Hampson Russell View3D Guide

March 19, 2018 | Author: poojad03 | Category: Button (Computing), System Software, Computing, Technology, Software



View3D GuideIntroduction to View3D .................................................................................................................. 1 Starting Hampson-Russell Software ............................................................................................... 2 Starting View3D ......................................................................................................................... 4 A Brief Summary of the View3D Process .................................................................................. 8 Loading the Seismic and Horizon Data .......................................................................................... 8 Selection Errors ......................................................................................................................... 12 Scaling the Plot ......................................................................................................................... 14 Arranging the View ................................................................................................................... 14 Zooming .................................................................................................................................... 15 Saving the Viewing Parameters ................................................................................................ 17 Stopping This Tutorial .............................................................................................................. 18 Adding Slices ................................................................................................................................ 18 Displaying Attribute Values.......................................................................................................... 20 Changing Color Keys For Color Plots .......................................................................................... 21 Showing Traces and Color Plots Together ............................................................................... 24 Special Zoom Views ................................................................................................................. 25 Birds' Eye View .................................................................................................................... 26 Magnifying Glass Zoom ....................................................................................................... 26 Fences and Probes ..................................................................................................................... 28 Making Fences ...................................................................................................................... 29 Probes .................................................................................................................................... 30 Showing Well Log Data ................................................................................................................ 34 Selecting Which Wells to View ............................................................................................ 37 Emphasizing Value Ranges and Setting Transparency: Visual Control ....................................... 39 Removing Data From View3D ..................................................................................................... 44 Loading Data Slices as Horizons .................................................................................................. 45 2 View3D 1 GUIDE TO VIEW3D Introduction to View3D View3D is a program used to view wellbore paths, well data, seismic data and attribute data as a three dimensional volume. The general objective is to better visualize, illustrate and spatially analyze the data from HRS programs. This tutorial takes you through the most important options and features of View3D. The data set for this tutorial consists of: • A SEG-Y file, seismic.vol, which is a 3D post-stack data set. • An attribute volume, scaled_porosity.vol, which is a 3D post-stack data set. • 7 wells. Each well contains a sonic log (p wave), density log, porosity log and a checkshot file. • A horizon file, Target_hrz. • Two data slices: seismic target and scaled porosity, positioned at the same place as the horizon file. September 2008 2 View3D Starting Hampson-Russell Software The first step is to start the Geoview program. Geoview is the application manager that acts as a launch pad for other Hampson-Russell programs. If you are unfamiliar with the use of Geoview, please refer to the Guide to GEOVIEW and eLOG documentation. On a Unix workstation, go to a command window and type: Geoview <RETURN> On a PC, click the Start button and select the Geoview option on the Programs / HRS applications menu. When you first launch Geoview, the first window that you see is the Opened Database List, which displays your recently used databases. A database is identified by the extension wdb. For this tutorial, a database has already been created for you. To load this database for the first time, click Open to bring up the Directory Chooser. Click the View3D folder of the HRS/data directory to bring up a list of databases in that folder. Click the View3D.wdb item in the Available List and click OK. September 2008 see the Installation Geoview and eLOG Guide or the Geoview online help. For more on this window. For now. September 2008 . showing the seven wells within this database. click the X at the top right to close the window.View3D 3 The Geoview Well Explorer window appears. we are ready to start the View3D program. To do this.4 View3D Starting View3D Now that the database has been opened in Geoview. The following window now appears: September 2008 . click the View3D button on the Geoview window. View3D 5 Note that you cannot start a new project in View3D. If a message appears telling you that the pathway to the project has changed. Click the View3DE_Guide folder in the View3D directory to show projects in the Available List. Fortunately. we have provided a project for this tutorial. Click the View3D_sand. and not as a stand-alone program. Check the Open Existing Project button and click OK to bring up the Directory Chooser. September 2008 . The program is intended as an add-on to other HRS programs.prj project in the Available List and click OK. Therefore. You can use View3D to view any project created through these and other HRS programs. select Switch. you would need to open a project first created in another HRS program. September 2008 .6 View3D The View3D window now appear: This window is used to select what data to load and unload data from the display. It will appear like this: Note that nothing is selected for loading. The Volume Selection Panel lets you select different sources for the displayed traces. The Seismic Display Options section is also displayed by default and lets you select how the seismic data is displayed: as slices. If data were missing from this list.View3D 7 The Project Loaded column shows the available data in the selected project. The toolbar for that panel lets you display wiggles or unload the seismic (remove it from the display). Then you would return to View3D to display the complete data set. the Display Window is black. as well as setting its color. Other sections can be brought up through the Menu. The Well Filter Panel lets you filter the list of wells. the displayed horizon and the color plotting. you need to return to the original HRS program that created the project and then load that data through that program. Because no data has been selected and plotted yet. volumes or slabs. as shown below: All of these panels can be hidden by clicking the button at the upper left of the panel. Then save that program. The View3D Display section displays the selected data. reload data from the database and create and control slices displaying the volume. September 2008 . You can instead display seismic parameters or well data parameters by clicking the appropriate button in the column. The Toolbar lets you load data into the Display Panel. 8 View3D A Brief Summary of the View3D Process • In the left side of the Data window. select Yes to show the seismic parameters in the Data Management column. set details for displaying. we will change the parameters before displaying the seismic data. select the data to be plotted and drag it into the display panel. September 2008 . find the seismic section seismic. • Zoom the Display window to show the desired area. • Adjust the view as needed. the outline of the entire volume and wellbore lengths are shown. When the program asks whether to view the seismic parameters. • In the right side of that window. The geological play this tutorial handles is the same handled in the EMERGE tutorial and guide. • Select the Display mode for the Display window and select what planes to show. By default. well and seismic display parameters as needed. creating new slices as required. Loading the Seismic and Horizon Data On the Data window. • Set the horizon.vol and click and drag it into the Display Panel. It is a channel sand with porosity that can be predicted from seismic data. but the plot would have extended up to 2 milliseconds and be tall and awkward to view. Therefore. This becomes the default. September 2008 . or "Home" size of plot for the data. We do this so that the plot will not extend above 800 milliseconds TWT. Change that value to 800 to shorten the seismic display. Click Plot.View3D 9 Double-click the Domain Start field to move the value to the left. and you can return to this view by pressing the Home key on the vertical toolbar. Drag these wells into the Display Panel. Click and drag it into the Display Panel.10 View3D Select Project Data again to show the Project Loaded list. press the Shift button and select the top and bottom wells. Find the horizon Target_hrz in the Project Loaded section. All the wells in between will also be selected. It will now be plotted in that panel. September 2008 . Then go to the Wells section. We are missing the porosity logs. It shows what logs have been selected for loading.View3D 11 Now select the Selected Well bar to display that table. September 2008 . Therefore select that checkbox and reselect the Project Data bar. Selection Errors If you load an incorrect data item. asking whether to reload the data. Select Yes.12 View3D A message appears. The data will be displayed as you drop it into the Display window. September 2008 . select Seismic Volume>Data Selection from the View menu to display that panel at the top of the window. View3D 13 September 2008 . then click the Home button reappear with the correct scale. We will show how to change them later. Reselect Show North Arrow from the View>Advanced menu to hide that arrow. on the left toolbar. then correct the values and click OK. From the View menu. If your Z scaling is too small. September 2008 . the horizon may look featureless. is dwarfed by the spread of data. and we should keep that in mind. then click Close. select Advanced>3D Scale to bring up the Scaling window. The slices shows the porosity values that we have loaded as an attribute. If they are correct. To move the X slice (it extends lower left to upper right).14 View3D Scaling the Plot Your horizon may not appear exactly as shown above. The entire volume is displayed with south facing upwards. contrary to what we would normally expect. and this is because the scaling may be different. If the Time axis scale (Z) is too exaggerated. Push it to the far left.22 If not. which are easier to see on the screen than on a gray-scale diagram). The slice now has a red border with the edges of the volume and with any intersecting horizons or slices. Click the Y slice and push it to the far right. Your plot will Arranging the View Note also that the zone of interest. the part with the horizon. the horizon may look unreasonable. the wells and well top information (hence the clipped well top labels. Ensure that these values are entered: X=1 Y=1 Z=0. click the slice with the left mouse button to select it. The actual color choices for the well data. If your plot disappears. seismic and horizon will depend on what was last used in the program. They also partially obscure the horizon. View3D 15 Now uncheck the X and Y checkboxes at the lower left of the window. they will return in their new position at the back of the display volume. This will hide the two seismic sections so we can concentrate on the horizon and wells. When you bring them back. press the middle mouse button down and drag it to about the 1125 value on the right (see below). September 2008 . Zooming We will now zoom into the zone of interest. For non-wireless three-button mouse devices: From above the 1010 value on the left. 16 View3D Note: You can use the middle mouse button to: Shift the display around the screen: Rotate the display around a point: Zoom and unzoom: Center the display around a point: SHIFT + Middle Mouse Button Left Mouse Button Middle Mouse Button. September 2008 . hold and drag Click Middle Mouse Button If you do not have a middle mouse button. or if your mouse is wireless. press Page Down several times until you get a similar magnification. From the Main menu.View3D 17 Saving the Viewing Parameters This will let you save your work and retrieve it again. which is very useful if you must interrupt this tutorial. Once you've saved a scene. September 2008 . Enter a name for the scene and click OK. Click New to bring up the Scene Manager window. select View>Display>Scene. the program will also ask whether to load that scene when you restart this project. A View Parameter dialog now appears on the right side with the Display>Scene tabs selected. Now you can bring back this exact view by reselecting View>Display>Scene. selecting the name of the scene and clicking Load. Click the X box to display the X-axis slice as shown below: September 2008 . save your scene. Select Slice mode from the bottom left menu of the Display window.18 View3D Stopping This Tutorial First. as described above. if it is not already selected. reload the View3D program and select Yes for Reloading The Last Scene. Adding Slices If you have stopped the program. Either select File>Exit or close the View3D window to close the Visual3D session. View3D 19 Repeat these steps for the Y slice. checking its box at the bottom left. Repeat these steps for the Z slice. to get the display below: September 2008 . checking its box at the bottom left and then moving it to about 1100 ms. As the display's dimensions are set by the first volume loaded (hence by the seismic. There are also right-click pop-up menus in the Data window that are useful. Click scaled_porosity.vol in the Post-stack folder of the Project Loaded section and drag it into the display. September 2008 . View3D can only display one "attribute" volume and one "seismic" volume at the same time. The Display window will now show the attribute (porosity) as a color scale and the Attribute color key can be displayed through View>Color Volume>Color Scale. See the online help for more on these menus.20 View3D Displaying Attribute Values For View3D. Therefore. this volume's geometry does not affect the overall display.vol volume). you do not need to see the seismic parameters for this volume. attributes and seismic data are treated the same except that only seismic data can be represented by wiggle traces. September 2008 . as used above. select View Parameters from the View>Color Volume submenu (either the Seismic Volume or the Color Volume submenu) to bring up the View Parameters dialog on the right hand side of the window. select Color Scale from both the View>Seismic Volume and View>Color Volume submenus to display the color scales. First. The default Color Map is Rainbow.View3D 21 Changing Color Keys For Color Plots We will now change the attribute color key to emphasize the higher porosity values. Then. select Color for the Color Attribute Type. September 2008 . Scroll down to the Lightning color map and select it.22 View3D If not already selected. Click the Color button to bring up the Color Scale window. stopping at 1200. so we can see the seismic data below as a brighter color.View3D 23 Click OK to apply the change and close the Colormap Settings window. Note also that the attribute data does not extend as far as the seismic. Now the high porosity values are red or yellow and are easier to notice on the screen. are in similar shades of green and easily ignored. in which we are not interested. September 2008 . while the lower porosity values. To further demonstrate the porosity value. essentially co-rendering the two sets of data. The seismic will now be displayed as wiggle traces on top of the attribute colors. porosity) values respectively in the Selected Seismic Table and click Plot. Select Seismic Volume>Wiggle from the View menu. Click the X at the right top of the View Parameters panel to close it so the display panel is wider. September 2008 . Showing Traces and Color Plots Together We will now show the seismic data in a form that is not hidden by the scaled porosity colors. slide the Z slice up through Then move the Z slice back to its original position at about 1100 ms.15 shows that the area has no high porosity).0. while in Slide mode the horizon to see how the porosity map changes.15: the negative just reflects measurement inaccuracy as the lowest possible value should be 0.09 and 0.24 View3D If the Upper and Lower values in the Color Mapping section do not approximately match our values (-0. change the Data Minimum and Data Maximum attribute (i.e. To change this. . then your plot may not resemble ours. the 0. Special Zoom Views In the View>Color Volume menu. uncheck the Y and Z checkboxes. At the bottom of the window. These steps will unclutter the view. reselect this menu option to turn it off. September 2008 . Do the same for the Seismic Volume menu. so only the X plane is left.View3D 25 To return the seismic to its color display. uncheck the Color Scale option to hide the color key. A view of the entire volume will be displayed in the upper right corner. Magnifying Glass Zoom Click the Magnify button feature. Press <SHIFT-HOME> on the keyboard again to close the birds' eye view. September 2008 on the left side or press <M> (or m) on the keyboard to use this . This view will match the orientation of the current view.26 View3D Birds' Eye View Press <SHIFT-HOME> on the keyboard to use this feature. A square appears in the middle of the view. This magnifying glass now moves with the mouse. magnifying the zone behind it. In that case. You can still use the middle mouse button for zooming or the left button for moving slices while this feature is up.View3D 27 Note: The Display Window must be active for this to work. Press <M> or click turn it off. You can also make this square wider or smaller with <CTRL-PAGEUP> and <CTRL-PAGEDOWN>. you may have that screen active when you press <M> and then nothing happens. If you are doing this tutorial by using a pdf file on a screen. click on the Display Window to activate it and repress <M>. again to September 2008 . September 2008 . uncheck the X checkbox to remove that plane (clearing the display except for the horizon) and click Home once so the top of the volume is visible.28 View3D Fences and Probes Now we will show alternative ways to display parts of the volume. On the right side of the window. First. we have the Slice Mode buttons. not on the side). See below. They can be very useful to follow channels. In the following example. click the Fence icon . In other words. Then click the front left side to start the fence (you must click on the top plane. September 2008 . resembling a fence (of course). bars or reefs. click the corners of each fence section and then exit Fence mode to create a fence. Once you have created a fence.View3D 29 Making Fences A fence is a series of slices connected end-to-end. you enter Fence mode. Click the end of that fence panel on the front right side. you can move its segments around in Slide mode by dragging the corners. Click further right and then click to the lower right. To create a fence. the fence created above was moved to match the target channel. Now click in a direction to the upper right. Then click the Slide icon to leave Fence mode and therefore finish that fence. or to outline a property of land. Note how it also emphasizes the horizon structure. From the View>Probe menu. Remember to then select Slide. holding the middle button down. select Add Probe. ) and select one part of the fence to remove the entire fence. until the Target_hrz horizon is in the middle of the display. Click the X checkbox at the bottom to add that slice. If necessary. so you do not stay in Delete mode. press <SHIFT> and move the mouse.30 View3D Now click the Delete Slice icon (the box with the X. making them ideal for screen captures. Probes A probe is an orthogonal shape that shows the attribute or seismic in a different way than slices. The initial orthogonal shape is added automatically. You can also create inside angles (which resembles "steps" in the probe). September 2008 . While slices must extend the entire height of the volume. probes can be limited just to an area of interest. click the Zoom In button twice. Since we do not need the entire volume for probes. View3D 31 To adjust the probe. click exactly on an edge to create a red line. Then drag that edge. September 2008 . Click precisely on the foremost upper corner. The probe now has a cut-in section.32 View3D Now we will add a corner reentrant. September 2008 . Click an edge of the horizontal part of this reentrant and slide it downwards towards the horizon. View3D 33 When you are finished. select Delete current Probe or Delete all probe from the Probe menu to remove the probe display. Uncheck the X checkbox at the bottom. September 2008 . September 2008 . Zoom back into the horizon section.34 View3D Showing Well Log Data First zoom out with the Page Down key to see the top of the volume. Then select View>Well> Show Annotation to display the well names at the top of the plot and the top names on the wells. Select Well>View Parameters from the View menu to bring that dialog up on the right hand side. The Thickness value refers to the thickness of the top disks. The Well Bore refers to the thickness of the actual hole outline in the display. September 2008 . Select the Show checkbox. Select Porosity for the Center Cylinder tab.View3D 35 The Top Disk is the marker that indicates a top on the wellbore. Below is the result.36 View3D Enter the following parameters (if not already set). Keep the other parameters the same. September 2008 . Note how the radius changes to match the density values. so the center porosity plot is easier to see: Well Bore = "0. Top Disk = "2". Variable Radius selected from the Appearance box.5". Click Unload. In the Well ID column. The Well Annotation has been turned on. select Well>Well List to bring up the Well List Dialog. Then click OK. September 2008 .View3D 37 Below is an example where the density log was plotted on the left side and nothing plotted in the center. use <SHIFT> and the mouse to select all the wells except 16-08. Selecting Which Wells to View From the View menu. September 2008 .38 View3D Now only the 16-08 well is displayed. Select the Color radio button at the top of that dialog for the Scaled Porosity attribute viewing parameters. If the View Parameters dialog is not still up. bring it up through View>Seismic Volume>View Parameters. Select the Volume tab. Position them once again at the back of the volume (they should be there automatically if you have not moved them). September 2008 .View3D 39 Emphasizing Value Ranges and Setting Transparency: Visual Control Check the X and Y checkboxes at the bottom of the Display window to show those slices. Then drag this toward the right. The Auto Apply box should be on by default. September 2008 .40 View3D Unselect the Freehand checkbox and select the Linear check box. Click on the middle red dot at the left side of the upper box. to about 3/4 over. bringing a vertical line along. However. the underlying seismic data will be easier to see. but then we have no seismic. Now the seismic data is easily distinguished from the attribute data. we have difficulty distinguishing it from the attribute. and click the Color button to bring up a Color Key window. Also. The low porosity values will not appear. Now check the Seismic radio button.View3D 41 What this means is that all the values whose colors fit under the now dark section will not be displayed on the plot. September 2008 . Click OK. we will change the color key for the seismic. We could turn it off using the Volume Selection window (View>Seismic Volume>Data Selection and unselect the Seismic checkbox). Therefore. as it is also colored. Scroll up the list and select Gray Scale. only the high porosity areas will be colored. Instead. Now the seismic peaks are emphasized. Now draw a curve from the lower left to the upper right. Do not uncheck the Freehand checkbox this time.42 View3D Now we will change the Visual parameters for the seismic. September 2008 . such as below. now select Volume instead of Slice. Now only the attribute data (i.. Note that it may take a few seconds to replot. The entire seismic and attribute volumes are now displayed. higher density) is shown.View3D 43 For the Display mode. September 2008 . Now.e. unselect Show Seismic to remove the seismic data from the display. from the View>Seismic Volume menu. 44 View3D By selecting to show only the end values. leaving only the seismic. If not up. Hide the displayed well through the Well List window by selecting the well. as before. clicking Unload and OK. reselect Slice instead of Volume for the Display mode. we can highlight anomalies. We could have instead hidden the attribute plot without removing it by unselecting the checkbox to the left of Color Volume. This will unload the attribute plot. September 2008 . Y and Z slices off. Removing Data From View3D At the bottom left of the window. Turn the X. bring up the Volume Selection panel (View>Seismic Volume>Data Selection). well and horizon data. Click the Trash Can button to the right of the Color Volume's Color Key field. Open the View Parameters section again and select the Surface tab. Click and drag it into the display. but as the sampling rate was lower. In the Data Slice section of the Project Loaded column. Click the Wire Frame check box in the Show section. It. Not e that blue and viol et repr ese nt mo Green and blue represent moderate porosity and yellow and red represent insufficient porosity. there are two data slices. it is not as smoothed as the first horizon we used.View3D 45 Loading Data Slices as Horizons Now we will load a Data Slice based on the Target_hrz horizon. the scaled_porosity slice. and we will not use it. September 2008 . In this display. was used in EMERGE to create another slice. not two-way time. we have turned the Horizon Color Key legend on through View>Surface>Color Scale. Highlight only scaled_porosity and click Apply. however. This slice will display porosity calculated by the EMERGE program. The color plot will now represent scaled porosity. The slice seismic target is just a sparsersampled version of the Target_hrz horizon. The Display window will show the same amplitude surface as Target_hrz. 46 View3D Then click Apply. September 2008 . Uncheck Wire Frame and check the Contour box. You can set different contour parameters by clicking the Options button to bring up the Horizon Contour Settings dialog.View3D 47 The wire frame matches the TWT data and shows the effect of the sampling rate. This concludes the Visual3D tutorial. this is a good surface to try the Magnifying Glass view we talked about earlier (as brought up by the M key). These contours reflect the TWT structure. When you have finished. Then click Apply. By the way. close the window or select File>Exit. September 2008 .
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