Hacking Your ECM Using Calterm

March 26, 2018 | Author: Charly Ramos | Category: Turbocharger, Vehicle Technology, Engines, Machines, Rotating Machines



Hacking your ECM using Calterm III================================================================== WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! THIS MUST NOT TO BE DONE ON ENGINES WITHIN THE USA!!! There are steep penalties for modifying the emissions components on any engine that falls Under EPA regulations. Doing so will land you with SERIOUS FINES!! ================================================================ DO NOT USE THE BACKUP/RESTORE PARAMATERS OPTION IN CALTERM!!!! When Downloading your cal file to your engine, MAKE SURE THE OPTION TO BACKUP/RESTORE PARAMETERS IS NOT CHECKED. Some of the features and parameters HAVE TO BE EDITED, and are part of the delete. Restoring your features using calterm will overwrite them back to their origonal values and could make your cal unstable. ================================================================ VERIFY YOUR CALIBRATION BEFORE REMOVING ANY HARDWARE!!!!!!!!! You should ABSOLUTELY verify your 'Milk Money' delete BRFORE REMOVING YOUR HARDWARE!, and putting the truck back on the road. Start the truck and verify your VGT position!. Make sure it is at 5% during idle, unless you have specifically set it somewhere else. This is very important. If you have done everything right, and your VGT position is above 69%, then something is very wrong. A couple of people have given me feedback, saying that a bad cal can be corrected by NOT using the features and paramaters option during a download. Others have reported that it can be corrected by using an older cal for your engine, then editing that instead. Sometimes as old as a 2011 file. If your engine is one of the few that end up with a bad cal, downgrade your engine software. There has been parameter changes and additions in this Update Read the document carefully!!!!!!!! This document is an ongoing process, Check regularly for updates! Mama's EGR Milk Money... I am by no means an expert on this Calterm software, but I do know that there seems to be a serious lack of help out there on how to use this stuff. It claims it is an engineering development tool used to monitor ECM's for Cummins engines with the ability to alter the calibration data. Well, It will do just that, but the problem is that it is not very friendly and the help files are vague at best. The process that I am about to share doesn't come from any formal training, but rather by the hours and hours spent via trial and error trying to figure this stuff out, and the bold willingness to risk my truck and its ECM for the purpose of engine exploration and the pursuit of the all mighty MPG. My truck is a Pro-star with an ISX that has EGR and DPF. The ECM is a CM871, and the Calibration that was in my engine was the original from when the truck was new. I set up Insite 7 and Calterm 3.6. and got them registered (not going into detail about that). I have an Inline-5 Adapter, so I installed the drivers for that and used a generic, but good quality USB-TO-RS232 adapter from Radio Shack to get the adapter set up on COM2 (I had to also disable COM2 in the BIOS as well). Yes, I could have used the USB cord for the inline adapter, but I found that the communications is much more stable and reliable using the RS232. Running the Calterm software, I checked under 'Options' and found that I had NO privileges, so I closed the program and hacked the Calterm_3.lic file. I just simply added the following to the bottom of the file and made it look like this... <LicenceFile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Products available="AllProducts" /> <ToolFamily family="Engineering" /> <ToolFamily family="FieldEngineering" /> <ProductGroup available="true">MR</ProductGroup> <ProductGroup available="true">HD</ProductGroup> <ProductGroup available="true">HHP</ProductGroup> <ProductGroup available="true">LD</ProductGroup> <ProductGroup available="true">LDA</ProductGroup> <ProductGroup available="true">LDD</ProductGroup> <Feature>ToggleSecurityKey</Feature> <Feature>CRCFiles</Feature> <Feature>SendOperation</Feature> <Feature>SPEEDDownload</Feature> <Feature>SPEEDUpload</Feature> <Feature>IgnoreRangeLimits</Feature> <Feature>Unlock</Feature> <Feature>CalibrationEditor</Feature> <Feature>SaveFileCalibration</Feature> <Feature>SaveModuleCalibration</Feature> <Feature>ModuleEditor</Feature> <Feature>HexEditor</Feature> <Feature>BlockUnBlockFaults</Feature> <Feature>Download</Feature> <Feature>Export</Feature> <Feature>Overlay</Feature> <Feature>Assemble</Feature> <Feature>Divide</Feature> <Feature>ChangeRunLocation</Feature> <Feature>SecureDownload</Feature> <Feature>StopEngine</Feature> <Feature>SubfileTableEdit</Feature> <Feature>TemporaryWritestoSecureModules</Feature> <Feature>TVOTVC</Feature> <ProductGroup available="" /> </LicenceFile> After that I Re-ran Calterm and went to Options-> Security and chose Liscense file upgrade, and chose my hacked Calterm_3,lic file then upgraded. After that, all the options were now available in the left window. The next thing I did was get Calterm set up with my DLA. I went to Options->Datalink, and set up the DLA. In my case, I had to choose the following... Protocol: J1939 Adapter: RP1210a --< this is the correct setting for an INLINE-5 adapter. Vendor: Cummins Inc. Device: DeviceID-20,COM2,INLINE 4/5 J1939 Tool Adress: 0x8A --< I changed the default so that there is no interference from other devices in my truck. I saved the parameters and closed Calterm and before going any further, I ensured there was NO ECM passwords in the ECM by using the Insite Zappit software and deleting ALL ECM passwords including the OEM. I also recommend highly, that you use cummins Insite to print out ALL features and parameter for your vehicle BEFORE ANY SOFTWARE CHANGES OCCUR!!!. If This will cause many problem when hacking the ECM. There is a line that that reads '<module_name>CM871</module_name>' for the correct file that goes to the CM871. and Chose 'Select Product' from the main menu. MAKE A BACKUP FILE FIRST! Choose 'Upload' from the main menu and make a backup of your ECM before going any further. but setting the 600D and Apply options made it stick. The key-switch in the truck HAS TO BE ON to connect to the ECM. first thing is first. or at least one that was close to my CM871. Check the little checkbox next to the '_Engr_Security_Key' paramater and choose 'Apply'. Re-ran Calterm. then you are good to go for editing the Module. During the Upload / Download . as well as tell you its current state whenever you load or re-load a calibration. I closed the Unlock feature and chose 'Open Module'.6. For my engine. My Inline frmware is 5. When the screen opens all th way. then I selected the configuration file (the CM871 metafile I had found) from the file chooser. Going back to Screen0 should now show the paramater in the first field and also show 'UNLOCKED' for its current setting. For some reason. I also ensured that I had the meta-file for my engine. but the versions were very close. If you get an INLINE adapter firmware warning. If this is the case. If your ECM is unlocked properly and ready for editing (from using the Unlock Tool). then you will also see a symbol at the bottom of the screen that looks like a padlock that has been opened. The other files will read a different ECM type. choose the first blank spreadsheet-looking field in screen0 and press F1. just choosing 'Switch' without re-applying the 600D option caused the ECM not to stay unlocked.007). then this is NOT ok. This will ensure you can recover from a failed download. You need to add the Engineering Security Key as the first entry in screen0 to monitor. and usually requires some phone calls to a dealer or cummins themselves.32 requires Calterm 3. (Firmware 5. I clicked on the 'Find devices' button. I actually took the time to rename all the files in the folder so that I would not have to look inside them again to see what ECM they belonged to. and it changed to 'Unsecured'. the closest one I found was done so by opening the files one at a time and reading the XML code at about line 11 or so. One ended in 0. then you will have to use the Unlock Tool again to get it unlocked. This puts the software in Edit mode.6. when you make changes to the ECM that the Unlock setting gets saved to any CAL files you might create. This is perfectly ok. then Press F7 on the keyboard to remove the circle-slash from the Screwdriver symbol at the bottom of the screen. I chose 'Eagle-Red' from the menu as this is the closest product representation for my ISX Engine. I then Chose 600D under module status and chose the 'Apply' button. or a parameter change that might corrupt the ECM. so correct the problem if you have to. I chose the button 'Switch'. and ensured the 0x00 was listed in the device address box. If the padlock is closed. just like in the Insite software. Next I Chose 'Tools->Unlock'. With the ECM Unlocked. To do this.008 and they match. I got a warning message for the config file not matching the actual module config. All meta-files are stored under the 'c:\Calterm III\ecfg' folder.91 I think. It is difficult to get them back. I had to choose again 'Eagle Red' from the top list.33 and the actual module ended in 0. At this point. This will ensure later. then chose 'Display Cur. The ECM MUST be unlocked before you can make ANY changes to it. or upgrade Calterm to match the INLINE firmware.you loose your settings. Status' and saw that the ECM security was set to Secure.46 and my Calterm is 3. And search for 'engr_sec'. I then ensured I was still connected with my cables and turned the truck key-switch to the ON position. then hit 'Automatic'. At this point. For example. and T_ indicates a control toggle. After that. This makes it easy to change something and then test it without screwing up your ECM. EMO_ indicates a function related to emissions management. If you decide for some reason to hack a . They will be updated with the new CRC info permanently. you need to get a little creative. it is not unusual to get some alarms on the dash of the truck. but this really doesn't limit you much because somewhere else in the thousands of parameters is the bypass. If the ECM will let you change them. or the new cal file to your original backup to see what changes you have made if you get lost along the way using the compare tool. Note that not all parameters are editable.cal file and then add them to the list and choose ok. then on a again). These changes will stay until the power is cycled on the ECM (the keyswitch in the dash of the truck turned off. Many of the variable names include prefixes to indicate their functions. Upload the file and save it as a CAL file.ecfg or . I hacked my . There are many other prefixes. Many parameters are Copies of others with a different name. then Choose the 'Upload' function from the main menu.ecfg to make it match my exact engine calibration software version to eliminate the warning messages whenever I opened the Module Editor this way. Many parameters are hard-coded. Make your changes to all fields desired. C_ indicates a user-adjustable control. One thing that helped me in finding editable parameters is the descriptions. When you have some parameters selected and you Edit their value. or 'informs the Tool' are NOT editable. Just about any description that has the words 'Tells the Tool'. so be thoughtful and investigate thoroughly before choosing something to change or monitor.cal file directly then there is a tool to Re-certify the file's CRC. Anyways. First. Set all the changes you want to make. The ECM will then have the edited file as its main Calibration file and the changes will then be permanent.ecfg or . . and learning what they mean by studying the comments is very helpful. Just choose 'CRC Files' from the main menu and select the hacked . You will need to choose 'Download' to Download it BACK to the ECM. Then use the 'Save' button to send them to the ECM. After the upload is done. To permanently change something. add parameters to Screen0 that you want to change. You can compare the module. or actual editable setting to replace it. This is because the ECM is put in boot-loader mode and taken out of Application mode during the upload.process. then the Value field will turn Yellow indicating there was a change. then use the 'Save' button at the top to actually commit them into temporary ram-space in the ECM. These are output parameters only that actually are just Outputs of other settings and results. EGA_DL_Engine_Speed - The current live RPM of the engine. I disabled them ALL rather than try and sort them out.0 = 7. and because I drive my own truck. but there are many that are silent. _VGT_Actuator_Position_Commanded ENGN_Final_Torque_Cmd - Live Commanded VGT postiton %... Silent derates are in place to protect the limits of the engine components and happen on a regular basis as a normal part of engine operation. The consequences of turning them off may be severe. Searching parameter names that include 'DRT' or 'EPD' in the name are almost always related to derates.Some cool parameters to check/monitor while troubleshooting the engine or perhaps test driving the truck... depending on what it might be.01 TDC) _Turbocharger_Speed - The current live speed in RPM of the turbocharger. and no one else does. Disabling ALL derates will improve performance and fuel mileage for the engine. The current live torque load on the engine. FTT_q_CompFlCmd_v - The current live fuel flow rate command. There are tons of parameters that deal with derates and engine shutdowns. Some derates will cause an alarm in the dash. Final_Timing - The current live engine Timing (0. . Derates and Engine Protection Shutdowns. if the driver of the truck is not aware that those components can now be pushed beyond their intended limits. {Enable for Alternator Warning. but the good thing is that you can bypass or unplug a component or sensor that may have failed. the vehicle can still be moved. it can destroy itself in short order. The bad thing.{Min Speed in K/hr for Engine Brake (must be 5 or higher)!!! .Engine protection shutdowns can also be eliminated so that when a shutdown alarm occurs. Disable Engine Protections and Shutdowns… C_AIF_AlphaAltDerateOvrEn 1 C_EPD_Derate_Suppress_En 1 C_EPD_EMT_Trq_Drt_En 1 C_EPS_s_Enable 1 C_TSD_Active_Enable 1 T_AFW_Enable 1 T_EPD_Shutdown_Override_En 1 T_J1939_Trip_Reset_En 1 C_CHL_Turbo_Drt_Fuel_Delta C_OFC_Fuel_Limit_Override_Value C_OFC_LLimErrorSet_Thd T_ERC_MinEngageVehSpd T_ISD_Loading_Thd <-... like your EGR valve. is that if your engine runs out of oil. Here is the map to disable all derates and shutdowns. school buses and other emergency vehicles are often set this way so that in an emergency. or DPF can without it shutting you down. Firetrucks. 1=On / 0 = Off} 2000 600 65535 5 100 T_ISD2_Period 3600 T_MaxEngSpd_With_Zero_Vss 1600 T_PTP_Switched_Trq_Lim 6779 C_ADD_s_ReportFaultEnable 0 C_AIF_AlphaFuelRateEnable 0 C_CBL_Fuel_Cmd_Filter_Coeff 0 C_CCP_Least_sev_Err_En 0 C_CCP_Mod_Err_En 0 C_CHL_Turbo_Drt_Fuel_Max 0 C_COT_Derate_Active_Enable 0 C_EMO_EgrOffEPD_Enable 0 <-. then engine will not be effected by it. C_EPD_AECD_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_Aux_Sw_Restart_Lim_En 0 C_EPD_CHT_Restart_Lim_En 0 C_EPD_CHT_RPM_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_CHT_Sev_SD_En 0 C_EPD_CHT_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_COT_Restart_Lim_En 0 C_EPD_COT_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_CT_RPM_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_CT_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_CT2_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_EGR_Restart_Lim_En 0 C_EPD_EMT_Restart_Lim_En 0 C_EPD_EP_RPM_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_OP_RPM_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_OP_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_OT_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_Soot_RPM_Drt_En 0 FTT_p_MfgTrim_p 0 T_AT_Engine_Shutdown_Enable 0 T_DIO_Enable 0 T_EPD_CCP_Torque_Derate_En 0 T_EPD_Engine_Protection_En 0 T_EPD_Shutdown_En 0 T_ISD_Enable 0 T_ISD_Ovrd_Enable 0 T_ISD_Tmptr_Enable 0 T_OFC_Fuel_Limit_User_Override 0 T_PTP_Enable 0 T_RSC_GD_ProtectionEnable 0 T_VSS_Tamper_Sensitivity 0 <-.{Auto-Adjust fueling to control Soot 1=OFF / 0=On} .} <-. Punch a 3/8" hole into Crank Case Filter so the engine can breathe easier After Disabling This Alarm.{Disable Crank Case Filter Alarms.{Anti-Theft Can Shutdown Engine 1=Yes / 0=No} <-. It took many hours of research and comparison of CAL files to get the proper changes. If the vehicle has more that 200k+ miles on it.. Disable DPF… C_EPD_Derate_Suppress_En 1 C_PTM_ATM_Input_Override_En 1 T_EMD_Low_Eff_ErrReset_Enbl 1 T_HIM_DIAG_Test_Enbl 1 T_OCL_FacePlug_Disable 1 T_OCL_FacePlug_Disable 1 T_OCR_TransComp_Enbl 1 C_APM_NR_OverTemp_SysIO 01D90E3F C_APM_NR_OverTemp_SysPerf 006EC103 C_APM_tm_DPFOut_HiTmptr 10 C_EPD_Soot_Spd_Derate 1900 P_OCD_fn_DOC_NmlEff 1 C_AIM_FT_DOCInTmptr_Enbl 0 . Please take note that these changes do NOT affect the EGR system itself. These parameter changes completely remove the logic for the DPF and After-treatment (Dosing) injector. These changes should work on ALL CM871 engines that have a DPF and no DEF system. This will ensure maximum horsepower and fuel efficiency as the ECM will now rely heavily on this sensor for its torque curves because of the lack of extra sensors that were arranged at the DPF. Here are the changes that need to take place. After making these adjustments.Deleting the After-treatment system on the ISX Engine (CM871).. The main Wiring harness going to the DPF then needs to be unplugged and wrapped to prevent corrosion. then the IMAP (Intake Manifold Air Pressure Sensor) should also be removed from the intake and replaced or cleaned thoroughly with a dry toothbrush to ensure accurate charge pressure feedback to the ECM. The Information has been verified and tested as well. only the After-treatment system. or replace them with a muffler. Remove the DPF and DOC and hollow them out with a hammer and chisel. C_AIM_FT_DOCOutTmptr_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_DPFDeltaP_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_DPFOutTmptr_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_DeGreening_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_DeGreening_Ext_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_DeGreening_Ext_UserSelect 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_DeGreening_UserSelect 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_Init_Enbl 0 C_AIM_FT_Filter_Init_UserSelect 0 C_APM_DOCDelta_Hi_Select 0 C_APM_NR_HCDesorb_Check 0 C_ATD_DeltaT_Enable 0 C_ATD_FT_AFT_History_Enbl 0 C_ATD_FT_HET_Setup_UserSelect 0 C_ATD_RTD_T1T3Field_En 0 C_ATM_OT_Restart_Lim_En 0 C_CCP_Least_sev_Err_En 0 C_CCP_Mod_Err_En 0 C_CHH_EGRTubeClogEnable 0 C_DLC_BAS_Zero_Fuel_Ndot_Enable 0 C_EMO_DocFacePluggedEnable 0 C_EMO_DocMissingEnable 0 C_EMO_DPFMissingEnable 0 C_EMO_DPFPluggedEnable 0 C_EMO_EgrOffEPD_Enable 0 C_EMO_HiEOPMEnable 0 C_EMO_IneffDosingEnable 0 C_EMO_SwappedThermistorEnable 0 C_EPD_AECD_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_Soot_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_HIM_DIAG_pr_Sys_Leak_Thresh 0 C_HIM_FT_DoserTest_Enbl 0 . C_HIM_FT_DoserTest_UserSelect 0 C_HIM_FT_Dosing_Enbl 0 C_HIM_FT_Dosing_UserSelect 0 C_OFC_FCEnable 0 C_PTM_AppLbl_Monitor_En 0 C_PTM_DL_RTD_InhibitRegenEn 0 C_PTM_IneffDesoot_NoLamp_Enable 0 C_PTM_IneffDesoot_YLamp_Enable 0 C_PTM_MobileRegenVehSpdDisEnable 0 C_PTM_MobileRegenVehSpdDisUserSel 0 C_PTM_SRegen_Test_Enable 0 C_PTM_SwitchTest_Enable_Time 0 C_PTM_TM_DOC_In_Temp_En 0 C_RegenInPTOUserSelectable 0 C_SFP_FT_Soot_Fill_Enbl 0 C_SFP_FT_Soot_Fill_UserSelect 0 C_SFR_Ineff_StatRegen_FaultEnbl 0 C_SFR_IneffStatRegenEnbl 0 C_SRegen_Switch_Mux_User_Selectable 0 C_SRegenSwitchUserSelectable 0 P_PTM_MobileRegenOFF_Flag 0 P_SFP_GreenFilterInPlant 0 P_SFP_Soot_Stage 0 P_SFR_Regen_Trigger_State 0 T_ATD_FT_HET_Setup_Enbl 0 T_ATM_Enbl 0 T_DOP_DPFLampEnable 0 T_EPD_CCP_Torque_Derate_En 0 T_HIM_Enbl 0 T_OCD_DOCD_Eff_Enable 0 T_OCD_DOCD_LoEff_Keyon_Clr_En 0 T_OCM_Enbl 0 . Newer VGT turbo's are not designed to withstand the higher exhaust gas temperatures created when there is no longer EGR. This is actually a problem that exists on most all bigger diesel engines. Modern VGT Turbo's like the Holset brand can handle 1350 Deg F for only 3 minutes at a time. including. and use less torque. and an outer casing temperature of no more than 900 Deg F at the exhaust housing. If pulling up a steep hill and the turbo casing reaches 850+ Degrees F. Exhaust gas is regulated to roughly 570 Deg Fahrenheit. Again. or other heavy torque conditions. There is a second problem that is created by the higher exhaust temps as well. the turbo. With NO EGR. With EGR in place.T_PIP_Enbl 0 T_PTM_AutoDesorb_Enable 0 T_PTM_PTORegenEnable 0 T_SFD_HiDeltaP_Diag_Enable 0 T_SFD_HiSootLoad_Diag_Enable 0 T_SFM_Enbl 0 T_SFR_ApplicationLabel_Ov_Enbl 0 T_SRegen_Switch_Mux_Enable 0 T_SRegenSwitchEnable 0 T_TFC_Texh_ULim_Allowed 0 A WARNING BEFORE CONTINUING. a clean burning diesel can have EGT's as high as 1400+ Deg F or more during a hard pull. When the Pyro gauge is less than 450-500 Deg F. this extra heat MUST be bled off before the engine can be shut down. What this means is that SOMETHING or SOMEONE (the driver) will have to manually regulate this temperature while driving under heavy torque conditions. that Pyro gauge on the outside of the turbo housing can help you with this. then the driver will need to back off the accelerator. The only other alternative to this is to replace the turbo with an older-style turbo that is less fuel efficient. The easiest and cheapest way to do this. and that is the accumulation of heat on the exhaust side of the engine overall. even with EGR still active because the exhaust gas is allowed to get 800+ degrees at times . What this second problem translates to is that after a hard hill climb. the engine must be idled for several minutes before shutting it off. choose a lower gear. After high torque conditions... is to install a $50. or exhaust components.00 Pyrometer in the dash of the truck and put the sensor on the OUTSIDE of the exhaust housing of the turbo. yet again. it is safe to turn off your engine without causing heat damage to the turbo. can be damaged over time. DISABLING / DELETING YOUR EGR WILL KILL YOUR TURBO IF PRECAUTIONS ARE NOT TAKEN ! The main problem that is created whenever the EGR on a newer engine is disabled is that Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is no longer regulated. and $3. convince the Emissions Manager that there are conditions present where there is no need for it to be on. so don't say I DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER when your looking at a popped turbo. The 'Combustion Manager' has the final say. It can also request an 'off condition' if there is a fault in one of the EGR components. or a very crappy after-market exhaust brake. Secondary effects include excess head and exhaust pressures. including its hardware. like PDI and others. is that the Combustion Mgr needs the correct Altitude for the engine to keep combustion . some pretty tricky things have to be done. as well as little or no control by the ECM to maintain decent combustion efficiency. The only thing that will make it happy so that it runs the engine as efficiently as possible while the EGR is actually off.000 plus just to get a new turbo. Switching OFF EGR. as to weather or not the EGR should be on or off. There are a few places out there that have figured out some of the changes needed. or at high altitude conditions. After spending several thousands of dollars to these over-priced crooks. Someones first assumption would be to make the engine think its at high Attitude all the time.. and if you decide to keep your existing VGT. THE PROPER WAY is to leave the EGR logic ON. is if it is being told to do so by the 'Emissions Manager'. is for you to buy some Over priced After-Market Mechanical Turbo for several thousand more dollars.during Regen cycles. poor timing control. is an engine that cannot control the turbocharger correctly. After all..000 ft)... To completely remove the EGR from the engine. poor cylinder compensation. destroyed turbocharger(s) and possibly a cracked head or gaskets. Knowing all that would make it Easy right?. BOTH must be happy for the engine to run as efficiently as possible. but NONE OF THESE BUTCHER SHOPS HAVE ACCOMPLISHED IT CORRECTLY SO FAR!!! What you end up with. It cannot be satisfied by disabling the EGR logic or any components. but the problem with that. Their solution to try and cover these facts up. The EGR logic on the ISX CM871 engines is deeply embedded. The Entire ECM and all of its programming was re-designed for just that purpose. and know full well that THE ECM CAN IN FACT OPERATE THE ENGINE VERY WELL with its existing VGT and EGR switched OFF. This warning is from experience and from researching and performing failure analysis on several dozen failed turbo's after an EGR delete was performed. a runaway engine. The Emissions Manager is the only thing in the ECM has this ability because the EGR can actually cause the engine to stall and shut down when it is being operated in extreme high altitudes (like the top of veil pas at 12. and making it WANT the egr off is the problem. The end result is an engine that has no more engine brake. NOT!!!. or while the engine is below 140 degrees for the same reason. and Instead. I was challenged with these same problems when researching this subject. and comes up with some results. that it can actually shut OFF the EGR just for that reason alone. or at the very least. then BOTH managers will be happy. It is also OK to block / remove the EGR cooler. ensure the EGR valve is completely closed before doing the delete. Some calibrations are lenient on this. The same problem exists for the engine temperature. the Combustion Mgr does not use EGT in its calculations. but the Emissions Mgr will stop.. Also Fortunately. Turn Off / Delete EGR… C_CBR_EGR_Off_Override_Value 1 C_EGR_Enable 1 C_EPD_EMT_Virtual_Sensor_En 1 C_TPE_Exhaust_Boost_Parameter 1 C_TPE_Exhaust_Offset_Parameter 1 T_CBL_EGR_Frac_User_Override 1 T_CBR_EGR_Off_User_Override 1 <.. so this leaves only one obvious option left. and 'Delta-P Sensor' after the parameters are changed. by editing how the engine calculates EGT makes the Emission Mgr want far less EGR. It can be so much less. and others do not. and that is Component Failure. otherwise there will be fuel mileage and/or power losses. These things help keep the engine and turbo healthy. but some aren't. It knows what to do. You MUST install a blocking plate at the intake where the venturi-pipe meets the manifold..} . It is NOT recommended to remove the 'Exhaust Back-pressure sensor' or the 'Turbo Inlet Temp Sensor'. in place to ensure the conditions are permanent no matter the actual engine conditions. Now. like a 'Turbo or Pipe cleaning cycle'. Egr Valve. the component faults. or perhaps get stuck while performing other tasks. After that. Give it some breathing room to do it. etc. This is the start of how I got the EGR turned OFF. This means that if EGT were very low. or redundancies. and all the Managers happy about it. This will improve horsepower and fuel mileage by allowing the combustion manager to move the VGT where it needs to for full non-egr operations. Lowering Exhaust Gas Temps by a large amount. Suppressing these errors is easy. do not interfere with their operations. 'Egr Temp Sensor'.{THIS MUST STAY ON Or VGT Turbo will not function Properly. and various other sensors and tables to do this. It uses EGT. These help with engine and turbo efficiency.efficiency at its peak. with both Managers happy. Component failure does in fact work to disable the EGR. unless it becomes excessive. so this is a viable option. That is why some people get away with unplugging their EGR valve or EGR Temp sensor. I just set some insurances. so how do we 'Get our Cake and Eat it Too'? The Emissions Mgr determines how much EGR we need by calculating it. removal. but causes other problems. IT IS ALSO HIGHLY RECOMENDED to re-map the turbocharger for optimal NON-EGR performance via the 'TGC Min/Max Closing Tables'. 6 C_TGC_LLim 5 C_TGC_ULim 65 C_CHH_EGRTubeClogEnable 0 C_EGRDeltaPEnable 0 C_EMO_EgrOffEPD_Enable 0 C_EMO_VGT_EGR_Chi_Allowed 0 C_EPD_AECD_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_EGR_RPM_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_EGR_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_EPD_EGR2_Trq_Drt_En 0 C_PTM_Enable 0 EGR_Delta_Pressure_Keyon_Error 0 T_AIP_EGROrificeTmptr_Ovrd_En 0 T_CIT_Adj_Enable 0 T_EGA_DL_AZ_Enable 0 T_EGA_DL_CS_Enable 0 T_EGA_DL_Pos_Estimate_Enable 0 T_EGR_DP_IR_Enable 0 T_EMO_AAP_AECD_Enable 0 T_EMO_Air_Handling_AECD_Enable 0 <.4 C_CHH_EGRT_Enable_Thd -45.T_EAC_Pref_EFA_Error_Enable 1 T_EMO_Cap_EL_User_Override 1 T_INM_EGRT_Lead_Enable 1 C_AIP_EGROrificeTmptr_Ovrd_Val 260 C_CBL_EGR_Frac_Override_Value 0 C_CSE_EGR_Frac_Cmd_On_Thd 1 C_EMO_Cap_EL_Override_Value 16 C_EPD_EGR_RPM_Drt_Err_Sev 511 C_CHH_EGRT_Disable_Thd -45.} .{THIS MUST STAY ON Or VGT Turbo will become Eratic During Turbo Cleaning Cycle. For the EGR valve itself.. as well as actually unplugging them. summing it all up. There are parameters for the PTO that will allow/dis-allow an active regen when the engine is in PTO mode. I also highly recommend installing an engine fan on/off switch to help protect the engine/turbo during long hill climbs. you will need to add codes 2375. you will use code 2375 (voltage above normal). This eliminates the need for adding fuses. 2274. I found that simply installing an on/off switch in series with the black wire of the fan solenoid is a great solution. etc. any faults you add to the list. it will assume it has reached the bottom of the table and ignore any values further down the list. the EGR differential pressure sensor (Delta-P Sensor). My engine already had codes 2367. 1667. Dealing with other errors you might see will require some extra consideration before just simply adding them to the tables. 1893. 2368. For trucks that do not have this switch. This error is not nearly as harmful as it is described in the FIS software.T_TIB_Fuel_Adjustment_Enable 0 Dealing with Error Codes after a Delete. so because of this. I suggest only including the codes associated with unplugging them be used. For the Delta-P sensor. This error code will be generated if there is any 'conflict of interest' among engine features. The CM871 has 2 tables that will keep errors and/or engine faults from being reported. I left them as is. use code 2274 (voltage below normal). 2274. If your goal is to suppress/delete the EGR. it will scan each of these tables starting from the top to see if that particular fault is listed. If one of these parameters is set. Looking back. is error code 0346 (Calibration Memory Software . and code 3385 in the other table. and 111 for the CAGT_Block_Fault_Codes table. need to be done so that there are no zeros in between them. A good example of this is the PTO engine feature. for just the EGR. so I threw that code into the list as well. and 1893 as a start. and table [ CFTR_Block_Lamp_Fault_Codes ] is for keeping your dash error lights at bay. and since there is limited space in the table. For the DPF. but the regen switch has been .Bad Intelligent Device). code 1893 (control circuit abnormal rate) will do the trick. sensor. and 2377 to BOTH tables. I have only ever seen code 1667 come up after unplugging all of it. If it encounters a zero or blank field in the table while scanning downward. but freaks most people out nonetheless. The ECM will complain about it via code 2377 (fan voltage above normal).. and simply added the new codes to the list in each table as shown below. This means for the EGR temp sensor. The main components the ECM is going to complain about are going to be the EGR valve. you will need to add codes 2375. before setting a fault. The table [ CAGT_Block_Fault_Codes ] is to suppress faults across the datalink. with the other delete parameters already in place. not every calibration will have the same exact set of errors suppressed. and the EGR temp. because it is after all it is simply just a ground wire. you will need to add several codes to these tables so that you can unplug the components without the engine complaining about it. One good and common example of this. Because of this behavior. Most all engines have an error code or 2 already in these tables by default. In total. While the ECM is running. All of these sensors have several codes associated with them. The VG ring itself is not traveling its full range of motion. where HALF of that same hole will be visible out from underneath the edge of the control arm. or the actuator is out of calibration. Any more then ¼-1/2 tooth free-play in the actuator gear itself on the actuator. I have also seen where the parameter [ T_Mux_SRegen_Switch_Source_Address ] set incorrect. but personally. There is a hole in the control arm (the arm with the gear teeth) of the turbo itself that will align with a hole under it. Then use insite software to per-calibrate the actuator BEFORE placing it down onto the turbo. What typically causes this error is either too much backlash in the gear for the Actuator because it is worn out. so that engine features. shown here as a reference. in the turbo housing. A PTO manual regen cannot take place if the switch has been disabled. This is called the 'PIN Position'. Another common error that comes up when dealing with an engine that has had the 'Other-Guys' deletes in them previously. if the delete has been done correctly. and all the other brain butchers out there suppress this error for reasons beyond me. It is this position that the control arm MUST BE IN when the per-calibrated actuator is placed down onto the turbo. and not a ghost of the delete. CAGT_Block_Fault_Codes CFTR_Block_Lamp_Fault_Codes 0 2367 0 3385 1 2368 1 2375 2 111 2 2274 3 2375 3 1893 4 2274 4 1667 5 1893 5 2377 6 1667 6 0 7 2377 7 0 .rendered useless via the DPF delete.ly can cause this. then there is something wrong with the turbo. I think correcting the actual problem is the correct solution to this one. and I suppose you could too. This code is an actual fault. but have had several people report that the error goes away after re-calibrating the Actuator carefully. is that the VGT and its Actuator are now run in a much wider band of operation. such as PTO will continue to work correctly. If you cannot move the control arm this full travel length without it binding or dragging. Use the dull end of a drill-bit that fits snug into this hole to align the actuator arm precisely to the hole under it. where previously. and nothing more. where it will align slightly past with the hole under it. you can simply add it to the blocked fault tables. Resolving error code 0346 is simply a matter of figuring out what needs to be turned off in the engine features to accommodate the EGR delete.. Yes. is error 2636 (VGT Actuator Driver Circuit). BD. taking care not to move the control arm in the process.PDI. I have had more than one tech argue this with me. they were not. and it has too much backlash as well. when the arm is almost all the way to the right. If you are getting this error. you should check the range of motion of the control arm by moving it all the way to the right. using this method. The problem that is created. and all the way to the left. JBLL. Before doing all of this. then I recommend you remove the actuator from the turbo and check everything. so the ECM throws code 0346 as a result. then this creates a conflict. but it is better to first try and resolve what might be in conflict. or where [ T_SRegenSwitchEnable ] is not set to 0 after a delete. Here is the tables from my own engine. C_TGC_Max_Closing_Table X/Y 0 5 32 0 6 30 30 550 6 30 30 575 6 30 30 825 6 30 30 900 6 30 30 1000 6 30 30 1100 6 30 30 1200 6 30 30 1300 6 30 30 1400 6 30 30 1500 6 30 30 1600 6 30 30 1700 6 30 30 38 66 66 66 66 66 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 66 66 66 66 66 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 75 66 66 66 66 66 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 100 66 66 66 66 66 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 150 66 66 66 66 66 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 175 66 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 200 66 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 225 66 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 250 66 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 275 66 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 300 66 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 325 66 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 350 40 40 40 40 40 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 .This works well on engines that are already 600+ HP and have the bigger turbo already. the Parameter [ T_TGC_Variable_LLim_Mode ] can be set to 0 if you want the engine to have a 100% stock non-egr turbo mapping.8 0 8 0 9 0 9 0 10 0 10 0 11 0 11 0 12 0 12 0 13 0 13 0 14 0 14 0 VGT Re-Mapping (Improves Power and Fuel Economy)… These Values MUST be set for Tables to be Active… T_TGC_Variable_ULim_Mode 1 T_TGC_Variable_LLim_Mode 1 C_TGC_MaxLimitVariableRateEn 1 Optionally. ..1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 6 6 6 6 6 6 30 30 6 6 6 6 30 30 6 6 6 6 C_TGC_Min_Closing_Table X/Y 0 5 40 40 6 6 6 6 40 40 6 6 6 6 45 45 6 6 6 6 45 45 6 6 6 6 50 50 6 6 6 6 65 65 6 6 6 6 65 65 6 6 6 6 65 65 6 6 6 6 65 65 6 6 6 6 65 65 6 6 6 6 65 65 6 6 6 6 65 65 6 6 6 6 55 55 6 6 6 6 32 38 50 75 100 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 0 5 5 5 10 18 20 20 30 40 60 60 60 60 60 60 68 550 5 5 5 10 18 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 575 5 5 5 10 18 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 825 5 5 5 10 18 20 20 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 900 5 5 5 10 18 20 20 30 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 1000 5 5 5 10 18 20 20 30 40 45 45 45 64 60 60 54 1100 5 5 5 10 12 13 15 25 32 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 1200 5 5 5 10 12 13 14 25 32 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 1300 5 5 5 10 12 13 14 25 32 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 1400 5 5 5 10 12 15 18 28 35 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 1500 5 5 5 18 25 25 28 35 45 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 1600 5 5 5 18 25 25 28 35 45 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 1700 5 5 5 18 25 25 28 35 45 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 1800 5 5 5 18 25 25 28 35 45 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 1900 5 5 5 18 25 25 28 35 45 45 45 55 60 60 60 54 2000 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2100 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2200 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2300 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Soot / Black Smoke Control (over-fueling).. then setting parameter [ T_OFC_Fuel_Limit_User_Override ] to a 1 will DISABLE the manager. and it also needs the ability to force the turbo past its normal 'Boost-Providing' range of operation. Its purpose is to limit fuel while the turbo is spooling up so that the amount of black smoke/soot is reduced when someone stomps the fuel pedal. From about 5-70%. This also results in increased charge pressure at the intake manifold. If this vibration becomes severe to the point of fluctuating the engine during over-closed conditions.There is a manager in place that limits fueling during sudden changes of the accelerator pedal. it will provide the excess back-pressure needed to force exhaust gases into the EGR system. It is this same excess in exhaust back-pressure that is needed for the engine brake. the ECM must have control of the VGT. the higher the risk. Tweaking the Engine Brake. it will provide boost for combustion. This double-action of resistance makes the engine brake for the ISX one of the strongest in its class of engines. but can easily confuse a driver or mechanic into thinking the turbo is bad. then driven up into the head.. To prevent this. This manager now becomes optional. then it is time to replace the turbocharger.1 = Engine Brake Activates when Brake Pedal is pressed (and Jakes are turned on in the . when altering the engine brake settings is excess back-pressure. so between 70% and 100%. Without the DPF. This annoying 'squeal' is actually not nearly as harmful as it would seem. The VGT has a travel range from 0 to 100%. This retainer ring suffers heat expansion on a constant basis and has been known to vibrate at high frequency as it gets worn. so that it can 'Overcome' that boost at the intake manifold. the VGT is used to produce back-pressure to place resistance on the engine. the rest of the turbo will show signs of failure as well. The sound is almost Identical in nature to the sound produced if the turbine were to touch the housing. witch results on cracking and destroying it. ensue it is set to 0. although it will provide boost. as well as improved fuel economy in city traffic. and don't care about that proverbial 'puff of black smoke'. A second concern that needs to be considered heavily. by the time it gets this worn. The condition is known a VGT OC or Over-Closed condition. there is little increase in boost gain. Usually. The ISX uses charge pressure to increase the strength of the engine brakes. but if it is excessive. If your looking for faster power response. Values above 90% closing can be difficult for the VGT Actuator to achieve or maintain as the outer retaining ring gets worn.. The condition is known among mechanics as 'Dropping A Valve'. The higher the RPM of the engine. The downside is that the engine feels like it hesitates a bit during hard acceleration. making it harder for the engine to compress the cylinders as well. For this to happen properly. Lots of back-pressure is used to make the engine brake work. This results in the valve being struck by the piston hard. When this is happening. the turbo's actuating ring is extended past the main housing and relies on a keyed retainer ring in the most rear housing to keep it in place. but above 70%. In an Over-closed condition. I recommend the higher RPM ranges be set a bit lower as a protection. If your looking for maximum fuel economy. Here are the tables that control the Over-Closing limits during engine braking events with modified values to provide maximum braking ability. but much back-pressure gain. It can cause exhaust valves not to close properly. This helps to keep the DPF from clogging up in city traffic and/or because of an abusive driver. The benefit of leaving this manager active is less black smoke and reduced soot. Engine Brakes… T_ERC_ServiceBrkActivateEn 1 <-. <-.1 = Engine Fan is used to help engine brakes <-. <-.Max RPM Engine Fan can spin before it Explodes! Use VGT to make Engine Brakes Stronger… C_TGC_E_Brake_OC_ULim_Table RPM 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 % 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 85 85 80 75 75 75 75 72 70 70 70 C_TGC_Exh_E_Brake_OC_ULim_Table RPM 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 % 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 85 85 80 75 75 75 75 72 70 70 70 .T_FCC_Engine_Brake_En C_FCC_Engine_Brake_Time C_FCC_Engine_OverSpd_Thd 1 15000 2500 dash).15000 = Make fan come on after 15 seconds. Having lead compensation in the engine timing on the fly will allow the engine to run slightly smoother. and the result is a mechanically compensated timing offset. Studying the mechanical process heavily. Since the burn is faster. This can result in burning the tops of the pistons and / or scoring them. would result in the cam actually ending the timing cycle mechanically just ahead of the solenoid. the timing can be advanced easily via a 'Timing Shift' to further improve engine fuel efficiency. and is mapped via several timing and fuel tables.01 Degrees forward of this parameter. The Engine Timing can be monitored via Parameter [ Final_Timing ].01 Degrees. The ECM has the ability to alter the engine timing greatly. Without EGR.0. resulting in a faster. Most documents on this subject for diesel engines agree that the problem will not likely occur under heavy engine load until the timing shifted forward more . a slight shift forward in Hydraulic delay during the timing actuator process. There is however the issue of EGR. the mechanical timing is actually 8. When watching this parameter. The Timing is generally retarded a bit by default due to EGR. but also an increase in actual EGT's. wich help protect the turbo and improve fuel mileage at the same time. Studying how the injectors are actually primmed during a fueling/timing cycle actually revealed that the timing actuators actually finish their cycle very close to when the overhead cam starts to compress the injector for combustion.01 TDC. The engine is mapped correctly. the injector. and too little causes the timing to become very unstable.Engine Timing. I also noticed that when it comes to timing. but the further the shift.4 seems to work quite well for this on engines that do not have other timing or actuator problems. there is little or no live 'lead compensation' for mechanical lash in the engine concerning timing. Thia means that when the timing is zero. Too much shift and the timing cycle becomes erratic. you will quickly notice that it will swing both Positive AND Negative. Shifting this delay forward a bit will cause interference from the cam (and also increases timing slightly). witch now includes the engine lash. The lash in the cam itself will alter the timing. but rather an Offset to the mechanical timing set when the engine is built. or the valves if it is not kept in check. the mechanical Timing is at 7. and when this parameter reads 1. less residual heat is produced. Shifting the timing forward to improve fuel economy works well. these tables are best left alone. as well as make the fueling rate more stable. so if you are not planning on doing something radical with the engine. witch saves fuel. A value of 2. once it has been deleted. Lowering EGT's as well. or lack thereof. there is less resistance for engine cam to be pushed forward. It is not the absolute timing of the engine. the higher risk of cylinder flashing. The actual timing is 7.. but much higher combustion temps will occur. there is a slight power increase due to timing. This means that without EGR.3 ensures the timing cycle ends before the mechanics takes over. hotter burn. Because of this. and is set for very good fuel efficiency vs power already. With less forward compression and a lower angle on the piston arm.. The default hydraulic delay set in [ CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c ] of 1. but also.3 0 0 Best Balance of Power vs Fuel Economy and Lower EGT'S… CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c 2. or slowing acceleration rates on the engine to save fuel. I have some parameter examples. Please note also that with the hydraulic delay set further ahead. but rather an actual trade-off of fuel economy.7 Stock Setting… CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c T_CBL_SOI_Increment_Enable C_CBL_SOI_Increment 1. top end torque will suffer resulting in slightly less power. Cruise Control. (Great for long hill climbs)… . and is slightly less. Make Cruise Control Operate Down to 3 MPH. The further the shift in timing. For Highest Power and Performance (Lower Fuel Economy and Higher EGT's)… CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c 1. the timing is actually cut short from the actual numbers used for the shift. lower EGT's. With all that said..4 T_CBL_SOI_Increment_Enable 1 C_CBL_SOI_Increment 8 Can be as much as 2+ MPG.3 T_CBL_SOI_Increment_Enable 1 C_CBL_SOI_Increment -0. cleaner.than +12-14 degrees... This must be kept in mind if you plan on performing any timing shifts to improve fuel mileage.4 T_CBL_SOI_Increment_Enable 1 C_CBL_SOI_Increment 3 Max Fuel Economy Possible via Timing Shift. CTS_ti_TmActDelay_c 2.. hotter burning fuel. the better fuel mileage will become on the ISX. Very Low EGT's (Slightly Lower Power). and less engine strain at the expense of direct torque. This is NOT the same as lowering the power. then I feel sorry for you. If you happen to be one of those unfortunate souls that got suckered into spending several thousand dollars for one of the 'Big Boy' deletes. wasting even more money.C_CC_MaxRoadSpdLowerLim C_CC_MinReferenceSpeed C_CC_CancelSpeed C_Road_Speed_Limit_Default 5 5 5 140 Reading Incal Files. them claiming that you need exhaust back-pressure for your VGT to work correctly. Of coarse. To Uncompress a particular calibration file. then re-name it.rar'.?? number off it for this. or compare your edits to a factory calibration for a particular engine. You are going to need to reference. Hopefully. then you will need the AV1????. USE THE FILE THAT BELONGS TO YOUR SPECIFIC ENGINE!!!. It is possible to fix a bad delete so that it runs somewhat ok without the file. you will need WinRar to De-compress it. I suggest the october-2012 set of cd's or newer. or just as bad. My engine ECM had the number AV10104. These files are stored on the disks in their various folders and can be easily searched for. and are absolutely not necessary. as your engine is now totally and royally screwed up. The pw is either going to be 'ndse' or 'ocec' (special thanks to Simmax for providing these passwords) depending on what kind of file it is. The reason you will want your engine's file is so that you can set the fueling and timing tables back the way they should be.. This is important for getting your engine to run for maximum combustion efficiency based on the hardware for that engine. just copy it from the CD. As an example.. To start with. so they will have to be uncompressed before Calterm will read them. This is extremely handy in identifying what settings have been altered in an engine. The files on the disks are compressed and password protected. Incal is a set of software disks that have ALL of the latest factory calibrations for ALL engines. changing its extension to '.. These are both attempts to cover up the fact that they did a horrible job re-programming your engine. especially if you are seeking fuel mileage improvements and want to do a . After decompressing it. NOT MINE. Calterm will read it just fine. and of coarse. especially engines with edited calibrations from other companies. but Calterm will not read them in their current format. it is inevitable. so you can use it as a reference. you weren't dumb enough to remove your VGT.. you will need the factory cal file for your engine. it will ask you for a password. At some point. If your ECM is still original. but to get it right. got suckered into using their exhaust restrictive muffler. you need your file. Repairing the 'Other-Guys' Bad Deletes. You can aslo use them for making Compare files.08 on it. You can find this file on the cummins 'Incal' cd-roms. and copy-paste the values from the factory cal table to its matching table in the butchered cal. do a compare with calterm so you can see all the changes.. Save the cal file each time you correct a table before going to the next table. An overview of what needs to be done reveals that first. or damage to bearing caps. There is no self-destruct code in these cal files if you connect to your engine. You will then need to open the copy of your butchered cal file in calterm. To paste this table data into the butchered cal.. you will need to upload your cal out of your engine. where you will discover that they have set the max speed of your turbo to 150k rpm's with no regard as to what turbo you might actually have on your engine. go to its tab and open its matching table. After that. I suggest making a folder for the project. then press 'CTRL-A' then 'CTRL-C'. there is no amount of passwording or protection in your engine that you will need to get past that requires their help. you should put the compare file into your project folder for reference as well. I would suggest setting this table back where it belongs.. Fuel Flow Table. If you value your engine. FTT_ti_FlTblZ_c Timing Tables 1 – 6 . one at a time. etc. BOTH will need to be open (they will be in separate tabs). Here is a list of the fueling/timing tables that need to be repaired. you will need to fix ALL the butchery those guys have done. choose any field. most of the 'Other guys' deletes set the crank angle too low under heavy torque load. go to the [ C_EMO_Turbo_Speed_Limit_Table ]. You will need to open each of the tables. etc... You will need to next. then press 'CTRL-A' then 'CTRL-V'. and the cummins Insite software's Zappit feature will delete ANY passwords they might have set during their feeble attempt to hide their butcher-work. Calterm does not care about any protection whatsoever once you use the unlock tool. The changed fields will now be in yellow. If you have your factory cal. and putting a copy of the factory cal for your engine in there as well. open that table. then make a copy of it that you can edit. Before we begin. witch can cause a bearing to spin. otherwise you could set it . and want it to live a long healthy life. risking a crack in the engine block. Refer to the 'Reading Incal Files' portion of this doc to get it unzipped.timing shift. Also.. Damage Spec. To copy a table. C_CBR_SOI_Alpha0_Table C_CBR_SOI_Alpha1_Table C_CBR_SOI_Chi2_Table C_CBR_SOI_Chi3_Table C_CBR_SOI_Chi4_Table C_CBR_SOI_Chi5_Table The 'Other guys' have also set your VGT up to self destruct. a crack in the block.. Next. I would like to clear up an urban legend that a couple of these 'Big Boy' companies like Puke Deletes Inc. have been puking to its customers. as well as open the factory cal. highlight any field. Junk-Ball.... eventually weakening the retaining bolts. Bully-Damaged. as well. or harmful to the engine. . Also. as well as improve combustion efficiency based on air inlet temp.. you will need to correct all the tables and single parameter groups that are incorrect and/or incomplete. This. Here is a list of the parameters I have found to be set incorrectly on those bad. or to the suggested settings in this document to help protect your engine.. you will likely find that the Engine brake tables are messed up too. but not all). They are set tp 99% closing and can cause the engine to 'Drop A Valve' (Read the section Tweaking The Engine Brake for more info on this).. C_AIP_CompInTmptrLLim = 23 (from 0) C_AIP_CompInTmptrULim = 1015 (from 9000) C_AIP_CompInTmptr_Count_Incrt = 4 (from 0) T_AIP_CompInTmptr_Ovrd_En = 0 The exhaust back-pressure sensor is needed for optimized combustion and to help prevent Excess backpressure. setting them to their correct values for each group..across the board for a value of 105 for all fields. limit of the turbo inlet to 9000 degrees. C_OFC_LLimErrorSet_Thd = 30.0 C_TGC_P_Gain = 1. C_AIP_ExhaustPressLLim = 51 (from 0) C_AIP_ExhaustPressULim = 972 (from 9000) Fuel control error correction needs to be fixed. The 'Other Guys' typically set the upper temp. so it should be corrected. This sensor will let you know if your turbo is overheating. You will have to correct tables [ C_TGC_E_Brake_OC_ULim_Table ] and [ C_TGC_Exh_E_Brake_OC_ULim_Table ] either back to factory. C_TGC_I_Gain = 3. you need to hook it back up if it has been removed. Finally.0 (from 0..1) Turbo PID arithmetic needs to be corrected if it was screwed up as well (some butchered cals are like this...0 (from 601) C_OFC_LLimRampDelayTime = 18. Next. butchered cals. at least will help keep the turbo within its actual upper limits.. the parameter [ C_CHL_Turbo_Drt_Backup_Limit ] needs to be fixed as well. Start by going through ALL of the parameters and tables listed in this document..... there are still more parameters that the 'Other Guys' have screwed with that were either not necessary.5 These parameters can now be set back to stock if you like. and of corse. After you have done this.. The parameters for it need to be set back correctly. If you choose to do an EGR/DPF delete via this document. and the Downside of Efficient Combustion. The result is that the VGT position. Do not be dumb as a rock with this. smoothing out the idle a bit more.. Double and tripple check your settings.. It is a tell-tale sign of a bad delete for sure. If you have trouble then check again to see if something got missed and try to work through it. I suggest doing a compare once again. Rougher Idle. I would rather the engine idle using the least amount of fuel possible. You need to be somewhat computer savvy. especially if it exceeds 72% closing. very well. Obviously you did something wrong and/or forgot to unplug something.. This creates some unstable idle conditions for the engine. then your engine is going to idle differently. especially when the engine is cold. The problem is that it consumes more fuel. Don't forget about setting the turbo min/max closing tables and other settings from this document. putting it under a slight load. This works very. to not have the default 70% for the 500-800 RPM ranges below the FF-50 mark. and to increase the oxygen content of the exhaust for the purpose of Regens. and sometimes 95%. A bad calibration typically have some severe control issues for the VGT Actuator. it creates problems for the engine.. I recommend 67-68%. A good delete does not require high idle RPM's. The reason is that it minimizes the effects of having excess pressures. C_AIF_AlphaFuelRateEnable Once you have made all these changes to you new cal file. and map the turbo tables like they should be for full non-egr operation.. When the Actuator sits above this 70% so-called 'sweet-spot'. Use some common sense.C_EPD_EGR_RPM_Drt_Err_Sev C_EPD_EGR_Trq_Drt_Err_Sev These paramaters should be set to a 1. Ironically. Personally. will be upwards of 72 – 80+%. The tables would look . Compare your new file with the butchered one you uploaded and double check that everything is right. It also contributed to a smoother idle. Download it into your engine and try it out. and a more rapid buildup of heat to make the engine ready for operation sooner. C_AIF_AlphaAltDerateOvrEn These paramaters should be set to a 0. when monitored during idle. This is to create some excess back-pressure to the engine. it's your engine. That is why they recommend you bump up your idle to above 700 RPM's. the default turbo mapping for EGR operation sets the turbo actuator at 70% (and not higher) during idle. but instead of 70%. There is a drawback of creating excess head pressures and loading the engine unnecessarily during idle. especially in cold weather when it is cold. so this is why I set the TGC Min/Max Closing tables above. When happy with it. The benefit of this is to improve the 'Clean Air Idle' emissions by forcing excess air through the cylinders. You can certianly edit this back in if you like.. If your getting EGR/DPF alarms. because this hides this fact by loading the engine with even more excess back-pressure. This is far more effective than trying to poke the numbers in live.. [ C_TGC_Max_Closing_Table ] – Lower limit table (Partial view) . This will help minimize ghost errors after a re-send when you edit your files off-line. For best practices. making it confusing as to what errors you might actually have. if you Download a cal file into your ECM. After that. and will produce a lot less errors/codes. Another thing you should know is that if you have engine faults in your ECM. then clear all the active and inactive faults. then Upload your cal to your new project folder. To edit your Cal off-line. What you will end up with. clear all your active and inactive faults BEFORE uploading your calibration. you will need to disconnect from your ECM and close out the module editor (File → Close).. is those same faults active after the download. then make the changes off-line. then those faults will be uploaded along with the rest of the cal.. and you upload your calibration. In addition. then connect to your ECM.like this if you wanted to keep this excess back-pressure to ensure smoother idle when the engine was cold. Create a project folder on your computer somewhere.. then by all means. If your going to just change a parameter or two. then you can turn off your truck and take your computer someplace where you can sit down and take . 0 550 575 825 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 67 67 67 67 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Editiing Tips and Screen Overlay Files. and it produces errors right away. then they are legitimate. If the faults come back. or test a few. but if your going to do a delete. and power down the ECM for 30 seconds.. 0 550 575 825 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 [ C_TGC_Min_Closing_Table ] – Lower limit table (Partial view) .. Clear your Active and Inactive faults.. the best way is to connect to the module (ECM) directly and make changes on the fly in the ECM to test them. or perhaps make a change to several parameters on a more permanent basis. then I highly recommend that you upload your calibration from your engine first. if you try and download that cal later. After re-starting it and connecting to it.. disconnect from the ECM. at the cost of higher idle fuel consumption. Make all your changes carefully and then save your edited cal file via File → Save or File → Save As.. some of the parameters I typically check when looking at bad cals. you will want to Download the edited cal file to the ECM with the Download tool and wait for it to finish. I thought I would save you some time and headache. you should make sure the truck starts and runs with your new cal. slowing down your connection to the ECM. . Its best used for editing Calibration files off-line. There are several tabs at the top. then close the module session and shut off the ECM for about 30 seconds. It will reset the ECM and close/re-open the monitoring screen on its own usually. then choose Compare from the tools menu and do a compare from your uploaded cal file to your edited cal file. then go through it carefully. Well. If all looks good.com/files/OV8xNjgxNDI3Nl9CVzJzcF8zOTVm/Screen_998. because the hundreds of parameters will be trying to update constantly. After that.45 seconds. To start.. You do not need any kind of connection active to edit cal files. or use it to get your truck going again if you make a mistake. Once you are done. separating the different parts of the ECM. checking the edit for errors. its a good idea to just let the calterm program sit for about 30 . you can choose from the main menu 'Editor > Open Screen File'. While your calibration file is open.your time with the edit. and load it up after you have opened your calibration.opendrive. and then choose a screen file if you like via 'Editor > Open Screen File'. Finally. making you build your own screen file from this document one parameter at a time. and re-connect to your ECM with the module editor. and some various whatnots.rar VERIFY YOUR CALIBRATION BEFORE REMOVING ANY HARDWARE!!!!!!!!! VERIFY YOUR CALIBRATION BEFORE REMOVING ANY HARDWARE!!!!!!!!! VERIFY YOUR CALIBRATION BEFORE REMOVING ANY HARDWARE!!!!!!!!! VERIFY YOUR CALIBRATION BEFORE REMOVING ANY HARDWARE!!!!!!!!! Using Alternate Factory Cal Files. simply un-rar it. Choose the right ECFG file. instead of torturing you. Download Link: http://mastergeeks. After confirming that it has finished. put it with your project. then close out your cal files in calterm. It contains ALL the parameters from this document. its a good idea to then clear all active and inactive faults. MAKE A COPY OF YOUR CAL FILE so that you can always fall back to it as a reference. so go ahead and open your copied cal file in calterm via File → Open Calibration... When it has settled out again. I do NOT recommend using this screen file when connected live to your ECM unless you have to for some reason (troubleshooting/verifying a cal perhaps). To use this screen file. as well as checking for fults in Insite and/or the dash of the truck. Do not use the features and paramaters backup option during a download. Use Cummins Insite to backup/restore your paramaters if you need to. Here is the download link to the screen file I use. Use it at your own risk. I always use the HTML setting in the compare tool. flat and mountainous alike. Re-mapping your VGT and customizing it to how your truck is driven can be a big benefit. this 'Focus' needs to be backed off from so that overall temps and exhaust back-pressure can be lowered. Because of this. and not all trucks have the same gear ratios.. the VGT Actuator. Most of the calibration is not that far off of what needs to happen to keep things in tune. I am usually only . timing angles. I will just simply stick to what I did. and operates their truck differently. profit margins are low. Excess heat and pressure. Well I got offended by this and took it as a personal challenge. will definitely cost you fuel unnecessarily. and maybe that will give others an idea toward what they might want. Harness your VGT! (Customizing it to your needs).. should be looked at as the sort of 'Focusing Nozzle' to the fire inside your engine the same way that a focusing nozzle is used on a blowtorch. so instead. If anything is 'Software-icly Impossible' (an insult to those who say software is superior to human intellect). but fine tune it for maximum fuel savings. operations. etc.. when not needed. so saving fuel is what makes me the most money above all else. then copy the fueling/timing tsbles from the higher HP cal files only.Just Don't do it. If you want more HP or fueling. I set out to find a way to more or less guide the ECM towards what I wanted when it came to fuel mileage and/or torque rather then re-write the entire calibration. vgt positions. that it is humanly impossible to re-map an ECM to get the correct torque curves. or perhaps even a few different variations of such for that matter. perhaps a clear and precise description of what you want your engine to do. and too much 'Focus' in one direction or the other. Use the one you uploaded from your engine. so how do we get both? And how do we tell the ECM this is what you want? Before answering these questions. When it comes to this delicate balance. In my particular operation. On the other hand.. I drive across all kinds of terrain. so with that in mind. When looking for raw power.. This helps prevent some bad results for your engine. the VGT. Not only can you improve horsepower/torque with it. yada the list goes on. load capacity. I read an article or 2 that stated without a bunch of emulation software. When researching this. I am not even going to begin trying to guess what others want or need. Every driver is different. yada. this 'Focus' needs to be fairly precise to give us that fine point that lets us 'Cut through steel' per say. and when to do it should be in order. Every truck is slightly different. and there will be losses. The turbocharger plays a big role in the delicate balancing game of tug-of-war that must take place to get both performance and decent fuel economy. fueling rates.. Optional Reading. or perhaps specifically. There has to be an easy way to sort of 'Get what you want' without having to re-write every table in the ECM. it is the assumption that every situation and scenario across all trucks can be dealt with by a single calibration. This also helps keep your features and parameters from getting messed up. trailers. when looking for low heat (fuel savings). hydraulic delays. boost pressure. guiding hand to what the ECM was already trying to make the VGT actuator do. I found a place where this can actually be achieved. my foot is not very far down on the throttle. With that in mind. It is usually less than 30%. I wanted the VGT to be at 5% when the fueling rate was below 50. I entered the same values for the 1300rpm row as well. I Found that most of the time. before the signal is sent out to the turbo. I first replaced ALL the table values to 65% that were higher than this. manually setting it while watching my fueling rate. so I spent the next couple of days using the override command for the VGT. I noticed that much of the time. but I didn't want to interfere with all of its complicated programming to achieve this. Now.driving 55-60 mph. I only wanted this to happen between 1200-1300 RPM. my actuator would sit at 5%. After many hours of poking around. After some experimenting going up some steep hills. it was clear what I wanted. then the ECM is free to set the VGT position anywhere it wants to between 5 and 72%. most of the time. And to back off the VGT to 54% from 300-350 to prevent over-RPM of the turbo when the throttle was all the way to the floor. Looking back to what I want to achieve. back-end. and not ok for an upper limit. so this was perfect for me. At 65%. It turns out that there are 2 tables that are able to limit the final VGT position the ECM is requesting. Then. and for the VGT to go from 15% to 60% between 150 and 275 (this gave me max boost and torque during hill climbing). so zero is no fuel. it became very clear that anything past about 65% on the actuator with my foot to the floor just caused more boost but no more power gain. Now that I have this in place. BOTH of these tables are based on the fueling rate vs RPM. . but these tables do NOT normally directly control the VGT position. and of course. I just set the entire 1200-rpm row all the way across to the positions I want for each of the fueling rates. Also at this speed. If the lower limit table is set to 5% at 1200-RPM/FR-50 (the row/column where 1200rpm aligns with a fueling rate of 50) and the upper limit table is set for 72% at the same 1200-RPM/FR-50. does this get me what I want? Well. Since I want a minimum of 12% at 1200-RPM/FR-50. my engine is turning 1200-1300 RPM's according to how it is geared. and now the VT cannot go below 12% at this rpm/fr. the VGT at 12-15% at a fueling rate of 50-150. so I needed to determine what was ok. I just set the lower limit table for this row/column to 12. I got curious as to where it should be for max fuel economy. so how do I get the ECM to do this? There is probably several different ways to get the ECM to do what I ask. and horsepower was way above anything I had ever experienced from this engine. my boost was already higher than I had ever seen it. when the engine is at 1200rpm. Thats a pretty tall and complicated task but that is what I wanted. and only go up when I started climbing a hill. when I needed some power to climb a hill. I actually got better fuel economy with the actuator at 12-15% rather than at 5% where the ECM wanted it. not exactly. the VGT is forced to a minimum of these positions. To complicate the matter even more. The purpose for these tables is just simply limit the range of how low or high the VGT position can be at any given RPM / Fueling Rate. and 350 is the pedal to the floor. The fueling rate on my truck has a range from 0-350. For example. This means that most of the time. The ECM is still free to make the VGT go above these positions. After several days of monitoring my VGT actuator position vs fueling rate. The only exception to this was when I needed almost no throttle (very slight downgrades) where 5% was better. With all this in mind. I just set a few of the values around 12-1300 rpm with low fueling a bit less. I just wanted to place a sort-of last minute. limited only by the upper limit table. 1100 1200 1300 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 13 15 14 14 25 25 25 32 32 32 45 45 45 45 45 45 55 55 55 60 60 60 64 64 64 64 64 64 54 54 54 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 [ C_TGC_Max_Closing_Table ] – Lower limit table (Partial view) . the VGT can be manually controlled via 2 parameters.. For those who are curious. They are set as follows. so I found the parameters to activate them. ← This enables the override to all other VGT position logic. Now. but now. then some engine component damage would probably result. this gave me what I wanted..... [ T_TGC_Variable_LLim_Mode ] = 1 [ T_TGC_Variable_ULim_Mode ] = 1 This activates the tables and forces the VGT to behave the way I wanted it to. 1100 1200 1300 6 6 6 30 30 30 30 30 30 68 30 40 68 30 40 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 Well. I don't know.. Test driving the truck resulted in some decent power gains and better fuel mileage to boot. [ T_VGA_DL_Cmd_User_Override ] =1 [ C_VGA_DL_Cmd_Override_Value ] = {POSITION 0-100%} ← The value you want it to be positioned at. This means I had to correct the rest of the 2 tables and blend the values the best I could. the rest of the table(s) values are out of place compared to what I entered.[ C_TGC_Min_Closing_Table ] – Lower limit table (Partial view) . I didn't know my engine was capable of such power. but I have to remind myself not to get my foot too carried away when going up a hill. I had to ensure these tables were active in he ECM. Instead. I like it much better now.. They are set as follows. . I would imagine that if this power were abused heavily.. I enjoy much better fuel mileage. . Good Luck. Don't come crying to me. because this allows input from many sources and ideas that the limited minds of the manufacturer(s) never thought of. Anyways. the better off it becomes.Hopefully this will help others out there that are not afraid to experiment a bit. I hope this helps those out there that are willing to experiment a bit and are not afraid to 'Brick' their ECM like me.. ITS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT!. I thinks its absolutely ridiculous that no one wants to share information about these engines. thats all I wish to elaborate on for now... but If you f#$% up your truck. I am an old-school hacker that definitely thinks that the more people that have access to something. but instead want to horde it and charge thousands of dollars to others when they likely got it for free themselves.
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