Halaal Gazette Vol 1 Issue 4

March 27, 2018 | Author: Shahil Sadool | Category: Candy, Marshmallow, Food And Drink, Food & Wine, Foods



Rabee-u-Thaani / Jumaadal Uula 1426 - May / June 2005 Volume 1 Issue 4Here are some t ips t o follow when shopping for a Hal aal product : ^ Make sure t hat t he product s you buy have ingredient s on t heir labels. I f a product doesn' t have a label wit h ingredient s, DON' T BUY I T! ! ! ^ Always check t he ingredient s. Some ingredient s t o look out for are E 120( Cochi neal - r ed col or f r om i nsect s) , E 441 ( Gel at i n) , E 542 ( Edi bl e Bone Phosphat e) , & E904 ( Shel l ac) . Ot her Har aam/ doubt f ul i ngr edi ent s ar e Est er , L- cyst ei ne, Al cohol , ani mal f at , codei ne, en- zymes, gl ycer i n, l ar d, pepsi n, r ennet , w hey pow der , shor t eni ng, t al l ow , l eci t hi n, et c. Not e: The above ingredient s are merely list ed as a guide. Some of t hem are Haraam and some are doubt ful ( source needs t o be clarified) . For specific ingredient s and E- number queries, please cont act t he ZAMHA offices. ^ Be especially caut ious in buying t he following product s: Cheese, cakes, cookies, french fries, candies, soups, sauce, margarine, crisps, yogurt , et c. I f you are not sure about a product , cont act t he ZAMHA offices. ^ Do not buy any meat product s from out let s which are not supervised by a reput able cert ifying body. Remember, money hungry abat t oir owners will not t hink t wice before compromising Halaal st andards. Many a t imes, a Muslim is employed merely t o give t he out let a “ Halaal mark” ! ! Therefore, avoid such doubt ful sources of meat . ^ Food cooked in t he hygienic and pleasant surroundings of t he home definit ely cont ains more blessings and nourish- ment as opposed t o t ake- away food. Therefore, as far as possible, t ake- away food should be avoided. However t he “ eat ing- out ” t rend is somet hing which has become a st ark realit y in our communit y. Therefore, if one has t o eat - out , t hen avoid non- Muslim owned rest aurant s & t ake- aways unless t hey are adequat ely supervised by a reput able Halaal Cert ifying body. ^ Avoid rest aurant s & t ake- aways which sell alcohol and ot her Haraam it ems such as pork, et c. ^ Remember t he golden rule: Due to the considerable amount of imported products coming on to the market, the Zambian Halaal Certifiers (ZAMHA) in conjunction with other Halaal certifying bodies in the region have drawn up a Halaal/Haraam list of imported products. Although it is virtually impossible to encompass every product coming on to the market, we have tried our level best to include as many products as possible. WARNING: THIS LIST DOES NOT ENCOMPASS EVERY PRODUCT ON THE MARKET. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ANY PRODUCT WHICH DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE LIST, PLEASE CONTACT THE ZAMHA OFFICES. FURTHERMORE, COMPANIES TEND TO CHANGE THE INGREDIENTS OF PRODUCTS AT TIMES. THEREFORE, A PRODUCT THAT MAY BE LISTED AS HALAAL MAY BE DECLARED HARAAM/DOUBTFUL IN THE FUTURE. ^ CHARHONS E Apricot s E Ball Gums E Circles E Chocolat e Marshmallow E Gum Babies E Jelly Babies E Marshmallow Eggs E Mint I mperials E Past illes E Chocolate Peanuts ^ CRYSTAL CANDY E Jube Bears - Jelly Sweet s E Chocolat e Mallo ^ DAI RYBOARD E All Fruit s Yoghurt s ^ DANDY E All Sugar- Coat ed Chewing Gums cont ain Gelat ine. However, all Bubbl e- Gums and sugar - Fr ee product s do not cont ain Gelat ine. ^ ARENEL E Apricot Sweet s E Jellies E Mallow Fish ^ EVOD E Prot o Jelly Powders ^ RBP E Royal Jelly Powders ^ ROSSMANS E Apricot Sweets E Chewy Delite E Liquorice Delite E Marshmallow Fish E Tiny Tots ^ CAIRNS E All Willards Jelly Powders ^ LOBELS E Apricot sweets E Willard’s “ Chicken Flings” cont ain real chicken ext ract s in t heir flavouring. Exercise rest raint . E Dairyboard “ Rum & Raisin” I ce Cream cont ains alcohol and is t hus unsuit able for Muslim consumpt ion. ^ COSMETI CS: E Therapeut iques Skin Car e pr oduct s - Cape E X- Clusiv Fragr ances- Mpumalanga ^ BI SCUI TS: E Bakers Biscuit s ( except "I ced Zoo & I ced Cr icket " Brand) E Pyot t s Mini Chedders ( Avoid meat flavours) ^ CEREALS: E Nat ure’s Source - KZN ( Breakfast Cereals) E Kelloggs All- Br an and Corn Flakes E Kelloggs Frost ies E Kelloggs Nut r ific E Kelloggs Rice Crispies E Bokomo Weet abix ( Not e: Coat ed variant s of Kelloggs prod- uct s are current ly under invest igat ion. ) ^ CHEESES: E Bonnit a Cheeses E Best Buy Cheeses E Bandini Cheeses E Clover Cheese & Cheese Spr eads( Except meat fla- vours) E Creight on Valley Cheeses E Cremona Cheeses E Dairybelle Cheese s E Fairview Cheeses E Forest Hill Cheeses E I ndezi River Cheeses E Kasselshoop Cheeses E Kimber ly Dairy Cheeses E Ladismit h Cheeses E Parmalat Cheese ( except sliced/ processed cheeses) E Pilaros Cheeses E Zaheda’s Homamade Cheesespreads ^ FRUI T JUI CES: E Al Kausar Foods E Ceres & Liqui- Fruit E Parmalat Sent al & Pure Joy Juices E Sundew Food Manufact urers ( Juices, Jelly' s, gelat ine) E Tang Plus Powdered Dr inks ^ I CE- CREAMS: E Amer ican Parlour E Avondale I ce Cream E Aylesbury E Balt imore E Basset s I ce Cr eams E Cas I ce Cream E Dairy Maid Nest le ( except Smart ies Cup, I t sat wit si, Triple Pop, SsSnake, & Royale King Cone) E Ola I ce- cr eams ( except Tornado, Solero ( Apple/ blackcurrent ) & Sum- mer Tr io Mult ipack. E Kulfi I ce Creams ^ SHAMPOOS: E Most ar e Accept able ( See Har aam list ) ^ COSMETI CS E Clear sil Pimple Cream E Oxy 10 Pimple Cream E Johnson & Johnson Aqueous Cream E Elizabet h Anne Aqueous Cream E E45 Cream E Tropit one Day t o Day Sunscr een E BrylCream E Labello Lip Balm ^ I NFANTS POWDERED MI LK & CEREALS: E I nf agr o Powder ed Mi l k E I nf asoy Powder ed Mi l k E Nan 1, Nan 2, Pr e Nan E Lact ogen 1 E Pel ar gon E Ni do E Progress Powdered Milk E S26 Powdered Milk E SMA Powder ed Milk E Purit y Baby Cereals E Purit y- Pure Fr uit and Veget able flavoured pur ees only. ^ MARGARI NE: E Epic Foods E Sun Oil Refiner ies E Wifowt on Oil Cake Mills ^ YOGHURTS: E Al- Kausar Foods - Gaut eng E Ambledale Dair y Yoghurt s E Danone Smoot h Yoghurt ( 125ml) E Dairywor ld - Gaut eng E Honeydew Dair ies - KZN E Oaksprings Far ms - KZN E All Parmalat Yoghurt s ( manuf act ur ed in S. A. ) E Vit alinea Drinking Yoghur t E Woolwort hs Slimmers Choice E Woolwort hs Ayshir e Range E Woolwort hs Gr eek St yle Yoghurt ^ VI TAMI NS: E Ber occa Gur onson C Calcium E Sandozz For t e ^ DENTAL PRODUCTS: E Col gat e ( Compl et e Range) E Aquaf r esh ( Except Whi t eni ng & Bambino St rawberry) E Dent azyme - Baking Soda, Classic, Herbal & original E Close- up E Oral B Sat in Floss E Oral B Essent ial Floss ^ CHEWI NG GUM: E Wicks Chewing Gum E St repsil Chewing Gum E Dent ine Chewing Gum E Dirol Dent al Chewing Gum ^ OTHER PRODUCTS: E Bist o Gravy Powder E Raj ah Curry Powder E Moirs Cust ard Powder E Bakels Delight – Non Dairy Cr eam E Candarel Art ificial Sweet ener E St ork Cremendous Original Flavour only ^ CHEESES: E Clover Cheeses - ( Meat Flavours) E Melrose Cheeses - ent ire range E Simorsberg - Cream Cheese only E Parmalat Sliced/ processed cheeses E Parmalat Flavoured But t er ^ I NFANTS POWDERED MI LK: The underment ioned t wo "I MPORTED" infant milk powders are NOT Halaal suit able as t hey cont ain HARAAM PORK ENZYMES: ENan HA ENan Alfare ^ SOUPS & SAUCES: E Knorr Packet Soups & Sauces E Royco Packet Soups & Sauces E Knorr Aromat E Sea Harvest Spring Veget able Seasoning E Danny Chassuer Sauce E Knorr 1000 I slands, Garlic & Herb, and Honey & Must ard. ^ BISCUITS: E Bakers - "Iced Zoo & Cricket" Brand ^ PUDDI NGS: E Moirs Crème Caramel E Royal Chiffon Cake ^ CRI SPS: E Simba Cheet os Cheesy BBQ E Simba Chicken Flavoured Chips E Simba Chipniks E Simba Frit os BBQ E Lays BBQ ^ I CE CREAMS: E Mozart & I t alian I ce Cream Ba- riloche Chocolat e Flavour E Mozart & I t alian I ce Cream Rum & Raisan Flavour E Royal Chiffon Fridge Cake Cont i nued on Pg 3 ÷ HALAAL GAZETTE VOLUME 1 I SSUE 4 PAGE 2 ^ SHAMPOOS: E Body On Tap - Cont ai ns Cast l e Lager E Fl ex & Go 2- 1 Shampoo / Condi - t i oner E Revl on Wash & Go Shampoo ^ DENTAL PRODUCTS: E AQUAFRESH: Bambi no St r aw- ber r y Whi t eni ng. E MACLEANS: Bak- i ng Soda, Fr esh- mi nt , Spear mi nt E ORAL - B: ×Mi nut e- Gel and Di scl osi ng t abl et s ×Ul t r af l oss and Unwaxed f l oss ^ SWEETS, CHOCOLATE, ETC: E All Beacons Easter Egg products E All Beacons products containing Gelatine (E441) E Beacons Dom Pedro E Beacon Act i- Fresh Breat h St rips E Beacons Liquorice Allsorts E Beacons Cappuccino Moulded Squares-carton pack E Beacons Cheers Liqueurs - car- ton pack E Beacons Inside Story Truffle Balls. E Beacons Irish Coffee Creams E Beacons Le Truffes - carton pack E Beacons Midnight Delight E Beacons Truffle Chocolate As- sortment E Beechies Chewing Gum E Cardbury's Endearmints E Cardbury's Frutus E Cardbury's Coconut Supreme (In the Milk Tray) E Nestle Black Magic - Liq- uid Cherry E Nestle Dairy Box - Turkish De- light E Stimarol Chewing Gun - Original Flavour E Tinkies E Wilson’s Mint Imperials ^ YOGHURTS: E Clover Double Cream Yoghurts E Clover - All Low Fat yoghurts E Clover Corner Crunch E Clover Kids Corner E Clover Vitalinea Fat Free Yo- ghurts E Clover Vitalinea Fruit Yoghurt E Danone– Fruit E Danone Corner E Danone Plain E Danone Nutriday with fruit pieces E Inkomazi with fruit pieces E UltraMel Custard ^ COSMETI CS: E Revlon Absolut es Ant i- Ageing Film- ing Cream E Revlon Charlie Nail Enamel E Revlon Double Thick Mascara E Revlon Dry Skin Relief Ant i- Ageing Body Lot ion E Revlon Dry Skin Relief Hand Cream E Revlon Dry Skin Hydro Lot ion E Revlon Dry Skin Relief I nt ensive Lot ion E Revlon Dry Skin Original Cream E Revlon Dry Skin Relief Unscent ed Cream E Revlon Flex Net Regular and Firm E Revlon I nnerlash Mascara E Revlon Moondrops Hand Cream Tube E Revlon Hand Cream E Revlon Special Feeling Super Soft Act ivat or E Revlon St reet wear Hair Highlight s E Placecol Collagen Boost er Serum E Placecol Placent a Boost er Serum E Placecol Elast in Boost er Serum ^ HARAAM MEDICATION: E Adalat Capsules E Autrin E Adults Own E Arthoflex Forte E Biotron E B Complex Forte Capsules E Bettaway Iron & Molasses E Bettaway Carotine Plus E Bettaway Evening Primrose Oil E Bioslim Products E Cal -C-Vita E Calciforal capsules E Calmolin ADD E Caprilex 150mg E Centrum Caltrate D E Centrum Caltrate Plus E Centrum Vitamin E Cephradine Capsules E Clomid/Fertomid E Coenzyme Q10 E Diflucan E Dermachem Orange label Apple Cider Capsules E Dermastine Face Cream E Dermastine with Vitamin A E Dermastine Plain E Dynajets E Estrofem E Emvit Capsules E Fillibon Capsules E Ferirmed Cap- sules E Flemex 20 Plus Capsules E Formulle Naturelle’s Isoflavones E Forti-Plus BPR E Glutaforce 400mg E Interflora Capsules E Iso Flavanes Caps E Karemore B12 Spray E Ketoflem Capsules E KCLB6 + LBF2 E Kliogest E Ladyvite E Lean Body Factor 1 & 3 E Lescol E Lipoban tablets E Mirelle E Megadoxa Capsules E Magdosa Capsules E Minamino Capsules E Minesse E Mirelle E Myprodol Capsules E Neurontin Capsules E One a Day Kids MultiVitz E One a Day Maximum E One a Day Women’s Formula E One a Day Mens Formula E One a Day Seniors Formula E Osteo Eeze E Pankreoflat E Pharma Natura E-100 E Pharma Natura E-400 E Pharma Natura E-500 E Pharma Natura E-1000 E Pharma Natura Desiccated Liver E Pharma Natura Co-Enzyme Q 10 E Pharma Natura EPO E Pharma Natura Boost E Pharma Natura Tranquilite E Pharma Natura B Complex Forte Capsules E Pharma Natura Aged Garlic Ex- tract Caps E Ponstel Capsules E Pregamal E Prempak E Premerin E Reitzer Evening Primrose Oil Cap- sules E Ritalin 10mg Tablets E Ritalin SR Film-Coated Tablets E S26 Materna Caps E Salusa 45 E Sanatogen Multivitamin E Sanatogen Multivitamin + Iron E Sanatogen Super 16/60 E Sanatogen Vitamin B Complex E Sectral Capsules and Tablets E Sinutab E Sinutab with Codeine E Slowmag Capsules E Spasmo-Canulase E Students Own E Supradyn Complete E Supradyn Recharge E Teejel E Tetralysyl ( ;Cont i nued f r om Pg 2) Cont i nued on Pg 4 ÷ HALAAL GAZETTE VOLUME 1 I SSUE 4 PAGE 3 VOLUME 1 I SSUE 4 HALAAL GAZETTE PAGE 4 Zambian Halaal Certifiers ¯:38146 W:220107 ¯:[email protected] Lusaka Zambia ABATTOI R EUREKA CHI CKENS LTD VERI NO AGRI - I NDUSTRI ES LTD GREENVELD FARMS LTD ( Chi pat a) SUNNYSI DE FARMS ( Chi pat a) BUTCHERY MASBRO FARMS BUTCHERY ( Kabw at a) KABWATA CASH & CARRY ( BUTCHERY onl y) R & M MEAT PRODUCTS ( Mumbw a Rd.) OUTLET STEERS/ DEBONAI RS PI ZZA ( MANDA HI LL ONLY) FOOD FAYRE ( Cai r o Rd & Ar cades) L. A. FAST FOODS AND L. A. RANCH ( Cai r o Rd & Lon gacr es) YUM YUM TAKE AWAY ( Kamw al a) MR BEES FOOD 2 GO ARABI AN NI GHTS EXPRESS ( Manda Hi l l Onl y) COMPANY CLASSI C I CE CREAMS ( CONTACT: 286845) DAI RY KI NG PRODUCTS ( CONTACT: 232544) Note ( 1 ): Only the above establishments have been certified Halaal by the Zambian Halaal Certifiers. We do not guarantee the Halaal status of any other outlet or abattoir. Note( 2 ): We advise the Muslim community to only buy directly from the above estab- lishments for fear of contamination in the event of tearing of pack- aging, etc. In terms of the Shari'ah, all meat/ meat products must be purchased through either Muslim outlets or through such Halaal outlets, which are supervised by Muslims. Non-Muslim Supermar- kets/ Major Shopping outlets unfortunately do not have any such authorised Muslim supervisory control. Therefore, Muslims should not purchase their meat/ meat products from such avenues. ABATTOI R THE BEST BEEF COMPANY LTD ( Abat t oi r & But cher y) ZAM ZAM ABATTOI R & BUTCHERY ( Fr eedom w ay ) KASAK’ S ABATTOI R & BUTCHERY ( Chi pat a) ) SENANGA ONLY ( TWI KATANE ABATTOI R ^ HARAAM MEDICATION (continued): E Timjan Wonder Juice (Aloe Ex- tract) E Trisequence E Trioplex Expectavit capsules E Triphaisil E Trisequense E Vit E Ginseng E Vital Kelp Tablets E Vital Chewable Calcium Tablets E Vital Calcium High Potency E Vital Dolomite E Vital Multitime for Men E Vital Multitime for Women E Vital Zinc E Vital Iron E Vital Vitamin C E Vital Vitamin E E Vital Cod Liver Oil E Vitaforce 21 Plus BPR E Vitaforce Calcium Plus Tablets E Vitaforce Junglevites E Vitaforce Nutrihair E Vitaforce Studyvite E Vitaforce Vit E Ginseng E Warner Lambert Chloromycetin Capsules E Warner Lambert Epanutin Cap- sules E Warner Lambert Erymax Cap- sules E Warner Lambert Doryx Capsules ( ;Cont i nued f r om Pg 3) O Cr ow n Nat i onal have confirmed t hat t hey current ly do not have any Halaal nat ural sausage casings available. O Fr eddy Hi r sch sausage casi ngs are not approved as Halaal by SANHA. O Sea Har v est Spr i ng Veget abl e Seasoni ng cont ains animal fat . Please Abst ain! O Beacon Act i- Fresh Breat h St rips cont ain Pig Gelat ine and are t herefore de- clared Haraam. We urge t he Muslim communit y t o abst ain. O New Mehndi Desi gn Tat t oo - creat es a wat erproof film over t he skin sur- face. Wudhu made over it would be incomplet e. Exercise caut ion! ! ! O The following Knor r Sal ad dr essi ngs cont ain a pork enzyme and are t hus declared as Haraam: E1000 I slands EGarlic and Herb EHoney and Must ard O Wool w or t hs Bak er y Pr oduct s—At a recent meet ing wit h Woolwort hs, it has been confirmed t hat ONLY t heir bread and bread rolls are Halaal suit - able. The cakes, confect ionary, et c ARE NOT HALAAL suit able. O I n t erms of t he shari’ah all meat / meat product s must be purchased t hrough eit her Muslim out let s or t hrough such Halaal out let s which are supervised and maint ained by a bona fide, aut horized Muslim organizat ion. Non- Muslim supermarket s/ Maj or shopping out let s unfort unat ely do not have any such Muslim supervisory cont rol. We t herefore discourage Muslims from purchas- ing t heir Meat product s from such avenues. Edi t or ’ s Not e: Therefore, we discourage Muslims from buying chiken’s and ot her meat product s direct ly from Shoprit e and ot her non- Muslim owned supermarket s because of t he risk of cont aminat ion wit h ot her non- Halaal meat product s. Such Halaal meat should be bought direct ly from t he abat - t oir out let t o eliminat e t he cont aminat ion risk. O Eat i ng out – whilst t he eat ing out t rend is growing, Muslims are urged t o exercise great caut ion when frequent ing non- Muslim rest aurant s, Pizza Par- lours, et c. A veget able Pizza or a Sea food dish can easily be pollut ed wit h wine, Haraam meat , ot her Haraam ingredient s, and cont aminat ed ut ensils. Remember, t he Shari’ah does not permit you t o eat from any place which serves alcohol. Edi t or ’ s Not e: Even if t he food may be Halaal, it is not permissible for a Muslim t o consume from an out let which also sells alcohol. Rasûlullâh  has ment ioned, “ Whoever believes in Allah  and t he Last Day ( Qiyamah) , he should not eat from a t able upon which alcohol is drunk ( even if he does not part ake of t he alcohol himself) . ” ( Tirmizi) O Ai r l i ne Food– A reinvest igat ion in t o meals served on airlines has revealed t hat airline cat ering companies have inadequat e arrangement s for Halaal food preparat ion. Muslim t ravel agent s are urged t o pet it ion t he respect ive airlines t o source meals from companies t hat have 100% regulat ed Halaal arrangement s. Edi t or ’ s Not e: Muslim Travelers! Remember t hat your veget arian airline meal might have been prepared wit h t he same ut ensils, et c used for ot her non- Halaal meals. Please exercise rest raint . DAIRY KING PRODUCTS ARE NOW CERTIFIED HALAAL BY ZAMHA. FO R PA STEURISED M ILK, DRINKING YO G HURTS, C HO C O LA TE M ILK & LA C TO . CONTACT: 232544 RUMCORTIN MEAT PROCESSORS AFRICA LTD ARE NO LONGER CERTIFIED HALAAL BY ZAMHA!!! PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION!!! REMEMBER!!! ONLY THE ZAMHA HALAAL MARK IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF HALAAL. entire range Simorsberg . Nan 2.) Vitalinea Drinking Yoghurt Woolworths Slimmers Choice Woolworths Ayshire Range Woolworths Greek Style Yoghurt VITAMINS: Berocca Guronson C Calcium Sandozz Forte DENTAL PRODUCTS: Colgate (Complete Range) Aquafresh (Except Whitening & Bambino Strawberry) Dentazyme ."Iced Zoo & Cricket" Brand PUDDINGS: Moirs Crème Caramel Royal Chiffon Cake CRISPS: Simba Cheetos Cheesy BBQ Simba Chicken Flavoured Chips Simba Chipniks Simba Fritos BBQ Lays BBQ ICE CREAMS: Mozart & Italian Ice Cream Bariloche Chocolate Flavour Mozart & Italian Ice Cream Rum & Raisan Flavour Royal Chiffon Fridge Cake Continued on Pg 3 . gelatine) Tang Plus Powdered Drinks ICE-CREAMS: American Parlour Avondale Ice Cream Aylesbury Baltimore Bassets Ice Creams Cas Ice Cream Dairy Maid Nestle (except Smarties Cup. and Honey & Mustard. Solero (Apple/blackcurrent) & Summer Trio Multipack.V OL U ME 1 I SSU E 4 HALAAL GAZETTE PAGE 2 COSMETICS: Therapeutiques Skin Care products Cape X-Clusiv Fragrances. Triple Pop.) CHEESES: Bonnita Cheeses Best Buy Cheeses Bandini Cheeses Clover Cheese & Cheese Spreads(Except meat flavours) Creighton Valley Cheeses Cremona Cheeses Dairybelle Cheese s Fairview Cheeses Forest Hill Cheeses Indezi River Cheeses Kasselshoop Cheeses Kimberly Dairy Cheeses Ladismith Cheeses Parmalat Cheese (except sliced/ processed cheeses) Pilaros Cheeses Zaheda’s Homamade Cheesespreads FRUIT JUICES: Al Kausar Foods Ceres & Liqui-Fruit Parmalat Sental & Pure Joy Juices Sundew Food Manufacturers (Juices. SsSnake. Jelly's. Pre Nan Lactogen 1 Pelargon Nido Progress Powdered Milk S26 Powdered Milk SMA Powdered Milk Purity Baby Cereals Purity. Kulfi Ice Creams SHAMPOOS: Most are Acceptable (See Haraam list) COSMETICS Clearsil Pimple Cream Oxy 10 Pimple Cream Johnson & Johnson Aqueous Cream Elizabeth Anne Aqueous Cream E45 Cream Tropitone Day to Day Sunscreen BrylCream Labello Lip Balm INFANTS POWDERED MILK & CEREALS: Infagro Powdered Milk Infasoy Powdered Milk Nan 1. Itsatwitsi.Baking Soda.Pure Fruit and Vegetable flavoured purees only.A.Mpumalanga BISCUITS: Bakers Biscuits (except "Iced Zoo & Iced Cricket" Brand) Pyotts Mini Chedders (Avoid meat flavours) CEREALS: Nature’s Source . & Royale King Cone) Ola Ice-creams (except Tornado.Gauteng Ambledale Dairy Yoghurts Danone Smooth Yoghurt (125ml) Dairyworld . Garlic & Herb. Herbal & original Close-up Oral B Satin Floss Oral B Essential Floss CHEWING GUM: Wicks Chewing Gum Strepsil Chewing Gum Dentine Chewing Gum Dirol Dental Chewing Gum OTHER PRODUCTS: Bisto Gravy Powder Rajah Curry Powder Moirs Custard Powder Bakels Delight– Non Dairy Cream Candarel Artificial Sweetener Stork Cremendous Original Flavour only CHEESES: Clover Cheeses (Meat Flavours) Melrose Cheeses . MARGARINE: Epic Foods Sun Oil Refineries Wifowton Oil Cake Mills YOGHURTS: Al-Kausar Foods . BISCUITS: Bakers .Gauteng Honeydew Dairies .KZN (Breakfast Cereals) Kelloggs All-Bran and Corn Flakes Kelloggs Frosties Kelloggs Nutrific Kelloggs Rice Crispies Bokomo Weetabix (Note:Coated variants of Kelloggs products are currently under investigation.KZN All Parmalat Yoghurts (manufactured in S. Classic.Cream Cheese only Parmalat Sliced/processed cheeses Parmalat Flavoured Butter INFANTS POWDERED MILK: The undermentioned two "IMPORTED" infant milk powders are NOT Halaal suitable as they contain HARAAM PORK ENZYMES: Nan HA Nan Alfare SOUPS & SAUCES: Knorr Packet Soups & Sauces Royco Packet Soups & Sauces Knorr Aromat Sea Harvest Spring Vegetable Seasoning Danny Chassuer Sauce Knorr 1000 Islands.KZN Oaksprings Farms . carton pack Beacons Midnight Delight Beacons Truffle Chocolate Assortment Beechies Chewing Gum Cardbury's Endearmints Cardbury's Frutus Cardbury's Coconut Supreme (In the Milk Tray) Nestle Black Magic . CHOCOLATE. Spearmint ORAL . Freshmint.All Low Fat yoghurts Clover Corner Crunch Clover Kids Corner Clover Vitalinea Fat Free Yoghurts Clover Vitalinea Fruit Yoghurt Danone– Fruit Danone Corner Danone Plain Danone Nutriday with fruit pieces Inkomazi with fruit pieces UltraMel Custard COSMETICS: Revlon Absolutes Anti-Ageing Filming Cream Revlon Charlie Nail Enamel Revlon Double Thick Mascara Revlon Dry Skin Relief Anti-Ageing Body Lotion Revlon Dry Skin Relief Hand Cream Revlon Dry Skin Hydro Lotion Revlon Dry Skin Relief Intensive Lotion Revlon Dry Skin Original Cream Revlon Dry Skin Relief Unscented Cream Revlon Flex Net Regular and Firm Revlon Innerlash Mascara Revlon Moondrops Hand Cream Tube Revlon Hand Cream Revlon Special Feeling Super Soft Activator Revlon Streetwear Hair Highlights Placecol Collagen Booster Serum Placecol Placenta Booster Serum Placecol Elastin Booster Serum HARAAM MEDICATION: Adalat Capsules Autrin Adults Own Arthoflex Forte Biotron B Complex Forte Capsules Bettaway Iron & Molasses Bettaway Carotine Plus Bettaway Evening Primrose Oil Bioslim Products Cal -C-Vita Calciforal capsules Calmolin ADD Caprilex 150mg Centrum Caltrate D Centrum Caltrate Plus Centrum Vitamin Cephradine Capsules Clomid/Fertomid Coenzyme Q10 Diflucan Dermachem Orange label Apple Cider Capsules Dermastine Face Cream Dermastine with Vitamin A Dermastine Plain Dynajets Estrofem Emvit Capsules Fillibon Capsules Ferirmed Capsules Flemex 20 Plus Capsules Formulle Naturelle’s Isoflavones Forti-Plus BPR Glutaforce 400mg Interflora Capsules Iso Flavanes Caps Karemore B12 Spray Ketoflem Capsules KCLB6 + LBF2 Kliogest Ladyvite Lean Body Factor 1 & 3 Lescol Lipoban tablets Mirelle Megadoxa Capsules Magdosa Capsules Minamino Capsules Minesse Mirelle Myprodol Capsules Neurontin Capsules One a Day Kids MultiVitz One a Day Maximum One a Day Women’s Formula One a Day Mens Formula One a Day Seniors Formula Osteo Eeze Pankreoflat Pharma Natura E-100 Pharma Natura E-400 Pharma Natura E-500 Pharma Natura E-1000 Pharma Natura Desiccated Liver Pharma Natura Co-Enzyme Q 10 Pharma Natura EPO Pharma Natura Boost Pharma Natura Tranquilite Pharma Natura B Complex Forte Capsules Pharma Natura Aged Garlic Extract Caps Ponstel Capsules Pregamal Prempak Premerin Reitzer Evening Primrose Oil Capsules Ritalin 10mg Tablets Ritalin SR Film-Coated Tablets S26 Materna Caps Salusa 45 Sanatogen Multivitamin Sanatogen Multivitamin + Iron Sanatogen Super 16/60 Sanatogen Vitamin B Complex Sectral Capsules and Tablets Sinutab Sinutab with Codeine Slowmag Capsules Spasmo-Canulase Students Own Supradyn Complete Supradyn Recharge Teejel Tetralysyl Continued on Pg 4 .Turkish Delight Stimarol Chewing Gun .Original Flavour Tinkies Wilson’s Mint Imperials YOGHURTS: Clover Double Cream Yoghurts Clover .Contains Castle Lager Flex & Go 2-1 Shampoo / Conditioner Revlon Wash & Go Shampoo DENTAL PRODUCTS: AQUAFRESH: Bambino Strawberry Whitening.B: Minute-Gel and Disclosing tablets Ultrafloss and Unwaxed floss SWEETS.carton pack Beacons Inside Story Truffle Balls. ETC: All Beacons Easter Egg products All Beacons products containing Gelatine (E441) Beacons Dom Pedro Beacon Acti-Fresh Breath Strips Beacons Liquorice Allsorts Beacons Cappuccino Moulded Squares-carton pack Beacons Cheers Liqueurs .Liquid Cherry Nestle Dairy Box . Beacons Irish Coffee Creams Beacons Le Truffes .V OL U ME 1 I SSU E 4 HALAAL GAZETTE PAGE 3 ( Continued from Pg 2) SHAMPOOS: Body On Tap . MACLEANS: Baking Soda. FAST FOODS AND L. which are supervised by Muslims. Editor’s Note: Therefore. Non-Muslim supermarkets/Major shopping outlets unfortunately do not have any such Muslim supervisory control. A vegetable Pizza or a Sea food dish can easily be polluted with wine. he should not eat from a table upon which alcohol is drunk (even if he does not partake of the alcohol himself). Muslims are urged to exercise great caution when frequenting non-Muslim restaurants. it has been confirmed that ONLY their bread and bread rolls are Halaal suitable. CHOCOLATE MILK & LACTO. ABATTOIR THE BEST BEEF COMPANY LTD (Abattoir & Butchery) ZAM ZAM ABATTOIR & BUTCHERY (Freedom way) KASAK’S ABATTOIR & BUTCHERY (Chipata) TWIKATANE ABATTOIR (SENANGA ONLY) ABATTOIR EUREKA CHICKENS LTD VERINO AGRI-INDUSTRIES LTD GREENVELD FARMS LTD (Chipata) SUNNYSIDE FARMS (Chipata) BUTCHERY MASBRO FARMS BUTCHERY (Kabwata) KABWATA CASH & CARRY (BUTCHERY only) R & M MEAT PRODUCTS (Mumbwa Rd. Remember. In terms of the Shari'ah. etc.creates a waterproof film over the skin surface. etc ARE NOT HALAAL suitable. Please Abstain! Beacon Acti-Fresh Breath Strips contain Pig Gelatine and are therefore declared Haraam. Eating out– whilst the eating out trend is growing.) OUTLET STEERS/DEBONAIRS PIZZA (MANDA HILL ONLY) FOOD FAYRE (Cairo Rd & Arcades) L. the Shari’ah does not permit you to eat from any place which serves alcohol. CONTACT: 232544 RUMCORTIN MEAT PROCESSORS AFRICA LTD ARE NO LONGER CERTIFIED HALAAL BY ZAMHA!!! PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION!!! REMEMBER!!! THE ZAMHA HALAAL MARK IS YOUR ONLY GUARANTEE OF HALAAL. We therefore discourage Muslims from purchasing their Meat products from such avenues. Please exercise restraint. etc.A. Freddy Hirsch sausage casings are not approved as Halaal by SANHA. COMPANY CLASSIC ICE CREAMS (CONTACT: 286845) DAIRY KING PRODUCTS (CONTACT: 232544) Note ( 1 ): Only the above establishments have been certified Halaal by the Zambian Halaal Certifiers. DRINKING YOGHURTS. We urge the Muslim community to abstain. Such Halaal meat should be bought directly from the abattoir outlet to eliminate the contamination risk. Note( 2 ): We advise the Muslim community to only buy directly from the above establishments for fear of contamination in the event of tearing of packaging.” (Tirmizi) Airline Food– A reinvestigation in to meals served on airlines has revealed that airline catering companies have inadequate arrangements for Halaal food preparation. PRODUCTS ARE NOW CERTIFIED HALAAL BY ZAMHA. Muslims should not purchase their meat/ meat products from such avenues. Therefore. Exercise caution!!! The following Knorr Salad dressings contain a pork enzyme and are thus declared as Haraam: 1000 Islands Garlic and Herb Honey and Mustard Woolworths Bakery Products—At a recent meeting with Woolworths. Haraam meat. Rasûlullâh  has mentioned. etc used for other non-Halaal meals. we discourage Muslims from buying chiken’s and other meat products directly from Shoprite and other non-Muslim owned supermarkets because of the risk of contamination with other non-Halaal meat products. The cakes.V OL U ME 1 I SSU E 4 HALAAL GAZETTE ( Continued from Pg 3) PAGE 4 HARAAM MEDICATION (continued): Timjan Wonder Juice (Aloe Extract) Trisequence Trioplex Expectavit capsules Triphaisil Trisequense Vit E Ginseng Vital Kelp Tablets Vital Chewable Calcium Tablets Vital Calcium High Potency Vital Dolomite Vital Multitime for Men Vital Multitime for Women Vital Zinc Vital Iron Vital Vitamin C Vital Vitamin E Vital Cod Liver Oil Vitaforce 21 Plus BPR Vitaforce Calcium Plus Tablets Vitaforce Junglevites Vitaforce Nutrihair Vitaforce Studyvite Vitaforce Vit E Ginseng Warner Lambert Chloromycetin Capsules Warner Lambert Epanutin Capsules Warner Lambert Erymax Capsules Warner Lambert Doryx Capsules DAIRY KING FOR PASTEURISED MILK.A. We do not guarantee the Halaal status of any other outlet or abattoir. In terms of the shari’ah all meat/meat products must be purchased through either Muslim outlets or through such Halaal outlets which are supervised and maintained by a bona fide. Editor’s Note: Even if the food may be Halaal. “Whoever believes in Allah  and the Last Day (Qiyamah). other Haraam ingredients.zm Lusaka Zambia . confectionary. all meat/ meat products must be purchased through either Muslim outlets or through such Halaal outlets. and contaminated utensils. RANCH (Cairo Rd & Longacres) YUM YUM TAKE AWAY (Kamwala) MR BEES FOOD 2 GO ARABIAN NIGHTS EXPRESS (Manda Hill Only) Crown National have confirmed that they currently do not have any Halaal natural sausage casings available. Pizza Parlours. Editor’s Note: Muslim Travelers! Remember that your vegetarian airline meal might have been prepared with the same utensils. Non-Muslim Supermarkets/ Major Shopping outlets unfortunately do not have any such authorised Muslim supervisory control. Muslim travel agents are urged to petition the respective airlines to source meals from companies that have 100% regulated Halaal arrangements. Sea Harvest Spring Vegetable Seasoning contains animal fat. it is not permissible for a Muslim to consume from an outlet which also sells alcohol. Zambian Halaal Certifiers :38146 :220107 :zamha@zamnet. New Mehndi Design Tattoo . authorized Muslim organization. Wudhu made over it would be incomplete.
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