haji shariatullah

April 2, 2018 | Author: isha_s | Category: South Asia, Monotheistic Religions, Abrahamic Religions, Religious Education, Qur'an



haji shariatullahINTODUCTION Hazi Shariatullah was born in 1781 in what is now called the village of Shamail in the Thana of Shibchar in the district now called Madaripur. He had the inception of his religious education with Maulana Basharat Ali (R.) in Kolkata. After that, he went to Makka with the maulana and he studied there for 18 years. During that period he studied philosophy for one year at the world famous University of Jami’ul Azhar, Kairo, Egypt. He got a first class and then got appointed a professor there. He taught there for one year. He was the first student and then the first professor there from the South Asian Subcontinent. Then he came back to the Indo-Pak Sub-continent and began to preach Islam in the region. But when the people refused his invitation to Islam, he went back to Makka, where his teacher Taher Chambol (known as the little Abu Hanifa) instructed him to stay at Madina where he saw, in his dream, three times, Prophet Muhammad (saw.) instructing him to go back to Bengal saying. . the father of “Farayeji Andolon” and a pioneer of the anti British movement in the subcontinent. Important details of his life-story are given below. he came back to Bengal and began to preach Islam again with the fullest fervor and sincerity among the Muslims of Bengal. He established a strong movement against the occupant British rulers and Hindu zeminders. The movement is known as the “Farayezi Andolon” in the history of the IndoPak Sub-continent.” After this incident. “O Shariatullah! Go back to Bengal. Allah has granted you as the Hazi of Bengal. PROJECTS ORPHAN AGE Pir Mohseenuddin Ahmed Dudu Mia (R) was the fifth descendent of Haji Shariatullah. Pir Mohseenuddin Ahmed Dudu Mia (R) achieved a certificate of religious scholarship from Darul Ulum. Deoband . He died in 1840. Spiritual Education : He took baiat (oath of apprenticeship) to his father in 1940. Father’s name : Aba Khaled Raziuddin Ahmed (Badsha Mia) Mother’s name : Saleha Begum Date of birth : 22th February 1914 Primary Education : At Bahadurpur under the tutelage of his father .Name : Abul Hafiz Muhsenuddin Ahmed . Death : 6th August 1997 Age : 83 years A Short Description of Pir Muhsenuddin Ahmed Dudu Mia Orphanage Nomenclature : To immortalize Pir Mohseenuddun Ahmed Dudu Mia. Secondary education: Islamia Madrasa. Dhaka. Founded :In 1999 . Deoband. the orphanage was named as such. Higher Education : In 1936 from Darul Ulum. 3rd son of Pir Mohsinuddin Ahmed Dudu Mia Village & Post : Bahadurpur Thana : Shibchar District : Madaripur THE ORPHANAGE Facilities Provided: the orphanage authority provides the orphans with books. clothes. food.Founder : Pirjada Muhibuddin Ahmed Monad Mia. Managing Committee : consists of 7 members Supervised by : Pirjada Hasibuddin Ahmed. Bahadurpur Shariatia Aliya Madrasa . treatment and accommodation and such like. pens. The orphanage authority takes the responsibility of the complete maintenance of the orphans. 7th son of Pir Muhsinuddin Ahmed Dudu Mia (R) . Number of Orphans : 80 Students Number of Teachers : 3 Number of Residential Rooms: 3 half concrete. exercise copies. every student has to pay only 30 taka for electricity bill. accommodation. the madrasa authority has been providing the students with books. THE ALIYA MADARASA Number of Students : 516 Students Number of teachers : 27 Number of staff : 17 Managing Committee : consists of 7 members Supervised by : Pirjada Hasibuddin Ahmed. the father of “Farayeji Andolon” and a pioneer of the anti British movement in the Sub-continent. foods.Aba Khaled Rashid Uddin Ahmad (Pir Badshah Mia) was the fourth descendent of Haji Shariatullah. In 1940 Aba Khaled Rashid Uddin Ahmad (Pir Badshah Mia) established Bahadurpur Shariatia Alia Madrasa. 3rd son of pir Mohsinuddin Ahmed Dudu Mia Village & Post : Bahadurpur Thana : Shibchar Deistic : Madaripur . At present. Since then. etc free of cost. In 1940 Aba Khaled Rashid Uddin Ahmad (Pir Badshah Mia) established Bahadurpur Shariatia Alia Madrasa . At present. FARAIZI MOVEMENT Haji Shariatullah launched the Faraizi Movement The first half of the 19th century witnessed a movement known as Faraizi Movement in East Bengal. accommodation. For this the students are facing difficulties in attending their classes. At this time the condition of the Bengali Muslims in the Sub-continent was very miserable. foods. The 70 years old building has become risky for farther use and as such been abandoned . So a new building in place of the old one has become a crying need and a fortiori. The founder of this movement was Haji Shariatullah. The British policy of distrust . The madrasa authority has been providing the students with books. etc free of cost. Since then. we are humbly soliciting for financial help from you. every student has to pay only 30 taka for electricity bill. Hence his followers came to be known as Faraizi. . He declared the country Dar-ulHarab. His movement was also directed against the oppression of the Zamindars. as Eid and Friday prayers could not be offered there. He returned to his country after 20 years and started his reform movement known as the Faraizi movement. The movement infused new life into the lives of the Muslims of Bengal. It wrought great agitation among them. He asked them to give up un-Islamic customs and practices and to act upon the commandments of the religion called Faraiz or duties.and oppression towards the Muslims rendered them economically and educationally crippled. especially the peasants who were imbued with his doctrines. His movement basically targeted the most depressed class of the Muslims. and the oppression of the Zamindars made their lives unbearable. He forbade Tazia on the occasion of Muharram and singing and dancing at the time of wedding ceremonies. Haji Shariatullah went to Mecca on the Pilgrimage. Dhaka. succeeded Haji Shariatullah. Dadhu Mian popularized and strengthened the movement by organizing it in a systematic way. He died in 1860. he was put under arrest for organizing the peasants of Faridpur districts against the British government. struggled for the uplift of the Bengali Muslims His son Muhammad Mohsin. Dadhu Mian vehemently opposed the taxes imposed by the landlords on Muslim peasants for the decoration of the image of Durgah. He asked his followers to settle in lands managed by the government. known as Dadhu Mian. he sowed the seeds of independence in Bengal. During the revolt of 1857. He died in 1840. He acquired great influence amongst the Muslim peasants and craftsmen of Bakerganj. Mir Nasir Ali. also known as Titu Mir. . Faridpur and Pabna districts.Thus. He appointed Khalifahs who kept him informed about everything in their jurisdiction. The death of Titu Mir did not dishearten his followers. He made Narkelbaria. In 1831. Titu Mir died fighting the British forces. a village near Calcutta. Titu Mir devoted himself to the cause of his country. Titu Mir was able to defeat Krishna Deva and set up government. Many oppressed Muslim peasants gathered round Titu Mir in their resistance against the Hindu landlord. His example rather served as a source of inspiration for them in the years to come. The British aiding the Hindu landlords sent an army of 100 English Soldiers and 300 sepoys to Narkelbaria.Mir Nasir Ali. Krishna Deva Raj. known as Titu Mir is another important figure who was moved by the sufferings of the Muslim of Bengal. . the center of his activities. 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