VER (Requested Speech Version Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078482 CELL.900.HO.DOUBLE.HO.FAIL Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Channel Activation Failed) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078483 CELL.INTRABSC.900 Dual-Band Handovers (1800/1900-900/850/810) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278078492 CELL.HO.HO.S RH303G:Success Rate of UCC.INTERBSC.1800 Dual-Band Handovers (900/850/810-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 1278078486 CELL.FH. Ltd.FAIL.INCEL RH3032F:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.IN.FH.HO.S RH303F:Success Rate of UCC.SUCC.1800.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078494 CELL.INCEL H322H:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L..1800.SPEECH.FAIL.INTRABSC.INTERBSC.INTRABSC.CMD Cmd Times (After Handover Response) GBFD-510501 Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278078481 CELL.INCEL RH3031F:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-14 .FAIL.RATE.CEL RH3033F:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.18 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 00 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078495 CELL.INTRABSC.CHACT.DOUBLE.RATE.HO.9 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 00 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.FAIL.RAT RH303A:Success Rate of E Radio Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278078485 CELL.1800.1800 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078493 CELL.INCEL H322I:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.RATE HUAWEI I Handover RH303:Handover Success Rate GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278078484 CELL.CEL RH3034F:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.IN.HO.HO.TIMES.HO.TIMES. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II 8-15 .FAIL.900 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078498 CELL..REQ.CEL RH3034G:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover 1278078496 CELL.INTERBSC.HO.SD.OUTC RH3036G:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.REQ.INTRABSC.900.REQ.1800.IN.HO.900.1800.REQ.IN Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 CLUDE.INTERBSC.HO.1800.HO.SD.REQ.TIMES.INTERBSC.OUTC H3100W:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTRABSC.1800.1800 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078503 CELL.IN.1 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 800 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078501 CELL.INTERBSC.900 Requests (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079418 CELL.OUTC H3100X:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC RH3035F:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.REQ.INTERBSC.OUTC RH3035G:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.DR.1800.CEL RH3033G:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.REQ.900.FAIL.HO.NOT.1800 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078497 CELL.HO.900.900.HO.DR.INTERBSC.NOT. Ltd.INTRABSC.HO.HO.HO.900 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078500 CELL.INCEL RH3031G:Incoming Internal GBFD-110601 L.OUTC RH3036F:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.REQ.1800 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078499 CELL.IN Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 CLUDE.900 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079417 CELL. Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 900 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278078502 CELL.INTRABSC.TIMES.INCEL RH3032G:Incoming Internal GBFD-110601 L.1800 Requests (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. HO.REQ.INCLUDE.SD.DR.DR.HO.HO.NOT Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 .REQ.INCLUDE.SD.NOT.INTRABSC.REQ.OUTC H3107Y:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.90 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 0 Requests (Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278079430 CELL.900.900.900.INCLUDE.OUTC H3101X:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H3107X:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.NOT Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 .INCLUDE.REQ.HO.INTRABSC.1800.900 Requests (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079422 CELL.HO.TCHF.1800 Requests (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079424 CELL.OUTC H3101W:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.900 Requests (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079429 CELL.HO.NOT Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 .1800.1800.TCHF.900.OUTC H3100Y:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.IN Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 CLUDE.DR.REQ.OUTC H3107W:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.DR.TCHF.1800.DR.INTRABSC.IN Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 CLUDE.1 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 800 Requests (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (1800/1900-1800/1900) Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.OUTC H3107Z:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL..900 Requests (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079421 CELL.NOT Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 .OUTC H3100Z:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTRABSC.HO.REQ.DR.INTRABSC.TCHF.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID (1800/1900-1800/1900) Feature Name Handover SDCCH Handover 1278079419 CELL. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-16 .REQ.INTRABSC.DR.NOT.DR.1800 Requests (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079423 CELL.1800 Requests (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079420 CELL.HO. Ltd.REQ. HO.CMD.INCLUDE.HO.SD.1800.NOT.TCHF.INTRABSC.INCLUDE.900. Ltd.OUTC H3101Y:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL. HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-17 .CMD.DR.INTRABSC.OUTC H3110Y:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.900..18 Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.DR.REQ.SD.NOT.INTRABSC.CMD.DR.INTRABSC.HO.CMD.CMD.NO Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 T.1800.9 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 00 Requests (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278079433 CELL.OUTC H3110W:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.INTRABSC.1800.NOT.OUTC H3117W:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.SD.DR.1800.OUTC H3110Z:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTRABSC.900 Commands (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079437 CELL.900 Commands (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079434 CELL.900.HO.I Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 NCLUDE.I Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 NCLUDE.NO Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 T.SD.900 Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079438 CELL.DR.OUTC H3117X:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H3110X:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.1800 Commands (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079436 CELL.INTRABSC.NOT.DR.900.HO.DR.INTRABSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Direct Retry 1278079431 CELL.18 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 00 Requests (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278079432 CELL.OUTC H3101Z:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.DR.REQ.CMD.TCHF.I Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 NCLUDE.1800 Commands (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079435 CELL.I Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 NCLUDE. 180 0 H3117Y:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079440 CELL.9 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 00 Commands (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278079449 CELL.INTRABSC.HO.HO.900.SD.OUTC ELL.1800.18 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 00 Commands (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278079448 CELL.OUTC H3111Y:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.NO T.1800 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.OUTC ELL.HO.CMD.OUTC H3111X:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.NOT.OUTC H3111Z:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.NO T. HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 8-18 .1 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 800 Commands (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278079447 CELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 00 (1800/1900-1800/1900) Handover 1278079439 CELL.CMD.SD.HO.OUTC H3120W:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL..TCHF.DR.OUTC H3111W:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.90 0 H3117Z:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079445 CELL.CMD.CMD.INTRABSC.DR.TCHF.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.HO.900.FAIL.FAIL.HO.DR.CMD.INCLUDE.HO.NOT.DR.1800.INCLUDE.DR.DR.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.1800.IN Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 CLUDE.900.DR.IN Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 CLUDE. Ltd.90 Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 0 Commands (Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278079446 CELL.1800.DR.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079450 CELL.CMD.OUTC H3120X:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.900.INTRABSC.HO.INTRABSC. INTRABSC.HO.INTRABSC.DR.90 Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 0 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110607 (Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079462 CELL.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079453 CELL.TCHF.INTRABSC.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079454 CELL.1800.1800.OUTC H3127W:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.900.DR. HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 8-19 .FAIL.900.FAIL.SD.INTRABSC.TCHF.DR.NOT Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 .HO.1800.INCLUDE.1800. Ltd.HO.HO.INCLUDE.NOT Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 .FAIL.OUTC H3127Y:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.900 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079461 CELL.INTRABSC.OUTC H3121W:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.IN Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 CLUDE.OUTC H3127X:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.TCHF.DR.NOT Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 .OUTC H3120Y:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H3127Z:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.DR.NOT Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 .1800 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079456 CELL.IN Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 CLUDE.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278079451 CELL.FAIL.1 Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 800 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110607 (Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.900.FAIL.FAIL.DR.1800 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079455 CELL.DR.INTRABSC..INTRABSC.OUTC H3121X:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.HO.SD.1800 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079452 CELL.FAIL.900.DR.HO.OUTC H3120Z:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.NOT.INCLUDE.TCHF.INTRABSC.NOT.HO.INCLUDE. OUTC ELL.FAIL.INTRABSC.CONG Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (No Channel Available) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278079466 CELL.HO.HO.EXP.INTRABSC. HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 8-20 .GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278079463 CELL.SIG.FAIL.APPLY.1800.HO.FAIL.OUTC H312G:Number of Failed ELL.D R H3127Ca:Number of GBFD-110601 Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Traffic Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079473 CELL.OUTC H312B:Number of Failed ELL.FAIL.FAIL.9 Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 00 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110607 (Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079465 CELL.EXP.DR Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110607 (Timer Expired) (Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.FAIL.TCHF Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 . Ltd.FAIL.TCHF .INCLUDE.FAIL Handovers (Terrestrial Resource Request Failed) GBFD-110601 1278079467 CELL.OUTC H3121C:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.DR Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110608 (Timer Expired) (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079469 CELL.INCLUDE.EXP.NOT.INTRABSC.HO.OUTC H3121Z:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H312A:Number of Failed ELL.HO.HO.A.FAIL.OUTC H3121Y:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H3120C:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.N Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 OT.FAIL..18 Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 00 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110607 (Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079464 CELL.DR Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) (TCHF) (Signaling Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079471 CELL.900.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.TR Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell SL.HO.INTRABSC.DR. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell FAIL Handovers (A Interface Failure) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079468 CELL.INTERF.INTRABSC.TRAF.SD.INTRABSC.INCLUDE.EXP.OUTC H3127Cb:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.INTRABSC.DR.HO.NOT. RECONN.INTRABSC.OUTC H312Df:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.CLR Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Call Already HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Unspecified) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079475 CELL.REL.RPT. SUCC.CH.RPT.PREEMP Handovers (Reconnection to T Old Channels) (Preemptive Release) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079479 CELL. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.INTRABSC. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.EXP H312Dc:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.FAIL.TA Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Handover Failed.RECONN.MS.FAIL.FAIL. No Activity on the Radio Path) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079478 CELL.FAIL.INTRABSC.INTRABSC. Timer Expired) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079477 CELL.INTRABSC.OUTC H312De:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-21 .OUTC ELL.RPT. SUCC.HO.OUTC ELL.ACT H312Dd:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.RPT.ABN.MS. SUCC.CHN H312Db:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release. Channel Unacceptable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079476 CELL.OUTC H312Dh:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC ELL.INTRABSC.MS.HO.RECONN.FAIL.FAIL.INTRABSC.FREQ Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Frequency Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079482 CELL.REL.HO.HO..NO.C.HO.UNS H312Da:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.MS.RPT.ABNOR M.RECONN.HO.MS.FAIL.FAIL.ABNOR M.REL. Timing Advance out of Range) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079480 CELL.MS.OUTC ELL.HO.RECONN.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278079474 CELL. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.INTRABSC.HO.RPT. SUCC.HO.MS.RPT.RECONN. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.RECONN.FAIL.OUTC H312Dg:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.RPT.MOD Handovers (Reconnection to E Old Channels) (Channel Mode Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079481 CELL.RE L.MS.MS.INTRABSC.RECONN.RECONN.ABNOR M. Ltd.RPT.OUTC H312Di:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC. OUTC H312Dn:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.RPT.OUTC H312Dj:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.RECONN.OUTC H310A:Number of Outgoing ELL.MS.MS. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-22 .PROTO CL H312Dp:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Protocol Error Unspecified) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079490 CELL. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.RECONN.INTRABSC.FAIL.MAN Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Invalid Mandatory Information) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079485 CELL.RPT. Ltd.RPT.OTHER Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Other Causes) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079491 CELL.SEMANT Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Semantically Incorrect Message) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079484 CELL.FAIL.RPT.NE Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Message Type Non-Existent or Not Implemented) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079486 CELL.CA Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (No Cell Allocation Available) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079489 CELL.HO.HO. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.T. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.NC Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Message Type Not Compatible with Protocol State) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079487 CELL..CONDIT Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Conditional IE Error) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079488 CELL. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.MS.INTRABSC.FAIL.RECONN.RECONN.HO.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.M.INTRABSC.FAIL.INTRABSC.MS.HO.MS.OUTC H312Do:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H312Dl:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.RPT.RPT. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.RECONN.INTRABSC.RECONN.REQ.MS.M.RECONN.UL.INTRABSC.RECONN.OUTC ELL.HO. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC. Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 SUCC.INTRABSC.QLTY Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (Uplink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.T.HO.MS.FAIL.RPT. SUCC.FAIL.OUTC H312Dk:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.HO.MS.NO.RPT.INV.OUTC H312Dq:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H312Dm:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.HO.FAIL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Cleared) 1278079483 CELL. OUTC H310D:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H310E:Number of Outgoing ELL.REQ.HO.C Internal Inter-Cell Handover ELL Requests (Better Cell) GBFD-110601 1278079497 CELL.UL.HO.DL.INTRABSC.HO.INTRABSC.HO.DL.QLTY Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..INTRABSC.HO.INTRABSC.REQ.HO.OUTC H311A:Number of Outgoing ELL.OUTC H310L:Number of Outgoing ELL.REQ.HO.INTRABSC.RXL Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Requests (Downlink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079495 CELL.REQ.HO. HUAWEI I Handover 8-23 .OUTC H310B:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.REQ.INTRABSC.HO. Ltd.OUTC H310F:Number of Outgoing ELL.OUTC H310J:Number of Outgoing ELL.INTER Internal Inter-Cell Handover VENTION Requests (OM Intervention) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278079502 CELL.RAPID.REQ.INTRABSC.CMD.MSC.OUTC H310C:Number of Outgoing ELL.INTRABSC.HO.OUTC H310G:Number of Outgoing ELL.TA Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (Timing Advance) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278079496 CELL.REQ.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278079492 CELL.HO.RXL Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (Uplink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079494 CELL.UL.INTRABSC.REQ.QLTY Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Requests (Downlink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079493 CELL.INTE Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 RVENTION Requests (MSC Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079500 CELL.OTHER Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (Other Causes) GBFD-110601 1278079503 CELL.INTRABSC.LE Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 V.REQ.BETTER.REQ.DROP Requests (Rapid Level Drop) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079499 CELL.LOAD Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (Load) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079498 CELL.OM.INTRABSC.OUTC H310I:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H310H:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL. OUTC H311J:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.OM.OUTC H311C:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.DL.INTRABSC.OUTC H311I:Number of Outgoing ELL.INTRABSC.CMD.CMD.RXL Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Downlink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079507 CELL.INTRABSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Commands (Uplink Quality) 1278079504 CELL.BETTER.RXL Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Commands (Uplink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079506 CELL.OUTC H311B:Number of Outgoing ELL.DL.CMD.OUTC H311L:Number of Outgoing ELL.MSC.HO.CMD.HO.CMD.OUTC H311F:Number of Outgoing ELL.HO.OUTC H311D:Number of Outgoing ELL.HO..INTRABSC.QLTY Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Downlink Quality) Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079505 CELL.CMD.CMD.HO.OUTC H311E:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.INTE Internal Inter-Cell Handover RVENTION Commands (MSC Intervention) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079512 CELL.CMD.INTRABSC.HO.OTHER Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Other Causes) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.CMD.INTRABSC.RAPID.LOAD Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Load) GBFD-110601 1278079510 CELL.HO.LE Internal Inter-Cell Handover V.UL. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-24 .INTRABSC.HO.INTRABSC.OUTC H311H:Number of Outgoing ELL.DROP Commands (Rapid Level Drop) GBFD-110601 1278079511 CELL.TA Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Commands (Timing Advance) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079508 CELL.CMD.INTER Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 VENTION Commands (OM Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079514 CELL.C Internal Inter-Cell Handover ELL Commands (Better Cell) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278079509 CELL.OUTC H311G:Number of Outgoing ELL. INTRABSC.LOAD Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Load) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079522 CELL.OUTC H3122B:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278079515 CELL.FAIL.INTRABSC.RXL Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Uplink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079518 CELL.FAIL.FAIL.OUTC H3122F:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.DL.OUTC H3122E:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL..HO.HO.FAIL.LE Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 V.INTRABSC.DL.HO.FAIL.INTRABSC.FAIL.OUTC H3122J:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.UL.OUTC H3122G:Number of Failed ELL.INTRABSC.BETTER.OM.OUTC H3122C:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.RAPID.INTRABSC.QLTY Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Uplink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079516 CELL.DROP Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Rapid Level Drop) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079523 CELL.FAIL.INTRABSC.FAIL.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.OUTC H3122I:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.INTE Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 RVENTION Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (MSC Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079524 CELL.HO.OUTC H3122L:Number of ELL.RXL Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Downlink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079519 CELL.HO.OUTC H3122A:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H3122D:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.UL.INTRABSC.INTER Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 VENTION Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (OM Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079526 CELL.INTRABSC.FAIL. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-25 .OUTC H3122H:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL. Ltd.HO.FAIL.TA Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timing Advance) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079520 CELL.MSC.HO.QLTY Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Downlink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079517 CELL.OTHER Unsuccessful Outgoing HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.FAIL.C Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 ELL Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Better Cell) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079521 CELL.HO. A Outgoing Cell Handover GBFD-510501 BIS Failures Due to No Abis Resources Available HUAWEI I Handover 1278079554 CELL.FAIL Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers HUAWEI I Handover 1278079530 CELL. Ltd.HO.HO.OUTC TH313:Success Rate of ELL.IDLE.OUTC CH311:Number of Outgoing ELL.HO.INTRABSC.OUTC CH310:Number of Outgoing ELL.FAIL.FA Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 IL Internal Inter-Cell Handovers HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Other Causes) 1278079527 CELL.SUCC Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 Handovers HUAWEI I Handover 1278079529 CELL.OUTC CH312:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC CH312C:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL. Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 SUCC Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Reconnection to Old Channels) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079544 CELL.OUTC H312L:Number of Intra-BSC GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.HO.OUTC H312H:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H312I:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-26 .REQ Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079528 CELL.FAIL.HO.OUTC CH312D:Number of GBFD-110601 ELL.RECONN.CMD Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278079532 CELL.NO.HO.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.SUCC.HO.CHACT.HO.RATE Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278079531 CELL.EXP Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Timer Expired) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079533 CELL.INTRABSC.OUTC CH313:Number of Successful GBFD-110601 ELL.INTRABSC.HO.HO.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.FAIL.INTRABSC.FAIL.INTRABSC.NO.VER Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Requested Speech Version Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278079555 CELL..INTRABSC.SPEEC Unsuccessful Outgoing GBFD-510501 H. REQ.REQ.INCEL H3400W:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.1800.INCEL H3400Z:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.INCEL H3409Y:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.REQ.REQ. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-27 .TCH.TCH.REQ.INCEL H3409X:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.1800.HO.INTERBSC.HO.INCEL H3409Z:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.TCH.INTERBSC.INCEL H3400Y:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.INTERBSC.900.INCEL H3410W:Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover HUAWEI I Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.INTERBSC.900.900 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (TCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080422 CELL.90 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 0 (TCH) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080425 CELL.INCEL H3409W:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.1800.HO.HO.HO.INTERBSC.1800 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080420 CELL. Ltd.REQ.900 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080421 CELL.TCH.180 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 0 (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080419 CELL.1800.SD..SD.900.900.REQ.REQ.INTERBSC.INCEL H3400X:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.18 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 00 (TCH) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080423 CELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID (Channel Activation Failed) Feature Name Handover 1278080417 CELL.SD.HO.900 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (SDCCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080418 CELL.180 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 0 (TCH) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080424 CELL.HO.SD.INTERBSC. INCEL H3410X:Incoming External L.900..HO.HO.TCHF.900 Responses (SDCCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-510501 Handover GBFD-110608 HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080426 CELL.HO.CMD.SD.INTERBSC. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-28 .CMD.INTERBSC.HO.INCEL H3417Z:Incoming External L.9 Inter-Cell Handover 00 Responses (TCHF) (1800/1900-900/850/810) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 1278080437 CELL.HO.CMD.CMD.1800 Inter-Cell Handover Responses (SDCCH) (900/850/810-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080428 CELL.1 Inter-Cell Handover 800 Responses (TCHF) (1800/1900-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 1278080431 CELL.SD.INCEL H3417Y:Incoming External L.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.1800.TCHF.SD.INTERBSC.900.INCEL H3417X:Incoming External L.INTERBSC.FAIL.CMD.900.TCHF.900.1800.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name L.900 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (SDCCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110608 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) HUAWEI I Handover Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.TCHF.1800.1800.INTERBSC.INCEL H3420W:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L. Ltd.900.CMD.INCEL H3410Z:Incoming External L.90 Inter-Cell Handover 0 Responses (TCHF) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110601 1278080430 CELL.CMD.CMD.HO.SD.HO.18 Inter-Cell Handover 00 Responses (TCHF) (900/850/810-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 1278080432 CELL.900 Inter-Cell Handover Responses (SDCCH) (1800/1900-900/850/810) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080429 CELL.INCEL H3417W:Incoming External L.INCEL H3410Y:Incoming External L.SD.HO.180 Inter-Cell Handover 0 Responses (SDCCH) (1800/1900-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080427 CELL. CONG.INCEL H3420X:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.1800.SD.TCH.INTERBSC.900.900.1800.TCH.CONTENTS.FAIL.INCEL H3429W:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.900.900 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080441 CELL.INCEL H3429Y:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.HO.HO.90 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 0 (TCH) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080453 CELL.HO.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.HO.FAIL.INCEL H3429X:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.1800 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080439 CELL.1800.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name SDCCH Handover 1278080438 CELL.HO.INCEL H3420A:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.HO.INTERBSC.SD.HO.INCEL H3420Z:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.INCEL H3420Y:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.FAIL..1800 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080440 CELL.INCEL H3429Z:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.TCH.900 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (TCH) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080442 CELL.HO.180 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 0 (TCH) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080444 CELL.INTERBSC.HO.FAIL.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.FAIL.INTERBSC.INCEL H342I:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.1800.INTERBSC. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-29 .I External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 NVALID (Invalid Message) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080454 CELL. Ltd.TCH.18 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 00 (TCH) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080443 CELL.SD External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (No Channel Available) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.SD. INCEL H342F:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.HO.INTERBSC.HO.INTERBSC.INCEL H342H:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.EXP.CIC.TCH.FAIL.INTERBSC.INTERBSC. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 FAIL (Terrestrial Resource Request Failed) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080459 CELL.INTERBSC.HO.CIC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (CIC Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080457 CELL.EXP.INTERBSC.CONG.FAIL.INCEL H3440:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.HO.INTERBSC.DETECT.SIG External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Timer Expired) (TCH) (Signaling Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080462 CELL..NO.TCH.INCEL H3429Cb:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L. Ltd.INTERBSC.SD External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Timer Expired) (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080461 CELL.MSC.FAIL.INTERBSC.HO.FAIL.FAIL.EXP.TR External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 AF (Timer Expired) (TCH) (Traffic Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080463 CELL.TCH External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (No Channel Available) (TCH) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080456 CELL.APPLY.FAIL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 Handover SDCCH Handover 1278080455 CELL.FAIL.INCEL H3420C:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L. 8-30 .HO.INCEL H3429Ca:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.HO.FAIL.CLR.INCEL H342B:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INCEL H342E:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.AVAIL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (CIC Allocated) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080458 CELL.SD Inter-Cell Handover Detection GBFD-510501 Messages Received by BSC GBFD-110608 (SDCCH) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.TRSL.HO.INCEL H3429A:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 D (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080460 CELL. HO.INCEL H342L:Number of Incoming GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INTERBSC.DETECT.REQ.REQ.INCEL CH343:Successful Incoming GBFD-110601 L.HO.INCEL CH344:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L.HO.REQ.TCHF Inter-Cell Handover Detection GBFD-510501 Messages Received by BSC (TCHF) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080466 CELL.HO.ACK Inter-Cell Handover Responses GBFD-110601 1278080469 CELL.INTERBSC.SUCC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278080468 CELL.INCEL CH342C:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INTERBSC.HO.FAIL.EXP External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Timer Expired) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080476 CELL.FAIL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278080473 CELL.CEL Inter-Cell Handover L Requests(Better Cell) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278080477 CELL.BETTER.INCEL CH342:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INTERBSC.DETECT Inter-Cell Handover Detection GBFD-510501 Messages Received by BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278080472 CELL.INTERBSC.RATE Incoming External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278080471 CELL.INCEL CH340:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L. HUAWEI I 8-31 .INCEL CH346:Incoming External L.HO.INCEL TH343:Success Rate of L.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.HO.INTERBSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover 1278080464 CELL.INTERBSC.T CH347:Incoming Inter-Cell A Handover Requests (Timing Advance) GBFD-110601 1278080478 CELL.. Ltd.HO.SUCC.HO.INCEL CH341:Incoming External L.HO.REQ Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278080467 CELL.INTERBSC.INCELL.INCEL H3447:Incoming External GBFD-110601 L. INTERBSC.MSG.CLR.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 D.INTERBSC.INCEL H342HG:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INTERBSC.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 D.OM (Clear Commands Sent By MSC)(O and M intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080488 CELL.SPEECH.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 D.HO.FAIL.MSC.NO.HO.UM.INCEL H342HF:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.IDLE.INTERBSC.CLR.FAIL.HO.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 D.HO.RD.ERR (Clear Commands Sent By MSC)(Protocol Error between BSS and MSC) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080492 CELL.INVAILD.MSC.NO.INCEL H342HD:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INCEL H342HH:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.FAIL.CLR.MSC.INCEL H342J:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.MSC.FAIL.INCEL H342HC:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.INTERBSC.UM.PREEMPTION (Clear Commands Sent By MSC)(Preemption) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080490 CELL.CLR.FAIL.CLR.FAIL (Clear Commands Sent By MSC)(Equipment failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080489 CELL.INTERBSC.FAIL. RH303D:Success Rate of CELL.INTERBSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description L. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-32 .MSG (Clear Commands Sent By MSC)(Invalid message contents) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080491 CELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 VER (Requested Speech Version Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080482 CELL.INCEL H342HB:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.EQP.HO. Ltd.FAIL.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 D.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.HO.FAIL (Clear Commands Sent By MSC)(Radio interface failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080487 CELL.HO.CLR.ABI BSC Handover Failures (No S Abis Resources Available) Feature ID Feature Name GBFD-510501 Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278080479 CELL.FAIL.MSC.INTERBSC.HO.HO.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 D.FAIL (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Radio Interface Message Failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278080486 CELL.SUCC.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers HUAWEI I Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INCEL H342HA:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.MSC.MSC.FAIL.HO.INTO.CLR.MSC..FAIL.CLR.INCEL H342HE:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 L.CM External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 D.PROTOCOL.HO.RAT Incoming External Inter-Cell E Radio Handovers HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278080485 CELL. INTERBSC.900.DR.OUTC H3300Y:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.NOT.SD.OUTC H3310X:Outgoing External ELL.I Inter-Cell Handover NCLUDE.I Inter-Cell Handover NCLUDE.OUTC H3300Z:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.1800 Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.FAIL (Clear Commands Sent By MSC)(Other) GBFD-510501 Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081417 CELL. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-33 .SD.HO.IN Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 CLUDE.1800 (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081420 CELL.DR.HO.REQ.SD.INTERBSC.OUTC H3310W:Outgoing External ELL.NOT.NOT.INTERBSC.OUTC H3300X:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.DR.INTERBSC.1800.900 (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081421 CELL.DR.SD.OTHER.OUTC H3310Y:Outgoing External ELL.SD.REQ.900..900 (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081418 CELL.HO.REQ.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name D.1800.DR.1800 (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278081419 CELL.INTERBSC.NOT.900.NOT. Ltd.CMD.900.OUTC H3300W:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.IN Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 CLUDE.I Inter-Cell Handover NCLUDE.IN Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 CLUDE.DR.1800 Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 1278081423 CELL.SD.NOT.REQ.CMD.HO.HO.NOT.INTERBSC.900 Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278081422 CELL.SD.INTERBSC.DR.1800.IN Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 CLUDE.CMD.HO. DR.HO.HO.SD.INCLUDE.CMD.INTERBSC.HO.INTERBSC.900.TCHF..18 Inter-Cell Handover 00 Commands (Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081436 CELL.NO T.1 Inter-Cell Handover 800 Commands (Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081435 CELL.CMD.NO T.900 Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110601 1278081426 CELL.CMD.CMD.HO.INTERBSC.DR.INTERBSC.TCHF.900.1800.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.DR.DR.INCLUDE.HO.NOT.90 0 H3317Z:Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) GBFD-110601 1278081433 CELL.OUTC H3311X:Outgoing External ELL.1800. Ltd.TCHF.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name SDCCH Handover 1278081424 CELL.OUTC H3310Z:Outgoing External ELL.1800.INCLUDE.DR.OUTC H3311Z:Outgoing External Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.OUTC H3311W:Outgoing External ELL.CMD.INTERBSC.OUTC ELL.CMD.90 Inter-Cell Handover 0 Commands (Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-510501 GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081434 CELL.HO.TCHF.I Inter-Cell Handover NCLUDE.900.NO Inter-Cell Handover T. HUAWEI I 8-34 .18 00 H3317X:Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 1278081427 CELL.CMD.INTERBSC.900 Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) GBFD-110601 1278081425 CELL.NO T.DR.OUTC H3317W:Outgoing External ELL.HO.900.CMD.OUTC ELL.INCLUDE.INTERBSC.HO.1800.DR.OUTC ELL.OUTC H3311Y:Outgoing External ELL.180 0 H3317Y:Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) GBFD-110601 1278081428 CELL.DR. INTERBSC.FAIL.SD.900.DR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description ELL.HO.DR.1800.TCHF.INCLUDE.IN External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 CLUDE.NOT..INTERBSC.INTERBSC.OUTC H3327X:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.900 (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081438 CELL.OUTC H3320Y:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.1800.1800.NOT External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 .INTERBSC.900.SD.FAIL.OUTC H3327Y:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.SD.HO.INTERBSC.IN External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 CLUDE.1800 (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081440 CELL.1800 (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081443 CELL.HO.NOT.FAIL.FAIL.9 Inter-Cell Handover 00 Commands (Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) Feature ID Feature Name GBFD-510501 Handover GBFD-110607 HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081437 CELL.OUTC H3327Z:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H3327W:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.NOT.INTERBSC.NOT.HO.HO.OUTC H3320Z:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.900.SD.INTERBSC. Ltd.IN External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 CLUDE.DR.HO.INCLUDE.1800.INCLUDE.CMD.FAIL.TCHF.OUTC H3320X:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.DR.DR.NOT External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 .DR.NOT External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 .1800 (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) GBFD-110608 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278081439 CELL.TCHF.NOT External Inter-Cell Handovers HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.900 (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed GBFD-110608 Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081441 CELL.900.DR.FAIL.HO.HO.FAIL.IN External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 CLUDE.1800 (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081444 CELL. HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-35 .OUTC H3320W:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.900 (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081442 CELL.INTERBSC.TCHF.DR. OUTC H330E:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.REQ.DR.DR.REQ.INTERBSC.HO.HO.HO.HO.OUTC H3321W:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.TA Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (Timing Advance) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.QLTY Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (Uplink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081454 CELL.INTERBSC.1800.QLTY Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (Downlink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081455 CELL.900 (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081450 CELL.DR.900.9 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 00 (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081453 CELL.. Ltd.OUTC H330C:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.18 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 00 (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081452 CELL.RXL Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (Uplink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081456 CELL.DL.DL.OUTC H330A:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.DR.INTERBSC.1800.INCLUDE.INTERBSC.RXL Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (Downlink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081457 CELL.1 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 800 (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081451 CELL.OUTC H3321Y:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.OUTC H3321Z:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.FAIL.HO.HO.1800.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover 1278081449 CELL.INTERBSC.DR.OUTC H330D:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.900.REQ.INTERBSC.OUTC H330B:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.INTERBSC.HO.FAIL.REQ.REQ. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-36 .INTERBSC.UL.UL.OUTC H3321X:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.90 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 0 (Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover .INTERBSC. CMD.HO.HO.INTERBSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover 1278081458 CELL.HO.REQ.INTER Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 VENTION (OM Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081464 CELL.DL.INTERBSC.RXL Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 Commands (Uplink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081468 CELL.HO.INTERBSC.REQ.LE Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 V.HO.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.HO.DL.OUTC H330F:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H331A:Outgoing External ELL.OUTC H331C:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.C Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 ELL (Better Cell) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081459 CELL.HO.UL.HO..BETTER.REQ.INTERBSC.REQ.OUTC H330J:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H330L:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.QLTY Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Downlink Quality) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081467 CELL.INTERBSC.CMD.HO. Ltd.OUTC H331D:Outgoing External ELL.RXL Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Downlink Strength) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278081469 CELL.INTERBSC.OUTC H330H:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.OM.OUTC H330G:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.DROP (Rapid Level Drop) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081461 CELL.OUTC H331E:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.CMD.UL.HO.OTHER Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (Other Causes) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081465 CELL.REQ.RAPID.OUTC H330I:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.REQ.INTERBSC.CMD.OUTC H331B:Outgoing External ELL.LOAD Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 (Load) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081460 CELL.QLTY Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Uplink Quality) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278081466 CELL. HUAWEI I 8-37 .INTE Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 RVENTION (MSC Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081462 CELL.MSC.INTERBSC. OUTC H331H:Outgoing External ELL.HO.LE Inter-Cell Handover V.RAPID.HO.CMD.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.FAIL.CMD.OM.FAIL.OUTC H331G:Outgoing External ELL.MSC.DL.OUTC H3322A:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.CMD.INTER Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 VENTION Commands (OM Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081476 CELL.DROP Commands (Rapid Level Drop) GBFD-110601 1278081473 CELL.OTHER Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Other Causes) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081477 CELL.OUTC H331J:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL. Ltd.FAIL.RXL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Uplink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081480 CELL.FAIL.HO.HO.DL.OUTC H331F:Outgoing External ELL.CMD.HO.HO. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-38 .QLTY External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Downlink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081479 CELL.OUTC H331L:Outgoing External ELL.INTERBSC..UL.INTERBSC.CMD.HO.OUTC H331I:Outgoing External ELL.INTERBSC.RXL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Downlink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INTERBSC.HO.BETTER.HO.C Inter-Cell Handover ELL Commands (Better Cell) GBFD-110601 1278081471 CELL.TA GBFD-510501 Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Timing Advance) 1278081470 CELL.UL.INTERBSC.CMD.INTERBSC.HO.OUTC H3322D:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTE Inter-Cell Handover RVENTION Commands (MSC Intervention) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Feature Name Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081474 CELL.CMD.LOAD Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Load) GBFD-110601 1278081472 CELL.QLTY External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Uplink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081478 CELL.OUTC H3322B:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.OUTC H3322C:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID ELL.HO. OUTC H3322I:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.RAPID.HO.NO.FAIL (Handover Request Rejected) (Equipment Failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081491 CELL.FAIL.INTE External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 RVENTION (MSC Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081486 CELL.OUTC H332Ka:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.HO.INTERBSC.FAIL.REQ.LOAD External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Load) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081484 CELL.R External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 ADIO.OUTC H3322J:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.BETTER.HO.OUTC H3322E:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.INTERBSC.FAIL.OUTC H3322L:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.TA External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Timing Advance) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081482 CELL.C External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 ELL (Better Cell) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081483 CELL.INTERBSC.HO.OUTC H332Kb:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO..RES (Handover Request Rejected) (No Radio Resource Available) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.OUTC H332Kc:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.REJ.INTERBSC.IN External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 TERVENTION (Handover Request Rejected) (OM Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081490 CELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover 1278081481 CELL.REQ.HO.INTERBSC. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-39 .FAIL.INTER External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 VENTION (OM Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081488 CELL.REQ.FAIL.OTHER External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Other Causes) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081489 CELL.INTERBSC. Ltd.REJ.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.OM.LE External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 V.HO.OUTC H3322H:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.MSC.EQUI External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 P.OUTC H3322F:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.OM.FAIL.REJ.HO.OUTC H3322G:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.DROP (Rapid Level Drop) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081485 CELL. INTERBSC.RES (Handover Request Rejected) (Requested Terrestrial Resource Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081493 CELL.EQUIP (Handover Request Rejected) (BSS not Equipped) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081494 CELL.HO. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 CIR.REJ.REQ.HO.OUTC H332Kf:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H332Kh:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.REQ.INTERBSC.SV (Handover Request Rejected) (Requested Speech Version Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081498 CELL.HO.TER.OUTC H332Kd:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.REJ.INTERBSC.REJ.HO.OUTC H332Ke:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278081492 CELL.REQ.NOT.REQ.SUPPORT (Handover Request Rejected) (Ciphering Algorithm not Supported) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081499 CELL.INTERBSC.OUTC H332Kl:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.TER.REQ.REQ. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 NO.HO.CIRC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 UIT.REQ. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 NOT.REQ.REQ.ERR (Handover Request Rejected) (Protocol Error between BSS HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..POOL.INVAL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 ID.INTERBSC. Ltd.REJ.MISMATCH (Handover Request Rejected) (Circuit Pool Mismatch) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081497 CELL.ALLOC (Handover Request Rejected) (Terrestrial Circuit Already Allocated) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081500 CELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 TRANS.INTERBSC.REJ.REQ.HO.INVAL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 ID.HO.REJ.MSG (Handover Request Rejected) (Invalid Message) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081501 CELL.INTERBSC.HO.PROT External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 OCOL.NO.INTERBSC.OUTC H332Kj:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H332Km:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H332Kk:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.CELL (Handover Request Rejected) (Invalid Cell) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081495 CELL.REJ.REQ.REJ. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-40 .REQ.CIPH.REJ.INTERBSC.OUTC H332Kg:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.BSS. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 ALG.HO.ADAPT (Handover Request Rejected) (Requested Transcoding/Rate Adaption Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081496 CELL.REJ.HO.INTERBSC.OUTC H332Ki:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 NO.REQ. INTERBSC.MS. SUCC.INTERBSC. Timing Advance out of Range) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081509 CELL. SUCC.HO.INTERBSC.RECONN.RECONN.HO.CHN H332Db:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID and MSC) Feature Name Handover 1278081502 CELL.HO.REL.MS.OUTC H332De:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.RECONN.RPT.MOD (Reconnection to Old E Channels) (Channel Mode Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081510 CELL.HO.INTERBSC.MS.RPT.MS..REQ.HO.OTHE External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 R (Handover Request Rejected) (Other Causes) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081503 CELL.RPT.EXP H332Dc:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.MS.REL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC.MS.HO.RPT.ACT H332Dd:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.ABNOR M.RECONN.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.RPT.FAIL.OUTC ELL.TA (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Handover Failed. Ltd.INTERBSC.OUTC ELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC.OUTC H332Kn:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.OUTC ELL. SUCC.RPT.OUTC H332Df:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.NO.RECONN. Channel Unacceptable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081505 CELL.FAIL.FAIL.FAIL.INTERBSC.ABNOR M.UNS H332Da:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Abnormal Release.FAIL.HO.OUTC ELL.RE L.MS.RPT.FAIL.HO.OUTC H332Dg:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.RECONN.HO.REJ. SUCC.CH. No Activity on the Radio Path) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081507 CELL.FAIL.RECONN.RECONN.PREEMP (Reconnection to Old T Channels) (Preemptive Release) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081508 CELL.RPT.REL. Unspecified) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081504 CELL.MS.FAIL.FREQ (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Frequency HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.ABNOR M. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-41 . External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC.OUTC H332Dh:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC.ABN.INTERBSC. Timer Expired) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081506 CELL. RECONN.HO. Ltd.MS.RPT.FAIL.MS. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-42 .OUTC H332Di:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC. (Reconnection to Old MAN Channels) (Invalid Mandatory Information) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081514 CELL.RPT.MS.RECONN.MSG.INTERBSC.HO.RECONN.NO. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC.INTERBSC.HO.TY PE..INTERBSC.FAIL.RPT. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC.HO.HO. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC.INTERBSC.FAIL.RPT.OUTC ELL.OUTC H332Dj:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.RPT.MS.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.CALL.RPT.PROTO CL H332Dp:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Protocol Error Unspecified) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081519 CELL.RECONN.FAIL. SUCC.TY PE.MS.HO.MSG.OUTC H332Dq:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H332Dn:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.INVALID.RECONN.SEMANT (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Semantically Incorrect Message) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081513 CELL.FAIL.OUTC H332Dk:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.RECONN.RECONN.CONDIT (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Conditional IE Error) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081517 CELL.RPT.RECONN.FAIL.OUTC H332Do:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.MS.RPT.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Unavailable) 1278081511 CELL.OTHER (Reconnection to Old HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.FAIL.FAIL.INTERBSC.FAIL.NEXIST H332Dl:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Message Type Non-Existent or Not Implemented) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081515 CELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC.MS.INTERBSC.RECONN.NC H332Dm:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Reconnection to Old Channels) (Message Type Not Compatible with Protocol State) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081516 CELL.CA (Reconnection to Old Channels) (No Cell Allocation Available) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081518 CELL.MS. SUCC.HO.OUTC ELL.INTERBSC.CL (Reconnection to Old R Channels) (Call Already Cleared) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081512 CELL.RPT. SUCC.HO.MS.OUTC ELL. GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Channels) (Other Causes) Feature Name Handover 1278081520 CELL.INTERBSC.MSC. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 RADIO.NOT.INTERVENTION (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (OM Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081523 CELL.OUTC H332Hd:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.OUTC H332Hf:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.MSC.FAIL.HO.FAIL.INTERBSC.OUTC H3320L:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 PROTOCOL.T7.FAIL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 PREEMPTION (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Preemption) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081525 CELL.HO.MSC..FAIL (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Radio Interface Message Failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081521 CELL.MSG (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Invalid Message) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081526 CELL.INTERBSC. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 EQUIP.INTERBSC.INTF.HO.OUTC H332Hg:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.FAIL (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Equipment Failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081524 CELL.HO.HO.INTERBSC.FAIL (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Radio Interface Failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081522 CELL.CLR.CLR.FAIL.MSC.INTERBSC.OUTC H332Hh:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 OM.MSC.FAIL.MSC.INCLUDE.INTERBSC.OUTC H332G:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H332He:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.CLR.CLR.FAIL.MSC.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.SD External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 .FAIL.OUTC H332Ha:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC. Ltd.I External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 NVALID.CLR.HO.CLR.HO.EXP. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II 8-43 .DR (T7 Expiry) (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INTF.CLR. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 A. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 RADIO.HO.FAIL.MSC.ERR (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Protocol Error between BSS and MSC) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081527 CELL.MSC.CLR. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 OTHER (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Other Causes) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081528 CELL.INTF.OUTC H332Hc:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.CLR.MSG.OUTC H332Hb:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.FAIL (A Interface Failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081529 CELL. EXP.EXP.FAIL.DR External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (T8 Expiry) (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081541 CELL.OUTC H3303:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.CH (T8 Expiry) (TCHF) (Traffic Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081540 CELL.T7.TC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 HF.T8.HO.EXP.HO.CH (T7 Expiry) (TCHF) (Traffic Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081534 CELL.INTERBSC.OUTC H3327La:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H3320C:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.T8.TRAF.HO.DR External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (T7 Expiry) (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081535 CELL.NOT.EXP.FAIL.OUTC H3327Cb:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.TC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 HF.EXP.INTERBSC.OUTC H3327Ca:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover SDCCH Handover 1278081530 CELL.DR (T8 Expiry) (SDCCH) GBFD-110608 (Excluding Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover SDCCH Handover 1278081536 CELL.OUTC H3321L:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.SD External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 .FAIL.FAIL. 8-44 .OUTC H3321C:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.SIG (T7 Expiry) (TCHF) (Signaling Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081532 CELL.EXP.INCLUDE.OUTC H3327Lb:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.HO.DIFFEREN Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 T.INTERBSC.FAIL.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.POINT (Different Signaling Points) GBFD-115301 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Local Multiple Signaling Points Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.T7.HO. Ltd.TRAF.SIG.EXP.INTERBSC.TC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 HF.HO.INTERBSC.T8.T8.SIG (T8 Expiry) (TCHF) (Signaling Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081538 CELL..T7.REQ.TC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 HF. HO.900.REQ.TCHF.1800.INTERBSC.REQ.INCLUDEDR.1800.1 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 800 (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081554 CELL.OUTC H3301Y:Outgoing External Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.CMD.INTERBSC.OUTC H3301X:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.INCLUDEDR.900 (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081552 CELL.TCHF.HO.90 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 0 (Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081553 CELL.1800 (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081547 CELL.DR.INCLUDEDR.INTERBSC.OUTC H3307Y:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.900 (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850/810-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081545 CELL.TCHF.NOT Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 .INTERBSC.1800 (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081546 CELL.POINT Commands (Different Signaling Points) Feature ID Feature Name GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-510501 GBFD-115301 HUAWEI II Handover Local Multiple Signaling Points 1278081543 CELL.HO.INTERBSC. HUAWEI I 8-45 .SIG.HO.TCHF.900..1800.REQ.REQ.INTERBSC.DIFFEREN Inter-Cell Handover T. Ltd.INTERBSC.HO.FAIL.NOT Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 .DIFFEREN External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 T.OUTC H3313:Outgoing External ELL.NOT Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 .OUTC H3307Z:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.REQ.DR.HO.NOT Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 .INCLUDEDR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description 1278081542 CELL.OUTC H3307W:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.POINT (Different Signaling Points) GBFD-115301 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Local Multiple Signaling Points 1278081544 CELL.OUTC H3323:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC H3307X:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.900.INTERBSC.REQ.OUTC H3301W:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.SIG. INTERBSC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID ELL.HO.INTERBSC.SUCC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081558 CELL. External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SUCC (Reconnection to Old Channels) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081563 CELL.OUTC CH332D:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL..REQ.OUTC CH332:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.MSC.HO.INTERBSC.OUTC H3301Z:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC CH332H:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.OUTC CH332K:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.HO.RECONN.FAIL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081560 CELL.HO.INTERBSC.9 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 00 (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081556 CELL.RATE Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081561 CELL.REQ Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081557 CELL.DR.FAIL.INTERBSC.INTERBSC.900.OUTC CH331:Outgoing External ELL.CMD Inter-Cell Handover Commands GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081559 CELL.HO.OUTC CH330:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.DR. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-46 .18 Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 00 (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 (900/850/810-1800/1900) Feature Name Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278081555 CELL.1800.HO.INTERBSC.OUTC CH333:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.OUTC CH332L:Failed Outgoing HUAWEI I Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INTERBSC. Ltd.REQ.HO.REQ.CLR External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081564 CELL.SUCC.FAIL.HO.OUTC TH333:Success Rate of ELL.HO.INTERBSC.REJ External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Handover Request Rejected) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081562 CELL. HO.CONG Inter-Cell Handovers (Congestion) GBFD-110601 1278084419 CELLCELL.HO.RATE External Outgoing Cell Radio GBFD-510501 Handovers HUAWEI I Handover 1278084417 CELLCELL.INTERBSC.EXP External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (T7 Expiry) Handover 1278081565 CELL.SUCC. H382A:Failed Incoming FAIL.FAIL.CLEAR.OUTC H335B:Outgoing External ELL.HO.INCELL. Ltd.AFTE Inter-Cell Handover Clear R.EXP External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (T8 Expired) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081576 CELL.HO.C RH303E:Success Rate of GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.HO.OTHER Inter-Cell Handovers (Other Causes) GBFD-110601 1278084420 CELLCELL.INCELL..CLEAR.HO. 8-47 .INCELL. H383:Successful Incoming SUCC Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INCELL.BEFO Inter-Cell Handover Clear GBFD-510501 RE.HO. RH383:Success Rate of SUCC.T7.INCELL.CMD.T8.OUT.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID ELL.FAIL. H382:Failed Incoming FAIL Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278084422 CELLCELL.INCELL. H380:Incoming Inter-Cell REQ Handover Requests HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278084418 CELLCELL. H382M:Failed Incoming FAIL.CMD Cmd Times (Before Handover Response) HUAWEI I Handover 1278081577 CELL.OUTC H335A:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.RATE Incoming Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 1278084421 CELLCELL.RD.INTERBSC.HO.CMD.CMD Cmd Times (After Handover Response) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278081578 CELL.HO.OUTC CH332C:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.INTERBSC.INTERBSC. OUTCELL.CELL Handover Commands (Better GBFD-510501 Cell) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085423 CELLCELL.QLTY Handover Commands (Downlink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085419 CELLCELL.OUTCELL.C H371C:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 MD..C H371D:Outgoing Inter-Cell MD. HUAWEI I 8-48 .DL.OUTCELL.INTERVENTIO Handover Commands (MSC GBFD-510501 N Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085426 CELLCELL.DROP Handover Commands (Rapid GBFD-510501 Level Drop) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085425 CELLCELL.OUTCELL.C H371H:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 MD.RXL Handover Commands (Downlink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085421 CELLCELL.TA Handover Commands (Timing GBFD-510501 Advance) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085422 CELLCELL.QLTY Handover Commands (Uplink GBFD-510501 Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085418 CELLCELL.MSC.RAPID.BETTER.OUTCELL.OUTCELL.RXL Handover Commands (Uplink GBFD-510501 Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085420 CELLCELL.OUTCELL. Ltd.DL.C H371B:Outgoing Inter-Cell MD.UL.UL.INTERVENTION Handover Commands (OM Intervention) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278085428 CELLCELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover 1278085417 CELLCELL.OUTCELL.OUTCELL.C H371E:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 MD.OUTCELL.OM.OUTCELL.LEV.C H371G:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 MD.C H371F:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 MD.C H371J:Outgoing Inter-Cell MD.C H371L:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.C H371I:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 MD.LOAD Handover Commands (Load) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085424 CELLCELL.C H371A:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 MD. F H372D:Failed Outgoing AIL.CELL Inter-Cell Handovers (Better Cell) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278085435 CELLCELL.F H372B:Failed Outgoing AIL.DL.OUTCELL.QLTY Inter-Cell Handovers (Downlink Quality) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085431 CELLCELL.QLTY Inter-Cell Handovers (Uplink GBFD-510501 Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085430 CELLCELL.F H372J:Failed Outgoing AIL.OUTCELL.OUTCELL.F H372G:Failed Outgoing AIL.OUTCELL.DROP Inter-Cell Handovers (Rapid Level Drop) GBFD-110601 1278085437 CELLCELL.INTERVENTION Inter-Cell Handovers (OM Intervention) GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.OUTCELL.UL.F H372E:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 AIL.F H372H:Failed Outgoing AIL.BETTER.MSC.F H372C:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 AIL.OUTCELL.F H372A:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 AIL.F H372I:Failed Outgoing AIL.DL.RAPID.LOAD Inter-Cell Handovers (Load) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085436 CELLCELL.OTHER Handover Commands (Other GBFD-510501 Causes) Handover 1278085429 CELLCELL.OUTCELL.OUTCELL.OUTCELL..TA Inter-Cell Handovers (Timing GBFD-510501 Advance) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085434 CELLCELL. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II 8-49 . Ltd.OM.LEV.OUTCELL.INTERVENTIO Inter-Cell Handovers (MSC N Intervention) GBFD-110601 1278085438 CELLCELL.RXL Inter-Cell Handovers (Uplink GBFD-510501 Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085432 CELLCELL.F H372F:Failed Outgoing AIL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID MD.RXL Inter-Cell Handovers (Downlink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085433 CELLCELL.UL. OUTCELL.OUTCELL.OUT.REQ Handover Requests GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085452 CELLCELL.H H370c:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.OTHER Inter-Cell Handovers (Other Causes) GBFD-110601 1278085441 CELLCELL.CELL.H H374C:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.REQ.REQ.H RH373:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.H H374B:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.TIMES.SUCC Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085451 CELLCELL.SUCC.CELL.F H372P:Failed Outgoing AIL.OUTCELL.OUT..REQ.H H371:Outgoing Inter-Cell O. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-50 .RXL Handover Requests (Uplink Strength) GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.RATE Handover Success Rate GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085442 CELLCELL.H H374A:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.DR Inter-Cell Handovers (Directed Retry) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278085453 CELLCELL.CELL.DL.TIMES.TIMES.FAIL Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085444 CELLCELL.CMD Handover Commands GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085443 CELLCELL.OUT.OUTCELL.UL.OUTCELL.QUALI Handover Requests (Uplink TY Quality) GBFD-110601 1278085454 CELLCELL.H H373:Successful Outgoing O.CELL.UL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover 1278085440 CELLCELL.OUT.TIMES. Ltd.H H372:Failed Outgoing O.QUALI Handover Requests TY (Downlink Quality) GBFD-110601 1278085455 CELLCELL.F H372L:Failed Outgoing AIL.OUTCELL. CELL.LOAD Handover Requests (Load) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085459 CELLCELL. HUAWEI II Handover 8-51 .DR Handover Requests (Directed GBFD-510501 Retry) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278085464 CELLCELL.TIMES.SUCC.CELL.BETTER.TIMES.QUA Inter-Cell Handovers (Uplink GBFD-510501 LITY Quality) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085466 CELLCELL.H H374L:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.OUT.REQ.REQ.OUT.REQ.REQ.OUT.H H374I:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.TIMES.H H373A:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 O.TIMES.REQ.CELL.OTHER Handover Requests (Other Causes) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085465 CELLCELL.OUT.OUT.TIMES.H H374J:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278085456 CELLCELL.OUT.H H374E:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.CELL.H H374H:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.H H374F:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.MSC.INTE Handover Requests (OM RVENTION Intervention) GBFD-110601 1278085461 CELLCELL.H H374G:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.TIMES.DL.H H374K:Outgoing Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 O..CELL. Ltd.TA Handover Requests (Timing Advance) GBFD-110601 1278085458 CELLCELL.CELL. Handover Requests (Better CELL Cell) GBFD-110601 1278085462 CELLCELL.OUT.RAPID.CELL.CELL.UL.OM.REQ.CELL.TIMES.H H374D:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.OUT.REQ.H H373B:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.DROP Level Drop) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085463 CELLCELL.LE Handover Requests (Rapid VEL.OUT.TIMES.TIMES.CELL.INT Handover Requests (MSC ERVENTION Intervention) GBFD-110601 1278085460 CELLCELL.TIMES.CELL.RXL Handover Requests (Downlink Strength) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278085457 CELLCELL.OUT.REQ.REQ.OUT. CELL.OUT.H H373K:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 O.H H373F:Successful Outgoing O.OUT.OM.TIMES.OTHER Inter-Cell Handovers (Other Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.TIMES.DL.TIMES.QUA Inter-Cell Handovers LITY (Downlink Quality) Feature ID Feature Name GBFD-510501 Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085467 CELLCELL.SUCC. HUAWEI I Handover 8-52 .TIMES.SUCC.CELL.CELL.TIMES.DROP Level Drop) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085475 CELLCELL.SUCC.TIMES.DR Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Directed Retry) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278085476 CELLCELL.CELL.BETTE Inter-Cell Handovers (Better R.CELL.H H373E:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 O.H H373H:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 O.OUT.OUT.CELL.OUT.OUT.OUT.CELL.H H373I:Successful Outgoing O. Ltd.TIMES.LOAD Inter-Cell Handovers (Load) HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278085471 CELLCELL.H H373J:Successful Outgoing O.SUCC.SUCC.INT Inter-Cell Handovers (OM GBFD-510501 ERVENTION Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085473 CELLCELL.OUT.RAPID.L Inter-Cell Handovers (Rapid EVEL.CELL Cell) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278085474 CELLCELL.H H373G:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 O.SUCC.OUT.TIMES.TIMES.OUT.RXL Inter-Cell Handovers (Uplink GBFD-510501 Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085468 CELLCELL.IN Inter-Cell Handovers (MSC GBFD-510501 TERVENTION Intervention) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085472 CELLCELL.TIMES.H H373L:Successful Outgoing O.CELL.TA Inter-Cell Handovers (Timing GBFD-510501 Advance) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085470 CELLCELL.H H373D:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 O.SUCC..SUCC.SUCC.CELL.CELL.SUCC.DL.MSC.UL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description O.H H373C:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 O.RXL Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 (Downlink Strength) HUAWEI I Handover 1278085469 CELLCELL.TIMES.SUCC. GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Causes) Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover 1278085477 CELLCELL.OUT.CELL.H H375A:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.FAIL.RECONN.SUCC. Handover Fail Reconn TIMES Success GBFD-110601 1278085478 CELLCELL.OUT.CELL.H H375B:Outgoing Inter-Cell O.FAIL.RECONN.FAIL.TI Handover Fail Reconn Fail MES GBFD-110601 1278086434 CELL.HO.UL.LEV.AVG GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278086436 CELL.HO.UL.QLTY.AVG AS331C:Mean Uplink Receive GBFD-110601 Quality during Handover Initiation HUAWEI I Handover 1278086451 CELL.EDGE.HO.UL.LEV. S335:Mean Uplink Receiving GBFD-110601 AVG Level during Edge Handover Initiation HUAWEI I Handover 1278086452 CELL.EDGE.HO.DL.LEV. S336:Mean Downlink GBFD-110601 AVG Receiving Level during Edge Handover Initiation HUAWEI I Handover 1278087434 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.REQ. K3010B:TCH Seizure GBFD-110601 TRAF Requests in TCH Handovers GBFD-510501 (Traffic Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278087435 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.CON K3011B:Failed TCH Seizures GBFD-110601 GEST.TRAF in TCH Handovers due to GBFD-510501 Busy TCH (Traffic Channel) HUAWEI I Handover 1278087436 CELL.KPI.TCH.HO.SUC K3013B:Successful TCH C.TRAF Seizures in TCH handovers (Traffic Channel) HUAWEI I Handover AS330C:Mean Uplink Receiving Level during Handover Initiation GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 1278087441 CELL.KPI.DUBAND.HO. K3170:Dual-Band Handover GBFD-110601 REQ Requests GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278087442 CELL.KPI.DUBAND.HO. K3173:Successful Dual-Band GBFD-110601 SUCC Handovers GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8-53 GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description 1278087449 CELL.KPI.DUBAND.HO. K3173F:Failed Dual-Band FAIL Handovers Feature ID Feature Name GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover 1278269453 CELL.DL.MR.NUM S373:Number of Downlink MRs GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278269457 CELL.MR.WEAK.COVER CS3031A:Rate of MRs (Weak GBFD-110801 AGE.RATE Coverage) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278269458 CELL.MR.OVER.COVER CS3031B:Rate of MRs AGE.RATE (Excessive Coverage) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278269459 CELL.SCELL.MR.NUM S3013:MRs of Serving Cells GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278271427 CELL.DL.SIG.STRENGT AS325B:Mean Strength of H.AVR Downlink Signals GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278271428 CELL.UL.SIG.STRENGT AS325A:Mean Strength of H.AVR Uplink Signals GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8-54 GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description 1278271431 CELL.DL.SIG.QLTY.AVR AS326B:Mean Quality of Downlink Signals Feature ID Feature Name GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278271432 CELL.UL.SIG.QLTY.AVR AS326A:Mean Quality of Uplink Signals GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278271435 CELL.TIME.WHEN.MAX. RS327B:Rate of Duration GBFD-110801 DOWN.PWR.AVR (Maximum Downlink Transmit GBFD-110802 Power) (%) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278271436 CELL.TIME.WHEN.MAX. RS327A:Rate of Maximum UP.PWR.AVR Uplink Power Duration (%) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278271440 CELL.MAX.MS.BTS.DIS S3281:Maximum Distance T Between MS and BTS GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278271442 CELL.MS.BTS.DIST.AVR AS3280:Mean Distance Between MS and BTS GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278273417 TRX.FR.UP.LEV.0.RX.Q S4100A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.0 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 0) Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin 8-55 GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name g of Measurement Report 1278273418 TRX.FR.UP.LEV.0.RX.Q S4101A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.1 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273419 TRX.FR.UP.LEV.0.RX.Q S4102A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.2 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273420 TRX.FR.UP.LEV.0.RX.Q S4103A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.3 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273421 TRX.FR.UP.LEV.0.RX.Q S4104A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.4 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273422 TRX.FR.UP.LEV.0.RX.Q S4105A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.5 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273423 TRX.FR.UP.LEV.0.RX.Q S4106A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.6 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273424 TRX.FR.UP.LEV.0.RX.Q S4107A:Number of MRs on Processing of Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110801 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-56 Ltd.5 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Feature ID Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.2 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273428 TRX..UP.LEV.Q S4114A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR.UP.1.RX.RX.FR.1.LEV.Q S4113A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description LTY.UP.RX.UP.4 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273430 TRX.LEV.RX.RX.FR.RX.FR.1.Q S4110A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.Q S4115A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.1. Feature Name Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement 8-57 .Q S4111A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.1.Q S4112A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.LEV.UP.3 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273429 TRX.UP.7 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 7) Measurement Report 1278273425 TRX.0 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273426 TRX.LEV.LEV.FR.1 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273427 TRX.1. Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-58 .3 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273437 TRX.2.0 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273434 TRX.RX.LEV.RX.Q S4123A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.Q S4122A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.UP.Q S4117A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.2.2.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Report 1278273431 TRX.UP.FR.FR.LEV.Q S4116A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.2.UP.RX.1 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273435 TRX.FR.LEV.LEV.LEV.RX.FR.7 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273433 TRX.1.FR.FR.FR.Q S4124A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.Q S4120A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.LEV.LEV.RX.UP.6 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273432 TRX.2.Q S4121A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.UP.UP.2 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273436 TRX.RX..4 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 2 and Receive Quality Processing of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1. Ltd.RX.UP. Q S4130A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.3.LEV.UP.LEV.3.LEV.RX..FR.RX.RX.FR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Rank 4) Feature Name Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278273438 TRX.7 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273441 TRX.UP.Q S4131A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.1 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273443 TRX.UP.FR.0 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273442 TRX.Q S4125A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.Q S4126A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR.Q S4132A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR.2.3.Q S4127A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.2 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.LEV. Ltd.UP.2.LEV.RX.UP.RX.5 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273439 TRX.RX.6 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273440 TRX. Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-59 .LEV.FR.UP.2. 3.UP.6 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273448 TRX.3.RX.FR.UP.4.RX..Q S4137A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.LEV.4 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273446 TRX.FR. Ltd.3.LEV.RX.Q S4133A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.Q S4134A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278273444 TRX.LEV.3.RX.7 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273449 TRX.4.FR. Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin 8-60 .FR.RX.FR.UP.Q S4140A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.UP.LEV.Q S4141A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.Q S4136A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.UP.5 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273447 TRX.0 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273450 TRX.UP.FR.LEV.RX.FR.3.UP.3 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273445 TRX.Q S4135A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.RX.LEV.1 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.LEV. FR.4.LEV.FR. Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-61 .Q S4147A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.UP.FR.RX.FR.UP.FR.2 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273452 TRX.UP.Q S4142A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.RX.LEV.4.4.UP.LEV. Ltd.RX.7 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273457 TRX.RX.4 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273454 TRX.LEV.4.6 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273456 TRX.Q S4143A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.LEV.5 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273455 TRX.LEV.4.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name g of Measurement Report 1278273451 TRX.UP.UP.Q S4144A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.Q S4145A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.Q S4146A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR.RX.3 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273453 TRX.4.FR.RX..5.LEV.RX.UP.Q S4150A:Number of MRs on Processing of Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110801 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 1 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273459 TRX.FR.FR.4 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273462 TRX.LEV.UP.3 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273461 TRX.FR.Q S4153A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR. Feature Name Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement 8-62 .5.LEV.UP.5 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273463 TRX.RX.RX.Q S4156A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.UP.RX.Q S4152A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.0 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 0) Measurement Report 1278273458 TRX.LEV.LEV.5.5.FR.UP.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description LTY.LEV.LEV.RX.2 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273460 TRX.5. Ltd.Q S4154A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.UP.UP.5.RX.RX..FR.Q S4151A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.5.Q S4155A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.6 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Feature ID Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. RX.LEV.1 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273467 TRX.4 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273470 TRX.UP.RX.FR.LEV.RX.Q S4164A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR.6.LEV.5 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 6 and Receive Quality Processing of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.LEV.Q S4163A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.5.Q S4165A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR.FR.LEV.6..Q S4157A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY. Ltd.RX.6.Q S4162A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.RX.UP.Q S4160A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.7 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273465 TRX.FR.UP.0 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273466 TRX.UP.UP.LEV.UP.2 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273468 TRX.FR.6.UP.LEV.FR.Q S4161A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.RX.RX. Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-63 .6.6.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Report 1278273464 TRX.3 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273469 TRX. 7.FR.LEV.RX.LEV.6.7 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273473 TRX.7.LEV.1 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273475 TRX.FR.2 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273476 TRX.FR.UP.RX.Q S4172A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY. Ltd.6.Q S4173A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.7.RX..Q S4166A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.FR.RX.3 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.UP.RX.RX.LEV. Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-64 .Q S4171A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.UP.7.FR.6 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273472 TRX.Q S4170A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.LEV.UP.0 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273474 TRX.UP.UP.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Rank 5) Feature Name Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278273471 TRX.Q S4167A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.LEV.FR. 0.R S4102B:Number of MRs on X. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin 8-65 .7 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273481 TRX.FR.QLTY.LEV.LEV.RX.UP.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278273477 TRX.4 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273478 TRX.7.FR.UP.Q S4175A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.1 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110801 1278273483 TRX.7.DOWN.LEV.QLTY.UP.RX.7.FR.RX.7.Q S4174A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY. Ltd.QLTY.FR.0.RX.5 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273479 TRX.DOWN.R S4100B:Number of MRs on X.FR.2 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110802 Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.DOWN.Q S4177A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.LEV.LEV.FR..FR.Q S4176A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 LTY.0.UP.6 Uplink TCHF (Receive Level GBFD-110802 Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report 1278273480 TRX.0 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report 1278273482 TRX.R S4101B:Number of MRs on X.LEV.LEV. FR.FR.DOWN.7 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 7) GBFD-110801 1278273489 TRX.QLTY.R S4105B:Number of MRs on X.R S4107B:Number of MRs on X.R S4104B:Number of MRs on X.0.R S4106B:Number of MRs on X.LEV.QLTY.R S4110B:Number of MRs on X.FR.DOWN.0.DOWN.FR.QLTY.3 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110801 1278273485 TRX.LEV.0. Processing of 8-66 .LEV.FR.QLTY.LEV.0.FR.DOWN.LEV.1.LEV.0 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 1278273490 TRX.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name g of Measurement Report 1278273484 TRX..R S4111B:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.QLTY.DOWN.DOWN.4 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 1278273486 TRX.QLTY.DOWN.6 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 6) GBFD-110801 1278273488 TRX.0.5 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 0 and Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 1278273487 TRX.1.R S4103B:Number of MRs on X.LEV. Ltd.FR. 3 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110801 1278273493 TRX.FR.DOWN.QLTY. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement 8-67 .1.LEV.4 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 1278273494 TRX.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name X.FR. Ltd.R S4112B:Number of MRs on X.R S4116B:Number of MRs on X.7 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 7) GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.FR.QLTY.DOWN.1.DOWN.R S4117B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.R S4113B:Number of MRs on X.6 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 6) GBFD-110801 1278273496 TRX.R S4114B:Number of MRs on X.FR.QLTY.R S4115B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.1 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110802 Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278273491 TRX.QLTY.1.2 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110801 1278273492 TRX.DOWN.LEV.LEV.1..LEV.LEV.FR.5 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 1 and Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 1278273495 TRX.QLTY.DOWN.DOWN.FR.1.1.LEV. LEV.FR.R S4125B:Number of MRs on X.FR.FR.DOWN.R S4124B:Number of MRs on X. Processing of Measurement Report 8-68 .0 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 1278273498 TRX.2.LEV.QLTY.DOWN.R S4123B:Number of MRs on X.DOWN..DOWN.1 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110801 1278273499 TRX.QLTY.FR.5 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 1278273503 TRX.LEV.LEV.QLTY.FR.R S4122B:Number of MRs on X.4 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 1278273502 TRX. Ltd.DOWN.QLTY.FR.QLTY.2.6 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 2 and Receive GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.R S4121B:Number of MRs on X.DOWN.R S4120B:Number of MRs on X.2.2.FR.LEV.QLTY.2.2.LEV.DOWN.QLTY.2 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110801 1278273500 TRX.3 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110801 1278273501 TRX.2.R S4126B:Number of MRs on X.LEV.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Report 1278273497 TRX. 7 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 2 and Receive Quality Rank 7) GBFD-110801 1278273505 TRX.3 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110801 1278273509 TRX.DOWN.3.QLTY.4 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Feature Name GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.LEV.DOWN.FR.QLTY.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Quality Rank 6) Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278273504 TRX.QLTY.1 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110801 1278273507 TRX. Ltd.DOWN.R S4133B:Number of MRs on X..R S4127B:Number of MRs on X.LEV.R S4131B:Number of MRs on X.FR.2. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-69 .2 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110801 1278273508 TRX.0 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 1278273506 TRX.LEV.QLTY.3.3.3.R S4134B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.R S4130B:Number of MRs on X.LEV.FR.R S4132B:Number of MRs on X.FR.QLTY.3.DOWN.FR.LEV.LEV.DOWN.DOWN.FR. QLTY.FR.DOWN.FR.LEV.5 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report 1278273511 TRX..FR.R S4137B:Number of MRs on X.FR.R S4136B:Number of MRs on X.FR.FR.4.QLTY.R S4135B:Number of MRs on X.R S4140B:Number of MRs on X.3 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Counter Description GBFD-110802 Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.QLTY.DOWN.LEV.DOWN.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name 1278273510 TRX.QLTY. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin 8-70 .3.LEV.R S4141B:Number of MRs on X.LEV.3.DOWN.4.DOWN.QLTY.6 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 6) GBFD-110801 1278273512 TRX.1 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110801 1278273515 TRX.QLTY.3.4. Ltd.DOWN.LEV.R S4143B:Number of MRs on X.4.DOWN.2 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110801 1278273516 TRX.FR.7 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 3 and Receive Quality Rank 7) GBFD-110801 1278273513 TRX.R S4142B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.0 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 1278273514 TRX.LEV.LEV. 5.7 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 7) GBFD-110801 1278273521 TRX.QLTY.4.QLTY.R S4150B:Number of MRs on X.LEV.DOWN.DOWN.DOWN.QLTY.LEV.4 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 1278273518 TRX.DOWN.FR.FR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name g of Measurement Report 1278273517 TRX.FR.QLTY.FR.0 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 1278273522 TRX.LEV.FR.R S4146B:Number of MRs on X.4.5.R S4152B:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.4.4.QLTY.DOWN.6 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 6) GBFD-110801 1278273520 TRX.FR.DOWN.R S4151B:Number of MRs on X.R S4147B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.FR.LEV.LEV.LEV.1 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110801 1278273523 TRX.R S4145B:Number of MRs on X.5 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 4 and Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 1278273519 TRX. Ltd.5.LEV.R S4144B:Number of MRs on X..DOWN. Processing of 8-71 . FR. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement 8-72 .2 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110802 Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278273524 TRX.FR.FR.DOWN..7 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 7) GBFD-110801 1278273529 TRX.R S4154B:Number of MRs on X.FR.FR.DOWN.R S4155B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.QLTY.LEV.QLTY.5.LEV.0 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.3 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110801 1278273525 TRX.4 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 1278273526 TRX.FR.R S4160B:Number of MRs on X.5.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name X.DOWN.LEV.6.R S4153B:Number of MRs on X.5 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 1278273527 TRX.R S4156B:Number of MRs on X. Ltd.5.DOWN.5.5.LEV.DOWN.QLTY.R S4157B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.DOWN.QLTY.6 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 5 and Receive Quality Rank 6) GBFD-110801 1278273528 TRX.QLTY.LEV.LEV. GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Report 1278273530 TRX.R S4167B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.LEV.6.LEV.R S4161B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.R S4163B:Number of MRs on X.3 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110801 1278273533 TRX.5 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 1278273535 TRX.6.R S4164B:Number of MRs on X.DOWN.DOWN.R S4165B:Number of MRs on X.6.LEV.QLTY.DOWN. Ltd.R S4166B:Number of MRs on X.LEV.FR.FR.DOWN.QLTY.6.6..7 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 6 and Receive GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.6.FR.DOWN.FR.QLTY.6 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 6) GBFD-110801 1278273536 TRX.4 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 1278273534 TRX. Processing of Measurement Report 8-73 .FR.LEV.LEV.DOWN.FR.QLTY.6.1 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110801 1278273531 TRX.QLTY.2 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 6 and Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110801 1278273532 TRX.R S4162B:Number of MRs on X.DOWN.FR.LEV. 7.2 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110801 1278273540 TRX.FR.LEV.7.1 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110801 1278273539 TRX. Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-74 .QLTY.DOWN.FR.5 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Feature Name GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.R S4175B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.R S4172B:Number of MRs on X.R S4171B:Number of MRs on X.4 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 1278273542 TRX.0 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 1278273538 TRX.FR.7.LEV.DOWN.7.LEV.QLTY.7.R S4173B:Number of MRs on X.DOWN.FR.FR.LEV.QLTY.QLTY..FR.R S4174B:Number of MRs on X.DOWN.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Quality Rank 7) Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278273537 TRX.LEV.LEV.R S4170B:Number of MRs on X.QLTY.7.3 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110801 1278273541 TRX.DOWN.DOWN. Ltd. FR.QLTY.FR.6 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 6) GBFD-110801 Processing of Measurement Report 1278273544 TRX.2.UP.UP.3.QLTY.UP.0. CS412A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275420 TRX.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278273543 TRX.FR.QLTY.RX.R S4177B:Number of MRs on X.RX..DOWN.QLTY.QLTY.FR.LEV.QLTY.1.FR.RX.R S4176B:Number of MRs on X. 8-75 .UP.RX.7.QLTY. CS410A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275418 TRX.FR. CS414A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.7 Downlink TCHF (Receive Level Rank 7 and Receive Quality Rank 7) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Pre-processin g of Measurement Report GBFD-110802 1278275417 TRX.LEV.FR.RX. CS411A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275419 TRX.7. Ltd.4.DOWN. CS413A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275421 TRX.UP. QLT CS413B:Number of MRs on Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110801 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.RX.RX.DOWN.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name g of Measurement Report 1278275422 TRX.QLT CS412B:Number of MRs on Y.FR.RX.FR. CS415A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275423 TRX.FR. CS416A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275424 TRX.RX.5.QLTY.RX.DOWN.FR.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 1) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275427 TRX.UP.UP.FR.QLTY.DOWN.UP.QLT CS411B:Number of MRs on Y.1.QLTY. Ltd. CS417A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275425 TRX.7.QLT CS410B:Number of MRs on Y.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 2) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275428 TRX. Processing of 8-76 .6.DOWN.FR.0..AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 0) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275426 TRX.2.FR.RX.RX. 6.FR.DOWN. Ltd.3.FR.LEV.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 6) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275432 TRX.QLT CS415B:Number of MRs on Y.QLT CS416B:Number of MRs on Y.1 S462A:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 1) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276418 TRX. 8-77 .BALANCE.DOWN.RX.QLT CS417B:Number of MRs on Y.7.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Y.FR.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 5) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275431 TRX.5.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 3) GBFD-110802 Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275429 TRX.LEV.RX.DOWN.RX.DOWN.QLT CS414B:Number of MRs on Y.4.RX.2 S462B:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 2) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 4) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278275430 TRX.FR.BALANCE.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 7) GBFD-110801 GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276417 TRX. BALANCE.LEV.LEV.5 S462E:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 5) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276422 TRX.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Report 1278276419 TRX.3 S462C:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 3) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276420 TRX.BALANCE.LEV.BALANCE.BALANCE.LEV.4 S462D:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 4) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276421 TRX.BALANCE.9 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) S462I:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 9) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..LEV. Processing of Measurement Report 8-78 .BALANCE.BALANCE.LEV.LEV.6 S462F:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 6) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276423 TRX. Ltd.7 S462G:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 7) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276424 TRX.8 S462H:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 8) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276425 TRX. 10 S462J:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 10) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276427 TRX.NUM. Ltd.NUM.TA.MR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278276426 TRX.BALANCE.LEV.BY.LEV.BY.TA. 8-79 .NUM.BY.3 S4403A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 3) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.0 S4400A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 0) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277418 TRX.11 S462K:Number of MRs GBFD-110801 (Uplink-and-Downlink Balance GBFD-110802 Level = 11) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277417 TRX.MR.TA.MR.BY.2 S4402A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 2) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277420 TRX..BALANCE.TA.1 S4401A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 1) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277419 TRX.MR.NUM. MR.MR.NUM.MR.5 S4405A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 5) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277423 TRX.NUM.TA.NUM.BY.BY. 8-80 .TA.BY.MR.BY.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description 1278277421 TRX.TA. Ltd.MR.6 S4406A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 6) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277424 TRX.BY.NUM.NUM.8 S4408A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 8) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277426 TRX.9 S4409A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 9) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277427 TRX.BY.4 Feature ID S4404A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 4) GBFD-110802 Feature Name Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277422 TRX.MR.TA.10 S4410A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 10) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.TA.MR.NUM.TA.BY.TA..7 S4407A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 7) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277425 TRX.NUM. TA.MR.13 S4413A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 13) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277431 TRX.MR.TA.MR.17 S4417A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.14 S4414A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 14) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277432 TRX.MR.TA.NUM.BY.NUM.NUM.BY.TA.TA.15 S4415A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 15) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277433 TRX.NUM.MR.. Ltd.16 S4416A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 16) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277434 TRX.NUM.TA.MR.BY.MR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name g of Measurement Report 1278277428 TRX.11 S4411A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 11) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277429 TRX.BY.BY.NUM. Processing of 8-81 .12 S4412A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 12) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277430 TRX.NUM.BY.BY.TA. TA.MR.MR.NUM.BY.NUM.BY.BY.NUM.TA.TA. 8-82 .. Ltd.MR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name = 17) GBFD-110802 Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277435 TRX.MR.TA.TA.NUM.NUM.20 S4420A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 20) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277438 TRX.BY.BY.18 S4418A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 18) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277436 TRX.BY.MR.19 S4419A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 19) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277437 TRX.22 S4422A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 22) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277440 TRX.21 S4421A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 21) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277439 TRX.MR.TA.NUM.23 S4423A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 23) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. TA.24 S4424A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 24) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277442 TRX.TA.TA.28 S4428A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 28) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277446 TRX.MR.TA.29 S4429A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 29) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277447 TRX.BY. Processing of Measurement Report 8-83 .31 = 30 or 31) GBFD-110802 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. S4430A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.BY.MR.NUM.30.MR.27 S4427A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 27) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277445 TRX. Ltd.BY.NUM.NUM..TA.TA.TA.NUM.MR.NUM.NUM.BY.MR.BY.BY.MR.MR.26 S4426A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 26) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277444 TRX.25 S4425A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 = 25) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277443 TRX.BY.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Report 1278277441 TRX.NUM. NUM.MR.39 = 38 or 39) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277452 TRX.34.MR.BY.BY.BY.NUM.BY.MR.40.TA.49 = 45 to 49) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.32.NUM. Ltd.TA. S4445A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.37 = 36 or 37) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277451 TRX.TA. S4436A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.33 = 32 or 33) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277449 TRX. S4440A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277448 TRX.NUM.45.NUM.44 = 40 to 44) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277453 TRX. S4432A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.BY.MR.38. S4434A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.NUM.MR. S4438A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.BY.TA.TA.35 = 34 or 35) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277450 TRX.TA.MR. 8-84 .36.. 3 3) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280461 TRX.MR.TA. S4455A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.NUM.MR.NUM.MR.T S4404C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.MR.MR.4 4) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280462 TRX.MR.MR.54 = 50 to 54) GBFD-110802 Feature Name Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277455 TRX.RQI.BY.NUM.NUM.NUM.63 greater than 63) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278280457 TRX.BY.BY.0 0) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280458 TRX.RQI.5 5) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280463 TRX.BY.T S4402C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.RQI.NUM.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID 1278277454 TRX.63 = 55 to 63) GBFD-110802 Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278277456 TRX.TA.MR.BY.BY.NUM.BY.T S4400C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A. S4450A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 TO.2 2) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280460 TRX.MR.RQI.1 1) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280459 TRX.55.MR..T S4401C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A. 8-85 .50.BY.BY.6 6) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280464 TRX.NUM.7 7) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.NUM.T S4406C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.BY.NUM.RQI.T S4405C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A. Ltd.RQI.NUM.MR.GT S4463A:Number of MRs (TA GBFD-110801 .RQI.TA.BY.T S4403C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.T S4407C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.RQI. RQI.T S4420C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.MR.BY.BY.20 20) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280478 TRX.NUM.NUM.MR.NUM.11 11) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280469 TRX.RQI.BY.BY.T S4416C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.T S4421C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.MR.21 21) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.NUM.T S4418C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.NUM.BY.NUM. Ltd.RQI.18 18) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280476 TRX.12 12) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280470 TRX.BY.MR.19 19) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280477 TRX.MR.MR.T S4417C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.MR.10 10) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280468 TRX.13 13) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280471 TRX.T S4409C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.RQI.BY.MR.RQI..BY.T S4412C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.T S4414C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.RQI.17 17) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280475 TRX. 8-86 .NUM.8 8) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280466 TRX.NUM.RQI.T S4415C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.BY.T S4408C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.BY.RQI.NUM.T S4410C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.NUM.RQI.MR.RQI.BY.NUM.MR.T S4419C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.MR.15 15) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280473 TRX.T S4413C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.14 14) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280472 TRX.RQI.NUM.T S4411C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.NUM.MR.16 16) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280474 TRX.RQI.MR.RQI.BY.MR.BY.RQI.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Adjustment 1278280465 TRX.BY.NUM.9 9) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280467 TRX. MR.23 23) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280481 TRX.RQI.T S4429C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.25 25) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280483 TRX.T S4422C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.MR.MR. 8-87 .33 32 or 33) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280489 TRX.NUM.RQI.44 40 to 44) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.TO.MR.34.T S4438C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.BY.T S4425C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.T S4436C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.T S4430C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.31 30 or 31) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280488 TRX.BY.26 26) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280484 TRX.TO.RQI.24 24) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280482 TRX.MR.35 34 or 35) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280490 TRX.TO.NUM.MR.RQI.30.NUM.BY.T S4434C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.32.NUM.TO.BY.NUM.38.NUM.NUM..28 28) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280486 TRX.BY.NUM.BY.RQI.MR.RQI.MR.BY.MR.RQI.RQI.BY.MR.BY.RQI.RQI.TO.T S4440C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.NUM.NUM.NUM.NUM.40.RQI.T S4424C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.BY.22 22) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280480 TRX.TO.27 27) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280485 TRX.MR.T S4427C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.39 38 or 39) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280492 TRX.BY.T S4423C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.RQI.T S4432C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.RQI.36.BY.BY.MR.T S4428C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.T S4426C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.37 36 or 37) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280491 TRX.29 29) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280487 TRX.NUM. Ltd.MR.MR.BY.RQI.NUM.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278280479 TRX. 8-88 .NUM.TA. Ltd.49 45 to 49) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280494 TRX.NUM. AS4402D:Mean RQI (TA = 2) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280500 TRX.TA.MR.5.BY.RQI.NUM. AS4403D:Mean RQI (TA = 3) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280501 TRX.RQI.RQI.NUM.TO.MR.BY.TA.7.BY. AS4406D:Mean RQI (TA = 6) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280504 TRX.50.NUM.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278280493 TRX.T S4463C:MRs with RQI (TA A.RQI.BY.NUM.RQI.TA.TA..GT.6.TA.TA.TO. AS4408D:Mean RQI (TA = 8) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280506 TRX. AS4400D:Mean RQI (TA = 0) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280498 TRX.45.BY.2.NUM.BY.NUM.55. AS4404D:Mean RQI (TA = 4) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280502 TRX. AS4409D:Mean RQI (TA = 9) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.NUM.3.63 55 to 63) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280496 TRX.RQI.NUM.9.BY.54 50 to 54) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280495 TRX.BY.T S4450C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.TA.BY.BY. AS4401D:Mean RQI (TA = 1) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280499 TRX.TO.NUM.BY.RQI.4.RQI.T S4455C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.1.RQI.NUM.BY.NUM.RQI.BY. AS4405D:Mean RQI (TA = 5) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280503 TRX.RQI.63 greater than 63) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280497 TRX.BY.RQI.0.RQI.NUM.T S4445C:MRs with RQI (TA = GBFD-115504 A.TA.8.RQI.TA.MR.MR. AS4407D:Mean RQI (TA = 7) GBFD-115504 AVR AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280505 TRX. RQI.10 AS4410D:Mean RQI (TA = .NUM.RQI.AVR 19) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280517 TRX.AVR 12) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280510 TRX.RQI.NUM.TA.TA.BY.BY.RQI.NUM.NUM.AVR 20) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280518 TRX.TA.AVR 14) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280512 TRX.NUM.BY.RQI.11 AS4411D:Mean RQI (TA = . Ltd.AVR 11) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280509 TRX.AVR 16) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280514 TRX.RQI.16 AS4416D:Mean RQI (TA = .TA.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name 1278280507 TRX.NUM.TA.AVR 23) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Counter Description Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.AVR 15) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280513 TRX.RQI.TA.12 AS4412D:Mean RQI (TA = .BY.19 AS4419D:Mean RQI (TA = .14 AS4414D:Mean RQI (TA = .AVR 22) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280520 TRX.NUM.TA.NUM.RQI.AVR 17) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280515 TRX.NUM.BY.BY.NUM.RQI.RQI.BY.AVR 10) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280508 TRX.13 AS4413D:Mean RQI (TA = .TA.BY.RQI.BY.TA.TA.AVR 18) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280516 TRX.NUM.TA.AVR 13) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280511 TRX.21 AS4421D:Mean RQI (TA = .NUM.22 AS4422D:Mean RQI (TA = .RQI.18 AS4418D:Mean RQI (TA = .BY.15 AS4415D:Mean RQI (TA = .BY..BY.20 AS4420D:Mean RQI (TA = .TA.AVR 21) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280519 TRX.BY.23 AS4423D:Mean RQI (TA = .17 AS4417D:Mean RQI (TA = .NUM.RQI.NUM.BY.RQI. 8-89 .TA.TA. 34 AS4434D:Mean RQI (TA = 34 GBFD-115504 .AVR 24) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280522 TRX.RQI.AVR 25) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280523 TRX.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name 1278280521 TRX.AVR or 35) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280530 TRX.BY.RQI.RQI.TA.AVR or 33) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280529 TRX.AVR 28) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280526 TRX.RQI.40 AS4440D:Mean RQI (TA = 40 GBFD-115504 .TA.BY.BY.27 AS4427D:Mean RQI (TA = .NUM.RQI.NUM.NUM.AVR or 31) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280528 TRX.RQI.TO.TA.49.TA.RQI.35.BY. 8-90 .RQI.25 AS4425D:Mean RQI (TA = .AVR or 39) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280532 TRX.AVR 26) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280524 TRX.30 AS4430D:Mean RQI (TA = 30 GBFD-115504 .NUM.NUM.TO.BY.TA.TO.TO.TA.TA.TO.38 AS4438D:Mean RQI (TA = 38 GBFD-115504 ..RQI.NUM.NUM.RQI.NUM.TA.54.BY.AVR to 49) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280534 TRX.44.TO.39.24 AS4424D:Mean RQI (TA = .BY.AVR 27) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280525 TRX.TA.AVR 29) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280527 TRX.BY.29 AS4429D:Mean RQI (TA = .BY.AVR or 37) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280531 TRX.45 AS4445D:Mean RQI (TA = 45 GBFD-115504 .33. Ltd.RQI.TO.TO.50 AS4450D:Mean RQI (TA = 50 GBFD-115504 .36 AS4436D:Mean RQI (TA = 36 GBFD-115504 .AVR to 44) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280533 TRX.BY.NUM.TA.26 AS4426D:Mean RQI (TA = .AVR to 54) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Counter Description Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.37.31.BY.BY.TA.NUM.RQI.BY.32 AS4432D:Mean RQI (TA = 32 GBFD-115504 .28 AS4428D:Mean RQI (TA = .RQI.TA.TA.NUM.BY.TA.NUM.RQI.NUM.NUM. TO..1.TO.11.2.RQI.NUM.5 S4404E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 4 to 5) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287422 TRX.TO.NUM.5.55 AS4455D:Mean RQI (TA = 55 GBFD-115504 .TO.63.NUM.NUM. Ltd.TO.TO.TO.0.3.RQI. 8-91 .GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278280535 TRX.AVR greater than 63) GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287417 TRX.TO.AVR to 63) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278280536 TRX.G AS4463D:Mean RQI (TA T.10 S4409E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 9 to 10) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287427 TRX.NUM.TA.7 S4406E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 6 to 7) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287424 TRX.RQI.BY.NUM.NUM.4.NUM.NUM.RQI.6 S4405E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 5 to 6) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287423 TRX.TA.RQI.9.RQI.RQI.BY.2 S4401E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 1 to 2) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287419 TRX.TO.NUM.NUM.NUM.TO.1 S4400E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 0 to 1) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287418 TRX.4 S4403E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 3 to 4) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287421 TRX.63.TO.RQI.RQI.RQI.RQI.NUM.TO.11 S4410E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 10 to 11) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287428 TRX.7.9 S4408E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 8 to 9) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287426 TRX.6.10.RQI.8 S4407E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 7 to 8) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287425 TRX.RQI.3 S4402E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 2 to 3) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287420 TRX.12 S4411E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 11 to 12) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.8.NUM.TO.RQI. NUM.45.FR. Ltd.NU S4440E:Number of M Measurement Reports with RQI 1278288417 TRX.NEW Downlink TCHF (Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288418 TRX.13.NUM.QLT NCS412A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.25 S4415E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 15 to 25) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287433 TRX.2.35.DOWN.12.25.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278287429 TRX. Processing of Measurement Report 8-92 .TO.RX.13 S4412E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 12 to 13) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287430 TRX.TO.NUM.FR.RQI.35 S4416E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 25 to 35) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287434 TRX.45 S4417E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 35 to 45) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287435 TRX.NUM.RQI.RX.1.RQI.NUM.TO.NEW Downlink TCHF (Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 1) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288419 TRX.RQI.RQI.RQI.QLT NCS412C:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.RQI.NUM.DOWN.55 S4418E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 45 to 55) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287436 TRX.MR.NUM.GT..FR.NEW Downlink TCHF (Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 2) Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.TO.15.TO.RQI.NUM.QLT NCS412B:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.15 S4414E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 14 to 15) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287432 TRX.RX.TO.55 GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment GBFD-115504 AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment S4419E:Number of Measurement Reports (RQI greater than 55) 1278287457 TRX.DOWN.14 S4413E:Number of GBFD-115504 Measurement Reports (RQI = 13 to 14) AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278287431 TRX.RQI.TOTAL.0.TO.14. DOWN. NCS413A:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 NEW Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality GBFD-110802 Rank 0) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.0.NEW Downlink TCHF (Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288424 TRX.DOWN.FR.NEW Downlink TCHF (Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288421 TRX.FR.4.QLT NCS412G:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.NEW Downlink TCHF (Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288422 TRX. 8-93 .QLT NCS412H:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.DOWN.6.NEW Downlink TCHF (Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288425 TRX.QLT NCS412D:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y. Ltd.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288420 TRX.7.FR.QLT NCS412E:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.FR.QLTY.RX.FR.RX.FR.RX..5.DOWN.QLT NCS412F:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.3.UP.NEW Downlink TCHF (Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288423 TRX.RX.RX.RX.DOWN. 5.FR.UP.QLTY. NCS413B:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 NEW Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality GBFD-110802 Rank 1) Feature Name Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288427 TRX.RX.UP.FR.QLTY.RX.RX.FR.RX.QLTY.3.6.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID 1278288426 TRX.UP.FR.UP. NCS413C:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 NEW Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality GBFD-110802 Rank 2) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288428 TRX.QLTY.4.QLTY. NCS413G:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 NEW Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality GBFD-110802 Rank 6) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288432 TRX.QLTY.2. NCS413F:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 NEW Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality GBFD-110802 Rank 5) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288431 TRX.. NCS413E:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 NEW Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality GBFD-110802 Rank 4) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288430 TRX.UP.7. NCS413H:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 NEW Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality GBFD-110802 Rank 7) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1.RX.QLTY.UP. Ltd. NCS413D:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 NEW Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality GBFD-110802 Rank 3) Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278288429 TRX.FR.RX. 8-94 .UP.FR.FR.RX. FAIL.OU ZCH932C:Failed GBFD-110601 TCELL.INTERBSC.FAIL.INTERBSC.SUCC Channels upon Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Failure per BSC GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278699495 BSCRPT.INTERBSC.HO.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.RECONN. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-95 .INC ZCH942A:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL.H ZCH902C:Failed O.FAIL.FAIL Channels upon Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Failure per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278699496 BSCRPT.INTRACELL.RECON Reconnections to Old N.CONG External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC (Channel Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover 1278699501 BSCRPT.FAIL Channels upon Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Failure per BSC GBFD-110601 1278699494 BSCRPT.FAIL.FAIL Reconnections to Old Channels upon Intra-Cell Handover Failure per BSC GBFD-110601 1278699492 BSCRPT.HO. Ltd.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name g of Measurement Report 1278699491 BSCRPT.SUCC Channels upon Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Failure per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278699499 BSCRPT.INC ZH942I:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL.FAIL.RECONN.HO.OU ZCH932D:Successful GBFD-110601 TCELL.SUCC Reconnections to Old Channels upon Intra-Cell Handover Failure per BSC GBFD-110601 1278699493 BSCRPT.INVALID per BSC (Illegal Message) HUAWEI I Handover 1278699500 BSCRPT.HO.INTRACELL.HO.HO.INC ZH942E:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL.RECON Reconnections to Old N.FAIL.FAIL.INTERBSC.H ZCH902D:Successful O.INTERBSC.HO.CIC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC (Requested Territorial Resource Unavailable) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.RECON Reconnections to Old GBFD-510501 N..RECON Reconnections to Old GBFD-510501 N.FAIL.FAIL.CONTENT External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 S.OU ZCH912C:Failed TCELL.OU ZCH912D:Successful TCELL.NO. MSC.AVAIL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC (Territorial Resource Already Allocated) HUAWEI I Handover 1278699503 BSCRPT.HO.ACT.FAIL.FAIL.TR External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 SL.HO.CMD per BSC (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) HUAWEI I Handover 1278699506 BSCRPT.HO.DL.INTERBSC.CH.INC ZH942H:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.HO.REQ.Q ZCH970A:Attempted LTY Handovers per BSC (Uplink Signal Quality) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278700444 BSCRPT.UL.REQ.INC ZCR9350C:Channel GBFD-110601 ELL.INC ZCH9420C:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.TA GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) ZCH970E:Attempted Handovers per BSC (Timing GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..EXP Activation Timeouts in GBFD-510501 Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Procedure per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278700443 BSCRPT. Ltd.HO.DL.REQ.INC ZCR9350B:CHAN ACT NACK GBFD-110601 ELL.HO. HUAWEI I Handover 8-96 .INTERBSC.ACT.FAIL per BSC (Equipment Failure) HUAWEI I Handover 1278699504 BSCRPT.INC ZH942F:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.HO.HO.FAIL.APPLY.INTERBSC.Q ZCH970B:Attempted LTY Handovers per BSC (Downlink Signal Quality) GBFD-110601 1278700445 BSCRPT.UL.HO.TIEMER.INTERBSC.O External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 UT per BSC (Timer Expired) HUAWEI I Handover 1278699505 BSCRPT.R ZCH970C:Attempted XL Handovers per BSC (Uplink Signal Strength) GBFD-110601 1278700446 BSCRPT.INTERBSC.NACK Messages Sent by BTS in GBFD-510501 Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Procedure per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278699507 BSCRPT.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278699502 BSCRPT.R ZCH970D:Attempted XL Handovers per BSC (Downlink Signal Strength) GBFD-110601 1278700447 BSCRPT.CIC.CLEA External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 R.REQ.REQ.CH.FAIL.INC ZH942B:Failed Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL. RAPI ZCH970H:Attempted D.DR ZCH9701:Attempted GBFD-110601 Handovers per BSC (Directed GBFD-510501 Retry) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278701445 BSCRPT.BETT ZCH970F:Attempted GBFD-110601 ER.DROP Handovers per BSC (Rapid Level Drop) GBFD-110601 1278700451 BSCRPT.I ZCH970I:Attempted NTERVENTION Handovers for MSC Intervention per BSC GBFD-110601 1278700452 BSCRPT.OTHE ZCH970L:HO Requests per R BSC (Other Causes) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278700456 BSCRPT.REQ.CELL Handovers for Better Cell per GBFD-510501 BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278700449 BSCRPT.REQ.UL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Advance) Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover 1278700448 BSCRPT.HO.MSC. ZCH973A:Successful QLTY Handovers per BSC (Uplink Signal Quality) Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.REQ.LOAD ZCH970G:Attempted Handovers for Traffic Load per BSC GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278700450 BSCRPT.HO.REQ.REQ.HO.I ZCH970J:Attempted NTERVENTION Handovers for OM Intervention per BSC GBFD-110601 1278700453 BSCRPT.OM.HO.HO.. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-97 .REQ.HO.AMR ZCH9005:Number of Attempted Intra-Cell Handovers Between TCHF and TCHH per BSC GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-115504 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278700457 BSCRPT.REQ.REQ.HO.HO.LEV.SUCC. Ltd. SUCC.AM ZH9035:Number of R Successful Intra-Cell GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. HUAWEI I Handover 8-98 . ZCH973B:Successful QLTY Handovers per BSC (Downlink Signal Quality) GBFD-110601 HUAWEI I Handover 1278701447 BSCRPT.HO.SUCC.MS ZCH973I:Successful C.HO.SUCC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278701446 BSCRPT.HO.SUCC.SUCC.HO.HO.SUCC.BET ZCH973F:Successful TER.SUCC.SUCC.HO.OTH ZCH973L:Successful ER Handovers per BSC (Other Causes) GBFD-110601 1278701458 BSCRPT.RAP ZCH973H:Successful ID.HO.HO. ZCH973C:Successful RXL Handovers per BSC (Uplink Signal Strength) GBFD-110601 1278701448 BSCRPT.SUCC.LEV.UL. ZCH973D:Successful RXL Handovers per BSC (Downlink Signal Strength) GBFD-110601 1278701449 BSCRPT.SUCC.TA ZCH973E:Successful Handovers per BSC (Timing Advance) GBFD-110601 1278701450 BSCRPT.LOA ZCH973G:Successful D Handovers per BSC (Load) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278701452 BSCRPT.HO.SUCC.DL. Ltd..INTERVENTION Handovers per BSC (MSC Intervention) GBFD-110601 1278701454 BSCRPT.HO.DL.DROP Handovers per BSC (Rapid Level Drop) GBFD-110601 1278701453 BSCRPT.HO.I ZCH973J:Successful NTERVENTION Handovers per BSC (OM Intervention) GBFD-110601 1278701455 BSCRPT.CELL Handovers per BSC (Better Cell) GBFD-110601 1278701451 BSCRPT.OM. INTRABSC.SUCC.INBSC.HO. Handover Attempts per BSC GBFD-510501 900 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702419 BSCRPT.REQ.1800.RE ZCH940Z:Incoming BSC GBFD-110601 Q.RE ZCH940Y:Incoming BSC GBFD-110601 Q.HO.INT ZCH900Y:Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 ERCELL.INBSC.SU ZCH943Y:Successful GBFD-110601 CC.HO.1800 Inter-Cell Handovers per BSC GBFD-510501 .1800 Incoming BSC Handovers per GBFD-510501 BSC (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702424 BSCRPT.INBSC.HO.HO.INTRABSC.1800.900 Handover Attempts per BSC GBFD-510501 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702423 BSCRPT. Inter-Cell Handovers per BSC GBFD-510501 1800 (900/850/810 .INTRABSC.1800 Handover Attempts per BSC GBFD-510501 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702422 BSCRPT. HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-99 .HO.900.SU ZCH943Z:Successful GBFD-110601 CC. Ltd.900.900 Incoming BSC Handovers per GBFD-510501 BSC (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.HO.HO..DR ZH9731:Successful GBFD-110601 Handovers per BSC (Directed GBFD-510501 Retry) GBFD-110607 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1278702417 BSCRPT.SUCC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handovers Between TCHF and TCHH per BSC GBFD-115504 HUAWEI II Handover AMR FR/HR Dynamic Adjustment 1278701459 BSCRPT.INT ZCH903Z:Successful Internal GBFD-110601 ERCELL.INT ZCH900Z:Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-110601 ERCELL.1800.1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702420 BSCRPT.REQ.1 Handover Attempts per BSC GBFD-510501 800 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702418 BSCRPT.900.HO.SUCC.INTRABSC.900 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702421 BSCRPT.900.INT ZCH903Y:Successful Internal GBFD-110601 ERCELL.INBSC. INTRACELL.REQ Handover Requests per BSC GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703567 BSCRPT.HO.SUCC Intra-Cell Handovers per BSC GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703569 BSCRPT.INTRACELL.HO.OU ZCH313:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 TCELL.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name 1278702425 BSCRPT.OUTBSC.900.OUTBSC.OUTBSC.HO.INTRABSC.1800 Handover Attempts per BSC GBFD-510501 (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702426 BSCRPT.H ZCH303:Successful Internal GBFD-110601 O.CMD Inter-Cell Handover Commands per BSC HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703571 BSCRPT.SUCC Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703572 BSCRPT.HO.OU ZCH311:Outgoing Internal TCELL.OUTBSC.HO.1800 Outgoing BSC Handovers per GBFD-510501 BSC (900/850/810-1800/1900) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702428 BSCRPT.900 Outgoing BSC Handovers per GBFD-510501 BSC (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278703566 BSCRPT.CMD Handover Commands per BSC GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703568 BSCRPT.H ZCH301:Internal Intra-Cell O.900.INTRACELL.S ZCH933Y:Successful GBFD-110601 UCC.INC ZCH320:Incoming Internal GBFD-110601 ELL.HO. Ltd.900 Handover Attempts per BSC GBFD-510501 (1800/1900-900/850/810) HUAWEI I Handover 1278702427 BSCRPT.INTRABSC..R ZCH930Y:Outgoing BSC GBFD-110601 EQ.1800.HO.HO.S ZCH933Z:Successful GBFD-110601 UCC.INTRABSC.REQ Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.R ZCH930Z:Outgoing BSC GBFD-110601 EQ.H ZCH300:Internal Intra-Cell GBFD-110601 O.INTRABSC.OU ZCH310:Outgoing Internal GBFD-110601 TCELL. HUAWEI II Handover 8-100 .REQ Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703570 BSCRPT.1800. CMD Inter-Cell Handover Commands per BSC HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703580 BSCRPT. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-101 .HO.REQ Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703576 BSCRPT.INC ZK3191:Incoming External ELL.REQ Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703579 BSCRPT.REQ Requests per BSC GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703582 BSCRPT.INTERBSC.KPI.INTERBSC.OU ZCH333:Successful Outgoing GBFD-110601 TCELL.INC ZCH343:Successful Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL.SUCC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703578 BSCRPT.HO.CMD Inter-Cell Handover Commands per BSC Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703574 BSCRPT.HO.HO.INC ZCH323:Successful Incoming GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.INTRABSC.INTRABSC.HO.KPI.OU ZCH330:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 TCELL.INTERBSC.OU ZCH331:Outgoing External TCELL.INTERBSC.SUCC Dual-Band Handovers per BSC Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.CMD Inter-Cell Handover Commands per BSC HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703577 BSCRPT.SUCC Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703575 BSCRPT. Ltd.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID per BSC 1278703573 BSCRPT.DUBAND.INC ZK3190:Incoming Internal ELL. ZK3173:Successful HO.HO.INTERBSC.INC ZCH340:Incoming External GBFD-110601 ELL. ZK3170:Dual-Band Handover GBFD-110601 HO.HO.SUCC External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703581 BSCRPT..HO.DUBAND. INC ZK3194:Outgoing External ELL.DIFFEREN External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 T.HO.CMD.HO.SUCC.WIRELESS. Ltd.OUTCELL.WIRELESS.INTERBSC ZK3179:Incoming External .H Inter-Cell Radio Handover O. HUAWEI II Handover 8-102 .R Handover Success Rate per GBFD-510501 ATE BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703588 BSCRPT.POINT (Different Signaling Points) GBFD-115301 per BSC Feature Name HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Local Multiple Signaling Points 1278703584 BSCRPT.SIG.REQ.INCELL.WIRELESS.SIG.INTERBSC.INTRABSC ZK3175:Internal Radio GBFD-110601 .POINT (Different Signaling Points) GBFD-115301 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Local Multiple Signaling Points 1278703585 BSCRPT.INTERBSC.KPI.RATE Success Rate per BSC GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703587 BSCRPT. Inter-Cell Radio Handover HUAWEI I Handover Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INTERBSC.SIG.RATE Success Rate per BSC HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703590 BSCRPT..INTERBSC ZK3177:Outgoing External .R Inter-Cell Handover Success GBFD-510501 ATE Rate per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703589 BSCRPT.INC ZK3193:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.KPI.HO.SUCC.RAT Inter-Cell Handover Success GBFD-510501 E Rate per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703591 BSCRPT.HO.DIFFEREN Inter-Cell Handover T.KPI.HO.INC ZK3192:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 ELL.DIFFEREN Inter-Cell Handover Requests GBFD-510501 T.INTERBSC ZK3178:Incoming External GBFD-110601 .INCELL.HO.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID 1278703583 BSCRPT.SUCC.FAIL.POINT Commands (Different Signaling Points) per BSC GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 GBFD-115301 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Local Multiple Signaling Points 1278703586 BSCRPT.SUCC.INTERBSC ZK3176:Outgoing External GBFD-110601 .KPI.OUTCELL.INTRABSC ZK3174:Internal Handover .KPI.KPI.HO.HO.SUCC. QLT ZS4182SA:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 0) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278706450 BSCRPT.FR.HO.KPI. 8-103 .INTERBSC.OU ZCH333F:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 TCELL.HO.QLT ZS4181SA:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 2) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.INTRABSC.SUCC.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description SUCC.UP.DUBAND.FAIL Handovers per BSC HUAWEI I Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278706449 BSCRPT..FR.FAIL External Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703597 BSCRPT.QLT ZS4180SA:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.SUCC.0.RX.WIRELESS ZK3181:Radio Handover .FAIL Internal Inter-Cell Handovers GBFD-510501 per BSC HUAWEI I Handover 1278703596 BSCRPT.2. ZK3173F:Failed Dual-Band HO.DUBAND.KPI.RATE Success Rate per BSC GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703594 BSCRPT.1. ZK3180:Handover Success RATE Rate per BSC Feature ID Feature Name HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703593 BSCRPT.RATE Success Rate per BSC GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1278703595 BSCRPT.AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 1) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278706451 BSCRPT.FR.KPI.HO.UP. Ltd.HO.UP.SUCC. ZK3182:Dual-Band Handover GBFD-110601 HO.OU ZCH313F:Failed Outgoing GBFD-110601 TCELL.KPI.RX.RATE Success Rate per BSC 1278703592 BSCRPT.RX. RX.AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 7) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278706457 BSCRPT.UP.7.RX.FR.UP.0.FR.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name g of Measurement Report 1278706452 BSCRPT.QLT ZS4187SA:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean GBFD-110802 Receive Quality Rank 0) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report 1278706458 BSCRPT. ZS4180SB:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 QLTY.FR.. Ltd.AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 3) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278706453 BSCRPT.AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 4) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278706454 BSCRPT.RX.RX.DOWN.QLT ZS4183SA:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.RX.UP.QLT ZS4185SA:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.FR.FR.RX.FR.QLT ZS4186SA:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.5.6.UP.4. ZS4181SB:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Processing of Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.RX.QLT ZS4184SA:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 Y.3.UP.FR.DOWN. Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 8-104 .AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 6) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278706456 BSCRPT.AVR Uplink TCHF (Mean Receive GBFD-110802 Quality Rank 5) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report 1278706455 BSCRPT. AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean GBFD-110802 Receive Quality Rank 6) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report 1278706464 BSCRPT. ZS4182SB:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 QLTY.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean GBFD-110802 Receive Quality Rank 4) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report 1278706462 BSCRPT.7.RX.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean GBFD-110802 Receive Quality Rank 3) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report 1278706461 BSCRPT.FR.AVR GBFD-110802 Downlink TCHF (Mean Receive Quality Rank 1) per BSC Measurement Report 1278706459 BSCRPT.RX.RX.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean GBFD-110802 Receive Quality Rank 2) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report 1278706460 BSCRPT.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean GBFD-110802 Receive Quality Rank 5) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report 1278706463 BSCRPT. ZS4184SB:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 QLTY.3. ZS4187SB:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 QLTY..FR.DOWN. Ltd.6.DOWN.AVR Downlink TCHF (Mean GBFD-110802 Receive Quality Rank 7) per BSC Processing of Measurement Report Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Feature ID Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.FR.RX.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description QLTY. ZS4186SB:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 QLTY. ZS4183SB:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 QLTY. Feature Name Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement Report Pre-processin g of Measurement 8-105 .DOWN.5.FR.1.4.DOWN.2.DOWN.DOWN.RX. ZS4185SB:Number of MRs on GBFD-110801 QLTY.FR.RX.FR. BETTER. HUAWEI I 8-106 .INTRABSC.DL.BETTER.CELL Handovers (SDCCH) (Better GBFD-110607 Cell Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1282412173 CELL.REQ..BETTER.D External Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 R.MR.CELL Requests (SDCCH) (Better GBFD-110607 Cell Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1282412174 CELL.CMD.CELL Handovers (SDCCH) (Better GBFD-110607 Cell Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1282429839 CELL.INTRABSC.OUTC H3110N:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.CELL Commands (SDCCH) (Better GBFD-110607 Cell Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1282412175 CELL.INTRABSC.NUM CS3032:Number of Measurement Reports Without DL Measurement Information 1282448074 CELL.FAIL.TIMEOUT for Serving Cell (Maximum GBFD-510501 Better Cell Assigning Duration GBFD-110607 Timeout) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1282412170 CELL.D External Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 R.OUTC H3100N:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.OUTC H3300N:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.INTERBSC.INCEL CH3209A:Number of Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-110601 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.REQ.NO.OUTC H3320N:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.ASS.HO.BETTER.TC A3101J:Assignment Requests GBFD-110601 H.OUTC H3310N:Number of Outgoing GBFD-110601 ELL.D Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 R.FAIL.OUTC H3120N:Number of Failed GBFD-110601 ELL.HO.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Report 1282412169 CELL.INTERBSC.OPT.D Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 R.INTRABSC.CELL Requests (SDCCH) (Better GBFD-110607 Cell Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1282412171 CELL.BETTER.D Internal Inter-Cell Handover GBFD-510501 R.BETTER. Ltd.HO.CMD.HO.CELL Commands (SDCCH) (Better GBFD-110607 Cell Directed Retry) HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover Direct Retry 1282412172 CELL.D Outgoing External Inter-Cell GBFD-510501 R.SIG.HO.REQ. TCH Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handovers(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448077 CELL.INTRABSC.REQ.HO.INTRABSC..INTRABSC.INTRABSC.HO.TCH Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands(TCH) GBFD-110601 Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.TCH Handover Requests (TCH) GBFD-510501 Handover HUAWEI II Handover 1282448075 CELL.INTERBSC.OUTC CH3109A:Number of ELL.REQ.OUTC CH3319A:Number of ELL.FAIL.REQ.HO.TCH Incoming External Inter-Cell Handovers(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448080 CELL.INTERBSC.FAIL.INCEL CH3409A:Number of L.TCH Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448083 CELL.REQ.ACK.INTERBSC.TCH Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448082 CELL.INTERBSC.HO.HO.ACK.CMD.INTERBSC.TOTAL.HO.TCH Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Requests(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448084 CELL.INCEL CH3229A:Number of Failed L.GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name L.CMD.INTRABSC. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II 8-107 .HO.OUTC CH3119A:Number of ELL.OUTC CH3309A:Number of ELL.HO.TCH Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Responses(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448079 CELL.INCEL CH3429A:Number of Failed L.INCEL CH3219A:Number of L.REQ.HO.TCH Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448081 CELL.TCH Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Responses(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448076 CELL.OUTC CH3129A:Number of Failed ELL.REQ.HO.TCH Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Requests(TCH) GBFD-110601 1282448078 CELL. Ltd.HO.INCEL CH3419A:Number of L.FAIL. GSM BSS Handover Counter ID 8 Counters Counter Name Counter Description Feature ID Feature Name Handover 1282448085 CELL.FAIL. HUAWEI I Handover HUAWEI II Handover 8-108 .INTERBSC.HO.TCH Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers(TCH) Issue 04 (2012-06-30) GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.OUTC CH3329A:Number of Failed ELL.. . terms. Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. abbreviations.GSM BSS Handover 9 Glossary 9 Glossary For the acronyms. see the Glossary. 9-1 . and definitions. Ltd. GSM BSS Handover 10 Reference Documents 10 Reference Documents [1] 3GPP TS 08. Ltd. 10-1 ..58 Base Station Controller .08 Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification [3] BSC6900 Feature List [4] BSC6900 Basic Feature Description [5] BSC6900 Optional Feature Description [6] BSC6900 GSM Parameter Reference [7] BSC6900 GSM MML Command Reference [8] BSC6900 Performance Counter Reference Issue 04 (2012-06-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.Base Transceiver Station (BCS-BTS) Interface Layer 3 Specification [2] 3GPP TS 04.
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