Handbook - 2006 - 2nd Semester



FACULTY OF BUSINESSNZ DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS COMPUTER CONCEPTS 444150 SEMESTER 2, 2006 PAPER HANDBOOK Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Length, Aim and Topics Programme Overview Learning Outcomes/Assessment Criteria Student Capabilities Weekly Programme Assessments Prescribed Texts References Pre-requisites/Co-requisites 10. Regulations 11. Paper Team 12. Timetable one practical test and one combined practical and theory test. eg. Spreadsheets and Database. problem-solving and technical competence. Word Processing.Welcome to COMPUTER CONCEPTS 444150 Paper of the NEW ZEALAND DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS 1. 175971365. Students will gain a conceptual view of a microcomputer system.0 Programme Overview The teaching and learning strategies used in this module are designed to develop such capabilities (skills) as application of knowledge. The capabilities (skills) will be practised and then assessed under test conditions. hardware and software. to a business environment standard.0 Length. Aim and Topics Length: 56 class contact hours and 144 hours independent study The paper runs for 14 weeks and is structured as follows: • • • Points: Aim: 20 To provide students with: • • Topics: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) a working knowledge of information technology and how it relates to a business environment skills for enhancing personal productivity and problem-solving using appropriate business application tools Components of a Business System Hardware and Software Data Communications Overview Internet Technologies System Security and Control Ethical Issues People Issues Generic Computer Skills Effective Use of Information Technologies one 2-hour practical session weekly one 1-hour tutorial (practical) session weekly one 1-hour theory session weekly 2.doc 2 . and be able to demonstrate skills in key programmes. The assessments will be in the form of three tests: one on-line theory test. 1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BUSINESS Assessment Criteria • Define and discuss the interrelationships between the five components of a business system.3. FTP. Electronic Commerce.1. students will have knowledge and an understanding of internet technologies Assessment Criteria • • Explain the uses and potential benefits of the Internet Describe internet terminology used such as URL’s. people.1 Components of a Business System Learning Outcome At the completion of this topic. 175971365.1.4 Internet Technologies Learning Outcome At the completion of this topic. students will be able to describe the five components of a business system • • 3.1. students will be able to identify and evaluate the various hardware and software alternatives available when considering the use of computer technology in a business system Assessment Criteria • • • Compare personal computer systems and select an appropriate system for a prescribed business situation Describe different types of software and evaluate various software packages Explain the basic components of a personal computer and their related functions 3.3 Data Communications Overview Learning Outcome At the completion of this topic. hardware. etc.1. ie.doc 3 . HTML. HTTP. software Utilise the five components as a framework in which to evaluate a system (large or small. multi or single-user) Explain the relationship between the levels of management and the different types of information systems 3.2 Hardware and Software Learning Outcome At the completion of this topic. procedures. data. students will be able to understand the components of a data communications system Assessment Criteria • • Explain in general terms the working of a communication system and identify the equipment required Describe the characteristics of: Stand alone hardware Networked/distributed processing Centralised/multi-user processing Remote/mobile processing 3.0 Learning Outcomes/Assessment Criteria 3. 5 System Security and Control Learning Outcome At the completion of this topic. physical access.2.3. particularly in relation to data stored in and released from a business computer system Discuss the issues relating to piracy. encryption control Discuss the need for systems control with respect to auditability.2 HUMAN INTERFACE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Assessment Criteria • Explain the concept and importance of ethics in a business computer environment and discuss the associated cultural issues from organisational professional and international perspectives Discuss the importance of privacy.2. copyright and intellectual property 3. and be aware of staff work procedures to prevent Information Technology user problems 175971365. students will understand the interrelationship existing between the user and the computer system Assessment Criteria • • • Identify the causes. viruses. disk handling and label checks. eg.2 People Issues Learning Outcome At the completion of this topic. students will able understand ethical issues associated with the use of Information Technology in business • • 3. maintenance and recoverability • 3. and the importance of.1. passwords.doc 4 . backup and recovery. firewalls. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of protection and access control in relation to physical and other threats. students will understand the security associated with the use of Information Technology in business Assessment Criteria • • • Identify the overall purpose of security in a computing environment Explain the procedures for. natural disasters.1 Ethical Issues Learning Outcome At the completion of this topic. symptoms and remedies for health problems for Information Technology user problems Explain the importance of an ergonomic environment in an office Identify possible health hazards which may occur in the office. 3 SOFTWARE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOOLKIT Assessment Criteria • • • • • • Navigate the computer desktop Troubleshoot and solve basic software or hardware problems Multi-task and retrieve files between different applications Use appropriate document design techniques Use appropriate file management techniques Create. Generic Computer Skills Learning Outcome At the completion of this topic.2 Effective Use of Information Technologies Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria At the completion of this topic students will be expected to demonstrate that they can use Information Technologies effectively to satisfy a range of outcomes in a business environment • Students will be expected to use applications software effectively to satisfy all of the prescribed outcomes and three selected elective outcomes identified below: Prescribed outcomes: • Format formal business reports • Produce charts and graphs • Use formulae and manipulate data to aid decision making • Use IF logic to perform tests on data • Create forms for the input of data • Edit and manipulate a database • Extract information from a database and prepare ad-hoc reports • Send and receive documents/messages electronically • Retrieve information using online search facilities Elective outcomes: • Customise the personal computer desktop • Mail merge letters • Produce overheads for presentations • Create electronic slide shows • Produce flyers/newsletters • Digitise documents/images • Automate repetitive tasks • Link and/or embed objects into documents 175971365. students will be expected to demonstrate generic skills for the use of computer hardware and software in a business environment 3. save and print documents 3.doc 5 . edit. Monday 13 November. reading time) Contribution to final mark 45% Assessment 3 – Database and Theory Date and time Week 16. TBA 1 hr (plus 5 min. student/lecturer discussion and group work. TBA Time allowed 2 hr 30 min. (plus 10 min. Friday 1 September. Some dates and times as shown in the 2006 Business Diploma and Certificate Handbook are incorrect.30 pm Time allowed 2 hr 30 min.doc 6 . Theory concepts will be developed through lectures. 6.0 Weekly Programme See attached timetable. reading time) 15% 40% 15% 45% Assessment 1 – Theory Date and time Time allowed Contribution to final mark Assessment 2 – Word Processing and Spreadsheets Date and time Week 11. 1. 5. (plus 10 min. To obtain a pass in this module a student must: (a) (b) sit all tests obtain a minimum mark of 50% in the overall theory and practical components Week 7.0 Student Capabilities Successful students will develop practical skills through lecturer demonstration and prescribed class exercises.0 Assessments (Please note the assessment dates below. reading time) Contribution to final mark 40% 175971365. Friday 13 October.) Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Theory Word Processing Spreadsheets PowerPoint Assessment 3 Database (20%) Theory (20%) All assessments are CLOSED BOOK.4. nz New Zealand PC World monthly magazine NZ NetGuide monthly magazine 9. (Complete ed.doc 7 .0 Regulations Students should read the Faculty Business Diploma and Certificate Handbook (2006) and be familiar with the Assessment Policies and Guidelines.7. McGraw-Hill/Irwin . 5 Wakefield Street. In particular. 8.0 Pre-requisites/Co-requisites Nil 10. Future Track Workbook (2005) New Zealand Diploma in Business Computer Concepts.J. students should note the regulations with respect to: • • • • Integrity in Assessment Faculty Assessment Procedures Dishonesty in Assessment Special Consideration Applications and Procedures NOTE: Cell phones are not permitted in the classroom 175971365.).ac. & O’Leary L. p 83.available from Bennett’s Bookshop on Campus. AUT – available from Printsprint.0 References Suggested reading/reference: Computing Essentials Online Learning Centre: www.com/ce06 Computer Concepts paper information and material autonline.0 Prescribed Texts O’Leary T. (2006) Computing Essentials.I.olearyseries. nz Office Hours: by appointment • Evelyn Pedersen Computing Business Applications Room [email protected]. Level 4. Level [email protected]. Level 4. Auckland Phone: 09 921 9999.nz Office Hours: by appointment • Mary Hill Computing Business Applications Room WT410.ac.0 Paper Team • Judy Rowe Computing Business Applications Room WX. 1 Rutland Street. Extension 5004 Email: Judy. Extension 5745 Email: mary.nz Office Hours: by appointment 175971365. Auckland Phone: 09 921 9999.doc 8 . Wakefield Street. Wakefield Street.rowe@aut. Extension 5021 Email: evelyn. Auckland Phone: 09 921 9999. doc Assessment weeks 9 .12. 150 Computer Concepts Week Dates Practical Class Log in/ File Management Email/ Introduction to Spreadsheet s Spreadsheet s Spreadsheet s Spreadsheet s Spreadsheet s Theory Class Tutorial Class Introduction to PowerPoint PowerPoint Student Tasks Practical File Management/ PowerPoint Future Track (FT) selfpaced SS Assessment Type % 1 Jul 17-21 Components of an information system Hardware and Software 2 Jul 24-28 3 Jul 31-Aug 4 Hardware and Software (cont’d) Hardware and Software (cont’d) Data Communication s Overview Data Communication s Overview (cont’d) Theory Revision Intro to Spreadsheet s Spreadsheet s Spreadsheet s Spreadsheet s FT self-paced SS FT self-paced SS FT self-paced SS FT self-paced SS 4 Aug 7-11 5 Aug 14-18 6 Aug 21-25 7 Aug 28 – Sep 1 Introduction to Word Processi ng Word Processing Word Processing FT self-paced WP Theory – written only 15 % 8 Sep 4-8 Internet Technologies Word Processing Internet Browsing/ FT self-paced WP FT self-paced WP FT self-paced WP FT self-paced DB Word Processing and Spreadsheet s 45 % AUT mid semester break 9 Sep 25-29 Word Processing Word Process ing Word Processing and Spreadsheet revision Introduction to Database Database Database Internet Technologies (cont’d) System Security and Control System Security and Control (cont’d) Word Processing Word Processing Word Processing and Spreadsheet revision Database Database Database 10 Oct 2-6 11 Oct 9-13 12 13 14 Oct 16-20 Oct 23-27 Oct 30 – Nov 3 Ethical Issues People Issues Theory Revision FT self-paced DB FT self-paced DB FT self-paced DB Database and Theory 40 % 15-16 Nov 6 – 17 Final Assessment 175971365. Bus.0 Timetable. Semester 2. 2006: NZ Dip. Ch 1. Ch 6. 2006 Textbook: Computing Essentials (O’Leary & O’Leary) 2006 Week Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria Chapter and Page Referenc e Ch 1 Ch 11 p 322-323 Learning Outco me/s Refer ence 3. Utilise the five components as a framework in which to evaluate a system (large or small.3 6 Data Communications Overview (continued) Describe the characteristics of: • • Stand alone hardware Networked/distributed processing Ch 9.2 5 Data Communications Overview At the completion of this topic.3 175971365.1. procedures.doc 10 . 190-198 Ch 8. Ch 9. p 465469 3. Explain in general terms the working of a communication system and identify the equipment required. students will be able to understand the components of a data communications system.1. Explain the relationship between the levels of management and the different types of information systems.1 1 Components of a Business System At the completion of this topic. 244-245 3.1. students will be able to describe the five components of a business system. students will be able to identify and evaluate the various hardware and software alternatives available when considering the use of computer technology in a business system.NZ Dip. ie people.1. p 11-14 The Buyers Guide. Define and discuss the inter relationships between the five components of a business system. hardware and software.2 3 Hardware and Software (continued) Describe different types of software and evaluate various software packages. Ch 1. p 180-187.1. p 9-10 Ch 3. multi or single user). data.1. p 240-241.2 4 Hardware and Software (continued) Explain basic components of a personal computer and their related functions. Bus. Ch 5 3. – 150 Computer Concepts – Theory – Semester 1. p 212-226 Ch 9. 2 Hardware and Software At the completion of this topic. 254258 3. p 242-243. Compare personal computer systems and select an appropriate system for a prescribed business situation. p 150-159 Ch 7. 246-251. p 241-245 3. • • 7 Centralised/multi-user processing Remote/mobile processing. Theory Revision 175971365.doc 11 . eg viruses.5 11 System Security and Control (continued) Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of protection and access control in relation to physical and other threats. particularly in relation to data stored in and released from a business computer system. Discuss the issues relating to piracy. Ch 2.1. passwords. Discuss the importance of privacy. Identify possible health hazards which may occur in the office. students will understand the security associated with the use of Information Technology in Business. Ch 10. maintainability and recoverability. copyright and intellectual property. disk handling. students will understand the interrelationship existing between the user and the computer system.2 14 Theory Revision 175971365. 282-287 3. Ch 2.1. Ch 10. Explain the concept and importance of ethics in a business computer environment and discuss the associated cultural issues from organisational. Ch 10. backup and recovery. p 30-37 3.2.8 Internet Technologies At the completion of this topic.1. students will have knowledge and an understanding of Internet Technologies. physical access.5 12 Ethical Issues At the completion of this topic. Identify the causes.4 10 System Security and Control At the completion of this topic. Explain the procedures for and the importance of. FTP.1 13 People Issues At the completion of this topic.2. HTML.1. Ch 10. professional and international perspectives. natural disasters. firewalls.4 9 Internet Technologies (continued) Describe the terminology used such as URL’s. Discuss the need for systems control with respect to auditability. Explain the importance of an ergonomic environment in an office. and be aware of staff work procedures to prevent Information Technology user problems. encryption control. HTTP.doc 12 . students will understand ethical issues associated with the use of Information Technology in business. p 42-46 3. symptoms and remedies for Information Technology user problems. p 273279 3. Identify the overall purpose of security in a computing environment. 290-294 3. p 287289 3. and label checks. Explain the uses and potential benefits of the Internet. Electronic Commerce etc.
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