Halo Lighting Architectural Lighting Catalog 1985

March 25, 2018 | Author: Alan Masters | Category: Lighting, Incandescent Light Bulb, Atomic, Electrodynamics, Electromagnetic Spectrum



lncandescentDownlight Wall Washer, Wall Washer Downlight Ellipsoidal Downlight Low Prolile Downlight full-. r{lr I' -. e!:U l4r 'I -:l )i, ,at'.., i 1<r I ,irl !1.: j ,!. €-=:=. , ,-(=:=t) ((.._-.t) {:==. .:-) l, .], 1(.jrt (€> a...:_l) ai::_:,) aa:r'' .::rl ..:) .€,, .:-. (!.:=.t-, (!__.t €> :q-=-l)' .!L:=!.) (:l) .:) (=) (.-€,) C€ilinq ODeninc Reference Cha.l Hr499 AnvTr H7,100 1-,. a'.. {(!remo!nl nq 117600& M7600 H7 H7800 &t\47800 m 5 i. Dia. 4:j6 61,. 'D mensionsa owlorslghlcleara.ce belween lramesandcei nq malerals Halo Lghling lncandescent Surtace Ceiling Mount Su ace Wall ount Adiustable Accent Adiustable Pull Down Accesso es irl (aD i^ (-.t) I @ ri:) t-s-l ag) te.l .-- ) .-9-j €ll=,) 'r.y' M6000 M62!0 M5300 Halo Lghling HID Downlight Wall Washer/ Downlight Ellipsoidal Downlight Surface Ceiling Mount Wall Mount Surface Lens Round Square Lens I; il.l ll.. -1 l.Fr!l l_- i!:.:_)') '-=(=-fj l (!._=_:-, iq.-) ..... .:) i!€>) .=q+>, a€) q2 i :2) to (<=) i:..- =lt) '.€5j, r-@2' (t=- ,, Note: For lower wattages other lhan those lrsted consult lactory for ordering information Ha o Light ng Low Voltage Downlight Adiustable Accent Adjustable Pull Down Framing Proieclor l FjE. ,.1"t -r lt :L LJ' r,l i ll. /\- L!, I r ,]|x:]- 'f i,, a. j' a!.---)) @ a (-<_) (e) .e4 Quick Ship lncandescent Downlights/ Wall Washers Adiustable Accent Voltage i, JrF '€.,=-::=3. a,. _., ) aa -,) ar- .: @ r<e2,) .:) .:' a=-a) .:-. a€> €l) (9-- €> <] HaoLighling E a<a),) Control-The Effective Lighting Key to Halo fixtures ulilizing point source incandescenl and high intensity discharge lamps provide predictable controlled downlight distibution. Fixtures with specular A{zak ref lectors efficiently direct light into usefulzones. Reflectordesign otfers 45' visual cutott tothe lamp minimizing glare and producing low cejling brightness. Space is illuminated with minimum fixtute visibility. Controlled illumination creates lhe highlights and shadows you need to enhance dimensional qualities of objects. The use of grazing lightdramatizes textLrres-brings lhem to Iile and makes them exciting- Combinations of general ambienl and accent liqhtinq adds detailand expression to threedimensional objects and works ol ad. ambienland accenl downlighting adds sparkle to product displays Ouality illultlination haslhe brlance-general wa3hing to enhrnce righ 0 The Rendering ol Color Eftective LiEht Puts Light Where lt's eeded Light Variation Enhances Arrchitecture Shade. Tone. lntensity. Hue. Thefull colorspectrum can come alive with the Forthe most part, people take lighting for granted. And, that's good. Lighting magicotlight. lncandescent lamps otfer the most nat uralcolortones. They enhance @lor balance-creating an atmosphere of comfortand ease. that draws attention to itselt isn't doing an etfective job. Your goal is for people lo see whal there isto see kee ofglare, irfi lation-discomfort ol any kind. And that's where we fit in. Halo incandescent and HID luminaires are energy eff icient lixtures. Their optical systems concentrale and control light in specific dist bution pattems. Patterns that provide quality lighting in every sense of the word. Just as you Uniform light levelscan be static. They neversatisfy the needs of a changing space. Vilality is an integralpartof light's magic. Highlights and shadows define that vitality. Halo luminaires otfer you theflexibility you need to vary light intensity. They help you enhancedepth and detailmake space exciting. I, planned. Downlishlins creates erciting environmenta that peoplecnloy Halo Lighling Quality Lighting-Key to Good Lighting Design A Balanced Layout Lighting Ambient Lighting Aqualitylightingdesignoflerswellbalanced illumination levels behveen ambient, wallwashing, accenl and task lighting. Halo offers a complete line of coordinated aperture architectural lighting products. Choose from awide selection of light distribution Every space is unique.ltsarea, activity level, aesthetics-a myriad ol factorsinfluencelhe lighting layoutand need to becarefully analyzed. Halo recessed downlighting can help you achievea balanced lightang layoul. One that delineates tasks, enhances architeclure and creates the desired Lighting throughout an areawhich produces general illumination. The appropriate Halo recessed fixtures are available with either incandescent or HID lampsto providewide patterns of light distribution f or this purpose. methods-down- lights, wall washers, adiustable accent lights-everything you need to create a balanced lighting syslem. ambience. Ofcourse, room size,the ceiling height, wall, ceiling and f loor mlorings play an important.ole in determining f ootcan- dle levels, spacing ratios and numberof fixtures. You will find that we've covered these imporlant concerns in moredetail in "lllumination Data"Guidelines for Lighting Design" on pages l4and 15. Quality, balanced illumination is achieved when proper proportions of each type oflighting is blended in the space. Omittinq one or more can result in seeing difficulty, eye slrain and f atigue. General standard guidelines are established to reducefaligue and increase worker productivily. Brightness Ratios lncandescent or high intensity discharge luminairescan be used for general downlighting. By using a concentrated or "pojnl source" lamp, in conjunction with sophisticated reflectors and batfles, lhe light is directed downward through low brightness apertures to g|e unilom illunination. These unils direct light in specilic patternsto illuminate areas without drawing attention to the fixl ures themselves. Recommended Raiios 3to1 5to1 10to 1 Taskto immediale surrounding Taskto general surrounding Task lo remote surroundinq Ambient Lishtins Task Lishtirrg Wallw'shing Accenl Lightins HaloLighting WallWashins Task Lighting Accent Lighting Lighting of vertica surfaces deiines form, space and lexture. lt can visually increase the apparentsize ofa room while improving visual comfort. Halo has the skillfully enqineered fixtures designed to direct a broad spread of uniform illumination on these surtaces. lncandescent or high intensity discharge sources can be used based on the size ofthe space and the levelof illumination and intensity desired. Lighting directed to a specific area to Haloflxtures with narrower beam patterns and a LJse perlorrn speciliciask. high illumination leve s. Directional ighting used tofocus attention on a particular object or suface. lts intensity evelsvary according to ambient illumination levels. Higher ambient leve s requjre higheraccent illumination 1o provide the necessary contrast. This requires adjustable fixtureswhich can de iverhigher illuminaton levels and precise beam distributions in slandard incandescent or low vo tage. Halo has the producls to f it these specif ications. Halo adjustable incandescent recessed fixtures are mostofien used in accenl lighling. Standard voltage R and PAR lamps and owvotage PAB36 and MRl6lamps givethe range ol inlensities and beam spreads necessaryior controlled quality liqhtinq. mood lor pleasanl Lighting setsthe controlled illumina" lion puts light where you need il to lulfill both tunction and Halo Lghling Halo Optical llesignMaximizing Efficiency and Ouality With Halofi)dures, maximum rated lampoutputis utilized. There isvery lil tlewasled energy. The reflectors, ditfusers and baffles controlthe light so that spaces and objects are seen with proper hig h lig hts and shadows. Ellipsoidal Ref lectors Black Goilex Eaffles These units use A lamps, tunqsten halogen lamps aswellas high inlensity discharge lamps. HID and tLlngsten halogen are recommended forhigh ceiling applications. Amedium distribulion patiern is typical of eLlipsoidal unils. With the scientjfically engineered Halo ellipsoidal units, the light beam isiocused atthe ceiLing plane, perm tling ahigh lumen output and small aperture opening with low ceilinq brighlness. Halolixtures offera high degree of visual comfort. This comlort stems from controlling the illLrmination while maximizing its effecl. Battles are used for general jl u rn inalion in spaces where lowceiling brightness is desired. Ha o oflers a wide variety of luminaires that utilize Coilex baffles for A-lamps, PAR, ER, Rand HID ampsto minin'rize aperture brightness and pro vide 45'visLral cut ofltothe light Open Reflectors Use ihese fortheirwide distribution and their high etiiciency {actors- Halo poiished Alzak@ aluminum reflec- torsdirectthe lamp olltput and distributethe illumination into usefu zones. Open refleclorunits are used mainlyfor general lighting. They provide the specifierwith high control, 45'cutotf to lamp and lamp image, high efticiency and maximum spaclng ratios. The Halo uniqLre multi-position lampholder assembly allows iield adjustment on certain fixtures to provide Jlexibilily in spacing ralios and lampsize. Coilex baffles are available to reduce ceiling brightness. 0 !. & rl,ar 4ry. .. '14 a Halo Liqhunq Itlultipliers Lenses Wall Washers These units maximize lumen output by capturing high angle lightand directing itinlo usefulzones. Halo multipliers utiize PAR and R lampswith highlypolished Alzak@ reflectors that maintain a 45'visuaicut-off lo both the lamp and the lamp image. Thiseliminates glare and produces low brighlness atnormal viewing angles. Multipliers are used mainlyfor general illLrmination and provide mediumto narrow iight distribution. Lenses are designed to collect light and more effectively distribule the illumination for general lighting. Lenses are available in these designtypes: regressed dropped opal, prismatic drop, regressed prismatic drop, asymmelric drop, fresnei, regressed fresnel and 72"square aluminum louver. These units provide verticalsurface illuminalion using general service '4" lamps, "R" lampsor HID lamps. Halo downlight wall washers perform a dual function. They combine downlighting with wallwashing through special teflectors. Achieve wall washing ol single walls, corridor walls 180' apart and cornerwalls through a choice of reflec, tors. Their apertures coordinate with other Halo fixtures 1o give a unified appearance. t1 Y : t t r\ I'rl ra f. ,,t '1... irt -t: $ ':' { Halo Llghling It All Starts With Lamps Incandescent Lamps Halo lighting tixtures are optically designed to producethe greatest efficiency. Lamps, refleclors and lenses are carefully blended togetherto produceoplimum lumen output and low lncandescent lamps arethe mosl popularbecausethey are easy to insta land are relalively inexpensive. And, ihey are available in awide rangeof wattages. Their overall color rendering character istics are excellent. PAR Lamps aperture brightness. Parabolic lamps are directional light lncandescent lamps have strong commercial application in the areasof accent lighting, downlighting and task lighting. They are available in manytypestofit most lighting applications. sourceswith br.rilt-in reflectors for beam control. They are extremely eilicient in uminaireswhich do not have buiit.in opticalcontrol. They are available in a wide range ofwattages and beam spreads. Applications include general downlighting, accent and display lighting. Average rated life is2,000 A.Lamps General Service or lncandescent "A" Lamps are the moslcommonly used. They are availade upto300 wallsand normally havean average raled lifeof 750 hours (extended life lamps are also offered). General service lamps with an inside frosled finish are recommended. |Bs Eneigy Eflicient Cluartz Halogen PAR Lamp i -et R Lamps The medium base Q45W, Q90Wand Q150W PAR3B, has an innertungsten halogen capsule designed to increase light output with minimum energy consumption. A Q90W PAR38 lamp provides as much lightas aconven tionall50Wflood or spot. Thatis a 60watt ditference or a407o savings on energy consumption and costs. The inilial light output ol these lamps remains conslant overthe entire 2000- built in refleclors. They are mostetficient in luminaireswith partialornoopticalcontrol. R lampscan be used forcommer' cial general lighting needs, display lighting, wa lwashing and supplemen' tary lighting. The R lamp has less precise beam controland is lessexpensive than PAR amps. R lamps havetypical rated lifeof 2,000 hours. R or Reflector Lamps have hourrated life. i{,F : ,:h Energy Eflicient EB Lamps The Ellipsoidal Reflectorlampissimilar to the'R' lamp. lts elliptical shape focuses the light 2" ahead ofihe lamp andthen spreads itoul. Verylittle lightis trapped inside the fixture. They are recommended foruse in deep batfle High Pressure Sod ium Halo Lshtins High lntensity Discharge Lamps downlights which trap ahigh percentage of the lightemitied from standard R lamps. Forexample, in some Halo deep-batfle downlights, use ofa 120 watt ER lamp in place of a 150 watt R lamp providesthesame lumen output and can cut energy consumption. HID lamps are more etficienl than incandescent lamps. They are idealfor higher cei ing heights where general ambienl orwall washing applications are desired. They are available in many lamptypes and wattages. HID lamps ranqefrom 351o 400 watts and produce from40lo 140lumens per watt. The average rated lite normally rangesfrom '10,000 to 24,000 hours. HID lamps require a ballasi foroperation. ltmusi be matchedtothe lamp type, wattage as wellasthe line ffi,l+b Metal Halide This is the rnost popular indoor HID light source. li hasgood coiorrendering, the most natural of all HID sources. Tungsten Applications include direct lighting for commercial. industrial and merchandising. Phosphor coaled metal halide lamps offer increased color rendering qualities. They have atypical rated life o110,000 + hours. Ilalogen Lamps These compact incandescent sources produce avery white light offering good color rendilion and brilliance. Longer life, less maintenance, high brightness, dimmability, precise optical control and increased light output are iheir advantages- Average rated life ranges upto 2,000 hours. voltage. High Pressu.e #',r,b Mercury Lamps Sodium HPS larnps generate the greatest number of umens per watt of allHlD light sources. The lampscan be used in the iqhlinqof commercia, industrial, schooland sporling spaces where high efficiency is more critical than color rendition. Colorrendition is besl in the yellow and orange iight spectrum. Averaqe lamp life is24,000 hours. Low Voliage Lamps Low voltage lam ps have greater beam angle controlthan standard '120V R or PAR lamps. A 50W l\.4R16 low voltage lamp can be effectively subslitLrted for 150W R lamp reducing energyconsumption by lwo-thirds. PAR 36 and MRl6low voltage lamps are especially effective in accentand These lamps are used in luminaires with builtin optical controllor downlighting and wal washing. 24,000 hour lamp lifeand good lumen maintenance makes il the bestchoicewhere relamping is expensive and/ordifficult. Phosphorcoated lamps emil light at wavelengths in the red porlion oflhe coorspectrum, which lends to offer better color balance- display lighting. Compact MR16 lamps produce averywhite light and minimize heal projection, making them the perfecl choice lor lighting artwork and fade sensitive mate al. Lamp Types Life and Ellicacy Compadsons Lile Fange (lho!said hours) 05 10 15 lnc.nde.cent Conyentional Tunssren lnc.nde3cent tuns.ten HaloEen HlDHighPre3.sreSodium. Efl cacy (Lumens/wan) Ranse Halo Llghling lllumination DataGuidelines for Lighting Design Photometric daia shown on product pages are lhe resuits ot tests conducted by Halo Lighting. lllumlnation datais reproduced iollowing format: Single Units 1. Candlepower Distribution Curyes in Candlepower Distribution Curves Gones of Light The Candlepower Distribution Curve graphical y illustrates the candlepower inlensity and direction, vertca angles the of0through 90degrees, be ng emitted fromthe luminaire. The chart below showsthat reflectortr rn 1400C with 100W419 amp has candlepower distributlon ofB00at30'frorn vert cal. Refer to Halospec sheetsto make point by poinl i lumination calculations. SC (Spacing Criteria) indicales the center to center f xture spacrng necessary to oblain even illumination. This num- The conesof lightcalculator s usefu in delermining lixture spacing and for making quick ight eve calcu alions and cornparisons. The cones of ighl chartsare identii ed by product number. 2. Conesoi Light 3. Accent Lighting ior Verticaland Hori- zontalp anes Multiple Units 1. Footcand e/Spacing QuickCalcula- torCharl 2. WdlWashing ll umination Data Lamp Comparisons Long lamp lile and optimum efficacy (lurnens produced/wall of electrica energy consumed) are irnporlant lo any ighling system. Thecharton page 13 comparesthe life ranges and ellicacies of the various lamp types. lt shows that HID lamps have the highest lamp ife and greatest lumens per walt. The charlson pages 12-13 illustrate lamp coloring characteristics. They showthal incandescent amps with belter co or rendering, accentthe warm colorswhile HID lamps accent the coo colors. Each lighting system is unique. The design mustcorrelate amp and uminaire performance with yourneeds, tasles and deskes. Halo Architectural Liqhtinq products qive vou a combinalion oflamptype and fixturethai maxi mizes etficiency and creates the desired lighting efi ect. ber is expressed as amu tiple ofthe mounting height olthe fixtures. For example, fixtures in a 10' high cei ing with an SC va ue of 1.4 would haveto be p aced Acone ollighllor lum naires sshown n thecataiog and givesthe nilia horizon' lalfootcand es at the work p ane directLy underthe lumina re. Work plane is 2.5'abovethe foor. ll isforas ngle unit, wilh no additive from adjacent luminaires. lt gives the diamelerfora lightc rcle where 50%of the maximum illurnination eve s occurfor a range of dislances from the celllng tothework plane. 10'x 1.4 or'14'apartto Toobtain un lorm illurainalion between the luminaires, the maximum spac ng between uminaires should noi exceed the diameierof the c rcle. obtain even il umination. ltlhe f xture had an SC vaiueof0.6 (and ceiing helght was still 10'). the fixtures would havelo be placed 10'x0.6 or6 apart. Fixtures aredescribed as hav ng wide, med um ornarrowd stributron and these patterns correspond to the fo low- Forexample, the figure below shows iixtures recessed into a 9'ce lng sothat iixture to the work p ane distance is 6.5'. You can see that at this lixture opening to work planedistance an ilum nation leve of 15.4loolcand es exists al the poinl directly underthefixture opening. The d ameter oflhe c rcle of light s8.5 and thefootcandle evelat the edge ofthis "cone of light isT.Tor 50o/. oi 15.4 footcand es d rectly under the fixture opening. 9'-2.5' wide med ing SCvalues: 1.0 pus um 0.71o0.9 narrow 0.6or less I rt400BA 1400c sc14 sc 1.3 Dia. 59 15 111 138 164 190 FC 320 15 ,1 90 59 42 31 Ft. 45 6.5 85 105 125 145 ':in $YJ \ Yl{ I Halo Lighi ng Wall Wash lllumination Level Adiustable Accent lllumination Level Footcandle/Spacing Chart llluminalion data shows tootcandle levels directly below lhe fixtures and in between fixtures to delermine uniformity. To read this charl, read the lables for illumination levels, distance setback lrom the wall and the spacing distance. Forexample, at from a distance (D)of 2 feet lllumination levels ot adiustable recessed lumlnaires wil vary depend ing on the lamp used. Thetab esgive the beam lengih and intensities for d illerent aiming angles. Forillumination on a horizonlalp ane, airning ang eorlampult (A) is measured fiom theverlical. Distance frorn the work plane tothelixture is shown as (D). Beam dimension (L)is measured 1o the poinl where footcandles (FC) drop to approximately 20% of maxi mum For uniform illumlnation. flxtures should bespaced amaximum of (S) The Footcandle/Spacing Chart gives a quick and simple means offinding the numberand spacing otthe Halo uminaires requiredto ilLuminate aroom toa specified illumination level. The chart assumes a slandard 80/50/20 ceiling, wall and floor reflectancy and Boom Cavity Ratios (RCR)of 1,5, and I (large, medium and small rooms). BCR can be calculated by using the Jollowing formulas: 5H (RL + RW) RLXRW awalland wilh tixtures spaced 4 leet apart (S) and 4leet down lrom the ceiling (DD), thetootcandle reading is 12. The illuminalion levelhaltway between thefixtures is 13 footcandles. llluminarion on vertical Plane Units 2teellronwall H : RL DD I -2- 30 2T 3A 33 32 33 25 25 25 19 18 19 14 14 i4 L-3-L Ll 24 14 24 2A 24 20 t7 17 1T 12 13 12 -4',- -s- Ft Room Cavity Height (in leet above the work plane) Room Length lllunination on Horizontal Plane : 1T 16 17 12 13 12' Lamp 50WPAF36NSP RW = Room Width After selecting the desired initia illumination level (FC)lrom the left-hand cof umn, read across the linetolhecolumn underthe BCR forthe room size. You can lhen determine the maximum per missable spacing. 10 910 a7a 910 I 7 AT D!FCS j6 59 14 5t 12 4.4 .10 46 a 3.7 216 24.2 38.4 554 865 45 3.9 3.4 35 2.8 ,'o'1 (_ 5 s J', rS Forexample, assumelhatyou wish to design a syslem for a room-4o' x 60' x 12'. The system must generate an initial illumination level of 60 foolcandles at a work plane 2.5' above the floot. Calculaiethe Room Cavity Ratio: {sxg 5) 140+ 47.5x 100 4 60) 40x60 = 2400 = 1.97 Then locale the 60 footcandle levelat the left ofthe chart and read across lhe line to large room. You wllldiscover thal the luminaire will effeclively jllurninate the area with aspacing betweenfixtures of 4.3'. - For iljurf inalion on a vertical plane, aiming angle or amplil (A) ls measured from thevertical, distance frorn thewa I to the fixlure is shown as (D). Beam dimension (L) is measured 1o the po nt where lootcandles (FC)drop to approx imately 20% oi maximLrm. For uniform illumination, tixlures should be spaced a maximum of (S) value. Footcandle/Spacing FC e0 70 60 50 40 30 20 ll 19. I tl med, I 3t 3.2 2.7 38 4.0 3.3 34 29 4.3 3.6 3.7 3.1 48 4.0 4.1 3.4 5.3 44 45 3.8 5.1 52 44 61 75 63 64 fl sd. I 2.4 2.4 30 25 3.2 2T 3.s 30 3.9 33 4.5 3.9 colnelwallwashet <--> lllqnination Lamp on Vertical Plane Q75MB16NSP DLFGS 8.9 19.1 I 6.7 33.8 6 4 4.4 759 80 60 40 fSingleWall Washer <- D r-------- l-t LI tl t) ,-"/ DoubleWall lltasher Halo Liqhting Halo lncandescent Downlights The Halo lncandescent Architectural Series helps you to realize your lighting designs. Awide variety of efficient Alzako ref lector systems are combined wilh specif ication grade die-cast housings. The series offers predictable, wide-range lighting choices. Halo otfers acomprehensive line of architectural recessed incandescent fixtures for use with general service A lamps, Fl, EFl, PAB and quartz lamps. The selection of optical systems, Recessed incandescent adjustable lixtures allow efficient useof Ror PAR lamps eitheras downlightorfor accent lighting on horizontal or vertical planes. Coordinated aperture size recessed downlight and wall wash incandescent finures maintain a unified ceiling appearance. l{alo lncandescent Surface Series-Complements Your Architectural Design Halo incandescent surface down ight producls provide specifiers with a selection of ceiiing or wail mounted unils that offer quality illumlnation and enhance any architeclural slyle. Round cylindrical designs have a pleasinq daytime appearance while giving aperturesizes,trimsandaccessories provides specif ication grade products needed for any application. These giare-free, low brightness aperture fixlures provide even liqht distribution, minimize aperture brightness and provide 45" or betler visualcut-offto lamp and lamp image. Halo open and ellipsoidal reflector luminaires using general service lamps provide wide light distribution patlerns. They are an excellent choice tor funclional nightlime illuminaiion. The surface series is offered in designs thal accommodate A-lamps, ER, R and PAR lamps upto300watts. Seamless aluminum housingsare available in white, black and bronze durable powder coat linishes. They coordinate with Halo HID recessed unitstomaintain afamily identity. general'llLrmination downlighting in lowto medium (8'to 14')ceiling inslallations. Multiplier reflectors used with Rand PAR lamps maximize lampoutputand provide narrow to medium distribution patterns. These unils arewell-suited for use in medium or high ceiling areas (12'+ )forgeneral illumination or supplemental accent lighting. Wdlwashers filted with aluminum reflectors provide even wall illumination on vertical surfaces using general Suriace ceilings and wallprodLrcts are designed to mount easilyto junction boxes. Apendantkit isavailable as an accessory which will accommodate ceiling slopes upto45'. Unitsare uL !isted and suitable for damp locations. Wallmounted unitsare wel location lisied. service A lamps. Downlightwall washers provide both downlighling and wallwashing effects. Deep coilex baffle wallwashers use scoop reflectors to etficiently direct lightfrom R lamps to horizontal surfaces. Low profile open reflector luminaires can be used in ceilings where vertical \ clearance is restricted. Posilivetrim lock. Betlector and trim iurn and lock into posirion.Two captive scrcw5 hold iellecior lilmly in place. Adiustable die cast aluminum socket adillsts easilyto latnp position and focus when dternate size lamps are used. Die casraluminum mounling lrames are corrosion tree. tl," deep collar accom- inteeral lheril|al deactivate lhe unit if an improper lamp type or watlage is used or il insulation is placed loo clo3e .nodateaceiling msterials ofvarying lhickness. Halo Light ng 30 18 6',A-Lahp 8" A Lamp 6" R PAF 21 25 29 3l 1g 22 23 24 3T 36 31 I t2 Junction box listed lorthroush branch circuitwiring. Junclion bor is positione.l Erclusive Universal lrlounling Brackets loallowstraight conduit runa. The 1t" and a.' knockouts tscilitale wiring and E Tconduit, optionalHB3 or H82.24 barhangers or lalhins channels to simplify col'duit i nstallalion. Halo Lighling 17 lncandescent Recessed 4'Aperture A.Lamp Downlight Low brightness aperture downlight dlstributes even ilumination wilh general serv ce lamps. Avallablewith Specular Alzak refleclors in clearorgold orwith optical black alum nurn Coilex baff e. Reflector and batfle provide 45"visLra cutoll to lamp and lamp image. H7400T.1400c H7400T.1400G H7500Tn 4008A 60w419,75W 419, 1mW419 Features. lntegral therma protector . Diecast alumrnum socketcap. D e cast aLuminum mountrng f rame accornmodates upto 1%" thick ceiing materials. Universa mounting brackets allow use of /," EMTconduit,lath ng channe s or bar hangers tor insta lalion . Darnp location listed,lunction box I sted forthrough branch wiring AccessoriesTRM 4 PWhite SlopeAdapter metal trim rlng, TRM-4-N.48 B ackmeiallrim ring, TRB-4 Rirnlesstrim ring, HSp,-4 Options 1 401 C Self ilange reflector, c ear, 1401G Seiilange reflector, gold For more detailed specif icalions, please reierto the Halo Technical Binder(Volume l), Seclion lA. trraooc Fl. D li400BA sc13 sc 14 Dia. 5.9 8.5 11.1 tr FC 320 15,1 90 42 slanceloSunace 138 16.4 190 FI. 45 6.5 a5 105 125 145 I FC 261 12.5 Dia. 5.4 7.8 73 ,1.8 10l 125 149 34 25 173 FC 80 TA 60 50 40 30 20 Footcandle/Spacins L- rs. I tt hed. 38 3.1 32 2T 4A 33 34 2.9 4.3 3.6 37 31 4.8 4.4 41 3.1 44 15 53 38 6.1 5.1 5 2 44 15 63 64 2.4 30 32 35 39 45 2.4 2.5 27 3.0 33 3.9 c t4toc sc 1.4 llumination o. Vertical Plane in Foorcandle3 Unit3 2 teer trom wall -Sto r -2'-ll tr -3'- tr tr -4 -tr E I Units 3leerlron wall 2 3 4 5 6 1 l -5'23 323 33 32 33 202420 17 16 17 1T 717 252525 1T 17 17 12 13 12 10 10 t0 19 18 19 12 13 i2 9i0 9 7 a 1 14 14 14 10 910 7 E 7 5 7 5 11 11 11 17 8 6 6 6 4 51 3427 3A 24 1424 23 723 j-3'-u I-4-368747 13 12 13 11 I i] 15 16 15 11 12 11 14 13 l4 10 t0 10 11 11 11 3 a a 999117 6 11 I 6 I 6 9 1 6 5 -6626 r0 3 l0 969 565 Wall Washer/Downlight Low brightness aperturef xture pro' vides wall washing and downlighting withthe use ofqeneralsetuice amps. Available wilh specu arA zak refleclors incearorgold. thermal proleclor provides proteclion against over arnping and misuse ofinsu at on materials . Die cast aluminum socket cap ma ntains proper larnp focus. Die casl alurninum mounting f rame accommodales upto 1%"thickceiling n'rateria s. Universalmounting brackets a low use ot /," EMT, athing channelsor bar hang, ers forinslalation. Damp location isled, junction box lsted forthrouqh branch wiring Features . lntegral H74o2f.1410C H74o2TG.r 4! 0G 60wA19,75WA19 100WA19 AccessoriesTRR factory 4 R mlesstrinr rlng, Formetaltrim rlngs, consult Options 1411C Seiff ange reflector, clear, 1411G, Selfflange ref ector, gold For rnore detailed speciiications, please refer to lhe Halo Technical Binder(Volume l), Sect on 1D. Halo Light ng -7 Elipsoida ref ectors provrde medium distribLrtion and very low aperture br ghlness wilh use of geneTa service Incandescent Recessed 4" Apertule A.Lamp b amps. Smallaperlure provides m nimum I ght source visibll ty. Available wth specularAlzak refleclors in cear, gold or black or optical b ack a uminurn Coilex bafile. Features . lntegral thermai protector . Ellipsoidal Do!ryrllgx! Adluslable dre casl aluminum socket cap mainta ns proper amplocusfordif ferentsize lamps. Die casta Lrminum mountrng fiame accommodates uPto 1%'th ckceiling mater als. Universal moLrntrng brackets a low use ol % EMT,lathing channels or bar hangers lor in stallation . Damp ocaton lsted, tunct on box listed forthrouqh branch wiring H7404T.1450C H7404T.1450G Fz4o4i.r 45oB H74O4T.r45OBL ,-/t\ \|' \\ -::-_ 60wA19 75W419 100WA19. ,/ Accessories TR[,4-4'P While melal lrim ring, TRM-4-MBB ack meta irim ring,TRR 4 Rimlesstrm ring, HSA-4 Slope Adapter Options 1451C Se f flange reilector, clear, 1451G Selflanqe ref ector, qold, 14518 Selff ange refleclor. black For more detailed specifcatons, please referto the Ha o Technica B nder (Volume l), Seclion 18. 1450C SCoI tt45()BA SC0I Ft. 63 89 D I FC 546 2.! 2 15 3 r0 0 sran.ero Surrace 11.0 131 45 65 85 105 125 451 49 11.5 13 7 216 r?6 33 58 FC 80 7A 60 50 40 30 20 Footcandle/Spacing llg. 39 4.2 45 4.9 55 6.3 1A I med. lnsm. 36 3.1 3.2 30 3.9 3.6 34 32 42 39 37 35 4.3 46 40 33 51 48 59 56 52 50 64 61 I 2A 30 3.3 36 4.6 56 D{il 1 HaoLghting lncandescent Becessed 6"Aperture 4'Leq!P Downlight Low brightness aperture downlight distributes even illumination wilh general service lamps.Availablewithspecujar Alzak rellectors in clearorgoid orwith opticai black alum num Coilex baflle. Reflector and batile provide 45'visual cutoif to lamp and lamp image. Integral thermal protector Adjuslable die cast aluminum socket cap maintarns proper larrp focusfordifferent size lamps. Die castaluminurn mounting frame accommodates upto 1 %" thick ceiling materials. Universal . Features. H7600T.1600c H7600T.1600G H7700T.r 6008A 60wA19 75W,A19 100WAi9 150W421 rnounting brackels allow use of '/r" EMT conduit, lathing channels or bar hangers lor instal ation . Damp location listed, junclion box listed forthrough branchwirinq (=_, Accessories SlopeAdapter TRM-6-P White metal trim ring, TBM-6'N4B Black melal trim ring, TRB-6 Rirnlesstrim ring, H5A-6 Options 1 601 C Self flange reflector, clear,'1601G Self flangereflector, gold For more delaied specifications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder (Volume l), Section 1A. at600c Ft. I i60084 sc13 SC 1 2 0 sranceroSurrace W Dia. 54 7.8 10 3 127 151 175 ! FC 7AA 33 5 19.6 Ft. 65 85 10.5 12.5 I FC Dia. 318 186 122 48 69 90 111 13.2 129 9.1 a6 67 153 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Footcandle/Stacins U lq. s.1 5.5 5.9 65 7.3 84 103 4.4 4.5 I 48 48 51 5.1 5.6 5 6 6.3 6.3 T3 73 A9 a0 tr med. r sn. I 39 39 34 4.2 42 3.7 4 5 45 40 4.9 49 4.4 4.9 5.5 55 6.4 64 5.6 7A 7A 60 0 0 HaoLghtinq Incandescent Recessed 6" Aperturc 4:L"-p Wall Washer/Downlight Low brightness aperture fixture provides wall washing and downlighting wilh general seNice lamps. Choice of reflectors (in clear or gold)allowswall washing on single walls (1610), corridor walls 180" aparl (1620) and cornerwalls (1630). 11. 1610C ;., lntegral thermal protector provides protection against overlampingand misuseof insulation materials . Adjustable die cast aluminum socket cap maintains proper lamp locus fordiflerentsize lamps. Die cast aluminum mounling frame accommodates upto 1 Features. !Eg!e !{q!! !qqS!e' H7602T.161OC H7602TG-t610G Double Wall Washer ''\.= H76o2f.162oC %"thickceiling materials. Universal _ _ -.' H7602TG.t 620G Colner Wall Washer mounting brackets allow useol %" EMT conduit, lathing channels or bar hangersfor installation. Damp location lisled, junction box listed for through branch circuilwiring H7602T.1630C H7602TG.1630G -* 60w A1 9, 75W 41 9. 1 00W A19, 150W A21 Accessories TRR-6 factory Rimless lrim ring, Formetaltrim rings, consull 161 1C Single selfflange reflector, clear, 1611G Single selfflange reflector, gold, 1621C Double self flange reflector, clear, 1621G Double self flange reflecto( gold, 1631C Corner self flange reflector, clear, 1631G Corner selfflange reflector, gold Options .\ For more detailed specifications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder (Volume l), Section 1D. '4 1$oc tr l6toc lllumitrarion on Verrical Pl.nein Footc.ndle3 sc 1.4 DD n -3',- Ft Ft -4 - Ft Ft -s',- Ft Ft -6'32 31 32 24 23 24 19 1A 19 17 15 2A 2A 2A 22 20 22 18 15 18 15 12 23 24 23 1A 18 18 14 14 14 12 12 20 2A 20 16 14 16 13 12 13 10 ji 17 1A 17 13 13 13 11 10 1t 8 9 14 15 14 11 11 11 I9 S 7 7 Unik 3leet lioh wall -S- Units Ft tr 17 15 12 10 I 18 17 16 14 12 -4',- at n -5'-n 18 17 16 14 12 11 4 feet fron wall 14 15 14 13 i3 12 tl 11 10 10 7 ll 18 17 16 14 12 11 14 14 13 11 1A I S 9 ! -6 -D 12 12 12 11 11 10 12 12 11 9 9I I I I I 7 I ta 12 10 10 8 6 -7'-Ll 12 10 l0 8 T 6 HaloLighung lncandescent Becessed 6"Apertu.e A.Lamp Ellipsoidal Downlight Elipsoida ref ectors provide medium d str but on and very low aperture br ghtnesswilh generalservicelamps. H7604T.i 6sOC H7604T.t650G Ht6o4T.r65oB H7604T.r65OEA 150WA23 200WA23 300W PS25, 300WPS30 (-_i Smd apertures provde minimum light sourcev sibility. Ava lab ewith specular Alzak refleclors in clear, gold or black or with oplicalblack alum num Coiex baff e. 0r 1 ( Features' lntegral therrf al protector .Adjustable diecasl alum nun'r sockel cap mainta ns proper lamp focus for dif ferent size amps. Die cast alumlnum mounting frame accommodates upto 1 1," th ckceiling n'rater als. Un versal mounting brackets a low use of %' EL4T, lathing channels orbar hangers for nstallation. Damp ocalion isted, luncton box isted forthrough branch circu tw ring Accessories TRM-6 PWhite metaL trjrn ring, TRM- 6-MB B ack meta irim rng,TRR-6 Rim esstrim ring, HSA-6 Slope adapter Options 165'1C Se f fLange reilector, clear, 1651G Selii ange reflector, gold, 16518 Self flange reileclor, black For more deta led specifications, p ease referto the Halo Technical Binder(Volume l), Section 18. 5! al1650c rt6soBA sc0.9 sc0.s l I 45 65 8.5 105 125 145 569 213 16 Dia, 4.4 FC TA Dia. 53 76 9.9 Ft. 9.1 r80 118 0 DisranceloSurlac€ 112 13.4 10 5 123 146 169 83 71 55 FC a0 70 60 50 40 30 2A Footcandle/Spacins i lg. a lned. 43 43 3a 46 4t 46 s0 5.0 44 55 55 48 61 6.1 s4 71 T1 62 a7 8.6 76 r 38 40 43 53 61 75 34 36 33 36 3.8 I 4.4 39 1.2 42 48 5.5 54 67 tr at650BA Fl. t650c sc 1 2 I SCt.2 Disla.celoSuriace M 5.6 8.1 106 13.1 156 r8.t 2147 102I 602 39,1 2TB 65 85 105 125 145 241 2A41 974 aT2 375 261 197 56 81 106 131 156 181 FC 80 70 60 50 ,10 30 20 Footcandle/Specins ls. t i med. I 94 9.0 a0 11 100 96 86 8.3 7.4 10.8 r0.4 93 39 30 113 113 101 9.8 8.8 132 127 11.3 10.9 99 153 146 131 126 11,1 137 179 160 1s4 0( 7.2 78 8.5 95 110 (luanz Ellipsoidaf Downligh. HT6B4fixlure provides w de distr but on and very owaperture brighlness in medium to high ce lngs. Availabewlth specularAlzak refJectors in clear, go d or black or opt cal black alumlnum Co lex bafJle. Both rellectorand bafile provide m nimum llghtsource visibility. Socketcap orref ectorcan be removed from abovece lng for re amp ng. Features . lntegral thermal protector .Adjuslable a uminum sockel holder provides two sett ngsforeach lamp 1o produce wide to narow beam pallerns. Socket holder sspring loaded foreasy positoning withouttoo s. Dlecast aluminum mounting frame accommodates up to 1%"thick ceiing materials'universal mounling brackets. Damp ocation listed, junction box is listed for through branch circuit wiring H7684T.r650G H7684T.16508 H?684T.l6s0BA 250w Frosled OLarts T4 5mw Frosten OLarlz T4 Dolble.onlacl bayonel base Accessories TRM-6-P While meta trinr ring, TRNr-6'IlB Black metaltr m rlng, TRR 6 Rim ess trim ring. HSA-6 Slope Adapler Options 1651C Se ff ange ret ector, clear, 1651G Se ff ange rellector, gold, 1651B Self flange rellector, black For more deta led specifications, refertothe Halo Technical Binder (Volume l), Seclion 18. p ease Halo Lighl ng 6'Aperture Overall height of 6%" allows use of thisfixture in ceilings where vertical clearance is restricted. Low aperture bighiness fixture provides even light distribulion with general service lamps. Available with specular Alzak refleclors in clear or gold orwith Optical Black aluminum Coilex Batfle. Both reflector and batfle provide minimum light source visibility. lntegral thermaL proteclor .Adjustable socket cap maintains proper lamp focus. Die cast aluminum mounting lrame accommodates upto lncandescent Recessed LowProlile Downlight A.Lamp Features. H760tT.l640C H760t 640G [email protected] 60w419, 75WA19, 100WA19, 150WA21 1/,"thickceiling materials.Universal mounting brackets. Damp location listed, junction box listed forthrough branch wiring Accessories TRM-6-P SlopeAdapter White melal trim ring, TRM-6-MB Black metal trim dng, TBR-6 Rimlesstrim ring, HSA 6 Options 1&1C Self flange reflector, clear, 1641G Selfflange reflector, gold For more detailed specif ications, please reler tothe HaloTechnical Binder(Volume l), Section 1C. tr ai640BA t640c 1.4 SC 1.3 sc at Dia. 10.1 FC 47.5 Ft. 13.3 227 133 8.7 olslancelosunace i6.4 19.5 62 Ft. 45 6.5 8.5 10.5 12.5 t FC Dia. 4.6 664 31 I 67 4.7 10.8 12.8 18.6 122 86 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Footcandle/Spacing tr ls" 5.3 5.6 6.1 6.6 7.4 8.6 10.5 I D med. Itr.m, 4.5 4.4 3.9 3.8 4.8 4.7 4.1 4.0 5.2 5.1 4.5 44 5.7 5.6 4.9 4.8 6.3 6.3 5.5 53 73 7.2 6.3 6.2 8.9 8.9 77 7.5 l 3.4 3.6 3.9 4.3 4.8 5.6 6.8 HaloLighling 8'Aperture A.Lamp lncandescent Recessed I Downliqht Low brightness aperlure down{ighi distribules even illumination with general service lamps. Available with specular A zak reflectors in clearorgold orwith optical black aluminum Coilex bafile. Fleflector and baffle provide 45'visual cutotflo lamp and lamp image. ( Features. lntegral thermal proteclor .Adjustable die cast aluminum socket H7800T.r800c H7800T.aeOOG H7900T.iAOOBA 150WA21 200W A23, 300W PS25 (f , cap maintains proper lamp locus for different size lamps. Die cast aluminum mounting irame accommodates up to 1 /," thick ceiling materials. Universal mounting brackels allow use of /," EMT conduit, lathing channels or bar hangers for inslallation. Damp location listed, junclion box listed forthrough branch circuitwiring f, tI Accessories TRI\.4-B-P White metal trlm ring, TRM-8-N4B Black metal trim ring, TRB-8 Rimlesstrim ring, HSA-8 Slope Adapter Options 1 801 C Self flange reflector, clear, 1801G Selfflange reflector, gold For more detailed specif ications, please reter to the Halo Technica Binder(Volume l), Section 1A. trraooc scl l ltaooaa sc 1.1 Ft. DisranceroSuriace I 46 6.7 8.8 r0.8 12.9 15.0 249.1 45 6.5 1194 69I 4s.8 32 3 85 i0.5 12.5 14.5 24.4 I FC 241.7 967 56.5 314 26.1 194 I FC 1092 52 3 30 6 200 141 Dia. 4.5 65 8.6 106 12.6 146 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 FC 80 70 d) 50 40 m 2A Footcandle/Spacitrg D lg, I tr ned. to 8.0 7.2 7.1 63 6.3 8.6 T7 7.6 68 6.7 9.3 83 8.2 T3 7.3 10.1 9.1 8.9 80 8.0 lt 3 10.2 100 9.0 8.9 131 11 7 11.5 i 0.3 10.3 160 144 141 2T 126 tr ls. I tr med. ll 6.2 56 5.4 4.9 67 59 57 52 7.2 64 6.2 5.6 7.9 70 6.8 61 8.8 T9 7.6 6.9 i02 9.1 8.8 7.9 125 111 10.7 9.7 5.7 6.1 6.5 7.2 8.0 9.2 1t.3 L]l440C I to40Bl Ft. Footcandle/Spacing SC 1.4 tr Dia. FC 144 4 sc 13 Ft. 6.5 Dia. 4.6 6.7 4.7 10.8 57 4.2 50.0 1AT Disrancelosurlace 13.3 15.8 293 85 10.5 192 13 5 125 128 143 101 sm. I 4.7 4.3 5.0 4.6 5.4 50 5.9 4.4 6.6 6.1 7.6 7.4 9.4 8.6 0( A{a!nP Low Prolile Downlight (t Overall heighl of 7%" allows use in ceilings where vertica clearance is restricted. Low aperture brightness f ixlure provides even light distribution with general service lamps. Available with specularAlzak rellectors in clear or gold orwith optical black aluminum Coilex batfle. Both retlectorand baffle provide minimum light source visibility. Feaiures. lntegral thermal protector .Adjustable socket cap maintains I H7AOtT.tA40C H7AOtT.tA40G 1) H790tT.tA40BA proper lamp focus for ditferent size lamps. Die cast alumjnum mounting trarne accommodates up to 1 t/1'thick ceiling materials. Universal mounting brackels allow use of '/1' EMT conduit, lathing channels orbar hangers for insiallation. Damp localion listed, iunction box listed for through branch circuit wiring Accessories TRM-8-P SlopeAdapter White metal trim ring, TRM-8-MB Black metal trim ring, TRR-8 Rimlesslrim ring, HSA-8 Options 1 841 C Self flange reflector, clear, 1841G Selfflange rellector, gold For more delailed specifications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder (Volume l), Section 1C. Halo Lighting 8'Aperture A.Lamp lncandescent Recessed Wall Washer/Downlight Low brighlness aperture lixture provides wall washing and downlighling with general service lamps. Choice of reflectors (in clear or gold) allows wall washing on single walls (1810), corridor walls 180'apart (1820), and corner walls (1830). lntegral thermal protector provides protection against overlamping and misuse ofinsulation materials . Adjustable die cast aluminum sockel cap maintains proper lamp focus for different size lamps. Die cast aluminum mounting frame accommodates up lo 1 /," lhick ceiling materials. Universal mounting bracketsallow use of %" EN4T conduit, lathing channels or bar hangers for installation. Damp iocation listed, junction box listed forthrough branch circuit wiring Features. (,t \_..::: t .__ ,' Single Wall Washer H7aO2T.r ar OC HTAO2TG.tATOG Double Wall Washer H7802T.r820C H7aO2TG.ta20G Co.nerWall Washer H7aO2T.1a30C ,\ \./ -!\ H7-8o2rg.lq99 150W 421 , 200W A23, 300W PS25 Accessories TRR-8 ring, Rimless trim =.:=:: I Formetaltrim rings, consult faclory Options 18'1'1C Single self llange refleclor, clear, 1811G Single sell llange reflector, gold,1821C Double self flange reflector, clear, 1821G Double selt flange reflectoi gold, 1831C Cornerself flangereflector,clear, 183'1G Corner self f lange retlector, gold For more detailed specif ications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder(Volume l), Section 1D. \./.......-'./ (A21) '€t===-J lllominationon Veitical Plane DD 2 3 1$oc Dtaioc sc0.8 leet lrotr! wall o -3'-n ft -4'-ll 19 17 19 14 13 14 Uniis S in Footcandles 6 26 2a 30 2s2929 2A 27 2a 26 24 2A 25 3Q 29 20 18 11 18 20 18 15 18 24 21 14 21 222322 19 17 19 20 21 20 16 17 16 20 16 20 19 24 2A -SLr-5'-r 13 913 D -6',-tr 12 612 i8 818 1T 1A 19 11 17 12 17 19 17 tr-4',-tr C-5-tr 777 6s6 12 11 12 9I9 15 13 15 12 10 12 15 14 15 12 12 12 17 15 17 14 11 14 17 17 17 14 13 14 Unit.4leell.od wall Lr -6'-tr 636 868 11 I 1l 10 t0 10 12 912 12 10 12 D -7'-ll 62 6 85I 10 6 10 11 I 11 a 11 11 Halo Lighling lncandescent Recessed 4"Aperture Low brghtness aperture downlight provides nafiow to rnedium distribution withthe use of R lamps. Available with specu arAlzak multiplier reflectors in clear, gold orblack. Refleclor provides 45' vlsual cutotf to lamp and amp lmage. Features. lntegra therma prolector H7410f.24oro,C H7410f.24o0c H74tOT.2400B provides prolection against overlampinq and rnisuseof insulation materlal . Dlecast alum num socketcap. Die cast aluminum mounting frame accommodates up to 1 7," thick ceiling materials. Universal mounting brackels alow use of /,' El\4T,lathing channels or bar hange rs for inslal ation . Damp location listed, lunction box listed for through branch circult wiring Accessodes 24oac ( \: =/ ) TBIvI-4-P White melal lrim r ng, TBN,4-4-N4B Blackmetallrim ring, TRR-4 Rlmlesstrim ring, HSA 4 SlopeAdapler Oplions 2401 C Self flange refleclor, clear,2401G Selfflange ref ector, gold, 24018 Selfflange reflector, black For more detailed specilications, p ease referto the Halo Technical Binder(Volume l), Seclion 14. tr2400c sc0.7 I Dia. 2E FC 380 13 2 4.5 Fl, Distancelosu ace 53 65 l0 6 65 85 10.5 125 FC a0 60 50 30 2A FC 80 1A 6A 50 40 30 2A Footcandle/Spacing ls. 22 26 2.8 3.6 4.4 2A 2.1 18 2.0 2.1 23 2.5 2a 33 23 26 30 36 t l3450BA SC0.5 1.9 I FC Footcandle,sPacing ao7 387 2.8 Ft. 36 oislancelosliece 4.5 226 1,18 45 65 85 105 125 145 53 6.2 105 lg. 23 25 27 30 33 3a 4T ned, 2.2 CIl( 20 22 2.3 2.5 23 25 2T 30 35 43 28 3.3 40 R.Lamp Downlight : ,l I 345OBA€ H7520T-34508A 50w R30, 75W 830, 7sW ER30 Low brighlness downlght provldes narrowto med um dislribution with useof R and ER Lamps. Optica blackdeep alun'rinum Coilex baff e provides 45'visua culoff to lamp. Features . Inlegral thermal protector provides protection against overlamp ing and misuse olinsulation materias . Die castalurfinum sockei cap ma ntains properlamp pos tion. Die casl alumlnum mounting frame accorf modates up lo 1 '/,"lhick ceiiing materlals . Universa mounting brackels allow useof y," EMT,lathing channe sor bar hangers for installalion . Damp location iisted,lunction box listed ior through branch circuilwiring AccessoriesTRM 4-P While meta trifir ring, TR[.4-4 MB Black rnetaltrim r ng, TBR 4 Rim esstrim ring, HSA-4 Slope Adapter For more detailed specif icalions, please re{erto the Halo Technica Binder (Volume l), Section '1A. Hao Lishlins -lncandescent Recessed 6"Aperture )0 Low br ghtness aperture downl ghts provide effective i urnination w th lhe useof R and PAB lamps. Avaiable with B.PAR Lamp Downlight specularAlzak cear, go d mLrll plerref ectors n orblack BefJeclor prov des 45"vis!al cutofl to lamp Features. lntegral therma prolector Die casl a urainum sockel cap ma n lains proper aanpfocus. Die cast alu rn num Tnount ng frarne accommodales upto 1r,/:"th ckcellng nrater a s. Un versalmount nq brackets alow use of t',' EMT conduit. lathlng channe s or bar hangers for inslal aiion. Damp location lsted,lLrncton box lsted for through branch clrcu tw ring H7620T.3600C H7620T.3600G H7620T.36008 H7640T.4600C HJ64oi.a6ooc q*) ,\ {i, \-------"' H7640T.46()08 3600c 4600c l50w R10. r50w PAR38 Accessories TBl,4-6-P White meta trim r ng, TRM-6-MB B ack rneta trim rng, TRR 6 Rir.lesstrm r ng. HSA 6 Slope Adapter Options ref ector, c Se 3601 C, 4601 C Seif f ange 3600G 4{i00G ear,3601G 4601GSelf f ange reflector go d.36018. 46018 t" I ji ange reflector, b ack 36008 46008 For more detaied specif cat ons, p ease reierto the Ha o Technica B nder (Volurne ), Seclion 1A. r3600c sc 1 0 FooicandlerSpacing FC 80 lg. 32 Fi. '10 57 /-5 D 451 216 124 ,15 65 €5 t0 5 12 5 sran.eroSlnace 110 5a 60 50 40 30 FC 70 60 50 40 30 20 30 37 ,10 ,15 32 36 .16 27 29 36 52 )(1 5t 19, r4650BA SC 0,1 t II Fl. D slanceloSurlac€ l Dia, 16 23 30 3T 44 51 I FC 2783 1336 illr 512 il6r 269 FoolcandlerS')acin.t Fl. 45 65 35 10 5 3! 42 ,16 51 32 39 42 55 61 52 63 125 145 59 72 Low brghlness down ight provides effective luminaton wih use of R. ER and PAR amps Optica black deep a uminum Collex balfle prov des 45'v sua R,PAR Lamp Downlight culoff to lamp. Featu.es. lntegral therma protector prov des protection againsl overlamp ng and m suseofinsu aton malerias ' Die cast a Lrrninum socketcap ma n la ns proper amp pos tion. D ecasl alum num rnoLrnting frame accoTnmo dates up to T l,"thick ceiling mater als. Universal mount ng brackels al ow use of r',' EMT condL.rit, ath ng channels or bar hangers tor instal ation. Damp throLrgh branch circu 't' I ocation listed,luncton box isled for tw ring meta H7740r.465oEA o90wPAF38 l20WEF40 150W F40. Accessories TBM-6-P While lr m r ng, TRN4'6-MB B ack meta trim ring, TRR-6 Rirl-llesstr m r ng, HSA 6 Slope Adapter For more detaied specifcat ons, please referto the Ha o Technical Binder (Volume l), Seclion 1A HaoLghtng lncandescent Recessed 6" Aperture R.PAB Lamp Adiustable Accent The H7643 fixture coordrnates in aperture appearance with other 6" unils and provldes an adjustable lamp aiming mechanism. The lampcan be aimed 40" fiom vertical and rotated 358' and both sett ngscan be ocked in position. A lamp angle scale allows unilormity in multiple un t insiallations. This finure mayalso be used asadownlghtln a sloped ceiling. Available with specular Alzak refleclorcones or with optrca blacka urninum Coilex batf e. tht t H7643T.4670G Ht64sr46zoB H7643T.46aOBA 75W R30, 75W PAF38 Q90 PAR3a, 1 sow F,14. 150W PAR38 Features. lnlegral thermal protector .Aiming and relamping can be performedfrorn above or belowceiling . Die casi aluminum mounting frame accommodates up to 172"thick ceiling materials. Universal mounting brackets Accessories Options TRI\,4-6-P White melal vim r ng, TBN4-6-MB Blackmeiallrim ring, TRR-6 Rimless trim ring 4671 C Self flange reflector, clear,4671G Selfflange ref eclor, gold, 46718 Selfilange reflecto( bLack For more detailed speciications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder(Volume l), Section 1E. 467ttC lllumanation o. Ve ical Plane D slancein Feel LampT led30"FromVenica lllumination Oslance n Feel on Horizontal Flane LampTiled 30'F.omVerlica S cenrerro cenler Spaci.g L BeamLenqlh 75wR3oFL 75wF30sP I5OWRaOSP 26 l€ sFc 2', 132 357 L SFC LS 75 3.9-5.9 1l3 56 27 15 9 59 56 FC 52 255 253 L 15 0 sFc 22 5', LS 5.1 3.9 7-5 FCLS 619 72 33 112 113 11.2 I5OWPAn3AFL 1159 Fc Fmrcandes t5owPAF3gsP 2.9 2.1 to' 12.5' l5 FCLSFCLSFCL 57 170 95 3ri 213 114 25 255 113 102 65 75 123 73 5.2 15.3 349 96 43 223 12A 51 155 144 290 9.1 55 135 11€ 66 129 14.1 606 5.3 35 3AA 73 12 269 8.7 fil ffir HaoLghtng 6" Apertu?e lncandescent Recessed E.Lalnp Wall Washel ).@ Fixture fealures an oplical black deep a umrnum black Co lex baillethatpro- vides low aperture brightness Polished a uminurn refleclor ellicient y d irects light to verlical su rlaces. Scoop and reflectorcan be rotated 360.. Larap positon adjusts with trjr. orientation. lnlegral thermal protector provides prolect on againstover ampng and rnisuseof insulalion raater als .One piece d ecasl scoopand tr m ing . Drecast aluminurn mounting frame accommodates Lrp 10 1 72' thick ceiling maleria s. Un versal molrnting brackets allow useof 1,/r'' El\4T condu t, lathrng channels or bar hangersfor instalat on. Damp location isted,junc t on box llsted forlhrough branch circuit wiring H7732T.4660BA Features. IT I l] delaied specif cat ons, please referlo the Ha o Technica For more Bnder(Volume l), Section 1D. lluh ination on Ve.tical Flane in Footcandles !466084 SCo 3 DD Units3teellromwall t-3',-2t8 17 17 13 11 l3 16 15 16 12 9 t2 15 14 15 11 9 11 13 14 13 10 9 l0 l1 12 1r 8 8 3 9996665 -Sl1 10 10 9 6 11 Units3feetfrom wall -3- I I 10 10 9 6 5 6 6 5 --5-L 64 53 53 -635 35 24 6 HaoLghtng lncandescent Recessed 8'Aperture Low brightness aperture downljght provldes effective illumination wiih the use of R and PAR lamps. Availablewith specular Alzak multiplier retlectors in clea( god orblack. Reflector provldes 45" visualcutoffto lamp and lamp i.nage. @r Featuaes. lntegralthermal proteclor H7840T.4aOOC Hza4oi.4aooc H7A40T.4AOOB Q90W PAR38, 1 50W R40, 150W PAR38 250W . Adjustabie die cast aluminum socket cap rnaintains proper lamplocus' Die cast a urninum mountingframe accommodales upto 1 /," th ckceiling mater als. Universal mounling brackets a low useof 7," EMT conduii, lathing channels or bar hangers for installation . Damp ocation listed,junbtion box listed iorthrough branch circuitwiring ,/. Accessories TRM-B'P White meta {.. \-* -- =--'r' } trim ring, TR[,i1-8-MB B ackmeta lrim ring,TRR-B Rimless trim ring, HSA-8 S ope Adapter Options 4801 C Self flange reflector, b ack clear,4B0lGSelf llangerefleclor, gold, 48018 SeLiilange ref ector, For more detailed specliications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder(Volume l), Section 1A. I 4AOOC SC0.7 Dia. 2T 3.9 5.2 o sranceloSurlace L 137.6 Ft. 64 7.6 386 253 178 133 45 65 85 i0.5 12.5 88 i45 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 2A Footcandle/Spacins ls. 46 5.0 5.4 5.9 6.6 7.6 93 med. 41 1.4 4.7 3.7 3.9 42 4.6 52 5.8 52 6.0 6.7 A2 T3 l4a50aa sco 5 Fl. Dia. 1.9 2A 3.7 54 I FC 24,1 Footcandle/Spacing 4 1171 63 5 Ft. 45 6.5 85 105 DislanceroSlnace 317 125 ls. ,1.0 4.2 46 5.0 56 6.5 7.9 ned. 36 3.9 0'{ 37 43 48 56 68 42 4.6 52 6.0 7.3 R-PAB Lamp Downlight Low brightness aperlure down ighl provides ellective illuminaUon withthe use ot R, PAR and ER amps. Opticalblack deep alum n!m Coilex baffle provjdes 45" vrsua cutotf to amp. H7940T.445084 oglw PAR38 1 R4a, 200w F40. 20W EF40, 1 50W PAFI38 I 50W o250w PAR38, 300W F40 Features. lnlegral thermal protector provides protectjon against overlampng and misuseof insulalion malerials Diecast alum num socketcap maintains proper lamp focus for difierent size lamps. Die casta uminum mounl ingframe accommodates upto 1%" th ckceiling rnater als. Universal mounting brackeis allow use of /," EMTconduit,lath ng channels or bar h angers for installation ' Darnp location I sted, junclion box isled forthrough branch circultw ring Accessories SlopeAdapler For more detailed specilications, p ease referto the Halo Technical Binder(Volume l), Section 1A. TRM-B-P Wh te metal trim ring, TRN,4-8-N,48 Black metaltrim ring, TRR-8 Rimlesstrim ring, HSA-8 Halo Liqhl no Incandescent Recessed S" Aperture R-Le!!p Wall Washer xture features an optica black deep Coiex baff eihat provides low aperture brighiness. Polished alu F a uminum mrnurn ref ectoreffic to vertical entydirects ight surlaces. Scoop and ref ector 360'. Lamp posit on can be rotaled adjLrsts wiih trim or entatron. !!7932Tj4q6984 1 5!W R40 200W F4!. 300W F40 FL lntegral thermal prolector provides prolect on against overlamp iag and misuseof insulation materials .One piecedie castscoop and trim r ng . Die cast aluminum mounting irame accommodates up lo 1 7'" thlck ceiling mater als. Universal mounting brackets allow use of /." EMTcoiduit. lathing cl annels or bar hangers for installation. Damp locat on isted.junct on box listed forthrough branch circuit wiring Features. l !' il l. I I lr.'.'. I ,-4r0 910 11 911 15 13 13 1.1 13 10 15 t2 / i -'l ,Lll ,; I ,.',. deiaied specif cat ons referlo the Ha o Technica Binder (Vo urne l), Secton 1D. For more p ease luminetion on Vertica I Plane in Footcandles t4a6oBA SC0 3 31 38 42 38 32 tnits3teetlromwall )-2- I -3 2A 31 23 17 23 36 38 30 2A 3A 42 12 31 24 31 39 38 26 26 26 31 32 21 22 21 11 17 -SN-4'- 20 11 2A 2T 12 Units 28 22 16 16 1? 13 I 2T 14 28 16 22 16 12 r-3-lt 13 1,1 r5 t8 17 18 18 19 18 17 13 17 13 12 14 13 15 15 Lamp 3leeilron wall rI-5',-u 969 12 712 t3 I 13 13 9 13 i-6 I I -l 8 I 11 13 15 15 13 11 l3 13 ll 13 13 t1 r4a70c I I lumination on Verli cal Plare llumination on Horizontal Plane n Dslance S C€nre,!o C€nler spa.nq I BeamLe.llh rsow B4o sP l5OW R4O FL r5ow PAn3asP 1sOW PAn3aFL 12 1630 J6 2,1 120 92 3ri 157 26 153 ri6 52 r3 132 73 50 3 ,1160 33 :6 1040 6r 24 .162 sFcr-sFctsFc 246 n Feel LampTilcd30 FoniVerlcal L Dslance Feel Tlled 30' F.om Ve ical S FC L SFC I 21 1517 42 32 637 73 223 r35 r2 3153 32 r31401 43 23 1190 43 .12 529 72 42 337 r04 SFC L sFc 12.5 LS 30 36 i5 FC I 15 6 33 r26 r30 2,1 733 64 56 132 56 293 96 The H7843 fixture coordinates n aper lure appearance with otherS" unils and provides an adjuslable amp ajrning mechanism for creating specialized iqhtinq ellects. The ampcan be aimed 40'from vert caland rotated 358'and both seitings can be locked in pos tion A lamp angle scale a lows uniform ty in mult ple un t inslallatons. Thisfixture may also be used as adown ight 1n a s oped cei ing. Avai able with specular Alzak rellectorcones rn c ear gold or b ack orwith oplical black alum nun'l Coiex baff e. R.PAR Lamp Adiustable Accent ( .Aim ng and relamping can be per tormedfrom above or be owce lng . D ecasl aluminum mounting frame accommodates up to 1'l,"th ckcei ng Features. lniegral thermal protector H7843T.4470C H7843T'4470G H7843T'48-OB Hts4aT-488oBA P4F33,150WR40 150W PAR38 o250wPAR33 300W R40 Q90 malerias. Un versa mounting B-P While metal brackets Accessories TRM Options trim r ng, TRM B MB B ack meta trim ing, TRR-8 Rrrnless iflm r ng 4871 C Self flange retlector, clea( 4871G Selfflange reilector, go d. 487T B Sellflange ref ector, black For more detailed spec f ications, re{erto the Halo Techn cal Binder(Volume l). Section 1E. p ease HaioLqhtinq lncandescent Recessed S" Ape ure PAR Lqmp Pull Down Adiustable ( Fixlure combines a recessed housing with a lampholder that can be exlended below the ceiling, adjusted 0q80'irom vertica and rotated 358'. Lampholder canfuly recess inlo housing forstralght downlighting. Lampholder f aceplate tw sts or ard o'l for easy retdmptng. Coordinaieswth L855 Halo Power Trac lamphoder. H7as5T.6a70p H7855T-6AaOBA QgOW PAR38. 1 5OW PAF38, Q25OW PAB38 Features. lntegral thermal protector provides prolecUon against overlampng and rnisuseof insulation malerial . Diecast alum num mounting lrame accomrnodates up 1o 1/2"lhick ceiling materia s. UniversaL mounting brackets allow use of /," EMTconduit, lath ng chan ne s or bar hangers ior installalion. Damp ocation lisled, junciion box listed forthrough bran.h circu i wtr ng Accesso es. I L200 series co orfil- lers (L211 med. pink, L212watmted, d46, L220 daylight blue, L221 med. blue, L231 amber, L241 med. green), L210 LinearSpread Lens, L215 Radial Spread Lens (120W maximum); L275 cube celllouver (150W maximum). For rnore detailed speciiicatlons, please referlo the Halo Technical Binder (Volume l), Section 1E. L855P I L85EMB lllumination on Horizontal Plane Lamp D lluminarion on Vertical Plane O90WPAR38SP L s FC DLFCS I 6i 7 53 5 46 4 38 3 30 1230 30 177 69.2 40 90.4 35 LFCS 11.2 256 8.4 455 7.0 655 56 1023 5.6 42 3.5 2769 20 2 25 28 DLFC 16 64 14 5.6 12 4.4 10 40 B 3.2 s 489 639 86.9 125.2 195 6 56 4.9 4.2 LFCS 84 31 7 63 66 53 126.9 6.5 35 2.4 812 5l 4.1 56.4 49 HaoLghling lncandescent Surface 6" Aperture a'Lq!!P CeilingMount Downlight Round cylinder surtace fixtures with seamless spun aluminum housings availableinwhite. bronzeorblackfinish can be used to blendwith oraccent varying archilectural styles. Avallable wilh specularAlzak ref ectors in clear or gold orwith optical black aluminum Coilex batfle. Features. Same precision designed reflectors and batlles as oflered with recessed A-lamp fixtures. Adjustable socket maintains proper lamp focus for ditlerent size lamps. Durable powder coat housing finish. Damp location isted Ha600P/BZlMB.l600C HA600P/BZlMB.r 600G H8600P/BZlMB.160084 60w419, 75WAt9 100W419 150W421 AcGessories H836-P White pendant kit, HB36-BZBronze pendant kit, H836-N,48 Black pendant kit Ordering inlormation specify housing with linish (P,BZor MB) and trim type (C,G or BA). Forexample, H8600BZ-16008A For more detailed specif ications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder(Volume I), Seciion 24. trt600c lt6008a Fl. sc i.3 tr Dia. 5.4 7.8 sc12 FC Ft. 6.5 8.5 12.5 I FC Foorcandle/Spacing Dia. 48 6.9 9.0 11.1 335 196 3t 8 146 103 DislanceIoSu ace 12.7 15.1 r29 9.1 16 17.5 13.2 15.3 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 tr lg. 5.1 55 5.9 6.5 7.3 8.4 10.3 r t] ned. I 4.5 4.5 3.9 4.8 4.8 42 51 51 4.5 5.6 5.6 63 6.3 5.5 7.3 7.3 6.4 8.9 8.9 7.8 fl sn. I 3.9 34 42 3.7 4.5 4.4 5.5 6.4 7.8 4.9 5.6 6.9 Halo Lighling lncandescent Surface 8"Aperturc a'L44P CeilingMount Downlight @{ Round cylinder surface lixtures with seamless spun aluminum housings available in white. bronzeor blacktinish can be used to blend wilh oraccent varying architectural styles. Available wilh specularAlzak reflectors in ciearor gold orwith oplical black deep aluminum coilex baffle. HaaooP/BzMB.l aooc H8800P/BZlit8.1800G Features. Same precision designed reflectors and baffles as otfered with recessed A-lamp fixtures. Adjustable sockei maintains lamp focus ior ditlerent size lamps. Durable powdercoat housing finish. Darl]p locatjon listed rylt Accessories H836-P While pendant kit, HB36 BZ Bronze pendantkit, H836-MB Black pendant kit Ordering inf o.mation speclfy housing with finish (P,8Zor MB)and lrim type (C,G orBA). Forexample, H8800BZ,1B00BA For more detailed specif ications, please refer tothe HaloTechnical Binder(Volume l), Section 24. n I taooBA Ft. D ttooc scl sc 0 1.0 Die. 6.4 13 10.3 12.3 142 L] FC 442 49.2 65 8.5 srancerosu ace 323 105 224 125 14.5 16I I FC 1424 6a 2 399 261 la5 137 Dia. 4.3 6.2 81 100 119 138 FC 80 70 60 50 4A 30 20 Footcandle/Spacing tr ls. r tl ned, I -l sm. I 6.5 5.8 5.7 5 5.1 46 69 6.2 6.1 5.5 5.5 ,1.9 75 67 66 5.9 59 s3 a2 7.3 73 6.5 6.5 5.8 92 A.2 81 72 73 6.5 10.6 94 94 84 84 75 130 116 115 102 1 lncandescent Surtace 6'Ape ure E'P4!tg!!P CeilingMount Downlight Bound cylinder surface iixtures with seamless spun a uminum housings avaiable in whlle, bronze or black finish can be used to b end wlh oraccent varying architectu ral slyles. Avai able wjth specularAlzak mulliplier refleclors in clear, gold orblackorwith oplica black deep aluminum Coiex baffle. Ha600P/BZlMB.3600C H8600P/BZlM8.3600G rli6ooP/Bzlr\rB.360oB HA600P/BZlMB.46s5BA egowpaage. rzowenao rsow ianso Features.Same precis on designed reflectors and baffies as otfered with recessed R/PAR larn p iixtu res . Adjust able socket maintains properlamp focus for d iilerent size iamps. DurabLe powder coat housing flnish. Damp location listed Accessories H836-P White pendant kit, H836-82 Bronze pendanl kit, H836-MB Biackpendant kit ordering into.mation specify houslng with iinish (P,BZor l,4B)and trim type (C,G,B or BA) For example, HB60082-3600G For more detailed specif ications, please refer to the Halo Techn cal Blnder(Vo ume l), Section 2A. u3600c t46558A Ft. Lamp 75wF303 r5owF4o sc 1.0 SC0 4 Dia. 5T 75 93 110 FC D sranc€rosldace 216 126 33 aB 4.5 65 8.5 10.5 125 274 A 1.6 1336 78 r 23 3.0 51 2 36l FC aa 7A 60 50 40 30 2A Foolcandle/Spacing 3.2 3.4 3.7 4.0 45 52 64 lE. r 3.6 2.8 3.9 30 ded. 42 59 72 4.6 36 5.1 40 ,16 32 56 atrsm.a 2.5 32 36 21 31 3.9 2.9 36 42 32 4a 47 36 4a 55 4.1 5.2 3.3 Hao Lighling lncandescent Surface 6" Aperture R.PAR Lamp wall Moulr! qg!'I!igh! tr){ I H8605P/BZlM8.3600C H8605P/BzlMB.360oc H8605P/BZlit8.36008 Ha6o5P/BzlM8.46558A Q90W PAB38, 120W ER40. 150W PAF38. Wa lmounted su rface lixtu res featu re seamless spun aluminum housings available in white, bronze or black finish can be usedto blend with oraccenl varyinq architectu ral styles. Avaiable withspecuiarAlzakmultiplierreflectors in clear, qold or black orwlth optical black deep alumlnum Coilex baffle. rR ir Features. Same precision desig ned rellectors and baffles asoffered with recessed R/PAR lampfinures. Die cast aluminum wall mounting bracket . Durable powdercoat housing finish . Wet location listed Ordering inlormation specify housing wilh linish (P,BZ or NiB)and trim type (C,G,BorBA) Forexample, 465584€D tr3600c 146558A Lahp 7sw F3o & I H860582'3600G For more detailed speciiications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder(Vo ume l), Section 24. 150WR40SPl sow a4o sc10 SCo 4 wt/] )1 ,/ Dia. 5T 75 93 110 FC Ft. D stanceloSudace I ,/-)t1,,-4, ,/ ,4 f .,,1 216 126 a3 58 Ft. 45 6.5 8.5 105 12.5 FC 27BA Dia. 16 30 3.7 1336 7a 1 512 36l 51 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Footcandle/Spacing 3.2 3.4 37 4.0 4.5 52 6.4 lg. r j med. aUsm. 36 2.8 3.3 2.5 3.9 3.0 36 2.7 42 32 3.9 29 4.6 3.6 42 32 5.1 I 3.2 3.4 3.6 59 7.2 4.0 4.6 5.6 4.7 5.5 3.6 41 67 5i 4A 4.5 52 63 | lncandescent Surlace S" Aperture CeilingMount R.PAR Lamp Downlight [(\ RoLrnd cyl nder surface lixtures with seamless spun a urfinum housrngs available in wh te, bronzeor blackiinish can be used to blend wrih or accent varying architectu ral styles. Avai able with specu arA zak reilectors in clear, go d or black or w th optjcalb ack deep alurl]inum Coilex bafile. H8800P/BZlMB.4800C HSAOOP/BZlMB.4aOOG HSaOOP/BZlMB.4AOOB PAF38,150WR40 150W PAR38 o2s0 PAR38 300W 840 Q90 lCI Fealures. Same precision designed reflectors and baffles as otfered wilh recessed R/PAR lamp fixtures. Adjust able socketcap ma nlains proper lamp locusford flerenl size lamps. Durab e powdercoat housing finish. Damp ocaUon llsted H8800F/BZlM8.4855BA Q90 PAF33 120W EF40. r50W 8,10 150W PAF38 Accessories HB36 PWhite pendant kil, HB36 BZ Bronze pendant kii, H836-MB Blackpendant kit Ordering information specity housing with f nish (P,BZor N,4B)and lrim type (C,G,B or BA) FoT examp e. H8800BZ-4800G p ease For more delaied specif cat ons, referlo the Ha o Technica Binder (Volume l), Section 24. L t4a55BA r4aooc sco SC0 7 5 ]5OW F4O SPI Dia, 19 117 l 2.4 Ft. orsranceroSurlace 27 39 52 64 T6 88 1316 66.0 3e6 253 174 133 6.5 85 10 5 125 145 685 4411 317 235 63 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 FootcandlerSpacin9 .l ls- I 46 10 42 50 46 54 59 50 66 56 76 65 T9 93 med. 41 44 ,17 52 58 67 A2 l 36 39 42 al sm. I 3.7 34 39 3T 4.2 40 4I 56 6a 5.2 5.2 6.0 6.0 T3 T3 HaloLghling Low Voltage fo; Controlled Ouality lllumination Halo lowvoltage recessed fixiures with integral magnelic transformers are designed for etficient operation. They provide precise beam controlwith dramatic etfects. The small point source filament and optical control in lowvoltage MR-16 and PAR36 lamps delivermore usable illumination than standard incandescenl lamps. Because less dDl 1' i watlage is used,less heatls produced. Air-conditioning cosls are therefore reduced. Energy etficient lowvoltage lamps logether with stale-ot-ihe-arl Halo iixtures are engineered for maximum adjustabilily. Light is d rected whereyou wanl it. There is nostray liqht. MR-16]ow voltage fixlures are deal forlightinq where hiqh lamp heal isa problem if good color rendilion is necessary. fi( lormer steps l2OV input down to lamp operating Yoltaqe. Junction bor listed torlhrough branch circuit wiring. Junction bor is positioned conduil runs. The %"and5/." knockouts tacilitate wiring and Diecastaluminum mounlilrg ftamesare corrosion tree. irA" deep collar accofimodalesceilins materials ol varying Exclusive Universal ounting Brackets EltT conduiq lathing channels or opiiolral bar hangers to sim- plify installation. conduit installation. Halo Liqhtinq r''.W,+-. PAn36and Rl6 lamos are especially eflective in acceni and display lightinq. 2' MR]6 2' MRJ6 42 41/42 Low Voltage Recessed 6'Aperture PAR 36 Adiustable Accent ilmI Low voltage fixture providesan adjustab e lampaiming rnechanism for pro viding either downllghting or accent ighting. Lamp can be aimed 40"from verlical and rotated 358'. Lamp scale allows uniform sett ngs in multiple unit instal ations. Available w th specu ar Azak reilectors in clea( go d or blackor with optjcalblack aluminum Coilex baff le. H9'16 lampholder accessory allows the use of IlBl6low voltage lamps in p ace of the PARS6lamp. Batfle/lampho dersnaps into p aceand MRl6lamp sockel plugs intowirinq harness. Fealures. lntegra lherma prolector H7673T-4670C H7673T.4670G H7673T-45708 H7673T.46aOBA Ace$ory 12Voll 50W PAR36, 75W PAB36 (orwlh H916 42W MR16, 50Wt{F16. 75W MR16) ,.\ \_ provides protection aga nstover arnp ing and m suse ofinsu ation materials . lntegral springs alow useofcolorfil ters,louvers and lenses. lntegral magnetrc translormer. Die cast alum num rnounting frame accommodates upto 1 T,"thlckcei ing materals.Universal mounling brackets a low use of %' El\y'T condu t, laihing channels or bar hangersfor nsta lation. Damp location listed,lunction box isted for through branch circuitw ring _)' Accesso.ies For PAR36 1200 ser es co orii ters (L21 1 med. pink, L2'12 warm red, L220 daylight blue, L221 med. blue, L23'1 amber, Cr L241 med. green), L210 LinearSpread Lens, L215 RadialSpread Lens,1275 Cube Ce lLouver arn pholder convers on series colorfillers (L112 red, L130ye low, Ll31 amber), L110 Spread Lens. ForH916 MB16 kit-L100 For more detaied specilcations please refer to the Halo Technical Binder (Vol ume l), Seclion 1G. llluhination Lamp D on Hori:onta I Plane I 50W PAF36 NSP O'Aiming An9le LAMP FC 538 121 1 llumination on Vertical Plane sOWPAR36NSP I s DL 15 12.5 10 7.5 5 s 4.2 3.5 45 3a 30 23 15 215 3 2A 21 DL 15 12.5 10 75 FC s 35 2a 21 57 48 3.8 29 246 354 554 984 5 4 3 2 48 3.8 2.9 19 FCS 499 7a 0 138 6 312.0 23 1.8 14 0o r,l.M I Halo Lghi ng low Voltage Recessed Recessed adjustable fixture for 42W to 75W lowvoltage MRl6lamps. Avail able with specularAizak clear, gold or black 27%" reflector cones or 1%"black beveled aluminum aperiure trim. Lampholdercan be aimed 45" from verticaland rotated 358i Both adjLrstments can be locked in position- Both retlector and batfle produce very low apertLrre bightness with extremely sharp visual cutofl to amp. lntegral thermal protector provides protection against overlamping and misuseof insulation materials . lntegral magnelic low voltage translormer. Die cast aluminum mounling lrame accommodates up to l"thick ceil ing materials. Universal mounting brackets allow use of '/2" EMT conduit, lathing channels or bar hangers for MRT 6 Adiustable Features. c5"' FC H74631.7270,C H74631.7270G H746;if.7270B H7463T.72808A l2Voltr 42WMR16, 50W Mn16 75WMRi6 installation.Damplocation listed, junction box listed forthrough branch circuit wling Accessories L1 00 sedes colorfilters (1112 red, L130ye low, L131 ambeo L110 Spread Lens. For more specilications, please refer to lhe Halo Technical Binder lllumination on (Volume l), Section 1G. 7270C Lamp llorizontal Plane lllumination O75W MFi6 NSP Lahp s 5.1 on Vertical Q75WMB16NSP Pla.e DI 15 125 10 7.5 5 54 45 36 2T 42.1 t8 60.7 94.8 168 6 379.3 4.3 3.4 2.6 1.7 DL 15 12.5 10 7.5 5 FC 6.3 53 42 3.2 2.1 252 363 567 1m.8 226 A SDLFCS 6.3 5 4 5.3 4.2 3 2 3.2 21 63 50 38 2.5 453 703 1258 243.4 33 26 2.0 1 3 HaoLghling Low Voltage Recessed MRI6 Downlight/Adjustable @t E7460l.72ooc H7460T.7200G H7460T.72008 H7460T.72508A iz vott,lzw vnr o sowvnro.zswvnro Low aperture briqhtness downliqht for 42 to 75W low voltage lMRl6lamps. H4r99r i2vol 42W MR16. 50WMR16. 75W MB16 Available with specular Alzak reilectors in clear, gold or blackorwith machined aluminurn black Coilex baffle. Both reflector and baille produce very low aperlure brightnesswilh extreme y sharpvisua cLrtoff to amp. Features. lntegral lhermal protector . lnlegral low voltage magnelic lransformer. Die cast trims present clean crisp appearance. Universal mounting brackets a low useol /2" ElvlTcondult, laihing channels or bar hangers lor installatlon. Die cast aluminum frame accommodates up to 1" thick cei ing malerials. Ouick release lamp spring permits easy relarnping, glass saiety shie d with trims. Damp location llsted, lunction box isted forthrough branch circuitwiring m( Accessories Ll00seriescoloriiJters (L1'12 red, L130ye low, L131 amber) Ll l0 spread lens. For rrore delailed speclficatons, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder (Vo ume l), Section 1F. 720(,c lllumirarion Lemp on Horilontal Plane O75lVRl6 NSP Q75MF16 DL 16 t4 12 7.0 61 53 70 39.3 60 6.1 51.5 5.3 53 700 4.5 .r.4 1006 38 1572 3.0 35 LWFCS 150 15.0 131 13.1 11.3 113 9.4 94 75 7.5 87 113 154 221 34.6 140 12.3 105 88 70 Dia. 1.2 1 I 2.4 29 35 4.0 NSP O75 MR16 FL Ft FC FC 497 A 4.5 109 4 23a6 6.5 52,1 1395 85 307 91.4 10 5 241 64 5 12.5 142 ,119 14 5 10 5 Dia. 2.4 4.1 53 6.6 7.8 91 ffut Hao L shlins Low Voltage Recessed MR16 Framing Projebioi n Adjustable recessed iraming projector flxt!re is designed to produce astraight sided beam oi light that can be shaped andfocused to exacllyframe apa nting, print, lapestry or other wal hanging. The fixlure features a two ensdoube asymmetrical convex condensing opticalsystem, nfinite y adjustable focusng barreland foureasylo adjusl spring steel shr.rtlers. These feaiures combine toproduce any three orfourslded bearn oi ightwith uniform light iniensity across the beam. Projeclorcan be aimed 45'from verlica and rotated 358' Both adlustments can be locked in positon withouttoo s. Tr m s11 s/6" 2%"x 1%"oblong slot. Adiustab e ir s accessory (L256)convertsthe slraighl sided proieclorinto an nf n te yadjustab e round beam proleclor. O.D. with Features . Inlegral therma protector provides protection against overlamp ing and m suse ofinsu at on materiaLs .Quick re ease lampholderspr ng per mits easy relamping . lMagnetic ow voltage transformer. Die cast alumi num mounling frame accornmodaies up to 1'l," th ck cei ing mater als. Universalmounling brackets a low use oi 7," EMT conduil, lalhing channels or bar hangers ior instalat on. Damp ocation lsted, junction box isledlor through branch circu tw ring H70667 12VOI 5OWMRl6NFL 75WNiFl6NSP Accessory accessory L256 Adlustab e lris For more detailed speciicaiions, please referto the Halo Techn cal B nder (Volume l), Seciion 1G. |. 2 3 30 lllunination Distance lroh Wal I Aiming Anslel.om vertical Beamwdlhrn SeamL€iglh D'slancelromCe ngloTopor Footand on a Vertical Plane LampOT5MFl6NSP 30' 296 510 17 6 lnch€s .lnches es 45 194 3,10 B€am ll8 230 525 210 3.15 788 3r5 120.0 60I 533 45 39.5 63 0 235 3ao 30 46 0 105.0 420 152 45 30 494 85.0 515 1313 294 192 ,15 30ss 3 690 102 0 157 5 353 630 133 68 45691 1t9 0 11 1 98 78' 30 3050 183 75 73.50 500 136 45 30 790 924 0 210 0 47.0 8,10 75 38 llluminationon HorizontalPlane 0.a g^ 914 80.8 646 485 323 lanp L W 9 O75[4Fr6NSP AeamLenqlh iliches Beamwidlh n nches DIWFC 12 970 10 803 I 646 6 4A5 4 323 68 98 153 272 612 Halo Lghi ng Ballastwiring tirlure wiring-no harness plugs into Ouick ftounl has laplor 1201277 protection and ds.l inlegr.l ihornal brlt..l tDl HaoLightinq High lntensity Discharge Downlights High efliciency and favorable spacingto-moLrnting heighl ralios make Halo High lntensity Discharge recessed downlighling the ght choice lor general downlighting orwall washing in higher ceiling applications. Retleciors and lamps combineto Aselection of 13" square lens are available in awidevar etyof optical designs for coniro led lighl transmission- 2'x2'squares are oflered for use in delivermore lightal less cost. Halo HID fixtures are upto three times as efficient as fluorescentfiltures and up io five times as efficient as incandescent fixtures. Higher etticiency means f ewer lixtures are necessary. Ceilings remain uncluttered. lnstallation costs stay ow. Long lamp life also keeps maintenance costs low. Halo ofiers a comprehensive ine of recessed HlDfixtures. These low brightness f inures dislribLf e even illumination. The refleclordesign provides 45'visual cutoff to the amp. Fixiures are available for use with mercury, metal halide or high pressure suspended ceiling applications. Fixtures designed for low surf ace brightness and avaiiable 1n three lens designs. l{lD Surlace Units Produce Eflicient, Ouality lllumination lorWall and Ceiling Mounted Applications. The clean simple lines ofseamless aluminum rounds and sofl squares have a pleasing daytime appearance while providing functional night time illumination. Choice of two finisheswhite or bronze durable powdercoat. Highetficiency, lowaperturebrightness and 45'visual cut-off to lamp are teatured in all aperture types. Six inch and ten inch aperlure units accommodale a range of HID lamps and waltages to meet the most demanding lighiing needs. Quick mount ballasls wlth multi-tapfor 120/ 20412401277 vo tswting are standard on mostfixlures. Ceiling mounted units are UL listed and suitablefordamp location. Wallmounted unils are wet location listed. Surface ceiling andwal products are designed to mount easily io junction boxes. They coordinate w th Halo incandescenl surface units 1o maintain afamily idenlity. HID Surface units coordinale wilh Hao incandescent suriace unitsto ma ntain alamily identity. sodium lamps. HID recessed downlights are in aperture size (6",8", 10", 12")and trim to maintain an unified ceiling appearance. They also coordinate wilh Halo incandescent recessed fixtureslo maintain an overa I family idenlity. coordinated A Selection of Lens Units Halo Lighting otfers lhree styles of HID recessed lens units-round. 13" square and 2' x 2'. Highly eff icienl ref lector allows maximum use of the HID lighl source to provide glarefree, low brightness even illumination downlighting. Round lens units are available in 8" or ll"diameters and in tresnelor prismatictypes. 10 Mer., MH, HPS 53 46 51 49 52 54 Erclusive Universsl founling Brackets Junction bor listed tor through branch circuitwiring. Junction box is positioned Die castaluminum Er mounting ftamesare corrosion tree. l%' deep Squatelens ll 13 Merc MH HPS Merc MH HPS 55 56/59 60/61 conduil, lathing collaraccom. channels or optional bar hanEers to simplily installation, toallowstraight conalsit runs. The %"and 34 knockouts lacilitate wiring and conduit i nstellrrion. modalesceiling malerialB ot Yarying 10 Merc, MH, HPS 62/63 64/65 66/67 Halo L ght ng HID Recessed 6" Mercury Aperture Mercury, HPS Downlight Low brightness aperture down ight pro' vides even ilumination with HID an]ps. Availab ewith specularAlzakreflectors orwith opt calb ack a urninum Co lex bafile. Ref ectorand batfie provde45' visLralcutoff. M7600.540.24600C/G M7600.540.24600BA HPS Features. Thermally prolected bal- ast. Die casl a um num sockei cap .Adjustab e sockel provides norrnalio wide d strlbuiion. Die casta urninum mounting frame accomrnodates upto 1 y,"thickcei ing rnaterlals. Unversal mounting brackets.Ou ck mounl, p ug in bal ast with dua lap fot 1201277 vo ls . Damp ocatlon lsted, junclion box listed lorthrough branch circuit wir ng rD( M7600.6r O.6r 600C/G M76OG6l 0.6lqOOBA M7600.620.62600C/G M7600.620.62600BA aibooc (r :r:33: :aboo \_=_ \.- _/ ) Accessories S ope Adapter, TRL4-6-P Wh te metal tr m ring, TRM-6-N,48 Black metaltrim ring, TRR-6 Rimless lrim ring, H54-6 bar H8261'/"C channel hangers-26", HB50 1'l,'C chan- :f333 216008A 61600BA 626008A . 1\, L _--/' y, hangers-50' Options Se l llange ref ectors nelbar change last digit of rellector number from "0'to 1 ', (e.9. M7600-54024601C), Fuse Add F" (e.9.117600540F), Quarlz standby llght Add 'Q' (e. g. NI7600-540Q-24600CQ) For more detailed specificalions, relertothe HaloTechn ca Binder (Volume ll), Section 1A. p ease lahp 100w Merc Dx 24600C SCI 3 12450084 SCo 9 l 100wA23 Dia. i FC 100w 817 a FC Daa. 'j Ft. o sranc€ rosurrace 83 108 133 1e.4 4a 324 1S0 65 35 358 209 62 81 100 124 r05 125 r37 97 65 r45 on |9 FC 80 TO 60 50 40 30 20 Footcandlerspacins lg, 58 6.2 67 7.3 4.2 95 116 I ll med. I 50 43 42 45 53 52 57 5.6 19 63 61 a4 7A 6.4 6.0 31 79 69 9o 96 3s il sm. I 41 3.7 44 40 ,1.3 4T 4T 52 58 5.2 61 67 a2 t4 !246rOC Ladp 100W MercDx llluminalion SC12 Units3leeilromwall -3-4 31 31 31 24 22 24 35 36 35 27 21 2T 36 36 36 27 27 2T 32 32 32 24 24 24 26 26 26 2A 20 20 21 21 21 16 16 16 vertical Plane Lt in Footcandles 22 15 22 23 2A 23 22 21 22 19 19 19 t6 16 16 13 13 t3 -s',- ll -S- Units 4leetlrom wall 16 16 01 , )-7-i -6'- 12 12 12 612 9 13 11 13 12 412 14 13 14 13 10 13 14 12 11 12 t3 13 13 lt 11 tl 11 10 10 10 1 21 1a 21 21 14 21 19 17 19 16 16 t6 -4-5',16 13 12 13 t8 t8 l5 14 15 20 20 20 16 16 16 20 21 2A 16 17 16 13 1,1 13 19 19 19 15 16 15 17 1T 1T 14 14 14 10|t0 -618 Mercury, HPS Wall Washer/Downliqht Low brig htness apertu re Jixtu re pro vldes wal wash ng and down iqhtinq wlth h gh eiiiciency,long ife medium base HID amps. Avallab ewith specular Alzak reflectors in clearorgold. Featutes. Thermally 2161AQ prolected bal 616r0C 62610C last.Ouick mount plug n ballastwlh dualtap lor 120,277 volls. Dle cast alumlnurn socket cap. Dle cast aluminum mounling frame accornrf odates up to 1/,"thick ceiing materlals. Un versal mounling brackets a low useof 1r" EI/T, ath ng channels orbarhangers for lnstallalion . Damp ocation isled, Mercury Single Wall Washer junct on box Listed forthrough branch circu tw ring M760t .540.245r Mt6o r.s4d246loc t{Ps SingleWall Washer OC Accessories TRR'6 Rim esslrim ring, ' For meialtrlm rings, consultfaclory, H8261%" C Channelbar hangers 26", HB50 1 %" C Channe bar hangers-50" Options M760t.6 t 0.6t 6t oc M760r.6r 0.6r 6r OG M7601,-620.626r OC Se f flange ref ector Change lasl dig t of refleclor numberlrom '0 to 1" (e.9. M7601-540-24611C), Fuse Add F'(e.9. M7601 540F) For more detailed specifications, p ease referto the HaloTechn ca ft'E I 14LO9r ezOezOr oc Binder (Volume ll), Section 1E. Halo Lghi ng 8'Aperture Mercury, HPS HID Recessed Downlight n Low brightness aperture downljght distributes even illuminalion with high etficiency, long lile medium base HID lamps. Available wilh specular Alzak reilectors in clear or gold orwith optica black aluminLrm Coilex baille. Bolh reilectors and batfle provide 45'visual cutotf to lamp. Features. Thermally protected bal last. Quick mount plug in ba lastwith duallaplot 1201277 volIs. Die cast aluminum socket cap. Adjustable sockel provides normal to wide distribution .Diecastalum num mounling frame accommodates up to T /2"thick ceiling materials. Universa mounting brack Mercury M7aOO.540.24aOOC Mz666.54o.24oooc uzqoo.540.r?489oBa HPS 4l ot'l," ElVlTconduit, athing channels or bar hangers for nstallation. Damp location listed, lunclior box lrsted to'through brancr c rcuil ets allow use M7aOO.630.63AOOC ' Accesso esTRM-8-P Whrre meral ( --/ M7800.630.63'004 ) ,ouoo" b3oooc M780063063800G trlm ring, TR|-8-L4B Black meialtr m ring, TRR B Bimlesstrim ring, HSA B Slope Adapler, HB26 1 /," Cchanne barhanger barhanger Options 26", 50" HB501/,"C channel Se f flange refectors Change t r li last diglt of reflector numberfrom "0" "1" (e.9. M7800-540-24801C), Fuse to -\=:---.==--' -/ ,,,uoo. bJSooG Add "F' {e.9. 1V17800-540F 24800C), Quarlzstandby lightAdd "Q" (e.9. t\,47800,540Q-24800CQ) For more delaied speciiications, please refer to lhe Halo Techn cal Binder(Volume ll), Section 1A. 2,r3008A 638008A tr24a00c sc 1 4 I24AOOAA SC0.9 Ft. D srancero Surrace Dia. 5.T a2 11.0 132 15.7 r00wa23 , Lt 100wBt7 I FC BA7 347 22 6 l4a r0 5 Ft. 45 65 a5 105 FC 1198 Oia. 39 5T T5 s74 336 224 92 11.0 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 2A Foorcandle/Spacin9 il ls. r !l med. I 61 5.5 5i 48 65 59 54 5.1 70 64 59 5.5 77 7.0 64 61 a6 TA 72 6.8 99 90 83 12.2 11.4 14.2 96 43 46 50 55 6.1 45 5.3 6.0 69 a7 Hao Lghuno 8'Aperture U rculy, tES HID Recessed Wall Washer/Downlight @t Meacury Single Wall Wqsier M7aOr.540-24Al M74Ot.540.248r OC OG Double Wall Washer M7aO1.540.24A2(,|e M780r.540.24a20G Corne?Wall Washer 3fl33 \ 24810G 638i 0G EZq!]lE@_ t{Ps M7aOr.540.24a30C Lrq0!04@ Double Wall Washe. singb *ill wa-9_tr9r. M7801-630.63a1OC -\ (. Y) Low brightness aperturefixture provides wall washing and downlighting with high efficiency, long lifemedium base HID lamps. Choice of specular ref ectors in clearor gold. Beflector lypes ailow wall washing on single walls (24810 and 63810), corridorwalls 180" apari (24820 and 63820) and corner walls (24830 and 63830). Features . Thermally 24A2AC protecled bal- lasi.Quick mount, pluq--in ballasl with dual1aplot 1201277 volts. Die cast aluminum socketcap maintains proper lamp focus. Diecast aluminum mounling frame accommodates up to 1 /," thick ceiling materials . Universal mounting brackets allow useol /," El\4Tconduit, lathing channels or bar hangers for installation. Damp location lisled,junction box listed forthrough branch circuil wiring M780r 630.63820C M78di:$O63820c Corne.Wall washer M780r 630'63830C M?80r .6ao.63,s30c 24a20G ma20G /_\ \)) \+ 6Dl \:_:. za Accessories TRB-8 Rimless trim ring, ' For metal trim rings, consult factory, H826 2,430C 63A30C 1 /," hanget 26" , flB50 C Channel bar 11/2" C Chan nel ..-..'..-- barhangers 50" OptionsSelf flangerefleclorsChange last digit of reflector numberlrom 24€30G 63A30G L DD 2 3 5 6 "0'lo ''1" (e.9. NI7B01'540-24811C), Fuse Add "F" (e.9. M7801-540F-24810C) -_,,b l.oh wall in For more detailed specif ications, please reter to the Halo Technica Binder{Volume ll), Section Footca.dles 1E. Lanp i 00W Merc Dx tr240roc sco 9 llluninarionon Vertical Plan€ ffi tr-3',-tr 323432 42 42 42 43 42 43 3€ 38 38 31 32 31 26 26 26 Units 3 teet -Str-4'-U D-5',-tr 26 21 26 24 1424 33 30 33 30 21 30 31 32 31 26 25 26 28 29 2A 22 23 22 23 24 23 1A 20 18 19 20 19 15 16 15 tr_6_tr 23 923 29 24 19 15 12 13 29 19 24 19 17 14 19 15 12 Units 4leet fl -4 -L i3 13 13 21 19 21 23 24 23 24 24 24 23 23 23 20 2t 20 lrom wall u -5'- tr 11 l0 t1 18 14 i8 19 19 19 19 19 t9 18 18 i8 16 17 16 c -6'-l 10 810 16 17 14 16 16 t0 16 r-7'-il 10 5 10 16 7 16 11 12 15 t3 13 13 15 13 11 17 16 15 15 15 13 14 13 fftl Halo Light ng HID Recessed 8" Aperture Downlight t Ellipsoidal reilectors prov de mediurn Mercury, MH, HPS Ellipsoidal ir9!99!v M7ar 5.540€4A50C/G/B 478r s.s4o!4q5gB M7At 5.ssO€4a50c/c/B M78r 5.55o.348so84 distibulion and very low aperture bightness wiih a varieiy ofhigh etfi ciency,long life HID lamps. Smdlaper tures provide minimum lightsource visibility.Avai ablewithspecularAlzak refleclors in clear, goldorblack orwith optical black aluminum Coilex baffle. protected balast.Quickmount, plug-in ballastwith dualtap lor '1201277 volts. Adjustable die cast aluminum socket cap provides normal to wide distribution. Die casl aluminum mounting frame accommodates up to 1r,/,"thickceiling materials. Universal mounting brackels alow use of %" ElrT conduit, lathing channesor bar hangers ior installaUon . Damp localion listed,junclion box listed for through branch wiring M781 5-560.34850C/C,/B M7q!-5Qq14!soB4 Metal Halide M78r s.7sO.s585oe/G/B Features. Thermally l4zc M7A15.760.55A50C/G/B Mlq HPS !.7Q9:!r5. 50B{ M7ar 5.630-34a50C/c/B !!zq1!€eq.348lqBA 6 34as0c M7a15.640.34850C/G1B M7q s:Q4q948soBA M7815-650.34AsOC/G/B Accessories TRM-8-P White rnetal trim dng, TRN4-B-L4B Black metaltrim ring, TBFl-B Bimlesslrim ring, HSA-8 Slope Adapler, H82617,"C channel barhangers 26", HB501Y," C channe bar hangers 50" ( u78r 5.65O-348sOBa 34850G 55a50G Options Sellf ange reflectors Change astdigit of reflector number from "0" 1o '1" (e.9. M7815-540 34851C), Fuse Add F'(e.9. M7815'540F 34850C), Quartz standbylightAdd "Q" (e.9. 348508 558508 M7815-5400-34850C) Ordering inlormation specify lrim type (C,G,Bor BA). Forexample, rv7815-540,348s0G For more detailed specif ications, please refer to lhe Halo Technlcal 348508A 55A50gA Binder(Volume ll), Section 18. r 55450c sco Lamp 250WMH-C 9 l55a50aa sc0I Fl. D sranceloSu ace Dia. 4.7 68 8.8 109 130 a FC FC 310I 1,190 87 r 45 6.5 256 3 122 e 68 8.8 10.9 8.5 718 332 571 ,10 105 3 125 130 15.1 FC 30 70 60 50 40 30 20 Footcandle/Spacin9 lg. r 9.6 8.6 10.2 92 111 99 r2.1 109 13.5 121 156 140 191 i72 r-l med. 8.3 89 96 r 75 8.0 10.5 118 13.6 167 95 106 122 150 aa 9.3 120 147 7.7 84 108 13.3 HaloLighting HID Becessed tO'Aperture lglcury,ULlEs Downlight Me?cury M70t o.550.35000c M70t o.550-35000G M70r o.sso.35000BA Metal Halide Low brighiness aperture downlight dlstributes even iluminationwith high efficiency, long life l\4ogu base HID lamps. Available wlth specular Alzak ref lectors in clear or go d orwilh opticalblack aluminum Coilex baffle. Both reflectors and batfle provide 45'visua cutofJ to lamp. M70t o.750.55000c Features. Thermal y prolecied ba - MtOl O.750-55000G M70r o.750.550008A ltPs M70i oG40.7aoooc MiOt O.640.74000G M70t o.64G740008tA last. Quick mount plug-in ballast with doal lap Iot 12012/1 volls . Die cast a1uminum socket cap . Adjustable sockei provides norma to wide distribut on . Diecastaluminum mounting frame accommodates upto 1 /2" thick ceiling materia s. Unlversal mounting brackets allow use oi 7," El\,4Tconduil, athing channels or bar hangersfor M70ro65075000c M70r o.650.7soooG M70r O.650.7sOOOEA nstallalion.Damplocation isted,iunc3s000c 55000c 74000c 75000c tion box listed forthrough branch circuit 6f91 wiring Accessories HSA 26". HB50 10 SlopeAdapter, H8261'/," C Channel bar hangers- 35000G s5000G 74000G 75000G ( 1 /,"C Channel bar hangers 50" Options Self flange ref lectors Change last digit of reflector numberfrom "0 to "1" (e.9. M7010 550 35001C, Fuse Add "F" (e.9. M7010-550F 35000C), Quartz standbylighl Add 'Q" (e.9. t\t7010 550Q-35000cQ) For more detaied speciflcations, please refer lo the Ha o Technical Blnder (Volurne ll), Section 1A. 3500084 s5000BA 7400084 7500084 1135000c sc0.9 13500084 sco 9 Ft. Lamp 175W Merc Dx l Dia. FC 258 6 124 A Ft. 4.5 42 61 6.5 D slancelosurface 80 99 118 725 335 85 10.5 125 14 5 249 I FC 261 0 125 1 732 479 33a 251 Dia. 3.9 5.6 73 9.1 10.8 125 FC 80 7A 60 50 4A 30 2A Foolcandlerstacirg fl lg. I 86 8.2 92 87 99 9.5 109 104 12.1 116 14.0 13.4 172 164 tl med. I n sm. I 74 71 65 62 79 7.5 6.9 66 85 31 7.s 12 93 8.9 8.2 78 10.4 10.0 9.1 88 12.0 115 105 10.1 144 U 1 129 124 flilt 1 Halo Light ng HID Recessed lO'Aperture t Mercury, MH, HPS livall Washel Low brig htness apertu re fixlu re pro- videswalLwash ng and downlighting with high elJiciency, long life HID lamps. Choice ofspecu arreflectors in c ear or Mercury M70t 1.550.350r OC MTOr r.s5O.!991Oli Metal Halide god. protected balast. Ouick mount, plug-ln ballast with duallap for 120/277 volts. Die casl aluminum sockel cap rnainlains proper larnpfocus. Die cast aluminum mounl ing frarne accommodales upto 1%" thick ceiling materials. Universal mo{rnting brackets a low useof 72" EL/T cond u ii, lathing channels or bar hangers for installation. Darnp locaiion listed, junct on box listed forlhrough branch circuitwirlng Features. Thermally M70t 1.750.5501oc !47o! r .zlie.ssor oG HPS M70l 1.640.740iOC MZO!1.6qo:24o1 9c Accessories' For metal trim rings, 35010C 55010C 74010C consult factory, H826 1 /," C Channel bar hanger-26", HB50 11/2" C Chaft ne bar hangers-50" OptionsSelf flanqeretlectorsChanqe astdigitoireflectornumberfror. 0"to '1' (e.9. M7011-750-55011C), Fuse Add' F" (e.9. M7011-750F-ss010C) For more detailed specif icaiions, please refer to Halo Technical Binder (Volume ll), Section 1E. 9) Units 3feetfromwall DD L -3',- L 2 a7 A5 87 70-4-t) 58 70 3 |3 112 113 9i 76 91 4 104 111 104 78 85 78 5 92 92 92 6T 72 67 6 78 79 78 59 59 59 7 66 67 66 50 51 50 Il ,550toc sc10 lanp 175WMH-C lunination on Vertical Plane in Footcardles -SI-6-_ -5-_ 64 39 64 62 26 62 83 52 8s 79 34 79 64 67 6.1 59 49 59 52 60 52 €4943 4T 4a 47 3A11 3A 40 41 40 33 3,1 33 Units 4leetlrofi w.ll -4-41 4A 41 53 5l 53 63 63 63 62 64 62 56 51 56 50 50 50 !-5- 31 3D 45 38 53 47 49 52 44 4T 40 41 l 34 45 53 49 44 ,10 31 41 4€ 42 35 32 -6- 23 29 35 d3 40 35 3r 41 43 42 35 32 30 16 39 2t 46 26 38 34 30 34 2T 31 -7- 30 39 46 38 30 27 Hao Lghi ng HID Recessed t(/'Apertwe Mercury, MH, HPS Ellipsoidal Downtight 61 Mercury M7015.550-25050C/c/B MZql!.ssq4eo5oBA M7015.560.250508A 2sOWMogu M70r 5-560.25050C/c/B bas Ellipsoidal ref lectors provjde medium distributjon and very low aperture brightness with a va ety of high etfi, ciency, long liie HID lamps. Smallapertures provide minimum lightsource visjbility. Avai able with specularAlzak reflectors in clear, gold or black or with optical black aluminum Coi ex baffte. Metal Halide M70l5.750.ssosOC/G/B M7015.750.550508A l75W Mogu/ base M70r 5.760.5505oc/c/B M70r 5.760.550508A 25OW Moqui base HPS M70t 5.630.2505!C/c/B M70.t 5.630.250508A 7OW Features. Thermally prolecied ba - ast. Quick mounl, plug-in ballastwith dual Iap fot 1201277 volls . Adjustab e die castaluminum socket cap provides norma to wide distribution . Diecast alurninum mounting ffame accommodates up to 1/2"thick ceiling malerials. Unjversal mounting brackets allow use of %" E[,{T conduit, lathing channelsor bar hangers for installation. Damp localion isted, junction box listed ior through branch circuit wiring Mogul base M7015.640.25050C/c/B M7015.640.250508A I OOW Mogll base 25050C 55050C ) M7015.650.25050C/c/B M70t 5.650.250508A 1 5OW Mo90l base M70r 5.660.25050C/c/B M70r 5.660.2sO508A 25OW lvtogui base ( 25050G 55050G i FC Accessories hangers-50' HSA-10 Slope Adapter, H826172"C chan nel bar hangers26", HB50 1 7," C channet bar rll ;:3:3BO 250508A 550508A OptionsSellflangereflectorsChanqe lasl diglt of refleclor numberfrom "O" to "1" (e.9. N.47015 5s0-25051C), Fuse Add "F" (e.9. M7015-550F-25O5OC), Ouarlz standby lrght Add 'Q (e.a. M7015-5500-2sO50Ci speciiy trim type (C,G,B or BA). For exampte, Ordering inf ormation M7015-550 2s050c For more detaied specilications, please refer to the Halolechnical Binder(Volume ll), Section 1B. u55050c 15505084 Ft. sc0 9 SCo c Dia. t FC 4.5 6.5 386 3 185 1 108.,1 48 7.4 393I 1888 Dia. 91 D slanceloSudace 112 13.4 |04 85 10.5 12.5 68 8.8 10.9 723 114 501 5r0 37.9 130 373 FC tl lg. a med. I 80 109 i0.6 95 9.3 7A 11.7 11 4 10.2 o q 60 126 12.3 110 10.7 50 13.8 134 12.0 11 7 40 154 150 134 131 30 178 17.3 155 t5.l 2A 21.A 212 19.O ft^ Foorcandle/Spacing 84 9.0 9.7 10.6 ll I 137 16.8 8.2 88 95 10.4 11.6 13.4 164 6il1 Haio Lghling HID Recessed Low brightness aperlLrre downlighl dist l2"Aperture !49rc!!v M72r O.560.36200C M72r O.s6O.36?0OG MH ,tf buteseven illumination with high effi- Me.""rV, U!J Downlight ciency, ong liie HID lamps. Avai able wilh specularAlzak reflectors in clear or god. Ref ector prov des45'visual culotflo lampand amp irnage. Features . Thermal y prolected ba in ballast with M72io.760.56200C M72r O.760.5r?0OG HPS last. Quick mount, plug dual Iap lot 12A1277 volts . Die cast alu minum socket cap. Die castaluminurf mounting frame accomodates upto 1%"thlck ceiling mater als. Universal rnounting brackets. Damp ocat on isted, junction box ljsted forthrough branch circuitwir ng M72l O.660.76200e M?21O.616G76200G Accessories H826 1 Y," C channel bar hangers 26", H8501%'Cchannelbarhangers 50" OptionsSelf flange reilectorsChange astdigil of refiectorfrom "0":to' 1' (e.9. Nr7210-560 36201C), Fuse Add F" (e.9. M7210 560F 36200C), Quarlz standby lightAdd "Q" (e.9. N,47210-560Q-36200C) ," 36200C 56200C 762aac spectications, please refertothe Halo Techn cal B nder (Vo ume ll), Section 1A. L-a62ooc sc0.9 Dia. 3.9 5.1 l For more detailed . I ' 36200G 56200G 162AnG FC 4.5 2214 65 8.5 Ft. 7a oisranceroSurlace 9.2 r3r 0 8s9 606 ,15.0 30 7A 60 50 3A Footcandle/Spacin9 FC lg. 10 5 11.2 9.1 81 98 121 r05 116 86 93 102 132 161 133 172 105 12.5 14.5 129 149 183 110 't2 7 Hao Lght ng ffi Me.cu!y HID Recessed 8" Lens Mercury, HPS RoundLens M6004.540-t OO02P M6004.540.r OO I2P HPS Downlight Fixture available with f resnel orconcaveprismaticglasslens. Fresnel lens provides focused, controlled light distribution. Prismatic lens provides awider, morediffused llq ht d istribution. Specular A 7ak ref lector aLlows maximum utilization ofhigh efflciency,long life HID lamps. @t Features . Thermally protected bal last. Quick mount, plug-in ballaslwilh duallaplot 1201271 volts. Diecasl aluminum socket cap maintains proper lamp focus. Unlversal mountinq brackeisallow use oi T2" EMTconduit. lathlng channels or bar hanqersfor lnstallation. Damp location isted, junc tion box listed forthrough branch c rcu t M6043.630.1OOO2P M6043.630.1OOt 2P wiring Accessories HB261'/," 1m02P C channel bar hangers-26", HB50 1Y2" C channe barhangers-50" Options FuseAdd F M6004 540Q-10002P) 10012P (e.9. 1,46004 540F-1 0002P), Quartz standby liqhtAdd "Q" (e.q. For more detailed specif ications, refertothe Halo Technical Binder (Volume ll), Section 1C. p ease tr tooo2P sc 1.4 atoot2P sc 14 l.np 100W MercOx Dia. U FC 48 69 712 311 200 131 Ft. DisranceloSurlace |1 9.0 132 15.3 Ft. 4.5 6.5 8.5 i0.5 125 I FC T2 4 Dia. 50 T3 34.7 20 3 t3 3 95 117 14.0 94 162 FC 80 70 60 50 1A 30 20 Footc.ndle/Spacing tr ls. r L ned. r 5.3 5.6 44 4.7 5.9 4.7 5.0 56 6.1 64 51 54 7.4 5.6 5.9 67 79 7.4 62 66 7.6 8.6 9.1 72 105 111 33 93 38 4.8 54 6.2 4.0 51 57 66 ffit HaoLrghling HID Recessed I l" Lens Mercuiy, u4r49S RoundLens Downlight Mercury M6215.550.1O202P uq4 5.1so.r otiiP M62r 6.560.i 0202P M6?l!{qq!Lo2r2P Metal Halide Fixture avaiable with fresne oT pr s- malicglass lens Fresnellens prov des focused, controlled ighldiskibution. Prismaiic iens provides awider, more dif used iqht distribuuon. Specular Alzak refleclor alows maxin'rum uliliza tion ofhigh efiiciency,long ife HID f M6235.t50.r O202P M623s.7sO.1o212P M6236-760.r O202P M6236'76O.i o2l?P HPS amps. protected bal ast.Ouick mount, p ug-in ballast with d\.)al lap lot 1201277 volts . Die casl alu mrnum socketcap marnta ns proper amp locus. Un versalrnounting brack els allow useof 12" EMTconduit. ath ng channels or bar hangers for Features. Thermally M6254-64o'1o.2o.2t M6254.640'10212P M6255.650.10202P M6255.650.r 0212P instalation. Damp location lisied, junct on box listed forlhrough branch circ!it w ring Accessories H826 ne 1'l2" C channe 10202P barhangers 26', H8501%'C chan barhangers 50" F" (e.9. Options Fuse Add l\,16215 standby lighl Add 'Q (e.9. M6215,550Q 10202P) 550F T 0202P), Quarlz For more detailed specfications. please refertolhe Ha o Techn cal Binder(Vo urne ll), Section 1C. I con..ve Pr\m:i L "l: FC 80 TA 60 5A 40 3A 2A FootcandlerSpacins lamp I t02t 2P Ft. i0202P sc0 25oWMH C 9 1 SCr 40 75 5,134 1523 45 65 85 105 I FC 5904 6 1035 76 6 569 165 Dia. 46 D sran.€roSLdace \..' 128 125 523 t4s A1 107 127 148 I ls. I 128 13s 137 141 148 156 162 171 182 191 210 220 257 2T.O 107 115 124 136 152 t7s 215 med- sm. I 93 10.1 99 103 107 1r7 |8 128 132 1,13 152 165 23.1 186 202 r 115 123 133 146 163 189 HaoLghting HID Recessed 13" Lens Mercury, MH, HPS Square Lens Mercury M5304.540.1 1300P 1r153O4.54O.1 13O2P M53r5.550.r 1300P M53i5.550.r r 302P M5316.560.r r 300P U!3l!.5qq.-13o2P Melal Halide M5335-750.t 1300P M5335.750.t 1302P M5336.760.r M5336.760.r Hps M5341.61O.r r r Fixlure available for use w th seven different lens tr ms 1o provide a numberof lig ht distributions and patterns. Specular clearAlzak hydroformed ref ector 300P 3o2P allows max mum utilization ofhigh efficiency long ife HID lamps. Reflector may be removed from below ceiling for ballast and junction boxaccess. 300P Ms34r.6r o.i 302P r r I I3OOP Square surface fiesnel lens, whitelrim, clearglass M 13ooP t l3O2P Square regressed lens, white lrim, black baffle, clearglass M5342.62o,-113o.2P Featu.es. Thermally protected bal last. Quick mount, plug-in ballast with dual lap lot 1201277 valts . Extruded aluminum mounling frame accommodates up 1o 1 /," thick ceiling materials . Universa mounting brackels allow use of Y," EMT conduit, lathing channels or bar hangers for installation. Damp ocation listed,lunction box listed for through branch circuit wiring E-4469@ M5343.630.1 1300P ffit Accessories H8261,/," bar nel C channe hangers-26", HB5017," Cchanbar hangers-50" Options Fuse Add 'F' (e.9. M5304540F-1 1 300P), Quartz standby lightAdd "Q" (e.9. M5304-540Q113ooP) For more detailed specif icalions, please referto the HaloTechnica Binder (Volume ll), Section 1D. Lamp 100W [,lerc Ox tr i t300P sc0I Dia. E FC 109 2 38 55 523 30.6 Ft. orslanc€losurlace T2 89 10.6 12.3 Ft. 45 65 85 10.5 Footcandle/Spacinc FC lg. 80 57 200 10 5 145 70 60 5A 40 30 2A 4.1 6.1 51 6.6 T2 8.1 55 60 67 95 4.4 5.2 58 6.7 9.3 114 82 urr302P sc09 Lamp 100W l,lerc Dx l Dia. 63 FC 961 269 12 5 45 65 8.5 Ft. Dislan.eloSurrac€ 8.3 10.2 105 122 141 FC 80 70 60 5A 40 30 20 Footcandle/Spacinq ls. 5.7 61 6.6 7.2 51 55 60 6T 5.2 81 9.3 58 6.7 114 llao Lighling HID Recessed 13'Lens Mercury, MH, HPS Square Lens Downliqht Mercuiy M5304.540.1 131 r P M5304.540.r I OOW Med Lm r 3l3P base !t5q!.s!9:1le M5315-550.rr3rIP M5316.560.1 131 1P M!91!.5q9:1l319! Fixture available lor use with seven dif' ierenllenslrimstoprovideanumberol light di6tributions and patterns. Specu- Metal Halide larclearAlzak hydrolormed reflector allows maximum utilization ofhigh efiiciency long life HID lamps. Ref,ector may be removed from below ceiling Ms33s.750.1 131 I P M5335.750.r r 313P M5336.760.r M5336.760.i HPS r 3l 1P r 3r 3P for ballast and junction box access. 11 31 1P Square prismatic drop lens, whitetrim, clear glass I l3l3PSquare regressed prismaiic droplens, whiletrim, black baffle, clear glass Ms34r.6r O.r t3r rP M5341.6r O.r r3l3P M5342.620.rr311P M5342.620.1 13r 3P M5343.630.1 M5343.630.1 Features.Thermally protected balast.Ouickmoonl, plug-in ballastwith dual lap lot 1201277 volts . Extruded aluminum mo0nting frame accommodates up lo 1 /," thick ceiling materials . Universal mounting brackets allow use of /2" EMT conduil,lathing channels or bar hangers for installation . Damp location listed,junclion box listed for through branch circuitwiring rJl l3r rP 3P Accessories HB26 1 /2" C channel barhangers-26", H8501Y2" C channel ba. hangers-50" Options FuseAdd "F (e.9.145304, 540F-1 1 300P), Ouartz standby light Add "Q" {e.9. M5304-540Q- 11311P) For more detailed specif ications, please refer to the HaloTechnical Binder(Volume ll), Section 1D. 12 Dir. Ft. 80.7 4.5 12r.r' tltt3ltP sc0.7 37 54 70 a7 103 347 Ft. D sranceloSurtace WJ 226 105 65 85 10.5 124 L] 145 lC 80 70 60 50 4! 30 20 Footc.ndle/Spacing lg, 56 60 6s 71 8.0 9.2 ,1.6 39 45 49 5.5 49 5.3 5.8 65 T5 91 113 tr tt3t3P sc0.8 Ft. OislanceloSlnace W Dia. 39 5.6 7.3 91 10.8 12.5 FC 759 36.4 21 3 Foolcandle/Spacins FC lq. 45 6.5 8.5 r39 La 73 105 12.5 14.5 70 60 50 40 30 20 60 64 70 79 91 111 '1.6 4.9 39 53 5.8 6.3 Halo Lightinq t{tD Recessed 13" Lens 9scq.e!g!s MelcqryLltH, HPS 99!q!!!s!! qe!99!v M5304.540.r r 32r P M5304.540.1 r 333P Ms3fs.sso.ii 32r P M53i 5.550.r r 333P M5316.560.1 132r u!3l''€.iG!l!@Metal Halide t MsaaaaTso.ir a2r P !!9339'E9:119!3P M5336.760.1 132r P M5336.760.r HPS r 333P \, , ,ffi, 1 -r, iiiiiii ''l I \.... t Fixture availab e lor use with seven dif ferent ens trimsto provide a numberof ig ht distributions and patlerns. Specuar clearA zak hydroformed reflector a lows max mum ulilizalion oihigh eiiciency long ife HID amps. Ref ector maybe removed from belowceiling for ba last andjunction box access. I t32lP I1333P Square asymmetricdrop M534r.6io.ir 3Zi P ens, whiletrim, clear impact resislant M534r.6r o.r r 333P M5342.620.11321P M5342.620.r r 333P M5343.630.1 132r P polycarbonate Square reqressed drop opal lens, whitetrim, black baffle, opalg ass Features . ThermaLly protected bal last.Qu ck mount, plug- n ba lastwth dua lapIat 1201277 volls. Extruded aluminum rnount ng frame accommo' dates upto 1rl,"thickce lng materia s . Universal mounung brackets ailow use of %' EN.4T conduil, lalhing chan ne sor bar hangersforinsialaton. Damp location listed,junclion box isled forthrough branch circuit wirlng uq343.630.r r 333P Accessories H826172" bar C channe C chan hangers-26', H8501 /," "! l.hp 100W lMerc Dx i]ii32tP sc12 Ft. D hangers 50" Options Fuse Add ' F' (e.9. M5304nelbar I [ 540F-1 1 300P), Quartz standby Ight Add O" (e.9. l\,45304-540Q11321P) For more detaied specifcations, please refer lo the Ha o Technical Blnder (Volume ll), Section'10. -] tl FC sranceroslnace Dia. 61 8.8 115 11.2 169 196 Dia. 57 8.3 10.8 133 15.9 392 13 3 4.5 110 51 /2 65 85 10.5 125 145 38 I 80 7A 60 aa ,10 30 20 Foolcandle/Spacins FC lq, 49 52 38 3l 36 57 62 6.9 80 98 19, 4a 54 62 5l 6.3 lamp 100W Merc Dx . tt333P SC13 FC 30a 1,1 Ft. 16 5T 40 I 45 6.5 8.5 10 5 D sraiceroSurrace FC 80 7A 60 50 40 30 20 FoorcandlerSpacins 49 52 57 62 69 80 9B 38 .18 31 3.4 36 54 62 T6 51 6.3 6!t Halo Lghting HID Recessed 13" Lens Mercury, MH, HPS M5304.540.1 1344P Fixture avai able for use with seven dif ferent enstrmsto provide a numberoi light distributions and pallerns. Specuar clear Alzak hydroformed rellector a lows maximurn utilization ofhigh efliciency ong lie HID lamps. Reflector may be removed irom belowceilng tor ba lasl andjunclion box access. M5- s.sso.r r 344p I 75W lvlogu bas; M5316.s60.r Metal Halide r 34aF 3saP 354P M5335.750.r M5336.760.r HPS r I1344P I1354P Square alum num ouver, white irim r/r" squares, %" deep r Square aluminurn louver sameas 11344P butwith clear polycar bonate shie d for Metal Halde Unils Features Thermally prolected ba last. Oulck mount, plug-rn balast w th dual lap fo( 1201277 vo Is . Extruded aluminum moLrnling frame accommo, dates up to 17,"thick ceiing rnater als . Universa mounting brackets allow lse of '/," EIVIT conduil, lathing chan nels or bar hangers for insta . M5341.61O.ti344P M5342-620.11344P Ms343.630n r 344P lation. Damp ocalion listed,junction box isled lorlhrough branch c rcuil wir ng Accessories H826 1 y'," C channel barhanqers 26", HB501r/," C channelbar hangers-50" Options Fuse Add'F (e.9. N,45304540F'1 1 300P), Quartz standby lightAdd Q (e.9. M5304 540Q 11300P) I l For more detailed spec f ications, p ease refer to the Halo Techn ca ,..] .LL .l rl Binder(Voiume ll), Section 1D. trtt344P SC0 9 Dia. Fi, 676 324 12.4 36 5.2 45 6.5 85 83 99 115 105 125 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 2A Footcandle/Spacinq lq. 42 1.5 49 53 60 69 A4 ned. 35 1.1 3I Aa 31 33 36 39 5.0 50 5a 71 Halo Lighting HID Recessed 2x2Lens Mercury, MH, HPS 2x2 Lens Downlight Mercury M5415.550.1t4t OMB Msrit 5.550.t t4t 2MB M5416-560.1 M5416.560.1 r l4l2MB 4r OMB M5417.570. t t 4t OMB M54r 7.570.r r 4r 2MB Metal Halide M5435.750.1 t 4t OMB M549q.75O.r 1412M8 M5436.760.1 t 4l OMB M5437.770.1 t 4t OMB M54:t6:76g.ti1izF4L 1''5437.77o.11412M8 HPS Fixlure isdesigned for use in any standard 2x2lay-in ceiling. Made to fitT-bar systems. Unii may be inslalled on main T-barsor hung with wire. Reflecloris 229. sleelwith high temperature, high gloss white enamelfinish. One side panelof refleclorcan be removed from beowceiling for ballasi and junction box access. Consult f actory for special Ms454.640.r r 4lOMB M5454.640.1t 4t2MB M5455.650.r r 410MB M5455.6sO'r r 4r 2MB I1410M8 I l4lOMB frame Square Prismatic, black M5456-660r r4r OMB M5456j66O.t t4t 2MB I l412MB Square Regressed Prismatic, black frame Features.Therma ly protected bal- ast. Quick mounl, plug-in ballast with dualtap for 120/277 vo ts. Spring oaded sleel lalches simp ify lens remova and relamping I1412M4 Accessories M'1200 Mountjnq frame flange kit (for plaster or drywall applications) Options Fuse Add F' (M541 5-550F11410M8), Quartz standby lighi Add "Q" (e.9. M5415-ss0Q-1 141oMB) For more detailed specitications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder(Vo ume ll), Section 1D. '""o,",.,o.a,on tr I r4roua sc11 Ft. DisranceroSurlace N;' 14./ -' Dia, 55 8.0 129 15.3 17 A tr FC 3654 175.7 Ft. 4.5 6.5 lanp 250WMH'C u l l412 B sc 1.0 Ft. DisranceroSurlace )-- r I 'rl '1 ,, U' 67 l 11.1 85 10.5 12.5 352 145 FC 80 7A 60 5A 40 3a 2A 80 60 50 40 30 20 Footcan.lle/Spacing 19. 13.6 145 15.7 172 19.2 22.2 27.2 111 11.9 128 14.1 15.7 182 22.2 105 ]t 2 121 13.2 148 1T 1 209 94 10.1 10.9 11.9 133 15.4 1a.9 I Foolcandle/Spacing FC lg. 132 152 167 1AT 5.0 7 2 9.4 11.6 138 160 302 5 145 0 45 6.5 8T S.3 101 11.0 848 55 6 8.5 105 123 14.3 392 291 125 145 215 264 175 Halo Lghling HID Recessed 2x2 Lens c 2x2lens Mscury, MH, HPS Downlight Mercury M5415.550.r 1444M8 175WMolu ba* uSar6{Q9:1raanB M5ar 7€7Ort 144aMB 4OOW lMogul base Fixture is designedforuse in anystandard 2x2lay-in ceiling. N/ade to fit T-bar systems. Unit may be installed on main T-bars or hung with wire. Reflectoris Metal Halide M5435.750.r r454MB 1 75W [4o9ul base 229. steelwith high temperature, high gloss white enamel finish. One side panel of reflector can be removed from below ceiling lor ballast and junction box access. Consult factory for speclal lens and louvers. M5436.760.r 1454MB 25OW Mogu base M5437.770.11454M8 4OOW Mogul base I l444MB Square Aiuminum Louver, black ft ame, 12" sq., Y2" HPS M5454-64o.11444M8 1 deep OOW Mogll base I l454MB SquareAluminum Louver same as 114441\,48 butwith clearpolycarbonate shield loruse with metalhalide units M5455.650.r lSOWMogu r 444MB b6e M5456.660.t r444MB 25OW MogLi base Features. Thermally protected bal last. Quick mount, plug-in ballast with dualtap for 120/277 volts. Spring loaded steel laiches simplii/ lens removaland relamping Accessories l\,41 200 Mounting f rame flange kit (for plaster or dry/vall applications) 11444M8 11454M8 Options Fuse Add "F'{M5415-550F1'1444N/B), Quartz siandby light Add "Q" (e.9. M5415-550Q-1 1444NIB) For more detailed EI,aT\- specifications, please refer to the Halo Technical Binder (Volume ll), Section 1D. A4 22 trtr454M8 SC0.9 Fl. D stance lo Surlace Dia. 4.8 69 9.0 11.2 13.3 15.4 tr FG 269 3 1291 4.4 6.5 8.5 755 495 349 25 9 i05 12.5 FC 80 70 60 50 30 Footcatr.lle/Sp.cing lt. 132 14.1 10.5 11.2 12.1 15.2 16.7 21.5 13.2 4.7 9.3 I0.1 11.0 12.3 14.3 'tT.5 171 20.9 HaloLighling HID Surface 6"Aperture Melcury, HPS Wall Mount Downlight Round i I :, Mercury Ma60sPtBz-547-2460oC M8605P/82.547.24600G M86o 5P I s'z- 547 -246008A HPS M8605P/BZ.6r 7.6i 600C M860sP/Bi.6r 7.6r 600G M660sP/Bz.6r 7.6r 6ooBA Wal moLrnted surfacefixturesfeature M8605P/82.627.62600C M8605P/82.627.62600G M860sP/82.627.626008A M8665P/Bz.63z.636oaC M8605F/82.637.63600G M8605P/B2.637.636008A :iiiii looo (\ \{t round a uminum housings wilh wh teor bronze powdercoaliin sh. Cho ceof hous ng sly es and refleclortypes al ow these !nitslo blend with oraccenl varying archilectura styles. Ava labie with SpecularAlzak refleclors in clear or gold or with optical black aluminum Co lex balfle -/ ) :,iii \----- 616004A 626008A 636008A --/ I Dia. 43 158 209 6.2 Same precision designed refleclors and baffle as oflered wilh recessed HID iixtures. D e casl alum num wallmountinq brackel. MLrlt tap ballasl lot 120i208i240i277 va Is (excepi35W HPS 1201277 va 1s arly . Durab e powdercoal fin sh.Wet oca tion lisled Features. lc Ordering informalion specify housing wlth f nish (BZ or P)andtrim type (C,G or BA) Forexample, M860582,547,24600G For more deiai ed speclf cations. pLease referto the HaoTechnical Binder (Volume ll), Section 28. Lamp 100W Merc Dx |]24600C SC 1 3 1246008A SCoI FootcandleiSpacirs FC 31 lg. I med. 83 Ft. D slanc-o1. Su,race 321 124 ..' 133 159 ) 89 65 35 r05 125 r37 !7 lt 9 138 1A 60 50 ,10 30 20 62 67 73 32 95 |6 53 57 63 70 a1 99 I 42 51 60 69 a5 41 37 s2 56 6r 63 79 96 52 58 67 a2 52 HaoLghiing 6'Aperture HID Surface wallllgunt Solt Square MCrcury, HrS Dlt{rtligi! & Mercury MA6r sP/82.547.24600C tna61 5P tBZ. 547.24500G MA61 FP t BZ-547 -24600BA HPS Wa I mounted surface fixtures feature softsquare a urninum housingswlh white or bronze powder coat f nish. Choiceof housing sty es and ref ector types a lowlhese unils to blend with or accent varying architectural styies. Avaiiab ewilh Specular A zak re{leclors in c earorgold orwith optica blacka uminum Coilex balIle. Same precis on designed reflectors and baflle as otfered with recessed HID f xtures. Extruded a uminum wall r.ounting bracket. llulti tap ballasl Iot 1 20 i 208 I 24O 127 7 volts (excepl35W HPS 1201277 volts on y . Durab e powder coat finish . Wet ocalon lisied M86i-F/BZ.6r z.616ooc u86t 5P/BZ.6r 7.6r 6OOBA M8615P/82.62t.62600c MA6r 5P/82.627.62G(x)G M661 sP tB2-6r7 -62600BA M86r 5P/B2.637.63600C Ma6r 5P/BZ.6t 7.61, 6oOC M86i 5P/82.637.63600c Features. q* _=: ) Ma61 5P/82.637-636008A ii:iiE Ordering intormation specify housing with finish (BZor P)and trim type (C,G or BA). Forexample 24600G 61600G 62600G [.4861582-547,24600G For more detalled specif ications, please refer to the Halo Technical 246008A 616008A 626008A Binder (Volume ll). Section 28. 5 1245('('8A r24600G SC 1 s SCo 9 i Dia. 5.7 I 65 a5 105 125 145 354 209 137 676 83 r08 324 r9 0 124 43 62 81 100 119 FC 80 TO 50 40 30 Footcandl€/Spacins lg. I med. 52 56 61 7.9 I Ll s.3 5.0 3T ,13 62 73 82 9.5 53 5.7 Fl, 63 D slanc€loSurlace 133 159 184 97 72 8r 65 50 69 96 8.s 82 5a 67 52 61 Hao Lighi ng HID Surface I O'Aperture Mercury, MH, HPS Wall Round Moqnt Downlight ilercury M8(,05P/82.557-3500(,C M8OO5P/82.557€5OOOG M8OO5P/82.557-35OOOBA Metal Halide ._-._ M8oostEz.?57.5soooc aoo5P/B2.757.5500('G rl,,aoo 5P I Bz.7 57 -550008A HPS M8005P/82.637.730(,0C M800sP/82.637.73000G MaoosP/B2.637.730008A MaoosP/82.647.74000C M80o,5P/BZ64zz4o60G MSOO5P/8lz642740008A M8005P/82.657.750(,0C M8005Fi-B2"6527ffi M8005p/8255?.750008A 35000c 55000c Wall mou nted surface fixtures feature round aluminum housings with white or bronze powder coat f inish. Choice of housing styles and rellector types allow these unitsto blend with or accent varying architectural styles. Available with Specular Alzak ref lectors in clear or gold orwith optical black aluminum Coilex batfle. rcomc 740@C ) @1 Same precision designed reflectors and baffle as otfered with recessed HID fixtures. Extruded aluminum wall mounting bracket. Multi lap ballast lot 1 201208/2401277 v olls. Durable powder coatfinish. Wet location listed Features. Ordering inf ormation specify housing with finish (BZorP) andtrim lype (C,G or BA)Forexample, 3500084 550008A 730@BA 740008A 750008A l\.48005B2-557-35000G For more detailed specif ications, please refer to the HaloTechnical Binder (Volume ll), Section 28. 4.t35000c sc0.9 1350008A sc0.9 l.mp 175WMerc Dx Coneol lishr o FC Fl. Drsla.celosu ace Di.. 4.2 6.1 8.0 9.9 11.8 13.7 Ft. 4.5 6.5 8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 2546 124 0 725 475 335 24.9 I FC Oi., 261.0 3.9 125.t 5.6 732 7.3 47.9 9.1 33.8 108 251 125 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 tootc.ndle/5!acing tr 19. I O med. I tr sh, I 8.6 A.2 7.4 71 65 62 9.2 8.7 7.9 7.5 6.9 6.6 9.9 9.5 8.5 8.1 7.5 7.2 10.9 10.4 9.3 8.9 8.2 7.8 12.1 11,6 10.4 10.0 9.1 8.8 14.0 13.4 12.0 11s 105 101 17.2 16.4 A.A 14.1 12.9 12.4 HID Surface 1O'Aperture Merculy, MH, HPS Wall Mount Downlight Solt Square Mercury Mao15P/BZ.s57.3sOOOC Maor 5P/BZ.5s7-5000c Mao r 5 P/Bz.ss 7.t59oo qa Metal Halide *'{-> M8or sP/82.757,s-oooc Mgor sP/Bz.z5z.5soooG M80 1 5P t B.Z.7 57.55000BA HPS Maor 5P/82.637.73000C M8or 5P/Bz.637.t3oooc M80 t 5P/B2.637.730008A Wdl mounted surface iixtures feature soii square aluminum hoLrsings with while or bronze powdercoalfin sh. Choice othousing styles and reileclor types allowlhese unitslo blend wlh or accent varying architectural styles. Avai able with Specu arAlzak reflectors in clear orqold or with opticalb ack aluminum Coilex baiJle. Same precision designed reileclors and batf e as oflered with recessed HID fixtures. Extruded alumi num wallmounting brackei. Mu titap b all asl t o( 1 20 I 208I 240 I 27 7 v dts . Durable powdercoat linish. Wet locaton lisled M80r sP/BZ-647.740()0C Maor 5P/Bz.64t.z4oooc !n8or 5P/BZ.647,740OOBA MAOT Maor sP/82.657.2-oooc M80 t sP/BZ.657.7sOOOBA 5P/82.6s7.t5000C Features. ,/ 73oooc 74000c 75000c \ ; 35000G 55000G 73000c 74000G 75000G Ordeiing intormation specity hous ng wilh linish (BZ or P)and lrim type (C,G orBA) Forexample, t\4801582-557-35000G For more deiailed specif ications, please reler to the HaloTechnical 350008A 550008A 7300oBA Binder (Volume ll), Section 2B. a 7500084 t350008A sc0.9 Fl. 3soooc sc0.9 oia. 42 a0 137 Fc 2sA6 725 4a 65 a5 105 D stanc€toSldace 125 21.9 I FC 261 0 1251 732 479 333 Dia. 39 56 T3 91 108 FC 80 1A 60 50 1A 30 20 Footcandle/Spacing 19. r 36 82 92 87 99 95 109 104 121 11.6 140 134 172 164 71 19 85 93 10 4 120 r,13 med, I 71 75 a1 65 69 T5 62 66 12 89 10 0 115 ld1 91 88 105 r0r 129 12 4 HID Surtace 1(y'Apertule Mercury, MH, HPS CeilingMount Bound Downlight i,!9!99!v M8000P/82.556.35000C M8000P/82.556.35000G MsOOOP/Ba.!56.35OOOEA Metal Halide M8000P/82756!55000C MaodoP/82.756.55000G MAOOOP/BZ.756.5soqOB![ HPS M8000P/82636?3000C M8000F/B2.636.73000G MSOOOP/B4636-73OOOBL MaoooP/B2.646'74000c .74000G M80 M80OOP/BZ.646t74OOOBL M8000P/82.656.75000C M8600P/B2.656-z5oooc Msgqo!/Bz.656.75OOOBA Cei ingmounled roundsurfacefixtures feature aluminum housingswith wh te or bronze powder coat f nish. Choice of housing slyles and reflectortypes allow these unitsto blend with or accent vary ng arch ilectural styles. Available with Specu arA zak reilectors in clear or gold orwith oplical black aluminum Coilex baille. 35000c 55000c 73000c 74000c 75000c 35000G 55000G 73000G /.' () \ Same precision desgned refleclors and baffle as oilered with recessed HID f xtures. Multi-tap ballast lot 12012OA1240i277 va ts. Durable powder coal iinlsh . Damp location listed Features. _,' Accessories M836P White pendant kit, MB36BZ Bronze pendant kit 350008A 550008A 730008A 750008A sc0 1350008A sco Lahp 175W 35000c @ I Dia. FC 2586 1214 ,1.5 Ordering intormation spec iy housinq with fjnish (BZ or P) andtrim type (C,G or BA) For examp e, r\,4800082-556-35000G For more delaied speciicatons, please refer lo the Halo Technical B nder (Vo ume ll), Sectlon 2A. Merc Ox 9 9 Dia, 42 261.0 39 5.6 6l a0 125 335 65 85 10.5 1251 132 33a 251 Ft. o slancelosunace 99 118 7.3 91 124 14.5 108 125 FC 80 7A 60 50 40 30 2A Foolcandle/Spacins 19. I r_l ned. a 86 A2 14 T1 65 92 87 79 T5 69 99 95 8.5 a1 1.5 109 10.1 93 89 82 121 116 104 100 9r 140 134 12.0 115 105 172 164 148 14.1 129 6.2 66 72 Ta 88 101 124 Hao Lrqhlinq HID Surface 10'Aperture CeilingMount Soft Square Merculy, MH, HPS Downlighl M9r9.r!y M80r oP/B2,s56.35000C M8010P/82.5s6.35000G M80t oP/B2.5s6.3500084 Metal Halide M80t oP/B2.756.55000C 'ry Ceilng mounted softsquaTe surface fixtures fealure a Lrminum housings with white orbronze powdercoatfin sh. Choice ol housing styles and rellecior lypes alow these Lrnitslo biend with or accentvarying arch iectura styles. Available with SpecularAlzak ref ectors n clear or gold or wilh opticalblack alum n!rn Coilex baff e. M80r oF/82,ts6.55000c 148! 1 OPIE Z. 756'55OOo BA F HPS MAOI OP/82.636.73000C M60r oP/Bz636.73oooc M80r oP/B2.646-74000C M80t oP/B2.646.74000G MB0iOF/82.63-.Z3ooo84 MSOrOP/BZ64 74OOOBA MAOl0P/82.656,75000C M80r oP/82.656.75000G MAOr OP/B2.6s6.75000aA Features.Sarne precis on designed refectors and ballle as offered with recessed HID lixlures. Mu ti-tap ba last 35000c 55000c 73000c 75000c lat 120i2Agl24oi277 va ts. Durab e powdercoalfin sh. Damp location isted Accessories M836P White pendant kit. M836BZ Bronze pendani kil ( Ordering intormation spec fy housing wiih iinish (BZor P)and trirn lype (C,G or BA) Forexample, 35000G 55000G 73000G 74000G -.1 \ i ll FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 2A Footcandte/SpacinS M8010BZ-556-3500G For rnore p delaied specfications, ease refer 10 the Ha o Techn cal Binder (Volume ll), Section 24. 350008A 550008A 730008A 750008A r3500084 sc0I 35000c sco 9 Ft, Dia. 42 61 30 i FC 2586 1240 725 I 45 65 85 10 s 261A 1241 i32 3I 56 73 D sran.e loSurrace 125 lS. I ned. I 36 82 T4 7r 6.s 92 87 79 75 69 99 95 35 81 75 r09 10,1 93 39 32 r2t |6 r04 00 9l 1.10 13.1 120 l 15 r05 1T 2 161 144 1 1 62 1.2 88 101 T Nao Lqhi nq Quick-Ship ProductsAvailable When You eed Them Thewide range of products found in this section otterlhe bestva ue, quality and reliability in the induslryfor both commercial and residenlial application. Awide range oi coordinated aperture types and sizes otter many choices of controlled downlighling and wall washing. Halo units have integralthermal prolectors that deactivate the unil if insulation is placed too close tothe lixture. Protectors will also deactivate the unit ifoverlamped. All Halo quick-ship products are UL listed in accordance with the requirements of UL1571 1o meetthe latest NEC requ rements. The H7 Series-Versatile, Reliable and Easy to lnslall! Remodeling applicalions are easily accommodated with Halo's patented break-away plaster f rame. with Ouality Perlormance H.43, H.44, H.46-Economical Halo olJers quick ship delivery in the economical deep baffled Coilex multiplier Units feature low aperlure brightness and quality performance with R and PAR lamps. Halo Quick Ship series also includes a ow vo tage group engineered specilicallyforthe standard size H-7 and miniature H-'1499. Trims are available in PAR36 and MR-16lamp sizes in downlighl oradjustables. ---'-;ii TO/71 T5 lowvoltace 4" MF16 deactivates unitit improper lamp type or wattage is used or il insulaiion is placed too close to lixture, ICT lniegral the.mal protector on T units Adiustable Sock€r plate allovrs use ot dilferenttype and size lamps. Housins adiusts in plasler frame 2./s" lo accommodate ceiling mate- unilsarelher- bul maybe installed HaoLighling a \ i ' t'" ' t 'rt l.t. t l . Junction box listed lo. through branch $:. r circuitwiring.Junction box is positioned conduitruns. The 1/t"and L" knockouts facilitate wiring and conduit d inst.ll.tion. t 0 Quick.Ship lncandescent Becessed A.Lamp/R-Lamp Downlight/Wall Washer H7S/T.70P H7S/T.71P \ G, MB ) H7 recessed housrngs are ava lable in a number of housing lypes for d flerent l!29!.7acr H7S/T.400S H7S/T.400SG 60wal9.75WA19. 100W419 H7s.fi.426 H7S/T.426G lnstallation situalions. The wide range oftrimslhatcan be nsta led with the H7 a low max mum f ex bi ity n I ght ng applcatons and arch tectura accenl ing. The versatility, relabilily and ease ol insialaton oi ihe H7 mak-. il an excepliona value and lhe righl cho ce lor aw de range olcornmercia H7s,[.426MB applcations. HT recessed hous ng accepts over 30 lrin'rs to complemenl or acceni varying archilectura treatn'rents (Additonal nformaton in Halo lncandescent Downlghting Cata og ADV 840023). nleqral therma prolector on HTTand HTICT provide protection aga nst overlamping . HTICT may be nsta led n direct contact w th ceiing n su lation . Adjuslable sockel plate a lows use ofd lierent an]ptypes and sizes. Bar hangers can be repositioned 90"tofac lilate instalat on. Damp oca, tion listed,junclion box isted for lhrough branch circ!it w]ling Features. H7tof426 H7tCT.426G H7tCT.426ME t_- spec fy housinqlype (H75, H7T or HTICT)and trim numberiorcomp ete fxture. For example H7T-400SG. For more detailed speciticaiions, please referto the Halo Technica B nder (Vo ume l), Section 3,A. Ordering inlormation r400s sc15 Ft. TA 112 D I FC FC FootcandleiSpacinq lg. 33 2A 3.6 219 |! si 85 sranceroSunace 18 2 r05 32 21 125 1,15 2r6 251 50 40 30 20 FC 80 60 50 30 20 30 32 39 51 4.2 57 66 81 54 67 56 1426P SC09 I 641 ,15 Footcan.llerspacinq tg. 48 35 43 55 60 78 95 51 37 Ft. D sram.roSun.ce 10.3 r8 0 113 85 125 5T 123 65 Ha o L qhlinq Quick.Ship lncandescent Recessed A-Lamp/B-Lamp Downlight/Wall Washer H7S/T'303P H7S/T.406P HTs,n-425 H7 recessed hous ngsare available in numberofhousing types for diilerenl nstallation situations. The wde range oftrimslhatcan be instaled wilh the H7 allow maximum f exibility in ight ng applcatons and arch teclura accent ng. The versatiity, relabiity and ease of installation oflhe H7 make it an excepliona value and the rghtcho ce foraw de ranqe ofcommercia applications. a H7S/T.30r AL Hts,[.aor B H7S/T.301P H7S/T.301P4 H7S/T.3r OP H7sTJ.417P H7S-41aP H7S/T.409P 60wAt9 75WA19. t00WA19 I50W F40 Featuaes. H7 recessed hous ng acceptsover30 tr ms to con]plemenl or accent varying architectural treatments (Additonal nformation ln Halo lncan descent Downlighting Cataiog ADV 840023) . lntegral thermal protector on H7T and HTlCTprovde proteclion againstover amping. HTlCTmay be inslalled in d recl contaclwith ceiing ifsulation . Adjustab esockei plate a lows useofdifferent lamp types and sizes. Bar hangers can be reposit oned 90'to faciitale installalion. Damp locatron lsted, iunction box isledfor through branch circu tw ring H7S/T.41OP H7tCT.3i Tr m OP F I sh.s AL Sal nA lmrnlm B A.on zed Sal n Brass PSarnWhrcPa.l PB Po shedBrass Ordering information specitV housing type (H7S, HZTor HTICT)and fxture. For example HZT 310P. lr m numberforcomp ete For more detailed specrf ications. please reierto the HaoTechnlca B nder (Volume 1), Section 3A. t4toP Ft- r3t oP scr sc0 0 3 FC 65 86 D srance{o 91 31 S!rra.e 106 12 6 45 65 35 105 r2.5 4058 r!,15 113 7 tAa 526 20 26 32 38 FC a0 70 60 50 40 30 20 FoolcandlerSpacinS 26 23 3l 33 37 43 s3 ls. I 41 5A 54 59 66 76 93 med. 22 24 26 2.8 32 3/,1.5 I sm. I ,12 19 39 45 2" 41 1A 22 4s a3 21 49 a9 21 55 34 39 7i t425P SC15 llluminationon Verlical Plane UFils 2feetlrdm w:ll DD 2 in Footcandles 3 5 6 10 10 10 7 2 6 9 5 3 333 2 2 l l Hao L shlln!:l Quick-Ship lncandescent Recessed H43S.434 H43T.43a The H43 provides a small aperture for use wath up to 75W R30 lamps. Deep Coilex baffle reduces glare and spill light and provides low aperture brightness. lntegral thermal prolector (on H43T) provides prolection against overlamping and misuse of insulation materials. Die cast aluminum mounting Features. lrame accommodates up to l"thick ceiling materials. Both mini-trim and rimlesstrim ringsupplied.Damplocation listed For more detailed specif ications, please reler to the Halo Technical Binder (Volume l), Section 38. r43A SC0.4 I Dia. 1.9 Footc.ndle/Spacins 45 FC 339 13 0 9.2 6.4 27 6.5 Ft. 85 DisranceroSlriace 43 5.2 105 125 145 60 g) 7A @ 5A ,o 30 lg. 22 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.1 2.0 2.1 19 20 21 2.4 2.3 2.5 2A 3.2 3.5 40 26 30 37 Halo Lighting Ouick-Ship lncandescent Recessed R.PAR Lamp Downliqht/Wall llrasher Low brightness apertLrre downlight provides even illumination with R, PARand ER lamps. Available with specular Alzak reflectors in clear, gold or black, black seamless deep Coilex batfleor smop trim wallwasher. ts44S/TC.44a Q90W PAF38. r20WER40.150W R.10 t50W (=_, H44S/TM,446 H44S/TM.446CG Features. lntegral thermal protector H44SrrM.446MB H44S/TW.440 C onTC, TM andTWhousings provides protectjon against overlamping and misuseof insulation malerials. S units lorslrspended ceiling applicalion. Die casl aluminum mounting f rame accommodates uplo 17,'thick ceiling mate rials. Both minitrim and rim ess trim rings supplied with trims. Damp loca tion lisled,junction box lisled for through branch circuit wiring Accessories HSA-6 Slope adapter. Otdering inlormation specify S, TC, Tl\.4 orTw housing andtrim number lorcomplete unil. For more detailed specif ications, please refer lo the Halo Technica Binder(Volume l), Section 38. tr446C t44A Ft. SC0.9 SCo 3 f1 l{\ ,.i1. i. I 46 66 86 305 146 45 6.5 35 85 orsranceroslnace i t0s 125 1,15 3111 1,191 872 571 ,103 300 15 2.2 29 36 43 50 FCI19.rmed, 80 30 39 7A 32 42 60 34 45 50 38 50 4A 42 56 30 49 64 20 60 7.9 Footcardlelspacing 26 28 30 33 37 ,13 s2 36 23 39 25 42 2T ,16 2 9 51 33 59 38 3.4 36 39 ,1.3 48 56 Halo Light ng Gluick.Ship lncandescent Recessed R-PAR Lamp Downlight/Wall Washel _) H46S/T.466 H46s,T.466CG H46S/T.466MB H465.46a Q90W PAR38 120W EB!a,150W R40. 1 50W PAB38, 250W PAR38. 300W R40 o"".... I/: "\"--- il --.-/ The H46 housing is designedforhigh wattage appiications up to 300W. Available with specularAlzak reflectors in clear, gold or black, wilh black deep Coilex batfle or with scoop wall wash trim. Features . lntegral thermal protector H46S.460 on Tunits provide protection against overlamping and misuse ol ceiling materials. S u nits for sLrspended ceif lng application. Die cast aluminum mounling frame accommodates up to 17,"thick ceiling materials. Bolh mini 468€ lrim and imlesstrim ring supplied with reflector and baffle trims. Damp localion jisted, junction box listedior through branch circuil wiring Accessories HSA-8 SIope adapier. Ordering information specify S or Tlype housing. For more detailed specif ications, please reterto the HaloTechnical Binder(Vol0me l), Seclion 3B. tr 466 t46A sc0.4 sc0.8 Ft, oElancerosurlace Dia. 37 5.3 69 4.5 14.2 118 FC 1861 8S 2 522 31.2 45 65 85 10.5 241 179 125 14.5 FC 4604 224.7 1291 84 6 59 7 Dia. 19 2.7 35 4.3 5.2 FC 80 70 60 50 40 30 2A Footcandle/Stacins tr lg. I I m€d. I 6.4 5.7 56 5.2 69 61 60 56 7.4 6.6 6.5 6.0 82 72 7.1 6.6 9.1 8.1 7.9 7 4 i05 93 92 8.5 129 114 11.2 104 trsm.a 5.0 4.9 53 5.2 5.7 5.6 63 61 7.0 69 8.1 79 s9 97 I The H42 is designed as an adjuslable accent lightforuse with up to 300W lamps. Lamp adjusls 30'from horzonlalwilh 358'rotation allow ng precise a m ng. Available w th specu arA zak ref ectorcones in clear, gold or blackor with blackCoilex balJle. access aiming and relamping. Die cast aluminum mount ing frarne accommodates up to 1'/r" thickceiing mater als. Both mini-trim and rimlesslrim ring supp ied with 338 trim. Dan]p localion listed,lunction box listed tor th rough branch circuitw ring For more detai ed specificalions, Quick-Ship lncandescent Recessed i.FAh q4mp Adiustable 6 _) {" -) H42S.4AO H42S.481 H42s,4a2 H42S.338 o90w PAF38. 150W 840 200W PAR46 2s0w PAB33. 300W R40 Features.Top reterto the Halo Technical Binder (Volume l), Section 38. p ease llluminationon Hori:ontal Plahe D MolnrnsHeisht Dslancelowal L Been Length S Cenlerrooenler Spac nq FC Foolcandles Lamp lllvhination s on vertical Plene s 179 318 300WF40SP L 9.S O'Aiming Anqle D i5 125 10 75 5 66.1 4.5 83 6.6 957 149 5 50 33 265.8 598.0 38 30 23 15 DL 15 12.5 FC 10 8 s 4a 36 25 90 T2 l0 53.0 76.3 119 3 54 2124 t8 DLFC a 6 4 2 24 18 12 6 52 39 2.6 1.3 715 2860 Halo Lighung Quick-Ship Low Voltage Recessed Adiustable MRI6 Downlight 1421G Minialure recessed low voltage downlighl accepts a numberoftrims thai can be used to complement varying architectural styles. The N4Rl 6 lamp and H1499 trims make an idealmmbination lor providing highlighting and accent lighting with low voltage operaling economy. one piece lampholderand trim assembly allowsthe lamp to be aimed up to 40'from verticaland rotaled 358". da-\ n Hl499T.r 42r C Hr49gT.t 42t G Hi499T.r 42r MB Hra99T.r 493Hr 499T.t49t P Hr 499T.t 419P H t 499T.r 49aP H1499T.r 420P 12Von 20WMFIl6 a2WMF16 sowMF16 1421M8 Fealures lnteqral thermal prolector provides protection against overlamping and misuseol insulation materials . Quick release lampholder spring permils easy relamping;glass salety shield . lntegral magnetic low voltage transformer prevents voltage drop.One piece die castlrims present clean, crisp appearance. Bar hanger brackets can be repositioned 90' to facilitale installation. Damp location listed G- Accesso.ies series colorfillers (L112 red, L130 yellow, L131 ambe0, L110 Spread Lens. L1 00 'S, ft2op For more detailed please refer lo the Halo Technical Binder (Volume l), Section3C. specifications, lllumin.tiotr 1? lllumination or vertical Plane 45' Aiming Angle lrom Vertical 6.0 1420P lamp DL 12 10 on Hori20ntal Plane 50WMFI6NFL 7.8 I 65 52 4.6 7 6 FCS 1A.7 26.9 42A 54I 50 4.0 3.5 39 OLFC 12 10 3 7 6 57 48 3.8 33 2.9 s 3.6 45'Aiminq Anqlelroh Vertical 13.1 188 DLFC 7 6 295 383 522 2A 2.5 33 29 24 s 25 21 38.3 522 74.2 l8 HaoLighung Quick-Ship Lour Voltage Recessed MRr 6, PAR 36 Adiustable Downlight E7i.i417P H7T.t450P ttTT-14t5P H7f.147gP H7T.t 4' OP 12 Voll 20Wl4Fl6 25WPAF36.50W PAF36 (1475hn onry) 42WMF16. 50W MR16 H75.l4tOP H7s'1417P H7S.r450P HtS.r 475P H7S.t 479P l2Vol 2OWMB16 25W PAFI36 (l475 GF These lowvoltagekims can be installed in existing or new H7 recessed installations. The 1410 Adjuslable Spol trim, the 1417eyeball, the 1450slot aperture and the l4T5Adjuslable accentirim provide adjustable accent lighting while the 1479 Coilex baffle pro- t m only) H7tCT.1410P H7rCT.r 450P HTadi-1475P H7lCi.l4t9P 12Voll: 20wMF16. 25W PAF36 (1475trmon y) e e _\ videsaccentdownlighling. Features . lndividual magneiic low voltage lransformer supplled with trim sleps ine voltage down lo lampoperatng vo tage.Quick release lampholder spring permits easy relamping, glass saiety shie d . Bar hanger brackels can be repositioned 90' to faci itate instaLlation. Damp localion listed,junction box lisled forthrough branch circuit wlring .T-thermdly protected, ICT-insulated ceiling housing withthermal protector. Accesso.ies 1475 D L srancerowa r Beamlengih c€nre.tocenro spacing Foolcand es O I Lamp 50WPAR36NSP MounlingHeghr O"AimingAngle llumination on Hori20nte I Plane L 5 & s 45 39 34 2.4 D 16 12 10 ) I (for l\,,1R16 lamp trims) L100 series colorfilters (L1 12 red, L130 yellow, L131 amber), L110 Spread Lens. For more detailed specif icaiions, p ease reler to the HaloTechnical Binder(Volume l), Section 3C. s FC D 16 14 12 10 a FC L 245 507 73.0 7a 61 4.4 3I 31 25 23 I 52 43 35 FCS 184 24.0 32.6 47 a 40'Aiminq Anqlelrom Verticat 54 47 Lamp llumination or Ve.tical Plane 50WPAR36 NSP 4.0 3.3 DLFC I 7 6 5 4 60 53 4.5 3.4 30 s 31 1 40.6 36 3.2 2.7 553 76.6 23 i8 Halo Lrghting Accessories B..llange.s. HB3, HB2-24. One piece barhangersfor use with lncandescent, Low Vollage and Ouick Ship recessed units. HB3 for 16"joist spacing, H82-24 for 24" joist spacing. Ordertwo perfi)dure. I Fuse. Avallable as an option on HID recessed units. Allows other fixtures on a branch circuitto coniinue operating should onelixture malfunclion. To order, see speciflc iixture listings. G -".'4/_--,'-' I Y2" C Channel Bar Hangers, H826, H850. For use wilh any recessed f i)dure with Universal Moonting Brackets. H826 26"long bar hangerfor 24" ceiling members, HB50 50" long bar hangers 1or48" ceiling members. Self Flange Retlectors, Availab e as an option on mostunits. One piece ref ectoreliminates need ior separate trim ring. Provides a smooth, clean ceilinq appearance. Metal Trim Rings, TRM-4-P, MB; TRM-6-P, [48;TRM'8'P, MB. Nletal Trim Rings ol.050 die formed aluminum lor recessed fixtures. Provides strength and durability. Availab e in white (P) or black (MB). Color Filters. For H7855 and H7673 fixtures. Create varied Lighting efiecls with choice ot six colors (121 1 i.4ed . Pink, L212Warm Red, L220 Daylight Blue, L221 Nred. Blue, L231 Amber, L241 Med. Green) 41li6" diameter. 1276 clip required for H7855. Rimless Trim Rings. fFR-4 (4"); IRR-6 (6");rRR-8 (8"). High impact polymer lor use with recessed li)dures being installed without slandard trim rings in plaster ceiLings. Provides a clean, uncluttered look. ( L2lO Linear Spread Lens. L2l5 Radial Spread Lens. For usewilh H7673 and H7855 units. L2l0lensians oui lighi beam horizontally, L215lens spreads beam in alldirections. Recommended for Flood lamps. Pendant Kits. HB36P, BZ, MB, M836P, BZ. Kitlorpendanl mouniing of lncandescent (H836)and HID (M836) Surface Ceiling unils. Available in white (P), bronze (BZ) and black (MB). Swivel mechanism automatically adjusts tor sloped ceilings up to 45'. _r L275Cube Cell Louveh For H7855 and H7673fixtures. Black cube cell louver provides 45"visual cutoff . L276 clip required lorH7B55. Available as an option on most HID recessed units. Qoartz light provides illumination when unit is switched on bui HID lamp has not started or iscooling belore a restart. lncludes 150W QLrartz lamp, flex, and switching device. To order, see specific fixture ljstings. StandbyOuartz Light. 1 O MRl6 Color Filters/Spread Lens, For use with MRl6lamp units. L'1'12 Red, L'130 Yellow, L131 Arnber, Ll10 Spread Lens. ,(,'\ \v1 -"'--\_ Slope Adapteis. HSA-4 (4"); HSA-6 (6"); HSA-8 (8"); HSA-10 (10"). Slope adaplers for use with lncandescent, Low Voltage and HID recessed ti)dures tor inslallation in sloped ceilings. .050 spun aluminum, matte white finish. Availade in 5', 10', 15:20:25'and 30'slopes. Add slope desired after calalog number (es. HSA-6-20). H277 Transtormer. Transf ormer steps 277V line voltage down to 120V fixture operaiing vollage. For use w th standard and ow voliage incandescent fxtures. Can besecured to /2" knockoui of fixtu re lu nction box. 1256 lris Accessory. For H7066 Recessed Framing Projector. Converts straightslded beam ofprojector inlo an adjustable circle of lighl. Lamp Specification Table lncandescent Lamp Data HaloNo. Watts 40 60 75 100 I50 200 300 50 T5 75 150 150 type A19 De*ription 60A averase Bated lite{hours) I 500 1.000 Initirt Lume.s 480 870 1 190 a19 A19 754 150A 200A 750 150 750 Atg A21 r 750 2 850 423 PS25 754 754 2,000 2 2 4.010 6360 900 900 1,900 1,900 3,650 3 650 2 50R20 000 000 2.000 2.000 2,000 2.000 T4 FrosledDC BAY T4 Frosled OC BAY T4 F.osled DC BAY 300 300 150 254 500 50 50 o150/DC Q25o/OC Q500/DC 2,000 2,000 2,000 740 4,850 10,100 50PAF36/VNSPl12V) 50PAR36/NSP(12V) 50PAF36,1!FL(12V) 5OPAR36A1/VFL(12V) 2 000 20,160 2.000 2.000 2,000 2,000 9200 50 50 150 150 45 45 I 300 600 I1,500 4,000 5,000 1,750 12 4 150PAR38/SP 150PAR38/FL 2000 2 2 045PAF38/SP O45PAF38/FL Q9OPAF38/SP Q9OPAR38/FL Q25OPAF38/SP Q25OPAR38/FL 000 000 90 90 250 250 2,000 2,000 6,000 6,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 500 250 000 40000 7 MF-16 232 230 235 222 220 225 221 20 20 2A o20MF t6/VNSP(EZX) Q20MR-16/NSP(ESX) Q2OMF,16/FL(BAB) 9.000 3,300 464 12.000 7,000 2,800 9,150 3,000 1,500 11,500 2,000 42 42 MR o42MB 16/VNSP(EZY) ]6 Q42MF-16/NSP(EPZ) Q42MR,16/NFL(EYS) osot\,rR 16/NSP(EXT) Q5OMR,16/NFL(EXZ) Q5OMF 16/FL(EXN) 42 50 50 50 T5 3000 3000 3000 3.000 3.500 226 231 z4a 744 Q75MF-i6/FL(EYC) 3.500 High lntensity Dischaige Lamp Data AErage Rated 35 50 70 100 150 E17 E17 E17 E2311 Liae lhoursl r6 000 24 A0A LU35/O/MED LU50/D/MED 2.150 3,800 5,400 8,800 15,000 LI]7o/D/MED LUlOO/D LU15O/D LU250/O t-t38AV 1 24 000 24 000 E23\, E2A E1T E2B E2A 24000 24 AAA 250 100 175 26000 8.600 00DX 24,000 24,000 24.000 10,000 10,000 H39KC R]7slDX H37KC-R250/DX 250 175 254 I2,100 14,000 20,500 E28 MVF25O/CU HaloLiqhting Product Numerical lndex H?rcr-31o 71 H7740r-465084 HTaOOT-taOOC,G 2T 24 24 25 25 25 30 lt7tcf-426 HTtCT-426c,llB 7to.r-1417 7A 70 HTaOll-ta4oc,G H?aO2T-t8tOC,G M5342-620-t t32lP M5342-620-t 1333P it5342-620-l r344P 58 58 59 56 56 5T 5T 58 58 59 56 56 5T 5T 58 58 59 56 56 5T 5T 58 58 59 taTol I-55o-35O1OC,G 7Ot t 51 51 -640-7401OC,G f5343-630-t i300F M5343-630-t t302P lllll.lll.lllllli,","" z) u7ol5-56O-25O5OB,C,G,aA 7Or5-63O-25O5OB,C,G,BA 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 66 llTtcl-t450 HTlCl-1475 HTtCT-1479 H7S/T-70 H7S/T-7 70 70 TO H7aO2T-ra2oqG H7aO2l-rA3OqG H7a4ol-4aOOB,C,G H7643T-4a7OB,C!G H7A43T-4AaOBA a l3t tP i45343-630-l I3l3P M5343-630-.t 17or5-640-250508.C.G.aA ll7ol5-65o-25OsOA,C,GtBA 3l 3l 32 32 24 24 f5343-630-t t321P Ms343-630-t M5343-630-t M5354-640-t M5354-640-t t333P 1344P 1300P ta?ol5-66o-2505oB,c,G,BA 70r5-75O-55O5OS,C,G,BA 70t5-76O"550508!CtGtEA i tl7a55l-6a7oBaa H76557-6AaOBA ll?Sn-72 H7S/T-3.t O H7S/I-4OO,S,SG H7900t-iaooBA 70 71 i302P H790ll-ta40BA 1115354"640-1 t 3 t tF H7S/T-409 HTSrT-41O t|7St.r-417 H7940r-4a50BA H7943T"4aaOBA '11 30 31 H7S/t-41a H7S/T-425 H7S/T-426,G,t{B HA6OOBB2,i|B-r6OOC,G,SA HA6OOqBZ!I{B-36OOB,C,G Ha6OOBBZ, 33 35 rl5354-640-l r313P [5354-640-l t 32lP [5354-640-t 1333P ill5354-640-t t344P M5355-650-l r300P 5355-650-t t302P lrl5355-650-1131lP M5355-650-t t 3,t 3P M5355-650-t t32tP 5355-650-t t333P ta72ot-56o-362OOC,G 72IO-66O-762OOC,G! 72IO-76O-562OOC,G M76OO-54O-246OOC,G,BA u?6oo-6t0-6r6ooc,G,BA 7600-620-6,|6OOC,G,BA 70 B"a655BA 35 36 H7S/T-t4tO H7S/t-t 4t 7 HTSII- t450 H7S/T-1475 Ha6O5eBZ,MB-36OOB,C,G ll76ot-54o-246tOC,G u76Ol-6lO-6t6lOC,G 76Ot-620-626lOC,G tt?0oo-54o-24aooc,G,BA MTaOO-63O-63AOO!C,G,SA a6o5BBZ,fB"4655BA HAAOOF,BaMB-raOOC,qBA HaaooBBZ,MB-4AOOB,C,G 36 34 37 37 59 59 59 59 5q 59 59 59 HTStr-1479 H42S33a H42S-4AO HAaOOBBZ,|I|B-4A55BA 75 75 T5 f5355-650-t 1344P 5415"550-t t4t2irB M5415-550-t la44MB MTaOr-54O"2aAtOC,G M78Oi-54O-24a2OC,G H42S-4At A42S-4A2 H43S-436 H43T-434 T2 72 73 H44S/rM-446C,G, 8 73 73 H465-46a H46SIT-466,CC,M8 76 t300P i15304-540-1 t 302P M5304-540-113r rP f5304-540-t t3t3P 1153()4-54{)-r r32rF rl5304-540-l r333P f5304-540-l i3a4P 53i5-550-t 1300P Hs3i5-55()-r t304F irl53!5-550-l t31 tP f53t5-55()-t t3t3P M5304-540-t 6l 61 ttTgol-54o-2463oc,G zadr-63o-63aloc,c MTaOr-63O-6382OCrG ir54t6-560"1141OL8 54t6-560-t t4t2MB il54t6-560-t t444MB li54t7-570-l t4loMB f54r7-570-l.t4,t2iaB 54t7-570-t t444uB i|5435-750-t t4tOMB irl5435-7 50"1 t 4l 2MB 60 60 lr?0ol-63o-63a3oc,G M7at5-54O-34a5OB,C,G,gA M7at5-55O-34A5Oa,C,G.8A 7015-56O-34A5OB,C,GFl M7gl5-63O-34A5OB,qG,BA 7at5-64O-34A5OB,C,G,SA 6l 60 60 61 sq 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 56 60 60 61 rl5435-750-l t454itB 5436-760-t t4tOMB 5436-760-l t4r2MB M5436-760-.t t454MB 5437-770-t t4,tOMB ll7ai5-65o"3485OA!C,GIEA M76r5-75O-55A5OB,qqBA M7015-76O-55A5OB,C,G,BA MaoooEBz"556-3sOOOC.G.BA MaoooB8iz-646-?4OOOC,G,BA f53t5-550-t i32tP it53t5-550-t t333P M53,15"550-t 1344P 76 76 76 60 60 H14991-1420P 6l 60 60 61 MAOOOBBZ-636-73OOOC,G,AA 66 66 Hi499r-t42lC,G,t{B llt499T-1493P H1499t-t49AP H4760r H70667 H74OOl-t4OOC,G il53l6-560-t 1300P M5316-560-l t302P 76 76 42 it53t6-560-i t3t tP M5316"560"i t3 t0P M5316-560-t i32tP M5316-560-t 1333P M53t6-560-t 1344P M5335-750-t t302P 0-1141288 it5437-770-t 1454M8 |15437 -77 MaoooB82-656-7sOOOC,G,BA 66 MAOOOEBZ-756-ssOOOC,G,BA 66 MSOO5BBZ-557-3sOOOC,G,BA 64 5454-640-t t4tOMB 60 60 61 f5454-640-t ir5454-640-1 5455-650-t 5455-650-t Itl5455-650-t 115456-660-l t4l2llB 1 18 18 19 26 444M8 t4tOMB Maoo5E82-637-73OOOC,G,BA 64 aoo5B82-647-74OOOC,G,BA 64 Maoo5?82-657-7sOOOC,G.BA 64 MSOO5EBZ.757-55OOOC,G,BA 64 60 60 61 H14O2rlTGl4lOC,G H74O4T-l45OB,C,G,BA H746Ot-720OB,C,G i4t2MB t444MB 1 56 57 57 58 58 59 56 56 57 5T M5335-750-rt31rP Ms335-750-t t3l3F M5335-750-l t32tP M5335-750-t t333P M5335-7501 42 42 4l OMB rl5456-660-l t4t2MB 5456-660-t t4a4MB Itl6004-540-tooo2P 116004-540-lool2P 6043-630-tOOO2P 60 60 M6OtOBBA556-3sOOOC,G,BA 67 MaoroB82-636-73OOOCIG,BA 67 MSOTOEB2-646-74OOOCIG,AA 67 6l 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 50 50 50 tasoroB82-656-7soooclc,BA MAOtOBBZ.?56-55OOOC,G,BA 67 67 65 H7453t-727OA,qG H7500t-t400BA H7463T-72AOBA H7520T-34508A 18 I 354P Maor 5Raz-s57-3sOOOC.G.BA f5336-760-t t30()P 26 2A M5336-760-t r302P ltl6043-630-toot2P I{6215-550-lO202P H7600t-r600c,G H76O2T-r6rOqG H7602T'162OC,G H76O2r-l63OCtG H76O4T-t650A,C,GFA H762OT-3600B,C,G 23 21 f5336-760-l t3l tP f5336-760-t t3t3P M5336-760-t 132tF 5336-760-r r333P aor 5E821637-73OOOCIG,BA 65 aor 5B82-647-74OOOC,G,BA 65 Maor 5E82-657-7sOOOC.G.BA 65 Maot 5EBZ-757-ssOOOC,G,BA MA6O5BBZ.547-246OOC,G,aA 65 62 62is,sso-to2l2P I{62t6-560-tO202P 58 58 59 56 56 a1 51 58 58 59 56 56 57 57 2l 21 irl62t6-560-102t2P rl6235-750-tO202P il6235"7 50-102t2P Itl6236-760-tO202p 22 27 27 5336-760-tI354P 534t-6tO-t t 300P M534t-6tO-11302P a6o5BBZ-61?-515OOC,G,BA 62 Ma6O5B82-627-625OOC,G,BA 62 MA6O5E82-637-636OOC,G,BA 62 63 a6t 5BBit 547-246OOC,G,BA f5341-6tO-t t3l tP M5341-6tO-t t3l3P I{534t-610-11321P H76431-467O8,C,G H7643T-46aOBA H7673T-467O8,C,G H7673Y-46aOBl 28 2e ll5236-760-tO2l2P f6254-540-lO202P ir6254-640-lO2t2P 5255-650-tO202P 6255-650-lO2 !2P lcTor o-5so-35oooc!GtBA MTOIO-640-74OOOC,G,BA a6r5EAZ-6r7-616OOC.G.BA 63 MA6l 5BBZ-627-626OOC,G,BA 63 a6r 5B8Z-637-636OOC,G,BA 63 40 22 2A H76a4l-t650A,C,G,BA H7700T-1600EA 534t-6tO-l1333P 534t-6tO-t t344P M5342-620-t t300P M5342-620"t 1302F 115342-620-l t 3! tP H770lr-l640BA N7732T-46608A 23 29 fl5342-620-t t 3,l3P itTolo-650-7soooc,G,BA f Toto-750-55oooc,G,BA HaloLighting Documents Similar To Halo Lighting Architectural Lighting Catalog 1985Skip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextHalo Lighting Surface Lighting Catalog 1983Halo Lighting Architectural Lighting Catalog 10-91Halo Lighting Recessed Architectural Lighting Catalog 1979Halo Lighting Recessed Downlighting Catalog 1990Halo Lighting Surface Lighting Catalog 1979Halo Lighting Lite-Trend Catalog 1972Halo Lighting Architectural Lighting Catalog 1995Halo Lighting Recessed Lighting Catalog 1979Halo Lighting Incandescent Downlighting Catalog 1984Halo Lighting Power Trac Lighting 1985Halo Lighting Incandescent Downlighting Catalog 1985Halo Lighting Surface Lighting Catalog 1990Halo Lighting Lite-Trend Catalog 1976Halo Lighting Architectural Recessed Downlighting Catalog 1991Halo Lighting Compact Fluorescent Lighting Catalog 1990Halo Lighting Product Catalog 1962Halo Lighting Product Catalog 1974Halo Contractor Price Book 1971Light Terminologiestradeshow_guidebook020810Common CatalogueSylvania Bright Ideas for Holiday Lighting Magic Brochure 1962Lithonia Industrial Relighting Overview Brochure 2-85Halo Low Voltage Lighting Catalog 19863 Lighting Essentials You Cant DenyLamps & LEDsGE Lighting Systems Floodlight Application Brochure 1958Halo Lighting Product Catalog 1971128910859-9-Lighting.pdfHalo Lighting Product Catalog 1966More From Alan MastersSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextKim Lighting Landscape Lighting Catalog 1988Kim Lighting Landscape Lighting Catalog 1985Kim Lighting EKG Phase II Series Brochure 1978Kim Lighting Framed Cubes Brochure 1976Kim Lighting Entablature Series Brochure 1995Kim Lighting Landscape Lighting Catalog 1992Kim Lighting Environmental Lighting Brochure 1984Kim Lighting Environmental Lighting Brochure 1983Kim Lighting Landscape Lighting Catalog 1994Kim Lighting Landscape Lighting Catalog 1987Kim Lighting Landscape Lighting Catalog 1982Kim Lighting Landscape Lighting Catalog 1991Kim Lighting EKG Phase III Series Brochure 1977Kim Lighting EKG Phase III Series Brochure 1973Kim Lighting EKG Phase III Series Brochure 1975Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1995Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1988Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1993Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1985Kim Lighting Curvilinear Cutoff CC & CCS Brochure 9-1994Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1986Kim Lighting Curvilinear Cutoff CC & CCS Brochure 1995Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1983Kim Lighting EKG & Type 5 Brochure 1999Kim Lighting EKG Phase I Series Brochure 1972Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1984Kim Lighting EKG Phase I Series Brochure 1979Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1979Kim Lighting EKG Phase II Series Brochure 1976Kim Lighting EKG Phase II Series Brochure 1973Best Books About Electromagnetic SpectrumAtmospheric Water Vaporby Elsevier Books ReferenceSpectroscopy of the earth's Atmosphere and interstellar Mediumby Elsevier Books ReferenceA guide to Phototherapy Practice: Theory and Underpinning Scienceby Dr David C SomervilleInfrared and Millimeter Wavesby Elsevier Books ReferenceA Book of Vintage Lamp Making Designsby AnonThe Light Shines in Darknessby Leo Tolstoy, Aylmer Maude, and Louise MaudeFooter MenuBack To TopAboutAbout ScribdPressOur blogJoin our team!Contact UsJoin todayInvite FriendsGiftsLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSupportHelp / FAQAccessibilityPurchase helpAdChoicesPublishersSocial MediaCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Browse Books.Site Directory.Site Language: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaSign up to vote on this titleUsefulNot usefulYou're Reading a Free PreviewDownloadClose DialogAre you sure?This action might not be possible to undo. 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