Gynecological Disorders

March 27, 2018 | Author: opep77 | Category: Uterus, Women's Health, Sexual Health, Sexual Anatomy, Human Reproduction



Republic of the PhilippinesDepartm en t of Educa ti on Region VII, Central Visayas Diuision of Bohol City of Tagbilaran | ul y 18, 2011 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 97 s. 2011 - ' To DISSEMINATION OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 25, S. 2O1O AVAILMENT OF THE SPECIAL LEAVE BENEFITS FOR WOMEN T]NDER R.A. NO. 9710 (An Act Prouiding for the Magna Carta of Women) Education Supervisors I / Subject Area Coordinators Public Schools District Supervisors / Coordinating Principals Principals / head Teachers of Public Elementary / Secondary Schools Per DepED Memorandum No. 126, s. 2011, enclosed is a copy of Civil 1 . Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 25, s. 2010 dated December 1, 2010 entitled "Availment of the Special Leave Benefits for Women Under R.A. No. 9710 (An Act Providing for the Magna of Women", which is self-explanatory. 2. This Memorandum Circular, if properly implemented, will give female teachers //personnel enough courage to undergo surgical operation and prevent further worsening of their condition if it remains unattended. It will also assure that their salaries and leave credits remain unaffected. The said Memorandum Circular is retroactive effective September 15, 2009 or fifteen (15) days after the publication of the Magna Carta of Women. Female teachers / personnel who availed of this kind of leave, and have undergone surgery caused by gynecological disorder, will have their leave credits restored and if without pay, the salaries deducted should be refunded. 3. Immediate dissemination of this memorandum is desired. /-=\ *_;.r FV LORNA E. RANCES, Ph.D. CESO V Schools Division Superintendent Department of Education OepgO Comphx, Meralco Avenus, Pasig City DepEd MEMORANDUM No. l e6 , s. 2o11 DISSEUTfiATIOI{ OIP CIVIL gtRIIlcE coumssroH lcsc} tEilroRAIfDItU crRclILAR l{O. 25, S- 2010 Availneot of thc gpechf l*ave Se11efrts for Yomen Uuder R'A' !IO' 97LA [An ActProvtdtag for the lEagns Certa of ilromen] To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units Regional Directors School s Division I City Superintcndents H eads, hrblic Elementary and Secondary- Schools All Ottrers Concerned 1. For the information and guidance of all concerned,- enclosed is a,copy of Civil Serwice Commission (CSCi Memorandum (lircular No. 25, s. 2010 dated December 1, 2Ot0 entitled 'Avallmcnt o! i:Iv .Spec{cl lanse Benefits for Womcn llnder R.2{. ,Vo. g71O (An Act *vsitditrg far t/v ffagna of Wonen)," which is self-explanatory. 2. This Memorandum circular, if prnpertv irnplemented. wiu give female teacherslpersonnel enough courage to undergo sl'ugical opei'ation and p-revent further worsening of their condition if it r:emains unattend€d. It will also assure that their salaries and leave cred:ts remain unaffected" The said Memorandum Circular is retroactive effective September 15, 2009 or f,fteen (15) days after the publication of the Magna carta of women" Female ieactrersTpersonnel who availed of this kind of ieave, ald have undergone surgery ciused by grnecological disorder, will have their leave creCits restored arra rwithout pay, the salaries deducted should tre refunded. 3. Irnmediate dissemination of tltrs Memorandum is desircd- '*1 AJLEffiTO T. MI'YOT Undersecretary Ollicer-in-Charge Republic of the PhiliPPines a, p' = fti'el -! t l j l ' j ' -t ! t . . . ' , Jrit{ g 1 "EFA 2015: lGrapaian ng Lahat, Pananagutan ng Lahat!' (Enclosure to nrjea Memorandum No. 126, s. Z0l tl # 'cstr MC No. {{. s. 2010 TIEMORANDUM CIRCULAR ALL HEADS OF COHSTITUTNONAL BODIES; DEPARTilIENTS; BUREAUS AI{D AGENCIES OF TFIE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT; LOCAL GOVERNHENT UN[T$; GOVERNIIfrEHT-OVVi|ED AND CONTROLLED CORPORATN,N$ W|TTI ORIGINAL CHARTER; AND STATE GOLLEGE$ AHD UNIVERSITIES Gu idelinF o n thq Avail me gl:rf Jbe q peciel leg ve B€ n efi ts foJ lllomen Under R 3.l971*0-JAn @ llaqna Carta of lltlomenl; Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. ' 1000432 clated November 22. 2010, the following Guidelines on the Availment of the Speciai Leave Benefrts for Women Under R.A. 9710 (An Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Wornen) are hereby prescribed for the guidance of all concemed: 1.0 Purpose 1.1 To provide further guidelines on the avaiiment of special leave benefits for qualified fernale public sector emplcyees who have undergone surgery caused by gynecological disordersr pursuant to the provisions ard implementing rules and regulations of the Magna Carta of Wonen. 1.2 To ensure uniform inlerpretation and implementation of the grant of the special leave benefits for ll/omen and ensure that the availment of the same uitimately uphotds the objectives of the Law. 'Gynccologlcal &sodcrs tefe( lo dis'c,t*,ts f,|af $/di{dregure suqibar fwx-ed.res su:h as, bul n>t limMd to d,t8,lation and ctfrEttile fid ltnsf$ inyotvry temd/€, regodrcli'€ orlons s,€rt ar tle ragina, erufu. $erus. lafioptan luaes, ovanes breast, ddnet, anct !6IV(. flw, as og.|,'ried by s cf/.|r!&f,/te///. phtsban Fu pwpses of the Act erd thesF R{rles and Regu/afrbns, Cne@Winl sur?erbs s,|af a6o irclule hygletec/tony w{.ri*bny, Itrd masteclotny^ tttem M, Seclr'on Z Rule tt of tha lmp,9.menlry R.hs end Rqgu,atiorrs ot RA 79IO Othelvt* tmun as Tlrc MaEina Cada br W'w:'Pln} Parr ,, .3d&{-Y,{N TO SUBJECT : Is a Rrcc n &tw: Rxlorsiw, Acccsihh, Cn:lrrtalrs nd Effc*iac Pfric Scwicc ElcSCBuilding"IBPRod.Coorta' unftnHil|el126Qrpoocry. f 93t-' t935tt3l-?939ff3i{0m.Bcscp}[email protected]}; Guidelines on Entitlement to the $pecial l-eave Benefit$ for Women Any female public $ector e,mpbyee?, regardless of age and civil status, shall be entitled to a special leave o{ a maximum of two months widr full pay based on'tpr Eross monlhly compensabn3, provided she has rendered at least six (6) months aggregate service in any or various govemrnent agencies for lhe last twelve (12) months prior to undergoing surgery for gynecological disorders" 2.1.1 The special leave may be availed for every instance of gynecologicat disorder requiring surgery for a maximum period of two (2) months per year. 2.2 Generally, availment of the said special leave benefits shall be in accordance with the atlachecl Lisi of Surgical Operations for Gynecological Disordelsa {Annex Ai. which reflects, among others, the estirnated periods of recuperation from surgery due to the specilic gynecological disorder. 2.2.1 The said List of Surgical $perations for Gynecological Disorders reflects, amonE others a classitication of the Procedure based on the patient's estimated period of recuperation, defined as foilows: 2 'Empro@ r 'efers lo pubfc aftoiak in the w*r anJ noo+areor seruce rvlrc ae enfioyed n the civil garche. .Thase wmOt4 & efipryretr4Coyae /eratorfsfup srr| as Orose on C,critracts oJ Servce or .loD Orders 8ft itsl covered tly this Gui&l*les. 'l ' .'h3s nonthty 6cI,rnoenseriort' rcfers to PE firotirr,y bas- p6y pfus ,i,l'. rdEtvy sitowfices fix^d bY La{') g{vefi in sa'.@,d of a pgblic 5p;dot enrycgs nglrrtlly @g oI t@ orpecses *r addlixr lo sdaries sudr es. ftrnal E@ffinc Relbl AWr*rn FgR+. Sag bross Wnly Cqperurtion sh,, e*ch*. tffiv6. aiiE*aft;e$ 6ttd off|6r of comftnsatkn s{rcn sS RAf a&t tIrO Ae '|lat an er'I|fiplyee is rt{irfurV er*Abd b fuy vtr[n d nisnrP,{ ftio''marrcf, of tt}e tutEliotts ol his4Et positi('l, dt in ae{'oddlan(a wtn WdiFF,nt rLCs anU ragulatons ol tho Dopanrnsrt 3l Sudgel and Managafient (DBhlt t Anrox A d ttn's Gubefrrs ret!||s b IDe U!{ of Svrgtcat OpeEt ons ,br Gytlccorogical Ofs{tdert (ormulole4 by a Tedfinl Wd*irrg ffi+ oornposcd ot Obsefri<prFcFecotoqp$ts, Surgeor's snd lelo<tical OoEfo/s ftom the University ol the Phitiphr€s-Pii[poirc &ne7;, i]o*te luP-rc,/4, Ue fupanni,x rt rFrffl3 {DOn} Qilinrc rtatt'f'ia, tlbdi:d *nter' tt)F- pW*ii *"tU, tiina'rce Cotl/o{ atiyr. enlneani wn be su?fr:'t ol t,B ftdtiFE,P Obsl"t*a, and GyoecobgFs, Soctbty rncipOes) andthepryipne ibbge ;r&rge-ritrcS,l-f ftre AO!'t'stu Jo*F*tle|,ir;rrrtd Hosprld nestHtr3t reneas fri Up d sudit;d ptwd-,te tor ge gldqa"at tutrror. fis ds€ase beiq ffiesscd. fi the saitl surgbal prc?edue: a$ nc6f as ft a Oaisrftefin u VW 3 pu;dne to & ur&rc*u{uttrlo*efi t}ased o/t ttre pliend's estmrtod petiod ol recuptatk n (l wilfro.t cotlw/t ilanl ne<kr,t pro0re/flg ffs agrced opot in lhe cttscussDn and fipuls ol lt e nentbdrs ol tho errr*alw@kw Cafwinaa 2.4 2. 1 1 Ma1or -.- u;gisaiPtocecldrd;equrrru- I a minirnum period of recuperation of three i3) I weeks to a maxitnunr period I of lwo (2) monlhs i 2.2.2 Other Surgical Operations for Gyrrccological Disorders which are not found in Annex A of this Guidelines mey b€ allowed subject to certification of a competent medical authority and submission cf clther requirements provided under item 3.1 hereof. 2.3 The earned leave credits mey be used for preparatory pro@dures and/or confinernent prlor t{} the surgery. Moreover, should the period of recuperation after the surgery exceed two (2) months, the female cfficial/enrplayee may use her earned sick leave credits for the same. if the sick leave credits have been exhausted. the vacation leave credits may be used pursuant to Seclion 56 of the Omnibus Rules tln l-eave 2.4 This special leave benefit is norr-curnufative and not convertible to cash. 3.0 Procedure for Availment of the Special Leave Benefits for Women 3.1 The application for ttre specia! leave benetrt shali be made through the civil service Form f,lo. 6 {cS Form 6) signed by the employee and approved by the proper signing aulhorities' 9.2 The CS Form 6 shall be accompanied by a medical certificate filled out by the proper rnedieal authorities, e.g. the attendang surgeon accompanied _by a cfinical summary reflecting the gynecological disorder' which shali be addressed or was addressed by the said surgery, the histopathclogical report; the operative technique used fer the surgery; the duration of the surgery including the peri-operati,re period (period of confinement around surgery); as well as the employee's estimated period of recuperation for the same. The application for the special leave benefits may be appfied for in advance, that is, at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled date of the gynecological surgery that wilf be undergone by the emplcyee. The rest of the requirements specified in ltem 3"2 shall be ettached to the medieal certificate upon the employee's return to work urrder ltem 3.5 of this Gui del i nes. The advance notlce for taking such leave would give the proper authoritbs arnple time arxl !'neans to prevent the disruption of the operations of the wort unil durirE the absence of the employee and to address the er.igency of services of the office, In instances when a qualified female employee undergoes an emergency surgical procedure, the sakJ leave application shall be filed immediately upon the erneloyee's return from such leave, also folfowing the procedure set forth in ltem 3.1 and 3.2 of this Guidelines. 3.5 Upon the employee' s retum to work, she shall also present a medical cedificate signed by her attending surgeon that she is physically fit to assume the duties of her position. 4.0 Responsibilities of the Agency Head 4.1 The agency head shall ensure that the aforeciied guidelines are enforced in one's agency as a mechanism in order that female employee's right to proper reproduclive health care is ensured. 4.? The agency head shatl prornote reproductive health care awareness and wellness program for its ernployees through proactive measure/s such as conduct of annual physicaUmedical 3. 3 3. 4 - Plea* rybr to AttlFjx A, fha List ot Surgtcat W€tariorrs for eyner,otogica, Disorders check-up, informatian carnpaign on maintaining proper reproductive health care, issuance of health advisories; distribution of educational reading rnateriais end conduct of fora relative to the same. 5.0 Effectivity These Guidelines shall take efiect retrractively starting September 15, 2009 or ffieen (15) days after the puiriicatron c,f the fifiagna Carta of Wornen. Government officials and employees r:overeel in these Guidelines whose periods of surgery and reeupecation due to gynecological disorders after the effectivigf, cf the Magna Carta of lVomen and before the promulgation of these Guidelines were ,Jeducted against their sick or vacation leave credits can have the said leavr:r credits restored and/or aopropriate gross cornpensation paid, as ihe *rse rnay be. FRA SCO l f {DUQUE I t I , MD, MSC Chainnarr 0 1 oEC 20t0 I RA gTtO Pr'ts atryot?dm Arrgraril 11. moc, or/[,!ih.rdo.r Ar4'usl 3 r. arH ard aoo* efi:cJ o, sp,,tfnb"r tt. ?&g 113 days ailet ltili:ilDn) Tt|n tRR dRA l9t0 was rrede etkito u, JuU n, ?UO u Ii Ae'6 aAcr h,t$ ?5, ZOte, ft!€ IFf .s rrerd of Ararcstbn VunAFrlrum,lrtdffin Incision and draln*e of wtvar or pe ri neal a bscess/marses Incision and drainage of Bartholin's gland abscess w/ u n ilote ral inqu iaole moru I Qmphdenulomy w/ biWero I irq ui rcfemoral lynphdenrtony , radkal, csndete, wl inguinofemoral, iliac, and Pelvic lymphadenrtomy A,rrner A LIST OF SURGICAL OFERANONS FON GYI{EESLOCTCAL D{SORDERS Vulvar or perineal ab$ces Bartholin's glarrd abscess tlarthoiin's gland rYit Labiai adhesion; Vslvar wafts Vuivar fu't;sstx Vulvar $Ja*s VulYar Mastes Vuivar carcinoma Vulvar carcin@r'|a VUlvar cagcin*rne inrpedorate hyrn*rr lmpertg!"at* hlF.rett Banholin's glend cl6vabsceti Paqe i ofg Lirt rri $utgba$ Operstion$ fff Gynccological DisofdBrs Vrehr of vagina and/or perineum Tranwerse vag;na| septurn Vaginal cyst _v:gng$qqe. C€rvicijl rf endsmetrial Urethroceie Urethror:ele CvstE il-r.rreih roceie Pelvic organ prolapsc Pelvic organ proltpse Urinarv stress mCofitn€rl{€ llinary itress incontine:ue Minor Page 2 ol I Lrst of $urgical Op€ratons for Gynecologkal Disoders of vaginal cVst or tumot' ion of uterin€ tandems vaginal woidr for clinical r of enterocele, vaginal of enterocele, abdominal , abdominal approach repair of cy5trr€€le, urinary incontinence, and/or incmrplete vaginal Pelvic organ proiaose I I I I I ! I l " *-.'"--*i----* Cvstoc.rele ?/;tr' reertrele i , t\i4aior I Pelvic ryqan rlroiapse i l,laio. I Pelvkaryar:prolapse |. of rcctoraginal frstula; or transanal apprnach "-_l!!Jer"- of urethrovaginal fistula; w/ bulbocavernosus of vesicorraginal fstuia; Laparosanpy, surgical, colpoper-v {suspension of vaginal apex} procedure of the cervix ; wl uiopsy(s) of the d loop electrocie and/or endocervical Utrthrcvaginai f ;str,:la iratkrtl of cervix; any C*n icat pa:i-'olcgy PagB 3 of9 List ci Surgi,;al Oper6tions for Gynocdogical DGorderg Biopsy, singie or multiple, local excision of lesion, w/ or Gu *"*"Gi*-i-i- rrti;"' l fulguration, wl arwlodilatLon aMl neoplasia I I curettag€, w,/ or w/o repaic cotd i i I kniie or las€r loop electrode i I I excision -1_._ j* * __-_*1 Trachebctomy (cervicectorny), I Oervieai rna:se I Major i aJnputati'cj ol,c.e.ryq_ - .i **_..-., ----'---I*- -*---J Excision of cervical stump, | 5/r' suototal h'pierectcrny I Major I aMominalapproach; wl orwlo ! | | pelvic f,oor repair _L___ t _* - . I Exci$on of cervical stump, vaginal I SlF suLtotctal I l*aior I approach;danteri orand/or I hrotetectotyrl -pe[i cl I posterior repair w/ repair of I crgan prolapse | | €nterocele -|*-* -*I-*-- | hocaltru qtcasc Cdflcdott Tradrelonhaphy, plasUc repair of uterlne cervix, vaginal aPProach Cervrcal ta{eGtions Minor Cerclage of cervlx, durlm oref, nanol; vaalnal abdomlnal Cervical IncomFelene Malor of ruptured Cervkal incomp€te$ce MaJcr Uterine pathologies I Minor Endometrlal ssnpllne FloP$Y) w/ do endocervical sampllng (biopsy), do cewkal dilation, any method tlietine pathologie: j Mejor Vaginal Myomectomy, excision ol fibroid turnor of uterus, single or excisiotr of fibroid of uterus, single or multiple ;abdominal approach Uterine, ovarian artd fallopian lube patiologtes Uterlne, ouarian, fallnpian I tube maiignonrles i abdominal hlEterectonry {corpus and cervix), wl or wlo removaf of tube(r). wt or wlo tube(r), V or do rernoval of abdomlnal h'y*erectomY, including partlal vaginectomn { paraafiic and pelvic tymph node sampliry w/ or Vo remoral of tube(s), w/ or w/o remwal Radical abdorninal hysterectomY, bilaterat total peMc lymph node sampling (biopsY), w/ or wfo remolal of tube{s}, V or w/o remoral of ovary(s) Page 4 of 9 Lrst ar gurgtrai Operations fc Gynecological Disorders tltenne. ovarian, fallo Pian tube malig.cancies Pelvrc oi3;n i p,olapse/stfess urin?rv i pralapser' rtrets ur;nrny' i w/ remowl af tube{s), and/or repair of enterocele aginal hysterectomy, radkal (Schauta type opcratloni Uterine suspension, wl u w/o of round lfiamenB, w/ Vo drortenint of sacrouterine Hy$€rorrhaphy, repair of ruDturcd uterut (nonob$tetrical) Laparoscopy, suBicd, myomectomy, excision; of surfacc myom:6 Laparoscopy surgical, with vaginal hvsterectofily; with removal of tube(s) and/ or ovary{s) PeMc exenteratio$ for malignancy, w/total abdominal hyst€reqtorny or vl arwla rernwal tube(s), wl qwlo removal of w/ rernoval of bhdder and ureterel Fanspiantations, and/or abdominoperineal resection of rectum and colon and colostomv, or any comhination thereof w/ rcmowl of tube(s), ond/or w/ rcpir of enterocele c o I p - u ret h ro cl st ope xy type, type, w/ or 4o hysterectomy, w/ total sr colpectomy; Majer Peivic org*n prolapse/stress urirranv ineontrner}fe Pelvic organ 9!"olapse/5tn59 i.,ri fi orl _illgune.Lig,. " iretvic 9rgan prolapselstress urinary rnco'tirnence F€tv;c tiF;n prolapse/.<tresi tr i r::;ri, in{ontinetiee Pelvic Exgirtr p:'r-.laper, with associated sery;cal failcer Pelvt( organ Bi' tlapse It on-obstetrical **terin e n pture (e.8. trauna) Mullerian anornalies, eB, S*ptate uterus Uterine pathotogles __j Uterine patho;r)8les ! Major Pege5 of g [lit ol $u,Eicel Cipcraliqns fot Gynecological ttt-sordars Procrfirr CL|r|fic|lon Hysterucqy, diagnwtk Uterin€ pathdogtes Minor'stero6r@Y, suGice!; rrth nmpling (biopcyl of cndor?Etrium md I u polypestomy, with or rithout O & C tJterine pathdogies Minor with lysis ol introuteritp odhesions [ony nethod') Utenne pathdogies Minor with divlsion ar reettion of introterine septum lsny method / Lfterine patlologies Minor w it h remas I of Ie ionUo mqtq Uterlne pathologies Minor with removol ol impaed loreign Mv Uterlne prthoiofiies Ml nor with endonetriot oblotbn {e.g- enfumetriol resection, e bct rdsu rg kvl a blot io n thermablatbn) Ulerirre pathokEies Min0r with tilaterol fallopion tube annulatian to iduce occlusion by gloement of permorant implonts tltarine pat:1ologie3 Minor taparoscopy, surgical; with lysis of adhesions {salphingolysis) Fallopi$n tube patn0168ies Minor wkh remowl of odnexol stn ft&res (Nfthl d tc'.ol ooplp|or€f,,lomy ond/or salolnaectomv) Sal!opian i,Cle t,.ithoi€glet Maior wlth futgurotlon or excision of lesbns of the owry, Plvlcviscera, or Wrltoneol surfoce W anY methd 9allopian ttrbe patiolodier Minor with fulgurotha of ovkluca (with ot wilhout tratuectionl Fallopian tube pathologtes Mi nor with xtlusion of widuct bY dafte (e.g., fund, dthor FdoPc rino) Fal lorian tttbe pathoiogies with fimbriofiasty Fallopian tube pathoio8ies Major with solghingostomy bolpinqorcostomy) Fallopia+r tube Pathologies Major Ovnrt Salpingectuny, complete or unilateral or bihteral or partlal, unilateral or bilateral patholoties Page 6 of 9 List ot Surgical Operatlons for Gynscological Disoders Faltopian tub€ oathoioBies Fallopian tulre pathologie: Fallopian tube and s\tailan itrrr$lador lysis of adhesiors (calplrrgslYsisi Fktbtt"pt-tty Fallogian iube Falropian tube Malor Fe!lopien tube pathologies Major Transcervical introduction of fallopian tube catheter for diagnosis andlor re-eslablishing patency (any rrethodi s/ or u/o . hysterosalpingogrophy Fallooian tube paihoio5ies Maior fupiration of orarian clst(s). i ' vari ari -r,! or bilatenl ; vaginal ol orrarian abscess; cyttectomy" unilateral 0r Berii6n ovanar el+ts ie.g endomeuiotir .-fst, dermord {ysi" i€rous cystaden"Jrn a, rn u cinou-i q/st!d*nonia I , parlia! or totral, SeniEn oi/aiian cystr or bilaterai; ovorion nnlignancy, V pars' aJmrian.:ancer and relvictymph rxrde peritoneol washings, biopsEs, sssessfttf.n",s, il or w/o solphgecramy{s), $ or w/o bnpsks, a5$e$mer}6 vot solpingeaomylsl, d ar w/o of owrian malignoncy O*r"n.*oar.,, biloteral salgingo- and omentectomy; w/ totol oMomircl hfsterectomy, flvariil1 .-aniet ond limited pam-oottit O:grian eancer I I +-- t i i f _ I -J I I I I I _*i itajor Page 7 of I LiEi of $ilr'gical Otr,,isaton$ for Gynecological Disordets n€fitrt EtG|lr Clesrlllsatlon Lapardomy, for staging or restaging o{ ovarian rnalignancy (nsecond look'), d or wlo omenfrctomy, peritoneal washing. biopsy of abdominal and pelvic peritoneum, diaphragmatic assessment Yrl p€Mc and limited pa ra-aortic lymphadenectomy Orvarian cancer Major Ovariolvsis Lvsig of Adhesions Major Erstftocrdulr hGodur Db#€|f Clsllt€ffiff Purftur6 aspi ration o{ rry6t of breisl SimplE tseaet l}JL Minor Martotoffry wl a{plordtion ol { al mmnl ehoxr df f i 9rea:t ab!ce$/lb4;! 5tttis Ml not Eiopsy of breacB needl€ core, *nr nd{la r(olntlnn Bre8st mass, henisn or -___-qE!!s'aJ!-_*_ Min{:rr Excb'on of lactiferoos drctf6tuh l|{inor Excision of cyst, fibroadtnona, o nthar lsrion hrcr(* m*eA Fibroadenorne. Fibrocystic Mirlot IndsiorvErsision tiogsy g€ritf ileait t$5!es or brcatl ea4(er lcllrxlr Wide €rcislon Phv{iades tJrtmr. Drl tdl ca{ci nors i !i -si l ri , Lobul ar ^ : r - i nAa. i d- . l n ' Mapr Total Mastectorny Phvllfiles f,Jrnot. Ductnl ca rcr!'0rild in-s!tu, lobular cardm.lnu In-:ttt Major Masteclorrrr. r,ubtutaneouc Slllcorc Maldtls .t!t3E!--- RadicailModifi cd fu dital Mqstcnornr 9ree$ carrcer Major Lu mpecbrry/q uadr| ntectomy, tvlttrtu,rrY{<.adl^6 BreeSt cencer idaJor Lump€ctomy, sentlnel node biopsy +/ illll,rtu dY{. .li.<rti^n Fr€ittl ganfrdi Matsr Breart reconstruction with latissimus doni flap, with c wlthout prosthctic implant f reast Ganc.t, Phyilode: irrfr'(}.', I}uatal caacir'{rma in- Itu. l cbul ar c?i ci nri tnn i n-si tt Maiot Breart recon$ruction with ke€ fiap Brei sl cance r, Flirlrr.tie.-t tuhor, Out'la! c;trrirsrna in Itu, loh.dar cstelnnrna irrsltu (after rnanprtDrYryi fY!aJOt Brelst recofistrudion with otlrcr techrsque Brea$ rarE€t, Ptryllodes tumor, Ductal taranomd i i l - i tu. l obdar crrci nctna i 5-5i fl (aner mastectonly) rrftj(tt Page E of I -ist of $urgieal Opera'iion$ for Gynecologieal Disorders t tfu*futbt t€Irr ht 2t2 Md pcilod af e*'s *r-upsthtv Elta wgqrV' { vdttant fl','t',,ntont' -*96 Prsof:m l4tn(f - partfJltts to oft't efr,','v?d Petbal at t:uf€othj' I rsldtJnt c "'ortD um 'f | *" R"b furoior frnainttoone'sfnitknoH peiodolrtc{peret{,iaafttixtnt'FJi+errrttattT/'ntht Page I of 9 Lrsl oi SurgiH Operauons {or Gynecologizl Disorders Documents Similar To Gynecological DisordersSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextContent ServerHysterectomy, Salphingooverectomy, Adhesiolysis Prof IOM.docx Ferji MeriGrand Case" uterine myoma"Endometriosis Patient EducationPostpartum finalClinical Effect of Tranexamic Acid on Curing Cervical Erosion NRSG 343-Reproductive Health Nursing II.pdfDRU Hyman FunctionsDAILY FCH OK 6DubChapter 3 Congenital Genitourinary AbnormalitiesPengobatan Pyomentra Dengan AglepristoneFertilizarea si fecundatiaPelvic organ prolapse in women_ Surgical repair of apical prolapse (uterine or vaginal vault prolapse).pdfcase study on CSScience 10Mayo ClinicPelvic Pain story of patientPPH-B-LynchSex of kidValues Work bookp ArtographKuliah Fisiologi reproduksiThe Ontario Uterine Fibroid EmPreterm Labor30_S550hydrosalfingCAS REP 4Abdomen AnatomyWhy is Parity Protective for Uterine FibroidsMore From opep77Skip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextfinas 2017.docxAchievement ChartMemo- Submission of Required ReportsPrelimsTr - Driving Nc II.Achievement Chart, Driving NcIIQuestioning ToolCblm FinalEvalsObjective PresentationMIG LOGOPrelims MarketingMouse-With-Cable-Computer-PowerPoint-Templates-Widescreen.pptxDoc23. 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