Haldiram Foods International Limited-www.itworkss.com

March 18, 2018 | Author: Aman Goyal | Category: Marketing, Retail, Brand, Profit (Accounting), Employment



Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad Sub-Campus Osmanabad, IN PLANT TRAINING REPORT “Haldiram Foods International Limited” MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathawada University, Aurangabad. Sub-campus Osmananbad Director Dr.Ramesh Dapke SUBMITTED TO Prof. Sachin Bassaiye SUBMITTED BY Miss. Deepa Dilip Ramteke A PROJECT REPORT ENTITLED “HALDIRAMS FOOD PRODUCTS” Submitted to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad sub-center, Osmanabad Submitted by Miss. Deepa Dilip Ramteke In partial fulfillment Of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) Under the guidance of (Prof. Sachin Bassaiye) THROUGH Dept. of Management Science, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Sub-Campus, Osmanabad 2010-11 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Sub-Campus Osmanabad PROJECT REPORT ON AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF HALDIRAM’S FOOD PRODUCTS TO FINDOUT THE MARKET SHARES OF HALDIRAM’S FOOD INTERNATIONAL LTD. IN NAGPUR & ALSO TO DETERMINE CUSTOMER DELIGHT TOWARDS HALDIRAM FOODS PRODUCTS. UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Prof. Sachin Bassaiye HALDIRAM FOODS INTERNATIONAL LTD. Submitted for the partial fulfillment for the award of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (M.B.A.) By Miss. Deepa Dilip RamtekeDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Sub-Campus Osmanabad CERTIFICATE This is to certify that project entitled “HALDIRAMS FOOD INTERNATIONAL LTD.” Submitted by “MISS. DEEPA DILIP RAMTEKE” for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of M.B.A. (Master of business administration) IInd year examination 2011-2012 of the “Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, SubCampus, Osmanabad”. It is the original project carried out under the supervision and guidance of “PROF. SACHIN BASSAIYE” and has undergone the requisite duration of practical prescribed by “Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Sub-Campus, Osmanabad” for the project work. GUIDE (PROF. SACHIN BASSAIYE) H.O.D. (PROF. SUYOG AMRUTRAO) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Sub-Campus, Osmanabad Date:Place: - Osmanabad DECLARATION I undersigned here by declared that the project entitled “HALDIRAM FOODS INTERNATIONAL LTD.” Is submitted by me and its duly original work. The system presented here has not been duplicated from any other source. Thanking You, Yours Faithfully MISS. DEEPA DILIP RAMTEKE Date:Place:- I extend a special respect to my parents for encouraging me for this course in M.ACKNOWLEDGMENT I feel to be very proud privilege to express my most sincere and a heartiest sense of gratitude and indebtedness towards PROF. I am also thankful to PROF. MISS. SAMUEL RAMLINGAM for guide me and also help me out from queries. I am also thankful to Mr. on whose inspiration this piece of work was undertaken. even willing help and constant encouragement. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. DEEPA DILIP RAMTEKE . Sub-Campus Osmanabad. I am thankful to all the staff that support and help to get the knowledge and to easily contact with the retailer. SUYOG AMRUTRAO. SACHIN BASSAIYE Department Of Management Science. which made this study possible. Head of Department Dr. to help me for this project. Finally. It was her constant capable and invaluable guidance.A.B. CHAPTER Introduction of the Implant study. Bibliography 36-37 . PAGE NO. 17-21 Research on Selected Topic Introduction Theoretical background Research Methodology Data Analysis & Interpretation  Finding & Suggestions     22-33 5. Conclusion 34-35 6. Introduction of the company History. Mission Organization Structure Products Environment Awards & Achievements 6-16 Functional Areas & it’s learning  Human Resource Management  Financial Management  Production Management  Marketing Management 4.  Objectives  Scope  Limitations 2. NO. 1-5 Profile of the Company       3. Vision.CONTENTS SR. 1. INTRODUCTION OF THE IMPLANT STUDY .7. Annexture 38-44 1. pricing. and generating new ideas. This means that any organization should try to obtain information on consumer needs and gather marketing intelligence to help satisfy these needs efficiently. interpretation of findings and drawing up of a typical research report. followed by Researcher Project Implementation. the study of customers becomes very important for the marketers. promotion. Marketing is the process of planning and controlling the conception.INTRODUCTION The main purpose of this presentation is to overview the principles and methods related to market research. goods and services for achieving individual and organizational objectives. Marketing is started with the slogan of buying & selling. . Therefore. The marketing concept requires that customer satisfaction rather than profit maximization to achieve the goal of an organization. but at present. it broadened the vision build loyal customer with slogan satisfying customer needs.  To find out the future market potential of namkeens.  To analyses the retailer criteria for promoting any brand and the needs and problems of retailer.  To collect ideas and suggestions from the market.  To find out strength of Haldirams.  To increase the efficiency of the customer what should we have to do?  To know the satisfaction level of the dealers with Haldirams Food International Ltd. Lehar.  To find out the market share of Haldirams Namkeen in comparison to Balaji.  To know which Product having high demand in the market of Nagpur.  To know which brand having high demand in the market.  To get overview of sales scenario of the Haldirams Brands with its competitors. and others  To identify the ‘Distribution Network’ of Haldirams Products. .  The main objective is to cover all the market.OBJECTIVES The objectives of study are as follows: To determine the market share of the different Haldirams food products.  To judge the awareness level of retailers regarding the Various flavors of namkeens.  I can get motivation of market.  To learn actual market of corporate world.  I got practical knowledge. .SCOPE The scope of the project is as follows:  The sample of the survey was the retailers and distributors of the Nagpur.  The outlets keeping Haldirams Food products were also covered in this project. their cannot be assessed correctly.  In research retailers behavior is studied but the retailers behavior are not assessed correctly.  Due to none availability of concerned person’s questions remained unanswered.LIMITATIONS The limitations of the project are as follows:  Some of the respondents were totally unresponsive and were not ready to co-operate. .  The reliability of the data to great extent is dependent on the honesty and cooperation of the respondents in providing the information.  Biasness is the most serious limitation. therefore. 2. PROFILE OF THE COMPANY . in the electric neon now where ideas are everywhere and the next one could be your best. Haldiram Foods International Limited is basically divided into three divisions such as1) ‘A’ division (Which include large packs of namkeens. The main objective of the Haldiram Foods International Limited is cover whole market and also the rural market. Bhel. Australia. You live outside the box. Canada. Products in the Kolkata region are sold under the brand name of "Haldiram's Prabhuji" or "Haldiram Bhujiawala" while products in the Nagpur region are sold under the brand name of "Haldiram's Nagpur". bites etc) Ideas are everywhere? Your life is constant motion. Srilanka. Japan. Haldiram's products in Delhi and the NCR are sold under the brand name of "Haldiram". Rajasthan by Shivkisan Agrawal in the year 1937. good taste at a lowest cost. Haldiram has its own outlets where it sells sweets and eatables. Haldiram wants to do new innovations for getting more and more profit. Haldiram's is one of the largest sweets & snacks manufacturers in India.Based companies or the companies having Nagpur as one of their major operational centers.INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPANY Haldiram Foods International limited is a TASTE OF TRADITION by which company want to reach in every home and want to build relationship with the customer and also want to give them quality product. In addition to these packaged products. Hong Kong. Malaysia. South Korea and United Kingdom. which is the original Haldiram family. . Kenya. Papad. Singapore. Libya. we are profiling all the Nagpur . It also has a range of restaurants in the various tier-I and tier-II cities of the country. Haldiram Foods International Limited is a firm through which company want to satisfy all the needs of the customer. Ghee etc) 2) ‘B’ division (Which include small packs of namkeens) 3) ‘C’ division (Which include Chips. This 4 million dollar brand exports its products to several countries worldwide including Pakistan. In this article and others like this. Check out the profile of Haldiram below: Founded in Bikaner. It is a member of the SFA (Snacks Food Associations of America) & ESA (European Snacks Food Association). efficient distribution network are the hallmark of each and every Haldirams Product and to top it up the trump card of reasonable prices and efficient marketing strategy and the key to success. Gangabisanji Agrawal alias Haldiram Agrawal. The company has ISO: 9001-2000 certification and HACCP certification by Det Norske VERITAS of Netherlands. Zero impurity and world class packaging. It is the flag bearer of the traditional Indian sweet. Sweet and Salt are as diametrically opposite to each other as North pole and South Pole but they perform wonders when used on the taste buds. The management at Haldiram's is quality conscious no doubt Shri Shivkisan Agrawal always believes in superior input superior output.S. The company has won prestigious International Food award from TROFEO International Alimentocian of Barcelona Spain in 1999. 0712-2681191 880.HISTORY.. The brand name HALDIRAM BHUJIYAWALA was introduced during pre-partition era – 1941. From a humble beginning in Bikaner in 1937 Haldirams have grown phenomenally and are today an internationally renowned sweet me at manufacturer with chain of restaurants and is also on the verge of starting amusement parks. . It made its modest start in the beginning of way back in 1941 in Bikaner. this delicate use of both the tastes in Mithais (Sweet Meat) and Namkeens (Salty Snacks) has made Haldirams undisputed leader of the sweet industry. Kolkata in 1958. Headquartered at Nagpur (M. By default Haldirams can be termed as Taste of Tradition.e.) India. Haldirams synonymous with sweet meat as Cadbury is to Chocolates. who is the grandfather of Shri Shivkisan Agrawal. subsequently the reach was extended to eastern part of India i. Haldirams was started by Shri. Bangalore and Chennai. the man responsible for the successes and fame of Haldirams he has made the brand a household name in India. Haldirams products inherits the Matchless quality. a state of Rajasthan. Maharashtra 440001 Maharashtra “HALDIRAM” – a name associated with discerning consumers for sweets and namkeens for past six decades in India and abroad. VISION. Small Factory Area Bhandara Road NAGPUR. MISSION HISTORY:- Haldiram Foods International Ltd. It has regional offices at Mumbai. uncompromising quality. packing. Encouraged by tremendous response of consumers.  Creating innovative ideas through bright. Our perpetual consistent quality.à-vis our competitors. best packing strategy. Shri Manohar Lalan and Shri Madhusudan diversified into different territories of India. Our natural ilk to improve our performance and quality with each passing year has taken us way ahead of our nearest competitors. Shri Shiv Ratan. Through dint of hard Work. by:  Broadening the reach of our business partners. its People and the Society”. . customer-focused and talented people. vast market coverage and the number of years of experience have given us a cutting edge vis. which infect is a rare occurrence from the customers and dealers. The people at HALDIRAM’s are very sensitive and our customer friendly about the complaints. technologies and solutions. Haldiram Originated in blue year 1902 at Bikaner in Rajasthan. Shri Satyanarayan and SHRI Ramesawar.  Earning the respect and loyalty of our business partners through superior value and service. During its earliest year it was lead by three brothers Shri Moolchand. ‘HALDIRAM’ decided to go for up-gradation on Technology.further consolidated to western India also at Nagpur in 1968 and from there it never looked back and ventured first major step in this direction by opening up a in ChandniChowk in 1983. connecting them with new markets.‘HALDIRAM’ became a part of each family. VISION:“Be the Trend Setter in the field of Healthy and Tasty Eating to Achieve a Sustainable Growth this will bring about an overall up liftment of the Organization. energetic. MISSION:To help our business partners grow and be more profitable. the main hub of commercial centre is in Delhi. production etc. while maximizing value for our shareowners. complete dedication. Shri Moolcahnd and his four sons namely Shri Shiv Kishan. with the installation of plant machinery of order of best available state –of –the art technology and sophistication. . The prime focus was to serve sweets and namkeens amongst direct consumers and the trade. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Haldiram’s Food International Limited Superstockists Distributors Retailers Consumers . 3 Rs. No. Cost 1. 70gm 10 Rs. Name of the Products Qty. 25gm 5 Rs. Cost Qty. 50gm 50gm 50gm 10 Rs 10 Rs 10 Rs 20gm 20gm 5 Rs.PRODUCTS There are various products in Haldiram’s Foods International Limited they are categorized into three divisions they are as follows1) ‘A’ division 2) ‘B’ division 3) ‘C’ division List of Haldiram’s ‘C’ division Products Sr. 2. Namkeen 12gm 12gm 12gm 3 Rs. 10 Rs. 55gm 55gm 55gm 10 Rs. 4. 10 Rs. Banana Chips  Black  Red  Yellow 25gm 25gm 25gm 5 Rs. Bites      Love bites Fun bites Cheesy bites Yummy bites Golmal bites 5. Taka Tak 15gm 3 Rs. 3. 5 Rs. 5 Rs. Halke Fulke  Plain  Chilly  Mint 12gm 12gm 3 Rs. 3 Rs. Potato Sticks 6. 3 Rs. 30gm 5 Rs. 5 Rs. 20gm 20gm 5 Rs. Cost Qty. 5 Rs. . 3 Rs. Aloo Bhujia All in one Bhujia Sev Chanachoor Moong dal Chatpata dal Khata mitha Mixture Masala/ Namkeen peanuts Nimbu masala Tasty Ratlami sev Panjabi Tadka Falhari Chana nuts Fatafat bhel Golden mixture Khari boondi Navatatan Panchratan Kaju salted Masala kaju Qty. 5 Rs. 5 Rs. 16. 10 Rs. 5 Rs. 5 Rs. 20. No. 10 Rs. 13. 5 Rs. 10 Rs. 2. 4. 10 Rs. 9. 3 Rs. 3 Rs. 17 Rs. 19. List of Haldiram’s ‘B’ division Products Sr. 5 Rs. 10 Rs. Qty. 14. 5 Rs. 8. 10 Rs. 3 Rs. 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 5 Rs. 5 Rs. 7. 17. 11. 10 Rs. 10 Rs. 3 Rs. 6. 5 Rs. 5 Rs. Cost 20gm 20gm 20gm 20gm 20gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 30gm 5 Rs. 10 Rs. 3. 21. 3 Rs. . 3 Rs. 10 Rs. 5 Rs. 10 Rs. 5 Rs. 10. 5 Rs. 5 Rs. 10 Rs. 12. 10 Rs. 10 Rs. Name of the Products 1. 40gm 40gm 40gm 40gm 40gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm 60gm Cost 10 Rs. 5 Rs. 18. 15. 5. 5 Rs. 10 Rs. 5 Rs. 5 Rs. 10 Rs. 10 Rs.          Moong dal Aloo bhujia Falhari Mixture Nimbu Masala Tasty Khata mitha Chatpati dal Salted peanuts Masala Peanuts 10gm 10gm 15gm 15gm 15gm 15gm 15gm 15gm 15gm 15gm 3 Rs. 10 Rs. 10 Rs. 5 Rs. 3 Rs. 22. 3 Rs. 10 Rs. 11. 10. 14. 33. 13. 20. Rasbery Rasagola B/T Kaju Masala Ghee Sevai Shrikhand Papad: Panjabi  Udad  Moong  Bikaneri Haldiram’s Products . 27. 8. 44. 30. 16. 19. 12. 6. 25. 2. 46. 41. 26.Sr. 5. 32. 40. List of ‘A’ division 1. 17. 47. 39. 35. No. Name of the Products Aloo Bhujia All in one Agra Taj Bhujia Sev Bhel puri Bhakarwadi Chana chur Chatpati dal Chana nut Samosa Drypur Mixture Falhari Chiwada Golden Mixture Katha Mitha Kashmiri dal Kesar Sev Mixture Moong dal Murku Matri Aloo Lacha Chana cracker Panjabi Tadka Panchratan Ratlami Sev Makai Chiwada Tasty nut Bhav Nagari Meti gathi Nimbu Masala Lemon Bhel Special Chiwada Goal Kachori Khari Bundi Badam Halwa Coconut special Papadi Orange Soan Papdi Plain Soan Papadi Soan Cake Gulbahar K. 36. 18. 3. 21. 37. 38. 31. 34. 15. 29. 28. 22. 43. 7. 9. 42. 23. 4. 45. 24. . is a committee of number of peoples who work for Haldiram. In Haldiram Foods International Ltd. They all are very supportive they support each other in their work. also have friendly relations with the retailers from that the retailers also want to maintain relationship with them and also take Haldiram product in a large quantity and also sale it in minimum time. Haldiram Foods International Ltd.ENVIRONMENT In Haldiram there is a friendly environment. The Management in Haldiram Foods International Ltd. build very good team from that they work each other very kindly and also for fresher they guide them to do work in easiest way. is very good. there is a co-ordination between each and every employees. Haldiram Foods International Ltd. Haldiram Foods International Ltd. Shri Shivkishanji Agrawal. Chairman of Haldiram’s Group has also received “VIDARBHA GAURAV PURASKAR“ .AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS AWARDS:Haldiram’s received an international Food award from TROFEO International Alimentation of Barcelona. Spain in 1999. FUNCTIONAL AREAS & IT’S LEARNING .3. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resource department is about dealing with people. This activity is called as job analysis. and the HR decides this. It performs many functions and plays a vital role in the development of the industry. job specification. wages etc. The growth of any company depends upon the people working in it. It is very important department. Apart from dealing with the people it works for job description.divided into job description and job specification . And the HR department decides this manpower after discussion with all the departments of the company to find out the correct man power required to get the desired output is very complex and difficult task. Manpower required carrying out different functions in any industry. This job analysis is further sub. So for this purpose HR should be very careful to carry out the detailed study of different modules of job. Investment in 242 Central PSUs has gone up to a staggering Rs. In respect of the area and nature of job contained in Financial Management. 29 corers in 1950-51. there is primarily no significant difference in a private sector or a public sector organization. gave way to the view that even as externalities are important in the same way.725 corers -a return of 6. 13. on behalf of public at large.concerned about profits or surpluses. These undertakings have come to enjoy a unique position in the Indian economy in the post independence era.disciplinary measure. procedures and checks for accountability of this money are comparatively more rigid than that in the private sector.7 per cent only. They have been responsible for forming a strong industrial base and providing the basic infrastructure for development in the country. 2. This however.054 corers.FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT A public sector undertaking may be defined as a business undertaking. the net profit they made was just Rs. which is owned managed and controlled by the State. profitability was also a useful guide and self. since the public sector deals with and substantially relies on taxpayer’s money. The implicit assumption in the growth of PSU at the early stages was that public sector would perform the role of a pathfinder and create necessary infrastructural facilities and not be over. subsequently. However. From an investment in 5 enterprises of Rs. the rules.04. . the United States of America and many more. Punjabi Chandu Halwai has a strong administrative base built . The wide geographical network of centers has helped establish the company as the foremost sweetmeat manufacturer of Bombay. Responsible for quality maintenance and timely production. namkeens or even Fast Food. Crompton Greaves Ltd. Punjabi Chandu Halwai established its first shop in Karachi. the business soon flourished. Constantly upgrade the skill level of workforce. Mahindra British Telecom. This with several forms of delightful packaging options ensures that they are the first choice of all consumers in the city whether they are homemakers or hard-nosed industrialists. In Haldiram foods international limited there are various branches in which various type of products has been done. the business moved to Bombay and the company soon established itself as a reputable manufacturer of sweets and savories in Bombay as well.Today. At a Punjabi Chandu Halwai outlet there is a mindboggling array of sweets. their sweets are appreciated all over the world! Their firm commitment to quality and value has held them in good stead. Taj Mahal Hotel. soan cake etc. In the entire department there is a head who control and maintained all the work. Lupine Laboratories. After the Partition of India in 1947. In 1896. They have also established their business overseas like Europe. Taj Air Caterers. In sweet industry various type of sweet has been produced such as soan papadi. Philips India Ltd. Founded on the principles of uncompromising standards of quality and service. Generations of customers have come to trust the quality of this particular sweetmeat shop. Otis Elevators Ltd. Develop and maintain a motivated and disciplined production team. the Middle East. Air India. Tandon Group of Companies etc.PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT In production department there are various machinery which is in use they took all the work which has been done. Some of their reputable customers are: Pepsi India. The sweet and savory products franchise has a chain of restaurants and is also anticipated to start amusement parks. efficient marketing strategy and reasonable prices offer more opportunities for the product to witness success. Along with the above mentioned factors. the food and beverage franchise has witnessed phenomenal growth and is currently a renowned manufacturer of sweet meat across the world. The Haldiram Marketing franchise is the flag bearer of the traditional Indian sweet. which are the characteristics of every product of Haldirams. when it commenced its business in Bikaner. Since then. He is the grandfather of Shri Shivkisan Agrawal. With the headquarters at Nagpur. who was responsible for the fame and success of the sweet and savory products franchise. The Company has a license from FDA. as Shri Shivkisan Agrawal always believes in superior input superior output. Promotions . he made the brand of Haldirams a household name in the Indian subcontinent. Job Description:To double the sales of existing zone. reliability and excellence. India. To increase brand awareness and drive the business on the regional and local level. Keywords: Marketing. in the state of Rajasthan. MARKETING MANAGEMENT The Haldiram Marketing franchise made a humble beginning in 1937. Moreover. To drive sales profitability & manage event marketing programs by knowing the market and executing market-wide events.upon years of experience and goodwill. zero impurity and efficient distribution network. trust. The products of the Haldiram Marketing franchise have top class quality. This food and beverage franchise was started by Shri Gangabisanji Agrawal alias Haldiram Agrawal. world class packaging. Visual merchandising. Branding. the management of the food and beverage franchise is very quality conscious. The company and associated concerns are administered with the common principles of quality of service. RESEARCH ON SELECTED TOPIC .4. is an organization in which the product are divided into three categories such as1) “A” division 2) “B” division 3) “C” division From following two types Haldiram product is sale:1) Ready Stock 2) Order Booking There are various competitors of Haldiram from my survey I think that ‘Balaji’ is the biggest competitor of Haldiram Foods International Ltd.INTRODUCTION Haldiram Foods International Ltd. Following are the other competitors of Haldiram Foods International Ltd.Chips Market Policy and Strategy:Market Policy:Haldiram Foods International Limited wants to give the quality product to the customer from that they get satisfied with an organization.:1) Balaji 2) Diamond 3) Lays 4) Bingo 5) Leher 6) G. Strategy:- . the small but significant town nestled in Thar Desert in the North – West Rajasthan. Haldiram’s forayed into milk and Milk products such as Khowa. Savories & Sweets. Small Factory Area. Yet another Sweet-shop took roots. Ready-to-eat Snacks. Right from sourcing raw materials to their conversion into finished products. the Haldiram’s touch makes it tastier while hi-tech machinery ensure that the Packaging is done in a hygienic way. The reason our products retain Freshness and Flavors.Haldiram Foods International Limited wants to cover overall market from that no any other company come and compete with Haldiram and Haldiram is in 1st position as always. Ghee and Butter Milk. This was followed by a chain of retail outlets & showrooms catering to varied tastes and requirements of all segments of society. Rajasthan. apart from exclusive recipes and high quality products. employing State -of -the-art technology from Italy. A model factory of its time for manufacturing Sweets. Haldiram Bhujiawala became operative and sooner than later. The manufacture of Extruded foods (vermicelli and 3-D Snacks). Beside this. Human touch is avoided to ensure superior hygiene. In 1997. commenced in 2003. . Namkeens was set up at Haldiram House. Haldiram’s has Branch Offices at Mumbai. everything is done as per the international norms (HACCP) of Quality & Safety. 880. Variety is the key reason behind the Company’s popularity. Wardhaman Nagar. Be it a dollop of sweet or crunchy munchy namkeen. became a hot favorite of all Nagpurian. Bangalore & Chennai. founder of today’s haldiram’s always cherished the dream of a larger and modern factory which was realized in 1970 with the birth of Haldiram’s Nagpur. Shri Shivkisanji Agrawal. THEOROTICAL BACKGROUND The Haldiram’s venture started way back in 1937 as a retail Sweets/Namkeens Shop in Bikaner. Nagpur. Haldiram’s Produce high quality. in Delhi for the analysis of market potential of Namkeen. . Therefore the whole exercise took around 14 days.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:Problem Identification:The projects do find out the market share of Haldiram’s namkeen in Delhi and suggestion how to improve. Sample Size:Daily around 10-20 retailer were interviewed. aided by structured disguised questionnaire. Research and Policy Perspectives on Internal and International Migration:This innovative collection of articles examines the too often ignored connections between international and internal migration and compares their relations with processes of development in different regions of the world. Collection Method of Date:The source of data collection was primary data which was collected by personal interview. Almost all the respondents were very helpful and forthcoming with the information.. Area:Field work was carried out for the Haldiram Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Crax etc.DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION Data Collection Method adopted to consult of constructed questionnaire ask from several shopkeepers about the brand of namkeen they sell i. Lehar. Bikano. Haldiram.e. The question generally asks to achieve the desired objectives were:1) Which company’s product range is good? 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Haldiram Others . Haldirams =90% Others =10% Others .Haldiram =75% Others =25% 2) Which company’s product quality is good? 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Haldirams Notes: .Notes: . 3) Which company’s price range is good? 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Haldiram Others . Haldirams =50% Others=50% 4) Have you heard about the Haldiram’s product? 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No .Note: . Note: .Yes {90%} No {10%} 5) Have you purchase Haldiram product? 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No . V.1) T.Yes {80%} No {20%} 6) Where you saw the Advertisement? 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% T.Note: .V. 2) Newspaper 3) Hording Newspaper Hording Other . Note: . g. FINDINGS & SUGGESTIONS Findings:There is no competitor of Haldiram in all the division if we take it as a whole but if we take products separately then there are various competitors as given in the the following example.:.Halke Fulke Chips in Haldirams having following competitors :      Lays Bingo Balaji Diamond Layer Uncle Chips SWOT ANALYSIS:STRENGTH:1) The product has excellent brand awareness & a high quality image. 3) Schemes given to retailers are not enough. 2) Good and attractive packing 3) Good image position 4) Good taste 5) Good variety 6) High Market Share 7) Availability of brand almost on all the outlets. 2) Sale pushing of other brands.4) Other The above mentioned questions were asked from the retailers of surveyed sample market and data collected were analyzed to come to any conclusion. WEAKNESS:1) Consumer proximity to retail outlet. . E. THREATS:1) Competition from Lehar.4) Less profit of margin of Haldiram productof other brand 5) Less advertisement. . Bikano. OPPORTUNITY:1) By providing proper schemes Haldiram can increase its supply 2) By providing more profit margin Haldiram can Increase its supply. and Crax 2) Competition from other brand. 3) Sale pushing. Suggestions:To increase the demand of the customer there should be constant supply of the product as per the need of the customer. 6. CONCLUSION . This in plant training is a stepping stone. in plant training gave me a practical touch and useful to clear out practical concept and gave a right direction to my mind. . which is going in the company. It helped me to understand and know the exact mechanism of working of the various departments. which will groom me for my future in the Corporate World. In Plant-Training helped me to understand all the functions. It gave the ideas about the exact work done by the Managers and also about the vocation they do in contemporary Thus. as this helps in understanding the core principles of business by way of first hand experiences.CONCLUSION MBA student a learning combination of theory and practice is an invaluable asset. This training also helped me to understand the managerial skills which we study theoretically. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY . google.co.haldiram.in .BIBLIOGRAPHY REFER A BOOK BY: Principal of Marketing management Website:1) www.co.in 2) www. ANNEXTURE . .ANNEXURE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PRODUCT Shop Name:Owner Name:Area:1) Which Companies product do you have?  I)  2)  3)  4)  5)  6) 2) Do you get Haldirams products on weekly basis? Yes / No. 3) Which brand having large sale in your outlet? 4) Do you get delivery of Haldirams product at right time? Yes / No.  Greater than 1 Rs. 11) Which brand gives you more margin/schemes? Yes / No.5) Do you think that customer having high demand on Haldirams products? Yes / No 6) Have you receive tempered packets? Yes / No.  1..5 Rs.  Greater than 2 Rs. 7) According to you is Haldirams gives the quality product to customer? Yes / No. Replacement etc. – 2Rs. 8) Which brand you prefer the most? 9) How much discount (margin) of money offered you by the other competitors on Rs. Hangers. & on 10 Rs.  Less than 1. 12) Is Haldirams satisfied your needs i. 5 pack?  Less than 50 Paisa  50 paise-1 Rs.e. Racks. 10) According to you the packaging of Haldirams product is attractive? Yes / No.? Yes / No.50 Rs. 13) According to you what is your impression of Haldirams product on customers view? . Good 14) Bad Average Excellent What is the impression of Haldirams product based on the price? Good Bad Average Excellent 15) DO you get any offer/ gifts/ schemes by Haldirams on proper vacation? Yes / No. 16) What product you prefer the most in Haldirams? 17) According to you which product customer likes the most? 18) According to you what make you sale Haldirams product?  Brand name  Availability of product  Demand of the product 19) According to you who are the major competitor of Haldirams? 20) Are you want to give any suggestion for the company? . .Name of the Retailer:Contact No:Area:- Thank you for your valuable time………………. . Samuel Ramalingam (Regional Sales Manager.COURTESY Special thanks to the person enlisted below without the help of whom this project report wouldn’t have been a success. Ajay Jargar (Sales Officer)  Mr. Avinash Kolhe (Sales officer)  Mr. Navnit Jat (Sales officer) .)  Mr. Gyanesh Tiwari (Sales officer)  Mr. Ajay Satpathy (Marketing Manager. Haldiram Foods International Ltd.  Mr.)  Mr. Haldiram Foods International Ltd.
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