Hana Certification Questions

March 28, 2018 | Author: nairunni60 | Category: Computer Engineering, Computing, Technology, Application Software, Digital Technology



1QUESTION 1 What is an example of a selective data load using SAP Landscape Transformation? A. Selected data field values are randomized and loaded into SAP HANA. . Selected units or currencies are converted into recalculated amounts or values and loaded into SAP HANA. !. Selected data for transformation is split into portions. ". Selected data for a range of #ears is loaded into SAP HANA. Answer: " QUESTION 2 $ou %ant to create a custom attri&ute in addition to #our data model. Ho% can #ou achieve this? A. !reate the attri&ute as a calculated attri&ute %ithin the anal#tic vie%. . !reate the attri&ute and add it to the appropriate s#stem ta&le manuall#. !. !reate the attri&ute as a calculated measure %ithin the attri&ute vie%. ". !reate the attri&ute as a restricted attri&ute %ithin the calculation vie%. Answer: A 2 QUESTION 3 Which of the follo%ing tools can #ou use to monitor the 'uer# time from SAP HANA? A. !entral (anagement !onsole . Performance ta& of the S#stem (onitor !. )vent *ie%er ". S+L Trace Answer: " QUESTION 4 $ou modif# an existing vie%. Ho% can #ou determine %hich models are affected &# this change? A. ,se the audit trail. . ,se the Histor# feature for the changed model. !. ,se the -Where.,sed List- feature for the changed model. ". ,se the -Auto "ocumentation- to compare the o&/ect version of the changed model. Answer: ! 3 QUESTION 5 Which of the follo%ing se'uences of steps is used to implement SAP HANA %ith SAP )0P? A. "ata Provisioning ? SAP HANA s#stem setup ? (odeling ? !onsumption . SAP HANA s#stem setup ? (odeling ? "ata Provisioning ? !onsumption !. SAP HANA s#stem setup 1 "ata Provisioning 1 (odeling 1 !onsumption ". SAP HANA s#stem setup ? "ata Provisioning ? !onsumption ? (odeling Answer: ! QUESTION 6 Which of the follo%ing are &enefits of implementing SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 A. SAP HANA provides real.time anal#tics. . SAP HANA performs much faster than the standard SAP )0P. !. SAP HANA provides pre.configured 4 !ontent. ". SAP HANA com&ines 5LTP and 5LAP in one s#stem. ). SAP HANA replaces SAP W. Answer: A" 4 QUESTION 7 $ou have a We& 4ntelligence report that re'uires data from SAP HANA filtered for a specific #ear. Where do #ou appl# the filter for optimal performance? A. 4n the universe . 4n the We& 4ntelligence report !. 4n the anal#tic vie% ". 4n the calculation vie% using an attri&ute value varia&le Answer: ! QUESTION 8 $ou %ant to use an extractor to &uild a model in SAP HANA. Which ta&le can #ou use to vie% detailed information a&out the extractor? A. S)6 . 05")LTA( !. 055S5,0!) ". 0S5LTPS5,0!) Answer: ! 5 QUESTION 9 Which of the follo%ing are direct outputs of an anal#tic vie%? 2!hoose three3 A. Hierarchies . Private attri&utes !. 0estricted attri&utes ". (easures ). Attri&ute vie%s Answer: ") QUESTION 10 $ou have an SAP HANA productive s#stem %ith sensitive data. Ho% can #ou restrict modelling users from vie%ing this data? 2!hoose t%o3 A. 0emove ALT)0 S$ST)( in the s#stem privileges for the modeling users. . ,se randomized data for the development of data models. !. Allo% modeling onl# on the SAP HANA development s#stem and export1import the models to the productive s#stem. ". 0emove SAP7"ATA7A"(4N in the S+L privileges for the modeling users. Answer: ! 6 QUESTION 11 When &uilding a &usiness la#er to report on SAP HANA8 %hat do #ou have to do if #ou %ant to displa# more than 98::: ro%s? A. 0emove all filters from the anal#tic vie%s. . "eactivate the Limit Size of 0esult Set parameter in the !entral (anagement !onsole. !. Set the Arra# ;etch Size parameter to the maximum in the relational connection. ". "eactivate the Limit Size of 0esult Set parameter in the &usiness la#er. Answer: " QUESTION 12 $ou model hierarchies in attri&ute vie%s. Which of the follo%ing technologies do #ou use to ma<e these hierarchies availa&le for reporting tools? A. ="! . 4!S !. 5"5 ". 5"! Answer: ! 7 QUESTION 13 Which of the follo%ing properties of a derived attri&ute vie% can #ou modif#? A. "escription . "escription mapping !. !alculated attri&utes ". ;ilters Answer: A QUESTION 14 4n SAP )0P there are more than 9:8::: application ta&les. Ho% do #ou determine the relevant SAP )0P ta&les to replicate in SAP HANA and their dependencies? A. ,se SAP )0P "ata (odeler 2transaction S">>3. . ,se SAP )0P AAP "ictionar# (aintenance 2transaction S)>>3. !. ,se the SAP )0P Ta&les and 4ndexes (onitor2transaction ":?3. ". ,se SAP )0P "ata ro%ser 2transaction S)>@3. Answer: A 8 QUESTION 15 What outputs can #ou create in an attri&ute vie%? 2!hoose t%o3 A. Ae# Attri&utes . !alculated Attri&utes !. 0estricted (easures ". !alculated (easures ). Private Attri&utes Answer: A QUESTION 16 Which technologies use trigger.&ased replication? 2!hoose t%o3 A. AAP extractors . Test "ata (igration Server 2T"(S3 !. Standard S+L data&ase replication ". Near Bero "o%ntime Answer: " 9 QUESTION 17 Which reporting tool can #ou use to displa# native parent.child hierarchies from SAP HANA? A. (icrosoft )xcel . SAP usiness5&/ects We&4ntelligence !. SAP usiness5&/ects Anal#sis8 edition for 5LAP ". SAP usiness5&/ects Anal#sis8 edition for (icrosoft 5ffice Answer: A QUESTION 18 What is one of the advantages of using SAP usiness5&/ects Anal#sis8 edition for (icrosoft 5ffice? A. "irect access to attri&ute vie%s in SAP HANA . "irect access to column ta&les in SAP HANA !. "irect connection to SAP HANA via ("C ". "irect connection to SAP HANA via 4!S Answer: " 10 QUESTION 19 $ou are &uilding a calculation vie% and %ant to select data from an anal#tic vie%. Ho% can #ou achieve &etter performance for this re'uirement? A. ,se !) functions . ,se S+L statements !. ,se L programming ". ,se ta&le indexing Answer: A QUESTION 20 Which connectivit# options can #ou use to create a SAP usiness5&/ects universe on SAP HANA? 2!hoose t%o3 A. 5LAP connection using ("C . 0elational connection using 4!S !. 0elational connection using 5"! ". 0elational connection using ("C ). 0elational connection using ="! Answer: !) QUESTION 21 11 $ou are using SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services as #our )TL tool. What is the next step re'uired after #ou have created the "ataStore and imported the metadata from an SAP )0P S#stem into SAP HANA? A. 4mport data from the SAP )0P s#stem into SAP HANA. . !reate an SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services /o& to migrate data to SAP HANA. !. 4mport the metadata from SAP HANA into SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services. ". !reate a connection in SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services to the SAP )0P s#stem. Answer: ! QUESTION 22 When must #ou create a calculation vie% in SAP HANA? A. When #ou need to create a star schema . When <e# figures span across ta&les !. When #ou need calculations &efore aggregations ". When #ou need anal#tic operations li<e aggregation Answer: QUESTION 23 12 Which of the follo%ing tas<s must #ou perform &efore #ou &uild a &usiness la#er %ithin the SAP usiness5&/ects 4nformation "esign Tool 24"T3 on top of SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 A. Pu&lish the connection to !(S. . uild a 'uer# to test the connection. !. uild a relational connection to SAP HANA. ". uild an 5LAP connection to SAP HANA. ). uild a data foundation. Answer: A!) QUESTION 24 Which of the follo%ing are functions of the controller in the SAP Landscape Transformation 2SLT3 Server? 2!hoose t%o3 A. !reate repositories in the source s#stem. . Write data to the SAP HANA s#stem using the " connection. !. (ap data&ase structures &et%een SAP HANA and the source s#stem. ". Schedule replication processes. Answer: !" QUESTION 25 13 $ou have to design a report that sho%s actual8 planned8 and variance values. Ho% do #ou implement this re'uirement if #ou %ant to achieve the &est performance? A. ,se a calculation vie% &ased upon t%o anal#tic vie%s using a union. . ,se a calculation vie% &ased upon t%o anal#tic vie%s using a /oin. !. ,se a single source data foundation in the ,niverse "esign Tool and include the t%o anal#tic vie%s. ". ,se a multisource.ena&led data foundation in the ,niverse "esign Tool for each anal#tic vie%. Answer: A QUESTION 26 $ou create an anal#tic vie% and %ant to restrict access to departments %ith specific values using anal#tic privileges. Which tas<s do #ou have to perform to accomplish this? 2!hoose three3 A. Assign restricted values to the attri&ute vie%. . Assign values to &e restricted. !hoose at least one information model to assign restrictions. !. Assign the anal#tic privilege to a user or role. ". Assign values to &e restricted to a content ta&le. ). !hoose an attri&ute to define restricted values for it. Answer: !) 14 QUESTION 27 $our customer %ants to implement a SAP product thatD - Provides near real-time replication to SAP HANA - Connects SAP HANA to a non-SAP source system and SAP BW - Uses SAP extractors. What do #ou recommend? A. SAP Legac# S#stem (igration Wor<&ench 2LS(W3 . SAP Landscape Transformation 2SLT3 !. S#&ase 0eplication Server ". SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services E.: Answer: " QUESTION 28 15 Which of the follo%ing steps is re'uired for configuring SAP Landscape Transformation 2SLT3? A. "efine the num&er of &ac<ground %or< processes in SLT. . "efine an 0;! connection from SLT to SAP HANA. !. "efine a " connection from SLT to the source s#stem. ". "efine the num&er of /o&s to &e used for data replication. Answer: " QUESTION 29 Which tas<s do #ou have to perform if #ou %ant to use SAP W %ith SAP HANA as the underl#ing data&ase? A. 0ecreate SAP W indexes after SAP HANA data&ase migration. . "o a heterogeneous s#stem cop# from #our current " to SAP HANA ". !. )nsure that #ou have at least SAP NetWeaver usiness Warehouse F.:? installed. ". "o a homogeneous s#stem cop# from #our current " to SAP HANA ". Answer: 16 QUESTION 30 Which statement &est descri&es an anal#tic vie% as a multidimensional vie%? A. Anal#tic vie%s are composed of one data foundation and one or more attri&ute vie%s. . Anal#tic vie%s are composed of at least one attri&ute vie% /oined %ith more than one data foundation. !. Anal#tic vie%s are composed of multiple /oined data foundations. ". Anal#tic vie%s are composed of at least one attri&ute vie%. Answer: A QUESTION 31 Which of the follo%ing authentication methods are supported for Single Sign.5n for SAP HANA? A. Aer&eros . L"AP over SSL !. Secure Net%or< !ommunication 2SN!3 ". SA(L !AS 2!entral Authentication Service3 Answer: A 17 QUESTION 32 Which SAP tool %ould #ou use for data cleansing &efore data is loaded into SAP HANA? A. SAP usiness5&/ects 4nformation Ste%ard . SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services !. SAP Landscape Transformation ". SAP NetWeaver (aster "ata (anagement Answer: QUESTION 33 Which application ena&les #ou to create a multisource universe in SAP usiness5&/ects 4 E.:? A. SAP HANA Studio . 4nformation "esign Tool !. ,niverse "esign Tool ". 4nformation )ngine Answer: QUESTION 34 18 What can #ou use to transform data from SAP usiness Warehouse 2W3 into SAP HANA? A. SAP Landscape Transformation 2SLT3 . SAP W extractors !. SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services ". SAP Legac# S#stem (igration Wor<&ench 2LS(W3 Answer: ! QUESTION 35 $ou develop a disaster recover# plan. What do #ou have to consider in case of a dis< failure? 2!hoose three3 A. !onfiguration files can &e restored automaticall#. . Savepoints can &e &ac<ed up. !. Log volumes can &e &ac<ed up. ". Non.committed transactions can &e recovered. ). !ommitted transactions can &e recovered. Answer: !) QUESTION 36 19 What is the &ehaviour of a Text Ta&le =oin %here language column SP0AS is availa&le? A. Left 5uter =oin . 0ight 5uter =oin !. 4nner =oin ". 0eferential =oin Answer: A QUESTION 37 What are the <e# &enefits of using SAP usiness5&/ects )xplorer %ith SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 A. $ou do not need to create #our o%n 'ueries to access information. . $ou can easil# create #our o%n 'ueries to access information. !. $ou can access information for data discover# intuitivel#. ". $ou can execute ad.hoc &usiness anal#tics 'uic<l#. ). $ou can easil# create an 4"T &usiness la#er. Answer: A!" 20 QUESTION 38 Ho% can #ou improve the 'ualit# of #our information model design? 2!hoose three3 A. ,se GcaseH or GifH statements %henever possi&le. . ,se ro%.&ased data&ase expressions. !. "esign #our vie%s to &e reusa&le. ". (odularize #our vie%s. ). Avoid duplications in #our modeling. Answer: !") QUESTION 39 Which SAP usiness5&/ects tool do #ou use to visualize real. time <e# performance indicators %ith simulations? A. )xplorer . Anal#sis8 edition for 5LAP !. We& 4ntelligence ". "ash&oards Answer: " QUESTION 40 21 Which securit# settings can #ou appl# in anal#tic privileges? 2!hoose t%o3 A. 6rant access to anal#tic vie%s. . 0estrict access %ithin an anal#tic vie% using measure values. !. 0estrict access %ithin an anal#tic vie% using attri&ute values. ". 0estrict access to hierarchies. Answer: A! QUESTION 41 $ou %ant to &roadcast reports that use data from SAP HANA. Which SAP usiness5&/ects tool do #ou use? A. Anal#sis8 edition for 5LAP . "ash&oards !. !r#stal 0eports ". )xplorer Answer: ! QUESTION 42 22 What can &e used as a source for the data foundation of an anal#tic vie%? 2!hoose t%o3 A. A ta&le that contains surrogate 4"s referring to primar# <e#s in the attri&ute vie%s . A ta&le that contains foreign <e#s referring to primar# <e#s in the attri&ute vie%s !. A ta&le that contains &usiness facts or measures ". A ta&le that contains onl# descriptive attri&utes Answer: ! QUESTION 43 4f #ou %ant to create or drop ta&les in a schema8 %hich privilege t#pe do #ou need? A. S$ST)( . ANAL$T4! !. PA!AA6) ". S+L Answer: " QUESTION 44 23 When #ou activate an anal#tic vie%8 a column vie% is created. 4n %hich schema is this column vie% stored? A. 7S$S74! . 7S$S74 !. 7S$S70)P5 ". 7S$S Answer: A QUESTION 45 $ou have imported models from the development s#stem. What is the recommended %a# to activate dependent models in SAP HANA? A. ,se the Activate %ith Histor# function. . ,se the Where.,sed List function. !. ,se the !ascade Activate function. ". Activate each vie% manuall#. Answer: ! QUESTION 46 24 Which SAP usiness5&/ects reporting tool should #ou use to ans%er ad.hoc 'uestions and interact %ith shared information? A. !r#stal 0eports . "ash&oards !. )xplorer ". We&4ntelligence Answer: " QUESTION 47 Ho% can #ou assess the 'ualit# of the loaded data in SAP HANA? 2!hoose t%o3 A. !onfigure the SAP Landscape Transformation tool to implement the data 'ualit# process. . !ompare data from reports in SAP usiness5&/ects against the SAP HANA 7S$S7STAT4ST4!S ta&le. !. Perform master data 'ualit# chec<s in SAP )0P prior to replication in SAP HANA. ". !ompare reports in SAP usiness5&/ects against source data for specific selections. Answer: !" 25 QUESTION 48 Which SAP HANA model is recommended for reporting purposes %here read operations on mass data are re'uired? A. Anal#tic vie% . !alculation vie% using S+L !. !alculation vie% using S+L Script ". Attri&ute vie% Answer: A QUESTION 49 Which t#pes of calendar are availa&le for time attri&ute vie%s in SAP HANA? 2!hoose t%o3 A. ;iscal . ;actor# !. 6regorian ". =ulian Answer: A! QUESTION 50 26 Which of the follo%ing operations can #ou use %hen #ou create a calculation vie% using the SAP HANA studio graphical interface? 2!hoose t%o3 A. P05=)!T45N . ,N45N !. 4NT)0S)!T ". 4NS)0T Answer: A QUESTION 51 Which data store t#pe is recommended for %rite.intensive scenarios? A. 0o% store . !olumn store !. 5&/ect store ". Ta&le store Answer: A QUESTION 52 27 Which delivered role is mandator# for a s#stem administrator in SAP HANA? A. S$S7A"(4N . !5NT)NT7A"(4N !. SAP7ALL ". 4! (5")L)0 Answer: QUESTION 53 What is the purpose of the savepoint process in SAP HANA? A. Saves changed data to the persistent storage %hen a transaction is committed. . Save logs to persistent storage %hen a transaction is committed. !. Saves changed data and logs to the persistent storage on a regular &asis. ". ;ree.up memor# &# saving less used data to the persistent storage. Answer: ! QUESTION 54 28 Which &est practices should #ou appl# %hen #ou use S+L script in SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 A. ,se the WH)0) clause for updates. . ,se ,N45N ALL instead of ,N45N. !. ,se d#namic S+L %ith varia&les. ". ,se cursors. ). ,se !) functions. Answer: A) QUESTION 55 $ou %ant to create a graphical calculation vie% using the SAP HANA studio. Which steps are mandator# for this tas<? 2!hoose three3 A. "efine a pro/ection. . Write an S+L script. !. Save and activate the vie%. ". "efine output fields. ). !hoose a data source. Answer: !") QUESTION 56 29 Ho% man# result ta&les can a calculation vie% generate per session? A. ,nlimited . 5ne !. T%o ". None Answer: QUESTION 57 What are the advantages of using SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services to load data into SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 A. $ou can load unstructured data into SAP HANA. . $ou can merge data streams. !. $ou can use the same hard%are. ". $ou can perform real.time data replication. ). $ou can use 4 !ontent extractors or function modules. Answer: A) QUESTION 58 30 ;or %hat purpose do #ou use S+L Script in SAP HANA? 2!hoose t%o3 A. To transfer a large amount of data &et%een engines . To achieve ver# high performance on S)L)!T statements !. To com&ine t%o anal#tic vie%s ". To create data&ase procedures ). To shift complex calculations and logic to the client side Answer: !" QUESTION 59 Which connectivit# com&ination &et%een (S )xcel and SAP HANA provides multidimensional reporting capa&ilities? A. 5"5 connector via S+L re'uests to anal#tic or calculation vie%s . 5"! connector via ("C re'uests to anal#tic or calculation vie%s !. 5"5 connector via ("C re'uests to anal#tic or calculation vie%s ". 5"5 connector via ("C re'uests to column ta&les Answer: ! 31 QUESTION 60 Which of the follo%ing are &enefits of using accelerators %ith SAP HANA? 2!hoose t%o3 A. The# provide pre.&uilt &usiness content. . The# provide pre.&uilt customer.specific solutions. !. The# reduce the time re'uired for implementation. ". The# eliminate the need for customization. Answer: A! QUESTION 61 Ho% can #ou evaluate the speed of a calculation %ithin the data&ase? 2!hoose t%o3 A. ,se the "ata Previe% function in the SAP HANA studio. . )xecute a We& 4ntelligence report and chec< the duration of the previous refresh. !. )xecute an information space using SAP usiness5&/ects )xplorer. ". Write and execute an appropriate S+L statement. Answer: A" 32 QUESTION 62 $ou are running an SAP usiness5&/ects We&4ntelligence report that fetches data from SAP HANA. Which components %ill &e used inside SAP HANA for providing data to this report? 2!hoose t%o3 A. Persistence La#er . ("C !. Session (anagement ". Authorization (anager Answer: !" QUESTION 63 $ou %ant to design a model in SAP HANA. Which of the follo%ing modeling constructs do #ou use to create an anal#tic vie%? 2!hoose three3 A. =oin t#pes . Attri&ute vie%s !. ,ser privileges ". Ta&les ). Anal#tic vie%s Answer: A" 33 QUESTION 64 Which of the follo%ing are functions of the " trigger %ithin SAP Landscape Transformation 2SLT3? 2!hoose t%o3 A. )nsure that replicated changes are <ept %ithin the logging ta&les. . 0ecord relevant changes in logging ta&les. !. 4nclude onl# relevant ta&les for " recording. ". "ecluster ta&le classes into a transparent format. Answer: ! QUESTION 65 Which SAP usiness5&/ects tool do #ou use to visualize real. time <e# performance indicators %ith simulations? A. )xplorer . Anal#sis8 edition for 5LAP !. We& 4ntelligence ". "ash&oards Answer: " QUESTION 66 34 $our customer %ants to use SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services to migrate and transform large volumes of data to SAP HANA. What do #ou recommend? A. ,se AAP data flo%s. . ,se 0;!1AP4 function calls. !. ,se the 0;!70)A"7TAL). ". ,se 4"5!s. Answer: A QUESTION 67 Where does SAP recommend #ou create calculated measures? A. 4n a column vie% . 4n a &usiness la#er !. 4n an attri&ute vie% ". 4n an anal#tic vie% Answer: " QUESTION 68 $ou %ant to test the 'ualit# of SAP HANA data &# using a set of results from the source s#stem. Ho% can #ou retrieve the re'uired data from SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 35 A. ,se SAP Landscape Transformation 2SLT3. . ,se the data previe% in SAP HANA studio. !. ,se an SAP usiness5&/ects client tool 2such as )xplorer or We& 4ntelligence3. ". ,se the data&ase schema 7S$S70)P5. ). Write and execute an appropriate S+L statement. Answer: !) QUESTION 69 Which of the follo%ing privileges do #ou need to activate vie%s? A. S)L)!T option on the 7S$S74! schema . S)L)!T option on the 7S$S schema !. S)L)!T option on the 7S$S74 schema ". S)L)!T option on the 7S$S70)P5 schema Answer: " QUESTION 70 4n a reporting scenario #ou use an 5pening "ate attri&ute in the data foundation that contains information a&out #our stores. $ou %ant to determine the num&er of #ears each store has &een in &usiness. Ho% do #ou achieve this? 36 A. ,se calculated measures. . ,se time attri&utes. !. ,se calculated attri&utes. ". ,se private attri&utes. Answer: ! QUESTION 71 Which SAP usiness5&/ects tools re'uire an SAP usiness5&/ects semantic la#er 2universe3 to access data in SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 A. !r#stal 0eports ?:>> . !r#stal 0eports for )nterprise !. "ash&oards ". Anal#sis 5ffice v>.> ). We&4ntelligence Answer: !) QUESTION 72 37 What are &enefits of using a &usiness la#er on top of SAP HANA? 2!hoose t%o3 A. An extra la#er of granular securit# . 4mproved data&ase calculation speed !. ;ast throughput via 4!S connectivit# ". ,sers can use &usiness names instead of technical names Answer: A" QUESTION 73 $ou %ant to report on data from SAP HANA using (S )xcel. Ho% can #ou achieve this? 2!hoose t%o3 A. Select an anal#tic vie% using the "ata !onnection %izard. . !reate a 5"! connection &et%een SAP HANA and (S )xcel. !. Select an attri&ute vie% using the "ata !onnection %izard. ". !reate an 5"5 connection &et%een SAP HANA and (S )xcel. Answer: A" QUESTION 74 When must #ou create a calculation vie% in SAP HANA? 38 A. When #ou need to create a star schema . When <e# figures span across ta&les !. When #ou need calculations &efore aggregations ". When #ou need anal#tic operations li<e aggregation Answer: QUESTION 75 $ou %ant to retrieve data from SAP HANA and restrict access to certain data columns for specific user groups. Where can #ou implement this? A. 4n the anal#tic privileges . 4n the data foundation !. 4n the &usiness la#er ". 4n the S+L privileges Answer: ! QUESTION 76 Which ne% connection t#pe is availa&le as of SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services E.:? A. 5perational "ata Provider 39 . AP4 function calls !. 4"5!s ". 0ead ta&le via AAP data flo%s Answer: A QUESTION 77 $our customer has the follo%ing reporting re'uirementsD - Real-time proftability reporting on large-scale data volumes - On-the-fy analysis of proftability data at any level of granularity, aggregation, and dimension - Cost allocation reports with signifcantly faster processing time Which application do #ou recommend? A. SAP an< Anal#zer %ith SAP HANA . SAP "eposits (anagement %ith SAP HANA !. SAP HANA !5.PA Accelerator ". SAP HANA for an<ing Answer: ! QUESTION 78 Which of the follo%ing tools can #ou use to monitor the 'uer# time from SAP HANA? 40 A. !entral (anagement !onsole . Performance ta& of the S#stem (onitor !. )vent *ie%er ". S+L Trace Answer: " QUESTION 79 What are the advantages of using SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services to load data into SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 A. $ou can load unstructured data into SAP HANA. . $ou can merge data streams. !. $ou can use the same hard%are. ". $ou can perform real.time data replication. ). $ou can use 4 !ontent extractors or function modules. Answer: A) QUESTION 80 Which feature is supported &# the &ac<up and recover# process %ithin the standard deliver# of SAP HANA? 41 A. 4ncremental &ac<up . 4nformation model recover# !. Point.in.time recover# ". Automatic &ac<up of archiving log files scheduled %ithin SAP HANA Answer: ! QUESTION 81 Ho% can #ou improve the 'ualit# of #our information model design? 2!hoose three3 A. ,se GcaseH or GifH statements %henever possi&le. . ,se ro%.&ased data&ase expressions. !. "esign #our vie%s to &e reusa&le. ". (odularize #our vie%s. ). Avoid duplications in #our modeling. Answer: !") QUESTION 82 Which of the follo%ing tas<s are prere'uisites for creating a hierarch# in SAP HANA? 2!hoose three3 42 A. "efine an output structure for the attri&ute vie%. . "efine the data foundation. !. !hoose the t#pe of hierarch#. ". "efine calculated attri&utes for the nodes of the hierarch#. ). "efine an anal#tic vie%. Answer: A! QUESTION 83 4f #ou %ant to create or drop ta&les in a schema8 %hich privilege t#pe do #ou need? A. S$ST)( . ANAL$T4! !. PA!AA6) ". S+L Answer: " QUESTION 84 Which vie% in SAP HANA studio do #ou use to add additional users? 43 A. Properties *ie% . +uic< launch *ie% !. !onsole *ie% ". Navigator *ie% Answer: " QUESTION 85 Which tool do #ou use for complex data transformation of SAP )0P data? A. SAP Landscape Transformation 2SLT3 . S#&ase 0eplication Server !. SAP usiness5&/ects "ata Services ". SAP usiness5&/ects )xplorer Answer: ! QUESTION 86 44 $ou need to retrieve data from SAP HANA that is restricted to a certain region and specific users. Ho% can #ou implement this securit# strateg#? A. # assigning S+L privileges to the necessar# users . # assigning Anal#tic privileges to the necessar# users !. # assigning S#stem privileges to the necessar# users ". # assigning Pac<age privileges to the necessar# users Answer: Which of the following are direct outputs of an analytic view? • Hierarchies • Private attributes • Restricted attributes • Measures • Attribute views Answer • Private attributes • Measures • Attribute views Which of the following operations can you use when you create a calculation view using the SAPHANA studio graphical interface? • PROJECTION 45 • UNION • INTERSECT • INSERT Answer • PROJECTION • UNION Which delivered role is mandatory for a system administrator in SAP HANA? • SYS_ADMIN • CONTENT_ADMIN • SAP_ALL • IC MODELER Answer • CONTENT_ADMIN What is the purpose of the savepoint process in SAP HANA? • Save changed data to the persistent storage when a transaction is committed. • Save logs to persistent storage when a transaction is committed. • Save changed data and logs to the persistent storage on a regular basis. • Free-up memory by saving less used data to the persistent storage. Answer • Save changed data and logs to the persistent storage on a regular basis Which best practices should you apply when you use SQL script in SAP HANA? • Use the WHERE clause for updates. • Use UNION ALL instead of UNION. • Use dynamic SQL with variables. • Use cursors. • Use CE functions. Answer • Use the WHERE clause for updates. • Use UNION ALL instead of UNION. • Use CE functions. 46 You want to create a graphical calculation view using the SAP HANA studio. Which 3 steps are mandatory for this task? • Defne a projection. • Write an SQL script. • Save and activate the view. • Defne output felds. • Choose a data source. Answer • Save and activate the view. • Defne output felds. • Choose a data source. How many result tables can a calculation view generate per session? • Unlimited • One • Two • None Answer • One What are the advantages of using SAP BusinessObjects Data Services to load data into SAPHANA? • You can load unstructured data into SAP HANA. • You can merge data streams. • You can use the same hardware. • You can perform real-time data replication. • You can use BI Content extractors or function modules. Answer • You can load unstructured data into SAP HANA. • You can merge data streams. • You can use BI Content extractors or function modules What is an example of a selective data load using SAP Landscape Transformation? • Selected data feld values are randomized and loaded into SAP HANA. 47 • Selected units or currencies are converted into recalculated amounts or values and loaded into SAP HANA. • Selected data for transformation is split into portions. • Selected data for a range of years is loaded into SAP HANA. Answer • Selected data for a range of years is loaded into SAP HANA. You want to create a custom attribute in addition to your data model.How can you achieve this? • Create the attribute as a calculated attribute within the analytic view. • Create the attribute and add it to the appropriate system table manually. • Create the attribute as a calculated measure within the attribute view. • Create the attribute as a restricted attribute within the calculation view. Answer • Create the attribute as a calculated attribute within the analytic view Which of the following tools can you use to monitor the query time from SAP HANA? • Central Management Console • Performance tab of the System Monitor • Event Viewer • SQL Trace Answer • SQL Trace Which of the following sequences of steps is used to implement SAP HANA with SAP ERP? • Data Provisioning ? SAP HANA system setup ? Modeling ? Consumption • SAP HANA system setup ? Modeling ? Data Provisioning ? Consumption • SAP HANA system setup ? Data Provisioning ? Modeling ? Consumption • SAP HANA system setup ? Data Provisioning ? Consumption ? Modeling Answer • SAP HANA system setup ? Data Provisioning ? Modeling ? Consumption Which of the following are benefts of implementing SAP HANA? • SAP HANA provides real-time analytics. • SAP HANA performs much faster than the standard SAP ERP. 48 • SAP HANA provides pre-confgured BI Content. • SAP HANA combines OLTP and OLAP in one system. • SAP HANA replaces SAP BW. Answer • SAP HANA provides real-time analytics. • SAP HANA performs much faster than the standard SAP ERP. • SAP HANA combines OLTP and OLAP in one system. You have a Web Intelligence report that requires data from SAP HANA fltered for a specifc year.Where do you apply the flter for optimal performance? • In the universe • In the Web Intelligence report • In the analytic view • In the calculation view using an attribute value variable Answer • In the analytic view You want to use an extractor to build a model in SAP HANA. Which table can you use to viewdetailed information about the extractor? • BSEG • RODELTAM • ROOSOURCE • RSOLTPSOURCE Answer • ROOSOURCE Which of the following are direct outputs of an analytic view? • Hierarchies • Private attributes • Restricted attributes • Measures • Attribute views Answer 49 • Private attributes • Measures • Attribute views
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